{ "83755009": [ "Excision of pharyngeal bands", "咽带切除术" ], "50987009": [ "Arthrotomy with exploration of tarsometatarsal joint", "跗跖关节切开术及探查" ], "229376003": [ "Physiological mobilization of the hip", "Physiological mobilisation of the hip", "髋关节的生理活动", "髋部的生理活动" ], "178389001": [ "Excision of base of skull in posterior cranial fossa", "颅后窝颅底切除术" ], "440533002": [ "Arthroscopy of hip with removal of foreign body", "髋关节镜检查及异物取出" ], "14549001": [ "Retainers, cast metal for acid etched fixed prosthesis", "酸蚀固定假体用铸造金属保持器" ], "30933007": [ "Suture of sympathetic nerve", "交感神经缝合" ], "782762003": [ "Blind bronchoalveolar lavage", "Blind bronchioloalveolar lavage", "盲法细支气管肺泡灌洗", "盲法支气管肺泡灌洗" ], "387711001": [ "Pubiotomy to assist delivery", "Pelviotomy to assist delivery", "耻骨切开术协助分娩", "骨盆切开术协助分娩" ], "307626009": [ "Destruction of liver metastasis", "肝转移灶破坏" ], "830079008": [ "Speckle tracking echocardiography", "斑点追踪超声心动图" ], "287572003": [ "Diagnostic aspiration of breast cyst", "Diagnostic aspiration of cyst of breast", "乳腺囊肿诊断性穿刺" ], "9044004": [ "Physical medicine evaluation and review for orthotic program", "Orthotic check-out", "Orthotic evaluation", "Physical medicine evaluation and review for orthotic programme", "矫形计划的物理医学评估和审查", "矫形器评估", "矫形检查" ], "172884005": [ "External ethmoidectomy", "外筛窦切除术" ], "90964006": [ "Removal of cervical collar", "移除颈托" ], "385876007": [ "Individual safety assessment", "Assess individual safety", "个人安全评估", "评估个人安全" ], "74580009": [ "Cauterization of lesion of cervix", "Cervical cautery", "Cauterisation of lesion of cervix", "Cauterization of lesion of cervix uteri", "Cauterisation of lesion of cervix uteri", "宫颈病变烧灼术", "颈部烧灼" ], "252969002": [ "Stycar 9 letter test", "Stycar 9 个字母测试" ], "56361007": [ "Excision of soft tissue", "Resection of soft tissue", "软组织切除" ], "120062000": [ "Fallopian tube reconstruction", "Reconstruction of fallopian tube", "输卵管重建" ], "121897008": [ "Clostridium difficile detection", "艰难梭菌检测" ], "234750005": [ "Take impression for bridge", "取模做桥接" ], "447742009": [ "Secondary open reduction of fracture of bone and extramedullary fixation", "骨折二期切开复位髓外固定" ], "445907001": [ "Laser procedure on skin", "皮肤激光治疗" ], "167379001": [ "Urine pregnanediol measurement", "Urine pregnanediol level", "Urine pregnanediol titre", "Urine pregnanediol titer", "尿液孕二醇水平", "尿液孕二醇滴度", "尿液孕二醇测量" ], "429523005": [ "Genitourinary disorder education", "Education about genitourinary disorder", "泌尿生殖系统疾病教育" ], "232915007": [ "Open atrioventricular valvotomy", "开放式房室瓣切开术" ], "1704001": [ "Repair of congenital pseudoarthrosis of tibia", "Correction of tibial pseudoarthrosis", "先天性胫骨假关节的修复", "胫骨假关节矫正" ], "231080008": [ "MMECT - Multiple monitored electroconvulsive therapy", "Multiple monitored electroconvulsive therapy", "MMECT-多重监测电休克治疗", "多监测电休克治疗" ], "180093005": [ "Correction of clinodactyly with osteotomy and bone graft", "截骨和骨移植矫正指弯曲畸形" ], "49021007": [ "Aneurysmotomy", "动脉瘤切除术" ], "178258002": [ "Release of Finochetti contracture of hand", "手部 Finochetti 挛缩松解术" ], "112722004": [ "Correction of spinal pseudoarthrosis", "Bosworth operation for pseudoarthrosis of spine", "脊柱假关节Bosworth手术", "脊柱假关节的矫正" ], "211026007": [ "Puncture of bursa", "滑囊穿刺" ], "45351004": [ "Replacement of prosthesis of lower extremity", "Replacement of prosthesis of leg, bioelectric or cineplastic", "下肢假肢更换术", "更换腿部假肢,生物电或电影塑料" ], "438567008": [ "Intrauterine fetal transfusion using ultrasound guidance", "Intrauterine foetal transfusion using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下宫内胎儿输血" ], "176423008": [ "Excision of ectopic testis", "异位睾丸切除术" ], "174588001": [ "Plastic repair of sphincter of Oddi using duodenal approach", "经十二指肠入路Oddi括约肌整形修复术" ], "61735009": [ "Hepatoduodenostomy", "Hepaticoduodenostomy", "Hepatico-duodenostomy", "Anastomosis hepatic duct to duodenum", "肝管十二指肠吻合术", "肝十二指肠吻合术" ], "59900003": [ "Manual and mechanical traction", "手动和机械牵引" ], "58065003": [ "Prefabricated post and core in addition to bridge retainer", "除桥固位体外,还预制桩核" ], "271057005": [ "Serum anion gap measurement", "Serum anion gap level", "Serum ion gap measurement", "血清阴离子间隙测量", "血清阴离子间隙水平", "血清离子间隙测量" ], "41681008": [ "Destruction of chorioretinal lesion by xenon arc photocoagulation", "氙弧光凝治疗脉络膜视网膜病变" ], "238289008": [ "Flushing of peritoneal drain", "冲洗腹腔引流管" ], "105382002": [ "Cooling the patient", "给患者降温" ], "252838000": [ "Provocative outflow facility test", "激发流出设施测试" ], "385745009": [ "Hydration status regulation assessment", "Assess hydration status regulation", "Assess hydration control", "水合状态调节评估", "评估水合状态调节", "评估补水控制" ], "1268646002": [ "Gestational diabetes mellitus screening", "妊娠期糖尿病筛查" ], "121766001": [ "Decenediate measurement", "十年测量" ], "433062008": [ "Removal of superior vena cava filter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided removal of superior vena cava filter with contrast", "用造影剂荧光透视引导移除上腔静脉滤器", "透视引导下造影移除上腔静脉滤器" ], "431227002": [ "Injection of trochanteric bursa using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下转子滑囊注射" ], "70779003": [ "Aldosterone measurement, recumbent, normal salt diet", "醛固酮测量,卧位,正常盐饮食" ], "119931005": [ "Gallbladder transplantation", "胆囊移植" ], "709755006": [ "Liaising with physician", "与医生联络" ], "185467006": [ "Home visit for acute condition", "急性病家访" ], "54395008": [ "Patient referral for medical consultation", "Referral for medical evaluation", "病人转介医疗咨询", "转介医疗评估" ], "5243009": [ "Suture of adenoid fossa", "腺样窝缝合" ], "413008004": [ "Blood A-galactosidase measurement", "Blood A-galactosidase level", "Blood alpha-galactosidase measurement", "血液A-半乳糖苷酶水平", "血液A-半乳苷酶测定", "血液 α-半乳糖苷酶测定" ], "118096007": [ "Herpes simplex virus 2 DNA assay", "Herpes simplex virus 2 deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "单纯疱疹病毒 2 型脱氧核糖核酸检测", "单纯疱疹病毒 2 型 DNA 检测" ], "232784008": [ "Bicuspidization of tricuspid valve", "Bicuspidisation of tricuspid valve", "三尖瓣二尖瓣化" ], "312869001": [ "Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Administration of diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Haemophilus influenzae type b and Human poliovirus antigens", "Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "接种仅含有破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌、乙型流感嗜血杆菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "接种白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫" ], "230949007": [ "Removal of intracranial pressure transducer", "移除颅内压传感器" ], "229114004": [ "Shoulder press", "肩部推举" ], "179962007": [ "Revision hybrid total elbow replacement", "Revision of hybrid total prosthetic replacement of elbow joint", "翻修混合型全肘关节置换术", "混合型全肘关节假体置换术" ], "307364002": [ "Repair of jejunum", "空肠修复" ], "698745000": [ "Patient transport risk assessment", "Risk assessment for patient transport", "病人运输风险评估" ], "45220009": [ "Posterior resection of rectum", "直肠后切除术" ], "174457002": [ "Endoscopic removal of calculus from liver using laparoscope", "Laparoscopic removal of calculus from liver", "腹腔镜肝结石取出术", "腹腔镜下肝结石取出术" ], "270926000": [ "Non-rhesus red cell antibodies", "非恒河猴红细胞抗体" ], "287310004": [ "Lung tumour excision", "Lung tumor excision", "肺肿瘤切除术", "肺肿瘤切除" ], "762446004": [ "Screening for immune disorder", "免疫紊乱筛查" ], "303694004": [ "Special CT procedures of musculoskeletal system", "Special computed tomography procedure of musculoskeletal system", "肌肉骨骼系统特殊计算机断层扫描程序", "肌肉骨骼系统特殊CT检查" ], "8782006": [ "Radical perineal prostatectomy", "根治性会阴前列腺切除术" ], "121635001": [ "Methimazole measurement", "甲巯咪唑测量" ], "105251004": [ "N-acetylprocainamide measurement", "N-乙酰普鲁卡因胺测量" ], "252707007": [ "Test of the hand", "手部测试" ], "1217528000": [ "Injection of drug or medicament into brain tissue", "将药物或药剂注射到脑组织" ], "23331009": [ "Removal of foreign body from skin with incision", "切开皮肤取出异物" ], "119800002": [ "Neck artery manipulation", "颈动脉操作" ], "398328001": [ "Orbitectomy", "Orbit excision", "眼眶切除术" ], "300024006": [ "Injection of knee joint", "膝关节注射" ], "70648006": [ "D-dimer assay", "D-二聚体检测" ], "232653000": [ "Repair of lung laceration", "肺裂伤修复" ], "709624009": [ "CT guided injection of facet joint", "Injection of facet joint using computed tomography guidance", "CT 引导下小关节注射", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行小关节注射" ], "447480009": [ "Laparoscopic decortication of cyst of kidney by retroperitoneal approach", "Retroperitoneoscopic decortication of cyst of kidney", "腹膜后镜肾囊肿剥除术", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路肾囊肿剥脱术" ], "281805003": [ "Examination of hip joint under anesthetic", "Examination of hip joint under anaesthetic", "EUA - Examination of hip joint under anaesthetic", "EUA - Examination of hip joint under anesthetic", "麻醉下检查髋关节", "EUA - 麻醉下髋关节检查" ], "412877001": [ "Extractable nuclear antigen antibody screening test", "ENA antibody screening test", "可提取核抗原抗体筛查试验", "ENA 抗体筛查检测" ], "117965003": [ "Clostridium septicum antigen assay", "败血梭菌抗原测定" ], "183501006": [ "Non-urgent neurology admission", "非紧急神经内科入院" ], "265421003": [ "Abdominal repair of levator ani muscles", "腹部肛提肌修复" ], "789709006": [ "Administration of total parenteral nutrition", "Total parenteral nutrition administration", "完全肠外营养管理", "完全肠外营养的管理" ], "787874000": [ "Laparoscopic total colectomy", "Laparoscopic total excision of colon", "Laparoscopic total removal of colon", "Laparoscopic complete resection of colon", "腹腔镜结肠全切除术", "腹腔镜全结肠切除术" ], "230818001": [ "Creation of subdural-pleural shunt", "建立硬膜下胸膜分流术" ], "50594003": [ "Suture of subcutaneous tissue without skin graft", "Repair of subcutaneous tissue laceration by suture", "无需皮肤移植的皮下组织缝合", "缝合修复皮下组织裂伤" ], "17826003": [ "Perfusion of lymphatics with hyperthermia, localized", "Perfusion of lymphatics with hyperthermia, localised", "局部高温淋巴灌注" ], "443810005": [ "Minithoracotomy and biopsy of lung", "Limited thoracotomy and biopsy of lung", "有限开胸手术和肺活检", "小切口开胸术和肺活检" ], "83362003": [ "Final inpatient visit with instructions at discharge", "出院时进行最后一次住院访视并附上指导" ], "1230242003": [ "Foot bath", "Bathing of skin of foot", "足浴", "足部皮肤沐浴" ], "312738008": [ "Debridement of above knee amputation stump", "膝上截肢残端清创术" ], "32375007": [ "Myoglobin measurement, urine", "肌红蛋白测量,尿液" ], "704119008": [ "Education about epidural catheter care", "关于硬膜外导管护理的教育" ], "177996005": [ "Endoscopic removal of foreign body from peritoneum", "内镜腹膜异物取出术" ], "63308005": [ "Excision of lesion of pelvic bone", "骨盆骨病损切除术" ], "241697001": [ "End of anaesthetic administration", "Cessation of anaesthesia", "End of anesthetic administration", "Cessation of anesthesia", "停止麻醉", "麻醉结束" ], "274465003": [ "Nasal bone infraction", "鼻骨梗塞" ], "438305004": [ "Computed tomography dual phase study of liver", "CT dual phase study of liver", "肝脏计算机断层扫描双期研究", "肝脏CT双期研究" ], "389153003": [ "Indirect gonioscopy", "间接房角镜检查" ], "61473007": [ "Detorsion of ovary", "Release of torsion of ovary", "卵巢扭转复位", "卵巢扭转松解术" ], "1306657008": [ "Revision of amputation stump", "截肢残端修复" ], "225313009": [ "Supervision", "监管" ], "305398007": [ "Admission to the mortuary", "进入太平间" ], "43254008": [ "Fibrinogen assay, semi-quantitative", "纤维蛋白原测定,半定量" ], "223478007": [ "Reassuring about procedure", "确保程序安全" ], "713163001": [ "Lithotripsy of biliary stone using laser by open approach", "开放式激光碎石术" ], "105120000": [ "Chloroquine measurement", "氯喹测量" ], "121504003": [ "Cloxacillin measurement", "氯唑西林测量" ], "236192006": [ "Push-bang operation for ureteric calculus", "输尿管结石推撞术" ], "725877002": [ "Assessment using PEM-CY (Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth)", "Assessment using Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth", "使用 PEM-CY(儿童和青年参与和环境措施)进行评估", "使用儿童和青少年参与和环境措施进行评估" ], "119669002": [ "Injection into thigh", "大腿注射" ], "1217397004": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of pancreas", "Biopsy of pancreas using ultrasonographic guidance", "Biopsy of pancreas using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下胰腺活检", "使用超声引导进行胰腺活检" ], "168821007": [ "Barium swallow", "BA - Barium swallow", "BS - Barium swallow", "Esophagram", "Oesophagram", "钡餐检查", "BS-钡餐检查", "食管造影", "BA - 钡餐检查" ], "54133007": [ "Biopsy of spermatic cord", "精索活检" ], "281674000": [ "Design of denture", "假牙设计" ], "871498004": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) to coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery to coronary artery", "游离右胸廓内动脉与冠状动脉序贯吻合术", "游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 与冠状动脉的序贯吻合术" ], "232522007": [ "Operations on tonsil and adenoid", "扁桃体和腺样体手术" ], "83231000": [ "Partial excision of bone of olecranon process", "鹰嘴骨部分切除术" ], "117834008": [ "Neisseria meningitidis polyvalent antibody assay", "Measurement of Neisseria meningitidis polyvalent antibody", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌多价抗体测定" ], "1230111001": [ "Positioning in high Fowler's position", "Positioning subject seated upright with spine straight", "定位在高福勒位置", "让受试者坐直,脊柱挺直" ], "81396001": [ "Thematic apperception test", "主题统觉测验" ], "359924008": [ "Anterior colporrhaphy for repair of cystocele without repair of urethrocele", "Anterior colporrhaphy for repair of cystocoele without repair of urethrocoele", "前阴道缝合术用于修复膀胱膨出,无需修复尿道膨出", "前阴道缝合术修复膀胱膨出,无需修复尿道膨出" ], "736756009": [ "Uretero-ureterostomy of right ureter", "Right uretero-ureterostomy", "右侧输尿管造口术", "右侧输尿管输尿管造口术" ], "177865002": [ "Endoscopic primary repair of inguinal hernia", "内镜下腹股沟疝一期修补术" ], "440009003": [ "Insertion of needle for intraosseous infusion", "骨内输液针插入" ], "390857005": [ "Referral to community alcohol team", "转介至社区酒精小组" ], "14025009": [ "Psychologic test, Bender visual-motor gestalt test", "心理测试,Bender 视觉运动格式塔测试" ], "405406004": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of iliac artery with vein", "髂动脉及静脉内膜切除及血管成形术" ], "77726006": [ "Facial rhytidoplasty", "Face lift", "Facial rhytidectomy", "Facelift operation", "Facelift surgery", "Rhytidectomy", "Rhytidoplasty", "面部拉皮手术", "除皱术", "面部除皱术", "拉皮手术", "面部拉皮" ], "44958007": [ "Lysis of posterior adhesions of iris", "Freeing of posterior synechiae", "Lysis of posterior synechiae", "Synechiotomy of posterior iris", "Synechiolysis of posterior iris", "Corelysis", "虹膜后粘连分离", "科雷利西亚", "游离后粘连", "虹膜后粘连切开术", "后粘连松解术", "虹膜后粘连松解术" ], "274334006": [ "Surgical biopsy of joint", "关节手术活检" ], "241566009": [ "CT of elbow", "Computed tomography of elbow", "肘部计算机断层扫描", "肘部 CT" ], "1255539004": [ "Administration of strontium ranelate", "雷奈酸锶给药" ], "370803007": [ "Evaluation of psychosocial impact on plan of care", "Evaluates psychosocial impact on plan of care", "评估心理社会影响对护理计划的影响" ], "305267008": [ "Admission by clinical immunologist", "临床免疫学家接纳" ], "418120006": [ "Fluoroscopic hysterosalpingography", "HSG - hysterosalpingography", "HSG-- 子宫输卵管造影术", "荧光子宫输卵管造影" ], "55837000": [ "Irrigation of lacrimal canaliculus", "Irrigation of lacrimal canaliculi", "泪小管冲洗" ], "72221006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of neck", "MRI of neck", "颈部磁共振成像", "颈部 MRI" ], "252445007": [ "Bidirectional continuous wave ultrasonic Doppler", "双向连续波超声多普勒" ], "104989008": [ "Trichloroacetate measurement", "三氯乙酸的测定" ], "1331954001": [ "Excisional biopsy of bone of thorax", "胸骨切除活检" ], "86770002": [ "Repair of pectus excavatum deformity with implant", "Repair of funnel chest with implant", "漏斗胸植入物修复", "植入物修复漏斗胸" ], "121373009": [ "Methylenedioxymethamphetamine measurement", "亚甲二氧基甲基苯丙胺测量" ], "170525009": [ "Notification of tuberculosis", "TB - tuberculosis notification", "结核病通报", "TB-结核病通报" ], "447218006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of inguinal region", "MRI of inguinal region", "腹股沟区 MRI", "腹股沟区磁共振成像" ], "117703000": [ "Succinylpurine measurement", "琥珀嘌呤测量" ], "70386008": [ "Anesthesia for intrathoracic repair of trauma to trachea and bronchi", "Anaesthesia for intrathoracic repair of trauma to trachea and bronchi", "气管、支气管创伤胸内修复的麻醉" ], "265159002": [ "Conversion from cemented total hip replacement", "髋关节置换术" ], "166855002": [ "Lipoprotein electroph. - LDL", "Lipoprotein electrophoresis - Low density lipoprotein", "脂蛋白电泳-低密度脂蛋白", "脂蛋白电泳 - LDL" ], "609223006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of breast for screening for malignant neoplasm", "MRI of breast for screening for malignant neoplasm", "乳房 MRI 筛查恶性肿瘤", "乳腺磁共振成像筛查恶性肿瘤" ], "50332001": [ "Irrigation of lumbosubarachnoid shunt", "腰椎蛛网膜下腔分流术灌洗" ], "312476001": [ "Plasma aluminum measurement", "Plasma aluminium level", "Plasma aluminum level", "Plasma aluminium measurement", "血浆铝含量", "等离子铝含量", "等离子体铝含量测量" ], "722076003": [ "Ipsilateral neck dissection", "同侧颈清扫术" ], "228721000": [ "Making of surface mould for brachytherapy", "Making of surface mold for brachytherapy", "近距离放射治疗表面模具的制作", "近距离放射治疗表面模型的制作" ], "443548009": [ "Application of make-up to skin", "化妆品在皮肤上的应用" ], "408945004": [ "Alcohol abuse prevention", "Alcohol abuse control", "预防酒精滥用", "酒精滥用控制" ], "261489008": [ "Anastomosis of pulmonary venous confluence to connecting vein", "肺静脉汇合处与连接静脉的吻合术" ], "439878001": [ "Completion gastrectomy", "胃切除术" ], "46662001": [ "Examination of breast", "Breast examination", "乳房检查" ], "259654001": [ "Total reducing substances measurement", "Total reducing substances", "Reducing substance measurement", "还原物质测量", "总还原物质测量", "总还原物质" ], "128582009": [ "Tip manometer method", "Tip manometer haemodynamic measurement method", "Tip manometer hemodynamic measurement method", "尖端压力计血流动力学测量方法", "尖端压力计法" ], "1290011002": [ "Intravenous rehydration therapy", "静脉补液疗法" ], "175899003": [ "Autotransplantation of kidney", "Autotransplant kidney", "Renal autotransplantation", "Renal autotransplantation or reimplantation of kidney", "肾自体移植或肾再植", "自体肾移植", "自体移植肾脏" ], "28443006": [ "Chiropractic diathermy", "脊椎按摩透热疗法" ], "239600008": [ "Complex reconstruction operations on wrist and hand(excluding arthroplasty)", "腕部及手部复杂重建手术(不包括关节成形术)" ], "174064009": [ "Repair of uterine ligaments", "子宫韧带修复" ], "762053000": [ "Attention to total prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint", "重视肩关节全假体置换术" ], "450757005": [ "Assessment using voice handicap index", "使用语音障碍指数进行评估" ], "172229007": [ "Reconstruction of upper eyelid with lower eyelid skin flap", "下眼睑皮瓣修复上眼睑" ], "711066004": [ "Liaising with family", "与家人联络" ], "104858005": [ "Pepsinogen measurement", "胃蛋白酶原测量" ], "252314007": [ "Blood transfusion test", "输血检查" ], "121242008": [ "Qualitative assay for immune complex with polyethylene glycol", "Polyethylene glycol induced immune complex assay", "聚乙二醇免疫复合物的定性测定", "聚乙二醇诱导免疫复合物试验" ], "4719001": [ "Psychologic cognitive testing and assessment", "心理认知测试与评估" ], "250479003": [ "Minimum fungicidal concentration measurement", "Minimum fungicidal concentration", "MFC - Minimum fungicidal concentration", "最低杀菌剂浓度测量", "MFC-最低杀菌浓度", "最低杀菌浓度" ], "363332000": [ "Ultrasonography by mode", "超声检查按模式" ], "52036002": [ "Partial thromboplastin time inhibition test", "部分凝血活酶时间抑制试验" ], "723780005": [ "Digital tomosynthesis of left and right breast", "Digital tomosynthesis of bilateral breasts", "Digital tomosynthesis of both breasts", "左、右乳房数字断层合成", "双侧乳房数字断层摄影", "双侧乳房数字断层合成" ], "410649001": [ "Well child visit, 17 years", "17 岁儿童健康检查" ], "443417003": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of knee with external fixation and repair of ligament", "膝关节脱位切开复位外固定及韧带修复" ], "408814002": [ "Ultrasound scan for fetal anomaly", "Ultrasound scan for foetal anomaly", "胎儿畸形超声波扫描", "超声波扫描检查胎儿异常" ], "392430007": [ "Re205 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Horse serum proteins specific IgE antibody measurement", "Horse serum proteins specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "马血清蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Re205 特异性IgE抗体测量", "马血清蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "228590008": [ "Validation therapy", "验证疗法" ], "441582008": [ "Qualitative measurement of cystine in random urine specimen", "随机尿液样本中胱氨酸的定性测定" ], "308675007": [ "Single leaflet truncal valve replacement", "单叶动脉干瓣膜置换术" ], "406979008": [ "Ziehl-Neelsen stain method", "Ziehl-Neelsen stain", "齐尔-尼尔森染色", "Ziehl-Neelsen 染色法" ], "177603009": [ "Attention to skin expander in subcutaneous tissue", "注意皮下组织皮肤扩张器" ], "306840004": [ "Combination therapy to back", "背部联合治疗" ], "104791000220103": [ "Topical application of hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent to discoloured vital teeth using teeth whitening tray", "Topical application of hydrogen peroxide to discoloured vital teeth using teeth whitening tray", "Topical application of hydrogen peroxide to discolored vital teeth using teeth whitening tray", "Topical application of hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent to discolored vital teeth using teeth whitening tray", "使用牙齿美白托盘将过氧化氢局部应用于变色的活牙", "使用牙齿美白托盘局部应用过氧化氢漂白剂对变色的活牙进行美白" ], "241304008": [ "Radionuclide lung permeability study", "放射性核素肺通透性研究" ], "77464009": [ "Submucous resection of vocal cord", "声带粘膜下切除术" ], "239469004": [ "Hemiarthroplasty of head of humerus", "Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of the shoulder", "Neer hemiarthroplasty of shoulder", "Neer肩关节半置换术", "肱骨头半关节置换术", "肩关节半关节置换术" ], "450626002": [ "Biopsy of lesion of joint", "关节病变活检" ], "24642003": [ "Psychiatry procedure or service", "精神病学程序或服务" ], "448791000": [ "Bronchoscopic cryotherapy of neoplasm of lung", "支气管镜肺癌冷冻治疗" ], "252183001": [ "Clonidine stimulation test", "可乐定兴奋试验" ], "170263002": [ "Child 6 month examination", "儿童6个月检查" ], "55575005": [ "Sequestrectomy of olecranon process", "鹰嘴死骨切除术" ], "709100000": [ "Marsupialisation of cyst of salivary gland", "Marsupialization of cyst of salivary gland", "涎腺囊肿袋形成形术" ], "397804006": [ "Intubation of oesophagus", "Intubation of esophagus", "Oesophageal intubation", "Esophageal intubation", "食管插管" ], "184812007": [ "Government department employee medical examination", "政府部门职员体检" ], "707265005": [ "Aortic aneurysm monitoring", "主动脉瘤监测" ], "84673007": [ "Excision of preauricular lesion of ear", "Excision of preauricular lesion", "Excision of preauricular abnormality", "耳前异常切除术", "耳前病变切除术" ], "182977008": [ "Triple therapy Helicobacter pylori", "三联疗法 幽门螺杆菌" ], "428737009": [ "Enucleation of lesion of skin", "Enucleation of skin lesion", "皮肤病变摘除术", "皮肤病损摘除术" ], "426902005": [ "Combined atrial switch and arterial switch operation", "Atrial switch and arterial switch", "心房调转及动脉调转联合手术", "心房转位术和动脉转位术" ], "50070009": [ "Excision of umbilicus", "Umbilectomy", "Omphalectomy", "脐切除术" ], "718144000": [ "Ultrasonography guided removal of tunneled drain from thorax", "Removal of tunneled drain from thorax using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided removal of tunnelled drain from thorax", "Removal of tunnelled drain from thorax using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下从胸腔取出隧道式引流管", "超声引导下从胸腔取出隧道引流管", "使用超声引导从胸腔移除隧道引流管", "使用超声引导从胸腔移除隧道式引流管" ], "392299008": [ "Common pigweed specific IgE antibody measurement", "w14 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Amaranthus retroflexus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Amaranthus retroflexus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "w14 特异性IgE抗体测量", "反枝苋特异性IgE抗体测定", "反枝苋特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "藜芦特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "177472005": [ "Local advancement flap, axial pattern", "局部推进皮瓣,轴向模式" ], "406848005": [ "Fast green FCF stain method", "Fast green FCF stain", "固绿FCF染色方法", "固绿FCF染色" ], "241173006": [ "Herniogram", "疝气照相" ], "28181007": [ "Operative procedure on hip joint", "Operation on hip joint", "髋关节手术", "髋关节手术步骤" ], "108266002": [ "Identification procedure for living organism", "活体生物的识别程序" ], "1255146003": [ "Customized fermentable oligosaccharide, disaccharide, monosaccharide and polyol diet", "Customized FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharide, disaccharide, monosaccharide and polyol) diet", "Customised FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharide, disaccharide, monosaccharide and polyol) diet", "Customised fermentable oligosaccharide, disaccharide, monosaccharide and polyol diet", "定制 FODMAP(可发酵寡糖、二糖、单糖和多元醇)饮食", "定制可发酵寡糖、双糖、单糖和多元醇饮食", "定制可发酵寡糖、二糖、单糖和多元醇饮食" ], "239338004": [ "Hemimaxillectomy", "半上颌骨切除术" ], "1220543000": [ "Endoscopy and biopsy of postnasal space", "Endoscopy and biopsy of nasopharynx", "鼻咽内镜检查及活检", "鼻后腔内镜检查和活检" ], "450495001": [ "Sialendoscopically assisted removal of calculus from parotid duct by extraoral approach", "涎液内镜辅助经口外入路取出腮腺管结石" ], "712639003": [ "Hook wire localisation of lesion of breast using imaging guidance", "Hook wire localization of lesion of breast using imaging guidance", "影像引导下乳腺病变钩丝定位" ], "104596002": [ "Chorionic gonadotropin, intact measurement", "Chorionic gonadotrophin, intact measurement", "绒毛膜促性腺激素,完整测量" ], "252052002": [ "Sperm viability", "Evaluation of sperm viability", "Evaluation of spermatozoa viability", "精子活力", "精子活力评估" ], "268436004": [ "Contrast radiography larynx/trachea", "喉/气管造影" ], "170132005": [ "Child 18 month examination", "儿童18个月检查" ], "710804006": [ "Assistance with walking using device", "使用设备协助行走" ], "4457000": [ "Insertion of mold into vagina", "Insertion of mould into vagina", "将模具插入阴道" ], "430441001": [ "Computed tomography of mediastinum with contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of mediastinum with contrast", "CT of mediastinum with contrast", "纵隔增强 CT", "纵隔增强 CT 扫描" ], "397673004": [ "House dust mite specific IgE antibody measurement", "House dust mite specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "屋尘螨特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "屋尘螨特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "84542000": [ "Removal of foreign body of anterior chamber of eye by incision with use of magnet", "切开磁铁取出眼前房异物" ], "708969008": [ "Endovascular thrombectomy of inferior vena cava", "下腔静脉血管内血栓切除术" ], "444990003": [ "Measurement of urine output", "尿量测量" ], "428606004": [ "Revision of microvascular anastomosis of blood vessel", "血管显微吻合术" ], "313918008": [ "30 minute plasma prolactin measurement", "30 minute plasma prolactin level", "30 分钟血浆催乳素测量", "30 分钟血浆催乳素水平" ], "117310008": [ "Grocott stain method", "Grocott methenamine silver stain method", "Grocott methenamine silver GMS", "Grocott 染色法", "Grocott 六亚甲基四胺银染色法", "Grocott 六亚甲基四胺银 GMS" ], "410387002": [ "Finances surveillance", "财务监控" ], "246547005": [ "History and physical examination, emergency preliminary evaluation", "病史及体格检查、紧急情况初步评估" ], "3851000087101": [ "Plain X-ray of right scaphoid", "右舟骨普通 X 光检查" ], "361235007": [ "Isolation of infected patient", "隔离感染患者" ], "738067008": [ "Attention to dressing of skin of head", "注意头部皮肤的修整" ], "392168001": [ "Revision of stoma of trachea", "Refashioning of tracheostomy", "气管造口修复术", "气管切开术的改造" ], "20491000087105": [ "MRI of right humerus with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right humerus with contrast", "右肱骨增强磁共振成像", "右肱骨增强 MRI 检查" ], "1291000087106": [ "Ultrasonography of right upper limb", "Ultrasound of right upper limb", "Ultrasound scan of right upper limb", "右上肢超声检查", "右上肢超声扫描" ], "6411000087106": [ "Left fluoroscopic antegrade pyelography", "Fluoroscopic antegrade pyelography of left renal pelvis", "左侧透视前行肾盂造影", "左肾盂荧光顺行肾盂造影" ], "308413001": [ "Rubella immunization call", "Rubella immunisation call", "风疹免疫接种电话" ], "179176009": [ "Plaster cast traction", "石膏牵引" ], "62653006": [ "Suture of lacrimal canaliculus", "泪小管缝合术" ], "718013006": [ "Cone beam computed tomography of abdomen", "Cone beam CT of abdomen", "腹部锥形束CT", "腹部锥形束计算机断层扫描" ], "421266004": [ "Descemet's stripping endothelial keratoplasty", "DSEK - Descemet's stripping endothelial keratoplasty", "Descemet stripping endothelial keratoplasty", "Descemet 剥离内皮角膜移植术", "DSEK - Descemet 剥离内皮角膜移植术" ], "372114004": [ "Assessment of hypovolaemia risk factors", "Assessment of hypovolemia risk factors", "Identifies factors associated with increased risk for fluid loss", "低血容量危险因素评估", "确定与体液流失风险增加相关的因素" ], "699794005": [ "Operation on urethra and periurethral tissue", "尿道及尿道周围组织手术" ], "1142162007": [ "Decreased linolenic acid diet", "Decreased alpha-linolenic acid diet", "减少 α-亚麻酸饮食", "减少亚麻酸饮食" ], "388498007": [ "Celery specific IgE antibody measurement", "Apium graveolens specific IgE antibody measurement", "f85 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Apium graveolens specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "芹菜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f85 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "芹菜特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "419431001": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of spinal artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of spinal artery with contrast", "脊髓动脉造影", "脊髓动脉造影荧光血管造影" ], "306578006": [ "Discharge from clinical immunology service", "临床免疫学服务出院" ], "1287783000": [ "Administration of human immunodeficiency virus pre-exposure prophylaxis", "人类免疫缺陷病毒暴露前预防治疗" ], "77202008": [ "Incision and exploration mediastinum", "Mediastinotomy with exploration", "纵隔切开探查", "纵隔切开术及探查" ], "714343006": [ "Assessment using Brief Parental Self-efficacy Scale", "Assessment using BPSES (Brief Parental Self-efficacy Scale)", "使用简明父母自我效能量表进行评估", "使用 BPSES(简明父母自我效能量表)进行评估" ], "173671006": [ "Rigid esophagoscopy and biopsy", "Rigid oesophagoscopy and biopsy", "Endoscopic examination of esophagus and biopsy of lesion of esophagus using rigid esophagoscope", "Endoscopic examination of oesophagus and biopsy of lesion of oesophagus using rigid oesophagoscope", "硬式食管镜食管内镜检查及食管病变活检", "硬质食管镜检查和活检", "使用硬式食管镜进行食管内窥镜检查及食管病变活检" ], "237372000": [ "Excisional biopsy of breast", "乳房切除活检" ], "401212003": [ "Faecal screening procedure", "Fecal screening procedure", "粪便筛查程序" ], "1269564007": [ "Change in bone length of rib", "肋骨长度变化" ], "6161000": [ "Excision of lesion of capsule of toes", "Excision of lesion of fibrous sheath of toes", "趾骨囊病变切除术", "趾纤维鞘病变切除术" ], "88081001": [ "Kligler iron test", "克利格勒铁试验" ], "235537003": [ "Closure of hepatico-duodenostomy", "肝十二指肠吻合术" ], "38929004": [ "Thyroxine binding globulin measurement", "T4-binding globulin measurement", "TBG measurement", "TBG - Thyroxine binding globulin level", "TBG - Thyroid binding globulin level", "Thyroxine binding globulin level", "Thyroxine binding globulin", "甲状腺素结合球蛋白测量", "甲状腺素结合球蛋白", "T4 结合球蛋白测量", "TBG-甲状腺素结合球蛋白水平", "TBG 测量", "甲状腺素结合球蛋白水平", "TBG-甲状腺结合球蛋白水平" ], "301073006": [ "Embolisation of femoral artery", "Embolization of femoral artery", "股动脉栓塞", "股动脉栓塞术" ], "448529008": [ "Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using vein graft", "利用静脉移植将股动脉吻合至胫动脉,从而进行股动脉旁路移植术" ], "104465009": [ "Acylcarnitine measurement", "酰基肉碱测量" ], "446694007": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of bypass of axillary artery to femoral artery", "MR angiography of bypass of axillary artery to femoral artery", "MR arteriography of bypass of axillary artery to femoral artery", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of bypass of axillary artery to femoral artery", "腋动脉至股动脉搭桥术磁共振血管造影", "腋动脉至股动脉旁路磁共振动脉造影", "腋动脉至股动脉旁路磁共振血管造影", "腋动脉至股动脉旁路移植术磁共振动脉造影" ], "313787000": [ "Serum insulin-like growth factor 1 level", "Serum insulin-like growth factor 1 measurement", "血清胰岛素样生长因子 1 测量", "血清胰岛素样生长因子 1 水平" ], "410256001": [ "Urinary catheter insertion management", "Manage urinary catheter insertion", "管理导尿管插入", "导尿管插入管理" ], "787088002": [ "Volumetric laser endomicroscopy", "VLE - Volumetric Laser Endomicroscopy", "VLE - 容积激光内窥镜检查", "容积激光内窥镜检查" ], "33424003": [ "Radical excision of periaortic lymph nodes", "Block dissection of para-aortic lymph nodes", "主动脉周围淋巴结根治切除术", "主动脉旁淋巴结阻断清扫术" ], "443024008": [ "Revision of gastrojejunal anastomosis with reconstruction with vagotomy", "胃空肠吻合术修复及迷走神经切断重建" ], "439354004": [ "Urethroplasy with skin graft for second stage hypospadias repair", "尿道成形术联合皮肤移植修复二期尿道下裂" ], "716047000": [ "Assessment using Revised Edinburgh Functional Communication Profile", "Assessment using Revised EFCP (Edinburgh Functional Communication Profile)", "使用修订版 EFCP(爱丁堡功能性沟通档案)进行评估", "使用修订的爱丁堡功能性沟通档案进行评估" ], "306447005": [ "Discharge by neonatologist", "新生儿科医生出院" ], "77071005": [ "Repair of stoma of stomach", "Revision of gastrostomy", "Revision of stoma of stomach", "胃造口修复术", "胃造口修复", "胃造口术修复" ], "1172964003": [ "Construction of vagina", "Construction vaginoplasty", "阴道构造", "阴道成形术" ], "302777000": [ "Gastrointestinal investigation", "GIT - special tests", "GIT-特殊测试", "胃肠道检查" ], "171705002": [ "Repair of dura of posterior fossa of cranium", "颅后窝硬脑膜修复" ], "401081006": [ "Diabetic peripheral neuropathy screening", "糖尿病周围神经病变筛查" ], "235406000": [ "Removal of ileostomy bridge", "移除回肠造口桥" ], "104334001": [ "Treponema pallidum antibody confirmatory test", "Confirmatory test for Treponema pallidum antibody", "梅毒螺旋体抗体确认试验" ], "708707003": [ "Intraoperative electromyography", "术中肌电图" ], "1003619004": [ "External fixation of mandible with arch bars", "下颌骨弓杆外固定" ], "233571005": [ "Apicoaortic shunt procedure", "主动脉尖分流术" ], "20579004": [ "Cauterization of lesion of esophagus", "Cauterisation of lesion of oesophagus", "Cauterisation of oesophageal lesion", "Cauterization of esophageal lesion", "食管病变烧灼术", "食管损伤烧灼术" ], "231736001": [ "Ultrasound destruction of ciliary body", "超声破坏睫状体" ], "437091000124100": [ "Calcium modified diet", "钙改良饮食" ], "313656007": [ "Blood cyclosporin level", "Blood cyclosporin measurement", "血环孢素水平", "血液环孢素测量" ], "410125000": [ "Assessment of compliance with safety precautions", "Assess compliance with safety precautions", "Assessment of adherence to safety precautions", "安全预防措施遵守情况评估", "评估安全预防措施的遵守情况" ], "442893001": [ "Debridement of skin and subcutaneous tissue with removal of foreign body", "皮肤和皮下组织清创并去除异物" ], "435811000124106": [ "Vitamin modified diet", "维生素改良饮食" ], "117048009": [ "Bennhold stain method", "Bennhold's Congo red stain method", "Bennhold stain", "Bennhold's stain", "本霍尔德刚果红染色法", "Bennhold 染色法", "本霍尔德染色" ], "426509009": [ "Removal of ring from digit of hand", "摘除手指上的戒指" ], "391906003": [ "Closure of skin by suture", "Suture of skin", "缝合皮肤", "皮肤缝合" ], "1293026004": [ "Plain X-ray of orbit proper", "轨道本身的普通 X 射线" ], "178914007": [ "Excision of synostosis", "骨性缝线切除术" ], "177079006": [ "Admission review", "入学审核" ], "306316000": [ "Referral to transplant surgeon", "转诊至移植外科医生" ], "715916004": [ "Assessment using Therapy Outcome Measure impairment scale", "Assessment using TOM (Therapy Outcome Measure) impairment scale", "使用 TOM(治疗结果测量)损伤量表进行评估", "使用治疗结果测量损伤量表进行评估" ], "386401000": [ "Prompted voiding", "提示排尿" ], "304481002": [ "Direct current to wrist", "直流电至手腕" ], "25953003": [ "Colostomy management and care", "结肠造口术的管理和护理" ], "75105003": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on axilla", "Anaesthesia for procedure on axilla", "腋窝手术麻醉" ], "763233002": [ "Assessment using SADQ (Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire)", "Assessment using Severity of Alcohol Dependence Questionnaire", "使用酒精依赖严重程度问卷进行评估", "使用 SADQ(酒精依赖严重程度问卷)进行评估" ], "417334000": [ "Child health 21-24 months review", "21-24 个月儿童健康回顾" ], "288097009": [ "Adipose tissue reduction operation", "脂肪组织减少手术" ], "122422004": [ "Norwalk virus detection", "诺沃克病毒检测" ], "171574004": [ "Intracranial transection of abducens nerve (VI)", "颅内外展神经横断术(VI)" ], "400950006": [ "Chemodenervation of orbicularis oculi", "眼轮匝肌化学去神经支配" ], "235275002": [ "Replacement of prosthesis in duodenum", "十二指肠假体置换术" ], "104203002": [ "Stain for fungus, CSF", "CSF fungus stain method", "CSF fungus stain", "Cerebrospinal fluid fungus stain method", "脑脊液真菌染色", "真菌染色,脑脊液", "脑脊液真菌染色法", "脑脊液真菌染色方法" ], "284427004": [ "Examination of lymph nodes", "淋巴结检查" ], "431883007": [ "Referral to deep vein thrombosis clinic", "Referral to deep vein thrombosis (DVT) clinic", "转诊至深静脉血栓门诊", "转诊至深静脉血栓形成 (DVT) 诊所" ], "233440003": [ "Adjustment of intraluminal device of vein", "静脉腔内装置的调整" ], "118752004": [ "Procedure on ligament", "韧带手术" ], "4064007": [ "Specimen aliquoting", "标本分装" ], "84149000": [ "Aspiration of cataract by phacoemulsification", "Extraction of cataract by emulsification and aspiration", "Phacoemulsification of lens", "Phakoemulsification of lens", "Phacoemulsification", "晶状体乳化术", "乳化抽吸法白内障摘除术", "超声乳化白内障吸出术", "晶状体超声乳化术", "超声乳化" ], "231605001": [ "Medial Lee tarsorraphy", "Medial Lee tarsorrhaphy", "内侧李氏睑板缝合术" ], "82314000": [ "German measles vaccination", "Rubella vaccination", "Rubella immunization", "German measles immunization", "Rubella immunisation", "German measles immunisation", "Administration of rubella vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Rubella virus antigen", "风疹疫苗接种", "接种仅含风疹病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "德国麻疹免疫接种", "风疹免疫" ], "313525008": [ "CD3 T-cell count", "CD3 T-cell count procedure", "CD3 T细胞计数程序", "CD3 T 细胞计数" ], "311690005": [ "Pre-alaryngeal voice development", "喉前发声发育" ], "703071008": [ "Fluoroscopy guided nasojejunal feeding tube procedure", "Nasojejunal feeding tube procedure using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下鼻空肠饲管置管术", "透视引导下鼻空肠饲管手术" ], "308020001": [ "Excision of cholesteatoma of external auditory canal", "外耳道胆脂瘤切除术" ], "176948001": [ "Open ligation of right fallopian tube", "右侧输卵管开放结扎术" ], "127796002": [ "Direct tissue immunofluorescence procedure", "Direct immunofluorescence", "DIF - Direct immunofluorescence", "Direct fluorescent antibody assay", "Measurement of antigen using direct fluorescence", "用直接荧光测量抗原", "直接荧光抗体测定", "DIF-- 直接免疫荧光", "直接组织免疫荧光法", "直接免疫荧光" ], "29492006": [ "Care of patient clothing (record)", "病人衣物护理(记录)" ], "439092008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into inferior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Endovascular insertion of stent into inferior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下经皮腔内置入下腔静脉支架", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导下腔静脉内置入支架" ], "175113001": [ "Transluminal insertion of aortic balloon pump", "Transluminal insertion of aortic pulsation balloon", "主动脉搏动球囊腔内插入", "主动脉球囊泵腔内插入术" ], "306185001": [ "Referral to cardiac surgery service", "转诊至心脏外科手术服务" ], "78644009": [ "Neopterin measurement", "新蝶呤测量" ], "1010697006": [ "Right unilateral electroconvulsive therapy", "右侧单侧电休克治疗" ], "11273007": [ "Division of artery of lower limb", "下肢动脉解剖图" ], "386270003": [ "Electrolyte management: hypocalcaemia", "Electrolyte management: hypocalcemia", "电解质管理:低钙血症" ], "419038004": [ "Enhanced external counterpulsation", "ECPT - Extracorporeal counterpulsation therapy", "EECP - Enhanced external counterpulsation", "ECPT-- 体外反搏治疗", "增强型体外反搏", "EECP-增强型体外反搏" ], "107742005": [ "Musculoskeletal system manipulation", "肌肉骨骼系统操纵" ], "1303774005": [ "Extensive cytoreduction of neoplasm of female reproductive organs", "Maximum effort debulking surgery of neoplasm of female reproductive organs", "Ultra-radical surgery of neoplasm of female reproductive organs", "Extensive debulking of neoplasm of female reproductive organs", "女性生殖器官肿瘤超根治手术", "女性生殖器官肿瘤大面积减瘤术", "女性生殖器官肿瘤最大努力减瘤手术", "女性生殖器官肿瘤大面积细胞减灭术" ], "287966005": [ "Radical vulvectomy", "根治性外阴切除术" ], "173278008": [ "Allotransplantation of tooth", "同种异体牙移植" ], "73139001": [ "Sexual psychotherapy, male therapist - male patient", "性心理治疗,男性治疗师 - 男性患者" ], "171443003": [ "Total lobectomy of brain", "全脑叶切除术" ], "122291004": [ "Torovirus identification", "环状病毒鉴定" ], "40371005": [ "Ultrasonography for midline shift of brain", "脑中线移位的超声检查" ], "433587006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of graft using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "植入支架移植物后进行造影荧光血管造影" ], "385701000119103": [ "Ultrasonography of right thorax", "Ultrasound of right thorax", "Ultrasound scan of right thorax", "右胸部超声扫描", "右胸部超声检查" ], "431752001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of tibial artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内血管成形术在荧光造影引导下进行胫动脉" ], "236979009": [ "Pajot's manoeuvre", "Pajot's maneuver", "Pajot maneuver", "Pajot manoeuvre", "帕约特机动" ], "411301000119105": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain and internal auditory canal without contrast", "MRI of brain and internal auditory canal without contrast", "无造影剂的脑部和内耳道磁共振成像", "脑部及内耳道 MRI 无造影" ], "398984006": [ "Electro-oculography with medical evaluation", "眼电图检查及医学评估" ], "446301004": [ "Aspiration of vagina", "阴道抽吸" ], "116786000": [ "Leukocyte count corrected for nucleated erythrocytes", "Leucocyte count corrected for nucleated erythrocytes", "经有核红细胞校正的白细胞计数" ], "233309009": [ "PFA - Endarterectomy of the profunda femoris artery", "Endarterectomy of profunda femoris", "PFA-股深动脉内膜切除术", "股深动脉内膜切除术" ], "34866001": [ "Exploration of lacrimal gland", "泪腺探查" ], "2098004": [ "Open reduction of open mandibular fracture with external fixation", "下颌骨开放性骨折切开复位外固定" ], "313394004": [ "Specific antibody measurement", "Specific antibody level", "特异性抗体测量", "特异性抗体水平" ], "311559001": [ "Hanen program of language development", "Hanen programme of language development", "哈南语言发展计划" ], "31196005": [ "Amalgam restoration, two surfaces, permanent", "汞合金修复,双面,永久性" ], "733873006": [ "Assessment of circulatory system", "循环系统评估" ], "45745006": [ "Alkaline phosphatase stain method, blood or bone marrow", "Alkaline phosphatase stain", "碱性磷酸酶染色法,血液或骨髓", "碱性磷酸酶染色" ], "225969008": [ "Liaising with relative regarding patient clothing", "与亲属沟通有关患者服装的问题" ], "897713009": [ "Antineoplastic chemoimmunotherapy", "抗肿瘤化学免疫治疗" ], "699270006": [ "Stroke annual review", "CVA annual review", "Cerebrovascular accident annual review", "脑血管意外年度回顾", "卒中年度回顾", "CVA年度回顾" ], "306054008": [ "Referral from hospital midwife", "Referral by hospital midwife", "医院助产士转诊" ], "1303643004": [ "Internal fixation of fracture of left clavicle", "左锁骨骨折内固定术" ], "122160002": [ "Platelet associated antibody assay", "Measurement of platelet associated antibody", "血小板相关抗体检测", "血小板相关抗体的测量" ], "302384005": [ "Controlled cord traction of placenta", "Brandt-Andrews placental delivery", "控制脐带牵引胎盘", "布兰特-安德鲁斯胎盘分娩" ], "236848006": [ "Operation on vaginal introitus", "阴道口手术" ], "433456006": [ "Protease digestion of tissue specimen", "蛋白酶消化组织标本" ], "710149006": [ "Promoting family support", "Promotion of family support", "促进家庭支持" ], "103941008": [ "Little i blood group typing", "小i血型分型" ], "3802001": [ "Dental application of desensitizing medicament", "Dental application of desensitising medicament", "Desensitise tooth", "Topical application of tooth medicament - desensitising agent", "Topical application of tooth medicament - desensitizing agent", "Desensitize tooth", "牙齿局部用药-脱敏剂", "牙科脱敏药物的应用", "牙齿脱敏" ], "429786002": [ "Repair of cicatricial ectropion", "瘢痕性眼睑外翻的修复" ], "431621009": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of forearm with contrast", "Computed tomography of forearm with contrast", "CT of forearm with contrast", "前臂增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "前臂增强计算机断层扫描", "前臂增强 CT" ], "233178005": [ "Transvenous pacing", "Insertion of endocardial electrode for temporary cardiac pacing", "插入心内膜电极进行临时心脏起搏", "经静脉起搏" ], "118490006": [ "Marrow purging", "Marrow purging procedure", "骨髓净化程序", "清髓" ], "446170008": [ "Colonoscopic excision of lesion of large intestine", "结肠镜大肠病变切除术" ], "34735003": [ "Repair of artery with tissue patch graft of vein, autogenous or homograft", "Grafting of artery with tissue patch of vein, autogenous or homograft", "用自体或同种异体静脉组织片移植动脉", "使用自体或同种静脉组织补片移植修复动脉" ], "444335004": [ "Measurement of mumps antibody and measles antibody and rubella antibody in serum or plasma specimen", "血清或血浆样本中腮腺炎抗体、麻疹抗体和风疹抗体的测定" ], "311428000": [ "Revision closed reduction and internal fixation of fracture", "骨折复位内固定术" ], "231343009": [ "Intramuscular infiltration of botulinum toxin", "肉毒杆菌毒素肌肉注射" ], "1163396009": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of uterus using imaging guidance", "Percutaneous FNAB (fine needle aspiration biopsy) of uterus using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of uterus", "影像引导下经皮子宫细针穿刺活检", "使用影像引导进行子宫经皮 FNAB(细针穿刺活检)" ], "14681002": [ "Reimplantation of lung", "肺再植" ], "112985009": [ "Repair of both direct inguinal hernias with prosthesis or graft", "Repair of bilateral direct inguinal hernias with prosthesis or graft", "使用假体或移植物修复两侧腹股沟直疝", "使用假体或移植物修复双侧腹股沟直疝" ], "12846002": [ "Repair of blood vessel with patch graft", "Grafting of blood vessel with patch", "血管补片移植", "用补片移植修复血管" ], "391513009": [ "ICT malaria screening test", "Immunochromatographic (ICT) malaria screening test", "Immunochromatographic malaria screening test", "免疫层析疟疾筛查试验", "免疫色谱法(ICT)疟疾筛查试验", "ICT 疟疾筛查测试" ], "78382006": [ "Anesthesia for tenotomy, elbow to shoulder, open", "Anaesthesia for tenotomy, elbow to shoulder, open", "肘至肩开放肌腱切断术麻醉", "肘至肩肌腱切断术麻醉,开放" ], "305923000": [ "Referral from complementary therapist", "Referral by complementary therapist", "补充治疗师的推荐", "补充治疗师推荐" ], "764675000": [ "Radionuclide imaging using samarium (153-Sm) lexidronam", "使用钐(153-Sm)lexidronam 进行放射性核素成像" ], "438830009": [ "Measurement of methylphenidate in urine", "尿液中哌甲酯的测定" ], "699139007": [ "Femoro-dorsalis pedis artery bypass", "股骨-足背动脉搭桥术" ], "304088000": [ "Local subcutaneous pedicle island flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle island flap", "Reconstruction with local subcutaneous pedicle island flap", "局部皮下带蒂岛状皮瓣修复" ], "174851009": [ "Closure of defect of interventricular septum using pericardial patch", "心包补片封堵室间隔缺损" ], "1303512004": [ "Internal fixation of right tibia", "右胫骨内固定" ], "713688005": [ "Repair of spondylolysis using hook screw", "钩螺钉修复椎弓峡部裂" ], "91096005": [ "Monitoring of ECG at surgery", "Monitoring of electrocardiogram at surgery", "手术时心电图监测" ], "40109000": [ "Carbon dioxide laser photocoagulation", "二氧化碳激光光凝" ], "449709001": [ "Injection sclerotherapy of varicose vein of lower leg", "小腿静脉曲张注射硬化剂治疗" ], "433325002": [ "Fluoroscopic angioplasty of vein graft with contrast", "Angioplasty of vein graft using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of vein graft with contrast", "使用荧光造影剂引导进行静脉移植血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下静脉移植血管成形术", "静脉移植血管成形术" ], "122029004": [ "Legionella pneumophila 9 antibody assay", "Measurement of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 9 antibody", "嗜肺军团菌 9 型抗体检测", "嗜肺军团菌 9 抗体检测" ], "1285293005": [ "Administration via intravenous route", "静脉给药" ], "71042000": [ "Direct dental examination for personal identification", "直接进行牙科检查以进行个人识别" ], "415106000": [ "Placido disk-based topography", "基于 Placido 磁盘的地形图" ], "234882003": [ "Repair of clasp of orthodontic appliance", "牙齿矫正器卡环的修复" ], "5506006": [ "Incision and exploration of abdominal wall", "Exploration of abdominal wall", "腹壁探查", "腹壁切开探查" ], "169346007": [ "Radioactive drug therapy", "放射性药物治疗" ], "103810006": [ "Activated protein C inhibitor assay", "Protein C inhibitor activity", "蛋白C抑制剂活性", "活化蛋白 C 抑制剂检测" ], "120194007": [ "Mesentery manipulation", "肠系膜操作" ], "183895000": [ "Private referral to general physician", "向全科医生进行私人转诊" ], "284034009": [ "Pulse oximetry monitoring", "Oxygen saturation at periphery monitoring", "SpO2 monitoring", "外周血氧饱和度监测", "SpO2 监测", "脉搏血氧饱和度监测" ], "20055005": [ "Internal fixation of bone of humerus", "肱骨内固定" ], "36439007": [ "Excision of varicocele", "Scrotal varicocelectomy", "Spermatic cord varicocele excision", "精索静脉曲张切除术", "阴囊精索静脉曲张切除术" ], "233047008": [ "Repair of atrioventricular septal defect: ventricular component", "房室间隔缺损修复:心室部分" ], "69207009": [ "Complement fixation test", "补体结合试验" ], "1836002": [ "Excision of diverticulum of ventricle of heart", "心室憩室切除术" ], "231212004": [ "Injection of nerves to thoracic spinal facet joints", "Local anaesthetic thoracic facet joint nerve block", "Local anesthetic thoracic facet joint nerve block", "胸椎小关节神经注射", "局部麻醉胸椎小关节神经阻滞" ], "444204007": [ "Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of neoplasm of bone", "Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of tumor of bone", "Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of tumour of bone", "经皮射频消融骨肿瘤", "经皮射频消融治疗骨肿瘤" ], "262145000": [ "Simple suture of tendon", "肌腱简单缝合" ], "229377007": [ "Mobilisation of the knee", "Mobilization of the knee", "膝关节活动" ], "65537008": [ "Patient discharge, to home, routine", "患者出院回家,常规" ], "112854004": [ "Fixation of tongue", "Glossopexy", "Transfixion of tongue", "舌头固定", "舌固定术" ], "178390005": [ "Strip craniectomy", "条状开颅术" ], "424150007": [ "Nonperforating glaucoma surgery", "Nonpenetrating glaucoma surgery", "非穿孔性青光眼手术", "非穿透性青光眼手术" ], "391382007": [ "Faecal coproporphyrin level", "Fecal coproporphyrin level", "粪便粪卟啉水平" ], "440534008": [ "Repair of pseudoaneurysm", "假性动脉瘤修复" ], "307627000": [ "Cryotherapy of liver metastases", "肝转移瘤的冷冻治疗" ], "12715008": [ "Implantation of electrode into brain", "Intracranial implantation of electrode", "电极植入大脑", "颅内植入电极" ], "371328002": [ "Excision of lesion of skin of lower extremity", "下肢皮肤病损切除术" ], "43648002": [ "Excisional biopsy of joint structure of hip", "髋关节结构切除活检" ], "713557000": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of neck using indium (111-In) radiolabeled octreotide", "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of neck using indium (111-In) radiolabelled octreotide", "SPECT CT of neck using indium (111-In) radiolabeled octreotide", "SPECT CT of neck using indium (111-In) radiolabelled octreotide", "使用铟(111-In)放射性标记的奥曲肽进行颈部 SPECT CT 检查", "使用铟(111-In)放射性标记奥曲肽进行颈部 SPECT CT 检查", "使用铟(111-In)放射性标记的奥曲肽进行颈部单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "174720009": [ "Destruction of lesion of pancreas", "胰腺病变破坏" ], "25429002": [ "Destruction by neurolytic agent of trigeminal nerve, infraorbital", "神经溶解剂破坏三叉神经、眶下神经" ], "385877003": [ "Maintaining individual safety", "维护个人安全" ], "90965007": [ "Arthrectomy of ankle", "Chondrectomy of ankle", "Excision of ankle joint", "踝部软骨切除术", "踝关节切除术" ], "252970001": [ "Stycar 10 letter test", "Stycar 10 个字母测试" ], "121898003": [ "Coliform bacteria viability count", "大肠菌群活菌计数" ], "185599003": [ "Cervical smear - 1st call", "Cervical smear - First call", "宫颈涂片检查 - 首次预约", "宫颈涂片检查 - 首次就诊" ], "447743004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of superior mesenteric artery", "经皮肠系膜上动脉腔内成形术" ], "234751009": [ "Take impression for inlay", "取印模进行嵌体" ], "167380003": [ "Urine pregnanetriol level", "Urine pregnanetriol measurement", "Urine pregnanetriol titre", "Urine pregnanetriol titer", "尿孕三醇水平", "尿孕三醇测定", "尿孕三醇滴度" ], "445908006": [ "Biopsy of skin of foetus", "Biopsy of skin of fetus", "胎儿皮肤活检" ], "36308006": [ "Two stage myelotomy", "Two stage tractotomy of spinal cord", "脊髓束两阶段切断术", "二阶段脊髓切开术" ], "232916008": [ "Closed atrioventricular valvotomy", "闭式房室瓣切开术" ], "231081007": [ "Acupuncture and allied techniques", "针灸及相关技术" ], "67241009": [ "Fibrin-fibrinogen split products assay", "FSP assay", "FDP assay", "Fibrin breakdown products assay", "Fibrin degradation products assay", "FDP - Fibrin degradation product level", "Fibrin degradation product level", "FDP-纤维蛋白降解产物水平", "纤维蛋白-纤维蛋白原裂解产物测定", "FDP 检测", "纤维蛋白降解产物测定", "纤维蛋白分解产物测定", "纤维蛋白降解产物水平", "FSP 检测" ], "442238003": [ "Measurement of creatinine clearance in peritoneal dialysis fluid specimen", "腹膜透析液标本肌酐清除率的测定" ], "180094004": [ "Correction of clinodactyly with closing wedge osteotomy", "闭合楔形截骨术矫正指弯曲畸形" ], "81790005": [ "Lower limb amputee mobility practice", "Class in walking training, amputee", "Class in walking re-education, amputee", "步行再教育班,截肢者", "步行训练课,截肢者", "下肢截肢活动练习" ], "32638005": [ "Amputation of glans penis", "龟头切除术" ], "16254007": [ "Lipid panel", "脂质组" ], "65406006": [ "D-xylose, urine", "Urine xylose", "Urine xylose level", "D-木糖,尿液", "尿木糖", "尿液木糖水平" ], "229246008": [ "Weight transference - neurological", "体重转移 - 神经系统" ], "63571001": [ "Magnesium measurement, serum", "血清镁含量测量" ], "30803004": [ "Printen and Mason operation, high gastric bypass", "High gastric bypass", "Vertical banded gastroplasty", "Mason vertical banded gastroplasty", "梅森垂直带状胃成形术", "高位胃绕道手术", "垂直带状胃成形术", "Printen 和 Mason 手术、高位胃绕道手术" ], "76285001": [ "Upper gastrointestinal tract examination with air contrast with KUB", "Upper gastrointestinal tract examination with air contrast with kidney-ureter-bladder", "上消化道检查及肾-输尿管-膀胱气体造影", "腹部平片进行空气造影上消化道检查" ], "174589009": [ "Sphincteroplasty of bile duct and pancreatic duct using duodenal approach", "经十二指肠入路胆管胰管括约肌成形术" ], "303826005": [ "Griffith percutaneous repair of tendo achilles", "Ma-Griffith percutaneous repair of tendo Achilles", "格里菲斯经皮跟腱修复术", "Ma-Griffith 经皮跟腱修复术" ], "385746005": [ "Hydration balance regulation education", "Teach hydration balance regulation", "Hydration control education", "Teach hydration control", "教导水分平衡调节", "水分平衡调节教育", "补水控制教育", "教导补水控制" ], "23463002": [ "Gentamicin measurement", "Gentamicin level", "庆大霉素浓度", "庆大霉素测定" ], "433063003": [ "Computed tomography with maximum intensity projection", "Computed tomography (CT) with maximum intensity projection", "CT with maximum intensity projection", "最大强度投影 CT", "最大强度投影计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "最大强度投影计算机断层扫描" ], "39847004": [ "Copper measurement", "Copper level", "铜层", "铜测量" ], "121767005": [ "delta-Tocopherol measurement", "δ-生育酚测量" ], "449447007": [ "Fusion of joint of thoracic spine with internal fixation by anterior approach", "前入路胸椎关节融合内固定术" ], "252839008": [ "Supine provocative test", "仰卧激发试验" ], "185468001": [ "Home visit for chronic condition", "慢性病家访" ], "119932003": [ "Biliary tract transplantation", "胆道移植" ], "87164006": [ "Phlebectomy of head and neck vein", "头部及颈静脉切除术" ], "431228007": [ "Positron emission tomography (PET) carbon 11 choline uptake study", "Positron emission tomography carbon 11 choline uptake study", "正电子发射断层扫描碳11胆碱摄取研究", "正电子发射断层扫描 (PET) 碳 11 胆碱摄取研究" ], "709756007": [ "Liaising with pain management specialist", "与疼痛管理专家联络" ], "118097003": [ "HTLV 1 AND 2 RNA assay", "Human T cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 AND 2 ribonucleic acid (RNA) assay", "Human T cell lymphotropic virus 1 AND 2 ribonucleic acid assay", "HTLV 1 和 2 RNA 检测", "人类 T 细胞淋巴细胞病毒 1 和 2 核糖核酸测定", "人类 T 细胞淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 和 2 核糖核酸 (RNA) 检测" ], "200017006": [ "Fowler operation release for mallet finger repair", "福勒手术松解术用于修复槌状指" ], "413009007": [ "Blood A-fucosidase measurement", "Blood A-fucosidase level", "Blood alpha-fucosidase measurement", "血液 A-岩藻糖苷酶测定", "血液α-岩藻糖苷酶测定", "血液 A-岩藻糖苷酶水平" ], "312870000": [ "Administration of diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Haemophilus influenzae type b and Human poliovirus antigens", "白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "接种白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫", "接种仅含有百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌、乙型流感嗜血杆菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品" ], "232785009": [ "Operation on tricuspid papillary muscle", "三尖瓣乳头肌手术" ], "722470001": [ "Phototherapy of neonate using ultraviolet light", "新生儿紫外线光疗" ], "230950007": [ "Removal of intracranial pressure catheter", "拔除颅内压导管" ], "1230374008": [ "ABR (auditory brainstem response) with click", "Auditory brainstem electric response audiometry with click stimulation", "听觉脑干反应 (ABR) 伴有咔嗒声", "带点击刺激的听觉脑干电反应听力检查" ], "425723001": [ "Endoscopic uteroplasty", "Endoscopic metroplasty", "Endoscopic hysteroplasty", "内镜子宫成形术" ], "83494009": [ "Endoscopy of inguinal region", "腹股沟内窥镜检查" ], "229115003": [ "Bench press", "卧推" ], "735184000": [ "Lord operation for bilateral hydrocele", "Lord operation for bilateral hydrocoele", "Plication of hydrocele of bilateral testes", "Plication of hydrocoele of bilateral testes", "双侧睾丸鞘膜积液折叠术", "双侧鞘膜积液手术" ], "1144784002": [ "Exploration of inguinal canal", "腹股沟管探查" ], "79824009": [ "Suture of clitoris", "阴蒂缝合术" ], "77989009": [ "Measurement of skin fold thickness", "皮褶厚度测量" ], "76154002": [ "Excision of cervical rib for outlet compression syndrome", "颈肋切除术治疗出口压迫综合征" ], "698746004": [ "Risk assessment for patient moving and handling", "Patient moving and handling risk assessment", "病人移动和处理风险评估", "病人移动和处理的风险评估" ], "174458007": [ "Endoscopic insertion of cannula into gallbladder using laparoscope", "使用腹腔镜将套管插入胆囊" ], "434767001": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of radial artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of radial artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "用造影剂插入药物洗脱支架进行桡动脉荧光血管造影", "用对比剂插入药物洗脱支架进行桡动脉荧光镜动脉造影" ], "303695003": [ "CT of back region", "CT of thoracic region of back", "Computed tomography of back region", "背部计算机断层扫描", "背部胸部 CT", "背部 CT 扫描" ], "172623004": [ "Biopsy of lesion of pinna", "Biopsy of lesion of external ear", "外耳病变活检", "耳廓病变活检" ], "121636000": [ "Methohexital measurement", "美沙酮测量" ], "762447008": [ "Screening for nutritional disorder", "营养失调筛查" ], "252708002": [ "Muscle compartment pressure recording", "肌肉隔室压力记录" ], "270927009": [ "Fasting blood lipids", "空腹血脂" ], "6948004": [ "Removal of calcareous deposit of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱钙质沉积物清除术" ], "105252006": [ "N-ethylnicotinamide measurement", "N-乙基烟酰胺测定" ], "88868009": [ "Transposition of cranial and peripheral nerves", "脑神经及周围神经转位" ], "5113004": [ "T4 free measurement", "FT4 measurement", "Free thyroxine measurement", "Unbound T4 measurement", "Free T4 measurement", "FT4 - Free thyroxine level", "FT4-游离甲状腺素水平", "免费 T4 测量", "T4 免费测量", "游离 T4 测量", "游离甲状腺素测量", "FT4 测量" ], "709625005": [ "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of stomach", "Biopsy of stomach using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下胃活检", "在荧光透视引导下进行胃活检" ], "300025007": [ "Excision of basal cell carcinoma", "基底细胞癌切除术" ], "281806002": [ "EUA - Examination of ankle joint under anesthetic", "EUA - Examination of ankle joint under anaesthetic", "Examination of ankle joint under anaesthetic", "Examination of ankle joint under anesthetic", "EUA - 麻醉下踝关节检查", "麻醉下踝关节检查" ], "117966002": [ "Clostridium sordellii antigen assay", "Paeniclostridium sordellii antigen assay", "索氏梭菌抗原测定" ], "183502004": [ "Non-urgent urology admission", "非紧急泌尿科入院" ], "232654006": [ "Drainage of lung lesion", "肺部病变引流" ], "19662007": [ "Restoration, crown, full cast, predominantly base metal", "修复体,牙冠,全铸,主要为贱金属" ], "312739000": [ "Exploration of supraclavicular fossa", "锁骨上窝探查" ], "3278006": [ "Lysis of adhesions of bursa of hand", "手部滑囊粘连松解术" ], "363726008": [ "Removal of foreign body of cornea by incision", "Surgical removal of foreign body from cornea", "切开法取出角膜异物", "手术取出角膜异物" ], "134350008": [ "Lipid-lowering therapy", "降脂治疗" ], "66979002": [ "Excision of upper limb artery", "Arteriectomy of upper limb", "上肢动脉切除术" ], "787875004": [ "Laparoscopic total colectomy and loop ileostomy", "腹腔镜全结肠切除术和回肠造口术" ], "1230243008": [ "Bathing of skin of left foot", "Left foot bath", "左脚浴", "左脚皮肤沐浴" ], "230819009": [ "Creation of external subdural drain", "建立外部硬膜下引流管" ], "704120002": [ "Change in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management plan", "慢性阻塞性肺病管理计划的改变" ], "425592004": [ "Peak flow technique education", "Education for peak flow technique", "峰值流量技术教育" ], "30541003": [ "Reinsertion of ruptured biceps tendon, distal, with tendon graft", "使用肌腱移植重新植入远端断裂的二头肌腱" ], "309069005": [ "Harvest of muscle flap", "肌瓣切取" ], "440141007": [ "Active external warming of subject using electric blanket", "使用电热毯对受试者进行主动外部加温" ], "356386000": [ "Division of artery of abdomen", "腹部动脉分支" ], "438306003": [ "Computed tomography of submandibular area", "CT of submandibular area", "下颌下区计算机断层扫描", "颌下区 CT" ], "225314003": [ "Risk management", "风险管理" ], "241698006": [ "Reversal of anesthesia", "Reversal of anaesthesia", "麻醉逆转" ], "176162009": [ "Cystoscopy and laser destruction of bladder lesion", "Endoscopic destruction of bladder tumor by laser", "Endoscopic destruction of bladder tumour by laser", "Cystoscopy and laser destruction of lesion of urinary bladder", "内镜激光膀胱肿瘤破坏术", "内镜激光毁损膀胱肿瘤", "膀胱镜检查及激光毁损膀胱病变", "膀胱镜检查及膀胱病变激光毁损术" ], "389154009": [ "Indentation gonioscopy", "Compression gonioscopy", "Pressure gonioscopy", "加压房角镜检查", "压痕式房角镜检查", "压力房角镜检查" ], "305399004": [ "Admission to neuropathology department", "神经病理学科入院" ], "223479004": [ "Reassuring about therapy", "对治疗放心" ], "1237452004": [ "Assessment using IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) Framework", "Assessment using International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework", "使用 IDDSI(国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议)框架进行评估", "使用国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架进行评估" ], "713164007": [ "Lithotripsy of biliary stone using laser by T-tube approach", "T管入路激光碎石术" ], "1268385000": [ "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided hepaticogastrostomy and insertion of biliary stent", "Hepaticogastrostomy and insertion of biliary stent using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasound guided hepaticogastrostomy and insertion of biliary stent", "EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) guided hepaticogastrostomy and insertion of biliary stent", "Endoscopic ultrasound guided hepatogastrostomy and insertion of biliary stent", "Anastomosis of hepatic duct to stomach and insertion of biliary stent using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "EUS(内镜超声)引导下肝胃造口术及胆道支架置入术", "内镜超声引导下肝胃造瘘及胆道支架置入术", "内镜超声引导下肝胃吻合术及胆道支架置入术", "内镜超声引导下肝胃吻合及胆道支架置入术", "内镜超声引导下肝管胃吻合及胆道支架置入术" ], "105121001": [ "Chlorothiazide measurement", "氯噻嗪测量" ], "121505002": [ "Cocaethylene measurement", "可卡因乙烯测定" ], "72353004": [ "Psychosocial procedure", "心理社会程序" ], "39585008": [ "Wedge osteotomy of patella", "髌骨楔形截骨术" ], "37750001": [ "Administration of tranquilizer", "Administration of tranquilliser", "镇静剂的使用", "镇静剂的管理" ], "252577008": [ "Pure tone audiometry", "PTA - Pure tone audiometry", "PTA-- 纯音测听", "纯音听力检查" ], "250742000": [ "High density lipoprotein/triglyceride ratio measurement", "High density lipoprotein/triglyceride ratio", "高密度脂蛋白/甘油三酯比率", "高密度脂蛋白/甘油三酯比率测量" ], "414582004": [ "Laser assisted subepithelial keratomileusis", "LASEK - laser assisted subepithelial keratomileusis", "激光辅助上皮下角膜磨镶术", "LASEK-- 激光辅助上皮下角膜磨镶术" ], "840566006": [ "Specimen collection for biobank", "生物库样本采集" ], "1217398009": [ "Laparoscopic ultrasonography guided biopsy of lesion of pancreas", "Biopsy of lesion of pancreas using laparoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Biopsy of lesion of pancreas using laparoscopic ultrasound guidance", "腹腔镜超声引导下胰腺病变活检" ], "232523002": [ "Division of styloid process in tonsillar fossa", "扁桃体窝茎突分离" ], "85067002": [ "Excision of neurolemmoma, extensive", "广泛性神经鞘瘤切除术" ], "35915004": [ "Bicuspidization of heart valve", "Bicuspidisation of heart valve", "心脏瓣膜双尖化", "心脏瓣膜二尖瓣化" ], "265291005": [ "Insertion of drainage tube into anterior chamber", "Glaucoma tube shunt", "Glaucoma implant surgery", "青光眼管分流术", "青光眼植入手术", "将引流管插入前房" ], "68683005": [ "Ventriculocisternal intubation", "脑室胸骨插管" ], "445515006": [ "Plain X-ray of cerebrospinal fluid shunt", "脑脊液分流术的普通X光检查" ], "117835009": [ "Neisseria meningitidis polyvalent antigen assay", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌多价抗原测定" ], "409077008": [ "Examination for xanthochromia", "黄变性检查" ], "359925009": [ "Primary open repair of ruptured Achilles tendon", "跟腱断裂的初次开放修复" ], "63178001": [ "Deep incision with opening of bone cortex of foot", "足部骨皮质开口深切口" ], "423626003": [ "Pediatric activity of daily living needs assessment", "Paediatric activity of daily living needs assessment", "Activities of daily living needs assessment pediatrics", "Activities of daily living needs assessment paediatrics", "儿科日常生活活动需求评估", "儿童日常生活活动能力需求评估" ], "177866001": [ "Repair of bilateral inguinal hernias", "Repair of both inguinal hernias", "双侧腹股沟疝修补术", "修复双侧腹股沟疝" ], "440010008": [ "Osteotomy of lumbar spine by posterolateral approach", "Osteotomy of lumbar vertebra by posterolateral approach", "后外侧入路腰椎截骨术" ], "716703001": [ "Assessment using GNT (Graded Naming Test)", "Assessment using Graded Naming Test", "使用 GNT(分级命名测试)进行评估", "使用分级命名测试进行评估" ], "241567000": [ "CT of forearm", "Computed tomography of forearm", "前臂 CT", "前臂计算机断层扫描" ], "274335007": [ "Surgical biopsy of nervous system", "神经系统手术活检" ], "405407008": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of internal carotid artery", "颈内动脉内膜切除术及血管成形术" ], "225183009": [ "Changing stoma appliance", "更换造口装置" ], "176031007": [ "Repair of ureter", "输尿管修复" ], "370804001": [ "Evaluation of response to instruction about prescribed medications", "Evaluates response to instruction about prescribed medications", "评估对处方药指导的反应" ], "305268003": [ "Admission by clinical neurophysiologist", "临床神经生理学家接纳" ], "700319007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of thoracic and lumbar spine", "MRI of thoracic and lumbar spine", "Magnetic resonance imaging of thoracolumbar spine", "胸腰椎磁共振成像", "胸椎和腰椎 MRI", "胸椎和腰椎磁共振成像" ], "1255540002": [ "Osteoporosis risk assessment", "Assessment for risk of osteoporosis", "骨质疏松症风险评估" ], "418121005": [ "Bimanual phacoemulsification of lens with intraocular lens implantation", "双手白内障超声乳化吸除及人工晶状体植入术" ], "57673005": [ "Restoration, inlay, metallic, one surface", "修复,嵌体,金属,单面" ], "172361008": [ "Lengthening of muscle of eye by muscle slide", "通过肌肉滑动延长眼部肌肉" ], "121374003": [ "Methyl hippurate measurement", "马尿酸甲酯测定" ], "104990004": [ "Triglyceride and ester in HDL measurement", "Triglyceride and ester in high density lipoprotein measurement", "高密度脂蛋白测量中的甘油三酯和酯", "高密度脂蛋白 (HDL) 测量中的甘油三酯和酯" ], "170526005": [ "Notification of whooping cough", "百日咳通知" ], "432670006": [ "Closure of patent foramen ovale using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopic guidance for closure of patent foramen ovale", "荧光透视引导下卵圆孔未闭的闭合", "荧光透视引导下卵圆孔未闭闭合术" ], "252446008": [ "Tenotomy of levator palpebrae", "提睑肌腱切断术" ], "447219003": [ "Cryoablation of retina", "视网膜冷冻消融" ], "609224000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of pathological specimen", "Magnetic resonance imaging of pathology specimen", "MRI of pathology specimen", "病理标本MRI检查", "病理标本磁共振成像" ], "166856001": [ "Lipoprotein electroph. - VLDL", "Lipoprotein electrophoresis - Very low density lipoprotein", "脂蛋白电泳 - VLDL", "脂蛋白电泳-极低密度脂蛋白" ], "412616004": [ "Food mix specific IgE antibody measurement", "Food mix specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "食物混合物特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "食物混合物特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "117704006": [ "Thyroid radioactive iodine measurement", "甲状腺放射性碘测量" ], "3016007": [ "Removal of Crutchfield tongs from skull", "从头骨中取出克拉奇菲尔德钳" ], "214173000": [ "Excision of lesion of uterine ligament", "子宫韧带损伤切除术" ], "1181000": [ "Excision of tendon for graft", "Tenonectomy for graft", "腱鞘切除术", "切除肌腱进行移植" ], "265160007": [ "Total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not using cement", "Uncemented prosthetic total arthroplasty of hip joint", "非骨水泥型假体全髋关节置换术", "不使用骨水泥的全髋关节假体置换术" ], "83101004": [ "Laryngoesophagectomy", "Laryngooesophagectomy", "喉食管切除术" ], "312477005": [ "Plasma copper measurement", "Copper measurement, plasma", "等离子体铜测量", "铜测量,等离子体" ], "1197213006": [ "Presurgical infant nasoalveolar molding", "Presurgical infant nasoalveolar moulding", "Insertion of nasoalveolar molding appliance", "Insertion of nasoalveolar moulding appliance", "术前婴儿鼻肺泡成型", "术前婴儿鼻齿槽塑形", "鼻槽塑形器插入" ], "50333006": [ "Autopsy, gross examination, macerated stillborn", "尸检,大体检查,浸渍死胎" ], "408946003": [ "Alcohol abuse prevention assessment", "Assess alcohol abuse prevention", "Assess alcohol abuse control", "酒精滥用预防评估", "评估酒精滥用控制", "评估酒精滥用预防" ], "261490004": [ "Anastomosis of right main bronchus to end of trachea", "右主支气管与气管末端吻合术" ], "228722007": [ "Radiotherapy calculation", "放射治疗计算" ], "81266008": [ "Heart revascularization", "Heart revascularisation", "心脏血运重建" ], "177735003": [ "Excision of wedge of nail", "切除楔形钉" ], "30279007": [ "Placental alkaline phosphatase measurement", "PLAP measurement", "胎盘碱性磷酸酶测定", "PLAP 测量" ], "13895009": [ "Repair of punctum of lacrimal system", "泪小管修复术" ], "77596003": [ "Ileostomy, delayed opening", "回肠造口术,延迟打开" ], "75761004": [ "Infusion of intra-arterial thrombolytic agent with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty", "经皮冠状动脉腔内成形术动脉内灌注溶栓剂" ], "59377007": [ "Open reduction of open acromioclavicular dislocation, chronic", "开放性肩锁关节脱位的切开复位,慢性" ], "223217009": [ "Removal of embedded foreign body from conjunctiva by incision", "切开结膜取出嵌入异物" ], "172230002": [ "Reconstruction of eyelid with distant skin flap", "远端皮瓣眼睑重建" ], "762054006": [ "Attention to hybrid prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint using cement", "重视骨水泥型混合型肩关节假体置换" ], "8390008": [ "General care of newborn", "Routine care of newborn", "Newborn care", "Newborn health care", "新生儿保健", "新生儿的日常护理", "新生儿护理", "新生儿的一般护理" ], "104859002": [ "Pepsins measurement", "胃蛋白酶测量" ], "416155004": [ "Laparoscopic laser destruction of endometriosis", "腹腔镜激光毁损子宫内膜异位症" ], "432539007": [ "Aspiration of thorax using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Aspiration of thorax using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行胸腔穿刺" ], "72091008": [ "Myocutaneoosseous transplantation", "肌皮骨移植" ], "6555009": [ "Insertion of infusion pump beneath skin", "将输液泵插入皮下" ], "252315008": [ "Blood group antibody screening", "血型抗体筛查" ], "430704003": [ "Drainage of abscess of finger", "手指脓肿引流" ], "250480000": [ "Organism inhibition", "Organism inhibition test", "生物体抑制", "生物抑制试验" ], "281413005": [ "Duodenoplasty", "十二指肠成形术" ], "35653006": [ "Endarterectomy of ascending aorta", "Thromboendarterectomy of ascending aorta", "Intimectomy of ascending aorta", "升主动脉血栓内膜切除术", "升主动脉内切除术", "升主动脉内膜切除术" ], "52037006": [ "Application of sling", "Slinging", "吊索", "吊带的应用" ], "19269007": [ "Transfixion", "穿刺" ], "2885009": [ "Intradermal skin test", "Intradermal allergen test", "皮内皮肤试验", "皮内过敏原测试" ], "410650001": [ "Well child visit, 18 years", "儿童健康检查,18 岁" ], "17434003": [ "Reconstruction of nose, total with forehead flap", "用额头皮瓣重建全鼻" ], "312346007": [ "Provision of foot orthosis", "提供足部矫形器" ], "408815001": [ "Ultrasound scan for fetal nuchal translucency", "Ultrasound scan for foetal nuchal translucency", "胎儿颈部透明带超声波扫描", "胎儿颈部透明带超声检查" ], "359663003": [ "Transverse abdominal incision", "腹部横切口" ], "392431006": [ "Mink epithelium specific IgE antibody measurement", "Re203 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Mink epithelium specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "水貂上皮特异性IgE抗体测定", "Re203 特异性IgE抗体测量", "水貂上皮特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "228591007": [ "Normalisation therapy", "Normalization therapy", "正常化治疗" ], "275908000": [ "Asthma monitoring", "哮喘监测" ], "177604003": [ "Adjustment to skin expander in subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织皮肤扩张器的调整" ], "243140006": [ "Lung inflation by intermittent compression of reservoir bag", "Hand bagging", "通过储气袋间歇性压缩使肺膨胀", "手工装袋" ], "308676008": [ "Bileaflet truncal valve replacement", "双叶动脉干瓣膜置换术" ], "306841000": [ "Combination therapy to pelvis", "骨盆联合治疗" ], "61081004": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on veins of forearm, wrist and hand", "Anaesthesia for procedure on veins of forearm, wrist and hand", "前臂、腕部及手部静脉手术麻醉" ], "11929004": [ "Lysis of adhesions of spinal cord and nerve roots", "脊髓及神经根粘连松解术" ], "77465005": [ "Transplantation", "Transplant procedure", "移植程序", "移植" ], "388761007": [ "Aubergine specific IgE antibody measurement", "Eggplant specific IgE antibody measurement", "Solanum melongena specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf262 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Solanum melongena specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf262特异性IgE抗体测量", "茄子特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "茄子特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "241305009": [ "Radionuclide venogram", "Isotope phlebography", "放射性核素静脉造影", "同位素静脉造影" ], "42862001": [ "Sperm evaluation by hamster penetration test", "Zona free hamster test", "Spermatozoa evaluation by hamster penetration test", "通过仓鼠渗透试验评估精子", "Zona免费仓鼠测试" ], "239470003": [ "Excision arthroplasty of joint of shoulder region", "Excision arthroplasty of shoulder", "肩关节切除置换术" ], "450627006": [ "Punch biopsy of vulva", "外阴穿刺活检" ], "57411006": [ "Colpoperineorrhaphy following delivery", "产后阴道会阴缝合术" ], "24643008": [ "Circulating inhibitor assay, factor IX", "Factor IX inhibitor assay", "循环抑制剂测定,因子 IX", "IX 因子抑制剂检测" ], "8259008": [ "Insertion of bone growth stimulator into scapula", "将骨生长刺激器插入肩胛骨" ], "71960002": [ "Eosinophil count", "Eosinophil count - observation", "嗜酸性粒细胞计数", "嗜酸性粒细胞计数-观察" ], "104728006": [ "Hippurate measurement", "马尿酸测量" ], "448792007": [ "Dispensing of spectacles", "配发眼镜" ], "186648008": [ "Repair of intestine", "肠道修复" ], "709101001": [ "Biopsy of alveolus dentalis", "牙槽活检" ], "252184007": [ "Combined pituitary function test", "Combined pituitary func test", "Combined pituitary stimulation test", "CPFT - Combined pituitary function test", "CPFT-- 联合垂体功能测试", "联合垂体刺激试验", "联合垂体功能检查" ], "266733004": [ "Provision of artificial leg", "Artificial leg provision", "提供假肢", "假肢供应" ], "397805007": [ "Conjunctivorhinostomy", "Canthocystostomy", "结膜鼻腔造口术", "眦囊造口术" ], "1217005008": [ "Bioprosthetic transcatheter aortic valve replacement", "Bioprosthetic transcatheter aortic valve implantation", "经导管生物瓣膜置换术", "经导管生物瓣膜主动脉瓣植入术" ], "428738004": [ "Tracheoesophageal puncture and insertion of speech prosthesis", "Tracheo-oesophageal puncture and insertion of speech prosthesis", "气管食管穿刺及言语假体插入" ], "707266006": [ "Androgen deprivation therapy", "雄激素剥夺治疗" ], "426903000": [ "Ultrasound scan of both hips", "US scan of both hips", "双侧髋部超声波扫描", "双侧髋部超声扫描" ], "82839004": [ "Panniculectomy", "Adipectomy", "Cutaneolipectomy", "Excision of fat pad", "脂肪切除术", "皮肤脂肪切除术", "脐带切除术", "脂肪垫切除" ], "443287008": [ "Percutaneous embolization of fistula of cerebral dura mater using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of fistula of cerebral dura mater using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of fistula of cerebral dura mater with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of fistula of cerebral dura mater with contrast", "透视引导下经皮脑硬脑膜瘘造影栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮脑硬脑膜瘘栓塞术" ], "31852007": [ "Eustachian tuboplasty", "Repair of eustachian tube", "耳咽管修复", "耳咽管成形术" ], "177473000": [ "Local rotation flap, random pattern, to head or neck", "局部旋转皮瓣,随机图案,至头部或颈部" ], "406849002": [ "Fast red B salt stain method", "Fast red B salt stain", "坚牢红B盐染法", "坚牢红B盐染色" ], "44566005": [ "Endolymph-perilymph shunt", "内淋巴-外淋巴分流术" ], "388630007": [ "Egg (yolk and white) specific IgE antibody measurement", "f245 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Egg (yolk and white) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鸡蛋(蛋黄和蛋白)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测量", "f245特异性IgE抗体测量", "鸡蛋(蛋黄和蛋白)特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "372246008": [ "Intracranial procedure", "颅内手术" ], "239339007": [ "Excision of head of first metatarsal", "第一跖骨头切除术" ], "173803008": [ "Gastroscopy and extirpation of lesion", "Fiberoptic endoscopic extirpation of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "Fibreoptic endoscopic extirpation of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "胃镜检查及病灶切除", "纤维内镜上消化道病变切除术", "纤维内镜上消化道病变摘除术" ], "450496000": [ "Sialendoscopically assisted removal of calculus from submandibular duct by intraoral approach", "涎液内镜辅助下颌下管经口入路取石术" ], "73664002": [ "Ethchlorvynol measurement, urine", "尿液乙氯维诺测量" ], "3241000175106": [ "Hospital admission from non-health care facility", "从非医疗机构入院" ], "417728005": [ "Subconjunctival application of mitomycin", "结膜下应用丝裂霉素" ], "1220544006": [ "Open excision of jejunum", "Open jejunectomy", "空肠切除术", "开放空肠切除术" ], "1236928007": [ "Surgery of cataract of bilateral eyes", "Bilateral cataract surgery", "Cataract surgery of both eyes", "双眼白内障手术" ], "24512008": [ "Special chemical test, explain by report", "特殊化学测试,报告解释" ], "366741003": [ "Repair of bile duct", "胆管修复" ], "22677004": [ "Autopsy, gross examination, teaching, limited", "尸检、大体检查、教学、有限" ], "104597006": [ "Chylomicrons measurement", "乳糜微粒测量" ], "252053007": [ "Excision of cyst of kidney", "肾囊肿切除术" ], "53610001": [ "Nasal septoplasty with graft", "鼻中隔成形术及移植" ], "397674005": [ "Pepper specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pepper specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "辣椒特异性IgE抗体测定", "辣椒特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "430442008": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of knee joint with contrast", "膝关节造影造影" ], "313919000": [ "150 minute plasma prolactin level", "150 minute plasma prolactin measurement", "150 分钟血浆催乳素测量", "150 分钟血浆催乳素水平" ], "708970009": [ "Laparoscopic repair of bilateral direct inguinal hernias", "Laparoscopic repair of both direct inguinal hernias", "腹腔镜修补双侧腹股沟直疝" ], "68159003": [ "Embolization of artery of neck", "Embolisation of artery of neck", "颈动脉栓塞", "颈动脉栓塞术" ], "35391003": [ "Magnesium measurement, urine", "Urine magnesium", "Urine magnesium level", "尿液镁含量", "尿镁", "尿液镁含量测量" ], "117311007": [ "Jones stain method", "Jones methenamine silver stain method", "Jones methenamine stain method", "Jones silver stain method", "琼斯六胺染色法", "Jones银染法", "Jones 染色法", "Jones 亚甲基胺银染色法" ], "66324001": [ "Reattachment of forearm", "Replantation of forearm", "前臂再植" ], "410388007": [ "Food surveillance", "食品监控" ], "361236008": [ "Ischemic lactate test", "Ischaemic lactate test", "缺血性乳酸试验" ], "179177000": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture and cast immobilization", "Primary closed reduction of fracture and cast immobilisation", "骨折一期闭合复位及石膏固定" ], "718014000": [ "Cone beam computed tomography of chest", "Cone beam CT of chest", "胸部锥形束CT", "胸部锥形束计算机断层扫描" ], "392169009": [ "Repair of stoma of trachea", "气管造口修复" ], "177342000": [ "Punch biopsy of lesion of skin of head or neck", "头部或颈部皮肤病变穿刺活检" ], "79038001": [ "Anesthesia for closed procedure on ankle", "Anaesthesia for closed procedure on ankle", "踝关节闭合手术的麻醉" ], "308414007": [ "Rubella titre call", "Rubella titer call", "风疹滴度测定" ], "1142163002": [ "Decreased eicosapentaenoic acid diet", "Decreased EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) diet", "减少 EPA(二十碳五烯酸)饮食", "减少二十碳五烯酸饮食" ], "306579003": [ "Discharge from clinical neurophysiology service", "临床神经生理学服务出院" ], "699795006": [ "Ligation of ventricular shunt", "脑室分流结扎术" ], "2021000087105": [ "CT of left wrist", "Computed tomography of left wrist", "左腕部 CT", "左腕部计算机断层扫描" ], "741000087106": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolisation of right lower limb artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolization of right lower limb artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolization of right lower limb artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolisation of right lower limb artery", "右下肢动脉荧光造影及栓塞术", "右下肢动脉荧光血管造影及栓塞术" ], "1156712004": [ "Percutaneous needle aspiration of liver using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous needle aspiration of liver", "CT引导下经皮肝穿刺活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行经皮肝脏针吸活检" ], "89917004": [ "Diagnostic injection of sinus tract", "窦道诊断注射" ], "237373005": [ "Enucleation of breast lesion", "乳房病变摘除术" ], "1269565008": [ "Change in bone length of sternum", "胸骨长度变化" ], "171837008": [ "Release of entrapment of peripheral nerve at wrist", "Neurolysis of trapped peripheral nerve at wrist", "腕部周围神经卡压的释放", "腕部受困周围神经松解术" ], "301074000": [ "Embolisation of popliteal artery", "Embolization of popliteal artery", "腘动脉栓塞术", "腘动脉栓塞" ], "22546005": [ "Esophagogastroscopy through stoma", "Oesophagogastroscopy through stoma", "经食管胃镜检查", "经造口食管胃镜检查" ], "104466005": [ "Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase measurement", "Acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase measurement", "酰基辅酶 A 脱氢酶测量" ], "235538008": [ "Closure of hepatico-enterostomy", "肝肠吻合口闭合" ], "38930009": [ "Fluoroscopy of chest", "胸部透视检查" ], "53479004": [ "HIV-2 confirmatory assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-2 confirmatory assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus type 2 confirmatory assay", "HIV-2 确认试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV-2 确认试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型确认试验" ], "446695008": [ "Anterior tibial doppler pressure", "Measurement of blood pressure at anterior tibial pulse using doppler", "使用多普勒测量胫前脉搏血压", "胫前多普勒压力" ], "84412001": [ "Osteoclasis of humerus", "肱骨骨折" ], "20711009": [ "Cranial neurorrhaphy", "Suture of cranial nerve", "脑神经缝合", "颅神经缝合术" ], "313788005": [ "Serum tobramycin measurement", "Serum tobramycin level", "血清妥布霉素测量", "血清妥布霉素水平" ], "17041004": [ "Incision of appendix", "Appendicotomy", "阑尾切开术" ], "410257005": [ "Urinary catheter irrigation assessment", "Assess urinary catheter irrigation", "评估导尿管灌注", "导尿管冲洗评估" ], "657004": [ "Operation on bursa", "Bursa operation", "囊肿手术", "布尔萨行动" ], "443025009": [ "Reamputation of lower leg through tibia and fibula", "经胫骨和腓骨再截肢小腿" ], "408422004": [ "Primary health care team falls assessment", "初级保健团队跌倒评估" ], "80742007": [ "Fixation of hip", "髋关节固定" ], "439355003": [ "Replacement of tunneled centrally inserted central venous catheter", "Replacement of tunnelled centrally inserted central venous catheter", "隧道式中心静脉导管置换术" ], "13371003": [ "Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of finger", "手指 Swanson 假肢植入术" ], "373819004": [ "Endoscopic insertion of permanent rectal stent", "内镜下永久性直肠支架插入" ], "306448000": [ "Discharge by pediatric neurologist", "Discharge by paediatric neurologist", "儿科神经科医生出院" ], "308283009": [ "Discharge from hospital", "出院" ], "175376008": [ "Operation on aneurysm of carotid artery", "颈动脉瘤手术" ], "91621005": [ "Total gastrectomy with intestinal interposition", "Total gastrectomy with repair by intestinal transplant", "Complete gastrectomy with intestinal interposition", "全胃切除术加肠道插入术", "全胃切除术及肠移植修复", "全胃切除术加肠道介入治疗" ], "171706001": [ "Repair of dura of vault of cranium", "颅顶硬脑膜修复" ], "302778005": [ "Urinary - special tests", "Urological investigation", "泌尿系统 - 特殊检查", "泌尿科检查" ], "57018006": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on veins of knee and popliteal area", "Anaesthesia for procedure on veins of knee and popliteal area", "膝部及腘窝静脉手术麻醉" ], "104335000": [ "Complement component, activity measurement", "补体成分、活性测量" ], "22415008": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of fibula", "腓骨骨折闭合复位" ], "235407009": [ "Anastomosis of intestine", "Anastomosis of bowel", "GIT anastomosis - intestine", "Gastrointestinal tract anastomosis - intestine", "胃肠道吻合术 - 肠道", "肠道吻合术", "肠吻合术", "胃肠道吻合术-肠" ], "233572003": [ "Extracorporeal gas exchange", "ECOX - extracorporeal oxygenation", "ECLA - extracorporeal lung assist", "ECGE - extracorporeal gas exchange", "ECGE-- 体外气体交换", "ECOX-- 体外氧合", "体外气体交换", "ECLA-- 体外肺辅助" ], "118884004": [ "Procedure on spinal cord", "脊髓手术" ], "69732005": [ "Beta-glucuronidase measurement", "β-葡萄糖醛酸酶测定" ], "446564006": [ "Computed tomography of inguinal region", "CT of inguinal region", "腹股沟区 CT", "腹股沟区计算机断层扫描" ], "117049001": [ "Bielschowsky stain method", "Bielschowsky's silver stain method", "Bielschowsky's silver stain", "Bielschowsky stain", "Bielschowsky's stain", "比尔绍斯基染色", "Bielschowsky染色", "Bielschowsky染色法", "Bielschowsky 银染法", "Bielschowsky 银染" ], "1544351000168106": [ "Assistance with home garden maintenance", "协助家庭花园维护" ], "35129004": [ "Intrathoracic esophageal anastomosis with interposition of colon", "Intrathoracic oesophageal anastomosis with interposition of colon", "胸内食管吻合术及结肠中间插入术", "胸内食管吻合术及结肠插入术" ], "231737005": [ "Radiotherapy to ciliary body", "睫状体放射治疗" ], "82446004": [ "Elevation of bone fragments for fracture of orbit", "眼眶骨折骨碎片抬高术" ], "410126004": [ "Safety precautions compliance education", "Teach compliance with safety precautions", "教导遵守安全预防措施", "安全防范合规教育" ], "705038007": [ "Assessment using hypomania checklist 32 item revised", "使用轻躁狂检查表 32 项进行评估(修订版)" ], "16910009": [ "Oral contrast cholecystography", "Oral cholecystogram", "OCG - Oral cholecystogram", "口服胆囊造影", "口服造影胆囊造影", "OCG-- 口腔胆囊造影" ], "31459005": [ "Chemexfoliation of skin", "Chemical peel of skin", "Chemopeel of skin", "皮肤化学去角质", "化学剥皮", "皮肤化学剥脱术" ], "391907007": [ "Suture of skin without graft", "Repair of skin wound without graft", "无需移植的皮肤伤口修复", "无需移植的皮肤缝合" ], "64227008": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of iliac vein by leg incision", "经小腿切口髂静脉导管血栓切除术" ], "1293027008": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of orbit", "眼眶骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "62392005": [ "Excision of nasolacrimal duct", "鼻泪管切除术" ], "439101000124101": [ "Easy to chew diet", "易于咀嚼的饮食" ], "783288009": [ "Pinch graft of skin to skin of neck", "颈部皮肤夹持移植" ], "437821000124107": [ "Increased tryptophan diet", "增加色氨酸饮食" ], "175245004": [ "Revision of anastomosis from subclavian artery to pulmonary artery", "锁骨下动脉至肺动脉吻合术" ], "11405004": [ "Gelatin liquefaction test", "明胶液化试验" ], "715917008": [ "Assessment using Therapy Outcome Measure participation scale", "Assessment using TOM (Therapy Outcome Measure) participation scale", "使用治疗结果测量参与量表进行评估", "使用 TOM(治疗结果测量)参与量表进行评估" ], "306317009": [ "Referral to trauma surgeon", "转诊至创伤外科医生" ], "288098004": [ "Skin chemosurgery", "皮肤化学手术" ], "386402007": [ "Prosthesis care", "Care of prosthesis", "假肢护理" ], "304482009": [ "Direct current to hand", "直流电到手" ], "171575003": [ "Intracranial transection of trigeminal nerve (V)", "三叉神经颅内横断术(V)" ], "269879003": [ "Urine dipstick for glucose", "尿液葡萄糖试纸" ], "448268000": [ "Excision of aneurysm of splenic artery", "脾动脉瘤切除术" ], "122423009": [ "Rotavirus detection", "轮状病毒检测" ], "235276001": [ "Attention to prosthesis within duodenum", "十二指肠内假体的注意事项" ], "55052008": [ "Diagnostic ultrasound of gravid uterus", "Ultrasonography of gravid uterus", "妊娠子宫超声检查", "妊娠子宫超声诊断" ], "284428009": [ "Examination of cervical lymph nodes", "颈部淋巴结检查" ], "104204008": [ "Microbiologic smear with interpretation, acid fast stain", "Microbiologic smear with interpretation, acid fast stain method", "微生物涂片及解读、抗酸染色", "微生物涂片及解读、抗酸染色法" ], "233441004": [ "Adjustment of venous stent", "静脉支架的调整" ], "444598000": [ "Pretransplant evaluation of donor", "移植前对供体的评估" ], "118753009": [ "Procedure on fascia", "筋膜手术" ], "51382002": [ "Creation of carotid-carotid shunt", "建立颈动脉分流术" ], "231606000": [ "Correction of central and lateral ectropion", "矫正中央和外侧眼睑外翻" ], "1263798008": [ "Insertion of custom soft interocclusal splint", "Insertion of custom soft interocclusal appliance", "Insertion of custom soft occlusal splint", "插入定制软咬合夹板", "插入定制软咬合装置" ], "313526009": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid lactate measurement", "Cerebrospinal fluid lactate level", "脑脊液乳酸测量", "脑脊液乳酸水平" ], "442763004": [ "Measurement of chloride in 24 hour stool specimen", "24 小时粪便样本氯化物测定" ], "409995009": [ "Rectovaginal examination", "Rectovaginal palpation", "直肠阴道触诊", "直肠阴道检查" ], "311691009": [ "Voice exercises", "Vocal exercises", "发声练习" ], "47712005": [ "Total ureterectomy of ectopic ureter by combined approach", "联合入路异位输尿管全切除术" ], "80480007": [ "Removal of gallstones from small intestine", "Removal of gallstone from small intestine", "去除小肠胆结石" ], "439093003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into superior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into superior vena cava with contrast", "Endovascular insertion of stent into superior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下经皮腔内上腔静脉置入支架", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导将支架置入上腔静脉", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内置入上腔静脉造影支架" ], "127797006": [ "Indirect tissue immunofluorescence procedure", "Indirect immunofluorescence", "IIF - Indirect immunofluorescence", "间接组织免疫荧光法", "IIF-间接免疫荧光", "间接免疫荧光" ], "306186000": [ "Referral to dental surgery service", "转介牙科手术服务" ], "176949009": [ "Open ligation of left fallopian tube", "左侧输卵管开放结扎术" ], "11274001": [ "Lactate dehydrogenase measurement", "LDH measurement", "LD measurement", "Lactic acid dehydrogenase measurement", "Lactate dehydrogenase level", "乳酸脱氢酶测定", "乳酸脱氢酶测量", "LDH 测量", "乳酸脱氢酶水平", "LD 测量" ], "76810006": [ "Diagnostic dilation and curettage of uterus", "诊断性子宫扩张和刮宫" ], "173279000": [ "Autotransplantation of tooth", "自体牙移植" ], "386271004": [ "Electrolyte management: hypokalaemia", "Electrolyte management: hypokalemia", "电解质管理:低钾血症" ], "1303775006": [ "Percutaneous image-guided cryoablation of Morton's neuroma of peripheral nerve", "经皮影像引导下冷冻消融周围神经莫顿神经瘤" ], "73140004": [ "Reline of upper partial denture at laboratory", "在实验室对上部局部义齿进行重衬" ], "122292006": [ "Trichomonas vaginalis identification", "阴道毛滴虫鉴别" ], "236980007": [ "Groin traction at breech delivery", "臀位分娩时腹股沟牵引" ], "235145000": [ "Rigid esophagoscopy", "Rigid oesophagoscopy", "硬质食管镜检查" ], "54921001": [ "Rheumatoid factor measurement", "类风湿因子测量" ], "431753006": [ "Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of mesenteric artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of mesenteric artery with contrast", "经皮肠系膜动脉机械血栓切除术(荧光造影引导)", "透视引导下经皮肠系膜动脉机械血栓切除术" ], "448137007": [ "Brachytherapy using radioiodine", "使用放射性碘进行近距离放射治疗" ], "413534002": [ "Anesthesia machine check", "Anaesthesia machine check", "麻醉机检查" ], "233310004": [ "Endarterectomy of popliteal artery", "腘动脉内膜切除术" ], "280627002": [ "Superficial axillary lymphadenectomy", "腋窝浅淋巴结清扫术" ], "313395003": [ "Cardiac rehabilitation", "Cardiac care: rehabilitative", "心脏康复", "心脏护理:康复" ], "51251004": [ "Excision of tumor of soft tissue of thorax, subcutaneous", "Excision of tumour of soft tissue of thorax, subcutaneous", "胸部软组织肿瘤切除术、皮下" ], "472191000119101": [ "Thrombolysis of cerebral artery by intravenous infusion", "脑动脉血栓溶解术" ], "527231000119104": [ "Computed tomography of temporal bone without contrast", "CT of temporal bone without contrast", "颞骨 CT 无增强扫描", "颞骨无造影计算机断层扫描" ], "67635009": [ "Arteriectomy of abdominal aorta", "Resection of abdominal aorta", "腹主动脉切除术" ], "428083009": [ "Combined photochemotherapy and ultraviolet B light therapy to skin", "光化学疗法和紫外线 B 光疗法联合用于皮肤" ], "16446591000119108": [ "Ultrasound scan of soft tissue mass of neck", "Ultrasound of soft tissue mass of neck", "Ultrasonography of soft tissue mass of neck", "Ultrasonography of mass of soft tissue of neck", "颈部软组织肿块超声扫描", "颈部软组织肿块超声检查", "颈部软组织肿块的超声检查" ], "311560006": [ "Living language programme", "Living language program", "生活语言课程" ], "31197001": [ "Destruction of lesion of cervix", "宫颈病变毁损术" ], "113117004": [ "Teleradiotherapy particulate radiation", "Heavy particle therapy", "External beam radiation therapy particulate radiation", "重粒子治疗", "外部放射治疗粒子辐射", "远程放射治疗粒子辐射" ], "897714003": [ "Laparoscopic complete segmentectomy of Couinaud hepatic segment I", "Laparoscopic excision of entire caudate lobe of liver", "Laparoscopic complete segmentectomy of segment 1 of liver", "Complete caudate lobectomy of liver", "肝尾状叶全切除术", "腹腔镜全肝尾叶切除术", "腹腔镜肝1段全段切除术", "腹腔镜Couinaud肝段I全段切除术" ], "225970009": [ "Evaluating progress with personal care", "评估个人护理的进展" ], "174983004": [ "Excision of vegetations of valve of heart", "心脏瓣膜赘生物切除术" ], "1010567007": [ "Endoscopic occlusion of fallopian tube", "内镜输卵管闭塞术" ], "43911009": [ "Reattachment of peripheral vessels", "外周血管再植" ], "306055009": [ "Referral by psychotherapist", "Referral from psychotherapist", "心理治疗师转介", "心理治疗师推荐" ], "1303644005": [ "Internal fixation of fracture of clavicle", "锁骨骨折内固定术" ], "91228008": [ "Excision of lesion of joint of finger", "手指关节病变切除术" ], "433457002": [ "Steam heating of tissue specimen", "组织标本蒸汽加热" ], "122161003": [ "Rheumatoid arthritis nuclear antibody assay", "类风湿关节炎核抗体测定" ], "236849003": [ "Fenton's operation", "Enlargement of vaginal introitus", "Fenton operation", "阴道口扩大", "芬顿手术", "芬顿操作" ], "171313004": [ "Geriatric screening", "GS - Geriatric screening", "老年筛查", "GS - 老年筛查" ], "89393006": [ "Reconstruction of ossicles with tympanoplasty", "鼓室成形术重建听小骨" ], "417073006": [ "Referral for hematuria", "Referral for haematuria", "因血尿转诊" ], "54790000": [ "Transfusion of blood component", "血液成分输注" ], "302385006": [ "Uterine tamponade", "Uterine packing", "Insertion of pack into uterus", "子宫填塞", "将包插入子宫" ], "103942001": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from Er collection (ISBT 208)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Er collection (ISBT 208)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Er collection (International Society of Blood Transfusion 208)", "血型、Er 收集的红细胞抗原 (ISBT 208)", "血型、Er 采集的红细胞抗原(ISBT 208)", "血型、Er 采集的红细胞抗原(国际输血协会 208)" ], "431622002": [ "Ultrasonography of calf", "Ultrasonography (US) of calf", "小腿超声检查", "小腿超声检查(US)" ], "710150006": [ "Promotion of hygiene", "Promoting hygiene", "提倡卫生", "宣传卫生" ], "5638008": [ "Carbohydrate measurement", "碳水化合物测量" ], "151259001": [ "Cholesterol reduction program", "Cholesterol reduction programme", "胆固醇降低计划" ], "233179002": [ "Indirect temporary cardiac pacemaker procedure", "间接临时心脏起搏器手术" ], "315099004": [ "Chlamydia trachomatis IgG level", "Chlamydia trachomatis immunoglobulin G level", "沙眼衣原体免疫球蛋白G水平", "沙眼衣原体 IgG 水平" ], "118491005": [ "Non-local anesthesia", "Non-local anesthesia procedure", "Non-local anaesthesia", "Non-local anaesthesia procedure", "非局部麻醉程序", "非局部麻醉" ], "85723006": [ "Cryoglobulin measurement, type III", "冷球蛋白测量,III 型" ], "444336003": [ "Calculation of quantitative volume rate of glomerular filtration based on creatinine concentration in serum or plasma specimen", "Calculation of quantitative glomerular filtration rate based on creatinine concentration in serum or plasma", "根据血清或血浆中的肌酐浓度计算定量肾小球滤过率", "根据血清或血浆标本中的肌酐浓度计算肾小球滤过定量容积率" ], "231344003": [ "Topical local anaesthetic to skin", "Topical local anesthetic to skin", "皮肤局部麻醉" ], "427952005": [ "Destruction of lesion of retina by panretinal laser photocoagulation", "Destruction of lesion of retina by panretinal photocoagulation", "全视网膜激光光凝术毁损视网膜", "全视网膜光凝术破坏视网膜病变" ], "395184006": [ "Post miscarriage counselling", "Post miscarriage counseling", "Counseling following miscarriage", "Counselling following miscarriage", "流产后咨询", "流产后的咨询" ], "133000": [ "Percutaneous implantation of neurostimulator electrodes into neuromuscular component", "经皮将神经刺激器电极植入神经肌肉组件" ], "442501002": [ "Evacuation of seroma from soft tissue", "清除软组织中的血清肿" ], "229509005": [ "Graduated compression bandaging", "分级加压绷带" ], "262277005": [ "Warming of inhaled gases", "吸入气体变暖" ], "1145178004": [ "Endoscopic procedure of head and neck", "头颈部内窥镜手术" ], "112986005": [ "Repair of obturator hernia", "Obturator herniorrhaphy", "Obturator hernioplasty", "闭孔疝修补术" ], "424282004": [ "Trial for daily interruption of sedation during mechanically assisted ventilation", "Daily awakening trial", "尝试在机械辅助通气期间每日中断镇静", "每日唤醒试验" ], "78383001": [ "Temporary crown for fractured tooth", "牙齿断裂的临时牙冠" ], "80218009": [ "Lymphangiography of upper extremities, bilateral", "双侧上肢淋巴管造影" ], "176687003": [ "Colpoplasty", "Vaginal reconstruction", "Reconstruction of vagina", "Reconstruction vaginoplasty", "阴道重建术", "阴道重建", "阴道成形术" ], "11012000": [ "Insertion of skeletal muscle stimulator", "插入骨骼肌刺激器" ], "438831008": [ "Measurement of acetaminophen in gastric fluid", "Measurement of paracetamol in gastric fluid", "胃液中对乙酰氨基酚的测定" ], "1010436007": [ "Destruction of left fallopian tube", "左侧输卵管破坏" ], "699140009": [ "Creation of aorto-common carotid artery shunt", "建立主动脉-颈总动脉分流术" ], "123865001": [ "Procedure on larynx", "Larynx procedure", "Laryngeal procedure", "喉部手术" ], "713689002": [ "Repair of coronary artery", "冠状动脉修复" ], "91097001": [ "Neuromuscular procedure", "神经肌肉手术" ], "304089008": [ "Reconstruction using local axial pattern subcutaneous pedicle island flap", "Local axial pattern subcutaneous pedicle island flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction with local axial pattern subcutaneous pedicle island flap", "局部轴型皮下带蒂岛状皮瓣修复", "局部轴型皮下蒂岛状皮瓣修复" ], "1303513009": [ "Internal fixation of left tibia", "左胫骨内固定" ], "1285294004": [ "Administration via gastroenteral route", "胃肠给药" ], "416942004": [ "Hoover technique", "胡佛技术" ], "23726005": [ "Partial thymectomy", "部分胸腺切除术" ], "185731000": [ "Asthma monitoring call first letter", "哮喘监测呼叫首字母" ], "171182009": [ "Thyroid disorder screening", "甲状腺疾病筛查" ], "122030009": [ "Legionella pneumophila antibody assay", "Measurement of Legionella pneumophila antibody", "嗜肺军团菌抗体检测", "嗜肺军团菌抗体测量" ], "103811005": [ "Fibrinogen antigen assay, immunologic", "纤维蛋白原抗原测定,免疫学" ], "284035005": [ "Transcutaneous oxygen monitoring", "经皮氧监测" ], "234883008": [ "Repair of active component of removable orthodontic appliance", "可摘矫治器活动部件的修复" ], "120195008": [ "Retroperitoneum manipulation", "腹膜后操作" ], "233048003": [ "Repair of atrioventricular septal defect with common valve orifice", "带共同瓣口的房室间隔缺损修补术" ], "183896004": [ "Private referral to pediatrician", "Private referral to paediatrician", "儿科医生私人转诊" ], "67373001": [ "Local excision of skin", "Reduction of size of skin", "局部皮肤切除", "皮肤面积减小" ], "870189003": [ "Assessment using ANMS GCSI-DD (American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society Gastroparesis Cardinal Symptom Index Daily Diary)", "Assessment using American Neurogastroenterology and Motility Society Gastroparesis Cardinal Symptom Index-Daily Diary", "使用 ANMS GCSI-DD(美国神经胃肠病学和运动协会胃轻瘫主要症状指数每日日记)进行评估", "使用美国神经胃肠病学和运动学会胃轻瘫主要症状指数-每日日记进行评估" ], "395053006": [ "Health education - continence", "Promotion of continence", "Continence education", "Continence health education", "促进节制", "健康教育 - 节制", "节制教育", "节制健康教育" ], "180226000": [ "Cut-down intravenous injection", "Cutdown intravenous injection", "静脉注射减量", "减少静脉注射" ], "231213009": [ "Local anesthetic lumbar facet joint nerve block", "Local anaesthetic lumbar facet joint nerve block", "Injection of nerves to lumbar spinal facet joints", "局部麻醉腰椎小关节神经阻滞", "腰椎小关节神经注射" ], "229378002": [ "Accessory mobilization of the knee", "Accessory mobilisation of the knee", "膝关节辅助活动" ], "129239000": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of vertebra", "Closed reduction of spinal fracture", "脊椎骨折闭合复位", "脊柱骨折闭合复位" ], "702679000": [ "Surveillance of vaginal pessary method of contraception", "Surveillance of contraceptive pessary", "避孕环监测", "阴道栓剂避孕法的监测" ], "112855003": [ "Lysis of adhesions of tongue", "Freeing of adhesions of tongue", "舌粘连松解术", "解除舌粘连" ], "473303003": [ "Assessment using Addenbrooke's cognitive examination revised", "使用 Addenbrooke 认知检查进行评估(修订版)" ], "178391009": [ "Cranial morcellization", "Cranial morcellisation", "颅骨碎切术" ], "405932002": [ "Compartmentectomy", "隔室切除术" ], "307628005": [ "Exploration of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉探查" ], "225708008": [ "Precordial thump", "心前区扑动" ], "387713003": [ "Surgical procedure", "Operation", "Operative procedure", "Surgery", "手术程序", "手术流程", "手术", "外科手术" ], "76417004": [ "Subdural tap through fontanel", "经囟门硬膜下穿刺" ], "10881007": [ "Phenopeel of skin", "Acid peel of skin", "酸性去皮", "皮肤异位症" ], "287574002": [ "Translumbar femoral arteriography", "Translumbar angiography of femoral artery", "Translumbar arteriography of femoral artery", "经腰椎股动脉血管造影", "经腰椎股动脉造影" ], "713558005": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography using gallium 67 with computed tomography of abdomen", "Gallium 67 SPECT CT of abdomen", "镓 67 SPECT 腹部 CT", "使用镓 67 进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描,并进行腹部计算机断层扫描" ], "172886007": [ "Frontal sinus exploration via osteoplastic flap", "Osteoplastic frontal flap operation", "骨整形额叶皮瓣手术", "经骨瓣额窦探查术" ], "385878008": [ "Individual safety education", "Teach individual safety", "个人安全教育", "教导个人安全" ], "121899006": [ "Ancylostoma species antibody assay", "Measurement of Ancylostoma species antibody", "钩虫抗体测定", "钩虫抗体的测量" ], "185600000": [ "Cervical smear - 2nd call", "Cervical smear - Second call", "子宫颈抹片检查 - 第二次求诊", "子宫颈涂片检查 - 第二次" ], "234752002": [ "Take impression for veneer", "取模制作贴面" ], "120064004": [ "Ovary destructive procedure", "Destructive procedure on ovary", "卵巢破坏性手术" ], "447744005": [ "Primary closed reduction of traumatic dislocation of joint and skeletal traction", "创伤性关节脱位一期闭合复位及骨牵引" ], "232917004": [ "Balloon atrioventricular valvotomy", "球囊房室瓣切开术" ], "167381004": [ "Urine luteinizing hormone measurement", "Urine luteinizing hormone level", "Urine luteinising hormone level", "Urine luteinising hormone measurement", "Urine LH titre", "Urine LH titer", "尿液 LH 滴度", "尿液促黄体激素水平", "尿液促黄体生成素水平", "尿液促黄体生成素测量", "尿液促黄体生成素测定" ], "52693006": [ "Pulp cap, indirect, excluding final restoration", "Pulp cap tooth - indirect", "牙髓盖牙 - 间接", "间接牙髓盖,不包括最终修复" ], "19925008": [ "Prophylactic treatment of ulna with methyl methacrylate", "用甲基丙烯酸甲酯预防性治疗尺骨" ], "231082000": [ "Dry needling", "Dry needle acupuncture", "干针针灸", "干针疗法" ], "18090002": [ "Reattachment of fingers and thumb", "手指和拇指重新接回" ], "262015000": [ "Omental wrap", "大网膜包裹" ], "180095003": [ "Correction of clinodactyly with reversed wedge osteotomy", "逆楔形截骨术矫正指弯曲畸形" ], "407636000": [ "Spironolactone prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic spironolactone", "预防性使用螺内酯", "螺内酯预防" ], "178260000": [ "Release of contracture of intrinsic muscle of thumb", "拇指内在肌挛缩松解术" ], "440404000": [ "Ambulatory continuous glucose monitoring of interstitial tissue fluid with sensor placement", "放置传感器对间质组织液进行动态连续血糖监测" ], "391252003": [ "Mental health functional therapies - Full day : day care", "心理健康功能疗法 - 全天:日间护理" ], "47188007": [ "Injection of anesthetic substance, therapeutic, subarachnoid, continuous", "Injection of anaesthetic substance, therapeutic, subarachnoid, continuous", "注射麻醉物质,治疗性,蛛网膜下腔,连续", "注射麻醉物质,治疗,蛛网膜下腔,连续" ], "129108007": [ "Ultrasound phlebography", "超声静脉造影" ], "45353001": [ "Laryngoplasty for laryngeal stenosis with graft", "喉成形术治疗喉狭窄" ], "733481004": [ "Collection of second stream urine specimen", "Collection of second void urine specimen", "采集第二流尿液标本", "采集第二份尿液样本" ], "78121007": [ "Direct laryngoscopy", "Direct examination of larynx", "直接检查喉部", "直接喉镜检查" ], "698878001": [ "Open biopsy of tongue", "舌部切开活检" ], "59902006": [ "Osteoclasis of phalanges of hand", "手指骨骨折" ], "238291000": [ "Packing of abdominal cavity", "Insertion of pack into abdominal cavity", "Insertion of abdominal pack", "腹腔包插入", "腹腔填塞", "将包插入腹腔" ], "303827001": [ "Trunk angiography", "Angiography of blood vessel of trunk", "躯干血管造影" ], "287443001": [ "Facial abscess drainage", "面部脓肿引流" ], "385747001": [ "Hydration balance regulation management", "Manage hydration balance regulation", "Manage hydration control", "管理水分平衡调节", "水分平衡调节管理", "管理补水控制" ], "271059008": [ "Serum HDL/non-HDL cholesterol ratio measurement", "Serum HDL/non-HDL cholesterol ratio", "Serum high density lipoprotein/non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio measurement", "血清 HDL/非 HDL 胆固醇比率测量", "血清 HDL/非 HDL 胆固醇比率", "血清高密度脂蛋白/非高密度脂蛋白胆固醇比率测量" ], "121768000": [ "Dicarboxyoleoylcarnitine measurement", "二羧基油酰肉碱测量" ], "449448002": [ "Fusion of joint of lumbar spine with internal fixation by anterior approach", "前入路腰椎关节融合内固定术" ], "252840005": [ "Provocative pupil block test", "激发瞳孔阻滞试验" ], "433064009": [ "Replacement of gastrojejunostomy tube using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下更换胃空肠造口管" ], "70781001": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of phalanges of hand", "手指骨骨折闭合复位" ], "709757003": [ "Liaising with pharmacist", "与药剂师联络" ], "431229004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of thoracic aorta using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of thoracic aorta with contrast", "透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊胸主动脉成形术", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下进行胸主动脉" ], "119933008": [ "Gallbladder manipulation", "胆囊手术" ], "185469009": [ "District nurse visit", "区护士来访" ], "413010002": [ "Blood acid esterase measurement", "Blood acid esterase level", "血酸酯酶水平", "血酸酯酶测定" ], "265554003": [ "Percutaneous pyelolysis", "经皮肾盂松解术" ], "232786005": [ "Shortening operation on tricuspid papillary muscle", "三尖瓣乳头肌缩短术" ], "429394007": [ "Division of anomalous aortic arch", "主动脉弓异常分离术" ], "118098008": [ "HTLV 1 DNA assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus 1 deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "人类T细胞淋巴细胞病毒(HTLV)1脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)检测", "HTLV 1 DNA 检测", "人类T细胞淋巴细胞病毒1脱氧核糖核酸测定" ], "312871001": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing bacteria antigen", "Administration of bacterial vaccine", "Bacterial vaccination", "Bacterial immunisation", "Bacterial immunization", "含有细菌抗原的疫苗产品的给药", "细菌疫苗的接种", "细菌疫苗接种", "细菌免疫" ], "230951006": [ "Destruction of cranial nerve or ganglion", "脑神经或神经节破坏" ], "771623009": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic coagulation of hemorrhage of esophagus", "Fibreoptic endoscopic coagulation of haemorrhage of oesophagus", "纤维内镜食管出血电凝治疗", "纤维内镜食管出血电凝术" ], "229116002": [ "Elbow exercises", "肘部锻炼" ], "1230375009": [ "Auditory brainstem electric response audiometry with tone stimulation", "ABR (auditory brainstem response) with tone", "音调刺激听觉脑干电反应听力检查", "带音调的 ABR(听觉脑干反应)" ], "179964008": [ "Conversion from hybrid total elbow replacement", "混合全肘关节置换术" ], "30673003": [ "Iron measurement, liver tissue", "铁测量,肝组织" ], "866257006": [ "Vagus nerve blocking therapy", "Vagal nerve blocking therapy", "迷走神经阻断治疗" ], "307366000": [ "Destruction of lesion of ileostomy", "回肠造口病变破坏" ], "25168001": [ "Excision of tattoo of skin", "皮肤纹身切除" ], "762448003": [ "Screening for congenital malformation", "筛查先天畸形" ], "270928004": [ "Serum zinc protoporphyrin", "血清锌原卟啉" ], "172624005": [ "Repair of ear lobe", "Repair of lobe of external ear", "耳垂修复", "外耳叶修复" ], "434768006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of ulnar artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of ulnar artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "尺动脉荧光造影及支架植入术", "尺动脉造影荧光血管造影术及植入支架" ], "287312007": [ "Heart valve replacement - graft", "心脏瓣膜置换术 - 移植" ], "1284901000": [ "Assessment using NIPS (Neonatal Infant Pain Scale)", "Assessment using Neonatal Infant Pain Scale", "使用 NIPS(新生儿疼痛量表)进行评估", "使用新生儿疼痛量表进行评估" ], "105253001": [ "Nadolol measurement", "纳多洛尔测量" ], "432933004": [ "Epidural injection of sacral spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下骶椎硬膜外注射" ], "252709005": [ "Stress test of hand collateral ligament", "手部侧副韧带应力测试" ], "449317006": [ "Dispensing of contact lens", "隐形眼镜配镜" ], "39717005": [ "Aortic valvotomy", "Valvulotomy of aortic valve", "AVy - Aortic valvotomy", "AVy-- 主动脉瓣切开术", "主动脉瓣切开术" ], "236325006": [ "Excision of organised scrotal haematoma", "Excision of organized scrotal hematoma", "阴囊血肿切除术" ], "709626006": [ "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of thyroid", "Biopsy of thyroid using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下甲状腺活检", "在荧光透视引导下进行甲状腺活检" ], "300026008": [ "Cryotherapy of basal cell carcinoma", "基底细胞癌的冷冻治疗" ], "412879003": [ "Urine alpha amino butyrate measurement", "Urine alpha amino butyrate level", "Urine 2-Aminobutyrate level", "Urine 2-Aminobutyrate measurement", "尿液 2-氨基丁酸水平", "尿液 2-氨基丁酸测量", "尿液 α-氨基丁酸水平", "尿液 α 氨基丁酸测定" ], "281807006": [ "Open reduction of fracture dislocation of joint", "关节骨折脱位切开复位" ], "117967006": [ "Duck enteritis virus antigen assay", "鸭肠炎病毒抗原测定" ], "85199006": [ "Mediastinal pneumogram", "Pneumomediastinography", "纵隔气血图", "纵隔气肿造影" ], "183503009": [ "Non-urgent radiotherapy admission", "非紧急放射治疗入院" ], "1230244002": [ "Bathing of skin of right foot", "Right foot bath", "右脚浴盆", "右脚皮肤沐浴" ], "312740003": [ "Frontal lobe biopsy", "额叶活检" ], "232655007": [ "Aspiration of lung lesion", "肺部病变吸入" ], "230820003": [ "Revision of shunt in intracranial subdural space", "颅内硬膜下腔分流术" ], "787876003": [ "Laparoscopic total colectomy and ileostomy", "腹腔镜全结肠切除术和回肠造口术" ], "66980004": [ "Arthrotomy for infection with drainage of carpometacarpal joint", "腕掌关节切开引流治疗感染" ], "394660008": [ "Serum clomipramine level", "血清氯米帕明浓度" ], "704121003": [ "Step up change in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management plan", "加快改变慢性阻塞性肺病管理计划" ], "440142000": [ "Cardioversion using medication", "Chemical cardioversion", "化学复律", "使用药物进行心脏复律" ], "225315002": [ "Daily bathing", "每天洗澡" ], "77859003": [ "Microbial identification kit, OXI/FERM tube method", "微生物鉴定试剂盒,OXI/FERM管法" ], "389155005": [ "Direct gonioscopy", "直接房角镜检查" ], "438307007": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of neck using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous aspiration of neck", "Needle puncture and aspiration of neck using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous needle puncture and aspiration of neck using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行颈部经皮穿刺和抽吸", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行颈部针刺和抽吸", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行颈部经皮穿刺", "CT引导下经皮颈部穿刺活检" ], "174328000": [ "Excision of sphincter of anus", "Anal sphincterectomy", "肛门括约肌切除术" ], "223480001": [ "Reassuring about observations", "令人放心的观察结果" ], "420088004": [ "Fluoroscopy of salivary glands", "唾液腺荧光检查" ], "43256005": [ "Spivack operation, permanent gastrostomy", "斯皮瓦克手术、永久性胃造口术" ], "305400006": [ "Admission to psychiatry department", "精神病科入院" ], "76024009": [ "Internal fixation of scapula without fracture reduction", "肩胛骨骨折未复位内固定术" ], "303565004": [ "Anastomosis of pharynx to oesophagus", "Anastomosis of pharynx to esophagus", "咽食管吻合术" ], "418253005": [ "Fluoroscopic defecating proctography", "Fluoroscopic defaecating proctography", "荧光直肠排便造影" ], "713165008": [ "Laparoscopic total colectomy with ileo-rectal anastomosis", "腹腔镜全结肠切除术及回肠直肠吻合术" ], "6818001": [ "Excision of buccal mucosa", "颊粘膜切除术" ], "432802002": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of internal carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of internal carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮颈内动脉栓塞术" ], "121506001": [ "Colchicine measurement", "秋水仙碱测量" ], "252578003": [ "AC - Pure tone audiometry - air conduction, manual with ear phones", "Pure tone audiometry - air conduction, manual with ear phones", "Air conduction pure tone audiometry, manual with ear phones", "气导纯音听力检查,带耳机的手册", "纯音测听 - 气导,使用耳机手动操作", "AC - 纯音测听 - 气导,使用耳机手动操作" ], "236194007": [ "Cystoscopic adjustment of ureteric stent", "膀胱镜输尿管支架调整" ], "105122008": [ "Chlorpheniramine measurement", "氯苯那敏测量" ], "119671002": [ "Thigh closure", "大腿闭合" ], "725879004": [ "Assessment using PAC (Preferences for Activities of Children)", "Assessment using Preferences for Activities of Children", "使用儿童活动偏好进行评估", "使用 PAC(儿童活动偏好)进行评估" ], "250743005": [ "High density/low density lipoprotein ratio", "High density/low density lipoprotein ratio measurement", "HDL/LDL ratio", "高密度/低密度脂蛋白比率", "HDL/LDL 比率", "高密度/低密度脂蛋白比率测量" ], "234359008": [ "Suture of small intestine, single site", "单处小肠缝合" ], "414583009": [ "Laser thermokeratoplasty", "LTK-Laser thermokeratoplasty", "LTK-激光热角膜移植术", "激光热角膜移植术" ], "265292003": [ "Goniotomy", "房角切开术" ], "35916003": [ "Glenoplasty of shoulder", "肩关节盂成形术" ], "117836005": [ "Papilloma virus 11 antigen assay", "Papillomavirus 11 antigen assay", "乳头瘤病毒 11 抗原检测" ], "232524008": [ "Partial pharyngolaryngectomy", "部分咽喉切除术" ], "443681002": [ "Total prosthetic arthroplasty of left knee", "Total replacement of left knee joint", "左膝关节全置换术", "左膝全关节置换术" ], "81398000": [ "Excision of chemodectoma of pineal gland", "松果体化学剥脱瘤切除术" ], "50465008": [ "Hernia repair", "Herniorrhaphy", "疝修补术" ], "703990003": [ "Raloxifene therapy", "雷洛昔芬治疗" ], "409078003": [ "APTT - reference", "Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT)- reference", "Activated partial thromboplastin time - reference", "APTT-参考", "活化部分凝血活酶时间 (APTT) - 参考", "活化部分凝血活酶时间 - 参考" ], "359926005": [ "Excision of periprostatic tissue", "切除前列腺周围组织" ], "736758005": [ "Laparoscopic excision of lateral segment of left lobe of liver", "腹腔镜肝左叶外段切除术" ], "14027001": [ "Radical resection of tumor of soft tissue of flank", "Radical resection of tumour of soft tissue of flank", "腰部软组织肿瘤根治性切除术" ], "48630009": [ "Incision and exploration of rectum", "直肠切开探查" ], "440011007": [ "High altitude simulation test", "Hypoxia altitude simulation test", "高空模拟试验", "缺氧高原模拟试验" ], "79563007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of joint of lower extremity", "MRI of joint of lower extremity", "下肢关节MRI", "下肢关节磁共振成像" ], "700320001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of cervical and lumbar spine", "MRI of cervical and lumbar spine", "颈椎和腰椎 MRI", "颈椎和腰椎磁共振成像" ], "225184003": [ "Removal of embedded foreign body from conjunctiva", "取出结膜内嵌入的异物" ], "405408003": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of internal carotid artery with prosthesis", "颈内动脉内膜切除及假体血管成形术" ], "241568005": [ "CT of wrist", "Computed tomography of wrist", "腕部 CT", "腕部计算机断层扫描" ], "77728007": [ "Stroke-hemiplegia rehabilitation", "中风偏瘫康复" ], "274336008": [ "Surgical biopsy of eye", "眼部手术活检" ], "370805000": [ "Evaluation of response to instruction about wound healing and wound care", "Evaluates response to instruction about wound healing and wound care", "评估对伤口愈合和伤口护理指导的反应" ], "305269006": [ "Admission by clinical pharmacologist", "临床药理学家接纳" ], "698485007": [ "Verification of medicine taken prior to admission", "入院前服用药物验证" ], "174197008": [ "Endoscopic dilation of lower bowel using fiberoptic sigmoidoscope", "Endoscopic dilation of lower bowel using fibreoptic sigmoidoscope", "使用纤维乙状结肠镜进行下肠内镜扩张术", "使用纤维乙状结肠镜进行下段肠道内镜扩张术" ], "172362001": [ "Insertion of adjustable suture into muscle of eye", "将可调节缝线插入眼肌" ], "57674004": [ "Drainage of hematoma of nose by internal approach", "Drainage of haematoma of nose by internal approach", "鼻腔内血肿引流术" ], "104991000": [ "Triglyceride and ester in IDL measurement", "Triglyceride and ester in intermediate density lipoprotein measurement", "IDL 测量中的甘油三酯和酯", "中密度脂蛋白的甘油三酯和酯类测量" ], "90442009": [ "Cerclage of cervix during pregnancy by vaginal approach", "妊娠期经阴道宫颈环扎术" ], "121375002": [ "Methylprednisolone measurement", "甲基泼尼松龙测量" ], "170527001": [ "Notification of acute encephalitis", "急性脑炎通报" ], "252447004": [ "Pulsed wave ultrasonic Doppler", "PW - Pulsed wave ultrasonic Doppler", "PW——脉冲波超声多普勒", "脉冲波超声多普勒" ], "88607004": [ "Dysphasia training", "失语症训练" ], "432671005": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for injection of facet joint", "Injection of facet joint using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下小关节注射", "使用荧光透视引导进行小关节注射" ], "416287007": [ "Confirming patient identity by guardian interview", "通过监护人面谈确认患者身份" ], "72223009": [ "Osteotomy of fibula", "腓骨截骨术" ], "414452007": [ "Anti mitochondrial IgA antibody level", "IgA antibody to mitochondria measurement", "Immunoglobulin A antibody to mitochondria measurement", "免疫球蛋白 A 抗体线粒体测量", "抗线粒体 IgA 抗体水平", "线粒体 IgA 抗体测量" ], "398068008": [ "Patient transfer to postoperative anaesthesia care unit", "Patient transfer to postoperative anesthesia care unit", "Transfer to PACU", "患者转至术后麻醉护理室", "转送至 PACU" ], "35785002": [ "Neuron-specific enolase measurement", "Measurement of gamma-enolase", "NSE (neuron-specific enolase) measurement", "神经元特异性烯醇化酶测量", "NSE(神经元特异性烯醇化酶)测量", "γ-烯醇化酶的测量" ], "19401006": [ "Oxytocinase measurement", "催产素酶测量" ], "117705007": [ "Ubiquinone 10 measurement", "泛醌 10 测量" ], "265161006": [ "Conversion from uncemented total hip replacement", "非骨水泥全髋关节置换术的转换" ], "443550001": [ "Exercise tolerance test using technetium (99m-Tc) tetrofosmin", "使用锝(99m-Tc)替曲膦进行运动耐受性测试" ], "17566005": [ "Class in prenatal exercises", "Antenatal class", "产前锻炼课程", "产前班" ], "261491000": [ "Anastomosis of right main bronchus to side of trachea", "右主支气管与气管侧吻合术" ], "66718009": [ "Check artificial pacemaker by slew rate check", "通过斜率检查来检查人工起搏器" ], "228723002": [ "Calculation of teletherapy", "Calculation of external beam radiation therapy", "外照射放射治疗的计算", "远程治疗的计算" ], "441715004": [ "Revisional fusion of joint of spine", "脊柱关节修复融合术" ], "408947007": [ "Alcohol abuse prevention education", "Teach alcohol abuse control", "Teach alcohol abuse prevention", "Health education - alcohol", "酒精滥用预防教育", "健康教育 - 酒精", "教导如何预防酗酒", "教导控制酒精滥用" ], "63048008": [ "Augmentation genioplasty with graft and implant", "Augmentation mentoplasty with graft and implant", "移植和植入的颏部增大术", "颏增大术(移植和植入)" ], "28445004": [ "Open reduction of open humeral fracture with internal skeletal fixation", "开放性肱骨骨折切开复位内骨固定" ], "44829005": [ "Meprobamate measurement", "Equanil measurement", "甲丙氨酯测量", "等距测量" ], "175901007": [ "Live donor renal transplant", "Live donor renal allotransplant", "Allotransplantation of kidney from live donor", "Live donor renal allograft", "活体肾脏移植", "活体供肾同种异体移植", "活体供肾移植", "活体供体同种异体肾脏移植" ], "239602000": [ "Metacarpal transfer", "掌骨移植" ], "59378002": [ "Destructive procedure of nose and nasopharynx", "鼻及鼻咽部毁损性手术" ], "698354004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain volume", "Magnetic resonance imaging for measurement of brain volume", "MRI for measurement of brain volume", "磁共振成像测量脑容量", "MRI 测量脑容量", "脑容量磁共振成像" ], "75762006": [ "Equalization of leg by tibia", "Equalisation of leg by tibia", "胫骨使腿部平衡" ], "10226009": [ "Disposal of radioactive source", "放射源处置" ], "172231003": [ "Reconstruction of eyelid with Tripier skin flap", "用 Tripier 皮瓣进行眼睑再造" ], "73927005": [ "Goebel-Frangenheim-Stoeckel operation for urethrovesical suspension", "Goebel-Frangenheim-Stoeckel 尿道膀胱悬吊术" ], "762055007": [ "Conversion to hybrid prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint using cemented component", "使用骨水泥组件转换为混合假体置换肩关节" ], "1204423008": [ "Insertion of expandable prosthetic replacement of femur", "Insertion of expandable endoprosthetic replacement of femur", "插入可膨胀的股骨内置假体", "插入可扩展的股骨假体" ], "6556005": [ "Reticulin antibody measurement", "网状蛋白抗体测量" ], "399772006": [ "Grass pollen specific IgG antibody measurement", "Grass pollen specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "草花粉特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定", "草花粉特异性 IgG 抗体测定" ], "104860007": [ "Peptidyl dipeptidase A measurement", "肽基二肽酶 A​​ 测量" ], "448924008": [ "Division of fibula", "腓骨分割" ], "432540009": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for biopsy of wrist", "Biopsy of wrist using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of wrist", "荧光透视引导下腕部活检", "腕部活检的荧光透视引导", "腕部荧光透视引导活检" ], "252316009": [ "Group and save", "Group and hold", "分组并保存", "分组并保持" ], "1217137007": [ "Partial replacement of joint of right shoulder", "Hemiarthroplasty of right shoulder", "Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of right shoulder", "右肩关节部分置换", "右肩半关节置换术", "右肩关节半置换术" ], "346950004": [ "Radiologic examination of colon by air contrast", "结肠空气造影放射检查" ], "427035008": [ "Nitrous oxide and oxygen gas analgesia", "一氧化二氮和氧气镇痛" ], "228592000": [ "Social role valorization therapy", "Social role valorisation therapy", "社会角色价值化治疗" ], "408816000": [ "Artificial rupture of membranes", "AROM - Artificial rupture of membrane", "ARM - Artificial rupture of membrane", "AROM - 人工破膜", "ARM - 人工破膜", "人工破膜" ], "392432004": [ "Mouse epithelium specific IgE antibody measurement", "e71 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Mouse epithelium specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "小鼠上皮特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "小鼠上皮特异性IgE抗体测定", "e71 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "441584009": [ "Measurement of cadmium in serum specimen", "血清标本中镉的测量" ], "177605002": [ "Removal of skin expander from subcutaneous tissue of head or neck", "从头部或颈部皮下组织移除皮肤扩张器" ], "308677004": [ "Resection of coarctation", "缩窄切除术" ], "243141005": [ "Mechanically assisted spontaneous ventilation", "机械辅助自主通气" ], "79301008": [ "Electrolytes measurement", "电解质测量" ], "241306005": [ "Radionuclide venous first pass study", "放射性核素静脉首过检查" ], "61082006": [ "Hepatitis D antibody measurement", "丁型肝炎抗体测量" ], "306842007": [ "Combination therapy to abdomen", "腹部联合治疗" ], "239471004": [ "Arthroplasty of elbow", "Arthroplasty of the elbow", "肘关节置换术", "肘关节成形术" ], "450628001": [ "Shave biopsy and cauterisation of skin", "Shave biopsy and cauterization of skin", "刮除活检组织并烧灼皮肤" ], "24644002": [ "Leukocyte migration factor assay", "Leucocyte migration factor assay", "白细胞移动因子测定" ], "104729003": [ "Histidine ammonia lyase measurement", "组氨酸氨裂解酶测量" ], "252185008": [ "Insulin/thyrotrophin releasing hormone/luteinizing hormone releasing hormone test", "LHRH - Insulin/thyrotrophin releasing hormone/luteinizing hormone releasing hormone test", "GnRH - Insulin/thyrotrophin releasing hormone/gonadotrophin releasing hormone test", "TRH - Insulin/thyrotrophin releasing hormone/gonadotrophin releasing hormone test", "Insulin/TRH/LHRH test", "Insulin/TRH/GnRH test", "Insulin/thyrotrophin releasing hormone/luteinising hormone releasing hormone test", "LHRH - Insulin/thyrotrophin releasing hormone/luteinising hormone releasing hormone test", "Insulin/thyrotrophin releasing hormone/gonadotrophin releasing hormone test", "GnRH - Insulin/thyrotropin releasing hormone/gonadotropin releasing hormone test", "Insulin/thyrotropin releasing hormone/gonadotropin releasing hormone test", "Insulin/thyrotropin releasing hormone/luteinising hormone releasing hormone test", "Insulin/thyrotropin releasing hormone/luteinizing hormone releasing hormone test", "LHRH - Insulin/thyrotropin releasing hormone/luteinising hormone releasing hormone test", "LHRH - Insulin/thyrotropin releasing hormone/luteinizing hormone releasing hormone test", "TRH - Insulin/thyrotropin releasing hormone/gonadotropin releasing hormone test", "LHRH - 胰岛素/促甲状腺激素释放激素/黄体生成素释放激素测试", "TRH-胰岛素/促甲状腺激素释放激素/促性腺激素释放激素测试", "LHRH-- 胰岛素/促甲状腺激素释放激素/黄体生成素释放激素测试", "胰岛素/TRH/GnRH 测试", "胰岛素/促甲状腺激素释放激素/黄体生成素释放激素测试", "TRH - 胰岛素/促甲状腺激素释放激素/促性腺激素释放激素测试", "胰岛素/促甲状腺激素释放激素/促性腺激素释放激素测试", "GnRH - 胰岛素/促甲状腺激素释放激素/促性腺激素释放激素测试", "胰岛素/促甲状腺激素释放激素/促性腺激素释放激素检测", "胰岛素/TRH/LHRH测试" ], "709102008": [ "Application of orthodontic appliance", "正畸器械的应用" ], "84675000": [ "Bone histomorphometry", "Bone histomorphometry, quantitative", "骨组织形态测量学", "骨组织形态学,定量" ], "707267002": [ "Fitting ureterostomy bag", "输尿管造口袋安装" ], "428739007": [ "Review of individual education plan", "审查个人教育计划" ], "50072001": [ "Monitoring of pulse", "脉搏监测" ], "115608001": [ "Percentage measurement of cell type to lymphocytes", "淋巴细胞细胞类型的百分比测量" ], "443288003": [ "Lifestyle education regarding diet", "有关饮食的生活方式教育" ], "426904006": [ "Prosthetic hybrid total replacement of hip joint using cemented acetabular component", "采用骨水泥型髋臼假体混合型全髋关节置换术" ], "81005001": [ "Decompression of imperforate anus", "肛门闭锁减压术" ], "359533001": [ "Incision of haematoma in episiotomy site", "Incision of hematoma in episiotomy site", "会阴切开术部位血肿切开术" ], "66456009": [ "Amnioscopy", "羊膜镜检查" ], "392301001": [ "Ambrosia elatior specific IgE antibody measurement", "Common ragweed specific IgE antibody measurement", "w1 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ambrosia elatior specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "豚草特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "w1 特异性IgE抗体测量", "豚草特异性IgE抗体测定", "豚草特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "62786001": [ "Restoration, inlay, composite/resin", "修复、嵌体、复合材料/树脂" ], "406850002": [ "Fast red ITR stain method", "Fast red ITR stain", "固红 ITR 染色", "快红ITR染色法" ], "79170004": [ "Ileoduodenotomy", "肠十二指肠切开术" ], "241175004": [ "CG - Cholecystogram", "Cholecystogram", "Cholecystography", "CG - 胆囊造影", "胆囊造影" ], "388631006": [ "f1 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Egg white specific IgE antibody measurement", "Egg white specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "蛋清特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f1特异性IgE抗体测量", "蛋清特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "173804002": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic snare resection of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "Fiberoptic endoscopic snare resection of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "纤维内镜上消化道病变圈套切除术", "纤维内镜下上消化道病变圈套切除术" ], "419564004": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of female genital tract with contrast", "女性生殖道荧光镜静脉造影" ], "1287916006": [ "Removal of internal fixation device from carpus", "从腕骨移除内固定装置" ], "239340009": [ "Excision of head of lesser metatarsal", "小跖骨头切除术" ], "1220545007": [ "Rigid laryngoscopy", "Rigid endoscopy of larynx", "硬质喉镜检查", "硬性喉内镜检查" ], "104598001": [ "Chymopapain measurement", "木瓜凝乳蛋白酶测定" ], "450497009": [ "Sialendoscopic laser lithotripsy of calculus of parotid gland", "涎液内镜腮腺结石激光碎石术" ], "252054001": [ "Sperm agglutination", "Spermatozoa agglutination", "精子凝集", "精子凝集试验" ], "448662008": [ "Removal of loose body from hand joint", "去除手关节中的游离体" ], "430443003": [ "Sacral epidural injection using computed tomography guidance", "Sacral epidural injection using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "CT guided sacral epidural injection", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行骶管硬膜外注射", "在计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导下进行骶管硬膜外注射", "CT引导下骶管硬膜外注射" ], "117312000": [ "Methyl green stain method", "Methyl green stain", "甲基绿染色", "甲基绿染色法" ], "313920006": [ "30 minute plasma LH measurement", "30 minute plasma LH level", "30 minute plasma luteinizing hormone measurement", "30 minute plasma luteinising hormone measurement", "30 分钟血浆促黄体生成素测量", "30 分钟血浆促黄体激素测量", "30 分钟血浆 LH 水平", "30 分钟血浆 LH 测量" ], "82709002": [ "Injection into skin of neck", "颈部皮肤注射" ], "789003": [ "Cranial decompression, subtemporal, supratentorial", "颅骨减压术,颞下、幕上" ], "361237004": [ "Vitamin B12 absorption test", "维生素B12吸收测试" ], "410389004": [ "Gait training surveillance", "步态训练监测" ], "426773007": [ "Anterior epiphysiodesis of spine for correction of deformity", "脊柱前路骨骺固定术矫正畸形" ], "179178005": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture and cast immobilisation", "Revision to closed reduction of fracture and cast immobilization", "骨折闭合复位及石膏固定" ], "80874005": [ "Growth hormone measurement", "Somatotropin measurement", "Growth hormone level", "生长激素测量", "生长激素水平" ], "46271001": [ "Broth microdilution susceptibility test for anaerobes", "MIC susceptibility test for anaerobes", "厌氧菌MIC敏感性试验", "厌氧菌肉汤微量稀释药敏试验" ], "718015004": [ "Cone beam computed tomography of neck", "Cone beam CT of neck", "颈部锥形束CT", "颈部锥形束计算机断层扫描" ], "439487004": [ "Procedure on jugular vein using imaging guidance", "影像引导下颈静脉手术" ], "306580000": [ "Discharge from clinical pharmacology service", "临床药理学服务出院" ], "699796007": [ "Creation of cystoperitoneal shunt", "建立膀胱腹腔分流术" ], "1142164008": [ "Decreased docosahexaenoic acid diet", "Decreased DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) diet", "减少二十二碳六烯酸饮食", "减少 DHA(二十二碳六烯酸)饮食" ], "28052009": [ "Acromioplasty for recurrent dislocation of shoulder", "肩峰成形术治疗复发性肩关节脱位" ], "58985002": [ "Cauterization of vulva", "Cauterisation of vulva", "外阴烧灼" ], "388500008": [ "Peanut specific IgE antibody measurement", "f13 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Arachis hypogaea specific IgE antibody measurement", "Arachis hypogaea specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f13特异性IgE抗体测量", "花生特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "花生特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "75369004": [ "Reduction of open hyoid fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of open fracture of hyoid bone", "手法复位开放性舌骨骨折", "舌骨开放性骨折手法复位" ], "9833008": [ "Ward specific gravity test", "沃德比重测试" ], "171838003": [ "Guyon's canal decompression", "Release of ulnar nerve in Guyon's canal", "Decompression of ulnar nerve at wrist", "释放 Guyon 管内的尺神经", "腕部尺神经减压术", "Guyon 管减压术" ], "237374004": [ "Debridement of breast", "乳房清创" ], "235539000": [ "Closure of hepatico-gastrostomy", "肝胃造口术" ], "22547001": [ "Ligation of vein of head and neck", "头颈静脉结扎" ], "104467001": [ "Adenine measurement", "腺嘌呤测量" ], "432147004": [ "Injection of hand using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Injection of hand using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下手部注射", "使用超声(美国)引导进行手部注射" ], "16831000087101": [ "MRI of left thigh", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left thigh", "左大腿磁共振成像", "左大腿 MRI" ], "301075004": [ "Embolisation of coeliac artery", "Embolization of celiac artery", "腹腔动脉栓塞术", "腹腔动脉栓塞" ], "2751000087101": [ "CT of bilateral wrists with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral wrists with contrast", "Computed tomography of both wrists with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right wrist with contrast", "双侧腕部增强 CT 扫描", "左、右腕部增强计算机断层扫描", "双腕部增强计算机断层扫描", "双腕部增强 CT 扫描" ], "6591000087104": [ "Angiography of bilateral carotid arteries", "Arteriography of both carotid arteries", "Arteriography of left and right carotid artery", "Arteriography of bilateral carotid arteries", "Angiography of both carotid arteries", "左、右颈动脉造影", "双侧颈动脉造影" ], "315624003": [ "FESS - Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - posterior ethmoidectomy", "Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - posterior ethmoidectomy", "FESS - 功能性内镜鼻窦手术 - 后筛窦切除术", "功能性内镜鼻窦手术-后筛窦切除术" ], "14271000087108": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of left lower limb", "Biopsy of left lower extremity using ultrasonographic guidance", "Biopsy of left lower limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下左下肢活检" ], "9151000087108": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of right iliac vessel", "Doppler ultrasound of right iliac vessel", "右髂血管多普勒超声检查" ], "397544007": [ "Complicated cataract surgery", "复杂的白内障手术" ], "69864007": [ "Restoration, gold foil", "修复、金箔" ], "446696009": [ "Fluoroscopy of heart for checking of position of cardiac monitoring implant position", "心脏荧光透视检查以确认心脏监测植入物的位置" ], "313789002": [ "Plasma porphyrin level", "Plasma porphyrin measurement", "血浆卟啉水平", "血浆卟啉测量" ], "444861005": [ "Cryotherapy to verruca plantaris", "跖疣冷冻治疗" ], "68029006": [ "Division of joint capsule of elbow", "肘关节囊的划分" ], "410258000": [ "Urinary catheter irrigation education", "Teach urinary catheter irrigation", "导尿管冲洗教育", "教导导尿管冲洗" ], "770706003": [ "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of stent into urethra", "Insertion of stent into urethra using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下将支架插入尿道", "透视引导下将支架插入尿道" ], "277351007": [ "FADAST - Four alternative disability and speech-reading test", "Four alternative disability and speech-reading test", "四种替代残疾和言语阅读测试", "FADAST - 四种替代残疾和言语阅读测试" ], "31591008": [ "Replacement of pessary in vagina", "Replacement of suppository in vagina", "Renewal of supporting pessary in vagina", "Renewal of supporting suppository in vagina", "阴道支持栓剂的更新", "阴道内子宫托更换", "阴道内支撑子宫托的更新", "阴道栓剂的更换" ], "408423009": [ "Multidisciplinary team falls assessment", "多学科团队跌倒评估" ], "373820005": [ "Endoscopic insertion of temporary rectal stent", "内镜下临时直肠支架置入" ], "422972009": [ "Advance diet as tolerated", "提前饮食以适应" ], "716049002": [ "Fluoroscopy guided removal of nasogastric tube", "Removal of nasogastric tube using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下拔除鼻胃管", "在荧光透视引导下拔除鼻胃管" ], "306449008": [ "Discharge by paediatric oncologist", "Discharge by pediatric oncologist", "儿科肿瘤科医生出院" ], "9702000": [ "Reduction of closed tarsal bone fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of tarsal bone", "闭合性跗骨骨折的复位手法治疗", "跗骨闭合性骨折手法复位" ], "60689008": [ "Home care of patient", "病人的家庭护理" ], "1156582006": [ "Facilitation of personal hygiene", "促进个人卫生" ], "26086007": [ "Bone marrow laboratory procedure", "骨髓实验室程序" ], "1287654009": [ "Transcatheter replacement of mitral valve bioprosthesis", "经导管二尖瓣生物瓣置换术" ], "302779002": [ "Vascular function test", "Blood flow tests", "Flow tests - blood", "流动测试 - 血液", "血管功能检查", "血流测试" ], "384699002": [ "Infusion of tetanus antitoxin", "输注破伤风抗毒素" ], "171707005": [ "Repair of dura with autologous tissue", "自体组织修复硬脑膜" ], "401083009": [ "Advice about psychological well-being", "Psychological well-being education", "心理健康教育", "关于心理健康的建议" ], "235408004": [ "Jejunocolostomy", "Anastomosis of jejunum to colon", "空肠结肠吻合术", "空肠结肠造口术" ], "104336004": [ "Complement component, antigen measurement", "补体成分、抗原测量" ], "448400008": [ "Application of elastic hosiery", "弹力袜的应用" ], "118885003": [ "Procedure on brain", "脑部手术" ], "446565007": [ "Implantation of intravitreal drug delivery system and removal of vitreous", "玻璃体内药物输送系统植入及玻璃体摘除" ], "231738000": [ "Partial excision of ciliary body", "Cyclectomy of ciliary body", "Partial cyclectomy", "Partial extirpation of ciliary body", "睫状体切除术", "睫状体部分切除术", "部分睫状体切除术" ], "233573008": [ "ECMO - Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", "Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", "ECMO-- 体外膜氧合", "体外膜氧合" ], "117050001": [ "Putchler modified Bennhold stain method", "Congo red Putchler's modification stain method", "Putchler's modification Congo red stain method", "Putchler modified Bennhold stain", "Putchler 改良刚果红染色法", "Putchler 改良 Bennhold 染色", "刚果红 Putchler 改良染色法", "Putchler 改良 Bennhold 染色法" ], "426511000": [ "Microvascular vessel anastomosis", "显微血管吻合术" ], "84282008": [ "Hemorrhoidectomy by simple ligature", "Ligation of hemorrhoids", "Haemorrhoidectomy by simple ligature", "Ligation of haemorrhoids", "Simple ligature of haemorrhoid", "Simple ligature of hemorrhoid", "简单结扎痔疮切除术", "痔疮结扎", "痔疮简单结扎术", "痔疮单纯结扎术", "痔疮结扎术" ], "313658008": [ "24 hour urine potassium output measurement", "24 hour urine potassium output", "24小时尿钾排出量测定", "24小时尿钾排出量" ], "182586008": [ "Bodily support", "身体支持" ], "180751003": [ "Harvest of sheet of fascia from fascia lata", "从阔筋膜上获取一片筋膜" ], "33295008": [ "Urethrocystopexy by levator muscle sling", "Levator muscle operation for urethrovesical suspension", "Cystourethropexy by levator muscle sling", "Repair of stress incontinence by pubococcygeal sling", "耻骨尾骨吊带术治疗压力性尿失禁", "提肌吊带尿道膀胱固定术", "尿道膀胱悬吊术中的提肌手术", "膀胱尿道提肌吊带固定术" ], "410127008": [ "Management of compliance with safety precautions", "Manage compliance with safety precaution", "安全预防措施遵守情况的管理", "管理安全预防措施的合规性" ], "783289001": [ "Pinch graft of skin to skin of head", "将皮肤捏合移植至头部皮肤" ], "76942001": [ "Clearance rate measurement", "清除率测量" ], "306318004": [ "Referral to urologist", "转诊至泌尿科医生" ], "386403002": [ "Pruritus care", "Pruritus management", "瘙痒症治疗", "瘙痒症护理" ], "304483004": [ "Direct current to back", "直流电流到背部" ], "173411005": [ "Biopsy of lesion of palate", "腭部病变活检" ], "288099007": [ "Caustic applied endoscopically", "内窥镜应用腐蚀剂" ], "269880000": [ "Urine microscopy: pus cells", "尿液显微镜检查:脓细胞" ], "417336003": [ "Confirming patient identity by wristband", "通过腕带确认患者身份" ], "122424003": [ "Yeast detection", "酵母检测" ], "284429001": [ "Examination of axillary lymph nodes", "腋窝淋巴结检查" ], "55053003": [ "Prescription of therapeutic regimen", "Prescription of treatment plan", "制定治疗方案", "治疗方案处方" ], "437271000124107": [ "Decreased calcium diet", "减少钙饮食" ], "399117003": [ "PCR for Hepatitis C", "Hepatitis C PCR", "Polymerase chain reaction test for Hepatitis C", "丙型肝炎 PCR 检测", "丙型肝炎 PCR", "丙型肝炎聚合酶链反应检测" ], "235277005": [ "Removal of prosthesis from duodenum", "十二指肠假体取出" ], "104205009": [ "Toluidine blue stain method", "Toluidine blue stain", "Toluidine blue O stain", "甲苯胺蓝染色法", "甲苯胺蓝染色", "甲苯胺蓝O染色" ], "118754003": [ "Procedure on gland", "腺体手术" ], "233442006": [ "Adjustment of inferior vena caval filter", "IVC - Adjustment of inferior vena caval filter", "Adjustment of caval filter", "腔静脉过滤器的调整", "下腔静脉滤器的调整", "IVC - 下腔静脉过滤器的调整" ], "315362007": [ "Repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm", "胸腹主动脉瘤修复" ], "313527000": [ "Urine collagen level", "Urine collagen measurement", "尿液胶原蛋白水平", "尿液胶原蛋白测量" ], "36834008": [ "Fowler operation, thoracoplasty", "福勒手术、胸廓成形术" ], "231607009": [ "Correction of entropion of lower eyelid", "下眼睑内翻矫正" ], "311692002": [ "Amplitude range exercises", "幅度范围练习" ], "82316003": [ "Transplantation of abdominal tissue", "腹部组织移植" ], "703073006": [ "Fluoroscopy guided cardiac pacemaker procedure", "Cardiac pacemaker procedure using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导心脏起搏器手术", "使用荧光透视引导的心脏起搏器手术" ], "275254000": [ "Open embolectomy of common iliac artery", "髂总动脉开放栓塞切除术" ], "127798001": [ "Immunocytochemical procedure", "Immunocytochemistry", "免疫细胞化学", "免疫细胞化学方法" ], "78646006": [ "Ileoentectropy", "回肠扭转" ], "439094009": [ "Repair of aneurysm by wiring using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下用导线修复动脉瘤" ], "308022009": [ "Excision of cholesteatoma of mastoid", "乳突胆脂瘤切除术" ], "27659003": [ "Intraoperative transluminal subclavian-axillary angioplasty", "术中经锁骨下腋窝血管成形术" ], "715787006": [ "Central compartment (level VI and VII) lymph node neck dissection", "中央区(VI 和 VII 区)淋巴结颈清扫术" ], "175115008": [ "Transluminal maintenance of heart assist system", "心脏辅助系统的腔内维护" ], "306187009": [ "Referral to orthodontics service", "转介至牙齿矫正服务" ], "173280002": [ "Replantation of tooth", "Replacement of knocked out tooth", "Replantation of avulsed tooth", "牙齿再植", "更换脱落牙齿", "脱落牙再植" ], "91360003": [ "Arthrography of knee with positive contrast", "膝关节造影阳性对照" ], "386272006": [ "Electrolyte management: hypomagnesaemia", "Electrolyte management: hypomagnesemia", "电解质管理:低镁血症" ], "763104007": [ "Assessment using CISS (Christo Inventory for Substance-misuse Services)", "Assessment using Christo Inventory for Substance-misuse Services", "使用 CISS(Christo 物质滥用服务清单)进行评估", "使用 Christo 物质滥用清单进行评估服务" ], "122293001": [ "Varicella virus identification", "水痘病毒鉴定" ], "56757003": [ "Removal by scraping", "Scraping", "刮除", "抓取" ], "236981006": [ "Lovset's manoeuvre", "Lovset's maneuver", "Lovset maneuver", "Lovset manoeuvre", "洛夫塞特的动作", "洛夫塞特手法", "洛夫塞特动作", "洛夫塞特机动" ], "71306000": [ "Lysis of adhesions of vitreous by posterior approach", "后入路玻璃体粘连松解术" ], "431754000": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of aorta using contrast with insertion of hybrid stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of aorta using contrast with insertion of hybrid stent graft", "主动脉荧光造影和混合支架植入术" ], "433589009": [ "Intraoperative fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta with contrast with insertion of bifurcated stent graft", "Intraoperative fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta with contrast with insertion of bifurcated stent graft", "术中腹主动脉荧光造影及插入分叉支架移植物", "术中腹主动脉荧光血管造影及插入分叉支架移植物" ], "104074001": [ "Reagent RBC processing", "Processing of reagent red blood cells", "试剂红细胞处理", "试剂红细胞的处理" ], "85855000": [ "Partial bilateral salpingectomy for sterilization by endoscopy", "Partial bilateral salpingectomy for sterilisation by endoscopy", "经内窥镜进行双侧输卵管部分切除术及绝育", "经内镜双侧输卵管部分切除绝育术" ], "397151005": [ "Excision of thyroglossal duct cyst", "甲状舌管囊肿切除术" ], "53087005": [ "Intrathoracic esophagocolostomy", "Intrathoracic esophagocologastrostomy", "Intrathoracic oesophagocolostomy", "Intrathoracic oesophagocologastrostomy", "胸内食管结肠造口术" ], "315231005": [ "Varicella-zoster IgM level", "Varicella-zoster virus antibody IgM measurement", "Varicella-zoster virus antibody immunoglobulin M measurement", "水痘-带状疱疹病毒抗体 IgM 测量", "水痘-带状疱疹 IgM 水平", "水痘-带状疱疹病毒抗体免疫球蛋白M测定" ], "116788004": [ "Transfusion of albumin", "Albumin administration by intravascular infusion", "通过血管内输注给予白蛋白", "输注白蛋白" ], "264244005": [ "Sluder operation of tonsillectomy", "扁桃体切除术" ], "311561005": [ "Oral motor regime", "口腔运动机制" ], "65801008": [ "Excision", "Incision and removal", "Abscission", "Resection", "ectomy", "Excision procedure", "切除", "脱落", "切开和移除", "切除手术" ], "768478000": [ "Supervision of exercise therapy by healthcare professional", "Exercise therapy with supervision by healthcare professional", "在医疗保健专业人员的监督下进行运动治疗", "医疗保健专业人员监督运动疗法" ], "31198006": [ "Tube thoracostomy with water seal", "管状胸腔造口术与水封" ], "178654007": [ "Revision posterolateral fusion lumbar spine", "腰椎后外侧融合术" ], "897715002": [ "EUS FNA (endoscopic ultrasonography fine needle aspiration) of abdominal lymph node", "Endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration of abdominal lymph node", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided fine needle aspiration of abdominal lymph node", "Fine needle aspiration of abdominal lymph node using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of abdominal lymph node using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "内镜超声引导下腹部淋巴结细针穿刺活检", "腹部淋巴结 EUS FNA(内镜超声细针穿刺)", "内镜超声引导下腹部淋巴结细针穿刺" ], "225971008": [ "Liaising with multidisciplinary team", "与多学科团队联络" ], "76680002": [ "Bursotomy of hand", "Exploration of bursa of hand", "Incision of bursa of hand", "手部滑囊探查", "手部滑囊切开术" ], "383321000119107": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain and brain stem without contrast", "MRI of brain and brain stem without contrast", "脑部及脑干 MRI 无造影", "无造影剂脑和脑干磁共振成像" ], "16335961000119107": [ "Computed tomography of elbow without contrast", "CT of elbow without contrast", "肘部 CT 无造影", "无造影剂肘部计算机断层扫描" ], "306056005": [ "Referral from professional allied to medicine", "Referral by professional allied to medicine", "Referral by allied health professional", "医学专业人士的推荐", "医学专业人士转诊", "由辅助医疗专业人员转诊" ], "271453001": [ "Child examn/reports/meetings", "儿童检查/报告/会议" ], "1303645006": [ "Internal fixation of fracture of ankle joint region", "踝关节处骨折内固定" ], "236850003": [ "Obliteration of vagina", "Closure of vagina", "Colpocleisis", "阴道缝合", "阴道封闭" ], "122162005": [ "Somatotropin binding protein assay", "生长激素结合蛋白测定" ], "171314005": [ "Geriatric 65 year screening", "65 岁老年人筛查" ], "302386007": [ "Simple facelift", "简单整容" ], "398855001": [ "Referral for eye ultrasound", "转诊进行眼部超声检查" ], "710151005": [ "Promoting infant development", "Promotion of infant development", "促进婴儿发育" ], "103943006": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from GLOBO collection (ISBT 209)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from GLOBO collection (ISBT 209)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from GLOBO collection (International Society of Blood Transfusion 209)", "血型、红细胞抗原来自 GLOBO 收集 (ISBT 209)", "血型、红细胞抗原来自 GLOBO 收集(国际输血协会 209)", "血型、GLOBO 收集的红细胞抗原 (ISBT 209)" ], "431623007": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of cervical spine", "Ultrasonography of cervical spine", "颈椎超声检查" ], "429788001": [ "Transjugular intrahepatic thrombectomy of portal vein", "经颈静脉肝内门静脉血栓切除术" ], "233180004": [ "Transoesophageal cardiac pacing procedure", "Transesophageal pacing", "Transoesophageal pacing", "Transesophageal cardiac pacing procedure", "经食管心脏起搏手术", "经食管起搏" ], "772017001": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of rectal hemorrhoid", "Radiofrequency ablation of rectal haemorrhoid", "直肠痔疮射频消融术" ], "231345002": [ "Topical local anaesthetic to mucous membrane", "Topical local anesthetic to mucous membrane", "局部麻醉剂作用于粘膜" ], "395185007": [ "Care of patient with epidural in situ", "硬膜外麻醉患者的护理" ], "229510000": [ "Lymphoedema bandaging", "Lymphedema bandaging", "淋巴水肿包扎" ], "16518009": [ "Excision of infected graft with revascularization", "Excision of infected graft with revascularisation", "切除感染的移植物并进行血管重建", "切除感染移植物并进行血运重建" ], "112987001": [ "Inhalation anesthesia, machine system, closed, rebreathing of primary agent", "Inhalation anaesthesia, machine system, closed, rebreathing of primary agent", "吸入麻醉,机器系统,封闭式,重复吸入主要药剂", "吸入麻醉,机械系统,封闭式,主药剂再呼吸" ], "440667003": [ "Endoscopy of nasal sinus with dacryocystorhinostomy", "鼻窦内窥镜泪囊鼻腔造口术" ], "178523003": [ "Primary posterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc", "一期颈椎间盘后路切除术" ], "47451004": [ "Administration of electrolytes", "Infusion of electrolytes", "Administers electrolyte therapy", "进行电解质疗法", "输注电解质", "电解质管理" ], "391515002": [ "Modified DRRV ratio", "修正的 DRRV 比率" ], "438832001": [ "Measurement of desipramine in urine", "尿液中地昔帕明的测定" ], "78384007": [ "Omentectomy", "Resection of omentum", "Omentumectomy", "大网膜切除术" ], "1010437003": [ "Destruction of right fallopian tube", "右侧输卵管破坏" ], "305925007": [ "Referral from A & E doctor", "Referral from accident & emergency doctor", "Referral by casualty doctor", "Referral by A & E doctor", "Referral from casualty doctor", "Referral by Accident and Emergency doctor", "急诊科医生的推荐", "急诊医生转诊", "急诊科医生转诊" ], "699141008": [ "Obturator canal bypass", "Bypass of artery of lower limb through obturator canal", "经闭孔管下肢动脉搭桥术", "闭孔管绕道手术" ], "764677008": [ "Selective internal radiotherapy of liver using yttrium (90-Y) labeled microspheres", "SIRT (Selective internal radiotherapy) of liver using yttrium (90-Y) labeled microspheres", "Selective internal radiotherapy of liver using yttrium (90-Y) labelled microspheres", "SIRT (Selective internal radiotherapy) of liver using yttrium (90-Y) labelled microspheres", "使用钇 (90-Y) 标记微球对肝脏进行 SIRT (选择性内部放射治疗)", "钇(90-Y)标记微球用于肝脏选择性内放射治疗", "使用钇(90-Y)标记微球对肝脏进行 SIRT(选择性内部放射治疗)" ], "191237007": [ "Diverticulectomy of hypopharynx by cervical approach", "经颈部入路下咽憩室切除术" ], "27397009": [ "Enterocentesis of duodenum", "十二指肠穿刺术" ], "1303514003": [ "Internal fixation of left clavicle", "左锁骨内固定" ], "173018005": [ "Microtherapeutic endoscopic operations on larynx", "喉显微内镜手术" ], "9178008": [ "Implantation of nerve end into bone", "将神经末梢植入骨内" ], "302255003": [ "Debriefing therapy", "汇报治疗" ], "171183004": [ "Diabetes mellitus screening", "糖尿病筛查" ], "56495007": [ "Microbial identification kit, API 20S method", "微生物鉴定试剂盒,API 20S 方法" ], "431492000": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of paranasal sinuses with contrast", "Computed tomography of paranasal sinuses with contrast", "CT of paranasal sinuses with contrast", "鼻旁窦增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "鼻旁窦增强计算机断层扫描", "鼻旁窦增强 CT 检查" ], "40111009": [ "Repair of cerebral meninges", "Repair of cranial meninges", "脑膜修复" ], "234884002": [ "Removal of fixed orthodontic appliance component", "Deband orthodontic FA component", "Remove part of fixed orthodontic appliance", "FA - Debond fixed orthodontic component", "Debond orthodontic fixed appliance component", "Removal of part of fixed orthodontic appliance", "Deband orthodontic fixed appliance component", "去除牙齿矫正固定器械部件", "脱粘正畸固定器械组件", "去除正畸 FA 组件", "FA - 脱粘固定正畸组件", "拆除固定矫正器具组件", "移除部分固定矫正器" ], "103812003": [ "Soluble fibrin assay", "可溶性纤维蛋白测定" ], "87428000": [ "Invasive repair of fracture of facial bone with insertion of bone growth stimulator", "植入骨生长刺激器修复面骨骨折" ], "122031008": [ "Legionella pneumophila antigen assay", "嗜肺军团菌抗原检测" ], "284036006": [ "Equipment monitoring", "设备监控" ], "185732007": [ "Asthma monitoring call second letter", "哮喘监测呼叫第二封信" ], "120196009": [ "Peritoneum manipulation", "腹膜操作" ], "85593003": [ "Reinsertion of ureteral stent by transurethral approach", "经尿道途径重新插入输尿管支架" ], "233049006": [ "Repair of atrioventricular septal defect associated with Fallot's tetralogy", "Repair of atrioventricular septal defect associated with Fallot tetralogy", "法洛四联症合并房室间隔缺损的修复" ], "3673007": [ "Leadbetter urethral reconstruction", "Leadbetter 尿道重建" ], "395054000": [ "Whole blood pyruvate level", "全血丙酮酸水平" ], "183897008": [ "Private referral to dermatologist", "皮肤科医生的私人转诊" ], "50990003": [ "Repair with recession", "经济衰退带来的修复" ], "444206009": [ "Quantitative measurement of dextropropoxyphene in serum or plasma using GC-MS", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of dextropropoxyphene in serum or plasma specimen using gas chromatography mass spectrometry technique", "气相色谱质谱技术定量测定血清或血浆标本中丙氧芬的质量浓度", "使用 GC-MS 定量测定血清或血浆中的右丙氧芬" ], "229379005": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the tibiofemoral joint", "Accessory mobilization of the tibiofemoral joint", "胫股关节的辅助活动" ], "112856002": [ "Injection of pharynx", "咽部注射" ], "129240003": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of vertebral body", "椎体骨折闭合复位" ], "702680002": [ "Surveillance of vaginal hormone releasing ring method of contraception", "Surveillance of contraceptive vaginal ring", "阴道激素释放环避孕法监测", "避孕阴道环的监测" ], "47320005": [ "Restoration, inlay, composite/resin, per tooth, in addition to inlay, laboratory processed", "修复体,嵌体,复合材料/树脂,每颗牙齿,除嵌体外,实验室处理" ], "440536005": [ "Education about signs and symptoms of pregnancy induced hypertension", "关于妊娠高血压的体征和症状的教育" ], "225709000": [ "Taking cough swab", "采集咳嗽拭子" ], "12717000": [ "Viral culture", "Culture for viruses", "病毒培养" ], "307629002": [ "Exploration of axillary artery", "腋动脉探查" ], "176557003": [ "Biopsy of penis", "阴茎活检" ], "10882000": [ "Ligation and division of bilateral fallopian tubes", "Ligation and division of both fallopian tubes", "结扎并切断两侧输卵管", "双侧输卵管结扎及切断术" ], "385879000": [ "Individual safety management", "Manage individual safety", "个人安全管理", "管理个人安全" ], "387714009": [ "Operation on lung", "Pulmonary operation", "Lung operation", "肺手术", "肺部手术" ], "287575001": [ "Retrograde femoral arteriogram", "Retrograde angiography of femoral artery", "Retrograde arteriography of femoral artery", "股动脉逆行血管造影", "股动脉逆行造影", "逆行股动脉造影" ], "713559002": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of thorax using indium (111-In) radiolabeled octreotide", "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of thorax using indium (111-In) radiolabelled octreotide", "SPECT CT of thorax using indium (111-In) radiolabeled octreotide", "SPECT CT of thorax using indium (111-In) radiolabelled octreotide", "使用铟(111-In)放射性标记的奥曲肽进行胸部 SPECT CT 检查", "使用铟(111-In)放射性标记的奥曲肽进行胸部单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "25431006": [ "Prescribing, fitting and revision of contact lens", "隐形眼镜的处方、配戴和矫正" ], "9047006": [ "Excision of lesion of bone of vertebra", "脊椎骨病损切除术" ], "121900001": [ "Arthropod identification", "节肢动物鉴定" ], "449580002": [ "Biosseous angulation osteotomy of periarticular bone and external fixation", "关节周围骨的骨性角截骨术及外固定" ], "185601001": [ "Cervical smear - 3rd call", "Cervical smear - third call", "宫颈涂片检查 - 第三次" ], "252972009": [ "Videophotorefraction", "视频光折射" ], "120065003": [ "Fallopian tube transplantation", "输卵管移植" ], "234753007": [ "Take impression for post core", "取模制作桩核" ], "167382006": [ "Urine follicle stimulating hormone measurement", "Urine follicle stimulating hormone level", "Urine FSH titre", "Urine FSH titer", "尿促卵泡激素水平", "尿促卵泡激素测定", "尿液 FSH 滴度" ], "445910008": [ "Evacuation of hematoma of scalp", "Evacuation of haematoma of scalp", "头皮血肿清除术" ], "1279659000": [ "PELD - percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy", "Percutaneous endoscopic excision of lumbar intervertebral disc", "Percutaneous endoscopic lumbar discectomy", "经皮内镜腰椎间盘切除术", "PELD-- 经皮内镜腰椎间盘切除术" ], "232918009": [ "Balloon dilatation of implanted atrioventricular valve", "Balloon dilation of implanted atrioventricular valve", "植入式房室瓣球囊扩张术" ], "18091003": [ "Electronystagmography with vertical electrodes", "垂直电极眼震电图" ], "444075004": [ "Analysis using quantitative fluorescent PCR", "Analysis using quantitative fluorescent polymerase chain reaction technique", "采用定量荧光聚合酶链式反应技术进行分析", "使用定量荧光 PCR 进行分析" ], "231083005": [ "Point stimulation", "穴位刺激" ], "34475007": [ "Intraaortic balloon pump maintenance", "主动脉内球囊泵维护" ], "180096002": [ "Correction of radial polydactyly", "桡骨多指畸形的矫正" ], "16256009": [ "Decompression of intestine by tube", "Intubation and decompression of intestine", "肠插管减压", "管式肠减压" ], "112725002": [ "Destruction of intervertebral disc", "椎间盘破坏" ], "229248009": [ "Reciprocal arm movements", "手臂往复运动" ], "14421005": [ "Serologic test for herpes virus", "疱疹病毒血清学检测" ], "391253008": [ "Mental health functional therapies - 24 hr not intensive", "心理健康功能疗法 - 24 小时非密集型" ], "1290538003": [ "Ultrasonography guided insertion of radiofrequency identifier tag into bilateral breasts", "Insertion of RFID (radiofrequency identifier) tag into both breasts using ultrasonographic guidance", "Insertion of radiofrequency identifier tag into both breasts using ultrasonographic guidance", "Insertion of radiofrequency identifier tag into bilateral breasts using ultrasonographic guidance", "Insertion of RFID (radiofrequency identifier) tag into bilateral breasts using ultrasonographic guidance", "Insertion of radiofrequency identifier tag into bilateral breasts using ultrasound guidance", "在超声引导下将射频识别标签插入双侧乳房", "超声引导下将射频识别标签插入双侧乳房", "在超声引导下将 RFID(射频识别)标签插入双侧乳房" ], "43519002": [ "Destruction of lesion of small intestine", "Destruction of lesion - small intestine", "小肠病变破坏", "破坏病变-小肠" ], "271060003": [ "Blood spot phenylalanine level", "Blood spot phenylalanine measurement", "血斑苯丙氨酸测量", "血斑苯丙氨酸水平" ], "303828006": [ "Head angiography", "Angiography of vascular structure of head", "头部血管结构血管造影", "头部血管造影" ], "238292007": [ "Removal of abdominal pack", "Removal of pack from peritoneal cavity", "Removal of pack from abdominal cavity", "从腹腔中取出填塞物", "从腹腔取出填塞物", "拆除腹部包扎" ], "105385000": [ "Full-time nursing care at home by private nurse", "私人护士全程居家护理" ], "385748006": [ "Assessment of intake and output measurement", "Assess intake and output", "摄入量和排出量测量评估", "评估摄入量和输出量" ], "433065005": [ "Fluoroscopy of gastrointestinal tract using water soluble contrast swallow and meal", "使用水溶性造影剂吞咽和进餐进行胃肠道荧光透视检查" ], "449449005": [ "Excision of nodule of larynx using laser", "激光切除喉结节" ], "121769008": [ "Dihydroxy bile acid measurement", "二羟基胆酸测量" ], "5246001": [ "Breakpoint cluster region analysis", "BCR analysis", "断点聚类区域分析", "BCR 分析" ], "252841009": [ "Mydriatic test", "散瞳试验" ], "119934002": [ "Biliary tract manipulation", "胆道操作" ], "38014004": [ "Disarticulation through wrist, reamputation", "腕关节离断、再截肢" ], "185470005": [ "Home visit elderly assessment", "家访长者评估" ], "169086006": [ "Stereotactic/stereoscopic test - brain", "立体定向/立体视觉测试-大脑" ], "70782008": [ "Ligation of salivary duct, intraoral", "口内涎管结扎术" ], "431230009": [ "Administration of substance into bladder via intravesical route using bladder catheter", "Administration of substance into urinary bladder via intravesical route using urinary bladder catheter", "使用膀胱导管通过膀胱内途径将物质注入膀胱" ], "232787001": [ "Lengthening operation on tricuspid papillary muscle", "Sliding plasty of tricuspid papillary muscle", "三尖瓣乳头肌延长术", "三尖瓣乳头肌滑动成形术" ], "709758008": [ "Liaising with education service", "与教育服务部门联络" ], "118099000": [ "HTLV 2 DNA assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 2 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus 2 deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "人类T细胞淋巴细胞病毒2型脱氧核糖核酸测定", "人类T细胞淋巴细胞病毒(HTLV)2脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)检测", "HTLV 2 DNA 检测" ], "413011003": [ "Urine calcium / creatinine ratio measurement", "Urine calcium/creatinine ratio", "尿钙/肌酐比值", "尿钙/肌酐比值测量" ], "1576000": [ "Repair of uteroenteric fistula", "Repair of enterouterine fistula", "Repair of uterointestinal fistula", "Repair of intestinouterine fistula", "Closure of intestinouterine fistula", "Closure of uteroenteric fistula", "子宫肠瘘修复", "子宫肠瘘闭合", "肠子宫瘘缝合术", "肠子宫瘘修补术", "肠子宫瘘的修复" ], "427560001": [ "Prosthetic hybrid replacement of shoulder joint using cemented humeral component", "使用骨水泥型肱骨假体进行肩关节假体混合置换" ], "771624003": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic coagulation of haemorrhage of upper gastrointestinal tract", "Fiberoptic endoscopic coagulation of hemorrhage of upper gastrointestinal tract", "纤维内镜上消化道出血电凝治疗" ], "230952004": [ "Intracranial destruction of cranial nerve", "颅内脑神经破坏" ], "443944004": [ "Excision of infected vascular graft", "切除感染的血管移植物" ], "50728005": [ "Evoked response audiometry with EEG", "Brainstem evoked response with EEG", "Evoked response audiometry with electroencephalogram", "用脑电图进行诱发反应听力检查", "脑干诱发反应与脑电图", "脑电图诱发反应听力检查" ], "312872008": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing bacteria and virus antigens", "Administration of bacterial and viral vaccine", "Bacterial and viral vaccination", "Bacterial and viral immunisation", "Bacterial and viral immunization", "注射含有细菌和病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "细菌和病毒疫苗的接种", "细菌和病毒免疫", "细菌和病毒疫苗接种" ], "722472009": [ "Rituximab, ifosfamide, carboplatin and etoposide chemotherapy regimen", "R-ICE chemotherapy regimen", "R-ICE chemotherapy protocol", "R-ICE化疗方案", "利妥昔单抗、异环磷酰胺、卡铂和依托泊苷化疗方案" ], "229117006": [ "Wrist exercises", "腕部锻炼" ], "47058000": [ "Heart transplant with recipient cardiectomy", "接受心脏切除术的心脏移植" ], "179965009": [ "Ankle joint operations", "踝关节手术" ], "440274001": [ "Couple psychotherapy", "夫妻心理治疗" ], "1290407002": [ "Plain X-ray of knee region", "膝关节区域普通 X 光检查" ], "45223006": [ "Colony forming unit-granulocyte assay", "CFU-G assay", "菌落形成单位(CFU-G)检测", "集落形成单位-粒细胞测定" ], "307367009": [ "Repair of small intestine", "Repair of small bowel", "小肠修复" ], "12455009": [ "Calcium measurement in 24 hour excretion in feces", "Calcium total measurement, 24 hour excretion in stool", "Calcium measurement in 24 hour excretion in faeces", "Calcium measurement, 24H stool", "钙总量测量,24小时粪便排泄量", "钙测量,24 小时粪便", "粪便中 24 小时排泄物的钙含量测量" ], "43388004": [ "Antimony measurement", "锑测量" ], "90705003": [ "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of the bile duct", "Extracorporeal fragmentation of bile duct stone", "ESWL - Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy of bile duct calculus", "Extracorporeal lithotripsy of calculus in bile duct", "ESWL - Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy of bile duct stone", "ESWL - 胆管结石体外冲击波碎石术", "胆管体外冲击波碎石术", "胆管结石体外碎裂术", "胆管结石体外碎石术" ], "303697006": [ "CT of lumbar region", "Computed tomography of lumbar region", "腰椎计算机断层扫描", "腰椎CT" ], "74321007": [ "Maxillary sinus endoscopy with removal of polyps", "上颌窦内窥镜检查及息肉切除术" ], "252710000": [ "Stress test of thumb collateral ligament", "拇指侧副韧带压力测试" ], "762449006": [ "Behavioral counseling", "Behavioural counselling", "行为咨询" ], "121638004": [ "Methoxsalen measurement", "甲氧沙林测量" ], "432934005": [ "Epidural injection of thoracic spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下胸椎硬膜外注射" ], "236326007": [ "Excision of multiple scrotal sebaceous cysts", "Excision of multiple sebaceous cysts of scrotum", "阴囊多发皮脂囊肿切除术", "切除多个阴囊皮脂囊肿" ], "119803000": [ "Abdominal artery injection", "腹部动脉注射" ], "726011000": [ "Placement of stent in coronary artery bypass graft", "冠状动脉搭桥术中支架的置入" ], "709627002": [ "Biopsy of bone structure of rib using fluoroscopic guidance", "Biopsy of rib using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of bone structure of rib", "在荧光透视引导下进行肋骨活检", "透视引导下肋骨骨结构活检" ], "105254007": [ "Nalbuphine measurement", "纳布啡测量" ], "37883003": [ "Excision of presacral lesion", "骶前病变切除术" ], "300027004": [ "Ablation of nail bed", "Ablation of nail matrix", "指甲基质消融", "甲床消融" ], "281808001": [ "Aspiration of elbow joint", "肘关节抽吸" ], "117968001": [ "Eastern equine encephalitis virus antigen assay", "东部马脑炎病毒抗原测定" ], "183504003": [ "Non-urgent hematology admission", "Non-urgent haematology admission", "非紧急血液科入院" ], "52432005": [ "Photography of gross organ", "大器官摄影" ], "68816005": [ "Fusion of joint with bone graft", "骨移植关节融合" ], "19664008": [ "Osteotomy of iliac bone with open reduction of hip", "髂骨截骨术及髋部切开复位术" ], "232656008": [ "Intercostal puncture of lung bulla", "肺大泡肋间穿刺" ], "363728009": [ "Total ostectomy of carpals and metacarpals", "腕骨及掌骨全截骨术" ], "36048009": [ "Glucose measurement", "血糖测量" ], "230821004": [ "Revision of subdural-peritoneal shunt", "硬膜下腹腔分流术的修正" ], "34213005": [ "Voice training", "Voice promotion therapy", "嗓音促进疗法", "语音训练" ], "443813007": [ "Lysis of adhesions of flexor tendon of lower leg", "小腿屈肌腱粘连松解术" ], "394661007": [ "Serum arginosuccinate level", "血清精氨酸琥珀酸水平" ], "787877007": [ "Cardiopulmonary exercise test using bicycle ergometer", "Cardiopulmonary exercise test using leg ergometry", "使用腿部测力仪进行心肺运动测试", "使用自行车测功仪进行心肺运动测试" ], "425594003": [ "Prosthetic replacement of lumbar intervertebral disc", "腰椎间盘假体置换术" ], "179834004": [ "Release of contracture of joint", "关节挛缩松解术" ], "79695004": [ "Exploration of common bile duct", "Choledochotomy with exploration", "Incision and exploration of common bile duct", "胆管切开探查", "胆管探查", "胆总管切开术及探查" ], "440143005": [ "Closed reduction of closed nondisplaced rib fracture", "闭合性无移位肋骨骨折的闭合复位" ], "274468001": [ "Tendon stretching", "肌腱拉伸" ], "438308002": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of pancreas using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous aspiration of pancreas", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行经皮胰腺穿刺", "CT引导下经皮胰腺穿刺" ], "405540002": [ "Avulsion of eyelid nerve", "眼睑神经撕脱" ], "12324002": [ "Exploratory laparotomy with biopsy", "剖腹探查及活检" ], "45092003": [ "Activities of daily living training for the blind", "盲人日常生活活动能力训练" ], "225316001": [ "Bedrest", "卧床休息" ], "716836006": [ "Assessment using Fullerton Language Test for Adolescents", "Assessment using FLTA (Fullerton Language Test for Adolescents)", "使用富勒顿青少年语言测试进行评估", "使用 FLTA(富勒顿青少年语言测试)进行评估" ], "43257001": [ "Modified Johanson operation for claw toe with arthrodesis", "改良 Johanson 手术治疗爪形趾并融合" ], "10489002": [ "Nasal endoscopy with nasal polypectomy", "鼻内窥镜检查及鼻息肉切除术" ], "223481002": [ "Reassuring about a disorder", "消除对疾病的担忧" ], "305401005": [ "Admission to child and adolescent psychiatry department", "儿童青少年精神病科入院" ], "76025005": [ "Correction of ventricular septal defect", "Repair of ventricular septal defect", "Ventriculoseptoplasty", "Ventriculoseptopexy", "室间隔缺损修复", "室间隔缺损矫正", "室间隔固定术", "脑室隔成形术" ], "57806001": [ "Operation on skin of neck", "颈部皮肤手术" ], "303566003": [ "Anastomosis of pharynx to stomach", "咽胃吻合术" ], "713166009": [ "Endoscopic harvesting of vein", "内窥镜静脉采集" ], "105123003": [ "Chlorphentermine measurement", "氯苯丁胺测量" ], "121507005": [ "Colistin measurement", "粘菌素测量" ], "252579006": [ "Bone conduction pure tone audiometry, manual", "BC - Pure tone audiometry - bone conduction, manual", "骨传导纯音听力检查,手动", "BC - 纯音听力检查 - 骨传导,手动" ], "432803007": [ "Percutaneous embolization of superficial femoral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of superficial femoral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of superficial femoral artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of superficial femoral artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮股浅动脉栓塞术", "用造影剂荧光透视引导经皮股浅动脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮股浅动脉造影栓塞术" ], "236195008": [ "Cystoscopic replacement of ureteric stent", "膀胱镜下输尿管支架置换术" ], "54136004": [ "Electromyographic biofeedback, surface electrodes", "肌电生物反馈、表面电极" ], "119672009": [ "Thigh reconstruction", "大腿重建" ], "117837001": [ "Measurement of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Paratyphi C antibody", "Salmonella serovar Paratyphi C antibody assay", "副伤寒沙门氏菌丙型抗体测定", "丙型副伤寒沙门氏菌抗体检测" ], "85069004": [ "Davis operation for ureterotomy", "Davis 输尿管切开术" ], "396365006": [ "L'Episcopo operation for obstetric palsy", "L'Episcopo 产科麻痹手术" ], "265293008": [ "Goniopuncture", "房角穿刺" ], "232525009": [ "Pharyngeal reconstruction using prosthesis", "假体咽部重建" ], "34082001": [ "Fulguration of vulva", "外阴电灼术" ], "312610006": [ "Prosthetic graft patch angioplasty", "人工血管补片血管成形术" ], "197922007": [ "Biopsy of lacrimal gland", "泪腺活检" ], "443682009": [ "Total replacement of right knee joint", "右膝关节全置换术" ], "736759002": [ "Repair of left femoral hernia", "左股疝修补术" ], "720375003": [ "Transcervical radiofrequency ablation of uterine fibroid using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided transcervical radiofrequency ablation of uterine fibroid", "Ultrasound guided transcervical radiofrequency ablation of uterine fibroid", "超声引导下经宫颈射频消融治疗子宫肌瘤", "超声引导下经宫颈射频消融子宫肌瘤", "超声引导下宫颈射频消融治疗子宫肌瘤" ], "50466009": [ "Repair of aneurysm with graft of celiac artery", "Repair of aneurysm with graft of coeliac artery", "腹腔动脉移植修复动脉瘤" ], "409079006": [ "PT 50:50 mix", "Prothrombin time with 50:50 mix", "Prothrombin time 50:50 mix", "PT 50:50 混合", "凝血酶原时间 50:50 混合", "50:50 混合物的凝血酶原时间" ], "718540002": [ "X-ray tomography of facial bone", "面部骨骼 X 射线断层扫描" ], "276172006": [ "Erection study", "勃起研究" ], "225185002": [ "Removing stoma bag", "取出造口袋" ], "241569002": [ "CT of hand", "Computed tomography of hand", "手部计算机断层扫描", "手部 CT" ], "700321002": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of cervical and lumbar spine with contrast", "MRI of cervical and lumbar spine with contrast", "颈椎和腰椎增强 MRI 检查", "颈椎和腰椎的对比磁共振成像" ], "274337004": [ "Corneal biopsy", "Surgical biopsy of cornea", "角膜手术活检", "角膜活检" ], "405409006": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of internal carotid artery with vein", "颈内动脉及静脉内膜切除及血管成形术" ], "307105008": [ "Simple extraction of supernumerary tooth", "简单拔除多生牙" ], "174198003": [ "Endoscopic coagulation of blood vessel of lower bowel using fibreoptic sigmoidoscope", "Endoscopic coagulation of blood vessel of lower bowel using fiberoptic sigmoidoscope", "纤维乙状结肠镜下肠血管内凝固术" ], "370806004": [ "Evaluation of response to instructions", "Evaluates response to instructions", "评估对指令的响应" ], "26742007": [ "Avulsion of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织撕脱" ], "305270007": [ "Admission by clinical physiologist", "临床生理学家承认" ], "698486008": [ "Verification of carer in home for 24 hours post discharge", "Verification of caregiver in home for 24 hours post discharge", "出院后 24 小时内确认护理人员在家" ], "43126007": [ "Reconstruction of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节重建" ], "75894009": [ "Delorme operation, proctopexy", "Delorme's operation on rectum", "德洛姆直肠手术", "德洛姆手术、直肠固定术" ], "418123008": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of subtalar joint", "Subtalar joint arthrogram", "距下关节荧光造影", "距下关节造影" ], "121376001": [ "Metoclopramide measurement", "甲氧氯普胺测量" ], "432672003": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis and hip", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of pelvis and hip", "MRI of pelvis and hip", "骨盆和髋部磁共振成像 (MRI)", "骨盆和髋部的磁共振成像", "骨盆和髋部 MRI" ], "170528006": [ "Notification of acute meningitis", "急性脑膜炎通报" ], "449056007": [ "French osteotomy", "Lateral closing wedge osteotomy of distal humerus", "肱骨远端外侧闭合楔形截骨术", "法国截骨术" ], "104992007": [ "Triglyceride and ester in LDL measurement", "Triglyceride and ester in low density lipoprotein measurement", "LDL 测量中的甘油三酯和酯", "低密度脂蛋白测量中的甘油三酯和酯" ], "252448009": [ "Unidirectional pulsed wave ultrasonic Doppler", "单向脉冲波超声多普勒" ], "414453002": [ "IgA rheumatoid factor level", "IgA rheumatoid factor measurement", "Immunoglobulin A rheumatoid factor measurement", "免疫球蛋白A类风湿因子测量", "IgA 类风湿因子水平", "IgA 类风湿因子测量" ], "70389001": [ "C>8< complement assay", "Complement eighth component", "补第八个分量", "C>8< 补体测定" ], "1331957008": [ "Excisional biopsy of rib", "Excisional biopsy of bone of rib", "肋骨切除活检" ], "447221008": [ "Fenestration of cyst of arachnoid", "蛛网膜囊肿开窗术" ], "430837008": [ "Ethanol measurement", "乙醇测量" ], "609226003": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of substance from gallbladder", "经皮胆囊抽吸" ], "412618003": [ "Meat mix specific IgE antibody measurement", "Meat mix specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "肉类混合物特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测定", "肉类混合物特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "117706008": [ "Synoviocyte count", "滑膜细胞计数" ], "66719001": [ "Microbial ova-parasite examination, fecal", "Microbial ova-parasite examination, faecal", "微生物卵寄生虫检查,粪便" ], "312479008": [ "Plasma zinc level", "Plasma zinc measurement", "血浆锌测量", "血浆锌水平" ], "33951009": [ "Excision of lesion of trachea", "气管病变切除术" ], "408948002": [ "Alcohol abuse prevention management", "Manage alcohol abuse prevention", "Manage alcohol abuse control", "管理酒精滥用预防", "管理酒精滥用控制", "酒精滥用预防管理" ], "359796005": [ "HIV 1/2 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1/2 antibody assay", "Measurement of both Human immunodeficiency virus 1 antibody and Human immunodeficiency virus 2 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1/2 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型抗体和人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型抗体的测量", "HIV 1/2抗体检测" ], "261492007": [ "Anterolateral thoracotomy", "前侧开胸术" ], "79433000": [ "Closure of colon fistula", "Repair of colon fistula", "Repair of colonic fistula", "Repair of fistula of large intestine", "Closure of large intestine fistula", "结肠瘘修复", "大肠瘘修补术", "结肠瘘闭合", "大肠瘘管闭合" ], "228724008": [ "Calculation of teletherapy parameters", "Calculation of external beam radiation therapy parameters", "外照射放射治疗参数计算", "远程治疗参数的计算" ], "177737006": [ "Incision of nail", "Onychotomy", "甲切开术", "指甲切开" ], "175902000": [ "Cadaver renal allotransplant", "Cadaver renal allograft", "Cadaveric renal transplant", "尸体肾脏移植", "尸体肾移植" ], "274206002": [ "Exploration of epididymis with biopsy", "附睾探查及活检" ], "306974004": [ "Take impression for orthodontic appliance repair", "取模用于牙齿矫正器修复" ], "419827000": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of renal artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of renal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下肾动脉造影血管成形术", "荧光造影引导下肾动脉血管成形术" ], "1157107003": [ "2019-nCoV non-replicating viral vector immunization", "COVID-19 non-replicating viral vector immunization", "SARS-CoV-2 non-replicating viral vector immunization", "2019-nCoV non-replicating viral vector vaccination", "2019 novel coronavirus non-replicating viral vector immunization", "2019 novel coronavirus non-replicating viral vector immunisation", "COVID-19 non-replicating viral vector vaccination", "SARS-CoV-2 non-replicating viral vector vaccination", "Administration of SARS-CoV-2 non-replicating viral vector vaccine", "2019 novel coronavirus non-replicating viral vector vaccination", "Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 non-replicating viral vector vaccination", "SARS-CoV-2 non-replicating viral vector immunisation", "2019-nCoV non-replicating viral vector immunisation", "COVID-19 non-replicating viral vector immunisation", "Administration of vaccine product containing only recombinant non-replicating viral vector encoding severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 spike protein", "SARS-CoV-2 非复制型病毒载体疫苗的接种", "严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 非复制型病毒载体疫苗", "SARS-CoV-2 非复制型病毒载体疫苗", "接种仅含有编码严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 刺突蛋白的重组非复制型病毒载体的疫苗产品", "COVID-19 非复制型病毒载体免疫", "2019新型冠状病毒非复制型病毒载体免疫", "2019-nCoV 非复制型病毒载体免疫", "2019-nCoV 非复制型病毒载体疫苗", "2019-nCoV非复制型病毒载体免疫", "COVID-19 非复制型病毒载体疫苗", "2019新型冠状病毒非复制型病毒载体疫苗", "SARS-CoV-2 非复制型病毒载体免疫" ], "698355003": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging for measurement of brain volume with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain volume with contrast", "MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) of brain volume with contrast", "脑容量对比磁共振成像", "脑容量对比 MRI(磁共振成像)", "磁共振成像用于测量脑容量对比" ], "239603005": [ "Opposition transfer to thumb using flexor digitorum superficialis", "利用浅屈指肌将对抗转移到拇指" ], "42995006": [ "Total sacrectomy", "全骶骨切除术" ], "73928000": [ "Dental transosseous implant", "Transosteal implantation into jaw", "Implantation of dental transosseous implant", "牙科骨植入术", "经骨植入颌骨", "牙科穿骨植入物" ], "450760003": [ "Assessment using alcohol use disorders identification test", "使用酒精使用障碍识别测试进行评估" ], "434376005": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta using contrast with insertion of fenestrated tube stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta using contrast with insertion of fenestrated tube stent graft", "腹主动脉荧光造影及插入有孔管支架移植物", "腹主动脉荧光血管造影术及插入有孔管支架移植物" ], "90312005": [ "Repair of malunion, of femur, distal to head and neck", "股骨远端至股头及股颈部畸形愈合的修复" ], "252317000": [ "Antibody quantitation", "抗体定量" ], "72093006": [ "Poliomyelitis vaccination", "Poliomyelitis immunization", "Poliomyelitis immunisation", "Administration of poliomyelitis vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Human poliovirus antigen", "接种仅含人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "脊髓灰质炎疫苗接种", "接种脊髓灰质炎疫苗", "脊髓灰质炎免疫接种" ], "104861006": [ "Phenolsulfonphthalein measurement", "PSP test, urine", "Phenolsulphonphthalein measurement", "酚磺酞测定", "PSP 检测,尿液" ], "432541008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of neck with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of neck with contrast", "MRI of neck with contrast", "颈部增强磁共振成像 (MRI)", "颈部增强磁共振成像", "颈部增强 MRI" ], "711069006": [ "Coordination of care plan", "护理计划协调" ], "448925009": [ "Division of metacarpophalangeal joint capsule", "掌指关节囊的分割" ], "86642005": [ "Creation of shunt of descending aorta to pulmonary artery", "Potts-Smith operation, descending aorta-left pulmonary artery anastomosis", "Shunt of descending aorta to pulmonary artery, Potts-Smith", "Anastomosis of descending aorta to pulmonary artery", "Potts shunt", "Pott anastomosis", "Potts-Cooley-Smith shunt", "Anastomosis of descending aorta to left pulmonary artery", "Potts anastomosis", "Pulmonary-aortic anastomosis", "降主动脉与左肺动脉吻合术", "波茨分流术", "降主动脉至肺动脉分流术,Potts-Smith", "Pott吻合术", "Potts-Cooley-Smith 分流术", "Potts-Smith 手术、降主动脉-左肺动脉吻合术", "降主动脉与肺动脉吻合术", "Potts 吻合术", "建立降主动脉至肺动脉的分流术", "肺主动脉吻合术" ], "265031001": [ "Posterior pharyngeal implant pharyngoplasty", "Pharyngoplasty using posterior pharyngeal implant", "使用后咽植入物进行咽成形术", "后咽植入物咽成形术" ], "363335003": [ "Ultrasound studies by site", "各部位超声检查" ], "19271007": [ "Fibrin split products, ethanol gel assay", "Ethanol gel test", "乙醇凝胶试验", "纤维蛋白裂解产物乙醇凝胶测定" ], "82972003": [ "Division of joint capsule of finger", "手指关节囊的划分" ], "66588004": [ "Hepatitis D virus measurement", "HDV measurement", "Hepatitis delta agent measurement", "HDV 测量", "丁型肝炎病毒检测", "丁型肝炎病毒载体测量" ], "443420006": [ "Measurement of disaccharidase activity of intestine", "肠道双糖酶活性测定" ], "1162481001": [ "Laparoscopic pancreaticocystogastrostomy", "Laparoscopic cystogastrostomy of pancreas", "腹腔镜胰腺囊胃造口术", "腹腔镜胰腺膀胱胃造口术" ], "359665005": [ "Ambulation training", "步行训练" ], "228593005": [ "Social modelling technique", "Social modeling technique", "社会建模技术" ], "310513006": [ "Discharge by medical oncologist", "肿瘤内科医生出院" ], "392433009": [ "e88 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Mouse epithelium, serum proteins and urine proteins specific IgE antibody measurement", "Mouse epithelium, serum proteins and urine proteins specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "小鼠上皮、血清蛋白及尿液蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定", "小鼠上皮、血清蛋白和尿蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "e88 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "177606001": [ "Removal of skin expander from subcutaneous tissue of breast", "从乳房皮下组织移除皮肤扩张器" ], "46534002": [ "Suspension and fixation", "悬挂和固定" ], "408817009": [ "Amniotomy at delivery", "分娩时羊膜切开术" ], "30150005": [ "Operation on perirectal tissue", "直肠周围组织手术" ], "243142003": [ "Dual pressure spontaneous ventilation support", "BIPAP - Biphasic pressure airway support", "Bi-level positive airway pressure therapy", "BIPAP——双相压力气道支持", "双水平气道正压通气治疗", "双压自主通气支持" ], "308678009": [ "Resection of segmental aortic hypoplasia", "节段性主动脉发育不全切除术" ], "241307001": [ "Radionuclide thrombus localisation study", "Radionuclide thrombus localization study", "放射性核素血栓定位研究" ], "306843002": [ "Combination therapy to hip", "髋关节联合治疗" ], "388763005": [ "Sole specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf337 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Solea solea specific IgE antibody measurement", "Solea solea specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "比目鱼特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "唯一特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "单一特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Rf337 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "274075007": [ "Optional surgery", "Elective surgery", "择期手术", "可选手术" ], "239472006": [ "Excision arthroplasty of head of radius", "Resection arthroplasty of radial head", "桡骨头切除置换术" ], "1204293000": [ "Arthroscopy of elbow with synovial biopsy", "肘关节镜检查及滑膜活检" ], "434245001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of splenic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行脾动脉" ], "41029007": [ "Strapping of toes", "脚趾绑带" ], "450629009": [ "Dressing of skin of head", "头部皮肤敷料" ], "104730008": [ "Histidine measurement", "组氨酸测量" ], "252186009": [ "Augmented insulin stress test", "增强胰岛素压力测试" ], "446959002": [ "Laparoscopic incision of fallopian tube with conversion to laparotomy", "Laparoscopic salpingotomy with conversion to laparotomy", "腹腔镜输卵管切开术中转开腹手术" ], "37359003": [ "Aneurysmectomy with anastomosis of head and neck artery", "头颈动脉吻合术" ], "20975004": [ "Tattooing of cornea", "角膜纹身" ], "266735006": [ "Urostomy stoma care training", "尿道造口护理培训" ], "414191008": [ "Fall risk assessment", "跌倒风险评估" ], "184815009": [ "Local authority employee medical examination", "地方政府雇员体检" ], "428740009": [ "Implantation of carmustine wafer into cerebrum", "卡莫司汀晶片植入大脑" ], "115609009": [ "Percentage measurement of cell type to blood cells", "细胞类型占血细胞的百分比测量" ], "79171000": [ "Reduction of closed scapular fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of scapula", "闭合性肩胛骨骨折的复位", "肩胛骨闭合性骨折手法复位" ], "308547001": [ "Vein patch repair of artery", "动脉静脉补片修复" ], "64622008": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of femoropopliteal vein by leg incision", "经小腿切口股腘静脉置管取栓术" ], "406851003": [ "Fast red TR salt stain method", "Fast red TR salt stain", "坚牢红TR盐渍", "坚牢红TR盐染法" ], "128323000": [ "Revision of implant", "Revision to implant", "植入物修订", "植入物修复" ], "392302008": [ "Ambrosia psilostachya specific IgE antibody measurement", "Western ragweed specific IgE antibody measurement", "w2 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ambrosia psilostachya specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "w2 特异性IgE抗体测量", "豚草特异性IgE抗体测定", "西方豚草特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "裸穗木特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "13635008": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on lower abdominal wall", "Anaesthesia for procedure on lower abdominal wall", "下腹壁手术麻醉" ], "241176003": [ "Catheter cholecystogram", "导管胆囊造影" ], "388632004": [ "f75 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Egg yolk specific IgE antibody measurement", "Egg yolk specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f75 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "蛋黄特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "蛋黄特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "173805001": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic laser destruction of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "Fibreoptic endoscopic laser destruction of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "纤维内镜激光毁损上消化道病变" ], "1287917002": [ "Removal of internal fixation device from metacarpal", "移除掌骨内固定装置" ], "59117006": [ "Implantation of aortic valve with tissue graft", "组织移植物主动脉瓣植入术" ], "239341008": [ "Proximal hemiphalangectomy of lesser toe", "小趾近端半指骨切除术" ], "450498004": [ "Sialendoscopic laser lithotripsy of calculus of submandibular gland", "涎液内镜下激光碎石治疗颌下腺结石" ], "1220546008": [ "Laparoscopic jejunectomy", "Laparoscopic excision of jejunum", "腹腔镜空肠切除术" ], "252055000": [ "Sperm immature germ cell count", "精子未成熟生殖细胞计数" ], "1236930009": [ "Implantation of S-ICD (subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator) total system", "Implantation of subcutaneous implantable cardioverter defibrillator", "皮下植入式心脏复律除颤器", "S-ICD(皮下植入式心脏复律除颤器)全系统植入术" ], "6295005": [ "Sequestrectomy of pelvic bone", "骨盆骨死骨切除术" ], "55447006": [ "Percutaneous hysterogram", "经皮子宫造影" ], "104599009": [ "Chymotrypsin measurement", "糜蛋白酶测量" ], "708972001": [ "Laparoscopic bilateral indirect inguinal herniorrhaphy", "Laparoscopic repair of both indirect inguinal hernias", "Laparoscopic repair of bilateral indirect inguinal hernias", "腹腔镜双侧腹股沟斜疝修补术", "腹腔镜修补双侧腹股沟斜疝" ], "414060004": [ "Drug treatment to delay menstruation", "药物治疗推迟月经" ], "608833000": [ "Laparoscopic repair of incisional hernia", "腹腔镜切口疝修补术" ], "430444009": [ "Cervical epidural injection using computed tomography guidance", "Cervical epidural injection using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "CT guided cervical epidural injection", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行颈部硬膜外注射", "CT引导下颈部硬膜外注射", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行颈部硬膜外注射" ], "53612009": [ "Repair of corneal laceration with conjunctival flap", "Repair of corneal wound with conjunctival flap", "结膜瓣修复角膜裂伤", "结膜瓣修复角膜伤口" ], "281153002": [ "Myeloma screening", "骨髓瘤筛查" ], "313921005": [ "90 minute plasma LH level", "90 minute plasma LH measurement", "90 minute plasma luteinizing hormone measurement", "90 minute plasma luteinising hormone measurement", "90 分钟血浆 LH 水平", "90 分钟血浆促黄体激素测量", "90 分钟血浆促黄体生成素测量", "90 分钟血浆 LH 测量" ], "117313005": [ "Methyl green pyronin stain method", "Methyl green pyronin stain", "甲基绿派洛宁染色法", "甲基绿焦宁染色" ], "66326004": [ "Repair of nonunion of tarsal bones", "跗骨不愈合的修复" ], "49942007": [ "Take-down of esophagostomy", "Closure of stoma of esophagus", "Closure of esophagostomy", "Take-down of stoma of esophagus", "Take-down of stoma of oesophagus", "Take-down of oesophagostomy", "Closure of oesophagostomy", "Closure of stoma of oesophagus", "Oesophagus stoma closed", "Esophagus stoma closed", "食管造口缝合", "食管造口术", "食管造口切除术", "食管造口术拆除", "食管造口已关闭", "食管造口闭合" ], "703467000": [ "Excision of secondary malignant neoplasm", "继发性恶性肿瘤切除" ], "361238009": [ "Vitamin B12 isotope studies", "维生素 B12 同位素研究" ], "410390008": [ "Growth/development surveillance", "Growth/development care surveillance", "生长发育护理监测", "生长/发育监测" ], "3421000175104": [ "Video screen time assessment", "视频屏幕时间评估" ], "275648006": [ "Refer for medical physics", "请参阅医学物理学" ], "306581001": [ "Discharge from clinical physiology service", "临床生理学服务出院" ], "308416009": [ "Cervical smear call", "宫颈涂片检查" ], "439488009": [ "Procedure on lymphatic system using imaging guidance", "利用影像引导进行淋巴系统手术" ], "699797003": [ "Laminoplasty at C3 and C4 vertebra", "Reconstruction of lamina at third and fourth cervical vertebrae", "第三、第四颈椎椎板重建", "C3 和 C4 椎板成形术" ], "1142165009": [ "Increased alpha-linolenic acid diet", "Increased linolenic acid diet", "增加亚麻酸饮食", "增加α-亚麻酸饮食" ], "714346003": [ "Assessment using Session Rating Scale", "Assessment using SRS (Session Rating Scale)", "使用会话评分量表进行评估", "使用 SRS(会话评分量表)进行评估" ], "1287786008": [ "Revision of total replacement of joint of both hips", "Revision of prosthetic total arthroplasty of bilateral hip joints", "双髋关节全置换术", "双侧髋关节假体全置换术的翻修" ], "26218009": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of craniopharyngioma", "颅咽管瘤细针穿刺活检" ], "401215001": [ "Left brachial Doppler pressure", "左肱动脉多普勒压力" ], "237375003": [ "Breast biopsy and related procedures", "乳房活检及相关程序" ], "57151004": [ "Cheilostomatoplasty", "唇口成形术" ], "171839006": [ "Re-release of carpal tunnel", "腕管再松解术" ], "235540003": [ "Suture of hepatic duct", "肝管缝合" ], "301076003": [ "Embolisation of superior mesenteric artery", "Embolization of superior mesenteric artery", "肠系膜上动脉栓塞", "肠系膜上动脉栓塞术" ], "104468006": [ "Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase measurement", "腺嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶测量" ], "6164008": [ "Osteoclasis of clavicle", "锁骨骨折" ], "432148009": [ "Aspiration of foot using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Aspiration of foot using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行足部抽吸", "使用超声(US)引导进行足部抽吸" ], "88084009": [ "Resuscitation, anesthesia", "Resuscitation, anaesthesia", "复苏、麻醉" ], "18878003": [ "Hepatic portoenterostomy", "Hepaticoenterostomy", "Anastomosis hepatic duct to small intestine", "Hepatico-enterostomy", "肝肠吻合术", "肝管与小肠吻合术", "肝门肠吻合术" ], "2494005": [ "Nursing conference", "Nurse to nurse communication", "护理会议", "护士与护士之间的沟通" ], "82579001": [ "Injection of sclerosing agent", "Sclerosing injection", "Sclerosant injection", "Injection of sclerosant", "硬化剂注射", "注射硬化剂", "硬化注射" ], "66195003": [ "Scratch test", "Skin scratch test", "皮肤划痕试验", "划痕试验" ], "410259008": [ "Urinary catheter irrigation management", "Manage urinary catheter irrigation", "管理导尿管冲洗", "导尿管冲洗管理" ], "921000087104": [ "Ultrasonography of right axilla", "Ultrasound of right axilla", "Ultrasound scan of right axilla", "右腋窝超声检查", "右腋窝超声扫描" ], "4761000087106": [ "CT of left calcaneum with contrast", "Computed tomography of left calcaneum with contrast", "左跟骨增强计算机断层扫描", "左跟骨增强 CT" ], "21401000087105": [ "Ultrasonography of finger of right hand", "Ultrasound of finger of right hand", "Ultrasound scan of finger of right hand", "Ultrasonography of right finger", "右手手指超声波扫描", "右手手指超声检查", "右手指超声检查" ], "3481000087106": [ "Plain X-ray of left calcaneum", "Plain X-ray of left calcaneus", "左跟骨普通 X 光检查" ], "2201000087109": [ "MRI of left elbow with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left elbow with contrast", "左肘部增强 MRI 检查", "左肘部增强磁共振成像" ], "424808005": [ "Nitrazine analysis of vaginal fluid", "阴道分泌物的硝嗪分析" ], "373821009": [ "Endoscopic insertion of temporary colonic stent", "内镜下插入临时结肠支架" ], "306450008": [ "Discharge by obstetrician and gynecologist", "Discharge by obstetrician and gynaecologist", "妇产科医生出院" ], "42471000": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of popliteal-tibio-peroneal artery by leg incision", "经小腿切口腘窝-胫腓动脉导管取栓术" ], "1156583001": [ "Facilitation of sucking reflex", "促进吸吮反射" ], "1287655005": [ "Percutaneous repair of mitral valve", "经皮二尖瓣修复术" ], "171708000": [ "Repair of dura with xenograft or synthetic material", "使用异种移植或合成材料修复硬脑膜" ], "384700001": [ "Injection of tetanus antitoxin", "注射破伤风抗毒素" ], "433852002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of common femoral vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of common femoral vein with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行股总静脉", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊股总静脉成形术" ], "89788006": [ "Magnet extraction of foreign body from posterior segment of eye", "Removal of foreign body from posterior segment of eye with use of magnet", "眼后节异物磁铁取出术", "使用磁铁去除眼后段异物" ], "24252009": [ "Porphyrin measurement, total, plasma", "血浆中卟啉总量测量" ], "432017004": [ "Biopsy of knee using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下进行膝关节活检" ], "235409007": [ "Ileocolic anastomosis", "Ileocolostomy", "Anastomosis of ileum to colon", "回肠至结肠吻合术", "回结肠吻合术", "回结肠造口术" ], "104337008": [ "Complement activity, cell surface-induced measurement", "补体活性、细胞表面诱导测量" ], "233574002": [ "Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal", "ECCO2R - Extracorporeal carbon dioxide removal", "ECCO2R - 体外二氧化碳去除", "体外二氧化碳去除" ], "118886002": [ "Procedure on spinal meninges", "脊髓膜手术" ], "313659000": [ "Human leukocyte antigen antibody measurement", "Human leucocyte antigen antibody level", "Human leukocyte antigen antibody level", "Human leucocyte antigen antibody measurement", "人类白细胞抗原抗体水平", "人类白细胞抗原抗体测定" ], "117051002": [ "C3b binding assay", "Complement component 3b binding assay", "补体成分 3b 结合试验", "C3b结合试验" ], "231739008": [ "Iridocyclochoroidectomy", "虹膜睫状体脉络膜切除术" ], "410128003": [ "Assessment of compliance with therapeutic regimen", "Assess compliance with therapeutic regimen", "Assessment of compliance with therapeutic regime", "Assessment of adherence with therapeutic regime", "Assessment of adherence with therapeutic regimen", "评估治疗方案的依从性", "治疗方案依从性的评估" ], "31461001": [ "Transection of vagus nerve by transthoracic approach", "经胸入路迷走神经切断术" ], "1293029006": [ "Plain X-ray of mastoid", "乳突的普通 X 光检查" ], "340922009": [ "Partial hip replacement by cup", "Cup arthroplasty of hip", "髋关节部分置换术", "髋关节杯状置换术" ], "306319007": [ "Referral to agency nurse", "转介至代理护士" ], "75108001": [ "Suture of rectum", "Rectorrhaphy", "Proctorrhaphy", "Rectal suture", "直肠缝合", "直肠缝合术" ], "173412003": [ "Removal of foreign body from palate", "FB - Removal of foreign body from palate", "FB - 去除上颚异物", "去除上颚异物" ], "304484005": [ "Direct current to pelvis", "骨盆直流电" ], "42340005": [ "Pulmonary artery wedge pressure monitoring", "肺动脉楔压监测" ], "107876005": [ "Operative procedure on integumentary system", "皮肤系统手术步骤" ], "386404008": [ "Quality monitoring", "质量监控" ], "73273000": [ "Endoscopy and cryocautery", "内窥镜检查和冷冻烧灼术" ], "122425002": [ "Herpes simplex virus 1 detection", "单纯疱疹病毒 1 型检测" ], "269881001": [ "Urine microscopy for organisms AND/OR foreign bodies", "Urine microscopy: orgs/FB's", "尿液显微镜检查:组织/FB", "尿液显微镜检查有机体和/或异物" ], "40505001": [ "Orthoptic training", "Orthoptic exercises", "Orthoptic-pleoptic training", "视轴矫正训练", "视觉矫正练习", "视觉矫正训练" ], "171577006": [ "Intracranial transection of facial nerve (VII)", "面神经颅内切断术(VII)" ], "235278000": [ "Aspiration of duodenal contents", "十二指肠内容物抽吸" ], "5902003": [ "History and physical examination, complete", "完整的病史和体格检查" ], "38670004": [ "Referral to alcoholism rehabilitation service", "Referral for alcoholism rehabilitation", "转介至酒精中毒康复服务", "酒精中毒康复转诊" ], "104206005": [ "Microbiologic smear with interpretation, fluorescent stain", "Microbiologic smear with interpretation, fluorescent stain method", "微生物涂片及解读、荧光染色法", "微生物涂片及解读、荧光染色" ], "284430006": [ "Examination of inguinal lymph nodes", "腹股沟淋巴结检查" ], "233443001": [ "FB - Removal of foreign body from vein", "Removal of intravenous foreign body", "静脉异物取出", "FB-- 静脉异物清除" ], "85987003": [ "Revision of spinal neurostimulator receiver", "脊髓神经刺激器接收器的修订" ], "167907006": [ "Bone marrow examination", "骨髓检查" ], "53219007": [ "Heel-to-knee test", "Heel-knee test", "跟膝试验", "脚跟至膝盖测试" ], "231608004": [ "Insertion of everting sutures to lower eyelid", "下眼睑缝合缝合" ], "67768005": [ "Partial fasciectomy of plantar fascia", "足底筋膜部分切除术" ], "444600006": [ "Removal of magnetic foreign body from eye", "去除眼内磁性异物" ], "436721000124103": [ "Increased energy diet", "增加能量饮食" ], "438001000124106": [ "Biotin modified diet", "生物素改良饮食" ], "435441000124107": [ "Medication reminder device set-up", "Medication reminder device configuration", "服药提醒装置配置", "药物提醒装置设置" ], "16781006": [ "Removal of cardiac pacemaker from epicardium with replacement of atrial and/or ventricular leads", "从心外膜移除心脏起搏器并更换心房和/或心室导线" ], "311693007": [ "Phonation exercises", "发声练习" ], "64098000": [ "Open reduction of fracture of hand with internal fixation", "手部骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "31330006": [ "Yergason's test", "Yergason test", "耶尔加森试验" ], "439095005": [ "Replacement of peripherally inserted central catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided replacement of peripherally inserted central catheter with contrast", "使用荧光造影剂引导更换外周插入的中心导管", "荧光透视引导下外周插入中心静脉导管置换术" ], "127799009": [ "Test for molds", "Test for moulds", "霉菌检测" ], "11276004": [ "Lysis of adhesions of eyelid", "眼睑粘连松解术" ], "306188004": [ "Referral to pediatric dentistry service", "Referral to paediatric dentistry service", "转介儿童牙科服务" ], "27660008": [ "Repair of fistula of larynx", "Repair of laryngeal fistula", "Closure of laryngeal fistula", "喉瘘修复", "喉瘘修补术", "喉瘘缝合" ], "386273001": [ "Electrolyte management: hyponatraemia", "Electrolyte management: hyponatremia", "电解质管理:低钠血症" ], "173281003": [ "Realignment of tooth", "Repositioning of tooth", "牙齿矫正", "牙齿重新定位" ], "763105008": [ "Assessment using PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index)", "Assessment using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index", "使用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数 (PSQI) 进行评估", "使用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数进行评估" ], "236982004": [ "Delivery of the after coming head", "后送头" ], "7606004": [ "Methemoglobin measurement, qualitative", "Methaemoglobin measurement, qualitative", "高铁血红蛋白测量,定性" ], "122294007": [ "Viral inclusion bodies identification", "病毒包涵体鉴定" ], "417206009": [ "Cardiovascular disease monitoring", "心血管疾病监测" ], "431755004": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of inferior vena cava using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "下腔静脉造影及植入支架" ], "235147008": [ "Enteroscopy", "Endoscopic examination of small intestine", "肠镜检查", "小肠内镜检查" ], "53088000": [ "Autogenous transplantation", "Autotransplantation", "Autologous transplantation", "自体移植" ], "397152003": [ "Excision of thyroglossal duct fistula", "Excision of thyroglossal duct sinus", "甲状舌管瘘切除术", "甲状舌管窦切除术" ], "315232003": [ "Referral to stop-smoking clinic", "转诊至戒烟诊所" ], "3936006": [ "Making Foster bed", "为福斯特准备床" ], "67637001": [ "Alpha-2 antiplasmin assay", "α-2抗纤溶酶检测" ], "426250000": [ "Intrauterine insemination without superovulation using donor sperm", "Intrauterine insemination without controlled ovarian hyperstimulation using donor sperm", "Intrauterine insemination using donor sperm", "Intrauterine insemination using donor spermatozoa", "使用供体精子进行宫腔内授精(未进行控制性卵巢刺激)", "使用捐献精子进行宫内授精", "使用供体精子进行不进行超排卵的宫内授精" ], "311562003": [ "Oral sensory stimulation", "口腔感官刺激" ], "309727002": [ "Lateral pharyngotomy", "咽侧切开术" ], "176820000": [ "Curettage of uterus", "子宫刮除术" ], "178655008": [ "Revision alar-transverse fusion", "翻修翼状横突融合术" ], "306057001": [ "Referral by arts therapist", "Referral from arts therapist", "艺术治疗师的推荐", "艺术治疗师推荐" ], "76681003": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of innominate artery by arm incision", "手臂切口置管取栓术" ], "418910002": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of digestive system with contrast", "消化系统造影荧光血管造影" ], "1303646007": [ "Removal of internal fixation device of bone of ankle joint region", "踝关节区骨内固定装置拆除" ], "122163000": [ "Testes antibody assay", "Measurement of testis antibody", "睾丸抗体检测", "睾丸抗体测量" ], "271454007": [ "Child at risk-case conference", "处于危险中的儿童案例会议" ], "302387003": [ "Ligation of skin lesion", "皮肤损伤结扎" ], "236851004": [ "Diathermy cauterization of lesion of vagina", "Diathermy cauterisation of lesion of vagina", "Cauterization of lesion of vagina using electrical energy", "Cauterisation of lesion of vagina using electrical energy", "使用电能烧灼阴道病变", "阴道损伤透热烧灼术", "电烧灼阴道损伤" ], "171315006": [ "Geriatric 70 year screening", "70 岁老年人筛查" ], "384051000119103": [ "Fluoroscopy of esophagus with contrast", "Fluoroscopy of oesophagus with contrast", "食管造影荧光透视检查", "食管造影透视检查" ], "103944000": [ "P^k^ blood group typing", "P^k^血型分型" ], "431624001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of hip with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of hip with contrast", "MRI of hip with contrast", "髋部增强 MRI 检查", "髋关节磁共振成像(MRI)对比", "髋关节磁共振成像对比" ], "710152003": [ "Promotion of adherence to medication", "Promoting medication adherence", "促进服药依从性" ], "572211000119108": [ "Administration of heat treated rabies immune globulin", "注射热处理过的狂犬病免疫球蛋白" ], "448008005": [ "Bypass of segment of thoracic aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta", "主动脉至主动脉吻合术旁路胸主动脉段" ], "233181000": [ "Transcutaneous pacing", "Transthoracic cardiac pacing procedure", "经皮起搏", "经胸心脏起搏手术" ], "231346001": [ "Topical local anesthetic to eye", "Topical local anaesthetic to eye", "Topical anaesthetic", "眼部局部麻醉", "局部麻醉" ], "444338002": [ "Open reduction of bicondylar fracture of tibia with internal fixation", "胫骨双髁骨折切开复位内固定" ], "427954006": [ "Child psychoanalytic psychotherapy", "儿童精神分析心理治疗" ], "51122008": [ "Local excision of lesion or tissue of clavicle", "锁骨病变或组织局部切除" ], "229511001": [ "Application of graduated compression garment", "分级压缩服装的应用" ], "135007": [ "Arthrotomy of wrist joint with exploration and biopsy", "腕关节切开术及探查和活检" ], "1259868000": [ "Endovascular repair of aortic aneurysm using endovascular stent graft and stent graft anchoring system", "Endovascular repair of aneurysm of aorta using endovascular stent graft and stent graft anchoring system", "使用血管内覆膜支架和覆膜支架锚固系统进行主动脉瘤的血管内修复" ], "391516001": [ "MS alpha-fetoprotein level", "MSAFP level", "Maternal serum alpha fetoprotein level", "Maternal serum (MS) alpha-fetoprotein level", "Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein level", "母体血清甲胎蛋白水平", "MSAFP 水平", "母体血清(MS)甲胎蛋白水平", "孕妇血清甲胎蛋白水平", "MS 甲胎蛋白水平" ], "31068002": [ "Thompson operation on thumb, apposition with bone graft", "拇指汤普森手术,骨移植" ], "14684005": [ "Peritoneal dialysis excluding cannulation", "腹膜透析(不包括插管)" ], "112988006": [ "Recovery room monitoring, anesthesia", "Recovery room monitoring, anaesthesia", "恢复室监测、麻醉" ], "440668008": [ "Replacement of implantable contraceptive capsule", "植入式避孕胶囊的更换" ], "178524009": [ "Primary foraminotomy of cervical spine", "原发性颈椎椎间孔切开术" ], "274993005": [ "Lateral release of contracture of knee joint", "膝关节挛缩侧松解术" ], "43782000": [ "Organ or system related test", "Diagnostic panel or profile", "器官或系统相关测试", "诊断面板或配置文件" ], "174854001": [ "Revision of closure of defect of interventricular septum", "室间隔缺损修复术" ], "304091000": [ "Reconstruction with local subcutaneous pedicle island random pattern flap", "Local subcutaneous pedicle island random pattern flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle island random pattern flap", "局部皮下带蒂岛状随意瓣修复" ], "305926008": [ "Referral from anesthetist", "Referral from anaesthetist", "Referral by anesthetist", "Referral by anaesthetist", "麻醉师转诊" ], "173019002": [ "Microtherapeutic endoscopic extirpation of lesion of larynx using laser", "内镜下微创激光喉病损摘除术" ], "1303515002": [ "Internal fixation of right clavicle", "右锁骨内固定" ], "41947004": [ "Control of hemorrhage of pleural cavity", "Control of haemorrhage of pleural cavity", "胸腔出血的控制" ], "287707008": [ "Transurethral bladder neck excision", "Transurethral excision of neck of urinary bladder", "经尿道膀胱颈切除术" ], "203952001": [ "Repair of eye, multiple structures", "修复眼部多个结构" ], "302256002": [ "Coping skills training", "应对技巧培训" ], "122032001": [ "Leishmania braziliensis antibody assay", "Measurement of Leishmania braziliensis antibody", "巴西利什曼原虫抗体测定", "巴西利什曼原虫抗体检测" ], "171184005": [ "Malnutrition screening", "营养不良筛查" ], "447877000": [ "Transarterial oily chemoembolisation", "Transarterial oily chemoembolization", "Transcatheter arterial chemoembolisation using ethiodised oil vehicle", "Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization using ethiodized oil vehicle", "经动脉油性化疗栓塞术", "使用乙碘油载体进行经导管动脉化疗栓塞术", "以乙碘油为载体的经导管动脉化疗栓塞术" ], "120197000": [ "Inguinal region excision", "腹股沟区切除术" ], "284037002": [ "Fresh gas oxygen concentration monitoring", "Oxygen concentration monitoring at common gas outlet", "公共气体出口氧气浓度监测", "新鲜气体氧浓度监测" ], "218501003": [ "Lindholm operation", "林德霍姆手术" ], "431493005": [ "Insertion of nasogastric feeding tube using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下插入鼻胃管" ], "103813008": [ "Fibrin-fibrinogen split products assay, semi-quantitative", "纤维蛋白-纤维蛋白原裂解产物测定,半定量" ], "233050006": [ "Ventricular operation", "心室手术" ], "52826006": [ "Substernal thyroidectomy", "Excision of substernal thyroid tissue", "胸骨下甲状腺组织切除术", "胸骨下甲状腺切除术" ], "444207000": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of creatinine in serum or plasma specimen using colourimetric enzyme technique", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of creatinine in serum or plasma specimen using colorimetric enzyme technique", "用比色酶技术定量测定血清或血浆样本中的肌酐质量浓度", "比色酶法定量测定血清或血浆标本中肌酐的质量浓度" ], "231215002": [ "Local anesthetic ophthalmic nerve block", "Local anaesthetic ophthalmic nerve block", "Ophthalmic nerve block", "局部麻醉眼神经阻滞", "眼科神经阻滞" ], "18223002": [ "Mastoidotomy", "Incision of mastoid", "乳突切开术" ], "50991004": [ "Operation on submaxillary duct", "颌下导管手术" ], "313135006": [ "Serum P1 phenotype determination", "Serum P1 phenotype", "血清 P1 表型", "血清 P1 表型测定" ], "870191006": [ "Follow up for depression", "跟踪抑郁症" ], "81924001": [ "Destruction of lesion of retina by photocoagulation", "光凝术破坏视网膜病变" ], "16388003": [ "Injection of spinal anesthetic agent for analgesia", "Injection of spinal anaesthetic agent for analgesia", "脊髓麻醉剂注射镇痛" ], "229380008": [ "Accessory mobilization of the patellofemoral articulation", "Accessory mobilisation of the patellofemoral articulation", "髌股关节的辅助活动" ], "702681003": [ "Natural contraception education", "自然避孕教育" ], "129241004": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of spinous process of vertebra", "脊椎棘突骨折闭合复位" ], "14553004": [ "Destructive procedure of orbit", "Destructive procedure of orbit proper", "眼眶本身的破坏性手术", "轨道破坏程序" ], "473305005": [ "Assessment using Addenbrooke's cognitive examination revised language subscale", "使用 Addenbrooke 认知检查修订语言分量表进行评估" ], "112857006": [ "Repair of pharyngeal fistula", "Closure of pharyngeal fistula", "咽瘘闭合", "咽瘘修补术" ], "78254001": [ "Fitting of spectacles, bifocal", "Fitting of eyeglasses, bifocal", "配戴双光眼镜", "双光眼镜配戴" ], "12718005": [ "Excision of aberrant renal artery", "畸形肾动脉切除术" ], "307630007": [ "Exploration of brachial artery", "肱动脉探查" ], "176558008": [ "Drainage of penis", "阴茎引流" ], "125571002": [ "Lobectomy", "肺叶切除术" ], "27267003": [ "Repair of entropion by suture", "Suture repair of entropion", "Suture of eyelid with entropion repair", "眼睑缝合及眼睑内翻修复", "缝合修复眼睑内翻", "眼睑内翻缝合修复" ], "387715005": [ "Peritoneal lavage", "Irrigation of peritoneal cavity", "Peritoneal cavity washout", "腹腔灌洗", "腹腔冲洗" ], "287576000": [ "Right direct femoral arteriogram", "Direct angiography of right femoral artery", "Direct arteriography of right femoral artery", "右股动脉直接造影", "右股动脉直接血管造影" ], "385880002": [ "Instrumental activities of daily living assessment", "Assess instrumental activities of daily living (IADLS)", "工具性日常生活活动能力评估", "评估工具性日常生活活动能力 (IADLS)" ], "713560007": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of pelvis using indium (111-In) radiolabelled octreotide", "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of pelvis using indium (111-In) radiolabeled octreotide", "SPECT CT of pelvis using indium (111-In) radiolabeled octreotide", "SPECT CT of pelvis using indium (111-In) radiolabelled octreotide", "使用铟(111-In)放射性标记的奥曲肽进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描和骨盆计算机断层扫描", "使用铟(111-In)放射性标记奥曲肽进行骨盆 SPECT CT 检查" ], "172888008": [ "Radical frontal sinus antrostomy", "根治性额窦造口术" ], "121901002": [ "Fasciola hepatica antibody assay", "Measurement of Fasciola hepatica antibody", "肝片吸虫抗体检测" ], "72749003": [ "Closure of ureterocutaneous fistula", "输尿管皮肤瘘闭合" ], "252973004": [ "Snellen chart assessment", "斯内伦视力表评估" ], "171053005": [ "Infant feeding advice", "Infant feeding education", "婴儿喂养教育", "婴儿喂养建议" ], "234754001": [ "Take impression for orthodontic appliance", "为矫正器具取模" ], "120066002": [ "Fallopian tube transposition", "输卵管移位术" ], "1332482003": [ "Infusion of arsenic trioxide", "输注三氧化二砷" ], "431362005": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of liver and portal system", "Doppler ultrasonography (US) of liver and portal system", "肝脏和门脉系统多普勒超声检查", "肝脏及门脉系统多普勒超声检查" ], "447746007": [ "Endarterectomy and patch repair of inferior mesenteric artery", "下肠系膜动脉内膜切除及补片修复" ], "19927000": [ "Reline of complete upper denture at chairside", "在椅旁重衬全口上义齿" ], "413143000": [ "Mental health medication review", "心理健康药物审查" ], "232919001": [ "Atrioventricular valvectomy", "Excision of atrioventricular valve", "Resection of atrioventricular valve", "房室瓣切除术" ], "167383001": [ "Urine steroid profile", "尿液类固醇分析" ], "282071005": [ "Division of Dupuytren's contracture of foot", "Division of Dupuytren contracture of foot", "足部杜普伊特伦挛缩的分割" ], "265687005": [ "Removal of skin closure material from skin", "从皮肤上去除皮肤封闭材料" ], "165548000": [ "Blast cell count procedure", "Blast cell count", "原始细胞计数", "原始细胞计数程序" ], "67244001": [ "Incision and exploration of lung", "肺切开探查" ], "444076003": [ "Analysis using real time PCR", "Analysis using real time polymerase chain reaction technique", "采用实时聚合酶链式反应技术进行分析", "使用实时 PCR 分析" ], "231084004": [ "Semi-permanent pressure technique", "半永久加压技术" ], "229249001": [ "Movement experience", "运动体验" ], "2601000112106": [ "Antenatal foetal health surveillance", "Antenatal fetal health surveillance", "产前胎儿健康监测" ], "180097006": [ "Excision of radial digit and skeletal repair for polydactyly", "桡指切除及骨骼修复治疗多指畸形" ], "112726001": [ "Injection of spinal intervertebral space with chymopapain", "脊柱椎间隙注射木瓜凝乳蛋白酶" ], "391254002": [ "Mental health functional therapies - Part day : day care", "心理健康功能疗法 - 日间部分:日间护理" ], "440406003": [ "Indian head massage", "印度头部按摩" ], "129110009": [ "Exploration of retroperitoneal area with biopsy", "腹膜后区域探查及活检" ], "1290539006": [ "Insertion of RFID (radiofrequency identifier) tag into right breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided insertion of radiofrequency identifier tag into right breast", "Insertion of radiofrequency identifier tag into right breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Insertion of radiofrequency identifier tag into right breast using ultrasound guidance", "在超声引导下将射频识别标签插入右乳房", "超声引导下将射频识别标签插入右乳房", "在超声引导下将 RFID(射频识别)标签插入右乳房" ], "438571006": [ "Partial lower thoracic corpectomy with decompression of spinal cord, nerve roots and cauda equina using thoracolumbar approach", "Partial excision of body of lower thoracic vertebra with decompression of spinal cord, nerve roots and cauda equina using thoracolumbar approach", "经胸腰椎入路下胸椎体部分切除并减压脊髓、神经根及马尾", "采用胸腰入路进行下胸椎部分椎体切除术,减压脊髓、神经根及马尾" ], "764416003": [ "Tc99m-DMSA renal study", "Radionuclide imaging of kidney using technetium (99m-Tc) succimer", "Tc99m-DMSA 肾脏研究", "使用锝(99m-Tc)二巯基丁二酸进行肾脏放射性核素显像" ], "27136005": [ "Revision of anastomosis of blood vessel", "血管吻合术" ], "238293002": [ "Renewal of pack of abdominal cavity", "Renewal of abdominal pack", "腹腔包裹更新", "腹包更新" ], "8917003": [ "Laryngotracheotomy", "喉气管切开术" ], "172757004": [ "Total reconstruction of nose", "鼻部全重建" ], "271061004": [ "Random blood glucose measurement", "Random blood glucose level", "RBG - Random blood glucose", "Random blood glucose", "随机血糖测量", "随机血糖", "RBG-随机血糖", "随机血糖水平" ], "385749003": [ "Intake and output measurement education", "Teach intake and output", "教导摄入和输出", "摄入量和输出量测量教育" ], "89002000": [ "Therapeutic ultrasound", "Ultrasound therapy", "超声波治疗", "治疗性超声波" ], "252842002": [ "Pilocarpine/Phenylephrine test", "毛果芸香碱/去氧肾上腺素试验" ], "7082004": [ "Reduction of fracture of hand with internal fixation", "手部骨折复位内固定" ], "170922004": [ "Repeat prescription monitoring", "重复处方监控" ], "433066006": [ "Administration of substance via sublingual route", "通过舌下途径给药" ], "105386004": [ "Respite care of patient", "RC - Respite care", "病人暂息护理", "RC - 暂息护理" ], "449450005": [ "Biosseous angulation osteotomy of periarticular bone and internal fixation", "关节周围骨的骨性角截骨术及内固定" ], "121770009": [ "Diphosphoglycerate mutase measurement", "二磷酸甘油酸变位酶测量" ], "169087002": [ "Stereotactic/stereoscopic test - skull", "立体定向/立体镜检查-颅骨" ], "38015003": [ "Partial excision of talus", "距骨部分切除术" ], "414847006": [ "Net bilirubin absorbance", "净胆红素吸光度" ], "398463007": [ "Hepatitis C recombinant immunoblot assay", "Hepatitis C recombinant immunoblot level", "丙型肝炎重组免疫印迹试验", "丙型肝炎重组免疫印迹水平" ], "265556001": [ "Percutaneous needle puncture operation on kidney or renal pelvis", "经皮肾脏或肾盂穿刺针穿刺手术" ], "167252002": [ "Urine pregnancy test", "尿液妊娠试验" ], "413012005": [ "Plasma 4-methylumberlliferyl-beta-D-N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulphate measurement", "Plasma 4-methylumberlliferyl-beta-D-N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulphate level", "Plasma 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulphate measurement", "Measurement of plasma 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfate", "Measurement of plasma 4-methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulphate", "血浆 4-甲基伞形酮-β-D-N-乙酰葡萄糖胺-6-硫酸盐的测定", "血浆 4-甲基琥珀酸-β-D-N-乙酰葡萄糖胺-6-硫酸盐水平", "血浆 4-甲基琥珀酸-β-D-N-乙酰葡萄糖胺-6-硫酸盐测量", "血浆 4-甲基伞形酮-β-D-N-乙酰葡萄糖胺-6-硫酸盐测量" ], "232788006": [ "Reimplantation of tricuspid papillary muscle", "三尖瓣乳头肌再植术" ], "118100008": [ "Legionella pneumophila DNA assay", "Legionella pneumophila deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "嗜肺军团菌 DNA 检测", "嗜肺军团菌脱氧核糖核酸测定" ], "429396009": [ "Second human papillomavirus vaccination", "Administration of second dose of human papilloma virus vaccine", "Second human papillomavirus immunisation", "Second human papillomavirus immunization", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Human papillomavirus antigen", "接种第二剂仅含人乳头瘤病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第二次人乳头瘤病毒免疫", "接种第二剂人乳头瘤病毒疫苗", "第二次人乳头瘤病毒疫苗接种" ], "67113002": [ "Repair of vesicometrorectal fistula", "Closure of vesicometrorectal fistula", "膀胱子宫直肠瘘闭合", "膀胱子宫直肠瘘的修复" ], "427561002": [ "Modified jaw thrust", "改良下颌推举法" ], "771625002": [ "Vacuum assisted biopsy of lesion of breast", "乳腺病变真空辅助活检" ], "443945003": [ "Excision of infected vascular graft of abdomen", "腹部感染血管移植切除术" ], "312873003": [ "Taking vulval swab", "采集外阴拭子" ], "230953009": [ "Transection of Jacobson's nerve", "Transection of tympanic nerve", "Tympanic neurectomy", "Transection of Jacobson nerve", "鼓膜神经切断术", "鼓室神经切除术", "雅各布森神经切断术" ], "179966005": [ "Prosthetic cemented total ankle replacement", "Cemented prosthetic total ankle replacement", "骨水泥固定假肢全踝关节置换术", "人工骨水泥固定全踝关节置换术" ], "440275000": [ "Lower extremity ulcer care management", "下肢溃疡护理管理" ], "79827002": [ "Arteriovenous anastomosis for renal dialysis", "Arteriovenostomy for renal dialysis", "Formation of arteriovenous fistula for kidney dialysis", "Arteriovenous shunt for renal dialysis", "肾透析动静脉分流术", "肾透析动静脉吻合术", "肾透析动静脉瘘的形成", "肾透析动静脉造口术" ], "178131004": [ "Transfer multiple tendons to tendons", "将多条肌腱转移到肌腱" ], "307368004": [ "Repair of ileum", "回肠修复" ], "1290408007": [ "Plain X-ray of left knee region", "左膝区域普通 X 光检查" ], "405672008": [ "Direct questioning", "直接询问" ], "41554000": [ "Autopsy, gross and microscopic examination with brain and spinal cord", "尸检、脑和脊髓大体和显微镜检查" ], "303698001": [ "Special CT studies", "Special computerised tomography study", "Special computerized tomography study", "Special computed tomography study", "特殊计算机断层扫描研究", "特殊 CT 研究" ], "418386007": [ "Family medication education", "Family medication advice", "家庭用药教育", "家庭用药建议" ], "252711001": [ "Stress test - thumb metacarpophalangeal collateral ligament", "压力测试-拇指掌指侧副韧带" ], "236327003": [ "Aspiration of scrotal haematoma", "Aspiration of scrotal hematoma", "阴囊血肿抽吸" ], "6951006": [ "Aponeurorrhaphy of hand", "手部腱膜缝合术" ], "121639007": [ "Methoxychlor measurement", "甲氧氯测量" ], "105255008": [ "Nandrolone measurement", "诺龙测量" ], "1332220006": [ "Repair of acquired arteriovenous fistula of extremity", "Repair of acquired arteriovenous fistula of limb", "肢体动静脉瘘的修补术", "肢体后天性动静脉瘘的修复" ], "709628007": [ "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of breast", "Biopsy of breast using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下进行乳房活检", "透视引导下乳腺活检" ], "119804006": [ "Thoracic artery injection", "胸动脉注射" ], "412881001": [ "Urine aspartic acid measurement", "Urine aspartic acid level", "尿液天冬氨酸测量", "尿液天冬氨酸水平" ], "183505002": [ "Non-urgent plastic surgery admission", "非紧急整形手术入院" ], "36049001": [ "Mohs' chemosurgery", "Mohs' operation, chemosurgical excision of skin", "Microscopically controlled excision of skin lesion by chemosurgical technique", "Mohs chemosurgical excision of skin", "通过化学外科技术在显微镜下切除皮肤病变", "莫氏化学外科", "莫氏化学外科皮肤切除术", "莫氏手术,化学外科切除皮肤" ], "300028009": [ "Drainage of septic arthritis", "化脓性关节炎引流" ], "37884009": [ "Repair of artery of thorax and abdomen", "胸腹部动脉修复" ], "232657004": [ "Single lung transplant", "SLTx - Single lung transplant", "SLTx-单肺移植", "单肺移植" ], "265425007": [ "Peranal excision of lesion of rectum", "Excision of lesion of rectum by transanal approach", "Excision of rectal lesion per anus", "直肠病变经肛切除术", "经肛门入路直肠病变切除术", "经肛门切除直肠病变" ], "1230246000": [ "Replacement of dressing of insertion site of vascular catheter", "Change of dressing of vascular catheter entry site", "血管导管插入部位敷料更换", "血管导管插入处敷料更换" ], "443814001": [ "Cosmetic surgery of nasolabial fold", "鼻唇沟整形手术" ], "281809009": [ "Aspiration of hip joint", "髋关节抽吸" ], "85201008": [ "Suture of tendon sheath of hand", "手部腱鞘缝合" ], "445649008": [ "Assessment using Brighton paediatric early warning score", "Assessment using Brighton pediatric early warning score", "使用布莱顿儿科预警评分进行评估" ], "117969009": [ "Echinococcus granulosus antibody assay", "Measurement of Echinococcus granulosus antibody", "细粒棘球绦虫抗体测定", "细粒棘球绦虫抗体检测" ], "787878002": [ "Cardiopulmonary exercise test using arm ergometer", "使用手臂测力计进行心肺运动测试" ], "34214004": [ "Creation of aorta-subclavian-carotid vascular bypass", "建立主动脉-锁骨下动脉-颈动脉血管旁路" ], "704123000": [ "Step down change in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management plan", "慢性阻塞性肺病管理计划逐步改变" ], "230822006": [ "Revision of subdural-pleural shunt", "硬膜下胸膜分流术的修订" ], "179835003": [ "Release of webbing of neck", "颈部织带松开" ], "261755008": [ "Coronary inclusion technique", "Bentall technique", "冠状动脉包涵技术", "本塔尔技术" ], "79696003": [ "Clipping of tip of uvula", "悬雍垂尖端剪除" ], "63312004": [ "Refractometer measurement", "折射仪测量" ], "307237001": [ "Sternal turnover for pectus excavatum", "漏斗胸的胸骨翻转术" ], "1306661002": [ "Plain X-ray of medial bicipital sulcus", "Plain X-ray of ulnar bicipital groove", "内侧肱二头肌沟的 X 光检查", "尺骨肱二头肌沟的普通 X 射线" ], "438309005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal temporary balloon occlusion of common iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal temporary balloon occlusion of common iliac artery with contrast", "经皮腔内暂时性球囊阻断髂总动脉(荧光造影引导)", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内暂时性球囊阻断髂总动脉" ], "176165006": [ "Transurethral operation to increase bladder capacity", "Cystoscopic operation to increase bladder capacity", "Transurethral operation to increase urinary bladder capacity", "经尿道手术增加膀胱容量", "膀胱镜手术增加膀胱容量" ], "225317005": [ "Restriction of movement", "限制行动" ], "61477008": [ "Incision and exploration of liver", "肝脏切开探查" ], "274469009": [ "Fascia stretching", "筋膜拉伸" ], "305402003": [ "Admission to forensic psychiatry department", "法医精神病学系入学" ], "25039000": [ "Tenectomy of eye, multiple, two or more tendons", "眼肌腱切除术,多个,两个或多个肌腱" ], "223482009": [ "Discussion", "讨论" ], "713167000": [ "Endoscopic harvesting of radial artery", "内窥镜桡动脉采集" ], "418255003": [ "Hip protector education", "髋部保护器教育" ], "385487005": [ "Surgical procedure on thorax", "Operation on thorax", "胸部外科手术", "胸部手术" ], "8655006": [ "Lead measurement, quantitative, blood", "血铅测量,定量" ], "121508000": [ "Coumaphos measurement", "蝇毒磷测量" ], "432804001": [ "Protamine sulfate thrombin time", "Protamine sulphate thrombin time", "硫酸鱼精蛋白凝血酶时间" ], "72356007": [ "Dilation and curettage of cervical stump", "宫颈残端扩张刮除术" ], "236196009": [ "Cystoscopy and retrograde pyelography", "膀胱镜检查和逆行肾盂造影" ], "105124009": [ "Chlorpropamide measurement", "氯磺丙脲测量" ], "252580009": [ "PTA - Automated pure tone audiometry", "Automated pure tone audiometry", "自动纯音测听", "PTA-- 自动纯音测听" ], "250745003": [ "Albumin/creatinine ratio measurement", "Albumin/creatinine ratio", "白蛋白/肌酐比率", "白蛋白/肌酐比率测量" ], "1332089004": [ "Imaging guided external beam radiation therapy using electromagnetic transponder real time tumor tracking", "Imaging guided external beam radiation therapy using electromagnetic transponder real time tumour tracking", "使用电磁转发器实时肿瘤跟踪的影像引导外束放射治疗", "使用电磁转发器实时肿瘤跟踪进行成像引导外束放射治疗" ], "709497004": [ "Assessment of peristomal skin", "造口周围皮肤评估" ], "52302001": [ "Glucose measurement, fasting", "空腹血糖测量" ], "265294002": [ "Surgical iridotomy", "虹膜切开术" ], "85070003": [ "Iridectomy with scleral fistulization", "Fistulization of sclera with iridectomy", "Iridectomy with scleral fistulisation", "Fistulisation of sclera with iridectomy", "巩膜造瘘术及虹膜切除术", "虹膜切除术及巩膜造瘘术" ], "232526005": [ "Pharyngeal reconstruction with local flap", "局部皮瓣修复咽部重建" ], "724046006": [ "Removal of left breast implant", "Removal of implant of left breast", "移除左侧乳房植入物" ], "396366007": [ "Zachary operation for obstetric palsy", "扎卡里产科麻痹手术" ], "117838006": [ "Papilloma virus 16 antigen assay", "Papillomavirus 16 antigen assay", "乳头瘤病毒 16 抗原检测" ], "443683004": [ "Open revision of arteriovenous fistula using graft with removal of thrombus", "使用移植物切除血栓,对动静脉瘘进行开放式修复" ], "312611005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of vascular graft", "经皮腔内血管移植成形术" ], "66851007": [ "Dilation of nares", "鼻孔扩张" ], "1315009": [ "Reconstruction of eyebrow", "Restoration of eyebrow", "眉毛修复", "眉毛重建" ], "736760007": [ "Repair of right femoral hernia", "右股疝修补术" ], "409080009": [ "Collagen ADP platelet function test", "Collagen adenosine diphosphate platelet function test", "胶原ADP血小板功能测试", "胶原二磷酸腺苷血小板功能检查" ], "718541003": [ "X-ray tomography of pelvis and hip", "骨盆和髋部的 X 射线断层扫描" ], "14029003": [ "Krypton laser photocoagulation", "氪激光光凝" ], "177869008": [ "Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using insert of natural material", "Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using natural material", "使用天然材料修补复发性腹股沟疝", "天然材料插入物修补复发性腹股沟疝" ], "225186001": [ "Removing stoma appliance", "移除造口装置" ], "405410001": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of neck artery", "颈动脉内膜切除术及血管成形术" ], "241570001": [ "CT of lower limb", "Computed tomography of lower limb", "下肢CT", "下肢计算机断层扫描" ], "46797008": [ "Bathing patient in isolette", "病人在保育箱内沐浴" ], "176034004": [ "Open ureterolithotomy", "开放式输尿管切开取石术" ], "257954006": [ "Conversion from prosthetic arthroplasty", "假体置换术转换" ], "274338009": [ "Surgical biopsy of ear", "耳部手术活检" ], "700322009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of tibia and fibula", "MRI of tibia and fibula", "胫骨和腓骨的 MRI", "胫骨和腓骨的磁共振成像" ], "698487004": [ "Verification of appropriate escort for discharge", "确认有合适的护送人员出院" ], "10359005": [ "Revision of obstructed valve in CSF shunt system", "Revision of obstructed valve in cerebrospinal fluid shunt system", "脑脊液分流系统中阻塞瓣膜的修复" ], "305271006": [ "Admission by dermatologist", "皮肤科医生入院" ], "41292000": [ "Repair of prostate", "前列腺修复" ], "370807008": [ "Evaluation of response to medications", "Evaluates response to medications", "评估对药物的反应", "药物反应评估" ], "252449001": [ "Bidirectional pulsed wave ultrasonic Doppler", "双向脉冲波超声多普勒" ], "104993002": [ "Triglyceride and ester in VLDL measurement", "Triglyceride and ester in very low density lipoprotein measurement", "极低密度脂蛋白中的甘油三酯和酯类测量", "VLDL 中的甘油三酯和酯类测量" ], "170529003": [ "Notification of acute polio", "急性脊髓灰质炎报告" ], "6689003": [ "Immunodiffusion, qualitative", "免疫扩散,定性" ], "121377005": [ "Metolazone measurement", "美托拉宗测量" ], "432673008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of forearm with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of forearm with contrast", "MRI of forearm with contrast", "前臂 MRI 增强扫描", "前臂对比磁共振成像 (MRI)", "前臂对比磁共振成像" ], "1331958003": [ "Excisional biopsy of sternum", "Excisional biopsy of bone of sternum", "胸骨切除活检" ], "414454008": [ "Anti mitochondrial IgG antibody level", "IgG antibody to mitochondria measurement", "Immunoglobulin G antibody to mitochondria measurement", "抗线粒体 IgG 抗体水平", "线粒体 IgG 抗体测量", "免疫球蛋白 G 抗体线粒体测量" ], "68555003": [ "Therapeutic drug monitoring, quantitative", "治疗药物监测,定量" ], "117707004": [ "2-Methoxy-2-methylpropane measurement", "Methyl tert-butyl ether measurement", "甲基叔丁基醚的测定", "2-甲氧基-2-甲基丙烷测量" ], "412619006": [ "Coffea spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "Coffee specific IgE antibody measurement", "Coffea spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "咖啡属特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "咖啡属特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "咖啡特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "609227007": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of substance from prostate", "经皮前列腺物质抽吸" ], "1197216003": [ "Reconstruction using local advancement flap", "Reconstruction with local advancement flap", "Local advancement flap reconstruction", "局部推进皮瓣重建" ], "312480006": [ "Plasma urea measurement", "Plasma urea level", "血浆尿素测量", "血浆尿素水平" ], "228725009": [ "Outlining for radiotherapy dose calculation", "放射治疗剂量计算概述" ], "241439007": [ "PET heart study", "Positron emission tomography heart study", "正电子发射断层扫描心脏研究", "PET 心脏研究" ], "698356002": [ "Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening", "腹主动脉瘤筛查" ], "239604004": [ "Opposition transfer to thumb using extensor indicis", "使用食指伸肌将对抗转移到拇指" ], "75764007": [ "Plasmid fingerprinting", "质粒指纹识别" ], "1157108008": [ "Second COVID-19 non-replicating viral vector immunization", "Second 2019 novel coronavirus non-replicating viral vector vaccination", "Second 2019 novel coronavirus non-replicating viral vector immunisation", "Administration of second dose SARS-CoV-2 non-replicating viral vector vaccine", "Second SARS-CoV-2 non-replicating viral vector immunization", "Second COVID-19 non-replicating viral vector vaccination", "Second 2019-nCoV non-replicating viral vector immunization", "Second SARS-CoV-2 non-replicating viral vector immunisation", "Second SARS-CoV-2 non-replicating viral vector vaccination", "Second COVID-19 non-replicating viral vector immunisation", "Second 2019-nCoV non-replicating viral vector immunisation", "Second 2019-nCoV non-replicating viral vector vaccination", "Second 2019 novel coronavirus non-replicating viral vector immunization", "Administration of second dose vaccine product containing only recombinant non-replicating viral vector encoding severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 spike protein", "Second severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 non-replicating viral vector vaccination", "第二次2019年新型冠状病毒非复制型病毒载体免疫", "接种第二剂疫苗产品,该疫苗产品仅含有编码严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 刺突蛋白的重组非复制型病毒载体", "接种第二剂 SARS-CoV-2 非复制型病毒载体疫苗", "第二次 2019-nCoV 非复制型病毒载体疫苗接种", "第二次2019新型冠状病毒非复制型病毒载体免疫", "第二次 SARS-CoV-2 非复制型病毒载体免疫", "第二次2019新型冠状病毒非复制型病毒载体疫苗接种", "第二次 2019-nCoV 非复制型病毒载体免疫", "第二次严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 非复制型病毒载体疫苗接种", "第二次 COVID-19 非复制型病毒载体疫苗接种", "第二次 SARS-CoV-2 非复制型病毒载体疫苗接种", "第二次 COVID-19 非复制型病毒载体免疫" ], "434377001": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta using contrast with insertion of tube stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta using contrast with insertion of tube stent graft", "腹主动脉荧光造影及管状支架植入术" ], "57545001": [ "Ligation of major artery of chest", "胸部大动脉结扎" ], "41161008": [ "Creation of aortoiliac shunt", "Aortoiliac vascular bypass", "建立主髂动脉分流术", "主髂血管旁路手术" ], "432542001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of larynx with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of larynx with contrast", "MRI of larynx with contrast", "喉部增强 MRI 检查", "喉部磁共振成像对比", "喉部增强磁共振成像 (MRI)" ], "104862004": [ "Phenylalanine/tyrosine ratio measurement", "苯丙氨酸/酪氨酸比率测量" ], "448926005": [ "Division of patella", "髌骨分割" ], "252318005": [ "Immunology laboratory test", "Immunology laboratory procedure", "免疫学实验室程序", "免疫学实验室检查" ], "711070007": [ "Coordination of family conference", "协调家庭会议" ], "1217139005": [ "Partial replacement of joint of left hip with bipolar prosthesis", "左髋关节部分置换双极假体" ], "397939007": [ "Preservation of spontaneous respiration during anaesthesia or sedation", "Preservation of spontaneous respiration during anesthesia or sedation", "麻醉或镇静期间保留自主呼吸" ], "396104000": [ "Referral to urology service for haematuria", "Referral to urology service for hematuria", "因血尿转诊至泌尿科" ], "1264456001": [ "Robot assisted laparoscopic omentectomy", "Laparoscopic excision of omentum using robotic assistance", "Laparoscopic omentectomy using robotic assistance", "使用机器人辅助进行腹腔镜大网膜切除术", "使用机器人辅助的腹腔镜大网膜切除术", "机器人辅助腹腔镜大网膜切除术" ], "363336002": [ "Upper limb incision", "上肢切口" ], "281416002": [ "Second stage bladder exstrophy repair", "Second stage repair of exstrophy of urinary bladder", "膀胱外翻二期修复术", "二期膀胱外翻修复术" ], "427037000": [ "Complete callosotomy", "完全胼胝体切开术" ], "265032008": [ "Pharyngoplasty using lateral pharyngeal flap", "使用咽侧瓣进行咽成形术" ], "312349000": [ "Blood haematinic levels", "Blood hematinic measurement", "Blood hematinic levels", "Blood haematinic measurement", "血液血红素测定", "血液中血红素水平", "血液中的血红素测量" ], "17437005": [ "Gas endarterectomy of thoracic artery", "胸主动脉气体内膜切除术" ], "310514000": [ "Referral by medical oncologist", "Referral from medical oncologist", "肿瘤科医生转诊", "肿瘤内科医生推荐" ], "392434003": [ "Mouse urine proteins specific IgE antibody measurement", "e72 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Mouse urine proteins specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "小鼠尿蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "e72 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "小鼠尿蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "228594004": [ "Adaptive and compensatory techniques", "自适应和补偿技术" ], "64754005": [ "Lengthening of bone of ulna", "尺骨延长" ], "408818004": [ "Induction of labour by artificial rupture of membranes", "Induction of labor by artificial rupture of membranes", "Amniotomy to induce labour", "Induction of labour by rupture of membranes", "Induction of labor by rupture of membranes", "Amniotomy to induce labor", "羊膜穿刺引产", "破膜引产", "人工破膜引产" ], "769266005": [ "Flossing of teeth", "使用牙线" ], "179442006": [ "Prosthetic cemented total shoulder replacement", "Cemented prosthetic total shoulder replacement", "人工骨水泥型全肩关节置换术", "骨水泥型假体全肩关节置换术" ], "308679001": [ "Resection of interrupted aortic arch", "主动脉弓中断切除术" ], "13767004": [ "Removal of foreign body from choroid without use of magnet", "不使用磁铁从脉络膜中取出异物" ], "439751005": [ "Transluminal dilation of aqueous outflow canal using stent", "支架腔内扩张房水流出道" ], "243143008": [ "Airway pressure release ventilation", "APRV - airway pressure release ventilation", "气道压力释放通气", "APRV-- 气道压力释放通气" ], "1258951009": [ "Orthodontic surgical procedure", "Orthodontic operation", "正畸手术程序", "正畸手术" ], "11932001": [ "Stabilizing hemodialysis", "Stabilising haemodialysis", "稳定血液透析" ], "388764004": [ "Spinach specific IgE antibody measurement", "f214 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Spinacia oleracea specific IgE antibody measurement", "Spinacia oleracea specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "菠菜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "菠菜特异性IgE抗体测定", "f214特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "306844008": [ "Combination therapy to knee", "膝关节联合治疗" ], "173937004": [ "Intubation of jejunum for decompression of intestine", "空肠插管减压术" ], "24646000": [ "Abdominal aortography, translumbar with serialography", "Translumbar angiography of abdominal aorta with serialography", "Translumbar arteriography of abdominal aorta with serialography", "腹主动脉经腰椎动脉造影及序列造影", "腹主动脉造影、经腰椎动脉造影及序列造影", "经腰椎腹主动脉造影及序列造影" ], "434246000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of superior mesenteric artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of superior mesenteric artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术治疗肠系膜上动脉", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行肠系膜上动脉" ], "450630004": [ "Dressing of skin of neck", "颈部皮肤敷料" ], "1204294006": [ "Arthroscopy of wrist joint with synovial biopsy", "腕关节镜检查及滑膜活检" ], "252187000": [ "LHRH - Propranolol/thyrotrophin releasing hormone/luteinizing hormone releasing hormone test", "Propranolol/thyrotrophin releasing hormone/luteinizing hormone releasing hormone test", "TRH - Propranolol/thyrotrophin releasing hormone/luteinizing hormone releasing hormone test", "Propranolol/thyrotrophin releasing hormone/gonadotrophin releasing hormone test", "TRH - Propranolol/thyrotrophin releasing hormone/luteinising hormone releasing hormone test", "LHRH - Propranolol/thyrotrophin releasing hormone/luteinising hormone releasing hormone test", "Propranolol/thyrotrophin releasing hormone/luteinising hormone releasing hormone test", "Propranolol/TRH/GnRH test", "Propranolol/TRH/LHRH test", "LHRH - Propranolol/thyrotropin releasing hormone/luteinizing hormone releasing hormone test", "Propranolol/thyrotropin releasing hormone/gonadotropin releasing hormone test", "Propranolol/thyrotropin releasing hormone/luteinizing hormone releasing hormone test", "TRH - Propranolol/thyrotropin releasing hormone/luteinizing hormone releasing hormone test", "Propranolol/thyrotropin releasing hormone/luteinising hormone releasing hormone test", "TRH - Propranolol/thyrotropin releasing hormone/luteinising hormone releasing hormone test", "LHRH - Propranolol/thyrotropin releasing hormone/luteinising hormone releasing hormone test", "普萘洛尔/促甲状腺激素释放激素/促性腺激素释放激素测试", "普萘洛尔/TRH/GnRH 测试", "普萘洛尔/TRH/LHRH测试", "普萘洛尔/促甲状腺激素释放激素/黄体生成素释放激素测试", "LHRH-- 普萘洛尔/促甲状腺激素释放激素/黄体生成素释放激素测试", "TRH-- 普萘洛尔/促甲状腺激素释放激素/黄体生成素释放激素测试" ], "39195006": [ "Thermokeratoplasty", "TKP operation", "热角膜成形术", "TKP 操作" ], "104731007": [ "Homocarnosine measurement", "高肌肽测量" ], "446960007": [ "Laparoscopic salpingo-oophorectomy with conversion to laparotomy", "腹腔镜输卵管卵巢切除术中转开腹手术" ], "1297093001": [ "Dilation and manipulation of intestinal stoma", "Dilation and manipulation of enterostomy stoma", "肠造口扩张及操作" ], "397808009": [ "Number of twitches present monitoring", "当前监测的抽搐次数" ], "428741008": [ "First human papillomavirus vaccination", "Administration of first dose of human papilloma virus vaccine", "First human papillomavirus immunisation", "First human papillomavirus immunization", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Human papillomavirus antigen", "接种首剂仅含人乳头瘤病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "首例人乳头瘤病毒疫苗接种", "首次人乳头瘤病毒免疫接种", "首次人乳头瘤病毒免疫", "接种第一剂人乳头瘤病毒疫苗" ], "443290002": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with directed submucosal injection", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with directed submucosal injection", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及黏膜下注射" ], "392303003": [ "Ambrosia trifida specific IgE antibody measurement", "w3 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Giant ragweed specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ambrosia trifida specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "巨型豚草特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "三裂叶木特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "三裂叶豚草特异性IgE抗体测定", "w3 特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "64623003": [ "Immobilization physiotherapy", "Immobilisation physiotherapy", "固定物理治疗" ], "31855009": [ "Axillary-brachial artery vascular bypass", "Axillo-brachial arterial bypass grafting", "腋臂动脉旁路移植术", "腋动脉血管搭桥术" ], "406852005": [ "Fast sulphon black F stain method", "Fast sulfon black F stain method", "Fast sulphon black F stain", "Fast sulfon black F stain", "耐晒磺黑F染色", "快速磺黑F染色法" ], "308548006": [ "Placement of vein cuff around arterial anastomosis", "在动脉吻合口周围放置静脉袖带" ], "79172007": [ "Hepatitis Be antibody measurement", "HBeAB measurement", "Hepatitis B e antibody level", "HBeAB 测量", "乙肝e抗体水平", "乙肝抗体检测" ], "60953002": [ "Lateral canthopexy", "外眼角固定术" ], "241177007": [ "Percutaneous cholecystogram", "经皮胆囊造影" ], "173806000": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic cauterisation of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "Fiberoptic endoscopic cauterization of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "纤维内镜上消化道病变烧灼术" ], "77337009": [ "Stereotactic biopsy by aspiration of intracranial lesion", "Aspiration biopsy of intracranial lesion using stereotactic guidance", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of intracranial lesion using stereotactic guidance", "立体定向引导下颅内病变穿刺活检", "颅内病变穿刺立体定向活检", "立体定向引导下颅内病变细针穿刺活检" ], "239342001": [ "Excision of the trapezium", "Trapeziumectomy", "Trapeziectomy", "斜方骨切除术", "切除斜方骨", "梯形切除术" ], "388633009": [ "Elettaria cardamomum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cardamon specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf267 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Elettaria cardamomum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Cardamom specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf267 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "小豆蔻特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "小豆蔻特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "1287918007": [ "Repair of cardiac pacemaker pocket", "心脏起搏器囊袋修复" ], "698094009": [ "Measurement of body mass index", "Calculation of body mass index", "体重指数测量", "体重指数的计算" ], "8131002": [ "Removal of foreign body from retroperitoneum", "腹膜后异物取出" ], "40899005": [ "Cauterization of sclera", "Cauterisation of sclera", "巩膜烧灼" ], "450499007": [ "Laparoscopic subtotal cholecystectomy", "Laparoscopic subtotal excision of gallbladder", "腹腔镜胆囊次全切除术" ], "252056004": [ "Examination of sperm migration (swimup)", "Sperm migration (swimup)", "Examination of spermatozoa migration", "精子迁移(上游)检查", "精子迁移检查", "精子迁移(向上游动)" ], "104600007": [ "Citrulline measurement", "瓜氨酸测量" ], "250221001": [ "Detection of hemoglobin", "Detection of haemoglobin", "血红蛋白检测" ], "53613004": [ "Thoracolumbar sympathectomy", "胸腰交感神经切除术" ], "430445005": [ "Injection of cervical spinal nerve root using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Injection of cervical spinal nerve root using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided injection of cervical spinal nerve root", "CT引导下颈椎神经根注射", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行颈脊神经根注射", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行颈脊神经根注射" ], "37229006": [ "Prescribing, fitting and revision of corneoscleral contact lens", "角巩膜镜的处方、配戴和矫正" ], "69997009": [ "Specimen refrigeration", "标本冷藏" ], "313922003": [ "90 minute serum FSH measurement", "90 minute serum FSH level", "90 minute serum follicle stimulating hormone measurement", "90 分钟血清 FSH 测量", "90 分钟血清促卵泡激素测量", "90 分钟血清 FSH 水平" ], "608834006": [ "Laparoscopic repair of obstructed incisional hernia", "腹腔镜手术修补阻塞性切口疝" ], "426775000": [ "Imaging guided removal of colorectal stent", "影像引导下取出结肠直肠支架" ], "361239001": [ "Perineural suture technique", "神经周围缝合技术" ], "791006": [ "Dressing and fixation procedure", "敷料固定程序" ], "738071006": [ "Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome care management", "卵巢过度刺激综合征的护理管理" ], "410391007": [ "Homemaking surveillance", "Housekeeping surveillance", "家政监控", "家庭监控" ], "179180004": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture and skin traction", "骨折一期闭合复位及皮肤牵引" ], "64492005": [ "Revision of anastomosis of biliary tract", "胆道吻合口修复术" ], "308417000": [ "Cervical smear recall", "宫颈涂片复查" ], "31724009": [ "Determination of venous pressure", "Venous pressure determination", "Measurement of venous pressure", "静脉压测量", "静脉压测定" ], "439489001": [ "Procedure on portal venous system using imaging guidance", "影像引导下门静脉系统手术" ], "718017007": [ "Bisphosphonate medication review", "双膦酸盐药物评论" ], "388502000": [ "Tarragon specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf272 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Artemesia dracunculus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Artemesia dracunculus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf272 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "龙蒿特异性IgE抗体测定", "龙蒿特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "龙蒿特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "1142166005": [ "Increased eicosapentaenoic acid diet", "Increased EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) diet", "增加 EPA(二十碳五烯酸)饮食", "增加二十碳五烯酸饮食" ], "306582008": [ "Discharge from dermatology service", "皮肤科出院" ], "9835001": [ "Removal of cerebral ventricular catheter", "脑室导管移除术" ], "699798008": [ "Excision of supernumerary digit with soft tissue involvement only", "仅累及软组织的多指切除术" ], "173675002": [ "Intubation of oesophagus for pH manometry", "Intubation of esophagus for pH manometry", "食管插管进行 pH 测压" ], "241046008": [ "Dental plain X-ray bitewing", "Dental plain X-ray BW (bitewing)", "牙科普通X光BW(咬翼片)", "牙科普通X光片咬合翼" ], "714347007": [ "Assessment using MAMS (Me and My School) Questionnaire", "Assessment using Me and My School Questionnaire", "Assessment using M&MS (Me and My School) Questionnaire", "使用 MAMS(我和我的学校)问卷进行评估", "使用“我和我的学校”问卷进行评估", "使用 M&MS(我和我的学校)问卷进行评估" ], "401216000": [ "Right brachial Doppler pressure", "右肱动脉多普勒压力" ], "237376002": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of breast", "乳腺经皮穿刺活检" ], "73536002": [ "Myotomy of colon", "Colomyotomy", "结肠肌切开术" ], "57152006": [ "Repair of hallux valgus", "拇外翻修复" ], "171840008": [ "Re-release of Guyon's canal", "Re-release of Guyon canal", "重新开放盖恩运河", "重新开放盖永运河" ], "448533001": [ "Open osteoclasis with angular correction and external fixation", "开放式骨断裂术,角度矫正和外固定" ], "432149001": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for aspiration of wrist", "Aspiration of wrist using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下腕部抽吸", "腕部抽吸的荧光透视引导" ], "104469003": [ "Adenosine 5'-triphosphate measurement", "5'-三磷酸腺苷测量" ], "235541004": [ "Bile duct endoluminal radiotherapy", "Bile duct brachytherapy", "胆管腔内放射治疗", "胆管近距离放射治疗" ], "55317005": [ "Revision of peripheral neurostimulator receiver", "外周神经刺激器接收器的修订" ], "301077007": [ "Embolization of inferior mesenteric artery", "Embolisation of inferior mesenteric artery", "下肠系膜动脉栓塞术", "肠系膜下动脉栓塞术" ], "86250007": [ "Plastic amputation", "Kineplasty", "Kineplastic amputation", "Cineplastic amputation", "运动塑形截肢术", "运动整形", "电影塑性截肢", "整形截肢" ], "397546009": [ "Basic tear secretion test", "基本泪液分泌测试" ], "313791005": [ "Serum methemalbumin measurement", "Serum methaemalbumin level", "Serum methemalbumin level", "Serum methaemalbumin measurement", "血清高铁白蛋白测量", "血清高铁血白蛋白水平", "血清高铁血白蛋白测量" ], "705172001": [ "Collection of cystostomy tube urine specimen", "膀胱造口管尿液标本的采集" ], "410260003": [ "Social therapy assessment", "Assess medical social worker service", "社会治疗评估", "评估医务社会工作者服务" ], "768873003": [ "Revision of one component of total prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint not using cement", "不使用骨水泥的肩关节全假体置换术" ], "277353005": [ "CDT - Connected discourse tracking", "Connected discourse tracking", "CDT - 连接话语追踪", "连接话语追踪" ], "179049006": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture and skeletal traction", "骨折初次切开复位及骨牵引" ], "373822002": [ "Endoscopic insertion of permanent colonic stent", "内镜下永久性结肠支架置入" ], "46142005": [ "Blepharoplasty of upper eyelid", "Repair of upper eyelid", "上眼睑整形术", "上眼睑修复" ], "13374006": [ "Hemolysin detection, cold, quantitative", "Haemolysin detection, cold, quantitative", "溶血素检测,低温,定量" ], "175379001": [ "Transluminal operations on carotid artery", "颈动脉腔内手术" ], "44307002": [ "Hysterolysis", "Lysis of adhesions of uterus", "歇斯底里症", "子宫粘连松解术" ], "699667004": [ "Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm using endovascular stent graft", "使用血管内支架移植物修复腹主动脉瘤" ], "18291000087100": [ "CT angiography of right lower extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of right lower limb with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of right lower extremity with contrast", "CT angiography of right leg with contrast", "CT angiography of right lower limb with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of right leg with contrast", "右腿增强计算机断层血管造影", "右下肢增强 CT 血管造影", "右腿增强 CT 血管造影" ], "13171000087102": [ "Ultrasonography of chest and bilateral axillae", "Ultrasonography of chest and both axillae", "Ultrasonography of chest and right and left axilla", "Ultrasound of chest and bilateral axillae", "Ultrasound scan of chest and bilateral axillae", "胸部及左右腋窝超声检查", "胸部及双侧腋窝超声检查", "胸部及双侧腋窝超声扫描", "胸部和双侧腋窝超声检查" ], "306451007": [ "Discharge by gynaecologist", "Discharge by gynecologist", "妇科医生检查发现", "妇科医生的分泌物" ], "371000087104": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of artery of left upper limb with contrast", "Angioplasty of artery of left upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下左上肢动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下左上肢动脉造影成形术" ], "25971000087105": [ "Assessment of eligibility for respite care", "评估暂息护理资格" ], "17011000087103": [ "Ultrasonography guided puncture of cyst of right kidney", "Puncture of cyst of right kidney using ultrasonographic guidance", "Right renal cyst puncture using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下右肾囊肿穿刺术", "超声引导下右肾囊肿穿刺" ], "1651000087104": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral knees", "Ultrasound of both knees", "Ultrasound scan of left and right knee", "双膝超声检查", "左、右膝超声扫描" ], "2931000087108": [ "MRI of bilateral hands", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral hands", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both hands", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right hand", "双手磁共振成像", "双侧手部 MRI 检查", "左手和右手的磁共振成像", "双侧手部磁共振成像" ], "5491000087109": [ "Ultrasonography guided needle localisation of lesion of right breast", "Ultrasonography guided needle localization of lesion of right breast", "Needle localization of lesion of right breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Needle localisation of lesion of right breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided needle localization of lesion of right breast", "Ultrasound guided needle localisation of lesion of right breast", "使用超声引导对右乳房病变进行针定位", "超声引导下右乳腺病变针定位", "超声引导下右乳腺病变穿刺定位" ], "75240005": [ "Ventricular shunt to venous system", "Cerebral ventriculovenostomy", "Cerebral ventricular shunt to venous system", "脑室分流至静脉系统", "脑室心室吻合术" ], "9704004": [ "Computerized tomography, limited studies", "Computerised tomography, limited studies", "CT limited studies", "Computed tomography limited studies", "计算机断层扫描,有限的研究", "计算机断层扫描有限研究", "CT 受限研究" ], "14451000087103": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of left upper extremity blood vessel", "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of left upper limb", "Doppler ultrasound of vascular structure of left upper limb", "左上肢血管结构多普勒超声检查", "左上肢血管多普勒超声检查" ], "6771000087108": [ "Doppler ultrasonography flow mapping of veins of bilateral lower extremities", "Doppler ultrasonography flow mapping of veins of bilateral lower limbs", "双下肢静脉多普勒超声血流图" ], "401085002": [ "Haemochromatosis gene screening test", "Hemochromatosis gene screening test", "血色素沉着症基因筛查", "血色素沉着症基因筛查测试" ], "433853007": [ "Infusion of drug or medicament via intravenous drip", "通过静脉滴注输注药物或药剂" ], "171709008": [ "Repair of dura with vascularized tissue", "Repair of dura with vascularised tissue", "用血管化组织修复硬脑膜" ], "448402000": [ "Core decompression of head of femur", "股骨头减压术" ], "104338003": [ "Complement C'2 esterase measurement", "补体 C'2 酯酶测量" ], "22418005": [ "Bilateral simple mastectomy", "Simple mastectomy of both breasts", "Simple mastectomy of bilateral breasts", "双侧乳房单纯切除术", "双侧单纯乳房切除术" ], "432018009": [ "Replacement of dialysis catheter using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下更换透析导管" ], "233575001": [ "Intermittent hemodialysis", "Intermittent haemodialysis", "间歇性血液透析" ], "446567004": [ "Measurement of Influenza A virus A/Hong Kong/1/68 (H3N2) antibody", "甲型流感病毒 A/香港/1/68 (H3N2) 抗体测量" ], "118887006": [ "Procedure on cerebral meninges", "脑膜手术" ], "1263932002": [ "Teaching about sleep", "Education about sleep", "关于睡眠的教学", "睡眠教育" ], "2364003": [ "Radical resection of tumor of soft tissue of wrist area", "Radical resection of tumour of soft tissue of wrist area", "腕部软组织肿瘤根治术" ], "231740005": [ "Cyclochoroidectomy", "睫状体脉络膜切除术" ], "313660005": [ "Absolute CD4 count procedure", "Absolute CD4 count", "Absolute CD4 (T4 cell) count procedure", "绝对 CD4 计数程序", "绝对 CD4 计数", "绝对 CD4(T4 细胞)计数程序" ], "872661000000104": [ "Insertion of marker into breast using stereotactic mammography guidance", "Stereotactic mammography guided insertion of marker into breast", "使用立体定向乳房 X 线摄影引导将标记物插入乳房", "立体定向乳房 X 线摄影引导将标记物插入乳房" ], "67900009": [ "Human chorionic gonadotropin measurement", "hCG, beta subunit measurement", "hCG measurement", "Human chorionic gonadotrophin measurement", "Human chorionic gonadotrophin level", "Human chorionic gonadotropin level", "人绒毛膜促性腺激素水平", "hCG 测量", "人绒毛膜促性腺激素测量", "hCG,β 亚基测量" ], "180753000": [ "Harvest of sheet of fascia from abdominal wall", "从腹壁获取一片筋膜" ], "705041003": [ "Revision of percutaneous intradiscal radiofrequency thermocoagulation of intervertebral disc", "经皮椎间盘射频热凝术修复椎间盘" ], "410129006": [ "Therapeutic regimen compliance education", "Teach compliance with therapeutic regimen", "教导遵守治疗方案", "治疗方案依从性教育" ], "783291009": [ "Cultured graft of skin to skin of head", "皮肤与头部皮肤的培养移植物" ], "306320001": [ "Referral to clinical nurse specialist", "转诊至临床护理专家" ], "419173000": [ "Iontophoresis administration of treatment", "离子电渗疗法治疗" ], "288101000": [ "Endoscopic injection of caustic", "内镜下注射腐蚀剂" ], "107877001": [ "Integumentary system incision", "皮肤系统切开术" ], "304485006": [ "Direct current to abdomen", "腹部直流电" ], "386405009": [ "Rape trauma treatment", "强奸创伤治疗" ], "122426001": [ "Entamoeba histolytica detection", "溶组织内阿米巴检测" ], "433722001": [ "Foraminal epidural injection of lumbar spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下腰椎椎间孔硬膜外注射" ], "171578001": [ "Intracranial transection of acoustic nerve (VIII)", "听神经颅内横断术(VIII)" ], "269882008": [ "Urine free testosterone level", "Urine free testosterone measurement", "尿游离睾酮测量", "尿液游离睾酮水平" ], "104207001": [ "Trichrome staining", "Trichrome stain method", "Trichrome stain", "三色染色法", "三色染色" ], "415503004": [ "Scleral suture fixation of posterior chamber intraocular lens", "Scleral sutured posterior chamber intraocular lens procedure", "Transscleral suture fixation of posterior chamber intraocular lens", "巩膜缝线固定后房型人工晶状体", "巩膜缝合后房型人工晶状体手术", "经巩膜缝线固定后房型人工晶状体" ], "284431005": [ "Examination of supraclavicular lymph nodes", "锁骨上淋巴结检查" ], "20452001": [ "Reattachment of choroid and retina", "脉络膜和视网膜复位" ], "413668002": [ "Blood catecholamine level", "Blood catecholamine measurement", "血液儿茶酚胺水平", "血液儿茶酚胺测量" ], "4068005": [ "Removal of ventricular reservoir with synchronous replacement", "心室储液囊移除术及同步置换术" ], "233444007": [ "Portosystemic shunt operation", "Liver shunting operation", "Portal shunt", "门体分流术", "肝分流手术", "门脉分流术" ], "444601005": [ "Removal of extracranial ventricular shunt", "去除颅外脑室分流管" ], "231609007": [ "Full thickness horizontal incision of lower eyelid with everting sutures", "Weis procedure to lower eyelid", "下眼睑全层水平切口外翻缝合", "下眼睑手术" ], "311694001": [ "Pitch range exercises", "音域练习" ], "82318002": [ "Excision of wrist joint synovium", "Synovectomy of wrist joint", "腕关节滑膜切除术" ], "178787002": [ "Biopsy of lesion of spine", "脊柱病变活检" ], "31331005": [ "Repair of parathyroid gland", "甲状旁腺修复" ], "176952001": [ "Open reversal of tubal ligation", "Open reversal of female sterilization", "Open reversal of female sterilisation", "公开逆转女性绝育", "输卵管结扎开放式复通术", "开放式逆转女性绝育" ], "308024005": [ "Excision of cholesteatoma of middle ear", "中耳胆脂瘤切除术" ], "439096006": [ "Percutaneous balloon test occlusion of anterior cerebral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮球囊试验闭塞大脑前动脉(荧光造影引导)" ], "438731000124101": [ "Pantothenic acid supplement therapy", "泛酸补充疗法" ], "175117000": [ "Transluminal removal of heart assist system", "心脏辅助系统腔内移除术" ], "441291000124101": [ "Counselling about nutrition using problem solving strategy", "Counseling about nutrition using problem solving strategy", "使用问题解决策略进行营养咨询" ], "127800008": [ "Microscopic urinalysis", "Urine microscopy", "Microscopic examination of urine specimen", "尿液显微镜检查", "显微镜尿液分析", "尿液标本显微镜检查" ], "306189007": [ "Referral to restorative dentistry service", "转介至修复牙科服务" ], "304354003": [ "Excision of rib margin", "肋缘切除术" ], "1156322007": [ "Repair of inguinal hernia using robotic assistance", "Robot assisted repair of inguinal hernia", "使用机器人辅助修复腹股沟疝", "机器人辅助修复腹股沟疝" ], "107746008": [ "Facial bone destructive procedure", "面部骨破坏手术" ], "40375001": [ "Repair of fracture with osteotomy and correction of alignment with internal fixation device", "截骨修复骨折,用内固定装置矫正对位" ], "171447002": [ "Excision of lesion of frontal lobe of brain", "脑额叶病损切除术" ], "433591001": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of common carotid artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of common carotid artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "颈总动脉造影及植入支架", "颈总动脉造影及植入支架的荧光血管造影" ], "386274007": [ "Electrolyte management: hypophosphataemia", "Electrolyte management: hypophosphatemia", "电解质管理:低磷血症" ], "122295008": [ "Virus identification", "病毒鉴定" ], "236983009": [ "Burns Marshall manoeuvre", "Burns Marshall maneuver", "伯恩斯·马歇尔机动" ], "22156001": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on shoulder", "Anaesthesia for procedure on shoulder", "肩部手术麻醉" ], "235148003": [ "Push enteroscopy", "推进式肠镜检查" ], "71308004": [ "Thrombectomy of pulmonary artery", "Removal of thrombus of pulmonary artery", "肺动脉血栓清除术", "肺动脉血栓切除术" ], "431756003": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of cranial cavity", "Ultrasonography of cranial cavity", "颅腔超声检查" ], "1300108002": [ "Assessment of barriers to communication", "沟通障碍评估" ], "233313002": [ "Brachial embolectomy", "Embolectomy of brachial artery", "臂丛血管取栓术", "肱动脉栓塞切除术" ], "20321003": [ "Blepharoplasty of bilateral upper eyelids", "Blepharoplasty of both upper eyelids", "双侧上眼睑成形术", "双上眼睑整形术" ], "397153008": [ "Repair of truncus arteriosus", "CAT - Repair of common arterial trunk", "TA - Repair of truncus arteriosus", "Repair of common arterial trunk", "CAT - 修复主动脉干", "修复主动脉干", "TA - 动脉干修复", "动脉干修复" ], "315233008": [ "Primary prevention", "一级预防" ], "313398001": [ "Hepatitis antibody test", "肝炎抗体检测" ], "116790003": [ "Administration of Cytomegalovirus immunoglobulin, human", "Cytomegalovirus immune globulin administration", "巨细胞病毒免疫球蛋白给药", "人类巨细胞病毒免疫球蛋白的给药" ], "267001": [ "Anal fistulectomy, multiple", "肛瘘切除术,多发性" ], "409867005": [ "Leifson Flagellar stain", "Leifson 鞭毛染色" ], "63968000": [ "Reconstructive orthopedic procedure", "Reconstructive orthopaedic procedure", "Musculoskeletal system reconstruction", "重建整形外科手术", "肌肉骨骼系统重建", "重建骨科手术" ], "311563008": [ "Therapy to reduce nasal emission", "减少鼻涕的治疗" ], "113120007": [ "Interstitial brachytherapy", "间质近距离放射治疗" ], "78517009": [ "Dilation of fallopian tube", "输卵管扩张" ], "1010570006": [ "Sequential anastomosis of left internal mammary artery from second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex coronary artery to left anterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) from OM2 (second obtuse marginal) branch of LCX (left circumflex coronary artery) to LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery from second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex coronary artery to left anterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) from OM2 (second obtuse marginal) branch of LCX (left circumflex coronary artery) to LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "左胸廓内动脉回旋支第二钝缘支至左前降支序贯吻合术", "将 LIMA (左内乳动脉) 从 LCX (左回旋冠状动脉) 的 OM2 (第二钝缘支) 分支与 LAD (左前降支) 冠状动脉进行顺序吻合", "左乳内动脉回旋支第二钝缘支至左前降支序贯吻合术", "将左胸内动脉 (LITA) 从左回旋冠状动脉 (LCX) 的第二钝缘分支 OM2 (左冠状动脉左回旋支) 依次吻合至左前降支 (LAD) 冠状动脉" ], "1303647003": [ "Removal of internal fixation device of bone of right ankle joint region", "右踝关节区骨内固定装置拆除" ], "271455008": [ "Dynamic non-imaging isotope study: brain", "动态非成像同位素研究:大脑" ], "205919009": [ "Excisional biopsy of sympathetic nerve", "交感神经切除活检" ], "122164006": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi 45kd antibody assay", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 45 kD antibody", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 45 kiloDalton antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体 45 kD 抗体的测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体 45kd 抗体检测", "伯氏疏螺旋体 45 千道尔顿抗体的测量" ], "236852006": [ "Marsupialisation of Gartner's duct cyst", "Marsupialization of Gartner's duct cyst", "Marsupialization of Gartner duct cyst", "Marsupialisation of Gartner duct cyst", "加特纳管囊肿袋形成形术", "加特纳氏管囊肿袋形成形术" ], "171316007": [ "Geriatric 75 year screening", "75 岁老年人筛查" ], "302388008": [ "Microscopically controlled excision of skin lesion using fresh tissue technique", "Frozen section microscopically controlled excision of skin lesion", "使用新鲜组织技术在显微镜下切除皮肤病变", "冰冻切片显微镜下切除皮肤病变" ], "448009002": [ "Bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to external iliac artery", "髂动脉旁路手术,将主动脉吻合至髂外动脉" ], "431625000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of internal auditory meatus with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of internal auditory meatus with contrast", "MRI of internal auditory meatus with contrast", "内耳道增强磁共振成像(MRI)", "内耳道增强磁共振成像", "内耳道增强 MRI 检查" ], "7476006": [ "Special care of dentures", "Denture care", "假牙护理", "假牙的特殊护理" ], "87561005": [ "Angiectomy with anastomosis of lower limb vein", "Phlebectomy with anastomosis of lower limb vein", "Resection of lower limb vein with anastomosis", "下肢静脉血管切除吻合术", "下肢静脉切除吻合术" ], "103945004": [ "P blood group typing", "P 血型分型" ], "710153008": [ "Promoting medication adherence using pillbox", "Promotion of adherence to medication using pill dose dispenser", "使用药丸剂量分配器促进患者坚持服药", "使用药盒促进药物依从性" ], "315102004": [ "Cockatiel faecal antibody level", "Cockatiel fecal antibody level", "玄凤鹦鹉粪便抗体水平" ], "446174004": [ "Assessment using work ability index", "工作能力指数评估" ], "233182007": [ "Permanent cardiac pacemaker procedure", "永久性心脏起搏器手术" ], "772019003": [ "Radionuclide imaging of whole body for detection of extra-articular leakage of rhenium-186", "Radionuclide imaging of whole body for detection of extra-articular leakage of 186-Re (rhenium-186)", "全身放射性核素显像检测铼-186 关节外漏出", "全身放射性核素显像检测 186-Re(铼-186)关节外漏出" ], "427021000119103": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral breasts without contrast", "MRI of bilateral breasts without contrast", "双侧乳房 MRI 无造影", "双侧乳房无造影磁共振成像" ], "411661000119104": [ "Computed tomography of neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis without contrast", "Computed tomography of neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis without contrast", "CT of neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis without contrast", "颈部、胸部、腹部和骨盆的无造影计算机断层扫描", "颈部、胸部、腹部和盆腔无造影 CT", "颈部、胸部、腹部和骨盆的非造影计算机断层扫描" ], "16553741000119105": [ "Radionuclide scan of whole body for localization of inflammation", "Radioisotope scan of whole body for localization of inflammation", "Radionuclide scan of whole body for localisation of inflammation", "Radioisotope scan of whole body for localisation of inflammation", "全身放射性同位素扫描以确定炎症的定位", "全身放射性核素扫描以确定炎症的定位" ], "65672002": [ "Anesthesia for injection procedure for cervical discography", "Anaesthesia for injection procedure for cervical discography", "颈椎间盘造影注射麻醉" ], "383501000119107": [ "Plain X-ray of chest, apical and lordotic views", "胸部、心尖及脊柱前凸的普通 X 光检查" ], "442504005": [ "Implantation of artificial sphincter in anorectum", "肛门直肠人工括约肌植入术" ], "440669000": [ "Education about signs and symptoms of preterm labor", "Education about signs and symptoms of preterm labour", "关于早产症状和体征的教育" ], "49288009": [ "Irrigation of anterior chamber of eye", "Washout of anterior chamber", "Irrigation of anterior chamber", "前房冲洗", "眼前房冲洗" ], "47453001": [ "Removal of foreign body of upper arm, deep", "上臂深部异物取出" ], "229512008": [ "Sensory stimulation using brushing", "通过刷牙来刺激感官" ], "391517005": [ "Oral fluid morphine level", "口腔液体吗啡浓度" ], "438834000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of craniofacial structure", "MRI of craniofacial structure", "颅面结构 MRI", "颅面结构磁共振成像" ], "274994004": [ "Nashold needling of substantia gelatinosa of cervical cord", "颈髓胶状质纳氏针" ], "305927004": [ "Referral from clinical oncologist", "Referral by clinical oncologist", "临床肿瘤科医生转诊", "临床肿瘤科医生的推荐" ], "699143006": [ "Closed reduction of injury of epiphyseal growth plate of femur", "股骨骺生长板损伤闭合复位" ], "1303516001": [ "Internal fixation of right femur", "右股骨内固定" ], "58332002": [ "Allergy education", "过敏教育" ], "287708003": [ "Transurethral bladder excision", "Transurethral resection of bladder", "Transurethral excision of urinary bladder", "经尿道膀胱切除术" ], "74716006": [ "Total excision of radius", "桡骨全切除" ], "304092007": [ "Reconstruction using local osteomyocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction using local osseomyocutaneous flap", "局部骨肌皮瓣重建", "局部骨肌皮瓣修复" ], "302257006": [ "Arts-based therapy", "艺术治疗" ], "122033006": [ "Leishmania donovani antibody assay", "Measurement of Leishmania donovani antibody", "杜氏利什曼原虫抗体检测", "杜氏利什曼原虫抗体测定" ], "169350000": [ "Radiotherapy: infuse skull/brain", "放射治疗:注入颅骨/脑" ], "234886000": [ "Removal of fixed orthodontic appliance for rapid maxillary expansion", "Removal of fixed orthodontic appliance for RME (rapid maxillary expansion)", "移除固定矫正器以进行 RME(快速上颌扩张术)", "拆除固定矫治器以快速扩弓上颌" ], "1186993008": [ "Laparoscopic preperitoneal onlay mesh repair of incisional hernia of anterior abdominal wall", "Laparoscopic PPOM (preperitoneal onlay mesh) repair of incisional hernia of anterior abdominal wall", "腹腔镜腹膜前补片修补腹前壁切口疝", "腹腔镜腹膜前覆盖网片修补术治疗腹前壁切口疝" ], "103814002": [ "Fibrin-fibrinogen split products assay, quantitative", "纤维蛋白-纤维蛋白原裂解产物定量测定" ], "431494004": [ "Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy of tendon using ultrasound guidance", "Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL) of tendon using ultrasound (US) guidance", "超声引导下肌腱体外冲击波碎石术", "使用超声 (US) 引导进行肌腱体外冲击波碎石术 (ESWL)" ], "365958005": [ "Packing of anterior nasal cavity", "前鼻腔填塞" ], "120198005": [ "Perineum excision", "会阴切除" ], "447878005": [ "Creation of anastomosis from aorta to pulmonary artery", "建立主动脉至肺动脉吻合口" ], "12051000202101": [ "Assistance with handling mail", "协助处理邮件" ], "185734008": [ "Asthma monitoring call third letter", "哮喘监测呼叫第三封信" ], "14611000202104": [ "Assistance with cooking", "协助烹饪" ], "314971001": [ "Camera fundoscopy", "照相机眼底检查" ], "284038007": [ "Oxygen supply failure monitoring", "氧气供应故障监测" ], "233051005": [ "Right ventricular operation", "RV - Right ventricular operation", "右心室手术", "RV - 右心室手术" ], "183899006": [ "Private referral to cardiologist", "心脏病专家的私人转诊" ], "34608000": [ "Alanine aminotransferase measurement", "ALT measurement", "SGPT measurement", "Glutamic pyruvate transaminase measurement", "GPT measurement", "丙氨酸氨基转移酶测定", "谷氨酸丙酮酸转氨酶测定", "SGPT 测量", "ALT 测量", "GPT 测量" ], "231216001": [ "Supraorbital nerve block", "Local anaesthetic supraorbital nerve block", "Local anesthetic supraorbital nerve block", "眶上神经阻滞", "局部麻醉眶上神经阻滞" ], "395056003": [ "Rotavirus screening test", "轮状病毒筛查测试" ], "18224008": [ "Operation on palate", "Palate operation", "腭部手术" ], "442373004": [ "Revisional laminoplasty of cervical spine", "颈椎椎板成形术" ], "229381007": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the superior tibiofibular joint", "Accessory mobilization of the superior tibiofibular joint", "上胫腓关节的辅助活动" ], "425989007": [ "Prosthetic hybrid total replacement of shoulder joint using cemented glenoid component", "Prosthetic hybrid total arthroplasty of shoulder joint using cemented glenoid component", "采用骨水泥关节盂假体混合型全肩关节置换术", "采用骨水泥型关节盂假体进行肩关节混合全置换术" ], "65541007": [ "Administration of hormone", "激素给药" ], "424154003": [ "Route of medication administration education", "Route of medication administration instruction", "给药途径指导", "药物管理教育途径" ], "14554005": [ "Cryotherapy of brain", "脑部冷冻治疗" ], "129242006": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of transverse process of vertebra", "椎横突骨折闭合复位" ], "702682005": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of chest", "MR angiography of chest", "胸部磁共振血管造影" ], "473306006": [ "Assessment using Addenbrooke's cognitive examination revised attention and orientation subscale", "使用 Addenbrooke 认知检查修订的注意力和方向感分量表进行评估" ], "309466006": [ "Clinical observation regime", "临床观察方案" ], "440538006": [ "Planned play program", "Planned play programme", "计划游玩项目" ], "12719002": [ "Platelet transfusion", "Transfusion of thrombocytes", "血小板输注", "血栓细胞输注" ], "307631006": [ "Exploration of iliac artery", "髂动脉探查" ], "225711009": [ "Collection of nasal pharyngeal aspirate", "收集鼻咽吸出物" ], "387716006": [ "Peritoneal lavage, initial", "腹腔灌洗,初始" ], "715396009": [ "Assessment using Aphasia Screening Test", "使用失语症筛查测试进行评估" ], "41817002": [ "Closure of patent foramen ovale", "Repair of patent foramen ovale", "PFO - Closure of patent foramen ovale", "PFO-- 卵圆孔未​​闭闭合术", "卵圆孔未闭的修复", "卵圆孔未闭闭合术" ], "385881003": [ "Instrumental activities of daily living education", "Teach instrumental activities of daily living (IADLS)", "教授工具性日常生活活动 (IADLS)", "工具性日常生活活动教育" ], "713561006": [ "SPECT CT of abdomen using indium (111-In) radiolabeled octreotide", "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of abdomen using indium (111-In) radiolabelled octreotide", "SPECT CT of abdomen using indium (111-In) radiolabelled octreotide", "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of abdomen using indium (111-In) radiolabeled octreotide", "使用铟(111-In)放射性标记的奥曲肽进行腹部 SPECT CT 检查", "使用铟(111-In)放射性标记的奥曲肽进行腹部单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "23598001": [ "Discission of vitreous strands by posterior approach", "经后入路玻璃体束的讨论" ], "25433009": [ "Arrest of bone growth of ulna", "尺骨骨骼生长停滞" ], "287577009": [ "Left direct femoral arteriogram", "Direct angiography of left femoral artery", "Direct arteriography of left femoral artery", "左股动脉直接血管造影", "左股动脉直接造影" ], "9049009": [ "Introduction of needle into artery of extremity", "Insertion of needle into artery of extremity", "将针头插入肢体动脉" ], "171054004": [ "Dietary advice for pregnancy", "Diet in pregnancy advice", "Pregnancy diet education", "怀孕饮食建议", "孕期饮食教育" ], "234755000": [ "Take impression for removable orthodontic appliance", "为可拆卸的牙齿矫正器取模" ], "121902009": [ "Fasciola species antibody assay", "Measurement of Fasciola species antibody", "肝片吸虫抗体检测" ], "87299002": [ "Resection of temporal bone by external approach", "外入路颞骨切除术" ], "185603003": [ "Cervical smear - 1st recall", "Cervical smear - First recall", "宫颈涂片 - 第一次复查", "宫颈涂片 - 首次复查" ], "447747003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of coeliac artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of celiac artery", "经皮腹腔动脉腔内栓塞术" ], "431363000": [ "Doppler ultrasonography (US) of superior mesenteric artery", "Doppler ultrasonography of superior mesenteric artery", "肠系膜上动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "120067006": [ "Fallopian tube manipulation", "输卵管手术" ], "38147006": [ "Transposition of mesenteric tissue", "肠系膜组织转位" ], "445912000": [ "Excision of fallopian tube and surgical removal of ectopic pregnancy", "Salpingectomy with removal of tubal pregnancy", "输卵管切除术及输卵管妊娠切除", "输卵管切除及宫外孕手术切除" ], "429528001": [ "Implantation of intravenous single chamber cardiac pacemaker system", "静脉单腔心脏起搏器系统植入术" ], "413144006": [ "Abdominal hysterectomy with conservation of ovaries", "保留卵巢的腹腔子宫切除术" ], "232920007": [ "Atrioventricular valve replacement", "Atrioventricular (non-mitral non-tricuspid) valve replacement", "房室瓣置换术", "房室(非二尖瓣非三尖瓣)瓣膜置换" ], "231085003": [ "Semi-permanent pressure technique using Magrain balls", "使用 Magrain 球的半永久性压力技术" ], "50861005": [ "Patient discharge, to legal custody", "患者出院并接受法定监护" ], "444077007": [ "Analysis using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction technique", "Analysis using reverse transcriptase PCR", "采用逆转录聚合酶链式反应技术进行分析", "使用逆转录 PCR 进行分析" ], "165549008": [ "Promyelocyte count", "Promyelocyte count procedure", "早幼粒细胞计数", "早幼粒细胞计数程序" ], "180098001": [ "Excision of ulnar digit and skeletal repair for polydactyly", "尺指切除及骨骼修复治疗多指畸形" ], "229250001": [ "Trunk elongation", "树干伸长" ], "391255001": [ "Mental health functional therapies - Daily intensive", "心理健康功能疗法-每日强化" ], "178263003": [ "Biopsy of muscle", "肌肉活检" ], "112727005": [ "Revision of hip replacement", "Revision of prosthetic replacement of hip joint", "髋关节假体置换术", "髋关节置换术" ], "61740001": [ "Insertion of cannula for hemodialysis, vein to vein", "Insertion of cannula for haemodialysis, vein to vein", "插入静脉至静脉血液透析套管" ], "438572004": [ "Excision of lamina of thoracic vertebra and excision of intradural spinal lesion", "Thoracic laminectomy and excision of intradural spinal lesion", "胸椎椎板切除及硬膜内脊髓病变切除", "胸椎椎板切除术及硬膜内脊柱病变切除术" ], "1290540008": [ "Insertion of radiofrequency identifier tag into left breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Insertion of RFID (radiofrequency identifier) tag into left breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided insertion of radiofrequency identifier tag into left breast", "Insertion of radiofrequency identifier tag into left breast using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下将射频识别标签插入左乳房", "在超声引导下将射频识别标签插入左乳房", "在超声引导下将 RFID(射频识别)标签插入左乳房" ], "27137001": [ "Aneurysmectomy of abdominal artery", "腹部动脉瘤切除术" ], "1286870002": [ "Rebound tonometry", "回弹眼压测量" ], "385750003": [ "Intake and output measurement management", "Manage intake and output", "管理摄入量和输出量", "进出测量管理" ], "90838004": [ "Removal of gastrostomy tube", "移除胃造口管" ], "271062006": [ "Fasting blood glucose level", "Fasting blood glucose measurement", "FBG - Fasting blood glucose", "Fasting blood glucose", "FBS - Fasting blood sugar", "空腹血糖测量", "FBS-- 空腹血糖", "空腹血糖水平", "空腹血糖", "FBG-空腹血糖" ], "238294008": [ "Application of hemostatic agent to peritoneal cavity", "Application of haemostatic agent to peritoneal cavity", "腹腔止血剂的应用" ], "25302008": [ "Biopsy of iris", "Excisional biopsy of iris", "虹膜活检", "虹膜切除活检" ], "1186731003": [ "Continuous spontaneous ventilation with pressure support", "持续自主通气与压力支持" ], "416683003": [ "Emergency hospital admission for heart failure", "因心力衰竭紧急入院" ], "89003005": [ "Oral temperature taking", "口腔温度测量" ], "367531007": [ "Total adrenalectomy", "全肾上腺切除术" ], "105387008": [ "Holiday relief care of patient", "病人节日替班护理" ], "170923009": [ "Repeat prescription - initial assessment", "重复处方-初步评估" ], "252843007": [ "Darkroom test", "暗室测试" ], "119936000": [ "Pancreas closure", "胰腺闭合" ], "1268651008": [ "Transvaginal repair of chronic inversion of uterus", "Vaginal repair of chronic inversion of uterus", "Repair of chronic inversion of uterus via vaginal approach", "慢性子宫内翻的阴道修复术", "经阴道手术修复慢性子宫内翻", "慢性子宫内翻经阴道修补术" ], "121771008": [ "Dodecanedioic acid measurement", "十二烷二酸测定" ], "169088007": [ "Stereotactic/stereoscopic test - face", "立体定向/立体视觉测试-面部" ], "413013000": [ "24 hour urine screening for urinary stone formation measurement", "24hr urine stone former screen", "24 小时尿液筛查尿石形成情况", "24小时尿石症筛查" ], "232789003": [ "Operation on tricuspid chordae tendinae", "Operation on tricuspid cords", "Operation on tricuspid chords", "三尖瓣手术", "三尖瓣肌腱手术" ], "265557005": [ "Attention to nephrostomy tube", "肾造瘘管注意事项" ], "3413006": [ "Blood cell morphology", "血细胞形态" ], "445781005": [ "Assessment using Canadian occupational performance measure", "采用加拿大职业表现测量法进行评估" ], "118101007": [ "Escherichia coli enterotoxic culture", "大肠杆菌肠毒性培养" ], "17962001": [ "Radical resection of tumor of soft tissue of neck", "Radical resection of tumour of soft tissue of neck", "颈部软组织肿瘤根治术" ], "771626001": [ "Open repair of femoral hernia using sutures", "使用缝合线进行开放式股疝修补术" ], "230954003": [ "Transantral vidian nerve neurectomy", "经上颌窦翼管神经切除术" ], "1578004": [ "Reconstruction of ossicles with stapedectomy", "镫骨切除术重建听小骨" ], "443946002": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of glucose in peritoneal dialysis fluid specimen", "Quantitative measurement of glucose in peritoneal dialysis fluid specimen", "腹膜透析液标本中葡萄糖的定量测定", "腹膜透析液标本葡萄糖质量浓度的定量测定" ], "1197610004": [ "Positive pressure ventilation via bag and mask", "通过气囊和面罩进行正压通气" ], "312874009": [ "Taking penile swab", "取阴茎拭子" ], "163583003": [ "Brief nervous system examination", "简短的神经系统检查" ], "229119009": [ "Hand exercises", "手部练习" ], "1144788004": [ "Repair of bone of face", "Osteoplasty of facial bone", "面部骨骼修复", "面部骨整形术" ], "440276004": [ "Storage", "贮存" ], "702420007": [ "Computed tomography of facial bones with contrast", "CT of facial bones with contrast", "面部骨骼增强 CT 检查", "面部骨骼增强计算机断层扫描" ], "1290409004": [ "Plain X-ray of right knee region", "右膝区域普通 X 光检查" ], "371070000": [ "Empirical antibiotic therapy", "经验性抗生素治疗" ], "698750006": [ "Ovarian neoplasm screening", "卵巢肿瘤筛查" ], "8787000": [ "Removal of foreign body from nasal sinus", "去除鼻窦异物" ], "287315009": [ "Diaphragm sutured", "Suture of diaphragm", "膈肌缝合" ], "449320003": [ "Ligation and stripping of varicose vein of lower limb", "下肢静脉曲张结扎剥脱术" ], "88872008": [ "Endoscopic ligation and crushing of bilateral fallopian tubes", "Endoscopic ligation and crushing of both fallopian tubes", "内镜下结扎并压碎双侧输卵管", "内镜下双侧输卵管结扎及压碎术" ], "252712008": [ "Stress test - thumb interphalangeal collateral ligament", "压力测试-拇指指间侧副韧带" ], "121640009": [ "Methoxyflurane measurement", "甲氧氟烷测量" ], "236328008": [ "Drainage of scrotal hematoma", "Drainage of scrotal haematoma", "阴囊血肿引流" ], "709629004": [ "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of bone of lower limb", "Biopsy of bone of lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下肢骨活检", "荧光透视引导下下肢骨活检" ], "1332221005": [ "Repair of traumatic arteriovenous fistula of extremity", "Repair of traumatic arteriovenous fistula of limb", "创伤性肢体动静脉瘘的修复", "肢体外伤性动静脉瘘的修补" ], "1217533001": [ "Injection of drug or medicament into cerebrospinal fluid", "将药物或药剂注射入脑脊液" ], "119805007": [ "Abdominal artery endoscopy", "腹部动脉内镜检查" ], "300029001": [ "Injection of frozen shoulder", "冻结肩注射" ], "183506001": [ "Non-urgent diabetic admission", "非紧急糖尿病患者入院" ], "85202001": [ "Replacement of prosthesis of extremity, bioelectric or cineplastic", "更换肢体假肢、生物电或电影塑料" ], "281810004": [ "Aspiration of knee joint", "Aspiration of fluid from knee joint", "膝关节抽吸液体", "膝关节抽吸" ], "117970005": [ "Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus antigen assay", "Epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus antigen assay", "流行性出血病病毒抗原测定" ], "707794004": [ "Immobilization using extrication splint", "Immobilisation using extrication splint", "使用解脱夹板固定" ], "412882008": [ "Urine calcium oxalate measurement", "Urine calcium-oxalate measurement", "Urine calcium oxalate product", "Urine calcium oxalate level", "尿液草酸钙水平", "尿液草酸钙测定", "尿液草酸钙产物" ], "17831001": [ "Free fatty acids measurement", "Lipids, free fatty acids measurement", "脂质、游离脂肪酸测量", "游离脂肪酸测定" ], "265426008": [ "Peranal destruction of lesion of rectum", "肛周直肠病变毁损术" ], "232658009": [ "DLTx - Double lung transplant", "Double lung transplant", "双肺移植", "DLTx-双肺移植" ], "230823001": [ "Revision of external subdural drain", "硬膜外引流术" ], "34215003": [ "Meat inspection for bacterial culture", "肉类细菌培养检测" ], "394663005": [ "Serum citrulline level", "血清瓜氨酸水平" ], "1230247009": [ "Change of dressing of cannula entry site", "Replacement of dressing of insertion site of cannula", "更换套管插入部位敷料" ], "179836002": [ "Release of torticollis", "斜颈松解术" ], "81532003": [ "Ligation of temporal artery", "颞动脉结扎" ], "704124006": [ "Referral for manual lymphatic drainage", "转诊进行手动淋巴引流" ], "261756009": [ "Cabrol technique", "Coronary interposition technique", "卡布罗技术", "冠状动脉介入技术" ], "718673003": [ "Assessment using Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale Parent Version", "Assessment using RCADS-P (Revised Children's Anxiety and Depression Scale Parent Version)", "使用修订版儿童焦虑和抑郁量表家长版进行评估", "使用 RCADS-P(修订版儿童焦虑和抑郁量表家长版)进行评估" ], "390993008": [ "Urine androstenedione level", "尿液雄烯二酮水平" ], "63313009": [ "Lumbar sympathetic ganglionectomy", "腰交感神经节切除术" ], "45094002": [ "Open reduction of orbital floor blowout fracture by combined approach", "联合入路切开复位治疗眶底爆裂性骨折" ], "225318000": [ "Personal and environmental management regime", "个人及环境管理制度" ], "274470005": [ "Manipulation under anaesthesia", "Manipulation under anesthesia", "麻醉下操作" ], "307238006": [ "Ravitch repair of pectus excavatum", "拉维奇修复开挖的胸部" ], "176166007": [ "Endoscopic bladder transection", "Transurethral transection of urinary bladder", "经尿道膀胱切开术", "内镜膀胱切开术" ], "241702005": [ "Induction of neuromuscular blockade", "诱导神经肌肉阻滞" ], "43259003": [ "Insertion of graft of great vessels with cardiopulmonary bypass", "体外循环下大血管移植术" ], "223483004": [ "Discussion about procedure", "程序讨论" ], "305403008": [ "Admission to psychogeriatric department", "Admission to elderly mentally ill department", "Admission to old age psychiatry department", "老年精神病科入院", "老年精神科入院" ], "385488000": [ "Surgical procedure on chest wall", "Operation on chest wall", "胸壁手术" ], "713168005": [ "Excision of hemangioma of skull", "Excision of haemangioma of skull", "颅骨血管瘤切除术" ], "451024007": [ "Inspection of vagina using vaginal speculum", "使用阴道窥器检查阴道" ], "236197000": [ "Cystoscopy and bulb catheter ureteropyelography", "Blow up ureteropyelogram", "Ascending ureterogram", "升段输尿管造影", "膀胱镜检查及球导管输尿管肾盂造影", "输尿管肾盂造影" ], "41424008": [ "Detorsion of kidney", "Release of torsion of kidney pedicle", "Reduction of torsion of kidney pedicle", "肾蒂扭转松解术", "肾扭转复位", "肾蒂扭转复位术" ], "105125005": [ "Chlorprothixene measurement", "氯普噻吨测量" ], "252581008": [ "Bekesy audiometry", "Automated pure tone audiometry - Bekesy", "贝克西听力检查", "自动纯音测听 - Bekesy" ], "414586001": [ "Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring first letter", "左心室功能障碍监测首字母" ], "121509008": [ "Creosol measurement", "甲酚测量" ], "711333009": [ "Fluoroscopic dacryocystography with contrast", "荧光泪囊造影" ], "250746002": [ "Albumin/immunoglobulin G ratio", "Albumin/immunoglobulin G ratio measurement", "IgG - Albumin/immunoglobulin G ratio", "IgG-白蛋白/免疫球蛋白G比率", "白蛋白/免疫球蛋白 G 比率", "白蛋白/免疫球蛋白 G 比率测量" ], "119674005": [ "Thigh repair", "大腿修复" ], "21370008": [ "Tenotomy of abductor of hip, open", "髋外展肌腱切断术,开放" ], "265295001": [ "Simple linear extraction of lens", "简单的线性提取镜头" ], "724047002": [ "Removal of right breast implant", "Removal of implant of right breast", "移除右侧乳房植入物" ], "232527001": [ "Pharyngeal reconstruction with gastrointestinal anastomosis", "咽部重建及胃肠吻合术" ], "725882009": [ "Assessment using MABC-2 Checklist (Movement Assessment Battery for Children Checklist - Second Edition)", "Assessment using Movement ABC-2 (Assessment Battery for Children - Second Edition) Checklist", "Assessment using Movement Assessment Battery for Children Checklist Second Edition", "使用 MABC-2 检查表(儿童运动评估电池检查表 - 第二版)进行评估", "使用运动 ABC-2 进行评估(儿童评估电池 - 第二版)清单", "使用儿童运动评估电池检查表第二版进行评估" ], "445519000": [ "Securing of medical device tubing", "医疗器械管路的固定" ], "117839003": [ "Papilloma virus 18 antigen assay", "Papillomavirus 18 antigen assay", "乳头瘤病毒 18 抗原检测" ], "312612003": [ "Removal of Gentamicin beads from bone", "从骨头中去除庆大霉素珠" ], "165156005": [ "Bone probing", "骨探测" ], "359929003": [ "Colporrhaphy for repair of cystocele", "阴道缝合术修复膀胱膨出" ], "409081008": [ "Malarial parasite detection test", "疟原虫检测" ], "278009009": [ "Computed tomography guided removal of foreign body", "CT guided removal of foreign body", "计算机断层扫描引导下取出异物", "CT 引导下取出异物" ], "46798003": [ "Special radionuclide imaging technique", "特殊放射性核素显像技术" ], "718542005": [ "X-ray tomography of lumbar spine", "腰椎X射线断层扫描" ], "28579000": [ "Radical retropubic prostatectomy with lymph node biopsy", "根治性耻骨后前列腺切除术及淋巴结活检" ], "307107000": [ "Surgical extraction of non-impacted supernumerary tooth", "非阻生多生牙的手术拔除" ], "274339001": [ "Surgical biopsy of nose", "鼻部手术活检" ], "405411002": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of external carotid artery", "颈外动脉内膜切除术及血管成形术" ], "177870009": [ "Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using insert of prosthetic material", "Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using synthetic patch", "使用合成补片修补复发性腹股沟疝", "用假体材料插入物修补复发性腹股沟疝" ], "225187005": [ "Applying stoma adhesive", "涂抹造口粘合剂" ], "241571002": [ "CT of hip", "Computed tomography of hip", "髋关节计算机断层扫描", "髋部 CT" ], "257955007": [ "Conversion from pseudoarthroplasty", "假关节置换术的转变" ], "370808003": [ "Evaluation of response to nutritional instruction", "Evaluates response to nutritional instruction", "营养指导反应评估", "评估对营养指导的反应" ], "305272004": [ "Admission by endocrinologist", "内分泌科医生入院" ], "43128008": [ "Ligation of artery of upper limb", "上肢动脉结扎" ], "698488009": [ "Verification of analgesic available at home", "确认家中有止痛药" ], "24909002": [ "Reduction of closed shoulder dislocation with manipulation requiring anesthesia", "Reduction of closed shoulder dislocation with manipulation requiring anaesthesia", "Manual reduction of closed dislocation of shoulder joint under anesthesia", "Manual reduction of closed dislocation of shoulder joint under anaesthesia", "通过麻醉操作复位闭合性肩关节脱位", "麻醉下闭合性肩关节脱位手法复位" ], "303437003": [ "Excision of both pectoral muscles", "切除双侧胸肌" ], "41293005": [ "Operation on aortic body", "主动脉体手术" ], "57677006": [ "Removal of calculus of lacrimal punctum by incision", "泪点切开取石术" ], "713037008": [ "Replacement of larynx", "喉部置换术" ], "121378000": [ "Metronidazole measurement", "甲硝唑测量" ], "252450001": [ "Gray scale ultrasonic Doppler", "灰阶超声多普勒" ], "432674002": [ "Ultrasonography of sacroiliac joint", "Ultrasonography (US) of sacroiliac joint", "骶髂关节超声检查" ], "6690007": [ "Sulfonamide measurement", "Sulphonamide measurement", "Sulphonamide level", "Sulfonamide level", "磺胺类药物测量", "磺胺类药物水平" ], "170530008": [ "Notification of AIDS", "Notification of acquired immune deficiency syndrome", "获得性免疫缺陷综合症的通知", "艾滋病通报" ], "711202009": [ "Conversion to prosthetic hybrid total replacement of hip joint using cemented femoral component", "使用骨水泥型股骨部件进行髋关节假体混合全置换术" ], "104994008": [ "Triiodothyronine, free measurement", "FT3 - Free triiodothyronine level", "三碘甲状腺原氨酸,自由测量", "FT3-游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸水平" ], "447223006": [ "Biopsy of neoplasm of spinal cord", "脊髓肿瘤活检" ], "1331959006": [ "Bone graft of thorax", "Grafting of bone of thorax", "胸骨移植", "胸廓骨移植" ], "414455009": [ "Anti mitochondrial IgM antibody level", "IgM antibody to mitochondria measurement", "Immunoglobulin M antibody to mitochondria measurement", "抗线粒体 IgM 抗体水平", "免疫球蛋白 M 抗体对线粒体的测量", "线粒体 IgM 抗体测量" ], "609228002": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of substance from tunica vaginalis", "经皮鞘膜抽吸物质" ], "84940002": [ "Simple destruction of lesion of vulva", "外阴病损单纯毁损术" ], "297932004": [ "Ureteroscopic operation for ureteric calculus", "输尿管镜手术治疗输尿管结石" ], "52172007": [ "Repair of ligament", "Ligament repair", "韧带修复" ], "117708009": [ "2-Methylpentane measurement", "2-甲基戊烷测量" ], "408950005": [ "Acute pain control", "Controlling acute pain", "Relieving acute pain", "急性疼痛控制", "缓解急性疼痛", "控制急性疼痛" ], "228726005": [ "Calculation of radiotherapy isodose distribution", "放射治疗等剂量分布的计算" ], "261494008": [ "Banding of descending vein", "降静脉束带" ], "241440009": [ "PET myocardial glucose metabolism study", "Positron emission tomography myocardial glucose metabolism study", "正电子发射断层扫描心肌葡萄糖代谢研究", "PET 心肌葡萄糖代谢研究" ], "239605003": [ "Opposition transfer to thumb using abductor digiti minimi", "Huber operation", "使用小指展肌将反对转移到拇指", "Huber 手术" ], "172234006": [ "Correction of deformity of eyelid", "眼睑畸形矫正" ], "434378006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of internal carotid artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of internal carotid artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "颈内动脉造影荧光血管造影术及植入支架", "颈内动脉造影及支架植入术" ], "417994007": [ "Salivary gland imaging procedure", "唾液腺成像程序" ], "762058009": [ "Reconstruction of microtia with free flap and microvascular anastomosis", "游离皮瓣显微血管吻合术修复小耳畸形" ], "448927001": [ "Lengthening of metatarsal bone", "跖骨延长" ], "252319002": [ "Immunochemistry assay", "免疫化学检测" ], "432543006": [ "Endoscopic aspiration of pancreas using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Endoscopic aspiration of pancreas using ultrasound guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasound guided aspiration of pancreas", "超声引导下内镜胰腺穿刺", "内镜超声引导下胰腺穿刺抽吸", "在超声引导下进行胰腺内镜抽吸" ], "399775008": [ "Allergen specific IgE antibody measurement, IP type", "Immunoperoxidase assay test", "Allergen specific IgE antibody measurement, immunoperoxidase type", "Allergen specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement, immunoperoxidase type", "免疫过氧化物酶测定", "过敏原特异性 IgE 抗体测量、免疫过氧化物酶类型", "过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量、免疫过氧化物酶类型", "过敏原特异性 IgE 抗体测量,IP 类型" ], "104863009": [ "Phenylketones measurement", "苯酮测量" ], "1217140007": [ "Partial replacement of joint of right hip with bipolar prosthesis", "双极假体置换右髋关节部分" ], "265033003": [ "Operation on pharyngeal pouch", "咽囊手术" ], "19273005": [ "Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia", "Herniorrhaphy for recurrent inguinal hernia", "复发性腹股沟疝的修补", "复发性腹股沟疝修补术" ], "1054002": [ "Incision of sphincter of Oddi", "Choledochal sphincterotomy", "Sphincterotomy of papilla of Vater", "胆总管括约肌切开术", "奥迪括约肌切开术", "乏特氏乳头括约肌切开术" ], "214046003": [ "Hindfoot amputation", "后足截肢" ], "443422003": [ "Replantation of thumb between carpometacarpal and metacarpophalangeal joints after complete amputation", "完全截肢后拇指再植于腕掌关节和掌指关节之间" ], "359667002": [ "Transverse incision", "横切口" ], "228595003": [ "Provision of orthosis", "提供矫形器" ], "392435002": [ "Parrot feathers specific IgE antibody measurement", "e213 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Parrot feathers specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鹦鹉羽毛特异性IgE抗体测定", "e213 特异性IgE抗体测量", "鹦鹉羽毛特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "441587002": [ "Arthroscopic harvest of autologous chondrocytes", "关节镜下采集自体软骨细胞" ], "310515004": [ "Referral to medical oncologist", "转诊至肿瘤内科医生" ], "408819007": [ "Delivery of placenta by maternal effort", "胎盘通过母亲的努力娩出" ], "48371009": [ "Repair of stoma of common duct", "Revision of stoma of common bile duct", "胆总管造口修复术", "胆管造口修复术" ], "28317006": [ "Hematocrit determination", "Haematocrit - PCV", "Hct - Haematocrit", "Hematocrit - PCV", "Hct - Hematocrit", "Haematocrit determination", "Haematocrit", "Hematocrit", "分血器", "血细胞比容 - PCV", "血细胞比容-PCV", "血细胞比容测定", "Hct-血细胞比容" ], "11933006": [ "Repair of atrial heart septum in total repair of tetralogy of Fallot", "法洛四联症全修复术中心房间隔修复" ], "419698000": [ "US angiography", "Ultrasound angiography", "Ultrasound scan of blood vessel", "Ultrasonography of blood vessel", "Ultrasound of blood vessel", "超声血管造影", "美國血管造影", "血管超声检查", "血管超声波扫描" ], "306845009": [ "Combination therapy to ankle", "踝关节联合治疗" ], "450631000": [ "Application of vacuum assisted closure device to skin of head", "Application of negative pressure wound dressing to skin of head", "负压敷料在头部皮肤创面的应用", "头部皮肤负压闭合装置的应用" ], "90183000": [ "Division of vaginal septum", "阴道隔膜切开术" ], "173938009": [ "Intubation of jejunum for measurement of intestinal function", "空肠插管测量肠道功能" ], "104732000": [ "Homocitrulline measurement", "同型瓜氨酸测量" ], "252188005": [ "CRH - Corticotrophin releasing hormone test", "CRF - Corticotrophin releasing factor test", "Corticotrophin releasing factor test", "Corticotrophin releasing hormone test", "促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素试验", "促皮质素释放因子检测", "CRF-- 促皮质素释放因子测试", "CRH-- 促皮质素释放激素测试" ], "4593001": [ "Cauterization of sclera with iridectomy", "Cauterisation of sclera with iridectomy", "巩膜烧灼术和虹膜切除术" ], "446961006": [ "Assessment using adult comorbidity evaluation-27", "使用成人合并症评估方法进行评估-27" ], "314054000": [ "Calculus calcium content measurement", "Calculus calcium content", "牙结石钙含量测量", "牙结石钙含量" ], "363206008": [ "Computerized axial tomography special views and positions", "Computerised axial tomography special views and positions", "CT special views and positions", "Computed tomography special views and positions", "计算机轴向断层扫描特殊视图和位置", "CT 特殊视图和位置", "计算机断层扫描特殊视图和位置" ], "443291003": [ "Insertion of bone pin with skeletal traction", "骨牵引下骨针插入" ], "50075004": [ "Repair of aneurysm of abdominal aorta involving iliac vessels with graft", "腹主动脉瘤累及髂血管的移植物修复" ], "70721000052102": [ "Tanner-Whitehouse 2 RUS (radius-ulna-short bones) bone age assessment", "Assessment of bone age using Tanner-Whitehouse 2 radius-ulna-short bones method", "使用 Tanner-Whitehouse 2 桡尺短骨方法评估骨龄", "Tanner-Whitehouse 2 RUS(桡骨-尺骨-短骨)骨龄评估" ], "406853000": [ "Fast violet B salt stain method", "Fast violet B salt stain", "坚牢紫B盐染法", "坚牢紫B盐染色" ], "392304009": [ "Wormwood specific IgE antibody measurement", "w5 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Artemisia absinthium specific IgE antibody measurement", "Artemisia absinthium specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "苦艾特异性IgE抗体测定", "w5 特异性IgE抗体测量", "苦艾特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "艾草特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "46405006": [ "Anesthesia for a bypass graft on arteries of shoulder and axilla", "Anaesthesia for a bypass graft on arteries of shoulder and axilla", "肩部及腋窝动脉旁路移植术的麻醉" ], "128325007": [ "Direct laryngoscopy with surgical procedure", "直接喉镜检查及外科手术" ], "241178002": [ "U tube cholangiogram", "U tube cholangiography", "U 型管胆管造影" ], "388634003": [ "Elk/moose meat specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf285 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Elk/moose meat specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "麋鹿/驼鹿肉特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "Rf285特异性IgE抗体测量", "麋鹿/驼鹿肉特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "60954008": [ "Cervical esophagostomy", "Fistulization of esophagus by cervical approach", "Cervical oesophagostomy", "Fistulisation of oesophagus by cervical approach", "颈部食管造口术", "经颈部入路食管造瘘术" ], "75503001": [ "Excision of cyst of Gartner's duct", "Excision of Gartner's duct cyst", "Excision of cyst of Gartner duct", "加特纳管囊肿切除术", "切除 Gartner 管囊肿" ], "1287919004": [ "Debridement of pacemaker pocket", "起搏器囊袋清创" ], "239343006": [ "Excision of sesamoid bone of foot", "足部籽骨切除术" ], "304879008": [ "Recording interpersonal interactions", "记录人际互动" ], "173807009": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic sclerotherapy to lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "Fibreoptic endoscopic sclerotherapy to lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "纤维内镜硬化治疗上消化道病变" ], "386799009": [ "Hydrodistension of bladder", "Hydrodistension of urinary bladder", "膀胱水扩张" ], "450500003": [ "Laparoscopic cholecystostomy", "腹腔镜胆囊造口术" ], "73668004": [ "Calcium measurement, urine", "Urine calcium", "Urine calcium level", "尿钙", "尿钙测量", "尿钙水平" ], "1220548009": [ "Open ileectomy", "Open excision of ileum", "回肠切除术", "开放回肠切除术" ], "104601006": [ "Cobalamins, total measurement", "钴胺素,总量" ], "268441007": [ "Stereotactic/stereoscopic investigation", "立体定向/立体观察" ], "252057008": [ "Semen measurement", "精液测量" ], "55449009": [ "Removal of urethral catheter", "拔除尿道导管" ], "446830003": [ "Laparoscopic wedge resection of lesion of stomach", "腹腔镜胃病灶楔形切除术" ], "430446006": [ "Injection of thoracic spinal nerve root using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Injection of thoracic spinal nerve root using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided injection of thoracic spinal nerve root", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行胸椎神经根注射", "CT引导下胸椎神经根注射", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行胸椎神经根注射" ], "250222008": [ "Globin chain ratio", "Globin chain ratio measurement", "珠蛋白链比率", "珠蛋白链比率测量" ], "363075003": [ "Diagnostic radiography with contrast media by injection", "注射造影剂诊断放射线照相术" ], "117315003": [ "Loeffler methylene blue stain method", "Loeffler methylene blue staining", "Loeffler 亚甲蓝染色法", "Loeffler 亚甲蓝染色" ], "608835007": [ "Laparoscopic repair of strangulated incisional hernia", "腹腔镜手术修补嵌顿性切口疝" ], "313923008": [ "120 minute plasma FSH level", "120 minute plasma FSH measurement", "120 minute plasma follicle stimulating hormone measurement", "120 分钟血浆 FSH 测量", "120 分钟血浆 FSH 水平", "120 分钟血浆促卵泡激素测量" ], "410392000": [ "Housing surveillance", "Home surveillance", "住房监控", "家庭监控" ], "361240004": [ "Perineural suturing of peripheral nerve", "周围神经缝合" ], "195565004": [ "Dilation of oesophagus", "Dilation of esophagus", "Dilatation procedure to oesophagus", "Dilatation procedure to esophagus", "食管扩张术", "食管扩张" ], "441325006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of branch of renal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of branch of renal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内造影引导肾动脉分支栓塞术" ], "62658002": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of chest and myocardium", "MRI of chest and myocardium", "胸部和心肌磁共振成像", "胸部和心肌 MRI" ], "177346002": [ "Shave biopsy of skin", "皮肤刮取活检" ], "439490005": [ "Insertion of subconjunctival retinal prosthesis receiver and pulse generator with vitrectomy", "玻璃体切除术中结膜下视网膜假体接收器和脉冲发生器的插入" ], "699799000": [ "Local anaesthetic block of transversus abdominis plane", "Local anesthetic block of transversus abdominis plane", "TAP (transversus abdominus plane) block", "腹横肌平面局麻阻滞", "TAP(腹横肌平面)阻滞" ], "1142167001": [ "Increased docosahexaenoic acid diet", "Increased DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) diet", "增加二十二碳六烯酸饮食", "增加 DHA(二十二碳六烯酸)饮食" ], "306583003": [ "Discharge from endocrinology service", "内分泌科出院" ], "241047004": [ "Dental plain X-ray periapical", "牙科根尖X光片" ], "388503005": [ "Jack fruit specific IgE antibody measurement", "Artocarpus heterophyllus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf318 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Artocarpus heterophyllus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "菠萝蜜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf318特异性IgE抗体测量", "菠萝蜜特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "386668000": [ "Plastic repair of mouth", "Mouth plastic repair", "Stomatoplasty", "Mouth reconstruction", "口腔整形术", "口腔整形修复", "口腔重建" ], "1156716001": [ "CT guided percutaneous needle aspiration of upper abdomen", "Percutaneous needle aspiration of upper abdomen using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下上腹部经皮针吸活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行上腹部经皮针吸活检" ], "173676001": [ "Intubation of oesophagus for pressure manometry", "Intubation of esophagus for pressure manometry", "食管插管进行压力测压" ], "419436006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and thrombolysis of upper limb artery", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and thrombolysis of upper limb artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and thrombolysis of upper limb artery", "上肢动脉荧光造影及溶栓治疗", "上肢动脉荧光血管造影及溶栓治疗", "上肢动脉造影及溶栓治疗" ], "26220007": [ "Anesthesia for culdoscopy", "Anaesthesia for culdoscopy", "后穹窿镜检查麻醉" ], "237377006": [ "Percutaneous drill biopsy of breast", "乳腺经皮穿刺活检" ], "171841007": [ "Endoscopic carpal tunnel release", "内窥镜腕管松解术" ], "401217009": [ "Left dorsalis pedis Doppler pressure", "左足背多普勒压力" ], "301078002": [ "Embolisation of suprarenal artery", "Embolization of suprarenal artery", "肾上动脉栓塞术" ], "104470002": [ "Adenosine deaminase binding protein measurement", "腺苷脱氨酶结合蛋白测量" ], "432150001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of floor of mouth with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of floor of mouth with contrast", "MRI of floor of mouth with contrast", "口底增强磁共振成像", "口底增强磁共振成像(MRI)", "口底增强 MRI" ], "6166005": [ "Nephropyeloureterostomy", "肾盂输尿管造口术" ], "235542006": [ "Fine needle aspiration of bile duct", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of bile duct", "胆管细针穿刺", "胆管细针穿刺活检" ], "448534007": [ "Endarterectomy and patch repair of celiac artery", "Endarterectomy and patch repair of coeliac artery", "腹腔动脉内膜切除术及补片修复术" ], "415766007": [ "Ubiquinone level", "Ubiquinone measurement", "泛醌水平", "泛醌测量" ], "397547000": [ "Schirmer I test", "泪液分泌试验" ], "4331002": [ "Anesthesia for hernia repair in lower abdomen", "Anaesthesia for hernia repair in lower abdomen", "下腹部疝修补术的麻醉" ], "313792003": [ "Plasma homocystine measurement", "Plasma homocystine level", "血浆同型半胱氨酸测量", "血浆同型半胱氨酸水平" ], "1231296008": [ "Bilateral cataract extraction", "Extraction of cataract of bilateral eyes", "双眼白内障摘除术", "双侧白内障摘除术" ], "443029003": [ "Injection of sentinel lymph node using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行前哨淋巴结注射" ], "410261004": [ "Social therapy education", "Teach medical social worker service", "社会治疗教育", "教导医务社工服务" ], "180885006": [ "Lumbar epidural block", "LA - Local anesthetic lumbar epidural block", "Local anaesthetic lumbar epidural block", "LA - Local anaesthetic lumbar epidural block", "Local anesthetic lumbar epidural block", "LA - 局部麻醉腰椎硬膜外阻滞", "局部麻醉腰椎硬膜外阻滞", "腰椎硬膜外阻滞" ], "17045008": [ "Operation on fascia", "Fascia operation", "筋膜手术" ], "31594000": [ "Group marathon therapy", "Accelerated interaction", "加速互动", "团体马拉松疗法" ], "703338002": [ "Stress echocardiography using dobutamine", "使用多巴酚丁胺进行负荷超声心动图检查" ], "179050006": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture and external fixation", "一期骨折切开复位及外固定" ], "306452000": [ "Discharge by obstetrician", "产科医生出院" ], "77076000": [ "Repair of recurrent femoral hernia", "Herniorrhaphy for recurrent femoral hernia", "复发性股疝的修补", "复发性股疝修补术" ], "175380003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of carotid artery", "经皮颈动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "58857000": [ "Repair of perirectal fistula", "Closure of perirectal fistula", "直肠周围瘘管闭合", "直肠周围瘘的修复" ], "91625001": [ "Selective vagotomy", "SV - Selective vagotomy", "Segmental vagectomy", "SV-选择性迷走神经切断术", "选择性迷走神经切断术", "阴道分段切除术" ], "1269438004": [ "Percutaneous examination of fetus", "Percutaneous examination of foetus", "胎儿经皮检查", "经皮胎儿检查" ], "6035001": [ "Chart abstracting", "图表抽象" ], "432019001": [ "Insertion of tunneled central venous catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Insertion of tunnelled central venous catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下插入隧道式中心静脉导管" ], "235411003": [ "Non-endoscopic biopsy of gastrointestinal tract", "非内镜胃肠道活检" ], "38803003": [ "Revision of vascular procedure", "血管手术的修订" ], "384702009": [ "Anti-tetanus immunoglobulin injection", "抗破伤风免疫球蛋白注射液" ], "104339006": [ "Complement C'3 esterase measurement", "补体 C'3 酯酶测量" ], "3661000087102": [ "Plain X-ray of left humerus", "左肱骨普通 X 光检查" ], "233576000": [ "Intermittent haemodialysis with sequential ultrafiltration", "Intermittent hemodialysis with sequential ultrafiltration", "间歇性血液透析及序贯超滤" ], "17741000087100": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of bilateral upper extremities with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of bilateral upper limbs with contrast", "MR angiography of bilateral upper limbs with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of both arms with contrast", "MR angiography of bilateral upper extremities with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of both upper limbs with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of both upper extremities with contrast", "MR angiography of both upper limbs with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of bilateral arms with contrast", "MR angiography of both upper extremities with contrast", "MR angiography of both arms with contrast", "MR angiography of bilateral arms with contrast", "双上肢增强磁共振血管造影", "双臂 MR 血管造影", "双臂磁共振血管造影", "双侧上肢增强磁共振血管造影" ], "11341000087106": [ "CT of right acromioclavicular joint", "Computed tomography of right acromioclavicular joint", "右侧肩锁关节CT", "右侧肩锁关节计算机断层扫描" ], "118888001": [ "Procedure on aortic body", "主动脉体手术" ], "53352004": [ "Excision of lesion of external auditory canal", "Excision of lesion of external auditory meatus", "外耳道病变切除术" ], "430184005": [ "Reduction of dislocation of elbow", "肘关节脱位复位" ], "2381000087108": [ "MRI of right hand with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right hand with contrast", "右手 MRI 增强扫描", "右手对比磁共振成像" ], "69736008": [ "Vocational assessment", "职业评估" ], "117053004": [ "Chemical separation method", "化学分离法" ], "84285005": [ "Transvesical ureterolithotomy", "膀胱输尿管切开取石术" ], "231741009": [ "Revision of disordered anatomy of anterior chamber", "Revision of anterior chamber", "前房解剖结构紊乱的修复", "前房修复" ], "444733009": [ "Preoperative cardiovascular examination", "术前心血管检查" ], "410130001": [ "Management of compliance with therapeutic regimen", "Manage compliance with therapeutic regimen", "管理治疗方案的依从性", "治疗方案依从性的管理" ], "770578003": [ "Ultrasonography of soft tissue of lumbar region of back", "Ultrasound of soft tissue of lumbar region of back", "Ultrasound scan of soft tissue of lumbar region of back", "腰背部软组织超声检查", "背部腰椎区软组织超声扫描" ], "705042005": [ "Revision of percutaneous endoscopic excision of thoracic intervertebral disc", "经皮内镜胸椎间盘切除术的修复" ], "442898005": [ "Open reduction of fracture of proximal tibia with internal fixation", "胫骨近端骨折切开复位内固定" ], "424679001": [ "pH measurement, vaginal fluid", "阴道液 pH 值测量" ], "178919002": [ "Extirpation of lesion of bone", "骨病损摘除术" ], "47847005": [ "Autopsy, gross examination, limited, regional", "尸检、大体检查、有限检查、区域检查" ], "719591006": [ "Varenicline therapy", "伐尼克兰治疗" ], "46012005": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on thoracic spine", "Anaesthesia for procedure on thoracic spine", "胸椎手术麻醉" ], "715921001": [ "Carya illinoinensis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Carya illinoinensis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Pecan nut specific IgE antibody measurement", "f201 specific IgE antibody measurement", "山核桃特异性IgE抗体测定", "f201特异性IgE抗体测量", "山核桃特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "山核桃特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "306321002": [ "Referral to breast care nurse", "转诊至乳房护理护士" ], "175249005": [ "Anastomosis of vena cava to pulmonary artery", "Glenn shunt", "Creation of anastomosis from vena cava to pulmonary artery", "建立从下腔静脉到肺动脉的吻合口", "下腔静脉与肺动脉吻合术", "格伦分流术" ], "44177008": [ "Division of joint capsule of foot and toe", "足趾关节囊的划分" ], "173414002": [ "Biopsy of lesion of uvula", "悬雍垂病变活检" ], "386406005": [ "Rectal prolapse care", "Rectal prolapse management", "直肠脱垂的治疗", "直肠脱垂护理" ], "107878006": [ "Integumentary system excision", "外皮系统切除术" ], "304486007": [ "Direct current to hip", "直流电至臀部" ], "89659001": [ "Amylase measurement, serum", "Amylase - serum", "淀粉酶-血清", "血清淀粉酶测定" ], "122427005": [ "Trichomonas vaginalis detection", "阴道毛滴虫检测" ], "171579009": [ "Intracranial transection of glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)", "舌咽神经颅内切断术(IX)" ], "104208006": [ "Giemsa stain method", "Giemsa stain", "吉姆萨染色", "吉姆萨染色法" ], "36837001": [ "Curettage of benign tumor of clavicle", "Excision of benign tumor of clavicle", "Excision of benign tumour of clavicle", "Curettage of benign tumour of clavicle", "锁骨良性肿瘤切除术", "锁骨良性肿瘤刮除术" ], "413669005": [ "Blood ethylene glycol level", "Blood ethylene glycol measurement", "血液乙二醇水平", "血液乙二醇测量" ], "20453006": [ "Relocation of cardiac pacemaker pocket to new site in subcutaneous tissue", "将心脏起搏器囊袋重新安置到皮下组织的新位置" ], "233445008": [ "TIPS - Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt", "Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt", "TIPS - 经颈静脉肝内门体分流术", "经颈静脉肝内门体分流术" ], "231610002": [ "Jones procedure to lower eyelid", "Retractor plication of lower eyelid", "下眼睑折叠术", "琼斯下眼睑手术" ], "313530007": [ "Noradrenaline/creatinine ratio measurement", "Noradrenaline/creatinine ratio", "Measurement of norepinephrine/creatinine ratio", "去甲肾上腺素/肌酐比率", "去甲肾上腺素/肌酐比率测量", "去甲肾上腺素/肌酐比率的测量" ], "311695000": [ "Soft attack voice exercises", "软攻击声音练习" ], "84154009": [ "Removal of electronic ureteral stimulator", "移除电子输尿管刺激器" ], "2234009": [ "Proctosigmoidopexy", "直肠乙状结肠固定术" ], "65935005": [ "Repair of stress incontinence by suprapubic sling", "Repair of stress incontinence by urethrovesical suspension", "Urethrocystopexy by suprapubic suspension", "Cystourethropexy by suprapubic suspension", "Sling procedure of bladder neck", "Suprapubic sling operation", "尿道膀胱悬吊术治疗压力性尿失禁", "耻骨上膀胱悬吊尿道固定术", "膀胱颈吊带术", "耻骨上吊带术治疗压力性尿失禁", "耻骨上膀胱尿道悬吊术", "耻骨上吊带手术" ], "13113001": [ "Anesthesia for laparoscopic procedure on lower abdomen", "Anaesthesia for laparoscopic procedure on lower abdomen", "下腹部腹腔镜手术麻醉" ], "439097002": [ "Injection into facet joint of cervical spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下颈椎小关节注射" ], "308025006": [ "Primary laser excision of thoracic intervertebral disc", "胸椎间盘初次激光切除术" ], "127801007": [ "Body fluid analysis", "体液分析" ], "27662000": [ "Calibration of urethra", "尿道校准" ], "76814002": [ "Smear for fat", "涂片检测脂肪" ], "306190003": [ "Referral to endocrine surgery service", "转诊至内分泌外科服务" ], "11278003": [ "Kidney imaging with vascular flow and function study", "肾脏血管流动和功能成像研究" ], "1156323002": [ "Repair of right inguinal hernia using robotic assistance", "Robot assisted repair of right inguinal hernia", "机器人辅助修复右侧腹股沟疝", "使用机器人辅助修复右侧腹股沟疝" ], "25827007": [ "Repair of macrodactyly", "巨指症的修复" ], "386275008": [ "Electrolyte monitoring", "电解质监测" ], "42211009": [ "Radioimmunofocus assay", "放射免疫聚焦试验" ], "236984003": [ "Mauriceau Smellie Veit manoeuvre", "MSV - Mauriceau Smellie Veit manoeuvre", "Malar flexion shoulder traction", "Jaw flexion shoulder traction", "Mauriceau Smellie Veit maneuver", "MSV - Mauriceau Smellie Veit maneuver", "颧骨屈曲肩部牵引", "MSV - Mauriceau Smellie Veit 机动", "下颌屈曲肩部牵引", "MSV - 莫里斯考·斯梅利·维特机动", "莫里斯索·斯梅利·维特机动", "莫里斯索·斯梅利·维特动作" ], "442021000124100": [ "Referral to adult day care programme", "Referral to adult day care program", "转介至成人日托计划" ], "438181000124101": [ "Decreased niacin diet", "减少烟酸饮食" ], "171448007": [ "Excision of lesion of temporal lobe of brain", "脑颞叶病损切除术" ], "444581000124104": [ "Feeding environment table height management", "饲喂环境台面高度管理" ], "710285001": [ "Transarterial chemoembolization using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Transarterial chemoembolisation using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided transarterial chemoembolization with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided transarterial chemoembolisation with contrast", "使用荧光造影剂引导的经动脉化疗栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经动脉造影化疗栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经动脉化疗栓塞术" ], "436901000124106": [ "Trans fat modified diet", "反式脂肪改良饮食" ], "721061000124106": [ "External beam radiotherapy with breath gating", "External beam radiotherapy with respiratory gating", "呼吸门控外照射放射治疗", "结合呼吸门控的外照射放射治疗" ], "122296009": [ "Adenovirus DNA assay", "Adenovirus deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "腺病毒 DNA 检测", "腺病毒脱氧核糖核酸测定" ], "1300109005": [ "Education toward completion of learning objectives of vocational rehabilitation program", "Education toward completion of learning objectives of vocational rehabilitation programme", "为完成职业康复计划的学习目标而进行的教育" ], "235149006": [ "Pull enteroscopy", "拉式肠镜检查" ], "71309007": [ "Closure of enterostomy", "Take-down of intestinal stoma", "Closure of stoma of intestine", "Take-down of enterostomy", "Closure of artificial opening of intestine", "肠造口缝合", "人工肠道开口缝合", "肠造口拆除" ], "431757007": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of pleural cavity", "Ultrasonography of pleural cavity", "胸腔超声检查" ], "397154002": [ "Total repair of truncus arteriosus", "Total correction of truncus arteriosus", "动脉干全修复", "动脉干全矫正术" ], "315234002": [ "Secondary prevention", "二级预防" ], "118626002": [ "Construction of interposition anastomosis", "中间吻合术的构建" ], "3938007": [ "Cerclage for retinal reattachment", "视网膜环扎术" ], "429922008": [ "Injection of elbow joint using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Injection of elbow joint using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided injection of elbow joint", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肘关节注射", "CT引导下肘关节注射", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行肘关节注射" ], "233314008": [ "Popliteal embolectomy", "Embolectomy of popliteal artery", "腘动脉栓塞切除术" ], "409868000": [ "Wayson stain", "Wayson stain method", "Wayson 染色法", "Wayson 染色" ], "311564002": [ "Therapy to improve nasal tone", "改善鼻音的疗法" ], "426252008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of whole body", "MRI of whole body", "全身磁共振成像" ], "47585001": [ "Surgical closure of anastomosis", "吻合口手术缝合" ], "309729004": [ "Spinal probing", "脊柱探查" ], "78518004": [ "Tetracycline labelling of bone", "Tetracycline labeling of bone", "骨的四环素标记" ], "1290934009": [ "Plain X-ray of perineum", "会阴部 X 光检查" ], "174987003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal mitral valvotomy", "经皮腔内二尖瓣切开术" ], "306059003": [ "Referral from art therapist", "Referral by art therapist", "艺术治疗师的推荐", "艺术治疗师推荐" ], "1010571005": [ "Sequential anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery from first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex coronary artery to left anterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) from OM1 (first obtuse marginal) branch of LCX (left circumflex coronary artery) to LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) from OM1 (first obtuse marginal) branch of LCX (left circumflex coronary artery) to LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of left internal mammary artery from first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex coronary artery to left anterior descending coronary artery", "将左胸内动脉 (LITA) 从左回旋冠状动脉 (LCX) 的第一钝缘分支 OM1 (左冠状动脉左回旋支) 依次吻合至左前降支 (LAD) 冠状动脉", "将 LIMA (左内乳动脉) 从 LCX (左回旋冠状动脉) 的 OM1 (第一钝缘支) 分支与 LAD (左前降支) 冠状动脉进行顺序吻合", "左乳内动脉回旋支第一钝缘支至左前降支序贯吻合术", "左胸廓内动脉回旋支第一钝缘支至左前降支序贯吻合术" ], "173152005": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic snare resection of lesion below trachea", "Fibreoptic endoscopic snare resection of lesion below trachea", "Fibreoptic bronchoscopic snare resection of lesion below trachea", "Fiberoptic bronchoscopic snare resection of lesion below trachea", "纤维内镜下气管下病变切除术", "纤维支气管镜下圈套器切除气管下病变", "纤维支气管镜下圈套切除气管下病变" ], "25696006": [ "VDRL, qualitative", "Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL), qualitative", "Venereal Disease Research Laboratory, qualitative", "性病研究实验室,定性", "VDRL,定性", "性病研究实验室(VDRL),定性" ], "1303648008": [ "Removal of internal fixation device of bone of left ankle joint region", "左踝关节区骨内固定装置拆除" ], "302389000": [ "Marsupialization of skin lesion", "Marsupialisation of skin lesion", "皮肤病变袋形化" ], "236853001": [ "Tissue expansion vaginoplasty", "组织扩张阴道成形术" ], "271456009": [ "Dynamic non-imaging isotope study: thyroid", "动态非成像同位素研究:甲状腺" ], "171317003": [ "Geriatric 80 year screening", "80 岁老人筛查" ], "122165007": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi 47kd antibody assay", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 47 kD antibody", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 47 kiloDalton antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体 47 千道尔顿抗体测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体 47kd 抗体检测", "伯氏疏螺旋体 47 kD 抗体的测量" ], "710154002": [ "Promoting positive psychological status", "Promotion of positive psychological status", "促进积极的心理状态" ], "87562003": [ "Boyd operation for hip disarticulation", "Boyd 手术治疗髋关节离断" ], "103946003": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from 210 collection (ISBT 210)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from 210 collection (International Society of Blood Transfusion 210)", "血型、210 个样本的红细胞抗原 (ISBT 210)", "血型、210 个采集的红细胞抗原(国际输血协会 210)" ], "431626004": [ "Endocardial ablation of pulmonary vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided endocardial ablation of pulmonary vein with contrast", "荧光造影引导下肺静脉心内膜消融" ], "448010007": [ "Bypass of artery of lower extremity by anastomosis of aorta to superficial femoral artery", "下肢动脉旁路移植术:将主动脉吻合至股浅动脉" ], "20191000": [ "Radial immunodiffusion measurement", "RID measurement", "径向免疫扩散测量", "RID 测量" ], "429791001": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of liver and spleen", "Single photon emission computed tomography of liver and spleen", "肝脏和脾脏的单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "肝脏和脾脏的单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)" ], "233183002": [ "Insertion of permanent epicardial cardiac pacemaker system", "植入永久性心外膜心脏起搏器系统" ], "231348000": [ "Topical local anaesthetic to upper airway", "Topical local anesthetic to upper airway", "上呼吸道局部麻醉" ], "315103009": [ "Cockatiel serum antibody level", "玄凤鹦鹉血清抗体水平" ], "49289001": [ "Injection of vitreous substitute for reattachment of retina", "Replacement of vitreous for retinal reattachment", "玻璃体置换术,用于视网膜复位", "注射玻璃体替代物进行视网膜复位" ], "32905003": [ "Excision of recurrent thyroglossal duct cyst", "复发性甲状舌管囊肿切除术" ], "229513003": [ "Sensory stimulation using tapping", "通过轻拍进行感官刺激" ], "440670004": [ "Education about medication intake during pregnancy", "关于怀孕期间服用药物的教育" ], "63838005": [ "Destruction by neurolytic agent of trigeminal nerve, inferior alveolar branch", "用神经溶解剂破坏三叉神经、下齿槽支" ], "178526006": [ "Primary microdiscectomy of cervical intervertebral disc", "颈椎间盘初次显微切除术" ], "112990007": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on nose and accessory sinuses", "Anaesthesia for procedure on nose and accessory sinuses", "鼻腔及副鼻窦手术麻醉" ], "47454007": [ "Ovarian denervation", "卵巢失神经支配" ], "274995003": [ "Sistrunk operation for thyroglossal cyst", "甲状舌管囊肿Sistrunk手术" ], "438835004": [ "Reconstruction of lateral collateral ligament of elbow using tendon graft", "肌腱移植重建肘关节外侧副韧带" ], "699144000": [ "Internal fixation of radius without fracture reduction", "桡骨骨折未复位内固定" ], "176691008": [ "McIndoe vaginoplasty", "Reconstruction of vagina with skin graft", "Reconstruction of vagina with graft of skin", "皮肤移植重建阴道", "McIndoe 阴道成形术" ], "16549351000119106": [ "Fluoroscopy guided therapeutic injection of left wrist", "Therapeutic injection of left wrist using fluoroscopic guidance", "左腕部荧光透视引导治疗性注射", "左腕部荧光透视引导治疗注射" ], "16557031000119108": [ "Fluoroscopy guided needle biopsy of thyroid", "Needle biopsy of thyroid using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下甲状腺针吸活检" ], "572391000119109": [ "Administration of rabies vaccine via intramuscular route", "Intramuscular rabies vaccination", "Intramuscular rabies immunisation", "Intramuscular rabies immunization", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Rabies lyssavirus antigen via intramuscular route", "肌肉注射狂犬病免疫", "肌肉注射狂犬病疫苗", "通过肌肉注射途径注射仅含有狂犬病病毒抗原的疫苗产品" ], "305928009": [ "Open atrial septectomy", "开放式房间隔切除术" ], "304093002": [ "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle osteomyocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle osseomyocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction with local subcutaneous pedicle osteomyocutaneous flap", "局部皮下带蒂骨肌皮瓣修复" ], "91101005": [ "Operation on ligament", "Ligament operation", "韧带手术" ], "1303517005": [ "Internal fixation of left femur", "左股骨内固定" ], "58333007": [ "Incision of temporal pouches", "颞袋切开术" ], "122034000": [ "Leishmania mexicana antibody assay", "Measurement of Leishmania mexicana antibody", "墨西哥利什曼原虫抗体检测" ], "1186994002": [ "Pedicle myocutaneous flap to eyelid", "带蒂眼睑肌皮瓣" ], "169351001": [ "Radiotherapy: infuse head/neck", "放射治疗:注入头部/颈部" ], "103815001": [ "Fibrinogen fragments assay", "Fibrinogen degradation product level", "纤维蛋白原降解产物水平", "纤维蛋白原片段测定" ], "431495003": [ "Aspiration of tendon using ultrasound guidance", "Aspiration of tendon using ultrasound (US) guidance", "在超声引导下进行肌腱抽吸", "超声引导下肌腱抽吸" ], "447879002": [ "Creation of anastomosis from ascending aorta to right pulmonary artery", "从升主动脉至右肺动脉建立吻合口" ], "87431004": [ "Dilation of cervical canal", "Dilation of cervix uteri", "Cervix dilatation procedure", "Cervical dilatation procedure", "宫颈管扩张", "宫颈扩张手术", "宫颈扩张" ], "284039004": [ "Breathing system disconnection monitoring", "Ventilator disconnection monitoring", "呼吸机断开监控", "呼吸系统断开监测" ], "234887009": [ "Remove orthodontic separator", "移除正畸分离器" ], "185735009": [ "Asthma monitoring call verbal invite", "哮喘监测电话口头邀请" ], "233052003": [ "Bx - Open right ventricular biopsy", "Open right ventricular biopsy", "开放性右心室活检", "Bx - 开放性右心室活检" ], "183900001": [ "Private referral to immunologist", "免疫学家私人转诊" ], "69212005": [ "Range of motion testing", "运动范围测试" ], "314972008": [ "Indirect fundoscopy following mydriatic", "散瞳后间接眼底镜检查" ], "231217005": [ "Local anesthetic supratrochlear nerve block", "Local anaesthetic supratrochlear nerve block", "Supratrochlear nerve block", "局部麻醉滑车上神经阻滞", "滑车上神经阻滞" ], "395057007": [ "Trichomonas screening test", "滴虫筛查试验" ], "65542000": [ "Excision of uterosacral ligament", "子宫骶韧带切除术" ], "229382000": [ "Physiological mobilization of the knee", "Physiological mobilisation of the knee", "膝关节的生理活动" ], "425990003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into pulmonary vein", "Endovascular insertion of stent into pulmonary vein", "经皮肺静脉腔内支架置入术", "血管内支架插入肺静脉" ], "178395000": [ "Reduction of fracture of nasoethmoid complex of bones", "鼻筛骨复合体骨折复位" ], "32774009": [ "Biopsy of pancreas", "Pancreatic biopsy", "胰腺活检" ], "129243001": [ "Closed heart valvotomy of tricuspid valve", "Closed tricuspid valvotomy", "闭式心脏三尖瓣切开术", "闭式三尖瓣切开术" ], "391387001": [ "Urine cortisol level", "尿液皮质醇水平" ], "1145051004": [ "Endoscopic procedure of upper extremity", "Endoscopic procedure of upper limb", "上肢内窥镜手术" ], "702683000": [ "Surveillance of oral contraceptive pill for non-contraceptive use", "对非避孕用途口服避孕药的监测" ], "473307002": [ "Assessment using Addenbrooke's cognitive examination revised memory subscale", "使用 Addenbrooke 认知检查修订记忆分量表进行评估" ], "440539003": [ "Laparoscopic removal of gastric stimulation electrodes of lesser curvature of stomach", "腹腔镜胃小弯胃刺激电极取出术" ], "309467002": [ "Neurological observation regime", "Neuro-obs", "神经外科", "神经系统观察制度" ], "14555006": [ "Arthroplasty of patella with prosthesis", "髌骨假体置换术" ], "225712002": [ "Removal of oral pack", "移除口腔包" ], "176560005": [ "Release of chordee", "阴茎下弯释放术" ], "387717002": [ "Ureteroscopy", "Cystoscopy of ureter", "Ureteroscopic operation", "Cystoureteroscopy", "Endoscopy of ureter", "Endoscopic ureter operation", "输尿管内镜检查", "膀胱输尿管镜检查", "内镜输尿管手术", "输尿管镜检查", "输尿管膀胱镜检查", "输尿管镜手术" ], "25434003": [ "Limited eye examination", "有限的眼科检查" ], "713562004": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography using technetium 99m with computed tomography of thyroid", "Technetium 99m SPECT CT of thyroid", "使用锝99m进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描,用于甲状腺的计算机断层扫描", "甲状腺锝99m SPECT CT" ], "385882005": [ "Instrumental activities of daily living management", "Manage instrumental activities of daily living (IADLS)", "管理工具性日常生活活动 (IADLS)", "工具性日常生活活动管理" ], "287578004": [ "Direct upper limb arteriogram", "Direct angiography of upper limb", "Direct arteriography of upper limb", "上肢直接血管造影", "直接上肢动脉造影", "上肢直接动脉造影" ], "171055003": [ "Pregnancy smoking advice", "Pregnancy smoking education", "Smoking in pregnancy education", "孕期教育中的吸烟问题", "孕期吸烟教育", "孕期吸烟建议" ], "416815004": [ "Osteopathic manipulation, soft tissue technique", "整骨疗法、软组织技术" ], "121903004": [ "Filaria antibody assay", "Measurement of filarial antibody", "丝虫抗体测定", "丝虫病抗体检测" ], "433199006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of brachiocephalic artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of brachiocephalic artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "头臂动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "头臂动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术" ], "414980000": [ "Orthokeratology", "Corneal refractive therapy", "角膜塑形术", "角膜屈光治疗" ], "302127009": [ "Primary decompression of thoracic spine", "Primary decompression operation on thoracic spine", "胸椎一期减压术" ], "234756004": [ "Take impression for lower removable orthodontic appliance", "LRA - Take impression for lower removable orthodontic appliance", "取下下颌可拆卸矫正器的印模", "LRA - 为下颌可拆卸牙齿矫正器取模" ], "431364006": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of axilla using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of axilla using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行腋窝细针穿刺活检", "超声引导下腋窝细针穿刺活检" ], "447748008": [ "Primary repair of defect of atrioventricular septum", "房室隔缺损的一次修补" ], "185604009": [ "Cervical smear - 2nd recall", "Cervical smear - Second recall", "子宫颈抹片检查 - 第二次复查" ], "232921006": [ "Homograft atrioventricular valve replacement", "Allograft atrioventricular valve replacement", "同种异体房室瓣置换术" ], "413145007": [ "Vaginal hysterectomy with conservation of ovaries", "保留卵巢的阴道子宫切除术" ], "313006001": [ "Ultrasonic doppler for fetal heart sounds", "Ultrasonic doppler for foetal heart sounds", "超声多普勒检查胎儿心音" ], "444078002": [ "Detection of Arg3500Gln mutation in apolipoprotein B-100 gene", "Detection of Arg3527Gln mutation in apolipoprotein B-100 gene", "载脂蛋白B-100基因Arg3500Gln突变检测", "载脂蛋白B-100基因Arg3527Gln突变检测" ], "429529009": [ "Hip DXA scan", "Hip DEXA scan", "Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of hip", "髋部 DEXA 扫描", "髋关节双能X射线吸收测定法", "髋部 DXA 扫描" ], "231086002": [ "Semi-permanent pressure technique using rice", "使用大米的半永久性压力技术" ], "165550008": [ "Myelocyte count procedure", "Myelocyte count", "中幼粒细胞计数", "中幼粒细胞计数程序" ], "229251002": [ "Neurological gait re-education", "Neurological gait training", "神经步态训练", "神经步态再教育" ], "868227005": [ "Coronary artery bypass grafting using radial artery graft", "使用桡动脉移植进行冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "79960000": [ "Manual reduction of prolapsed ileostomy", "Manual reduction of ileostomy prolapse", "回肠造口脱垂的手动复位" ], "180099009": [ "Reduction of macrodactyly of hand", "手部巨指症的矫正" ], "112728000": [ "Total revision of hip replacement with use of methyl methacrylate", "Revision of prosthesis of hip with use of methyl methacrylate", "甲基丙烯酸甲酯髋关节假体修复术", "使用甲基丙烯酸甲酯进行髋关节置换术的全面修复" ], "440408002": [ "Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging", "扩散加权磁共振成像" ], "391256000": [ "Mental health functional therapies - 3-5 contacts/wk", "心理健康功能疗法 - 每周 3-5 次接触" ], "129112001": [ "Tracheal suction", "Aspiration of trachea", "气管抽吸", "气管吸入" ], "45357000": [ "Reduction genioplasty", "Reduction mentoplasty", "Reduction of chin", "颏缩小术", "缩小下巴" ], "178264009": [ "Biopsy of neuromuscular junction", "神经肌肉接头活检" ], "30808008": [ "Encounter group therapy", "Sensitivity training", "团体治疗", "敏感性训练" ], "176429007": [ "Extirpation of lesion of testis", "睾丸病变摘除术" ], "438573009": [ "Sympathectomy of superficial palmar arch", "浅掌弓交感神经切除术" ], "172759001": [ "Septorhinoplasty using implant", "使用植入物的鼻中隔整形术" ], "174594009": [ "Incision of sphincter of Oddi using duodenal approach", "经十二指肠入路切开 Oddi 括约肌" ], "1286871003": [ "Mackay-Marg tonometry", "Mackay-Marg眼压测量法" ], "271063001": [ "Lunch time blood sugar measurement", "Lunch time blood sugar level", "Lunch time blood glucose measurement", "午餐时间血糖水平", "午餐时间血糖测量" ], "25303003": [ "Repair of aneurysm by occlusion", "闭塞性修复动脉瘤" ], "385751004": [ "Infusion care assessment", "Assess infusion care", "输液护理评估", "评估输液护理" ], "41687007": [ "Surgical repair of inner ear", "内耳手术修复" ], "303831007": [ "Inject trigger finger/thumb", "注射扳机指/拇指" ], "238295009": [ "Suture control of intra-abdominal bleeding", "Under running of peritoneal cavity bleeding vessel", "腹腔出血血管运行不畅", "缝合控制腹腔内出血" ], "252844001": [ "Prone provocative test", "俯卧激发试验" ], "105388003": [ "General home assistance of patient", "病人的一般家庭协助" ], "170924003": [ "Repeat prescription - follow-up assessment", "重复处方-后续评估" ], "1186732005": [ "Continuous spontaneous ventilation with volume targeted pressure-support", "持续自主通气和容量目标压力支持" ], "121772001": [ "Dodecanoylcarnitine measurement", "十二酰肉碱测量" ], "169089004": [ "Stereotactic/stereoscopic test - heart", "立体定向/立体镜检查-心脏" ], "265558000": [ "Revision of urostomy stoma", "尿道造口修复" ], "118102000": [ "Escherichia coli shiga-like culture", "大肠杆菌志贺样培养物" ], "119937009": [ "Pancreas reconstruction", "胰腺重建" ], "445782003": [ "Assessment using binary individualised outcome measure", "Assessment using binary individualized outcome measure", "使用二元个性化结果测量进行评估" ], "413014006": [ "Actual bicarbonate measurement", "Actual bicarbonate level", "实际碳酸氢盐测量值", "实际碳酸氢盐水平" ], "232790007": [ "Repair of rupture of tricuspid chordae tendinae", "三尖瓣腱索断裂的修复" ], "1197611000": [ "Positive pressure ventilation via endotracheal tube", "气管插管正压通气" ], "230955002": [ "Intracranial destruction of ganglion", "颅内神经节破坏" ], "312875005": [ "Taking cervical swab", "采集宫颈拭子" ], "771627005": [ "Open repair of recurrent femoral hernia using sutures", "使用缝合线进行开放式修复复发性股疝" ], "443947006": [ "Quantitative measurement of fluoride in urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of fluoride in urine specimen", "尿液标本中氟化物的定量测定", "尿液标本中氟化物质量浓度的定量测定" ], "229120003": [ "Formation of peritoneojugular shunt", "腹腔颈静脉分流术的形成" ], "442112005": [ "Measurement of free and total carnitine in urine specimen", "尿液样本中游离肉碱和总肉碱的测定" ], "179968006": [ "Conversion to cemented total ankle replacement", "转换为骨水泥型全踝关节置换术" ], "163584009": [ "Intermediate nervous system exam", "中级神经系统检查" ], "178133001": [ "Insertion multiple tendons into bone", "将多条肌腱插入骨骼" ], "28842009": [ "Incision and exploration of carotid body", "颈动脉体切开探查" ], "1290410009": [ "Plain X-ray of both knee regions", "Plain X-ray of bilateral knee regions", "双膝区域普通 X 光检查" ], "238164007": [ "Body wall and cavity procedures", "体壁和体腔手术" ], "418388008": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of testicular vein with contrast", "睾丸静脉荧光镜造影" ], "236329000": [ "Drainage of scrotal abscess", "阴囊脓肿引流" ], "105257000": [ "Netilmicin peak measurement", "奈替米星峰测定" ], "416553003": [ "Lymphatic pump", "淋巴泵" ], "449321004": [ "Removal of suture from skin of lower limb", "下肢皮肤拆线" ], "252713003": [ "Stress test of finger collateral ligament", "手指侧副韧带应力测试" ], "367401004": [ "Myelogram", "Myelography", "脊髓造影" ], "121641008": [ "Methyclothiazide measurement", "甲氯噻嗪测量" ], "72489008": [ "Incision of prostate", "Prostatotomy", "前列腺切开术" ], "447486003": [ "Perioperative evaluation of musculoskelatal system", "肌肉骨骼系统围手术期评估" ], "300030006": [ "Excision of granuloma of eyelid", "眼睑肉芽肿切除术" ], "37886006": [ "Antibody to CA-125 measurement", "CA-125 抗体测量" ], "119806008": [ "Thoracic artery endoscopy", "胸动脉内窥镜检查" ], "709630009": [ "Biopsy of adrenal gland using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided biopsy of adrenal gland", "CT引导下肾上腺活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肾上腺活检" ], "232659001": [ "Double lung transplant as a block", "Double lung transplant en bloc", "双肺移植", "双肺整体移植" ], "412883003": [ "Crithidia immunofluorescence", "短尾目昆虫免疫荧光" ], "183507005": [ "Non-urgent respiratory admission", "非紧急呼吸道入院" ], "429267006": [ "Transseptal catheterisation of left side of heart by atrial puncture", "Transseptal catheterization of left side of heart by atrial puncture", "通过心房穿刺进行左侧心脏隔膜导管插入术" ], "117971009": [ "Avian reovirus antibody assay", "Measurement of Avian orthoreovirus antibody", "禽正呼肠孤病毒抗体测定", "禽呼肠孤病毒抗体检测" ], "443816004": [ "Insertion of temporary transvenous electrode of single chamber pacing pulse generator", "单腔起搏脉冲发生器临时经静脉电极插入术" ], "394664004": [ "Serum asparagine level", "血清天冬酰胺水平" ], "230824007": [ "Renewal of shunt in intracranial subdural space", "颅内硬膜下腔分流术的更新" ], "48765000": [ "Creation of arteriovenous fistula by autogenous graft", "Creation of arteriovenous fistula by autologous graft", "自体移植建立动静脉瘘" ], "179837006": [ "Release of contracture of shoulder joint", "肩关节挛缩松解术" ], "704125007": [ "Cerebrovascular accident six month review", "脑血管意外六个月复查" ], "81533008": [ "Sling maintenance", "吊索维护" ], "440146002": [ "Home visit for care and maintenance of colostomy", "结肠造口护理和维护的家访" ], "390994002": [ "Plasma aldosterone level", "血浆醛固酮水平" ], "63314003": [ "Mediastinotomy with drainage by sternal split approach", "经胸骨劈开引流术" ], "241703000": [ "Reversal of neuromuscular blockade", "逆转神经肌肉阻滞" ], "718674009": [ "X-ray guided steroid injection", "Injection of steroid using X-ray guidance", "X射线引导下注射类固醇", "使用 X 射线引导注射类固醇" ], "176167003": [ "Helmstein endoscopic bladder distension", "Balloon distension of urinary bladder", "Balloon distension of bladder", "膀胱球囊扩张术", "Helmstein 内镜膀胱扩张术" ], "1290279003": [ "Grafting of fascia to eyelid", "眼睑筋膜移植" ], "274471009": [ "Dilation of gastrointestinal tract", "Dilatation - gastrointestinal tract", "Dilatation - GIT (gastrointestinal tract)", "胃肠道扩张", "扩张-胃肠道", "扩张 - GIT(胃肠道)" ], "10492003": [ "Radionuclide therapy for glandular suppression", "腺体抑制的放射性核素治疗" ], "223484005": [ "Discussion about treatment", "治疗讨论" ], "1255676006": [ "Flushing of implantable venous access port", "植入式静脉通路端口的冲洗" ], "174332006": [ "Excision of anal skin tag", "Excision of perianal skin tag", "Excision of perianal skin tags", "肛周皮赘切除", "肛门皮赘切除" ], "172497000": [ "Biopsy of lesion of iris", "虹膜病变活检" ], "713169002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty with insertion of stent into femoral artery", "经皮腔内球囊血管成形术及股动脉支架置入术" ], "25041004": [ "Orchiopexy, any type, with hernia repair", "任何类型的睾丸固定术及疝修补术" ], "303569005": [ "Radiofrequency destruction of sympathetic nerve", "Radiofrequency controlled thermal destruction of sympathetic nerve", "射频破坏交感神经", "射频控制热破坏交感神经" ], "74193008": [ "Echocardiography for determining size of ventricular chambers", "超声心动图确定心室大小" ], "451025008": [ "Open commissurotomy of mitral valve", "二尖瓣开放分离术" ], "55974000": [ "Patient referral for specialized institutional services", "Patient referral for specialised institutional services", "专科机构服务患者转诊", "患者转介至专科机构服务" ], "416422002": [ "Referral for bipolar disorder", "双相情感障碍转诊" ], "252582001": [ "Rudmose audiometry", "鲁德莫斯听力检查" ], "236198005": [ "Transurethral operation on ureteric orifice", "经尿道输尿管口手术" ], "105126006": [ "Chlorthalidone measurement", "氯噻酮测量" ], "121510003": [ "Cumene measurement", "常用测量" ], "4987001": [ "Osteoplasty of cranium with flap of bone", "Repair of cranium with bone flap", "骨瓣修复颅骨", "骨瓣颅骨成形术" ], "709499001": [ "Assessment of psychological response to ostomy", "造口术心理反应评估" ], "725883004": [ "Assessment using MABC-2 (Movement Assessment Battery for Children - Second Edition)", "Assessment using Movement ABC-2 (Assessment Battery for Children - Second Edition)", "Assessment using Movement Assessment Battery for Children Second Edition", "使用运动 ABC-2 进行评估(儿童评估电池 - 第二版)", "使用儿童运动评估电池第二版进行评估", "使用 MABC-2(儿童运动评估电池 - 第二版)进行评估" ], "1217403005": [ "Biopsy of oesophagus using endoscopic ultrasound guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided biopsy of oesophagus", "Biopsy of esophagus using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Biopsy of oesophagus using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided biopsy of esophagus", "Biopsy of esophagus using endoscopic ultrasound guidance", "使用内镜超声引导进行食管活检", "内镜超声引导下食管活检" ], "414587005": [ "Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring invitation", "左心室功能障碍监测邀请" ], "119675006": [ "Leg repair", "腿部修复" ], "21371007": [ "Operation on abdominal region", "腹部手术" ], "68688001": [ "Curettage", "Curettement", "刮除术" ], "250747006": [ "Immunoglobulin G/transferrin ratio measurement", "Immunoglobulin G/transferrin ratio", "IgG - Immunoglobulin G/transferrin ratio", "免疫球蛋白 G/转铁蛋白比率测量", "IgG - 免疫球蛋白 G/转铁蛋白比率", "免疫球蛋白G/转铁蛋白比率" ], "117840001": [ "Papilloma virus 31 antigen assay", "Papillomavirus 31 antigen assay", "乳头瘤病毒 31 抗原检测" ], "183376001": [ "Mobilizing", "Mobilising", "动员" ], "85072006": [ "Strapping of hand", "Hand strapping", "手部绑带", "手工捆扎" ], "443685006": [ "Quantitative measurement of substance concentration of bicarbonate in arterial blood specimen", "Quantitative measurement of bicarbonate in arterial blood specimen", "动脉血标本中碳酸氢盐的定量测定", "动脉血标本中碳酸氢盐物质浓度的定量测定" ], "312613008": [ "Subcutaneous injection of heparin", "皮下注射肝素" ], "409082001": [ "Measurement of fractional excretion of potassium", "钾排泄分数的测定" ], "278010004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging guided removal of foreign body", "MRI guided removal of foreign body", "MRI 引导下异物取出", "磁共振成像引导下异物取出" ], "32250005": [ "Burying of fimbriae of fallopian tube into uterine wall", "Burying of fimbria in uterine wall", "伞毛埋藏于子宫壁内", "输卵管伞毛埋入子宫壁" ], "736762004": [ "Provision of personal protective equipment", "提供个人防护设备" ], "718543000": [ "X-ray tomography of pelvis", "骨盆 X 射线断层扫描" ], "194255002": [ "Total decortication of lung", "Parietal pleurectomy lung", "肺壁层胸膜切除术", "肺全剥皮术" ], "225188000": [ "Attaching stoma bag", "连接造口袋" ], "177871008": [ "Repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using sutures", "缝合修复复发性腹股沟疝" ], "79567008": [ "Incision of anal fistula", "Anal fistulotomy", "肛瘘切开术" ], "274340004": [ "Surgical biopsy of oral structure", "口腔结构手术活检" ], "307108005": [ "Surgical extraction of impacted supernumerary tooth", "阻生多生牙的手术拔除" ], "257956008": [ "Conversion from excision arthroplasty", "切除关节置换术的转化" ], "43129000": [ "Radionuclide dynamic function study with multiple probes", "多探针放射性核素动态功能研究" ], "405412009": [ "Endarterectomy of internal carotid artery with eversion and end-to-end anastomosis", "颈内动脉内膜切除外翻及端端吻合术" ], "241572009": [ "CT of thigh", "Computed tomography of thigh", "大腿 CT", "大腿计算机断层扫描" ], "370809006": [ "Evaluation of response to pain management instruction", "Evaluates response to pain management instruction", "评估对疼痛管理指导的反应" ], "24910007": [ "Anesthesia for biopsy of clavicle", "Anaesthesia for biopsy of clavicle", "锁骨活检麻醉" ], "23075000": [ "Creation of vascular bypass", "建立血管旁路" ], "303438008": [ "Excision of pectoralis minor", "胸小肌切除术" ], "416291002": [ "Referral to pediatric service for acne", "Referral to paediatric service for acne", "转诊至儿科治疗痤疮" ], "432675001": [ "Positron emission tomography fluorodeoxyglucose imaging of whole body", "Positron emission tomography (PET) fluorodeoxyglucose imaging of whole body", "全身正电子发射断层扫描氟脱氧葡萄糖成像", "全身正电子发射断层扫描 (PET) 氟脱氧葡萄糖成像" ], "72227005": [ "Postpartum transection of fallopian tube by vaginal approach", "产后经阴道输卵管切断术" ], "170531007": [ "Notification of legionella", "军团菌通报" ], "121379008": [ "Mevinphos measurement", "速灭磷测量" ], "447224000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of anal sphincter", "MRI of anal sphincter", "肛门括约肌磁共振成像", "肛门括约肌 MRI" ], "104995009": [ "Triiodothyronine, true measurement", "三碘甲状腺原氨酸,真实测量值" ], "398072007": [ "Removal of eyelash", "Eyelash removal", "Epilation of eyelash", "卸除睫毛", "睫毛脱毛" ], "412621001": [ "Black olive (food) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Olea europaea (food) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Olea europaea (food) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "油橄榄(食品)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "油橄榄(食品)特异性IgE抗体测定", "黑橄榄(食品)特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "609229005": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of bile duct", "经皮胆管穿刺活检" ], "312482003": [ "Plasma urate measurement", "Plasma urate level", "血浆尿酸测定", "血浆尿酸水平" ], "1186005": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on bony pelvis", "Anaesthesia for procedure on bony pelvis", "骨盆手术麻醉" ], "228727001": [ "Calculation of radiotherapy dose corrections", "放射治疗剂量校正的计算" ], "64887002": [ "Operation on ovary", "Ovarian operation", "Ovary operation", "卵巢手术" ], "408951009": [ "Acute pain control management", "Manage acute pain control", "管理急性疼痛控制", "急性疼痛控制管理" ], "261495009": [ "Banding of vertical vein", "垂直静脉带状" ], "175905003": [ "Total nephrectomy", "Total excision of kidney", "Simple nephrectomy", "Nephrectomy", "肾脏全切除", "全肾切除术", "单纯肾切除术", "肾切除术" ], "306977006": [ "Advice relating to social and personal circumstances", "Social and personal circumstances education", "社会和个人环境教育", "与社会和个人情况相关的建议" ], "77601007": [ "Tissue culture", "组织培养" ], "241441008": [ "PET myocardial rest study using N13 ammonia", "Positron emission tomography myocardial rest study using N13 ammonia", "使用 N13 氨进行 PET 心肌静息研究", "使用 N13 氨进行正电子发射断层扫描心肌静息研究" ], "12065009": [ "Monitoring of coronary blood flow", "冠状动脉血流监测" ], "239606002": [ "Correction of congenital deformity of upper limb", "上肢先天畸形矫正" ], "75766009": [ "Pulmonary ventilation study, gaseous", "肺通气研究,气体" ], "8395003": [ "Anesthesia for panniculectomy", "Anaesthesia for panniculectomy", "腹膜切除术的麻醉", "腹壁切除术麻醉" ], "434379003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of subclavian artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of subclavian artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "锁骨下动脉造影及植入支架的荧光血管造影", "锁骨下动脉造影及植入支架" ], "432544000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of axilla with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of axilla with contrast", "MRI of axilla with contrast", "腋窝增强 MRI", "腋窝增强磁共振成像 (MRI)", "腋窝增强磁共振成像" ], "104864003": [ "Phenylketones measurement, qualitative", "苯酮定性测量" ], "252320008": [ "Complement functional assay", "补体功能测定" ], "250485005": [ "Aminoglycoside measurement", "Aminoglycoside level", "氨基糖苷类测量", "氨基糖苷类药物水平" ], "1217141006": [ "Partial replacement of joint of both hips with bipolar prosthesis", "Partial replacement of joint of bilateral hips with bipolar prosthesis", "双极假体置换双侧髋关节部分", "双极假体双侧髋关节部分置换术" ], "168565008": [ "Plain X-ray base of skull", "颅底 X 光检查" ], "443423008": [ "Replantation of thumb between distal tip and metacarpophalangeal joint after complete amputation", "拇指全截肢后再植于末梢端与掌指关节之间" ], "31988001": [ "Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy with stroboscopy", "Flexible fibreoptic laryngoscopy with stroboscopy", "带频闪检查的柔性光纤喉镜检查" ], "228596002": [ "Provision of body support", "提供身体支撑" ], "392436001": [ "Re215 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pigeon feathers specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pigeon feathers specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鸽羽特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "鸽子羽毛特异性IgE抗体测定", "Re215特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "48372002": [ "Anesthesia for anorectal endoscopy", "Anaesthesia for anorectal endoscopy", "肛门直肠内镜检查麻醉" ], "179444007": [ "Conversion to cemented total shoulder replacement", "Conversion to cemented total prosthetic shoulder replacement", "转换为骨水泥型全肩关节置换术", "转换为骨水泥型全肩关节假体置换术" ], "13769001": [ "Multiple tenotomies of eye, two or more tendons", "Tenotomy of combinations of muscles of eye", "Multiple tenotomies of extraocular muscles, two or more tendons", "眼肌组合肌腱切断术", "眼外肌多处肌腱切断术,两条或多条肌腱", "眼球多处肌腱切断术,两条或多条肌腱" ], "308681004": [ "Shoulder replacement", "Prosthetic arthroplasty of shoulder", "Implantation of joint prosthesis into shoulder joint", "Implantation of joint prosthesis of shoulder joint", "肩关节置换", "肩关节假体植入", "肩关节假体置换术", "肩关节假体植入术" ], "306846005": [ "Combination therapy to foot", "足部联合治疗" ], "241310008": [ "Radionuclide thrombus-specific peptide study", "放射性核素血栓特异性肽研究" ], "173939001": [ "Biopsy using Crosby capsule", "Biopsy using Crosby-Kugler capsule", "使用 Crosby-Kugler 胶囊进行活检", "使用 Crosby 胶囊进行活检" ], "239475008": [ "Excision arthroplasty of joint of wrist", "腕关节切除置换术" ], "57416001": [ "Segmental osteotomy of mandible", "Mandibular segmental osteotomy", "Segmental mandibulectomy", "下颌骨分段截骨术", "下颌骨分段切除术" ], "761928003": [ "Repair of right direct inguinal hernia", "右侧腹股沟直疝修补术" ], "450632007": [ "Application of vacuum assisted closure device to burnt skin", "Application of negative pressure wound dressing to burn of skin", "负压封闭装置在烧伤皮肤中的应用", "负压敷料在皮肤烧伤中的应用" ], "88349000": [ "Transplantation of peripheral nerve", "周围神经移植" ], "448797001": [ "Bidirectional superior cavopulmonary (Glenn) anastomosis", "Bidirectional superior cavopulmonary anastomosis", "Bidirectional Glenn shunt", "End-to-side anastomosis of superior vena cava to pulmonary artery", "双向上腔静脉肺动脉吻合术", "双向上腔静脉肺动脉(Glenn)吻合术", "上腔静脉与肺动脉端侧吻合术", "双向 Glenn 分流术" ], "252189002": [ "Cortisol day curve", "Hydrocortisone day curve", "Cortisol profile", "HCDC - Hydrocortisone day curve", "Cushing's syndrome day curve", "皮质醇日曲线", "皮质醇概况", "库欣综合征日曲线", "氢化可的松日曲线", "HCDC - 氢化可的松日曲线" ], "104733005": [ "Homocysteine measurement", "同型半胱氨酸测量" ], "71965007": [ "Incision of skin of trunk", "躯干皮肤切开" ], "53746003": [ "Intramedullary injection", "髓内注射" ], "709106006": [ "Harvesting of cartilage from nose", "从鼻部提取软骨" ], "4594007": [ "Coproporphyrin isomers, series I & III, urine", "Measurement of urine coproporphyrin isomers series I and III", "粪卟啉异构体,系列 I 和 III,尿液", "尿液粪卟啉异构体系列I和III的测定" ], "445127001": [ "Application of elastic adhesive bandage", "弹性绷带的应用" ], "314055004": [ "Calculus oxalate content", "Calculus oxalate content measurement", "牙结石草酸盐含量测定", "牙结石草酸盐含量" ], "363207004": [ "Musculoskeletal screening procedure", "肌肉骨骼筛查程序" ], "608967009": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from integument", "外皮标本的显微镜检查" ], "443292005": [ "Incision and drainage of submucosal perirectal abscess by transanal approach", "经肛门切开引流治疗直肠黏膜下脓肿" ], "359537000": [ "Division of nasolacrimal duct for stricture with drainage", "鼻泪管切开引流术治疗狭窄" ], "426908009": [ "Plain X-ray of left foot", "左脚普通 X 光检查" ], "392305005": [ "Mugwort specific IgE antibody measurement", "Artemisia vulgaris specific IgE antibody measurement", "w6 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Artemisia vulgaris specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "w6 特异性IgE抗体测量", "蒿属植物特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "蒿属植物特异性IgE抗体测定", "艾蒿特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "81009007": [ "Dilation of sphenoid ostia", "蝶窦口扩张" ], "406854006": [ "Fat red 7B stain method", "Fat red 7B stain", "脂肪红7B染色法", "脂肪红7B染色" ], "128326008": [ "Bronchoscopy with surgical procedure", "支气管镜检查及外科手术" ], "241179005": [ "Catheter cholangiogram", "导管胆管造影" ], "239344000": [ "Excision of proximal phalanx of lesser toe", "小趾近节指骨切除术" ], "60955009": [ "Assisting exercise", "Assisting with exercise", "Helping with exercise", "帮助锻炼", "协助锻炼", "辅助锻炼" ], "42736004": [ "Blood unit collection for autotransfusion", "Autologous blood collection, processing, and storage, predeposit", "Autologous blood donation", "用于自体输血的血液单位采集", "自体献血", "自体血的采集、处理和储存、预存" ], "1287920005": [ "Closed reduction of injury to epiphyseal growth plate of radius", "桡骨骨骺生长板损伤闭合复位" ], "304880006": [ "Recording quality of interpersonal interactions", "记录人际互动的质量" ], "386800008": [ "Cystoscopic hydrostatic distension of bladder", "Cystodistension", "Endoscopic overdistension of bladder", "Cystoscopic hydrostatic distension of urinary bladder", "膀胱镜膀胱静水扩张术", "内镜膀胱过度扩张", "膀胱扩张" ], "1220549001": [ "Laparoscopic ileectomy", "Laparoscopic excision of ileum", "腹腔镜回肠切除术" ], "450501004": [ "Laser recanalization of intestine", "Laser recanalisation of intestine", "激光肠道再通术" ], "1236933006": [ "Restoration of primary tooth using Hall technique with prefabricated stainless steel dental crown", "Restoration of deciduous tooth using Hall technique with preformed stainless steel dental crown", "Restoration of deciduous tooth using Hall technique with prefabricated stainless steel dental crown", "采用 Hall 技术及预制不锈钢牙冠修复乳牙", "采用Hall技术预制不锈钢牙冠修复乳牙" ], "104602004": [ "Collagenase measurement", "胶原酶测量" ], "88218008": [ "Excision of lesion of uterus", "子宫病变切除术" ], "430447002": [ "Computed tomography for radiotherapy planning", "Computed tomography (CT) for radiotherapy planning", "CT for radiotherapy planning", "计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "用于放射治疗规划的计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "184687006": [ "Hepaticostomy with removal of calculus", "肝切开术及取石术" ], "313924002": [ "240 minute plasma GH measurement", "240 minute plasma GH level", "240 minute plasma growth hormone measurement", "240 分钟血浆 GH 水平", "240 分钟血浆生长激素测量", "240 分钟血浆 GH 测量" ], "117316002": [ "Mucicarmine stain method", "Mucicarmine stain", "粘胭脂红染色", "粘胭脂染色法" ], "166468004": [ "Serum dehydroepiandrosterone measurement", "Serum dehydroepiandrosterone level", "Serum DHEA level", "血清脱氢表雄酮测量", "血清脱氢表雄酮水平" ], "35396008": [ "Open reduction of closed sacral fracture", "闭合性骶骨骨折切开复位" ], "361241000": [ "Epineural suture technique", "神经外膜缝合技术" ], "608836008": [ "Microscopic examination of joint fluid specimen", "关节液标本显微镜检查" ], "410393005": [ "Interaction surveillance", "互动监控" ], "49945009": [ "Lengthening of muscle", "肌肉拉长" ], "31726006": [ "Laparoscopic staging of Hodgkin's disease or lymphoma", "Laparoscopic staging of Hodgkin disease or lymphoma", "霍奇金病或淋巴瘤的腹腔镜分期" ], "179182007": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture and skin traction", "骨折闭合复位及皮肤牵引术" ], "308419002": [ "Contraception call", "避孕电话" ], "718019005": [ "Hemodialysis care management", "Haemodialysis care management", "血液透析护理管理" ], "46275005": [ "Outfolding of sclera for buckling", "巩膜外翻以便扣带" ], "177347006": [ "Shave biopsy of lesion of skin of head or neck", "头部或颈部皮肤病变刮取活检" ], "699800001": [ "Radial forearm free flap", "Reconstruction of radial forearm with free flap", "前臂桡侧游离皮瓣", "游离皮瓣重建前臂桡骨" ], "306584009": [ "Discharge from gastroenterology service", "胃肠科出院" ], "241048009": [ "Dental plain X-ray occlusal", "牙科普通X光片咬合" ], "1156717005": [ "CHILD-1 - Cardiovascular Health Integrated Lifestyle Diet 1", "Cardiovascular Health Integrated Lifestyle Diet 1", "CHILD-1 - 心血管健康综合生活方式饮食 1", "心血管健康综合生活方式饮食 1" ], "237378001": [ "Incisional biopsy of breast", "乳房切开活检" ], "417602003": [ "Osteopathic evaluation procedure", "Osteopathic structural examination", "整骨结构检查", "整骨疗法评估程序" ], "401218004": [ "Right dorsalis pedis Doppler pressure", "右足背多普勒压力" ], "432151002": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of elbow with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of elbow with contrast", "MRI of elbow with contrast", "肘部磁共振成像 (MRI) 对比", "肘部磁共振成像对比", "肘部增强 MRI" ], "104471003": [ "Adenosine deaminase measurement", "Adenosine deaminase level", "腺苷脱氨酶水平", "腺苷脱氨酶测定" ], "38935004": [ "Helper T-cell antigen measurement", "辅助 T 细胞抗原测量" ], "301079005": [ "Embolectomy of renal artery", "肾动脉栓塞切除术" ], "168172001": [ "Sweat test", "Sweat screening test", "汗液测试", "汗液筛查测试" ], "53484005": [ "Venography of superior sagittal sinus", "上矢状窦静脉造影" ], "397548005": [ "Schirmer II test", "席默II试验" ], "410262006": [ "Social therapy management", "Manage medical social worker service", "社会治疗管理", "管理医务社会工作者服务" ], "180886007": [ "Local anesthetic sacral epidural block", "LA - Local anaesthetic sacral epidural block", "Local anaesthetic sacral epidural block", "LA - Local anesthetic sacral epidural block", "Caudal epidural", "Sacral epidural block", "Transsacral epidural", "尾部硬膜外", "经骶椎硬膜外麻醉", "局部麻醉骶管硬膜外阻滞", "LA - 局部麻醉骶管硬膜外阻滞", "骶管硬膜外阻滞" ], "443030008": [ "Insertion of percutaneous gastrojejunostomy tube using radiologic guidance", "在放射学引导下插入经皮胃空肠造口管" ], "179051005": [ "Primary open reduction and external fixation of femoral fracture", "股骨骨折一期切开复位外固定" ], "373824001": [ "Posterior lymph nodes neck dissection", "颈后淋巴结清扫术" ], "20971000175105": [ "Education for reading impairment", "阅读障碍教育" ], "46144006": [ "Microscan system test", "Microscan 系统测试" ], "78912007": [ "Occlusal adjustment, limited", "咬合调整,有限" ], "306453005": [ "Discharge by psychiatrist", "精神科医生出院" ], "419306001": [ "Fluoroscopic fistulography with contrast", "Fluoroscopic fistulogram with contrast", "造影荧光透视瘘管造影", "对比剂荧光透视瘘管造影" ], "1304042004": [ "Colonoscopic suturing of rectum", "Rectal suturing via colonoscope", "Colonoscopy and suturing of rectum", "经结肠镜直肠缝合", "结肠镜检查及直肠缝合", "结肠镜直肠缝合术" ], "235412005": [ "Biopsy using Nabeya capsule", "使用 Nabeya 胶囊进行活检" ], "104340008": [ "Complement C'4 esterase measurement", "补体 C'4 酯酶测量" ], "69737004": [ "Application of cast, plaster splint", "石膏固定" ], "233577009": [ "Intermittent haemodialysis with continuous ultrafiltration", "Intermittent hemodialysis with continuous ultrafiltration", "间歇性血液透析加持续性超滤" ], "231742002": [ "Combined operation with cataract extraction", "白内障摘除联合手术" ], "36969009": [ "Placement of stent in coronary artery", "Insertion of coronary artery stent", "冠状动脉支架置入术" ], "118889009": [ "Procedure on carotid body", "颈动脉体手术" ], "313662002": [ "Urine methylenedioxyamphetamine measurement", "Urine Methylenedioxyamphetamine level", "尿液亚甲二氧基苯丙胺水平", "尿液亚甲二氧基苯丙胺测量" ], "705043000": [ "Revision of transforaminal interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine", "经椎间孔腰椎椎间融合术翻修术" ], "410131002": [ "Nursing conference assessment", "Assess nursing contact", "护理会议评估", "评估护理接触" ], "770579006": [ "Ultrasonography of soft tissue of thoracic region of back", "Ultrasound scan of soft tissue of thoracic region of back", "Ultrasound of soft tissue of thoracic region of back", "背部胸部软组织超声扫描", "胸背部软组织超声检查" ], "531007": [ "Open pulmonary valve commissurotomy with inflow occlusion", "Open valvotomy of pulmonary valve with inflow occlusion", "开放性肺动脉瓣分离术及流入阻断", "开放性肺动脉瓣切开术伴流入阻塞" ], "4391000087104": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of right elbow", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of right elbow", "右肘关节X线透视造影", "右肘关节荧光透视造影" ], "180755007": [ "Harvest of sheet of fascia from pleural cavity", "从胸腔中获取筋膜片" ], "49683008": [ "Replacement of small intestine tube", "小肠管置换术" ], "3111000087106": [ "MRI of bilateral shoulders with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral shoulders with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both shoulders with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right shoulder with contrast", "双肩 MRI 增强扫描", "左、右肩部对比磁共振成像", "双肩对比磁共振成像" ], "15911000087108": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of right subclavian artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of right subclavian artery with contrast", "右锁骨下动脉造影", "右锁骨下动脉荧光血管造影" ], "1831000087109": [ "CT of bilateral knees with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral knees with contrast", "Computed tomography of both knees with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right knee with contrast", "双膝增强 CT 检查", "双膝增强计算机断层扫描", "左、右膝关节增强计算机断层扫描" ], "29629000": [ "Resuture of wound dehiscence", "伤口裂开缝合" ], "46013000": [ "Excision of lesion of abdominal aorta with interposition graft replacement", "腹主动脉病变切除及间置移植术" ], "783293007": [ "Cultured graft of skin to skin of neck", "颈部皮肤培养移植物" ], "404626004": [ "Anterior capsulorrhexis", "前囊撕囊术" ], "175250005": [ "Removal of anastomosis between pulmonary artery and vena cava", "肺动脉与腔静脉吻合口切除术" ], "60562006": [ "Tooth extraction, root removal of exposed roots", "Simple extraction of tooth root", "拔牙、拔除暴露的牙根", "简单拔除牙根" ], "386407001": [ "Religious addiction prevention", "宗教成瘾预防" ], "288103002": [ "Cytotoxic subarachnoid injection", "细胞毒性蛛网膜下腔注射" ], "173415001": [ "Palatal osteotomy", "腭骨切开术" ], "306322009": [ "Referral to cardiac rehabilitation nurse", "转诊至心脏康复护士" ], "304487003": [ "Direct current to knee", "直流电流至膝盖" ], "763239003": [ "Assessment using DEPA (Depth, Extent, Phase and Associated etiology) Score", "Assessment using Depth, Extent, Phase and Associated etiology Score", "使用深度、程度、阶段和相关病因评分进行评估", "使用 DEPA(深度、程度、阶段和相关病因)评分进行评估" ], "122428000": [ "Lactobacillus acidophilus colony count", "嗜酸乳杆菌菌落计数" ], "171580007": [ "Intracranial transection of vagus nerve (X)", "迷走神经颅内切断术(X)" ], "1285692009": [ "Arthroplasty of head of left radius", "左桡骨头关节置换术" ], "269884009": [ "Urine oestriol 24 hour assay", "Urine estriol 24 hour assay", "尿雌三醇24小时检测", "24 小时尿雌三醇检测" ], "7740009": [ "Fructosamine measurement", "果糖胺测量" ], "104209003": [ "Gimenez stain method", "Gimenez stain", "Gimenez染色法", "吉梅内斯染色" ], "235281005": [ "Anterior gastrojejunostomy", "前胃空肠吻合术" ], "87825006": [ "Initial implantation of electrode into cardiac atrium and ventricle", "Initial insertion of transvenous lead electrodes into atrium and ventricle", "首次将电极植入心房和心室", "将静脉导线电极首次插入心房和心室" ], "20454000": [ "Aortic valve commissurotomy with inflow occlusion", "Valvotomy of aortic valve with inflow occlusion", "主动脉瓣切开术伴流入道闭塞", "主动脉瓣分离术伴流入阻断" ], "284433008": [ "Examination of muscle", "肌肉检查" ], "233446009": [ "Creation of Eck side-to-side portocaval shunt", "建立 Eck 侧侧门腔静脉分流术" ], "231611003": [ "Tarsal cleavage of lower eyelid and insertion of everting sutures", "下眼睑裂开并插入外翻缝线" ], "84155005": [ "General night care of adult", "成人一般夜间护理" ], "313531006": [ "Serum immunoreactive trypsin level", "Serum immunoreactive trypsin measurement", "血清免疫反应性胰蛋白酶测量", "血清免疫反应性胰蛋白酶水平" ], "1296571008": [ "Incision and drainage of pustule", "脓疱切开引流" ], "49552003": [ "Arteriectomy with anastomosis of head and neck artery", "Angiectomy with anastomosis of head and neck artery", "Resection of artery of head and neck with anastomosis", "头颈动脉切除吻合术", "头颈部动脉切除吻合术" ], "65936006": [ "Repositioning of cardioverter/defibrillator pulse generator", "心脏复律除颤器脉冲发生器的重新定位" ], "178789004": [ "Manipulation of spine using traction", "利用牵引力操纵脊柱" ], "127802000": [ "Functional residual capacity measurement", "功能残气量测量" ], "439098007": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of spinal artery using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮脊髓动脉血栓溶解术" ], "308026007": [ "Injection of steroid into ankle joint", "踝关节注射类固醇" ], "306191004": [ "Referral to gastrointestinal surgery service", "Referral to GI surgery service", "转诊至胃肠道外科服务", "转介至胃肠外科服务" ], "304356001": [ "Incision and drainage of pilonidal abscess", "藏毛窦脓肿切开引流" ], "25828002": [ "Mid forceps delivery with episiotomy", "中段产钳分娩及会阴切开术" ], "1156324008": [ "Repair of left inguinal hernia using robotic assistance", "Robot assisted repair of left inguinal hernia", "机器人辅助修复左腹股沟疝", "使用机器人辅助修复左腹股沟疝" ], "107748009": [ "Facial bone manipulation", "面部骨骼调整" ], "236985002": [ "Emergency lower segment cesarean section", "Emergency lower segment caesarean section", "紧急下段剖腹产", "紧急下段剖宫产" ], "122297000": [ "Adenovirus rRNA assay", "Adenovirus ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "腺病毒 rRNA 检测", "腺病毒核糖体核糖核酸测定" ], "171449004": [ "Excision of lesion of parietal lobe of brain", "脑顶叶病变切除术" ], "89529003": [ "Coffey operation on uterus", "子宫科菲手术" ], "1300110000": [ "Education toward completion of learning objectives of basic skills training program", "Education toward completion of learning objectives of basic skills training programme", "为完成基本技能培训计划的学习目标而进行的教育" ], "56761009": [ "Suture of joint capsule with arthroplasty of lower extremity", "下肢关节置换术中关节囊缝合术" ], "104078003": [ "Blood product volume dispensed, determination", "Measurement of volume of blood product dispensed", "血液制品分配量、测定", "血液制品分配量的测量" ], "448142004": [ "Drainage of cyst of pancreas using catheter", "导管引流胰腺囊肿" ], "235150006": [ "Total colonoscopy", "全结肠镜检查" ], "54926006": [ "Epilation of eyebrow by forceps", "用眉钳拔眉毛" ], "446307000": [ "Complete excision of meningioma", "Total excision of meningioma", "脑膜瘤完全切除", "脑膜瘤全切除术" ], "429923003": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of urinary bladder for radiotherapy planning", "Computed tomography of urinary bladder for radiotherapy planning", "CT of urinary bladder for radiotherapy planning", "膀胱 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划", "膀胱计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "膀胱计算机断层扫描 (CT) 用于放射治疗计划" ], "118627006": [ "Marsupialization", "Marsupialisation", "袋形手术", "袋形化" ], "233315009": [ "Embolectomy of arterial graft", "Graft embolectomy", "移植物栓塞切除术", "动脉移植物栓塞切除术" ], "116792006": [ "Intravenous infusion of Cytomegalovirus immune globulin", "Cytomegalovirus immune globulin administration by intravenous infusion", "Administration of Cytomegalovirus immune globulin, Intravenous", "静脉输注巨细胞病毒免疫球蛋白", "静脉注射巨细胞病毒免疫球蛋白" ], "441471000124103": [ "Management of delivery rate of parenteral nutrition", "肠外营养供给率管理" ], "438911000124105": [ "Iron supplement therapy", "铁补充疗法" ], "311565001": [ "Therapy to improve nasal resonance", "改善鼻腔共鸣的疗法" ], "437631000124106": [ "Decreased casein diet", "减少酪蛋白饮食" ], "82189005": [ "Electron microscopy technique, staining, thick section", "电子显微镜技术、染色、厚切片" ], "16653006": [ "Repair of inflatable penile prosthesis", "可膨胀阴茎假体的修复" ], "63970009": [ "Resection of upper limb artery with anastomosis", "Angiectomy with anastomosis of upper limb artery", "Arteriectomy with anastomosis of upper limb", "上肢动脉切除吻合术" ], "225975004": [ "Demonstrating tact with the client", "向客户展示机智" ], "1290935005": [ "Plain X-ray pelvimetry", "普通X射线骨盆测量" ], "29367007": [ "Chiropractic adjustment of multiple thoracic spine subluxations", "脊椎按摩治疗多处胸椎半脱位" ], "11148001": [ "Intracardiac electrophysiologic procedure with ECG", "Intracardiac electrophysiologic procedure with electrocardiogram", "心内电生理检查及心电图检查", "心内电生理检查及心电图" ], "27532002": [ "Endoscopy and removal of foreign material", "Endoscopic removal of foreign body", "内镜异物取出", "内窥镜检查和异物去除" ], "1010572003": [ "Sequential anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) from RI (ramus intermedius) branch of LCA (left coronary artery) to LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery from ramus intermedius branch of left coronary artery to left anterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of left internal mammary artery from ramus intermedius branch of left coronary artery to left anterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) from RI (ramus intermedius) branch of LCA (left coronary artery) to LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "左胸廓内动脉左冠状动脉中间升支与左冠状动脉前降支序贯吻合术", "将左胸内动脉 (LITA) 从左冠状动脉 (LCA) 的中间升支 (RI) 分支依次吻合至左前降支 (LAD) 冠状动脉", "将左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 从左冠状动脉 (LCA) 的中间升支 (RI) 分支依次吻合至左前降支 (LAD) 冠状动脉", "左乳内动脉从左冠状动脉中间升支至左冠状动脉前降支的序贯吻合术" ], "1303649000": [ "Middle meningeal artery embolization", "Middle meningeal artery embolisation", "Embolization of middle meningeal artery", "Embolisation of middle meningeal artery", "脑膜中动脉栓塞", "脑膜中动脉栓塞术" ], "173153000": [ "Endoscopic fibreoptic laser destruction of lesion below trachea", "Endoscopic fiberoptic laser destruction of lesion below trachea", "Fibreoptic bronchoscopic laser destruction of lesion below trachea", "Fiberoptic bronchoscopic laser destruction of lesion below trachea", "纤维支气管镜激光毁损气管下病变", "内镜纤维激光毁损气管下病变", "内镜光纤激光破坏气管下方病变" ], "25697002": [ "Renin, low salt intake measurement, upright, 4 hours", "肾素,低盐摄入量测量,直立,4 小时" ], "174988008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal aortic valvotomy", "经皮腔内主动脉瓣切开术" ], "306060008": [ "Referral by dance therapist", "Referral from dance therapist", "舞蹈治疗师推荐", "舞蹈治疗师的推荐" ], "287841005": [ "Femoral herniorrhaphy - bilateral", "Bilateral repair of femoral hernia", "双侧股疝修补术", "股疝修补术 - 双侧" ], "271457000": [ "Dynamic non-imaging isotope study: heart", "动态非成像同位素研究:心脏" ], "89398002": [ "Insertion of implantable intra-arterial infusion pump", "植入式动脉内输液泵" ], "122166008": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi 58kd antibody assay", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 58 kD antibody", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 58 kiloDalton antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体 58kD 抗体的测定", "伯氏疏螺旋体 58kd 抗体检测", "伯氏疏螺旋体 58 千道尔顿抗体的测量" ], "171318008": [ "Geriatric 85 year screening", "85 岁老年人筛查" ], "71179000": [ "Arthrotomy of ankle for synovectomy", "踝关节切开术用于滑膜切除术" ], "302390009": [ "Shave excision of skin lesion", "刮除皮肤病变" ], "710155001": [ "Promoting positive relationship", "Promotion of positive relationship", "促进积极的关系" ], "448011006": [ "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation using ultrasound guidance", "利用超声引导进行高强度聚焦超声消融" ], "103947007": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens, not in systems or collections classified by ISBT 1995", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens, not in systems or collections classified by International Society of Blood Transfusion 1995", "血型、红细胞抗原,不在 1995 年国际输血协会分类的系统或收集范围内", "血型、红细胞抗原,不在 ISBT 1995 分类的系统或集合中" ], "431627008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of small intestine", "MRI of small intestine", "Magnetic resonance enterography", "小肠磁共振成像", "小肠 MRI", "磁共振小肠造影" ], "446176002": [ "Destruction of lesion of spinal nerve root", "脊神经根损伤破坏" ], "315104003": [ "Coxiella burnetii 2 antibody level", "Coxiella burnetii phase II antibody assay", "Coxiella burnetii phase 2 antibody assay", "伯氏柯克斯体 2 抗体水平", "伯氏柯克斯体 II 期抗体检测", "伯氏柯克斯体 2 期抗体检测" ], "36576007": [ "Infusion", "Infusion procedures", "输液程序", "输液" ], "429792008": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of parathyroid", "Single photon emission computed tomography of parathyroid", "甲状旁腺单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)", "甲状旁腺单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "233184008": [ "Maintenance procedure for cardiac pacemaker system", "Pacemaker care", "心脏起搏器系统的维护程序", "起搏器护理" ], "165813002": [ "AIDS - Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome antibody test", "Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome antibody test", "Human immunodeficiency virus antibody test", "HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus) antibody test", "艾滋病 - 获得性免疫缺陷综合征抗体检测", "获得性免疫缺陷综合征抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒抗体检测", "HIV(人类免疫缺陷病毒)抗体检测" ], "231349008": [ "Moffats anesthesia of the nose", "Moffats anaesthesia of the nose", "莫法特鼻部麻醉" ], "49290005": [ "Excision of lesion of cranial nerve", "脑神经损伤切除术" ], "440671000": [ "Education about signs and symptoms of labor", "Education about signs and symptoms of labour", "关于分娩症状和体征的教育" ], "229514009": [ "Sensory stimulation using ice stroking", "通过冰抚摸进行感官刺激" ], "14687003": [ "Choledochoenterostomy", "胆总管肠吻合术" ], "424287005": [ "Removal of peripheral intravenous catheter", "Discontinue peripheral intravenous catheter", "停用外周静脉导管", "移除外周静脉导管" ], "176692001": [ "Reconstruction of vagina with local flap", "局部皮瓣重建阴道" ], "274996002": [ "Electrolysis of eyelash", "Electrosurgical epilation of eyelid", "睫毛电解", "眼睑电外科脱毛" ], "438836003": [ "Anastomosis of choledochal cyst", "胆总管囊肿吻合术" ], "305929001": [ "Referral from radiotherapist", "Referral by radiotherapist", "放射治疗师转诊", "放射治疗师的推荐" ], "43785003": [ "Aneurysmorrhaphy by filipuncture", "Repair of aneurysm by filipuncture", "Repair of aneurysm by endovascular coil embolization", "Repair of aneurysm by endovascular coil embolisation", "血管内线圈栓塞修复动脉瘤", "用丝刺法修复动脉瘤", "动脉瘤缝合术" ], "699145004": [ "Internal fixation of ulna without fracture reduction", "尺骨骨折未复位内固定" ], "11017006": [ "Thromboxane B2 assay", "血栓素B2测定" ], "764681008": [ "SPECT of bone of ankle using 186-Re (rhenium-186)", "Single photon emission computed tomography of bone of ankle using rhenium-186", "使用铼-186 对踝骨进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "使用 186-Re(铼-186)对踝骨进行 SPECT 扫描" ], "287710001": [ "Open exploration of bladder", "Open exploration of urinary bladder", "膀胱开放探查" ], "418782007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of subclavian artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of subclavian artery with contrast", "锁骨下动脉造影", "锁骨下动脉造影荧光血管造影" ], "304094008": [ "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle myocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction with local subcutaneous pedicle myocutaneous flap", "Local subcutaneous pedicle myocutaneous flap reconstruction", "局部皮下带蒂肌皮瓣修复" ], "1186995001": [ "Pedicle myocutaneous flap to hand", "手部带蒂肌皮瓣" ], "122035004": [ "Leishmania tropica antibody assay", "Measurement of Leishmania tropica antibody", "热带利什曼原虫抗体测定", "热带利什曼原虫抗体检测" ], "416947005": [ "Glycoasparaginase level", "Glycoasparaginase measurement", "糖门冬酰胺酶测定", "糖门冬酰胺酶水平" ], "103816000": [ "Fibrin fragments assay", "纤维蛋白碎片测定" ], "302259009": [ "Cognitive skills training", "认知技能训练" ], "431496002": [ "Vertebroplasty of lumbar spine using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Vertebroplasty of lumbar spine using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided vertebroplasty of lumbar spine", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行腰椎椎体成形术", "CT引导下腰椎椎体成形术", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行腰椎椎体成形术" ], "447880004": [ "Exploration and ligation of aneurysm of cerebral artery", "脑动脉瘤探查及结扎术" ], "185736005": [ "Asthma monitoring call telephone invite", "哮喘监测电话邀请" ], "16436161000119108": [ "Ultrasonography of left popliteal fossa", "Ultrasound scan of left popliteal fossa", "左腘窝超声扫描", "左腘窝超声检查" ], "169352008": [ "Radiotherapy: infuse pleural cavity", "放射治疗:注入胸腔" ], "183901002": [ "Private referral to neurologist", "神经科医生的私人转诊" ], "446045006": [ "Ultrasonography by transrectal approach", "TRUS - Transrectal ultrasonography", "TRUS-- 经直肠超声检查", "经直肠超声检查" ], "233053008": [ "Excision of right ventricular lesion", "右心室病变切除术" ], "231218000": [ "Nasociliary nerve block", "Local anaesthetic nasociliary nerve block", "Local anesthetic nasociliary nerve block", "鼻睫神经阻滞", "局部麻醉鼻睫神经阻滞" ], "167517009": [ "Urine bile salt measurement", "Urine bile salts", "尿胆盐测量", "尿胆汁盐" ], "395058002": [ "Viral load", "病毒载量" ], "34610003": [ "Microbial identification, Uni yeast, TEK test", "微生物鉴定,Uni酵母,TEK测试" ], "870194003": [ "Body mass index follow-up planning", "体重指数跟踪规划" ], "16391003": [ "Cystine measurement, quantitative", "胱氨酸测量,定量" ], "229383005": [ "Physiological mobilisation of the tibiofemoral joint", "Physiological mobilization of the tibiofemoral joint", "胫股关节的生理活动" ], "47324001": [ "Thyroid uptake with thyroid stimulation", "Radioiodine uptake study with thyroid stimulation", "甲状腺刺激引起的甲状腺摄取", "甲状腺刺激放射性碘摄取研究" ], "112860004": [ "Hemigastrectomy by abdominal approach", "经腹部入路半胃切除术" ], "391388006": [ "Calculus cystine content", "Calculus cystine content measurement", "牙结石胱氨酸含量的测定", "结石胱氨酸含量" ], "129244007": [ "Open excisional biopsy of ureter", "输尿管开放切除活检" ], "30940008": [ "Suture of anus", "肛门缝合" ], "702684006": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of head with contrast", "MR angiography of head with contrast", "头部磁共振血管造影", "头部增强磁共振血管造影" ], "309468007": [ "Cardiovascular observation regime", "心血管观察方案" ], "29105006": [ "Excision of adenoma of thyroid", "甲状腺腺瘤切除术" ], "225713007": [ "Removal of vomit from airway", "清除呼吸道中的呕吐物" ], "176561009": [ "Ritual circumcision", "割礼仪式" ], "43654001": [ "Correction of coarctation of aorta with anastomosis", "主动脉缩窄吻合术" ], "174726003": [ "Revision of anastomosis of pancreatic duct", "胰管吻合口修复术" ], "715398005": [ "Assessment using Office of Population Census and Surveys disability scale", "Assessment using OPCS (Office of Population Census and Surveys) disability scale", "使用人口普查和调查办公室残疾量表进行评估", "使用 OPCS(人口普查和调查办公室)残疾量表进行评估" ], "385883000": [ "Bed rest care assessment", "Assess bed-ridden care", "Assess bedfast care", "Assess bedbound care", "Assess bed rest care", "评估卧床休息护理", "评估卧床护理", "卧床护理评估" ], "764550009": [ "MRI of coccyx with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bone structure of coccyx with contrast", "尾骨骨结构磁共振成像对比", "尾骨增强 MRI 检查" ], "41819004": [ "Patient discharge, deceased, donation of body", "病人出院、去世、遗体捐献" ], "7216000": [ "Aneurysmectomy with graft replacement of head and neck artery", "动脉瘤切除术及头颈动脉移植置换术" ], "713563009": [ "Ultrasonography guided localisation of iodine 125 radioactive seed to breast lesion", "Ultrasonography guided localization of iodine 125 radioactive seed to breast lesion", "Localization of iodine 125 radioactive seed to breast lesion using ultrasonographic guidance", "Localisation of iodine 125 radioactive seed to breast lesion using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下乳腺病灶碘125放射性粒子定位", "超声引导下碘125放射性粒子定位乳腺病变", "超声引导下碘125放射性粒子定位至乳腺病变", "超声引导下乳腺病变碘125放射性粒子定位" ], "171056002": [ "Pregnancy exercise advice", "Pregnancy exercise education", "孕期运动建议", "孕期运动教育" ], "302128004": [ "Decompression of thoracic spine", "胸椎减压" ], "121904005": [ "Filaria identification", "丝虫病鉴别" ], "449584006": [ "Care of tunneled central venous catheter", "Care of tunnelled central venous catheter", "隧道式中心静脉导管的护理" ], "252976007": [ "Sonsken charts", "Sonsken 图表" ], "447749000": [ "Bursotomy of foot", "Incision of bursa of foot", "足部滑囊切开术" ], "433200009": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of brachiocephalic artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of brachiocephalic artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "头臂动脉造影及支架置入荧光血管造影", "用造影剂插入支架进行头臂动脉荧光镜造影" ], "185605005": [ "Cervical smear - 3rd recall", "Cervical smear - third recall", "宫颈涂片检查 - 第三次复查", "子宫颈抹片检查 - 第三次复查" ], "234757008": [ "Take impression for reline of maxillofacial prosthesis", "取模以修复颌面假体" ], "3546002": [ "Aortocoronary artery bypass graft with saphenous vein graft", "ACSVG - Aortocoronary saphenous vein graft", "ACSVBG - Aortocoronary saphenous vein bypass graft", "Coronary artery bypass graft with saphenous vein graft", "ACSVBG-- 主动脉冠状动脉隐静脉旁路移植术", "主动脉冠状动脉搭桥术及隐静脉移植", "冠状动脉搭桥术及隐静脉移植", "ACSVG-- 主动脉冠状动脉隐静脉移植" ], "445914004": [ "Incision of abscess of head", "头部脓肿切开术" ], "232922004": [ "Xenograft atrioventricular valve replacement", "异种移植房室瓣置换术" ], "265690004": [ "Opening of skin", "皮肤裂开" ], "871898007": [ "Live attenuated Human alphaherpesvirus 3 vaccination", "Administration of vaccine product containing only live attenuated Human alphaherpesvirus 3 antigen", "Live attenuated Varicella-zoster immunisation", "Live attenuated Varicella-zoster immunization", "Live attenuated Varicella-zoster vaccination", "Administration of live attenuated Human alphaherpesvirus 3 vaccine", "Live attenuated Human alphaherpesvirus 3 immunization", "Live attenuated Human alphaherpesvirus 3 immunisation", "接种减毒活人类 α 疱疹病毒 3 型疫苗", "水痘-带状疱疹减毒活疫苗免疫", "减毒活体人类 α 疱疹病毒 3 型免疫", "减毒活疫苗接种", "接种仅含减毒活人类 α 疱疹病毒 3 型抗原的疫苗产品", "水痘-带状疱疹减毒活疫苗", "减毒活疫苗人类 α 疱疹病毒 3 型免疫" ], "69082009": [ "Anesthesia for upper gastrointestinal endoscopic procedure", "Anaesthesia for upper gastrointestinal endoscopic procedure", "上消化道内镜手术麻醉" ], "167386009": [ "Urine 17 ketogenic steroid measurement", "Urine 17 ketogenic steroid level", "尿液 17 生酮类固醇测量", "尿液 17 生酮类固醇水平" ], "313007005": [ "Informing relative of diagnosis", "告知亲属诊断结果" ], "231087006": [ "Semi-permanent pressure technique using mustard seeds", "使用芥菜籽的半永久性压力技术" ], "165551007": [ "Metamyelocyte count", "Metamyelocyte count procedure", "晚幼粒细胞计数", "晚幼粒细胞计数程序" ], "868228000": [ "Coronary artery bypass grafting using gastroepiploic artery graft", "使用胃网膜动脉移植进行冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "229252009": [ "Active joint movements", "主动关节运动" ], "112729008": [ "Suture of wound of coxofemoral joint capsule", "髋股关节囊伤口缝合" ], "391257009": [ "Mental health functional therapies - 1-2 contacts/week", "心理健康功能疗法 - 每周 1-2 次" ], "176430002": [ "Excision of lesion of testis", "睾丸病变切除术" ], "438574003": [ "Osteotomy of thoracic vertebra by posterolateral approach", "Osteotomy of thoracic spine by posterolateral approach", "经后外侧入路胸椎截骨术", "后外侧入路胸椎截骨术" ], "420355001": [ "Random dot stereo depth perception testing", "随机点立体深度感知测试" ], "174595005": [ "Revision of stoma of small intestine", "小肠造口修复术" ], "238296005": [ "Ligation of peritoneal cavity bleeding vessel", "腹腔出血血管结扎术" ], "172760006": [ "Septorhinoplasty using graft", "使用移植物进行鼻中隔整形术" ], "8920006": [ "Repair of retina for retinal detachment", "Reattachment of retina", "Repair of retinal detachment", "RD - Repair of retinal detachment", "视网膜脱离的修复", "RD - 视网膜脱离修复", "视网膜复位", "视网膜脱离修复" ], "271064007": [ "Supper time blood sugar measurement", "Supper time blood sugar level", "Supper time blood glucose measurement", "晚餐血糖测量", "晚餐时间血糖水平", "晚餐时间血糖测量" ], "1186733000": [ "Continuous spontaneous ventilation with effort support", "持续自主通气与呼吸支持" ], "287448005": [ "Salivary duct repair", "Sialodochoplasty", "涎管修复", "涎管成形术" ], "385752006": [ "Infusion care education", "Teach infusion care", "输液护理宣教", "教导输液护理" ], "433069004": [ "Marking of skin of breast using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Marking of skin of breast using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导对乳房皮肤进行标记", "使用超声波引导标记乳房皮肤" ], "25304009": [ "Hypochondrial hernioplasty", "Subchondral hernioplasty", "软骨下疝修补术", "疝修补术" ], "105389006": [ "Personal care assistance at home", "个人居家护理协助" ], "89005003": [ "Excision of Morton's neuroma of peripheral nerve", "Excision of Morton's neuroma", "Excision of Morton neuroma of peripheral nerve", "周围神经 Morton 神经瘤切除术", "周围神经莫顿神经瘤切除术", "莫顿神经瘤切除术" ], "56237003": [ "Drainage of external auditory canal abscess", "外耳道脓肿引流" ], "38018001": [ "Fenestration of tympanic membrane", "鼓膜开窗术" ], "121773006": [ "Dodecenoylcarnitine measurement", "十二烯酰肉碱测量" ], "449453007": [ "Bypass of segment of suprarenal abdominal aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta", "肾上腺腹主动脉段搭桥术" ], "218242001": [ "Replantation of arm after complete amputation", "完全截肢后手臂再植" ], "169090008": [ "Stereotactic/stereoscopic test - mediastinum", "立体定向/立体镜检查-纵隔" ], "118103005": [ "Escherichia coli verotoxic culture", "大肠杆菌毒性培养" ], "232791006": [ "Prosthetic replacement of tricuspid chordae tendinae", "三尖瓣肌腱的假体置换" ], "413015007": [ "Standard bicarbonate measurement", "Standard bicarbonate level", "标准碳酸氢盐水平", "标准碳酸氢盐测量" ], "771628000": [ "Open femoral hernioplasty using synthetic mesh", "Open repair of femoral hernia using synthetic mesh", "使用合成网片进行股疝开放式修补", "使用合成网片进行开放式股疝修补术" ], "230956001": [ "Intracranial destruction of trigeminal ganglion", "三叉神经节颅内破坏" ], "445783008": [ "Assessment using checklist for autism in toddlers", "使用检查表对幼儿自闭症进行评估" ], "443948001": [ "Quantitative measurement of ethylene glycol in urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of ethylene glycol in urine specimen", "尿液标本中乙二醇质量浓度的定量测定", "尿液标本中乙二醇的定量测定" ], "67116005": [ "Tracheoplasty by cervical approach", "Repair of trachea by cervical approach", "经颈部入路修复气管", "经颈部入路气管成形术" ], "312876006": [ "Taking urethral swab", "取尿道拭子" ], "1197612007": [ "Intermittent mandatory ventilation", "IMV - intermittent mandatory ventilation", "IMV-- 间歇指令通气", "间歇指令通气" ], "179969003": [ "Revision cemented total ankle replacement", "Revision of cemented total prosthetic replacement of ankle joint", "骨水泥型全踝关节假体置换术", "翻修型全踝关节置换术" ], "229121004": [ "Gripping exercises", "握力练习" ], "163585005": [ "Full nervous system examination", "全面神经系统检查" ], "47062006": [ "Employee health culture", "员工健康文化" ], "61611008": [ "Excisional biopsy of carpals or metacarpals", "腕骨或掌骨切除活检" ], "1290411008": [ "Plain X-ray of knee region under stress", "Stress plain radiograph of knee", "Stress plain X-ray of knee", "膝关节应力平片", "膝关节应力 X 线平片", "受压膝盖区域的普通 X 光检查" ], "10624004": [ "Complete dacryocystectomy", "泪囊全切除术" ], "418389000": [ "Blood sugar management", "Blood glucose management", "血糖管理" ], "287317001": [ "Pleural cavity obliteration", "胸膜腔闭塞" ], "172629000": [ "Clearance of external auditory canal", "清理外耳道" ], "1237589003": [ "Transcatheter repair of leaflet of tricuspid valve using transoesophageal echocardiography and fluoroscopic guidance", "Transcatheter repair of leaflet of tricuspid valve using transesophageal echocardiography and fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy and transoesophageal echocardiography guided transcatheter repair of leaflet of tricuspid valve", "Fluoroscopy and transesophageal echocardiography guided transcatheter repair of leaflet of tricuspid valve", "Transcatheter repair of tricuspid valve leaflet using transesophageal echocardiographic and fluoroscopic guidance", "Transcatheter repair of tricuspid valve leaflet using transoesophageal echocardiographic and fluoroscopic guidance", "经食管超声心动图及荧光透视引导下经导管修复三尖瓣瓣叶", "经食管超声心动图和荧光透视引导下经导管修复三尖瓣", "透视和经食管超声心动图引导下经导管修复三尖瓣瓣叶", "经食管超声心动图和荧光透视引导下经导管修复三尖瓣瓣叶" ], "434773000": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of radial artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of radial artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "用造影剂插入支架移植物进行桡动脉荧光镜动脉造影", "用造影剂插入支架移植物进行桡动脉荧光血管造影" ], "238165008": [ "Abdominal wall hernia procedure", "Abdominal wall hernioplasty", "腹壁疝修补术", "腹壁疝手术" ], "121642001": [ "Methyl bromide measurement", "溴甲烷测量" ], "23338003": [ "Excision of deep lymph node", "深部淋巴结切除" ], "170794003": [ "Initial obesity assessment", "初步肥胖评估" ], "105258005": [ "Nicomorphine measurement", "尼可吗啡测量" ], "367402006": [ "Foot fasciectomy", "足部筋膜切除术" ], "5119000": [ "Epiglottidectomy", "Excision of epiglottis", "会厌切除术" ], "252714009": [ "Stress test - finger metacarpophalangeal collateral ligament", "压力测试-手指掌指侧副韧带" ], "119807004": [ "Thoracic artery closure", "胸动脉闭合" ], "21503005": [ "Injection of contrast media for radiography by catheter, retrograde", "通过导管逆行注射造影剂进行放射线摄影" ], "300031005": [ "Arthrodesis of thumb", "拇指关节融合术" ], "183508000": [ "Non-urgent psychogeriatric admission", "非紧急老年精神病入院" ], "709631008": [ "CT guided biopsy of retroperitoneum", "Biopsy of retroperitoneum using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行腹膜后活检", "CT引导下腹膜后活检" ], "117972002": [ "Avian reticuloendotheliosis virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Reticuloendotheliosis virus antibody", "禽网状内皮增生症病毒抗体检测", "网状内皮增生症病毒抗体测定" ], "232660006": [ "BSSLTx - Bilateral sequential single lung transplant", "Bilateral sequential single lung transplant", "双侧连续单肺移植", "BSSLTx - 双侧连续单肺移植" ], "281812007": [ "Arthroscopy of shoulder", "Arthroscopic shoulder procedure", "肩关节镜检查", "肩关节镜手术" ], "1197481000": [ "Free skin flap reconstruction with microvascular anastomosis", "Reconstruction using free skin flap with microvascular anastomosis", "Reconstruction using free cutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis", "游离皮瓣显微血管吻合重建", "游离皮瓣重建显微血管吻合术", "带显微血管吻合的游离皮瓣修复" ], "68820009": [ "Dewebbing of syndactyly of toes", "Dewebbing of congenital syndactyly of toes", "并趾畸形脱趾术", "先天性并趾畸形的脱趾术" ], "1449002": [ "Epilation", "Depilation", "Epilation of skin", "Depilation of skin", "Removal of hair", "Hair removal", "Depilating hair", "除毛", "去除毛发", "脱毛" ], "394665003": [ "Measurement of cystathionine in serum specimen", "血清标本中胱硫醚的测定" ], "230825008": [ "Renewal of subdural-peritoneal shunt", "重新进行硬膜下腹腔分流术" ], "179838001": [ "Release of contracture of hip joint", "髋关节挛缩松解术" ], "720510004": [ "Education about chronic kidney disease", "慢性肾脏病教育" ], "704126008": [ "Home visit for anticoagulation monitoring", "Home visit for anticoagulant drug monitoring", "抗凝监测上门拜访", "抗凝药物监测上门拜访" ], "718675005": [ "Management of inpatient discharge", "住院出院管理" ], "440147006": [ "Craniotomy and excision of pituitary tumor using intracranial approach", "Incision of bone of cranium and excision of neoplasm of pituitary gland using intracranial approach", "Craniotomy and excision of pituitary tumour using intracranial approach", "经颅骨切开及垂体肿瘤切除术", "经颅内入路开颅切除垂体瘤" ], "276307006": [ "Foot volumetry", "足部体积测定" ], "1290280000": [ "Grafting of fascia to hand", "手部筋膜移植" ], "307240001": [ "Balanoplasty", "龟头整形术" ], "274472002": [ "Endoscopic GIT dilatation", "Endoscopic gastrointestinal tract dilatation", "Endoscopic gastrointestinal tract dilation", "Endoscopic GIT (gastrointestinal tract) dilatation", "内镜胃肠道扩张术" ], "225320002": [ "SHAMT - Safer handling and movement training", "Safer handling and movement training", "SHAMT - 更安全的操作和运动训练", "更安全的操作和运动训练" ], "241704006": [ "Induction of sedation", "诱导镇静" ], "305405001": [ "Admission to rehabilitation psychiatry department", "康复精神病科入院" ], "174333001": [ "Excision of perianal wart", "肛周疣切除术" ], "421928009": [ "Stereo depth perception testing", "立体深度感知测试" ], "61480009": [ "Drug detoxification", "药物排毒" ], "223485006": [ "Discussion about therapy", "关于治疗的讨论" ], "238034001": [ "Repair of vaginal wall prolapse", "Colporrhaphy", "阴道缝合术", "阴道壁脱垂的修复" ], "713170001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty with insertion of stent into iliac artery", "经皮腔内球囊血管成形术及髂动脉支架植入" ], "57810003": [ "Open reduction of fracture of alveolar process of maxilla", "上颌骨牙槽突骨折切开复位术" ], "172498005": [ "Removal of foreign body from iris", "FB - Removal of foreign body from iris", "虹膜异物去除", "FB - 虹膜异物去除" ], "434642005": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of basilic vein using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "贵要静脉造影及支架植入术" ], "303570006": [ "Cryotherapy to sympathetic nerve", "交感神经冷冻疗法" ], "451026009": [ "Open commissurotomy of tricuspid valve", "开放性三尖瓣切开术" ], "236199002": [ "Transurethral subureteric injection", "经尿道输尿管下注射" ], "105127002": [ "Cimetidine measurement", "西咪替丁测量" ], "285351003": [ "Advice to change dairy food intake", "Recommendation to change dairy food intake", "建议改变乳制品摄入量", "改变乳制品摄入量的建议" ], "39591005": [ "Enlargement of sinus tract of skin", "皮肤窦道扩张" ], "121511004": [ "Cyclohexane measurement", "环己烷测量" ], "252583006": [ "Audioscan audiometry", "音频扫描听力检查" ], "414588000": [ "Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring second letter", "左心室功能障碍监测第二封信" ], "21372000": [ "Radium therapy", "镭疗法" ], "250748001": [ "Immunoglobulin M/immunoglobulin G ratio measurement", "Immunoglobulin M/immunoglobulin G ratio", "IgM/IgG - Immunoglobulin M/immunoglobulin G ratio", "免疫球蛋白 M/免疫球蛋白 G 比率", "免疫球蛋白 M/免疫球蛋白 G 比率测量", "IgM/IgG - 免疫球蛋白 M/免疫球蛋白 G 比率" ], "86908003": [ "Protein S, functional assay", "蛋白 S,功能测定" ], "709500005": [ "Collection of cough culture plate specimen", "Collection of specimen by cough culture plate", "用咳嗽培养皿采集标本", "咳嗽培养皿标本采集" ], "119676007": [ "Thigh destructive procedure", "大腿破坏性手术" ], "117841002": [ "Papilloma virus 35 antigen assay", "Papillomavirus 35 antigen assay", "乳头瘤病毒 35 抗原检测" ], "265297009": [ "Cauterization of lesion of retina", "Cauterisation of lesion of retina", "视网膜损伤烧灼术" ], "68689009": [ "Bifurcation", "分叉" ], "312614002": [ "Provision of mainstream school, modified", "修改后的主流学校规定" ], "443686007": [ "Quantitative PCR analysis", "Quantitative measurement of number of copies of nucleic acid sequence by polymerase chain reaction technique", "聚合酶链式反应技术定量测量核酸序列拷贝数", "定量 PCR 分析" ], "48635004": [ "Fine needle biopsy", "Aspiration biopsy", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy", "细针穿刺活检", "抽吸活检", "细针活检" ], "720379009": [ "Hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy", "HAIC - hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy", "HAIC-- 肝动脉灌注化疗", "肝动脉灌注化疗" ], "177872001": [ "Removal of prosthetic material from previous repair of inguinal hernia", "取出先前腹股沟疝修复中的假体材料" ], "736763009": [ "Reconstruction using cutaneous flap", "Reconstruction with skin flap", "Reconstruction using skin flap", "皮瓣修复", "皮瓣重建" ], "718544006": [ "X-ray tomography of lower limb", "下肢X射线断层扫描" ], "390864007": [ "Referral for exercise therapy", "转介运动疗法" ], "274341000": [ "Surgical biopsy of lip", "唇部手术活检" ], "257957004": [ "Conversion from interposition arthroplasty", "插入关节置换术的转换" ], "405413004": [ "Angioplasty of tibioperoneal artery", "Angioplasty of tibio-peroneal artery", "胫腓动脉血管成形术" ], "241573004": [ "CT of knee", "Computed tomography of knee", "膝关节计算机断层扫描", "膝关节CT" ], "225189008": [ "Attaching stoma appliance", "安装造口装置" ], "370810001": [ "Evaluation of response to pain management interventions", "Evaluates response to pain management interventions", "评估对疼痛管理干预的反应", "评估疼痛管理干预措施的效果" ], "305274003": [ "Admission by gastroenterologist", "胃肠病专家入院" ], "303439000": [ "Division of pectoralis minor", "胸小肌分区" ], "713039006": [ "Repair of finger", "手指修复" ], "172367007": [ "Biopsy of lesion of eye muscle", "眼肌病变活检" ], "170532000": [ "Notification of rubella", "风疹通报" ], "711204005": [ "Conversion to prosthetic hybrid total replacement of shoulder joint using cemented humeral component", "使用骨水泥型肱骨组件进行肩关节假体混合全置换" ], "121380006": [ "Miconazole measurement", "咪康唑测量" ], "104996005": [ "Triiodothyronine/triiodothyronine uptake index measurement", "三碘甲状腺原氨酸/三碘甲状腺原氨酸摄取指数测量" ], "414457001": [ "Imaging of soft tissue", "软组织成像" ], "250617002": [ "Detection of tricyclic antidepressant", "三环类抗抑郁药检测" ], "252452009": [ "Laser Doppler", "LD - laser Doppler", "LD-激光多普勒", "激光多普勒" ], "447225004": [ "Ultrasonography of vein of neck", "Ultrasound scan of neck vein", "颈静脉超声检查", "颈静脉超声扫描" ], "37625005": [ "Repair of entropion", "Entropion correction", "眼睑内翻矫正", "眼睑内翻修复" ], "609230000": [ "Laparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy", "腹腔镜双侧输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "265166001": [ "Conversion from cemented hemiarthroplasty of hip", "髋关节骨水泥型半关节置换术的转换" ], "52174008": [ "Division of cartilage of foot and toe", "Division of joint cartilage of foot and toe", "足趾关节软骨的分割", "足趾软骨的划分" ], "50339005": [ "Complete laryngectomy with radical neck dissection, synchronous thyroidectomy and synchronous tracheostomy", "完全喉切除术及根治性颈淋巴清扫术、同步甲状腺切除术和同步气管切开术" ], "1197219005": [ "Elective LSCS (lower segment caesarean section) through inverted T incision of uterus", "Elective LSCS (lower segment cesarean section) through inverted T incision of uterus", "Elective lower segment cesarean section through inverted T shaped incision of uterus", "Elective lower segment caesarean section through inverted T shaped incision of uterus", "经倒T形子宫切口行选择性下段剖宫产", "经子宫倒 T 切口进行选择性 LSCS(下段剖宫产)", "经倒T形子宫切口的选择性下段剖宫产术" ], "48504001": [ "Iron measurement, urine", "Urine iron", "Urine iron level", "尿液铁含量", "尿液铁测量", "尿铁" ], "408952002": [ "Acute pain control assessment", "Assess acute pain control", "急性疼痛控制评估", "评估急性疼痛控制" ], "359800004": [ "RIST assay, indirect", "Radioimmunosorbent technique (RIST) assay, indirect", "Radioimmunosorbent technique assay, indirect", "间接 RIST 检测", "放射免疫吸附技术测定,间接", "放射免疫吸附技术(RIST)检测,间接" ], "228728006": [ "Calculation of radiotherapy dose-volume histogram", "放射治疗剂量体积直方图的计算" ], "439885002": [ "Counseling for spina bifida screening", "Counselling for spina bifida screening", "脊柱裂筛查咨询" ], "241442001": [ "PET myocardial stress study using N13 ammonia", "Positron emission tomography myocardial stress study using N13 ammonia", "使用 N13 氨进行 PET 心肌应激研究", "使用 N13 氨进行正电子发射断层扫描心肌应力研究" ], "405282002": [ "Adult hearing test", "成人听力测试" ], "61218006": [ "Excision of Meckel's diverticulum", "Meckel's diverticulectomy", "Excision of Meckel diverticulum", "梅克尔憩室切除术" ], "700194007": [ "Discharge from community care service", "退出社区护理服务" ], "225058007": [ "Well person screening", "健康人筛查" ], "1222647002": [ "Biopsy of sphincter of Oddi using endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography guidance with contrast", "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography guided biopsy of sphincter of Oddi with contrast", "Biopsy of sphincter of Oddi using ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) guidance with contrast", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影引导下 Oddi 括约肌活检", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影引导下奥迪氏括约肌活检", "使用 ERCP(内镜逆行胰胆管造影术)引导进行 Oddi 括约肌活检" ], "174071004": [ "Extended right hemicolectomy", "Extended right colectomy", "扩大右半结肠切除术" ], "239607006": [ "Correction of Erb's palsy", "埃尔布氏麻痹的矫正" ], "434380000": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of superficial femoral artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of superficial femoral artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "用造影剂插入药物洗脱支架进行股浅动脉荧光镜动脉造影", "用造影剂插入药物洗脱支架对股浅动脉进行荧光血管造影" ], "399777000": [ "Mite specific IgG antibody measurement", "Mite specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "螨特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定", "螨虫特异性 IgG 抗体测量" ], "104865002": [ "Phenylpyruvate measurement", "苯丙酮酸测量" ], "432545004": [ "Cardiac radiofrequency ablation using ultrasound guidance", "Cardiac radiofrequency ablation using ultrasound (US) guidance", "超声引导下的心脏射频消融", "使用超声(US)引导进行心脏射频消融" ], "2891006": [ "Arthroscopy of elbow with partial synovectomy", "肘关节镜检查及部分滑膜切除术" ], "609099007": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from operative wound prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from surgical wound prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备手术伤口标本涂片进行显微镜细胞学检查", "使用巴氏技术制备的手术伤口标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "82976000": [ "Injection of salivary duct", "涎管注射" ], "1295392000": [ "Plain X-ray of cisterna magna with contrast", "枕大池造影 X 光检查" ], "66592006": [ "Voges Proskauer test", "Voges Proskauer 测试" ], "228597006": [ "Provision of collar", "提供领圈" ], "244981007": [ "Isotope study for red blood cell sequestration", "红细胞封存的同位素研究" ], "179445008": [ "Revision cemented total shoulder replacement", "Revision of cemented total prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint", "骨水泥型全肩关节假体置换术", "翻修型骨水泥全肩关节置换术" ], "243146000": [ "Diaphragmatic augmentation by rocking bed", "摇床扩张膈肌" ], "439754002": [ "Incision of flexor tendon sheath of wrist", "腕屈肌腱鞘切开术" ], "308682006": [ "Prosthetic arthroplasty of elbow", "肘关节假体置换术" ], "275914007": [ "Chronic respiratory disease monitoring", "慢性呼吸系统疾病监测" ], "61087000": [ "Protriptyline measurement", "普罗替林测量" ], "44703001": [ "Trabeculotomy ab externo", "外部小梁切开术" ], "388767006": [ "Pork specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sus spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "f26 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sus spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "猪属特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "猪肉特异性IgE抗体测定", "猪特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "f26 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "241311007": [ "Radionuclide venous blood pool study", "放射性核素静脉血池研究" ], "419700009": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolization of upper limb artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolisation of upper limb artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolization of upper limb artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolisation of upper limb artery", "上肢动脉荧光血管造影及栓塞术", "上肢动脉荧光造影及栓塞术" ], "450633002": [ "Application of vacuum assisted closure device to skin of neck", "Application of negative pressure wound dressing to skin of neck", "负压敷料在颈部皮肤创面的应用", "负压闭合装置在颈部皮肤的应用" ], "239476009": [ "Arthroplasty of joint of the thumb", "拇指关节置换术" ], "57417005": [ "Bowel imaging for Meckel's diverticulum", "Meckel's diverticulum study", "Bowel imaging for Meckel diverticulum", "梅克尔憩室研究", "梅克尔憩室的肠道影像学检查", "梅克尔憩室的肠道成像" ], "172105006": [ "Operation on breast duct", "Mammillary duct operations", "乳头导管手术", "乳腺导管手术" ], "90185007": [ "Hepatitis B core antigen measurement", "HBcAg measurement", "乙肝核心抗原检测", "HBcAg 测量" ], "104734004": [ "Homocystine measurement", "同型半胱氨酸测量" ], "448798006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of adrenal artery", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of suprarenal artery", "经皮肾上腺动脉腔内成形术", "经皮肾上动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "252190006": [ "Dexamethasone suppression test", "地塞米松抑制试验" ], "266739000": [ "Physiotherapy/remedial therapy", "物理治疗/康复治疗" ], "709107002": [ "Harvesting of mucous membrane of nose", "Harvesting of nasal mucosa", "采集鼻黏膜", "采集鼻粘膜" ], "86515003": [ "Premarital counseling", "Premarital counselling", "婚前辅导" ], "70131004": [ "Intraoperative transluminal angioplasty of iliac artery", "髂动脉术中腔内血管成形术" ], "37363005": [ "Partial coccygectomy", "部分尾骨切除术" ], "119283008": [ "Open biopsy", "开放活检" ], "314056003": [ "Calculus uric acid content measurement", "Calculus uric acid content", "结石尿酸含量测量", "尿酸结石含量" ], "608968004": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from integument", "外皮标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "1297096009": [ "Arterial bypass graft of lower limb artery using arterial graft", "利用动脉移植进行下肢动脉旁路移植术" ], "363208009": [ "Musculoskeletal system biopsy", "肌肉骨骼系统活检" ], "17309004": [ "Excision of lesion of thoracoabdominal aorta with interposition graft replacement", "胸腹主动脉病变切除及间置移植血管置换术" ], "425074000": [ "Conversion of intravenous infusion to saline lock", "Saline lock convert from intravenous catheter", "Convert iv to saline lock", "静脉输液转换为盐水封管", "将静脉注射转换为盐水锁", "静脉导管换盐水锁" ], "31858006": [ "Incision and drainage of submental space by intraoral approach", "口内入路颏下腔切开引流" ], "406855007": [ "Feulgen reaction stain method", "Feulgen reaction stain", "Feulgen 反应染色", "富尔根反应染色法" ], "388636001": [ "Rf313 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Engraulis encrasicolus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Anchovy specific IgE antibody measurement", "Engraulis encrasicolus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鳀鱼特异性IgE抗体测定", "凤尾鱼特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rf313特异性IgE抗体测量", "鳀鱼特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "716316003": [ "Magnetic resonance venography of neck", "Magnetic resonance venogram of neck", "MR venography of neck", "颈部磁共振静脉造影" ], "241180008": [ "Percutaneous hepatogram", "Percutaneous hepatography", "经皮肝造影" ], "239345004": [ "Excision of middle phalanx of lesser toe", "小趾中节指骨切除术" ], "304881005": [ "Psychodynamic interventions relating to feelings", "Psychodynamic interventions relating to emotions", "与情感相关的心理动力干预", "与情绪相关的心理动力干预" ], "108273007": [ "Topography specific radiographic procedure", "Radiographic imaging procedure by site", "地形特定射线照相程序", "各部位放射线成像程序" ], "386801007": [ "Endometrial scraping", "子宫内膜刮除术" ], "1287921009": [ "Closed reduction of injury to epiphyseal growth plate of ulna", "尺骨骨骺生长板损伤闭合复位" ], "450502006": [ "Laparoscopic biopsy of lesion of omentum", "腹腔镜大网膜病变活检" ], "24518007": [ "Repair of laryngotracheal fistula", "Closure of laryngotracheal fistula", "喉气管瘘修复", "喉气管瘘闭合" ], "73670008": [ "Resection of head of phalanx of toe", "趾骨头切除术" ], "40902008": [ "Segmental lobectomy with bronchoplasty", "肺叶分段切除术及支气管成形术" ], "268443005": [ "Radionuclide studies in haematology", "Radionuclide studies in hematology", "血液学放射性核素研究" ], "104603009": [ "Coproporphyrinogen oxidase measurement", "粪卟啉原氧化酶测定" ], "430448007": [ "Computed tomography of neck and thorax", "Computed tomography (CT) of neck and thorax", "CT of neck and thorax", "颈部和胸部计算机断层扫描", "颈部和胸部 CT", "颈部和胸部计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "313925001": [ "210 minute serum cortisol measurement", "210 minute serum cortisol level", "210 分钟血清皮质醇水平", "210 分钟血清皮质醇测量" ], "250224009": [ "Level of abnormal hemoglobin", "Abnormal hemoglobin measurement", "Level of abnormal haemoglobin", "Abnormal haemoglobin measurement", "血红蛋白异常水平", "异常血红蛋白水平", "血红蛋白测量异常" ], "2629003": [ "Intracranial/cerebral perfusion pressure monitoring", "颅内/脑灌注压监测" ], "428613004": [ "Correction of congenital cardiovascular deformity", "先天性心血管畸形矫正" ], "69621000052107": [ "Flexible bronchoscopy", "柔性支气管镜检查" ], "117317006": [ "Mayer mucicarmine stain method", "Mayer mucicarmine stain", "Mayer 粘胭脂红染色", "Mayer 粘胭脂染色法" ], "426778003": [ "Replacement of canthal tendon", "眼角腱置换术" ], "82714003": [ "Removal of embolus from arteriovenous shunt or cannula", "从动静脉分流器或插管中取出栓子" ], "410394004": [ "Lab findings surveillance", "Laboratory findings surveillance", "实验室检查结果监测" ], "361242007": [ "Epineural suturing of peripheral nerve", "周围神经外膜缝合" ], "312090008": [ "Distal wedge periodontal procedure", "远端楔形牙周手术" ], "179183002": [ "Primary skin traction of fracture", "骨折的原发性皮肤牵引" ], "718020004": [ "X-ray tomography of sternum", "胸骨 X 射线断层扫描" ], "308420008": [ "IUD check call", "Contraceptive intrauterine device check call", "宫内节育器检查电话", "避孕宫内节育器检查电话" ], "241049001": [ "Occlusal plain X-ray of maxillary region", "Upper occlusal plain X-ray", "上颌区咬合平面X光片", "上颌咬合平面 X 光片" ], "11673002": [ "Local destruction of lesion of joint of finger", "手指关节局部破坏病变" ], "13508009": [ "Bathing patient in starch bath", "用淀粉浴给病人洗澡" ], "716185004": [ "Assessment using Snijders-Oomen Nonverbal Intelligence Scale Revised 2.5-7", "Assessment using SON-R (Snijders-Oomen Nonverbal Intelligence Scale Revised) 2.5-7", "使用 SON-R(Snijders-Oomen 非语言智力量表修订版)进行评估 2.5-7", "使用 Snijders-Oomen 非语言智力量表进行评估(修订版 2.5-7)" ], "306585005": [ "Discharge from general medical service", "退出普通医疗服务" ], "1156718000": [ "Cardiovascular Health Integrated Lifestyle Diet 2 Triglyceride", "CHILD-2-TG - Cardiovascular Health Integrated Lifestyle Diet 2 Triglyceride", "CHILD-2-TG - 心血管健康综合生活方式饮食 2 甘油三酯", "心血管健康综合生活方式饮食 2 甘油三酯" ], "44441009": [ "Flexible fiberoptic sigmoidoscopy", "Flexible sigmoidoscopy", "Flexible fibreoptic sigmoidoscopy", "FOS - Fibreoptic sigmoidoscopy", "Fibreoptic sigmoidoscopy", "FOS - Fiberoptic sigmoidoscopy", "Fiberoptic sigmoidoscopy", "FS - Flexible sigmoidoscopy", "FS - 柔性乙状结肠镜检查", "FOS - 纤维乙状结肠镜检查", "柔性乙状结肠镜检查", "柔性纤维乙状结肠镜检查", "纤维乙状结肠镜检查" ], "42606003": [ "Reposition of cilia base", "Reposition of eyelash base", "重新定位睫毛根部", "纤毛根部重新定位" ], "9838004": [ "Manual replacement of obstetrical inverted uterus", "Manual repair of obstetrical inverted uterus", "产科子宫内翻手法复位", "产科子宫内翻手法修补术" ], "714350005": [ "Assessment using CORE-OM (Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation - Outcome Measure)", "Assessment using Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation Outcome Measure", "使用 CORE-OM(常规评估中的临床结果 - 结果测量)进行评估", "在常规评估结果测量中使用临床结果进行评估" ], "1287790005": [ "Revision of arthroplasty of head of both radii", "Revision of arthroplasty of head of bilateral radii", "双侧桡骨头置换术" ], "386670009": [ "Total ostectomy", "Excision of entire bone", "Excision of whole bone", "切除整块骨", "全骨切除术" ], "1204035003": [ "Mucosal flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction with mucosal flap", "Reconstruction using mucosal flap", "粘膜瓣重建", "黏膜瓣重建" ], "401219007": [ "Left posterior tibial Doppler pressure", "左胫骨后部多普勒压力" ], "237379009": [ "Marker biopsy of breast lesion", "乳腺病变标记活检" ], "104472005": [ "Adenosine diphosphate measurement", "二磷酸腺苷测量" ], "88088007": [ "Radical excision with lymph node dissection", "Extended excision with lymph node dissection", "扩大切除及淋巴结清扫", "根治性切除及淋巴结清扫" ], "235544007": [ "Bile duct calculus procedure", "胆管结石手术" ], "448536009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of superior mesenteric artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of superior mesenteric artery", "经皮肠系膜上动脉腔内栓塞术" ], "301080008": [ "Embolectomy of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉栓塞切除术" ], "432152009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of sacral spine", "Magnetic resonance imaging of sacral spine", "MRI of sacral spine", "骶椎磁共振成像", "骶椎磁共振成像(MRI)", "骶椎 MRI" ], "4333004": [ "Incision and drainage of perisplenic space", "脾周间隙切开引流" ], "444866000": [ "Laparoscopic marsupialisation of cyst of ovary", "Laparoscopic marsupialization of cyst of ovary", "腹腔镜卵巢囊肿袋形切除术" ], "315629008": [ "Release of suprapubic sling", "耻骨上吊带松解术" ], "86253009": [ "HIV-1 rapid latex agglutination assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) rapid latex agglutination assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus-1 rapid latex agglutination assay", "HIV-1 快速乳胶凝集试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒-1(HIV-1)快速乳胶凝集试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒-1快速乳胶凝集试验" ], "313794002": [ "Serum morphine measurement", "Serum morphine level", "血清吗啡测量", "血清吗啡水平" ], "737943000": [ "Miscarriage care management", "流产护理管理" ], "51650009": [ "Repair of round window fistula", "Closure of fistula of round window of ear", "Closure of fistula of round window", "耳圆窗瘘管缝合术", "圆窗瘘管关闭术", "圆窗瘘的修补" ], "410263001": [ "Medical/dental care teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Medical/dental care teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Medical/dental care education, guidance, and counseling", "Medical/dental care education, guidance, and counselling", "医疗/牙科保健教育、指导和咨询", "医疗/牙科保健教学、指导和咨询" ], "2498008": [ "Rebase of upper partial denture", "上部局部义齿重新基托" ], "428482009": [ "Colorimetric respired carbon dioxide monitoring", "Colourimetric respired carbon dioxide monitoring", "比色法呼吸二氧化碳监测" ], "408428000": [ "Advice to carer regarding child's behaviour", "Advice to carer regarding child's behavior", "Recommendation to carer regarding child's behavior", "Recommendation to carer regarding child's behaviour", "Recommendation to caregiver regarding child's behavior", "Recommendation to caregiver regarding child's behaviour", "就儿童行为向照顾者提供建议", "向照顾者提供有关儿童行为的建议", "就儿童行为向照顾者提出建议", "向照顾者提供有关孩子行为的建议" ], "426647008": [ "Fitting of external hearing prosthesis to bone anchored fixtures", "将外部听力假体安装到骨锚固装置上" ], "177217006": [ "Immediate repair of obstetric laceration", "Immediate suture of obstetric laceration", "Immediate repair of obstetric tear", "立即修复产科撕裂", "立即修复产科裂伤", "产科裂伤立即缝合" ], "27926003": [ "Construction of artificial larynx", "Asai operation on larynx", "Asai voice restoration procedure", "人工喉的构造", "Asai 语音修复程序", "Asai喉手术" ], "306454004": [ "Discharge by child and adolescent psychiatrist", "儿童和青少年精神科医生出院" ], "91627009": [ "Grafting of bone of scapula", "肩胛骨骨移植" ], "1304043009": [ "Colonoscopic suturing of colon", "Suturing of large intestine via colonoscope", "Colonoscopy and suturing of colon", "结肠镜结肠缝合", "经结肠镜缝合大肠", "结肠镜检查及结肠缝合" ], "433856004": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of common femoral artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of common femoral artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "股总动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "用对比剂插入药物洗脱支架进行股总动脉荧光镜动脉造影" ], "171712006": [ "Drainage of extradural space", "硬膜外腔引流" ], "235413000": [ "Biopsy using mesh-covered balloon", "使用网状覆盖球囊进行活检" ], "302784008": [ "Paul-Bunnell test", "PB - Paul-Bunnell test", "Paul-Bunnell 测试", "PB - 保罗-布内尔测试" ], "448405003": [ "Mitchell osteotomy", "米切尔截骨术" ], "38805005": [ "Transplantation of pituitary gland", "垂体移植" ], "432021006": [ "Administration of substance via intracavernous route", "通过海绵体内途径给药" ], "104341007": [ "Complement c1r2+c1s2 measurement", "补充 c1r2+c1s2 测量" ], "446570000": [ "Craniectomy by retromastoid approach", "经乳突后入路开颅术" ], "118890000": [ "Procedure on lymph node", "淋巴结手术" ], "233578004": [ "Continuous hemodialysis", "Continuous haemodialysis", "持续性血液透析" ], "282730009": [ "Parietal pleurectomy", "壁层胸膜切除术" ], "117055006": [ "Congo red stain method", "Congo red stain", "刚果红染色", "刚果红染色法" ], "18751007": [ "Reduction of closed humeral medial condylar fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of medial condyle of humerus", "闭合性肱骨内髁骨折的整复治疗", "肱骨内侧髁闭合性骨折手法复位" ], "313663007": [ "24 hour urine urate output measurement", "24 hour urine urate output", "24小时尿液尿酸排出量测量", "24小时尿尿酸排出量" ], "297279009": [ "Administration of steroid", "Steroid therapy", "使用类固醇", "类固醇治疗" ], "770580009": [ "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of breast", "高强度聚焦超声乳腺病灶消融" ], "410132009": [ "Nursing conference education", "Teach nursing contact", "护理会议教育", "教导护理联络" ], "1293033004": [ "Plain X-ray of left mastoid", "左乳突的普通 X 光检查" ], "15081005": [ "Pulmonary rehabilitation", "肺康复" ], "783294001": [ "Composite autograft of skin and soft tissues to neck", "颈部皮肤和软组织复合自体移植" ], "13246003": [ "Closure of enterovesical fistula with bladder resection", "Closure of enterovesical fistula with urinary bladder resection", "膀胱切除术闭合肠膀胱瘘" ], "177086003": [ "Fetoscopic blood transfusion of fetus", "Foetoscopic blood transfusion of foetus", "胎儿镜胎儿输血" ], "29630005": [ "Operation on pancreas", "Pancreas operation", "胰腺手术" ], "340926007": [ "Cardiotomy", "Incision of heart", "心脏切开术" ], "306323004": [ "Referral to contact tracing nurse", "转介至接触者追踪护士" ], "5121000087104": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of bilateral wrists", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of both wrists", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of left and right wrist", "双腕关节荧光透视造影", "左、右腕关节荧光镜造影", "双腕关节荧光镜关节造影" ], "173416000": [ "Laser uvulectomy and palatal scarring", "Cambridge operation", "剑桥行动", "激光腭裂切除术和腭瘢痕" ], "2561000087106": [ "MRI of right scapula", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right scapula", "右肩胛骨磁共振成像", "右肩胛骨 MRI" ], "17921000087107": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of right lower extremity vein", "Doppler ultrasonography of vein of right lower limb", "右下肢静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "20481000087108": [ "MRI of left humerus with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left humerus with contrast", "左肱骨增强磁共振成像", "左肱骨增强 MRI 扫描" ], "15361000087109": [ "CT of bilateral scaphoids with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral scaphoids with contrast", "Computed tomography of both scaphoids with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right scaphoid with contrast", "双侧舟骨增强 CT 检查", "左、右舟骨增强计算机断层扫描", "双侧舟骨增强计算机断层扫描" ], "386408006": [ "Religious ritual enhancement", "宗教仪式增强" ], "404627008": [ "Posterior capsulorrhexis", "Posterior capsulorhexis", "后囊膜撕囊术" ], "288104008": [ "Head artery cytotoxic injection", "Injection of cytotoxic substance into artery of head", "头动脉细胞毒注射", "头部动脉注射细胞毒物质" ], "3841000087104": [ "Plain X-ray of left scaphoid", "左舟骨普通 X 光检查" ], "11521000087108": [ "Ultrasonography of right kidney", "Ultrasound of right kidney", "Ultrasound scan of right kidney", "右肾超声检查", "右肾超声扫描" ], "1281000087109": [ "Ultrasonography of left upper limb", "Ultrasound of left upper limb", "Ultrasound scan of left upper limb", "左上肢超声扫描", "左上肢超声检查" ], "304488008": [ "Direct current to ankle", "脚踝直流电" ], "1285693004": [ "Arthroplasty of head of right radius", "右桡骨头关节置换术" ], "269885005": [ "Urine free testosterone 24 hour assay", "尿游离睾酮 24 小时检测" ], "171581006": [ "Intracranial transection of accessory nerve (XI)", "副神经颅内横断术(XI)" ], "122429008": [ "Leptospira species detection", "钩端螺旋体种类检测" ], "431890002": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of whole body using iodine 131", "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of whole body using iodine 131", "使用碘 131 进行全身单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)", "使用碘 131 进行全身单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "1300242003": [ "Insertion of silicone balloon into vagina for disimpaction of fetal head", "Disimpaction of fetal head using vaginal silicone balloon", "阴道硅胶球囊开颅术", "将硅胶球囊插入阴道以打开胎头" ], "235282003": [ "Anastomosis of stomach to ileum", "胃回肠吻合术" ], "233447000": [ "Mesoatrial shunt", "心房系膜分流术" ], "104210008": [ "Haematoxylin and eosin stain method", "Hematoxylin and eosin stain method", "Haematoxylin and eosin stain", "Hematoxylin and eosin stain", "苏木精伊红染色法", "苏木精和伊红染色", "苏木精-伊红染色法" ], "1296572001": [ "Incision and drainage of cyst of skin", "皮肤囊肿切开引流" ], "313532004": [ "24 hour urine iron output measurement", "24 hour urine iron output", "24 小时尿铁排出量测量", "24小时尿铁排出量" ], "231612005": [ "Correction of entropion of upper eyelid", "上眼睑内翻矫正术" ], "401004": [ "Distal subtotal pancreatectomy", "DP - Distal pancreatectomy", "Distal pancreatectomy", "Partial distal subtotal pancreatectomy", "远端胰腺次全切除术", "DP-远端胰腺切除术", "部分远端胰腺次全切除术", "远端胰腺切除术" ], "311697008": [ "Voice onset exercises", "发声练习" ], "80486001": [ "Arthrotomy with open meniscus repair", "Open repair of meniscus", "Open repair of semilunar cartilage, unspecified", "未明确的半月软骨开放修复", "关节切开术及开放式半月板修复", "半月板开放修复" ], "78651000": [ "Incision of abscess of vas deferens", "输精管脓肿切开术" ], "439099004": [ "Percutaneous transjugular embolization of gastric vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transjugular embolisation of gastric vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transjugular embolization of gastric vein with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transjugular embolisation of gastric vein with contrast", "透视引导下经皮颈静脉造影剂胃静脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮颈静脉造影剂胃静脉栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮颈静脉胃静脉栓塞术" ], "127803005": [ "Lung residual volume measurement", "肺残留量测量" ], "420880005": [ "West Nile virus IgM antibody measurement", "West Nile virus immunoglobulin M antibody measurement", "西尼罗河病毒 IgM 抗体测量", "西尼罗河病毒免疫球蛋白 M 抗体测量" ], "306192006": [ "Referral to general GI surgery service", "Referral to general gastrointestinal surgery service", "转介至普通胃肠外科服务", "转诊至普通胃肠道外科服务" ], "287973000": [ "Perineal incision and drainage", "会阴切开引流" ], "304357005": [ "Short saphenous vein ligation", "SP - Ligation of the saphenopopliteal junction", "Saphenopopliteal ligation", "High ligation of short saphenous vein", "隐腘静脉结扎", "短隐静脉高位结扎术", "短隐静脉结扎", "SP - 隐腘静脉连接处结扎术" ], "42213007": [ "Nasal chondrotomy", "鼻软骨切开术" ], "173285007": [ "Surgical removal of impacted 8", "Extraction of impacted wisdom tooth", "Surgical removal of impacted wisdom tooth", "Surgical removal of impacted third molar tooth", "拔除阻生智齿", "手术切除受影响的 8", "手术拔除阻生智齿", "手术拔除阻生的第三磨牙" ], "236986001": [ "Emergency upper segment caesarean section", "Emergency upper segment cesarean section", "紧急上段剖宫产" ], "171450004": [ "Excision of lesion of occipital lobe of brain", "脑枕叶病损切除术" ], "122298005": [ "Astrovirus RNA assay", "Astrovirus ribonucleic acid assay", "星状病毒 RNA 检测", "星状病毒核糖核酸测定" ], "433594009": [ "Insertion of metallic stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下插入金属支架" ], "744890009": [ "Gastrostomy tube care management", "胃造口管护理管理" ], "1300111001": [ "Education toward completion of learning objectives of English as a second language programme", "Education toward completion of learning objectives of English as a second language program", "以完成英语作为第二语言课程的学习目标为目标的教育", "为完成英语作为第二语言课程的学习目标而进行的教育" ], "431759005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal atherectomy using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内斑块切除术" ], "235151005": [ "Limited colonoscopy", "有限的结肠镜检查" ], "104079006": [ "Blood product disposition determination", "Determination of disposition of blood product", "血液制品处置测定", "血液制品处置的确定" ], "448143009": [ "Anterior resection of rectum and total excision of mesorectum", "直肠前切除术及直肠系膜全切除术" ], "233316005": [ "Embolisation of artery", "Embolization of artery", "动脉栓塞" ], "446308005": [ "Syringing and probing of nasolacrimal duct", "鼻泪管冲洗和探查" ], "429924009": [ "Computed tomography of finger", "Computed tomography (CT) of finger", "CT of finger", "手指计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "手指CT", "手指计算机断层扫描" ], "36708009": [ "External fetal monitor surveillance", "External foetal monitor surveillance", "外部胎儿监护" ], "18489003": [ "Surgical treatment of missed abortion of first trimester", "Surgical treatment of missed miscarriage of first trimester", "妊娠早期稽留流产的手术治疗" ], "313401003": [ "Plasma cortisol measurement", "Plasma cortisol level", "血浆皮质醇水平", "血浆皮质醇测量" ], "395321006": [ "Foley catheter long term use", "Insertion of foley catheter for long term use", "Foley导尿管的长期使用", "插入导尿管以供长期使用" ], "311566000": [ "Dyspraxia program", "Dyspraxia programme", "运动障碍计划" ], "360718001": [ "Biomechanical therapeutic activity", "Biomechanical technique", "生物力学治疗活动", "生物力学技术" ], "409870009": [ "1,3-beta-D-glucan detection", "1,3-β-D-葡聚糖检测" ], "63971008": [ "Dilation of larynx", "Dilatation of larynx", "喉部扩张", "喉扩张" ], "719331008": [ "Assessment using Test of Pragmatic Language Skills Second Edition", "Assessment using TOPL-2 (Test of Pragmatic Language Skills Second Edition)", "使用实用语言技能测试第二版进行评估", "使用 TOPL-2(实用语言技能测试第二版)进行评估" ], "309731008": [ "Insufflation of eustachian tube to examine patency", "给耳咽管充气以检查其通畅程度" ], "225976003": [ "Demonstrating patience with the client", "对客户表现出耐心" ], "437081000124103": [ "Boron modified diet", "硼改良饮食" ], "174989000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal tricuspid valvotomy", "经皮腔内三尖瓣切开术" ], "435801000124108": [ "Texture modified diet", "质地改良饮食" ], "27533007": [ "Lengthening of extraocular muscles, two or more muscles", "眼外肌延长,两块或两块以上的肌肉" ], "1303650000": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of middle meningeal artery with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of middle meningeal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of middle meningeal artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic percutaneous embolisation of middle meningeal artery with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of middle meningeal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopic percutaneous embolization of middle meningeal artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮脑膜中动脉栓塞术", "透视下经皮脑膜中动脉造影栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮脑膜中动脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮脑膜中动脉造影栓塞术", "经皮荧光造影脑膜中动脉栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮脑膜中动脉造影栓塞术" ], "306061007": [ "Referral from drama therapist", "Referral by drama therapist", "戏剧治疗师推荐" ], "11149009": [ "Comprehensive report of psychiatric patient for third party", "精神病患者第三方综合报告" ], "271458005": [ "Dynamic non-imaging isotope study: thorax", "动态非成像同位素研究:胸部" ], "173154006": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic destruction of lesion below trachea", "Fiberoptic endoscopic destruction of lesion below trachea", "Fiberoptic bronchoscopic destruction of lesion below trachea", "Fibreoptic bronchoscopic destruction of lesion below trachea", "纤维支气管镜气管下病变破坏", "纤维内窥镜气管下病变破坏术", "纤维支气管镜下气管病变破坏" ], "171319000": [ "Geriatric 90 year screening", "90 岁老人筛查" ], "122167004": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi 66kd antibody assay", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 66 kD antibody", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 66 kiloDalton antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体 66kd 抗体检测", "伯氏疏螺旋体 66 千道尔顿抗体的测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体 66 kD 抗体的测量" ], "302391008": [ "Curettage and cauterization of skin lesion", "Curettage and cauterisation of skin lesion", "C and C - Curette and cautery of skin lesion", "皮肤损伤刮除术和烧灼术", "C 和 C - 刮除和烧灼皮肤病变" ], "236855008": [ "Perineal-pull-through vaginoplasty", "会阴牵引式阴道成形术" ], "103948002": [ "Bg^a^ blood group typing", "Bg^a^血型分型" ], "710156000": [ "Promotion of social support", "Promoting social support", "促进社会支持" ], "448012004": [ "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of liver", "高强度聚焦超声消融肝脏病变" ], "22028008": [ "Injection of nerve with medication", "Injection of drug or medicament into nerve", "向神经注射药物", "将药物或药剂注射到神经中" ], "52961001": [ "Construction of corpora cavernosa-saphenous vein shunt", "Creation of saphenocorporal shunt", "海绵体-隐静脉分流术的建立", "建立隐静脉分流术" ], "315105002": [ "Coxiella burnetii antibody level", "Coxiella burnetii antibody assay", "伯纳特氏立克次体抗体水平", "伯氏柯克斯体抗体测定" ], "429793003": [ "Radionuclide imaging of bone of ankle and foot", "踝部和足部骨骼放射性核素显像" ], "446177006": [ "Incision and drainage of abscess of extradural space of spinal canal", "椎管外脓肿切开引流术" ], "772022001": [ "Imaging guided injection of radioactive isotope into synovial membrane", "Injection of radioactive isotope into synovial membrane using imaging guidance", "影像引导下将放射性同位素注射到滑膜中", "利用影像引导将放射性同位素注射到滑膜中" ], "313270001": [ "Percutaneous insertion of nephrostomy tube", "Percutaneous nephrostomy", "经皮肾造口术", "经皮插入肾造瘘管" ], "233185009": [ "Reprogramming of cardiac pacemaker", "心脏起搏器重新编程" ], "395190005": [ "Campylobacter jejuni IgA antibody level", "Campylobacter jejuni immunoglobulin A antibody level", "空肠弯曲菌 IgA 抗体水平", "空肠弯曲菌免疫球蛋白 A 抗体水平" ], "231350008": [ "Topical local anaesthetic to nose", "Topical local anesthetic to nose", "鼻部局部麻醉" ], "229515005": [ "Sensory stimulation using joint compression", "通过关节压缩进行感官刺激" ], "32907006": [ "Operation on aorta", "主动脉手术" ], "63840000": [ "Urinalysis, sediment examination, centrifuged", "尿液分析、沉渣检查、离心" ], "31072003": [ "Arthrotomy of wrist joint with joint exploration", "腕关节切开术及关节探查" ], "782901001": [ "Insertion procedure", "插入程序" ], "176693006": [ "Reconstruction of vagina with distant flap", "远端皮瓣重建阴道" ], "438837007": [ "Suspension and fixation of aorta for tracheal decompression", "主动脉悬吊固定术用于气管减压" ], "764682001": [ "SPECT of bone of knee using 186-Re (rhenium-186)", "Single photon emission computed tomography of bone of knee using rhenium-186", "使用 186-Re(铼-186)对膝盖骨进行 SPECT 扫描", "使用铼-186 对膝盖骨进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "699146003": [ "Internal fixation of metacarpal without fracture reduction", "未复位掌骨内固定术" ], "305930006": [ "Referral by family planning doctor", "Referral from family planning doctor", "计划生育医生转诊", "计划生育医生推荐" ], "60170009": [ "Analysis of arterial blood gases and pH", "Arterial blood gases", "ABG - Arterial blood gas analysis", "Arterial blood gas analysis", "动脉血气和 pH 值分析", "ABG-动脉血气分析", "动脉血气分析", "动脉血气" ], "336863008": [ "Excision of cyst of lung", "肺囊肿切除术" ], "304095009": [ "Reconstruction using local osteofasciocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction with local osteofasciocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction using local osseofasciocutaneous flap", "局部骨筋膜皮瓣重建", "局部骨筋膜皮瓣修复" ], "1186996000": [ "Laparoscopic anastomosis of ureter to bladder with psoas hitch using robotic assistance", "Robot assisted laparoscopic anastomosis of ureter to bladder with psoas hitch", "Laparoscopic anastomosis of ureter to bladder with psoas hitch with robot assistance", "Laparoscopic anastomosis of ureter to urinary bladder with psoas hitch using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助腹腔镜下输尿管膀胱腰肌束带吻合术", "机器人辅助腹腔镜腰肌结扎膀胱输尿管吻合术", "机器人辅助腹腔镜腰肌束带输尿管膀胱吻合术", "机器人辅助腹腔镜下输尿管与膀胱腰肌束带吻合术" ], "122036003": [ "Leptospira interrogans antibody assay", "Measurement of Leptospira interrogans antibody", "问号钩端螺旋体抗体测定", "问号钩端螺旋体抗体检测" ], "302260004": [ "Concentration skills training", "集中力技能训练" ], "120201000": [ "Perineum closure", "会阴缝合" ], "169353003": [ "Radiotherapy: infuse peritoneal cavity", "放射治疗:腹腔灌注" ], "431497006": [ "Radionuclide bone imaging of head and neck", "头颈部放射性核素骨显像" ], "234889007": [ "Radical glossectomy", "Radical excision of tongue", "舌根切除术", "根治性舌切除术" ], "103817009": [ "Fibrin monomer assay", "纤维蛋白单体测定" ], "233054002": [ "Excision of right ventricular vegetations", "右心室赘生物切除术" ], "36446003": [ "Hepatitis E virus measurement", "HEV measurement", "HEV 测量", "戊型肝炎病毒检测" ], "446046007": [ "Modification of hearing aid mold", "Modification of hearing aid mould", "助听器模具改造" ], "18227001": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on upper extremity", "Anesthesia for procedure on upper limb", "Anaesthesia for procedure on upper extremity", "Anaesthesia for procedure on upper limb", "上肢手术麻醉" ], "183902009": [ "Private referral to geriatrician", "老年病科私人转诊" ], "870195002": [ "Measurement of extravascular lung water", "Measurement of EVLW (extravascular lung water)", "EVLW(血管外肺水)测量", "血管外肺水的测量" ], "739123003": [ "European Resuscitation Council advanced life support protocol", "ERC ALS protocol", "欧洲复苏委员会高级生命支持协议", "ERC ALS协议" ], "395059005": [ "Haemoglobinopathy screening test", "Hemoglobinopathy screening test", "Screening test for hemoglobinopathy", "Screening test for haemoglobinopathy", "血红蛋白病筛查测试", "血红蛋白病筛查检测" ], "16452251000119102": [ "Percutaneous transcatheter embolization of intracranial vessel using radiologic guidance", "Percutaneous transcatheter embolisation of intracranial vessel using radiologic guidance", "放射学引导下经皮导管颅内血管栓塞术" ], "231219008": [ "Local anesthetic long ciliary nerve block", "Local anaesthetic long ciliary nerve block", "Long ciliary nerve block", "局部麻醉长睫状神经阻滞", "长睫状神经阻滞" ], "16342171000119105": [ "MRI of pelvic bone without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvic bone without contrast", "骨盆骨非造影 MRI", "无造影剂骨盆骨磁共振成像" ], "16430491000119106": [ "Insertion of catheter into pancreatic duct using fluoroscopy guided ERCP", "Fluoroscopy guided ERCP for insertion of catheter into pancreatic duct", "Fluoroscopy guided endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for insertion of catheter into pancreatic duct", "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with insertion of catheter into pancreatic duct using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导 ERCP 将导管插入胰管", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影术,在荧光透视引导下将导管插入胰管", "荧光透视引导下 ERCP 将导管插入胰管", "荧光透视引导下内镜逆行胰胆管造影术将导管插入胰管" ], "229384004": [ "Mobilization of the ankle", "Mobilisation of the ankle", "踝关节活动" ], "411291000119109": [ "Computed tomography of temporomandibular joint without contrast", "CT of temporomandibular joint without contrast", "颞下颌关节非造影 CT", "颞下颌关节无造影计算机断层扫描" ], "63709000": [ "Trocar biopsy of bone, deep", "深部骨套管活检" ], "112861000": [ "Replacement of nasogastric tube", "更换鼻胃管" ], "473309004": [ "Assessment using Addenbrooke's cognitive examination revised visuospatial subscale", "使用 Addenbrooke 认知检查修订的视觉空间分量表进行评估" ], "702685007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of kidney with contrast", "MRI of kidney with contrast", "肾脏磁共振成像对比", "肾脏增强 MRI" ], "129245008": [ "Excision of lesion of ureter", "输尿管病变切除术" ], "178397008": [ "Reduction of fracture of zygomatic bone", "Reduction of fracture of malar bone", "颧骨骨折复位" ], "1290674001": [ "Plain X-ray of entire spinal column, anteroposterior and lateral", "Plain X-ray of entire vertebral column region, anteroposterior and lateral", "整个脊柱的普通 X 光检查,前后位和侧位", "整个脊柱区域、前后位和侧位的普通 X 光检查" ], "176562002": [ "Aspiration of corpora for priapism", "阴茎抽吸术治疗阴茎异常勃起" ], "27271000": [ "Lysis of adhesions of choanae of nasopharynx", "Lysis of adhesions of nasopharynx", "Scrub of posterior nasal adhesions", "擦洗鼻后粘连", "鼻咽粘连松解术", "鼻咽后鼻孔粘连松解术" ], "387719004": [ "Removal of bone fragments", "Removal of bone chips", "去除骨碎片" ], "174727007": [ "Closure of anastomosis of pancreatic duct", "Dismantling of pancreatic duct anastomosis", "胰管吻合口缝合", "胰管吻合口拆除" ], "256647008": [ "Autogenous cancellous bone graft", "Cancellous autograft of bone", "自体松质骨移植" ], "172892001": [ "Operation on sphenoid sinus", "蝶窦手术" ], "713564003": [ "Localization of iodine 125 radioactive seed to breast lesion using X-ray guidance", "X-ray guided localization of iodine 125 radioactive seed to breast lesion", "X-ray guided localisation of iodine 125 radioactive seed to breast lesion", "Localisation of iodine 125 radioactive seed to breast lesion using X-ray guidance", "利用X射线引导对乳腺病变进行碘125放射性粒子定位", "X 射线引导下碘 125 放射性粒子定位乳腺病变", "X 射线引导下将碘 125 放射性粒子定位至乳腺病变", "使用 X 射线引导将碘 125 放射性粒子定位到乳腺病变" ], "385884006": [ "Bedrest care", "Bedbound care", "Bed-ridden care", "Bedfast care", "卧床护理" ], "58204008": [ "Annuloplasty", "Reconstruction of cardiac valve annulus", "Reconstruction of annulus of cardiac valve", "心脏瓣膜环重建", "瓣环成形术" ], "252977003": [ "Cambridge crowded letter charts", "剑桥拥挤字母表" ], "121905006": [ "Astrovirus antigen assay", "星状病毒抗原检测" ], "171057006": [ "Pregnancy alcohol education", "怀孕期间饮酒教育" ], "447750000": [ "Lysis of adhesions of tendon of foot", "Tenolysis of foot", "足腱松解症", "足部肌腱粘连松解术" ], "302129007": [ "Decompression of lumbar spine", "腰椎减压" ], "87302002": [ "Marsupialization of nabothian cyst", "Marsupialisation of nabothian cyst", "纳布西亚囊肿袋形成形术", "纳布西亚囊肿袋形化" ], "433201008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of profunda femoris artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of profunda femoris artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "股深动脉荧光血管造影及支架置入", "股深动脉荧光造影加支架置入术" ], "234758003": [ "Take impression for rebase of maxillofacial prosthesis", "取模以修复颌面假体" ], "120070005": [ "Obstetrics closure", "产科闭合" ], "38150009": [ "Intracellular free calcium assay", "细胞内游离钙测定" ], "413147004": [ "Intramuscular injection of methylprednisolone", "甲基泼尼松龙肌肉注射" ], "52699005": [ "Hypophysectomy", "Excision of pituitary gland", "垂体切除术" ], "871899004": [ "Live attenuated Human alphaherpesvirus 3 vaccination via subcutaneous route", "Live attenuated Varicella-zoster immunization via subcutaneous route", "Administration of live attenuated Human alphaherpesvirus 3 vaccine via subcutaneous route", "Live attenuated Human alphaherpesvirus 3 immunisation via subcutaneous route", "Administration of vaccine product containing only live attenuated Human alphaherpesvirus 3 antigen via subcutaneous route", "Live attenuated Human alphaherpesvirus 3 immunization via subcutaneous route", "Live attenuated Varicella-zoster immunisation via subcutaneous route", "Live attenuated Varicella-zoster vaccination via subcutaneous route", "皮下注射减毒活水痘-带状疱疹疫苗", "通过皮下途径注射仅含有减毒活人类 α 疱疹病毒 3 型抗原的疫苗产品", "皮下注射减毒活人类 α 疱疹病毒 3 型免疫", "皮下注射减毒活人类 α 疱疹病毒 3 型疫苗", "皮下注射减毒活疫苗水痘-带状疱疹疫苗" ], "313008000": [ "Informing relative of prognosis", "告知亲属预后" ], "165552000": [ "Myeloblast count procedure", "Myeloblast count", "原粒细胞计数程序", "髓母细胞计数" ], "231088001": [ "Laser acupuncture", "Laser acupuncture therapy", "激光针灸治疗", "激光针灸" ], "1197744003": [ "Ossiculoplasty with PORP (partial ossicular replacement prosthesis)", "Ossiculoplasty with partial ossicular replacement prosthesis", "部分听小骨置换假体的听小骨成形术", "采用 PORP(部分听小骨置换假体)进行听小骨成形术" ], "394928002": [ "Yo antibody level", "Yo 抗体水平" ], "34480003": [ "Shortening of bone by fusion", "因融合导致骨骼缩短" ], "444080008": [ "Thoracoscopic excision of cyst of pericardium", "胸腔镜心包囊肿切除术" ], "1712009": [ "Immunoglobulin typing, IgG", "Immunoglobulin typing, immunoglobulin G", "免疫球蛋白分型,IgG", "免疫球蛋白分型,免疫球蛋白G" ], "229253004": [ "Active upper limb movements", "上肢主动运动" ], "32645005": [ "Removal of foreign body of lacrimal gland", "泪腺异物取出术" ], "425861005": [ "Cervical ripening with balloon", "用球囊促进宫颈成熟" ], "440410000": [ "Uridine 1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (U1 snRNP) antibody measurement", "Uridine 1 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein antibody measurement", "尿苷 1 小核糖核蛋白 (U1 snRNP) 抗体测量", "尿苷 1 小核糖核蛋白抗体测量" ], "112730003": [ "Reduction of congenital hip dislocation by abduction", "外展复位先天性髋关节脱位" ], "391258004": [ "Mental health support no facilitation - 1-3 contacts/month", "心理健康支持无需协助 - 每月 1-3 次联系" ], "702554006": [ "Biopsy of lymph node using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of lymph node", "荧光透视引导下淋巴结活检", "在荧光透视引导下进行淋巴结活检" ], "178266006": [ "Biopsy of muscle for physiological or biochemical study", "用于生理或生化研究的肌肉活检" ], "438575002": [ "Measurement of breathing response to carbon dioxide", "测量对二氧化碳的呼吸反应" ], "405807003": [ "Discharge to convalescence", "出院康复" ], "45359002": [ "Antigen proliferation assay", "抗原增殖试验" ], "78127006": [ "Destructive procedure of wrist and hand", "腕部及手部毁损性手术" ], "76292006": [ "Arthroplasty of carpals", "腕骨关节成形术" ], "174596006": [ "Sphincterotomy of bile duct and pancreatic duct using duodenal approach", "经十二指肠入路胆管胰管括约肌切开术" ], "1255940008": [ "Robot assisted anastomosis of hepatic duct to jejunum", "Hepatojejunostomy using robotic assistance", "Robotic assisted hepatojejunostomy", "Anastomosis of hepatic duct to jejunum using robotic assistance", "Robot assisted hepatojejunostomy", "机器人辅助肝管空肠吻合术", "机器人辅助肝空肠吻合术", "使用机器人辅助进行肝空肠吻合术" ], "238297001": [ "Procedure for peritoneal lesion", "腹膜损伤的治疗程序" ], "385753001": [ "Infusion care management", "Manage infusion care", "管理输液护理", "输液护理管理" ], "172761005": [ "Reduction rhinoplasty", "缩鼻整形术" ], "58073007": [ "Incision of lymph node", "Lymphadenotomy", "淋巴结切开术" ], "271065008": [ "Bedtime blood sugar level", "Bedtime blood sugar measurement", "Bedtime blood glucose measurement", "睡前血糖水平", "睡前血糖测量" ], "121774000": [ "Dolichol measurement", "多萜醇测量" ], "105390002": [ "Spiritual therapy", "精神疗法" ], "449454001": [ "Bypass of segment of ascending aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta", "升主动脉段搭桥术" ], "252846004": [ "Scanning laser ophthalmoscopy", "扫描激光检眼镜" ], "416686006": [ "Continence assessment", "节制评估" ], "21635002": [ "Reduction of fracture of tibia with internal fixation", "胫骨骨折复位内固定" ], "169091007": [ "Stereotactic/stereoscopic test - lungs", "立体定向/立体镜检查-肺部" ], "709763007": [ "Liaising with nutritionist", "与营养师联络" ], "119939007": [ "Endocrine gland injection", "内分泌腺注射" ], "445784002": [ "Assessment using fatigue impact scale", "使用疲劳影响量表进行评估" ], "265560003": [ "Intubated ureterotomy", "插管输尿管切开术" ], "232792004": [ "Division/resection of tricuspid chordae tendinae", "三尖瓣肌腱的分割/切除" ], "118104004": [ "Herpes virus culture", "疱疹病毒培养" ], "413016008": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid index", "CSF index", "脑脊液指数" ], "429400009": [ "Mastectomy of right breast", "Excision of right breast", "右乳房切除术" ], "312877002": [ "Taking low vaginal swab", "取低位阴道拭子" ], "230957005": [ "Extracranial destruction of cranial nerve", "颅外脑神经破坏" ], "771629008": [ "Open repair of lumbar hernia using sutures", "使用缝合线进行开放式腰疝修补术" ], "443949009": [ "Quantitative measurement of immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin A and immunoglobulin light chain in serum or plasma", "Quantitative measurement of immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M and immunoglobulin A and immunoglobulin light chain in serum or plasma specimen", "定量测量血清或血浆中的免疫球蛋白G、免疫球蛋白M、免疫球蛋白A和免疫球蛋白轻链", "定量测定血清或血浆样本中的免疫球蛋白G、免疫球蛋白M、免疫球蛋白A和免疫球蛋白轻链" ], "32514002": [ "Clotting factor V assay", "Factor V assay", "Ac-Globulin assay", "Labile factor assay", "Proaccelerin assay", "Factor V level", "Plasma factor V level", "Ac-球蛋白测定", "凝血因子Ⅴ测定", "因子Ⅴ水平", "不稳定因子测定", "血浆Ⅴ因子水平", "促加速素试验", "Ⅴ因子检测" ], "179970002": [ "Conversion from cemented total ankle replacement", "骨水泥全踝关节置换术" ], "81666003": [ "Strapping of ankle", "Ankle strapping", "脚踝绑带", "踝部绑带" ], "229122006": [ "Finger exercises", "手指练习" ], "866263002": [ "Insertion of drainage tube using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided insertion of drainage tube", "CT引导下置入引流管", "在计算机断层扫描引导下插入引流管" ], "735191002": [ "Standing flexion test", "站立屈曲试验" ], "423895006": [ "Adult admission assessment", "Admission assessment adult", "入学评估成人", "成人入学评估" ], "307372000": [ "Closed reduction of bone fracture and external fixation with Gissane spike fixator", "骨折闭合复位,Gissane 钉状固定器外固定" ], "1290412001": [ "Standing anteroposterior plain X-ray of knee region", "膝关节站立前后位X光平片" ], "45228002": [ "Duodenoileostomy", "Duodenoenterostomy", "Anastomosis of duodenum to ileum", "十二指肠肠吻合术", "十二指肠回肠造口术", "十二指肠回肠吻合术" ], "235921000112100": [ "Administration of human immunodeficiency virus post-exposure prophylaxis", "Administration of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) post-exposure prophylaxis", "人类免疫缺陷病毒暴露后预防治疗", "HIV(人类免疫缺陷病毒)暴露后预防治疗" ], "1306796006": [ "Marsupialization of lesion of skin of head", "Marsupialisation of lesion of skin of head", "头部皮肤损伤袋形成形术", "头部皮肤损伤袋形化术" ], "77996006": [ "Induction of arrhythmia by electrical pacing", "通过电起搏诱发心律失常" ], "420225005": [ "Fluoroscopic cystourethrography", "荧光膀胱尿道造影" ], "172630005": [ "Syringing ear to remove wax", "Wax syringing - ear", "Irrigation of external auditory canal for removal of wax", "Washout of ear wax", "耳垢冲洗 - 耳朵", "冲洗外耳道以清除耳垢", "用注射器抽取耳垢", "洗掉耳垢" ], "287318006": [ "Thoracic duct fistula closure", "胸导管瘘管封堵术" ], "57942008": [ "Therapeutic electrical stimulation", "治疗性电刺激" ], "418390009": [ "Temporary eyelid closure", "暂时闭合眼睑" ], "72491000": [ "Repair of laceration of cornea with application of tissue glue", "组织胶修复角膜裂伤" ], "1186603001": [ "Revision of spinal fusion with spinal instrumentation", "Revision of fusion of joint of spine with internal fixation of bone of spine", "Revisional fusion of spinal joint with spinal instrumentation", "Revisional fusion of joint of spine with spinal instrumentation", "使用脊柱内固定术修复脊柱融合术", "脊柱关节修复融合术及脊柱内固定", "脊柱关节融合术及脊柱骨内固定术", "脊柱关节融合修复术及脊柱内固定" ], "105259002": [ "Nicotinamide measurement", "Niacinamide measurement", "烟酰胺测量" ], "252715005": [ "Stress test - finger proximal interphalangeal collateral ligament", "压力测试-手指近端指间侧副韧带" ], "88875005": [ "Orthopedic examination under general anesthesia", "Orthopaedic examination under general anaesthesia", "全身麻醉下的骨科检查" ], "121643006": [ "Methyl ethyl ketone measurement", "甲基乙基酮测量" ], "170795002": [ "Follow-up obesity assessment", "后续肥胖评估" ], "709632001": [ "CT guided biopsy of ureter", "Biopsy of ureter using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行输尿管活检", "CT引导下输尿管活检" ], "1284907001": [ "Assessment using Neonatal Pain Assessment and Sedation Scale", "Assessment using N-PASS (Neonatal Pain Assessment and Sedation Scale)", "Assessment using Neonatal Pain Agitation and Sedation Scale", "使用新生儿疼痛躁动和镇静量表进行评估", "使用新生儿疼痛评估和镇静量表进行评估", "使用 N-PASS(新生儿疼痛评估和镇静量表)进行评估" ], "236331009": [ "Repair of scrotum without skin graft", "无需皮肤移植的阴囊修复术" ], "300032003": [ "Drainage of breast cyst", "乳腺囊肿引流" ], "726016005": [ "Fluoroscopy guided external drainage of ventricle of brain", "External drainage of ventricle of brain using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下脑室外引流", "透视引导脑室外引流术" ], "119808009": [ "Abdominal artery closure", "腹部动脉闭合" ], "281813002": [ "Arthroscopic chondroplasty of knee joint", "关节镜下膝关节软骨成形术" ], "70656009": [ "Orbitotomy with bone flap", "眶骨切开术" ], "265429001": [ "Removal of colorectal septum", "切除结肠直肠隔膜" ], "412885005": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid sodium measurement", "CSF sodium level", "脑脊液钠水平", "脑脊液钠测定" ], "232661005": [ "Removal of lung from donor", "Donor pneumonectomy", "Harvest of lung", "摘除捐献者的肺", "供体肺切除术", "肺的收获" ], "117973007": [ "Bluetongue virus antigen assay", "蓝舌病毒抗原检测" ], "183509008": [ "Non-urgent renal medicine admission", "非紧急肾内科入院" ], "429269009": [ "Aortoventriculoplasty with pulmonary valve autograft", "主动脉心室成形术及肺动脉瓣自体移植" ], "394666002": [ "Faecal protoporphyrin level", "Fecal protoporphyrin level", "粪便原卟啉水平" ], "230826009": [ "Renewal of subdural-pleural shunt", "硬膜下胸膜分流术的更新" ], "309076000": [ "Harvest of musculoskeletal tissue", "肌肉骨骼组织的采集" ], "440148001": [ "Partial excision of uterus for removal of interstitial ectopic pregnancy", "Partial hysterectomy for removal of cornual ectopic pregnancy", "子宫部分切除术切除宫角异位妊娠", "子宫部分切除术切除间质部异位妊娠" ], "276308001": [ "General maintenance of cardiac pacemaker", "心脏起搏器的一般维护" ], "390996000": [ "Plasma lactate level", "血浆乳酸水平" ], "425599008": [ "Safe disposal of sharp device education", "Safe disposal of sharps education", "Advice about the safe disposal of sharps", "关于安全处置锐器的建议", "安全处置锐器教育" ], "718676006": [ "Management of outpatient discharge", "门诊出院管理" ], "176169000": [ "Transurethral subtrigonal phenol injection", "Endoscopic subtrigonal phenol injection", "经尿道三角下注射苯酚", "内镜三角下苯酚注射" ], "30548009": [ "Operation on skin of lower extremity", "下肢皮肤手术" ], "307241002": [ "Dilatation of colonic stricture", "Dilation of colonic stricture", "结肠狭窄扩张" ], "225321003": [ "Anger management training", "Anger management", "愤怒管理训练", "情绪管理" ], "274473007": [ "Fetal manipulation", "Foetal manipulation", "胎儿操纵" ], "305406000": [ "Admission to radiology department", "放射科入院" ], "241705007": [ "Intravenous sedation", "IV - Intravenous sedation", "IV - 静脉镇静", "静脉镇静" ], "45097009": [ "Orbicularis oculi reflex test", "Blink reflex test", "Blink reflex studies", "眨眼反射测试", "眼轮眼反射测试", "眨眼反射研究" ], "174334007": [ "Excision of anal polyp", "Anal polypectomy", "肛门息肉切除术" ], "223486007": [ "Discussion about preferences", "关于偏好的讨论" ], "1335763000": [ "Transdermal administration of carbon dioxide", "二氧化碳透皮给药" ], "172499002": [ "Stretching of iris", "虹膜拉伸" ], "451027000": [ "Commissurotomy of atrioventricular valve", "房室瓣分离术" ], "252584000": [ "Soundfield audiometry", "SFA - Soundfield audiometry", "FFA - Freefield audiometry", "Freefield audiometry", "SFA - 声场听力检查", "自由场听力检查", "声场听力检查", "FFA-- 自由场听力检查" ], "416424001": [ "Osteopathic manipulation, fascial unwinding", "整骨疗法、筋膜松解" ], "236200004": [ "Transurethral resection of ureteric orifice", "经尿道输尿管口切除术" ], "72360005": [ "Manipulation of ankle under general anesthesia", "Manipulation of ankle under general anaesthesia", "全身麻醉下踝关节手术" ], "121512006": [ "Cyclohexanone measurement", "环己酮测量" ], "105128007": [ "Ciprofloxacin measurement", "环丙沙星测量" ], "398205000": [ "Diagnosis of brainstem death", "脑干死亡诊断" ], "449192008": [ "Biopsy of common bile duct", "胆管活检" ], "414589008": [ "Left ventricular dysfunction monitoring third letter", "左心室功能障碍监测第三封信" ], "314450000": [ "Single meningitis C vaccination", "Administration of single dose of meningitis C vaccine", "Administration of single dose of vaccine product containing only Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C antigen", "Single meningitis C immunisation", "Single meningitis C immunization", "单次丙型脑膜炎免疫", "单次丙型脑膜炎疫苗接种", "注射单剂丙型脑膜炎疫苗", "接种单剂量仅含脑膜炎奈瑟菌血清群 C 抗原的疫苗产品", "单次丙型脑膜炎免疫接种" ], "709501009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of humerus", "MRI of humerus", "肱骨 MRI", "肱骨磁共振成像" ], "312615001": [ "Provision of mainstream school, unmodified", "主流学校的提供,未经修改" ], "722215002": [ "Administration of shingles vaccine", "Varicella-zoster immunisation for shingles", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Human alphaherpesvirus 3 antigen for shingles", "Varicella-zoster vaccination for shingles", "Varicella-zoster immunization for shingles", "Administration of Varicella-zoster vaccine for shingles", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Varicella-zoster virus antigen for shingles", "接种仅含水痘-带状疱疹病毒抗原的疫苗产品治疗带状疱疹", "带状疱疹疫苗接种", "接种仅含人类 α 疱疹病毒 3 型抗原的带状疱疹疫苗产品", "接种带状疱疹疫苗", "带状疱疹疫苗", "接种水痘-带状疱疹疫苗治疗带状疱疹" ], "117842009": [ "Papilloma virus 33 antigen assay", "Papillomavirus 33 antigen assay", "乳头瘤病毒 33 抗原检测" ], "443687003": [ "Quantitative measurement of IgA in cerebrospinal fluid specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of immunoglobulin A in cerebrospinal fluid specimen", "脑脊液标本中免疫球蛋白A质量浓度的定量测定", "脑脊液标本中IgA的定量测定" ], "359932000": [ "Open reduction of fracture of tarsals and metatarsals with internal fixation", "跗骨及跖骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "32252002": [ "Arteriectomy with graft replacement of thoracic aorta", "Angiectomy with graft replacement of thoracic aorta", "胸主动脉切除术及移植置换术", "胸主动脉血管切除术及移植置换术" ], "736764003": [ "Administration of intravenous antiarrhythmic drug", "静脉注射抗心律失常药物" ], "179708003": [ "Open operations on synovial membrane of joint", "关节滑膜开放手术" ], "81404005": [ "Transcanal tympanolysis", "经外道鼓室阻断术" ], "441852006": [ "Measurement of carcinoembryonic antigen in body fluid specimen", "体液标本癌胚抗原的测定" ], "63185002": [ "Laparoscopy with biopsy", "Peritoneoscopy with biopsy", "Laparoscopic biopsy", "腹腔镜活检" ], "440017006": [ "Closed manual reduction of dislocation of interphalangeal joint under anaesthesia", "Closed manual reduction of dislocation of interphalangeal joint under anesthesia", "麻醉下闭合手法复位指间关节脱位" ], "718545007": [ "X-ray tomography of thoracic spine", "胸椎 X 射线断层扫描" ], "390865008": [ "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only acellular Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Human poliovirus antigens", "Administration of booster dose of diphtheria and acellular pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Booster diphtheria and acellular pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Booster diphtheria and acellular pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Booster diphtheria and acellular pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "注射仅含有无细胞百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量", "白喉、无细胞百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗加强剂量接种", "加强白喉、无细胞百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "加强白喉、无细胞百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫" ], "225190004": [ "Stoma appliance procedure", "造口器具程序" ], "405414005": [ "Angioplasty of tibioperoneal artery with vein", "Angioplasty of tibio-peroneal artery with vein", "胫腓动脉带静脉成形术", "胫腓动脉及静脉成形术" ], "241574005": [ "CT of lower leg", "Computed tomography of lower leg", "小腿计算机断层扫描", "小腿 CT" ], "274342007": [ "Surgical biopsy of tongue", "舌部手术活检" ], "305275002": [ "Admission by general physician", "全科医生入院" ], "370811002": [ "Evaluation of response to thermoregulation measures", "Evaluates response to thermoregulation measures", "评估对体温调节措施的反应" ], "713040008": [ "Change of pump pressure of ventricular shunt using external device", "使用外部装置改变脑室分流术泵压" ], "104997001": [ "Trimethylamine measurement", "三甲胺的测定" ], "252453004": [ "Pneumoplethysmography", "肺容积描记法" ], "121381005": [ "Minoxidil measurement", "米诺地尔测量" ], "711205006": [ "Conversion to prosthetic hybrid total replacement of shoulder joint using cemented glenoid component", "使用骨水泥关节盂组件进行肩关节假体混合全置换术" ], "170533005": [ "Notification of mumps", "腮腺炎通知" ], "414458006": [ "Imaging of spine", "脊柱成像" ], "398074008": [ "Thermotherapy with hot packs", "Hot packs - therapy", "Therapy with hot packs", "HP - Hot pack therapy", "热敷疗法", "热敷热疗", "HP-热敷疗法" ], "609231001": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of gallbladder", "经皮胆囊穿刺活检" ], "412623003": [ "Inhaled allergen mix specific IgE antibody measurement", "Inhaled allergen mix specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "吸入性过敏原混合物特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "吸入过敏原混合物特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "265167005": [ "Conversion from uncemented hemiarthroplasty of hip", "非骨水泥型髋关节半关节置换术的转换" ], "17572005": [ "Internal fixation of bone of clavicle", "锁骨内固定" ], "228729003": [ "Calculation of brachytherapy", "近距离放射治疗的计算" ], "769401004": [ "Collection of drain fluid", "Collection of body fluid from surgical drain", "引流液收集", "从手术引流管收集体液" ], "408953007": [ "Acute pain control education", "Teach acute pain control", "教导急性疼痛控制", "急性疼痛控制教育" ], "439886001": [ "Active core warming of subject using irrigation therapy", "使用灌溉疗法对受试者进行主动核心升温" ], "718414005": [ "Assessment using Reynell-Zinkin Scales: Developmental Scales for Young Visually Handicapped Children", "使用雷内尔-津金量表进行评估:视障儿童发展量表" ], "225059004": [ "Well men screening", "男性健康筛查" ], "77603005": [ "Transposition of seminal vesicle", "精囊移位" ], "175907006": [ "Nephroureterectomy", "肾输尿管切除术" ], "405283007": [ "Coil embolisation of portal-systemic shunt", "Coil embolization of portal-systemic shunt", "门体分流术线圈栓塞术" ], "241443006": [ "PET study for localisation of tumour", "PET study for localization of tumor", "Positron emission tomography study for localization of tumor", "Positron emission tomography study for localisation of tumour", "正电子发射断层扫描研究肿瘤定位", "PET 肿瘤定位研究" ], "239608001": [ "Correction of complicated syndactyly", "复杂并指畸形的矫正" ], "174072006": [ "Extended right hemicolectomy and end-to-end anastomosis", "Extended right colectomy and end-to-end anastomosis", "扩大右半结肠切除术及端端吻合术", "扩大右结肠切除术及端端吻合术" ], "1222648007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography guided biopsy of heart with contrast", "Biopsy of heart using fluoroscopic angiography guidance with contrast", "使用荧光血管造影引导进行心脏活检", "荧光血管造影引导下心脏造影活检" ], "255992006": [ "Nasogastric irrigation", "鼻胃灌洗" ], "434381001": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of common femoral vein using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "股总静脉荧光造影及支架植入术" ], "73933001": [ "Optokinetic nystagmus test", "视动性眼球震颤试验" ], "172237004": [ "Correction of trichiasis", "倒睫矫正" ], "6562000": [ "Destruction of lesion of tongue", "舌病损毁" ], "104866001": [ "Phosphate measurement", "Phosphate level", "磷酸盐测量", "磷酸盐水平" ], "252322000": [ "Terminal sequence hemolytic assay", "Terminal sequence haemolytic assay", "末端序列溶血试验" ], "432546003": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) arthrography of metatarsophalangeal joint", "Magnetic resonance imaging arthrography of metatarsophalangeal joint", "MRI arthrography of metatarsophalangeal joint", "跖趾关节磁共振成像关节造影", "跖趾关节 MRI 关节造影", "跖趾关节磁共振成像(MRI)关节造影" ], "88482003": [ "Orthoptic-pleoptic treatment", "正视-全视治疗" ], "70263003": [ "Closure of perforation of esophagus", "Closure of perforation of oesophagus", "Closure of perforated oesophagus", "Closure of perforated esophagus", "食管穿孔缝合" ], "4727005": [ "Lipoprotein electrophoresis", "脂蛋白电泳" ], "53879008": [ "Creation of aortoceliac shunt", "Aortoceliac vascular bypass", "Aortoceliac anastomosis", "Creation of aortocoeliac shunt", "Aortocoeliac anastomosis", "Aortocoeliac vascular bypass", "主动脉腹腔吻合术", "建立主动脉腹腔分流术", "主动脉腹腔血管旁路手术" ], "609100004": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of joint fluid specimen prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备关节液标本涂片进行显微镜细胞学检查" ], "265036006": [ "Attention to artificial voice box in larynx", "注意喉部人工声带" ], "443425001": [ "Preparation for procedure", "手术准备" ], "771105002": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of right facet joint of cervical spine", "Injection of right facet joint of cervical spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下颈椎右侧小关节注射", "透视引导下颈椎右侧小关节注射" ], "1295393005": [ "Plain X-ray of pancreas", "胰腺普通 X 光检查" ], "392438000": [ "e7 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pigeon droppings specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pigeon droppings specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鸽粪特异性IgE抗体测定", "鸽粪特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "e7 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "228598001": [ "Provision of corset", "提供紧身胸衣" ], "310518002": [ "Admission by medical oncologist", "肿瘤内科医生接纳" ], "277750006": [ "Sexual function test", "性功能检查" ], "423371000": [ "Elevation of foot of bed", "Elevate foot of bed", "床脚抬高", "抬高床脚" ], "179446009": [ "Conversion from cemented total shoulder replacement", "骨水泥全肩关节置换术" ], "62923002": [ "Excision of ischial pressure injury with skin flap reconstruction", "Excision of pressure injury of ischial region with flap reconstruction using skin flap", "坐骨压力损伤切除及皮瓣重建", "皮瓣修复坐骨区压力性损伤的切除及皮瓣重建" ], "308683001": [ "Heart transplant biopsy", "Transluminal right ventricular biopsy after heart transplant", "心脏移植活检", "心脏移植后经腔内右心室活检" ], "439755001": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of distal lateral condyle of femur", "股骨远端外髁骨折闭合复位" ], "177611004": [ "Insertion of organic inert substance into subcutaneous tissue", "将有机惰性物质插入皮下组织" ], "241312000": [ "Radionuclide arteriogram", "Radionuclide angiography of artery using radioactive isotope", "Radionuclide arteriography of artery using radioactive isotope", "Radionuclide scan of artery using radioactive isotope", "使用放射性同位素对动脉进行放射性核素扫描", "使用放射性同位素进行动脉放射性核素动脉造影", "放射性核素动脉造影", "使用放射性同位素进行动脉放射性核素血管造影" ], "239477000": [ "Arthroplasty of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb", "CMCJ - Carpometacarpal joint arthroplasty of thumb", "Arthroplasty of the trapeziometacarpal joint", "CMCJ-拇指腕掌关节置换术", "拇指腕掌关节成形术", "梯形掌关节置换术" ], "75637001": [ "Chondrectomy of shoulder", "肩部软骨切除术" ], "173941000": [ "Transposition of jejunum", "空肠转位" ], "419701008": [ "MRI venography of cerebral veins", "Magnetic resonance imaging venography of cerebral veins", "脑静脉磁共振成像静脉造影", "脑静脉 MRI 静脉造影" ], "1156981009": [ "Implantation of dental endosseous implant", "牙髓内种植体植入" ], "73802004": [ "Excision of urethrovaginal septum", "尿道阴道隔切除术" ], "172106007": [ "Excision of fistula of mammary duct", "Excision of lactiferous duct fistula of breast", "Fistulectomy of mammary duct", "乳腺输乳管瘘切除术", "乳腺导管瘘切除术" ], "450634008": [ "Dressing of ulcer of lower limb", "下肢溃疡包扎" ], "22815002": [ "Nursing care QA", "Nursing care quality assurance procedure", "护理质量保证", "护理质量保证程序" ], "448799003": [ "Endoscopic dilation of ampulla of Vater", "内镜下壶腹部扩张术" ], "104735003": [ "Hydrogen measurement", "氢测量" ], "252191005": [ "Low dose dexamethasone suppression test", "低剂量地塞米松抑制试验" ], "119284002": [ "Biopsy of mediastinum", "纵隔活检" ], "86516002": [ "Neurogenic bladder rehabilitation", "神经源性膀胱康复" ], "266740003": [ "Orthoptic treatment", "视轴矫正治疗" ], "37364004": [ "Plication of annulus of heart valve", "心脏瓣膜环折叠术" ], "709108007": [ "Extraction of supernumerary tooth", "拔除多生牙" ], "68297005": [ "Amniotic fluid lecithin/sphingomyelin ratio", "Phospholipid profile, amniotic fluid", "Fetal lung maturity profile", "L/S ratio, amniotic fluid", "Foetal lung maturity profile", "胎儿肺成熟度概况", "羊水中卵磷脂/鞘磷脂比率", "羊水中磷脂谱", "L/S 比率,羊水" ], "314057007": [ "Calculus ammonia content", "Calculus ammonia content measurement", "微积分氨含量测定", "结石氨含量" ], "926001": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of radial artery by arm incision", "经臂切口桡动脉导管取栓术" ], "50078002": [ "Anastomosis of common pulmonary trunk and left atrium, posterior wall", "肺动脉总干与左心房、后壁吻合" ], "344990004": [ "Balloon angioplasty of renal artery", "肾动脉球囊成形术" ], "66462004": [ "Suture of eyebrow", "Suture of skin of eyebrow", "眉毛缝合", "眉毛皮肤缝合" ], "426910006": [ "Excision of low transverse vaginal septum", "低位阴道横隔切除术" ], "359539002": [ "Fine needle biopsy of small intestine", "小肠细针活检" ], "81011003": [ "Nasogastric tube removal", "Removing nasogastric tube", "Removal of nasogastric tube", "拔除鼻胃管", "鼻胃管拔除" ], "392307002": [ "Atriplex lentiformis specific IgE antibody measurement", "w15 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Scale specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lenscale specific IgE antibody measurement", "Atriplex lentiformis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "滨藜特异性IgE抗体测定", "特异性IgE抗体测量", "w15特异性IgE抗体测量", "Lenscale 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "滨藜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "406856008": [ "Field's stain method", "Field's stain", "Field stain method", "菲尔德的污点", "现场染色法", "Field 染色法" ], "241181007": [ "Percutaneous cyst puncture and cystogram", "经皮囊肿穿刺和膀胱造影" ], "77341008": [ "Arthroscopy of shoulder with complete synovectomy", "肩关节镜全滑膜切除术" ], "716317007": [ "Fluoroscopy guided measurement of intravascular pressure with contrast", "Measurement of intravascular pressure using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下对比测量血管内压力", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导测量血管内压力" ], "1287922002": [ "Radionuclide imaging of biliary tract using radioactive isotope", "使用放射性同位素对胆道进行放射性核素显像" ], "239346003": [ "Biopsy of lesion of bone", "骨病变活检" ], "304882003": [ "Psychodynamic interventions relating to mental defense mechanisms", "Psychodynamic interventions relating to mental defence mechanisms", "与心理防御机制相关的心理动力学干预" ], "386802000": [ "Endometrial biopsy", "EB - Endometrial biopsy", "Endometrial sampling", "子宫内膜取样", "EB-子宫内膜活检", "子宫内膜活检" ], "26354005": [ "Sleep electroencephalogram, all night", "睡眠脑电图,整晚" ], "75506009": [ "Surgical construction of stoma", "Construction of stoma", "造口的建造", "造口手术" ], "450503001": [ "Obliteration of aneurysm of cerebral artery", "脑动脉瘤闭塞术" ], "24519004": [ "Free radical assay technique measurement", "FRAT measurement", "FRAT 测量", "自由基分析技术测量" ], "104604003": [ "Corticosterone measurement", "皮质酮测量" ], "268444004": [ "Red cell mass measurement", "Radionuclide red cell mass measurement", "红细胞质量测量", "放射性核素红细胞质量测量" ], "446833001": [ "Intraoperative fluoroscopic imaging of ileal conduit with contrast", "术中回肠导管荧光造影成像" ], "53617003": [ "Monitoring of respiration", "Respiration monitoring", "Respiratory tract monitoring", "Monitoring of respiratory status", "Respiratory monitoring", "呼吸道监测", "呼吸监测", "监测呼吸状态" ], "430449004": [ "Injection of wrist joint using computed tomography guidance", "Injection of wrist joint using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "CT guided injection of wrist joint", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行腕关节注射", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行腕关节注射", "CT引导下腕关节注射" ], "313926000": [ "120 minute serum GH level", "120 minute serum GH measurement", "120 minute serum growth hormone measurement", "120 分钟血清 GH 测量", "120 分钟血清生长激素测量", "120 分钟血清 GH 水平" ], "117318001": [ "Neutral red stain method", "Neutral red stain", "中性红染色法", "中性红染色" ], "608838009": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from kidney", "肾脏标本的显微镜检查" ], "361243002": [ "Epiperineural suture technique", "神经外膜缝合技术" ], "410395003": [ "Legal system surveillance", "法律体系监控" ], "17179006": [ "Refractive keratoplasty", "Keratorefractive surgery", "角膜屈光手术", "屈光性角膜移植术" ], "15344001": [ "Application of clavicular bandage", "锁骨绷带的应用" ], "31728007": [ "Removal of foreign body of hip, deep", "髋部深部异物取出" ], "718021000": [ "Education about take home naloxone for opiate overdose intervention", "关于将纳洛酮带回家用于阿片类药物过量干预的教育" ], "179184008": [ "Revision to skin traction of fracture", "骨折皮肤牵引的修订" ], "29893006": [ "Peak expiratory flow measurement", "峰值呼气流量测量" ], "308421007": [ "Diaphragm check call", "隔膜检查呼叫" ], "439493007": [ "Incision of bone of cranium with elevation of bone flap and excision of epileptogenic focus", "Craniotomy with elevation of bone flap and excision of epileptogenic focus", "开颅骨瓣剥离术及致痫灶切除术", "颅骨切开、骨瓣揭开及致痫灶切除术" ], "241050001": [ "Occlusal plain X-ray of mandibular region", "Lower occlusal plain X-ray", "下颌平片", "下颌区咬合平面X光片" ], "765338005": [ "Dual isotope single photon emission computed tomography of parathyroid using technetium-99m and thallium-201", "Dual isotope SPECT of parathyroid using technetium (99m-Tc) and thallium-20", "使用锝 (99m-Tc) 和铊-20 对甲状旁腺进行双同位素 SPECT 检查", "使用锝-99m 和铊-201 对甲状旁腺进行双同位素单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "306586006": [ "Discharge from genetics service", "退出遗传学服务" ], "28058008": [ "Crushing of phrenic nerve", "Phrenicotripsy", "Phrenemphraxis", "膈疝", "膈神经受挤压", "膈肌碎裂术" ], "108143005": [ "Cornea excision", "Abscission of cornea", "角膜切除", "角膜脱落" ], "386671008": [ "Abdominal cavity operation", "腹腔手术" ], "714351009": [ "Assessment using YCORS (Young Child Outcome Rating Scale)", "Assessment using Young Child Outcome Rating Scale", "使用 YCORS(幼儿结果评定量表)进行评估", "使用幼儿结果评定量表进行评估" ], "173679008": [ "Balloon tamponade of esophageal varices", "Balloon tamponade of oesophagus", "Balloon tamponade of oesophageal varices", "Balloon tamponade of esophagus", "食管静脉曲张球囊填塞术", "食管气囊填塞" ], "1287791009": [ "Reexcision of skin margins of head", "头部皮肤边缘再次切除" ], "1156719008": [ "Cardiovascular Health Integrated Lifestyle Diet 2 Low Density Lipoprotein", "CHILD-2-LDL - Cardiovascular Health Integrated Lifestyle Diet 2 Low Density Lipoprotein", "CHILD-2-LDL - 心血管健康综合生活方式饮食 2 低密度脂蛋白", "心血管健康综合生活方式饮食 2 低密度脂蛋白" ], "401220001": [ "Right posterior tibial Doppler pressure", "右胫后多普勒压力" ], "171844004": [ "Release of entrapment of peripheral nerve at ankle", "Neurolysis of trapped peripheral nerve at ankle", "踝部周围神经卡压的松解", "踝部受困周围神经松解术" ], "237380007": [ "Pre-biopsy localisation of breast lesion", "Pre-biopsy localization of breast lesion", "乳腺病变活检前定位" ], "104473000": [ "Adenosine monophosphate deaminase measurement", "腺苷酸脱氨酶测定" ], "251929001": [ "Operative procedure on arteriovenous fistula", "Arteriovenous fistula operation", "动静脉瘘手术", "动静脉瘘手术方法" ], "432153004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of floor of mouth", "Magnetic resonance imaging of floor of mouth", "MRI of floor of mouth", "口底磁共振成像(MRI)", "口底 MRI", "口底磁共振成像" ], "301081007": [ "Embolectomy of vertebral artery", "椎动脉栓塞切除术" ], "315630003": [ "Repair of inguinal hernia using synthetic plug", "使用合成塞子修补腹股沟疝" ], "413934005": [ "Crescentic wedge resection after penetrating keratoplasty", "Wedge resection after penetrating keratoplasty", "穿透性角膜移植术后楔形切除术", "穿透性角膜移植术后新月楔形切除术" ], "53486007": [ "Filleting of finger flap including preparation of recipient site", "手指皮瓣修整,包括接受部位的准备" ], "1231299001": [ "Extraction of cataract of right eye", "Right cataract extraction", "右眼白内障摘除术", "右侧白内障摘除术" ], "313795001": [ "Serum glucagon level", "Serum glucagon measurement", "血清胰高血糖素水平", "血清胰高血糖素测量" ], "281027008": [ "Triennial health examination", "每三年一次的健康检查" ], "737944006": [ "Care of urinary catheter", "导尿管护理" ], "410264007": [ "Medication action/side effects teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Medication action/side effects teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Medication action/side effects education, guidance, and counseling", "Medication action/side effects education, guidance, and counselling", "药物作用/副作用教育、指导和咨询", "药物作用/副作用教学、指导和咨询" ], "230040009": [ "Airway suction technique", "Airway suctioning", "气道吸痰", "气道吸痰技术" ], "80749003": [ "Hypersensitivity pneumonitis panel measurement", "过敏性肺炎小组测量" ], "15213007": [ "Truncal vagotomy", "Subdiaphragmatic vagotomy", "TV - Truncal vagotomy", "Dragstedt vagotomy", "膈下迷走神经切断术", "电视 - 迷走神经干切断术", "迷走神经干切断术", "德拉格施泰特迷走神经切断术" ], "179053008": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture and cast immobilization", "Primary open reduction of fracture and cast immobilisation", "一期切开复位骨折及石膏固定" ], "408429008": [ "Advice to carer regarding child's development programme", "Advice to carer regarding child's development program", "Recommendation to carer regarding child's development programme", "Recommendation to caregiver regarding child's development program", "Recommendation to caregiver regarding child's development programme", "向照顾者提供关于儿童发展计划的建议", "向照顾者提出有关儿童发展计划的建议", "为照顾者提供关于儿童发展计划的建议" ], "699671001": [ "Double leg squat test", "双腿深蹲测试" ], "13378009": [ "Thyroid uptake with discharge", "Radioactive study with thyroid washout", "甲状腺冲洗放射性研究", "甲状腺摄取和分泌物" ], "306455003": [ "Discharge by forensic psychiatrist", "法医精神病学家出院" ], "716055007": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of subclavian vein with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venogram of subclavian vein with contrast", "锁骨下静脉荧光造影" ], "240919008": [ "Balloon cardiac valvotomy", "Heart valvuloplasty", "心脏瓣膜成形术", "球囊心脏瓣膜切开术" ], "763372000": [ "Assessment using patient satisfaction score", "Assessment using PATSAT (patient satisfaction score)", "使用 PATSAT(患者满意度评分)进行评估", "使用患者满意度评分进行评估" ], "1304044003": [ "Colonoscopy and suturing of small intestine", "Colonoscopic suturing of small bowel", "Colonoscopic suturing of small intestine", "结肠镜小肠缝合", "结肠镜小肠缝合术", "结肠镜检查及小肠缝合" ], "171713001": [ "Evacuation of intracranial extradural haematoma", "Evacuation of intracranial extradural hematoma", "颅内硬膜外血肿清除术" ], "73409002": [ "Prausnitz-Kustner test", "Prausnitz-Kustner reaction", "Passive transfer test", "Passive cutaneous anaphylaxis test", "Prausnitz-Kustner 测试", "Prausnitz-Kustner 反应", "被动皮肤过敏反应试验", "被动转移测试" ], "57025004": [ "Repair of thoracic duct", "Suture of thoracic duct", "Reconstruction of lymphatic duct", "胸导管缝合", "胸导管修复", "淋巴管重建" ], "433857008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of pulmonary artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of pulmonary artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "用造影剂插入支架移植物进行肺动脉荧光镜动脉造影", "植入支架进行肺动脉造影荧光血管造影" ], "104342000": [ "Complement clr2-cls2 measurement", "补体 clr2-cls2 测量" ], "1269441008": [ "Ixekizumab therapy", "伊克珠单抗治疗" ], "89793009": [ "Tri-iodothyronine measurement, total", "T3, total measurement", "总三碘甲状腺原氨酸测量", "T3,总测量" ], "432022004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of head for radiotherapy planning", "Magnetic resonance imaging of head for radiotherapy planning", "MRI of head for radiotherapy planning", "头部 MRI 用于放射治疗规划", "头部磁共振成像用于放射治疗计划", "头部磁共振成像(MRI)用于放射治疗计划" ], "235414006": [ "Biopsy using Quinton tube", "Biopsy using hydraulic multiple biopsy tube", "使用液压多活检管进行活检", "使用 Quinton 管进行活检" ], "446571001": [ "Craniotomy of posterior fossa", "Posterior fossa craniotomy", "Incision of bone of posterior cranial fossa", "颅后窝开颅术", "后颅窝开颅术", "颅后窝骨切开术" ], "53355002": [ "Gross organ fixation and special preparation for museum, solid plastic", "大器官固定及博物馆特殊准备,固体塑料" ], "118891001": [ "Procedure on ear", "耳朵上的手术" ], "233579007": [ "Continuous arteriovenous haemodialysis", "Continuous arteriovenous hemodialysis filtration", "Continuous arteriovenous haemodialysis filtration", "Continuous arteriovenous hemodialysis", "CAVD - continuous arteriovenous hemodialysis", "CAVD - continuous arteriovenous haemodialysis", "CAVD-- 持续性动静脉血液透析", "连续动静脉血液透析滤过", "CAVD-- 连续动静脉血液透析", "持续性动静脉血液透析", "持续性动静脉血液透析滤过" ], "18752000": [ "Magnet extraction of intraocular foreign body from anterior chamber of eye", "用磁铁从眼前房取出眼内异物" ], "231744001": [ "Cataract extraction, insertion of intraocular lens and trabeculectomy", "Glaucoma triple procedure", "白内障摘除术、人工晶状体植入术和小梁切除术", "青光眼三联手术" ], "297280007": [ "Oral steroid therapy", "口服类固醇治疗" ], "117056007": [ "Respiratory microbial culture", "呼吸道微生物培养" ], "410133004": [ "Nursing conference management", "Manage nursing contact", "管理护理联系人", "护理会议管理" ], "533005": [ "Repair of vesicocolic fistula", "Closure of vesicocolic fistula", "膀胱结肠瘘闭合", "膀胱结肠瘘修复" ], "1293034005": [ "Plain X-ray of right mastoid", "右乳突的普通 X 光检查" ], "783295000": [ "Composite autograft of skin and soft tissues to head", "头部皮肤和软组织复合自体移植" ], "62399001": [ "Autotransplantation of ovary", "Estes operation on ovary", "Estes operation", "埃斯蒂斯行动", "自体卵巢移植", "卵巢 Estes 手术" ], "439231005": [ "Primary repair of flexor tendon of lower limb", "下肢屈肌腱一期修复" ], "422847008": [ "Paediatric rehabilitation continuous assessment", "Pediatric rehabilitation continuous assessment", "Pediatric rehabilitation ongoing assessment", "Paediatric rehabilitation ongoing assessment", "儿科康复持续评估" ], "404628003": [ "Intracapsular cataract extraction", "ICCE - intracapsular cataract extraction", "Intra-capsular cataract extraction", "白内障囊内摘除术", "ICCE-- 白内障囊内摘除术", "囊内白内障摘除术" ], "306324005": [ "Referral to continence nurse", "转诊至节制护士" ], "304489000": [ "Direct current to foot", "直流电至脚" ], "107881001": [ "Integumentary system destructive procedure", "皮肤系统破坏性手术" ], "75113002": [ "Ligation of adrenal vein", "肾上腺静脉结扎" ], "386409003": [ "Research data collection", "研究数据收集" ], "419177004": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of right side of heart with contrast", "Right cardiac angiogram with contrast", "右心脏血管造影", "右侧心脏荧光血管造影" ], "765076009": [ "Angiogram of right coronary artery bypass graft", "Angiography of right coronary artery bypass graft", "Arteriography of right coronary artery bypass graft", "右冠状动脉搭桥血管造影", "右冠状动脉搭桥术动脉造影" ], "288105009": [ "Cytotoxic superficial application", "细胞毒性表面应用" ], "122430003": [ "Lupus erythematosus factor assay", "红斑狼疮因子检测" ], "171582004": [ "Intracranial transection of hypoglossal nerve (XII)", "舌下神经颅内切断术(XII)" ], "1285694005": [ "Arthroplasty of head of radius", "Arthroplasty of radial head", "桡骨头关节成形术" ], "269886006": [ "Urine free cortisol 24 hour assay", "尿游离皮质醇 24 小时检测" ], "415507003": [ "Second diphtheria and Haemophilus influenza type b and five component acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Second diphtheria and Haemophilus influenza type b and five component acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Second diphtheria and Haemophilus influenza type b and five component acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only five component acellular Bordetella pertussis, Clostridium tetani, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Haemophilus influenzae type b and inactivated whole Human poliovirus antigens", "Administration of second dose of diphtheria and Haemophilus influenza type b and five component acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "注射第二剂白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌和五种成分无细胞百日咳、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "第二次白喉和乙型流感嗜血杆菌以及五种成分无细胞百日咳和灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫", "注射第二剂仅含有五种成分的疫苗产品:无细胞百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌、b 型流感嗜血杆菌和灭活的全人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原", "第二次白喉和乙型流感嗜血杆菌和五种成分无细胞百日咳和灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种" ], "731000087100": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolisation of left lower limb artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolization of left lower limb artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolization of left lower limb artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolisation of left lower limb artery", "左下肢动脉荧光造影及栓塞术", "左下肢动脉荧光血管造影及栓塞术" ], "431891003": [ "Injection of intraarticular ligament using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Injection of intraarticular ligament using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导注射关节内韧带", "超声引导下关节内韧带注射" ], "14811000087100": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of bilateral upper extremity blood vessels", "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of bilateral upper limbs", "Doppler ultrasound of vascular structure of both upper limbs", "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of left and right upper limb", "左、右上肢血管结构多普勒超声检查", "双侧上肢血管结构多普勒超声检查", "双侧上肢血管多普勒超声检查", "双上肢血管结构多普勒超声检查" ], "2011000087102": [ "CT of right upper extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography of right arm with contrast", "Computed tomography of right upper extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography of right upper limb with contrast", "CT of right arm with contrast", "CT of right upper limb with contrast", "右上肢增强计算机断层扫描", "右上肢增强 CT", "右臂增强计算机断层扫描", "右臂增强 CT 扫描" ], "104211007": [ "M'Fadyean stain method", "M'Fadyean染色法" ], "17371000087107": [ "CT of pelvis and right lower extremity", "Computed tomography of pelvis and right lower limb", "Computed tomography of pelvis and right lower extremity", "CT of pelvis and right lower limb", "骨盆及右下肢 CT", "骨盆和右下肢计算机断层扫描", "骨盆及右下肢CT" ], "21211000087108": [ "MRI of calf of left lower leg with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of calf of left lower leg with contrast", "左小腿 MRI 增强扫描", "左小腿小腿增强磁共振成像" ], "233448005": [ "Femorofemoral venous crossover shunt", "股股静脉交叉分流术" ], "446440008": [ "Curettage of lesion of brain", "脑损伤刮除术" ], "231613000": [ "Anterior lamellar repositioning of upper eyelid", "上眼睑前板层复位" ], "313533009": [ "Urine porphyrin/creatinine ratio", "Urine porphyrin/creatinine ratio measurement", "尿卟啉/肌酐比率", "尿卟啉/肌酐比率测量" ], "49554002": [ "Manipulation of carotid body", "颈动脉体的操作" ], "311698003": [ "Expressive voice exercises", "表达声音练习" ], "65938007": [ "Microcytotoxicity crossmatch, antihuman globulin type", "微细胞毒性交叉配型,抗人球蛋白型" ], "64103003": [ "Operation on parotid duct", "腮腺管手术" ], "439100007": [ "Plain X-ray of skull using mobile image intensifier", "使用移动影像增强器进行颅骨普通 X 射线检查" ], "308028008": [ "Injection of steroid into shoulder joint", "肩关节注射类固醇" ], "306193001": [ "Referral to upper gastrointestinal surgery service", "Referral to upper GI surgery service", "转诊至上消化道外科服务", "转诊至上消化道手术服务" ], "1010705000": [ "Excision of lesion of left vas deferens", "左侧输精管病变切除术" ], "257041001": [ "Spatulated ureteroureterostomy", "铲形输尿管造口术" ], "25830000": [ "Open reduction of closed acromioclavicular dislocation, acute", "闭合性肩锁关节脱位的切开复位,急性" ], "386278005": [ "Elopement precautions", "Absconding precautions", "私奔注意事项", "潜逃预防措施" ], "1303782005": [ "Circumferential viscodilation of sinus venosus of sclera by internal approach", "Ab interno canaloplasty", "Circumferential viscodilation of Schlemm canal by internal approach", "内镜小管成形术", "巩膜静脉窦内入路环向扩张术", "内部入路施莱姆管环向粘连扩张术" ], "171451000": [ "Excision of lesion of cerebellum", "小脑病损切除术" ], "122299002": [ "Saint Louis encephalitis virus RNA assay", "St. Louis encephalitis virus RNA assay", "Saint Louis encephalitis virus ribonucleic acid assay", "圣路易斯脑炎病毒核糖核酸检测", "圣路易斯脑炎病毒 RNA 检测" ], "236987005": [ "Emergency cesarean hysterectomy", "Emergency caesarean hysterectomy", "紧急剖宫产子宫切除术" ], "433595005": [ "Intraoperative fluoroscopic angiography of thoracic aorta with contrast and insertion of branched tapered stent graft", "Intraoperative fluoroscopic arteriography of thoracic aorta with contrast and insertion of branched tapered stent graft", "术中胸主动脉荧光造影及分支锥形支架植入", "术中胸主动脉荧光血管造影及分支锥形支架植入" ], "417211006": [ "Administration of first booster of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and low dose Corynebacterium diphtheriae and inactivated Human poliovirus antigens", "Administration of first booster of low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "First booster of low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "First booster of low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "First booster of low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "首次接种低剂量白喉和灭活脊髓灰质炎及破伤风疫苗加强针", "首次进行低剂量白喉和灭活脊髓灰质炎及破伤风免疫加强针", "首次接种低剂量白喉、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗加强针", "首次低剂量白喉和灭活脊髓灰质炎及破伤风疫苗加强免疫", "接种仅含破伤风梭菌、低剂量白喉棒状杆菌和灭活人脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品的第一剂加强针" ], "431760000": [ "Angioscopy using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioscopy with contrast", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导进行血管镜检查", "荧光透视引导下血管造影检查" ], "235152003": [ "Enterorrhaphy of small intestine", "Suture of small intestine", "小肠缝合", "小肠缝合术" ], "710288004": [ "Fluoroscopy guided sigmoidoscopy", "Sigmoidoscopy using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下的乙状结肠镜检查", "荧光透视引导乙状结肠镜检查" ], "38544005": [ "Placement of choledochal stent", "胆总管支架置入术" ], "1300112008": [ "Evaluation of eligibility for basic skills training program", "Evaluation of eligibility for basic skills training programme", "评估参加基本技能培训计划的资格", "基本技能培训项目资格评估" ], "233317001": [ "Embolization of intracranial artery", "Embolisation of intracranial artery", "颅内动脉栓塞", "颅内动脉栓塞术" ], "446309002": [ "Partial excision of meningioma", "脑膜瘤部分切除术" ], "104080009": [ "Blood product release time, determination", "Determination of blood product release time", "血液制品释放时间的确定", "血液制品释放时间的测定" ], "429925005": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of forefoot", "Computed tomography of forefoot", "CT of forefoot", "前足计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "前足计算机断层扫描", "前足 CT" ], "69477006": [ "Ophthalmic echography, contact B-scan", "眼科超声心动图、接触式 B 超" ], "118629009": [ "Training", "Functional training", "训练", "功能训练" ], "788538002": [ "Alcohol-oxygen vapour therapy", "Alcohol-oxygen vapor therapy", "酒精氧气蒸气疗法" ], "313402005": [ "Plasma amino acid levels", "Plasma amino acid measurement", "血浆氨基酸水平", "血浆氨基酸测量" ], "82191002": [ "Syphilis test, qualitative", "梅毒检测,定性" ], "33039005": [ "Arthrodesis of metacarpophalangeal joint with internal fixation and autograft", "掌指关节融合内固定及自体移植" ], "311567009": [ "Oral motor stimulation", "口腔运动刺激" ], "872341000168100": [ "Nephroscopy", "肾镜检查" ], "45753003": [ "Cholecystoenterostomy with gastroenterostomy", "Cholecystenterostomy with gastroenterostomy", "胆囊肠造口术和胃肠造口术" ], "225977007": [ "Alleviating anxiety", "Reducing anxiety", "Anxiety reduction", "减少焦虑", "减轻焦虑", "缓解焦虑" ], "306062000": [ "Referral by music therapist", "Referral from music therapist", "音乐治疗师推荐" ], "1303651001": [ "Enucleation of left eyeball", "左眼球摘除术" ], "11150009": [ "Partial parotidectomy", "部分腮腺切除术" ], "174990009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal pulmonary valvotomy", "经皮腔内肺瓣切开术" ], "1172579004": [ "Vaginal laser therapy", "阴道激光治疗" ], "271459002": [ "Dynamic non-imaging isotope study: urinary", "动态非成像同位素研究:尿液" ], "173155007": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic aspiration below trachea", "Fiberoptic endoscopic aspiration below trachea", "纤维内镜气管下部抽吸" ], "302392001": [ "Curettage of sinus", "窦刮除术" ], "23864003": [ "Esophagoscopy for biopsy and collection of specimen by brushing or washing", "Oesophagoscopy for biopsy and collection of specimen by brushing or washing", "通过刷洗或冲洗的方式进行食管镜活检和标本收集", "食管镜检查用于活检并通过刷洗或冲洗收集标本" ], "171320006": [ "Geriatric 95 year screening", "95 岁老年人筛查" ], "437811000124104": [ "Decreased threonine diet", "减少苏氨酸饮食" ], "122168009": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi 88kd antibody assay", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 88 kD antibody", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 88 kiloDalton antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体 88 千道尔顿抗体的测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体 88kd 抗体检测", "伯氏疏螺旋体 88kD 抗体的测定" ], "236856009": [ "Reconstruction of vagina with colon", "结肠重建阴道" ], "103949005": [ "i-1 blood group phenotype determination", "i-1 血型表型测定" ], "448013009": [ "Pancreatic sphincterotomy", "Incision of pancreatic sphincter", "胰腺括约肌切开术" ], "315106001": [ "Coxiella burnetii 1 antibody level", "Coxiella burnetii phase I antibody assay", "Coxiella burnetii phase 1antibody assay", "伯氏柯克斯体 I 期抗体检测", "伯氏柯克斯体 1 期抗体检测", "伯氏柯克斯体 1 抗体水平" ], "710157009": [ "Promotion of self management of symptom", "Promoting self management of symptom", "促进症状的自我管理" ], "83895001": [ "Heavy metal screen", "Heavy metal screening", "重金属筛查", "重金属屏幕" ], "313271002": [ "Injection of local anesthetic and steroid into knee joint", "Injection of local anaesthetic and steroid into knee joint", "向膝关节注射局部麻醉剂和类固醇" ], "429794009": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and thrombolysis of aorta and femoral artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and thrombolysis of aorta and femoral artery", "主动脉及股动脉荧光血管造影及溶栓治疗", "主动脉及股动脉荧光造影及溶栓治疗" ], "231351007": [ "Topical local anesthetic to tracheal mucosa", "Topical local anaesthetic to tracheal mucosa", "气管黏膜局部麻醉", "气管粘膜局部麻醉" ], "32908001": [ "Assessment and interpretation of higher cerebral function", "高级脑功能的评估和解释" ], "395191009": [ "Campylobacter jejuni IgG antibody level", "Campylobacter jejuni immunoglobulin G antibody level", "空肠弯曲菌 IgG 抗体水平", "空肠弯曲菌免疫球蛋白 G 抗体水平" ], "65676004": [ "Exoantigen test for molds", "Exoantigen test for moulds", "霉菌外抗原检测" ], "721036005": [ "Fecal microbiota transplantation", "Fecal transplantation", "Fecal transplant", "Stool transplant", "Fecal bacteriotherapy", "Faecal microbiota transplantation", "FMT - faecal microbiota transplant", "FMT - fecal microbiota transplant", "Faecal bacteriotherapy", "Faecal transplant", "Faecal transplantation", "粪便移植", "粪便微生物移植", "FMT-- 粪便微生物移植", "粪便细菌疗法" ], "229516006": [ "Sensory stimulation using visual awareness", "利用视觉意识进行感官刺激" ], "1179788009": [ "Contralateral symmetrising reduction mammaplasty", "Contralateral symmetrising reduction mammoplasty", "Symmetrising reduction mammoplasty of contralateral breast", "Symmetrising reduction mammaplasty of contralateral breast", "Symmetrizing reduction mammoplasty of contralateral breast", "Contralateral symmetrizing reduction mammoplasty", "Symmetrizing reduction mammaplasty of contralateral breast", "Contralateral symmetrizing reduction mammaplasty", "对侧对称性乳房缩小术", "对侧乳房对称性缩乳术", "对侧乳房对称性缩乳成形术" ], "176694000": [ "Reconstruction of vagina with microvascular transferred flap", "Reconstruction of vagina with free flap", "显微血管转移皮瓣重建阴道", "游离皮瓣重建阴道" ], "31073008": [ "Amalgam restoration, three surfaces, primary", "汞合金修复,三个表面,初级" ], "438838002": [ "Open grafting of osteochondral autograft to talus", "距骨开放移植自体骨软骨" ], "782902008": [ "Implantation procedure", "Placement", "植入程序", "放置" ], "62006009": [ "Excision of Baker's cyst of knee", "Excision of synovial cyst of popliteal space", "Excision of Baker cyst of knee", "Excision of synovial cyst of popliteal fossa region of knee", "膝关节贝克囊肿切除术", "腘窝滑膜囊肿切除术", "膝腘窝区滑膜囊肿切除术", "膝盖贝克囊肿切除术" ], "305931005": [ "Referral by GP", "Referral from GP", "Referral by general practitioner", "全科医生转诊", "全科医生推荐" ], "764683006": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of bone of elbow using rhenium-186", "SPECT of bone of elbow using 186-Re (rhenium-186)", "使用 186-Re(铼-186)对肘骨进行 SPECT 扫描", "使用铼-186 对肘骨进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "699147007": [ "Internal fixation of carpal bone without fracture reduction", "Internal fixation of bone of carpus without fracture reduction", "未复位腕骨内固定术" ], "1303520002": [ "Internal fixation of left fibula", "左腓骨内固定" ], "74720005": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of carotid artery by neck incision", "Percutaneous transluminal catheter embolectomy of carotid artery", "经皮腔内导管颈动脉取栓术", "颈动脉切开导管取栓术" ], "304096005": [ "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle osteofasciocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle osseofasciocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction with local subcutaneous pedicle osteofasciocutaneous flap", "局部皮下带蒂骨筋膜皮瓣修复" ], "171189000": [ "Galactosaemia screening", "Galactosemia screening", "半乳糖血症筛查" ], "122037007": [ "Microfilaria species identification", "微丝蚴种类鉴定" ], "234890003": [ "Repair of cleft palate", "Cleft palate repair", "Correction of cleft palate", "腭裂矫正", "腭裂修复" ], "103818004": [ "Fibrinopeptide assay", "纤维蛋白肽测定" ], "120202007": [ "Inguinal region closure", "腹股沟区缝合" ], "169354009": [ "Radiotherapy: endolymphatic infusion", "放射治疗:内淋巴灌注" ], "233055001": [ "Open removal of foreign body from right ventricle", "右心室异物切开取出术" ], "446047003": [ "Change in insulin dose", "胰岛素剂量变化" ], "183903004": [ "Private referral to gastroenterologist", "胃肠病专家私人转诊" ], "1844002": [ "Plication of ligament", "韧带折叠" ], "231220002": [ "Anterior ethmoidal nerve block", "Local anaesthetic anterior ethmoidal nerve block", "Local anesthetic anterior ethmoidal nerve block", "局部麻醉前筛窦神经阻滞", "局麻前筛窦神经阻滞", "前筛神经阻滞" ], "1263412009": [ "Distal radical gastrectomy", "Excision of entire pyloric portion of stomach", "远端根治性胃切除术", "切除整个胃幽门部分" ], "229385003": [ "Accessory mobilization of the ankle", "Accessory mobilisation of the ankle", "踝关节辅助活动" ], "49161005": [ "Immunoassay for detection of antigen to infectious agent", "检测传染源抗原的免疫测定" ], "178398003": [ "Reduction of closed fracture of orbit bone", "眼眶骨闭合性骨折的复位" ], "309470003": [ "Identification of microorganisms in urine culture", "Urine culture: organisms", "尿培养:微生物", "尿液培养中的微生物鉴定" ], "225715000": [ "Endotracheal tube suction", "气管插管抽吸" ], "719070009": [ "Management of cardiac implant", "心脏植入物的管理" ], "1290675000": [ "Plain X-ray of cervical spine, anteroposterior and lateral", "颈椎前后位及侧位X光检查" ], "473310009": [ "Assessment using Addenbrooke's cognitive examination revised fluency subscale", "使用 Addenbrooke 认知检查修订流畅性分量表进行评估" ], "702686008": [ "Surveillance of oral contraception", "口服避孕药监测" ], "16331381000119101": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of knee joint without contrast", "MRI of knee joint without contrast", "无造影剂膝关节磁共振成像", "膝关节 MRI 无造影" ], "176563007": [ "Distal shunt for priapism", "远端分流术治疗异常勃起" ], "61875008": [ "Incision of artery of upper limb", "Angiotomy of upper limb artery", "Arteriotomy of upper limb", "上肢动脉切开术" ], "256648003": [ "Autogenous corticocancellous bone graft", "自体皮质松质骨移植" ], "387720005": [ "Excision of fragment of bone", "Excision of bony fragment", "骨碎片切除" ], "492661000119109": [ "Computed tomography of sternoclavicular joint without contrast", "CT of sternoclavicular joint without contrast", "无造影剂胸锁关节计算机断层扫描", "胸锁关节 CT 无造影" ], "572021000119109": [ "CT of maxillofacial area without contrast", "Computed tomography of maxillofacial area without contrast", "无造影剂颌面部计算机断层扫描", "颌面部无增强 CT" ], "426101000119109": [ "CT of adrenal gland without contrast", "Computed tomography of adrenal gland without contrast", "肾上腺无造影计算机断层扫描", "肾上腺无造影 CT" ], "486261000119109": [ "Plain X-ray of chest, posteroanterior", "胸部后前位普通 X 光检查" ], "713565002": [ "Plain X-ray of abdomen with contrast", "腹部造影 X 光检查" ], "385885007": [ "Bed rest care education", "Teach bedbound care", "Bed-ridden care education", "Teach bed rest care", "卧床护理教育", "教导卧床休息护理", "教授卧床护理" ], "58205009": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body bronchus", "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from bronchus by bronchoscopy", "支气管镜取出支气管腔内异物", "支气管腔内异物取出术" ], "287581009": [ "Right renal arteriography", "Arteriography of right renal artery", "Angiography of right renal artery", "右肾动脉造影" ], "171058001": [ "Drugs in pregnancy advice", "Drugs in pregnancy education", "妊娠期用药教育", "妊娠期用药建议" ], "302130002": [ "Decompression of cervical spine", "颈椎减压" ], "39986004": [ "Culture of blood bank product", "血库产品培养" ], "7218004": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of vena cava by abdominal incision", "腹部切口腔静脉导管取栓术" ], "121906007": [ "Giardia lamblia antigen assay", "蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫抗原测定" ], "252978008": [ "Sheridan Gardiner test", "谢里丹·加德纳试验" ], "447751001": [ "Endoscopic excision of polyp of bronchus", "内镜支气管息肉切除术" ], "234759006": [ "Take impression for maxillofacial prosthesis or appliance", "为颌面假体或器具取模" ], "38151008": [ "Magnesium measurement", "Magnesium level", "镁含量", "镁测量" ], "54535009": [ "Cone biopsy of cervix", "Conization of uterine cervix", "Conisation of uterine cervix", "宫颈锥形活检", "宫颈锥切术" ], "120071009": [ "Obstetrics reconstruction", "产科重建" ], "232924003": [ "Operation on implanted atrioventricular valve", "房室瓣植入手术" ], "265692007": [ "Incision of lesion of skin of head or neck", "头部或颈部皮肤损伤切开术" ], "429532007": [ "Computer assisted fluorescence in situ hybridisation", "Computer assisted fluorescence in situ hybridization", "计算机辅助荧光原位杂交" ], "34481004": [ "Removal of Vinke tongs from skull", "从头骨中取出 Vinke 钳子" ], "394929005": [ "Histone antibody level", "组蛋白抗体水平" ], "1713004": [ "Induction and maintenance of total body hypothermia", "全身低温的诱导和维持" ], "313009008": [ "Informing next of kin of diagnosis", "告知近亲属诊断结果" ], "231089009": [ "Moxa punk therapy", "艾灸朋克疗法" ], "868230003": [ "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft", "Coronary artery bypass graft using free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) graft", "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal mammary artery graft", "使用游离右胸内动脉移植进行冠状动脉搭桥术", "使用游离右乳内动脉移植进行冠状动脉搭桥术", "使用游离 RIMA(右内乳动脉)移植物进行冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "229254005": [ "Active shoulder girdle movements", "主动肩带运动" ], "8571000202104": [ "Assistance with shopping", "协助购物" ], "180102009": [ "Correction of congenital deformity of hip", "CDH - Correction of congenital dislocation of the hip", "CDH-- 先天性髋关节脱位矫正", "先天性髋关节畸形的矫正" ], "47195003": [ "Repair of ostium primum defect", "Repair of persistent ostium primum", "ASD - Repair of primum atrial septal defect", "Repair of atrioventricular septal defect: atrial component", "ASD - 原发房间隔缺损修复", "修复第一扇门缺陷", "房室间隔缺损修复:心房组件", "首先修复持久门" ], "112731004": [ "Reduction of congenital hip dislocation by splint", "夹板复位先天性髋关节脱位" ], "391259007": [ "Mental health support no facilitation - <1 contact/month", "心理健康支持无需协助 - <1 次接触/月" ], "1208624000": [ "Reconstruction of hand using distant groin flap", "Distant groin flap reconstruction of hand", "Reconstruction of hand with distant groin flap", "手部远端腹股沟皮瓣重建", "远端腹股沟皮瓣重建手部", "利用远端腹股沟皮瓣进行手部重建" ], "438576001": [ "Excision of pressure injury of coccygeal region with excision of coccyx and primary closure using suture", "Excision of coccygeal pressure injury with coccygectomy and primary suture", "尾骨切除及一期缝合治疗尾骨压伤", "尾骨区域压力性损伤切除术,切除尾骨并用缝合线进行一期缝合" ], "1290544004": [ "Assessment using PaedsCTAS (Pediatric Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale)", "Assessment using Pediatric Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale", "使用 PaedsCTAS(加拿大儿科分诊和敏锐度量表)进行评估", "使用加拿大儿科分诊和敏锐度量表进行评估" ], "1306928007": [ "Arthrodesis of carpometacarpal joint of finger", "手指腕掌关节融合术" ], "58074001": [ "Bronchoplasty with graft repair", "支气管成形术及移植修复" ], "238298006": [ "Fistulectomy of rectum", "Excision of rectal fistula", "直肠瘘切除术" ], "25306006": [ "Deep vein thermography", "Thermography of deep vein", "深静脉热成像" ], "385754007": [ "Intravenous care assessment", "Assess intravenous care", "评估静脉护理", "静脉护理评估" ], "105391003": [ "Intervention by chaplain", "牧师干预" ], "121775004": [ "Eicosanoate measurement", "二十烷酸测量" ], "169092000": [ "Stereotactic/stereoscopic test - abdomen", "立体定向/立体镜检查-腹部" ], "252847008": [ "Orthoptic test", "视力矫正检查" ], "709764001": [ "Liaising with legal service", "与法律服务机构联络" ], "38020003": [ "Suture of ligament of upper extremity", "上肢韧带缝合" ], "398468003": [ "Hepatitis B nucleic acid assay", "Hepatitis B nucleic acid detection", "乙肝核酸检测" ], "1332356006": [ "Coordination of resources to address housing insecurity", "协调资源解决住房不安全问题" ], "1119364007": [ "Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C and Y immunization", "Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C and Y vaccination", "Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C and Y immunisation", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Haemophilus influenzae type b and Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C and Y antigens", "Administration of Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C and Y vaccine", "接种仅含有 B 型流感嗜血杆菌和 C 群和 Y 群脑膜炎奈瑟菌抗原的疫苗产品", "B 型流感嗜血杆菌和 C 型和 Y 型脑膜炎免疫接种", "接种 B 型流感嗜血杆菌和 C 型和 Y 型脑膜炎疫苗", "B 型流感嗜血杆菌和 C 型和 Y 型脑膜炎疫苗接种" ], "119940009": [ "Endocrine gland closure", "内分泌腺关闭" ], "445785001": [ "Assessment using erection hardness score", "使用勃起硬度评分进行评估" ], "118105003": [ "Adenovirus 40 AND 41 identification", "腺病毒 40 和 41 鉴定" ], "265561004": [ "Ureteroscopic removal of ureteric calculus", "输尿管镜取石术" ], "413017004": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal band screening test", "CSF oligoclonal band screen", "脑脊液寡克隆带筛查", "脑脊液寡克隆带筛查试验" ], "429401008": [ "Image guided balloon dilation of colorectal stricture", "影像引导球囊扩张结肠直肠狭窄" ], "230958000": [ "Division of glossopharyngeal nerve in tonsillar fossa", "舌咽神经在扁桃体窝处的分布" ], "232793009": [ "Fenestration operation on tricuspid chordae tendinae", "三尖瓣肌腱开窗手术" ], "167257008": [ "High sensitivity urine pregnancy test", "高灵敏度尿液妊娠试验" ], "83502000": [ "Operation on tendon sheath", "Tendon sheath operation", "腱鞘手术" ], "771630003": [ "Open lumbar hernioplasty using synthetic mesh", "Open repair of lumbar hernia using synthetic mesh", "使用合成网片进行腰疝开放式修补", "使用合成网片进行开放式腰椎疝修补术" ], "312878007": [ "Taking postnasal swab", "采集鼻后拭子" ], "229123001": [ "Facial exercises", "面部锻炼" ], "443950009": [ "Measurement of lutropin in baseline serum or plasma specimen", "Quantitative measurement of concentration of lutropin in baseline serum or plasma specimen", "定量测量基线血清或血浆样本中的促黄体生成素浓度", "基线血清或血浆样本中促黄体生成素的测量" ], "179971003": [ "Prosthetic uncemented total replacement ankle joint", "Uncemented prosthetic total arthroplasty of ankle joint", "非骨水泥型人工踝关节全置换术", "非骨水泥全置换假肢踝关节" ], "81667007": [ "Sodium polyanethol sulfonate disk test", "SPS disk test", "Sodium polyanethol sulphonate disk test", "SPS磁盘测试", "聚茴香脑磺酸钠纸片试验" ], "14296008": [ "Excision of common wall between posterior left atrium and coronary sinus with roofing of resultant defect with patch graft", "切除左心房后部与冠状窦之间的共同壁,并用补片移植覆盖由此产生的缺损" ], "735192009": [ "Seated flexion test", "坐位屈曲试验" ], "1306797002": [ "Marsupialisation of lesion of skin of neck", "Marsupialization of lesion of skin of neck", "颈部皮肤病变袋形化", "颈部皮肤病变袋形成形术" ], "307373005": [ "Referral to acute pain service", "转诊至急性疼痛服务中心" ], "1290413006": [ "Plain X-ray of knee region, anteroposterior and lateral views", "膝关节区域普通 X 光检查、前后位和侧位照片" ], "27010001": [ "Partial excision of large intestine", "Partial resection of large intestine", "大肠部分切除术" ], "174466003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of hepatic artery", "Percutaneous embolisation of hepatic artery", "Percutaneous embolization of hepatic artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of hepatic artery", "经皮肝动脉腔内栓塞术", "经皮肝动脉栓塞术" ], "1255810005": [ "Imaging guided removal of foreign body from thoracic cavity", "Removal of foreign body from thoracic cavity using imaging guidance", "影像引导下胸腔异物取出" ], "238167000": [ "Inguinal herniorrhaphy using sutures", "Inguinal herniorrhaphy", "Repair of inguinal hernia using surgical sutures", "腹股沟疝修补术", "腹股沟疝缝合术", "使用手术缝合线修复腹股沟疝" ], "287319003": [ "Spleen puncture", "脾脏穿刺" ], "434775007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of ulnar artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of ulnar artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "尺动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "尺动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术" ], "121644000": [ "Methyl formamide measurement", "甲基甲酰胺测量" ], "172631009": [ "Manual removal of wax from external auditory canal", "手动清除外耳道中的耳垢" ], "1268524003": [ "Right ventricular aneurysm operation", "Surgical procedure on right ventricular aneurysm", "Surgical procedure on aneurysm of right cardiac ventricle", "右心室动脉瘤的外科治疗", "右心室动脉瘤的外科手术", "右心室动脉瘤手术" ], "252716006": [ "Stress test - finger distal interphalangeal collateral ligament", "压力测试-手指远端指间侧副韧带" ], "39724006": [ "Anastomosis of internal mammary artery to coronary artery, double vessel", "Bypass of internal mammary-coronary artery, double vessel", "Double internal mammary-coronary artery bypass", "Cardiac revascularization with bypass anastomosis of internal mammary-coronary artery, double vessel", "Cardiac revascularisation with bypass anastomosis of internal mammary-coronary artery, double vessel", "内乳冠状动脉双血管旁路吻合术心脏血运重建", "内乳动脉与冠状动脉双血管吻合术", "心脏血管重建术及内乳冠状动脉双血管旁路吻合术", "双乳内冠状动脉搭桥术", "内乳冠状动脉旁路手术,双血管" ], "72492007": [ "Footling breech delivery", "臀位分娩" ], "119809001": [ "Thoracic artery repair", "胸动脉修复" ], "105260007": [ "Nikethamide measurement", "尼可刹米测量" ], "447489005": [ "Provision of replacement hearing aid component", "提供替换助听器部件" ], "709633006": [ "CT guided biopsy of peritoneum", "Biopsy of peritoneum using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行腹膜活检", "CT引导下腹膜活检" ], "54273007": [ "Excision of tracheal stenosis and anastomosis by cervical approach", "经颈部入路气管狭窄切除及吻合术" ], "5121005": [ "Wedge osteotomy of pelvic bone", "骨盆骨楔形截骨术" ], "117974001": [ "Border disease virus antigen assay", "边界病病毒抗原测定" ], "185345009": [ "Encounter for symptom", "遇到症状" ], "183510003": [ "Non-urgent neurosurgical admission", "非紧急神经外科入院" ], "300033008": [ "Excision of parotid cyst", "Excision of cyst of parotid gland", "腮腺囊肿切除术" ], "429270005": [ "Take-down of anastomosis from aorta to pulmonary artery", "Takedown of anastomosis from aorta to pulmonary artery", "拆除主动脉至肺动脉的吻合口" ], "412886006": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid potassium measurement", "CSF potassium level", "脑脊液钾水平", "脑脊液钾测定" ], "281814008": [ "Arthroscopic lateral patellar release", "关节镜下外侧髌骨松解术" ], "230827000": [ "Renewal of external subdural drain", "更换外部硬膜下引流管" ], "83371007": [ "Proximal subtotal gastrectomy by abdominal approach", "经腹部入路近端胃大部切除术" ], "441984003": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of sublingual gland", "舌下腺细针穿刺活检" ], "179840006": [ "Limited release of contracture of capsule of joint", "关节囊挛缩的有限释放" ], "30549001": [ "Removal of suture", "ROS - removal of suture", "拆除缝线", "ROS-- 拆除缝合线" ], "784213003": [ "Biosynthetic graft of skin to skin", "Bioengineered graft of skin to skin", "皮肤与皮肤的生物合成移植", "生物工程皮肤移植" ], "178005004": [ "Image controlled percutaneous drainage of subphrenic abscess", "膈下脓肿的影像控制经皮穿刺引流" ], "816981005": [ "Adjust fixed orthodontic expansion appliance", "调整固定矫正扩张器" ], "274474001": [ "Bone immobilisation", "Bone immobilization", "骨固定" ], "12330002": [ "Complete parathyroidectomy", "Global parathyroidectomy", "Total parathyroidectomy", "甲状旁腺完全切除术", "全甲状旁腺切除术", "甲状旁腺全切除术" ], "472917009": [ "Collection of device for submission as specimen", "收集器械以提交样本" ], "77866002": [ "Chiropractic adjustment of shoulder subluxation", "肩关节半脱位的脊椎矫正" ], "440149009": [ "Infiltration of episcleral space using local anaesthetic", "Infiltration of episcleral space using local anesthetic", "Sub Tenon block", "Sub Tenon infiltration of local anaesthetic", "Sub Tenon infiltration of local anesthetic", "子榫块", "筋膜下局部麻醉", "局部麻醉药在 Tenon 下浸润", "使用局部麻醉剂浸润巩膜外层空间" ], "390997009": [ "Falls advice", "Falls education", "跌倒教育", "跌倒建议" ], "241706008": [ "Neuroleptanalgesia", "神经安定镇痛药" ], "307242009": [ "Dilatation of colonic anastomotic stricture", "Dilation of colonic anastomotic stricture", "结肠吻合口狭窄扩张术" ], "26879000": [ "Atrial cardioversion", "心房复律" ], "223487003": [ "Discussion about options", "关于选择的讨论" ], "420095008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of popliteal artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of popliteal artery with contrast", "腘动脉荧光造影", "腘动脉荧光血管造影" ], "305407009": [ "Admission to occupational health department", "职业健康部门入职" ], "451028005": [ "Commissurotomy of mitral valve", "二尖瓣分离术" ], "1335764006": [ "Subcutaneous injection of carbon dioxide", "皮下注射二氧化碳" ], "713172009": [ "Hysteroscopy with division of intrauterine septum", "宫腔镜检查及宫腔隔膜切开术" ], "121513001": [ "Cyclopropane measurement", "环丙烷测量" ], "449193003": [ "Endoscopic biopsy of bile duct", "内镜胆管活检" ], "105129004": [ "Cisplatin measurement", "顺铂测量" ], "252585004": [ "BOA - Behavioral observation audiometry", "Behavioral observation audiometry", "BOA - Behavioural observation audiometry", "Behavioural observation audiometry", "Behavioral test of hearing acuity", "Behavioural test of hearing acuity", "听力敏锐度的行为测试", "行为观察听力检查", "BOA-- 行为观察听力检查", "听力敏锐度行为测试" ], "86910001": [ "Phlebectomy of upper limb vein", "上肢静脉切除术" ], "709502002": [ "MRI of sternum with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of sternum with contrast", "胸骨 MRI 增强扫描", "胸骨磁共振成像对比" ], "250750009": [ "Protein/creatinine ratio measurement", "Protein/creatinine ratio", "蛋白质/肌酐比率测量", "蛋白质/肌酐比率" ], "117843004": [ "Avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Gallid herpesvirus 1 antibody", "禽传染性喉气管炎病毒抗体检测", "鸡疱疹病毒 1 型抗体测定" ], "412755006": [ "First diphtheria, tetanus and acellular pertussis vaccination", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only acellular Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens", "First diphtheria and acellular pertussis and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of first dose of diphtheria and acellular pertussis and tetanus vaccine", "First diphtheria and acellular pertussis and tetanus immunisation", "First diphtheria and acellular pertussis and tetanus immunization", "注射第一剂白喉、无细胞百日咳和破伤风疫苗", "首次白喉、无细胞百日咳和破伤风免疫", "首次白喉、无细胞百日咳和破伤风免疫接种", "首次接种白喉、无细胞百日咳和破伤风疫苗", "首次接种白喉、破伤风和无细胞百日咳疫苗", "注射第一剂仅含有无细胞百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌和白喉棒状杆菌抗原的疫苗产品" ], "232531007": [ "Pharyngeal operation for obstructive sleep apnea and snoring", "Pharyngeal operation for obstructive sleep apnoea and snoring", "治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停和打鼾的咽部手术", "咽部手术治疗阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停和打鼾" ], "52307007": [ "Grafting of fibula", "腓骨移植" ], "312616000": [ "Provision of mainstream further education", "提供主流继续教育" ], "165160008": [ "Diagnostic dye introduction", "诊断染料介绍" ], "443688008": [ "Quantitative measurement of IgA in body fluid specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of immunoglobulin A in body fluid specimen", "体液标本中IgA的定量测定", "体液标本中免疫球蛋白A质量浓度的定量测定" ], "425469002": [ "Excision of lesion of extradural spinal cord", "脊髓硬膜外病变切除术" ], "736765002": [ "Administration of intravenous vasoactive drug", "静脉注射血管活性药物" ], "179709006": [ "Total synovectomy", "Total synovectomy of joint", "关节全滑膜切除术", "全滑膜切除术" ], "32253007": [ "Antibody titration, anti-human globulin technique", "抗体滴定、抗人球蛋白技术" ], "866002000": [ "Assessment using Model for End-stage Liver Disease", "MELD (Model for End-stage Liver Disease) assessment", "MELD(终末期肝病模型)评估", "使用终末期肝病模型进行评估" ], "63186001": [ "Radical mastoidectomy", "RM - Radical mastoidectomy", "RM - 根治性乳突切除术", "根治性乳突切除术" ], "276178005": [ "Prosthetic uncemented hemiarthroplasty of hip", "Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of head of femur not using cement", "Arthroplasty of head of femur not using cement", "Prosthetic replacement head of femur - no cement", "Uncemented prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of hip joint", "非骨水泥型人工髋关节半关节置换术", "股骨头假体置换术 - 无骨水泥", "不使用骨水泥的股骨头置换术", "不使用骨水泥的股骨头假体半关节置换术", "非骨水泥型髋关节假体半关节置换术" ], "225191000": [ "Measuring stoma aperture", "测量造口孔径" ], "390866009": [ "Referral to mental health team", "转介至心理健康团队" ], "274343002": [ "Salivary surgical biopsy", "唾液手术活检" ], "12199005": [ "Vitamin D, 25-hydroxy measurement", "维生素 D,25-羟基测量" ], "405415006": [ "Angioplasty of internal carotid artery with vein", "颈内动脉带静脉血管成形术" ], "307111006": [ "Remove endosseous jaw implant", "取出颌骨内植入物" ], "241575006": [ "CT of ankle", "Computed tomography of ankle", "踝关节计算机断层扫描", "踝部 CT" ], "305276001": [ "Admission by genitourinary medicine physician", "Admission by sexually transmittable diseases physician", "泌尿生殖科医生的入院", "性传播疾病医生的承认" ], "90449000": [ "Endoscopy of retroperitoneum", "腹膜后内镜检查" ], "370812009": [ "Explanation of expected sequence of events", "Explains expected sequence of events", "Education about expected sequence of events", "解释预期的事件顺序", "预期事件顺序的解释", "关于预期事件顺序的教育" ], "762193004": [ "Assessment using Phoneme Factory Phonology Screener", "使用音素工厂音系筛选器进行评估" ], "713041007": [ "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of vagal nerve stimulator", "Insertion of vagal nerve stimulator using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下插入迷走神经刺激器", "使用荧光透视引导插入迷走神经刺激器" ], "418129007": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of adrenal vein with contrast", "Fluoroscopy of adrenal vein with contrast", "肾上腺静脉造影透视检查", "肾上腺静脉荧光造影" ], "449062002": [ "Excision of part of metatarsal bone", "Partial ostectomy of metatarsal bone", "切除部分跖骨", "跖骨部分截骨术" ], "121382003": [ "Mirtazapine measurement", "米氮平测量" ], "170534004": [ "Notification of glandular fever", "腺热病通报" ], "252454005": [ "Venous pneumoplethysmography", "静脉肺容积描记法" ], "104998006": [ "Triokinase measurement", "三激酶测量" ], "37627002": [ "Repair of both inguinal hernias with prosthesis or graft", "Bilateral inguinal herniorrhaphy", "Repair of bilateral inguinal hernias with prosthesis or graft", "使用假体或移植物修复两侧腹股沟疝", "双侧腹股沟疝修补术", "使用假体或移植物修复双侧腹股沟疝" ], "414459003": [ "Imaging of upper limb", "上肢成像" ], "1217275004": [ "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of thyroid", "HIFU (high intensity focused ultrasound) ablation of thyroid", "高强度聚焦超声消融甲状腺", "高强度聚焦超声 (HIFU) 消融甲状腺" ], "398075009": [ "Lysis of adhesions of muscle by stretching or manipulation", "通过拉伸或手法松解肌肉粘连" ], "52176005": [ "Aspiration of trachea, percutaneous", "Tracheal puncture, percutaneous for aspiration of mucus", "经皮气管穿刺以抽吸粘液", "经皮气管抽吸" ], "609232008": [ "Percutaneous microwave ablation of lesion of liver", "经皮肝病灶微波消融术" ], "445392009": [ "Obtaining airway by head extension", "通过头部伸展获得气道" ], "408954001": [ "Chronic pain control", "慢性疼痛控制" ], "427173009": [ "Endoscopic endoluminal balloon rupture of stenosis of pelviureteric junction of kidney", "内镜肾盂输尿管连接处狭窄腔内球囊破裂术" ], "228730008": [ "Calculation of radionuclide therapy", "放射性核素治疗的计算" ], "439887005": [ "Home visit for mechanical ventilation care", "机械通气护理上门访问" ], "390735007": [ "Retinal screening", "视网膜筛查" ], "241444000": [ "PET study for tumor uptake of glucose", "PET study for tumour uptake of glucose", "Positron emission tomography study for tumour uptake of glucose", "Positron emission tomography study for tumor uptake of glucose", "肿瘤葡萄糖摄取的正电子发射断层扫描研究", "PET 研究肿瘤对葡萄糖的摄取", "正电子发射断层扫描研究肿瘤对葡萄糖的摄取", "肿瘤葡萄糖摄取的 PET 研究" ], "175908001": [ "Excision of half of horseshoe kidney", "Heminephrectomy for horseshoe kidney", "切除一半马蹄肾", "马蹄肾半肾切除术" ], "405284001": [ "Correction of portal-systemic shunt by complete suture ligation", "完全缝合结扎术纠正门体分流" ], "257828004": [ "Percutaneous fixation", "Percutaneous fixation of bone", "经皮骨固定", "经皮固定" ], "700196009": [ "Extracorporeal resection of liver", "体外肝切除术" ], "174073001": [ "Extended right hemicolectomy and anastomosis of ileum to colon", "Extended right colectomy and anastomosis of ileum to colon", "扩大右结肠切除术及回肠至结肠吻合术", "扩大右半结肠切除术及回肠至结肠吻合术" ], "225060009": [ "Lifestyle screening", "生活方式筛查" ], "61220009": [ "Removal of foreign body of external eye, scleral nonperforating", "外眼异物取出术、巩膜非穿刺性" ], "288761008": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy through stoma", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy through stoma", "经造口食管胃十二指肠镜检查", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查" ], "10233009": [ "Intramedullary nailing of fibula", "腓骨髓内钉" ], "239609009": [ "Correction of clinodactyly", "矫正弯曲指" ], "419833009": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of wrist", "腕关节荧光镜造影" ], "73934007": [ "Ossiculectomy with stapes mobilization", "Ossiculectomy with stapes mobilisation", "镫骨松动术" ], "121251000": [ "Pesticide identification", "农药鉴别" ], "6563005": [ "Transposition of muscle of hand", "Hand muscle transposition", "手部肌肉移位", "手部肌肉移位术" ], "72099005": [ "Trimethadione measurement", "三甲二酮测量" ], "432547007": [ "Reduction of intestinal intussusception using ultrasound guidance", "Reduction of intestinal intussusception using ultrasound (US) guidance", "使用超声引导减少肠套叠", "超声引导下肠套叠复位" ], "104867005": [ "Phosphate, inorganic measurement", "磷酸盐,无机测量" ], "252323005": [ "Total haemolytic complement titration (classical)", "CH50 - Haemolytic complement filtration", "Total hemolytic complement titration (classical)", "CH50 - Hemolytic complement filtration", "CH50-溶血补体滤过", "总溶血补体滴定(经典)", "CH50 - 溶血补体滤过" ], "50050151000188103": [ "Anthraquinone therapy", "蒽醌疗法" ], "609101000": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of lymph fluid specimen prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备淋巴液标本涂片进行显微镜细胞学检查" ], "250488007": [ "Netilmicin measurement", "Netilmicin level", "奈替米星测量", "奈替米星浓度" ], "281421004": [ "Brainstem death tests", "脑干死亡测试" ], "443426000": [ "Computed tomography angiography of vascular structure of spine with contrast", "CT angiography of vascular structure of spine with contrast", "脊柱血管结构增强计算机断层扫描血管造影", "脊柱血管结构增强 CT 血管造影" ], "771106001": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of left facet joint of cervical spine", "Injection of left facet joint of cervical spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下颈椎左侧小关节注射", "荧光透视引导下颈椎左侧小关节注射" ], "183117009": [ "Provision of removable denture", "提供可摘义齿" ], "179447000": [ "Prosthetic uncemented total shoulder replacement", "Uncemented prosthetic total arthroplasty of shoulder joint", "非骨水泥型肩关节假体全置换术", "非骨水泥假体全肩关节置换术" ], "310519005": [ "Referral to appliance service", "Referral to appliance officer", "转介给电器官员", "转介至家电服务" ], "439756000": [ "Open reduction of bimalleolar fracture of lateral and medial malleoli with internal fixation", "内外踝骨折切开复位内固定" ], "228599009": [ "Provision of brace", "提供支架" ], "177612006": [ "Injection of organic inert substance into subcutaneous tissue", "Injection of organic inert matter into subcutaneous tissue", "将有机惰性物质注射到皮下组织", "将有机惰性物质注射入皮下组织" ], "175777002": [ "Insertion of arteriovenous prosthesis", "动静脉假体植入" ], "241313005": [ "Radionuclide soft tissue blood pool study - early and delayed", "放射性核素软组织血池研究-早期和延迟" ], "388769009": [ "Clove specific IgE antibody measurement", "Syzygium aromaticum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf268 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Syzygium aromaticum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf268特异性IgE抗体测量", "丁香特异性IgE抗体测定", "丁香特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "59254005": [ "Water analysis", "水质分析" ], "239478005": [ "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb", "拇指腕掌关节假体全置换术" ], "41035007": [ "Conjoint psychotherapy", "Triadic therapy", "联合心理治疗", "三元疗法" ], "450635009": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of peritoneal cavity", "腹腔病变开放活检" ], "104736002": [ "Hydrogen sulfide measurement", "Hydrogen sulphide measurement", "硫化氢测量" ], "252192003": [ "High dose dexamethasone suppression test", "大剂量地塞米松抑制试验" ], "170272005": [ "Child 21 month examination", "儿童21个月检查" ], "119285001": [ "Biopsy of uterus", "子宫活检" ], "266741004": [ "Muscle strength exercise", "肌肉力量锻炼" ], "19146000": [ "Manipulation of skin of trunk", "躯干皮肤处理" ], "314058002": [ "Calculus phosphate content measurement", "Calculus phosphate content", "磷酸盐含量", "磷酸盐含量测定" ], "428746003": [ "Upper limb tension test (ULTT) with median nerve bias", "Upper limb tension test with median nerve bias", "正中神经偏压的上肢张力测试 (ULTT)", "正中神经偏压上肢张力试验" ], "363210006": [ "Musculoskeletal system education", "肌肉骨骼系统教育" ], "82847004": [ "Dilation of ileostomy stoma", "Dilation of ileostomy", "回肠造口扩张术" ], "426911005": [ "Repair of double chambered right ventricle", "双腔右心室修复" ], "408692002": [ "Skin rolling", "皮肤滚压" ], "64628007": [ "Partial excision of bone of humerus", "肱骨部分切除术" ], "439625002": [ "Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of cerebral venous sinus using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of cerebral venous sinus with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮脑静脉窦机械血栓切除术", "透视引导下经皮脑静脉窦机械血栓切除术" ], "406857004": [ "Flagellar stain method", "Flagellar stain", "鞭毛染色法", "鞭毛染色" ], "177481004": [ "Delay of flap of skin to head or neck", "头部或颈部皮瓣移植延迟" ], "241182000": [ "GU tract contrast procedures", "Genitourinary tract contrast procedure", "泌尿生殖道造影检查", "泌尿道造影程序" ], "77342001": [ "Removal of tube from large intestine", "从大肠中拔除管子" ], "388638000": [ "Fagopyrum esculentum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Buckwheat specific IgE antibody measurement", "f11 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Fagopyrum esculentum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "荞麦特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f11特异性IgE抗体测量", "荞麦特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "30025009": [ "Repair of old traumatic injury of peripheral nerve", "陈旧性周围神经外伤的修复" ], "108275000": [ "Radiologic procedure on chest AND/OR abdomen", "Radiographic procedure on chest AND/OR abdomen", "胸部和/或腹部的放射学检查", "胸部和/或腹部的放射线检查" ], "239347007": [ "Biopsy of lesion of maxilla", "上颌骨病变活检" ], "73672000": [ "Partial acromionectomy", "部分肩峰切除术" ], "1287923007": [ "Electrophysiologic evaluation of cardioverter defibrillator", "心脏复律除颤器的电生理学评估" ], "304883008": [ "Understanding mental defence mechanisms", "Understanding mental defense mechanisms", "了解心理防御机制" ], "419571009": [ "Fluoroscopy of upper limb", "上肢透视检查" ], "434120005": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of splenic artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of splenic artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "脾动脉造影荧光血管造影术及植入支架", "用造影剂插入支架移植物进行脾动脉荧光镜造影" ], "171976005": [ "Operation on aberrant thyroid tissue", "异常甲状腺组织手术" ], "8136007": [ "Revision of scar of skin", "Refashioning of scar", "皮肤疤痕修复", "疤痕重塑" ], "170141000": [ "Child 2.5 year examination", "儿童2.5岁检查" ], "450504007": [ "Obliteration of aneurysm of circle of Willis", "Willis 环动脉瘤闭塞术" ], "104605002": [ "Cortisol, free measurement", "皮质醇,免费测量" ], "268445003": [ "Ultrasound scan - obstetric", "Obstetric US scan", "超声波扫描 - 产科", "产科超声扫描" ], "88221005": [ "Affinity chromatography measurement", "亲和色谱测量" ], "4466001": [ "Exploration of artery of upper limb", "Exploration of upper limb artery", "上肢动脉探查" ], "430450004": [ "Injection of ankle joint using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Injection of ankle joint using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided injection of ankle joint", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行踝关节注射", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行踝关节注射", "CT引导下踝关节注射" ], "86386006": [ "Anchoring of tendon of biceps", "Hitchcock operation", "肱二头肌腱固定", "希区柯克手术" ], "446834007": [ "Computed tomography of oropharynx", "CT of oropharynx", "口咽部计算机断层扫描", "口咽CT" ], "608839001": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from liver", "肝脏标本的显微镜检查" ], "84551008": [ "Overlapping of sclera for buckling", "重叠巩膜以便扣带" ], "363079009": [ "Diathermy of visual system", "视觉系统透热疗法" ], "313927009": [ "30 minute serum FSH measurement", "30 minute serum FSH level", "30 minute serum follicle stimulating hormone measurement", "30 分钟血清 FSH 水平", "30 分钟血清 FSH 测量", "30 分钟血清促卵泡激素测量" ], "117319009": [ "Night blue stain method", "Night blue stain", "夜蓝色污迹", "夜蓝染色法" ], "410396002": [ "Medical/dental care surveillance", "医疗/牙科保健监测" ], "49948006": [ "Lysis of adhesions of tendon by stretching or manipulation", "Physiatric stretching of tendon", "通过拉伸或操作松解肌腱粘连", "肌腱的物理拉伸" ], "424945000": [ "Torsional phacoemulsification", "扭转式白内障超声乳化术" ], "361244008": [ "Epiperineural suturing of peripheral nerve", "周围神经外膜缝合" ], "423110000": [ "Adult activity of daily living needs assessment", "Activities of daily living needs assessment adult", "成人日常生活活动能力评估", "成人日常生活活动能力需求评估" ], "79046000": [ "Repair of wound of Tenon's capsule", "Repair of wound of Tenon capsule", "Tenon 囊损伤的修复" ], "439494001": [ "Suture of digital nerve of foot", "足指神经缝合" ], "179185009": [ "Primary cast immobilization of fracture", "Primary cast immobilisation of fracture", "骨折初次石膏固定" ], "718022007": [ "Assessment for risk of harm to others", "评估对他人造成伤害的风险" ], "241051002": [ "Tangential plain X-ray of incisor tooth and canine tooth", "门牙和犬齿的切向平面X射线" ], "699803004": [ "Balloon test occlusion", "气囊试验闭塞" ], "388507006": [ "Asparagus officinalis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf261 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Asparagus officinalis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf261特异性IgE抗体测量", "芦笋特异性IgE抗体测定", "芦笋特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "60827006": [ "Lymphokine activated killer cell therapy", "LAK cell therapy", "淋巴因子激活杀伤细胞治疗", "LAK 细胞治疗" ], "11675009": [ "Insertion of catheter into esophagus, permanent tube type", "Insertion of catheter into oesophagus, permanent tube type", "将导管插入食道,永久管型", "将导管插入食道,永久性管型" ], "714352002": [ "Assessment using Outcome Rating Scale", "Assessment using ORS (Outcome Rating Scale)", "使用结果评定量表进行评估", "使用 ORS(结果评定量表)进行评估" ], "1287792002": [ "Reexcision of skin margins of neck", "颈部皮肤边缘再次切除" ], "239216003": [ "Division of fascia lata", "阔筋膜切开" ], "58992007": [ "Patellectomy", "Complete excision of patella", "Complete removal of patella", "Total ostectomy of patella", "Total patellectomy", "Total excision of patella", "Complete patellectomy", "髌骨完全切除", "髌骨切除术", "完全髌骨切除术", "髌骨全截骨术", "髌骨全切除术", "全髌骨切除术" ], "57157000": [ "Excision of tumor of soft tissue of thorax, deep, subfascial, intramuscular", "Excision of tumour of soft tissue of thorax, deep, subfascial, intramuscular", "胸部、深部、筋膜下、肌内软组织肿瘤切除术" ], "401221002": [ "ABPI - Ankle brachial pressure index", "Ankle brachial pressure index", "ABPI-踝臂压力指数", "踝臂压指数" ], "40773005": [ "General day care of adult", "成人一般日间护理" ], "237381006": [ "Pre-biopsy localization of breast lesion using self retaining wire", "Pre-biopsy localisation of breast lesion using self retaining wire", "Pre-biopsy localization of breast lesion using needle wire apparatus", "Pre-biopsy localisation of breast lesion using needle wire apparatus", "使用自固定导丝进行乳房病变的活检前定位", "使用自固定导丝进行乳腺病变的活检前定位", "使用针丝装置对乳腺病变进行活检前定位" ], "301082000": [ "Embolectomy of axillary artery", "腋动脉栓塞切除术" ], "55322005": [ "Vital pulpotomy", "Dental pulp amputation", "Removal of pulp - partial", "Pulpotomy - vital", "Pulpotomy of tooth", "Pulpectomy - partial", "牙髓切断", "牙髓切断术", "部分牙髓切除术", "去除牙髓 - 部分", "牙髓切断术 - 至关重要", "活髓切断术" ], "448538005": [ "Harvesting of lobe of lung from donor", "从捐献者体内获取肺叶" ], "710682005": [ "Education about peristomal skin complications", "关于造口周围皮肤并发症的教育" ], "432154005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) arthrography of midtarsal joint", "Magnetic resonance imaging arthrography of midtarsal joint", "MRI arthrography of midtarsal joint", "跗骨中关节磁共振成像(MRI)关节造影", "跗骨中关节 MRI 关节造影", "跗骨中关节磁共振成像关节造影" ], "104474006": [ "Adenosine triphosphatase measurement", "三磷酸腺苷酶测量" ], "86255002": [ "Arthroscopy of knee with medial meniscectomy", "Arthroscopic medial meniscectomy", "关节镜内侧半月板切除术", "膝关节镜检查及内侧半月板切除术" ], "235546009": [ "T-tube track gallstone extraction", "Burhenne's gallstone extraction", "Burhenne gallstone extraction", "T管轨道胆结石摘除术", "布尔亨尼胆结石取出术", "布亨内胆结石提取" ], "37103003": [ "Parasite serologic study, paired samples", "寄生虫血清学研究,配对样本" ], "18884000": [ "Revision of tack operation of inner ear", "内耳钉手术的修正" ], "182724005": [ "Further asthma - drug prevention", "进一步哮喘 - 药物预防" ], "1231300009": [ "Left cataract extraction", "Extraction of cataract of left eye", "左眼白内障摘除术" ], "17049002": [ "Diverticulectomy of esophagus by thoracic approach", "Diverticulectomy of oesophagus by thoracic approach", "经胸入路食管憩室切除术" ], "665001": [ "Partial meniscectomy of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节半月板部分切除术" ], "410265008": [ "Medication administration teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Medication administration teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Medication administration education, guidance, and counseling", "Medication administration education, guidance, and counselling", "药物管理教育、指导和咨询", "药物管理教学、指导和咨询" ], "179054002": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture and functional bracing", "骨折一期切开复位及功能支撑" ], "408430003": [ "Advice to carer regarding child's diet", "Recommendation to carer regarding child's diet", "Advice to caregiver regarding child's diet", "Recommendation to caregiver regarding child's diet", "向照顾者提供有关儿童饮食的建议", "给照顾者关于孩子饮食的建议" ], "441198005": [ "Thawing of cryopreserved sperm", "Thawing of cryopreserved spermatozoa", "冷冻保存精子的解冻", "冷冻精子的解冻" ], "308291000": [ "Administrative transfer procedure", "行政移交程序" ], "719726009": [ "Ventral herniorrhaphy", "Repair of ventral hernia using surgical sutures", "使用手术缝合线修复腹疝", "腹壁疝修补术" ], "439363002": [ "Repair of nonunion of carpal bone", "腕骨不愈合的修复" ], "734275002": [ "Outlet vacuum delivery", "Delivery by outlet vacuum extraction", "出口真空输送", "通过出口真空抽吸输送" ], "46147004": [ "Lengthening of hamstring tendon", "腿筋腱延长" ], "177219009": [ "Immediate repair of obstetric laceration of perineum and sphincter of anus", "产科会阴及肛门括约肌裂伤的立即修复" ], "306456002": [ "Discharge by liaison psychiatrist", "联络精神科医生出院" ], "240920002": [ "Laser cardiac valvotomy", "Cardiac valvotomy using laser", "激光心脏瓣膜切开术" ], "78915009": [ "Franco operation for suprapubic cystotomy", "耻骨上膀胱切开术" ], "1304045002": [ "Colonoscopic full thickness resection of rectum", "Colonoscopy and full thickness resection of rectum", "结肠镜直肠全层切除术", "结肠镜检查及直肠全层切除术" ], "1269442001": [ "Baricitinib therapy", "巴瑞替尼治疗" ], "57026003": [ "Reduction of atraumatic hip dislocation with general anesthesia", "Reduction of atraumatic hip dislocation with general anaesthesia", "全身麻醉下非创伤性髋关节脱位复位" ], "401090004": [ "Cold agglutinins level : adult cells", "冷凝集素水平:成体细胞" ], "104343005": [ "Complement IC3 measurement", "补体 IC3 测量" ], "448407006": [ "Osteotomy of phalanx", "指骨截骨术" ], "235415007": [ "Biopsy using multipurpose suction tube", "Biopsy using Rubin tube", "使用 Rubin 管进行活检", "使用多用途吸管进行活检" ], "53356001": [ "Primary rhinoplasty of alar cartilages", "Primary correction of cleft lip nasal deformity", "Primary correction of alar cartilage", "鼻翼软骨的初次矫正", "唇裂鼻畸形的初次矫正", "鼻翼软骨初次整形术" ], "233580005": [ "Continuous venovenous hemodialysis", "Continuous venovenous haemodialysis filtration", "Continuous venovenous hemodialysis filtration", "Continuous venovenous haemodialysis", "CVVD - continuous venovenous hemodialysis", "CVVD - continuous venovenous haemodialysis", "持续性静脉-静脉血液透析", "CVVD-- 持续性静脉血液透析", "CVVD-- 持续性静脉-静脉血液透析", "持续性静脉-静脉血液透析滤过" ], "231745000": [ "Vectis extraction of lens", "镜头矢量提取" ], "446572008": [ "Electroencephalogram using sphenoidal electrode", "使用蝶骨电极的脑电图" ], "118892008": [ "Procedure on external ear", "外耳手术" ], "35137007": [ "Photocoagulation of ciliary body", "Cyclophotocoagulation", "Laser coagulation of ciliary body", "睫状体光凝术", "睫状体激光凝固术" ], "1263937008": [ "Excision of breast mass", "Excision of mass of breast", "乳房肿块切除", "乳房肿块切除术" ], "33302002": [ "Electrocorticogram with photic stimulation", "光刺激皮层电图" ], "16918002": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on facial bones", "Anaesthesia for procedure on facial bones", "面部骨骼手术麻醉" ], "442902004": [ "Incision and drainage of subfascial bursa of foot", "足部筋膜下滑囊切开引流术" ], "410134005": [ "Nursing coordination assessment", "Assess nursing coordination", "护理协调评估", "评估护理协调性" ], "426518006": [ "Transfusion of granulocytes", "粒细胞输注" ], "180758009": [ "Harvest of flap of skin and muscle of trunk", "Harvest of myocutaneous flap of trunk", "Harvest of myocutaneous (MC) flap of trunk", "躯干肌皮瓣 (MC) 采集", "躯干肌皮瓣切取", "躯干皮瓣及肌肉瓣切取" ], "178923005": [ "Cryoablation of bone lesion", "骨病变冷冻消融" ], "1293035006": [ "Plain X-ray of left and right mastoid", "Plain X-ray of both mastoids", "Plain X-ray of bilateral mastoids", "双侧乳突的普通 X 光检查", "左、右乳突的普通 X 光检查" ], "62400008": [ "Symphysiotomy for horseshoe kidney", "Division of isthmus of horseshoe kidney", "马蹄肾峡部分割", "马蹄肾联合切开术" ], "765077000": [ "Angiogram of left coronary artery bypass graft", "Angiography of left coronary artery bypass graft", "Arteriography of left coronary artery bypass graft", "左冠状动脉搭桥术动脉造影", "左冠状动脉搭桥血管造影" ], "76949005": [ "Gonioscopy", "房角镜检查" ], "404629006": [ "YAG laser anterior capsulotomy", "Yttrium-aluminum-garnet (YAG) laser anterior capsulotomy", "Yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser anterior capsulotomy", "Yttrium-aluminium-garnet laser anterior capsulotomy", "钇铝石榴石 (YAG) 激光前囊切开术", "YAG 激光前囊切开术", "钇铝石榴石激光前囊切开术" ], "27797007": [ "Dental implant connecting bar", "Implantation of dental connecting bar", "牙连接杆植入术", "牙种植体连接杆" ], "175253007": [ "Repair of pulmonary artery", "肺动脉修复" ], "306325006": [ "Referral to genitourinary nurse", "转诊至泌尿生殖科护士" ], "9578002": [ "Incision and removal by magnet", "Incision and removal of foreign body by magnet", "用磁铁切开并取出异物", "通过磁铁切开并取出" ], "1287530006": [ "Grafting of connective tissue to gingiva", "结缔组织移植至牙龈" ], "386410008": [ "Resiliency promotion", "提升复原力" ], "304490009": [ "High ligation and local ligation of varicose veins", "静脉曲张高位结扎术与局部结扎术" ], "763242009": [ "Assessment using Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden Scale", "Assessment using ACB (Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden) Scale", "使用抗胆碱能认知负担量表进行评估", "使用 ACB(抗胆碱能认知负担)量表进行评估" ], "122431004": [ "IgM rheumatoid factor assay", "Immunoglobulin M rheumatoid factor assay", "IgM 类风湿因子检测", "免疫球蛋白M类风湿因子检测" ], "1285695006": [ "Revision of arthroplasty of head of left radius", "左桡骨头置换术" ], "104212000": [ "Macchiavello stain method", "Macchiavello stain", "马基雅维罗染色法", "马基雅维罗染色" ], "235284002": [ "Creation of percutaneous jejunostomy", "建立经皮空肠造口术" ], "448276003": [ "Speech articulation therapy", "言语发音治疗" ], "431892005": [ "Plain X-ray of lumbar spine and pelvis", "腰椎和骨盆的普通 X 光检查" ], "233449002": [ "Direct anastomosis of vein", "静脉直接吻合术" ], "313534003": [ "Urine vanillylmandelic acid/creatinine ratio measurement", "Urine vanillylmandelic acid/creatinine ratio", "尿液香草扁桃酸/肌酐比率测量", "尿液香草扁桃酸/肌酐比率" ], "231614006": [ "Tarsal wedge resection of upper eyelid", "上睑睑板楔形切除术" ], "36021000087100": [ "Excision of right stapes", "Right stapedectomy", "右侧镫骨切除术", "切除右镫骨" ], "311699006": [ "Development of oesophageal voice exercises", "Development of esophageal voice exercises", "食管发声练习的发展" ], "4021000087104": [ "Plain X-ray of bilateral forearms", "Plain X-ray of left and right forearm", "Plain X-ray of both forearms", "双前臂的普通 X 光检查", "左、右前臂普通 X 光检查", "双侧前臂X光检查" ], "2741000087104": [ "CT of bilateral wrists", "Computed tomography of bilateral wrists", "Computed tomography of both wrists", "Computed tomography of left and right wrist", "左、右手腕的计算机断层扫描", "双腕部计算机断层扫描", "双腕部 CT", "双侧腕部计算机断层扫描" ], "260712001": [ "Reinforcement of bronchial anastomosis", "加强支气管吻合口" ], "308029000": [ "Laryngoscopic vocal cord polypectomy", "喉镜声带息肉切除术" ], "439101006": [ "X-ray tomography", "X 射线断层扫描" ], "45885009": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of wrist", "腕关节脱位切开复位术" ], "44050002": [ "Arthrotomy for synovial biopsy of glenohumeral joint", "关节切开术进行肩关节滑膜活检" ], "1010706004": [ "Excision of lesion of right vas deferens", "右侧输精管病变切除术" ], "306194007": [ "Referral to colorectal surgery service", "转介至结直肠外科服务" ], "386279002": [ "Peripheral embolus care", "Embolus care: peripheral", "外周栓塞护理", "栓塞护理:外周" ], "763111006": [ "Assessment using International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Urinary Incontinence-Short Form", "Assessment using ICIQ-UI-SF (International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Urinary Incontinence-Short Form)", "使用国际尿失禁咨询问卷-尿失禁-简表进行评估", "使用 ICIQ-UI-SF(国际尿失禁咨询问卷-尿失禁-简表)进行评估" ], "236988000": [ "Elective caesarean hysterectomy", "Elective cesarean hysterectomy", "选择性剖宫产子宫切除术" ], "58599009": [ "Reduction of carpometacarpal dislocation of thumb with manipulation", "Manual reduction of dislocation of carpometacarpal joint of thumb", "手法复位拇指腕掌关节脱位", "拇指腕掌关节脱位手法复位" ], "40380005": [ "Repair of urethroscrotal fistula", "Closure of urethroscrotal fistula", "尿道阴囊瘘的修补", "尿道阴囊瘘闭合" ], "433596006": [ "Intraoperative fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta with contrast with insertion of fenestrated stent graft", "Intraoperative fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta with contrast with insertion of fenestrated stent graft", "术中腹主动脉荧光造影及插入有孔支架移植物", "术中腹主动脉荧光血管造影及插入有孔支架移植物" ], "122300005": [ "Staphylococcus aureus rRNA assay", "Staphylococcus aureus ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "金黄色葡萄球菌核糖体核糖核酸测定", "金黄色葡萄球菌 rRNA 检测" ], "5777000": [ "Flexorplasty of elbow", "Steindler operation flexorplasty of elbow", "Steindler operation muscle transfer", "Steindler type advancement", "斯坦勒手术肌肉移植", "肘屈肌成形术", "斯坦德勒型推进", "Steindler 手术肘屈肌成形术" ], "431761001": [ "Fluoroscopic intravenous digital subtraction angiography of superior vena cava with contrast", "Fluoroscopic DSA (digital subtraction angiography) of superior vena cava with contrast", "上腔静脉造影荧光透视 DSA(数字减影血管造影)", "荧光透视下上腔静脉数字减影血管造影" ], "839191000000106": [ "Endoscopic wide local excision of breast lesion", "内镜乳腺病变局部扩大切除术" ], "1300113003": [ "Evaluation of eligibility for vocational rehabilitation programme", "Evaluation of eligibility for vocational rehabilitation program", "职业康复计划资格评估", "评估职业康复计划的资格" ], "54929004": [ "Transection of nerve", "Cutting of nerve", "Section of nerve", "Division of nerve", "切断神经", "神经切面", "神经分裂", "神经切断" ], "710289007": [ "Osteoplasty using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided repair of bone", "Repair of bone using fluoroscopic guidance", "利用荧光透视引导修复骨骼", "荧光透视引导骨修复", "使用荧光透视引导进行骨成形术" ], "235153008": [ "Rigid sigmoidoscopy", "硬性乙状结肠镜检查" ], "104081008": [ "Blood product reservation", "Reservation of blood product", "血液制品的保存", "血液制品预约" ], "87697008": [ "Punch biopsy of skin", "皮肤穿刺活检" ], "118630004": [ "Division", "分配" ], "3942005": [ "Cystopexy", "Suspension of bladder", "膀胱悬吊", "膀胱固定术" ], "36710006": [ "Amputation of toe at metatarsophalangeal joint", "跖趾关节处趾骨截除" ], "233318006": [ "Supraclinoid arterial embolisation", "Supraclinoid arterial embolization", "床突上动脉栓塞" ], "429926006": [ "Computed tomography of middle ear", "Computed tomography (CT) of middle ear", "CT of middle ear", "中耳计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "中耳计算机断层扫描", "中耳 CT" ], "167782009": [ "Sperm concentration measurement", "Sperm concentration", "Sperm density", "Spermatozoa concentration measurement", "精子浓度", "精子浓度测量", "精子密度" ], "53094008": [ "Removal of diaphragm from vagina", "从阴道取出隔膜" ], "116795008": [ "Transfusion of cryoprecipitate", "Cryoprecipitate administration by intravascular infusion", "输注冷沉淀", "通过血管内输注给予冷沉淀" ], "65808002": [ "Excision of presacral tumor", "Excision of presacral tumour", "骶前肿瘤切除术" ], "16656003": [ "Capsulorrhaphy of lower extremity", "下肢关节囊缝合术" ], "311568004": [ "Dysarthria program", "Dysarthria programme", "构音障碍计划" ], "31205005": [ "Psychiatric therapeutic procedure", "精神科治疗程序" ], "309733006": [ "Examination of organ under microscope", "显微镜下检查器官" ], "225978002": [ "Allowing time to listen to worries", "留出时间倾听烦恼" ], "12986006": [ "Excision of Pancoast tumor of lung", "Excision of Pancoast tumour of lung", "肺上沟瘤切除术" ], "1290938007": [ "Plain X-ray of lumbosacral spine, anteroposterior and lateral", "Plain X-ray of lumbar and sacral spine, anteroposterior and lateral", "腰骶椎的普通 X 光检查,前后位和侧位", "腰椎和骶椎的普通 X 光检查,前后位和侧位" ], "76687004": [ "Removal of suture from abdominal wall", "拆除腹壁缝线" ], "306063005": [ "Referral from play therapist", "Referral by play therapist", "游戏治疗师推荐" ], "43919006": [ "Repair of artery of neck with vein graft", "静脉移植修复颈动脉" ], "699279007": [ "Aortic arch replacement", "Replacement of aortic arch", "主动脉弓置换术" ], "287844002": [ "Bile duct to intestine anastomosis", "胆管肠吻合术" ], "238692003": [ "Patient observation over time", "Patient status observation over time", "随时间观察患者", "随时间观察患者状态" ], "386148007": [ "Slit skin", "Slit skin stain method", "Slit skin method", "Slit skin stain", "切开皮肤", "切开皮肤法", "裂纹皮肤污渍", "切开皮肤染色法" ], "1303652008": [ "Enucleation of right eyeball", "右眼球摘除术" ], "122169001": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi 93kd antibody assay", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 93 kD antibody", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 93 kiloDalton antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体 93kd 抗体检测", "伯氏疏螺旋体 93 kD 抗体的测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体 93 千道尔顿抗体的测量" ], "173156008": [ "Fiberoptic bronchoscopic removal of foreign body", "Fibreoptic bronchoscopic removal of foreign body", "纤维支气管镜异物取出术" ], "236857000": [ "Colpoperineorrhaphy", "阴道会阴缝合术" ], "9316008": [ "Crushing of peripheral nerve", "周围神经受挤压" ], "433465004": [ "Sampling of tissue specimen", "组织标本取样" ], "56633006": [ "HLA-A serotyping", "Histocompatibility testing for HLA antigens", "Tissue typing for HLA", "Histocompatibility testing", "Human leucocyte antigen HLA-A serotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen A serotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen A serotyping", "组织相容性测试", "HLA 抗原组织相容性检测", "HLA 组织分型", "HLA-A 血清分型", "人类白细胞抗原 A 血清分型", "人类白细胞抗原 HLA-A 血清分型" ], "171321005": [ "Geriatric 100 year screening", "老年人百岁筛查" ], "302393006": [ "Curettage of wound", "伤口刮除术" ], "448014003": [ "Endoscopic nasobiliary drainage", "内镜鼻胆管引流术" ], "103950005": [ "i-2 blood group phenotype determination", "i-2 血型表型测定" ], "233187001": [ "Removal of implanted cardiac pacemaker system or components", "移除植入式心脏起搏器系统或组件" ], "429795005": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of brachiocephalic vein with contrast with insertion of stent", "头臂静脉荧光镜造影及支架置入" ], "83896000": [ "Internal fixation of bone of ulna", "尺骨内固定" ], "446179009": [ "Dilation and esophageal intubation", "Dilation and oesophageal intubation", "Dilation and insertion of tube into esophagus", "Dilation and insertion of tube into oesophagus", "扩张和食管插管", "扩张并将管插入食道" ], "18360001": [ "RBC antibody detection, cold with titration", "RBC agglutinin detection, cold with titration", "Red blood cell antibody detection, cold with titration", "冷滴定法检测红细胞凝集素", "红细胞抗体检测,冷滴定法" ], "231352000": [ "Local anaesthetic spray to tracheal mucosa", "Local anesthetic spray to tracheal mucosa", "局部麻醉喷雾至气管黏膜", "局部麻醉喷雾至气管粘膜" ], "395192002": [ "Campylobacter jejuni IgM antibody level", "Campylobacter jejuni immunoglobulin M antibody level", "空肠弯曲菌 IgM 抗体水平", "空肠弯曲菌免疫球蛋白 M 抗体水平" ], "67512004": [ "Epicardiectomy", "心外膜切除术" ], "434701000124101": [ "Administration of lung surfactant", "Surfactant replacement therapy", "肺表面活性剂的施用", "表面活性剂替代疗法" ], "437261000124100": [ "Increased calcium diet", "增加钙饮食" ], "229517002": [ "Sensory stimulation using vibration", "利用振动进行感官刺激" ], "65677008": [ "Pulmonary catheterization with Swan-Ganz catheter", "Insertion of Swan-Ganz catheter into pulmonary artery", "Swan-Ganz catheterisation", "Swan-Ganz catheterization", "Swan-Ganz catheter insertion", "Pulmonary artery catheter insertion", "Pulmonary artery flotation catheter insertion", "PAFC - Pulmonary artery flotation catheter insertion", "PA - Pulmonary artery catheter insertion", "Pulmonary catheterisation with Swan-Ganz catheter", "将 Swan-Ganz 导管插入肺动脉", "PA - 肺动脉导管插入", "Swan-Ganz 导管插入术", "Swan-Ganz 导管插入", "使用 Swan-Ganz 导管进行肺导管插入术", "PAFC - 肺动脉漂浮导管插入", "肺动脉导管插入", "肺动脉漂浮导管插入" ], "47458005": [ "Repair of hip", "Arthroplasty of coxofemoral joint", "Hip arthroplasty", "Arthroplasty of the hip", "Repair of hip joint", "髋股关节置换术", "髋关节修复", "髋关节置换术" ], "178530009": [ "Revision excision of cervical intervertebral disc", "Revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc operations", "颈椎间盘切除修复术", "颈椎间盘切除修复手术" ], "14690009": [ "Anastomosis of large intestine to rectum", "大肠直肠吻合术" ], "78391005": [ "Debridement of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织清创" ], "438839005": [ "Erythrocytapheresis", "Exchange of red blood cell", "Red blood cell exchange", "红细胞单采术", "红细胞交换" ], "764684000": [ "SPECT CT of bone of ankle using 186-Re (rhenium-186)", "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of bone of ankle using rhenium-186", "使用 186-Re(铼-186)对踝骨进行 SPECT CT 检查", "使用铼-186 进行踝骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "60172001": [ "Partial excision of vertebra of lumbar region", "腰椎部分切除术" ], "699148002": [ "Internal fixation of fibula without fracture reduction", "未复位腓骨内固定" ], "305932003": [ "Referral from own GP", "Referral by own GP", "Referral by own general practitioner", "来自自己家庭医生的推荐", "由自己的全科医生推荐" ], "1156065001": [ "Percutaneous core needle biopsy of pancreas using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous CT guided core needle biopsy of pancreas", "Core needle biopsy of pancreas using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行胰腺芯针活检", "经皮CT引导下胰腺穿刺芯针活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行胰腺经皮穿刺芯针活检" ], "304097001": [ "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle fasciocutaneous flap", "Local subcutaneous pedicle fasciocutaneous flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction with local subcutaneous pedicle fasciocutaneous flap", "局部皮下带蒂筋膜皮瓣修复" ], "1303521003": [ "Internal fixation of right fibula", "右腓骨内固定" ], "58337008": [ "Transorbital leukotomy", "Transorbital lobotomy", "经眶白质切开术", "经眶脑白质切断术" ], "74721009": [ "Radical resection of tumor of soft tissue of forearm area", "Radical resection of tumour of soft tissue of forearm area", "前臂区软组织肿瘤根治性切除术", "前臂区软组织肿瘤根治术" ], "302262007": [ "Memory skills training", "Memory training", "记忆训练", "记忆技能训练" ], "171190009": [ "Gout screening", "痛风筛查" ], "1285302009": [ "Posteromedial release for correction of congenital deformity of foot", "后内侧松解术矫正足部先天畸形" ], "120203002": [ "Inguinal region reconstruction", "腹股沟区重建" ], "234891004": [ "Repair of cleft of hard palate", "硬腭裂修复术" ], "169355005": [ "Radiotherapy: infuse urinary bladder", "放射治疗:膀胱灌注" ], "103819007": [ "Fibrinopeptides A assay", "纤维蛋白肽 A 测定" ], "233056000": [ "Suture of right ventricle", "右心室缝合" ], "183904005": [ "Private referral to psychiatrist", "精神科医生的私人转诊" ], "446048008": [ "Adjustment of prescription for haemodialysis", "Adjustment of prescription for hemodialysis", "Change of prescription for haemodialysis", "Change of prescription for hemodialysis", "血液透析处方调整", "血液透析处方变更" ], "231221003": [ "Local anesthetic maxillary nerve block", "Local anaesthetic maxillary nerve block", "Maxillary nerve block", "上颌神经阻滞", "局部麻醉上颌神经阻滞" ], "278538001": [ "Repair of spinal dysraphism", "脊椎闭合不全的修复" ], "65546002": [ "Extraction of wisdom tooth", "拔除智齿" ], "229386002": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the inferior tibiofibular joint", "Accessory mobilization of the inferior tibiofibular joint", "下胫腓关节的辅助活动" ], "309471004": [ "Implantation of temporary intravenous cardiac pacemaker", "临时静脉心脏起搏器植入术" ], "440543004": [ "Endoscopy of nasal sinus with control of nasal haemorrhage", "Endoscopy of nasal sinus with control of nasal hemorrhage", "鼻窦内窥镜检查控制鼻腔出血", "鼻窦内窥镜检查及鼻腔出血控制" ], "702687004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of wrist and hand with contrast", "MRI of wrist and hand with contrast", "腕部和手部对比磁共振成像", "腕部和手部 MRI 对比" ], "719071008": [ "Assessment of need for vehicle adaptation", "车辆改装需求评估" ], "176564001": [ "Proximal shunt for priapism", "近端分流术治疗异常勃起" ], "225716004": [ "Reposition endotracheal tube", "重新定位气管插管" ], "1290676004": [ "Plain X-ray of thoracic and lumbar spine, anteroposterior and lateral", "胸椎和腰椎的普通 X 光检查,前后位和侧位" ], "61876009": [ "Transfer of hand muscle origin", "手部肌肉起源转移" ], "60041003": [ "Laryngopharyngectomy", "Pharyngolaryngectomy", "咽喉切除术", "喉咽切除术" ], "256649006": [ "Autogenous cortical bone graft", "Autograft cortical bone", "自体皮质骨移植", "自体皮质骨" ], "43657008": [ "Latex agglutination test", "LA - Latex agglutination", "Latex agglutination", "乳胶凝集", "LA - 乳胶凝集", "乳胶凝集试验" ], "387721009": [ "Incision and drainage of palmar space", "掌侧间隙切开引流" ], "287582002": [ "Left renal arteriography", "Angiography of left renal artery", "Arteriography of left renal artery", "左肾动脉造影" ], "74590001": [ "Kidney imaging with dynamic function study", "肾脏动态功能成像研究" ], "418654006": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of umbilical vein with contrast", "脐静脉荧光镜造影" ], "385886008": [ "Bed rest care management", "Manage bedbound care", "Manage bed-ridden care", "Manage bed rest care", "管理卧床休息护理", "管理卧床护理", "卧床护理管理" ], "252979000": [ "Sheridan Gardiner single letters test", "谢里丹·加德纳单字母测试" ], "121907003": [ "Haemophilus paragallinarum serotype determination", "副鸡嗜血杆菌血清型测定" ], "383311000119100": [ "MRI of orbits without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of orbits without contrast", "无造影眼眶 MRI", "无造影眼眶磁共振成像" ], "16460111000119102": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of right kidney using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous needle biopsy of right kidney", "超声引导下右肾经皮穿刺活检" ], "56371009": [ "Prostatotomy by perineal approach", "经会阴入路前列腺切开术" ], "120072002": [ "Obstetrics repair", "产科修复" ], "234760001": [ "Take impression for extraoral maxillofacial prosthesis", "为口外颌面修复体取模" ], "588111000119108": [ "CT myelogram of thoracic spine with lumbar injection of contrast", "Computed tomography myelogram of thoracic spine with lumbar injection of contrast", "胸椎 CT 脊髓造影检查及腰椎注射造影剂", "胸椎 CT 脊髓造影及腰椎注射造影剂" ], "396111000119108": [ "Computed tomography of soft tissues of neck with contrast", "CT of soft tissues of neck with contrast", "颈部软组织增强 CT 检查", "颈部软组织增强计算机断层扫描" ], "169224002": [ "US scan - fetal cephalometry", "Ultrasound scan for fetal cephalometry", "Ultrasound scan for foetal cephalometry", "US scan - foetal cephalometry", "Fetal echocephalometry", "胎儿头颅测量超声扫描", "胎儿头颅超声检查", "超声扫描 - 胎儿头颅测量" ], "185608007": [ "Abnormal smear - 1st recall", "Abnormal smear - First recall", "异常涂片-第一次复查", "异常涂片 - 首次召回" ], "447752008": [ "Excision of cyst of epiglottis", "会厌囊肿切除术" ], "171059009": [ "Pregnancy dental advice", "Care of teeth advice in pregnancy", "Pregnancy dental education", "怀孕期间牙齿护理建议", "孕期牙科教育", "孕期牙科建议" ], "5384005": [ "Excision of part of frontal cortex", "Topectomy", "局部切除术", "切除部分额叶皮质" ], "232925002": [ "Rotation of implanted atrioventricular valve", "植入房室瓣的旋转" ], "445917006": [ "Laparoscopic excision of retroperitoneal lymph node", "Laparoscopic retroperitoneal lymph node dissection", "腹腔镜腹膜后淋巴结切除术", "腹腔镜腹膜后淋巴结清扫术" ], "69085006": [ "Destructive procedure on carotid body", "颈动脉体破坏性手术" ], "231090000": [ "Moxa roll therapy", "艾条疗法" ], "313010003": [ "Informing next of kin of prognosis", "告知近亲属预后" ], "83634003": [ "Excision of tumor of soft tissue of neck, deep, subfascial, intramuscular", "Excision of tumour of soft tissue of neck, deep, subfascial, intramuscular", "颈部、深部、筋膜下、肌内软组织肿瘤切除术" ], "868231004": [ "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free left internal thoracic artery graft", "Coronary artery bypass graft using free LIMA (left internal mammary artery) graft", "Coronary artery bypass graft using free left internal mammary artery graft", "使用游离左胸内动脉移植进行冠状动脉搭桥术", "使用游离 LIMA(左内乳动脉)移植进行冠状动脉搭桥术", "使用游离左乳内动脉移植进行冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "229255006": [ "Active shoulder movements", "主动肩部运动" ], "425863008": [ "Endotracheal tube negative pressure monitoring", "ET - Endotracheal tube negative pressure monitoring", "ET - 气管插管负压监测", "气管插管负压监测" ], "391260002": [ "Mental health functional therapies - 1-3 contacts/month", "心理健康功能疗法 - 每月 1-3 次接触" ], "112732006": [ "Reduction of congenital hip dislocation by traction", "牵引复位先天性髋关节脱位" ], "702556008": [ "Biopsy of lymph node using ultrasound guidance", "Ultrasound guided biopsy of lymph node", "使用超声引导进行淋巴结活检", "超声引导下淋巴结活检" ], "440412008": [ "Closed reduction of supracondylar fracture of humerus", "肱骨髁上骨折闭合复位" ], "79964009": [ "Prefabricated stainless steel crown, permanent tooth", "预制不锈钢牙冠,恒牙" ], "307505003": [ "Endoscopic chemical haemostasis of stomach lesion", "Endoscopic application of hemostyptics to gastric lesion", "Endoscopic chemical hemostasis of stomach lesion", "Endoscopic application of haemostyptics to gastric lesion", "内镜胃部病变化学止血", "内镜胃部病变止血应用", "内镜下胃部病变止血的应用" ], "473180009": [ "Discussion about diabetic ketoacidosis in pregnancy", "妊娠期糖尿病酮症酸中毒探讨" ], "438577005": [ "Decalcification procedure", "脱钙程序" ], "238299003": [ "Excision of mesenteric cyst", "Excision of cyst of mesentery", "肠系膜囊肿切除术" ], "90843006": [ "Grafting of thumb for reconstruction", "拇指移植重建" ], "385755008": [ "Intravenous care education", "Teach intravenous care", "教授静脉护理", "静脉护理教育" ], "252848003": [ "Binocular vision test", "双眼视力测试" ], "121776003": [ "Elastase measurement", "弹性蛋白酶测量" ], "105392005": [ "Intervention by institution-based chaplain", "机构牧师的干预" ], "39856007": [ "Imaging of arteries of lower extremities", "下肢动脉成像" ], "1186736008": [ "Intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control and pressure-support", "间歇指令通气加压力控制和压力支持" ], "709765000": [ "Evaluation of psychosocial response to instruction", "对教学的心理社会反应的评估" ], "70789004": [ "Special cytopathology procedure, explain by report", "特殊细胞病理学程序,通过报告解释" ], "169093005": [ "Stereotactic/stereoscopic test - skeleton", "立体定向/立体视觉测试-骨骼" ], "119941008": [ "Endocrine gland reconstruction", "内分泌腺重建" ], "429402001": [ "Upper limb tension test (ULTT) with ulnar nerve bias", "Upper limb tension test with ulnar nerve bias", "尺神经偏向的上肢张力试验", "带有尺神经偏向的上肢张力试验 (ULTT)" ], "3418002": [ "Chondrectomy of spine", "Diskectomy", "Chondrectomy of intervertebral cartilage", "Excision of intervertebral cartilage", "Excision of intervertebral disc", "Arthrectomy of intervertebral disc", "Intervertebral discectomy", "Discectomy", "Discectomy of spine", "脊柱软骨切除术", "椎间软骨切除术", "椎间软骨切除", "椎间盘切除术", "脊椎椎间盘切除术" ], "232794003": [ "Shortening plasty to tricuspid chordae tendinae", "三尖瓣腱索缩短成形术" ], "445786000": [ "Assessment using grip ability test", "使用握力测试进行评估" ], "118106002": [ "Mycoplasma gallisepticum DNA assay", "Mycoplasma gallisepticum deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "鸡毒支原体脱氧核糖核酸测定", "鸡毒支原体 DNA 检测" ], "265562006": [ "Cystoscopic extraction of ureteric calculus", "膀胱镜输尿管结石摘除术" ], "19802006": [ "Destruction of lesion of lacrimal sac", "泪囊损伤破坏术" ], "52570007": [ "Hepatitis panel measurement", "肝炎小组测量" ], "413018009": [ "Haemophilus antibody measurement", "Haemophilus antibody level", "嗜血杆菌抗体测量", "嗜血杆菌抗体水平" ], "67119003": [ "Intracranial aneurysmectomy with graft replacement", "颅内动脉瘤切除及移植物置换术" ], "1230383003": [ "Correction of congenital deformity of shoulder", "先天性肩关节畸形的矫正" ], "312879004": [ "Taking ear swab", "取耳拭子" ], "771631004": [ "Open repair of lumbar hernia using biological mesh", "Open lumbar hernioplasty using biological mesh", "使用生物网片进行腰疝开放式修补术", "使用生物网片进行开放式腰椎疝修补术" ], "1583007": [ "Tractotomy of mesencephalon", "中脑束切开术" ], "230959008": [ "Extracranial destruction of ganglion", "颅外神经节破坏" ], "443951008": [ "Quantitative measurement of benzoylecgonine in urine using GC-MS", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of benzoylecgonine in urine specimen using gas chromatography mass spectrometry technique", "用气相色谱-质谱法定量测定尿液中的苯甲酰爱康宁", "气相色谱质谱技术定量测定尿液标本中苯甲酰爱康宁的质量浓度" ], "16132001": [ "Bleeding time, Ivy", "流血时间,艾薇" ], "425732004": [ "Haemorrhagic fever virus serology screening test", "Hemorrhagic fever virus serology screening test", "出血热病毒血清学筛查试验" ], "229124007": [ "Blinking exercises", "眨眼练习" ], "442116008": [ "Imaging of genitourinary system", "泌尿生殖系统影像学" ], "1290414000": [ "Plain X-ray of both knees, lateral, sunrise and anteroposterior standing views", "Standing lateral, sunrise and anteroposterior plain X-ray of bilateral knee regions", "Standing lateral, sunrise and anteroposterior plain X-ray of both knee regions", "双膝站立侧位、日出位和前后位普通 X 光检查", "双膝站立侧位、日出和前后位X光平片", "双膝普通 X 光检查,侧位、日出位和站立前后位" ], "307374004": [ "Referral to rehabilitation service", "转介至康复服务" ], "28846007": [ "Histamine measurement", "组胺测量" ], "420227002": [ "Advice to", "Recommendation to", "建议" ], "27011002": [ "Excision of benign lesion of face and ears", "面部及耳部良性病变切除术" ], "174467007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of portal vein", "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of portal vein", "经皮门静脉腔内栓塞术" ], "762456000": [ "Repair of recurrent paraumbilical hernia with surgical sutures", "手术缝合修复复发性脐旁疝" ], "238168005": [ "Inguinal herniorrhaphy using darn", "腹股沟疝修补术" ], "287320009": [ "Lymph node graft", "淋巴结移植" ], "1268525002": [ "Right ventricular aneurysm resection", "Excision of aneurysm of right cardiac ventricle", "右心室动脉瘤切除术" ], "57944009": [ "Tendon pulley reconstruction", "肌腱滑车重建" ], "121645004": [ "Methyl isoamyl ketone measurement", "甲基异戊酮测定" ], "252717002": [ "Joint goniometry", "关节测角" ], "432941004": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of hepatic vein using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮肝静脉血栓溶解术" ], "23341007": [ "Repair of artery with synthetic, polyethylene terephthalate or polytetrafluoroethylene patch graft", "Repair of artery with synthetic, Dacron or Teflon patch graft", "Grafting of artery with synthetic, Dacron or Teflon patch", "使用合成材料、涤纶或特氟隆补片移植修复动脉", "用合成材料、涤纶或特氟隆补片进行动脉移植", "使用合成材料、聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯或聚四氟乙烯补片移植修复动脉" ], "709634000": [ "CT guided biopsy of prostate", "Biopsy of prostate using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行前列腺活检", "CT引导下前列腺活检" ], "1137453008": [ "Laparoscopic cholecystectomy using robotic assistance", "Robot assisted laparoscopic cholecystectomy", "机器人辅助腹腔镜胆囊切除术", "使用机器人辅助的腹腔镜胆囊切除术" ], "105261006": [ "Nitrazepam measurement", "硝西泮测量" ], "367405008": [ "Excision of tissue of diaphragm", "膈肌组织切除" ], "300034002": [ "Injection for tenosynovitis", "腱鞘炎注射" ], "185346005": [ "Encounter for sign", "相遇求签" ], "119810006": [ "Abdominal artery repair", "腹部动脉修复" ], "117975000": [ "Babesia caballi antibody assay", "Measurement of Babesia caballi antibody", "巴贝斯虫抗体的测量", "卡巴贝斯虫抗体检测" ], "412887002": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid urea measurement", "CSF urea level", "脑脊液尿素测定", "脑脊液尿素水平" ], "19671003": [ "Bone thermography", "骨热成像" ], "183511004": [ "Non-urgent cardiothoracic admission", "非紧急心胸外科入院" ], "773335005": [ "Epimacular brachytherapy with vitrectomy", "Epiretinal brachytherapy with vitrectomy", "玻璃体切除术进行视网膜前近距离放射治疗", "玻璃体切除术联合黄斑上近距离放射治疗" ], "3287002": [ "Cholecystogastrostomy", "Gallbladder to stomach anastomosis", "胆囊胃造口术", "胆囊胃吻合术" ], "232663008": [ "Airway procedure", "气道处理" ], "281815009": [ "Arthroscopic synovial biopsy of shoulder joint", "肩关节镜滑膜活检" ], "50604002": [ "C5a receptor measurement", "C5a 受体测量" ], "34220003": [ "Sequestrectomy of bone of skull", "颅骨死骨切除术" ], "230828005": [ "Removal of shunt from intracranial subdural space", "移除颅内硬膜下腔分流器" ], "116140006": [ "Total hysterectomy", "全子宫切除术" ], "441985002": [ "Imaging of heart", "心脏成像" ], "65153003": [ "Art therapy", "艺术治疗" ], "179841005": [ "Release of contracture of fingers", "手指挛缩松解术" ], "178006003": [ "Image controlled percutaneous drainage of pelvic abscess", "盆腔脓肿影像控制经皮穿刺引流" ], "390998004": [ "Plasma gastrin level", "血浆胃泌素水平" ], "274475000": [ "Pneumatic splinting", "气动夹板" ], "225323000": [ "Smoking cessation advice", "Smoking cessation education", "Advice on smoking", "戒烟建议", "戒烟教育", "吸烟建议" ], "241707004": [ "Intramuscular sedation", "IM - Intramuscular sedation", "IM-肌肉注射镇静", "肌肉注射镇静" ], "26880002": [ "Arthrotomy with drainage of metatarsophalangeal joint", "跖趾关节切开引流术" ], "305408004": [ "Admission to surgical department", "外科入院" ], "223488008": [ "Discussion about changes in lifestyle", "关于生活方式改变的讨论" ], "451029002": [ "Commissurotomy of tricuspid valve", "三尖瓣分离术" ], "1335765007": [ "Administration of carbon dioxide via inhalation", "Inhalation of carbon dioxide", "通过吸入方式给予二氧化碳", "吸入二氧化碳" ], "72362002": [ "Excision of trochanteric pressure injury with primary suture", "Excision of pressure injury of greater femoral trochanteric region with primary suture", "一期缝合切除股骨转子压伤", "一期缝合切除股骨大转子区压力性损伤" ], "252586003": [ "Distraction test for hearing", "听力分散注意力测试" ], "285354006": [ "Advice to change milk intake", "Recommendation to change milk intake", "建议改变牛奶摄入量", "改变牛奶摄入量的建议" ], "236202007": [ "Construction of jejunal conduit", "空肠导管建设" ], "168831000": [ "Barium follow through", "钡剂跟进" ], "268970009": [ "CNS examination", "Central nervous system examination", "中枢神经系统检查" ], "105130009": [ "Clindamycin measurement", "克林霉素测量" ], "121514007": [ "Cyclothiazide measurement", "环噻嗪测量" ], "119679000": [ "Transplantation of tissue of thigh", "大腿组织移植" ], "449194009": [ "Sigmoidoscopic excision of polyp of rectum", "乙状结肠镜直肠息肉切除术" ], "23210008": [ "Ligation of thyroid artery", "甲状腺动脉结扎" ], "21375003": [ "Open reduction of closed acromioclavicular dislocation, chronic", "慢性闭合性肩锁关节脱位切开复位" ], "232532000": [ "Hyoid bone expansion", "舌骨扩张" ], "398207008": [ "Plan and risks explained", "Plan and risks education", "计划和风险说明", "计划和风险教育" ], "709503007": [ "Assessment of quality of life", "生活质量评估" ], "250751008": [ "Post-heparin lipolytic activity", "Post-heparin lipolytic activity measurement", "肝素后脂肪分解活性", "肝素后脂解活性测量" ], "445524002": [ "Free drainage of stomach using nasogastric tube", "使用鼻胃管进行胃部自由引流" ], "19540004": [ "Arthroscopy of knee with lysis of adhesions with manipulation", "膝关节镜粘连松解术" ], "117844005": [ "Papilloma virus 42 antigen assay", "Papillomavirus 42 antigen assay", "乳头瘤病毒 42 抗原检测" ], "412756007": [ "Administration of second dose of diphtheria and acellular pertussis and tetanus vaccine", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only acellular Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens", "Second diphtheria and acellular pertussis and tetanus vaccination", "Second diphtheria and acellular pertussis and tetanus immunization", "Second diphtheria and acellular pertussis and tetanus immunisation", "注射第二剂仅含有无细胞百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌和白喉棒状杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "第二次白喉、无细胞百日咳和破伤风免疫", "第二次白喉、无细胞百日咳和破伤风疫苗接种", "接种第二剂白喉、无细胞百日咳和破伤风疫苗" ], "443689000": [ "Quantitative measurement of benzodiazepine in urine using GC-MS", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of benzodiazepine in urine specimen using gas chromatography mass spectrometry technique", "使用 GC-MS 定量测定尿液中的苯二氮卓类药物", "气相色谱质谱技术定量测定尿液标本中苯二氮卓类药物的质量浓度" ], "165161007": [ "Diagnostic dye - subcutaneous", "诊断染料 - 皮下" ], "17705008": [ "Lymphocyte transformation, PHA", "Phytohemagglutination assay", "PHA assay", "Lymphocyte transformation, phytohemagglutination", "PHA 检测", "植物血凝试验", "淋巴细胞转化、植物血凝反应", "淋巴细胞转化,PHA" ], "32254001": [ "Aspiration of soft tissue of hand", "手部软组织抽吸" ], "425470001": [ "Fluoxetine measurement", "氟西汀测量" ], "312617009": [ "Provision of nursery school, modified", "修改后的托儿所规定" ], "359934004": [ "Open reduction of fracture of foot with internal fixation", "足部骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "736766001": [ "Control and restraint management", "控制与约束管理" ], "243411004": [ "Fiberoptic bronchoscopy with biopsy of lung", "Fibreoptic bronchoscopy with biopsy of lung", "纤维支气管镜检查及肺活检" ], "63187005": [ "Myomectomy of broad ligament", "阔韧带肌瘤切除术" ], "1193683009": [ "Percutaneous Chiba needle aspiration biopsy of liver", "经皮千叶针穿刺肝脏活检" ], "225192007": [ "Stoma assessment", "造口评估" ], "405416007": [ "Revision of transmetatarsal amputation", "跖骨截肢术修复" ], "274344008": [ "Surgical biopsy of palate", "腭部手术活检" ], "241576007": [ "CT of foot", "Computed tomography of foot", "足部 CT", "足部计算机断层扫描" ], "370813004": [ "Assessment of philosophical, cultural, and spiritual beliefs and values", "评估哲学、文化和精神信仰和价值观" ], "305277005": [ "Admission by infectious diseases physician", "传染病医师入院" ], "24914003": [ "Construction of canthorrhaphy with transposition of tarsal plate", "睑板移位缝合术" ], "711207003": [ "Fluoroscopy guided puncture of cyst", "Puncture of cyst using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下穿刺囊肿", "透视引导下囊肿穿刺" ], "104999003": [ "Triosephosphate measurement", "磷酸三糖测量" ], "252455006": [ "Pulse volume recorder pneumoplethysmography", "PVR - Pulse volume recorder pneumoplethysmography", "PVR - 脉搏容积记录仪肺容积描记法", "脉搏容积记录仪肺容积描记法" ], "121383008": [ "Mitotane measurement", "米托坦测定" ], "447228002": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of acetabulum", "MRI of acetabulum", "髋臼磁共振成像", "髋臼 MRI" ], "1331964005": [ "Osteoclasis of thorax", "胸腔骨质破坏" ], "185084007": [ "Place of safety court order", "安全地点法院命令" ], "3025001": [ "Calcitonin measurement", "Thyrocalcitonin measurement", "降钙素测量", "甲状腺降钙素测量" ], "609233003": [ "Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of epicardium", "经皮心外膜射频消融术" ], "412625005": [ "Plant specific IgE antibody measurement", "Plant specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "植物特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "植物特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "312486000": [ "Notification of birth", "出生通知" ], "263334000": [ "Simple clitoridectomy", "单纯阴蒂切除术" ], "427174003": [ "Complex reconstruction of shoulder", "肩关节复杂重建" ], "1197222007": [ "Cauterisation of vaginal wart", "Cauterisation of wart of vagina", "Cauterization of vaginal wart", "Cauterization of wart of vagina", "阴道疣烧灼术" ], "443558008": [ "Percutaneous embolization of arteriovenous fistula using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of arteriovenous fistula using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of arteriovenous fistula with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of arteriovenous fistula with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮动静脉瘘栓塞术" ], "408955000": [ "Chronic pain control assessment", "Assess chronic pain control", "评估慢性疼痛控制情况", "慢性疼痛控制评估" ], "359803002": [ "Solid phase labelled antigen competitive binding immunoassay", "Solid phase labeled antigen competitive binding immunoassay", "固相标记抗原竞争结合免疫分析" ], "179579007": [ "Revisional fusion of joint", "Revision of arthrodesis", "关节修复融合", "关节融合术修复" ], "48507008": [ "Iridesis", "Iridodesis", "虹膜固定术", "虹彩" ], "405285000": [ "Correction of portal-systemic shunt by partial suture ligation", "部分缝合结扎术纠正门体分流" ], "241445004": [ "PET study for tumour uptake of methionine", "PET study for tumor uptake of methionine", "Positron emission tomography study for tumor uptake of methionine", "Positron emission tomography study for tumour uptake of methionine", "肿瘤摄取蛋氨酸的 PET 研究", "肿瘤对蛋氨酸摄取的 PET 研究", "肿瘤摄取蛋氨酸的正电子发射断层扫描研究" ], "306981006": [ "Advice relating to information and organizations", "Advice relating to information and organisations", "Education relating to information and organizations", "Education relating to information and organisations", "有关信息和组织的建议", "信息和组织相关教育", "信息与组织相关教育" ], "257829007": [ "Percutaneous fixation using Kirschner wire", "经皮克氏针固定" ], "225061008": [ "Pre-employment screening", "就业前筛选" ], "26618000": [ "Diaphysectomy of bone", "骨干切除术" ], "419834003": [ "Culture of conjunctiva", "结膜培养" ], "239610004": [ "Correction of upper limb congenital ring constriction band", "上肢先天性环状缩窄带的矫正" ], "43002007": [ "Mediastinotomy with exploration by sternal split approach", "经胸骨劈开入路进行纵隔切开术及探查" ], "57551006": [ "Iridotasis", "Borthen operation", "虹彩", "博尔森操作" ], "104868000": [ "Phosphate, total measurement", "磷酸盐,总测量值" ], "448932000": [ "Debridement of open fracture of carpal bone", "腕骨开放性骨折清创术" ], "432548002": [ "Radionuclide imaging of bile acid absorption", "胆汁酸吸收的放射性核素显像" ], "252324004": [ "APCH50 - Alternative pathway hemolytic complement filtration", "Total hemolytic complement titration (alternative)", "APCH50 - Alternative pathway haemolytic complement filtration", "Total haemolytic complement titration (alternative)", "总溶血补体滴定法(替代方法)", "APCH50 - 替代途径溶血补体过滤" ], "121252007": [ "Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides screen", "氯代烃农药筛查" ], "1217145002": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic examination of lower respiratory tract with lavage and brush cytology of lesion of lower respiratory tract", "Fibreoptic endoscopic examination of lower respiratory tract with lavage and brush cytology of lesion of lower respiratory tract", "Fibreoptic endoscopy of lower respiratory tract with lavage and brush cytology of lesion of lower respiratory tract", "Fiberoptic endoscopy of lower respiratory tract with lavage and brush cytology of lesion of lower respiratory tract", "下呼吸道纤维内镜检查及下呼吸道病变灌洗和刷检细胞学检查", "下呼吸道纤维内镜检查及下呼吸道病变灌洗刷细胞学检查" ], "184953003": [ "Mobility allowance medical <1.5 hours ex-surgery", "手术后 1.5 小时内的医疗行动津贴" ], "397945004": [ "Unexpected admission to intensive care unit", "Unexpected ICU admission", "Unanticipated admission to ICU", "Unanticipated admission to intensive care unit", "意外入住ICU", "意外进入重症监护室", "意外入住 ICU" ], "447097009": [ "Scraping of nail", "刮指甲" ], "427043003": [ "Ultrasound scan of upper arm", "上臂超声波扫描" ], "771107005": [ "Injection of bilateral facet joints of cervical spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "Injection of left and right facet joint of cervical spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "Injection of both facet joints of cervical spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided injection of bilateral facet joints of cervical spine", "透视引导下颈椎双侧小关节注射", "荧光透视引导下颈椎双侧小关节注射", "荧光透视引导下颈椎左右小关节注射", "在荧光透视引导下对颈椎双侧小关节进行注射" ], "17443007": [ "Windowing of cast", "Cutting a window in plaster cast", "Windowing of plaster cast", "石膏模型开窗", "用石膏模型切割窗户", "铸模开窗" ], "392440005": [ "e82 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rabbit epithelium specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rabbit epithelium specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "兔上皮特异性IgE抗体测定", "e82 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "兔上皮特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "359672006": [ "Median sternotomy", "正中胸骨切开术" ], "228600007": [ "Making of splint", "制作夹板" ], "718285000": [ "Cone beam CT of tooth", "Cone beam computed tomography of tooth", "牙齿锥形束计算机断层扫描", "牙齿锥形束CT" ], "439757009": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of shaft of radius", "桡骨干骨折闭合复位术" ], "77474007": [ "Acromioplasty of shoulder", "Acromioplasty", "Repair of acromion", "肩峰修复", "肩峰成形术" ], "239479002": [ "Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb", "拇指腕掌关节假体半关节置换术" ], "75639003": [ "Removal of tube cholecystostomy", "Removal of cholecystostomy tube", "胆囊造口管移除术", "移除胆囊造口管" ], "1156983007": [ "Anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to diagonal branch of LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "Anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to diagonal branch of left anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft from left internal thoracic artery to diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "冠状动脉搭桥术,利用游离右胸廓内动脉移植术,从左胸廓内动脉移植至左冠状动脉前降支对角支", "从左乳内动脉游离右乳内动脉至左冠状动脉左前降支对角支吻合", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 吻合至左前降支 (LAD) 冠状动脉对角支" ], "450636005": [ "Open ligation of fallopian tube", "输卵管开放结扎术" ], "39201003": [ "Tympanic membrane repair with perforation, closure with patch", "鼓膜穿孔修补,补片封闭" ], "6433003": [ "Closed heart valvotomy of mitral valve", "Closed valvotomy of mitral valve", "Closed mitral valvotomy", "CMV - Closed mitral valvotomy", "CMVy - Closed mitral valvotomy", "二尖瓣闭式切开术", "CMV-闭式二尖瓣切开术", "闭式二尖瓣切开术", "CMVy-闭式二尖瓣切开术" ], "104737006": [ "Hydroxycalcidiol measurement", "羟基骨化二醇测量" ], "119286000": [ "Biopsy of small intestine", "小肠活检" ], "184822001": [ "Special activities medical examination", "特殊活动体检" ], "252193008": [ "Dopamine infusion test", "多巴胺输注试验" ], "37366002": [ "Microbial culture, anaerobic, screen", "微生物培养、厌氧、筛选" ], "266742006": [ "Specific disability rehabilitation", "特定残疾康复" ], "314059005": [ "Calculus bilirubin content", "Calculus bilirubin content measurement", "结石胆红素含量", "结石胆红素含量测定" ], "443296008": [ "Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection by interatrial baffle", "心房间挡板修补完全性肺静脉异位引流" ], "13642008": [ "Transection of aberrant renal vessels", "异常肾血管横断" ], "406858009": [ "Fluorescent stain method", "Fluorescent stain", "荧光染色法", "荧光染色" ], "28191001": [ "Consultation and report by radiologist", "放射科医生的咨询和报告" ], "241183005": [ "Genital system contrast procedure", "Genital contrast radiography", "生殖系统造影程序", "生殖器造影 X 线摄影" ], "77343006": [ "Angiography", "Angiogram", "Diagnostic angiogram", "Diagnostic angiography", "诊断性血管造影", "血管造影" ], "44575007": [ "Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory", "MMPI test", "MMPI - Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory", "MMPI 测试", "MMPI-- 明尼苏达多项人格测验", "明尼苏达多项人格问卷" ], "1287924001": [ "Electrophysiologic evaluation of cardioverter defibrillator lead", "心脏复律除颤器导线的电生理学评估" ], "239348002": [ "Excision of cranial tumour", "Excision of cranial tumor", "颅脑肿瘤切除术" ], "304884002": [ "Confronting mental defense mechanisms", "Confronting mental defence mechanisms", "对抗心理防御机制" ], "108276004": [ "Radiologic procedure on cardiovascular system", "Radiographic procedure on cardiovascular system", "心血管系统的放射学检查", "心血管系统的放射线照相程序" ], "173812005": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic insertion of prosthesis into upper gastrointestinal tract", "Fibreoptic endoscopic insertion of prosthesis into upper gastrointestinal tract", "纤维内窥镜上消化道植入假体", "纤维光学内窥镜上消化道植入假体" ], "59124007": [ "Removal of calcareous deposit from bursa of hand", "去除手部滑囊中的钙质沉积物" ], "171977001": [ "Excision of sublingual thyroid tissue", "舌下甲状腺组织切除术" ], "450505008": [ "Angulation osteotomy", "成角截骨术" ], "434121009": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of thoracic aorta using contrast with insertion of fenestrated tube stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of thoracic aorta using contrast with insertion of fenestrated tube stent graft", "胸主动脉荧光造影及插入有孔管支架移植物", "胸主动脉荧光血管造影术及插入有孔管支架移植物" ], "104606001": [ "11-deoxycortisol challenge tests", "11-脱氧皮质醇激发试验" ], "430451000": [ "Computed tomography of coccyx", "Computed tomography (CT) of coccyx", "CT of coccyx", "尾骨计算机断层扫描", "尾骨 CT", "尾骨计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "4467005": [ "Excision of tumor of ankle area, deep, intramuscular", "Excision of tumour of ankle area, deep, intramuscular", "踝部深部肌内肿瘤切除术" ], "2632000": [ "Incision and drainage of infected bursa of upper arm", "上臂感染滑囊切开引流术" ], "68168001": [ "Marital counseling", "Marital counselling", "婚姻咨询" ], "84552001": [ "Resection of aortic arch with anastomosis", "主动脉弓切除吻合术" ], "723528003": [ "Drama therapy", "Dramatherapy", "戏剧治疗" ], "1264200003": [ "Excision of lesion of rectum by TAMIS (transanal minimal invasive surgery)", "Excision of lesion of rectum by transanal minimal invasive surgery", "经肛门微创手术切除直肠病变", "经肛门微创手术(TAMIS)切除直肠病变" ], "117320003": [ "Oil red O stain method", "Oil red O stain", "油红O染色法", "油红O染色" ], "1231432005": [ "Administration of tamsulosin", "坦索罗辛给药" ], "181021005": [ "Periosteotomy", "骨膜切开术" ], "410397006": [ "Medication action/side effects surveillance", "药物作用/副作用监测" ], "426781008": [ "Reconstruction of breast using free transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap", "游离横腹直肌肌皮瓣乳房重建" ], "361245009": [ "Cryotherapy to splanchnic nerves", "内脏神经冷冻疗法" ], "17181008": [ "Recement inlay", "再嵌体" ], "48114000": [ "Operation on esophagus", "Operation on oesophagus", "Oesophagus operation", "Oesophageal operation (including hiatus hernia)", "Esophagus operation", "Esophageal operation (including hiatus hernia)", "食道手术", "食管手术(包括食管裂孔疝)" ], "179186005": [ "Revision to cast immobilisation of fracture", "Revision to cast immobilization of fracture", "骨折石膏固定的修订" ], "719858009": [ "Telehealth monitoring", "远程医疗监控" ], "718023002": [ "Focal psychodynamic therapy", "局部心理动力疗法" ], "308423005": [ "Oral contraceptive check call", "口服避孕药检查电话" ], "357575008": [ "Repair of aortic valve without replacement", "不进行主动脉瓣置换术的修复" ], "388508001": [ "Rf320 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Crayfish specific IgE antibody measurement", "Astacus astacus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Astacus astacus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鲵特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "虾夷扇贝特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rf320特异性IgE抗体测量", "小龙虾特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "306588007": [ "Discharge from clinical genetics service", "临床遗传学服务出院" ], "241052009": [ "Zonography", "地理区划" ], "58993002": [ "Osteoplasty of ulna", "Repair of ulna", "尺骨整形术", "尺骨修复" ], "321137006": [ "Incision and probing of salivary duct", "涎管切开及探查" ], "714353007": [ "Assessment using CGSRS (Child Group Session Rating Scale)", "Assessment using Child Group Session Rating Scale", "使用 CGSRS(儿童小组会议评定量表)进行评估", "使用儿童团体会话评定量表进行评估" ], "239217007": [ "Operation on lesion of fascia", "筋膜损伤手术" ], "237382004": [ "Pre-biopsy localisation of breast lesion using dye", "Pre-biopsy localization of breast lesion using dye", "使用染料对乳腺病变进行活检前定位" ], "253766005": [ "Decapsulation of kidney", "Capsulectomy of kidney", "Renal capsulectomy", "Stripping of kidney", "肾脏去包膜", "肾包膜切除术", "肾脏剥除" ], "55323000": [ "Thrombin time", "Fibrin time", "TT - Thrombin time", "Thrombin time - observation", "TT——凝血酶时间", "凝血酶时间", "凝血酶时间-观察", "纤维蛋白时间" ], "401222009": [ "Left dorsalis pedis ABPI", "Left dorsalis pedis ankle brachial pressure index", "左足背踝臂压指数", "左足背 ABPI" ], "448539002": [ "Vaginal hysterectomy and excision of periuterine tissue", "阴道子宫切除术和宫周组织切除术" ], "301083005": [ "Embolization of pulmonary artery", "Embolisation of pulmonary artery", "肺动脉栓塞" ], "432155006": [ "Radionuclide ventriculography at cardiac stress", "心脏压力下的放射性核素心室造影" ], "104475007": [ "Adenylate kinase measurement", "腺苷酸激酶测量" ], "20720000": [ "Plasmapheresis", "血浆置换" ], "4336007": [ "Lloyd-Davies operation, abdominoperineal resection", "劳埃德-戴维斯手术,腹会阴切除术" ], "281029006": [ "Well man health examination", "男性健康检查" ], "182725006": [ "Physiotherapy for prevention of pulmonary complications", "物理治疗预防肺部并发症" ], "1231301008": [ "Correction of congenital anomaly of upper limb", "上肢先天畸形矫正" ], "35269008": [ "Osteoplasty", "Repair of bone", "Repair or plastic operation on bone", "Bone repair operation", "骨修复手术", "骨修复", "骨修复或整形手术", "骨成形术" ], "179055001": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture and skin traction", "一期切开复位骨折及皮肤牵引" ], "410266009": [ "Medication set-up teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Medication set-up teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Medication set-up education, guidance, and counseling", "Medication set-up education, guidance, and counselling", "药物设置教育、指导和咨询", "药物设置教学、指导和咨询" ], "768879004": [ "Revision of hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cemented acetabular component", "髋关节混合假体置换术,采用骨水泥型髋臼假体" ], "408431004": [ "Advice to carer regarding child's dental health", "Recommendation to carer regarding child's dental health", "Recommendation to caregiver regarding child's dental health", "Advice to caregiver regarding child's dental health", "向照顾者提供有关儿童牙齿健康的建议", "给照顾者关于儿童牙齿健康的建议" ], "734276001": [ "Mid vacuum delivery", "Delivery by mid-vacuum extraction", "Mid-pelvic vacuum delivery", "中真空输送", "中盆腔真空分娩", "通过中真空提取进行输送" ], "13380003": [ "Braxton Hicks obstetrical version", "Braxton Hicks 产科版本" ], "177220003": [ "Immediate repair of obstetric laceration of vagina and floor of pelvis", "立即修复产科阴道和骨盆底裂伤" ], "308292007": [ "Transfer of care", "Transfer of care procedure", "护理转移", "护理转移程序" ], "439364008": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of posterior malleolus", "后踝骨折闭合复位" ], "240921003": [ "Radiofrequency cardiac valvotomy", "射频心脏瓣膜切开术" ], "27929005": [ "Arteriovenous fistulization", "Creation of arteriovenous fistula", "Creation of surgical arteriovenous fistula", "Construction of arteriovenous fistula", "AV - Creation of arteriovenous fistula", "Arteriovenous fistulisation", "动静脉瘘", "建立外科动静脉瘘", "AV - 动静脉瘘的建立", "动静脉瘘的建立" ], "11545006": [ "Emergency room admission, dead on arrival (DOA)", "Emergency room admission, dead on arrival", "急诊室入院,送达时死亡(DOA)", "送至急诊室,送达时死亡" ], "306457006": [ "Discharge by psychogeriatrician", "Discharge by psychiatrist for the elderly mentally ill", "Discharge by old age psychiatrist", "精神科医生为患有精神病的老年人办理出院手续", "老年精神科医生出院" ], "175385008": [ "Excision of aneurysm of cerebral artery", "脑动脉瘤切除术" ], "304622003": [ "Cohen's incision", "Cohen incision", "科恩切口" ], "58862004": [ "Repair of entropion with wedge resection", "Fox operation", "Excision of tarsal wedge for repair of entropion", "狐狸行动", "切除睑板楔以修复眼睑内翻", "楔形切除术修复眼睑内翻" ], "42478006": [ "Incision of tongue", "Glossotomy", "切开舌头", "舌切开术" ], "401091000": [ "Cold agglutinins level : foetal cells", "Cold agglutinins level : fetal cells", "冷凝集素水平:胎儿细胞" ], "302787001": [ "Bilirubin level", "Bilirubin measurement", "胆红素水平", "胆红素测量" ], "384707003": [ "Administration of tetanus antitoxin", "注射破伤风抗毒素" ], "1269443006": [ "Belantamab mafodotin therapy", "Belantamab mafodotin 疗法" ], "827075009": [ "Arthrodesis of carpometacarpal joint", "Fusion of carpometacarpal joint", "腕掌关节融合", "腕掌关节融合术" ], "399256002": [ "PCR test for HIV 1", "HIV 1 PCR", "Polymerase chain reaction test for HIV 1", "Polymerase chain reaction test for human immunodeficiency virus type 1", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型聚合酶链反应检测", "HIV 1 PCR 检测", "HIV 1 聚合酶链反应检测", "HIV 1 聚合酶链反应" ], "87960001": [ "Streptokinase titer", "Streptokinase titre", "链激酶滴度" ], "104344004": [ "Complement membrane attack complex (c5b-c6-c7-c8-c9n) measurement", "补体膜攻击复合物 (c5b-c6-c7-c8-c9n) 测量" ], "55192007": [ "Ligation of coronary sinus", "Closure of coronary sinus", "冠状窦闭合", "冠状窦结扎术" ], "118893003": [ "Procedure on middle ear", "中耳手术" ], "446573003": [ "Continuous positive airway pressure titration", "CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) titration", "CPAP(持续气道正压通气)滴定", "持续气道正压滴定" ], "282733006": [ "Video recording of patient interview", "Video recording of client interview", "患者访谈视频记录", "客户访谈视频录制" ], "233581009": [ "Haemofiltration", "HF - Hemofiltration", "HF - Haemofiltration", "Hemofiltration", "Haemofiltration therapy", "Hemofiltration therapy", "血液滤过", "血液滤过治疗", "HF-血液滤过" ], "1263938003": [ "Excision of breast mass with hooked wire guidance", "Excision of mass of breast using hooked wire guidance", "钩丝引导下乳房肿块切除术", "钩丝引导下乳腺肿块切除术" ], "231746004": [ "Operation on lens capsule", "晶状体囊手术" ], "297282004": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture and internal fixation with plate", "一期切开复位骨折并用钢板内固定" ], "535003": [ "Closure of ureterovesicovaginal fistula", "输尿管膀胱阴道瘘缝合术" ], "770583006": [ "Localization of lesion with diagnostic dye using ultrasonographic guidance", "Localisation of lesion with diagnostic dye using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided localization of lesion with diagnostic dye", "Ultrasound guided localization of lesion with dye", "Ultrasonography guided localisation of lesion with diagnostic dye", "Ultrasound guided localisation of lesion with dye", "超声引导下染料定位病变", "使用超声引导诊断染料定位病变", "超声引导下用诊断染料定位病变", "在超声引导下使用诊断染料定位病变", "超声引导下用染料定位病变" ], "33303007": [ "Antibody to adrenal antigen measurement", "Adrenal autoantibodies", "Adrenal autoantibody level", "肾上腺抗原抗体测定", "肾上腺自身抗体水平", "肾上腺自身抗体" ], "410135006": [ "Nursing coordination education", "Teach nursing coordination", "护理协调教育", "教授护理协调" ], "719596001": [ "Meningitis C vaccination", "Administration of meningitis C vaccine", "Meningitis C immunization", "Meningitis C immunisation", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C antigen", "接种丙型脑膜炎疫苗", "丙型脑膜炎疫苗接种", "丙型脑膜炎免疫接种", "接种仅含 C 群脑膜炎奈瑟菌抗原的疫苗产品" ], "442903009": [ "Open reduction of intertrochanteric fracture of femur with internal fixation using intramedullary implant, screw, and cerclage wiring", "股骨转子间骨折切开复位,采用髓内植入物、螺钉和钢丝环扎术进行内固定" ], "31468007": [ "Destruction of lesion of spleen", "脾脏病变破坏" ], "78785006": [ "Amputation of toe at interphalangeal joint", "趾间关节处截肢" ], "175254001": [ "Repair of pulmonary artery using prosthesis", "用假体修复肺动脉" ], "306326007": [ "Referral to Marie Curie nurse", "转诊至居里夫人护士" ], "11414009": [ "Patient transfer to skilled nursing facility for level 4 care", "患者转至专业护理机构接受 4 级护理" ], "107883003": [ "Integumentary system manipulation", "皮肤系统操作" ], "763243004": [ "Assessment using QRISK cardiovascular disease 10 year risk calculator", "使用 QRISK 心血管疾病 10 年风险计算器进行评估" ], "9579005": [ "Subtalar arthrodesis", "Fusion of subtalar joint", "Grice operation", "Subtalar arthrodesis of hindfoot", "格赖斯行动", "距下关节融合术", "距下关节融合", "后足距下关节融合术" ], "386411007": [ "Resuscitation of fetus", "Resuscitation of foetus", "胎儿复苏" ], "304491008": [ "Dietary advice for disorder", "Dietary education for disorder", "疾病的饮食建议", "饮食失调教育" ], "122432006": [ "Bacterial antigen assay", "细菌抗原测定" ], "1285696007": [ "Revision of arthroplasty of head of right radius", "右桡骨头置换术" ], "87829000": [ "Incision and exploration of trachea", "气管切开探查" ], "431893000": [ "Intraoperative fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta with contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Intraoperative fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta with contrast with insertion of stent graft", "术中腹主动脉荧光血管造影及植入支架", "术中腹主动脉荧光造影及植入支架" ], "22293002": [ "Injection of diaphragm", "隔膜注射" ], "235285001": [ "Loop transposition of jejunum", "空肠环转位" ], "38677001": [ "Protein C, antigenic assay", "蛋白 C,抗原测定" ], "104213005": [ "Methenamine silver nitrate stain method", "Methenamine silver nitrate stain", "硝酸银六胺染色法", "硝酸银六胺染色" ], "1201941006": [ "Reconstruction of lip using pedicle flap", "Pedicle flap reconstruction of lip", "Reconstruction of lip with pedicle flap", "Lip reconstruction with pedicle flap", "带蒂皮瓣唇再造", "带蒂皮瓣唇部修复", "带蒂皮瓣唇再造术" ], "71445006": [ "Mixed lymphocyte culture assay", "Allogeneic mixed lymphocyte assay", "MLC assay", "Mixed lymphocyte culture", "MLC - Mixed lymphocyte culture", "MLC-混合淋巴细胞培养", "混合淋巴细胞培养", "同种异体混合淋巴细胞试验", "MLC 检测", "混合淋巴细胞培养试验" ], "20458002": [ "Revision of spinal salpingothecal shunt", "Revision of spinal salpingothecal anastomosis", "脊髓输卵管鞘分流术修复", "脊柱输卵管鞘吻合术修复" ], "233450002": [ "Plication of vein", "静脉褶皱" ], "69610007": [ "Ultrasound for foreign body localization", "Ultrasound for foreign body localisation", "超声波定位异物" ], "313535002": [ "Red cell transketolase level", "Red cell transketolase measurement", "红细胞转酮酶测定", "红细胞转酮醇酶水平" ], "18623006": [ "Vascular subclavian-axillary bypass", "锁骨下腋窝血管旁路术" ], "231615007": [ "Lamellar division and slide of upper eyelid", "上眼睑板层划分及滑动" ], "788671008": [ "Disinfection of room using ultraviolet room disinfection system", "Ultraviolet room disinfection", "Disinfection of room using ultraviolet light", "使用紫外线对房间进行消毒", "使用紫外线房间消毒系统对房间进行消毒", "紫外线房间消毒" ], "311700007": [ "Esophageal voice injection exercises", "Oesophageal voice injection exercises", "食管发声注射练习" ], "178793005": [ "Excision of lesion of cervical vertebra", "颈椎病损切除术" ], "308030005": [ "Microlaryngoscopic vocal cord polypectomy", "显微喉镜声带息肉切除术" ], "76819007": [ "Phenylalanine measurement", "Phenylalanine screening test, blood", "苯丙氨酸测量", "苯丙氨酸筛查试验,血液" ], "306195008": [ "Referral to hepatobiliary surgical service", "转诊至肝胆外科服务" ], "1010707008": [ "Incision of left vas deferens", "Left vasotomy", "左侧输精管切开术" ], "2191000087107": [ "MRI of left elbow", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left elbow", "左肘部磁共振成像", "左肘 MRI" ], "4751000087108": [ "CT of bilateral calcanea with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral calcanea with contrast", "Computed tomography of both calcanea with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right calcaneum with contrast", "左、右跟骨增强计算机断层扫描", "双侧跟骨增强计算机断层扫描", "双侧跟骨增强 CT 检查" ], "20111000087108": [ "CT of left scapula", "Computed tomography of left scapula", "左肩胛骨CT", "左肩胛骨计算机断层扫描" ], "1156328006": [ "Tibio-talo-calcaneal fusion", "Tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis", "TTC (tibio-talo-calcaneal) fusion", "Arthrodesis of talotibial joint and subtalar joint", "胫距跟关节融合术", "TTC(胫骨-跟骨-跟骨)融合术", "距胫关节及距下关节融合术", "胫骨-跟骨融合" ], "763112004": [ "Assessment using Footwear Suitability Scale", "使用鞋类适合性量表进行评估" ], "9448008": [ "Drainage of ovarian cyst by abdominal approach", "经腹卵巢囊肿引流术" ], "911000087107": [ "Ultrasonography of left axilla", "Ultrasound of left axilla", "Ultrasound scan of left axilla", "左腋窝超声扫描", "左腋窝超声检查" ], "433597002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of profunda femoris artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of profunda femoris artery with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行股深动脉", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊成形术治疗股深动脉" ], "386280004": [ "Pulmonary embolus care", "Embolus care: pulmonary", "栓塞护理:肺部", "肺栓塞护理" ], "7613004": [ "Dacryoadenotomy", "Incision of lacrimal gland", "泪腺切开术" ], "3471000087109": [ "Plain X-ray of right acromioclavicular joint", "右侧肩锁关节普通 X 光检查" ], "236989008": [ "Abdominal delivery for shoulder dystocia", "Zavanelli's manoeuvre", "Zavanelli's maneuver", "扎瓦内利的动作", "肩难产的腹腔分娩", "扎瓦内利的策略" ], "417213009": [ "Referral to hospital-based discharge planning", "转介至医院出院计划" ], "122301009": [ "Streptococcus agalactiae rRNA assay", "Streptococcus agalactiae ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "无乳链球菌 rRNA 检测", "无乳链球菌核糖体核糖核酸测定" ], "104082001": [ "Transfusion duration, determination", "Measurement of duration of transfusion", "输血持续时间、确定", "输血持续时间的测量" ], "38546007": [ "Cardiocentesis", "Puncture of heart", "心脏穿刺术", "心脏穿刺" ], "431762008": [ "Percutaneous laser decompression of intervertebral disc using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮激光椎间盘减压术" ], "1300114009": [ "Education about basic skills training programme", "Education about basic skills training program", "基本技能培训计划教育" ], "429927002": [ "Computed tomography of neck and thorax with contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of neck and thorax with contrast", "CT of neck and thorax with contrast", "颈部和胸部增强 CT", "颈部和胸部增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "颈部和胸部增强计算机断层扫描" ], "233319003": [ "Embolization of anterior cerebral artery", "Embolisation of anterior cerebral artery", "大脑前动脉栓塞术", "大脑前动脉栓塞" ], "36711005": [ "Operation on bone injury of carpals and metacarpals", "腕、掌骨骨损伤手术治疗" ], "397159007": [ "Exteriorisation of intestine", "Exteriorization of intestine", "肠外化", "肠道外化" ], "34876003": [ "Repair of aneurysm with graft of iliac artery", "髂动脉移植修复动脉瘤" ], "49425006": [ "High performance liquid chromatography, fluorescence type", "高效液相色谱法,荧光型" ], "311569007": [ "Dysphagia therapy regime", "吞咽困难治疗方案" ], "47590003": [ "Exploration of epidural space", "硬膜外腔探查" ], "176827002": [ "Dilation of cervix uteri and vacuum aspiration of products of conception from uterus", "宫颈扩张术和宫腔内妊娠产物真空抽吸术" ], "1290939004": [ "Plain X-ray of prostate", "前列腺普通 X 光检查" ], "240528003": [ "Repair of eyelid laceration, full-thickness", "眼睑全层裂伤的修复" ], "306064004": [ "Referral by audiology technician", "听力技师转介" ], "699280005": [ "Repair of aortic root", "主动脉根部修复" ], "418917004": [ "MRI of clavicle", "Magnetic resonance imaging of clavicle", "锁骨 MRI", "锁骨磁共振成像" ], "271461006": [ "Dynamic non-imaging isotope study: spleen", "动态非成像同位素研究:脾脏" ], "122170000": [ "Brucella ovis antibody assay", "Measurement of Brucella ovis antibody", "绵羊布鲁氏杆菌抗体测定", "绵羊布鲁氏杆菌抗体检测" ], "302394000": [ "Laser destruction of skin lesion", "Destruction of lesion of skin using laser", "使用激光破坏皮肤损伤", "激光破坏皮肤损伤" ], "171322003": [ "Geriatric 80+ screening", "80 岁以上老人筛查" ], "40250003": [ "Interatrial transposition of venous return", "Baffes operation", "Mustard operation", "Transposition of interatrial venous return", "Atrial inversion operation with patch", "巴菲斯手术", "房间静脉回流转位", "心房倒置手术及补片", "芥子气行动" ], "73018006": [ "Operation on vocal cord", "声带手术" ], "315108000": [ "Cysticercosis EIA", "Cysticercosis enzyme immunoassay", "囊尾蚴病 EIA", "囊尾蚴酶联免疫测定" ], "22031009": [ "Porphyrin, quantitative measurement, urine", "Urine porphyrins", "Urine porphyrin levels", "尿卟啉", "卟啉,定量测量,尿液", "尿液卟啉水平" ], "103951009": [ "I int phenotype determination", "表型判定" ], "233188006": [ "Removal of cardiac pacing electrode", "移除心脏起搏电极" ], "397028007": [ "Thrombectomy of vein", "Venous thrombectomy", "Removal of thrombus from vein", "静脉血栓切除术", "清除静脉血栓" ], "85732008": [ "Radiculectomy", "Excision of spinal nerve root", "脊神经根切除术", "根尖切除术" ], "429796006": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography using iodine 123 meta-iodobenzylguanidine", "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) using iodine 123 meta-iodobenzylguanidine", "Single photon emission computed tomography using iodine (123-I) iobenguane", "Single photon emission computed tomography using iodine (123-I) MIBG (metaiodobenzylguanidine)", "使用碘(123-I)MIBG(间碘苄胍)进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "使用碘(123-I)碘苯胍进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "使用碘 123 间碘苄胍进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)", "使用碘 123 间碘苄胍进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "444345002": [ "Shortening of tendon of ankle", "踝部肌腱缩短" ], "313273004": [ "Pertussis swab", "百日咳拭子" ], "231353005": [ "Cricothyroid injection of local anesthetic", "Cricothyroid injection of local anaesthetic", "Transtracheal block", "Transtracheal injection of local anaesthetic", "气管阻滞", "经气管注射局部麻醉药", "环甲膜注射局部麻醉药" ], "395193007": [ "Chlamydia pneumoniae IgA level", "Chlamydia pneumoniae immunoglobulin A level", "肺炎衣原体 IgA 水平", "肺炎衣原体免疫球蛋白 A 水平" ], "1179790005": [ "Contralateral symmetrising augmentation mammaplasty", "Symmetrising augmentation mammaplasty of contralateral breast", "Symmetrising augmentation mammoplasty of contralateral breast", "Contralateral symmetrising augmentation mammoplasty", "Contralateral symmetrizing augmentation mammoplasty", "Contralateral symmetrizing augmentation mammaplasty", "Symmetrizing augmentation mammoplasty of contralateral breast", "Symmetrizing augmentation mammaplasty of contralateral breast", "对侧对称隆胸术", "对侧对称性隆胸术", "对侧乳房对称性隆胸术", "对侧乳房对称性隆乳术" ], "142007": [ "Excision of tumor from shoulder area, deep, intramuscular", "Excision of tumour from shoulder area, deep, intramuscular", "切除肩部深部肌肉内的肿瘤", "切除肩部深部肌肉内肿瘤" ], "424291000": [ "Physical therapy surveillance", "Physical therapy care surveillance", "物理治疗监测", "物理治疗护理监测" ], "31075001": [ "Excision of cyst of Müllerian duct in male", "Excision of cyst of Mullerian duct in male", "Excision of cyst of paramesonephric duct in male", "男性中肾旁管囊肿切除术", "男性苗勒氏管囊肿切除术" ], "112995002": [ "Anesthesia for shoulder cast procedure", "Anaesthesia for shoulder cast procedure", "肩关节石膏固定手术的麻醉" ], "80227005": [ "Injection of sclerosing agent in vein", "Sclerotherapy of vein", "静脉注射硬化剂", "静脉硬化治疗" ], "178531008": [ "Revisional laminectomy excision of cervical intervertebral disc", "颈椎间盘切除术" ], "1290808002": [ "Plain X-ray of nasal bone", "鼻骨普通 X 光检查" ], "29240004": [ "Autopsy examination", "Autopsy", "Necropsy", "尸检" ], "45624008": [ "Delayed hypersensitivity skin test for coccidiodin", "Skin test for coccidioidomycosis", "Coccioidin skin test", "球孢子菌病皮肤试验", "球虫素迟发型超敏反应皮肤试验", "球菌素皮肤试验" ], "436711000124106": [ "Decreased cholesterol diet", "降低胆固醇饮食" ], "764685004": [ "Positron emission tomography of whole body using choline C-11", "PET of whole body using choline", "使用胆碱 C-11 进行全身正电子发射断层扫描", "使用胆碱进行全身 PET 检查" ], "699149005": [ "Internal fixation of tibia without fracture reduction", "胫骨骨折未复位内固定" ], "60173006": [ "Serum antimicrobial level, immunoassay method", "血清抗菌水平,免疫测定法" ], "305933008": [ "Referral by partner of GP", "Referral from partner of GP", "Referral by partner of general practitioner", "全科医生合伙人推荐", "全科医生合伙人的推荐", "全科医生的合伙人推荐" ], "43789009": [ "Complete blood count without differential", "Hemogram", "CBC without differential", "Haemogram", "血象", "全血细胞计数(无分类计数)", "无分类的 CBC" ], "25570002": [ "Endoscopy of nose", "Rhinoscopy", "Nasal endoscopy", "鼻内窥镜检查", "鼻镜检查" ], "1303522005": [ "Prosthetic arthroplasty of left elbow", "左肘关节假体置换术" ], "418786005": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of pulmonary artery", "MR angiography of pulmonary artery", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of pulmonary artery", "MR arteriography of pulmonary artery", "肺动脉磁共振血管造影", "肺动脉磁共振动脉造影" ], "386018007": [ "Removal of nail", "拔除指甲" ], "122039005": [ "Microscopic examination for parasites", "寄生虫显微镜检查" ], "56503007": [ "Antibody identification, platelet antibody", "抗体鉴定,血小板抗体" ], "171191008": [ "Cystic fibrosis screening", "囊性纤维化筛查" ], "103820001": [ "Fibrinopeptides B assay", "纤维蛋白肽 B 测定" ], "234892006": [ "Repair of cleft of soft palate", "软腭裂修复术" ], "169356006": [ "Radiotherapy: infuse organ cavity", "放射治疗:注入器官腔内" ], "120204008": [ "Perineum reconstruction", "会阴重建" ], "447884008": [ "Creation of conduit between right ventricle of heart and vena cava", "在心脏右心室和腔静脉之间建立导管" ], "167521002": [ "Urine total reducing substance measurement", "Urine total reducing substance", "尿液总还原物质", "尿液总还原物质测定" ], "183905006": [ "Private referral to venereologist", "私人转诊给性病专家" ], "233057009": [ "Resection of right ventricular muscle", "右心室肌肉切除术" ], "83766002": [ "Colloidal gold test", "胶体金试验" ], "444214003": [ "Banding of ascending vertical vein", "升垂直静脉带状" ], "231222005": [ "Infraorbital nerve block", "Local anaesthetic infraorbital nerve block", "Local anesthetic infraorbital nerve block", "眶下神经阻滞", "局部麻醉眶下神经阻滞" ], "739126006": [ "Right cervical sympathectomy", "Excision of right cervical sympathetic trunk", "右侧颈交感神经切除术", "右侧颈交感神经干切除术" ], "395062008": [ "Urine cortisol precursor level", "尿液皮质醇前体水平" ], "1163275000": [ "Laparoscopic radical amputation of cervix uteri", "Laparoscopic radical trachelectomy", "腹腔镜宫颈根治性切除术", "腹腔镜根治性宫颈切除术" ], "32779004": [ "Dopamine measurement", "多巴胺测量" ], "409611004": [ "Aerobic blood culture", "需氧血培养" ], "229387006": [ "Accessory mobilization of the ankle joint", "Accessory mobilisation of the ankle joint", "踝关节辅助活动" ], "278539009": [ "Repair of spinal meningocele using local flap", "局部皮瓣修复脊膜膨出" ], "391392004": [ "Red cell vitamin B1 level", "红细胞维生素 B1 水平" ], "61877000": [ "Repair of internal or complex fistula of trachea", "Closure of internal or complex fistula of trachea", "气管内瘘或复杂瘘的修复", "气管内瘘或复杂气管瘘的缝合" ], "112864008": [ "Incision and exploration of jejunum", "空肠切开探查" ], "176565000": [ "Ligation of saphenocorporal shunt", "隐静脉分流术" ], "702688009": [ "Spice mix specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Spice mix specific IgE antibody measurement", "香料混合物特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "香料混合物特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "45493004": [ "Aspiration and lavage of nasal sinus by puncture", "穿刺抽吸并冲洗鼻窦" ], "225717008": [ "Check endotracheal tube is secure", "检查气管插管是否牢固" ], "1290677008": [ "Plain X-ray of sacrococcygeal joint", "Plain X-ray of joint of sacrococcygeal junction of spine", "骶尾关节普通X光检查", "脊柱骶尾关节的普通X光检查" ], "387722002": [ "Incision of midpalmar space", "Incision of middle palmar space", "掌中间隙切开", "中掌间隙切开术" ], "256650006": [ "Autogenous bone strut", "自体骨支架" ], "385887004": [ "Mental health history taking assessment", "Assess mental health history taking", "心理健康史评估", "评估心理健康史" ], "287583007": [ "Arteriography of intercostal artery", "Angiography of intercostal artery", "肋间动脉造影" ], "41823007": [ "Thyroid imaging with vascular flow", "甲状腺血管血流成像" ], "252980002": [ "Sheridan Gardiner linear test", "Sheridan Gardiner 线性检验" ], "171060004": [ "Maternity grant advice", "Maternity grant education", "产妇补助金建议", "产妇补助教育" ], "121908008": [ "Hantavirus antibody assay", "Measurement of Hantavirus antibody", "汉坦病毒抗体检测", "汉坦病毒抗体测定" ], "169225001": [ "US scan - fetal maturity", "Ultrasound scan for fetal maturity", "US scan - foetal maturity", "Ultrasound scan for foetal maturity", "超声波扫描检查胎儿成熟度", "胎儿成熟度超声波扫描", "超声扫描 - 胎儿成熟度" ], "234761002": [ "Take impression for denture", "Take impression for prosthodontic appliance", "取模制作假牙", "为修复器械取模" ], "185609004": [ "Abnormal smear - 2nd recall", "Abnormal smear - Second recall", "涂片异常 - 第二次召回", "异常涂片 - 第二次召回" ], "232926001": [ "Repair of implanted atrioventricular paravalvular leak", "PPVL - Repair of atrioventricular prosthetic paravalvular leak", "Repair of implanted atrioventricular paravalvar leak", "PVL - Repair of atrioventricular paravalvular leak", "植入性房室瓣周漏的修补", "植入性房室瓣周漏的修复", "PVL - 房室瓣周漏修复", "PPVL - 房室瓣周漏修复术" ], "19934003": [ "Repair of ear cartilage", "Otoplasty of cartilage of ear", "耳软骨成形术", "耳软骨修复" ], "282078004": [ "Excision of frenulum of upper lip", "Upper labial frenectomy", "Upper labial fraenectomy", "上唇系带切除术" ], "85470006": [ "Testosterone measurement, total", "总睾酮测量" ], "167390006": [ "Urine sex hormone 24 hour assay", "尿液性激素 24 小时检测" ], "69086007": [ "Curettage of brain", "脑刮除术" ], "265694008": [ "Operation on burnt skin", "烧伤皮肤手术" ], "231091001": [ "Heated needle therapy", "热针疗法" ], "722611003": [ "Fluoroscopic arteriography of peroneal artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic angiography of peroneal artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "腓动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "腓动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术" ], "384041000119100": [ "Fluoroscopy of esophagus with barium", "Fluoroscopy of oesophagus with barium", "食管钡剂透视检查" ], "16555561000119101": [ "Therapeutic injection of right shoulder using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided therapeutic injection of right shoulder", "荧光透视引导下右肩治疗性注射", "透视引导右肩治疗注射" ], "444083005": [ "Total excision of left kidney", "左肾全切除" ], "198323007": [ "Subarachnoid-ureteral spinal shunt", "蛛网膜下腔输尿管脊髓分流术" ], "427561000119104": [ "Intravenous radioisotope therapy using samarium Sm 153 lexidronam", "Intravenous radionuclide therapy using samarium Sm 153 lexidronam", "使用钐(Sm 153)进行静脉放射性同位素治疗", "使用钐(Sm 153)进行静脉放射性核素治疗" ], "442248001": [ "Excision of lesion of intradural intramedullary spinal cord", "脊髓硬膜内髓内病变切除术" ], "50867009": [ "Mammary ductogram of single duct", "Mammary galactogram of single duct", "单乳管乳腺造影", "单乳腺导管造影" ], "16332841000119106": [ "Computed tomography angiography of pulmonary artery with contrast", "CT angiography of pulmonary artery with contrast", "CT arteriography of pulmonary artery with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of pulmonary artery with contrast", "CT arteriogram of pulmonary artery with contrast", "肺动脉造影计算机断层扫描", "肺动脉增强 CT 血管造影", "肺动脉 CT 造影", "肺动脉造影计算机断层血管造影", "肺动脉增强 CT 动脉造影" ], "425864002": [ "Insertion of hormone into subcutaneous tissue", "将激素注入皮下组织" ], "16462121000119108": [ "CT angiography of thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "CT angiogram of thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of thorax and abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "胸腹部及盆腔增强 CT 血管造影", "胸部、腹部和骨盆的增强 CT 血管造影", "胸部、腹部和盆腔增强 CT 血管造影" ], "395561000119108": [ "Computed tomography of soft tissues of neck without contrast", "CT of soft tissues of neck without contrast", "颈部软组织无造影计算机断层扫描", "颈部软组织 CT 无增强扫描" ], "229256007": [ "Active elbow movements", "肘部主动运动" ], "424029000": [ "Personal hygiene case management", "个人卫生案例管理" ], "391261003": [ "Mental health functional therapies - <1 contacts/month", "心理健康功能疗法 - <1 次接触/月" ], "47197006": [ "Autopsy, gross examination with brain and spinal cord", "尸检,对脑和脊髓进行大体检查" ], "473181008": [ "Discussion about hypoglycemia in pregnancy", "Discussion about hypoglycaemia in pregnancy", "妊娠期低血糖症探讨", "妊娠期低血糖的探讨" ], "438578000": [ "Dietary education for kidney disease", "Dietary education for renal disorder", "肾脏疾病的饮食教育", "肾脏病饮食教育" ], "307506002": [ "Gastrointestinal fistula procedure", "胃肠瘘手术" ], "176434006": [ "Bilateral orchidopexy", "Fixation of bilateral testes", "Fixation of both testes", "双侧睾丸固定术", "双侧睾丸固定" ], "61746007": [ "Taking patient vital signs", "Observing patient vital signs", "Observation of vital signs", "观察患者生命体征", "测量患者生命体征", "观察生命体征" ], "59911006": [ "Tissue autoradiography", "组织放射自显影" ], "90844000": [ "Anesthesia for endoscopic procedure on head and neck", "Anaesthesia for endoscopic procedure on head and neck", "头颈部内窥镜手术麻醉" ], "58076004": [ "Refractive keratoplasty by laser surgery", "Keratorefractive laser surgery", "Photorefractive laser surgery", "Laser keratectomy", "光屈光激光手术", "激光角膜切除术", "角膜屈光激光手术", "激光屈光角膜移植术" ], "271068005": [ "24 hour urine sample volume measurement", "24 hour urine volume", "24 小时尿液样本量测量", "24小时尿量" ], "238300006": [ "Enucleation of lesion of peritoneum", "腹膜病变摘除术" ], "287452005": [ "Parotid gland lobectomy", "腮腺叶切除术" ], "1285041000": [ "Insertion of removable functional orthodontic appliance", "插入可拆卸功能性牙齿矫正器" ], "105393000": [ "Counseling by chaplain", "Counselling by chaplain", "牧师辅导" ], "23473000": [ "Hospital admission, for research investigation", "入院进行研究调查" ], "39857003": [ "Weighing patient", "Weighing", "称量病人", "称重" ], "1186737004": [ "Intermittent mandatory ventilation with volume-targeted pressure-control and pressure-support", "间歇指令通气结合容量目标压力控制和压力支持" ], "385756009": [ "Intravenous care management", "Manage intravenous care", "管理静脉护理", "静脉护理管理" ], "56241004": [ "Bone marrow biopsy, needle or trocar", "骨髓活检、穿刺针或套管针" ], "416689004": [ "Osteopathic manipulation, active method", "整骨疗法,主动方法" ], "121777007": [ "Epidermal growth factor measurement", "表皮生长因子测量" ], "119942001": [ "Endocrine gland repair", "内分泌腺修复" ], "709766004": [ "CT of axilla with contrast", "Computed tomography of axilla with contrast", "腋窝增强 CT", "腋窝增强 CT 扫描" ], "413019001": [ "Red cell genotype determination", "Red cell genotype", "红细胞基因型测定", "红细胞基因型" ], "232795002": [ "Operation on tricuspid valve leaflet", "三尖瓣瓣叶手术" ], "85339002": [ "Hysterosalpingography with gas contrast", "气体造影子宫输卵管造影" ], "15151000202109": [ "Assessment of residence and accommodation circumstances", "居住及住宿情况评估" ], "118107006": [ "Neisseria gonorrhoeae DNA assay", "Neisseria gonorrhoeae deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "淋病奈瑟菌脱氧核糖核酸检测", "淋病奈瑟菌 DNA 检测" ], "312880001": [ "Taking throat swab", "采集咽拭子" ], "50736001": [ "Division of aortic arch", "主动脉弓切开术" ], "230960003": [ "Excision of cranial nerve tumour", "Excision of cranial nerve tumor", "脑神经肿瘤切除术" ], "445787009": [ "Assessment using Hampshire assessment for living with others", "使用汉普郡评估法对与他人一起生活进行评估" ], "771632006": [ "Open hernioplasty using synthetic mesh for recurrent lumbar hernia", "Open repair of recurrent lumbar hernia using synthetic mesh", "使用合成网片开放式修补复发性腰疝", "使用合成网片进行开放式疝修补术治疗复发性腰疝" ], "179973000": [ "Conversion to uncemented total replacement ankle joint", "转换为非骨水泥全置换踝关节" ], "442117004": [ "Repair of temporomandibular joint", "Arthroplasty of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节修复", "颞下颌关节置换术" ], "229125008": [ "Closing eyes exercises", "闭眼练习" ], "128986002": [ "Incision and drainage of upper extremity", "Incision and drainage of forelimb", "前肢切开引流", "上肢切开引流" ], "735194005": [ "Revision of right total hip arthroplasty", "右全髋关节置换术翻修" ], "866266005": [ "Assessment using nomogram", "使用列线图进行评估" ], "307375003": [ "Referral to head injury rehabilitation", "转诊至头部损伤康复" ], "1290415004": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of knee", "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of knee region", "膝关节区域软组织 X 光检查", "膝关节软组织普通X光检查" ], "176303006": [ "Endoscopic drainage of prostate", "内镜前列腺引流术" ], "76164006": [ "Biopsy of colon", "结肠活检" ], "43396009": [ "Hemoglobin A1c measurement", "Haemoglobin A1c measurement", "HBA1c (hemoglobin A1c) level", "HBA1c (haemoglobin A1c) level", "HBA1c(糖化血红蛋白)水平", "糖化血红蛋白测量" ], "90713002": [ "Wiring of sternum", "Sternal wiring", "胸骨接线", "胸骨布线" ], "238169002": [ "Inguinal herniorrhaphy using synthetic patch", "使用合成补片进行腹股沟疝修补术" ], "418393006": [ "Refractive surgery enhancement", "Enhancement", "增强", "屈光手术增强" ], "236334001": [ "Total orchidectomy", "Orchidectomy", "Orchiectomy", "睾丸切除术", "全睾丸切除术" ], "121646003": [ "Methyl isobutyl ketone measurement", "甲基异丁基酮测量" ], "711470004": [ "Cheilectomy of metatarsal", "跖骨切除术" ], "105262004": [ "Nitrofurantoin measurement", "呋喃妥因测定" ], "432942006": [ "Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of inferior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of inferior vena cava with contrast", "经皮下腔静脉机械血栓切除术(荧光造影引导)", "荧光造影引导下经皮下腔静脉机械血栓切除术" ], "252718007": [ "Goniometry of wrist", "腕关节测角" ], "1284910008": [ "Assessment using FPS-R - (Faces Pain Scale - Revised)", "Assessment using Faces Pain Scale - Revised", "使用 FPS-R(面部疼痛量表 - 修订版)进行评估", "使用面部疼痛量表(修订版)进行评估" ], "840707001": [ "Allen test for arterial competency", "Allen test", "测试全部", "Allen 动脉功能测试" ], "185347001": [ "Encounter for problem", "遇到问题" ], "300035001": [ "Injection for plantar fasciitis", "足底筋膜炎注射" ], "709635004": [ "Biopsy of neck using computed tomography guidance with contrast", "CT guided biopsy of neck with contrast", "CT 引导下颈部造影活检", "使用增强 CT 引导进行颈部活检" ], "119811005": [ "Abdominal artery transposition", "腹部动脉转位术" ], "70659002": [ "Control of hemorrhage following vascular surgery", "Control of haemorrhage following vascular surgery", "血管手术后出血的控制" ], "5123008": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on pericardium with pump oxygenator", "Anaesthesia for procedure on pericardium with pump oxygenator", "泵氧合器心包手术的麻醉" ], "85208002": [ "Change in bone length of scapula", "肩胛骨长度变化" ], "232664002": [ "Manual establishment of airway", "Airway obtained manually", "手动获取气道", "手动建立气道" ], "52440004": [ "Serum immunoelectrophoresis", "血清免疫电泳" ], "281816005": [ "Arthroscopic chondroplasty of shoulder joint", "关节镜下肩关节软骨成形术" ], "183512006": [ "Non-urgent oral surgical admission", "非紧急口腔外科手术入院" ], "412888007": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid organic acid measurement", "Cerebrospinal fluid organic acid level", "CSF organic acids", "脑脊液有机酸水平", "脑脊液有机酸测定", "脑脊液有机酸" ], "265432003": [ "Cutback of covered anus", "Anal cutback", "肛门覆盖物切开术", "肛门缩窄" ], "36056007": [ "Factor XIII inhibitor assay", "因子 XIII 抑制剂检测" ], "1453000": [ "Biofeedback, galvanic skin response", "生物反馈、皮肤电反应" ], "230829002": [ "Removal of subdural-peritoneal shunt", "移除硬膜下腹腔分流器" ], "116141005": [ "Abdominal hysterectomy", "腹部子宫切除术" ], "1230253009": [ "Excision of popliteal cyst of knee", "Excision of cyst of popliteal fossa region of knee", "膝腘窝囊肿切除术", "膝腘窝区囊肿切除术" ], "1197485009": [ "Revision of total replacement of knee joint with bone allograft", "Revision of TKR (total knee replacement) with bone allograft", "Revision of total knee arthroplasty with bone allograft", "同种异体骨移植全膝关节置换术翻修", "同种异体骨全膝关节置换术", "利用同种异体骨移植修复全膝关节置换术 (TKR)" ], "179842003": [ "Release of contracture of proximal interphalangeal joint", "近端指间关节挛缩松解术" ], "441986001": [ "Imaging of brain", "脑成像" ], "816983008": [ "Adjust fixed retainer", "Adjust fixed orthodontic retainer", "调整固定矫正保持器", "调整固定保持器" ], "63319008": [ "Stimulation of carotid sinus", "刺激颈动脉窦" ], "274476004": [ "Urethral splinting", "尿道夹板" ], "307244005": [ "Dilatation of rectal stricture", "Dilation of rectal stricture", "直肠狭窄扩张" ], "716844006": [ "Assessment using Bankson Language Test", "使用 Bankson 语言测试进行评估" ], "225324006": [ "Advice on effects of smoking on health", "Smoking effects education", "吸烟影响教育", "关于吸烟对健康影响的建议" ], "174337000": [ "Destruction of lesion of anus", "Destruction of perianal lesion", "肛门病损毁除", "肛周病变破坏" ], "241708009": [ "Inhalational sedation", "Inhalation sedation", "吸入镇静" ], "305409007": [ "Admission to breast surgery department", "乳腺外科入院" ], "59649007": [ "Excision of lesion of blood vessel", "血管病变切除" ], "303574002": [ "Exploration of lesion of abdominal wall", "腹壁病变探查" ], "713174005": [ "Laparoscopic excision of pelvic endometriosis", "腹腔镜盆腔子宫内膜异位症切除术" ], "432811002": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for insertion of stent", "Insertion of stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下插入支架", "荧光透视引导下插入支架" ], "236203002": [ "Construction of continent urinary reservoir", "Construction of continent urinary pouch", "可控尿袋的构造", "大陆尿路蓄水池建设" ], "252587007": [ "Performance test of hearing", "Conditioning test of hearing", "听觉调节测试", "听力性能测试" ], "105131008": [ "Clobazam measurement", "氯巴占测量" ], "416427008": [ "Local anesthetic popliteal fossa block", "Local anaesthetic popliteal fossa block", "Popliteal fossa nerve block", "局麻腘窝阻滞", "腘窝神经阻滞", "局部麻醉腘窝阻滞" ], "709504001": [ "Fusion of thoracic spine", "胸椎融合" ], "250752001": [ "Catalase latency measurement", "Catalase latency", "过氧化氢酶潜伏期", "过氧化氢酶潜伏期测量" ], "4992004": [ "Cardiac catheterization, left heart, retrograde, percutaneous", "Cardiac catheterisation, left heart, retrograde, percutaneous", "心导管插入术,左心,逆行,经皮" ], "121515008": [ "Cyproheptadine measurement", "赛庚啶测量" ], "86912009": [ "Injection of spinal neurolytic agent", "Injection of neurolytic substance around spinal cord meninges", "脊髓神经溶解剂注射", "脊髓脑膜周围注射神经溶解物质" ], "724053002": [ "Antibiotic therapy for prevention of recurrent infection", "抗生素治疗预防复发性感染" ], "281685003": [ "Admission for care", "入院护理" ], "412757003": [ "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only acellular Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens", "Administration of third dose of diphtheria and acellular pertussis and tetanus vaccine", "Third diphtheria and acellular pertussis and tetanus immunisation", "Third diphtheria and acellular pertussis and tetanus immunization", "Third diphtheria and acellular pertussis and tetanus vaccination", "注射第三剂白喉、无细胞百日咳和破伤风疫苗", "第三次白喉、无细胞百日咳和破伤风免疫", "注射第三剂仅含有无细胞百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌和白喉棒状杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "第三次白喉、无细胞百日咳和破伤风疫苗接种" ], "232533005": [ "Hyoid bone suspension", "舌骨悬吊" ], "183381005": [ "General psychotherapy", "一般心理治疗" ], "429141007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal thrombolysis of vein with reconstruction", "经皮腔内静脉血栓溶解及重建术" ], "165162000": [ "Diagnostic dye to eye", "诊断染料进入眼睛" ], "34090001": [ "Manual extraction of milk from lactating breast", "从哺乳期乳房手动抽取乳汁" ], "117845006": [ "Papilloma virus 43 antigen assay", "Papillomavirus 43 antigen assay", "乳头瘤病毒 43 抗原检测" ], "312618004": [ "Provision of nursery school, unmodified", "提供托儿所,未经修改" ], "443690009": [ "Quantitative measurement of barbiturate in serum or plasma using GC-MS", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of barbiturate in serum or plasma specimen using gas chromatography mass spectrometry technique", "气相色谱质谱技术定量测定血清或血浆标本中巴比妥类药物的质量浓度", "使用 GC-MS 定量测量血清或血浆中的巴比妥类药物" ], "17706009": [ "Chemical shock therapy", "Drug-induced convulsive therapy", "化学休克疗法", "药物诱发惊厥治疗" ], "359935003": [ "Implantation of joint of finger", "手指关节植入术" ], "736767005": [ "Perioperative care management", "围手术期护理管理" ], "409087007": [ "Large unstained cell count", "未染色细胞数量多" ], "65023008": [ "Arthroplasty of patella", "髌骨关节置换术" ], "441855008": [ "Measurement of ammonia in arterial blood specimen", "动脉血标本中氨的测定" ], "177876003": [ "Primary repair of femoral hernia using insert of natural material", "Primary repair femoral hernia using natural material", "使用天然材料进行股疝初次修复", "使用天然材料插入物进行股疝的初次修补" ], "79572004": [ "Choledocholithotripsy", "胆总管碎石术" ], "390868005": [ "Heart failure screen", "心力衰竭筛查" ], "30420006": [ "Neuroplasty of ulnar nerve at wrist", "腕部尺神经成形术" ], "389033000": [ "Evacuation of clot retention", "清除滞留血凝块" ], "61353001": [ "Repair of obstetric laceration of bladder", "Repair of obstetric laceration of urinary bladder", "产科膀胱裂伤的修复" ], "225193002": [ "Stoma irrigation", "Stoma washout", "造口冲洗" ], "405417003": [ "Revision of transtarsal amputation", "跗骨截肢术修复" ], "241577003": [ "CT of spine", "Computed tomography of spine", "脊柱计算机断层扫描", "脊柱CT" ], "305278000": [ "Admission by medical ophthalmologist", "眼科医生确认" ], "698494001": [ "Transcatheter embolization for duodenal bleeding", "Transcatheter embolisation for duodenal bleeding", "十二指肠出血经导管栓塞术" ], "274345009": [ "Uvula - surgical biopsy", "Surgical biopsy of uvula", "悬雍垂 - 手术活检", "悬雍垂手术活检" ], "370814005": [ "Identification of presence of implantable cardiac devices", "识别植入式心脏装置的存在" ], "59518007": [ "Acid phosphatase measurement", "酸性磷酸酶测定" ], "90451001": [ "Neurotomy of lacrimal branch nerve", "Division of lacrimal branch nerve", "泪支神经切断术", "泪支神经的分离" ], "74067003": [ "Electron microscopy study, scanning, examination and report", "电子显微镜研究、扫描、检查和报告" ], "713043005": [ "Assessment using MYMOP (Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile)", "Assessment using Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile", "使用 MYMOP(自我测量医疗结果概况)进行评估", "使用“自我测量医疗结果档案”进行评估" ], "121384002": [ "Molindone measurement", "吗啉酮测量" ], "105000003": [ "Troponin measurement", "肌钙蛋白测量" ], "39464006": [ "Removal of foreign body from maxillary sinus", "Removal of foreign body from maxillary antrum", "FB - Removal of foreign body from maxillary antrum", "上颌窦异物取出", "FB - 上颌窦异物取出" ], "252456007": [ "Impedance plethysmography", "阻抗体积描记法" ], "711208008": [ "Needle localisation of lesion of breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Needle localization of lesion of breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided needle localisation of lesion of breast", "Ultrasonography guided needle localisation of lesion of breast", "Ultrasonography guided needle localization of lesion of breast", "Ultrasound guided needle localization of lesion of breast", "乳腺病变超声引导下穿刺定位", "超声引导乳腺病变穿刺定位", "超声引导下乳腺病变针定位" ], "398077001": [ "Oxygen dynamic interventions", "氧动力干预" ], "1331965006": [ "Osteoclasis of rib", "肋骨骨断裂" ], "21245006": [ "Tube cecostomy", "Tube caecostomy", "Creation of tube caecostomy", "Creation of tube cecostomy", "建立管状盲肠造口术", "管状盲肠造口术" ], "1217277007": [ "Percutaneous coronary intervention of intermediate artery of left main coronary artery", "PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) of RI (ramus intermedius) branch of LMCA (left main coronary artery)", "Percutaneous coronary intervention of ramus intermedius branch of left main coronary artery", "左冠状动脉主干 (LMCA) RI (中间升支) 分支的 PCI (经皮冠状动脉介入治疗)", "左冠状动脉主干中间升支经皮冠状动脉介入治疗", "左冠状动脉主干中间动脉经皮冠状动脉介入治疗" ], "3026000": [ "Tibiotalar arthrodesis", "Fusion of tibiotalar joint", "胫距关节融合", "胫距关节融合术" ], "609234009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal closure of defect of cardiac septum", "Percutaneous closure of cardiac septal defect", "经皮心脏间隔缺损封堵术", "经皮腔内心脏隔膜缺损封堵术" ], "1197223002": [ "Anterior palatoplasty", "前腭成形术" ], "265170009": [ "Total prosthetic replacement of knee joint using cement", "Cemented prosthetic total arthroplasty of knee joint", "TKR (total knee replacement) using cement", "使用骨水泥进行膝关节全假体置换", "使用水泥的 TKR(全膝关节置换术)", "骨水泥型假体全膝关节置换术" ], "427175002": [ "Removal of electrocardiography loop recorder", "移除心电图循环记录器" ], "33959006": [ "Manganese measurement, urine", "尿液锰含量测量" ], "312487009": [ "Referral to paediatric cardiologist", "Referral to pediatric cardiologist", "转诊至儿科心脏病专家" ], "48508003": [ "Biopsy of bile ducts", "Biopsy of bile duct", "胆管活检" ], "408956004": [ "Chronic pain control education", "Teach chronic pain control", "慢性疼痛控制教育", "教导慢性疼痛控制" ], "79441000": [ "Group reassurance", "团体安慰" ], "225062001": [ "Well women screening", "女性健康筛查" ], "257830002": [ "Percutaneous fixation using screw", "经皮螺钉固定" ], "306982004": [ "Closure of fistula of major salivary gland", "大涎腺瘘管闭合" ], "239611000": [ "Excision of vascular malformation of upper limb", "上肢血管畸形切除术" ], "75771002": [ "Ear, nose and throat examination under general anesthesia", "Ear, nose and throat examination under general anaesthesia", "ENT (ear, nose, and throat) examination under general anaesthesia", "ENT (ear, nose, and throat) examination under general anesthesia", "全身麻醉下进行耳鼻喉科检查", "全身麻醉下进行耳鼻喉检查" ], "26619008": [ "Closure of ileosigmoidal fistula", "回肠乙状结肠瘘闭合" ], "90320007": [ "ELISA by avidin biotin peroxidase complex method", "Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) by avidin biotin peroxidase complex method", "Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay by avidin biotin peroxidase complex method", "抗生物素蛋白-生物素-过氧化物酶复合物法 ELISA", "亲和素-生物素-过氧化物酶复合物法酶联免疫吸附测定", "采用亲和素-生物素-过氧化物酶复合物法进行酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)" ], "121253002": [ "Carbamate pesticide identification", "氨基甲酸酯类农药的鉴别" ], "252325003": [ "CICs - Circulating immune complexes assay", "Circulating immune complexes assay", "循环免疫复合物测定", "CICs - 循环免疫复合物测定" ], "432549005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of oral cavity", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of oral cavity", "MRI of oral cavity", "口腔磁共振成像(MRI)", "口腔磁共振成像" ], "448933005": [ "Debridement of open fracture of metacarpal bone", "掌骨开放性骨折清创术" ], "104869008": [ "Phosphatidylcholine measurement", "磷脂酰胆碱测量" ], "1217146001": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic examination of lower respiratory tract and brush cytology of lesion of lower respiratory tract", "Fibreoptic endoscopic examination of lower respiratory tract and brush cytology of lesion of lower respiratory tract", "Fibreoptic endoscopy of lower respiratory tract and brush cytology of lesion of lower respiratory tract", "Fiberoptic endoscopy of lower respiratory tract and brush cytology of lesion of lower respiratory tract", "下呼吸道纤维内镜检查及下呼吸道病变刷检细胞学检查", "下呼吸道纤维内镜检查及下呼吸道病变刷检" ], "184954009": [ "Mobility allowance medical 1.5 - 2.5 hours ex-surgery", "手术后 1.5 - 2.5 小时的医疗行动津贴" ], "68431006": [ "Graft of trachea", "Grafting of trachea", "气管移植" ], "183119007": [ "Removable denture fitting", "Insertion of removable denture", "植入可摘义齿", "可拆卸义齿配件" ], "17444001": [ "Biopsy of omentum", "大网膜活检" ], "19279009": [ "Fitting of spectacles, low vision aid, single element", "Fitting of eyeglasses, low vision aid, single element", "配戴眼镜、低视力辅助器、单件", "眼镜配戴、低视力辅助器、单片" ], "1295396002": [ "Postmortem plain X-ray", "尸检X光检查" ], "66596009": [ "Diagnostic radiography for foreign body detection and localization", "Diagnostic radiography for foreign body detection and localisation", "用于异物检测和定位的诊断放射线照相术" ], "179449002": [ "Conversion to uncemented total shoulder replacement", "转换为非骨水泥全肩关节置换术" ], "228601006": [ "Prescription of splint", "夹板处方" ], "718286004": [ "Cone beam CT of facial bone", "Cone beam computed tomography of bone structure of face", "面部骨结构锥形束计算机断层扫描", "面骨锥形束CT" ], "439758004": [ "Measurement of free valproic acid", "游离丙戊酸的测量" ], "243150007": [ "Assisted controlled mandatory ventilation", "Triggered ventilation", "AC - assist control ventilation", "Assist control ventilation", "AC-- 辅助控制通气", "触发通气", "辅助控制通气", "辅助控制指令通气" ], "175779004": [ "Attention to arteriovenous shunt", "动静脉分流术注意事项" ], "26488000": [ "Plasminogen assay, antigenic", "Plasminogen antigen assay", "抗原性纤溶酶原测定", "纤溶酶原抗原检测" ], "1156984001": [ "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft from left internal thoracic artery to anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "Anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "冠状动脉搭桥术,利用游离右胸廓内动脉移植术,从左胸廓内动脉移植物至左冠状动脉前降支", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 吻合至左冠状动脉前降支 (LAD)", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉前降支吻合" ], "239480004": [ "Excision arthroplasty of carpometacarpal joint of thumb", "拇指腕掌关节切除成形术" ], "10104004": [ "Flow cytometric crossmatch, two colors", "Flow cytometric crossmatch, two colours", "流式细胞术交叉配型,两种颜色" ], "172109000": [ "Microdochotomy", "Incision of mammary duct", "乳腺导管切开术", "微切开术" ], "450637001": [ "Open clipping of fallopian tube", "输卵管切开术" ], "761933004": [ "Repair of left direct inguinal hernia", "左侧腹股沟直疝修补术" ], "104738001": [ "Hydroxocobalamin measurement", "羟钴胺测量" ], "252194002": [ "Dopamine antagonist test", "多巴胺拮抗剂试验" ], "39202005": [ "Coronary artery bypass with autogenous graft, four grafts", "自体移植冠状动脉搭桥术,四个移植血管" ], "55586007": [ "Anastomosis of esophagus, antesternal or antethoracic, with insertion of rubber tube", "Anastomosis of oesophagus, antesternal or antethoracic, with insertion of rubber tube", "食管吻合术,胸骨前或胸骨前,插入橡胶管", "食管吻合术,胸骨前或胸腔前,插入橡胶管" ], "88354009": [ "Removal of foreign body from intestine by incision", "Enterotomy for foreign body removal", "切开肠取出异物", "肠切开术取出异物" ], "397815001": [ "Administration of cardiovascular drug to increase oxygen delivery", "Oxygen delivery increased using cardiovascular drugs", "使用心血管药物增加氧气输送" ], "6434009": [ "Seminal fluid detection", "精液检测" ], "266743001": [ "Daily life rehabilitation", "日常生活康复" ], "446967005": [ "Assessment using adolescent/adult sensory profile", "使用青少年/成人感官特征进行评估" ], "314060000": [ "Calculus cholesterol content measurement", "Calculus cholesterol content", "结石胆固醇含量测定", "结石胆固醇含量" ], "119287009": [ "Biopsy of large intestine", "大肠活检" ], "445132000": [ "Detection of Helicobacter pylori using polymerase chain reaction technique", "聚合酶链反应技术检测幽门螺杆菌" ], "51916003": [ "Biofeedback training by electroencephalogram application in anxiety", "脑电生物反馈训练在焦虑症中的应用" ], "70135008": [ "Electroencephalogram during nonintracranial surgery", "EEG during nonintracranial surgery", "非颅内手术中的脑电图", "非颅内手术期间的脑电图" ], "1297100005": [ "Arterial bypass graft of thoracic artery using arterial graft", "使用动脉移植进行胸主动脉旁路移植术" ], "166604007": [ "Blood ammonia measurement", "Blood ammonia level", "血氨测量", "血氨水平" ], "197537000": [ "Subarachnoid-ureteral spinal shunt with valve", "Subarachnoid-ureteral spinal anastomosis with valve", "带瓣膜的蛛网膜下腔输尿管脊柱吻合术", "带瓣膜的蛛网膜下腔输尿管脊髓分流术" ], "33697008": [ "Geriatric counseling", "Geriatric counselling", "老年咨询" ], "441462007": [ "Pollicisation of finger", "Pollicization of finger", "Reconstruction of thumb from existing finger", "拇指化", "利用现有手指重建拇指" ], "177483001": [ "Revision of flap of skin to head or neck", "头部或颈部皮瓣修复" ], "406859001": [ "Fluorescein stain method", "Fluorescein stain", "荧光素染色法", "荧光素染色" ], "392310009": [ "Rw210 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sugar beet (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Beta vulgaris (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Beta vulgaris (pollen) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rw210特异性IgE抗体测量", "甜菜(花粉)特异性IgE抗体测定", "甜菜(花粉)特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "甜菜(花粉)特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "765472003": [ "Excision of left kidney", "Left nephrectomy", "左肾切除术" ], "241184004": [ "Stress cystogram", "压力性膀胱造影" ], "388640005": [ "Rf328 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ficus carica specific IgE antibody measurement", "Fig specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ficus carica specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf328特异性IgE抗体测量", "无花果特异性IgE抗体测量", "无花果特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "图 特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "173813000": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic removal of foreign body from upper gastrointestinal tract", "Fibreoptic endoscopic removal of foreign body from upper gastrointestinal tract", "纤维内镜上消化道异物取出术" ], "304885001": [ "Working with the transference", "处理转移" ], "239349005": [ "Excision of lesion of maxilla", "上颌骨病损切除术" ], "222965005": [ "Reestablishment of continuity of vas deferens", "输精管连续性的重建" ], "8138008": [ "Antithrombin III assay, functional", "抗凝血酶 III 测定,功能性" ], "450506009": [ "Computed tomography angiography of coronary artery bypass graft with contrast", "CT angiography of coronary artery bypass graft with contrast", "CT arteriography of coronary artery bypass graft with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of coronary artery bypass graft with contrast", "CT arteriogram of coronary artery bypass graft with contrast", "冠状动脉搭桥术 CT 动脉造影", "冠状动脉搭桥术 CT 血管造影", "冠状动脉搭桥术计算机断层血管造影", "冠状动脉搭桥术计算机断层造影" ], "55455004": [ "Revision of pacemaker electrode leads", "Revision of cardiac pacemaker electrodes", "Reposition of cardiac pacemaker electrodes", "心脏起搏器电极的重新定位", "起搏器电极导线的修订", "心脏起搏器电极的修订" ], "104607005": [ "11-deoxycorticosterone measurement", "11-脱氧皮质酮测量" ], "39071007": [ "Sequestrectomy of phalanges of hand", "手指骨死骨切除术" ], "397684006": [ "Referral by prosthetist", "假肢技师转介" ], "37236007": [ "Dermabrasion", "Removal of superficial layer of skin by dermabrasion", "Abrasion of skin", "Sandpapering of skin", "Planing of skin", "Dermabrasion of skin", "磨皮术", "皮肤刨削", "通过磨皮术去除皮肤表层", "用砂纸打磨皮肤", "皮肤磨削术", "皮肤擦伤" ], "430452007": [ "Computed tomography of sacral spine with contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of sacral spine with contrast", "CT of sacral spine with contrast", "骶椎增强 CT 扫描", "骶椎增强计算机断层扫描", "骶椎增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "608841000": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from lower gastrointestinal tract", "下消化道标本显微镜检查" ], "117321004": [ "Orcein stain method", "Orcein stain", "地衣红染色法", "地衣红染色" ], "363081006": [ "Dilation of duct", "乳腺管扩张" ], "313929007": [ "24 hour urine catecholamine output measurement", "24 hour urine catecholamine output", "24 小时尿液儿茶酚胺排出量测定", "24小时尿儿茶酚胺排出量" ], "410398001": [ "Medication administration surveillance", "药物管理监测" ], "443166007": [ "Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection of mixed type", "混合型完全性肺静脉异位引流的修复" ], "179187001": [ "Primary arthroscopic reduction of fracture", "关节镜下初次骨折复位" ], "46280001": [ "Autologous bone marrow transplant with purging", "Marrow-treated bone marrow transplant", "Marrow purged bone marrow transplant", "自体骨髓移植及净化", "骨髓净化骨髓移植", "经骨髓治疗的骨髓移植" ], "308424004": [ "Adult health screening call", "成人健康筛查电话" ], "439496004": [ "Manual microdissection of tissue specimen", "组织标本的手动显微切割" ], "718024008": [ "Oral antipsychotic therapy", "口服抗精神病药物治疗" ], "306589004": [ "Discharge from clinical cytogenetics service", "临床细胞遗传学服务出院" ], "241053004": [ "Radiographic measurement of lung volume", "肺容量的放射线测量" ], "699805006": [ "Lachman sign test", "Lachman test", "Lachman 符号检验", "拉赫曼试验" ], "42610000": [ "Anterior tibialis tendon transfer for repair of flat foot", "Young operation", "Young's tenosuspension", "胫骨前肌腱转移修复扁平足", "杨氏腱悬吊术", "年轻化操作" ], "388509009": [ "Astragalus spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf298 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Tragacanth specific IgE antibody measurement", "Astragalus spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "黄芪属特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf298特异性IgE抗体测量", "黄芪属特异性IgE抗体测定", "黄蓍胶特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "714354001": [ "Assessment using GSRS (Group Session Rating Scale)", "Assessment using Group Session Rating Scale", "使用小组会议评分量表进行评估", "使用 GSRS(小组会议评定量表)进行评估" ], "401223004": [ "Right dorsalis pedis ankle brachial pressure index", "Right dorsalis pedis ABPI (ankle brachial pressure index)", "右足背 ABPI(踝臂压指数)", "右足背踝臂压指数" ], "448540000": [ "Laparoscopic microwave ablation of lesion of liver", "腹腔镜微波消融治疗肝脏病变" ], "73543008": [ "Open biopsy of large intestine", "大肠开放活检" ], "237383009": [ "Pre-biopsy localization of breast lesion using direct needle method", "Pre-biopsy localisation of breast lesion using direct needle method", "活检前直接针刺法定位乳腺病变", "使用直接针法进行乳腺病变的活检前定位" ], "301084004": [ "Ligation of maxillary artery", "上颌动脉结扎术" ], "235548005": [ "Chemodissolution of bile duct stone", "胆管结石化学溶解术" ], "432156007": [ "Radionuclide imaging of brain perfusion", "脑灌注放射性核素显像" ], "104476008": [ "Adenylosuccinate lyase measurement", "腺苷酸琥珀酸裂解酶测量" ], "4337003": [ "Homogentisic acid measurement", "尿黑酸测量" ], "69873004": [ "Viscosity measurement", "粘度测量" ], "446705006": [ "Trephination of cranium and drainage of chronic haematoma from subdural space", "Trephination of cranium and drainage of chronic hematoma from subdural space", "Trephination of cranium and drainage of haematoma from subdural space", "Trephination of cranium and drainage of hematoma from subdural space", "颅骨钻孔术及硬膜下腔慢性血肿引流", "颅骨钻孔及硬膜下腔血肿引流" ], "1231302001": [ "Correction of congenital anomaly of lower limb", "下肢先天畸形矫正" ], "313798004": [ "Duodenal fluid trypsin measurement", "Duodenal fluid trypsin level", "十二指肠液胰蛋白酶测定", "十二指肠液胰蛋白酶水平" ], "182726007": [ "Asthma control step 0", "哮喘控制步骤 0" ], "410267000": [ "Mobility/transfers teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Mobility/transfers teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Mobility/transfers education, guidance, and counseling", "Mobility/transfers education, guidance, and counselling", "流动/调动教育、指导和咨询", "流动/转学教学、指导和咨询" ], "768880001": [ "Revision of one component of total prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint using cement", "人工肩关节全置换术单部件水泥置换" ], "1293168001": [ "Plain X-ray of ureter", "输尿管普通 X 光检查" ], "64368001": [ "Partial mastectomy", "Subtotal mastectomy", "Excision of part of breast", "部分乳房切除术", "部分乳房切除", "乳房次全切除术" ], "15216004": [ "Adjust partial denture, upper", "调整上部局部义齿" ], "277360004": [ "Massive blood transfusion", "大量输血" ], "408432006": [ "Advice to carer regarding child's minor illnesses", "Recommendation to carer regarding child's minor illnesses", "Recommendation to caregiver regarding child's minor illnesses", "Advice to caregiver regarding child's minor illnesses", "给照顾者有关儿童轻微疾病的建议", "向照顾者提供有关孩子轻微疾病的建议", "给照顾者关于孩子轻微疾病的建议", "向照顾者提供有关儿童轻微疾病的建议" ], "441200004": [ "Culture of embryo", "胚胎培养" ], "392048005": [ "Operation on urinary system", "Urinary operations", "泌尿系统手术", "泌尿手术" ], "13381004": [ "Release of tendon sheath of hand", "手部腱鞘松解术" ], "177221004": [ "Immediate repair of minor obstetric laceration", "立即修复轻微产科裂伤" ], "734277005": [ "Provision of written information about social support", "提供有关社会支持的书面信息" ], "27930000": [ "Debridement of open fracture", "开放性骨折清创" ], "439365009": [ "Closed manual reduction of fracture of posterior malleolus", "后踝骨折闭合手法复位" ], "355610001": [ "Anastomosis of oesophagus to small bowel", "Anastomosis of esophagus to small bowel", "食管小肠吻合术" ], "11546007": [ "Anesthesia for esophagoscopy", "Anaesthesia for oesophagoscopy", "食管镜检查麻醉" ], "175386009": [ "Excision of aneurysm of circle of Willis", "Willis 环动脉瘤切除术" ], "419311004": [ "MRI angiography of renal artery", "MRA renal artery", "Magnetic resonance angiography of renal artery", "MR angiography of renal artery", "MR arteriography of renal artery", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of renal artery", "肾动脉 MRI 血管造影", "肾动脉磁共振血管造影", "MRA 肾动脉", "肾动脉磁共振动脉造影" ], "1304047005": [ "Laparoscopic implantation of intramuscular diaphragm electrodes", "腹腔镜膈肌内电极植入术" ], "1269444000": [ "Belatacept therapy", "Belatacept 治疗" ], "7876001": [ "Open reduction of closed sternoclavicular dislocation, acute, with fascial graft", "急性闭合性胸锁关节脱位切开复位联合筋膜移植" ], "58863009": [ "Initial implantation of cardiac dual-chamber device", "Initial insertion of cardiac dual-chamber device", "Initial insertion of cardiac pacemaker dual-chamber device", "心脏双腔装置的首次植入", "首次插入心脏双腔装置", "心脏起搏器双腔装置的初次植入" ], "24260005": [ "Repair of fracture with osteotomy and correction of alignment with intramedullary rod", "截骨修复骨折并用髓内棒矫正排列" ], "302788006": [ "Post-prandial blood glucose measurement", "Post-prandial blood glucose", "Postprandial blood glucose measurement", "餐后血糖测量", "餐后血糖" ], "417476007": [ "Bowel continence assessment", "排便控制评估" ], "384708008": [ "Fulguration", "电灼疗法" ], "710553000": [ "Education about fluid balance", "关于液体平衡的教育" ], "104345003": [ "Complement protein measurement", "补体蛋白测量" ], "235417004": [ "Biopsy using Watson capsule", "使用 Watson 胶囊进行活检" ], "448409009": [ "Removal of partial hip prosthesis", "移除部分髋关节假体" ], "233582002": [ "Intermittent hemofiltration", "Intermittent haemofiltration", "间歇性血液滤过" ], "1231171000": [ "Osteotomy of maxilla with insertion and adjustment of fixed rapid maxillary expansion appliance", "SARME - surgically assisted rapid maxillary expansion", "SARPE - surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion", "Incision of maxilla with insertion and adjustment of fixed rapid maxillary expansion appliance", "SARME-- 手术辅助快速上颌扩张", "上颌骨截骨术及固定快速上颌扩张器的插入和调整", "SARPE-- 手术辅助快速腭扩张", "上颌骨切开术及固定快速上颌扩张器插入与调整" ], "20590009": [ "Removal of non-inflatable penile prosthesis", "移除不可膨胀的阴茎假体" ], "118894009": [ "Procedure on ossicular chain of middle ear", "中耳听骨链手术" ], "35139005": [ "Removal of foreign body of kidney by incision", "肾脏切开取异物" ], "2371008": [ "Tympanoplasty type II with graft against incus or malleus", "Tympanoplasty with incudostapediopexy", "Myringomalleolabyrinthopexy", "鼓膜瘤迷路固定术", "Ⅱ型鼓室成形术,采用砧骨或锤骨移植", "鼓室成形术及砧镫骨固定术" ], "297283009": [ "Intravenous hydrocortisone therapy", "静脉注射氢化可的松治疗" ], "231747008": [ "Surgical capsulotomy of lens capsule", "晶状体囊切开术" ], "33304001": [ "Operation on round ligament", "圆韧带手术" ], "229912004": [ "Enteral feeding", "EN - Enteral nutrition", "Enteral nutrition", "EN-肠内营养", "肠内喂养", "肠内营养" ], "770584000": [ "Ultrasonography guided cryoablation of lesion", "Ultrasound guided cryoablation of lesion", "Cryoablation of lesion using ultrasonography guidance", "超声引导下病变冷冻消融", "超声引导下冷冻消融病变" ], "410136007": [ "Nursing coordination management", "Manage nursing coordination", "Nursing care case management", "管理护理协调", "护理病例管理", "护理协调管理" ], "66072009": [ "Laryngostomy", "喉造口术" ], "426520009": [ "Acid esterase measurement", "酸酯酶测定" ], "62402000": [ "Revision of total hip replacement", "Revision of total hip prosthesis", "全髋关节置换术的翻修", "全髋关节假体的修复" ], "29634001": [ "Dacryocystorhinostomy via internal approach with laser", "经内路激光泪囊鼻腔吻合术" ], "177090001": [ "Fetoscopic biopsy of fetus", "Foetoscopic biopsy of foetus", "胎儿镜活检" ], "439234002": [ "Open division of angle of mandible", "下颌角开裂" ], "78786007": [ "Removal of internal fixation device from phalanges of foot", "足趾骨内固定装置拆除" ], "765079002": [ "Angiography of intracranial artery", "Angiogram of intracranial artery", "Arteriography of intracranial artery", "颅内动脉血管造影", "颅内动脉造影" ], "306327003": [ "Referral to lymphedema care nurse", "Referral to lymphoedema care nurse", "转诊至淋巴水肿护理护士" ], "11415005": [ "Antibody identification, RBC antibody panel, standard technique", "Antibody identification, red blood cell antibody panel, standard technique", "抗体鉴定,红细胞抗体组,标准技术" ], "386412000": [ "Resuscitation of neonate", "Resuscitation: neonate", "复苏:新生儿", "新生儿复苏" ], "304492001": [ "Activities of daily living assessment", "ADL - Activities of daily living assessment", "Assess activities of daily living (ADLS)", "评估日常生活活动能力 (ADLS)", "日常生活活动能力评估", "ADL-日常生活活动评估" ], "9580008": [ "Chemothalamectomy", "丘脑化疗切除术" ], "122433001": [ "Viral antigen assay", "病毒抗原检测" ], "1285697003": [ "Revision of arthroplasty of head of radius", "桡骨头置换术" ], "269889004": [ "Urine imipramine level", "Urine imipramine measurement", "尿液丙咪嗪测量", "尿液丙咪嗪浓度" ], "56897006": [ "Major thoracotomy with removal of intrapulmonary foreign body", "Thoracotomy for removal of foreign body from lung", "大型开胸手术取出肺内异物", "开胸手术取出肺内异物" ], "235286000": [ "Roux-en-Y transposition of jejunum", "空肠Roux-en-Y转位术" ], "1201942004": [ "Reconstruction using pedicle skin flap", "Pedicle skin flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction with pedicle skin flap", "带蒂皮瓣重建", "带蒂皮瓣修复" ], "104214004": [ "Wright stain", "Wright stain method", "瑞氏染色", "瑞氏染色法" ], "300822006": [ "Simple browlift", "简单的提眉术" ], "431894006": [ "Ultrasonography of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt stent", "经颈静脉肝内门体分流术支架的超声检查" ], "38678006": [ "Client-centered psychotherapy", "Supportive therapy", "Rogerian psychotherapy", "罗杰斯心理治疗", "以客户为中心的心理治疗", "支持治疗" ], "118763001": [ "Procedure on pineal gland", "松果体手术" ], "708587003": [ "Marsupialization of pharyngeal abscess", "Marsupialization of abscess of pharynx", "Marsupialisation of pharyngeal abscess", "Marsupialisation of abscess of pharynx", "咽部脓肿袋形缝合术", "咽部脓肿袋形成形术" ], "233451003": [ "Laparoscopic ligation of varicocele", "腹腔镜精索静脉曲张结扎术" ], "36843004": [ "Injection of heart", "Intracardiac injection", "心脏注射", "心内注射" ], "313536001": [ "Serum amikacin measurement", "Serum amikacin level", "血清阿米卡星浓度", "血清阿米卡星测定" ], "51392005": [ "Open reduction of separated epiphysis of radius AND ulna", "桡骨和尺骨骨骺分离切开复位" ], "67776007": [ "Monocyte count", "Monocyte count - observation", "单核细胞计数-观察", "单核细胞计数" ], "231616008": [ "Tarsal eversion of upper eyelid", "Everting upper eyelid", "上睑睑板外翻", "上眼睑外翻" ], "311701006": [ "Oesophageal voice insufflation exercises", "Esophageal voice insufflation exercises", "食管发声练习" ], "426389008": [ "Intrauterine insemination without superovulation using partner sperm", "Intrauterine insemination using partner sperm", "Intrauterine insemination without controlled ovarian hyperstimulation using partner sperm", "Intrauterine insemination using partner spermatozoa", "利用伴侣精子进行宫内授精", "使用伴侣精子的宫内授精", "使用伴侣精子进行不超排卵的宫内授精", "使用伴侣精子进行未控制卵巢刺激的宫内授精" ], "1260138003": [ "Insertion of autologous fascial pubovaginal sling", "自体筋膜耻骨阴道吊带植入术" ], "178794004": [ "Excision of lesion of thoracic vertebra", "胸椎病损切除术" ], "13119002": [ "Operative procedure on adrenal gland", "Operation on adrenal gland", "Suprarenal gland operation", "Adrenal gland operation", "Adrenal operation", "肾上腺手术" ], "62271008": [ "Incision of skin abscess", "皮肤脓肿切开术" ], "27668001": [ "Insertion of keratoprosthesis", "Insertion of prosthesis into cornea", "植入角膜假体", "将假体植入角膜" ], "1010708003": [ "Incision of right vas deferens", "Right vasotomy", "右侧输精管切开术" ], "44052005": [ "Ultrasonography of biliary tract", "US scan of biliary tree", "胆道系统超声扫描", "胆道超声检查" ], "386281000": [ "Embolus precautions", "栓塞预防措施" ], "287977004": [ "Dilation/incision of cervix - delivery aid", "宫颈扩张/切开术 - 助产" ], "122302002": [ "Streptococcus pneumoniae rRNA assay", "Streptococcus pneumoniae ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "肺炎链球菌 rRNA 检测", "肺炎链球菌核糖体核糖核酸测定" ], "236990004": [ "Postmortem cesarean section", "Postmortem caesarean section", "死后剖宫产", "死后剖腹产" ], "433598007": [ "Intraoperative fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta with contrast with insertion of branched bifurcated stent graft", "Intraoperative fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta with contrast with insertion of branched bifurcated stent graft", "腹主动脉术中荧光血管造影及分支型支架植入", "术中腹主动脉荧光造影及插入分支型支架移植物" ], "171454008": [ "Stereotactic ablation of brain tissue", "脑组织立体定向消融" ], "235155001": [ "Endoscopic Congo Red Test", "ECRT - Endoscopic Congo Red Test", "内镜刚果红检查", "ECRT - 内窥镜刚果红测试" ], "431763003": [ "Percutaneous intradiscal electrothermal annuloplasty using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮椎间盘电热瓣环成形术" ], "710291004": [ "Endoscopy using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided endoscopy", "荧光透视引导内窥镜检查", "透视引导下进行内窥镜检查" ], "25961000087101": [ "Assessment of eligibility for long term care home", "评估长期护理院的资格" ], "14441000087101": [ "Ultrasonography guided drainage of right upper limb", "Drainage of right upper extremity using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided drainage of right upper extremity", "Drainage of right upper limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下右上肢引流" ], "1641000087102": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of bilateral kidneys", "Biopsy of bilateral kidneys using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided biopsy of both kidneys", "Ultrasound guided biopsy of left and right kidney", "超声引导下双侧肾脏活检", "超声引导下双肾活检", "超声引导下左、右肾活检" ], "17001000087100": [ "Ultrasonography guided puncture of cyst of left kidney", "Puncture of cyst of left kidney using ultrasonographic guidance", "Left renal cyst puncture using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下左肾囊肿穿刺术", "超声引导下左肾囊肿穿刺" ], "1300115005": [ "Assistance with application for basic skills training programme", "Assistance with application for basic skills training program", "协助申请基本技能培训计划" ], "397160002": [ "Paul-Mikulicz operation", "保罗-米库利茨手术" ], "5481000087107": [ "Ultrasonography guided needle localization of lesion of left breast", "Ultrasonography guided needle localisation of lesion of left breast", "Needle localization of lesion of left breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided needle localization of lesion of left breast", "Needle localisation of lesion of left breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided needle localisation of lesion of left breast", "超声引导下左乳房病变针定位", "超声引导下左乳腺病变穿刺定位", "超声引导下左乳腺病变针定位" ], "2921000087106": [ "MRI of bilateral forearms with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral forearms with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both forearms with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right forearms with contrast", "双侧前臂 MRI 增强扫描", "左、右前臂对比磁共振成像", "双侧前臂增强磁共振成像", "双前臂磁共振成像对比" ], "361000087108": [ "Fluoroscopic venogram of right renal vein with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venography of right renal vein with contrast", "右肾静脉荧光造影" ], "6761000087104": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of arteries of bilateral upper limbs", "Doppler ultrasound of arteries of both upper limbs", "Doppler ultrasound scan of artery of left and right upper extremity", "左、右上肢动脉多普勒超声扫描", "双侧上肢动脉多普勒超声检查", "双上肢动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "69480007": [ "Gamma glutamyl transferase measurement", "Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase measurement", "GTP measurement", "GGT measurement", "GGTP measurement", "Gamma-glutamyl transferase level", "GGT 测量", "γ-谷氨酰转移酶水平", "GTP 测量", "γ-谷氨酰转移酶测量", "γ-谷氨酰转肽酶测量", "GGTP 测量" ], "429928007": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of zygapophyseal joint with contrast", "关节突关节荧光造影" ], "233320009": [ "Embolisation of middle cerebral artery", "Embolization of middle cerebral artery", "大脑中动脉栓塞术", "大脑中动脉栓塞" ], "116797000": [ "Transfusion of factor IX", "Coagulation factor IX product administration by intravascular infusion", "输注 IX 因子", "通过血管内输注给予凝血因子 IX 产品" ], "34877007": [ "Reattachment of extremity at thigh", "Replantation of whole lower limb", "Replantation of whole leg", "全腿再植", "大腿肢体再接", "全下肢再植" ], "16658002": [ "Repair of retina for retinal tear or defect by cryotherapy", "Cryotherapy of retina for repair of tear or defect", "Cryoretinopexy for repair of tear or defect", "通过冷冻疗法修复视网膜撕裂或缺损", "视网膜冷冻治疗修复撕裂或缺损", "冷冻视网膜固定术修复撕裂或缺损" ], "311570008": [ "Protected swallow technique", "保护性吞咽技术" ], "14823003": [ "Anesthesia for hysteroscopy", "Anaesthesia for hysteroscopy", "宫腔镜检查麻醉" ], "47591004": [ "IL-8 assay", "Interleukin-8 assay", "白细胞介素-8 检测", "IL-8 测定" ], "113127005": [ "Kidney transplant evaluation", "肾移植评估" ], "225980008": [ "Using a calm reassuring manner", "用冷静、令人安心的方式" ], "306065003": [ "Referral by podiatrist", "Referral by chiropodist", "Referral from chiropodist", "Referral from podiatrist", "足病医生推荐", "足病医生转诊" ], "27537008": [ "Arthrodesis by anterior extraoral technique, clivus-C1-C2, with bone graft and excision of odontoid process", "采用前口外技术进行关节融合,斜坡-C1-C2,骨移植和齿状突切除" ], "287846000": [ "Radical pancreaticoduodenectomy", "根治性胰十二指肠切除术" ], "60305009": [ "Repair of mesentery", "肠系膜修复" ], "74854002": [ "Cauterization of anus", "Cauterisation of anus", "肛门烧灼" ], "271462004": [ "Dynamic non-imaging isotope study: blood flow", "动态非成像同位素研究:血流" ], "713830006": [ "Endoscopic radiofrequency ablation of esophageal epithelium", "Endoscopic radiofrequency ablation of oesophageal epithelium", "内镜射频消融食管上皮" ], "122171001": [ "Candida albicans antigen assay", "白色念珠菌抗原检测" ], "236859002": [ "Sacrospinous fixation of vaginal vault", "Sacrospinous colpopexy", "阴道穹窿骶棘固定术", "骶棘阴道固定术" ], "73019003": [ "Incision of hematoma of space of Retzius", "Incision of haematoma of space of Retzius", "雷齐乌斯间隙血肿切开术" ], "302395004": [ "Cauterization of skin lesion", "Cauterisation of skin lesion", "皮肤损伤烧灼" ], "726544002": [ "Ultrasonography guided transrectal cryoablation of prostate", "Transrectal cryoablation of prostate using ultrasonographic guidance", "TRUS (transrectal ultrasound) guided cryoablation of prostate", "TRUS(经直肠超声)引导前列腺冷冻消融", "超声引导下经直肠前列腺冷冻消融术" ], "103952002": [ "Little p blood group typing", "小p血型分型" ], "5648005": [ "Surgical repair and revision of shunt", "手术修复和修订分流器" ], "71184006": [ "Resection of extraocular muscle with advancement or recession of other eye muscle", "眼外肌切除术伴有其他眼肌前移或后退" ], "429797002": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) using iodine 131 meta-iodobenzylguanidine", "Single photon emission computed tomography using iodine 131 meta-iodobenzylguanidine", "使用碘 131 间碘苄胍进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)", "使用碘 131 间碘苄胍进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "233189003": [ "Percutaneous insertion of pericardial drainage tube", "Closed drainage of pericardial effusion", "心包积液闭式引流", "经皮心包引流管插入" ], "446181006": [ "Forensic plain X-ray", "法医X射线平片" ], "315109008": [ "Cysticercosis indirect fluorescence antibody test", "Cysticercosis IFAT", "囊尾蚴病", "囊虫病间接荧光抗体试验" ], "395194001": [ "Chlamydia psittaci IgA level", "Chlamydia psittaci immunoglobulin A level", "Chlamydophila psittaci immunoglobulin A level", "Chlamydophila psittaci IgA level", "鹦鹉热衣原体 IgA 水平", "鹦鹉热衣原体免疫球蛋白 A 水平" ], "231354004": [ "Topical local anaesthetic to vocal cords", "Topical local anesthetic to vocal cords", "声带局部麻醉" ], "313274005": [ "Respiratory syncytial virus swab", "RSV - Respiratory syncytial virus swab", "RSV-呼吸道合胞病毒拭子", "呼吸道合胞病毒拭子" ], "18362009": [ "Chiropractic adjustment of hip subluxation", "髋关节半脱位的脊椎矫正" ], "721039003": [ "Dual energy computed tomography", "DECT - dual energy computed tomography", "DECT-- 双能量计算机断层扫描", "双能量计算机断层扫描" ], "178532001": [ "Revisional hemilaminectomy excision of cervical intervertebral disc", "颈椎间盘半椎板切除术" ], "1479971000168109": [ "Email encounter", "E-mail encounter", "电子邮件遭遇" ], "176697007": [ "Repair of vaginal prolapse and amputation of cervix uteri", "Colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri", "阴道缝合术和宫颈切断术", "阴道脱垂修复术及宫颈切断术" ], "275001008": [ "Myringotomy and insertion of long-term ventilation tube", "鼓膜切开术并插入长期通气管" ], "387854002": [ "Massage physiotherapy", "Physiotherapeutic massage", "Massage therapy", "理疗按摩", "按摩疗法", "按摩理疗" ], "699150005": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of carpometacarpal joint", "腕掌关节脱位闭合复位术" ], "1303523000": [ "Prosthetic arthroplasty of right elbow", "右肘关节假体置换术" ], "76558009": [ "Periarterial sympathectomy", "动脉周围交感神经切除术" ], "304099003": [ "Local transposition flap", "局部转位皮瓣" ], "173027006": [ "Endoscopic resection of lesion of larynx", "内镜喉病变切除术" ], "713699007": [ "Vacuum assisted excision of breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided vacuum assisted excision of breast", "超声引导下乳腺真空辅助切除术", "超声引导下乳房真空辅助切除术" ], "1285304005": [ "Analysis of exhaled breath condensate", "呼出气冷凝液分析" ], "437441000124103": [ "Decreased zinc diet", "减少锌饮食" ], "122040007": [ "Microsporidia identification", "微孢子虫的鉴别" ], "234893001": [ "Repair of anterior cleft palate", "前腭裂修复" ], "169357002": [ "Radiotherapy: infiltrate tissue", "放射治疗:浸润组织" ], "103821002": [ "Fibrinopeptide B-beta (1-14) assay", "纤维蛋白肽B-β(1-14)测定" ], "438721000124104": [ "Niacin supplement therapy", "烟酸补充疗法" ], "441281000124104": [ "Counselling about nutrition using self-monitoring strategy", "Counseling about nutrition using self-monitoring strategy", "使用自我监测策略进行营养咨询" ], "5517007": [ "Restoration, inlay, porcelain/ceramic, per tooth, in addition to inlay", "修复,嵌体,瓷/陶瓷,每颗牙齿,除嵌体外" ], "120205009": [ "Inguinal region repair", "腹股沟区修复" ], "233058004": [ "Open resection of right ventricular muscle bands", "右心室肌带开放切除术" ], "183906007": [ "Private referral to rheumatologist", "风湿病专家私人转诊" ], "231223000": [ "Intraoral approach to local anesthetic infraorbital nerve block", "Intraoral approach to local anaesthetic infraorbital nerve block", "Intraoral approach to infraorbital nerve block", "口内入路眶下神经阻滞", "口内局部麻醉眶下神经阻滞术" ], "739127002": [ "Left cervical sympathectomy", "Excision of left cervical sympathetic trunk", "左侧颈交感神经切除术", "左颈交感神经干切除术" ], "444215002": [ "Incision of joint capsule", "关节囊切开" ], "1263415006": [ "IUD (intrauterine contraceptive device) removal from cavity of uterus", "IUCD (intrauterine contraceptive device) removal from uterine cavity", "Removal of intrauterine contraceptive device from endometrial cavity", "Removal of intrauterine contraceptive device from uterine cavity", "从子宫腔中取出宫内节育器 (IUD)", "从宫腔中取出宫内节育器 (IUCD)", "从子宫内膜腔中取出宫内避孕器", "从宫腔中取出宫内避孕器" ], "229388001": [ "Physiological mobilisation of the ankle", "Physiological mobilization of the ankle", "踝关节的生理活动" ], "278540006": [ "Repair of spinal meningocele using distant flap", "远端皮瓣修复脊膜膨出" ], "409612006": [ "Anaerobic blood culture", "厌氧血培养" ], "702689001": [ "Cage bird feather mix (budgerigar, canary, parakeet, finch) specific IgE measurement", "Cage bird feather mix (budgerigar, canary, parakeet, finch) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "EX72 specific IgE measurement", "笼鸟羽毛混合物(虎皮鹦鹉、金丝雀、长尾小鹦鹉、雀科鸟类)特异性 IgE 测量", "笼鸟羽毛混合物(虎皮鹦鹉、金丝雀、长尾小鹦鹉、雀科)特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "EX72 特异性IgE测量" ], "129249002": [ "Needle biopsy", "针吸活检" ], "47329006": [ "Suture of periosteum of vertebra", "椎骨骨膜缝合" ], "307638000": [ "Anastomosis of ascending colon to rectum", "升结肠直肠吻合术" ], "391393009": [ "Plasmodium falciparum slide test", "恶性疟原虫玻片检测" ], "14561009": [ "Breast reconstruction with latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap with implant", "带植入物的背阔肌肌皮瓣乳房重建" ], "225718003": [ "Checking position of endotracheal tube", "Check endotracheal tube position", "Tracheal tube position check", "检查气管插管位置", "气管插管位置检查" ], "12726002": [ "Removal of foreign body of tonsil by incision", "切开取出扁桃体异物" ], "1290678003": [ "Plain X-ray of sacral and coccygeal vertebral column region", "Plain X-ray of sacrum and coccyx", "Plain X-ray of sacrococcygeal spine", "骶尾椎普通 X 光检查", "骶骨和尾骨的普通 X 光检查", "骶骨和尾骨脊柱区域的普通 X 光检查" ], "176566004": [ "Penile injection to produce erection", "阴茎注射以产生勃起" ], "174731001": [ "Pancreatic duct drainage", "胰管引流" ], "256651005": [ "Autogenous vascularized bone graft", "Autogenous vascularised bone graft", "自体血管化骨移植" ], "387723007": [ "Drainage of midpalmar space", "掌中间隙引流" ], "41824001": [ "Urobilin, urine, qualitative", "Qualitative measurement of urobilin in urine", "尿胆素,尿液,定性", "尿液中尿胆素的定性测量" ], "9056003": [ "Gross organ fixation and special preparation for museum, liquid media", "大器官固定和博物馆液体培养基的特殊准备" ], "90976006": [ "Endoscopy of jejunum", "Jejunoscopy", "空肠镜检查", "空肠内镜检查" ], "303968006": [ "Removal of surgical material", "去除手术材料" ], "121909000": [ "Measurement of Hantaan virus antibody", "汉坦病毒抗体测定" ], "385888009": [ "History taking, mental health", "Mental health history", "病史采集、心理健康", "心理健康史" ], "72757000": [ "Hymenectomy", "处女膜切除术" ], "252981003": [ "Sheridan Gardiner near vision test", "Sheridan Gardiner 近视力检查" ], "171061000": [ "Maternity benefit advice", "Maternity benefit education", "产妇福利建议", "产妇福利教育" ], "7221002": [ "Formation of tubed pedicle graft, head and neck", "管状蒂移植物头部和颈部的形成" ], "433205004": [ "Administration of drug or medicament via intrapleural route", "通过胸膜内途径给药" ], "56373007": [ "Excision of lesion of artery of head and neck", "头颈部动脉病变切除术" ], "120074001": [ "Brain closure", "脑闭合" ], "185610009": [ "Abnormal smear - 3rd recall", "Abnormal smear - Third recall", "异常涂片-第三次召回", "异常涂片 - 第三次召回" ], "396767001": [ "Amputation of arm through wrist", "Amputation of wrist", "Amputation of hand at wrist", "腕部截肢", "腕关节截肢" ], "234762009": [ "Take impression for full denture", "Take impression for complete denture", "取模制作全口义齿" ], "232927005": [ "Replacement of implanted atrioventricular valve", "植入式房室瓣置换术" ], "167391005": [ "Urine HCG 24 hour assay", "Urine human chorionic gonadotropin 24 hour assay", "Urine human chorionic gonadotrophin 24 hour assay", "尿液人绒毛膜促性腺激素 24 小时测定", "尿液 HCG 24 小时检测" ], "1197748000": [ "Cauterisation of wart of skin", "Cauterization of wart of skin", "皮肤疣烧灼术" ], "445919009": [ "Excision of lacrimal drainage structure", "泪道引流结构切除术" ], "427700000": [ "Operation on blood vessel of liver", "肝脏血管手术" ], "429535009": [ "Probing of fistula of perineum", "Probing of perineal fistula", "会阴瘘探查" ], "263860006": [ "Roof top incision", "屋顶切口" ], "231092008": [ "Acabani", "完成的" ], "442249009": [ "Implantation of cardioverter defibrillator with three electrode leads", "植入三电极导线心脏复律除颤器" ], "129118002": [ "Arteriography", "Angiography of artery", "动脉造影" ], "407646003": [ "Urine noradrenaline/creatinine ratio", "Measurement of urine norepinephrine/creatinine ratio", "尿液去甲肾上腺素/肌酐比率", "尿液去甲肾上腺素/肌酐比率测量" ], "391262005": [ "Mental health caregivers' respite healthcare resource groups", "Mental health carers' respite healthcare resource groups", "心理健康护理人员的暂息医疗资源小组" ], "79966006": [ "Ultrasonography of uterus", "子宫超声检查" ], "112734007": [ "Excision of scapula for graft", "切除肩胛骨进行移植" ], "440414009": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of neck of radius", "桡骨颈骨折闭合复位" ], "782643005": [ "Intranasal phototherapy", "鼻内光疗" ], "307507006": [ "Excision jejunocolic fistula", "切除空肠结肠瘘" ], "176435007": [ "Bilateral microvascular orchidopexy", "Microvascular fixation of both testes", "Microvascular fixation of bilateral testes", "双侧睾丸微血管固定", "双侧显微血管睾丸固定术", "双侧睾丸显微血管固定术" ], "410371000119105": [ "CT of right femur with contrast", "Computed tomography of right femur with contrast", "右股骨增强计算机断层扫描", "右股骨增强 CT" ], "10760003": [ "Musculoskeletal injury rehabilitation", "肌肉骨骼损伤康复" ], "16549891000119107": [ "CT guided percutaneous needle biopsy of adrenal gland", "Percutaneous needle biopsy of adrenal gland using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肾上腺经皮穿刺活检", "CT引导下肾上腺经皮穿刺活检" ], "59912004": [ "Pancreaticoduodenostomy", "Anastomosis of pancreatic duct to duodenum", "Pancreaticoduodenal anastomosis", "胰管十二指肠吻合术", "胰十二指肠吻合术" ], "385757000": [ "Venous catheter care", "静脉导管护理" ], "172765001": [ "Augmentation rhinoplasty", "隆鼻术" ], "238301005": [ "Debulking of lesion of peritoneum", "腹膜病变减瘤术" ], "303837006": [ "Release of ischemic contracture of hand", "Release of ischaemic contracture of hand", "手部缺血性挛缩松解术" ], "121778002": [ "Ergosterol measurement", "麦角固醇测量" ], "105394006": [ "Inpatient counseling by chaplain", "Inpatient counselling by chaplain", "住院牧师辅导" ], "1285042007": [ "Fitting of removable functional orthodontic appliance", "可拆卸功能性牙齿矫正器的安装" ], "1119367000": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6B, 7F, 8, 9N, 9V, 10A, 11A, 12F, 14, 15B, 17F, 18C, 19A, 19F, 20, 22F, 23F, and 33F capsular polysaccharide antigens", "Pneumococcal 23-valent vaccination", "Pneumococcal 23-valent immunization", "Pneumococcal 23-valent immunisation", "Administration of pneumococcal 23-valent vaccine", "肺炎球菌23价疫苗", "接种肺炎球菌23价疫苗", "接种仅含有肺炎链球菌丹麦血清型 1、2、3、4、5、6B、7F、8、9N、9V、10A、11A、12F、14、15B、17F、18C、19A、19F、20、22F、23F 和 33F 荚膜多糖抗原的疫苗产品", "肺炎球菌23价免疫" ], "119943006": [ "Endocrine gland transplantation", "内分泌腺移植" ], "85340000": [ "Polarographic measurement", "极谱测量" ], "232796001": [ "Repair of defect of tricuspid leaflet", "三尖瓣缺损的修复" ], "118108001": [ "Papilloma virus DNA assay", "Papilloma virus deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "Papillomavirus deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "乳头瘤病毒脱氧核糖核酸检测", "乳头瘤病毒 DNA 检测" ], "709767008": [ "Computed tomography of vascular structure of pelvis with contrast", "CT of vascular structure of pelvis with contrast", "盆腔血管结构增强 CT", "盆腔血管结构增强计算机断层扫描" ], "445788004": [ "Assessment using Oxford hip score", "采用牛津髋关节评分进行评估" ], "413020007": [ "Plasma pristanate level", "Plasma pristanate measurement", "血浆苯甲酸测定", "血浆普瑞斯坦酸水平" ], "1585000": [ "Lengthening of gastrocnemius muscle", "Vulpius operation", "腓肠肌延长", "狐狸操作" ], "312881002": [ "Taking skin swab", "取皮肤拭子" ], "230961004": [ "Cranial nerve neurostimulator electrode procedures", "脑神经刺激器电极程序" ], "50737005": [ "Magnet extraction of foreign body from vitreous", "Removal of foreign body from vitreous with use of magnet", "用磁铁从玻璃体中取出异物", "使用磁铁去除玻璃体内的异物" ], "17969005": [ "T-cell antigen detection", "Lymphocyte T cell evaluation", "淋巴细胞 T 细胞评估", "T细胞抗原检测" ], "179974006": [ "Revision uncemented total replacement ankle joint", "Revision of uncemented total prosthetic replacement of ankle joint", "非骨水泥型全踝关节假体置换术", "非骨水泥全置换踝关节翻修术" ], "423899000": [ "Provision of community outreach care", "Community outreach worker service treatments and procedures", "社区外展工作者的服务待遇和程序", "提供社区外展护理" ], "229126009": [ "Sucking exercises", "吸吮练习" ], "442118009": [ "Primary hemilaminectomy for decompression of lumbar spine", "一期半椎板切除术治疗腰椎减压" ], "30683004": [ "Incision of palate", "Fenestration of palate", "腭裂开窗术", "腭切开术" ], "128987006": [ "Incision and drainage of thorax", "胸腔切开引流" ], "176304000": [ "Transurethral punch biopsy of prostate", "Endoscopic punch biopsy of prostate", "经尿道前列腺穿刺活检", "内镜前列腺穿刺活检" ], "307376002": [ "Referral to community rehabilitation", "转介社区康复" ], "1290416003": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of knee region", "膝关节区域骨骼的普通 X 光检查" ], "76165007": [ "Avulsion of obturator nerve, intrapelvic, with adductor tenotomy", "闭孔神经撕脱,盆腔内,伴有收肌腱切断术" ], "418394000": [ "US scan of abdomen and pelvis", "Ultrasound scan of abdomen and pelvis", "腹部和骨盆超声扫描", "腹部和骨盆超声波扫描" ], "287322001": [ "Thoracic duct operations", "胸导管手术" ], "238170001": [ "Inguinal herniorrhaphy using natural material", "使用天然材料进行腹股沟疝修补术" ], "57946006": [ "Chloral hydrate measurement, urine", "尿液水合氯醛测量" ], "449327000": [ "Aspiration of intervertebral disc using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided aspiration of intervertebral disc", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行椎间盘抽吸", "CT引导下椎间盘穿刺" ], "711471000": [ "Cheilectomy of tarsal", "跗骨切除术" ], "236335000": [ "SCO - Subcapsular orchidectomy", "Subcapsular orchidectomy", "SCO-包膜下睾丸切除术", "囊下睾丸切除术" ], "432943001": [ "Positron emission tomography electrocardiography gated myocardial rest study using N13 ammonia", "Positron emission tomography (PET) electrocardiography gated myocardial rest study using N13 ammonia", "使用 N13 氨进行正电子发射断层扫描 (PET) 心电图门控心肌静息研究", "使用 N13 氨进行正电子发射断层心电图门控心肌静息研究" ], "252719004": [ "Goniometry of finger", "手指测角" ], "121647007": [ "Methyl n-butyl ketone measurement", "甲基正丁酮测定" ], "300036000": [ "Subcutaneous infusion", "皮下输注" ], "105263009": [ "Nordazepam measurement", "Measurement of desmethyldiazepam", "去甲西泮测量", "去甲地西泮的测定" ], "709636003": [ "Biopsy of spleen using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided biopsy of spleen", "CT 引导下脾脏活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行脾脏活检" ], "119812003": [ "Thoracic artery transposition", "胸主动脉移位术" ], "185348006": [ "Encounter for fear", "恐惧相遇" ], "19673000": [ "Manipulation of hip joint with general anesthesia", "Surgical manipulation of hip joint", "Manipulation of hip joint with general anaesthesia", "Manipulation of hip joint under anaesthetic", "Manipulation of hip joint under anesthetic", "髋关节手术", "麻醉下髋关节手术", "全身麻醉下髋关节手术" ], "447492009": [ "Partial excision of lesion of meninges", "脑膜病变部分切除术" ], "218116009": [ "Implantation of prosthesis or prosthetic device of joint of toe", "Implantation of joint of toe", "趾关节假体或假肢装置植入", "趾关节植入术" ], "232665001": [ "Chin lift", "抬高下巴" ], "412889004": [ "Fluid sample organic acid measurement", "Fluid sample organic acids", "流体样品有机酸", "流体样品有机酸测量" ], "68825004": [ "Carroll and Taber arthroplasty of proximal interphalangeal joint of finger", "手指近端指间关节Carroll-Taber置换术" ], "707801007": [ "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of urinary bladder", "高强度聚焦超声消融膀胱病变" ], "1230254003": [ "Excision of ganglion cyst of popliteal fossa region of knee", "膝腘窝区腱鞘囊肿切除术" ], "116142003": [ "Radical hysterectomy", "根治性子宫切除术" ], "247214005": [ "Microdissection and microrepair of nerve", "神经显微解剖与显微修复" ], "230830007": [ "Removal of subdural-pleural shunt", "移除硬膜下胸膜分流管" ], "704131005": [ "Allograft of skin to skin of head", "头部皮肤异体移植" ], "441987005": [ "Imaging of abdomen", "腹部影像" ], "179843008": [ "Release of contracture of distal interphalangeal joint", "远端指间关节挛缩松解术" ], "425603008": [ "Open operation on both pulmonary arteries", "双侧肺动脉开放手术" ], "79704002": [ "Deep incision with opening of bone cortex of finger", "手指骨皮质开口深切口" ], "46936007": [ "Hemigastrectomy by thoracic approach", "经胸入路半胃切除术" ], "12333000": [ "Injection of trachea, percutaneous", "气管注射,经皮" ], "45101000": [ "Phagocytosis assay", "吞噬作用试验" ], "307245006": [ "Dilatation of rectal anastomotic stricture", "Dilation of rectal anastomotic stricture", "直肠吻合口狭窄扩张术" ], "76034000": [ "Arthroplasty with prosthetic replacement of lunate", "月骨假体置换术" ], "305410002": [ "Admission to cardiothoracic surgery department", "心胸外科入院" ], "174338005": [ "Cauterisation of lesion of anus", "Cauterization of lesion of anus", "肛门损伤烧灼术" ], "370946009": [ "Kestenbaum procedure", "Kestenbaum 手术" ], "223490009": [ "Appliance procedures", "设备程序" ], "418263002": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of inferior vena cava with contrast", "下腔静脉造影" ], "105132001": [ "Clobenzorex measurement", "氯苯那敏测量" ], "252588002": [ "VRA - Visual reinforcement audiometry", "CORA - Conditioned orientation response audiometry", "Conditioned orientation response audiometry", "Visual reinforcement audiometry", "VRA - 视觉强化听力检查", "CORA-- 条件定向反应听力检查", "视觉强化听力检查", "条件定向反应听力检查" ], "170668004": [ "GIT disease monitoring", "Gastrointestinal tract disease monitoring", "胃肠道疾病监测" ], "88748005": [ "Cholecystotomy with removal of calculus", "Cholelithotomy", "Cholecystostomy with removal of calculus", "Lithotomy of gallbladder", "Removal of calculus from gallbladder", "Removal of gallstones from gallbladder", "Bobb operation, cholelithotomy", "Gallbladder stone removal", "Cholecystolithotomy", "Bobb 手术、胆囊切开术", "胆囊结石切除", "胆囊切开术及取石术", "胆囊切开取石术", "胆囊切开术", "胆囊造口术及取石术", "去除胆囊结石", "胆囊取石术" ], "709505000": [ "MRI of scrotum with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of scrotum with contrast", "阴囊增强 MRI 检查", "阴囊增强磁共振成像" ], "432812009": [ "Biopsy of bone using ultrasound guidance", "Biopsy of bone using ultrasound (US) guidance", "使用超声引导进行骨活检", "在超声引导下进行骨活检" ], "119681003": [ "Transposition of tissue of thigh", "大腿组织转位术" ], "447361006": [ "Repositioning of corneal flap", "角膜瓣复位" ], "250753006": [ "Peroxisomal beta-oxidation", "Peroxisomal beta-oxidation measurement", "过氧化物酶体 β 氧化测量", "过氧化物酶体β-氧化" ], "4993009": [ "Ischemic limb exercise with EMG and lactic acid determination", "Ischaemic limb exercise with EMG and lactic acid determination", "Ischemic limb exercise with electromyography and lactic acid determination", "Ischaemic limb exercise with electromyography and lactic acid determination", "缺血性肢体运动与肌电图和乳酸测定", "缺血肢体运动与肌电图和乳酸测定" ], "183382003": [ "Psychotherapy - behavioral", "Psychotherapy - behavioural", "心理治疗 - 行为" ], "232534004": [ "Geniotubercle advancement", "颏结节推进" ], "35926005": [ "Repair of knee cruciate ligaments", "膝关节十字韧带修复" ], "265302007": [ "Anterior crurotomy of ear", "耳前部切开术" ], "117846007": [ "Papilloma virus 44 antigen assay", "Papillomavirus 44 antigen assay", "乳头瘤病毒 44 抗原检测" ], "165163005": [ "Diagnostic dye to bladder", "Diagnostic dye to urinary bladder", "膀胱诊断染料" ], "50475006": [ "Foot printing of newborn infant", "新生儿脚印" ], "312619007": [ "Provision of pre-school play group", "提供学前游戏小组" ], "443691008": [ "Direct laryngoscopy with stripping of vocal cords using operating microscope", "手术显微镜下直接喉镜剥离声带" ], "359936002": [ "Hellstom operation for transplantation of aberrant renal artery", "赫尔斯托姆手术治疗畸形肾动脉移植" ], "409088002": [ "Tube care: endotracheal", "Endotracheal tube care", "Maintenance of endotracheal tube", "气管插管护理", "气管插管的维护", "管道护理:气管内" ], "32256004": [ "Excision of aural polyp", "Aural polypectomy", "耳息肉切除术" ], "15872003": [ "Retrobulbar injection of alcohol", "Retrobulbar alcohol injection", "Injection of alcohol into retrobulbar space", "向眼球后间隙注射酒精", "球后酒精注射", "球后注射酒精" ], "1179136006": [ "Exostectomy of tibia", "Excision of exostosis of tibia", "胫骨外骨切除术", "胫骨外生骨疣切除术" ], "48640007": [ "Plication of fascia", "筋膜褶皱" ], "212480007": [ "Angiography of intrathoracic vessels", "Chest angiography", "Thoracic angiography", "胸部血管造影", "胸血管造影", "胸内血管造影" ], "441856009": [ "Quantitative measurement of tricyclic antidepressant in serum specimen", "血清标本中三环类抗抑郁药的定量测定" ], "423637002": [ "Provision of early intervention service for child", "Early intervention", "早期干涉", "为儿童提供早期干预服务" ], "440021004": [ "Endoscopy of nasal sinus with resection of concha bullosa", "鼻窦内镜切除鼻甲泡" ], "177877007": [ "Primary repair of femoral hernia using synthetic patch", "Primary repair of femoral hernia using insert of prosthetic material", "使用合成补片对股疝进行初次修补", "使用假体材料插入物进行股疝的初次修补" ], "77738002": [ "Local chemotherapy for malignant neoplasm", "恶性肿瘤局部化疗" ], "176042003": [ "Open excision of ureterocele", "输尿管囊肿切除术" ], "274346005": [ "Surgical biopsy of tonsil", "扁桃体手术活检" ], "61354007": [ "Arthrectomy of hand", "Excision of joint of hand", "手关节切除术", "手部关节切除术" ], "225194008": [ "Stoma care procedure", "Stoma care", "造口护理程序", "造口护理" ], "405418008": [ "Angioplasty of aorta with prosthesis", "主动脉假体成形术" ], "43135000": [ "Destruction of lesion of eyebrow", "眉毛病变毁损术" ], "241578008": [ "CT of cervical spine", "Computed tomography of cervical spine", "颈椎CT", "颈椎计算机断层扫描" ], "75903006": [ "Destruction of lesion of retina by xenon arc photocoagulation", "氙弧光凝毁损视网膜病变" ], "174207007": [ "Endoscopic snare resection of lesion of sigmoid colon using rigid sigmoidoscope", "硬质乙状结肠镜内镜圈套器切除术治疗乙状结肠病变" ], "305279008": [ "Admission by nephrologist", "肾病科医师入院" ], "370815006": [ "Identification of baseline cardiac function", "Identifies baseline cardiac function", "确定基线心脏功能" ], "713044004": [ "Removal of cardiac pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided removal of cardiac pacemaker", "在荧光透视引导下移除心脏起搏器", "荧光透视引导下心脏起搏器移除术" ], "418132005": [ "Angioplasty of abdominal aorta and femoral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of abdominal aorta and femoral artery with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行腹主动脉和股动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下腹主动脉及股动脉造影成形术" ], "8532004": [ "Operation on adrenal nerve", "肾上腺神经手术" ], "711209000": [ "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of stent into intracranial vascular structure with contrast", "Insertion of stent into intracranial vessel using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Insertion of stent into intracranial vascular structure using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导将支架插入颅内血管结构", "在荧光造影引导下将支架插入颅内血管", "荧光造影引导下将支架置入颅内血管结构" ], "121385001": [ "Monensin measurement", "梅能素测量" ], "252457003": [ "Strain gauge plethysmography", "应变计体积描记法" ], "105001004": [ "Troponin T cardiac measurement", "肌钙蛋白T心脏测量" ], "1217278002": [ "Laterally repositioned periodontal flap", "侧向复位牙周瓣" ], "168702005": [ "Plain X-ray of abdomen", "腹部普通 X 光检查" ], "86782006": [ "Removal of internal fixation device of vertebra", "椎体内固定装置拆除" ], "1331966007": [ "Osteoclasis of sternum", "胸骨骨质疏松症" ], "4862007": [ "Revision of anastomosis of large intestine", "大肠吻合术" ], "412627002": [ "Fungal specific IgE antibody measurement", "Fungus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Fungus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "真菌特异性IgE抗体测定", "真菌特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "真菌特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "609235005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal closure of systemic to pulmonary collateral artery", "经皮腔内封堵体循环至肺循环侧支动脉" ], "265171008": [ "Conversion from cemented total knee replacement", "骨水泥全膝关节置换术的转换" ], "66728000": [ "Myotenotomy of hand", "手部肌腱切开术" ], "50344003": [ "Sucrose density gradient centrifugation technique", "蔗糖密度梯度离心技术" ], "312488004": [ "Referral to community child health doctor", "转诊至社区儿童保健医生" ], "1197224008": [ "Transthoracic needle biopsy of thymus", "胸腺经胸穿刺活检" ], "310653000": [ "Drug addiction therapy - methadone", "Drug addiction therapy using methadone", "药物成瘾治疗-美沙酮", "使用美沙酮进行药物成瘾治疗" ], "261501006": [ "Cervical puncture", "宫颈穿刺" ], "703869007": [ "Ultrasonography guided drainage of abdomen", "Drainage of abdomen using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行腹部引流", "超声引导下腹部引流" ], "408957008": [ "Chronic pain control management", "Manage chronic pain control", "管理慢性疼痛控制", "慢性疼痛控制管理" ], "359805009": [ "RIST assay, direct", "Radioimmunosorbent technique (RIST) assay, direct", "Radioimmunosorbent technique assay, direct", "放射免疫吸附技术测定,直接", "RIST 检测,直接", "放射免疫吸附技术(RIST)测定,直接" ], "175911000": [ "Live donor nephrectomy", "Donation of kidney", "捐献肾脏", "活体供肾切除术" ], "257831003": [ "Internal fixation using Kirschner wire", "克氏针内固定" ], "225063006": [ "Flushing cannula", "Irrigation of cannula", "冲洗管", "套管冲洗" ], "61223006": [ "Torsion swing test with recording", "带记录的扭摆试验" ], "10236001": [ "Excision of intraductal papilloma of breast", "乳腺导管内乳头状瘤切除术" ], "306983009": [ "Adjust mandibular resection prosthesis", "调整下颌切除假体" ], "59388001": [ "Cell count, body fluid", "Fluid sample cell count", "细胞计数、体液", "液体样本细胞计数" ], "698364008": [ "Transgastric plication of gastric varices", "经胃静脉曲张折叠术" ], "8401003": [ "Electrodesiccation", "电干燥法" ], "711078000": [ "Debriefing of patient after restraint", "约束后对患者进行情况汇报" ], "252326002": [ "Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis", "PAGE - Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis", "聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳", "PAGE-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳" ], "55718003": [ "Revision of gastrojejunal anastomosis with reconstruction with partial gastrectomy", "胃空肠吻合口修复及部分胃切除重建" ], "39334004": [ "Broth microdilution susceptibility test", "Antibiotic sensitivity, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)", "MIC susceptibility test", "MIC - Minimum inhibitory concentration", "Minimum inhibitory concentration", "抗生素敏感性、最低抑菌浓度 (MIC)", "肉汤微量稀释药敏试验", "MIC——最低抑菌浓度", "MIC 敏感性试验", "最低抑菌浓度" ], "432550005": [ "Core needle biopsy of breast using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Core needle biopsy of breast using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行乳房芯针活检", "超声引导下乳腺芯针活检" ], "448934004": [ "Debridement of open fracture of metatarsal bone", "跖骨开放性骨折清创术" ], "399782007": [ "Venom specific IgG antibody measurement", "Venom specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "毒液特异性免疫球蛋白 G 抗体测量", "毒液特异性 IgG 抗体测量" ], "121254008": [ "Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide identification", "氯代烃农药鉴别" ], "37499001": [ "Thrombectomy of abdominal artery", "Removal of thrombus from abdominal artery", "腹部动脉血栓切除术", "腹部动脉血栓清除" ], "104870009": [ "Phosphatidylcholine, saturated measurement", "饱和磷脂酰胆碱测量" ], "21115002": [ "Ligation for closure of lacrimal punctum", "泪点结扎术" ], "1217147005": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic examination of lower respiratory tract and lavage of lesion of lower respiratory tract", "Fiberoptic endoscopic examination of lower respiratory tract and lavage of lesion of lower respiratory tract", "Fiberoptic endoscopy of lower respiratory tract and lavage of lesion of lower respiratory tract", "Fibreoptic endoscopy of lower respiratory tract and lavage of lesion of lower respiratory tract", "下呼吸道纤维内镜检查及下呼吸道病变灌洗" ], "184955005": [ "Mobility allowance medical >2.5 hours ex-surgery", "手术后 2.5 小时以上的医疗行动津贴" ], "397947007": [ "Bronchial suction via airway", "Bronchial suction via airway device", "通过气道装置进行支气管抽吸", "经气道支气管抽吸" ], "430715008": [ "Bariatric operative procedure", "Bariatric surgery", "减肥手术", "减肥手术程序" ], "447099007": [ "Scraping of conjunctiva", "刮除结膜" ], "250491007": [ "Glycopeptide level", "Glycopeptide measurement", "糖肽测量", "糖肽水平" ], "183120001": [ "Removable denture adjustment", "可摘义齿调整" ], "68432004": [ "Open reduction of fracture of carpals and metacarpals with internal fixation", "腕骨、掌骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "53883008": [ "Crystal identification, polarization microscopy", "Crystal identification, polarisation microscopy", "晶体鉴定,偏光显微镜" ], "279589005": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into sympathetic nerve for analgesia", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into sympathetic nerve for analgesia", "将麻醉剂注射到交感神经以达到镇痛效果", "将麻醉剂注射到交感神经中以达到镇痛作用" ], "1295397006": [ "Postmortem plain X-ray of heart", "死后心脏 X 光检查" ], "392442002": [ "Re206 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rabbit serum proteins specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rabbit serum proteins specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "兔血清蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Re206 特异性IgE抗体测量", "兔血清蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "228602004": [ "Fitting of splint", "夹板安装" ], "441594004": [ "Measurement of pesticide", "农药测定" ], "31994009": [ "Incision and drainage of retropharyngeal abscess by intraoral approach", "口内入路咽后脓肿切开引流术" ], "62927001": [ "Repair of sciatic hernia", "Repair of ischiatic hernia", "坐骨疝修复", "坐骨疝修补术" ], "79311001": [ "Diff-quik stain", "Diff-quik stain method", "Diff-quick stain", "快速鉴别染色", "快速染色法" ], "13775005": [ "Wedge osteotomy of carpals and metacarpals", "腕骨、掌骨楔形截骨术" ], "718287008": [ "Provision of written information about heart failure", "提供有关心力衰竭的书面信息" ], "700068001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal temporary balloon occlusion of subclavian vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal temporary balloon occlusion of subclavian vein with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内暂时球囊阻断锁骨下静脉", "经皮腔内暂时球囊闭塞锁骨下静脉(荧光造影引导)" ], "175780001": [ "Removal of infected arteriovenous shunt", "移除受感染的动静脉分流器" ], "241316002": [ "Radionuclide gastric emptying study", "Radionuclide gastric transit study", "放射性核素胃排空研究", "放射性核素胃转运研究" ], "44708005": [ "Removal of foreign body of lacrimal punctum", "Removal of foreign body from lacrimal punctum", "FB - Removal of foreign body from lacrimal punctum", "泪点异物取出术", "FB - 泪点异物去除", "泪点异物取出" ], "239481000": [ "Interposition arthroplasty of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb", "拇指腕掌关节置换术" ], "77476009": [ "Application of back brace", "背部支架的应用" ], "57422005": [ "Dilation of ureter", "Dilation and stretching of ureter", "输尿管扩张", "输尿管扩张和拉伸" ], "450638006": [ "Open ringing of fallopian tube", "输卵管开放环" ], "761934005": [ "Repair of left indirect inguinal hernia", "左侧腹股沟斜疝修补术" ], "252195001": [ "Exercise stress test - endocrine", "Exercise stress test", "Growth hormone exercise test", "运动压力测试", "运动压力测试-内分泌", "生长激素运动试验" ], "41038009": [ "Perfusion of liver", "肝脏灌注" ], "446968000": [ "Assessment using Jebsen-Taylor hand function test", "使用 Jebsen-Taylor 手部功能测试进行评估" ], "709112001": [ "Creation of pleuroperitoneal shunt", "建立胸腹腔分流术" ], "250360002": [ "Anticoagulant control test", "Anticoagulant control", "抗凝控制测试", "抗凝控制" ], "397816000": [ "Laser ablation of oesophageal lesion", "Laser ablation of esophageal lesion", "食管病变激光消融" ], "119288004": [ "Excision of ampulla of Vater", "Excision of papilla of Vater", "壶腹部切除术", "十二指肠乳头切除术" ], "104739009": [ "17-OHCS measurement", "17-hydroxycorticosteroid measurement", "17-OHCS 测量", "17-羟基皮质类固醇测量" ], "266744007": [ "Psychotherapy/sociotherapy", "心理治疗/社会治疗" ], "772813001": [ "Assessment using Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease fibrosis score", "Assessment using NAFLD (Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease) fibrosis score", "使用 NAFLD(非酒精性脂肪肝)纤维化评分进行评估", "使用非酒精性脂肪肝病纤维化评分进行评估" ], "168440009": [ "Cytology - general", "Cytology examination - general", "细胞学检查-一般", "细胞学 - 综合" ], "445133005": [ "Detection of Human herpesvirus 3 using polymerase chain reaction technique", "Detection of Varicella-zoster virus using polymerase chain reaction technique", "聚合酶链反应技术检测水痘-带状疱疹病毒", "采用聚合酶链反应技术检测人类疱疹病毒 3 型" ], "19149007": [ "Subtotal retropubic prostatectomy", "耻骨后前列腺次全切除术" ], "17314000": [ "Narrowing of palpebral fissure", "睑裂变窄" ], "50082000": [ "Open reduction of fracture of tibia with internal fixation", "胫骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "312226000": [ "Open insertion of iliac artery stent", "开放式髂动脉支架插入" ], "363213008": [ "Musculoskeletal system measurement of physiology/function", "肌肉骨骼系统生理/功能测量" ], "426914002": [ "IVF - In vitro fertilisation with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and donor egg", "IVF - In vitro fertilization with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) and donor egg", "In vitro fertilisation using donor and egg intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection", "In vitro fertilisation using donor egg and intracytoplasmic sperm injection", "In vitro fertilization using donor egg and intracytoplasmic sperm injection", "In vitro fertilization using donor and egg intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection", "In vitro fertilisation using donor egg and intracytoplasmic spermatozoa injection", "In vitro fertilization using donor egg and intracytoplasmic spermatozoa injection", "使用供卵和卵胞浆内精子注射进行体外受精", "采用供体和卵子胞浆内精子注射进行体外受精", "IVF——通过卵胞浆内单精子注射 (ICSI) 和捐献卵子进行体外受精", "使用捐献卵子和卵胞浆内精子注射进行体外受精" ], "164770006": [ "Magnifying otoscopy", "放大耳镜检查" ], "408695000": [ "High ligation of long saphenous vein", "High tie ligation", "Saphenofemoral ligation", "SF - Ligation of the saphenofemoral junction", "Juxtafemoral saphenous ligation", "隐股结扎术", "股静脉旁隐静脉结扎术", "长隐静脉高位结扎术", "高位结扎术", "SF - 隐股静脉连接处结扎术" ], "344994008": [ "Intraventricular pacing", "心室内起搏" ], "359543003": [ "Incision of nasolacrimal duct for stricture", "鼻泪管切开术治疗狭窄" ], "719991004": [ "Procedural learning", "程序性学习" ], "46412002": [ "Apicectomy lung", "肺尖切除术" ], "406860006": [ "Fluorescein sodium stain method", "Fluorescein sodium stain", "荧光素钠染色", "荧光素钠染色法" ], "716321000": [ "Burkholderia cepacia culture", "伯克霍尔德菌培养" ], "241185003": [ "Retrograde ileoureterostogram", "Conduitogram", "逆行性输尿管造影", "导管图" ], "11809004": [ "Operation on cecum", "Operation on caecum", "Caecal operation", "Cecal operation", "盲肠手术", "盲人操作" ], "765473008": [ "Excision of right kidney", "Right nephrectomy", "右肾切除术", "右肾切除" ], "304886000": [ "Working with the countertransference", "处理反移情" ], "388641009": [ "Foeniculum vulgare (fresh) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Fennel (fresh) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf276 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Foeniculum vulgare (fresh) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "茴香(新鲜)特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rf276 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "小茴香(新鲜)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "1287926004": [ "Fluoroscopy guided embolization of artery of head with contrast", "Embolisation of artery of head using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Embolization of artery of head using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolisation of artery of head with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行头部动脉栓塞", "用荧光造影剂引导进行头部动脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下头部动脉造影栓塞术" ], "239350005": [ "Electromagnetic bone stimulator procedures", "电磁骨刺激器程序" ], "75510007": [ "Anti-human globulin test, enzyme technique, qualitative", "抗人球蛋白试验,酶技术,定性" ], "450507000": [ "Adjustment to internal fixation device", "内固定装置的调整" ], "712651001": [ "Education about pain", "疼痛教育" ], "1236939005": [ "Bypass of left common carotid artery to right common carotid artery using prosthetic graft", "使用假体移植物将左颈总动脉旁路转至右颈总动脉" ], "104608000": [ "Cortisol, challenge tests", "皮质醇,激发试验" ], "71840009": [ "Vesicourethropexy", "Urethrocystopexy", "Cystourethropexy", "尿道膀胱固定术", "膀胱尿道固定术" ], "430453002": [ "Injection of shoulder joint using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Injection of shoulder joint using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided injection of shoulder joint", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行肩关节注射", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肩关节注射", "CT引导下肩关节注射" ], "708981007": [ "Division of palmar aponeurosis for correction of Dupuytren contracture", "掌侧腱膜分离术矫正杜普伊特伦挛缩" ], "313930002": [ "60 minute plasma FSH level", "60 minute plasma FSH measurement", "60 minute plasma follicle stimulating hormone measurement", "60 分钟血浆促卵泡激素测量", "60 分钟血浆 FSH 水平", "60 分钟血浆 FSH 测量" ], "117322006": [ "Movat pentachrome stain method", "Movat pentachrome stain", "Movat 五色染色", "Movat五色染色法" ], "428618008": [ "Insertion of sustained release device into posterior segment of eye", "将缓释装置插入眼后节" ], "361247001": [ "Excision of contact ulcer of vocal cord", "声带接触性溃疡切除术" ], "33567009": [ "Synovectomy of tendon sheath", "Tenosynovectomy", "腱鞘切除术", "腱鞘滑膜切除术" ], "410399009": [ "Medication set-up surveillance", "药物设置监测" ], "179188006": [ "Primary arthroscopic reduction and fixation of fracture", "关节镜下初次骨折复位固定" ], "703476007": [ "Positive airway pressure nap study", "PAP-NAP - Positive airway pressure nap therapy", "气道正压通气小睡研究", "PAP-NAP - 气道正压通气治疗" ], "423113003": [ "Maintenance of intraaortic balloon pump parameters", "Intraaortic balloon pump settings", "主动脉内球囊泵参数的维护", "主动脉内球囊泵设置" ], "308425003": [ "Adult health screening recall", "成人健康筛查召回" ], "62665005": [ "Abdominal aorta-iliac artery polyethylene terephthalate bypass graft", "Abdominal aorta-iliac artery Dacron bypass graft", "腹主动脉-髂动脉聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯旁路移植术", "腹主动脉-髂动脉涤纶搭桥术" ], "439497008": [ "Cystourethroscopy and excision of internal sphincter", "膀胱尿道镜检查及内括约肌切除术" ], "388510004": [ "f7 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Oat specific IgE antibody measurement", "Avena sativa specific IgE antibody measurement", "Avena sativa specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "燕麦特异性IgE抗体测定", "f7特异性IgE抗体测量", "燕麦特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "699806007": [ "Patellar compression test", "髌骨压缩试验" ], "714355000": [ "Assessment using Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale", "Assessment using SWEMWBS (Short Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale)", "使用简明华威-爱丁堡心理健康量表进行评估", "使用 SWEMWBS(简明华威-爱丁堡心理健康量表)进行评估" ], "306590008": [ "Discharge from clinical molecular genetics service", "临床分子遗传学服务出院" ], "1287795000": [ "Phonocardiography with vein tracing", "静脉心音图" ], "108147006": [ "Anterior segment of eye incision", "眼前节切口" ], "8008000": [ "Naphthol-AS-D-chloracetate esterase stain method, blood or bone marrow", "Naphthol-AS-D-chloracetate esterase stain", "萘酚-AS-D-氯乙酸酯酶染色", "萘酚-AS-D-氯乙酸酯酶染色法,血液或骨髓" ], "73544002": [ "Operative procedure on heart valve", "Operation on heart valve", "心脏瓣膜手术" ], "237384003": [ "Operation on mastectomy scar", "乳房切除术后疤痕" ], "401224005": [ "Left posterior tibial ABPI", "Left posterior tibial ankle brachial pressure index", "左胫骨后动脉血压", "左胫后踝肱压指数" ], "448541001": [ "MR angiography of mesenteric artery", "MR arteriography of mesenteric artery", "Magnetic resonance angiography of mesenteric artery", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of mesenteric artery", "肠系膜动脉磁共振动脉造影", "肠系膜动脉磁共振血管造影" ], "235549002": [ "Choledochoscopy", "Endoscopic examination of bile duct", "胆管内镜检查", "胆道镜检查" ], "432157003": [ "Vacuum assisted biopsy of breast using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Vacuum assisted biopsy of breast using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行乳房真空辅助活检", "使用超声(US)引导进行乳房真空辅助活检" ], "301085003": [ "Ligation of popliteal artery", "腘动脉结扎" ], "104477004": [ "Adipate measurement", "己二酸测量" ], "69874005": [ "Coagulation time, activated", "Activated clotting time", "Ground glass clotting time", "Whole blood activated clotting time", "ACT - activated clotting time", "ACT-- 活化凝血时间", "活化凝血时间", "凝血时间,活化", "毛玻璃凝血时间", "全血活化凝血时间" ], "397554006": [ "Limbal stem cell transplantation", "角膜缘干细胞移植" ], "37106006": [ "Restoration, resin, three or more surfaces, posterior, primary", "修复,树脂,三个或更多表面,后部,初级" ], "166343000": [ "PBI - protein-bound iodine estimation", "Protein-bound iodine estimation", "PBI-蛋白结合碘估计", "蛋白结合碘估算" ], "281031002": [ "Well woman health examination", "女性健康检查" ], "182727003": [ "Asthma control step 1", "哮喘控制步骤 1" ], "18887007": [ "Excision with graft replacement of abdominal artery", "Angiectomy with graft replacement of abdominal artery", "腹部动脉切除及移植置换术", "腹部动脉切除术及移植置换术" ], "313799007": [ "Fluid rheumatoid factor measurement", "Rheumatoid factor measurement, synovial fluid", "RF, synovial fluid", "液体类风湿因子测量", "RF、滑液", "类风湿因子测量,滑液" ], "443036002": [ "Open reduction of open fracture of radius with external fixation", "桡骨开放性骨折切开复位外固定" ], "82588005": [ "Ureteral reflux study", "Isotope study for ureteral reflux", "输尿管反流研究", "输尿管反流同位素研究" ], "410268005": [ "Nursing care/supplementary health teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Nursing care/supplementary health teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Nursing care/supplementary health education, guidance, and counseling", "Nursing care/supplementary health education, guidance, and counselling", "护理/补充健康教育、指导和咨询" ], "49820007": [ "Needle biopsy of peripheral nerve", "周围神经针吸活检" ], "162673000": [ "General examination of patient", "患者一般检查" ], "408433001": [ "Advice to carer regarding prevention of sudden infant death syndrome", "Recommendation to carer regarding prevention of sudden infant death syndrome", "Recommendation to caregiver regarding prevention of sudden infant death syndrome", "Advice to caregiver regarding prevention of sudden infant death syndrome", "给照顾者关于预防婴儿猝死综合症的建议", "给护理人员关于预防婴儿猝死综合症的建议", "向护理人员提出的预防婴儿猝死综合症的建议", "向护理人员提出预防婴儿猝死综合症的建议" ], "734278000": [ "Time out behaviour strategy", "Time out behavior strategy", "暂停行为策略" ], "1293169009": [ "Plain X-ray of biliary tract", "胆道普通X光检查" ], "439366005": [ "Education about postpartum depression", "产后抑郁症教育" ], "78918006": [ "Open reduction of dislocation", "Open reduction of dislocated joint", "脱位切开复位", "脱臼关节切开复位" ], "177222006": [ "Repair of episiotomy", "Episiorrhaphy", "Suturing of episiotomy", "Colpoepisiorrhaphy", "会阴缝合术", "会阴切开术缝合", "阴道会阴缝合术", "会阴切开术修复" ], "175387000": [ "Clipping of aneurysm of circle of Willis", "Willis 环动脉瘤夹闭术" ], "240923000": [ "Endarterectomy of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉内膜切除术" ], "42480000": [ "Replantation of foot, incomplete amputation", "足部再植、不完全截肢" ], "306459009": [ "Discharge by rehabilitation psychiatrist", "康复精神科医生出院" ], "26096003": [ "Stripping of cerebral subdural membrane", "脑硬膜下膜剥离术" ], "386544003": [ "Endoscopy of urethra", "Endoscopic exploration of urethra", "Urethroscopy", "尿道镜检查", "尿道内镜探查", "尿道内窥镜检查" ], "171717000": [ "Creation of anastomosis of dura", "硬脑膜吻合术" ], "70711000052105": [ "Assessment of bone age using Tanner-Whitehouse 2 method", "Tanner-Whitehouse 2 bone age assessment", "Tanner-Whitehouse 2 骨龄评估", "使用 Tanner-Whitehouse 2 方法评估骨龄" ], "401093002": [ "Haemophilus influenzae type b immunoglobulin G measurement", "Haemophilus influenzae type b IgG measurement", "b 型流感嗜血杆菌 IgG 检测", "B 型流感嗜血杆菌免疫球蛋白 G 测量" ], "302789003": [ "Capillary blood glucose level", "Capillary blood glucose measurement", "毛细血管血糖水平", "毛细血管血糖测量" ], "1269445004": [ "Guselkumab therapy", "古塞库单抗治疗" ], "432026001": [ "Positron emission tomography (PET) myocardial rest imaging using fluorodeoxyglucose", "Positron emission tomography myocardial rest imaging using fluorodeoxyglucose", "使用氟脱氧葡萄糖进行正电子发射断层心肌静息成像", "使用氟脱氧葡萄糖进行正电子发射断层扫描 (PET) 心肌静息成像" ], "104346002": [ "Complement and immunoglobulin measurement", "补体和免疫球蛋白测量" ], "448410004": [ "Suturing of ligament of shoulder joint", "肩关节韧带缝合" ], "710554006": [ "Assessment of water supply", "供水评估" ], "235418009": [ "Gastrointestinal tract tube procedure", "胃肠道插管手术" ], "118895005": [ "Procedure on inner ear", "内耳手术" ], "233583007": [ "Continuous haemofiltration", "Continuous hemofiltration", "连续血液滤过", "持续性血液滤过" ], "430191008": [ "Management of noninvasive mechanical ventilation", "无创机械通气的管理" ], "86127008": [ "Excision of hydatid cyst of liver", "肝包虫囊肿切除术" ], "231748003": [ "Laser capsulotomy of lens capsule", "激光晶状体囊切开术" ], "297284003": [ "Drainage of abscess of foot", "足部脓肿引流" ], "313668003": [ "Urine vitamin C measurement", "Urine vitamin C level", "尿液维生素 C 测量", "尿液维生素 C 水平" ], "35140007": [ "Interferon gamma assay", "干扰素γ检测" ], "1231172007": [ "Fitting of complete orthodontic FA (fixed appliance)", "Fitting of complete fixed orthodontic appliance", "完全固定矫正器的安装", "完整牙齿矫正固定矫治器的安装" ], "410137003": [ "Nursing status report assessment", "Assess nursing status report", "评估护理状况报告", "护理状况报告评估" ], "49689007": [ "Application of cervical collar", "颈托的应用" ], "229913009": [ "Oral tube feeding", "Orogastric feeding", "口胃喂养", "经口管饲" ], "82457009": [ "Vitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxy measurement", "维生素 D,1,25-二羟基测量" ], "178926002": [ "Open osteoclasis", "Open surgical fracture of bone", "开放性破骨症", "开放性骨外科骨折" ], "47854004": [ "Removal of foreign body without incision from neck", "无需切开颈部即可取出异物" ], "1293038008": [ "Marsupialization of pilonidal cyst", "Marsupialisation of pilonidal cyst", "藏毛囊袋形成形术", "藏毛囊肿袋形切除术" ], "439235001": [ "Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy", "腹腔镜根治性肾切除术" ], "177091002": [ "Fetoscopic sampling of fetal blood", "Foetoscopic sampling of foetal blood", "胎儿镜检查胎儿血液取样", "胎儿镜胎儿血液采样" ], "60568005": [ "Repair of uterine ligaments by interposition", "子宫韧带插入修复" ], "306328008": [ "Referral to nurse behavioural therapist", "Referral to nurse behavioral therapist", "转介给护士行为治疗师" ], "386413005": [ "Risk identification", "风险识别" ], "42349006": [ "Excision of cyst of broad ligament", "Enucleation of cyst of broad ligament", "阔韧带囊肿摘除术", "阔韧带囊肿切除术" ], "304493006": [ "Multisystem physiological monitoring regime", "多系统生理监测方案" ], "89666000": [ "Cardiopulmonary resuscitation", "CPR - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation", "CPR-心肺复苏术", "心肺复苏" ], "73282006": [ "Esophagoscopy for injection of esophageal varices", "Injection of sclerosing agent into esophageal varices by endoscopy", "Endoscopic injection of esophageal varices", "Injection of esophageal varices by endoscopy", "Injection of varicose veins of esophagus by endoscopy", "Oesophagoscopy for injection of oesophageal varices", "Endoscopic injection of oesophageal varices", "Injection of sclerosing agent into oesophageal varices by endoscopy", "Injection of varicose veins of oesophagus by endoscopy", "Injection of oesophageal varices by endoscopy", "内镜食管静脉曲张注射硬化剂", "内镜食管静脉曲张注射", "食管镜检查食管静脉曲张注射", "食管静脉曲张内镜注射", "食管镜检查治疗食管静脉曲张" ], "122434007": [ "Fungal antigen assay", "Presence of fungal antigen", "真菌抗原的存在", "真菌抗原检测" ], "269890008": [ "Urine amphetamine measurement", "Urine amphetamine level", "尿液苯丙胺水平", "尿液苯丙胺测量" ], "38679003": [ "Destructive procedure of eyelid", "眼睑破坏性手术" ], "104215003": [ "Wright-Giemsa stain method", "Wright-Giemsa stain", "瑞氏-吉姆萨染色", "瑞氏-姬姆萨染色法" ], "284439007": [ "Examination of thumbnail", "拇指甲检查" ], "20460000": [ "Repair of gastroenterocolic fistula", "Closure of gastroenterocolic fistula", "胃肠结肠瘘修复", "胃肠结肠瘘闭合" ], "1201943009": [ "Reconstruction of extremity using flap", "Flap reconstruction of extremity", "Reconstruction of extremity with flap", "皮瓣重建肢体", "肢体皮瓣重建" ], "431895007": [ "Ultrasonography of graft", "Ultrasonography (US) of graft", "移植物超声检查" ], "235287009": [ "Transmesenteric plication", "肠系膜折叠术" ], "446444004": [ "Cystoscopic insertion of prostatic stent", "膀胱镜前列腺支架插入" ], "36844005": [ "Ophthalmoscopy with medical evaluation, extended, with ophthalmodynamometry", "带有医学评估的眼底镜检查,扩展,带有眼底力测量" ], "118764007": [ "Procedure on pituitary gland", "垂体手术" ], "708588008": [ "Marsupialisation of abscess of nasopharynx", "Marsupialization of abscess of nasopharynx", "Marsupialisation of nasopharyngeal abscess", "Marsupialization of nasopharyngeal abscess", "鼻咽脓肿袋形缝合术" ], "35009002": [ "Destruction of lesion of retina", "视网膜病变破坏" ], "18625004": [ "Low forceps delivery", "Application of or delivery by low forceps", "Low forceps operation", "低位产钳分娩", "低位产钳应用或分娩", "低位产钳手术" ], "231617004": [ "Frost suture to eyelids", "眼睑霜缝合" ], "410006001": [ "Digital examination of rectum", "RE - Rectal examination", "Digital palpation of rectum", "DRE - Digital rectal examination", "RE - 直肠检查", "直肠触诊", "直肠指检", "DRE-- 直肠指检" ], "311702004": [ "Speech and language breathing exercises", "言语和语言呼吸练习" ], "82326005": [ "Aspiration of tendon", "肌腱抽吸" ], "65942005": [ "Removal of impacted tooth from maxillary sinus", "拔除上颌窦阻生牙" ], "406009": [ "Fulguration of stomach lesion", "胃部病变电灼" ], "178795003": [ "Excision of lesion of lumbar vertebra", "腰椎病损切除术" ], "78656005": [ "Laparoscopic fundoplication", "腹腔镜胃底折叠术" ], "13120008": [ "Pharyngeal diverticulectomy by cricopharyngeal myotomy", "Pharyngoesophageal diverticulectomy by cricopharyngeal myotomy", "Hypopharyngeal diverticulectomy by cricopharyngeal myotomy", "Pharyngo-oesophageal diverticulectomy by cricopharyngeal myotomy", "Pharyngo-esophageal diverticulectomy by cricopharyngeal myotomy", "环咽肌切开术行咽食管憩室切除术", "环咽肌切开术行下咽憩室切除术", "环咽肌切开术行咽憩室切除术" ], "306197000": [ "Referral to pancreatic surgery service", "转诊至胰腺外科服务" ], "175125003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal ablation of atrioventricular node", "经皮房室结腔内消融术" ], "11285004": [ "Diagnostic block anesthesia", "Diagnostic block anaesthesia", "诊断阻滞麻醉", "诊断性阻滞麻醉" ], "386282007": [ "Emergency cart checking", "紧急推车检查" ], "236991000": [ "Operation to assist delivery", "Operation to facilitate delivery", "便于运送的操作", "协助分娩手术" ], "1285567002": [ "Fitting of palatal lift prosthesis", "腭提升假体的安装" ], "23999003": [ "Implantation of rate-responsive cardiac single-chamber device", "Initial insertion of rate-responsive single-chamber device", "Insertion of cardiac pacemaker single-chamber rate-responsive device", "心率反应性单腔心脏装置的植入", "首次插入频率反应性单腔装置", "心脏起搏器单腔心率反应装置的植入" ], "433599004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of superficial femoral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of superficial femoral artery with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行股浅动脉", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术治疗股浅动脉造影" ], "122303007": [ "Streptococcus pyogenes rRNA assay", "Streptococcus pyogenes ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "化脓性链球菌 rRNA 检测", "化脓性链球菌核糖体核糖核酸测定" ], "235156000": [ "Endoscopic lavage of GIT", "Endoscopic lavage of gastrointestinal tract", "内镜胃肠道冲洗", "内镜胃肠道灌洗" ], "171455009": [ "Stereotactic leucotomy", "立体定向脑白质切开术" ], "56767008": [ "Gas liquid chromatography, Coulson conductivity type", "气相液相色谱法,Coulson电导型" ], "104084000": [ "Whole blood, volume transfused, determination", "Measurement of volume of whole blood transfused", "全血、输血量、测定", "输注全血量的测量" ], "431764009": [ "Guide wire recanalisation of central venous catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Guide wire recanalization of central venous catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用造影剂荧光透视引导导丝再通中心静脉导管", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导导丝再通中心静脉导管" ], "397161003": [ "Rankin operation, exteriorisation of intestine", "Rankin operation, exteriorization of intestine", "兰金手术,肠外置术", "Rankin 手术,肠外置术" ], "429929004": [ "Laser ablation using computed tomography guidance", "Laser ablation using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "CT guided laser ablation", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行激光消融", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行激光消融", "CT引导激光消融" ], "233321008": [ "Embolization of choroidal artery", "Embolisation of choroidal artery", "脉络膜动脉栓塞术" ], "788542004": [ "Consultation by acupuncturist", "Acupuncture consultation", "针灸咨询", "针灸师咨询" ], "116798005": [ "Transfusion of factor VII", "Coagulation factor VII product administration by intravascular infusion", "输注第七因子", "通过血管内输注给予凝血因子 VII 产品" ], "313406008": [ "Fatty acid measurement", "Fatty acid level", "脂肪酸水平", "脂肪酸测量" ], "3651000087100": [ "Plain X-ray of right hip", "右髋关节普通 X 光检查" ], "22851000087102": [ "Computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and left lower limb with contrast", "CT of abdomen, pelvis and left lower limb with contrast", "Computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and left lower extremity with contrast", "腹部、骨盆及左下肢增强 CT", "腹部、骨盆和左下肢增强计算机断层扫描" ], "311571007": [ "Speech fluency regime", "言语流畅性制度" ], "17731000087106": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of bilateral lower extremities with contrast", "MR angiography of bilateral lower limbs with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of bilateral lower limbs with contrast", "MR angiography of both lower extremities with contrast", "MR angiography of bilateral lower extremities with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of both lower limbs with contrast", "MR angiography of bilateral legs with contrast", "MR angiography of both legs with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of both lower extremities with contrast", "MR angiography of both lower limbs with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of bilateral legs with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of both legs with contrast", "双下肢增强磁共振血管造影", "双腿增强磁共振血管造影", "双腿磁共振血管造影" ], "6211000087107": [ "Plain X-ray of all toes of right foot", "右脚所有脚趾的普通 X 光检查" ], "719336003": [ "Assessment using CNRep (Children's Test of Nonword Repetition)", "Assessment using Children's Test of Nonword Repetition", "使用儿童非词语重复测试进行评估", "使用 CNRep(儿童非词重复测试)进行评估" ], "2371000087106": [ "MRI of right hand", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right hand", "右手 MRI", "右手磁共振成像" ], "31208007": [ "Medical induction of labor", "Medical induction of labour", "药物引产" ], "260584009": [ "Mediastinoscopy without biopsy", "纵隔镜检查(不带活检)" ], "62141006": [ "Radical excision", "Extended excision", "根治性切除", "扩大切除" ], "225981007": [ "Ensuring good communication", "确保良好沟通" ], "174994000": [ "Removal of obstruction from structure adjacent to valve of heart", "去除心脏瓣膜附近结构的阻塞物" ], "306066002": [ "Referral from community-based podiatrist", "Referral by community-based chiropodist", "Referral from community-based chiropodist", "Referral by community podiatrist", "Referral from community chiropodist", "Referral from community podiatrist", "Referral by community chiropodist", "Referral by community-based podiatrist", "社区足病医生转诊", "社区足病医生的推荐", "社区足病医生推荐" ], "699282002": [ "Anti-hypertensive diet assessment", "Hypertension diet assessment", "抗高血压饮食评估", "高血压饮食评估" ], "60306005": [ "Folic acid measurement, serum", "Serum folate measurement, serum", "Serum folic acid level", "血清叶酸测量,血清", "血清叶酸水平", "血清叶酸测量" ], "418919001": [ "Fluoroscopy of lower limb", "下肢透视检查" ], "1172583004": [ "Promotion of sleep hygiene", "促进睡眠卫生" ], "287847009": [ "Partial pancreatectomy", "Subtotal pancreatectomy", "胰腺次全切除术", "部分胰腺切除术" ], "171324002": [ "New patient screening", "New patient health check", "新病人健康检查", "新患者筛查" ], "56636003": [ "Isodose computation for teletherapy", "Isodose computation for external beam radiation therapy", "远程治疗的等剂量计算", "外照射放射治疗的等剂量计算" ], "417084004": [ "Cancer monitoring verbal invitation", "癌症监测口头邀请" ], "1285436002": [ "Replacement of temporary filling in tooth", "更换牙齿临时填充物" ], "1252668003": [ "Control of hemorrhage by ligation of artery of internal nose", "Control of epistaxis by ligation of artery of internal nose", "Control of haemorrhage by ligation of artery of internal nose", "鼻内动脉结扎术治疗鼻出血", "鼻内动脉结扎止血" ], "302396003": [ "Cryotherapy to skin lesion", "Freezing of skin lesion", "皮肤损伤冷冻", "皮肤损伤冷冻治疗" ], "449852008": [ "Measurement of Theileria equi antibody", "马泰勒虫抗体测定" ], "122172008": [ "Chlamydia psittaci antigen assay", "Chlamydophila psittaci antigen assay", "鹦鹉热衣原体抗原检测" ], "236860007": [ "Insertion or removal of supporting pessary into vagina", "Insertion or removal of supporting suppository into vagina", "将栓剂插入或取出至阴道", "将支撑子宫托插入或取出阴道" ], "710161003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography and atherectomy of lower extremity artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography and atherectomy of artery of lower limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography and atherectomy of artery of lower limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography and atherectomy of artery of lower extremity with contrast", "下肢动脉造影及斑块切除术", "下肢动脉荧光造影及斑块切除术", "下肢动脉荧光造影及动脉粥样硬化切除术", "下肢动脉造影荧光血管造影及斑块切除术" ], "448017005": [ "Biopsy of sternum", "胸骨活检" ], "103953007": [ "M1 blood group typing", "M1血型分型" ], "315110003": [ "Cysticercosis antibody level", "囊虫病抗体水平" ], "233190007": [ "Closed decompression of cardiac tamponade", "心脏压塞闭式减压" ], "395195000": [ "Chlamydia trachomatis IgA level", "Chlamydia trachomatis immunoglobulin A level", "沙眼衣原体免疫球蛋白 A 水平", "沙眼衣原体 IgA 水平" ], "85734009": [ "Monitoring of ECG, pressure, blood gases and cardiac output", "Monitoring of electrocardiogram, pressure, blood gases and cardiac output", "监测心电图、血压、血气和心输出量", "心电图、血压、血气和心输出量监测" ], "231355003": [ "Topical local anaesthetic to larynx", "Topical local anesthetic to larynx", "喉部局部麻醉" ], "313275006": [ "Astigmatic keratotomy", "CRI - corneal relaxing incision", "AK - astigmatic keratotomy", "Corneal relaxing incision", "散光角膜切开术", "CRI-- 角膜松解切口", "角膜松解切口", "AK-- 散光角膜切开术" ], "721040001": [ "Dual energy computed tomography of thorax", "DECT (dual energy computed tomography) of thorax", "胸部双能量计算机断层扫描 (DECT)", "胸部双能量计算机断层扫描" ], "32912007": [ "Thrombolysis of coronary artery by intravenous infusion", "冠状动脉静脉溶栓治疗" ], "440677001": [ "Laboratory procedure related to reproduction", "与生殖相关的实验室程序" ], "112997005": [ "Anesthesia for thoracolumbar sympathectomy", "Anaesthesia for thoracolumbar sympathectomy", "胸腰交感神经切除术的麻醉" ], "178533006": [ "Revisional fenestration excision of cervical intervertebral disc", "颈椎间盘开窗切除术" ], "14693006": [ "Bilateral subcutaneous mastectomy", "Bilateral mastectomy with preservation of skin and nipple", "Subcutaneous mammectomy of bilateral breasts", "Subcutaneous mammectomy of both breasts", "保留皮肤和乳头的双侧乳房切除术", "双侧乳房皮下切除术", "双侧皮下乳房切除术" ], "275002001": [ "Removal of grommet from tympanic membrane", "Removal of tympanic ventilation tube from tympanic membrane", "从鼓膜中取出鼓膜垫", "从鼓膜中取出鼓室通气管" ], "43791001": [ "Vaginal hysterectomy with total colpectomy", "阴道子宫切除术及全阴道切除术" ], "764687007": [ "PET CT of whole body using choline C-11", "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography of whole body using choline C-11", "使用胆碱 C-11 进行全身 PET CT 检查", "使用胆碱 C-11 进行正电子发射断层扫描和全身计算机断层扫描" ], "699151009": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of clavicle without internal fixation", "锁骨骨折闭合复位不内固定" ], "173028001": [ "Endoscopic destruction of lesion of larynx", "内镜喉部病变毁损术" ], "304100006": [ "Local transposition flap - axial pattern", "局部转位皮瓣 - 轴向模式" ], "287716007": [ "Urinary bladder reconstruction", "Reconstruction of urinary bladder", "膀胱重建" ], "433337000": [ "Ethanol ablation of osteoid osteoma using computed tomography guidance", "Ethanol ablation of osteoid osteoma using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "CT guided ethanol ablation of osteoid osteoma", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导对骨样骨瘤进行乙醇消融", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行骨样骨瘤乙醇消融", "CT引导下乙醇消融骨样骨瘤" ], "713700008": [ "Smoking cessation drug therapy", "戒烟药物治疗" ], "122041006": [ "Mucor species antibody assay", "Measurement of Mucor species antibody", "毛霉属抗体的测量", "毛霉种抗体测定" ], "234894007": [ "Closure of palatal fistula", "腭瘘闭合" ], "103822009": [ "Fibrinopeptide B-beta (1-42) assay", "纤维蛋白肽B-β(1-42)测定" ], "446051001": [ "Subintimal angioplasty", "内膜下血管成形术" ], "183907003": [ "Private referral to chest physician", "私人转诊至胸科医师" ], "167523004": [ "Urine glucose: chem. titer", "Urine glucose chemical titer measurement", "Urine glucose: chem. titre", "Urine glucose chemical titre measurement", "尿葡萄糖化学滴度测定", "尿葡萄糖:化学滴度" ], "347747004": [ "Corneoconjunctivoplasty", "角结膜成形术" ], "3683006": [ "Selenium measurement, urine", "尿液硒测量" ], "233059007": [ "Reinsertion of heart valve, prosthetic", "重新插入心脏瓣膜、假体" ], "52835004": [ "Biopsy of soft tissue of neck", "颈部软组织活检" ], "314979004": [ "Spirometry reversibility", "Spirometry reversibility test", "肺量计可逆性测试", "肺量计可逆性" ], "20067007": [ "Ocular fundus photography", "Fundus photography", "Retinal photography", "Digital imaging of retina", "Digital retinal screening", "Retinography", "视网膜照相术", "数字视网膜筛查", "视网膜数字成像", "视网膜摄影", "眼底照相" ], "444216001": [ "Removal of superficial foreign body by incision", "切开取出表层异物" ], "231224006": [ "Extraoral approach to infraorbital nerve block", "Extraoral approach to local anaesthetic infraorbital nerve block", "Extraoral approach to local anesthetic infraorbital nerve block", "口外入路眶下神经阻滞", "口外入路局部麻醉眶下神经阻滞" ], "444571000124102": [ "Feeding environment table service management", "饲喂环境餐桌服务管理" ], "438171000124104": [ "Increased niacin diet", "增加烟酸饮食" ], "435611000124105": [ "Multivitamin, multimineral supplement therapy", "多种维生素、多种矿物质补充疗法" ], "739128007": [ "Complete left submandibular sialoadenectomy", "Total left submandibular sialoadenectomy", "Total excision of left submandibular gland", "Total excision of left submaxillary gland", "左下颌下涎腺全切除术", "左颌下腺全切除术" ], "1263416007": [ "Removal of intrauterine contraceptive device", "取出宫内避孕器" ], "409613001": [ "Polymerase chain reaction for Bacillus anthracis", "Bacillus anthracis-specific polymerase chain reaction", "炭疽杆菌聚合酶链式反应", "炭疽杆菌特异性聚合酶链反应" ], "436891000124107": [ "Saturated fat modified diet", "饱和脂肪改良饮食" ], "278541005": [ "Repair of spinal meningocele using free flap", "游离皮瓣修复脊膜膨出" ], "721051000124109": [ "External beam radiotherapy with breath hold", "屏住呼吸进行外照射放射治疗" ], "719074000": [ "Removal of gastrojejunostomy tube using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided removal of gastrojejunostomy tube", "在荧光透视引导下移除胃空肠造口管", "荧光透视引导下胃空肠造口管移除术" ], "229389009": [ "Physiological mobilization of the ankle joint", "Physiological mobilisation of the ankle joint", "踝关节的生理活动" ], "30946002": [ "Encircling procedure of sclera for buckling", "Cerclage of sclera", "Cinching for scleral buckling", "巩膜环扎术", "巩膜扣带术" ], "129250002": [ "Percutaneous urinary cystostomy", "Cutaneous urinary vesicostomy", "Percutaneous urinary vesicostomy", "Stab insertion of suprapubic tube", "Percutaneous blind insertion of suprapubic catheter", "经皮膀胱造口术", "经皮尿道膀胱造口术", "皮肤膀胱造口术", "经皮耻骨上盲插导管", "耻骨上管穿刺插入" ], "391394003": [ "Serum anti-skeletal muscle antibody level", "血清抗骨骼肌抗体水平" ], "178402007": [ "Biopsy of lesion of bone of face", "面部骨损伤活检" ], "440546007": [ "Discussion about pregnancy", "关于怀孕的讨论" ], "225719006": [ "Changing endotracheal tube", "更换气管插管" ], "45495006": [ "Incision of lip", "Cheilotomy", "唇切开术", "唇部切开术" ], "1290679006": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of sacrum", "骶骨普通 X 光检查" ], "307639008": [ "Anastomosis of transverse colon to rectum", "横结肠直肠吻合术" ], "43660001": [ "Replacement of femoral head by prosthesis with use of methyl methacrylate", "使用甲基丙烯酸甲酯进行股骨头置换" ], "176567008": [ "Penile injection to deflate priapism", "阴茎注射以消除异常勃起" ], "60044006": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of hand", "手部脱位闭合复位" ], "287585000": [ "Retrograde upper limb arteriography", "Retrograde angiography of artery of arm", "Retrograde arteriography of artery of upper limb", "Retrograde angiography of artery of upper extremity", "Retrograde arteriography of artery of arm", "Retrograde angiography of artery of upper limb", "Retrograde arteriography of artery of upper extremity", "手臂动脉逆行造影", "上肢动脉逆行血管造影", "手臂动脉逆行血管造影", "上肢动脉逆行造影", "逆行上肢动脉造影" ], "385889001": [ "Mental health history taking education", "Teach mental health history taking", "心理健康史采集教育", "教授心理健康病史采集" ], "174732008": [ "Insertion of T tube into pancreatic duct", "将 T 管插入胰管" ], "41825000": [ "Incision of Bartholin's cyst", "Incision of Bartholin cyst", "巴氏腺囊肿切开术" ], "252982005": [ "Kay picture test", "凯图片测试" ], "121910005": [ "Measurement of Puumala virus antibody", "普马拉病毒抗体测定" ], "171062007": [ "Maternity milk and vitamins advice", "Maternity milk and vitamins education", "孕产妇奶和维生素教育", "孕产妇奶粉和维生素建议" ], "120075000": [ "Brain reconstruction", "大脑重建" ], "234763004": [ "Take impression for partial denture", "RPD - Take impression for partial denture", "Take impression for part denture", "取模制作局部义齿", "RPD - 取模制作局部义齿", "取模制作部分假牙" ], "232928000": [ "Truncal valve operation", "主干瓣膜手术" ], "85472003": [ "Mesenteriopexy", "Mesopexy", "肠系膜固定术", "中胚层固定术" ], "396768006": [ "Postoperative drainage of thyroid", "甲状腺术后引流" ], "444085003": [ "Biplane angiography of abdominal aorta with placement of catheter and angiography of bilateral extremities", "Biplane angiography of abdominal aorta with placement of catheter and angiography of arteries of bilateral extremities", "Biplane arteriography of abdominal aorta with placement of catheter and arteriography of arteries of both extremities", "Biplane arteriography of abdominal aorta with placement of catheter and arteriography of arteries of bilateral extremities", "腹主动脉双平面造影术,置入导管,双侧肢体动脉造影", "腹主动脉双平面血管造影,置入导管,双侧肢体血管造影", "腹主动脉双平面血管造影术,置入导管,双侧肢体动脉造影", "腹主动脉双平面造影术,置入导管,进行双肢动脉造影" ], "231093003": [ "EAV - Electroacupuncture after Voll", "Electroacupuncture after Voll", "伏案后电针", "EAV - 体位电针疗法" ], "67253008": [ "Epstein-Barr EA-R antibody measurement", "Epstein-Barr EA-R 抗体测量" ], "425866000": [ "In vitro fertilization using donor eggs", "In vitro fertilisation using donor eggs", "使用捐献卵子进行体外受精" ], "180106007": [ "Intra-articular soft tissue procedure for congenital dislocation of the hip", "先天性髋关节脱位的关节内软组织手术" ], "391263000": [ "Mental health carers' support healthcare resource groups", "Mental health caregivers' support healthcare resource groups", "心理健康护理人员的支持医疗资源小组", "心理健康护理者支持医疗资源小组" ], "442250009": [ "Measurement of glucose 4 hours after glucose challenge for glucose tolerance test", "葡萄糖耐量试验中葡萄糖刺激后 4 小时测量葡萄糖" ], "229258008": [ "Active hand movements", "主动的手部运动" ], "14431003": [ "Electrocardiogram, single lead", "心电图,单导联" ], "440415005": [ "Aspiration of urinary bladder using suprapubic catheter", "使用耻骨上导管进行膀胱抽吸" ], "129119005": [ "Ultrasound phlebography of vena cava", "腔静脉超声造影" ], "307508001": [ "Excision jejunorectal fistula", "切除空肠直肠瘘" ], "45364003": [ "Excision of tumor of foot, deep, subfascial", "Excision of tumour of foot, deep, subfascial", "足部深部筋膜下肿瘤切除术" ], "12596005": [ "Infusion of dextran", "输注葡聚糖" ], "438580006": [ "Grafting to aorta", "主动脉移植" ], "1174025004": [ "Management of endoscopy of large intestine", "大肠内镜检查管理" ], "172766000": [ "Total reconstruction of nose with bone graft and skin flap", "骨移植和皮瓣全鼻重建" ], "271070001": [ "Urine benzodiazepine measurement", "Urine benzodiazepine level", "Benzodiazepine measurement, urine", "尿液苯二氮卓类药物水平", "尿液苯二氮卓类药物测量" ], "238302003": [ "Debulking of pelvic tumor", "Debulking of pelvic tumour", "盆腔肿瘤减瘤术" ], "385758005": [ "Community special services assessment", "Assess community special services", "评估社区特殊服务", "社区特殊服务评估" ], "287454006": [ "Gums/alveolus operations", "牙龈/牙槽手术" ], "418526005": [ "Prevention education", "预防教育" ], "1186739001": [ "Intermittent mandatory ventilation with synchronized-termination pressure-control and pressure-support inflation and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct", "Intermittent mandatory ventilation with synchronised-termination pressure-control and pressure-support inflation and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct", "间歇指令通气,同步终止压力控制和压力支持充气,以及保证恒定气道压力辅助装置" ], "252851005": [ "Prism adaptation test", "PAT - Prism adaptation test", "PAT - 棱镜适应性测试", "棱镜适应性测试" ], "121779005": [ "Estrogen binding protein measurement", "Oestrogen binding protein measurement", "雌激素结合蛋白测量" ], "105395007": [ "Outpatient counseling by chaplain", "Outpatient counselling by chaplain", "牧师门诊咨询" ], "16333021000119102": [ "MR venography of intracranial veins without contrast", "Magnetic resonance venography of intracranial veins without contrast", "无造影剂磁共振颅内静脉造影", "无造影剂颅内静脉磁共振静脉造影" ], "169096002": [ "Specific imaging methods", "具体成像方法" ], "54408002": [ "Incision of antecubital fossa", "肘前窝切开术" ], "709768003": [ "Computed tomography angiography of artery of limb with contrast", "CT angiography of artery of limb with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of artery of limb with contrast", "CT arteriography of artery of limb with contrast", "CT arteriogram of artery of limb with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of artery of extremity with contrast", "CT angiography of artery of extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of artery of extremity with contrast", "CT arteriography of artery of extremity with contrast", "肢体动脉增强 CT 动脉造影", "四肢动脉增强 CT 造影", "四肢动脉增强 CT 血管造影", "肢体动脉 CT 造影", "肢体动脉增强 CT 血管造影", "肢体动脉造影计算机断层扫描" ], "1119368005": [ "Pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate immunization", "Pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate immunisation", "Pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccination", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, and 23F capsular polysaccharide antigens conjugated", "Administration of pneumococcal 7-valent conjugate vaccine", "接种肺炎球菌七价结合疫苗", "肺炎球菌 7 价结合疫苗免疫", "接种仅含有肺炎链球菌丹麦血清型 4、6B、9V、14、18C、19F 和 23F 荚膜多糖抗原结合的疫苗产品", "肺炎球菌七价结合疫苗免疫", "肺炎球菌七价结合疫苗" ], "251016004": [ "Excision of intranasal lesion by internal approach", "经内入路切除鼻内病变" ], "281949000": [ "Arthroscopic trimming of medial meniscus", "关节镜下内侧半月板修整" ], "232797005": [ "Resection of tricuspid valve leaflet", "Excision of tricuspid valve leaflet", "切除三尖瓣", "三尖瓣切除术" ], "413021006": [ "Factor VIII inhibitor screening test", "Ⅷ 因子抑制剂筛选试验" ], "445789007": [ "Assessment using nine hole peg test", "使用九孔钉测试进行评估" ], "265565008": [ "Operations on ureteric orifice", "输尿管口手术" ], "67122001": [ "Acid fast stain", "Acid fast stain method", "抗酸染色法", "抗酸染色" ], "50738000": [ "Excision of ankle joint synovium", "Synovectomy of ankle joint", "踝关节滑膜切除术" ], "443954000": [ "Banding of descending vertical vein", "降静脉带状" ], "83506002": [ "Uterine contraction monitor removal", "宫缩监测器移除" ], "722482005": [ "Doxorubicin, bleomycin, vinblastine and dacarbazine chemotherapy regimen", "ABVD chemotherapy regimen", "ABVD chemotherapy protocol", "阿霉素、博来霉素、长春花碱和达卡巴嗪化疗方案", "ABVD 化疗方案", "ABVD化疗方案" ], "230962006": [ "Adjustment to neurostimulator in cranial nerve", "脑神经刺激器的调节" ], "118109009": [ "Parvovirus B19 DNA assay", "Parvovirus B19 deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "细小病毒 B19 脱氧核糖核酸检测", "细小病毒 B19 DNA 检测" ], "229127000": [ "Smiling exercises", "微笑练习" ], "165426009": [ "Nucleated red blood cell count procedure", "Nucleated red blood cell count", "Nucleated erythrocyte count", "有核红细胞计数程序", "有核红细胞计数" ], "1230386006": [ "Correction of congenital deformity of upper arm", "上臂先天畸形矫正" ], "312882009": [ "Taking nasal swab", "Taking nose swab", "取鼻拭子" ], "179975007": [ "Conversion from uncemented total replacement ankle joint", "非骨水泥全置换踝关节的转换" ], "128988001": [ "Incision and drainage of lower extremity", "下肢切开引流" ], "358364006": [ "Petrous apicotomy", "Incision of petrous pyramid", "岩尖切开术", "岩锥体切开术" ], "735196007": [ "Revision of left total hip arthroplasty", "左全髋关节置换术翻修" ], "176305004": [ "Endoscopic removal of prostatic calculus", "Transurethral removal of prostatic calculus", "经尿道前列腺结石摘除术", "内镜前列腺结石摘除术" ], "307377006": [ "Referral to young disabled service", "Referral to young disabled team", "转介年轻残疾人队伍", "转介至年轻残疾人服务" ], "1290417007": [ "Plain X-ray of lymph node", "淋巴结普通 X 光检查" ], "172635000": [ "Extirpation of lesion of external auditory canal", "外耳道病变摘除术" ], "238171002": [ "Repair of femoral hernia", "Femoral herniorrhaphy", "Femoral hernia repair", "Repair of crural hernia", "股疝修补术", "股骨疝修补术" ], "25179006": [ "Blood unit collection", "Blood donation", "Blood unit acquisition", "Whole blood unit collection", "献血", "血液单位采集", "全血单位采集" ], "121648002": [ "Methyl n-propyl ketone measurement", "甲基正丙基酮测量" ], "105264003": [ "Nordoxepin measurement", "去甲多塞平测量" ], "236336004": [ "Excision of strangulated testis", "绞窄性睾丸切除术" ], "449328005": [ "Aspiration of intervertebral disc using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下椎间盘抽吸术" ], "252720005": [ "Goniometry of thumb", "拇指测角" ], "367408005": [ "Incision of thorax", "Thoracic incision", "胸腔切口", "胸腔切开术" ], "432944007": [ "Percutaneous insertion of nephrovesical stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮肾膀胱支架置入术" ], "185349003": [ "Encounter for check up", "见面检查" ], "709637007": [ "Biopsy of lymph node using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided biopsy of lymph node", "CT 引导下淋巴结活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行淋巴结活检" ], "707802000": [ "Replacement of hormone implant in subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织激素植入物的置换" ], "232666000": [ "Jaw thrust", "下颌推力" ], "300037009": [ "Excision of skin carcinoma", "皮肤癌切除" ], "281818006": [ "Stabilization of joint by ligament repair", "Stabilisation of joint by ligament repair", "通过韧带修复稳定关节" ], "412890008": [ "Biochemistry battery tests", "Biochemical test battery", "生化电池测试", "生化测试电池" ], "1230255002": [ "Medical beverage supplement therapy", "医疗饮料补充疗法" ], "230831006": [ "Removal of external subdural drain", "移除外部硬膜下引流管" ], "1455007": [ "Cerclage", "捆扎" ], "116143008": [ "Total abdominal hysterectomy", "TAH - Total abdominal hysterectomy", "腹腔全子宫切除术", "TAH-全子宫切除术" ], "425604002": [ "Case management follow up", "案件管理跟进" ], "704132003": [ "Vaginal care", "阴道护理" ], "48772004": [ "Transplantation of tissue of inguinal region", "腹股沟区组织移植" ], "16004007": [ "Layer closure of wounds of trunk", "躯干伤口分层缝合" ], "391001005": [ "Plasma arsenic level", "血浆砷水平" ], "274478003": [ "Bone nailing", "骨钉" ], "241710006": [ "RA - Relative analgesia", "Relative analgesia", "RA - 相对镇痛", "相对镇痛" ], "45102007": [ "Surgical repair of posterior segment of eye", "眼后节手术修复" ], "307246007": [ "Excision of portal vein", "门静脉切除术" ], "239875000": [ "Excisional biopsy of spinal cord", "脊髓切除活检" ], "174339002": [ "Laser destruction of lesion of anus", "肛门病变激光毁损术" ], "305411003": [ "Admission to thoracic surgery department", "胸外科入院" ], "1290286006": [ "Assessment using Risk Score for Transport Patients", "Assessment using RSTP (Risk Score for Transport Patients)", "使用 RSTP(运输病人风险评分)进行评估", "使用风险评分评估转运患者" ], "716846008": [ "X-ray tomography of skull", "头骨 X 射线断层扫描" ], "225326008": [ "Post-termination counselling", "Post-termination counseling", "Counselling following termination of pregnancy", "Counseling following termination of pregnancy", "终止劳动关系后辅导", "离职后辅导", "终止妊娠后的咨询" ], "223491008": [ "Checking fit of appliance", "检查器具是否合适" ], "25048005": [ "Cingulotomy of brain by percutaneous radiofrequency", "经皮射频脑扣带回切开术" ], "121517000": [ "Dantrolene measurement", "丹曲林测量" ], "432813004": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for removal of ureteric stent", "Removal of ureteric stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下取出输尿管支架", "在荧光透视引导下移除输尿管支架" ], "252589005": [ "High frequency audiometry", "高频听力检查" ], "105133006": [ "Clofibrate measurement", "氯贝特测量" ], "170669007": [ "Initial GIT assessment", "Initial gastrointestinal tract assessment", "初步胃肠道评估" ], "250754000": [ "Phytanic acid oxidation measurement", "Phytanic acid oxidation", "植烷酸氧化测量", "植烷酸氧化" ], "236205009": [ "Revision of colonic conduit", "结肠导管修复" ], "39597009": [ "Dibucaine number", "Cholinesterase inhibition by dibucaine measurement", "Pseudocholinesterase inhibition measurement", "通过测量丁卡因抑制胆碱酯酶", "假胆碱酯酶抑制测量", "丁卡因值" ], "447362004": [ "Excision of meningioma by infratentorial approach", "经脑幕下入路切除脑膜瘤" ], "709506004": [ "Assessment of readiness for disclosure of health status", "评估披露健康状况的准备程度" ], "412759000": [ "Debulking of upper eyelid", "上眼睑减瘤术" ], "265303002": [ "Reconstruction of external auditory canal", "外耳道重建" ], "232535003": [ "Excision of pharyngeal pouch", "Pharyngeal diverticulectomy", "咽囊切除术", "咽部憩室切除术" ], "117847003": [ "Papilloma virus 45 antigen assay", "Papillomavirus 45 antigen assay", "乳头瘤病毒 45 抗原检测" ], "1324000": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid IgG ratio and IgG index", "CSF IgG/CSF albumin ratio", "Cerebrospinal fluid immunoglobulin G ratio and immunoglobulin G index", "脑脊液免疫球蛋白G比例及免疫球蛋白G指数", "脑脊液 IgG 比例及 IgG 指数", "脑脊液 IgG/脑脊液白蛋白比率" ], "183383008": [ "Psychotherapy - cognitive", "心理治疗 - 认知" ], "312620001": [ "Provision of pre-school age home teacher", "提供学龄前家庭教师" ], "1179137002": [ "Excision of exostosis of fibula", "Exostectomy of fibula", "Excision of bony exostosis of fibula", "腓骨外生骨疣切除术", "腓骨骨性外生骨疣切除术", "腓骨外骨切除术" ], "179713004": [ "Open synovial biopsy", "Open biopsy of synovial membrane of joint", "关节滑膜开放活检", "开放滑膜活检" ], "359937006": [ "Repair of obstetric laceration of anus", "产科肛门裂伤的修复" ], "718550001": [ "Referral to urogynecologist", "Referral to urogynaecologist", "转诊至泌尿妇科医生" ], "14038001": [ "Autogenous graft of rib cartilage to face", "Autologous graft of rib cartilage to face", "自体肋软骨移植至面部" ], "440022006": [ "Removal of anal seton", "移除肛挂线" ], "276182007": [ "Excision of Peyronie's disease penile plaque", "Excision of Peyronie disease penile plaque", "佩罗尼氏病阴茎斑块切除术", "佩罗尼病阴茎斑块切除术" ], "405419000": [ "Creation of lower limb arteriovenous fistula", "Creation of lower extremity arteriovenous fistula", "下肢动静脉瘘的建立" ], "274347001": [ "Surgical biopsy of pharynx", "咽部手术活检" ], "243414007": [ "Pelvic examination under anaesthesia", "Pelvic examination under anesthesia", "麻醉下进行盆腔检查", "麻醉下盆腔检查" ], "241579000": [ "CT of thoracic spine", "Computed tomography of thoracic spine", "胸椎计算机断层扫描", "胸椎 CT" ], "75904000": [ "Cauterization of lacrimal sac", "Cauterisation of lacrimal sac", "泪囊烧灼术" ], "225195009": [ "Checking intravenous fluids for foreign particles", "检查静脉输液中是否有异物" ], "176043008": [ "Open excision of ureteric lesion", "输尿管病变切除术" ], "174208002": [ "Endoscopic cauterization of lesion of sigmoid colon using rigid sigmoidoscope", "Endoscopic cauterisation of lesion of sigmoid colon using rigid sigmoidoscope", "使用硬式乙状结肠镜进行内镜乙状结肠病变烧灼术", "硬式乙状结肠镜内镜烧灼治疗乙状结肠病变" ], "698496004": [ "Patch repair of duodenal ulcer", "Patch repair of perforated duodenal ulcer", "十二指肠溃疡穿孔的补片修补", "十二指肠溃疡补片修复" ], "305280006": [ "Admission by neurologist", "神经科医生入院" ], "370816007": [ "Identification of baseline tissue perfusion", "Identifies baseline tissue perfusion", "确定基线组织灌注" ], "270677005": [ "Reimplantation of testis in scrotum", "Replacement of testis in scrotum", "睾丸移回阴囊", "阴囊睾丸再植术" ], "121386000": [ "Moricizine measurement", "莫雷西嗪测量" ], "303445008": [ "Reconstruction of breast with flap", "Autologous tissue reconstruction of breast", "皮瓣乳房重建", "自体组织乳房重建" ], "711210005": [ "Cholecystostomy using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided cholecystostomy", "CT引导下胆囊造口术", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行胆囊造口术" ], "105002006": [ "Trypsin measurement", "胰蛋白酶测量" ], "72234007": [ "Doxepin measurement", "多塞平测量" ], "185087000": [ "Notifications", "通知" ], "416298008": [ "Drainage of kidney", "肾脏引流" ], "252458008": [ "Venous occlusion plethysmography", "静脉闭塞体积描记法" ], "39466008": [ "Acetabular augmentation", "Augmentation of acetabulum", "髋臼增大术" ], "250623007": [ "Blood urea", "Blood urea measurement", "血尿素", "血尿素测量" ], "37631008": [ "Quantitative microbial culture, pour plate method", "定量微生物培养,倾注平板法" ], "265172001": [ "Total prosthetic replacement of knee joint not using cement", "Uncemented total prosthetic arthroplasty of knee joint", "不使用骨水泥的全膝关节假体置换术", "非骨水泥型全膝关节假体置换术" ], "281556002": [ "Insertion of temporary cardiac pacemaker", "植入临时心脏起搏器" ], "609236006": [ "Percutaneous cardiopulmonary bypass", "Percutaneous cardiopulmonary bypass support", "Peripheral cardiopulmonary support", "经皮体外循环", "外周心肺支持", "经皮心肺旁路支持" ], "445396007": [ "Measurement of circumference of waist", "腰围测量" ], "443561009": [ "Single photon emission using iodine 123 meta-iodobenzylguanidine computed tomography with computed tomography of heart", "使用碘 123 间碘苄胍进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描和心脏计算机断层扫描" ], "32126002": [ "Arthrotomy for infection with drainage of metacarpophalangeal joint", "关节切开引流治疗掌指关节感染" ], "408958003": [ "Assess reproductive care", "Reproductive care assessment", "生殖保健评估", "评估生殖保健" ], "261502004": [ "Choledochojejunostomy to Roux loop", "Roux-en-Y choledochojejunostomy", "Roux-en-Y胆管空肠吻合术", "胆总管空肠吻合术至 Roux 袢" ], "359806005": [ "Solid phase sandwich immunometric noncompetitive immunoassay", "固相夹心免疫非竞争性免疫分析" ], "79443002": [ "Substernal thyroidectomy by sternal split approach", "经胸骨劈开入路胸骨下甲状腺切除术" ], "225064000": [ "Heparinising cannula", "Heparinizing cannula", "肝素化插管", "肝素化套管" ], "12072005": [ "Maxillectomy with orbital exenteration", "上颌骨切除术及眼眶剜除术" ], "257832005": [ "Internal fixation using tension band", "张力带内固定" ], "175912007": [ "Nephroureterectomy with open lower ureterectomy", "肾输尿管切除术及开放式下输尿管切除术" ], "239613002": [ "Operation involving external fixators", "涉及外固定器的手术" ], "714749008": [ "Continuous renal replacement therapy", "Renal replacement therapy", "CRRT - continuous renal replacement therapy", "Continuous kidney replacement therapy", "连续性肾脏替代治疗", "肾脏替代治疗", "CRRT-- 连续性肾脏替代治疗" ], "450770001": [ "Issuing of certificate of fitness", "签发适装证明书" ], "59389009": [ "Repair of malunion of tibia with iliac autograft", "自体髂骨移植修复胫骨畸形愈合" ], "57554003": [ "Periprosthetic capsulotomy of breast", "Capsulotomy of breast", "乳房囊切开术", "乳房假体周围囊切开术" ], "270546004": [ "Incision of boil of skin", "皮肤脓肿切开术" ], "41170006": [ "Mycology culture", "Fungus culture", "Culture for fungi", "真菌培养" ], "254162006": [ "Recession of levator palpebrae superioris muscle", "上睑提肌后退" ], "6567006": [ "Pulmonary valve commissurotomy by transvenous balloon method", "Valvotomy of pulmonary valve by transvenous balloon method", "Balloon pulmonary valvotomy", "经静脉球囊法肺动脉瓣切开术", "球囊肺瓣切开术", "经静脉球囊法肺动脉瓣分离术" ], "252327006": [ "Contour-clamped homogeneous electric field electrophoresis", "轮廓钳制均质电场电泳" ], "104871008": [ "Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase measurement", "磷酸烯醇丙酮酸羧激酶测量" ], "432551009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of liver and spleen", "Magnetic resonance imaging of liver and spleen", "MRI of liver and spleen", "肝脏和脾脏的磁共振成像", "肝脏和脾脏的 MRI", "肝脏和脾脏的磁共振成像(MRI)" ], "711079008": [ "Demonstration of fall prevention technique", "防跌倒技术演示" ], "121255009": [ "Organophosphate pesticide identification", "有机磷农药鉴别" ], "266876006": [ "Quadricepsplasty", "Repair of quadriceps", "股四头肌成形术", "股四头肌修复" ], "135804007": [ "Thermoactinomyces thalophilus antibody level", "嗜热放线菌抗体水平" ], "70268007": [ "Platelet survival study", "Platelet survival measurement", "血小板存活率研究", "血小板存活率测量" ], "445265001": [ "Filing toenails of both feet", "修剪双脚的脚趾甲" ], "281425008": [ "Jugular bulb oxygen saturation measurement", "Jugular bulb oxygen saturation", "颈静脉球血氧饱和度测量", "颈静脉球血氧饱和度" ], "1295398001": [ "Postmortem plain X-ray of brain", "死后脑部 X 光检查" ], "82982002": [ "Cardiac electrophysiologic stimulation and recording study", "心脏电生理刺激和记录研究" ], "771110003": [ "Injection of left facet joint of thoracic spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided injection of left facet joint of thoracic spine", "透视引导下胸椎左侧小关节注射" ], "277755001": [ "Anti-sperm antibody test", "Spermatozoa antibody test", "抗精子抗体检测", "精子抗体检测" ], "179451003": [ "Conversion from uncemented total shoulder replacement", "非骨水泥全肩关节置换术的转换" ], "425211006": [ "Anger management education, guidance, and counseling", "Anger management education, guidance, and counselling", "Anger management teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Anger management teaching, guidance, and counselling", "愤怒管理教学、指导和咨询", "愤怒管理教育、指导和咨询" ], "392443007": [ "Re211 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rabbit urine proteins specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rabbit urine proteins specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "兔尿蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定", "Re211特异性IgE抗体测量", "兔尿蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "359675008": [ "Stacke operation", "堆栈操作" ], "30160001": [ "Vaginal hysterectomy with total colpectomy and repair of enterocele", "阴道子宫切除术、全阴道切除术和肠膨出修补术" ], "228603009": [ "Adjusting of splint", "夹板的调整" ], "718288003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of trunk of pulmonary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of trunk of pulmonary artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮肺动脉主干腔内血管成形术", "荧光造影引导下经皮肺动脉主干腔内血管成形术" ], "439760002": [ "Taking an impression for creation of custom ear prosthesis", "取模以制作定制耳假体" ], "77477000": [ "Computerized axial tomography", "Computerized transaxial tomography", "CAT scan", "Computerised axial tomography", "Computerised transaxial tomography", "Computerised tomography", "CAT - Computerised axial tomography", "CT - Computerised tomography", "Computerised tomograph scan", "Computerized tomograph scan", "CAT - Computerized axial tomography", "CT - Computerized tomography", "Computerized tomography", "Computed axial tomography", "Computed tomography", "CAT - 计算机轴向断层扫描", "计算机轴向断层扫描", "计算机断层扫描", "CT - 计算机断层扫描", "CT——计算机断层扫描", "CT检查", "计算机化横断层扫描" ], "275920008": [ "Arthritis monitoring", "关节炎监测" ], "241317006": [ "Studies of gastric emptying using radiolabelled liquid and solid meals", "Radionuclide dual phase gastric emptying study", "Studies of gastric emptying using radiolabeled liquid and solid meals", "使用放射性标记的液体和固体食物进行胃排空研究", "放射性核素双相胃排空研究" ], "700069009": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal temporary balloon occlusion of subclavian artery with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal temporary balloon occlusion of subclavian artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "透视引导下经皮腔内暂时球囊阻断锁骨下动脉", "经皮腔内暂时性球囊闭塞锁骨下动脉(荧光造影引导)" ], "10106002": [ "Core needle biopsy of kidney", "Core needle renal biopsy", "肾穿刺活检", "肾脏穿刺活检" ], "239482007": [ "Arthroplasty of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb", "MCPJ - Metacarpophalangeal joint arthroplasty of thumb", "MCPJ-拇指掌指关节成形术", "拇指掌指关节成形术" ], "712783000": [ "Measurement of Tilletia tritici specific immunoglobulin E", "Measurement of corn smut specific immunoglobulin E", "Measurement of Ustilago tritici specific immunoglobulin E", "小麦黑粉菌特异性免疫球蛋白E的测定", "小麦黑穗病菌特异性免疫球蛋白E的测定", "玉米黑穗病特异性免疫球蛋白E的测定" ], "8271002": [ "Revision of total hip arthroplasty, both components, with allograft", "髋关节全置换术(双部件置换、同种异体移植)的翻修" ], "450639003": [ "Open drainage of abscess of abdomen", "腹部脓肿开腹引流" ], "761935006": [ "Repair of right indirect inguinal hernia", "右侧腹股沟斜疝修补术" ], "252196000": [ "Fluoxymesterone suppression test", "氟甲睾酮抑制试验" ], "172111009": [ "Excision of lesion of mammary duct", "乳腺导管病变切除术" ], "22820002": [ "Cortisol measurement, free, urine", "UFC - Urine free cortisol level", "Urine free cortisol titre", "Urine free cortisol titer", "Urine free cortisol level", "UFC-- 尿游离皮质醇水平", "尿游离皮质醇滴度", "皮质醇测量,游离,尿液", "尿游离皮质醇水平" ], "104740006": [ "17-Hydroxyketosteroids measurement", "17-羟基酮类固醇测量" ], "55588008": [ "Excision of abdominal artery", "Abdominal arteriectomy", "腹部动脉切除术" ], "250361003": [ "Heparin control", "Heparin control test", "肝素控制", "肝素控制试验" ], "709113006": [ "Thoracotomy with insertion of chest drain", "Opening of chest and insertion of pleural tube drain", "打开胸腔并插入胸膜管引流管", "开胸术并插入胸腔引流管" ], "119289007": [ "Biopsy of ampulla of Vater", "壶腹部活检" ], "446969008": [ "Assessment using bulimic investigatory test, Edinburgh", "使用爱丁堡暴食症调查测试进行评估" ], "266745008": [ "Care of aged", "Care of old", "照顾老人" ], "397817009": [ "Fabrication of athletic mouth guards", "运动护齿的制作" ], "363214002": [ "Musculoskeletal system paracentesis", "肌肉骨骼系统穿刺术" ], "707278005": [ "Revision of digital fasciectomy", "手指筋膜切除术的修订" ], "443299001": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography using iodine 131 meta-iodobenzylguanidine with computed tomography", "使用碘 131 间碘苄胍进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "17315004": [ "Bathing patient in incubator", "给保温箱里的病人洗澡" ], "164771005": [ "Clinical examination pharynx", "Examination of pharynx", "Examination of throat", "咽部检查", "临床检查咽部", "咽喉检查" ], "15480000": [ "Incision of septum of anus", "Incision of anal septum of infant", "婴儿肛隔切开术", "肛隔切开术" ], "312227009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of iliac artery stent", "Endovascular insertion of iliac artery stent", "经皮腔内髂动脉支架植入术", "髂动脉支架血管内植入" ], "64632001": [ "Suture of scrotum", "Scrotorrhaphy", "Suture of laceration of scrotum", "阴囊缝合术", "阴囊裂伤缝合", "阴囊缝合" ], "392312001": [ "Rw203 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rape specific IgE antibody measurement", "Brassica napus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Brassica napus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rw203 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "强奸特异性IgE抗体测定", "油菜特异性IgE抗体测定", "油菜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "308557000": [ "Meetings and conferences", "会议和研讨会" ], "179320009": [ "Conversion to cemented hemiarthroplasty of hip", "转换为髋关节骨水泥固定半关节置换术" ], "79181001": [ "Cystourethroscopy with dilation of urethral stricture", "膀胱尿道镜检查及尿道狭窄扩张术" ], "359544009": [ "Enterotomy of small bowel for biopsy", "小肠切开术进行活检" ], "406861005": [ "Fluorexon stain method", "Fluorexon stain", "荧光素染色法", "Fluorexon 染色" ], "177485008": [ "Thinning of flap of skin to head or neck", "头部或颈部皮瓣变薄" ], "765474002": [ "Percutaneous cryotherapy of neoplasm of left kidney", "左肾肿瘤经皮冷冻治疗" ], "77346003": [ "Division of cartilage of hand", "Division of joint cartilage of hand", "手关节软骨的分割", "手部软骨的划分" ], "241186002": [ "Gynaecogram", "Gynecogram", "妇科" ], "388642002": [ "Rf219 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Fennel seed specific IgE antibody measurement", "Foeniculum vulgare (seed) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Foeniculum vulgare (seed) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "茴香(种子)特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Rf219特异性IgE抗体测量", "茴香籽特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "茴香(种子)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测量" ], "306722007": [ "Referral by agency nurse", "Referral from agency nurse", "代理护士转介", "代理护士推荐" ], "44578009": [ "Core needle biopsy of breast", "乳腺芯针活检" ], "11810009": [ "Operation on male genital system", "男性生殖系统手术" ], "108279006": [ "Radiologic procedure on genitourinary system", "Radiographic procedure on genitourinary system", "泌尿生殖系统放射学检查", "泌尿生殖系统放射线检查" ], "1287927008": [ "Embolisation of artery of neck using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolisation of artery of neck with contrast", "Embolization of artery of neck using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolization of artery of neck with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行颈部动脉栓塞", "荧光造影引导下颈动脉栓塞术", "透视引导下颈动脉造影栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下颈动脉造影栓塞术" ], "239351009": [ "Application of external electromagnetic bone stimulator", "体外电磁骨刺激器的应用" ], "304887009": [ "Interpreting psychodynamic interventions", "解读心理动力干预" ], "24524001": [ "Excision of appendix of epididymis", "附睾阑尾切除术" ], "450508005": [ "Ligation of sphenopalatine artery", "蝶腭动脉结扎术" ], "712652008": [ "Video interaction guidance", "视频交互指导" ], "88225001": [ "Partial excision of anus", "肛门部分切除术" ], "430454008": [ "Injection of thoracic zygapophyseal joint using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Injection of thoracic zygapophyseal joint using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided injection of thoracic zygapophyseal joint", "CT引导下胸椎关节突关节注射", "计算机断层扫描引导下胸椎关节突关节注射", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行胸椎关节突关节注射" ], "428619000": [ "Attention to hearing implant in external ear", "注意外耳听力植入" ], "117323001": [ "Periodic acid-Schiff stain method with diatase digestion", "过碘酸-希夫染色法与淀粉酶消化" ], "608843002": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from upper gastrointestinal tract", "上消化道标本显微镜检查" ], "313931003": [ "150 minute serum GH measurement", "150 minute serum GH level", "150 minute serum growth hormone measurement", "150 分钟血清 GH 水平", "150 分钟血清 GH 测量", "150 分钟血清生长激素测量" ], "84555004": [ "Exploration of blood vessel", "血管探查" ], "264779006": [ "Palpation of cardiac apex", "Palpation of apex of heart", "Palpation of apex", "心尖触诊" ], "363083009": [ "Dilation of genitourinary system", "泌尿生殖系统扩张" ], "410400002": [ "Mobility/transfers surveillance", "流动/转移监控" ], "361248006": [ "Excision of arytenoid granuloma", "Excision of intubation granuloma of larynx", "杓状软骨肉芽肿切除术", "喉插管肉芽肿切除术" ], "179189003": [ "Revision to arthroscopic reduction of fracture", "关节镜下骨折复位术" ], "719861005": [ "Modification of social environment", "社会环境改变" ], "15349006": [ "Excision of benign lesion of scalp and neck", "头皮及颈部良性病变切除术" ], "80885007": [ "Rhytidectomy of lower eyelid", "下眼睑除皱术" ], "13514002": [ "Fitting of pessary", "子宫托安装" ], "718026005": [ "Cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis", "Cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis", "CBTp - cognitive behavioral therapy for psychosis", "CBTp - cognitive behavioural therapy for psychosis", "CBTp--精神病的认知行为疗法", "精神病的认知行为疗法", "CBTp-精神病的认知行为疗法" ], "388511000": [ "Averrhoa carambola specific IgE antibody measurement", "Carambola specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf295 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Averrhoa carambola specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "杨桃特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf295特异性IgE抗体测量", "杨桃特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "46282009": [ "Repair of laryngotracheal cleft", "喉气管裂修复术" ], "699807003": [ "Dynamic extension test", "动态延伸试验" ], "241055006": [ "Mammogram - symptomatic", "乳房 X 光检查 - 有症状" ], "306591007": [ "Discharge from genitourinary medicine service", "Discharge from sexually transmittable diseases service", "Discharge from GU medicine service", "出院", "泌尿生殖医学科出院", "性传播疾病服务机构出院" ], "9844000": [ "Autogenous graft of rib cartilage to ear", "Autologous graft of rib cartilage to ear", "自体肋软骨移植至耳部" ], "697972001": [ "Clipping hair", "Cutting of hair", "修剪头发", "剪发" ], "108148001": [ "Anterior segment of eye excision", "眼前节切除术" ], "386676003": [ "Operation on peritoneum", "Peritoneum operation", "腹膜手术" ], "714356004": [ "Assessment using Kessler Psychological Distress Scale K10", "使用凯斯勒心理困扰量表 K10 进行评估" ], "1287796004": [ "Phonocardiography with artery tracing", "动脉描记心音图" ], "237385002": [ "Excision of mastectomy scar", "乳房切除术疤痕切除" ], "401225006": [ "Right posterior tibial ankle brachial pressure index", "Right posterior tibial ABPI (ankle brachial pressure index)", "右胫后 ABPI(踝臂压指数)", "右胫后踝肱压指数" ], "171849009": [ "Decompression of ulnar nerve at elbow", "Cubital tunnel release", "肘管释放", "肘部尺神经减压术" ], "235550002": [ "Operative choledochoscopy", "手术胆道镜检查" ], "88094004": [ "Cryopreservation", "冷冻保存" ], "708851000": [ "Arthroscopy of subtalar joint", "距下关节镜检查" ], "4339000": [ "Repair of nasolabial fistula", "Closure of nasolabial fistula", "鼻唇瘘修复", "鼻唇瘘管缝合" ], "432158008": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of pathological specimen", "Ultrasonography of pathological specimen", "病理标本的超声检查", "病理标本超声检查" ], "104478009": [ "Adrenocorticotropin challenge tests", "促肾上腺皮质激素激发试验" ], "86259008": [ "Biopsy of liver", "肝活检" ], "430323008": [ "Fluoroscopic venography with contrast", "荧光增强静脉造影" ], "313800006": [ "Peroxisomal antibody measurement", "Peroxisomal antibody level", "过氧化物酶体抗体水平", "过氧化物酶体抗体测量" ], "166344006": [ "T3 suppression test", "T3抑制试验" ], "182728008": [ "Asthma control step 2", "哮喘控制步骤 2" ], "428488008": [ "Placement of stent in anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "左冠状动脉前降支支架置入术" ], "66205002": [ "Injection of gas", "注入气体" ], "443037006": [ "Percutaneous drainage of abscess of appendix using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous drainage of abscess of appendix", "计算机断层扫描引导下阑尾脓肿经皮穿刺引流", "CT引导下阑尾脓肿经皮穿刺引流" ], "180893006": [ "Coeliac plexus block", "Celiac plexus block", "腹腔神经丛阻滞" ], "1260402001": [ "Laparoscopic distal radical gastrectomy", "Laparoscopic excision of entire pyloric portion of stomach", "腹腔镜切除整个胃幽门部分", "腹腔镜远端根治性胃切除术" ], "15218003": [ "Wechsler intelligence scale for children", "Intelligence test/Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children", "WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) assessment", "韦氏儿童智力量表", "WISC(韦氏儿童智力量表)评估", "智力测试/韦氏儿童智力量表" ], "179058004": [ "Secondary open reduction of fracture of bone", "Revision to open reduction of fracture of bone", "骨折切开复位修复", "骨折二次切开复位" ], "1293170005": [ "Plain X-ray of liver", "肝脏普通X光检查" ], "408434007": [ "Advice to carer regarding child's sleep", "Recommendation to carer regarding child's sleep", "Recommendation to caregiver regarding child's sleep", "Advice to caregiver regarding child's sleep", "给护理人员关于孩子睡眠的建议", "给照顾者关于孩子睡眠的建议", "给看护者关于孩子睡眠的建议", "向看护者提供有关儿童睡眠的建议" ], "439367001": [ "Education of parent to support play", "教育家长支持游戏" ], "306460004": [ "Discharge by radiologist", "放射科医生出院" ], "716060006": [ "Assessment using Test of Pretend Play", "Assessment using ToPP (Test of Pretend Play)", "使用假装游戏测试进行评估", "使用 ToPP (假装游戏测试) 进行评估" ], "27932008": [ "Therapeutic phlebotomy in laboratory", "实验室治疗性放血" ], "42481001": [ "Excision of coronary artery", "冠状动脉切除术" ], "26097007": [ "Remobilization of stapes", "Remobilisation of stapes", "镫骨复位", "镫骨再动员" ], "1304049008": [ "Colonoscopic full thickness resection of colon", "Colonoscopy and full thickness resection of colon", "结肠镜全层结肠切除术", "结肠镜检查及结肠全层切除术" ], "89798000": [ "Acetylsalicylic acid measurement, quantitative", "乙酰水杨酸的定量测量" ], "24262002": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of radial artery by arm incision", "手臂切口桡动脉导管取栓术" ], "1269446003": [ "Intranasal steroid therapy", "鼻内类固醇治疗" ], "302790007": [ "Insulin provocation test", "Hollander test", "霍兰德测试", "胰岛素激发试验" ], "401094008": [ "Natural killer cell level", "自然杀伤细胞水平" ], "235419001": [ "Intubation of gastrointestinal tract", "Gastrointestinal intubation", "Enteral tube insertion", "胃肠插管", "肠管插入", "胃肠道插管" ], "433862009": [ "Exercise stress ultrasonography (US) of heart with contrast", "Exercise stress ultrasonography of heart with contrast", "心脏运动负荷超声造影检查", "心脏运动负荷超声检查(造影)" ], "432027005": [ "Cholecystostomy using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下胆囊造口术" ], "71579005": [ "Excision of cyst of thyroid", "甲状腺囊肿切除术" ], "104347006": [ "Complement membrane C3b-C4b cofactor protein measurement", "补体膜 C3b-C4b 辅因子蛋白测量" ], "1234843005": [ "Bathing of skin of free upper limb", "Washing upper arm, forearm and hand", "清洗上臂、前臂和手", "游离上肢皮肤洗浴" ], "233584001": [ "Continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration", "Continuous arteriovenous haemofiltration", "CAVHF - continuous arteriovenous haemofiltration", "CAVH - continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration", "CAVH - continuous arteriovenous haemofiltration", "CAVHF - continuous arteriovenous hemofiltration", "CAVHF-- 持续性动静脉血液滤过", "CAVH-- 持续性动静脉血液滤过", "持续性动静脉血液滤过", "CAVHF-- 连续性动静脉血液滤过", "连续动静脉血液滤过", "CAVH-- 连续性动静脉血液滤过" ], "430192001": [ "Management of thrombolytic therapy", "溶栓治疗管理" ], "55195009": [ "Paravertebral anesthesia", "Paravertebral anaesthesia", "Paravertebral local anaesthetic nerve block", "LA - Paravertebral local anaesthetic nerve block", "Paravertebral local anesthetic nerve block", "LA - Paravertebral local anesthetic nerve block", "Paravertebral nerve block", "LA - 椎旁局部麻醉神经阻滞", "椎旁麻醉", "椎旁神经阻滞", "椎旁局部麻醉神经阻滞" ], "20592001": [ "Eosinophil count, stool", "嗜酸性粒细胞计数,粪便" ], "446576006": [ "Surgical procedure on vascular structure of adrenal gland", "肾上腺血管结构的外科手术" ], "118896006": [ "Procedure on eustachian tube", "耳咽管手术" ], "1231173002": [ "Insertion of complete fixed orthodontic appliance", "插入完整固定矫正器" ], "231749006": [ "Capsulorhexis of lens capsule", "Capsulorrhexis of lens capsule", "Continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis", "Continuous curvilinear capsulorrhexis", "晶状体囊膜撕囊术", "连续环形撕囊术" ], "2373006": [ "Buffy coat smear evaluation", "白膜涂片评估" ], "311834001": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing", "FEES - Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing", "Fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing", "FEES - Fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing", "FEES - 纤维光学内窥镜吞咽评估", "FEES - 纤维内窥镜吞咽评估", "纤维内镜吞咽评估" ], "229914003": [ "Nasogastric feeding", "Nasogastric tube feeding", "NG feeding", "NGT feeding", "Gastric gavage", "喂食量", "鼻胃管喂养", "胃管灌注", "NGT喂养" ], "410138008": [ "Nursing status report education", "Teach nursing status report", "护理状况报告教育", "教导护理状况报告" ], "5241000179100": [ "Three dimensional obstetric ultrasonography in third trimester", "3D (three dimensional) obstetric ultrasonography in third trimester", "Three dimensional obstetric ultrasound scan in third trimester", "妊娠晚期三维产科超声扫描", "妊娠晚期三维产科超声检查", "妊娠晚期的 3D 产科超声检查" ], "6521000179101": [ "Microsurgery of larynx using tungsten microelectrode", "用钨微电极进行喉部显微手术" ], "439236000": [ "Provision of adaptation to foot orthosis", "提供足部矫形器的适配" ], "717764002": [ "Cardiac septal myectomy", "Septal myectomy", "隔膜切除术", "心脏间隔心肌切除术" ], "78788008": [ "Excision of cusp of aortic valve", "Resection of aortic valve cusp", "主动脉瓣尖切除术" ], "306329000": [ "Referral to nurse psychotherapist", "转诊至护士心理治疗师" ], "781465003": [ "3-hydroxybutyrylcarnitine measurement", "3-羟基丁酰肉碱测量" ], "27801008": [ "Urethroplasty, first stage", "Johannson urethral reconstruction", "First stage of two stage urethroplasty", "约翰逊尿道重建", "尿道成形术,第一阶段", "二期尿道成形术第一期" ], "304494000": [ "Monitoring of temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate", "TPR - Monitoring of temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate", "TPR - 监测体温、脉搏和呼吸频率", "监测体温、脉搏和呼吸频率" ], "386414004": [ "Risk identification: childbearing family", "风险识别:育龄家庭" ], "75118006": [ "Feeding patient", "Patient feeding technique", "Feeding", "喂食", "病人进食技巧", "喂食病人" ], "288110008": [ "Peritoneum sclerosing injection", "腹膜硬化剂注射" ], "173422009": [ "Tonsillectomy", "Excision of tonsil", "Ts - Tonsillectomy", "Ts - 扁桃体切除术", "扁桃体切除术" ], "73283001": [ "Repair of anal sphincter aneurysm", "肛门括约肌动脉瘤修复术" ], "269891007": [ "Urine paraquat level", "Urine paraquat measurement", "尿液百草枯水平", "尿液百草枯测量" ], "122435008": [ "Viral antibody assay", "Measurement of viral antibody", "病毒抗体测量", "病毒抗体检测" ], "104216002": [ "Periodic acid Schiff stain method", "Periodic acid Schiff stain", "过碘酸希夫染色", "过碘酸希夫染色法" ], "1201944003": [ "Reconstruction of hand using flap", "Flap reconstruction of hand", "Reconstruction of hand with flap", "皮瓣修复手部缺损", "手部皮瓣重建", "皮瓣修复手部" ], "399128004": [ "X-ray crystallography", "X射线晶体学" ], "708589000": [ "Laparoscopic liver segmentectomy", "Laparoscopic resection of segment of liver", "腹腔镜肝段切除术" ], "446445003": [ "Endoscopic excision of prostate using holmium laser", "内镜钬激光前列腺切除术" ], "118765008": [ "Procedure on adrenal gland", "肾上腺手术" ], "18626003": [ "Drainage of abscess of nose by internal approach", "鼻腔脓肿内引流术" ], "2242005": [ "Reconstruction of eyelid", "眼睑重建" ], "426391000": [ "Plasma mediated ablation tonsillectomy", "Coblation tonsillectomy", "低温消融扁桃体切除术", "等离子消融扁桃体切除术" ], "82327001": [ "Cardiac fluoroscopy", "心脏荧光透视" ], "67778008": [ "Human papillomavirus typing", "HPV typing", "人乳头瘤病毒分型", "HPV分型" ], "65943000": [ "Visual rehabilitation", "Blind and partially sighted rehabilitation", "盲人和视力不佳者康复", "视觉康复" ], "410007005": [ "Rectal examination", "直肠检查" ], "311703009": [ "Breathing support for speech exercises", "言语练习的呼吸支持" ], "178796002": [ "Biopsy of cervical vertebra", "颈椎活检" ], "64108007": [ "Blood unit processing", "血液单位处理" ], "78657001": [ "Partial ostectomy of radius AND ulna", "桡骨及尺骨部分截骨术" ], "424556009": [ "Continuity of care surveillance", "持续护理监测" ], "306198005": [ "Referral to plastic surgery service", "转介整形外科服务" ], "9451001": [ "Removal of thrombus of bovine graft", "Thrombectomy of bovine graft", "牛移植血栓清除术", "牛移植血栓切除术" ], "304363001": [ "Component of arthroplasty procedure", "关节置换手术的组成部分" ], "763115002": [ "Assessment using Foot Function Index", "使用足部功能指数进行评估" ], "386283002": [ "Environmental management: attachment process", "环境管理:附着工序" ], "107755006": [ "Vertebral column excision", "脊柱切除术" ], "173291009": [ "Simple extraction of tooth", "Simple dental extraction", "Forceps extraction of tooth", "拔牙钳", "简单拔牙" ], "122304001": [ "Toxoplasma gondii DNA assay", "Toxoplasma gondii deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "弓形虫脱氧核糖核酸检测", "弓形虫 DNA 检测" ], "171456005": [ "Repair of vault of vagina", "阴道穹窿修复术" ], "73152006": [ "Administration of diphtheria and tetanus vaccine", "Diphtheria and tetanus vaccination", "Diphtheria and tetanus immunisation", "Diphtheria and tetanus immunization", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens", "白喉和破伤风免疫", "接种仅含破伤风梭菌和白喉棒状杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "接种白喉和破伤风疫苗", "白喉和破伤风疫苗接种" ], "1285568007": [ "Insertion of palatal lift prosthesis", "插入腭提升假体" ], "5781000": [ "Operation on nasal septum", "Nasal septal operation", "Operation on septum of nose", "鼻中隔手术" ], "236992007": [ "Right mediolateral episiotomy", "RMLE - Right mediolateral episiotomy", "右侧内外会阴切开术", "RMLE-- 右侧内外会阴切开术" ], "710293001": [ "Fluoroscopy guided colonoscopy", "Colonoscopy using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导的结肠镜检查", "荧光透视引导结肠镜检查" ], "104085004": [ "Fresh frozen plasma, volume transfused, determination", "Measurement of volume of fresh frozen plasma transfused", "新鲜冰冻血浆输注量的测量", "新鲜冰冻血浆,输注量,测定" ], "431765005": [ "Screening for dysphagia", "吞咽困难筛查" ], "87701006": [ "Intraaortic balloon pump weaning", "主动脉内球囊泵撤机" ], "235157009": [ "Endoscopic brushings of GIT", "Endoscopic brushings of gastrointestinal tract", "胃肠道内窥镜刷检", "胃肠道内镜刷检" ], "36714002": [ "Ear pedicle graft preparation", "耳蒂移植准备" ], "233322001": [ "Infraclinoid arterial embolisation", "Infraclinoid arterial embolization", "床突下动脉栓塞" ], "397162005": [ "Mikulicz operation, exteriorisation of intestine, first stage", "Mikulicz operation, exteriorization of intestine, first stage", "Mikulicz 手术,肠外化,第一阶段", "Mikulicz 手术,肠外置术,第一阶段" ], "20330006": [ "Diverticulopexy of hypopharynx", "Suspension of diverticulum of pharynx", "Suspension of pharyngeal pouch", "咽憩室悬吊术", "咽囊悬吊术", "下咽憩室固定术" ], "429930009": [ "Injection of sacral spinal nerve root using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Injection of sacral spinal nerve root using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided injection of sacral spinal nerve root", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行骶脊神经根注射", "CT引导下骶脊神经根注射", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行骶脊神经根注射" ], "215103005": [ "Biopsy of skull", "颅骨活检" ], "311572000": [ "Speech pace modification regime", "语速调整机制" ], "788543009": [ "Consultation by ergotherapist", "Ergotherapy consultation", "运动疗法咨询", "运动治疗师咨询" ], "278804003": [ "Lees screening", "酒糟筛选" ], "65812008": [ "Removal of secondary membranous cataract with iridectomy", "虹膜切除术去除继发性膜性白内障" ], "1260009003": [ "Supragingival professional mechanical plaque removal", "Supragingival PMPR (professional mechanical plaque removal)", "Removal of supragingival dental biofilm and calculus from all teeth using dental instrument", "Removal of supragingival plaque and calculus from all teeth using dental instrument", "龈上 PMPR(专业机械牙菌斑清除)", "使用牙科器械去除所有牙齿的龈上牙菌斑和牙结石", "龈上专业机械牙菌斑清除", "使用牙科器械去除所有牙齿上的龈上牙菌斑和牙结石" ], "225982000": [ "Limiting conversation", "限制谈话" ], "113129008": [ "Physiatric manipulation of lumbosacral region", "Physiatric lumbosacral manipulation", "腰骶部物理治疗", "腰骶理疗" ], "29374002": [ "Repair of tracheal fistula", "Closure of tracheal fistula", "气管瘘修复", "气管瘘闭合" ], "80361009": [ "Anesthesia for femoral artery embolectomy", "Anaesthesia for femoral artery embolectomy", "股动脉栓塞切除术的麻醉", "股动脉取栓术的麻醉" ], "174995004": [ "Infundibulectomy of heart using patch", "心脏漏斗部切除术" ], "4381000087101": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of left elbow", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of left elbow", "左肘关节荧光透视造影" ], "11155004": [ "Mammoplasty with injection into one breast", "乳房成形术,向一侧乳房注射药物" ], "306067006": [ "Referral by hospital-based podiatrist", "Referral from hospital podiatrist", "Referral by hospital-based chiropodist", "Referral from hospital-based podiatrist", "Referral from hospital-based chiropodist", "Referral by hospital podiatrist", "Referral from hospital chiropodist", "Referral by hospital chiropodist", "医院足病医生转诊", "医院足病医生的推荐", "医院足病医生的转诊" ], "541000087100": [ "Bilateral fluoroscopic retrograde pyelography", "Fluoroscopic retrograde pyelography of bilateral renal pelvis", "双侧荧光镜逆行肾盂造影", "双侧肾盂荧光逆行肾盂造影" ], "15901000087106": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of left subclavian artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of left subclavian artery with contrast", "左锁骨下动脉造影荧光血管造影", "左锁骨下动脉造影" ], "14621000087107": [ "Biopsy of right axilla using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of right axilla", "超声引导下右腋窝活检" ], "287848004": [ "Pancreas local excision", "胰腺局部切除术" ], "1821000087107": [ "CT of bilateral knees", "Computed tomography of bilateral knees", "Computed tomography of both knees", "Computed tomography of left and right knee", "双膝 CT", "双膝计算机断层扫描", "左、右膝关节计算机断层扫描" ], "19741000087109": [ "Magnetic resonance arthrography of right knee", "Magnetic resonance arthrogram of right knee", "MR arthrography of right knee", "右膝 MR 关节造影", "右膝磁共振关节造影" ], "25704007": [ "Antigen capture EIA test", "Antigen capture enzyme immunoassay test", "抗原捕获EIA检测", "抗原捕获酶免疫测定试验" ], "713832003": [ "Foot vibration sensation test using vibrometer", "使用振动计测试足部振动感觉" ], "3101000087109": [ "MRI of bilateral shoulders", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral shoulders", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both shoulders", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right shoulder", "双肩磁共振成像", "双肩 MRI", "左、右肩部磁共振成像" ], "122173003": [ "Chlamydia trachomatis antigen assay", "沙眼衣原体抗原检测" ], "417085003": [ "Postpartum care education", "Teach postpartum care", "产后护理教育", "教导产后护理" ], "1285437006": [ "Replacement of periodontal dressing", "更换牙周敷料" ], "236861006": [ "Renewal of ring pessary in vagina", "Renewal of ring suppository in vagina", "阴道环状子宫托的更新", "阴道环栓剂的更新" ], "73021008": [ "Pyeloileocutaneous anastomosis", "Pyeloileostomy", "肾盂回肠皮肤吻合术", "肾盂回肠造口术" ], "22034001": [ "Echography of prostate, transrectal approach", "经直肠途径前列腺超声检查" ], "302397007": [ "Electrolysis to skin lesion", "Surgical electrolysis of skin lesion", "电解治疗皮肤损伤", "皮肤损伤手术电解" ], "726546000": [ "MRI of lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint", "Magnetic resonance imaging of lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint", "腰椎及骶髂关节 MRI", "腰椎及骶髂关节磁共振成像" ], "103954001": [ "P1 blood group typing", "P1血型分型" ], "710162005": [ "Doppler ultrasound of arteriovenous fistula", "Doppler ultrasound scan of arteriovenous fistula", "Doppler ultrasonography of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘多普勒超声扫描", "动静脉瘘的多普勒超声检查" ], "20199003": [ "Precision attachment denture", "精密附着体义齿" ], "429799004": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of portal vein with contrast with insertion of stent", "门静脉造影及支架置入术" ], "85735005": [ "Repair of heart and pericardium", "心脏和心包的修复" ], "233191006": [ "Pericardiotomy and drainage of effusion", "心包切开引流积液" ], "444348000": [ "Augmentation of chin using sliding osteotomy and interpositional autograft", "使用滑动截骨术和自体移植术进行下巴增大术" ], "446183009": [ "Cauterisation of verruca of limb", "Cauterization of verruca of limb", "Cauterization of wart of limb", "Cauterisation of wart of limb", "肢体疣烧灼术" ], "67516001": [ "Detoxification therapy", "Detoxication therapy", "Detoxification", "解毒疗法", "排毒疗法", "排毒" ], "231356002": [ "Topical local anesthetic to oropharynx", "Topical local anaesthetic to oropharynx", "口咽局部麻醉" ], "721041002": [ "Dual energy computed tomography of thorax, abdomen and pelvis", "DECT (dual energy computed tomography) of thorax, abdomen and pelvis", "胸部、腹部和骨盆的双能量计算机断层扫描", "胸部、腹部和骨盆的双能量计算机断层扫描 (DECT)" ], "178534000": [ "Revision anterior excision cervical disc and fusion", "颈椎前路切除融合术" ], "112998000": [ "Anesthesia for colpotomy", "Anaesthesia for colpotomy", "阴道切开术麻醉" ], "31078004": [ "Repair of esophagocutaneous fistula", "Closure of esophagocutaneous fistula", "Repair of oesophagocutaneous fistula", "Closure of oesophagocutaneous fistula", "食管皮瘘的修复", "食管皮瘘闭合", "食管皮肤瘘的封闭", "食管皮肤瘘的修复" ], "424294008": [ "Delayed hypersensitivity skin test for tuberculin PPD", "Delayed hypersensitivity skin test for tuberculin purified protein derivative", "结核菌素 PPD 迟发型超敏反应皮肤试验", "结核菌素纯蛋白衍生物迟发型超敏反应皮试" ], "1290811001": [ "Plain X-ray of nose", "鼻部普通 X 光检查" ], "29243002": [ "Excision of hymeno-urethral fusion", "处女膜尿道融合切除术" ], "387856000": [ "Physical medicine massage, initial 30 minutes", "物理医学按摩,最初 30 分钟" ], "307771009": [ "Radical abdominal hysterectomy", "Wertheim's hysterectomy", "韦特海姆子宫切除术", "根治性腹腔镜子宫切除术" ], "699152002": [ "Open reduction of fracture of scapula without internal fixation", "肩胛骨骨折切开复位不内固定" ], "11024007": [ "Reduction of symphysis pubis dislocation with anesthesia and with manipulation", "Reduction of symphysis pubis dislocation with anaesthesia and with manipulation", "Manual reduction of dislocation of symphysis pubis under anesthesia", "Manual reduction of dislocation of symphysis pubis under anaesthesia", "麻醉和手法复位耻骨联合脱位", "麻醉下耻骨联合脱位手法复位" ], "287717003": [ "Transurethral resection - bladder polypectomy", "Transurethral excision of polyp of urinary bladder", "经尿道电切术-膀胱息肉切除术", "经尿道膀胱息肉切除术" ], "304101005": [ "Local transposition flap - random pattern", "局部转位皮瓣-随机图案" ], "713701007": [ "Plain X-ray of ventriculoperitoneal shunt", "脑室腹腔分流术的X线平片" ], "173029009": [ "Endoscopic removal of prosthesis from larynx", "内窥镜喉部假体取出术" ], "23738001": [ "Ultrasonography of digestive system", "US scan of digestive system", "消化系统超声扫描", "消化系统超声检查" ], "122042004": [ "Mushroom toxin identification", "蘑菇毒素鉴定" ], "447887001": [ "Closure of defect of atrioventricular septum using prosthetic patch", "房室隔缺损修补术" ], "120207001": [ "Perineum destructive procedure", "会阴破坏性手术" ], "431503003": [ "Application of shoulder immobiliser", "Application of shoulder immobilizer", "肩部固定器的应用", "肩关节固定器的应用" ], "169359004": [ "Internal radiotherapy - permanent seeds", "内部放射治疗 - 永久种子" ], "103823004": [ "Fibrinopeptide B-beta (15-42) assay", "纤维蛋白肽B-β(15-42)测定" ], "234895008": [ "Repair of anterior palatal fistula", "前腭瘘的修复" ], "233060002": [ "Transluminal laser resection of right ventricular muscle", "右心室肌肉腔内激光切除术" ], "69220007": [ "Atrioplasty", "Repair of atrium", "心房修复", "心房成形术" ], "446052008": [ "Percutaneous subintimal angioplasty", "经皮内膜下血管成形术" ], "183908008": [ "Private referral to psychogeriatrician", "老年精神科医生的私人转诊" ], "739129004": [ "Total right submandibular sialoadenectomy", "Complete right submandibular sialoadenectomy", "Total excision of right submandibular gland", "Total excision of right submaxilllary gland", "右下颌下涎腺全切除术", "右颌下腺全切除术" ], "395065005": [ "Calculated LDL cholesterol level", "Calculated low density lipoprotein cholesterol level", "计算低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平", "计算 LDL 胆固醇水平" ], "444217005": [ "Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection by coronary sinus cutback to oval fossa with direct anastomosis of pulmonary venous confluence to left atrium", "经冠状窦切回至卵圆窝并直接吻合肺静脉汇合至左心房修复完全性肺静脉异位连接" ], "231225007": [ "Local anesthetic posterior superior alveolar nerve block", "Local anaesthetic posterior superior alveolar nerve block", "Posterior superior dental nerve block", "Posterior superior alveolar nerve block", "PSDB - Posterior superior dental nerve block", "后上牙神经阻滞", "PSDB-- 后上牙神经阻滞", "后上齿槽神经阻滞", "局部麻醉后上齿槽神经阻滞" ], "229390000": [ "Mobilisation of the foot", "Mobilization of the foot", "足部活动" ], "49166000": [ "Arthroscopy of knee with medial meniscus repair", "Arthroscopic repair medial meniscus", "膝关节镜检查及内侧半月板修复", "关节镜下修复内侧半月板" ], "65550009": [ "Labyrinthotomy with tack procedure, transcanal", "迷路切开术加钉术,经鼻腔" ], "391395002": [ "Blood oxygen saturation (calculated)", "血氧饱和度(计算值)" ], "16398009": [ "Hypotympanotomy", "下鼓室切开术" ], "80099005": [ "Manipulation of pituitary gland", "垂体操作" ], "30947006": [ "Repair of bile duct laceration", "胆管裂伤的修复" ], "225720000": [ "Changing endotracheal tube headband", "更换气管插管头带" ], "29112002": [ "Radical excision of forearm flexor tendon sheaths", "前臂屈肌腱鞘根治切除术" ], "1208760004": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to D1 (first diagonal branch) of LAD (left anterior descending coronary artery) to LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to D1 (first diagonal branch) of LAD (left anterior descending coronary artery) to LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to first diagonal branch of left anterior descending coronary artery to left anterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to first diagonal branch of left anterior descending coronary artery to left anterior descending coronary artery", "将游离 RITA(右内胸动脉)从 LITA(左内胸动脉)依次吻合至 LAD(左前降支)冠状动脉的 D1(第一对角支)至 LAD(左前降支)冠状动脉", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至左前降支冠状动脉第一对角支至左前降支冠状动脉的顺序吻合术", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左前降支 (LAD) 冠状动脉 D1 (第一对角支) 至左前降支 (LAD) 冠状动脉", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支至左乳内动脉前降支的顺序吻合术" ], "307640005": [ "Anastomosis of descending colon to rectum", "降结肠直肠吻合术" ], "445301000124102": [ "Content-related nutrition education", "内容相关的营养教育" ], "441461000124105": [ "Management of concentration of parenteral nutrition", "肠外营养浓度管理" ], "438901000124107": [ "Iodine supplement therapy", "碘补充疗法" ], "174733003": [ "Open insertion of pancreatic duct stent", "Open insertion of tubal prosthesis into pancreatic duct", "将输卵管假体开放式插入胰管", "开放式胰管支架置入术" ], "437621000124108": [ "Valine modified diet", "缬氨酸改良饮食" ], "287586004": [ "Ultrasound urinary calculus fragmentation", "超声检查尿路结石碎裂" ], "385890005": [ "Mental health history taking management", "Manage mental health history taking", "管理心理健康病史采集", "心理健康史采集管理" ], "252983000": [ "Skin lesion photography", "皮肤病变摄影" ], "418658009": [ "Fluoroscopy and stent lower limb artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of lower limb artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of lower limb artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "下肢动脉造影透视检查及支架置入术", "下肢动脉荧光血管造影及支架置入术", "下肢动脉造影及支架置入术" ], "171063002": [ "Pregnancy prescription exemption advice", "Pregnancy prescription exemption education", "怀孕处方豁免建议", "怀孕处方豁免教育" ], "39991003": [ "Transection of infraorbital nerve", "眶下神经切断术" ], "7223004": [ "Take-down of stoma of large intestine", "Closure of stoma of large intestine", "大肠造口缝合", "大肠造口拆除术" ], "185612001": [ "Smear inflamed - 1st recall", "Smear inflamed - First recall", "涂片发炎 - 第一次召回", "涂片发炎 - 首次召回" ], "54540001": [ "Meperidine measurement", "哌替啶测量" ], "121911009": [ "Helminth identification", "蠕虫识别" ], "87308003": [ "Gas endarterectomy of upper limb artery", "上肢动脉气体内膜切除术" ], "120076004": [ "Transplantation of brain tissue", "脑组织移植" ], "169228004": [ "Presentation US scan", "Ultrasound scan for fetal presentation", "Ultrasound scan for foetal presentation", "演示超声扫描", "胎儿先露超声扫描", "胎儿先露超声检查" ], "234764005": [ "Take impression for maxillary obturator", "取上颌骨填塞器的印模" ], "429537001": [ "Revision of prosthetic hybrid replacement of shoulder joint using cemented humeral component", "人工混合型肩关节置换术,采用骨水泥型肱骨假体" ], "396769003": [ "Postoperative thyroidotomy", "Postoperative examination of thyroid field", "Reopening of thyroid field wound", "Postoperative exploration of thyroid", "甲状腺术后检查", "甲状腺切开术后", "甲状腺术后探查", "甲状腺区域伤口重新开放" ], "413153004": [ "Blood pressure recorded by patient at home", "患者在家记录的血压" ], "314849005": [ "Telephone contact by consultant", "顾问电话联系" ], "232929008": [ "Inspection of truncal valve", "动脉干瓣膜检查" ], "282081009": [ "Bleach tooth - intracoronal", "Bleach tooth - internal", "漂白牙齿-冠内", "漂白牙齿-内部" ], "18102001": [ "Mammary ductogram", "Galactogram", "乳管图", "乳腺导管造影" ], "444086002": [ "Detection of snake venom", "蛇毒检测" ], "167393008": [ "Urine oestrogen 24 hour assay", "Urine estrogen 24 hour assay", "24 小时尿液雌激素检测" ], "1279670007": [ "Harvesting of cornea", "角膜摘除" ], "1197750008": [ "Reattachment of retina using endolaser photocoagulation", "使用内激光光凝术进行视网膜复位" ], "229259000": [ "Active neck movements", "主动颈部运动" ], "394934009": [ "Combined pre-operative chemotherapy and radiotherapy", "Combined preoperative chemotherapy and radiotherapy", "术前化疗和放疗联合治疗" ], "180107003": [ "Extra-articular soft tissue procedure for congenital dislocation of the hip", "先天性髋关节脱位的关节外软组织手术" ], "737163006": [ "Parent education about child health", "家长对儿童进行健康教育" ], "81803007": [ "Laparoscopic repair of bilateral inguinal hernias with prosthesis or graft", "Laparoscopic repair of both inguinal hernias with prosthesis or graft", "腹腔镜下使用假体或移植物修复双侧腹股沟疝" ], "442251008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon dilatation of interposition tube prosthesis between pulmonary artery and subclavian artery", "Percutaneous transluminal balloon dilation of interposition tube prosthesis between pulmonary artery and subclavian artery", "经皮腔内球囊扩张术在肺动脉和锁骨下动脉之间置入导管假体" ], "473184000": [ "Discussion about gestational hypertension", "Discussion about pregnancy induced hypertension", "妊娠高血压讨论", "妊娠高血压探讨" ], "129120004": [ "Ultrasound phlebography of hepatic vein", "肝静脉超声造影" ], "702560006": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of lower limb", "Injection of lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下肢注射", "荧光透视引导下肢注射" ], "178272006": [ "Stretching of muscle", "Myotasis", "肌张力障碍", "肌肉拉伸" ], "440416006": [ "Open division of tendon of hamstring muscle", "Open tenotomy of hamstring tendon", "腘绳肌腱开放性切断术", "腘绳肌腱切开术" ], "391264006": [ "Care for mentally disordered offenders HRGs", "Care for mentally disordered offenders healthcare resource groups", "照顾精神错乱罪犯 HRG", "关爱精神错乱罪犯的医疗保健资源团体" ], "78133002": [ "Endoscopic excision of lesion of large intestine", "内镜大肠病变切除术" ], "176437004": [ "First stage bilateral orchidopexy", "第一期双侧睾丸固定术" ], "438581005": [ "Grafting to great vessel of thorax", "胸腔大血管移植" ], "28981008": [ "Closure of esophagostomy by cervical approach", "Closure of oesophagostomy by cervical approach", "经颈部入路关闭食管造口" ], "307509009": [ "Excision of ileorectal fistula", "回肠直肠瘘切除术" ], "1174026003": [ "Anaesthesia for endoscopy of large intestine", "Anesthesia for endoscopy of large intestine", "大肠内镜检查麻醉" ], "174602009": [ "Transduodenal excision of ampulla of Vater", "Excision of ampulla of Vater using duodenal approach", "经十二指肠十二指肠切除壶腹部", "经十二指肠入路切除 Vater 壶腹部" ], "271071002": [ "Urine barbiturate level", "Urine barbiturate measurement", "尿液巴比妥酸盐水平", "尿液巴比妥酸盐测量" ], "418527001": [ "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolisation of intracranial arteriovenous malformation", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolization of intracranial arteriovenous malformation", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolization of intracranial arteriovenous malformation", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolisation of intracranial arteriovenous malformation", "颅内动静脉畸形的荧光血管造影及栓塞治疗", "颅内动静脉畸形的荧光造影及栓塞治疗" ], "385759002": [ "Provision of community special services", "Community special services care", "Community resources treatments and procedures", "社区资源治疗和程序", "提供社区特色服务", "社区特殊服务护理" ], "58079006": [ "Repair of bronchomediastinal fistula", "Closure of bronchomediastinal fistula", "支气管纵隔瘘闭合", "支气管纵隔瘘的修复" ], "238303008": [ "Debridement of lesion of peritoneum", "腹膜损伤清创术" ], "172767009": [ "Total reconstruction of nose with bone graft and microvascular transferred flap", "骨移植及微血管移植皮瓣全鼻重建" ], "449460001": [ "Debridement of open fracture of calcaneus", "Debridement of open fracture of os calcis", "跟骨开放性骨折清创术" ], "252852003": [ "Prism reflex test", "棱镜反射试验" ], "105396008": [ "Visit of patient by chaplain", "牧师探访病人" ], "72628009": [ "Musculoskeletal exercise, active", "肌肉骨骼锻炼,主动" ], "23476008": [ "Destruction of lesion of chest wall", "胸壁损伤破坏" ], "121780008": [ "Estrone sulfate measurement", "Oestrone sulphate measurement", "雌酮硫酸盐测定", "雌酮硫酸盐测量" ], "119945004": [ "Thyroid gland closure", "甲状腺闭合" ], "431241006": [ "Fluoroscopic genitography", "荧光生殖器造影" ], "169097006": [ "Specific mammary gland imaging", "特定乳腺成像" ], "281950000": [ "Arthroscopic trimming of lateral meniscus", "Trimming of lateral meniscus", "外侧半月板修整", "关节镜下外侧半月板修整" ], "445790003": [ "Assessment using pain self efficacy questionnaire", "使用疼痛自我效能问卷进行评估" ], "413022004": [ "Dialysis fluid potassium measurement", "Dialysis fluid potassium level", "透析液钾测量", "透析液钾水平" ], "118110004": [ "Parvovirus B19 RNA assay", "Parvovirus B19 ribonucleic acid assay", "细小病毒 B19 核糖核酸检测", "细小病毒 B19 RNA 检测" ], "722483000": [ "Hemodynamic care management", "Haemodynamic care management", "血流动力学护理管理", "血液动力学护理管理" ], "230963001": [ "Cranial nerve ganglion neurostimulator electrode procedures", "脑神经节神经刺激器电极程序" ], "85342008": [ "Transplantation of pharyngeal tissue", "咽部组织移植" ], "443955004": [ "Ligation of connecting pulmonary vein", "肺静脉结扎术" ], "16335031000119103": [ "High resolution computed tomography of chest without contrast", "High resolution CT of chest without contrast", "无造影剂的高分辨率胸部计算机断层扫描", "无造影高分辨率胸部 CT" ], "81672003": [ "Hospital admission, elective, without pre-admission work-up", "选择性住院,无需入院前检查" ], "229128005": [ "Blowing exercises", "吹气练习" ], "179976008": [ "Prosthetic hybrid total replacement ankle joint", "假肢混合型全置换踝关节" ], "391133003": [ "Mental health crisis resolution - Full day", "Mental health crisis resolution - Full day: day care", "心理健康危机解决 - 全天:日间护理", "心理健康危机解决 - 全天" ], "128989009": [ "Incision and drainage of trunk", "躯干切开引流" ], "307378001": [ "Referral to assessment service", "转介至评估服务" ], "78002002": [ "Contrast dacryocystogram", "泪囊造影" ], "176306003": [ "Endoscopic insertion of prostatic stent", "内镜前列腺支架置入术" ], "1290418002": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of hand", "手部软组织 X 光检查" ], "76167004": [ "Removal of ocular implant", "移除眼部植入物" ], "698759007": [ "Mucolytic drug therapy", "粘液溶解药物治疗" ], "420231008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and drainage of heart", "心脏造影引流荧光血管造影" ], "8796000": [ "Cytopathology procedure requiring centrifugation, nongenital source", "Cytopathology procedure, centrifugation of smear", "Saccomanno procedure, cytopathology", "需要离心的细胞病理学检查,非生殖器来源", "Saccomanno 手术,细胞病理学", "细胞病理学检查程序、涂片离心" ], "1303132008": [ "Amplitude integrated electroencephalography", "aEEG - amplitude integrated electroencephalography", "Amplitude integrated electroencephalogram", "aEEG-振幅整合脑电图", "振幅整合脑电图" ], "105265002": [ "Norethandrolone measurement", "炔诺酮测量" ], "121649005": [ "Methyl parathion measurement", "甲基对硫磷测量" ], "432945008": [ "Percutaneous removal of calculus from biliary tract using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮胆道结石取出术" ], "1137457009": [ "Pre-exposure prophylaxis", "暴露前预防" ], "252721009": [ "Scalp EEG", "Scalp electroencephalogram", "头皮脑电图" ], "119814002": [ "Artery of extremity closure", "肢体动脉闭合" ], "709638002": [ "Doppler ultrasound of femoral artery", "Doppler ultrasonography of femoral artery", "Doppler ultrasound scan of femoral artery", "股动脉多普勒超声检查", "股动脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "447494005": [ "Laparoscopic lysis of perirenal adhesions by retroperitoneal approach", "Retroperitoneoscopic lysis of perirenal adhesions", "腹腔镜肾周粘连松解术", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路肾周粘连松解术" ], "21510004": [ "Care of hair", "Hair care", "头发护理" ], "300038004": [ "Pertussis booster vaccination", "Administration of booster dose of pertussis vaccine", "Pertussis booster immunization", "Pertussis booster immunisation", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis antigen", "仅含百日咳杆菌抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量注射", "百日咳加强疫苗接种", "百日咳加强免疫", "百日咳疫苗加强剂量接种" ], "52443002": [ "Stripping of varicose veins of head and neck", "头颈部静脉曲张剥脱术" ], "707803005": [ "Open autologous chondrocyte implantation into articular cartilage", "开放式自体软骨细胞植入关节软骨" ], "314587006": [ "Trial dissection of liver mass", "肝肿块试切" ], "183515008": [ "Referral to physician", "转诊至医生" ], "116144002": [ "Total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy", "TAH BSO - Total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy", "腹部全子宫切除术及双侧输卵管卵巢切除术", "TAH BSO - 全子宫切除术和双侧输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "83376002": [ "Restoration, inlay, porcelain/ceramic", "修复、镶嵌、瓷器/陶瓷" ], "230832004": [ "Injection of antibiotics into intracranial subdural space", "颅内硬膜下腔注射抗生素" ], "704133008": [ "Vaginal care management", "阴道护理管理" ], "63322005": [ "Excision of cystic duct remnant", "Excision of cystic bile duct remnant", "切除胆囊管残留物", "切除胆管残留囊肿" ], "718682009": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of intrathoracic vascular structure", "Doppler ultrasound scan of intrathoracic vascular structure", "Doppler ultrasound of intrathoracic vascular structure", "胸腔内血管结构的多普勒超声扫描", "胸腔内血管结构的多普勒超声检查" ], "307247003": [ "Partial excision of portal vein", "门静脉部分切除术" ], "438319004": [ "Induction of involution of thyroid", "诱导甲状腺退化" ], "225327004": [ "Pre-termination counselling", "Pre-termination counseling", "Counseling prior to the termination of pregnancy", "Counselling prior to the termination of pregnancy", "终止劳动关系前咨询", "终止妊娠前的咨询" ], "274479006": [ "Fixation/support removal", "固定/支撑拆除" ], "174340000": [ "Cryotherapy to lesion of anus", "肛门损伤冷冻治疗" ], "77871009": [ "Total osteotomy of mandible", "下颌骨全截骨术" ], "223492001": [ "Supervision while performing activity", "Supervision whilst performing activity", "活动期间的监督" ], "305412005": [ "Admission to cardiac surgery department", "心脏外科入院" ], "434649001": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of ulnar artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of ulnar artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "尺动脉造影及支架置入术" ], "105134000": [ "Clomipramine measurement", "氯米帕明测量" ], "303577009": [ "Interventional debulking surgery", "介入性减瘤手术" ], "252590001": [ "Hearing assessment using speech material", "使用语音材料进行听力评估" ], "23214004": [ "Irrigation of ureteral catheter", "输尿管导管冲洗" ], "236206005": [ "Revision of continent urinary reservoir", "大陆尿道修复术" ], "432814005": [ "Computed tomography of base of skull", "Computed tomography (CT) of base of skull", "CT of base of skull", "颅底 CT", "颅底计算机断层扫描", "颅底计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "121518005": [ "Dapsone measurement", "氨苯砜测量" ], "170670008": [ "Follow-up GIT assessment", "Follow-up gastrointestinal tract assessment", "随访胃肠道评估", "后续胃肠道评估" ], "119683000": [ "Thigh manipulation", "大腿调整" ], "398211002": [ "Excision of Dupuytren's contracture of palm", "McIndoe radical palmar fasciectomy", "Excision of palmar aponeurosis for Dupuytren's contracture of hand", "Excision of palmar aponeurosis for Dupuytren contracture of hand", "掌部杜普伊特伦挛缩切除术", "手掌腱膜切除术治疗手部杜普伊特伦挛缩", "McIndoe 根治性掌侧筋膜切除术" ], "250755004": [ "Coproporphyrin I/coproporphyrin III fraction", "Coproporphyrin I/coproporphyrin III fraction measurement", "粪卟啉 I/粪卟啉 III 分数测量", "粪卟啉 I/粪卟啉 III 组分" ], "709507008": [ "Assessment of readiness for smoking cessation", "戒烟准备情况评估" ], "447363009": [ "Craniotomy by retromastoid approach", "经乳突后入路开颅术" ], "232536002": [ "Inversion of pharyngeal pouch", "咽囊内翻" ], "412760005": [ "Debulking of lower eyelid", "下眼睑减瘤术" ], "66861000": [ "Intubation of larynx", "喉插管" ], "117848008": [ "Papilloma virus 5 antigen assay", "Papillomavirus 5 antigen assay", "乳头瘤病毒 5 抗原检测" ], "312621002": [ "Provision of special educational needs nursery", "提供特殊教育需要托儿所" ], "443693006": [ "Assessment of self medication", "自我药疗评估" ], "359938001": [ "Reposition of aberrant renal artery", "Transection of aberrant renal artery with reimplantation", "Reattachment of aberrant renal artery", "Reimplantation of aberrant renal artery", "异常肾动脉再附着", "异常肾动脉切断再植术", "异常肾动脉再植术", "迷走肾动脉复位" ], "81410005": [ "Beta-2-microglobulin measurement", "β-2-微球蛋白测量" ], "736770009": [ "Surgery care", "手术护理" ], "79575002": [ "Removal of intrauterine pack", "取出宫内包" ], "177879005": [ "Endoscopic primary repair of femoral hernia", "内镜股疝一期修补术" ], "176044002": [ "Open biopsy of ureteric lesion", "输尿管病变开放活检" ], "44972003": [ "Endoscopy of larynx through stoma", "经喉造口内窥镜检查" ], "241580002": [ "CT of lumbar spine", "Computed tomography of lumbar spine", "腰椎计算机断层扫描", "腰椎CT" ], "225196005": [ "Putting additive into intravenous infusion bag", "将添加剂放入静脉输液袋" ], "405420006": [ "Catheterisation of neck vein", "Catheterization of neck vein", "Insertion of catheter into neck vein", "将导管插入颈静脉", "颈静脉插管" ], "274348006": [ "Surgical biopsy of intestine", "肠道手术活检" ], "370817003": [ "Identification of cultural and value components related to pain management", "Identifies cultural and value components related to pain", "识别与疼痛管理相关的文化和价值成分", "识别与疼痛相关的文化和价值观成分" ], "75905004": [ "Sigmoidoproctostomy", "Sigmoidorectostomy", "乙状结肠直肠造口术" ], "305281005": [ "Admission by nuclear medicine physician", "核医学医师入院" ], "174209005": [ "Endoscopic laser destruction of lesion of sigmoid colon using rigid sigmoidoscope", "硬性乙状结肠镜内镜激光毁损术" ], "713046002": [ "Open reduction of intussusception of intestine", "肠套叠切开复位术" ], "74070004": [ "Introduction of catheter into vertebral artery", "将导管插入椎动脉" ], "252459000": [ "Ocular plethysmography", "OPG - Ocular plethysmography", "OPG-- 眼部体积描记法", "眼体积描记法" ], "90454009": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into greater occipital nerve", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into greater occipital nerve", "Local anaesthetic greater occipital nerve block", "Local anesthetic greater occipital nerve block", "Greater occipital nerve block", "局部麻醉枕大神经阻滞", "局麻药枕大神经阻滞", "枕大神经阻滞", "将麻醉剂注射入枕大神经" ], "105003001": [ "Trypsin and trypsinogen measurement", "胰蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶原的测量" ], "432683007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of brachiocephalic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮头臂动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "121387009": [ "n-Butane measurement", "正丁烷测量" ], "414464004": [ "Immunoassay method", "免疫测定方法" ], "84949001": [ "Removal of spinal thecal shunt", "脊髓膜分流术移除" ], "183253002": [ "Provision of medical equipment", "提供医疗设备" ], "609237002": [ "Percutaneous choledochoscopy", "Percutaneous endoscopic inspection of bile duct", "经皮胆管内镜检查", "经皮胆道镜检查" ], "35797001": [ "Implantation of electronic stimulator in brain", "Implantation of intracranial electronic stimulator", "Implantation of neuropacemaker in brain", "Implantation of intracranial neuropacemaker", "Implantation of neurostimulator in brain", "Implantation of pacemaker in brain", "Implantation of neurostimulator electrode into brain tissue", "将神经刺激器电极植入脑组织", "脑内植入神经起搏器", "颅内电子刺激器植入术", "脑内植入电子刺激器", "脑内植入神经刺激器", "颅内神经起搏器植入术", "脑内植入起搏器" ], "265173006": [ "Conversion from uncemented total knee replacement", "非骨水泥全膝关节置换术" ], "3029007": [ "Peripheral nervous system disease rehabilitation", "周围神经系统疾病康复" ], "771242001": [ "Ultrasonography of placenta", "Ultrasound scan of placenta", "Ultrasound of placenta", "胎盘超声检查", "胎盘超声扫描" ], "408959006": [ "Reproductive care education", "Teach reproductive care", "教授生殖保健知识", "生殖保健教育" ], "261503009": [ "Circumferential suture technique", "Circumferential suture of tendon", "肌腱环缝", "环缝缝合技术" ], "423508006": [ "Maintenance of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube", "Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube care", "经皮内镜胃造瘘管的维护", "经皮内镜胃造瘘管护理" ], "79444008": [ "Application of halo type body cast", "光环型身体铸模的应用" ], "257833000": [ "Internal fixation using staple", "使用钉书钉进行内固定" ], "175913002": [ "Nephroureterectomy with pluck lower ureterectomy", "肾输尿管切除术及下段输尿管切除术" ], "225065004": [ "Heparinizing central line", "Heparinising central line", "Flushing of central venous catheter by injection of heparin", "注射肝素冲洗中心静脉导管", "肝素化中心导管" ], "241449005": [ "US scan of head", "Transcranial US scan", "Ultrasound scan of head", "头部超声扫描", "经颅超声扫描", "头部超声波扫描" ], "405289006": [ "Excision of vascular neoplasm", "血管肿瘤切除术" ], "28457008": [ "Incision and drainage of infected bursa of shoulder area", "肩部感染滑囊切开引流" ], "59390000": [ "Fasciotomy of foot and toe", "足部和趾部筋膜切开术" ], "43006005": [ "Replacement of halo traction device of skull", "Removal of halo traction device with synchronous replacement", "颅骨牵引装置更换术", "同步置换去除头环牵引装置" ], "8403000": [ "Repair of nasopharyngeal fistula", "Closure of nasopharyngeal fistula", "鼻咽瘘管封堵术", "鼻咽瘘修补术" ], "239614008": [ "Insertion of additional external fixator pin", "插入额外的外固定针" ], "172243002": [ "Lateral tarsorrhaphy", "外侧睑板缝合术" ], "450771002": [ "Issuing of certificate of incapacity", "发出丧失工作能力证明书" ], "104872001": [ "Phosphoethanolamine measurement", "磷酸乙醇胺测量" ], "432552002": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of clavicle", "Computed tomography of clavicle", "CT of clavicle", "锁骨计算机断层扫描", "锁骨 CT", "锁骨计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "252328001": [ "Field-inversion electrophoresis", "场反转电泳" ], "121256005": [ "Melatonin measurement", "褪黑激素测量" ], "711080006": [ "Demonstration of relaxation technique", "放松技巧示范" ], "399784008": [ "Candida albicans specific IgG antibody measurement", "Gm5 specific IgG antibody measurement", "Candida albicans specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "Gm5 特异性 IgG 抗体测量", "白色念珠菌特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定", "白色念珠菌特异性 IgG 抗体测定" ], "1153448008": [ "Measurement of Bacillus anthracis antigen using direct fluorescence", "直接荧光法测定炭疽芽孢杆菌抗原" ], "2898000": [ "DNA analysis, antenatal, blood", "Deoxyribonucleic acid analysis, antenatal, blood", "DNA 分析、产前、血液", "脱氧核糖核酸分析,产前,血液" ], "609106005": [ "Removal of device from trunk", "从后备箱中取出设备" ], "52050007": [ "Pelvic osteotomy", "Pelviotomy", "Osteotomy of pelvis", "Innominate osteotomy", "Osteotomy of innominate bone", "Incision of bone of pelvis", "无名骨截骨术", "骨盆骨切开术", "骨盆截骨术", "无名骨切开术", "骨盆切开术" ], "427047002": [ "Holter extended electrocardiographic recording", "动态心电图扩展记录" ], "771111004": [ "Injection of right facet joint of thoracic spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided injection of right facet joint of thoracic spine", "透视引导下胸椎右侧小关节注射" ], "17447008": [ "Transactional analysis", "交易分析" ], "33831009": [ "Cryotherapy of corneal lesion to reshape cornea", "角膜病变冷冻治疗重塑角膜" ], "392444001": [ "Rat epithelium, serum proteins and urine proteins specific IgE antibody measurement", "e87 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rat epithelium, serum proteins and urine proteins specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "大鼠上皮、血清蛋白及尿蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "e87 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "大鼠上皮、血清蛋白及尿液蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "228604003": [ "Checking of splint", "检查夹板" ], "1295399009": [ "Postmortem plain X-ray of teeth", "Postmortem plain X-ray of dentition", "死后牙齿的普通 X 光检查", "死后牙齿 X 光检查" ], "179452005": [ "Prosthetic hybrid total shoulder replacement", "假体混合型全肩关节置换术" ], "48380009": [ "Venography of renal vein, bilateral", "双侧肾静脉造影" ], "30161002": [ "Incision and exploration of duodenum", "十二指肠切开探查" ], "439761003": [ "Taking an impression for creation of custom interim obturator prosthesis", "取模以制作定制临时闭孔假体" ], "46545004": [ "Removal of foreign body of lacrimal punctum by incision", "泪点切开取异物术" ], "718289006": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of banding of trunk of pulmonary artery with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of banding of trunk of pulmonary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮肺动脉主干造影成形术", "荧光造影引导下经皮肺动脉主干环带成形术" ], "243153009": [ "High frequency positive pressure ventilation", "HFPPV - High frequency positive pressure ventilation", "HFPPV-- 高频正压通气", "高频正压通气" ], "700070005": [ "Optical coherence tomography of retina", "视网膜光学相干断层扫描" ], "26491000": [ "Special potency disk identification test", "特殊效能盘识别测试" ], "173947001": [ "Ileectomy and anastomosis of stomach to ileum", "回肠切除及胃回肠吻合术" ], "239483002": [ "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb", "拇指掌指关节假体全置换术" ], "10107006": [ "Duodenoduodenostomy", "Duodenoduodenoplasty", "十二指肠十二指肠吻合术", "十二指肠十二指肠成形术" ], "450640001": [ "Open removal of products of conception from uterus", "从子宫中开放性取出妊娠产物" ], "432421001": [ "Fluoroscopic lymphangiography of upper limb", "上肢荧光淋巴管造影" ], "22821003": [ "Intermittent mechanical traction", "间歇性机械牵引" ], "104741005": [ "5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid measurement", "5-羟基吲哚乙酸测量" ], "119290003": [ "Biopsy of gastrointestinal tract", "胃肠道活检" ], "397818004": [ "Motor evoked potentials monitoring", "运动诱发电位监测" ], "446970009": [ "Assessment using European league against rheumatism response criteria", "使用欧洲抗风湿病联盟反应标准进行评估" ], "281295002": [ "Anterolateral cordotomy", "前外侧脊髓切开术" ], "707279002": [ "Revision anterior excision of body of lumbar vertebra with reconstruction", "腰椎前路切除重建术" ], "1264335004": [ "EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) guided gastrojejunostomy and insertion of stent", "Endoscopic ultrasound guided gastrojejunostomy and insertion of stent", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided gastrojejunostomy and insertion of stent", "Gastrojejunostomy and insertion of stent using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "内镜超声引导下胃空肠造口术及支架置入术", "EUS(内镜超声)引导下胃空肠造口术及支架插入", "内镜超声引导下胃空肠吻合术及支架置入", "内镜超声引导胃空肠造口术及支架置入术" ], "51919005": [ "Protein kinase C activity assay", "蛋白激酶C活性测定" ], "363215001": [ "Musculoskeletal system physical examination", "Orthopaedic examination", "Orthopaedic exam. - general", "Orthopedic exam. - general", "Orthopedic examination", "Examination of musculoskeletal structure", "Musculoskeletal examination", "骨科检查", "肌肉骨骼系统体格检查", "肌肉骨骼结构检查", "肌肉骨骼检查", "骨科检查 - 一般" ], "35535008": [ "Transverse colostomy", "Construction of transverse colostomy", "横结肠造口术" ], "164772003": [ "Examination of larynx", "Clinical examination larynx", "临床检查喉", "喉部检查" ], "312228004": [ "Examination of scrotum under anaesthetic", "Examination of scrotum under anesthetic", "麻醉下检查阴囊" ], "443300009": [ "Positron emission tomography using fluorodeoxyglucose with computed tomography electrocardiography gated myocardial rest study", "使用氟脱氧葡萄糖进行正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层心电图门控心肌静息研究" ], "719993001": [ "Assessment using Receptive Expressive Emergent Language Scale second edition", "Assessment using REEL-2 (Receptive Expressive Emergent Language Scale - second edition)", "使用接受性表达性新兴语言量表第二版进行评估", "使用 REEL-2(接受性表达新兴语言量表 - 第二版)进行评估" ], "310393006": [ "Suture of lung laceration", "肺裂伤缝合" ], "179321008": [ "Revision cemented hemiarthroplasty of hip", "髋关节骨水泥型半关节置换术" ], "46414001": [ "Perfusion of large intestine", "大肠灌注" ], "439630003": [ "Beta adrenergic receptor blocking agent therapy", "Beta adrenoceptor blocking agent therapy", "β肾上腺素受体阻断剂治疗", "β肾上腺素能受体阻滞剂治疗" ], "406862003": [ "Rhodamine B stain method", "Rhodamine B stain", "罗丹明B染色法", "罗丹明B染色" ], "79182008": [ "Posterior tibial artery bypass graft with vein", "Posterior tibial artery in-situ vein bypass", "带静脉的胫后动脉旁路移植术", "胫后动脉原位静脉旁路术" ], "177486009": [ "Removal of flap of skin to head or neck", "去除头部或颈部皮瓣" ], "306723002": [ "Referral from liaison nurse", "Referral by liaison nurse", "联络护士转介" ], "765475001": [ "Percutaneous cryotherapy of neoplasm of right kidney", "右肾肿瘤经皮冷冻治疗" ], "716323002": [ "Enterococcus culture", "肠球菌培养" ], "11811008": [ "Removal of halo traction device from skull", "从颅骨中取出头环牵引装置" ], "239352002": [ "Adjustment of electromagnetic bone stimulator", "电磁骨刺激器的调节" ], "304888004": [ "Understanding behavior", "Understanding behaviour", "理解行为" ], "90061001": [ "Ligation of descending aorta", "降主动脉结扎" ], "450509002": [ "Conversion to cemented total replacement of joint", "Conversion to cemented total prosthetic replacement of joint", "转换为骨水泥型全关节假体置换", "转换为骨水泥全关节置换术" ], "71842001": [ "Linear repair of laceration of eyebrow", "眉毛裂伤线性修复" ], "710818004": [ "Inhaled steroid therapy", "吸入类固醇治疗" ], "708983005": [ "Laparoscopic bypass of stomach", "Laparoscopic gastric bypass", "腹腔镜胃绕道手术", "腹腔镜胃旁路手术" ], "250231008": [ "Packed cell volume measurement", "Packed cell volume", "细胞压积测量", "细胞压积" ], "430455009": [ "Injection of knee joint using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Injection of knee joint using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided injection of knee joint", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行膝关节注射", "CT引导下膝关节注射", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行膝关节注射" ], "363084003": [ "Dilation of lower respiratory tract", "下呼吸道扩张" ], "35404004": [ "Creation of arterial bypass with synthetic graft", "利用合成移植物建立动脉旁路" ], "313932005": [ "180 minute serum GH level", "180 minute serum GH measurement", "180 minute serum growth hormone measurement", "180 分钟血清 GH 水平", "180 分钟血清生长激素测量", "180 分钟血清 GH 测量" ], "1296972008": [ "Inotropic therapy", "正性肌力治疗" ], "361249003": [ "Nephrectomy with excision of perirenal tissue", "肾切除术及肾周组织切除术" ], "66337003": [ "Speech defect training", "言语缺陷训练" ], "410401003": [ "Nursing care/supplementary surveillance", "护理/补充监测" ], "770849006": [ "Medication review invitation", "药物审查邀请" ], "33569007": [ "Repair of both femoral hernias with prosthesis or graft", "Bilateral femoral herniorrhaphy", "Repair of bilateral femoral hernias with prosthesis or graft", "使用假体或移植物修复双侧股疝", "双侧股疝修补术" ], "312097006": [ "Oral vestibuloplasty using graft", "使用移植物进行口腔前庭成形术" ], "719862003": [ "Ergonomic assessment", "人体工程学评估" ], "179190007": [ "Revision to arthroscopic reduction and fixation of fracture", "关节镜下骨折复位固定术" ], "718027001": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of upper limb with contrast", "MR angiogram of vascular structure of upper limb with contrast", "MR angiography of vascular structure of upper limb with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of upper extremity with contrast", "MR angiography of vascular structure of arm with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of arm with contrast", "MR angiography of vascular structure of upper extremity with contrast", "上肢增强磁共振血管造影", "上肢血管结构磁共振血管造影", "手臂血管结构磁共振血管造影对比", "上肢血管结构磁共振血管造影对比", "上肢血管结构对比磁共振血管造影" ], "357579002": [ "Oesophagoenterostomy", "Esophagoenterostomy", "Anastomosis of esophagus to intestinal segment", "Anastomosis of oesophagus to intestinal segment", "食管与肠段吻合术", "食管肠吻合术" ], "308427006": [ "Hypertension screening recall", "高血压筛查回顾" ], "439499006": [ "Craniectomy and excision of infratentorial brain tumor", "Craniectomy and excision of infratentorial brain tumour", "Excision of bone of cranium and excision of infratentorial neoplasm of brain", "开颅及脑幕下肿瘤切除术", "颅骨切除及脑幕下肿瘤切除" ], "306592000": [ "Discharge from geriatric medicine service", "Discharge from care of the elderly service", "老年医学服务出院", "退出护理老人服务" ], "388512007": [ "Bertholletia excelsa specific IgE antibody measurement", "Brazil nut specific IgE antibody measurement", "f18 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bertholletia excelsa specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Bertholletia excelsa 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "巴西坚果特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Bertholletia excelsa 特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f18 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "241056007": [ "Mammogram - localisation", "Mammogram - localization", "乳房 X 光检查 - 定位" ], "239221000": [ "Aspiration and injection of ganglion cyst", "腱鞘囊肿抽吸和注射" ], "173685001": [ "Repair of esophageal hiatus using abdominal approach", "Repair of oesophageal hiatus using abdominal approach", "经腹部手术修补食管裂孔", "经腹入路食管裂孔修补术" ], "9845004": [ "Replacement of esophagostomy tube", "Replacement of oesophagostomy tube", "更换食管造口管" ], "714357008": [ "Assessment using Relative Stress Scale", "使用相对压力量表进行评估" ], "1287797008": [ "Angiography of artery of head", "头部动脉造影" ], "237386001": [ "Total excision of mastectomy scar", "乳房切除术疤痕全切除" ], "401226007": [ "Vertebroplasty", "椎体成形术" ], "24394009": [ "Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty of heart", "经皮心脏球囊瓣膜成形术" ], "171850009": [ "Decompression of median nerve at elbow", "肘部正中神经减压术" ], "448543003": [ "Transmyometrial transfer of embryo to uterus", "胚胎经子宫肌层移植至子宫" ], "104479001": [ "Alanine measurement", "Alanine level", "丙氨酸测量", "丙氨酸水平" ], "235551003": [ "Percutaneous transhepatic hepatico-dochoscopy", "经皮肝穿刺肝道镜检查" ], "301087006": [ "Dilatation of pylorus", "Dilation of pylorus", "幽门扩张" ], "430324002": [ "Closed reduction of subluxation of radial head", "桡骨头半脱位闭合复位" ], "708852007": [ "Excision of lesion of tonsil and adenoid", "扁桃体及腺样体病变切除术" ], "182729000": [ "Asthma control step 3", "哮喘控制步骤 3" ], "315636009": [ "Putting patient to bed at night", "晚上让病人上床睡觉" ], "69876007": [ "Arthrotomy of wrist joint for biopsy", "腕关节切开术进行活检" ], "397556008": [ "Corneal specular photomicroscopy", "角膜镜检查" ], "723401005": [ "Motor planning skills training", "运动规划技能训练" ], "51657007": [ "Ladd operation, mobilization of intestine", "Ladd operation, mobilisation of intestine", "拉德手术,肠道动员", "拉德手术、肠道游离术" ], "395721008": [ "Removal of electronic stimulator of brain with synchronous replacement", "Removal of neurostimulator of brain with synchronous replacement", "Removal of intracranial neuropacemaker with synchronous replacement", "Removal of intracranial neurostimulator with synchronous replacement", "Removal of intracranial pacemaker with synchronous replacement", "Removal of intracranial electronic stimulator with synchronous replacement", "Replacement of intracranial pacemaker", "Replacement of pacemaker in brain", "Replacement of neural brain pacemaker", "更换脑起搏器", "颅内神经刺激器移除术与同步置换术", "颅内神经起搏器移除术与同步置换术", "颅内电子刺激器移除术与同步置换术", "更换神经脑起搏器", "脑神经刺激器移除术与同步置换术", "脑部电子刺激器移除术与同步置换术", "颅内起搏器移除术与同步置换术", "更换颅内起搏器" ], "443038001": [ "Angioplasty of artery of upper limb with insertion of catheter", "上肢动脉血管成形术及导管插入术" ], "84425009": [ "pH measurement, body fluid", "Fluid sample pH", "Fluid sample pH level", "流体样品 pH 值", "pH 测量,体液", "流体样品的 pH 值" ], "410270001": [ "Nutritionist teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Nutritionist teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Nutritionist education, guidance, and counseling", "Nutritionist education, guidance, and counselling", "Nutritionist care education, guidance, and counselling", "Nutritionist care education, guidance, and counseling", "营养师教学、指导和咨询", "营养师教育、指导和咨询", "营养师护理教育、指导和咨询" ], "670008": [ "Electrosurgical epilation of eyebrow", "电外科眉毛脱毛" ], "80755008": [ "Tenectomy of tendon sheath of hand", "手部腱鞘切除术" ], "1293171009": [ "Plain X-ray for colonic transit study", "结肠传输研究的普通 X 射线" ], "408435008": [ "Advice to carer regarding child's travel needs", "Recommendation to carer regarding child's travel needs", "Recommendation to caregiver regarding child's travel needs", "Advice to caregiver regarding child's travel needs", "向看护人提供有关儿童旅行需求的建议", "向照顾者提供有关儿童旅行需求的建议" ], "406600006": [ "Rabies prophylaxis", "狂犬病预防" ], "439368006": [ "Laparoscopic cryoablation of neoplasm of liver", "腹腔镜肝肿瘤冷冻消融术" ], "306461000": [ "Discharge by occupational health physician", "职业健康医师出院" ], "734280006": [ "Provision of written information about hospice service", "提供有关临终关怀服务的书面信息" ], "11549000": [ "Anesthesia for abdominoperineal resection", "Anaesthesia for abdominoperineal resection", "腹会阴切除术麻醉" ], "699677002": [ "Knee effusion stroke test", "膝关节积液卒中试验" ], "716061005": [ "Assessment using Shortened Minnesota Test for Differential Diagnosis of Aphasia", "Assessment using Shortened MTDDA (MinnesotaTest for Differential Diagnosis of Aphasia)", "使用缩短版 MTDDA(明尼苏达失语症鉴别诊断测试)进行评估", "使用简化明尼苏达测验对失语症进行鉴别诊断" ], "44317007": [ "Reattachment of choroid and retina by cryotherapy", "通过冷冻疗法使脉络膜和视网膜复位" ], "240925007": [ "Endarterectomy of crural artery", "Endarterectomy of the infrapopliteal artery", "Endarterectomy of the crural artery", "股动脉内膜切除术", "膝下动脉内膜切除术" ], "58866001": [ "Insertion of implantable intravenous infusion pump", "植入式静脉输液泵" ], "1304050008": [ "Colonoscopic full thickness resection of small intestine", "Colonoscopy and full thickness resection of small intestine", "结肠镜小肠全层切除术", "结肠镜检查及小肠全层切除术" ], "302791006": [ "Urine dipstick for nitrite", "尿液亚硝酸盐试纸" ], "24263007": [ "Neurolysis of tarsal tunnel", "跗管神经松解术" ], "432028000": [ "Checking position of endotracheal tube by auscultation", "通过听诊检查气管插管的位置" ], "38812001": [ "Excision of tissue or organ for grafting from recipient site", "从受体部位切除组织或器官进行移植" ], "401095009": [ "Urine protein/creatinine index", "尿蛋白/肌酐指数" ], "104348001": [ "Complement C3 fragment measurement", "补体 C3 片段测量" ], "319175008": [ "Insertion of tissue expander into breast", "将组织扩张器插入乳房" ], "384711009": [ "Referral to maxillofacial surgery service", "转介至颌面外科服务" ], "1234844004": [ "Bathing of skin of bilateral free upper limbs", "Washing both upper arms, forearms and hands", "清洗双上臂、前臂和双手", "双侧上肢游离皮肤洗浴" ], "235420007": [ "Intubation of gastrointestinal tract via nose", "经鼻胃肠道插管" ], "71580008": [ "Correction of trichiasis by epilation with forceps", "用拔毛钳拔毛矫正倒睫" ], "233585000": [ "Continuous venovenous haemofiltration", "Continuous venovenous hemofiltration", "CVVH - continuous venovenous hemofiltration", "CVVHF - continuous venovenous hemofiltration", "CVVHF - continuous venovenous haemofiltration", "CVVH - continuous venovenous haemofiltration", "CVVH-- 连续性静脉静脉血液滤过", "持续性静脉-静脉血液滤过", "CVVHF-- 连续性静脉静脉血液滤过", "CVVH-- 持续性静脉静脉血液滤过", "CVVHF-- 持续性静脉静脉血液滤过" ], "710556008": [ "Pre-operative assessment of skin integrity", "术前评估皮肤完整性" ], "118897002": [ "Procedure on eye", "Procedure on eyeball", "Eye procedure", "Globe procedure", "Procedure on eye proper", "眼部手术", "眼睛正确手术", "眼睛手术", "眼球手术", "环球程序" ], "430193006": [ "Medication reconciliation", "药物协调" ], "413809006": [ "CSF 5-Hydroxyindole acetic acid level", "Cerebrospinal fluid 5-Hydroxyindole acetic acid measurement", "脑脊液 5-羟基吲哚乙酸水平", "脑脊液5-羟基吲哚乙酸测定" ], "18758001": [ "Stripping of varicose saphenous vein", "曲张隐静脉剥脱术" ], "231750006": [ "Pars plana lensectomy", "睫状体平坦部晶状体切除术" ], "313670007": [ "Rubella IgG level", "Rubella IgG measurement", "Rubella immunoglobulin G measurement", "风疹免疫球蛋白 G 测量", "风疹 IgG 水平", "风疹 IgG 检测" ], "1231174008": [ "Insertion of fixed orthodontic appliance", "插入固定矫正器" ], "410139000": [ "Nursing status report management", "Manage nursing status report", "管理护理状态报告", "护理状况报告管理" ], "229915002": [ "Nasoduodenal feeding", "鼻十二指肠喂养" ], "786971004": [ "Compatibility test, Rho(D) immune globulin", "Rho(D) immune globulin screening", "Blood group antibody D screening", "Rho(D)免疫球蛋白筛查", "血型抗体D筛查", "相容性试验,Rho(D)免疫球蛋白" ], "442907005": [ "Surgical removal of single chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator electrode by transthoracic approach", "经胸手术切除单腔起搏心脏复律除颤器电极" ], "66075006": [ "Reduction of closed acromioclavicular dislocation with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed dislocation of acromioclavicular joint", "闭合性肩锁关节脱位的复位手法治疗", "闭合性肩锁关节脱位手法复位" ], "306330005": [ "Referral to pain management nurse", "转诊至疼痛管理护士" ], "715930009": [ "Provision of patient escort", "提供病人陪护" ], "386415003": [ "Risk identification: genetic", "Genetic risk identification", "风险识别:遗传", "遗传风险识别" ], "304495004": [ "BP&TPR - Monitoring of blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate", "Monitoring of blood pressure, temperature, pulse rate and respiratory rate", "Vital signs monitoring", "监测血压、体温、脉搏和呼吸频率", "BP&TPR - 监测血压、体温、脉搏率和呼吸频率", "生命体征监测" ], "42351005": [ "Basophil count", "嗜碱性粒细胞计数" ], "288111007": [ "Sclerosing of haemangioma", "Sclerosing of hemangioma", "血管瘤硬化" ], "269892000": [ "Urine phenothiazine measurement", "Urine phenothiazine level", "Phenothiazine measurement, urine", "尿液吩噻嗪水平", "尿液吩噻嗪测量" ], "24132004": [ "Resection of pericardium for chronic constrictive pericarditis", "心包切除术治疗慢性缩窄性心包炎" ], "122436009": [ "Thrombin-antithrombin III complex assay", "凝血酶-抗凝血酶 III 复合物测定" ], "1201945002": [ "Reconstruction of hand using pedicle flap", "Reconstruction of hand with pedicle flap", "Pedicle flap reconstruction of hand", "手部带蒂皮瓣修复", "带蒂皮瓣修复手部缺损" ], "431897004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for simultaneous modulated accelerated radiation therapy (SMART) planning", "Magnetic resonance imaging for simultaneous modulated accelerated radiation therapy planning", "MRI for simultaneous modulated accelerated radiation therapy planning", "磁共振成像 (MRI) 用于同步调控加速放射治疗 (SMART) 计划", "磁共振成像用于同步调控加速放射治疗计划", "MRI 用于同步调控加速放射治疗计划" ], "104217006": [ "Neisser stain method", "Neisser stain", "奈瑟染色法", "奈瑟染色" ], "235289007": [ "Enterotomy and washout", "肠切开术和冲洗" ], "446446002": [ "Total abdominal hysterectomy and removal of vaginal cuff", "腹部全子宫切除术和阴道袖状切除术" ], "233454006": [ "Ligation of perforating vein", "穿通静脉结扎" ], "708590009": [ "Laparoscopic wedge resection of liver", "腹腔镜肝楔形切除术" ], "118766009": [ "Procedure on thyroid gland", "甲状腺手术" ], "231619001": [ "Surgical dehiscence of the aponeurotic insertion of Muller's muscle", "Henderson procedure for lid retraction", "Surgical dehiscence of the aponeurotic insertion of Muller muscle", "亨德森眼睑回缩手术", "手术裂开 Muller 肌腱膜附着处" ], "313539008": [ "GBM antibody level", "GBM antibody measurement", "Glomerular basement membrane (GBM) antibody measurement", "Glomerular basement membrane antibody measurement", "胶质母细胞瘤 (GBM) 抗体水平", "GBM 抗体测量", "肾小球基底膜 (GBM) 抗体测量", "肾小球基底膜抗体测量" ], "311704003": [ "Regulated breathing exercises for speech", "言语调节呼吸练习" ], "104771000220104": [ "Insertion of Michigan appliance onto maxillary teeth", "Insertion of Michigan splint onto maxillary teeth", "将密歇根夹板插入上颌牙齿", "将 Michigan 矫正器插入上颌牙齿" ], "178797006": [ "Biopsy of thoracic vertebra", "胸椎活检" ], "1260141007": [ "Insertion of autologous fascial midurethral sling", "自体筋膜尿道中段吊带插入" ], "439106001": [ "Stimulation of bone healing using ultrasonic osteogenic stimulator", "使用超声波成骨刺激器刺激骨愈合" ], "783170008": [ "Surgical procedure on thigh", "大腿手术" ], "306199002": [ "Referral to surgical transplant service", "转介至外科移植服务" ], "371735007": [ "Procedure specific positioning", "程序特定定位" ], "122305000": [ "Trichomonas vaginalis rRNA assay", "Trichomonas vaginalis ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "阴道毛滴虫核糖体核糖核酸测定", "阴道毛滴虫 rRNA 检测" ], "171457001": [ "Stereotactic ablation of thalamus tissue", "丘脑组织立体定向消融" ], "236993002": [ "Vacuum dilatation of cervix", "Vacuum dilation of cervix", "宫颈真空扩张术" ], "386284008": [ "Environmental management: comfort", "环境管理:舒适度" ], "1285569004": [ "Fitting of intraoral appliance for sleep apnoea", "Fitting of intraoral appliance for sleep apnea", "睡眠呼吸暂停治疗用口内矫正器的安装", "睡眠呼吸暂停治疗用口内矫正器安装" ], "417217005": [ "Visceral manipulation", "Ventral technique", "内脏操纵", "腹侧技术" ], "104086003": [ "Platelets, volume transfused, determination", "Measurement of volume of platelets transfused", "血小板输注量测定", "输注血小板量的测量" ], "235158004": [ "Endoscopic localization of lesion of GIT", "Endoscopic localisation of lesion of GIT", "Endoscopic localization of lesion of gastrointestinal tract", "Endoscopic localisation of lesion of gastrointestinal tract", "胃肠道病变的内镜定位" ], "431766006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of chest for radiotherapy planning", "Magnetic resonance imaging of chest for radiotherapy planning", "MRI of chest for radiotherapy planning", "胸部磁共振成像(MRI)用于放射治疗计划", "胸部 MRI 用于放射治疗计划", "胸部磁共振成像用于放射治疗计划" ], "710294007": [ "Fluoroscopy guided urodynamic study", "Urodynamic study using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导的尿动力学研究", "荧光透视引导尿动力学研究" ], "397163000": [ "Callander's amputation", "Callander amputation", "卡兰德截肢", "卡兰德的截肢手术" ], "169622009": [ "General practitioner unit delivery booking", "全科医生单位送货预约" ], "71318009": [ "Physical medicine consultation and report", "物理医学咨询及报告" ], "448150008": [ "Interrogation of cardiac pacemaker", "心脏起搏器询问" ], "446315002": [ "Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis", "骨盆动态磁共振成像" ], "233323006": [ "Embolization of internal carotid artery", "Embolisation of internal carotid artery", "颈内动脉栓塞", "颈内动脉栓塞术" ], "429931008": [ "Computed tomography of kidney with contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of kidney with contrast", "CT of kidney with contrast", "肾脏增强 CT", "肾脏增强计算机断层扫描", "肾脏增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "69483009": [ "Shunt of cerebral ventricle to extracranial site", "Extracranial ventricular shunt", "Creation of extracranial ventricular shunt", "Extracranial ventricular shunt inserted", "脑室分流至颅外部位", "颅外脑室分流术", "建立颅外脑室分流术" ], "184171009": [ "Patient deregistration", "患者注销登记" ], "118635009": [ "Revision", "Surgical revision", "Revisional operation", "手术修复", "修正操作", "修订" ], "116800003": [ "Administration of Hepatitis B Virus immune globulin, human", "Hepatitis B Virus immune globulin administration", "注射乙肝病毒免疫球蛋白,人类", "乙肝病毒免疫球蛋白注射" ], "25110001000004102": [ "Counselling for management of colostomy", "Counseling for management of colostomy", "结肠造口术管理咨询" ], "14390001000004103": [ "Reconstruction of mouth using pectoralis major myocutaneous flap", "胸大肌肌皮瓣修复口腔" ], "67648008": [ "Microbial identification, Micro-ID method", "微生物鉴定,Micro-ID 方法" ], "313408009": [ "Total thyroxine measurement", "Total thyroxine level", "总甲状腺素水平", "总甲状腺素测量" ], "345713791000132107": [ "Urinary tract infection prophylaxis", "Prophylaxis for urinary tract infection", "预防泌尿道感染", "泌尿道感染预防" ], "82197003": [ "Tenodesis at wrist for flexors of fingers", "腕部肌腱固定术治疗手指屈肌" ], "311573005": [ "Stutter more fluently regime", "口吃更流利的制度" ], "409877007": [ "Immunochromatographic test", "免疫层析试验" ], "719338002": [ "Assessment using Dizziness Handicap Inventory", "使用眩晕障碍量表进行评估" ], "80362002": [ "Excisional biopsy of pineal gland", "松果体切除活检" ], "113130003": [ "Class in postnatal exercises", "Postnatal class", "产后班", "产后健身课" ], "14826006": [ "Cystourethroscopy with insertion of radioactive substance", "膀胱尿道镜检查及放射性物质插入" ], "47594007": [ "Curettage of sympathetic nerve", "交感神经刮除术" ], "1145322008": [ "Radical tonsillectomy", "Tonsillectomy with resection of tonsillar pillar and superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle", "Excision of tonsil, palatine arch and superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle", "扁桃体切除术,切除扁桃体柱和咽上缩肌", "切除扁桃体、腭弓及咽上缩肌", "根治性扁桃体切除术" ], "1260010008": [ "Removal of subgingival plaque and calculus from all teeth using dental instrument", "Removal of subgingival dental biofilm and calculus from all teeth using dental instrument", "Subgingival professional mechanical plaque removal", "Subgingival PMPR (professional mechanical plaque removal)", "龈下专业机械牙菌斑清除", "龈下 PMPR(专业机械牙菌斑清除)", "使用牙科器械去除所有牙齿的龈下牙菌斑和牙结石", "使用牙科器械去除所有牙齿的龈下生物膜和牙结石" ], "12991007": [ "Provision of stents or bite blocks", "提供支架或咬合块" ], "306068001": [ "Referral from dietitian", "Referral by dietitian", "营养师转介", "营养师推荐" ], "764820005": [ "PET CT of whole body using gallium-68", "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography of whole body using gallium-68", "使用镓-68进行全身 PET CT 检查", "使用镓-68 进行全身正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描" ], "58473000": [ "Drug of abuse, qualitative screen", "药物滥用,定性筛查" ], "43924009": [ "Virus identification in tissue culture with additional studies", "组织培养中的病毒鉴定及附加研究" ], "173161005": [ "Fiberoptic bronchoscopy and biopsy", "Fibreoptic bronchoscopy and biopsy", "纤维支气管镜检查和活检" ], "713833008": [ "Foot vibration sensation test using tuning fork", "使用音叉进行足部振动感觉测试" ], "74857009": [ "Hospital admission, short-term, 24 hours", "住院,短期,24 小时" ], "56638002": [ "Flow cytometric crossmatch", "Flow cytometric cross-match", "流式细胞术交叉配血", "流式细胞交叉配血" ], "302398002": [ "Painting of warts", "疣的绘画" ], "236862004": [ "Renewal of shelf pessary in vagina", "Renewal of shelf suppository in vagina", "阴道栓剂的更新", "阴道内支架的更新" ], "433470006": [ "Dehydration of tissue specimen", "组织标本脱水" ], "7486007": [ "Reattachment of muscle", "肌肉重新附着" ], "710163000": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of artery of abdomen with contrast and insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of artery of abdomen with contrast and insertion of stent", "腹部动脉造影及支架置入术", "腹部动脉荧光血管造影及支架置入" ], "122174009": [ "Clostridium difficile toxin A assay", "艰难梭菌毒素 A 检测" ], "103955000": [ "P2 blood group typing", "P2血型分型" ], "5651003": [ "Arylsulfatase A measurement", "Arylsulphatase A measurement", "芳基硫酸酯酶A测定", "芳基硫酸酯酶 A 测量" ], "448019008": [ "Creation of conduit between atrium and ventricle of heart", "在心房和心室之间建立导管" ], "429800000": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography using octreotide", "SPECT using radiolabeled octreotide", "SPECT using radiolabelled octreotide", "Single photon emission computed tomography using radiolabelled octreotide", "Single photon emission computed tomography using radiolabeled octreotide", "使用放射性标记奥曲肽进行 SPECT", "使用放射性标记奥曲肽进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "使用奥曲肽的单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "使用放射性标记奥曲肽的单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "15351000087106": [ "CT of pelvis and bilateral hips with contrast", "Computed tomography of pelvis and bilateral hips with contrast", "骨盆和双侧髋部增强计算机断层扫描", "骨盆和双侧髋部增强 CT 检查" ], "5111000087107": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of bilateral temporomandibular joints", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of both temporomandibular joints", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of left and right temporomandibular joint", "左、右颞下颌关节荧光造影", "双侧颞下颌关节荧光造影", "双侧颞下颌关节的荧光透视关节造影" ], "2551000087108": [ "MRI of left scapula", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left scapula", "左肩胛骨 MRI", "左肩胛骨磁共振成像" ], "446184003": [ "Assessment using visual analog scale", "Assessment using visual analogue scale", "使用视觉模拟量表进行评估" ], "315112006": [ "Dengue virus IgG level", "Dengue virus immunoglobulin G level", "登革病毒免疫球蛋白 G 水平", "登革热病毒 IgG 水平" ], "726547009": [ "Removal of transhepatic central venous catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided removal of transhepatic central venous catheter with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经肝中心静脉导管移除术", "透视引导下移除经肝中心静脉导管并进行造影" ], "3831000087105": [ "Plain X-ray of right wrist", "右腕部普通 X 光检查" ], "1271000087107": [ "Ultrasonography of right thumb", "Ultrasound of right thumb", "Ultrasound scan of right thumb", "右手拇指超声波扫描", "右手拇指超声检查" ], "233192004": [ "Open decompression of cardiac tamponade", "心脏压塞开放减压术" ], "231357006": [ "Topical local anaesthetic to laryngopharynx", "Topical local anesthetic to laryngopharynx", "喉咽局部麻醉" ], "82066000": [ "Bone density study, dual photon absorptiometry", "Bone mineral content study, dual photon absorptiometry", "骨矿物质含量研究,双光子吸收法", "骨密度研究,双光子吸收仪" ], "442514001": [ "Evaluation of stool specimen", "粪便样本评估" ], "395197008": [ "Hepatitis C viral load", "丙型肝炎病毒载量" ], "146005": [ "Repair of nonunion of metatarsal with bone graft", "骨移植修复跖骨不愈合" ], "721042009": [ "Dual energy computed tomography of abdomen and pelvis", "DECT (dual energy computed tomography) of abdomen and pelvis", "腹部和盆腔双能量计算机断层扫描", "腹部和骨盆的双能量计算机断层扫描 (DECT)" ], "440679003": [ "Epiphysiodesis of distal femur and proximal tibia and proximal fibula", "股骨远端、胫骨近端及腓骨近端骨骺固定术" ], "276839009": [ "Implantation of drug delivery reservoir", "药物输送容器植入" ], "854361000000100": [ "Reconstruction of breast with submuscular implant", "Breast reconstruction with submuscular implant", "肌肉下植入物乳房重建" ], "1290812008": [ "Plain X-ray of face", "面部普通 X 光检查" ], "715537001": [ "Transportation by ambulance", "救护车运输" ], "764689005": [ "Doppler ultrasound compression venography of lower limb", "Doppler ultrasound scan compression venography of lower limb", "Doppler ultrasonography compression venography of lower limb", "下肢多普勒超声加压静脉造影", "下肢多普勒超声扫描加压静脉造影" ], "699153007": [ "Open reduction of fracture of clavicle without internal fixation", "锁骨骨折切开复位不内固定" ], "60177007": [ "Mechanical vitrectomy", "机械玻璃体切除术" ], "304102003": [ "Local rotation flap", "局部旋转皮瓣" ], "418790007": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of inferior mesenteric artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of inferior mesenteric artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下肠系膜下动脉造影成形术", "荧光造影引导下肠系膜下动脉血管成形术" ], "287718008": [ "Total cystectomy and urethrectomy", "全膀胱切除术和尿道切除术" ], "433339002": [ "Percutaneous embolization of graft using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of graft using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of graft with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of graft with contrast", "使用荧光造影剂引导经皮移植栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮造影移植物栓塞术", "使用荧光造影剂引导进行经皮移植物栓塞术" ], "122043009": [ "Mycoplasma fermentans antibody assay", "Measurement of Mycoplasma fermentans antibody", "发酵支原体抗体检测", "发酵支原体抗体测定" ], "23739009": [ "Congenital spinal cord disease rehabilitation", "先天性脊髓疾病康复" ], "103824005": [ "Fibrinopeptide B-beta (43-47) assay", "纤维蛋白肽B-β(43-47)测定" ], "185744005": [ "Obesity monitoring first letter", "肥胖监测首字母" ], "398736007": [ "Electro-oculogram examination", "Electro-oculography", "EOG - Electro-oculography", "眼电图", "EOG-眼电图", "眼电图检查" ], "21904006": [ "Nephrostomy with tube drainage", "Nephrotomy with tube drainage", "Drainage of kidney by incision", "肾脏切开引流", "肾切开术及管引流", "肾造口术及管引流" ], "234896009": [ "Repair of submucous cleft", "黏膜下裂的修复" ], "169360009": [ "Radiotherapy: seeds into hypophysis", "放射治疗:植入垂体" ], "233061003": [ "Resection of septomarginal trabeculation", "Resection of moderator band", "Resection of septomarginal trabecula", "SMT - Resection of septomarginal trabeculation", "隔缘小梁切除术", "切除调节带", "SMT - 隔缘小梁切除术" ], "120208006": [ "Inguinal region destructive procedure", "腹股沟区破坏性手术" ], "183909000": [ "Private referral to oncologist", "肿瘤科医生的私人转诊" ], "36453007": [ "Division of muscle", "Incision of muscle with division", "Myotomy with division", "Release of muscle by division", "通过分裂释放肌肉", "肌肉的划分", "肌肉切开分离", "肌切开术" ], "396901009": [ "Transthoracic needle biopsy", "经胸穿刺活检" ], "395066006": [ "Serum alpha-2 macroglobulin level", "血清 α-2 巨球蛋白水平" ], "231226008": [ "Middle superior alveolar nerve block", "Local anaesthetic middle superior alveolar nerve block", "Local anesthetic middle superior alveolar nerve block", "局麻中上齿槽神经阻滞", "局部麻醉中上齿槽神经阻滞", "中上齿槽神经阻滞" ], "229391001": [ "Accessory mobilization of the foot", "Accessory mobilisation of the foot", "足部辅助活动" ], "1263418008": [ "Reconstruction of breast using free SIEA (superficial inferior epigastric artery) flap", "Reconstruction of breast using free superficial inferior epigastric artery flap", "利用游离下腹壁浅动脉 (SIEA) 皮瓣进行乳房重建", "游离下腹壁浅动脉皮瓣乳房再造术" ], "739130009": [ "Total excision of right sublingual gland", "Total right sublingual sialoadenectomy", "Complete right sublingual sialoadenectomy", "右舌下腺全切除", "右侧舌下涎腺完全切除术", "右舌下涎腺全切除术" ], "32783004": [ "Excision of lacrimal gland tumor by frontal approach", "Excision of lacrimal gland tumour by frontal approach", "经额入路泪腺肿瘤切除术" ], "65551008": [ "Radical retropubic prostatectomy", "根治性耻骨后前列腺切除术" ], "391396001": [ "Blood total carbon dioxide (calculated)", "血液总二氧化碳(计算值)" ], "49167009": [ "Measurement of glucose 2 hours after glucose challenge for glucose tolerance test", "葡萄糖耐量试验中葡萄糖刺激后 2 小时测量葡萄糖" ], "719076003": [ "Assessment using Wepman Auditory Discrimination Test Second Edition", "使用韦普曼听觉辨别测试第二版进行评估" ], "80100002": [ "Extradural transection of cranial nerve", "脑神经硬膜外切断术" ], "129252005": [ "Suprapubic cystostomy", "Urinary vesicostomy", "Urinary cystostomy", "耻骨上膀胱造口术", "尿道膀胱造口术", "膀胱造口术" ], "702692002": [ "Coroner's autopsy", "验尸官尸检" ], "112868006": [ "Ileostomy transplantation to new site", "Transplant of ileal stoma to new site", "回肠造口移植至新部位" ], "1208761000": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to second diagonal branch of left anterior descending coronary artery to left anterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to D2 (second diagonal branch) of LAD (left anterior descending coronary artery) to LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to D2 (second diagonal branch) of LAD (left anterior descending coronary artery) to LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to second diagonal branch of left anterior descending coronary artery to left anterior descending coronary artery", "将游离 RITA(右内胸动脉)从 LITA(左内胸动脉)依次吻合至 LAD(左前降支)冠状动脉的 D2(第二对角支)至 LAD(左前降支)冠状动脉", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉前降支第二对角支至左乳内动脉前降支的顺序吻合术", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左前降支 (LAD) 冠状动脉 D2 (第二对角支) 至左前降支 (LAD) 冠状动脉", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至左前降支冠状动脉第二对角支至左前降支冠状动脉的序贯吻合术" ], "225721001": [ "Changing endotracheal tube tapes", "更换气管插管胶带" ], "440548008": [ "Application of halo device to pelvis", "骨盆环装置的应用" ], "422329009": [ "Hall's bilirubin stain", "Hall's method for bilirubin", "Hall's technique for bilirubin", "Hall bilirubin stain", "Hall 胆红素测定法", "Hall 胆红素测定技术", "霍尔胆红素染色", "Hall 胆红素染色" ], "307641009": [ "Transduodenal needle biopsy of pancreas", "胰腺经十二指肠穿刺活检" ], "387726004": [ "Intermittent positive pressure breathing treatment without nebulised medication", "Intermittent positive pressure breathing treatment without nebulized medication", "无需雾化药物的间歇性正压呼吸治疗", "不使用雾化药物的间歇性正压呼吸治疗" ], "418659001": [ "Computed tomography angiography of cerebral artery with contrast", "CT angiography of cerebral artery with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of cerebral artery with contrast", "CT arteriography of cerebral artery with contrast", "CT arteriogram of cerebral artery with contrast", "脑动脉造影计算机断层扫描", "脑动脉增强 CT 造影", "脑动脉增强 CT 血管造影" ], "174734009": [ "Open dilation of pancreatic duct", "胰管扩张术" ], "172899005": [ "Lateral rhinotomy", "侧鼻切开术" ], "58211007": [ "Removal of electronic heart device battery", "取出电子心脏装置电池" ], "287587008": [ "Laser bladder lesion therapy", "Laser therapy of lesion of urinary bladder", "激光膀胱病变治疗", "膀胱病变的激光治疗" ], "385891009": [ "Mental health promotion", "促进心理健康" ], "121912002": [ "Hepatitis B virus DNA assay", "Hepatitis B virus deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "乙肝病毒脱氧核糖核酸检测", "乙肝病毒 DNA 检测" ], "252984006": [ "Breast photography", "乳房摄影" ], "171064008": [ "Mothercraft advice", "Mothercraft education", "母艺教育", "母性工艺建议" ], "621391000124107": [ "Referral to English as a second language program", "Referral to English as a second language programme", "推荐英语作为第二语言课程" ], "185613006": [ "Smear inflamed - 2nd recall", "Smear inflamed - Second recall", "涂片发炎 - 第二次召回" ], "234765006": [ "Take impression for mandibular resection prosthesis", "取下颌骨切除修复体的印模" ], "169229007": [ "Dating/booking US scan", "Booking scan", "Dating/booking ultrasound scan", "预订扫描", "约会/预约超声波扫描", "约会/预订美国扫描" ], "167394002": [ "Urine pregnanediol 24 hour assay", "尿液孕二醇 24 小时检测" ], "232930003": [ "Inspection of implanted truncal valve", "植入式主干瓣膜的检查" ], "265698006": [ "Avulsion of nail", "Removal of nail plate", "去除指甲板", "指甲脱落" ], "67255001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging without IV contrast followed by contrast and more sections", "Magnetic resonance imaging without intravenous contrast followed by contrast and more sections", "无需静脉注射造影剂的磁共振成像,随后进行造影剂和更多切片", "磁共振成像(无静脉注射造影剂)随后进行造影剂和更多切片" ], "394935005": [ "Combined postoperative chemotherapy and radiotherapy", "术后联合化疗和放疗" ], "231095005": [ "VEGA electroacupuncture therapy", "VEGA电针疗法" ], "50871007": [ "Intraluminal hysterolysis", "Division of endometrial synechiae", "Endometrial synechiotomy", "Lysis of uterine intraluminal adhesions", "Intrauterine adhesiolysis", "Freeing of adhesions of uterus", "Division of uterine synechiae", "Freeing of intrauterine adhesion", "腔内子宫松解术", "子宫内膜粘连切开术", "子宫内膜粘连分离术", "宫腔粘连松解术", "宫腔粘连解除", "子宫粘连分离术", "子宫腔内粘连松解术", "子宫粘连松解术" ], "83639008": [ "Decompression of orbit", "轨道减压" ], "737164000": [ "Parent education about sibling rivalry", "关于兄弟姐妹竞争的家长教育" ], "229260005": [ "Active back movements", "主动背部运动" ], "112737000": [ "Biopsy of radius AND ulna", "桡骨和尺骨活检" ], "178273001": [ "Drainage of muscle", "肌肉引流" ], "440417002": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of acetabulum", "髋臼骨折闭合复位" ], "180108008": [ "Osteotomy of ilium for correction of congenital deformity of hip", "髂骨截骨术矫正先天性髋关节畸形" ], "14433000": [ "Operative reduction of prolapse of anus", "肛门脱垂复位手术" ], "473185004": [ "Discussion about preexisting hypertension in pregnancy", "关于妊娠期高血压的讨论" ], "391265007": [ "Mental health residential care HRGs", "Mental health residential care healthcare resource groups", "精神健康住宅护理医疗保健资源团体", "精神健康住院护理 HRG" ], "307510004": [ "Oversewing of bleeding duodenal ulcer", "十二指肠溃疡出血缝合术" ], "715275000": [ "Insertion of bioabsorbable stent into bowel using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of bioabsorbable stent into bowel", "荧光透视引导下将生物可吸收支架插入肠道", "在荧光透视引导下将生物可吸收支架插入肠道" ], "10763001": [ "Therapeutic abortion by insertion of laminaria", "Therapeutic termination of pregnancy by insertion of laminaria", "插入海带进行流产治疗", "插入海带终止妊娠治疗法" ], "176438009": [ "Second stage bilateral orchidopexy", "第二阶段双侧睾丸固定术" ], "27147003": [ "Filipuncture of cerebral aneurysm", "脑动脉瘤穿刺术" ], "174603004": [ "Biopsy of lesion of ampulla of Vater using duodenal approach", "Transduodenal biopsy of lesion of ampulla of Vater", "十二指肠壶腹部病变的活检", "十二指肠入路对壶腹部病变进行活检" ], "1174027007": [ "Endoscopy of lower gastrointestinal tract", "下消化道内镜检查" ], "238304002": [ "Destruction of lesion of peritoneum", "腹膜损伤破坏" ], "172768004": [ "Reconstruction of nose with local flap", "局部皮瓣重建鼻部" ], "41696007": [ "Serologic test for Coccidioides", "Coccidioides antibody assay", "球孢子菌抗体检测", "球孢子菌血清学检测" ], "1186741000": [ "Intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control and an assured constant airway pressure high adjunct and pressure-support at the higher pressure level only", "间歇性指令通气,压力控制和确保恒定气道压力,仅在较高压力水平提供高辅助和压力支持" ], "271072009": [ "Urine cocaine measurement", "Cocaine measurement, urine", "可卡因测量,尿液", "尿液可卡因测量" ], "385760007": [ "Community special services education", "Teach community special services", "教授社区特殊服务", "社区特殊服务教育" ], "287456008": [ "Dental cyst excision", "牙囊肿切除" ], "105397004": [ "Routine visit of patient by chaplain", "牧师例行探访病人" ], "121781007": [ "Fetal fibronectin measurement", "胎儿纤维连接蛋白测量" ], "252853008": [ "Stereotests", "Stereotest", "立体测试" ], "169098001": [ "Specific blood vessel imaging", "特异性血管成像" ], "56245008": [ "Specimen preparation", "标本制备" ], "119946003": [ "Thyroid gland reconstruction", "甲状腺重建" ], "431242004": [ "Fluoroscopic intravenous DSA (digital subtraction angiography) of aorta and subclavian artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic intravenous digital subtraction angiography of aorta and subclavian artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic intravenous digital subtraction arteriography of aorta and subclavian artery with contrast", "主动脉和锁骨下动脉荧光静脉造影 (DSA)", "主动脉及锁骨下动脉荧光静脉数字减影造影", "主动脉及锁骨下动脉荧光静脉数字减影血管造影" ], "265567000": [ "Rigid cystoscopy and cystodiathermy", "硬质膀胱镜检查和膀胱电灼疗法" ], "118111000": [ "Spotted fever group rickettsiae ribonucleic acid (RNA) assay", "Spotted fever group rickettsiae ribonucleic acid assay", "斑点热群立克次体核糖核酸测定", "斑点热群立克次体核糖核酸 (RNA) 检测" ], "281951001": [ "Removal of external fixation", "拆除外固定" ], "445791004": [ "Assessment using patient rated wrist evaluation scale", "使用患者评定腕关节评估量表进行评估" ], "232799008": [ "Excision of lesion from tricuspid leaflet", "Excision of fibrous thickening from tricuspid leaflet", "Excision of nodule from tricuspid leaflet", "三尖瓣结节切除术", "切除三尖瓣纤维增厚", "切除三尖瓣病变" ], "413023009": [ "Dialysis fluid sodium measurement", "Dialysis fluid sodium level", "透析液钠含量", "透析液钠测量" ], "722484006": [ "Hemodynamic care", "Haemodynamic care", "血流动力学护理", "血液动力学护理" ], "230964007": [ "Implantation of neurostimulator into cranial nerve ganglion", "脑神经节植入神经刺激器" ], "229129002": [ "Whistling exercises", "吹口哨练习" ], "720649006": [ "Introduction of urinary catheter", "导尿管简介" ], "16137007": [ "Removal of tube from retroperitoneum", "Removal of retroperitoneal drainage device", "从腹膜后拔除管子", "移除腹膜后引流装置" ], "128990000": [ "Incision and drainage of neck", "颈部切开引流" ], "702430003": [ "Computed tomography angiography of head and neck with contrast", "CT angiography of head and neck with contrast", "头部和颈部增强 CT 血管造影", "头部及颈部增强 CT 血管造影" ], "391134009": [ "Mental health crisis resolution - 24 hour intensive", "心理健康危机解决 - 24 小时密集" ], "28851001": [ "Esophagojejunoplasty", "Oesophagojejunoplasty", "食管空肠成形术" ], "16558481000119100": [ "CT guided percutaneous cryoablation of lesion of liver", "Percutaneous cryoablation of lesion of liver using computed tomography guidance", "经皮肝损伤冷冻消融术(CT 引导)", "CT引导下经皮肝穿刺冷冻消融术" ], "413841000119101": [ "DEXA of hip and spine", "DXA of hip and spine", "Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of hip and spine", "髋部和脊柱的 DXA", "髋部和脊柱的 DEXA", "髋部和脊柱的双能 X 射线吸收测定法" ], "12467006": [ "Removal of gallstones from intestine", "清除肠道胆结石" ], "176307007": [ "Ultrasound ablation of prostate", "前列腺超声消融术" ], "1290419005": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of pelvis", "骨盆软组织普通 X 光检查" ], "59784001": [ "Digestive tract service or procedure", "消化道服务或手术" ], "307379009": [ "Referral to child assessment service", "转介儿童体能评估服务" ], "16548241000119107": [ "Radioisotope scan of whole body using octreotide for localization of neoplasm", "Radionuclide scan of whole body using octreotide for localization of neoplasm", "Radionuclide scan of whole body using octreotide for localisation of neoplasm", "Radioisotope scan of whole body using octreotide for localisation of neoplasm", "奥曲肽全身放射性核素扫描定位肿瘤", "奥曲肽全身放射性同位素扫描用于肿瘤定位", "使用奥曲肽进行全身放射性核素扫描以定位肿瘤", "使用奥曲肽进行全身放射性同位素扫描以定位肿瘤" ], "16383121000119106": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of brain and neck without contrast", "MR angiography of brain and neck without contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiogram of brain and neck without contrast", "脑部及颈部无造影磁共振血管造影", "脑部和颈部无造影磁共振血管造影", "脑部及颈部磁共振血管造影(无造影剂)" ], "16292241000119109": [ "Haemophilus influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide polyribosylribitol phosphate conjugated to Clostridium tetani toxoid booster immunisation", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Haemophilus influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide polyribosylribitol phosphate conjugated to Clostridium tetani toxoid protein", "Administration of booster dose of Haemophilus influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide polyribosylribitol phosphate conjugated to Clostridium tetani toxoid vaccine", "Haemophilus influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide polyribosylribitol phosphate conjugated to Clostridium tetani toxoid booster vaccination", "Haemophilus influenzae type b capsular polysaccharide polyribosylribitol phosphate conjugated to Clostridium tetani toxoid booster immunization", "乙型流感嗜血杆菌荚膜多糖多聚核糖醇磷酸酯与破伤风梭菌类毒素结合加强疫苗", "注射加强剂量的乙型流感嗜血杆菌荚膜多糖多聚核糖基核糖醇磷酸酯结合破伤风梭菌类毒素疫苗", "注射仅含有与破伤风梭菌类毒素蛋白结合的b型流感嗜血杆菌荚膜多糖多核糖基核糖醇磷酸酯的疫苗产品的加强剂量", "乙型流感嗜血杆菌荚膜多糖多聚核糖基核糖醇磷酸盐与破伤风梭菌类毒素结合加强免疫" ], "174472003": [ "Percutaneous drainage of liver", "经皮肝穿刺引流" ], "1255816004": [ "Imaging guided removal of foreign body from pelvic cavity", "Removal of foreign body from pelvic cavity using imaging guidance", "影像引导下盆腔异物取出" ], "572561000119108": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only acellular Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Hepatitis B virus and inactivated whole Human poliovirus antigens", "Administration of diphtheria and hepatitis B and acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Diphtheria and hepatitis B and acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Diphtheria and hepatitis B and acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Diphtheria and hepatitis B and acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "白喉、乙肝、无细胞百日咳、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫", "白喉、乙肝、无细胞百日咳、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "注射仅含有无细胞百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌、乙型肝炎病毒和灭活的全人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "接种白喉、乙肝、无细胞百日咳、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗" ], "76168009": [ "Group psychotherapy", "Group therapy", "团体治疗", "团体心理治疗" ], "238173004": [ "Femoral herniorrhaphy using synthetic patch", "使用合成补片进行股疝修补术" ], "172637008": [ "Drainage of external auditory canal", "外耳道引流" ], "105266001": [ "Norfenefrine measurement", "去甲苯福林测量" ], "252722002": [ "EEG with overbreathing", "Electroencephalogram with overbreathing", "过度呼吸时的脑电图", "过度呼吸时脑电图" ], "301874004": [ "Taking vaginal swab", "取阴道拭子" ], "121650005": [ "Phenylethylmalonate measurement", "苯乙基丙二酸酯测量" ], "119815001": [ "Artery of extremity reconstruction", "肢体动脉重建" ], "432946009": [ "Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of artery of lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of artery of lower limb with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮下肢动脉机械血栓切除术", "透视引导下经皮下肢动脉造影机械血栓切除术" ], "709639005": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of portal vein", "Doppler ultrasound scan of portal vein", "Doppler ultrasound of portal vein", "门静脉多普勒超声检查", "门静脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "54279006": [ "Osteoplasty of cranium with bone graft", "Repair of skull with graft of bone", "Repair of cranium with bone graft", "Grafting of bone of skull", "Grafting of pericranial bone", "Bone graft to skull", "Grafting of bone to cranium", "Graft of bone to cranium", "Cranioplasty using bone graft", "颅骨移植", "骨移植修复颅骨", "骨移植颅骨成形术", "颅骨成形术及骨移植" ], "447495006": [ "Laparoscopic lysis of periureteral adhesions by retroperitoneal approach", "Retroperitoneoscopic lysis of periureteral adhesions", "腹腔镜输尿管周围粘连松解术", "腹腔镜下经腹膜后入路输尿管周围粘连松解术" ], "412892000": [ "Lipid fractionation measurement", "Lipid fractionation", "脂质分馏", "脂质分馏测量" ], "314588001": [ "Needle aspiration of extraperitoneal abscess", "腹膜外脓肿针吸" ], "300039007": [ "Osteomyelitis drainage", "骨髓炎引流" ], "707804004": [ "Thermography of whole body", "全身热成像" ], "232668004": [ "Tongue traction", "舌头牵引" ], "19676008": [ "Incision and removal of orthopedic device", "Incision and removal of orthopaedic device", "骨科器械的切开和移除" ], "281820009": [ "Excision arthroplasty of elbow joint", "Excision arthroplasty of joint of elbow", "肘关节切除置换术" ], "116145001": [ "Radical vaginectomy", "根治性阴道切除术" ], "183516009": [ "Referral to general medical service", "General medical referral", "一般医疗转诊", "转介至普通医疗服务" ], "117980009": [ "Cache valley virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Cache valley virus antibody", "卡什谷病毒抗体检测", "Cache Valley 病毒抗体测定" ], "1457004": [ "Truncal vagotomy with pyloroplasty and gastrostomy", "迷走神经干切断术联合幽门成形术和胃造口术" ], "230833009": [ "Repair of cranial cerebrospinal fluid fistula", "颅脑脑脊液瘘的修补" ], "704134002": [ "Epistaxis care management", "鼻出血护理管理" ], "261766001": [ "Construction of divided colostomy", "Divided colostomy", "分隔式结肠造口术", "结肠造口术" ], "718683004": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of banding of pulmonary artery with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of banding of pulmonary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮肺动脉束带成形术", "荧光透视引导下经皮肺动脉造影血管成形术" ], "18071000202109": [ "Giving encouragement to wash self", "鼓励自己洗净自己" ], "11671000202108": [ "Assessment of visual aid use", "视觉辅助工具使用评估" ], "30555006": [ "Selective introduction of catheter in coronary artery", "选择性插入冠状动脉导管" ], "79707009": [ "Conjunctivorhinostomy with insertion of stent", "Conjunctivorhinostomy with insertion of tube", "Conjunctivodacryocystostomy with insertion of tube", "Conjunctivodacryocystostomy with insertion of stent", "Stallard operation with insertion of tube or stent", "Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy with insertion of tube or stent", "Conjunctivodacryocystorhinostomy", "结膜鼻腔造口术及支架插入术", "结膜泪囊造口术及插管", "结膜泪囊鼻腔造口术", "插入管或支架的常规手术", "结膜泪囊造口术及支架置入术", "结膜泪囊鼻腔造口术及置管或支架", "结膜鼻腔造口术及插管" ], "61488002": [ "Physical medicine initial examination for orthotic program", "Office visit, orthotic check-out", "Physical medicine initial examination for orthotic programme", "矫形计划的物理医学初步检查", "门诊就诊,矫正检查" ], "241712003": [ "Sedation with analgesic adjunct", "镇静与止痛辅助" ], "438320005": [ "Angiography using mobile image intensifier", "使用移动影像增强器进行血管造影" ], "305413000": [ "Admission to dental surgery department", "牙科手术科入院" ], "307248008": [ "Incision and drainage of buttock abscess", "臀部脓肿切开引流" ], "274480009": [ "Removal of cast", "Cast removal", "拆除石膏" ], "700464008": [ "Assessment of psychotic and behavioural symptoms of dementia", "Assessment of psychotic and behavioral symptoms of dementia", "痴呆症的精神病和行为症状的评估" ], "225328009": [ "Pre-screening counselling", "Pre-screening counseling", "预筛选咨询", "预筛查咨询" ], "223493006": [ "Recording observations", "Documenting observations", "Charting observations", "绘制观察结果", "记录观察结果" ], "698629008": [ "Education about sleep position", "Teaching about sleep position", "睡眠姿势教育", "教导睡眠姿势" ], "236207001": [ "Revision of ureterosigmoidostomy", "输尿管乙状结肠吻合术修复" ], "1268399001": [ "Cystogastrostomy of pancreas and insertion of stent using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasound guided cystogastrostomy of pancreas and insertion of stent", "EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) guided cystogastrostomy of pancreas and insertion of stent", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided cystogastrostomy of pancreas and insertion of stent", "EUS(内镜超声)引导下胰腺囊胃造口术及支架置入", "内镜超声引导下胰腺囊胃造口术及支架置入术" ], "121519002": [ "Demeclocycline measurement", "去甲金霉素测量" ], "105135004": [ "Clonidine measurement", "可乐定测量" ], "252591002": [ "Cooperative hearing test", "合作听力测试" ], "432815006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of chest with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of chest with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of thorax with contrast", "MRI of chest with contrast", "胸部增强磁共振成像(MRI)", "胸部磁共振成像(MRI)对比", "胸部磁共振成像对比", "胸部增强 MRI" ], "449199004": [ "Manual inline stabilization of cervical spine", "Manual inline stabilisation of cervical spine", "颈椎手动直线固定" ], "70532001": [ "Operation on toenail", "脚趾甲手术" ], "54148001": [ "Manipulation of parathyroid gland", "甲状旁腺的操作" ], "709508003": [ "Assessment of respiratory status using monitoring device", "使用监测设备评估呼吸状况" ], "250756003": [ "Uroporphyrin I/uroporphyrin III fraction measurement", "Uroporphyrin I/uroporphyrin III fraction", "尿卟啉 I/尿卟啉 III 分数测量", "尿卟啉 I/尿卟啉 III 组分" ], "168836005": [ "Barium enema", "BA - Barium enema", "BE - Barium enema", "Radiologic examination of colon with barium", "BE-钡灌肠", "BA-钡灌肠", "结肠钡剂放射检查", "钡灌肠" ], "119684006": [ "Foot incision", "足部切口" ], "117849000": [ "Papilloma virus 51 antigen assay", "Papillomavirus 51 antigen assay", "乳头瘤病毒 51 抗原检测" ], "183385001": [ "Functional psychotherapy", "功能性心理治疗" ], "68697002": [ "UV-VIS spectrophotometric measurement", "Ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometric measurement", "紫外可见分光光度测量" ], "150617003": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of lower limb", "下肢骨折闭合复位" ], "232537006": [ "Dohlman's procedure", "Diathermy of pharyngeal pouch", "Dohlman 手术", "咽囊透热疗法" ], "265305009": [ "Exenteration of mastoid disease", "Exenteration of mastoid air cells", "乳突摘除术", "乳突气房摘除术" ], "412761009": [ "Urine screen for chlamydia", "尿液衣原体筛查" ], "116014002": [ "Excisional biopsy of bone", "骨切除活检" ], "1230126004": [ "Dressing whole body of subject", "Dressing full body of subject", "Performing dressing activity for full body of subject", "为对象穿全身衣服", "为受试者进行全身穿衣活动", "为受试者穿全身衣服" ], "312622009": [ "Provision of special class unit - mainstream school", "提供特殊班级单位-主流学校" ], "441859002": [ "Revision of one component of total prosthetic replacement of elbow joint using cement", "人工肘关节置换术中应用骨水泥固定术" ], "409091002": [ "24 hour urine measurement", "24小时尿液测量" ], "1179139004": [ "Exostectomy of metatarsal bone", "Excision of exostosis of metatarsal bone", "跖骨外骨切除术", "跖骨外生骨疣切除术" ], "736771008": [ "Pediatric surgery care", "Paediatric surgery care", "小儿外科护理" ], "276184008": [ "Repair of palate", "腭部修复" ], "390872009": [ "Change in asthma management plan", "哮喘管理计划的改变" ], "176045001": [ "Tapering of ureter", "输尿管变细" ], "274349003": [ "Surgical biopsy of esophagus", "Surgical biopsy of oesophagus", "食管手术活检" ], "241581003": [ "CT of sacral spine", "Computed tomography of sacral spine", "骶椎 CT", "骶椎计算机断层扫描" ], "405421005": [ "Revision of disarticulation of hip", "髋关节离断术修复" ], "174210000": [ "Endoscopic cryotherapy to lesion of sigmoid colon using rigid sigmoidoscope", "硬式乙状结肠镜内镜冷冻治疗乙状结肠病变" ], "305282003": [ "Admission by rheumatologist", "风湿病专家入院" ], "370818008": [ "Identification of expectations of home care", "Identifies expectations of home care", "确定家庭护理的期望", "确定家庭护理期望" ], "57687005": [ "Insertion of suppository into vagina", "将栓剂插入阴道" ], "713047006": [ "Endoscopic insertion of duodenal stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided endoscopic insertion of duodenal stent", "荧光透视引导内镜十二指肠支架置入术", "透视引导下经内镜插入十二指肠支架" ], "418135007": [ "Fluoroscopic cystography", "荧光膀胱造影" ], "23084000": [ "Revision of exenteration of cavity of orbit", "眶腔剜除术修正术" ], "432684001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of celiac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of coeliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of coeliac artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of celiac artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内动脉造影成形术", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内造影腹腔动脉血管成形术", "经皮腔内血管成形术在荧光造影引导下进行腹腔动脉" ], "449068003": [ "Embolisation of iliac artery using coil", "Embolization of iliac artery using coil", "髂动脉栓塞术", "使用线圈栓塞髂动脉" ], "121388004": [ "n-Butyl acetate measurement", "乙酸正丁酯测量" ], "252460005": [ "Pulse volume recorder plethysmography", "脉搏容积记录仪体积描记法" ], "105004007": [ "Trypsinogen I, free measurement", "胰蛋白酶原 I,自由测量" ], "414465003": [ "Immunochemiluminometric assay", "ICMA - immunochemiluminometric assay", "ICMA-- 免疫化学发光测定法", "免疫化学发光测定法" ], "54017006": [ "Division of uterosacral ligament", "Detachment of uterosacral ligament", "子宫骶韧带分离", "子宫骶韧带脱离" ], "281558001": [ "Drainage of middle ear", "中耳引流" ], "609238007": [ "Percutaneous endopyelotomy", "经皮肾盂切开术" ], "183254008": [ "Loan of equipment", "Loan of appliance", "设备借用", "电器借用" ], "412630009": [ "Fungal mix specific IgE antibody measurement", "Fungal mix specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "真菌混合物特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "真菌混合物特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "771243006": [ "Inspection of external auditory canal using microscope", "Microscopy of external auditory canal", "外耳道显微镜检查", "显微镜检查外耳道" ], "443563007": [ "Three dimensional rotational fluoroscopic angiography with contrast", "增强三维旋转荧光血管造影" ], "408960001": [ "Reproductive care management", "Manage reproductive care", "生殖保健管理", "管理生殖保健" ], "359808006": [ "Antibody to tissue specific organ measurement", "组织特异性器官抗体测量" ], "439893002": [ "Division and displacement of bone", "Displacement osteotomy", "移位截骨术", "骨的分离和移位" ], "423509003": [ "Medication coordination/ordering education, guidance, counseling", "Medication coordination/ordering education, guidance, counselling", "Medication coordination/ordering teaching, guidance, counseling", "Medication coordination/ordering teaching, guidance, counselling", "药物协调/订购教育、指导、咨询", "药物协调/订购教学、指导、咨询" ], "734805007": [ "Provision of written information about financial support", "提供有关财政支持的书面信息" ], "732970000": [ "Controlled ovarian stimulation", "COS - Controlled ovarian stimulation", "控制卵巢刺激", "COS-控制性卵巢刺激" ], "306986001": [ "Take impression for neutral zone", "采取中立区印象" ], "405290002": [ "Excision of vascular haematoma", "Excision of vascular hematoma", "血管血肿切除" ], "63061008": [ "Measuring intake and output", "Ingesta et excreta", "I and O measurement", "Intake and output", "摄入和排泄", "测量摄入量和排出量", "摄入量和排出量", "输入和输出测量" ], "225066003": [ "Removal of intravenous cannula", "拔除静脉插管" ], "241450005": [ "Midliner US scan", "Midliner ultrasound scan", "中线超声扫描", "中线美国扫描" ], "12074006": [ "Ligation of gastric varices", "Ligation of varicose veins of stomach", "胃静脉曲张结扎术" ], "257834006": [ "Internal fixation using screw", "螺钉内固定" ], "43007001": [ "Operation on bone marrow", "Bone marrow operations", "骨髓手术" ], "75775006": [ "Open reduction of closed acromioclavicular dislocation, chronic, with fascial graft", "慢性闭合性肩锁关节脱位切开复位联合筋膜移植" ], "73940000": [ "Arthrotomy for infection with removal of foreign body of metacarpophalangeal joint", "关节切开术治疗感染及取出掌指关节异物" ], "239615009": [ "Application of additional component to external fixator frame", "外固定架附加部件的应用" ], "10239008": [ "Rheumatoid factor, quantitative", "类风湿因子,定量" ], "24788003": [ "Biopsy of thyroid", "Biopsy of thyroid gland", "甲状腺活检" ], "8404006": [ "Chemotaxis assay", "趋化性试验" ], "172244008": [ "Medial tarsorrhaphy", "内侧睑板缝合术" ], "450772009": [ "Application of cosmetic camouflage", "化妆品伪装的应用" ], "121257001": [ "Platelet mean diameter determination", "血小板平均直径测定" ], "711081005": [ "Negotiation of date for cessation of smoking", "谈判禁烟日期" ], "104873006": [ "Phosphofructokinase measurement", "磷酸果糖激酶测量" ], "448937006": [ "Lengthening of bone of extremity", "四肢骨延长" ], "22953008": [ "Repair of heart", "心脏修复" ], "21118000": [ "Destructive procedure on pancreas", "胰腺破坏性手术" ], "252329009": [ "Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis", "脉冲场凝胶电泳" ], "840318003": [ "Assessment using mRS", "Assessment using Modified Rankin Scale", "使用 mRS 进行评估", "使用改良 Rankin 量表进行评估" ], "86654005": [ "Fenestration of stapes footplate with incus replacement", "镫骨足板开窗术及砧骨置换术" ], "4734007": [ "Irrigation of wound catheter of integument", "伤口外皮导管冲洗" ], "609107001": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from small intestine without incision", "无需切开小肠取出腔内异物" ], "183123004": [ "Provide head worn hearing aid", "提供头戴式助听器" ], "52051006": [ "Operative procedure on wrist and hand", "腕部及手部手术程序" ], "50216001": [ "Replacement of mitral valve with tissue graft", "Tissue mitral valve replacement", "Biological mitral valve replacement", "Bioprosthetic mitral valve replacement", "生物瓣膜置换术", "组织二尖瓣置换术", "生物二尖瓣置换术", "用组织移植物置换二尖瓣" ], "445267009": [ "Assistance with use of bidet", "协助使用坐浴盆" ], "1295400002": [ "Postmortem plain X-ray of skeletal system", "Postmortem plain X-ray of skeleton", "尸检骨骼系统 X 光检查", "尸检骨骼 X 光检查" ], "771112006": [ "Injection of both facet joints of thoracic spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "Injection of bilateral facet joints of thoracic spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "Injection of left and right facet joint of thoracic spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided injection of bilateral facet joints of thoracic spine", "透视引导下胸椎双侧小关节注射", "荧光透视引导下胸椎左右小关节注射", "使用荧光透视引导对胸椎两侧小关节进行注射" ], "392445000": [ "e73 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rat epithelium specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rat epithelium specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "e73 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "大鼠上皮特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "大鼠上皮特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "359677000": [ "Celiac ganglia procedure", "Coeliac ganglia procedure", "Procedure on coeliac ganglia", "Procedure on celiac ganglia", "腹腔神经节手术" ], "228605002": [ "Provision of arm sling", "提供吊带" ], "15613003": [ "Ischemic forearm exercise test", "Ischaemic forearm exercise test", "缺血前臂运动试验" ], "441597006": [ "Insertion of depth electroencephalogram electrode into brain for electroencephalography", "Placement of depth electrode into brain for electroencephalography", "将深部电极置入大脑进行脑电图检查", "将深部脑电图电极插入脑内进行脑电图检查" ], "275922000": [ "Administration of prophylactic vitamin and iron during pregnancy", "Administration of prophylactic vitamin and iron in pregnancy", "妊娠期预防性补充维生素和铁", "妊娠期间预防性补充维生素和铁" ], "718290002": [ "Ultrasonography of liver for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma", "Ultrasound scan of liver for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma", "Ultrasound of liver for early detection of HCC (hepatocellular carcinoma)", "肝脏超声波扫描可早期发现肝细胞癌", "肝脏超声检查可早期发现肝细胞癌 (HCC)", "肝脏超声检查可早期发现肝细胞癌" ], "46546003": [ "Functional endoscopic sinus surgery, limited", "FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) limited", "功能性内镜鼻窦手术,有限", "FESS(功能性内窥镜鼻窦手术)有限" ], "1144274004": [ "Fitting of interim partial upper denture", "临时上颌部分假牙安装" ], "243154003": [ "High frequency jet ventilation", "HFJV - high frequency jet ventilation", "HFJV-高频喷射通气", "高频喷射通气" ], "439762005": [ "Taking an impression for creation of custom nasal prosthesis", "取模制作定制鼻假体" ], "177618005": [ "Introduction of destructive substance into subcutaneous tissue", "将破坏性物质引入皮下组织" ], "388775000": [ "f93 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cacao specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cocoa specific IgE antibody measurement", "Theobroma cacao specific IgE antibody measurement", "Theobroma cacao specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "可可特异性IgE抗体测量", "可可树特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f93 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "可可树特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "30162009": [ "Destructive procedure of pericardium", "心包破坏性手术" ], "700071009": [ "Insertion of anal seton", "肛门挂线插入" ], "59260005": [ "Antibody to SS-A measurement", "Anti-SS-A antibody measurement", "抗SS-A抗体测量", "SS-A 抗体测量" ], "173948006": [ "Ileectomy and anastomosis of duodenum to ileum", "回肠切除及十二指肠回肠吻合术" ], "239484008": [ "Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb", "拇指掌指关节半关节假体置换术" ], "450641002": [ "Open removal of clip from fallopian tube", "开放式取出输卵管夹" ], "57425007": [ "Leukocyte poor blood preparation, invert-spin", "Leucocyte poor blood preparation, invert-spin", "白细胞缺乏的血液制备,反转旋转" ], "73809008": [ "Open reduction of open clavicular fracture", "开放性锁骨骨折切开复位" ], "104742003": [ "Hydroxylysine measurement", "羟赖氨酸测量" ], "22822005": [ "Secondary closure of amputation stump", "截肢残端二期闭合" ], "448806005": [ "Suturing of laceration of anus", "肛门裂伤缝合" ], "710950005": [ "Advancing mobility", "Progressive mobility", "提高移动性", "进步的流动性" ], "250363000": [ "Anti factor Xa measurement", "Anti factor Xa level", "抗Xa因子测量", "抗Xa因子水平" ], "6438007": [ "Exploration of ciliary body", "睫状体探查" ], "432422008": [ "Ablation of cyst of kidney using ultrasound guidance", "Ablation of cyst of kidney using ultrasound (US) guidance", "使用超声引导消融肾囊肿", "超声引导下肾囊肿消融术" ], "266747000": [ "Referral to private doctor", "转介私家医生" ], "709115004": [ "Transplantation of autologous haematopoietic stem cell", "Transplantation of autologous hematopoietic stem cell", "自体造血干细胞移植" ], "397819007": [ "Application of surgical drapes", "Sterile draping", "手术单的应用", "无菌铺单" ], "446971008": [ "Assessment using mini-mental state examination", "使用简易精神状态检查进行评估" ], "84688002": [ "Placing cribguard", "放置婴儿床防护装置" ], "707280004": [ "Revision anterior excision of body of cervical vertebra with reconstruction", "颈椎前路切除重建术" ], "314064009": [ "Giving encouragement to participate", "鼓励参与" ], "68304009": [ "Reconstruction of eyelid with graft", "Reconstruction of eyelid with flap", "眼睑瓣重建", "眼睑移植重建" ], "310394000": [ "Stapling of lung laceration", "肺裂伤缝合术" ], "164773008": [ "Sleep studies", "睡眠研究" ], "392314000": [ "Chenopodium album specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lamb's quarters specific IgE antibody measurement", "w10 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Goosefoot specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chenopodium album specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "w10 特异性IgE抗体测量", "藜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "藜特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "藜芦特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "359546006": [ "Exploration of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱探查" ], "46415000": [ "Periosteal suture of ulna", "Suture of periosteum of ulna", "尺骨骨膜缝合" ], "765476000": [ "Computed tomography of left kidney", "CT of left kidney", "左肾计算机断层扫描", "左肾CT" ], "11812001": [ "Reconstruction for recurrent dislocating patella with extensor realignment", "复发性髌骨脱位的伸肌复位重建" ], "77348002": [ "Repair of muscle of hand by graft or implant of tendon", "Repair of hand with graft or implant of tendon", "肌腱移植或植入修复手部", "通过肌腱移植或植入修复手部肌肉" ], "241188001": [ "Cavernosometry", "海绵体测压术" ], "406863008": [ "Fuchsin acid stain method", "Fuchsin acid stain", "酸性品红染色", "酸性品红染色法" ], "388644001": [ "Strawberry specific IgE antibody measurement", "Fragaria vesca specific IgE antibody measurement", "f44 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Fragaria vesca specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "草莓特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f44 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "草莓特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "306724008": [ "Referral by nurse practitioner", "Referral from nurse practitioner", "执业护士转介", "执业护士推荐" ], "1255161002": [ "Inframammary fold reconstruction", "Reconstruction of inframammary fold", "Reconstruction of inframammary skin crease", "乳房下皮肤皱褶重建", "乳房下皱襞重建" ], "1304313004": [ "Robotic radiotherapy", "Radiotherapy with robotic radiation delivery system", "External beam radiation therapy with robotic radiation delivery system", "利用机器人放射输送系统进行放射治疗", "采用机器人放射输送系统的外部放射治疗", "机器人放射治疗" ], "1287929006": [ "Radionuclide imaging of liver using tauroselcholic acid (75-Se)", "使用牛磺胆酸 (75-Se) 对肝脏进行放射性核素显像" ], "239353007": [ "Removal of external electromagnetic bone stimulator", "移除外部电磁骨刺激器" ], "304889007": [ "Exposure technique", "曝光技术" ], "75513009": [ "Recement bridge", "桥梁" ], "386809009": [ "Operation on foetus", "Operation on fetus", "Foetal operation", "Fetal operation", "Foetal surgery", "Fetal surgery", "胎儿手术" ], "8142006": [ "Weir operation for correction of nostrils", "Weir correction of nostril", "Correction of nostril", "Correction of nares", "鼻孔矫正", "Weir 鼻孔矫正术", "Weir 手术矫正鼻孔" ], "450510007": [ "Conversion to fusion of joint", "转为关节融合" ], "171982008": [ "Excision of thyroglossal duct", "Excision of thyroglossal tract", "甲状舌管切除术" ], "1220558008": [ "Endoscopic release of gastrocnemius tendon", "EGR - endoscopic gastrocnemius release", "Endoscopic gastrocnemius release", "EGR-- 内镜腓肠肌松解术", "内镜腓肠肌松解术", "内窥镜腓肠肌腱松解术" ], "6307005": [ "Keratophakia", "角膜镜片" ], "710819007": [ "Support for dignified dying", "支持有尊严的死亡" ], "725368002": [ "Repair of dissection of abdominal aorta", "腹主动脉夹层修补术" ], "53624002": [ "Endoscopic destruction of both fallopian tubes", "Endoscopic destruction of bilateral fallopian tubes", "内镜下破坏双侧输卵管", "内镜下双侧输卵管破坏术" ], "708984004": [ "Laparoscopic highly selective vagotomy", "腹腔镜高选择性迷走神经切断术" ], "313933000": [ "30 minute serum LH measurement", "30 minute serum LH level", "30 minute serum luteinizing hormone measurement", "30 minute serum luteinising hormone measurement", "30 分钟血清促黄体生成素测量", "30 分钟血清 LH 测量", "30 分钟血清促黄体激素测量", "30 分钟血清 LH 水平" ], "363085002": [ "Dilation of respiratory tract", "呼吸道扩张" ], "1231437004": [ "Empty can test", "Jobe test", "乔布试验", "空罐测试" ], "428621005": [ "Transluminal occlusion of left internal mammary artery side branch", "左乳内动脉侧支腔内阻断术" ], "445005007": [ "Injection of trigeminal nerve", "三叉神经注射" ], "117325008": [ "Prussian blue stain method", "Prussian blue stain", "Potassium ferrocyanide stain", "Potassium ferrocyanide stain method", "亚铁氰化钾染色", "亚铁氰化钾染色法", "普鲁士蓝染色法", "普鲁士蓝染色" ], "608845009": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from lymph node", "淋巴结标本显微镜检查" ], "443170004": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of brain perfusion", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和脑灌注计算机断层扫描" ], "410402005": [ "Nutrition surveillance", "营养监测" ], "33570008": [ "Excisional biopsy of ureter", "输尿管切除活检" ], "15351005": [ "Radiocalcium absorption study", "Calcium absorption measurement", "放射性钙吸收研究", "钙吸收测量" ], "308428001": [ "Hypertension screening call", "高血压筛查电话" ], "79052004": [ "Arthrotomy with exploration of metatarsophalangeal joint", "关节切开术及跖趾关节探查" ], "718028006": [ "Paratracheal lymph node sampling", "气管旁淋巴结取样" ], "699809000": [ "Apley grind test", "Apley test", "Apley 检验", "Apley研磨测试" ], "388513002": [ "Beta vulgaris (root) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Beetroot specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf319 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Beta vulgaris (root) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf319特异性IgE抗体测量", "甜菜(根)特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "甜菜根特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "甜菜(根)特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "241057003": [ "Mammogram coned", "乳房X光检查" ], "306593005": [ "Discharge from infectious diseases service", "传染病服务机构出院" ], "386678002": [ "Fusion of tarsal joints", "跗关节融合" ], "1287798003": [ "Angiography of artery of neck", "颈动脉造影" ], "239222007": [ "Exploration of ganglion", "神经节探索" ], "1156726008": [ "Implantation of intrathecal implantable infusion pump", "鞘内植入式输液泵" ], "108150009": [ "Anterior segment of eye endoscopy", "眼前节内窥镜检查" ], "24395005": [ "Check artificial pacemaker for waveform artefact", "Check artificial pacemaker for waveform artifact", "检查人工起搏器是否存在波形伪影" ], "237387005": [ "Partial excision of mastectomy scar", "乳房切除术疤痕部分切除" ], "1236811008": [ "Insertion of stent into frontal sinus", "Insertion of frontal sinus stent", "将支架插入额窦", "额窦支架置入术" ], "301088001": [ "Biopsy of pylorus", "幽门活检" ], "88096002": [ "Capsulectomy with extraction of lens", "囊膜切除术及晶状体摘除术" ], "38944003": [ "Biopsy of deep structures of penis", "阴茎深层结构活检" ], "104480003": [ "Alanine aminopeptidase measurement", "丙氨酸氨基肽酶测定" ], "235552005": [ "Percutaneous choledochoscopy via T-tube track", "经皮胆道镜检查(T 管通道)" ], "315637000": [ "Vulnerable family support", "脆弱的家庭支持" ], "448544009": [ "Attention to prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone", "Attention to prosthetic replacement of joint", "关节假体置换注意事项", "重视骨关节假体置换" ], "708853002": [ "Obliteration of vaginal vault", "阴道穹窿闭塞" ], "4341004": [ "Complete submucous resection of turbinate", "鼻甲完全粘膜下切除术" ], "397557004": [ "Corneal esthesiometry", "角膜感觉测量" ], "35274000": [ "Halo traction education", "Halo 牵引教育" ], "395722001": [ "Repair of atresia of pulmonary valve", "Repair of pulmonary valve atresia", "肺动脉瓣闭锁修复术", "肺动脉瓣闭锁的修复" ], "313802003": [ "Bee venom IgG level", "Bee venom IgG measurement", "Bee venom immunoglobulin G measurement", "蜂毒免疫球蛋白G测定", "蜜蜂毒液 IgG 测量", "蜜蜂毒液 IgG 水平" ], "444874004": [ "Assistance with drinking", "协助饮酒" ], "182730005": [ "Asthma control step 4", "哮喘控制步骤 4" ], "428490009": [ "Surgical procedure on cervical spine", "Operation on cervical spine", "颈椎手术" ], "671007": [ "Transplantation of testis", "睾丸移植" ], "15220000": [ "Laboratory test", "实验室检查" ], "443039009": [ "Transplantation of free osteocutaneous flap from great toe and web space using microvascular anastomosis", "吻合显微血管的拇趾趾蹼游离骨皮瓣移植" ], "1293172002": [ "Plain X-ray of placenta", "胎盘 X 光检查" ], "64372002": [ "Common hepatic-common iliac-renal vascular bypass", "肝总髂肾血管旁路手术" ], "162676008": [ "Brief general examination", "简短的一般检查" ], "408436009": [ "Advice to carer regarding child's immunisations", "Advice to carer regarding child's immunizations", "Recommendation to carer regarding child's immunisations", "Recommendation to caregiver regarding child's immunizations", "Advice to caregiver regarding child's immunizations", "Advice to caregiver regarding child's immunisations", "向照顾者提供有关儿童免疫接种的建议", "给照顾者关于儿童免疫接种的建议", "向护理人员提供有关儿童免疫接种的建议" ], "406601005": [ "Rabies prophylaxis, post exposure", "狂犬病暴露后预防" ], "11550000": [ "Incision of vas deferens", "Vasotomy", "输精管切开术" ], "13385008": [ "Mediate auscultation", "Auscultation with stethoscope", "用听诊器听诊", "中耳听诊" ], "716062003": [ "Assessment using Raven's Colored Progressive Matrices", "Assessment using Raven's Coloured Progressive Matrices", "Assessment using Raven's CPM (Colored Progressive Matrices)", "Assessment using Raven's CPM (Coloured Progressive Matrices)", "使用瑞文 CPM(彩色渐进矩阵)进行评估", "使用 Raven 的 CPM(彩色渐进矩阵)进行评估", "使用瑞文彩色渐进测验进行评估" ], "306462007": [ "Discharge by surgeon", "外科医生出院" ], "240926008": [ "Percutaneous embolectomy", "经皮栓塞切除术" ], "173555001": [ "Insertion of copper wire into cheek", "将铜线插入脸颊" ], "73416001": [ "Urine specimen collection, clean catch", "Collection of clean catch urine specimen", "尿液标本采集,清洁接取", "采集清洁尿液样本" ], "763379009": [ "Provision of chaperone", "提供陪护人员" ], "1269448002": [ "Amputation of bilateral arms through humerus", "Bilateral amputation of arms through humerus", "Amputation of both arms through humerus", "Bilateral above elbow amputation", "双侧肘上截肢", "双臂至肱骨截肢", "通过肱骨截肢双臂", "双侧上肢至肱骨截肢" ], "302792004": [ "Sperm count", "Sperm number", "Spermatozoa count", "精子数量", "精子计数" ], "401096005": [ "Sample analysis", "样本分析" ], "384712002": [ "Referral to oral surgery service", "转介至口腔外科服务" ], "710557004": [ "Assessment of self-efficacy", "自我效能评估" ], "38813006": [ "Excision of trochanteric pressure injury with skin flap reconstruction", "Excision of pressure injury of greater femoral trochanteric region with flap reconstruction using skin flap", "股骨大转子区压力性损伤切除及皮瓣修复", "股骨转子压伤切除术及皮瓣重建" ], "235421006": [ "Insertion of naso-oesophageal tube", "Insertion of naso-esophageal tube", "Insertion of nasoesophageal tube", "插入鼻食管" ], "432029008": [ "Cardioversion using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导进行心脏复律" ], "430194000": [ "Computed tomography of pelvis for radiotherapy planning", "CT of pelvis for radiotherapy planning", "骨盆计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "骨盆 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "104349009": [ "Complement C3a measurement", "补体 C3a 测量" ], "282738002": [ "Biopsy of lesion of epididymis", "附睾病变活检" ], "233586004": [ "Hemodiafiltration", "Haemodiafiltration", "血液透析滤过" ], "118898007": [ "Procedure on conjunctiva", "结膜手术" ], "231751005": [ "Exchange of intraocular lens", "Lens exchange", "人工晶状体置换", "镜头更换" ], "442908000": [ "Structural grafting of bone to spine using allograft", "使用同种异体骨进行脊柱结构移植" ], "229916001": [ "Oesophagostomy feeding", "Esophagostomy feeding", "食管造口术喂养" ], "82460002": [ "Incision of thyroid", "Thyrotomy", "Thyroidotomy", "Thyroid incision", "甲状腺切开术" ], "410140003": [ "Physician contact assessment", "Assess physician contact", "医生接触评估", "评估医生联系" ], "540006": [ "Antibody to single and double stranded DNA measurement", "Antibody to single and double stranded deoxyribonucleic acid measurement", "单链和双链脱氧核糖核酸抗体测量", "单链和双链 DNA 抗体测量" ], "279068008": [ "Invasive oximetry", "侵入式血氧测定" ], "13254001": [ "Abdominal hysterectomy with colpo-urethrocystopexy, Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz type", "腹部子宫切除术联合阴道尿道膀胱固定术,Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz 型" ], "78790009": [ "Exploration of auditory nerve", "听觉神经探查" ], "240795007": [ "Proctoscopy by transabdominal approach", "经腹直肠镜检查" ], "715931008": [ "Provision of specialist intensive care medical patient escort", "提供专科重症监护病房病人陪护" ], "306331009": [ "Referral to pediatric nurse", "Referral to paediatric nurse", "转诊至儿科护士" ], "386416002": [ "Role enhancement", "角色提升" ], "173424005": [ "Dissection tonsillectomy", "扁桃体切除术" ], "56901000": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into axillary nerve", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into axillary nerve", "腋神经注射麻醉剂" ], "122437000": [ "Kaolin-induced partial thromboplastin time", "高岭土诱导部分凝血活酶时间" ], "433733003": [ "Administration of second dose of measles and mumps and rubella and varicella virus vaccine", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Human alphaherpesvirus 3 and Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus antigens", "Second measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccination", "Second measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella immunization", "Second measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella immunisation", "第二次麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘免疫", "第二次麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘免疫接种", "接种第二剂麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘病毒疫苗", "注射第二剂仅含有人类疱疹病毒 3 型、麻疹病毒、腮腺炎病毒和风疹病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第二次麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘疫苗接种" ], "1269317006": [ "Radiotherapy to urinary bladder", "膀胱放射治疗" ], "118767000": [ "Procedure on parathyroid gland", "甲状旁腺手术" ], "430063002": [ "Transvaginal nuchal ultrasonography", "经阴道颈部超声检查" ], "446447006": [ "High ligation of hydrocele", "High ligation of hydrocoele", "鞘膜积液高位结扎术" ], "233455007": [ "Division of vein", "静脉分裂" ], "2244006": [ "Arthroscopy of wrist with internal fixation for instability", "腕关节镜内固定治疗不稳定" ], "231620007": [ "Levator palpebrae Z myotomy", "提睑肌 Z 切开术" ], "51396008": [ "Anastomosis of small intestine to rectal stump", "Hampton operation, anastomosis of small intestine to rectal stump", "Anastomosis of rectum to small intestine", "小肠与直肠残端吻合术", "直肠小肠吻合术", "汉普顿手术,小肠与直肠残端吻合术" ], "311705002": [ "Breathing phonatory exercises", "呼吸发声练习" ], "426393002": [ "Transrectal needle biopsy of seminal vesicle", "经直肠精囊针吸活检" ], "47726001": [ "Partial ischiectomy", "部分脑脊髓切除术" ], "178798001": [ "Biopsy of lumbar vertebra", "腰椎活检" ], "440942004": [ "Decrease temperature of infant incubator", "降低婴儿培养箱的温度" ], "408174009": [ "Serum C22 long chain fatty acid level", "Serum C22 long chain fatty acid measurement", "血清 C22 长链脂肪酸水平", "血清 C22 长链脂肪酸测量" ], "78659003": [ "Incision of artery of head and neck", "Angiotomy of artery of head and neck", "Arteriotomy of head and neck", "头部和颈部动脉切开术", "头颈部动脉切开术" ], "13123005": [ "Suture of laceration of chest wall", "Suture of chest wall", "胸壁缝合", "胸壁裂伤缝合" ], "29507009": [ "Transplantation of heart valve", "心脏瓣膜移植" ], "27672002": [ "Intraoperative transluminal angioplasty of renal artery", "肾动脉术中腔内血管成形术" ], "306200004": [ "Referral to trauma surgery service", "转诊至创伤外科服务" ], "76824005": [ "Repair of conjunctiva for late effect of trachoma", "沙眼远期影响的结膜修复" ], "60440009": [ "Arthroplasty of knee, femoral condyles with debridement and partial synovectomy", "膝关节置换术、股骨髁清创术及部分滑膜切除术" ], "1156333005": [ "Determination of subject's care preferences", "确定受试者的护理偏好" ], "304365008": [ "Augmentation of periarticular bone", "关节周围骨增强" ], "386285009": [ "Environmental management: community", "环境管理:社区" ], "1285570003": [ "Fitting of neonatal orthodontic plate", "新生儿矫正板安装" ], "122306004": [ "Varicella virus DNA assay", "Varicella virus deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "水痘病毒 DNA 检测", "水痘病毒脱氧核糖核酸检测" ], "171458006": [ "Stereotactic ablation of globus pallidus tissue", "苍白球组织立体定向消融" ], "56770007": [ "Anti DNase A test", "Measurement of deoxyribonuclease A antibody", "Anti-deoxyribonuclease A test", "抗脱氧核糖核酸酶A检测", "抗 DNase A 检测", "脱氧核糖核酸酶A抗体的测量" ], "236994008": [ "Placental delivery procedure", "Delivery of placenta", "胎盘分娩程序", "胎盘娩出" ], "431767002": [ "Ultrasonography of supraclavicular fossa", "Ultrasound of supraclavicular fossa", "Ultrasound scan of supraclavicular fossa", "锁骨上窝超声检查", "锁骨上窝超声扫描" ], "169623004": [ "Consultant unit booking", "顾问单位预订" ], "235159007": [ "Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy", "PEG - Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy", "Percutaneous endoscopic insertion of gastrostomy tube", "PEG-- 经皮内镜胃造口术", "经皮内镜胃造口管插入术", "经皮内镜胃造口术" ], "233324000": [ "Embolization of external carotid artery", "Embolisation of external carotid artery", "颈外动脉栓塞术", "颈外动脉栓塞" ], "429932001": [ "Biopsy of lung using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Biopsy of lung using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided biopsy of lung", "CT 引导下肺活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肺活检", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行肺活检" ], "773996000": [ "TAVI - transcatheter aortic valve implantation", "Transcatheter aortic valve implantation", "Transcatheter aortic valve replacement", "TAVR - transcatheter aortic valve replacement", "经导管主动脉瓣植入术", "TAVR-- 经导管主动脉瓣置换术", "TAVI-- 经导管主动脉瓣植入术", "经导管主动脉瓣置换术" ], "446316001": [ "Laparoscopic incision of ureter and removal of calculus", "Laparoscopic ureterolithotomy", "腹腔镜输尿管切开取石术" ], "87703009": [ "Sliding transfer training", "滑动转移训练" ], "20332003": [ "Lysis of adhesions of spinal nerve roots", "Neurolysis of spinal nerve roots", "脊神经根松解术", "脊神经根粘连松解术" ], "397164006": [ "Batch-Spittler-McFaddin amputation", "Batch-Spittler-McFaddin 截肢术" ], "118636005": [ "Expulsion", "开除" ], "104087007": [ "Red cells, volume transfused, determination", "Measurement of volume of red cells transfused", "测量输注红细胞的量", "红细胞输注量测定" ], "51265002": [ "Pharyngectomy", "Pharynx excision", "Excision of pharynx", "咽部切除", "咽部切除术", "咽切除术" ], "278806001": [ "Near distance prism cover test", "近距离棱镜遮盖测试" ], "311574004": [ "Speak more fluently regime", "说话更流利的制度" ], "16662008": [ "Stripping of carotid sinus", "颈动脉窦剥离术" ], "113131004": [ "Use of treadmill", "使用跑步机" ], "80363007": [ "Tease mount preparation", "挑逗坐骑准备" ], "176832001": [ "Dilation of cervix uteri and curettage of uterus for removal of mole", "宫颈扩张术及子宫刮除术以去除葡萄胎" ], "225984004": [ "Liaising with speech and language therapist", "与言语治疗师联络" ], "174997007": [ "Operations on the left ventricular outflow tract", "Repair of subaortic stenosis", "LVOTO - Operations for left ventricular outflow tract obstruction", "左心室流出道手术", "主动脉瓣下狭窄的修复", "LVOTO - 左心室流出道阻塞手术" ], "76693007": [ "Copper measurement, urine", "Urine copper", "Urine copper level", "尿铜", "尿液铜含量", "尿液铜测量" ], "306069009": [ "Referral by community-based dietitian", "Referral from community dietitian", "Referral from community-based dietitian", "Referral by community dietitian", "社区营养师推荐", "社区营养师转介" ], "371605008": [ "Deep breathing and coughing exercises", "Coughing and deep breathing", "深呼吸和咳嗽练习", "咳嗽和深呼吸" ], "287850007": [ "Bile duct to pancreas anastomosis", "胆管胰吻合术" ], "122175005": [ "Coccidioides immitis antigen assay", "粗球孢子菌抗原测定" ], "302399005": [ "Punch biopsy of skin lesion", "皮肤病变穿刺活检" ], "236863009": [ "Renewal of Hodge pessary in vagina", "Renewal of Hodge suppository in vagina", "霍奇栓剂阴道更新", "阴道内霍奇子宫托的更新" ], "448020002": [ "Creation of shunt from aorta to pulmonary artery using interposition tube prosthesis", "使用插入管假体建立从主动脉到肺动脉的分流" ], "726548004": [ "Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of lateral spine", "DEXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) of lateral spine", "脊柱侧位双能 X 射线吸收测量", "脊柱侧位双能 X 射线吸收仪 (DEXA)" ], "103956004": [ "Red cell antigen phenotyping, blood product unit", "红细胞抗原表型分析,血液制品单位" ], "710164006": [ "Embolization of abdominal vascular structure using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolisation of abdominal vascular structure with contrast", "Embolisation of abdominal vascular structure using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolization of abdominal vascular structure with contrast", "使用荧光造影剂引导进行腹部血管结构栓塞", "使用荧光造影剂引导对腹部血管结构进行栓塞", "荧光透视引导下腹部血管结构造影栓塞", "透视引导下腹部血管结构造影栓塞" ], "185876009": [ "Enteroplasty", "肠成形术" ], "446185002": [ "Forensic computed tomography", "法医计算机断层扫描" ], "315113001": [ "Dengue virus IgM level", "Dengue virus immunoglobulin M level", "登革热病毒 IgM 水平", "登革病毒免疫球蛋白 M 水平" ], "52969004": [ "Repair of vesicocutaneous fistula", "Closure of vesicocutaneous fistula", "膀胱皮肤瘘的修复", "膀胱皮肤瘘的闭合" ], "429801001": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) ventriculography at cardiac rest", "Single photon emission computed tomography ventriculography at cardiac rest", "心脏静息状态下的单光子发射计算机断层心室造影", "心脏静息状态下的单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT) 心室造影" ], "51134000": [ "Repair of hypogastric hernia", "下腹疝修补术" ], "233193009": [ "Pericardial shunt operation", "心包分流术" ], "116670002": [ "Injection into leg", "腿部注射" ], "231358001": [ "Topical local anesthetic to wound", "Topical local anaesthetic to wound", "Wound instillation of local anesthetic", "Wound instillation of local anaesthetic", "伤口滴注局部麻醉药", "伤口局部麻醉" ], "16531004": [ "Open tenotomy of extensor of toe", "趾伸肌腱开放切断术" ], "721043004": [ "Dual energy computed tomography of neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis", "DECT (dual energy computed tomography) of neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis", "颈部、胸部、腹部和骨盆的双能量计算机断层扫描", "颈部、胸部、腹部和骨盆的 DECT(双能量计算机断层扫描)" ], "721000087102": [ "Right fluoroscopic ureterography", "Fluoroscopic ureterography of right ureter", "右侧输尿管荧光镜输尿管造影", "右侧输尿管荧光透视造影" ], "426131005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal removal of foreign body from heart", "经皮心脏腔内异物取出术" ], "14801000087102": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of bilateral upper limbs", "Biopsy of bilateral upper extremities using ultrasonographic guidance", "Biopsy of bilateral upper limbs using ultrasonographic guidance", "Biopsy of left and right upper limbs using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of left and right upper limbs", "超声引导下双侧上肢活检", "超声引导下左、右上肢活检" ], "16081000087105": [ "Computed tomography angiography of bilateral upper limbs with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of left and right upper limb with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of both upper limbs with contrast", "CT angiography of bilateral upper extremities with contrast", "CT angiography of both upper limbs with contrast", "CT angiography of bilateral arms with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of bilateral upper extremities with contrast", "CT angiography of both arms with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of bilateral arms with contrast", "CT angiography of both upper extremities with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of both upper extremities with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of both arms with contrast", "CT angiography of bilateral upper limbs with contrast", "双侧上肢增强 CT 血管造影", "双臂进行增强 CT 血管造影", "左、右上肢增强 CT 血管造影", "双臂增强 CT 血管造影", "双上肢增强 CT 血管造影" ], "17361000087103": [ "CT of pelvis and left lower extremity", "Computed tomography of pelvis and left lower limb", "CT of pelvis and left lower limb", "Computed tomography of pelvis and left lower extremity", "骨盆及左下肢 CT", "骨盆和左下肢计算机断层扫描", "骨盆及左下肢CT" ], "178536003": [ "Revisional foraminotomy of cervical spine", "颈椎椎间孔切开术" ], "2001000087104": [ "CT of right upper extremity", "Computed tomography of right arm", "Computed tomography of right upper extremity", "Computed tomography of right upper limb", "CT of right arm", "CT of right upper limb", "右上肢ct", "右臂计算机断层扫描", "右上肢CT", "右上肢计算机断层扫描", "右臂CT" ], "50641000087104": [ "Recommendation to restart anticoagulant therapy", "建议重新开始抗凝治疗" ], "276840006": [ "Implantation of spinal drug delivery reservoir", "脊柱药物释放容器植入术" ], "78397009": [ "Reconstruction of eyelid with hair follicle graft", "Reconstruction of eyelid with graft or flap bearing hair follicles", "毛囊移植重建眼睑", "用带有毛囊的移植物或皮瓣重建眼睑" ], "699154001": [ "Open reduction of fracture of patella without internal fixation", "髌骨骨折切开复位不内固定" ], "29245009": [ "Simple cryosurgical destruction of lesion of penis", "Cryotherapy to lesion of penis", "阴茎损伤的单纯冷冻手术毁损术", "阴茎损伤冷冻治疗" ], "62013009": [ "Ambulating patient", "行走病人" ], "174866007": [ "Open enlargement of atrial septal defect", "ASD - Open enlargement of atrial septal defect", "房间隔缺损开放性扩大", "ASD - 房间隔缺损开放性扩大" ], "433340000": [ "Application of long arm splint", "长臂夹板的应用" ], "9191009": [ "Suture of tonsillar fossa", "扁桃体窝缝合" ], "122044003": [ "Mycoplasma gallisepticum antibody assay", "Measurement of Mycoplasma gallisepticum antibody", "鸡毒支原体抗体测定", "鸡毒支原体抗体检测" ], "1066291000000102": [ "Referral to foodbank", "Referral to food bank", "转介至食物银行" ], "5521000": [ "Open reduction of fracture of phalanges of foot", "足趾骨骨折切开复位术" ], "447889003": [ "Conversion from uncemented total replacement of joint", "非骨水泥全关节置换术" ], "120209003": [ "Transposition of tissue of perineum", "会阴组织移位" ], "103825006": [ "D-dimer assay, semi-quantitative", "D-二聚体测定,半定量" ], "185745006": [ "Obesity monitoring second letter", "肥胖监测第二封信" ], "169361008": [ "Radiotherapy: seeds into brain", "放射治疗:将种子植入大脑" ], "415121006": [ "Pneumocystis carinii antigen assay", "Pneumocystis jirovecii antigen assay", "Pneumocystis jirovecii antigen level", "卡氏肺孢子虫抗原检测", "耶氏肺孢子虫抗原检测", "耶氏肺孢子虫抗原水平" ], "52838002": [ "Destruction of lesion of rectum", "直肠病变毁损术" ], "3686003": [ "Zancolli operation for tendon transfer of biceps", "Zancolli 手术进行二头肌肌腱转移" ], "233062005": [ "Resection of right ventricular endocardium", "Right ventricular endocardectomy", "右心室心内膜切除术" ], "183910005": [ "Private referral to diabetologist", "糖尿病专科医生的私人转诊" ], "85606007": [ "Radionuclide cardiac ventriculography", "RNV - Radionuclide ventriculography", "Radionuclide ventriculography", "放射性核素心室造影", "RNV-- 放射性核素心室造影" ], "395067002": [ "Optimisation of drug dosage", "Optimization of drug dosage", "优化药物剂量" ], "18235003": [ "Incision and drainage of infected bursa of elbow area", "肘部感染滑囊切开引流术" ], "231227004": [ "Local anesthetic anterior superior alveolar nerve block", "Local anaesthetic anterior superior alveolar nerve block", "Anterior superior alveolar nerve block", "前上齿槽神经阻滞", "局部麻醉前上齿槽神经阻滞" ], "427835007": [ "Liaising with police regarding subject's welfare", "与警方联络,商讨对象的福利" ], "739131008": [ "Total excision of left sublingual gland", "Total left sublingual sialoadenectomy", "Complete left sublingual sialoadenectomy", "左舌下腺全切除", "左舌下涎腺全切除术", "左侧舌下涎腺完全切除术" ], "180240004": [ "Intramuscular calcitonin therapy", "肌肉注射降钙素治疗" ], "229392008": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the intertarsal joints", "Accessory mobilization of the intertarsal joints", "跗骨间关节的辅助活动" ], "129253000": [ "Procedure on lymphoid organ", "淋巴器官手术" ], "440549000": [ "Insertion of peripancreatic drain with jejunostomy", "空肠造口术置入胰周引流管" ], "16400008": [ "Heterophile antibody measurement", "异嗜性抗体测量" ], "391397005": [ "Plasma ascorbic acid level", "血浆抗坏血酸水平" ], "473317007": [ "Assessment using ages and stages questionnaires third edition communication subscale", "使用年龄和阶段问卷第三版沟通分量表进行评估" ], "29114001": [ "Incision and drainage of cranial sinus", "颅窦切开引流" ], "307642002": [ "Anastomosis of ascending to sigmoid colon", "升结肠至乙状结肠吻合术" ], "174735005": [ "Repair of pancreatic duct", "胰管修复" ], "387727008": [ "Intermittent positive pressure breathing treatment", "Intermittent positive pressure breathing therapy", "IPPB - Intermittent positive pressure breathing therapy", "IPPB treatment", "间歇正压呼吸治疗", "IPPB治疗", "IPPB-- 间歇性正压呼吸治疗", "间歇性正压呼吸治疗" ], "25444001": [ "Destruction of lesion of choroid by diathermy", "用透热疗法破坏脉络膜损伤" ], "385892002": [ "Mental health screening", "心理健康筛查" ], "172900000": [ "Catheterisation of nasal sinus", "Catheterization of nasal sinus", "鼻窦导管插入术" ], "74596007": [ "Resuscitation with artificial respiration", "Resuscitation with artificial ventilation", "人工通气复苏", "人工呼吸复苏" ], "121913007": [ "Herpes simplex virus 2 detection", "单纯疱疹病毒 2 型检测" ], "185614000": [ "Smear inflamed - 3rd recall", "Smear inflamed - third recall", "涂片发炎 - 第三次召回", "涂片发炎-第三次召回" ], "56377008": [ "Laboratory ratio determination", "实验室比率测定" ], "169230002": [ "Viability US scan", "Ultrasound scan for fetal viability", "Ultrasound scan for foetal viability", "超声波扫描检查胎儿活力", "可行性美国扫描" ], "120078003": [ "Spinal cord closure", "脊髓闭合" ], "38158002": [ "Deep breathing, clapping and postural drainage", "深呼吸、拍手和体位引流" ], "447758007": [ "Chevron osteotomy", "雪佛龙截骨术" ], "234766007": [ "Take impression for palatal lift prosthesis", "取模用于腭提升假体" ], "167395001": [ "Urine pregnanetriol 24 hour assay", "尿液孕三醇 24 小时检测" ], "232931004": [ "Repair of truncal valve", "动脉干瓣膜修复" ], "282083007": [ "Bleach tooth - extracoronal", "Bleach tooth - external", "漂白牙齿-外部", "漂白牙齿-冠外" ], "437801000124102": [ "Increased threonine diet", "增加苏氨酸饮食" ], "394936006": [ "Health education - osteoporosis", "Osteoporosis health education", "骨质疏松症健康教育", "健康教育-骨质疏松症" ], "180109000": [ "Femoral osteotomy for correction of congenital deformity of hip", "股骨截骨术矫正先天性髋关节畸形" ], "231096006": [ "Ryodoraku", "旅道乐" ], "427704009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of subcutaneous port", "Endovascular insertion of subcutaneous port", "血管内插入皮下端口", "经皮腔内皮下端口插入术" ], "439081000124109": [ "Dietary liquid consistency - thin liquid", "膳食液体稠度 - 稀薄液体" ], "278413009": [ "Lactation management", "哺乳管理" ], "229261009": [ "Active trunk movements", "主动躯干运动" ], "47202004": [ "Revision of pyloroplasty", "幽门成形术修复" ], "112738005": [ "Arthroscopy of shoulder with removal of foreign body", "肩关节镜检查及异物取出" ], "440418007": [ "Open reduction of fracture of medial malleolus with internal fixation", "内踝骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "307511000": [ "Under-running of bleeding duodenal ulcer", "十二指肠溃疡出血" ], "178274007": [ "Incision of muscle", "Myotomy", "肌肉切开", "肌切开术" ], "63586007": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of celiac artery by abdominal incision", "Thrombectomy with catheter of coeliac artery by abdominal incision", "腹部切口腹腔动脉导管取栓术" ], "12599003": [ "Deroofing procedure on vertebra", "Unroofing procedure on vertebra", "脊椎开顶术", "脊椎去顶术" ], "391266008": [ "Perinatal mental health care HRGs", "Perinatal mental health care healthcare resource groups", "围产期心理健康护理资源小组", "围产期心理健康护理 HRG" ], "258359008": [ "Shaving of corneal epithelium", "刮除角膜上皮" ], "59916001": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid flow imaging, shunt evaluation", "Radionuclide CSF shunt patency study", "放射性核素脑脊液分流通畅性研究", "脑脊液流动显像、分流评估" ], "715276004": [ "Injection of subtalar joint using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided injection of subtalar joint", "Ultrasound guided injection of subtalar joint", "超声引导下距下关节注射" ], "238305001": [ "Biopsy of lesion of abdominal cavity", "Biopsy of lesion of peritoneal cavity", "腹腔病变活检" ], "271073004": [ "Urine methadone measurement", "Methadone measurement, urine", "尿液美沙酮测量", "美沙酮测量,尿液" ], "287457004": [ "Gum epulis excision", "牙龈食物切除" ], "385761006": [ "Community special services management", "Manage community special services", "Community resources management", "管理社区特色服务", "社区特色服务管理", "社区资源管理" ], "172769007": [ "Reconstruction of nose with distant flap", "Reconstruction of nose with distant skin flap", "远端皮瓣重建鼻部" ], "8929007": [ "Esophagogastropexy", "Oesophagogastropexy", "食管胃固定术" ], "121782000": [ "gamma-Melanocyte stimulating hormone measurement", "γ-促黑素细胞激素测量" ], "252854002": [ "Stereotests - TNO", "立体测试 - TNO" ], "1285046005": [ "Insertion of removable orthodontic appliance", "插入可拆卸的牙齿矫正器" ], "1186742007": [ "Intermittent mandatory ventilation with synchronised-termination pressure-control and assured constant airway pressure adjunct", "Intermittent mandatory ventilation with synchronized-termination pressure-control and assured constant airway pressure adjunct", "间歇指令通气,同步终止压力控制和保证恒定气道压力辅助", "间歇指令通气与同步终止压力控制和保证恒定气道压力辅助" ], "1268662008": [ "Coordination of resources to address social needs", "协调资源满足社会需求" ], "105398009": [ "Emergency visit of patient by chaplain", "牧师紧急探访病人" ], "23478009": [ "Intra-abdominal manipulation of small intestine", "腹腔内小肠操作" ], "119947007": [ "Thyroid gland repair", "甲状腺修复" ], "431243009": [ "Removal of central venous catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下移除中心静脉导管" ], "169099009": [ "Specific skeletal imaging", "特定骨骼成像" ], "413024003": [ "Urine pigment levels", "Urine pigment analysis", "尿液色素水平", "尿液色素分析" ], "265568005": [ "Flexible cystoscopy and cystodiathermy", "柔性膀胱镜检查和膀胱电热疗法" ], "445792006": [ "Assessment using occupational therapy task observation scale", "使用职业治疗任务观察量表进行评估" ], "232800007": [ "Closure of true tricuspid cleft", "真性三尖瓣裂隙闭合" ], "36192008": [ "Total abdominal colectomy with ileoproctostomy", "Total colectomy and ileorectal anastomosis", "Total colectomy and anastomosis of ileum to rectum", "全结肠切除术及回肠直肠吻合术", "全腹部结肠切除术及回肠直肠造口术", "全结肠切除及回肠直肠吻合术" ], "68960009": [ "Closure of enterovesical fistula with bowel and bladder resection", "Closure of enterovesical fistula with bowel and urinary bladder resection", "肠膀胱切除术闭合肠膀胱瘘" ], "427573002": [ "Attention to intrathecal drug delivery device adjacent to spinal cord", "注意脊髓附近的鞘内药物输送装置" ], "118112007": [ "Escherichia coli shiga-like detection", "大肠杆菌志贺样菌检测" ], "281952008": [ "Fixation of fracture using dynamic compression system", "使用动态加压系统固定骨折" ], "230965008": [ "Maintenance of neurostimulator in cranial nerve ganglion", "脑神经节神经刺激器的维护" ], "229130007": [ "Frowning exercises", "皱眉练习" ], "65290008": [ "Destructive procedure on middle ear", "中耳毁损手术" ], "179978009": [ "Conversion to hybrid total replacement ankle joint", "转换为混合型全置换踝关节" ], "14303006": [ "Ligation of ascending aorta", "升主动脉结扎" ], "176308002": [ "Endoscopic removal of prostatic stent", "内镜前列腺支架取出术" ], "1290420004": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of forearm", "前臂软组织X光检查" ], "45236006": [ "Emergency administration of medication", "紧急用药" ], "307380007": [ "Referral to swallow clinic", "转诊至吞咽诊所" ], "420233006": [ "Plain X-ray of chest and abdomen", "胸部和腹部的普通 X 光检查" ], "1255817008": [ "Imaging guided removal of foreign body from abdominal cavity", "Removal of foreign body from abdominal cavity using imaging guidance", "影像引导下腹腔异物取出" ], "43401008": [ "Cauterization of tonsillar fossa", "Cauterisation of tonsillar fossa", "扁桃体窝烧灼术" ], "418398002": [ "US scan of upper abdomen", "Ultrasound scan of upper abdomen", "上腹部超声扫描", "上腹部超声波扫描" ], "174473008": [ "Percutaneous removal of calculus from liver", "经皮肝结石取出术" ], "238174005": [ "Femoral herniorrhaphy using natural material", "使用天然材料进行股疝修补术" ], "41566006": [ "Excision of cervical stump by vaginal approach", "经阴道宫颈残端切除术" ], "432947000": [ "Percutaneous thrombectomy using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮血栓切除术" ], "105267005": [ "Norfloxacin measurement", "诺氟沙星测量" ], "367411006": [ "Eggers operation", "Durham operation", "Hamstring tendon transfer", "腿筋肌腱转移", "艾格斯手术", "达勒姆行动" ], "252723007": [ "EEG with photic stimulation", "Electroencephalogram with photic stimulation", "光刺激脑电图" ], "119816000": [ "Artery of extremity transposition", "肢体转位动脉" ], "121651009": [ "Phenylglyoxylate measurement", "苯乙醛酸测量" ], "16324971000119102": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of face and orbit without contrast", "MRI of face and orbit without contrast", "面部和眼眶无造影磁共振成像", "面部和眼眶无造影 MRI" ], "387691000119107": [ "Insertion of catheter into biliary and pancreatic ducts using fluoroscopy guided ERCP", "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with insertion of catheter into biliary and pancreatic ducts using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with insertion of catheter into biliary and pancreatic ducts", "Fluoroscopy guided ERCP with insertion of catheter into biliary and pancreatic ducts", "荧光透视引导下 ERCP 将导管插入胆管和胰管", "使用荧光透视引导的 ERCP 将导管插入胆管和胰管", "荧光透视引导下内镜逆行胰胆管造影术,将导管插入胆管和胰管", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影术,在荧光透视引导下将导管插入胆管和胰管" ], "168968001": [ "Venography: head/neck/thorax", "静脉造影:头部/颈部/胸部" ], "709640007": [ "Doppler ultrasound of renal vein", "Doppler ultrasound scan of renal vein", "Doppler ultrasonography of renal vein", "肾静脉多普勒超声扫描", "肾静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "183517000": [ "Referral to paediatrician", "Referral to pediatrician", "转诊至儿科医生" ], "300040009": [ "Banding of redundant anal mucosa", "肛门粘膜多余部分束带" ], "412893005": [ "Serum prolactin isoform profile", "Serum prolactin isoforms", "血清催乳素同工酶谱", "血清催乳素同工酶" ], "68829005": [ "Destruction of lesion of breast", "Destruction of breast lesion", "乳房病灶破坏", "乳房病变破坏" ], "281821008": [ "Interposition arthroplasty of elbow joint", "肘关节置换术" ], "314589009": [ "Needle aspiration of intraperitoneal abscess", "腹腔内脓肿针吸活检" ], "52445009": [ "Incision and exploration of periprostatic tissue", "前列腺周围组织的切开和探查" ], "117981008": [ "Chicken anemia virus antibody assay", "Chicken anaemia virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Chicken anaemia virus antibody", "Measurement of Chicken anemia virus antibody", "鸡贫血病毒抗体测定" ], "265437009": [ "Exploration of liver", "肝脏探查" ], "230834003": [ "Closure of cerebrospinal fluid leak from nose", "Repair of meninges of brain for CSF rhinorrhoea", "Repair of meninges of brain for CSF rhinorrhea", "脑脊液鼻漏的脑膜修复术", "堵住鼻漏脑脊液" ], "427442004": [ "Adjustment of dental crown to tooth", "牙冠与牙齿的调整" ], "704135001": [ "Penile care", "羽毛那" ], "48775002": [ "Repair of obstetric laceration of pelvic floor", "产科盆底裂伤的修复" ], "179847009": [ "Open removal of loose body from joint", "从关节中切开取出游离体" ], "79708004": [ "Irrigation of vascular catheter", "血管导管冲洗" ], "178012008": [ "Percutaneous drainage of ascites", "Paracentesis abdominis", "腹腔穿刺术", "经皮腹水引流" ], "716849001": [ "Assessment using Amsterdam-Nijmegen Everyday Language Test", "Assessment using ANELT (Amsterdam-Nijmegen Everyday Language Test)", "使用 ANELT(阿姆斯特丹-奈梅亨日常语言测试)进行评估", "使用阿姆斯特丹 - 奈梅亨日常语言测试进行评估" ], "225329001": [ "Involving family and friends in care", "让家人和朋友参与护理" ], "274481008": [ "Mould removal", "Mold removal", "除霉" ], "700465009": [ "Assessment using DoloTest", "使用 DoloTest 进行评估" ], "76038002": [ "Incision of gluteal skin", "臀部皮肤切开" ], "698630003": [ "Education about orthopedic traction", "Education about orthopaedic traction", "关于骨科牵引的教育" ], "420102002": [ "CT of upper abdomen", "Computed tomography of upper abdomen", "上腹部计算机断层扫描", "上腹部 CT" ], "59654003": [ "Transplantation of vaginal tissue", "阴道组织移植" ], "305414006": [ "Admission to orthodontics department", "正畸科入院" ], "241713008": [ "Cessation of sedation", "End of sedative administration", "镇静剂给药结束", "停止镇静" ], "174342008": [ "Cryotherapy to perianal warts", "肛周疣的冷冻治疗" ], "25051003": [ "Removable prosthodontic procedure", "可摘义齿修复手术" ], "8667008": [ "Intertrochanteric osteotomy with internal fixation and cast", "股骨转子间截骨内固定及石膏固定" ], "105136003": [ "Clopenthixol measurement", "氯哌噻吨测量" ], "6832004": [ "Atherectomy", "Removal of atherosclerotic plaque from artery", "Atherectomy of artery", "去除动脉粥样硬化斑块", "斑块切除术", "动脉粥样硬化切除术" ], "88752005": [ "Formation of pupil by iridectomy", "通过虹膜切除术形成瞳孔" ], "236208006": [ "Bladder replacement", "Substitution cystoplasty", "Substitution of urinary bladder", "Replacement of urinary bladder", "膀胱置换成形术", "膀胱置换", "膀胱置换术" ], "432816007": [ "Injection of shoulder using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Injection of shoulder using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行肩部注射" ], "121520008": [ "Demoxepam measurement", "地奥西泮测量" ], "252592009": [ "Speech audiometry", "言语听力检查" ], "398213004": [ "Log roll", "滚木" ], "709509006": [ "Assessment of risk for depressed mood during post partum period", "产后抑郁情绪风险评估" ], "119685007": [ "Ankle excision", "踝关节切除术" ], "250757007": [ "Protein selectivity index", "Protein selectivity index measurement", "Protein selectivity", "蛋白质选择性指数", "蛋白质选择性指数测量", "蛋白质选择性" ], "232538001": [ "Drainage of parapharyngeal abscess", "咽旁脓肿引流" ], "3162001": [ "Gadolinium measurement", "钆测量" ], "117850000": [ "Papilloma virus 6 antigen assay", "Papillomavirus 6 antigen assay", "乳头瘤病毒 6 型抗原检测", "乳头瘤病毒 6 抗原检测" ], "412762002": [ "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only acellular Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Human poliovirus antigens", "Administration of first dose of diphtheria and acellular pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "First diphtheria and acellular pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "First diphtheria and acellular pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "First diphtheria and acellular pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "注射第一剂仅含有无细胞百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "接种第一剂白喉、无细胞百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "首次接种白喉、无细胞百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "首次白喉、无细胞百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫接种" ], "265306005": [ "Cortical mastoidectomy", "CM - Cortical mastoidectomy", "CM - 皮质乳突切除术", "皮质乳突切除术" ], "54149009": [ "Angiography of posterior cerebral circulation", "Angiography of bilateral vertebral arteries", "Arteriography of both cervical vertebral arteries", "Angiography of both vertebral arteries", "Angiography of bilateral cervical vertebral arteries", "Angiography of both cervical vertebral arteries", "Arteriography of bilateral cervical vertebral arteries", "双侧颈椎动脉造影", "双侧颈椎动脉血管造影", "脑后循环血管造影", "双侧椎动脉血管造影" ], "35930008": [ "Glucose phosphate isomerase measurement", "葡萄糖磷酸异构酶测量" ], "52314009": [ "Extended simple mastectomy of both breasts", "Extended simple mastectomy of bilateral breasts", "双侧乳房扩大单纯切除术" ], "312623004": [ "Provision of special day school", "提供特殊日间学校" ], "1327007": [ "Procedure on Meckel's diverticulum", "Procedure on Meckel diverticulum", "梅克尔憩室手术" ], "1230127008": [ "Giving snack between meals", "Giving of snack", "Provision of snack between regular meals", "在正餐之间提供零食", "提供零食", "在两餐之间提供零食" ], "1179140002": [ "Excision of exostosis of tarsal bone", "Exostectomy of tarsal bone", "跗骨外生骨疣切除术", "跗骨外骨切除术" ], "359940006": [ "Partial breech extraction", "部分臀位拔除" ], "409092009": [ "Plasma inhibin measurement", "Plasma inhibin level", "血浆抑制素水平", "血浆抑制素测量" ], "423641003": [ "Genetic evaluation case management", "基因评估案例管理" ], "46809006": [ "Ostectomy, excision of tarsal coalition", "截骨术、跗骨联合切除术" ], "307118000": [ "Adjust fixation of mandible", "调整下颌固定" ], "276185009": [ "Repair of ileostomy", "回肠造口修复" ], "176046000": [ "Keeling of ureter", "输尿管弯曲" ], "405422003": [ "Angioplasty of superficial femoral artery with vein", "股浅动脉带静脉成形术" ], "274350003": [ "Gastric surgical biopsy", "胃部手术活检" ], "61358005": [ "Drug screen for alkaloids", "生物碱药物筛选" ], "225198006": [ "Preparation of intravenous infusion", "静脉输液的制备" ], "241582005": [ "CT arthrogram", "Computed tomography arthrogram", "CT关节造影", "计算机断层扫描关节造影" ], "370819000": [ "Identification of individual values and wishes concerning care", "Identifies individual values and wishes concerning care", "识别个人的护理价值观和愿望", "确定个人的护理价值观和愿望" ], "1222787003": [ "Revision of total replacement of hip joint using cup-cage", "Revision of THR (total hip replacement) using cup-cage", "Revision of total arthroplasty of hip joint using cup-cage", "使用杯笼进行全髋关节置换术 (THR)", "髋关节杯笼全髋关节置换术", "髋关节杯笼全置换术" ], "305283008": [ "Admission by rehabilitation physician", "康复医师入院" ], "88621002": [ "Metatarsal compression test", "跖骨压缩试验" ], "449069006": [ "Fixation of fracture of spine and skull traction", "脊柱骨折固定及颅骨牵引" ], "121389007": [ "N-Desalkylflurazepam measurement", "N-去烷基氟西泮测量" ], "105005008": [ "Trypsinogen measurement", "胰蛋白酶原测量" ], "252461009": [ "Volume plethysmography", "容积描记法" ], "414466002": [ "Immunophenotyping", "免疫表型分析" ], "398082008": [ "Photocoagulation of oesophageal lesion", "Photocoagulation of esophageal lesion", "食管病变光凝治疗" ], "68567001": [ "Prothrombin time, substituted", "Prothrombin time (PT) mixing study", "凝血酶原时间,替代", "凝血酶原时间 (PT) 混合研究" ], "52183003": [ "Division of tendon sheath", "腱鞘分离" ], "83116001": [ "Excision of fascia of eyelid", "眼睑筋膜切除术" ], "183255009": [ "Loan of bedpan", "Bedpan loan", "便盆贷款", "便盆借用" ], "312492006": [ "Excision of scalenus anterior", "前斜角肌切除术" ], "66732006": [ "Injection of fascia", "筋膜注射" ], "408961002": [ "Fertility care assessment", "Assess fertility care", "评估生育护理", "生育护理评估" ], "441729003": [ "Measurement of alprazolam in serum specimen", "血清标本中阿普唑仑的测定" ], "310657004": [ "Open silastic insert to vocal cord", "打开声带硅胶插入器" ], "195969003": [ "Choledochoduodenostomy", "胆总管十二指肠吻合术" ], "13910004": [ "Combined anteroposterior colporrhaphy", "Anterior and posterior repair of vagina", "Colporrhaphy for repair of cystocele and rectocele", "Repair of cystocele and rectocele", "Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy", "Anterior and posterior repair", "Repair of cystocoele and rectocoele", "Colporrhaphy for repair of cystocoele and rectocoele", "阴道前后修复", "阴道缝合术修复膀胱膨出和直肠膨出", "膀胱膨出和直肠膨出的修复", "前后阴道缝合术", "前后阴道缝合联合术", "前后修复" ], "767574004": [ "Operation on parathyroid gland during thyroidectomy", "甲状腺切除术中对甲状旁腺进行操作" ], "439894008": [ "Provision of device", "提供设备" ], "405291003": [ "Supraclavicular cervical sympathectomy", "锁骨上颈交感神经切除术" ], "225067007": [ "Therapeutic plasma exchange", "Plasma exchange", "Therapeutic plasmapheresis", "治疗性血浆置换", "血浆置换" ], "257835007": [ "Internal fixation using plate", "使用钢板内固定" ], "1290027009": [ "Smoking cessation consultation", "Consultation for smoking cessation", "戒烟咨询" ], "1255424002": [ "Laparoscopic partial excision of liver using robotic assistance", "Robot assisted laparoscopic partial excision of liver", "Laparoscopic excision of part of liver using robotic assistance", "使用机器人辅助进行腹腔镜肝脏部分切除术", "使用机器人辅助进行腹腔镜部分肝脏切除术", "机器人辅助腹腔镜肝部分切除术" ], "174080004": [ "Right hemicolectomy and end to end anastomosis of ileum to colon", "Right colectomy and end to end anastomosis of ileum to colon", "右半结肠切除术及回肠至结肠端端吻合术", "右结肠切除术及回肠至结肠端端吻合术" ], "239616005": [ "Dynamization of external fixator by addition of articulating device", "Dynamisation of external fixator by addition of articulating device", "通过添加关节装置使外固定器动力化" ], "419840005": [ "US scan of pericardium", "Ultrasound scan of pericardium", "心包超声扫描" ], "59392008": [ "Endoscopy of breast", "乳腺内窥镜检查" ], "104874000": [ "Phosphofructokinase F subunit measurement", "磷酸果糖激酶 F 亚基测量" ], "448938001": [ "Preparation of smear", "涂片准备" ], "711082003": [ "Assessment of breastfeeding behavior", "Assessment of breastfeeding behaviour", "母乳喂养行为评估" ], "252330004": [ "Multilocus enzyme electrophoresis", "多位点酶​​电泳" ], "121258006": [ "Antibody identification", "Antibody detection", "Procedure to identify antibody", "抗体鉴定步骤", "抗体鉴定", "抗体检测" ], "72106008": [ "Excision of lesion of liver", "Excision of liver lesion", "肝脏病变切除术", "肝病灶切除术" ], "68436001": [ "Debridement of abdominal wall", "腹壁清创" ], "397951009": [ "Endobronchial tube fixation", "支气管内导管固定" ], "314196004": [ "Plastic operations on nipple", "乳头整形手术" ], "183124005": [ "Provide body worn hearing aid", "提供随身佩戴的助听器" ], "609108006": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from rectum without incision", "无需切开直肠取出管腔内异物" ], "52052004": [ "Rehabilitation therapy", "Rehabilitation", "Rehabilitation care", "Rehabilitation treatments and procedures", "康复治疗", "复原", "康复治疗和程序", "康复护理" ], "66601000": [ "Artificial insemination, homologous", "同源人工授精" ], "443433000": [ "Removal of gum shield", "Removal of mouth protector", "Removal of sports bite guard", "Removal of sports mouth guard", "Removal of sports tooth guard", "移除牙龈保护罩", "移除运动咬合护具", "摘除运动护齿套", "摘除护齿套", "移除运动护齿器" ], "1295401003": [ "Postmortem plain X-ray of skull", "Postmortem plain X-ray of bone of cranium", "颅骨尸检X光检查", "死后颅骨 X 光检查" ], "228606001": [ "Provision of pressure garment", "提供压力服" ], "48382001": [ "Excision of lesion of thymus", "胸腺病变切除术" ], "441598001": [ "Endovascular insertion of stent graft", "血管内植入覆膜支架" ], "31998007": [ "Echography, scan B-mode for fetal growth rate", "Echography, scan B-mode for foetal growth rate", "超声心动图、B 型扫描检查胎儿生长率" ], "177619002": [ "Injection of sclerosing substance into subcutaneous tissue", "将硬化物质注射到皮下组织" ], "1144275003": [ "Fitting of immediate lower denture", "安装即刻下颌假牙" ], "243155002": [ "High frequency oscillatory ventilation", "HFOV - High frequency oscillatory ventilation", "高频振荡通气", "HFOV - 高频振荡通气" ], "308691005": [ "Prosthesis procedure for testis", "睾丸假体手术" ], "62931007": [ "Radical resection of tumor of soft tissue of upper arm", "Radical resection of tumour of soft tissue of upper arm", "上臂软组织肿瘤根治术" ], "700072002": [ "Excision of exostosis of head of fifth metacarpal bone", "第五掌骨头外生骨疣切除术" ], "44712004": [ "Secondary procedure after removal of eyeball", "眼球摘除后的二次手术" ], "173949003": [ "Ileectomy and anastomosis of ileum to ileum", "回肠切除及回肠吻合术" ], "419709005": [ "Conjunctival autograft to conjunctiva", "自体结膜移植至结膜" ], "239485009": [ "Excision arthroplasty of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb", "拇指掌指关节切除成形术" ], "41042007": [ "Tissue conditioning of gingiva of mandible using denture", "下颌骨牙龈组织调理" ], "450642009": [ "Open removal of ring from fallopian tube", "开放式输卵管环取出术" ], "432423003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of common iliac artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of common iliac artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "髂总动脉造影及支架置入术" ], "6439004": [ "Destruction of lesion of peripheral nerve", "周围神经损伤破坏" ], "104743008": [ "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA lyase measurement", "Hydroxymethylglutaryl-coenzyme A lyase measurement", "羟甲基戊二酰辅酶 A 裂解酶测量" ], "710951009": [ "Arranging transport of device", "Arranging transportation of device", "安排设备运输" ], "709116003": [ "Excision of giant cell tumor of tendon sheath of finger", "Excision of giant cell tumour of tendon sheath of finger", "手指腱鞘巨细胞瘤切除术" ], "707281000": [ "Revision anterior excision of body of thoracic vertebra with reconstruction", "胸椎体前切除修复重建术" ], "363217009": [ "Musculoskeletal system rehabilitation procedure", "肌肉骨骼系统康复程序" ], "50086002": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of renal artery by abdominal incision", "腹部切口肾动脉导管取栓术" ], "426918004": [ "Open aspiration of lesion of spinal cord", "脊髓损伤开放式抽吸术" ], "15483003": [ "Typhoid vaccination", "Typhoid immunization", "Typhoid immunisation", "Administration of typhoid vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi antigen", "伤寒疫苗接种", "伤寒免疫", "接种仅含伤寒沙门氏菌亚种血清型抗原的疫苗产品", "接种伤寒疫苗" ], "310395004": [ "Patching of mitral valve", "二尖瓣修补术" ], "719995008": [ "Assessment using Receptive Expressive Emergent Language Scale third edition", "Assessment using REEL-3 (Receptive Expressive Emergent Language Scale - third edition)", "使用 REEL-3(接受性表达新兴语言量表 - 第三版)进行评估", "使用接受性表达性新兴语言量表第三版进行评估" ], "406864002": [ "Gallocyanine stain method", "Gallocyanine stain", "加蓝染色法", "蓝青染料" ], "439632006": [ "Reconstruction of medial collateral ligament of elbow using tendon graft", "Reconstruction of ulnar collateral ligament of elbow using tendon graft", "Tommy John surgery", "Medial ulnar collateral ligament reconstruction using tendon graft", "肌腱移植重建肘关节尺侧副韧带", "使用肌腱移植重建内侧尺侧副韧带", "肌腱移植重建肘关节内侧副韧带", "汤米约翰手术" ], "28197002": [ "Axillary-femoral artery bypass graft with vein", "带静脉的腋动脉-股动脉旁路移植术" ], "239354001": [ "Removal of internal electromagnetic bone stimulator", "移除内部电磁骨刺激器" ], "306725009": [ "Referral from outreach nurse", "Referral by outreach nurse", "外展护士转介" ], "75514003": [ "Fixation of tendon of hand", "Reattachment of tendon of hand to skeletal attachment", "Tenodesis of hand", "手部肌腱固定", "手部肌腱固定术", "手部肌腱与骨骼附着点的再连接" ], "241189009": [ "Breast sinogram with contrast", "乳腺正弦图对比" ], "765477009": [ "CT of right kidney", "Computed tomography of right kidney", "右肾计算机断层扫描", "右肾CT" ], "108282001": [ "Radiologic procedure on lower extremity AND/OR hip", "Radiographic procedure on lower extremity AND/OR hip", "下肢和/或髋部的放射线检查", "下肢和/或髋部的放射学检查" ], "1287930001": [ "Radionuclide imaging of biliary tract using tauroselcholic acid (75-Se)", "使用牛磺胆酸 (75-Se) 进行胆道放射性核素显像" ], "419578003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of left ventricle with contrast", "左心室造影荧光血管造影" ], "1255162009": [ "Carbohydrate counting diet", "碳水化合物计算饮食" ], "171983003": [ "Biopsy of lesion of thyroglossal tract", "甲状舌管病变活检" ], "90063003": [ "Pyloric antrectomy", "Gastropylorectomy", "幽门窦切除术", "胃幽门切除术" ], "450511006": [ "Manipulation of joint using traction", "利用牵引力操纵关节" ], "710820001": [ "Support of beliefs", "信仰的支持" ], "104612006": [ "Creatine measurement", "肌酸测量" ], "430457001": [ "Incisional biopsy of heart", "心脏切开活检" ], "20857001": [ "Phencyclidine measurement", "Angel dust measurement", "PCP measurement", "天使尘测量", "苯环利定测量", "PCP 测量" ], "448676009": [ "Computed tomography perfusion study of abdomen", "CT perfusion study of abdomen", "腹部 CT 灌注研究", "腹部CT灌注研究" ], "708985003": [ "Robot assisted laparoscopic vaginal hysterectomy", "Laparoscopic vaginal hysterectomy using robotic assistance", "使用机器人辅助的腹腔镜子宫切除术", "机器人辅助腹腔镜子宫切除术" ], "363086001": [ "Dilation of upper respiratory tract", "上呼吸道扩张" ], "84558002": [ "Serotyping procedure", "血清分型程序" ], "428622003": [ "Revision of hybrid total prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cemented femoral component", "骨水泥型股骨假体混合型全髋关节置换术的翻修" ], "51790004": [ "Extinction therapy", "消退疗法" ], "313934006": [ "24 hour urine copper output", "24 hour urine copper output measurement", "24小时尿铜排出量", "24小时尿铜排出量测量" ], "66339000": [ "Arthroscopy of ankle", "踝关节镜检查" ], "410403000": [ "Nutritionist surveillance", "Nutritionist care surveillance", "营养师护理监测", "营养师监测" ], "117326009": [ "Quinacrine fluorescent stain method", "Quinacrine fluorescent stain", "Fluorescent quinacrine stain", "奎纳克林荧光染色", "荧光奎纳克林染色", "奎纳克林荧光染色法" ], "144711000146107": [ "Sterile water injection", "Injection of sterile water", "注射无菌水", "无菌注射水" ], "770851005": [ "Fluoroscopy guided extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of calculus of right kidney", "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of calculus of right kidney using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided ESWL (extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy) of calculus of right kidney", "透视引导下体外冲击波碎石术(ESWL)治疗右肾结石", "荧光透视引导下体外冲击波碎石治疗右肾结石", "透视引导下体外冲击波碎石治疗右肾结石" ], "719864002": [ "Monitoring following treatment for cancer", "Post-cancer treatment monitoring", "癌症治疗后监测", "癌症治疗后的监测" ], "31736003": [ "Construction of corpora cavernosa-corpus spongiosum shunt", "海绵体-海绵体分流术的构建" ], "50050141000188100": [ "Anthracycline therapy", "蒽环类药物治疗" ], "718029003": [ "Contralateral neck dissection", "对侧颈清扫术" ], "46285006": [ "Transposition of abdominal tissue", "腹部组织移位" ], "306594004": [ "Discharge from nephrology service", "肾病科出院" ], "699810005": [ "McMurray circumduction test", "McMurray test", "麦克默里环转试验", "麦克默里检验" ], "11682008": [ "Jejunoileostomy", "Jejunoenterostomy", "Anastomosis of jejunum to ileum", "空肠回肠吻合术", "空肠肠造口术", "空肠回肠造口术" ], "241058008": [ "Mammogram magnification", "乳房 X 光检查放大" ], "239223002": [ "Operation on lesion of ganglion", "神经节损伤手术" ], "714359006": [ "Assessment using Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale", "Assessment using ADAS (Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale)", "使用阿尔茨海默病评估量表进行评估", "使用 ADAS(阿尔茨海默病评估量表)进行评估" ], "271991006": [ "Excision of lesion of major salivary gland", "大涎腺病变切除术" ], "237388000": [ "Biopsy of lesion of mastectomy scar", "Biopsy of mastectomy scar", "乳房切除术后疤痕病变活检", "乳房切除术疤痕活检" ], "173687009": [ "Boerema repair of hiatus hernia", "Boerema 修复术或食管裂孔疝" ], "24396006": [ "Excision of tumor from forearm area, deep, intramuscular", "Excision of tumour from forearm area, deep, intramuscular", "切除前臂深部肌肉内的肿瘤" ], "235553000": [ "Peroral choledochoscopy", "经口胆道镜检查" ], "104481004": [ "ALT measurement, method with pyridoxal-5'-phosphate", "Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) measurement, method with pyridoxal-5'-phosphate", "Alanine aminotransferase measurement, method with pyridoxal-5'-phosphate", "ALT 测量,采用 5'-磷酸吡哆醛法", "丙氨酸氨基转移酶 (ALT) 测量,采用 5'-磷酸吡哆醛法", "丙氨酸氨基转移酶测定,用吡哆醛-5'-磷酸法" ], "6177004": [ "Southern blot assay", "南方印迹试验" ], "53494000": [ "Arterial cannulization with cardiac output", "Arterial cannulisation with cardiac output", "动脉插管及心输出量" ], "430326000": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of elbow joint with contrast", "肘关节造影造影" ], "301089009": [ "Dilatation of duodenum", "Surgical dilatation of duodenum", "Surgical dilation of duodenum", "十二指肠扩张术", "十二指肠扩张" ], "315638005": [ "Special needs support", "特殊需求支持" ], "20726006": [ "Pressure measurement of sphincter of Oddi", "Oddi 括约肌压力测量" ], "708854008": [ "Excision of hemangioma of finger", "Excision of haemangioma of finger", "手指血管瘤切除术" ], "395723006": [ "Operation for transposition of great vessels", "TGA - Operation for transposition of great arteries", "TGV - Operation for transposition of great vessels", "大血管移位手术", "TGA-- 大动脉转位手术", "TGV - 大型船舶换位作业" ], "2507007": [ "5' Nucleotidase measurement", "5'核苷酸酶测量" ], "313803008": [ "Serum homocystine measurement", "Serum homocystine level", "血清同型半胱氨酸水平", "血清同型半胱氨酸测定" ], "182731009": [ "Asthma control step 5", "哮喘控制步骤 5" ], "66208000": [ "Repair of retina for retinal tear or defect by photocoagulation", "通过光凝术修复视网膜撕裂或缺损" ], "443040006": [ "Removal of permanent drainage catheter from peritoneal cavity using radiologic guidance", "使用放射学引导从腹腔中移除永久引流导管" ], "17056008": [ "Excision of internal mammary lymph nodes", "乳内淋巴结切除术" ], "410272009": [ "Anatomy/physiology teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Anatomy/physiology teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Anatomy/physiology education, guidance, and counseling", "Anatomy/physiology education, guidance, and counselling", "解剖学/生理学教学、指导和咨询", "解剖学/生理学教育、指导和咨询" ], "408437000": [ "Advice to carer regarding child's toilet training", "Recommendation to carer regarding child's toilet training", "Advice to caregiver regarding child's toilet training", "Recommendation to caregiver regarding child's toilet training", "给护理人员关于儿童如厕训练的建议", "给照顾者关于孩子如厕训练的建议" ], "179061003": [ "Secondary open reduction of intra-articular fracture of bone", "关节内骨折二次切开复位" ], "31605003": [ "Special schooling for handicapped person", "Handicapped child - special school", "残疾儿童-特殊学校", "残疾人特殊教育" ], "162677004": [ "Intermediate general examination", "中级普通考试" ], "64373007": [ "Placing bedrails", "Using cot sides", "Putting up cot sides", "安装床栏", "安装婴儿床侧板", "使用床边" ], "11551001": [ "Anesthesia for bronchoscopy", "Anaesthesia for bronchoscopy", "支气管镜检查麻醉" ], "306463002": [ "Discharge by breast surgeon", "乳腺外科医生排出的液体" ], "240927004": [ "Embolectomy of aortoiliac segment", "Aortoiliac segment embolectomy", "主动脉髂动脉段栓塞切除术" ], "26100002": [ "Incision of hematoma of subcutaneous tissue", "Incision of haematoma of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织血肿切开术" ], "24265000": [ "Operation on anus", "Anal operation", "Anus operation", "肛门手术" ], "401097001": [ "Sample microscopy for crystals", "Sample microscopy: crystals", "晶体样品显微镜检查", "样品显微镜:晶体" ], "1269449005": [ "Disarticulation of left ankle joint", "左踝关节脱位" ], "171721007": [ "Drainage of subdural space", "硬膜下腔引流" ], "384713007": [ "Injection of joint of hindfoot", "后足关节注射" ], "432030003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta with contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta with contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "腹主动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "腹主动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入" ], "235422004": [ "Insertion of nasoduodenal tube", "插入鼻十二指肠管" ], "55198006": [ "Bronchoscopy with biopsy", "BBx - Bronchoscopy and biopsy", "Bronchoscopy and biopsy", "支气管镜活检", "BBx - 支气管镜检查和活检", "支气管镜检查和活检" ], "69747001": [ "Cauterization of lacrimal punctum for eversion", "Cauterisation of lacrimal punctum for eversion", "泪点烧灼治疗外翻", "泪点外翻烧灼术" ], "104350009": [ "Complement C3b measurement", "补体 C3b 测量" ], "710558009": [ "Assessment of self image", "Assessment how client sees himself or herself", "评估客户如何看待自己", "自我形象评估" ], "118899004": [ "Procedure on cornea", "角膜手术" ], "233587008": [ "Intermittent hemodiafiltration", "Intermittent haemodiafiltration", "间歇性血液透析滤过" ], "117064001": [ "Intramuscular injection of immune serum globulin, human", "Administration of immune serum globulin by intramuscular injection", "肌肉注射免疫血清球蛋白,人", "肌肉注射免疫血清球蛋白" ], "231752003": [ "Repositioning of intraocular lens", "重新定位人工晶状体" ], "66077003": [ "Ligation of varicocele", "Vidal operation for varicocele", "High ligation of spermatic vein", "维达尔手术治疗精索静脉曲张", "精索静脉高位结扎术", "精索静脉曲张结扎术" ], "82461003": [ "Red blood cell morphology", "Red blood cell morphology - observation", "红细胞形态-观察", "红细胞形态" ], "229917005": [ "Gastrostomy feeding", "胃造口喂养" ], "410141004": [ "Physician contact education", "Teach physician contact", "教导医生联络", "医生接触教育" ], "442909008": [ "Open drainage of retroperitoneal abscess", "腹膜后脓肿开放引流" ], "15090003": [ "Reattachment of choroid and retina by photocoagulation", "通过光凝术使脉络膜和视网膜复位" ], "1293042006": [ "Plain X-ray of optic canal", "Plain X-ray of optic foramen", "视神经孔 X 光检查", "视神经管普通 X 光检查" ], "62407006": [ "Search for dangerous objects", "搜寻危险物品" ], "177095006": [ "Early selective feticide", "早期选择性堕胎" ], "439239007": [ "Measurement of vancomycin in random specimen", "随机样本中万古霉素的测定" ], "715932001": [ "Provision of healthcare assistant patient escort", "提供医疗助理陪同病人" ], "175260001": [ "Adjustment of pulmonary artery band", "肺动脉带的调整" ], "306332002": [ "Referral to psychiatric nurse", "转诊至精神科护士" ], "76956004": [ "Amputation of finger, except thumb", "Amputation of finger", "手指截除(拇指除外)", "手指截肢" ], "404636007": [ "Argon laser trabeculoplasty", "ALT - argon laser trabeculoplasty", "氩激光小梁成形术", "ALT-- 氩激光小梁成形术" ], "60572009": [ "Vascular subclavian-subclavian bypass", "锁骨下动脉-锁骨下动脉血管旁路手术" ], "386417006": [ "Security enhancement", "安全增强" ], "173425006": [ "Guillotine tonsillectomy", "断头台扁桃体切除术" ], "304497007": [ "Giving encouragement to perform activity", "Offering encouragement to perform activity", "鼓励开展活动" ], "122438005": [ "Cervical mucus analysis", "Cervical mucus examination", "宫颈粘液分析", "宫颈粘液检查" ], "7750005": [ "Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy with biopsy", "Flexible fibreoptic laryngoscopy with biopsy", "柔性光纤喉镜检查及活检" ], "1285702007": [ "Monitoring of lithium therapy", "Lithium monitoring", "锂疗法的监测", "锂监测" ], "433734009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of internal carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行颈内动脉" ], "431899001": [ "Radionuclide imaging of parathyroid using iobenguane (123-I)", "Radionuclide imaging of parathyroid using iodine (123-I) MIBG (metaiodobenzylguanidine)", "使用碘苯胍(123-I)对甲状旁腺进行放射性核素显像", "使用碘(123-I)MIBG(间碘苄胍)对甲状旁腺进行放射性核素显像" ], "235291004": [ "Bishop-Koop anastomosis", "Bishop-Koop 吻合术" ], "446448001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of spinal cord with contrast", "MRI of spinal cord with contrast", "脊髓增强 MRI", "脊髓磁共振成像对比" ], "53232002": [ "Thompson operation for correction of lymphedema", "Lymphatic drainage through pedicled skin flap", "Thompson operation for correction of lymphoedema", "Thompson drainage procedure for lymphoedema", "Thompson drainage procedure for lymphedema", "汤普森手术矫正淋巴水肿", "带蒂皮瓣淋巴引流", "汤普森引流术治疗淋巴水肿" ], "104219009": [ "Warthin-Starry staining", "Warthin-Starry stain method", "Warthin-Starry silver stain", "Warthin-Starry stain", "Warthin-Starry 银染", "Warthin-Starry 染色", "Warthin-Starry染色法", "Warthin-Starry染色" ], "118768005": [ "Procedure on salivary gland", "唾液腺手术" ], "86000007": [ "Millard operation, cleft lip repair", "米拉德手术,唇裂修复" ], "233456008": [ "Stripping of vein", "静脉剥离" ], "428229000": [ "Bone tendon autograft of bone", "骨肌腱自体骨移植" ], "430064008": [ "Transvaginal obstetric ultrasonography", "经阴道产科超声检查" ], "18629005": [ "Administration of medication", "Medication administration", "Administration of drug or medicament", "服用药物或药剂", "药物管理" ], "231621006": [ "Levator palpebrae myectomy", "Shortening of levator palpebrae muscle", "Resection of levator palpebrae muscle", "Myectomy of levator palpebrae", "提睑肌缩短", "提睑肌切除术" ], "311706001": [ "Oral motor therapy", "口腔运动治疗" ], "16794008": [ "Reduction of closed carpometacarpal fracture dislocation of thumb with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed carpometacarpal fracture dislocation of thumb", "闭合性腕掌骨骨折拇指脱位手法复位", "手法复位闭合性拇指腕掌骨骨折脱位" ], "65946008": [ "Anticardiolipin antibody measurement", "Anti-cardiolipin level", "抗心磷脂抗体测量", "抗心磷脂水平" ], "408175005": [ "Serum C24 long chain fatty acid level", "Serum C24 long chain fatty acid level measurement", "血清 C24 长链脂肪酸水平", "血清C24长链脂肪酸水平测量" ], "31343006": [ "Biopsy of salivary gland", "唾液腺活检" ], "64111008": [ "Physical medicine evaluation and review for prosthetic program", "Prosthetic check-out", "Prosthetic evaluation", "Office visit, prosthetic check-out", "Physical medicine evaluation and review for prosthetic programme", "假肢评估", "假肢项目的物理医学评估和审查", "假肢检查", "门诊就诊,假肢检查" ], "178799009": [ "Transoral excision of odontoid peg", "经口齿状突桩切除术" ], "309871009": [ "Ureterorenoscopy and biopsy", "输尿管肾镜检查和活检" ], "127812007": [ "Chiropractic adjustment of subluxation", "脊椎按摩治疗半脱位" ], "306201000": [ "Referral to urology service", "转诊至泌尿科服务" ], "763118000": [ "Assessment using FINDRISC (Finnish Diabetes Risk Score)", "Assessment using Finnish Diabetes Risk Score", "使用 FINDRISC(芬兰糖尿病风险评分)进行评估", "使用芬兰糖尿病风险评分进行评估" ], "173294001": [ "Extraction of single tooth", "拔除单颗牙齿" ], "1156334004": [ "Assessment of need for eye care", "眼部护理需求评估" ], "386286005": [ "Environmental management: home preparation", "环境管理:家庭准备" ], "7619000": [ "Replacement of wound drain of integument", "更换伤口引流管" ], "107758008": [ "Vertebral column destructive procedure", "脊柱破坏性手术" ], "171459003": [ "Stereotactic ablation of brainstem tissue", "脑干组织立体定向消融" ], "1285571004": [ "Insertion of neonatal orthodontic plate", "新生儿矫正板插入" ], "122307008": [ "Yellow fever virus RNA assay", "Yellow fever virus ribonucleic acid assay", "黄热病毒 RNA 检测", "黄热病毒核糖核酸检测" ], "236995009": [ "Uterine massage", "子宫按摩" ], "235160002": [ "McKeown esophagectomy", "Three stage oesophagectomy", "McKeown oesophagectomy", "Three stage esophagectomy", "麦基翁食管切除术", "三期食管切除术", "McKeown 食管切除术" ], "104088002": [ "Blood Product Unit Description", "血液制品单位描述" ], "169624005": [ "Private home delivery booking", "私人送货上门预订" ], "38552008": [ "Colicin typing", "大肠杆菌素分型" ], "710296009": [ "Transurethral incision of external sphincter of urinary bladder", "经尿道膀胱外括约肌切开术" ], "233325004": [ "Embolisation of branch of external carotid artery", "Embolization of branch of external carotid artery", "颈外动脉分支栓塞术" ], "446317005": [ "Manual expression of fallopian tube", "输卵管手动挤压" ], "429933006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of transplanted renal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of transplanted renal artery with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下对移植肾动脉进行", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术治疗移植肾动脉" ], "53101005": [ "Lysis of adhesions of joint", "关节粘连松解术" ], "84034006": [ "Lead screening, urine", "铅筛查,尿液" ], "116802006": [ "Intramuscular injection of Hepatitis B Virus immune globulin, human", "Hepatitis B Virus immune globulin administration by intramuscular injection", "肌肉注射乙肝病毒免疫球蛋白", "肌肉注射乙肝病毒免疫球蛋白,人" ], "82199000": [ "Insertion of Gardner Wells tongs with synchronous skeletal traction", "插入 Gardner Wells 钳并进行同步骨牵引" ], "311575003": [ "Intelligibility regime", "可理解性制度" ], "65815005": [ "Aneurysmectomy with anastomosis of upper limb artery", "上肢动脉瘤切除吻合术" ], "278807005": [ "Far distance prism cover test", "远距离棱镜盖测试" ], "178668000": [ "Percutaneous discectomy", "经皮椎间盘切除术" ], "113132006": [ "Hydrotherapy with cold packs or compresses", "使用冷敷或冷敷进行水疗" ], "47596009": [ "Cup arthroplasty of hip with use of methyl methacrylate", "应用甲基丙烯酸甲酯进行髋关节杯状置换术" ], "176833006": [ "Dilation of cervix uteri and curettage of uterus for removal of missed abortion", "Dilation of cervix uteri and curettage of uterus for removal of missed miscarriage", "宫颈扩张术和子宫刮除术以清除过期流产" ], "306070005": [ "Referral by hospital dietitian", "Referral from hospital dietitian", "Referral from hospital-based dietitian", "Referral by hospital-based dietitian", "医院营养师转介", "医院营养师推荐" ], "91243005": [ "Osteotomy and transfer of greater trochanter", "大转子截骨及移位术" ], "302400003": [ "Shave biopsy of skin lesion", "皮肤病变刮取活检" ], "236864003": [ "Insertion of shelf pessary into vagina", "Insertion of shelf suppository into vagina", "将架子子宫托插入阴道", "将栓剂插入阴道" ], "89408005": [ "Incision and drainage of forearm for deep abscess", "前臂深部脓肿切开引流术" ], "122176006": [ "Dengue virus antigen assay", "登革病毒抗原检测" ], "284181007": [ "Incision and drainage of abscess", "ID - Incision and drainage of abscess", "ID - 脓肿切开引流", "脓肿切开引流" ], "710165007": [ "Ultrasound of foetal head", "Ultrasound scan of fetal head", "Ultrasound of fetal head", "Ultrasonography of fetal head", "Ultrasound scan of foetal head", "Ultrasonography of foetal head", "胎儿头部超声波扫描", "胎儿头部超声检查" ], "446186001": [ "Forensic magnetic resonance imaging", "法医磁共振成像" ], "726549007": [ "Radioimmunoguided surgery", "RIGS - radioimmunoguided surgery", "放射免疫引导手术", "RIGS-- 放射免疫引导手术" ], "397034000": [ "Embolectomy of vein", "静脉栓塞切除术" ], "103957008": [ "Red cell antigen phenotyping, patient red cells", "红细胞抗原表型,患者红细胞" ], "233194003": [ "Pericardiopleural shunt operation", "心包胸膜分流术" ], "315114007": [ "Diphtheria antibody level", "白喉抗体水平" ], "36586008": [ "Bischoff operation, ureteroneocystostomy", "Bischoff 手术、输尿管膀胱造口术" ], "1983001": [ "Total urethrectomy including cystostomy in female", "女性全尿道切除术包括膀胱造口术" ], "116671003": [ "Incision of ankle region", "踝部切开" ], "395199006": [ "Modified radical neck dissection of cervical lymph nodes, with preservation of accessory nerve, sternocleidomastoid muscle and internal jugular vein", "保留副神经、胸锁乳突肌和颈内静脉的改良根治性颈淋巴结清扫术" ], "231359009": [ "Peritoneal instillation of local anaesthetic", "Peritoneal instillation of local anesthetic", "Topical local anaesthetic to peritoneal cavity", "Topical local anesthetic to peritoneal cavity", "腹腔灌注局部麻醉药", "腹腔局部麻醉" ], "82068004": [ "Repair of vaginoileal fistula", "Closure of vaginoileal fistula", "阴道回肠瘘的修复", "阴道回肠瘘的缝合" ], "442516004": [ "Measurement of occult blood in three separate stool specimens", "测量三个不同粪便样本的潜血" ], "721044005": [ "Dual energy computed tomography angiography of pulmonary artery with contrast", "DECT (dual energy computed tomography) angiography of pulmonary artery with contrast", "Dual energy computed tomography arteriography of pulmonary artery with contrast", "DECT (dual energy computed tomography) arteriography of pulmonary artery with contrast", "DECT (dual energy computed tomography) arteriogram of pulmonary artery with contrast", "肺动脉造影双能量计算机断层扫描 (DECT) 血管造影", "双能量计算机断层扫描肺动脉造影", "肺动脉双能量 CT 血管造影", "肺动脉造影(双能量计算机断层扫描)" ], "391529001": [ "Plasma manganese level", "血浆锰水平" ], "276841005": [ "Implantation of epidural drug delivery reservoir", "硬膜外药物储药器植入" ], "275006003": [ "Superficial parotidectomy", "浅表腮腺切除术" ], "699155000": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of patella without internal fixation", "髌骨骨折闭合复位不内固定" ], "45630008": [ "Transposition of tissue of mediastinum", "纵隔组织移位" ], "1290814009": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of face", "面部骨骼的普通 X 光检查" ], "764691002": [ "PET of whole body using fluorocholine (18-F)", "Positron emission tomography of whole body using fluorocholine (18-F)", "使用氟胆碱(18-F)进行全身正电子发射断层扫描", "使用氟胆碱 (18-F) 进行全身 PET 检查" ], "43795005": [ "Tympanic membrane repair with site preparation", "鼓膜修复及部位准备" ], "1451000087102": [ "CT of right lower extremity", "Computed tomography of right leg", "Computed tomography of right lower extremity", "CT of right leg", "CT of right lower limb", "Computed tomography of right lower limb", "右下肢ct", "右下肢计算机断层扫描", "右下肢CT", "右腿计算机断层扫描", "右腿CT" ], "27411008": [ "Cauterization", "Cautery", "Cauterisation", "腐蚀", "烧灼" ], "2731000087105": [ "CT of bilateral upper limbs with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral upper limbs with contrast", "Computed tomography of both upper limbs with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right upper limb with contrast", "双上肢增强 CT", "双侧上肢增强计算机断层扫描", "左、右上肢增强计算机断层扫描", "双上肢增强计算机断层扫描" ], "11691000087107": [ "Ultrasonography of left adrenal gland", "Ultrasound of left adrenal gland", "Ultrasound scan of left adrenal gland", "左肾上腺超声扫描", "左肾上腺超声检查" ], "254952003": [ "Lengthening of levator palpebrae muscle", "提睑肌延长术" ], "41960005": [ "Immunoglobulin E measurement", "Immunoglobulin E level", "免疫球蛋白 E 水平", "免疫球蛋白 E 测量" ], "36011000087108": [ "Excision of right mastoid", "Right mastoidectomy", "右侧乳突切除术", "右乳突切除术" ], "287720006": [ "Cystoprostatectomy", "膀胱前列腺切除术" ], "25576008": [ "Anesthesia for total hip revision", "Anaesthesia for total hip revision", "全髋关节翻修术的麻醉" ], "433341001": [ "Application of long leg splint", "长腿夹板的应用" ], "726418000": [ "Prosthetic unicompartmental arthroplasty of left knee", "左膝关节假体单髁置换术" ], "169362001": [ "Radiotherapy: seeds into cavity", "放射治疗:粒子进入腔内" ], "284050001": [ "Removal of foreign body from labia by incision", "切开阴唇取出异物" ], "234898005": [ "Removal of lesion of floor of mouth", "Extirpation of lesion of floor of mouth", "口底病变切除", "口底病变摘除术" ], "103826007": [ "D-dimer assay, quantitative", "D-二聚体测定,定量" ], "233063000": [ "Removal of right ventricular thrombus", "Right ventricular thrombectomy", "Removal of clot from right ventricle", "右心室血栓去除", "右心室血栓切除术", "去除右心室血凝块" ], "185746007": [ "Obesity monitoring third letter", "肥胖监测第三封信" ], "447890007": [ "Conversion from previous arthrodesis and articular bone graft", "从之前的关节融合和关节骨移植转变而来" ], "120210008": [ "Perineum manipulation", "会阴操作" ], "739132001": [ "Excision of hernial sac of left inguinal canal", "左腹股沟管疝囊切除术" ], "183911009": [ "Private referral to radiotherapist", "放射治疗师的私人转诊" ], "444220002": [ "Quantitative measurement of collagen cross linked N-telopeptide in 24 hour urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of substance ratio of collagen cross linked N-telopeptide in relation to creatinine in 24 hour urine specimen", "24小时尿液标本中胶原交联N端肽的定量测定", "24小时尿液标本中胶原交联N端肽与肌酐物质比值的定量测定" ], "1263420006": [ "Reconstruction of breast using free lumbar artery perforator flap", "游离腰动脉穿支皮瓣乳房重建" ], "395068007": [ "Kaolin clotting time Rosner index", "高岭土凝固时间Rosner指数" ], "231228009": [ "LB - Long buccal nerve block", "LBB - Long buccal block", "Long buccal nerve block", "LB - Long buccal block", "Local anaesthetic long buccal nerve block", "Local anesthetic long buccal nerve block", "LB - 长颊神经阻滞", "局部麻醉长颊神经阻滞", "LB - 长颊侧垫", "LBB - 长颊侧阻滞", "长颊神经阻滞" ], "229393003": [ "Accessory mobilization of the forefoot", "Accessory mobilisation of the forefoot", "前脚的辅助活动" ], "307981000000107": [ "Upright vacuum assisted biopsy of breast using stereotactic X-ray guidance", "Upright stereotactic X-ray guided vacuum assisted biopsy of breast", "直立立体定向X射线引导下乳腺真空辅助活检", "立体定向 X 射线引导下直立真空辅助乳腺活检" ], "81937003": [ "Red cell survival study", "Isotope study for red blood cell survival", "Red cell survival measurement", "红细胞存活的同位素研究", "红细胞存活率测量", "红细胞存活研究" ], "391398000": [ "Urine delta aminolaevulinic acid measurement", "Urine delta aminolevulinic acid measurement", "Measurement of urine delta aminolaevulinic acid", "Measurement of urine delta aminolevulinic acid", "尿液δ氨基乙酰丙酸测定" ], "719078002": [ "Adjustment of physical environment", "物理环境的调整" ], "112870002": [ "Flexible fiberoptic sigmoidoscopy for removal of foreign body", "Flexible fibreoptic sigmoidoscopy for removal of foreign body", "柔性纤维乙状结肠镜检查用于取出异物" ], "473318002": [ "Assessment using ages and stages questionnaires third edition fine motor subscale", "使用年龄和阶段问卷第三版精细运动分量表进行评估" ], "178406005": [ "Alveolar bone graft to maxilla", "上颌骨牙槽骨移植" ], "129254006": [ "Procedure on tracheobronchial tree", "气管支气管树手术" ], "80102005": [ "Creation of external-internal carotid bypass", "建立颈内-外动脉搭桥术" ], "47334005": [ "Transposition of tissue of anus", "Anal transposition", "肛门组织移位术", "肛门移位" ], "307643007": [ "Anastomosis of transverse to sigmoid colon", "横结肠至乙状结肠吻合术" ], "27280000": [ "Liver transplant with recipient hepatectomy", "接受肝切除的肝移植" ], "9061001": [ "Check artificial pacemaker", "检查人工起搏器" ], "385893007": [ "Mental health treatment", "心理健康治疗" ], "121914001": [ "Histoplasma capsulatum antibody assay", "Measurement of Histoplasma capsulatum antibody", "荚膜组织胞浆菌抗体测定", "荚膜组织胞浆菌抗体检测" ], "171066005": [ "Antenatal relaxation class", "产前放松课程" ], "103695000": [ "Preparation of medical certificate", "Medical certification", "准备医疗证明", "医疗认证" ], "234767003": [ "Take impression for speech bulb", "为语音灯泡留下印象" ], "447759004": [ "Brachytherapy of breast", "乳腺近距离放射治疗" ], "120079006": [ "Spinal cord reconstruction", "脊髓重建" ], "85476000": [ "Total wrist replacement", "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of the wrist", "Wrist joint replacement", "全腕关节置换术", "腕关节置换", "腕部假体全关节置换术" ], "167396000": [ "Urine LH 24 hour assay", "Urine luteinising hormone 24 hour assay", "Urine luteinizing hormone 24 hour assay", "尿液 LH 24 小时检测", "尿液促黄体生成素 24 小时测定", "尿促黄体生成素 24 小时测定" ], "5391008": [ "Artificial voice rehabilitation", "人工嗓音康复" ], "265700002": [ "Removal of a foreign body from the nail bed", "FB - Removal of foreign body from nail", "去除甲床中的异物", "FB - 去除指甲中的异物" ], "232932006": [ "Annuloplasty of truncal valve", "动脉干瓣膜成形术" ], "34489002": [ "Free graft to conjunctiva", "结膜游离移植" ], "394937002": [ "Health education - hormone replacement therapy", "Hormone replacement therapy education", "健康教育-激素替代疗法", "激素替代疗法教育" ], "231097002": [ "Cupping", "拔罐" ], "360334000": [ "Knee arthrodesis with plate", "膝关节融合钢板" ], "229262002": [ "Active pelvic movements", "主动骨盆运动" ], "278414003": [ "Pain management", "Managing pain", "疼痛管理", "控制疼痛" ], "180110005": [ "Pelvic osteotomy for congenital deformity of hip", "骨盆截骨术治疗先天性髋关节畸形" ], "112739002": [ "Arthroscopy of elbow with limited debridement", "肘关节镜检查及有限清创" ], "473187007": [ "Discussion about vaginal bleeding", "关于阴道出血的讨论" ], "12600000": [ "Incision and drainage of ankle for deep abscess", "踝部深部脓肿切开引流术" ], "733496000": [ "Insertion of endotracheal ventilation catheter", "Insertion of ETVC (endotracheal ventilation catheter)", "插入气管内通气导管", "插入 ETVC(气管内通气导管)" ], "47203009": [ "Anesthesia for lower abdominal procedure", "Anaesthesia for lower abdominal procedure", "下腹部手术麻醉" ], "1290552001": [ "Plain X-ray of acromioclavicular joint", "肩锁关节的普通 X 光检查" ], "464131000124100": [ "Referral to community health worker", "转介给社区卫生工作者" ], "78136005": [ "Total osteotomy of maxilla", "上颌骨全截骨术" ], "437251000124102": [ "Zinc modified diet", "锌改良饮食" ], "307512007": [ "Oversewing of bleeding gastric ulcer", "胃溃疡出血缝合术" ], "238306000": [ "Needle biopsy of lesion of peritoneal cavity", "腹腔病变穿刺活检" ], "715277008": [ "Balloon dilatation of bile duct using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided balloon dilatation of bile duct", "Fluoroscopy guided balloon dilation of bile duct", "Balloon dilation of bile duct using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下胆管球囊扩张术", "透视引导下胆管球囊扩张术" ], "25314000": [ "Deep incision with opening of bone cortex of forearm", "前臂骨皮质深切口" ], "385762004": [ "Hospice care assessment", "Assess hospice care", "临终关怀评估", "评估临终关怀" ], "271074005": [ "Urine morphine measurement", "Urine morphine level", "尿液吗啡水平", "尿液吗啡测量" ], "172770008": [ "Reconstruction of nose with free flap", "Reconstruction of nose with microvascular transferred skin flap", "Reconstruction of nose with microvascular transferred flap", "微血管移植皮瓣修复鼻部缺损", "游离皮瓣重建鼻部", "微血管移植皮瓣修复鼻部" ], "105399001": [ "Visit of patient by chaplain prior to surgery", "手术前牧师探访患者" ], "56247000": [ "Anesthesia for amniocentesis", "Anaesthesia for amniocentesis", "羊膜穿刺术麻醉" ], "287458009": [ "Periodontium curettage", "牙周刮除术" ], "713442009": [ "Referral to cardiac rapid response team", "Referral to cardiac emergency team", "Cardiac arrest team call", "心脏骤停团队呼叫", "转诊至心脏快速反应小组", "转诊至心脏急救小组" ], "1268663003": [ "Coordination of resources to address intimate partner abuse", "协调资源解决亲密伴侣虐待问题" ], "252855001": [ "Stereotests - Wirt", "立体测试 - Wirt" ], "23479001": [ "High performance liquid chromatography, UV type", "High performance liquid chromatography, ultra-violet type", "高效液相色谱法,紫外型" ], "121783005": [ "Glutaconate measurement", "谷氨酰胺酸测量" ], "169100001": [ "Specific soft tissue imaging", "特定软组织成像" ], "70796002": [ "Closure of fistula of cornea with lamellar homograft", "同种板层移植缝合角膜瘘" ], "431244003": [ "Splinting of toe using adhesive tape", "使用胶带固定脚趾" ], "87180001": [ "Ventricular shunt to urinary system", "Cerebral ventricular shunt to urinary system", "脑室分流至泌尿系统" ], "709772004": [ "CT of coccyx with contrast", "Computed tomography of coccyx with contrast", "尾骨增强 CT 检查", "尾骨增强计算机断层扫描" ], "445793001": [ "Assessment using obligatory exercise questionnaire", "使用必修运动问卷进行评估" ], "413025002": [ "Kappa/lambda light chain ratio", "Kappa/lambda light chain ratio measurement", "Kappa/lambda轻链比率", "Kappa/lambda 轻链比率测量" ], "52577005": [ "Repair of auricle of ear", "Otoplasty of auricle", "Repair of pinna", "Plastic operation on pinna", "Pinnaplasty", "Otoplasty", "耳廓整形手术", "耳廓整形术", "耳廓修复" ], "232801006": [ "Excision of vegetations from tricuspid valve", "切除三尖瓣赘生物" ], "443958002": [ "Surgical removal of transvenous electrode of single chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator by transvenous approach", "经静脉手术切除单腔起搏心脏复律除颤器脉冲发生器的经静脉电极" ], "230966009": [ "Removal of neurostimulator from cranial nerve ganglion", "从脑神经节中取出神经刺激器" ], "179979001": [ "Revision hybrid total replacement ankle joint", "Revision of hybrid total prosthetic replacement of ankle joint", "混合型全踝关节假体置换术", "翻修混合型全置换踝关节" ], "16139005": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into cervical plexus", "Cervical plexus block", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into cervical plexus", "颈丛注射麻醉剂", "颈丛阻滞" ], "229131006": [ "Pouting exercises", "撅嘴练习" ], "65291007": [ "Total resection of large intestine", "Total excision of large intestine", "大肠全切除术" ], "442123009": [ "Sano procedure", "Sano 手术" ], "1144800003": [ "Folate and/or folate derivative modified diet", "叶酸和/或叶酸衍生物改良饮食" ], "128992008": [ "Operative removal of foreign body", "Surgical removal of foreign body", "手术取出异物" ], "1290421000": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of elbow region", "肘部软组织 X 光检查" ], "176309005": [ "Endoscopic replacement of prostatic stent", "内镜前列腺支架置换术" ], "307381006": [ "Kuntschner intramedullary fixation", "Kuntschner 髓内固定术" ], "174474002": [ "Therapeutic aspiration of liver", "肝脏治疗性穿刺" ], "1255818003": [ "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - Easy to Chew Level 7 food", "IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) Framework - Easy to Chew Level 7 food", "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - EC7 (Easy to Chew Level 7) food", "IDDSI(国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议)框架 - 易于咀嚼的 7 级食品", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - EC7(易咀嚼 7 级)食品", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - 易于咀嚼的 7 级食品" ], "238175006": [ "Repair of supraumbilical hernia", "脐上疝修补术" ], "416564000": [ "Drainage of oral abscess", "口腔脓肿引流" ], "23348001": [ "Deep incision with opening of bone cortex of humerus", "深切口,打开肱骨骨皮质" ], "252724001": [ "EEG with overbreathing and photic stimulation", "Electroencephalogram with overbreathing and photic stimulation", "过度呼吸和光刺激的脑电图" ], "121652002": [ "Phenyltoloxamine measurement", "苯甲酮胺测量" ], "105268000": [ "Norfluoxetine measurement", "去甲氟西汀测量" ], "88884005": [ "Alpha-1-antitrypsin phenotyping", "Alpha-1-Protease inhibitor", "Alpha-1-蛋白酶抑制剂", "α-1-抗胰蛋白酶表型" ], "301876002": [ "Wart diathermy", "Diathermy of wart", "疣的透热疗法", "疣透热疗法" ], "432948005": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of inferior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮下腔静脉血栓溶解术" ], "236340008": [ "Two stage orchidopexy", "两阶段睾丸固定术" ], "709641006": [ "Ultrasound of paranasal sinus", "Ultrasonography of nasal sinus", "Ultrasound scan of paranasal sinus", "Ultrasonography of paranasal sinus", "鼻旁窦超声检查", "鼻旁窦超声扫描", "鼻窦超声检查" ], "37897006": [ "Removal of intra-aortic balloon with repair of aorta", "移除主动脉内球囊并修复主动脉" ], "314590000": [ "Drainage of intersphincteric abscess", "括约肌间脓肿引流" ], "281822001": [ "Closed reduction of dislocated arthroplasty", "脱位关节闭合复位成形术" ], "117982001": [ "Duck enteritis virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Duck enteritis virus antibody", "Measurement of Anatid herpesvirus 1 antibody", "鸭疱疹病毒 1 型抗体测量", "鸭肠炎病毒抗体测定" ], "1119241007": [ "Venogram of suprarenal vein", "Venography of suprarenal vein", "肾上腺静脉造影", "肾上静脉造影" ], "412894004": [ "Menopausal profile", "更年期概况" ], "183518005": [ "Dermatological referral", "Referral to dermatology service", "皮肤科转诊", "转诊至皮肤科服务" ], "300041008": [ "Penicillin prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic penicillin", "青霉素预防", "预防性使用青霉素" ], "445662007": [ "Assessment using Addiction Research Foundation Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol", "使用成瘾研究基金会临床研究所酒精戒断评估进行评估" ], "17843000": [ "Manipulation of skin of extremity", "四肢皮肤处理" ], "19678009": [ "Removal of foreign body from heart", "心脏异物取出" ], "363742001": [ "Pyloroplasty", "幽门成形术" ], "232670008": [ "Nasal laryngoscopy", "鼻喉镜检查" ], "16334661000119100": [ "MRI of sternum without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of sternum without contrast", "胸骨 MRI 无造影", "无造影剂胸骨磁共振成像" ], "34227000": [ "Computerized axial tomography of brain", "CT of brain", "Computerised axial tomography of brain", "Computed tomography of brain", "脑部 CT", "脑部计算机断层扫描", "脑部计算机轴向断层扫描" ], "230835002": [ "Encephalocele repair", "Repair of encephalocele", "脑膨出修复" ], "66995002": [ "Renal function study with serial imaging", "通过连续影像学研究肾功能" ], "704136000": [ "Penile care management", "阴茎护理管理" ], "116147009": [ "Cytologic test", "Cytology laboratory test", "细胞学实验室检查", "细胞学检查" ], "245384002": [ "Tendon transfer and arthrodesis to correct claw toe", "肌腱转移和关节融合术矫正爪形趾" ], "396101000119105": [ "CT of abdomen without contrast", "Computed tomography of abdomen without contrast", "腹部平扫 CT", "腹部非造影计算机断层扫描" ], "179848004": [ "Open drainage of joint", "开放关节引流" ], "16008005": [ "Arthroplasty of carpometacarpal joint with implant", "腕掌关节置换术及植入物" ], "997199941000119102": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of left extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venogram of left extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venography of left limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venogram of left limb with contrast", "左肢荧光静脉造影", "左肢荧光镜静脉造影" ], "16558661000119106": [ "Needle aspiration of bursa of left knee using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided needle aspiration of bursa of left knee", "Needle puncture and aspiration of bursa of left knee using computed tomography guidance", "CT 引导下左膝滑囊针吸术", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行左膝滑囊针吸术", "使用计算机断层扫描引导对左膝滑囊进行针刺和抽吸" ], "16550981000119107": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of muscle using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous needle biopsy of muscle", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行经皮肌肉穿刺活检", "CT引导下经皮肌肉穿刺活检" ], "566341000119106": [ "Computed tomography of ankle without contrast", "CT of ankle without contrast", "踝部 CT 无造影", "无造影剂踝关节计算机断层扫描" ], "307250000": [ "Bone drilling with exploration", "Drilling and exploration of bone", "骨钻孔及探查", "骨骼钻孔和探查" ], "716850001": [ "Assessment using Carrow Elicited Language Inventory", "使用卡罗诱导语言清单进行评估" ], "438322002": [ "Measurement of tricyclic antidepressant in urine", "尿液中三环类抗抑郁药的测定" ], "241714002": [ "Reversal of sedation", "镇静逆转" ], "225330006": [ "Client participation", "客户参与" ], "878855001": [ "Education about respiratory tract infection", "呼吸道感染教育" ], "174343003": [ "Painting of perianal warts", "肛周疣绘画" ], "698631004": [ "Education about self-help group", "关于自助小组的教育" ], "223495004": [ "Preparation of patient for procedure", "患者接受手术前的准备" ], "239879006": [ "Incision and exploration of hepatic ducts", "肝管切开探查" ], "305415007": [ "Admission to pediatric dentistry department", "Admission to paediatric dentistry department", "儿童牙科部入院" ], "41436002": [ "Intestinal plication", "Plication of intestine", "肠折叠" ], "172508004": [ "Destruction of ciliary body", "睫状体破坏" ], "449201002": [ "Video assisted thoracoscopy", "电视辅助胸腔镜检查" ], "432817003": [ "Removal of calculus from bile duct using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下胆管结石取出术" ], "236209003": [ "Salvage cystoprostatourethrectomy", "挽救性膀胱前列腺尿道切除术" ], "252593004": [ "Audiovisual speech discrimination test", "Speech-reading test", "Lip-reading test", "朗读测试", "唇读测试", "视听言语辨别测试" ], "105137007": [ "Clorazepate measurement", "氯卓酸测量" ], "121521007": [ "Desmethylamiodarone measurement", "去甲胺碘酮测量" ], "6833009": [ "Closed osteotomy of mandibular angle", "下颌角闭合截骨术" ], "447366001": [ "Injection of autologous whole blood into spinal epidural space", "Spinal blood patch", "自体全血注射入脊髓硬膜外腔", "脊椎血补片" ], "709510001": [ "Assessment of risk for disease", "疾病风险评估" ], "250758002": [ "Immunoglobulin G index", "Immunoglobulin G index measurement", "免疫球蛋白 G 指数测量", "免疫球蛋白G指数" ], "398214005": [ "Patient condition assessed", "患者状况评估" ], "758662006": [ "Repair of left inguinal hernia using surgical mesh", "使用外科网片修补左腹股沟疝" ], "119686008": [ "Foot excision", "足部切除" ], "265307001": [ "Drainage of petrous apex of mastoid", "乳突岩尖引流术" ], "199771001": [ "Piper forceps delivery by application to aftercoming head", "使用 Piper 产钳辅助分娩" ], "117851001": [ "Papilloma virus antibody assay", "Papillomavirus antibody assay", "乳头瘤病毒抗体检测" ], "281691001": [ "Physiological monitoring regime", "生理监测制度" ], "412763007": [ "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only acellular Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Human poliovirus antigens", "Administration of second dose of diphtheria and acellular pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Second diphtheria and acellular pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Second diphtheria and acellular pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Second diphtheria and acellular pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "第二次白喉、无细胞百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "接种第二剂白喉、无细胞百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "注射第二剂仅含有无细胞百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第二次白喉、无细胞百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫" ], "116016000": [ "Open surgical placement of gastrostomy tube", "开放式手术置入胃造口管" ], "232539009": [ "Biopsy of nasopharynx", "Biopsy of postnasal space", "鼻咽活检", "鼻后腔活检" ], "1328002": [ "Ilioiliac shunt", "Ilioiliac vascular bypass", "髂髂血管绕道手术", "髂髂分流术" ], "165168001": [ "Psychotropic drug for examination", "精神药物检查" ], "183387009": [ "Aversion therapy - behavior correction", "Aversion therapy - behaviour correction", "厌恶疗法-行为矫正", "厌恶疗法——行为矫正" ], "1230128003": [ "Swaddling baby", "Swaddling of baby", "Swaddling infant", "襁褓中的婴儿" ], "312624005": [ "Provision of special residential school", "提供特殊寄宿学校" ], "48645002": [ "Application of plaster figure of eight", "石膏八字形的应用" ], "179717003": [ "Open drilling of articular cartilage", "关节软骨开放式钻孔" ], "359941005": [ "Anal sphincterorrhaphy for obstetrical laceration", "产科裂伤肛门括约肌缝合术" ], "736773006": [ "Rotational flap to scalp", "Reconstruction of scalp using rotational flap", "头皮旋转皮瓣", "利用旋转皮瓣重建头皮" ], "81413007": [ "Posterior spinal rhizotomy", "Dana operation", "Section of posterior spinal nerve root", "脊后神经根切面", "后脊神经切断术", "达纳行动" ], "30426000": [ "Subtotal prostatectomy", "前列腺次全切除术" ], "720389008": [ "Expiratory computed tomography", "Expiratory CT", "呼气 CT", "呼气时 CT" ], "177882000": [ "Repair of recurrent femoral hernia using insert of natural material", "用天然材料插入物修补复发性股疝" ], "441861006": [ "Measurement of tobramycin trough concentration", "妥布霉素谷浓度测定" ], "276186005": [ "Repair of rectum", "直肠修复" ], "241583000": [ "CT arthrogram of shoulder", "Computed tomography arthrogram of shoulder", "肩关节计算机断层扫描", "肩关节 CT 造影" ], "225199003": [ "Changing intravenous infusion line", "更换静脉输液管" ], "274351004": [ "Surgical biopsy of colon", "结肠手术活检" ], "1290159004": [ "Revision of total prosthetic replacement of joint", "全关节假体置换术" ], "59524001": [ "Blood bank procedure", "血库程序" ], "305284002": [ "Admission by palliative care physician", "姑息治疗医生的接纳" ], "75908002": [ "Puncture and drainage of pituitary gland", "Puncture and drainage of hypophysis", "垂体穿刺引流" ], "370820006": [ "Identification of physical alterations that may affect procedure-specific positioning", "Identifies physical alterations that may affect procedure-specific positioning", "识别可能影响手术特定定位的身体改变", "识别可能影响手术特定定位的身体变化" ], "252462002": [ "Infrared thermometry", "红外线测温" ], "121390003": [ "n-Heptane measurement", "正庚烷测量" ], "72238005": [ "Restoration, crown, 3/4 cast, metallic", "修复体,牙冠,3/4 铸造,金属" ], "21251001": [ "Estlander operation, thoracoplasty", "爱斯特兰德手术、胸廓成形术" ], "105006009": [ "Tryptophan measurement", "色氨酸测量" ], "398083003": [ "Bronchial suction via tracheostomy tube", "通过气管切开管进行支气管抽吸" ], "447235005": [ "Destruction of lesion of nose", "鼻部病变破坏" ], "1231832001": [ "Excision of retroperitoneal endometrioma", "Excision of endometriotic cyst of retroperitoneum", "腹膜后子宫内膜异位症切除术", "腹膜后子宫内膜异位囊肿切除术" ], "183256005": [ "Commode loan", "Loan of commode", "马桶贷款", "马桶借用" ], "84952009": [ "Resection of colon for interposition", "结肠切除术" ], "312493001": [ "Drainage of abscess of vertebra", "脊椎脓肿引流" ], "1179010002": [ "Uterine balloon tamponade for postpartum hemorrhage", "Uterine balloon tamponade for postpartum haemorrhage", "Obstetric uterine tamponade for postpartum haemorrhage", "Obstetric uterine tamponade for postpartum hemorrhage", "Balloon tamponade of uterus for postpartum haemorrhage", "Balloon tamponade of uterus for postpartum hemorrhage", "产科子宫填塞治疗产后出血", "子宫球囊填塞治疗产后出血" ], "441730008": [ "Transposition of ligament for stabilisation of joint", "Transposition of ligament for stabilization of joint", "韧带转位以稳定关节" ], "310658009": [ "Intravascular ultrasound of coronary artery", "冠状动脉血管内超声" ], "408962009": [ "Fertility care education", "Teach fertility care", "生育保健教育", "教授生育护理" ], "767575003": [ "FCT - functional communication training", "Functional communication training", "FCT-- 功能性沟通训练", "功能性沟通训练" ], "243287005": [ "Repair of hepatic duct", "肝管修复" ], "177751006": [ "Partial excision of chest wall", "胸壁部分切除" ], "306988000": [ "Attach dental implant superstructure", "安装牙种植体上部结构" ], "241452002": [ "B scan ultrasound", "Orbital B scan", "眼眶B扫描", "B超" ], "225068002": [ "Red cell exchange transfusion", "红细胞交换输血" ], "175916005": [ "Heminephrectomy for duplex kidney", "半肾切除术治疗双肾" ], "405292005": [ "Upper limb sympathectomy", "上肢交感神经切除术" ], "174081000": [ "Right hemicolectomy and side-to-side anastomosis of ileum to transverse colon", "Right colectomy and side-to-side anastomosis of ileum to transverse colon", "右结肠切除术及回肠至横结肠侧侧吻合术", "右半结肠切除术及回肠至横结肠侧侧吻合术" ], "239617001": [ "Adjustment to alignment of external fixator", "调整外固定器的对准" ], "1255425001": [ "Percutaneous cryoablation of hepatic lesion", "Percutaneous cryoablation of lesion of liver", "经皮肝病灶冷冻消融术", "经皮肝脏病变冷冻消融术" ], "257836008": [ "Internal fixation using intramedullary nail", "Fixation of fracture using intramedullary nail", "髓内钉内固定", "髓内钉固定骨折" ], "206849004": [ "Biopsy of sympathetic nerve", "交感神经活检" ], "172246005": [ "Revision of tarsorrhaphy", "睑缘缝合术修复" ], "450774005": [ "Suturing of uterus using haemostatic brace suturing technique", "Suturing of uterus using hemostatic brace suturing technique", "采用止血支架缝合技术缝合子宫" ], "252331000": [ "Immunofixation", "IFE - Immunofixation", "IF - Immunofixation", "IFX - Immunofixation", "IF-免疫固定", "IFE-免疫固定", "IFX-免疫固定", "免疫固定" ], "121259003": [ "Para-aminobenzoate measurement", "对氨基苯甲酸的测定" ], "104875004": [ "Phosphoglucomutase measurement", "磷酸葡糖变位酶测量" ], "1217152000": [ "Endoscopy of urinary diversion", "尿流改道内镜检查" ], "448939009": [ "Endarterectomy of inferior mesenteric artery", "下肠系膜动脉内膜切除术" ], "609109003": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from anus without incision", "不切开肛门腔内异物取出术" ], "35669004": [ "Incision and drainage of abscess of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织脓肿切开引流" ], "33834001": [ "Acne surgery", "痤疮手术" ], "427050004": [ "Reduction of labia minor", "小阴唇缩小术" ], "1295402005": [ "Postmortem plain X-ray of entire body", "尸检后全身X光检查" ], "443434006": [ "Replacement of dual chamber pulse generator", "双腔脉冲发生器的更换" ], "359679002": [ "Schwartze operation", "施瓦茨手术" ], "736511004": [ "Reconstruction of urethra with buccal mucosa graft", "颊黏膜移植重建尿道" ], "228607005": [ "Provision of special footwear", "提供特殊鞋类" ], "179455007": [ "Revision hybrid total shoulder replacement", "翻修混合型全肩关节置换术" ], "392447008": [ "Rat serum proteins specific IgE antibody measurement", "e75 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rat serum proteins specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "大鼠血清蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "大鼠血清蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定", "e75 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "441599009": [ "Posterior fusion of atlantoaxial joint using pedicle screw", "寰枢关节后路椎弓根螺钉固定" ], "1144276002": [ "Fitting of complete lower denture", "安装全下义齿" ], "439764006": [ "Percutaneous skeletal fixation of fracture of great toe with manipulation", "经皮骨固定术治疗拇趾骨折" ], "406996009": [ "Pneumocystis sputum Giemsa stain method", "Pneumocystis sputum Giemsa stain", "肺孢子虫痰液吉姆萨染色法", "肺孢子虫痰液吉姆萨染色" ], "241321004": [ "Radionuclide esophageal study", "Radionuclide oesophageal study", "放射性核素食管研究", "放射性核素食管检查" ], "700073007": [ "Aspiration of ectopic pregnancy from cornu of fallopian tube", "Aspiration of ectopic pregnancy from cornual segment of fallopian tube", "输卵管角段异位妊娠抽吸术", "输卵管角异位妊娠抽吸术" ], "173950003": [ "Ileectomy and anastomosis of ileum to colon", "回肠切除及回肠至结肠吻合术" ], "10110004": [ "Platelet adhesiveness test", "Platelet adhesiveness, Salzman column test", "Platelet adhesiveness, glass bead", "血小板粘附性、Salzman柱试验", "血小板粘附试验", "血小板粘附性、玻璃珠" ], "239486005": [ "Interposition arthroplasty of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb", "拇指掌指关节插入成形术" ], "172115000": [ "Drainage of breast lesion", "乳腺病变引流" ], "450643004": [ "Open cannulation of artery", "开放动脉插管" ], "104744002": [ "Hypoxanthine measurement", "次黄嘌呤测量" ], "710952002": [ "Advocating for breastfeeding", "倡导母乳喂养" ], "252200005": [ "Gonadotrophin releasing hormone test", "GnRH - Gonadotrophin releasing hormone test", "LHRH - Luteinising hormone releasing hormone test", "Luteinising hormone releasing hormone test", "LHRH - Luteinizing hormone releasing hormone test", "Luteinizing hormone releasing hormone test", "Gonadotropin releasing hormone test", "GnRH - Gonadotropin releasing hormone test", "黄体生成素释放激素检查", "促性腺激素释放激素检测", "GnRH-- 促性腺激素释放激素测试", "黄体生成素释放激素测试", "LHRH-- 黄体生成素释放激素测试" ], "448808006": [ "Fusion of cervicothoracic region of spine by anterior approach", "前入路颈胸椎融合术" ], "432424009": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of renal artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of renal artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "肾动脉荧光造影及支架置入术", "肾动脉荧光血管造影及支架置入" ], "397821002": [ "Patient transfer to intensive care unit", "Transfer to ICU", "患者转入重症监护室", "转入ICU" ], "266749002": [ "Referral to surgical fitter", "Refer to surgical fitter", "转诊至手术装配师", "转介手术装配师" ], "168445004": [ "Cell chromosome examination", "细胞染色体检查" ], "709117007": [ "Foetoscopic laser photocoagulation of placental vessel for twin to twin transfusion syndrome", "Fetoscopic laser photocoagulation of placental vessel for twin to twin transfusion syndrome", "胎儿镜下胎盘血管激光光凝治疗双胎输血综合征" ], "445138001": [ "Injection of drug or medicament into macula", "将药物或药剂注射入黄斑" ], "428754001": [ "Dietary education for food intolerance", "食物不耐症的饮食教育" ], "166610007": [ "Serum bilirubin measurement", "Serum bilirubin level", "SB - Serum bilirubin", "血清胆红素测量", "血清胆红素水平", "SB-- 血清胆红素" ], "17319005": [ "Take-down of stoma of common duct", "胆管造口切除术" ], "935008": [ "Excision of bulbourethral gland", "Excision of Cowper's gland", "尿道球腺切除术", "切除考珀氏腺" ], "310396003": [ "Suturing of mitral valve", "二尖瓣缝合术" ], "359548007": [ "Open biopsy of small intestine", "小肠开放活检" ], "406865001": [ "Haematein stain method", "Hematein stain method", "Haematein stain", "Hematein stain", "血红素染色", "血红素染色法" ], "308561006": [ "Report procedure", "举报程序" ], "241190000": [ "Breast pneumocystogram", "乳房气囊造影" ], "372262002": [ "Local excision of anus", "肛门局部切除" ], "765478004": [ "Allotransplantation of left kidney", "左肾同种异体移植" ], "306726005": [ "Referral by research nurse", "Referral from research nurse", "研究护士推荐", "研究护士转诊" ], "388646004": [ "Gadus morhua specific IgE antibody measurement", "f3 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Codfish specific IgE antibody measurement", "Gadus morhua specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f3 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "鳕鱼特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "鳕鱼特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "239355000": [ "Removal of foreign body from bone", "FB - Removal of foreign body from bone", "FB - 去除骨中的异物", "去除骨中的异物" ], "386811000": [ "Fetal procedure", "胎儿手术" ], "1255163004": [ "Mediterranean diet", "地中海饮食" ], "108283006": [ "Ultrasound procedure on cardiovascular system", "US scan of cardiovascular system", "心血管系统超声扫描", "心血管系统超声检查" ], "763643007": [ "Obesity treatment", "Obesity care", "肥胖护理", "肥胖治疗" ], "450512004": [ "Endarterectomy of axillary artery", "腋动脉内膜切除术" ], "1220560005": [ "Self-induced termination of pregnancy", "Self-induced abortion", "自行堕胎", "自行终止妊娠" ], "8144007": [ "Removal of foreign body from trachea by incision", "切开气管取出异物" ], "448677000": [ "Computed tomography perfusion study of liver", "CT perfusion study of liver", "肝脏 CT 灌注研究", "肝脏CT灌注研究" ], "171984009": [ "Incision of thyroglossal cyst", "甲状舌骨囊肿切开术" ], "104613001": [ "Creatine kinase MB measurement", "Creatine kinase MB isoenzyme measurement", "肌酸激酶同工酶测定", "肌酸激酶 MB 测量" ], "710821002": [ "Support of spiritual ritual", "Spiritual ritual support", "精神仪式支持", "精神仪式的支持" ], "6309008": [ "Fecal fat differential, quantitative", "Faecal fat differential, quantitative", "粪便脂肪差异,定量" ], "708986002": [ "Robot assisted laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy", "Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy using robotic assistance", "使用机器人辅助的腹腔镜骶骨阴道固定术", "机器人辅助腹腔镜骶骨阴道固定术" ], "725370006": [ "Fenestration of dissection of thoracic aorta", "胸主动脉夹层开窗术" ], "117327000": [ "Reticulin stain method", "Reticulin stain", "网状蛋白染色", "网状蛋白染色法" ], "608847001": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from musculoskeletal system", "肌肉骨骼系统标本的显微镜检查" ], "445007004": [ "Drainage of felon", "Drainage of pulp abscess of digit", "Drainage of whitlow", "罪犯引流", "指(趾)髓脓肿引流术", "瘭疽引流" ], "363087005": [ "Disability administrative procedure", "残疾行政程序" ], "313935007": [ "24 hour urine phosphate output measurement", "24 hour urine phosphate output", "24小时尿磷酸盐排出量测定", "24小时尿磷酸盐排出量" ], "17188002": [ "Carnitine measurement, serum", "血清肉碱测量" ], "410404006": [ "Ostomy care surveillance", "造口护理监测" ], "308430004": [ "Chronic disease recall", "慢性病回忆" ], "13518004": [ "Computerized tomography without intravenous contrast followed by intravenous contrast and more sections", "Computerised tomography without intravenous contrast followed by intravenous contrast and more sections", "Computed tomography without intravenous contrast followed by intravenous contrast and more sections", "Computerised tomography without IV (intravenous) contrast followed by IV (intravenous) contrast and more sections", "Computerized tomography without IV (intravenous) contrast followed by IV (intravenous) contrast and more sections", "无需静脉注射造影剂的计算机断层扫描,随后进行静脉注射造影剂和更多切片", "未进行静脉注射造影剂的计算机断层扫描,随后进行静脉注射造影剂和更多切片", "未注射静脉造影剂的计算机断层扫描,随后进行静脉造影剂和更多切片" ], "718030008": [ "Antegrade insertion of ureteric stent into ureter of transplanted kidney using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided antegrade insertion of ureteric stent into ureter of transplanted kidney", "荧光透视引导下顺行输尿管支架置入移植肾输尿管", "透视引导输尿管支架顺行插入移植肾输尿管" ], "306595003": [ "Discharge from neurology service", "神经内科出院" ], "28067008": [ "Reimplantation of artery", "动脉再植" ], "59000001": [ "Surgical pathology consultation and report on referred slides prepared elsewhere", "外科病理学咨询和在其他地方准备的参考幻灯片报告" ], "108152001": [ "Lens incision", "晶状体切开" ], "699811009": [ "Wilson test", "Wilson sign test", "Wilson 试验", "Wilson 符号检验" ], "271992004": [ "Obstetric investigation", "产科检查" ], "1287800005": [ "Angiography of artery of brain", "脑动脉造影" ], "239224008": [ "Biopsy of lesion of ganglion", "神经节病变活检" ], "1236813006": [ "Indwelling pleural catheterization", "Insertion of IPC (indwelling pleural catheter)", "Indwelling pleural catheterisation", "Insertion of indwelling catheter into pleural cavity", "留置胸腔导管", "将留置导管插入胸腔", "插入 IPC(留置胸膜导管)" ], "237389008": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration of mastectomy scar", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of mastectomy scar", "经皮乳房切除术疤痕细针穿刺", "乳房切除术后疤痕经皮细针穿刺活检" ], "88098001": [ "Cordotomy of vocal cord", "声带切断术" ], "104482006": [ "ALT measurement, method without pyridoxal-5'-phosphate", "Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) measurement, method without pyridoxal-5'-phosphate", "Alanine aminotransferase measurement, method without pyridoxal-5'-phosphate", "ALT 测量,不使用 5'-磷酸吡哆醛的方法", "丙氨酸氨基转移酶 (ALT) 测量,不使用吡哆醛-5'-磷酸的方法", "丙氨酸氨基转移酶测定,不使用吡哆醛-5'-磷酸的方法" ], "235554006": [ "Bile duct prosthesis procedure", "Biliary stent procedures", "Biliary prosthesis procedures", "胆道支架手术", "胆道假体手术", "胆管假体手术" ], "20727002": [ "Curettage of spinal cord", "脊髓刮除术" ], "315639002": [ "Initial patient assessment", "初步患者评估" ], "53495004": [ "Angiography of upper extremity arteries, bilateral", "Arteriography of arteries of bilateral upper extremities", "Angiography of arteries of bilateral upper extremities", "Arteriography of arteries of both upper extremities", "Angiography of arteries of both upper extremities", "Arteriography of arteries of bilateral arms", "Angiography of arteries of bilateral upper limbs", "Angiography of arteries of both upper limbs", "Arteriography of arteries of both upper limbs", "Arteriography of arteries of both arms", "Angiography of arteries of bilateral arms", "Angiography of arteries of both arms", "Arteriography of arteries of bilateral upper limbs", "双臂动脉造影", "双侧上肢动脉血管造影", "双上肢动脉造影", "双侧上肢动脉造影" ], "395724000": [ "Choledocholithotomy", "Lithotomy of common bile duct", "胆总管切开取石术", "胆管切开取石术" ], "708855009": [ "Excision of lesion of buccal mucosa", "颊黏膜病变切除术" ], "313804002": [ "Serum isoleucine level", "Serum isoleucine measurement", "血清异亮氨酸水平", "血清异亮氨酸测量" ], "2508002": [ "Retrograde urography with KUB", "Retrograde urography with kidney-ureter-bladder", "逆行尿路造影及腹部平片", "逆行肾-输尿管-膀胱尿路造影" ], "35276003": [ "Ligation, division and complete stripping of long saphenous veins", "结扎、分离和完全剥离长隐静脉" ], "281036007": [ "Follow-up consultation", "后续咨询" ], "33441001": [ "High performance liquid chromatography, mass analyzer type", "High performance liquid chromatography, mass analyser type", "高效液相色谱仪,质谱分析仪", "高效液相色谱,质谱分析类型" ], "49825002": [ "Manipulation of spinal cord", "脊髓操作" ], "410273004": [ "Behaviour modification teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Behavior modification teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Behavior modification education, guidance, and counseling", "Behaviour modification education, guidance, and counselling", "行为矫正教学、指导和咨询", "行为矫正教育、指导和咨询" ], "443041005": [ "Insertion of permanent drainage catheter into peritoneal cavity using radiologic guidance", "使用放射学引导将永久性引流导管插入腹腔" ], "673005": [ "Indirect laryngoscopy", "Indirect examination of larynx", "IDL - Indirect laryngoscopy", "IDL-间接喉镜检查", "间接喉镜检查", "喉部间接检查" ], "64374001": [ "Assessment and interpretation of higher cerebral function, aphasia testing", "Aphasia testing and assessment", "失语症测试和评估", "高级大脑功能的评估和解释、失语症测试" ], "31606002": [ "Radical maxillary sinusotomy with removal of antrochoanal polyps", "根治性上颌窦切开术及上颌后鼻孔息肉切除术" ], "736118004": [ "Emergency lower segment caesarean section with bilateral tubal ligation", "Emergency lower segment cesarean section with bilateral tubal ligation", "紧急下段剖宫产及双侧输卵管结扎术", "紧急下段剖宫产术及双侧输卵管结扎" ], "408438005": [ "Advice to carer regarding child's safety", "Recommendation to carer regarding child's safety", "Advice to caregiver regarding child's safety", "Recommendation to caregiver regarding child's safety", "向照顾者提供有关儿童安全的建议", "给照顾者关于儿童安全的建议" ], "13387000": [ "Suture of ligament of ankle", "踝关节韧带缝合" ], "177227000": [ "Secondary repair of obstetric laceration", "产科裂伤的二期修复" ], "62539002": [ "Reduction of volvulus of large intestine", "Reduction of torsion of large intestine", "大肠扭转复位术", "大肠扭转复位" ], "78923006": [ "Destruction of lesion of larynx", "喉部病变毁损术" ], "716064002": [ "MRI of entire skeleton with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of entire skeleton with contrast", "整个骨骼的增强磁共振成像", "整个骨骼的 MRI 增强扫描" ], "306464008": [ "Discharge by cardiothoracic surgeon", "心胸外科医生出院" ], "240928009": [ "Iliac embolectomy", "Embolectomy of iliac artery", "髂动脉栓塞切除术" ], "108021004": [ "Operative procedure on male genitourinary system", "男性泌尿生殖系统手术" ], "1304053005": [ "Sigmoidoscopic full thickness resection of rectum", "Sigmoidoscopy and full thickness resection of rectum", "乙状结肠镜直肠全层切除术", "乙状结肠镜检查及直肠全层切除术" ], "171722000": [ "Evacuation of intracranial subdural abscess", "颅内硬膜下脓肿清除术" ], "384714001": [ "Injection of joint of foot", "足部关节注射" ], "1269450005": [ "Ankle disarticulation", "Disarticulation of ankle joint", "踝关节脱位" ], "401098006": [ "Sample microscopy for epithelial cells", "Sample microscopy: epithelial cells", "样本显微镜:上皮细胞", "上皮细胞样本显微镜检查" ], "433866007": [ "Laser ablation of lesion of liver using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Laser ablation of lesion of liver using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided laser ablation of lesion of liver", "CT引导下肝脏病变激光消融", "计算机断层扫描引导下激光消融肝脏病变", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导激光消融肝脏病变" ], "417482005": [ "Ophthalmic two point discrimination test", "Two point discrimination test", "眼科两点辨别测试", "两点辨别测验" ], "22431000": [ "Needle biopsy of cranial nerve", "脑神经针吸活检" ], "710559001": [ "Assessment of self esteem", "自尊评估" ], "432031004": [ "Fluoroscopy of barium small bowel meal and follow through", "小肠钡餐透视检查及后续检查" ], "104351008": [ "Complement C3c measurement", "补体 C3c 测量" ], "235423009": [ "Insertion of nasojejunal tube", "插入鼻空肠管" ], "233588003": [ "Continuous haemodiafiltration", "Continuous hemodiafiltration", "持续性血液透析滤过" ], "118900009": [ "Procedure on iris", "虹膜检查" ], "313673009": [ "CD2 T-cell count procedure", "CD2 T-cell count", "CD2 T 细胞计数程序", "CD2 T 细胞计数" ], "410142006": [ "Physician contact management", "Manage physician contact", "管理医生联系方式", "医生联系管理" ], "1293043001": [ "Plain X-ray of left optic canal", "Plain X-ray of left optic foramen", "左视神经孔 X 光检查", "左视神经管普通 X 光检查" ], "424691005": [ "Public health investigation of communicable disease outbreak", "Public health outbreak investigation", "传染病暴发公共卫生调查", "公共卫生疫情调查" ], "46024003": [ "Penile urethrorrhaphy", "阴茎尿道缝合术" ], "734152003": [ "Administration of human papilloma virus quadrivalent vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Human papillomavirus 6, 11, 16 and 18 antigens", "Administration of Human papillomavirus 6, 11, 16 and 18 vaccine", "Human papillomavirus 6, 11, 16 and 18 vaccination", "Human papillomavirus 6, 11, 16 and 18 immunization", "Human papillomavirus 6, 11, 16 and 18 immunisation", "接种人乳头瘤病毒 6、11、16 和 18 疫苗", "接种人乳头瘤病毒四价疫苗", "人乳头瘤病毒 6、11、16 和 18 免疫接种", "人乳头瘤病毒 6、11、16 和 18 疫苗接种", "接种仅含有人乳头瘤病毒 6、11、16 和 18 抗原的疫苗产品", "人乳头瘤病毒 6、11、16 和 18 免疫" ], "13256004": [ "Dynamic function study, blood clearance", "动态功能研究、血液清除率" ], "177096007": [ "Late selective feticide", "晚期选择性堕胎" ], "439240009": [ "Replacement of percutaneous tube with imaging guidance using contrast", "造影剂引导下经皮导管置换术" ], "175261002": [ "Removal of band from pulmonary artery", "Pulmonary artery debanding", "肺动脉去带术", "去除肺动脉带" ], "404637003": [ "Gonioplasty", "Peripheral iridoplasty", "周边虹膜成形术", "房角成形术" ], "715933006": [ "Provision of medical patient escort", "提供医疗病人陪护" ], "306333007": [ "Referral to oncology nurse", "转诊至肿瘤科护士" ], "763250000": [ "Excision of pilonidal sinus and closure with skin flap", "切除藏毛窦并用皮瓣封闭" ], "386418001": [ "Seizure management", "癫痫发作管理" ], "304498002": [ "Offering encouragement to perform procedure", "Giving encouragement to perform procedure", "鼓励执行程序" ], "173426007": [ "Bilateral laser tonsillectomy", "Laser excision of bilateral tonsils", "Laser excision of both tonsils", "激光切除两侧扁桃体", "双侧扁桃体激光切除术", "双侧激光扁桃体切除术" ], "24135002": [ "Ultrasonography of total body", "全身超声检查" ], "122439002": [ "Interleukin measurement", "白细胞介素测量" ], "433735005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of radial artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of radial artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术(荧光造影引导)" ], "89671007": [ "Repair of artery with patch graft", "Grafting of artery with patch", "带补片的动脉移植", "用补片移植修复动脉" ], "1201948000": [ "Reconstruction using bipedicled flap", "Reconstruction with bipedicled flap", "双蒂皮瓣修复", "双蒂皮瓣重建" ], "104220003": [ "Rhodamine-auramine fluorochrome stain method", "Rhodamine-auramine fluorochrome stain", "罗丹明-金胺荧光染料", "罗丹明-金胺荧光染色法" ], "431900006": [ "Marking of skin of spine using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "Marking of skin of spine using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance", "MRI guided marking of skin of spine", "MRI 引导下脊柱皮肤标记", "使用磁共振成像引导标记脊柱皮肤", "使用磁共振成像(MRI)引导标记脊柱皮肤" ], "235292006": [ "Santulli enterostomy", "Santulli 肠造口术" ], "118769002": [ "Procedure on parotid gland", "腮腺手术" ], "233457004": [ "Stripping of varicose vein tributary", "曲张静脉支流剥脱术" ], "20465005": [ "Open reduction of rib fracture requiring external fixation", "Open reduction of rib fracture with external fixation", "肋骨骨折切开复位外固定", "肋骨骨折切开复位需外固定" ], "231622004": [ "Levator palpebrae disinsertion", "提睑肌离断术" ], "444614006": [ "Percutaneous transapical insertion of aortic valve using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮经心尖主动脉瓣插入术" ], "278939002": [ "Eye prosthesis procedure", "眼部假体手术" ], "410011004": [ "Administration of anaesthesia AND/OR sedation", "Administration of anesthesia AND/OR sedation", "麻醉和/或镇静" ], "311707005": [ "Oral motor exercises", "口腔运动练习" ], "33179004": [ "Suture of jejunum", "Jejunorrhaphy", "空肠缝合", "空肠缝合术" ], "31344000": [ "Radiation therapy treatment planning, patient contour and localization of internal structures", "Radiation therapy treatment planning, patient contour and localisation of internal structures", "放射治疗治疗计划、患者轮廓和内部结构定位" ], "426395009": [ "Diagnostic audiology", "诊断听力学" ], "309872002": [ "Medial rectus recession", "内直肌退缩" ], "80496005": [ "Total mandibulectomy with reconstruction", "Total ostectomy for graft of mandible with reconstruction", "Grafting of bone of mandible with total mandibulectomy", "Total ostectomy of mandible with reconstruction", "Total excision of bone of mandible with reconstruction", "Total mandibulectomy with synchronous reconstruction", "Reconstruction of bone of mandible with total mandibulectomy", "下颌骨全切除术及重建", "全下颌骨切除术及重建", "下颌骨全切除重建术", "下颌骨全切除及重建", "下颌骨全切除重建", "下颌骨全切除下颌骨植骨术", "全下颌骨切除术及同步重建" ], "176965005": [ "Drainage of fallopian tube", "输卵管引流" ], "62277007": [ "Excision of soft tissue of hand", "Resection of soft tissue of hand", "手部软组织切除术" ], "308037008": [ "Syntocinon induction of labor", "Syntocinon induction of labour", "催产素引产" ], "175130004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal mapping of conducting system of heart", "经皮心脏传导系统腔内标测" ], "764954005": [ "Computer assisted anomia treatment", "Computer-assisted anomia therapy", "Computer assisted anomic aphasia treatment", "计算机辅助失名症治疗", "计算机辅助失语症治疗", "计算机辅助命名障碍治疗" ], "1010714005": [ "Excision of left uterine adnexa", "左侧子宫附件切除术" ], "306202007": [ "Referral to care of the elderly day hospital", "Referral to geriatric day hospital", "转诊至老年日间医院", "转介至老人日间医院" ], "44058009": [ "Hysteroscopy with lysis of intrauterine adhesions", "宫腔镜检查及宫腔粘连松解术" ], "386287001": [ "Environmental management: violence prevention", "环境管理:预防暴力" ], "25839004": [ "Filtration rate measurement", "过滤率测量" ], "763119008": [ "Assessment using New Zealand priority criteria for major joint replacement", "使用新西兰优先标准进行重大关节置换的评估" ], "122308003": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi antibody band pattern determination", "伯氏疏螺旋体抗体带型测定" ], "236996005": [ "Abdominal uterine fundal massage", "腹部子宫底按摩" ], "89540006": [ "Segmental excision and ligation", "节段切除和结扎" ], "73156009": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of humerus with internal fixation", "肱骨骨折闭合复位内固定" ], "235161003": [ "Ivor Lewis subtotal oesophagectomy", "Ivor Lewis subtotal esophagectomy", "Ivor Lewis 食管次全切除术" ], "54937007": [ "Methemoglobin measurement, quantitative", "Methaemoglobin measurement, quantitative", "高铁血红蛋白测量,定量" ], "446318000": [ "Incision of cyst of ovary", "卵巢囊肿切开术" ], "5785009": [ "Forensic autopsy", "法医尸检" ], "69486001": [ "Revision neuroplasty", "修复神经成形术" ], "233326003": [ "Embolization of vertebral artery", "Embolisation of vertebral artery", "椎动脉栓塞", "椎动脉栓塞术" ], "1300121009": [ "Acute phase rehabilitation", "急性期康复" ], "413550005": [ "Anterior ciliary sclerotomy", "ACS - anterior ciliary sclerotomy", "ACS-- 前睫状体巩膜切开术", "前睫状体巩膜切开术" ], "397166008": [ "Gritti-Stokes amputation", "Gritti-Stokes 截肢术" ], "2115003": [ "Dental prophylaxis of child", "儿童牙齿预防" ], "18499008": [ "Radionuclide study, protein kinetics", "放射性核素研究、蛋白质动力学" ], "311576002": [ "Facilitated intelligibility regime", "促进理解机制" ], "65816006": [ "Ligation of common iliac vein, partial", "髂总静脉部分结扎" ], "113133001": [ "Hydrotherapy with whirlpool bath", "Whirlpool treatment", "Physical medicine treatment to one area with whirlpool bath", "漩涡浴治疗", "漩涡浴水疗", "使用漩涡浴对某一区域进行物理医学治疗" ], "178669008": [ "Laser discectomy", "激光椎间盘切除术" ], "258754001": [ "Arthroscopy of wrist", "腕关节镜检查" ], "225986002": [ "Gaining safe level of mobility prior to hospital discharge", "出院前达到安全的活动水平" ], "176834000": [ "Vaginal removal of uterine foreign body", "FB - Vaginal removal of uterine foreign body", "阴道取出子宫异物", "FB - 阴道取出子宫异物" ], "713836000": [ "Provision of anticipatory care medication", "提供预期护理药物" ], "306071009": [ "Referral by occupational therapist", "Referral from occupational therapist", "职业治疗师转介", "职业治疗师的推荐" ], "287852004": [ "Removal of cerebral ventricular valve", "脑室瓣膜切除术" ], "449857002": [ "Placement of healing collar", "Placement of healing abutment", "放置愈合领", "愈合基台的放置" ], "122177002": [ "Entamoeba histolytica antigen assay", "溶组织内阿米巴抗原测定" ], "236865002": [ "Removal of ring pessary from vagina", "Removal of ring suppository from vagina", "从阴道取出环栓剂", "从阴道取出环状子宫托" ], "302401004": [ "W-plasty", "W-plasty of skin", "皮肤W成形术", "W-整形术" ], "284182000": [ "Application of wound glue", "Gluing of wound", "Glueing of wound", "伤口胶的应用", "伤口粘合" ], "103958003": [ "Antibody screen, serum", "抗体筛查,血清" ], "726550007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal venoplasty of hepatic vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of hepatic vein with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of hepatic vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮肝静脉腔内成形术(荧光造影引导)", "经皮肝静脉腔内血管成形术(荧光造影引导)", "荧光透视引导下经皮肝静脉腔内血管成形术" ], "184043001": [ "Removal of skin sutures/clips", "拆除皮肤缝线/夹子" ], "233195002": [ "Pericardioperitoneal shunt operation", "心包腹腔分流术" ], "397035004": [ "Fogarty embolectomy of vein", "福格蒂静脉栓塞切除术" ], "446187005": [ "Measurement of Influenza A virus A/Leningrad/624/86 (H1N1) antibody", "甲型流感病毒 A/Leningrad/624/86 (H1N1) 抗体检测" ], "3819004": [ "Embolization of thoracic artery", "Embolisation of thoracic artery", "胸动脉栓塞", "胸动脉栓塞术" ], "315115008": [ "Downs screening test", "唐氏筛查测试" ], "313280002": [ "Manual evacuation of faeces from rectum", "Manual evacuation of feces from rectum", "Disimpaction of faeces", "Disimpaction of feces", "粪便堵塞", "手动从直肠排出粪便" ], "67520002": [ "Proctoscopy through stoma", "Endoscopy of rectum through stoma", "经造口直肠镜检查", "经造口直肠内镜检查" ], "231360004": [ "Topical local anesthetic to urethra", "Topical local anaesthetic to urethra", "尿道局部麻醉" ], "116672005": [ "Pleura destructive procedure", "胸膜破坏性手术" ], "83904006": [ "Arsenic measurement, nails", "指甲中的砷测量" ], "16533001": [ "Silica measurement, tissue", "二氧化硅测量,组织" ], "395200009": [ "Modified radical neck dissection of cervical lymph nodes, with preservation of accessory nerve and internal jugular vein", "保留副神经及颈内静脉的改良根治性颈淋巴结清扫术" ], "180373008": [ "Fitting of lower limb prosthesis", "下肢假肢安装" ], "442517008": [ "Measurement of barbiturate in urine specimen using fluorescent polarisation immunoassay", "Measurement of barbiturate in urine specimen using fluorescent polarization immunoassay", "荧光偏振免疫分析法测定尿液标本中的巴比妥酸盐", "荧光偏振免疫分析法测定尿液样本中的巴比妥酸盐" ], "178538002": [ "Revisional microdiscectomy of cervical intervertebral disc", "颈椎间盘微创切除术" ], "276842003": [ "Removal of implanted reservoir", "移除植入式储液器" ], "426133008": [ "Endoscopic insertion of prosthesis into prostate", "内窥镜前列腺假体植入" ], "391530006": [ "Plasma cystine level", "血浆胱氨酸水平" ], "440682008": [ "Repair of persistant cloaca by sacroperineal approach", "骶阴入路修补泄殖腔残留" ], "12863003": [ "Repair of uterorectal fistula", "Repair of rectouterine fistula", "Closure of rectouterine fistula", "子宫直肠瘘修复", "直肠子宫瘘闭合", "直肠子宫瘘修复" ], "275007007": [ "Ivor Lewis partial oesophagogastrectomy", "Ivor Lewis partial esophagogastrectomy", "Ivor Lewis 部分食管胃切除术" ], "422463007": [ "Pulmonary artery catheter care", "Pulmonary artery line care", "肺动脉导管护理" ], "715540001": [ "Transportation by helicopter air ambulance", "直升机空中救护车运输" ], "387860002": [ "Excision rectal mucosal prolapse", "Excision of redundant mucosa of rectum", "直肠黏膜脱垂切除术", "直肠多余粘膜切除术" ], "699156004": [ "Excision arthroplasty of knee", "Excision arthroplasty of joint of knee", "膝关节切除置换术" ], "1010452005": [ "Excision of left ovotestis", "切除左侧卵睾" ], "305940009": [ "Referral by ITU specialist", "Referral from ITU specialist", "Referral from intensive care specialist", "Referral by intensive care specialist", "重症监护专家转诊", "国际电联专家推荐" ], "764692009": [ "PET CT of whole body using fluorocholine (18-F)", "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography of whole body using fluorocholine (18-F)", "使用氟胆碱进行全身 PET CT 检查 (18-F)", "使用氟胆碱 (18-F) 进行全身正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描" ], "9193007": [ "Catheterization of pancreatic cyst", "Catheterisation of pancreatic cyst", "胰腺囊肿导管插入术" ], "122046001": [ "Mycoplasma hominis antibody assay", "Measurement of Mycoplasma hominis antibody", "人型支原体抗体检测", "人型支原体抗体测定" ], "171198002": [ "Iron deficiency screening", "缺铁筛查" ], "418793009": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of femoropopliteal artery", "Doppler ultrasound scan of femoropopliteal artery", "股腘动脉多普勒超声检查", "股腘动脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "433342008": [ "Incision and drainage of abscess of scalp", "头皮脓肿切开引流术" ], "234899002": [ "Incisional biopsy of lesion of floor of mouth", "口底病变切开活检" ], "103827003": [ "Alpha-2 antiplasmin antigen assay", "α-2抗纤溶酶抗原检测" ], "185747003": [ "Obesity monitoring verbal invite", "肥胖监测口头邀请" ], "3461000087100": [ "Plain X-ray of left acromioclavicular joint", "左肩锁关节普通 X 光检查" ], "447891006": [ "Curettage of lesion of bone and grafting of bone", "骨病损刮除及骨移植" ], "120211007": [ "Inguinal region manipulation", "腹股沟区操作" ], "726419008": [ "Prosthetic unicompartmental arthroplasty of right knee", "右膝关节假体单髁置换术" ], "2181000087105": [ "MRI of right breast with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right breast with contrast", "右乳 MRI 增强扫描", "右乳核磁共振成像对比" ], "3688002": [ "Anesthesia for lens surgery", "Anaesthesia for lens surgery", "晶状体手术麻醉" ], "17541000087106": [ "MR angiography of right upper limb with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of right upper extremity with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of right upper limb with contrast", "MR angiography of right upper extremity with contrast", "MR angiography of right arm with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of right arm with contrast", "右上肢增强磁共振血管造影", "右臂 MRI 血管造影", "右臂磁共振血管造影" ], "4741000087105": [ "CT of bilateral calcanea", "Computed tomography of bilateral calcanea", "Computed tomography of both calcanea", "Computed tomography of left and right calcaneum", "双侧跟骨的计算机断层扫描", "双侧跟骨 CT", "双侧跟骨计算机断层扫描", "左、右跟骨的计算机断层扫描" ], "415123009": [ "Pneumocystis carinii immunofluorescence", "Pneumocystis jirovecii immunofluorescence", "卡氏肺孢子虫免疫荧光", "耶氏肺孢子虫免疫荧光" ], "233064006": [ "RVOTO - Operation for right ventricular outflow tract obstruction", "Operation on the right ventricular outflow tract", "RVOTO - 右心室流出道阻塞手术", "右心室流出道手术" ], "183912002": [ "Private referral to clinical pharmacologist", "向临床药理学家进行私人转诊" ], "901000087105": [ "Ultrasonography of right ankle", "Ultrasound of right ankle", "Ultrasound scan of right ankle", "右脚踝超声波扫描", "右踝部超声检查" ], "231229001": [ "Local anesthetic mandibular nerve block", "Local anaesthetic mandibular nerve block", "Mandibular nerve block", "局部麻醉下颌神经阻滞", "下颌神经阻滞" ], "67389003": [ "Diverticulectomy of duodenum", "Excision of diverticulum of duodenum", "Excision of duodenal diverticulum", "十二指肠憩室切除术" ], "395069004": [ "Sleep management", "睡眠管理" ], "427837004": [ "Measurement of cerebrospinal fluid glycine/plasma glycine ratio", "脑脊液甘氨酸/血浆甘氨酸比率的测量" ], "739133006": [ "Excision of hernial sac of right inguinal canal", "右腹股沟管疝囊切除术" ], "180242007": [ "Intramuscular gold therapy", "肌肉注射金疗法" ], "229394009": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the hindfoot", "Accessory mobilization of the hindfoot", "后足的辅助活动", "后足辅助活动" ], "178407001": [ "Intracranial osteotomy of bone of face", "面部骨颅内截骨术" ], "112871003": [ "Enteroanastomosis large-to-large intestine", "Bypass shunt, large-to-large intestine", "Anastomosis of intestine, large-to-large", "Anastomosis of large intestine to large intestine", "大肠吻合术", "大肠与大肠吻合术", "大肠至大肠旁路分流术" ], "719079005": [ "Recommendation regarding seating requirement", "关于座位要求的建议" ], "473319005": [ "Assessment using ages and stages questionnaires third edition gross motor subscale", "使用年龄和阶段问卷第三版粗大运动分量表进行评估" ], "307644001": [ "Transverse colectomy and ileostomy", "横结肠切除术和回肠造口术" ], "176572004": [ "Male colposcopy", "男性阴道镜检查" ], "1208764008": [ "Male hypospadias repair", "男性尿道下裂修复" ], "717244008": [ "Fluid intake management", "液体摄入管理" ], "78268008": [ "Operation on trabeculae carneae cordis", "心脏肉梁手术" ], "387729006": [ "Bougienage of urethra", "Bouginage of urethra using soft bougies", "使用软探条进行尿道探条术", "尿道探条术" ], "371345007": [ "Laser iridotomy", "Laser peripheral iridotomy", "LI - Laser iridotomy", "LPI - Laser peripheral iridotomy", "激光虹膜切开术", "激光周边虹膜切开术", "LPI - 激光周边虹膜切开术", "LI - 激光虹膜切开术" ], "385894001": [ "Violence prevention", "Violence control", "暴力控制", "预防暴力" ], "287590002": [ "Local skin ultraviolet therapy", "局部皮肤紫外线治疗" ], "418662003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of femoral artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and stent femoral artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of femoral artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "股动脉荧光血管造影及支架置入", "股动脉荧光造影及支架置入术", "对比剂荧光透视检查及股动脉支架置入术" ], "121915000": [ "Histoplasma capsulatum antigen assay", "荚膜组织胞浆菌抗原测定" ], "172902008": [ "Direct closure of defect of nasal sinus", "鼻窦缺损直接缝合" ], "171067001": [ "Postnatal support group", "产后支持小组" ], "90982009": [ "Wedge filter design and fabrication", "楔形滤波器设计和制造" ], "70928001": [ "Restoration, resin, one surface, posterior, permanent", "修复,树脂,单面,后部,永久" ], "185616003": [ "Smear infected - 1st recall", "Smear infected - First recall", "涂片感染-首次召回", "涂片感染-第一次召回" ], "103696004": [ "Patient referral to specialist", "患者转诊至专科医生" ], "234768008": [ "Take impression for speech aid", "采取印象以辅助言语" ], "120080009": [ "Spinal cord transplantation", "脊髓移植" ], "232933001": [ "Operation on truncal valve cusp", "Operation on truncal valve leaflet", "动脉干瓣膜尖手术", "动脉干瓣叶手术" ], "871909005": [ "First measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella vaccination", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Human alphaherpesvirus 3 and Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus antigens", "Administration of first dose of measles and mumps and rubella and varicella virus vaccine", "First measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella immunisation", "First measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella immunization", "接种第一剂麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘病毒疫苗", "首次接种麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘疫苗", "首次麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘免疫接种", "注射第一剂仅含有人类疱疹病毒 3 型、麻疹病毒、腮腺炎病毒和风疹病毒抗原的疫苗产品" ], "444090000": [ "Measurement of Epstein Barr virus antibody to viral capsid antigen, IgG and IgM in serum or plasma specimen", "Measurement of immunoglobulin G and M classes of antibody to viral capsid antigen of Epstein Barr virus in serum or plasma specimen", "血清或血浆样本中抗 Epstein Barr 病毒衣壳抗原的免疫球蛋白 G 和 M 类抗体的测量", "血清或血浆样本中 Epstein Barr 病毒衣壳抗原抗体、IgG 和 IgM 的测定" ], "19941009": [ "Division of lacrimal canaliculus", "泪小管分离" ], "167397009": [ "Urine FSH 24 hour assay", "Urine follicle stimulating hormone 24 hour assay", "尿液 FSH 24 小时检测", "尿促卵泡激素 24 小时测定" ], "313018005": [ "Endoscopic reconstruction of breast with expander", "内窥镜扩张器乳房重建术" ], "34490006": [ "Quantitative photoplethysmography, arterial", "定量光电容积描记法,动脉" ], "278415002": [ "Creative therapy", "创意疗法" ], "229263007": [ "Active lower limb movements", "主动下肢运动" ], "112740000": [ "Open reduction of closed sternoclavicular dislocation, acute", "闭合性胸锁关节脱位的切开复位,急性" ], "180111009": [ "Salter osteotomy for congenital deformity of hip", "Salter 截骨术治疗先天性髋关节畸形" ], "178276009": [ "Release of muscle origin", "肌肉起点释放" ], "307513002": [ "Intramuscular steroid therapy", "肌肉注射类固醇治疗" ], "27150000": [ "Total ethmoidectomy by extranasal approach", "经鼻外入路全筛窦切除术" ], "715278003": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of supraclavicular fossa using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided fine needle aspiration biopsy of supraclavicular fossa", "Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsy of supraclavicular fossa", "超声引导下锁骨上窝细针穿刺活检" ], "387598008": [ "Cystourethroscopy with ureteral catheterisation", "Cystourethroscopy with ureteral catheterization", "膀胱尿道镜检查及输尿管插管" ], "713443004": [ "Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent therapy", "非甾体抗炎药治疗" ], "271075006": [ "Urine albumin/creatinine ratio", "Urine albumin/creatinine ratio measurement", "尿白蛋白/肌酐比率", "尿白蛋白/肌酐比率测量" ], "172771007": [ "Reconstruction of nose with skin graft", "皮肤移植重建鼻部" ], "74467008": [ "Replacement of inflatable penile prosthesis", "可膨胀阴茎假体的更换" ], "238307009": [ "Transposition of omentum", "大网膜移位" ], "385763009": [ "Hospice care", "临终关怀" ], "121784004": [ "Glutarate measurement", "戊二酸测量" ], "1285048006": [ "Fitting of removable orthodontic appliance", "可拆卸牙齿矫正器的安装" ], "1186744008": [ "Assist control ventilation volume-targeted pressure-control inflation-type and assured constant airway pressure adjunct", "辅助控制通气量-目标压力控制充气型和保证恒定气道压力辅助装置" ], "105400008": [ "Visit of patient by chaplain in intensive care", "重症监护室牧师探访病人" ], "431245002": [ "Care of subject following anaesthesia", "Care of subject following anesthesia", "麻醉后受试者的护理" ], "1268664009": [ "Coordination of resources to address elder abuse", "协调资源解决虐待老人问题" ], "436701000124108": [ "Decreased galactose diet", "减少半乳糖饮食" ], "119949005": [ "Lymphatic system injection", "淋巴系统注射" ], "70797006": [ "Synergistic hemolysis test", "Synergistic haemolysis test", "协同溶血试验" ], "413026001": [ "IgM autoantibody measurement", "IgM autoantibody level", "Immunoglobulin M autoantibody measurement", "免疫球蛋白 M 自身抗体测量", "IgM 自身抗体测量", "IgM 自身抗体水平" ], "232802004": [ "Excision of vegetations from implanted tricuspid valve", "植入三尖瓣赘生物切除术" ], "445794007": [ "Assessment using repeatable battery for the assessment of neuropsychological status", "使用可重复的电池评估神经心理状态" ], "230967000": [ "Adjustment to neurostimulator electrode in cranial nerve ganglion", "脑神经节神经刺激器电极的调整" ], "118114008": [ "Clostridium difficile antigen assay", "艰难梭菌抗原检测" ], "443959005": [ "Direct laryngoscopy with excision of neoplasm using operating microscope", "直接喉镜检查并用手术显微镜切除肿瘤" ], "81676000": [ "Fixed appliance therapy for control of harmful habit", "固定器械治疗控制不良习惯" ], "179980003": [ "Conversion from hybrid total replacement ankle joint", "混合型全置换踝关节转换" ], "229132004": [ "Blowing cheeks out exercises", "吹气练习" ], "48908006": [ "Renin measurement", "肾素测量" ], "128993003": [ "Excision of head structure", "头部结构切除" ], "1144801004": [ "Increased folate and/or folate derivative diet", "增加叶酸和/或叶酸衍生物饮食" ], "47073004": [ "Tenectomy of hand", "Excision of tendon of hand", "Resection of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱切除术" ], "14305004": [ "Vasography", "Vasogram", "血管造影" ], "79841006": [ "Genetic counseling", "Genetic counselling", "遗传咨询" ], "372918000": [ "Patient education, age-specific", "Age-specific patient education", "针对特定年龄的患者教育" ], "307382004": [ "Discharge from head injury rehabilitation service", "Discharge from head injury rehabilitation", "头部受伤康复服务出院", "头部受伤康复出院" ], "1290422007": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue", "软组织普通 X 光检查" ], "405686007": [ "Manhandling procedure for physical restraint", "人身约束的处理程序" ], "1255819006": [ "STEP - serial transverse enteroplasty", "Serial transverse enteroplasty", "Serial transverse repair of small intestine", "连续小肠横向修复", "STEP-- 连续横向肠成形术", "系列横肠成形术" ], "25184000": [ "Repair of stoma of bronchus", "Revision of stoma of bronchus", "支气管造口修复", "支气管造口修复术" ], "205408000": [ "Bacterial endotoxin measurement, chemical method", "细菌内毒素测定,化学法" ], "238176007": [ "Primary closure of congenital umbilical defect-all layers", "先天性脐带缺损的初次缝合-全层" ], "252725000": [ "EEG with drug administration", "Electroencephalogram with drug administration", "脑电图与药物给药", "给药时进行脑电图" ], "301877006": [ "Injection of steroid into knee joint", "膝关节注射类固醇" ], "121653007": [ "Phorate measurement", "甲拌磷测量" ], "236341007": [ "Replacement of testicular prosthesis", "睾丸假体置换术" ], "105269008": [ "Norpethidine measurement", "去甲哌替啶测量" ], "250890002": [ "Short increment sensitivity index test", "Short increment sensitivity index", "SISI - Short increment sensitivity index test", "SISI index", "SISI 指数", "SISI - 短增量敏感度指数检验", "短增量敏感度指数", "短增量敏感性指数检验" ], "1119242000": [ "Bilateral suprarenal vein venogram", "Venography of both suprarenal veins", "Bilateral suprarenal vein venography", "Venography of bilateral suprarenal veins", "Venogram of bilateral suprarenal veins", "双侧肾上静脉造影", "双侧肾上腺静脉静脉造影" ], "709642004": [ "Biopsy of retroperitoneum using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided biopsy of retroperitoneum", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of retroperitoneum", "超声引导下腹膜后活检" ], "119818004": [ "Vein closure", "静脉闭合" ], "5130002": [ "Extraction of primary membranous cataract by discission", "Needling of lens for cataract", "Discission of cataract", "原发性膜性白内障摘除术", "白内障讨论", "晶状体针刺治疗白内障" ], "39733008": [ "Special care of baby in nursery", "托儿所婴儿的特殊护理" ], "87050008": [ "Arteriectomy with graft replacement of head and neck artery", "Angiectomy with graft replacement of head and neck artery", "Resection of artery of head and neck with replacement", "头颈动脉切除术及移植置换术", "头颈部动脉切除及置换术" ], "314591001": [ "Incision and drainage of perineal abscess", "会阴脓肿切开引流" ], "183519002": [ "Referral to cardiology service", "Cardiological referral", "转诊至心脏病科", "心脏病转诊" ], "412895003": [ "Microbiology battery test", "Microbiology test battery", "微生物学测试电池", "微生物学电池测试" ], "168970005": [ "Superior vena cavogram", "SVC - superior vena cavogram", "上静脉腔造影", "SVC-- 上腔静脉造影" ], "85215005": [ "Cytotoxicity assay", "细胞毒性试验" ], "707807006": [ "Revision of dermofasciectomy", "皮肤筋膜切除术的修订" ], "281823006": [ "Open reduction of dislocated arthroplasty", "脱位关节置换术切开复位" ], "134367001": [ "Implantation of insertable loop recorder", "植入式循环记录器" ], "265439007": [ "Transluminal operations on blood vessel of liver", "肝血管腔内手术" ], "1197492004": [ "Revision of total replacement of knee joint with bone autograft", "Revision of TKR (total knee replacement) with bone autograft", "Revision of total replacement of knee joint with autologous bone grafting", "Revision of TKR (total knee replacement) with autologous bone grafting", "Revision of total knee arthroplasty with bone autograft", "自体骨移植全膝关节置换术", "采用自体骨移植进行全膝关节置换术 (TKR) 翻修", "自体骨移植全膝关节置换术翻修" ], "116148004": [ "Molecular genetics procedure", "分子遗传学程序" ], "736905006": [ "Provision of combined oral contraception leaflet", "提供复方口服避孕药说明书" ], "65161008": [ "Shortening of muscle", "肌肉缩短" ], "704137009": [ "Assessment of seating needs", "座位需求评估" ], "307251001": [ "Meningocele repair", "脑膜膨出修复" ], "241715001": [ "Analgesic technique", "镇痛技术" ], "405791000119100": [ "Revision of transvenous intrahepatic portosystemic shunt", "Revision of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt", "经静脉肝内门体分流术的修订", "经颈静脉肝内门体分流术的修订" ], "225331005": [ "Participative approach", "Interaction treatments and procedures", "参与式方法", "相互作用治疗和程序" ], "274483006": [ "Brace removal", "拆除支架" ], "16547871000119103": [ "Needle aspiration of cyst of left kidney using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided needle aspiration of cyst of left kidney", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行左肾囊肿针吸活检", "CT引导下左肾囊肿穿刺抽吸" ], "59656001": [ "Incision of pancreas", "Pancreatotomy", "胰腺切开术" ], "16549151000119108": [ "Fluoroscopy guided therapeutic injection of right knee", "Therapeutic injection of right knee using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下右膝治疗注射", "右膝荧光透视引导治疗注射" ], "305416008": [ "Admission to restorative dentistry department", "牙科修复科入院" ], "418269003": [ "Angioplasty of iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of iliac artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下髂动脉造影成形术", "荧光造影引导下髂动脉血管成形术" ], "172509007": [ "Cauterisation of ciliary body", "Cauterization of ciliary body", "睫状体烧灼术", "睫状体烧灼" ], "1268402000": [ "EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) guided choledochoduodenostomy and insertion of biliary stent", "Endoscopic ultrasound guided choledochoduodenostomy and insertion of biliary stent", "Choledochoduodenostomy and insertion of biliary stent using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided choledochoduodenostomy and insertion of biliary stent", "内镜超声引导下胆总管十二指肠吻合及胆道支架置入术", "EUS(内镜超声)引导下胆总管十二指肠吻合术及胆道支架置入术" ], "303581009": [ "Diaphragm pacemaker procedure", "膈肌起搏器手术" ], "39602002": [ "Shortening of muscle of hand", "手部肌肉缩短" ], "105138002": [ "Clorprenaline measurement", "氯丙那林测量" ], "90589009": [ "Removal of superficial foreign body from eye without incision", "无需切开眼球取出眼表异物" ], "121522000": [ "Desmethylastemizole measurement", "去甲阿司咪唑测量" ], "72370007": [ "Repair of recurrent ventral hernia", "复发性腹疝的修补" ], "432818008": [ "Biopsy of buttock using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Biopsy of buttock using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行臀部活检" ], "236210008": [ "Salvage cystourethrectomy - female", "挽救性膀胱尿道切除术 - 女性" ], "758663001": [ "Repair of right inguinal hernia using surgical mesh", "使用外科网片修补右侧腹股沟疝" ], "449202009": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of inguinal region using ultrasound guidance", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of inguinal region using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of inguinal region", "超声引导下腹股沟区细针穿刺活检", "超声引导下经皮腹股沟区细针穿刺活检" ], "709511002": [ "Assessment of risk for hospital acquired complication", "医院内获得性并发症风险评估" ], "250759005": [ "Measurement of percentage cholesterol as ester", "Percentage cholesterol as ester", "胆固醇酯含量", "测量胆固醇酯百分比" ], "3164000": [ "Open reduction of closed mandibular fracture with interdental fixation", "闭合性下颌骨骨折切开复位牙间固定" ], "35932000": [ "Reconstruction of below-elbow amputation", "Krukenberg operation", "肘下截肢重建", "克鲁肯贝格行动" ], "429148001": [ "Plain X-ray of zygoma", "Plain X-ray of zygomatic bone", "颧骨X光检查" ], "412764001": [ "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only acellular Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Human poliovirus antigens", "Administration of third dose of diphtheria and acellular pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Third diphtheria and acellular pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Third diphtheria and acellular pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Third diphtheria and acellular pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "第三次白喉、无细胞百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫", "接种第三剂白喉、无细胞百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "注射第三剂仅含有无细胞百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第三次白喉、无细胞百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种" ], "183388004": [ "Aversion therapy - alcoholism", "Alcohol aversion therapy", "酒精厌恶疗法", "厌恶疗法——酒精中毒" ], "232540006": [ "Excision of lesion of oropharynx", "口咽病变切除术" ], "265308006": [ "Formal myringoplasty using biological graft", "Myringoplasty using biological graft", "使用生物移植的鼓膜成形术", "使用生物移植物进行正式的鼓膜成形术" ], "117852008": [ "Papilloma virus antigen assay", "Papillomavirus antigen assay", "乳头瘤病毒抗原检测" ], "34097003": [ "Craniectomy for excision of meningioma, infratentorial", "开颅术切除脑幕下脑膜瘤" ], "1329005": [ "Division of congenital web of larynx", "先天性喉网分裂" ], "1230129006": [ "Partial dressing of subject", "Dressing parts of body of subject", "Performing dressing activity for partial body of subject", "受试者部分着装", "对受试者的部分身体进行穿衣活动", "穿着对象身体的某些部位" ], "312625006": [ "Provision of specialist peripatetic teaching", "Provision of specialist peripatetic education", "提供专业巡回教育", "提供专业巡回教学" ], "443697007": [ "Measurement of copper and caeruloplasmin", "Measurement of copper and ceruloplasmin", "铜和铜蓝蛋白的测量" ], "116017009": [ "Endoscopic placement of gastrostomy tube", "内镜胃造口管置入" ], "1162758002": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of intracranial vessels", "MR angiography of intracranial vessels", "Magnetic resonance angiogram of intracranial vessels", "颅内血管磁共振血管造影" ], "359942003": [ "Exploration of ascending aorta", "升主动脉探查" ], "720390004": [ "Evaluation for workplace respirator wear", "工作场所呼吸器佩戴评估" ], "736774000": [ "Inpatient surgery care", "住院手术护理" ], "179718008": [ "Open excision of intra-articular osteophyte", "关节内骨赘切除术" ], "276187001": [ "Operation on labia", "阴唇手术" ], "177883005": [ "Repair of recurrent femoral hernia using synthetic patch", "Repair of recurrent femoral hernia using insert of prosthetic material", "用假体材料插入物修补复发性股疝", "使用合成补片修补复发性股疝" ], "225200000": [ "Checking intravenous tubing for air bubbles", "检查静脉导管是否有气泡" ], "405424002": [ "Endarterectomy of femoral artery with prosthesis", "Profundaplasty with prosthesis", "股动脉内膜切除术及假体", "深静脉假体成形术" ], "274352006": [ "Surgical biopsy of rectum", "直肠手术活检" ], "241584006": [ "CT arthrogram of elbow", "Computed tomography arthrogram of elbow", "肘关节计算机断层扫描", "肘关节CT造影" ], "305285001": [ "Admission by psychiatrist", "精神科医生承认" ], "1290160009": [ "Revision of total prosthetic replacement of knee joint", "全膝关节假体置换术" ], "764037004": [ "Radionuclide imaging of thyroid using technetium (99m-Tc) succimer", "使用锝(99m-Tc)二巯基丁二酸进行甲状腺放射性核素显像" ], "370821005": [ "Implementation of alternative methods of pain control", "Implements alternative methods of pain control", "实施替代疼痛控制方法" ], "43141007": [ "Inhibition of lactation procedure", "Suppression of lactation", "Suppressing milk", "Lactation suppression", "抑制泌乳", "抑制乳汁分泌", "抑制泌乳过程" ], "41306007": [ "Perineal urethrorrhaphy", "会阴尿道缝合术" ], "105007000": [ "Free tryptophan measurement", "游离色氨酸测量" ], "88623004": [ "Excision of lesion of larynx", "喉部病变切除术" ], "252463007": [ "Liquid crystals thermometry", "液晶测温法" ], "432687008": [ "Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of vascular graft of upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮上肢血管移植机械血栓切除术" ], "414468001": [ "Immunosorbent method", "免疫吸附法" ], "447236006": [ "Thoracentesis of fetus", "Thoracentesis of foetus", "胎儿胸腔穿刺术" ], "19417000": [ "Debridement of open fracture of foot", "足部开放性骨折清创术" ], "183257001": [ "Loan of urinary bottle", "Urinary bottle loan", "尿瓶借用" ], "70404008": [ "Disopyramide measurement", "丙吡胺测量" ], "445401006": [ "Detection of Human herpesvirus 6 using polymerase chain reaction technique", "采用聚合酶链反应技术检测人类疱疹病毒 6 型" ], "429017006": [ "Laser ablation of long saphenous vein", "长隐静脉激光消融" ], "1198000": [ "Excisional biopsy of bone of scapula", "Biopsy of scapula", "肩胛骨活检", "肩胛骨切除活检" ], "33966007": [ "Cotinine measurement", "可替宁测量" ], "408963004": [ "Fertility care management", "Manage fertility care", "生育护理管理", "管理生育护理" ], "441731007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of internal jugular vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮颈内静脉腔内血管成形术" ], "767576002": [ "Speech therapy for compensatory articulation", "言语治疗以补偿发音" ], "405293000": [ "Abdominal sympathectomy", "腹部交感神经切除术" ], "175917001": [ "Upper polar partial nephrectomy", "Upper pole partial nephrectomy", "上极部分肾切除术" ], "77613002": [ "Teleradiotherapy with iodine-125", "External beam radiation therapy with iodine-125", "碘-125远程放射治疗", "碘-125 体外放射治疗" ], "30296008": [ "Thiophene-2-carboxylic acid hydrazide test", "TCH test", "TCH 测试", "噻吩-2-羧酸酰肼试验" ], "12077004": [ "Reduction of fracture of fibula with internal fixation", "腓骨骨折复位内固定" ], "225069005": [ "Removing dentures", "摘除假牙" ], "241453007": [ "US scan of neck", "Ultrasound scan of neck", "颈部超声波扫描", "颈部超声扫描" ], "1255426000": [ "Percutaneous drainage of liver using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of liver", "影像引导下经皮肝脏引流", "影像引导下经皮肝穿刺引流" ], "272386003": [ "Reconstruction of scrotum with graft", "阴囊移植重建" ], "239618006": [ "Adjustment to length of external fixator", "调整外固定器的长度" ], "172247001": [ "Repair of ruptured palpebral ligament", "修复断裂的睑缘韧带" ], "450775006": [ "Emptying of ureterostomy bag", "排空输尿管造口袋" ], "104876003": [ "Phosphoglycerate kinase measurement", "磷酸甘油酸激酶测量" ], "432556004": [ "Aspiration of abdomen using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Aspiration of abdomen using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行腹部抽吸" ], "399788006": [ "Allergen specific IgE antibody measurement, MAST type", "Multiple antigen simultaneous test", "MAST test", "Allergen specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement, mast cell type", "过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量,肥大细胞类型", "过敏原特异性 IgE 抗体测量,MAST 类型", "MAST 测试", "多抗原同时检测" ], "448940006": [ "Reopening of cranium and reexploration of intracranial operation site", "重新打开颅骨并重新探查颅内手术部位" ], "4737000": [ "Mycobacteria culture", "分枝杆菌培养" ], "252332007": [ "Autoantibody serology", "自身抗体血清学" ], "121260008": [ "1,4-Dioxane measurement", "1,4-二氧六环测量" ], "86657003": [ "Removal of foreign body of lacrimal sac", "泪囊异物取出术" ], "1217153005": [ "Anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to third diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to third diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery to third diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "左胸廓内动脉与左冠状动脉前降支第三对角支吻合术", "左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 与左冠状动脉前降支第三对角支吻合", "左胸内动脉 (LITA) 与左冠状动脉前降支第三对角支吻合" ], "397953007": [ "Padding of pressure points", "压力点填充" ], "447105009": [ "Excision of ilioinguinal lymph node", "髂腹股沟淋巴结切除" ], "183126007": [ "Replacement of hearing aid battery", "Change of hearing aid battery", "更换助听器电池" ], "609110008": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from nose without incision", "无需切开鼻腔取出鼻腔内异物" ], "1295403000": [ "Postmortem plain X-ray of soft tissue", "死后软组织 X 射线检查" ], "443435007": [ "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of right hip", "Total replacement of right hip joint", "右髋关节全置换术", "右髋关节假体全置换术" ], "228608000": [ "Upper limb prosthetic training", "上肢假肢训练" ], "392448003": [ "e74 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rat urine proteins specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rat urine proteins specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "大鼠尿蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定", "e74 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "大鼠尿蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "736512006": [ "Nasal septoplasty with submucous resection of nasal septum", "鼻中隔成形术及鼻中隔粘膜下切除术" ], "441600007": [ "Arthrolysis after total prosthetic replacement of knee joint", "全膝关节假体置换术后关节松解" ], "179456008": [ "Conversion from hybrid total shoulder replacement", "混合全肩关节置换术的转换" ], "406997000": [ "Pneumocystis sputum silver stain method", "Pneumocystis sputum silver stain", "肺孢子虫痰液银染色", "肺孢子虫痰液银染色法" ], "243157005": [ "Liquid ventilation", "液体通气" ], "1144277006": [ "Fitting of immediate upper denture", "即刻上颌义齿安装" ], "439765007": [ "Percutaneous skeletal fixation of fracture of metacarpal", "掌骨骨折经皮骨固定术" ], "308693008": [ "Induction of hypothermia", "Hypothermia induction therapy", "Therapeutic hypothermia", "低温诱导治疗", "治疗性低温", "诱导低温" ], "700074001": [ "Excision of dermatofibroma", "皮肤纤维瘤切除" ], "306858005": [ "Discharge by audiological physician", "听力医生出院" ], "241322006": [ "Radionuclide study for oesophageal transit time", "Radionuclide study for esophageal transit time", "食管转运时间放射性核素研究" ], "175786007": [ "Embolization of arteriovenous abnormality", "Embolisation of arteriovenous abnormality", "动静脉异常栓塞", "动静脉畸形栓塞术" ], "239487001": [ "Arthroplasty of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb", "IPJ - Interphalangeal joint arthroplasty of thumb", "拇指指间关节成形术", "IPJ-拇指指间关节置换术" ], "26495009": [ "Creation of shunt left-to-right, systemic to pulmonary circulation", "Creation of left-to-right shunt, systemic-pulmonary artery", "Creation of systemic-pulmonary artery shunt", "Anastomosis of systemic to pulmonary artery", "体动脉与肺动脉吻合术", "建立体肺动脉分流术", "建立左向右分流、体肺动脉", "建立从左到右、从体循环到肺循环的分流" ], "90196004": [ "Paraplegia-paraparesis rehabilitation", "截瘫-下肢轻瘫康复" ], "450644005": [ "Open embolectomy of artery", "开放性动脉栓塞切除术" ], "73812006": [ "Tenotomy of stapedius", "镫骨肌腱切断术" ], "104745001": [ "Hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase measurement", "次黄嘌呤磷酸核糖转移酶测定" ], "71977002": [ "Radionuclide uptake study", "放射性核素摄取研究" ], "170281004": [ "Child 3 year examination", "Infant screening at 3 years", "儿童3岁检查", "3 岁时进行婴儿筛查" ], "432425005": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of axillary artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of axillary artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "腋动脉造影及支架置入荧光透视血管造影", "用造影剂插入支架进行腋动脉荧光镜造影" ], "710953007": [ "Management of administration of blood product", "血液制品给药管理" ], "252201009": [ "Growth hormone day curve test", "生长激素日曲线测试" ], "250366008": [ "Warfarin control test", "Warfarin control", "华法林控制", "华法林控制测试" ], "84691002": [ "Removal of foreign body from maxillary sinus by Caldwell-Luc approach", "Caldwell-Luc入路上颌窦异物取出术" ], "314067002": [ "Autoantibody measurement", "Autoantibody level", "自身抗体水平", "自身抗体测量" ], "443304000": [ "Partial thickness debridement of skin of neck", "颈部皮肤部分厚度清创术" ], "82856007": [ "Taking neurologic vital signs", "测量神经系统生命体征" ], "310397007": [ "Patching of atrioventricular valve", "房室瓣修补术" ], "406866000": [ "Haematoxylin stain method", "Hematoxylin stain method", "Haematoxylin stain", "Hematoxylin stain", "苏木精染色法", "苏木精染色" ], "64637007": [ "Midtarsal arthrodesis, navicular-cuneiform, with tendon lengthening and advancement", "跗骨中部关节融合术,舟骨-楔骨,伴肌腱延长和推进" ], "439634007": [ "Primary repair of extensor tendon of lower limb", "下肢伸肌腱一期修复" ], "306727001": [ "Breech presentation, no version", "Breech presentation, delivery, no version", "臀位,无版本", "臀位分娩,无版本" ], "241191001": [ "Spinal contrast procedure", "脊柱对比程序" ], "765479007": [ "Allotransplantation of right kidney", "右肾同种异体移植" ], "108284000": [ "Ultrasound procedure on endocrine system", "内分泌系统超声检查" ], "75516001": [ "Psychotherapy", "心理治疗" ], "388647008": [ "f83 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chicken meat specific IgE antibody measurement", "Gallus spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "Gallus spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鸡属特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "鸡属特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "鸡肉特异性IgE抗体测定", "f83 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "239356004": [ "ROMW - Removal of metalwork", "ROM - Removal of metalwork", "Removal of metalwork from bone", "ROM - 拆除金属制品", "去除骨头上的金属制品", "ROMW - 拆除金属制品" ], "1255164005": [ "Halal diet", "清真饮食" ], "173820007": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic examination of upper gastrointestinal tract and biopsy of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "Fibreoptic endoscopic examination of upper gastrointestinal tract and biopsy of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "上消化道纤维内镜检查及上消化道病变活检" ], "386812007": [ "Safety precautions", "安全须知" ], "90065005": [ "Open reduction of fracture of hand", "手部骨折切开复位" ], "450513009": [ "Endarterectomy of suprarenal artery", "肾上动脉内膜切除术" ], "57297009": [ "Implantation of electrode into cardiac atrium and ventricle, replacement", "Insertion of electrode into heart atrium and ventricle, replacement", "心房、心室电极植入、更换", "将电极插入心房和心室,更换" ], "170150003": [ "Child 3.5 year examination", "儿童3.5岁检查" ], "448678005": [ "Application of ambulatory blood pressure monitor", "动态血压监测仪的应用" ], "70011001": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on external ear", "Anaesthesia for procedure on external ear", "外耳手术麻醉" ], "710822009": [ "Education about community services", "社区服务教育" ], "446843003": [ "Biopsy of chest using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行胸部活检" ], "4475004": [ "Cyanide measurement", "Cyanide level", "氰化物水平", "氰化物测量" ], "86395003": [ "Patient referral for family planning", "Referral to family planning service", "转介至计划生育服务机构", "计划生育患者转诊" ], "708987006": [ "Laparoscopic total gastrectomy", "腹腔镜全胃切除术" ], "397691009": [ "Allergen specific IgE antibody measurement, quantitative", "Allergen specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement, quantitative", "过敏原特异性 IgE 抗体测量,定量", "过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量,定量" ], "428624002": [ "Radiotherapy to chest wall", "胸壁放射治疗" ], "117328005": [ "Rhodamine stain method", "Rhodamine stain", "罗丹明染色", "罗丹明染色法" ], "313936008": [ "Plasma creatinine level", "Plasma creatinine measurement", "血浆肌酐水平", "血浆肌酐测量" ], "410405007": [ "Personal care surveillance", "个人护理监控" ], "719866000": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous subintimal angioplasty with contrast", "Percutaneous subintimal angioplasty using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮内膜下血管成形术", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导进行经皮内膜下血管成形术" ], "770853008": [ "Fluoroscopy guided extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of calculus of left kidney", "Fluoroscopy guided ESWL (extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy) of calculus of left kidney", "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of calculus of left kidney using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下体外冲击波碎石治疗左肾结石", "透视引导下体外冲击波碎石术(ESWL)治疗左肾结石", "透视引导下体外冲击波碎石治疗左肾结石" ], "31738002": [ "Jejunocecostomy for obesity", "Jejunocaecostomy for obesity", "空肠盲肠造口术治疗肥胖症" ], "179194003": [ "Epiphysioplasty", "骨骺成形术" ], "308431000": [ "Adult immunization recall", "Adult immunisation recall", "成人免疫接种召回" ], "46287003": [ "Alkaloids measurement, urine screening", "Alkaloids measurement, urine quantitative", "生物碱测量、尿液筛查", "生物碱测定、尿液定量" ], "62671004": [ "Lysis of adhesions of muscle of hand", "Myoclasis of hand", "手部肌肉粘连松解术", "手部肌肉断裂" ], "718031007": [ "Retrograde insertion of ureteric stent into ureter of transplanted kidney using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided retrograde insertion of ureteric stent into ureter of transplanted kidney", "透视引导输尿管支架逆行插入移植肾输尿管", "荧光透视引导下逆行插入移植肾输尿管支架管" ], "306596002": [ "Discharge from nuclear medicine service", "核医学服务出院" ], "372132004": [ "Surgical procedure by RN first assist", "Functioning as RNFA during surgical procedures", "Surgical procedure by RNFA", "Surgical procedure by Registered Nurse first assist", "RNFA 手术", "由RN急救人员进行的手术", "注册护士首先协助进行手术", "在外科手术过程中发挥 RNFA 的作用" ], "60836005": [ "Removal of foreign body from antecubital fossa", "肘前窝异物取出" ], "57166001": [ "Marsupialization of prostate", "Marsupialisation of prostate", "前列腺袋形成形术", "前列腺袋形术" ], "239225009": [ "Excision of lesion of ganglion", "神经节病变切除术" ], "75385009": [ "Computerized axial tomography of thorax with contrast", "Computerised axial tomography of thorax with contrast", "CT of thorax with contrast", "CT of chest with contrast", "Computed tomography of thorax with contrast", "胸部计算机轴向断层扫描", "胸部增强计算机轴向断层扫描", "胸部增强 CT", "胸部增强计算机断层扫描" ], "271993009": [ "Peripheral angiography", "Angiography of peripheral vascular system", "外周血管造影", "周围血管系统血管造影" ], "237390004": [ "Exploration of nipple", "乳头探查" ], "104483001": [ "CSF albumin/plasma albumin ratio measurement", "Cerebrospinal fluid albumin/plasma albumin ratio measurement", "脑脊液白蛋白/血浆白蛋白比率测量" ], "448547002": [ "Excision of arteriovenous malformation of lower limb", "下肢动静脉畸形切除术" ], "235555007": [ "Insertion of bile duct prosthesis", "胆管假体插入" ], "88099009": [ "Child security measures education", "Advice about child safety", "Child safety education", "有关儿童安全的建议", "儿童安全措施教育", "儿童安全教育" ], "53496003": [ "Irrigation of nasal sinus", "Aspiration and lavage of nasal sinus", "鼻窦冲洗", "鼻窦抽吸和冲洗" ], "708856005": [ "Excision of lesion of oral cavity", "口腔病损切除术" ], "397560006": [ "Anterior stromal corneal puncture", "前基质角膜穿刺" ], "4344007": [ "Cryopexy", "冷冻固定术" ], "51661001": [ "Removal of ureterostomy tube and ureteral catheter", "移除输尿管造口管及输尿管导管" ], "313805001": [ "Skin basement membrane antibody measurement", "Skin basement membrane antibody level", "皮肤基底膜抗体水平", "皮肤基底膜抗体测量" ], "49826001": [ "Highly selective vagotomy with pyloroplasty", "Parietal cell vagotomy with pyloroplasty", "高选择性迷走神经切断术及幽门成形术", "壁细胞迷走神经切断术及幽门成形术" ], "674004": [ "Abduction test", "Valgus test", "Valgus stress test", "Abduction stress test", "Abduction test of knee", "膝关节外展试验", "外翻压力测试", "绑架压力测试", "光照测试", "绑架测试" ], "410274005": [ "Bladder care teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Bladder care teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Bladder care education, guidance, and counseling", "Bladder care education, guidance, and counselling", "膀胱护理教育、指导和咨询", "膀胱护理教学、指导和咨询" ], "1293175000": [ "Plain X-ray of spleen", "脾脏 X 光检查" ], "441207001": [ "Position communication aid near subject", "将通讯辅助设备放置在靠近拍摄对象的附近" ], "33442008": [ "Signal-averaged electrocardiography", "SAECG - signal-averaged electrocardiography", "信号平均心电图", "SAECG-信号平均心电图" ], "62540000": [ "Leucine aminopeptidase measurement", "LAP measurement", "Arylamidase measurement", "芳基酰胺酶测量", "LAP 测量", "亮氨酸氨基肽酶测量" ], "439372005": [ "Management of increased intracranial pressure", "颅内压增高的治疗" ], "240929001": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis", "经皮血栓溶解" ], "716065001": [ "Biopsy of soft tissue of back using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下背部软组织活检" ], "11553003": [ "Nursing report session", "护理报告会" ], "306465009": [ "Discharge by thoracic surgeon", "胸外科医生出院" ], "108022006": [ "Kidney excision", "肾切除" ], "42486006": [ "Implantation of mitral valve with tissue graft", "组织移植物二尖瓣植入术" ], "9718006": [ "Polymerase chain reaction analysis", "PCR analysis", "PCR 分析", "聚合酶链反应分析" ], "386550008": [ "Radioisotope function study of liver", "Radionuclide hepatic function study", "肝脏放射性同位素功能研究", "放射性核素肝功能检查" ], "384715000": [ "Nucleic acid hybridisation procedure", "Nucleic acid hybridization procedure", "核酸杂交程序" ], "401099003": [ "Sample microscopy for red cells", "Sample microscopy: red cells", "红细胞样本显微镜检查", "样本显微镜:红细胞" ], "73419008": [ "Plasma emission spectroscopy inductively coupled measurement", "Inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy", "ICPES measurement", "电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法", "等离子体发射光谱电感耦合测量", "ICPES 测量" ], "104352001": [ "Complement C3d measurement", "补体 C3d 测量" ], "235424003": [ "Intubation of gastrointestinal tract via mouth", "经口胃肠道插管" ], "432032006": [ "Fluoroscopy guided extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of calculus", "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of calculus using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下的体外冲击波碎石术", "荧光透视引导体外冲击波碎石术" ], "22432007": [ "Internal hemorrhoidectomy", "Internal haemorrhoidectomy", "内痔切除术" ], "87968008": [ "Repair of old obstetrical laceration of cervix", "陈旧性产科宫颈裂伤的修复" ], "4213001": [ "Implantation of Ommaya reservoir", "植入 Ommaya 储液囊" ], "69749003": [ "Anesthesia for closed procedure on lower leg", "Anaesthesia for closed procedure on lower leg", "小腿闭合手术麻醉" ], "233589006": [ "Continuous arteriovenous hemodiafiltration", "Continuous arteriovenous haemodiafiltration", "CAVHD - continuous arteriovenous hemodiafiltration", "CAVHD - continuous arteriovenous haemodiafiltration", "连续性动静脉血液透析滤过", "连续动静脉血液透析滤过", "CAVHD-- 连续性动静脉血液透析滤过", "CAVHD-- 持续性动静脉血液透析滤过" ], "20597007": [ "Shortening of bone of tibia", "胫骨短缩" ], "118901008": [ "Procedure on ciliary body", "睫状体手术" ], "231754002": [ "Biopsy of vitreous", "玻璃体活检" ], "117066004": [ "Autotransfusion of red cells", "自体输红细胞" ], "18762007": [ "Exploration of vein of lower limb", "Exploration of peripheral veins of lower limb", "下肢静脉探查", "下肢周围静脉探查" ], "66079000": [ "Removal of foreign body of shoulder, deep", "肩关节深部异物取出" ], "67914009": [ "Division of hypophyseal stalk", "Section of hypophyseal stalk", "垂体柄的分裂", "垂体柄切面" ], "82463000": [ "Vidianectomy", "翼管切除术" ], "410143001": [ "Medical regimen orders assessment", "Assess medical regimen orders", "评估医疗方案", "医疗方案医嘱评估" ], "543008": [ "Choledochostomy with transduodenal sphincteroplasty", "胆总管造口术及经十二指肠括约肌成形术" ], "228084000": [ "Whole body bone imaging", "全身骨成像" ], "719604002": [ "Insertion of bioabsorbable stent into artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of bioabsorbable arterial stent with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of bioabsorbable stent into artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下植入可生物吸收造影动脉支架", "在荧光透视引导下将生物可吸收支架插入动脉", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导将生物可吸收支架插入动脉" ], "178932007": [ "Rotational osteotomy", "旋转截骨术" ], "1293044007": [ "Plain X-ray of right optic foramen", "Plain X-ray of right optic canal", "右侧视神经孔 X 光检查", "右侧视神经管普通 X 光检查" ], "715934000": [ "Provision of registered midwife patient escort", "提供注册助产士陪同病人" ], "62409009": [ "Foraminotomy", "椎间孔切开术" ], "439241008": [ "Open arteriovenous anastomosis by transposition of forearm vein", "前臂静脉转位开颅动静脉吻合术" ], "306334001": [ "Referral to rheumatology nurse specialist", "转诊至风湿病专科护士" ], "44190001": [ "White blood cell morphology", "白细胞形态" ], "421022008": [ "Tear film evaluation", "泪膜评估" ], "175262009": [ "Trendelenburg pulmonary embolectomy", "Open pulmonary embolectomy", "特伦德伦堡肺动脉栓塞切除术", "开放性肺动脉栓塞切除术" ], "763251001": [ "Referral to spinal surgeon", "转诊至脊柱外科医生" ], "1156467004": [ "Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion", "TLIF - transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion", "Transforaminal interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine", "经椎间孔腰椎椎间融合术", "TLIF-- 经椎间孔腰椎椎间融合术" ], "304499005": [ "Giving encouragement to develop skill", "Offering encouragement to develop skill", "鼓励发展技能" ], "122440000": [ "Interleukin 12 assay", "白细胞介素 12 测定" ], "386419009": [ "Self-awareness enhancement", "增强自我意识" ], "269896002": [ "Urine urobilin measurement", "Urine urobilin level", "尿液尿胆素测量", "尿液尿胆素水平" ], "433736006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of superior mesenteric artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of superior mesenteric artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "肠系膜上动脉造影及支架植入术" ], "235293001": [ "Dilatation of stricture - small intestine", "Dilation of stricture - small intestine", "狭窄处扩张-小肠" ], "104221004": [ "Ova and parasites, specimen concentration, direct smear, and interpretation", "虫卵和寄生虫、标本浓度、直接涂片及解读" ], "1201949008": [ "Reconstruction using flap from forehead", "使用前额皮瓣进行重建" ], "118770001": [ "Procedure on sublingual gland", "舌下腺手术" ], "20466006": [ "Excision of pterygium with graft", "翼状胬肉切除术及移植" ], "446450009": [ "Laparoscopic diathermy of ovary", "腹腔镜卵巢电热治疗" ], "233458009": [ "Avulsion of varicose vein", "静脉曲张撕脱" ], "1149127003": [ "Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal total excision of neoplasm of pituitary gland", "经鼻内镜经蝶窦入路垂体肿瘤全切除术" ], "311708000": [ "Tongue exercises", "舌头练习" ], "231623009": [ "Muscle graft into levator palpebrae muscle", "肌肉移植到提睑肌" ], "786844003": [ "Plain X-ray of finger", "手指普通 X 光检查" ], "11331000224100": [ "Tomotherapy", "断层治疗" ], "408177002": [ "Serum tryptase level", "Serum tryptase measurement", "血清类胰蛋白酶水平", "血清类胰蛋白酶测定" ], "309873007": [ "Lateral rectus recession", "外直肌退缩" ], "439110003": [ "Cystoscopic ureteroneocystostomy", "Cystoscopic anastomosis of ureter to bladder", "Cystoscopic anastomosis of ureter to urinary bladder", "膀胱镜下输尿管膀胱吻合术", "膀胱镜输尿管膀胱造口术", "膀胱镜输尿管膀胱吻合术" ], "175131000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal electrophysiological studies on conducting system of heart", "经皮心脏传导系统腔内电生理研究" ], "11291002": [ "Excision of lesion of omentum", "大网膜病变切除术" ], "306203002": [ "Referral to psychiatry day hospital", "Referral to psychiatric day unit", "转诊至精神病日间医院", "转诊至精神病日间病房" ], "76827003": [ "Dilation of female urethra with anesthesia", "Dilation of female urethra with anaesthesia", "麻醉下女性尿道扩张术" ], "1010715006": [ "Excision of right uterine adnexa", "右侧子宫附件切除术" ], "60443006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of cervical spine with contrast", "MRI of cervical spine with contrast", "颈椎磁共振成像对比", "颈椎 MRI 增强扫描" ], "1156336002": [ "Escorting subject of care", "陪同护理对象" ], "74992002": [ "Restoration, crown, resin, laboratory", "修复、牙冠、树脂、实验室" ], "763120002": [ "Assessment using DLQI (Dermatology Life Quality Index)", "Assessment using Dermatology Life Quality Index", "使用 DLQI(皮肤病生活质量指数)进行评估", "使用皮肤病生活质量指数进行评估" ], "9456006": [ "pH measurement, venous", "Blood venous pH level", "静脉 pH 测量", "静脉血 pH 值" ], "386288006": [ "Environmental management: worker safety", "环境管理:工人安全" ], "236997001": [ "Removal of ligature of vas deferens", "输精管结扎切除术" ], "72531000052105": [ "Contraceptive counseling", "Contraceptive counselling", "Counselling for contraception", "Counseling for contraception", "避孕咨询" ], "7621005": [ "Transplantation of peritoneal tissue", "腹膜组织移植" ], "122309006": [ "Saint Louis encephalitis virus identification", "St. Louis encephalitis virus identification", "圣路易斯脑炎病毒鉴定" ], "351685006": [ "Manual muscle-testing of total body including hands", "包括手部在内的全身手动肌肉测试" ], "54938002": [ "Arthroplasty of hand with synthetic joint prosthesis", "Arthroplasty of hand with joint prosthesis", "Implantation of joint prosthesis into joint of hand", "手部关节假体植入", "手部关节置换术及假体", "人工关节置换术" ], "235162005": [ "Trans-hiatal esophagectomy", "Trans-hiatal oesophagectomy", "经食管裂孔切除术" ], "397167004": [ "Mazet amputation", "马泽特截肢术" ], "233327007": [ "Embolisation of spinal artery", "Embolization of spinal artery", "脊髓动脉栓塞" ], "167791008": [ "Measurement of percentage of normal sperm", "Percentage of normal sperm", "Measurement of percentage of normal spermatozoa", "正常精子百分比", "正常精子百分比的测量" ], "53103008": [ "Excision of cervical lymph nodes group", "Cervical lymphadenectomy", "颈部淋巴结清扫组", "颈部淋巴结清扫术" ], "313412003": [ "Sulfite level", "Sulfite measurement", "Sulphite level", "Sulphite measurement", "亚硫酸盐测量", "亚硫酸盐含量" ], "311577006": [ "Compensated intelligibility regime", "补偿清晰度机制" ], "31214000": [ "Cell hybridization", "Cell hybridisation", "细胞杂交" ], "719342004": [ "Assessment using Elderly Assessment System", "Assessment using EASY-Care System", "使用长者评估系统进行评估", "使用 EASY-Care 系统进行评估" ], "276974006": [ "Partial omentectomy", "Infracolic omentectomy", "部分网膜切除术", "结肠下大网膜切除术" ], "113134007": [ "Dental core buildup, including any pins", "牙芯堆积,包括任何针" ], "14830009": [ "Electrolytes measurement, urine", "Urine electrolytes", "尿液电解质", "电解质测量、尿液" ], "1290947004": [ "Plain X-ray of symphysis pubis", "耻骨联合的普通 X 光检查" ], "225987006": [ "Ensuring patient's carer prepared for hospital discharge", "Ensuring patient's caregiver prepared for hospital discharge", "确保患者的照顾者做好出院准备", "确保病人的护理人员做好出院准备" ], "60312000": [ "Insertion of prosthetic device into biliary tract", "将假体装置插入胆道" ], "306072002": [ "Referral from community occupational therapist", "Referral from community-based occupational therapist", "Referral by community occupational therapist", "Referral by community-based occupational therapist", "社区职业治疗师的推荐", "社区职业治疗师转介" ], "43928007": [ "Egg inoculation", "鸡蛋接种" ], "124013006": [ "Serum protein ratio", "血清蛋白比" ], "304237008": [ "Advice to return to work", "Recommendation to return to work", "建议重返工作岗位", "重返工作岗位的建议" ], "287853009": [ "Laparotomy - peritoneal adhesion divided", "Laparotomy and division of peritoneal adhesions", "开腹手术-腹膜粘连分离", "开腹手术及腹膜粘连分离" ], "236866001": [ "Removal of shelf pessary from vagina", "Removal of shelf suppository from vagina", "从阴道取出栓剂", "从阴道取出托架" ], "449858007": [ "Supracondylar osteotomy of humerus", "肱骨髁上截骨术" ], "448023000": [ "Excisional biopsy of ganglion cyst", "腱鞘囊肿切除活检" ], "122178007": [ "Bacteroides fragilis antigen assay", "脆弱拟杆菌抗原测定" ], "103959006": [ "Antibody screen, cold absorption", "抗体筛查、冷吸收" ], "726551006": [ "Contrast enhanced spectral mammography", "CESM - contrast enhanced spectral mammography", "CESM-- 对比增强光谱乳房 X 线摄影", "对比增强光谱乳房X光检查" ], "233196001": [ "Repair of common arterial trunk with right ventricle to pulmonary trunk direct anastomosis", "Barbero-Marcial operation", "巴贝罗-马西亚尔行动", "修复动脉总干与右心室至肺动脉干直接吻合" ], "52972006": [ "Anterior tarsal wedge osteotomy", "Cole operation", "科尔行动", "前跗骨楔形截骨术" ], "231361000": [ "Attention to catheter", "注意导管" ], "395201008": [ "Modified radical neck dissection of cervical lymph nodes, with preservation of accessory nerve", "保留副神经的改良根治性颈淋巴结清扫术" ], "180374002": [ "Application of lower limb prosthesis", "下肢假肢的应用" ], "442518003": [ "Measurement of albumin in peritoneal fluid specimen", "腹腔液标本白蛋白的测定" ], "311446006": [ "Closed reduction of fracture and traction", "骨折闭合复位牵引" ], "32918006": [ "Anastomosis of esophagus by intrathoracic approach", "Anastomosis of oesophagus by intrathoracic approach", "胸内入路食管吻合术" ], "391531005": [ "Blood (WBC) screen for infantile neuronal lipofuscinosis", "Blood (white blood cell) screen for infantile neuronal lipofuscinosis", "婴儿神经元脂褐素沉积症的血液(白细胞)筛查" ], "276843008": [ "Attention to implanted drug delivery system", "关注植入式给药系统" ], "307776004": [ "At risk registration", "风险登记" ], "1010453000": [ "Excision of right ovotestis", "切除右侧卵睾" ], "76565001": [ "Muscle thermography", "肌肉热成像" ], "715541002": [ "Transportation by fixed wing air ambulance", "固定翼空中救护车运输" ], "387861003": [ "Excision of rectal mucosa", "Rectal mucosectomy", "直肠粘膜切除术", "直肠黏膜切除术" ], "764693004": [ "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography of whole body using gallium (68-Ga) dotatate", "PET CT of whole body using gallium (68-Ga) dotatate", "全身 PET CT 扫描,采用镓(68-Ga)", "使用镓(68-Ga)dotatate 进行全身正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描" ], "27413006": [ "Suture of thoracic duct by abdominal approach", "经腹部入路胸导管缝合术" ], "699157008": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of mandibular condyle", "Closed reduction of fracture of condyle of mandible", "下颌髁状突骨折闭合复位", "下颌骨髁状突骨折闭合复位" ], "305941008": [ "Referral by adult ITU specialist", "Referral from adult ITU specialist", "Referral by adult intensive care specialist", "成人 ITU 专家转诊", "成人重症监护专家转诊" ], "287722003": [ "Cystectomy - wedge resection", "膀胱切除术 - 楔形切除术" ], "91114006": [ "Uterine implantation of radium", "子宫内植入镭" ], "1303530006": [ "Cryosurgery to lesion of perineum", "会阴损伤冷冻治疗" ], "271338008": [ "Lymphogranuloma venereum antigen skin test", "性病淋巴肉芽肿抗原皮肤试验" ], "25578009": [ "HIV-1 passive hemagglutination assay", "HIV-1 passive haemagglutination assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 passive hemagglutination assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 passive haemagglutination assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 passive hemagglutination assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 passive haemagglutination assay", "HIV-1 被动血凝试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV-1 被动血凝试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型被动血凝试验" ], "449727003": [ "Excisional biopsy of uterus", "子宫切除活检" ], "171199005": [ "Vitamin B12 deficiency screening", "维生素B12缺乏症筛查" ], "122047005": [ "Mycoplasma meleagridis antibody assay", "Measurement of Mycoplasma meleagridis antibody", "火鸡支原体抗体检测", "火鸡支原体抗体测定" ], "120212000": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on head", "Anaesthesia for procedure on head", "头部手术麻醉" ], "398740003": [ "Colostomy", "Colostomy formed", "Construction of colostomy", "结肠造口术的建设", "结肠造口形成", "结肠造口术" ], "447892004": [ "Reversal of duodenal switch", "十二指肠转位术" ], "234900007": [ "Cheek operation", "脸颊手术" ], "396905000": [ "Video assisted thoracotomy", "电视辅助开胸手术" ], "431508007": [ "MR angiography of entire blood vessel", "Magnetic resonance angiography of entire blood vessel", "全血管磁共振血管造影" ], "103828008": [ "Urokinase type plasminogen activator assay", "尿激酶型纤溶酶原激活剂测定" ], "185748008": [ "Obesity monitoring telephone invite", "肥胖监测电话邀请" ], "284052009": [ "Exploration of tooth socket", "牙槽窝探查" ], "233065007": [ "Right ventricular outflow tract muscle resection", "Infundibulectomy", "漏斗部切除术", "右心室流出道肌肉切除术" ], "183913007": [ "Private referral to geneticist", "向遗传学家进行私人转诊" ], "280382001": [ "Shunt procedure into pleura", "胸膜分流术" ], "1854003": [ "Incision of nose", "Rhinotomy", "鼻部切开术", "鼻切开术" ], "444222005": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of immunoglobulin M in serum specimen", "Quantitative measurement of IgM in serum specimen", "血清标本中IgM的定量测定", "血清标本中免疫球蛋白M质量浓度的定量测定" ], "231230006": [ "Inferior dental block", "IDB - Inferior dental block", "Inferior dental nerve block", "Inferior alveolar nerve block", "Local anaesthetic inferior alveolar nerve block", "Local anesthetic inferior alveolar nerve block", "下牙阻滞", "下齿槽神经阻滞", "IDB - 下牙阻滞", "下牙神经阻滞", "局部麻醉下齿槽神经阻滞" ], "51006009": [ "Echoencephalography", "脑回波描记术" ], "32787003": [ "Cauterization of eyelid", "Cauterisation of eyelid", "眼睑烧灼" ], "10591000087100": [ "Excision of right hemidiaphragm", "Right hemidiaphragm excision", "右半膈切除术" ], "229395005": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the subtalar joint", "Accessory mobilization of the subtalar joint", "距下关节的辅助活动" ], "786451004": [ "Veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", "VA ECMO - veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", "Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", "静脉动脉体外膜肺氧合", "VA ECMO-- 静脉-动脉体外膜氧合", "静脉-动脉体外膜肺氧合" ], "2911000087103": [ "MRI of bilateral forearms", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral forearms", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both forearms", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right forearm", "双侧前臂磁共振成像", "双侧前臂 MRI", "左、右前臂磁共振成像", "双前臂磁共振成像" ], "25951000087104": [ "Assessment of eligibility for convalescent care", "评估是否适合接受康复治疗" ], "5471000087105": [ "Mammary ductography of right breast", "右乳乳腺导管造影" ], "351000087105": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of left renal vein with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venogram of left renal vein with contrast", "左肾静脉荧光造影" ], "4191000087102": [ "CT of left clavicle", "Computed tomography of left clavicle", "左锁骨计算机断层扫描", "左锁骨CT" ], "13151000087108": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of right buttock", "Biopsy of right buttock using ultrasonographic guidance", "使用超声引导对右臀部进行活检", "超声引导下右臀部活检" ], "6751000087102": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of arteries of bilateral lower limbs", "Doppler ultrasound of artery of left and right lower extremity", "Doppler ultrasound scan of arteries of both lower limbs", "双下肢动脉多普勒超声扫描", "左、右下肢动脉多普勒超声检查", "双下肢动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "14431000087107": [ "Ultrasonography guided drainage of left upper limb", "Drainage of left upper extremity using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided drainage of left upper extremity", "Drainage of left upper limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下左上肢引流" ], "1631000087108": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral hands", "Ultrasound of both hands", "Ultrasound scan of left and right hand", "左手和右手的超声波扫描", "双侧手部超声检查", "双手超声检查" ], "719080008": [ "Recommendation regarding wheelchair requirement", "关于轮椅要求的建议" ], "112872005": [ "Suture of large intestine", "Enterorrhaphy of large intestine", "大肠缝合", "大肠缝合术" ], "178408006": [ "Transorbital subcranial osteotomy of bone of face", "经眶颅下面部骨切开术" ], "80104006": [ "Exteriorization of carotid artery", "Exteriorisation of carotid artery", "颈动脉外切术", "颈动脉外移" ], "307645000": [ "Transverse colectomy and colostomy", "Transverse colectomy and stoma", "横结肠切除术和结肠造口术", "横结肠切除术和造口术" ], "473320004": [ "Assessment using ages and stages questionnaires third edition personal-social subscale", "使用年龄和阶段问卷第三版个人-社会分量表进行评估" ], "29117008": [ "Angiocardiography, positive contrast", "Cardiac radiography, positive contrast", "心血管造影,阳性造影", "心脏 X 线摄影,阳性对比剂" ], "1208765009": [ "Female hypospadias repair", "女性尿道下裂修复" ], "717245009": [ "Fluid output management", "流体输出管理" ], "387730001": [ "Passage of urethral sound", "Non-endoscopic dilatation of urethra using metal sounds", "Passage of urethral sounds", "使用金属探子进行非内窥镜尿道扩张", "尿道探条的通行", "尿道探条通过" ], "385895000": [ "Comfort care assessment", "Assess comfort care", "舒适护理评估", "评估舒适护理" ], "371346008": [ "YAG laser iridotomy", "Yttrium-aluminum-garnet (YAG) laser iridotomy", "Yttrium-aluminium-garnet (YAG) laser iridotomy", "Yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser iridotomy", "钇铝石榴石 (YAG) 激光虹膜切开术", "YAG激光虹膜切开术", "钇铝石榴石激光虹膜切开术" ], "172903003": [ "Reconstruction of defect of nasal sinus with skin graft", "皮肤移植修复鼻窦缺损" ], "90983004": [ "Partial excision of bone, superficial", "部分切除表层骨骼" ], "121916004": [ "Histoplasma capsulatum exoantigen identification", "荚膜组织胞浆菌外抗原鉴定" ], "234769000": [ "Take impression for sleep apnea appliance", "Take impression for sleep apnoea appliance", "为睡眠呼吸暂停治疗装置取模" ], "433212008": [ "Fluoroscopy of sacrum", "骶骨透视检查" ], "87313004": [ "Suture of tunica vaginalis", "Repair of tunica vaginalis laceration", "Suture of tunica vaginalis laceration", "鞘膜缝合", "缝合鞘膜裂伤", "鞘膜裂伤的修复" ], "5393006": [ "Exploration of parathyroid with mediastinal exploration by sternal split approach", "经胸骨劈开入路纵隔探查甲状旁腺" ], "185617007": [ "Smear infected - 2nd recall", "Smear infected - Second recall", "涂片感染 - 第二次召回", "涂片感染-第二次召回" ], "447761008": [ "Dome osteotomy", "穹窿截骨术" ], "120081008": [ "Nerve closure", "神经闭合" ], "52710002": [ "Plastic repair with excision of tissue", "切除组织的整形修复" ], "103697008": [ "Patient referral for dental care", "牙科护理患者转诊" ], "69094000": [ "Silica measurement", "二氧化硅测量" ], "265702005": [ "Cranium and facial bone operations", "颅骨和面骨手术" ], "232934007": [ "Repair of truncal valve cusp", "动脉干瓣膜尖修复" ], "445926009": [ "Excision of intradural lesion of base of middle cranial fossa", "中颅窝底硬膜内病变切除术" ], "444091001": [ "Analysis using multiplex polymerase chain reaction technique", "Analysis using multiplex PCR - polymerase chain reaction", "采用多重聚合酶链式反应技术进行分析", "使用多重 PCR - 聚合酶链式反应进行分析" ], "313019002": [ "First treatment in a course of electroconvulsive therapy", "电休克疗法疗程中的第一次治疗" ], "429542009": [ "Implantation of intravenous biventricular cardiac pacemaker system", "Implantation of intravenous cardiac resynchronization therapy implantable pacemaker", "静脉心脏再同步治疗植入式起搏器", "静脉双心室心脏起搏器系统植入术" ], "34491005": [ "Excision of tumor from elbow area, deep, intramuscular", "Excision of tumour from elbow area, deep, intramuscular", "肘部深部肌肉内肿瘤切除术" ], "229264001": [ "Active hip movements", "主动髋部运动" ], "180112002": [ "Chiari osteotomy for congenital deformity of hip", "Chiari 截骨术治疗先天性髋关节畸形" ], "442256003": [ "Release of contracture of elbow joint", "肘关节挛缩松解术" ], "360336003": [ "Charnley operation on knee", "膝盖 Charnley 手术" ], "391269001": [ "Early intervention in psychosis HRGs", "精神病的早期干预 HRG" ], "1290554000": [ "Plain X-ray of bicipital groove", "肱二头肌沟的普通 X 光检查" ], "78138006": [ "Echography of spinal canal and contents", "椎管及内容物的超声检查" ], "174607003": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of bile duct", "胆管病变开放活检" ], "1010191006": [ "Bisection of left ovary", "左卵巢二切" ], "715279006": [ "Telehealth obesity monitoring", "远程医疗肥胖监测" ], "172772000": [ "Reconstruction of nose with composite skin graft", "复合皮肤移植重建鼻部" ], "74468003": [ "Autogenous vaccine preparation", "自源疫苗制备" ], "238308004": [ "Intraperitoneal immunotherapy", "腹腔内免疫治疗" ], "8932005": [ "Replacement of joint of foot and toe", "Arthroplasty of joint of foot and toe", "足趾关节置换术" ], "25316003": [ "Destruction of lesion of cornea", "Destruction of corneal lesion", "角膜病变破坏", "角膜损伤破坏" ], "271076007": [ "Urine microalbumin/creatinine ratio measurement", "Urine microalbumin/creatinine ratio", "尿微量白蛋白/肌酐比率测量", "尿微量白蛋白/肌酐比值" ], "385764003": [ "Hospice care education", "Teach hospice care", "临终关怀教育", "教授临终关怀" ], "287460006": [ "Non-surgical respiratory biopsy", "非手术呼吸道活检" ], "56249002": [ "Repair of ruptured musculotendinous cuff, chronic", "修复慢性肌腱袖破裂" ], "121785003": [ "Glutarylcarnitine measurement", "戊二酰肉碱测量" ], "23481004": [ "Gas liquid chromatography, microwave plasma type", "气相液相色谱法,微波等离子体型" ], "105401007": [ "Visit of patient by chaplain in emergency room", "急诊室牧师探访病人" ], "1186745009": [ "Assist control ventilation volume-control inflation-type", "辅助控制通气量控制充气型" ], "252857009": [ "Stereotests - Lang", "立体测试 - 语言" ], "119950005": [ "Lymphatic system closure", "淋巴系统关闭" ], "265571002": [ "Bladder outlet and prostate operation", "Operation of outlet of urinary bladder and prostate", "膀胱及前列腺出口手术", "膀胱出口及前列腺手术" ], "413027005": [ "IgG autoantibody measurement", "IgG autoantibody level", "Immunoglobulin G autoantibody measurement", "免疫球蛋白G自身抗体测量", "IgG 自身抗体测量", "IgG自身抗体水平" ], "19811006": [ "Transplantation of testis to thigh", "睾丸移植至大腿" ], "771640000": [ "Open hernioplasty using biological mesh for recurrent lumbar hernia", "Open repair of recurrent lumbar hernia using biological mesh", "使用生物网片进行开放式疝修补术治疗复发性腰疝", "生物网片开放式修补复发性腰疝" ], "232803009": [ "Removal of thrombus from tricuspid valve", "Removal of clot from tricuspid valve", "Tricuspid valve thrombectomy", "Declotting of tricuspid valve", "三尖瓣清除凝块", "三尖瓣血栓切除术", "去除三尖瓣血栓", "去除三尖瓣血凝块" ], "443960000": [ "Injection of steroid into lesion", "向病变部位注射类固醇" ], "445795008": [ "Assessment using Penn State worry questionnaire", "使用宾夕法尼亚州立大学担忧问卷进行评估" ], "50744001": [ "Smooth muscle antibody measurement", "Anti-smooth muscle antibody measurement", "Anti-smooth muscle autoantibody level", "Anti smooth muscle antibody titre", "抗平滑肌自身抗体水平", "抗平滑肌抗体测量", "平滑肌抗体测量", "抗平滑肌抗体滴度" ], "230968005": [ "Neurostimulation of intracranial ganglion", "颅内神经节的神经刺激" ], "118115009": [ "Gene rearrangement analysis", "基因重排分析" ], "441271000124102": [ "Counselling about nutrition using goal setting strategy", "Counseling about nutrition using goal setting strategy", "使用目标设定策略进行营养咨询" ], "183651009": [ "Chemotherapy follow-up", "化疗随访" ], "438711000124107": [ "Folate supplement therapy", "叶酸补充疗法" ], "437431000124108": [ "Increased zinc diet", "增加锌饮食" ], "48909003": [ "Arthrodesis of carpometacarpal joint of thumb", "拇指腕掌关节融合术" ], "229133009": [ "Sucking cheeks in exercises", "锻炼时吸吮脸颊" ], "47074005": [ "Ventriculocholecystostomy", "Shunt of cerebral ventricle to gallbladder", "脑室胆囊造口术", "脑室至胆囊分流术" ], "1144802006": [ "Decreased folate and/or folate derivative diet", "减少叶酸和/或叶酸衍生物饮食" ], "178146006": [ "Tendon transfer to extensor tendon of hand", "肌腱转移至手部伸肌腱" ], "128994009": [ "Excision of upper extremity structure", "上肢结构切除" ], "438455008": [ "Insertion of etonogestrel implant", "依托孕烯植入物插入" ], "307383009": [ "Discharge from community rehabilitation service", "Discharge from community rehabilitation", "出院后进行社区康复", "退出社区康复服务" ], "78007008": [ "Cannulation of ampulla of Vater", "壶腹部插管术" ], "372919008": [ "Patient education based on identified need", "Teaching: individual needs", "根据确定的需求对患者进行教育", "教学:个性化需求" ], "1255820000": [ "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - Extremely Thick Level 4 drinks", "IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) Framework - Extremely Thick Level 4 drinks", "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - EX4 (Extremely Thick Level 4) drinks", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - 极浓 4 级饮料", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - EX4(极浓 4 级)饮料", "IDDSI(国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议)框架 - 极浓 4 级饮料" ], "238177003": [ "Primary closure of congenital umbilical defect-skin only", "先天性脐带缺损的初次缝合-仅皮肤" ], "121654001": [ "Pimozide measurement", "匹莫齐特测量" ], "301878001": [ "Fixation of fracture using VLC screw", "Fixation of fracture using variable length cannulated screw", "使用 VLC 螺钉固定骨折", "使用可变长度空心螺钉固定骨折" ], "449334003": [ "Endoscopic choledocholithotomy", "Endoscopic incision of common bile duct and removal of calculus", "内镜胆管切开取石术", "内镜胆总管切开取石术" ], "252726004": [ "EEG during special activation procedure", "Electroencephalogram during special activation procedure", "特殊激活过程中的脑电图" ], "432950002": [ "Radionuclide measurement of red cell mass and plasma volume", "红细胞质量和血浆容量的放射性核素测量" ], "23350009": [ "Simple repair of wounds of face and ears", "面部及耳部伤口的简单修复" ], "105270009": [ "Norpropoxyphene measurement", "去甲丙氧芬测量" ], "1217547002": [ "Injection of drug or medicament into skin", "将药物或药剂注射到皮肤中" ], "119819007": [ "Vein reconstruction", "Reconstruction of vein", "静脉重建" ], "87051007": [ "Coproporphyrin I measurement", "粪卟啉 I 测定" ], "709643009": [ "Ultrasound guided biopsy of peritoneum", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of peritoneum", "Biopsy of peritoneum using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下腹膜活检" ], "21515009": [ "Operation on bursa of hand", "手部滑囊手术" ], "707808001": [ "Oxygen therapy support", "氧疗支持" ], "168971009": [ "Transsternal thoracic venogram", "经胸骨胸腔静脉造影" ], "314592008": [ "Low anterior resection of rectum", "直肠低位前切除术" ], "183520008": [ "Immunological referral", "Referral to clinical immunology service", "免疫学转诊", "转诊至临床免疫学服务" ], "443829004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of aorta with stent placement for coarctation of aorta", "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of coarctation of aorta with insertion of stent", "Repair of coarctation of aorta using percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty with insertion of stent", "经皮腔内球囊血管成形术及支架植入治疗主动脉缩窄", "经皮腔内球囊成形术治疗主动脉缩窄并植入支架", "经皮腔内主动脉球囊成形术及支架置入治疗主动脉缩窄" ], "230837005": [ "Focal excision of brain tissue tumour", "Focal excision of brain tissue tumor", "脑组织肿瘤局部切除术", "脑组织肿瘤局部切除" ], "83381006": [ "Arthroplasty of hip with bone graft", "髋关节置换术及骨移植" ], "704138004": [ "Self repositioning education", "Education about self-repositioning", "自我重新定位教育" ], "736906007": [ "Provision of progestogen only oral contraception leaflet", "提供仅含孕激素的口服避孕药说明书" ], "241716000": [ "Patient controlled analgesia", "PCA - Patient controlled analgesia", "PCA-- 病人自控镇痛", "患者自控镇痛" ], "225332003": [ "Physical and psychosocial approaches", "身体和心理社会疗法" ], "420105000": [ "Dissociative anesthesia", "Dissociative anaesthesia", "分离麻醉" ], "716852009": [ "Assessment using Behavioral Inattention Test", "Assessment using Behavioural Inattention Test", "Assessment using BIT (Behavioural Inattention Test)", "Assessment using BIT (Behavioral Inattention Test)", "使用行为注意力不集中测试进行评估", "使用 BIT(行为注意力不集中测试)进行评估" ], "305417004": [ "Admission to ear, nose and throat department", "Admission to ENT department", "耳鼻喉科入院" ], "59657005": [ "Intestinal bypass for morbid obesity", "Enteroenterostomy, anastomosis of intestine for morbid obesity", "肠绕道手术治疗病态肥胖", "肠肠吻合术,治疗病态肥胖症" ], "57822000": [ "Incision of intracranial artery", "Intracranial angiotomy of artery", "Intracranial arteriotomy", "颅内动脉切开术" ], "303582002": [ "Electrocoagulation of lesion - large intestine", "Coagulation of lesion of large intestine using electrical energy", "电能凝固大肠病变", "病变电凝术-大肠" ], "418270002": [ "Tapotement", "窃听" ], "713182005": [ "Laparoscopic colposuspension", "腹腔镜阴道悬吊术" ], "105139005": [ "Clostebol measurement", "氯司替勃测量" ], "571641000119102": [ "Administration of meningitis polysaccharide vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Neisseria meningitidis capsular polysaccharide antigen", "Meningitis polysaccharide vaccination", "Meningitis polysaccharide immunisation", "Meningitis polysaccharide immunization", "接种仅含脑膜炎奈瑟菌荚膜多糖抗原的疫苗产品", "脑膜炎多糖疫苗接种", "脑膜炎多糖疫苗", "脑膜炎多糖免疫" ], "236211007": [ "Salvage cystoprostatectomy", "挽救性膀胱前列腺切除术" ], "410361000119104": [ "CT of left femur with contrast", "Computed tomography of left femur with contrast", "左股骨增强计算机断层扫描", "左股骨增强 CT" ], "121523005": [ "Desmethylclobazam measurement", "去甲氯巴占测量" ], "252595006": [ "Behavioral diagnostic hearing test", "Behavioural diagnostic hearing test", "行为诊断听力测试" ], "70536003": [ "Transplant of kidney", "Kidney transplantation", "Renal transplant", "Tx - Renal transplantation", "Kidney transplant", "Tx - Kidney transplantation", "Transplantation of kidney", "Renal graft", "肾移植", "肾脏移植", "Tx-肾移植", "Tx-肾脏移植" ], "16558841000119108": [ "CT guided needle aspiration of bursa of left shoulder", "Needle aspiration of bursa of left shoulder using computed tomography guidance", "CT 引导下左肩囊针吸术", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行左肩囊针吸术" ], "21384003": [ "Excision of urethral caruncle", "Urethral caruncle removal", "尿道肉阜切除术" ], "16439801000119108": [ "CT of heart with contrast for cardiac structure and morphology", "Computed tomography of heart with contrast for cardiac structure and morphology", "心脏 CT 增强扫描检查心脏结构和形态", "心脏结构和形态对比计算机断层扫描" ], "398216007": [ "Replacement of stent in biliary tree", "胆管支架置换术" ], "412765000": [ "Two and a half wall orbital decompression", "两壁半眶壁减压术" ], "709512009": [ "Assessment of risk for hyperthermia", "过热风险评估" ], "117853003": [ "Measurement of Simian virus 40 antibody", "猴病毒 40 抗体测定" ], "3165004": [ "Irrigation of muscle of hand", "手部肌肉冲洗" ], "232541005": [ "Excision of lesion of hypopharynx", "喉咽病变切除术" ], "183389007": [ "Aversion therapy - somatic ill", "厌恶疗法——躯体疾病" ], "427314002": [ "Antiviral therapy", "抗病毒治疗" ], "165170005": [ "Diagnostic psychology", "诊断心理学" ], "34098008": [ "Repair of symblepharon with free graft of conjunctiva", "结膜游离移植修复睑球粘连" ], "65031003": [ "Anesthesia for open procedure on bones of lower leg, ankle and foot", "Anaesthesia for open procedure on bones of lower leg, ankle and foot", "小腿、踝部及足部骨骼开放手术的麻醉" ], "1162759005": [ "MR angiography of cerebrovascular system", "Magnetic resonance angiography of cerebrovascular system", "Magnetic resonance angiogram of cerebrovascular system", "脑血管系统磁共振血管造影" ], "359943008": [ "Partial breech delivery", "部分臀位分娩" ], "177884004": [ "Repair of recurrent femoral hernia using sutures", "缝合修复复发性股疝" ], "276188006": [ "Fixation of vagina", "Colpopexy", "Vaginopexy", "阴道固定术", "阴道固定" ], "1193692007": [ "Prostatectomy using robotic assistance", "Prostatectomy with robot assistance", "Robot assisted prostatectomy", "机器人辅助前列腺切除术", "使用机器人辅助进行前列腺切除术" ], "405425001": [ "Catheterisation of internal jugular vein", "Catheterization of internal jugular vein", "Insertion of internal jugular vein catheter", "颈内静脉插管", "插入颈内静脉导管" ], "46812009": [ "Resection of femoral head and neck of femur", "股骨头及股骨颈切除术" ], "274353001": [ "Anal surgical biopsy", "肛门手术活检" ], "61361006": [ "Red cell survival study for splenic and hepatic sequestration", "Red cell splenic and hepatic sequestration study", "脾脏和肝脏隔离症的红细胞存活研究", "脾脏和肝脏红细胞滞留研究" ], "241585007": [ "CT arthrogram of wrist", "Computed tomography arthrogram of wrist", "腕关节 CT 造影", "腕关节计算机断层扫描造影" ], "305286000": [ "Admission by child and adolescent psychiatrist", "儿童和青少年精神科医生的承认" ], "1290161008": [ "Revision of elbow joint replacement", "Revision of prosthetic replacement of elbow joint", "肘关节置换术", "肘关节假体置换术" ], "895110001": [ "Repair of tendon of gluteus medius", "臀中肌腱修复" ], "370822003": [ "Implementation of aseptic technique", "Implements aseptic technique", "Use of sterile technique", "使用无菌技术", "无菌技术的实施", "实施无菌技术" ], "44977009": [ "Cytopathology procedure, cell block preparation", "细胞病理学程序、细胞块制备" ], "26758005": [ "Albumin measurement", "白蛋白测量" ], "10374007": [ "Echography, contact B-scan", "超声心动图、接触式 B 超" ], "6704000": [ "Repair of parasternal diaphragmatic hernia", "胸骨旁膈疝修补术" ], "252464001": [ "Capillaroscopy", "毛细血管镜检查" ], "432688003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of superficial forearm vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术" ], "88624005": [ "Arthroscopy of toe", "趾关节镜检查" ], "121392006": [ "n-Propanol measurement", "正丙醇测量" ], "105008005": [ "Tyramine measurement", "酪胺测量" ], "447237002": [ "Hysteroscopic excision of uterus and supporting structures", "宫腔镜子宫及支持结构切除术" ], "86789002": [ "Abdominoperineal pull-through procedure", "Resection of rectum by abdominoperineal pull-through", "腹会阴牵引手术", "腹会阴牵引直肠切除术" ], "234245003": [ "Extended radical neck dissection of cervical lymph nodes", "Extended radical neck dissection", "扩大根治性颈清扫术", "扩大根治性颈淋巴结清扫术" ], "445402004": [ "Detection of Human herpesvirus 8 using polymerase chain reaction technique", "采用聚合酶链反应技术检测人类疱疹病毒 8 型" ], "183258006": [ "Crutches loan", "Loan of crutches", "拐杖贷款", "借用拐杖" ], "117722009": [ "Circulating anti-platelet antibody assay", "Measurement of circulating antiplatelet antibody", "循环抗血小板抗体的测量", "循环抗血小板抗体测定" ], "312495008": [ "High ligation and stripping of long saphenous vein", "长隐静脉高位结扎及剥脱术" ], "359812000": [ "Antibody to tissue specific antigen measurement", "组织特异性抗原抗体测量" ], "408964005": [ "Infertility care assessment", "Assess infertility care", "不孕不育护理评估", "评估不孕不育护理" ], "718425001": [ "Assessment using Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale", "使用华威-爱丁堡心理健康量表进行评估" ], "63065004": [ "Esophagoscopy for removal of foreign body", "Endoscopic removal of intraluminal foreign body from esophagus without incision", "Oesophagoscopy for removal of foreign body", "Endoscopic removal of intraluminal foreign body from oesophagus without incision", "Esophagoscopy and removal of foreign body", "Oesophagoscopy and removal of foreign body", "食管镜检查及异物取出", "食管镜检查取出异物", "内镜下不切开食管腔内异物取出术", "内镜下不切开食管取出腔内异物" ], "177753009": [ "Removal of plomb", "去除铅" ], "46681009": [ "Cerclage of cervix during pregnancy by abdominal approach", "妊娠期经腹宫颈环扎术" ], "241454001": [ "US scan of parathyroid", "Ultrasound scan of parathyroid", "甲状旁腺超声扫描" ], "175918006": [ "Lower polar partial nephrectomy", "Lower pole partial nephrectomy", "下极部分肾切除术" ], "405294006": [ "Visceral sympathectomy", "Splanchnic sympathectomy", "内脏交感神经切除术" ], "44846008": [ "Puncture aspiration of bulla of skin", "皮肤大疱穿刺抽吸" ], "225070006": [ "Giving antiseptic mouthwash", "给予抗菌漱口水" ], "257838009": [ "External fixation of bone", "External skeletal fixation", "External fixation", "骨外固定", "外固定", "外骨固定" ], "239619003": [ "Dynamisation of external fixator", "Dynamization of external fixator", "外固定器动力化" ], "59395005": [ "Reduction of closed clavicular fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of clavicle", "闭合性锁骨骨折手法复位", "锁骨闭合性骨折手法复位" ], "24792005": [ "Choledochotomy with removal of calculus with cholecystotomy", "胆总管切开术及胆囊切开术去除结石" ], "450776007": [ "Prosthetic replacement of ligament", "韧带假体置换" ], "72109001": [ "Repair of bronchus", "Bronchial repair procedure", "Open repair procedure to bronchus", "支气管开放修复手术", "支气管修复", "支气管修复手术" ], "1153453003": [ "Application of ointment to lip via topical route", "Application of ointment to lip", "唇部涂抹软膏", "通过局部途径将软膏涂抹于嘴唇" ], "448941005": [ "Reopening of abdomen and reexploration of intraabdominal operation site", "腹部再开窗及腹腔内手术部位再探查" ], "104877007": [ "Phosphoglyceromutase measurement", "Phosphoglycerate mutase measurement", "磷酸甘油酸变位酶测量", "磷酸甘油变位酶测量" ], "432557008": [ "Aspiration using ultrasound guidance", "Aspiration using ultrasound (US) guidance", "超声引导下抽吸" ], "397954001": [ "Bronchial lavage via rigid bronchoscope", "Endoscopic irrigation below trachea using rigid bronchoscope", "Rigid bronchoscopic lavage of bronchus", "硬质支气管镜支气管灌洗", "使用硬质支气管镜进行气管下腔内冲洗", "经硬质支气管镜进行支气管灌洗" ], "121261007": [ "11-Oxopregnanetriol measurement", "11-氧孕三醇测量" ], "70274007": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on veins of lower leg", "Anaesthesia for procedure on veins of lower leg", "小腿静脉手术麻醉" ], "86658008": [ "Excision of lesion of external ear", "外耳病变切除术" ], "183127003": [ "Physiological hearing assistance", "生理听力辅助" ], "609111007": [ "Microscopic examination of cell block of specimen from liver", "肝脏标本细胞块的显微镜检查" ], "312364000": [ "Ultrasound scan of lower limb arteries", "下肢动脉超声扫描" ], "117591009": [ "Infectious agent genotype identification", "传染源基因型鉴定" ], "427052007": [ "Computed tomography of bone", "CT of bone", "骨骼计算机断层扫描", "骨CT检查" ], "359681000": [ "Celiac plexus procedure", "Coeliac plexus procedure", "腹腔神经丛手术" ], "736513001": [ "Intermediate revision rhinoplasty", "中期修复鼻整形术" ], "15617002": [ "Ligation of varicose vein of lower limb", "Local ligation of varicose vein of leg", "Ligation of varicose vein of leg", "下肢静脉曲张结扎术", "小腿静脉曲张局部结扎术", "小腿静脉曲张结扎术" ], "392449006": [ "Reindeer epithelium specific IgE antibody measurement", "Re202 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Reindeer epithelium specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "驯鹿上皮特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "驯鹿上皮特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Re202 特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "441601006": [ "Measurement of ammonia in venous blood specimen", "静脉血标本中氨的测定" ], "228609008": [ "Myoelectric prosthetic training", "肌电假肢训练" ], "1144278001": [ "Fitting of interim complete lower denture", "临时全口下颌义齿安装" ], "243158000": [ "Fluorocarbon ventilation", "氟碳通风" ], "275926002": [ "Screening - health check", "筛查——健康检查" ], "308694002": [ "Extracapsular cataract extraction and insertion of intraocular lens", "ECCE - Extracapsular cataract extraction and insertion of intraocular lens", "ECCE - 白内障囊外摘除术和人工晶状体植入术", "白内障囊外摘除及人工晶状体植入" ], "406998005": [ "Pneumocystis sputum toluidine blue stain method", "Pneumocystis sputum toluidine blue stain", "肺孢子虫痰液甲苯胺蓝染色法", "肺孢子虫痰甲苯胺蓝染色" ], "718294006": [ "Assessment using Behavioral Screening Questionnaire", "Assessment using BSQ (Behavioral Screening Questionnaire)", "使用行为筛查问卷进行评估", "使用 BSQ(行为筛查问卷)进行评估" ], "241323001": [ "Study of oesophageal transit using radiolabelled fluid", "Study of esophageal transit using radiolabeled fluid", "使用放射性标记液体研究食管转运" ], "175787003": [ "Ligation of congenital arteriovenous malformation", "先天性动静脉畸形结扎术" ], "42880005": [ "Division of thoracic vein", "胸静脉分离" ], "239488006": [ "Prosthetic arthroplasty of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb", "拇指指间关节假体置换术" ], "698240009": [ "Revision of laser foraminoplasty of lumbar spine", "腰椎激光椎间孔成形术的修订" ], "450645006": [ "Open embolectomy of coeliac artery", "Open embolectomy of celiac artery", "腹腔动脉开放栓塞术", "腹腔动脉开放栓塞切除术" ], "90197008": [ "Lip shave", "唇部剃须" ], "88362001": [ "Removal of ectopic fetus from fallopian tube without salpingectomy", "Removal of ectopic foetus from fallopian tube without salpingectomy", "不进行输卵管切除术从输卵管中取出异位胎儿" ], "252202002": [ "Growth hormone releasing hormone test", "GHRH - Growth hormone releasing hormone test", "GRF - Growth hormone releasing factor test", "Growth hormone releasing factor test", "GRF-- 生长激素释放因子测试", "生长激素释放因子检测", "GHRH-- 生长激素释放激素测试", "生长激素释放激素测试" ], "1251626000": [ "Immobilisation of subject using aids", "Immobilization of subject using aids", "使用辅助工具固定受试者" ], "172117008": [ "Exploration of breast", "乳房探查" ], "104746000": [ "Iduronate-2-sulfatase measurement", "Iduronate-2-sulphatase measurement", "艾杜糖醛酸-2-硫酸酯酶测定", "艾杜糖醛酸-2-硫酸酶测定" ], "432426006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of popliteal artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of popliteal artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "支架置入造影剂对腘动脉进行荧光血管造影", "支架置入造影剂进行腘动脉荧光镜造影" ], "448810008": [ "Rotation osteotomy of diaphysis and internal fixation", "骨干旋转截骨内固定术" ], "250367004": [ "British corrected ratio", "British corrected ratio measurement", "BCR - British corrected ratio", "英国校正比率测量", "英国校正比率", "BCR - 英国校正比率" ], "397823004": [ "Posterior repair of vagina", "Posterior colporrhaphy", "PC - Posterior colporrhaphy", "阴道后修复", "PC-- 后阴道缝合术", "后阴道缝合术" ], "314068007": [ "Plasma troponin T level", "Plasma troponin T measurement", "血浆肌钙蛋白 T 测量", "血浆肌钙蛋白 T 水平" ], "310398002": [ "Suturing of atrioventricular valve", "房室瓣缝合术" ], "441470002": [ "Arthroscopic matrix-induced autologous chondrocyte implantation of joint", "关节镜基质诱导自体软骨细胞关节植入" ], "392318002": [ "Ox-eye daisy specific IgE antibody measurement", "Marguerite specific IgE antibody measurement", "w7 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chrysanthemum leucanthemum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chrysanthemum leucanthemum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "玛格丽特异IgE抗体测定", "菊花特异性IgE抗体测定", "w7 特异性IgE抗体测量", "牛眼菊特异性IgE抗体测定", "菊花特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "359550004": [ "Incision of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱切开术" ], "31870005": [ "Duchenne muscular dystrophy carrier detection, amniotic fluid", "杜氏肌营养不良症携带者检测,羊水" ], "406867009": [ "Immunofluorescent stain method", "Immunofluorescent stain", "免疫荧光染色", "免疫荧光染色法" ], "11816003": [ "Diet education", "Advice about diet", "Advice on diet", "Teach regular diet", "Diet health education", "Dietary advice", "饮食健康教育", "饮食教育", "教导规律饮食", "饮食建议" ], "699944004": [ "Bisoprolol therapy", "比索洛尔治疗" ], "306728006": [ "CT of nervous system", "Computed tomography of nervous system", "神经系统CT", "神经系统计算机断层扫描" ], "304893001": [ "Expressed emotion family therapy", "表达情绪家庭治疗" ], "1255165006": [ "Vegan diet", "纯素饮食" ], "239357008": [ "Total prosthetic replacement of bone", "全骨假体置换" ], "59133009": [ "Excisional biopsy of joint structure of knee", "Biopsy of joint structure of knee", "膝关节结构活检", "膝关节结构切除活检" ], "24530001": [ "Making patient bed", "整理病人床位" ], "450514003": [ "Endoscopic destruction of lesion of prostate", "内镜前列腺病变毁损术" ], "55463003": [ "Starch utilization test", "Starch utilisation test", "淀粉利用率测试" ], "710823004": [ "Education about diagnostic test", "诊断测试教育" ], "104615008": [ "Creatinine challenge tests", "肌酐激发试验" ], "708988001": [ "Laparoscopic repositioning of Tenckhoff catheter", "腹腔镜 Tenckhoff 导管重新定位" ], "428625001": [ "Replacement of cardioverter defibrillator", "更换心脏复律除颤器" ], "446844009": [ "Laparoscopic decortication of cyst of kidney", "腹腔镜肾囊肿剥除术" ], "84561001": [ "Repair of thymus", "胸腺修复" ], "608849003": [ "Surgical procedure on eye proper using laser", "Laser eye surgery", "使用激光进行眼部手术", "激光眼科手术" ], "313937004": [ "Serum Insulin-like growth factor 2 measurement", "Serum Insulin-like growth factor 2 level", "血清胰岛素样生长因子 2 测量", "血清胰岛素样生长因子 2 水平" ], "117329002": [ "Safranin stain method", "Safranin stain", "Safranine O stain", "藏红花 O 染色", "番红染色法", "番红染色" ], "68177008": [ "Comprehensive orthodontic treatment, transitional dentition, for class I malocclusion", "综合正畸治疗,过渡牙列,针对 I 类错颌畸形" ], "66342006": [ "Fascioplasty of hand", "Repair of fascia of hand", "手部筋膜修复", "手部筋膜成形术" ], "361254007": [ "Ureteroscopic balloon rupture and stenting", "Ureteroscopic endobrst operation", "输尿管镜内镜手术", "输尿管镜球囊破裂及支架置入术" ], "443174008": [ "Measurement of prostate specific antigen using ultrasensitive assay", "Ultrasensitive prostate specific antigen level", "超敏前列腺特异性抗原水平", "用超灵敏试验测定前列腺特异抗原" ], "410406008": [ "Positioning surveillance", "定位监控" ], "719867009": [ "Fluoroscopic arteriography of anterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic angiography of anterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Angiogram of anterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Arteriography of anterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Arteriogram of anterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "用造影剂插入支架进行胫前动脉造影", "用造影剂插入支架对胫前动脉进行血管造影", "胫前动脉造影及支架置入术", "胫前动脉造影及支架置入荧光血管造影", "用支架置入法进行胫前动脉造影" ], "308432007": [ "Immunisation recall", "Immunization recall", "免疫接种召回", "免疫召回" ], "11685005": [ "Recession of tendon", "肌腱萎缩" ], "306597006": [ "Discharge from palliative care service", "结束姑息治疗服务" ], "386682000": [ "Arthrodesis of foot", "Arthrodesis of joint of foot", "Fusion of joint of foot", "足关节融合", "足关节融合术" ], "271994003": [ "Reconstruction of nose with bone graft and skin flap", "骨移植和皮瓣重建鼻部" ], "239226005": [ "Destruction of lesion of ganglion", "神经节损伤破坏" ], "26234007": [ "Platelet aggregation with collagen test", "血小板聚集与胶原蛋白检测" ], "237391000": [ "Transposition of nipple and areola", "乳头乳晕移位" ], "73551006": [ "Removal of foreign body from peripheral nerve", "周围神经异物取出" ], "417615007": [ "Second low dose diphtheria, tetanus and inactivated polio vaccination", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and low dose Corynebacterium diphtheriae and inactivated Human poliovirus antigens", "Second low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Second low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Second low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "第二次低剂量白喉和灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫接种", "第二次低剂量白喉、破伤风和灭活脊髓灰质炎疫苗接种", "第二次低剂量白喉和灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫", "注射第二剂仅含有破伤风梭菌、低剂量白喉棒状杆菌和灭活人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第二次低剂量白喉和灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种" ], "38948000": [ "Lamellar keratoplasty with autograft", "自体移植板层角膜移植术" ], "104484007": [ "Albumin renal clearance measurement", "白蛋白肾清除率测定" ], "235556008": [ "Open insertion of bile duct stent", "Open introduction of stent into bile duct", "将支架开放式引入胆管", "胆管支架开放式置入" ], "708857001": [ "Laser goniopuncture", "激光房角穿刺" ], "69881003": [ "Removal of calculus of lacrimal sac", "Removal of calculus from lacrimal sac", "泪囊结石摘除术", "清除泪囊结石" ], "37113006": [ "Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation", "Mouth to mouth expired air ventilation", "口对口呼气通气", "口对口人工呼吸" ], "446713007": [ "Laparoscopic partial ureterectomy", "Laparoscopic partial excision of ureter", "腹腔镜输尿管部分切除术" ], "86265008": [ "Central venous pressure monitoring", "CVP monitoring", "CVP监测", "中心静脉压监测" ], "428494000": [ "Injection of filtering bleb following glaucoma surgery", "Needling of bleb following glaucoma surgery", "青光眼手术后滤过泡针刺", "青光眼手术后滤过泡注射" ], "362958002": [ "Procedure by site", "站点流程" ], "281038008": [ "Geriatric annual health check", "老年人年度健康检查" ], "410275006": [ "Bonding teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Bonding education, guidance, and counseling", "Bonding education, guidance, and counselling", "Bonding / attachment teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Bonding / attachment education, guidance, and counseling", "Bonding / attachment education, guidance, and counselling", "结合/依恋教学、指导和咨询", "亲子关系/依恋关系教育、指导和咨询", "亲子教育、指导和咨询", "结合教学、指导和咨询" ], "1260408002": [ "Distal pancreas-sparing duodenectomy", "Segmental duodenectomy", "Segmental excision of duodenum", "十二指肠节段切除术", "保留远端胰腺的十二指肠切除术" ], "1293176004": [ "Plain X-ray of kidney", "肾脏普通 X 光检查" ], "47992004": [ "Graphology analysis", "Hand writing analysis", "笔迹分析", "手写文字分析" ], "179064006": [ "Revision to open reduction and external fixation of proximal femoral fracture", "股骨近端骨折切开复位外固定术" ], "15224009": [ "Intentional replantation with splinting", "夹板固定再植" ], "177229002": [ "Repositioning of umbilical cord", "脐带重新定位" ], "373837003": [ "Ovarian ablation by external beam radiotherapy", "Ovarian ablation by external beam radiation therapy", "外照射放射治疗卵巢消融", "卵巢切除术(外照射放射治疗)" ], "78925004": [ "Ileoileostomy", "Anastomosis of ileum to ileum", "回肠回肠造口术", "回肠吻合术" ], "306466005": [ "Discharge by cardiac surgeon", "心脏外科医生出院" ], "240930006": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉血栓溶解术" ], "44322007": [ "Lysis of adhesions of tendon", "Tendolysis", "Tenolysis", "Freeing of tendon", "肌腱粘连松解术", "游离肌腱", "肌腱溶解症", "肌腱松解术" ], "75255001": [ "Destruction of lesion of external ear", "Destruction of lesion of pinna", "耳廓损伤破坏", "外耳损伤毁损术" ], "419319002": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of male genital tract with contrast", "男性生殖道荧光透视静脉造影" ], "9719003": [ "Operation on extraocular muscle and tendon", "眼外肌及肌腱手术" ], "1304055003": [ "Sigmoidoscopy and suturing of colon", "Sigmoidoscopic suturing of colon", "乙状结肠镜结肠缝合术", "乙状结肠镜检查及结肠缝合" ], "386551007": [ "Open excisional biopsy of oesophagus", "Open excisional biopsy of esophagus", "食管开放切除活检" ], "384716004": [ "DNA hybridisation", "DNA hybridization", "Deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization", "Deoxyribonucleic acid hybridisation", "脱氧核糖核酸杂交", "DNA杂交" ], "401100006": [ "Sample microscopy : leucocytes", "Sample microscopy : leukocytes", "Sample microscopy for leucocytes", "Sample microscopy for leukocytes", "白细胞样本显微镜检查", "样本显微镜检查:白细胞" ], "235425002": [ "Insertion of orogastric tube", "插入口胃管" ], "710561005": [ "Assessment of performance at school", "在校表现评估" ], "104353006": [ "Complement C3d+g measurement", "补体 C3d+g 测量" ], "233590002": [ "Continuous venovenous haemodiafiltration", "Continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration", "CVVHD - continuous venovenous haemodiafiltration", "CVVHD - continuous venovenous hemodiafiltration", "持续性静脉-静脉血液透析滤过", "CVVHD-- 持续性静脉-静脉血液透析滤过" ], "4214007": [ "Intracardiac injection for cardiac resuscitation", "心内注射用于心脏复苏" ], "231755001": [ "Injection of drug into vitreous", "玻璃体内注射药物" ], "313675002": [ "24 hour urine magnesium output measurement", "24 hour urine magnesium output", "24小时尿镁排出量", "24 小时尿镁排出量测定" ], "51531004": [ "Arthrectomy of knee", "Excision of knee joint", "膝关节切除术" ], "442912006": [ "Revision of gastroplasty", "Revision of repair of stomach", "胃成形术修复", "胃修复术" ], "410144007": [ "Medical regimen orders education", "Teach medical regimen orders", "传授医疗养生法", "医治方案教育" ], "80629001": [ "Marsupialization of ovarian cyst", "Marsupialisation of ovarian cyst", "卵巢囊肿袋形化术", "卵巢囊肿袋形成形术" ], "178933002": [ "Translational osteotomy", "平移式截骨术" ], "1293045008": [ "Plain X-ray of bilateral optic foramina", "Plain X-ray of both optic foramina", "Plain X-ray of bilateral optic canal", "双侧视神经管 X 光检查", "双侧视神经孔的普通 X 光检查", "双侧视神经孔X光检查" ], "277237009": [ "Transillumination of maxillary sinus", "上颌窦透照术" ], "306335000": [ "Referral to community nurse", "Referral to community-based nurse", "转介至社区护士", "转诊至社区护士" ], "404639000": [ "General appraisal of patient weight", "General appraisal of weight", "患者体重的总体评估", "体重总体评估" ], "44191002": [ "Excision of clavicle for graft", "切除锁骨进行移植" ], "715935004": [ "Provision of specialist emergency care registered nurse patient escort", "提供专科紧急护理注册护士病人陪同" ], "175263004": [ "Open embolisation of pulmonary artery", "Open embolization of pulmonary artery", "肺动脉开放栓塞术" ], "107892000": [ "Skin of trunk excision", "躯干皮肤切除" ], "304500001": [ "Offering encouragement to discuss problems", "Giving encouragement to discuss problems", "鼓励讨论问题" ], "386420003": [ "Self-care assistance: bathing/hygiene", "Assisting with bathing/hygiene", "协助洗澡/保持卫生", "自我护理协助:洗澡/卫生" ], "122441001": [ "Detection of parasite", "检测寄生虫" ], "433737002": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of popliteal vein using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "支架植入后荧光造影腘静脉造影" ], "1269321004": [ "Fitting of denture", "配戴假牙" ], "284446003": [ "Extended ethmoidectomy", "扩大筛窦切除术" ], "415518003": [ "Semen leukocyte test", "Semen leucocyte test", "精液白细胞检查" ], "104222006": [ "Ova and parasites, dry smear interpretation", "虫卵和寄生虫,干涂片解释" ], "235294007": [ "Balloon dilatation of stricture - small intestine", "Pneumatic dilatation of stricture - small intestine", "Balloon dilation of stricture - small intestine", "狭窄处气动扩张术-小肠", "狭窄处球囊扩张术-小肠" ], "4083000": [ "Fitting of prosthesis or prosthetic device of lower arm", "下臂义肢或义肢装置的安装" ], "233459001": [ "Multiple avulsions of varicose veins", "Multiple phlebectomy", "Multiple avulsions", "多处静脉切除术", "多处撕脱", "静脉曲张多处撕脱" ], "118771002": [ "Procedure on submaxillary gland", "颌下腺手术" ], "69619008": [ "Preparation of routine medical insurance claim", "准备常规医疗保险索赔" ], "870600003": [ "Administration of remdesivir", "瑞德西韦给药" ], "231624003": [ "Insertion of graft into lower eyelid", "Graft of skin to skin of lower eyelid", "下眼睑皮肤移植", "将移植物插入下眼睑" ], "67784006": [ "Caries susceptibility test", "龋齿敏感度测试" ], "444616008": [ "Removal of antithromboembolic stockings", "脱去抗血栓栓塞袜" ], "1149128008": [ "Endoscopic endonasal transsphenoidal partial excision of neoplasm of pituitary gland", "经鼻内镜经蝶窦入路垂体肿瘤部分切除术" ], "311709008": [ "Tongue protrusion exercise", "伸舌运动" ], "309874001": [ "Lateral rectus resection", "外直肌切除术" ], "703090000": [ "Initiation of contraception", "开始避孕" ], "211570009": [ "Amputation through foot", "足部截肢" ], "439111004": [ "Cystourethroscopy with transurethral excision of ejaculatory duct", "膀胱尿道镜检查及经尿道射精管切除术" ], "420892005": [ "Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula specific IgG antibody measurement", "Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "直叶糖多孢菌特异性 IgG 抗体测定", "直叶糖多孢菌特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定" ], "1010716007": [ "Intravesical reimplantation of right ureter", "右侧输尿管膀胱内再植术" ], "306204008": [ "Referral to old age psychiatry day hospital", "Referral to elderly mentally ill day hospital", "Referral to psychogeriatric day hospital", "转介至老年精神病日间医院" ], "386289003": [ "Environmental risk protection", "环境风险防护" ], "238833008": [ "Repair of eyelid laceration, partial-thickness", "眼睑裂伤、部分厚度的修复" ], "171462000": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of brain tissue", "脑组织病变开放活检" ], "173297008": [ "Preprosthetic oral surgery", "Preprosthodontic oral surgery", "修复前口腔手术", "修复前口腔外科" ], "40390002": [ "Excision of iliac lymph nodes", "髂淋巴结切除术" ], "122310001": [ "Fungus colony count", "真菌菌落计数" ], "89542003": [ "Excision of periaortic lymph nodes", "主动脉周围淋巴结切除" ], "236998006": [ "Bimanual uterine massage", "双手子宫按摩" ], "235163000": [ "Partial oesophagectomy with supra-aortic reconstruction", "Ivor Lewis partial esophagectomy with supra-aortic reconstruction", "Ivor Lewis partial oesophagectomy with supra-aortic reconstruction", "Partial esophagectomy with supra-aortic reconstruction", "Ivor Lewis 部分食管切除术及主动脉上重建术", "部分食管切除术及主动脉上重建" ], "5787001": [ "Elevation of bone fragments of orbit of skull with debridement", "清创抬高颅骨眼眶骨碎片" ], "104091002": [ "Hemogram, automated, with RBC, WBC, Hgb, Hct, Indices, Platelet count, and manual WBC differential", "Haemogram, automated, with RBC, WBC, Hgb, Hct, Indices, Platelet count, and manual WBC differential", "Hemogram, automated, with red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, indices, platelet count, and manual white blood cell differential", "Haemogram, automated, with red blood cells, white blood cells, haemoglobin, haematocrit, indices, platelet count, and manual white blood cell differential", "自动化血液图,包括红细胞、白细胞、血红蛋白、血细胞比容、指数、血小板计数和手动白细胞分类", "自动化血象图,包括红细胞、白细胞、血红蛋白、血细胞比容、指数、血小板计数和手动白细胞分类" ], "710299002": [ "Fluoroscopic fistulography of extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopic fistulography of limb with contrast", "肢体荧光透视瘘管造影" ], "71323009": [ "Endoscopic litholapaxy", "Cystoscopic litholapaxy", "Bigelow litholapaxy", "Transurethral visual litholapaxy", "内镜碎石术", "膀胱镜碎石术", "Bigelow 碎石术", "经尿道可视碎石术" ], "233328002": [ "Dural spinal embolization", "Dural spinal embolisation", "硬脊膜栓塞" ], "118640001": [ "Radioimmunotherapy", "放射免疫治疗" ], "397168009": [ "S.P. Rogers amputation", "S.P. Rogers 截肢" ], "116805008": [ "Immune serum globulin administration by intravascular infusion", "Intravenous infusion of human immune serum globulin (IVIg)", "Intravenous infusion of human immune serum globulin", "静脉输注人免疫血清球蛋白", "静脉输注人免疫血清球蛋白(IVIg)", "血管内输注免疫血清球蛋白" ], "311578001": [ "Intelligibility repair strategies", "可理解性修复策略" ], "360730007": [ "Biomechanical remedial activity", "生物力学矫正活动" ], "33050008": [ "Pulmonary resuscitation", "肺复苏" ], "47599002": [ "Complete primary rhinoplasty", "完成初次鼻整形手术" ], "1260015003": [ "Debridement of pressure injury stage II of sacral region", "Debridement of sacral pressure ulcer stage 2", "骶部压伤 II 期清创术", "骶骨压疮 2 期清创术" ], "62148000": [ "Excision of tumor of wrist area, deep, intramuscular", "Excision of tumour of wrist area, deep, intramuscular", "腕部深部肌内肿瘤切除术" ], "225988001": [ "Evaluating progress with mobility", "评估移动性进展" ], "45764000": [ "Immunoglobulin M measurement", "Immunoglobulin M level", "免疫球蛋白 M 测量", "免疫球蛋白M水平" ], "78532002": [ "Operation on single extraocular muscle with temporary detachment from globe", "单侧眼外肌暂时脱离手术" ], "29380005": [ "Insertion of pessary into cervix", "将子宫托插入宫颈" ], "306073007": [ "Referral by social services department occupational therapist", "Referral by SSD occupational therapist", "Referral from SSD occupational therapist", "SSD 职业治疗师推荐", "社会服务部门职业治疗师转介" ], "124014000": [ "Reversed serum protein ratio", "血清蛋白比率逆转" ], "418926001": [ "Harvesting of stem cells", "Harvest of stem cells", "干细胞采集", "干细胞的收获" ], "1303662001": [ "Hip joint denervation", "Denervation of hip joint", "髋关节去神经支配" ], "304238003": [ "Advice not to work", "Advice to refrain from work", "Recommendation not to work", "建议不要工作" ], "713838004": [ "Optimization of medication", "Optimisation of medication", "优化用药" ], "1269059000": [ "Targeted temperature management following cardiac arrest", "Therapeutic hypothermia following cardiac arrest", "TTM (targeted temperature management) following cardiac arrest", "心脏骤停后的目标体温管理", "心脏骤停后的治疗性低温", "心脏骤停后 TTM(目标体温管理)" ], "302403001": [ "Delay of skin flap", "皮瓣延迟" ], "122179004": [ "Bacteroides melaninogenicus antigen assay", "产黑色素拟杆菌抗原测定" ], "236867005": [ "Removal of Hodge pessary from vagina", "Removal of Hodge suppository from vagina", "从阴道取出霍奇子宫托", "从阴道取出霍奇栓剂" ], "89411006": [ "Excision of deep cervical lymph nodes", "Deep cervical lymphadenectomy", "Excision of regional cervical lymph nodes", "区域颈部淋巴结切除", "颈深淋巴结切除", "深部颈部淋巴结清扫术" ], "103960001": [ "Antibody screen, eluate", "抗体筛选,洗脱液" ], "71192002": [ "Peritoneal dialysis", "PD - Peritoneal dialysis", "腹膜透析", "PD-腹膜透析" ], "726552004": [ "CT of thorax, abdomen and pelvis with oral contrast", "Computed tomography of thorax, abdomen and pelvis with oral contrast", "胸部、腹部和盆腔 CT 扫描(口服造影剂)", "胸部、腹部和骨盆的计算机断层扫描及口服造影剂" ], "448024006": [ "Fusion of joint of cervical spine with internal fixation by anterior approach", "前入路颈椎关节融合内固定术" ], "315117000": [ "Enterovirus IgM level", "Enterovirus immunoglobulin M level", "肠道病毒免疫球蛋白 M 水平", "肠道病毒 IgM 水平" ], "429805005": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta with contrast and insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta with contrast and insertion of stent graft", "腹主动脉荧光造影及植入支架", "腹主动脉荧光血管造影及植入支架" ], "395202001": [ "Epithelial cell count", "上皮细胞计数" ], "51138002": [ "Laser beam destruction of lesion of vestibule of mouth", "Destruction of lesion of vestibule of mouth using laser beam", "激光毁损口腔前庭病变" ], "165826003": [ "Leptospira agglutinin test", "钩端螺旋体凝集素试验" ], "444354004": [ "Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to right atrium by atrial septum translocation", "房间隔移位术修复完全性肺静脉异位引流至右心房" ], "18370004": [ "Radiologic examination of upper gastrointestinal tract with KUB", "Radiologic examination of upper gastrointestinal tract with kidney-ureter-bladder", "上消化道及肾-输尿管-膀胱的放射学检查", "腹部平片检查上消化道" ], "311447002": [ "Arthroscopic reduction of fracture", "关节镜下骨折复位" ], "65687007": [ "Evacuation of hematoma of vulva", "Evacuation of haematoma of vulva", "Evacuation of vulval haematoma", "Evacuation of vulval hematoma", "外阴血肿清除术" ], "245911009": [ "Isotope study for red blood cell survival with sequestration", "隔离条件下红细胞存活的同位素研究" ], "276844002": [ "Injection to subcutaneous drug delivery port", "皮下给药口注射" ], "391532003": [ "Plasmodium vivax slide test", "间日疟原虫玻片检测" ], "1290817002": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of head", "头部软组织普通 X 光检查" ], "12865005": [ "Thoracic aneurysmectomy", "胸主动脉瘤切除术" ], "307777008": [ "Referral to vascular surgeon", "转诊至血管外科医生" ], "305942001": [ "Referral by pediatric ITU specialist", "Referral from pediatric intensive care specialist", "Referral from pediatric ITU specialist", "Referral from paediatric intensive care specialist", "Referral from paediatric ITU specialist", "Referral by paediatric ITU specialist", "Referral by pediatric intensive care specialist", "Referral by paediatric intensive care specialist", "儿科 ITU 专家转诊", "儿科重症监护专家转诊" ], "699158003": [ "Closed reduction of mandibular fracture with internal fixation", "Closed reduction of fracture of mandible with internal fixation", "下颌骨骨折闭合复位内固定" ], "174870004": [ "Closed operations on septum of heart", "心脏隔膜闭合手术" ], "1010454006": [ "Left retrograde pyelogram", "Retrograde pyelography of left renal pelvis", "左肾盂逆行肾盂造影", "左侧逆行肾盂造影" ], "271339000": [ "Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase test", "半乳糖-1-磷酸尿苷转移酶试验" ], "25579001": [ "Oxygen measurement, partial pressure, arterial", "PaO>2< measurement", "paO2 - Arterial partial pressure of oxygen", "Arterial oxygen tension", "PaO>2< 测量", "动脉血氧分压", "paO2 - 动脉血氧分压", "氧分压测量,动脉" ], "715542009": [ "Transportation by emergency ambulance", "紧急救护车运输" ], "1303531005": [ "Diathermy of lesion of perineum", "会阴损伤透热疗法" ], "58347006": [ "Excision of lymph node", "Simple lymphadenectomy", "Lymphadenectomy", "淋巴结切除", "单纯淋巴结清扫术", "淋巴结清扫术" ], "91115007": [ "Cardiac catheterization, left heart, combined transseptal and retrograde", "Cardiac catheterisation, left heart, combined transseptal and retrograde", "左心室心导管插入术,联合经室间隔和逆行" ], "287723008": [ "Cystectomy - dome of bladder", "Excision of dome of urinary bladder", "膀胱顶切除术", "膀胱切除术 - 膀胱穹窿" ], "304107009": [ "Reconstruction using distant osteofasciocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction using distant osseofasciocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction with distant osteofasciocutaneous flap", "远端骨筋膜皮瓣重建" ], "173035009": [ "Microlaryngoscopy", "ML - Microlaryngoscopy", "显微喉镜检查", "ML-显微喉镜检查" ], "122048000": [ "Mycoplasma pneumoniae antibody assay", "Mycoplasma pneumoniae antibody level", "Measurement of Mycoplasma pneumoniae antibody", "肺炎支原体抗体测定", "肺炎支原体抗体检测", "肺炎支原体抗体水平" ], "40128007": [ "Optochin susceptibility test", "奥普托欣敏感性试验" ], "103829000": [ "Plasminogen activator inhibitor antigen assay", "纤溶酶原激活剂抑制剂抗原检测" ], "71061001": [ "Dentoalveolar bone osseous surgery, including flap entry and closure, per quadrant", "牙槽骨手术,包括每个象限的瓣膜切入和闭合" ], "169365004": [ "Radiotherapy: temporary brain implant", "放射治疗:临时脑植入物" ], "431509004": [ "Demonstration of infant bath", "婴儿洗澡演示" ], "234901006": [ "Extirpation of lesion of cheek", "Removal of lesion of cheek", "去除面颊病变", "颊部病变摘除术" ], "284053004": [ "Tooth socket procedure", "牙槽手术" ], "120213005": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on thorax", "Anaesthesia for procedure on thorax", "胸部手术麻醉" ], "3690001": [ "Shunt of left subclavian to descending aorta by Blalock-Park operation", "Blalock-Park 手术将左锁骨下动脉分流至降主动脉" ], "183914001": [ "Private referral to anesthetist", "Private referral to anaesthetist", "麻醉师私人转诊" ], "20074002": [ "Galeaplasty", "帽状腱膜成形术" ], "233066008": [ "Right ventricular outflow tract myotomy", "右心室流出道肌切开术" ], "444223000": [ "Quantitative measurement of creatinine in peritoneal fluid specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of creatinine in peritoneal fluid specimen", "腹腔液标本中肌酐质量浓度的定量测定", "腹腔液标本中肌酐的定量测定" ], "231231005": [ "Intraoral approach to local anesthetic inferior alveolar nerve block", "Intraoral approach to local anaesthetic inferior alveolar nerve block", "Intraoral approach to inferior alveolar nerve block", "口内局部麻醉下齿槽神经阻滞术", "口内入路下齿槽神经阻滞", "口内入路局部麻醉下齿槽神经阻滞" ], "280383006": [ "Subdural-pleural shunt operation", "硬膜下胸膜分流术" ], "1263423008": [ "Reconstruction of breast using free profunda artery perforator flap", "Reconstruction of breast using free PAP (profunda artery perforator) flap", "使用游离 PAP(深动脉穿支)皮瓣进行乳房重建", "游离深动脉穿支皮瓣乳房重建" ], "229396006": [ "Accessory mobilization of the tarsometatarsal joints", "Accessory mobilisation of the tarsometatarsal joints", "跗跖关节的辅助活动" ], "786452006": [ "Arterio-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", "Arteriovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", "AV ECMO - arteriovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", "动静脉体外膜肺氧合", "AV ECMO-- 动静脉体外膜氧合" ], "32788008": [ "Lamellar resection of sclera with implant", "巩膜板层切除术及植入物" ], "112873000": [ "Repair of perineosigmoidal fistula", "Closure of perineosigmoidal fistula", "会阴乙状窦瘘的修复", "会阴乙状窦瘘的缝合" ], "391401002": [ "Deoxypyridinoline/creatinine ratio", "脱氧吡啶/肌酐比率" ], "180244008": [ "Intramuscular immunotherapy", "肌肉注射免疫治疗" ], "473321000": [ "Assessment using ages and stages questionnaires third edition problem solving subscale", "使用年龄和阶段问卷第三版问题解决分量表进行评估" ], "440553003": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of glenohumeral joint and fracture of anatomical neck of humerus", "盂肱关节脱位及肱骨解剖颈骨折闭合复位" ], "442388009": [ "Measurement of amikacin trough concentration", "阿米卡星谷浓度测定" ], "719081007": [ "Fluoroscopic arteriography of tibioperoneal trunk using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic angiography of tibioperoneal trunk using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "胫腓干血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "用造影剂插入药物洗脱支架进行胫腓动脉造影" ], "717246005": [ "Neurological system care", "神经系统护理" ], "387731002": [ "Laminectomy", "Spinal laminectomy", "Excision of lamina of vertebra", "脊柱椎板切除术", "椎板切除术" ], "1081000087100": [ "Ultrasonography of right inguinal region", "Ultrasound of right inguinal region", "Ultrasound scan of right inguinal region", "右腹股沟区超声扫描", "右腹股沟区超声检查" ], "2361000087102": [ "MRI of left hand with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left hand with contrast", "左手对比磁共振成像", "左手 MRI 对比" ], "3641000087103": [ "Plain X-ray of left hip", "左髋关节普通 X 光检查" ], "4921000087103": [ "CT of bilateral feet with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral feet with contrast", "Computed tomography of both feet with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right foot with contrast", "左、右脚对比计算机断层扫描", "双足增强计算机断层扫描", "双足增强 CT 检查", "双脚增强计算机断层扫描" ], "6201000087105": [ "Plain X-ray of all toes of left foot", "左脚所有脚趾的普通 X 光检查" ], "58216002": [ "Preventive incision", "预防性切口" ], "385896004": [ "Comfort care education", "Teach comfort care", "教授舒适护理", "舒适护理教育" ], "287592005": [ "Negative/double contrast pyelogram", "阴性/双重对比肾盂造影" ], "12601000087109": [ "Ultrasonography guided drainage of left breast", "Drainage of left breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "使用超声引导进行左侧乳房引流", "超声引导下左侧乳房引流" ], "7229000": [ "Anesthesia for repair of ruptured Achilles tendon", "Anaesthesia for repair of ruptured Achilles tendon", "跟腱断裂修复的麻醉" ], "172904009": [ "Reconstruction of defect of nasal sinus with local flap", "局部皮瓣修复鼻窦缺损" ], "72765002": [ "Thyroxine measurement", "T4 measurement", "Tetraiodothyronine measurement", "T4 - Thyroxine level", "Thyroxine level", "甲状腺素测量", "T4-甲状腺素水平", "T4 测量", "甲状腺素水平", "四碘甲状腺原氨酸测量" ], "433213003": [ "Gallium whole body scan", "Radionuclide imaging of whole body using gallium", "使用镓进行全身放射性核素显像", "镓全身扫描" ], "39997004": [ "17 Hydroxyprogesterone measurement, amniotic fluid", "17 羟孕酮测量,羊水" ], "121917008": [ "Histoplasma capsulatum mycelial antibody assay", "Measurement of Histoplasma capsulatum mycelial antibody", "荚膜组织胞浆菌菌丝体抗体测定" ], "120082001": [ "Nerve reconstruction", "神经重建" ], "185618002": [ "Smear infected - 3rd recall", "Smear infected - third recall", "涂片感染-第三次召回" ], "103698003": [ "Patient referral to non-physician provider", "患者转诊至非医生提供者" ], "234770004": [ "Take impression for dental/oral splint", "为牙科/口腔夹板取模" ], "87314005": [ "Exploration of carotid artery", "颈动脉探查" ], "70930004": [ "Disease condition determination", "病情判断" ], "413159000": [ "Referral to musculoskeletal clinic", "转诊至肌肉骨骼诊所" ], "265703000": [ "Jaw and temporomandibular joint operations", "颌骨及颞下颌关节手术" ], "38162008": [ "Disarticulation of hip", "Amputation by hip disarticulation", "Amputation of leg through hip by disarticulation", "Through hip amputation of lower limb", "通过髋部截肢下肢", "髋关节脱位", "髋关节离断术截肢", "髋关节离断术" ], "3559005": [ "Insertion of ureteral stent with ureterotomy", "输尿管切开术插入输尿管支架" ], "232935008": [ "Resection of truncal valve cusp", "Excision of truncal valve cusp", "动脉干瓣膜切除术" ], "231100007": [ "Stimulation of acupuncture needle", "针灸针的刺激" ], "444092008": [ "Analysis using mutagenically separated PCR", "Analysis using mutagenically separated polymerase chain reaction technique", "使用诱变分离聚合酶链式反应技术进行分析", "使用诱变分离 PCR 进行分析" ], "313020008": [ "Subsequent treatment in a course of electroconvulsive therapy", "电休克治疗的后续治疗" ], "229265000": [ "Active knee movements", "膝关节主动运动" ], "278417005": [ "Control of room temperature", "室温控制" ], "442257007": [ "Amniotic membrane graft to eye", "Grafting of amniotic membrane to eye", "羊膜移植至眼球", "羊膜移植至眼部" ], "112742008": [ "Osteotomy of clavicle with internal fixation", "锁骨截骨内固定术" ], "1290555004": [ "Repair of filtering bleb by collagen cross linking", "胶原交联修复滤过泡" ], "1010192004": [ "Bisection of right ovary", "右侧卵巢二等分" ], "10768005": [ "Core needle biopsy of stomach", "胃芯针活检" ], "174608008": [ "Operative cholangiography through cystic duct", "Cystic duct cholangiography", "经胆囊管进行手术胆管造影", "胆囊管造影" ], "303845001": [ "Nervous system angiography", "Angiography of nervous system", "神经系统血管造影" ], "780816009": [ "Invitation to participate in research study", "邀请参加研究" ], "385765002": [ "Hospice care management", "Manage hospice care", "管理临终关怀", "临终关怀管理" ], "715280009": [ "Telehealth hypertension monitoring", "远程医疗高血压监测" ], "172773005": [ "Augmentation rhinoplasty with autologous material", "自体材料隆鼻术" ], "287461005": [ "Non-surgical face biopsy", "非手术面部活检" ], "238309007": [ "Introduction of antibiotic into peritoneal cavity", "将抗生素引入腹腔" ], "105402000": [ "Visit of patient by chaplain during palliative care", "姑息治疗期间牧师探访患者" ], "90853007": [ "Factor VIII: C assay", "Factor VIII coagulation activity", "因子 VIII:C 检测", "凝血因子 VIII 活性" ], "121786002": [ "Glyoxylate measurement", "乙醛酸测量" ], "56250002": [ "Acetowhitening of cervix", "宫颈醋酸白化" ], "252858004": [ "Stereotests - Steinfeld", "立体测试 - Steinfeld" ], "1186746005": [ "Assist control ventilation pressure control inflation-type", "辅助控制通气压力控制充气型" ], "7098006": [ "Removal of foreign body from vertebra", "取出脊椎异物" ], "431247005": [ "Computed tomography of nasopharynx with contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of nasopharynx with contrast", "CT of nasopharynx with contrast", "鼻咽部增强 CT 扫描", "鼻咽增强 CT", "鼻咽部增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "398479008": [ "Aspergillus nucleic acid assay", "Aspergillus nucleic acid detection", "曲霉核酸检测", "曲霉菌核酸检测" ], "119951009": [ "Lymphatic system reconstruction", "淋巴系统重建" ], "232804003": [ "Removal of thrombus from implanted tricuspid valve", "植入三尖瓣血栓清除" ], "118116005": [ "Translocation analysis", "易位分析" ], "265572009": [ "Abdominoperineal suspension of urethra", "腹会阴尿道悬吊术" ], "445796009": [ "Assessment using occupational performance history interview", "采用职业表现历史访谈进行评估" ], "229134003": [ "Dilating nostrils exercises", "扩张鼻孔练习" ], "179982006": [ "Finger operation", "Operative procedure on finger", "手指手术过程", "手指操作" ], "178147002": [ "Transfer of latissimus dorsi", "背阔肌转移" ], "128995005": [ "Excision of lower extremity structure", "下肢结构切除" ], "702435008": [ "Computed tomography angiography of vascular structure of neck with contrast", "CT angiography of neck vessels with contrast", "CT angiography of vascular structure of neck with contrast", "颈部血管增强 CT 血管造影", "颈部血管结构增强 CT 血管造影" ], "79843009": [ "Fulguration of urethra", "尿道电灼术" ], "372920002": [ "Maintaining confidentiality of patient information", "维护患者信息的机密性" ], "45240002": [ "Ear lobe stick", "Ear lobe prick sampling", "耳垂刺破取样", "耳垂棒" ], "307384003": [ "Metatarsal bone operations", "跖骨手术" ], "28856006": [ "Repair of ruptured aneurysm of abdominal aorta involving iliac vessels with graft", "腹主动脉瘤破裂并累及髂血管的移植物修复" ], "289165000": [ "Restricting food intake", "限制食物摄入量" ], "405688008": [ "Legal physical restraint procedure", "合法的身体约束程序" ], "438456009": [ "Ligation of haemorrhoidal artery", "Ligation of hemorrhoidal artery", "痔动脉结扎术" ], "435601000124107": [ "Vitamin and mineral supplement therapy", "维生素和矿物质补充疗法" ], "1255821001": [ "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - Liquidized Level 3 food", "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - LQ3 (Liquidized Level 3) food", "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - Liquidised Level 3 food", "IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) Framework - Liquidised Level 3 food", "IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) Framework - Liquidized Level 3 food", "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - LQ3 (Liquidised Level 3) food", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - LQ3(液化 3 级)食品", "IDDSI(国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议)框架 - 液化 3 级食物", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - 液化 3 级食物", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - LQ3(液化 3 级)食物" ], "436881000124109": [ "Polyunsaturated fat modified diet", "多不饱和脂肪改良饮食" ], "59789006": [ "Type I, gingivitis, shallow pocket therapy", "I型,牙龈炎,浅牙周袋治疗" ], "420237007": [ "MRI venography of lower limb", "Magnetic resonance imaging venography of lower limb", "下肢 MRI 静脉造影", "下肢磁共振成像静脉造影" ], "444561000124109": [ "Feeding environment room temperature management", "饲养环境室温管理" ], "90722001": [ "Removal of supernumerary finger", "切除多余手指" ], "121655000": [ "Pirmenol measurement", "吡美诺尔测量" ], "6967000": [ "Open reduction of separation of epiphysis of fibula", "腓骨骨骺分离切开复位术" ], "238178008": [ "Primary closure of congenital umbilical defect-with patch", "先天性脐带缺损的初次缝合-使用补片" ], "236343005": [ "Partial epididymectomy", "部分附睾切除术" ], "252727008": [ "Sleep EEG - natural sleep", "Sleep electroencephalogram during natural sleep", "自然睡眠期间的睡眠脑电图", "睡眠脑电图-自然睡眠" ], "105271008": [ "Norverapamil measurement", "去甲维拉帕米测量" ], "72503009": [ "Operation on muscle of hand", "手部肌肉手术" ], "709644003": [ "Biopsy of spleen using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of spleen", "Ultrasound guided biopsy of spleen", "超声引导下脾脏活检" ], "301879009": [ "Instillation of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin into urinary bladder", "Instillation of BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) into bladder", "Instillation of BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) into urinary bladder", "膀胱灌注卡介苗", "膀胱灌注 BCG(卡介苗)" ], "21516005": [ "Osteotomy of mandibular ramus", "下颌升支截骨术" ], "1217548007": [ "Injection of drug or medicament into pericardium", "将药物或药剂注射入心包" ], "1332236008": [ "Fluoroscopy guided implantation of cardiac resynchronization defibrillator system", "Implantation of cardiac resynchronisation defibrillator system using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided implantation of cardiac resynchronisation defibrillator system", "Implantation of cardiac resynchronization defibrillator system using fluoroscopic guidance", "Implantation of biventricular implantable cardioverter defibrillator using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下心脏再同步除颤器系统植入术", "荧光透视引导下心脏再同步除颤器系统的植入", "荧光透视引导下双心室植入式心脏复律除颤器植入术", "荧光透视引导下心脏再同步除颤器系统植入" ], "85217002": [ "Distal subtotal gastrectomy", "Gastrectomy with anastomosis to duodenum", "Billroth I operation", "Resection of stomach with gastroduodenal anastomosis", "B1- Billroth I partial gastrectomy", "Billroth I partial gastrectomy", "BIPG - Billroth I partial gastrectomy", "Billroth I 手术", "远端胃大部切除术", "Billroth I 型胃部分切除术", "B1- Billroth I 部分胃切除术", "胃切除术及十二指肠吻合术", "胃切除及胃十二指肠吻合术", "BIPG - Billroth I 部分胃切除术" ], "314593003": [ "Posterior gastrojejunostomy", "后胃空肠吻合术" ], "19681004": [ "Nursing evaluation of patient and report", "病人护理评估及报告" ], "117985004": [ "Trichomonas vaginalis antibody assay", "Measurement of Trichomonas vaginalis antibody", "阴道毛滴虫抗体检测", "阴道毛滴虫抗体测定" ], "412897006": [ "Peritoneal dialysis fluid cell count", "腹膜透析液细胞计数" ], "183521007": [ "Referral to neurology service", "Neurological referral", "神经科转诊", "转诊至神经内科服务" ], "68833003": [ "Suture of sympathetic ganglion", "交感神经节缝合术" ], "232673005": [ "Insertion of obturator airway", "Obturator airway insertion", "闭孔气道插入", "插入闭孔气道" ], "230838000": [ "Focal excision of brain abscess", "脑脓肿局部切除术" ], "427446001": [ "48 hour ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring", "48小时动态心电图监测" ], "394678003": [ "Administration of booster dose of pneumococcal vaccine", "Pneumococcal booster vaccination", "Pneumococcal booster immunisation", "Pneumococcal booster immunization", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Streptococcus pneumoniae antigen", "接种肺炎球菌疫苗加强剂", "肺炎球菌加强疫苗接种", "肺炎球菌加强免疫", "注射仅含肺炎链球菌抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量" ], "736907003": [ "Provision of depot contraception leaflet", "提供长效避孕药宣传单" ], "425611003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into carotid artery", "Endovascular insertion of stent into carotid artery", "颈动脉内支架置入", "经皮腔内颈动脉支架植入术" ], "704139007": [ "Intravenous bisphosphonate prophylaxis", "Intravenous diphosphonate prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic intravenous bisphosphonate", "静脉注射双膦酸盐预防", "静脉注射双磷酸盐预防", "预防性静脉注射双膦酸盐" ], "178016006": [ "Diagnostic aspiration of peritoneal cavity", "Diagnostic abdominal paracentesis", "诊断性腹腔穿刺", "腹腔诊断性穿刺" ], "46944007": [ "Obstetric transposition", "产科转位" ], "12341000": [ "Isotope study for glomerular filtration rate", "肾小球滤过率同位素研究" ], "307253003": [ "Nerve graft", "神经移植" ], "274485004": [ "Halo skull traction", "光环颅骨牵引" ], "28725006": [ "Trachelopexy", "颈部固定术" ], "782389006": [ "Adjustment of setting of infusion pump", "输液泵设定的调整" ], "225333008": [ "Behavior management", "Behaviour management", "Behaviour care", "Behavior care", "Behaviour modification case management", "Behavior modification case management", "行为矫正案例管理", "行为护理", "行为管理" ], "241717009": [ "Inhalational analgesia", "吸入镇痛" ], "420106004": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of renal transplant with contrast", "肾移植透视静脉造影" ], "26890005": [ "Psychiatric rehabilitation", "精神康复" ], "174346006": [ "Post-anal repair", "Posterior repair of anal sphincter", "肛门括约肌后修复", "肛门修复后" ], "305418009": [ "Admission to endocrine surgery department", "内分泌外科入院" ], "10506009": [ "Removal of spinal neurostimulator receiver", "移除脊髓神经刺激器接收器" ], "303583007": [ "Colon and cecum operations", "Colon and caecum operations", "结肠和盲肠手术" ], "105140007": [ "Clozapine measurement", "Clozapine level", "氯氮平浓度", "氯氮平测量" ], "252596007": [ "Alternate binaural loudness balance test", "ABLB - Alternate binaural loudness balance test", "Loudness recruitment test", "Fowler's test", "响度招募测试", "福勒测试", "ABLB - 交替双耳响度平衡测试", "交替双耳响度平衡测试" ], "119689001": [ "Foot closure", "脚部闭合" ], "709513004": [ "Assessment of risk of thermoregulation disruption", "体温调节紊乱风险评估" ], "86921005": [ "Anesthesia for open procedure on knee joint", "Anaesthesia for open procedure on knee joint", "膝关节开放手术的麻醉" ], "54153006": [ "Incision of liver", "Hepatotomy", "肝脏切开术", "肝切开术" ], "3166003": [ "Repair of salivary gland fistula", "Closure of salivary fistula", "Closure of fistula of salivary gland", "涎腺瘘的修复", "涎瘘闭合", "涎腺瘘管闭合" ], "35934004": [ "Arthrotomy of hand", "Incision of joint of hand", "手关节切开术" ], "232542003": [ "Marsupialisation of pharyngeal cyst", "Marsupialization of pharyngeal cyst", "咽囊肿袋形成形术" ], "134238004": [ "Rubella antibody level", "风疹抗体水平" ], "412766004": [ "Revision of dacryocystorhinostomy and insertion of tube", "泪囊鼻腔吻合术修复及管插入" ], "85086005": [ "Arytenoidopexy by external approach", "外部入路杓状软骨固定术" ], "52318007": [ "Corneoscleral trephination", "Elliot's corneoscleral trephine", "Corneoscleral trephine", "角巩膜钻孔术", "艾略特角巩膜环钻", "角巩膜环钻" ], "312627003": [ "Provision of specialist further education", "提供专业继续教育" ], "16464851000119104": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of arteriovenous shunt with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiogram of arteriovenous shunt with contrast", "动静脉分流的荧光血管造影", "动静脉分流术荧光血管造影" ], "165171009": [ "Initial psychiatric evaluation", "初步精神评估" ], "425480002": [ "Reconstruction of annular ligament for stabilisation of joint", "Reconstruction of annular ligament for stabilization of joint", "重建环状韧带以稳定关节" ], "359944002": [ "Anal sphincteroplasty for current obstetrical laceration", "Repair of obstetric laceration of anal sphincter", "产科肛门括约肌裂伤的修复", "肛门括约肌成形术治疗当前产科裂伤" ], "394451000119106": [ "MRI of lumbar spine without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of lumbar spine without contrast", "腰椎 MRI 无造影", "无造影剂腰椎磁共振成像" ], "179720006": [ "Open division of synovial plica", "滑膜皱襞切开术" ], "390877003": [ "Step up change in asthma management plan", "加快改变哮喘管理计划" ], "177885003": [ "Removal of prosthetic material from previous repair of femoral hernia", "取出先前股疝修复手术中的假体材料" ], "276189003": [ "Excision of broad ligament", "Resection of broad ligament", "阔韧带切除术" ], "405426000": [ "Removal of catheter from internal jugular vein", "从颈内静脉拔除导管" ], "28594001": [ "Arthrotomy of ankle with joint exploration and biopsy", "踝关节切开术及关节探查和活检" ], "1290162001": [ "Revision of prosthetic replacement of wrist joint", "腕关节假体置换术" ], "274354007": [ "Surgical biopsy of pancreas", "胰腺手术活检" ], "225202008": [ "Resiting intravenous infusion", "Relocation of intravenous infusion site", "静脉输液部位迁移", "重新静脉输液" ], "176050007": [ "Nephroscopic laser fragmentation of ureteric calculus", "肾镜激光碎石术" ], "241586008": [ "CT arthrogram of hip", "Computed tomography arthrogram of hip", "髋关节 CT 造影", "髋关节计算机断层扫描" ], "43143005": [ "Removal of Mulligan hood from fallopian tube", "输卵管 Mulligan 罩切除术" ], "174215005": [ "Endoscopic dilation of sigmoid colon using rigid sigmoidoscope", "使用硬式乙状结肠镜进行内镜乙状结肠扩张术" ], "370823008": [ "Implementation of pain guidelines", "Implements pain guidelines", "疼痛指南的实施", "执行疼痛指南" ], "305287009": [ "Admission by forensic psychiatrist", "法医精神病学家承认" ], "252465000": [ "Pulse oximetry", "Transcutaneous pulse oximetry", "经皮脉搏血氧测定", "脉搏血氧仪" ], "55857001": [ "Equalization of leg by epiphyseal stapling of fibula", "Stapling of epiphyseal plate of fibula", "Equalisation of leg by epiphyseal stapling of fibula", "通过腓骨骨骺缝合术使腿部平衡", "腓骨骨骺板缝合术", "腓骨骨骺缝合术使腿部平衡" ], "121393001": [ "Nabumetone measurement", "萘丁美酮测量" ], "105009002": [ "Tyrosine aminotransferase measurement", "酪氨酸氨基转移酶测定" ], "432689006": [ "Insertion of metal stent into transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经颈静脉肝内门体分流术置入金属支架" ], "711217008": [ "Puncture of cervical subarachnoid space using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided puncture of cervical subarachnoid space", "Cervical puncture using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下颈部蛛网膜下腔穿刺", "透视引导下宫颈穿刺" ], "430854000": [ "Touch preparation of specimen", "接触式标本制备" ], "234246002": [ "Selective neck dissection", "Selective neck dissection of cervical lymph nodes", "选择性颈部淋巴结清扫术", "选择性颈清扫术" ], "414470005": [ "Implantation of phakic intraocular lens implant", "有晶状体眼人工晶状体植入术" ], "183259003": [ "Loan of walking stick", "Walking stick loan", "手杖贷款", "借用手杖" ], "117723004": [ "Infectious bronchitis virus genotype determination", "传染性支气管炎病毒基因型测定" ], "445403009": [ "Detection of Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 using polymerase chain reaction technique", "采用聚合酶链式反应技术检测甲型 H1N1 流感病毒亚型" ], "1230000007": [ "Free skin flap reconstruction of thumb", "Reconstruction of thumb with free skin flap", "Reconstruction of thumb using free skin flap", "游离皮瓣重建拇指", "拇指游离皮瓣重建" ], "359813005": [ "MUG test", "4-Methylumbelliferyl-beta-D-glucuronide test", "MUG 测试", "4-甲基伞形酮-β-D-葡萄糖醛酸试验" ], "408965006": [ "Infertility care education", "Teach infertility care", "不孕不育护理教育", "教授不孕不育护理" ], "15749009": [ "Cerebral ventriculography, air contrast", "Cerebral pneumoventriculogram", "脑室造影,空气造影", "脑气室造影" ], "177754003": [ "Excision of lesion of chest wall", "Resection of lesion of chest wall", "胸壁病变切除术" ], "439898006": [ "Removal of lumbar total intervertebral disc prosthesis using anterior approach", "前入路腰椎全椎间盘假体取出术" ], "241455000": [ "US scan of thyroid", "Ultrasound scan of thyroid", "甲状腺超声扫描" ], "306991000": [ "Aortic dissection protocol computed tomography with contrast", "Aortic dissection protocol CT with contrast", "主动脉夹层方案 CT 增强扫描", "主动脉夹层协议计算机断层扫描与对比" ], "257839001": [ "External fixation using unilateral bar", "单侧杆外固定" ], "225071005": [ "Giving analgesic mouthwash", "使用止痛漱口水" ], "716591005": [ "Assessment using Rutter Behaviour Questionnaire", "使用 Rutter 行为问卷进行评估" ], "405295007": [ "Ganglionectomy of coeliac nerve plexus", "Ganglionectomy of celiac nerve plexus", "Coeliac axis ganglionectomy", "Celiac axis ganglionectomy", "Excision of coeliac ganglion", "Coeliac ganglion resection", "Excision of celiac ganglion", "Celiac ganglion resection", "腹腔神经丛神经节切除术", "腹腔神经节切除术", "腹腔干神经节切除术" ], "77615009": [ "Resection of aorta with anastomosis", "主动脉切除及吻合术" ], "8409001": [ "Embolectomy of femoral artery", "Femoral embolectomy", "股动脉栓塞切除术" ], "239620009": [ "Dynamization of external fixator by release of constraining device", "Dynamisation of external fixator by release of constraining device", "通过释放约束装置实现外固定器动力化" ], "450777003": [ "Prosthetic replacement of intraarticular ligament", "关节内韧带假体置换" ], "57561004": [ "Osteotomy of calcaneus", "Osteotomy of os calcis", "跟骨截骨术" ], "90329008": [ "Fine needle biopsy of retroperitoneal mass", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of retroperitoneal tumor", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of retroperitoneal tumour", "腹膜后肿瘤细针穿刺活检", "腹膜后肿块细针活检" ], "121262000": [ "Tetracarboxylporphyrin measurement", "四羧基卟啉测量" ], "104878002": [ "Phosphohexoisomerase measurement", "磷酸己糖异构酶测量" ], "432558003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta with insertion of branched bifurcated stent graft with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta with insertion of branched bifurcated stent graft with contrast", "腹主动脉荧光镜动脉造影术及插入对比剂分支支架移植物", "腹主动脉荧光血管造影并置入对比剂分支支架移植物" ], "448942003": [ "Fusion of lumbosacral region of spine by posterior approach", "后入路腰骶椎融合术" ], "399790007": [ "Tree pollen specific IgG antibody measurement", "Tree pollen specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "树木花粉特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定", "树木花粉特异性 IgG 抗体测定" ], "397955000": [ "Analgesia in labour", "Analgesia in labor", "分娩镇痛" ], "1153454009": [ "Evaluation of fluid intake", "Assessment of fluid intake", "液体摄入量的评估" ], "21123000": [ "Iridosclerectomy", "Lagrange operation", "拉格朗日运算", "虹膜巩膜切除术" ], "1217155003": [ "Anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery to second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "左胸廓内动脉与左冠状动脉回旋支第二钝缘支吻合术", "左胸内动脉 (LITA) 与左冠状动脉回旋支第二钝缘支的吻合术", "左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 与左冠状动脉回旋支第二钝缘支的吻合" ], "447107001": [ "Craniotomy and excision of neoplasm of brain", "开颅手术及脑肿瘤切除术" ], "252334008": [ "RPHA - Reverse passive haemagglutination", "Reverse passive haemagglutination", "Reverse passive hemagglutination", "RPHA - Reverse passive hemagglutination", "逆向被动血凝试验", "RPHA-逆向被动血凝试验" ], "609112000": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from urethra without incision", "不切开尿道腔内异物取出术" ], "84824001": [ "Pemberton operation, rectal prolapse repair", "彭伯顿手术、直肠脱垂修复" ], "723800002": [ "Drainage of right lower limb using computed tomography guidance", "Drainage of right lower extremity using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided drainage of right lower extremity", "CT guided drainage of right leg", "Computed tomography guided drainage of right lower limb", "Computed tomography guided drainage of right lower leg", "Computed tomography guided drainage of right lower extremity", "CT guided drainage of right lower limb", "计算机断层扫描引导右下肢引流", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行右下肢引流", "计算机断层扫描引导下右小腿引流", "CT引导下右下肢引流", "CT 引导下右腿引流" ], "117592002": [ "HLA (Human leukocyte antigen) A phenotyping", "HLA (Human leucocyte antigen) A phenotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen A antigen phenotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen A antigen phenotyping", "人类白细胞抗原 A 抗原表型", "HLA(人类白细胞抗原)A表型" ], "1297240007": [ "Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist", "NAVA - neurally adjusted ventilatory assist", "神经调节通气辅助", "NAVA-- 神经调节通气辅助" ], "314200009": [ "Reconstruction of nipple or areola complex using nipple sharing technique", "使用乳头共享技术重建乳头或乳晕复合体" ], "427053002": [ "Extracorporeal albumin hemodialysis", "Extracorporeal albumin haemodialysis", "体外白蛋白血液透析" ], "66605009": [ "Cardiopneumopexy", "心脏肺固定术" ], "32002002": [ "Arthrotomy with biopsy of hip joint", "髋关节切开术及活检" ], "228610003": [ "Provision of assistive equipment", "Assistive device therapy", "提供辅助设备", "辅助设备治疗" ], "785666002": [ "Indocyanine green angiography of eye", "ICG (indocyanine green) angiography of eye", "吲哚菁绿眼部血管造影", "眼部 ICG(吲哚菁绿)血管造影" ], "277762005": [ "Lumbar puncture", "Rachicentesis", "Spinal puncture", "LP - Lumbar puncture", "Spinal tap", "LP-腰椎穿刺", "椎管穿刺术", "脊椎穿刺", "腰椎穿刺" ], "392450006": [ "Sheep epithelium specific IgE antibody measurement", "e81 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sheep epithelium specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "绵羊上皮特异性IgE抗体测定", "绵羊上皮特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "e81 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "81154005": [ "Bathing patient in sitz bath", "为患者坐浴" ], "736514007": [ "Reconstruction of ear", "耳朵重建" ], "15618007": [ "Capsulotomy of wrist", "腕关节囊切开术" ], "308695001": [ "ICCE - Intracapsular cataract extraction and insertion of intraocular lens", "Intracapsular cataract extraction and insertion of intraocular lens", "ICCE - 白内障囊内摘除术和人工晶状体植入术", "白内障囊内摘除及人工晶状体植入" ], "62935003": [ "Incision of cornea", "Keratotomy", "角膜切开", "角膜切开术" ], "406999002": [ "Pneumocystis sputum fluorescent stain method", "Pneumocystis sputum direct fluorescent antibody stain", "Pneumocystis sputum fluorescent stain", "Pneumocystis sputum DFA stain", "肺孢子虫痰荧光染色", "肺孢子虫痰荧光染色法", "肺孢子虫痰液 DFA 染色", "肺孢子虫痰液直接荧光抗体染色" ], "718295007": [ "Assessment using Letter Cancellation Test", "使用字母取消测试进行评估" ], "243159008": [ "Intermittent negative pressure ventilation", "INPV - intermittent negative pressure ventilation", "INPV-- 间歇性负压通气", "间歇性负压通气" ], "1144279009": [ "Fitting of complete denture", "全口义齿安装" ], "44716001": [ "Biopsy of cornea", "Excisional biopsy of cornea", "角膜切除活检", "角膜活检" ], "241324007": [ "Study of oesophageal transit using radiolabelled solid", "Study of esophageal transit using radiolabeled solid", "用放射性标记固体研究食管转运", "放射性标记固体药物对食管转运的研究" ], "175788008": [ "Ligation of acquired arteriovenous fistula", "后天动静脉瘘结扎术" ], "173953001": [ "Open extirpation of lesion of ileum", "回肠病变切开术" ], "419713003": [ "MRI angiography of subclavian artery", "Magnetic resonance angiography of subclavian artery", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of subclavian artery", "MR angiography of subclavian artery", "MR arteriography of subclavian artery", "MRA (magnetic resonance angiography) of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉磁共振血管造影", "锁骨下动脉磁共振动脉造影", "锁骨下动脉 MRA(磁共振血管造影)", "锁骨下动脉 MRI 血管造影" ], "239489003": [ "Interposition arthroplasty of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb", "拇指指间关节置换术" ], "172118003": [ "Expression of breast milk", "母乳的分泌" ], "57430006": [ "Chart evaluation by medical records department", "Chart evaluation by non-healthcare professional", "非医疗专业人员的图表评估", "病历部门的图表评估" ], "450646007": [ "Open embolectomy of inferior mesenteric artery", "下肠系膜动脉开放栓塞术" ], "710955000": [ "Biomedical equipment procedure", "生物医学设备程序" ], "221270009": [ "Debridement of burnt skin", "烧伤皮肤清创" ], "432427002": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of superior mesenteric artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of superior mesenteric artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "肠系膜上动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "肠系膜上动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术" ], "448811007": [ "Colonoscopic excision of mucosa of rectum", "结肠镜直肠黏膜切除术" ], "252203007": [ "Hydrocortisone infusion test", "氢化可的松输注试验" ], "53760001": [ "Replacement of inflatable penile prosthesis, with pump, reservoir and cylinders", "更换可充气阴茎假体,配有泵、储液器和气缸" ], "104747009": [ "Indicans measurement", "指示测量" ], "446976003": [ "Rigid endoscopy of nasopharynx", "鼻咽硬内镜检查" ], "86528005": [ "Reactive lymphocyte count", "Atypical lymphocyte count", "反应性淋巴细胞计数", "异常淋巴细胞计数" ], "266752005": [ "Trauma self-referral", "创伤自我转诊" ], "250368009": [ "Thrombotest", "血栓测试" ], "314069004": [ "Plasma free beta human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) multiple of median measurement", "Plasma free beta human chorionic gonadotropin multiple of median measurement", "Plasma free beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) multiple of median measurement", "Plasma free beta human chorionic gonadotrophin multiple of median measurement", "血浆游离β人绒毛膜促性腺激素 (HCG) 中位测量倍数", "血浆游离β人绒毛膜促性腺激素中位数测量倍数" ], "19157005": [ "Transurethral removal of obstruction from ureter and renal pelvis", "经尿道切除输尿管及肾盂阻塞物" ], "445141005": [ "Administration of medication using nebuliser mask", "Administration of medication using nebulizer mask", "Nebuliser therapy using mask", "Nebulizer therapy using mask", "面罩雾化治疗", "使用雾化面罩给药" ], "410538000": [ "Scheduling", "调度" ], "50090000": [ "Drainage of ventricle by aspiration", "脑室穿刺引流" ], "115626003": [ "Measurement of ratio of analyte to creatinine", "分析物与肌酐比率的测量" ], "443306003": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography using iodine 123 with computed tomography of whole body", "使用碘 123 进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描,并进行全身计算机断层扫描" ], "787370003": [ "Cytopathology procedure, imprint preparation", "细胞病理学程序、印迹制备" ], "359551000": [ "Angioplasty of vein", "Venous angioplasty", "静脉血管成形术", "静脉成形术" ], "15487002": [ "Chemosurgery by Mohs' technique, third stage", "Chemosurgery by Mohs' technique, third stage, including the removal of all gross tumor and delineation of margins", "Chemosurgery by Mohs' technique, third stage, including the removal of all gross tumour and delineation of margins", "采用 Mohs 技术进行化学手术,第三阶段,包括切除所有大体肿瘤并勾画边缘", "莫氏技术化学手术,第三阶段" ], "179327007": [ "Conversion to uncemented hemiarthroplasty of hip", "转换为非骨水泥型髋关节半关节置换术" ], "30036002": [ "Excision of lesion of mastoid bone", "Excision of lesion of mastoid", "乳突骨病损切除术", "乳突病损切除术" ], "406868004": [ "Indigo carmine stain method", "Indigo carmine stain", "靛蓝胭脂染色", "靛蓝胭脂染色法" ], "306729003": [ "Case closure by social worker", "社会工作者结案" ], "241193003": [ "Scoliosis myelogram", "脊柱侧弯脊髓造影" ], "239358003": [ "Total prosthetic replacement of bone of hand", "手部全假肢置换术" ], "108286003": [ "Ultrasound procedure on female genital system AND/OR pregnancy related structure", "US female genital system", "美国女性生殖系统", "对女性生殖系统和/或妊娠相关结构进行超声波检查" ], "1255166007": [ "Pescovegetarian diet", "Pescatarian diet", "鱼素食", "鱼素饮食" ], "304894007": [ "Abreaction under hypnosis", "催眠状态下的发泄" ], "386814008": [ "Excision of aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva", "瓦尔萨尔瓦窦动脉瘤切除术" ], "450515002": [ "Endoscopic destruction of lesion of uterus", "内镜子宫病变破坏术" ], "57299007": [ "Harvesting of fascia", "Harvest of fascia", "筋膜采集" ], "710824005": [ "Assessment of health and social care needs", "健康和社会护理需求评估" ], "104616009": [ "Cryofibrinogen measurement", "冷纤维蛋白原测量" ], "37245008": [ "Closure of duodenostomy", "Take-down of duodenostomy", "十二指肠造口术", "十二指肠造口术拆除" ], "428626000": [ "Securing endotracheal tube using tape", "使用胶带固定气管插管" ], "708989009": [ "Removal of prosthesis of acromioclavicular joint", "肩锁关节假体移除术" ], "2642003": [ "Prefabricated post and core in addition to crown", "除牙冠外还有预制桩核" ], "117330007": [ "Schmorl stain method", "Schmorl stain", "Picro-thionin stain method", "苦味酸硫宁染色法", "Schmorl染色", "Schmorl染色法" ], "66343001": [ "Excision of lesion of small intestine", "小肠病变切除术" ], "426791002": [ "Repair of anomalous caval vein connection", "异常腔静脉连接修复" ], "313938009": [ "Percentage CD4 count", "CD4 percent count", "CD4 计数百分比", "CD4 百分比计数" ], "410407004": [ "Rehabilitation surveillance", "康复监测" ], "807005": [ "Excision of brain", "Resection of brain", "Excision of tissue of brain", "Excision of brain tissue", "Brain excision", "脑切除", "脑切除术", "脑组织切除" ], "15356000": [ "Factor VIII R: R Co assay", "Ristocetin cofactor assay", "瑞斯托霉素辅因子测定", "Ⅷ 因子 R:R Co 检测" ], "179196001": [ "Removal of staple from epiphysis", "从骨骺移除钉" ], "719868004": [ "Mandibular anterior occlusal plain X-ray", "Lower anterior occlusal plain X-ray", "Occlusal plain X-ray of anterior mandibular region", "下前牙咬合平面X光片", "下颌前部咬合平面X光片", "下颌前牙咬合平面X线片" ], "31740007": [ "Arthroplasty of temporomandibular joint with autograft", "自体骨移植颞下颌关节置换术" ], "177361001": [ "Distant subcutaneous pedicle flap, myocutaneous, to head or neck", "头部或颈部远端皮下带蒂皮瓣,肌皮瓣" ], "308433002": [ "Immunization call", "Immunisation call", "免疫接种呼叫" ], "306598001": [ "Discharge from rheumatology service", "出院" ], "372134003": [ "Assessment of knowledge regarding wound care", "Assesses knowledge regarding wound care", "伤口护理知识评估", "评估伤口护理相关知识" ], "388518006": [ "Sugar beet (seed) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf227 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Beta vulgaris (seed) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Beta vulgaris (seed) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "甜菜(种子)特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "Rf227 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "甜菜(种子)特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "11686006": [ "Periosteal suture of radius", "Suture of periosteum of radius", "桡骨骨膜缝合" ], "239227001": [ "Aspiration and injection of bursa", "滑囊抽吸和注射" ], "271995002": [ "Reconstruction of nose with bone graft and microvascular transferred flap", "Reconstruction of nose with bone graft and free flap", "骨移植和游离皮瓣重建鼻部", "骨移植和微血管移植皮瓣重建鼻部" ], "42619004": [ "Pigment production test, scotochromogenic", "色素生成试验、暗色发色" ], "697979005": [ "Airway care management", "气道护理管理" ], "57168000": [ "Operation on bone", "Bone operation", "骨手术", "骨科手术" ], "171856003": [ "Secondary neurolysis and transposition of peripheral nerve", "继发性神经松解术及周围神经移位术" ], "237392007": [ "Transposition of areola", "乳晕移位" ], "235557004": [ "Insertion of bile duct T-tube", "胆管T管插入" ], "104485008": [ "Albumin measurement, serum", "Serum albumin", "SA - Serum albumin", "Serum albumin level", "血清白蛋白水平", "血清白蛋白", "SA-- 血清白蛋白", "血清白蛋白测量" ], "446714001": [ "Laparoscopic excision of stricture of ureter", "腹腔镜输尿管狭窄切除术" ], "53498002": [ "Anesthesia for extensive spine procedure", "Anaesthesia for extensive spine procedure", "大面积脊柱手术麻醉", "大型脊柱手术的麻醉" ], "168186002": [ "Sample - microbiological exam", "样品-微生物检查" ], "69882005": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of femoropopliteal vein by abdominal and leg incision", "经腹部及小腿切口股腘静脉置管取栓术" ], "708858006": [ "Revision of stapedectomy with incus replacement", "镫骨切除术修复及砧骨置换术" ], "281039000": [ "Post-school administration of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Human poliovirus antigens", "Post-school administration of poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Post-school poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Post-school poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Post-school poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "放学后接种脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "学校毕业后脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "学校毕业后脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫接种", "放学后注射仅含破伤风梭菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品" ], "84431007": [ "Anesthesia for lumbar or ventral incisional hernia of upper abdomen", "Anaesthesia for lumbar or ventral incisional hernia of upper abdomen", "上腹部腰部或腹部切口疝的麻醉" ], "82596000": [ "Axillary-axillary artery bypass graft with vein", "腋窝-腋窝动脉旁路移植术" ], "787108001": [ "Laparoscopic excision of large bowel with ileal pouch anal anastomosis", "Laparoscopic excision of colon and rectum with ileoanal anastomosis", "Laparoscopic excision of colon and rectum with ileal pouch anal anastomosis", "Laparoscopic proctocolectomy with ileoanal anastomosis", "Laparoscopic proctocolectomy with ileal pouch anal anastomosis", "Laparoscopic restorative proctocolectomy", "Laparoscopic restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch anal anastomosis", "腹腔镜直肠结肠切除术及回肠肛门吻合术", "腹腔镜大肠切除及回肠袋肛管吻合术", "腹腔镜结肠直肠切除及回肠袋肛管吻合术", "腹腔镜修复性直肠结肠切除术", "腹腔镜结肠直肠切除及回肠肛门吻合术", "腹腔镜修复性直肠结肠切除术及回肠袋肛门吻合术", "腹腔镜直肠结肠切除术及回肠袋肛门吻合术" ], "676002": [ "Peritoneal dialysis including cannulation", "腹膜透析(包括插管)" ], "410276007": [ "Bowel care teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Bowel care teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Bowel care education, guidance, and counseling", "Bowel care education, guidance, and counselling", "排便护理教学、指导和咨询", "肠道护理教育、指导和咨询" ], "441209003": [ "Thawing of cryopreserved tissue specimen from testis", "睾丸冷冻保存组织标本的解冻" ], "1293177008": [ "Plain X-ray of abdomen, lateral decubitus", "腹部普通 X 光检查,侧卧位" ], "64377008": [ "Injection procedure during cardiac catheterization including use of automatic power injectors", "Injection procedure during cardiac catheterisation including use of automatic power injectors", "心导管插入术中的注射程序,包括使用自动动力注射器" ], "373838008": [ "Ovarian ablation by internal radioisotope source", "内部放射性同位素源卵巢消融术" ], "306467001": [ "Discharge by dental surgeon", "牙科医生出院" ], "175395001": [ "Reconstruction of cerebral artery", "Head artery reconstruction", "头部动脉重建", "脑动脉重建" ], "240931005": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of brachial artery", "经皮肱动脉血栓溶解术" ], "716067009": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of entire aorta with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiogram of entire aorta with contrast", "MR angiography of entire aorta with contrast", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of entire aorta with contrast", "MR arteriography of entire aorta with contrast", "主动脉全层磁共振血管造影", "整个主动脉的 MR 血管造影", "整个主动脉的 MR 动脉造影", "主动脉全磁共振造影", "整个主动脉的磁共振血管造影" ], "173560002": [ "Roux-en-Y oesophagogastrectomy", "Esophagogastrectomy and anastomosis of esophagus to transposed jejunum", "Oesophagogastrectomy and anastomosis of oesophagus to transposed jejunum", "Roux-en-Y esophagogastrectomy", "Roux-en-Y食管胃切除术", "食管胃切除及食管与转位空肠吻合术" ], "1304056002": [ "Sigmoidoscopy and suturing of rectum", "Sigmoidoscopic suturing of rectum", "乙状结肠镜检查及直肠缝合", "乙状结肠镜直肠缝合术" ], "91640004": [ "Removal of external immobilization device", "Removal of external immobilisation device", "拆除外部固定装置" ], "401101005": [ "Serum vitamin level", "Serum vitamin measurement", "血清维生素测量", "血清维生素水平" ], "302797005": [ "Whole body X-ray of stillborn infant", "死产婴儿的全身X光检查" ], "104354000": [ "Complement C3pa measurement", "补体 C3pa 测量" ], "235426001": [ "Intubation of gastrointestinal tract via rectum", "经直肠插管胃肠道" ], "270029009": [ "Determination of total normal and motile sperm", "Total normal and motile sperm", "Determination of total normal and motile spermatozoa", "正常和活力精子总数", "正常精子和活力精子总数的测定" ], "710562003": [ "Assessment of sanitation", "卫生状况评估" ], "300962006": [ "Rigid cystoscopy and laser destruction of bladder lesion", "Rigid cystoscopy and laser destruction of lesion of urinary bladder", "硬质膀胱镜检查及激光破坏膀胱病变", "硬式膀胱镜检查及膀胱病变激光破坏术" ], "233591003": [ "Hemoperfusion", "Haemoperfusion", "血液灌注" ], "397431004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with rotoablation, single vessel", "经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术及旋转消融,单支血管" ], "446583004": [ "Insertion of indwelling catheter into urinary bladder", "将留置导尿管插入膀胱" ], "413815006": [ "Chest imaging", "Imaging of thorax", "胸部影像学" ], "118903006": [ "Procedure on vitreous", "玻璃体手术" ], "231756000": [ "Vitreous base vitrectomy", "玻璃体基底玻璃体切除术" ], "313676001": [ "24 hour urine dopamine output", "24 hour urine dopamine output measurement", "24 小时尿液多巴胺输出量测量", "24小时尿液多巴胺排出量" ], "545001": [ "Operative procedure on lower leg", "小腿手术程序" ], "410145008": [ "Medical regimen orders management", "Manage medical regimen orders", "医嘱管理", "管理医疗方案订单" ], "178934008": [ "Complex osteotomy", "复杂截骨术" ], "1293046009": [ "Plain X-ray of eye region", "眼部普通 X 光检查" ], "78795004": [ "Sign language training", "手语培训" ], "439243006": [ "Screening for ethyl glucuronide in urine", "尿液中乙基葡萄糖醛酸的筛查" ], "76960001": [ "Aluminum measurement", "Aluminium measurement", "Aluminium level", "Aluminum level", "铝测量", "铝级" ], "27808002": [ "Video and radio-telemetered electroencephalographic monitoring", "视频和无线电遥测脑电图监测" ], "715936003": [ "Provision of formal carer patient escort", "Provision of formal caregiver patient escort", "提供正式的护理人员陪同患者" ], "306336004": [ "Referral to company nurse", "转介至公司护士" ], "91509000": [ "Excision of meniscus of sternoclavicular joint", "Meniscectomy of sternoclavicular joint", "胸锁关节半月板切除术" ], "44192009": [ "Repair of cholecystogastroenteric fistula", "Closure of cholecystogastroenteric fistula", "胆囊胃肠瘘修补术", "胆囊胃肠瘘缝合术" ], "304501002": [ "Giving encouragement to change routine", "Offering encouragement to change routine", "鼓励改变日常生活", "鼓励改变常规" ], "763253003": [ "Mental health risk indicator assessment", "心理健康风险指标评估" ], "386421004": [ "Self-care assistance: feeding", "Assisting with feeding", "协助喂食", "自我护理援助:喂食" ], "24138000": [ "Total ostectomy of femur", "股骨全截骨术" ], "1287541008": [ "Coagulation of brain tissue", "脑组织凝固" ], "1269322006": [ "Insertion of denture", "假牙安装" ], "122442008": [ "Detection of virus", "病毒检测" ], "104223001": [ "Microbiologic smear with interpretation, wet and dry mount, for ova and parasites", "带解读的微生物涂片,干湿涂片,用于检测虫卵和寄生虫" ], "38687002": [ "Replacement of prosthetic plate of skull", "Replacement of skull plate", "Removal of plate of skull with synchronous replacement", "更换颅骨板", "颅骨假体板置换术", "颅骨板取出同步置换" ], "55071005": [ "Biopsy of intestine", "肠道活检" ], "448287006": [ "Excision of polyp of bronchus", "支气管息肉切除术" ], "1201951007": [ "Total en bloc spondylectomy", "Total en bloc excision of vertebra", "TES - total en bloc spondylectomy", "椎体全块切除", "TES-- 全脊椎整块切除术", "全脊椎切除术" ], "87839006": [ "Hand tendon pulley reconstruction with local tissues", "局部组织重建手部肌腱滑车" ], "284447007": [ "Examination of cardiovascular structure", "心血管结构检查" ], "431903008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of subclavian artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of subclavian artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "锁骨下动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "锁骨下动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术" ], "53236004": [ "Reorienting patient", "重新定位病人" ], "233460006": [ "Excision of perforating vein", "切除穿通静脉" ], "4084006": [ "Repair of tendon of hand by graft or implant of muscle", "通过肌肉移植或植入修复手部肌腱" ], "313545000": [ "120 minute blood glucose measurement", "120 minute blood glucose level", "120分钟血糖测量", "120 分钟血糖水平" ], "118772009": [ "Procedure on lacrimal gland", "泪腺手术" ], "1149129000": [ "Evaluation of sleep pattern using actigraphy", "Monitor sleep pattern using actigraphy", "Actigraphic evaluation of sleep pattern", "使用活动记录仪评估睡眠模式", "睡眠模式的活动记录评估", "使用活动记录仪监测睡眠模式" ], "231625002": [ "Removal of gold weight from upper eyelid", "去除上眼睑金重物" ], "786846001": [ "Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B vaccination", "Administration of Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B vaccine", "Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B immunization", "Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B immunisation", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Haemophilus influenzae type b and Hepatitis B virus antigens", "接种乙型流感嗜血杆菌和乙肝疫苗", "接种仅含有乙型流感嗜血杆菌和乙型肝炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "乙型流感嗜血杆菌和乙肝疫苗接种", "B 型流感嗜血杆菌和乙型肝炎免疫" ], "311710003": [ "Tongue retraction exercise", "舌头回缩练习" ], "16798006": [ "Incision and drainage of infected bursa of ankle", "踝部感染滑囊切开引流" ], "309875000": [ "Prepucial skin flap reconstruction of urethra", "包皮瓣尿道重建" ], "49566008": [ "Repair of ureterocele", "输尿管囊肿修复" ], "703091001": [ "Initiation of depot contraception", "开始使用长效避孕药" ], "408179004": [ "Anti-C1q antibody level", "Anti-C1q antibody level measurement", "抗 C1q 抗体水平测量", "抗 C1q 抗体水平" ], "45896001": [ "Aspartate aminotransferase measurement", "AST measurement", "Glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase measurement", "GOT measurement", "SGOT measurement", "AST 测量", "天冬氨酸氨基转移酶测定", "SGOT 测量", "谷氨酸草酰乙酸转氨酶测定", "GOT 测量" ], "78664004": [ "Anesthesia for arteriovenous fistula of veins of knee and popliteal area", "Anaesthesia for arteriovenous fistula of veins of knee and popliteal area", "膝腘静脉动静脉瘘的麻醉" ], "439112006": [ "Discussion about child health", "关于儿童健康的讨论" ], "176968007": [ "Operation on fimbria", "伞端手术" ], "1010717003": [ "Intravesical reimplantation of left ureter", "左侧输尿管膀胱内再植术" ], "44061005": [ "Proctosigmoidoscopy through artificial stoma", "经人工造口进行直肠乙状结肠镜检查" ], "715805005": [ "Laparoscopic sub-segmentectomy of liver", "Laparoscopic liver sub-segmentectomy", "腹腔镜肝亚段切除术" ], "306205009": [ "Referral to hospice", "转诊至临终关怀机构" ], "1156338001": [ "Health coaching", "健康指导" ], "173298003": [ "Augmentation of alveolar ridge using auto bone graft", "自体骨移植增高牙槽嵴" ], "386290007": [ "Examination assistance", "考试协助" ], "417223000": [ "Adjustment of suture within Baerveldt tube", "Baerveldt 管内缝合线的调整" ], "122311002": [ "Astrovirus detection", "星状病毒检测" ], "171463005": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of frontal lobe of brain", "大脑额叶病变开放活检" ], "448156002": [ "Excision of rectum by transanal approach", "经肛门直肠切除术" ], "251548005": [ "Extrapetrosal drainage", "岩外引流" ], "235164006": [ "Partial esophagectomy with subaortic reconstruction", "Ivor Lewis partial oesophagectomy with subaortic reconstruction", "Ivor Lewis partial esophagectomy with subaortic reconstruction", "Partial oesophagectomy with subaortic reconstruction", "部分食管切除术及主动脉下重建", "Ivor Lewis 部分食管切除术及主动脉下重建" ], "431772006": [ "Radionuclide imaging of adrenal gland using iodocholesterol", "使用碘胆固醇对肾上腺进行放射性核素显像" ], "710300005": [ "CT arthrography of lower extremity", "CT arthrogram of lower limb", "CT arthrography of lower limb", "Computed tomography arthrography of joint of lower limb", "下肢关节计算机断层关节造影", "下肢CT关节造影" ], "104092009": [ "Hemogram, automated, with RBC, WBC, Hgb, Hct, Indices, Platelet count, and automated partial WBC differential", "Haemogram, automated, with RBC, WBC, Hgb, Hct, Indices, Platelet count, and automated partial WBC differential", "Haemogram, automated, with red blood cell, white blood cell, haemoglobin, haematocrit, Indices, Platelet count, and automated partial white blood cell differential", "Hemogram, automated, with red blood cell, white blood cell, hemoglobin, hematocrit, Indices, Platelet count, and automated partial white blood cell differential", "自动化血象图,包括红细胞、白细胞、血红蛋白、血细胞比容、指数、血小板计数和自动部分白细胞分类", "自动化血液图,包括红细胞、白细胞、血红蛋白、血细胞比容、指数、血小板计数和自动部分白细胞分类" ], "53105001": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of finger", "手指脱位切开复位术" ], "118641002": [ "Three dimensional treatment planning", "3D treatment planning", "Three dimensional treatment planning for teleradiotherapy", "Three dimensional treatment planning for external beam radiation therapy", "3D治疗计划", "远程放射治疗的三维治疗计划", "三维治疗计划", "外照射放射治疗的三维治疗计划" ], "233329005": [ "Medullary spinal embolisation", "Medullary spinal embolization", "脊髓栓塞", "脊髓栓塞术" ], "413553007": [ "Anti enterocyte antibody level", "Anti-enterocyte antibody measurement", "抗肠细胞抗体测量", "抗肠细胞抗体水平" ], "69489008": [ "Thromboendarterectomy with graft of subclavian artery by neck incision", "经颈切开锁骨下动脉血栓内膜切除术及血管桥术" ], "774001008": [ "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation", "高强度聚焦超声消融" ], "116806009": [ "Pentastarch administration by intravascular infusion", "Infusion of pentastarch", "喷他淀粉浸渍", "血管内输注 Pentastarch 给药" ], "51270009": [ "Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) measurement", "Atrial natriuretic factor measurement", "心房利钠因子测量", "心房利钠因子(ANF)测量" ], "278811004": [ "Limb incision", "肢体切口" ], "311579009": [ "Supported intelligibility approach", "支持的可理解性方法" ], "1260016002": [ "Debridement of sacral pressure ulcer stage 3", "Debridement of pressure injury stage III of sacral region", "骶骨压疮 3 期清创术", "骶部压伤 III 期清创术" ], "80368003": [ "Sphenoid sinusotomy with biopsy", "蝶窦切开术及活检" ], "424432007": [ "Epidural catheter maintenance", "硬膜外导管维护" ], "276976008": [ "Percutaneous arterial embolectomy", "经皮动脉栓塞切除术" ], "113136009": [ "Gingival curettage, surgical, per quadrant", "牙龈刮除术,手术,按象限" ], "1290949001": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of pelvis", "骨盆骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "176837007": [ "Intrauterine contraceptive device procedure", "IUD - Intrauterine device procedure", "Coil procedure", "IUCD - Intrauterine contraceptive device procedure", "宫内节育器手术", "线圈程序", "IUCD - 宫内节育器手术", "IUD - 宫内节育器手术" ], "62149008": [ "Labyrinthotomy, osseous", "Opening of bony labyrinth of ear", "迷路切开术,骨性", "耳骨迷路开口" ], "225989009": [ "Ensuring environmental adaptations prepared prior to hospital discharge", "确保出院前做好环境适应准备" ], "78533007": [ "Irrigation of urinary bladder", "Simple bladder irrigation", "Bladder irrigation", "简单膀胱冲洗", "膀胱冲洗" ], "306074001": [ "Referral by hospital-based occupational therapist", "Referral from hospital occupational therapist", "Referral by hospital occupational therapist", "Referral from hospital-based occupational therapist", "医院职业治疗师的推荐", "医院职业治疗师转介" ], "1303663006": [ "Denervation of left hip joint", "Left hip joint denervation", "左髋关节神经支配术", "左髋关节去神经支配" ], "236868000": [ "Examination of female genital tract without anesthetic", "EWA - Examination of female genital tract without anaesthetic", "Examination of female genital tract without anaesthetic", "EWA - Examination of female genital tract without anesthetic", "EWA - 无需麻醉的女性生殖道检查", "无需麻醉的女性生殖道检查", "EWA - 无需麻醉即可进行女性生殖道检查" ], "122180001": [ "Blastomyces dermatitidis antigen assay", "皮炎芽生菌抗原测定" ], "6511000179106": [ "Microsurgery of larynx", "喉显微外科" ], "1285444002": [ "GEBT - gastric emptying breath test", "Gastric emptying breath test", "胃排空呼气试验", "GEBT-- 胃排空呼气试验" ], "5231000179108": [ "Three dimensional obstetric ultrasonography", "3D (three dimensional) obstetric ultrasonography", "Three dimensional obstetric ultrasound scan", "3D(三维)产科超声检查", "三维产科超声扫描", "三维产科超声检查" ], "449860009": [ "Insertion of nontunneled central venous catheter", "非隧道式中心静脉导管插入" ], "103961002": [ "Antibody screen, prewarmed", "抗体筛选,预热" ], "87577006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal renal artery balloon angioplasty", "经皮腔内肾动脉球囊血管成形术" ], "448025007": [ "Fusion of joints of spine from T5 through L1 by posterior approach", "通过后入路融合 T5 至 L1 脊柱关节" ], "233198000": [ "Excision of ductus arteriosus", "动脉导管切除术" ], "726553009": [ "CT of abdomen and pelvis with oral contrast", "Computed tomography of abdomen and pelvis with oral contrast", "腹部和盆腔 CT 扫描(口服造影剂)", "腹部和盆腔计算机断层扫描及口服造影剂" ], "446190004": [ "Ultrasonography of head by open fontanel acoustic window", "开放囟门声窗头部超声检查" ], "315118005": [ "Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption IgG level", "Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption immunoglobulin G level", "荧光梅毒螺旋体抗体吸收免疫球蛋白G水平", "荧光梅毒螺旋体抗体吸收 IgG水平" ], "429806006": [ "Fluoroscopic dacryocystography with insertion of stent", "荧光泪囊造影及支架置入术" ], "231363002": [ "Injection of neurolytic substance to cranial nerve", "向脑神经注射神经溶解物质" ], "444355003": [ "Bilateral insertion of catheter with bilateral venous sampling", "双侧插入导管并进行双侧静脉取样" ], "395203006": [ "Sample viscosity", "样品粘度" ], "165827007": [ "Brucella agglutinin test", "布鲁氏菌凝集素试验" ], "49304007": [ "Simple repair of hypospadias complications", "尿道下裂并发症的简单修复" ], "276845001": [ "Reprogramming of implanted drug delivery system", "植入式药物输送系统的重新编程" ], "105311000220107": [ "Upper anterior occlusal plain X-ray", "Maxillary anterior occlusal plain X-ray", "Occlusal plain X-ray of anterior maxillary region", "上颌前牙咬合平面X线片", "上前牙咬合平面 X 光片", "上颌前部咬合平面X光片" ], "440685005": [ "Calculation of international normalized ratio", "Calculation of international normalized ratio (INR)", "Calculation of international normalised ratio", "Calculation of international normalised ratio (INR)", "国际标准化比率的计算", "国际标准化比率(INR)的计算" ], "275010000": [ "Drainage of pericolonic tissue", "结肠周围组织引流" ], "391533008": [ "Blood (WBC) screen for Krabbe's leukodystrophy", "Blood (white blood cells) screen for Krabbe's leukodystrophy", "Blood (WBC) screen for Krabbe leukodystrophy", "克拉伯脑白质营养不良症血液(白细胞)筛查", "克拉伯氏白细胞营养不良症血液(白细胞)筛查", "血液(白细胞)筛查克拉伯氏白质营养不良症" ], "12866006": [ "Pneumococcal vaccination", "Pneumococcal immunisation", "Pneumococcal immunization", "Administration of pneumococcal vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Streptococcus pneumoniae antigen", "接种肺炎球菌疫苗", "接种仅含肺炎链球菌抗原的疫苗产品", "肺炎球菌免疫", "肺炎球菌疫苗接种" ], "1290818007": [ "Plain X-ray of lip", "唇部 X 光检查" ], "715543004": [ "Transportation by ambulance with assistance of two people", "在两人的协助下乘坐救护车" ], "60183005": [ "Alpha globulin gene analysis, amniotic fluid", "羊水中α球蛋白基因分析" ], "699159006": [ "Open reduction of fracture of radius without internal fixation", "桡骨骨折切开复位不内固定" ], "305943006": [ "Referral by paediatrician", "Referral by pediatrician", "Referral from paediatrician", "Referral from pediatrician", "儿科医生转诊" ], "764695006": [ "Positron emission tomography of whole body using gallium (68-Ga) dotatate", "PET of whole body using gallium (68-Ga) dotatate", "使用镓(68-Ga)进行全身 PET 检查", "使用镓(68-Ga)进行全身正电子发射断层扫描" ], "1010455007": [ "Right retrograde pyelogram", "Retrograde pyelography of right renal pelvis", "右肾盂逆行肾盂造影", "右侧逆行肾盂造影" ], "304108004": [ "Reconstruction using distant osseomyocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction using distant osteomyocutaneous flap", "远端骨肌皮瓣重建" ], "23745001": [ "Charting patient information", "Documentation procedure", "Documenting patient information", "记录患者信息", "绘制患者信息图表", "文件归档程序" ], "171201007": [ "Anemia screening", "Anaemia screening", "贫血筛查" ], "122049008": [ "Mycoplasma synoviae antibody assay", "Measurement of Mycoplasma synoviae antibody", "滑液支原体抗体检测", "滑液支原体抗体测定" ], "169366003": [ "Radiotherapy: temporary head/neck implant", "放射治疗:临时头部/颈部植入物" ], "234902004": [ "Excision of lesion of cheek", "颊部病变切除术" ], "38294005": [ "Primary sialodochoplasty", "原发性涎管成形术" ], "103830005": [ "Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 assay", "1 型纤溶酶原激活剂抑制剂检测" ], "120214004": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on perineum", "Anaesthesia for procedure on perineum", "会阴手术麻醉" ], "284054005": [ "Curettage of tooth socket", "牙槽嵴刮除术" ], "21910006": [ "Bathtub transfer training", "浴缸转移训练" ], "3691002": [ "Wedge osteotomy of tarsals and metatarsals", "跗骨及跖骨楔形截骨术" ], "183915000": [ "Private referral to endocrinologist", "私人转诊给内分泌科医生" ], "233067004": [ "Balloon dilatation of right ventricular outflow tract", "Balloon dilation of right ventricular outflow tract", "右心室流出道球囊扩张术" ], "1263424002": [ "Reconstruction of breast using free TUG (transverse upper gracilis) flap", "Reconstruction of breast using free transverse upper gracilis flap", "游离横肌上部股薄肌瓣乳房重建术", "使用游离 TUG(上部横向薄肌)皮瓣进行乳房重建" ], "231232003": [ "Extraoral approach to inferior alveolar nerve block", "Extraoral approach to local anaesthetic inferior alveolar nerve block", "Extraoral approach to local anesthetic inferior alveolar nerve block", "口外入路局部麻醉下齿槽神经阻滞", "口外入路下齿槽神经阻滞" ], "165696006": [ "Red cell volume", "Red cell volume measurement", "红细胞体积测量", "红细胞体积" ], "395072006": [ "Postnatal depression counselling", "Postnatal depression counseling", "Counseling for postnatal depression", "Counselling for postnatal depression", "产后抑郁症咨询" ], "444224006": [ "Quantitative measurement of creatinine in 4 hour postperitoneal dialysis fluid specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of creatinine in 4 hour postperitoneal dialysis fluid specimen", "腹膜透析后4小时液标本肌酐质量浓度的定量测定", "腹膜透析后4小时液标本肌酐定量测定" ], "786453001": [ "Venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", "VV ECMO - venovenous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation", "VV ECMO-- 静脉-体外膜氧合", "静脉-体外膜肺氧合" ], "229397002": [ "Intermetatarsal accessory mobilisation", "Intermetatarsal accessory mobilization", "跖骨间辅助活动" ], "737301002": [ "Prophylactic surgical procedure", "预防性手术" ], "81941004": [ "Arthrogram of tarsal joint", "跗关节造影" ], "426005005": [ "Cardiac computed tomography for calcium scoring", "心脏计算机断层扫描检测钙化积分" ], "178410008": [ "Reconstruction of zygoma", "Reconstruction of malar", "颧骨重建" ], "717247001": [ "Neurological system care management", "神经系统护理管理" ], "47338008": [ "Removal of coronary artery obstruction", "去除冠状动脉阻塞" ], "440554009": [ "Percutaneous division of tendon of toe", "经皮趾肌腱切断术" ], "29119006": [ "Reattachment of extremity", "Limb reimplantation", "Limb replantation", "肢体再植" ], "174740002": [ "Open cystogastrostomy of pancreas", "胰腺膀胱胃造口术" ], "287593000": [ "Postoperative cholangiography", "术后胆管造影" ], "43668008": [ "Resection of soft palate", "软腭切除术" ], "371348009": [ "Argon laser iridotomy", "氩激光虹膜切开术" ], "10900009": [ "Reefing of joint capsule", "关节囊紧缩术" ], "41833004": [ "Activated protein C resistance assay", "APC resistance assay", "活化蛋白C抗性试验", "APC 抗性试验" ], "172905005": [ "Reconstruction of defect of nasal sinus with distant flap", "远端皮瓣修复鼻窦缺损" ], "385897008": [ "Comfort care management", "Manage comfort care", "舒适护理管理", "管理舒适护理" ], "1285182002": [ "Early childhood intervention programme", "Early childhood intervention program", "早期儿童干预计划" ], "121918003": [ "Histoplasma capsulatum yeast antibody assay", "Measurement of Histoplasma capsulatum yeast antibody", "荚膜组织胞浆菌酵母抗体的测定", "荚膜组织胞浆菌酵母抗体测定" ], "234771000": [ "Take impression for oral surgery template", "取模用于口腔手术模板" ], "433214009": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of hip joint with contrast", "髋关节造影造影" ], "54547003": [ "Anesthesia for thoracotomy procedure involving mediastinum", "Anaesthesia for thoracotomy procedure involving mediastinum", "涉及纵隔的开胸手术麻醉", "涉及纵隔的开胸手术的麻醉" ], "447763006": [ "Epiphysiodesis of femur", "Arrest of bone growth of femur", "股骨骺固定术", "股骨生长停滞" ], "4371000087103": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of right ankle", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of right ankle", "右踝关节荧光镜关节造影", "右踝关节荧光透视关节造影" ], "1811000087104": [ "CT guided biopsy of bilateral kidneys", "Biopsy of bilateral kidneys using computed tomography guidance", "Biopsy of both kidneys using computed tomography guidance", "Biopsy of left and right kidney using computed tomography guidance", "CT 引导下双肾活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行双侧肾脏活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导对双肾进行活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行左、右肾活检" ], "19944001": [ "Autologous bone marrow transplant without purging", "无需清除的自体骨髓移植" ], "9491000087106": [ "Ultrasound scan of face and neck", "Ultrasonography of face and neck", "Ultrasound of face and neck", "面部和颈部超声波扫描", "面部和颈部超声检查" ], "14611000087104": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of aorta and bilateral femoral arteries", "Doppler ultrasound scan of aorta and both femoral arteries", "Doppler ultrasonography of aorta and left and right femoral artery", "主动脉和双侧股动脉的多普勒超声扫描", "主动脉及左右股动脉多普勒超声检查", "主动脉和双侧股动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "103699006": [ "Refer to dietician", "Refer to dietitian", "Referral to dietitian nutritionist", "Referral to dietitian", "咨询营养师", "转介给营养师" ], "17171000087109": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of right upper limb", "Aspiration of right upper extremity using ultrasonographic guidance", "Aspiration of right upper limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of right upper extremity", "超声引导下右上肢抽吸术", "超声引导下右上肢穿刺" ], "52712005": [ "Open excision of lesion of endometrium", "子宫内膜病变开放切除术" ], "3091000087104": [ "MRI of right scapula with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right scapula with contrast", "右肩胛骨磁共振成像对比", "右肩胛骨增强 MRI 检查" ], "531000087106": [ "Fluoroscopic bronchography of bilateral bronchi", "Fluoroscopic bronchography of both bronchi", "Fluoroscopic bronchography of left and right bronchus", "左、右支气管荧光支气管造影", "双侧支气管荧光支气管造影" ], "232936009": [ "Excision of nodule from truncal valve cusp", "Excision of fibrous thickening from truncal valve cusp", "Excision of lesion from truncal valve cusp", "切除动脉干瓣膜尖的纤维增厚", "切除动脉干瓣膜尖部病变", "切除动脉干瓣膜尖部结节" ], "771773003": [ "Open incisional hernioplasty using synthetic mesh", "Open repair of incisional hernia using synthetic mesh", "使用合成网片进行开放式切口疝修补术", "使用合成网片进行切口疝开放式修补" ], "444093003": [ "Analysis using oligonucleotide ligation assay", "Analysis using oligonucleotide ligation assay technique", "使用寡核苷酸连接分析技术进行分析", "使用寡核苷酸连接试验进行分析" ], "231101006": [ "Manual stimulation of acupuncture needle", "针灸针的手动刺激" ], "180114001": [ "Shelf procedure for congenital dislocation of the hip", "先天性髋关节脱位的 Shelf 手术" ], "442258002": [ "Attention to cemented hybrid prosthetic replacement of knee joint", "重视骨水泥型混合型膝关节假体置换" ], "360338002": [ "Lucas and Murray operation", "卢卡斯和默里行动" ], "229266004": [ "Active ankle movements", "主动踝关节运动" ], "30823003": [ "Excision of lesion of cornea by partial keratectomy", "部分角膜切除术切除角膜病变" ], "45372001": [ "Insertion of pessary into vagina", "Insertion of supporting pessary into vagina", "Insertion of supporting suppository into vagina", "将支撑子宫托插入阴道", "将栓剂插入阴道", "将子宫托插入阴道" ], "28988002": [ "Psychoanalysis in depth", "深入心理分析" ], "1290556003": [ "Plain X-ray of radius and ulna", "桡骨和尺骨的普通 X 射线" ], "438588004": [ "Dietary advice for hepatic disorder", "Dietary education for hepatic disorder", "Dietary advice for liver disease", "肝病饮食教育", "肝病饮食建议" ], "174609000": [ "Direct puncture cholangiography", "Direct puncture operative cholangiography", "直接穿刺胆管造影", "直接穿刺手术胆管造影" ], "59921003": [ "Restoration, crown, porcelain fused to predominantly base metal", "修复体、牙冠、瓷与主要贱金属熔合" ], "303846000": [ "Upper limb angiography", "Angiography of upper limb", "Angiography of upper extremity", "Angiography of arm", "上肢血管造影", "手臂血管造影" ], "90854001": [ "Revision of filtering bleb", "滤过泡修复" ], "238310002": [ "Intraperitoneal reinfusion of ascites", "腹腔内回输腹水" ], "385766001": [ "Meals on wheels provision assessment", "Assess meals-on-wheels", "流动餐食供应评估", "评估送餐上门服务" ], "172774004": [ "Endosseous implantation into maxilla for nasal prosthesis", "上颌骨内植入鼻假体" ], "287462003": [ "Non-surgical gastrointestinal tract biopsy", "非手术胃肠道活检" ], "72635001": [ "Electroencephalographic biofeedback, theta wave", "EEG biofeedback, theta wave", "脑电生物反馈,θ波" ], "1186747001": [ "Assist control ventilation volume-targeted pressure-control inflation-type", "辅助控制通气量-目标压力控制充气型" ], "56251003": [ "Nebulizer therapy", "Respiratory medication administered by nebulizer", "Nebuliser therapy", "Respiratory medication administered by nebuliser", "雾化治疗", "通过雾化器施用呼吸道药物" ], "105403005": [ "Visit of dying patient by chaplain", "牧师探访临终病人" ], "121787006": [ "Heptacarboxylate measurement", "七羧酸盐测量" ], "252859007": [ "Stereotests - Frisby", "立体测试 - Frisby" ], "431248000": [ "Injection of bursa using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Injection of bursa using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行滑囊注射" ], "185488002": [ "In-house services", "内部服务" ], "119952002": [ "Lymphatic system repair", "Lymphangioplasty", "Repair of lymphoid structure", "淋巴系统修复", "淋巴管成形术", "修复淋巴结构" ], "5264008": [ "Total bile acids measurement", "总胆酸测量" ], "445797000": [ "Assessment using Rivermead behavioral memory test", "Assessment using Rivermead behavioural memory test", "使用 Rivermead 行为记忆测试进行评估" ], "118117001": [ "Gene mutation analysis", "基因突变分析" ], "265573004": [ "Colposuspension", "Suspension of vagina", "阴道悬吊", "阴道悬吊术" ], "68965004": [ "Pelvimetry with placental localization", "Pelvimetry with placental localisation", "骨盆测量与胎盘定位" ], "85349004": [ "Pattee operation on auditory canal", "耳道切除术" ], "609637006": [ "Procedure on pelvic region of trunk", "躯干骨盆区手术" ], "413029008": [ "Monospecific reactions", "Monospecific reagent reaction detection", "单特异性试剂反应检测", "单特异性反应" ], "229135002": [ "Eyebrow raising exercises", "眉毛上扬练习" ], "442127005": [ "Examination of learning disabled patient", "学习障碍患者的检查" ], "16143009": [ "Closure of jejunostomy", "Take-down of jejunostomy", "空肠造口术拆除", "空肠造口术关闭" ], "79844003": [ "Visual rehabilitation, visual defect", "视觉康复、视觉缺陷" ], "1144804007": [ "Vitamin B6 and/or vitamin B6 derivative modified diet", "维生素 B6 和/或维生素 B6 衍生物改良饮食" ], "47076007": [ "Gross operation repair of omphalocele, second stage", "脐膨出大手术修复,第二期" ], "178148007": [ "Intrinsic muscle transfer", "内在肌肉转移" ], "307385002": [ "Primary reduction of fracture of long bone and fixation using Hicks plate", "长骨骨折一期复位及 Hicks 钢板固定" ], "372921003": [ "Providing care according to standard", "按标准提供护理" ], "174478004": [ "Percutaneous transvascular biopsy of lesion of liver", "经皮肝血管病变活检" ], "238179000": [ "Closure of congenital umbilical defect with silo", "Closure of congenital umbilical defect with silastic sac", "先天性脐带缺损缝合术", "硅胶囊封堵先天性脐带缺损" ], "287331001": [ "Esophageal foreign body removal by manipulation", "Oesophageal foreign body removal by manipulation", "手法取出食管异物" ], "1255822008": [ "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - Mildly Thick Level 2 drinks", "IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) Framework - Mildly Thick Level 2 drinks", "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - MT2 (Mildly Thick Level 2) drinks", "IDDSI(国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议)框架 - 略浓 2 级饮料", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - 微浓 2 级饮料", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - MT2(轻度浓稠 2 级)饮料" ], "25187007": [ "Incision and drainage of omental abscess", "大网膜脓肿切开引流" ], "8803008": [ "Iridosclerotomy", "虹膜巩膜切开术" ], "449336001": [ "Primary extraarticular reduction of intraarticular fracture of bone", "关节内骨折的初次关节外复位" ], "23352001": [ "Arthrotomy of wrist", "Incision of joint of wrist", "腕关节切开术" ], "252728003": [ "Sleep EEG - sleep-deprived patient", "Sleep electroencephalogram in sleep-deprived patient", "睡眠不足患者的睡眠脑电图", "睡眠脑电图 - 睡眠不足的患者" ], "121656004": [ "Piroxicam measurement", "吡罗昔康测量" ], "105272001": [ "Ofloxacin measurement", "氧氟沙星测定" ], "236344004": [ "Operation on cyst of epididymis", "附睾囊肿手术" ], "437611000124100": [ "Tyrosine modified diet", "酪氨酸改良饮食" ], "88888008": [ "Excision of lesion of duodenum", "Excision of duodenal lesion", "十二指肠病变切除术" ], "432952005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of dialysis fistula using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下透析瘘经皮腔内血管成形术" ], "709645002": [ "Biopsy of upper limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of upper limb", "Ultrasound guided biopsy of upper limb", "Ultrasound guided biopsy of upper extremity", "超声引导下上肢活检" ], "119821002": [ "Vein transposition", "静脉转位" ], "438891000124108": [ "Fluoride supplement therapy", "氟补充疗法" ], "87053005": [ "Plication of broad ligament", "阔韧带折叠术" ], "441451000124108": [ "Management of composition of parenteral nutrition", "肠外营养成分管理" ], "301880007": [ "Placement of arterial clamp", "Placement of arterial cross clamp", "动脉钳的放置", "放置动脉钳" ], "183522000": [ "Referral to geriatric medicine service", "Geriatric referral", "Referral to care of the elderly service", "转介至老年医学服务", "老年科转诊", "转介至老人护理服务" ], "412898001": [ "Pemphigus antibody measurement", "Pemphigus antibody level", "天疱疮抗体测量", "天疱疮抗体水平" ], "1217549004": [ "Injection of drug or medicament into testis", "Injection of drug or medicament into testicle", "将药物或药剂注射入睾丸" ], "117986003": [ "Pasteurella multocida antibody assay", "Measurement of Pasteurella multocida antibody", "多杀性巴氏杆菌抗体测定", "多杀性巴氏杆菌抗体检测" ], "168973007": [ "Venography: trunk", "静脉造影:躯干" ], "232674004": [ "Orotracheal intubation", "Oral endotracheal intubation", "Tracheal intubation via oral route", "经口气管插管" ], "314594009": [ "Creation of loop ileostomy", "Loop ileostomy", "回肠造口术", "建立回肠造口术" ], "1197495002": [ "Revision of total replacement of knee joint with impaction bone grafting", "Revision of total knee arthroplasty with impaction bone grafting", "Revision of TKR (total knee replacement) with impaction bone grafting", "压入骨移植全膝关节置换术翻修", "压入骨移植全膝关节置换术", "采用压入骨移植术进行全膝关节置换术 (TKR) 翻修" ], "427447005": [ "Endoscopic autologous chondrocyte implantation of knee joint", "内镜膝关节自体软骨细胞植入术" ], "116151006": [ "Multi-allergen solid phase immunosorbent assay for IgE antibodies", "Multi-allergen solid phase immunosorbent assay for immunoglobulin E antibodies", "多过敏原固相免疫吸附试验检测 IgE 抗体", "免疫球蛋白 E 抗体的多过敏原固相免疫吸附试验" ], "443831008": [ "Quantitative measurement of IgG in urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of immunoglobulin G in urine specimen", "尿液标本中免疫球蛋白G质量浓度的定量测定", "尿液样本中 IgG 的定量测定" ], "230839008": [ "Focal excision of brain haematoma", "Focal excision of brain hematoma", "脑血肿局部切除", "脑血肿局部切除术" ], "736908008": [ "Provision of condom contraception leaflet", "提供安全套避孕宣传单张" ], "704140009": [ "Reimplantation of coeliac artery", "Reimplantation of celiac artery", "腹腔动脉再植术" ], "225334002": [ "Intervention regime", "干预制度" ], "77878003": [ "Von Kraske operation, proctectomy", "冯克拉斯克手术、直肠切除术" ], "274486003": [ "Cervical collar neck traction", "颈托颈部牵引" ], "241718004": [ "Protection of patient", "保护患者" ], "305419001": [ "Admission to gastrointestinal surgery department", "胃肠外科入院" ], "174347002": [ "Anterior repair of anal sphincter", "Overlap repair of anal sphincter", "肛门括约肌前修复术", "肛门括约肌重叠修复" ], "878859007": [ "Self management of diabetes", "Diabetes self management", "糖尿病的自我管理", "糖尿病自我管理" ], "303584001": [ "Sphincter-saving proctectomy", "保留括约肌的直肠切除术" ], "74208003": [ "Percutaneous fine needle biopsy of liver", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of liver", "经皮肝细针穿刺活检", "经皮肝脏细针穿刺活检" ], "451040005": [ "Excision of cerebral hemisphere", "大脑半球切除术" ], "41440006": [ "Cerebral scan", "Positrocephalogram", "Radioisotope scan of brain", "Radioisotope brain imaging", "Radionuclide brain study", "放射性核素脑研究", "脑部放射性同位素扫描", "放射性同位素脑成像", "脑部扫描", "头颅正位图" ], "418272005": [ "Computed tomography angiography with contrast", "CT angiography with contrast", "增强计算机断层血管造影", "增强 CT 血管造影" ], "121525003": [ "Desmethylparamethadione measurement", "去甲基对甲二酮测量" ], "252597003": [ "TDT - Tone decay test", "Abnormal adaptation at threshold test", "AAT - Abnormal adaptation at threshold test", "Tone decay test", "TDT - 音调衰减测试", "音调衰减测试", "AAT-- 阈值适应异常测试", "阈值测试适应异常" ], "236213005": [ "Partial cystectomy with excision of urachal remnant", "膀胱部分切除术及脐尿管残留切除术" ], "400053006": [ "Amputation of limb", "截肢" ], "105141006": [ "Cobalt measurement", "钴测量" ], "170677006": [ "Psychiatric disorder monitoring", "Psych. disorder monitoring", "精神疾病监测", "精神障碍监测" ], "54154000": [ "Resection of sphincter of Oddi", "奥迪括约肌切除术" ], "119690005": [ "Ankle closure", "踝部闭合" ], "709514005": [ "Assessment of risk for stoma complication", "造口并发症风险评估" ], "52319004": [ "Biopsy of anterior two-thirds of tongue", "舌前三分之二活检" ], "117855005": [ "Parvovirus B19 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human parvovirus B19 antibody", "细小病毒B19抗体检测", "人细小病毒B19抗体测定" ], "183391004": [ "Stimulative psychotherapy", "刺激性心理治疗" ], "232543008": [ "Destruction of pharyngeal lesion", "咽部病变破坏" ], "165172002": [ "Diagnostic psychiatric interview", "精神科诊断访谈" ], "312628008": [ "Provision of support as Braille user", "为盲文用户提供支持" ], "359945001": [ "Incision of ascending aorta", "Angiotomy of ascending aorta", "Arteriotomy of ascending aorta", "升主动脉切开术" ], "1230132009": [ "Micro-positioning", "Micro-positioning of subject", "微定位", "主体的微定位" ], "441865002": [ "Measurement of amylase in timed urine specimen", "定时尿液标本淀粉酶测定" ], "179721005": [ "Incision of joint ligament", "关节韧带切开" ], "32265006": [ "Intravenous pyelogram", "Intravenous urography without KUB", "Intravenous pyelogram without KUB", "Intravenous urography", "IVU - Intravenous urogram", "IVP - Intravenous pyelogram", "Intravenous urogram", "IVU-- 静脉尿路造影", "静脉肾盂造影(无腹部平片)", "IVP-静脉肾盂造影", "静脉肾盂造影", "静脉尿路造影(无腹部平片)", "静脉尿路造影" ], "276190007": [ "Ileocolic resection", "Ileocolectomy", "回结肠切除术" ], "390878008": [ "Step down change in asthma management plan", "逐步改变哮喘管理计划" ], "307123000": [ "Periodontal regeneration using growth factor", "利用生长因子进行牙周再生" ], "389043002": [ "Transurethral cystoscopic removal of blood clot from bladder", "Transurethral evacuation of blood clot from bladder", "Transurethral cystoscopic removal of blood clot from urinary bladder", "经尿道膀胱血凝块清除术", "经尿道膀胱镜清除膀胱血凝块" ], "225203003": [ "Removing intravenous infusion", "Taking down intravenous infusion", "停止静脉输液", "移除静脉输液" ], "241587004": [ "CT arthrogram of knee", "Computed tomography arthrogram of knee", "膝关节计算机断层扫描", "膝关节 CT 造影" ], "1290163006": [ "Revision of prosthetic replacement of ankle joint", "踝关节假体置换术" ], "16559021000119103": [ "CT guided fine needle aspiration biopsy of spleen", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of spleen using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行脾脏细针穿刺活检", "CT引导下脾脏细针穿刺活检" ], "274355008": [ "Surgical biopsy of liver", "肝脏手术活检" ], "405427009": [ "Catheterisation of external jugular vein", "Catheterization of external jugular vein", "颈外静脉插管" ], "370824002": [ "Implementation of protective measures to prevent injury due to electrical sources", "Implements protective measures to prevent injury due to electrical sources", "采取保护措施,防止因电源而受伤", "采取防护措施,防止电气伤害" ], "407981000119107": [ "CT guided percutaneous biopsy of kidney", "Percutaneous biopsy of kidney using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肾脏经皮活检", "CT引导下经皮肾脏穿刺活检" ], "305288004": [ "Admission by liaison psychiatrist", "联络精神科医生承认" ], "223368005": [ "Cleaning skin surrounding stoma", "清洁造口周围皮肤" ], "174216006": [ "Endoscopic removal of foreign body from sigmoid colon using rigid sigmoidoscope", "使用硬式乙状结肠镜进行内镜乙状结肠异物取出" ], "26760007": [ "Mastoid myoplasty", "乳突肌成形术" ], "419976007": [ "CT of sternoclavicular joint", "Computed tomography of sternoclavicular joint", "胸锁关节计算机断层扫描", "胸锁关节CT" ], "303453000": [ "Orbital osteotomy", "眼眶截骨术" ], "8541009": [ "Germanium measurement", "锗测量" ], "252466004": [ "Isotope clearance test of tissue perfusion", "Radionuclide clearance test of tissue perfusion", "组织灌注放射性核素清除试验", "组织灌注同位素清除试验" ], "88626007": [ "Suture of bursa", "滑囊缝合" ], "121394007": [ "Nafcillin measurement", "萘夫西林测量" ], "54023001": [ "Injection of peripheral nerve", "周围神经注射" ], "105010007": [ "Urea measurement", "尿素测量" ], "447239004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of limb", "MRI of limb", "肢体磁共振成像", "肢体 MRI" ], "86791005": [ "Operation on tendon", "Tendon operation", "肌腱手术" ], "234247006": [ "Posterolateral lymph nodes neck dissection", "后外侧淋巴结颈清扫术" ], "429020003": [ "Primary insertion of spacer into lumbar interspinous process", "腰椎棘突间初次置入垫块" ], "117724005": [ "Ribosomal antibody assay", "Measurement of ribosomal antibody", "核糖体抗体测量", "核糖体抗体测定" ], "312497000": [ "Salvage abdominoperineal resection of rectum", "挽救性腹会阴直肠切除术" ], "183260008": [ "Loan of nebuliser", "Loan of nebulizer", "雾化器租借", "雾化器借用" ], "1230001006": [ "Pollicisation of thumb using free skin flap", "Pollicization of thumb using free skin flap", "利用游离皮瓣进行拇指拇指离断术", "利用游离皮瓣进行拇指拇指化" ], "736646003": [ "Prophylactic dental extraction of primary tooth", "Prophylactic extraction of primary tooth", "Prophylactic extraction of deciduous tooth", "预防性拔除乳牙" ], "310662003": [ "Laser destruction of lesion of retina", "视网膜病变激光毁损术" ], "408966007": [ "Infertility care management", "Manage infertility care", "不孕不育护理管理", "管理不孕不育护理" ], "439899003": [ "Cluster of differentiation antigen 57 (CD57) percentage count procedure", "Cluster of differentiation antigen 57 percentage count procedure", "分化抗原簇 57 百分比计数程序", "分化抗原 57 (CD57) 百分比计数程序" ], "225072003": [ "Giving warm saline mouthwash", "用温盐水漱口" ], "241456004": [ "US scan of salivary glands", "Ultrasound scan of salivary glands", "唾液腺超声扫描", "唾液腺超声波扫描" ], "257840004": [ "External fixation using static unilateral bar", "使用静态单侧杆进行外固定" ], "306992007": [ "MRI of aorta", "Magnetic resonance imaging of aorta", "主动脉 MRI", "主动脉磁共振成像" ], "405296008": [ "Lower limb sympathectomy", "下肢交感神经切除术" ], "239621008": [ "Repositioning of external fixator pin", "重新定位外固定针" ], "450778008": [ "Prosthetic replacement of extraarticular ligament", "关节外韧带假体置换" ], "1153455005": [ "Assessment of signs and symptoms of infection", "感染的体征和症状评估" ], "104879005": [ "Phosphoserine measurement", "磷酸丝氨酸测量" ], "121263005": [ "Mono-carboxylic porphyrin measurement", "单羧基卟啉测量" ], "39343008": [ "Pertussis vaccination", "Whooping cough immunization", "Pertussis immunization", "Pertussis immunisation", "Whooping cough immunisation", "Whooping cough vaccination", "Administration of pertussis vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis antigen", "百日咳疫苗接种", "仅含百日咳杆菌抗原的疫苗产品的接种", "百日咳免疫" ], "448943008": [ "Fusion of thoracolumbar region of spine by anterior approach", "前入路胸腰椎融合术" ], "252335009": [ "Cell phenotyping", "细胞表型" ], "37508003": [ "Operation on neck", "颈部手术" ], "35673001": [ "Excision of neuroma of sympathetic nerve", "交感神经瘤切除术" ], "609113005": [ "Removal of foreign body from vulva without incision", "无需切开即可取出外阴异物" ], "1297241006": [ "Pressure support during resuscitation by T-Piece", "Neonatal resuscitation using T-piece resuscitator", "T 型管复苏期间的压力支持", "使用 T 型复苏器进行新生儿复苏" ], "117593007": [ "HLA (Human leucocyte antigen) A AND B phenotyping", "HLA (Human leukocyte antigen) A AND B phenotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen A AND B antigen phenotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen A AND B antigen phenotyping", "人类白细胞抗原 A 和 B 抗原表型", "HLA(人类白细胞抗原)A 和 B 表型" ], "82990002": [ "Removal of packing from rectum", "Removal of rectal pack", "取出直肠填塞物" ], "50222005": [ "Ear tattooing", "Tattooing of skin of ear", "耳朵皮肤纹身", "耳部纹身" ], "427054008": [ "Non-rigid stabilization of spine", "Non-rigid stabilisation of spine", "脊柱非刚性稳定" ], "1295406008": [ "Angiography of great blood vessel", "大血管造影" ], "228611004": [ "Provision of seating", "提供座位" ], "392451005": [ "Swine epithelium specific IgE antibody measurement", "e83 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Swine epithelium specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "猪上皮特异性IgE抗体测定", "猪上皮特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "e83 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "785667006": [ "Indocyanine green angiography of flap", "ICG (indocyanine green) angiography of flap", "Angiography of flap using indocyanine green", "皮瓣 ICG(吲哚菁绿)血管造影", "吲哚菁绿皮瓣血管造影" ], "48387007": [ "Incision of trachea", "Tracheotomy", "气管切开术", "气管切开" ], "308696000": [ "Coarctation angioplasty", "缩窄血管成形术" ], "441603009": [ "Reconstruction of extra-articular ligament for stabilisation of joint", "Reconstruction of extra-articular ligament for stabilization of joint", "重建关节外韧带以稳定关节" ], "46552002": [ "Incision and drainage of thyroglossal tract", "甲状舌管切开引流" ], "243160003": [ "Control of end expiratory pressure", "呼气末压力的控制" ], "177624004": [ "Injection of steroid into subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织注射类固醇" ], "1144280007": [ "Fitting of complete overdenture", "全口覆盖义齿的安装" ], "61101000": [ "Boric acid measurement, urine", "尿液硼酸测量" ], "388781008": [ "Tuna specific IgE antibody measurement", "f40 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Thunnus albacares specific IgE antibody measurement", "Thunnus albacares specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "黄鳍金枪鱼特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "金枪鱼特异性IgE抗体测定", "黄鳍金枪鱼特异性IgE抗体测定", "f40 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "241325008": [ "Study of oesophageal transit using both radiolabelled fluid and solid", "Study of esophageal transit using both radiolabeled fluid and solid", "使用放射性标记液体和固体研究食管转运" ], "75650000": [ "Finger-to-finger test", "手指对手指测试" ], "77485009": [ "Cytopathology procedure or service", "细胞病理学程序或服务" ], "239490007": [ "Arthroplasty of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger", "MCPJ - Arthroplasty metacarpophalangeal joint of finger", "MCPJ-- 手指掌指关节成形术", "手指掌指关节置换术" ], "272258009": [ "Escharectomy", "Excision of cicatrix of skin", "切痂术", "皮肤瘢痕切除术" ], "450647003": [ "Open embolectomy of superior mesenteric artery", "肠系膜上动脉开放栓塞术" ], "90199006": [ "Transurethral prostatectomy", "Loop prostatectomy", "TUR of prostate", "Endoscopic resection of prostate", "Transurethral resection of prostate", "TURP - Transurethral resection of prostate", "Endoscopic prostatectomy", "内镜前列腺切除术", "TURP-- 经尿道前列腺切除术", "前列腺环切除术", "前列腺电切术", "经尿道前列腺切除术" ], "172119006": [ "Suture of breast", "乳房缝合" ], "252204001": [ "Hydrocortisone suppression test", "氢化可的松抑制试验" ], "71980001": [ "Urethroplasty, repair of membranous urethra, first stage", "尿道成形术,修复膜状尿道,第一阶段" ], "55596003": [ "Antegrade urography", "Urinary tract loopogram", "顺行性尿路造影", "尿路造影" ], "710956004": [ "Checking device safety", "检查设备安全性" ], "104748004": [ "Indolamine measurement", "吲哚胺测量" ], "6444006": [ "Enlargement of eye socket", "Enlargement of orbit of eye", "Enlargement of orbital cavity", "眼窝扩大", "眶腔扩大", "眼眶扩大" ], "432428007": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of innominate vein using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "植入支架血管造影剂进行无名静脉荧光镜造影" ], "266753000": [ "Referral for laboratory tests", "转介进行实验室检查" ], "250369001": [ "Blood coagulation pathway antibody activity", "Blood coagulation pathway antibody activity measurement", "Blood coagulation system antibody activity", "凝血途径抗体活性", "凝血系统抗体活性", "凝血途径抗体活性测定" ], "725505001": [ "Ultrasonography guided vacuum assisted excision of lesion of breast", "Vacuum assisted excision of lesion of breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下乳腺病灶真空辅助切除术", "超声引导下乳腺病灶真空切除术" ], "772822000": [ "Individual Placement and Support", "IPS - Individual Placement and Support", "个人安置和支持", "IPS - 个人安置和支持" ], "314070003": [ "Serum free beta human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) multiple of median measurement", "Serum free beta human chorionic gonadotropin multiple of median measurement", "Serum free beta human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) multiple of median measurement", "Serum free beta human chorionic gonadotrophin multiple of median measurement", "血清游离β人绒毛膜促性腺激素中位数测量倍数", "血清游离β人绒毛膜促性腺激素 (HCG) 中位测量倍数" ], "445142003": [ "Counseling about disease", "Counselling about disease", "疾病咨询" ], "707286005": [ "Pulsed dye laser therapy to skin", "脉冲染料激光治疗皮肤" ], "182998008": [ "Intensive nursing care", "重症护理" ], "787371004": [ "Recasting of specimen in block", "块体试件重铸" ], "312235007": [ "Radiolabelled antibody therapy", "Radiolabeled antibody therapy", "放射性标记抗体治疗" ], "410539008": [ "Delivery place booking", "交货地点预订" ], "443307007": [ "Dietary advice for constipation", "Dietary education for constipation", "便秘的饮食教育", "便秘的饮食建议" ], "179328002": [ "Revision uncemented hemiarthroplasty of hip", "非骨水泥型半髋关节置换术" ], "310400003": [ "Patching of coronary sinus atrial septal defect", "冠状窦房间隔缺损修补术" ], "392320004": [ "w4 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Franseria acanthicarpa specific IgE antibody measurement", "False ragweed specific IgE antibody measurement", "Franseria acanthicarpa specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "假豚草特异性 IgE 抗体测定", "w4 特异性IgE抗体测量", "棘果弗朗斯菌特异性IgE抗体测定", "棘果弗朗斯菌特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "441472005": [ "Measurement of amfetamine in meconium specimen using gas chromatography mass spectrometry", "Measurement of amphetamine in meconium specimen using gas chromatography mass spectrometry", "气相色谱质谱法测定胎粪样本中的苯丙胺", "气相色谱质谱法测定胎粪标本中的苯丙胺" ], "359552007": [ "Exploration of ethmoid sinus", "筛窦探查" ], "64640007": [ "Electroencephalogram awake and drowsy with stimulation", "脑电图清醒和刺激昏昏欲睡" ], "46421001": [ "Operation on skeletal muscle", "骨骼肌手术" ], "406869007": [ "Indophenol from naphthol stain method", "Indophenol from naphthol stain", "萘酚染色中的靛酚", "靛酚萘酚染色法" ], "372266004": [ "Cytologic examination of extrahepatic bile duct", "肝外胆管细胞学检查" ], "306730008": [ "Referral for gastroscopy", "转诊至胃镜检查" ], "241194009": [ "Air myelogram", "Pneumomyelography", "空气脊髓造影", "肺脊髓造影" ], "1255167003": [ "Ovo vegetarian diet", "蛋素食" ], "239359006": [ "Total prosthetic replacement of scaphoid", "舟骨全假体置换术" ], "173823009": [ "Gastroesophagoscopy via gastrotomy", "Esophagogastroscopy via gastrotomy", "Oesophagogastroscopy via gastrotomy", "Gastrooesophagoscopy via gastrotomy", "经胃切开术进行胃食管镜检查", "经胃切开术进行食管胃镜检查" ], "450516001": [ "Endoscopic extraction of calculus of kidney", "内镜肾结石摘除术" ], "40916003": [ "Dilation of trachea", "气管扩张" ], "386815009": [ "Repair of aneurysm of sinus of Valsalva", "Aneurysmectomy of sinus of Valsalva", "瓦尔萨尔瓦窦动脉瘤切除术", "瓦尔萨尔瓦窦动脉瘤修复术" ], "171988007": [ "Excision of lesion of thyroid", "Excision of lesion of thyroid gland", "甲状腺病灶切除术" ], "104617000": [ "Cyanmethemoglobin measurement", "Cyanmethaemoglobin measurement", "氰化物血红蛋白测量", "氰化高铁血红蛋白测量" ], "71849005": [ "Closed reduction of separated epiphysis of radius AND ulna", "桡骨和尺骨骨骺分离闭合复位" ], "710825006": [ "Education about breathing technique", "呼吸技巧教育" ], "86398001": [ "Removal of posterior segmental instrumentation of spine", "移除脊柱后部节段内固定物" ], "53630002": [ "Bronchoscopy with removal of foreign body", "Tracheobronchial endoscopy with removal of foreign body", "支气管镜检查并取出异物", "气管支气管内镜检查及异物取出" ], "250238002": [ "Red blood cell maturation age", "Red blood cell maturation age determination", "红细胞成熟年龄", "红细胞成熟年龄测定" ], "35411000": [ "Tractotomy", "束切开术" ], "117331006": [ "Sevier-Munger stain method", "Sevier-Munger silver stain", "Sevier-Munger stain", "Sevier-Munger 银染色", "Sevier-Munger 染色法", "Sevier-Munger 染色" ], "2643008": [ "Ligation of varicose vein of head and neck", "头颈部静脉曲张结扎术" ], "428627009": [ "Revision of percutaneous intradiscal thermocoagulation of thoracic intervertebral disc using radiofrequency probe", "经皮胸椎间盘射频探头热凝术翻修术" ], "281171009": [ "Maxillofacial technical procedure", "Maxillofacial technical (device) procedure", "颌面技术(设备)程序", "颌面技术流程" ], "443176005": [ "Repair of partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection by unroofing of coronary sinus with patch closure of interatrial communication", "冠状窦去顶联合心房间补片封堵术修复部分性肺静脉异常引流" ], "49960007": [ "Transposition of vaginal tissue", "阴道组织移位" ], "361256009": [ "Autoaugmentation of bladder", "Autoaugmentation of urinary bladder", "膀胱自体扩张术", "膀胱自体增大" ], "410408009": [ "Relaxation/breathing techniques surveillance", "放松/呼吸技巧监测" ], "179197005": [ "Temporary fixation epiphysis", "暂时固定骨骺" ], "719869007": [ "Mandibular true occlusal plain X-ray", "Lower true occlusal plain X-ray", "True occlusal plain X-ray of mandibular region", "下颌真咬合平面X线片", "下颌区真咬合平面X光片" ], "80893007": [ "Hyperthermia generated by intracavitary probes", "腔内探头产生的高温" ], "29906006": [ "Microdissection, spinal procedure", "显微解剖、脊柱手术" ], "308434008": [ "Adult immunisation call", "Adult immunization call", "成人免疫接种电话" ], "28071006": [ "Drainage of perivesical space abscess", "膀胱周围脓肿引流" ], "306599009": [ "Discharge from pediatric service", "Discharge from paediatric service", "儿科出院" ], "271996001": [ "Excision of duodenal web", "十二指肠蹼切除术" ], "108156003": [ "Posterior segment of eye excision", "眼后节切除术" ], "239228006": [ "Operation on lesion of bursa", "滑囊损伤手术" ], "237393002": [ "Excision of nipple and areola", "乳头及乳晕切除术" ], "24401005": [ "Radical resection of tumor of soft tissue of finger", "Radical resection of tumour of soft tissue of finger", "手指软组织肿瘤根治术" ], "446715000": [ "Laparoscopic total excision of ureter", "Laparoscopic total ureterectomy", "腹腔镜输尿管全切除术", "腹腔镜全输尿管切除术" ], "235558009": [ "Insertion of biliary anastomosis prosthesis", "胆道吻合口假体插入" ], "104486009": [ "Albumin measurement, urine, quantitative", "尿液白蛋白测量,定量" ], "37115004": [ "Ligature of femoral vein, partial", "股静脉部分结扎" ], "182736004": [ "Forced diuresis", "强迫利尿" ], "1231312008": [ "Dilation of stenosis of salivary duct using sialendoscope", "Sialendoscopic dilatation of stenosis of salivary duct", "Sialendoscopic dilation of stenosis of salivary duct", "涎管镜扩张术治疗涎管狭窄" ], "35280008": [ "Transfer of digit to replace absent thumb", "手指移植以替代缺失的拇指" ], "787109009": [ "Total proctocolectomy", "Total excision of colon and rectum", "Excision of entire colon and entire rectum", "切除整个结肠和整个直肠", "结肠和直肠全切除术", "全直肠结肠切除术" ], "1293178003": [ "Plain X-ray of abdomen, oblique", "腹部斜位 X 光检查" ], "80762004": [ "Infusion of intra-arterial thrombolytic agent with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, multiple vessels", "经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术动脉内输注溶栓剂,多条血管" ], "179066008": [ "Revision to open reduction and internal fixation of proximal femoral fracture with screw/nail and intramedullary device", "股骨近端骨折切开复位螺钉/钉及髓内装置内固定术" ], "736122009": [ "Administration of anesthesia for obstetric procedure", "Administration of anaesthesia for obstetric procedure", "产科手术麻醉管理" ], "373839000": [ "Ovarian ablation by antioestrogen", "Ovarian ablation by antiestrogen", "抗雌激素卵巢切除术" ], "13391005": [ "Excision of lesion of rectovaginal septum", "直肠阴道隔病变切除术" ], "175396000": [ "Reconstruction of circle of Willis", "Willis 环重建" ], "240932003": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of celiac artery", "Percutaneous thrombolysis of coeliac artery", "腹腔动脉经皮血栓溶解术", "经皮腹腔动脉血栓溶解术" ], "306468006": [ "Discharge by orthodontist", "正畸医生出院" ], "44324008": [ "Hemodynamic measurements", "Haemodynamic measurements", "血流动力学测量" ], "386553005": [ "Excision of oesophageal lesion", "Excision of esophageal lesion", "Excision of lesion of oesophagus", "Excision of lesion of esophagus", "食管病变切除术" ], "1304057006": [ "Sigmoidoscopic full thickness resection of colon", "Sigmoidoscopy and full thickness resection of colon", "乙状结肠镜全层结肠切除术", "乙状结肠镜检查及结肠全层切除术" ], "58873006": [ "Modified Goeckerman regimen", "改良 Goeckerman 方案" ], "40654000": [ "Operation on eyelid", "眼睑手术" ], "108025008": [ "Kidney destructive procedure", "肾脏破坏性手术" ], "7886000": [ "Instruction in use of cane", "Use of cane education", "使用手杖教育", "手杖使用说明" ], "401102003": [ "Blood spot TSH level", "Blood spot thyroid stimulating hormone level", "血斑促甲状腺激素水平", "血斑 TSH 水平" ], "87971000": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of radius", "桡骨骨折闭合复位" ], "300963001": [ "Flexible cystoscopy and laser destruction of bladder lesion", "Flexible cystoscopy and laser destruction of lesion of urinary bladder", "柔性膀胱镜检查及膀胱病变激光破坏术", "膀胱软镜检查及膀胱病变激光毁损术" ], "417486008": [ "Light chain level", "Light chain measurement", "轻链测量", "轻链水平" ], "38819005": [ "Open reduction of closed sternoclavicular dislocation, chronic with fascial graft", "慢性闭合性胸锁关节脱位切开复位及筋膜移植" ], "235427005": [ "Intubation of gastrointestinal tract via stoma", "Insertion of enteral tube via stoma", "经造口插入肠管", "经造口插管胃肠道" ], "36984000": [ "Closure of ileal fistula", "Repair of ileal fistula", "回肠瘘闭合", "回肠瘘修复" ], "432035008": [ "Intraoperative fluoroscopic angiography of thoracic aorta with contrast and insertion of stent graft", "Intraoperative fluoroscopic arteriography of thoracic aorta with contrast and insertion of stent graft", "术中胸主动脉荧光血管造影及植入支架", "术中胸主动脉荧光造影及植入支架" ], "710563008": [ "Assessment of risk for impaired nutritional status", "营养状况受损风险评估" ], "118904000": [ "Procedure on sclera", "巩膜手术" ], "233592005": [ "Plasma filtration", "血浆过滤" ], "446584005": [ "Ablation of neoplasm of urinary bladder using laser", "激光消融膀胱肿瘤" ], "182605004": [ "Packing for bleeding", "Hemorrhage control by packing", "Packing for haemorrhage", "Haemorrhage control by packing", "Packing for hemorrhage", "填塞止血", "止血填塞" ], "313677005": [ "Cardiac muscle antibody measurement", "Cardiac muscle antibody level", "心肌抗体水平", "心肌抗体测量" ], "442914007": [ "Percutaneous fixation of fracture of neck of femur", "股骨颈骨折经皮固定术" ], "410146009": [ "Physician status report assessment", "Assess physician status report", "医生状态报告评估", "评估医生状态报告" ], "439244000": [ "Transcatheter insertion of radiation delivery device for intravascular coronary brachytherapy", "经导管插入放射输送装置用于血管内冠状动脉近距离放射治疗" ], "46028000": [ "Amputation of hand", "Amputation through hand", "手部截肢" ], "177100008": [ "Percutaneous fetal procedure", "Percutaneous operation on fetus", "Percutaneous foetal procedure", "经皮胎儿手术" ], "76961002": [ "Lobotomy and tractotomy", "脑白质切断术和神经束切断术" ], "715937007": [ "Provision of specialist retrieval service anesthetist patient escort", "Provision of specialist retrieval service anaesthetist patient escort", "提供专科检索服务麻醉师病人护送", "提供专科检索服务麻醉师病人陪同" ], "306337008": [ "Referral to liaison nurse", "转介至联络护士" ], "1287542001": [ "Coagulation of external ear", "外耳电凝" ], "75126003": [ "Mechanical fragility RBC", "Mechanical fragility red blood cell", "机械脆性红细胞" ], "173430005": [ "Dissection tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy", "解剖扁桃体切除术和腺样体切除术" ], "386422006": [ "Self-esteem enhancement", "增强自尊" ], "1269323001": [ "Fitting of partial denture", "部分假牙安装" ], "304502009": [ "Biopsy of mouth", "口腔活检" ], "122443003": [ "Toxin assay", "毒素检测" ], "433739004": [ "Computed tomography for simultaneous modulated accelerated radiation therapy planning", "Computed tomography (CT) for simultaneous modulated accelerated radiation therapy (SMART) planning", "CT for simultaneous modulated accelerated radiation therapy (SMART) planning", "CT for simultaneous modulated accelerated radiation therapy planning", "CT 用于同步加速放射治疗 (SMART) 计划", "CT 同步加速放射治疗计划", "用于同步调控加速放射治疗计划的计算机断层扫描", "用于同步调控加速放射治疗 (SMART) 计划的计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "448288001": [ "Targeted radionuclide therapy", "Molecular radiotherapy", "Molecular radiation therapy", "分子放射治疗", "靶向放射性核素治疗" ], "284448002": [ "Examination of heart", "心脏检查" ], "431904002": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of parathyroid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of parathyroid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of parathyroid artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of parathyroid artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮甲状旁腺动脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮甲状旁腺动脉造影栓塞术" ], "104224007": [ "Anaerobic bacteria, definitive identification, including gas chromatography", "厌氧菌的明确鉴定,包括气相色谱法" ], "235296009": [ "Correction of malrotation of the intestine", "Correction of malrotation of intestine", "肠旋转不良的纠正", "纠正肠旋转不良" ], "69621003": [ "Surgical treatment of missed abortion of third trimester", "Surgical treatment of missed miscarriage of third trimester", "妊娠晚期稽留流产的手术治疗" ], "20469004": [ "Protein S assay", "Protein S level", "Protein S, antigenic assay", "蛋白质S水平", "蛋白 S,抗原测定", "蛋白 S 检测" ], "118773004": [ "Procedure on Bartholin's gland", "Procedure on Bartholin gland", "巴氏腺手术" ], "2250001": [ "Resection of ascending aorta with anastomosis", "升主动脉切除吻合术" ], "313546004": [ "90 minute blood glucose level", "90 minute blood glucose measurement", "90 分钟血糖水平", "90分钟血糖测量" ], "18634009": [ "Division of artery of upper limb", "上肢动脉解剖图" ], "444618009": [ "Computed tomography of head, abdomen and pelvis", "CT of head, abdomen and pelvis", "头部、腹部和骨盆的计算机断层扫描", "头部、腹部和骨盆 CT" ], "311711004": [ "Tongue lateral movement exercise", "舌头横向运动练习" ], "786847005": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 antigen", "Influenza H5N1 immunisation", "Influenza H5N1 vaccination", "Influenza H5N1 immunization", "Administration of influenza H5N1 vaccine", "接种仅含甲型流感病毒亚型 H5N1 抗原的疫苗产品", "H5N1 流感疫苗接种", "流感 H5N1 疫苗接种", "接种 H5N1 流感疫苗" ], "309876004": [ "Endocervical excision", "宫颈管切除术" ], "29513000": [ "Irrigation with syringe", "Syringing", "注射", "用注射器灌溉" ], "439113001": [ "Excision of pressure injury of greater femoral trochanteric region", "Excision of trochanteric pressure injury", "股骨大转子区压力性损伤切除术", "股骨转子压力损伤切除术" ], "306206005": [ "Referral to service", "Referral for service", "服务推荐", "转介服务" ], "715806006": [ "Laparoscopic ablation of pelvic endometriosis", "腹腔镜盆腔子宫内膜异位症消融术" ], "287987000": [ "Cut-down blood transfusion", "减少输血" ], "1010718008": [ "Extravesical reimplantation of right ureter", "右侧输尿管膀胱外再植术" ], "42227002": [ "Closure of rectovaginal fistula by transanal approach", "经肛门入路闭合直肠阴道瘘" ], "58611004": [ "Epidural injection of anesthetic substance, therapeutic, lumbar, continuous", "Epidural injection of anaesthetic substance, therapeutic, lumbar, continuous", "Continuous lumbar epidural analgesia", "持续腰椎硬膜外镇痛", "治疗性腰椎硬膜外注射麻醉物质,持续" ], "419059006": [ "MRI cerebral perfusion study", "Magnetic resonance imaging cerebral perfusion study", "MRI 脑灌注研究", "磁共振成像脑灌注研究" ], "386291006": [ "Exercise promotion: strength training", "运动促进:力量训练" ], "237000000": [ "Modification of uterine activity", "子宫活动改变" ], "171464004": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of temporal lobe of brain", "脑颞叶病变开放活检" ], "417224006": [ "Suture of laceration of external ear", "Repair of ear laceration by suture", "缝合修复耳裂伤", "外耳裂伤缝合" ], "169629000": [ "Short stay delivery booking", "短期送货预订" ], "431773001": [ "Sampling of blood from petrosal sinus using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided sampling of blood from petrosal sinus with contrast", "荧光透视引导下从岩窦取样造影血液", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导从岩窦采集血液" ], "122312009": [ "Blastomyces dermatitidis rRNA assay", "Blastomyces dermatitidis ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "皮炎芽生菌核糖体核糖核酸测定", "皮炎芽生菌 rRNA 检测" ], "5789003": [ "Lysis of adhesions of intestines", "Enterolysis", "肠粘连松解术", "肠溶解症" ], "104093004": [ "Hemogram, automated, with RBC, WBC, Hgb, Hct, Indices, Platelet count, and automated complete WBC differential", "Haemogram, automated, with RBC, WBC, Hgb, Hct, Indices, Platelet count, and automated complete WBC differential", "Hemogram, automated, with red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin, hematocrit, Indices, Platelet count, and automated complete white blood cell differential", "Haemogram, automated, with red blood cells, white blood cells, haemoglobin, haematocrit, Indices, Platelet count, and automated complete white blood cell differential", "自动化血象图,包括红细胞、白细胞、血红蛋白、血细胞比容、指数、血小板计数和自动化全白细胞分类", "自动化血象图,包括红细胞、白细胞、血红蛋白、血细胞比容、指数、血小板计数和自动化完全白细胞分类", "自动化血液图,包括红细胞、白细胞、血红蛋白、血细胞比容、指数、血小板计数和自动化完全白细胞分类", "自动化血液图,包括红细胞、白细胞、血红蛋白、血细胞比容、指数、血小板计数和自动化全白细胞分类" ], "235165007": [ "Partial oesophagectomy and total gastrectomy", "Partial esophagectomy and total gastrectomy", "部分食管切除术和全胃切除术" ], "233330000": [ "Embolization of bronchial artery", "Embolisation of bronchial artery", "支气管动脉栓塞", "支气管动脉栓塞术" ], "413554001": [ "Antinuclear factor IgA level", "Anti-nuclear factor IgA measurement", "Anti-nuclear factor immunoglobulin A measurement", "抗核因子免疫球蛋白 A 测量", "抗核因子 IgA 测量", "抗核因子 IgA 水平" ], "710301009": [ "CT arthrogram of upper limb", "CT arthrography of upper extremity", "CT arthrography of upper limb", "Computed tomography arthrography of joint of upper limb", "上肢关节计算机断层关节造影", "上肢CT关节造影" ], "184178003": [ "Patient self-deregistration", "患者自行注销登记" ], "2119009": [ "Repair of blood vessel", "血管修复" ], "311580007": [ "Speech sounds regime", "语音制度" ], "276977004": [ "Percutaneous venous thrombectomy", "经皮静脉血栓切除术" ], "1260017006": [ "Debridement of sacral pressure ulcer stage 4", "Debridement of pressure injury stage IV of sacral region", "骶部压力性损伤 IV 期清创术", "骶骨压疮 4 期清创术" ], "225990000": [ "Ensuring home equipment available prior to hospital discharge", "确保出院前家用设备可用" ], "78534001": [ "Body fluid replacement", "Fluid replacement", "体液补充", "补液" ], "1290950001": [ "Plain X-ray of pelvis with contrast", "骨盆造影 X 光检查" ], "76699006": [ "Ligamentous reconstruction of knee, intra-articular and extra-articular", "Reconstruction of ligament of knee joint", "膝关节韧带重建,关节内和关节外", "膝关节韧带重建" ], "1303664000": [ "Denervation of right hip joint", "Right hip joint denervation", "右髋关节神经支配", "右髋关节去神经支配" ], "9328000": [ "Excision of lesion of fascia", "筋膜损伤切除术" ], "43931008": [ "Transposition of ureter", "输尿管转位" ], "762992005": [ "Assessment using Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence", "Assessment using FTND (Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence)", "使用 Fagerstrom 测试评估尼古丁依赖性", "使用 FTND(Fagerstrom 尼古丁依赖性测试)进行评估" ], "74864006": [ "Transfer of extensor hallucis longus tendon", "Johanson operation for claw toe", "拇长伸肌腱转移", "约翰逊手术治疗爪形趾" ], "122181002": [ "Bluetongue virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Bluetongue virus antibody", "蓝舌病毒抗体检测", "蓝舌病病毒抗体测定" ], "710170000": [ "Administration of prophylactic treatment", "预防性治疗" ], "1269061009": [ "Simple mastectomy of left breast and prophylactic mastectomy of right breast", "左乳单纯切除术及右乳预防性切除术" ], "415258002": [ "Red cell mean osmotic fragility", "红细胞平均渗透脆性" ], "302405008": [ "Revision of skin flap", "皮瓣修复" ], "236869008": [ "Haemostasis of vaginal vault", "Hemostasis of vaginal vault", "阴道穹窿止血" ], "184047000": [ "Patient registration", "患者登记" ], "54810009": [ "Voiding urethrocystography", "Micturating cystogram", "MCU - Micturating cystogram", "Video cystourethrography", "Cystourethrogram", "Voiding cystourethrogram", "Urethrocystogram", "排尿膀胱造影", "排尿道膀胱造影", "排尿性膀胱尿道造影", "MCU - 排尿膀胱造影", "膀胱尿道造影", "尿道膀胱造影", "视频膀胱尿道造影" ], "315119002": [ "Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption IgM level", "Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption immunoglobulin M level", "荧光梅毒螺旋体抗体吸收IgM水平", "荧光梅毒螺旋体抗体吸收免疫球蛋白M水平" ], "398874009": [ "Focal photocoagulation", "Focal photocoagulation of eye", "眼部局部光凝", "局部光凝" ], "103962009": [ "Antibody screen, rest absorption", "抗体筛查,休息吸收" ], "429807002": [ "Transvaginal Doppler ultrasonography of pelvis", "Transvaginal Doppler ultrasound scan of pelvis", "经阴道盆腔多普勒超声检查", "经阴道多普勒超声检查盆腔" ], "52975008": [ "Drainage of cerebral epidural space by aspiration", "Drainage of cerebral extradural space by aspiration", "脑硬膜外腔穿刺引流" ], "233199008": [ "Closure of ductus arteriosus with clip", "Closure of patent ductus arteriosus", "用夹子封闭动脉导管", "动脉导管未闭闭合" ], "165828002": [ "Widal test", "维达尔试验" ], "231364008": [ "Injection of neurolytic substance to Gasserian ganglion", "Injection of neurolytic substance into trigeminal ganglion", "向半月神经节注射神经溶解物质", "三叉神经节注射神经溶解物质" ], "153001": [ "Cystourethroscopy with resection of ureterocele", "膀胱尿道镜检查及输尿管囊肿切除术" ], "262297000": [ "Induced diuresis", "诱导利尿" ], "276846000": [ "Refilling of implanted drug reservoir", "植入式药物储库的再填充" ], "32921008": [ "Audiogram", "听力图" ], "1179801009": [ "Limited carpal fusion", "Limited fusion of intercarpal joint", "Limited fusion of carpal bones", "腕骨间关节融合受限", "腕骨融合受限" ], "391534002": [ "Serum dothiepin level", "Serum dosulepin level", "血清多硫平水平" ], "719214003": [ "Assessment using Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale fourth edition", "Assessment using Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale fourth edition", "使用斯坦福比奈智力量表第四版进行评估", "使用斯坦福-比奈智力量表第四版进行评估" ], "440686006": [ "Radionuclide imaging of myocardial perfusion with ejection fraction", "心肌灌注和射血分数的放射性核素显像" ], "47470009": [ "Shortening of sclera for repair of retinal detachment", "缩短巩膜以修复视网膜脱离" ], "275011001": [ "Ripstein fixation of rectum using Teflon mesh", "Ripstein fixation of rectum using polytetrafluoroethylene mesh", "使用特氟龙网片进行直肠 Ripstein 固定", "使用聚四氟乙烯网片进行直肠 Ripstein 固定" ], "1145198009": [ "Anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from aorta to diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft from aorta to diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from aorta to diagonal branch of LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "游离右乳内动脉从主动脉至左冠状动脉前降支对角支的吻合", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从主动脉吻合至左冠状动脉前降支 (LAD) 对角支", "冠状动脉搭桥术,利用游离右胸廓内动脉从主动脉移植至左冠状动脉前降支对角支" ], "1290819004": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of external ear", "外耳软组织普通X光检查" ], "305944000": [ "Referral from community pediatrician", "Referral from community paediatrician", "Referral by community pediatrician", "Referral by community paediatrician", "社区儿科医生转诊" ], "699160001": [ "Open reduction of fracture of ulna without internal fixation", "尺骨骨折切开复位不内固定" ], "76568004": [ "Incision and exploration of salivary gland", "唾液腺切开探查" ], "11032004": [ "Reduction of lunate dislocation with manipulation", "Manual reduction of dislocation of perilunate joint", "通过手法复位月骨脱位", "月骨周围关节脱位手法复位" ], "715544005": [ "Transportation by ambulance with assistance of one person", "在一人协助下乘坐救护车" ], "287725001": [ "Open bladder tumour fulguration", "Open bladder tumor fulguration", "Open fulguration of neoplasm of urinary bladder", "开放性膀胱肿瘤电灼术", "膀胱肿瘤开放电灼术", "开放式膀胱肿瘤电灼术" ], "418797005": [ "Fluoroscopic liver cavernography", "Cavernogram", "洞穴图", "荧光肝海绵体造影" ], "304109007": [ "Distant subcutaneous pedicle axial pattern flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction with distant subcutaneous pedicle axial pattern flap", "Reconstruction using distant subcutaneous pedicle axial pattern flap", "远端皮下带蒂轴型皮瓣修复", "远端皮下带蒂轴型皮瓣重建" ], "1303533008": [ "Painting of perineal warts", "会阴疣的绘画" ], "122050008": [ "Mycotoxin identification", "霉菌毒素鉴定" ], "447895002": [ "Removal of tube from pancreas", "胰管拔除" ], "71063003": [ "Excision of excessive skin and subcutaneous tissue of arm", "切除手臂多余的皮肤和皮下组织" ], "120215003": [ "Removal from artery of thorax", "从胸廓动脉移除" ], "21911005": [ "Biopsy of lymph node", "Lymph node biopsy", "淋巴结活检" ], "169367007": [ "Radiotherapy: temporary tongue implant", "放射治疗:临时舌植入" ], "431511008": [ "Myocardial perfusion stress imaging using Thallium 201", "使用铊 201 进行心肌灌注负荷成像" ], "36460001": [ "Open reduction of nasal fracture", "Open reduction of fracture of nasal bone", "鼻骨骨折切开复位", "鼻骨骨折切开复位术" ], "234903009": [ "Destruction of lesion of cheek", "面颊损伤破坏术" ], "103831009": [ "Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 antigen assay", "纤溶酶原激活剂抑制剂 1 型抗原测定" ], "413292001": [ "Assessment for referral", "转介评估" ], "183916004": [ "Private referral to nephrologist", "肾病科医师私人转诊" ], "427841000": [ "Chlorhexidine specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chlorhexidine specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "洗必泰特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "洗必泰特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "233068009": [ "Transluminal right ventricular outflow tract laser operation", "经腔内右心室流出道激光手术" ], "446060009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of scaphoid", "MRI of scaphoid", "舟骨 MRI", "舟骨磁共振成像" ], "51009002": [ "Operation on sympathetic ganglion", "交感神经节手术" ], "444225007": [ "Detection of G20210A mutation in gene of coagulation factor II", "Factor II (prothrombin) G20210A mutation detection", "因子 II(凝血酶原)G20210A 突变检测", "凝血因子Ⅱ基因G20210A突变检测" ], "231233008": [ "Local anesthetic incisive canal nerve block", "Local anaesthetic incisive canal nerve block", "Incisive canal nerve block", "切开式神经管阻滞", "局部麻醉切开式神经管阻滞" ], "1148737009": [ "Debridement of abscess of penis", "阴茎脓肿清创术" ], "442390005": [ "Reconstruction of oral cavity", "口腔重建" ], "229398007": [ "Accessory mobilization of the metatarsophalangeal joints", "Accessory mobilisation of the metatarsophalangeal joints", "跖趾关节的辅助活动" ], "737302009": [ "Counselling related to sexuality", "Counseling related to sexuality", "与性相关的咨询" ], "391403004": [ "Serum glutamic acid level", "血清谷氨酸水平" ], "719083005": [ "Assessment using Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Fifth Edition", "Assessment using CELF-5 (Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Fifth Edition)", "使用临床语言基础评估第五版进行评估", "使用 CELF-5(语言基础临床评估第五版)进行评估" ], "440555005": [ "Open reduction of fracture of sesamoid", "籽骨骨折切开复位" ], "178411007": [ "Frontofacial advancement", "前面部进展" ], "47281000175104": [ "Home infusion therapy", "家庭输液治疗" ], "112875007": [ "Removal of foreign body of rectum by incision", "直肠切开取异物" ], "307648003": [ "Sigmoid colectomy and ileostomy", "乙状结肠切除术和回肠造口术" ], "12736005": [ "Beta lactamase, acidimetric susceptibility test", "β-内酰胺酶酸度敏感性试验" ], "717248006": [ "Colostomy Irrigation assessment", "结肠造口冲洗评估" ], "174741003": [ "Roux-en-Y drainage of pancreatic cyst", "Drainage of cyst of pancreas into transposed jejunum", "胰腺囊肿转置空肠引流术", "胰腺囊肿 Roux-en-Y 引流术" ], "387733004": [ "Needle aspiration of breast", "乳房针吸活检" ], "713578002": [ "Identifying personal goals", "确定个人目标" ], "385898003": [ "Ear care assessment", "Assess ear care", "耳部护理评估", "评估耳部护理" ], "25450006": [ "Stain, acid phosphatase, blood or bone marrow", "染色、酸性磷酸酶、血液或骨髓" ], "172906006": [ "Reconstruction of defect of nasal sinus with microvascular transferred flap", "显微血管转移瓣修复鼻窦缺损" ], "171071003": [ "Advice on foreign travel", "Foreign travel education", "国外旅游教育", "出国旅游建议" ], "72767005": [ "Revision rhinoplasty", "修复鼻整形术" ], "121919006": [ "Ascaris lumbricoides antibody assay", "Measurement of Ascaris lumbricoides antibody", "蛔虫抗体测定", "蛔虫抗体检测" ], "416831007": [ "Trabeculectomy with beta-irradiation", "Trabeculectomy with beta irradiation", "Trabeculectomy with beta radiation", "β射线照射联合小梁切除术", "联合β射线照射的小梁切除术" ], "447764000": [ "Excision of arteriovenous malformation", "动静脉畸形切除术" ], "120084000": [ "Nerve transposition", "神经移位" ], "433215005": [ "Administration of drug or medicament by intravenous push", "通过静脉推注药物或药剂" ], "103700007": [ "Patient referral to massage therapist", "患者转介给按摩治疗师" ], "232937000": [ "Excision of vegetations from truncal valve", "切除躯干瓣膜上的赘生物" ], "234772007": [ "Take impression for dental implant", "Take impression for oral surgery implant template", "取模用于种植牙", "取模用于口腔外科种植模板" ], "265705007": [ "Reduction of fracture of mandible", "Reduction of fracture of jaw", "下颌骨骨折复位", "颌骨骨折复位" ], "69097007": [ "Delayed hypersensitivity skin test for Candida albicans", "Candida skin test", "白色念珠菌迟发型超敏反应皮肤试验", "念珠菌皮肤试验" ], "83646004": [ "Destructive procedure on pituitary gland", "Pituitary ablation", "Ablation of pituitary gland", "Destruction of pituitary gland", "脑垂体受损", "垂体消融术", "垂体破坏性手术" ], "231102004": [ "Electrical stimulation of acupuncture needle", "针灸针的电刺激" ], "165566005": [ "Whole blood clotting time", "Whole blood clotting time procedure", "WBCT - Whole blood clotting time", "全血凝血时间测定程序", "WBCT-- 全血凝血时间", "全血凝固时间" ], "17901000087101": [ "Computed tomography angiography of left lower limb with contrast", "CT angiography of left lower extremity with contrast", "CT angiography of left lower limb with contrast", "CT angiography of left leg with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of left lower extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of left leg with contrast", "左腿增强计算机断层血管造影", "左腿增强 CT 血管造影", "左下肢增强 CT 血管造影" ], "1261000087103": [ "Ultrasonography of left thumb", "Ultrasound of left thumb", "Ultrasound scan of left thumb", "左手拇指超声波扫描", "左手拇指超声检查" ], "47208000": [ "Repair of omentum", "大网膜修复" ], "440424001": [ "Removal of halo device of femur", "股骨环装置移除术" ], "5101000087105": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of both shoulders", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of left and right shoulder", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of joint of bilateral shoulder regions", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of bilateral shoulders", "双侧肩关节X线透视关节造影", "双肩透视关节造影", "双肩荧光透视关节造影", "左、右肩关节X线透视造影" ], "229267008": [ "Active foot movements", "主动的足部运动" ], "702568004": [ "Fluoroscopy of abdomen with contrast", "腹部造影透视检查" ], "15341000087108": [ "CT of bilateral scaphoids", "Computed tomography of bilateral scaphoids", "Computed tomography of both scaphoids", "Computed tomography of left and right scaphoid", "双侧舟骨 CT", "双侧舟骨计算机断层扫描", "左、右舟骨的计算机断层扫描", "双侧舟骨的计算机断层扫描" ], "3821000087108": [ "Plain X-ray of left wrist", "左手腕的普通 X 光检查" ], "12605005": [ "Incision of retroperitoneum", "腹膜后切开术" ], "1290557007": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of forearm", "前臂骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "438589007": [ "Clarifying feelings", "Clarification of emotion", "澄清感受", "澄清情绪" ], "715282001": [ "Combined healthy eating and physical education program", "Combined healthy eating and physical education programme", "健康饮食与体育相结合的计划" ], "76306004": [ "Nalorphine measurement", "纳洛啡测量" ], "271079000": [ "3 day faecal fat estimation", "3 day fecal fat estimation", "3 天粪便脂肪估算" ], "172775003": [ "Nasal prosthesis operation", "鼻假体手术" ], "238311003": [ "Peritoneal ovum and sperm transfer", "Peritoneal ovum and spermatozoa transfer", "POST - peritoneal ovum and sperm transfer", "腹膜后卵子和精子移植", "腹膜卵子和精子移植" ], "385767005": [ "Meals on wheels provision education", "Teach meals-on-wheels", "流动餐食提供教育", "教授流动餐食" ], "303847009": [ "Lower limb angiography", "Angiography of blood vessel of lower limb", "Angiography of blood vessel of lower extremity", "Angiography of blood vessel of leg", "腿部血管造影", "下肢血管造影" ], "746215009": [ "Laparoscopic repair of left inguinal hernia using surgical mesh", "腹腔镜下应用手术网片修补左腹股沟疝" ], "39868003": [ "Inspection of mouth", "Examination of mouth", "口腔检查" ], "105404004": [ "Administration by chaplain of last rites to dying patient", "牧师为临终病人执行临终仪式" ], "252860002": [ "Stereotests - Reinecke", "立体声测试 - Reinecke" ], "1285052006": [ "Insertion of dental bridge onto tooth", "将牙桥插入牙齿上" ], "1186748006": [ "Assist control ventilation pressure-control inflation-type and assured constant airway pressure adjunct", "辅助控制通气压力控制充气型和保证恒定气道压力辅助装置" ], "121788001": [ "Hexacarboxylate measurement", "六羧酸盐测量" ], "782671000000103": [ "Multidisciplinary care management", "多学科护理管理" ], "711612008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of humerus with contrast", "MRI of humerus with contrast", "肱骨增强磁共振成像" ], "185489005": [ "In-house ENT", "院内耳鼻喉科" ], "119953007": [ "Adenoid incision", "腺样体切开术" ], "431249008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of breast implant", "Magnetic resonance imaging of breast implant", "MRI of breast implant", "乳房植入物的磁共振成像", "乳房植入物的 MRI", "乳房植入物的磁共振成像(MRI)" ], "232806001": [ "Decalcification of tricuspid valve", "三尖瓣脱钙" ], "609638001": [ "Operation on pelvic region of trunk", "躯干骨盆区手术" ], "68966003": [ "Intubation AND aspiration", "插管和抽吸" ], "413030003": [ "CD5/19 dual positive", "CD5 and CD19 dual positive count", "CD5/19 双阳性", "CD5 和 CD19 双阳性计数" ], "265574005": [ "Vaginal buttressing of urethra", "Vaginal buttress operation", "阴道支撑手术", "阴道尿道支撑" ], "445798005": [ "Assessment using Rivermead perceptual assessment battery", "使用 Rivermead 感知评估电池进行评估" ], "118118006": [ "Microbial antigen assay", "微生物抗原测定" ], "230971002": [ "Local anesthetic cranial nerve block", "Injection of local anaesthetic agent into cranial nerve", "Cranial nerve block", "Injection of local anesthetic agent into cranial nerve", "Local anaesthetic cranial nerve block", "脑神经阻滞", "局部麻醉脑神经阻滞", "将局部麻醉剂注射到脑神经" ], "48912000": [ "Excision of carpals and metacarpals for graft", "切除腕骨和掌骨进行移植" ], "722491009": [ "R-CHOP chemotherapy regimen", "Rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincristine and prednisone chemotherapy regimen", "R-CHOP chemotherapy protocol", "利妥昔单抗、环磷酰胺、阿霉素、长春新碱和泼尼松化疗方案", "R-CHOP化疗方案" ], "425744001": [ "Provision of bedside sitter", "提供床边看护人员" ], "229136001": [ "Nose wrinkling exercises", "鼻子皱纹练习" ], "442128000": [ "Renewal of prosthesis of breast", "乳房假体更新" ], "312891008": [ "Pregnancy-related examination", "妊娠相关检查" ], "243685008": [ "Bronchoscopy with transbronchial lung biopsy", "支气管镜检查及经支气管肺活检" ], "307386001": [ "Primary reduction of fracture of long bone and fixation using Ellis plate", "长骨骨折一期复位及Ellis钢板固定" ], "372922005": [ "Assessment of knowledge of phases of wound healing", "伤口愈合阶段知识评估" ], "405690009": [ "Placing handcuffs for legal restraint", "戴上手铐进行法律约束" ], "1255823003": [ "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - Minced and Moist Level 5 food", "IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) Framework - Minced & Moist Level 5 food", "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - MM5 (Minced & Moist Level 5) food", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - 切碎和湿润 5 级食物", "IDDSI(国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议)框架 - 碎肉和湿润 5 级食物", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - MM5(碎肉和湿润 5 级)食物" ], "238180002": [ "Reduction of silo over congenital umbilical defect", "减少先天性脐带缺陷" ], "287332008": [ "Cardioplasty", "Repair of cardia of stomach", "胃贲门修复术", "心脏成形术" ], "56121000": [ "Repair of arteriovenous fistula by coagulation", "动静脉瘘的电凝修复" ], "926308008": [ "Implantation of neurostimulator device of spinal cord", "Implantation of spinal cord neuropacemaker", "脊髓神经起搏器植入术", "脊髓神经刺激器装置植入术" ], "432953000": [ "Fluoroscopy of heart for checking of cardiac pacemaker electrode position", "心脏荧光透视检查心脏起搏器电极位置" ], "236345003": [ "Injection sclerotherapy of spermatocele", "精子囊肿注射硬化治疗" ], "252729006": [ "Sleep EEG - drug-induced sleep", "Sleep electroencephalogram - drug-induced sleep", "睡眠脑电图 - 药物引起的睡眠", "睡眠脑电图-药物引起的睡眠" ], "1137465007": [ "Increased galactose diet", "增加半乳糖饮食" ], "121657008": [ "Plutonium measurement", "钚测量" ], "709646001": [ "Biopsy of lower limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of lower limb", "Ultrasound guided biopsy of lower extremity", "Ultrasound guided biopsy of lower limb", "超声引导下肢活检" ], "105273006": [ "Orphenadrine measurement", "奥芬那君测量" ], "301881006": [ "Arterial clamp procedures", "动脉钳夹手术" ], "170809008": [ "Endocrine disorder monitoring", "内分泌失调监测" ], "168974001": [ "Operative abdominal venogram", "手术腹部静脉造影" ], "1217550004": [ "Injection of drug or medicament into tendon", "将药物或药剂注射入肌腱" ], "707811000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of peripheral stent into artery", "Endovascular insertion of peripheral artery stent", "外周动脉支架的血管内插入", "经皮腔内动脉置入外周支架" ], "232675003": [ "Oral intubation awake", "口腔插管清醒" ], "183523005": [ "Referral to gastroenterology service", "Gastroenterological referral", "胃肠科转诊", "转诊至胃肠科服务" ], "429283006": [ "Mechanically assisted chest compression", "机械辅助胸外按压" ], "117987007": [ "Proteinase 3 antibody assay", "Measurement of proteinase 3 antibody", "蛋白酶 3 抗体测量", "蛋白酶 3 抗体测定" ], "36067008": [ "Calcium excretion, 2-hour collection, fasting, urine", "钙排泄,2 小时收集,空腹,尿液" ], "412899009": [ "Serum protein profile", "血清蛋白谱" ], "443832001": [ "Quantitative measurement of IgG in serum specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of immunoglobulin G in serum specimen", "血清标本中 IgG 定量测定", "血清标本中免疫球蛋白G质量浓度的定量测定" ], "83384003": [ "Division of varicose vein of upper limb", "Varicotomy of peripheral veins of upper limb", "上肢静脉曲张的分型", "上肢周围静脉曲张切除术" ], "116152004": [ "Spiral computed tomography scan", "Spiral CT scan", "螺旋 CT 扫描", "螺旋计算机断层扫描" ], "230840005": [ "Focal excision of brain cyst", "脑囊肿局部切除术" ], "1230264007": [ "Disinfection of infectious excretion", "Disinfecting body excretion", "Disinfection of infectious excretion of body fluid", "消毒身体排泄物", "感染性体液排泄物的消毒", "感染性排泄物的消毒" ], "661061000124106": [ "Education about vocational education programme", "Education about vocational education program", "职业教育计划教育" ], "437061000124108": [ "Decreased insoluble fibre diet", "Decreased insoluble fiber diet", "减少不溶性纤维饮食" ], "435781000124109": [ "Mineral modified diet", "矿物质改良饮食" ], "179853009": [ "Microvascular transfer of joint", "关节微血管移植" ], "30562002": [ "Ligation of gastric artery", "Gastric vasoligation", "胃动脉结扎", "胃血管结扎术" ], "866146005": [ "Serum metabolic panel", "血清代谢组" ], "225335001": [ "Fire risk assessment", "火灾风险评估" ], "782391003": [ "Revision of decompressive excision of lamina of lumbar vertebra", "腰椎椎板切除减压术修复" ], "241719007": [ "Patient eye protection", "患者眼睛保护" ], "1255692001": [ "Central venous catheter injection", "中心静脉导管注射" ], "26892002": [ "Making anesthesia bed", "Making anaesthesia bed", "准备麻醉床" ], "420108003": [ "Fluoroscopy of bowel", "肠道荧光检查" ], "305420007": [ "Admission to general gastrointestinal surgery department", "入住普通胃肠外科" ], "303585000": [ "Transsphincteric biopsy of rectum", "直肠经括约肌活检" ], "713185007": [ "Ossiculoplasty with total ossicular replacement prosthesis", "听小骨成形术及全听小骨置换假体" ], "8673009": [ "Incision and drainage of buccal space", "颊腔切开引流" ], "121526002": [ "Desmethyltrimipramine measurement", "去甲曲米帕明测量" ], "236214004": [ "Primary closure of bladder exstrophy", "Primary closure of exstrophy of urinary bladder", "膀胱外翻一期缝合术", "膀胱外翻的初次缝合" ], "105142004": [ "Codeine measurement", "可待因测量" ], "398219000": [ "Change of percutaneous biliary drainage catheter", "经皮胆道引流导管的更换" ], "758667000": [ "Transsphenoidal closure of cerebrospinal fluid fistula", "经蝶窦脑脊液瘘封堵术" ], "252598008": [ "Delayed auditory feedback test", "DAF - Delayed auditory feedback test", "DAF - 延迟听觉反馈测试", "延迟听觉反馈测试" ], "168843004": [ "BA - Barium enema via colostomy", "Colostomy enema", "结肠造口灌肠", "BA - 经结肠造口术进行钡灌肠" ], "709515006": [ "Assessment of risk for transfer injury", "转移性损伤风险评估" ], "119691009": [ "Foot reconstruction", "足部重建" ], "232544002": [ "Near-total laryngectomy", "近全喉切除术" ], "85088006": [ "Carotid-carotid bypass graft with vein", "Bypass of carotid artery to carotid artery using vein graft", "带静脉的颈动脉-颈动脉旁路移植术", "使用静脉移植将颈动脉旁路移植至颈动脉" ], "117856006": [ "Avian infectious laryngotracheitis virus antigen assay", "禽传染性喉气管炎病毒抗原检测" ], "312629000": [ "Provision of support as Makaton user", "为 Makaton 用户提供支持" ], "134240009": [ "Rickettsial IgG level", "Rickettsial immunoglobulin G level", "立克次体 IgG 水平", "立克次体免疫球蛋白G水平" ], "445536008": [ "Assessment using assessment scale", "使用评估量表进行评估" ], "1230133004": [ "Disinfection of room", "房间消毒" ], "443701005": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography using technetium (99m-Tc) sulesomab", "SPECT CT using technetium (99m-Tc) sulesomab", "使用锝 (99m-Tc) sulesomab 的 SPECT CT", "使用锝(99m-Tc)苏莱索马单抗进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "165173007": [ "Hypnosis for diagnosis", "催眠诊断" ], "359946000": [ "Repair of current obstetric laceration of rectum and sphincter ani", "当前产科直肠及肛门括约肌裂伤的修复" ], "441866001": [ "Revision of reverse polarity total prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint not using cement", "不使用骨水泥的反极性全肩关节假体置换术" ], "736778002": [ "Reconstruction of breast using myocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis", "吻合显微血管的肌皮瓣乳房重建术" ], "227039004": [ "Chondrectomy of joint", "Excision of cartilage of joint", "关节软骨切除术", "关节软骨切除" ], "276191006": [ "Biopsy of chest wall", "胸壁活检" ], "77748000": [ "Reline of complete upper denture at laboratory", "在实验室对上全口义齿进行重衬" ], "79583008": [ "Intubation for gastric decompression", "插管胃减压" ], "405428004": [ "Removal of catheter from external jugular vein", "从颈外静脉拔除导管" ], "176052004": [ "Nephroscopic removal of ureteric calculus", "Antegrade extraction of ureteric calculus", "输尿管结石顺行摘除术", "肾镜输尿管结石取出术" ], "370825001": [ "Implementation of protective measures to prevent injury due to laser sources", "Implements protective measures to prevent injury due to laser sources", "采取防护措施防止激光源造成伤害", "采取保护措施,防止激光源造成伤害" ], "274356009": [ "Surgical biopsy of biliary system", "胆道系统手术活检" ], "174217002": [ "Endoscopic insertion of tubal prosthesis into sigmoid colon using rigid sigmoidoscope", "使用硬式乙状结肠镜在内镜下将输卵管假体插入乙状结肠" ], "241588009": [ "CT arthrogram of ankle", "Computed tomography arthrogram of ankle", "踝关节 CT 造影", "踝关节计算机断层扫描" ], "43145003": [ "Abdominal aortography, positive contrast", "腹主动脉造影,阳性对比剂" ], "305289007": [ "Admission by psychogeriatrician", "Admission by psychiatrist for the elderly mentally ill", "Admission by old age psychiatrist", "精神科医生接纳患有精神病的老年人", "老年精神科医生的入院", "老年精神科医生入院" ], "698505007": [ "Counseling for trauma", "Counselling for trauma", "Trauma counselling", "Trauma counseling", "创伤咨询" ], "303454006": [ "Endoscopic suburethral injection of collagen in female", "女性内镜尿道下注射胶原蛋白" ], "432691003": [ "Embolization using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Embolisation using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopic guidance for embolisation with contrast", "Fluoroscopic guidance for embolization with contrast", "使用荧光造影剂引导进行栓塞", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导进行栓塞", "荧光透视引导下进行造影剂栓塞" ], "105011006": [ "Blood urea nitrogen measurement", "BUN measurement", "尿素氮 (BUN) 测量", "血尿素氮测量" ], "121395008": [ "Nalidixate measurement", "萘啶酸测定" ], "252467008": [ "Radionuclide limb blood flow assessment", "Isotope limb blood flow assessment", "同位素肢体血流评估", "放射性核素肢体血流评估" ], "16523911000119105": [ "Needle puncture and aspiration of abscess of neck using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided needle puncture and aspiration of abscess of neck", "Percutaneous needle puncture and aspiration of abscess of neck using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行颈部脓肿针穿刺抽吸", "计算机断层扫描引导下经皮颈部脓肿穿刺抽吸", "CT引导下颈部脓肿穿刺抽吸" ], "86792003": [ "Incision and exploration of uterus", "子宫切开探查" ], "234248001": [ "Lateral lymph nodes neck dissection", "侧颈淋巴结清扫术" ], "16534151000119105": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of liver", "SPECT CT of liver", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和肝脏计算机断层扫描", "肝脏 SPECT CT" ], "119560006": [ "Urinary diversion procedure", "Urinary diversion", "尿流改道", "尿流改道手术" ], "398088007": [ "Laser treatment of oesophageal lesion", "Laser treatment of esophageal lesion", "食管病变激光治疗", "食管病变的激光治疗" ], "68573000": [ "Excision of tumor of upper arm, deep, subfascial", "Excision of tumour of upper arm, deep, subfascial", "上臂深部筋膜下肿瘤切除术" ], "117725006": [ "Detection of bacteria", "细菌检测" ], "312498005": [ "Popliteal venography", "腘静脉造影" ], "408967003": [ "Contraception care assessment", "Assess contraception care", "避孕护理评估", "评估避孕护理" ], "359815003": [ "Mixed antiglobulin test for sperm", "Mixed antiglobulin test for spermatozoa", "精子混合抗球蛋白试验" ], "261511004": [ "Conversion from arthrodesis", "关节融合术" ], "736647007": [ "Prophylactic extraction of permanent tooth", "Prophylactic dental extraction of permanent tooth", "预防性拔除恒牙" ], "276060002": [ "Reduction of fracture of carpal and metacarpal with internal fixation", "腕骨、掌骨骨折复位内固定" ], "439900008": [ "Qualitative measurement of myoglobin in urine", "尿液中肌红蛋白的定性测量" ], "257841000": [ "External fixation using dynamic unilateral bar", "动力单侧杆外固定" ], "306993002": [ "Aortic aneurysm magnetic resonance imaging", "Aortic aneurysm vascular magnetic resonance imaging", "Magnetic resonance imaging of aortic aneurysm", "MRI of aortic aneurysm", "主动脉瘤的磁共振成像", "主动脉瘤血管磁共振成像", "主动脉瘤的 MRI", "主动脉瘤磁共振成像" ], "405297004": [ "Femoro-posterior tibial graft for repair of aneurysm using prosthesis", "股骨后胫骨移植用于修复动脉瘤的假体" ], "175921008": [ "Open removal or destruction of renal lesion", "Open removal of lesion of kidney", "肾脏病变切除术", "开放性切除或破坏肾脏病变" ], "239622001": [ "Removal of external fixator pin", "拆除外固定针" ], "241457008": [ "US scan of parotid gland", "Ultrasound scan of parotid gland", "腮腺超声扫描" ], "225073008": [ "Giving mouth wash", "漱口" ], "174086005": [ "Transverse colectomy and end-to-end anastomosis", "横向结肠切除术和端端吻合术" ], "450779000": [ "Uncemented total replacement of joint", "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of joint not using cement", "Uncemented prosthetic total arthroplasty of joint", "不使用骨水泥的人工全关节置换术", "非骨水泥假体全关节置换术", "非骨水泥全关节置换术" ], "57563001": [ "Superficial incision and drainage of penis", "阴茎浅表切开引流术" ], "73947002": [ "Circulation time, two or more test materials", "循环时间,两个或多个测试材料" ], "11661000202104": [ "Assessment of hearing aid use", "助听器使用评估" ], "8411005": [ "Interactive individual medical psychotherapy", "互动式个人医疗心理治疗" ], "448944002": [ "Fusion of thoracolumbar region of spine by posterior approach", "后入路胸腰椎融合术" ], "22960002": [ "Incision of fascial compartments of neck", "颈部筋膜区切开术" ], "121264004": [ "Dicarboxylporphyrin measurement", "二羧基卟啉测量" ], "252336005": [ "Cell marker analysis", "细胞标志物分析" ], "1153456006": [ "Auscultation of abdomen", "腹部听诊" ], "285104007": [ "Reline of denture at laboratory", "在实验室重新衬托假牙" ], "250501001": [ "Semen fertility", "Evaluation of semen fertility", "精液生育力", "精液生育力评估" ], "1217157006": [ "Anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery to second diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to second diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to second diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 与左冠状动脉前降支第二对角支的吻合", "左胸廓内动脉与左冠状动脉前降支第二对角支吻合术", "左胸内动脉 (LITA) 与左冠状动脉前降支第二对角支吻合" ], "397957008": [ "Mechanical assistance to circulation to increase oxygen delivery", "Oxygen delivery increased by mechanical assistance to circulation", "机械辅助循环以增加氧气输送", "通过机械辅助循环增加氧气输送" ], "52058000": [ "Anesthesia for disarticulation at knee", "Anaesthesia for disarticulation at knee", "膝关节脱位术麻醉" ], "68442002": [ "Implantation of prosthesis or prosthetic device of wrist joint", "Interposition arthroplasty of the wrist", "Implantation of joint prosthesis of wrist", "Implantation of joint prosthesis into wrist joint", "腕关节假体或假肢装置植入", "腕关节植入关节假体", "腕关节置换术", "腕关节假体植入术" ], "314202001": [ "Endoscopic resection of prostate using an electrotome", "TURP using an electrotome", "使用电刀进行 TURP", "使用电切刀进行内镜前列腺切除术" ], "117594001": [ "Human leukocyte antigen A, B, AND Bw antigen phenotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen A, B, AND Bw antigen phenotyping", "HLA (Human leukocyte antigen) A, B, AND Bw phenotyping", "HLA (Human leucocyte antigen) A, B, AND Bw phenotyping", "HLA(人类白细胞抗原)A、B 和 Bw 表型", "人类白细胞抗原 A、B 和 Bw 抗原表型" ], "609114004": [ "Microscopic examination of cell block of specimen from kidney", "肾脏标本细胞块的显微镜检查" ], "183130005": [ "Physiological visual assistance", "生理视觉辅助" ], "50223000": [ "Allogeneic transplantation", "Homotransplantation", "同种异体移植" ], "66607001": [ "Midtarsal arthrodesis, transverse, with osteotomy as for flatfoot correction", "横向中跗骨融合术,结合截骨术矫正扁平足" ], "1071001": [ "Proximal splenorenal anastomosis", "Proximal splenorenal shunt", "Central splenorenal shunt", "近端脾肾吻合术", "近端脾肾分流术", "中央脾肾分流术" ], "785668001": [ "Urine substance metabolite screening test", "尿液物质代谢物筛查试验" ], "392452003": [ "Swine serum albumin specific IgE antibody measurement", "Re222 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Swine serum albumin specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "猪血清白蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定", "猪血清白蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Re222 特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "64772004": [ "Excision of lesion of mesentery", "肠系膜病变切除术" ], "179460006": [ "Arthrodesis of first metatarsophalangeal joint", "Arthrodesis of metatarsophalangeal joint of great toe", "第一跖趾关节融合术", "大脚趾跖趾关节融合术" ], "277764006": [ "Fusion of posterior lumbar spine", "Posterior fusion of lumbar spine", "腰椎后路融合术" ], "359684008": [ "Simple mastoidectomy, complete", "单纯乳突切除术,完整" ], "439769001": [ "Cervical laminectomy and excision of intradural spinal lesion", "Excision of lamina of cervical vertebra and excision of intradural spinal lesion", "颈椎椎板切除及硬膜内病变切除", "颈椎椎板切除术及硬膜内脊髓病变切除术" ], "243161004": [ "Positive end expiratory pressure increased", "PEEP (positive end expiratory pressure) increased", "PEEP(呼气末正压)升高", "呼气末正压升高" ], "62937006": [ "Feeding enterostomy", "Feeding jejunostomy", "Feeding enterostomy of jejunum", "Insertion of feeding jejunostomy", "Creation of feeding jejunostomy", "建立喂养空肠造口术", "喂养肠造口术", "喂养空肠造口术", "空肠喂养造口术", "插入喂养空肠造口术" ], "1144281006": [ "Fitting of complete upper denture", "安装全口上颌假牙" ], "13785006": [ "Mucogingival surgery, per quadrant", "牙龈黏膜手术,按象限" ], "79321009": [ "Application of splint", "Splinting", "夹板", "夹板的应用" ], "306862004": [ "Discharge from dance therapy service", "退出舞蹈治疗服务" ], "239491006": [ "Prosthetic arthroplasty of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger", "Arthroplasty of metacarpophalangeal joint with implantation of joint prosthesis", "掌指关节置换术及关节假体植入术", "手指掌指关节假体置换术" ], "763779006": [ "Increasing drug dose", "Increasing dosage of medication", "增加药物剂量" ], "172120000": [ "Open capsulotomy of breast", "乳房开放囊切开术" ], "173955008": [ "Open destruction of lesion of ileum", "回肠损伤开放性毁损术" ], "712792002": [ "CT of pelvis and hip", "Computed tomography of pelvis and hip", "骨盆和髋部计算机断层扫描", "骨盆和髋部 CT" ], "270424005": [ "Letter encounter from patient", "病人来信" ], "450648008": [ "Open embolectomy of suprarenal artery", "肾上动脉开放取栓术" ], "22829001": [ "Repair of vesicoperineal fistula", "膀胱会阴瘘的修补" ], "252205000": [ "Hypotonic saline infusion test", "低渗盐水输注试验" ], "88365004": [ "Lumbosacral myelography", "Lumbar radiculogram", "Lumbar radiculography", "Lumbar myelogram", "Lumbosacral myelogram", "腰椎神经根造影", "腰椎脊髓造影", "腰骶脊髓造影" ], "432429004": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of mesenteric vein using contrast with insertion of stent", "肠系膜静脉造影及支架置入术" ], "104749007": [ "Indole measurement", "吲哚测量" ], "710957008": [ "Assessment of inhalation technique", "吸入技术的评估" ], "250370000": [ "Lupus antibody activity measurement", "Lupus antibody activity", "Lupus inhibitor activity", "狼疮抑制剂活性", "狼疮抗体活性测量", "狼疮抗体活性" ], "168450005": [ "Forensic examination", "法医检查" ], "266754006": [ "Referral for physiology investigation", "转诊进行生理学检查" ], "182999000": [ "Nursing supervision", "护理督导" ], "314071004": [ "Biochemical screening test", "生化筛选试验" ], "232151004": [ "External auditory canal operation", "外耳道手术" ], "428759006": [ "Closure of multiple ventricular septal defects", "多发性室间隔缺损的封堵" ], "68311008": [ "Interferon assay", "IFN assay", "干扰素检测" ], "1264343009": [ "Insertion of maxillary obturator with cobalt chromium framework", "上颌骨填充器与钴铬支架的植入" ], "443308002": [ "Measurement of haptoglobin", "结合珠蛋白的测量" ], "410540005": [ "Delivery length of stay booking", "入住天数预订" ], "164780005": [ "Jugular vein catheterization", "Jugular vein catheterisation", "颈静脉插管" ], "787372006": [ "Preparation of large slide from specimen", "标本大载玻片的制备" ], "17324008": [ "Wedge osteotomy of vertebra", "椎骨楔形截骨术" ], "310401004": [ "Packing for postoperative bleeding from tonsillar bed", "术后扁桃体床出血填塞" ], "30038001": [ "Ureteropyelostomy", "输尿管肾盂造口术" ], "62806005": [ "Incision of artery of lower limb", "Angiotomy of lower limb artery", "Arteriotomy of lower limb", "下肢动脉切开术" ], "406870008": [ "Insoluble berlin blue stain method", "Insoluble berlin blue stain", "不溶性柏林蓝染色", "不溶性柏林蓝染色法" ], "241195005": [ "Epidurography", "Epidurogram", "硬膜外造影" ], "11819005": [ "Ocular thermography", "Eye thermography", "眼部热成像" ], "306731007": [ "Admission by general dental surgeon", "普通牙科医生入院" ], "372267008": [ "Biopsy of extrahepatic bile duct", "肝外胆管活检" ], "239360001": [ "Total prosthetic replacement of lunate", "月骨全假体置换术" ], "108288002": [ "Ultrasound procedure on topographic region", "Regional ultrasound studies", "区域超声研究", "地形区域超声检查" ], "388651005": [ "f79 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Gluten specific IgE antibody measurement", "Gluten specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f79 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "麸质特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "麸质特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "337664005": [ "Reduction of simple fracture", "单纯骨折复位" ], "171989004": [ "Biopsy of lesion of thyroid gland", "甲状腺病变活检" ], "450517005": [ "Photodestruction of lesion of skin of neck", "颈部皮肤损伤光破坏术" ], "104618005": [ "Cyclic adenosine monophosphate/creatinine ratio measurement", "环磷酸腺苷/肌酐比率测量" ], "88234006": [ "Removal of implant of lens", "Removal of prosthesis of lens", "Removal of pseudophakos", "Removal of intraocular lens", "Removal of IOL", "取出植入的晶状体", "摘除人工晶状体", "摘除晶状体假体", "去除假晶状体" ], "710826007": [ "Education about adaptation techniques for sensory deficit", "感觉障碍适应技术教育" ], "708991001": [ "Non-operative removal of device from abdomen", "非手术从腹部取出装置" ], "446847002": [ "Drainage of pleural cavity via chest tube", "经胸管引流胸腔" ], "70015005": [ "Incision of space of Retzius", "雷齐乌斯间隙切开术" ], "2644002": [ "Cauterization of liver", "Cauterisation of liver", "肝脏烧灼" ], "281172002": [ "Repair of maxillofacial prosthesis", "颌面假体修复" ], "313940004": [ "Skeletal antibody measurement", "Skeletal antibody level", "骨骼抗体水平", "骨骼抗体测量" ], "51796005": [ "Intramedullary nailing of tibia", "胫骨髓内钉" ], "117332004": [ "Dieterle silver impregnation stain method", "Dieterle silver stain", "Dieterle stain", "Dieterle silver impregnation stain", "Dieterle's stain", "迪特勒银浸渍染色法", "Dieterle 银浸渍染色剂", "Dieterle 银染色", "迪特尔染色", "迪特尔氏染色" ], "361257000": [ "Clam cystoplasty", "蛤形膀胱成形术" ], "19028008": [ "Removal of internal fixation device from humerus", "肱骨内固定装置拆除" ], "410409001": [ "Rest/sleep surveillance", "休息/睡眠监测" ], "64510001": [ "Quantitative photoplethysmography, hollow organ", "定量光电容积描记法,空腔器官" ], "719870008": [ "Mandibular oblique lateral occlusal plain X-ray", "Lower oblique lateral occlusal plain X-ray", "Oblique occlusal plain X-ray of lateral mandibular region", "下颌斜侧位咬合平面X线片", "下斜侧位咬合平面X线片", "下颌外侧斜咬合平面X光片" ], "79059008": [ "Construction of intermarginal adhesions with transposition of tarsal plate", "睑板移位缘间粘连修复术" ], "308435009": [ "Referral to practice nurse", "Refer to practice nurse", "转介至执业护士", "转介执业护士" ], "306600007": [ "Discharge from community paediatric service", "Discharge from community pediatric service", "社区儿科服务出院" ], "11688007": [ "Implant of inert material into nose", "将惰性材料植入鼻腔" ], "239229003": [ "Excision of lesion of bursa", "滑囊病变切除术" ], "419453004": [ "US scan venography of upper limbs", "Ultrasound scan venography of upper limbs", "上肢超声扫描静脉造影" ], "75389003": [ "Pancreaticocystogastrostomy", "Transgastric drainage of pancreatic collection", "Pancreatic cystogastrostomy", "Cystogastrostomy of pancreas", "胰腺囊胃造口术", "胰液积聚经胃引流", "胰腺膀胱胃吻合术" ], "42621009": [ "Revision of spinal subarachnoid-peritoneal shunt", "Revision of spinal subarachnoid-peritoneal anastomosis", "脊髓蛛网膜下腔-腹腔分流术的修订", "脊髓蛛网膜下腔-腹膜吻合术的修订" ], "73554003": [ "Cardioplasty of stomach and esophagus", "Esophagogastroplasty", "Oesophagogastroplasty", "Cardioplasty of stomach and oesophagus", "食管胃成形术", "胃及食道贲门成形术" ], "237394008": [ "Excision of areola", "乳晕切除" ], "57170009": [ "Audiologic function test with medical evaluation", "听力功能测试与医学评估" ], "235559001": [ "Removal of biliary anastomosis prosthesis", "胆道吻合口假体移除术" ], "104487000": [ "Alcohol dehydrogenase measurement", "乙醇脱氢酶测定" ], "446716004": [ "Cystoscopic laser photocoagulation of hemorrhage of urinary bladder", "Cystoscopic laser photocoagulation of haemorrhage of urinary bladder", "膀胱镜下激光光凝治疗膀胱出血" ], "4348005": [ "Musculoplasty of hand", "Myoplasty of hand", "手部肌成形术", "手部肌肉成形术" ], "708860008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of superior vena cava", "经皮上腔静脉血管成形术" ], "315644009": [ "Attention to laryngeal prosthetic device", "注意喉假体装置" ], "362961001": [ "Procedure by intent", "按意图进行的程序" ], "1231313003": [ "Sialendoscopic removal of calculus from salivary gland", "Sialendoscopic removal of stone from salivary gland", "涎腺内镜取石术" ], "1149393001": [ "Perioperative positioning", "围手术期体位" ], "313809007": [ "30 minute plasma cortisol measurement", "30 minute plasma cortisol level", "30 分钟血浆皮质醇水平", "30 分钟血浆皮质醇测量" ], "248273008": [ "Aspiration curettage of uterus after delivery", "产后子宫吸刮术" ], "428497007": [ "Insertion of therapeutic contact lens into cornea", "将治疗性隐形眼镜置入角膜" ], "33446006": [ "Excision of lesion of joint", "Local excision of lesion of joint", "关节病变切除", "关节病变局部切除" ], "410278008": [ "Cardiac care teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Cardiac care teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Cardiac care education, guidance, and counseling", "Cardiac care education, guidance, and counselling", "心脏护理教育、指导和咨询", "心脏护理教学、指导和咨询" ], "1260411001": [ "Continuous flow apneic ventilation", "Continuous flow apnoeic ventilation", "Continuous flow ventilation", "持续流量呼吸暂停通气", "持续流量窒息通气", "持续流通气" ], "179067004": [ "Revision to open reduction and internal fixation of proximal femoral fracture with screw/nail and plate device", "股骨近端骨折切开复位内固定术(螺钉/钉和钢板装置)" ], "1293179006": [ "Plain X-ray of anterior abdominal wall", "腹前壁 X 光检查" ], "441211007": [ "Suture of common plantar digital nerve of foot", "足底总指神经缝合术" ], "13392003": [ "Transplantation of larynx", "喉移植" ], "373840003": [ "Ovarian ablation by luteinising hormone releasing hormone analogue", "Ovarian ablation by luteinizing hormone releasing hormone analog", "黄体生成素释放激素类似物卵巢切除术" ], "60709001": [ "Excision of skin for graft", "切除皮肤进行移植" ], "306469003": [ "Discharge by pediatric dentist", "Discharge by paediatric dentist", "儿科牙医出院" ], "240933008": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of superior mesenteric artery", "经皮肠系膜上动脉血栓溶解术" ], "175397009": [ "Anastomosis of cerebral artery", "脑动脉吻合术" ], "9722001": [ "Removal of implanted material from anterior segment of eye", "从眼前节取出植入物" ], "827087002": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and fecal microbiota transplant", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and faecal microbiota transplant", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查和粪便微生物移植" ], "171727006": [ "Partial extirpation of spinal cord", "脊髓部分切除" ], "384719006": [ "Procedure on gastrointestinal tract", "胃肠道手术" ], "235428000": [ "Intubation of gastrointestinal tract via jejunostomy", "经空肠造口术进行胃肠道插管" ], "71588001": [ "Operation on penis", "阴茎手术" ], "302799008": [ "Retrograde urethrogram", "Ascending urethrogram", "尿道升段造影", "逆行尿道造影" ], "7887009": [ "Palmitate measurement", "棕榈酸酯测量" ], "104356003": [ "Complement C4a measurement", "补体 C4a 测量" ], "432036009": [ "Percutaneous litholapaxy using fluoroscopy guidance", "透视引导下经皮椎间盘放疗" ], "55204009": [ "Incision and drainage of deep hematoma of soft tissues of thorax", "Incision and drainage of deep haematoma of soft tissues of thorax", "胸部软组织深部血肿切开引流术" ], "708729004": [ "Extensive debulking of intraabdominal tumor", "Extensive debulking of intraabdominal tumour", "Extensive debulking of neoplasm of abdominal cavity", "腹部肿瘤大面积减瘤术", "腹腔内肿瘤大面积减瘤术", "腹腔肿瘤大面积减瘤术" ], "118905004": [ "Procedure on choroid", "脉络膜手术" ], "446585006": [ "Laparoscopic diverticulectomy of urinary bladder", "Laparoscopic excision of diverticulum of urinary bladder", "腹腔镜膀胱憩室切除术" ], "2382000": [ "Application of manual or electric breast pump", "Breast pumping", "Application of breast pump", "吸乳器的应用", "吸乳", "使用手动或电动吸奶器" ], "182606003": [ "Rectal packing for haemorrhage", "Rectal packing for hemorrhage", "直肠填塞治疗出血" ], "51534007": [ "Oral chemotherapy for malignant neoplasm", "恶性肿瘤口服化疗" ], "410147000": [ "Physician status report education", "Teach physician status report", "医生状态报告教育", "教导医生状态报告" ], "82467004": [ "Thromboendarterectomy of lower limb artery", "下肢动脉血栓内膜切除术" ], "33315006": [ "Removal of internal fixation device from clavicle", "锁骨内固定装置拆除" ], "80632003": [ "Vitrectomy, complex, multiple procedures", "玻璃体切除术,复杂且多道手术" ], "439245004": [ "Fluoroscopic antegrade angiography of femoral artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic antegrade arteriography of femoral artery with contrast", "股动脉造影荧光镜顺行造影", "股动脉荧光前向血管造影" ], "816077007": [ "MRI of brain", "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain", "脑部磁共振成像", "脑部 MRI" ], "177101007": [ "Percutaneous insertion of vesicoamniotic shunt", "经皮膀胱羊膜分流术" ], "715938002": [ "Provision of anesthetist patient escort", "Provision of anaesthetist patient escort", "提供麻醉师陪同病人" ], "306338003": [ "Referral to nurse practitioner", "转诊至执业护士" ], "44194005": [ "Bladder instillation of anticarcinogenic agent", "Urinary bladder instillation of anticarcinogenic agent", "Instillation of antineoplastic agent into urinary bladder", "膀胱灌注抗肿瘤药物", "膀胱灌注抗致癌剂" ], "175266007": [ "Transluminal operations on pulmonary artery", "肺动脉腔内手术" ], "25975001": [ "Sequestrectomy of scapula", "肩胛骨死骨切除术" ], "386423001": [ "Physical restraint", "身体约束" ], "9591001": [ "Gestalt therapy", "格式塔疗法" ], "304503004": [ "Encouraging a behavior", "Encouraging a behaviour", "鼓励行为" ], "419191005": [ "Deep lamellar endothelial keratoplasty", "DLEK - Deep lamellar endothelial keratoplasty", "深层板层内皮角膜移植术", "DLEK-深层板层内皮角膜移植术" ], "1287543006": [ "Electrocoagulation of external ear", "Coagulation of external ear using electrical energy", "利用电能凝固外耳", "外耳电凝术" ], "173431009": [ "Guillotine tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy", "断头台扁桃体切除术和腺样体切除术" ], "171596005": [ "Intracranial destruction of optic nerve (II)", "视神经颅内破坏(II)" ], "56908006": [ "Transplantation of vas deferens", "输精管移植" ], "1269324007": [ "Insertion of partial denture", "插入局部假牙" ], "235297000": [ "Removal of foreign body from small intestine", "FB - Removal of foreign body from small intestine", "小肠异物取出", "FB - 小肠异物取出" ], "22305001": [ "Preparation of workmen's compensation claim for occupational/industrial disease or condition", "准备因职业/工业疾病或病症而提出的工伤赔偿索赔" ], "122444009": [ "Enzyme measurement", "酶测定" ], "400972008": [ "Renewal of intravenous cardiac pacemaker system", "静脉心脏起搏器系统的更新" ], "120609008": [ "Destruction of lesion", "破坏病变" ], "448289009": [ "Fusion of sacroiliac joint by posterior approach", "Posterior arthrodesis of sacroiliac joint", "骶髂关节后关节融合术", "后入路骶髂关节融合术" ], "104225008": [ "Culture of specimen by commercial kit", "使用商业试剂盒培养标本" ], "20470003": [ "Destructive procedure on thyroid gland", "甲状腺破坏性手术" ], "233462003": [ "Harvesting of vein", "静脉采集" ], "231627005": [ "Total excision of lacrimal gland", "Total dacryoadenectomy", "泪腺全切除术", "全泪腺切除术" ], "1296587006": [ "Incision of hematoma of perineum", "Incision of haematoma of perineum", "会阴血肿切开术" ], "313547008": [ "Leptospira IgM measurement", "Leptospira IgM level", "Leptospira immunoglobulin M measurement", "钩端螺旋体 IgM 检测", "钩端螺旋体 IgM 水平", "钩端螺旋体免疫球蛋白M测量" ], "786848000": [ "Excision of aortic lymph node", "Excision of para-aortic lymph node", "主动脉淋巴结切除术", "主动脉旁淋巴结切除术" ], "426400005": [ "Removal of intrathecal drug delivery device adjacent to spinal cord", "移除靠近脊髓的鞘内药物输送装置" ], "311712006": [ "Tongue alternative movement exercise", "舌头交替运动练习" ], "65952009": [ "Gamma ray therapy", "Gamma ray teletherapy", "伽玛射线远距治疗", "伽玛射线治疗" ], "424565002": [ "Public health investigation", "公共卫生调查" ], "703093003": [ "Oesophageal stent procedure using fluoroscopic guidance", "Esophageal stent procedure using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided esophageal stent procedure", "Fluoroscopy guided oesophageal stent procedure", "透视引导下食管支架手术", "透视引导食管支架手术" ], "178805003": [ "Reduction of spondylolisthesis and fusion", "脊椎滑脱复位及融合" ], "80501006": [ "Radiography of zygomaticomaxillary complex", "颧上颌复合体 X 线摄影" ], "309877008": [ "Intrapartum cardiotochogram monitoring", "Intrapartum cardiotochogram", "Intrapartum EFM (electronic fetal monitoring)", "Intrapartum electronic fetal monitoring", "Intrapartum CTG (cardiotochography)", "产时胎心宫缩图", "产时电子胎儿监护", "产时 CTG (胎心监护)", "产时胎心宫缩监测", "产时 EFM(电子胎儿监护)" ], "439114007": [ "Giving cool drink", "提供冷饮" ], "1010719000": [ "Extravesical reimplantation of left ureter", "左侧输尿管膀胱外再植术" ], "306207001": [ "Referral to audiological service", "转介至听力服务机构" ], "11295006": [ "Angiography of brachial artery", "Brachial arteriogram", "Arteriography of brachial artery", "肱动脉造影" ], "27679006": [ "Incision of flank", "Loin incision", "腰部切口", "腰部切开" ], "175135009": [ "Introduction of cardiac pacemaker system via vein", "Introduction of intravenous cardiac pacemaker system", "静脉心脏起搏器系统简介", "经静脉引入心脏起搏器系统" ], "419060001": [ "US scan of pericardium and drainage", "Ultrasound scan of pericardium and drainage", "心包及引流管超声扫描" ], "386292004": [ "Exercise promotion: stretching", "运动促进:伸展运动" ], "763124006": [ "Assessment using TYM (Test Your Memory) test", "Assessment using Test Your Memory test", "使用 TYM(测试你的记忆力)测试进行评估", "使用“测试你的记忆”测试进行评估" ], "237001001": [ "Acceleration of labour", "Augmentation of labour", "Acceleration of labor", "Augmentation of labor", "Stimulation of labor", "Stimulation of labour", "刺激分娩", "催产", "促进分娩", "加速分娩" ], "171465003": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of parietal lobe of brain", "脑顶叶病变开放活检" ], "122313004": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi DNA assay", "Borrelia burgdorferi deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "伯氏疏螺旋体脱氧核糖核酸测定", "伯氏疏螺旋体 DNA 检测" ], "71326001": [ "Incision of urethra", "Urethrotomy", "尿道切开术", "尿道切开" ], "710302002": [ "Radionuclide arthrography of lower extremity", "Radionuclide scan of joint of lower limb", "Radioisotope scan of joint of lower limb", "Radionuclide arthrogram of lower limb", "Radionuclide arthrography of joint of lower limb", "下肢关节放射性同位素扫描", "下肢放射性核素关节造影", "下肢关节放射性核素关节造影", "下肢关节放射性核素扫描" ], "169630005": [ "Full stay delivery booking", "全程住宿送货预订" ], "22174005": [ "Angiectomy with anastomosis of abdominal vein", "Resection of abdominal vein with anastomosis", "Phlebectomy with anastomosis of abdominal vein", "腹腔静脉血管切除吻合术", "腹腔静脉切除吻合术" ], "431774007": [ "Active external cooling of subject", "Surface cooling", "受试者的主动外部冷却", "表面冷却" ], "235166008": [ "Partial segmental oesophagectomy", "Partial segmental esophagectomy", "部分节段食管切除术" ], "233331001": [ "Embolisation of renal artery", "Embolization of renal artery", "肾动脉栓塞" ], "397171001": [ "Procedure on pilonidal sinus", "藏毛窦手术" ], "446323000": [ "Measurement of fractional excretion of urate", "Measurement of fractional excretion of urate using urine specimen and serum or plasma specimen", "使用尿液样本和血清或血浆样本测量尿酸排泄分数", "尿酸排泄分数的测量" ], "36723004": [ "Hospital admission, pre-nursing home placement", "住院、疗养院前安置" ], "3955006": [ "Antibody elution, RBC", "Antibody elution from red blood cells", "红细胞中的抗体洗脱", "抗体洗脱,红细胞" ], "85875009": [ "Debridement of wound of skin", "Surgical toilet of skin wound", "Wound debridement", "Debridement of skin", "皮肤伤口清创", "皮肤清创", "伤口清创", "皮肤伤口外科护理" ], "116808005": [ "Transfusion of cryo-poor plasma", "Cryo-poor plasma administration by intravascular infusion", "通过血管内输注给予低温血浆", "输注低温血浆" ], "16669004": [ "Hexosaminidase A and total hexosaminidase measurement", "己糖胺酶A和总己糖胺酶测量" ], "311581006": [ "Phonological program", "Phonological programme", "Phonological therapy", "语音治疗", "音系程序" ], "285008": [ "Incision and drainage of vulva", "外阴切开引流" ], "178674000": [ "Decompression of fracture of spine", "脊柱骨折减压" ], "768498005": [ "Revision of one component of total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not using cement", "不使用骨水泥的全髋关节假体置换术中一个部件的翻修" ], "225991001": [ "Ensuring mobility aid available", "确保提供助行辅助设备" ], "276978009": [ "Percutaneous embolectomy of intracranial artery", "经皮颅内动脉栓塞切除术" ], "176839005": [ "Removal of displaced intrauterine contraceptive device", "Removal of displaced coil", "Removal of displaced IUD (intrauterine contraceptive device)", "取出移位的宫内节育器(宫内避孕器)", "取出移位的宫内节育器", "移除移位线圈" ], "306076004": [ "Referral by orthoptist", "Referral from orthoptist", "视轴矫正师推荐", "视轴矫正师转诊" ], "762993000": [ "Assessment using Morse Fall Scale", "Assessment using MFS (Morse Fall Scale)", "使用 MFS(莫尔斯跌倒量表)进行评估", "使用莫尔斯跌倒量表进行评估" ], "1303665004": [ "Wrist joint region denervation", "Denervation of joint of wrist region", "腕关节区域失神经支配", "腕关节神经支配" ], "449862001": [ "Insertion of cuffed central venous catheter", "插入带袖套的中心静脉导管" ], "25713009": [ "Reinsertion of internal fixation device", "重新插入内固定装置" ], "56646001": [ "Prostatotomy by transurethral approach", "Transurethral incision of prostate", "TUIP - Transurethral incision of prostate", "经尿道前列腺切开术", "TUIP-- 经尿道前列腺切开术" ], "122182009": [ "Bordetella parapertussis antigen assay", "副百日咳杆菌抗原测定" ], "236870009": [ "Evacuation of vaginal vault hematoma", "Evacuation of vaginal vault haematoma", "阴道穹窿血肿清除术" ], "726555002": [ "Percutaneous venoplasty of transplanted hepatic vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of transplanted hepatic vein with contrast", "Percutaneous angioplasty of transplanted hepatic vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮移植肝静脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下经皮肝静脉移植腔内血管成形术", "荧光造影引导下经皮肝静脉移植成形术" ], "302406009": [ "Final inset of skin flap", "皮瓣最终插入" ], "103963004": [ "Antibody screen, warm absorption", "抗体筛查,温热吸收" ], "69360005": [ "Extracapsular extraction of cataract by mechanical fragmentation with aspiration by posterior route", "Extracapsular extraction of cataract by phacofragmentation with aspiration by posterior route", "经后路晶状体碎裂联合抽吸术进行白内障囊外摘除术", "经后入路机械碎裂抽吸白内障囊外摘除术" ], "315120008": [ "Faenia rectivirgula antibody level", "直叶枯草杆菌抗体水平" ], "165829005": [ "Gonorrhoea infection titre test", "Gonorrhea infection titer test", "淋病感染滴度检测" ], "231365009": [ "Injection of neurolytic substance to supraorbital nerve", "眶上神经注射神经溶解物质" ], "426138004": [ "Percutaneous replacement of metal ureteric stent", "经皮金属输尿管支架置换术" ], "1145199001": [ "Anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from aorta to LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "Anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from aorta to left anterior descending coronary artery", "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft from aorta to anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从主动脉吻合至左冠状动脉前降支 (LAD)", "冠状动脉搭桥术,利用游离右胸内动脉从主动脉移植至左冠状动脉前降支", "游离右乳内动脉从主动脉至左冠状动脉前降支的吻合术" ], "80239002": [ "Biopsy of vestibule of mouth", "口腔前庭活检" ], "440687002": [ "Identification of oocyte in follicular fluid", "卵泡液中卵母细胞的鉴定" ], "391535001": [ "Serum immunoglobulin A2 level", "血清免疫球蛋白 A2 水平" ], "719215002": [ "Assessment using WAB (Western Aphasia Battery)", "Assessment using Western Aphasia Battery", "使用西方失语症测试集进行评估", "使用 WAB(西方失语症量表)进行评估" ], "113007007": [ "Anesthesia for repair of malunion or nonunion of humerus", "Anaesthesia for repair of malunion or nonunion of humerus", "肱骨畸形愈合或不愈合的修复麻醉", "肱骨畸形愈合或不愈合的麻醉" ], "1290820005": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of nose", "鼻部软组织普通 X 光检查" ], "12868007": [ "Revision of operative wound of anterior segment of eye", "眼前节手术伤口修复术" ], "275012008": [ "Peranal polypectomy of rectum", "Peranal excision of rectal polyp", "肛周直肠息肉切除术", "经肛切除直肠息肉" ], "307780009": [ "Mail administration procedure", "邮件管理程序" ], "699161002": [ "Open reduction of fracture of metacarpal without internal fixation", "掌骨骨折切开复位不内固定术" ], "305945004": [ "Referral from neonatologist", "Referral by neonatologist", "新生儿科医生转诊" ], "387865007": [ "Gastrocentesis", "胃穿刺术" ], "287726000": [ "Open bladder tumor resection", "Open bladder tumour resection", "Open excision of neoplasm of bladder", "Open excision of neoplasm of urinary bladder", "膀胱肿瘤开放切除术", "膀胱肿瘤切除术", "开放性膀胱肿瘤切除术", "开放式膀胱肿瘤切除术" ], "418798000": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of interphalangeal joint", "指间关节荧光透视关节造影" ], "304110002": [ "Reconstruction with distant subcutaneous pedicle random pattern flap", "Reconstruction using distant subcutaneous pedicle random pattern flap", "Distant subcutaneous pedicle random pattern flap reconstruction", "远端皮下带蒂随意瓣修复" ], "89283001": [ "Antibody to Ku measurement", "抗 Ku 抗体测量" ], "1187011002": [ "Reformation of anterior chamber by injection", "注射重建前房" ], "122051007": [ "Naegleria fowleri antibody assay", "Measurement of Naegleria fowleri antibody", "福氏耐格里阿米巴原虫抗体测量", "福氏耐格里阿米巴原虫抗体检测" ], "431512001": [ "Ultrasound Doppler flow mapping of artery of upper limb", "上肢动脉超声多普勒血流图" ], "169368002": [ "Radiotherapy: temporary thorax implant", "放射治疗:临时胸腔植入物" ], "234904003": [ "Incisional biopsy of lesion of cheek", "面颊病变切开活检" ], "103832002": [ "Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 assay", "2 型纤溶酶原激活剂抑制剂检测" ], "447896001": [ "Replacement of dental pack", "更换牙包" ], "120216002": [ "Removal from artery of abdomen", "从腹部动脉取出" ], "233069001": [ "Patch enlargement of right ventricular outflow tract", "右心室流出道斑块扩大" ], "105491000220107": [ "Assessment using BPE (Basic Periodontal Examination)", "Assessment using Basic Periodontal Examination", "使用基本牙周检查进行评估", "使用 BPE(基本牙周检查)进行评估" ], "413293006": [ "Patient to initiate further contact", "患者主动进行进一步联系" ], "69229008": [ "Facial measurement and fitting of spectacles, single focus", "Facial measurement and fitting of eyeglasses, single focus", "面部测量及眼镜配戴,单焦点" ], "183917008": [ "Referral by nurse", "护士转介" ], "231234002": [ "Lingual nerve block", "Local anaesthetic lingual nerve block", "Local anesthetic lingual nerve block", "舌神经阻滞", "局部麻醉舌神经阻滞" ], "446061008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of pancreas with contrast", "MRI of pancreas with contrast", "胰腺增强 MRI", "胰腺磁共振成像对比" ], "18242003": [ "Shortening of eyelid margin", "眼睑边缘缩短" ], "395074007": [ "Selectron therapy", "选择素治疗" ], "444226008": [ "Detection of mutation in low density lipoprotein receptor gene", "低密度脂蛋白受体基因突变检测" ], "229399004": [ "Accessory mobilisation of foot interphalangeal joints", "Accessory mobilization of foot interphalangeal joints", "足部指间关节的辅助活动" ], "786455008": [ "Prehabilitation", "康复训练" ], "442391009": [ "Monitoring of cardiac output using thoracic impedance cardiography", "Monitoring of cardiac output by thoracic electrical bioimpedance", "使用胸阻抗心动图监测心输出量", "通过胸部电生物阻抗监测心输出量" ], "30956003": [ "Subtotal thyroidectomy", "甲状腺次全切除术" ], "14572004": [ "Repair of ovary", "Oophoroplasty", "卵巢修复", "卵巢成形术" ], "391404005": [ "Fluid sample Tau protein level", "Fluid sample Tau protein measurement", "液体样本 Tau 蛋白水平", "液体样本 Tau 蛋白测量" ], "440556006": [ "Tenolysis of extensor of foot", "Lysis of adhesions of extensor tendon of foot", "足伸肌腱松解术", "足伸肌腱粘连松解术" ], "424172009": [ "Dual pressure spontaneous ventilation support weaning protocol", "BIPAP - Biphasic pressure airway support protocol", "BIPAP - 双相压力气道支持协议", "双压自主通气支持撤机方案" ], "242113002": [ "Debridement of skull", "颅骨清创" ], "240278000": [ "ECV - External cephalic version", "External cephalic version", "外部头位型", "ECV-外部头位版本" ], "387734005": [ "Aspiration of lesion of breast", "乳房病变抽吸术" ], "172907002": [ "Reconstruction of defect of nasal sinus with bone graft", "骨移植修复鼻窦缺损" ], "713579005": [ "Assessment using Patient Activation Measure", "使用患者激活度测量进行评估" ], "385899006": [ "Ear care education", "Teach ear care", "耳部护理教育", "教导耳朵护理" ], "287595007": [ "Angiography of thyroid artery", "Arteriography of thyroid artery", "甲状腺动脉造影" ], "121920000": [ "Aspergillus flavus antibody assay", "Measurement of Aspergillus flavus antibody", "黄曲霉抗体测定", "黄曲霉抗体的测定" ], "1285184001": [ "Sexual and reproductive health promotion program", "Sexual and reproductive health promotion programme", "性与生殖健康促进计划" ], "171072005": [ "Recommend travel vaccinations", "建议旅行接种疫苗" ], "185621000": [ "Smear inadequate - 1st recall", "Smear inadequate - First recall", "涂片检查不充分 - 首次召回", "涂片不充分 - 第一次召回" ], "234773002": [ "Take impression for labial gingival veneer", "取模用于唇龈贴面" ], "120085004": [ "Eye incision", "眼部切口" ], "169237004": [ "US brain scan", "Ultrasound brain scan", "超声波脑部扫描", "美国脑部扫描" ], "414997006": [ "Pancreastatin level", "胰腺抑素水平" ], "38165005": [ "Phorbol myristate acetate-ionomycin stimulation assay", "佛波醇肉豆蔻酸酯-离子霉素刺激试验" ], "103701006": [ "Patient referral to homeopath", "Patient referral to homoeopath", "Refer to homoeopathist", "Refer to homeopathist", "患者转诊至顺势疗法", "请参阅顺势疗法医师", "咨询顺势疗法医师", "患者转诊至顺势疗法医师" ], "232938005": [ "Excision of vegetations from implanted truncal valve", "切除植入的躯干瓣膜上的赘生物" ], "429546007": [ "Retinal vascular sheathotomy", "视网膜血管鞘切开术" ], "265706008": [ "Fixation of bone of face", "面骨固定" ], "3562008": [ "Rodney Smith operation, radical subtotal pancreatectomy", "Rodney Smith 手术,根治性胰腺次全切除术" ], "771775005": [ "Open repair of incisional hernia using sutures", "使用缝合线进行切口疝开放式修补" ], "442260000": [ "Measurement of glucose 1 hour after glucose challenge for glucose tolerance test", "葡萄糖耐量试验中,葡萄糖刺激后 1 小时测量葡萄糖" ], "231103009": [ "Thermal stimulation of acupuncture needle", "针灸针的热刺激" ], "229268003": [ "Rhythmic intention technique", "节奏意念技术" ], "360340007": [ "Incisional biopsy of nerve ganglion", "神经节切开活检" ], "14441000": [ "Reduction of fracture of spine", "Reduction of fracture of vertebra", "脊柱骨折复位", "脊椎骨折复位" ], "32660008": [ "Antibody to PM-1 measurement", "PM-1 抗体测量" ], "391273003": [ "Mental health crisis resolution HRGs", "心理健康危机解决 HRG" ], "112745005": [ "Open reduction of fracture of radius with internal fixation", "桡骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "438590003": [ "Computed tomography of submandibular area with contrast", "CT of submandibular area with contrast", "颌下区增强 CT 检查", "下颌下区增强计算机断层扫描" ], "4551000087101": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of right breast", "Biopsy of right breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "使用超声引导进行右乳房活检", "超声引导下右乳活检" ], "715283006": [ "Removal of drain using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided removal of drain", "Ultrasound guided removal of drain", "超声引导下拔除引流管", "使用超声引导移除引流管", "超声引导下移除引流管" ], "1991000087102": [ "CT of left upper extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography of left arm with contrast", "Computed tomography of left upper extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography of left upper limb with contrast", "CT of left arm with contrast", "CT of left upper limb with contrast", "左上肢增强计算机断层扫描", "左臂增强 CT 扫描", "左上肢增强 CT", "左臂增强计算机断层扫描" ], "48071000087104": [ "VCE (virtual chromoendoscopy) of large intestine", "Virtual chromoendoscopy of large intestine", "大肠虚拟色素内镜检查", "大肠虚拟色素内镜检查 (VCE)" ], "711000087105": [ "Left fluoroscopic ureterography", "Fluoroscopic ureterography of left ureter", "左侧输尿管荧光镜输尿管造影", "左侧输尿管荧光透视造影" ], "385768000": [ "Encouragement of compliance", "Compliance care", "鼓励遵守", "依从性护理" ], "58088002": [ "Urine specimen collection, suprapubic", "SPA - Collection of suprapubic aspirate", "Collection of suprapubic aspirate", "耻骨上尿液标本采集", "耻骨上抽吸液的收集", "SPA - 耻骨上抽吸液的收集" ], "287464002": [ "Non-surgical chest biopsy", "非手术胸部活检" ], "238312005": [ "IPI - Intraperitoneal insemination", "Intraperitoneal insemination", "腹腔内授精", "IPI-- 腹腔内授精" ], "90856004": [ "Total excision of small intestine", "Total resection of small intestine", "小肠全切除术" ], "105405003": [ "Pastoral care", "牧灵关怀" ], "1186749003": [ "CMV-VC (continuous mandatory ventilation volume-control) inflation-type", "Continuous mandatory ventilation volume-control inflation-type", "CMV-VC(持续指令通气量控制)充气型", "持续指令通气容量控制充气型" ], "711613003": [ "Administration of cytotoxic agent via oral route", "口服细胞毒药物" ], "252861003": [ "Stereotests - Awaya", "立体测试 - Awaya" ], "185490001": [ "In-house counselling", "In-house counseling", "内部咨询" ], "119954001": [ "Adenoid excision", "As - Adenoidectomy", "Excision of adenoid", "Ads - Adenoidectomy", "Adenoidectomy", "腺样体切除", "腺样体切除术", "广告 - 腺样体切除术", "As - 腺样体切除术" ], "121789009": [ "Hexanoylcarnitine measurement", "己酰肉碱测量" ], "431250008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of lumbar spine and pelvis", "MRI of lumbar spine and pelvis", "腰椎和骨盆的磁共振成像", "腰椎和骨盆 MRI" ], "19815002": [ "Toluidine red unheated serum test", "甲苯胺红不加热血清试验" ], "118119003": [ "Microbial antibody assay", "Measurement of microbial antibody", "微生物抗体测定" ], "413031004": [ "Percentage CD23 count", "CD23 计数百分比" ], "232807005": [ "Decalcification of implanted tricuspid valve", "植入三尖瓣的脱钙" ], "265575006": [ "Maintenance of prosthetic collar around female bladder neck", "Maintenance of prosthetic collar around neck of female urinary bladder", "女性膀胱颈假体颈圈的维护", "女性膀胱颈假体环的维护" ], "445799002": [ "Assessment using Pool activity level", "使用泳池活动水平进行评估" ], "722492002": [ "Postoperative procedure", "术后程序" ], "32529000": [ "Reconstruction of eyelid, full-thickness, involving lid margin", "眼睑全层重建,包括眼睑边缘" ], "230972009": [ "Local anaesthetic cranial nerve ganglion block", "Injection of local anesthetic agent into cranial ganglion", "Cranial nerve ganglion block", "Injection of local anaesthetic agent into cranial ganglion", "Local anesthetic cranial nerve ganglion block", "脑神经节阻滞", "向颅神经节注射局部麻醉剂", "局部麻醉脑神经节阻滞" ], "1596008": [ "Anesthesia for total elbow replacement", "Anaesthesia for total elbow replacement", "全肘关节置换术的麻醉" ], "737041000": [ "Influenza immunisation telephone invitation", "Influenza immunization telephone invitation", "Invitation by telephone for influenza vaccination", "Influenza vaccination telephone invitation", "流感疫苗接种电话邀请", "流感免疫接种电话邀请", "电话邀请接种流感疫苗" ], "443964009": [ "Paracentesis of seroma", "Puncture and aspiration of seroma", "穿刺并抽吸血清肿", "血清肿穿刺" ], "229137005": [ "Neck exercises", "颈部锻炼" ], "65297006": [ "Fowler tenodesis of hand", "手部福勒肌腱固定术" ], "16145002": [ "Anesthesia for shoulder disarticulation", "Anaesthesia for shoulder disarticulation", "肩关节离断术麻醉", "肩关节离断术的麻醉" ], "276454006": [ "Ream root canal", "扩根管" ], "1144806009": [ "Increased vitamin B6 and/or vitamin B6 derivative diet", "增加维生素 B6 和/或维生素 B6 衍生物饮食" ], "307387005": [ "Primary reduction of fracture of long bone and fixation using Eggers plate", "长骨骨折一期复位及Eggers钢板固定" ], "59792005": [ "Serum antimicrobial level, bioassay method", "血清抗菌水平,生物测定法" ], "1255824009": [ "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - Moderately Thick Level 3 drinks", "IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) Framework - Moderately Thick Level 3 drinks", "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - MO3 (Moderately Thick Level 3) drinks", "IDDSI(国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议)框架 - 中等浓稠度 3 级饮料", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - 中浓 3 级饮料", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - MO3(中稠度 3 级)饮料" ], "287333003": [ "Drainage of splenic abscess", "脾脓肿引流" ], "238181003": [ "Procedure on spine", "脊柱手术" ], "449338000": [ "Replacement of aortic root using pulmonary valve autograft and replacement of pulmonary valve", "Replacement of aortic root using pulmonary valve autograft and replacement of pulmonary valve (Ross procedure)", "自体肺动脉瓣移植置换主动脉根部及肺动脉瓣置换术", "自体肺动脉瓣移植置换主动脉根部及肺动脉瓣置换术(Ross 手术)" ], "418405008": [ "Fluoroscopy with contrast and stent carotid artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography of carotid artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of carotid artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "颈动脉荧光造影及支架置入术", "颈动脉荧光血管造影及支架置入", "造影荧光透视及颈动脉支架置入术" ], "252730001": [ "Sleep EEG during polysomnography", "Sleep electroencephalogram during polysomnography", "多导睡眠图检查中的睡眠脑电图", "多导睡眠图检查期间的睡眠脑电图" ], "121658003": [ "Polybrominated biphenyl measurement", "多溴联苯的测量" ], "105274000": [ "Oxacillin measurement", "苯唑西林测定" ], "1186618000": [ "BAV - bilevel artificial ventilation", "Bilevel artificial ventilation", "双水平人工通气", "BAV-- 双水平人工通气" ], "236346002": [ "Operation on epididymis or male genitalia for infertility", "治疗不育症的附睾或男性生殖器手术" ], "170810003": [ "Initial endocrine assessment", "初步内分泌评估" ], "301882004": [ "Placement of aortic cross clamp", "主动脉钳夹的放置" ], "39738004": [ "Incision of bile duct with T or Y tube insertion", "胆管切开并插入 T 管或 Y 管" ], "1284922006": [ "Haemodialysis catheter care", "Hemodialysis catheter care", "血液透析导管护理" ], "87055003": [ "Excision of intracardiac tumor with cardiopulmonary bypass", "Excision of intracardiac tumour with cardiopulmonary bypass", "体外循环下心内肿瘤切除术" ], "119823004": [ "Pericardium closure", "心包缝合" ], "709647005": [ "Doppler ultrasound scan of ophthalmic artery", "Doppler ultrasonography of ophthalmic artery", "眼动脉多普勒超声检查", "眼动脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "432954006": [ "Measurement of AD7cNTP (Alzheimer disease neuronal thread protein) concentration in urine", "Measurement of AD7c neuronal thread protein concentration in urine", "尿液中AD7c神经元丝蛋白浓度的测量", "尿液中 AD7cNTP(阿尔茨海默病神经元线蛋白)浓度的测量" ], "1217551000": [ "Injection of drug or medicament into tendon of hand", "将药物或药剂注射入手部肌腱" ], "168975000": [ "Inferior vena cavogram", "IVC - inferior vena cavogram", "Visceral angiography", "内脏血管造影", "下腔静脉造影", "IVC-- 下腔静脉造影" ], "37903002": [ "Incision and drainage of perirectal abscess", "直肠周围脓肿切开引流" ], "183524004": [ "Psychiatric referral", "Referral to psychiatry service", "转介至精神病服务", "精神科转诊" ], "412900004": [ "Pemphigoid antibody measurement", "Pemphigoid antibody level", "类天疱疮抗体水平", "类天疱疮抗体测量" ], "707812007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal venous embolization of arteriovenous malformation", "Percutaneous transluminal venous embolisation of arteriovenous malformation", "经皮腔内静脉栓塞治疗动静脉畸形", "动静脉畸形的经皮腔内静脉栓塞术" ], "830081000168105": [ "Repair of cartilage of larynx", "喉软骨修复" ], "443833006": [ "Quantitative measurement of cannabinoids in urine using GC-MS", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of cannabinoids in urine specimen using gas chromatography mass spectrometry technique", "使用 GC-MS 定量测量尿液中的大麻素", "气相色谱质谱技术定量测定尿液标本中大麻素的质量浓度" ], "1230265008": [ "Counselling for childbirth", "Counseling for childbirth", "Counseling for birth of baby", "Counselling for birth of baby", "分娩咨询", "婴儿出生咨询" ], "704142001": [ "Reimplantation of inferior mesenteric artery", "下肠系膜动脉再植术" ], "230841009": [ "Focal excision of swollen brain", "局部切除肿胀脑" ], "34233009": [ "Repair of aneurysm with graft of innominate artery by thoracic incision", "经胸切口无名动脉移植修复动脉瘤" ], "81550005": [ "Removal of foreign body from sphenoid sinus", "蝶窦异物取出" ], "46947000": [ "Chiropractic manipulation", "脊椎按摩疗法" ], "866147001": [ "Care planning for fall risk", "Fall risk care planning", "跌倒风险护理计划" ], "423779001": [ "Continuity of care management", "持续护理管理" ], "440163003": [ "Initiation of first time insulin therapy", "开始首次胰岛素治疗" ], "259939005": [ "Nonobstetrical insertion of pack into vagina", "非产科将包插入阴道" ], "225336000": [ "Radiation risk assessment", "辐射风险评估" ], "241720001": [ "Taping of eyelid", "Eyes taped", "眼睛被胶带封住", "眼睑贴" ], "274488002": [ "Fracture - traction", "骨折 - 牵引" ], "1208376005": [ "Insertion of intercalary prosthetic replacement of part of femur", "Insertion of intercalary endoprosthetic replacement of part of femur", "股骨部分插入式假体置换术", "股骨部分假体置换术" ], "437791000124103": [ "Decreased methionine diet", "减少蛋氨酸饮食" ], "439071000124106": [ "Increased fluid diet", "增加流质饮食" ], "174349004": [ "Reanastomosis of rectum to anal canal for correction of congenital atresia of rectum", "直肠肛管吻合术矫正先天性直肠闭锁" ], "370957004": [ "Seidel test", "赛德尔测试" ], "305421006": [ "Admission to upper gastrointestinal surgery department", "入住上消化道外科" ], "59661004": [ "Repair of urinary stress incontinence", "Surgical repair of urinary stress incontinence", "尿道压力性失禁的手术修复", "尿道压力性失禁的修复" ], "303586004": [ "Peranal destruction of lesion anus", "肛门周围破坏病变肛门" ], "252599000": [ "Auditory discrimination test", "听觉辨别测试" ], "236215003": [ "Single stage primary closure of bladder exstrophy", "Single stage primary closure of exstrophy of urinary bladder", "膀胱外翻的单阶段一期缝合", "膀胱外翻一期缝合术" ], "121527006": [ "Despropionylfentanyl measurement", "去丙酰芬太尼测量" ], "432823008": [ "Epidural injection of cervical spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下颈椎硬膜外注射" ], "170679009": [ "Initial psychiatric assessment", "初步精神评估" ], "119692002": [ "Ankle reconstruction", "踝关节重建" ], "54156003": [ "Excision of lesion of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织病变切除" ], "86924002": [ "Gallium scan", "镓扫描" ], "168844005": [ "Double contrast barium meal", "DCBM - Double contrast barium meal", "双重对比钡餐", "DCBM-- 双重对比钡餐" ], "398220006": [ "Ventricular pacing lead positioned", "心室起搏导线定位" ], "430988007": [ "Incision and drainage of abscess of neck", "颈部脓肿切开引流" ], "709516007": [ "Assessment of sadness", "悲伤评估" ], "1217420009": [ "Biopsy of lesion of liver using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Biopsy of lesion of liver using endoscopic ultrasound guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided biopsy of lesion of liver", "内镜超声引导下肝脏病变活检", "内镜超声引导下肝病变活检" ], "183393001": [ "Provocative therapy", "激发疗法" ], "117857002": [ "Polio virus 1 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human poliovirus 1 antibody", "Polio virus 1 antibody level", "人类脊髓灰质炎病毒 1 型抗体的测量", "脊髓灰质炎病毒 1 型抗体水平", "脊髓灰质炎病毒 1 型抗体检测" ], "85089003": [ "Surgical closure of shunt", "Take-down of shunt", "分流管手术封堵", "拆除分流器" ], "167009006": [ "Blood ethanol measurement", "Blood ethanol level", "Blood alcohol level", "血液酒精含量", "血液乙醇测量", "血液乙醇水平" ], "134241008": [ "Rickettsial IgM level", "Rickettsial immunoglobulin M level", "立克次体 IgM 水平", "立克次体免疫球蛋白M水平" ], "427318004": [ "Repair of double outlet ventricle", "心室双出口修复" ], "1230134005": [ "Diet modified for uncooked food starch", "饮食改为食用未煮熟的淀粉" ], "312630005": [ "Provision of support as signing user", "提供签约用户支持" ], "15883007": [ "Incudostapediopexy with incus replacement", "砧骨置换术" ], "179723008": [ "Open excision of articular cartilage of joint", "关节软骨切开术" ], "359947009": [ "Exploration of aortic arch", "主动脉弓探查" ], "177888001": [ "Umbilical herniorrhaphy using natural material", "使用天然材料进行脐疝修补术" ], "276192004": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of kidney", "经皮肾穿刺" ], "718560005": [ "Assessment using DANCE (Dyadic Assessment of Naturalistic Caregiver-child Experiences)", "Assessment using Dyadic Assessment of Naturalistic Caregiver child Experiences", "使用 DANCE(自然主义照顾者与儿童体验的二元评估)进行评估", "使用自然主义照顾者儿童经验的二元评估进行评估" ], "440032004": [ "Laparoscopic proctopexy", "Laparoscopic fixation of prolapse of rectum", "腹腔镜直肠脱垂固定术", "腹腔镜直肠固定术" ], "46816007": [ "Intracranial aneurysmectomy", "Excision of intracranial aneurysm", "颅内动脉瘤切除术" ], "274357000": [ "Surgical biopsy of urinary tract", "泌尿道手术活检" ], "241589001": [ "CT myelogram", "Computed tomography myelogram", "CT脊髓造影", "计算机断层扫描脊髓造影" ], "61365002": [ "Multiple transections of muscles of eye, two or more muscles", "眼部肌肉多处横断,两条或多条肌肉" ], "1290165004": [ "Revision of total prosthetic replacement of ankle joint", "全踝关节假体置换术" ], "225205005": [ "Procedures relating to eating and drinking", "与饮食有关的程序" ], "716725007": [ "Assessment using Reynell Developmental Language Scales fourth edition", "使用雷内尔发展语言量表第四版进行评估" ], "405429007": [ "Catheterisation of vein of upper limb", "Catheterization of vein of upper limb", "Catheterisation of vein of upper extremity", "Catheterization of vein of upper extremity", "上肢静脉置管", "上肢静脉插管" ], "370826000": [ "Implementation of protective measures to prevent injury due to radiation sources", "Implements protective measures to prevent injury due to radiation sources", "实施防护措施,防止放射源伤害", "采取防护措施,防止因辐射源造成的伤害" ], "176053009": [ "Nephroscopic insertion of ureteric stent", "Antegrade insertion of ureteric stent", "Percutaneous insertion of ureteric stent", "肾镜输尿管支架置入术", "顺行插入输尿管支架", "经皮输尿管支架置入术" ], "272522003": [ "Breast incision", "Incision of breast", "Mammotomy", "Mastotomy", "乳房切开术" ], "26762004": [ "Autopsy, gross examination, teaching, complete", "尸检、大体检查、教学、完整" ], "10378005": [ "Hospital admission, emergency, from emergency room, accidental injury", "入院、紧急情况、从急诊室出来、意外受伤" ], "419978008": [ "CT of mandible", "Computed tomography of mandible", "下颌骨CT", "下颌骨计算机断层扫描" ], "698506008": [ "Supportive counseling", "Supportive counselling", "支持性咨询" ], "90463006": [ "Meatotomy of infant", "Meatotomy of urethra of infant", "婴儿尿道外切开术", "婴儿尿道切开术" ], "711220000": [ "Plain X-ray of limb", "Plain X-ray of extremity", "四肢普通 X 光检查", "肢体普通 X 光检查" ], "6708002": [ "Intrauterine cordocentesis", "Cordocentesis", "Percutaneous fetal blood sampling", "PUBS - Percutaneous umbilical blood sampling", "Percutaneous foetal blood sampling", "Intrauterine cord blood sampling", "经皮胎儿血液采样", "宫内脐带穿刺术", "PUBS-- 经皮脐血采样", "宫内脐带血采样", "脐带穿刺术" ], "252468003": [ "Thermal challenge test", "Digital rewarming test", "数字复温测试", "热挑战测试" ], "105012004": [ "Urea nitrogen measurement, semi-quantitative", "尿素氮测量,半定量" ], "432692005": [ "Compression ultrasonography (US) of vein of upper limb", "Compression ultrasonography of vein of upper limb", "上肢静脉加压超声检查" ], "88628008": [ "Ultrasonography of lung", "肺部超声检查" ], "121396009": [ "Naltrexone measurement", "纳曲酮测量" ], "21257002": [ "Removal of foreign body from skull", "取出颅骨异物" ], "447241003": [ "Evaluation of endocrine system", "内分泌系统评估" ], "72244009": [ "Chromium measurement", "铬测量" ], "119561005": [ "Grafting procedure", "嫁接程序" ], "234249009": [ "Anterior compartment lymph nodes neck dissection", "前部淋巴结颈清扫术" ], "117726007": [ "Evaluation of spermatozoa morphology", "精子形态评估" ], "609246008": [ "Open reduction of fracture of bone of spine with internal fixation", "脊柱骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "312499002": [ "Axillary venography", "腋窝静脉造影" ], "16559201000119102": [ "CT guided percutaneous needle biopsy of mass of abdomen", "Percutaneous needle biopsy of mass of abdomen using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行腹部肿块经皮穿刺活检", "CT引导下腹部肿块经皮穿刺活检" ], "410803008": [ "Decompression operation", "减压操作" ], "441736002": [ "Endoscopy and biopsy of lesion of ureter using rigid ureteroscope", "输尿管硬镜内窥镜检查及输尿管病变活检" ], "16629601000119108": [ "Percutaneous catheterization of portal vein", "Percutaneous insertion of catheter into portal vein", "Percutaneous catheterisation of portal vein", "经皮门静脉插管术", "经皮门静脉导管插入术", "经皮门静脉导管插入" ], "261512006": [ "Cooling of intravenous fluid", "IV fluid cooling", "静脉输液冷却" ], "81288008": [ "Lymphocyte transformation, phytomitogen", "淋巴细胞转化、植物有丝分裂原" ], "408968008": [ "Contraception care education", "Teach contraception care", "教授避孕护理", "避孕保健教育" ], "79453001": [ "Chain of custody procedure in laboratory specimen handling", "实验室标本处理的保管链程序" ], "785800009": [ "Mammography guided biopsy of left and right breast", "Biopsy of bilateral breasts using mammography guidance", "Mammography guided biopsy of both breasts", "Mammography guided biopsy of bilateral breasts", "乳房 X 线摄影引导下双侧乳房活检", "乳房 X 线摄影引导下左、右乳房活检", "在乳房 X 线摄影引导下进行双侧乳房活检", "乳房 X 线摄影引导下进行双侧乳房活检" ], "439901007": [ "Osteotomy of thoracic spine by posterior approach", "Osteotomy of thoracic vertebra by posterior approach", "后入路胸椎截骨术" ], "44850001": [ "Presacral sympathectomy", "Presacral neurectomy", "骶前神经切除术", "骶前交感神经切除术" ], "175922001": [ "Open deroofing of renal cyst", "Decortication of cyst of kidney by open approach", "开放入路肾囊肿剥脱术", "肾囊肿开放去顶术" ], "241458003": [ "US scan of submandibular gland", "Ultrasound scan of submandibular gland", "颌下腺超声扫描" ], "225074002": [ "Application of lubricant to lips", "在嘴唇上涂抹润滑剂" ], "257842007": [ "External fixation using bilateral bars", "使用双侧杆进行外固定" ], "306994008": [ "MRI of aortic arch and great vessel", "Magnetic resonance imaging of aortic arch and great vessel", "Magnetic resonance imaging of aortic arch and great vessels", "主动脉弓及大血管的 MRI", "主动脉弓及大血管的磁共振成像" ], "405298009": [ "Excision of cervical rib by transaxillary approach", "经腋窝入路颈肋切除术" ], "174087001": [ "Transverse colectomy and anastomosis of ileum to colon", "横结肠切除及回肠至结肠吻合术" ], "1255431003": [ "Laparoscopic subtotal excision of distal pancreas", "Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy", "Laparoscopic distal subtotal pancreatectomy", "腹腔镜远端胰腺次全切除术", "腹腔镜远端胰腺切除术" ], "26631005": [ "Silica measurement, urine", "尿液二氧化硅测量" ], "239623006": [ "Removal of component of external fixator frame", "拆除外固定架组件" ], "450780002": [ "Examination of vagina using Cusco bivalve speculum", "使用 Cusco 双瓣窥器检查阴道" ], "41180005": [ "Excision of cyst of breast", "乳房囊肿切除术" ], "418012007": [ "Fluoroscopic iliopsoas bursography", "Iliopsoas bursogram", "髂腰滑囊图", "透视髂腰滑囊造影" ], "252337001": [ "Cell function assay", "细胞功能检测" ], "1153457002": [ "Care of open wound", "开放性伤口的护理" ], "121265003": [ "Tricarboxylporphyrin measurement", "三羧基卟啉测量" ], "104881007": [ "Porphobilin measurement", "卟啉测量" ], "285105008": [ "Reline of denture at chairside", "在椅旁重新衬托假牙" ], "1217158001": [ "Anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery to proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 与左冠状动脉前降支近端吻合", "左胸内动脉 (LITA) 与左冠状动脉前降支近端吻合术", "左胸廓内动脉与左冠状动脉前降支近端吻合术" ], "152198000": [ "Brachytherapy", "近距离放射治疗" ], "397958003": [ "Accessing of implantable venous access port", "Accessing port a cath", "植入式静脉通路", "进入导管端口" ], "184966003": [ "Police request to attend", "警方要求出席" ], "709254006": [ "Assessment of ability to communicate by talking", "评估说话沟通能力" ], "723803000": [ "Prophylactic aromatase inhibitor administration", "Aromatase inhibitor prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic aromatase inhibitor", "芳香化酶抑制剂预防", "预防性使用芳香化酶抑制剂" ], "117595000": [ "Human leucocyte antigen A, B, AND C antigen phenotyping", "HLA (Human leucocyte antigen) A, B, AND C phenotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen A, B, AND C antigen phenotyping", "HLA (Human leukocyte antigen) A, B, AND C phenotyping", "HLA(人类白细胞抗原)A、B 和 C 表型", "人类白细胞抗原 A、B 和 C 抗原表型" ], "250502008": [ "Examination of semen constituents", "Semen constituents", "精液成分", "精液成分检查" ], "609115003": [ "Microscopic examination of cell block of specimen from lower gastrointestinal tract", "下消化道标本细胞块显微镜检查" ], "314203006": [ "Introduction of seprafilm", "seprafilm简介" ], "183131009": [ "Prescription of spectacles", "Prescription of eyeglasses", "眼镜处方" ], "312368002": [ "Insertion of antireflux prosthesis", "插入抗反流假体" ], "66608006": [ "Caloric vestibular test", "热量前庭测试" ], "32005000": [ "Drainage of peritonsillar tissues", "扁桃体周围组织引流" ], "228613001": [ "Provision of wheelchair", "提供轮椅" ], "703749006": [ "Infant Behavioral Assessment and Intervention Program", "Infant Behavioural Assessment and Intervention Programme", "婴儿行为评估和干预计划", "婴儿行为评估及干预计划" ], "392453008": [ "Swine urine proteins specific IgE antibody measurement", "Swine urine proteins specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Re212 specific IgE antibody measurement", "猪尿蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Re212特异性IgE抗体测量", "猪尿蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "439770000": [ "Partial excision of body of thoracic vertebra with decompression of spinal cord, nerve roots and cauda equina using extracavitary approach", "Partial thoracic corpectomy with decompression of spinal cord, nerve roots and cauda equina using extracavitary approach", "采用腔外入路进行部分胸椎椎体切除术,减压脊髓、神经根及马尾神经", "经胸腔外入路胸椎体部分切除并减压脊髓、神经根及马尾" ], "1144282004": [ "Fitting of interim complete upper denture", "临时全口上颌义齿安装" ], "243162006": [ "Positive end expiratory pressure increased to optimal PEEP", "Positive end expiratory pressure increased to optimal positive end expiratory pressure", "Positive end expiratory pressure increased to best positive end expiratory pressure", "呼气末正压增至最佳呼气末正压", "呼气末正压增至最佳 PEEP" ], "421551003": [ "Factor V R2 DNA test", "Factor V R2 gene mutation analysis", "Factor V R2 deoxyribonucleic acid test", "因子 V R2 DNA 测试", "Ⅴ型 R2 因子脱氧核糖核酸检测", "Ⅴ型因子R2基因突变分析" ], "175791008": [ "Connection of vena cava or branch of vena cava", "Shunt of vena cava or branch of vena cava", "腔静脉或腔静脉分支分流术", "腔静脉或腔静脉分支的连接" ], "306863009": [ "Discharge from drama therapy service", "退出戏剧治疗服务" ], "239492004": [ "Excision arthroplasty of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger", "手指掌指关节切除成形术" ], "10116005": [ "Simple repair of superficial wounds of scalp and neck", "头皮及颈部浅表伤的简单修复" ], "419716006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolization of aortic arch", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolisation of aortic arch", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolization of aortic arch", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolisation of aortic arch", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolization of aortic arch", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolisation of aortic arch", "主动脉弓造影及栓塞术", "主动脉弓造影荧光透视及栓塞术", "主动脉弓荧光造影及栓塞术", "主动脉弓荧光血管造影及栓塞术" ], "26500007": [ "Periosteal suture of clavicle", "Suture of periosteum of clavicle", "锁骨骨膜缝合" ], "450649000": [ "Open embolization of artery", "Open embolisation of artery", "动脉开放栓塞术" ], "270425006": [ "Letter from specialist", "专家来信" ], "1237081007": [ "Eyebrow rhytidoplasty", "Eyebrow lift", "Eyebrow rhytidectomy", "眉毛提升术", "眉毛除皱术" ], "1251630002": [ "Excisional biopsy of skin", "皮肤切除活检" ], "710958003": [ "Checking patient identity", "检查患者身份" ], "88366003": [ "Reconstruction of mandible", "Reconstruction of bone of mandible", "下颌骨重建" ], "252206004": [ "L-dopa stimulation test", "L-dihydroxy-phenylalanine stimulation test", "左旋多巴兴奋试验", "L-二羟基苯丙氨酸刺激试验" ], "39214002": [ "Repair of rectovesicovaginal fistula", "Closure of rectovesicovaginal fistula", "直肠膀胱阴道瘘缝合术", "直肠膀胱阴道瘘修补术" ], "104750007": [ "Inhibin measurement", "抑制素测量" ], "432430009": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of sciatic nerve", "Ultrasonography of sciatic nerve", "坐骨神经超声检查" ], "709123002": [ "Change of nonsurgical dressing", "更换非手术敷料" ], "266755007": [ "Referral for endoscopy", "转诊进行内窥镜检查" ], "183000004": [ "Intermediate nursing care", "中级护理" ], "314072006": [ "Hematology screening test", "Haematology screening test", "血液学筛查测试" ], "232152006": [ "Total excision of pinna and external auditory canal", "Total excision of auricle and external auditory canal", "耳廓及外耳道全切除术", "耳廓及外耳道全切除" ], "941001": [ "Endoscopy of pituitary gland", "垂体内窥镜检查" ], "787373001": [ "Preparation of slide from specimen", "标本载玻片的制备" ], "50093003": [ "Repair of ganglion", "神经节修复" ], "1295277003": [ "Plain X-ray of penis", "阴茎普通 X 光检查" ], "443309005": [ "Measurement of apolipoprotein A-I", "载脂蛋白 A-I 的测量" ], "66477007": [ "Comprehensive orthodontic treatment, permanent dentition, for class II malocclusion", "综合正畸治疗,恒牙,针对 II 类错颌畸形" ], "410541009": [ "Changing delivery booking place", "更改送货预订地点" ], "164781009": [ "Inferior vena cava catheterization", "Inferior vena cava catheterisation", "IVC catheterization", "IVC catheterisation", "Catheterisation of inferior vena cava", "Catheterization of inferior vena cava", "下腔静脉导管插入术", "下腔静脉插管" ], "392322007": [ "Rw204 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sunflower specific IgE antibody measurement", "Helianthus annuus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Helianthus annuus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rw204 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "向日葵特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "向日葵特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "62807001": [ "Incision and exploration of colon", "结肠切开探查" ], "46423003": [ "Incidental ligation of fallopian tubes", "输卵管意外结扎" ], "406871007": [ "Janus green B stain method", "Janus green B stain", "Janus 绿 B 染色", "Janus 绿 B 染色方法" ], "306732000": [ "Admission to general dental surgery department", "普通牙科外科入院" ], "372268003": [ "Cytologic examination of adrenal gland", "肾上腺细胞学检查" ], "77356004": [ "Incision of vulva", "Incision of labia", "外阴切开术", "阴唇切开术" ], "388652003": [ "f14 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Soybean specific IgE antibody measurement", "Glycine max specific IgE antibody measurement", "Glycine max specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Soya bean specific IgE antibody measurement", "大豆特异性IgE抗体测定", "大豆特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f14 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "241196006": [ "Facet joint arthrogram", "小关节造影" ], "239361002": [ "Total prosthetic replacement of trapezium", "斜方骨全假体置换术" ], "450518000": [ "Exploration of skin of head", "头部皮肤探查" ], "8150002": [ "Fine needle aspirate with immediate interpretation and report", "细针抽吸并立即解释和报告" ], "171990008": [ "Incision of lesion of thyroid gland", "甲状腺病变切开术" ], "104619002": [ "Cyclic guanosine monophosphate measurement", "环磷酸鸟苷测量" ], "710827003": [ "Education about wound healing", "关于伤口愈合的教育" ], "22699007": [ "Partial salpingo-oophorectomy", "部分输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "39083009": [ "Thoracic esophagostomy", "Fistulization of esophagus by thoracic approach", "Thoracic oesophagostomy", "Fistulisation of oesophagus by thoracic approach", "经胸腔入路食管造瘘术", "经胸入路食管造瘘术", "胸腔食管造口术", "胸段食管造口术" ], "86400002": [ "Patient discharge, to home, ambulatory", "患者出院,回家,门诊" ], "446848007": [ "Craniotomy and evacuation of blood clot", "开颅手术并清除血凝块" ], "708992008": [ "Incision and exploration of common bile duct for removal of calculus", "胆管切开探查取石术" ], "2645001": [ "Intelligence test/WB1", "智力测试/WB1" ], "19029000": [ "Repair of fistula of vocal cord", "Closure of fistula of vocal cord", "声带瘘闭合", "声带瘘修复术" ], "608853001": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from nervous system", "神经系统标本的显微镜检查" ], "428629007": [ "Pretransplant evaluation of live kidney donor", "活体肾脏捐献者的移植前评估" ], "281173007": [ "Casting of dental model", "Construction of dental cast", "牙齿模型铸造", "牙模制作" ], "117333009": [ "Grimelius silver stain method", "Grimelius silver stain", "Grimelius stain", "Grimelius银染色法", "Grimelius 银染", "格里米利乌斯染色" ], "82730006": [ "Incidental appendectomy", "Secondary appendectomy", "Incidental appendicectomy", "Secondary appendicectomy", "Incidental excision of appendix", "偶然阑尾切除术", "继发性阑尾切除术", "阑尾切除术" ], "443178006": [ "Osteotomy for shortening of phalanx of toe", "截骨术治疗趾骨缩短" ], "410410006": [ "Screening surveillance", "Screening procedure surveillance", "筛查监测", "筛查程序监测" ], "48127001": [ "Osteoclasis of fibula", "腓骨骨折" ], "719871007": [ "Assessment using Fibrosis-4 index", "Assessment using FIB-4 (Fibrosis-4) index", "使用纤维化-4指数进行评估", "使用 FIB-4(纤维化-4)指数进行评估" ], "79060003": [ "Alpha-mannosidase measurement, fibroblasts", "α-甘露糖苷酶测量,成纤维细胞" ], "308436005": [ "Refer to district nurse", "Referral to district nurse", "转介至区护士", "转介区护士" ], "177364009": [ "Reconstruction using distant pedicle myocutaneous flap", "远端带蒂肌皮瓣修复" ], "765353002": [ "SPECT using technetium (99m-Tc) sulesomab", "Single photon emission computed tomography using technetium (99m-Tc) sulesomab", "使用锝 (99m-Tc) sulesomab 的 SPECT", "使用锝 (99m-Tc) sulesomab 进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "716201003": [ "Open reduction of fracture of multiple ribs with internal fixation", "多处肋骨骨折切开复位内固定" ], "306601006": [ "Discharge from pediatric neurology service", "Discharge from paediatric neurology service", "儿科神经内科出院" ], "271998000": [ "Chemodissolution of gallbladder stone", "胆囊结石化学溶解术" ], "697982000": [ "Referral to surgical transplant service for renal transplant evaluation", "转诊至外科移植服务机构进行肾移植评估" ], "42622002": [ "Bone marrow aspiration procedure, posterior iliac crest", "骨髓抽吸手术,髂后嵴" ], "239230008": [ "Destruction of lesion of bursa", "滑囊损伤破坏" ], "237395009": [ "Biopsy of lesion of nipple and areola", "乳头乳晕病变活检" ], "104488005": [ "Aldosterone and renin measurement following saline suppression", "盐水抑制后醛固酮和肾素测量" ], "235560006": [ "Renewal of bile duct T-tube", "胆管T管更新" ], "448552007": [ "Interstitial brachytherapy using gold grain", "使用金粒进行组织间近距离放射治疗" ], "708861007": [ "Cryoablation to lung, percutaneous", "Percutaneous cryoablation of lung", "经皮肺部冷冻消融", "经皮肺冷冻消融术" ], "446717008": [ "Laser photocoagulation of hemorrhage", "Laser photocoagulation of haemorrhage", "激光光凝治疗出血" ], "313810002": [ "150 minute serum glucose level", "150 minute serum glucose measurement", "150 分钟血糖测量", "150 分钟血糖水平" ], "51666006": [ "Irrigation of ureterostomy and ureteral catheter", "输尿管造口术和输尿管导管冲洗" ], "410279000": [ "Caretaking/parenting skills teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Caretaking/parenting skills teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Caretaking/parenting skills education, guidance, and counseling", "Caretaking/parenting skills education, guidance, and counselling", "照顾/育儿技能教学、指导和咨询", "照顾/育儿技能教育、指导和咨询" ], "1231314009": [ "EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) guided cystogastrostomy of pancreas", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided cystogastrostomy of pancreas", "Cystogastrostomy of pancreas using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Cystogastrostomy of pancreas using endoscopic ultrasound guidance", "内镜超声引导下胰腺囊胃造瘘术", "内镜超声引导下胰腺囊胃造口术", "EUS(内镜超声)引导下胰腺囊胃造口术" ], "2514009": [ "Reduction of closed humeral supracondylar fracture with manipulation and traction", "Manual reduction of closed supracondylar fracture of humerus with traction", "牵引手法复位闭合性肱骨髁上骨折", "手法牵引复位闭合性肱骨髁上骨折" ], "82599007": [ "Amalgam restoration, four or more surfaces, permanent", "汞合金修复,四个或更多表面,永久性" ], "443047009": [ "Transplantation of muscle flap to lower extremity", "下肢肌瓣移植" ], "80764003": [ "Restoration, inlay", "修复、镶嵌" ], "244604004": [ "Biopsy of nail", "指甲活检" ], "31612007": [ "Repair of tendon by direct suture", "直接缝合修复肌腱" ], "1293180009": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of abdomen", "腹部软组织普通X光检查" ], "373841004": [ "Testicular ablation by external beam radiotherapy", "Testicular ablation by external beam radiation therapy", "睾丸消融术", "睾丸外照射消融术" ], "46161009": [ "Advancement of tendon profundus", "Wagner operation", "肌腱深度的进步", "瓦格纳手术" ], "306470002": [ "Discharge by restorative dentist", "修复牙医出院" ], "240934002": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of renal artery", "经皮肾动脉血栓溶解术" ], "175398004": [ "Anastomosis of circle of Willis", "Willis 环吻合术" ], "108027000": [ "Kidney manipulation", "肾脏调整" ], "91643002": [ "Ventricular shunt to ureter", "Ventriculoureterostomy", "Cerebral ventricular shunt to ureter", "脑室输尿管造口术", "脑室分流至输尿管", "脑室至输尿管分流术" ], "386555003": [ "Middle ear reconstruction", "中耳重建" ], "42491007": [ "Repair of blepharoptosis by tarsolevator resection, external approach", "通过提睑肌切除术、外部入路修复上睑下垂" ], "171728001": [ "Cordectomy of spinal cord", "脊髓切除术" ], "401104002": [ "Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody screen", "抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体筛查" ], "1304059009": [ "Open craniofacial resection of nasal cavity", "开放式颅面鼻腔切除术" ], "432037000": [ "Vertebroplasty of sacral spine using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Vertebroplasty of sacral spine using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided vertebroplasty of sacral spine", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行骶椎椎体成形术", "CT引导下骶椎椎体成形术", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行骶椎椎体成形术" ], "417488009": [ "Removal of conjunctival sutures", "拆除结膜缝线" ], "104357007": [ "Complement C4b binding protein measurement", "补体 C4b 结合蛋白测量" ], "235429008": [ "Intubation of gastrointestinal tract via ileostomy", "经回肠造口术进行胃肠道插管" ], "53370001": [ "Routine feeding of patient", "患者常规进食" ], "118906003": [ "Procedure on retina", "视网膜手术" ], "233594006": [ "Lipopheresis", "脂肪去除术" ], "446586007": [ "Laparoscopic partial excision of urinary bladder", "Laparoscopic partial cystectomy", "腹腔镜膀胱部分切除术" ], "708730009": [ "Open hepatotomy", "Open incision of liver", "肝脏切开术", "开放肝切开术" ], "84303004": [ "Neurolysis", "神经松解术" ], "231759007": [ "Endodiathermy to retina", "Endodiathermy of retina", "视网膜内电凝术", "视网膜内电灼疗法" ], "182607007": [ "Packing for non-obstetric uterine bleeding", "非产科子宫出血填塞" ], "49700001": [ "Local excision of lesion of nose", "鼻部病变局部切除术" ], "410148005": [ "Physician status report management", "Manage physician status report", "医生状态报告管理", "管理医生状态报告" ], "705060005": [ "Diet education about mineral intake", "关于矿物质摄入量的饮食教育" ], "426532008": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic dilation of web of esophagus", "Fibreoptic endoscopic dilation of web of oesophagus", "纤维内镜食管网扩张术" ], "442916009": [ "Aspiration of cyst of breast using ultrasound guidance", "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of cyst of breast", "超声引导下乳腺囊肿抽吸术", "超声引导下乳腺囊肿穿刺抽吸" ], "82468009": [ "Subgingival curettage", "龈下刮除术" ], "391929006": [ "Suture of trachea", "Suture of laceration of trachea", "Tracheorrhaphy", "气管裂伤缝合", "气管缝合术", "气管缝合" ], "177102000": [ "Percutaneous insertion of pleuroamniotic shunt", "Percutaneous insertion of thoracoamniotic shunt", "经皮胸膜羊膜分流术", "经皮胸腔羊膜分流术" ], "29646002": [ "Reconstruction of foot and toes with synthetic joint prosthesis", "Arthroplasty of foot and toe with synthetic prosthesis", "使用合成关节假体重建足部和足趾", "使用合成假体进行足趾关节置换术" ], "816078002": [ "Ischemic preconditioning", "Ischaemic preconditioning", "IPC - ischaemic preconditioning", "IPC - ischemic preconditioning", "缺血预处理", "IPC-- 缺血预处理" ], "439246003": [ "Phalangectomy of toe", "Excision of phalanx of toe", "趾骨切除术" ], "291790006": [ "Repair of cornea", "Cornea repair", "角膜修复" ], "175267003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of pulmonary artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of pulmonary artery", "经皮肺动脉腔内栓塞术" ], "715939005": [ "Provision of informal carer patient escort", "Provision of informal caregiver patient escort", "提供非正式护理人员陪同患者" ], "306339006": [ "Referral to outreach nurse", "转介至外联护士" ], "1287544000": [ "Coagulation of lesion of inner ear", "内耳病变电凝术" ], "107896002": [ "Operative procedure on skin of extremity", "四肢皮肤手术方法" ], "42360002": [ "Supplementary agent, anesthetic", "Supplementary agent, anaesthetic", "补充剂、麻醉剂" ], "386424007": [ "Physician support", "医生支持" ], "171597001": [ "Intracranial destruction of oculomotor nerve (III)", "动眼神经颅内破坏(III)" ], "56909003": [ "Puncture and aspiration of bronchus", "支气管穿刺和抽吸" ], "50050131000188107": [ "Aprotinin therapy", "抑肽酶治疗" ], "122445005": [ "Hormone measurement", "Hormone assay", "激素测量", "激素检测" ], "400973003": [ "Referral to eating disorders clinic", "转诊至饮食失调诊所" ], "448290000": [ "Arthrodesis of scapholunate joint", "Fusion of scapholunate joint", "舟月关节融合术", "舟月关节融合" ], "431906000": [ "Biopsy of small intestine using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下进行小肠活检" ], "73293008": [ "Myotenoplasty", "肌腱成形术" ], "169762003": [ "Postnatal visit", "产后访视" ], "235298005": [ "Polypectomy - small intestine", "息肉切除术 - 小肠" ], "38690008": [ "Open reduction of open coccygeal fracture", "尾骨开放性骨折切开复位" ], "104226009": [ "Culture for single organism, screening by commercial kit", "单个生物培养,商业试剂盒筛选" ], "118775006": [ "Procedure on nipple", "乳头手术" ], "231628000": [ "Marsupialisation of dacryocele", "Marsupialization of dacryocele", "泪囊袋形缝合术", "泪囊袋形成形术" ], "233463008": [ "Biopsy of vein", "静脉活检" ], "313548003": [ "Cytoplasmic IgM level", "Cytoplasmic IgM measurement", "Cytoplasmic immunoglobulin M measurement", "细胞质 IgM 测量", "细胞质 IgM 水平", "细胞质免疫球蛋白 M 测量" ], "311713001": [ "Lip exercises", "唇部锻炼" ], "2252009": [ "Hospital admission, urgent, 48 hours", "医院入院,紧急,48 小时" ], "417005": [ "Hospital re-admission", "再次入院" ], "178806002": [ "Fusion spondylolisthesis in situ", "原位融合脊椎滑脱" ], "309878003": [ "Exploration of uterine cavity", "宫腔探查" ], "64118002": [ "Repair of aneurysm with graft of splenic artery", "脾动脉移植修复动脉瘤" ], "31350005": [ "Edrophonium chloride test with electromyographic recording", "氯化依酚铵试验及肌电图记录" ], "408182009": [ "Serum prednisolone level", "血清泼尼松龙水平" ], "439115008": [ "Contouring of forehead", "额头轮廓" ], "306208006": [ "Referral to diagnostic audiology service", "转诊至诊断听力学服务" ], "715808007": [ "Assessment using Intelligibility in Context Scale", "Assessment using ICS (Intelligibility in Context Scale)", "使用 ICS(情境清晰度量表)进行评估", "使用情境理解度量表进行评估" ], "763125007": [ "Assessment using I-PSS (International Prostate Symptom Score)", "Assessment using International Prostate Symptom Score", "使用 I-PSS(国际前列腺症状评分)进行评估", "使用国际前列腺症状评分进行评估" ], "1303797008": [ "Prosthetic arthroplasty of radial head", "Implantation of prosthesis into head of radius", "桡骨头假体置换术", "桡骨头植入假体" ], "386293009": [ "Balance exercises", "Exercise therapy: balance", "运动疗法:平衡", "平衡练习" ], "171466002": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of occipital lobe of brain", "脑枕叶病变开放活检" ], "122314005": [ "Campylobacter coli rRNA assay", "Campylobacter coli ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "大肠弯曲杆菌核糖体核糖核酸测定", "大肠弯曲杆菌 rRNA 检测" ], "235167004": [ "Revision of esophageal anastomosis", "Revision of oesophageal anastomosis", "食管吻合口修复术", "食管吻合口修复" ], "710303007": [ "Ultrasound scan of shunt device", "Ultrasound of shunt device", "Ultrasonography of shunt device", "分流装置超声扫描", "分流装置超声检查" ], "431775008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of subclavian artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of subclavian artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "锁骨下动脉造影及支架置入术" ], "233332008": [ "Embolization of hepatic artery", "Embolisation of hepatic artery", "肝动脉栓塞", "肝动脉栓塞术" ], "84041000": [ "Bronchoscopy with bronchial dilation", "支气管扩张支气管镜检查" ], "34889009": [ "Estriol measurement", "Basic estrogen: 17-B-estriol", "雌三醇测量", "基础雌激素:17-B-雌三醇" ], "49438003": [ "Appendectomy with drainage", "Appendicectomy with drainage", "Appendicectomy and drainage", "Appendectomy and drainage", "阑尾切除引流术", "阑尾切除术和引流术" ], "14835004": [ "Operation on tongue", "Tongue operation", "舌头手术" ], "178675004": [ "Complex decompression of fracture of spine", "脊柱骨折复合减压术" ], "63987006": [ "Histamine release from basophils measurement", "嗜碱性粒细胞组胺释放测量" ], "406216001": [ "Advice to carer", "Recommendation to carer", "Advice to caregiver", "Recommendation to caregiver", "对护理人员的建议", "给照顾者的建议", "给护理人员的建议" ], "225992008": [ "Involving client in planning care", "让客户参与护理计划" ], "287858000": [ "Liver drainage", "Drainage of liver", "肝脏引流", "肝引流" ], "713842001": [ "Optimization of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy", "Optimisation of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy", "血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂治疗的优化" ], "306077008": [ "Referral from orthotist", "Referral by orthotist", "矫形师转诊", "矫形师推荐" ], "1303666003": [ "Right wrist joint region denervation", "Denervation of joint of right wrist region", "右腕关节神经支配", "右腕关节区域失神经支配" ], "9330003": [ "Penicillin measurement", "青霉素测量" ], "173170008": [ "Bilobectomy of lung", "肺双叶切除术" ], "91250009": [ "Frontal sinusotomy by intranasal approach", "经鼻入路额窦切开术" ], "302407000": [ "Thinning of skin flap", "皮瓣变薄" ], "122183004": [ "Bordetella pertussis antigen assay", "百日咳杆菌抗原检测" ], "7495004": [ "Stromeyer-Little operation hepatotomy", "Stromeyer-Little 肝切除术" ], "415260000": [ "Referral for minor surgery", "转诊进行小手术" ], "236871008": [ "Painting of vagina", "阴道绘画" ], "726556001": [ "Maternal spindle transfer mitochondrial replacement therapy", "Maternal spindle transfer mitochondrial donation", "MST MRT - maternal spindle transfer mitochondrial replacement therapy", "MST MRT - 母体纺锤体转移线粒体替代疗法", "母体纺锤体移植线粒体捐赠", "母体纺锤体转移线粒体替代治疗" ], "431644007": [ "Radionuclide electrocardiography gated myocardial perfusion rest study using thallium 201", "使用铊 201 进行放射性核素心电图门控心肌灌注静息研究" ], "429809004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of coronary artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮冠状动脉腔内血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下经皮冠状动脉腔内成形术" ], "233201005": [ "Transpulmonary endovascular oversewing of ductus arteriosus", "经肺动脉导管腔内缝合术" ], "315121007": [ "Farmers lung antibody level", "农民肺抗体水平" ], "36593007": [ "Lengthening of fascia of hand", "手部筋膜延长" ], "231366005": [ "Injection of neurolytic substance to infraorbital nerve", "眶下神经注射神经溶解物质" ], "178544003": [ "Transoral fusion of atlantoaxial joint", "经口颌骨寰枢关节融合术" ], "1145200003": [ "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft from aorta to obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of coronary artery", "Anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from aorta to obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of coronary artery", "Anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from aorta to OM (obtuse marginal) branch of LCX (left circumflex) coronary artery", "游离右乳内动脉自主动脉至冠状动脉回旋支钝缘支的吻合", "将游离的 RIMA(右内乳动脉)从主动脉吻合至 LCX(左回旋支)冠状动脉的 OM(钝缘支)分支", "用从主动脉游离的右胸内动脉移植到冠状动脉回旋支钝缘支的冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "440688007": [ "Identification of sperm from specimen obtained by aspiration", "Identification of spermatozoa from specimen obtained by aspiration", "从抽吸标本中鉴定精子", "从抽吸样本中鉴定精子" ], "275013003": [ "Peranal destruction of rectal polyp", "肛周直肠息肉破坏术" ], "62021003": [ "Parietal gastric cell mass determination", "胃壁细胞质量测定" ], "1290821009": [ "Plain X-ray of oral soft tissue", "口腔软组织普通X光检查" ], "60186002": [ "Laparoscopy with aspiration", "腹腔镜抽吸术" ], "305946003": [ "Referral from pediatric neurologist", "Referral from paediatric neurologist", "Referral by pediatric neurologist", "Referral by paediatric neurologist", "儿科神经科医生的转诊", "儿科神经科医生转诊" ], "43802008": [ "Thermocautery", "Thermocauterization", "Thermocauterisation", "热灼术", "热灼烧" ], "699162009": [ "Open reduction of fracture of wrist bone without internal fixation", "Open reduction of fracture of carpal bone without internal fixation", "腕骨骨折切开复位不内固定" ], "271343001": [ "Anti-staphylococcal hemolysin titer measurement", "Anti-staphylococcal haemolysin titre measurement", "抗葡萄球菌溶血素滴度测定" ], "91119001": [ "Abdominal lymphangiogram", "Lymphangiography abdomen", "腹部淋巴管造影" ], "74735006": [ "Endoscopy of penis", "阴茎内窥镜检查" ], "122052000": [ "Neisseria gonorrhoeae antibody assay", "Measurement of Neisseria gonorrhoeae antibody", "淋病奈瑟菌抗体检测", "淋病奈瑟菌抗体测定" ], "287727009": [ "Removal of urinary drainage device", "移除尿道引流装置" ], "23748004": [ "Thrombectomy of ascending aorta", "Removal of thrombus of ascending aorta", "升主动脉血栓切除术", "升主动脉血栓清除术" ], "7364007": [ "Ligature of femoral vein, complete", "股静脉结扎,完整" ], "234905002": [ "Labial fraenoplasty", "Labial frenoplasty", "唇系带整形术" ], "169369005": [ "Radiotherapy: temporary abdominal implant", "放射治疗:临时腹部植入物" ], "431513006": [ "Biopsy of soft tissue using ultrasound guidance", "Biopsy of soft tissue using ultrasound (US) guidance", "使用超声引导进行软组织活检" ], "726425007": [ "Lobectomy of lower lobe of right lung", "右肺下叶切除术" ], "233070000": [ "Open insertion of right ventricular catheter", "右心室导管开放式插入" ], "103833007": [ "Plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 antigen assay", "2 型纤溶酶原激活剂抑制剂抗原检测" ], "120217006": [ "Forearm incision", "前臂切口" ], "446062001": [ "Excision of lesion of meninges", "脑膜病变切除术" ], "85614001": [ "Environmental intervention", "Milieu therapy", "环境干预", "环境疗法" ], "231235001": [ "Auriculotemporal nerve block", "Local anaesthetic auriculotemporal nerve block", "Local anesthetic auriculotemporal nerve block", "局部麻醉耳颞神经阻滞", "耳颞神经阻滞" ], "264003003": [ "Urinary cystotomy with extraction and fragmentation of ureteral calculus", "尿道膀胱切开术取出并打碎输尿管结石" ], "739139005": [ "Excision of middle and lower lobe of right lung", "Right middle and lower lobectomy of lung", "右肺中下叶切除术" ], "51011006": [ "Nutritional counseling for control of dental disease", "Diet advice for dental caries", "Nutritional counselling for control of dental disease", "控制牙齿疾病的营养咨询", "龋齿的饮食建议" ], "1859008": [ "Removal of foreign body from tendon of hand", "Hand tendon foreign body removed", "手部肌腱异物取出" ], "395075008": [ "Iridium wire therapy", "铱丝疗法" ], "18243008": [ "Destruction of lesion of esophagus", "Destruction of lesion of oesophagus", "Destruction of oesophageal lesion", "Destruction of esophageal lesion", "食管病变破坏" ], "229400006": [ "Physiological mobilization of the foot", "Physiological mobilisation of the foot", "足部的生理活动" ], "426008007": [ "Noncontact normothermic wound therapy", "非接触常温伤口治疗" ], "786456009": [ "Intraoperative fixation of head using head fixation device", "术中使用头部固定装置进行头部固定" ], "440557002": [ "Drainage of extravasated urine from perineum", "会阴溢尿引流" ], "112877004": [ "Frickman operation, abdominal proctopexy", "弗里克曼手术、腹部直肠固定术" ], "391405006": [ "Plasma somatostatin level", "血浆生长抑素水平" ], "30957007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of orbit", "MRI of orbit", "眼眶磁共振成像", "眼眶 MRI" ], "14573009": [ "Endoscopy of epididymis", "附睾内镜检查" ], "717250003": [ "Colostomy care management", "结肠造口护理管理" ], "61890007": [ "Cauterization of eyelid for entropion", "Cauterisation of eyelid for entropion", "眼睑内翻烧灼术" ], "60055006": [ "Repair of cholecystojejunal fistula", "Closure of cholecystojejunal fistula", "胆囊空肠瘘闭合", "胆囊空肠瘘修补术" ], "1256087006": [ "LHPR - laparoscopic Hartmann procedure reversal", "Laparoscopic reversal of Hartmann's operation", "Laparoscopic reversal of Hartmann procedure", "Laparoscopic reversal of Hartmann's procedure", "LHPR - 腹腔镜 Hartmann 手术逆转术", "腹腔镜 Hartmann 手术逆转术", "腹腔镜逆转 Hartmann 手术" ], "240279008": [ "Fetoscopic procedure", "Foetoscopic procedure", "胎儿镜手术", "足底镜检查" ], "385900001": [ "Ear care management", "Manage ear care", "耳部护理管理", "管理耳朵护理" ], "23617000": [ "Repair of ruptured aneurysm of abdominal aorta with graft", "腹主动脉瘤破裂的修补术" ], "89153001": [ "Extracapsular extraction of cataract by rotoextraction with aspiration by posterior route", "经后入路旋转吸出白内障囊外摘除术" ], "713580008": [ "Review of advance care plan", "审查预先护理计划" ], "121921001": [ "Aspergillus fumigatus 1 antibody assay", "烟曲霉 1 抗体测定" ], "433217002": [ "Injection of nerve root of lumbar spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下腰椎神经根注射" ], "40001004": [ "Smallpox vaccination", "Smallpox immunization", "Smallpox immunisation", "Administration of smallpox vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Vaccinia virus antigen", "天花免疫", "仅含痘苗病毒抗原的疫苗产品的给药", "接种天花疫苗", "天花疫苗接种" ], "54550000": [ "Electroencephalogram", "EEG", "EEG - Electroencephalography", "Electroencephalography", "脑电图", "EEG-脑电图" ], "557761000005104": [ "E-mail consultation", "電子郵件諮詢" ], "398614002": [ "HTLV 2 nucleic acid assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 2 nucleic acid assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus 2 nucleic acid assay", "人类T细胞淋巴细胞病毒2型核酸检测", "人类T细胞淋巴细胞病毒(HTLV)2核酸检测", "HTLV 2 核酸检测" ], "120086003": [ "Eye excision", "Excision of eye", "Removal of eye", "摘除眼球", "眼部切除", "眼球切除术" ], "103702004": [ "Patient referral to naturopath", "患者转诊至自然疗法" ], "185622007": [ "Smear inadequate - 2nd recall", "Smear inadequate - Second recall", "涂片不充分 - 第二次召回" ], "234774008": [ "Dental try-in", "T/I - Dental try-in", "TI - Dental try-in", "Dental trial fit", "牙科试戴", "T/I - 牙科试戴", "TI - 牙科试戴" ], "169238009": [ "US skull scan", "Ultrasound skull scan", "美国头骨扫描", "超声波头骨扫描" ], "232939002": [ "Removal of thrombus from truncal valve", "Declotting of truncal valve", "Truncal valve thrombectomy", "Removal of clot from truncal valve", "去除动脉干​​瓣膜中的血凝块", "动脉干瓣膜血栓清除", "动脉干瓣膜清除凝块", "动脉干瓣膜血栓切除术" ], "265707004": [ "Removal of fixation from bone of face", "拆除面部骨骼固定装置" ], "36331006": [ "Fitting of prosthetic upper limb device", "上肢假肢装置的安装" ], "413163007": [ "Learning disabilities health action plan reviewed", "审查学习障碍健康行动计划" ], "19947008": [ "Aneurysmorrhaphy by electrocoagulation", "Repair of aneurysm by coagulation", "Repair of aneurysm by electrocoagulation", "Repair of aneurysm by coagulation using electrical energy", "利用电能凝固修复动脉瘤", "电凝动脉瘤缝合术", "凝固修复动脉瘤", "电凝修复动脉瘤" ], "231104003": [ "Removal of acupuncture needle", "拔除针灸针" ], "771776006": [ "Open repair of incisional hernia using biological mesh", "Open incisional hernioplasty using biological mesh", "使用生物网片进行开放式切口疝修补术", "使用生物网片进行切口疝开放式修补" ], "50880007": [ "Serotonin measurement", "5-Hydroxytryptamine measurement", "血清素测量", "5-羟色胺测量" ], "442261001": [ "Maintenance of gastric band", "胃束带的维护" ], "868245005": [ "Percutaneous coronary intervention of left coronary artery", "PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) of LCA (left coronary artery)", "左冠状动脉经皮冠状动脉介入治疗", "LCA(左冠状动脉)的 PCI(经皮冠状动脉介入治疗)" ], "49045006": [ "Incision of bronchus", "Bronchostomy", "Bronchotomy", "支气管切开术", "支气管切开" ], "1163157007": [ "FLASH radiotherapy", "Ultra high dose rate radiotherapy", "FLASH-RT (radiotherapy)", "FLASH-RT(放射治疗)", "超高剂量率放射治疗", "FLASH放射治疗" ], "180117008": [ "Correction of congenital deformity of lower limb", "下肢先天畸形矫正" ], "360341006": [ "Triple arthrodesis of ankle", "踝关节三关节融合术" ], "32661007": [ "Transfer of anterior tibial tendon into tarsal bone", "将胫前肌腱移入跗骨" ], "229269006": [ "Speech regulation technique", "言语调节技术" ], "112746006": [ "Operative procedure on hand", "现有手术流程" ], "702570008": [ "Fluoroscopic ureterography", "荧光镜输尿管造影" ], "733503001": [ "Direct left atrial pressure monitoring", "直接左心房压力监测" ], "405823003": [ "BRCA1 mutation carrier detection test", "Breast cancer 1, early onset gene mutation carrier detection test", "BRCA1 突变携带者检测", "乳腺癌1、早发性基因突变携带者检测" ], "78143004": [ "Open reduction of proximal tibiofibular joint dislocation with excision", "近端胫腓关节脱位切开复位切除术" ], "438591004": [ "Computed tomography triple phase study of liver", "CT triple phase study of liver", "肝脏 CT 三期研究", "肝脏CT三期研究" ], "1208639004": [ "Transrectal needle biopsy of prostate", "经直肠前列腺穿刺活检" ], "61759004": [ "Open reduction of open sternoclavicular dislocation, acute, with fascial graft", "急性开放性胸锁关节脱位切开复位,筋膜移植" ], "782655004": [ "Laparoscopic transplant of kidney using robotic assistance", "使用机器人辅助进行腹腔镜肾脏移植" ], "238313000": [ "Insertion of hormone implant into pelvic fascia", "将激素植入物插入盆腔筋膜" ], "25321000": [ "Thoracoscopic pneumonectomy", "胸腔镜肺切除术" ], "287465001": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy lung", "经皮肺穿刺活检" ], "303849007": [ "Special peripheral angiography procedures", "特殊的外周血管造影程序" ], "121790000": [ "Hexosaminidase A measurement", "己糖胺酶A测定" ], "385769008": [ "Encouragement of dietary compliance", "Encouragement of dietary adherence", "鼓励遵守饮食规定", "鼓励坚持饮食" ], "105406002": [ "Referral of patient to certified pastoral caregiver", "将患者转介给经过认证的牧师照顾者" ], "1268670003": [ "Insertion of resin modified glass ionomer cement into tooth", "Insertion of RMGIC (resin modified glass ionomer cement) into tooth", "将树脂改性玻璃离子水门汀插入牙齿", "将 RMGIC(树脂改性玻璃离子水泥)插入牙齿" ], "72638004": [ "Fasciotomy of foot", "Division of plantar fascia", "Plantar fasciotomy", "Release of plantar fascia", "Fasciotomy foot", "筋膜切开术足", "足底筋膜的分割", "足部筋膜切开术", "足底筋膜切开术", "足底筋膜释放术" ], "5267001": [ "Ligation of adrenal artery", "Adrenal artery ligation", "肾上腺动脉结扎" ], "185491002": [ "In-house dermatology", "院内皮肤科" ], "1441000087100": [ "CT of left lower extremity", "Computed tomography of left leg", "Computed tomography of left lower extremity", "Computed tomography of left lower limb", "CT of left leg", "CT of left lower limb", "左下肢计算机断层扫描", "左腿计算机断层扫描", "左腿CT", "左下肢C​​T" ], "14241000087100": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of bilateral iliac arteries", "Doppler ultrasonography of left and right iliac artery", "Doppler ultrasound of both iliac arteries", "左、右髂动脉多普勒超声检查", "双侧髂动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "9121000087101": [ "Doppler ultrasound of artery of left inguinal region", "Doppler ultrasound scan of artery of left inguinal region", "Doppler ultrasonography of artery of left inguinal region", "左腹股沟区动脉多普勒超声扫描", "左腹股沟区动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "431251007": [ "Plain X-ray of pelvis using mobile image intensifier", "使用移动影像增强器进行骨盆普通 X 光检查" ], "3432000": [ "Preventive dental service", "预防牙科服务" ], "232808000": [ "Closure of tricuspid valve", "三尖瓣关闭" ], "11681000087105": [ "Ultrasonography of right adrenal gland", "Ultrasound of right adrenal gland", "Ultrasound scan of right adrenal gland", "右肾上腺超声扫描", "右肾上腺超声检查" ], "4001000087105": [ "Plain X-ray of left and right femur", "Plain X-ray of bilateral femurs", "Plain X-ray of both femurs", "左、右股骨普通 X 光检查", "双侧股骨普通 X 光检查", "双侧股骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "70803005": [ "Monitoring of cardiac output by thermodilution indicator", "热稀释指示剂监测心输出量" ], "54419004": [ "Arthroscopically aided anterior cruciate ligament augmentation", "关节镜辅助前交叉韧带增强术" ], "10401000087105": [ "Ultrasonography of thorax, abdomen and pelvis", "Ultrasound scan of chest, abdomen and pelvis", "Ultrasonography of chest, abdomen and pelvis", "Ultrasound of chest, abdomen and pelvis", "胸部、腹部和盆腔超声检查", "胸部、腹部和骨盆超声波扫描" ], "36001000087106": [ "Excision of part of right breast and lymph node group of right axilla", "Excision of part of right breast and lymph nodes of right axilla", "切除部分右侧乳房及右侧腋窝淋巴结", "右乳房部分及右腋窝淋巴结组切除术" ], "161000087106": [ "Fluoroscopy of right upper extremity", "Fluoroscopy of right upper limb", "右上肢透视检查" ], "2721000087108": [ "CT of bilateral upper limbs", "Computed tomography of bilateral upper limbs", "Computed tomography of both upper limbs", "Computed tomography of left and right upper limb", "双侧上肢计算机断层扫描", "双上肢计算机断层扫描", "双上肢CT", "左、右上肢计算机断层扫描" ], "445800003": [ "Assessment using modified Harris hip score", "采用改良 Harris 髋关节评分进行评估" ], "413032006": [ "Percentage CD22 count", "CD22 计数百分比" ], "230973004": [ "Microsurgical graft to cranial nerve", "显微外科移植脑神经" ], "871784006": [ "Cough peak expiratory flow measurement", "Cough peak expiratory flow (CPEF) measurement", "咳嗽峰值呼气流量 (CPEF) 测量", "咳嗽高峰呼气流量测量" ], "118120009": [ "Bacterial antibody assay", "Measurement of bacterial antibody", "细菌抗体测定" ], "443965005": [ "Excision of foreign body of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织异物切除" ], "229138000": [ "Back exercises", "背部锻炼" ], "17981009": [ "Reduction of closed traumatic hip dislocation", "闭合性创伤性髋关节脱位的复位" ], "48914004": [ "Decompression of hand, injection injury", "手部减压、注射伤" ], "178151000": [ "Sacrifice of tendon", "肌腱牺牲" ], "47079000": [ "Ultrasonography of breast", "Ultrasonic examination of breast", "乳腺超声检查", "乳房超声波检查" ], "423911002": [ "Triplex Doppler ultrasonography", "Triplex Doppler ultrasound scan", "三重多普勒超声检查", "三重多普勒超声扫描" ], "179986009": [ "Multisystem procedure", "多系统程序" ], "79847005": [ "Destruction of urethral tissue", "尿道组织破坏" ], "276455007": [ "File root canal", "锉根管" ], "45244006": [ "TNF, Beta assay", "Tumor necrosis factor (TNF), Beta assay", "Tumour necrosis factor (TNF), Beta assay", "Tumor necrosis factor, beta assay", "Tumour necrosis factor, beta assay", "肿瘤坏死因子β测定", "肿瘤坏死因子 (TNF),β 测定", "TNF,β 测定" ], "59793000": [ "Amputation of arm through humerus, reamputation", "肱骨上肢截肢、再截肢" ], "28860009": [ "Prague maneuver", "Prague manoeuvre", "布拉格机动", "布拉格动作" ], "307971000000105": [ "Prone vacuum assisted biopsy of breast using stereotactic X-ray guidance", "Prone stereotactic X-ray guided vacuum assisted biopsy of breast", "立体定向X射线引导下俯卧位真空辅助乳腺活检", "俯卧位立体定向X线引导下乳腺真空辅助活检" ], "76177002": [ "Tattoo removal by abrasion", "Dermabrasion of tattoo", "擦洗去除纹身", "纹身磨皮" ], "1255825005": [ "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - Pureed Level 4 food", "IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) Framework - Pureed Level 4 food", "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - PU4 (Pureed Level 4) food", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - PU4(4 级纯食品)", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - 4 级糊状食物", "IDDSI(国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议)框架 - 4 级糊状食物" ], "289169006": [ "Exercising to lose weight", "运动减肥" ], "764305006": [ "Amputation of bilateral lesser toes", "Amputation of lesser toes of both feet", "Bilateral lesser toe amputation", "双脚小脚趾截肢", "双侧小脚趾截肢", "双侧小趾截肢" ], "238182005": [ "Replacement of silo over congenital umbilical defect", "先天性脐带缺损的脐带筒仓置换术" ], "1155686006": [ "Anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to ramus intermedius artery", "Anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to RI (ramus intermedius) artery", "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft from left internal thoracic artery to intermediate artery", "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft from left internal thoracic artery to ramus intermedius artery", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 吻合至中间升动脉 (RI)", "使用从左胸内动脉到中间动脉的游离右胸内动脉移植进行冠状动脉搭桥术", "使用从左胸内动脉到中间升支动脉的游离右胸内动脉移植进行冠状动脉搭桥术", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至中间升支动脉吻合" ], "287334009": [ "Esophagus to antesternal anastomosis", "Oesophagus to antesternal anastomosis", "食管至胸骨前吻合口", "食管至胸骨前吻合术" ], "252731002": [ "Multiple sleep latency test", "MSLT - Multiple sleep latency test", "多次睡眠潜伏期测试", "MSLT-- 多次睡眠潜伏期测试" ], "1284923001": [ "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided gallbladder drainage", "EUS (endoscopic ultrasonography) guided drainage of gallbladder", "Endoscopic ultrasound guided gallbladder drainage", "EUS-GBD - endoscopic ultrasound guided gallbladder drainage", "Drainage of gallbladder using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "内镜超声引导下胆囊引流", "EUS-GBD - 内镜超声引导胆囊引流", "内镜超声引导胆囊引流", "EUS(内镜超声检查)引导胆囊引流" ], "105275004": [ "Oxandrolone measurement", "氧雄龙测量" ], "170811004": [ "Follow-up endocrine assessment", "随访内分泌评估" ], "121659006": [ "Aroclor 1254 measurement", "Aroclor 1254 测量" ], "236347006": [ "Operation on hydrocele", "Operation on hydrocele sac", "Hydrocele operation", "鞘膜积液手术" ], "449339008": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of intercostal nerve using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下肋间神经射频消融" ], "709648000": [ "Doppler ultrasound scan of iliac artery", "Doppler ultrasonography of iliac artery", "Doppler ultrasound of iliac artery", "髂动脉多普勒超声扫描", "髂动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "432955007": [ "Administration of sulfonylurea", "Administration of sulphonylurea", "磺脲类药物治疗", "磺酰脲类药物的使用" ], "301883009": [ "Removal of arterial cross clamp", "Removal of arterial clamp", "移除动脉钳", "移除动脉夹" ], "168976004": [ "Venogram - portal vein", "Phlebography of portal system", "门脉系统静脉造影", "静脉造影 - 门静脉" ], "119824005": [ "Pericardium reconstruction", "心包重建" ], "412901000": [ "Silk specific IgE antibody measurement", "Silk specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "蚕丝特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "丝特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "398352008": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi nucleic acid assay", "Borrelia burgdorferi nucleic acid detection", "伯氏疏螺旋体核酸检测" ], "707813002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon dilation of cardiac conduit", "经皮腔内球囊扩张心脏导管术" ], "314597002": [ "Thoracoscopic splanchnicectomy", "胸腔镜内脏切除术" ], "232677006": [ "Endotracheal intubation using rigid bronchoscope", "Tracheal intubation using rigid bronchoscope", "使用硬质支气管镜进行气管插管" ], "443834000": [ "Quantitative measurement of bismuth in urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of bismuth in urine specimen", "尿液标本中铋的定量测定", "尿液标本中铋的质量浓度定量测定" ], "17850001": [ "Division of palpebral ligament", "Division of canthal ligament", "睑韧带分离", "眼角韧带分离" ], "230842002": [ "Biopsy of brain tissue", "脑组织活检" ], "179855002": [ "Open removal foreign body from joint", "Open removal of foreign body from joint", "从关节处切开取出异物", "开放性取出关节异物" ], "32399007": [ "Urethral pressure profile study", "尿道压力分布研究" ], "48783008": [ "Choledochopancreatostomy", "胆管胰吻合术" ], "63332003": [ "History AND physical examination", "病史和体格检查" ], "178020005": [ "Intraperitoneal administration of radioactive substance", "Introduction of radioactive substance into peritoneal cavity", "腹膜内注射放射性物质", "将放射性物质引入腹腔" ], "866148006": [ "Screening for domestic abuse", "筛查家庭暴力" ], "816996009": [ "Stress echocardiography", "负荷超声心动图" ], "307257002": [ "Marsupialization of sublingual cyst", "Marsupialisation of sublingual cyst", "舌下囊肿袋形成形术" ], "241721002": [ "Padding over eyelid", "眼睑上垫" ], "1255694000": [ "Implantable venous access port injection", "植入式静脉通路注射" ], "225337009": [ "Suicide risk assessment", "自杀风险评估" ], "305422004": [ "Admission to colorectal surgery department", "结直肠外科入院" ], "121528001": [ "Dexamethasone measurement", "地塞米松测量" ], "236216002": [ "First stage of staged closure of bladder exstrophy", "First stage of staged closure of exstrophy of urinary bladder", "膀胱外翻分期缝合第一阶段", "膀胱外翻分期缝合第一期" ], "105144003": [ "Cropropamide measurement", "克罗普胺测量" ], "268984004": [ "Examination of fever", "发热检查" ], "432824002": [ "B-cell leukaemia lymphoma 2 (BCL-2) gene rearrangement analysis", "B-cell leukemia lymphoma 2 gene rearrangement analysis", "B-cell leukemia lymphoma 2 (BCL-2) gene rearrangement analysis", "B-cell leukaemia lymphoma 2 gene rearrangement analysis", "B 细胞白血病淋巴瘤 2 (BCL-2) 基因重排分析", "B 细胞白血病淋巴瘤 2 基因重排分析" ], "252600002": [ "Central auditory function test", "中枢听觉功能测试" ], "170680007": [ "Follow-up psychiatric assessment", "后续精神科评估" ], "711352003": [ "CT guided puncture of renal cyst", "CT guided puncture of cyst of kidney", "Puncture of cyst of kidney using computed tomography guidance", "Renal cyst puncture using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肾囊肿穿刺", "计算机断层扫描引导下肾囊肿穿刺", "CT引导下肾囊肿穿刺" ], "758669002": [ "Intracranial pressure monitoring via burr hole", "经颅钻孔颅内压监测" ], "398221005": [ "Fetal pH monitoring", "Foetal pH monitoring", "胎儿 pH 监测", "胎儿 pH 值监测" ], "168845006": [ "Duodenum double contrast examination", "十二指肠双重造影检查" ], "447373006": [ "Excision of nasal sinus and nasal turbinate", "Sinusectomy and turbinectomy", "鼻窦切除术和鼻甲切除术", "切除鼻窦及鼻甲" ], "1217421008": [ "Biopsy of lesion of liver using laparoscopic ultrasound guidance", "Biopsy of lesion of liver using laparoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Laparoscopic ultrasonography guided biopsy of lesion of liver", "腹腔镜超声引导下肝脏病变活检", "腹腔镜超声引导下肝病变活检" ], "232546000": [ "Total pharyngolaryngectomy", "Total pharyngectomy and total laryngectomy", "全咽切除术和全喉切除术", "全咽喉切除术" ], "167010001": [ "Blood methanol level", "Blood methanol measurement", "血液甲醇测量", "血液甲醇水平" ], "265314004": [ "Maintenance of ventilation tube through tympanic membrane", "经鼓膜通气管的维护" ], "117858007": [ "Polio virus 2 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human poliovirus 2 antibody", "脊髓灰质炎病毒 2 型抗体检测", "人类脊髓灰质炎病毒 2 型抗体的测量" ], "165175000": [ "Temperament testing", "气质测试" ], "50487004": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of vena cava by leg incision", "经小腿切口腔静脉导管血栓切除术" ], "443703008": [ "Assessment using vestibular disorders activities of daily living scale", "使用前庭障碍日常生活活动量表进行评估" ], "312631009": [ "Provision of feeding aid", "提供喂养援助" ], "179724002": [ "Open reattachment glenoid labrum", "开放式再附着盂唇" ], "359948004": [ "Cyclodiathermy", "循环热疗法" ], "390881003": [ "Referral to GP - beta-blocker management", "Referral to general practitioner for beta-blocker management", "转诊至全科医生处接受 β 受体阻滞剂治疗", "转诊至全科医生 - β受体阻滞剂管理" ], "341729004": [ "Manual reduction of torsion of intestine", "肠扭转手法复位" ], "440033009": [ "Laparoscopic fixation of prolapse of rectum with resection of sigmoid", "Laparoscopic proctopexy and sigmoid colectomy", "腹腔镜直肠脱垂固定术及乙状结肠切除术", "腹腔镜直肠固定术和乙状结肠切除术" ], "405430002": [ "Catheterisation of subclavian vein", "Catheterization of subclavian vein", "Insertion of subclavian vein catheter", "锁骨下静脉置管", "插入锁骨下静脉导管" ], "176054003": [ "Percutaneous nephroscopic balloon dilatation of ureter", "Percutaneous antegrade balloon dilatation of ureter", "Percutaneous nephroscopic balloon dilation of ureter", "经皮肾镜输尿管球囊扩张术", "经皮顺行输尿管球囊扩张术" ], "274358005": [ "Surgical biopsy of kidney", "肾脏手术活检" ], "225206006": [ "Sleep and rest interventions", "Rest/sleep treatments and procedures", "休息/睡眠治疗和程序", "睡眠和休息干预" ], "241590005": [ "CT myelogram of cervical region", "Computed tomography myelogram of cervical region", "颈部 CT 脊髓造影" ], "716726008": [ "Assessment using Edinburgh Articulation Test", "Assessment using EAT (Edinburgh Articulation Test)", "使用 EAT(爱丁堡发音测试)进行评估", "使用爱丁堡发音测试进行评估" ], "305291004": [ "Admission by rehabilitation psychiatrist", "康复精神科医生接纳" ], "698507004": [ "Insertion of feeding tube into small intestine", "将饲管插入小肠" ], "370827009": [ "Implementation of protective measures to prevent skin and tissue injury due to chemical sources", "Implements protective measures to prevent skin and tissue injury due to chemical sources", "实施防护措施,防止化学源导致的皮肤和组织损伤", "采取防护措施,防止因化学物质导致的皮肤和组织损伤" ], "172384001": [ "Cryotherapy of conjunctival lesion", "结膜病变冷冻治疗" ], "713056003": [ "Discussion about clinical red flag warning sign", "关于临床红旗警示信号的讨论" ], "41312002": [ "Destruction of lesion of Bartholin's gland", "Destruction of lesion of Bartholin gland", "巴氏腺病变破坏", "巴氏腺病变破坏术" ], "57696005": [ "Local excision of lesion or tissue of radius AND ulna", "桡骨和尺骨病变或组织的局部切除" ], "121397000": [ "Naphthalene measurement", "萘测量" ], "711221001": [ "Angioplasty of iliac artery and insertion of stent using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of iliac artery and insertion of stent with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行髂动脉血管成形术及支架置入术", "荧光透视引导下髂动脉血管成形术及造影剂支架置入" ], "88629000": [ "Agar dilution MIC susceptibility test for anaerobes", "Agar dilution minimum inhibitory concentration susceptibility test for anaerobes", "厌氧菌琼脂稀释MIC敏感性试验", "厌氧菌琼脂稀释最低抑菌浓度药敏试验" ], "432693000": [ "Fluoroscopic lymphangiography of thoracic duct", "胸导管荧光透视淋巴管造影" ], "23093004": [ "Microbial identification, Minitek biochemical differentiation disk method", "微生物鉴定,Minitek生化鉴别纸片法" ], "252469006": [ "Pulse generated run-off", "PGR - Pulse generated run-off", "脉冲产生径流", "PGR——脉冲生成径流" ], "170549007": [ "Chronic disease monitoring", "慢性疾病监测" ], "105013009": [ "Urea nitrogen measurement, urine", "尿素氮测量,尿液" ], "281567001": [ "Reconstruction of bile duct", "胆管重建" ], "234250009": [ "Block dissection of pelvic lymph nodes", "盆腔淋巴结块清扫术" ], "117727003": [ "Quantitation of bacteria", "细菌定量" ], "609247004": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from trachea without incision", "无需切开气管取出管腔内异物" ], "35807001": [ "Control of hemorrhage of nose", "Control of epistaxis", "Control of epistaxis by unlisted technique", "Control of haemorrhage of nose", "Control of nasal haemorrhage", "Control of nasal hemorrhage", "Bleeding reduction: nasal", "Epistaxis control", "鼻出血控制", "通过未列出的技术控制鼻出血", "减少鼻出血", "控制鼻出血" ], "66740000": [ "Coloplication", "共生" ], "443572004": [ "Measurement of sirolimus", "雷帕霉素的测量" ], "427188004": [ "Repair of double outlet right ventricle with intraventricular tunnel", "右心室双出口脑室内隧道修复术" ], "83124006": [ "Anesthesia for pleurectomy", "Anaesthesia for pleurectomy", "胸膜切除术麻醉" ], "408969000": [ "Contraception care management", "Manage contraception care", "Family planning case management", "Family planning care: case management", "计划生育案例管理", "避孕护理管理", "计划生育护理:病例管理", "管理避孕护理" ], "439902000": [ "Reduction and reconstruction of craniomegalic skull", "颅骨巨化症的复位重建" ], "177758000": [ "Insertion of silicone implant for correction of pectus excavatum", "植入硅胶假体矫正漏斗胸" ], "718430002": [ "Assessment using SCORE Index of Family Function and Change 15", "Assessment using SCORE-15", "使用家庭功能和变化指数进行评估 15", "使用SCORE-15进行评估" ], "13918006": [ "Irrigation of tendon", "肌腱冲洗" ], "405299001": [ "Femoro-posterior tibial graft for repair of aneurysm using vein", "股骨后胫骨移植用于利用静脉修复动脉瘤" ], "225075001": [ "Cleaning area around nasogastric tube", "鼻胃管周围清洁" ], "257843002": [ "External fixation using bilateral bars with cross-linkage", "采用双侧交联杆进行外固定" ], "28467003": [ "Intrathoracic esophagoileostomy", "Intrathoracic oesophagoileostomy", "胸内食管回肠造口术" ], "61235005": [ "Repair of ruptured aneurysm with graft of subclavian artery by thoracic incision", "经胸切口锁骨下动脉移植修复破裂动脉瘤" ], "175923006": [ "Open excision of renal lesion", "肾脏病变切除术" ], "480571000119102": [ "Doppler ultrasound scan velocimetry of umbilical artery of fetus", "Doppler ultrasound velocimetry of umbilical artery of fetus", "Doppler ultrasound scan velocimetry of umbilical artery of foetus", "胎儿脐动脉多普勒超声测速", "胎儿脐动脉多普勒超声扫描测速", "胎儿脐动脉多普勒超声扫描速度测定" ], "239624000": [ "Correction of congenital deformity", "矫正先天畸形" ], "1255432005": [ "Robot assisted subtotal excision of distal pancreas", "Subtotal excision of distal pancreas using robotic assistance", "Robot assisted distal pancreatectomy", "Robot assisted distal subtotal pancreatectomy", "机器人辅助远端胰腺切除术", "使用机器人辅助进行远端胰腺次全切除术", "机器人辅助远端胰腺次全切除术" ], "90333001": [ "Direct thrombectomy of vena cava by leg incision", "经小腿切口直接腔静脉血栓切除术" ], "450781003": [ "Primary fusion of joint and external fixation", "关节一期融合及外固定" ], "39346000": [ "Excision of lesion of conjunctiva", "Excision of conjunctival lesion", "结膜病变切除术" ], "170418000": [ "Administration of first dose of poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "First dose poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "First dose poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "First dose poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Human poliovirus antigens", "接种第一剂脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "第一剂脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫接种", "注射第一剂仅含有破伤风梭菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第一剂脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种" ], "104882000": [ "Porphobilinogen measurement", "胆色素原测量" ], "121266002": [ "Pentacarboxylporphyrin measurement", "五羧基卟啉测量" ], "88498005": [ "Compatibility test, crossmatch, screening for compatible unit, enzyme technique", "兼容性测试、交叉配血、筛选相容单元、酶技术" ], "1153458007": [ "Care of closed wound", "闭合性伤口的护理" ], "184967007": [ "Police request to attend and examine", "警方要求出席并审查" ], "1217159009": [ "Endoscopic retrograde examination of kidney and biopsy of lesion of kidney", "肾脏内镜逆行检查及肾脏病变活检" ], "609116002": [ "Microscopic examination of cell block of specimen from lymph node", "淋巴结标本细胞块显微镜检查" ], "1297244003": [ "Postoperative evaluation", "Postoperative assessment", "术后评估" ], "117596004": [ "Human leukocyte antigen B antigen phenotyping", "HLA (Human leukocyte antigen) B phenotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen B antigen phenotyping", "HLA (Human leucocyte antigen) B phenotyping", "HLA(人类白细胞抗原)B 表型", "人类白细胞抗原 B 抗原表型" ], "2908005": [ "Destruction of hemorrhoids by cryotherapy", "Cryotherapy of hemorrhoids", "Destruction of haemorrhoids by cryotherapy", "Cryotherapy of haemorrhoids", "Cryotherapy to haemorrhoid", "Cryotherapy to hemorrhoid", "痔疮冷冻治疗", "冷冻疗法消除痔疮" ], "50225007": [ "Removal of heart assist system", "移除心脏辅助系统" ], "48390001": [ "Closure of cleft hand", "Barsky operation for closure of cleft hand", "Closure of palmar cleft", "裂手闭合", "巴斯基手术闭合裂手", "掌裂闭合" ], "392454002": [ "e89 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Turkey feathers specific IgE antibody measurement", "Turkey feathers specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "火鸡羽毛特异性IgE抗体测定", "火鸡羽毛特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "e89 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "441606001": [ "Repair of capsule and posterior labrum for stabilisation of glenohumeral joint", "Repair of capsule and posterior labrum for stabilization of glenohumeral joint", "修复关节囊和后盂唇以稳定盂肱关节" ], "17457009": [ "Division of cartilage of hip", "Division of joint cartilage of hip", "髋关节软骨的分割", "髋关节软骨分割" ], "785670005": [ "Urine substance measurement", "尿液物质测量" ], "228614007": [ "Provision of hoist", "提供升降机" ], "275931000": [ "Aspirin prophylaxis for ischaemic heart disease", "Aspirin prophylaxis for ischemic heart disease", "Administration of prophylactic aspirin for ischemic heart disease", "Administration of prophylactic aspirin for ischaemic heart disease", "阿司匹林预防缺血性心脏病", "预防性使用阿司匹林治疗缺血性心脏病" ], "46555000": [ "Catecholamines, fractionation measurement, plasma", "Pressor amines measurement, plasma", "血浆升压胺测量", "儿茶酚胺,分馏测量,血浆" ], "177627006": [ "Insertion of estrogen implant", "Hormone implant - estrogen", "Insertion of estradiol implant", "Insertion of oestrogen implant", "Hormone implant - oestrogen", "Insertion of oestradiol implant", "雌二醇植入物插入", "植入雌激素", "激素植入物-雌激素" ], "306864003": [ "Discharge from music therapy service", "退出音乐治疗服务" ], "241328005": [ "Radionuclide gastro-oesophageal reflux study", "Radionuclide gastro-esophageal reflux study", "Radionuclide gastroesophageal reflux study", "放射性核素胃食管反流研究" ], "450650000": [ "Open embolization of celiac artery", "Open embolisation of coeliac artery", "腹腔动脉开放栓塞术" ], "239493009": [ "Interposition arthroplasty of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger", "手指掌指关节间置成形术" ], "57434002": [ "Radical excision with en bloc resection of regional organs and tissues", "根治性切除术及区域器官和组织的整体切除" ], "448815003": [ "Excision of pilonidal sinus and grafting of skin", "切除藏毛窦并移植皮肤" ], "710959006": [ "Implementation of immobilisation regime", "Implementation of immobilization regime", "实施固定制度" ], "104751006": [ "Inosine measurement", "肌苷测量" ], "1004036000": [ "Removal of corneal filament", "Removal of filament of anterior surface of cornea", "去除角膜丝", "去除角膜前表面的细丝" ], "252207008": [ "L-dihydroxy-phenylalanine suppression test", "L-dopa suppression test", "左旋多巴抑制试验", "L-二羟基苯丙氨酸抑制试验" ], "432431008": [ "Cementoplasty of acetabulum using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下髋臼骨水泥成形术" ], "70148007": [ "Parathyroid hormone measurement, C-terminal", "PTH-C measurement", "PTH-C测量", "甲状旁腺激素测量,C 端" ], "250372008": [ "Factor VIIIc inhibitor activity measurement", "Factor VIIIc inhibitor activity", "因子 VIIIc 抑制剂活性测量", "因子 VIIIc 抑制剂活性" ], "314073001": [ "Immunology screening test", "免疫学筛查测试" ], "183001000": [ "Incontinence care", "Continence care", "失禁护理" ], "232153001": [ "Excision of accessory auricle", "副耳廓切除术" ], "37380009": [ "Destruction of cerebral lesion", "脑损伤破坏" ], "82862002": [ "Primary rhinoplasty with elevation of nasal tip", "Nasal tip rhinoplasty", "Tip rhinoplasty", "Correction of nasal tip deformity", "鼻尖畸形矫正", "初次鼻整形术及鼻尖抬高术", "鼻尖整形" ], "66478002": [ "Total laryngectomy", "Total laryngectomy without radical neck dissection", "全喉切除术,不进行根治性颈淋巴清扫术", "全喉切除术" ], "426926007": [ "Transplantation of conjunctiva", "结膜移植" ], "1295278008": [ "Plain X-ray of adenoid", "腺样体 X 线平片" ], "310403001": [ "Advice about temperature control", "Temperature control education", "温度控制教育", "关于温度控制的建议" ], "787374007": [ "Preparation of plastic embedded tissue specimen", "塑料包埋组织标本的制备" ], "392323002": [ "Graft of cartilage", "Cartilage graft", "Grafting of cartilage", "Grafting with graft of cartilage", "Grafting of cartilage graft", "软骨移植" ], "15491007": [ "Open excisional biopsy of bladder", "Open excisional biopsy of urinary bladder", "膀胱开放切除活检" ], "406872000": [ "Jenner-Giemsa stain method", "Jenner Giemsa stain", "Jenner-Giemsa stain", "詹纳-吉姆萨染色", "Jenner-Giemsa染色法", "Jenner-Giemsa 染色" ], "359555009": [ "Ethmoidotomy", "Ethmoid sinusotomy", "筛窦切开术" ], "64643009": [ "Special cytogenetic study, explain by report", "特殊细胞遗传学研究,通过报告解释" ], "11821000": [ "Pharmacometric study", "药效学研究" ], "46424009": [ "Cerebral ventriculography, positive contrast", "脑室造影,阳性对比剂" ], "44589002": [ "Debridement of brain", "脑清创" ], "241197002": [ "Acromioclavicular joint arthrogram", "肩锁关节造影" ], "306733005": [ "Discharge by general dental surgeon", "普通牙科医生出院" ], "388653008": [ "Rf300 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Goat milk specific IgE antibody measurement", "Goat milk specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "羊奶特异性IgE抗体测定", "羊奶特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf300特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "239362009": [ "Partial prosthetic replacement of bone", "部分假体置换骨骼" ], "8151003": [ "Echocardiography for detecting cardiac output", "超声心动图检测心输出量" ], "171991007": [ "Exploration of thyroid gland", "Exploration of thyroid", "甲状腺探查" ], "450519008": [ "Exploration of burnt skin of head", "头部烧伤皮肤探查" ], "55468007": [ "Ocular slit lamp examination", "Slit lamp examination", "Slit lamp biomicroscopy", "裂隙灯检查", "裂隙灯生物显微镜检查", "眼裂隙灯检查" ], "104620008": [ "Cystathionine measurement", "胱硫醚测量" ], "22700008": [ "Incision and drainage of hematoma of forearm", "Incision and drainage of haematoma of forearm", "前臂血肿切开引流术" ], "710828008": [ "Assessment of ability to walk", "行走能力评估" ], "708993003": [ "Removal of foreign body from peritoneal cavity", "腹腔异物取出" ], "446849004": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of jugular vein", "颈静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "2646000": [ "Incision and exploration of vas deferens", "Vasotomy and exploration", "输精管切开术和探查", "输精管切开探查" ], "68182001": [ "Incision of popliteal space", "腘窝切开" ], "397697008": [ "Allergen specific IgE antibody measurement, semi-quantitative", "Allergen specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement, semi-quantitative", "过敏原特异性 IgE 抗体测量,半定量", "过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量,半定量" ], "281174001": [ "Construct dental special tray", "构建牙科专用托盘" ], "117334003": [ "Cold incubation of serum, 5 days", "血清冷培养,5天" ], "608854007": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from surgical wound", "Microscopic examination of specimen from operative wound", "手术伤口标本的显微镜检查" ], "313942007": [ "Helicobacter pylori IgG antibody level", "Helicobacter pylori IgG antibody measurement", "Helicobacter pylori immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "幽门螺杆菌 IgG 抗体测量", "幽门螺杆菌 IgG 抗体水平", "幽门螺杆菌免疫球蛋白G抗体测定" ], "361259002": [ "Cystoscopy and cystodiathermy", "Cystoscopy and cauterisation of bladder", "Cystoscopy and cauterization of bladder", "膀胱镜检查及膀胱烧灼", "膀胱镜检查和膀胱烧灼", "膀胱镜检查和膀胱电热疗法" ], "82731005": [ "Partial excision of bone of proximal humerus", "肱骨近端骨部分切除术" ], "17195006": [ "Relaxant, induction and maintenance", "松弛、诱导和维持" ], "410411005": [ "Sickness/injury care surveillance", "疾病/伤害护理监测" ], "49963009": [ "Radiation therapy isodose plan, moving strip field", "放射治疗等剂量计划,移动条带野" ], "306602004": [ "Discharge from paediatric oncology service", "Discharge from pediatric oncology service", "儿科肿瘤科出院", "出院" ], "765354008": [ "Dual isotope single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of parathyroid using technetium-99m and thallium-201", "Dual isotope SPECT CT of parathyroid using technetium-99m and thallium-201", "使用锝-99m 和铊-201 对甲状旁腺进行双同位素 SPECT CT 检查", "使用锝-99m 和铊-201 进行双同位素单光子发射计算机断层扫描和甲状旁腺计算机断层扫描" ], "697983005": [ "Maintenance of artificial sphincter of anus", "人工肛门括约肌的维护" ], "239231007": [ "Debridement of tendon", "肌腱清创" ], "42623007": [ "Repair of both indirect inguinal hernias with prosthesis or graft", "Repair of bilateral indirect inguinal hernias with prosthesis or graft", "使用假体或移植物修复两侧腹股沟斜疝", "用假体或移植物修复双侧腹股沟斜疝" ], "712532003": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of iliac vein", "髂静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "237396005": [ "Biopsy of lesion of areola", "乳晕病变活检" ], "8020008": [ "Arthroplasty of shoulder with synthetic joint prosthesis", "人工合成肩关节置换术" ], "104489002": [ "Aldosterone renal clearance measurement", "醛固酮肾清除率测量" ], "235561005": [ "Renewal of biliary anastomosis prosthesis", "胆道吻合口假体的更新" ], "708862000": [ "Transcatheter embolization of head and neck vessel", "Transcatheter embolisation of head and neck vessel", "头颈部血管经导管栓塞术" ], "22569008": [ "Glucose measurement, serum", "血糖测量,血清" ], "4350002": [ "Removal of implant of cornea", "Removal of artificial implant from cornea", "取出角膜植入物", "从角膜中取出人工植入物" ], "446718003": [ "Drainage of blood from suprachoroidal space", "脉络膜上腔血液引流" ], "313811003": [ "Cholesterol/HDL ratio measurement", "Cholesterol/HDL ratio", "Cholesterol/High density lipoprotein ratio measurement", "胆固醇/高密度脂蛋白比率测量", "胆固醇/高密度脂蛋白 (HDL) 比率测量", "胆固醇/高密度脂蛋白 (HDL) 比率" ], "428499005": [ "Primary foraminoplasty of thoracic spine using laser", "激光胸椎椎间孔成形术" ], "410280002": [ "Cast care teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Cast care teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Cast care education, guidance, and counseling", "Cast care education, guidance, and counselling", "演员护理教育、指导和咨询", "关怀教学、指导和咨询" ], "680007": [ "Radiation physics consultation", "辐射物理咨询" ], "179069001": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture and cast immobilization", "Revision to open reduction of fracture and cast immobilisation", "骨折切开复位及石膏固定" ], "373842006": [ "Testicular ablation by anti-androgen", "抗雄激素睾丸消融术" ], "717906006": [ "X-ray tomography of femur", "股骨 X 射线断层扫描" ], "240935001": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of hepatic artery", "经皮肝动脉血栓溶解术" ], "439378009": [ "Measurement of tobramycin in random specimen", "随机样本妥布霉素测定" ], "306471003": [ "Discharge by ear, nose and throat surgeon", "Discharge by ENT surgeon", "耳鼻喉外科医生的出院通知", "耳鼻喉外科医生出院" ], "175399007": [ "Open embolectomy of cerebral artery", "开放性脑动脉栓塞切除术" ], "77095007": [ "Repair of arteriovenous fistula", "Plastic repair of arteriovenous aneurysm", "Plasty procedure of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘修复", "动静脉瘤的整形修复", "动静脉瘘成形术" ], "9724000": [ "Repair of current obstetric laceration of uterus", "Suture of obstetric laceration of corpus uteri", "Hysterorrhaphy of ruptured uterus", "产科子宫体裂伤缝合术", "当前产科子宫裂伤的修复", "子宫破裂缝合术" ], "386556002": [ "Repair of middle ear", "Plastic repair of middle ear", "Tympanoplasty", "Middle ear otoplasty", "中耳成形术", "中耳修复", "鼓室成形术", "中耳整形修复" ], "108028005": [ "Ureter excision", "Ureterectomy", "输尿管切除术", "输尿管切除" ], "91644008": [ "Neurectasis", "Stretching of nerve", "神经拉伸", "神经扩张" ], "401105001": [ "Serum total T3 level", "血清总 T3 水平" ], "26108009": [ "Thermocauterization for destruction of lesion of palate", "Thermocauterisation for destruction of lesion of palate", "Cauterization of lesion of palate using thermal energy", "Cauterisation of lesion of palate using thermal energy", "热灼烧法毁坏腭部病变", "热烧灼术毁损腭部病变", "利用热能烧灼腭部病变", "利用热能烧灼治疗腭部损伤" ], "302801006": [ "US scan of genitourinary system", "Ultrasound scan of genitourinary system", "泌尿生殖系统超声波扫描", "泌尿生殖系统超声扫描" ], "710566000": [ "Discussion about bariatric operative procedure", "减肥手术流程探讨" ], "104358002": [ "Complement C4d measurement", "补体 C4d 测量" ], "235430003": [ "Intubation of gastrointestinal tract via colostomy", "经结肠造口术进行胃肠道插管" ], "432038005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of basilic vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行贵要静脉" ], "446587003": [ "Ureteroscopy and electrohydraulic lithotripsy of calculus of ureter", "输尿管镜及输尿管结石液电碎石术" ], "430203005": [ "Biopsy of eye region", "眼部活检" ], "20603005": [ "Special echography procedure", "特殊的超声检查程序" ], "233595007": [ "Intravenous gas exchange", "IVOX - intravenous gas exchange", "IVOX-- 静脉气体交换", "静脉气体交换" ], "35152000": [ "Prostatolithotomy", "前列腺切开取石术" ], "708731008": [ "Endoscopic insertion of nasobiliary drainage tube", "内镜下鼻胆引流管插入" ], "231760002": [ "Cryotherapy to retina", "视网膜冷冻治疗" ], "264528002": [ "Growth hormone suppression test", "Growth hormone suppression", "生长激素抑制试验", "生长激素抑制" ], "410149002": [ "Professional / ancillary services assessment", "Assess professional / ancillary services", "专业/辅助服务评估", "评估专业/辅助服务" ], "33317003": [ "Ober-Yount fasciotomy, combined with spica cast, pins in tibia and wedging the cast", "Ober-Yount 筋膜切开术,结合人字形石膏固定、胫骨钉置入术和楔入石膏固定术" ], "197157006": [ "Photography of patient", "患者摄影" ], "549007": [ "Incision of intracranial vein", "Intracranial phlebotomy", "Intracranial venotomy", "颅内静脉切开术", "颅内放血" ], "391930001": [ "Tracheal wall reinforcement", "气管壁加固" ], "80634002": [ "Revision of vessel-to-vessel arteriovenous cannula", "血管间动静脉插管的修订" ], "816079005": [ "Vascularized composite allotransplantation", "Vascularized composite allografting", "Composite tissue allografting", "Vascularised composite allografting", "Vascularised composite allotransplantation", "血管化复合同种异体移植", "复合组织同种异体移植" ], "439247007": [ "Cryopreservation of testicular tissue", "睾丸组织冷冻保存" ], "879780004": [ "Telehealth chronic heart failure monitoring", "Telehealth monitoring for chronic heart failure", "慢性心力衰竭的远程医疗监测", "远程医疗慢性心力衰竭监测" ], "715940007": [ "Provision of specialist critical care medical patient escort", "提供专科重症监护医疗病人陪护" ], "404644007": [ "Brightness acuity testing", "BAT - brightness acuity testing", "亮度敏锐度测试", "BAT-- 亮度敏锐度测试" ], "175268008": [ "Percutaneous embolectomy of pulmonary artery", "Transluminal pulmonary embolectomy", "TL - Transluminal pulmonary embolectomy", "腔内肺动脉栓塞切除术", "TL - 经腔内肺动脉栓塞切除术", "经皮肺动脉栓塞切除术" ], "306340008": [ "Referral to research nurse", "转诊至研究护士" ], "42361003": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of spleen", "脾脏细针穿刺活检" ], "1287545004": [ "Electrocoagulation of lesion of inner ear", "Coagulation of lesion of inner ear using electrical energy", "利用电能凝固内耳病变", "内耳损伤电凝治疗" ], "107897006": [ "Skin of extremity incision", "肢体皮肤切口" ], "304505006": [ "Advice regarding functional activity", "Recommendation regarding functional activity", "关于功能活动的建议" ], "386425008": [ "Pneumatic tourniquet precautions", "气压止血带注意事项" ], "122446006": [ "Vitamin measurement", "Vitamin level", "维生素水平", "维生素测量" ], "171598006": [ "Intracranial destruction of trochlear nerve (IV)", "滑车神经颅内破坏(IV)" ], "104227000": [ "Culture for multiple organisms, screening by commercial kit", "多种生物培养,通过商业试剂盒筛选" ], "235299002": [ "Cauterization of lesion - small intestine", "Cauterisation of lesion - small intestine", "病变烧灼术-小肠" ], "169763008": [ "Postnatal - first day visit", "产后第一天访视" ], "431907009": [ "Biopsy of soft tissue using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导进行软组织活检" ], "249848005": [ "Pharyngoplasty for cleft palate", "腭裂咽成形术" ], "118776007": [ "Procedure on duct", "管道上的程序" ], "49570000": [ "Olshausen operation on uterus", "奥尔豪森子宫手术" ], "231629008": [ "Dacryocystorhinostomy", "DCR - dacryocystorhinostomy", "DCR - dacryorhinostomy", "DCR-- 泪囊鼻腔造口术", "DCR-- 泪鼻吻合术", "泪囊鼻腔造口术" ], "65954005": [ "Hepaticocystoduodenostomy", "肝胆管囊十二指肠吻合术" ], "311714007": [ "Lip rounding exercise", "嘴唇圆润练习" ], "14967002": [ "Transection of obturator nerve, intrapelvic, with adductor tenotomy", "骨盆内闭孔神经横断,并进行收肌腱切断术" ], "64119005": [ "Marsupialization of cyst of kidney", "Marsupialisation of cyst of kidney", "肾囊肿袋形成形术" ], "309879006": [ "Abdominal hysterocolpectomy", "Extended abdominal hysterectomy", "腹部子宫阴道切除术", "扩大腹腔子宫切除术" ], "45900003": [ "Esophagectomy", "Oesophagectomy", "Excision of oesophagus", "Excision of esophagus", "食管切除术" ], "176972006": [ "Open freeing of adhesions of fallopian tube", "Salpingolysis - open", "输卵管松解术 - 开放", "输卵管粘连开放手术" ], "175137001": [ "Resiting of lead of intravenous pacemaker system", "静脉起搏器导线重新置入" ], "306209003": [ "Referral to adult diagnostic audiology service", "转诊至成人诊断听力学服务" ], "715809004": [ "Assessment using Bracken Basic Concept Scale", "Assessment using BBCS (Bracken Basic Concept Scale)", "使用 Bracken 基本概念量表进行评估", "使用 BBCS(Bracken 基本概念量表)进行评估" ], "386294003": [ "Joint mobility exercises", "Exercise therapy: joint mobility", "关节活动练习", "运动疗法:关节活动度" ], "58614007": [ "Formation of urethrovaginal fistula", "Urethrovaginal fistulization", "Urethrovaginal fistulisation", "Creation of urethrovaginal fistula", "尿道阴道造瘘术", "尿道阴道瘘", "尿道阴道瘘的形成", "尿道阴道瘘的建立" ], "25846008": [ "Cystourethroscopy with internal male urethrotomy", "膀胱尿道镜检查及男性尿道内切开术" ], "237003003": [ "Tocolysis for hypertonicity of uterus", "宫缩抑制剂治疗子宫张力过高" ], "171467006": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of cerebellum", "小脑病变开放活检" ], "40395007": [ "Paracentesis of anterior chamber of eye with diagnostic aspiration of aqueous", "Diagnostic aspiration of aqueous of eye", "Diagnostic aspiration of anterior chamber of eye", "眼前房穿刺术诊断性抽吸房水", "诊断性前房抽吸", "诊断性眼房水抽吸" ], "122315006": [ "Campylobacter jejuni rRNA assay", "Campylobacter jejuni ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "空肠弯曲菌 rRNA 检测", "空肠弯曲菌核糖体核糖核酸测定" ], "104096007": [ "Segmented neutrophil count, blood", "血液中性粒细胞分枝计数" ], "235168009": [ "Direct reconstruction of oesophagus", "Direct reconstruction of esophagus", "直接重建食管", "食管直接重建" ], "3957003": [ "Arteriectomy of thoracoabdominal aorta", "Resection of thoracoabdominal aorta", "胸腹主动脉切除术" ], "233333003": [ "Embolisation of internal iliac artery", "Embolization of internal iliac artery", "髂内动脉栓塞", "髂内动脉栓塞术" ], "446325007": [ "Total lymphocyte count", "总淋巴细胞计数" ], "313418004": [ "Continuous infusion of normal saline", "持续输注生理盐水" ], "84042007": [ "Cystourethroscopy with resection of external sphincter of bladder", "Cystourethroscopy with resection of external sphincter of urinary bladder", "膀胱尿道镜检查及膀胱外括约肌切除术" ], "116810007": [ "Transfusion of plateletpheresis product", "Plateletpheresis product administration by intravascular infusion", "通过血管内输注给予血小板单采产品", "血小板单采产品输注" ], "737567002": [ "Major surgery care management", "大型手术护理管理" ], "719348000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of perianal fistula with contrast", "MRI of perianal fistula with contrast", "肛周瘘的 MRI 增强扫描", "肛周瘘的磁共振成像对比" ], "113140000": [ "Psychiatric pre-commitment interview and report", "精神病入院前访谈和报告" ], "311583009": [ "Eliciting specific sounds", "发出特定的声音" ], "1260020003": [ "Excision and primary suture of ischial pressure ulcer stage 2 with ostectomy", "Excision of pressure injury stage II of ischial region with excision of ischium and primary closure using suture", "坐骨压疮 2 期切除及一期缝合术", "切除坐骨区 II 期压力性损伤,切除坐骨并用缝合线进行一期缝合" ], "178676003": [ "Anterior decompression of fracture of spine", "脊柱骨折前路减压术" ], "225993003": [ "Promoting rest", "促进休息" ], "1290953004": [ "Plain X-ray of spine and pelvis", "Plain X-ray of vertebral column region and pelvis", "脊柱区域和骨盆的普通 X 光检查", "脊柱和骨盆的普通 X 光检查" ], "275145005": [ "Reconstruction of superficial femoral artery", "股浅动脉重建" ], "43934000": [ "Non-endocrine receptor assay", "非内分泌受体检测" ], "306078003": [ "Referral by surgical fitter", "Referral from surgical fitter", "手术医师转介", "手术装配师推荐" ], "1303667007": [ "Left wrist joint region denervation", "Denervation of joint of left wrist region", "左腕关节神经支配缺失", "左腕关节区域失神经支配" ], "449864000": [ "Arytenoidopexy", "Surgical fixation of arytenoid cartilage", "杓状软骨的手术固定", "杓状软骨固定术" ], "287859008": [ "Sigmoid myotomy", "乙状结肠肌切开术" ], "91251008": [ "Physical therapy procedure", "Physiotherapy procedure", "Physiotherapy", "PT - Physiotherapy", "PT – 物理治疗", "理疗", "物理治疗程序" ], "173171007": [ "Lobectomy of lung", "Pulmonary lobectomy", "肺叶切除术" ], "236872001": [ "Removal of vaginal dilator", "移除阴道扩张器" ], "122184005": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi 18kd antibody assay", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 18 kD antibody", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 18 kiloDalton antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体 18kD 抗体的测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体 18kd 抗体检测", "伯氏疏螺旋体 18 千道尔顿抗体的测量" ], "417096006": [ "Referral to community drug and alcohol team", "转介至社区药物和酒精小组" ], "1285448004": [ "Fitting of complete upper and complete lower dentures", "安装全上假牙和全下假牙" ], "302408005": [ "Removal of skin flap", "去除皮瓣" ], "415261001": [ "Referral for spirometry", "转诊进行肺量测定" ], "448029001": [ "Traction of spine using skull traction device", "使用颅骨牵引装置进行脊柱牵引" ], "103965006": [ "Pretreatment of RBC's for use in blood bank procedure", "Pretreatment of red blood cells for use in blood bank procedure", "用于血库程序的红细胞预处理" ], "431645008": [ "Percutaneous insertion of catheter into inferior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下经皮将导管插入下腔静脉" ], "71197008": [ "Femoral artery puncture for laboratory test", "Femoral stab", "Femoral artery blood sampling", "股动脉穿刺进行实验室检查", "股动脉血液采样", "股骨刺" ], "233202003": [ "Balloon dilatation of ductus arteriosus", "Angioplasty of ductus arteriosus", "Balloon dilation of ductus arteriosus", "动脉导管球囊扩张术", "动脉导管成形术" ], "3826004": [ "Blepharotomy with drainage of abscess of eyelid", "Drainage of abscess of eyelid", "Incision of eyelid with drainage of abscess", "眼睑切开引流脓肿", "眼睑切开术及眼睑脓肿引流", "眼睑脓肿引流" ], "231367001": [ "Injection of neurolytic substance to infraorbital nerve by intraoral approach", "经口内途径向眶下神经注射神经溶解物质" ], "83911005": [ "Excision of lesion of elbow joint", "肘关节病变切除术" ], "395207007": [ "Fungal studies", "真菌研究" ], "18375009": [ "Destructive procedure of thoracic artery", "胸动脉破坏性手术" ], "440689004": [ "Acoustic heart sound recording and computer analysis", "心音记录和计算机分析" ], "113009005": [ "History and physical examination, follow-up", "病史和体格检查、随访" ], "719217005": [ "Interbody fusion of lumbar spine by anterior approach", "ALIF - Anterior lumbar interbody fusion", "前入路腰椎椎间融合术", "ALIF-前路腰椎椎间融合术" ], "225862000": [ "Minimal supervision", "最低限度的监督" ], "307782001": [ "Registration procedure", "注册程序" ], "1290822002": [ "Plain X-ray of tongue", "舌头的普通 X 光检查" ], "62022005": [ "Anesthesia for radical hysterectomy", "Anaesthesia for radical hysterectomy", "根治性子宫切除术的麻醉" ], "275014009": [ "Soave endorectal pull-through operation for Hirschsprung's disease", "Soave endorectal pull-through operation for Hirschsprung disease", "Soave 直肠拖出术治疗先天性巨结肠", "Soave 直肠内拖出术治疗先天性巨结肠" ], "699163004": [ "Open reduction of fracture of tibia without internal fixation", "胫骨骨折切开复位不内固定" ], "387867004": [ "Incision of stomach", "Gastrotomy", "Labbe operation, gastrotomy", "胃切开术", "Labbe 手术、胃切开术" ], "305947007": [ "Referral by paediatric oncologist", "Referral by pediatric oncologist", "Referral from paediatric oncologist", "Referral from pediatric oncologist", "儿科肿瘤科医生的推荐", "儿科肿瘤科医生的转诊", "儿科肿瘤科医生转诊" ], "287728004": [ "Open bladder diverticulectomy", "Open excision of diverticulum of urinary bladder", "膀胱憩室开放切除术", "开放式膀胱憩室切除术" ], "122053005": [ "Neisseria gonorrhoeae antigen assay", "淋病奈瑟菌抗原检测" ], "431514000": [ "Cardiac septostomy using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Cardiac septostomy using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行心脏隔膜造口术" ], "7365008": [ "Ligation of abdominal artery", "腹部动脉结扎" ], "234906001": [ "Reconstruction of mouth using flap", "利用皮瓣进行口腔重建" ], "103834001": [ "tPA-PAI complex assay", "Tissue plasminogen activator-plasminogen activator inhibitor assay", "tPA-PAI复合物测定", "组织型纤溶酶原激活剂-纤溶酶原激活剂抑制剂检测" ], "120218001": [ "Removal from forearm", "从前臂移除" ], "169370006": [ "Radiotherapy: temporary pelvic implant", "放射治疗:临时骨盆植入物" ], "726426008": [ "Lobectomy of lower lobe of left lung", "左肺下叶切除术" ], "1052271000": [ "Reconstruction of right breast with bipedicle transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap", "双蒂横型腹直肌肌皮瓣重建右乳房" ], "233071001": [ "Construction of conduit - right ventricle to pulmonary trunk", "导管建设-右心室至肺动脉干" ], "429679003": [ "Endovascular repair of thoracic aortic aneurysm using endovascular stent graft", "使用血管内支架移植物进行胸主动脉瘤的血管内修复" ], "183919006": [ "Urgent admission to hospice", "紧急入住临终关怀医院" ], "446063006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of rib", "MRI of rib", "肋骨 MRI", "肋骨磁共振成像" ], "231236000": [ "Local anesthetic masseter nerve block", "Local anaesthetic masseter nerve block", "Masseter nerve block", "局部麻醉咬肌神经阻滞", "咬肌神经阻滞" ], "67396001": [ "Removal of foreign body of ureter by incision", "输尿管切开取异物" ], "395076009": [ "Bereavement support", "Support mourning process", "支持哀悼过程", "丧亲支持" ], "229401005": [ "Physiological mobilisation of the intertarsal joints", "Physiological mobilization of the intertarsal joints", "跗骨间关节的生理活动" ], "719086002": [ "Assessment using Psycholinguistic Assessments of Language Processing in Aphasia", "Assessment using PALPA (Psycholinguistic Assessments of Language Processing in Aphasia)", "使用心理语言学评估方法对失语症的语言处理进行评估", "使用 PALPA(失语症语言处理的心理语言学评估)进行评估" ], "63726006": [ "Posterior sclerotomy with removal of vitreous", "后巩膜切开术并去除玻璃体" ], "440558007": [ "Closed manual reduction of articular fracture of metacarpophalangeal joint", "掌指关节骨折闭合手法复位术" ], "1290691002": [ "Plain X-ray of temporomandibular joint", "TMJ (temporomandibular joint) plain X-ray", "TMJ(颞下颌关节)X 光检查", "颞下颌关节X光检查" ], "12739003": [ "Revision of ileostomy, complicated", "复杂回肠造口术修复" ], "717251004": [ "Colostomy assessment", "结肠造口术评估" ], "715416006": [ "Assessment using Rutter A2 scale", "使用 Rutter A2 量表进行评估" ], "387736007": [ "Fine needle aspiration of breast", "FNA - Fine needle aspiration of breast", "Fine needle biopsy of breast", "FNA-- 乳房细针抽吸", "乳房细针穿刺", "乳腺细针活检" ], "90989000": [ "Arteriectomy of thoracic aorta", "Resection of thoracic aorta", "胸主动脉切除术" ], "385901002": [ "Hearing aid care assessment", "Assess hearing aid care", "助听器护理评估", "评估助听器护理" ], "287597004": [ "Right coronary arteriography", "Angiography of right coronary artery", "Arteriography of right coronary artery", "右冠状动脉造影" ], "1285186004": [ "Paediatric and adolescent injury prevention programme", "Pediatric and adolescent injury prevention program", "儿童和青少年伤害预防计划" ], "171074006": [ "Requires protection against malaria", "需要预防疟疾" ], "433218007": [ "Radionuclide imaging of heart using iobenguane (123-I)", "使用碘苯胍(123-I)进行心脏放射性核素显像" ], "121922008": [ "Aspergillus fumigatus 6 antibody assay", "烟曲霉 6 抗体测定" ], "185623002": [ "Smear inadequate - 3rd recall", "Smear inadequate - third recall", "涂片不合格 - 第三次召回", "涂片不充分 - 第三次召回" ], "232940000": [ "Removal of thrombus from implanted truncal valve", "去除植入式主动脉瓣中的血栓" ], "234775009": [ "Try-in of dental restoration", "牙齿修复体试戴" ], "103703009": [ "Patient referral to acupuncturist", "Referral to acupuncturist", "转诊至针灸师", "患者转诊至针灸师" ], "19948003": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of ankle", "踝关节脱位闭合复位" ], "69100002": [ "Alkaline phosphatase, heat stable measurement", "Thermostable alkaline phosphatase measurement", "耐热碱性磷酸酶测量", "碱性磷酸酶,热稳定测量" ], "36332004": [ "Removal of dressing of coccygeal vertebra", "拆除尾椎敷料" ], "1197761000": [ "Hypothermic circulatory arrest", "HCA - hypothermic circulatory arrest", "HCA-- 低温停循环", "低温停循环" ], "429548008": [ "Nonsurgical dermatologic procedure on penis", "阴茎非手术皮肤病学治疗" ], "265708009": [ "Division of jaw", "颌骨分割" ], "3564009": [ "Removal of foreign body from fallopian tube", "输卵管异物取出" ], "231105002": [ "Infiltration of acupuncture point", "穴位浸润" ], "16278002": [ "Radiologic supervision and interpretation of procedure", "放射学监督和程序解释" ], "180118003": [ "Open reduction of congenital dislocation of the knee", "先天性膝关节脱位切开复位术" ], "360342004": [ "Open excisional biopsy of nerve ganglion", "神经节开放切除活检" ], "868246006": [ "Percutaneous coronary intervention of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) of left anterior descending branch of coronary artery", "左冠状动脉前降支经皮冠状动脉介入治疗", "冠状动脉左前降支 PCI(经皮冠状动脉介入治疗)" ], "229270007": [ "Orthofunction technique", "正交函数技术" ], "442262008": [ "Measurement of amikacin peak concentration", "阿米卡星峰浓度测定" ], "178283002": [ "Neck dissection", "Block dissection of cervical lymph nodes", "颈解剖", "颈部淋巴结块清扫术" ], "702571007": [ "Thrombolysis using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided thrombolysis with contrast", "荧光造影引导下溶栓治疗" ], "1290560000": [ "Plain X-ray of shaft of radius", "桡骨干普通 X 射线" ], "782656003": [ "Neurostimulation of hypoglossal nerve", "舌下神经的神经刺激" ], "3391000175108": [ "Office visit for pediatric care and assessment", "Office visit for paediatric care and assessment", "儿科护理和评估门诊就诊" ], "438592006": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of nasal blood vessel using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of nasal blood vessel using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮鼻腔血管造影栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮鼻腔血管造影栓塞术" ], "307520009": [ "Intramuscular antibiotic therapy", "肌肉注射抗生素治疗" ], "405824009": [ "Genetic test", "基因检测" ], "174613007": [ "Endoscopic incision of sphincter of Oddi", "内镜奥迪括约肌切开术" ], "172778001": [ "Operation on external nose", "外鼻手术" ], "58090001": [ "Pancreaticocystoenterostomy", "胰腺囊肠吻合术" ], "238314006": [ "Renewal of chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter", "慢性非卧床腹膜透析导管的更新" ], "252863000": [ "Flash gun after image test", "图像测试后闪光枪" ], "121791001": [ "High density lipoprotein 2 measurement", "高密度脂蛋白 2 测量" ], "385770009": [ "Encouragement of fluid volume compliance", "Encouragement of fluid volume adherence", "鼓励坚持补充液体", "鼓励遵守液体量规定" ], "1268671004": [ "Cementation of restoration to dental implant", "牙种植体修复体的粘接" ], "105407006": [ "Referral of patient to parish chaplain for follow-up care", "将患者转介给教区牧师进行后续护理" ], "56255007": [ "Excisional biopsy of salivary gland", "涎腺切除活检" ], "431252000": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of dialysis fistula using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下透析瘘经皮血栓溶解术" ], "38036001": [ "Excision of neuroma of sciatic nerve", "坐骨神经瘤切除术" ], "7103008": [ "Trypsin, duodenal fluid", "胰蛋白酶、十二指肠液" ], "21652003": [ "Administration of heavy metal antagonist", "Injection of heavy metal antagonist", "Infusion of heavy metal antagonist", "重金属拮抗剂的使用", "重金属拮抗剂输注", "注射重金属拮抗剂" ], "185492009": [ "In-house physio", "内部理疗师" ], "413033001": [ "Percentage CD2 count", "CD2 计数百分比" ], "265577003": [ "Maintenance of bladder neck sphincter in female", "Maintenance of urinary bladder neck sphincter in female", "女性膀胱颈括约肌的维护" ], "445801004": [ "Assessment using quality of upper extremity skills test", "使用上肢技能质量测试进行评估" ], "232809008": [ "Balloon tricuspid valvotomy", "球囊三尖瓣切开术" ], "118121008": [ "Parasite antibody assay", "Measurement of parasite antibody", "寄生虫抗体测定", "寄生虫抗体检测" ], "1230398001": [ "Endoscopic excision of isthmus of thyroid gland", "Endoscopic thyroid isthmectomy", "Endoscopic thyroid isthmusectomy", "内镜甲状腺峡部切除术" ], "230974005": [ "Interposition graft of cranial nerve", "脑神经间置移植" ], "83518006": [ "Radical amputation of penis with bilateral inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy", "阴茎根治性切断术及双侧腹股沟股淋巴结清扫术" ], "443966006": [ "Measurement of blood gases in venous cord blood specimen", "Measurement of blood gases in venous cord blood", "脐静脉血标本血气测定", "脐静脉血血气测量" ], "179987000": [ "Reattachment of upper extremity", "Replantation of upper limb", "Reattachment of arm", "上肢再植", "上肢复位", "手臂重新接上" ], "67134009": [ "Repair of punctum of lacrimal system for eversion", "Repair of punctum of lacrimal system for correction of eversion", "Correction of everted lacrimal punctum", "泪点外翻矫正术", "泪小管外翻修复术", "泪小管修复术矫正泪小管外翻" ], "17531000087100": [ "MR angiography of left upper limb with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of left upper extremity with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of left upper limb with contrast", "MR angiography of left arm with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of left arm with contrast", "MR angiography of left upper extremity with contrast", "左上肢增强磁共振血管造影", "左臂 MR 血管造影", "左臂磁共振血管造影" ], "20091000087101": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of right salivary gland", "Biopsy of right salivary gland using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下右侧涎腺活检" ], "229139008": [ "Pelvic tilting exercise", "骨盆倾斜运动" ], "65299009": [ "Time kill assay for synergy test", "协同试验的时间杀灭试验" ], "2171000087108": [ "MRI of right breast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right breast", "右乳房 MRI", "右侧乳房磁共振成像" ], "1144808005": [ "Decreased vitamin B6 and/or vitamin B6 derivative diet", "减少维生素 B6 和/或维生素 B6 衍生物饮食" ], "891000087109": [ "Ultrasonography of left ankle", "Ultrasound of left ankle", "Ultrasound scan of left ankle", "左踝部超声检查", "左脚踝超声波扫描" ], "176317002": [ "BDP - Balloon dilatation of the prostate", "Balloon dilation of prostate", "BDP-- 前列腺球囊扩张术", "前列腺球囊扩张术" ], "78013004": [ "Echography, B-scan", "超声心动图、B 超" ], "1255826006": [ "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - Regular Level 7 food", "IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) Framework - Regular Level 7 food", "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - RG7 (Regular Level 7) food", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - 常规 7 级食物", "IDDSI(国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议)框架 - 常规 7 级食物", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - RG7(常规 7 级)食物" ], "238183000": [ "Closure of congenital umbilical defect-second stage", "Delayed closure of congenital umbilical defect", "先天性脐带缺损延迟闭合", "先天性脐带缺损缝合术-第二期" ], "1155687002": [ "Anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of coronary artery", "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft from left internal thoracic artery to obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to obtuse marginal branch of left circumflex coronary artery", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 吻合至左回旋冠状动脉钝缘支", "用从左胸内动脉游离右胸内动脉移植至左冠状动脉回旋支钝缘支的冠状动脉搭桥术", "游离右乳内动脉自左乳内动脉至冠状动脉回旋支钝缘支吻合术" ], "287335005": [ "Exploration of oesophagus", "Exploration of esophagus", "食道探查" ], "88892001": [ "Incision and drainage of infected bursa of leg", "Incision and drainage of infected bursa of lower leg", "小腿感染滑囊切开引流" ], "121660001": [ "Aroclor 1260 measurement", "Aroclor 1260 测量" ], "1186620002": [ "Minimum minute volume ventilation", "MMV - (minimum minute volume) ventilation", "最小每分钟通气量", "MMV-(最小每分钟通气量)" ], "301884003": [ "Removal of aortic cross clamp", "移除主动脉钳" ], "449340005": [ "Replacement of cast of lower limb", "下肢石膏更换术" ], "105276003": [ "Oxedrine measurement", "氧化亚胺测量" ], "432956008": [ "Angioplasty of common femoral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of common femoral artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下股总动脉造影成形术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行股总动脉血管成形术" ], "711484009": [ "MRI of tibia and fibula with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of tibia and fibula with contrast", "胫骨和腓骨的 MRI 对比", "胫骨和腓骨的磁共振成像对比" ], "1217553002": [ "Injection of drug or medicament into temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节注射药物或药剂" ], "447505004": [ "Laparoscopic incision of ureter by retroperitoneal approach", "Retroperitoneoscopic ureterotomy", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路输尿管切开术", "腹腔后镜输尿管切开术" ], "709649008": [ "Doppler ultrasound of iliac vessel", "Doppler ultrasound scan of iliac vessel", "Doppler ultrasonography of iliac vessel", "髂血管多普勒超声检查", "髂血管多普勒超声扫描" ], "168977008": [ "Renal venogram", "Renal venography", "肾静脉造影" ], "232678001": [ "Orotracheal fibreoptic intubation", "Orotracheal fiberoptic intubation", "经口气管插管" ], "265446003": [ "Open removal of calculus from gallbladder", "Open cholelithotomy", "开放式胆囊切开术", "切开胆囊取出结石" ], "724198005": [ "Amputation of left forearm through radius and ulna", "Amputation of left forearm", "Left below elbow amputation", "左肘下截肢", "左前臂截肢", "左前臂桡骨及尺骨截肢术" ], "412902007": [ "Urine microalbumin profile", "尿微量白蛋白谱" ], "707814008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon dilation of anastomosis", "经皮腔内球囊扩张吻合口" ], "68838007": [ "Replacement of prolapsed umbilical cord", "脐带脱垂置换术" ], "394683006": [ "Diabetic foot risk assessment", "糖尿病足风险评估" ], "230843007": [ "Biopsy of brain tissue tumour", "Biopsy of brain tissue tumor", "脑组织肿瘤活检" ], "16016001": [ "Excision of spermatocele", "Spermatocelectomy", "Spermatocystectomy", "精囊切除术", "精液囊肿切除术" ], "179856001": [ "Open lavage of joint", "Open irrigation of joint", "开放性关节冲洗" ], "65168002": [ "Revision of implantable intravenous infusion pump", "植入式静脉输液泵的改进" ], "425616008": [ "Transplantation of ileum", "回肠移植" ], "442000009": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of femoral vein using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮股静脉血栓溶解术" ], "816997000": [ "Pharmacologic stress echocardiography", "Echocardiography using pharmacologic stress agent", "使用药物应激剂进行超声心动图检查", "药物负荷超声心动图" ], "866149003": [ "Annual visit", "年度访问" ], "77882001": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of ulna", "尺骨骨折闭合复位" ], "178021009": [ "Introduction of cytotoxic substance into peritoneal cavity", "Intraperitoneal administration of cytotoxic drug", "将细胞毒性物质引入腹腔", "腹膜内注射细胞毒药物" ], "421946003": [ "Consultation for acute pain", "Acute pain consultation", "急性疼痛咨询" ], "225338004": [ "Risk assessment", "风险评估" ], "1208378006": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of humerus with percutaneous fixation using bone pin", "Closed reduction and percutaneous pinning of humeral fracture", "CRPP (closed reduction and percutaneous pinning) of fracture of humerus", "CRPP (closed reduction and percutaneous pinning) of humeral fracture", "Closed reduction of fracture of humerus with percutaneous pinning", "肱骨骨折经皮克氏针闭合复位", "肱骨骨折的 CRPP(闭合复位经皮穿针固定)", "肱骨骨折闭合复位经皮穿针固定", "肱骨骨折闭合复位经皮骨针固定" ], "174351000": [ "Teaching session with patient", "Educational session with patient", "与患者进行教学", "与患者进行教育课程" ], "241722009": [ "Application of lubricant to eye", "在眼睛上涂抹润滑剂" ], "61498008": [ "Complete external hemorrhoidectomy", "Complete external haemorrhoidectomy", "完全外痔切除术" ], "26895000": [ "Laboratory test order cancellation", "Laboratory test order cancelation", "实验室测试订单取消", "实验室检测订单取消" ], "305423009": [ "Admission to general surgical department", "普通外科入院" ], "303588003": [ "Needle biopsy of liver", "肝脏针吸活检" ], "25060006": [ "Closed reduction of nasal fracture", "鼻骨骨折闭合复位" ], "418276008": [ "US scan and aspiration of liver", "Ultrasound scan and aspiration of liver", "肝脏超声扫描和穿刺" ], "713188009": [ "Endoscopic nasopharyngectomy", "内镜鼻咽切除术" ], "105145002": [ "Crotethamide measurement", "克罗乙胺测量" ], "252601003": [ "Masking level difference test", "MLD - Masking level difference test", "BMLD - Binaural masking level difference test", "MLD——掩蔽水平差异测试", "掩蔽水平差异测试", "BMLD - 双耳掩蔽水平差异测试" ], "236217006": [ "Revision of bladder exstrophy repair", "Revision of repair of exstrophy of urinary bladder", "膀胱外翻修复术" ], "39609006": [ "Gait evaluation", "步态评估" ], "711353008": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of artery of thorax", "Doppler ultrasound scan of artery of thorax", "Doppler ultrasound of artery of thorax", "胸动脉多普勒超声扫描", "胸动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "1217422001": [ "Biopsy of lesion of pancreas using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Biopsy of lesion of pancreas using endoscopic ultrasound guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided biopsy of lesion of pancreas", "内镜超声引导下胰腺病变活检" ], "758670001": [ "Repair of entropion with tissue graft", "用组织移植修复眼睑内翻" ], "119694001": [ "Foot repair", "足部修复" ], "70542004": [ "Division of ligament of finger", "Division of joint ligament of finger", "手指关节韧带分离术", "手指韧带分离" ], "121529009": [ "Dezocine measurement", "地佐辛测量" ], "23225008": [ "Gastrointestinal protein loss study", "Radionuclide measurement of gastrointestinal protein loss", "Radionuclide measurement of fecal protein loss", "Radionuclide measurement of faecal protein loss", "胃肠道蛋白质流失研究", "粪便蛋白质损失的放射性核素测量", "放射性核素测量胃肠道蛋白质丢失" ], "168846007": [ "Rectum double contrast examination", "直肠双重造影检查" ], "840590007": [ "Platelet aggregation inhibitor prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic platelet aggregation inhibitor", "预防性使用血小板聚集抑制剂", "血小板聚集抑制剂预防" ], "117859004": [ "Polio virus 3 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human poliovirus 3 antibody", "脊髓灰质炎病毒 3 型抗体检测", "人类脊髓灰质炎病毒 3 型抗体的测量" ], "183395008": [ "Competitive games therapy", "竞技游戏疗法" ], "427320001": [ "Serial drainage of amniotic fluid for twin-twin transfusion syndrome", "连续羊水引流治疗双胞胎输血综合征" ], "232547009": [ "Laryngotracheoplasty", "喉气管成形术" ], "443704002": [ "Assessment using Tinetti balance and gait scale", "使用 Tinetti 平衡和步态量表进行评估" ], "165176004": [ "Attitude testing", "态度测试" ], "116024005": [ "Thoracoscopic biopsy of pleura", "Thoracoscopy and biopsy of pleura", "胸腔镜胸膜活检", "胸腔镜检查和胸膜活检" ], "436691000124108": [ "Decreased carbohydrate diet", "减少碳水化合物饮食" ], "359949007": [ "Angiotomy of aortic arch", "Arteriotomy of aortic arch", "Incision of aortic arch", "主动脉弓动脉切开术", "主动脉弓切开术" ], "177890000": [ "Removal of prosthetic material from previous repair of umbilical hernia", "取出先前修复脐疝的假体材料" ], "423650001": [ "Paraprofessional/aide care case management", "辅助专业人员/助手护理案例管理" ], "390882005": [ "Referral to GP - aspirin management", "Referral to general practitioner for aspirin management", "转诊至全科医生 - 阿司匹林管理", "转诊至全科医生处接受阿司匹林治疗" ], "225207002": [ "Re-integration following seclusion", "隐居后重新融入社会" ], "274359002": [ "Surgical biopsy of ureter", "输尿管手术活检" ], "716727004": [ "Assessment using Arizona Battery for Communication Disorders of Dementia", "Assessment using ABCD (Arizona Battery for Communication Disorders) of Dementia", "使用亚利桑那量表评估痴呆症的沟通障碍", "使用 ABCD(亚利桑那州沟通障碍量表)对痴呆症进行评估" ], "405431003": [ "Removal of catheter from subclavian vein", "从锁骨下静脉移除导管" ], "241591009": [ "CT myelogram of thoracic region", "CT myelogram of dorsal region", "Computed tomography myelogram of thoracic region", "胸部 CT 脊髓造影", "背部 CT 脊髓造影", "胸部计算机断层扫描脊髓造影" ], "370828004": [ "Implementation of protective measures to prevent skin or tissue injury due to thermal sources", "Implements protective measures to prevent skin or tissue injury due to thermal sources", "采取防护措施,防止热源造成皮肤或组织损伤", "采取保护措施,防止热源对皮肤或组织造成损伤" ], "305292006": [ "Admission by radiologist", "放射科医生入院" ], "75916006": [ "Intra-abdominal vascular shunt or bypass", "Arterial intra-abdominal bypass", "腹腔内血管分流术或旁路术", "腹腔动脉旁路移植术" ], "172385000": [ "Curettage of conjunctival lesion", "Curettage of lesion of conjunctiva", "结膜病变刮除术" ], "698508009": [ "Insertion of feeding tube into oesophagus", "Insertion of feeding tube into esophagus", "将饲管插入食道" ], "713057007": [ "Assessment using Ecomap", "使用生态图进行评估" ], "105014003": [ "Urea nitrogen renal clearance measurement", "Residual urea clearance", "RUC - residual urea clearance", "RUC-- 残留尿素清除率", "残留尿素清除率", "尿素氮肾清除率测定" ], "121398005": [ "Naphthol measurement", "萘酚测量" ], "432694006": [ "Percutaneous embolization of gonadal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of gonadal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of gonadal artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of gonadal artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮性腺动脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮性腺动脉造影栓塞术" ], "252470007": [ "Progressive exercise test on treadmill", "跑步机上渐进式运动测试" ], "711222008": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of artery of limb with contrast", "Angioplasty of artery of limb using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下肢体动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下肢体动脉造影成形术" ], "447243000": [ "Bilevel positive airway pressure titration", "双水平气道正压滴定" ], "234251008": [ "Ilioinguinofemoral lymphadenectomy", "Block dissection of ilioinguinal lymph nodes", "髂腹股沟淋巴结清扫术", "髂腹股沟淋巴结块清扫术" ], "265184004": [ "Prosthetic cemented hemiarthroplasty of shoulder", "Prosthetic replacement of head of humerus using cement", "Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of head of humerus using cement", "Cemented prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of shoulder joint", "肩关节骨水泥型假体半关节置换术", "使用骨水泥进行肱骨头假体半关节置换术", "人工肩关节置换术", "使用骨水泥进行肱骨头假体置换" ], "281568006": [ "Fetal heart monitoring", "胎儿心脏监护" ], "117728008": [ "Nuclear antibody, cytoplasmic pattern assay", "核抗体、细胞质模式分析" ], "609248009": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from bronchus without incision", "不切开支气管腔内异物取出术" ], "68576008": [ "Anticomplement immunofluorescence test", "ACIF test", "抗补体免疫荧光试验", "ACIF 测试" ], "33973002": [ "Aneurysmoplasty", "Matas operation for aneurysm", "Endoaneurysmorrhaphy", "Endoaneurysmoplasty", "Repair of aneurysm by endoaneurysmoplasty", "动脉瘤成形术", "动脉瘤内缝合术", "动脉瘤内成形术修复动脉瘤", "动脉瘤 Matas 手术", "动脉瘤内成形术" ], "50357006": [ "Evaluation and management of patient at home", "HV - Home visit", "HV - 家访", "居家患者的评估与管理" ], "310666000": [ "Excision or biopsy of pelvic lymph node", "盆腔淋巴结切除或活检" ], "443573009": [ "Assessment using Tinetti falls efficacy scale", "使用 Tinetti 跌倒效能量表进行评估" ], "359818001": [ "Agglutination procedure", "凝集过程" ], "408970004": [ "Circulatory care assessment", "Assess circulatory care", "循环护理评估", "评估循环护理" ], "64906005": [ "Endoscopic dilation of sphincter of pylorus by incision", "内镜幽门括约肌切开扩张术" ], "179594006": [ "Revision arthrodesis of toe joint", "趾关节修复融合术" ], "439903005": [ "Self-monitoring of alcohol intake", "自我监测酒精摄入量" ], "700212000": [ "Percutaneous endoscopic excision of lumbar intervertebral disc using laser", "经皮内镜激光腰椎间盘切除术" ], "46687008": [ "Inferior maxillary neurectomy", "Sonneberg operation", "索内伯格手术", "下颌神经切除术" ], "175924000": [ "Open destruction of renal lesion", "肾脏病变开放性破坏" ], "241460001": [ "US scan of aorta", "Ultrasound scan of aorta", "Ultrasound of aorta", "Ultrasound angiography of aorta", "Ultrasonography of aorta", "Ultrasound arteriography of aorta", "主动脉超声检查", "主动脉超声扫描", "主动脉超声血管造影", "主动脉超声造影" ], "225076000": [ "Replacing strapping on nasogastric tube", "更换鼻胃管绑带" ], "306996005": [ "Aortic dissection protocol MRI", "Aortic dissection protocol magnetic resonance imaging", "主动脉夹层 MRI 检查方案", "主动脉夹层协议磁共振成像" ], "12084007": [ "Repair of fascia of hand by suture", "Repair of fascia of hand by suture, direct", "直接缝合修复手部筋膜", "缝合修复手部筋膜" ], "257844008": [ "External fixation using circumferential rings", "External fixation using Ilizerov system", "使用 Ilizerov 系统进行外固定", "使用圆环进行外固定" ], "405300009": [ "Femoro-posterior tibial graft for repair of aneurysm using in-situ vein", "股骨后胫骨移植利用原位静脉修复动脉瘤" ], "239625004": [ "Soft tissue procedure for congenital dislocation of the hip", "先天性髋关节脱位的软组织手术" ], "26633008": [ "Operation on choroid", "Choroid operation", "脉络膜手术" ], "450782005": [ "Primary excision of intervertebral disc", "椎间盘初次切除" ], "172254007": [ "Frontalis muscle support operation", "额肌支撑手术" ], "399795002": [ "Mould specific IgG antibody measurement", "Mold specific IgG antibody measurement", "Mold specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "Mould specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "霉菌特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定", "霉菌特异性 IgG 抗体测量" ], "252339003": [ "Iodination", "碘化" ], "1153459004": [ "Cleaning of oral mucous membrane", "口腔黏膜清洁" ], "104883005": [ "Porphobilinogen measurement, quantitative, urine", "Urine porphobilinogen", "Urine porphobilinogen level", "尿液胆色素原定量测量", "尿胆色素原", "尿胆色素原水平" ], "16456981000119100": [ "Intraoperative fluoroscopic cholangiogram", "术中荧光透视胆管造影" ], "427541000119103": [ "Intravenous radioisotope therapy", "Intravenous radionuclide therapy", "静脉放射性同位素治疗", "静脉放射性核素治疗" ], "170419008": [ "Second dose poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Second dose poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Second dose poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of second dose of poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Human poliovirus antigens", "第二剂脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "注射第二剂仅含破伤风梭菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "接种第二剂脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "第二剂脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫", "第二剂脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫接种" ], "121267006": [ "Hexacarboxylporphyrin measurement", "六羧基卟啉测量" ], "70280004": [ "Closed osteoplasty of mandibular ramus", "下颌升支闭合性骨成形术" ], "709256008": [ "Assessment of ability to prepare food", "评估准备食物的能力" ], "428893001": [ "Replacement of valved cardiac conduit", "带瓣心脏导管置换术" ], "21128009": [ "Injection of breast", "Breast injection", "Injection into breast", "乳房注射", "隆胸注射", "注射丰胸" ], "250504009": [ "Detection of bacterial antigen", "细菌抗原检测" ], "609117006": [ "Removal of foreign body from head without incision", "无需切开即可取出头部异物" ], "33842000": [ "Excisional biopsy of bone, deep", "深部骨切除活检" ], "117597008": [ "HLA (Human leukocyte antigen) C phenotyping", "HLA (Human leucocyte antigen) C phenotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen C antigen phenotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen C antigen phenotyping", "HLA(人类白细胞抗原)C 表型", "人类白细胞抗原 C 抗原表型" ], "392455001": [ "Apis mellifera venom specific IgE antibody measurement", "Honey bee venom specific IgE antibody measurement", "i1 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Apis mellifera venom specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "西方蜜蜂毒液特异性IgE抗体测定", "蜜蜂毒液特异性 IgE 抗体测定", "i1 特异性IgE抗体测量", "西方蜜蜂毒液特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "736519002": [ "Reconstruction of breast using pedicle omental flap", "Reconstruction of breast with pedicle omental flap", "Breast reconstruction using pedicle omental flap", "带蒂大网膜瓣乳房再造术" ], "326919008": [ "Endoscopic catheterization of pancreatic duct and bile duct systems", "Endoscopic catheterisation of pancreatic duct and bile duct systems", "胰管和胆管系统的内镜导管插入术" ], "228615008": [ "Provision of transport", "提供交通" ], "177628001": [ "Insertion of testosterone implant", "睾酮植入物插入" ], "30172007": [ "Electrocoagulation of round ligament", "Electrocoagulation of round ligament of uterus", "Coagulation of round ligament of uterus using electrical energy", "圆韧带电凝术", "电能凝固子宫圆韧带", "子宫圆韧带电凝术" ], "243164007": [ "Positive end expiratory pressure reduced", "PEEP (positive end expiratory pressure) reduced", "呼气末正压降低", "PEEP(呼气末正压)降低" ], "241329002": [ "Radionuclide study of esophageal reflux of gastric contents", "Radionuclide study of oesophageal reflux of gastric contents", "胃内容物食管反流的放射性核素研究" ], "28337005": [ "Red cell survival study with splenic sequestration", "Isotope study for red blood cell splenic sequestration", "红细胞脾脏滞留的同位素研究", "脾脏滞留的红细胞存活研究" ], "175793006": [ "Caval-mesenteric vein anastomosis", "Mesocaval shunt", "Anastomosis of mesenteric vein to vena cava", "Mesocaval anastomosis", "Creation of mesocaval shunt", "Caval-mesenteric vein shunt", "Mesenteric-caval anastomosis", "Cannulation of caval-mesenteric vein", "Superior mesenteric-caval shunt", "腔静脉分流术", "肠腔静脉吻合术", "建立肠腔静脉分流术", "肠系膜静脉与腔静脉吻合术", "腔静脉-肠系膜静脉分流术", "上肠系膜-腔静脉分流术", "肠系膜腔静脉吻合术", "腔静脉-肠系膜静脉吻合术", "腔静脉-肠系膜静脉插管" ], "239494003": [ "Arthroplasty of interphalangeal joint of finger", "IPJ - Arthroplasty of interphalangeal joint of finger", "手指指间关节置换术", "IPJ - 手指指间关节成形术" ], "173958005": [ "Bypass of ileum", "回肠绕道术" ], "434267000": [ "Positron emission tomography electrocardiography gated myocardial rest study using fluorodeoxyglucose", "Positron emission tomography (PET) electrocardiography gated myocardial rest study using fluorodeoxyglucose", "使用氟脱氧葡萄糖进行正电子发射断层扫描 (PET) 心电图门控心肌静息研究", "使用氟脱氧葡萄糖进行正电子发射断层扫描心电图门控心肌静息研究" ], "57435001": [ "Endoscopy of large intestine through artificial stoma", "经人工造口进行大肠内窥镜检查" ], "450651001": [ "Open embolization of superior mesenteric artery", "Open embolisation of superior mesenteric artery", "肠系膜上动脉开放栓塞术" ], "73819002": [ "Injection of vestibule for destruction", "Destruction of vestibule by injection", "Injection of vestibule of osseous labyrinth for destruction", "注射破坏前庭", "注射前庭进行破坏", "骨迷路前庭注射破坏术" ], "172123003": [ "Closed capsulotomy of breast", "乳房闭式囊切开术" ], "41051004": [ "Echography, A-mode with amplitude quantitation", "超声心动图,A 型,带振幅定量" ], "90203006": [ "Injection of tendon sheath", "Injection into tendon sheath", "Injection of tendon", "肌腱注射", "腱鞘注射", "肌腱鞘注射" ], "270427003": [ "Patient-initiated encounter", "患者主动咨询" ], "710960001": [ "Use of transfer technique", "Moving patient using transfer technique", "使用转移技术移动病人", "使用转移技术" ], "448816002": [ "Revision of extended posterior decompression of lumbar spine", "腰椎后路扩大减压术翻修术" ], "252208003": [ "Metoclopramide stimulation test", "甲氧氯普胺刺激试验" ], "432432001": [ "Percutaneous embolization of mesenteric vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of mesenteric vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮肠系膜静脉栓塞术" ], "104752004": [ "Insulin, total measurement", "胰岛素,总测量值" ], "4613005": [ "Radioimmunoassay", "RIA - radioimmunoassay", "放射免疫分析法", "RIA-- 放射免疫分析" ], "314074007": [ "Microbiology screening test", "微生物学筛选试验" ], "1295279000": [ "Plain X-ray of chest wall", "胸壁普通 X 光检查" ], "232154007": [ "Excision of preauricular sinus", "耳前窦切除术" ], "426927003": [ "Excision of lesion of infratemporal fossa", "颞下窝病变切除术" ], "164783007": [ "Ambulatory blood pressure recording", "动态血压记录" ], "787375008": [ "Preparation of large size formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue specimen", "大尺寸福尔马林固定石蜡包埋组织标本的制备" ], "736388004": [ "Administration of intramuscular vitamin K prophylaxis", "Intramuscular administration of prophylactic vitamin K", "肌肉注射维生素 K 预防", "预防性肌肉注射维生素 K" ], "359556005": [ "Excisional biopsy of tongue", "舌切除活检" ], "703620007": [ "Post-therapy bremsstrahlung imaging", "治疗后轫特拉成像" ], "441476008": [ "Repair of multiple tears of rotator cuff of shoulder", "肩袖多发性撕裂的修复" ], "310404007": [ "Advice about tepid sponging", "Tepid sponging education", "不温不火的吸金教育", "关于用温水擦拭的建议" ], "392324008": [ "w16 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rough marshelder specific IgE antibody measurement", "Iva ciliata specific IgE antibody measurement", "Iva ciliata specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "纤毛虫特异性IgE抗体测定", "粗毛细血管特异性IgE抗体测定", "纤毛虫特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "w16 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "720004009": [ "Transfer to high dependency unit", "转移到高依赖病房" ], "406873005": [ "Kenacid blue R stain method", "Kenacid blue R stain", "肯酸蓝R染色法", "肯酸蓝R染色" ], "273966000": [ "Serum urate measurement", "Serum urate level", "血清尿酸水平", "血清尿酸测量" ], "388654002": [ "Snail specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf314 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Helix aspersa specific IgE antibody measurement", "Helix aspersa specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "蜗牛特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Rf314 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "螺旋藻特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "螺旋藻特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "306734004": [ "Referral by general dental surgeon", "Referral from general dental surgeon", "普通牙科医生的推荐", "普通牙科医生转诊" ], "421422004": [ "Intravitreal fluid air exchange", "Intravitreal air fluid exchange", "AFX - Air fluid exchange", "AFGE - Air fluid gas exchange", "AFE - Air fluid exchange", "玻璃体内液体气体交换", "玻璃体内气液交换", "AFE - 空气流体交换", "AFGE - 气液气体交换", "AFX - 空气流体交换" ], "241198007": [ "Sternoclavicular joint arthrogram", "胸锁关节造影" ], "239363004": [ "Partial prosthetic replacement of scaphoid", "舟骨部分假体置换" ], "450520002": [ "Exploration of inguinal region", "腹股沟区探查" ], "8152005": [ "Removal of internal fixation device of ulna", "尺骨内固定装置拆除" ], "710829000": [ "Assessment of active range of motion", "主动运动范围的评估" ], "432301003": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮髂动脉栓塞术" ], "104621007": [ "Cystine and cysteine measurement", "胱氨酸和半胱氨酸测量" ], "22701007": [ "Operation procedure on artery of extremity", "Operative procedure on artery of extremity", "Operation on artery of extremity", "肢体动脉手术", "四肢动脉手术步骤" ], "448685009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of celiac artery", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of coeliac artery", "经皮腹腔动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "397698003": [ "Allergen specific IgE antibody measurement by method", "IgE - Specific immunoglobulin E test", "Allergen specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement by method", "过敏原特异性 IgE 抗体测量方法", "IgE - 特异性免疫球蛋白 E 测试", "过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定方法" ], "446850004": [ "Trephination of cranium and external drainage of effusion from subdural space", "颅骨钻孔及硬膜下腔积液外引流" ], "70018007": [ "Incision of adrenal gland", "Adrenalotomy", "肾上腺切开术" ], "281175000": [ "Duplication of dental model", "牙齿模型复制" ], "708994009": [ "Removal of orthopaedic wire from sternum", "Removal of orthopedic wire from sternum", "Sternal wire removal", "从胸骨中取出矫形钢丝", "胸骨钢丝移除" ], "313943002": [ "30 minute serum TSH measurement", "30 minute serum TSH level", "Measurement of serum thyroid stimulating hormone concentration 30 minutes after challenge", "激发后 30 分钟测量血清促甲状腺激素浓度", "30 分钟血清 TSH 水平", "30 分钟血清 TSH 测量" ], "117335002": [ "Cold incubation of serum, 6 days", "血清冷培养,6天" ], "443180000": [ "Augmentation of breast with immediate insertion of breast prosthesis", "立即植入乳房假体进行隆胸" ], "363095009": [ "Division of blood vessel", "血管的划分" ], "608855008": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from pancreas", "胰腺标本的显微镜检查" ], "410412003": [ "Signs/symptoms-mental/emotional surveillance", "体征/症状-精神/情绪监测" ], "33580007": [ "Plastic operation on muscle", "Myoplasty", "Musculoplasty", "Repair of muscle", "Plastic repair of muscle", "肌肉修复", "肌肉整形手术", "肌肉整形修复", "肌肉成形术", "肌成形术" ], "177366006": [ "Reconstruction using distant subcutaneous pedicle osteomyocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction using distant subcutaneous pedicle osseomyocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction with distant subcutaneous pedicle osteomyocutaneous flap", "远端皮下带蒂骨肌皮瓣修复" ], "239232000": [ "Repair of long head of biceps brachii", "肱二头肌长头修复" ], "386688001": [ "Extirpation of lesion of spinal cord", "脊髓损伤摘除术" ], "306603009": [ "Discharge from special care baby service", "Discharge from special care baby unit", "Discharge from neonatal unit", "解除特殊婴儿护理服务", "新生儿病房出院", "出院" ], "42624001": [ "Correction of malrotation by lysis of duodenal bands", "十二指肠带松解术纠正肠旋转不良" ], "75392004": [ "Excision of lesion of bone of scapula", "肩胛骨病变切除术" ], "9856004": [ "Tularemia vaccination", "Tularemia immunization", "Tularaemia immunisation", "Tularaemia vaccination", "Administration of tularemia vaccine", "Administration of tularaemia vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Francisella tularensis antigen", "接种仅含土拉弗朗西斯菌抗原的疫苗产品", "土拉菌病疫苗接种", "兔热病免疫", "接种土拉菌病疫苗", "土拉菌病免疫" ], "1236821000": [ "Direct renal cell carcinoma tumor thrombectomy of inferior vena cava by incision", "Direct renal cell carcinoma tumor thrombectomy of IVC (inferior vena cava) by incision", "Removal of tumour thrombus associated with renal cell carcinoma from inferior vena cava by open approach", "Direct renal cell carcinoma tumour thrombectomy of IVC (inferior vena cava) by incision", "Direct renal cell carcinoma tumour thrombectomy of inferior vena cava by incision", "Removal of tumor thrombus associated with renal cell carcinoma from inferior vena cava by open approach", "Open renal cell carcinoma tumour thrombectomy from inferior vena cava", "Open renal cell carcinoma tumor thrombectomy from inferior vena cava", "下腔静脉开腹肾细胞癌肿瘤血栓切除术", "肾细胞癌下腔静脉直接切开术", "下腔静脉开放取栓术治疗肾细胞癌相关癌栓", "经切开法直接切除下腔静脉肾癌肿瘤血栓", "经切开术直接切除下腔静脉 (IVC) 肾细胞癌肿瘤血栓", "下腔静脉开放手术切除肾细胞癌相关癌栓" ], "237397001": [ "Biopsy of lesion of accessory nipple", "副乳头病变活检" ], "57173006": [ "Acetaminophen measurement, urine", "Urine paracetamol", "Urine paracetamol level", "Paracetamol measurement, urine", "尿液对乙酰氨基酚", "尿液对乙酰氨基酚测量", "尿液对乙酰氨基酚浓度" ], "8021007": [ "Arthrotomy of elbow for infection with removal of foreign body", "肘关节切开术治疗感染并去除异物" ], "712533008": [ "Assessment of ability to perform caretaking", "评估护理能力" ], "71722001": [ "Thalamotomy", "丘脑切开术" ], "235562003": [ "Repositioning of bile duct prosthesis", "Adjustment of bile duct prosthesis", "Repositioning of biliary stent", "胆管假体重新定位", "胆道支架复位", "胆管假体的调整" ], "104490006": [ "Aldosterone receptors measurement", "醛固酮受体测量" ], "37119005": [ "Double valve replacement with valvuloplasty of one valve", "双瓣膜置换术及单瓣膜成形术" ], "313812005": [ "Percentage CD3 count", "CD3 percent count", "CD3 百分比计数", "CD3 计数百分比" ], "281044007": [ "Bowels incontinence assessment", "大便失禁评估" ], "49833001": [ "Potassium measurement, urine", "Urine potassium", "Urine potassium level", "尿钾水平", "尿钾", "尿钾测量" ], "362964009": [ "Palliative procedure", "姑息治疗" ], "410281003": [ "Communication teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Communication teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Communication education, guidance, and counselling", "Communication education, guidance, and counseling", "沟通教学、指导和咨询", "沟通教育、指导和咨询" ], "770729006": [ "Referral for brief intervention for smoking cessation", "转介进行简短戒烟干预" ], "426665007": [ "Methyl violet 10B stain method", "Gentian violet stain method", "Crystal violet stain method", "龙胆紫染色法", "甲基紫10B染色法", "结晶紫染色法" ], "179070000": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture and functional bracing", "骨折切开复位修复及功能性支撑" ], "1293182001": [ "Plain X-ray of upper abdomen", "上腹部普通 X 光检查" ], "424830006": [ "Laser iridoplasty", "Laser gonioplasty", "激光虹膜成形术", "激光房角成形术" ], "373843001": [ "Testicular ablation by luteinising hormone releasing hormone analogue", "Testicular ablation by luteinizing hormone releasing hormone analog", "黄体生成素释放激素类似物睾丸消融术" ], "439379001": [ "Measurement of gold in urine", "尿液中金的测定" ], "717907002": [ "Diversional care management", "转移护理管理" ], "175400000": [ "Open embolectomy of circle of Willis", "Willis 环开放栓塞切除术" ], "240936000": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of internal iliac artery", "经皮髂内动脉血栓溶解术" ], "29779009": [ "Reagent RBC, preparation A, B or O pool", "Reagent red blood cell, preparation A, B or O pool", "试剂红细胞,制备A、B或O池", "试剂 RBC,制备 A、B 或 O 池" ], "60712003": [ "Excision of lesion of sclera", "Removal of scleral lesion", "巩膜病变切除术", "切除巩膜病变" ], "306472005": [ "Discharge by endocrine surgeon", "内分泌外科医生出院" ], "879912005": [ "Stem cell mobilization", "Stem cell mobilisation", "干细胞动员" ], "27944006": [ "Removal of electronic heart device pulse generator", "Removal of pulse generator of cardiac pacemaker", "移除心脏起搏器脉冲发生器", "移除电子心脏装置脉冲发生器" ], "11560009": [ "Endoscopy of adenoid", "腺样体内镜检查" ], "304637004": [ "Cognitive restructuring", "认知重构" ], "58877007": [ "Anesthesia for axillary-brachial aneurysm", "Anaesthesia for axillary-brachial aneurysm", "腋臂动脉瘤的麻醉" ], "401106000": [ "Semen: unclassified cells", "Semen examination for unclassified cells", "精液:未分类的细胞", "精液未分类细胞检查" ], "40658002": [ "Amputation of arm through forearm", "Amputation of forearm", "Amputation through forearm", "Amputation of forearm through radius AND ulna", "BEA - Below elbow amputation", "Trans-radioulnar amputation", "前臂截肢", "经桡尺截肢术", "前臂截肢术", "BEA-- 肘下截肢", "前臂桡骨及尺骨截肢术" ], "24274003": [ "Decompression of tendon or tendon sheath", "肌腱或腱鞘减压" ], "432039002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of internal carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of internal carotid artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮颈内动脉腔内血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下经皮颈内动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "235431004": [ "Intubation of gastrointestinal tract via fistula", "Insertion of enteral tube via fistula", "通过瘘管插入肠内管", "经瘘管插管胃肠道" ], "104359005": [ "Complement C5a measurement", "补体 C5a 测量" ], "1234855004": [ "Measurement of muscle tone", "肌肉张力的测量" ], "448423006": [ "Removal of haemodialysis catheter", "Removal of hemodialysis catheter", "血液透析导管移除" ], "708732001": [ "Intraoperative somatosensory evoked potential study", "术中体感诱发电位研究" ], "710567009": [ "Assessment of risk for dehydration", "脱水风险评估" ], "118908002": [ "Procedure on anterior segment of eye", "眼前节手术" ], "446588008": [ "Endoscopic ablation of neoplasm of ureter using laser", "内镜下激光消融术治疗输尿管肿瘤" ], "231761003": [ "Endocryotherapy to retina", "视网膜内冷冻治疗" ], "444753008": [ "Participation in leisure activity", "参与休闲活动" ], "410150002": [ "Professional / ancillary services education", "Teach professional / ancillary services", "专业/辅助服务教育", "教授专业/辅助服务" ], "550007": [ "Excision of lesion of adenoids", "腺样体病变切除术" ], "426534009": [ "Operation on retinal membrane", "视网膜内膜手术" ], "31483002": [ "Complement C4 measurement", "Complement component 4 test", "C4 complement assay", "补体成分 4 检测", "C4补体测定", "补体 C4 测量" ], "47867001": [ "Transfer factor test", "转移因子测试" ], "80635001": [ "Cardiovascular stress test using treadmill", "Stress test ECG - treadmill", "压力测试心电图 - 跑步机", "使用跑步机进行心血管压力测试" ], "178939003": [ "Closed osteoclasis", "闭合性骨破坏" ], "439248002": [ "Epilepsy assessment", "癫痫评估" ], "46032006": [ "Division of recurrent laryngeal nerve", "喉返神经分离" ], "879781000": [ "Telehealth monitoring for ischemic heart disease", "Telehealth ischaemic heart disease monitoring", "Telehealth ischemic heart disease monitoring", "Telehealth monitoring for ischaemic heart disease", "缺血性心脏病的远程医疗监测", "远程医疗缺血性心脏病监测" ], "78800009": [ "Colpohysterotomy", "阴道子宫切开术" ], "60581003": [ "Intrathoracic esophageal anastomosis with interposition of small bowel", "Intrathoracic oesophageal anastomosis with interposition of small bowel", "胸内食管吻合术及小肠插入术" ], "27813003": [ "Intra-articular injection", "Injection into joint cavity", "Injection into joint", "Joint injection", "关节腔注射", "关节内注射", "关节注射" ], "715941006": [ "Provision of specialist intensive care registered nurse patient escort", "提供专科重症监护注册护士病人陪同" ], "11429006": [ "Consultation", "咨询" ], "58746000": [ "Arthrogram of temporomandibular joint", "Temporomandibular contrast arthrogram", "颞下颌关节造影", "颞下颌关节图" ], "306341007": [ "Referral to community midwife", "Referral to community-based midwife", "转诊至社区助产士", "转介给社区助产士" ], "419194002": [ "MRI venography", "Magnetic resonance imaging venography", "磁共振成像静脉造影", "MRI 静脉造影" ], "404645008": [ "Glare testing", "眩光测试" ], "107898001": [ "Skin of extremity excision", "肢体皮肤切除" ], "288122006": [ "Lower bowel endoscopy - removal of object", "Colonoscopy and removal of foreign body from lower bowel", "Endoscopic removal of foreign body from lower bowel", "内镜下肠异物取出", "下肠内窥镜检查 - 取出异物", "结肠镜检查及下肠异物取出" ], "386426009": [ "Positioning: intraoperative", "体位:术中" ], "171599003": [ "Intracranial destruction of abducens nerve (VI)", "外展神经颅内破坏(VI)" ], "169764002": [ "Postnatal - second day visit", "产后第二天访视" ], "235300005": [ "Laser treatment of lesion of small intestine", "Photocoagulation of lesion of small intestine", "Laser ablation of lesion of small intestine", "小肠病变光凝治疗", "小肠病变的激光治疗", "小肠病变激光消融术" ], "104228005": [ "Culture, screening by commercial kit, with colony estimation from density chart", "培养,用商业试剂盒筛选,根据密度图估计菌落" ], "233465001": [ "Exploration of vein with venotomy", "静脉切开术探查静脉" ], "118777003": [ "Procedure on salivary duct", "涎管手术" ], "708601007": [ "Percutaneous drainage of extraperitoneal abscess", "腹膜外脓肿经皮引流" ], "69625007": [ "Replacement of femoral head by prosthesis", "Moore operation", "Replacement of femoral head", "股骨头置换术", "摩尔操作" ], "231630003": [ "Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy", "Intranasal dacryocystorhinostomy", "Intranasal DCR (dacryocystorhinostomy)", "鼻内 DCR(泪囊鼻腔造口术)", "内镜泪囊鼻腔造口术", "鼻内泪囊鼻腔造口术" ], "444622004": [ "Assessment of competence with stoma care", "造口护理能力评估" ], "35022005": [ "Secondary repair of ruptured Achilles tendon with graft", "跟腱断裂的二次移植修复" ], "313550006": [ "Urine sulphite level", "Urine sulfite measurement", "Urine sulfite level", "Urine sulphite measurement", "尿液亚硫酸盐测量", "尿液亚硫酸盐水平" ], "442787002": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy using imaging guidance", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy using imaging guidance", "使用影像引导进行细针穿刺活检", "使用影像引导进行经皮细针穿刺活检" ], "33187003": [ "Incision of esophagus", "Esophagotomy", "Oesophagotomy", "Incision of oesophagus", "食管切开术" ], "311715008": [ "Lip spreading exercise", "张唇运动" ], "80504003": [ "Speech pathology procedure", "言语病理学程序" ], "408184005": [ "Faecal coproporphyrin II level", "Fecal coproporphyrin II level", "粪便中粪卟啉 II 水平", "粪便粪卟啉Ⅱ水平" ], "703096006": [ "Initial prescription for oral contraceptive", "Initial prescription of oral contraception", "口服避孕药的初始处方" ], "309880009": [ "Vaginal hysterocolpectomy", "阴道子宫阴道切除术" ], "13133002": [ "Aponeurectomy of hand", "Excision of aponeurosis of hand", "手部腱膜切除术" ], "176973001": [ "Open biopsy of fallopian tube", "输卵管开放活检" ], "29517004": [ "Destruction of peripheral nerve", "周围神经破坏" ], "78669009": [ "Fluoroscopy, serial films", "荧光透视、连续胶片" ], "291661009": [ "Excision of lesion of bone of clavicle", "锁骨病损切除术" ], "175138006": [ "Maintenance of battery of intravenous cardiac pacemaker system", "静脉心脏起搏器系统电池的维护" ], "306210008": [ "Referral to pediatric diagnostic audiology service", "Referral to paediatric diagnostic audiology service", "转诊至儿科诊断听力学服务" ], "715810009": [ "Assessment using Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test", "Assessment using GOAT (Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test)", "使用 GOAT(加尔维斯顿定向与失忆测试)进行评估", "使用加尔维斯顿定向和记忆测试进行评估" ], "386295002": [ "Muscular control development exercise", "Exercise therapy: muscle control", "运动疗法:肌肉控制", "肌肉控制发展锻炼" ], "287991005": [ "Imperforate anus repair", "肛门闭锁修补术" ], "74999006": [ "Excision of thyroglossal cyst with resection of hyoid bone", "Sistrunk operation on thyroglossal duct", "甲状舌骨囊肿切除术及舌骨切除术", "甲状舌管直肠手术" ], "171468001": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of brainstem", "脑干病变开放活检" ], "73164003": [ "Neurorrhaphy", "Suture of nerve", "神经缝合术", "神经缝合" ], "431777000": [ "Biopsy of tibia and fibula using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of tibia and fibula", "荧光透视引导下胫骨和腓骨活检", "使用荧光透视引导进行胫骨和腓骨活检" ], "235169001": [ "Gastric pull-up", "胃部提拉" ], "710305000": [ "Computed tomography angiography of pelvis and lower limb with contrast", "CT angiography of pelvis and lower limb with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of pelvis and leg with contrast", "CT angiography of pelvis and lower extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of pelvis and lower extremity with contrast", "CT angiography of pelvis and leg with contrast", "骨盆和腿部增强 CT 血管造影", "骨盆和下肢增强 CT 血管造影", "骨盆及下肢增强 CT 血管造影" ], "104097003": [ "Hypersegmented neutrophil count, blood", "血液中性粒细胞分叶增多" ], "237004009": [ "Prophylactic oxytocic administration", "预防性催产药物治疗" ], "71329008": [ "Ligation, division and complete stripping of short saphenous veins", "结扎、分离和完全剥离短隐静脉" ], "53110002": [ "Removal of knee immobilizer", "Removal of knee immobiliser", "拆除膝关节固定器" ], "34891001": [ "Repair of diastematomyelia", "脊髓纵裂修复" ], "233334009": [ "Embolisation of arterial graft", "Embolization of arterial graft", "动脉移植栓塞术", "动脉移植物栓塞术" ], "18507001": [ "Osteotomy, subtrochanteric, with external fixation and cast", "股骨转子下截骨术,外固定和石膏固定" ], "51275004": [ "Fenestration of oval window, ear canal", "耳道椭圆窗开窗术" ], "313419007": [ "Continuous infusion of dextrose saline", "持续输注葡萄糖盐水" ], "65824001": [ "Closed manipulation of dislocation of hip", "Closed reduction of dislocation of hip", "髋关节脱位的闭合治疗", "髋关节脱位闭合复位" ], "311584003": [ "Eliciting combined sounds", "引发组合声音" ], "31221000": [ "Exploration of parathyroid with mediastinal exploration by transthoracic approach", "经胸入路纵隔探查甲状旁腺" ], "49440008": [ "Revision of colostomy, complicated", "结肠造口术修复,复杂" ], "82208009": [ "Creation of spinal shunt with valve", "建立带瓣膜的脊髓分流术" ], "442656009": [ "Conversion to hybrid prosthetic replacement of knee joint using cement", "Conversion to cemented prosthetic hybrid arthroplasty of knee joint", "膝关节置换术转为骨水泥型假体混合关节置换术", "膝关节置换术转为使用骨水泥的混合假体" ], "113141001": [ "Legal testimony of psychiatric state of patient", "患者精神状况的法律证言" ], "276981004": [ "Percutaneous thrombectomy of intracranial vein", "经皮颅内静脉血栓切除术" ], "178677007": [ "Posterior decompression of fracture of spine", "脊柱骨折后路减压术" ], "719349008": [ "Angiography of cervical branch of vertebral artery with contrast", "Arteriography of cervical branch of vertebral artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of cervical branch of vertebral artery with contrast", "Arteriogram of cervical branch of vertebral artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of cervical branch of vertebral artery with contrast", "椎动脉颈支荧光造影", "椎动脉颈部支荧光血管造影", "椎动脉颈支造影", "椎动脉颈支血管造影" ], "13002002": [ "Dilation of Wharton's duct", "Dilation of submandibular duct", "Dilation of Wharton duct", "沃顿管扩张", "华通氏管扩张", "颌下导管扩张术" ], "1290954005": [ "Plain X-ray of urinary bladder", "膀胱普通 X 光检查" ], "275146006": [ "Refashioning of ingrowing toenail", "Repair of ingrown toenail", "嵌甲修复", "嵌甲重塑" ], "225994009": [ "Placing patient in comfortable position", "让患者处于舒适的位置" ], "715679003": [ "Assessment using EAT-26 (Eating Attitudes Test-26)", "Assessment using 26 item Eating Attitudes Test", "使用 EAT-26(饮食态度测试-26)进行评估", "使用 26 项饮食态度测试进行评估" ], "306079006": [ "Referral from physiotherapist", "Referral by physiotherapist", "物理治疗师转介", "物理治疗师推荐" ], "699295007": [ "Homan sign test", "Homan's sign test", "Test for Homan sign", "霍曼征检验", "Homan 征检验", "霍曼征检测" ], "173172000": [ "Pulmonary segmentectomy", "Excision of segment of lung", "肺段切除术" ], "1303668002": [ "Reconstruction of face", "Facial reconstruction", "面部重建" ], "1269065000": [ "Osteoplasty of rib", "肋骨整形术" ], "449865004": [ "Division of web of larynx", "喉网分区" ], "171337004": [ "Special examination - general", "特别考试-一般" ], "122185006": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi 23kd antibody assay", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 23 kiloDalton antibody", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 23 kD antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体 23 kD 抗体的测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体 23 千道尔顿抗体的测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体 23kd 抗体检测" ], "23881007": [ "Excision of lesion from joint of spine", "脊柱关节病损切除术" ], "236873006": [ "Diathermy of cervix", "Diathermy of lesion of cervix", "宫颈病变透热疗法", "宫颈透热疗法" ], "1285449007": [ "Insertion of full upper and full lower dentures", "Insertion of complete upper and complete lower dentures", "植入全上假牙和全下假牙" ], "38430001": [ "Autogenous graft of ear cartilage to nose", "Autologous graft of ear cartilage to nose", "自体耳软骨移植至鼻部" ], "71198003": [ "Aorto-iliac thromboendarterectomy", "Aorto-iliac endarterectomy", "主动脉髂动脉血栓内膜切除术", "主动脉髂动脉内膜切除术" ], "448030006": [ "Endoscopic removal of stone from bile duct", "Endoscopic removal of calculus from bile duct", "内镜胆管结石取出术", "内窥镜胆管结石取出" ], "103966007": [ "Pretreatment of serum for use in blood bank procedure", "用于血库程序的血清预处理" ], "415262008": [ "Referral for termination of pregnancy", "终止妊娠转诊" ], "431646009": [ "Percutaneous insertion of catheter into renal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous insertion of catheter into renal vein with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮肾静脉造影导管插入", "在荧光造影引导下经皮肾静脉导管插入术" ], "69363007": [ "Nucleic acid amplification", "核酸扩增" ], "51144003": [ "Liquid chromatography measurement", "液相色谱测定" ], "231368006": [ "Injection of neurolytic substance to infraorbital nerve by extraoral approach", "经口外入路向眶下神经注射神经溶解物质" ], "788424007": [ "PET myocardial rest imaging using rubidium-82", "Positron emission tomography myocardial rest imaging using rubidium-82", "使用铷-82 进行正电子发射断层心肌静息成像", "使用铷-82 进行 PET 心肌静息成像" ], "442525005": [ "Percutaneous replacement of pulmonary valve using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮肺动脉瓣置换术" ], "178546001": [ "Revisional fusion of cervical spine", "Revision of fusion of cervical spine", "颈椎融合术修复", "颈椎融合术" ], "194930002": [ "Transurethral excisional biopsy of ureter", "经尿道输尿管切除活检" ], "391538004": [ "Parainfluenza type 3 antibody level", "副流感病毒 3 型抗体水平" ], "309618006": [ "Urine catecholamine measurement", "Urine catecholamine level", "尿儿茶酚胺测定", "尿儿茶酚胺水平" ], "276850007": [ "Bosworth operation on lumbar spine", "腰椎博斯沃思手术" ], "440690008": [ "Reduction of masseter muscle by extraoral approach", "口外入路咬肌复位术" ], "225863005": [ "Shadowing", "阴影" ], "76572000": [ "Measurement of lung volume", "Thoracic gas volume measurement", "胸腔气体量测量", "肺容量测量" ], "29255008": [ "Iliofemoral bypass graft with vein", "带静脉的髂股动脉旁路移植术" ], "305948002": [ "Referral by pain management specialist", "Referral from pain management specialist", "疼痛管理专家转诊", "疼痛管理专家的推荐" ], "699164005": [ "Open reduction of fracture of fibula without internal fixation", "腓骨骨折切开复位不内固定术" ], "40134000": [ "Open biopsy of kidney", "Open renal biopsy", "开放性肾活检", "肾脏开放活检" ], "1303537009": [ "Insertion of stent into urinary tract", "Insertion of urinary tract stent", "泌尿道支架置入", "将支架插入尿道" ], "1285318003": [ "Viral hepatitis disease management program", "Viral hepatitis disease management programme", "病毒性肝炎疾病管理计划" ], "122054004": [ "Neisseria meningitidis A antibody assay", "Measurement of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A antibody", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌 A 血清群抗体检测", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌 A 抗体检测" ], "103835000": [ "Tissue plasminogen activator assay", "组织纤溶酶原激活剂测定" ], "87451000": [ "Biopsy of parathyroid gland", "甲状旁腺活检" ], "21915001": [ "Suture of fascia of hand", "手部筋膜缝合" ], "726427004": [ "Lobectomy of upper lobe of left lung", "左肺上叶切除术" ], "234907005": [ "Reconstruction of mouth using local pedicle flap", "Reconstruction of mouth with local pedicle flap", "Local pedicle flap reconstruction of mouth", "局部带蒂皮瓣修复口腔" ], "169371005": [ "Radiotherapy: temporary limb implant", "放射治疗:临时肢体植入" ], "431515004": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of external carotid artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of external carotid artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "用造影剂插入支架进行颈外动脉荧光镜动脉造影", "用造影剂插入支架进行颈外动脉荧光血管造影" ], "183920000": [ "Routine admission to hospice", "常规入住临终关怀医院" ], "1052272007": [ "Reconstruction of left breast with bipedicle transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap", "双蒂横型腹直肌肌皮瓣重建左乳房" ], "233072008": [ "Construction of conduit - right ventricle to right pulmonary artery", "导管建设-右心室至右肺动脉" ], "18245001": [ "Excision of ischial bursa", "坐骨滑囊切除术" ], "1861004": [ "Anesthesia for closed procedure on humerus and elbow", "Anaesthesia for closed procedure on humerus and elbow", "肱骨、肘关节闭合手术麻醉", "肱骨、肘关节闭合手术的麻醉" ], "739141006": [ "Excision of middle and upper lobe of right lung", "Right middle and upper lobectomy of lung", "右肺中上叶切除术" ], "231237009": [ "Mental nerve block", "Local anaesthetic mental nerve block", "Local anesthetic mental nerve block", "局部麻醉精神神经阻滞", "精神神经阻滞" ], "722757009": [ "Injection of steroid into subacromial region of shoulder", "Subacromial steroid injection", "肩峰下注射类固醇", "肩峰下区域注射类固醇" ], "229402003": [ "Physiological mobilization of the forefoot", "Physiological mobilisation of the forefoot", "前脚的生理活动", "前脚的生理动员" ], "112879001": [ "Operation on salivary gland", "Salivary gland operation", "唾液腺手术" ], "391407003": [ "Blood erythrocyte PBG deaminase level", "Blood erythrocyte porphobilinogen deaminase level", "血液红细胞胆色素原脱氨酶水平", "血液红细胞PBG脱氨酶水平" ], "440559004": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of lateral epicondyle of humerus", "肱骨外上髁骨折闭合复位" ], "373188003": [ "Replacement procedure", "Replacement", "替代品", "更换程序" ], "61892004": [ "Repair with surgical advancement", "通过手术改进进行修复" ], "717252006": [ "Colostomy care", "结肠造口术护理" ], "387737003": [ "Total coccygectomy", "Amputation of coccygeal vertebra", "Coccygectomy", "Total excision of coccyx", "尾椎截肢术", "全尾骨切除术", "尾骨全切除术", "尾骨切除术" ], "764569004": [ "MRI of liver and spleen with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of liver and spleen with contrast", "肝脏和脾脏的磁共振成像对比", "肝脏和脾脏的 MRI 增强扫描" ], "699033005": [ "Provision of smoking cessation leaflet", "提供戒烟单张" ], "240281005": [ "Air embolisation of fetus", "Air embolization of fetus", "Air embolisation of foetus", "胎儿空气栓塞" ], "271214007": [ "Plasma viscosity", "Plasma viscosity measurement", "PV - Plasma viscosity", "PV——血浆粘度", "血浆粘度测量", "血浆粘度" ], "41838008": [ "Activity group therapy", "活动团体治疗" ], "287598009": [ "Angiography of left coronary artery", "Arteriography of left coronary artery", "左冠状动脉造影" ], "385902009": [ "Hearing aid care education", "Teach hearing aid care", "教授助听器护理", "助听器护理教育" ], "121923003": [ "Aspergillus fumigatus antibody assay", "Measurement of Aspergillus fumigatus antibody", "烟曲霉抗体测定" ], "23619002": [ "Child apperception test", "儿童统觉测验" ], "433219004": [ "Reduction of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经颈静脉肝内门体分流术支架复位" ], "171075007": [ "Outbreak of cholera - advice", "Cholera outbreak education", "霍乱疫情教育", "霍乱疫情 - 建议" ], "21784000": [ "Respiratory technique education", "呼吸技术教育" ], "72771008": [ "Needle bone biopsy", "Needle biopsy of bone", "骨针穿刺活检", "针刺骨活检" ], "103704003": [ "Patient referral to sex therapist", "患者转诊至性治疗师" ], "234776005": [ "Try-in of maxillofacial prosthesis", "颌面假体试戴" ], "85485000": [ "Total facial ostectomy with reconstruction", "Total ostectomy of facial bone, except mandible, with synchronous reconstruction", "Total facial bone excision with reconstruction", "Grafting of facial bone with total ostectomy", "Reconstruction of facial bone with total ostectomy", "除下颌骨外面部骨全切除术及同步重建", "全面部骨切除术及重建", "全骨切除面骨移植术", "全面部骨切除及重建", "全骨切除重建面骨" ], "232941001": [ "Decalcification of truncal valve", "动脉干瓣膜脱钙" ], "36333009": [ "Mass spectrometry, field desorption type", "质谱法,场解吸型" ], "313026002": [ "Nail care procedure", "Nail care", "指甲保养", "指甲护理程序" ], "1730002": [ "Suture of skin wound of hindfoot", "后足皮肤伤口缝合" ], "83650006": [ "Repair of congenital anovaginal fistula with cut-back type procedure", "切回式手术治疗先天性肛门阴道瘘" ], "18114009": [ "Prenatal examination and care of mother", "Antepartum care of mother", "Antenatal examination", "产前检查", "产前检查及母亲护理", "产前母亲护理" ], "868247002": [ "Percutaneous coronary intervention of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "左冠状动脉回旋支 PCI(经皮冠状动脉介入治疗)", "左冠状动脉回旋支经皮冠状动脉介入治疗" ], "704407008": [ "Laparoscopic repair of ventral hernia with prosthesis", "Laparoscopic repair of hernia of anterior abdominal wall with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下腹疝修补术", "腹腔镜下腹前壁疝修补术" ], "702572000": [ "Fluoroscopy of chest with contrast", "胸部造影透视检查" ], "360343009": [ "Dunn operation", "Dunn triple fusion of foot", "Dunn 足三重融合术", "邓恩手术" ], "63596003": [ "Laparoscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancy with salpingectomy", "腹腔镜输卵管切除术治疗宫外孕" ], "112748007": [ "Excision of lesion of fascia of hand", "手部筋膜损伤切除术" ], "178284008": [ "Block dissection of mediastinal lymph nodes", "纵隔淋巴结块清扫术" ], "473196007": [ "Transluminal intracardiac echocardiography for congenital heart disease", "经腔内心内超声心动图检查诊断先天性心脏病" ], "1290561001": [ "Plain X-ray of shaft of ulna", "尺骨干普通 X 光检查" ], "438593001": [ "Radionuclide study of testis", "睾丸放射性核素研究" ], "12609004": [ "Anesthesia for total shoulder replacement", "Anaesthesia for total shoulder replacement", "全肩关节置换术的麻醉" ], "405825005": [ "Molecular genetic test", "分子遗传学检测" ], "782657007": [ "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of thalamus using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided high intensity focused ultrasound ablation of thalamus", "MRI guided high intensity focused ultrasound ablation thalamotomy", "MRI 引导下丘脑高强度聚焦超声消融", "磁共振成像引导下丘脑高强度聚焦超声消融术", "MRI 引导下高强度聚焦超声消融丘脑切开术" ], "307521008": [ "Intravenous infusion of thrombolytic", "IV - Intravenous infusion of thrombolytic", "IV - 静脉输注溶栓剂", "静脉输注溶栓剂" ], "61761008": [ "Injection of phenol into nerve", "将苯酚注射到神经中" ], "387606008": [ "Construction of end colostomy", "End colostomy", "Construction of terminal colostomy", "末端结肠造口术的构建", "结束结肠造口术", "末端结肠造口术的建立" ], "41707001": [ "Capsulotomy of knee, posterior capsular release", "膝关节囊切开术、后关节囊松解术" ], "238315007": [ "Adjustment of chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter", "慢性非卧床腹膜透析导管的调整" ], "385771008": [ "Encouragement of compliance with medical regimen", "鼓励遵守医疗方案" ], "172779009": [ "Excision of lesion of external nose", "外鼻病损切除术" ], "105408001": [ "Spiritual assessment", "精神评估" ], "287467009": [ "Non-surgical uvula biopsy", "非手术悬雍垂活检" ], "418539009": [ "US scan and aspiration of salivary glands", "Ultrasound scan and aspiration of salivary glands", "超声波扫描和唾液腺抽吸", "唾液腺超声扫描和抽吸" ], "1268672006": [ "Fitting of restoration to dental implant", "牙种植体修复体安装" ], "252864006": [ "4 diopter prism test", "4 dioptre prism test", "4 PD base out prism test", "4 屈光度棱镜测试", "4屈光度棱镜测试", "4 PD 基座外棱镜测试" ], "87189000": [ "Dental debridement", "牙齿清创" ], "450229981000132104": [ "Toilet and suture of wound", "厕所及伤口缝合" ], "56256008": [ "Repair of vesicocervicovaginal fistula", "Closure of vesicocervicovaginal fistula", "膀胱宫颈阴道瘘闭合", "膀胱宫颈阴道瘘的修复" ], "70805003": [ "Reconstruction of joint", "关节重建" ], "121792008": [ "High density lipoprotein 3 measurement", "高密度脂蛋白 3 测量" ], "431253005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of renal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮肾静脉腔内血管成形术" ], "185493004": [ "In-house physio - domiciliary visit", "内部理疗 - 上门就诊" ], "119957008": [ "Adenoid closure", "腺样体闭合" ], "118122001": [ "Fungal antibody assay", "Measurement of fungal antibody", "真菌抗体测定", "真菌抗体检测" ], "232810003": [ "Balloon dilatation of implanted tricuspid valve", "Balloon dilation of implanted tricuspid valve", "植入式三尖瓣球囊扩张术" ], "445802006": [ "Assessment using psychotic symptom rating scale", "使用精神病症状评定量表进行评估" ], "265578008": [ "Cystoscopic suburethral injection in female", "女性膀胱镜尿道下注射" ], "771647002": [ "Hook wire localisation and excision of lesion of breast using radionuclide guidance with radioactive isotope", "Hook wire localization and excision of lesion of breast using radionuclide guidance with radioactive isotope", "核素引导下乳腺病灶钩丝定位切除术" ], "443967002": [ "Analysis using amplification refractory mutation system PCR", "Analysis using amplification refractory mutation system polymerase chain reaction technique", "利用扩增阻滞突变系统聚合酶链式反应技术进行分析", "使用扩增阻滞突变系统 PCR 进行分析" ], "230975006": [ "Grafting of temporal section of facial nerve", "面神经颞段移植" ], "32532002": [ "Anesthesia for radical surgery on accessory sinuses", "Anaesthesia for radical surgery on accessory sinuses", "副鼻窦根治术的麻醉", "副鼻窦根治术麻醉" ], "229140005": [ "Bridging exercise", "桥接练习" ], "179988005": [ "Replantation of whole upper limb", "Replantation of whole arm", "整只手臂再植", "整个上肢再植" ], "442132006": [ "Chemoembolisation of hepatic artery", "Chemoembolization of hepatic artery", "HACE - Hepatic artery chemoembolisation", "HACE - Hepatic artery chemoembolization", "Transarterial chemoembolization of hepatic artery", "Transarterial chemoembolisation of hepatic artery", "TACE (transarterial chemoembolisation) of hepatic artery", "TACE (transarterial chemoembolization) of hepatic artery", "肝动脉经动脉化疗栓塞术", "HACE-- 肝动脉化疗栓塞术", "肝动脉化疗栓塞术", "肝动脉 TACE(经动脉化疗栓塞)", "肝动脉TACE(经动脉化疗栓塞术)" ], "737044008": [ "Skeletal traction care management", "骨牵引护理管理" ], "63465005": [ "Lysis of adhesions of muscle", "Myoclasis", "肌碎裂", "肌肉粘连松解术" ], "405694000": [ "Placing strait jacket for legal restraint", "施加法律约束的束缚" ], "28862001": [ "Barbiturates measurement, qualitative", "巴比妥类药物定性测量" ], "176318007": [ "Transurethral biopsy of prostate", "经尿道前列腺活检" ], "2901000087100": [ "MRI of bilateral feet with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral feet with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both feet with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right foot with contrast", "双脚对比磁共振成像", "左、右脚对比磁共振成像", "双足对比磁共振成像", "双足 MRI 增强扫描" ], "5461000087101": [ "Mammary ductography of left breast", "左乳房乳腺导管造影" ], "6741000087100": [ "MRI of right tibia and fibula with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right tibia and fibula with contrast", "右胫骨和腓骨的对比磁共振成像", "右胫骨和腓骨增强 MRI 检查" ], "13141000087105": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of left buttock", "Biopsy of left buttock using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下左臀部活检", "使用超声引导对左臀部进行活检" ], "90728002": [ "Intra-atrial recording", "心房内记录" ], "341000087107": [ "Angioplasty of right renal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of right renal artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下右肾动脉造影血管成形术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行右肾动脉血管成形术" ], "14421000087105": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of right upper limb", "Biopsy of right upper extremity using ultrasonographic guidance", "Biopsy of right upper limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下右上肢活检" ], "1621000087106": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral inguinal regions", "Ultrasound of left and right inguinal region", "Ultrasound scan of both inguinal regions", "双侧腹股沟区超声检查", "左、右腹股沟区超声检查", "双侧腹股沟区超声扫描" ], "303720006": [ "Sampling of chorionic villus", "CVB - Chorionic villus biopsy", "CVS - Chorionic villus sampling", "CVS - 绒毛膜绒毛取样", "CVB-- 绒毛膜绒毛活检", "绒毛取样" ], "238184006": [ "Repair of epigastric hernia", "上腹疝修补术" ], "121661002": [ "Polymixin-B measurement", "多粘菌素-B测定" ], "301885002": [ "Venous clamping procedure", "静脉钳夹手术" ], "252733004": [ "Special electrode EEG", "Special electrode electroencephalogram", "特殊电极脑电图" ], "711485005": [ "Ultrasonography guided injection of vertebral column", "Injection of vertebral column using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided injection of vertebral column", "超声引导下脊柱注射", "超声引导脊柱注射" ], "1186621003": [ "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation - volume control pressure-support inflation", "Synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation - volume control pressure-support inflation", "同步间歇指令通气-容量控制压力支持充气" ], "105277007": [ "Oxprenolol measurement", "氧烯洛尔测量" ], "1284925008": [ "Assessment using r-FLACC (Revised Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability) scale", "Assessment using Revised Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability scale", "Assessment using FLACC-R (Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability - Revised) scale", "Assessment using FLACCr (Face, Legs, Activity, Cry, Consolability - Revised) scale", "使用 r-FLACC(修订版面部、腿部、活动、哭泣、安慰)量表进行评估", "使用 FLACC-R(面部、腿部、活动、哭泣、安慰能力 - 修订版)量表进行评估", "使用修订的面部、腿部、活动、哭声、安慰性量表进行评估", "使用 FLACCr(面部、腿部、活动、哭泣、安慰能力 - 修订版)量表进行评估" ], "449341009": [ "Replacement of cast of upper limb", "上肢石膏更换术" ], "54290001": [ "Positional nystagmus test with recording", "位置性眼球震颤测试及记录" ], "72509008": [ "Smear for cell identification", "用于细胞鉴定的涂片" ], "168978003": [ "Female genital venogram", "Venography of female genital vein", "Angiography of female genital vein", "女性生殖静脉造影", "女性生殖静脉血管造影", "女性生殖器静脉造影" ], "840722006": [ "Stapedotomy", "Incision of stapes", "镫骨切开术" ], "119826007": [ "Integumentary system closure", "皮肤系统闭合" ], "709650008": [ "MRI guided localisation of lesion of breast", "Localisation of lesion of breast using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided localization of lesion of breast", "Localization of lesion of breast using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI 引导下乳腺病变定位", "磁共振成像引导下乳腺病变定位", "使用磁共振成像引导定位乳腺病变" ], "1217554008": [ "Injection of drug or medicament into joint", "将药物或药剂注射入关节" ], "412903002": [ "5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid/creatinine ratio measurement", "5HIAA/creatinine ratio", "5HIAA/肌酐比率", "5-羟基吲哚乙酸/肌酐比率测量" ], "724199002": [ "Amputation of right forearm through radius and ulna", "Amputation of right forearm", "Right below elbow amputation", "右肘下截肢", "右前臂截肢", "右前臂桡骨及尺骨截肢" ], "429287007": [ "Angioplasty of carotid artery", "颈动脉血管成形术" ], "265447007": [ "Bile duct operation", "Choledochus operations", "胆总管手术", "胆管手术" ], "230844001": [ "Biopsy of brain tissue cyst", "脑组织囊肿活检" ], "232679009": [ "Nasotracheal intubation", "Nasal intubation", "Nasal endotracheal intubation", "Tracheal intubation via nasal route", "鼻腔插管", "经鼻气管插管" ], "443836003": [ "Quantitative measurement of flurazepam in serum or plasma specimen", "Quantitative measurement of substance concentration of flurazepam in serum or plasma specimen", "血清或血浆标本中氟西泮物质浓度的定量测定", "血清或血浆样本中氟西泮的定量测定" ], "394684000": [ "Diabetic pre-pregnancy education", "糖尿病孕前教育" ], "425617004": [ "Anastomosis of blood vessel using microvascular anastomotic device", "使用微血管吻合器进行血管吻合" ], "81553007": [ "Grafting of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱移植" ], "866150003": [ "Screening for developmental disorder", "发育障碍筛查" ], "274491002": [ "Nasal packing for control of hemorrhage", "Nasal packing for control of haemorrhage", "Control of epistaxis using nasal packing", "使用鼻腔填塞控制鼻出血", "鼻腔填塞止血" ], "307259004": [ "Suture of gastric ulcer", "Gastric ulcer suture", "胃溃疡缝合术", "胃溃疡缝合" ], "241723004": [ "Eye protection using goggles or spectacles", "Eye protection using goggles or eyeglasses", "使用护目镜或眼镜保护眼睛" ], "225339007": [ "Neighbourhood assessment", "Neighborhood assessment", "社区评估" ], "305424003": [ "Admission to hepatobiliary surgical department", "肝胆外科入院" ], "287205001": [ "Brain decortication", "脑去皮" ], "172517004": [ "Reformation of anterior chamber", "Reformation of anterior chamber of eye", "前房重建", "眼前房重塑" ], "105146001": [ "Cyclacillin measurement", "环西林测定" ], "711354002": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of upper limb", "Doppler ultrasound of vascular structure of upper limb", "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of upper extremity", "Doppler ultrasound scan of vascular structure of upper limb", "上肢血管结构多普勒超声检查", "上肢血管结构多普勒超声扫描", "上肢血管结构的多普勒超声检查" ], "88762003": [ "Toe to finger transfer, second stage", "从脚趾到手指的移植,第二阶段" ], "121530004": [ "Diazoxide measurement", "二氮嗪测量" ], "449210005": [ "Bronchoscopic cryotherapy of neoplasm of bronchus", "支气管镜下冷冻治疗支气管肿瘤" ], "252602005": [ "Test battery for obscure auditory dysfunction", "OAD - Test battery for obscure auditory dysfunction", "OAD - 不明原因听觉功能障碍测试", "针对不明原因听力障碍的测试" ], "119695000": [ "Ankle destructive procedure", "Destructive procedure of ankle", "踝关节破坏性手术" ], "21391000": [ "Irrigation of enterostomy", "肠造口冲洗" ], "37775002": [ "Introduction of catheter into artery of extremity", "将导管插入肢体动脉" ], "168847003": [ "Colon double contrast examination", "结肠双重造影检查" ], "134244000": [ "Leptospiral antibody level", "钩端螺旋体抗体水平" ], "1332111009": [ "Epiphyseodesis of knee joint using drill", "Epiphysiodesis of distal femur and proximal tibia and proximal fibula using drill", "使用钻头进行股骨远端、胫骨近端和腓骨近端骨骺固定术", "使用钻头进行膝关节骨骺固定术" ], "265316002": [ "Attention to cochlear prosthesis", "Attention to cochlear implant", "人工耳蜗注意事项" ], "232548004": [ "Thyrohyoid laryngeal release procedure", "甲状舌骨喉释放术" ], "85092004": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on spine", "Anesthesia for procedure on vertebral column", "Anaesthesia for procedure on spine", "Anaesthesia for procedure on vertebral column", "脊柱手术麻醉" ], "50489001": [ "Repair of telecanthus", "Correction of telecanthus", "眼距矫正", "眼角膜修复" ], "1337002": [ "Colosigmoidostomy", "结肠乙状结肠造口术" ], "34105003": [ "Nerve teasing preparation", "紧张的准备" ], "83257002": [ "Percutaneous implantation of neurostimulator electrodes into cranial nerve", "经皮植入神经刺激器电极至脑神经" ], "117860009": [ "Polio virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Human polio virus antibody", "脊髓灰质炎病毒抗体检测", "人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗体的测量" ], "183396009": [ "Rehabilitation for disabling psychiatric problem", "残疾精神问题的康复" ], "116025006": [ "Biopsy of pleura", "Pleural biopsy", "胸膜活检" ], "165177008": [ "Projective testing", "投射测试" ], "312633007": [ "Provision of suction equipment", "提供抽吸设备" ], "15886004": [ "Screening for cancer", "Neoplasm screening", "肿瘤筛查", "癌症筛查" ], "425486008": [ "Transpetrous excision of lesion of jugular foramen", "经岩骨切除颈静脉孔病变" ], "390883000": [ "Referral to GP - lipid management", "Referral to general practitioner for lipid management", "Referral to general practitioner - lipid management", "转诊至全科医生进行脂质管理", "转诊至全科医生 - 血脂管理", "转诊至全科医生 - 脂质管理" ], "46819000": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of brachial artery by arm incision", "Percutaneous transluminal catheter embolectomy of brachial artery", "经皮腔内导管肱动脉取栓术", "经臂切口肱动脉导管取栓术" ], "81422008": [ "Anesthesia for interthoracoscapular, forequarter amputation", "Anaesthesia for interthoracoscapular, forequarter amputation", "胸肩胛间、前肢截肢术的麻醉" ], "308963000": [ "Intravascular injection", "血管内注射" ], "1259235002": [ "Open instillation of substance into pleura", "Open instillation of substance into pleural cavity", "将物质开放式滴注至胸腔内", "将物质开放式灌注到胸膜内" ], "241592002": [ "CT myelogram of lumbar region", "Computed tomography myelogram of lumbar region", "腰椎 CT 脊髓造影" ], "445101000124100": [ "Collaborating in nutrition therapy", "营养治疗合作" ], "405432005": [ "Catheterisation of brachial vein", "Catheterization of brachial vein", "肱静脉插管" ], "428461000124101": [ "Referral to nutrition professional", "Referral to nutritionist", "转介给营养专业人士", "转介营养师" ], "225208007": [ "Removal from an abuse risk situation", "脱离受虐待风险的情况" ], "274360007": [ "Surgical biopsy of bladder", "Surgical biopsy of urinary bladder", "膀胱手术活检" ], "437421000124105": [ "Decreased sodium diet", "减少钠饮食" ], "305293001": [ "Admission by surgeon", "外科医生入院" ], "438701000124109": [ "Biotin supplement therapy", "生物素补充疗法" ], "441261000124109": [ "Counselling about nutrition using motivational interviewing strategy", "Counseling about nutrition using motivational interviewing technique", "Counselling about nutrition using motivational interviewing technique", "Counseling about nutrition using motivational interviewing strategy", "使用动机访谈技术进行营养咨询", "使用动机访谈策略进行营养咨询" ], "370829007": [ "Implementation of protective measures to prevent skin or tissue injury due to mechanical sources", "Implements protective measures to prevent skin or tissue injury due to mechanical sources", "实施防护措施,防止因机械原因造成皮肤或组织损伤", "采取保护措施,防止因机械原因造成皮肤或组织损伤" ], "713058002": [ "End of life care planning", "临终关怀规划" ], "172386004": [ "Radiotherapy of conjunctival lesion", "结膜病变放射治疗" ], "57698006": [ "Anesthesia for thoracoplasty", "Anaesthesia for thoracoplasty", "胸廓成形术麻醉" ], "74082008": [ "Pin/tong site care", "针/钳部位护理" ], "121399002": [ "Nefazodone measurement", "奈法唑酮测量" ], "711223003": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of neck", "Doppler ultrasonography of neck vessel", "颈部血管多普勒超声检查", "颈部血管结构多普勒超声检查" ], "105015002": [ "Uridine diphosphate glucose-4-epimerase measurement", "尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖-4-差向异构酶测定" ], "252471006": [ "Electromagnetic flowmetry", "电磁流量计" ], "432695007": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of portal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of portal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮门静脉栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮门静脉栓塞术" ], "430860000": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of pleural membrane", "胸膜细针穿刺活检" ], "234252001": [ "Inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy", "腹股沟股淋巴结清扫术" ], "119564002": [ "Internal mammary-coronary artery bypass graft", "Creation of bypass from mammary artery to coronary artery", "建立从乳腺动脉到冠状动脉的旁路", "内乳冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "185100004": [ "Adverse drug reaction notification", "Yellow card drug reaction notification", "黄牌药物反应通知", "药品不良反应通报" ], "447244006": [ "Assessment using stereognostic test", "使用立体感知测试进行评估" ], "3041000": [ "Repair of stomach", "胃部修复" ], "21260009": [ "Gas endarterectomy of head and neck artery", "头颈动脉气体内膜切除术" ], "609249001": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from larynx without incision", "无需切开喉腔取出喉腔内异物" ], "265185003": [ "Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of head of humerus not using cement", "Prosthetic replacement of head of humerus not using cement", "Prosthetic uncemented hemiarthroplasty of shoulder", "Uncemented prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of shoulder joint", "不使用骨水泥的肱骨头假体置换术", "非骨水泥型肩关节假体半关节置换术", "非骨水泥型肩关节假体置换术", "未使用骨水泥的肱骨头假体半关节置换术" ], "443574003": [ "Fluoroscopic cine study of artificial heart valve", "人工心脏瓣膜的荧光透视电影研究" ], "408971000": [ "Circulatory care education", "Teach circulatory care", "循环护理教育", "教授循环系统护理" ], "64907001": [ "Repair of ectropion by thermocauterization", "Repair of ectropion by thermocauterisation", "Repair of ectropion by cauterization using heat", "Repair of ectropion by cauterisation using heat", "通过热烧灼术修复眼睑外翻", "热灼术修复眼睑外翻", "通过热烧灼修复眼睑外翻", "通过热烧灼法修复眼睑外翻" ], "261515008": [ "Creation of right to left atrial tunnel with roofing patch", "使用屋顶补片创建右至左心房隧道" ], "736651009": [ "Fluoroscopy guided minimally invasive sacroiliac joint fusion by dorsal approach", "Minimally invasive fusion of sacroiliac joint by dorsal approach using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经背入路微创骶髂关节融合术", "荧光透视引导下经背入路微创骶髂关节融合术" ], "310667009": [ "Insertion of Medicarb rods", "插入 Medicarb 棒" ], "177760003": [ "Removal of prosthesis from chest wall", "从胸壁取出假体" ], "359819009": [ "Antibiotic sensitivity, fungus", "抗生素敏感性、真菌" ], "718432005": [ "Assessment using Young Person's Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation", "Assessment using YP-CORE (Young Person's Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation)", "在常规评估中使用年轻人的临床结果进行评估", "使用 YP-CORE(青少年常规临床结果评估)进行评估" ], "241461002": [ "US scan of thoracic aorta", "Ultrasound scan of thoracic aorta", "Ultrasound of thoracic aorta", "Ultrasonography of thoracic aorta", "Ultrasound angiography of thoracic aorta", "Ultrasound arteriography of thoracic aorta", "胸主动脉超声扫描", "胸主动脉超声造影", "胸主动脉超声血管造影", "胸主动脉超声检查" ], "175925004": [ "Rovsing's operation", "Rovsing's operation for polycystic kidney", "Rovsing operation", "罗夫辛的操作", "罗夫辛多囊肾手术", "流动作业" ], "405301008": [ "Scalenotomy", "斜角肌切开术" ], "225077009": [ "Spigotting of nasogastric tube", "鼻胃管插管" ], "239626003": [ "Excision of limbus for congenital dislocation of the hip", "先天性髋关节脱位角膜缘切除术" ], "75786008": [ "Politzerization", "Politzerisation", "政治化" ], "450783000": [ "Primary closure of defect of septum of heart", "心脏隔膜缺损的初次缝合" ], "24799001": [ "Bicarbonate loading test", "碳酸氢盐负荷试验" ], "1237215002": [ "Application of therapy wrap", "Applying therapy wrap", "使用治疗包扎法", "治疗包扎带的应用" ], "72116000": [ "Anesthesia for endoscopic procedure", "Anesthesia for endoscopy", "Anaesthesia for endoscopic procedure", "Anaesthesia for endoscopy", "内窥镜手术麻醉", "内窥镜检查麻醉" ], "121268001": [ "Octacarboxylporphyrin measurement", "八羧基卟啉测量" ], "170420002": [ "Administration of third dose of poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Third dose poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Third dose poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Third dose poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Human poliovirus antigens", "第三剂脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫接种", "第三剂脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫", "接种第三剂脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "注射第三剂仅含破伤风梭菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第三剂脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种" ], "252340001": [ "Neutrophil migration test", "中性粒细胞迁移试验" ], "104884004": [ "Porphyrin measurement", "卟啉测量" ], "1217161000": [ "Anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery to mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "将左胸内动脉 (LITA) 吻合至左冠状动脉前降支中段", "左胸廓内动脉与左冠状动脉前降支中段吻合术", "左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 与左冠状动脉前降支中段吻合" ], "1153460009": [ "Cleaning of tongue", "清洁舌头" ], "86665000": [ "Wedging of clubfoot cast", "马蹄足石膏楔入术" ], "447113005": [ "12 lead electrocardiogram at rest", "12 lead ECG at rest", "静息 12 导联心电图" ], "609118001": [ "Microscopic examination of cell block of specimen from pancreas", "胰腺标本细胞块的显微镜检查" ], "117598003": [ "Human leukocyte antigen DP antigen phenotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen DP antigen phenotyping", "HLA (Human leukocyte antigen) DP phenotyping", "HLA (Human leucocyte antigen) DP phenotyping", "人类白细胞抗原 DP 抗原表型", "HLA(人类白细胞抗原)DP 表型" ], "265054005": [ "Cervical polypectomy", "Polypectomy of cervix", "宫颈息肉切除术" ], "428894007": [ "Osteoplasty of frontal sinus", "额窦骨成形术" ], "19294008": [ "Endomysial antibody measurement", "Endomysium antibody level", "肌内膜抗体水平", "肌内膜抗体测量" ], "410351000119101": [ "CT of right foot with contrast", "Computed tomography of right foot with contrast", "右脚增强计算机断层扫描", "右脚增强 CT" ], "383471000119101": [ "CT of paranasal sinus without contrast", "Computed tomography of paranasal sinus without contrast", "无造影剂鼻旁窦计算机断层扫描", "鼻旁窦平扫 CT" ], "16534511000119102": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of bones of whole body", "SPECT of bones of whole body", "Single photon emission computed tomography of entire bony skeleton", "整个骨骼的单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "全身骨骼单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "全身骨骼 SPECT" ], "392456000": [ "i5 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Yellow hornet venom specific IgE antibody measurement", "Dolichovespula arenaria venom specific IgE antibody measurement", "Dolichovespula arenaria venom specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "沙蚕毒液特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "i5 特异性IgE抗体测量", "黄蜂毒特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "沙蚕毒特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "17459007": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of toe", "趾关节脱位闭合复位术" ], "15624001": [ "Anesthesia for spinal fluid shunting procedure", "Anaesthesia for spinal fluid shunting procedure", "脊髓液分流术麻醉" ], "359688006": [ "Incision and drainage of cul-de-sac", "死胡同切开引流" ], "408840008": [ "Extra-amniotic termination of pregnancy", "羊膜外终止妊娠" ], "228616009": [ "Provision of aids to daily living", "提供日常生活援助" ], "275933002": [ "Vitamin prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic vitamin", "预防性维生素的施用", "维生素预防" ], "439773003": [ "Endovascular repair of aneurysm with transcatheter placement of wireless physiologic sensor", "经导管置入无线生理传感器进行动脉瘤血管内修复" ], "28338000": [ "Mastotomy with drainage of deep abscess", "乳房切开术引流深部脓肿" ], "388786003": [ "Thyme specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf273 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Thymus vulgaris specific IgE antibody measurement", "Thymus vulgaris specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf273 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "百里香特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "百里香特异性IgE抗体测定", "百里香特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "11954004": [ "Repair of liver", "肝脏修复" ], "241330007": [ "Radionuclide study of oesophageal reflux of bile", "Radionuclide study of esophageal reflux of bile", "食管胆汁反流的放射性核素研究" ], "239495002": [ "Prosthetic arthroplasty of interphalangeal joint of finger", "手指指间关节假体置换术" ], "173959002": [ "Bypass of ileum by anastomosis of jejunum to ileum", "空肠回肠吻合术" ], "419719004": [ "Fluoroscopic pouchography", "透视囊袋造影" ], "763783006": [ "Provision of patient held diabetes record", "提供患者持有的糖尿病记录" ], "417884003": [ "Angioplasty of external carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of external carotid artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下颈外动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下颈外动脉造影成形术" ], "434268005": [ "Percutaneous chemoembolisation of artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous chemoembolization of artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous chemoembolisation of artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous chemoembolization of artery with contrast", "用造影剂荧光透视引导进行经皮动脉化学栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮动脉造影化疗栓塞术", "经皮动脉造影化疗栓塞术" ], "450652008": [ "Open embolization of inferior mesenteric artery", "Open embolisation of inferior mesenteric artery", "下肠系膜动脉开放栓塞术" ], "1251633000": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous aspiration of breast", "Percutaneous aspiration of breast using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮乳腺穿刺活检", "影像引导下经皮乳房穿刺" ], "710961002": [ "Use of supportive positioning", "使用支持性定位" ], "172124009": [ "Open capsulectomy of breast", "开放性乳房囊切除术" ], "448817006": [ "Revision of closed reduction of fracture and skeletal traction", "骨折闭合复位及骨牵引修复" ], "252209006": [ "Naloxone test", "纳洛酮测试" ], "22833008": [ "Division of aorta", "主动脉分离" ], "446982000": [ "Assessment using Semmes-Weinstein monofilament test", "使用 Semmes-Weinstein 单丝测试进行评估" ], "432433006": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of superior mesenteric artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of superior mesenteric artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of superior mesenteric artery with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of superior mesenteric artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮肠系膜上动脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮肠系膜上动脉造影栓塞术" ], "104753009": [ "Insulin, free measurement", "胰岛素,免费测量" ], "20998007": [ "Fistulization of salivary gland", "Fistulisation of salivary gland", "涎腺造瘘术" ], "53766007": [ "Repair of meninges of spinal meningocele", "Repair of spinal meningocele", "Gardner operation", "Closure of spinal meningocele", "Meningeorrhaphy for spinal meningocele", "加德纳手术", "脊膜膨出的闭合", "脊髓脊膜膨出的修复", "脊膜缝合术治疗脊膜膨出", "脊髓脊膜膨出的脊膜修复" ], "68315004": [ "Suture of quadriceps rupture, primary", "股四头肌断裂缝合术,原发性" ], "314075008": [ "Thyroid mitochondrial antibody measurement", "Thyroid mitochondrial antibody level", "甲状腺线粒体抗体水平", "甲状腺线粒体抗体测量" ], "82864001": [ "Trigeminal neurectomy", "三叉神经切除术" ], "1295280002": [ "Plain X-ray of all toes", "所有脚趾的普通 X 光检查" ], "232155008": [ "Excision of preauricular cyst", "耳前囊肿切除术" ], "426928008": [ "Prevention of opioid abuse", "Opioid abuse prevention", "阿片类药物滥用预防", "预防阿片类药物滥用" ], "787376009": [ "Preparation of formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissue specimen", "福尔马林固定石蜡包埋组织标本的制备" ], "441477004": [ "Measurement of albumin in pleural fluid specimen", "胸水标本中白蛋白的测量" ], "15493005": [ "Excision of ectopic bone tissue from muscle", "Excision of intramuscular ectopic bone", "肌内异位骨切除术", "从肌肉中切除异位骨组织" ], "392325009": [ "Firebush specific IgE antibody measurement", "Kochia specific IgE antibody measurement", "w17 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Kochia scoparia specific IgE antibody measurement", "Kochia scoparia specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "火炬树特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "藜芦特异性IgE抗体测定", "w17 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "地肤子特异性IgE抗体测定", "地肤子特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "406874004": [ "Lacmoid stain method", "Lacmoid stain", "乳状液染色法", "乳状液染色" ], "46426006": [ "Cryoextraction of cataract by inferior temporal route", "颞下入路冷冻摘除白内障" ], "388655001": [ "Hippoglossus hippoglossus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Halibut specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf303 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Hippoglossus hippoglossus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf303 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "河马特异性IgE抗体测定", "大比目鱼特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "河马特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "306735003": [ "Referral to general dental surgery service", "转介至普通牙科手术服务" ], "241199004": [ "Removal of bone fragment of skull", "去除头骨碎片" ], "77359006": [ "Crushing of hemorrhoids", "Hemorrhoidectomy by crushing", "Haemorrhoidectomy by crushing", "Crushing of haemorrhoids", "粉碎痔疮", "挤压式痔疮切除术" ], "173828000": [ "Intubation of stomach for pH manometry", "胃插管进行 pH 测压" ], "273967009": [ "Serum urea level", "Serum urea measurement", "血清尿素水平", "血清尿素测量" ], "1156868003": [ "Transfusion of convalescent plasma", "输注恢复期血浆" ], "9988008": [ "Computerized tomography, oblique", "Computerised tomography, oblique", "Computed tomography oblique", "斜向计算机断层扫描" ], "73689008": [ "Destruction of lesion of iris", "Nonexcisional destruction of lesion of iris", "非切除性虹膜损伤毁损术", "虹膜损伤破坏" ], "104622000": [ "Cystinyl aminopeptidase measurement", "胱氨酰氨基肽酶测量" ], "417753008": [ "Shared electronic record administration", "共享电子记录管理" ], "432302005": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of pulmonary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of pulmonary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of pulmonary artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of pulmonary artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮肺动脉造影栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮肺动脉栓塞术" ], "448686005": [ "Primary decompression of lumbar spinal cord by posterior approach", "Primary posterior decompression of lumbar spinal cord", "后入路腰椎减压术", "原发性腰椎后路减压术" ], "710830005": [ "Assessment of passive range of motion", "被动活动范围评估" ], "86403000": [ "Immediate allogeneic transplantation, living donor", "立即同种异体移植,活体供体" ], "88238009": [ "Microbial smear, hanging drop technique", "微生物涂片、悬滴技术" ], "708995005": [ "Removal of loose body from joint of foot", "去除足关节中的游离体" ], "68184000": [ "Autopsy review, consultation and report", "尸检审查、会诊及报告" ], "117336001": [ "Cold incubation of serum, 4 hours", "血清冷培养,4小时" ], "281176004": [ "Mounting of dental cast on articulator", "Mounting of dental model on articulator", "将牙模型安装到咬合器上", "将牙齿模型安装到咬合器上" ], "428632005": [ "Transportation request", "交通请求" ], "363096005": [ "Division of eye structure", "眼部结构划分" ], "17197003": [ "Repair of cervicosigmoidal fistula", "Closure of cervicosigmoidal fistula", "宫颈乙状窦瘘修复", "宫颈乙状窦瘘闭合" ], "361261006": [ "Denis-Browne hypospadias repair", "Denis-Browne 尿道下裂修复术" ], "82733008": [ "Augmentation osteoplasty of facial bones", "面部骨骼增强术" ], "31746001": [ "Debridement of cerebral meninges", "脑膜清创" ], "410413008": [ "Signs/symptoms-physical surveillance", "体征/症状-身体监测" ], "177367002": [ "Distant microvascular transferred flap, myocutaneous", "Distant free flap, myocutaneous", "远端游离皮瓣,肌皮", "远处微血管转移皮瓣,肌皮" ], "308439003": [ "Referral to midwife", "转诊给助产士" ], "46295004": [ "Proctectomy by abdominoperineal resection with colostomy, one stage", "一期直肠切除术(经腹会阴切除术和结肠造口术)" ], "29911008": [ "Cryotherapy of iris", "虹膜冷冻治疗" ], "306604003": [ "Discharge from obstetrics and gynecology service", "Discharge from obstetrics and gynaecology service", "妇产科出院" ], "716204006": [ "Assessment using Raven's Standard Progressive Matrices", "Assessment using Raven's SPM (Standard Progressive Matrices)", "使用瑞文标准渐进矩阵进行评估", "使用 Raven 的 SPM(标准渐进矩阵)进行评估" ], "77228006": [ "Suture of periosteum of fibula", "腓骨骨膜缝合" ], "173697000": [ "Insertion of Angelchik prosthesis", "安吉奇克假肢的插入" ], "419457003": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of facet joint", "小关节荧光镜关节造影" ], "239233005": [ "Repair of quadriceps by tendon lengthening procedure", "肌腱延长术修复股四头肌" ], "712534002": [ "Assessment of chemical injury", "化学伤害评估" ], "417622004": [ "HLA-A29 typing", "Human lymphocyte antigen HLA-A29 typing", "人类淋巴细胞抗原HLA-A29分型", "HLA-A29分型" ], "237398006": [ "Scraping of nipple", "Scrape cytology of nipple", "乳头刮取细胞学检查", "乳头刮擦" ], "89942008": [ "Removal of foreign body of iris by incision", "虹膜切开取异物" ], "6187000": [ "Repair of aneurysm with graft of common femoral artery", "股总动脉移植修复动脉瘤" ], "171862008": [ "Revision of release of peripheral nerve", "周围神经释放术的修正" ], "104491005": [ "Aliphatic carboxylate C10-C26 measurement", "脂肪族羧酸盐 C10-C26 测量" ], "235563008": [ "Percutaneous attention to prosthesis in bile duct", "Percutaneous attention to tube in bile duct", "经皮胆管置管", "经皮胆管假体置入术" ], "37120004": [ "Insertion of caliper tongs of skull with synchronous skeletal traction", "颅骨卡钳插入术及同步骨牵引" ], "313813000": [ "Urine arsenic/creatinine ratio measurement", "Urine arsenic/creatinine ratio", "尿砷/肌酐比值", "尿砷/肌酐比值测量" ], "168192008": [ "Sample: organism virulence", "Organism virulence test", "生物体毒力测试", "样本:生物体毒力" ], "69888009": [ "Repair of pharynx", "Pharyngeal repair", "咽部修复" ], "428501002": [ "Replacement of aortic root using pulmonary valve autograft with right ventricle to pulmonary artery valved conduit", "使用自体肺动脉瓣移植术将右心室转至带瓣肺动脉导管,置换主动脉根部" ], "2517002": [ "Stroke rehabilitation", "中风康复" ], "410282005": [ "Coping skills teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Coping skills teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Coping skills education, guidance, and counselling", "Coping skills education, guidance, and counseling", "应对技巧教育、指导和咨询", "应对技巧教学、指导和咨询" ], "443050007": [ "Percutaneous fixation of fracture of shaft of tibia", "胫骨干骨折经皮固定术" ], "49834007": [ "Coccygotomy", "尾骨切开术" ], "179071001": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture and skin traction", "骨折切开复位及皮肤牵引术" ], "424831005": [ "Application of foot pump", "Apply foot pump", "脚踏泵的应用", "使用脚踏泵" ], "439380003": [ "Measurement of free carbamazepine", "游离卡马西平的测量" ], "373844007": [ "Ovarian ablation", "卵巢切除术" ], "306473000": [ "Discharge by gastrointestinal surgeon", "Discharge by GI surgeon", "胃肠外科医生出院" ], "175401001": [ "Open embolization of cerebral artery", "Open embolisation of cerebral artery", "脑动脉开放栓塞术" ], "717908007": [ "Assessment using Phonological Assessment of Child Speech", "使用儿童语音语音评估进行评估" ], "44329003": [ "Excision of prolapsed iris", "切除脱垂的虹膜" ], "879913000": [ "Haematopoietic stem cell mobilisation", "Hematopoietic stem cell mobilization", "造血干细胞动员" ], "11561008": [ "C1q receptor measurement", "C1q 受体测量" ], "386558001": [ "Chorionic gonadotropin, beta-subunit measurement", "HCG - Human beta chorionic gonadotrophin concentration", "Human beta chorionic gonadotrophin concentration", "Chorionic gonadotrophin, beta-subunit measurement", "HCG - Human beta chorionic gonadotropin concentration", "Human beta chorionic gonadotropin concentration", "人β绒毛膜促性腺激素浓度", "HCG——人β绒毛膜促性腺激素浓度", "绒毛膜促性腺激素β亚单位测量", "绒毛膜促性腺激素 β 亚基测量", "人类β绒毛膜促性腺激素浓度", "HCG——人类β绒毛膜促性腺激素浓度" ], "75262005": [ "Cranial neuroanastomosis", "Anastomosis of cranial nerve", "Cranial nerve anastomosis", "脑神经吻合术", "颅神经吻合术" ], "173566008": [ "Total esophagectomy and interposition of microvascularly attached colon", "Total oesophagectomy and interposition of microvascularly attached colon", "全食管切除术和微血管附着结肠插入术" ], "304638009": [ "Empty chair technique", "空椅子技术" ], "384723003": [ "Radical mastectomy", "根治性乳房切除术" ], "7891004": [ "Periurethral suspension", "Repair of stress incontinence by paraurethral suspension", "尿道周围悬吊术", "尿道旁悬吊术治疗压力性尿失禁" ], "432040000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of hepatic vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of hepatic vein with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮肝静脉腔内切割球囊血管成形术", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术(荧光造影引导)" ], "401107009": [ "Excision of cyst of male hydatid of Morgagni", "莫尔根尼包虫囊肿切除术" ], "433875009": [ "Computed tomography of internal auditory meatus with intrathecal injection of contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of internal auditory meatus with intrathecal injection of contrast", "CT of internal auditory meatus with intrathecal injection of contrast", "内耳道 CT 扫描及鞘内注射造影剂", "内耳道计算机断层扫描 (CT) 及鞘内注射造影剂", "鞘内注射造影剂进行内耳道计算机断层扫描" ], "448424000": [ "Exploration and biopsy of sacrum", "骶骨探查及活检" ], "417491009": [ "Neonatal hearing test", "新生儿听力检查" ], "235432006": [ "Intubation of gastrointestinal tract via tube gastrostomy", "经胃造口管插入胃肠道" ], "446589000": [ "Urethroscopic excision of lesion of urethra", "尿道镜尿道病变切除术" ], "118909005": [ "Procedure on anterior chamber of eye", "前房手术" ], "708733006": [ "Angiography of liver", "肝脏血管造影" ], "2386002": [ "Reduction of closed patellar dislocation", "闭合性髌骨脱位的复位" ], "231762005": [ "Photocoagulation to retina", "视网膜光凝" ], "442919002": [ "Adrenal sparing radical nephrectomy", "保留肾上腺的根治性肾切除术" ], "410151003": [ "Professional / ancillary services management", "Manage professional / ancillary services", "管理专业/辅助服务", "专业/辅助服务管理" ], "1260284000": [ "Prosthetic reinforcement of extra-articular ligament", "关节外韧带假体加固" ], "80636000": [ "Repair of heart atrial septum in total repair of truncus arteriosus", "全动脉干修复术中心脏房间隔的修复" ], "31484008": [ "Resection of left ventricle of heart", "Resection of left ventricular muscle", "左心室肌肉切除术", "左心室切除术" ], "439249005": [ "Excision of malignant neoplasm of mandible", "下颌骨恶性肿瘤切除术" ], "422865007": [ "Interpreter/translator services education, guidance, counselling", "Interpreter/translator services education, guidance, counseling", "Interpreter/translator services teaching, guidance, counselling", "Interpreter/translator services teaching, guidance, counseling", "口译/笔译服务教育、指导、咨询", "口译/翻译服务教学、指导、咨询" ], "306342000": [ "Referral to hospital-based midwife", "Referral to hospital midwife", "转诊至医院助产士" ], "715942004": [ "Provision of specialist critical care registered nurse patient escort", "提供专科重症监护注册护士病人陪同" ], "879782007": [ "Telehealth diabetes mellitus monitoring", "Telehealth monitoring for diabetes mellitus", "糖尿病的远程医疗监测", "远程医疗糖尿病监测" ], "91515000": [ "Special audiologic evaluation for functional hearing loss", "功能性听力损失的特殊听力学评估" ], "386427000": [ "Positioning: neurologic", "定位:神经科" ], "1303931002": [ "Insertion of metal ureteric stent", "插入金属输尿管支架" ], "44198008": [ "Complicated pyeloplasty", "Complicated pyeloplasty due to associated renal abnormality, solitary kidney or calicoplasty", "因相关肾脏异常、单肾或肾盂成形术而导致的复杂肾盂成形术", "复杂的肾盂成形术" ], "699558008": [ "Laparoscopic ureteroileostomy", "腹腔镜输尿管回肠造口术" ], "304507003": [ "Advice about exercise", "Exercise education", "Exercise health education", "Health education - exercise", "健康教育-运动", "运动教育", "运动健康教育", "运动建议" ], "1287547007": [ "Coagulation of semicircular canal", "半规管电凝" ], "7760001": [ "Anesthesia for radical surgery on nose", "Anaesthesia for radical surgery on nose", "鼻部根治手术的麻醉" ], "399141000": [ "Male sterilisation", "Male sterilization", "男性绝育" ], "169765001": [ "Postnatal - third day visit", "产后-第三天访视" ], "5925002": [ "Incision and drainage of hematoma of wrist", "Incision and drainage of haematoma of wrist", "腕部血肿切开引流术" ], "104229002": [ "Culture, screening by commercial kit, with colony count", "培养,通过商业试剂盒筛选,进行菌落计数" ], "708602000": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of humerus", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of humerus using imaging guidance", "影像引导下肱骨经皮细针穿刺活检", "影像引导下经皮肱骨细针穿刺活检" ], "53242000": [ "Renin, low salt intake measurement, recumbent, 6 hours", "肾素,低盐摄入量测量,卧位,6 小时" ], "4090005": [ "Replacement of transvenous atrial and ventricular pacemaker electrode leads", "经静脉心房和心室起搏器电极导线更换" ], "118778008": [ "Procedure on parotid duct", "腮腺管手术" ], "231631004": [ "Dacryocystorhinostomy and insertion of tube", "泪囊鼻腔造口术及置管" ], "313551005": [ "Serum VLDL triglyceride measurement", "Serum VLDL triglyceride level", "Serum very low density lipoprotein triglyceride measurement", "血清极低密度脂蛋白甘油三酯测量", "血清 VLDL 甘油三酯水平", "血清 VLDL 甘油三酯测量" ], "311716009": [ "Lip alternative movement exercise", "唇部交替运动" ], "80505002": [ "Casein decomposition test", "酪蛋白分解试验" ], "408185006": [ "Malarial parasite screening test", "疟原虫筛查测试" ], "439118005": [ "Closed division of angle of mandible", "下颌角闭合分割" ], "45902006": [ "Salpingo-oophororrhaphy", "输卵管卵巢缝合术" ], "176974007": [ "Open dilation of fallopian tube", "输卵管开放扩张" ], "76835000": [ "Repair of chest wall", "胸壁修复" ], "29518009": [ "Citrate excretion measurement, urine", "尿液柠檬酸排泄量测量" ], "306211007": [ "Referral to audiological screening service", "转介至听力筛查服务" ], "715811008": [ "Assessment using Computerized Assessment of Response Bias", "Assessment using CARB (Computerized Assessment of Response Bias)", "使用计算机化反应偏差评估进行评估", "使用 CARB(计算机化反应偏差评估)进行评估" ], "386296001": [ "Fall prevention", "预防跌倒" ], "287992003": [ "Bowel malrotation manipulation", "肠旋转不良治疗" ], "122317003": [ "Campylobacter species rRNA assay", "Campylobacter species ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "弯曲杆菌 rRNA 检测", "弯曲杆菌种核糖体核糖核酸测定" ], "237005005": [ "Manual correction of malpresentation/position", "Manual procedure for malpresentation or position", "手动矫正畸形/位置", "胎位不正或胎位不正的手动治疗" ], "235170000": [ "Reconstruction of oesophagus - gastric tube", "Reconstruction of esophagus - gastric tube", "食管胃管重建" ], "71330003": [ "Repair of arteriovenous fistula by occlusion", "动静脉瘘封堵术" ], "399010004": [ "Manipulation of the cervical spine - non-surgical", "颈椎操纵 - 非手术" ], "431778005": [ "Brachytherapy of prostate using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下前列腺近距离放射治疗" ], "710306004": [ "Doppler ultrasound scan of vein", "Doppler ultrasonography of vein", "Doppler ultrasonography of venous structure", "静脉多普勒超声检查", "静脉结构多普勒超声检查", "静脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "233335005": [ "Thrombolysis of artery", "动脉血栓溶解" ], "313420001": [ "Assisting with toileting", "Self-care assistance: toileting", "协助上厕所", "自我护理协助:如厕" ], "311585002": [ "Eliciting a speech response", "引发言语反应" ], "426273008": [ "Partitioning of stomach using band", "使用带子分隔胃" ], "1260022006": [ "Excision of pressure injury stage III of ischial region with excision of ischium and primary closure using suture", "Excision and primary suture of ischial pressure ulcer stage 3 with ostectomy", "切除坐骨区 III 期压力性损伤,切除坐骨并用缝合线进行一期缝合", "坐骨压疮 3 期切除及一期缝合术" ], "31222007": [ "Paracentesis of anterior chamber of eye", "前房穿刺术" ], "276982006": [ "Percutaneous thrombectomy of iliofemoral vein zone", "经皮髂股静脉区血栓切除术" ], "225995005": [ "Maintaining a safe environment", "Environmental safety", "环境安全", "维护安全的环境" ], "176843009": [ "Gamete intrauterine transfer", "GIUT - Gamete intrauterine transfer", "配子宫内移植", "GIUT-- 配子宫内移植" ], "74869001": [ "Arthrotomy of elbow for infection with exploration", "肘关节切开术治疗感染并进行探查" ], "306080009": [ "Referral by community-based physiotherapist", "Referral by community physiotherapist", "Referral from community physiotherapist", "Referral from community-based physiotherapist", "社区物理治疗师的推荐", "社区物理治疗师转诊" ], "1303669005": [ "Right-sided facial reconstruction", "Right half of face reconstruction", "Reconstruction of right half of face", "Reconstruction of right side of face", "右半脸重建", "右侧面部重建" ], "91253006": [ "Destruction of lesion by ultrasound", "超声波破坏病变" ], "42101009": [ "Penetrating keratoplasty", "Penetrating graft to cornea", "PK - Penetrating keratoplasty", "PKP - Penetrating keratoplasty", "PKP-穿透性角膜移植术", "穿透性角膜移植术", "穿透性角膜移植", "PK - 穿透性角膜移植术" ], "1269066004": [ "Osteoplasty of sternum", "胸骨整形术" ], "122186007": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi 25kd antibody assay", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 25 kiloDalton antibody", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 25 kD antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体 25kd 抗体检测", "伯氏疏螺旋体 25 kD 抗体的测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体 25 千道尔顿抗体的测量" ], "302410007": [ "Primary suture of skin", "皮肤一期缝合" ], "431647000": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of vein of upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮上肢静脉血栓溶解术" ], "1285450007": [ "Fitting of orthodontic retainer", "牙齿矫正保持器的安装" ], "415263003": [ "Referral for warfarin monitoring", "转诊进行华法林监测" ], "300575000": [ "Detection of reducing substances", "还原性物质的检测" ], "448031005": [ "Debulking of neoplasm of abdominal cavity", "Debulking of intraabdominal neoplasm", "腹部肿瘤减瘤术", "腹腔肿瘤减瘤术" ], "22047006": [ "Aspiration of skin", "皮肤抽吸" ], "103967003": [ "Antibody titration", "抗体滴定" ], "5663008": [ "Phlebectomy of varicose vein of head and neck", "Excision of varicose vein of head and neck", "头颈部静脉曲张切除术" ], "233204002": [ "Formalin infiltration of ductus arteriosus", "福尔马林浸润动脉导管" ], "3828003": [ "Open biopsy of vertebral body of thoracic region", "胸椎椎体开放活检" ], "315124004": [ "HIV viral load", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) viral load", "Human immunodeficiency virus viral load", "人类免疫缺陷病毒载量", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 病毒载量", "HIV 病毒载量" ], "85748009": [ "BACTEC susceptibility test for slow growing Mycobacteria", "BACTEC 慢生长分枝杆菌药敏试验" ], "231369003": [ "Injection of neurolytic substance to mental nerve", "向颏神经注射神经溶解物质" ], "395209005": [ "Activated protein C ratio (factor V Leiden deficient plasma)", "活化蛋白 C 比率(Ⅴ型莱顿因子缺乏血浆)" ], "82078001": [ "Collection of blood specimen for laboratory", "Taking blood sample", "Blood withdrawal for testing", "Blood sampling", "抽取血液样本", "抽血检测", "采集血液样本送至实验室", "血液采样" ], "229534005": [ "Upper limb strapping", "上肢绑带" ], "113011001": [ "Palpation", "触诊" ], "309619003": [ "Child referral for audiology", "儿童听力学转诊" ], "440691007": [ "Qualitative measurement of anabolic steroid in urine", "尿液中合成代谢类固醇的定性测量" ], "391539007": [ "Beta 2 glycoprotein 1 level", "Apolipoprotein H measurement", "β2 糖蛋白 1 水平", "载脂蛋白H测量" ], "14707009": [ "Lamellar resection of sclera for retinal reattachment", "巩膜板层切除术用于视网膜复位" ], "225864004": [ "One to one care", "一对一护理" ], "176712005": [ "Zacharin repair of vaginal vault", "Repair of vault of vagina using combined abdominal and vaginal approach", "Zacharin 阴道穹窿修复术", "经腹阴道联合入路修复阴道穹窿" ], "764701000": [ "Positron emission tomography of whole body using methionine C-11", "PET of whole body using methionine C-11", "使用蛋氨酸 C-11 进行全身正电子发射断层扫描", "使用蛋氨酸 C-11 进行全身 PET 检查" ], "387869001": [ "Gastromyotomy", "胃肌切开术" ], "43805005": [ "Resection of thoracic artery with replacement", "胸主动脉切除置换术" ], "305949005": [ "Referral from pathologist", "Referral by pathologist", "病理学家转诊", "病理学家推荐" ], "11037005": [ "Perineal care in obstetrics", "产科会阴护理" ], "287730002": [ "Kidney - local excision", "肾脏 - 局部切除" ], "4877004": [ "Extracapsular extraction of lens with iridectomy", "晶状体囊外摘除术及虹膜切除术" ], "74738008": [ "Skin level cecostomy", "Skin level caecostomy", "皮肤水平盲肠造口术" ], "271346009": [ "Urine dipstick for protein", "尿液试纸检测蛋白质" ], "7367000": [ "Musculoskeletal system procedure on abdomen", "腹部肌肉骨骼系统手术" ], "89287000": [ "Open reduction of closed humeral fracture with external skeletal fixation", "闭合性肱骨骨折切开复位外骨固定" ], "122055003": [ "Neisseria meningitidis antigen assay", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌抗原测定" ], "171207006": [ "Depression screening", "抑郁症筛查" ], "234908000": [ "Reconstruction of mouth using distant pedicle flap", "利用远距离带蒂皮瓣进行口腔重建" ], "431516003": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of superior vena cava using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "上腔静脉荧光造影及植入支架" ], "169372003": [ "Radiotherapy: temporary lymphatic implant", "放射治疗:临时淋巴植入" ], "103836004": [ "Tissue plasminogen activator activity assay", "组织纤溶酶原激活剂活性测定" ], "447900003": [ "Fusion of joint of thoracic spine with internal fixation by posterior approach", "后入路胸椎关节融合内固定术" ], "120220003": [ "Injection to forearm", "前臂注射" ], "185756006": [ "Diabetes monitoring first letter", "糖尿病监测首字母" ], "726428009": [ "Lobectomy of upper lobe of right lung", "右肺上叶切除术" ], "183921001": [ "Admission to hospice for respite", "入住临终关怀机构暂息治疗" ], "233073003": [ "Construction of conduit - right ventricle to left pulmonary artery", "导管建设-右心室至左肺动脉" ], "3697003": [ "Tissue processing technique, routine, embed, cut and stain, per autopsy", "组织处理技术,常规、嵌入、切割和染色,尸检" ], "446065004": [ "Incision and drainage of Bartholin's gland", "Incision and drainage of Bartholins gland", "巴氏腺切开引流术" ], "280390001": [ "Excisional biopsy of hypophysis", "垂体切除活检" ], "231238004": [ "Intraoral approach to local anesthetic mental nerve block", "Intraoral approach to local anaesthetic mental nerve block", "Intraoral approach to mental nerve block", "口内入路颏神经阻滞", "口内局部麻醉颏神经阻滞术" ], "1862006": [ "Thoracic phlebectomy", "胸腔静脉切除术" ], "444230006": [ "Excision of cyst of mandible with partial excision of mandible by extraoral approach", "经口外入路切除下颌骨囊肿及部分切除下颌骨" ], "442395000": [ "Implantation of artificial sphincter", "人工括约肌植入" ], "229403008": [ "Physiological mobilisation of the hindfoot", "Physiological mobilization of the hindfoot", "后足的生理活动", "后足的生理动员" ], "426011008": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic examination of upper gastrointestinal tract and staining of gastric mucosa", "Fibreoptic endoscopic examination of upper gastrointestinal tract and staining of gastric mucosa", "上消化道纤维内镜检查及胃粘膜染色", "上消化道纤维内镜检查及胃黏膜染色" ], "1145072001": [ "Assessment using Padua Prediction Score for risk of venous thromboembolism", "Assessment using Padua Prediction Score for risk of VTE (venous thromboembolism)", "使用帕多瓦预测评分评估静脉血栓栓塞风险", "使用帕多瓦预测评分评估 VTE(静脉血栓栓塞症)风险" ], "391408008": [ "Serum fluoride number", "血清氟值" ], "64291000052106": [ "Radioactive iodine therapy", "RAI - radioactive iodine therapy", "RAI-- 放射性碘治疗", "放射性碘治疗" ], "29125005": [ "Ligation of thoracic vein", "胸静脉结扎" ], "1256090000": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of neoplasm of liver", "Percutaneous IRE (irreversible electroporation) ablation of neoplasm of liver using imaging guidance", "Percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of neoplasm of liver using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of tumor of liver", "Imaging guided percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of tumour of liver", "影像引导下经皮不可逆电穿孔消融肝肿瘤", "使用影像引导经皮 IRE(不可逆电穿孔)消融肝肿瘤" ], "61893009": [ "Laparoscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancy with oophorectomy", "腹腔镜卵巢切除治疗宫外孕" ], "240282003": [ "Cardiac puncture and fetal exsanguination", "Cardiac puncture and foetal exsanguination", "心脏穿刺和胎儿放血" ], "27290008": [ "Osteotomy of body of mandible", "Osteotomy of mandibular body", "Mandibular body osteotomy", "下颌骨体截骨术", "下颌体截骨术" ], "387738008": [ "Primary coccygectomy", "原发性尾骨切除术" ], "287599001": [ "Retrograde angiocardiography", "逆行心血管造影" ], "174746008": [ "Division of annular pancreas", "环状胰腺的划分" ], "385903004": [ "Hearing aid care management", "Manage hearing aid care", "助听器护理管理", "管理助听器护理" ], "74607004": [ "Open reduction of closed hyoid fracture", "闭合性舌骨骨折切开复位" ], "90991008": [ "Periprosthetic capsulectomy of breast", "乳房假体周围包膜切除术" ], "271215008": [ "Plasma free/total protein S ratio measurement", "Plasma free/total protein S ratio", "血浆游离蛋白/总蛋白 S 比率测量", "血浆游离蛋白/总蛋白 S 比率" ], "433220005": [ "Percutaneous thoracic vertebroplasty using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮胸椎成形术" ], "171076008": [ "Outbreak of rabies - advice", "Rabies outbreak education", "狂犬病疫情教育", "狂犬病爆发 - 建议" ], "121924009": [ "Aspergillus glaucus antibody assay", "Measurement of Aspergillus glaucus antibody", "灰绿曲霉抗体测定", "灰绿曲霉抗体的测定" ], "234777001": [ "Try-in of extraoral maxillofacial prosthesis", "口外颌面假体的试戴" ], "103705002": [ "Patient status observation", "Patient observation", "患者状态观察", "耐心观察" ], "447769005": [ "Decompression of popliteal artery", "腘动脉减压术" ], "429550000": [ "Primary percutaneous intradiscal thermocoagulation of thoracic intervertebral disc using radiofrequency probe", "经皮射频探头胸椎间盘原发性热凝术" ], "398617009": [ "Candida antigen assay", "Candida antigen level", "念珠菌抗原水平", "念珠菌抗原检测" ], "445934003": [ "Argon plasma coagulation of lesion of small intestine", "小肠病变氩离子凝固术" ], "265710006": [ "Posterior fusion of atlantoaxial joint", "寰枢关节后融合" ], "232942008": [ "Decalcification of implanted truncal valve", "植入式心脏瓣膜脱钙" ], "231107005": [ "Acupressure", "指压" ], "313027006": [ "Nail plate procedure", "指甲板手术" ], "180120000": [ "Excision of anlage of fibula", "腓骨原基切除术" ], "50883009": [ "Special in-vitro immunologic procedure, explain by report", "特殊体外免疫程序,通过报告解释" ], "704408003": [ "Invitation for diabetes screening", "糖尿病筛查邀请函" ], "229272004": [ "Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation technique", "PNF - Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation technique", "本体感觉神经肌肉促进技术", "PNF-- 本体感觉神经肌肉促进技术" ], "868248007": [ "PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) of RCA (right coronary artery)", "Percutaneous coronary intervention of right coronary artery", "右冠状动脉经皮冠状动脉介入治疗", "RCA(右冠状动脉)的 PCI(经皮冠状动脉介入治疗)" ], "16280008": [ "Repair of stomach fistula", "Repair of gastric fistula", "Closure of stomach fistula", "Closure of gastric fistula", "胃瘘修复", "胃瘘闭合", "胃瘘缝合" ], "47213001": [ "Anterior tibial tubercle plastic repair for chondromalacia patellae", "Maquet procedure", "胫骨前结节整形修复髌骨软化症", "模型程序" ], "391277002": [ "Digestive system disease screening", "消化系统疾病筛查" ], "473197003": [ "Transesophageal echocardiography for congenital heart disease", "Transoesophageal echocardiography for congenital heart disease", "经食管超声心动图检查诊断先天性心脏病" ], "702573005": [ "Biopsy of retroperitoneum using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下进行腹膜后活检" ], "440429006": [ "Deep incision with opening of bone cortex of leg", "深切口,打开小腿骨皮质" ], "307522001": [ "Arthroscopic debridement of articular ulcerations of knee", "膝关节溃疡关节镜清创术" ], "782658002": [ "Recommendation to measure and record own blood pressure", "建议测量并记录自己的血压" ], "405826006": [ "BRCA2 mutation carrier detection test", "Breast cancer 2, early onset gene mutation carrier detection test", "乳腺癌2、早发性基因突变携带者检测", "BRCA2 突变携带者检测" ], "438594007": [ "Repositioning of central venous catheter by endovascular snare using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用造影剂荧光透视引导下血管内圈套器重新定位中心静脉导管" ], "174615000": [ "Endoscopic sphincterotomy of sphincter of Oddi and insertion of tubal prosthesis into bile duct", "ERCP sphincterotomy and insertion of stent", "内镜奥迪氏括约肌切开术及胆管假体置入术", "ERCP 括约肌切开术和支架插入" ], "1290562008": [ "Plain X-ray of shaft of forearm", "前臂干的普通 X 光检查" ], "76311002": [ "Biopsy of seminal vesicle", "精囊活检" ], "74476001": [ "Epidermal occlusion therapy", "表皮封闭疗法" ], "385772001": [ "Encouragement of compliance with medication regimen", "Encouragement of adherence with medication regimen", "鼓励坚持用药方案", "鼓励遵守药物治疗方案" ], "287468004": [ "Non-surgical gum biopsy", "非手术牙龈活检" ], "172780007": [ "Destruction of lesion of external nose", "外鼻病损毁除" ], "238316008": [ "Aspiration of chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter", "慢性非卧床腹膜透析导管抽吸" ], "7105001": [ "Bosworth operation arthroplasty for acromioclavicular separation", "博斯沃思手术置换治疗肩锁关节分离" ], "746220009": [ "Laparoscopic repair of right inguinal hernia using surgical mesh", "腹腔镜下使用手术网片修补右侧腹股沟疝" ], "1268673001": [ "Fixation of ceramic veneer to tooth", "将陶瓷贴面固定到牙齿上" ], "170945005": [ "Eye disorder monitoring", "Ophthalmological monitoring", "Eye disease monitoring", "眼科监测", "眼病监测", "眼部疾病监测" ], "252865007": [ "+3 diopter spheres test", "+3 dioptre spheres test", "+3 屈光度球面测试", "+3 屈光度球镜测试" ], "72641008": [ "Sedation", "Sedation procedure", "Administration of sedative", "Sedative therapy", "镇静剂的使用", "镇静", "镇静程序", "镇静治疗" ], "105409009": [ "Administration of spiritual profile test", "进行灵性概况测试" ], "5270002": [ "Destruction of both fallopian tubes", "Destruction of bilateral fallopian tubes", "Fallopian tube destructive procedure", "双侧输卵管破坏", "输卵管破坏性手术" ], "38038000": [ "Tolerance test", "耐受性测试" ], "431254004": [ "Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of mesenteric vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of mesenteric vein with contrast", "经皮肠系膜静脉机械血栓切除术(荧光造影引导)", "透视引导下经皮肠系膜静脉机械血栓切除术" ], "119958003": [ "Tonsil closure", "扁桃体闭合" ], "185494005": [ "In-house ultrasound", "室内超声波" ], "265579000": [ "Closed urethrotomy in female", "女性闭式尿道切开术" ], "445803001": [ "Assessment using Moberg pickup test", "使用 Moberg 拾取测试进行评估" ], "232811004": [ "Tricuspid valvectomy", "Resection of tricuspid valve", "Excision of tricuspid valve", "三尖瓣切除术" ], "183659006": [ "Refer to hospital casualty", "转至医院伤员" ], "118123006": [ "Trinucleotide repeat analysis", "三核苷酸重复分析" ], "17984001": [ "Acute gastrointestinal blood loss imaging", "急性胃肠道失血影像学" ], "34291000175108": [ "Nocturnal dual pressure spontaneous ventilation support", "Nocturnal BiPAP (biphasic pressure airway support)", "Nocturnal bi-level positive airway pressure therapy", "夜间双压自主通气支持", "夜间双水平气道正压通气治疗", "夜间 BiPAP(双相压力气道支持)" ], "230976007": [ "Faciofacial anastomosis", "面部吻合术" ], "443968007": [ "Sequencing of entire coding region of gene", "基因整个编码区的测序" ], "179989002": [ "Replantation of hand", "手再植" ], "229141009": [ "Lumbar isometric flexion exercises", "腰椎等长屈曲练习" ], "737045009": [ "Skin traction care management", "皮肤牵引护理管理" ], "63466006": [ "Injection of cranial nerve", "脑神经注射" ], "391146008": [ "General psychiatric care of older adults - 24 hour intensive", "老年人的一般精神病护理 - 24 小时强化治疗" ], "440298008": [ "Dispensing of pharmaceutical/biologic product", "药品/生物制品的配发" ], "14314009": [ "Albee operation for hip fusion", "Albee 髋关节融合手术" ], "192703003": [ "Transection of uvula", "悬雍垂横断" ], "45247004": [ "Lengthening of tendon", "肌腱延长" ], "176319004": [ "Cryotherapy to prostate via perineal probe", "经会阴探针进行前列腺冷冻治疗" ], "1255828007": [ "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - Slightly Thick Level 1 drinks", "IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) Framework - Slightly Thick Level 1 drinks", "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - ST1 (Slightly Thick Level 1) drinks", "IDDSI(国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议)框架 - 略浓 1 级饮品", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - ST1(略浓 1 级)饮料", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - 略浓 1 级饮料" ], "57961007": [ "Attachment of pedicle graft to extremity", "将带蒂移植物连接至肢体" ], "238185007": [ "Epigastric herniorrhaphy", "Repair of epigastric hernia using surgical sutures", "上腹部疝修补术", "使用手术缝合线修复上腹疝" ], "172649009": [ "Simple mastoidectomy", "单纯乳突切除术" ], "105278002": [ "Oxycodone measurement", "羟可酮测量" ], "252734005": [ "Thalamic (multi-mode) recording", "丘脑(多模式)记录" ], "711486006": [ "Fluoroscopy guided shunt procedure", "Shunt procedure using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导分流术", "使用荧光透视引导的分流手术" ], "1186622005": [ "Synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation - pressure-control pressure-support inflation", "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation - pressure-control pressure-support inflation", "Pressure controlled synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation", "Pressure controlled synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation", "同步间歇指令通气-压力控制压力支持充气", "压力控制同步间歇指令通气", "同步间歇指令通气 - 压力控制压力支持充气" ], "170814007": [ "Endocrine treatment change", "内分泌治疗改变" ], "121662009": [ "Polythiazide measurement", "多噻嗪的测量" ], "119827003": [ "Integumentary system reconstruction", "皮肤系统重建" ], "2351000087100": [ "MRI of left hand", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left hand", "左手 MRI", "左手磁共振成像" ], "1071000087102": [ "Ultrasonography of left inguinal region", "Ultrasound of left inguinal region", "Ultrasound scan of left inguinal region", "左腹股沟区超声扫描", "左腹股沟区超声检查" ], "709651007": [ "MRI of lumbar plexus", "Magnetic resonance imaging of lumbar plexus", "腰丛磁共振成像" ], "168979006": [ "Male genital venogram", "男性生殖器静脉造影" ], "13871000087105": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of cyst of left kidney", "Aspiration of cyst of left kidney using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下左肾囊肿穿刺抽吸", "超声引导下左肾囊肿抽吸术" ], "183528001": [ "Referral to psychiatrist for the elderly mentally ill", "Referral to psychogeriatrician", "精神病老人转诊至精神科医生", "转诊至老年精神科医生" ], "21551000087105": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral biceps tendons", "Ultrasound scan of bilateral biceps tendons", "Ultrasound of bilateral biceps tendons", "Bilateral ultrasonography of biceps tendons", "双侧二头肌腱超声检查", "双侧二头肌腱的超声检查", "双侧肱二头肌腱超声检查", "双侧二头肌腱超声扫描" ], "20271000087105": [ "Magnetic resonance arthrography of left elbow", "Magnetic resonance arthrogram of left elbow", "MR arthrography of left elbow", "左肘关节磁共振造影" ], "19688005": [ "Open reduction of spinal fracture", "脊柱骨折切开复位" ], "3631000087109": [ "Plain X-ray of right hand", "右手普通 X 光检查" ], "265448002": [ "Anastomosis of hepatic duct to transposed jejunum and insertion of tubal prosthesis", "肝管与转置空肠吻合及输卵管假体插入术" ], "412904008": [ "Serum alpha amino butyrate measurement", "Serum alpha amino butyrate level", "Serum 2-Aminobutyrate measurement", "血清 α 氨基丁酸测量", "血清 α-氨基丁酸水平", "血清 2-氨基丁酸测量" ], "117992009": [ "Rickettsia (Proteus OX19) antibody assay", "Measurement of Proteus OX19 antibody for detection of rickettsiae", "测量变形杆菌 OX19 抗体以检测立克次体", "立克次体(变形杆菌 OX19)抗体检测" ], "4911000087106": [ "CT of bilateral feet", "Computed tomography of bilateral feet", "Computed tomography of both feet", "Computed tomography of left and right foot", "双足 CT", "左、右脚的计算机断层扫描", "双足计算机断层扫描", "双脚计算机断层扫描" ], "724200004": [ "Left above elbow amputation", "Amputation of left arm through humerus", "Left amputation through humerus", "左臂肱骨截肢", "左肱骨截肢", "左肘上截肢" ], "232680007": [ "Nasal intubation awake", "鼻插管清醒" ], "230845000": [ "Aspiration of brain cyst", "脑囊肿抽吸" ], "50621006": [ "Isotope study for renal clearance", "肾脏清除率的同位素研究" ], "443837007": [ "Quantitative measurement of IgA in urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of immunoglobulin A in urine specimen", "尿液样本中 IgA 的定量测量", "尿液标本中免疫球蛋白A质量浓度的定量测定" ], "165309004": [ "Behaviour assessment", "Behavior assessment", "行为评估" ], "63335001": [ "Electron microscopy, consultation, examination and interpretation", "电子显微镜检查、咨询、检查和解释" ], "46951003": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on arteries of knee", "Anaesthesia for procedure on arteries of knee", "膝关节动脉手术麻醉" ], "718695004": [ "Assessment using Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test for Children", "Assessment using Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test for Children", "使用 Rivermead 儿童行为记忆测试进行评估" ], "307260009": [ "Suture of duodenal ulcer", "Duodenal ulcer suture", "Suture of ulcer of duodenum", "十二指肠溃疡缝合", "十二指肠溃疡缝合术" ], "305425002": [ "Admission to neurosurgical department", "神经外科入院" ], "274492009": [ "Insertion of pack to control vaginal bleeding", "插入包以控制阴道出血" ], "225340009": [ "Housing assessment", "房屋评估" ], "287206000": [ "Cranial venous sinus ligation", "颅静脉窦结扎术" ], "26897008": [ "Excision of lesion of tunica vaginalis", "鞘膜病变切除术" ], "713190005": [ "Incisional biopsy of cervical lymph node", "颈部淋巴结切开活检" ], "121531000": [ "Dicamba measurement", "麦草畏测量" ], "1335782009": [ "Arthrodesis of first metatarsophalangeal joint and excision of lesser metatarsophalangeal joint", "第一跖趾关节融合术及小跖趾关节切除术" ], "39611002": [ "Parasite serologic study", "Protozoa antibody assay", "Serologic test for Protozoan parasite", "原生动物寄生虫血清学检测", "原生动物抗体检测", "寄生虫血清学研究" ], "711355001": [ "Fluoroscopic cholangiogram", "Fluoroscopic cholangiography", "荧光胆管造影", "透视胆管造影" ], "252603000": [ "Tinnitus assessment", "耳鸣评估" ], "105147005": [ "Cyclizine measurement", "环嗪酮测量" ], "236219009": [ "Surgical closure of bladder neck", "Closure of neck of urinary bladder", "膀胱颈闭合", "膀胱颈手术缝合" ], "447376003": [ "Debulking of neoplasm of spinal cord", "脊髓肿瘤减瘤术" ], "119696004": [ "Foot destructive procedure", "Destructive procedure of foot", "足部破坏性手术" ], "134245004": [ "Roller ball diathermy of endometrium", "子宫内膜滚球电热疗法" ], "281701004": [ "Removal of existing dental restoration", "移除现有的牙齿修复体" ], "232549007": [ "Suprahyoid laryngeal release procedure", "舌骨上喉释放术" ], "443706000": [ "Repair of partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection by direct anomalous vein anastomosis to left atrial appendage", "直接异位静脉吻合术修复部分性异位肺静脉连接" ], "312634001": [ "Provision of prosthesis", "提供假肢" ], "85093009": [ "Excision of lesion of joint of shoulder", "肩关节病变切除术" ], "412773009": [ "Referral to stroke clinic", "转诊至中风诊所" ], "116026007": [ "Total jejunectomy", "全空肠切除术" ], "83258007": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of carpals and metacarpals", "腕骨、掌骨骨折闭合复位" ], "1230138008": [ "Diet modified for low protein medical food", "饮食经过修改以适应低蛋白医疗食品" ], "359951006": [ "Electrolysis of ciliary body", "Cycloelectrolysis", "循环电解", "睫状体电解" ], "718564001": [ "Balanced membranous tension", "BMT - balanced membranous tension", "Balanced membranous tension method", "BMT-- 平衡膜张力", "平衡膜张力", "平衡膜张力法" ], "1259236001": [ "Open instillation of substance into abdominal cavity", "开放式腹腔滴注物质" ], "440036001": [ "Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography of intracranial artery using microbubble contrast media for detection of emboli", "使用微泡造影剂进行颅内动脉经颅多普勒超声检查以检测栓塞" ], "79588004": [ "Selective introduction of catheter into aorta, initial placement", "选择性将导管引入主动脉,初步放置" ], "405433000": [ "Removal of catheter from brachial vein", "从肱静脉拔除导管" ], "423652009": [ "Determination of resuscitation status", "确定复苏状态" ], "716729001": [ "Assessment using Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale", "使用 Mill Hill 词汇量表进行评估" ], "225209004": [ "Removal of individual", "移除个人" ], "274361006": [ "Surgical biopsy of urethra", "尿道手术活检" ], "370830002": [ "Preoperative teaching including family and support persons", "Includes family and support persons in preoperative teaching", "Preoperative education including family and support persons", "包括术前教学中的家人和支持人员", "术前教育,包括家人和支持人员" ], "698510006": [ "Respiratory therapy by modification of proportion of atmospheric gas", "通过改变大气气体比例进行呼吸治疗" ], "305294007": [ "Admission by breast surgeon", "乳腺外科医生入院" ], "75918007": [ "Quantitative measurement of opiate agonist", "阿片类激动剂的定量测量" ], "105016001": [ "Uridyl transferase measurement", "尿苷酸转移酶测定" ], "88632002": [ "Splenopexy", "Fixation of spleen", "脾固定术", "脾脏固定" ], "252472004": [ "Lung volume test", "Pulmonary function-lung volume", "PFT - lung volume testing", "Lung volume testing", "Volume test - lung", "肺容量测试", "容量测试-肺", "PFT-- 肺容量测试", "肺功能-肺容量" ], "721031000124102": [ "External beam radiotherapy without respiratory motion management", "无需呼吸运动管理的外照射放射治疗" ], "435591000124104": [ "Nutrition supplement therapy", "营养补充疗法" ], "119565001": [ "Coronary artery bypass graft, anastomosis of artery of thorax to coronary artery", "冠状动脉搭桥术、胸主动脉与冠状动脉吻合术" ], "54029002": [ "Excision of lesion from floor of mouth", "Excision of lesion of floor of mouth", "口底病变切除术", "切除口底病变" ], "121400009": [ "Neomycin measurement", "新霉素测量" ], "250637003": [ "ALT - blood level", "ALT - blood measurement", "Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) - blood measurement", "Alanine aminotransferase - blood measurement", "ALT-- 血液水平", "丙氨酸氨基转移酶 - 血液测量", "ALT-- 血液测量", "丙氨酸氨基转移酶 (ALT) - 血液测量" ], "711224009": [ "Computed tomography of lumbosacral spine", "CT of lumbosacral spine", "Computed tomography of lumbar and sacral spine", "腰骶椎计算机断层扫描", "腰骶椎CT", "腰椎和骶椎的计算机断层扫描" ], "6712008": [ "Piercing of nail", "钉子穿孔" ], "436871000124106": [ "Monounsaturated fat modified diet", "单不饱和脂肪改良饮食" ], "444551000124107": [ "Feeding environment meal service management", "饲喂环境 餐饮服务 管理" ], "609250001": [ "Removal of device from head", "从头部移除装置" ], "84962002": [ "Rhinocheiloplasty", "鼻唇整形术" ], "19426002": [ "Exploration of abdominal artery", "Exploration of abdominal aorta", "腹部动脉探查", "腹主动脉探查" ], "281570002": [ "Fetal heart monitoring in labor", "Fetal heart monitoring in labour", "Foetal heart monitoring in labour", "分娩时胎儿心脏监护" ], "117730005": [ "Anaplasma marginale antibody assay", "Measurement of Anaplasma marginale antibody", "边缘无形体抗体的测量", "边缘无形体抗体检测" ], "234253006": [ "Excision of group of lymph nodes", "淋巴结组切除" ], "443575002": [ "Fluoroscopic imaging of cisterna magna with contrast", "枕大池对比荧光透视成像" ], "83127004": [ "Division of tarsals and metatarsals", "跗骨和跖骨的划分" ], "703884003": [ "Reiki", "灵气" ], "441740006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into femoral vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into femoral vein with contrast", "Endovascular insertion of stent into femoral vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下经皮腔内置入股静脉支架", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导将支架置入股静脉", "荧光透视引导经皮腔内置入造影剂股静脉支架" ], "408972007": [ "Circulatory care management", "Manage circulatory care", "管理循环系统护理", "循环护理管理" ], "79457000": [ "Excisional biopsy of tibia", "胫骨切除活检" ], "243297001": [ "Excisional biopsy of spinal meninges", "脊髓膜切除活检" ], "64908006": [ "Palpation of abdomen", "腹部触诊" ], "439905003": [ "Measurement of attenuation of ear protection device", "耳部保护装置的衰减测量" ], "177761004": [ "Reconstruction of chest wall with distant flap", "远端皮瓣重建胸壁" ], "63073008": [ "Grafting of temporalis muscle to orbit", "颞肌移植至眼眶" ], "405302001": [ "Division of scalenus anterior muscle", "Division of scalenus anticus muscle", "前斜角肌的划分" ], "700214004": [ "Antipsychotic drug therapy for dementia", "抗精神病药物治疗痴呆症" ], "716598004": [ "Assessment using Beck Anxiety Inventory", "使用贝克焦虑量表进行评估" ], "225078004": [ "Checking position of nasogastric tube", "检查鼻胃管位置" ], "241462009": [ "US scan of aorta iliac vessels", "US scan of abdominal aorta", "Ultrasound scan of abdominal aorta", "腹主动脉超声扫描", "主动脉髂血管超声扫描" ], "75787004": [ "Operative procedure on anterior segment of eye", "眼前节手术方法" ], "239627007": [ "Adductor tenotomy for congenital dislocation of hip", "先天性髋关节脱位收肌腱切断术" ], "41184001": [ "Plication of tendon", "肌腱折叠术" ], "252341002": [ "Neutrophil polarisation test", "Neutrophil polarization test", "中性粒细胞极化试验" ], "170421003": [ "Poliomyelitis and tetanus booster immunization", "Poliomyelitis and tetanus booster vaccination", "Poliomyelitis and tetanus booster immunisation", "Administration of booster dose of poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Human poliovirus antigens", "脊髓灰质炎和破伤风加强免疫", "脊髓灰质炎和破伤风加强疫苗接种", "接种脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗加强剂", "注射仅含破伤风梭菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量" ], "104885003": [ "Porphyrin measurement, fecal, qualitative or semi-quantitative", "Porphyrin measurement, faecal, qualitative or semi-quantitative", "卟啉测量,粪便,定性或半定量", "粪便卟啉测量,定性或半定量" ], "39349007": [ "Transection of artery with ligation", "Division of artery with ligation", "动脉横断并结扎", "动脉分离并结扎" ], "1153461008": [ "Collaborating about electrolyte therapy", "电解质疗法合作" ], "448949007": [ "Placement of stent in systemic to pulmonary artery shunt", "体动脉至肺动脉分流术中支架的放置" ], "121269009": [ "Deuteroporphyrin measurement", "次卟啉测量" ], "447114004": [ "12 lead ECG during exercise", "12 lead electrocardiogram during exercise", "运动期间 12 导联心电图" ], "1217162007": [ "Anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery to first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "左胸廓内动脉与左冠状动脉回旋支第一钝缘支吻合术", "左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 与左冠状动脉回旋支第一钝缘支的吻合术", "左胸内动脉 (LITA) 与左冠状动脉回旋支第一钝缘支的吻合术" ], "397962009": [ "Processed electroencephalography", "处理过的脑电图" ], "709258009": [ "Assessment of acceptance of health status", "健康状况接受度评估" ], "117599006": [ "HLA DQ antigen typing", "Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) DQ antigen typing", "Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DQ antigen typing", "Human leukocyte antigen DQ typing", "HLA DQ抗原分型", "人类白细胞抗原DQ分型", "人类白细胞抗原(HLA)DQ抗原分型" ], "609119009": [ "Removal of retropubic device", "Removal of device from retropubic space", "耻骨后装置移除", "从耻骨后空间移除装置" ], "427060008": [ "Epidural injection of anaesthetic substance, therapeutic, thoracic, continuous", "Epidural injection of anesthetic substance, therapeutic, thoracic, continuous", "Continuous thoracic epidural analgesia", "治疗性胸腔连续硬膜外注射麻醉物质", "持续胸段硬膜外镇痛" ], "228617000": [ "Provision of pressure relief equipment", "提供压力释放设备" ], "64777005": [ "Physiologic measurement", "生理测量" ], "785673007": [ "Measurement of level of substance in blood", "血液中物质水平的测量" ], "392457009": [ "White faced hornet venom specific IgE antibody measurement", "i2 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Dolichovespula maculata venom specific IgE antibody measurement", "Dolichovespula maculata venom specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "斑长尾水虻毒液特异性IgE抗体测定", "白面黄蜂毒液特异性IgE抗体测定", "i2 特异性IgE抗体测量", "斑长尾水虻毒液特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "243166009": [ "Positive end expiratory pressure reduced to optimal PEEP", "Positive end expiratory pressure reduced to optimal positive end expiratory pressure", "Positive end expiratory pressure reduced to best positive end expiratory pressure", "呼气末正压降低至最佳 PEEP", "呼气末正压降低至最佳呼气末正压" ], "16339401000119102": [ "Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of brain without contrast", "MR spectroscopy of brain without contrast", "无造影脑磁共振波谱分析", "无造影脑部磁共振波谱分析" ], "388787007": [ "Pacific squid specific IgE antibody measurement", "Todarodes pacificus specific IgE antibody measurement", "f58 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Todarodes pacificus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "太平洋蟾蜍特异性IgE抗体测定", "太平洋鱿鱼特异性IgE抗体测定", "太平洋褶伞鱼特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f58 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "393161000119104": [ "CT of chest, abdomen and pelvis without contrast", "Computed tomography of chest, abdomen and pelvis without contrast", "胸部、腹部和盆腔无造影计算机断层扫描", "胸部、腹部和盆腔 CT 无造影" ], "28339008": [ "Thoracic myelography", "Dorsal myelogram", "Thoracic myelogram", "脊髓背侧造影", "胸椎造影" ], "241331006": [ "Radionuclide duodenogastric reflux study", "放射性核素十二指肠胃反流研究" ], "26504003": [ "Arthrotomy of knee with joint exploration", "膝关节切开术及关节探查" ], "274099007": [ "Excisional biopsy of patella", "髌骨切除活检" ], "412361000119103": [ "Cervical esophagram", "Cervical oesophagram", "颈部食管造影" ], "239496001": [ "Excision arthroplasty of interphalangeal joint of finger", "手指指间关节切除成形术" ], "173960007": [ "Bypass of ileum by anastomosis of ileum to ileum", "通过回肠至回肠吻合术进行回肠旁路手术" ], "417885002": [ "US scan and aspiration of thyroid", "Ultrasound scan and aspiration of thyroid", "甲状腺超声扫描和穿刺" ], "450653003": [ "Open embolisation of suprarenal artery", "Open embolization of suprarenal artery", "肾上动脉开放栓塞术" ], "90205004": [ "Cardiac revascularization with bypass anastomosis", "Cardiac revascularisation with bypass anastomosis", "心脏血管重建及旁路吻合术" ], "448818001": [ "Revision of anterolateral excision of thoracic intervertebral disc", "胸椎间盘前外侧切除术修复" ], "252210001": [ "Pentagastrin stimulation test", "五肽胃泌素刺激试验" ], "104754003": [ "Insulin challenge tests", "胰岛素激发试验" ], "170290006": [ "Child 39 month examination", "儿童39个月检查" ], "710962009": [ "Managing financial status", "Management of financial circumstance", "财务状况管理", "管理财务状况" ], "53767003": [ "Endoscopy and biopsy", "Endoscopic biopsy", "内镜活检", "内窥镜检查和活检" ], "68316003": [ "Transplantation of pineal gland", "松果体移植" ], "787377000": [ "Gross examination and sampling of tissue specimen", "大体检查及组织标本取样" ], "314076009": [ "Toxicology screening test", "Poison screening", "毒物筛查", "毒理学筛选试验" ], "232156009": [ "Fowler anterior crurotomy of ear", "Fowler 耳前部切开术" ], "1295281003": [ "Plain X-ray of great toe", "Plain X-ray of big toe", "Plain X-ray of hallux", "Plain X-ray of first toe", "大脚趾的普通 X 光检查", "第一脚趾的普通 X 光检查", "拇趾普通 X 光检查" ], "359558006": [ "Heyman operation", "海曼行动" ], "720006006": [ "Cancer care review", "癌症护理评论" ], "441478009": [ "Grafting of bone using bulk allograft", "使用大块同种异体骨进行骨移植" ], "406875003": [ "Leishman stain method", "Leishman stain", "利什曼染色", "利什曼染色法" ], "30043008": [ "Left lateral anal sphincterotomy", "左侧肛门括约肌切开术" ], "241200001": [ "Metacarpophalangeal joint arthrogram", "掌指关节造影" ], "306736002": [ "Referral to general dental surgeon", "转诊至普通牙科医生" ], "44592003": [ "Cauterization of ulcer of cornea", "Cauterisation of ulcer of cornea", "角膜溃疡烧灼术" ], "388656000": [ "f80 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lobster specific IgE antibody measurement", "Homarus gammarus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Homarus gammarus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "螯虾特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f80 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "螯虾特异性IgE抗体测定", "龙虾特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "239365006": [ "Orthognathic assessment and planning", "正颌评估和规划" ], "1156869006": [ "Education about tenant rights organization", "Education about tenant rights organisation", "关于租户权利组织的教育" ], "173829008": [ "Intubation of stomach for pressure manometry", "胃插管进行压力测压" ], "450522005": [ "Narrowband ultraviolet B phototherapy", "Narrowband UVB phototherapy", "窄带 UVB 光疗", "窄带紫外线B光疗" ], "1220570007": [ "Mammography guided biopsy of left breast", "Biopsy of left breast using mammography guidance", "Biopsy of left breast using mammogram guidance", "使用乳房 X 线摄影引导进行左乳房活检", "在乳房 X 光检查引导下进行左乳房活检", "乳房 X 线摄影引导下左乳房活检" ], "434138008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of renal artery with contrast and insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of renal artery with contrast and insertion of stent graft", "肾动脉荧光血管造影及支架植入", "肾动脉荧光造影及支架植入术" ], "24538008": [ "Prophylactic treatment of femur with methyl methacrylate", "用甲基丙烯酸甲酯预防性治疗股骨" ], "170159002": [ "Child 4.5 year examination", "儿童4.5岁检查" ], "6319002": [ "Beta lactamase, chromogenic cephalosporin susceptibility test", "β-内酰胺酶、显色头孢菌素敏感性试验" ], "1251503004": [ "Fluoroscopic discogram with injection of contrast into cervical intervertebral disc", "Fluoroscopic discography of cervical spine with contrast", "Fluoroscopic discography with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc of cervical spine", "颈椎椎间盘注射造影剂的荧光透视椎间盘造影术", "颈椎间盘注射造影剂进行荧光透视椎间盘造影", "颈椎荧光镜椎间盘造影" ], "104623005": [ "Cytochrome c oxidase measurement", "细胞色素 c 氧化酶测量" ], "448687001": [ "Open osteoclasis with angular correction and internal fixation", "开放性骨断裂加角度矫正及内固定" ], "55471004": [ "Antibody detection, leukocyte antibody", "Antibody detection, leucocyte antibody", "抗体检测,白细胞抗体" ], "710831009": [ "Assessment of adherence to immunization regime", "Assessment of adherence to immunisation regime", "免疫接种方案依从性的评估", "评估免疫接种方案的依从性" ], "20868001": [ "Duchenne muscular dystrophy carrier detection, blood", "杜氏肌营养不良症携带者检测,血液" ], "708996006": [ "Removal of K-wire from elbow", "Removal of Kirschner wire internal bone fixator from elbow", "肘部克氏针内骨固定器拆除", "从肘部移除克氏针" ], "414084007": [ "Anti elastase antibody level", "Elastase antibody measurement", "抗弹性蛋白酶抗体水平", "弹性蛋白酶抗体测量" ], "608857000": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from perirenal tissue", "肾周组织标本的显微镜检查" ], "35417001": [ "Periosteal suture of tibia and fibula", "胫骨、腓骨骨膜缝合" ], "363097001": [ "Division of female genital system structure", "女性生殖系统结构划分" ], "1231449003": [ "Transcatheter tricuspid valve repair", "Transcatheter repair of tricuspid valve", "经导管三尖瓣修复", "经导管修复三尖瓣" ], "117337005": [ "Calculated laboratory test method", "计算实验室测试方法" ], "281177008": [ "Mounting of denture on articulator", "将义齿安装到咬合器上" ], "313945009": [ "24 hour urine oxalate output measurement", "24 hour urine oxalate output", "24小时尿液草酸盐排出量", "24 小时尿液草酸排出量测量" ], "410414002": [ "Social work/counseling surveillance", "Social work/counseling care surveillance", "社会工作/咨询监督", "社会工作/咨询护理监测" ], "361262004": [ "Hypospadias and chordee repair", "尿道下裂和阴茎下弯修复" ], "33582004": [ "Revision of pyelointestinal anastomosis", "肾盂肠吻合术" ], "814007": [ "Electrophoresis measurement", "Zone electrophoresis measurement", "Electrophoresis", "EP - Electrophoresis", "电泳测量", "电泳", "区带电泳测量", "EP-电泳" ], "719875003": [ "Assessment using Parenting Daily Hassles Scale", "使用育儿日常烦恼量表进行评估" ], "458251000114109": [ "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of thyroid nodule", "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of nodule of thyroid gland", "HIFU (high intensity focused ultrasound) ablation of nodule of thyroid gland", "高强度聚焦超声消融治疗甲状腺结节", "高强度聚焦超声 (HIFU) 消融甲状腺结节" ], "308440001": [ "Referral to social worker", "Refer to social worker", "转介社工", "转介给社工" ], "439512003": [ "Measurement of cardiac output during rest using inert gas rebreathing", "使用惰性气体再呼吸测量静息时的心输出量" ], "177368007": [ "Reconstruction using distant osteomyocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis", "Reconstruction using distant osseomyocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis", "远端骨肌皮瓣显微血管吻合术修复" ], "306605002": [ "Discharge from obstetrics service", "产科出院" ], "77229003": [ "Incision and drainage of testis", "睾丸切开引流" ], "388525004": [ "Beef specific IgE antibody measurement", "f27 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bos spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bos spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "牛属特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "牛肉特异性 IgE 抗体测定", "f27 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "牛属特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "241069006": [ "Plain X-ray of ulna", "尺骨普通 X 光检查" ], "716205007": [ "Assessment using Wisconsin Card Sorting Test", "Assessment using WCST (Wisconsin Card Sorting Test)", "使用威斯康星卡片分类测试进行评估", "使用 WCST(威斯康星卡片分类测试)进行评估" ], "386690000": [ "Excision of lesion of spinal cord", "Excision of intraspinal lesion", "Excision of lesion of spinal cord tissue", "脊髓损伤切除术", "脊髓组织损伤切除术", "椎管内病变切除" ], "404909007": [ "Injection of botulinum toxin", "注射肉毒杆菌毒素" ], "239234004": [ "Repair of patellar tendon by tendon transfer procedure", "肌腱转移术修复髌腱" ], "40791000": [ "Preparation of disability evaluation report", "编制残疾评估报告" ], "712535001": [ "Assessment of electrical injury", "电击伤评估" ], "108162008": [ "External ear excision", "Excision of external ear", "外耳切除术", "外耳切除" ], "237399003": [ "Laying open of fistula of mammillary duct", "Incision of fistula of mammary duct", "Laying open of fistula of mammary duct", "Fistulotomy of mammary duct", "乳头导管瘘管切开术", "乳腺导管瘘管切开术" ], "778071004": [ "Lateral closing wedge osteotomy of calcaneus", "Dwyer osteotomy of calcaneus", "跟骨Dwyer截骨术", "跟骨外侧闭合楔形截骨术" ], "171863003": [ "Revision of release of peripheral nerve and transposition of peripheral nerve", "周围神经释放及周围神经移位术的修正" ], "235564002": [ "Repositioning of bile duct T-tube", "胆管T管复位" ], "104492003": [ "Aliphatic carboxylate C14-C26 absorption measurement", "脂肪族羧酸盐 C14-C26 吸收测量" ], "448556005": [ "Oral nutritional support", "口服营养支持" ], "6188005": [ "Arthrotomy of knee", "膝关节切开术" ], "69889001": [ "Open reduction of open acromioclavicular dislocation, acute", "开放性肩锁关节脱位的切开复位,急性" ], "708865003": [ "Arthrotomy with drainage of joint of foot", "足部关节切开引流术" ], "86273004": [ "Biopsy", "活检" ], "20737007": [ "Removal of keel, tantalum plate or stent from larynx", "从喉部取出龙骨、钽板或支架" ], "182742000": [ "Renal artery injection", "肾动脉注射" ], "444886001": [ "Removal of cemented total prosthetic replacement of knee joint", "拆除骨水泥型全膝关节假体" ], "410283000": [ "Day care/respite teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Day care/respite teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Day care/respite education, guidance, and counseling", "Day care/respite education, guidance, and counselling", "日托/暂息教育、指导和咨询", "日托/暂息教学、指导和咨询" ], "281046009": [ "Bladder incontinence assessment", "Assessment of incontinence of urinary bladder", "膀胱失禁评估" ], "428502009": [ "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Human alphaherpesvirus 3 antigen for chickenpox", "Administration of second dose of Varicella-zoster vaccine for chickenpox", "Second Varicella-zoster vaccination for chickenpox", "Second Varicella-zoster immunisation for chickenpox", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Varicella-zoster virus antigen for chickenpox", "Second Varicella-zoster immunization for chickenpox", "接种第二剂水痘-带状疱疹疫苗", "第二次水痘-带状疱疹疫苗接种", "接种第二剂仅含人类 α 疱疹病毒 3 型抗原的水痘疫苗产品", "接种第二剂仅含水痘-带状疱疹病毒抗原的水痘疫苗产品" ], "66219002": [ "Neurological physiotherapy treatments", "Physical medicine neuromuscular training", "Physical medicine neuromuscular re-education", "物理医学神经肌肉训练", "神经物理治疗", "物理医学神经肌肉再教育" ], "244608001": [ "Formation of pericardial baffle, interatrial", "心包隔膜、心房间的形成" ], "392064002": [ "Urinary tract operations", "Operation on urinary tract proper", "泌尿道手术" ], "439381004": [ "Measurement of doxepin in urine", "尿液中多塞平的测定" ], "373845008": [ "Testicular ablation", "睾丸消融术" ], "240938004": [ "Percutaneous endovascular device procedure", "经皮血管内装置手术" ], "306474006": [ "Discharge by general GI surgeon", "Discharge by general gastrointestinal surgeon", "普通胃肠外科医生出院", "普通胃肠道外科医生出院" ], "879914006": [ "Infusion of donor leukocytes", "捐献者白细胞输注" ], "175402008": [ "Open embolisation of circle of Willis", "Open embolization of circle of Willis", "Willis 环开放栓塞术" ], "304639001": [ "Stress mapping", "应力映射" ], "108031006": [ "Ureter destructive procedure", "输尿管破坏性手术" ], "386559009": [ "Chorionic gonadotropin, beta-subunit measurement, spinal fluid", "Chorionic gonadotrophin, beta-subunit measurement, spinal fluid", "绒毛膜促性腺激素 β 亚基测量,脊髓液", "绒毛膜促性腺激素,β亚基测量,脊髓液" ], "433876005": [ "Ethanol ablation of lesion of liver using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Ethanol ablation of lesion of liver using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided ethanol ablation of lesion of liver", "计算机断层扫描引导下乙醇消融肝脏病变", "CT 引导下乙醇消融肝脏病变", "CT引导下肝脏病变乙醇消融术" ], "89812006": [ "Operation on hymen", "处女膜手术" ], "235433001": [ "Intubation of gastrointestinal tract via small bowel fistula", "经小肠瘘管胃肠道插管" ], "104361001": [ "Complement C1 esterase inhibitor, total measurement", "C1 Inhibitor function test", "C1抑制剂功能测试", "补体 C1 酯酶抑制剂,总测量值" ], "71593003": [ "Transposition of ulnar nerve at wrist", "Neuroplasty and transposition of ulnar nerve at wrist", "腕部尺神经移位", "腕部尺神经成形术及尺神经移位术" ], "432041001": [ "Radionuclide technetium-99m hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime leukocyte whole body imaging", "Radionuclide technetium-99m hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime leucocyte whole body imaging", "Radionuclide imaging of whole body using technetium (99m-Tc) exametazine labeled leukocytes", "Radionuclide imaging of whole body using technetium (99m-Tc) exametazine labelled leukocytes", "使用锝(99m-Tc)依沙美他嗪标记的白细胞进行全身放射性核素显像", "放射性核素锝-99m六甲基丙胺肟白细胞全身显像" ], "384724009": [ "Replacement of appliance", "更换器具" ], "55209004": [ "Anesthesia for upper abdominal procedure", "Anaesthesia for upper abdominal procedure", "上腹部手术麻醉" ], "710569007": [ "Assessment of psychological response to pain", "疼痛心理反应评估" ], "708734000": [ "Plain X-ray of prostate and seminal vesicle", "前列腺和精囊的普通 X 光检查" ], "118910000": [ "Procedure on posterior segment of eye", "眼后节手术" ], "446590009": [ "One stage intracapsular extraction of lens by inferior temporal route and insertion of prosthetic intraocular lens", "经颞下入路一期囊内晶状体摘除术及人工晶状体植入术" ], "51539002": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on pelvis", "Anaesthesia for procedure on pelvis", "骨盆手术麻醉" ], "313683008": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid IgG level", "Cerebrospinal fluid IgG measurement", "Cerebrospinal fluid immunoglobulin G measurement", "脑脊液免疫球蛋白G测定", "脑脊液 IgG 测定", "脑脊液 IgG 水平" ], "49704005": [ "Food intake encouragement", "鼓励进食" ], "410152005": [ "Advanced practice nursing care assessment", "Assess nurse specialist service", "Assess nurse practitioner service", "评估护士专业服务", "高级实践护理评估", "评估执业护士服务" ], "64253000": [ "Implantation of heart assist system", "心脏辅助系统植入" ], "66088009": [ "Pulmonary perfusion study", "Radionuclide lung perfusion study", "肺灌注研究", "放射性核素肺灌注研究" ], "442920008": [ "Percutaneous biopsy of muscle using ultrasound guidance", "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous biopsy of muscle", "Percutaneous biopsy of muscle using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下经皮肌肉活检" ], "1260285004": [ "Harvest of osteochondral tissue", "骨软骨组织的采集" ], "717778001": [ "Mouth care", "Oral hygiene", "口腔卫生", "口腔护理" ], "15101009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of visceral artery", "经皮内脏动脉腔内成形术" ], "177106002": [ "Percutaneous biopsy of fetus", "Percutaneous biopsy of foetus", "胎儿经皮活检" ], "80637009": [ "Isolation of ileal loop", "回肠环分离" ], "439250005": [ "Arthroscopic reduction of fracture of tibial plateau with internal fixation", "关节镜下胫骨平台骨折复位内固定" ], "62418006": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into spinal accessory nerve", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into spinal accessory nerve", "将麻醉剂注射到脊髓副神经中", "将麻醉剂注射到脊髓副神经" ], "46034007": [ "Suture of laceration of pharynx", "咽部裂伤缝合" ], "879783002": [ "Telehealth monitoring for psychological stress", "Telehealth psychological stress monitoring", "远程医疗监测心理压力", "远程医疗心理压力监测" ], "76967003": [ "Ileopancreatostomy", "Pancreaticoileostomy", "胰管吻合术", "回胰吻合术" ], "27815005": [ "Excision of lesion of tendon sheath of wrist", "腕部腱鞘病变切除术" ], "306343005": [ "Referral to psychotherapist", "转介心理治疗师" ], "419196000": [ "Flexion test", "屈曲试验" ], "715943009": [ "Provision of specialist retrieval service medical patient escort", "提供专科检索服务医疗病人护送" ], "1287548002": [ "Electrocoagulation of semicircular canal", "Coagulation of semicircular canal using electrical energy", "电凝半规管", "半规管电凝术" ], "91516004": [ "Distal subtotal pancreatectomy with pancreaticojejunostomy", "远端胰腺次全切除术及胰肠吻合术" ], "386428005": [ "Positioning: wheelchair", "定位:轮椅" ], "42364006": [ "Recreational therapy", "Recreation therapy", "娱乐疗法", "康乐疗法" ], "304508008": [ "Advice to avoid functional activity", "Recommendation to avoid functional activity", "避免功能性活动的建议", "建议避免功能性活动" ], "745041001": [ "Antihistamine prophylaxis", "抗组胺预防" ], "1303932009": [ "Replacement of metal ureteric stent", "金属输尿管支架更换术" ], "171601001": [ "Intracranial destruction of facial nerve (VII)", "面神经颅内破坏(VII)" ], "169766000": [ "Postnatal - fourth day visit", "产后第四天访视" ], "431910002": [ "Dilatation of ureter using fluoroscopic guidance", "Dilation of ureter using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下输尿管扩张术" ], "235302002": [ "Destruction of lesion of small intestine using thermal probe", "使用热探针破坏小肠病变" ], "104230007": [ "Bacterial culture, urine, by commercial kit", "尿液细菌培养,采用市售试剂盒" ], "118779000": [ "Procedure on sublingual duct", "舌下管手术" ], "448294009": [ "External radiation therapy using superficial radiation", "采用表面放射治疗的外部放射治疗" ], "708603005": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of tarsus using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of tarsal bone", "影像引导下经皮跗骨细针穿刺活检", "使用影像引导进行经皮睑板细针穿刺活检" ], "446459005": [ "Computed tomography of brain perfusion using xenon", "CT of brain perfusion using xenon", "使用氙气进行脑灌注计算机断层扫描", "氙气脑灌注 CT" ], "20475008": [ "Endoscopic bilateral occlusion of fallopian tubes", "Endoscopic bilateral female sterilisation", "Endoscopic bilateral female sterilization", "Endoscopic occlusion of bilateral fallopian tubes", "Endoscopic occlusion of both fallopian tubes", "内镜双侧输卵管阻塞术", "内镜下双侧输卵管闭塞术", "内镜双侧女性绝育术" ], "51408001": [ "Electrodesiccation of malignant tumor of rectum by transanal approach", "Electrodesiccation of malignant tumour of rectum by transanal approach", "Desiccation of malignant tumor of rectum by transanal approach using electrical energy", "Desiccation of malignant tumour of rectum by transanal approach using electrical energy", "经肛门电能干燥直肠恶性肿瘤", "经肛门电干燥术治疗直肠恶性肿瘤" ], "18640002": [ "Echography, M-mode", "超声心动图,M 型" ], "444624003": [ "Laparoscopic wedge resection of ovary", "腹腔镜卵巢楔形切除术" ], "313552003": [ "24 hour urine noradrenaline output", "24 hour urine noradrenaline output measurement", "24 hour urine norepinephrine output measurement", "24 hour urine norepinephrine output", "Measurement of 24 hour urine norepinephrine output", "Measurement of 24 hour urine noradrenaline output", "24 小时尿液去甲肾上腺素排出量的测量", "24小时尿去甲肾上腺素排出量", "24 小时尿液去甲肾上腺素排出量测量", "24 小时尿去甲肾上腺素排出量测定" ], "233467009": [ "Construction of vascular access", "血管通路建设" ], "231632006": [ "Insertion of Lester dacryocystorhinostomy tube", "Insertion of Lester Jones canalicular bypass tube", "插入 Lester 泪囊鼻腔造口管", "插入 Lester Jones 泪小管旁路管" ], "311717000": [ "Palatal exercises", "Palate exercises", "腭部练习", "腭部锻炼" ], "33189000": [ "C>5< complement assay", "Complement fifth component", "补集第五成分", "C>5< 补体测定" ], "82341005": [ "Portable electroencephalogram awake and drowsy with stimulation", "便携式脑电图清醒和昏昏欲睡刺激" ], "410021007": [ "Urethral catheterisation", "Urethral catheterization", "Insertion of urethral catheter", "插入尿道导管", "尿道导尿" ], "1260154000": [ "Open reconstruction of acetabular labrum", "髋臼唇开放重建" ], "309882001": [ "Cauterisation of gastric lesion", "Cauterization of gastric lesion", "胃部病变烧灼术" ], "14970003": [ "Transplantation of vulvar tissue", "外阴组织移植" ], "408186007": [ "Serum monomeric prolactin level", "血清单体催乳素水平" ], "64122007": [ "Intracranial gas endarterectomy", "颅内气体动脉内膜切除术" ], "29519001": [ "Injection of tongue", "舌头注射" ], "306212000": [ "Referral to neonatal audiological screening", "转诊新生儿听力筛查" ], "175140001": [ "Complete removal of implanted cardiac pacemaker system", "完全移除植入式心脏起搏器系统" ], "176975008": [ "Exploration of fallopian tube", "输卵管探查" ], "715812001": [ "Assessment using Moss Attention Rating Scale", "Assessment using MARS (Moss Attention Rating Scale)", "使用 Moss 注意力评定量表进行评估", "使用 MARS(Moss 注意力评定量表)进行评估" ], "386297005": [ "Family integrity promotion", "弘扬家庭诚信" ], "107769006": [ "Operative procedure on upper extremity", "上肢手术程序" ], "287993008": [ "Bowel torsion manipulation", "肠扭转手法" ], "1303801009": [ "Injection into lesion of stomach for hemostasis", "Endoscopic injection of lesion of stomach for control of haemorrhage", "Endoscopic injection of lesion of stomach for control of hemorrhage", "Injection into lesion of stomach for haemostasis", "胃病灶注射止血", "内镜胃病灶注射止血", "胃部病变处注射止血" ], "56782003": [ "Direct thrombectomy of subclavian vein by neck incision", "经颈切开锁骨下静脉直接血栓切除术" ], "237006006": [ "Internal conversion of face to vertex", "Thorn's manoeuvre", "Thorn's maneuver", "索恩的策略", "面到顶点的内部转换" ], "104099000": [ "Myelocyte count, blood", "血液中粒细胞计数" ], "235171001": [ "Jejunal interposition", "Interposition of jejunum", "空肠插入术", "空肠插入" ], "431779002": [ "Insertion of central venous catheter using Doppler ultrasound guidance", "使用多普勒超声引导插入中心静脉导管" ], "122318008": [ "Candida species DNA assay", "Candida species deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "念珠菌属脱氧核糖核酸测定", "念珠菌 DNA 检测" ], "38563006": [ "Cardiac catheterization, right heart and transseptal left", "Cardiac catheterisation, right heart and transseptal left", "心脏导管插入术,右心和左心室间隔穿刺" ], "710307008": [ "Biopsy of limb using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided biopsy of limb", "CT 引导下肢体活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肢体活检" ], "233336006": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of common iliac artery", "CIA - Thrombolysis of the common iliac artery", "经皮髂总动脉血栓溶解术", "CIA-髂总动脉血栓溶解术" ], "67661008": [ "Open osteoplasty of mandibular ramus", "下颌升支开放骨成形术" ], "116813009": [ "Administration of Varicella virus immune globulin", "Varicella virus immune globulin administration", "Anti-varicella-zoster immunoglobulin injection", "抗水痘带状疱疹免疫球蛋白注射液", "水痘病毒免疫球蛋白注射", "注射水痘病毒免疫球蛋白" ], "278818005": [ "Brachial incision", "Arm incision", "手臂切口", "臂部切口" ], "1260023001": [ "Excision of pressure injury stage IV of ischial region with excision of ischium and primary closure using suture", "Excision and primary suture of ischial pressure ulcer stage 4 with ostectomy", "坐骨压疮 4 期切除及一期缝合术", "切除坐骨区压力性损伤 IV 期,切除坐骨并用缝合线进行一期缝合" ], "31223002": [ "Total urethrectomy including cystostomy in male", "男性全尿道切除术包括膀胱造口术" ], "276983001": [ "Percutaneous embolectomy of arteriovenous fistula", "经皮动静脉瘘取栓术" ], "113143003": [ "Psychologic desensitization, flooding", "Psychologic desensitisation, flooding", "心理脱敏,洪水泛滥" ], "719351007": [ "Uniportal VATS - video assisted thoracoscopic surgery", "Uniportal video assisted thoracoscopic surgery", "单孔电视胸腔镜手术", "单孔胸腔镜手术 - 电视辅助胸腔镜手术" ], "13004001": [ "Rigid proctosigmoidoscopy", "硬性直肠乙状结肠镜检查" ], "176844003": [ "Intracervical artificial insemination", "宫颈内人工授精" ], "225996006": [ "Pressure sore prevention", "Pressure sore protection", "Prevention of pressure injury", "压疮防护", "压疮预防", "预防压力性损伤" ], "275148007": [ "External electrode cardioversion", "体外电极心脏复律" ], "1290956007": [ "Plain X-ray of gravid uterus", "妊娠子宫的普通 X 光检查" ], "715681001": [ "Computed tomography of pelvis for brachytherapy planning", "CT of pelvis for brachytherapy planning", "骨盆 CT 扫描用于近距离放射治疗计划", "骨盆计算机断层扫描用于近距离放射治疗计划" ], "306081008": [ "Referral from hospital physiotherapist", "Referral by hospital physiotherapist", "Referral from hospital-based physiotherapist", "Referral by hospital-based physiotherapist", "医院理疗师转诊", "医院理疗师推荐" ], "42102002": [ "Pre-admission observation, undelivered mother", "入院前观察,未产母亲" ], "1303670006": [ "Reconstruction of left side of face", "Left half of face reconstruction", "Reconstruction of left half of face", "Left-sided facial reconstruction", "左侧面部重建", "左半脸重建" ], "58486009": [ "Bromides measurement", "溴化物测量" ], "762998009": [ "Assessment using New York Heart Association Classification", "Assessment using NYHA (New York Heart Association) Classification", "使用纽约心脏协会分类进行评估", "使用 NYHA(纽约心脏协会)分类进行评估" ], "122187003": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi 28kd antibody assay", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 28 kiloDalton antibody", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 28 kD antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体 28kD 抗体的测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体 28kd 抗体检测", "伯氏疏螺旋体 28 千道尔顿抗体的测量" ], "236875004": [ "Laser excision of lesion of cervix", "宫颈病变激光切除术" ], "40267005": [ "Intraaortic balloon pump removal", "主动脉内球囊泵移除" ], "302411006": [ "Delayed primary suture of skin", "皮肤一期缝合延迟" ], "1285451006": [ "Fitting of orthodontic headgear", "正畸头饰的配戴" ], "22048001": [ "Anesthesia for spinal cord procedure", "Anaesthesia for spinal cord procedure", "脊髓手术麻醉" ], "448032003": [ "Discussion about preferred place of death", "关于首选死亡地点的讨论" ], "431648005": [ "Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography", "经颅多普勒超声检查" ], "69365000": [ "Sequestrectomy of bone of ulna", "尺骨死骨切除术" ], "415264009": [ "Referral to advanced primary nurse", "转诊至高级初级护士" ], "233205001": [ "Excision of vegetations from ductus arteriosus", "动脉导管赘生物切除术" ], "397045002": [ "Arterial embolectomy", "动脉栓塞切除术" ], "38432009": [ "Complex hepatorrhaphy", "复杂肝缝合术" ], "103968008": [ "Anti-D titration", "抗 D 滴定" ], "429813006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography and atherectomy of artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography and atherectomy of artery with contrast", "荧光血管造影及动脉粥样硬化切除术" ], "51146001": [ "Formation of cutaneous ureterostomy", "Implantation of ureter to skin", "Ureter to skin ureterostomy", "Ureter to skin anastomosis", "Cutaneous ureterostomy", "输尿管皮肤吻合术", "输尿管植入皮肤", "皮肤输尿管造口术", "输尿管至皮肤输尿管造口术" ], "83914002": [ "Excision of lesion of skin of groin region", "腹股沟区皮肤损伤切除术" ], "231370002": [ "Injection of neurolytic substance to mental nerve by intraoral approach", "经口内途径向颏神经注射神经溶解物质" ], "788426009": [ "Mesalamine therapy", "Mesalazine therapy", "美沙拉嗪治疗", "美沙拉嗪疗法" ], "442527002": [ "Division of fascia of finger for Dupuytren contracture", "手指筋膜分离治疗杜普伊特伦挛缩" ], "165834009": [ "Toxoplasma titer", "Toxoplasmosis test", "Toxoplasma titre", "弓形虫病检测", "弓形虫滴度" ], "229535006": [ "Shoulder strapping", "肩带" ], "426143006": [ "Percutaneous chemical ablation of lesion of pancreas", "经皮胰腺病变化学消融术" ], "440692000": [ "Screening for venlafaxine and metabolite", "文拉法辛及其代谢物的筛查" ], "424308004": [ "Speech and language therapy education, guidance, and counseling", "Speech and language therapy education, guidance, and counselling", "Speech and language therapy teaching, guidance and counseling", "Speech and language therapy teaching, guidance and counselling", "言语治疗教学、指导和咨询", "言语治疗教育、指导和咨询" ], "113012008": [ "Change of prescription", "更改处方" ], "309620009": [ "Child referral for audiometry", "儿童转诊进行听力检查" ], "275017002": [ "Duhamel removal of colorectal septum", "Duhamel 结肠直肠隔切除术" ], "391540009": [ "24 hour urine aldosterone output", "24小时尿醛固酮排出量" ], "438857006": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of inferior vena cava", "下腔静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "305950005": [ "Referral by blood transfusion doctor", "Referral from blood transfusion doctor", "输血医生转介", "输血医生的推荐" ], "43806006": [ "Chlorpromazine measurement", "氯丙嗪测量" ], "699166007": [ "Open reduction of fracture of tarsus without internal fixation", "Open reduction of fracture of tarsal bone without internal fixation", "跗骨骨折切开复位不内固定" ], "271347000": [ "Urine ketone test", "Measurement of ketones in urine using dipstick", "使用试纸测量尿液中的酮体", "尿酮检测" ], "171208001": [ "Alcohol consumption screening", "酒精消费筛查" ], "122056002": [ "Neisseria meningitidis C antibody assay", "Measurement of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C antibody", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌C抗体检测", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌 C 群抗体检测" ], "302280003": [ "Upper limb activities", "上肢活动" ], "416968006": [ "Trabeculectomy with intraoperative application of mitomycin", "术中应用丝裂霉素的小梁切除术" ], "726429001": [ "Radical mastectomy of left breast", "左乳房根治性切除术" ], "185757002": [ "Diabetes monitoring second letter", "糖尿病监测第二封信" ], "710045002": [ "Screening for abuse", "筛查虐待" ], "120221004": [ "Closure, forearm", "前臂闭合" ], "431517007": [ "Bereavement support visit", "丧亲支持探访" ], "234909008": [ "Reconstruction of mouth defect using graft", "用移植物修复口腔缺损" ], "103837008": [ "Tissue plasminogen activator antigen assay", "组织纤溶酶原激活剂抗原测定" ], "446066003": [ "Destruction of glossopharyngeal nerve", "Glossopharyngeal neurolysis", "舌咽神经破坏", "舌咽神经松解术" ], "34631000": [ "Rabies vaccination", "Rabies immunization", "Rabies immunisation", "Administration of rabies vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Rabies lyssavirus antigen", "狂犬病免疫", "注射仅含狂犬病病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "狂犬病疫苗接种", "注射狂犬病疫苗" ], "233074009": [ "Construction of conduit - right ventricle to both pulmonary arteries", "构建导管-右心室至双侧肺动脉" ], "231239007": [ "Extraoral approach to mental nerve block", "Extraoral approach to local anaesthetic mental nerve block", "Extraoral approach to local anesthetic mental nerve block", "口外入路局部麻醉颏神经阻滞", "口外入路颏神经阻滞" ], "67399008": [ "Ligation of anomalous coronary artery", "异常冠状动脉结扎术" ], "409628001": [ "Bacillus anthracis antigen assay", "Anthrax antigen assay", "炭疽抗原测定", "炭疽杆菌抗原测定" ], "229404002": [ "Physiological mobilization of the subtalar joint", "Physiological mobilisation of the subtalar joint", "距下关节的生理活动" ], "32796003": [ "Esophagoscopy for direct dilation", "Oesophagoscopy for direct dilation", "食管镜直接扩张", "食管镜直接扩张术" ], "391409000": [ "Serum testosterone/dihydrotestosterone ratio", "血清睾酮/双氢睾酮比率" ], "112881004": [ "Excision of sublingual gland", "舌下腺切除术" ], "14577005": [ "Hexosaminidase A and total hexosaminidase measurement, amniotic fluid cells", "己糖胺酶 A 和总己糖胺酶测量,羊水细胞" ], "440561008": [ "Suture of nerve of hand", "手部神经缝合" ], "307654002": [ "Subtotal colectomy with cecorectal anastomosis", "Subtotal colectomy with caecorectal anastomosis", "结肠次全切除术及盲肠直肠吻合术" ], "176582003": [ "Lower female genital tract operation", "Gynecological operation of lower female genital tract", "Gynaecological operation of lower female genital tract", "女性下生殖道手术", "女性下生殖道妇科手术" ], "29126006": [ "Incision of cortical adhesions of brain", "脑皮质粘连切开术" ], "60059000": [ "Hospital admission, infant, for observation, delivered outside of hospital", "入院观察的婴儿,在医院外分娩" ], "387739000": [ "Enucleation of ovarian cyst", "卵巢囊肿摘除术" ], "76443003": [ "Total esophagectomy with gastropharyngostomy", "Total oesophagectomy with gastropharyngostomy", "Total oesophagectomy and anastomosis of pharynx to stomach", "Total esophagectomy and anastomosis of pharynx to stomach", "全食管切除及咽胃吻合术", "全食管切除术及胃咽造口术" ], "764571004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of cervix uteri with contrast", "MRI of cervix with contrast", "宫颈增强磁共振成像" ], "10907007": [ "Release of high riding scapula", "Woodward operation", "伍德沃德操作", "释放高位肩胛骨" ], "240283008": [ "Fetal intracardiac injection of potassium chloride", "Foetal intracardiac injection of potassium chloride", "胎儿心内注射氯化钾" ], "90992001": [ "Venous thrombosis study with radioactive fibrinogen", "Radiolabelled fibrinogen study", "Radiolabeled fibrinogen study", "放射性标记纤维蛋白原研究", "用放射性纤维蛋白原进行静脉血栓形成研究" ], "287600003": [ "Venous catheter angiocardiography", "静脉导管心血管造影" ], "713584004": [ "Prescription of anticipatory care medication", "预防性护理药物的处方" ], "385904005": [ "Removal of ear wax", "Ear wax removal", "清除耳垢" ], "89157000": [ "Capsulotomy of midtarsal region", "Heyman type procedure", "中跗骨区域囊切开术", "Heyman 型手术" ], "74608009": [ "Therapeutic dilation and curettage of uterus", "子宫扩张及刮除术治疗" ], "271216009": [ "Serum vitamin B12 level", "Serum vitamin B12 measurement", "血清维生素 B12 测量", "血清维生素 B12 水平" ], "171077004": [ "Outbreak of meningitis - advice", "Meningitis outbreak education", "脑膜炎爆发教育", "脑膜炎爆发 - 建议" ], "62461000052109": [ "Second transurethral resection of bladder", "Second transurethral resection of urinary bladder", "第二次经尿道膀胱切除术" ], "121925005": [ "Aspergillus niger antibody assay", "Measurement of Aspergillus niger antibody", "黑曲霉抗体测定", "黑曲霉抗体的测量" ], "120090001": [ "Orbit closure", "轨道闭合" ], "433221009": [ "Celiac plexus block using ultrasound guidance", "Coeliac plexus block using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下腹腔神经丛阻滞", "超声引导下的腹腔神经丛阻滞" ], "447770006": [ "Curettage of lesion of bone", "骨病损刮除术" ], "5402006": [ "Manipulation of thoracic artery", "胸动脉操作" ], "234778006": [ "Try-in of denture", "假牙试戴" ], "69103000": [ "Cystic fibrosis carrier detection, amniotic fluid", "囊性纤维化携带者检测,羊水" ], "445935002": [ "Argon plasma coagulation of lesion of sigmoid colon", "乙状结肠病变氩离子凝固术" ], "232943003": [ "Valvotomy of truncal valve", "Commissurotomy of truncal valve", "动脉干瓣膜切开术" ], "19951005": [ "Hospital admission, emergency, from emergency room, medical nature", "医院入院,紧急情况,从急诊室,医疗性质" ], "231108000": [ "Neural therapy", "Scar infiltration", "神经治疗", "疤痕浸润" ], "313028001": [ "Nail bed procedure", "甲床手术" ], "6501000179109": [ "Laparoscopic biopsy of transplanted kidney", "腹腔镜移植肾活检" ], "180121001": [ "Excision of anlage of tibia", "胫骨原基切除术" ], "360345002": [ "Percutaneous excisional biopsy of nerve ganglion", "经皮神经节切除活检" ], "868249004": [ "Neurostimulation therapy for sleep apnoea", "Neurostimulation therapy for sleep apnea", "Stimulation of hypoglossal nerve for sleep apnea", "Stimulation of hypoglossal nerve for sleep apnoea", "睡眠呼吸暂停的神经刺激疗法", "刺激舌下神经治疗睡眠呼吸暂停" ], "196505006": [ "Hepaticostomy", "肝切开术" ], "229273009": [ "HR - Hold relax technique", "Hold relax technique", "HR - 保持放松技术", "保持放松技术" ], "702574004": [ "Intravenous cannulation using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided intravenous cannulation with contrast", "荧光透视引导下静脉置管造影", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导进行静脉插管" ], "14446005": [ "Z-plasty of eyelid", "眼睑Z形成形术" ], "178286005": [ "Groin dissection", "Block dissection of inguinal lymph nodes", "腹股沟解剖", "腹股沟淋巴结清扫术" ], "391278007": [ "Mental Health Care Coordination", "心理健康护理协调" ], "473198008": [ "Gated computed tomography of heart with contrast for congenital heart disease", "门控心脏对比剂计算机断层扫描诊断先天性心脏病" ], "1208643000": [ "Arthroplasty of joint of left wrist region", "Arthroplasty of left wrist joint", "左腕关节置换术" ], "1290563003": [ "Plain X-ray of forearm, anteroposterior and lateral views", "前臂、前后位和侧位的普通 X 光检查" ], "45379005": [ "Complete avulsion", "完全撕脱" ], "307523006": [ "Surgical manipulation of lumbosacral spine", "腰骶椎手术操作" ], "715288002": [ "Computed tomography of lower limb for radiotherapy planning", "CT of lower limb for radiotherapy planning", "下肢 CT 放射治疗计划", "下肢计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "780824004": [ "Family contact facilitation", "促进家庭联系" ], "238317004": [ "Flushing of chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter", "慢性非卧床腹膜透析导管的冲洗" ], "74477005": [ "Insertion of catheter into common bile duct", "Intubation of common bile duct", "胆管插管", "将导管插入胆管" ], "172781006": [ "Suture of external nose", "外鼻缝合" ], "105301000220109": [ "Lateral cephalometric plain X-ray", "Lateral plain X-ray cephalometry", "Plain X-ray cephalometry, lateral", "侧位X线头颅测量", "普通 X 射线头颅测量,侧面", "侧位头颅测量X线平片" ], "385773006": [ "Encouragement of compliance with safety precautions", "Encouragement of adherence to safety precautions", "鼓励遵守安全预防措施" ], "287469007": [ "Non-surgical pharynx biopsy", "非手术咽部活检" ], "746221008": [ "Referral to hand therapy service", "转介至手部治疗服务" ], "25325009": [ "Dental alveoplasty", "牙槽成形术" ], "105410004": [ "Spiritual rehabilitation", "精神康复" ], "170946006": [ "Glaucoma monitoring", "青光眼监测" ], "1268674007": [ "Surgical removal of peritoneal dialysis catheter", "腹膜透析导管手术移除" ], "252866008": [ "Marlow occlusion", "马洛闭塞症" ], "234647001": [ "Correction of cleft deformity of lip", "Repair of cleft lip operations", "Repair of cleft lip", "唇裂修复手术", "唇裂畸形的矫正", "唇裂修复" ], "121794009": [ "Hydroxydecanedioate measurement", "羟基癸二酸测量" ], "431255003": [ "Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of artery of upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "透视引导下经皮上肢动脉机械血栓切除术" ], "185495006": [ "In-house dietetics", "内部营养学" ], "119959006": [ "Adenoid reconstruction", "腺样体重建" ], "118124000": [ "Genetic screening, molecular method", "基因筛选,分子方法" ], "232812006": [ "Operation on implanted tricuspid valve", "植入式三尖瓣手术" ], "445804007": [ "Assessment using model of creative ability", "运用创造力模型进行评估" ], "1230401003": [ "Ligation of ileocolic artery", "回结肠动脉结扎" ], "34369004": [ "Hemolysis on sheep blood agar test", "Haemolysis on sheep blood agar test", "羊血琼脂溶血试验" ], "427585005": [ "Biventricular repair of hypoplastic left heart syndrome", "左心发育不全综合征的双心室修复" ], "443969004": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of prostate specific antigen in serum or plasma", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of prostate specific antigen in serum or plasma specimen", "定量测定血清或血浆中前列腺特异抗原的质量浓度", "血清或血浆标本中前列腺特异抗原质量浓度的定量测定" ], "50753008": [ "Brachial artery puncture for laboratory test", "Brachial stab", "Brachial artery blood sampling", "臂部刺伤", "肱动脉穿刺进行实验室检查", "肱动脉血样采集" ], "32534001": [ "Biopsy of spleen", "脾脏活检" ], "229142002": [ "Trunk exercises", "躯干锻炼" ], "278294002": [ "Excision of pleural lesion", "胸膜病变切除术" ], "737046005": [ "Management of patient controlled analgesia", "患者自控镇痛的管理" ], "179990006": [ "Replantation of thumb", "拇指再植" ], "178155009": [ "Plastic repair of tendon", "肌腱的整形修复" ], "405696003": [ "Placing manacles for legal restraint", "戴上手铐以进行法律约束" ], "12480009": [ "Intracranial pressure monitor removal", "Removal of intracranial pressure measuring device", "颅内压监测仪移除", "移除颅内压测量装置" ], "1255829004": [ "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - Soft and Bite Sized Level 6 food", "IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) Framework - Soft & Bite Sized Level 6 food", "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - SB6 (Soft & Bite Sized Level 6) food", "IDDSI(国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议)框架 - 软质和一口大小的 6 级食物", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - SB6(软质和一口大小 6 级)食物", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - 软质和一口大小的 6 级食物" ], "90730000": [ "Repair of vas deferens", "输精管修复" ], "41578005": [ "Embolectomy of lower limb vein", "Removal of embolus of lower limb vein", "下肢静脉栓塞取出术", "下肢静脉取栓术" ], "418410007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of axillary artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of axillary artery with contrast", "腋动脉造影荧光镜检查", "腋动脉造影荧光血管造影" ], "270954007": [ "Differential renal function", "肾功能差异" ], "238186008": [ "Epigastric herniorrhaphy using natural material", "使用天然材料进行上腹部疝修补术" ], "1284927000": [ "Oral health program", "Oral health programme", "口腔健康计划" ], "121663004": [ "Prazosin measurement", "哌唑嗪测量" ], "105279005": [ "Oxymesterone measurement", "氧甲睾酮测量" ], "252735006": [ "Ambulatory EEG", "AEEG - Ambulatory EEG", "Ambulatory electroencephalogram", "动态脑电图", "AEEG-动态脑电图" ], "709652000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of lumbar spine and pelvis with contrast", "MRI of lumbar spine and pelvis with contrast", "腰椎和骨盆的 MRI 对比检查", "腰椎和骨盆的对比磁共振成像" ], "70676003": [ "Esophagogastrostomy", "Oesophagogastrostomy", "Anastomosis of oesophagus to stomach", "Anastomosis of esophagus to stomach", "食管胃吻合术", "食管胃造口术" ], "87060004": [ "Pallidotomy", "苍白球切开术" ], "119828008": [ "Integumentary system repair", "皮肤系统修复" ], "724201000": [ "Right above elbow amputation", "Amputation of right arm through humerus", "Right amputation through humerus", "右臂肱骨截肢", "右侧肱骨截肢", "右肘上截肢" ], "117993004": [ "Rickettsia (Proteus OX2) antibody assay", "Measurement of Proteus OX2 antibody for detection of rickettsiae", "立克次体(变形杆菌 OX2)抗体检测", "测量变形杆菌 OX2 抗体以检测立克次体" ], "134377004": [ "Atrial fibrillation monitoring", "心房颤动监测" ], "429289005": [ "Intermittent pneumatic compression therapy", "间歇性气压疗法" ], "232681006": [ "Blind nasal intubation", "Tracheal intubation - blind via nasal route", "气管插管 - 经鼻盲法", "鼻盲插管" ], "34238000": [ "Lumbar and lumbosacral fusion by posterior technique", "后路腰椎及腰骶椎融合术" ], "183529009": [ "Referral to oncologist", "转诊至肿瘤科医生" ], "412905009": [ "Plasma B natriuretic peptide measurement", "Plasma B natriuretic peptide level", "血浆 B 钠尿肽测量", "血浆 B 钠尿肽水平" ], "443838002": [ "Quantitative measurement of IgA in cord blood specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of immunoglobulin A in cord blood specimen", "脐带血样本中 IgA 的定量测量", "脐血标本中免疫球蛋白A质量浓度的定量测定" ], "83390004": [ "Nonobstetric insertion of intrauterine tamponade", "Insertion of tampon into uterus", "Nonobstetric intrauterine tamponade", "非产科宫内填塞", "将卫生棉条插入子宫" ], "230846004": [ "Aspiration of cystic tumour of brain tissue", "Aspiration of cystic tumor of brain tissue", "脑组织囊性肿瘤抽吸" ], "17161000087100": [ "Aspiration of left upper extremity using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of left upper extremity", "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of left upper limb", "Aspiration of left upper limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下左上肢抽吸术", "超声引导下左上肢穿刺" ], "14601000087101": [ "Ultrasonography of abdomen, pelvis and bilateral lower limbs", "Ultrasonography of abdomen, pelvis and bilateral lower extremities", "Ultrasonography of abdomen, pelvis and both lower extremities", "Ultrasonography of abdomen, pelvis and right lower extremity and left lower extremity", "Ultrasound of abdomen, pelvis and bilateral lower extremities", "Ultrasound scan of abdomen, pelvis and bilateral lower extremities", "腹部、盆腔及右下肢、左下肢超声检查", "腹部、骨盆及双下肢超声波扫描", "腹部、骨盆及双下肢超声检查", "腹部、盆腔及双下肢超声检查" ], "1801000087101": [ "CT of right humerus with contrast", "Computed tomography of right humerus with contrast", "右肱骨增强计算机断层扫描", "右肱骨增强 CT" ], "3081000087101": [ "MRI of left scapula with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left scapula with contrast", "左肩胛骨 MRI 增强扫描", "左肩胛骨磁共振成像对比" ], "48787009": [ "Root canal therapy, bicuspid, excluding final restoration", "根管治疗,双尖牙,不包括最终修复" ], "4361000087107": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of left ankle", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of left ankle", "左踝关节荧光镜关节造影", "左踝关节荧光透视关节造影" ], "718696003": [ "Assessment using Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test Third Edition", "Assessment using Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test Third Edition", "Assessment using RBMT-3 (Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test - Third Edition)", "Assessment using RBMT-3 (Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test - Third Edition)", "使用 RBMT-3(Rivermead 行为记忆测试 - 第三版)进行评估", "使用 Rivermead 行为记忆测试第三版进行评估" ], "440168007": [ "Provision of copy of letter from specialist to patient", "向患者提供专科医生信件的副本" ], "309096008": [ "Harvest of reproductive tissue", "生殖组织的采集" ], "14184009": [ "Manipulation of tissue of mediastinum", "纵隔组织操作" ], "274493004": [ "Endoscopic manipulation", "内镜操作" ], "241725006": [ "Preoxygenation", "Preo2 - preoxygenation", "Preo2 - 预氧合", "预给氧" ], "307261008": [ "Closure of perforated bowel ulcer", "Closure of perforated ulcer of intestine", "Suture of intestinal ulcer", "肠穿孔溃疡缝合术", "肠溃疡缝合术", "肠溃疡穿孔缝合" ], "305426001": [ "Admission to ophthalmology department", "眼科入院" ], "61501008": [ "Forensic autopsy, extensive", "法医尸检,广泛" ], "225341008": [ "Environmental safety assessment", "Assess environmental safety", "评估环境安全", "环境安全评价" ], "716861009": [ "Assessment using Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test", "Assessment using M-WCST (Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test)", "使用改良的威斯康星卡片分类测试进行评估", "使用 M-WCST(改良版威斯康星卡片分类测试)进行评估" ], "698642008": [ "Percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus", "经皮动脉导管未闭封堵术" ], "174354008": [ "Partial internal sphincterotomy for haemorrhoid", "Partial internal sphincterotomy for hemorrhoid", "痔疮内括约肌部分切开术" ], "1335783004": [ "Arthrodesis of first metatarsophalangeal joint and replacement of lesser metatarsophalangeal joint", "第一跖趾关节融合术及小跖趾关节置换术" ], "8679008": [ "Application of surface transcutaneous neurostimulator", "Application of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulator", "表面经皮神经刺激器的应用", "经皮神经电刺激器的应用" ], "41447009": [ "Incision of skin", "皮肤切开" ], "105148000": [ "Cyclobenzaprine measurement", "环苯扎林测量" ], "711356000": [ "Fluoroscopic hypotonic duodenography", "荧光低张力十二指肠造影" ], "252604006": [ "Temporal decay of masking of tinnitus", "耳鸣掩蔽的时间衰减" ], "121532007": [ "Dichlorobenzene measurement", "二氯苯的测定" ], "39612009": [ "Repair of malunion of tibia with sliding graft", "滑动移植修复胫骨畸形愈合" ], "21393002": [ "Lymphocyte transformation, antigen induced", "淋巴细胞转化,抗原诱导" ], "1217425004": [ "Nasolabial skin flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction using nasolabial flap of skin", "Reconstruction using nasolabial skin flap", "Reconstruction with nasolabial skin flap", "鼻唇沟皮瓣修复", "鼻唇沟皮瓣重建" ], "709521005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of calf of leg", "MRI of calf of leg", "小腿 MRI", "小腿磁共振成像" ], "119697008": [ "Transplantation of tissue of foot", "足部组织移植" ], "265318001": [ "Correction of deformity of lip", "唇部畸形矫正" ], "117862001": [ "Protheca identification", "原藻属的鉴别" ], "134246003": [ "Leptospiral IgG level", "Leptospiral immunoglobulin G level", "钩端螺旋体 IgG 水平", "钩端螺旋体免疫球蛋白G水平" ], "183398005": [ "Daily life psychotherapy", "日常生活心理治疗" ], "312635000": [ "Provision of telephone", "提供电话" ], "116027003": [ "Partial jejunectomy", "Segmental resection of jejunum", "Excision of segment of jejunum", "空肠节段切除术", "部分空肠切除术", "空肠段切除术" ], "1339004": [ "Removal of impacted feces", "Removal of impacted faeces", "Manual evacuation of faeces", "Manual evacuation of feces", "Manual evacuation of bowel", "手动排便", "手动清除粪便", "清除堵塞的粪便", "清除受污染的粪便" ], "359952004": [ "Exploration of descending aorta", "降主动脉探查" ], "63205005": [ "Regional excision of iliac lymph nodes", "髂淋巴结区域切除术" ], "440037005": [ "Revision of vaginal prosthesis by vaginal approach", "经阴道修复阴道假体" ], "390885007": [ "Heart failure annual review", "心力衰竭年度回顾" ], "176058000": [ "Ureteroscopic laser lithotripsy of ureteric calculus", "Ureteroscopic laser fragmentation of ureteric calculus", "输尿管镜激光碎石术", "输尿管镜激光碎石治疗输尿管结石" ], "274362004": [ "Surgical biopsy of prostate", "前列腺手术活检" ], "716730006": [ "Provision of taxi", "提供出租车" ], "405434006": [ "Insertion of subcutaneous access reservoir", "插入皮下储液器" ], "225210009": [ "Locked door procedure", "Locking in", "锁定", "锁门程序" ], "10383002": [ "Counseling for termination of pregnancy", "Counseling for abortion", "Counselling for termination of pregnancy", "Counselling for abortion", "Abortion counselling", "Termination counselling", "Termination counseling", "Abortion counseling", "终止雇佣咨询", "堕胎咨询", "终止咨询", "终止妊娠咨询" ], "370831003": [ "Discharge planning including patient and support person", "Includes patient and support person in discharge planning", "出院计划中包括患者和陪护人员", "出院计划,包括患者和陪护人员" ], "75919004": [ "Incision and drainage of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织切开引流" ], "698511005": [ "Administration of hormone via oral route", "口服激素" ], "305295008": [ "Admission by cardiothoracic surgeon", "心胸外科医生入院" ], "43151008": [ "Splenorenal bypass graft with vein", "带静脉的脾肾旁路移植术" ], "57700002": [ "Removal of calculus of lacrimal punctum", "泪点结石去除术" ], "254308004": [ "Advancement of pedicle graft", "带蒂移植技术进展" ], "711225005": [ "Injection using X-ray guidance", "使用 X 射线引导注射" ], "105017005": [ "Urine fat measurement", "尿液脂肪测量" ], "119566000": [ "Creation of cerebrospinal fluid shunt", "建立脑脊液分流术" ], "121401008": [ "Neostigmine measurement", "新斯的明测量" ], "252473009": [ "Residual lung volume test", "残余肺容量测试" ], "234254000": [ "Excision of axillary lymph nodes group", "腋窝淋巴结组切除术" ], "37646001": [ "Synovectomy of extensor tendon sheath of foot", "足伸肌腱鞘滑膜切除术" ], "609251002": [ "Removal of device from neck", "从颈部移除装置" ], "443576001": [ "Percutaneous embolization of pulmonary collateral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of pulmonary collateral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of pulmonary collateral artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of pulmonary collateral artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮肺侧支动脉造影栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮肺侧支动脉栓塞术" ], "117731009": [ "Escherichia coli labile toxin assay", "大肠杆菌不稳定毒素测定" ], "312504002": [ "Antigen test", "抗原检测" ], "437601000124103": [ "Decreased tyramine diet", "减少酪胺饮食" ], "261517000": [ "Silver bunionectomy", "银色拇囊切除术" ], "438881000124105": [ "Copper supplement therapy", "铜补充疗法" ], "441441000124106": [ "Management of flushing of feeding tube", "饲管冲洗管理" ], "408973002": [ "Neurovascular care", "神经血管护理" ], "179597004": [ "Primary open reduction of traumatic dislocation of joint", "创伤性关节脱位的初次切开复位" ], "785805004": [ "Measurement of cervical length using transvaginal ultrasonography", "经阴道超声测量宫颈长度" ], "359821004": [ "Agglutination assay", "凝集试验" ], "439906002": [ "Thoracoscopy with removal of intrapleural foreign body", "胸腔镜检查取出胸膜内异物" ], "177762006": [ "Reconstruction of chest wall with microvascular transferred flap", "Reconstruction of chest wall with free flap", "微血管移植皮瓣重建胸壁", "游离皮瓣重建胸壁" ], "257847001": [ "Arthroscopy of shoulder with partial synovectomy", "肩关节镜检查及部分滑膜切除术" ], "306999003": [ "Sympathetic ganglion block", "交感神经节阻滞" ], "241463004": [ "US scan of neck vessels", "Ultrasound scan of neck vessels", "Ultrasound angiography of blood vessel of neck", "Ultrasound scan of blood vessel of neck", "Ultrasound of blood vessel of neck", "Ultrasonography of blood vessel of neck", "颈部血管超声扫描", "颈部血管超声检查", "颈部血管超声造影" ], "61239004": [ "Excision of tarsal plate by wedge resection", "楔形切除术切除睑板" ], "77623006": [ "Excision of tracheal tumor by cervical approach", "Excision of tracheal tumour by cervical approach", "经颈部入路气管肿瘤切除术", "经颈部入路切除气管肿瘤" ], "405303006": [ "Division of scalenus anterior muscle by supraclavicular approach", "经锁骨上入路分离前斜角肌" ], "225079007": [ "Insertion of suppository", "插入栓剂" ], "239628002": [ "Triple pelvic osteotomy for congenital dislocation of the hip", "骨盆三处截骨术治疗先天性髋关节脱位" ], "172257000": [ "Correction of eyelid ptosis using aponeurosis technique", "Correction of ptosis by aponeurotic repair", "通过腱膜修复矫正眼睑下垂", "使用腱膜技术矫正眼睑下垂" ], "90337000": [ "Removal of implantable intravenous infusion pump", "植入式静脉输液泵的移除" ], "73953002": [ "Repair of rectovesical fistula", "Closure of rectovesical fistula", "Closure of vesicorectal fistula", "直肠膀胱瘘的缝合", "直肠膀胱瘘的修复", "膀胱直肠瘘闭合" ], "57569002": [ "Opticociliary neurectomy", "视神经切除术" ], "1204449003": [ "Closed reduction of tibial fracture with internal fixation", "CRIF (closed reduction with internal fixation) of tibial fracture", "Closed reduction of fracture of tibia with internal fixation", "CRIF (closed reduction with internal fixation) of fracture of tibia", "胫骨骨折 CRIF(闭合复位内固定)", "胫骨骨折闭合复位内固定" ], "1153462001": [ "Collaborating about fluid therapy", "关于液体疗法的合作" ], "104886002": [ "Porphyrins, qualitative measurement, urine", "卟啉,定性测量,尿液" ], "352481009": [ "Correction of midgut volvulus", "中肠扭转的矫正" ], "121270005": [ "Mesoporphyrin measurement", "中卟啉测量" ], "448950007": [ "Removal of loose body from finger joint", "去除手指关节处的游离体" ], "252342009": [ "Phagocytosis/opsonization test", "Phagocytosis/opsonisation test", "吞噬作用/调理作用试验" ], "250507002": [ "Antibody titer measurement", "Antibody titre", "Antibody titer", "Antibody titre measurement", "抗体滴度", "抗体滴度测量" ], "447115003": [ "Total excision of lesion of brain tissue", "脑组织病变全切除" ], "397963004": [ "Cessation of anaesthesia by withdrawal of anaesthetic agent", "Cessation of anesthesia by withdrawal of anesthetic agent", "通过停用麻醉剂来停止麻醉", "通过撤除麻醉剂来停止麻醉" ], "37515006": [ "Ligation and division of long saphenous vein at distal interruptions", "长隐静脉远端中断处的结扎和切断" ], "609120003": [ "Microscopic examination of cell block of sputum specimen", "痰标本细胞块显微镜检查" ], "183136004": [ "Physiological locomotion assistance", "生理运动辅助" ], "265056007": [ "Vaginal hysterectomy", "Colpohysterectomy", "VH - Vaginal hysterectomy", "Vaginal excision of uterus", "VH-- 阴道子宫切除术", "阴道子宫切除术" ], "117600009": [ "HLA (Human leukocyte antigen) DQ alpha phenotyping", "HLA (Human leucocyte antigen) DQ alpha phenotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen DQ alpha antigen phenotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen DQ alpha antigen phenotyping", "人类白细胞抗原 DQ α 抗原表型", "HLA(人类白细胞抗原)DQ alpha 表型" ], "427061007": [ "CT of both ankles", "Computed tomography of bilateral ankles", "Computed tomography of both ankles", "Computed tomography of left and right ankle", "双踝部计算机断层扫描", "双踝部 CT", "左、右脚踝的计算机断层扫描", "双侧踝部计算机断层扫描" ], "179466000": [ "Soft tissue operations on joint of toe", "趾关节软组织手术" ], "32010001": [ "Secondary rhinoplasty, intermediate revision with osteotomies", "二次鼻整形,中期修复及截骨手术" ], "392458004": [ "Polistes spp. venom specific IgE antibody measurement", "Paper wasp venom specific IgE antibody measurement", "i4 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Polistes spp. venom specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "i4 特异性IgE抗体测量", "马蜂属毒液特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "纸蜂毒液特异性IgE抗体测定", "马蜂属毒液特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "228618005": [ "Provision of hand rail", "提供扶手" ], "439775005": [ "Repair of persistant cloaca with lengthening of vagina", "泄殖腔修复术及阴道延长术" ], "46559006": [ "Anesthesia for hernia repair in upper abdomen", "Anaesthesia for hernia repair in upper abdomen", "上腹部疝修补术的麻醉" ], "30175009": [ "Initial oral examination", "初步口腔检查" ], "388788002": [ "f60 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Scad specific IgE antibody measurement", "Jack mackerel specific IgE antibody measurement", "Trachurus japonicus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Trachurus japonicus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鲭鱼特异性IgE抗体测量", "Scad 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "日本竹荚鱼特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f60 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "日本竹荚鱼特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "1258975009": [ "Fluoroscopy guided local anesthetic and corticosteroid atlantooccipital joint nerve block", "Local anaesthetic and corticosteroid atlantooccipital joint nerve block using fluoroscopic guidance", "Local anesthetic and corticosteroid atlantooccipital joint nerve block using fluoroscopic guidance", "Local anesthetic and corticosteroid atlanto-occipital joint nerve block using fluoroscopic guidance", "Local anaesthetic and corticosteroid atlanto-occipital joint nerve block using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided local anaesthetic and corticosteroid atlantooccipital joint nerve block", "Local anesthetic and corticosteroid C0-C1 facet joint nerve block using fluoroscopic guidance", "Local anaesthetic and corticosteroid C0-C1 facet joint nerve block using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下进行局部麻醉和皮质类固醇 C0-C1 小关节神经阻滞", "在荧光透视引导下进行局部麻醉和皮质类固醇寰枕关节神经阻滞", "荧光透视引导局部麻醉和皮质类固醇寰枕关节神经阻滞" ], "896692004": [ "Health evaluation of member of underserved population", "Health examination of member of underserved population", "弱势群体的健康检查", "医疗资源匮乏人群的健康评估" ], "28340005": [ "Quantitative anti-histone antibody measurement", "抗组蛋白抗体定量测量" ], "241332004": [ "Radionuclide stomach-lung reflux study", "Milk scan", "牛奶扫描", "放射性核素胃肺反流研究" ], "239497005": [ "Interposition arthroplasty of interphalangeal joint of finger", "手指指间关节置换术" ], "173961006": [ "Bypass of ileum by anastomosis of ileum to cecum", "Bypass of ileum by anastomosis of ileum to caecum", "回肠至盲肠吻合术", "回肠与盲肠吻合术" ], "24670001": [ "Transplantation of conjunctiva for pterygium", "翼状胬肉结膜移植" ], "419721009": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of metatarsophalangeal joint", "跖趾关节荧光造影" ], "57438004": [ "Autopsy, gross and microscopic examination, regional", "尸检、大体和显微镜检查、区域" ], "270430005": [ "Provider-initiated encounter", "提供者发起的接触" ], "450654009": [ "Open operation on intraarticular structure", "关节内结构开放手术" ], "252211002": [ "Pentolinium suppression test", "戊烯抑制试验" ], "350515003": [ "Grafting of external auditory meatus of ear", "耳外耳道移植术" ], "710963004": [ "Management of incontinence appliance regime", "失禁器具管理制度" ], "427171000119101": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of cyst of right breast", "Aspiration of cyst of right breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下右乳囊肿穿刺抽吸", "超声引导下右乳囊肿抽吸术" ], "16550051000119101": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of lesion of left kidney using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided radiofrequency ablation of lesion of left kidney", "计算机断层扫描引导下左肾病变射频消融术", "CT引导下左肾病变射频消融术" ], "286814009": [ "Inspired gas humidification", "吸入气体加湿" ], "471971000119105": [ "Percutaneous injection of pseudoaneurysm of extremity", "Percutaneous injection of pseudoaneurysm of limb", "肢体假性动脉瘤经皮注射", "肢体假性动脉瘤经皮注射治疗" ], "397832002": [ "Transcranial cerebral oximetry", "经颅脑氧饱和度测定" ], "168456004": [ "Gross pathology request", "大体病理学请求" ], "407971000119109": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of liver using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous needle biopsy of liver", "CT引导下经皮肝脏穿刺活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肝脏经皮穿刺活检" ], "16292771000119109": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only inactivated whole Human poliovirus antigen", "Administration of inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine", "Inactivated poliomyelitis immunisation", "Inactivated poliomyelitis vaccination", "Inactivated poliomyelitis immunization", "灭活脊髓灰质炎免疫", "接种仅含灭活全人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "灭活脊髓灰质炎疫苗", "接种灭活脊髓灰质炎疫苗" ], "70152007": [ "Non-specific esterase stain method with NaF inhibition, blood or bone marrow", "Non-specific esterase stain with NaF inhibition", "非特异性酯酶染色法(NaF 抑制)、血液或骨髓", "氟化钠抑制的非特异性酯酶染色" ], "314077000": [ "Drugs of abuse urine screening test", "药物滥用尿液筛查测试" ], "232157000": [ "Reconstruction of external ear with local flap", "局部皮瓣修复外耳" ], "51933005": [ "Bilateral epididymectomy", "Excision of both epididymides", "Excision of bilateral epididymides", "切除双侧附睾", "双侧附睾切除术" ], "19165008": [ "Measurement of limb length", "肢体长度测量" ], "1295282005": [ "Plain X-ray of oesophagus with contrast", "Plain X-ray of esophagus with contrast", "食管造影 X 光检查" ], "787378005": [ "Fixation of specimen", "标本固定" ], "310407000": [ "Open stapling of bronchopleural fistula", "支气管胸膜瘘开放式缝合术" ], "720007002": [ "Prostate cancer care review", "前列腺癌护理回顾" ], "81031004": [ "Operation on bone injury of tibia and fibula", "胫腓骨骨损伤手术治疗" ], "79196002": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on lower leg", "Anaesthesia for procedure on lower leg", "小腿手术麻醉" ], "406876002": [ "Light green SF stain method", "Light green SF stain", "浅绿色 SF 染色", "淡绿SF染色法" ], "241201002": [ "Knee arthrogram without prosthesis", "无假体的膝关节造影" ], "273969007": [ "Serum LH measurement", "Serum LH level", "Serum luteinizing hormone measurement", "Serum luteinising hormone measurement", "血清 LH 测量", "血清 LH 水平", "血清促黄体生成素测量", "血清促黄体激素测定" ], "388657009": [ "Rf247 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Honey specific IgE antibody measurement", "Honey specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "蜂蜜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf247 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "蜂蜜特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "173830003": [ "Irrigation of stomach", "Washing out stomach contents", "Gastric irrigation", "Pumping stomach out", "Stomach washout", "Gastric lavage", "Gastric washout", "洗胃", "冲洗胃内容物", "胃灌洗", "胃冲洗", "抽出胃" ], "108294005": [ "Nuclear medicine diagnostic procedure on cardiovascular system", "Nuclear medicine cardiovascular study", "Radioisotope study of cardiovascular system", "Radionuclide study of cardiovascular system", "心血管系统的核医学诊断程序", "核医学心血管研究", "心血管系统的放射性同位素研究", "心血管系统放射性核素研究" ], "239366007": [ "Surgery on study models of jaws", "颌骨研究模型上的手术" ], "434139000": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of superficial femoral vein using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "用造影剂插入支架移植物进行股浅静脉荧光镜静脉造影" ], "9990009": [ "Radiation therapy treatment planning service", "放射治疗治疗计划服务" ], "40923002": [ "Tissue processing technique, routine, embed, cut and stain, per surgical specimen", "组织处理技术,常规、包埋、切割和染色,每个手术标本" ], "171995003": [ "Total parathyroidectomy and parathyroid tissue transplantation", "Global parathyroidectomy and parathyroid tissue transposition", "全甲状旁腺切除术和甲状旁腺组织移植", "甲状旁腺全切除术和甲状旁腺组织移位术" ], "450523000": [ "Conversion from hybrid total replacement of joint", "混合全关节置换术" ], "57307001": [ "Release for tenosynovitis of abductor pollicis longus", "拇长展肌腱鞘炎松解术" ], "1220571006": [ "Biopsy of right breast using mammography guidance", "Mammography guided biopsy of right breast", "Biopsy of right breast using mammogram guidance", "在乳房 X 光检查引导下进行右乳房活检", "使用乳房 X 线摄影引导进行右乳房活检", "乳房 X 线摄影引导下右乳活检" ], "8155007": [ "Excision of basal ganglion", "基底神经节切除术" ], "39088000": [ "Ligation of subclavian artery", "Touroff operation for ligation of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉结扎", "Touroff 手术结扎锁骨下动脉" ], "710832002": [ "Assessment of aggressive behavior", "Assessment of aggressive behaviour", "攻击性行为评估", "攻击行为评估" ], "104624004": [ "Dehydroepiandrosterone measurement", "脱氢表雄酮测量" ], "1251504005": [ "Fluoroscopic discography with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc of thoracic spine", "Fluoroscopic discogram with injection of contrast into thoracic intervertebral disc", "Fluoroscopic discography of thoracic spine with contrast", "胸椎椎间盘注射造影剂的荧光透视椎间盘造影术", "胸椎荧光镜椎间盘造影", "胸椎间盘注射造影剂的荧光透视椎间盘造影" ], "432304006": [ "Reduction of dislocation of hip", "髋关节脱位复位" ], "448688006": [ "Prosthetic reinforcement of intraarticular ligament", "关节内韧带的假体加固" ], "708997002": [ "Removal of K-wire from hip", "Removal of Kirschner wire internal bone fixator from hip", "髋部克氏针内骨固定器拆除", "从髋部移除克氏针" ], "414085008": [ "Elevation-based corneal topography", "Scanning slit topography", "扫描狭缝形貌", "基于高度的角膜地形图" ], "117338000": [ "Differential light absorption chemical test method", "差示光吸收化学测试法" ], "1231450003": [ "Percutaneous tenotomy using needle", "Percutaneous division of tendon using needle", "经皮穿刺针肌腱切断术", "经皮肌腱切断术(使用针头)" ], "281178003": [ "Construction of occlusal rim", "咬合缘的构造" ], "428634006": [ "Reimplantation of spinal nerve into spinal cord", "脊神经再植入脊髓" ], "363098006": [ "Division of genital system structure", "生殖系统结构划分" ], "410415001": [ "Specimen collection surveillance", "样本采集监测" ], "15364006": [ "Scanning or imaging, perfusion study, particulate", "扫描或成像、灌注研究、颗粒" ], "13529000": [ "Nasal septoplasty", "鼻中隔成形术" ], "306606001": [ "Discharge from gynecology service", "Discharge from gynaecology service", "妇科出院" ], "716206008": [ "Assessment using Functional Communication Profile Revised", "Assessment using FCP-R (Functional Communication Profile Revised)", "使用功能沟通档案修订版进行评估", "使用 FCP-R(功能性沟通档案修订版)进行评估" ], "386691001": [ "Removal of spinal cord lesion", "去除脊髓损伤" ], "699822008": [ "Provision of written information about bowel preparation for procedure", "提供有关手术肠道准备的书面信息" ], "239235003": [ "Repair of patellar tendon by tendon lengthening procedure", "肌腱延长术修复髌腱" ], "1156739007": [ "Percutaneous drainage of abdomen using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous drainage of abdomen", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行腹部经皮引流", "CT引导下经皮腹部引流" ], "712536000": [ "Biopsy of limb using ultrasound guidance", "Ultrasound guided biopsy of limb", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of limb", "使用超声引导进行肢体活检", "超声引导下肢体活检" ], "42627008": [ "Drainage of cyst of pancreas", "Drainage of pancreatic cyst", "胰腺囊肿引流" ], "237400005": [ "Microdochectomy", "显微乳头切除术" ], "778072006": [ "Dorsal closing wedge osteotomy of calcaneus", "Zadek osteotomy of calcaneus", "Zadek 跟骨截骨术", "跟骨背侧闭合楔形截骨术" ], "40792007": [ "Kristeller maneuver", "Kristeller manoeuvre", "Kristeller's manoeuvre", "Kristeller's maneuver", "Kristeller 的动作", "克里斯特勒的机动", "克里斯特勒机动" ], "88109000": [ "Attachment of rectus eye muscle to frontalis", "眼直肌与额肌的附着处" ], "401240008": [ "Drainage of pancreatic pseudocyst", "胰腺假性囊肿引流" ], "235565001": [ "Repositioning of biliary anastomosis prosthesis", "胆道吻合口假体的重新定位" ], "6189002": [ "Excision of aberrant tissue of breast", "乳房异常组织切除术" ], "104493008": [ "Aliphatic carboxylate C14-C26 esters measurement", "脂肪族羧酸 C14-C26 酯的测量" ], "20738002": [ "Endarterectomy of coronary artery", "Thromboendarterectomy of coronary artery", "Coronary endarterectomy", "冠状动脉血栓内膜切除术", "冠状动脉内膜切除术" ], "708866002": [ "Arthrotomy with drainage of joint of finger", "手指关节切开引流术" ], "86274005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal vertebral artery balloon angioplasty", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of vertebral artery", "经皮椎动脉腔内血管成形术", "经皮腔内椎动脉球囊血管成形术" ], "413954006": [ "Deep sclerectomy", "NPDS - nonpenetrating deep sclerectomy", "Nonpenetrating deep sclerectomy", "非穿透性深部巩膜切除术", "NPDS-- 非穿透性深部巩膜切除术", "深部巩膜切除术" ], "446722008": [ "Determination of coreceptor tropism of Human immunodeficiency virus 1", "HIV coreceptor tropism assay", "HIV 辅助受体趋向性试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 的辅助受体趋向性的确定" ], "281047000": [ "Bladder continence assessment", "Assessment of continence of urinary bladder", "膀胱控尿能力评估" ], "51671004": [ "Chemical test, qualitative", "化学试验,定性" ], "410284006": [ "Discipline teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Discipline teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Discipline education, guidance, and counselling", "Discipline education, guidance, and counseling", "学科教学、指导和咨询", "纪律教育、指导和辅导", "学科教学、指导和辅导" ], "770732009": [ "Cone beam CT of left ankle", "Cone beam computed tomography of left ankle", "左踝部锥形束计算机断层扫描", "左踝部锥形束 CT" ], "179073003": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture and skeletal traction", "骨折切开复位及骨牵引修复" ], "13398004": [ "Perilymphatic tap", "外淋巴穿刺" ], "62550004": [ "Operation on muscle, tendon and fascia of hand", "手部肌肉、肌腱及筋膜手术" ], "439382006": [ "Measurement of benzodiazepine in bile", "胆汁中苯二氮卓类药物的测定" ], "306475007": [ "Discharge by upper gastrointestinal surgeon", "Discharge by upper GI surgeon", "上消化道外科医生出院" ], "240939007": [ "Replacement of arterial intraluminal device", "动脉管腔内装置更换" ], "879915007": [ "Radiotherapy to bone", "骨放射治疗" ], "9728002": [ "Special dosimetry, microdosimetry", "特殊剂量测定、微剂量测定" ], "1304064008": [ "Excision of pterygium with corneal graft", "Excision of pterygium with corneal transplant", "翼状胬肉切除术及角膜移植" ], "302805002": [ "Preventive monitoring", "预防性监测" ], "24277005": [ "Inhalation anesthesia, machine system, closed, circulation of primary agent", "Inhalation anaesthesia, machine system, closed, circulation of primary agent", "吸入麻醉,机械系统,封闭式,主药剂循环" ], "417493007": [ "Small incision manual extracapsular cataract extraction", "小切口手法白内障囊外摘除术" ], "87978006": [ "Antibody to double stranded DNA measurement", "Measurement of native deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) antibody", "Antibody to double stranded deoxyribonucleic acid measurement", "双链脱氧核糖核酸抗体测定", "天然脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)抗体的测量", "双链 DNA 抗体测量" ], "235434007": [ "Intubation of gastrointestinal tract via large bowel fistula", "经大肠瘘管胃肠道插管" ], "432042008": [ "Percutaneous insertion of catheter into hepatic vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下经皮肝静脉导管插入" ], "104362008": [ "Complement factor BA measurement", "补体因子 BA 测量" ], "118911001": [ "Procedure on posterior chamber of eye", "眼后房手术" ], "446591008": [ "Injection of anesthetic into periorbital region for akinesia", "Injection of anaesthetic into periorbital region for akinesia", "Injection of anaesthetic into circumorbital region for akinesia", "向眶周区域注射麻醉剂治疗运动不能症", "眶周区域注射麻醉剂治疗运动不能症" ], "231764006": [ "Radiotherapy to retina", "视网膜放射治疗" ], "410153000": [ "Advanced practice nursing care education", "Teach nurse practitioner service", "Teach nurse specialist service", "教导护士专科服务", "教导执业护士服务", "高级实践护理教育" ], "788820009": [ "Bronchoscopic microwave ablation of lesion of lung", "支气管镜下肺部病变微波消融术" ], "428372009": [ "Release of entrapment of peripheral nerve", "释放周围神经卡压" ], "182612008": [ "Skeletal massage", "骨骼按摩" ], "442921007": [ "Two dimensional transoesophageal echocardiography with spectral display", "Two dimensional transesophageal echocardiography with spectral display", "二维经食管超声心动图频谱显示" ], "15102002": [ "Implant removal of elbow joint", "肘关节植入物移除" ], "735998009": [ "Administration of bisoprolol", "比索洛尔的给药" ], "178942009": [ "Angulation periarticular division of bone", "关节周围骨的角度划分" ], "177107006": [ "Percutaneous sampling of chorionic villus", "经皮绒毛取样" ], "29651008": [ "Complete semen analysis", "Complete semen analysis with volume, count, motility and differential", "完整的精液分析,包括精液量、数量、活力和分化", "完整的精液分析" ], "46035008": [ "Special hematology procedure, explain by report", "Special haematology procedure, explain by report", "特殊血液学程序,通过报告解释" ], "439251009": [ "Initiation of therapeutic relationship", "建立治疗关系" ], "715944003": [ "Provision of specialist retrieval service registered nurse patient escort", "提供专科检索服务注册护士病人陪同" ], "306344004": [ "Referral to professional allied to medicine", "转诊至医学专业人士" ], "879784008": [ "Telehealth rehabilitation monitoring", "远程医疗康复监测" ], "107901000": [ "Skin of extremity destructive procedure", "肢体皮肤破坏性手术" ], "386429002": [ "Self-modification assistance", "自我修改援助" ], "304509000": [ "Advice to avoid activity of daily living", "Recommendation to avoid activity of daily living", "建议避免日常生活活动" ], "1303933004": [ "SAVE (superficial vein arterialization and selective venous embolization) technique of lower limb", "Combined superficial venous arterialization and selective venous occlusion of lower limb", "SAVE (superficial vein arterialisation and selective venous embolisation) technique of lower limb", "Combined superficial venous arterialisation and selective venous occlusion of lower limb", "下肢浅静脉动脉化联合选择性静脉闭塞术", "下肢浅静脉动脉化联合选择性静脉闭塞", "下肢浅静脉动脉化及选择性静脉栓塞术(SAVE)技术" ], "1156477002": [ "Correction of congenital talipes equinovarus", "Correction of congenital clubfoot", "先天性马蹄内翻足的矫正", "先天性马蹄足的矫正" ], "173437008": [ "Biopsy of lesion of tonsil", "扁桃体病变活检" ], "269906005": [ "CSF: globulin level", "CSF globulin measurement", "Cerebrospinal fluid globulin measurement", "脑脊液球蛋白测定", "脑脊液球蛋白测量", "脑脊液:球蛋白水平" ], "171602008": [ "Intracranial destruction of acoustic nerve (VIII)", "听神经颅内破坏(VIII)" ], "399143002": [ "Neisseria gonorrhoeae polymerase chain reaction", "PCR test for Neisseria gonorrhoeae", "Polymerase chain reaction test for Neisseria gonorrhoeae", "淋病奈瑟菌聚合酶链反应", "淋病奈瑟菌聚合酶链反应检测", "淋病奈瑟菌 PCR 检测" ], "431911003": [ "Vertebroplasty using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导进行椎体成形术" ], "104231006": [ "Antibiotic sensitivity, tubercle bacillus", "抗生素敏感性,结核杆菌" ], "235303007": [ "Cryotherapy of lesion - small intestine", "病变冷冻治疗-小肠" ], "446460000": [ "24 hour oesophageal pH study", "Continuous measurement of pH in oesophagus over 24 hour period", "Continuous measurement of pH in esophagus over 24 hour period", "24 hour esophageal pH study", "24 小时食管 pH 值研究", "24 小时内连续测量食道 pH 值" ], "169767009": [ "Postnatal - fifth day visit", "产后第五天访视" ], "118780002": [ "Procedure on submaxillary duct", "颌下管手术" ], "708604004": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of vertebra", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of vertebra using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮脊椎细针穿刺活检", "使用影像引导进行经皮脊椎细针穿刺活检" ], "233468004": [ "Creation of Cimino fistula", "Creation of Brescia-Cimino fistula", "Creation of radialcephalic fistula", "建立 Brescia-Cimino 瘘管", "建立桡头瘘", "建立西米诺瘘管" ], "231633001": [ "Operation on lacrimal sac", "泪囊手术" ], "69628009": [ "Resection of alveolar process and palate, en bloc", "整体切除牙槽突和腭部" ], "18641003": [ "Construction of pouch", "造口袋的构造" ], "36860009": [ "ARx advantage microbiology center system test", "ARx advantage microbiology centre system test", "ARx 优势微生物中心系统测试" ], "35025007": [ "Manual pelvic examination", "Pelvic examination", "手动盆腔检查", "盆腔检查" ], "313553008": [ "Serum etiocholanolone measurement", "Serum aetiocholanolone level", "Serum etiocholanolone level", "Serum aetiocholanolone measurement", "血清乙胆甾醇测定", "血清乙酰胆甾酮测定", "血清乙胆烷醇酮水平", "血清乙酰胆甾醇水平" ], "703099004": [ "Tracheal stent procedure using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided tracheal stent procedure", "透视引导下的气管支架手术", "透视引导气管支架手术" ], "1260155004": [ "Arthroscopic reconstruction of acetabular labrum", "关节镜下髋臼唇重建" ], "306213005": [ "Referral to distraction test audiological screening", "转介进行分心测试听力筛查" ], "44069007": [ "Reverse intrinsic-plus test", "逆向内在加法测试" ], "60453007": [ "Hydrotherapy in Hubbard tank", "哈伯德水箱水疗" ], "386298000": [ "Family integrity promotion: childbearing family", "家庭诚信促进:生育家庭" ], "25850001": [ "Ultrasonography of thorax", "US scan of chest", "胸部超声扫描", "胸部超声检查" ], "1303802002": [ "Endoscopic injection of epinephrine into lesion of stomach for control of hemorrhage", "Endoscopic injection of epinephrine into lesion of stomach for control of haemorrhage", "Injection of epinephrine into lesion of stomach for haemostasis", "Adrenaline injection for gastric lesion hemostasis", "Adrenaline injection for gastric lesion haemostasis", "内镜胃病灶内注射肾上腺素止血", "肾上腺素注射用于胃病灶止血", "胃病灶内注射肾上腺素止血" ], "287994002": [ "Choledochotomy and radiography", "胆总管切开术和放射线照相术" ], "122319000": [ "Chlamydia pneumoniae DNA assay", "Chlamydia pneumoniae deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "肺炎衣原体 DNA 检测", "肺炎衣原体脱氧核糖核酸检测" ], "237007002": [ "Reposition of a prolapsed arm", "脱垂手臂的复位" ], "56783008": [ "I and D", "Incision and evacuation", "Incision AND drainage", "Surgical drainage", "切开引流", "切开和疏散", "手术引流", "我和 D" ], "5796001": [ "Excision of external thrombotic hemorrhoid", "Excision of external thrombotic haemorrhoid", "血栓性外痔切除术" ], "171471009": [ "Drainage of lesion of brain tissue", "脑组织损伤引流" ], "710308003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of neck with contrast", "颈部荧光血管造影" ], "431780004": [ "Fluoroscopy of thoracic spine", "胸椎透视检查" ], "104100008": [ "Promyelocyte count, blood", "血液早幼粒细胞计数" ], "69497001": [ "Brachytherapy isodose calculation, intermediate", "近距离放射治疗等剂量计算,中级" ], "233337002": [ "EIA - Thrombolysis of the external iliac artery", "Percutaneous thrombolysis of external iliac artery", "EIA-髂外动脉血栓溶解术", "经皮髂外动脉血栓溶解术" ], "774009005": [ "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of uterine fibroid using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided high intensity focused ultrasound ablation of uterine fibroid", "磁共振成像引导下高强度聚焦超声消融子宫肌瘤", "MRI引导高强度聚焦超声消融子宫肌瘤" ], "311587005": [ "Mirroring for speech", "语音镜像" ], "65827008": [ "Reduction of closed sternoclavicular dislocation with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed dislocation of sternoclavicular joint", "闭合性胸锁关节脱位手法复位", "闭合性胸锁关节脱位的复位手法治疗" ], "276984007": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of artery", "经皮动脉血栓溶解术" ], "31224008": [ "Incision of infratemporal fossa", "颞下窝切开术" ], "63992008": [ "Anal fistulectomy, submuscular", "肛瘘切除术,肌肉下" ], "225997002": [ "Taking wound swab", "取伤口拭子" ], "113144009": [ "Sexual psychotherapy, female therapist - male patient", "性心理治疗,女性治疗师 - 男性患者" ], "1290957003": [ "Plain X-ray of uterus", "子宫普通 X 光检查" ], "62157006": [ "Closure of ureterovaginal fistula", "输尿管阴道瘘闭合" ], "733901008": [ "Referral to self-management support service", "转介自我管理支持服务" ], "76706001": [ "Reduction of closed tarsometatarsal joint dislocation with percutaneous skeletal fixation", "经皮骨固定术治疗闭合性跖跖关节脱位" ], "175010001": [ "Incision of bulbourethral glands", "尿道球腺切开术" ], "306082001": [ "Referral by radiographer", "Referral from radiographer", "放射技师推荐", "放射技师转介" ], "764834005": [ "Radionuclide imaging using 177LU-DOTA-HH1", "Radionuclide imaging using tetulomab tetraxetan (177-Lu)", "Radionuclide imaging using lilotomab satetraxetan (177-Lu)", "使用 lilotomab satetraxetan (177-Lu) 进行放射性核素成像", "使用 177LU-DOTA-HH1 进行放射性核素成像", "使用替妥洛单抗四环素 (177-Lu) 进行放射性核素成像" ], "715682008": [ "Computed tomography of thorax for brachytherapy planning", "CT of thorax for brachytherapy planning", "CT of chest for brachytherapy planning", "胸部计算机断层扫描用于近距离放射治疗计划", "胸部 CT 扫描用于近距离放射治疗计划" ], "236876003": [ "Wedge biopsy of cervix", "Wedge excision of cervix", "宫颈楔形切除术", "宫颈楔形活检" ], "302412004": [ "Secondary suture of skin", "皮肤二期缝合" ], "1285452004": [ "Application of orthodontic headgear", "正畸头套的应用" ], "122188008": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi 29kd antibody assay", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 29 kD antibody", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 29 kiloDalton antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体 29kd 抗体检测", "伯氏疏螺旋体 29kD 抗体的测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体 29 千道尔顿抗体的测量" ], "103969000": [ "Erythrocyte antibody concentration measurement", "红细胞抗体浓度测量" ], "431649002": [ "Whole body platelet study", "全身血小板研究" ], "415265005": [ "Referral to asthma clinic", "转诊至哮喘诊所" ], "54817007": [ "Arteriovenous shunt for renal dialysis by external cannula", "Creation of arteriovenous shunt or fistula for dialysis by external cannula", "Formation of arteriovenous fistula by external cannula for renal dialysis", "肾透析用外置管动静脉瘘的建立", "外置管肾透析动静脉分流术", "通过外置管建立动静脉分流管或瘘管用于透析" ], "448033008": [ "Dilation of tracheostomy", "气管切开扩张" ], "429814000": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and atherectomy by cutting balloon", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and atherectomy by cutting balloon", "荧光造影动脉造影和切割球囊动脉粥样硬化切除术", "荧光血管造影和切割球囊切除术" ], "233206000": [ "Resection of aneurysm of ductus arteriosus", "动脉导管瘤切除术" ], "397046001": [ "Thrombectomy of artery", "动脉血栓切除术" ], "788427000": [ "Levothyroxine therapy", "左旋甲状腺素治疗" ], "1995001": [ "Stripping of cerebral meninges", "脑膜剥离" ], "231371003": [ "Injection of neurolytic substance to mental nerve by extraoral approach", "经口外途径向颏神经注射神经溶解物质" ], "427979009": [ "Removal of internal tamponade agent from vitreous body", "清除玻璃体内填塞剂" ], "262304001": [ "Remounting of denture on articulator", "将义齿重新安装到咬合器上" ], "721056006": [ "Amputation of left lower limb above knee", "左下肢膝盖以上截肢" ], "82080007": [ "Sequestrectomy of facial bone", "Facial bone sequestrum removal", "面部死骨去除", "面部骨坏死切除术" ], "80245005": [ "Excision of lesion of eyelid by wedge resection", "楔形切除术切除眼睑病变" ], "440693005": [ "Capsulodesis of metacarpophalangeal joint", "掌指关节囊固定术" ], "47477007": [ "Ectopic parathyroidectomy", "异位甲状旁腺切除术" ], "309621008": [ "McKeever arthrodesis", "McKeever 关节融合术" ], "438858001": [ "Removal of peritoneal venous shunt", "腹腔静脉分流管移除术" ], "391541008": [ "Glandular fever screening test", "腺热筛查试验" ], "275018007": [ "Anal fistula operation", "肛瘘手术" ], "781087000": [ "Medical care", "医疗护理" ], "699167003": [ "Open reduction of fracture of metatarsal without internal fixation", "跖骨骨折切开复位不内固定" ], "305951009": [ "Referral by chemical pathologist", "Referral from clinical biochemist", "Referral by clinical biochemist", "Referral from chemical pathologist", "化学病理学家推荐", "临床生物化学家推荐" ], "271348005": [ "Urine dipstick for pH", "尿液 pH 试纸" ], "302281004": [ "Lower limb activities", "下肢活动" ], "122057006": [ "Neisseria meningitidis Y antibody assay", "Measurement of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup Y antibody", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌 Y 血清群抗体检测", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌 Y 抗体检测" ], "171209009": [ "Tobacco usage screening", "烟草使用筛查" ], "431518002": [ "Biopsy of bone using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下进行骨活检" ], "398750002": [ "Grid photocoagulation", "网格光凝术" ], "234910003": [ "Graft of skin to mouth", "Grafting of skin to mouth", "口腔皮肤移植" ], "726430006": [ "Radical mastectomy of right breast", "右乳根治性乳房切除术" ], "54686006": [ "Biopsy of rectum", "Rectal biopsy", "Noblett rectal biopsy", "直肠活检", "Noblett 直肠活检" ], "185758007": [ "Diabetes monitoring third letter", "糖尿病监测第三封信" ], "120222006": [ "Construction in forearm", "前臂结构" ], "233075005": [ "Construction of conduit - right ventricle to aorta", "导管建设-右心室至主动脉" ], "446067007": [ "Fenestration of lamina of vertebra", "椎板开窗术" ], "69235008": [ "Infolding of sclera for buckling", "巩膜内折以便扣带" ], "67400001": [ "Urinary cystotomy for excision of bladder tumor", "Urinary cystotomy for excision of bladder tumour", "膀胱切开术切除膀胱肿瘤" ], "229405001": [ "Physiological mobilization of the tarsometatarsal joints", "Physiological mobilisation of the tarsometatarsal joints", "跖跖关节的生理活动" ], "231240009": [ "Local anesthetic facial nerve block van Lint", "Local anaesthetic facial nerve block van Lint", "Facial nerve block van Lint", "面神经阻滞", "局部麻醉面神经阻滞 van Lint" ], "280392009": [ "Shunt procedure into peritoneum", "腹膜分流术" ], "16413002": [ "C1q precipitation test", "C1q 沉淀试验" ], "49181006": [ "Paracentesis of anterior chamber of eye with removal of blood by irrigation", "眼前房穿刺术并冲洗清除血液" ], "719090000": [ "Assessment using Stanford Binet Intelligence Scale fifth edition", "使用斯坦福比奈智力量表第五版进行评估" ], "442397008": [ "Monitoring of cardiac output using echocardiography", "使用超声心动图监测心输出量" ], "391410005": [ "Urine methaemalbumin level", "Urine methemalbumin level", "尿液高铁血白蛋白水平", "尿液高铁白蛋白水平" ], "307655001": [ "Anastomosis of caecum to rectum", "Anastomosis of cecum to rectum", "盲肠与直肠吻合术", "盲肠直肠吻合术" ], "240284002": [ "Multifetal pregnancy reduction", "Multifoetal pregnancy reduction", "多胎妊娠减胎" ], "387740003": [ "Removal of ovarian cyst", "卵巢囊肿切除" ], "60060005": [ "Biopsy of extraocular tendon", "眼外肌腱活检" ], "713585003": [ "Ex vivo cultured limbal epithelial cell allograft to ocular surface", "离体培养的角膜缘上皮细胞移植至眼表" ], "287601004": [ "Pericardial contrast radiography", "心包造影" ], "385905006": [ "Eye care assessment", "Assess eye care", "评估眼部护理", "眼部护理评估" ], "58225008": [ "Change in bone length of tibia", "胫骨骨长度变化" ], "56390001": [ "Spinal injection of phenol", "脊柱注射苯酚" ], "416838001": [ "Erythrocyte sedimentation rate measurement", "ESR - Erythrocyte sedimentation rate", "红细胞沉降率测量", "ESR - 红细胞沉降率" ], "433222002": [ "Insertion of guide wire into breast using ultrasound guidance", "Insertion of guide wire into breast using ultrasound (US) guidance", "在超声引导下将导丝插入乳房" ], "121926006": [ "Aureobasidium pullulans antibody assay", "Measurement of Aureobasidium pullulans antibody", "出芽短梗霉抗体测定", "出芽短梗霉抗体的测定" ], "171078009": [ "Outbreak of malaria - advice", "Malaria outbreak education", "疟疾爆发 - 建议", "疟疾爆发教育" ], "169243002": [ "US great vessel scan", "Ultrasound great vessel scan", "美国大血管扫描", "超声大血管扫描" ], "234779003": [ "Try-in of maxillary obturator", "上颌骨填塞器试戴" ], "447771005": [ "Abdominal hysterectomy and excision of periuterine tissue", "腹部子宫切除术和宫周组织切除术" ], "54555005": [ "Hepatitis B core antibody measurement, IgG type", "Hepatitis B core antibody measurement, immunoglobulin G type", "乙肝核心抗体检测,IgG 类型", "乙肝核心抗体测定、免疫球蛋白G型" ], "445936001": [ "Argon plasma coagulation of lesion of esophagus", "Argon plasma coagulation of lesion of oesophagus", "食管病变氩离子凝固术" ], "265712003": [ "Primary posterior decompression lumbar spine", "一期腰椎后路减压术" ], "345797001": [ "Autotransplantation of pancreatic tissue", "胰腺组织自体移植" ], "232944009": [ "Closed truncal valvotomy", "闭式动脉干瓣膜切开术" ], "394949001": [ "Kaolin clotting time", "高岭土凝固时间" ], "231109008": [ "Neurostimulation/modulation", "Neuromodulation", "神经调节", "神经刺激/调节" ], "360346001": [ "Hoke operation", "Hoke hindfoot fusion", "Hoke fusion", "霍克融合", "霍克手术", "Hoke 后足融合术" ], "229274003": [ "Contract relax technique", "CR - Contract relax technique", "收缩放松技术", "CR - 收缩放松技术" ], "868250004": [ "Referral to recreational therapy service", "转介至康乐治疗服务" ], "180122008": [ "Centralization tarsus correction", "Centralisation tarsus correction", "集中化睑板矫正" ], "178287001": [ "Supraomohyoid lymph nodes neck dissection", "Suprahyoid neck dissection", "肩胛舌骨肌上淋巴结颈清扫术", "舌骨上颈清扫术" ], "473199000": [ "Telehealth monitoring for chronic disease", "慢性病的远程医疗监测" ], "407663004": [ "Percentage plasma cell count", "浆细胞计数百分比" ], "7231000179103": [ "Endoscopic excision of tracheobronchial granuloma", "Bronchoscopic excision of tracheobronchial granuloma", "内镜气管支气管肉芽肿切除术", "支气管镜气管支气管肉芽肿切除术" ], "307524000": [ "Manipulation of lumbosacral spine under anesthetic", "MUA - lumbosacral spine", "Manipulation of lumbosacral spine under anaesthetic", "MUA-- 腰骶椎", "麻醉下腰骶椎手术" ], "30831008": [ "Transposition of peritoneal tissue", "腹膜组织移位" ], "176452006": [ "Injection sclerotherapy of hydrocele", "Injection sclerotherapy of hydrocoele", "鞘膜积液注射硬化剂治疗" ], "1208644006": [ "Arthroplasty of joint of right wrist region", "Arthroplasty of right wrist joint", "右腕关节置换术" ], "387609001": [ "Making funeral arrangements", "安排葬礼" ], "420377002": [ "Cytomegalovirus culture, conventional and rapid", "巨细胞病毒培养,常规和快速" ], "10777003": [ "Removal of implant from hand", "从手上取出植入物" ], "76313004": [ "Class in calisthenics", "Class in callisthenics", "健美操课" ], "715289005": [ "Computed tomography of head and neck with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "CT of head and neck with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "头部和颈部的对比计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "头部和颈部增强 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "27161008": [ "Transection of muscle of trunk", "躯干肌肉横断面" ], "385774000": [ "Encouragement of compliance with therapeutic regimen", "Encouragement of adherence with therapeutic regimen", "鼓励坚持治疗方案", "鼓励遵守治疗方案" ], "418542003": [ "Radiologic guidance procedure", "放射学指导程序" ], "172782004": [ "Dermabrasion of nose", "Shave of skin of nose", "剃掉鼻部皮肤", "鼻部磨皮" ], "58094005": [ "Removal of prosthesis of bile duct", "Removal of prosthetic device from bile duct", "Removal of biliary stent", "从胆管中取出假体装置", "胆道支架移除", "胆管假体移除术" ], "287470008": [ "Non-surgical adenoid biopsy", "非手术腺样体活检" ], "238318009": [ "Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis", "CAPD - continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis", "CAPD-- 持续性非卧床腹膜透析", "持续性非卧床腹膜透析" ], "252867004": [ "Bar reading", "酒吧阅读" ], "23491005": [ "Replacement of nephrostomy tube", "Reinsertion of nephrostomy tube or catheter", "Change of nephrostomy catheter", "Change of nephrostomy tube", "Renewal of nephrostomy tube", "更换肾造瘘导管", "重新插入肾造瘘管或导管", "更换肾造瘘管", "肾造瘘管更新" ], "121795005": [ "IgG synthesis rate measurement", "Immunoglobulin G synthesis rate measurement", "IgG 合成率测量", "免疫球蛋白G合成率测量" ], "21656000": [ "Removal of calculus of prostate", "前列腺结石摘除术" ], "87192001": [ "Pallidectomy", "苍白球切除术" ], "119960001": [ "Tonsil reconstruction", "扁桃体重建" ], "234648006": [ "Adjustment to vermilion border of lip", "唇红缘调整" ], "185496007": [ "In-house chiropody", "院内足病治疗" ], "232813001": [ "Rotation of implanted tricuspid valve", "植入三尖瓣的旋转" ], "85357001": [ "Excision of lesion of mouth", "口腔病变切除术" ], "183661002": [ "Refer to hospital eye casualty", "转诊至医院眼科" ], "19821003": [ "Carboxyhemoglobin measurement", "COHb measurement", "Carbon monoxide measurement", "Carboxyhaemoglobin measurement", "COHb 测量", "一氧化碳测量", "碳氧血红蛋白测量" ], "118125004": [ "Gene deletion analysis", "基因缺失分析" ], "68973008": [ "Repair of cranial meningocele", "Closure of cerebral meningocele", "脑脊膜膨出缝合", "颅脑脊膜膨出的修复" ], "445805008": [ "Assessment using scleroderma assessment questionnaire", "使用硬皮病评估问卷进行评估" ], "443970003": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of phencyclidine in serum or plasma specimen using gas chromatography mass spectrometry technique", "Quantitative measurement of phencyclidine in serum or plasma using GC-MS", "使用 GC-MS 定量测定血清或血浆中的苯环利定", "气相色谱质谱技术定量测定血清或血浆标本中苯环利定的质量浓度" ], "230978008": [ "Janetta microvascular decompression of facial nerve", "Janetta 面神经显微血管减压术" ], "278295001": [ "Destruction of pleural lesion", "胸膜损伤破坏" ], "425751005": [ "Endoscopic cryoablation of lesion of kidney", "内镜肾脏病变冷冻消融术" ], "229143007": [ "Hip hitching exercise", "臀部收缩练习" ], "16151007": [ "Microbial identification and susceptibility test", "微生物鉴定及药敏试验" ], "442135008": [ "Referral to infectious disease clinic", "转诊至传染病诊所" ], "79852000": [ "Morphometric analysis, tumor", "Morphometric analysis, tumour", "形态学分析,肿瘤" ], "178156005": [ "Repair of tendo achilles", "Achilles tendon repair", "TA - Repair of tendo achilles", "Repair of Achilles tendon", "TA - 跟腱修复", "跟腱修复" ], "30700006": [ "Excision of transplanted tissue or organ", "切除移植的组织或器官" ], "14316006": [ "Biopsy of skin of forefoot", "前足皮肤活检" ], "440300008": [ "Surgical lengthening of radius and ulna with autografts", "通过自体移植手术延长桡骨和尺骨" ], "78017003": [ "Filleting of pancreas", "胰脏切除" ], "12481008": [ "Incision of middle ear", "中耳切开术" ], "895382009": [ "PIRRT - prolonged intermittent renal replacement therapy", "Prolonged intermittent renal replacement therapy", "长期间歇性肾脏替代治疗", "PIRRT-- 长期间歇性肾脏替代治疗" ], "8811003": [ "Repair of hepatothoracic fistula", "Closure of hepatothoracic fistula", "肝胸瘘管缝合", "肝胸瘘修补术" ], "287339004": [ "Vessel graft implant", "血管移植植入物" ], "238187004": [ "Repair of incisional hernia", "Incisional herniorrhaphy", "Incisional hernioplasty", "切口疝修补术" ], "418411006": [ "Medial spindle procedure", "内侧梭手术" ], "416576000": [ "Carbohydrate counting", "碳水化合物计数" ], "121664005": [ "Prednisolone measurement", "泼尼松龙测量" ], "711488007": [ "Plain X-ray of shunt", "分流管的普通 X 射线" ], "119829000": [ "Integumentary system transposition", "Skin flap and skin graft operations", "外皮系统移位", "皮瓣和皮肤移植手术" ], "252736007": [ "Continuous processed EEG", "Continuous processed electroencephalogram", "连续处理脑电图" ], "6976007": [ "Craniocervical spinal fusion", "Atlanto-occipital fusion", "Occipitocervical fusion", "Fusion of occipitocervical junction", "枕颈交界处融合", "枕颈融合", "寰枕融合", "颅颈脊柱融合术" ], "105280008": [ "Oxymetholone measurement", "羟甲烯龙测量" ], "21525004": [ "Excision of regional lymph nodes", "Block dissection of lymph nodes", "区域淋巴结切除", "淋巴结块清扫术" ], "447509005": [ "Laparoscopic lysis of intraluminal adhesions of ureter by retroperitoneal approach", "Retroperitoneoscopic lysis of intraluminal adhesions of ureter", "腹腔后镜输尿管腔内粘连松解术", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路输尿管腔内粘连松解术" ], "54293004": [ "Suture of skin wound of forefoot", "前足皮肤伤口缝合" ], "709653005": [ "MRI of lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint with contrast", "腰椎及骶髂关节磁共振成像对比", "腰椎及骶髂关节增强 MRI 检查" ], "201749007": [ "Incision of ligament", "韧带切开" ], "168981008": [ "Venography: peripheral", "静脉造影:外周" ], "183530004": [ "Referral to diabetologist", "转诊至糖尿病专科医生" ], "117994005": [ "Rickettsia (Proteus OXK) antibody assay", "Measurement of Proteus OXK antibody for detection of rickettsiae", "测量变形杆菌 OXK 抗体以检测立克次体", "立克次体(变形杆菌 OXK)抗体检测" ], "412906005": [ "Serum beta amino butyrate measurement", "Serum 3-Aminobutyrate measurement", "Serum beta amino butyrate level", "血清 β-氨基丁酸水平", "血清 3-氨基丁酸测量", "血清 β 氨基丁酸测定" ], "232682004": [ "Nasotracheal fibreoptic intubation", "Nasotracheal fiberoptic intubation", "经鼻气管插管" ], "265450005": [ "Open operations on prosthesis in bile duct", "胆管假体开放手术" ], "724202007": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of bilateral sacroiliac joints", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of bilateral sacroiliac joints", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of both sacroiliac joints", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of left and right sacroiliac joints", "双侧骶髂关节荧光透视关节造影", "左、右骶髂关节荧光透视关节造影", "双侧骶髂关节荧光造影" ], "134378009": [ "Congestive heart failure monitoring", "充血性心力衰竭监测" ], "181695006": [ "Diagnostic aspiration curettage of uterus", "Aspiration curettage of endometrium", "子宫内膜吸除术", "诊断性子宫吸刮术" ], "230847008": [ "Subcutaneous reservoir procedures for brain lesions", "脑损伤的皮下储液囊手术" ], "50623009": [ "Biopsy of anorectal wall by anal approach", "经肛门入路进行肛门直肠壁活检" ], "16020002": [ "Laryngeal function studies", "喉功能研究" ], "179860003": [ "Endoscopic drilling of lesion of articular cartilage", "内镜下关节软骨损伤钻孔术" ], "178025000": [ "Biopsy of abdominal mass", "腹部肿块活检" ], "32404009": [ "Fasciotomy of toe", "趾筋膜切开术" ], "440169004": [ "Education of school staff about medical condition of subject", "对学校工作人员进行受试者健康状况教育" ], "391017004": [ "Osteoporosis monitoring", "骨质疏松监测" ], "423785008": [ "Provision of interpreter/translator services", "Interpreter/translator services treatments and procedures", "提供口译/笔译服务", "口译/笔译服务处理和程序" ], "307262001": [ "Extraperitoneal incision", "腹膜外切口" ], "225342001": [ "Environmental assessment", "环境评估" ], "12350003": [ "Colonoscopy with rigid sigmoidoscope through colotomy", "经结肠切开术使用硬式乙状结肠镜进行结肠镜检查" ], "61502001": [ "Kinetic activities for strengthening", "Kinetic activities to increase strength", "增强力量的动力活动", "增强体质的动力活动" ], "241726007": [ "CP - Application of cricoid pressure", "Sellick's manoeuvre", "Application of cricoid pressure", "Sellick's maneuver", "CP - 环状软骨压迫治疗", "塞利克的策略", "环状软骨压迫的应用", "塞利克手法" ], "698643003": [ "Balloon dilation of coarctation of aorta", "Balloon dilatation of coarctation of aorta", "主动脉缩窄球囊扩张术" ], "5091000087100": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of right lower extremity joint", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of right lower limb joint", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of right lower limb joint", "右下肢关节X线透视关节造影", "右下肢关节X线透视造影" ], "305427005": [ "Admission to maxillofacial surgery department", "Admission to oral surgery department", "口腔外科入院", "颌面外科入院" ], "15331000087102": [ "CT of bilateral ribs with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral ribs with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right rib with contrast", "双侧肋骨增强 CT 检查", "左、右肋骨增强计算机断层扫描", "双侧肋骨增强计算机断层扫描" ], "20451000087100": [ "MRI of right humerus", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right humerus", "右肱骨磁共振成像", "右肱骨 MRI" ], "3811000087100": [ "Plain X-ray of right tibia and right fibula", "右胫骨和右腓骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "12771000087105": [ "Ultrasonography of left breast and left axilla", "Ultrasound of left breast and left axilla", "Ultrasound scan of left breast and left axilla", "左乳房和左腋窝超声扫描", "左乳房及左腋窝超声检查" ], "1251000087101": [ "Ultrasonography of right thigh", "Ultrasound of right thigh", "Ultrasound scan of right thigh", "右大腿超声波扫描", "右大腿超声检查" ], "860648003": [ "Tobacco use cessation case management", "戒烟案例管理" ], "11491000087105": [ "Ultrasonography of left buttock", "Ultrasound of left buttock", "Ultrasound scan of left buttock", "左臀部超声波扫描", "左臀部超声检查" ], "21731000087107": [ "Biopsy of bilateral lungs using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of bilateral lungs", "在荧光透视引导下进行双侧肺活检", "荧光透视引导下双肺活检" ], "287208004": [ "Operation on thalamus", "丘脑手术" ], "74216007": [ "Heinz body determination", "海因茨体测定" ], "121533002": [ "Dichlorobenzidine measurement", "二氯联苯胺测定" ], "39613004": [ "Non-specific esterase stain method, blood or bone marrow", "Non-specific esterase stain", "非特异性酯酶染色法,血液或骨髓", "非特异性酯酶染色" ], "1137341005": [ "Suture of laceration of tongue", "舌裂伤缝合" ], "252605007": [ "Residual inhibition of tinnitus", "RI - Residual inhibition of tinnitus", "RI - 耳鸣残留抑制", "耳鸣的残留抑制" ], "105149008": [ "Cycloserine measurement", "环丝氨酸测量" ], "711357009": [ "Measurement of C-reactive protein using high sensitivity technique", "采用高灵敏度技术测量 C 反应蛋白" ], "119698003": [ "Transplantation of tissue of ankle", "踝部组织移植" ], "709522003": [ "MRI of ovary with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of ovary with contrast", "卵巢增强 MRI 检查", "卵巢磁共振成像对比" ], "85095002": [ "Excision of malignant lesion of trunk", "躯干恶性病变切除术" ], "183399002": [ "Antiphobic therapy", "抗恐惧疗法" ], "871527004": [ "Facilitation of access to mental health service", "促进获得心理健康服务" ], "429159005": [ "Child psychotherapy", "儿童心理治疗" ], "232551006": [ "Isshiki type 1 thyroplasty", "Displacement of vocal fold with biological graft", "Displacement of vocal cord with biological graft", "一色1型甲状软骨成形术", "用生物移植材料进行声带移位" ], "134247007": [ "Legionella IgG level", "Legionella immunoglobulin G level", "军团菌 IgG 水平", "军团菌免疫球蛋白 G 水平" ], "117863006": [ "Pseudomonas aeruginosa antibody assay", "Measurement of Pseudomonas aeruginosa antibody", "铜绿假单胞菌抗体测定" ], "312636004": [ "Provision of local authority day care", "Local authority day care", "地方当局日托", "提供地方当局日托" ], "17724006": [ "Continuous wave Doppler analog wave form analysis of upper extremity arteries", "Continuous wave Doppler analogue wave form analysis of upper extremity arteries", "上肢动脉连续波多普勒模拟波形分析" ], "116028008": [ "Salpingo-oophorectomy", "Tubo-oophorectomy", "TO - Tubo-oophorectomy", "SO - Salpingo-oophorectomy", "TO-输卵管卵巢切除术", "输卵管卵巢切除术", "SO-输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "441873006": [ "Percutaneous replacement of aortic valve using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮主动脉瓣置换术" ], "179729007": [ "Primary prosthetic replacement of ligament", "韧带初次假体置换" ], "440038000": [ "Revision of vaginal prosthesis by abdominal approach", "经腹入路阴道假体修复术" ], "359953009": [ "Booster vaccination", "Booster immunisation", "Booster immunization", "加强疫苗接种", "加强免疫" ], "79590003": [ "Repair of femoral hernia by Henry approach", "Henry 入路修补股疝" ], "46822003": [ "Arthrography of wrist", "Wrist arthrogram", "腕关节造影" ], "734950005": [ "Injection of upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided injection of upper limb", "荧光透视引导下上肢注射", "透视引导上肢注射" ], "30438009": [ "Aspiration of bone marrow from donor for transplant", "Bone marrow harvesting", "Bone marrow harvest", "Harvest of bone marrow", "骨髓采集", "从捐献者身上抽取骨髓用于移植" ], "716731005": [ "Provision of bariatric transport", "提供减肥运输服务" ], "405435007": [ "Removal of subcutaneous intravenous access reservoir", "移除皮下静脉通路储液器" ], "225211008": [ "Search procedure", "搜查程序" ], "274363009": [ "Surgical biopsy of testis", "睾丸手术活检" ], "698512003": [ "Patient transfer to neonatal unit", "患者转至新生儿病房" ], "370832005": [ "Initiation of traffic control", "Initiates traffic control", "启动交通管制", "开始交通管制" ], "713061001": [ "Mellow Bumps Program", "Mellow Bumps Programme", "Mellow Bumps 计划" ], "305296009": [ "Admission by thoracic surgeon", "胸外科医生入院" ], "172389006": [ "Mucosal graft to conjunctiva", "粘膜移植至结膜" ], "24933008": [ "Decompression of heart", "心脏减压" ], "121402001": [ "Nifedipine measurement", "硝苯地平测量" ], "105018000": [ "Urobilin measurement", "尿胆素测量" ], "252474003": [ "Vital capacity test", "肺活量测试" ], "711226006": [ "Biopsy of bone using X-ray guidance", "使用 X 射线引导进行骨活检" ], "39482009": [ "Removal of arteriovenous shunt for renal dialysis", "肾透析动静脉分流术移除术" ], "70415003": [ "Repair of fistula of perineum", "Closure of fistula of perineum", "会阴瘘缝合术", "会阴瘘修补术" ], "234255004": [ "Excision of abdominal lymph nodes group", "腹部淋巴结组切除术" ], "54031006": [ "Incision and exploration of thymus field", "胸腺区切开探查" ], "35812000": [ "Open excisional biopsy of meninges", "Open excisional biopsy of cerebral meninges", "脑膜开放切除活检" ], "265188001": [ "Foot joint operations", "足部关节手术" ], "117732002": [ "Escherichia coli serotype determination", "大肠杆菌血清型测定" ], "281572005": [ "Direct current cardiac shock", "Direct current countershock", "Direct current shock", "直流反击", "直流电击", "直流心脏电击" ], "427193001": [ "Closure of prosthetic shunt to pulmonary artery from subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉至肺动脉的人工分流管封堵术" ], "443577005": [ "Percutaneous insertion of stent into aneurysm of cerebrum using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮脑动脉瘤支架置入术(荧光造影引导)" ], "1209007": [ "Arthroscopy of knee with lateral meniscus repair", "Arthroscopic repair lateral meniscus", "关节镜下修复外侧半月板", "膝关节镜检查及外侧半月板修复" ], "81294000": [ "Patient referral for psychotherapy", "Referral to psychotherapy service", "患者转诊进行心理治疗", "转介心理治疗服务" ], "48526000": [ "Ultrasound peripheral vascular flow study", "Doppler peripheral vascular flow study", "Echography of peripheral vascular system", "Ultrasonography of peripheral vascular system", "US scan of peripheral vessels", "超声外周血管血流研究", "周围血管系统超声检查", "多普勒外周血管血流研究", "外周血管超声扫描" ], "359822006": [ "Antifungal susceptibility test", "抗真菌药敏试验" ], "408974008": [ "Neurovascular care assessment", "Assess neurovascular care", "评估神经血管护理", "神经血管护理评估" ], "308835001": [ "Excision of suprapatellar bursa", "髌上滑囊切除术" ], "179598009": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture dislocation of joint and skeletal traction", "一期切开复位骨折脱位关节及骨牵引" ], "63075001": [ "Monitoring of cardiac output/cardiac index", "心输出量/心脏指数监测" ], "32142009": [ "Group preventive medicine education", "团体预防医学教育" ], "112227006": [ "Nasal occlusion test of exhalatory efficiency", "鼻塞呼气效率试验" ], "30307007": [ "Aspiration of muscle of hand", "手部肌肉抽吸" ], "405304000": [ "Division of scalenus anterior muscle by transaxillary approach", "Division of scalenus anterior muscle by trans-axillary approach", "Division of scalenus anterior muscle using transaxillary approach", "Myotomy of scalenus anterior muscle using transaxillary approach", "经腋窝入路前斜角肌肌切开术", "经腋窝入路分离前斜角肌" ], "390755008": [ "Serologic test for Varicella-zoster virus", "水痘-带状疱疹病毒血清学检测" ], "61240002": [ "Incision and exploration of epididymis", "附睾切开探查" ], "241464005": [ "US scan of lower limb vessels", "Ultrasound scan of lower limb vessels", "Ultrasound angiography of blood vessel of lower limb", "Ultrasound angiography of blood vessel of leg", "Ultrasound angiography of blood vessel of lower extremity", "Ultrasound of blood vessel of leg", "Ultrasonography of blood vessel of lower extremity", "Ultrasound scan of blood vessel of lower extremity", "Ultrasound scan of blood vessel of leg", "Ultrasound scan of blood vessel of lower limb", "Ultrasound of blood vessel of lower extremity", "Ultrasound of blood vessel of lower limb", "Ultrasonography of blood vessel of lower limb", "Ultrasonography of blood vessel of leg", "下肢血管超声检查", "腿部血管超声血管造影", "腿部血管超声检查", "下肢血管超声扫描", "腿部血管超声波扫描", "下肢血管超声造影" ], "225080005": [ "Spigotting of urinary catheter", "导尿管插管" ], "44856007": [ "Uroflowmetry", "Voiding flow rate test", "排尿流率测试", "尿流率测定" ], "437051000124106": [ "Increased insoluble fibre diet", "Increased insoluble fiber diet", "增加不溶性纤维饮食" ], "435771000124106": [ "General healthful diet", "一般健康饮食" ], "662331000124108": [ "Evaluation of eligibility for English as a second language programme", "Evaluation of eligibility for English as a second language program", "评估英语作为第二语言课程的资格" ], "239629005": [ "Correction of tibial pseudoarthrosis by excision and bone lengthening", "胫骨假关节切除及骨延长术矫正" ], "174093009": [ "Left hemicolectomy and end to end anastomosis of colon to rectum", "Left colectomy and end to end anastomosis of colon to rectum", "左结肠切除术及结肠与直肠端端吻合术", "左半结肠切除术及结肠与直肠端端吻合术" ], "26637009": [ "Revision of mastoidectomy resulting in tympanoplasty", "乳突切除术修复导致鼓室成形术" ], "450786008": [ "Revision of uncemented total replacement of joint", "Revision of uncemented total prosthetic replacement of joint", "非骨水泥型全关节假体置换术", "非骨水泥全关节置换术" ], "252343004": [ "Lymphocyte function test", "淋巴细胞功能检查" ], "104887006": [ "Porphyrins, quantitation and fractionation, urine", "尿液卟啉定量与分馏" ], "448951006": [ "Rotation osteotomy of diaphysis and external fixation", "骨干旋转截骨及外固定" ], "121271009": [ "Uroporphyrin I measurement", "尿卟啉 I 测量" ], "447116002": [ "Evacuation of haematoma of subcutaneous tissue", "Evacuation of hematoma of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织血肿清除" ], "397964005": [ "Bronchial suction via tracheostomy", "通过气管切开术进行支气管抽吸" ], "414348006": [ "Anti globoside antibody level", "Globoside antibody measurement", "红细胞抗体测量", "抗红细胞蛋白抗体水平" ], "53900007": [ "Obliteration of tympanomastoid cavity", "鼓室乳突腔闭塞" ], "250508007": [ "Bacterial antibody titer measurement", "Bacterial antibody titre", "Bacterial antibody titer", "Bacterial antibody titre measurement", "细菌抗体滴度", "细菌抗体滴度测定" ], "19297001": [ "Manipulation of tongue", "舌头的操控" ], "609121004": [ "Removal of female retropubic device", "Removal of device from retropubic space of female", "从女性耻骨后空间取出装置", "移除女性耻骨后装置" ], "117601008": [ "HLA (Human leucocyte antigen) DR phenotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen DR antigen phenotyping", "HLA (Human leukocyte antigen) DR phenotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen DR antigen phenotyping", "人类白细胞抗原 DR 抗原表型", "HLA(人类白细胞抗原)DR 表型" ], "228619002": [ "Provision of ramp", "提供坡道" ], "359691006": [ "Drainage of female pelvic peritoneum by incision", "女性盆腔腹膜切开引流" ], "392459007": [ "European hornet venom specific IgE antibody measurement", "i75 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Vespa crabro venom specific IgE antibody measurement", "Vespa crabro venom specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "i75 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "大黄蜂毒液特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "大黄蜂毒液特异性IgE抗体测定", "欧洲大黄蜂毒液特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "15627008": [ "Incision and drainage of deep hematoma of soft tissues of neck", "Incision and drainage of deep haematoma of soft tissues of neck", "颈部软组织深部血肿切开引流术" ], "243168005": [ "Positive end expiratory pressure withdrawn", "呼气末正压通气" ], "61109003": [ "Therapeutic radiology port film interpretation and verification", "治疗放射学端口胶片的解释和验证" ], "388789005": [ "Trigonella foenum-graecum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf305 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Fenugreek specific IgE antibody measurement", "Trigonella foenum-graecum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "葫芦巴特异性IgE抗体测量", "Rf305 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "胡芦巴特异性 IgE 抗体测定", "葫芦巴特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "306869008": [ "Muscle or tendon operation", "肌肉或肌腱手术" ], "26506001": [ "Excision of lesion of extraocular muscle", "Excision of lesion of eye muscle", "眼肌损伤切除术", "眼外肌病变切除术" ], "419722002": [ "Fluoroscopic thoracic myelogram", "透视胸椎造影" ], "241333009": [ "Measuring permeability of small intestine using radiolabelled serum proteins", "Measuring permeability of small intestine using radiolabeled serum proteins", "使用放射性标记血清蛋白测量小肠通透性" ], "42890002": [ "Pin retention, per tooth, in addition to restoration", "除修复外,每个牙齿的销钉固定" ], "173962004": [ "Ileotransverse colonic bypass", "Bypass of ileum by anastomosis of ileum to transverse colon", "回肠与横结肠吻合术", "回肠横结肠绕道手术" ], "761951003": [ "Repair of left direct and indirect inguinal hernia", "左侧腹股沟直疝及斜疝修补术" ], "450655005": [ "Open reduction of injury to epiphyseal growth plate", "骨骺生长板损伤切开复位" ], "73823005": [ "Anesthesia for transurethral procedure", "Anaesthesia for transurethral procedure", "经尿道手术麻醉" ], "270431009": [ "Incoming mail processing", "收到的邮件处理" ], "104756001": [ "Inter alpha-trypsin inhibitor measurement", "α-胰蛋白酶抑制剂间测定" ], "710964005": [ "Management of negative response to situation", "对情况的负面反应的管理" ], "53769000": [ "Body contact-exploration therapy", "Body contact-exploration maneuver", "Body contact-exploration manoeuvre", "身体接触探索疗法", "身体接触探索动作" ], "252212009": [ "Pergonal stimulation test", "经腹刺激试验" ], "37385004": [ "Diagnostic radiography of upper gastrointestinal tract with serial films", "上消化道诊断性X线摄影及连续胶片" ], "397833007": [ "Chemosurgery by Mohs' technique, first stage", "莫氏化学手术,第一阶段" ], "232158005": [ "Reconstruction of external ear with distant flap", "远端皮瓣重建外耳" ], "1295283000": [ "Plain X-ray of cervical oesophagus with contrast", "Plain X-ray of cervical esophagus with contrast", "颈段食管造影 X 光检查", "颈段食管造影 X 线平片" ], "312243002": [ "Cesium 137 brachytherapy remote afterloading", "Caesium 137 brachytherapy remote afterloading", "铯137近距离放射治疗远程后装" ], "787379002": [ "Handling of oriented specimen", "定向标本的处理" ], "50099004": [ "Open reduction of dislocation with external fixation", "切开复位外固定" ], "412541000119105": [ "Computed tomography of internal auditory structure without contrast", "CT of internal auditory structure without contrast", "无造影剂的内耳结构计算机断层扫描", "内部听觉结构无造影 CT" ], "426931009": [ "Subacute bacterial endocarditis prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic antibiotic for subacute bacterial endocarditis", "亚急性细菌性心内膜炎预防", "亚急性细菌性心内膜炎预防性抗生素治疗" ], "495741000119105": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine with contrast", "MRI of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine with contrast", "颈椎、胸椎和腰椎增强 MRI 检查", "颈椎、胸椎和腰椎的对比磁共振成像" ], "16559741000119107": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of cyst of spinal cord using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous needle biopsy of cyst of spinal cord", "CT引导下脊髓囊肿经皮穿刺活检", "计算机断层扫描引导下脊髓囊肿经皮穿刺活检" ], "310408005": [ "Open suturing of bronchopleural fistula", "支气管胸膜瘘开放缝合术" ], "406877006": [ "Lissamine fast red B stain method", "Lissamine fast red B stain", "丽丝胺固红 B 染色", "丽丝胺固红B染色法" ], "13661007": [ "Lidocaine measurement", "Xylocaine measurement", "赛罗卡因测量", "利多卡因测量" ], "388658004": [ "Barley specific IgE antibody measurement", "Hordeum vulgare specific IgE antibody measurement", "f6 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Hordeum vulgare specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Bardeum vulgare特异性IgE抗体测定", "f6 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "大麦特异性IgE抗体测定", "大麦特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "273970008": [ "Serum gonadotrophin studies", "Serum gonadotropin studies", "血清促性腺激素研究" ], "241202009": [ "Knee arthrogram with prosthesis", "带假体的膝关节造影" ], "239367003": [ "Surgery on study models of teeth", "Kesling set-up - surgery on study models of teeth", "对牙齿研究模型进行手术", "Kesling 设置 - 在牙齿研究模型上进行手术" ], "173831004": [ "Intubation of stomach for study of gastric secretion", "胃插管检查胃分泌情况" ], "304903009": [ "Provision of day care", "Day centre care", "Day center care", "日间中心护理", "提供日托服务" ], "1220572004": [ "Mammography guided biopsy of breast", "Biopsy of breast using mammography guidance", "Biopsy of breast using mammogram guidance", "乳房 X 线摄影引导下乳腺活检", "使用乳房 X 线摄影引导进行乳房活检", "在乳房 X 光检查引导下进行乳房活检" ], "450524006": [ "Conversion to hybrid total replacement of joint", "转换为混合全关节置换术" ], "90076009": [ "Partial excision of external ear", "Partial excision of pinna", "Partial excision of auricle", "外耳部分切除术", "耳廓部分切除术" ], "104625003": [ "delta-5-Pregnanetriol measurement", "δ-5-孕三醇测量" ], "448689003": [ "Radiofrequency biopsy of breast using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下乳腺射频活检" ], "22705003": [ "Nasal endoscopy with removal of foreign body", "鼻内窥镜检查并取出异物" ], "432305007": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of iliac vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of iliac vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of iliac vein with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of iliac vein with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮髂静脉栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮髂静脉造影栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮髂静脉造影栓塞术" ], "710833007": [ "Assessment of attitude toward disease", "疾病态度评估" ], "37254006": [ "Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration determination", "MCHC determination", "Mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration determination", "MCHC - Mean cell haemoglobin concentration", "MCHC - Mean cell hemoglobin concentration", "Erythrocyte mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration", "Erythrocyte mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration", "MCHC-平均细胞血红蛋白浓度", "MCHC 测定", "MCHC - 平均细胞血红蛋白浓度", "平均红细胞血红蛋白浓度测定", "红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度" ], "446854008": [ "Excision of sphenoid sinus and nasal turbinate", "Sphenoidectomy and turbinectomy", "蝶窦及鼻甲切除术", "蝶窦切除术和鼻甲切除术" ], "313947001": [ "Serum methionine measurement", "Serum methionine level", "血清蛋氨酸水平", "血清蛋氨酸测量" ], "608859002": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from periureteral tissue", "输尿管周围组织标本的显微镜检查" ], "363099003": [ "Division of male genital system structure", "男性生殖系统结构划分" ], "1231451004": [ "Hook test", "钩测试" ], "281179006": [ "Survey of dental cast", "Survey of dental model", "牙模调查", "牙科模型概况" ], "68187007": [ "Tracheobronchial suctioning", "气管支气管吸痰" ], "82736000": [ "Trabeculotomy", "小梁切开术" ], "117339008": [ "Dipstick colorimetric laboratory test method", "Dipstick colourimetric laboratory test method", "试纸比色实验室测试方法" ], "17200002": [ "Ventricular shunt to nasopharynx", "脑室分流至鼻咽部" ], "410416000": [ "Spiritual care surveillance", "精神关怀监测" ], "443184009": [ "Augmentation osteoplasty of facial bone using autogenous bone graft", "Repair and augmentation of bone of face using autogenous bone graft", "自体骨移植修复及增强面部骨质", "自体骨移植面部骨增强术" ], "719877006": [ "Assessment using Social Satisfaction Questionnaire", "使用社会满意度问卷进行评估" ], "15365007": [ "Excision of hematocele of tunica vaginalis", "Excision of haematocele of tunica vaginalis", "鞘膜积血切除术" ], "275674000": [ "Pre-employment examin./reports", "就业前检查/报告" ], "242906003": [ "Packing of nose for anterior epistaxis", "前鼻出血填塞术" ], "308442009": [ "Intranasal antrostomy and biopsy of maxillary antrum", "鼻内上颌窦造口术及上颌窦活检" ], "699823003": [ "Provision of written information", "提供书面信息" ], "716207004": [ "Assessment using Northwestern Syntax Screening Test", "Assessment using NSST (Northwestern Syntax Screening Test)", "使用 NSST(西北语法筛选测试)进行评估", "使用西北语法筛选测试进行评估" ], "306607005": [ "Discharge from psychiatry service", "精神病服务出院" ], "241071006": [ "Plain X-ray of scaphoid", "舟骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "75396001": [ "Conjunctivoplasty with reconstruction of cul-de-sac and extensive rearrangement", "结膜成形术,重建眼底凹陷及大面积重排" ], "59012002": [ "Carotid-subclavian artery bypass graft with vein", "Subclavian-carotid artery bypass graft with vein", "带静脉的颈动脉-锁骨下动脉搭桥术", "带静脉的锁骨下颈动脉搭桥术" ], "9860001": [ "Aneurysmectomy of descending aorta", "降主动脉瘤切除术" ], "239236002": [ "Repair of gastrocnemius muscle", "腓肠肌修复" ], "42628003": [ "Migration inhibitory factor test", "MIF test", "MIF 测试", "迁移抑制因子测试" ], "1156740009": [ "CT guided percutaneous drainage of liver", "Percutaneous drainage of liver using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行经皮肝脏引流", "CT引导下经皮肝穿刺引流" ], "108164009": [ "External ear endoscopy", "外耳内窥镜检查" ], "434009008": [ "Percutaneous embolization of brachial vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of brachial vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行经皮肱静脉栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮肱静脉栓塞术" ], "235566000": [ "Biliary drainage", "胆道引流" ], "237401009": [ "Drainage of breast abscess", "乳房脓肿引流" ], "6190006": [ "Colopexy", "Colofixation", "Fixation of colon", "共固定", "结肠固定", "阴道固定术" ], "430339001": [ "Pediatric autopsy", "Paediatric autopsy", "儿童尸检", "儿科尸检" ], "446723003": [ "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and dilation of gastric stoma", "上消化道内镜检查及胃造口扩张术" ], "708867006": [ "Arthrotomy with drainage of joint of wrist", "腕关节切开引流术" ], "413955007": [ "Deep sclerectomy with collagen implant", "DSCI - deep sclerectomy with collagen implant", "深部巩膜切除术和胶原蛋白植入", "DSCI-深部巩膜切除术和胶原蛋白植入" ], "18904001": [ "Anesthesia for orchiopexy", "Anaesthesia for orchiopexy", "睾丸固定术麻醉" ], "182744004": [ "Extracorporeal circulation procedure", "体外循环程序" ], "281048005": [ "Examination for rehabilitation", "康复检查" ], "770733004": [ "Cone beam CT of right ankle", "Cone beam computed tomography of right ankle", "右踝部锥形束 CT", "右踝部锥形束计算机断层扫描" ], "410285007": [ "Dressing change/wound care teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Dressing change/wound care teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Dressing change/wound care education, guidance, and counseling", "Dressing change/wound care education, guidance, and counselling", "换药/伤口护理教学、指导和咨询", "换药/伤口护理教育、指导和咨询" ], "48002005": [ "Incision of perivesical tissue", "膀胱周围组织切开" ], "179074009": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture and external fixation", "骨折切开复位外固定术" ], "439383001": [ "Measurement of nortriptyline in urine", "尿液中去甲替林的测定" ], "306476008": [ "Discharge by colorectal surgeon", "结直肠外科医生出院" ], "240940009": [ "Replacement of arterial stent", "动脉支架更换" ], "77100009": [ "Pyeloplasty", "Nephropyeloplasty", "Pelvi-ureteroplasty", "Foley operation for pyeloplasty", "Correction of ureteropelvic junction", "Pyeloureteroplasty", "Reconstruction of ureteropelvic junction", "Pelvioplasty of kidney", "Foley V-Y pyeloplasty", "Foley pyeloplasty", "Open pyeloplasty", "肾盂成形术", "肾骨盆成形术", "开放式肾盂成形术", "Foley 手术进行肾盂成形术", "肾盂输尿管成形术", "Foley V-Y 肾盂成形术", "肾盂输尿管连接处重建", "肾盂输尿管连接处矫正" ], "386561000": [ "Fetal craniotomy", "Craniotomy of the fetus", "Cephalotomy of fetus", "Fetal basiotripsy", "Foetal basiotripsy", "Foetal craniotomy", "Craniotomy of foetus", "Cephalotomy of foetus", "胎儿基底动脉切开术", "胎儿开颅手术", "胎儿头颅切开术", "胎儿开颅术" ], "879916008": [ "Radiofrequency ablation", "射频消融" ], "91649003": [ "Diagnostic radiography with gas-air, negative contrast", "使用气体负对比剂的诊断放射线照相术" ], "26113008": [ "Grafting of breast", "乳房移植" ], "108033009": [ "Ureter manipulation", "输尿管操作" ], "1287681009": [ "Transabdominal ultrasound scan of intestine", "Transabdominal ultrasonography of intestine", "Transabdominal intestinal ultrasound", "经腹部超声检查肠道", "经腹肠道超声检查" ], "24278000": [ "Fragmentation procedure", "Destruction of lesion or structure by fragmentation", "碎片化过程", "病变或结构碎裂破坏" ], "827094004": [ "Alcohol detoxification", "酒精解毒" ], "1304065009": [ "Assessment using MST (Malnutrition Screening Tool)", "Assessment using Malnutrition Screening Tool", "使用 MST(营养不良筛查工具)进行评估", "使用营养不良筛查工具进行评估" ], "384726006": [ "Replacement of prosthetic device", "Removal and replacement of prosthetic device", "更换假肢", "假肢的拆除和更换" ], "89814007": [ "Repair of ventricular septal defect with prosthesis", "Closure of defect of interventricular septum using prosthetic patch", "室间隔缺损人工修复", "用人工补片封闭室间隔缺损" ], "104363003": [ "Complement factor BB measurement", "补体因子 BB 测量" ], "235435008": [ "Extubation of gastrointestinal tract", "拔除胃肠道插管" ], "118912008": [ "Procedure on eyelid", "眼睑手术" ], "739669004": [ "Supracervical hysterectomy with left salpingo-oophorectomy", "宫颈上子宫切除术及左侧输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "35157006": [ "Incision of kidney", "Nephrotomy", "肾切开术", "肾脏切开术" ], "231765007": [ "Drainage of subretinal fluid", "视网膜下液引流" ], "16938001": [ "Reconstruction of eye socket", "Restoration of eye socket", "Reconstruction of orbital cavity", "眼窝重建", "眶腔重建", "眼窝修复" ], "410154006": [ "Advanced practice nursing care management", "Manage nurse practitioner service", "Manage nurse specialist service", "管理护士专科服务", "管理执业护士服务", "高级实践护理管理" ], "735999001": [ "Administration of carvedilol", "卡维地洛的给药" ], "47871003": [ "Anti DNase D test", "Measurement of deoxyribonuclease D antibody", "Anti-deoxyribonuclease D test", "抗 DNase D 检测", "脱氧核糖核酸酶D抗体的测量", "抗脱氧核糖核酸酶D检测" ], "391935006": [ "Pericardiolysis", "Pericardial adhesiolysis", "Lysis of adhesions of pericardium", "Freeing of pericardial adhesions", "释放心包粘连", "心包粘连松解术", "心包溶解" ], "80639007": [ "Lysis of adhesions of spermatic cord", "精索粘连松解术" ], "177108001": [ "Application of fetal scalp electrode", "胎儿头皮电极的应用" ], "439252002": [ "Sampling of vulva for smear", "外阴取样涂片" ], "62420009": [ "Excision of vaginal cyst", "Excision of cyst of vagina", "阴道囊肿切除术" ], "715945002": [ "Provision of specialist coronary care registered nurse patient escort", "提供专科冠心病护理注册护士陪同患者" ], "306345003": [ "Referral to arts therapist", "Referral to art therapist", "转介给艺术治疗师" ], "879785009": [ "Mechanical dilatation of pupil", "Mechanical dilation of pupil", "机械性扩张瞳孔", "机械扩张瞳孔" ], "142505009": [ "Cystoscopy", "膀胱镜检查" ], "173438003": [ "Removal of foreign body from tonsil", "FB - Removal of foreign body from tonsil", "去除扁桃体异物", "FB - 去除扁桃体异物" ], "1303934005": [ "Minimally invasive correction of thoracic spine using self adjusting rod and pedicle screws using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided correction of thoracic spine using self adjusting rod and pedicle screws using fluoroscopic guidance", "Correction of thoracic spine using self adjusting rod and pedicle screws using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下使用自调节棒和椎弓根螺钉矫正胸椎", "在荧光透视引导下使用自调节棒和椎弓根螺钉进行胸椎微创矫正", "在荧光透视引导下使用自调节棒和椎弓根螺钉进行胸椎矫正" ], "304510005": [ "Advice to avoid exercise", "Recommendation to avoid exercise", "避免运动的建议", "建议避免运动" ], "386430007": [ "Self-responsibility facilitation", "自我责任促进" ], "122451000": [ "Adjust denture", "Ease denture", "调整假牙", "简易假牙" ], "269907001": [ "Sperm count - number/cc", "Sperm number/cc", "Spermatozoa count number/cc", "精子计数个数/cc", "精子数量 - 数量/cc", "精子数/cc" ], "171603003": [ "Intracranial destruction of glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)", "舌咽神经颅内破坏(IX)" ], "400979004": [ "Homoeopathic consultation", "Homeopathic consultation", "顺势疗法咨询" ], "235304001": [ "Closure of perforated small intestine", "Repair of perforated small intestine", "小肠穿孔修补术", "小肠穿孔缝合" ], "38696002": [ "Injection of air", "注入空气" ], "104232004": [ "Antibiotic sensitivity, agar diffusion method", "抗生素敏感性,琼脂扩散法" ], "169768004": [ "Postnatal - sixth day visit", "产后第六天访视" ], "86013001": [ "Periodic reevaluation and management of healthy individual", "Preventive evaluation of established patient", "定期重新评估和管理健康个体", "已确诊患者的预防性评估" ], "446461001": [ "Exercise bronchial provocation test", "运动支气管激发试验" ], "708605003": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of joint structure of shoulder using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of shoulder joint", "影像引导下肩关节经皮细针穿刺活检", "影像引导下经皮肩关节结构细针穿刺活检" ], "118781003": [ "Procedure on nose", "鼻子上的手术" ], "233469007": [ "Creation of brachial-cephalic fistula", "Creation brachiocephalic fistula", "建立臂头瘘", "建立头臂瘘" ], "36861008": [ "Injection into bursa of hand", "手部滑囊注射" ], "313554002": [ "Blood cadmium measurement", "Blood cadmium level", "血液镉水平", "血镉测量" ], "51410004": [ "Sequestrectomy", "Excision of necrotic bone fragments", "Removal of necrotic bone fragment", "Excision of sequestrum", "Sequestrectomy of bone", "死骨切除术", "切除坏死骨碎片", "死骨切除", "骨坏死切除术", "去除坏死骨碎片" ], "231634007": [ "Instrumentation of nasolacrimal duct", "鼻泪管器械" ], "410023005": [ "Directional atherectomy", "定向旋切术" ], "82343008": [ "HLA-DQ serotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen DQ serotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen DQ serotyping", "HLA-DQ 血清分型", "人类白细胞抗原 DQ 血清分型" ], "719484006": [ "X-ray tomography of shoulder", "肩部 X 射线断层扫描" ], "703100007": [ "Fluoroscopy guided ureteric stent procedure", "Ureteric stent procedure using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导的输尿管支架手术", "荧光透视引导输尿管支架手术" ], "408188008": [ "Plasma oxalate level", "Plasma oxalate measurement", "血浆草酸测量", "血浆草酸水平" ], "13137001": [ "Operative procedure on pineal gland", "Operation on pineal gland", "Pineal gland operation", "Pineal operation", "松果体手术" ], "64124008": [ "Repair of vertebral fracture", "脊椎骨折修复" ], "715814000": [ "Assessment using Attentional Capacity Test", "Assessment using ACT (Attentional Capacity Test)", "使用 ACT(注意力能力测试)进行评估", "使用注意力测试进行评估" ], "699430002": [ "Posterior drawer test", "Posterior drawer sign test", "后抽屉试验", "后抽屉征检查" ], "306214004": [ "Referral to aural rehabilitation service", "转介至听觉康复服务" ], "173307000": [ "Restoration of tooth", "牙齿修复" ], "44070008": [ "Injection of artery of head and neck", "头颈部动脉注射" ], "175142009": [ "Implantation of permanent intravenous cardiac pacemaker", "永久静脉心脏起搏器植入术" ], "287995001": [ "Bile duct stoma closure", "胆管造口缝合" ], "386299008": [ "Family involvement promotion", "促进家庭参与" ], "171472002": [ "Drainage of abscess of brain tissue", "脑组织脓肿引流" ], "56784002": [ "Removal of automatic implantable cardioverter/defibrillator pads and electrodes", "移除自动植入式心脏复律器/除颤器垫片和电极" ], "122320006": [ "Chlamydia pneumoniae RNA assay", "Chlamydia pneumoniae ribonucleic acid assay", "肺炎衣原体 RNA 检测", "肺炎衣原体核糖核酸检测" ], "237008007": [ "Manoeuvres for delivery in shoulder dystocia", "Maneuvres for delivery in shoulder dystocia", "Maneuvers for delivery in shoulder dystocia", "肩难产的分娩手法" ], "431781000": [ "Insertion of tunnelled dialysis catheter using fluoroscopic guidance", "Insertion of tunneled dialysis catheter using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下插入隧道式透析导管" ], "235173003": [ "Primary repair of oesophageal atresia", "Primary repair of esophageal atresia", "食管闭锁的初次修复" ], "104101007": [ "Prolymphocyte count, blood", "血液中的幼年淋巴细胞计数" ], "69498006": [ "Culdoscopy with lysis of adhesions", "后穹窿镜粘连松解术" ], "233338007": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of common femoral artery", "CFA - Thrombolysis of the common femoral artery", "经皮股总动脉血栓溶解术", "CFA-- 股总动脉血栓溶解术" ], "2127000": [ "Reduction of closed sacral fracture", "闭合性骶骨骨折复位" ], "51279005": [ "Enlargement of foramen ovale in repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection", "卵圆孔扩大术在完全性肺静脉异位引流修复中的应用" ], "311588000": [ "Imitation of oral motor function", "模仿口腔运动功能" ], "424441002": [ "Prenatal initial visit", "Initial prenatal visit", "Antepartum initial visit", "初次产前检查", "产前初次访视", "产前初次检查" ], "80377005": [ "Aneurysmectomy of heart", "Excision of aneurysm of heart", "Cardiac aneurysm repair", "Heart aneurysm excision", "心脏动脉瘤切除术", "心脏动脉瘤修复" ], "113145005": [ "Biofeedback training in conduction disorder, arrhythmia", "传导障碍、心律失常的生物反馈训练" ], "1260025008": [ "Reconstruction of pressure injury stage II", "Reconstruction of pressure ulcer stage 2", "压力性损伤 II 期重建", "压疮重建 2 期" ], "176846001": [ "Excision of periurethral tissue", "切除尿道周围组织" ], "276985008": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of vein", "经皮静脉血栓溶解术" ], "225998007": [ "Dressing pressure sore using occlusive dressing", "Application of occlusive dressing to pressure injury", "使用封闭敷料包扎压疮", "封闭敷料在压疮治疗中的应用" ], "1290958008": [ "Serial plain X-ray of chest", "胸部连续X光检查" ], "715683003": [ "Computed tomography of prostate for brachytherapy planning", "CT of prostate for brachytherapy planning", "前列腺计算机断层扫描用于近距离放射治疗计划", "前列腺 CT 扫描用于近距离放射治疗计划" ], "43939005": [ "Autopsy service by diener", "diener 的尸检服务" ], "306083006": [ "Referral from therapeutic radiographer", "Referral by therapeutic radiographer", "放射治疗技师推荐", "放射治疗技师转诊" ], "763000000": [ "Assessment using Framingham coronary heart disease 10 year risk score", "使用 Framingham 冠心病 10 年风险评分进行评估" ], "173176002": [ "Open extirpation of lesion of lung", "肺病灶切除术" ], "91256003": [ "Lysis of adhesions of female perineum", "女性会阴粘连松解术" ], "122189000": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi 30kd antibody assay", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 30 kD antibody", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 30 kiloDalton antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体 30 千道尔顿抗体的测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体 30 kD 抗体的测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体 30kd 抗体检测" ], "9336009": [ "Chemical test, qualitative and quantitative", "化学测试,定性和定量" ], "236877007": [ "Lash operation on cervix", "Lash repair of internal os of cervix", "宫颈拉皮手术", "宫颈内口睫毛修复" ], "302413009": [ "Resuture of skin", "皮肤缝合" ], "448034002": [ "Excision of nodule of vocal cord using laser", "激光切除声带结节" ], "431650002": [ "Percutaneous replacement of temporary filter of superior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮上腔静脉临时滤器置换术(荧光造影引导)" ], "103970004": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from ABO system (ISBT 001)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from ABO system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 001)", "从 ABO 系统鉴定红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 001)", "鉴定 ABO 系统中红细胞抗原的抗体 (ISBT 001)" ], "415266006": [ "Referral to cataract clinic", "转诊至白内障诊所" ], "3831002": [ "Chiropractic application of ice", "冰敷脊椎按摩疗法" ], "429815004": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and atherectomy by laser", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and atherectomy by laser", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and atherectomy using laser", "荧光血管造影和激光斑块切除术", "荧光造影动脉造影和激光斑块切除术" ], "397047005": [ "Fogarty embolectomy of artery", "动脉 Fogarty 栓塞切除术" ], "233207009": [ "Operation on the pulmonary trunk and arteries", "PA - Pulmonary artery operation", "肺动脉及主干手术", "PA - 肺动脉手术" ], "167671009": [ "Feces pH", "Measurement of feces pH", "Faeces pH", "Measurement of faeces pH", "粪便酸碱度", "粪便 pH 值", "粪便 pH 值的测量" ], "788428005": [ "Stimulant therapy", "兴奋剂疗法" ], "772044006": [ "Amputation of entire lower limb and ipsilateral hemipelvis", "Hemipelvectomy", "Hindquarter amputation", "Jaboulay's amputation", "贾布莱的截肢手术", "整个下肢及同侧半骨盆截肢", "后肢截肢", "半骨盆切除术" ], "231372005": [ "Injection of neurolytic substance to glossopharyngeal nerve", "向舌咽神经注射神经溶解物质" ], "427980007": [ "Sleeve gastrectomy with duodenal switch", "袖状胃切除术及十二指肠转位术" ], "229537003": [ "Thumb strapping", "拇指绑带" ], "442529004": [ "Measurement of immunoglobulin A in serum specimen", "血清样本中免疫球蛋白A的测定" ], "16545005": [ "Operative procedure on nervous system", "Operation on nervous system", "神经系统手术" ], "309622001": [ "Child referral- speech therapy", "儿童转诊-言语治疗" ], "47478002": [ "Laminectomy for implantation of neurostimulator electrodes, spinal cord", "椎板切除术用于植入神经刺激器电极、脊髓" ], "391542001": [ "Urine metadrenaline level", "尿液中肾上腺素水平" ], "440694004": [ "Ultrasonography of midfoot", "中足超声检查" ], "80246006": [ "Special stain, blood or bone marrow, explain by report", "特殊染色,血液或骨髓,通过报告解释" ], "178550008": [ "Primary operation on thoracic spine", "胸椎初次手术" ], "275019004": [ "Roux-en-Y cholecystojejunostomy", "Roux-en-Y胆囊空肠吻合术" ], "174880000": [ "Creation of valved cardiac conduit", "建立带瓣心脏导管" ], "438859009": [ "Revision of arthroplasty of wrist joint with removal of implant", "腕关节置换术修复及移除植入物" ], "45643008": [ "Teleradiotherapy using electrons", "Teleradiotherapy beta particles", "Betatron electron teletherapy", "Electron teletherapy", "External beam radiation therapy using electrons", "电子远程治疗", "电子远程放射治疗", "远程放射治疗β粒子", "Betatron 电子远程治疗", "使用电子的外部放射治疗" ], "305952002": [ "Referral from general pathologist", "Referral by general pathologist", "由普通病理学家转诊", "普通病理学家的推荐" ], "699168008": [ "Open reduction of fracture of talus without internal fixation", "距骨骨折切开复位未内固定" ], "764704008": [ "Positron emission tomography and computed tomography of whole body using methionine C-11", "PET CT of whole body using methionine C-11", "使用蛋氨酸 C-11 进行全身 PET CT 检查", "使用蛋氨酸 C-11 进行全身正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描" ], "122058001": [ "Neisseria meningitidis Y antigen assay", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌 Y 抗原检测" ], "302282006": [ "Home assessment", "Home situation analysis", "家居状况分析", "家居评估" ], "120223001": [ "Repair in forearm", "前臂修复" ], "71071004": [ "Smith operation, open osteotomy of mandible", "Smith 手术,下颌骨开放式截骨术" ], "234911004": [ "Graft of mucosa to mouth", "Grafting of mucosa to mouth", "口腔黏膜移植", "口腔粘膜移植" ], "431519005": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of common carotid artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of common carotid artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "颈总动脉造影及支架置入术" ], "38303005": [ "Incision of skin of breast", "乳房皮肤切开术" ], "103839006": [ "Low molecular weight heparin assay", "低分子量肝素测定" ], "185759004": [ "Diabetes monitoring verbal invite", "糖尿病监测口头邀请" ], "710047005": [ "Management of negative response to treatment", "治疗负面反应的管理" ], "284063007": [ "Biopsy of lesion of floor of mouth", "口底病变活检" ], "3700004": [ "Erysiphake extraction of cataract by intracapsular approach", "Erysophake extraction of lens", "Suction extraction of lens", "晶状体红斑提取", "囊内摘除白内障", "镜头吸除" ], "1052276005": [ "Fixation of right breast", "Right mastopexy", "右侧乳房固定术", "右乳房固定术" ], "233076006": [ "Left ventricular operation", "LV - Left ventricular operation", "左心室手术", "LV - 左心室手术" ], "85620000": [ "Excision of tendon of hand for graft", "Tenonectomy of hand for graft", "手部腱鞘切除术用于移植", "切除手部肌腱进行移植" ], "52852000": [ "Bilateral insertion of prosthesis into breast", "Insertion of prosthetic device into breast, bilateral", "Insertion of bilateral breast prostheses", "双侧乳房植入假体", "将假体装置插入双侧乳房", "插入双侧乳房假体" ], "446068002": [ "Excision of lipoma of back", "背部脂肪瘤切除术" ], "34633002": [ "Biopsy of blood vessel", "Excisional biopsy of blood vessel", "血管活检", "血管切除活检" ], "67401002": [ "Irrigation of biliary tube", "胆管灌洗" ], "229406000": [ "Physiological mobilisation of the metatarsophalangeal joints", "Physiological mobilization of the metatarsophalangeal joints", "跖趾关节的生理活动" ], "231241008": [ "Facial nerve block O'Brien", "Local anaesthetic facial nerve block O'Brien", "Local anesthetic facial nerve block O'Brien", "面神经阻滞 O'Brien", "局部麻醉面神经阻滞 O'Brien" ], "165705008": [ "Plasma intrinsic inhibitor screening test", "血浆内在抑制剂筛选试验" ], "112883001": [ "Removal of foreign body from liver", "FB - Removal of foreign body from liver", "肝脏异物取出", "FB - 清除肝脏异物" ], "30963003": [ "Transglottic catheterization of trachea", "Transglottic catheterisation of trachea", "经声门气管插管术" ], "702707005": [ "Biopsy of head", "头部活检" ], "440563006": [ "Division of mandible", "下颌骨的分割" ], "63731008": [ "Creation of aortocarotid shunt", "Creation of aortocarotid vascular bypass", "建立主动脉颈动脉分流术", "建立主动脉颈动脉血管旁路" ], "391411009": [ "Urine monoacetyl morphine level", "尿液单乙酰吗啡浓度" ], "307656000": [ "Subtotal colectomy with ileosigmoid anastomosis", "结肠次全切除术及回肠乙状结肠吻合术" ], "897480001": [ "Assessment using Spence Children's Anxiety Scale", "使用斯宾塞儿童焦虑量表进行评估" ], "12744005": [ "Perineal urethroscopy", "会阴尿道镜检查" ], "240285001": [ "Percutaneous insertion of fetal shunt", "Percutaneous insertion of foetal shunt", "经皮胎儿分流管插入术" ], "387741004": [ "Excision of cyst of ovary", "Ovarian cystectomy", "Oophorocystectomy", "卵巢囊肿切除术" ], "10909005": [ "Audiometric group testing", "听力组测试" ], "713586002": [ "Urine microscopy for percentage of polymorphonuclear leukocytes", "尿液显微镜检查多形核白细胞百分比" ], "41842006": [ "Radioisotope study of hematopoietic system", "Radioisotope study of haematopoietic system", "造血系统的放射性同位素研究" ], "385906007": [ "Eye care education", "Teach eye care", "Vision care education", "视力保健教育", "教导眼睛护理", "眼部护理教育" ], "40007000": [ "Repair of defect of ulna with autograft", "自体骨移植修复尺骨缺损" ], "121927002": [ "Babesia microti antibody assay", "Measurement of Babesia microti antibody", "田鼠巴贝斯虫抗体测定", "田鼠巴贝斯虫抗体检测" ], "7239006": [ "Proctosigmoidoscopy for dilation", "直肠乙状结肠镜检查扩张" ], "433223007": [ "Doppler ultrasonography (US) of aorta", "Doppler ultrasonography of aorta", "主动脉多普勒超声检查", "主动脉多普勒超声检查(美国)" ], "234780000": [ "Try-in of mandibular resection prosthesis", "下颌骨切除假体的试戴" ], "120092009": [ "Eye reconstruction", "眼部重建" ], "445937005": [ "Argon plasma coagulation of lesion of stomach", "胃部病变氩离子凝固术" ], "232945005": [ "Open truncal valvotomy", "开放式躯干瓣膜切开术" ], "19953008": [ "Thromboendarterectomy with graft of abdominal aorta", "血栓内膜切除术及腹主动脉移植术" ], "50886001": [ "Nasogastric intubation for enteral infusion of concentrated nutritional substances", "鼻胃管插管以肠内输注浓缩营养物质" ], "265713008": [ "Revision posterior decompression lumbar spine", "腰椎后路减压翻修术" ], "394950001": [ "Plasmodium falciparum/vivax screening test", "恶性疟原虫/间日疟原虫筛查检测" ], "313030004": [ "Donor renal transplantation", "供肾移植" ], "1197766005": [ "Asynchronous electronic text-based encounter", "Encounter by electronic text-based asynchronous communication", "基于异步电子文本的遭遇", "通过电子文本异步通信进行交流" ], "231110003": [ "TENS - Burst transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation", "Burst transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation", "爆发性经皮神经电刺激", "TENS - 爆发性经皮神经电刺激" ], "868251000": [ "Administration of multimodal anaesthesia", "Administration of multimodal anesthesia", "Multimodal anaesthesia administration", "Multimodal anesthesia administration", "多模式麻醉管理", "多模式麻醉给药", "多模式麻醉的实施" ], "180123003": [ "Reversal rotation-plasty of ankle", "踝关节逆行旋转成形术" ], "473200002": [ "Genetic screening for disorder", "疾病基因筛查" ], "702576002": [ "Education about swallowing promotion therapy", "吞咽促进疗法教育" ], "112752007": [ "Arthroscopy of wrist with internal fixation for fracture", "腕关节镜检查及骨折内固定" ], "438597000": [ "Exploration of penetrating wound of abdomen", "腹部贯穿伤探查" ], "176453001": [ "Drainage of hydrocele", "鞘膜积液引流" ], "733509002": [ "Insertion of double lumen tracheobronchial tube", "Insertion of double lumen endotracheal tube", "双腔气管插管", "双腔气管支气管插管" ], "1290565005": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of upper limb", "上肢骨普通X光检查" ], "1208645007": [ "Arthroplasty of joint of left elbow", "Arthroplasty of left elbow", "左肘关节置换术" ], "715290001": [ "Computed tomography of lumbosacral spine for radiotherapy planning", "CT of lumbosacral spine for radiotherapy planning", "Computed tomography of lumbar and sacral spine for radiotherapy planning", "腰骶椎 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划", "腰骶椎计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "腰椎和骶椎的计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "780826002": [ "Education about hepatitis", "Education about inflammatory disease of liver", "肝脏炎症性疾病教育", "肝炎教育" ], "238319001": [ "Continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis", "CCPD - continuous cycling peritoneal dialysis", "持续循环腹膜透析", "CCPD-- 连续循环腹膜透析" ], "385775004": [ "Informing nurse", "Contacting nurse", "通知护士", "联系护士" ], "287471007": [ "Non-surgical fauces biopsy", "非手术咽喉活检" ], "172783009": [ "Biopsy of lesion of external nose", "外鼻病变活检" ], "416708003": [ "Lateral temporal bone resection", "侧颞骨切除术" ], "7108004": [ "Osteoclasis", "Surgical fracture", "手术骨折", "骨质疏松" ], "121796006": [ "Immunosuppressive acidic protein measurement", "免疫抑制酸性蛋白测量" ], "5273000": [ "Reduction of closed fracture of proximal end of ulna with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of proximal end of ulna", "尺骨近端闭合性骨折手法复位" ], "414873001": [ "Noncontact holmium YAG laser keratoplasty", "非接触性钬激光角膜移植术" ], "119961002": [ "Adenoid repair", "腺样体修复" ], "185497003": [ "In-house chiropody - domiciliary visit", "室内足病治疗 - 上门就诊" ], "252868009": [ "Optical axis deviation test", "Ocular alignment test", "光轴偏差测试", "眼位校准测试" ], "87193006": [ "Fusion-stabilization and immobilization", "Fusion-stabilisation and immobilisation", "融合稳定和固定" ], "398489007": [ "Legionella antigen assay", "Legionella antigen level", "军团菌抗原水平", "军团菌抗原检测" ], "38041009": [ "Grace Arthur point scale", "Grace Arthur 评分量表" ], "265582005": [ "Open prostatotomy", "开放式前列腺切开术" ], "413038005": [ "Ganglioside GT1b antibody level", "Ganglioside GT1b antibody measurement", "神经节苷脂 GT1b 抗体水平", "神经节苷脂 GT1b 抗体测量" ], "232814007": [ "Repair of implanted tricuspid paravalvular leak", "PVL - Repair of tricuspid paravalvular leak", "PPVL - Repair of tricuspid prosthetic paravalvular leak", "Repair of implanted tricuspid paravalvar leak", "PPVL - 修复三尖瓣人工瓣周漏", "PVL - 修复三尖瓣瓣周漏", "植入式三尖瓣瓣周漏的修复", "植入式三尖瓣瓣周漏的修补" ], "230979000": [ "Intracranial bony decompression of cranial nerve", "颅神经颅内骨性减压术" ], "36206007": [ "Salicylate measurement", "水杨酸盐测量" ], "85358006": [ "Construction of venous valves", "静脉瓣膜的构造" ], "183662009": [ "Refer to hospital pediatrics casualty", "Refer to hospital paediatrics casualty", "转诊至医院儿科伤亡" ], "445806009": [ "Assessment using brief pain coping inventory", "使用简短疼痛应对量表进行评估" ], "278296000": [ "Drainage of pleural cavity", "胸腔引流" ], "229144001": [ "Abdominal exercises", "腹部锻炼" ], "16152000": [ "Norepinephrine measurement, standing", "Noradrenaline measurement, standing", "去甲肾上腺素测量,站立", "站立时去甲肾上腺素测量" ], "48920003": [ "Hepatotomy with packing", "肝切开术及填塞" ], "391149001": [ "General psychiatric care of older adults - 24 hour not intensive", "老年人的一般精神病护理 - 24 小时非强化护理" ], "178157001": [ "Repair of quadriceps tendon", "股四头肌腱修复" ], "79853005": [ "Anesthesia for interpelviabdominal, hindquarter amputation", "Anaesthesia for interpelviabdominal, hindquarter amputation", "骨盆间腹部、后肢截肢术的麻醉" ], "440301007": [ "Open reduction of fracture of posterior malleolus with internal fixation", "后踝骨折切开复位内固定" ], "715159005": [ "Referral to diabetes service", "转介至糖尿病服务中心" ], "1255831008": [ "Targeted chemotherapy for cancer", "Chemotherapy for malignant neoplastic disease using targeted agent", "靶向药物化疗治疗恶性肿瘤", "癌症靶向化疗" ], "254572001": [ "Lower third open ureterolithotomy", "下三分之一开放输尿管切开取石术" ], "287340002": [ "Intra-abdominal venous anastomosis", "腹腔内静脉吻合术" ], "25196007": [ "Proctectomy by abdominoperineal resection with colostomy, two stages", "直肠切除术(经腹会阴切除术和结肠造口术),两阶段" ], "74348008": [ "Autopsy, gross and microscopic examination, limited", "尸检、大体和显微镜检查,有限" ], "238188009": [ "Incisional herniorrhaphy using sutures", "Repair of incisional hernia using sutures", "切口疝缝合术", "缝合修复切口疝" ], "252737003": [ "Continuous monitoring using cerebral function analysing monitor", "CFAM - Continuous monitoring using cerebral function analysing monitor", "CFAM - 使用脑功能分析监测仪进行连续监测", "使用脑功能分析监测仪进行连续监测" ], "121665006": [ "Prednisone measurement", "泼尼松测量" ], "236353006": [ "Suture of corpus cavernosum", "阴茎海绵体缝合术" ], "367425007": [ "Venotomy", "Incision of vein", "静脉切开术", "静脉切开" ], "301889008": [ "Excision of malignant skin tumour", "Excision of malignant skin tumor", "恶性皮肤肿瘤切除术" ], "105281007": [ "Oxyphenbutazone measurement", "氧苯丁诺酮测量" ], "21526003": [ "Repair of atrial septal defect with tissue graft", "组织移植修复房间隔缺损" ], "709654004": [ "Aspiration of renal cyst using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided aspiration of cyst of kidney", "Aspiration of cyst of kidney using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肾囊肿抽吸", "CT引导下肾囊肿穿刺" ], "119830005": [ "Skin of head incision", "头部皮肤切口" ], "168982001": [ "Venogram - pertrochanteric", "静脉造影 - 转子间" ], "412907001": [ "Blood spot propionylcarnitine measurement", "Blood spot propionyl carnitine", "血斑丙酰肉碱测量", "血斑丙酰肉碱" ], "134379001": [ "Peripheral vascular disease monitoring", "外周血管疾病监测" ], "429291002": [ "Injection of steroid into carpometacarpal joint of finger", "手指腕掌关节注射类固醇" ], "281835005": [ "Adjust orthodontic appliance", "调整矫正器" ], "445675007": [ "Assessment using quick disabilities of the arm shoulder and hand outcome measure", "使用快速手臂、肩膀和手部残疾结果测量法进行评估" ], "85227008": [ "Preparation of standardized bacterial suspension", "Preparation of standardised bacterial suspension", "标准化菌悬液的制备", "标准化细菌悬浮液的制备" ], "265451009": [ "Roux-en-Y procedure for biliary atresia", "胆道闭锁 Roux-en-Y 手术" ], "232683009": [ "Cricothyroidotomy tube insertion", "环甲膜切开管插入" ], "230848003": [ "Connection from brain lesion to subcutaneous reservoir", "脑损伤与皮下储液器的连接" ], "179861004": [ "Endoscopic fixation of lesion of articular cartilage", "内镜下关节软骨损伤固定术" ], "32405005": [ "Incision and drainage of hematoma of hip joint area", "Incision and drainage of haematoma of hip joint area", "髋关节区血肿切开引流术", "髋关节区血肿切开引流" ], "229013007": [ "Biopsy of joint structure", "关节结构活检" ], "736917008": [ "Ultrasonography Doppler pressure of right peroneal artery", "Right peroneal artery Doppler pressure", "右腓动脉多普勒压力", "超声检查右腓动脉多普勒压力" ], "718698002": [ "Assessment using Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale", "使用 Lysholm 膝关节评分量表进行评估" ], "178026004": [ "Biopsy of pelvic mass", "盆腔肿块活检" ], "423786009": [ "Maintenance of vascular sheath", "Vascular sheath care", "血管鞘护理", "血管鞘的维护" ], "241727003": [ "Induced hypotension", "Hypotensive technique", "诱发低血压", "降压技术" ], "225343006": [ "Assessment of needs", "Needs assessment", "需求评估" ], "305428000": [ "Admission to orthopedic department", "Admission to orthopaedic department", "骨科入院" ], "10516001": [ "Postpartum ligation of fallopian tubes", "Postpartum sterilisation by bilateral tubal ligation", "Postpartum sterilization by bilateral tubal ligation", "Postpartum bilateral tubal ligation", "双侧输卵管结扎产后绝育", "产后双侧输卵管结扎", "产后输卵管结扎" ], "698644009": [ "Closure of systemic to pulmonary artery shunt by division", "用分割术封堵体动脉至肺动脉分流" ], "57833002": [ "Suture of joint capsule with arthroplasty of ankle", "踝关节置换术中关节囊缝合" ], "8681005": [ "Manipulation of artery of extremity", "肢体动脉操作" ], "860649006": [ "Termination of pregnancy inpatient care management", "终止妊娠住院护理管理" ], "449214001": [ "Transfer to progressive care unit", "Transfer to stepdown unit", "转至降压装置", "转入渐进式护理病房" ], "6846004": [ "Incision of pituitary gland", "Incision of hypophysis", "垂体切开术" ], "301758004": [ "Excision of pilonidal abscess", "切除藏毛窦" ], "236222006": [ "Exploration and drainage of bladder", "Exploration and drainage of urinary bladder", "膀胱探查引流", "膀胱探查及引流" ], "711358004": [ "Measurement of anti-Mullerian hormone, quantitative", "抗苗勒氏管激素定量测量" ], "105150008": [ "Dantron measurement", "丹特龙测量" ], "55998007": [ "Manipulation of aorta", "主动脉操作" ], "121534008": [ "Dichlorodifluoroethane measurement", "二氯二氟乙烷的测量" ], "252606008": [ "Electromechanical tests of ear or hearing function", "耳或听力功能的电机械测试" ], "840595002": [ "Platelet aggregation inhibitor therapy", "血小板聚集抑制剂治疗" ], "447379005": [ "Replacement of indwelling catheter of urinary bladder", "膀胱留置导尿管更换术" ], "119699006": [ "Transposition of tissue of foot", "足部组织移位" ], "4541000087104": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of left breast", "Biopsy of left breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "使用超声引导进行左乳房活检", "超声引导下左乳房活检" ], "1981000087104": [ "CT of left upper extremity", "Computed tomography of left arm", "Computed tomography of left upper extremity", "Computed tomography of left upper limb", "CT of left arm", "CT of left upper limb", "左臂CT", "左上肢ct", "左上肢计算机断层扫描", "左上肢CT", "左臂计算机断层扫描" ], "134248002": [ "Legionella IgM level", "Legionella immunoglobulin M level", "军团菌 IgM 水平", "军团菌免疫球蛋白 M 水平" ], "21181000087107": [ "Ultrasonography of left biceps tendon", "Ultrasound scan of left biceps tendon", "Ultrasound of left biceps tendon", "左肱二头肌腱超声检查", "左二头肌腱超声检查", "左二头肌腱超声扫描" ], "701000087108": [ "Fluoroscopy guided bilateral nephrostomy", "Bilateral nephrostomy using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下双侧肾造口术", "在荧光透视引导下进行双侧肾造口术" ], "5821000087109": [ "Angiography of right carotid artery", "Arteriography of right carotid artery", "右颈动脉造影" ], "232552004": [ "Arytenoid adduction/rotation", "杓状软骨内收/旋转" ], "709523008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of rectum with contrast", "MRI of rectum with contrast", "直肠增强磁共振成像", "直肠增强 MRI" ], "773224003": [ "Laparoscopic TAPP (transabdominal preperitoneal) inguinal hernioplasty using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair of inguinal hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic TAPP (transabdominal preperitoneal) repair of inguinal hernia using synthetic mesh", "使用合成网片进行腹腔镜 TAPP(经腹腹膜前)腹股沟疝修补术", "腹腔镜经腹腹膜前合成网片修补腹股沟疝" ], "48061000087108": [ "Recommendation to repeat colonoscopy", "建议重复结肠镜检查" ], "50621000087108": [ "Recommendation to restart drug treatment", "建议重新开始药物治疗" ], "116029000": [ "Wedge biopsy of kidney", "肾脏楔形活检" ], "1230141004": [ "Education about nutrition influence on health", "营养教育对健康的影响" ], "427325006": [ "Providing reassurance to carer", "Providing reassurance to caregiver", "让护理人员放心" ], "17725007": [ "Grafting of bone of radius", "桡骨移植" ], "312637008": [ "Provision of services and equipment", "提供服务和设备" ], "179730002": [ "Primary prosthetic replacement of multiple ligaments", "多条韧带的初次假体置换" ], "736786002": [ "Provision of advice about muscle strengthening exercise", "提供肌肉强化锻炼建议" ], "30439001": [ "Venography of inferior vena cava with serialography", "下腔静脉造影及序列造影" ], "225212001": [ "Holding procedure", "持有程序" ], "734951009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral breasts", "MRI of bilateral breasts", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both breasts", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right breast", "左、右乳房磁共振成像", "双侧乳房 MRI", "双侧乳房磁共振成像" ], "716732003": [ "Provision of emergency ambulance", "提供紧急救护车" ], "274364003": [ "Surgical biopsy of penis", "阴茎手术活检" ], "44988003": [ "Repair of nonunion of tibia", "胫骨骨不连的修复" ], "305297000": [ "Admission by cardiac surgeon", "心脏外科医生入院" ], "405436008": [ "Catheterisation of vein of lower limb", "Catheterization of vein of lower limb", "下肢静脉置管", "下肢静脉插管" ], "174225000": [ "Intubation of colon for pressure manometry", "结肠插管进行压力测压" ], "370833000": [ "Minimizes the length of invasive procedure by planning care", "通过规划护理,最大程度缩短侵入性手术的时间" ], "26769008": [ "Bleeding time, Duke", "流血时间,杜克" ], "698513008": [ "Closure of skin wound of neck by tape", "用胶带封闭颈部皮肤伤口" ], "172390002": [ "Amniotic graft to conjunctiva", "羊膜移植至结膜" ], "90470006": [ "Prostatectomy", "Prostate excision", "前列腺切除术" ], "450918007": [ "Nasopharyngolaryngoscopy", "鼻咽喉镜检查" ], "8550006": [ "Partial bilateral salpingectomy for sterilization", "Partial bilateral salpingectomy for sterilisation", "部分双侧输卵管切除术" ], "252475002": [ "Tidal volume test", "潮气量测试" ], "711227002": [ "CT cystogram", "Computed tomography cystography", "CT cystography", "计算机断层膀胱造影", "CT膀胱造影" ], "121403006": [ "Nitrate measurement", "硝酸盐测量" ], "105019008": [ "Urobilinogen measurement, urine, qualitative", "尿胆原测量,尿液,定性" ], "234256003": [ "Excision of inguinal lymph nodes group", "Inguinal lymphadenectomy", "腹股沟淋巴结清扫术", "腹股沟淋巴结组切除" ], "86800006": [ "Operation on trachea", "Trachea operation", "气管手术" ], "789477006": [ "Removal of fixed orthodontic retainer", "Removal of bonded orthodontic retainer", "移除固定矫正保持器", "拆除粘合的牙齿矫正保持器" ], "117733007": [ "Escherichia coli verotoxin assay", "大肠杆菌维罗毒素测定" ], "443578000": [ "Radionuclide imaging of transplanted kidney", "移植肾放射性核素显像" ], "1230010003": [ "Endovascular procedure", "Percutaneous transluminal procedure on blood vessel", "经皮血管腔内手术", "血管内手术" ], "81295004": [ "Phonocardiogram with ECG lead, interpretation and report", "Phonocardiogram with electrocardiogram lead, interpretation and report", "心音图及心电图导联、解释和报告" ], "15759005": [ "Dorsal slitting of prepuce", "Dorsal slit of prepuce", "包皮背侧切开术", "包皮背裂" ], "48527009": [ "Suture of pharynx", "Pharyngorrhaphy", "咽部缝合", "咽缝合术" ], "408975009": [ "Neurovascular care education", "Teach neurovascular care", "教授神经血管护理", "神经血管护理教育" ], "439908001": [ "Education about selection of newborn care provider", "关于选择新生儿护理提供者的教育" ], "61241003": [ "Phytanate measurement", "植酸测量" ], "405305004": [ "Abdominal extra-anatomic arterial bypass", "腹部解剖外动脉旁路手术" ], "241465006": [ "US scan of upper limb vessels", "Ultrasound scan of upper limb vessels", "Ultrasound angiography of blood vessel of upper limb", "Ultrasonography of blood vessel of upper limb", "Ultrasound of blood vessel of upper limb", "Ultrasound scan of blood vessel of upper limb", "上肢血管超声造影", "上肢血管超声检查", "上肢血管超声扫描" ], "239630000": [ "Correction of tibial pseudoarthrosis by free fibula graft", "游离腓骨移植矫正胫骨假关节" ], "10254002": [ "Excision of diverticulum of small intestine", "Diverticulectomy of small intestine", "Excision of diverticula of small intestine", "Diverticulectomy - small intestine", "憩室切除术 - 小肠", "小肠憩室切除术" ], "174094003": [ "Left hemicolectomy and end-to-end anastomosis of colon to colon", "Left colectomy and end-to-end anastomosis of colon to colon", "左半结肠切除术及结肠端端吻合术", "左半结肠切除及结肠端端吻合术" ], "57571002": [ "Crossed straight leg test", "Well leg straight leg raising test", "Contralateral straight raising test", "交叉直腿试验", "对侧直立试验", "健腿直腿抬高试验" ], "450787004": [ "Revision of cemented total replacement of joint", "骨水泥全关节置换术" ], "41187008": [ "Nonoperative respiratory measurements", "非手术性呼吸测量" ], "104888001": [ "Pregnancy specific protein 1 measurement", "妊娠特异性蛋白 1 测量" ], "121272002": [ "Uroporphyrin III measurement", "尿卟啉 III 测量" ], "437781000124101": [ "Increased methionine diet", "增加蛋氨酸饮食" ], "252344005": [ "Lymphocyte proliferation test", "淋巴细胞增殖试验" ], "399800007": [ "RGm23 specific IgG antibody measurement", "Thermoactinomyces vulgaris specific IgG antibody measurement", "Thermoactinomyces vulgaris specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "普通嗜热放线菌特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定", "普通嗜热放线菌特异性 IgG 抗体测定", "RGm23 特异性 IgG 抗体测量" ], "439061000124104": [ "Fluid restricted diet", "限制液体饮食" ], "709261005": [ "Assessment of breastfeeding", "Breastfeeding assessment", "母乳喂养评估" ], "1217165009": [ "Anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery to first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 与左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支的吻合术", "左胸内动脉 (LITA) 与左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支的吻合术", "左胸廓内动脉与左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支吻合术" ], "117602001": [ "Human leucocyte antigen DR beta antigen phenotyping", "HLA (Human leukocyte antigen) DR beta phenotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen DR beta antigen phenotyping", "HLA (Human leucocyte antigen) DR beta phenotyping", "HLA(人类白细胞抗原)DR β 表型", "人类白细胞抗原 DR β 抗原表型" ], "2914003": [ "Anterior sclerotomy", "前巩膜切开术" ], "428898005": [ "Genital piercing", "Piercing of genital structure", "生殖器穿孔" ], "609122006": [ "Removal of device from retropubic space of male", "Removal of male retropubic device", "男性耻骨后装置移除", "从男性耻骨后间隙取出装置" ], "1295415001": [ "Introduction into skin", "皮肤导入" ], "66615003": [ "General day care of child", "儿童一般日托" ], "392460002": [ "Common wasp venom specific IgE antibody measurement", "Yellow jacket venom specific IgE antibody measurement", "Vespula spp. venom specific IgE antibody measurement", "i3 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Vespula spp. venom specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "黄蜂属毒液特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测定", "i3 特异性IgE抗体测量", "黄蜂属蛇毒特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "普通黄蜂毒液特异性IgE抗体测定", "黄蜂毒特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "310540006": [ "Eosinophil percent differential count", "Percentage eosinophil count", "嗜酸性粒细胞计数百分比", "嗜酸性粒细胞百分率分类计数" ], "228620008": [ "Provision of communication aid", "提供通讯援助" ], "32012009": [ "Radioisotope scan of head", "Radionuclide study of head", "头部放射性核素检查", "头部放射性同位素扫描" ], "718305004": [ "Ultrasonography guided insertion of tunneled drain into thorax", "Insertion of tunneled drain into thorax using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided insertion of tunnelled drain into thorax", "Insertion of tunnelled drain into thorax using ultrasonographic guidance", "在超声引导下将隧道式引流管插入胸腔", "超声引导下将隧道式引流管插入胸腔", "超声引导下将隧道引流管插入胸腔" ], "13793006": [ "Extracapsular extraction of lens", "Extracapsular cataract extraction", "ECCE - Extracapsular cataract extraction", "白内障囊外摘除术", "晶状体囊外摘除术", "ECCE - 白内障囊外摘除术" ], "388790001": [ "f4 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Wheat specific IgE antibody measurement", "Triticum aestivum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Triticum aestivum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "小麦特异性 IgE 抗体测定", "小麦特异性IgE抗体测定", "小麦特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f4 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "28342002": [ "Anesthesia for intraoral procedure", "Anaesthesia for intraoral procedure", "口腔内手术麻醉" ], "175798002": [ "Plication of vena cava", "下腔静脉折皱术" ], "241334003": [ "Measuring permeability of small intestine using radiolabelled macromolecules", "Measuring permeability of small intestine using radiolabeled macromolecules", "使用放射性标记的大分子测量小肠通透性" ], "239499008": [ "Excision arthroplasty of joint of hip", "髋关节切除置换术" ], "450656006": [ "Closed reduction of injury to epiphyseal growth plate", "骨骺生长板损伤闭合复位" ], "55605003": [ "Platelet antibody assay", "Measurement of platelet antibody", "血小板抗体测定", "血小板抗体检测" ], "252213004": [ "Repeated sampling for hormone pulsatility", "重复取样检测激素脉动" ], "104757005": [ "Intrinsic factor measurement", "内在因素测量" ], "710965006": [ "Management of negative emotional state", "管理负面情绪状态" ], "432437007": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of external carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of external carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "透视引导下经皮颈外动脉栓塞术", "用造影剂荧光透视引导经皮颈外动脉栓塞术" ], "266762003": [ "Colposcopy - remove obj", "Colposcopy to remove object", "阴道镜检查取出异物", "阴道镜检查 - 移除物体" ], "250378007": [ "ABO antigen type determination", "ABO antigen type", "ABO 抗原型测定", "ABO抗原类型" ], "232159002": [ "Reconstruction of external ear with free flap", "Reconstruction of external ear with microvascular transferred flap", "微血管移植皮瓣修复外耳缺损", "游离皮瓣重建外耳" ], "948007": [ "Phlebectomy of intracranial varicose vein", "Excision of intracranial varicose vein", "颅内静脉曲张切除术" ], "312244008": [ "Cobalt 60 brachytherapy remote afterloading", "钴 60 近距离放射治疗远程后装" ], "359561007": [ "Brockman operation", "布罗克曼手术" ], "13662000": [ "Anastomosis of pulmonary-subclavian artery by Blalock-Taussig operation", "Blalock-Taussig operation, subclavian-pulmonary anastomosis", "Shunt of subclavian to pulmonary artery", "Creation of subclavian-pulmonary shunt", "Blalock-Taussig shunt", "BT - Blalock-Taussig shunt", "BTS - Blalock-Taussig shunt", "Classical Blalock-Taussig shunt", "BT - Blalock-Taussig 分流术", "建立锁骨下肺动脉分流术", "Blalock-Taussig分流术", "Blalock-Taussig 手术吻合肺动脉-锁骨下动脉", "Blalock-Taussig 手术、锁骨下肺动脉吻合术", "锁骨下动脉至肺动脉分流术", "经典 Blalock-Taussig 分流术", "BTS - Blalock-Taussig 分流术" ], "406878001": [ "Lissamine fast yellow stain method", "Lissamine fast yellow stain", "丽丝胺固黄染色法", "丽丝胺固黄染色" ], "241203004": [ "Ankle arthrogram", "踝关节造影" ], "16548951000119100": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of brain", "SPECT of brain", "脑 SPECT", "脑单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "273971007": [ "Serum follicle stimulating hormone measurement", "Serum follicle stimulating hormone level", "血清促卵泡激素测定", "血清促卵泡激素水平" ], "385111000119104": [ "Computed tomography of facial bones without contrast", "CT of facial bones without contrast", "无造影剂面部骨骼计算机断层扫描", "面部骨骼无造影 CT" ], "388659007": [ "Horse meat specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf321 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Horse meat specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "马肉特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rf321特异性IgE抗体测量", "马肉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "16342871000119103": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of clavicle without contrast", "MRI of clavicle without contrast", "锁骨无造影 MRI", "无造影剂锁骨磁共振成像" ], "28211009": [ "Canal preparation and fitting of preformed dowel or post", "根管准备及预制销钉或桩的安装" ], "1287944007": [ "ORIF (open reduction and internal fixation) fracture femur using cable", "Open reduction of fracture of femur and internal fixation using cable", "股骨骨折切开复位钢丝内固定", "使用电缆进行股骨骨折切开复位内固定" ], "239368008": [ "Orthognathic surgery on photographs", "根据照片进行正颌手术" ], "419592009": [ "Culture of cornea", "角膜培养" ], "73693002": [ "Division of intracranial vein", "颅内静脉分离" ], "171997006": [ "Partial parathyroidectomy and parathyroid tissue transposition", "甲状旁腺部分切除术和甲状旁腺组织移位术" ], "450525007": [ "Drainage of dental abscess by extraoral approach", "口外入路牙脓肿引流" ], "710834001": [ "Assessment of attitude toward health status", "健康状况态度评估" ], "104626002": [ "delta-Aminolevulinic acid measurement", "delta-Aminolaevulinic acid measurement", "δ-氨基乙酰丙酸测量" ], "1251506007": [ "Repair of joint of right hip", "Arthroplasty of right hip", "右髋关节置换术", "右髋关节修复" ], "432306008": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of brachial artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of brachial artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮肱动脉栓塞术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行经皮肱动脉栓塞术" ], "88242007": [ "Cytopathology procedure, preparation, screening and interpretation, nongenital source", "细胞病理学程序、准备、筛查和解释,非生殖器来源" ], "414087000": [ "Emergency chronic obstructive pulmonary disease admission since last appointment", "自上次预约以来因慢性阻塞性肺病紧急入院" ], "708999004": [ "Laparoscopic repair of bilateral indirect inguinal hernias with graft or prosthesis", "Laparoscopic repair of both indirect inguinal hernias with graft or prosthesis", "腹腔镜下使用移植物或假体修复腹股沟斜疝", "腹腔镜下使用移植物或假体修复双侧腹股沟斜疝" ], "4487006": [ "Norepinephrine measurement, supine", "Noradrenaline measurement, supine", "去甲肾上腺素测量,仰卧" ], "430471009": [ "Fluoroscopy of ankle", "踝部荧光透视检查" ], "68188002": [ "Incision of large intestine", "Enterotomy of large intestine", "大肠切开术" ], "446855009": [ "Laparoscopic excision of pelvic lymph node", "腹腔镜盆腔淋巴结切除术" ], "445020001": [ "Change of drainage collection device", "更换排水收集装置" ], "707164004": [ "Insertion of cannula into femoral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of femoral arterial cannula with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下将套管插入股动脉", "荧光透视引导下插入造影股动脉套管" ], "363100006": [ "Division of musculoskeletal system", "肌肉骨骼系统科" ], "117340005": [ "Specimen dilution laboratory test method", "标本稀释实验室测试方法" ], "817000": [ "Excision of cyst of spleen", "脾囊肿切除术" ], "84572006": [ "Pleurodesis", "Scarification of pleura", "Obliteration of pleural cavity", "Pleurosclerosis", "胸膜腔闭塞", "胸膜硬化", "胸膜瘢痕化", "胸膜固定术" ], "33585002": [ "Silica measurement, blood", "二氧化硅测量,血液" ], "313948006": [ "Serum ampicillin level", "Serum ampicillin measurement", "血清氨苄西林测定", "血清氨苄西林水平" ], "281180009": [ "Reline of maxillofacial prosthesis", "颌面假体修复" ], "443185005": [ "Augmentation osteoplasty of facial bone using prosthetic implant", "Repair and augmentation of bone of face using prosthetic implant", "使用假体植入物修复和增强面部骨骼", "面部骨增强术" ], "179206000": [ "Apply Kirschner wire skeletal traction", "Kirschner's wire traction", "克氏针牵引", "应用克氏针骨牵引" ], "410417009": [ "Health promotion surveillance", "Stimulation/nurturance surveillance", "健康促进监测", "刺激/养育监控" ], "31750008": [ "Division of superior laryngeal nerve", "喉上神经的分支" ], "15366008": [ "Ciliectomy of ciliary body", "Excision of ciliary body", "Cyclectomy", "睫状体切除术" ], "439515001": [ "Light reflection rheography", "Light reflection rheography (LRR)", "光反射血流图", "光反射血流图 (LRR)" ], "29915004": [ "Autopsy, clerical with coding procedure", "尸检、文书及编码程序" ], "308443004": [ "Intranasal antrostomy and excision of lesion of maxillary antrum", "鼻内上颌窦造口术及上颌窦病损切除术" ], "718043008": [ "Assessment using Listening Skills Checklist", "使用听力技能检查表进行评估" ], "306608000": [ "Discharge from child and adolescent psychiatry service", "出院" ], "716208009": [ "Assessment using Western Aphasia Battery Revised", "Assessment using WAB-R (Western Aphasia Battery Revised)", "使用西方失语症测试表进行评估", "使用 WAB-R(西方失语症量表修订版)进行评估" ], "699824009": [ "Education about recreational therapy", "康乐疗法教育" ], "26245005": [ "Fresh frozen plasma thawing", "新鲜冰冻血浆解冻" ], "239237006": [ "Percutaneous repair of tendo achilles", "Percutaneous suture of tendo achilles", "经皮跟腱修复术", "经皮跟腱缝合术" ], "1156741008": [ "Therapy using erythropoietin receptor agonist", "使用促红细胞生成素受体激动剂的治疗" ], "419461009": [ "MRI venography of upper limb", "Magnetic resonance imaging venography of upper limb", "上肢磁共振成像静脉造影", "上肢 MRI 静脉造影" ], "401242000": [ "Hepatitis E IgM level", "Hepatitis E immunoglobulin M level", "戊型肝炎免疫球蛋白 M 水平", "戊型肝炎 IgM 水平" ], "237402002": [ "Drainage of breast haematoma", "Drainage of breast hematoma", "乳腺血肿引流", "乳房血肿引流" ], "712538004": [ "Fluoroscopy guided radiofrequency ablation of renal cyst", "Radiofrequency ablation of renal cyst using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下肾囊肿射频消融术", "透视引导下肾囊肿射频消融术" ], "89946006": [ "Pulmonary vein to atrium shunt construction", "肺静脉至心房分流术" ], "778074007": [ "Evans osteotomy of calcaneus", "Lateral column lengthening open wedge osteotomy of calcaneus", "埃文斯跟骨截骨术", "跟骨外侧柱延长开放楔形截骨术" ], "171866006": [ "Neurostimulation of peripheral nerve", "周围神经的神经刺激" ], "104495001": [ "Aliphatic carboxylate C26-0/C22-0 measurement", "脂肪族羧酸盐 C26-0/C22-0 测量" ], "708868001": [ "Arthrotomy with drainage of joint of elbow", "肘关节切开引流术" ], "235567009": [ "Drainage of biliary collection", "胆汁引流" ], "20740007": [ "Pelvic echography, B-scan, complete", "盆腔超声检查,B 超,完整" ], "53508008": [ "Psychodrama", "心理剧" ], "313817004": [ "Corrected plasma creatinine measurement", "Corrected plasma creatinine level", "校正血浆肌酐水平", "校正血浆肌酐测量值" ], "444889008": [ "Cranial cruciate repair using tightrope procedure", "Extracapsular repair of tear of anterior cruciate ligament using suture stabilisation and fibre tape implant", "Extracapsular repair of tear of anterior cruciate ligament using suture stabilization and fiber tape implant", "采用走钢丝手术修复颅骨十字韧带", "使用缝合固定和纤维带植入进行前交叉韧带撕裂的囊外修复", "缝合固定及纤维带植入治疗前交叉韧带撕裂的囊外修复" ], "35289009": [ "Antibody to cell surface receptor measurement", "细胞表面受体抗体测量" ], "48003000": [ "HLA-C serotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen C serotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen C serotyping", "人类白细胞抗原 C 血清分型", "HLA-C 血清分型" ], "410286008": [ "Durable medical equipment teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Durable medical equipment teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Durable medical equipment education, guidance, and counselling", "Durable medical equipment education, guidance, and counseling", "耐用医疗设备教学、指导和咨询", "耐用医疗设备教育、指导和咨询" ], "195459001": [ "Anorectal myomectomy", "肛门直肠肌瘤切除术" ], "31619003": [ "Culture of dialysis fluid", "透析液培养" ], "64387007": [ "Myelogram of posterior fossa", "Posterior fossa myelogram", "后颅窝脊髓造影" ], "717912001": [ "X-ray tomography of spine", "脊柱 X 射线断层扫描" ], "439384007": [ "Measurement of IgG and IgM prothrombin antibody", "Measurement of immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin M prothrombin antibody", "免疫球蛋白G和免疫球蛋白M凝血酶原抗体的测量", "IgG 和 IgM 凝血酶原抗体的测量" ], "306477004": [ "Discharge by general surgeon", "普通外科医生出院" ], "240941008": [ "Replacement of intraluminal device in vein", "静脉内装置更换" ], "9730000": [ "Arthrodesis of hip", "Fusion of ischiofemoral joint", "Arthrodesis of hip joint", "Ischiofemoral arthrodesis", "Fusion of hip joint", "Hip arthrodesis", "髋关节融合", "髋关节融合术", "坐骨股骨关节融合术", "坐骨股关节融合术" ], "1287682002": [ "Intraoperative electron beam radiotherapy for malignant colorectal neoplasm", "Intraoperative external beam radiation therapy using electrons for malignant neoplasm of caecum and/or colon and/or rectum", "Intraoperative external beam radiation therapy using electrons for malignant neoplasm of cecum and/or colon and/or rectum", "术中电子束放射治疗大肠恶性肿瘤", "盲肠和/或结肠和/或直肠恶性肿瘤的术中电子外束放射治疗" ], "108034003": [ "Bladder excision", "Cystectomy", "Urinary bladder excision", "Excision of urinary bladder", "膀胱切除术" ], "386562007": [ "Fetal cranioclasis", "Foetal cranioclasis", "胎儿颅骨断裂" ], "75266008": [ "Germ cell alkaline phosphatase measurement", "GCAP measurement", "GCAP 测量", "生殖细胞碱性磷酸酶测量" ], "302807005": [ "Footwear provision", "Provision of footwear", "鞋类供应", "提供鞋类" ], "171735009": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of spinal cord", "脊髓损伤开放活检" ], "235436009": [ "Removal of naso-esophageal tube", "Removal of naso-oesophageal tube", "Removal of nasoesophageal tube", "拔除鼻食管" ], "104364009": [ "Complement factor H measurement", "补体因子 H 测量" ], "53377003": [ "Preparation of skin window", "皮肤窗准备" ], "118913003": [ "Procedure on canthus", "眼角手术" ], "708737007": [ "Stripping of larynx", "喉部剥除" ], "117078000": [ "Transfusion of platelet concentrate", "输注浓缩血小板" ], "739670003": [ "Supracervical hysterectomy with right salpingo-oophorectomy", "宫颈上子宫切除术及右侧输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "444758004": [ "Computed tomography of head, thorax and abdomen with contrast", "CT of head, thorax and abdomen with contrast", "头部、胸部和腹部增强计算机断层扫描", "头部、胸部和腹部增强 CT 扫描" ], "231766008": [ "Pneumatic retinopexy", "气压性视网膜固定术" ], "182614009": [ "Acupuncture for anaesthesia", "Acupuncture for anesthesia", "针灸麻醉" ], "49707003": [ "Comprehensive orthodontic treatment, transitional dentition, for class II malocclusion", "综合正畸治疗,过渡牙列,针对 II 类错颌畸形" ], "426539004": [ "Breakpoint analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid using fluorescence in situ hybridization", "Breakpoint analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid using fluorescence in situ hybridisation", "利用荧光原位杂交技术进行脱氧核糖核酸断点分析", "荧光原位杂交技术进行脱氧核糖核酸断点分析" ], "229931005": [ "Procedure on ureter", "输尿管手术" ], "410155007": [ "Occupational therapy assessment", "Assess occupational therapist service", "评估职业治疗师服务", "职业治疗评估" ], "16939009": [ "Compatibility test, crossmatch, screening for compatible unit, saline and/or high protein", "兼容性测试、交叉配血、筛选兼容单位、盐水和/或高蛋白" ], "1293056008": [ "Plain X-ray of nasal sinus", "鼻窦普通 X 光检查" ], "13269000": [ "Immunocytochemical stain", "免疫细胞化学染色" ], "783317005": [ "Meshed partial thickness autograft of skin to skin of neck", "Meshed split thickness autograft of skin to skin of neck", "网状部分厚度自体皮肤移植至颈部皮肤", "网状分层自体皮肤移植至颈部皮肤" ], "439253007": [ "Microscopic examination of vulvar smear", "外阴涂片显微镜检查" ], "715946001": [ "Provision of registered nurse patient escort", "提供注册护士陪同病人" ], "76970004": [ "Spinal dural graft", "硬脊膜移植" ], "288127000": [ "Therapeutic aspiration - nervous system", "治疗性吸入 - 神经系统" ], "9599004": [ "Biopsy of cervix with fulguration", "Biopsy of lesion or structure of cervix with fulguration", "宫颈电灼活检", "用电灼术对宫颈病变或结构进行活检" ], "386431006": [ "Shift report", "班次报告" ], "25983007": [ "Repair of vaginal fistula", "Closure of fistula of vagina", "阴道瘘修复", "阴道瘘闭合" ], "304511009": [ "Reassuring about signs and symptoms", "放心的体征和症状" ], "122452007": [ "Comprehensive orthodontic treatment", "综合正畸治疗" ], "235305000": [ "Interposition of small intestine", "小肠插入" ], "171604009": [ "Intracranial destruction of vagus nerve (X)", "迷走神经颅内破坏(X)" ], "169769007": [ "Postnatal - seventh day visit", "产后第七天访视" ], "4094001": [ "Reduction of retroversion of uterus by pessary", "Reduction of retroversion of uterus by suppository", "栓剂复位子宫后倾", "子宫托复位子宫后倾" ], "708606002": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of joint of hip using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of hip joint", "影像引导下经皮髋关节细针穿刺活检" ], "200702002": [ "Excisional biopsy of eye muscle", "眼肌切除活检" ], "104233009": [ "Antiviral susceptibility test", "抗病毒药敏试验" ], "118782005": [ "Procedure on nasal septum", "鼻中隔手术" ], "446462008": [ "Endoscopic urodynamic study", "内镜尿动力学检查" ], "233470008": [ "Creation of saphenous vein shunt", "建立隐静脉分流术" ], "84179007": [ "Thrombectomy of descending aorta", "Removal of thrombus of descending aorta", "降主动脉血栓清除术", "降主动脉血栓切除术" ], "442792000": [ "Internal and external haemorrhoidectomy and anal fissurectomy", "Excision of internal and external hemorrhoid and fissure of anus", "Excision of internal and external haemorrhoid and fissure of anus", "Internal and external hemorrhoidectomy and anal fissurectomy", "内外痔切除术及肛裂切除术", "内外痔疮及肛裂切除术" ], "264403007": [ "Electrical peripheral nerve stimulation", "电刺激外周神经" ], "231635008": [ "Operation on lacrimal canaliculus or punctum", "泪小管或泪点手术" ], "410024004": [ "Insertion of catheter into urinary bladder", "Catheterisation of urinary bladder", "Bladder catheterisation", "Urinary catheterisation", "Catheterization of urinary bladder", "Bladder catheterization", "Urinary catheterization", "膀胱导尿", "导尿", "将导管插入膀胱" ], "65960005": [ "Repair of gastrojejunocolic fistula", "Closure of gastrojejunocolic fistula", "胃空肠结肠瘘修复术", "胃空肠结肠瘘闭合" ], "408189000": [ "Haemoglobin Lepore level", "Hemoglobin Lepore level", "Haemoglobin Lepore measurement", "Hemoglobin Lepore measurement", "血红蛋白 Lepore 水平", "血红蛋白水平", "血红蛋白 Lepore 测量" ], "719485007": [ "X-ray tomography of abdomen", "腹部 X 射线断层扫描" ], "815954000": [ "Insertion of removable orthodontic space maintainer", "插入可拆卸正畸间隙保持器" ], "1209170001": [ "Plication of rectus eye muscle", "眼直肌折叠术" ], "176978005": [ "Endoscopic bilateral cauterisation of fallopian tubes", "Endoscopic bilateral cauterization of fallopian tubes", "内镜双侧输卵管烧灼术" ], "306215003": [ "Referral to cochlear implant service", "转介至人工耳蜗植入服务" ], "175143004": [ "Implantation of intravenous fixed-rate cardiac pacemaker", "静脉固定频率心脏起搏器植入术" ], "699431003": [ "Patellar tap test", "髌骨叩击试验" ], "287996000": [ "Extraperitoneal drainage", "腹膜外引流" ], "386300000": [ "Family mobilisation", "Family mobilization", "家庭动员" ], "75004002": [ "Emergency room admission, died in emergency room", "入急诊室,在急诊室死亡" ], "173308005": [ "Full restoration of crown of tooth", "牙冠全修复" ], "25852009": [ "Surgical closure of pouch", "手术缝合囊袋" ], "237009004": [ "McRoberts manoeuvre", "McRoberts maneuver", "麦克罗伯茨策略", "麦克罗伯茨的策略" ], "122321005": [ "Chlamydia trachomatis DNA assay", "Chlamydia trachomatis deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "沙眼衣原体脱氧核糖核酸检测", "沙眼衣原体 DNA 检测" ], "171473007": [ "Evacuation of hematoma from temporal lobe of brain", "Evacuation of haematoma from temporal lobe of brain", "颞叶血肿清除术" ], "104102000": [ "Blast count, blood", "爆炸计数、血液" ], "710310001": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of brachial artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of brachial artery with contrast", "肱动脉造影荧光镜检查", "肱动脉造影荧光血管造影" ], "448166005": [ "Laparoscopic ligation of inferior mesenteric artery", "腹腔镜下肠系膜动脉结扎术" ], "431782007": [ "Fluoroscopy of whole spine", "整个脊柱的透视检查" ], "399014008": [ "Administration of diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccine", "Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus immunisation", "Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus immunization", "Diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens", "白喉、百日咳和破伤风疫苗接种", "接种白喉、百日咳和破伤风疫苗", "白喉、百日咳和破伤风免疫", "接种仅含百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌和白喉棒状杆菌抗原的疫苗产品" ], "235174009": [ "Secondary repair for oesophageal atresia", "Secondary repair for esophageal atresia", "食管闭锁的二次修复" ], "774011001": [ "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of spleen using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided high intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of spleen", "磁共振成像引导高强度聚焦超声消融脾脏病变", "MRI引导下高强度聚焦超声消融脾脏病变" ], "85883003": [ "Suture of periosteum of patella", "Periosteal suture of patella", "髌骨骨膜缝合" ], "233339004": [ "SFA - Thrombolysis of the superficial femoral artery", "Percutaneous thrombolysis of superficial femoral artery", "SFA-股浅动脉血栓溶解术", "经皮股浅动脉血栓溶解术" ], "413563004": [ "Antineutrophil antibody level", "Antineutrophil antibody measurement", "抗中性粒细胞抗体测量", "抗中性粒细胞抗体水平" ], "3963007": [ "Operation on submaxillary gland", "颌下腺手术" ], "67664000": [ "Laboratory calculation", "实验室计算" ], "18512000": [ "Individual psychotherapy", "Dyadic therapy", "二元治疗", "个人心理治疗" ], "34896006": [ "Incision", "Incisions", "Surgical incisions", "手术切口", "切口" ], "82213008": [ "Aneurysmectomy of aorta with anastomosis", "主动脉瘤切除及吻合术" ], "178682000": [ "Open reduction of fracture of spine and excision of facet of spine", "脊柱骨折切开复位及脊柱小关节切除" ], "311589008": [ "Phonological development programme", "Phonological development program", "语音发展计划" ], "47610008": [ "Costotomy", "肋骨切开术" ], "63994009": [ "Infection prevention education", "感染预防教育" ], "1260026009": [ "Reconstruction of pressure injury stage III", "Reconstruction of pressure ulcer stage 3", "压疮 3 期重建", "压力性损伤 III 期重建" ], "29391003": [ "Chemotherapy administration into peritoneal cavity requiring paracentesis", "需要进行腹腔穿刺才能将化疗药物注入腹腔" ], "715684009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of prostate for brachytherapy planning", "MRI of prostate for brachytherapy planning", "前列腺磁共振成像用于近距离放射治疗计划", "前列腺 MRI 用于近距离放射治疗计划" ], "173177006": [ "Open decortication of lesion of lung", "肺病变开放剥脱术" ], "1303673008": [ "Stripping and ligation of left great saphenous vein", "Left great saphenous vein stripping and ligation", "左大隐静脉剥脱及结扎", "左大隐静脉剥脱及结扎术" ], "287865008": [ "Choledochotomy and exploration", "胆总管切开术和探查" ], "236878002": [ "Insertion of self-retaining catheter through cervix", "通过宫颈插入自留导管" ], "302414003": [ "Removal of clip from skin", "从皮肤上取下夹子" ], "73038007": [ "Embolectomy of lower limb artery", "Removal of embolus of lower limb artery", "下肢动脉栓塞取出术", "下肢动脉栓塞切除术" ], "448035001": [ "Excision of polyp of larynx using laser", "激光切除喉息肉" ], "415267002": [ "Referral to community nursery nurse", "转介至社区托儿所护士" ], "122190009": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi 39kd antibody assay", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 39 kD antibody", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 39 kiloDalton antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体 39 千道尔顿抗体的测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体 39kd 抗体检测", "伯氏疏螺旋体 39 kD 抗体的测量" ], "431651003": [ "Percutaneous repositioning of temporary filter of superior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous repositioning of temporary filter of superior vena cava with contrast", "经皮上腔静脉临时滤器复位术(荧光造影引导)", "荧光透视引导下经皮上腔静脉临时滤器复位造影" ], "38435006": [ "Sequestrectomy of phalanges of foot", "足趾骨死骨切除术" ], "429816003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and atherectomy by rotary cutter", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and atherectomy by rotary cutter", "荧光血管造影和旋切术", "荧光造影动脉造影和旋切术" ], "233208004": [ "Pulmonary trunk and artery banding operation", "肺动脉束带手术" ], "231373000": [ "Injection of neurolytic substance to abdominal cutaneous nerve", "Injection of neurolytic substance for abdominal cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome - ACNES", "腹部皮神经注射神经溶解物质", "注射神经溶解物质治疗腹部皮神经卡压综合征 - ACNES" ], "788429002": [ "PET with CT myocardial rest imaging using rubidium-82", "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography myocardial rest imaging using rubidium-82", "使用铷-82 进行正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描心肌静息成像", "使用铷-82 进行 PET 和 CT 心肌静息成像" ], "395213003": [ "Fungal microscopy", "真菌显微镜" ], "772045007": [ "Limb sparing pelvic resection", "Internal hemipelvectomy", "Resection of innominate bone", "保留肢体的盆腔切除术", "内半骨盆切除术", "无名骨切除术" ], "67533008": [ "Auditory rehabilitation", "听觉康复" ], "83917009": [ "Specimen collection for microbiology, anaerobic", "微生物学、厌氧样本采集" ], "229538008": [ "Lower limb strapping", "下肢绑带" ], "442530009": [ "Quantitative measurement of ketone in serum specimen", "血清标本中酮体的定量测定" ], "276855002": [ "Conjunctival oxygen saturation measurement", "Conjunctival oxygen saturation", "结膜氧饱和度测量", "结膜氧饱和度" ], "440695003": [ "Plain X-ray of midfoot", "中足普通 X 光检查" ], "47479005": [ "Total body irradiation", "全身照射" ], "309623006": [ "Child referral to optician", "儿童转诊至配镜师" ], "178551007": [ "Primary anterior excision thoracic disc and fusion", "原发性前路胸椎间盘切除及融合术" ], "391543006": [ "Blood thiopurine methyltransferase level", "血液硫嘌呤甲基转移酶水平" ], "176716008": [ "Sacrocolpopexy", "骶骨阴道固定术" ], "699169000": [ "Open reduction of fracture of calcaneus without internal fixation", "跟骨骨折切开复位不内固定" ], "174881001": [ "Creation of valved conduit between atrium and ventricle of heart", "在心房和心室之间建立带瓣管道" ], "305953007": [ "Referral from hematologist", "Referral by hematologist", "Referral from haematologist", "Referral by haematologist", "血液科医师转诊" ], "764705009": [ "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography of whole body using 18F fluciclovine", "PET CT of whole body using 18F fluciclovine", "18F 氟环丙沙星全身 PET CT 检查", "使用 18F 氟环丙沙星进行全身正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描" ], "287734006": [ "Nephrotomy with calculus removal", "肾切开术及结石去除术" ], "89291005": [ "Orthodontic dental consultation and report", "正畸牙科咨询及报告" ], "122059009": [ "Onchocerca species antibody assay", "Measurement of Onchocerca species antibody", "盘尾丝虫抗体检测", "盘尾丝虫抗体测量" ], "398752005": [ "Referral to weight maintenance regimen service", "转介体重维持养生服务" ], "234912006": [ "Revision of repair of mouth", "口腔修复修复" ], "120224007": [ "Destructive procedure in forearm", "前臂破坏性手术" ], "3701000": [ "Removal of foreign body of hip from subcutaneous tissue", "髋部皮下组织异物取出术" ], "1052277001": [ "Fixation of left breast", "Left mastopexy", "左侧乳房固定术", "左乳房固定" ], "233077002": [ "Bx - Open left ventricular biopsy", "Open left ventricular biopsy", "开放性左心室活检", "Bx - 开放性左心室活检" ], "103840008": [ "Heparin neutralization assay", "Heparin neutralisation assay", "肝素中和试验" ], "185760009": [ "Diabetes monitoring telephone invite", "糖尿病监测电话邀请" ], "51018000": [ "Iliofemoral shunt", "Iliofemoral vascular bypass", "Iliofemoral graft", "Ilio-femoral artery bypass", "Iliac-femoral arterial bypass", "髂股骨移植", "髂股分流术", "髂股血管旁路术", "髂股动脉搭桥术" ], "231242001": [ "Local anesthetic glossopharyngeal nerve block", "Local anaesthetic glossopharyngeal nerve block", "Glossopharyngeal nerve block", "局部麻醉舌咽神经阻滞", "舌咽神经阻滞" ], "83786003": [ "Total facial nerve decompression", "全面神经减压术" ], "296778005": [ "Injection of steroid", "注射类固醇" ], "67402009": [ "Partial lobectomy of brain", "部分脑叶切除术" ], "1866009": [ "Bilateral total nephrectomy", "Total excision of bilateral kidneys", "Total excision of both kidneys", "Excision of entire bilateral kidneys", "双肾全切除术", "双侧全肾切除术", "切除整个双侧肾脏", "双肾全切除" ], "165706009": [ "Plasma extrinsic inhibitor screening test", "血浆外源性抑制剂筛选试验" ], "65567002": [ "Ethchlorvynol measurement, blood", "乙氯维诺测量,血液" ], "442399006": [ "Circumferential panniculectomy", "环状皮瓣切除术" ], "702708000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of wrist and hand", "MRI of wrist and hand", "腕部和手部的 MRI", "腕部和手部的磁共振成像" ], "229407009": [ "Physiological mobilization of foot interphalangeal joints", "Physiological mobilisation of foot interphalangeal joints", "足部指间关节的生理活动" ], "178420003": [ "Extensive excision of facial bone", "大面积面部骨骼切除" ], "47348005": [ "Hospital admission, mother, for observation, delivered outside of hospital", "入院观察,母亲在医院外分娩" ], "112884007": [ "Cholecystoduodenostomy", "Anastomosis of gallbladder to duodenum", "胆囊十二指肠吻合术" ], "176585001": [ "Ritual clitoridectomy", "仪式性阴蒂切除术" ], "240286000": [ "Percutaneous insertion of ventriculoamniotic shunt", "经皮脑室羊膜分流术" ], "307657009": [ "Left hemicolectomy and colostomy", "Left colectomy and colostomy", "左结肠切除术和结肠造口术", "左半结肠切除术和结肠造口术" ], "10910000": [ "Crossed immunoelectrophoresis measurement", "交叉免疫电泳测定" ], "174750001": [ "Prograde operative pancreatography", "顺行手术胰腺造影" ], "764574007": [ "MRI with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "Magnetic resonance imaging with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "对比磁共振成像用于放射治疗计划", "对比 MRI 用于放射治疗计划" ], "385907003": [ "Eye care management", "Manage eye care", "眼部护理管理", "管理眼部护理" ], "713587006": [ "Urine microscopy for percentage of lymphocytes", "尿液显微镜检查淋巴细胞百分比" ], "25459007": [ "Coated particle agglutination inhibition assay", "包被颗粒凝集抑制试验" ], "433224001": [ "Radionuclide rhenium 186 hydroxyethylidene diphosphonate therapy", "放射性核素铼186羟乙基亚磷酸盐治疗" ], "40008005": [ "Plethysmometry", "容积测量法" ], "302152006": [ "Small intestine stoma procedure", "小肠造口手术" ], "121928007": [ "Babesia microti identification", "田鼠巴贝斯虫鉴定" ], "7240008": [ "Total laryngectomy with partial pharyngectomy and synchronous tracheostomy", "Laryngopharyngectomy with synchronous tracheostomy", "全喉切除术、部分咽切除术和同步气管切开术", "喉咽切除术及同步气管切开术" ], "87325001": [ "Repair of bifid finger", "双指畸形修复术" ], "234781001": [ "Try-in of palatal lift prosthesis", "腭提升假体试戴" ], "21789005": [ "Gas endarterectomy of coronary artery", "冠状动脉气体内膜切除术" ], "445938000": [ "Argon plasma coagulation of lesion of duodenum", "十二指肠病变氩离子凝固术" ], "36338000": [ "Character analysis", "Character type determination", "字符类型确定", "人物分析" ], "19954002": [ "Reconstruction of hip with use of methyl methacrylate", "Total replacement of hip with use of methyl methacrylate", "Arthroplasty of hip, total, with use of methyl methacrylate", "使用甲基丙烯酸甲酯进行髋关节重建", "使用甲基丙烯酸甲酯进行全髋关节置换术" ], "265714002": [ "Primary anterior excision of lumbar disc and fusion", "原发性前路腰椎间盘切除融合术" ], "232946006": [ "Balloon truncal valvotomy", "Truncal valve valvuloplasty", "躯干瓣膜成形术", "气囊动脉干瓣膜切开术" ], "394951002": [ "24 hour urine 3-methoxytyramine output", "24小时尿液3-甲氧基酪胺排出量" ], "231111004": [ "Acupuncture-like transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation", "TENS - Acupuncture-like transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation", "Acutens", "类似针刺的经皮神经电刺激", "TENS - 类似针灸的经皮神经电刺激", "尖吻鲈" ], "50887005": [ "Enlargement of pre-existing foramen ovale", "原有卵圆孔扩大" ], "229276001": [ "Rhythmic initiation technique", "节奏启动技术" ], "16284004": [ "Prosthetic or spectacle service", "Prosthetic or eyeglass service", "假肢或眼镜服务" ], "49052008": [ "Special surgical pathology procedure, explain by report", "特殊外科病理程序,通过报告解释" ], "180124009": [ "Coventry tibial osteotomy", "考文垂胫骨截骨术" ], "112753002": [ "Kessler arthroplasty of carpometacarpal joint", "腕掌关节Kessler置换术" ], "473201003": [ "Screening for malignant tumour of ovary", "Screening for malignant tumor of ovary", "Screening for malignant neoplasm of ovary", "卵巢恶性肿瘤筛查" ], "14449003": [ "Incision of face", "面部切口" ], "735345001": [ "Education about puberty and adolescence", "Puberty and adolescence education", "青春期和青少年教育", "青春期和青春期教育" ], "407665006": [ "Digoxin prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic digoxin", "地高辛预防", "预防性使用地高辛" ], "391281002": [ "Mental health assessment", "心理健康评估" ], "438598005": [ "Revision of cervical total intervertebral disc prosthesis using anterior approach", "前入路颈椎全椎间盘假体翻修术" ], "176454007": [ "Lord's operation for hydrocele", "Plication of hydrocele sac", "Lord operation for hydrocele", "洛德手术治疗鞘膜积液", "鞘膜积液手术", "鞘膜积液囊折叠术" ], "1208646008": [ "Arthroplasty of joint of right elbow", "Arthroplasty of right elbow", "右肘关节置换术" ], "715291002": [ "Computed tomography with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "CT with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "用于放射治疗计划的增强 CT", "对比计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "76315006": [ "Punch resection of vocal cord", "声带穿刺切除术" ], "174619006": [ "Endoscopic sphincterotomy of accessory ampulla of Vater", "内镜下 Vater 壶腹部括约肌切开术" ], "287472000": [ "Non-surgical tonsil biopsy", "非手术扁桃体活检" ], "303856001": [ "Removal of orthopedic wires", "Removal of orthopaedic wires", "拆除矫形钢丝" ], "385776003": [ "Provision of Patient Bill of Rights", "患者权利法案的规定" ], "90864005": [ "Special autopsy procedure, explain by report", "特殊尸检程序,通过报告解释" ], "25328006": [ "Creation of arterial bypass with nonautogenous graft", "利用非自体移植物建立动脉旁路" ], "252869001": [ "Prism cover test", "PCT - Prism cover test", "Simultaneous prism cover test", "Simultaneous prism-cover test", "同步棱镜盖测试", "PCT - 棱镜覆盖试验", "棱镜盖测试" ], "121797002": [ "Inorganic phosphorus measurement", "无机磷测量" ], "170949004": [ "Menopause initial assessment", "更年期初步评估" ], "234650003": [ "Repair of bilateral cleft lip", "双侧唇裂修复" ], "265583000": [ "Maintenance of prosthetic collar around male bladder neck", "Maintenance of prosthetic collar around neck of male urinary bladder", "男性膀胱颈假体颈圈的维护", "男性膀胱颈假体环的维护" ], "185498008": [ "In-house ophthalmology", "院内眼科" ], "445807000": [ "Assessment using Bristol activities of daily living scale", "使用布里斯托日常生活活动量表进行评估" ], "119962009": [ "Tonsil repair", "扁桃体修复" ], "232815008": [ "TVRR - Tricuspid valve re-replacement", "Replacement of implanted tricuspid valve", "TVRR-- 三尖瓣置换术", "植入式三尖瓣置换术" ], "230980002": [ "Decompression of temporal section of facial nerve", "面神经颞段减压术" ], "722500002": [ "Preoperative blood pressure measurement", "术前血压测量" ], "17988003": [ "Partial ileectomy", "Segmental resection of ileum", "回肠节段切除术", "部分回肠切除术" ], "1230404006": [ "Robot assisted closure of ASD (atrial septal defect)", "Closure of atrial septal defect using robotic assistance", "Robotic assisted closure of atrial septal defect", "机器人辅助封堵 ASD(房间隔缺损)", "使用机器人辅助封堵房间隔缺损", "机器人辅助封堵房间隔缺损" ], "443972006": [ "Direct measurement of oxygen saturation in venous blood specimen", "Quantitative measurement of substance fraction of oxygen relative to oxygen binding sites of hemoglobin in venous blood specimen", "Quantitative measurement of substance fraction of oxygen relative to oxygen binding sites of haemoglobin in venous blood specimen", "直接测量静脉血标本中的氧饱和度", "静脉血标本中氧物质分数相对于血红蛋白氧结合位点的定量测量" ], "229145000": [ "Specific abdominal exercises", "专门的腹部锻炼" ], "440302000": [ "Closed reduction of intertrochanteric fracture of femur", "股骨转子间骨折闭合复位" ], "391150001": [ "General psychiatric care of older adults - Full day : day care", "老年人的一般精神病护理 - 全天:日间护理" ], "278297009": [ "Blood gas analysis", "BGA - Blood gas analysis", "BGA——血气分析", "血气分析" ], "79854004": [ "Heterophile antibody, quantitative titer", "Heterophile antibody, quantitative titre", "嗜异性抗体,定量滴度", "异嗜性抗体,定量滴度" ], "178158006": [ "Repair of patellar tendon", "髌腱修复" ], "14318007": [ "Electroencephalographic procedure", "脑电图程序" ], "45251002": [ "Operation on umbilicus", "脐部手术" ], "405699005": [ "Placing plastic bindings for legal restraint", "放置塑料捆扎带以进行法律约束" ], "12483006": [ "Osteotomy of clavicle", "Clavicotomy", "锁骨切开术", "锁骨截骨术" ], "715160000": [ "Assessment using Rutter B Scale", "使用 Rutter B 量表进行评估" ], "289176001": [ "Advice to change sodium intake", "Recommendation to change sodium intake", "改变钠摄入量的建议" ], "1255832001": [ "Laparoscopic repair of anus and rectum", "Laparoscopic anorectoplasty", "LARP - laparoscopic anorectoplasty", "腹腔镜肛门直肠修复", "LARP-- 腹腔镜肛门直肠成形术", "腹腔镜肛门直肠成形术" ], "27032005": [ "Nose and throat examination", "Rhinolaryngologic examination", "鼻咽喉科检查", "鼻喉检查" ], "8813000": [ "Removal of intraocular foreign body from anterior segment of eye with use of magnet", "用磁铁取出眼前节异物" ], "238189001": [ "Keel repair of incisional hernia", "切口疝龙骨修补术" ], "287341003": [ "Cystic hygroma incision", "囊性水瘤切开术" ], "25197003": [ "Sodium measurement", "钠测量" ], "236354000": [ "Excision of Peyronie's plaque and insertion of graft", "Excision of Peyronie plaque and insertion of graft", "切除佩罗尼斑块并植入移植物" ], "105282000": [ "para-Hydroxyamphetamine measurement", "对羟基苯丙胺测量" ], "301890004": [ "Excision of skin cyst", "Excision of cyst of skin", "皮肤囊肿切除", "皮肤囊肿切除术" ], "170818005": [ "B12 deficiency monitoring", "B12缺乏症监测" ], "121666007": [ "Procaine measurement", "普鲁卡因测量" ], "56130008": [ "Repair of blepharoptosis by tarsal technique", "睑板技术修复上睑下垂" ], "711490008": [ "Doppler fetal echocardiography", "Doppler foetal echocardiography", "多普勒胎儿超声心动图" ], "252738008": [ "Video EEG", "EEG video telemetry", "Video electroencephalogram", "脑电图视频遥测", "视频脑电图" ], "709655003": [ "Aspiration of peritoneum using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided aspiration of peritoneum", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行腹膜抽吸", "CT 引导下腹膜穿刺" ], "119831009": [ "Skin of neck incision", "颈部皮肤切口" ], "232684003": [ "Minitrach insertion", "微创气管插入" ], "314604005": [ "Palliative course of deep X-ray therapy", "深部X射线治疗的姑息疗程" ], "281836006": [ "Insertion of orthodontic retainer", "插入牙齿矫正保持器" ], "183532007": [ "Referral to clinical pharmacologist", "Refer to clin pharmacologist", "转诊至临床药理学家", "咨询临床药理学家" ], "412908006": [ "Blood spot butyrylcarnitine measurement", "Blood spot butyryl carnitine", "血斑丁酰肉碱", "血斑丁酰肉碱测量" ], "445676008": [ "Assessment using geriatric depression scale short form", "使用老年抑郁量表简表进行评估" ], "83393002": [ "Relocation of automatic implantable cardioverter/defibrillator", "自动植入式心脏复律器/除颤器的搬迁" ], "230849006": [ "Connection from cystic brain tumor to subcutaneous reservoir", "Connection from cystic brain tumour to subcutaneous reservoir", "囊性脑肿瘤与皮下储液器的联系" ], "67009007": [ "Division of thoracic varicose vein", "胸椎静脉曲张切除术" ], "442006003": [ "Determination of information related to transfusion", "确定输血相关信息" ], "176192000": [ "Change of urethral catheter", "更换尿道导管" ], "225344000": [ "Identifying degree of assistance required", "Assessing degree of assistance required", "Assessment of degree of assistance required", "确定所需援助的程度", "评估所需援助的程度", "评估所需协助的程度" ], "241728008": [ "Induced vasodilatation", "诱发血管扩张" ], "174357001": [ "Destruction of haemorrhoid", "Destruction of pile", "Destruction of hemorrhoid", "桩基破坏", "痔疮破坏" ], "59669002": [ "Fistulization of sclera by trephination", "Fistulisation of sclera by trephination", "巩膜环钻造瘘术" ], "420117003": [ "Angioplasty of profunda femoris using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of profunda femoris with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行股深动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下股深动脉血管成形术" ], "14490001000004108": [ "Removal of gastric pacemaker", "胃起搏器移除" ], "698645005": [ "Closure of systemic to pulmonary artery shunt by ligation", "通过结扎术封闭体动脉至肺动脉分流" ], "305429008": [ "Admission to pancreatic surgery department", "入住胰腺外科" ], "860650006": [ "Inpatient care for termination of pregnancy", "终止妊娠的住院护理" ], "236223001": [ "Attention to bladder drainage", "Attention to drainage of urinary bladder", "注意膀胱引流" ], "301759007": [ "Tru-cut biopsy of prostate", "前列腺真切活检" ], "105151007": [ "Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol measurement", "Delta-9-四氢大麻酚测量" ], "72383008": [ "Angiography of bilateral coronary arteries", "Angiography of both coronary arteries", "Arteriography of both coronary arteries", "Arteriography of bilateral coronary arteries", "双侧冠状动脉造影" ], "711359007": [ "Measurement of ionized calcium in blood specimen", "Measurement of ionised calcium in blood specimen", "血液样本中离子钙的测量" ], "121535009": [ "Dichlorodifluoromethane measurement", "二氯二氟甲烷测量" ], "398228004": [ "Anaesthesia consultation", "Anesthesia consultation", "麻醉咨询" ], "709524002": [ "MRI of spleen with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of spleen with contrast", "脾脏磁共振成像对比", "脾脏增强 MRI" ], "119700007": [ "Transposition of tissue of ankle", "踝部组织转位术" ], "447380008": [ "Dissection of retroperitoneum", "腹膜后解剖" ], "429161001": [ "Insertion of endotracheal tube using laryngoscope", "使用喉镜插入气管插管" ], "54164009": [ "Rectosigmoidectomy", "Resection of rectosigmoid", "Proctosigmoidectomy", "Sigmoidoproctectomy", "直肠乙状结肠切除术", "乙状结肠切除术" ], "773225002": [ "Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia using surgical mesh", "腹腔镜手术网片修补腹股沟疝" ], "609385003": [ "Monochloramine measurement", "一氯胺测量" ], "330857008": [ "Repair of common bile duct laceration", "胆管裂伤的修复" ], "232553009": [ "Arytenoidectomy", "杓状软骨切除术" ], "3177009": [ "Internal obstetrical version", "产科内镜版" ], "183401008": [ "Anti-suicide psychotherapy", "反自杀心理治疗" ], "83262001": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid flow imaging", "Radionuclide CSF study", "Radionuclide cisternography", "Radionuclide cisternogram", "放射性核素池造影", "放射性核素脑脊液研究", "脑脊液流动显像", "放射性核素脑池造影" ], "116030005": [ "Wedge biopsy of lung", "肺楔形活检" ], "427326007": [ "Fixation of retina", "视网膜固着" ], "65043002": [ "Hospital admission, short-term, day care", "住院、短期、日间护理" ], "359955002": [ "Arteriotomy of descending aorta", "Angiotomy of descending aorta", "Incision of descending aorta", "Incision of descending thoracic aorta", "降胸主动脉切开术", "降主动脉切开术" ], "179731003": [ "Primary prosthetic replacement of intra-articular ligament", "关节内韧带初次假体置换" ], "441875004": [ "Imaging of head", "头部影像" ], "278035005": [ "Contact factor screening test", "接触因素筛选试验" ], "3991000087103": [ "Plain X-ray of bilateral elbows", "Plain X-ray of left and right elbow", "Plain X-ray of both elbows", "双肘的普通 X 光检查", "左、右肘部普通 X 光检查", "双侧肘部 X 光检查" ], "2711000087100": [ "MRI of right kidney with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right kidney with contrast", "右肾增强 MRI 检查", "右肾增强磁共振成像" ], "866024000": [ "Assessment of risk for accidental opioid overdose", "意外过量服用阿片类药物的风险评估" ], "14231000087106": [ "Ultrasonography of right groin and right scrotum", "Ultrasound of right groin and right scrotum", "Ultrasound scan of right groin and right scrotum", "右腹股沟和右阴囊超声扫描", "右腹股沟和右阴囊超声检查" ], "310803009": [ "Interposition of microvascularly attached colon", "微血管附着结肠介入治疗" ], "734952002": [ "Aspiration of bilateral shoulders using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of bilateral shoulders", "荧光透视引导下双肩抽吸术", "在荧光透视引导下进行双肩抽吸" ], "9111000087109": [ "Doppler ultrasound of artery of right inguinal region", "Doppler ultrasound scan of artery of right inguinal region", "Doppler ultrasonography of artery of right inguinal region", "右腹股沟区动脉多普勒超声检查", "右腹股沟区动脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "35991000087107": [ "Excision of part of left breast and lymph node group of left axilla", "Excision of part of left breast and lymph nodes of left axilla", "切除左乳房部分及左腋窝淋巴结", "左乳房部分及左腋窝淋巴结组切除术" ], "48659009": [ "Destruction of lesion of uterus", "子宫病变破坏" ], "151000087108": [ "Fluoroscopy of left upper extremity", "Fluoroscopy of left upper limb", "左上肢透视检查" ], "274365002": [ "Surgical biopsy of ovary", "卵巢手术活检" ], "405437004": [ "Removal of catheter from femoral vein", "从股静脉拔除导管" ], "225213006": [ "Breakaway procedure", "分离程序" ], "716733008": [ "Provision of ambulance with stretcher facility", "提供带担架的救护车" ], "241597008": [ "Digital slit-beam radiograph", "Topogram", "Scanogram", "Scout view", "扫描图", "地形图", "侦察视角", "数字裂隙射线摄影" ], "698514002": [ "Closure of skin wound of head by tape", "用胶带封闭头部皮肤伤口" ], "174226004": [ "Passage of flatus tube to reduce volvulus of sigmoid colon", "置入排气管以减少乙状结肠扭转" ], "305298005": [ "Admission by dental surgeon", "牙科医生入院" ], "370834006": [ "Monitoring of changes in respiratory status", "Monitors changes in respiratory status", "监测呼吸状态的变化" ], "1255570007": [ "Removal of fractured endodontic instrument from root canal of tooth", "Removal of separated endodontic instrument from root canal of tooth", "从牙根管中取出分离的根管器械", "从牙根管中取出断裂的根管器械" ], "57703000": [ "Extraction of permanent tooth", "拔除恒牙" ], "713063003": [ "Assessment using SURE (Sure of myself, Understand information, Risk-benefit ratio, Encouragement) test", "Assessment using Sure of myself, Understand information, Risk-benefit ratio, Encouragement test", "使用 SURE(自我肯定、理解信息、风险收益比、鼓励)测试进行评估", "使用自我肯定、理解信息、风险收益比、鼓励测试进行评估" ], "418151004": [ "Polymerase chain reaction test for Leishmania infantum", "PCR test for Leishmania infantum", "Polymerase chain reaction test for L. infantum", "婴儿利什曼原虫聚合酶链反应检测", "婴儿利什曼原虫 PCR 检测" ], "172391003": [ "Sliding graft to conjunctiva", "将移植物滑入结膜" ], "121404000": [ "Nitroglycerin measurement", "硝酸甘油测量" ], "252476001": [ "Progressive exercise test", "渐进性运动试验" ], "432700000": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of axillary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of axillary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导经皮腋动脉栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮腋动脉栓塞术" ], "105020002": [ "Urobilinogen measurement, urine, semi-quantitative", "尿胆原测量,尿液,半定量" ], "711228007": [ "Fixation of fracture of bone using condylar plate", "髁板固定骨折" ], "250641004": [ "AST serum level", "AST serum measurement", "Aspartate aminotransferase serum measurement", "血清天冬氨酸氨基转移酶测定", "血清 AST 测定", "血清谷草转氨酶水平" ], "234257007": [ "Femoral lymphadenectomy", "Excision of femoral lymph nodes group", "股淋巴结组切除", "股淋巴结清扫术" ], "265190000": [ "Soft tissue correction of hallux valgus", "拇外翻的软组织矫正" ], "54033009": [ "Cystourethroplasty", "Repair of bladder neck", "Vesicourethroplasty", "Cystourethroplasty and plastic repair of bladder neck", "V-Y operation of bladder neck", "Plication of sphincter of urinary bladder", "Sphincteroplasty of bladder neck", "膀胱颈括约肌成形术", "膀胱尿道成形术", "膀胱尿道成形术及膀胱颈整形修复", "膀胱括约肌折叠术", "膀胱颈V-Y手术", "膀胱颈修复" ], "117734001": [ "Giardia lamblia 65 antigen assay", "蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫 65 抗原检测" ], "183270005": [ "Visual defect-remedial therapy", "视觉缺陷矫正治疗" ], "443579008": [ "Radionuclide imaging with computed tomography attenuation correction", "放射性核素成像与计算机断层扫描衰减校正" ], "1162640003": [ "Diphtheria and acellular pertussis and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of diphtheria and acellular pertussis and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Diphtheria and acellular pertussis and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Diphtheria and acellular pertussis and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Administration of vaccine product containing only acellular Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Haemophilus influenzae type b and Hepatitis B virus and inactivated Human poliovirus antigens", "白喉、无细胞百日咳、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙型肝炎、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "白喉、无细胞百日咳、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙型肝炎、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫", "接种白喉、无细胞百日咳、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙型肝炎和灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "接种仅含有无细胞百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙型肝炎病毒和灭活人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品" ], "425360004": [ "Anger management case management", "愤怒管理案例管理" ], "408976005": [ "Neurovascular care management", "Manage neurovascular care", "管理神经血管护理", "神经血管护理管理" ], "175930000": [ "Revision of pyeloplasty", "肾盂成形术修复" ], "439909009": [ "Repair of central venous access catheter", "中心静脉导管修复" ], "177765008": [ "Opening of chest", "Thoracotomy", "开胸手术", "开胸" ], "405306003": [ "Decompression of artery", "动脉减压" ], "63077009": [ "Implantation of blood vessels into myocardium", "Implantation of artery branches to heart muscle", "Indirect cardiac revascularization", "Sewell operation of heart", "Heart revascularization by arterial implant", "Heart revascularisation by arterial implant", "Indirect cardiac revascularisation", "间接心脏血运重建术", "将动脉分支植入心肌", "塞维尔心脏手术", "通过动脉植入进行心脏血运重建", "血管植入心肌", "间接心脏血运重建" ], "225082002": [ "Emptying urinary catheter", "Emptying catheter bag", "排空导尿袋", "排空导尿管" ], "241466007": [ "Intravascular ultrasound scan of blood vessel", "Intravascular ultrasound of blood vessel", "Intravascular ultrasound angiography of blood vessel", "Intravascular ultrasonography of blood vessel", "血管内超声", "血管内超声血管造影", "血管内超声扫描", "血管内超声检查" ], "239631001": [ "Correction of tibial pseudoarthrosis by deep circumflex iliac artery flap", "Correction of tibial pseudoarthrosis by DCIA (deep circumflex iliac artery) bone flap", "Correction of tibial pseudoarthrosis by deep circumflex iliac artery bone flap", "Correction of tibial pseudoarthrosis by DCIA (deep circumflex iliac artery) flap", "旋髂深动脉皮瓣修复胫骨假关节", "旋髂深动脉骨瓣置换术矫正胫骨假关节", "旋髂深动脉骨瓣置换治疗胫骨假关节", "旋髂深动脉皮瓣矫正胫骨假关节" ], "10255001": [ "Incision of ureter", "Ureterotomy", "输尿管切开术" ], "8420001": [ "Abrasion", "Abrasion procedure", "磨损", "磨蚀程序" ], "172260007": [ "Incision of eyelid", "Blepharotomy", "眼睑切开", "眼睑切开术" ], "1100881000168104": [ "Cognitive assessment", "Assessment of cognitive function", "认知功能评估", "认知评估" ], "450788009": [ "Revision of closed reduction of dislocation", "脱位闭合复位翻修术" ], "6585004": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of tarsal or metatarsal", "跗骨或跖骨骨折闭合复位" ], "1153465004": [ "Education about overdosing", "关于用药过量的教育" ], "252345006": [ "Epstein-Barr virus B-lymphocyte stimulation", "EB病毒B淋巴细胞刺激" ], "121273007": [ "Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 measurement", "胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白 2 测量" ], "55737007": [ "Synergism testing, disk dilution method", "协同作用试验,纸片稀释法" ], "104889009": [ "Pregnenolone measurement", "孕烯醇酮测量" ], "447118001": [ "Excision of verruca of pinna", "Excision of wart of pinna", "耳廓疣切除术" ], "448953009": [ "Biopsy of metatarsal bone", "跖骨活检" ], "709262003": [ "Luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone check", "Luteinising hormone and follicle stimulating hormone check", "黄体生成素和促卵泡激素检查" ], "1217166005": [ "Anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery to distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "将左胸内动脉 (LITA) 吻合至左冠状动脉前降支远端部分", "左胸廓内动脉与左冠状动脉前降支远端吻合术", "左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 与左冠状动脉前降支远端部分的吻合术" ], "265059000": [ "Open myomectomy", "开放性肌瘤切除术" ], "52067000": [ "Thromboplastin generation test, Biggs-Douglas", "凝血活酶生成试验,Biggs-Douglas" ], "2915002": [ "Suture of capsule of ankle", "Capsulorrhaphy of ankle", "踝关节囊缝合术", "踝关节囊缝合" ], "35683002": [ "Phototherapy of newborn", "Phototherapy: neonate", "Phototherapy of neonate", "Newborn phototherapy", "新生儿光疗", "光疗:新生儿" ], "609123001": [ "Microscopic examination of cell block of urine specimen", "尿液标本细胞块显微镜检查" ], "250510009": [ "Syphilis antibody titer", "Syphilis antibody titre", "Syphilis antibody titer measurement", "Syphilis antibody titre measurement", "梅毒抗体滴度测定", "梅毒抗体滴度" ], "117603006": [ "Human leucocyte antigen DR AND DQ antigen phenotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen DR AND DQ antigen phenotyping", "HLA (Human leukocyte antigen) DR AND DQ phenotyping", "HLA (Human leucocyte antigen) DR AND DQ phenotyping", "HLA(人类白细胞抗原)DR 和 DQ 表型", "人类白细胞抗原 DR 和 DQ 抗原表型" ], "1231715007": [ "Scapholunate ballottement test", "舟月骨滑行试验" ], "83000000": [ "Manipulation of ovary", "卵巢操作" ], "445283009": [ "Provision of educational material", "提供教育材料" ], "50232003": [ "Irrigation of ureterostomy", "输尿管造口冲洗" ], "427064004": [ "Continuous pulse oximetry", "连续脉搏血氧测定" ], "443448006": [ "Application of intermittent pneumatic compression device", "间歇式气动加压装置的应用" ], "736525003": [ "Repair of subcutaneous tissue", "修复皮下组织" ], "408845003": [ "Fetal heart monitoring with Pinard stethoscope", "Foetal heart monitoring with Pinard stethoscope", "使用 Pinard 听诊器进行胎儿心脏监测" ], "437231000124109": [ "Sodium modified diet", "钠改良饮食" ], "228621007": [ "Provision of environmental control system", "提供环境控制系统" ], "243170001": [ "Negative end expiratory pressure applied", "施加呼气末负压" ], "718306003": [ "Fluoroscopy guided removal of tunneled drain from thorax", "Removal of tunneled drain from thorax using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided removal of tunnelled drain from thorax", "Removal of tunnelled drain from thorax using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下从胸腔取出隧道引流管", "在荧光透视引导下从胸腔取出隧道式引流管", "透视引导下从胸腔取出隧道式引流管", "透视引导下从胸腔取出隧道引流管" ], "46562009": [ "Incisional discission of secondary membranous cataract and anterior hyaloid", "继发性膜性白内障及前部玻璃体切除术" ], "388791002": [ "Blueberry specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf288 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Vaccinium myrtillis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Vaccinium myrtillis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "越橘特异性IgE抗体测定", "蓝莓特异性IgE抗体测定", "越橘特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf288特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "241335002": [ "Radionuclide large intestine study", "Large bowel imaging", "放射性核素大肠研究", "大肠成像" ], "77495002": [ "Biofeedback, electro-oculogram", "生物反馈、眼电图" ], "239500004": [ "Interposition arthroplasty of the hip", "髋关节置换术" ], "104758000": [ "Inulin measurement", "菊粉测量" ], "432438002": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of superior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of superior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of superior vena cava with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of superior vena cava with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮上腔静脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮上腔静脉造影栓塞术" ], "252214005": [ "Saline suppression test", "盐水抑制试验" ], "710966007": [ "Management of negative behavior", "Management of negative behaviour", "管理负面行为", "管理不良行为" ], "397835000": [ "Transoesophageal echocardiographic valvular monitoring", "Transesophageal echocardiographic valvular monitoring", "经食管超声心动图瓣膜监测" ], "250379004": [ "Rh antigen type", "Rh antigen type determination", "Rh system antigen type determination", "Rh抗原类型", "Rh系统抗原型测定", "Rh抗原型别测定" ], "446987006": [ "Determination of susceptibility of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 to panel of antiretroviral drugs using genotypic technique", "HIV 1 genotyping", "Human immunodeficiency virus 1 genotyping", "使用基因型技术确定人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 对抗逆转录病毒药物的敏感性", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 基因分型", "HIV 1 基因分型" ], "35552007": [ "Repair of nonperforating laceration of cornea with removal of foreign body", "角膜非穿透性裂伤的修补及异物取出" ], "232160007": [ "Insertion of bone anchors for aural prosthesis", "Insertion of anchors for artificial ear", "Insertion of anchors for prosthetic pinna", "Insertion of bone pins for aural prosthesis", "插入用于耳部假体的骨锚", "耳廓假体锚的插入", "插入骨针用于假耳", "插入人工耳锚" ], "82869006": [ "Cell count and differential, pleural fluid", "胸腔积液细胞计数和分化" ], "48266000": [ "Closure of cervicoaural fistula", "颈耳瘘管闭合" ], "359562000": [ "Duodenotomy for biopsy", "十二指肠切开活检" ], "310410007": [ "Deregistration procedure", "注销登记程序" ], "392330008": [ "Lupinus spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rw207 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lupin specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lupinus spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "羽扇豆属特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "Rw207 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "羽扇豆属特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "羽扇豆特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "44596000": [ "Local anesthesia, by infiltration", "Local anaesthesia, by infiltration", "Local anaesthetic infiltration", "Local anesthetic infiltration", "局部浸润麻醉", "局部麻醉浸润" ], "406879009": [ "Lissamine green B stain method", "Lissamine green B stain", "丽丝胺绿B染色法", "丽丝胺绿 B 染色" ], "241204005": [ "Metatarsophalangeal joint arthrogram", "跖趾关节造影" ], "239369000": [ "Orthognathic surgery on radiographs", "正颌手术的射线照片" ], "370441006": [ "Biopsy of lesion of wall of heart", "心壁病变活检" ], "9993006": [ "Incision of diaphragm", "膈肌切开术" ], "1287945008": [ "Prosthetic hybrid total knee replacement", "假肢混合型全膝关节置换术" ], "90078005": [ "Lymphocyte transformation with mitogen culture", "有丝分裂原培养的淋巴细胞转化" ], "450526008": [ "Drainage of dental abscess by intraoral approach", "口内引流牙脓肿" ], "710835000": [ "Assessment of attitude toward medication management", "药物管理态度评估" ], "1251507003": [ "Arthroplasty of left hip", "Repair of joint of left hip", "左髋关节置换术", "左髋关节修复" ], "432307004": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of inferior mesenteric artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of inferior mesenteric artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of inferior mesenteric artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of inferior mesenteric artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮肠系膜下动脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮肠系膜下动脉造影栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下肠系膜下动脉经皮造影栓塞术" ], "566321000119100": [ "Computed tomography of foot without contrast", "CT of foot without contrast", "足部无造影 CT", "无造影剂足部计算机断层扫描" ], "71859006": [ "Repair of entropion with lid reconstruction", "Wheeler operation for repair of entropion", "眼睑内翻修复及眼睑重建", "惠勒手术修复眼睑内翻" ], "104627006": [ "Deoxycholate measurement", "脱氧胆酸测量" ], "16383281000119103": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of spine without contrast", "MR angiography of spine without contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiogram of spine without contrast", "无造影剂脊柱磁共振血管造影" ], "70024001": [ "Total rhinectomy", "Amputation of nose", "Total excision of nose", "鼻子截除术", "全鼻切除术", "鼻部全切除术" ], "430472002": [ "Percutaneous injection of thrombin using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopic guidance for percutaneous injection of thrombin", "荧光透视引导下经皮注射凝血酶" ], "709000002": [ "Laparoscopic repair of bilateral direct inguinal hernias with graft or prosthesis", "Laparoscopic repair of both direct inguinal hernias with graft or prosthesis", "腹腔镜下使用移植物或假体修复腹股沟直疝", "腹腔镜下使用移植物或假体修复双侧腹股沟直疝" ], "741768003": [ "Management of fall prevention", "跌倒预防管理" ], "414088005": [ "Emergency CABG", "Emergency coronary artery bypass graft", "紧急冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "37256008": [ "Repair of eye for eyeball rupture", "眼球破裂修复术" ], "608861006": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from perivesical tissue", "膀胱周围组织标本的显微镜检查" ], "281181008": [ "Rebase of maxillofacial prosthesis", "颌面假体修复" ], "117341009": [ "Direct burn culture", "直接烧伤培养" ], "410418004": [ "Stress management surveillance", "压力管理监测" ], "443186006": [ "Reconstruction of ramus of mandible by L osteotomy with grafting of bone", "L 形截骨植骨重建下颌骨升支" ], "48135003": [ "Anesthesia for any cast procedure involving knee joint", "Anaesthesia for any cast procedure involving knee joint", "涉及膝关节的任何石膏固定手术的麻醉" ], "15367004": [ "Ancillary service audit", "辅助服务审计" ], "31751007": [ "Social service referral of home patient", "家庭病人社会服务转介" ], "179207009": [ "Apply balanced skeletal traction", "施加平衡的骨骼牵引" ], "13532002": [ "Excision of lesion of thoracic aorta with interposition graft replacement", "胸主动脉病变切除及中间移植物置换术" ], "177372006": [ "Distant subcutaneous pedicle flap, fasciocutaneous, to head or neck", "远端皮下带蒂皮瓣,筋膜皮瓣,至头部或颈部" ], "404913000": [ "Tangential shave of burn injury", "烧伤切线剃除" ], "388529005": [ "Bovine lactoferrin specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf334 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bovine lactoferrin specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "牛乳铁蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "牛乳铁蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rf334 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "699825005": [ "Education about electroconvulsive therapy", "电休克治疗教育" ], "306609008": [ "Discharge from forensic psychiatry service", "法医精神病学服务出院" ], "59014001": [ "Procainamide measurement", "Pronestyl measurement", "普鲁卡因胺测量", "Pronesyl 测量" ], "1156742001": [ "Percutaneous drainage of thyroid using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous drainage of thyroid", "CT引导下经皮甲状腺穿刺引流", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行甲状腺经皮引流" ], "239238001": [ "Repair of tendo achilles by tendon transfer procedure", "通过肌腱转移术修复跟腱" ], "171867002": [ "Maintenance of neurostimulator electrode in peripheral nerve", "周围神经刺激器电极的维护" ], "57179005": [ "Anesthesia for radical procedure on humerus and elbow", "Anaesthesia for radical procedure on humerus and elbow", "肱骨、肘关节根治术麻醉", "肱骨、肘关节根治术的麻醉" ], "401243005": [ "Hepatitis E IgG level", "Hepatitis E immunoglobulin G level", "戊型肝炎 IgG 水平", "戊型肝炎免疫球蛋白 G 水平" ], "712539007": [ "Fluoroscopy guided radiofrequency ablation of cyst of liver", "Radiofrequency ablation of cyst of liver using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下肝囊肿射频消融术", "透视引导下肝囊肿射频消融术" ], "237403007": [ "Drainage of breast seroma", "乳腺血清肿引流" ], "104496000": [ "Apolipoprotein measurement", "载脂蛋白测量" ], "235568004": [ "Bile duct drainage", "胆管引流" ], "430341000": [ "Ablation of osteoid osteoma using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Ablation of osteoid osteoma using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided ablation of osteoid osteoma", "CT引导下骨样骨瘤消融术", "使用计算机断层扫描引导消融骨样骨瘤", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导消融骨样骨瘤" ], "708869009": [ "Arthrotomy with drainage of glenohumeral joint", "Arthrotomy with drainage of shoulder joint", "盂肱关节切开引流术", "肩关节切开引流术" ], "182746002": [ "Operative external blood circulation", "手术体外血液循环" ], "313818009": [ "Plasma androsterone level", "Plasma androsterone measurement", "血浆雄酮测量", "血浆雄酮水平" ], "410287004": [ "Employment teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Employment teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Employment education, guidance, and counseling", "Employment education, guidance, and counselling", "就业教学、指导和咨询", "就业教育、指导和咨询" ], "687005": [ "Albumin/Globulin ratio", "A/G ratio", "白蛋白/球蛋白比率", "A/G 比率" ], "80772001": [ "Hepatogastrostomy", "Hepaticogastrostomy", "Hepatico-gastrostomy", "Anastomosis hepatic duct to stomach", "肝管与胃吻合", "肝胃吻合术" ], "736132002": [ "Radiofrequency trigeminal rhizotomy", "Radiofrequency rhizotomy of trigeminal nerve", "三叉神经射频切断术", "射频三叉神经根切断术" ], "441220003": [ "Storage of amputated body part", "截肢部位的储存" ], "33455009": [ "Incision and exploration of inguinal region", "Incision and exploration of groin", "腹股沟切开探查", "腹股沟区切开探查" ], "179076006": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture and locked reamed intramedullary nail fixation", "骨折切开复位复位及锁定扩髓髓内钉固定" ], "62553002": [ "Repair of blepharophimosis", "睑裂狭窄的修复" ], "29785002": [ "Core needle biopsy of bronchus", "支气管芯针活检" ], "423001006": [ "Maintenance of temporary epicardial cardiac pacemaker settings", "Temporary epicardial cardiac pacemaker settings care", "临时心外膜心脏起搏器放置护理", "临时心外膜心脏起搏器设置的维护" ], "439385008": [ "Measurement of methotrexate in cerebrospinal fluid", "脑脊液中甲氨蝶呤的测定" ], "77102001": [ "Medial fasciotomy with partial ostectomy of upper extremity", "内侧筋膜切开术及上肢部分骨切除术" ], "240942001": [ "Percutaneous endovascular obliteration", "经皮血管内封堵术" ], "175406006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of cerebral artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of cerebral artery", "经皮脑动脉腔内栓塞术" ], "306478009": [ "Discharge by hand surgeon", "手外科医生出院" ], "173571001": [ "Partial esophagectomy and end-to-end anastomosis of esophagus", "Partial oesophagectomy and end-to-end anastomosis of oesophagus", "食管部分切除及食管端端吻合术" ], "1287683007": [ "Risankizumab therapy", "瑞桑克珠单抗治疗" ], "384728007": [ "Replacement of device", "Removal and reimplantation of device", "移除并重新植入装置", "更换设备" ], "235437000": [ "Removal of nasoduodenal tube", "拔除鼻十二指肠管" ], "38829003": [ "Partial excision", "Subtotal excision", "Incision and partial removal", "切开和部分切除", "部分切除", "次全切除" ], "104365005": [ "Complement factor I measurement", "补体因子 I 测量" ], "710573005": [ "Demonstration of subcutaneous injection technique", "皮下注射技术演示" ], "4226002": [ "Excision of lesion of thoracic vein", "胸静脉病变切除术" ], "708738002": [ "Excisional debridement of burn involving less than 5% of body surface", "Excisional debridement of burn involving less than five percent of body surface", "烧伤面积不足体表面积 5% 的切除清创术", "体表面积不足5%的烧伤切除清创" ], "69762004": [ "Excision of lesion of kidney", "肾脏病损切除术" ], "86146009": [ "Partial excision of pituitary gland by transfrontal approach", "Subtotal hypophysectomy by transfrontal approach", "Partial hypophysectomy by transfrontal approach", "经额入路垂体部分切除术", "经额入路垂体次全切除术" ], "870743002": [ "Anastomosis of right internal thoracic artery to coronary artery", "Anastomosis of RIMA (right internal mammary artery) to coronary artery", "RIMA(右内乳动脉)与冠状动脉吻合术", "右胸内动脉与冠状动脉吻合术" ], "118914009": [ "Procedure on lacrimal system", "泪道系统手术" ], "231767004": [ "Scleral thinning procedure", "巩膜减薄术" ], "739671004": [ "Total hysterectomy with left oophorectomy", "全子宫切除术和左卵巢切除术" ], "182615005": [ "Acupuncture for analgesia", "针灸镇痛" ], "18775007": [ "Manipulation of tissue of vulva", "外阴组织操作" ], "84311009": [ "Angiography of internal mammary artery", "Internal mammary arteriogram", "Arteriography of internal mammary artery", "乳内动脉造影", "乳腺内动脉造影" ], "736001000": [ "Administration of nebivolol", "奈必洛尔的给药" ], "410156008": [ "Occupational therapy education", "Teach occupational therapist service", "职业治疗教育", "教授职业治疗师服务" ], "31489003": [ "Drainage of inner ear", "内耳引流" ], "236071000112108": [ "Screening for cancer of upper gastrointestinal tract", "Screening for malignant neoplasm of upper gastrointestinal tract", "上消化道癌症筛查", "上消化道恶性肿瘤筛查" ], "29654000": [ "Excision of lesion of eyelid, major, partial-thickness", "眼睑主要、部分厚度病变切除术" ], "783318000": [ "Meshed partial thickness autograft of skin to skin of head", "Meshed split thickness autograft of skin to skin of head", "网状分层自体皮肤移植至头部皮肤", "皮肤网状部分厚度自体移植至头部皮肤" ], "371883000": [ "Outpatient procedure", "门诊治疗" ], "1141931005": [ "Vitamin A and/or vitamin A derivative modified diet", "维生素 A 和/或维生素 A 衍生物改良饮食" ], "306347006": [ "Referral to dance therapist", "转介给舞蹈治疗师" ], "91520000": [ "Injection of spinal steroid", "Injection of steroid into spinal canal", "脊柱类固醇注射", "椎管内注射类固醇" ], "175275009": [ "Extra-anatomic bypass of aorta", "主动脉解剖外旁路手术" ], "304512002": [ "Reminding about performing activity", "提醒正在进行活动" ], "386432004": [ "Shock management", "冲击管理" ], "173440008": [ "Surgical arrest of postoperative bleeding from tonsillar bed", "手术止血治疗术后扁桃体床出血" ], "171605005": [ "Intracranial destruction of accessory nerve (XI)", "副神经颅内破坏(XI)" ], "5930003": [ "Cardiac monitor removal", "心脏监护仪移除" ], "235306004": [ "Ileal transposition", "Interposition of ileum", "回肠插入", "回肠转位" ], "71466003": [ "Valproic acid measurement", "丙戊酸测量" ], "104234003": [ "Gradient strip susceptibility test", "梯度试纸磁共振试验" ], "169770008": [ "Postnatal - eighth day visit", "产后第八天访视" ], "446463003": [ "Full mouth plain X-ray of teeth", "全口牙齿普通X光检查" ], "708607006": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of joint of knee using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of knee joint", "影像引导下经皮膝关节细针穿刺活检" ], "233471007": [ "Creation of external arteriovenous shunt", "Creation of external arteriovenous fistula", "建立外部动静脉分流术", "建立外部动静脉瘘" ], "86015008": [ "Cauterization of uterotubal ostia", "Cauterisation of uterotubal ostia", "子宫输卵管口烧灼术" ], "313556000": [ "Serum free fatty acid measurement", "Serum free fatty acid level", "血清游离脂肪酸水平", "血清游离脂肪酸测定" ], "444628000": [ "Computed tomography of head, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "CT of head, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "头部、腹部和骨盆的增强计算机断层扫描", "头部、腹部和盆腔增强 CT 扫描" ], "231636009": [ "Incision and curettage of lacrimal canaliculus", "泪小管切开刮除术" ], "410025003": [ "Clamping", "Application of clamp", "夹紧", "夹具的应用" ], "442793005": [ "Incisional biopsy of interphalangeal joint of toe", "趾间关节切开活检" ], "424574000": [ "Occupational therapy education, guidance, counselling", "Occupational therapy education, guidance, counseling", "Occupational therapy care teaching, guidance and counselling", "Occupational therapy care teaching, guidance and counseling", "职业治疗护理教学、指导和咨询", "职业治疗教育、指导、咨询" ], "65961009": [ "Fistulization of endolymphatic sac for decompression", "Fistulisation of endolymphatic sac for decompression", "内淋巴囊造瘘减压术", "内淋巴囊造瘘术减压" ], "1260158002": [ "Open repair of acetabular labrum", "髋臼唇开放修复" ], "703102004": [ "Dialysis catheter procedure using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided dialysis catheter procedure", "荧光透视引导透析导管手术", "使用荧光透视引导的透析导管手术" ], "64126005": [ "Colpoperineoplasty with repair of urethrocele", "Colpoperineoplasty with repair of urethrocoele", "阴道会阴成形术及尿道膨出修复术" ], "178814008": [ "Spinal facet joint denervation", "脊柱小关节去神经支配" ], "408190009": [ "Haemoglobin O level", "Hemoglobin O level", "血红蛋白 O 水平" ], "176979002": [ "Endoscopic bilateral clipping of fallopian tubes", "内镜双侧输卵管夹闭术" ], "1209171002": [ "Reconstruction of mandible using bone flap", "下颌骨骨瓣重建" ], "815955004": [ "Placement of orthodontic bracket using partial bonding", "使用部分粘接技术放置正畸托槽" ], "306216002": [ "Referral to adult cochlear implant service", "转介至成人人工耳蜗植入服务" ], "11304004": [ "Delayed hypersensitivity skin test for diphtheria", "Diphtheria skin test", "白喉迟发型超敏反应皮肤试验", "白喉皮肤试验" ], "175144005": [ "Implantation of intravenous triggered cardiac pacemaker", "静脉触发心脏起搏器植入术" ], "699432005": [ "Pivot shift test", "枢轴移位测试" ], "1303805000": [ "Construction of tracheostomy", "Construction of stoma of trachea", "气管造口术", "气管切开术的构建" ], "255229001": [ "Endoscopy of pancreas", "胰腺内窥镜检查" ], "173309002": [ "Partial restoration of crown of tooth", "牙冠部分修复" ], "386301001": [ "Infertility education", "不孕不育教育" ], "9469005": [ "Operative procedure on cranial nerve", "脑神经手术" ], "171474001": [ "Evacuation of haematoma from cerebellum", "Evacuation of hematoma from cerebellum", "小脑血肿清除术", "小脑血肿清除" ], "287997009": [ "Extraperitoneal exploration", "腹膜外探查" ], "122322003": [ "Chlamydia trachomatis rRNA assay", "Chlamydia trachomatis ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "沙眼衣原体核糖体核糖核酸检测", "沙眼衣原体 rRNA 检测" ], "7634006": [ "Arthrectomy of spine", "脊柱关节切除术" ], "237010009": [ "Suprapubic pressure on fetal shoulder", "Suprapubic pressure on foetal shoulder", "耻骨上对胎儿肩部的压力" ], "431783002": [ "Replacement of tunnelled central venous catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Replacement of tunneled central venous catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用荧光造影剂透视引导更换隧道式中心静脉导管", "用荧光造影剂引导更换隧道式中心静脉导管" ], "448167001": [ "Intraluminal brachytherapy of rectum", "直肠腔内近距离放射治疗" ], "710311002": [ "Human immunodeficiency virus 1 and virus 2 antibodies and Human immunodeficiency virus 1 p24 antigen combination immunoassay", "HIV-1/HIV-2 antigen/antibody combination immunoassay", "4th generation HIV ELISA", "Fourth generation HIV ELISA", "第四代 HIV ELISA", "HIV-1/HIV-2 抗原/抗体组合免疫测定", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 和病毒 2 抗体及人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 p24 抗原组合免疫测定" ], "235175005": [ "Closure of recurrent tracheo-esophageal fistula", "Closure of recurrent tracheo-oesophageal fistula", "Closure of recurrent tracheoesophageal fistula", "Closure of recurrent tracheooesophageal fistula", "复发性气管食管瘘的封闭", "复发性气管食管瘘的缝合", "复发性气管食管瘘的封堵" ], "104103005": [ "Myeloblast count, blood", "血液中的原粒细胞计数" ], "71335008": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of axillary vein by arm incision", "手臂切口腋静脉置管取栓术" ], "167804000": [ "Sperm total count procedure", "Sperm total count", "Spermatozoa total count procedure", "精子总数", "精子总数计数程序", "精子总数检测程序" ], "36732002": [ "Pyelolithotomy", "Pyelotomy for removal of calculus", "Removal of calculus from renal pelvis by incision", "Pelviolithotomy", "盆腔切开取石术", "切开取石术", "肾盂切开取石术", "肾盂切开术去除结石" ], "233340002": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of profunda femoris", "PFA - Thrombolysis of the profunda femoris artery", "PFA-股深动脉血栓溶解术", "经皮股深静脉血栓溶解术" ], "446332003": [ "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and insertion of esophageal stent", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and insertion of oesophageal stent", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and insertion of esophageal stent", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and insertion of oesophageal stent", "上消化道内镜检查及食管支架置入术", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及食管支架置入" ], "774012008": [ "MRI guided high intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of prostate", "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of prostate using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI引导高强度聚焦超声消融前列腺病变", "磁共振成像引导高强度聚焦超声消融前列腺病变" ], "34897002": [ "Hemodialysis, maintenance in hospital", "Haemodialysis, maintenance in hospital", "血液透析、医院维护" ], "231505007": [ "Revision of cardiac pacemaker pocket", "Revision of skin pocket for pacemaker", "心脏起搏器囊袋修复术", "起搏器皮袋修复术" ], "51281007": [ "Removal of superficial foreign body from conjunctiva", "去除结膜表面异物" ], "294002": [ "Excisional biopsy of joint structure of spine", "脊柱关节结构切除活检" ], "360742002": [ "Movement facilitation", "Facilitation of correct movement", "Facilitation of normal movement", "Neurological techniques", "运动促进", "促进正确的运动", "促进正常运动", "神经学技术" ], "311590004": [ "Phonological remediation program", "Phonological remediation programme", "语音矫正计划" ], "1260027000": [ "Reconstruction of pressure injury stage IV", "Reconstruction of pressure ulcer stage 4", "压力性损伤 IV 期重建", "压疮重建 4 期" ], "702971000": [ "Counseling for childhood immunization", "Childhood immunization counseling", "Counselling for childhood immunisation", "儿童免疫接种咨询" ], "226000002": [ "Using light bedclothing", "Using light bedlinen", "使用轻薄的床上用品", "使用浅色床单" ], "406224006": [ "Reproductive care", "生殖保健" ], "11173001": [ "Bypass transplantation with allogeneic transplant", "同种异体移植旁路移植" ], "306085004": [ "Referral from diagnostic radiographer", "Referral by diagnostic radiographer", "诊断放射技师推荐", "诊断放射技师转诊" ], "715685005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis for brachytherapy planning", "MRI of pelvis for brachytherapy planning", "骨盆 MRI 用于近距离放射治疗计划", "骨盆磁共振成像用于近距离放射治疗计划" ], "173178001": [ "Open excision of lesion of lung", "肺部病变切除术" ], "1303674002": [ "Stripping and ligation of right great saphenous vein", "Right great saphenous vein stripping and ligation", "右大隐静脉剥脱及结扎术", "右大隐静脉剥脱及结扎" ], "42106004": [ "Capillary fragility test", "Rumpel-Leede test", "Tourniquet test", "Hess test", "测试闸机", "朗佩尔-利德检验", "赫斯试验", "毛细血管脆性试验" ], "58490006": [ "Revision of spinal subarachnoid-ureteral shunt", "Revision of spinal subarachnoid-ureteral anastomosis", "脊髓蛛网膜下腔输尿管分流术的修订", "脊髓蛛网膜下腔输尿管吻合术的修订" ], "255098007": [ "Auditory canaloplasty", "耳道成形术" ], "287866009": [ "Choledochotomy and endoscopy", "胆总管切开术和内窥镜检查" ], "74874009": [ "Echography of chest, real time with image documentation", "实时胸部超声检查,附带图像记录" ], "302415002": [ "Removal of suture from skin", "拆除皮肤缝线" ], "171343002": [ "Driving-related medical examination", "Driving examination", "驾驶相关体检", "驾驶考试" ], "73039004": [ "Tarsectomy of eyelid", "Excision of tarsal plate of eyelid", "眼睑切除术", "眼睑板切除术" ], "236879005": [ "Morcellation of cervix", "宫颈粉碎术" ], "448036000": [ "Bypass of popliteal artery by anastomosis of popliteal artery to popliteal artery using prosthesis", "腘动脉旁路移植术:利用腘动脉与腘动脉之间的假体吻合" ], "122191008": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi 41kd antibody assay", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 41 kD antibody", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi 41 kiloDalton antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体 41 千道尔顿抗体的测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体 41kD 抗体的测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体 41kd 抗体检测" ], "417103009": [ "Advice to GP to decrease patient medication", "Recommendation to General Practitioner to decrease patient medication", "Recommendation to GP to decrease patient medication", "建议全科医生减少患者用药" ], "185892004": [ "New patient screening first letter", "New patient screen 1st letter", "新患者筛查第一封信" ], "431652005": [ "Radionuclide study of gastrointestinal absorption using radioactive isotope", "利用放射性同位素进行胃肠道吸收的放射性核素研究" ], "415268007": [ "Referral to dermatology nurse specialist", "转诊至皮肤科专科护士" ], "38436007": [ "Esophagogastric tamponade with balloon", "Oesophagogastric tamponade with balloon", "食管胃压塞(气囊)", "食管胃填塞术(气囊)" ], "103972007": [ "B blood group antibody identification", "B血型抗体鉴定" ], "413433006": [ "Active monitoring", "主动监控" ], "233209007": [ "Reimplantation of pulmonary artery", "肺动脉再植术" ], "427982004": [ "Implantation of vertical expanding prosthetic titanium rib", "垂直扩张假体钛肋骨植入术" ], "231374006": [ "Injection of neurolytic substance to anococcygeal nerve", "肛尾神经注射神经溶解物质" ], "229539000": [ "Patella strapping", "髌骨绑带" ], "49315002": [ "Pentobarbital measurement", "戊巴比妥测量" ], "311459003": [ "Team meeting", "团队会议" ], "721059004": [ "Amputation of right lower limb above knee", "右下肢膝盖以上截肢" ], "309624000": [ "Child referral - ophthalmology", "儿童转诊-眼科" ], "440696002": [ "Home visit for intramuscular injection", "肌肉注射上门就诊" ], "113016006": [ "Spirometry for bronchospasm with prolonged evaluation after bronchodilator", "使用支气管扩张剂后需进行肺量计检查以评估支气管痉挛" ], "31096008": [ "Internal fixation of scapula", "肩胛骨内固定" ], "1290829006": [ "Drainage of brain ventricle through previously implanted catheter", "通过先前植入的导管引流脑室" ], "305954001": [ "Referral from medical microbiologist", "Referral by medical microbiologist", "医学微生物学家推荐" ], "699170004": [ "Internal fixation of tarsal bone without fracture reduction", "Internal fixation of tarsus without fracture reduction", "未复位跗骨内固定术" ], "27426005": [ "Removal of internal fixation device from facial bone", "面部骨骼内固定装置拆除" ], "174882008": [ "Creation of valved conduit between right atrium and pulmonary artery", "在右心房和肺动脉之间建立带瓣管道" ], "43810009": [ "Removal of thrombus", "Thrombectomy", "血栓切除术", "清除血栓" ], "60194009": [ "Distal subtotal pancreatectomy with splenectomy", "远端胰腺次全切除术和脾切除术" ], "122060004": [ "Onchocerca species identification", "盘尾丝虫种鉴定" ], "284065000": [ "Biopsy of lesion of cheek", "面颊病变活检" ], "234913001": [ "Primary closure of mouth defect", "口腔缺损一期缝合" ], "38305003": [ "Application of dressing for second degree burn", "二度烧伤敷料的应用" ], "54689004": [ "Real time scan", "实时扫描" ], "103841007": [ "Platelet aggregation with calcium ionophore test", "钙离子载体试验检测血小板聚集情况" ], "120225008": [ "Transplantation of tissue of forearm", "前臂组织移植" ], "1052278006": [ "Reconstruction of left breast with pedicle transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap", "带蒂横腹直肌肌皮瓣重建左乳房" ], "233078007": [ "Transluminal left ventricular biopsy", "经腔左心室活检" ], "446070006": [ "Biopsy of pineal gland", "松果体活检" ], "85622008": [ "Cryoextraction of cataract by intracapsular approach", "囊内冷冻摘除白内障" ], "231243006": [ "LA - Local anaesthetic block of laryngeal nerve", "Laryngeal nerve block", "Local anaesthetic block of laryngeal nerve", "LA - Local anesthetic block of laryngeal nerve", "Local anesthetic block of laryngeal nerve", "LA-喉神经局部麻醉阻滞", "LA - 喉神经局部麻醉阻滞", "喉神经阻滞", "喉神经局部麻醉阻滞" ], "51019008": [ "Extracorporeal circulation for hepatic assistance", "Extracorporeal assistance to liver", "体外循环辅助肝脏治疗", "体外辅助肝脏" ], "229408004": [ "Mobilisation of the spine", "Mobilization of the spine", "Spine mobilisation", "Spine mobilization", "脊柱活动" ], "442400004": [ "Debridement and irrigation of joint", "关节清创和冲洗" ], "180256009": [ "Subcutaneous immunotherapy", "皮下免疫治疗" ], "178421004": [ "Total maxillectomy", "全上颌骨切除术" ], "176586000": [ "Clitoroplasty", "Clitoral reduction", "阴蒂成形术", "阴蒂缩小术" ], "80117009": [ "Perinasal sinusotomy", "Paranasal sinusotomy", "Sinusotomy", "鼻窦切开术", "鼻旁窦切开术" ], "307658004": [ "Sigmoid colectomy and colostomy", "乙状结肠切除术和结肠造口术" ], "174751002": [ "Open pancreatography via papilla of Vater", "经 Vater 乳头进行开放式胰腺造影" ], "1010335005": [ "Left hydrocelectomy", "左侧鞘膜积液切除术" ], "715423007": [ "Assessment using Office of Population Census and Surveys hearing disability scale", "Assessment using OPCS (Office of Population Census and Surveys) hearing disability scale", "使用人口普查和调查办公室听力障碍量表进行评估", "使用 OPCS(人口普查和调查办公室)听力障碍量表进行评估" ], "764575008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging for radiotherapy planning", "磁共振成像用于放射治疗计划" ], "25460002": [ "Excision of redundant mucosa of perineum", "会阴多余粘膜切除术" ], "385908008": [ "Cataract care assessment", "Assess cataract care", "白内障护理评估", "评估白内障护理" ], "23625003": [ "Aneurysmectomy with anastomosis of thoracic artery", "胸主动脉吻合术" ], "121929004": [ "Babesia species antibody assay", "Measurement of Babesia species antibody", "巴贝斯虫抗体的测量", "巴贝斯虫抗体检测" ], "7241007": [ "Application of dressing, major", "敷料的应用,主要" ], "103710003": [ "Microscopy during surgical procedure", "手术过程中的显微镜检查" ], "120094005": [ "Orbit transplantation", "Transplantation of orbit proper", "眼眶移植" ], "234782008": [ "Try-in of intraoral appliance", "口内器械试戴" ], "70942009": [ "Excision of scar of epicardium", "心外膜瘢痕切除术" ], "232947002": [ "Balloon dilatation of implanted truncal valve", "Balloon dilation of implanted truncal valve", "植入式动脉干瓣膜球囊扩张术" ], "265715001": [ "Revisional anterior excision of lumbar disc and posterior fusion", "腰椎间盘前路切除及后路融合术" ], "83656000": [ "Reduction of torsion of small intestine", "小肠扭转复位" ], "231112006": [ "Conventional transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation", "常规经皮电神经刺激" ], "394952009": [ "Urine 3-methoxytyramine/creatinine ratio", "尿液 3-甲氧酪胺/肌酐比率" ], "180125005": [ "Gruca tibial bifurcation procedure", "Gruca 胫骨分叉手术" ], "229277005": [ "Repeated contractions technique", "RC - Repeated contractions technique", "重复收缩技术", "RC - 重复收缩技术" ], "735346000": [ "Control of bleeding by application of direct pressure", "Control of hemorrhage by application of direct pressure", "Control of haemorrhage by application of direct pressure", "通过直接加压控制出血", "通过直接压迫止血" ], "360349008": [ "Needle biopsy of nerve ganglion", "神经节针吸活检" ], "473202005": [ "Optimization of medication for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", "Optimization of medication for chronic obstructive lung disease", "Optimisation of medication for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", "Optimisation of medication for chronic obstructive lung disease", "慢性阻塞性肺病的药物治疗优化", "慢性阻塞性肺病的药物优化" ], "176455008": [ "Diagnostic aspiration of hydrocele", "鞘膜积液诊断性抽吸" ], "10780002": [ "Hepatolithotomy of liver", "肝内胆取石术" ], "1255964009": [ "Nayyar core preparation of tooth using composite dental filling material", "Preparation of core of tooth using Nayyar technique with composite dental filling material", "采用 Nayyar 技术及复合牙科填充材料制备牙核", "采用复合牙科填充材料进行 Nayyar 牙芯准备" ], "172785002": [ "Alar base excision", "鼻翼基底部切除术" ], "715292009": [ "Computed tomography of breast with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "CT of breast with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "乳腺增强 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划", "乳腺造影计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "287473005": [ "Non-surgical oral biopsy", "非手术口腔活检" ], "238321006": [ "Intermittent peritoneal dialysis", "IPD - Intermittent peritoneal dialysis", "IPD-- 间歇性腹膜透析", "间歇性腹膜透析" ], "385777007": [ "Nursing care coordination", "护理协调" ], "252870000": [ "Maddox rod test", "MRT - Maddox rod test", "马道克斯棒试验", "MRT-- 马道克斯棒试验" ], "170950004": [ "Menopause follow-up assessment", "更年期随访评估" ], "121798007": [ "Isocitrate measurement", "异柠檬酸测量" ], "70811000": [ "Incision and drainage of submandibular space by extraoral approach", "经口外入路切开颌下腔引流" ], "169115000": [ "Photofluorography of lungs", "肺部荧光摄影" ], "185499000": [ "Expedite appointment", "加快预约" ], "119963004": [ "Adenoid destructive procedure", "腺样体破坏手术" ], "38043007": [ "Implantation of prosthesis into fallopian tube", "输卵管植入假体" ], "431259009": [ "Bathing infant", "给婴儿洗澡" ], "709787009": [ "CT guided thoracentesis", "Thoracentesis using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous aspiration of thorax using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行胸腔穿刺术", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行经皮胸腔穿刺", "CT引导下胸腔穿刺术" ], "183664005": [ "Refer to hospital OPD", "Refer to hospital outpatient department", "转诊至医院门诊" ], "265584006": [ "Maintenance of artificial urinary sphincter around male bladder neck or urethra", "男性膀胱颈或尿道周围人工尿道括约肌的维护" ], "52592006": [ "Stewart operation, renal plication with pyeloplasty", "Plication and pyeloplasty of kidney", "Hamilton-Stewart plication and pyeloplasty of kidney", "Stewart 手术、肾折叠术及肾盂成形术", "肾折叠及肾盂成形术", "肾盂成形术" ], "445808005": [ "Assessment using cognitive assessment of Minnesota", "使用明尼苏达州认知评估进行评估" ], "232816009": [ "Aortic valve and adjacent structure operations", "AV - Aortic valve operation", "主动脉瓣及邻近结构手术", "AV-主动脉瓣手术" ], "85360008": [ "Repair of nonunion of tibia with iliac autograft", "自体髂骨移植修复胫骨骨不连" ], "722501003": [ "Postoperative urine specimen collection", "术后尿液标本采集" ], "230981003": [ "Extracranial decompression of cranial nerve", "颅外脑神经减压术" ], "443973001": [ "Quantitative measurement of IgG in cord blood specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of immunoglobulin G in cord blood specimen", "脐血样本中 IgG 的定量测量", "脐血标本中免疫球蛋白G质量浓度的定量测定" ], "50757009": [ "Unroofing of external auditory canal", "Deroofing of external auditory canal", "外耳道去顶术" ], "179994002": [ "Replantation of foot", "Reattachment of foot", "足部复位", "足再植" ], "442138005": [ "Microscopy for organism in urine specimen", "尿液样本中的有机体显微镜检查" ], "391151002": [ "General psychiatric care of older adults - Part day : day care", "老年人的一般精神病护理 - 日间部分:日间护理" ], "440303005": [ "Suture of tongue to lip for micrognathia", "舌唇缝合术治疗小颌畸形" ], "12484000": [ "Respiratory care and adjustment", "呼吸护理与调节" ], "28868002": [ "Interactive group medical psychotherapy", "互动团体医疗心理治疗" ], "715161001": [ "Referral to burns service", "转诊至烧伤服务中心" ], "289177005": [ "Advice to change potassium intake", "Recommendation to change potassium intake", "改变钾摄入量的建议" ], "174489006": [ "Localized perfusion of liver", "Localised perfusion of liver", "Isolated hepatic perfusion", "肝脏局部灌注", "肝离体灌注" ], "1255833006": [ "Insertion of stent of trachea by bronchoscopy", "Bronchoscopic insertion of stent into trachea", "Insertion of tracheal stent by bronchoscopy", "经支气管镜插入气管支架", "支气管镜将支架插入气管" ], "57966002": [ "Radiation therapy, tissue and geometric inhomogeneity correction", "放射治疗、组织和几何不均匀性校正" ], "287342005": [ "Vessel shunt/by-pass", "血管分流/旁路" ], "238190005": [ "Incisional herniorrhaphy using synthetic patch", "Repair of incisional hernia using synthetic patch", "使用合成补片修补切口疝", "使用合成补片进行切口疝修补术" ], "252739000": [ "EEG telemetry", "Electroencephalogram telemetry", "脑电图遥测" ], "6979000": [ "Removal of elastic bandage", "拆除弹性绷带" ], "301891000": [ "Resurfacing of joint", "Resurfacing arthroplasty", "表面置换术", "关节置换" ], "23363003": [ "Transposition of large intestine", "大肠转位" ], "121667003": [ "Procyclidine measurement", "丙环利定测量" ], "170819002": [ "B12 deficiency initial assessment", "B12缺乏症初步评估" ], "105283005": [ "Paraquat measurement", "百草枯测量" ], "711491007": [ "Angiography of endovascular shunt", "血管内分流术血管造影" ], "119832002": [ "Skin of head excision", "头部皮肤切除" ], "709656002": [ "Fluoroscopy of liver", "肝脏透视检查" ], "1119256003": [ "Radical left hemivulvectomy", "根治性左半外阴切除术" ], "1217560008": [ "Application of negative pressure wound dressing", "Application of VAC (vacuum assisted closure) device", "Application of vacuum assisted closure device", "负压封堵器的应用", "负压伤口敷料的应用", "VAC(真空辅助闭合)装置的应用" ], "281837002": [ "Closure of amputation stump", "截肢残端闭合" ], "117997003": [ "Sarcocystis neurona antibody assay", "Measurement of Sarcocystis neurona antibody", "肉孢子虫神经元抗体的测量", "肉孢子虫神经元抗体测定" ], "412909003": [ "Blood spot isovalerylcarnitine measurement", "Blood spot isovalerylcarnitine", "血斑异戊酰肉碱", "血斑异戊酰肉碱测量" ], "445677004": [ "Assessment using geriatric depression scale 4 item form", "使用老年抑郁量表 4 项形式进行评估" ], "314605006": [ "Preoperative course of deep X-ray therapy", "深部X射线治疗术前过程" ], "232685002": [ "Insertion of tracheostomy tube", "Tracheostomy tube insertion", "插入气管切开管", "气管切开管插入" ], "707821008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon dilation of anastomosis between pulmonary artery and subclavian artery", "经皮腔内球囊扩张术肺动脉与锁骨下动脉吻合口" ], "68845007": [ "Transposition of eye muscle", "Transposition of extraocular muscle", "Extraocular muscles transposition", "眼外肌移位", "眼肌移位" ], "443842004": [ "Quantitative measurement of substance rate of glucose excretion in urine", "Quantitative measurement of substance rate of glucose excretion in urine specimen", "尿液葡萄糖排泄物质速率的定量测定", "尿液标本葡萄糖排泄率的定量测定" ], "230850006": [ "Connection from brain cyst to subcutaneous reservoir", "脑囊肿与皮下储液器的连接" ], "179863001": [ "Endoscopic shaving of articular cartilage", "内窥镜刮除关节软骨" ], "32407002": [ "Perfusion of coronary artery", "冠状动脉灌注" ], "736919006": [ "Insertion of hemodialysis catheter", "Insertion of haemodialysis catheter", "血液透析导管插入" ], "442007007": [ "Measurement of opiate agonist", "阿片类激动剂的测量" ], "79724003": [ "Administration of antivenin", "Administration of antivenom", "注射抗蛇毒血清" ], "241729000": [ "Intraoperative wake-up test", "术中唤醒测试" ], "438337003": [ "Repair of arteriovenous graft", "动静脉移植修复" ], "307265004": [ "Partial excision of facial bone", "Facial bone - partial ostectomy", "Partial ostectomy of facial bone", "面部骨部分切除", "面部骨骼 - 部分骨切除术", "面部骨部分切除术" ], "176193005": [ "Manual bladder washout through catheter", "Washing out bladder", "Irrigation of bladder through catheter", "Bladder washout", "Manual urinary bladder washout through catheter", "BWO - bladder wash out", "通过导尿管手动冲洗膀胱", "通过导管手动冲洗膀胱", "膀胱冲洗", "冲洗膀胱", "通过导管冲洗膀胱", "BWO-- 膀胱冲洗" ], "225345004": [ "Promotion of self-care", "促进自我护理" ], "305430003": [ "Admission to pediatric surgical department", "Admission to paediatric surgical department", "儿科外科入院" ], "174358006": [ "Infrared photocoagulation of haemorrhoid", "Infrared photocoagulation of hemorrhoid", "痔疮红外线光凝治疗" ], "74219000": [ "Pulmonary perfusion imaging, gaseous, with ventilation, rebreathing and washout", "气体肺灌注成像,带通气、再呼吸和冲洗" ], "90603004": [ "Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis", "RFLP analysis", "RFLP 分析", "限制性片段长度多态性分析" ], "860651005": [ "Repair of hypospadias using onlay patch", "使用贴片修复尿道下裂" ], "41451006": [ "ASO test", "Antistreptolysin O test", "Antistreptolysin-O (ASO) test", "Antistreptolysin-O test", "ASO 测试", "抗链球菌溶血素O试验", "抗链球菌溶血素-O(ASO)检测" ], "105152000": [ "Desmethylclomipramine measurement", "Norclomipramine measurement", "去甲氯米帕明测量" ], "172523009": [ "Intracapsular extraction of lens", "晶状体囊内摘除术" ], "301760002": [ "Diathermy of ovary", "Ovarian diathermy", "卵巢透热疗法" ], "6848003": [ "Anesthesia for electroconvulsive therapy", "Anaesthesia for electroconvulsive therapy", "电休克治疗的麻醉" ], "121536005": [ "Dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene measurement", "二氯二苯基二氯乙烯的测量" ], "236224007": [ "Cystoscopy and transurethral biopsy of prostate", "膀胱镜检查及经尿道前列腺活检" ], "21397001": [ "Douche of vagina", "Vaginal douche", "冲洗或阴道", "阴道灌洗" ], "709525001": [ "MRI of prostate with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of prostate with contrast", "前列腺磁共振成像", "前列腺增强磁共振成像" ], "252608009": [ "Stapedial reflex decay", "SRD - Stapedial reflex decay test", "SRD-- 镫骨反射衰减测试", "镫骨反射衰退" ], "119701006": [ "Foot manipulation", "Manipulation of foot", "Manipulation of foot - non-surgical", "足部治疗 - 非手术", "足部按摩" ], "447381007": [ "Cystoscopy and destruction of valve of urethra", "膀胱镜检查和尿道瓣膜破坏" ], "70549008": [ "Insertion of catheter for central venous pressure monitoring", "插入导管进行中心静脉压监测" ], "773226001": [ "Laparoscopic TAPP (transabdominal preperitoneal) repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic TAPP (transabdominal preperitoneal) hernioplasty using synthetic mesh for recurrent inguinal hernia", "腹腔镜经腹腹膜前合成网片修补复发性腹股沟疝", "腹腔镜经腹腹膜前疝修补术(TAPP)使用合成网片修复复发性腹股沟疝", "腹腔镜经腹腹膜前疝修补术(使用合成网片治疗复发性腹股沟疝)" ], "183402001": [ "Potential suicide care", "潜在自杀护理" ], "232554003": [ "Epiglottopexy", "会厌固定术" ], "68714003": [ "Park operation, posterior anal repair", "Park 手术、后肛门修复" ], "117866003": [ "Avian leukosis virus antigen assay", "禽白血病病毒抗原检测" ], "167018008": [ "Blood gas measurement", "Blood gas levels", "BG - Blood gases", "血气水平", "血气测量", "BG-血气" ], "83263006": [ "Anaesthesia for CT", "Anaesthesia for computed tomography", "Anesthesia for computed tomography", "Anesthesia for CT", "计算机断层扫描麻醉", "CT 扫描麻醉" ], "312639006": [ "Exploration of radial artery", "桡动脉探查" ], "310804003": [ "Interposition of microvascularly attached jejunum", "微血管附着空肠插入术" ], "32276005": [ "Monitoring of cardiac output by Fick method", "Fick法监测心输出量" ], "179732005": [ "Primary prosthetic replacement of extra-articular ligament", "Primary prosthetic replacement extra-articular ligament", "初次假体置换关节外韧带", "初次关节外韧带假体置换" ], "46825001": [ "Electrocardiographic monitoring", "Cardiovascular monitoring by ECG", "ECG (electrocardiography) monitoring", "ECG(心电图)监测", "心电图监测", "通过心电图监测心血管" ], "734953007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral kidneys with contrast", "MRI of bilateral kidneys with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both kidneys with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right kidney with contrast", "双侧肾脏增强 MRI 检查", "双肾对比磁共振成像", "左、右肾脏对比磁共振成像", "双侧肾脏对比磁共振成像" ], "225214000": [ "Procedures relating to control, restraint, seclusion and segregation", "与控制、约束、隔离和隔离有关的程序" ], "274366001": [ "Surgical biopsy of cervix", "宫颈手术活检" ], "716734002": [ "Provision of helicopter air ambulance", "提供直升机救护车" ], "440041009": [ "Incision of peritoneum with removal of gastric stimulation electrodes from lesser curvature of stomach", "Laparotomy with removal of gastric stimulation electrodes from lesser curvature of stomach", "切开腹膜并从胃小弯处取出胃刺激电极", "开腹手术并从胃小弯处取出胃刺激电极" ], "241598003": [ "Bimanual examination", "双合诊" ], "405438009": [ "Revision of amputation of thumb", "拇指截肢修复术" ], "305299002": [ "Admission by orthodontist", "正畸医生入院" ], "698515001": [ "Suprapubic urinary catheter care education", "耻骨上导尿管护理宣教" ], "419987004": [ "Fluoroscopy and angioplasty of celiac artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy and angioplasty of coeliac artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of coeliac artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of coeliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Angioplasty of celiac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of celiac artery with contrast", "腹腔动脉造影透视及血管成形术", "腹腔动脉造影荧光透视及血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下腹腔动脉造影成形术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行腹腔动脉血管成形术" ], "4721000087101": [ "Venography of right upper extremity", "Right upper limb venogram", "Venography of right arm", "Venography of right upper limb", "右臂静脉造影", "右上肢静脉造影" ], "17521000087102": [ "MRI of right thigh with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right thigh with contrast", "右大腿增强 MRI 检查", "右大腿增强磁共振成像" ], "370835007": [ "Monitoring for signs and symptoms of infection", "Monitors for signs and symptoms of infection", "监测感染的迹象和症状", "监测感染的体征和症状" ], "26771008": [ "Prescription for alteration of hormonal balance for sexual aggression", "改变荷尔蒙平衡以增强性侵犯的处方" ], "2161000087104": [ "MRI of left breast with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left breast with contrast", "左乳房 MRI 增强扫描", "左乳腺磁共振成像对比" ], "90472003": [ "Repair of round ligament of uterus", "子宫圆韧带修复" ], "881000087107": [ "Ultrasonography of right Achilles tendon", "Ultrasound of right Achilles tendon", "Ultrasound scan of right Achilles tendon", "右侧跟腱超声扫描", "右侧跟腱超声检查", "右跟腱超声检查" ], "8552003": [ "Physical medicine, initial examination, review and planning of physiotherapy program or procedure", "Physical medicine, initial examination, review and planning of physiotherapy programme or procedure", "物理医学、初步检查、审查和规划物理治疗方案或程序" ], "172392005": [ "Prosthetic replacement of conjunctiva", "结膜假体置换" ], "432701001": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of hepatic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of hepatic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of hepatic artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of hepatic artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮肝动脉栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮肝动脉造影栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮肝动脉造影栓塞术" ], "105021003": [ "Urobilinogen measurement, timed urine specimen, quantitative", "尿胆原测量,定时尿液样本,定量" ], "711229004": [ "Laparoscopic distal subtotal gastrectomy", "腹腔镜远端胃大部切除术" ], "121405004": [ "Nitrophenol measurement", "硝基苯酚测量" ], "252477005": [ "Progressive exercise test on bicycle", "自行车渐进运动试验" ], "55869009": [ "Division of ligament of hand", "Division of joint ligament of hand", "手部韧带分离", "手关节韧带分离术" ], "234258002": [ "Abdominal lymph nodes sampling", "腹部淋巴结取样" ], "117735000": [ "Helminth OR arthropod identification", "蠕虫或节肢动物识别" ], "3047001": [ "Kowa fundus photography", "Kowa眼底摄影" ], "723943006": [ "Drainage of right upper extremity using computed tomography guidance", "Drainage of right upper limb using computed tomography guidance", "Drainage of right arm using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided drainage of right upper limb", "CT guided drainage of right upper extremity", "CT guided drainage of right arm", "Computed tomography guided drainage of right upper extremity", "Computed tomography guided drainage of right upper limb", "Computed tomography guided drainage of right arm", "CT引导下右上肢引流", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行右上肢引流", "计算机断层扫描引导下右上肢引流", "计算机断层扫描引导下右臂引流", "计算机断层扫描引导右上肢引流", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行右臂引流", "CT引导下右臂引流" ], "17596000": [ "Incision and drainage of supramylohyoid space by intraoral approach", "口内入路切开引流颌骨上间隙" ], "445415008": [ "Assessment using social phobia inventory", "使用社交恐惧症量表进行评估" ], "230588002": [ "Reposition of cardiac pacemaker pocket", "心脏起搏器囊袋复位" ], "1085651000000100": [ "Assessment of social care needs", "社会护理需求评估" ], "443580006": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of bone of lumbar spine", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和腰椎骨计算机断层扫描" ], "15761001": [ "Ureterolysis", "Lysis of adhesions of ureter", "输尿管粘连松解术", "输尿管松解术" ], "408977001": [ "Urinary incontinence care assessment", "Assess urinary incontinence care", "评估尿失禁护理", "尿失禁护理评估" ], "261521007": [ "Digital incisions", "Digital incision", "Incision of digit", "数字切口", "手指切口", "手指切开术" ], "1144422000": [ "Repair of ptosis of eyebrow", "眉毛下垂修复术" ], "359825008": [ "Cytopathology, review of bronchioalveolar lavage specimen", "细胞病理学、支气管肺泡灌洗标本检查" ], "175931001": [ "Plication of kidney", "肾折叠术" ], "177766009": [ "Exploratory median sternotomy", "探查性正中胸骨切开术" ], "241467003": [ "Intravascular ultrasound of artery", "动脉血管内超声" ], "405307007": [ "Decompression of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉减压术" ], "716603007": [ "Assessment using Bracken Basic Concept Scale - Third Edition: Receptive", "Assessment using BBCS-3:R (Bracken Basic Concept Scale - Third Edition: Receptive)", "使用 BBCS-3:R(Bracken 基本概念量表 - 第三版:接受性)进行评估", "使用 Bracken 基本概念量表进行评估 - 第三版:接受性" ], "75792002": [ "Transplantation of vitreous", "玻璃体移植" ], "59408004": [ "Sitting a patient up in a chair", "让患者坐在椅子上" ], "239632008": [ "Correction of congenital deformity of foot", "足部先天畸形矫正" ], "450789001": [ "Revision of cardiac conduit", "心脏导管修复" ], "172261006": [ "Drainage of lesion of eyelid", "眼睑病损引流" ], "434405007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of popliteal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行腘静脉" ], "104890000": [ "Proinsulin measurement", "胰岛素原测量" ], "121274001": [ "Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1 measurement", "胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白 1 测量" ], "1153466003": [ "Education about transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation device", "Education about TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) device", "关于 TENS(经皮神经电刺激)设备的教育", "经皮电神经刺激装置教育" ], "252346007": [ "Candida antigen T-lymphocyte stimulation", "念珠菌抗原T淋巴细胞刺激" ], "37519000": [ "Whole organ section preparation for special studies", "用于特殊研究的整个器官切片准备" ], "709263008": [ "Assessment of appetite", "食欲评估" ], "447119009": [ "Incision and drainage of scrotum and tunica vaginalis", "阴囊及鞘膜切开引流" ], "250511008": [ "Enteric fever antibody titer measurement", "Enteric fever antibody titre", "Enteric fever antibody titer", "Enteric fever antibody titre measurement", "肠热病抗体滴度测定", "肠热病抗体滴度" ], "265060005": [ "Endometrial ablation", "EA - Endometrial ablation", "EA-子宫内膜消融术", "子宫内膜消融" ], "609124007": [ "Revision of internal fixation of humerus", "肱骨内固定术" ], "1231716008": [ "Derby relocation test", "德比搬迁测试" ], "228622000": [ "Provision of computer equipment", "提供电脑设备" ], "15630001": [ "Release for tenosynovitis of external pollicis brevis", "外拇指腱鞘炎松解术" ], "1295417009": [ "Plain X-ray of skeletal system", "骨骼系统普通 X 光检查" ], "392462005": [ "Bougainvillea spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rk214 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bougainvillea spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rk214特异性IgE抗体测量", "九重葛属特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "九重葛属特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "179470008": [ "Syndactylization of lesser toes", "Syndactylisation of lesser toes", "小趾并指症" ], "243171002": [ "NEEP increased - Negative end expiratory pressure increased", "Negative end expiratory pressure increased", "NEEP 升高 - 呼气末负压升高", "呼气末负压升高" ], "62947009": [ "One stage myelotomy", "One stage tractotomy of spinal cord", "一期脊髓切开术", "一期脊髓束切断术" ], "241336001": [ "Radionuclide study for colonic transit", "结肠转运放射性核素研究" ], "306872001": [ "Microwave diathermy to upper limb", "上肢微波透热疗法" ], "42893000": [ "Reduction of open fracture of leg", "腿部开放性骨折复位" ], "436681000124105": [ "Increased carbohydrate diet", "增加碳水化合物饮食" ], "388792009": [ "Rf341 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Vaccinium oxycoccus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cranberry specific IgE antibody measurement", "Vaccinium oxycoccus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf341特异性IgE抗体测量", "越橘特异性IgE抗体测定", "越橘特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "蔓越莓特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "239501000": [ "Prosthetic unicompartmental arthroplasty of knee", "膝关节假体单髁置换术" ], "445641000124105": [ "Technical nutrition education", "技术营养教育" ], "712802002": [ "Reconstruction of thumb with skin flap", "皮瓣修复拇指" ], "41058005": [ "Salpingectomy for tubal ectopic pregnancy by abdominal approach", "经腹输卵管切除术治疗输卵管异位妊娠" ], "8290005": [ "Induced cardioplegia", "Induced cardiac arrest", "诱导心脏停搏", "诱发心脏骤停" ], "450658007": [ "Diagnostic extraction of bone marrow", "诊断性骨髓提取" ], "416055001": [ "Total breech extraction", "全臀拔除术" ], "1251639001": [ "CT discogram with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc", "Computed tomography discogram with contrast", "Computed tomography discography with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc", "对比剂计算机断层扫描椎间盘造影", "计算机断层扫描椎间盘造影术及向椎间盘注射造影剂", "椎间盘注射造影剂进行 CT 椎间盘造影" ], "710967003": [ "Management of health status after discharge from hospital", "Managing health status after hospitalisation", "住院后健康状况管理", "出院后健康状况管理" ], "252215006": [ "Sodium restriction test", "限钠试验" ], "1217036000": [ "Insufflation of fallopian tube with injection of drug or medicament", "输卵管充气注射药物或药剂" ], "104759008": [ "Iodine measurement", "碘测量" ], "314081000": [ "Phenylketonuria screening test", "Hyperphenylalaninemia screen", "Hyperphenylalaninaemia screen", "Phenylketonuria screening", "Phenylketonuria test", "苯丙酮尿症检查", "苯丙酮尿症筛查", "高苯丙氨酸血症筛查", "苯丙酮尿症筛查试验" ], "428769000": [ "Diagnostic aspiration of orbit proper", "眼眶固有层诊断性穿刺" ], "608993002": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from skin", "皮肤标本显微镜检查" ], "232161006": [ "Revision pinnaplasty", "耳廓整形修复术" ], "84705009": [ "Bilateral otoplasty of external ear", "Repair of bilateral external ears", "Repair of both external ears", "双侧外耳成形术", "双侧外耳修复", "修复双侧外耳" ], "164790002": [ "Breath test", "呼气测试" ], "441483001": [ "Endo-esophageal ultrasonography of mediastinum", "Endo-oesophageal ultrasonography of mediastinum", "纵隔食管内超声检查" ], "310411006": [ "Administrative checking procedure", "行政审查程序" ], "392331007": [ "Rw206 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Matricaria chamomilla specific IgE antibody measurement", "Camomile specific IgE antibody measurement", "Matricaria chamomilla specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "洋甘菊特异性IgE抗体测量", "母菊特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rw206 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "母菊特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "406880007": [ "Lissamine rhodamine stain method", "Lissamine rhodamine stain", "丽丝胺罗丹明染色", "丽丝胺罗丹明染色法" ], "11829003": [ "Vitamin B6 measurement", "维生素 B6 测量" ], "388661003": [ "Hop specific IgE antibody measurement", "Humulus lupus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf324 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Humulus lupus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "狼疮特异性IgE抗体测定", "啤酒花特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Rf324 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "狼疮特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "372277005": [ "Cytologic examination of breast", "乳腺细胞学检查" ], "273973005": [ "Culture sensitivity", "文化敏感性" ], "241205006": [ "Interphalangeal joint arthrogram", "指间关节造影" ], "60981008": [ "Reopening of osteotomy site", "重新开放截骨手术部位" ], "386826003": [ "Transection of muscle of hand", "手部肌肉横断" ], "239370004": [ "Orthognathic video imaging analysis", "正颌视频成像分析" ], "173834007": [ "Carpectomy, one bone", "腕骨切除术,一根骨头" ], "90079002": [ "Removal of foreign body of epididymis", "附睾异物取出术" ], "450527004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of aorta with contrast", "MRI of aorta with contrast", "主动脉增强 MRI", "主动脉磁共振成像对比" ], "188383006": [ "Surgical repair of lower extremity", "Lower extremity surgical repair", "下肢手术修复", "下肢外科修复" ], "71860001": [ "17 Hydroxyprogesterone measurement", "17 羟孕酮测量" ], "104628001": [ "Deoxycholylglycine measurement", "脱氧胆酸甘氨酸测量" ], "1236959009": [ "Excision of cyst of liver", "肝囊肿切除术" ], "448692004": [ "Biosseous angulation osteotomy of periarticular bone", "关节周围骨的骨性成角截骨术" ], "710836004": [ "Assessment of attitude toward nutritional status", "营养状况态度评估" ], "268468007": [ "Alpha-fetoprotein blood test", "甲胎蛋白血液检查" ], "70025000": [ "Lengthening of tendo calcaneus by incomplete tenotomy", "White operation", "白色行动", "通过不完全肌腱切断术延长跟腱" ], "432308009": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of renal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of renal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮肾静脉栓塞术" ], "414089002": [ "Emergency percutaneous coronary intervention", "紧急经皮冠状动脉介入治疗" ], "709001003": [ "Laparoscopic repair of bilateral, one direct and one indirect, inguinal hernias with graft or prosthesis", "Laparoscopic repair of both, one direct and one indirect, inguinal hernias with graft or prosthesis", "腹腔镜下使用移植物或假体修复腹股沟疝(一个直接疝和一个间接疝)", "腹腔镜下使用移植物或假体修复双侧腹股沟疝(一侧直接疝和一侧间接疝)" ], "430473007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging for patella tracking", "MRI for patella tracking", "MRI 跟踪髌骨", "磁共振成像用于髌骨追踪" ], "4489009": [ "Neurolysis of trigeminal nerve", "三叉神经松解术" ], "281182001": [ "Orthodontic technical procedure", "正畸技术流程" ], "363102003": [ "Endocrine radiologic studies", "内分泌放射学研究" ], "117342002": [ "Direct spectrophotometric measurement", "直接分光光度测量" ], "313950003": [ "Plasma tryptophan measurement", "Plasma tryptophan level", "血浆色氨酸水平", "血浆色氨酸测量" ], "608862004": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from prostate", "前列腺标本的显微镜检查" ], "707166002": [ "Alcohol reduction program", "Alcohol reduction programme", "减少酒精饮料计划", "酒精减量计划" ], "17203000": [ "Total hepatectomy", "Total resection of liver", "全肝切除术" ], "443187002": [ "Removal of tattoo of skin", "去除皮肤纹身" ], "16327691000119101": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain with contrast", "MRI of brain with contrast", "脑部增强 MRI 检查", "脑部对比磁共振成像" ], "410419007": [ "Substance use surveillance", "药物使用监测" ], "179208004": [ "Apply Thomas splint traction", "应用托马斯夹板牵引" ], "308445006": [ "Application of Thomas splint using skin traction", "皮肤牵引托马斯夹板的应用" ], "388530000": [ "Rf291 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Brassica oleracea var.botrytis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cauliflower specific IgE antibody measurement", "Brassica oleracea var.botrytis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "甘蓝型葡萄孢特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rf291特异性IgE抗体测量", "花椰菜特异性IgE抗体测定", "甘蓝变种葡萄孢特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "439517009": [ "Adjustment of peripherally inserted central catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided adjustment of peripherally inserted central catheter with contrast", "使用荧光造影剂引导调整外周插入中心静脉导管", "透视引导下对比剂外周插入中心静脉导管的调整" ], "306610003": [ "Discharge from liaison psychiatry service", "解除联络精神病学服务" ], "77234004": [ "Opponensplasty by sublimis tendon transfer type", "肌腱转移式对侧肌腱成形术" ], "716210006": [ "Assessment using Test of Word Knowledge", "Assessment using TOWK (Test of Word Knowledge)", "使用词汇知识测试进行评估", "使用 TOWK(词汇知识测试)进行评估" ], "699826006": [ "Lifestyle education regarding risk of diabetes", "有关糖尿病风险的生活方式教育" ], "386695005": [ "Repair of stoma of oesophagus", "Repair of stoma of esophagus", "食管造口修复" ], "1156743006": [ "CT guided percutaneous drainage of neck", "Percutaneous drainage of neck using computed tomography guidance", "计算机断层扫描引导下颈部经皮引流", "CT引导下经皮颈部引流" ], "239239009": [ "Repair of tendo achilles by tendon lengthening procedure", "通过肌腱延长术修复跟腱" ], "712540009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of lumbar plexus with contrast", "MRI of lumbar plexus with contrast", "腰丛增强 MRI", "腰丛磁共振成像对比" ], "235569007": [ "Collection of bile", "Collection of bile drainage", "胆汁收集", "胆汁引流收集" ], "104497009": [ "Allo-tetrahydrocortisol measurement", "同种四氢皮质醇测量" ], "397574004": [ "Sector retinal photocoagulation", "Sector laser photocoagulation to retina", "视网膜扇形激光光凝术", "视网膜光凝术" ], "708870005": [ "Piriformis muscle injection", "Injection of piriformis muscle", "梨状肌注射" ], "446726006": [ "Ligation of duodenal varices", "Ligation of varix of duodenum", "十二指肠静脉曲张结扎术" ], "313819001": [ "Plasma vigabatrin measurement", "Plasma vigabatrin level", "血浆氨己烯酸水平", "血浆氨己烯酸测量" ], "51675008": [ "Punch biopsy of cervix", "宫颈穿刺活检" ], "18907008": [ "Neurectasis of peripheral nerve", "Stretching of peripheral nerve", "周围神经拉伸", "周围神经扩张" ], "836272003": [ "Gender confirmation top surgery", "Top surgery", "Gender affirming top surgery", "性别确认手术", "性别确认上身手术", "顶级手术" ], "410288009": [ "Environment teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Environment teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Environment education, guidance, and counseling", "Environment education, guidance, and counselling", "环境教学、指导和咨询", "环境教育、指导和咨询" ], "179077002": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture and locked unreamed intramedullary nail fixation", "骨折切开复位翻修术及锁定非扩髓髓内钉固定" ], "177242002": [ "Plastic excision of skin or subcutaneous tissue of head or neck", "Plastic excision of skin of head or neck", "头部或颈部皮肤或皮下组织的整形切除术", "头部或颈部皮肤整形切除术" ], "78938007": [ "Ultrasonography of multiple sites", "多部位超声检查" ], "306479001": [ "Discharge by hepatobiliary surgeon", "肝胆外科医生出院" ], "439386009": [ "Measurement of doxylamine in urine", "尿液中多西拉敏的测定" ], "240943006": [ "Percutaneous non-embolic vascular occlusion", "经皮非栓塞性血管闭塞术" ], "58884004": [ "Suture of capsule of foot", "Capsulorrhaphy of foot", "足囊缝合", "足部关节囊缝合术" ], "91652006": [ "Incision of cerebral subdural space", "脑硬膜下腔切开术" ], "173572008": [ "Partial oesophagectomy and interposition of microvascularly attached jejunum", "Partial esophagectomy and interposition of microvascularly attached jejunum", "部分食管切除术和微血管附着空肠插入术" ], "384729004": [ "Delivery of vertex presentation", "头先露的发生" ], "1269465006": [ "Trabeculectomy with intraoperative implantation of biodegradable collagen matrix", "小梁切除术中植入可生物降解胶原基质" ], "415662004": [ "Substance misuse monitoring", "药物滥用监测" ], "235438005": [ "Removal of nasojejunal tube", "拔除鼻空肠管" ], "432046006": [ "Percutaneous aspiration thrombectomy of mesenteric artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous aspiration thrombectomy of mesenteric artery with contrast", "透视引导下经皮肠系膜动脉造影血栓切除术", "经皮肠系膜动脉穿刺血栓切除术" ], "71598007": [ "Osteoclasis of tarsal or metatarsal", "跗骨或跖骨骨裂" ], "430211000": [ "Shortening of extraocular muscles, two or more muscles", "眼外肌缩短,两条或多条肌肉" ], "104366006": [ "Complement factor P measurement", "补体因子 P 测量" ], "710574004": [ "Demonstrating medication administration", "演示药物管理" ], "446595004": [ "Biopsy of abdomen using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行腹部活检" ], "708739005": [ "Biopsy of lesion of oral cavity", "口腔病变活检" ], "36995006": [ "Drainage of external ear", "Drainage of pinna", "耳廓引流", "外耳引流" ], "118915005": [ "Procedure on extraocular muscle", "眼外肌手术" ], "313688004": [ "CD20 B-cell count procedure", "CD20 B-cell count", "CD20 B细胞计数程序", "CD20 B细胞计数" ], "739672006": [ "Total hysterectomy with right oophorectomy", "全子宫切除术和右侧卵巢切除术" ], "870744008": [ "Anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to coronary artery", "Anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery to coronary artery", "左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 与冠状动脉吻合术", "左胸内动脉与冠状动脉吻合术" ], "231768009": [ "Removal of implant from sclera", "从巩膜取出植入物" ], "18776008": [ "Repair of sympathetic nerve", "交感神经修复" ], "426541003": [ "Atrial septectomy", "房间隔切除术" ], "410157004": [ "Occupational therapy management", "Manage occupational therapist service", "Occupational therapy care case management", "职业治疗护理案例管理", "管理职业治疗师服务", "职业治疗管理" ], "15106004": [ "Division of soft tissue of hand", "Incision of soft tissue of hand with division", "手部软组织切开及分割", "手部软组织划分" ], "64258009": [ "Replacement of diaphragm into vagina", "将隔膜放入阴道" ], "78807007": [ "Orthognathic operation of mandible", "Orthognathic surgery", "正颌手术", "下颌正颌手术" ], "306348001": [ "Referral to drama therapist", "转介给戏剧治疗师" ], "1141932003": [ "Increased vitamin A and/or vitamin A derivative diet", "增加维生素 A 和/或维生素 A 衍生物饮食" ], "81921000112100": [ "Implantation of osseointegrated bone anchor into facial bone", "Implantation of osseointegrated bone anchor into bone of face", "面部骨内植入骨整合骨锚", "将骨整合骨锚植入面骨" ], "175276005": [ "Emergency bypass of aorta by anastomosis of axillary artery to femoral artery", "腋动脉至股动脉吻合术紧急主动脉搭桥术" ], "304513007": [ "Reminding about performing procedure", "提醒执行程序" ], "386433009": [ "Shock management: cardiac", "Management of cardiogenic shock", "心源性休克的治疗", "休克管理:心脏" ], "171606006": [ "Intracranial destruction of hypoglossal nerve (XII)", "舌下神经颅内破坏(XII)" ], "269910008": [ "Bone marrow erythropoiesis", "Evaluation of bone marrow erythropoiesis", "骨髓红细胞生成", "骨髓红细胞生成的评估" ], "104235002": [ "Serum bactericidal titer test", "Schlicter test", "Serum bactericidal titre test", "Back titration", "Serum cidal test", "Minimum bactericidal concentration test", "Bactericidal activity test", "Antibiotic sensitivity, minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC)", "血清杀灭试验", "血清杀菌滴度检测", "施利克特试验", "杀菌活性试验", "抗生素敏感性、最低杀菌浓度 (MBC)", "最低杀菌浓度试验", "返滴定" ], "431915007": [ "Removal of calculus from salivary gland using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下清除涎腺结石" ], "235307008": [ "Bypass of small intestine", "小肠绕道手术" ], "708608001": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of soft tissue using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of soft tissue", "使用影像引导进行经皮软组织细针穿刺活检", "影像引导下经皮软组织细针穿刺活检" ], "53248001": [ "Catheterization of ureter", "Ureteral catheterization", "Catheterisation of ureter", "Ureteral catheterisation", "输尿管插管" ], "233472000": [ "Creation of Scribner shunt", "斯克里布纳分流器的创建" ], "20480004": [ "Arthrotomy of mediocarpal joint for infection with exploration and drainage", "Arthrotomy of midcarpal joint for infection with exploration and drainage", "腕关节切开术治疗感染并进行探查和引流" ], "169771007": [ "Postnatal - ninth day visit", "产后第九天访视" ], "118784006": [ "Procedure on pharynx", "Pharyngeal procedure", "Pharynx procedure", "咽部手术" ], "69632003": [ "Chlordiazepoxide measurement, urine", "尿液中氯氮卓的测量" ], "444629008": [ "Radiolabeled serum amyloid P component scintigraphy", "Radiolabelled serum amyloid P component scintigraphy", "放射性标记血清淀粉样蛋白 P 成分闪烁显像" ], "426410001": [ "Removal of ventricular assist device", "移除心室辅助装置" ], "1260159005": [ "Open debridement of acetabular labrum", "髋臼唇开放清创术" ], "31359006": [ "Special blood bank procedure, explain by report", "特殊血库程序,通过报告解释" ], "408191008": [ "Haemoglobin Sawara level", "Hemoglobin Sawara level", "Haemoglobin Sawara measurement", "Hemoglobin Sawara measurement", "佐原血红蛋白测定", "佐原的血红蛋白测量", "佐原血红蛋白水平" ], "178815009": [ "Radiofrequency denervation of spinal facet joint of cervical vertebra", "Radiofrequency controlled thermal denervation of cervical facet joint", "Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of cervical facet nerve", "射频控制热去除颈椎小关节神经支配", "颈椎小关节神经射频热凝治疗", "颈椎小关节射频去神经支配术" ], "815956003": [ "Placement of orthodontic traction chain", "正畸牵引链的放置" ], "176980004": [ "Endoscopic bilateral ringing of fallopian tubes", "Ligation of fallopian tubes with Fallope ring by endoscopy", "输卵管内镜环结扎术", "内镜双侧输卵管环扎术" ], "1209172009": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery and posterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery and posterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery and posterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery and posterior descending coronary artery", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支左后外侧支及后降支的序贯吻合术", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支左后外侧支及后降支的顺序吻合", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支左后外侧支及冠状动脉后降支", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支左后外侧支及后降支" ], "175145006": [ "Implantation of intravenous atrial overdrive pacemaker", "静脉心房超速起搏器植入术" ], "306217006": [ "Referral to pediatric cochlear implant service", "Referral to paediatric cochlear implant service", "转诊至儿童人工耳蜗植入服务", "转诊至儿科人工耳蜗植入服务" ], "58622000": [ "Intraoperative transluminal angioplasty of visceral artery", "术中内脏动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "42238002": [ "Proctoscopy", "Endoscopy of rectum", "Endoscopic examination of anal canal", "直肠内镜检查", "直肠镜检查", "肛管内窥镜检查" ], "386302008": [ "Unplanned pregnancy counseling", "Family planning: unplanned pregnancy", "Unplanned pregnancy counselling", "计划生育:意外怀孕", "意外怀孕咨询" ], "40403005": [ "Catheterization of right heart", "Introduction of catheter into right heart", "Right heart catheterization", "Cardiac catheterization, right heart", "Cardiac catheterisation, right heart", "Catheterisation of right heart", "Right heart catheterisation", "心导管插入术,右心", "将导管插入右心", "右心导管插入术" ], "7635007": [ "Incision of vertebral column", "脊柱切开术" ], "237011008": [ "Wood's screw manoeuvre", "Wood's screw maneuver", "Wood screw maneuver", "Wood screw manoeuvre", "伍德螺旋操作", "木螺丝操作" ], "73171008": [ "Operation for anti-incontinence", "抗尿失禁手术" ], "122323008": [ "Coccidioides immitis rRNA assay", "Coccidioides immitis ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "粗球孢子菌 rRNA 检测", "粗球孢子菌核糖体核糖核酸测定" ], "235176006": [ "Bypass of oesophagus using colon", "Bypass of esophagus using colon", "利用结肠绕道食管", "利用结肠绕道食道" ], "448168006": [ "Intracavitary brachytherapy of nasopharynx", "鼻咽腔内近距离放射治疗" ], "710312009": [ "Radionuclide imaging of perfusion of liver using technetium (99m-Tc) aggregated albumin", "Radioisotope scan of perfusion of liver using technetium (99m-Tc) aggregated albumin", "Radioisotope study of perfusion of liver using technetium (99m-Tc) aggregated albumin", "锝(99m-Tc)聚集白蛋白对肝脏灌注的放射性同位素研究", "使用锝(99m-Tc)聚集白蛋白进行肝脏灌注的放射性同位素扫描", "使用锝(99m-Tc)聚集白蛋白进行肝脏灌注放射性核素显像" ], "233341003": [ "AK - Thrombolysis of the above knee popliteal artery", "Percutaneous thrombolysis of popliteal artery", "经皮腘动脉血栓溶解术", "AK-膝上腘动脉血栓溶解术" ], "167805004": [ "Total count of normal and motile sperm", "Total count of normal and motile spermatozoa", "正常和活动精子总数", "正常和活力精子总数" ], "774013003": [ "MRI guided high intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of liver", "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of liver using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI引导高强度聚焦超声消融肝脏病变", "磁共振成像引导高强度聚焦超声消融肝脏病变" ], "264274002": [ "Endoscopic operation", "Endoscopic surgery", "Endoscopy with surgical procedure", "内窥镜手术", "内镜手术" ], "67666003": [ "Spirometry for bronchospasm with prolonged evaluation after cold air", "冷空气后需长时间进行肺量计检查以评估支气管痉挛" ], "311591000": [ "Sequencing of speech sounds", "语音排序" ], "295001": [ "Nonexcisional destruction of cyst of ciliary body", "非切除性睫状体囊肿破坏术" ], "164135002": [ "Examination of haemopoietic system", "Hemopoietic system examination", "Examination of hemopoietic system", "Haemopoietic system examination", "造血系统检查" ], "82215001": [ "Culture of environmental surface", "环境表面培养" ], "178684004": [ "Manipulation of spinal fracture", "脊柱骨折的治疗" ], "424444005": [ "Cardiovascular stress test using the adenosine stress test protocol", "使用腺苷压力测试方案进行心血管压力测试" ], "31228006": [ "Electron microscopy scanning technique, complete", "电子显微镜扫描技术,完整" ], "113148007": [ "Fluid intake encouragement", "鼓励摄入液体" ], "702972007": [ "Influenza immunisation counselling", "Counselling for influenza immunisation", "Counseling for influenza immunization", "Influenza immunization counseling", "流感免疫咨询", "流感免疫接种咨询" ], "78545003": [ "Division of tendon", "Incision of tendon with division", "肌腱切开术", "肌腱分割" ], "406225007": [ "Reproductive technology management", "Reproductive technology care", "生殖技术护理", "生殖技术管理" ], "176849008": [ "Introduction of abortifacient into uterine cavity", "将堕胎药注入宫腔" ], "125862001": [ "Excision of benign tumor of scapula", "Excision of benign tumour of scapula", "肩胛骨良性肿瘤切除术" ], "1290961009": [ "Plain X-ray of chest, lateral", "胸部普通 X 光检查,侧位" ], "306086003": [ "Referral by speech and language therapist", "Referral from speech and language therapist", "言语治疗师转介", "言语治疗师的推荐" ], "715686006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of thorax for brachytherapy planning", "MRI of thorax for brachytherapy planning", "MRI of chest for brachytherapy planning", "胸部磁共振成像用于近距离放射治疗计划", "胸部 MRI 用于近距离放射治疗计划" ], "287867000": [ "Choledochotomy and drainage", "胆总管切开引流术" ], "1303675001": [ "Osteotomy for right hallux valgus", "右拇外翻截骨术" ], "9339002": [ "Perfusion of carotid artery", "颈动脉灌注" ], "122192001": [ "Acanthamoeba culture", "棘阿米巴培养" ], "302416001": [ "Removal of metal from skin", "去除皮肤上的金属" ], "173179009": [ "Open cauterization of lesion of lung", "Open cauterisation of lesion of lung", "肺部损伤开放烧灼术", "肺损伤开放烧灼术" ], "236880008": [ "Curettage of uterus and endometrial sampling", "子宫刮除术和子宫内膜取样" ], "171344008": [ "Cab driver examination", "Taxi cab driver medical exam", "出租车司机考试", "出租车司机体检" ], "431653000": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of aorta and iliac artery", "Doppler ultrasonography (US) of aorta and iliac artery", "主动脉和髂动脉的多普勒超声检查", "主动脉及髂动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "103973002": [ "A,B blood group antibody identification", "A、B血型抗体鉴定" ], "415269004": [ "Referral to diabetes preconception counseling clinic", "Referral to diabetes preconception counselling clinic", "转诊至糖尿病孕前咨询诊所" ], "5669007": [ "Portable electroencephalogram awake and asleep with stimulation", "便携式脑电图清醒和睡眠刺激" ], "300581008": [ "Application of plaster figure of eight, short arm", "石膏八字形、短臂的应用" ], "185893009": [ "New patient screen 2nd letter", "New patient screening second letter", "新患者筛查第二封信", "新病人筛查第二封信" ], "448037009": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of long bone and rigid internal fixation", "长骨骨折闭合复位及坚固内固定" ], "233210002": [ "Transection and oversewing of pulmonary trunk", "肺动脉干切断及缝合" ], "429818002": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) using gallium", "Single photon emission computed tomography using gallium", "使用镓的单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)", "使用镓的单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "313295000": [ "Fixation of fracture using Herbert screw", "使用 Herbert 螺钉固定骨折" ], "788431006": [ "PET with CT myocardial stress imaging using rubidium-82", "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography myocardial stress imaging using rubidium-82", "使用铷-82 进行 PET 和 CT 心肌负荷成像", "使用铷-82 进行正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描心肌应力成像" ], "231375007": [ "Chemical denervation of spinal facet joint of vertebra", "脊椎小关节化学去神经支配术" ], "1999007": [ "Psychologic test", "Psychological testing", "心理测试" ], "442532001": [ "Treatment planning for repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation", "重复经颅磁刺激的治疗计划" ], "49316001": [ "Liquefaction of specimen without chemical treatment", "未经化学处理的标本液化" ], "229540003": [ "McConnell strapping", "麦康奈尔" ], "311460008": [ "Strategy training for cognitive skills", "认知技能策略训练" ], "424313000": [ "Active surveillance", "主动监测" ], "113017002": [ "Hemoglobin-oxygen affinity measurement", "Hemoglobin-oxygen affinity, p50 measurement", "Haemoglobin-oxygen affinity measurement", "Haemoglobin-oxygen affinity, p50 measurement", "血红蛋白-氧亲和力测量", "血红蛋白-氧亲和力,p50 测量" ], "721060009": [ "Amputation of left leg through tibia and fibula", "左腿胫骨和腓骨截肢" ], "309625004": [ "Referral to psychology service", "转介心理服务" ], "178553005": [ "Primary costotransversectomy of thoracic intervertebral disc", "原发性胸椎间盘肋横突切除术" ], "391545004": [ "Plasma methadone level", "血浆美沙酮水平" ], "699171000": [ "Internal fixation of metatarsal bone without fracture reduction", "未复位跖骨内固定术" ], "305955000": [ "Referral by neuropathologist", "Referral from neuropathologist", "神经病理学家转诊", "神经病理学家的推荐" ], "174883003": [ "Creation of valved conduit between right ventricle of heart and pulmonary artery", "在心脏右心室和肺动脉之间建立带瓣管道" ], "43811008": [ "Aspiration of fascia of hand", "手部筋膜抽吸术" ], "41976001": [ "Cardiac catheterization", "Cardiac catheterization procedure", "Insertion of catheter into heart chamber", "Cardiac catheterisation", "Cardiac catheterisation procedure", "CCA - Cardiac catheterisation", "CCA - Cardiac catheterization", "心导管插入术", "将导管插入心腔", "CCA-- 心脏导管插入术", "心导管检查" ], "287736008": [ "Nephrotomy with drainage", "肾切开引流术" ], "122061000": [ "Detection of fungus", "真菌检测" ], "103842000": [ "Platelet aggregation with norepinephrine test", "Platelet aggregation with noradrenaline test", "去甲肾上腺素试验检测血小板聚集情况", "去甲肾上腺素血小板聚集试验" ], "726434002": [ "Subcutaneous mastectomy of right breast", "右侧乳房皮下切除术" ], "431522007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of portal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of portal vein with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下进行门静脉", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊门静脉成形术" ], "234914007": [ "Controlling bleeding from mouth", "Arrest of oral haemorrhage", "Arrest of oral hemorrhage", "控制口腔出血", "口腔出血止血" ], "447906009": [ "Angulation osteotomy of periarticular bone and internal fixation", "关节周围骨成角截骨内固定术" ], "429687002": [ "Resurfacing hemiarthroplasty of head of humerus using cement", "Cemented resurfacing hemiarthroplasty of head of humerus", "肱骨头骨水泥置换半关节置换术", "肱骨头半关节置换术" ], "1052279003": [ "Reconstruction of right breast with pedicle transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap", "带蒂横腹直肌肌皮瓣重建右乳房" ], "233079004": [ "Excision of left ventricular lesion", "左心室病变切除术" ], "120226009": [ "Transposition of tissue of forearm", "前臂组织移位术" ], "52855003": [ "Excision of lesion of skin of extremity", "四肢皮肤病变切除术" ], "21922009": [ "Symphysiotomy", "Synchondrotomy of the symphysis pubis", "耻骨联合切开术", "耻骨联合软骨切开术" ], "231244000": [ "Local anesthetic superior laryngeal nerve block", "Local anaesthetic superior laryngeal nerve block", "Superior laryngeal nerve block", "局部麻醉喉上神经阻滞", "喉上神经阻滞" ], "446071005": [ "Exploration of pituitary fossa", "垂体窝探查" ], "151159008": [ "Nicotine replacement therapy", "尼古丁替代疗法" ], "1868005": [ "Removal of foreign body from brain", "FB - Removal of foreign body from brain", "取出脑内异物", "FB - 清除脑内异物" ], "229409007": [ "Mobilization of the cervical spine", "Mobilisation of the cervical spine", "颈椎活动" ], "80118004": [ "Ssabanejew-Frank operation, permanent gastrostomy", "Ssabanejew-Frank 手术、永久性胃造口术" ], "178422006": [ "Partial maxillectomy", "Excision of part of maxilla", "部分上颌骨切除", "部分上颌骨切除术" ], "112886009": [ "Endoscopic insertion of stent into pancreatic duct", "内窥镜胰管支架置入" ], "78283003": [ "Wide excision of malignant lesion of cervical esophagus", "Wide excision of malignant lesion of cervical oesophagus", "颈部食管恶性病变扩大切除术", "颈段食管恶性病变扩大切除术" ], "897483004": [ "Assessment using SCAS-C (Spence Children's Anxiety Scale - Child Version)", "Assessment using Spence Children's Anxiety Scale - Child Version", "使用 SCAS-C(斯宾塞儿童焦虑量表 - 儿童版)进行评估", "使用 Spence 儿童焦虑量表进行评估 - 儿童版" ], "307659007": [ "Subtotal colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis", "结肠次全切除术及回肠直肠吻合术" ], "373195007": [ "Musculoskeletal debridement", "肌肉骨骼清创" ], "715424001": [ "Assessment using Perceptions of Stuttering Inventory", "Assessment using PSI (Perceptions of Stuttering Inventory)", "使用口吃感知量表进行评估", "使用 PSI(口吃感知量表)进行评估" ], "240288004": [ "Percutaneous insertion of peritoneal-amniotic shunt", "经皮腹膜羊膜分流术" ], "1010336006": [ "Right hydrocelectomy", "右侧鞘膜积液切除术" ], "699040006": [ "Stool monitoring", "粪便监测" ], "385909000": [ "Cataract care", "白内障护理" ], "764576009": [ "MRI of oral cavity with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of oral cavity with contrast", "口腔增强磁共振成像", "口腔磁共振成像对比" ], "25461003": [ "Treatment planning for chemotherapy, primary course", "化疗治疗计划,主要疗程" ], "1303413007": [ "Laparoscopic sigmoid colectomy", "腹腔镜乙状结肠切除术" ], "90997007": [ "Removal of foreign body from posterior segment of eye without use of magnet", "不使用磁铁取出眼后段异物" ], "271221007": [ "Female sex hormones - serum measurement", "Female sex hormones - serum level", "女性性激素 - 血清水平", "女性性激素-血清测量" ], "433226004": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of graft using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "使用造影剂对移植物进行荧光血管造影并插入药物洗脱支架" ], "40010007": [ "Arthrotomy of radiocarpal joint for infection with removal of foreign body", "桡腕关节切开术治疗感染并取出异物" ], "5407000": [ "Injection of fallopian tube", "输卵管注射" ], "121930009": [ "Babesia species identification", "巴贝斯虫种属鉴定" ], "234783003": [ "Try-in of dental or oral splint", "试戴牙科或口腔夹板" ], "120095006": [ "Eye transplantation", "Eye structure transplantation", "眼球移植", "眼部结构移植" ], "429556006": [ "Correction of congenital deformity of great vessels", "先天性大血管畸形的矫正" ], "232948007": [ "Replacement of truncal valve", "主干瓣膜置换术" ], "231113001": [ "Tannenbaum electroanalgesia method", "TEAM - Tannenbaum electroanalgesia method", "团队 - Tannenbaum 电镇痛法", "坦南鲍姆电镇痛法" ], "394953004": [ "Urine ratio", "尿液比例" ], "229278000": [ "SR - Slow reversal technique", "Agonistic reversal technique", "Slow reversal technique", "SR - 慢速反转技术", "慢速反转技术", "激动逆转技术" ], "180126006": [ "Open reduction congenital dislocation of patella", "切开复位先天性髌骨脱位" ], "868254008": [ "Graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis", "GVHD (graft versus host disease) prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic drug or medicament for graft-versus-host disease", "GVHD(移植物抗宿主病)预防", "施用预防移植物抗宿主病的药物或药剂", "移植物抗宿主病预防" ], "473203000": [ "Assessment of dementia", "痴呆症评估" ], "735347009": [ "Assisting to stand for pressure area relief", "协助站立以减轻压力区域" ], "307528002": [ "Joint ligament division", "关节韧带分离" ], "12616003": [ "Patient discharge, escaped from custody", "病人出院,逃离拘留所" ], "405832001": [ "Neurofibromatosis type 1 mutation carrier detection test", "NF1 gene mutation carrier detection test", "1 型神经纤维瘤病突变携带者检测", "NF1基因突变携带者检测" ], "438600004": [ "Measurement of cardiac output during exercise using inert gas rebreathing", "使用惰性气体再呼吸测量运动期间的心输出量" ], "176456009": [ "Ligation/excision of patent processus vaginalis", "Ligation of patent processus vaginalis", "Correction of hydrocele of infancy", "Excision of congenital hydrocele", "婴儿鞘膜积液的矫正", "先天性鞘膜积液切除术", "未闭鞘突结扎/切除术", "鞘突未闭结扎术" ], "256541003": [ "Division of trigeminal nerve at foramen ovale", "三叉神经在卵圆孔处的分支" ], "715293004": [ "Computed tomography of abdomen with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "CT of abdomen with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "腹部增强计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "腹部增强 CT 检查以制定放射治疗计划" ], "59933008": [ "Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of hand", "斯旺森假手植入术" ], "172786001": [ "Correction of nostril by excision of nostril margin", "切除鼻孔边缘以矫正鼻孔" ], "387613008": [ "Insertion of pack into vagina", "Packing of vagina", "将包插入阴道", "阴道填塞" ], "385778002": [ "Nursing status report", "Condition documentation", "Nursing documentation", "护理文档", "护理状态报告", "条件文件" ], "238322004": [ "PD - Peritoneal dialysis, tidal", "Tidal peritoneal dialysis", "潮气腹膜透析", "PD-- 腹膜透析,潮气" ], "746226003": [ "Excision of lymph node of right axilla", "右腋窝淋巴结切除术" ], "252871001": [ "Maddox wing test", "MWT - Maddox wing test", "MW - Maddox wing test", "MW - 马多克斯翼试验", "Maddox翼试验", "MWT-- 马多克斯翼试验" ], "121799004": [ "Isovalerylcarnitine measurement", "异戊酰肉碱测量" ], "431260004": [ "Referral to specialist alcohol treatment service", "转介至专科酒精治疗服务" ], "169116004": [ "X-ray of pathological specimen", "病理标本X光检查" ], "234652006": [ "Repair of bilateral cleft lip using triangular repair", "三角修复法修复双侧唇裂" ], "119964005": [ "Tonsil destructive procedure", "Destruction of tonsil", "扁桃体破坏性手术", "扁桃体破坏" ], "232817000": [ "Inspection of aortic valve", "主动脉瓣检查" ], "413041001": [ "Serum propranolol number", "血清普萘洛尔含量" ], "445809002": [ "Assessment using arthritis hand function test", "使用关节炎手部功能测试进行评估" ], "265585007": [ "Transurethral relief of prostatic and bladder neck obstruction", "Transurethral relief of obstruction of prostate and neck of urinary bladder", "经尿道治疗前列腺及膀胱颈梗阻" ], "67142005": [ "Assisting physician with procedure", "协助医生进行手术" ], "230982005": [ "Intranasal optic nerve decompression", "鼻内视神经减压术" ], "722502005": [ "Postoperative blood pressure measurement", "术后血压测量" ], "443974007": [ "Quantitative measurement of IgG in body fluid specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of immunoglobulin G in body fluid specimen", "体液标本中免疫球蛋白G质量浓度的定量测定", "体液样本中IgG的定量测定" ], "442139002": [ "Primary posterior lumbar medial facetectomy", "原发性后腰椎内侧小关节切除术" ], "229147008": [ "Knee rolling exercises", "膝盖滚动练习" ], "440304004": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of head of femur", "股骨头骨折闭合复位" ], "391152009": [ "General psychiatric care of older adults - Daily intensive", "老年人的一般精神科护理 - 每日重症监护" ], "1255834000": [ "Intraperitoneal antineoplastic chemotherapy", "Administration of antineoplastic chemotherapy into peritoneal cavity", "腹腔内注射抗肿瘤化疗药物", "腹腔内抗肿瘤化疗" ], "43418007": [ "Endarterectomy of upper limb artery", "Intimectomy of upper limb artery", "上肢动脉内膜切除术", "上肢动脉内切除术" ], "711492000": [ "Retrograde cystogram and replacement of ureteric stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided retrograde cystogram and replacement of ureteric stent", "透视引导下逆行膀胱造影及输尿管支架置换术", "荧光透视引导下逆行膀胱造影及输尿管支架置换术" ], "238191009": [ "Incisional herniorrhaphy using natural material", "Repair of incisional hernia using natural material", "使用天然材料进行切口疝修补术", "使用天然材料修补切口疝" ], "39748002": [ "Bilirubin, direct measurement", "Bilirubin, conjugated measurement", "结合胆红素测量", "胆红素,直接测量" ], "449348003": [ "Endoscopic ultrasonography of retroperitoneum", "腹膜后内镜超声检查" ], "252740003": [ "EEG and EMG myoclonus recording", "Electroencephalogram and electromyography myoclonus recording", "脑电图和肌电图肌阵挛记录", "EEG 和 EMG 肌阵挛记录" ], "236356003": [ "Renewal of penile prosthesis", "阴茎假体更新" ], "105284004": [ "Pefloxacin measurement", "培氟沙星测量" ], "121668008": [ "Propane measurement", "丙烷测量" ], "170820008": [ "B12 deficiency follow-up assessment", "B12 缺乏症后续评估" ], "367428009": [ "Desensitisation therapy", "Desensitization therapy", "脱敏治疗" ], "709657006": [ "Fluoroscopy of breast", "乳房透视检查" ], "119833007": [ "Skin of neck excision", "颈部皮肤切除术" ], "1217561007": [ "Removal of negative pressure wound dressing", "Removal of VAC (vacuum assisted closure) device", "Removal of vacuum assisted closure device", "拆除负压伤口敷料", "移除真空辅助闭合装置", "移除 VAC(真空辅助闭合)装置" ], "707822001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty for major systemic to pulmonary collateral artery", "经皮腔内球囊血管成形术治疗主要体循环至肺循环侧支动脉" ], "232686001": [ "Insertion of tracheal T-tube", "气管 T 管插入" ], "314606007": [ "Postoperative course of deep X-ray therapy", "深部X射线治疗术后过程" ], "117998008": [ "Somatotropin antibody assay", "Measurement of somatotropin antibody", "生长激素抗体测定", "生长激素抗体检测" ], "412910008": [ "Plasma catecholamine measurement", "Plasma catecholamine level", "血浆儿茶酚胺测量", "血浆儿茶酚胺水平" ], "68846008": [ "Anesthesia for biopsy of male genital system", "Anaesthesia for biopsy of male genital system", "男性生殖系统活检麻醉" ], "394691002": [ "Administration of booster dose of hepatitis A and typhoid vaccine", "Hepatitis A and typhoid booster vaccination", "Hepatitis A and typhoid booster immunization", "Hepatitis A and typhoid booster immunisation", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Hepatitis A virus and Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi antigens", "甲型肝炎和伤寒加强疫苗接种", "甲型肝炎和伤寒加强免疫", "注射甲肝和伤寒疫苗加强剂", "注射仅含有甲型肝炎病毒和伤寒沙门氏菌亚种血清型抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量" ], "771523004": [ "Reconstruction of mandible using autogenous free vascularized bone flap", "Reconstruction of mandible using autogenous free vascularised bone flap", "利用自体游离血管化骨瓣重建下颌骨", "自体游离血管化骨瓣修复下颌骨缺损" ], "230851005": [ "Aspiration of subcutaneous reservoir connecting to brain lesion", "连接脑损伤的皮下储液囊抽吸术" ], "1230275006": [ "Stimulation of breathing by rubbing back", "Respiratory stimulation by rubbing back", "通过揉背部刺激呼吸" ], "65176000": [ "Reconstruction of chest wall with implant", "Repair of chest wall with implant", "Prosthetic repair of chest wall", "植入物重建胸壁", "植入物修复胸壁", "胸壁假体修复" ], "443843009": [ "Analysis using meta-PCR", "Analysis using metapolymerase chain reaction technique", "使用 meta-PCR 进行分析", "使用聚合酶链式反应技术进行分析" ], "735085002": [ "Lumpectomy of left breast", "Excision of left breast lump", "Tylectomy of left breast", "左乳房切除术", "左乳房肿块切除术", "左乳房肿瘤切除术" ], "79725002": [ "Wedge osteotomy of trochanter of femur", "Gant trochanter wedge osteotomy", "Whitman trochanter wedge osteotomy", "股骨转子楔形截骨术", "惠特曼转子楔形截骨术", "甘特转子楔形截骨术" ], "105111000220109": [ "Replacement of dental implant prosthetic screw", "更换种植牙假体螺丝" ], "718701005": [ "Natural family planning method", "Natural contraception method", "自然避孕方法", "自然计划生育方法" ], "28738003": [ "Ligation of thoracic artery", "胸动脉结扎" ], "176194004": [ "Removal of bladder calculus by urethral catheter suction", "Removal of calculus of urinary bladder by urethral catheter suction", "导尿管抽吸术去除膀胱结石", "导尿管抽吸去除膀胱结石" ], "241730005": [ "Tourniquet procedure", "止血带手术" ], "225346003": [ "Promotion of independence", "Encouraging independence", "Maintaining independence", "鼓励独立", "保持独立", "促进独立" ], "438338008": [ "Extended total gastrectomy", "Total gastrectomy with extended lymphadenectomy", "全胃切除术及扩大淋巴结清扫术", "扩大全胃切除术" ], "698647002": [ "Control of hemorrhage of blood vessel of neck following vascular surgery", "Control of haemorrhage of blood vessel of neck following vascular surgery", "血管外科术后颈部血管出血的控制" ], "174359003": [ "Rubber band ligation of haemorrhoid(s)", "Barron banding of hemorrhoids", "Banding of pile", "Rubber band ligation of hemorrhoid(s)", "Barron banding of haemorrhoids", "巴伦痔疮套扎术", "桩的捆扎", "痔疮橡皮筋结扎术" ], "305431004": [ "Admission to plastic surgery department", "整形外科入院" ], "172524003": [ "Forceps extraction of lens", "用镊子取出晶状体" ], "860652003": [ "Repair of hypospadias using double faced onlay patch", "双面补片修补尿道下裂" ], "287212005": [ "Intraspinal nerve root division", "椎管内神经根切断术" ], "74220006": [ "Vitrectomy, complex", "复杂玻璃体切除术" ], "303596008": [ "Biopsy of lesion of duodenal papilla", "十二指肠乳头病变活检" ], "252609001": [ "ARC - Auditory response cradle test", "Acoustic cradle test", "ARC - Auditory response cradle measurement", "Auditory response cradle test", "声学支架测试", "ARC - 听觉反应摇篮测量", "听觉反应摇篮试验", "ARC - 听觉反应摇篮测试" ], "121537001": [ "Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane measurement", "二氯二苯三氯乙烷的测量" ], "301761003": [ "Arthroscopic synovial biopsy", "关节镜滑膜活检" ], "447382000": [ "Urethroscopy and destruction of valve of urethra", "尿道镜检查及尿道瓣膜破坏" ], "709526000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of clavicle with contrast", "MRI of clavicle with contrast", "锁骨增强 MRI", "锁骨增强磁共振成像" ], "398230002": [ "Aspiration of middle ear", "中耳吸入" ], "119702004": [ "Ankle manipulation", "Manipulation of the ankle - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the ankle", "踝部手术——非手术", "踝部操作", "踝关节调整" ], "54166006": [ "Ganglionectomy of cranial nerve", "脑神经节切除术" ], "724075000": [ "Leuprorelin therapy", "Leuprolide therapy", "亮丙瑞林治疗" ], "265323001": [ "Repair bilateral cleft lip - rotation advancement flap technique", "Repair of bilateral cleft lip using rotation advancement flap", "旋转推进皮瓣修复双侧唇裂", "修复双侧唇裂-旋转推进皮瓣技术" ], "232555002": [ "Displacement of vocal cord by inert substance", "Injection of inert substance into vocal cord", "向声带注射惰性物质", "惰性物质使声带移位" ], "168854009": [ "Cystography", "Contrast radiography of bladder", "Cystogram", "膀胱造影" ], "429163003": [ "15 lead electrocardiographic monitoring", "15 导联心电图监测" ], "52331002": [ "Replacement of nasal packing", "Replacement of pack of nose", "更换鼻腔填塞物", "更换鼻包" ], "773227005": [ "Laparoscopic TAPP (transabdominal preperitoneal) femoral hernioplasty using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair of femoral hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic TAPP (transabdominal preperitoneal) repair of femoral hernia using synthetic mesh", "腹腔镜经腹腹膜前合成网片修补股疝", "使用合成网片进行腹腔镜 TAPP(经腹腹膜前)股疝修补术" ], "183403006": [ "Samaritans advisory service", "撒玛利亚人咨询服务" ], "165184000": [ "Body build", "Assessment of body build", "体型", "体格评估" ], "35947009": [ "Surgical reduction of torsion of testis", "Surgical release of torsion of testis", "Surgical detorsion of testis", "Reduction of torsion of testis", "睾丸扭转矫正术", "睾丸扭转复位", "睾丸扭转手术松解术", "睾丸扭转手术复位" ], "117867007": [ "Avian paramyxovirus 1 antibody assay", "Measurement of Newcastle disease virus antibody", "禽副粘病毒 1 型抗体检测", "新城疫病毒抗体测定" ], "85099008": [ "Incision of artery", "Arteriotomy", "动脉切开术", "动脉切开" ], "116032002": [ "Transurethral excision from urinary tract", "经尿道尿路切除术" ], "443712005": [ "Measurement of glutamic acid", "谷氨酸的测量" ], "34112007": [ "Physiatric manipulation of back", "Physiatric mobilization of spine", "Physiatric mobilisation of spine", "背部理疗", "脊柱物理治疗活动", "脊柱物理治疗" ], "720405000": [ "Assessment using SCAN-C Test for Auditory Processing Disorders in Children", "使用 SCAN-C 测试评估儿童听觉处理障碍" ], "312640008": [ "Exploration of ulnar artery", "尺动脉探查" ], "359957005": [ "Photocoagulation of eye", "Photocoagulation of eyeball", "眼部光凝", "眼球光凝" ], "163349009": [ "Brief GU examination", "Brief genitourinary examination", "简短的泌尿生殖系统检查", "简短的 GU 检查" ], "734954001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral wrists and bilateral hands with contrast", "MRI of bilateral wrists and bilateral hands with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both wrists and both hands with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right wrist and hand with contrast", "双腕及双手进行对比磁共振成像", "左、右手腕及手部对比磁共振成像", "双腕及双手 MRI 增强扫描", "双侧腕部和双侧手部增强磁共振成像" ], "440042002": [ "Thoracoscopy with oesophagomyotomy", "Thoracoscopy with esophagomyotomy", "胸腔镜食管肌切开术" ], "1275626005": [ "Osteoclasis of carpal bone", "腕骨骨折" ], "390890005": [ "Refer to diabetic foot screener", "参考糖尿病足筛查" ], "716735001": [ "Provision of fixed wing air ambulance", "提供固定翼空中救护车" ], "405439001": [ "Revision of amputation of hallux", "拇趾截肢修复术" ], "1290175001": [ "Shared antenatal care", "共享产前护理" ], "225215004": [ "Giving time to communicate needs", "留出时间沟通需求" ], "44991003": [ "Urethral sphincter function study", "尿道括约肌功能研究" ], "274367005": [ "Surgical biopsy of vagina", "阴道手术活检" ], "241599006": [ "Digital slit-beam radiograph of leg length", "数字化裂隙光束 X 线摄影测量腿部长度" ], "75924001": [ "Urinary cystotomy for excision of bladder diverticulum", "Excision of bladder diverticulum", "Diverticulectomy of bladder", "尿道膀胱切开术切除膀胱憩室", "膀胱憩室切除术" ], "174228003": [ "Irrigation of colon", "Colonic washout", "Colonic lavage", "Lavage of colon", "Washout of colon", "Bowel washout", "结肠灌洗", "结肠冲洗", "肠道冲洗" ], "1255572004": [ "Removal of fixed functional orthodontic appliance", "移除固定功能性矫正器具" ], "305300005": [ "Admission by pediatric dentist", "Admission by paediatric dentist", "儿科牙医入院" ], "10388006": [ "Manipulation of tissue of diaphragm", "膈肌组织操作" ], "370836008": [ "Monitoring physiological parameters", "Monitors physical parameters", "监测身体参数", "监测生理参数" ], "418153001": [ "Revision of anastomosis between lacrimal drainage system and nose", "泪道引流系统与鼻腔吻合术" ], "90473008": [ "Anesthesia for MRI scan", "Anaesthesia for MRI scan", "Anaesthesia for magnetic resonance imaging scan", "Anesthesia for magnetic resonance imaging scan", "MRI 扫描麻醉", "磁共振成像扫描的麻醉" ], "252478000": [ "6-minute walk test", "6MWT - 6 minute walk test", "Timed six minute walk", "6MWT——6 分钟步行测试", "6 分钟步行测试", "计时六分钟步行" ], "121406003": [ "Nitroprusside measurement", "硝普钠测量" ], "55870005": [ "Instillation", "灌输" ], "105022005": [ "Uronates measurement", "尿酸盐测量" ], "432702008": [ "Percutaneous embolization of profunda femoris artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of profunda femoris artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮股深动脉栓塞术", "用荧光造影剂引导经皮股深动脉栓塞术" ], "1331987002": [ "Excision of lesion of rib", "Excision of lesion of bone of rib", "肋骨病变切除术" ], "331000087101": [ "Angioplasty of left renal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of left renal artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下左肾动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下左肾动脉造影成形术" ], "2891000087101": [ "MRI of bilateral feet", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral feet", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both feet", "Magnetic resonance imaging of let and right foot", "双脚磁共振成像", "双足 MRI 检查", "双足磁共振成像", "左脚和右脚的磁共振成像" ], "119571007": [ "Musculoskeletal system injection", "肌肉骨骼系统注射" ], "13131000087104": [ "Ultrasonography of pathological specimen of breast", "Ultrasound scan of pathological specimen of breast", "乳腺病理标本超声扫描", "乳腺病理标本超声检查" ], "234259005": [ "Sampling of mesenteric lymph nodes", "肠系膜淋巴结取样" ], "14411000087102": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of left upper limb", "Biopsy of left upper extremity using ultrasonographic guidance", "Biopsy of left upper limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下左上肢活检" ], "4171000087101": [ "CT of right calcaneum", "Computed tomography of right calcaneum", "右跟骨CT", "右跟骨计算机断层扫描" ], "117736004": [ "Herpes simplex virus 1 AND 2 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human herpesvirus 1 antibody and Human herpesvirus 2 antibody", "单纯疱疹病毒 1 和 2 抗体检测", "人类疱疹病毒1型抗体和人类疱疹病毒2型抗体的测量" ], "723944000": [ "Drainage of left upper extremity using computed tomography guidance", "Drainage of left upper limb using computed tomography guidance", "Drainage of left arm using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided drainage of left upper limb", "CT guided drainage of left upper extremity", "CT guided drainage of left arm", "Computed tomography guided drainage of left upper limb", "Computed tomography guided drainage of left upper extremity", "Computed tomography guided drainage of left arm", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行左上肢引流", "计算机断层扫描引导左臂引流", "CT 引导下左臂引流", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行左臂引流", "CT引导下左上肢引流", "计算机断层扫描引导左上肢引流" ], "70419009": [ "Acetabulectomy", "髋臼切除术" ], "52200007": [ "Equalization of leg by epiphyseal stapling", "Equalisation of leg by epiphyseal stapling", "通过骨骺缝合术使腿部平衡" ], "19432007": [ "Visual rehabilitation, braille reading", "视觉康复、点字阅读" ], "6731000087106": [ "MRI of right tibia and fibula", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right tibia and fibula", "右胫骨和腓骨 MRI", "右胫骨和腓骨的磁共振成像" ], "19531000087109": [ "Biopsy of bilateral kidneys using fluoroscopic guidance", "Biopsy of right and left kidneys using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of bilateral kidneys", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of right and left kidney", "在荧光透视引导下进行双侧肾脏活检", "荧光透视引导下双肾活检", "在荧光透视引导下进行左右肾活检", "荧光透视引导下左、右肾活检" ], "265192008": [ "Orchidoplasty", "Orchioplasty", "睾丸成形术" ], "166888009": [ "Blood glucose method", "血糖法" ], "443581005": [ "Composite autograft with primary closure of donor site", "复合自体移植,供区一期缝合" ], "33981001": [ "Edrophonium chloride test for myasthenia gravis", "重症肌无力的氯化依酚铵试验" ], "48530002": [ "Physical medicine service to three or more body areas", "对三个或更多身体部位进行物理医学服务" ], "408978006": [ "Urinary incontinence care education", "Teach urinary incontinence care", "尿失禁护理教育", "教导尿失禁护理" ], "15762008": [ "Open reduction of proximal tibiofibular joint dislocation with fixation", "近端胫腓关节脱位切开复位固定" ], "718439001": [ "Assessment using Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation 10", "Assessment using CORE-10 (Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation-10)", "使用 CORE-10(常规评估临床结果-10)进行评估", "使用常规评估中的临床结果进行评估 10" ], "1193575006": [ "Arthrotomy of hip for removal of loose body", "髋关节切开术取出游离体" ], "13927007": [ "Posterior sclerotomy with iridectomy", "后巩膜切开术及虹膜切除术" ], "1177191006": [ "Duplex ultrasonography", "Duplex ultrasound", "Duplex ultrasound scan", "双重超声扫描", "双功能超声检查", "双功超声" ], "225084001": [ "Attaching urinary catheter to bag", "将导尿管连接至尿袋" ], "405308002": [ "Decompression of axillary artery", "腋动脉减压术" ], "12092003": [ "Repair of rectal prolapse", "直肠脱垂的修复" ], "241468008": [ "Intravascular ultrasound of intracranial artery", "颅内动脉血管内超声" ], "1222673007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of drug eluting stent into left main coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of DES (drug eluting stent) into LMCA (left main coronary artery) using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Endovascular insertion of drug eluting stent into left main coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "使用荧光造影剂引导将药物洗脱支架置入左主冠状动脉", "经皮腔内置入药物洗脱支架至左主冠状动脉造影剂引导下", "在荧光造影引导下,经皮腔内植入 DES(药物洗脱支架)至 LMCA(左主冠状动脉)" ], "75793007": [ "Suture of capsule of upper extremity", "Capsulorrhaphy of upper extremity", "上肢关节囊缝合术", "上肢关节囊缝合" ], "419857009": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of external iliac artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of external iliac artery with contrast", "髂外动脉造影荧光镜检查", "髂外动脉造影荧光血管造影" ], "450790005": [ "Revision of excision of intervertebral disc", "椎间盘切除术修复" ], "24806008": [ "Anesthesia for cesarean hysterectomy", "Anaesthesia for caesarean hysterectomy", "剖宫产子宫切除术麻醉", "剖宫产子宫切除术的麻醉" ], "8422009": [ "Destruction of hemorrhoids by sclerotherapy", "Sclerotherapy of hemorrhoids", "Injection of sclerosing solution into hemorrhoids", "Injection of sclerosing solution into haemorrhoids", "Hemorrhoidectomy by injection", "Haemorrhoidectomy by injection", "Injection of hemorrhoid", "Sclerotherapy of haemorrhoids", "Injection of haemorrhoid", "Destruction of haemorrhoids by sclerotherapy", "硬化疗法消除痔疮", "痔疮内注射硬化液", "硬化疗法破坏痔疮", "痔疮硬化治疗", "注射痔疮切除术", "痔疮硬化疗法", "痔疮内注射硬化剂", "注射痔疮" ], "104891001": [ "Prolactin challenge tests", "催乳素激发试验" ], "121275000": [ "Carbohydrate deficient transferrin measurement", "碳水化合物缺乏转铁蛋白测量" ], "448955002": [ "Low density lipoprotein apheresis", "低密度脂蛋白血浆分离置换" ], "252347003": [ "Rubella virus T-lymphocyte stimulation", "风疹病毒 T 淋巴细胞刺激" ], "711099002": [ "Promotion of community breastfeeding education", "推动社区母乳喂养教育" ], "399803009": [ "Gliadin specific IgA antibody measurement", "AGf79 specific IgA antibody measurement", "Gliadin specific immunoglobulin A antibody measurement", "AGf79 特异性 IgA 抗体测量", "麦胶蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白 A 抗体测量", "麦胶蛋白特异性 IgA 抗体测量" ], "250512001": [ "Viral antibody titer", "Viral antibody titre", "Viral antibody titer measurement", "Viral antibody titre measurement", "病毒抗体滴度测量", "病毒抗体滴度" ], "709264002": [ "Assessment of allodynia", "异常性疼痛的评估" ], "1217168006": [ "Anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery to third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "左胸内动脉 (LITA) 与左冠状动脉回旋支第三钝缘支的吻合术", "左胸廓内动脉与左冠状动脉回旋支第三钝缘支吻合术", "左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 与左冠状动脉回旋支第三钝缘支的吻合" ], "52069002": [ "Injection of uterus", "子宫注射" ], "1231717004": [ "Ulnocarpal stress test", "尺腕压力测试" ], "428901006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of anastomosis between pulmonary artery and subclavian artery", "经皮腔内球囊成形术肺动脉与锁骨下动脉吻合术" ], "410682003": [ "Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor therapy", "血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂治疗" ], "392463000": [ "Alkalase specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rk205 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Alkalase specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "碱性酶特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "碱性酶特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Rk205特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "33850009": [ "Transplantation of carotid body", "颈动脉体移植" ], "15631002": [ "Application of dressing, minor", "敷料应用,轻微" ], "228623005": [ "Environmental adaptation", "环境适应" ], "439780001": [ "Total excision of body of sacral vertebra with decompression of spinal cord, nerve roots and cauda equina by retroperitoneal approach", "Total sacral corpectomy with decompression of spinal cord, nerve roots and cauda equina by retroperitoneal approach", "经腹膜后入路骶椎体全切除及脊髓、神经根及马尾减压术", "经腹膜后入路全骶椎切除术及脊髓、神经根及马尾减压术" ], "718308002": [ "Peritoneal dialysis care", "腹膜透析护理" ], "28345000": [ "Delayed closure of abdominal wall", "Secondary closure of abdominal wall", "Delayed closure of granulating abdominal wound", "腹壁闭合延迟", "腹部肉芽肿伤口延迟闭合", "腹壁二期缝合" ], "243172009": [ "NEEP decreased - Negative end expiratory pressure decreased", "Negative end expiratory pressure decreased", "呼气末负压下降", "NEEP 下降 - 呼气末负压下降" ], "388793004": [ "Vanilla specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf234 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Vanilla planifolia specific IgE antibody measurement", "Vanilla planifolia specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "香草兰特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf234 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "香草兰特异性IgE抗体测定", "香草特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "241337005": [ "Radionuclide study for rectal transit", "直肠转运放射性核素研究" ], "306873006": [ "Microwave diathermy to face", "微波透热疗法" ], "698254001": [ "Intravascular imaging of coronary vessel by optical coherence tomography", "Intravascular optical coherence tomography of coronary vessel", "Intravascular OCT (optical coherence tomography) of coronary vessel", "冠状动脉血管内光学相干断层扫描成像", "冠状动脉血管内光学相干断层扫描", "冠状动脉血管内 OCT(光学相干断层扫描)" ], "239502007": [ "Prosthetic arthroplasty of the patellofemoral joint", "髌股关节假体置换术" ], "41059002": [ "Cesarean hysterectomy", "Total hysterectomy after cesarean delivery", "Caesarean hysterectomy", "Total hysterectomy after caesarean delivery", "剖宫产后全子宫切除术", "剖宫产子宫切除术" ], "450659004": [ "Diagnostic puncture of bone", "骨诊断穿刺" ], "57443006": [ "Physiatric stretching of fascia", "筋膜物理拉伸" ], "8291009": [ "Stain for viral inclusions", "Viral inclusion stain method", "Viral inclusion stain", "病毒内含物染色", "病毒包涵体染色", "病毒包涵体染色法" ], "104760003": [ "Iodohippuran renal clearance measurement", "碘马嘌呤肾清除率测定" ], "437411000124102": [ "Increased sodium diet", "增加钠饮食" ], "252216007": [ "Somatostatin infusion test", "Octreotide infusion test", "生长抑素输注试验", "奥曲肽输注试验" ], "710968008": [ "Defecation care", "Defaecation care", "排便护理" ], "70157001": [ "Radiologic guidance for percutaneous drainage of abscess", "经皮脓肿引流的放射学指导" ], "168461002": [ "Postmortem examination", "PM - Postmortem examination", "尸检", "PM-尸检" ], "441251000124107": [ "Counselling about nutrition using transtheoretical model and stages of change approach", "Counseling about nutrition using transtheoretical model and stages of change approach", "使用跨理论模型和变革阶段方法进行营养咨询" ], "1004045004": [ "Intravitreal injection of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor", "Intravitreal injection of anti-VEGF (anti-vascular endothelial growth factor)", "玻璃体内注射抗 VEGF(抗血管内皮生长因子)", "玻璃体内注射抗血管内皮生长因子" ], "133858001": [ "Preoperative procedure", "术前程序" ], "445154003": [ "Provision of bladder vibration stimulation device", "提供膀胱振动刺激装置" ], "232162004": [ "Mustarde pinnaplasty", "Mustarde耳廓整形术" ], "314082007": [ "Urine cannabinoids screening test", "尿液大麻素筛查测试" ], "68322007": [ "Administration of antibiotic", "抗生素的使用" ], "951000": [ "Ultrasonic guidance for endomyocardial biopsy", "Ultrasonography guided endomyocardial biopsy", "Endomyocardial biopsy using ultrasonographic guidance", "Endomyocardial biopsy using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下心内膜心肌活检" ], "164791003": [ "Helicobacter pylori breath test", "幽门螺杆菌呼气试验" ], "410551005": [ "Family history taking", "Family history interview", "家族史采访", "采集家族病史" ], "392332000": [ "Wall pellitory (Parietaria judaica) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Parietaria judaica specific IgE antibody measurement", "w21 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Parietaria judaica specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Parietaria judaica 特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "w21 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Parietaria judaica 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "壁虱(Parietaria judaica)特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "195724002": [ "Semicircular canal density repositioning", "半规管密度重新定位" ], "48268004": [ "Closed atrial septectomy", "闭式房间隔切除术" ], "310412004": [ "Ligation of aortopulmonary window", "主动脉肺动脉窗结扎术" ], "359564004": [ "Open biopsy of duodenum", "十二指肠开放活检" ], "406881006": [ "Dibromofluorescein stain method", "Dibromofluorescein stain", "二溴荧光素染色法", "二溴荧光素染色" ], "28214001": [ "Patient referral for specialized training", "Patient referral for specialised training", "患者转诊进行专门培训", "患者转诊接受专门培训" ], "306742003": [ "Care of cervical cap", "宫颈帽的护理" ], "273974004": [ "Serum total lactate dehydrogenase measurement", "Serum total lactate dehydrogenase level", "血清总乳酸脱氢酶水平", "血清总乳酸脱氢酶测定" ], "241206007": [ "Apophyseal joint arthrogram", "骨骺关节造影" ], "239371000": [ "Orthognathic fanned laser imaging", "正颌扇形激光成像" ], "419595006": [ "Fluoroscopic duodenography", "十二指肠荧光造影" ], "386827007": [ "Division of muscle of hand", "Release of muscle of hand", "Myotomy of hand with division", "Incision of muscle of hand with division", "手部肌肉的划分", "手部肌肉切开术", "手部肌切开术", "手部肌肉释放" ], "1220576001": [ "Biopsy of scrotum using ultrasound guidance", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of scrotum", "Biopsy of scrotum using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下阴囊活检", "使用超声引导进行阴囊活检" ], "761824002": [ "Repair of ectropion of eyelid with tissue graft", "组织移植修复眼睑外翻" ], "1251509000": [ "Repair of joint of right knee", "Arthroplasty of right knee", "右膝关节修复", "右膝关节置换术" ], "450528009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of thoracic aorta with contrast", "MRI of thoracic aorta with contrast", "胸主动脉增强 MRI", "胸主动脉对比磁共振成像" ], "283018000": [ "Banding of vein", "静脉束带" ], "104629009": [ "11-deoxycorticosteroids challenge tests", "11-脱氧皮质类固醇激发试验" ], "20874001": [ "Complete excision of anus", "肛门完全切除" ], "22709009": [ "Reduction of fracture of larynx", "Reduction of laryngeal fracture", "喉骨折复位", "喉部骨折复位" ], "448693009": [ "Denervation of spinal facet joint of lumbar vertebra", "腰椎小关节神经支配术" ], "710837008": [ "Assessment of attitude toward treatment regime", "对治疗方案的态度评估" ], "86410006": [ "Imaging of carotid arteries by duplex scan with spectrum analysis", "通过双工扫描和频谱分析对颈动脉进行成像" ], "446858006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of subclavian vein", "MRI of subclavian vein", "锁骨下静脉 MRI", "锁骨下静脉磁共振成像" ], "445023004": [ "Removal of penetrating foreign body from eye by incision", "通过切开术取出眼内穿透性异物" ], "313951004": [ "Plasma total bilirubin level", "Plasma total bilirubin measurement", "血浆总胆红素水平", "血浆总胆红素测量" ], "281183006": [ "Wax-up of trial maxillofacial prosthesis", "颌面假体试模蜡型" ], "117343007": [ "Electrophoresis, agarose gel method", "电泳、琼脂糖凝胶法" ], "84575008": [ "Trigonectomy", "Urinary bladder trigonectomy", "三角切除术", "膀胱三角切除术" ], "608863009": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from spleen", "脾脏标本的显微镜检查" ], "410420001": [ "Supplies surveillance", "物资监控" ], "31753005": [ "Striated muscle antibody, measurement", "横纹肌抗体,测量" ], "179209007": [ "Application of Steinmann pin traction", "斯坦曼针牵引的应用" ], "277513008": [ "Percutaneous embolization of artery", "Percutaneous embolisation of artery", "经皮动脉栓塞术" ], "439518004": [ "Insertion of electroencephalographic recording electrode into infratemporal fossa", "Insertion of sphenoidal electroencephalographic (EEG) recording electrode", "插入蝶窦脑电图 (EEG) 记录电极", "将脑电图记录电极插入颞下窝" ], "308446007": [ "Darrach's procedure", "Darrach procedure", "Excision of distal end of ulna", "暗法", "达拉氏手术", "尺骨远端切除术" ], "60851001": [ "Core needle biopsy of seminal vesicle", "精囊芯针活检" ], "388531001": [ "Cabbage specific IgE antibody measurement", "f216 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Brassica oleracea var.capitata specific IgE antibody measurement", "Brassica oleracea var.capitata specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "甘蓝特异性IgE抗体测定", "f216特异性IgE抗体测量", "卷心菜特异性 IgE 抗体测定", "甘蓝特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "241075002": [ "Plain X-ray of femur", "股骨普通 X 光检查" ], "699827002": [ "Dietary education about fluid restriction", "关于限制液体摄入的饮食教育" ], "716211005": [ "Assessment using Apraxia Battery for Adults", "Assessment using ABA (Apraxia Battery for Adults)", "使用 ABA(成人失用症量表)进行评估", "使用失用症测试对成人进行评估" ], "414181000119101": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of thyroid using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous needle biopsy of thyroid", "CT引导下甲状腺经皮穿刺活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行甲状腺经皮穿刺活检" ], "410341000119103": [ "CT of left foot with contrast", "Computed tomography of left foot with contrast", "左脚增强 CT", "左脚增强计算机断层扫描" ], "28083008": [ "Aspiration of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织抽吸" ], "404915007": [ "Vacuum assisted skin closure", "Skin closure using negative pressure wound dressing", "真空辅助皮肤闭合", "使用负压伤口敷料进行皮肤闭合" ], "1156744000": [ "Percutaneous drainage of pelvis using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous drainage of pelvis", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行经皮盆腔引流", "CT引导下经皮盆腔穿刺引流" ], "16551141000119107": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of joint of right hip using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of joint of right hip", "CT引导下右髋关节经皮细针穿刺活检", "计算机断层扫描引导下右髋关节经皮细针穿刺活检" ], "173704005": [ "Revision of antireflux operation", "抗反流手术的修正" ], "239240006": [ "Repair of multiple tendons", "多条肌腱修复" ], "237405000": [ "Delayed closure of breast wound", "Delayed suturing of breast", "乳房伤口延迟闭合", "乳房缝合延迟" ], "712541008": [ "CT of nasal bone with contrast", "Computed tomography of nasal bone with contrast", "鼻骨增强 CT 检查", "鼻骨增强计算机断层扫描" ], "73565008": [ "Galactose screening test for galactosemia", "Beutler test", "Paigen test", "Galactose screening test for galactosaemia", "派根试验", "博伊特勒测试", "半乳糖血症的半乳糖筛查试验" ], "104498004": [ "alpha-Amino acid nitrogen measurement", "氨基酸氮测量" ], "235570008": [ "Dilatation of bile duct", "Dilatation of bile duct stricture", "Dilation of bile duct", "胆管扩张", "胆管狭窄扩张" ], "37127001": [ "Injection of inner ear with alcohol", "向内耳注射酒精" ], "446727002": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and injection of gastric varices", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and injection of gastric varices", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and injection of varix of stomach", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and injection of gastric varices", "上消化道内镜检查及胃底静脉曲张注射", "上消化道内镜检查及胃静脉曲张注射", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及胃底静脉曲张注射" ], "708871009": [ "Removal of locking nail device from tibia", "从胫骨取出锁定钉装置" ], "182748001": [ "Arteriovenous cannulation for blood treatment", "用于血液治疗的动静脉插管" ], "410289001": [ "Exercises teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Exercises teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Exercises education, guidance, and counseling", "Exercises education, guidance, and counselling", "锻炼教育、指导和咨询", "练习教学、指导和咨询" ], "17073005": [ "Aortocoronary artery bypass graft with vein graft", "ACVG - aortocoronary vein graft", "CAVG - coronary artery vein graft", "CVG - coronary vein graft", "CAVG-- 冠状动脉静脉移植", "CVG-- 冠状静脉移植", "ACVG-- 主动脉冠状静脉移植", "主动脉冠状动脉搭桥术及静脉移植" ], "836273008": [ "Bottom surgery", "Gender affirming bottom surgery", "Gender confirmation bottom surgery", "下体手术", "性别确认下体手术" ], "441222006": [ "Thawing of cryopreserved oocyte", "冷冻保存的卵母细胞的解冻" ], "179078007": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture and unlocked reamed intramedullary nail fixation", "骨折切开复位及解锁扩髓髓内钉固定术" ], "439387000": [ "Excision of neoplasm of lacrimal gland with osteotomy", "泪腺肿瘤切除术" ], "13403003": [ "Pharyngoesophageal repair", "Pharyngo-oesophageal repair", "Pharyngo-esophageal repair", "咽食管修复" ], "17131000202107": [ "Assessment of delusions", "妄想评估" ], "177243007": [ "Facelift and tightening of platysma", "Submusculoaponeurotic system facelift", "肌肉下腱膜系统整容术", "面部拉皮和颈阔肌收紧术" ], "306480003": [ "Discharge by neurosurgeon", "神经外科医生出院" ], "175408007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of circle of Willis", "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of circle of Willis", "经皮腔内 Willis 环栓塞术", "经皮 Willis 环腔内栓塞术" ], "1287685000": [ "Antimetabolite therapy", "抗代谢治疗" ], "173573003": [ "Partial esophagectomy and anastomosis of esophagus to transposed jejunum", "Partial oesophagectomy and anastomosis of oesophagus to transposed jejunum", "食管部分切除及食管与转位空肠吻合术" ], "108037005": [ "Bladder destructive procedure", "Urinary bladder destructive procedure", "膀胱破坏性手术" ], "827098001": [ "Grafting of dura mater", "硬脑膜移植" ], "386565009": [ "Postural drainage therapy", "Postural drainage", "Gravity assisted positioning", "PD - Postural drainage", "体位引流疗法", "重力辅助定位", "体位引流", "PD-体位引流" ], "7898005": [ "Destruction of lesion of retina by cryotherapy", "冷冻疗法破坏视网膜病变" ], "401114006": [ "Angioplasty of femoral artery", "股动脉成形术" ], "1269466007": [ "Disarticulation of both ankle joints", "Bilateral disarticulation of ankle joints", "Disarticulation of bilateral ankle joints", "双侧踝关节脱位", "双踝关节脱位" ], "384730009": [ "Delivery of cephalic presentation", "头位分娩" ], "432047002": [ "Measurement of pressure of hepatic vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided measurement of pressure of hepatic vein with contrast", "透视引导下肝静脉造影压力测量", "荧光造影引导下肝静脉压力测量" ], "235439002": [ "Removal of orogastric tube", "移除口胃管" ], "104367002": [ "Properdin factor B measurement", "备解素因子B测量" ], "6063004": [ "Kanamycin measurement", "卡那霉素测定" ], "448431001": [ "Gated computed tomography of heart with contrast", "心脏门控增强 CT 扫描" ], "53380002": [ "Removal of calculus of perirenal tissue", "肾周组织结石去除" ], "430212007": [ "Biopsy of retroperitoneum", "腹膜后活检" ], "708740007": [ "Biopsy of buccal mucosa", "颊黏膜活检" ], "231769001": [ "Removal of explant from sclera", "从巩膜中取出外植体" ], "739673001": [ "Total hysterectomy with left salpingo-oophorectomy", "全子宫切除术及左侧输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "2393003": [ "Ligation of vein of lower limb", "下肢静脉结扎术" ], "428377003": [ "Lumbar spine DXA scan", "Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of lumbar spine", "腰椎 DXA 扫描", "腰椎双能X射线吸收测定" ], "117081005": [ "Administration of Botulism immune globulin, human", "注射人肉毒杆菌免疫球蛋白" ], "723289007": [ "Training in extending range of activity of daily living", "扩大日常生活活动范围的训练" ], "313689007": [ "Mycoplasma IgM level", "Mycoplasma IgM measurement", "Mycoplasma immunoglobulin M measurement", "支原体 IgM 检测", "支原体免疫球蛋白 M 测量", "支原体 IgM 水平" ], "870745009": [ "Transcatheter therapy by insertion of interatrial shunt", "Therapeutic transcatheter insertion of interatrial shunt", "经导管心房间分流术治疗" ], "16942003": [ "Probing of lacrimal canaliculi with irrigation", "泪小管探查及冲洗" ], "770606008": [ "Total replacement of left hip joint", "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of left hip", "左髋关节全置换术", "左髋关节假体全置换术" ], "410158009": [ "Physical therapy assessment", "Assess physical therapist service", "评估物理治疗师服务", "物理治疗评估" ], "1260291002": [ "Robot assisted central pancreatectomy", "Robotic assisted central pancreatectomy", "Central pancreatectomy using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助中央胰腺切除术", "使用机器人辅助进行中央胰腺切除术" ], "80643006": [ "Radical excision of forearm extensor tendon sheaths", "前臂伸肌腱鞘根治切除术" ], "62424000": [ "Removal of eye prosthesis", "Removal of prosthetic replacement for eyeball", "Removal of artificial eye", "摘除义眼", "摘除眼球假体" ], "29656003": [ "Radical mastoidectomy, modified", "改良根治性乳突切除术" ], "177112007": [ "Therapeutic drainage of amniotic fluid", "Amnioreduction", "羊水引流治疗", "羊水减少" ], "421037007": [ "Prism dissociation", "Subjective refraction by prism dissociation technique", "棱镜分离", "棱镜分离技术进行主观验光" ], "1141933008": [ "Decreased vitamin A and/or vitamin A derivative diet", "减少维生素 A 和/或维生素 A 衍生物饮食" ], "27821009": [ "Venography of jugular vein", "颈静脉造影" ], "306349009": [ "Referral to music therapist", "转介给音乐治疗师" ], "386434003": [ "Shock management: vasogenic", "休克管理:血管源性" ], "25986004": [ "Hospital admission, under police custody", "入院并被警方拘留" ], "304514001": [ "Reminding about taking drug", "提醒服药" ], "107906005": [ "Breast manipulation", "乳房整形" ], "288130007": [ "Therapeutic aspiration prostatic abscess", "治疗性抽吸前列腺脓肿" ], "91522008": [ "Excision of ovarian varicose vein", "卵巢静脉曲张切除术" ], "269911007": [ "Sputum examination", "痰液检查" ], "169772000": [ "Postnatal - tenth day visit", "产后第十天访视" ], "56919009": [ "Butabarbital measurement", "丁巴比妥测量" ], "87852001": [ "Vocational retraining", "职业再培训" ], "104236001": [ "Culture typing procedure", "文化分型程序" ], "235308003": [ "Prosthesis procedures - small intestine", "假体手术 - 小肠" ], "20481000": [ "Prognosis", "Forecast of outcome", "Determination of prognosis", "确定预后", "结果预测", "预后" ], "431916008": [ "Fluoroscopic intravenous digital subtraction angiography of upper limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic intravenous DSA (digital subtraction angiography) of upper limb", "上肢荧光静脉数字减影血管造影", "上肢荧光静脉 DSA(数字减影血管造影)" ], "397313004": [ "Limbal relaxing incision", "PCRI - peripheral corneal relaxing incision", "Peripheral corneal relaxing incision", "LRI - limbal relaxing incision", "角膜缘松解切开术", "PCRI-- 周边角膜松解切口", "LRI-- 角膜缘松解切开术", "周边角膜松解切口" ], "233473005": [ "Insertion of graft for vascular access", "插入移植物以建立血管通路" ], "118785007": [ "Procedure on nasopharynx", "鼻咽手术" ], "708609009": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of finger joint", "Percutaneous drainage of joint of finger using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮手指关节穿刺引流", "影像引导下经皮手指关节引流" ], "444630003": [ "Computed tomography of head, neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "CT of head, neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "头部、颈部、胸部、腹部和盆腔增强 CT 扫描", "头部、颈部、胸部、腹部和骨盆的增强计算机断层扫描" ], "313558004": [ "Oxygenation index measurement", "Oxygenation index", "氧合指数测量", "氧合指数" ], "231638005": [ "Rectus eye muscle operations", "眼直肌手术" ], "35030006": [ "Operation on heart valve adjacent structure", "心脏瓣膜邻近结构手术" ], "33195004": [ "Teleradiotherapy procedure", "Teletherapy procedure", "External beam radiotherapy", "Teletherapy", "External beam radiation therapy procedure", "远程治疗", "外照射放射治疗", "远程放射治疗程序", "远程治疗程序", "外部放射治疗程序" ], "1260160000": [ "Arthroscopic repair of acetabular labrum", "关节镜下髋臼唇修复" ], "309888002": [ "Cut test cavity in tooth", "在牙齿上切开测试腔" ], "703104003": [ "Renal artery stent procedure using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided renal artery stent procedure with contrast", "荧光造影引导下肾动脉支架手术", "荧光造影引导肾动脉支架置入术" ], "45909002": [ "Injection of foot", "脚部注射" ], "306218001": [ "Referral to hearing aid service", "转介至助听器服务" ], "175146007": [ "Implantation of intravenous pacemaker for atrial fibrillation", "房颤静脉起搏器植入术" ], "371754007": [ "Discharge planning", "出院计划" ], "764970007": [ "Retrospectively electrocardiogram gated computed tomography angiography of coronary artery with contrast", "Retrospectively ECG (electrocardiogram) gated CCTA (coronary CT angiography) with contrast", "Retrospectively electrocardiogram gated computed tomography arteriography of coronary artery with contrast", "Retrospectively ECG (electrocardiogram) gated CT arteriography of coronary artery with contrast", "Retrospectively ECG (electrocardiogram) gated CT arteriogram of coronary artery with contrast", "回顾性心电图门控冠状动脉造影计算机断层扫描", "回顾性 ECG(心电图)门控 CCTA(冠状动脉 CT 血管造影)", "回顾性心电图门控冠状动脉 CT 造影", "回顾性心电图门控冠状动脉造影计算机断层扫描血管造影" ], "304383000": [ "Total protein", "Total protein measurement", "总蛋白", "总蛋白质测定" ], "386303003": [ "Family process maintenance", "家庭流程维护" ], "25855006": [ "Neurological rehabilitation", "神经康复" ], "237012001": [ "Freeing the posterior arm", "释放后臂" ], "122324002": [ "Cryptococcus neoformans rRNA assay", "Cryptococcus neoformans ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "新型隐球菌 rRNA 检测", "新型隐球菌核糖体核糖核酸测定" ], "235177002": [ "Creation of cervical tube esophagostomy", "Creation of cervical tube oesophagostomy", "建立宫颈管食管造口术" ], "104105003": [ "Lymphocytes and monocytes, count, blood", "淋巴细胞和单核细胞计数,血液" ], "710313004": [ "Radionuclide scan of peritoneal cavity", "Radioisotope scan of peritoneal cavity", "腹腔放射性同位素扫描", "腹腔放射性核素扫描" ], "431785009": [ "Ultrasound (US) compression venography of lower limb", "Ultrasound compression venography of lower limb", "下肢超声压迫静脉造影", "下肢超声加压静脉造影" ], "167806003": [ "Total count of motile sperm", "Total count of motile spermatozoa", "活动精子总数" ], "233342005": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of crural artery", "Thrombolysis of infrapopliteal artery", "Thrombolysis of the infrapopliteal artery", "Thrombolysis of crural artery", "股动脉血栓溶解术", "膝下动脉血栓溶解术", "膝下动脉血栓溶解", "经皮股动脉血栓溶解术" ], "774014009": [ "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of kidney using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided high intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of kidney", "磁共振成像引导高强度聚焦超声消融肾脏病变", "MRI引导高强度聚焦超声消融肾脏病变" ], "84051004": [ "Phalangization of fifth metacarpal", "Phalangisation of fifth metacarpal", "第五掌骨指骨化", "第五掌骨指骨化术" ], "444499006": [ "Quantitative measurement of glucose in first peritoneal dialysis fluid specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of glucose in first peritoneal dialysis fluid specimen", "腹膜透析首份液标本葡萄糖质量浓度的定量测定", "首次腹膜透析液标本葡萄糖定量测定" ], "428115007": [ "Thermal ablation of single lesion of liver", "肝脏单发病灶热消融" ], "164136001": [ "General hemopoietic examination", "General haemopoietic examination", "一般造血系统检查" ], "311592007": [ "Language regime", "语言制度" ], "178685003": [ "Spinal extension traction for fracture of spine", "脊柱骨折的脊柱伸展牵引" ], "113149004": [ "Combing of hair", "梳理头发" ], "78546002": [ "Transplantation of parathyroid", "Transplantation of parathyroid tissue", "甲状旁腺移植", "甲状旁腺组织移植" ], "1290962002": [ "Plain X-ray of chest, oblique", "胸部斜位普通 X 光检查" ], "176850008": [ "Intra-amniotic prostaglandin instillation", "羊膜内灌注前列腺素" ], "307922009": [ "Laser assisted uvulopalatopharyngoplasty", "激光辅助腭咽成形术" ], "715687002": [ "Computed tomography of prostate with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "CT of prostate with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "前列腺增强 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划", "前列腺增强计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "764839000": [ "Cardiac Tc-99m MIBI study", "Radionuclide imaging of myocardium using technetium (99m-Tc) sestamibi", "使用锝(99m-Tc)甲氧基异丁基异腈进行心肌放射性核素显像", "心脏 Tc-99m MIBI 研究" ], "125863006": [ "Excision of cyst of scapula", "肩胛骨囊肿切除术" ], "306087007": [ "Referral from community-based speech and language therapist", "Referral by community speech and language therapist", "Referral from community speech and language therapist", "Referral by community-based speech and language therapist", "社区言语治疗师转诊", "社区言语治疗师推荐", "社区言语治疗师的推荐" ], "1303676000": [ "Osteotomy for left hallux valgus", "左拇外翻截骨术" ], "418940000": [ "CT arthrography of intratarsal joint", "CT arthrogram of intratarsal joint", "Computed tomography arthrography of intratarsal joint", "跗骨内关节CT造影", "跗骨内关节计算机断层扫描关节造影" ], "11175008": [ "Insect identification procedure", "Insect identification", "昆虫识别程序", "昆虫识别" ], "58492003": [ "Enucleation of cyst of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织囊肿摘除术" ], "43943009": [ "Toxicology testing for ANTU", "Toxicology testing for alpha-naphthyl thiourea", "ANTU 毒理学测试", "α-萘基硫脲的毒理学测试" ], "417105002": [ "Referral for perinatal home care", "转介围产期家庭护理" ], "302417005": [ "Removal of glass from skin", "去除皮肤上的玻璃" ], "56657006": [ "Electrocoagulation of lesion of pharynx", "Coagulation of lesion of pharynx using electrical energy", "咽部病变电凝治疗" ], "122193006": [ "Thermophilic Actinomycetes culture", "嗜热放线菌培养" ], "171345009": [ "Disabled driver examination", "残障驾驶员考试" ], "185894003": [ "New patient screening third letter", "New patient screen 3rd letter", "New patient screen third letter", "新患者筛查第三封信" ], "415270003": [ "Referral to diabetes structured education program", "Referral to diabetes structured education programme", "转介至糖尿病结构化教育计划", "转介糖尿病结构化教育计划" ], "103974008": [ "A>1< blood group antibody identification", "A>1< 血型抗体鉴定" ], "233211003": [ "Resection and end-to-end anastomosis of pulmonary trunk", "肺动脉干切除及端端吻合术" ], "69371006": [ "Nurse and patient conference", "护士与患者会议" ], "427984003": [ "Primary foraminoplasty of cervical spine using laser", "激光颈椎椎间孔成形术" ], "395216006": [ "Advanced coagulation studies", "高级凝血研究" ], "231376008": [ "Chemical denervation of spinal facet joint of cervical vertebra", "颈椎小关节化学去神经支配术" ], "229541004": [ "Foot strapping", "脚绑带" ], "311461007": [ "Strategy training for perceptual skills", "感知技能策略训练" ], "47482000": [ "Glenoplasty of shoulder with synthetic joint prosthesis", "Glenoplasty of shoulder with implantation of joint prosthesis", "肩关节盂成形术及关节假体植入术", "人工合成肩关节假体肩关节成形术" ], "440698001": [ "Assessment of special educational needs", "特殊教育需求评估" ], "721061008": [ "Amputation of right leg through tibia and fibula", "右腿胫骨和腓骨截肢" ], "309626003": [ "Child referral - school psychologist", "儿童转介 - 学校心理学家" ], "80250004": [ "Intranasal biopsy", "鼻内活检" ], "178554004": [ "Primary posterior decompression of thoracic disc", "胸椎间盘原发性后路减压术" ], "14714006": [ "Bilateral mastectomy with excision of bilateral regional lymph nodes", "Excision of both breasts with excision of bilateral regional lymph nodes", "Excision of bilateral breasts with excision of bilateral regional lymph nodes", "双侧乳房切除术及双侧区域淋巴结切除术", "切除双侧乳房并切除双侧区域淋巴结" ], "113018007": [ "Cardioassist", "心脏辅助" ], "78415004": [ "Capsular contracture release for Erb's palsy", "Sever operation for capsular contracture release for Erb's palsy", "Fairbank operation for obstetric palsy", "Durham operation for Erb's palsy", "Capsular contracture release for Erb palsy", "埃尔布氏麻痹的包膜挛缩松解术", "达勒姆手术治疗埃尔布氏麻痹症", "费尔班克产科麻痹手术" ], "305956004": [ "Referral from physician", "Referral by physician", "Referral by doctor", "医生推荐", "医生转介" ], "60196006": [ "Injection of alcohol into sympathetic nerve", "将酒精注射到交感神经" ], "699172007": [ "Closed reduction of fractured fibula with internal fixation", "腓骨骨折闭合复位内固定" ], "76580007": [ "Peripheral arterial bypass", "Vascular bypass of peripheral artery", "Peripheral vascular shunt or bypass", "外周血管分流或旁路手术", "外周动脉血管搭桥术", "外周动脉搭桥术" ], "174884009": [ "Creation of valved conduit between left ventricle of heart and aorta", "在心脏左心室和主动脉之间建立带瓣管道" ], "27428006": [ "Aortic valve commissurotomy with cardiopulmonary bypass", "Valvotomy of aortic valve with cardiopulmonary bypass", "体外循环下主动脉瓣切开术", "体外循环下主动脉瓣分离术" ], "287737004": [ "Ureter implanted into rectum", "输尿管植入直肠" ], "1187022003": [ "Continuous mandatory ventilation volume-control inflation-type and assured constant airway pressure adjunct in the expiratory phase", "CMV-VC ACAPL (continuous mandatory ventilation volume-control inflation-type and assured constant airway pressure low) adjunct in the expiratory phase", "持续指令通气容量控制充气型和呼气期保证恒定气道压力辅助装置", "CMV-VC ACAPL(持续指令通气容量控制充气型和保证恒定气道压力低)呼气期辅助" ], "72910005": [ "Lumbar sympathectomy", "Lumbar surgical sympathectomy", "腰椎外科交感神经切除术", "腰交感神经切除术" ], "122062007": [ "Papilloma virus identification", "Papillomavirus identification", "乳头瘤病毒鉴定" ], "171214008": [ "Neurological screening", "神经系统筛查" ], "726435001": [ "Subcutaneous mastectomy of left breast", "左乳房皮下切除术" ], "431523002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of popliteal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮腘静脉腔内血管成形术" ], "447907000": [ "Primary intraarticular fixation of intraarticular fracture of bone", "关节内骨折的初次关节内固定" ], "120227000": [ "Manipulation of forearm", "前臂操纵" ], "103843005": [ "Platelet aggregation with ristocetin test", "瑞斯托霉素试验检测血小板聚集情况" ], "87459003": [ "Antibody to SM measurement", "SM 抗体测量" ], "234915008": [ "Marsupialization of lesion of brain", "Marsupialisation of lesion of brain", "脑损伤袋形成形术" ], "233080001": [ "Excision of left ventricular vegetations", "左心室赘生物切除术" ], "446072003": [ "Assessment using clinical test of opposition and counter-opposition of thumb", "Assessment using Kapandji clinical of opposition and reposition test of thumb", "使用 Kapandji 临床对拇指对冲和复位测试进行评估", "使用拇指对抗和反对抗的临床测试进行评估" ], "85624009": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of shoulder", "肩关节脱位闭合复位" ], "231245004": [ "Recurrent laryngeal nerve block", "Local anaesthetic recurrent laryngeal nerve block", "Local anesthetic recurrent laryngeal nerve block", "局部麻醉喉返神经阻滞", "喉返神经阻滞" ], "83789005": [ "Destruction of intra-abdominal tumor", "Destruction of intra-abdominal tumour", "腹腔内肿瘤破坏" ], "32802001": [ "Decrease of specific gravity", "比重下降" ], "229410002": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the cervical spine", "Accessory mobilization of the cervical spine", "颈椎辅助活动" ], "426018002": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic photodynamic therapy of lesion of lower respiratory tract", "Fibreoptic endoscopic photodynamic therapy of lesion of lower respiratory tract", "纤维内镜下呼吸道病变光动力治疗" ], "180258005": [ "Injection of scar to reduce cicatrix", "注射疤痕减少疤痕" ], "424183000": [ "Infection precautions education, guidance, counselling", "Infection precautions education, guidance, counseling", "Infection precautions teaching, guidance and counselling", "Infection precautions teaching, guidance and counseling", "感染预防措施教育、指导、咨询", "感染预防措施教学、指导和咨询" ], "409634008": [ "Post-vaccination precautions", "接种疫苗后的注意事项" ], "178423001": [ "Extended maxillectomy", "扩大上颌骨切除术" ], "307660002": [ "Remove blade jaw implant", "取出刀片颌骨植入物" ], "897484005": [ "Assessment using Spence Children's Anxiety Scale - Parent Version", "Assessment using SCAS-P (Spence Children's Anxiety Scale - Parent Version)", "使用斯宾塞儿童焦虑量表进行评估 - 家长版", "使用 SCAS-P(斯宾塞儿童焦虑量表 - 家长版)进行评估" ], "45516006": [ "Amylase measurement, pleural fluid", "淀粉酶测量、胸水" ], "373196008": [ "Operative procedure on bone of lower extremity", "Operation on bone of lower extremity", "下肢骨手术方法", "下肢骨手术" ], "764577000": [ "MRI of bowel", "Magnetic resonance imaging of intestine", "MRI of intestine", "肠道磁共振成像", "肠道 MRI" ], "76449004": [ "Injection of knee", "膝盖注射" ], "699041005": [ "Warfarin prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic warfarin", "预防性使用华法林", "华法林预防" ], "240289007": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of fetal lesion", "Percutaneous aspiration of foetal lesion", "经皮胎儿病变抽吸术" ], "271222000": [ "Male sex hormones - serum level", "Male sex hormones - serum measurement", "男性性激素 - 血清水平", "男性性激素-血清测量" ], "1303414001": [ "Laparoscopic vaginal hysterectomy", "腹腔镜子宫切除术" ], "385910005": [ "Cataract care education", "Teach cataract care", "教授白内障护理", "白内障护理教育" ], "287606009": [ "Selective carotid artery arteriography", "Selective arteriography of carotid artery", "Selective angiography of carotid artery", "选择性颈动脉造影", "颈动脉选择性血管造影", "颈动脉选择性动脉造影" ], "40011006": [ "Suture of uvula", "悬雍垂缝合术" ], "121931008": [ "Bacillus anthracis antibody assay", "Anthrax antibody assay", "Measurement of Bacillus anthracis antibody", "炭疽抗体测定", "炭疽杆菌抗体测定" ], "89163009": [ "Fine needle biopsy of stomach", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of stomach", "胃细针穿刺活检", "胃细针活检" ], "433227008": [ "Positron emission tomography (PET) of heart for cardiac viability using fluorodeoxyglucose", "Positron emission tomography of heart for cardiac viability using fluorodeoxyglucose", "使用氟脱氧葡萄糖进行心脏正电子发射断层扫描以检测心脏活力", "使用氟脱氧葡萄糖进行心脏正电子发射断层扫描 (PET) 以检测心脏活力" ], "431392001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of rest perfusion of heart", "Magnetic resonance imaging of rest perfusion of heart", "MRI of rest perfusion of heart", "心脏静息灌注的磁共振成像", "心脏静息灌注的磁共振成像(MRI)", "心脏静息灌注 MRI" ], "103712006": [ "Manipulation of catheter", "Catheter manipulation", "导管操作" ], "120096007": [ "Transposition of tissue of orbit", "眼眶组织移位" ], "85493000": [ "Anesthesia for open procedure involving symphysis pubis", "Anaesthesia for open procedure involving symphysis pubis", "耻骨联合开放手术的麻醉" ], "232949004": [ "Homograft truncal valve replacement", "Allograft truncal valve replacement", "同种异体躯干瓣膜置换术" ], "19957009": [ "WBC enzyme determination", "White blood cell (WBC) enzyme determination", "White blood cell enzyme determination", "白细胞酶测定", "白细胞(WBC)酶测定" ], "83658004": [ "Nasoenteric tube maintenance", "鼻肠管维护" ], "394954005": [ "Urine temazepam screen", "尿液替马西泮筛查" ], "231114007": [ "Microampere stimulation of nerves", "微安刺激神经" ], "67274009": [ "Homovanillic acid measurement", "HVA measurement", "高香草酸的测定", "什么测量" ], "180127002": [ "Creation of tibiofibular synostosis", "胫腓骨缝线形成" ], "360351007": [ "Lambrinudi operation", "Lambrinudi triple fusion of hindfoot", "Lambrinudi hindfoot fusion", "Lambrinudi 后足融合术", "后足 Lambrinudi 三重融合术", "兰布里努迪行动" ], "229279008": [ "Slow reversal hold technique", "SRH - Slow reversal hold technique", "SRH - 慢速反转保持技术", "慢速反转保持技术" ], "178292004": [ "Sampling of lymph node", "LNS - Lymph node sampling", "Lymph node sampling", "LNS - 淋巴结取样", "淋巴结取样" ], "112756005": [ "Suture of flexor tendon of hand", "手屈肌腱缝合" ], "14452006": [ "Head distraction test", "Cervical spine distraction test", "头部分散测试", "颈椎牵引试验" ], "473204006": [ "Assessment of raised intracranial pressure", "颅内压升高的评估" ], "438601000": [ "Lysis of adhesions of anterior segment of eye using laser", "激光松解眼前节粘连" ], "735348004": [ "Education about central venous catheter care", "Central venous catheter care education", "中心静脉导管护理教育" ], "63604004": [ "Resection of extraocular muscle with suture of original insertion", "切除眼外肌并缝合原止点" ], "307529005": [ "Kveim test skin biopsy", "Kveim 测试皮肤活检" ], "61769005": [ "Division of sympathetic ganglion", "Section of sympathetic ganglion", "交感神经节的分裂", "交感神经节切面" ], "12617007": [ "Resection of lower limb artery with replacement by graft", "Angiectomy with graft replacement of lower limb artery", "Arteriectomy with graft replacement of lower limb", "下肢动脉切除并移植", "下肢动脉切除及移植置换术" ], "387614002": [ "Insertion of tampon into vagina", "将卫生棉条插入阴道" ], "715294005": [ "Computed tomography of neck with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "CT of neck with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "颈部增强 CT 检查以制定放射治疗计划", "颈部增强计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "174622008": [ "Endoscopic retrograde placement of prosthesis in bile duct", "内镜逆行胆管假体置入术" ], "287475003": [ "Non-surgical endocervical biopsy", "非手术宫颈管活检" ], "385779005": [ "Physician status report", "医生状态报告" ], "1286899007": [ "Fitting of complete orthodontic appliance", "完整牙齿矫正器的安装" ], "303859008": [ "Nuclear medicine study of systems", "核医学系统研究" ], "238323009": [ "Night-time intermittent peritoneal dialysis", "IPD - Intermittent peritoneal dialysis, night-time", "NIPD - Night-time intermittent peritoneal dialysis", "IPD-- 间歇性腹膜透析,夜间", "NIPD-- 夜间间歇性腹膜透析", "夜间间歇性腹膜透析" ], "746227007": [ "Excision of lymph node of left axilla", "左腋窝淋巴结切除" ], "121800000": [ "Isovalerylglycine measurement", "异戊酰甘氨酸测量" ], "252872008": [ "Maddox double rod test", "马多克斯双杆试验" ], "234653001": [ "Reconstruction of lip with local flap", "局部皮瓣唇再造术" ], "119965006": [ "Bone marrow incision", "骨髓切开术" ], "118130000": [ "Examination of specimen for lipemia", "Examination of specimen for lipaemia", "脂血症标本检查" ], "445810007": [ "Assessment using Clifton assessment procedures for the elderly", "使用克利夫顿评估程序对老年人进行评估" ], "230983000": [ "Transposition of mental nerve", "Repositioning of mental nerve", "重新定位精神神经", "颏神经移位" ], "413042008": [ "Immature reticulocyte fraction", "IRF - immature reticulocyte fraction", "未成熟网织红细胞分数", "IRF-- 未成熟网织红细胞部分" ], "50759007": [ "Kidney imaging with vascular flow", "肾脏血管流成像" ], "179996000": [ "Replantation of hallux", "拇趾再植" ], "443975008": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of bismuth in serum or plasma", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of bismuth in serum or plasma specimen", "血清或血浆标本中铋的质量浓度的定量测量", "血清或血浆中铋的质量浓度的定量测量" ], "16156002": [ "Drainage of pseudocyst of pancreas by anastomosis", "胰腺假性囊肿引流吻合术" ], "229148003": [ "Curl up exercise", "仰卧起坐练习" ], "48924007": [ "Excision of preauricular appendage, remnant", "Excision of periauricular skin tags", "耳周皮赘切除", "切除耳前附属物、残留物" ], "65308008": [ "Excision of lesion of external ear, radical", "外耳病变切除术,根治性" ], "440305003": [ "Ligation of peritoneal venous shunt", "腹腔静脉分流管结扎术" ], "391153004": [ "General psychiatric care of older adults - 3 to 5 contacts/week", "老年人的一般精神科护理——每周 3 至 5 次接触" ], "178161007": [ "Primary plastic repair tendon", "初级整形修复肌腱" ], "1255835004": [ "Percutaneous FNAB (fine needle aspiration biopsy) of gallbladder using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of gallbladder", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of gallbladder using imaging guidance", "使用影像引导进行胆囊经皮 FNAB(细针穿刺活检)", "影像引导下经皮胆囊细针穿刺活检" ], "238192002": [ "Repair of ventral hernia", "Repair of hernia of anterior abdominal wall", "Abdominal herniorrhaphy", "Repair of hernia of abdominal wall", "腹壁疝修补术", "腹前壁疝修补术", "腹疝修补术" ], "287344006": [ "Varicose vein ligation and stripping", "静脉曲张结扎和剥脱术" ], "121669000": [ "Propiomazine measurement", "丙吡嗪测量" ], "105285003": [ "Pemoline measurement", "匹莫林测量" ], "252741004": [ "Brain mapping", "大脑映射" ], "39749005": [ "Ankle reattachment", "Reattachment of ankle", "踝关节复位" ], "236357007": [ "Revision of penile prosthesis", "阴茎假体修复" ], "1217562000": [ "Replacement of negative pressure wound dressing", "Replacement of VAC (vacuum assisted closure) device", "Replacement of vacuum assisted closure device", "更换负压伤口敷料", "更换 VAC(真空辅助闭合)装置", "更换真空辅助封堵装置" ], "709658001": [ "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of thyroid", "Aspiration of thyroid using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下甲状腺穿刺", "在荧光透视引导下进行甲状腺穿刺" ], "117999000": [ "Streptococcus pneumoniae 9 antibody assay", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serogroup 9 antibody", "肺炎链球菌 9 抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌血清群 9 抗体的测量" ], "265455000": [ "Endoscopic sphincterotomy of sphincter of Oddi and removal of calculus", "内镜奥迪氏括约肌切开术及结石取出术" ], "85231002": [ "Repair of retinal detachment by laser photocoagulation", "Reattachment of retina by laser photocoagulation", "Laser photocoagulation of retina for detachment", "Repair of retinal detachment by photocoagulation", "视网膜脱离激光光凝治疗", "光凝修复视网膜脱离", "激光光凝术使视网膜复位", "激光光凝修复视网膜脱离" ], "314607003": [ "Endoanal ultrasound examination", "肛管超声检查" ], "232687005": [ "Endobronchial intubation", "Bronchial intubation", "Endobronchial intubation via oral route", "支气管插管", "经口支气管插管" ], "707823006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolization for major systemic to pulmonary collateral artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation for major systemic to pulmonary collateral artery", "经皮腔内栓塞治疗主要体循环至肺循环侧支动脉", "经皮腔内栓塞治疗体循环至肺循环的主要侧支动脉" ], "412911007": [ "Blood spot hexanoylcarnitine measurement", "Blood spot hexanoyl carnitine", "血斑己酰肉碱测量", "血斑己酰肉碱" ], "312772000": [ "Re-exploration of saphenofemoral junction", "Reexploration of saphenofemoral junction", "隐股连接处的再探索", "隐股连接处的再探查" ], "230852003": [ "Aspiration of subcutaneous reservoir connecting to cystic brain tumour", "Aspiration of subcutaneous reservoir connecting to cystic brain tumor", "连接囊性脑肿瘤的皮下储液囊抽吸术" ], "83396005": [ "Incision of hematoma of axilla", "Incision of haematoma of axilla", "腋窝血肿切开术" ], "17860005": [ "Low forceps delivery with episiotomy", "低位产钳分娩及会阴切开术" ], "116164007": [ "Laryngotracheal resection", "喉气管切除术" ], "81561002": [ "Suture of omentum", "Omentorrhaphy", "Suturing of omentum", "大网膜缝合", "缝合大网膜", "网膜缝合术" ], "720537002": [ "Meningitis B vaccination", "Meningitis B immunisation", "Administration of meningitis B vaccine", "Meningitis B immunization", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B antigen", "脑膜炎 B 疫苗接种", "接种仅含 B 群脑膜炎奈瑟菌抗原的疫苗产品", "接种脑膜炎 B 疫苗", "脑膜炎 B 免疫接种" ], "704153007": [ "Histamine H2 receptor antagonist prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic histamine H2 receptor antagonist", "组胺H2受体拮抗剂预防", "预防性使用组胺H2受体拮抗剂" ], "735086001": [ "Excision of right breast lump", "Tylectomy of right breast", "Lumpectomy of right breast", "右乳房肿瘤切除术", "切除右侧乳房肿块", "右乳房切除术" ], "30574003": [ "Dilation of frontonasal duct", "Frontonasal duct dilatation", "额鼻管扩张" ], "866158005": [ "First diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus immunisation", "First diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of first dose of diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccine", "First diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus immunization", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens", "首次白喉、百日咳和破伤风免疫接种", "注射第一剂仅含有百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌和白喉棒状杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "接种第一剂白喉、百日咳和破伤风疫苗", "第一次白喉、百日咳和破伤风疫苗接种" ], "225347007": [ "Empowerment", "赋权" ], "241731009": [ "Tourniquet positioning (uninflated)", "止血带定位(未充气)" ], "43288002": [ "Excision of lesion of pineal gland", "松果体病变切除术" ], "76056002": [ "Radical dissection of bilateral sides of neck", "Radical dissection of both sides of neck", "颈部两侧根治性解剖", "双侧颈部根治性切除术" ], "305432006": [ "Admission to surgical transplant department", "外科移植科入院" ], "698648007": [ "Control of haemorrhage of intrathoracic blood vessel following vascular surgery", "Control of hemorrhage of intrathoracic blood vessel following vascular surgery", "血管外科手术后胸内血管出血的控制" ], "172525002": [ "Cryoextraction of lens", "晶状体冷冻提取" ], "72386000": [ "Closure of jejunal fistula", "Repair of jejunal fistula", "空肠瘘修补术", "空肠瘘闭合" ], "41453009": [ "Strabismus surgery", "Strabismus operation", "Squint correction", "Squint correction operation", "斜视矫正手术", "斜视矫正", "斜视手术" ], "860653008": [ "Repair of epispadias using onlay patch", "使用贴片修复尿道上裂" ], "418285008": [ "Angioplasty of blood vessel", "Angioplasty", "血管成形术" ], "105154004": [ "Desmethylsertraline measurement", "去甲舍曲林测量" ], "301762005": [ "Excision arthroplasty of joint of hand", "手关节切除置换术" ], "416450002": [ "Removal of sacral nerve stimulator", "移除骶神经刺激器" ], "121538006": [ "Dichloroethane measurement", "二氯乙烷测量" ], "252610006": [ "Sonotubometry", "超声管测量法" ], "447383005": [ "Ablation of stricture of urethra using laser", "激光消融尿道狭窄" ], "773228000": [ "Laparoscopic repair of femoral hernia using surgical mesh", "腹腔镜下使用手术网片修补股疝" ], "430999009": [ "Incision and drainage of abscess of head", "头部脓肿切开引流" ], "232556001": [ "Operation for voice pitch change", "Operation to change vocal fold tension", "Phonosurgery for voice pitch", "Operation to change vocal cord tension", "音调矫正术", "改变声带张力的手术", "音调变化操作" ], "119703009": [ "Nasopharynx incision", "鼻咽切开术" ], "709527009": [ "MRI of sacral spine with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of sacral spine with contrast", "骶椎增强磁共振成像", "骶椎增强 MRI 检查" ], "265324007": [ "Repair of bilateral cleft lip with quadrilateral flap", "四边形瓣修复双侧唇裂" ], "116033007": [ "Radical nephrectomy", "根治性肾切除术" ], "359958000": [ "Ventriculocisternal shunt with valve", "带瓣膜的脑室胸骨分流术" ], "425494001": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic submucosal resection of lesion of stomach", "Fibreoptic endoscopic submucosal resection of lesion of stomach", "纤维内镜胃黏膜下切除术" ], "312641007": [ "Exploration of anterior tibial artery", "胫前动脉探查" ], "179734006": [ "Primary allograft replacement extra-articular ligament", "原发性同种异体移植置换关节外韧带" ], "734955000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral wrists and bilateral hands", "MRI of bilateral wrists and bilateral hands", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both wrists and both hands", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right wrist and hand", "双腕及双手磁共振成像", "左、右手腕和手部磁共振成像", "双侧腕部及双侧手部 MRI 检查", "双侧腕部和双侧手部磁共振成像" ], "1275627001": [ "Osteoclasis of metacarpal bone", "掌骨骨折" ], "163350009": [ "Intermediate GU examination", "Intermediate genitourinary examination", "中级 GU 考试", "中级泌尿生殖系统检查" ], "177899004": [ "Herniorrhaphy for recurrent incisional hernia", "Repair of recurrent incisional hernia", "复发性切口疝的修补", "复发性切口疝的疝修补术" ], "718571006": [ "Injection of steroid using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided steroid injection", "Ultrasound guided steroid injection", "超声引导下类固醇注射", "超声引导类固醇注射", "使用超声引导注射类固醇" ], "440043007": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of heart using iodine 123 meta-iodobenzylguanidine", "使用碘 123 间碘苄胍进行心脏单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "716736000": [ "Provision of commercial flight", "提供商业航班" ], "390891009": [ "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease monitoring", "慢性阻塞性肺病监测" ], "14059008": [ "Pelvic lymphadenectomy", "PLND - Pelvic lymph node dissection", "Excision of pelvic lymph nodes group", "PLND-盆腔淋巴结清扫术", "盆腔淋巴结组切除术", "盆腔淋巴结清扫术" ], "225216003": [ "Acknowledging anxiety", "承认焦虑" ], "274368000": [ "Surgical biopsy of vulva", "外阴手术活检" ], "12224000": [ "Parathyroid related protein measurement", "甲状旁腺相关蛋白测量" ], "1290176000": [ "Hospital antenatal care", "医院产前护理" ], "405440004": [ "Revision of amputation of toe", "趾截肢修复术" ], "34281000175105": [ "Nocturnal continuous positive airway pressure", "Nocturnal CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure)", "夜间 CPAP(持续气道正压通气)", "夜间持续气道正压通气" ], "176064007": [ "Cystoscopic laser lithotripsy of ureteric calculus", "膀胱镜下激光碎石治疗输尿管结石" ], "241600009": [ "CT pelvimetry", "Digital slit-beam radiograph of pelvis", "Computed tomography pelvimetry", "CT骨盆测量", "骨盆数字裂隙射线摄影", "计算机断层扫描骨盆测量" ], "370837004": [ "Determination of existing sensory impairments", "Notes sensory impairments", "确定现有感官障碍", "注意感官障碍" ], "305301009": [ "Admission by restorative dentist", "修复牙医入院" ], "418154007": [ "Fluoroscopy with contrast and thrombolysis of femoral artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and thrombolysis of femoral artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and thrombolysis of femoral artery", "股动脉造影透视及溶栓治疗", "股动脉荧光造影及溶栓治疗", "股动脉荧光血管造影及溶栓治疗" ], "105023000": [ "Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase measurement", "尿卟啉原脱羧酶测定" ], "432703003": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of uterine artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of uterine artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of uterine artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of uterine artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮子宫动脉造影栓塞术", "经皮子宫动脉造影栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮子宫动脉造影栓塞术" ], "121407007": [ "Nizatidine measurement", "尼扎替丁测定" ], "119572000": [ "Musculoskeletal system closure", "肌肉骨骼系统闭合" ], "711231008": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of vein of extremity", "Doppler ultrasonography of venous structure of limb", "Doppler ultrasonography of vein of limb", "肢体静脉多普勒超声检查", "四肢静脉结构的多普勒超声检查", "四肢静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "21268002": [ "Cytopathology procedure, forensic", "法医细胞病理学程序" ], "252479008": [ "12-minute walk test", "12 分钟步行测试" ], "234260000": [ "Pelvic lymph nodes sampling", "盆腔淋巴结取样" ], "72255009": [ "Interleukin-2 therapy", "Il-2 therapy", "白细胞介素-2治疗", "白细胞介素-2疗法" ], "1331988007": [ "Excision of lesion of sternum", "Excision of lesion of bone of sternum", "胸骨病变切除术" ], "445417000": [ "Decongestive lymphatic therapy", "减充血淋巴疗法" ], "250644007": [ "LDH blood measurement", "LDH blood level", "Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) blood measurement", "Lactic dehydrogenase blood measurement", "血液中乳酸脱氢酶 (LDH) 水平", "乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)血液测量", "乳酸脱氢酶血液测量" ], "19433002": [ "Direct laryngoscopy with foreign body removal", "直接喉镜检查并去除异物" ], "609257003": [ "Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下腹股沟疝修补术" ], "723945004": [ "Cyclosporine therapy", "环孢素治疗" ], "183273007": [ "Speech defect remedial therapy", "言语缺陷矫正治疗" ], "117737008": [ "Herpes simplex virus 1 AND 2 antibody pattern determination", "单纯疱疹病毒 1 和 2 抗体模式测定" ], "66750004": [ "Removal of calcareous deposit from bursa", "清除滑囊中的钙质沉积物" ], "427198005": [ "Open removal of ventricular assist device", "开放性移除心室辅助装置" ], "408979003": [ "Urinary incontinence care management", "Manage urinary incontinence care", "管理尿失禁护理", "尿失禁护理管理" ], "64915003": [ "Operative procedure on heart", "Cardiac surgery procedure", "Operation on heart", "心脏手术", "心脏手术程序" ], "13861000087101": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of cyst of right kidney", "Aspiration of cyst of right kidney using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下右肾囊肿抽吸术", "超声引导下右肾囊肿穿刺抽吸" ], "2341000087103": [ "MRI of right forearm with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right forearm with contrast", "右前臂对比磁共振成像", "右前臂 MRI 增强扫描" ], "1061000087106": [ "Ultrasonography of right forearm", "Ultrasound of right forearm", "Ultrasound scan of right forearm", "右前臂超声检查", "右前臂超声波扫描" ], "79464003": [ "Transposition of uterine tissue", "子宫组织移位" ], "3621000087107": [ "Plain X-ray of left hand", "左手普通 X 光检查" ], "177768005": [ "Reopening of chest and re-exploration of intra-abdominal operation site and surgical arrest of postoperative bleeding", "开胸及腹腔内手术部位再探查及术后止血" ], "1193576007": [ "Arthroscopy of ankle with removal of loose body", "踝关节镜检查及游离体取出" ], "241469000": [ "Intravascular ultrasound of arterial graft", "动脉移植的血管内超声检查" ], "225085000": [ "Deflating indwelling urethral catheter balloon", "放气留置尿道导管气囊" ], "175933003": [ "Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty", "安德森-海因斯肾盂成形术" ], "405309005": [ "Axillobifemoral bypass graft with prosthesis", "带假体的腋双股动脉旁路移植术" ], "12093008": [ "Excisional biopsy of orbit", "Excisional biopsy of orbit proper", "眼眶切除活检" ], "1222674001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of LMCA (left main coronary artery)", "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of left main coronary artery", "左冠状动脉主干经皮腔内球囊血管成形术", "LMCA(左主冠状动脉)经皮腔内球囊血管成形术" ], "239634009": [ "Soft tissue release for correction of congenital deformity of hindfoot", "软组织松解术矫正后足先天畸形" ], "418023006": [ "CT of chest, abdomen and pelvis", "Computed tomography of chest, abdomen and pelvis", "胸部、腹部和骨盆的计算机断层扫描", "胸部、腹部和盆腔 CT" ], "450791009": [ "Revision of intertransverse fusion of lumbar spine", "腰椎横突间融合术翻修术" ], "1153468002": [ "Education about impaired cognition", "关于认知障碍的教育" ], "399804003": [ "Gf4 specific IgG antibody measurement", "Triticum aestivum specific IgG antibody measurement", "Triticum aestivum specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "Wheat specific IgG antibody measurement", "小麦特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定", "小麦特异性 IgG 抗体测定", "Gf4 特异性 IgG 抗体测量" ], "829831000000100": [ "Insertion of fiducial marker into lung using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided insertion of fiducial marker into lung", "使用计算机断层扫描引导将基准标记插入肺部", "CT 引导下将基准标记插入肺部" ], "121276004": [ "Antigen assay", "In vitro immunologic test to detect, identify, characterize AND/OR quantify an antigen", "Antigen detection", "In vitro immunologic test to detect, identify, characterise AND/OR quantify an antigen", "Antigen level", "Antigen measurement", "抗原水平", "抗原测量", "体外免疫学测试用于检测、识别、表征和/或量化抗原", "抗原检测" ], "416188006": [ "Administration of muscle relaxant", "肌肉松弛剂的使用" ], "104892008": [ "Proline dipeptidase measurement", "脯氨酸二肽酶测定" ], "145031000000104": [ "Assessment using London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy", "使用伦敦意外妊娠测量法进行评估" ], "397969000": [ "Rubber band tourniquet positioned on patient", "橡皮筋止血带定位在患者身上" ], "252348008": [ "Herpes simplex virus T-lymphocyte stimulation", "单纯疱疹病毒 T 淋巴细胞刺激" ], "709265001": [ "Assessment of attitude toward operation", "手术态度评估" ], "265062002": [ "Dilation of cervix uteri and curettage of products of conception from uterus", "Curettage of products of conception from uterus", "子宫妊娠产物刮除术", "宫颈扩张术和宫腔妊娠产物刮除术" ], "117606003": [ "Carbamate pesticides screen", "氨基甲酸酯类农药筛查" ], "35686005": [ "Labyrinthotomy with cryosurgery, transcanal", "迷路切开术联合冷冻手术、经鼻道" ], "84838008": [ "Avulsion of facial nerve, differential", "面神经撕脱,鉴别" ], "609126009": [ "Revision of internal fixation of radius", "桡骨内固定修复" ], "1231718009": [ "Watson scaphoid shift test", "Scaphoid shift test", "舟骨移位试验", "沃森舟骨移位试验" ], "410683008": [ "Angiotensin II receptor antagonist therapy", "血管紧张素 II 受体拮抗剂治疗" ], "359696001": [ "Colpotomy for pelvic peritoneal drainage", "阴道切开术用于盆腔腹腔引流" ], "64784002": [ "Thrombectomy and repair of arterial graft", "血栓切除术和动脉移植修复" ], "228624004": [ "Alteration to kitchen design", "改变厨房设计" ], "392464006": [ "Alpha-amylase specific IgE antibody measurement", "k87 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Alpha-amylase specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "淀粉酶特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "k87特异性IgE抗体测量", "淀粉酶特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "439781002": [ "Insertion of peripancreatic drain with cholecystostomy", "胆囊造口术及胰周引流管插入" ], "46565006": [ "Grafting of phalanges of foot", "足趾骨移植" ], "241338000": [ "Breath test of small intestine using radiolabelled fats", "C14 breath test of fat absorption", "Breath test of small intestine using radiolabeled fats", "脂肪吸收的C14呼气试验", "使用放射性标记脂肪进行小肠呼气试验" ], "306874000": [ "Microwave diathermy to neck", "颈部微波透热疗法" ], "388794005": [ "Vitis vinifera specific IgE antibody measurement", "f259 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Grape specific IgE antibody measurement", "Vitis vinifera specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f259 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "葡萄特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "葡萄特异性 IgE 抗体测定", "葡萄特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "239503002": [ "Resurfacing of the patella", "髌骨表面置换术" ], "1222543005": [ "Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - antrostomy via canine fossa", "FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) - antrostomy via canine fossa", "FESS(功能性内窥镜鼻窦手术)-经犬窝进行鼻窦造口术", "功能性内镜鼻窦手术 - 经犬齿窝进行鼻窦造口术" ], "173967005": [ "Ileocecal anastomosis", "Anastomosis of ileum to caecum", "Anastomosis of ileum to cecum", "Ileocaecal anastomosis", "回肠至盲肠吻合术", "回盲部吻合术", "回盲肠吻合术" ], "712804001": [ "Assessment of environmental risk", "环境风险评估" ], "172132001": [ "Enucleation of eyeball", "Surgical enucleation of eye", "Complete excision of eye", "Ophthalmectomy", "Removal of eyeball", "眼球完全切除", "摘除眼球", "眼球摘除手术", "眼球切除术", "眼球摘除术" ], "710969000": [ "Management of defecation", "Management of defaecation", "排便管理" ], "1251641000": [ "Computed tomography discogram with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc of cervical spine", "Computed tomography discography with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc of cervical spine", "CT discogram with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc of cervical spine", "颈椎间盘注射造影剂的计算机断层扫描椎间盘造影术", "颈椎间盘注射造影剂的 CT 椎间盘造影", "颈椎椎间盘注射造影剂进行计算机断层扫描椎间盘造影" ], "252217003": [ "Short synacthen test", "SST - Short synacthen test", "Short tetracosactrin test", "短联会试验", "短四氢叶酸试验", "SST-- 短同步反应试验" ], "104761004": [ "Isocitrate dehydrogenase measurement", "异柠檬酸脱氢酶测定" ], "39225006": [ "Excision of lesion of hindfoot", "切除后足病变" ], "446990000": [ "Laparoscopic excision of ureter and kidney", "Laparoscopic nephroureterectomy", "腹腔镜肾输尿管切除术", "腹腔镜输尿管及肾脏切除术" ], "70158006": [ "Superficial palpation", "Light palpation", "Surface palpation", "浅表触诊", "轻触诊", "表面触诊" ], "723683000": [ "Angioplasty of pelvic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行盆腔动脉血管成形术" ], "445155002": [ "Microsuction clearance of wax from external auditory canal", "Removal of wax from external auditory canal using microsuction", "微吸清除外耳道耳垢", "使用微吸装置清除外耳道中的耳垢" ], "314083002": [ "Urine opiates screening test", "尿液阿片类药物筛查试验" ], "608995009": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from skin", "皮肤标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "772835009": [ "Detection of Influenza A virus using PCR - polymerase chain reaction technique", "Detection of Influenza A virus using polymerase chain reaction technique", "用 PCR - 聚合酶链式反应技术检测甲型流感病毒", "使用聚合酶链反应技术检测甲型流感病毒" ], "410552003": [ "Guardian interview", "卫报采访" ], "232163009": [ "Suction clearance of external auditory canal", "Suction toilet of ear", "耳部吸便器", "外耳道吸气清理" ], "133859009": [ "Fixation and immobilization", "Fixation and immobilisation", "固定和制动" ], "312248006": [ "Heavy ion teletherapy", "Heavy ion external beam radiation therapy", "重离子远程治疗", "重离子外照射治疗" ], "435581000124102": [ "Carbohydrate modified diet", "碳水化合物改良饮食" ], "66488001": [ "Esophageal speech training", "Oesophageal speech training", "食管言语训练", "食管发声训练" ], "381000124105": [ "Increase dialyzer size for hemodialysis", "Increase dialyser size for haemodialysis", "增加血液透析的透析器尺寸" ], "444541000124105": [ "Feeding environment meal location management", "饲养环境餐点定位管理" ], "438141000124107": [ "Decreased biotin diet", "减少生物素饮食" ], "392333005": [ "w19 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Parietaria officinalis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Wall pellitory (Parietaria officinalis) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Parietaria officinalis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "药用植物特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "药用植物特异性IgE抗体测定", "w19 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "壁虱(Parietaria officinalis)特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "310413009": [ "Suturing of aortopulmonary window", "主动脉肺动脉窗缝合" ], "13666002": [ "Leukotomy", "Incision of white matter of frontal lobe of brain", "Leucotomy", "白质切断术", "大脑额叶白质切开术", "脑白质切开术" ], "275810004": [ "BM stix glucose measurement", "BM stix glucose level", "BM 试纸血糖水平", "BM 棒血糖测量" ], "406882004": [ "Ethyl violet stain method", "Ethyl violet stain", "乙基紫染色法", "乙基紫染色" ], "30050007": [ "Inhalation anesthesia, machine system, semi-closed, no rebreathing of primary agent", "Inhalation anaesthesia, machine system, semi-closed, no rebreathing of primary agent", "吸入麻醉,机械系统,半封闭,不重复吸入主要麻醉药剂", "吸入麻醉,机械系统,半封闭,不重复吸入主要药剂" ], "388663000": [ "f54 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ipomea batatas specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sweet potato specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ipomea batatas specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f54 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "红薯特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "红薯特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "177506009": [ "Hair bearing graft of skin to skin of nasolabial area", "带毛发的皮肤移植至鼻唇区皮肤" ], "273975003": [ "Serum zinc level", "Serum zinc measurement", "血清锌测量", "血清锌水平" ], "716343008": [ "Provision of child development learning activity", "提供儿童发展学习活动" ], "386828002": [ "Creation of defunctioning colostomy", "创建功能失调的结肠造口术" ], "9996003": [ "Arthrotomy with drainage of tarsometatarsal joint", "跗跖关节切开引流术" ], "239372007": [ "Operation for facial bone lesion", "面部骨损伤手术" ], "450529001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of abdominal aorta with contrast", "MRI of abdominal aorta with contrast", "腹主动脉增强 MRI", "腹主动脉增强磁共振成像" ], "1220577005": [ "Biopsy of prostate using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of prostate", "Biopsy of prostate using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下前列腺活检", "使用超声引导进行前列腺活检" ], "448694003": [ "Denervation of spinal facet joint of thoracic vertebra", "胸椎小关节神经支配术" ], "104630004": [ "Deoxyhemoglobin measurement", "Deoxyhaemoglobin measurement", "脱氧血红蛋白测量" ], "1251510005": [ "Arthroplasty of left knee", "Repair of joint of left knee", "左膝关节置换术", "左膝关节修复" ], "432310006": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of bone of wrist", "Single photon emission computed tomography of bone of wrist", "腕骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)", "腕骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "710838003": [ "Assessment of barriers to adherence", "依从性障碍评估" ], "55478005": [ "CR type 1 receptor measurement", "CR 1 型受体测量" ], "20875000": [ "Removal of subcutaneous foreign body from upper extremity", "上肢皮下异物取出" ], "53643002": [ "Blood coagulation panel, DIC", "Consumptive coagulopathy screen", "Disseminated intravascular coagulation screening panel", "DIC screen", "DIC - Disseminated intravascular coagulation screen", "Disseminated intravascular coagulation screening", "Blood coagulation panel, disseminated intravascular coagulation", "弥漫性血管内凝血筛查", "血液凝固小组,弥漫性血管内凝血", "血液凝固检查、DIC", "DIC 屏幕", "消耗性凝血病筛查", "DIC - 弥漫性血管内凝血筛查", "弥漫性血管内凝血筛查小组" ], "86411005": [ "Ion laser photocoagulation", "离子激光光凝" ], "35424000": [ "Bone graft to malar areas", "颧骨部位骨移植" ], "281184000": [ "Wax-up of trial denture", "试戴义齿蜡型" ], "117344001": [ "Electrophoresis, citrate agar method", "柠檬酸琼脂电泳法" ], "608864003": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from ureter", "输尿管标本的显微镜检查" ], "445024005": [ "Removal of penetrating foreign body from eye using magnet", "使用磁铁去除眼内穿透性异物" ], "313952006": [ "Plasma ammonia measurement", "Plasma ammonia level", "血浆氨水平", "血浆氨测量" ], "51808006": [ "Arthrography of ankle with positive contrast", "踝关节造影阳性对比剂" ], "410421002": [ "Support group surveillance", "支持小组监测" ], "426805006": [ "Creation of lumbar subcutaneous shunt", "建立腰椎皮下分流术" ], "48138001": [ "Splenogram", "Splenic arteriogram", "Arteriography of splenic artery", "Angiography of splenic artery", "脾图", "脾动脉造影" ], "179210002": [ "Application of balanced suspension traction", "平衡悬挂牵引的应用" ], "64522003": [ "Destruction of chorioretinal lesion by implantation of radiation source", "植入放射源破坏脉络膜视网膜病变" ], "31754004": [ "Orbitotomy with insertion of implant", "眼眶切开术及植入物植入" ], "310282006": [ "Vigabatrin measurement", "Vigabatrin level", "氨己烯酸测量", "氨己烯酸浓度" ], "308447003": [ "Refer to physiotherapist", "Referral to physiotherapist", "咨询物理治疗师", "转诊至物理治疗师" ], "439519007": [ "Removal of subcutaneous port component after open gastric restrictive procedure", "开放式胃限制手术后皮下端口组件的移除" ], "177375008": [ "Replacement of ureterostomy tube", "输尿管造口管更换" ], "716212003": [ "Assessment using Frenchay Aphasia Screening Test", "Assessment using FAST (Frenchay Aphasia Screening Test)", "使用 FAST(Frenchay 失语症筛查测试)进行评估", "使用 Frenchay 失语症筛查测试进行评估" ], "306612006": [ "Discharge from psychogeriatrician service", "Discharge from old age psychiatry service", "Discharge from elderly mentally ill service", "解除老年精神科服务", "解除老年精神病服务" ], "60852008": [ "Care of nursing breast", "哺乳乳房护理" ], "404916008": [ "Sterile maggot wound debridement", "无菌蛆虫伤口清创" ], "386697002": [ "Repair AND revision of stoma of oesophagus", "Repair AND revision of stoma of esophagus", "Refashioning of oesophagostomy", "Refashioning of esophagostomy", "食管造口修复及修正", "食管造口术的改造" ], "1156745004": [ "CT guided percutaneous drainage of upper abdomen", "Percutaneous drainage of upper abdomen using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下上腹部经皮穿刺引流", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行上腹部经皮引流" ], "239241005": [ "Repair of multiple tendons in the flexor compartment of the forearm, wrist or hand", "修复前臂、腕部或手部屈肌腱部位的多条肌腱" ], "173705006": [ "Revision of fundoplication of stomach", "胃底折叠术修复术" ], "401246002": [ "Urine maltose level", "尿液麦芽糖水平" ], "89950004": [ "Excision of condyle of bone", "Condylectomy of bone", "Condylectomy", "骨髁切除术", "髁切除术" ], "237406004": [ "Plastic operation on the breast", "乳房整形手术" ], "6195001": [ "Transurethral drainage of prostatic abscess", "前列腺脓肿经尿道引流" ], "55347007": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid IgG synthesis rate", "Cerebrospinal fluid immunoglobulin G synthesis rate", "脑脊液免疫球蛋白G合成率", "脑脊液IgG合成率" ], "235571007": [ "Dilatation of biliary anastomosis", "Dilatation of bile duct anastomotic stricture", "Dilatation of anastomosis of bile duct", "Dilation of anastomosis of bile duct", "胆道吻合口扩张术", "胆管吻合口狭窄扩张术", "胆管吻合口扩张术" ], "492991000119105": [ "CT of posterior fossa without contrast", "Computed tomography of posterior fossa without contrast", "颅后窝平扫 CT", "颅后窝无造影计算机断层扫描" ], "708872002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of artery of lower limb", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of lower limb artery", "下肢动脉经皮腔内血管成形术" ], "382911000119105": [ "MRI of neck without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of neck without contrast", "颈部 MRI 无造影", "颈部无造影磁共振成像" ], "104499007": [ "alpha-Amino-n-butyrate measurement", "α-氨基丁酸测量" ], "409791000119103": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of prostate without contrast", "MRI of prostate without contrast", "前列腺 MRI 无造影", "无造影剂前列腺磁共振成像" ], "397576002": [ "Hepatitis G virus measurement", "HGV measurement", "庚型肝炎病毒检测", "重型货车测量" ], "446728007": [ "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and excision of mucosa of esophagus", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and mucosectomy of esophagus", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and mucosectomy of oesophagus", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and excision of mucosa of oesophagus", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及食管黏膜切除术", "上消化道内镜检查及食管黏膜切除术" ], "16548031000119107": [ "Radioisotope scan of whole body using technetium sestamibi for localization of neoplasm", "Radioisotope scan of whole body using technetium sestamibi for localisation of neoplasm", "Radionuclide scan of whole body using technetium sestamibi for localisation of neoplasm", "Radionuclide scan of whole body using technetium sestamibi for localization of neoplasm", "使用锝甲氧基异丁基异腈进行全身放射性核素扫描以定位肿瘤", "使用锝甲氧基异丁基异腈进行全身放射性同位素扫描以定位肿瘤" ], "725256009": [ "Education about prevention of thromboembolism", "预防血栓栓塞症的教育" ], "313821006": [ "Plasma lamotrigine level", "Plasma lamotrigine measurement", "血浆拉莫三嗪测量", "血浆拉莫三嗪浓度" ], "182749009": [ "Extracorporeal blood irradiation", "体外血液辐照" ], "66226002": [ "Extraction of after cataract with capsulotomy", "囊切开术摘除后发性白内障" ], "410290005": [ "Family planning teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Family planning teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Family planning education, guidance, and counseling", "Family planning education, guidance, and counselling", "Family planning care teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Family planning care teaching, guidance, and counseling", "计划生育护理教育、指导和咨询", "计划生育教育、指导和咨询", "计划生育护理教学、指导和咨询", "计划生育教学、指导和咨询" ], "426674009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of artery", "经皮腔内动脉球囊成形术" ], "179079004": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture and unlocked unreamed intramedullary nail fixation", "骨折切开复位及非扩髓髓内钉解锁固定术" ], "48007004": [ "Augmentation of bladder", "Enlargement of bladder", "Bladder augmentation", "Augmentation of urinary bladder", "Augmentation cystoplasty", "膀胱扩张成形术", "膀胱扩大", "膀胱肿大", "膀胱扩大术", "膀胱扩张术" ], "31623006": [ "Reconstruction of angular deformity of toe by soft tissue procedure", "软组织手术重建足趾角畸形" ], "439388005": [ "Grafting to aorta with shunt bypass", "带分流旁路的主动脉移植" ], "306481004": [ "Discharge by ophthalmologist", "眼科医生出具的证明" ], "44337006": [ "Incision of gallbladder", "Cholecystotomy", "胆囊切开术" ], "1287686004": [ "Calcineurin inhibitor therapy", "钙调神经磷酸酶抑制剂治疗" ], "386566005": [ "Postural drainage with chest clapping", "拍胸引流" ], "419334008": [ "Fluoroscopy of pelvis", "骨盆透视检查" ], "40667002": [ "Fixation of small intestine", "Fixation of small intestine to abdominal wall", "小肠固定", "小肠固定于腹壁" ], "235440000": [ "Removal of colonic tube", "拔除结肠管" ], "384731008": [ "Vitamin radiobioassay", "维生素放射生物测定法" ], "710576002": [ "Removal of cochlear implant", "摘除人工耳蜗" ], "300976007": [ "Radiotherapy to lesion of canthus", "眼角病变放射治疗" ], "104368007": [ "Complement decay accelerating factor measurement", "补体衰变加速因子测量" ], "432048007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal vessel using carbon dioxide contrast", "使用二氧化碳造影剂进行腹部血管荧光透视血管造影" ], "69765002": [ "Excision of excessive skin and subcutaneous tissue of thigh", "大腿多余皮肤及皮下组织切除" ], "430213002": [ "Biopsy of striated muscle", "Biopsy of skeletal muscle", "横纹肌活检", "骨骼肌活检" ], "448432008": [ "Fusion of atlantooccipital joint with internal fixation by posterior approach", "后入路寰枕关节融合内固定" ], "118917002": [ "Procedure on thoracic duct", "胸导管手术" ], "708741006": [ "Biopsy of soft palate", "软腭活检" ], "231770000": [ "Vitreoretinal procedures for retinal detachment", "视网膜脱离的玻璃体视网膜手术" ], "313690003": [ "Haemoglobin alkaline electrophoresis", "Hemoglobin alkaline electrophoresis", "血红蛋白碱性电泳" ], "739674007": [ "Total hysterectomy with right salpingo-oophorectomy", "全子宫切除术及右侧输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "737839000": [ "Screening for solvent abuse", "溶剂滥用筛查" ], "229935001": [ "Curettage of cartilage of joint", "关节软骨刮除术" ], "18778009": [ "Excision of lesion of tendon of toes", "趾肌腱损伤切除术" ], "410159001": [ "Physical therapy education", "Teach physical therapist service", "物理治疗教育", "教授物理治疗师服务" ], "182618007": [ "Rhythmic percussion", "节奏打击乐" ], "246319005": [ "Microrepair of nerve", "神经微修复" ], "559008": [ "Excision of varicose vein", "Varicose phlebectomy", "Cockett operation for varicose vein", "静脉曲张科克特手术", "静脉曲张切除术" ], "33327009": [ "Condylotomy of mandible", "Mandibular condylotomy", "下颌髁切开术", "下颌骨髁切开术" ], "64260006": [ "Fitting of prosthesis or prosthetic device of shoulder", "肩部假体或假肢装置的安装" ], "1141934002": [ "Decreased vitamin D and/or vitamin D derivative diet", "减少维生素 D 和/或维生素 D 衍生物饮食" ], "304515000": [ "Reminding about keeping appointment", "提醒赴约" ], "107907001": [ "Operative procedure on digestive system", "消化系统手术" ], "386435002": [ "Shock management: compromised volume", "Shock volume management", "休克体积管理", "冲击管理:音量受损" ], "306350009": [ "Referral to play therapist", "转介给游戏治疗师" ], "763267007": [ "Repair of left cleft lip using straight line technique", "直线技术修复左唇裂" ], "400984005": [ "Congenital hypothyroidism screening test", "先天性甲状腺功能低下筛查测试" ], "73304008": [ "Cytotoxicity assay for epithelial/endothelial antigen", "上皮/内皮抗原的细胞毒性试验" ], "431917004": [ "Active core cooling of subject", "主体主动核心冷却" ], "104237005": [ "Culture identification method, required beyond primary method", "文化识别方法,超出主要方法的要求" ], "235309006": [ "Insertion of prosthesis into small intestine", "将假体插入小肠" ], "708610004": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of hip joint", "Percutaneous drainage of joint of hip using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮髋关节引流术", "影像引导下经皮髋关节穿刺引流" ], "118786008": [ "Procedure on oropharynx", "口咽部手术" ], "231639002": [ "Oblique eye muscle operations", "斜眼肌手术" ], "67799006": [ "Cystic fibrosis, prenatal detection", "囊性纤维化,产前检测" ], "84183007": [ "Electronic analysis of internal pacemaker system, complete", "内部起搏器系统电子分析,完整" ], "442796002": [ "Needle biopsy of superficial lymph node using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided needle biopsy of superficial lymph node", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行浅表淋巴结针吸活检", "CT引导下浅表淋巴结穿刺活检" ], "80513001": [ "Partial laryngectomy", "部分喉切除术" ], "1260161001": [ "Arthroscopic debridement of acetabular labrum", "关节镜下髋臼唇清创术" ], "178817001": [ "Radiofrequency denervation of spinal facet joint of thoracic vertebra", "Radiofrequency controlled thermal denervation of thoracic facet joint", "Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of thoracic facet nerve", "胸椎小关节射频去神经支配术", "胸椎小关节神经射频热凝治疗", "射频控制胸椎小关节热去神经支配" ], "64129003": [ "Excision of lesion of thoracoabdominal aorta with end-to-end anastomosis", "胸腹主动脉病变切除及端端吻合术" ], "309889005": [ "Transillumination of tooth", "牙齿透照" ], "408193006": [ "Ristocetin 1.5 umol test", "瑞斯托霉素 1.5 umol 试验" ], "1209174005": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery and posterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery and posterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery and posterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery and posterior descending coronary artery", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支第三钝缘支及冠状动脉后降支", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支第三钝缘支及后降支的顺序吻合", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支第三钝缘支及冠状动脉后降支的顺序吻合", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支第三钝缘支及冠状动脉后降支" ], "13142009": [ "Direct laryngoscopy with insertion of obturator", "插入闭塞器的直接喉镜检查" ], "764971006": [ "3D CEUS (three dimensional contrast enhanced ultrasound) of abdominal aortic EVAR (endovascular aneurysm repair)", "Three dimensional ultrasound scan of abdominal aortic endovascular aneurysm repair with contrast", "Three dimensional ultrasonography of abdominal aortic endovascular aneurysm repair with contrast", "Three dimensional ultrasound of abdominal aortic endovascular aneurysm repair with contrast", "腹主动脉瘤腔内修复术的三维超声造影", "腹主动脉瘤腔内修复术的三维超声增强扫描", "腹主动脉 EVAR(血管内动脉瘤修复)的 3D CEUS(三维对比增强超声)" ], "306219009": [ "Referral to adult hearing aid service", "转介至成人助听器服务" ], "288000001": [ "Multiple abdominal injury repair", "腹部多发伤修复" ], "91392002": [ "Incision of thrombosed hemorrhoid", "Evacuation of thrombosed hemorrhoids", "Incision of thrombosed haemorrhoid", "Evacuation of thrombosed hemorrhoid", "Evacuation of thrombosed haemorrhoid", "Evacuation of thrombosed haemorrhoids", "血栓痔清除术", "血栓性痔疮清除术", "血栓性痔切开术", "血栓痔切开术" ], "304384006": [ "Complete repair of rotator cuff", "肩袖完全修复" ], "122325001": [ "Cytomegalovirus DNA assay", "Cytomegalovirus deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "巨细胞病毒脱氧核糖核酸检测", "巨细胞病毒 DNA 检测" ], "104106002": [ "Platelet count, blood, manual", "血小板计数,血液,手册" ], "448170002": [ "Angulation osteotomy of periarticular bone and external fixation", "关节周围骨成角截骨及外固定" ], "431786005": [ "Encouraging rooting reflex", "激发寻乳反射" ], "235178007": [ "Creation of transthoracic tube oesophagostomy", "Creation of transthoracic tube esophagostomy", "经胸管食管造口术的建立", "经胸管食管造口术的创建" ], "233343000": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of arterial graft", "经皮动脉移植物血栓溶解术" ], "397183004": [ "Excision of varicose vein of upper limb", "Phlebectomy of varicose vein of upper limb", "Cockett operation of upper limb", "上肢Cockett手术", "上肢静脉曲张切除术" ], "774015005": [ "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of hemangioma using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of haemangioma using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided high intensity focused ultrasound ablation of haemangioma", "MRI guided high intensity focused ultrasound ablation of hemangioma", "磁共振成像引导高强度聚焦超声消融血管瘤", "MRI引导下高强度聚焦超声消融血管瘤", "磁共振成像引导下高强度聚焦超声消融血管瘤" ], "3967008": [ "Fluorescence polarization immunoassay", "Fluorescence polarisation immunoassay", "荧光偏振免疫分析" ], "116820002": [ "Percentage measurement of cell type to lymphoblasts", "淋巴母细胞细胞类型的百分比测量" ], "311593002": [ "Language remediation programme", "Language remediation program", "语言辅导计划" ], "426281009": [ "Excision of lesion of jugular foramen", "颈静脉孔病变切除术" ], "33065009": [ "Electromyography, four extremities and related paraspinal areas", "肌电图,四肢及相关椎旁区域" ], "82217009": [ "Incision and exploration of nose", "鼻腔切开探查" ], "178686002": [ "Halo skull traction for fracture of spine", "头颅牵引治疗脊柱骨折" ], "47614004": [ "Closure of fistula of mastoid antrum", "乳突窦瘘缝合术" ], "226003000": [ "Maintaining patient's safety", "维护患者的安全" ], "31230008": [ "Electrocoagulation of retina for repair of tear", "Repair of tear of retina by coagulation using electrical energy", "视网膜电凝术修复泪液", "电凝修复视网膜裂孔" ], "62163002": [ "Plastic operation on urethral sphincter by vaginal approach", "Kelly-Stoeckel operation for urethrovesical plication", "Repair of stress incontinence by plication of urethrovesical junction", "Kelly-Stoeckel 尿道膀胱折叠术", "尿道膀胱连接处折叠术治疗压力性尿失禁", "经阴道尿道括约肌整形术" ], "702974008": [ "Pneumococcal vaccination counseling", "Counseling for pneumococcal vaccination", "Counselling for pneumococcal vaccination", "肺炎球菌疫苗接种咨询" ], "13011002": [ "Anesthesia for modified radical procedure on breast", "Anaesthesia for modified radical procedure on breast", "乳腺癌改良根治术的麻醉" ], "45779007": [ "Transposition of tissue of inguinal region", "腹股沟区组织移位术" ], "27560000": [ "Incision of abdominal artery", "Angiotomy of abdominal artery", "Abdominal arteriotomy", "腹部动脉切开术" ], "1290963007": [ "Plain X-ray of chest, combined posteroanterior and lateral", "胸部普通 X 光检查,结合前后位和侧位" ], "275155009": [ "Needle biopsy of kidney", "肾脏穿刺活检" ], "306088002": [ "Referral by hospital-based speech and language therapist", "Referral from hospital-based speech and language therapist", "Referral from hospital speech and language therapist", "Referral by hospital speech and language therapist", "医院言语治疗师转诊", "医院言语治疗师的推荐" ], "764840003": [ "GSPECT of myocardium using technetium (99m-Tc) sestamibi", "Gated single photon emission computed tomography of myocardium using technetium (99m-Tc) sestamibi", "使用锝 (99m-Tc) 甲氧基异丁基异腈进行心肌门控单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "使用锝 (99m-Tc) 甲氧基异丁基异腈进行心肌 GSPECT" ], "715688007": [ "Computed tomography of lower leg for radiotherapy planning", "CT of lower leg for radiotherapy planning", "小腿 CT 检查以制定放射治疗计划", "小腿计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "122194000": [ "Amoeba culture", "Ameba culture", "变形虫培养", "阿米巴培养" ], "1303677009": [ "Chondrectomy of semilunar cartilage of right knee", "Excision of meniscus of right knee", "Arthrectomy of right knee for semilunar cartilage excision", "Meniscectomy of right knee", "Excision of semilunar cartilage of right knee", "Right meniscectomy", "右膝半月板切除术", "右膝半月软骨切除术", "右膝关节半月软骨切除术", "右侧半月板切除术" ], "40274000": [ "General outpatient clinic admission", "普通门诊入院" ], "302418000": [ "Removal of inorganic foreign body from skin", "去除皮肤中的无机异物" ], "236882000": [ "Endometrial washing", "子宫内膜冲洗" ], "171346005": [ "Seat belt exemption examination", "安全带豁免检查" ], "87591000": [ "Curettage of skin lesion", "Curettage of skin lesion or subcutaneous tissue", "皮肤病变或皮下组织刮除术", "皮肤病变刮除术" ], "185895002": [ "New patient screening verbal invitation", "新患者筛查口头邀请" ], "22055004": [ "Replantation of penis", "Reattachment of amputated penis", "阴茎再植", "阴茎切断再接术" ], "415271004": [ "Referral to education service", "转介至教育服务" ], "431655007": [ "Fibrin sheath stripping from central venous catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided fibrin sheath stripping from central venous catheter with contrast", "使用荧光造影剂引导从中心静脉导管剥离纤维蛋白鞘", "荧光造影引导下从中心静脉导管剥离纤维蛋白鞘" ], "5671007": [ "Magnet extraction of foreign body from ciliary body", "Removal of foreign body of ciliary body with use of magnet", "睫状体异物磁铁取出术", "用磁铁去除睫状体异物" ], "103975009": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from MNS system (ISBT 002)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from MNS system (International Society Blood Transfusion 002)", "鉴定 MNS 系统中红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血学会 002)", "鉴定 MNS 系统中红细胞抗原的抗体 (ISBT 002)" ], "167676004": [ "Detection of fecal reducing substances", "Detection of faecal reducing substances", "检测粪便还原物质" ], "429820004": [ "Endorectal ultrasonography", "直肠内超声检查" ], "315132007": [ "Hepatitis B core IgM level", "Hepatitis B core immunoglobulin M level", "乙肝核心免疫球蛋白 M 水平", "乙肝核心 IgM 水平" ], "165841003": [ "Rheumatoid arthritis latex test", "R.A. latex test", "Latex test", "R.A.乳胶试验", "乳胶测试", "类风湿关节炎乳胶测试" ], "231377004": [ "Chemical denervation of spinal facet joint of thoracic vertebra", "胸椎小关节化学去神经支配术" ], "311462000": [ "Strategy training for executive skills", "执行技巧策略培训" ], "788433009": [ "PET myocardial stress imaging using rubidium-82", "Positron emission tomography myocardial stress imaging using rubidium-82", "使用铷-82 进行 PET 心肌负荷成像", "使用铷-82 进行正电子发射断层心肌应力成像" ], "166001": [ "Behavioral therapy", "Behavior conditioning therapy", "Behavior modification", "Behavior modification psychotherapy", "Behaviour conditioning therapy", "Behaviour modification", "Behaviour modification psychotherapy", "Behaviour modification technique", "Behaviour therapy", "Behavioural psychotherapy", "Behavior modification technique", "Behavior therapy", "Behavioral psychotherapy", "Behavioural therapy", "Behaviour modification treatments and procedures", "Behavior modification treatments and procedures", "行为条件反射疗法", "行为矫正技术", "行为矫正治疗和程序", "行为心理治疗", "行为条件治疗", "行为治疗", "行为矫正", "行为矫正心理治疗", "行为疗法" ], "426150005": [ "Freeing of extensive adhesions of peritoneum", "Division of extensive adhesions of peritoneum", "解除大面积腹膜粘连", "腹膜大面积粘连的分离" ], "229542006": [ "Talipes strapping", "足外翻绑带" ], "32934009": [ "Endoscopic brush biopsy of duodenum", "十二指肠内镜刷检" ], "178555003": [ "Primary anterolateral biopsy of thoracic intervertebral disc", "胸椎间盘原发性前侧活检" ], "309627007": [ "Child referral - clinical psychologist", "儿童转介-临床心理学家" ], "275024001": [ "Supraduodenal choledochotomy", "十二指肠上胆总管切开术" ], "440699009": [ "Control of posterior epistaxis", "Control of posterior nasal bleeding", "控制后鼻出血" ], "699173002": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of talus with internal fixation", "距骨骨折闭合复位内固定" ], "764709003": [ "PET using methionine C-11", "Positron emission tomography using methionine C-11", "使用蛋氨酸 C-11 的正电子发射断层扫描", "使用蛋氨酸 C-11 的 PET" ], "174885005": [ "Revision of valved cardiac conduit", "带瓣心脏导管修复术" ], "273189007": [ "Albert operation", "艾伯特手术" ], "173050000": [ "Partial excision of trachea", "气管部分切除" ], "305957008": [ "Referral by clinical allergist", "Referral from clinical allergist", "临床过敏症专科医生转诊", "临床过敏症专科医生的推荐" ], "91130003": [ "Euthanasia by barbiturate", "巴比妥酸盐安乐死" ], "386042006": [ "Immune system evaluation", "Determination of immunologic status", "Immunologic evaluation", "Immune system observation", "免疫状态的测定", "免疫学评估", "免疫系统观察", "免疫系统评估" ], "122063002": [ "Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antibody assay", "Measurement of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antibody", "巴西副球孢子菌抗体的测定", "巴西副球孢子菌抗体测定" ], "7375006": [ "Bronchoscopy through tracheostomy with biopsy of bronchus", "通过气管切开术进行支气管镜检查并进行支气管活检" ], "726436000": [ "Modified radical mastectomy of right breast", "右乳改良根治术" ], "171215009": [ "Glaucoma screening", "青光眼筛查" ], "38308001": [ "Enlargement of palpebral fissure", "睑裂扩大" ], "1187023008": [ "CMV-PC (continuous mandatory ventilation pressure-control) inflation-type", "Continuous mandatory ventilation pressure-control inflation-type", "CMV-PC(持续指令通气压力控制)充气型", "持续指令通气压力控制充气型" ], "103844004": [ "Platelet aggregation with arachidonate test", "花生四烯酸试验检测血小板聚集情况" ], "54692000": [ "Removal of ligature of ureter", "Deligation of ureter", "Removal of ligature from ureter", "输尿管结扎线拆除", "输尿管结扎术", "移除输尿管结扎线" ], "447908005": [ "Bypass of common iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to common iliac artery", "髂总动脉旁路移植术,将主动脉吻合至髂总动脉" ], "104083006": [ "Blood product, volume transfused, determination", "Measurement of volume of blood product transfused", "血液制品输注量的测量", "血液制品、输血量、测定" ], "234916009": [ "Insertion of dental hemorrhage splint", "Insertion of dental haemorrhage splint", "插入牙齿止血夹板" ], "233081002": [ "Removal of left ventricular thrombus", "Left ventricular thrombectomy", "Removal of clot from left ventricle", "左心室血栓去除", "左心室血栓切除术", "去除左心室血凝块" ], "1870001": [ "Insertion of halo device of skull with synchronous skeletal traction", "同步骨牵引颅骨环装置插入术" ], "231246003": [ "Intravascular regional block", "Intravenous regional block", "静脉区域阻滞", "血管内区域阻滞" ], "1263438009": [ "Surgical procedure on thoracic spine", "Operation on thoracic spine", "胸椎手术" ], "229411003": [ "Physiological mobilization of the cervical spine", "Physiological mobilisation of the cervical spine", "颈椎的生理活动" ], "426019005": [ "Ultrasound scan of forearm", "US scan of forearm", "Ultrasonography of forearm", "前臂超声检查", "前臂超声波扫描", "前臂超声扫描" ], "49187005": [ "Endarterectomy of aorta", "Thromboendarterectomy of aorta", "Intimectomy of aorta", "主动脉内膜切除术", "主动脉内切除术", "主动脉血栓内膜切除术" ], "409635009": [ "Post-vaccination precautions for smallpox", "接种天花疫苗后的预防措施" ], "440568002": [ "Visit with nurse at next appointment requested", "要求下次预约时与护士会面" ], "112888005": [ "Incision and exploration of pineal gland", "松果体切开探查" ], "424184006": [ "Wheelchair tolerance assessment", "Wheelchair tolerance", "Wheel chair tolerance", "Wheel chair tolerance assessment", "轮椅公差", "轮椅耐受性评估" ], "12749000": [ "Radiologic guidance for percutaneous placement of enteroclysis tube", "经皮肠灌注管置入的放射学指导" ], "78285005": [ "Pleuropexy", "胸膜固定术" ], "176589007": [ "Excision of Bartholin's gland", "Excision of Bartholin gland", "巴氏腺切除术", "切除巴氏腺" ], "240290003": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of fetal ascites", "Percutaneous aspiration of foetal ascites", "经皮胎儿腹水抽吸术" ], "764578005": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal coil embolisation of arteriovenous fistula with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal coil embolisation of arteriovenous fistula using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal coil embolization of arteriovenous fistula with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal coil embolization of arteriovenous fistula using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮腔内线圈栓塞治疗动静脉瘘", "经皮腔内线圈栓塞术治疗动静脉瘘" ], "287607000": [ "Pneumohysterosalpingography", "子宫输卵管气肿造影" ], "387746009": [ "Operation on conjunctiva", "Conjunctiva operations", "Conjunctival operation", "结膜手术" ], "713591001": [ "Ex vivo cultured autologous oral mucosal epithelial cell transplant to ocular surface", "体外培养自体口腔黏膜上皮细胞移植至眼表" ], "90999005": [ "Division of artery of head and neck", "头颈动脉划分" ], "58231006": [ "Incision of vein of lower limb", "Incision of peripheral veins of lower limb", "Phlebotomy of lower limb vein", "Venotomy of lower limb vein", "Angiotomy of lower limb vein", "下肢静脉放血", "下肢静脉切开术", "下肢周围静脉切开术" ], "271223005": [ "Free androgen index measurement", "Free androgen index", "FAI - Free androgen index", "FAI-- 游离雄激素指数", "游离雄激素指数", "游离雄激素指数测量" ], "385911009": [ "Cataract care management", "Manage cataract care", "管理白内障护理", "白内障护理管理" ], "121932001": [ "Bacillus cereus culture", "蜡状芽孢杆菌培养" ], "1332513000": [ "Assessment using interviewer led Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire dyspnea subscale", "Assessment using interviewer led CRQ (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire) dyspnoea subscale", "Assessment using CRQ-IL (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire interviewer led) dyspnea subscale", "Assessment using interviewer led CRQ (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire) dyspnea subscale", "Assessment using interviewer led Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire dyspnoea subscale", "Assessment using CRQ-IL (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire interviewer led) dyspnoea subscale", "使用 CRQ-IL(慢性呼吸道问卷调查员主导)呼吸困难分量表进行评估", "使用访谈员主导的慢性呼吸问卷呼吸困难分量表进行评估", "使用访谈员主导的 CRQ(慢性呼吸问卷)呼吸困难分量表进行评估", "使用 CRQ-IL(慢性呼吸问卷调查员主导)呼吸困难分量表进行评估" ], "103713001": [ "Replacement of catheter", "Catheter replacement", "更换导管", "导管更换" ], "120097003": [ "Orbit manipulation", "轨道操控" ], "185633005": [ "IUD check - 1st call", "Contraceptive IUD check - 1st call", "Contraceptive intrauterine device check - First call", "避孕宫内节育器检查 - 首次呼叫", "宫内节育器检查 - 首次呼叫", "宫内节育器检查 - 第一次呼叫" ], "234785005": [ "Fill tooth", "Condense restoration into tooth", "Condense filling into tooth", "Insertion of plastic restoration into tooth", "Insertion of malleable restoration into tooth", "将可塑性修复体插入牙齿", "将修复体压实到牙齿中", "将塑料修复体插入牙齿", "补牙", "将填充物压实到牙齿内" ], "431393006": [ "Administration of intravenous fluid bolus", "静脉输液" ], "445942002": [ "Temporal lobectomy", "Excision of temporal lobe", "颞叶切除术" ], "232950004": [ "Xenograft truncal valve replacement", "异种移植躯干瓣膜置换术" ], "265718004": [ "Revision posterior fusion of lumbar spine", "腰椎后路融合翻修术" ], "429558007": [ "Primary percutaneous intradiscal thermocoagulation of cervical intervertebral disc using radiofrequency probe", "经皮射频探头颈椎间盘内热凝术" ], "394955006": [ "Urine methadone screen", "尿液美沙酮筛查" ], "18123007": [ "Latex agglutination inhibition assay", "乳胶凝集抑制试验" ], "231115008": [ "Electronic dental anaesthesia", "Electronic dental anesthesia", "电子牙科麻醉" ], "229280006": [ "Slow reversal hold relax technique", "缓慢反转保持放松技术" ], "14453001": [ "Breast reconstruction, bilateral, with bilateral TRAM flaps (one pedicle / one free flap)", "Breast reconstruction, bilateral, with bilateral transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flaps (one pedicle / one free flap)", "采用双侧 TRAM 皮瓣(一个蒂/一个游离皮瓣)进行乳房重建,双侧", "采用双侧横腹直肌肌皮瓣(一个蒂/一个游离皮瓣)进行乳房重建,双侧" ], "440437003": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of medial malleolus", "内踝骨折闭合复位" ], "473205007": [ "Assessment of effectiveness of bowel preparation", "肠道准备效果评估" ], "438602007": [ "Intracranial procedure using imaging guidance", "使用影像引导进行颅内手术" ], "387615001": [ "Removal of ectopic pregnancy from fallopian tube", "Removal of gestational sac from fallopian tube", "从输卵管取出妊娠囊", "输卵管异位妊娠切除" ], "174623003": [ "Endoscopic retrograde insertion of tubal prosthesis into both hepatic ducts", "经内镜逆行将输卵管假体插入双侧肝管" ], "1286900002": [ "Fitting of removable orthodontic retainer", "可拆卸牙齿矫正保持器的安装" ], "303860003": [ "Regional nuclear medicine", "区域核医学" ], "746228002": [ "Closure of cerebrospinal fluid fistula at anterior fossa", "前颅窝脑脊液瘘闭合" ], "385780008": [ "Home health aide service assessment", "Assess home health aide service", "评估家庭健康助理服务", "家庭健康助理服务评估" ], "121801001": [ "2-Ethyl-3-hydroxypropionate measurement", "2-乙基-3-羟基丙酸酯测定" ], "170953002": [ "Menopause: bone density check", "更年期:骨密度检查" ], "252873003": [ "Hirschberg test", "赫希伯格试验" ], "447646000": [ "Suturing of artery of neck", "颈动脉缝合" ], "21662005": [ "Manipulation of abdominal artery", "腹部动脉操作" ], "234654007": [ "Advancement of mucosa of lip", "唇黏膜前移" ], "119966007": [ "Bone marrow excision", "骨髓切除" ], "118131001": [ "Examination of specimen for hemolysis", "Test of red blood cell destruction", "Examination of specimen for haemolysis", "标本溶血检查", "红细胞破坏试验" ], "232819002": [ "Inspection of implanted aortic valve", "植入主动脉瓣的检查" ], "413043003": [ "Saliva examination", "唾液检查" ], "265587004": [ "Endoscopic suburethral injection in male", "男性内镜尿道下注射" ], "445811006": [ "Assessment using chronic obstructive pulmonary disease assessment test", "使用慢性阻塞性肺病评估测试进行评估" ], "3443008": [ "Pulp cap, direct, excluding final restoration", "Pulp capping", "Pulp cap tooth - direct", "牙髓盖牙 - 直接", "直接髓盖,不包括最终修复", "牙髓盖顶" ], "50760002": [ "Endoscopy of prostate", "前列腺内镜检查" ], "230984006": [ "Spinal meninges operation", "脊髓膜手术" ], "443976009": [ "Quantitative measurement of beryllium in urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of beryllium in urine specimen", "尿液标本中铍的定量测定", "尿液标本中铍质量浓度的定量测量" ], "229149006": [ "Diagonal curl up exercise", "对角卷腹练习" ], "30706000": [ "Incision of small intestine", "Enterotomy of small intestine", "Small intestine incision", "小肠切开术" ], "178162000": [ "Secondary plastic repair tendon", "二次整形修复肌腱" ], "176327008": [ "Open excision of urethral lesion", "尿道病变开放切除术" ], "289180006": [ "Advice to change mineral intake", "Recommendation to change mineral intake", "改变矿物质摄入量的建议" ], "10652008": [ "Fistulization of cisterna chyli", "Lymphaticostomy of cisterna chyli", "Fistulisation of cisterna chyli", "乳糜池造瘘术", "乳糜池淋巴管切开术" ], "715164009": [ "Assessment using Repertory Grid", "使用 Repertory Grid 进行评估" ], "172657007": [ "Implantation of audiant bone conductor", "听觉骨导体植入术" ], "236358002": [ "Vascular procedure on the penis", "阴茎血管手术" ], "105286002": [ "Pentachlorophenol measurement", "五氯苯酚测量" ], "56134004": [ "Removal of posterior nonsegmental instrumentation of spine", "移除脊柱后部非节段性内固定物" ], "121670004": [ "Propoxur measurement", "残杀威测量" ], "252742006": [ "Peripheral neurophysiological procedures", "周围神经生理学程序" ], "1284934003": [ "Human immunodeficiency virus management programme", "Human immunodeficiency virus management program", "HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) management program", "HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) management programme", "人类免疫缺陷病毒管理计划", "HIV(人类免疫缺陷病毒)管理计划" ], "367430006": [ "Repair of tendon of hand", "Tenoplasty of hand", "手部肌腱修复", "手部腱成形术" ], "21531001": [ "Anesthesia for embolectomy on arteries of upper arm and elbow", "Anaesthesia for embolectomy on arteries of upper arm and elbow", "上臂及肘动脉取栓术的麻醉" ], "5147001": [ "Excision of lesion of ankle joint", "Local excision of lesion of ankle joint", "踝关节病变局部切除术", "踝关节病变切除术" ], "707824000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into major systemic to pulmonary collateral artery", "Endovascular insertion of stent into major systemic to pulmonary collateral artery", "经皮腔内支架置入主体循环至肺循环侧支动脉", "支架置入主动脉至肺动脉侧支的血管内" ], "709659009": [ "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of breast", "Drainage of breast using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下乳腺引流", "在荧光透视引导下进行乳房引流" ], "412912000": [ "Plasma amino acid chromatography", "血浆氨基酸色谱分析" ], "232688000": [ "Insertion of endobronchial blocker", "插入支气管内阻断器" ], "314608008": [ "Laparoscopic ultrasound examination", "腹腔镜超声检查" ], "68848009": [ "Transillumination of newborn skull", "新生儿头骨透照" ], "312773005": [ "Re-ligation of saphenofemoral junction", "隐股连接处再结扎" ], "442010000": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of internal jugular vein using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮颈内静脉血栓溶解术" ], "116165008": [ "Bronchial sleeve resection with pulmonary resection", "支气管袖状切除术及肺切除术" ], "230853008": [ "Aspiration of subcutaneous reservoir connecting to brain cyst", "连接脑囊肿的皮下储液囊抽吸术" ], "425626001": [ "Internal tamponade of retina using air", "用空气填充视网膜内部" ], "720538007": [ "Assessment using Symbolic Play Test Second Edition", "使用符号游戏测试第二版进行评估" ], "736922008": [ "Insertion of tunneled hemodialysis catheter", "Insertion of tunnelled haemodialysis catheter", "隧道式血液透析导管插入" ], "866159002": [ "Second diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus immunization", "Administration of second dose of diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccine", "Second diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus immunisation", "Second diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens", "第二次白喉、百日咳和破伤风免疫接种", "接种第二剂白喉、百日咳和破伤风疫苗", "第二次白喉、百日咳和破伤风疫苗接种", "注射第二剂仅含有百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌和白喉棒状杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "第二次白喉、百日咳和破伤风免疫" ], "735087005": [ "Closed reduction and dynamic hip screw of fracture of left femur", "Closed reduction of fracture of left femur and internal fixation using dynamic hip screw plate", "左股骨骨折闭合复位动力髋螺钉板内固定", "左股骨骨折闭合复位动力髋螺钉治疗" ], "423791005": [ "Ambulation without limitation", "Up ad lib", "行走不受限制", "随意发挥" ], "63343006": [ "Laparoscopic biopsy of uterine ligaments", "腹腔镜子宫韧带活检" ], "176196002": [ "Urethral catheterization for urodynamics", "Urethral catheterisation for urodynamics", "尿道插管用于尿动力学检查" ], "241732002": [ "Tourniquet removal (already released)", "止血带拆除(已发布)" ], "225348002": [ "Maintaining the client's dignity", "维护客户的尊严" ], "305433001": [ "Admission to trauma surgery department", "创伤外科入院" ], "12356009": [ "Diagnostic radiography, stereotactic localization in head", "Diagnostic radiography, stereotactic localisation in head", "诊断放射线照相术、头部立体定位" ], "698649004": [ "Control of hemorrhage in blood vessel of limb following vascular surgery", "Control of haemorrhage in blood vessel of limb following vascular surgery", "血管外科术后肢体血管出血的控制", "血管外科手术后肢体血管出血的控制" ], "270830003": [ "Passport application", "护照申请" ], "301763000": [ "Excision arthroplasty of joint of foot", "足关节切除置换术" ], "170691000": [ "Neurological disorder monitoring", "Neurol. disorder monitoring", "神经疾病监测", "神经系统疾病监测" ], "711363000": [ "Angioplasty of renal artery and insertion of stent using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of renal artery and insertion of stent with contrast", "用造影剂荧光透视引导进行肾动脉血管成形术及支架置入术", "荧光透视引导下肾动脉血管成形术及造影剂支架置入" ], "105155003": [ "Dextromethorphan measurement", "右美沙芬测量" ], "23235002": [ "Grafting of auricle of ear", "耳廓移植" ], "416451003": [ "Exaggeration technique", "夸张手法" ], "121539003": [ "Dichlorvos measurement", "敌敌畏测量" ], "252611005": [ "Tympanic membrane displacement test", "TMD - Tympanic membrane displacement test", "TMD - 鼓膜位移测试", "鼓膜位移试验" ], "285379009": [ "Advice to change egg intake", "Recommendation to change egg intake", "改变鸡蛋摄入量的建议", "建议改变鸡蛋摄入量" ], "119704003": [ "Nasopharynx excision", "鼻咽切除术" ], "447384004": [ "Retropubic urethral suspension", "耻骨后尿道悬吊术" ], "21400005": [ "Transection of vagus nerve by abdominal approach", "经腹部入路切断迷走神经" ], "709528004": [ "MRI of urinary bladder with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of urinary bladder with contrast", "膀胱磁共振成像对比", "膀胱增强磁共振成像" ], "250776009": [ "Graft of palate for cleft palate repair", "Grafting of palate for cleft palate repair", "腭裂修复腭移植" ], "105291000220108": [ "Vertical bitewing plain X-ray of teeth", "牙齿垂直咬合翼状X光检查" ], "232557005": [ "Approximation of cricoid and thyroid cartilages", "环状软骨和甲状软骨的接合" ], "429165005": [ "Transjugular intrahepatic venography of portal vein", "经颈静脉肝内门静脉造影" ], "117869005": [ "Salmonella enterica subspecies arizonae antibody assay", "Measurement of Salmonella enterica subspecies arizonae antibody", "肠道沙门氏菌亚种亚利桑那抗体检测", "肠道沙门氏菌亚种亚利桑那抗体的测定" ], "265325008": [ "Repair of bilateral cleft lip using straight line technique", "直线技术修复双侧唇裂" ], "724077008": [ "Measurement of Rosa species hip specific immunoglobulin E antibody", "Rf330 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rose hip specific IgE antibody measurement", "玫瑰果特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "蔷薇属植物特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体的测定", "Rf330 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "183405004": [ "Anti-criminal psychotherapy", "反犯罪心理治疗" ], "773229008": [ "Laparoscopic transabdominal preperitoneal repair of recurrent femoral hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic TAPP (transabdominal preperitoneal) repair of recurrent femoral hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic TAPP (transabdominal preperitoneal) hernioplasty using synthetic mesh for recurrent femoral hernia", "腹腔镜经腹腹膜前疝修补术(使用合成网片治疗复发性股疝)", "腹腔镜经腹腹膜前合成网片修补复发性股疝", "腹腔镜经腹腹膜前 TAPP(合成网片修复复发性股疝)" ], "312642000": [ "Exploration of posterior tibial artery", "胫后动脉探查" ], "736791001": [ "Open repair of strangulated incisional hernia with prosthesis", "Open repair of strangulated incisional hernia using prosthesis", "开放式修补嵌顿性切口疝", "使用假体进行开放式切口疝修补术" ], "179735007": [ "Primary xenograft replacement extra-articular ligament", "原发性异种移植置换关节外韧带" ], "359959008": [ "Autogenous vaccination", "Autogenous immunisation", "Autogenous immunization", "自体接种", "自体免疫" ], "163351008": [ "Full GU examination", "Full genitourinary examination", "全面 GU 检查", "全面泌尿生殖系统检查" ], "440044001": [ "Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography of intracranial artery for detection of emboli", "经颅多普勒超声检查颅内动脉栓塞" ], "30444008": [ "Revision of implantable venous access port", "植入式静脉通路端口的修订" ], "405441000": [ "Transtarsal amputation", "跗骨截肢术" ], "177900009": [ "Repair of recurrent incisional hernia using insert of natural material", "Repair of recurrent incisional hernia using natural material", "使用天然材料修补复发性切口疝", "用天然材料插入物修补复发性切口疝" ], "28609005": [ "Repair of vesicouterine fistula", "Repair of uterovesical fistula", "Closure of vesicouterine fistula", "子宫膀胱瘘的修复", "膀胱子宫瘘修复", "膀胱子宫瘘闭合" ], "225217007": [ "Psychodynamic and psychotherapeutic interventions", "Psychodynamic and/or supportive psychotherapeutic intervention", "心理动力和/或支持性心理治疗干预", "心理动力学和心理治疗干预" ], "274369008": [ "Endocrine surgical biopsy", "内分泌手术活检" ], "716737009": [ "Provision of commercial flight with stretcher facility", "为商业航班提供担架设施" ], "241601008": [ "MRI of head", "Magnetic resonance imaging of head", "头部磁共振成像", "头部 MRI" ], "305302002": [ "Admission by ear, nose and throat surgeon", "Admission by ENT surgeon", "耳鼻喉外科医生入院", "耳鼻喉科医师入院" ], "1255574003": [ "Removal of fixed orthodontic appliance", "拆除固定矫正器" ], "1290177009": [ "Midwifery led antenatal care", "助产士主导的产前护理" ], "711232001": [ "Computed tomography of head with contrast", "CT of head with contrast", "头部增强 CT 扫描", "头部增强计算机断层扫描" ], "55872002": [ "Mediastinotomy with exploration by transthoracic approach", "经胸入路纵隔切开术及探查" ], "121408002": [ "Norchlordiazepoxide measurement", "N-Desmethylchlordiazepoxide measurement", "去甲氯氮卓测量", "N-去甲氯氮卓测量" ], "252480006": [ "Simple walk test", "简单步行测试" ], "105024006": [ "Uroporphyrinogen III synthase measurement", "尿卟啉原 III 合酶测定" ], "234261001": [ "Excision of cervical lymph node", "颈部淋巴结切除" ], "21269005": [ "Revision of gastroduodenostomy with jejunal interposition", "胃十二指肠吻合术修复及空肠插入" ], "37653005": [ "Repair of mediastinocutaneous fistula", "Closure of mediastinocutaneous fistula", "纵隔瘘的修复", "纵隔瘘闭合" ], "183274001": [ "Speech training", "言语训练" ], "117738003": [ "Herpes simplex virus 1 AND 2 antigen assay", "单纯疱疹病毒 1 和 2 抗原检测" ], "723946003": [ "Golimumab therapy", "戈利木单抗治疗" ], "789482004": [ "Regenerative endodontic procedure", "再生牙髓治疗程序" ], "609258008": [ "Laparoscopic repair of obstructed femoral hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下假体修补阻塞性股疝" ], "408980000": [ "Renal care", "肾脏护理" ], "328895009": [ "Decompression of common bile duct", "胆管减压" ], "81300002": [ "Aldosterone measurement low salt diet, urine", "醛固酮测量低盐饮食、尿液" ], "441748004": [ "Measurement of vancomycin peak concentration", "万古霉素峰浓度测定" ], "359828005": [ "Cytopathology, review of slides and report, fluids, washings or brushings, by physician", "Cytopathology, review of slides and report, nongenital source, by physician", "细胞病理学,幻灯片和报告审查,非生殖器来源,由医生进行", "细胞病理学,医生审查幻灯片和报告、液体、冲洗液或刷子" ], "179604007": [ "Primary open reduction of dislocation and skeletal traction", "脱位的初次切开复位和骨牵引" ], "785812008": [ "Targeted muscle reinnervation", "TMR - targeted muscle reinnervation", "有针对性的肌肉神经支配", "TMR-- 靶向肌肉神经支配" ], "1193577003": [ "Arthroscopy of elbow with removal of loose body", "肘关节镜检查及游离体取出" ], "46697004": [ "Incision of zeisian gland", "蔡斯腺切开术" ], "405310000": [ "Ligation of gonadal vein", "性腺静脉结扎" ], "225086004": [ "Inflating indwelling urethral catheter balloon", "留置尿道导管气囊充气" ], "59411003": [ "Destruction of tissue of diaphragm", "膈肌组织破坏" ], "1791000087100": [ "CT of right humerus", "Computed tomography of right humerus", "右肱骨计算机断层扫描", "右肱骨 CT" ], "239635005": [ "Posterolateral release for correction of congenital deformity of foot", "后外侧松解术矫正足部先天畸形" ], "511000087101": [ "Angioplasty of artery of right lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of artery of right lower limb with contrast", "荧光造影引导下右下肢动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下右下肢动脉造影成形术" ], "10259007": [ "Proctopexy", "Rectopexy", "Rectopexy for prolapse", "Fixation of rectum", "直肠固定术", "直肠固定术治疗脱垂", "直肠固定" ], "10751000087103": [ "Ligation of left internal iliac artery", "Left internal iliac artery ligation", "左髂内动脉结扎" ], "418024000": [ "Mohs surgery", "Mohs micrographic surgery", "Mohs' micrographic surgery", "Mohs' surgery", "莫氏手术", "莫氏显微外科手术" ], "3071000087103": [ "MRI of bilateral scapulae with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral scapulae with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both scapula with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right scapula with contrast", "双侧肩胛骨磁共振成像对比", "左、右肩胛骨对比磁共振成像", "双侧肩胛骨 MRI 增强扫描" ], "172264003": [ "Protective suture of eyelid", "眼睑保护缝合线" ], "19711000087108": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of right tibial artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of right tibial artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下右胫动脉造影血管成形术", "使用荧光造影剂引导进行右胫动脉血管成形术" ], "8424005": [ "Alpha-fucosidase measurement, leukocytes", "Alpha-fucosidase measurement, leucocytes", "α-岩藻糖苷酶测量,白细胞" ], "14591000087109": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of pelvis and vein of left lower limb", "Doppler ultrasound of vascular structure of pelvis and vein of left lower limb", "盆腔血管结构及左下肢静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "450792002": [ "Revision of fusion of lumbar spine", "腰椎融合术修复" ], "252349000": [ "Varicella-zoster virus T-lymphocyte stimulation", "水痘-带状疱疹病毒T淋巴细胞刺激" ], "24808009": [ "Iron chelation study", "Total body iron with chelatable radioiron study", "全身铁与可螯合放射性铁研究", "铁螯合研究" ], "399805002": [ "AGf98 specific IgG antibody measurement", "Gliadin specific IgG antibody measurement", "Gliadin specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "AGf98 特异性 IgG 抗体测量", "麦胶蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白 G 抗体测量", "麦胶蛋白特异性 IgG 抗体测量" ], "104893003": [ "Proline measurement", "脯氨酸测量" ], "6589005": [ "Antibody titration, high protein", "抗体滴度,高蛋白" ], "448957005": [ "Closure of defect of septum of heart using prosthetic patch", "使用假体补片修复心脏隔膜缺损" ], "121277008": [ "Steroid measurement", "类固醇测量" ], "168594001": [ "Plain X-ray of clavicle", "锁骨普通 X 光检查" ], "250514000": [ "Human immunodeficiency virus antibody titer measurement", "Human immunodeficiency virus antibody titre", "Human immunodeficiency virus antibody titer", "Human immunodeficiency virus antibody titre measurement", "HIV - Human immunodeficiency virus antibody titre", "HIV - Human immunodeficiency virus antibody titer", "Human immunodeficiency virus antibody level", "Human immunodeficiency virus antibody assay", "人类免疫缺陷病毒抗体滴度测定", "人类免疫缺陷病毒抗体水平", "人类免疫缺陷病毒抗体滴度", "HIV - 人类免疫缺陷病毒抗体滴度", "人类免疫缺陷病毒抗体检测" ], "609127000": [ "Revision of internal fixation of ulna", "尺骨内固定修复" ], "166759002": [ "Serum selenium level", "Serum selenium measurement", "血清硒水平", "血清硒测量" ], "117607007": [ "Organophosphate pesticides screen", "有机磷农药筛查" ], "427068001": [ "Transvaginal ultrasound guided aspiration of ovarian cyst", "经阴道超声引导下卵巢囊肿抽吸术" ], "1084005": [ "Excision of perinephric cyst", "Excision of perirenal cyst", "肾周囊肿切除术" ], "441617000": [ "Placement of brain surface electrode for electroencephalography", "Placement of subdural electroencephalogram electrode on brain surface for electroencephalography", "放置脑表面电极进行脑电图检查", "将硬膜下脑电图电极置于脑表面进行脑电图检查" ], "228625003": [ "Alteration to room layout", "改变房间布局" ], "359697005": [ "Phonosurgery for larynx lesion", "喉部病变的语音手术" ], "392465007": [ "Silkworm specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bombyx mori (silkworm) specific IgE antibody measurement", "k74 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bombyx mori (silkworm) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "家蚕特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "k74特异性IgE抗体测量", "家蚕特异性 IgE 抗体测定", "家蚕特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "718310000": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal flow diverter embolization of aneurysm of cerebral artery with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal flow diverter embolization of aneurysm of cerebral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal flow diverter embolisation of aneurysm of cerebral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal flow diverter embolisation of aneurysm of cerebral artery with contrast", "经皮腔内血流分流器栓塞术治疗脑动脉瘤", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内血流改道器造影栓塞脑动脉瘤", "经皮腔内血流改道栓塞术治疗脑动脉瘤", "透视引导下经皮腔内血流改道器造影栓塞脑动脉瘤" ], "243174005": [ "Weaning from mechanically assisted ventilation", "Mechanical ventilatory weaning", "机械通气撤机", "撤离机械辅助通气" ], "439782009": [ "Screening for amino acid in urine", "Measurement of amino acid in urine specimen using screening method", "筛选法测定尿液标本中的氨基酸", "尿液氨基酸筛查" ], "306875004": [ "Microwave diathermy to trunk", "躯干微波透热疗法" ], "388795006": [ "Rf236 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Whey specific IgE antibody measurement", "Whey specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "乳清特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Rf236 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "乳清特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "175803006": [ "Bypass operation for priapism", "阴茎异常勃起的旁路手术" ], "241339008": [ "C14 PABA test", "C14 para-amino benzoic acid test", "C14 PABA测试", "C14对氨基苯甲酸试验" ], "24677003": [ "Repair of cervicovesical fistula", "Repair of vesicocervical fistula", "Closure of cervicovesical fistula", "宫颈膀胱瘘的修复", "膀胱宫颈瘘的修复", "宫颈膀胱瘘管闭合" ], "172133006": [ "Partial excision of bony orbit", "骨性眼眶部分切除术" ], "88378004": [ "Non-invasive study of peripheral vessel", "外周血管的无创性研究" ], "710970004": [ "Prenatal assessment of breastfeeding", "Prenatal breastfeeding assessment", "产前母乳喂养评估" ], "432442004": [ "Collection of forensic data", "法医数据收集" ], "104762006": [ "Isoleucine measurement", "异亮氨酸测量" ], "252218008": [ "Depot tetracosactrin test", "Depot synacthen test", "LST - Long synacthen test", "Long synacthen test", "Depot tetracosactide test", "储库联会试验", "LST-- 长同步试验", "长效四氢叶酸测试", "长联会试验" ], "37391002": [ "Avulsion of facial nerve, complete", "面神经完全撕脱" ], "709135003": [ "Video screen time education", "视频屏幕时间教育" ], "168463004": [ "Coroner's postmortem examination", "验尸官的尸检" ], "86543007": [ "Esophageal motility study", "Oesophageal motility study", "食管动力研究" ], "266767009": [ "Catheter suction calculus removal", "导管抽吸清除结石" ], "232164003": [ "Removal of ventilation tube from external auditory canal", "从外耳道移除通气管" ], "1544121000168100": [ "Assistance with washing and ironing", "协助洗涤和熨烫" ], "608996005": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of vomitus specimen", "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of vomit specimen", "呕吐物标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "133860004": [ "Open reduction", "开放式复位" ], "314084008": [ "Urine dihydrocodeine screening test", "尿液二氢可待因筛查试验" ], "68324008": [ "Thromboendarterectomy with graft of femoral, popliteal and tibioperoneal arteries", "血栓内膜切除术及股动脉、腘动脉和胫腓动脉移植术" ], "426937008": [ "Open thrombectomy of renal vein", "肾静脉开放血栓切除术" ], "359566002": [ "Opening of spinal dura", "硬脊膜切开" ], "310414003": [ "Patching of aortopulmonary window", "主动脉肺动脉窗修补术" ], "179342005": [ "Knee joint operation", "膝关节手术" ], "177507000": [ "Hair bearing graft of skin to skin of chin", "带毛发的皮肤移植至下巴皮肤" ], "275811000": [ "Diaphragm fit", "Fitting of contraceptive diaphragm", "隔膜适合", "避孕隔膜安装" ], "15502008": [ "Wound treatment education", "Teach wound care", "Wound care education", "伤口治疗教育", "教导伤口护理", "伤口护理教育" ], "767331003": [ "Left microvascular orchidopexy", "左侧显微血管睾丸固定术" ], "46435004": [ "Insulin factor antibody measurement", "胰岛素因子抗体测量" ], "406883009": [ "Methyl violet 2B stain method", "Methyl violet 2B stain", "甲基紫2B染色法", "甲基紫2B染色" ], "441431000124101": [ "Management of enteral nutrition site", "肠内营养站点管理" ], "388664006": [ "Walnut specific IgE antibody measurement", "Juglans spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "f256 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Juglans spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "核桃特异性IgE抗体测定", "胡桃属特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "胡桃属特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "f256 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "77368008": [ "Transplantation of bladder tissue", "Transplantation of urinary bladder tissue", "Transplantation of tissue of urinary bladder", "膀胱组织移植" ], "239373002": [ "Enucleation of lesion of bone of face", "面部骨病损摘除术" ], "438871000124107": [ "Cobalt supplement therapy", "钴补充疗法" ], "437591000124106": [ "Tryptophan modified diet", "色氨酸改良饮食" ], "26381005": [ "Closed reduction of separation of epiphysis of tibia", "胫骨骨骺分离闭合复位" ], "386829005": [ "Temporary colostomy", "暂时结肠造口术" ], "1220578000": [ "Biopsy of stomach using endoscopic ultrasound guidance", "Biopsy of stomach using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided biopsy of stomach", "使用内镜超声引导进行胃活检", "内镜超声引导下胃活检" ], "75533008": [ "Aneurysmectomy with graft replacement of thoracoabdominal aorta", "胸腹主动脉瘤切除及移植置换术" ], "450530006": [ "Conversion from hybrid total knee replacement", "混合全膝关节置换术的转换" ], "104631000": [ "Deoxypyridinoline measurement", "脱氧吡啶啉测量" ], "88247001": [ "Bone graft to maxilla", "Reconstruction of maxilla with bone graft", "上颌骨骨移植", "骨移植重建上颌骨" ], "432311005": [ "Aspiration of elbow using ultrasound guidance", "Aspiration of elbow using ultrasound (US) guidance", "超声引导下肘部抽吸", "超声引导下肘部穿刺" ], "710839006": [ "Assessment of cardiac status using monitoring device", "使用监测设备评估心脏状况" ], "709004006": [ "Emergency lower segment caesarean section with inverted T incision", "Emergency lower segment cesarean section with inverted T incision", "紧急下段剖宫产倒 T 切口" ], "446860008": [ "Collection of cerebrospinal fluid via ventriculoperitoneal shunt", "通过脑室腹腔分流术收集脑脊液" ], "363105001": [ "Endoscopic dilation", "内镜扩张" ], "217484008": [ "Duvries operation", "杜弗里斯行动" ], "608865002": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from urethra", "尿道标本显微镜检查" ], "313953001": [ "Plasma leucine level", "Plasma leucine measurement", "血浆亮氨酸测量", "血浆亮氨酸水平" ], "281185004": [ "Add to maxillofacial prosthesis", "添加到颌面假体" ], "117345000": [ "Laboratory test method with analyte detection limit of 20 mg/L", "实验室测试方法,分析物检测限为 20 mg/L" ], "443190008": [ "Excision of neoplasm of chest wall including rib", "胸壁肿瘤(包括肋骨)切除术" ], "277515001": [ "Percutaneous embolization of vein", "Percutaneous embolisation of vein", "经皮静脉栓塞术" ], "410422009": [ "Support system surveillance", "支持系统监控" ], "179211003": [ "Application of extension traction", "伸展牵引的应用" ], "703499006": [ "Excision of postauricular basal cell carcinoma with closure", "耳后基底细胞癌切除及缝合" ], "439520001": [ "Destruction of pudendal nerve using neurolytic agent", "使用神经溶解剂破坏阴部神经" ], "62688006": [ "Surgical treatment of spontaneous abortion of any trimester", "Surgical treatment of miscarriage of any trimester", "Surgical management of miscarriage", "任何妊娠期自然流产的手术治疗", "流产的手术治疗", "任何妊娠期流产的手术治疗" ], "308448008": [ "Referral to counsellor", "Refer to counsellor", "Referral to counselor", "咨询辅导员", "转介给辅导员" ], "306613001": [ "Discharge from rehabilitation psychiatry service", "康复精神病服务出院" ], "699829004": [ "High energy diet education", "高能量饮食教育" ], "716213008": [ "Assessment using Screening Test for Developmental Apraxia of Speech Second Edition", "Assessment using STDAS-2 (Screening Test for Developmental Apraxia of Speech Second Edition)", "使用发育性言语失用症筛查测试进行评估 第二版", "使用 STDAS-2(言语发育失用症筛查测试第二版)进行评估" ], "239242003": [ "Repair of multiple tendons in the extensor compartment of the forearm, wrist or hand", "修复前臂、腕部或手部伸肌腱部位的多条肌腱" ], "386698007": [ "Revision of oesophagostomy", "Revision of esophagostomy", "食管造口术修复" ], "89951000": [ "U-tube hepaticoenterostomy", "U型管型肝肠吻合术" ], "173706007": [ "Adjustment to Angelchik prosthesis", "调整 Angelchik 假肢" ], "8031000": [ "Vaginogram", "Vaginography", "阴道造影" ], "171871004": [ "Biopsy of lesion of peripheral nerve", "周围神经损伤活检" ], "286559005": [ "Percutaneous ureteric stent procedure", "Nephroscopic ureteric stent procedure", "经皮输尿管支架手术", "肾镜输尿管支架手术" ], "237407008": [ "Reconstruction of breast using distant skin flap", "利用远端皮瓣进行乳房重建" ], "235572000": [ "Operation on biliary fistula", "胆瘘手术" ], "415796002": [ "Unsaturated iron binding capacity measurement", "UIBC - Unsaturated iron binding capacity", "Unsaturated iron binding capacity", "UIBC-- 不饱和铁结合能力", "不饱和铁结合能力测量", "不饱和铁结合能力" ], "104500003": [ "alpha-Aminoadipate measurement", "α-氨基己二酸测量" ], "38964008": [ "Arthroscopy of knee with lateral meniscectomy", "Arthroscopic lateral meniscectomy", "关节镜外侧半月板切除术", "膝关节镜检查及外侧半月板切除术" ], "446729004": [ "Photoablation of oesophagus using laser", "Photoablation of esophagus using laser", "激光食管光消融术" ], "708873007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of upper limb vein", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of vein of upper limb", "上肢静脉经皮腔内血管成形术" ], "313822004": [ "Corrected serum creatinine measurement", "Corrected serum creatinine level", "校正血清肌酐水平", "校正血清肌酐测量值" ], "428510005": [ "Vaginoplasty using olive shaped device", "Vecchietti operation", "维奇蒂手术", "使用橄榄形装置的阴道成形术" ], "444894008": [ "Provision of stoma care equipment", "提供造口护理设备" ], "182750009": [ "Ultrafiltration", "UF - Ultrafiltration", "超滤", "UF-超滤" ], "82611002": [ "Creation of aortosubclavian shunt", "Creation of vascular aortosubclavian bypass", "Anastomosis of aorta to subclavian artery", "Subclavian-aortic anastomosis", "锁骨下主动脉吻合术", "建立血管主动脉锁骨下动脉旁路", "建立主动脉锁骨下分流术", "主动脉与锁骨下动脉吻合术" ], "16631961000119101": [ "Image guided endovascular insertion of inferior vena cava filter", "Endovascular insertion of inferior vena cava filter using imaging guidance", "使用影像引导进行下腔静脉滤器血管内插入", "影像引导下腔静脉滤器血管内插入" ], "179080001": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture and internal fixation with K-wire", "骨折切开复位修复及克氏针内固定" ], "410291009": [ "Feeding procedures teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Feeding procedures teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Feeding procedures education, guidance, and counseling", "Feeding procedures education, guidance, and counselling", "喂养程序教学、指导和咨询", "喂养程序教育、指导和咨询" ], "427161000119107": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of cyst of left breast", "Aspiration of cyst of left breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下左乳囊肿穿刺抽吸", "超声引导下左乳囊肿抽吸术" ], "441224007": [ "Construction of custom definitive obturator prosthesis", "定制最终闭孔假体的构建" ], "177245000": [ "Submental lipectomy", "颏下脂肪切除术" ], "424840009": [ "Bronchial hygiene education", "支气管卫生教育" ], "439389002": [ "Measurement of methylenedioxymethamphetamine and methylenedioxyamphetamine", "亚甲二氧基甲基苯丙胺和亚甲二氧基苯丙胺的测定" ], "13405005": [ "Plasma clot lysis time", "血浆凝块溶解时间" ], "240946003": [ "Percutaneous removal of endovascular foreign body", "经皮血管内异物取出术" ], "306482006": [ "Discharge by oral surgeon", "Discharge by maxillofacial surgeon", "颌面外科医生出院", "口腔外科医生出院" ], "11570006": [ "Biopsy of lip", "唇部活检" ], "1304071003": [ "Hysterectomy using vaginal natural orifice transluminal endoscopy", "Endoscopic vaginal natural orifice transluminal hysterectomy", "经阴道自然腔道子宫切除术", "经阴道自然腔道内镜子宫切除术" ], "9735005": [ "Repair of colon", "结肠修复" ], "26119007": [ "Extraction of deciduous tooth", "拔除乳牙" ], "108039008": [ "Urethra excision", "Excision of urethral tissue", "Urethrectomy", "尿道切除", "尿道切除术", "尿道组织切除" ], "1287687008": [ "Destruction of fetus", "Feticide", "胎儿毁坏", "堕胎" ], "384732001": [ "Steroid radiobioassay", "类固醇放射生物测定" ], "419335009": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of iliac artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of iliac artery with contrast", "髂动脉造影荧光血管造影", "髂动脉造影荧光镜检查" ], "235441001": [ "Removal of flatus tube", "Removal of rectal tube", "直肠管移除", "拔除排气管" ], "415665002": [ "Suicide prevention", "预防自杀" ], "300977003": [ "Open medial meniscectomy", "开放式内侧半月板切除术" ], "104369004": [ "Complement iC3B receptors measurement", "补体 iC3B 受体测量" ], "448433003": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of nerve root of sacral spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下骶椎神经根射频消融术" ], "710577006": [ "Education about colostomy irrigation", "关于结肠造口冲洗的教育" ], "446598002": [ "Laparoscopic salpingo-oophorectomy", "腹腔镜输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "118918007": [ "Procedure on thymus", "胸腺手术" ], "428379000": [ "Tattooing of nipple", "乳头纹身" ], "231771001": [ "Transvitreal membranectomy", "Removal of transvitreal membrane", "玻璃体膜切除术" ], "313691004": [ "24 hour urine sodium output", "24 hour urine sodium output measurement", "24小时尿钠排出量", "24 小时尿钠排出量测量" ], "117083008": [ "Intravenous infusion of Botulism immune globulin, human", "静脉输注人肉毒杆菌免疫球蛋白" ], "739675008": [ "Hyperemesis gravidarum care management", "Hyperemesis in pregnancy care management", "妊娠剧吐护理管理", "妊娠期妊娠剧吐护理管理" ], "705072004": [ "Diabetes monitoring invitation by short message service text messaging", "通过短信服务发送糖尿病监测邀请" ], "410160006": [ "Physical therapy management", "Manage physical therapist service", "Physical therapy care management", "物理治疗护理管理", "物理治疗管理", "管理物理治疗师服务" ], "770608009": [ "Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and pertussis and tetanus immunisation", "Administration of diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and pertussis and tetanus vaccine", "Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and pertussis and tetanus immunization", "Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and pertussis and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Haemophilus influenzae type b and Hepatitis B virus antigens", "白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙肝、百日咳和破伤风免疫", "接种仅含有百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌、乙型流感嗜血杆菌和乙型肝炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙肝、百日咳和破伤风疫苗接种", "接种白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙肝、百日咳和破伤风疫苗" ], "1260293004": [ "Robotic assisted pancreaticoduodenectomy", "Pancreaticoduodenectomy using robotic assistance", "Robotic assisted Whipple procedure", "Robotic assisted Whipple operation", "机器人辅助胰十二指肠切除术", "机器人辅助 Whipple 手术", "使用机器人辅助进行胰十二指肠切除术" ], "64261005": [ "Debridement of open fracture of tibia", "胫骨开放性骨折清创术" ], "15109006": [ "Prefabricated resin crown", "预制树脂冠" ], "1141935001": [ "Increased vitamin D and/or vitamin D derivative diet", "增加维生素 D 和/或维生素 D 衍生物饮食" ], "175279003": [ "Axillo-unifemoral PTFE bypass graft", "Axillo-unifemoral polytetrafluoroethylene bypass graft", "腋窝单股 PTFE 旁路移植术", "腋窝单股聚四氟乙烯旁路移植术" ], "306351008": [ "Referral to community-based podiatrist", "Referral to community podiatrist", "Referral to community-based chiropodist", "Referral to community chiropodist", "转诊至社区足病医生" ], "386436001": [ "Shock prevention", "预防休克" ], "763268002": [ "Repair of right cleft lip using straight line technique", "直线技术修复右唇裂" ], "25988003": [ "Change of dressing, major", "更换敷料,主要" ], "1287556004": [ "Exteriorisation of cricoid", "Exteriorization of cricoid", "环状软骨外移" ], "9604005": [ "Division of aberrant vessel with reanastomosis", "异常血管分离及再吻合" ], "304516004": [ "Advice to undertake activity of daily living", "Recommendation to undertake activity of daily living", "建议进行日常生活活动", "开展日常生活活动的建议" ], "417369003": [ "Insertion of gonadorelin analog implant", "Insertion of gonadorelin analogue implant", "植入促性腺激素类似物" ], "171609004": [ "Excision of lesion of optic nerve (II)", "视神经病损切除术(二)" ], "104238000": [ "Culture typing procedure, fluorescent method", "培养分型程序,荧光法" ], "235310001": [ "Replacement of prosthesis in small intestine", "小肠假体置换术" ], "399150003": [ "PCR test for SARS", "Polymerase chain reaction test for SARS", "SARS-CoV PCR", "Polymerase chain reaction test for severe acute respiratory syndrome", "SARS 聚合酶链反应检测", "SARS冠状病毒PCR检测", "严重急性呼吸综合征的聚合酶链反应检测", "SARS 的 PCR 检测" ], "448302004": [ "Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using right ventricular outflow conduit", "利用右心室流出道修复法洛四联症" ], "708611000": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of knee joint", "Percutaneous drainage of joint of knee using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮膝关节穿刺引流", "影像引导下经皮膝关节引流术" ], "233475003": [ "Transposition of vessel for vascular access", "Superficialisation of vessel for vascular access", "Superficialization of vessel for vascular access", "血管转位以建立血管通路", "血管浅层化以建立血管通路" ], "118787004": [ "Procedure on pyriform sinus", "梨状窝手术" ], "53251008": [ "Incudectomy with stapedectomy", "砧骨切除术和镫骨切除术" ], "231640000": [ "Lateral rectus recession and medial rectus resection", "外直肌退缩和内直肌切除" ], "35032003": [ "Suture of aponeurosis", "Aponeurorrhaphy", "腱膜缝合", "腱膜缝合术" ], "67800005": [ "Acoustic neurotomy", "Section of acoustic nerve", "Transection of acoustic nerve", "Division of acoustic nerve", "Cutting of acoustic nerve", "听神经切断术", "听神经切断", "听神经切面", "听神经的分布" ], "18648009": [ "Sleep electroencephalogram", "Sleep EEG", "睡眠脑电图" ], "442797006": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with insertion of guide wire and dilation of esophagus", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with insertion of guide wire and dilation of oesophagus", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查,插入导丝并扩张食管" ], "408194000": [ "Ristocetin 0.5 umol test", "瑞斯托霉素 0.5 umol 试验" ], "703106001": [ "Fluoroscopy guided vascular stent procedure", "Vascular stent procedure using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导血管支架手术", "使用荧光透视引导的血管支架手术" ], "309890001": [ "Tongue smear procedure", "舌涂片检查程序" ], "783191000": [ "Percussion vibrator method", "冲击振动器法" ], "31362009": [ "Regional extracorporeal circulation, except hepatic", "区域体外循环(肝脏除外)" ], "732204000": [ "Repair of laceration of nose", "鼻部裂伤修复" ], "242519008": [ "Kasai procedure", "葛西手术" ], "44076002": [ "Esophagoenteric anastomosis, antesternal or antethoracic", "Anastomosis of esophagus, antesternal or antethoracic, with interposition of small bowel", "Anastomosis of esophagus to intestinal segment, antesternal or antethoracic", "Oesophagoenteric anastomosis, antesternal or antethoracic", "Anastomosis of oesophagus to intestinal segment, antesternal or antethoracic", "Anastomosis of oesophagus, antesternal or antethoracic, with interposition of small bowel", "食管吻合术,胸骨前或胸骨前,插入小肠", "食管、胸骨前或胸骨前吻合术,中间插入小肠", "食管与肠段、胸骨前或胸骨前吻合", "食管肠吻合术,胸骨前或胸骨前" ], "306220003": [ "Referral to pediatric hearing aid service", "Referral to paediatric hearing aid service", "转介至儿科助听器服务" ], "191532000": [ "Dilation of ampulla of Vater", "壶腹部扩张术" ], "288001002": [ "Pyelotomy and drainage", "肾盂切开引流术" ], "386305005": [ "Fever treatment", "Fever management", "Fever measures", "Treatment of fever", "发热措施", "发烧的治疗", "发烧治疗", "发热管理" ], "42241006": [ "Exploration of cranium", "颅骨探索" ], "304385007": [ "Partial repair of rotator cuff", "肩袖部分修复" ], "237014000": [ "Post-delivery obstetric operation", "Postpartum obstetric operation", "产后产科手术" ], "73174000": [ "Fissurectomy with sphincterotomy", "肛裂切除术及括约肌切开术" ], "122326000": [ "Dengue virus DNA assay", "Dengue virus deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "登革病毒 DNA 检测", "登革病毒脱氧核糖核酸检测" ], "448171003": [ "Bypass of bifurcation of aorta by anastomosis of aorta to femoral artery", "主动脉分叉旁路手术" ], "235179004": [ "Creation of end esophagostomy", "Creation of end oesophagostomy", "建立末端食管造口术", "建立食管末端造口术" ], "104107006": [ "Platelet count, blood, automated", "血小板计数,血液,自动化" ], "266112002": [ "Repair of testicular injury", "睾丸损伤的修复" ], "3968003": [ "Facetectomy of vertebra", "Excision of spinal facet joint", "脊柱小关节切除术", "椎骨小关节切除术" ], "397184005": [ "Stripping of varicose veins of upper limb", "上肢静脉曲张剥脱术" ], "233344006": [ "Dacron graft operations on aorta", "Polyethylene terephthalate graft operations on aorta", "主动脉聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯移植手术", "主动脉涤纶移植手术" ], "116821003": [ "Measurement of ratio of cell type to abnormal blood cells", "测量细胞类型与异常血细胞的比例" ], "18517006": [ "First stage adductor tenotomy of hip", "Colonna adductor tenotomy of hip", "髋部结肠收肌腱切断术", "一期髋关节收肌腱切断术" ], "737578005": [ "Insertion of gastrointestinal tonometer", "插入胃肠张力计" ], "311594008": [ "Cognitive behavioral language therapy", "Cognitive behavioural language therapy", "认知行为语言治疗" ], "113151000": [ "Special care of eye", "眼睛特别护理" ], "47615003": [ "Urinalysis, acetone or ketone bodies measurement", "尿液分析、丙酮或酮体测量" ], "176852000": [ "Extra-amniotic prostaglandin instillation", "羊膜外前列腺素灌注" ], "1290964001": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of thorax", "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of chest", "胸部软组织普通 X 光检查", "胸部软组织普通X光检查" ], "275156005": [ "Putti Platt anterior stabilisation of shoulder joint", "Putti Platt anterior stabilization of shoulder joint", "Putti Platt 肩关节前固定术" ], "226004006": [ "Medical equipment assessment", "Assessment for medical equipment", "医疗设备评估" ], "715689004": [ "Computed tomography of cervical spine for radiotherapy planning", "CT of cervical spine for radiotherapy planning", "颈椎 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划", "颈椎计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "764841004": [ "Radionuclide imaging of myocardium using technetium (99m-Tc) sestamibi with cardiac stress test", "使用锝(99m-Tc)甲氧基异丁基异腈进行心肌放射性核素显像及心脏压力测试" ], "306089005": [ "Referral from pharmacist", "Referral by pharmacist", "药剂师转介", "药剂师推荐" ], "58494002": [ "Arthrodesis of elbow", "肘关节融合术" ], "1303678004": [ "Chondrectomy of semilunar cartilage of left knee", "Excision of meniscus of left knee", "Left meniscectomy", "Meniscectomy of left knee", "Excision of semilunar cartilage of left knee", "Arthrectomy of left knee for semilunar cartilage excision", "左膝半月软骨切除术", "左膝关节半月软骨切除术", "左半月板切除术", "左膝半月板切除术" ], "763006006": [ "Assessment using University of Texas Wound Classification System", "使用德克萨斯大学伤口分类系统进行评估" ], "74878007": [ "Bronchotracheal anastomosis", "Anastomosis of bronchus to trachea", "Tracheobronchial anastomosis", "气管支气管吻合术", "支气管吻合术" ], "171347001": [ "Elderly driver examination", "老年驾驶员考试" ], "122195004": [ "Giardia culture", "贾第鞭毛虫培养" ], "417107005": [ "Respired nitrogen monitoring", "呼吸氮监测" ], "236883005": [ "Evacuation of retained product of conception", "ERPOC - Evacuation of retained products of conception", "ERPC - Evacuation of retained products of conception", "排出残留妊娠产物", "ERPC - 清除妊娠残留物", "ERPOC - 清除妊娠残留物" ], "302419008": [ "Removal of dirt from skin", "去除皮肤上的污垢" ], "185896001": [ "New patient screening telephone invitation", "新患者筛查电话邀请" ], "103976005": [ "M blood group antibody identification", "M血型抗体鉴定" ], "415272006": [ "Referral to genitourinary clinic", "转诊至泌尿生殖科诊所" ], "233213000": [ "Reconstruction of pulmonary artery", "Arterioplasty of pulmonary artery", "Pulmonary arterioplasty operations", "肺动脉重建", "肺动脉成形术" ], "429821000": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) cardiac stress ventriculography", "Single photon emission computed tomography cardiac stress ventriculography", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描心脏负荷心室造影", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT) 心脏负荷心室造影" ], "85757003": [ "Trephination", "Trephine - action", "环钻 - 动作", "环钻术" ], "282365006": [ "Incisional biopsy of lesion of tongue", "舌病损切开活检" ], "313298003": [ "Percutaneous sacral nerve evaluation", "经皮骶神经评估" ], "395218007": [ "Implantation of internal cardiac defibrillator", "Implantation of automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator", "植入心脏内除颤器", "植入自动心脏复律除颤器" ], "231378009": [ "Chemical denervation of spinal facet joint of lumbar vertebra", "腰椎小关节化学去神经支配术" ], "65703002": [ "Suture of palate", "Palatorrhaphy", "腭裂缝合术", "腭缝" ], "2002009": [ "Construction of subcutaneous tunnel without esophageal anastomosis", "Construction of subcutaneous tunnel without oesophageal anastomosis", "无需食管吻合口的皮下隧道构建" ], "229543001": [ "Arch support strapping", "足弓支撑带" ], "82087005": [ "Urethropexy", "尿道固定术" ], "49319008": [ "Rhytidectomy of neck with platysmal tightening", "颈部除皱术及颈阔肌收紧术" ], "309628002": [ "Child referral - physiotherapy", "儿童转诊-物理治疗" ], "391548002": [ "Glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody level", "谷氨酸脱羧酶抗体水平" ], "1259900009": [ "Fitting of intraoral appliance", "Fitting of intraoral device", "口内器具安装", "口内装置的安装" ], "406097002": [ "Breast implantation with pedicle flap", "带蒂皮瓣乳房植入术" ], "78417007": [ "Quantitative bioassay", "定量生物测定" ], "305958003": [ "Referral from cardiologist", "Referral by cardiologist", "心脏病专家转诊", "心脏病专家推荐" ], "699174008": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of calcaneus with internal fixation", "跟骨骨折闭合复位内固定" ], "173051001": [ "Open excision of tracheal lesion", "Open resection of tracheal lesion", "气管病变开放切除术" ], "764710008": [ "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography using methionine C-11", "PET CT using methionine C-11", "使用蛋氨酸 C-11 进行正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描", "使用蛋氨酸 C-11 的 PET CT" ], "386043001": [ "Respiratory tract evaluation", "Respiratory tract observation", "Chest observation", "Chest observation regime", "呼吸道评估", "胸部观察", "呼吸道观察", "胸部观察制度" ], "418811004": [ "Puncture of noncompressible vein", "不可压缩静脉穿刺" ], "72912002": [ "Revision of cerebral ventricular shunt", "Revision of ventricular shunt", "Conversion of ventricular shunt", "脑室分流术转换", "脑室分流术修复" ], "1187024002": [ "Continuous mandatory ventilation pressure-control inflation-type and assured constant airway pressure adjunct", "持续指令通气压力控制充气型和保证恒定气道压力辅助装置" ], "171216005": [ "Cataract screening", "白内障筛查" ], "234917000": [ "Primary repair of mouth wound", "口腔伤口的初次修复" ], "122064008": [ "Paragonimus species antibody assay", "Measurement of Paragonimus species antibody", "并殖吸虫抗体的测量", "肺吸虫抗体测定" ], "447909002": [ "Arthrodesis of toe", "Fusion of joint of toe", "趾关节融合", "趾关节融合术" ], "103845003": [ "Platelet aggregation with serotonin test", "血清素血小板聚集试验" ], "431525009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of abdominal aorta using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内腹主动脉血管成形术(荧光造影引导)" ], "726437009": [ "Modified radical mastectomy of left breast", "左乳改良根治术" ], "38309009": [ "Immunoelectron microscopy study", "免疫电子显微镜研究" ], "52858001": [ "Osteoclasis of vertebrae", "脊椎骨断裂" ], "233082009": [ "Open removal of foreign body from left ventricle", "左心室异物切开取出术" ], "1871002": [ "Repair of aneurysm of coronary artery", "Repair of coronary artery aneurysm", "冠状动脉瘤修复术", "冠状动脉瘤修复" ], "395087001": [ "Pain and symptom management", "疼痛和症状管理" ], "67407003": [ "Determination of outcome", "结果确定" ], "231247007": [ "LA - Local anaesthetic intravenous regional block of arm", "Biers block of arm", "Local anaesthetic intravenous regional block of arm", "LA - Local anesthetic intravenous regional block of arm", "Local anesthetic intravenous regional block of arm", "LA - 手臂局部麻醉静脉区域阻滞", "手臂阻滞", "手臂局部麻醉静脉区域阻滞" ], "32804000": [ "Excision of hydrocele of spermatic cord", "Hydrocelectomy of spermatic cord", "精索鞘膜积液切除术" ], "229412005": [ "Mobilisation of the thoracic spine", "Mobilization of the thoracic spine", "胸椎活动" ], "47353000": [ "Reopening of laparotomy site", "Exploration of laparotomy site", "重新开放剖腹手术部位", "剖腹手术部位探查" ], "16420009": [ "Restoration, gold foil, one surface", "修复,金箔,单面" ], "30969004": [ "Denervation of carotid body", "颈动脉体去神经支配" ], "176590003": [ "Marsupialisation of Bartholin's gland", "Marsupialization of Bartholin's gland", "Marsupialization of Bartholin gland", "Marsupialisation of Bartholin gland", "巴氏腺袋形化", "巴氏腺袋形术" ], "307662005": [ "Excision of colocutaneous fistula", "结肠皮肤瘘切除术" ], "61902006": [ "Anal pectenotomy", "肛门括约肌切开术" ], "387747000": [ "Cauterisation of lung", "Cauterization of lung", "肺烧灼" ], "373198009": [ "Vascular surgical procedure on lower limb", "下肢血管外科手术" ], "764579002": [ "CT of heart with contrast", "Computed tomography of heart with contrast", "Cardiac CT with contrast", "心脏增强计算机断层扫描", "心脏增强 CT 检查", "心脏增强 CT" ], "43683003": [ "Cryotherapy of lesion of esophagus", "Cryotherapy of lesion of oesophagus", "Cryotherapy of oesophageal lesion", "Cryotherapy of esophageal lesion", "食管病变冷冻治疗" ], "240291004": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of fetal pleural effusion", "Percutaneous aspiration of foetal pleural effusion", "经皮胎儿胸腔积液抽吸术" ], "699043008": [ "Hair bearing skin flap to scalp", "带毛发的皮瓣到头皮" ], "385912002": [ "Assess pressure sore care", "Assess decubitus care", "Assessment of care of pressure injury", "压力性损伤的护理评估", "评估褥疮护理", "评估压疮护理" ], "172920004": [ "Partial carpectomy", "部分腕骨切除术" ], "41848005": [ "Direct laryngoscopy with stripping of epiglottis", "直接喉镜检查及会厌剥离术" ], "25464006": [ "Thromboplastin generation test, Hicks-Pitney modification", "凝血活酶生成试验,希克斯-皮特尼改良法" ], "271224004": [ "Serum androstenedione level", "Serum androstenedione measurement", "血清雄烯二酮水平", "血清雄烯二酮测定" ], "713592008": [ "Fluoroscopy guided retrograde cutting balloon endopyelotomy", "Retrograde cutting balloon incision of renal pelvis using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下逆行切割球囊切开肾盂术", "荧光透视引导逆行切割球囊肾盂切开术" ], "416845001": [ "Periocular injection", "眼周注射" ], "121933006": [ "Bartonella species identification", "巴尔通体种鉴定" ], "431394000": [ "Ultrasound Doppler flow mapping of vein of upper limb", "上肢静脉超声多普勒血流图" ], "40013009": [ "Core needle biopsy of prostate", "前列腺芯针活检" ], "169250003": [ "US scan of gallbladder", "Ultrasound scan of gallbladder", "胆囊超声扫描" ], "185634004": [ "IUD check - 2nd call", "Contraceptive IUD check - 2nd call", "Contraceptive intrauterine device check - Second call", "宫内节育器检查 - 第二次呼叫", "避孕宫内节育器检查 - 第二次呼叫" ], "1332514006": [ "Assessment using self-reported Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire dyspnea subscale", "Assessment using self-reported Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire dyspnoea subscale", "Assessment using CRQ-SR (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire self-reported) dyspnea subscale", "Assessment using CRQ-SR (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire self-reported) dyspnoea subscale", "Assessment using self-reported CRQ (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire) dyspnoea subscale", "Assessment using self-reported CRQ (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire) dyspnea subscale", "使用自我报告的 CRQ(慢性呼吸问卷)呼吸困难分量表进行评估", "使用 CRQ-SR(慢性呼吸道问卷自我报告)呼吸困难分量表进行评估", "使用自我报告的慢性呼吸问卷呼吸困难分量表进行评估" ], "103714007": [ "Occlusion of catheter", "导管堵塞" ], "232951000": [ "Mechanical prosthetic truncal valve replacement", "机械人工心脏瓣膜置换术" ], "3575008": [ "Repair of fascia with graft of fascia", "用筋膜移植修复筋膜" ], "165580003": [ "Serum vitamin K measurement", "Serum vitamin K level", "血清维生素 K 测量", "血清维生素 K 水平" ], "1197772005": [ "Pedicle fascial flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction using pedicle fascial flap", "Reconstruction with pedicle fascial flap", "带蒂筋膜瓣修复", "带蒂筋膜瓣重建" ], "394956007": [ "Urine methaqualone screen", "尿液甲喹酮筛查" ], "231116009": [ "Neurostimulation procedures of cranial nerve or ganglion", "脑神经或神经节的神经刺激手术" ], "229281005": [ "Hold relax active movement technique", "HRAM - Hold relax active movement technique", "HRAM - 保持放松主动运动技术", "保持放松主动运动技术" ], "32673007": [ "Probing of nasolacrimal duct with irrigation", "鼻泪管探查及冲洗" ], "425889008": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic photodynamic therapy of lesion of stomach", "Fibreoptic endoscopic photodynamic therapy of lesion of stomach", "纤维内镜胃部病变光动力治疗" ], "178294003": [ "Axillary lymph nodes sampling", "腋窝淋巴结取样" ], "702582004": [ "Pre-admission assessment for day surgery", "Pre-admission assessment for ambulatory surgery", "日间手术入院前评估", "门诊手术入院前评估" ], "440438008": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of glenohumeral joint and fracture of surgical neck of humerus", "盂肱关节脱位及肱骨外科颈骨折闭合复位" ], "307531001": [ "Injection of Kveim antigen into skin", "将 Kveim 抗原注射到皮肤中" ], "473206008": [ "Assessment of self-care of stoma", "Assessment of stoma self-care", "造口自我护理评估" ], "438603002": [ "Hyperventilation therapy for traumatic brain injury", "创伤性脑损伤的过度换气治疗" ], "405835004": [ "Von Hippel-Lindau disease mutation carrier detection test", "VHL disease mutation carrier detection test", "冯·希佩尔-林道病突变携带者检测试验", "VHL 疾病突变携带者检测" ], "61771005": [ "Culture of biological indicator", "生物指示剂培养" ], "387616000": [ "Fimbrial extraction of tubal pregnancy", "输卵管妊娠伞端提取术" ], "764448004": [ "Lip adhesion of left cleft lip", "左唇裂唇粘连" ], "1255968007": [ "Replacement of intrathecal implantable infusion pump and intrathecal catheter using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided replacement of intrathecal implantable infusion pump and intrathecal catheter", "透视引导下鞘内植入式输液泵及鞘内导管的更换", "透视引导下鞘内植入式输液泵及鞘内导管更换" ], "74485001": [ "Sequestrectomy of clavicle", "锁骨死骨切除术" ], "238325002": [ "Mediastinoscopy and lymph node sampling", "纵隔镜检查和淋巴结取样" ], "1286901003": [ "Insertion of removable orthodontic retainer", "插入可拆卸的牙齿矫正保持器" ], "303861004": [ "Nuclear medicine study of function", "核医学功能研究" ], "58101007": [ "Incision and exploration of bladder", "Incision and exploration of urinary bladder", "膀胱切开探查" ], "418549007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of pulmonary artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of pulmonary artery with contrast", "肺动脉造影荧光镜检查", "肺动脉造影荧光血管造影" ], "385781007": [ "Home health aide service", "家庭健康助理服务" ], "121802008": [ "Kappa light chain measurement", "Kappa轻链测量" ], "252874009": [ "Krimsky test", "克里米亚测试" ], "54431002": [ "Trehalose-mannitol broth test", "海藻糖-甘露醇肉汤试验" ], "87199005": [ "Lead screening", "铅筛查" ], "234655008": [ "Topical application of oral medication", "局部应用口服药物" ], "70815009": [ "Esophagus acid reflux test with intraluminal pH electrode", "Oesophagus acid reflux test with intraluminal pH electrode", "Gastrointestinal reflux study", "Esophageal pH monitoring", "Oesophageal pH monitoring", "食管 pH 监测", "使用腔内 pH 电极进行食管酸反流检测", "胃肠反流研究" ], "447647009": [ "Suturing of intrathoracic artery", "胸内动脉缝合" ], "445812004": [ "Assessment using Dallas pain questionnaire", "使用达拉斯疼痛问卷进行评估" ], "34377000": [ "Reduction of closed mandibular fracture with manipulation and with external fixation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of mandible with external fixation", "闭合性下颌骨骨折的复位及外固定治疗", "下颌骨闭合性骨折手法复位外固定" ], "232820008": [ "Annuloplasty of aortic valve", "主动脉瓣成形术" ], "183668008": [ "Total avulsion of nail plate", "TNA - Total nail avulsion", "Total nail avulsion", "指甲完全脱落", "TNA-- 全指甲撕脱", "甲板完全撕脱" ], "118132008": [ "Examination of specimen for icterus", "黄疸标本检查" ], "413044009": [ "Saliva 17a-hydroxy progesterone measurement", "Saliva 17a-hydroxy progesterone level", "Saliva 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone measurement", "唾液17a-羟基孕酮测量", "唾液 17alpha-羟孕酮测量", "唾液 17a-羟基孕酮水平" ], "230985007": [ "Excision of tumor of spinal cord meninges", "Excision of tumour of spinal cord meninges", "脊髓脑膜肿瘤切除术" ], "65310005": [ "Vagotomy", "Extracranial vagotomy operation", "Extracranial destruction of vagus nerve", "颅外迷走神经切断术", "迷走神经切断术", "迷走神经颅外破坏" ], "229150006": [ "Sit up exercise", "仰卧起坐锻炼" ], "442142008": [ "Measurement of occult blood in gastric fluid specimen", "胃液标本潜血测定" ], "440307006": [ "Enhanced elimination procedure", "强化淘汰程序" ], "14323007": [ "Aortocoronary bypass of three coronary arteries", "Cardiac revascularization with bypass aortocoronary anastomosis of three coronary vessels", "Cardiac revascularisation with bypass aortocoronary anastomosis of three coronary vessels", "心脏血管重建术,包括三条冠状动脉旁路主动脉冠状动脉吻合术", "三条冠状动脉的主动脉冠状动脉搭桥术", "心脏血运重建术及三条冠状动脉旁路主动脉冠状动脉吻合术" ], "57970005": [ "Viral serologic study, paired samples", "病毒血清学研究,配对样本" ], "287346008": [ "Vessel synthetic implant", "血管合成植入物" ], "121671000": [ "Propylene glycol measurement", "丙二醇测量" ], "252743001": [ "Motor nerve conduction studies", "运动神经传导研究" ], "711495003": [ "Patient transfer to coronary care unit", "患者转至冠心病监护室" ], "56135003": [ "Reconstruction of frontonasal duct", "额鼻管重建" ], "1284935002": [ "Referral to OPAT (outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy)", "Referral to outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy", "转诊至 OPAT(门诊肠外抗菌治疗)", "转诊至门诊肠外抗菌治疗" ], "236359005": [ "Penile revascularisation for impotence", "Penile revascularization for impotence", "阴茎血运重建治疗阳痿" ], "416583007": [ "Erythrocyte color index measurement", "Erythrocyte colour index measurement", "Color index level", "Colour index level", "红细胞颜色指数测量", "显色指数等级" ], "105287006": [ "Pentetrazol measurement", "五四氮唑测量" ], "168988002": [ "Head lymphangiogram", "Lymphangiography head", "头部淋巴管造影", "淋巴管造影头" ], "709660004": [ "Fluoroscopy guided embolisation of artery of pelvis with contrast", "Embolisation of artery of pelvis using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Embolization of artery of pelvis using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolization of artery of pelvis with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行盆腔动脉栓塞术", "透视引导下盆腔动脉造影栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下盆腔动脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下盆腔动脉造影栓塞术" ], "314609000": [ "Endoscopic removal of pancreatic stent", "内镜下取出胰管支架" ], "68849001": [ "Iridotomy by photocoagulation", "虹膜切开术" ], "118001005": [ "Streptococcus pneumoniae group B antigen assay", "肺炎链球菌B组抗原测定" ], "412913005": [ "Blood spot octanoyl carnitine measurement", "Blood spot octanoylcarnitine measurement", "血斑辛酰肉碱测量" ], "787910000": [ "Preoperative cardiopulmonary exercise test using arm ergometer", "术前使用手臂测力计进行心肺运动测试" ], "19697009": [ "Debridement and suture", "Suture of wound following debridement", "清创后缝合伤口", "清创和缝合" ], "232689008": [ "Percutaneous cricothyroidotomy", "经皮环甲膜切开术" ], "230854002": [ "Irrigation of subcutaneous reservoir connecting to brain lesion", "连接脑损伤部位的皮下水库灌注" ], "312774004": [ "Debridement of amputation stump", "截肢残端清创" ], "83398006": [ "Operation on tendon of extraocular muscle", "眼外肌腱手术" ], "427462007": [ "Ultrasound of bone", "骨超声检查" ], "179867000": [ "Endoscopic repair of intra-articular ligament", "内窥镜关节内韧带修复" ], "116166009": [ "Radical nephrectomy AND ipsilateral adrenalectomy", "根治性肾切除术和同侧肾上腺切除术" ], "720539004": [ "First meningitis B vaccination", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B antigen", "First meningitis B immunization", "First meningitis B immunisation", "Administration of first dose of meningitis B vaccine", "接种第一剂脑膜炎 B 疫苗", "首次脑膜炎 B 免疫接种", "第一次脑膜炎 B 疫苗接种", "接种第一剂仅含脑膜炎奈瑟菌血清群 B 抗原的疫苗产品" ], "14192000": [ "Excision of sinus tarsi", "跗骨窦切除术" ], "735088000": [ "Closed reduction and dynamic hip screw of fracture of right femur", "Closed reduction of fracture of right femur and internal fixation using dynamic hip screw plate", "右股骨骨折闭合复位动力髋螺钉板内固定", "右股骨骨折闭合复位动力髋螺钉治疗" ], "391024003": [ "Osteoporosis - dietary advice", "Osteoporosis dietary education", "骨质疏松症 - 饮食建议", "骨质疏松症饮食教育" ], "12357000": [ "Radiologic examination of renal cyst, translumbar approach", "肾囊肿放射学检查、经腰椎入路" ], "438341004": [ "Laparoscopic insertion of peritoneal dialysis catheter", "腹腔镜腹膜透析导管插入术" ], "307269005": [ "Drainage of pancreas", "胰腺引流" ], "61509005": [ "Acetabuloplasty, Colonna type procedure", "Colonna operation hip arthroplasty, second stage", "Colonna operation for reconstruction of hip, second stage", "科隆纳手术髋关节置换术,第二阶段", "髋臼成形术,Colonna 型手术", "科罗纳手术重建髋关节,第二阶段" ], "241733007": [ "Tourniquet cuff inflation", "止血带袖带充气" ], "274501008": [ "Serum transfusion", "血清输注" ], "45125008": [ "Revision of breast implant", "Revision of breast prosthesis", "Revision of prosthesis for breast", "乳房假体修复", "乳房植入物修复" ], "225349005": [ "Respecting the client's privacy", "尊重客户的隐私" ], "420122003": [ "US scan and drainage of chest", "US scan and drainage of thorax", "Ultrasound scan and drainage of chest", "超声扫描和胸腔引流", "胸部超声扫描和引流", "胸腔超声扫描和引流" ], "10522005": [ "Destruction of lesion of salivary gland", "唾液腺损伤破坏" ], "305434007": [ "Admission to urology department", "泌尿外科入院" ], "26906007": [ "Application of dressing, pressure", "Application of pressure garment", "压力衣的应用", "敷料、压力" ], "7221000179100": [ "Endoscopic excision of tracheobronchial neoplasm", "Endoscopic excision of tracheobronchial tumour", "Endoscopic excision of tracheobronchial tumor", "Bronchoscopic excision of tracheobronchial neoplasm", "内镜气管支气管肿瘤切除术", "支气管镜气管支气管肿瘤切除术" ], "713199006": [ "Assessment using Oxford Cognitive Screen", "使用牛津认知筛查进行评估" ], "287215007": [ "Spinal granulation tissue removal", "脊柱肉芽组织去除" ], "121540001": [ "Diclofenac measurement", "双氯芬酸测量" ], "105156002": [ "Dextromoramide measurement", "右吗拉胺测量" ], "252612003": [ "Palatopharyngoplasty", "PPP - palatopharyngoplasty", "腭咽成形术", "PPP-- 腭咽成形术" ], "72388004": [ "Radical perineal prostatectomy with lymph node biopsy", "根治性会阴前列腺切除术及淋巴结活检" ], "39620006": [ "Witzel operation, temporary gastrostomy", "Witzel 手术、临时胃造口术" ], "170692007": [ "Initial neurological assessment", "初步神经系统评估" ], "711364006": [ "Robotic assisted surgery", "Surgery using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助手术", "使用机器人辅助进行手术" ], "119705002": [ "Nose excision", "Excision of nose", "Resection of nose", "鼻部切除术" ], "1217433003": [ "Biopsy of bronchus using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided biopsy of bronchus", "Biopsy of bronchus using endoscopic ultrasound guidance", "内镜超声引导下支气管活检" ], "70553005": [ "Fistulization for ileus", "Fistulisation for ileus", "肠梗阻造瘘术" ], "709529007": [ "Aspiration of pancreas using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of pancreas", "在荧光透视引导下进行胰腺穿刺", "透视引导下胰腺穿刺" ], "232558000": [ "Intralaryngeal injection of botulinum toxin", "喉内注射肉毒杆菌毒素" ], "134254001": [ "Chlamydia psittaci IgG level", "Chlamydia psittaci immunoglobulin G level", "Chlamydophila psittaci immunoglobulin G level", "Chlamydophila psittaci IgG level", "鹦鹉热衣原体免疫球蛋白 G 水平", "鹦鹉热衣原体免疫球蛋白G水平", "鹦鹉热衣原体 IgG 水平" ], "19566001": [ "Sperm evaluation by cervical mucus penetration test", "Huhner test", "Spermatozoa evaluation by cervical mucus penetration test", "宫颈粘液渗透试验对精子进行评估", "通过宫颈粘液渗透试验评估精子", "Huhner 测试" ], "445550003": [ "Measurement of output from drain", "排水管输出测量" ], "183406003": [ "Care of potential criminal", "照顾潜在犯罪分子" ], "429166006": [ "Transjugular intrahepatic thrombolysis of portal vein", "经颈静脉肝内门静脉血栓溶解术" ], "117870006": [ "Measurement of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Gallinarum antibody", "Salmonella serovar Gallinarum antibody assay", "沙门氏菌鸡亚种血清型抗体测定", "鸡沙门氏菌抗体检测" ], "1230147000": [ "Application of skin protector", "皮肤保护剂的应用" ], "312643005": [ "Angioplasty of anterior tibial artery", "胫前动脉血管成形术" ], "427331009": [ "Digital assisted intubation", "数字辅助插管" ], "359960003": [ "Ophthalmologic examination and evaluation under general anesthesia, limited", "Ophthalmologic examination and evaluation under general anaesthesia, limited", "全身麻醉下进行眼科检查和评估,有限" ], "179736008": [ "Primary open prosthetic replacement intra-articular ligament", "初次开放假体置换关节内韧带" ], "48664008": [ "Anesthesia for closed procedure involving symphysis pubis", "Anaesthesia for closed procedure involving symphysis pubis", "耻骨联合闭式手术的麻醉", "耻骨联合闭合手术的麻醉" ], "390893007": [ "Referral to physical activity programme", "Referral to physical activity program", "转介体育活动计划" ], "177901008": [ "Repair of recurrent incisional hernia using insert of prosthetic material", "Repair of recurrent incisional hernia using synthetic patch", "用假体材料插入物修补复发性切口疝", "使用合成补片修补复发性切口疝" ], "734957008": [ "Fluoroscopy of bilateral hips", "Fluoroscopy of both hips", "Fluoroscopy of left and right hip", "双侧髋关节 X 线检查", "双髋的荧光透视检查", "左、右髋关节透视检查" ], "225218002": [ "Non-verbal communication interventions", "非言语沟通干预" ], "733122001": [ "Chocolate specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Chocolate specific IgE antibody measurement", "巧克力特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "巧克力特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "241602001": [ "MRI of brain with T2 mapping", "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain with T2 mapping", "脑部 MRI 和 T2 映射", "使用 T2 映射对脑进行磁共振成像" ], "1290178004": [ "General practitioner led antenatal care", "全科医生主导的产前护理" ], "405442007": [ "Catheterisation of common femoral vein", "Catheterization of common femoral vein", "股总静脉插管" ], "59543001": [ "Autopsy, clerical procedure", "尸检、文书程序" ], "370839001": [ "Performing required counts of procedure-related devices", "Performs required counts", "执行所需计数", "执行所需数量的与手术相关的设备" ], "274370009": [ "Surgical biopsy of thyroid", "甲状腺手术活检" ], "305303007": [ "Admission by endocrine surgeon", "内分泌外科医生入院" ], "90476000": [ "Creation of subclavian-vertebral artery shunt", "建立锁骨下-椎动脉分流术" ], "698519007": [ "Split thickness autograft of skin to skin of neck", "Partial thickness autograft of skin to skin of neck", "颈部皮肤分层自体移植", "颈部皮肤部分厚度自体移植" ], "418156009": [ "Fluoroscopic vaginography", "Fluoroscopic vaginogram", "荧光阴道造影", "阴道荧光透视造影" ], "121409005": [ "Norclozapine measurement", "Norclozapine level", "去甲氯氮平测量", "去甲氯氮平浓度" ], "711233006": [ "Reduction of intussusception of intestine using air enema", "空气灌肠复位肠套叠" ], "252481005": [ "Shuttle test", "航天飞机试验" ], "86806000": [ "Rebase of complete upper denture", "全口上颌义齿重新基托" ], "105025007": [ "Valine measurement", "缬氨酸测量" ], "119574004": [ "Musculoskeletal system repair", "Musculoskeletal surgical repair", "肌肉骨骼外科修复", "肌肉骨骼系统修复" ], "609259000": [ "Laparoscopic repair of obstructed inguinal hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下修补阻塞性腹股沟疝" ], "250646009": [ "Pancreatic enzyme level", "Pancreatic enzyme measurement", "胰酶测定", "胰酶水平" ], "445419002": [ "MRI cardiac ventriculogram", "Magnetic resonance imaging of cardiac ventricles", "MRI of cardiac ventricles", "心室 MRI", "MRI 心室造影", "心室磁共振成像" ], "234262008": [ "Excision of axillary lymph node", "Axillary lymph node dissection", "腋窝淋巴结清扫术", "腋窝淋巴结切除术" ], "117739006": [ "Herpes simplex virus 2 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human herpesvirus 2 antibody", "单纯疱疹病毒 2 型抗体检测", "人类疱疹病毒 2 型抗体测量" ], "723947007": [ "Isotretinoin therapy", "异维甲酸疗法" ], "408981001": [ "Renal care assessment", "Assess renal care", "评估肾脏护理", "肾脏护理评估" ], "179605008": [ "Primary open reduction of dislocation and cast immobilization", "Primary open reduction of dislocation and cast immobilisation", "脱位的一期切开复位及石膏固定" ], "308842001": [ "Direct current defibrillation", "直流电除颤" ], "243306000": [ "Ureteroileostomy", "Construction of ileal conduit", "Ureteroileal conduit with ileal bladder including bowel anastomosis", "Uretero-ileostomy", "Ileal ureterostomy", "Creation of ileal conduit", "Ileoureterostomy with ileal bladder", "回肠导管的构建", "输尿管回肠造口术", "回肠膀胱回肠输尿管造口术", "回肠输尿管造口术", "建立回肠导管", "带回肠膀胱的输尿管回肠导管(包括肠吻合术)" ], "1162645008": [ "2019-nCoV recombinant spike protein antigen vaccination", "2019 novel coronavirus recombinant spike protein antigen immunisation", "SARS-CoV-2 recombinant spike protein antigen immunization", "2019 novel coronavirus recombinant spike protein antigen immunization", "COVID-19 recombinant spike protein antigen immunisation", "2019 novel coronavirus recombinant spike protein antigen vaccination", "Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 recombinant spike protein antigen vaccination", "2019-nCoV recombinant spike protein antigen immunisation", "2019-nCoV recombinant spike protein antigen immunization", "COVID-19 recombinant spike protein antigen vaccination", "Administration of SARS-CoV-2 recombinant spike protein antigen vaccine", "SARS-CoV-2 recombinant spike protein antigen vaccination", "COVID-19 recombinant spike protein antigen immunization", "Administration of vaccine product containing only severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 recombinant spike protein antigen", "2019-nCoV 重组刺突蛋白抗原免疫", "2019-nCoV重组刺突蛋白抗原免疫", "仅含严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 重组刺突蛋白抗原的疫苗产品的接种", "COVID-19 重组刺突蛋白抗原免疫", "严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 重组刺突蛋白抗原疫苗", "COVID-19重组刺突蛋白抗原疫苗", "SARS-CoV-2 重组刺突蛋白抗原疫苗", "2019新型冠状病毒重组刺突蛋白抗原免疫", "2019-nCoV重组刺突蛋白抗原疫苗", "2019新型冠状病毒重组刺突蛋白抗原疫苗", "SARS-CoV-2 重组刺突蛋白抗原疫苗的接种", "SARS-CoV-2 重组刺突蛋白抗原免疫" ], "241471000": [ "US scan of native liver", "Ultrasound scan of native liver", "原生肝脏的超声扫描", "本地肝脏的超声扫描" ], "405311001": [ "Axillobiprofunda bypass graft", "Axillo-biprofunda bypass graft", "腋窝深部旁路移植术", "腋窝双侧深部旁路移植术" ], "307007002": [ "Percutaneous tracheostomy", "经皮气管切开术" ], "700223001": [ "Checking of automatic implantable cardiac defibrillator", "自动植入式心脏除颤器的检查" ], "61247004": [ "Tenotomy of tensor tympani", "鼓膜张肌腱切断术" ], "174100000": [ "Sigmoid colectomy and end-to-end anastomosis of ileum to rectum", "乙状结肠切除术及回肠至直肠端端吻合术" ], "239636006": [ "Correction of congenital deformity of midfoot", "中足先天畸形的矫正" ], "172265002": [ "Complete protective suture of eyelid", "眼睑完全保护缝合" ], "90345005": [ "Core needle biopsy of trachea", "气管芯针活检" ], "8425006": [ "Cast post and core in addition to crown", "除牙冠外还铸造桩核" ], "450793007": [ "Revision of hybrid total replacement of joint", "混合型全关节置换术" ], "448958000": [ "Removal of suture from head", "拆除头部缝线" ], "252350000": [ "PHA - Phytohaemagglutinin T-lymphocyte stimulation", "Phytohaemagglutinin T-lymphocyte stimulation", "Phytohemagglutinin T-lymphocyte stimulation", "PHA - Phytohemagglutinin T-lymphocyte stimulation", "PHA - 植物血凝素 T 淋巴细胞刺激", "植物血凝素T淋巴细胞刺激" ], "104894009": [ "Propionate measurement", "丙酸盐测量" ], "1217171003": [ "Cryoablation of lesion of trachea", "气管病变冷冻消融术" ], "250515004": [ "Epstein-Barr virus antibody titer", "Epstein-Barr virus antibody titre", "Epstein-Barr virus antibody titer measurement", "Epstein-Barr virus antibody titre measurement", "EBV - Epstein-Barr virus antibody titre", "EBV - Epstein-Barr virus antibody titer", "EB病毒抗体滴度测定", "EB病毒抗体滴度", "EBV - Epstein-Barr 病毒抗体滴度" ], "2521000087101": [ "MRI of right lower extremity", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right lower limb", "右下肢 MRI", "右下肢磁共振成像" ], "5081000087102": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of left lower extremity joint", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of left lower limb joint", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of left lower limb joint", "左下肢关节X线透视造影", "左下肢关节X线透视关节造影" ], "3801000087102": [ "Plain X-ray of left tibia and left fibula", "左胫骨和左腓骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "15321000087104": [ "CT of pelvis and bilateral hips", "Computed tomography of pelvis and bilateral hips", "骨盆及双侧髋部 CT 检查", "骨盆和双侧髋部的计算机断层扫描" ], "265064001": [ "Intrauterine artificial insemination", "Intrauterine insemination", "IUI - Intrauterine insemination", "宫内人工授精", "宫腔内授精", "IUI-宫腔内授精" ], "1241000087104": [ "Ultrasonography of left thigh", "Ultrasound of left thigh", "Ultrasound scan of left thigh", "左大腿超声波扫描", "左大腿超声检查" ], "117608002": [ "Herbicide identification procedure", "除草剂鉴别程序" ], "84840003": [ "Total lobectomy of lung with concomitant decortication", "全肺叶切除术及同期肺剥脱术" ], "609128005": [ "Revision of internal fixation of radius and ulna", "桡尺骨内固定修复" ], "443453001": [ "Application of uniplane external fixation system", "单平面外固定系统的应用" ], "771133002": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of right facet joint of lumbar spine", "Injection of right facet joint of lumbar spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下腰椎右侧小关节注射" ], "310546000": [ "Microsclerotherapy to spider veins of leg", "Sclerotherapy of venous flares", "静脉炎硬化治疗", "微硬化疗法治疗腿部蜘蛛静脉" ], "228626002": [ "Furniture height modification", "家具高度修改" ], "736530004": [ "Reconstruction of breast using free omental flap", "游离大网膜瓣乳房再造术" ], "392466008": [ "Bromelin specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rk202 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bromelin specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "菠萝蛋白酶特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "菠萝蛋白酶特异性IgE抗体测量", "Rk202特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "439783004": [ "Division of maxilla", "上颌骨的划分" ], "306876003": [ "Microwave diathermy to lower limb", "下肢微波透热疗法" ], "388796007": [ "Rf312 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Swordfish specific IgE antibody measurement", "Xiphias gladius specific IgE antibody measurement", "Xiphias gladius specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "剑鱼特异性IgE抗体测定", "剑鱼特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf312特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "11964008": [ "Internal fixation of femur without fracture reduction", "股骨骨折未复位内固定" ], "854331000000105": [ "Delayed reconstruction of breast with free flap", "游离皮瓣延迟乳房重建" ], "172134000": [ "Total excision of bony orbit and contents", "Superexenteration", "完全切除骨性眼眶及其内容物", "超级剜除术" ], "239505009": [ "Total ankle replacement", "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of ankle", "踝关节假体全置换术", "全踝关节置换术" ], "55611000": [ "Incision of tunica vaginalis", "鞘膜切开术" ], "1237094009": [ "Reporting presence of implantable cardiac device", "Informing health care professional of presence of implantable cardiac device", "告知医疗保健专业人员植入式心脏装置的存在", "报告植入式心脏装置的存在" ], "252219000": [ "TRH - Thyrotrophin releasing hormone test", "Thyrotrophin releasing hormone test", "TRH-- 促甲状腺激素释放激素测试", "促甲状腺激素释放激素检测" ], "710971000": [ "Maintaining airway clearance", "Maintaining clear airway", "保持气道畅通", "保持呼吸道畅通" ], "104763001": [ "Keratan sulfate measurement", "Keratan sulphate measurement", "切割硫酸盐测量", "硫酸角质素测量" ], "1251643002": [ "CT discography with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc of lumbar spine", "Computed tomography discography with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc of lumbar spine", "Computed tomography discogram of lumbar region with contrast", "CT discogram of lumbar region with contrast", "腰椎间盘造影计算机断层扫描", "腰椎椎间盘注射造影剂的计算机断层扫描椎间盘造影术", "腰椎间盘注射造影剂进行 CT 椎间盘造影", "腰椎增强 CT 椎间盘造影" ], "88379007": [ "Fasciocutaneous flap to extremity", "肢体筋膜皮瓣" ], "416059007": [ "Rabies booster vaccination", "Rabies booster immunisation", "Rabies booster immunization", "Administration of booster dose of rabies vaccine", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Rabies lyssavirus antigen", "注射仅含狂犬病病毒抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量", "注射狂犬病疫苗加强针", "狂犬病加强免疫", "狂犬病加强疫苗接种" ], "432443009": [ "Education about toddler nutrition at 25-36 months", "25-36 个月幼儿营养教育" ], "168464005": [ "Home office postmortem", "家庭办公室事后分析" ], "397840008": [ "Bronchorrhaphy", "支气管缝合术" ], "232165002": [ "Excision of polyp from external auditory canal", "Aural polypectomy (external ear)", "Excision of polyp of external ear", "外耳道息肉切除术", "耳息肉切除术(外耳)", "外耳息肉切除术" ], "33722000": [ "Malleostapediopexy with incus replacement", "踝骨固定术联合砧骨置换术" ], "410554002": [ "Excision of lesion of nose", "鼻部病变切除术" ], "82874003": [ "Operation on colon", "Colon operation", "结肠手术" ], "310415002": [ "Suturing of sinus of Valsalva fistula", "瓦尔萨尔瓦窦瘘缝合术" ], "392335003": [ "Ribwort specific IgE antibody measurement", "Plantago lanceolata specific IgE antibody measurement", "Plantain (English) specific IgE antibody measurement", "w9 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Plantago lanceolata specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "车前草(英)特异性IgE抗体测定", "车前草特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Ribwort 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "车前草特异性IgE抗体测定", "w9特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "359567006": [ "Proximal subtotal pancreatectomy with pancreaticoduodenectomy and pancreatic jejunostomy", "Partial duodenopancreatectomy", "近端胰腺次全切除术及胰十二指肠切除术和胰空肠造口术", "部分胰十二指肠切除术" ], "1258852001": [ "Excision of malignant neoplasm of skin of arm", "Excision of malignant neoplasm of skin of upper extremity", "Excision of malignant neoplasm of skin of upper limb", "手臂皮肤恶性肿瘤切除术", "上肢皮肤恶性肿瘤切除术" ], "406884003": [ "Methyl violet 6B stain method", "Methyl violet 6B stain", "甲基紫6B染色法", "甲基紫 6B 染色" ], "62820003": [ "Correction of tetralogy of Fallot, one-stage", "Repair of tetralogy of Fallot, one-stage", "Complete repair of tetralogy of Fallot", "Total repair of tetralogy of Fallot", "法洛四联症完全修复", "法洛四联症矫正术(单阶段)", "法洛四联症全修复术", "法洛四联症修复术(一期)" ], "767332005": [ "Right microvascular orchidopexy", "右侧显微血管睾丸固定术" ], "241209000": [ "Sinogram with contrast", "对比正弦图" ], "60985004": [ "Implantation of cardiac dual-chamber device, replacement", "Removal of cardiac pacemaker with replacement by dual-chamber device", "心脏双腔装置植入、置换", "移除心脏起搏器并用双腔装置代替" ], "173838005": [ "Attention to gastric bubble", "Attention to gastric balloon", "胃内水球注意事项", "注意胃泡" ], "239374008": [ "Enucleation of lesion of maxilla", "上颌骨病变摘除术" ], "172003001": [ "Modification of transposed parathyroid gland", "甲状旁腺移位术" ], "450531005": [ "High ligation and stripping of long saphenous vein and multiple avulsions of varicose veins", "长隐静脉高位结扎剥脱术及多处静脉曲张撕脱术" ], "1220579008": [ "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided biopsy of retroperitoneum", "Biopsy of retroperitoneum using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Biopsy of retroperitoneum using endoscopic ultrasound guidance", "内镜超声引导下腹膜后活检" ], "170168000": [ "Child 10 year examination", "10 year exam", "10年考试", "儿童10岁检查" ], "448696001": [ "Intubation of ileum for function studies", "回肠插管进行功能研究" ], "432312003": [ "Aspiration using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance", "Aspiration using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided aspiration", "使用磁共振成像 (MRI) 引导进行抽吸", "使用磁共振成像引导进行抽吸", "MRI 引导下穿刺" ], "39096005": [ "Direct repair of artery of finger", "手指动脉直接修复" ], "104632007": [ "Dermatan sulfate measurement", "Dermatan sulphate measurement", "硫酸皮肤素测量" ], "438321000124103": [ "Decreased ascorbic acid diet", "Decreased vitamin C diet", "减少维生素 C 饮食", "减少抗坏血酸饮食" ], "1841000124106": [ "Palliative care medication review", "姑息治疗药物审查" ], "437041000124109": [ "Decreased soluble fibre diet", "Decreased soluble fiber diet", "减少可溶性纤维饮食" ], "363106000": [ "Endoscopic removal from urinary system", "内窥镜泌尿系统切除" ], "2658000": [ "Social service interview of patient", "病人社会服务访谈" ], "608866001": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from bladder", "Microscopic examination of specimen from urinary bladder", "膀胱标本显微镜检查", "膀胱标本的显微镜检查" ], "182882002": [ "Drug intake observed", "Directly observed therapy", "DOT - Directly observed therapy", "Self-administration of medication: observed", "自行服药:观察", "直接观察治疗", "DOT-- 直接观察治疗", "观察到药物摄入量" ], "281186003": [ "Add tooth to denture", "将牙齿添加到假牙中" ], "117346004": [ "Glucose measurement estimated from glycated hemoglobin", "Glucose measurement estimated from glycated haemoglobin", "Calculation of estimated average glucose based on haemoglobin A1c", "Calculation of estimated average glucose based on hemoglobin A1c", "根据糖化血红蛋白估算血糖", "根据糖化血红蛋白计算估计平均血糖" ], "313954007": [ "Epstein-Barr virus nuclear IgG measurement", "Epstein-Barr virus nuclear IgG level", "Epstein-Barr virus nuclear immunoglobulin G measurement", "EB 病毒核 IgG 检测", "EB 病毒核 IgG 水平", "EB 病毒核免疫球蛋白 G 测量" ], "66359001": [ "Intracapsular extraction of lens by inferior temporal route", "经颞下入路囊内摘除晶状体" ], "410423004": [ "Transportation surveillance", "运输监控" ], "82743006": [ "Thiacetazone test", "THZ test", "硫乙酰酮试验", "THZ 测试" ], "443191007": [ "Application of multiplane external fixation system", "多平面外固定系统的应用" ], "277516000": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of arteriovenous fistula", "Percutaneous embolization of arteriovenous fistula", "经皮动静脉瘘栓塞术" ], "179212005": [ "Primary skeletal traction of fracture", "骨折的初级骨牵引" ], "392204006": [ "Repair of cervix", "Tracheloplasty", "Cervicoplasty", "Uterine cervix repair", "气管成形术", "宫颈成形术", "宫颈修复" ], "15372008": [ "Revision of skin graft", "皮肤移植修复" ], "308449000": [ "Refer to chiropractor", "Referral to chiropractor", "咨询脊椎治疗师", "转诊给脊椎治疗师" ], "439521002": [ "Magnetisation transfer imaging", "Magnetization transfer imaging", "磁化转移成像" ], "79073004": [ "Venography of lower extremity", "下肢静脉造影" ], "46305007": [ "Restoration, composite resin crown, anterior, primary", "修复,复合树脂冠,前牙,初级" ], "13537008": [ "Open reduction of open acromioclavicular dislocation, acute, with fascial graft", "急性开放性肩锁关节脱位切开复位,联合筋膜移植" ], "716214002": [ "Assessment using Symbol Digit Modalities Test", "Assessment using SDMT (Symbol Digit Modalities Test)", "使用 SDMT(符号数字模式测试)进行评估", "使用符号数字模式测试进行评估" ], "306614007": [ "Discharge from pathology service", "病理学服务出院" ], "388534009": [ "Brassica oleracea var.gemmifera specific IgE measurement", "Rf217 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Brussels sprouts specific IgE antibody measurement", "Brassica oleracea var.gemmifera specific immunoglobulin E measurement", "Rf217特异性IgE抗体测量", "甘蓝变种芽孢杆菌特异性免疫球蛋白E测定", "甘蓝变种芽孢杆菌特异性IgE测定", "抱子甘蓝特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "699830009": [ "Food fortification education", "食品强化教育" ], "173707003": [ "Removal of Angelchik prosthesis", "移除 Angelchik 假体" ], "1156747007": [ "Transfusion of convalescent plasma into peripheral vein", "恢复期血浆外周静脉输注" ], "419467008": [ "US scan and drainage of kidney", "Ultrasound scan and drainage of kidney", "肾脏超声扫描及引流", "肾脏超声波扫描及引流" ], "286560000": [ "Adjustment of implant", "植入物的调整" ], "239243008": [ "Transfer of intrinsic muscle of hand", "手内在肌移植" ], "237408003": [ "Reduction mammoplasty superior pedicle technique", "Marchac reduction mammoplasty", "Marchac 乳房缩小术", "乳房缩小成形术上蒂技术" ], "448565003": [ "External fixation of carpal bone", "腕骨外固定" ], "104501004": [ "Alpha-1-acid glycoprotein measurement", "α-1-酸性糖蛋白测量" ], "55349005": [ "Reconstruction of cleft foot", "裂足重建" ], "235573005": [ "Excision of biliary fistula", "胆瘘切除术" ], "710709008": [ "Education about sexual behavior", "Education about sexual behaviour", "性行为教育" ], "708874001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of artery of upper limb", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of upper limb artery", "上肢动脉经皮腔内血管成形术" ], "53514001": [ "Ultrasonic fragmentation of urinary stone through percutaneous nephrostomy", "Percutaneous nephrostomy with fragmentation of kidney stone", "经皮肾造口术治疗肾结石碎裂", "经皮肾穿刺超声碎石术" ], "38965009": [ "Rhytidectomy of upper eyelid", "上眼睑除皱术" ], "446730009": [ "Destruction of lesion of esophagus by cervical approach", "Destruction of lesion of oesophagus by cervical approach", "经颈部入路破坏食管病变" ], "35295005": [ "Percutaneous fine needle biopsy of lung", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of lung", "经皮肺细针穿刺活检" ], "444895009": [ "Provision of drinking aid", "提供饮酒援助" ], "313823009": [ "Plasma methotrexate measurement", "Plasma methotrexate level", "血浆甲氨蝶呤测量", "血浆甲氨蝶呤水平" ], "410292002": [ "Finances teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Finances teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Finances education, guidance, and counseling", "Finances education, guidance, and counselling", "财务教育、指导和咨询", "资助教学、指导和咨询" ], "426676006": [ "Amniotic membrane graft to cornea", "羊膜移植至角膜" ], "179081002": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture and internal fixation with tension band wiring", "骨折切开复位修复及张力带内固定" ], "441225008": [ "Construction of custom interim obturator prosthesis", "定制临时闭孔假体的构建" ], "719753008": [ "Completion thyroidectomy", "Secondary thyroidectomy", "Thyroidectomy of remaining tissue", "继发性甲状腺切除术", "甲状腺剩余组织切除术", "甲状腺全切除术" ], "423006001": [ "Development of home medication compliance regimen", "Develop home medication adherence plan", "家庭用药依从性方案的制定", "制定家庭用药依从性计划" ], "177246004": [ "Browlift", "Brow lift", "Rhytidectomy of forehead", "Forehead rhytidoplasty", "眉毛提升术", "额头除皱术", "提眉术" ], "439390006": [ "Measurement of pyrilamine in urine", "尿液中吡拉明的测定" ], "306483001": [ "Discharge by orthopedic surgeon", "Discharge by orthopaedic surgeon", "骨科医生出院" ], "60723004": [ "Dilation of ureterovesical orifice", "Dilation of ureteral meatus", "输尿管口扩张", "输尿管膀胱口扩张" ], "240947007": [ "Removal of foreign body from pulmonary artery", "FB - Removal of foreign body from pulmonary artery", "肺动脉异物取出", "FB - 肺动脉异物取出" ], "175411008": [ "Arteriography of circle of Willis", "Angiography of circle of Willis", "Willis 环动脉造影", "Willis 环血管造影" ], "411251000119104": [ "Computed tomography angiography of chest with contrast", "CT angiography of chest with contrast", "胸部增强 CT 血管造影" ], "394611000119107": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast for transcatheter biopsy", "Fluoroscopic angiogram with contrast for transcatheter biopsy", "用于经导管活检的对比荧光血管造影", "经导管活检增强荧光血管造影" ], "173576006": [ "Partial oesophagectomy and interposition of microvascularly attached colon", "Partial esophagectomy and interposition of microvascularly attached colon", "部分食管切除术和微血管附着结肠插入术" ], "171741002": [ "Attention to neurostimulator adjacent to spinal cord", "注意脊髓附近的神经刺激器" ], "384733006": [ "Hormone radiobioassay", "激素放射生物测定" ], "710578001": [ "Aspiration of joint using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of joint", "在荧光透视引导下进行关节穿刺", "荧光透视引导下关节穿刺" ], "104370003": [ "Complement C3b-C4b receptor measurement", "补体 C3b-C4b 受体测量" ], "87986006": [ "Renin, normal salt intake measurement, upright, 4 hours", "肾素,正常盐摄入量测量,直立,4 小时" ], "300978008": [ "Open lateral meniscectomy", "开放外侧半月板切除术" ], "235442008": [ "Removal of enteral tube via stoma", "通过造口拔除肠管" ], "448434009": [ "Removal of dental prosthesis", "移除假牙" ], "446599005": [ "Ligation of maxillary artery by transantral approach and epistaxis control", "经上颌窦入路结扎上颌动脉并控制鼻出血" ], "168071006": [ "Determination of calculus chemical composition", "Calculus chemical composition", "牙结石化学成分的测定", "微积分化学成分" ], "430215009": [ "Biopsy of head and neck structure", "头颈部结构活检" ], "708743009": [ "Thoracoscopic biopsy of pericardium", "胸腔镜心包活检" ], "313692006": [ "Complement component 3 nephritic factor measurement", "Complement component 3 nephritic factor level", "补体成分 3 肾病因子测量", "补体成分 3 肾炎因子水平" ], "231772008": [ "Preretinal membranectomy", "Removal of preretinal membrane", "视网膜前膜切除术", "去除视网膜前膜" ], "737841004": [ "Urinary elimination care management", "排尿护理管理" ], "410161005": [ "Speech therapy assessment", "Assess speech therapist service", "评估言语治疗师服务", "言语治疗评估" ], "705073009": [ "Care of conscious patient", "意识清醒患者的护理" ], "80646003": [ "Reopening of cilia base", "纤毛根部重新开放" ], "29659005": [ "Tissue culture antitoxin assay", "Toxin or antitoxin assay in tissue culture", "组织培养中的毒素或抗毒素测定", "组织培养抗毒素测定" ], "422875005": [ "Paraprofessional/aide care surveillance", "辅助专业人员/助手护理监测" ], "439259006": [ "Client involvement in management of their money", "客户参与资金管理" ], "1141936000": [ "Vitamin D and/or vitamin D derivative modified diet", "维生素 D 和/或维生素 D 衍生物改良饮食" ], "13275009": [ "Excision of lesion of thoracic aorta with end-to-end anastomosis", "胸主动脉病变切除及端端吻合术" ], "306352001": [ "Referral to hospital-based podiatrist", "Referral to hospital-based chiropodist", "Referral to hospital podiatrist", "Referral to hospital chiropodist", "转诊至医院足病医生" ], "44208009": [ "Transcatheter embolization for gastric bleeding", "Transcatheter embolisation for gastric bleeding", "经导管栓塞治疗胃出血" ], "765104009": [ "Geriatric monitoring", "Monitoring of elderly person", "老年监测", "老年人监护" ], "173445003": [ "Destruction of lesion of floor of mouth", "口底损伤破坏" ], "386437005": [ "Simple guided imagery", "简单的引导意象" ], "1269338000": [ "Fitting of inlay to tooth", "将嵌体安装到牙齿上" ], "304517008": [ "Advice to undertake functional activity", "Recommendation to undertake functional activity", "建议进行功能活动", "进行功能活动的建议" ], "40538005": [ "Thermography", "Thermogram", "热成像", "热谱图" ], "122458006": [ "Exploration", "Exploration procedure", "探索程序", "勘探" ], "171610009": [ "Excision of lesion of oculomotor nerve (III)", "动眼神经损伤切除术(三)" ], "235311002": [ "Attention to prosthesis within small intestine", "关注小肠内假体" ], "104239008": [ "Culture typing procedure, gas liquid chromatography method", "培养物分型程序,气相液相色谱法" ], "233476002": [ "Balloon dilatation of arteriovenous fistula", "Balloon angioplasty of arteriovenous fistula", "Angioplasty of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘球囊扩张术", "动静脉瘘球囊成形术", "动静脉瘘成形术" ], "708612007": [ "Percutaneous drainage of abscess of liver", "肝脓肿经皮穿刺引流" ], "18649001": [ "Rectal temperature taking", "直肠温度测量" ], "51417001": [ "Hydroxyproline measurement, urine, total", "尿液羟脯氨酸总含量测量" ], "444633001": [ "Computed tomography of head, thorax and abdomen", "CT of head, thorax and abdomen", "头部、胸部和腹部 CT", "头部、胸部和腹部的计算机断层扫描" ], "118788009": [ "Procedure on palate", "腭部手术" ], "231641001": [ "Eye muscle union procedure", "眼肌联合手术" ], "442798001": [ "Open fixation of fracture of shaft of tibia using intramedullary implant", "髓内植入物切开固定胫骨干骨折" ], "82350007": [ "Photochemotherapy", "光化学疗法" ], "408195004": [ "Thick film for malarial parasites", "厚膜治疗疟原虫" ], "422744007": [ "Arterial catheter care", "Arterial line care", "动脉导管护理" ], "78680009": [ "Hospital admission, emergency, direct", "医院入院,急诊,直接" ], "306221004": [ "Referral to speech-reading training service", "转介朗读训练服务" ], "1303810001": [ "Endoscopic injection of epinephrine into lesion of duodenum for control of hemorrhage", "Endoscopic injection of epinephrine into lesion of duodenum for control of haemorrhage", "Adrenaline injection haemostasis of duodenal lesion", "Adrenaline injection hemostasis of duodenal lesion", "Injection of epinephrine into lesion of duodenum for hemostasis", "Injection of epinephrine into lesion of duodenum for haemostasis", "十二指肠病变处注射肾上腺素止血", "十二指肠病变肾上腺素注射止血", "内镜十二指肠病变处注射肾上腺素止血" ], "9474002": [ "Endoscopy and calibration", "内窥镜检查和校准" ], "386306006": [ "Financial resource assistance", "Financial resource treatments and procedures", "财政资源援助", "财务资源处理和程序" ], "288002009": [ "Pyelotomy and exploration", "肾盂切开术和探查" ], "1187287002": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of pelvis", "Doppler ultrasound scan of pelvis", "骨盆多普勒超声扫描", "盆腔多普勒超声检查" ], "237015004": [ "Surgical control of postpartum haemorrhage", "Surgical control of postpartum hemorrhage", "产后出血的手术控制" ], "56791004": [ "Revision of mastoidectomy", "乳突切除术修复" ], "171479006": [ "Open division of brain tissue", "脑组织开放分裂" ], "104108001": [ "Manual cell count, body fluid", "手动细胞计数,体液" ], "122327009": [ "Entamoeba histolytica DNA assay", "Entamoeba histolytica deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "溶组织内阿米巴 DNA 检测", "溶组织内阿米巴脱氧核糖核酸测定" ], "54956002": [ "Gastrostomy", "Creation of gastrostomy", "建立胃造口术", "胃造口术" ], "87724004": [ "Photosensitivity test", "Skin phototest", "皮肤光测试", "光敏性测试" ], "448172005": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of long bone and flexible internal fixation", "长骨骨折闭合复位弹性内固定" ], "710316007": [ "Ultrasound scan of cervix", "Ultrasound of cervix", "Ultrasonography of cervix uteri", "宫颈超声扫描", "宫颈超声检查" ], "69505002": [ "Internal fixation of patella without fracture reduction", "髌骨骨折未复位内固定" ], "3969006": [ "Removal of osteocartilagenous loose body from joint structures", "Excision of osteochondritis dissecans of joint", "从关节结构中去除骨软骨游离体", "关节剥脱性骨软骨炎切除术" ], "233345007": [ "Reconstruction of common iliac artery", "髂总动脉重建" ], "428118009": [ "Peritoneal dialysis catheter procedure", "Procedure involving peritoneal dialysis catheter", "腹膜透析导管操作", "涉及腹膜透析导管的手术" ], "65835006": [ "Change in bone length of clavicle", "锁骨长度变化" ], "31232000": [ "Biopsy of trachea", "气管活检" ], "227840001": [ "Repair of stoma of thorax", "胸腔造口修复" ], "178688001": [ "Primary bedrest stabilization of spinal fracture", "Primary bedrest stabilisation of spinal fracture", "脊柱骨折的初级卧床固定" ], "47616002": [ "White blood cell localization, whole body", "White blood cell localisation, whole body", "白细胞定位,全身" ], "113152007": [ "Application of ice", "冰敷" ], "1290965000": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of chest wall", "胸壁软组织普通 X 光检查" ], "275157001": [ "Bankart anterior stabilization of shoulder joint", "Bankart anterior stabilisation of shoulder joint", "Bankart 肩关节前固定术" ], "29397004": [ "Repair of old obstetric urethral laceration", "陈旧性产科尿道裂伤的修复" ], "226005007": [ "Care of central line", "中心静脉导管的护理" ], "43946001": [ "Anesthesia for burr holes", "Anaesthesia for burr holes", "钻孔麻醉" ], "306090001": [ "Referral by social worker", "Referral from social worker", "社工转介" ], "715690008": [ "Computed tomography of pelvis with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "CT of pelvis with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "骨盆对比剂计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "骨盆增强 CT 检查以制定放射治疗计划" ], "287871002": [ "Exploration of stomach", "胃部探查" ], "763007002": [ "Assessment using CHADS2 (congestive heart failure, hypertension, age 75 years or older, diabetes mellitus and previous stroke or transient ischemic attack) score", "Assessment using congestive heart failure, hypertension, age 75 years or older, diabetes mellitus and previous stroke or transient ischemic attack score", "Assessment using congestive heart failure, hypertension, age 75 years or older, diabetes mellitus and previous stroke or transient ischaemic attack score", "Assessment using CHADS2 (congestive heart failure, hypertension, age 75 years or older, diabetes mellitus and previous stroke or transient ischaemic attack) score", "使用充血性心力衰竭、高血压、年龄 75 岁或以上、糖尿病和先前中风或短暂性脑缺血发作评分进行评估", "使用充血性心力衰竭、高血压、年龄 75 岁或以上、糖尿病和既往中风或短暂性脑缺血发作评分进行评估", "使用 CHADS2(充血性心力衰竭、高血压、年龄 75 岁或以上、糖尿病和既往中风或短暂性脑缺血发作)评分进行评估" ], "271487006": [ "Incision of skin lesion", "皮肤病变切开术" ], "1303679007": [ "Arthrectomy of bilateral knees for semilunar cartilage excision", "Excision of meniscus of bilateral knees", "Meniscectomy of bilateral knees", "Excision of semilunar cartilage of bilateral knees", "Bilateral meniscectomy", "Chondrectomy of semilunar cartilage of bilateral knees", "双膝半月软骨切除术", "双膝关节半月软骨切除术", "双侧半月板切除术", "双膝半月板切除术" ], "449876000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging for cardiac morphology and function", "MRI for cardiac morphology and function", "MRI 检查心脏形态和功能", "磁共振成像用于心脏形态和功能" ], "302420002": [ "Removal of organic material from skin", "去除皮肤上的有机物质" ], "122196003": [ "Leishmania culture", "利什曼原虫培养" ], "236884004": [ "Intrauterine polypectomy", "Excision of uterine polyp", "Excision of endometrial polyp", "子宫息肉切除术", "子宫内膜息肉切除术", "宫内息肉切除术" ], "171348006": [ "Heavy goods vehicle examination", "HGV - Heavy goods vehicle examination", "重型货车检查", "HGV - 重型货车检查" ], "415273001": [ "Referral to glaucoma clinic", "转诊至青光眼诊所" ], "103977001": [ "N blood group antibody identification", "N血型抗体鉴定" ], "431657004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of popliteal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮腔内腘动脉血管成形术" ], "36606003": [ "Repair of nasal sinus", "鼻窦修复" ], "233214006": [ "Balloon dilatation of pulmonary artery", "Angioplasty of pulmonary artery", "肺动脉球囊扩张术", "肺动脉血管成形术" ], "282366007": [ "Excisional biopsy of lesion of tongue", "舌病损切除活检" ], "231379001": [ "Intrathecal neurolytic injection", "鞘内神经阻断注射" ], "427987005": [ "Vocal cordectomy type I", "Subepithelial cordectomy", "上皮下脊髓切除术", "声带切除术 I 型" ], "49320002": [ "Removal of foreign body of lacrimal canaliculi", "泪小管异物取出术" ], "426152002": [ "Active radiant warming of infant", "婴儿主动辐射保暖" ], "311464004": [ "Internal fixation using wire", "使用钢丝进行内固定" ], "229544007": [ "Trunk strapping", "行李箱捆扎" ], "360616008": [ "Selective parenteral and enteral regimen", "SPEAR - Selective parenteral and enteral antisepsis regimen", "选择性肠外和肠内治疗方案", "SPEAR-选择性肠外和肠内消毒方案" ], "1163432009": [ "Adenomyomectomy", "子宫腺肌瘤切除术" ], "47485003": [ "Creation of aortomesenteric shunt", "Aortomesenteric vascular bypass", "建立主动脉肠系膜分流术", "主动脉肠系膜血管搭桥术" ], "276861004": [ "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of artery", "Percutaneous angioplasty of artery", "经皮动脉血管成形术", "经皮动脉球囊成形术" ], "309629005": [ "Child referral - community dentist", "儿童转诊-社区牙医" ], "391549005": [ "Thrombin time reference", "凝血酶时间参考" ], "1259901008": [ "Liposuction of subcutaneous tissue of head", "Suction assisted lipectomy of head", "头部吸脂术", "头部皮下组织抽脂术" ], "440701009": [ "Injection of depot antipsychotic agent", "注射长效抗精神病药物" ], "78418002": [ "Operation on heart and pericardium", "心脏及心包手术" ], "113021009": [ "Cardiovascular measurement", "心血管测量" ], "176722004": [ "Abdominal repair vesicovaginal fistula", "腹部修补膀胱阴道瘘" ], "1208914005": [ "Transperineal needle biopsy of prostate using ultrasonographic guidance", "Transperineal needle biopsy of prostate using ultrasound guidance", "Ultrasonography guided transperineal needle biopsy of prostate", "超声引导下经会阴前列腺穿刺活检" ], "43815004": [ "Implantation of cochlear prosthetic device, single channel", "Implantation of cochlear electronic stimulator, single channel", "植入人工耳蜗电子刺激器,单通道", "人工耳蜗植入,单通道" ], "305959006": [ "Referral by chest physician", "Referral from chest physician", "Referral from thoracic physician", "胸科医生的转诊", "胸科医师转诊" ], "699175009": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of patella with internal fixation", "髌骨骨折闭合复位内固定" ], "171217001": [ "Congenital eye disorder screening", "先天性眼疾筛查" ], "1187025001": [ "Continuous mandatory ventilation volume-targeted pressure-control inflation-type", "持续指令通气量目标压力控制充气型" ], "416977004": [ "Referral to minor ailments clinic", "转诊至小病门诊" ], "89297009": [ "Replacement of temporary transvenous pacemaker system", "临时静脉起搏器系统更换" ], "103846002": [ "Platelet factor 3 assay", "血小板第 3 因子测定" ], "122065009": [ "Parainfluenza virus 1 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human parainfluenza virus 1 antibody", "人类副流感病毒 1 型抗体测量", "副流感病毒 1 型抗体检测" ], "710054004": [ "Maintaining skin integrity", "Maintaining integrity of skin", "保持皮肤完整性", "保持皮肤的完整性" ], "234918005": [ "Suture tooth socket", "缝合牙窝" ], "447910007": [ "Anterior arthrodesis of sacroiliac joint", "Fusion of sacroiliac joint by anterior approach", "前入路骶髂关节融合术", "骶髂关节前路融合术" ], "446075001": [ "Laparoscopic incision of ureter", "Laparoscopic ureterotomy", "腹腔镜输尿管切开术" ], "233083004": [ "Suture of left ventricle", "左心室缝合" ], "34640001": [ "Sialolithotomy", "Ptyalolithotomy", "Duct sialolithotomy", "Sialoadenolithotomy", "Removal of sialolith", "Removal of calculus from salivary duct", "Sialolithectomy", "清除涎管结石", "涎液取石术", "涎石切开术", "涎管切开取石术", "咽喉取石术", "去除涎石", "涎石摘除术" ], "231248002": [ "Local anesthetic intravenous regional block of leg", "LA - Local anesthetic intravenous regional block of leg", "Local anaesthetic intravenous regional block of leg", "Biers block of leg", "LA - Local anaesthetic intravenous regional block of leg", "LA - 腿部局部麻醉静脉区域阻滞", "腿部局部麻醉静脉区域阻滞", "棺材板腿" ], "395088006": [ "Rehabilitation and readaption", "康复和重新适应" ], "229413000": [ "Accessory mobilization of the thoracic spine", "Accessory mobilisation of the thoracic spine", "胸椎辅助活动" ], "1872009": [ "Suture of male perineum", "男性会阴缝合术" ], "112890006": [ "Lingual thyroidectomy by transoral route", "经口入路舌侧甲状腺切除术" ], "440570006": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of lateral condyle of humerus", "肱骨外髁骨折闭合复位" ], "424186008": [ "Paraprofessional/aide care education, guidance, counselling", "Paraprofessional/aide care education, guidance, counseling", "Paraprofessional/aide care teaching, guidance and counselling", "Paraprofessional/aide care teaching, guidance and counseling", "辅助专业人员/助手护理教育、指导、咨询", "辅助专业人员/助手护理教学、指导和咨询" ], "307663000": [ "Exploration of colon", "结肠探查" ], "176591004": [ "Drainage of Bartholin's gland", "Drainage of Bartholin gland", "巴氏腺引流" ], "699044002": [ "Cultured graft of skin to skin", "皮肤与皮肤的培养移植" ], "60068003": [ "Incision of endolymphatic sac", "内淋巴囊切开术" ], "764580004": [ "Computed tomography of stomach with contrast", "CT of stomach with contrast", "胃部增强 CT 扫描", "胃部增强计算机断层扫描" ], "387748005": [ "Cauterisation of lung lesion", "Cauterization of lung lesion", "Cautery to lung lesion", "肺损伤烧灼术", "肺部损伤烧灼", "肺部病变烧灼" ], "240292006": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of fetal pericardial effusion", "Percutaneous aspiration of foetal pericardial effusion", "经皮穿刺抽吸胎儿心包积液" ], "172921000": [ "Uncinectomy", "Ethmoid infundibulotomy", "Ethmoid infundibulectomy", "钩突切除术", "筛窦漏斗切开术", "筛窦漏斗切除术" ], "287609002": [ "Removal of dermal appendage", "去除真皮附属物" ], "713593003": [ "Transanal radiofrequency thermotherapy of anal sphincter", "经肛门射频热疗肛门括约肌" ], "271225003": [ "Serum ADH-arginine vasopressin measurement", "Serum ADH-arginine vasopressin level", "Serum antidiuretic hormone-arginine vasopressin measurement", "血清抗利尿激素-精氨酸加压素水平", "血清抗利尿激素-精氨酸加压素测定" ], "385913007": [ "Teach decubitus care", "Education about care of pressure injury", "教导褥疮护理", "压力性损伤护理教育" ], "121934000": [ "Blastomyces dermatitidis antibody assay", "Measurement of Blastomyces dermatitidis antibody", "皮炎芽生菌抗体的测量", "皮炎芽生菌抗体测定" ], "72782000": [ "Excision of lesion of sympathetic nerve", "交感神经损伤切除术" ], "7246002": [ "Kidney biopsy", "Renal biopsy", "肾活检" ], "40014003": [ "Destruction of lesion of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织损伤破坏" ], "56398008": [ "Arthrotomy with removal of prosthesis", "Removal of prosthesis from joint structures", "Removal of joint prosthesis", "Removal of prosthetic joint", "Removal of joint implant", "移除关节假体", "拆除假肢关节", "关节切开术及假体移除", "从关节结构中取出假体", "移除关节植入物" ], "38179002": [ "Excisional biopsy of pituitary gland by transfrontal approach", "经额入路垂体切除活检" ], "185635003": [ "IUD check - 3rd call", "Contraceptive IUD check - 3rd call", "Contraceptive intrauterine device check - third call", "避孕宫内节育器检查 - 第三次呼叫", "宫内节育器检查 - 第三次呼叫" ], "70947003": [ "Manipulation of carpal region with application of splint", "使用夹板进行腕部操作" ], "234787002": [ "ACR - Amalgam cement restoration", "AM - Amalgam restoration", "Amalgam cement restoration", "AR - Amalgam restoration", "Amalgam restoration", "Insert amalgam tooth filling", "Insertion of amalgam restoration into tooth", "AM - 汞合金修复", "AR - 汞合金修复", "插入汞合金牙填充物", "汞合金修复", "汞合金水泥修复", "将汞合金修复体插入牙齿", "ACR - 汞合金水泥修复" ], "21795006": [ "Endoscopic brush biopsy of rectum", "内镜直肠刷检" ], "1332515007": [ "Assessment using interviewer led CRQ (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire) emotional function subscale", "Assessment using interviewer led Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire emotional function subscale", "Assessment using CRQ-IL (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire interviewer led) emotional function subscale", "使用访谈员主导的 CRQ(慢性呼吸问卷)情绪功能分量表进行评估", "使用访谈员主导的慢性呼吸问卷情绪功能分量表进行评估", "使用 CRQ-IL(慢性呼吸问卷访谈员主导)情绪功能分量表进行评估" ], "52728000": [ "Removal of foreign body of larynx by incision", "喉部切开取异物" ], "445944001": [ "Endodiathermy of vitreous body", "玻璃体腔内电热术" ], "169251004": [ "Ultrasound scan of bladder", "Ultrasonography of urinary bladder", "Ultrasound of urinary bladder", "膀胱超声检查", "膀胱超声扫描" ], "103715008": [ "Removal of catheter", "拔除导管" ], "232952007": [ "Operation on implanted truncal valve", "动脉干瓣膜植入手术" ], "231117000": [ "Open dorsal column stimulation", "开放背柱刺激" ], "83661003": [ "Lepromin H skin test", "Lepromin human skin test", "Lepromin H 皮肤试验", "麻风毒素人体皮肤试验" ], "394957003": [ "Mixed venous carbon dioxide level", "混合静脉二氧化碳水平" ], "247501005": [ "Creation of Brooke ileostomy", "布鲁克回肠造口术的创立" ], "65442003": [ "Lysis of adhesions of spinal cord", "脊髓粘连松解术" ], "360354004": [ "Open fine needle aspiration biopsy of liver", "肝脏开放性细针穿刺活检" ], "425890004": [ "Checking contraceptive diaphragm", "检查避孕隔膜" ], "229282003": [ "TE - Timing for emphasis technique", "Pivoting technique", "Timing for emphasis technique", "TE - 强调时机技术", "旋转技术", "强调时机技术" ], "440439000": [ "Aspiration of urinary bladder using trocar", "使用套管针抽吸膀胱" ], "391287003": [ "Prothrombin time - reference", "凝血酶原时间 - 参考" ], "473207004": [ "Assessment of need for interpreter", "评估对口译员的需求" ], "30839005": [ "Psychologic test, Benton visual retention test", "心理测试、本顿视觉保留测试" ], "702583009": [ "Counselling for sterilisation", "Counseling for sterilization", "绝育咨询" ], "405836003": [ "Neurofibromatosis type 2 mutation carrier detection test", "NF2 gene mutation carrier detection test", "NF2基因突变携带者检测", "神经纤维瘤病 2 型突变携带者检测" ], "1255969004": [ "Replacement of pump segment of intrathecal catheter using fluoroscopic guidance", "Replacement of pump segment of microspinal catheter using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided replacement of pump segment of intrathecal catheter", "透视引导下鞘内导管泵段更换", "透视引导下微脊椎导管泵段更换术", "透视引导下鞘内导管泵段更换术" ], "174625005": [ "Endoscopic change of biliary stent", "Endoscopic retrograde renewal of tubal prosthesis in bile duct", "胆道支架内镜改变", "内镜逆行胆管假体修复术" ], "764449007": [ "Lip adhesion of right cleft lip", "右唇裂唇粘连" ], "385782000": [ "Home health aide service education", "Teach home health aide service", "教授家庭健康助理服务", "家庭健康助理服务教育" ], "238326001": [ "Mediastinoscopy and aspiration of lesion", "纵隔镜检查及病变抽吸" ], "387617009": [ "Aspiration of ectopic pregnancy from fallopian tube", "Aspiration of gestational sac from fallopian tube", "输卵管异位妊娠抽吸术", "从输卵管抽吸妊娠囊" ], "287478001": [ "Non-surgical endometrial biopsy", "非手术子宫内膜活检" ], "172790004": [ "Submucous resection of nasal septum", "SMR - Submucous resection of nasal septum", "SMR - Submucous resection", "Submucous resection", "Nasal septectomy", "Submucous excision of cartilage of nasal septum", "Submucous nasal septectomy", "Submucous chondrectomy of nasal septum", "鼻中隔粘膜下切除术", "鼻中隔粘膜下软骨切除术", "SMR-鼻中隔粘膜下切除术", "粘膜下鼻中隔切除术", "SMR-粘膜下切除术", "黏膜下切除术", "鼻中隔切除术", "鼻中隔软骨粘膜下切除术" ], "1286902005": [ "Dynamic contour tonometry", "动态轮廓眼压测量" ], "121803003": [ "Lambda light chain measurement", "Lambda 轻链测量" ], "252875005": [ "Prism reflection test", "PRT - Prism reflection test", "棱镜反射测试", "PRT——棱镜反射测试" ], "416715006": [ "Articulatory treatment", "关节治疗" ], "447648004": [ "Suturing of vein of neck", "颈静脉缝合" ], "414880004": [ "Nuchal ultrasound scan", "颈部超声扫描" ], "234656009": [ "Reduction of maxillary tuberosity", "上颌结节缩小术" ], "265589001": [ "Transurethral cryotherapy of prostate", "Endoscopic cryoprostatectomy", "内镜冷冻前列腺切除术", "经尿道前列腺冷冻治疗" ], "118133003": [ "Spermatozoa morphology differential count", "精子形态分类计数" ], "413045005": [ "Urine glycosaminoglycan typing", "尿糖胺聚糖分型" ], "36213007": [ "Endoscopy and brush biopsy", "Endoscopic brush biopsy", "内窥镜检查和刷检", "内镜刷检" ], "232821007": [ "Patch enlargement of aortic valve annulus", "主动脉瓣环补片扩大" ], "83530000": [ "Curettage of cyst of scapula", "肩胛骨囊肿刮除术" ], "445813009": [ "Assessment using behavioral assessment of the dysexecutive syndrome", "Assessment using behavioural assessment of the dysexecutive syndrome", "使用行为评估方法评估执行障碍综合征" ], "443978005": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of creatinine in predialysis serum or plasma", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of creatinine in predialysis serum or plasma specimen", "透析前血清或血浆中肌酐质量浓度的定量测量", "透析前血清或血浆标本中肌酐质量浓度的定量测量" ], "230986008": [ "Excision of cyst of spinal cord meninges", "脊髓脑膜囊肿切除术" ], "32543005": [ "Transcatheter therapy with bougienage", "经导管探条治疗" ], "229151005": [ "Head lifting exercise", "抬头运动" ], "179999007": [ "Transplantation between systems", "系统间移植" ], "14324001": [ "Stretching of eyelid", "眼睑伸展" ], "47092002": [ "Closure of ileostomy", "Take-down of ileostomy", "回肠造口术拆除", "回肠造口术关闭" ], "391156007": [ "Medication review without patient", "无需患者参与的药物审查" ], "63476009": [ "Prostate specific antigen measurement", "PSA measurement", "PSA - Serum prostate specific antigen level", "PSA - Prostate-specific antigen level", "PSA 测量", "前列腺特异抗原测量", "PSA-血清前列腺特异抗原水平", "PSA-前列腺特异性抗原水平" ], "405705001": [ "Removal of foreign body from forefoot", "取出前脚异物" ], "45257003": [ "Destructive procedure of heart valve", "心脏瓣膜破坏性手术" ], "28873008": [ "Destruction of lesion of mediastinum", "纵隔病变破坏术" ], "289182003": [ "Advice to change vitamin intake", "Recommendation to change vitamin intake", "建议改变维生素摄入量", "改变维生素摄入量的建议" ], "174494006": [ "Total cholecystectomy and excision of surrounding tissue", "全胆囊切除术和周围组织切除术" ], "287347004": [ "Arterial bypass graft - venous", "Arterial bypass using vein graft", "动脉旁路移植术 - 静脉", "使用静脉移植进行动脉搭桥手术" ], "172659005": [ "Biopsy of mastoid", "乳突活检" ], "418419008": [ "Virtual CT bronchoscopy", "Virtual computed tomography bronchoscopy", "Computerized tomographic bronchography", "Computerised tomographic bronchography", "虚拟计算机断层扫描支气管镜检查", "计算机断层支气管造影", "虚拟 CT 支气管镜检查" ], "236360000": [ "Removal of constricting object around penis", "去除阴茎周围的束缚物" ], "105288001": [ "Perphenazine measurement", "奋乃静测量" ], "121672007": [ "Propylthiouracil measurement", "丙基硫氧嘧啶测量" ], "709661000": [ "Ultrasound guided aspiration of limb", "Aspiration of limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of limb", "超声引导下肢体穿刺", "超声引导下进行肢体穿刺" ], "88904009": [ "Repair of epicanthus", "Epicanthus repair", "内眦赘皮修复" ], "447517002": [ "Video assisted thoracoscopic esophagectomy by abdominal approach", "Video assisted thoracoscopic excision of esophagus by abdominal approach", "Video assisted thoracoscopic oesophagectomy by abdominal approach", "Video assisted thoracoscopic excision of oesophagus by abdominal approach", "电视胸腔镜经腹食管切除术", "电视辅助胸腔镜经腹食管切除术" ], "168989005": [ "Lymphangiography neck", "Neck lymphangiogram", "颈部淋巴管造影" ], "54301007": [ "Total ischiectomy", "全脑切除术" ], "119837008": [ "Skin of neck destructive procedure", "颈部皮肤破坏性手术" ], "707826003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal occlusion of anastomosis between pulmonary artery and subclavian artery", "经皮腔内肺动脉与锁骨下动脉吻合口闭塞术" ], "118002003": [ "Thyroperoxidase antibody assay", "Measurement of thyroperoxidase antibody", "甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体检测", "甲状腺过氧化物酶抗体测量" ], "314610005": [ "Transanal submucosal excision of rectal tumor", "Transanal submucosal excision of rectal tumour", "经肛门黏膜下切除直肠肿瘤" ], "412914004": [ "Urine amino acid chromatography", "尿液氨基酸色谱分析" ], "265458003": [ "Pancreaticoduodenectomy and excision of surrounding tissue", "胰十二指肠切除术及周围组织切除术" ], "116167000": [ "Excision of lesion of ovary in fragments", "卵巢病损碎片切除术" ], "232690004": [ "Percutaneous dilatational cricothyroidotomy", "经皮环甲膜扩张术" ], "230855001": [ "Injection into subcutaneous reservoir connecting to brain lesion", "注射至连接脑损伤部位的皮下储液器" ], "312775003": [ "Debridement of ulcer", "溃疡清创" ], "50631004": [ "Clot retraction, quantitative", "血凝块回缩,定量" ], "787911001": [ "Preoperative cardiopulmonary exercise test using leg ergometry", "Preoperative cardiopulmonary exercise test using bicycle ergometer", "采用腿部测力计进行术前心肺运动测试", "术前使用自行车测功仪进行心肺运动测试" ], "720540002": [ "Second meningitis B vaccination", "Second meningitis B immunization", "Second meningitis B immunisation", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B antigen", "Administration of second dose of meningitis B vaccine", "接种第二剂脑膜炎 B 疫苗", "第二次脑膜炎 B 疫苗接种", "接种第二剂仅含脑膜炎奈瑟菌 B 血清群抗原的疫苗产品", "第二次脑膜炎 B 免疫", "第二次脑膜炎 B 免疫接种" ], "179868005": [ "Endoscopic reattachment of intra-articular ligament", "内窥镜关节内韧带复位术" ], "391025002": [ "Osteoporosis - dietary assessment", "骨质疏松症 - 饮食评估" ], "178033004": [ "Local fascial transposition flap", "局部筋膜转位皮瓣" ], "866161006": [ "Diphtheria and tetanus booster immunisation", "Diphtheria and tetanus booster immunization", "Diphtheria and tetanus booster vaccination", "Administration of booster dose of diphtheria and tetanus vaccine", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens", "注射仅含破伤风梭菌和白喉棒状杆菌抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量", "白喉和破伤风加强疫苗接种", "白喉和破伤风加强免疫", "注射加强剂量白喉和破伤风疫苗" ], "274502001": [ "Antihaemophilic factor transfusion", "Antihemophilic factor transfusion", "抗血友病因子输血" ], "241734001": [ "Upper tourniquet cuff inflation", "上部止血带袖口充气" ], "225350005": [ "Showing the client respect", "向客户表示尊重" ], "438342006": [ "Replacement of peritoneal dialysis catheter", "腹膜透析导管更换" ], "1208390008": [ "Percutaneous biopsy of muscle", "经皮肌肉活检" ], "305435008": [ "Admission to vascular surgery department", "血管外科入院" ], "860656000": [ "Peritoneovenous shunt patency test", "腹腔静脉分流术通畅性检查" ], "303600003": [ "Renewal of artificial urinary sphincter around male bladder neck or urethra", "男性膀胱颈或尿道周围人工尿道括约肌的更新" ], "236229002": [ "Cystoscopy and destruction of bladder lesion", "Transurethral destruction of bladder lesion", "Cystoscopy and destruction of lesion of urinary bladder", "经尿道膀胱病变毁损术", "膀胱镜检查及膀胱病变破坏", "膀胱镜检查及膀胱病变破坏术" ], "170693002": [ "Follow-up neurological assessment", "后续神经系统评估" ], "121541002": [ "Dicloxacillin measurement", "双氯西林测定" ], "105157006": [ "Dextropropoxyphene measurement", "右丙氧芬测量" ], "6853008": [ "Nasogastric tube aspiration", "Aspirating nasogastric tube", "Suction of nasogastric tube", "抽吸鼻胃管", "鼻胃管抽吸" ], "252613008": [ "Electrophysiological tests of hearing", "听觉电生理测试" ], "21402002": [ "Epidural injection of contrast substance via caudal route", "经骶管硬膜外注射造影剂" ], "168858007": [ "Retrograde cystography", "逆行膀胱造影" ], "265327000": [ "Tooth and gingiva operations", "Teeth and gingiva operations", "牙齿和牙龈手术" ], "134255000": [ "Chlamydia psittaci IgM level", "Chlamydia psittaci immunoglobulin M level", "Chlamydophila psittaci IgM level", "Chlamydophila psittaci immunoglobulin M level", "鹦鹉热衣原体免疫球蛋白 M 水平", "鹦鹉热衣原体 IgM 水平" ], "429167002": [ "Endovascular repair of infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm using endovascular stent graft", "使用血管内支架移植物修复肾下腹主动脉瘤" ], "117871005": [ "Salmonella species serotype determination", "沙门氏菌血清型测定" ], "3183007": [ "Closure of colostomy", "Take-down of colostomy", "结肠造口术拆除", "结肠造口闭合" ], "312644004": [ "Angioplasty of posterior tibial artery", "胫后动脉血管成形术" ], "736793003": [ "Cardiac MRI with contrast", "MRI of heart with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of heart with contrast", "心脏 MRI 对比检查", "心脏 MRI 增强扫描", "心脏磁共振成像对比" ], "179737004": [ "Primary open allograft replacement intra-articular ligament", "初次开放同种异体移植置换关节内韧带" ], "177902001": [ "Repair of recurrent incisional hernia using sutures", "缝合修复复发性切口疝" ], "389059002": [ "Reconstruction of pharynx", "Pharyngeal reconstruction", "Reconstruction of pharynx operations", "Pharyngoplasty", "咽部重建", "咽成形术", "咽部重建手术" ], "405443002": [ "Ray amputation of foot", "Amputation of toe and metatarsal", "趾骨及跖骨截除术", "足部射线截肢" ], "225219005": [ "Verbal communication interventions", "Communication care", "沟通关怀", "言语沟通干预" ], "241603006": [ "MRI of brain with functional imaging", "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain with functional imaging", "脑部 MRI 功能成像", "脑部磁共振成像与功能成像" ], "274371008": [ "Biopsy of adrenal gland", "肾上腺活检" ], "305304001": [ "Admission by gastrointestinal surgeon", "Admission by GI surgeon", "胃肠外科医生入院" ], "419992002": [ "Fluoroscopic nephrostography", "荧光肾造影" ], "698520001": [ "Split thickness autograft of skin to skin of head", "Partial thickness autograft of skin to skin of head", "头部皮肤分层自体移植", "部分厚度自体皮肤移植至头部皮肤" ], "75928003": [ "Pinard maneuver", "Pinard manoeuvre", "皮纳德机动" ], "370840004": [ "Maintaining and protecting the patient's autonomy, dignity, and human rights", "Preserves and protects patient's autonomy dignity and human rights", "维护和保护患者的自主权、尊严和人权", "维护和保障患者的自主尊严和人权" ], "88642000": [ "Anal cryptectomy, multiple", "肛门隐窝切除术,多个" ], "121410000": [ "Normaprotiline measurement", "去甲马普替林测量" ], "6722002": [ "Nephrolithotomy for removal of calculus", "Removal of calculus of kidney by incision", "肾结石切除术", "切开取石术" ], "252482003": [ "Stair-climbing test", "爬楼梯测试" ], "105026008": [ "Verdohemoglobin measurement", "Verdohaemoglobin measurement", "Choleglobin measurement", "胆红蛋白测量", "Verdo血红蛋白测量", "绿血红蛋白测量" ], "201495001": [ "History taking, complete", "病史采集已完成" ], "119575003": [ "Musculoskeletal system transplantation", "肌肉骨骼系统移植" ], "234263003": [ "Excision of mediastinal lymph node", "纵隔淋巴结切除术" ], "398103004": [ "Human placental lactogen measurement", "HPL - Human placental lactogen level", "Human placental lactogen level", "Human chorionic somatomammotropin measurement", "人胎盘催乳素测定", "人胎盘催乳素水平", "HPL-人胎盘催乳素水平", "人绒毛膜生长激素测定" ], "430871004": [ "Writing therapy", "写作疗法" ], "429036001": [ "Insertion of stent into femoral artery", "将支架插入股动脉" ], "723948002": [ "Clozapine therapy", "氯氮平治疗" ], "609260005": [ "Laparoscopic repair of obturator hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下闭孔疝修补术" ], "265196006": [ "Prosthetic interposition reconstruction of joint", "Prosthetic interposition arthroplasty", "假体插入关节置换术", "关节假体植入重建" ], "445420008": [ "Replacement of extracranial ventricular shunt", "颅外脑室分流术" ], "117740008": [ "Herpes simplex virus 2 antibody pattern determination", "单纯疱疹病毒 2 型抗体模式测定" ], "50369003": [ "Transconjunctival biopsy of orbit", "Transconjunctival biopsy of orbit proper", "眼眶结膜活检" ], "1179030003": [ "Trabeculectomy ab interno", "内镜小梁切除术" ], "425366005": [ "Maintenance of temporary epicardial cardiac pacemaker system", "Temporary epicardial cardiac pacemaker care", "临时心外膜心脏起搏器的维护", "临时心外膜心脏起搏器的护理" ], "1193579000": [ "Arthroscopy of shoulder with removal of loose body", "肩关节镜检查及游离体移除" ], "179606009": [ "Primary open reduction of dislocation and functional bracing", "脱位的初次切开复位和功能性支撑" ], "1162646009": [ "Administration of second dose of SARS-CoV-2 recombinant spike protein antigen vaccine", "Second dose of COVID-19 recombinant spike protein antigen immunization", "Second dose of 2019 novel coronavirus recombinant spike protein antigen immunisation", "Second dose of SARS-CoV-2 recombinant spike protein antigen immunization", "Second dose of 2019-nCoV recombinant spike protein antigen vaccination", "Second dose of 2019 novel coronavirus recombinant spike protein antigen vaccination", "Second dose of COVID-19 recombinant spike protein antigen vaccination", "Second dose of 2019 novel coronavirus recombinant spike protein antigen immunization", "Second dose of 2019-nCoV recombinant spike protein antigen immunization", "Second dose of COVID-19 recombinant spike protein antigen immunisation", "Second dose of 2019-nCoV recombinant spike protein antigen immunisation", "Second dose of SARS-CoV-2 recombinant spike protein antigen vaccination", "Second dose of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 recombinant spike protein antigen vaccination", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 recombinant spike protein antigen", "接种第二剂仅含严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 重组刺突蛋白抗原的疫苗产品", "第二剂严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 重组刺突蛋白抗原疫苗", "第二剂 SARS-CoV-2 重组刺突蛋白抗原疫苗", "2019 新型冠状病毒重组刺突蛋白抗原第二剂免疫", "第二剂 2019-nCoV 重组刺突蛋白抗原疫苗", "接种第二剂 SARS-CoV-2 重组刺突蛋白抗原疫苗", "第二剂2019新型冠状病毒重组刺突蛋白抗原疫苗", "第二剂 SARS-CoV-2 重组刺突蛋白抗原免疫", "第二剂 2019 新型冠状病毒重组刺突蛋白抗原免疫", "第二剂 COVID-19 重组刺突蛋白抗原免疫", "第二剂新冠肺炎重组刺突蛋白抗原疫苗", "第二剂 2019-nCoV 重组刺突蛋白抗原免疫" ], "408982008": [ "Renal care education", "Teach renal care", "教授肾脏护理", "肾脏护理教育" ], "865899005": [ "Pneumocystosis jirovecii pneumonia prophylaxis", "PCP - pneumocystis pneumonia prophylaxis", "PJP (Pneumocystosis jirovecii pneumonia) prophylaxis", "Pulmonary pneumocystosis prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic anti-infective agent for Pneumocystosis jirovecii pneumonia", "耶氏肺孢子虫肺炎预防", "预防性使用抗感染药物治疗耶氏肺孢子虫肺炎", "肺孢子虫病预防", "PJP(耶氏肺孢子虫肺炎)预防", "PCP-- 肺孢子虫肺炎预防" ], "79467005": [ "Removal of nasal pack", "Removal of packing from cavity of nose", "拆除鼻塞", "取出鼻腔填塞物" ], "27511000175107": [ "Heart failure management program", "Heart failure management programme", "心力衰竭管理计划" ], "225088003": [ "Insertion of indwelling urethral catheter", "插入留置尿道导管" ], "307008007": [ "Exploration of liver hilum", "肝门探查" ], "405312008": [ "Axillobiprofunda bypass using prosthesis", "Axillo-biprofunda bypass using prosthesis", "腋窝双侧深静脉搭桥术", "腋窝深部搭桥术" ], "174101001": [ "Sigmoid colectomy and anastomosis of colon to rectum", "乙状结肠切除及结肠直肠吻合术" ], "239637002": [ "Soft tissue release for correction of congenital deformity of midfoot", "软组织松解术矫正中足先天畸形" ], "241472007": [ "US scan of transplant liver", "Ultrasound scan of transplant liver", "移植肝脏的超声波扫描", "移植肝脏的超声扫描" ], "59413000": [ "Radiologic guidance for dilation of urethra", "尿道扩张的放射学指导" ], "419861003": [ "Ultrasound of peripheral artery", "Ultrasonography of peripheral artery", "Ultrasound arteriography of peripheral artery", "Ultrasound angiography of peripheral artery", "外周动脉超声检查", "外周动脉超声血管造影", "外周动脉超声造影" ], "172266001": [ "Central protective suture of eyelid", "眼睑中央保护缝合" ], "450794001": [ "Revision of closure of defect of septum of heart", "心脏隔膜缺损修复术" ], "252351001": [ "PMA - Phorbol myristate acetate T-lymphocyte stimulation", "Phorbol myristate acetate T-lymphocyte stimulation", "PMA - 佛波醇肉豆蔻酸酯醋酸盐 T 淋巴细胞刺激", "佛波醇肉豆蔻酸酯T淋巴细胞刺激" ], "170431005": [ "Administration of booster dose of measles and mumps and rubella vaccine", "Measles and mumps and rubella booster immunization", "Measles and mumps and rubella booster immunisation", "Measles and mumps and rubella booster vaccination", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus antigens", "接种麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹疫苗加强剂", "麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹加强疫苗接种", "注射仅含麻疹病毒、腮腺炎病毒和风疹病毒抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量", "麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹加强免疫" ], "104895005": [ "Propionyl-CoA carboxylase measurement", "Propionyl-coenzyme A carboxylase measurement", "丙酰辅酶 A 羧化酶测定", "丙酰辅酶 A 羧化酶测量" ], "1153471005": [ "Promotion of mobility using mobility aid", "使用助行器促进行动" ], "416191006": [ "Drainage of orofacial abscess", "颌面部脓肿引流" ], "121279006": [ "gamma-Benzene hexachloride measurement", "Measurement of hexachlorocyclohexane", "γ-六氯化苯测量", "六氯环己烷的测量" ], "86676001": [ "Incision of Rathke's pouch", "Incision of Rathke pouch", "拉特克氏囊切开术", "拉特克袋切开术" ], "55743009": [ "Division of nerve of adrenal gland", "肾上腺神经的分布" ], "70292004": [ "Treatment planning for chemotherapy", "化疗治疗计划" ], "4756005": [ "Cryotherapy of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织冷冻治疗" ], "250516003": [ "Fungal antibody titer measurement", "Fungal antibody titre", "Fungal antibody titer", "Fungal antibody titre measurement", "真菌抗体滴度测定", "真菌抗体滴度" ], "447124007": [ "Marsupialisation of lesion of kidney", "Marsupialization of lesion of kidney", "肾脏病变袋形成形术" ], "265065000": [ "Endoscopic resection of lesion of uterus", "Endoscopic excision of lesion of uterus", "子宫病变内镜切除术" ], "609129002": [ "Revision of internal fixation of carpal and metacarpal bones", "腕骨、掌骨内固定修复" ], "117609005": [ "Herbicide screen", "除草剂筛选" ], "1231721006": [ "Diagnostic aspiration of liver cyst", "Diagnostic aspiration of cyst of liver", "肝囊肿诊断性穿刺" ], "17470000": [ "Repair of venous graft", "静脉移植修复" ], "68457009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty", "Dotter operation for transluminal angioplasty", "PCA - Percutaneous angioplasty", "Percutaneous angioplasty", "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty", "经皮球囊血管成形术", "经皮血管成形术", "经皮腔内球囊血管成形术", "PCA-- 经皮血管成形术", "腔内血管成形术的 Dotter 手术" ], "445289008": [ "Exploration of fascia of hand", "手部筋膜探查" ], "50238004": [ "Operation on tarsus", "Operation on tarsal plate of eyelid", "眼睑板手术", "跗骨手术" ], "83006006": [ "Repair of macrodactyly of finger", "Repair of macrodactylia of finger", "Reduction of size of finger for macrodactyly repair", "Shortening of finger for macrodactyly repair", "缩小手指尺寸以修复巨指症", "缩短手指以修复巨指症", "巨指畸形的修复" ], "771134008": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of left facet joint of lumbar spine", "Injection of left facet joint of lumbar spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下腰椎左侧小关节注射" ], "736531000": [ "Repair of laceration of cornea", "Corneal laceration repair", "角膜裂伤修复", "角膜裂伤的修复" ], "441619002": [ "Repair of obstetric laceration of perineum and anal sphincter and mucosa of rectum", "产科会阴、肛门括约肌及直肠黏膜裂伤的修复" ], "738366008": [ "Respite care education", "暂息护理教育" ], "392467004": [ "Castor bean specific IgE antibody measurement", "k71 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Castor bean specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "k71特异性IgE抗体测量", "蓖麻籽特异性IgE抗体测定", "蓖麻特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "5811000087101": [ "Angiography of left carotid artery", "Arteriography of left carotid artery", "左颈动脉造影" ], "785683006": [ "Meibomian gland manual expression", "Manual expression of meibomian gland", "手动挤压睑板腺", "睑板腺手动表达" ], "16051000087102": [ "Fluoroscopic angiogram of right cervical vertebral artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of right cervical vertebral artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriogram of right cervical vertebral artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of right cervical vertebral artery with contrast", "右侧颈椎动脉荧光造影", "右侧颈椎动脉荧光血管造影", "右颈椎动脉荧光血管造影" ], "359699008": [ "Whitehead operation, radical glossectomy", "怀特黑德手术,根治性舌切除术" ], "21171000087105": [ "Ultrasonography of right biceps tendon", "Ultrasound scan of right biceps tendon", "Ultrasound of right biceps tendon", "右二头肌腱超声检查", "右肱二头肌腱超声检查", "右二头肌腱超声扫描" ], "228627006": [ "Workstation modification", "工作站改造" ], "81171006": [ "Secobarbital measurement", "司可巴比妥测量" ], "691000087108": [ "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of right lower extremity", "Drainage of right lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下右下肢引流" ], "4531000087105": [ "Right fluoroscopic nephrostography", "Fluoroscopic right nephrostography", "荧光透视右肾造影", "右肾荧光透视造影" ], "48403009": [ "Insertion of infusion pump", "输液泵插入" ], "177640001": [ "Insertion of inert substance into skin", "将惰性物质插入皮肤" ], "48051000087105": [ "Recommendation to perform genetic test", "建议进行基因检测" ], "30184009": [ "Excision of lesion from frontal sinus", "额窦病变切除术" ], "275944005": [ "Hypertension monitoring", "高血压监测" ], "388797003": [ "f8 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Maize specific IgE antibody measurement", "Zea mays specific IgE antibody measurement", "Corn specific IgE antibody measurement", "Zea mays specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "玉米特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "玉米特异性IgE抗体测定", "f8特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "308712007": [ "Brain examination", "脑部检查" ], "306877007": [ "Microwave diathermy to shoulder", "肩部微波透热疗法" ], "44733008": [ "Collection of string test", "字符串测试的集合" ], "241341009": [ "Radionuclide study of liver, spleen and biliary tract", "肝脏、脾脏和胆道的放射性核素研究" ], "239506005": [ "Arthroplasty of joint of foot", "足关节置换术" ], "450663006": [ "Therapeutic drilling of bone", "骨治疗钻孔" ], "57447007": [ "Microcomplement consumption test", "微量补体消耗试验" ], "170300004": [ "Child 8 week examination", "Child 8 week exam", "儿童8周检查", "儿童 8 周检查" ], "252220006": [ "Triiodothyronine suppression test", "T3 - Triiodothyronine suppression test", "三碘甲状腺原氨酸抑制试验", "T3-三碘甲状腺原氨酸抑制试验" ], "710972007": [ "Maintaining fall safety alarm", "维护坠落安全警报" ], "874812008": [ "Injection of prostaglandin into corpus cavernosum", "阴茎海绵体注射前列腺素" ], "55612007": [ "Hepatic venography", "Hepatic venogram", "肝静脉造影" ], "104764007": [ "Ketogenic steroids, fractionation", "生酮类固醇,分馏" ], "1251644008": [ "Computed tomography discography with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc of thoracic spine", "Computed tomography discogram of thoracic region with contrast", "CT discography with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc of thoracic spine", "CT discogram of thoracic region with contrast", "胸部增强计算机断层扫描椎间盘造影", "胸椎椎间盘注射造影剂进行 CT 椎间盘造影", "计算机断层扫描椎间盘造影术及向胸椎椎间盘注射造影剂", "胸部增强 CT 椎间盘造影" ], "39228008": [ "Surgical pathology procedure", "手术病理学程序" ], "4625008": [ "Apical pulse taking", "心尖脉搏测量" ], "232166001": [ "Removal of swimmer's osteoma", "Removal of osteoma from external auditory canal", "外耳道骨瘤切除术", "切除游泳者骨瘤" ], "363238003": [ "Non operative procedure on respiratory tract", "呼吸道非手术治疗" ], "314086005": [ "Faecal fat screening test", "Fecal fat screening test", "粪便脂肪筛查测试" ], "19174005": [ "Excision of lesion of ocular tendon", "眼腱损伤切除术" ], "133862007": [ "Open reduction with external fixation", "切开复位外固定" ], "723686008": [ "Biopsy of prostate using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided biopsy of prostate", "使用磁共振成像引导进行前列腺活检", "MRI 引导下前列腺活检" ], "410555001": [ "Excision of benign salivary neoplasm", "涎腺良性肿瘤切除术" ], "443323007": [ "Measurement of monoclonal protein/total protein ratio", "Measurement of ratio of monoclonal protein to total protein", "Monoclonal protein/total protein ratio", "单克隆蛋白与总蛋白比例的测定", "单克隆蛋白/总蛋白比率", "单克隆蛋白/总蛋白比率的测量" ], "17339009": [ "Arteriectomy with anastomosis of abdominal artery", "Resection of abdominal artery with anastomosis", "Angiectomy with anastomosis of abdominal artery", "腹部动脉切除吻合术" ], "310416001": [ "Patching of sinus of Valsalva fistula", "瓦尔萨尔瓦窦瘘修补术" ], "359568001": [ "Enterocolectomy", "肠结肠切除术" ], "64656002": [ "Ventriculomyocardiotomy", "Ventriculotomy of heart", "心室心肌切开术", "心脏脑室切开术" ], "441488005": [ "Measurement of cadmium in 24 hour urine specimen", "24 小时尿液样本中镉的测量" ], "392336002": [ "Sheep sorrel specific IgE antibody measurement", "w18 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rumex acetosella specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rumex acetosella specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "酸模特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "w18 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "酸模特异性IgE抗体测定", "羊酸模特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "406885002": [ "Pyronine B stain method", "Pyronine B stain", "吡咯红B染色法", "吡咯红 B 染色" ], "1258853006": [ "Excision of malignant neoplasm of skin of leg", "Excision of malignant neoplasm of skin of lower extremity", "Excision of malignant neoplasm of skin of lower limb", "小腿皮肤恶性肿瘤切除术", "下肢皮肤恶性肿瘤切除术" ], "46437007": [ "Repair of ostium secundum defect with prosthesis by closed heart technique", "闭式心脏技术修复心脏二孔缺损" ], "273978001": [ "Serum aluminum measurement", "Serum aluminium level", "Serum aluminum level", "Serum aluminium measurement", "血清铝水平", "血清铝测量" ], "241210005": [ "Pneumocystogram", "膀胱气肿造影" ], "388666008": [ "Lactuca sativa specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lettuce specific IgE antibody measurement", "f215 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lactuca sativa specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "莴苣特异性IgE抗体测定", "f215特异性IgE抗体测量", "莴苣特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "生菜特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "386831001": [ "Endoscopy of stomach", "Gastroscopy", "胃内窥镜检查", "胃镜" ], "42767002": [ "Repair of heart assist system", "心脏辅助系统的修复" ], "40932000": [ "Routine administration of medication", "常规用药" ], "239375009": [ "Marsupialisation of lesion of bone of face", "Marsupialization of lesion of bone of face", "面部骨损伤袋形成形术" ], "450532003": [ "Ligation of short saphenous vein and multiple avulsions of varicose veins", "短隐静脉结扎及多处静脉曲张撕脱" ], "172004007": [ "Biopsy of lesion of parathyroid gland", "甲状旁腺病变活检" ], "90084008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging without contrast", "MRI without contrast", "无造影剂 MRI", "无造影磁共振成像" ], "104633002": [ "Desethylamiodarone measurement", "去乙胺碘酮测量" ], "710841007": [ "Assessment of anxiety", "焦虑评估" ], "432313008": [ "Core needle biopsy of axilla using ultrasound guidance", "Core needle biopsy of axilla using ultrasound (US) guidance", "超声引导下腋窝芯针活检", "使用超声引导进行腋窝芯针活检" ], "446862000": [ "One stage intracapsular extraction of lens with insertion of prosthetic intraocular lens", "一期囊内摘除晶状体并植入人工晶状体" ], "283022005": [ "Excision of sinus of skin", "皮肤窦切除术" ], "608867005": [ "Open reduction of fracture of orbit with insertion of implant into bone of orbit", "眼眶骨折切开复位及眼眶骨内植入植入物" ], "51811007": [ "Incision of hordeolum", "Incision of stye", "Incision of sty", "麦粒肿切开术" ], "2659008": [ "Suture of ligament of lower extremity", "下肢韧带缝合" ], "281187007": [ "Open atrial septectomy with inflow occlusion", "开放式房间隔切除术及流入阻断" ], "82744000": [ "Esophagogastrostomy by thoracic approach", "Oesophagogastrostomy by thoracic approach", "Intrathoracic esophagogastric anastomosis", "Intrathoracic oesophagogastric anastomosis", "胸内食管胃吻合术", "经胸入路食管胃吻合术" ], "313955008": [ "Faecal A1 antitrypsin", "Fecal A1 antitrypsin measurement", "Fecal A1 antitrypsin", "Faecal A1 antitrypsin measurement", "粪便A1抗胰蛋白酶", "粪便 A1 抗胰蛋白酶", "粪便A1抗胰蛋白酶测量", "粪便 A1 抗胰蛋白酶测量" ], "443192000": [ "Evaluation of ascitic fluid", "腹水评估" ], "117347008": [ "Laboratory test method with analyte detection limit of 0.001mu/L", "实验室测试方法,分析物检测限为 0.001mu/L" ], "410424005": [ "Wellness surveillance", "健康监测" ], "426808008": [ "Endoscopic ultrasound examination of pancreas", "胰腺内镜超声检查" ], "437771000124104": [ "Decreased lysine diet", "减少赖氨酸饮食" ], "719885002": [ "Training to use public transport", "公共交通使用培训" ], "453131000124105": [ "Videotelephony encounter", "Videoconference encounter", "视频会议遭遇", "视频电话遭遇" ], "179213000": [ "Revision to skeletal traction of fracture", "骨折骨牵引的修订" ], "17208009": [ "Open reduction of alveolar fracture of mandible", "Open reduction of fracture of alveolar process of mandible", "下颌骨牙槽突骨折切开复位术", "下颌骨牙槽骨折切开复位术" ], "31757006": [ "Osteotomy of tibia", "Tibial osteotomy", "Incision of tibia", "胫骨截骨术", "胫骨切开术" ], "48141005": [ "Repair of arteriovenous fistula by clipping", "Clipping of arteriovenous fistula", "夹闭式修复动静脉瘘", "动静脉瘘夹闭术" ], "308450000": [ "Referral to osteopath", "Refer to osteopath", "转诊至整骨医生", "咨询整骨医生" ], "275682000": [ "Adoption - adult applicant examination", "收养 - 成年申请人审查" ], "408589008": [ "Falls assessment", "跌倒评估" ], "177378005": [ "Reconstruction using distant subcutaneous pedicle osteofasciocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction using distant subcutaneous pedicle osseofasciocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction with distant subcutaneous pedicle osteofasciocutaneous flap", "远端皮下带蒂骨筋膜皮瓣修复" ], "716215001": [ "Assessment using Snijders-Oomen Nonverbal Intelligence Scale - Revised 6-40", "Assessment using SON-R (Snijders-Oomen Nonverbal Intelligence Scale - Revised) 6-40", "使用 SON-R(Snijders-Oomen 非语言智力量表 - 修订版)进行评估 6-40", "使用 Snijders-Oomen 非语言智力量表进行评估 - 修订版 6-40" ], "439522009": [ "Lysis of adhesions of vitreous", "玻璃体粘连松解术" ], "44471001": [ "Removal of electroencephalographic receiver from brain", "从脑中取出脑电图接收器" ], "404919001": [ "Wheat-free diet", "Provision of wheat-free diet", "提供无小麦饮食", "无小麦饮食" ], "11703007": [ "Extensive retroperitoneal transabdominal lymphadenectomy", "广泛腹膜后经腹部淋巴结清扫术" ], "306615008": [ "Discharge from blood transfusion service", "输血服务出院" ], "699831008": [ "Provision of written information about upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy", "提供有关上消化道内窥镜检查的书面信息" ], "241079008": [ "Plain X-ray of metatarsal bone", "跖骨普通 X 光检查" ], "239244002": [ "Transfer of quadriceps mechanism", "Realignment of quadriceps mechanism", "股四头肌机制的重新调整", "股四头肌机制转移" ], "1156748002": [ "Transfusion of convalescent plasma into central vein", "恢复期血浆中心静脉输注" ], "75404005": [ "Epiploectomy", "Excision of appendices epiploicae", "Excision of appendix epiploica", "结膜切除术", "阑尾切除术" ], "40801000": [ "Exploration of pelvis by laparotomy", "Exploration of pelvic cavity by laparotomy", "开腹探查骨盆", "开腹探查盆腔" ], "237409006": [ "Reduction mammoplasty vertical bipedicle technique", "McKissock reduction mammoplasty", "乳房缩小术垂直双蒂技术", "McKissock 缩胸手术" ], "448566002": [ "External fixation of clavicle", "锁骨外固定" ], "399414003": [ "Multidisciplinary care conference for cancer care planning", "癌症护理计划多学科护理会议" ], "6198004": [ "Repair of fracture with Sofield type procedure", "Sofield 式手术修复骨折" ], "235574004": [ "Occlusion of biliary fistula", "胆瘘封堵术" ], "104502006": [ "alpha>1< Antichymotrypsin measurement", "alpha>1< 抗糜蛋白酶测量" ], "708875000": [ "Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of lesion of adrenal gland", "肾上腺病变经皮射频消融术" ], "446731008": [ "Destruction of lesion of esophagus by abdominal approach", "Destruction of lesion of oesophagus by abdominal approach", "经腹入路破坏食管病变" ], "182752001": [ "Indirect blood exchange", "间接血液交换" ], "4363008": [ "Endoscopic brush biopsy of trachea", "内镜气管刷检" ], "313824003": [ "24 hour urine 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid output", "24 hour urine 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid output measurement", "24 小时尿液 5-羟基吲哚乙酸排出量测定", "24小时尿液5-羟基吲哚乙酸排出量" ], "84448004": [ "Implantation of electronic stimulator of spine", "脊柱电子刺激器植入术" ], "426677002": [ "Reconstruction of breast using transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap", "Breast reconstruction with transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap", "Breast reconstruction with TRAM flap", "TRAM 皮瓣乳房重建", "横行腹直肌肌皮瓣乳房重建术", "横腹直肌肌皮瓣乳房重建" ], "410293007": [ "Food teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Food teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Food education, guidance, and counseling", "Food education, guidance, and counselling", "食品教育、指导和咨询", "食品教学、指导和咨询" ], "64394005": [ "Microbial culture with overlay technique, initial isolation", "采用覆盖技术进行微生物培养,初步分离" ], "785290008": [ "Peroral endoscopic oesophageal myotomy", "Peroral endoscopic esophageal myotomy", "POEM (peroral endoscopic myotomy) of esophagus", "Peroral endoscopic myotomy of oesophagus", "POEM (peroral endoscopic myotomy) of oesophagus", "Peroral endoscopic myotomy of esophagus", "经口内镜食管肌切开术 (POEM)", "经口内镜食管肌切开术" ], "179082009": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture and internal fixation with cerclage wiring", "骨折切开复位翻修术及钢丝环扎内固定术" ], "898143001": [ "Home parenteral therapy", "家庭肠外治疗" ], "62559003": [ "Echocardiography, real time with image documentation with M-mode, follow-up", "实时超声心动图检查,使用 M 型图像记录,随访" ], "44340006": [ "Prosthodontic dental consultation and report", "口腔修复科咨询及报告" ], "306484007": [ "Discharge by paediatric surgeon", "Discharge by pediatric surgeon", "儿科医生出院" ], "9737002": [ "Colpotomy with drainage of pelvic abscess", "Incision of vagina for pelvic abscess", "Aspiration of cul-de-sac abscess", "盆腔脓肿阴道切开术", "结肠直肠脓肿抽吸", "阴道切开引流盆腔脓肿" ], "42505005": [ "Joint disease rehabilitation", "关节疾病康复" ], "384734000": [ "Radiobioassay", "放射生物测定法" ], "58889009": [ "Laserpexy", "Laser retinopexy", "激光视网膜固定术", "激光固定术" ], "40670003": [ "Insertion of radioactive isotope", "插入放射性同位素" ], "401118009": [ "Hypertension annual review", "高血压年度回顾" ], "235443003": [ "Removal of enteral tube via fistula", "通过瘘管移除肠管" ], "104371004": [ "Complement C3d-C3d+GG-IC3b receptors measurement", "补体 C3d-C3d+GG-IC3b 受体测量" ], "16446541000119100": [ "Ultrasonography of soft tissue of head and neck", "Ultrasound scan of soft tissue of head and neck", "Ultrasound of soft tissue of head and neck", "头颈部软组织超声检查", "头颈部软组织超声扫描" ], "411981000119101": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of bilateral extremities with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venogram of bilateral extremities with contrast", "Bilateral fluoroscopic venography of extremities with contrast", "双侧肢体荧光透视静脉造影", "双侧肢体荧光静脉造影" ], "186291008": [ "Non A, non B hepatitis virus measurement", "非甲、非乙型肝炎病毒测量" ], "710579009": [ "Intubation of small bowel using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided intubation of small bowel", "Intubation of small intestine using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下小肠插管" ], "16333901000119107": [ "Magnetic resonance venography of neck without contrast", "MR venography of neck without contrast", "颈部磁共振静脉造影", "无造影剂颈部磁共振静脉造影" ], "708744003": [ "Transluminal biopsy of right ventricle", "右心室腔内活检" ], "16554061000119109": [ "CT myelogram of lumbosacral spine with lumbar injection of contrast", "Computed tomography myelogram of lumbosacral spine with lumbar injection of contrast", "腰骶椎 CT 脊髓造影检查及腰椎注射造影剂", "腰骶椎 CT 脊髓造影及腰椎注射造影剂" ], "16440141000119108": [ "CT of bilateral kidneys without contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral kidneys without contrast", "双侧肾脏无造影计算机断层扫描", "双肾 CT 无造影" ], "413832005": [ "Chromogranin B level", "Chromogranin B measurement", "嗜铬粒蛋白 B 测量", "嗜铬粒蛋白B水平" ], "53384006": [ "Instrumental dilation and stretching", "仪器扩张和拉伸" ], "409421000119109": [ "CT of right ankle with contrast", "Computed tomography of right ankle with contrast", "右踝部增强 CT 扫描", "右踝部增强计算机断层扫描" ], "118920005": [ "Procedure on adenoids", "腺样体手术" ], "231773003": [ "Removal of subretinal membrane", "Subretinal membranectomy", "视网膜下膜切除术", "去除视网膜下膜" ], "117085001": [ "Administration of Rabies immune globulin, human", "注射狂犬病免疫球蛋白,人类" ], "18781004": [ "Referral for vocational rehabilitation", "Referral to vocational rehabilitation service", "职业康复转介", "转介职业康复服务" ], "1263965005": [ "Removal of residual dental adhesive from tooth", "清除牙齿上残留的牙科粘合剂" ], "33330002": [ "Fistulization of ranula with prosthesis", "Fistulisation of ranula with prosthesis", "带假体的囊肿造瘘术", "带假体的尿囊造瘘术" ], "410162003": [ "Speech therapy education", "Teach speech therapist service", "教授言语治疗师服务", "言语治疗教育" ], "737842006": [ "Provision of advice about taking acetaminophen", "Education about taking acetaminophen", "关于服用对乙酰氨基酚的教育", "提供有关服用对乙酰氨基酚的建议" ], "31495002": [ "Bromides measurement, blood", "血液溴化物测量" ], "441095006": [ "Repair of central venous access device with subcutaneous pump", "带皮下泵的中央静脉通路装置的修复" ], "1293063008": [ "Plain X-ray of cochlear implant", "人工耳蜗的普通 X 光检查" ], "62428002": [ "Suture of cornea", "角膜缝合" ], "46044009": [ "Megavoltage radiation therapy", "Supervoltage radiation therapy", "Supervoltage X-ray therapy", "Megavoltage X-ray therapy", "High voltage X-ray therapy", "兆伏X射线治疗", "高压X射线治疗", "超电压放射治疗", "超高压X射线治疗", "兆伏放射治疗" ], "306353006": [ "Referral to community dietitian", "Referral to community-based dietitian", "转介至社区营养师" ], "386438000": [ "Simple massage", "简单按摩" ], "75142005": [ "Choledochostomy with cholecystotomy", "胆总管切开术" ], "9606007": [ "Growth on MacConkey agar without crystal violet test", "无需结晶紫试验即可在麦康凯琼脂上生长" ], "122459003": [ "Dissection", "Dissection procedure", "解剖", "解剖程序" ], "1269339008": [ "Insertion of inlay to tooth", "将嵌体插入牙齿" ], "171611008": [ "Excision of lesion of trochlear nerve (IV)", "滑车神经损伤切除术(IV)" ], "302683009": [ "Narcoanalysis", "麻醉分析" ], "186160005": [ "Implant of vocal cords", "声带植入" ], "104240005": [ "Culture typing procedure, phage method", "培养分型程序,噬菌体方法" ], "235312009": [ "Removal of prosthesis from small intestine", "从小肠中取出假体" ], "708613002": [ "Percutaneous drainage of intraperitoneal abscess", "Percutaneous drainage of abscess of peritoneum", "腹膜脓肿经皮穿刺引流", "腹腔脓肿经皮穿刺引流" ], "233477006": [ "Thrombolysis of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘血栓溶解术" ], "84186004": [ "Manipulation of urethra", "尿道操作" ], "313562005": [ "IgG clearance ratio measurement", "IgG clearance ratio", "Immunoglobulin G clearance ratio measurement", "IgG清除率", "IgG 清除率测量", "免疫球蛋白 G 清除率测量" ], "444634007": [ "Plain X-ray of thoracic and lumbar spine", "Dorsolumbar spine plain X-ray", "Lumbothoracic spine plain X-ray", "Thoracolumbar spine plain X-ray", "胸椎和腰椎的普通 X 光检查", "背腰椎X线平片", "胸腰椎X线平片", "腰胸椎X线平片" ], "231642008": [ "Nystagmus surgery", "眼球震颤手术" ], "229807004": [ "Advice to change food and drink intake", "Recommendation to change food and drink intake", "改变食物和饮料摄入量的建议", "建议改变食物和饮料的摄入量" ], "703108000": [ "Fluoroscopy guided central venous line procedure", "Central venous line procedure using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下中心静脉置管术", "使用荧光透视引导的中央静脉导管手术" ], "408196003": [ "Thrombomodulin gene screen", "血栓调节蛋白基因筛选" ], "47748007": [ "Immunoprecipitin test", "Precipitin measurement", "免疫沉淀素试验", "沉淀物测量" ], "78681008": [ "Excision of lesion of inguinal region", "Excision of lesion of groin region", "腹股沟区病变切除术" ], "176985009": [ "Endoscopic occlusion of right fallopian tube", "内镜右侧输卵管阻塞术" ], "29529008": [ "Supracervical hysterectomy with removal of both tubes and ovaries", "宫颈上子宫切除术,切除输卵管和卵巢" ], "11310004": [ "Breathing exercise, blow bottle", "呼吸练习,吹瓶子" ], "306222006": [ "Referral to tinnitus management service", "转介至耳鸣管理服务" ], "386307002": [ "Fire-setting precautions", "防火预防措施" ], "237016003": [ "Uterine lavage", "子宫灌洗" ], "89560003": [ "Psychiatric somatotherapy", "精神科躯体治疗" ], "122328004": [ "Enterococcus species rRNA assay", "Enterococcus species ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "肠球菌核糖体核糖核酸测定", "肠球菌 rRNA 检测" ], "56792006": [ "Measurement of skull circumference", "头骨周长的测量" ], "448173000": [ "Autofluorescence bronchoscopy", "自发荧光支气管镜检查" ], "22189001": [ "Methotrexate measurement", "Methotrexate level", "甲氨蝶呤测量", "甲氨蝶呤浓度" ], "235181002": [ "Oesophageal polypectomy", "Esophageal polypectomy", "食管息肉切除术" ], "417240009": [ "Limb exsanguination by Esmarch bandage", "用 Esmarch 绷带放血" ], "87725003": [ "Anesthesia for tenoplasty, elbow to shoulder", "Anaesthesia for tenoplasty, elbow to shoulder", "肘至肩腱成形术麻醉" ], "710317003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of head with contrast", "头部荧光血管造影" ], "104109009": [ "Cell count, cerebrospinal fluid", "Cerebrospinal fluid cell count", "脑脊液细胞计数" ], "53122004": [ "Peroneal artery bypass graft with vein", "Peroneal artery in-situ vein bypass", "腓动脉原位静脉旁路术", "带静脉的腓动脉旁路移植术" ], "397186007": [ "Extirpation of varicose vein of upper limb", "上肢静脉曲张摘除术" ], "233346008": [ "Reconstruction of suprarenal artery", "肾上动脉重建" ], "1263703008": [ "Repair of tendon to bone using fixation", "使用固定装置修复肌腱与骨" ], "311596005": [ "PACE - Promoting aphasics communication effectiveness program", "Promoting aphasics communication effectiveness programme", "Promoting aphasics communication effectiveness program", "PACE - Promoting aphasics communication effectiveness programme", "PACE - 促进失语症患者沟通有效性计划", "促进失语症患者沟通有效性计划", "PACE - 促进失语症患者沟通有效性的计划", "促进失语症患者沟通有效性的计划" ], "770348008": [ "Mobilization of shoulder girdle", "Mobilisation of shoulder girdle", "肩带活动" ], "113153002": [ "Removal of tracheostomy tube", "拔除气管切开管" ], "178689009": [ "Primary collar stabilisation of cervical spine fracture", "Primary collar stabilization of cervical spine fracture", "颈椎骨折的初级颈托固定" ], "45782002": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of axillary artery by arm incision", "经臂部切口腋动脉导管取栓术" ], "176854004": [ "Insertion of prostaglandin abortifacient pessary", "Insertion of prostaglandin abortifacient suppository", "插入前列腺素堕胎药栓", "插入前列腺素堕胎栓" ], "226006008": [ "Support of chronically ill patient", "慢性病患者的支援" ], "306091002": [ "Referral by SSD social worker", "Referral from SSD social worker", "Referral by social services department social worker", "社会服务部门社工转介", "SSD 社工推荐" ], "27563003": [ "Congo red test", "刚果红试验" ], "715691007": [ "Computed tomography of esophagus with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "Computed tomography of oesophagus with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "CT of esophagus with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "CT of oesophagus with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "食管对比计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "食管增强 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划", "食管对比剂计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "58496000": [ "Restoration of eyebrow with graft", "Hair bearing graft to eyebrow", "带毛发移植至眉毛", "眉毛移植修复" ], "173184003": [ "Ligation of bulla of lung", "肺大泡结扎术" ], "713856004": [ "Ultrasound scan of brachial plexus", "Ultrasonography of brachial plexus", "臂丛超声扫描", "臂丛超声检查" ], "302421003": [ "FB - Removal of foreign body from skin", "Removal of foreign body from skin", "FB-去除皮肤异物", "去除皮肤异物" ], "171349003": [ "Public service vehicle and conductor examination", "公共服务车辆及乘务员考试" ], "122197007": [ "Naegleria culture", "耐格里阿米巴培养" ], "71210000": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on undescended testis", "Anaesthesia for procedure on undescended testis", "隐睾手术麻醉" ], "448042001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal ablation of conducting system of heart", "经皮心脏传导系统腔内消融术" ], "449877009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging for cardiac morphology, function, and velocity", "MRI for cardiac morphology, function, and velocity", "磁共振成像用于检测心脏形态、功能和速度", "MRI 检查心脏形态、功能和速度" ], "54826005": [ "Chromatography measurement", "色谱测量" ], "103978006": [ "S blood group antibody identification", "S血型抗体鉴定" ], "415274007": [ "Referral to incontinence clinic", "转诊至失禁诊所" ], "85759000": [ "Esophagotomy with removal of foreign body by thoracic approach", "Oesophagotomy with removal of foreign body by thoracic approach", "经胸入路食管切开术及异物取出术", "经胸入路食管切开取异物术" ], "87594008": [ "Intra-abdominal manipulation of intestine", "腹腔内肠道操作" ], "431658009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of superficial femoral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of superficial femoral artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮股浅动脉腔内成形术", "荧光造影引导下经皮股浅动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "282367003": [ "Incisional biopsy of lesion of lip", "唇部病变切开活检" ], "429823002": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of brain perfusion", "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of brain perfusion", "脑灌注单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "脑灌注单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)" ], "233215007": [ "Placement of stent in pulmonary artery", "Stenting of pulmonary artery", "肺动脉支架置入术" ], "231380003": [ "Cervical intrathecal neurolysis", "颈部鞘内神经松解术" ], "426153007": [ "Insertion of artificial airway", "插入人工气道" ], "309630000": [ "Child referral-social services", "儿童转介-社会服务" ], "1259902001": [ "Suction assisted lipectomy of neck", "颈部吸脂术" ], "440702002": [ "Osteotomy of spine by posterolateral approach", "Osteotomy of vertebra by posterolateral approach", "后外侧入路脊椎截骨术", "后外侧入路脊柱截骨术" ], "82089008": [ "Smear for starch granules", "涂片检查淀粉颗粒" ], "229545008": [ "Lumbar strapping", "腰带" ], "391550005": [ "Monoclonal component level", "单克隆成分水平" ], "719230006": [ "Fluoroscopy guided closure of arteriovenous fistula with insertion of stent with contrast", "Closure of arteriovenous fistula with insertion of stent using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下置入支架闭合动静脉瘘", "荧光透视引导下动静脉瘘缝合术及造影剂支架置入" ], "80254008": [ "Angiocardiography of right heart", "Selective right ventricular injection for angiography", "Selective right atrial injection for angiography", "选择性右心房注射血管造影", "选择性右心室注射血管造影", "右心心血管造影" ], "1290835006": [ "Drainage of perineal abscess", "会阴脓肿引流" ], "275027008": [ "Open drainage of cyst of pancreas", "胰腺囊肿开腹引流" ], "699176005": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of clavicle with internal fixation", "锁骨骨折闭合复位内固定" ], "9213003": [ "Gastric fluid analysis, free acid measurement", "胃液分析、游离酸测量" ], "271357004": [ "Evaluation of bone marrow myeloid cells", "Bone marrow myeloid cells", "骨髓髓系细胞", "骨髓髓系细胞的评估" ], "58365005": [ "Fulguration of lesion of small intestine", "小肠病变电灼术" ], "122066005": [ "Parainfluenza virus 2 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human parainfluenza virus 2 antibody", "副流感病毒 2 型抗体检测", "人类副流感病毒 2 型抗体测量" ], "171218006": [ "Senile macular disorder screening", "老年性黄斑病变筛查" ], "431527001": [ "Timed 10 metre walk", "Timed ten meter walk", "Timed 10 meter walk", "Timed ten metre walk", "计时10米步行", "计时十米步行" ], "234919002": [ "Suture of floor of mouth", "口底缝合" ], "710055003": [ "Management of aggressive behaviour", "Management of aggressive behavior", "攻击性行为的管理" ], "103847006": [ "Platelet factor 4 assay", "Platelet factor 4 level", "血小板第 4 因子检测", "血小板因子 4 水平" ], "447911006": [ "Mandibular anterior segmental osteotomy", "Segmental osteotomy of anterior mandible", "下颌前部节段截骨术", "下颌前部分段截骨术" ], "120231006": [ "Excision of cyst from bone", "Excision of cyst of bone", "骨囊肿切除术", "从骨中切除囊肿" ], "284071006": [ "Dietary treatment for disorder", "饮食治疗疾病" ], "233084005": [ "Open resection of left ventricular muscle", "左心室肌肉开放切除术" ], "427857000": [ "Dietary education for eating disorder", "进食障碍的饮食教育" ], "231249005": [ "Spinal block", "Intrathecal block", "Subarachnoid block", "Intradural block", "Local anaesthetic intrathecal block", "Local anesthetic intrathecal block", "Spinal anaesthesia", "Spinal anaesthetic", "Spinal anesthesia", "Spinal anesthetic", "脊椎阻滞", "蛛网膜下腔阻滞", "脊椎麻醉", "鞘内阻滞", "硬膜内阻滞", "脊柱麻醉", "局部麻醉鞘内阻滞" ], "229414006": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the costovertebral joint", "Accessory mobilization of the costovertebral joint", "肋椎关节的辅助活动" ], "440571005": [ "Open reduction of fracture of distal phalanx of thumb with internal fixation", "拇指远节指骨骨折切开复位内固定" ], "112891005": [ "Autotransplantation of thyroid tissue", "Reposition of thyroid tissue", "Reimplantation of thyroid tissue", "甲状腺组织复位", "甲状腺组织再植入", "甲状腺组织自体移植" ], "14587009": [ "Osteoplasty of humerus", "Repair or plastic operation on humerus", "肱骨修复或整形手术", "肱骨整形术" ], "307664006": [ "Marsupialization of pilonidal sinus", "Marsupialisation of pilonidal sinus", "藏毛窦袋形化术", "藏毛窦袋形切除术" ], "78288007": [ "Anesthesia for axillary-femoral bypass graft", "Anaesthesia for axillary-femoral bypass graft", "腋动脉-股动脉旁路移植术麻醉" ], "764581000": [ "Computed tomography nephrostography", "CT nephrostography", "CT肾造影", "计算机断层肾造影" ], "176592006": [ "Operation on Bartholin's duct", "Operation on Bartholin duct", "巴托林管手术", "巴氏管手术" ], "387749002": [ "Operation on ureter", "Ureter operation", "输尿管手术" ], "76453002": [ "Tenotomy of adductor of hip, subcutaneous, open", "髋部收肌腱切断术,皮下,开放" ], "174757003": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of pancreas", "胰腺病变开放活检" ], "240293001": [ "Open fetal operation", "Open foetal operation", "开放胎儿手术" ], "43685005": [ "Repair of heart septum with tissue graft", "用组织移植修复心脏隔膜" ], "385914001": [ "Manage decubitus care", "Management of care of pressure injury", "管理褥疮护理", "压力性损伤的护理管理" ], "303994002": [ "Mouth smear procedure", "口腔涂片检查程序" ], "271226002": [ "Serum insulin level", "Serum insulin measurement", "血清胰岛素水平", "血清胰岛素测量" ], "74618004": [ "Division of vas deferens", "输精管分离" ], "172922007": [ "Uncinectomy and excision of bulla ethmoidalis", "钩突切除术和筛泡切除术" ], "25466008": [ "Anastomosis of bladder", "Anastomosis of urinary bladder", "膀胱吻合术" ], "433231002": [ "Contrast echocardiography", "造影超声心动图" ], "121935004": [ "Blastomyces dermatitidis exoantigen identification", "皮炎芽生菌外抗原鉴定" ], "169252006": [ "Endoscopic ultrasound of upper gastrointestinal tract", "上消化道内镜超声检查" ], "21796007": [ "Direct laryngoscopy with dilation", "扩张喉镜检查" ], "1332516008": [ "Assessment using self-reported Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire emotional function subscale", "Assessment using CRQ-SR (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire self-reported) emotional function subscale", "Assessment using self-reported CRQ (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire) emotional function subscale", "使用自我报告的慢性呼吸问卷情绪功能分量表进行评估", "使用自我报告的 CRQ(慢性呼吸问卷)情绪功能分量表进行评估", "使用 CRQ-SR(慢性呼吸问卷自我报告)情绪功能分量表进行评估" ], "234788007": [ "Insertion of plastic filling into tooth with tunnel preparation", "将塑料填充物插入已做好隧道准备的牙齿中" ], "265721002": [ "Fixation of spinal fracture", "脊柱骨折固定" ], "232953002": [ "Rotation of implanted truncal valve", "植入式主动脉瓣的旋转" ], "52729008": [ "Treatment by iron lung", "Externally applied positive and negative pressure ventilation", "铁肺治疗", "外部应用正压和负压通气" ], "739022005": [ "Complete excision of lymph node group of left axilla", "Complete left axillary lymphadenectomy", "Left axillary lymph node clearance", "左腋窝淋巴结清扫", "左腋窝淋巴结组完整切除", "左腋窝淋巴结完全清扫" ], "83662005": [ "Thromboendarterectomy with graft of subclavian artery by thoracic incision", "经胸腔切口行血栓内膜切除术及锁骨下动脉移植术" ], "231118005": [ "Epidural dorsal column stimulation", "Percutaneous dorsal column stimulation", "经皮背柱刺激", "硬膜外背柱刺激" ], "32675000": [ "Ligation of vein", "静脉结扎" ], "394958008": [ "Plasma cyclosporin level", "血浆环孢菌素水平" ], "245667003": [ "Paul operation, temporary ileostomy", "Temporary tangential ileostomy", "Hendon operation, temporary ileostomy", "亨顿手术、临时回肠造口术", "保罗手术、暂时回肠造口术", "暂时回肠造口术" ], "360355003": [ "Aminophylline measurement", "氨茶碱测量" ], "229283008": [ "Resisted functional activities on mats", "抵制垫子上的功能性活动" ], "178296001": [ "Sampling of internal mammary lymph nodes", "乳内淋巴结取样" ], "440440003": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of shaft of femur", "股骨干骨折闭合复位" ], "702584003": [ "Counseling for elective sterilization", "Counselling for elective sterilisation", "选择性绝育咨询" ], "718968007": [ "Brush biopsy of bile duct using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided brush biopsy of bile duct", "荧光透视引导下胆管刷检" ], "14456009": [ "Measuring height of patient", "测量患者身高" ], "473208009": [ "Assessment of diabetic erectile dysfunction", "糖尿病勃起功能障碍的评估" ], "176461006": [ "Drainage of testis", "睾丸引流" ], "405837007": [ "Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A mutation carrier detection test", "MEN 2A mutation carrier detection test", "RET gene mutation detection test in exon 10 or 11", "MEN 2A 突变携带者检测", "外显子 10 或 11 的 RET 基因突变检测", "多发性内分泌肿瘤 2A 型突变携带者检测" ], "438605009": [ "Measurement of microvolt T wave alternans for ventricular arrhythmia assessment", "测量微伏级 T 波交替以评估室性心律失常" ], "1255970003": [ "Replacement of spinal segment of intrathecal catheter using fluoroscopic guidance", "Replacement of spinal segment of microspinal catheter using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided replacement of spinal segment of microspinal catheter", "透视引导下鞘内导管脊柱段置换术", "透视引导下微脊椎导管脊椎节段置换术" ], "174626006": [ "Endoscopic retrograde removal of tubal prosthesis from bile duct", "Endoscopic removal of biliary stent", "内镜逆行胆管假体取出术", "内镜胆道支架取出术" ], "764450007": [ "Repair of left cleft lip", "左唇裂修复" ], "895522007": [ "Amputation of left hand", "左手截肢" ], "303863001": [ "Reduction of dislocated joint (not prosthetic)", "Reduction of dislocated joint, not prosthetic", "复位脱臼关节,而非假肢", "脱臼关节复位(非假肢)" ], "43554009": [ "Histochemical stain with frozen section", "冷冻切片组织化学染色" ], "90871000": [ "Grafting of fascia to tarsal cartilage", "筋膜移植至跗骨软骨" ], "8951004": [ "Excision of lesion of retroperitoneum", "腹膜后病变切除术" ], "238327005": [ "Chest wall procedure", "Procedure on chest wall", "胸壁手术" ], "385783005": [ "Home health aide service management", "Manage home health aide service", "家庭健康助理服务管理", "管理家庭健康助理服务" ], "287479009": [ "Non-surgical ovary biopsy", "非手术卵巢活检" ], "23500003": [ "Bunionectomy with osteotomy of first metatarsal", "Bunionectomy with soft tissue correction and osteotomy of the first metatarsal", "Lapidus operation", "拇囊切除术及软组织矫正术和第一跖骨截骨术", "Lapidus 手术", "拇囊切除术及第一跖骨截骨术" ], "252876006": [ "Awaya torsion test", "Awaya 扭转试验" ], "234657000": [ "Reduction of mylohyoid ridge", "下颌舌骨嵴复位" ], "1268684008": [ "Tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte therapy", "TIL (tumor infiltrating lymphocyte) therapy", "Tumour-infiltrating lymphocyte therapy", "TIL (tumour infiltrating lymphocyte) therapy", "Tumor infiltrating lymphocyte therapy", "Tumour infiltrating lymphocyte therapy", "TIL(肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞)治疗", "肿瘤浸润淋巴细胞治疗" ], "121804009": [ "Leucine-enkephalin measurement", "亮氨酸脑啡肽测量" ], "54433004": [ "Release of extensor tendon of hand by central slip for repair of mallet finger", "中央滑移法松解手部伸肌腱修复锤状指" ], "1217697005": [ "Biopsy of mediastinum using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided biopsy of mediastinum", "Biopsy of mediastinum using endoscopic ultrasound guidance", "内镜超声引导下纵隔活检" ], "232822000": [ "Operation on aortic valve cusp", "Operation on aortic valve leaflet", "主动脉瓣尖手术", "主动脉瓣叶手术" ], "445814003": [ "Assessment using anorexia nervosa stages of change questionnaire", "使用神经性厌食症变化阶段问卷进行评估" ], "413046006": [ "Urine isoniazid measurement", "Urine isoniazid level", "尿异烟肼测定", "尿液异烟肼浓度" ], "118134009": [ "TdT positive blast count", "TdT 阳性原始细胞计数" ], "443979002": [ "Quantitative measurement of creatinine in postdialysis serum or plasma specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of creatinine in postdialysis serum or plasma specimen", "透析后血清或血浆标本中肌酐质量浓度的定量测量", "透析后血清或血浆样本中肌酐的定量测量" ], "427595003": [ "Capsule endoscopy", "胶囊内镜" ], "230987004": [ "Removal of lesion from spinal extradural space", "去除脊柱硬膜外病变" ], "229152003": [ "Lower limb exercises", "Leg exercises", "腿部锻炼", "下肢锻炼" ], "180000003": [ "Autotransplantation of adrenal medulla to caudate nucleus of brain", "自体肾上腺髓质移植至脑尾状核" ], "735221002": [ "Reconstruction of right breast", "右乳房重建" ], "178165003": [ "Primary repair of tendon", "肌腱的初次修复" ], "405706000": [ "Removal of foreign body from hand", "取出手上的异物" ], "440309009": [ "Education about foetal movement monitoring", "Education about fetal movement monitoring", "胎动监测教育" ], "1290442003": [ "Stabilisation of spine using Graf technique", "Stabilization of spine using Graf technique", "使用 Graf 技术稳定脊柱" ], "717002006": [ "Assessment using Nottingham Health Profile", "Assessment using NHP (Nottingham Health Profile)", "使用诺丁汉健康档案进行评估", "使用 NHP(诺丁汉健康档案)进行评估" ], "1255839005": [ "Intravenous injection of tissue plasminogen activator", "Intravenous injection of tPA (tissue plasminogen activator)", "静脉注射组织型纤溶酶原激活剂", "静脉注射 tPA(组织型纤溶酶原激活剂)" ], "174495007": [ "Total cholecystectomy and exploration of common bile duct", "全胆囊切除术及胆总管探查术" ], "860788002": [ "Ocrelizumab therapy", "奥瑞珠单抗治疗" ], "287348009": [ "Vessel synthetic by-pass", "血管合成旁路" ], "121673002": [ "Psilocin measurement", "裸盖菇素测量" ], "236361001": [ "Release of penis from zip fastener", "Release of penis from zipper", "阴茎从拉链中松开", "阴茎从拉链中释放出来" ], "56137006": [ "Anesthesia for excision of lesion of humerus", "Anaesthesia for excision of lesion of humerus", "肱骨损伤切除术的麻醉", "肱骨损伤切除术麻醉" ], "252745008": [ "Sensory nerve conduction study", "感觉神经传导研究" ], "105289009": [ "Phenacetin measurement", "非那西丁测量" ], "168990001": [ "Thoracic lymphangiogram", "Lymphangiography thorax", "胸部淋巴管造影" ], "119838003": [ "Skin of head destructive procedure", "头部皮肤破坏性手术" ], "709662007": [ "Fluoroscopy guided embolization of portal vein with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolisation of portal vein with contrast", "Embolisation of portal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Embolization of portal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "透视引导下门静脉造影栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下门静脉栓塞术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行门静脉栓塞术" ], "447518007": [ "Partial excision of meningioma by supratentorial approach", "幕上入路脑膜瘤部分切除术" ], "134387000": [ "Laying on of hands with prayer", "按手祷告" ], "412915003": [ "Blood spot tetradecenoylcarnitine measurement", "Blood spot tetradecenyl carnitine", "血斑十四烯基肉碱", "血斑十四烯酰肉碱测量" ], "265459006": [ "Pancreaticoduodenectomy with distal gastrectomy", "Pancreaticoduodenectomy with antrectomy", "胰十二指肠切除术及胃窦切除术", "胰十二指肠切除术和远端胃切除术" ], "707827007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal arterial and venous embolization of arteriovenous malformation", "Percutaneous transluminal arterial and venous embolisation of arteriovenous malformation", "经皮腔内动脉和静脉栓塞治疗动静脉畸形" ], "118003008": [ "Thyrotropin antibody assay", "Measurement of thyrotropin antibody", "促甲状腺激素抗体检测" ], "230856000": [ "Injection of antibiotic into subcutaneous reservoir", "皮下注射抗生素" ], "165320004": [ "Dementia test", "痴呆症测试" ], "116168005": [ "Transscrotal needle biopsy of testis", "经阴囊睾丸针吸活检" ], "50632006": [ "Cyclotron teleradiotherapy", "Cyclotron therapy", "Cyclotron external beam radiation therapy", "回旋加速器治疗", "回旋加速器外束放射治疗", "回旋加速器远程放射治疗" ], "48797000": [ "Arthrotomy of elbow for infection with drainage", "肘关节切开引流治疗感染" ], "16029001": [ "Esophagoscopy through artificial stoma", "Oesophagoscopy through artificial stoma", "经人工造口食管镜检查", "通过人工造口进行食管镜检查" ], "179869002": [ "Arthroscopic division of synovial plica", "Endoscopic division of synovial plica", "内镜滑膜皱襞切开术", "关节镜下滑膜皱襞分离术" ], "442013003": [ "Measurement of corrected end-tidal carbon monoxide", "校正呼气末一氧化碳测量" ], "427464008": [ "Arginine vasopressin response to hypertonic saline test", "精氨酸加压素对高渗盐水试验的反应" ], "32413006": [ "Transplantation of heart", "Heart transplantation", "Heart transplant", "CTx - Cardiac transplant", "HtTx - Heart transplant", "HTx - Heart transplant", "心脏移植", "HTx-心脏移植", "CTx-心脏移植", "HtTx-心脏移植" ], "391026001": [ "Osteoporosis - exercise advice", "Osteoporosis exercise education", "骨质疏松症运动教育", "骨质疏松症 - 运动建议" ], "14194004": [ "Tenotomy of adductor of hip, subcutaneous, open, with obturator neurectomy", "髋部收肌腱切断术,皮下,开放,闭孔神经切除术" ], "178034005": [ "Local fascial rotation flap", "局部筋膜旋转皮瓣" ], "241735000": [ "Lower tourniquet cuff inflation", "下止血带袖口充气" ], "12359002": [ "Microbial identification, Neisseria-Haemophilus identification card method", "微生物鉴定,奈瑟氏菌-嗜血杆菌鉴定卡法" ], "307271005": [ "Nasal cautery", "鼻烧灼" ], "274503006": [ "Cut-down venous cannulation", "切开静脉插管" ], "225351009": [ "Provision of care", "Care provision regime", "提供护理", "护理提供制度" ], "90609000": [ "Operation for bone injury of phalanges of hand", "Operation on bone injury of fingers", "手指骨损伤手术治疗" ], "305436009": [ "Radiculography", "神经根造影" ], "43292009": [ "Compatibility test, crossmatch, complete standard technique, includes typing and antibody screening of RBC", "Compatibility test, crossmatch, complete standard technique, includes typing and antibody screening of red blood cells", "兼容性测试、交叉配血、完整的标准技术,包括红细胞分型和抗体筛查" ], "303601004": [ "Renewal of prosthetic collar around male bladder neck", "Replacement of prosthetic collar around male urinary bladder neck", "男性膀胱颈假体颈圈更换术", "男性膀胱颈假体环的更新" ], "41457005": [ "Incision of peritoneum", "Peritoneotomy", "腹膜切开", "腹膜切开术" ], "25073005": [ "Manual reduction of prolapsed colostomy", "Manual reduction of colostomy prolapse", "结肠造口脱垂的手动复位", "脱垂结肠造口的手动复位" ], "172529008": [ "Capsulotomy of anterior lens capsule", "晶状体前囊切开术" ], "105158001": [ "Diamorphine measurement", "二乙酰吗啡测量" ], "252614002": [ "Electrocochleography threshold measurement", "耳蜗电图阈值测量" ], "285382004": [ "Advice to change meat intake", "Recommendation to change meat intake", "建议改变肉类摄入量", "改变肉类摄入量的建议" ], "236230007": [ "Rigid cystoscopy and cystodiathermy of lesion of bladder", "Rigid cystoscopy and cystodiathermy of bladder lesion", "Rigid cystoscopy and cystodiathermy of lesion of urinary bladder", "膀胱病变的硬性膀胱镜检查及膀胱电热治疗", "膀胱硬镜检查及膀胱病变的膀胱电灼术", "膀胱病变硬性膀胱镜检查及膀胱电热治疗" ], "121542009": [ "Dicyclomine measurement", "双环胺测量" ], "5019003": [ "Direct laryngoscopy with biopsy", "直接喉镜检查及活检" ], "168859004": [ "Percutaneous cystography", "经皮膀胱造影" ], "709531003": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of spleen", "Injection of spleen using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导脾脏注射", "透视引导下脾脏注射" ], "414619005": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and low dose Corynebacterium diphtheriae and inactivated Human poliovirus antigens", "Low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "低剂量白喉、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "接种仅含有破伤风梭菌、低剂量白喉棒状杆菌和灭活人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "接种低剂量白喉、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "低剂量白喉和灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫" ], "398235007": [ "Creation of caecostomy", "Creation of cecostomy", "Caecostomy", "Cecostomy", "盲肠造口术的建立", "盲肠造口术的创建", "盲肠造口术" ], "447387006": [ "Biopsy of pancreas using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导进行胰腺活检" ], "21403007": [ "Yeast identification, direct mount", "酵母鉴定,直接封片" ], "183408002": [ "Hypnosis for therapy", "催眠疗法" ], "232560003": [ "Excision of lesion of vocal fold cover", "Excision of lesion of voice unit", "声带盖病变切除术", "发声单元病变切除术" ], "134256004": [ "Chlamydia trachomatis IgM level", "Chlamydia trachomatis immunoglobulin M level", "沙眼衣原体免疫球蛋白 M 水平", "沙眼衣原体 IgM 水平" ], "265328005": [ "Surgical endodontics", "Surgery on apex of tooth", "Periapical surgery of tooth", "牙根尖手术", "外科牙髓科" ], "117872003": [ "Salmonella Typhi group D antibody assay", "伤寒沙门氏菌D组抗体测定" ], "85104009": [ "Partial ostectomy", "Excision of part of bone", "切除部分骨骼", "部分骨切除术" ], "312645003": [ "Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration", "PESA - percutaneous sperm aspiration", "Percutaneous epididymal aspiration of spermatozoa", "经皮附睾精子抽吸术", "PESA-- 经皮精子抽吸术" ], "443717004": [ "Assessment using Norton pressure sore risk scale", "Assessment using Norton pressure ulcer risk scale", "Assessment using Norton Scale", "使用诺顿量表进行评估", "使用诺顿压疮风险量表进行评估" ], "165189005": [ "Medical evaluation for rehabilitation", "康复医学评估" ], "81434000": [ "Excision of vaginal septum", "阴道隔膜切除术" ], "310810003": [ "Plain X-ray of floor of mouth", "口底普通 X 光检查" ], "359962006": [ "Turning patient in bed", "在床上翻身病人" ], "30447001": [ "Manipulation of thyroid gland", "甲状腺手术" ], "179738009": [ "Primary open xenograft replacement intra-articular ligament", "原发性开放异种移植置换关节内韧带" ], "177903006": [ "Removal of prosthetic material from previous repair of incisional hernia", "Removal of prosthetic material from previous incisional herniorrhaphy", "取出先前切口疝修补术中的假体材料", "取出先前修复切口疝的假体材料" ], "241604000": [ "MRI of posterior fossa", "Magnetic resonance imaging of posterior fossa", "后颅窝 MRI", "后颅窝磁共振成像" ], "274372001": [ "Surgical biopsy of lymph node", "淋巴结手术活检" ], "440047008": [ "Education about risk factor identified by prenatal history", "关于产前病史确定的风险因素的教育" ], "700356003": [ "Radium 226 internal radiotherapy", "Radium 226 brachytherapy", "镭 226 近距离放射治疗", "镭226内照射" ], "225220004": [ "Communication interventions", "Communication treatments and procedures", "沟通处理和程序", "沟通干预" ], "176068005": [ "Cystoscopic dilatation of ureter for calculus", "Cystoscopic dilation of ureter for drainage of calculus", "Cystoscopic dilation of ureter for calculus", "膀胱镜输尿管扩张术治疗结石", "膀胱镜下输尿管扩张引流结石" ], "28612008": [ "Arthroscopy of wrist with joint debridement", "腕关节镜检查及关节清创术" ], "305305000": [ "Admission by general GI surgeon", "Admission by general gastrointestinal surgeon", "由普通胃肠道外科医生接收", "由普通胃肠外科医生入院" ], "370841000": [ "Protecting from cross-contamination", "Protects from cross-contamination", "防止交叉污染" ], "405444008": [ "Revision of amputation of foot", "足部截肢修复术" ], "8558004": [ "Incision and drainage of deep pelvirectal abscess", "Transrectal drainage of pelvic abscess", "盆腔深部脓肿切开引流术", "盆腔脓肿经直肠引流" ], "121411001": [ "Normethsuximide measurement", "诺甲舒亚胺测量" ], "105027004": [ "Retinol challenge tests", "视黄醇激发试验" ], "416323006": [ "PET breast study", "Positron emission tomography breast study", "PET 乳腺研究", "正电子发射断层扫描乳腺研究" ], "1331992000": [ "Internal fixation of thorax", "Internal fixation of bone of thorax", "胸腔内固定", "胸骨内固定" ], "252483008": [ "Nitrogen washout test", "氮冲洗试验" ], "119576002": [ "Musculoskeletal system transposition", "肌肉骨骼系统转位" ], "21272003": [ "Removal of calculus of urethra with incision", "Open urethrotomy and removal of calculus", "Urethrolithotomy", "开放尿道切开术和去除结石", "尿道切开取石术" ], "250648005": [ "Catecholamine measurement", "Catecholamine level", "儿茶酚胺测量", "儿茶酚胺水平" ], "430872006": [ "Reduction of dislocation of joint of toe", "趾关节脱位复位" ], "447256007": [ "Implantation of plate into spine", "将钢板植入脊柱" ], "104921000220103": [ "Fixation of temporary dental crown to dental implant", "将临时牙冠固定到牙种植体上" ], "234264009": [ "Excision of abdominal lymph node", "腹部淋巴结切除" ], "723949005": [ "Cannabis therapy", "大麻疗法" ], "609261009": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent femoral hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下复发性股疝修补术" ], "179607000": [ "Primary open reduction of dislocation and skin traction", "脱位的初次切开复位和皮肤牵引" ], "408983003": [ "Renal care management", "Manage renal care", "管理肾脏护理", "肾脏护理管理" ], "441751006": [ "Transplantation of intestine", "肠道移植" ], "1193580002": [ "Arthrotomy of ankle with joint exploration and removal of loose body", "踝关节切开术,探查关节并取出游离体" ], "439916005": [ "Paradoxical intention behavior therapy", "Paradoxical intention behaviour therapy", "矛盾意向行为疗法" ], "718444008": [ "Local anesthetic pectoral compartment nerve block type II", "Local anaesthetic pectoral compartment nerve block type II", "PECS II block", "Modified PECS block", "PECS II 模块", "改良 PECS 块", "局部麻醉胸腔神经阻滞 II 型" ], "241473002": [ "US scan of native pancreas", "Ultrasound scan of native pancreas", "原生胰腺超声扫描", "原发性胰腺超声扫描" ], "405313003": [ "Harvesting of long saphenous vein", "长隐静脉的采集" ], "307009004": [ "Wedge resection of rectum", "直肠楔形切除术" ], "225089006": [ "Electrical stimulation of bladder", "Electrical stimulation of urinary bladder", "膀胱电刺激" ], "239638007": [ "Correction of congenital deformity of forefoot", "前足先天畸形矫正" ], "450795000": [ "Revision of fusion of joint with articular bone graft", "关节骨移植融合术修复" ], "172267005": [ "Lateral protective suture of eyelid", "眼睑外侧保护缝合" ], "711104001": [ "Plain X-ray of cervical and thoracic spine", "颈椎和胸椎的普通 X 光检查" ], "170432003": [ "Measles, mumps and rubella II pre-school booster vaccination", "Administration of pre-school booster dose of vaccine product containing only Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus antigens", "Administration of pre-school booster dose of measles and mumps and rubella vaccine", "Measles and mumps and rubella pre-school booster vaccination", "Measles and mumps and rubella pre-school booster immunization", "Measles and mumps and rubella pre-school booster immunisation", "学龄前儿童接种麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹疫苗加强针", "麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹二联学龄前加强疫苗接种", "麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹学龄前儿童加强免疫", "接种仅含麻疹病毒、腮腺炎病毒和风疹病毒抗原的疫苗产品(学龄前儿童加强剂量)", "麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹学龄前加强疫苗接种" ], "448960003": [ "Injection of vitamin D", "注射维生素 D" ], "1153472003": [ "Promotion of health seeking behavior", "Promotion of health seeking behaviour", "促进寻求健康的行为", "促进健康寻求行为" ], "104896006": [ "Prostaglandin E measurement", "PGE measurement", "前列腺素 E 测量", "PGE 测量" ], "252352008": [ "Purified protein derivative T-cell stimulation", "PPD - Purified protein derivative T-cell stimulation", "PPD-- 纯化蛋白衍生物 T 细胞刺激", "纯化蛋白衍生物T细胞刺激" ], "397973002": [ "Chemosurgery by Mohs' technique, first stage, including the removal of all gross tumour and delineation of margins", "Chemosurgery by Mohs' technique, first stage, including the removal of all gross tumor and delineation of margins", "采用 Mohs 技术进行化学手术,第一阶段,包括切除所有大体肿瘤并勾画边缘" ], "840341006": [ "Screening for detection of implant", "Implant detection screening", "筛查植入物", "植入物检测筛查" ], "105256009": [ "Naproxen measurement", "萘普生测量" ], "428906001": [ "Injection of steroid into hip joint", "髋关节注射类固醇" ], "117610000": [ "Measurement of cardiac output", "心输出量测量" ], "723818004": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous endopyelotomy", "Percutaneous endopyelotomy using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮肾盂切开术" ], "609130007": [ "Revision of internal fixation of femur", "股骨内固定修复" ], "66623001": [ "Exploration of bone", "骨骼探索" ], "83007002": [ "Arthroplasty of hand", "Hand arthroplasty", "Arthroplasty of joint of the hand", "手关节置换术", "手部关节置换术" ], "443455008": [ "Exploration of penetrating wound of hand", "手部贯穿伤探查" ], "228628001": [ "Access modification", "访问修改" ], "771135009": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of bilateral facet joints of lumbar spine", "Injection of bilateral facet joints of lumbar spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "Injection of both facet joints of lumbar spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "Injection of left and right facet joint of lumbar spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下腰椎左右小关节注射", "透视引导下腰椎双侧小关节注射" ], "46569000": [ "Laparoscopic-assisted abdominoperineal resection", "腹腔镜辅助腹会阴切除术" ], "392468009": [ "Chloramin T specific IgE antibody measurement", "k85 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chloramin T specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "氯胺T特异性IgE抗体测定", "氯胺T特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "k85特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "177641002": [ "Injection of inert substance into skin", "将惰性物质注射入皮肤" ], "718313003": [ "Embolization of track using fluoroscopic guidance", "Embolisation of track using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided embolisation of track", "Fluoroscopy guided embolization of track", "使用荧光透视引导进行轨道栓塞", "荧光透视引导下轨道栓塞", "荧光透视引导下动脉栓塞术" ], "423401003": [ "Pediatric pain assessment", "Paediatric pain assessment", "Pain assessment pediatric", "Pain assessment paediatric", "儿科疼痛评估", "小儿疼痛评估" ], "243177003": [ "Global oxygen delivery increase", "全球氧气输送量增加" ], "308713002": [ "Ethyl chloride dental pulp vitality test", "EC - Cold dental pulp vitality test", "氯乙烷牙髓活力试验", "EC - 冷牙髓活力测试" ], "1258985005": [ "Invasive mechanical ventilation", "IMV - invasive mechanical ventilation", "有创机械通气", "IMV-- 侵入性机械通气" ], "13801008": [ "Puncture test", "穿刺试验" ], "306878002": [ "Microwave diathermy to elbow", "肘部微波透热疗法" ], "437950007": [ "Referral to paediatric occupational therapy service", "Referral to pediatric occupational therapy service", "转介至儿科职业治疗服务", "转介儿科职业治疗服务" ], "388798008": [ "Rf270 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Zingiber officinale specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ginger specific IgE antibody measurement", "Zingiber officinale specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "生姜特异性IgE抗体测定", "生姜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf270特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "239507001": [ "Arthroplasty of joint of hallux", "拇趾关节置换术" ], "3981000087100": [ "Plain X-ray of bilateral clavicles", "Plain X-ray of both clavicles", "Plain X-ray of left and right clavicle", "双侧锁骨X光检查", "左、右锁骨普通 X 光检查", "双侧锁骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "18061000087100": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of left lower extremity vein", "Doppler ultrasonography of vein of left lower limb", "左下肢静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "12941000087100": [ "MRI of right clavicle", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right clavicle", "右锁骨 MRI", "右锁骨磁共振成像" ], "2701000087102": [ "MRI of left kidney with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left kidney with contrast", "左肾增强磁共振成像", "左肾增强 MRI 检查" ], "450664000": [ "Excision of mass of neck", "颈部肿块切除术" ], "11661000087104": [ "CT of bilateral acromioclavicular joints", "Computed tomography of bilateral acromioclavicular joints", "双侧肩锁关节的计算机断层扫描", "双侧肩锁关节CT" ], "141000087105": [ "Biopsy of right thorax using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of right thorax", "荧光透视引导下右胸部活检", "使用荧光透视引导进行右胸部活检" ], "9101000087107": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of left iliac vessel", "Doppler ultrasound of left iliac vessel", "左髂血管多普勒超声检查" ], "35981000087105": [ "Left stapedectomy", "Excision of left stapes", "左镫骨切除术" ], "1421000087109": [ "CT of right knee", "Computed tomography of right knee", "右膝CT", "右膝计算机断层扫描" ], "14221000087109": [ "Ultrasonography of left groin and left scrotum", "Ultrasound of left groin and left scrotum", "Ultrasound scan of left groin and left scrotum", "左腹股沟及左阴囊超声检查", "左腹股沟和左阴囊超声扫描" ], "710973002": [ "Pregnancy prevention", "Prevention of unwanted pregnancy", "预防意外怀孕", "预防怀孕" ], "448829002": [ "Suturing of laceration of rectum", "直肠裂伤缝合" ], "252221005": [ "Whisky stimulation test", "Whiskey stimulation test", "威士忌刺激试验", "威士忌刺激测试" ], "104765008": [ "17-Ketosteroids measurement", "17-KS measurement", "17-KS 测量", "17-酮类固醇测量" ], "709138001": [ "Notification of treatment plan", "治疗方案通知" ], "1251645009": [ "Discography with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc", "Discogram with contrast", "Provocative discography", "Provocative discogram", "椎间盘造影术(向椎间盘注射造影剂)", "对比椎间盘造影", "诱发性椎间盘造影", "挑衅性唱片目录" ], "21010009": [ "Removal of granulation tissue of skull", "Excision of granulomatous lesion of cranium", "颅骨肉芽肿性病变切除术", "去除颅骨肉芽组织" ], "314087001": [ "Serum haptoglobin screening test", "血清结合珠蛋白筛查试验" ], "68327001": [ "Excision of middle ear structure", "切除中耳结构" ], "133863002": [ "Open reduction with internal fixation", "切开复位内固定" ], "4626009": [ "Take-down of arterial anastomosis", "动脉吻合口拆除" ], "19175006": [ "Transposition of tendon of hand", "Hand tendon transposition", "手部肌腱移位", "手部肌腱转位" ], "723687004": [ "Lymphatic treatment method", "Lymphatic technique", "淋巴治疗方法", "淋巴技术" ], "232167005": [ "Biopsy of lesion of external auditory canal", "外耳道病变活检" ], "363239006": [ "Non-operative procedure on auditory system", "听觉系统非手术治疗" ], "956005": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on thoracic esophagus", "Anaesthesia for procedure on thoracic oesophagus", "胸段食管手术麻醉" ], "426940008": [ "Radionuclide angiocardiography", "放射性核素心血管造影" ], "441489002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into subclavian vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Endovascular insertion of stent into subclavian vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "使用荧光造影剂引导将支架置入锁骨下静脉", "经皮腔内支架置入锁骨下静脉(荧光造影引导)" ], "1106671000000108": [ "Insertion of magnetic marker into breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided insertion of magnetic marker into breast", "Insertion of magnetic seed into breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "使用超声引导将磁性标记插入乳房", "超声引导下将磁性标记插入乳房", "使用超声引导将磁性种子植入乳房" ], "310417005": [ "Certification procedure", "认证程序" ], "1111791000000108": [ "X-ray guided insertion of magnetic marker into breast", "Insertion of magnetic marker into breast using X-ray guidance", "Insertion of magnetic seed into breast using X-ray guidance", "在 X 射线引导下将磁性标记插入乳房", "利用 X 射线引导将磁性种子植入乳房", "利用 X 射线引导将磁性标记插入乳房" ], "179345007": [ "Conversion to cemented total knee replacement", "转换为骨水泥全膝关节置换术" ], "392337006": [ "w11 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Salsola pestifer specific IgE antibody measurement", "Salsola kali specific IgE antibody measurement", "Russian thistle specific IgE antibody measurement", "Saltwort specific IgE antibody measurement", "Salsola kali specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "猪毛菜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "猪毛菜特异性IgE抗体测定", "俄罗斯蓟特异性IgE抗体测量", "w11特异性IgE抗体测量", "盐角菜特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "79206001": [ "Specialized medical examination", "Examination in specific circumstances", "Special examination", "Specialised medical examination", "特定情况下的审查", "专业体检", "特殊考试", "专科医疗检查" ], "406886001": [ "Pyronine G stain method", "Pyronine G stain", "吡咯红G染色法", "吡咯烷 G 染色" ], "77371000": [ "Operation on cardiac septum", "心脏隔膜手术" ], "388667004": [ "Rf310", "Blue vetch specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lathyrus sativus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lathyrus sativus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "射频310", "蓝紫云英特异性IgE抗体测定", "山黧豆特异性IgE抗体测定", "香豌豆特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "241211009": [ "Tenogram", "十角图" ], "239376005": [ "Marsupialisation of lesion of maxilla", "Marsupialization of lesion of maxilla", "上颌骨病变袋形化", "上颌骨病变袋形成形术" ], "1220581005": [ "Biopsy of rectum using endoscopic ultrasound guidance", "Biopsy of rectum using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided biopsy of rectum", "内镜超声引导下直肠活检" ], "432314002": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of sternum", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of sternum", "MRI of sternum", "胸骨磁共振成像", "胸骨磁共振成像 (MRI)", "胸骨 MRI" ], "268474007": [ "Down's screening - blood test", "Barts test", "Down screening - blood test", "巴兹测试", "降级筛查-血液检测", "唐氏筛查 - 血液检测" ], "104634008": [ "Diacetate measurement", "Acetoacetic acid measurement, serum or plasma", "Acetoacetate measurement, serum or plasma", "二乙酸盐测量", "血清或血浆乙酰乙酸测量" ], "22714008": [ "Antigen capture assay", "抗原捕获试验" ], "70031002": [ "Oophorostomy", "卵巢造口术" ], "446863005": [ "Laparoscopic lysis of intraluminal adhesions of ureter", "腹腔镜输尿管腔内粘连松解术" ], "281188002": [ "Fabrication of orthodontic wire work", "正畸丝材的制作" ], "117348003": [ "Laboratory test method with analyte detection limit of 0.01 mu/L", "分析物检测限为 0.01 mu/L 的实验室测试方法" ], "363108004": [ "Equipment-related management procedure", "设备相关管理流程" ], "313956009": [ "Fluid lactate dehydrogenase measurement", "Lactate dehydrogenase measurement, body fluid", "LDH measurement, body fluid", "LD measurement, body fluid", "Lactic acid dehydrogenase measurement, body fluid", "LD测量,体液", "LDH测量、体液", "乳酸脱氢酶测量,体液", "液体乳酸脱氢酶测量" ], "66361005": [ "Excision of choledochal cyst", "Excision extrahepatic choledochal cyst", "切除肝外胆管囊肿", "胆总管囊肿切除术" ], "410425006": [ "Discipline case management", "纪律案件管理" ], "277518004": [ "Percutaneous embolization of anterior cerebral artery", "Percutaneous embolisation of anterior cerebral artery", "经皮大脑前动脉栓塞术" ], "408590004": [ "Antibacterial substance screening test", "抗菌物质筛选试验" ], "308451001": [ "Referral to podiatrist", "Refer to chiropodist", "Referral to chiropodist", "咨询足病医生", "转诊至足病医生" ], "29923002": [ "Shaving", "剃须" ], "177379002": [ "Distant microvascular transferred flap, fasciocutaneous", "Distant free flap, fasciocutaneous", "远端微血管转移皮瓣,筋膜皮肤", "远端游离皮瓣,筋膜皮瓣" ], "439523004": [ "Sympathectomy of digital artery", "指动脉交感神经切除术" ], "716216000": [ "Assessment using Birmingham Object Recognition Battery", "Assessment using BORB (Birmingham Object Recognition Battery)", "使用伯明翰物体识别测试进行评估", "使用 BORB(伯明翰物体识别测试)进行评估" ], "699832001": [ "Education about upper gastrointestinal tract endoscopy", "上消化道内镜检查教育" ], "388536006": [ "Broccoli specific IgE antibody measurement", "Brassica oleracea var.italica specific IgE antibody measurement", "Brassica oleracea var.italica specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f260 specific IgE antibody measurement", "f260特异性IgE抗体测量", "青花菜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "西兰花特异性IgE抗体测量", "青花菜特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "241080006": [ "Plain X-ray of tarsus", "跗骨普通 X 光检查" ], "404920007": [ "Mobilising exercises, non weight bearing", "Mobilizing exercises, non weight bearing", "活动锻炼,不负重" ], "306616009": [ "Discharge from chemical pathology service", "Discharge from clinical biochemistry service", "临床生化服务出院", "化学病理学服务出院" ], "239245001": [ "Realignment of patellar tendon", "Transfer of patellar tendon", "髌腱复位", "髌腱移位" ], "437221000124106": [ "Selenium modified diet", "硒改良饮食" ], "73570001": [ "Dupuytren shoulder disarticulation", "Dupuytren operation", "Dupuytren 手术", "Dupuytren 肩关节脱位" ], "237410001": [ "McKissock left reduction mammoplasty", "McKissock 左侧乳房缩小术" ], "104503001": [ "Alpha-2-macroglobulin measurement", "α-2-巨球蛋白测量" ], "71735005": [ "Excision of salivary gland", "Sialoadenectomy", "Salivary gland excision", "涎腺切除术", "唾液腺切除术" ], "37132000": [ "Anastomosis of artery by suture of distal to proximal end", "远端至近端缝合动脉吻合术" ], "446732001": [ "Destruction of lesion of esophagus by thoracic approach", "Destruction of lesion of oesophagus by thoracic approach", "经胸入路食管病变破坏术" ], "415799009": [ "Urine hexaporphyrin concentration", "Urine hexaporphyrin concentration measurement", "尿液六卟啉浓度", "尿液六卟啉浓度测量" ], "708876004": [ "Robot assisted laparoscopic appendicectomy", "Robot assisted laparoscopic appendectomy", "Laparoscopic appendectomy using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助腹腔镜阑尾切除术", "使用机器人辅助进行腹腔镜阑尾切除术" ], "397580007": [ "Hepatitis G antigen measurement", "Hepatitis G antigen level", "庚型肝炎抗原水平", "庚型肝炎抗原检测" ], "725260007": [ "Education about use of eye glasses", "Education about use of spectacles", "关于使用眼镜的教育", "眼镜使用教育" ], "68065001": [ "Jejunostomy, delayed opening", "空肠造口术,延迟打开" ], "313825002": [ "Plasma arachidonic acid measurement", "Plasma arachidonic acid level", "血浆花生四烯酸水平", "血浆花生四烯酸测量" ], "182753006": [ "Intestinal dialysis", "肠透析" ], "17078001": [ "Lateral fasciotomy of elbow with stripping", "肘外侧筋膜切开术及剥离术" ], "410294001": [ "Gait training teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Gait training teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Gait training education, guidance, and counseling", "Gait training education, guidance, and counselling", "步态训练教育、指导和咨询", "步态训练教学、指导和咨询" ], "787126003": [ "Fragmentation using morcellation device", "使用碎碎装置进行碎裂" ], "443062006": [ "Open reduction of bicondylar fracture of tibia", "胫骨双髁骨折切开复位术" ], "179083004": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture and internal fixation with screw(s)", "翻修骨折以切开复位并用螺钉内固定" ], "80779005": [ "Repair of brain", "修复大脑" ], "48011005": [ "Reattachment of muscle of hand", "手部肌肉再植" ], "439392003": [ "Measurement of amobarbital in urine", "尿液中异戊巴比妥的测定" ], "77109005": [ "Direct closure of sinus venosus with anomalous pulmonary venous drainage", "直接缝合肺静脉异常引流的静脉窦" ], "60725006": [ "Complex vestibuloplasty", "复杂前庭成形术" ], "1287690002": [ "Excision of synovium of toe", "Synovectomy of toe", "趾滑膜切除术" ], "108042002": [ "Urethra destructive procedure", "尿道破坏性手术" ], "91658005": [ "Phenylbutazone measurement", "保泰松测量" ], "42506006": [ "Anesthesia for inferior vena cava ligation", "Anaesthesia for inferior vena cava ligation", "下腔静脉结扎术的麻醉" ], "71604005": [ "Forensic autopsy, coroner's call", "法医尸检、验尸官的呼叫" ], "104372006": [ "Homologous restriction factor measurement", "同源限制因子测量" ], "432052007": [ "Percutaneous replacement of temporary filter of inferior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous replacement of temporary filter of inferior vena cava with contrast", "透视引导下经皮下腔静脉造影临时滤器置换术", "经皮下腔静脉临时滤器置换术(荧光造影引导)" ], "710580007": [ "Education about fall prevention", "预防跌倒教育" ], "235444009": [ "Attention to gastrointestinal tract tube", "注意胃肠道管" ], "413833000": [ "Chromogranin level", "Chromogranin measurement", "嗜铬粒蛋白测量", "嗜铬粒蛋白水平" ], "708745002": [ "Endoscopic needle biopsy of nasal sinus", "鼻内镜鼻窦穿刺活检" ], "69769008": [ "Repair of blepharoptosis", "Correction of blepharoptosis", "Correction of eyelid ptosis", "Repair of ptosis", "Correction of ptosis", "Ptosis repair", "眼睑下垂修复", "上睑下垂的修复", "眼睑下垂的修复", "上睑下垂矫正", "眼睑下垂的矫正", "矫正眼睑下垂" ], "117086000": [ "Intramuscular injection of Rabies immune globulin, human", "狂犬病免疫球蛋白肌肉注射,人" ], "217225009": [ "Repair of shoulder", "Shoulder repair", "肩部修复" ], "182622002": [ "Incisional biopsy of brain", "脑切开活检" ], "118921009": [ "Procedure on spleen", "脾脏手术" ], "1263966006": [ "Removal of residual dental cement from tooth", "清除牙齿上残留的牙科水泥" ], "313694007": [ "Urine cystine level", "Urine cystine measurement", "尿胱氨酸测量", "尿胱氨酸水平" ], "442931000": [ "Arthrodesis of distal radioulnar joint and segmental resection of ulna with bone graft", "远端桡尺关节融合术及尺骨分段切除并骨移植" ], "231774009": [ "Retinotomy", "视网膜切开术" ], "33331003": [ "Insertion of permanent atrial pacemaker with transvenous electrodes", "经静脉电极植入永久心房起搏器" ], "16443431000119101": [ "Ultrasonography guided needle biopsy of salivary gland", "Needle biopsy of salivary gland using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下涎腺穿刺活检", "超声引导下唾液腺针吸活检" ], "410163008": [ "Speech therapy management", "Manage speech therapist service", "言语治疗管理", "管理言语治疗师服务" ], "1293064002": [ "Plain X-ray of ear", "耳部普通 X 光检查" ], "16534311000119107": [ "Radionuclide scan of bone marrow of whole body", "Radioisotope scan of bone marrow of whole body", "全身骨髓放射性同位素扫描", "全身骨髓放射性核素扫描" ], "80648002": [ "Retrograde angiography of brachial artery", "Retrograde arteriography of brachial artery", "肱动脉逆行血管造影", "肱动脉逆行造影" ], "441096007": [ "Dressing subject in cool clothing", "给对象穿上凉爽的衣服" ], "178952008": [ "Rotation periarticular osteotomy", "旋转关节周围截骨术" ], "439261002": [ "Measurement of mycophenolic acid", "霉酚酸的测定" ], "306354000": [ "Referral to hospital-based dietitian", "Referral to hospital dietitian", "转诊至医院营养师" ], "715954004": [ "Transportation by commercial flight", "商业航班运输" ], "76978006": [ "ELISA assay", "Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay", "ELISA - Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay", "酶联免疫吸附测定", "ELISA - 酶联免疫吸附试验", "ELISA 检测" ], "699570007": [ "Laparoscopic ureteroileostomy with urinary diversion", "腹腔镜输尿管回肠造口术及尿流改道" ], "175282008": [ "Repair of aortic aneurysm using bifurcation graft", "AAA - Repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm using bifurcation graft", "使用分叉移植物修复主动脉瘤", "AAA - 使用分叉移植物修复腹主动脉瘤" ], "173447006": [ "Cryotherapy of lesion of floor of mouth", "口底病变的冷冻治疗" ], "1287559006": [ "Electrocoagulation of arteriovenous fistula", "Coagulation of arteriovenous fistula using electrical energy", "动静脉瘘电凝术", "利用电能凝固动静脉瘘" ], "386439008": [ "Skin care: topical treatments", "皮肤护理:局部治疗" ], "171612001": [ "Biopsy of nerve", "神经活检" ], "417372005": [ "Still technique", "静态技术" ], "1269340005": [ "Cementation of inlay to tooth", "Fixation of inlay to tooth using dental cement", "将嵌体粘接到牙齿上", "使用牙科水泥将嵌体固定到牙齿上" ], "122460008": [ "Reexploration", "Reexploration procedure", "Re-exploration", "重新探索", "重新探索程序" ], "400988008": [ "High anterior resection of rectum", "直肠高位前切除术" ], "235313004": [ "Non-emergency appendicectomy", "Non-emergency appendectomy", "非紧急阑尾切除术" ], "415537007": [ "Anti smooth muscle antibody IgA level", "Smooth muscle IgA antibody measurement", "Smooth muscle immunoglobulin A antibody measurement", "平滑肌免疫球蛋白 A 抗体测量", "平滑肌 IgA 抗体测量", "抗平滑肌抗体 IgA 水平" ], "233478001": [ "Thrombolysis of arteriovenous graft", "动静脉移植物血栓溶解术" ], "104241009": [ "Culture typing procedure, serologic method, agglutination grouping", "培养分型程序、血清学方法、凝集分组" ], "446470003": [ "Measurement of Influenza A virus A/Philippines/2/82 (H3N2) antibody", "甲型流感病毒 A/Philippines/2/82 (H3N2) 抗体测量" ], "20486005": [ "Excision of lesion of subcutaneous tissue of breast", "乳房皮下组织病损切除术" ], "118790005": [ "Procedure on vocal cord", "声带手术" ], "36870006": [ "Echoencephalography, A-mode", "脑回波描记术,A 型" ], "708614008": [ "Laparoscopic lysis of peritoneal adhesion", "Laparoscopic lysis of adhesion of peritoneum", "腹腔镜腹膜粘连松解术" ], "313563000": [ "Serum tacrolimus level", "Serum tacrolimus measurement", "血清他克莫司测定", "血清他克莫司水平" ], "4102006": [ "Root canal therapy, anterior, excluding final restoration", "根管治疗,前牙,不包括最终修复" ], "231643003": [ "Operations on medial rectus", "内直肌手术" ], "1296603004": [ "Drainage of cerebral epidural space by incision", "脑硬膜外腔切开引流" ], "444635008": [ "Digitalisation", "Digitalization", "Administration of Digitalis", "数字化", "洋地黄的给药" ], "2267008": [ "Changing tracheostomy tube", "Replacement of tracheostomy tube", "Change of tracheostomy tube", "更换气管切开管", "气管切开管更换" ], "229808009": [ "Advice to change food intake", "Recommendation to change food intake", "改变食物摄入量的建议" ], "64133005": [ "Chiropractic adjustment of knee subluxation", "膝关节半脱位的脊椎矫正" ], "408197007": [ "von Willebrand Normandy screening test", "血管性血友病诺曼底筛查试验" ], "176986005": [ "Endoscopic occlusion of left fallopian tube", "内镜下左侧输卵管阻塞术" ], "306223001": [ "Referral to hearing therapy service", "转介至听力治疗服务" ], "764975002": [ "Radionuclide imaging of hepatobiliary structure using radioisotope labelled cholecystokinin", "Radionuclide imaging of hepatobiliary structure using radioisotope labeled cholecystokinin", "使用放射性同位素标记的胆囊收缩素对肝胆结构进行放射性核素显像" ], "60463004": [ "Salpingostomy", "Salpingoneostomy", "输卵管造口术" ], "27695006": [ "Scarification of conjunctiva", "结膜瘢痕化" ], "173316001": [ "Removal of orthodontic appliance", "移除矫正器具" ], "386308007": [ "First aid", "急救" ], "237017007": [ "Intramyometrial injection of prostaglandin", "Injection of prostaglandin into myometrium", "向子宫肌层注射前列腺素", "子宫肌层内注射前列腺素" ], "171481008": [ "Decompression of foramen magnum", "枕骨大孔减压术" ], "5806001": [ "Revision of tracheostomy scar", "气管切开伤疤修复" ], "122329007": [ "Enterovirus RNA assay", "Enterovirus ribonucleic acid detection", "Enterovirus ribonucleic acid assay", "肠道病毒 RNA 检测", "肠道病毒核糖核酸检测" ], "104110004": [ "Neutrophil count, automated, cerebrospinal fluid", "中性粒细胞计数,自动化,脑脊液" ], "235182009": [ "Long esophageal myotomy", "Long oesophageal myotomy", "Extended esophageal myotomy", "Extended oesophageal myotomy", "长食管肌切开术", "扩大食管肌切开术" ], "233347004": [ "Reconstruction of superior mesenteric artery", "肠系膜上动脉重建" ], "118659004": [ "Tenosuspension", "腱悬吊术" ], "3971006": [ "Duchenne muscular dystrophy carrier detection", "杜氏肌营养不良症携带者检测" ], "85891007": [ "Destructive procedure of external ear", "外耳毁损手术" ], "1263704002": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic coagulation of haemorrhage of upper gastrointestinal tract using haemostatic spray", "Fiberoptic endoscopic coagulation of hemorrhage of upper gastrointestinal tract using hemostatic spray", "纤维内镜上消化道出血止血喷雾凝固术" ], "311597001": [ "MIT - Melodic intonation therapy", "Melodic intonation therapy", "麻省理工学院 - 旋律语调疗法", "旋律语调疗法" ], "65837003": [ "Angiography of neck", "Neck angiography", "颈部血管造影" ], "178690000": [ "Primary skull traction stabilization of spinal fracture", "Primary skull traction stabilisation of spinal fracture", "脊柱骨折的初级颅骨牵引固定" ], "14850008": [ "Anesthesia for intestinal endoscopic procedure", "Anaesthesia for intestinal endoscopic procedure", "肠内镜检查麻醉", "肠内镜手术麻醉" ], "113154008": [ "Subcutaneous clysis of patient for fluid administration", "Hypodermoclysis", "皮下注射", "对患者进行皮下灌注以补充液体" ], "275159003": [ "Needle biopsy of spleen", "脾脏针吸活检" ], "226007004": [ "Post-surgical wound care", "Postoperative wound care", "术后伤口护理" ], "715692000": [ "Computed tomography of head with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "CT of head with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "头部对比计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "头部 CT 对比剂用于放射治疗计划" ], "438999008": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of cerebral venous sinus using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮脑静脉窦血栓溶解术" ], "92701000112101": [ "Drainage of abdomen", "腹部引流" ], "306092009": [ "Referral by social services department care manager", "Referral by SSD care manager", "Referral from SSD care manager", "SSD 护理经理推荐", "社会服务部门护理经理推荐" ], "173185002": [ "Deflation of bulla of lung", "肺大泡缩小" ], "271489009": [ "Open endoscopic operations on jejunum", "开放式内镜空肠手术" ], "122198002": [ "Schistosoma culture", "血吸虫培养" ], "236886002": [ "Hysterectomy", "Excision procedure on uterus", "Uterus excision", "子宫切除术", "子宫切除" ], "449878004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging for cardiac morphology, function, and velocity under stress", "MRI for cardiac morphology, function, and velocity under stress", "MRI 检查压力下的心脏形态、功能和速度", "磁共振成像检测压力下的心脏形态、功能和速度" ], "171350003": [ "Road traffic accident injury examination", "RTA injury examination", "RTA - Road traffic accident injury examination", "RTA损伤检查", "道路交通事故伤情检查", "RTA - 道路交通事故伤害检查" ], "7510005": [ "Color vision examination", "Color vision test", "Colour vision examination", "Colour vision test", "色觉检查", "色觉测试" ], "431659001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of common carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮颈总动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "38443001": [ "Vaginal implantation of radium", "Radium implant in vagina", "阴道镭植入物", "阴道植入镭" ], "103979003": [ "Little s blood group antibody identification", "Little s 血型抗体鉴定" ], "22059005": [ "Computerized tomography, bone density study", "CT bone density", "Qct", "Computerised tomography, bone density study", "Computed tomography bone density study", "计算机断层扫描、骨密度研究", "计算机断层扫描,骨密度研究", "计算机断层扫描骨密度研究", "CT骨密度", "量子阱" ], "448043006": [ "Primary closure of defect of interventricular septum", "室间隔缺损一期缝合" ], "415275008": [ "Referral to male urology clinic", "转诊至男性泌尿科诊所" ], "69376001": [ "Urinalysis, glucose, qualitative", "Urine test for glucose", "尿液葡萄糖检测", "尿液分析,葡萄糖,定性" ], "446208007": [ "Ultrasonography in second trimester", "US scan in second trimester", "Ultrasound scan in second trimester", "妊娠中期超声波扫描", "妊娠中期超声检查", "妊娠中期超声扫描" ], "282368008": [ "Excisional biopsy of lesion of lip", "唇部病变切除活检" ], "233216008": [ "Excision of vegetations from pulmonary trunk", "肺干赘生物切除术" ], "429824008": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of brain using thallium", "Single photon emission computed tomography of brain using thallium", "使用铊进行脑单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "使用铊进行脑单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)" ], "313301004": [ "Irrigation of bilateral maxillary sinuses", "Irrigation of both maxillary sinuses", "Maxillary BAWO (bilateral antral washouts)", "Bilateral maxillary antral washout", "双侧上颌窦冲洗", "上颌 BAWO(双侧上颌窦冲洗)" ], "231381004": [ "Thoracic intrathecal neurolysis", "胸椎鞘内神经松解术" ], "165845007": [ "Serum rheumatoid antigen measurement", "Serum rheumatoid antigen level", "血清类风湿抗原测量", "血清类风湿抗原水平" ], "395221009": [ "Serum rheumatoid antibody level", "血清类风湿抗体水平" ], "170009": [ "Special potency disk identification, vancomycin test", "特殊效价纸片鉴定、万古霉素试验" ], "47487006": [ "Excision of lesion of iris", "虹膜病变切除术" ], "113023007": [ "Examination of vagina", "VE - Vaginal examination", "Vaginal examination", "Internal examination", "VE-阴道检查", "内部检查", "阴道检查" ], "391551009": [ "Serum ionised calcium (pH 7.4) level", "Serum ionized calcium (pH 7.4) level", "血清离子钙(pH 7.4)水平" ], "275028003": [ "Heart atria and ventricle operations", "心房和心室手术" ], "307796007": [ "Excision of mammary duct", "乳腺导管切除术" ], "1290836007": [ "Drainage of periurethral abscess", "尿道周围脓肿引流" ], "699177001": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of scapula with internal fixation", "肩胛骨骨折闭合复位内固定" ], "76585002": [ "Crown, full cast predominantly base metal", "表冠,全铸造,主要为贱金属" ], "305961002": [ "Referral from respiratory physician", "Referral by respiratory physician", "呼吸科医生转诊" ], "1208916007": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to ramus intermedius artery and first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to intermediate artery and first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to intermediate artery and first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to ramus intermedius artery and first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至中间动脉及左冠状动脉回旋支第一钝缘支的顺序吻合", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至中间升支动脉和左冠状动脉回旋支第一钝缘支", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至中间动脉及左冠状动脉回旋支第一钝缘支", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至中间升支及左冠状动脉回旋支第一钝缘支的顺序吻合" ], "60201002": [ "Anesthesia for closed procedure involving sacroiliac joint", "Anaesthesia for closed procedure involving sacroiliac joint", "骶髂关节闭合手术的麻醉" ], "58366006": [ "Plastic repair with radial incision", "放射状切口整形修复" ], "287742007": [ "Ureter calculus removal", "输尿管结石取出" ], "72915000": [ "Dilation of colon", "结肠扩张" ], "271358009": [ "Bone marrow: foreign cells", "Evaluation of bone marrow: foreign cells", "骨髓评估:外来细胞", "骨髓:外来细胞" ], "23763001": [ "Tubo-ovarian lysis of adhesions", "Lysis of adhesions of ovary and fallopian tube", "卵巢输卵管粘连松解术", "输卵管卵巢粘连松解术" ], "171219003": [ "Ear disorder screening", "耳部疾病筛查" ], "122067001": [ "Parainfluenza virus 3 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human parainfluenza virus 3 antibody", "人类副流感病毒 3 型抗体测量", "副流感病毒 3 型抗体检测" ], "103848001": [ "Platelet antibody, IgG measurement", "Platelet antibody, immunoglobulin G measurement", "血小板抗体、免疫球蛋白G测量", "血小板抗体、IgG 测量" ], "185768002": [ "Geriatric monitoring first letter", "老年监测首字母" ], "710056002": [ "Management of impulse control", "冲动控制的管理" ], "447912004": [ "Fractionated dose stereotactic radiosurgery using linear accelerator system", "使用直线加速器系统进行分次剂量立体定向放射外科手术" ], "120232004": [ "Removal of benign tumor from bone", "Removal of benign tumour from bone", "切除骨骼中的良性肿瘤", "骨良性肿瘤切除" ], "431528006": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of superior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮上腔静脉血栓溶解术" ], "284072004": [ "Exploration of oral alveolus", "口腔齿槽探查" ], "234920008": [ "Suture of cheek", "脸颊缝合" ], "20093000": [ "Alcohol rehabilitation and detoxification", "酒精康复和排毒" ], "69245005": [ "Intra-arterial infusion of thrombolytic agent", "动脉内输注溶栓剂" ], "233085006": [ "Transluminal laser resection of left ventricular muscle", "左心室肌肉腔内激光切除术" ], "1148754001": [ "Screening for neoplasm", "肿瘤筛查" ], "446077009": [ "Automated otoacoustic emission test", "自动耳声发射测试" ], "67410005": [ "Urobilinogen measurement, urine", "Urine urobilinogen", "Urine urobilinogen level", "尿液尿胆原", "尿胆原测量,尿液", "尿液尿胆原水平" ], "83794005": [ "Extracorporeal photopheresis", "体外光化学疗法" ], "34642009": [ "Biopsy of uvula", "悬雍垂活检" ], "426023002": [ "Excision of duplex ureter", "双输尿管切除术" ], "442407001": [ "Estimation of creatinine clearance by Cockcroft-Gault formula", "通过 Cockcroft-Gault 公式估算肌酐清除率" ], "229415007": [ "Physiological mobilisation of the thoracic spine", "Physiological mobilization of the thoracic spine", "胸椎的生理活动" ], "65575008": [ "Biopsy of prostate", "前列腺活检" ], "112892003": [ "Radical excision of iliac lymph nodes", "髂淋巴结根治切除术" ], "14588004": [ "Deep biopsy of soft tissue of back", "背部软组织深部活检" ], "440572003": [ "Closed manual reduction of peritrochanteric fracture of femur", "股骨转子周围骨折闭合手法复位" ], "276732005": [ "Apneic oxygenation", "Apnoeic oxygenation", "呼吸暂停氧合" ], "47356008": [ "Inhibition test", "抑制试验" ], "176593001": [ "Excision of lesion of Bartholin's gland", "Excision of lesion of Bartholin gland", "巴氏腺病变切除术" ], "29137007": [ "Indentation of sclera for buckling", "巩膜压痕以便扣带" ], "307665007": [ "Closure of defunctioning colostomy", "结肠造口功能障碍的关闭" ], "387750002": [ "Instrumental activity of daily living procedures and interventions", "Instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) treatment", "工具性日常生活活动 (IADL) 治疗", "工具性日常生活活动程序和干预" ], "10918007": [ "Incision and drainage of retropharyngeal tissue", "咽后组织切开引流" ], "385915000": [ "Assessment of care of pressure injury stage I", "压力性损伤I期的护理评估" ], "240294007": [ "Open operation for fetal congenital diaphragmatic hernia", "Open operation for foetal congenital diaphragmatic hernia", "胎儿先天性膈疝开放手术", "胎儿先天性膈疝开放手术治疗" ], "303995001": [ "Buccal smear procedure", "Buccal smear", "颊涂片", "颊涂片检查程序" ], "172923002": [ "Carpectomy, all bones of proximal row", "腕骨切除术,所有近端排骨" ], "174758008": [ "Suture of pancreas", "胰腺缝合" ], "287611006": [ "Continuous suction drainage", "持续负压吸引引流" ], "271227006": [ "Serum insulin - C-polypeptide measurement", "Serum insulin - C-polypeptide level", "血清胰岛素-C多肽测量", "血清胰岛素-C多肽水平" ], "40016001": [ "Prophylactic treatment of femur", "股骨预防性治疗" ], "121936003": [ "Bluetongue virus detection", "蓝舌病病毒检测" ], "449616006": [ "Plain X-ray of lower limb for bone length measurement", "下肢普通 X 光检查以测量骨长度" ], "103717000": [ "Manipulation of stent", "Stent manipulation", "支架操作" ], "433232009": [ "Epicardial echocardiography", "心外膜超声心动图" ], "1332517004": [ "Assessment using interviewer led Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire fatigue subscale", "Assessment using interviewer led CRQ (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire) fatigue subscale", "Assessment using CRQ-IL (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire interviewer led) fatigue subscale", "使用 CRQ-IL(慢性呼吸问卷访谈员主导)疲劳分量表进行评估", "使用访谈员主导的 CRQ(慢性呼吸问卷)疲劳分量表进行评估", "使用访谈员主导的慢性呼吸问卷疲劳分量表进行评估" ], "234789004": [ "Insertion of composite restoration into tooth", "Insertion of restoration into tooth - acid etch bonding", "将复合修复体插入牙齿", "将修复体置入牙齿 - 酸蚀粘合" ], "431397007": [ "Insertion of gastrostomy tube using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下插入胃造口管" ], "445946004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of spinal cord", "MRI of spinal cord", "脊髓磁共振成像", "脊髓 MRI" ], "739023000": [ "Complete right axillary lymphadenectomy", "Right axillary lymph node clearance", "Complete excision of right axillary lymph nodes", "右腋窝淋巴结完全清扫", "右腋窝淋巴结完全切除", "右腋窝淋巴结清扫" ], "232954008": [ "Repair of implanted truncal paravalvular leak", "PPVL - Repair of truncal prosthetic paravalvular leak", "Repair of implanted truncal paravalvar leak", "PVL - Repair of truncal paravalvular leak", "植入性躯干瓣周漏的修补", "PPVL - 修复躯干假体瓣周漏", "植入式躯干瓣周漏的修补", "PVL - 修复动脉瓣周围漏" ], "427727001": [ "Combined anterior and posterior epiphysiodesis of spine for correction of deformity", "脊柱前后骨骺融合术矫正畸形" ], "313039003": [ "Solid organ transplant", "实体器官移植" ], "231119002": [ "Implantation, removal and adjustment of neurostimulator electrode", "神经刺激器电极的植入、移除和调整" ], "394959000": [ "Cyclosporin index", "环孢菌素指数" ], "34511006": [ "Injection of prostate", "前列腺注射" ], "180132001": [ "Posterior release of joints of foot for correction of congenital deformity of foot", "足部后关节松解术矫正足部先天畸形" ], "229284002": [ "Weight and pulley systems using proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation patterns", "使用本体感觉神经肌肉促进模式的重量和滑轮系统" ], "81828004": [ "Control of epistaxis by packing of posterior and anterior nose", "通过填塞后鼻和前鼻来控制鼻出血" ], "391289000": [ "Serum desethylamiodarone level", "血清去乙胺碘酮水平" ], "473209001": [ "Diabetic erectile dysfunction review", "糖尿病性勃起功能障碍评论" ], "702585002": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of renal artery", "Doppler ultrasound of renal artery", "Doppler ultrasound scan of renal artery", "肾动脉多普勒超声检查", "肾动脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "178297005": [ "Mediastinal lymph nodes sampling", "纵隔淋巴结取样" ], "112761007": [ "Incision and drainage of deep infected bursa of thigh region", "股部深部感染滑囊切开引流术" ], "405838002": [ "Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2B mutation carrier detection test", "多发性内分泌肿瘤 2B 型突变携带者检测" ], "61774002": [ "Repair of rotator cuff by suture", "Repair of tendon rotator of cuff by direct suture", "Suture of tendon of rotator cuff", "Suture of supraspinatus tendon for rotator cuff repair", "肩袖肌腱缝合", "直接缝合修复肩袖腱", "冈上肌腱缝合术修复肩袖", "缝合修复肩袖" ], "715299000": [ "Assessment using Renfrew Action Picture Test", "Assessment using RAPT (Renfrew Action Picture Test)", "使用 RAPT (Renfrew 动作图片测试) 进行评估", "使用 Renfrew 动作图片测试进行评估" ], "895523002": [ "Amputation of right hand", "右手截肢" ], "27171005": [ "Urinalysis", "Urinalysis procedure", "尿液分析", "尿液分析程序" ], "764451006": [ "Repair of right cleft lip", "右唇裂修复" ], "238328000": [ "Minithoracotomy", "Limited thoracotomy", "小切口开胸手术", "有限开胸手术" ], "385784004": [ "Advanced practice nursing care", "Nurse specialist service", "Nurse practitioner service", "Advanced nurse specialist care", "高级实践护理", "高级护士专科护理", "执业护士服务", "护士专科服务" ], "303864007": [ "Endoscopic partial meniscectomy of knee", "内窥镜膝关节半月板部分切除术" ], "172792007": [ "Biopsy of lesion of nasal septum", "鼻中隔病变活检" ], "287480007": [ "Non-surgical female organ biopsy", "非手术女性器官活检" ], "252877002": [ "Optical axis deviation plot", "光轴偏差图" ], "121805005": [ "Linoleoylcarnitine measurement", "亚油酰肉碱测量" ], "119970004": [ "Thymus injection", "胸腺注射液" ], "234658005": [ "Removal of mandibular exostosis", "下颌骨外生骨疣切除术" ], "5282006": [ "Operation on oropharynx", "口咽手术" ], "447650007": [ "Excision of exostosis of mandible", "下颌骨外生骨疣切除术" ], "413047002": [ "Clostridium difficile toxin detection", "艰难梭菌毒素检测" ], "445815002": [ "Assessment using assessment of communication and interaction skill version 4.0", "评估采用沟通与互动技能评估 4.0 版" ], "232823005": [ "Trussler operation", "Plication of aortic valve cusp", "特鲁斯勒行动", "主动脉瓣瓣尖折皱术" ], "118135005": [ "B lymphocyte count", "B淋巴细胞计数" ], "230988009": [ "Evacuation of spinal extradural haematoma", "Evacuation of spinal extradural hematoma", "脊髓硬膜外血肿清除术" ], "32545003": [ "HIV-2 antigen assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus-2 (HIV-2) antigen assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus-2 antigen assay", "人类免疫缺陷病毒-2抗原测定", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型 (HIV-2) 抗原检测", "HIV-2 抗原检测" ], "81697004": [ "Division of inferior laryngeal nerve", "喉下神经的分离" ], "65313007": [ "Percutaneous extraction of common duct stones", "经皮胆管结石取出术" ], "229153008": [ "Hip exercises", "臀部锻炼" ], "243702000": [ "Gynecologic examination under general anesthesia", "Gynaecologic examination under general anaesthesia", "全身麻醉下的妇科检查", "全身麻醉下妇科检查" ], "178166002": [ "Primary repair of tendon using tendon transfer procedure", "采用肌腱转移术进行肌腱的初次修复" ], "735222009": [ "Reconstruction of left breast", "左乳房重建" ], "12491002": [ "Bleaching of discolored tooth", "Topical application of tooth medicament - bleaching agent", "Bleach tooth", "Bleaching of discoloured tooth", "牙齿变色漂白", "漂白牙齿", "牙齿局部用药-漂白剂" ], "209099002": [ "History and physical examination with management of domiciliary or rest home patient", "病史和体格检查以及家庭或疗养院患者的管理" ], "76192001": [ "Mikulicz operation, resection of large intestine, second stage", "Resection of exteriorized segment of large intestine", "Resection of exteriorised segment of large intestine", "Mikulicz 手术,大肠切除术,第二阶段", "大肠外切段切除术", "大肠外切术" ], "289184002": [ "Removal of tumor from inferior vena cava", "Removal of tumour from inferior vena cava", "下腔静脉肿瘤切除术", "下腔静脉肿瘤切除" ], "405707009": [ "Removal of foreign body of hindfoot", "后足异物取出" ], "1255840007": [ "Intra-arterial injection of tPA (tissue plasminogen activator)", "Intra-arterial injection of tissue plasminogen activator", "动脉内注射组织型纤溶酶原激活剂", "动脉内注射 tPA(组织型纤溶酶原激活剂)" ], "287349001": [ "Vessel graft by-pass", "血管移植旁路" ], "172661001": [ "Total petrosectomy", "全岩骨切除术" ], "90741003": [ "Catell infant intelligence scale", "Cattell infant intelligence scale", "Cattell 婴儿智力量表", "Catell 婴儿智力量表" ], "238197008": [ "Repair of superior lumbar hernia", "上腰疝修补术" ], "711498001": [ "Magnetic resonance angiogram of chest with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of chest with contrast", "MR angiography of chest with contrast", "胸部血管结构磁共振血管造影对比", "胸部磁共振血管造影" ], "105290000": [ "Phenazocine measurement", "非那佐辛测量" ], "121674008": [ "Pyrazinamide measurement", "吡嗪酰胺测量" ], "414751001": [ "Mixed astigmatic photorefractive keratectomy", "Mixed astigmatic PRK-photorefractive keratectomy", "混合散光 PRK 准分子激光角膜切削术", "混合散光屈光性角膜切削术" ], "252746009": [ "Mixed nerve conduction study", "混合神经传导研究" ], "236362008": [ "Procedure for male sexual function disorder", "男性性功能障碍的治疗程序" ], "6986008": [ "Precipitin test for blood group, species identification", "沉淀素测试用于血型、物种鉴定" ], "54303005": [ "Posterior spinal instrumentation with segmental fixation", "后路脊柱分段固定" ], "119839006": [ "Skin of neck transplantation", "颈部皮肤移植" ], "5151004": [ "Manual reduction of hemorrhoids", "Manual reduction of haemorrhoids", "Manual reduction of prolapsed pile", "Manual reduction of prolapsed haemorrhoid", "Manual reduction of prolapsed hemorrhoid", "Manual reduction of rectal hemorrhoids", "Manual reduction of rectal haemorrhoids", "直肠痔疮的手动复位", "脱垂痔疮手法复位", "手动痔疮复位", "直肠痔疮手动复位", "脱垂痔疮的手动复位" ], "37919009": [ "In situ perfusion", "原位灌注" ], "707828002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of coronary artery", "经皮冠状动脉腔内切割球囊成形术" ], "314612002": [ "Drainage of pancreatic abscess", "胰腺脓肿引流" ], "412916002": [ "CSF amino acid chromatography", "Cerebrospinal fluid amino acid chromatography", "脑脊液氨基酸色谱法" ], "118004002": [ "Triiodothyronine antibody assay", "Measurement of triiodothyronine antibody", "三碘甲状腺原氨酸抗体测定" ], "134388005": [ "Monofilament foot sensation test", "单丝足部感觉测试" ], "232692007": [ "Open cricothyroidotomy", "Surgical cricothyroidotomy", "开放环甲膜切开术", "外科环甲膜切开术" ], "17865000": [ "Plastic repair of urethrocele in female", "Plastic repair of urethrocoele in female", "女性尿道膨出的整形修补术" ], "165321000": [ "Ten item dementia test", "十项痴呆症测试" ], "116169002": [ "Incisional biopsy of testis by transscrotal approach", "Transscrotal open biopsy of testis", "经阴囊睾丸切开活检", "经阴囊入路睾丸切开活检" ], "1230281003": [ "Transplant of both corneas", "Transplant of bilateral cornea of eyes", "双侧眼角膜移植", "双侧角膜移植" ], "68852009": [ "Lithium therapy", "锂疗法" ], "67017004": [ "Cell count and differential, peritoneal fluid", "腹腔液细胞计数和分化" ], "34249006": [ "Repair of kidney", "Nephroplasty", "肾成形术", "肾脏修复" ], "32414000": [ "Intraoperative sigmoidoscopy", "术中乙状结肠镜检查" ], "179870001": [ "Primary arthroscopic ligament repair", "初次关节镜韧带修复" ], "230857009": [ "Injection of chemotherapeutic substance into subcutaneous reservoir", "将化疗物质注射到皮下储液器中" ], "391027005": [ "Osteoporosis - falls prevention", "骨质疏松症 - 预防跌倒" ], "178035006": [ "Local fascial advancement flap", "局部筋膜推进皮瓣" ], "817011007": [ "Tissue frozen section technique", "组织冷冻切片技术" ], "274504000": [ "Umbilical vessel catheterization", "Umbilical vessel catheterisation", "脐血管导管插入术", "脐血管插管" ], "30579008": [ "Equalization of leg by fibula", "Equalisation of leg by fibula", "腓骨使腿部平衡" ], "718707009": [ "Assessment using Hoehn and Yahr Scale", "使用 Hoehn 和 Yahr 量表进行评估" ], "307272003": [ "Electrocautery operation", "Electrocautery", "Destruction of lesion or structure by electrocautery", "Electrocauterisation", "Electrocauterization", "电灼术", "通过电灼术破坏病变或结构", "电灼手术" ], "241736004": [ "Manual tourniquet application", "手动止血带应用" ], "716872004": [ "Antineoplastic chemotherapy regimen", "抗肿瘤化疗方案" ], "438344007": [ "Aspiration of breast using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行乳房抽吸" ], "76061000": [ "Cyanide measurement, blood", "血液氰化物测量" ], "77896007": [ "Cytopathology procedure, cell block and smear preparation", "细胞病理学程序、细胞块和涂片制备" ], "174365003": [ "Forced manual dilation of anus for haemorrhoid", "Forced manual dilation of anus for hemorrhoid", "痔疮强制扩肛术", "痔疮强行扩肛术" ], "59677003": [ "Interposition arthroplasty of carpometacarpal joint", "腕掌关节置换术" ], "10525007": [ "Decompression of fingers, injection injury", "手指减压、注射伤" ], "172530003": [ "Capsulotomy of posterior lens capsule", "晶状体后囊切开术" ], "270834007": [ "Life assurance - examination", "人寿保险-检查" ], "432839001": [ "Biopsy of foot using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下进行足部活检" ], "287218009": [ "Cranial ventriculostomy", "脑室造口术" ], "252615001": [ "Electrocochleography suprathreshold waveform test", "耳蜗电图超阈值波形测试" ], "711367004": [ "Biopsy of rib using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided biopsy of rib", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肋骨活检", "CT 引导下肋骨活检" ], "121543004": [ "Dieldrin measurement", "狄氏剂测量" ], "119708000": [ "Nasopharynx injection", "鼻咽注射" ], "105159009": [ "Diazinon measurement", "二嗪农测量" ], "447388001": [ "Insertion of drain into pericardium using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下将引流管插入心包" ], "285383009": [ "Advice to change fruit and nut intake", "Recommendation to change fruit and nut intake", "改变水果和坚果摄入量的建议", "建议改变水果和坚果的摄入量" ], "414620004": [ "Low dose diphtheria and acellular pertussis five component and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Low dose diphtheria and acellular pertussis five component and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Low dose diphtheria and acellular pertussis five component and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Administration of low dose diphtheria and acellular pertussis five component and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only acellular Bordetella pertussis five component and Clostridium tetani and low dose Corynebacterium diphtheriae and inactivated whole Human poliovirus antigens", "注射低剂量白喉和无细胞百日咳五种成分疫苗以及灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "低剂量白喉和无细胞百日咳五种成分和灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "注射仅含有无细胞百日咳杆菌五种成分和破伤风梭菌、低剂量白喉棒状杆菌和灭活的全人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "低剂量白喉和无细胞百日咳五种成分和灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫" ], "709532005": [ "Injection of medroxyprogesterone acetate", "醋酸甲羟孕酮注射液" ], "1217436006": [ "Insertion of peripheral artery catheter", "Insertion of arterial catheter into peripheral artery", "将动脉导管插入外周动脉", "插入外周动脉导管" ], "168860009": [ "Negative/double contrast cystography", "阴性/双重对比膀胱造影" ], "396401003": [ "Re-excision of lesion of skin", "皮肤病变再次切除" ], "232561004": [ "Excision of mucosal lesion of vocal fold", "Excision of mucosal lesion of vocal cord", "声带粘膜病变切除术" ], "429169004": [ "Interstitial laser destruction of lesion of breast", "乳腺间质病变激光毁损术" ], "134257008": [ "Coxiella burnetii IgA level", "Coxiella burnetii immunoglobulin A level", "伯氏柯克斯体免疫球蛋白A水平", "伯纳特氏柯克斯体 IgA 水平" ], "427334001": [ "Endoscopic excision of synovial plica", "内镜滑膜皱襞切除术" ], "165190001": [ "Psychiatric evaluation for rehabilitation", "康复精神评估" ], "117873008": [ "Measurement of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium antibody", "Salmonella serovar Typhimurium antibody assay", "鼠伤寒沙门氏菌肠道亚种血清型抗体的测量", "鼠伤寒沙门氏菌抗体测定" ], "34118006": [ "Motor testing", "Locomotor test", "电机测试", "运动测试" ], "359963001": [ "Repair of corneal wound postcataract dehiscence", "白内障裂开后角膜伤口的修复" ], "32283003": [ "Paper chromatography measurement", "纸色谱测定" ], "441883005": [ "Measurement of cobalt in blood specimen", "血液样本中钴的测量" ], "225221000": [ "Praising", "赞扬" ], "241605004": [ "MRI of pituitary fossa", "Magnetic resonance imaging of pituitary fossa", "Magnetic resonance imaging of sella turcica", "垂体窝 MRI", "垂体窝磁共振成像", "鞍区磁共振成像" ], "339909005": [ "Correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection, one-stage", "Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection, one-stage", "完全性肺静脉异位引流矫正术(一期)", "完全性肺静脉异位引流修复术(一期)" ], "274373006": [ "Artery biopsy", "Biopsy of artery", "动脉活检" ], "61381007": [ "Incision of neck", "Cervical incision", "颈部切开", "宫颈切口" ], "700357007": [ "Radium 223 brachytherapy", "Radium 223 internal radiotherapy", "镭223内照射", "镭 223 近距离放射治疗" ], "1290181009": [ "Ultrasonography guided injection of sclerosing agent foam into varicose vein of lower limb", "Ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy of varicose vein of lower limb", "Ultrasonography guided injection of sclerosing agent foam into varicose vein of lower extremity", "Injection of sclerosing agent foam into varicose vein of lower limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下肢静脉曲张硬化剂泡沫注射", "超声引导下下肢静脉曲张泡沫硬化治疗", "超声引导下下肢静脉曲张注射硬化剂泡沫" ], "405445009": [ "Revision of Syme's amputation", "Revision of Syme amputation", "Syme 截肢术修复", "Syme 截肢修复术" ], "305306004": [ "Admission by upper gastrointestinal surgeon", "Admission by upper GI surgeon", "上消化道外科医生入院" ], "370842007": [ "Providing care in a nonprejudicial manner", "Provides care in a nondiscriminatory, nonprejudicial manner", "Provides care without prejudicial behaviour", "Provides care without prejudicial behavior", "提供无偏见行为的护理", "以不带偏见的方式提供护理", "以非歧视、无偏见的方式提供护理" ], "172399001": [ "Biopsy of lesion of conjunctiva", "结膜病变活检" ], "252484002": [ "Multiple breath nitrogen washout test", "多次呼气氮气冲洗试验" ], "121412008": [ "Novobiocin measurement", "新生霉素测定" ], "430873001": [ "Reduction of dislocation of knee", "膝关节脱位复位" ], "105028009": [ "Aquacobalamin measurement, serum", "水钴胺素测量,血清" ], "1331993005": [ "Removal of internal fixation device from bone of thorax", "从胸骨取出内固定装置" ], "234265005": [ "Excision of pelvic lymph node", "盆腔淋巴结切除术" ], "86809007": [ "Fulguration of tonsillar fossa", "扁桃体窝电灼术" ], "117742000": [ "Avian adenovirus 2 antigen assay", "禽腺病毒 2 型抗原检测" ], "609262002": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent inguinal hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下复发性腹股沟疝修补术" ], "723950005": [ "Bisphosphonate therapy", "Disphosphonate therapy", "双磷酸盐治疗", "双膦酸盐治疗" ], "281582006": [ "Pneumothorax relief", "气胸缓解" ], "68590006": [ "Chondrectomy of hip", "髋关节软骨切除术" ], "441752004": [ "Anterior compression of breast", "乳房前部受压" ], "179608005": [ "Primary open reduction of dislocation and wire fixation", "脱位的初步切开复位和钢丝固定" ], "359832004": [ "Ion selective electrode measurement", "Specific ion electrode measurement", "ISE (ion selective electrode) measurement", "离子选择电极测量", "特定离子电极测量", "ISE(离子选择性电极)测量" ], "439917001": [ "Replacement of nontunneled centrally inserted central venous catheter", "非隧道式中心静脉导管的更换" ], "408984009": [ "Growth and development care assessment", "Assess growth and development", "评估成长和发展", "成长发育护理评估" ], "259693005": [ "Haemoglobin Barts level", "Hemoglobin Barts measurement", "Hemoglobin Barts level", "Haemoglobin Barts measurement", "血红蛋白 Barts 测量", "血红蛋白 Barts 水平" ], "79469008": [ "Heparin assay", "肝素测定" ], "225090002": [ "Self-expression of bladder", "Self-expression of urinary bladder", "膀胱自我排尿", "膀胱自我表达" ], "257858005": [ "Heater probe treatment", "加热探针处理" ], "241474008": [ "US scan of transplant pancreas", "Ultrasound scan of transplant pancreas", "移植胰腺的超声扫描", "移植胰腺的超声波扫描" ], "405314009": [ "Harvesting of short saphenous vein", "短隐静脉的采集" ], "307010009": [ "Extended right hemihepatectomy", "Extended right hepatectomy", "扩大右肝切除术", "扩大右半肝切除术" ], "256023002": [ "Neuroplasty and transposition of ulnar nerve at elbow", "肘部尺神经成形术及尺神经移位术" ], "239639004": [ "Soft tissue release for correction of congenital deformity of forefoot", "软组织松解术矫正前足先天畸形" ], "59415007": [ "Positional nystagmus test", "位置性眼球震颤试验" ], "172268000": [ "Medial protective suture of eyelid", "眼睑内侧保护缝线" ], "57580002": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on thoracic spinal cord", "Anaesthesia for procedure on thoracic spinal cord", "胸椎手术麻醉" ], "73964004": [ "Post-laryngectomy rehabilitation", "Laryngectomy rehabilitation", "喉切除术后康复", "喉切除术康复" ], "450796004": [ "Revision of fusion of joint and external fixation", "关节融合及外固定的修复" ], "711105000": [ "Intrapleural instillation of thrombolytic agent", "Instillation of thrombolytic agent into pleural cavity", "胸腔内灌注溶栓剂", "胸膜内灌注溶栓剂" ], "104897002": [ "PGE>1< measurement", "Prostaglandin E1 measurement", "PGE>1< 测量", "前列腺素 E1 测量" ], "22977002": [ "Stripping of bone", "骨剥离" ], "39361004": [ "Oxygen uptake by expired gas analysis at rest and with exercise", "静息和运动时呼气分析的氧气吸收量" ], "252353003": [ "Con-A - Concanavalin A T-lymphocyte stimulation", "Concanavalin-A T lymphocyte stimulation", "Con-A - 刀豆球蛋白 A T 淋巴细胞刺激", "刀豆蛋白-A T淋巴细胞刺激" ], "170433008": [ "Administration of second dose of measles and mumps and rubella vaccine", "Second measles and mumps and rubella vaccination", "Second measles and mumps and rubella immunisation", "Second measles and mumps and rubella immunization", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus antigens", "第二次麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹疫苗接种", "接种第二剂仅含麻疹病毒、腮腺炎正红病毒和风疹病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第二次麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹免疫接种", "接种第二剂麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹疫苗" ], "399809008": [ "Gf1specific IgG antibody measurement", "Egg white specific IgG antibody measurement", "Egg white specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "Gf1特异性IgG抗体测量", "蛋清特异性 IgG 抗体测定", "蛋清特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定" ], "121281008": [ "Carnitine ester measurement", "肉碱酯测定" ], "250518002": [ "Parasite antibody titer measurement", "Parasite antibody titre", "Parasite antibody titer", "Parasite antibody titre measurement", "寄生虫抗体滴度", "寄生虫抗体滴度测定" ], "1153473008": [ "Promotion of ability to socialise", "Promotion of ability to socialize", "提升社交能力" ], "4758006": [ "Incudostapediopexy", "砧骨固定术" ], "117611001": [ "Semen liquefaction time measurement", "精液液化时间测量" ], "428907005": [ "Plain X-ray guided wire localization of breast lesion", "Plain X-ray guided wire localisation of breast lesion", "X-ray guided wire localisation of breast lesion", "X-ray guided wire localization of breast lesion", "乳腺病变的X线导丝定位", "乳腺病变的X线引导定位", "乳腺病变的普通X射线导丝定位", "乳腺病变的 X 射线导丝定位" ], "609131006": [ "Revision of internal fixation of fibula", "腓骨内固定术" ], "312384001": [ "Multidisciplinary assessment", "Assessment by multiprofessional team", "多专业团队评估", "多学科评估" ], "427072002": [ "Ultrasound scan of foot", "足部超声波扫描" ], "14300001000004101": [ "Fixation of intertrochanteric fracture of femur using nail", "Nail fixation of intertrochanteric fracture", "股骨转子间骨折钉固定", "股骨转子间骨折钉内固定" ], "1295424005": [ "Plain X-ray of biliary tract with contrast", "胆道造影 X 光检查" ], "392469001": [ "Cotton seed specific IgE antibody measurement", "k83 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cotton seed specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "棉籽特异性IgE抗体测定", "k83特异性IgE抗体测量", "棉籽特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "443456009": [ "Expression of comedone", "粉刺的表现" ], "359701008": [ "Excision of focal lesion of larynx", "喉部局部病变切除术" ], "228629009": [ "Door adaptation", "门适配" ], "1258986006": [ "Face-to-face encounter", "面对面的接触" ], "388799000": [ "Rf336 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ziziphus jujuba specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ziziphus jujuba specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Common jujube specific IgE antibody measurement", "红枣特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "红枣特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rf336 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "718314009": [ "Insertion of stent into cystogastric fistula for drainage of pancreas using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of stent into cystogastric fistula for drainage of pancreas", "荧光透视引导下将支架置入膀胱胃瘘管以引流胰腺", "在荧光透视引导下将支架置入膀胱胃瘘以引流胰腺" ], "243178008": [ "Reduction of oxygen consumption", "减少氧气消耗" ], "308714008": [ "Carbon dioxide stick dental pulp vitality test", "二氧化碳棒牙髓活力测试" ], "306879005": [ "Microwave diathermy to wrist", "腕部微波透热疗法" ], "437951006": [ "Provision of prefabricated foot orthosis", "Provision of ready made foot orthosis", "提供预制足部矫形器", "提供现成的足部矫形器" ], "175807007": [ "Repair of valve of vein", "静脉瓣膜修复" ], "241343007": [ "Tc99m-IDA derivative study", "Tc99m-IDA衍生物研究" ], "173972001": [ "Attention to connection of ileum", "Attention to anastomosis of ileum", "注意回肠连接", "回肠吻合术注意事项" ], "714644006": [ "Assessment using Frailty Index", "使用虚弱指数进行评估" ], "239508006": [ "Arthroplasty of the metatarsophalangeal joint of hallux", "拇趾跖趾关节置换术" ], "417897001": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of aorta and femoral arteries with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of aorta and femoral arteries with contrast", "主动脉和股动脉造影荧光血管造影", "主动脉和股动脉造影" ], "450665004": [ "Excision of lesion of skin of head", "头部皮肤损伤切除术" ], "57449005": [ "Mercury measurement, nails", "汞测量,指甲" ], "712809006": [ "Computed tomography angiography of lower limb with contrast", "CT angiography of lower limb with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of lower extremity with contrast", "CT angiography of lower extremity with contrast", "CT angiography of leg with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of leg with contrast", "腿部增强计算机断层血管造影", "腿部增强 CT 血管造影", "下肢增强 CT 血管造影" ], "252222003": [ "Gastrointestinal tract function test", "胃肠道功能检查" ], "1251646005": [ "Discography with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc of cervical spine", "Cervical discogram with contrast", "Cervical discography with contrast", "Cervical provocative discogram", "Cervical provocative discography", "颈椎间盘造影术", "颈椎间盘造影" ], "39230005": [ "Coagulase test", "凝固酶试验" ], "710974008": [ "Osteoporosis prevention", "Prevention of osteoporosis", "预防骨质疏松症" ], "55614008": [ "Excision of flexor tendon of finger", "手指屈肌腱切除术" ], "104766009": [ "17-Ketosteroids measurement, total", "17-酮类固醇测量,总量" ], "70163005": [ "Excision of ganglion site", "Excision of ganglion", "Excision of ganglion cyst", "神经节切除术", "腱鞘囊肿切除术", "神经节部位切除术" ], "2151000087102": [ "MRI of left breast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left breast", "左乳房磁共振成像", "左乳房 MRI" ], "37395006": [ "Open reduction of open ulnar shaft fracture", "尺骨干开放性骨折切开复位" ], "232168000": [ "Reconstruction of posterior meatal wall of external auditory canal", "外耳道后壁重建" ], "17511000087105": [ "MRI of left thigh with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left thigh with contrast", "左大腿增强 MRI 检查", "左大腿磁共振成像对比" ], "871000087105": [ "Ultrasonography of left Achilles tendon", "Ultrasound of left Achilles tendon", "Ultrasound scan of left Achilles tendon", "左跟腱超声检查", "左跟腱超声扫描" ], "4711000087109": [ "Venography of left upper extremity", "Left upper limb venogram", "Venography of left upper limb", "Venography of left arm", "左臂静脉造影", "左上肢静脉造影" ], "314088006": [ "Clotting screening test", "凝血筛查测试" ], "133864008": [ "Lithotripsy", "Lithotrity", "碎石术" ], "723688009": [ "Traditional Chinese Medicine", "中药" ], "363240008": [ "Non-operative procedure on external ear", "外耳非手术治疗" ], "33725003": [ "Dermal-fat skin graft", "真皮脂肪皮肤移植" ], "310418000": [ "Blindness certification", "失明证明" ], "31890001": [ "Crown lengthening, hard and soft tissue", "Surgery for tooth crown lengthening", "牙冠延长,硬组织和软组织", "牙冠延长手术" ], "392338001": [ "Indentation tonometry", "压痕眼压计" ], "359570005": [ "Incision of spinal cord meninges", "Incision of spinal meninges", "脊髓膜切开术", "脊髓脊膜切开术" ], "294034007": [ "Incision of common bile duct", "Choledochotomy", "胆总管切开术", "胆管切开术" ], "179346008": [ "Revision cemented total knee replacement", "Revision of cemented total prosthetic replacement of knee joint", "翻修型骨水泥全膝关节置换术", "骨水泥型全膝关节假体置换术" ], "62823001": [ "Arthrotomy with removal of loose body of intertarsal joint", "关节切开术切除跗骨间关节游离体" ], "406887005": [ "Victoria blue 4R stain method", "Victoria blue 4R stain", "维多利亚蓝4R染色法", "维多利亚蓝 4R 染色" ], "767335007": [ "Left total inguinal orchidectomy", "Excision of entire left testis by inguinal approach", "左侧腹股沟睾丸全切除术", "经腹股沟入路切除整个左侧睾丸" ], "984521000000103": [ "Provision of transport by car", "提供汽车交通" ], "239377001": [ "Removal of sequestra from maxillary wound", "从上颌伤口处去除死骨" ], "173841001": [ "Gastric ulcer operation", "Stomach ulcer operations", "Operations on gastric ulcer", "胃溃疡手术" ], "108305003": [ "Physical rehabilitation therapy procedure", "Rehabilitation exercise care", "物理康复治疗程序", "康复运动护理" ], "1255185005": [ "Removal of breast filler", "Removal of filling material from breast", "去除乳房填充物" ], "761830002": [ "Repair of syndactyly with skin graft", "皮肤移植修复并指畸形" ], "1220582003": [ "FESS - functional endoscopic sinus surgery", "Functional endoscopic sinus surgery", "FESS-- 功能性内窥镜鼻窦手术", "功能性内镜鼻窦手术" ], "73702005": [ "Radical resection of thoracic structures", "胸腔结构根治切除术" ], "432315001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) arthrography of metacarpophalangeal joint", "Magnetic resonance imaging arthrography of metacarpophalangeal joint", "MRI arthrography of metacarpophalangeal joint", "掌指关节MRI造影", "掌指关节磁共振成像关节造影", "掌指关节磁共振成像(MRI)关节造影" ], "71867003": [ "Echography of breast, B-scan and real time with image documentation", "乳房超声检查、B 超和实时图像记录" ], "710843005": [ "Assessment of cultural beliefs", "文化信仰评估" ], "448699008": [ "Thoracotomy and removal of cardiac pacemaker electrodes", "开胸手术并移除心脏起搏器电极" ], "104635009": [ "Acetoacetic acid measurement, cerebrospinal fluid", "乙酰乙酸测量,脑脊液" ], "22715009": [ "Kidner operation with tendon transfer", "肾手术及肌腱转移" ], "414096000": [ "Enteric hyperalimentation", "Enteral hyperalimentation", "肠内高营养", "肠道高营养" ], "313957000": [ "Plasma 11-deoxycortisol level", "Plasma 11-deoxycortisol measurement", "血浆11-脱氧皮质醇水平", "血浆11-脱氧皮质醇测量" ], "20880009": [ "Exteriorization of esophageal pouch", "Exteriorisation of oesophageal pouch", "Exteriorisation of pouch of oesophagus", "Exteriorization of pouch of esophagus", "食管囊外置术" ], "117349006": [ "Drug confirmation assay, cut off >20 ng/ml", "药物确认试验,截止值 >20 ng/ml" ], "363109007": [ "Evaluation of test results", "测试结果评估" ], "608869008": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from endocrine gland", "内分泌腺标本的显微镜检查" ], "428645009": [ "Examination of recipient after kidney transplant", "肾移植后接受者的检查" ], "49978002": [ "Preparation of written report for lawyer", "为律师准备书面报告" ], "443194004": [ "Reconstruction of ramus of mandible by horizontal osteotomy with grafting of bone", "下颌骨升支水平截骨植骨重建术" ], "410426007": [ "Discipline surveillance", "纪律监察" ], "392207004": [ "Uterine stomatoplasty", "子宫造口术" ], "719887005": [ "Partial excision of vulval vestibule", "Partial vestibulectomy", "部分前庭切除术", "外阴前庭部分切除术" ], "277519007": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of middle cerebral artery", "Percutaneous embolization of middle cerebral artery", "经皮大脑中动脉栓塞术" ], "62692004": [ "Partial salpingectomy", "Partial excision of fallopian tube", "输卵管部分切除术", "部分输卵管切除术" ], "177380004": [ "Reconstruction using distant free osseofasciocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis", "Reconstruction using distant free osteofasciocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis", "远端游离骨筋膜皮瓣微血管吻合术修复" ], "439524005": [ "Dissection within cavernous sinus for obliteration of carotid artery aneurysm", "海绵窦内分离术封堵颈动脉瘤" ], "79076007": [ "Prosthetic readjustment", "Adjustment of prosthesis", "假肢重新调整", "假肢的调整" ], "306617000": [ "Discharge from hematology service", "Discharge from haematology service", "血液科出院" ], "308452008": [ "Refer to speech therapist", "Referral to speech and language therapist", "转介至言语治疗师", "咨询言语治疗师" ], "77241005": [ "Creation of ventriculo-auricular shunt", "Insertion of cerebral ventriculoatrial shunt", "建立脑室耳廓分流术", "脑室心房分流术" ], "699833006": [ "Provision of written information about atrial fibrillation", "提供有关心房颤动的书面信息" ], "241081005": [ "Plain X-ray of hindfoot", "后足 X 光检查" ], "239246000": [ "Transfer of peroneal tendons", "腓骨肌腱转移" ], "716217009": [ "Assessment using Test of Auditory Perceptual Skills Revised", "Assessment using TAPS-R (Test of Auditory Perceptual Skills Revised)", "使用 TAPS-R(听觉感知技能测试修订版)进行评估", "使用《听觉感知技能测试修订版》进行评估" ], "404921006": [ "Mobilising exercises, partially weight bearing", "Mobilizing exercises, partially weight bearing", "活动锻炼、部分负重", "活动锻炼,部分负重" ], "1156750005": [ "Infusion of plasma substitute", "输注血浆代用品" ], "419470007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and aspiration of heart", "荧光血管造影及心脏穿刺" ], "75406007": [ "Morphometry, quantitative", "形态测量学,定量" ], "237411002": [ "McKissock right reduction mammoplasty", "McKissock 右侧乳房缩小术" ], "89955009": [ "Education of bed-bound child", "Bed-bound child education", "卧床儿童的教育", "卧床儿童教育" ], "235576002": [ "Pernasal tube cholangiogram", "经鼻插管胆管造影" ], "6200005": [ "Excision of lesion of female perineum", "女性会阴病变切除术" ], "104504007": [ "alpha>2< Retinol binding protein measurement", "alpha>2< 视黄醇结合蛋白测量" ], "415800008": [ "Urine hexaporphyrin excretion rate", "Urine hexaporphyrin excretion rate measurement", "尿液六卟啉排泄率测定", "尿六卟啉排泄率" ], "4365001": [ "Surgical repair", "Repair", "维修", "手术修复" ], "436671000124107": [ "Decreased lactose diet", "减少乳糖饮食" ], "446733006": [ "Suturing of laceration of oesophagus by transabdominal approach", "Suturing of laceration of esophagus by transabdominal approach", "经腹缝合食管裂伤" ], "397581006": [ "Hepatitis G antibody measurement", "Hepatitis G antibody level", "庚型肝炎抗体测量", "庚型肝炎抗体水平" ], "708877008": [ "Laparoscopic total hysterectomy using robotic assistance", "Robot assisted laparoscopic total hysterectomy", "使用机器人辅助的腹腔镜子宫全切除术", "机器人辅助腹腔镜全子宫切除术" ], "313826001": [ "Plasma very long chain fatty acid level", "Plasma very long chain fatty acid measurement", "血浆极长链脂肪酸测量", "血浆极长链脂肪酸水平" ], "2530001": [ "Chiropractic visit", "脊椎按摩治疗" ], "117218003": [ "Mallory bleach stain method", "Bleach stain", "Mallory bleach stain", "Mallory's bleach stain", "漂白剂污渍", "马洛里的漂白剂污渍", "马洛里漂白剂污渍", "马洛里漂白剂染色法" ], "362978005": [ "Medical equipment or device education", "医疗设备或器械教育" ], "410295000": [ "Growth/development teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Growth/development teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Growth/development education, guidance, and counseling", "Growth/development education, guidance, and counselling", "Growth/development care education, guidance, and counseling", "Growth/development care education, guidance, and counselling", "成长/发展教育、指导和咨询", "成长/发展教学、指导和咨询", "成长/发展护理教育、指导和咨询" ], "443063001": [ "Open reduction of fracture of carpal bone", "腕骨骨折切开复位" ], "49847002": [ "Antibody titration, saline", "抗体滴定,盐水" ], "787127007": [ "Pinch biopsy", "夹取活检" ], "695009": [ "Destructive procedure of lesion on skin of trunk", "躯干皮肤损伤毁损手术" ], "1260428003": [ "High resolution anoscopic biopsy", "HRA (high resolution anoscopy) and biopsy", "高分辨率肛门镜活检", "HRA(高分辨率肛门镜检查)和活检" ], "179084005": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture and internal fixation with plate", "骨折切开复位翻修及钢板内固定" ], "441228005": [ "Open tenotomy of bilateral hamstring tendon", "Open division of tendon of both hamstring muscles", "Open division of tendon of bilateral hamstring muscles", "双侧腘绳肌腱开放切断术", "切开两侧腿筋肌腱", "双侧腿筋肌腱切开术" ], "177249006": [ "Plastic excision of skin of abdominal wall", "腹壁皮肤整形切除术" ], "62561007": [ "Fasciodesis of hand", "手部筋膜固定术" ], "11574002": [ "Creation of endorectal ileal H-pouch with anastomosis to anus", "直肠内回肠 H 型袋建立及肛门吻合" ], "60726007": [ "Crushing", "破碎" ], "306486009": [ "Discharge by pancreatic surgeon", "胰腺外科医生出院" ], "1304075007": [ "Decompression fasciotomy of flexor compartment of forearm", "前臂屈肌筋膜减压切开术" ], "40672006": [ "Suture of thoracic duct by thoracic approach", "经胸腔入路胸导管缝合术" ], "417504006": [ "Referral to epidural anesthesia service", "Referral to epidural anaesthesia service", "转诊至硬膜外麻醉服务" ], "6069000": [ "Panniculotomy", "腹膜切开术" ], "104373001": [ "T cells, total count", "T 细胞,总数" ], "432053002": [ "Percutaneous reposition of temporary filter of inferior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮下腔静脉临时滤器复位术(荧光造影引导)" ], "55221000": [ "Deep biopsy of muscle", "肌肉深部活检" ], "235445005": [ "Attention to naso-esophageal tube", "Attention to naso-oesophageal tube", "Attention to nasoesophageal tube", "注意鼻食管" ], "710581006": [ "Education about managing fever", "关于处理发烧的教育" ], "415669008": [ "Sulpiride level", "Sulpiride measurement", "舒必利浓度", "舒必利测量" ], "708746001": [ "Open biopsy of salivary gland", "唾液腺开放活检" ], "37002005": [ "Destruction of chorioretinal lesion by cryotherapy", "通过冷冻疗法破坏脉络膜视网膜病变" ], "364682008": [ "Excision of bile duct", "胆管切除术" ], "53386008": [ "Arthroplasty of knee, tibial plateau", "膝关节置换术、胫骨平台" ], "231775005": [ "Retinectomy", "视网膜切除术" ], "84319006": [ "Excision of lesion of joint of foot and toe", "足趾关节病变切除术" ], "182623007": [ "Assisted exercise in pool", "泳池辅助锻炼" ], "313695008": [ "Sweat potassium measurement", "Sweat potassium level", "汗液钾含量", "汗液钾测量" ], "117087009": [ "Subcutaneous injection of Rabies immune globulin, human", "狂犬病免疫球蛋白皮下注射,人" ], "410164002": [ "Vitamin B12 injection assessment", "Assess vitamin B12 injection", "维生素B12注射评估", "评估维生素 B12 注射" ], "16948004": [ "Immunoglobulin G subclass, G4 measurement", "免疫球蛋白 G 亚类、G4 测量" ], "115252004": [ "Microbiological identification method", "微生物鉴别方法" ], "64265001": [ "Cerebral meningeorrhaphy", "Suture of cerebral meninges", "脑膜缝合术", "脑膜缝合" ], "1293065001": [ "Plain X-ray of submandibular gland", "Plain X-ray of submandibular salivary gland", "颌下腺X光检查", "颌下涎腺 X 光检查" ], "177118006": [ "Operation on gravid uterus", "妊娠子宫手术" ], "60595000": [ "Facial-spinal accessory anastomosis", "面部脊柱附属吻合术" ], "439262009": [ "Taking an impression for creation of custom orbital prosthesis", "取模以制作定制眼眶假体" ], "879795002": [ "Arthrocentesis of joint of knee", "膝关节穿刺术" ], "175283003": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal bifurcation of aorta by anastomosis of aorta to femoral artery", "紧急主动脉分叉处主动脉吻合术" ], "306355004": [ "Referral to community occupational therapist", "Referral to community-based occupational therapist", "转诊至社区职业治疗师", "转介给社区职业治疗师" ], "715955003": [ "Transportation by commercial flight with stretcher facility", "配有担架设施的商业航班运输" ], "27827008": [ "Therapeutic paraffin bath", "Physical medicine treatment to one area with paraffin bath", "Paraffin wax bath therapy", "对一个区域进行石蜡浴物理医学治疗", "石蜡浴疗法", "治疗性石蜡浴" ], "413441000119104": [ "SPECT using technetium Tc^99m^ sestamibi for localization of neoplasm", "SPECT using technetium Tc^99m^ sestamibi for localisation of neoplasm", "Single photon emission computed tomography using technetium Tc^99m^ sestamibi for localization of neoplasm", "Single photon emission computed tomography using technetium Tc^99m^ sestamibi for localisation of neoplasm", "使用锝 Tc^99m^ 甲氧基异丁基异腈进行 SPECT 肿瘤定位", "使用锝 Tc^99m^ 甲氧基异丁基异腈进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描以定位肿瘤" ], "173448001": [ "Cauterization of lesion of floor of mouth", "Cauterisation of lesion of floor of mouth", "口底损伤烧灼术" ], "386440005": [ "Skin surveillance", "Skin care surveillance", "皮肤监测", "皮肤护理监测" ], "91528007": [ "Chondrectomy of finger", "手指软骨切除术" ], "89693002": [ "Catheterization of hepatic vein", "Catheterisation of hepatic vein", "肝静脉插管" ], "384605003": [ "Complex relationship building", "建立复杂的关系" ], "171613006": [ "Excision of lesion of abducens nerve (VI)", "外展神经损伤切除术(VI)" ], "122461007": [ "Evacuation", "Evacuation procedure", "疏散", "疏散程序" ], "448306001": [ "Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging of brain", "脑部弥散张量磁共振成像" ], "415538002": [ "Anti smooth muscle antibody IgG level", "Smooth muscle IgG antibody measurement", "Smooth muscle immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "平滑肌免疫球蛋白 G 抗体测量", "平滑肌 IgG 抗体测量", "抗平滑肌抗体 IgG 水平" ], "104242002": [ "Culture typing procedure, serologic method, speciation", "培养分型程序、血清学方法、物种形成" ], "235314005": [ "Inversion appendicectomy", "Inversion appendectomy", "Inversion of appendix", "阑尾内翻", "阑尾内翻切除术" ], "53255004": [ "Fenestration of labyrinth with graft", "迷路开窗术" ], "118791009": [ "Procedure on hypopharynx", "下咽部手术" ], "233479009": [ "Embolisation of arteriovenous graft", "Embolization of arteriovenous graft", "动静脉移植栓塞术", "动静脉移植物栓塞术" ], "67804001": [ "Arylsulfatase test", "Arylsulphatase test", "芳基硫酸酯酶试验" ], "1296604005": [ "Drainage of cerebral epidural space by trephination", "颅骨钻孔引流脑硬膜外腔" ], "444636009": [ "Percutaneous transfemoral insertion of aortic valve using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮经股动脉主动脉瓣插入术" ], "229809001": [ "Diaphragmatic breathing exercises", "横膈膜呼吸练习" ], "426417003": [ "IVF - In vitro fertilisation with pre-implantation genetic diagnosis", "IVF - In vitro fertilization with pre-implantation genetic diagnosis", "In vitro fertilisation with preimplantation genetic diagnosis", "In vitro fertilization with preimplantation genetic diagnosis", "IVF——体外受精与植入前基因诊断", "体外受精与植入前基因诊断", "IVF-体外受精与植入前基因诊断" ], "16817006": [ "Medical service audit", "医疗服务审计" ], "408198002": [ "Platelet neutralisation procedure correction", "Platelet neutralization procedure correction", "血小板中和程序校正" ], "64134004": [ "Stereotactic focused gamma radiosurgery of cerebrum", "大脑立体定向聚焦伽玛射线放射外科治疗" ], "13147003": [ "Anesthesia for cystolithotomy", "Anaesthesia for cystolithotomy", "膀胱切开取石术麻醉" ], "306224007": [ "Referral to ALD service", "Referral to assistive listening device service", "转介至辅助听力设备服务", "转介至 ALD 服务" ], "304389001": [ "Axillo-unifemoral bypass graft", "腋窝单股动脉旁路移植术" ], "386309004": [ "Fiscal resource management", "财政资源管理" ], "173317005": [ "Surgical exposure of tooth", "牙齿手术暴露" ], "73178002": [ "Lymphangiectomy", "淋巴管切除术" ], "237018002": [ "Ligation or embolisation of pelvic vessels", "Ligation or embolization of pelvic vessels", "盆腔血管结扎或栓塞" ], "122330002": [ "Epstein Barr virus DNA assay", "Epstein Barr virus deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "EB病毒脱氧核糖核酸检测", "Epstein Barr 病毒 DNA 检测" ], "89562006": [ "Abrasion of epicardial surface", "Scarification of pericardium", "Formation of adhesions of pericardium", "心包粘连的形成", "心包瘢痕化", "心外膜表面磨损" ], "7642007": [ "Endarterectomy of abdominal artery", "Intimectomy of abdominal artery", "腹部动脉内切除术", "腹部动脉内膜切除术" ], "104111000": [ "Red blood cell count, automated, cerebrospinal fluid", "红细胞计数,自动化,脑脊液" ], "24026006": [ "Intra-abdominal venous shunt", "Venous intra-abdominal bypass", "腹腔静脉旁路手术", "腹腔内静脉分流术" ], "235183004": [ "Oesophagomyotomy", "Myotomy of oesophagus", "Myotomy of esophagus", "Esophagomyotomy", "食管肌切开术" ], "5807005": [ "Fenestration of inner ear, initial", "Arslan operation", "阿尔斯兰行动", "内耳开窗术,初始" ], "87727006": [ "Infertility study", "Infertility test", "Fertility test", "不孕不育检查", "生育力测试", "不孕不育研究" ], "69508000": [ "Antibody to spermatozoa measurement", "精子抗体测量" ], "413572007": [ "Arcuate keratotomy", "弓状角膜切开术" ], "233348009": [ "Reconstruction of inferior mesenteric artery", "下肠系膜动脉重建" ], "118660009": [ "Reconstruction of thumb", "拇指重建" ], "1263705001": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic coagulation of hemorrhage of esophagus using hemostatic spray", "Fibreoptic endoscopic coagulation of haemorrhage of oesophagus using haemostatic spray", "纤维内镜食管出血止血喷雾治疗", "纤维内镜食管出血止血喷雾凝固术" ], "34905004": [ "Transplant of ovary", "卵巢移植" ], "2137005": [ "Excision of pericardial tumor", "Excision of pericardial tumour", "心包肿瘤切除术" ], "426286004": [ "Endoscopic insertion of expanding metal stent into lower bowel using fiberoptic sigmoidoscope", "Endoscopic insertion of expanding metal stent into lower bowel using fibreoptic sigmoidoscope", "使用纤维乙状结肠镜在内镜下将膨胀金属支架插入下肠道" ], "311598006": [ "Programmed language stimulation", "程序性语言刺激" ], "65838008": [ "Repair of aneurysm with graft of ulnar artery", "尺动脉移植修复动脉瘤" ], "178691001": [ "Primary cast stabilisation of spinal fracture", "Primary cast stabilization of spinal fracture", "脊柱骨折的初次石膏固定" ], "113155009": [ "Myocardial infarction education", "心肌梗死教育" ], "307928008": [ "Death administrative procedure", "死亡行政程序" ], "226008009": [ "Ear care", "耳部护理" ], "306093004": [ "Referral from teacher", "Referral by teacher", "老师推荐" ], "715693005": [ "Harvest of radial artery using open approach", "采用开放式方法获取桡动脉" ], "175021005": [ "Allograft bypass of coronary artery", "冠状动脉同种异体搭桥术" ], "271490000": [ "Open endoscopic operation on colon", "开放式内镜结肠手术" ], "302423000": [ "Removal of skin expander from subcutaneous tissue", "从皮下组织移除皮肤扩张器" ], "171351004": [ "Driving licence medical examination", "Driving license medical examination", "Driver license medical examination", "Driver's license medical exam", "Driver's licence medical exam", "驾驶执照体检" ], "122199005": [ "Trichomonas culture", "滴虫培养" ], "236887006": [ "Laparoscopic hysterectomy", "腹腔镜子宫切除术" ], "449879007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging for cardiac morphology and function with contrast", "MRI for cardiac morphology and function with contrast", "对比磁共振成像检查心脏形态和功能", "MRI 对比检查心脏形态和功能" ], "22060000": [ "Epiphysiodesis of distal radius and ulna", "桡骨远端和尺骨骨骺固定术" ], "448044000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of inferior mesenteric artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of inferior mesenteric artery", "经皮肠系膜下动脉腔内栓塞术" ], "103980000": [ "U blood group antibody identification", "U血型抗体鉴定" ], "431660006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of common femoral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内股总动脉血管成形术(荧光造影引导)" ], "282369000": [ "Incisional biopsy of lesion of palate", "腭部病变切开活检" ], "415276009": [ "Referral to memory clinic", "转诊至记忆诊所" ], "71212008": [ "Manipulation of adrenal gland", "肾上腺操作" ], "446209004": [ "Excision of intradural lesion of base of anterior cranial fossa", "颅前窝底硬膜内病变切除术" ], "233217004": [ "Operation for pulmonary embolism", "肺栓塞手术" ], "69377005": [ "Patient referral for rehabilitation, psychological", "患者转诊进行康复、心理" ], "397057006": [ "Insertion of stent in femoral vein", "股静脉支架置入" ], "36609005": [ "Rhinolaryngologic examination under general anesthesia", "Rhinolaryngologic examination under general anaesthesia", "Nose and larynx examination under general anaesthesia", "Nose and larynx examination under general anesthesia", "全身麻醉下进行鼻喉检查", "全身麻醉下鼻咽喉科检查" ], "51158001": [ "Intraoperative transluminal femoral-popliteal angioplasty", "术中经股动脉-腘动脉血管成形术" ], "167681008": [ "Faeces sugar chromatography", "Feces sugar chromatography", "粪便糖色谱法", "粪便糖色谱分析" ], "67542001": [ "Suture of periosteum of phalanges of hand", "手指骨骨膜缝合" ], "426155000": [ "Induction of deep sedation", "诱导深度镇静" ], "229547000": [ "Serial splinting", "连续夹板" ], "113024001": [ "Assessment and interpretation of higher cerebral function, cognitive testing", "Cognitive testing and assessment", "认知测试与评估", "高级大脑功能的评估和解释、认知测试" ], "440704001": [ "Construction of custom orbital prosthesis", "定制眼眶假体的构建" ], "391552002": [ "Serum thyrotrophin binding inhibiting immunoglobulin level", "血清促甲状腺激素结合抑制免疫球蛋白水平" ], "176725002": [ "Insertion of Hodge pessary into vagina", "Insertion of Hodge suppository into vagina", "将霍奇子宫托插入阴道", "将霍奇栓剂插入阴道" ], "1208917003": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to intermediate artery and third diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to ramus intermedius artery and third diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to ramus intermedius artery and third diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to intermediate artery and third diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至中间升支及左冠状动脉前降支第三对角支的顺序吻合", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至中间动脉及左冠状动脉前降支第三对角支", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至中间动脉及左冠状动脉前降支第三对角支的顺序吻合", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至中间升动脉和左冠状动脉前降支第三对角支" ], "76586001": [ "Arachidonate measurement", "花生四烯酸测定" ], "62037009": [ "Cortisol measurement", "Hydrocortisone measurement", "Compound F measurement", "Cortisol level", "皮质醇测量", "化合物 F 测量", "皮质醇水平", "氢化可的松测量" ], "420650002": [ "Consultation for pain", "Pain consultation", "疼痛咨询" ], "11050006": [ "Closure of vesicouterine fistula with hysterectomy", "膀胱子宫瘘切除术" ], "699178006": [ "Internal fixation of phalangeal bone of toe without fracture reduction", "Internal fixation of phalangeal bone of foot without fracture reduction", "未复位趾骨内固定术", "足指骨骨折未复位内固定术" ], "305962009": [ "Referral by clinical immunologist", "Referral from clinical immunologist", "临床免疫学家推荐" ], "271359001": [ "Evaluation of bone marrow megakaryocytes", "Bone marrow megakaryocytes", "骨髓巨核细胞的评估", "骨髓巨核细胞" ], "287743002": [ "Urethral removal of ureteric clot", "尿道切除输尿管血块" ], "173055005": [ "Reconstruction of trachea using graft", "使用移植物重建气管" ], "9215005": [ "Colotomy", "Incision of colon", "结肠切开术" ], "40148000": [ "Clamping of thoracic drain", "Clamping chest drain", "夹住胸腔引流管" ], "72916004": [ "Injection of vocal cords", "Augmentation of vocal cords", "声带注射", "声带增强术" ], "89300004": [ "Incision and exploration of small intestine", "Enterotomy of small bowel for exploration", "小肠切开术探查", "小肠切开探查" ], "122068006": [ "Parasite quantitation", "寄生虫定量" ], "71081000": [ "Graft of muscle", "Grafting of muscle", "Muscle graft", "Grafting with muscle graft", "Grafting of muscle graft", "肌肉移植" ], "5545001": [ "Repair of carotid body", "颈动脉体修复" ], "21929000": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of tibia and fibula", "胫腓骨骨折闭合复位" ], "431529003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of axillary vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行腋静脉" ], "185769005": [ "Geriatric monitoring second letter", "老年监测第二封信" ], "710057006": [ "Managing inappropriate sexual behaviour", "Management of inappropriate sexual behaviour", "Management of inappropriate sexual behavior", "不当性行为的管理", "处理不当性行为" ], "234921007": [ "Removal of oral suture", "Removal of mouth suture", "SR - Removal of oral suture", "ROS - Removal of suture from mouth", "SR - 拆除口腔缝合线", "拆除口腔缝合线", "拆除口腔缝线", "ROS - 拆除口腔缝合线" ], "446078004": [ "Dermoscopic photography", "皮肤镜摄影" ], "36478006": [ "Acetylcholinesterase measurement, amniotic fluid", "AChE-AF measurement", "乙酰胆碱酯酶测量,羊水", "AChE-AF 测量" ], "233086007": [ "Left ventricular endocardectomy", "Resection of left ventricular endocardium", "左心室心内膜切除术" ], "20094006": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of hypophysis", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of pituitary gland", "垂体细针穿刺活检" ], "231251009": [ "Cervical intrathecal block", "Local anaesthetic cervical intrathecal block", "Local anesthetic cervical intrathecal block", "颈部鞘内阻滞", "局部麻醉宫颈鞘内阻滞", "局部麻醉颈部鞘内阻滞" ], "229416008": [ "Mobilization of the lumbar spine", "Mobilisation of the lumbar spine", "腰椎活动" ], "30973001": [ "Percutaneous implantation of neurostimulator electrodes into peripheral nerve", "经皮植入神经刺激器电极至周围神经" ], "391421001": [ "Plasma dothiepin level", "Plasma dosulepin level", "血浆多硫平浓度", "血浆多硫平水平" ], "80125006": [ "Removal of foreign body from mediastinum", "纵隔异物取出" ], "112893008": [ "Superficial inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy in continuity with pelvic lymphadenectomy", "浅表腹股沟淋巴结清扫术与盆腔淋巴结清扫术的连续性" ], "440573008": [ "Open reduction of fracture of greater trochanter of femur with internal fixation", "股骨大转子骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "324050005": [ "Fine needle biopsy of salivary duct", "涎管细针活检" ], "307666008": [ "Total colectomy and ileostomy", "全结肠切除术和回肠造口术" ], "1208786009": [ "Realignment posterior urethra over catheter by rail-roading", "Realignment posterior urethra over catheter using guide wire", "用轨道式导管重新排列后尿道", "使用导丝通过导管重新对准后尿道" ], "78290008": [ "Magnet extraction of foreign body from iris", "Removal of foreign body of iris with use of magnet", "虹膜异物磁铁提取", "使用磁铁去除虹膜异物" ], "27303004": [ "Re-entry operation of aorta", "主动脉再入术" ], "10919004": [ "Atomic absorption, flame type", "原子吸收,火焰型" ], "240295008": [ "Open operation for fetal urinary tract obstruction", "Open operation for foetal urinary tract obstruction", "胎儿尿路梗阻的开放手术" ], "385916004": [ "Care of pressure injury stage I", "压力性损伤I期的护理" ], "172924008": [ "Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - anterior ethmoidectomy and frontal recess dissection", "FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) anterior ethmoidectomy and frontal recess dissection", "FESS(功能性内镜鼻窦手术)前筛窦切除术和额窦解剖术", "功能性内镜鼻窦手术-前筛窦切除术和额窦解剖术" ], "449617002": [ "Plain X-ray of lower leg for bone length measurement", "小腿普通 X 光检查以测量骨长度" ], "433233004": [ "Exercise stress echocardiography", "运动负荷超声心动图" ], "121937007": [ "Bluetongue virus serotype determination", "蓝舌病病毒血清型测定" ], "1186897008": [ "ECP (endoscopic cyclophotocoagulation) of ciliary body", "Endoscopic laser cyclophotocoagulation of ciliary body", "睫状体光凝术 (ECP)", "内镜睫状体激光光凝术" ], "7249009": [ "Initial drug therapy for mental disorder", "精神障碍的初始药物治疗" ], "431398002": [ "Insertion using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下插入" ], "103718005": [ "Removal of stent", "Stent removal", "移除支架" ], "234790008": [ "Insertion minimal resin tooth restoration", "Insertion of POR - Preventive occlusal restoration", "Insertion of PRR - Preventive resin tooth restoration", "Insertion of MRR - Minimal resin tooth restoration", "Insertion of preventive resin tooth restoration", "预防性树脂牙修复体的植入", "植入 MRR - 最小树脂牙修复", "插入最小树脂牙修复", "植入 PRR - 预防性树脂牙修复", "植入 POR - 预防性咬合修复" ], "1332518009": [ "Assessment using self-reported CRQ (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire) fatigue subscale", "Assessment using self-reported Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire fatigue subscale", "Assessment using CRQ-SR (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire self-reported) fatigue subscale", "使用 CRQ-SR(慢性呼吸道问卷自我报告)疲劳分量表进行评估", "使用自我报告的慢性呼吸问卷疲劳分量表进行评估", "使用自我报告的 CRQ(慢性呼吸问卷)疲劳分量表进行评估" ], "265723004": [ "Posterior attachment of correctional instrument to spine", "矫正器械后部固定于脊柱" ], "232955009": [ "Replacement of implanted truncal valve", "置换植入式躯干瓣膜" ], "394960005": [ "Arterial blood lactate level", "动脉血乳酸水平" ], "165584007": [ "Plasma total protein S measurement", "Plasma total protein S level", "血浆总蛋白 S 水平", "血浆总蛋白 S 测定" ], "231120008": [ "Peripheral nerve neurostimulator electrode procedures", "周围神经刺激器电极程序" ], "229285001": [ "Resisted gait training", "抗阻步态训练" ], "343973002": [ "Removal of foreign body from vulva", "去除外阴异物" ], "16293003": [ "Pelvic osteoclasis", "骨盆骨质破坏" ], "425893002": [ "Ultraviolet A light therapy to skin", "紫外线A光疗法治疗皮肤" ], "178298000": [ "Sampling of para-aortic lymph nodes", "主动脉旁淋巴结取样" ], "112762000": [ "Open iliotibial fasciotomy", "开放性髂胫束筋膜切开术" ], "30842004": [ "Ophthalmoscopy with medical evaluation, extended, with fundus photography", "带有医学评估的眼底检查,扩展,带有眼底照相" ], "473210006": [ "Assessment of lymphedema", "Assessment of lymphoedema", "淋巴水肿评估", "淋巴水肿的评估" ], "391290009": [ "Fluid sample AFP level", "Fluid sample alpha fetoprotein level", "液体样本 AFP 水平", "液体样本甲胎蛋白水平" ], "405839005": [ "Familial medullary thyroid carcinoma mutation carrier detection test", "FMTC mutation carrier detection test", "家族性髓样甲状腺癌突变携带者检测", "FMTC 突变携带者检测" ], "895524008": [ "Amputation of part of right hand", "右手部分截肢" ], "10788009": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of seminal vesicle", "经皮精囊抽吸术" ], "385785003": [ "Chemotherapy care assessment", "Assess chemotherapy care", "评估化疗护理", "化疗护理评估" ], "238329008": [ "Procedure for chest wall lesion", "胸壁损伤的手术程序" ], "1268686005": [ "Coordination of resources to address inadequate housing", "协调资源解决住房不足问题" ], "121806006": [ "Lipoprotein (a) measurement", "脂蛋白(a)测量" ], "89038007": [ "Operative procedure on iris", "Operation on iris", "Iris operation", "虹膜操作", "光圈操作", "虹膜手术" ], "119971000": [ "Spleen injection", "Injection of spleen", "脾脏注射" ], "431267001": [ "Advanced cardiac life support", "高级心脏生命支持" ], "234659002": [ "Removal of maxillary exostosis", "上颌骨外生骨疣切除术" ], "169123003": [ "Isotope uptake/excretion studies", "同位素吸收/排泄研究" ], "252878007": [ "Hess screening", "Hess screen test", "赫斯试镜", "赫斯筛查" ], "447651006": [ "Arthrectomy of toe", "Excision of joint of toe", "趾关节切除术" ], "68984001": [ "Repair of lumbar hernia", "腰疝修复" ], "265592002": [ "Needle aspiration of prostate", "Aspiration of prostate using needle", "使用针头进行前列腺抽吸", "前列腺针吸" ], "445816001": [ "Assessment using Chessington occupational therapy neurological assessment battery", "使用 Chessington 职业治疗神经评估系统进行评估" ], "118136006": [ "T lymphocyte count", "T淋巴细胞计数" ], "183672007": [ "Delayed discharge to nursing home", "延迟出院入住疗养院" ], "413048007": [ "Plasma chromogranin B measurement", "Plasma chromogranin B level", "血浆嗜铬粒蛋白B测定", "血浆嗜铬粒蛋白 B 水平" ], "230989001": [ "Evacuation of spinal extradural abscess", "脊椎硬膜外脓肿清除术" ], "443981000": [ "Testing for known gene mutation in family member", "检测家庭成员的已知基因突变" ], "1148493006": [ "Posterior sag test", "Posterior sag sign test", "后验说测试", "后凹征试验" ], "229154002": [ "Hip pendular exercises", "髋部摆动练习" ], "735223004": [ "Bilateral reconstruction of breasts", "Bilateral mammoplasty", "Reconstruction of bilateral breasts", "Reconstruction of both breasts", "双侧乳房重建", "双侧乳房成形术" ], "178167006": [ "Primary repair of tendon using lengthening procedure", "采用延长手术进行肌腱的初次修复" ], "14327008": [ "Nerve ganglion decompression", "神经节减压术" ], "702455009": [ "Screening for malignant tumor of vagina", "Screening for malignant neoplasm of vagina", "Screening for vaginal cancer", "Screening for malignant tumour of vagina", "阴道癌筛查", "阴道恶性肿瘤筛查" ], "405708004": [ "Removal of foreign body of foot without incision", "足部异物不切开取出术" ], "27041000": [ "Cholecystoileostomy", "胆囊回肠造口术" ], "289185001": [ "Transurethral resection of ureterocele", "经尿道输尿管囊肿切除术" ], "12492009": [ "Delayed suture of tendon", "肌腱延迟缝合" ], "715169004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of mastoid", "MRI of mastoid", "乳突磁共振成像" ], "174497004": [ "Partial cholecystectomy and exploration of common bile duct", "部分胆囊切除术及胆总管探查术" ], "287350001": [ "Vessel resection and replacement", "Resection of vessel with replacement", "血管切除和置换", "血管切除及置换" ], "238198003": [ "Repair of inferior lumbar hernia", "下腰疝修补术" ], "90742005": [ "Hysteroscopy with endometrial ablation", "宫腔镜检查及子宫内膜消融术" ], "252747000": [ "Collision test", "碰撞测试" ], "449355001": [ "Transurethral injection of periurethral tissue", "经尿道尿道周围组织注射" ], "172662008": [ "Partial petrosectomy", "部分岩骨切除术" ], "105291001": [ "Phendimetrazine measurement", "苯甲曲秦测量" ], "236363003": [ "Sperm aspiration", "Semen aspiration", "精液抽吸", "精子抽吸" ], "1284939008": [ "Introduction into subcutaneous tissue", "引入皮下组织" ], "121675009": [ "Pyridine measurement", "吡啶测量" ], "447520005": [ "Destruction of glossophyaryngeal nerve by infratentorial approach", "经脑幕下入路破坏舌咽神经" ], "119840008": [ "Skin of head transplantation", "头部皮肤移植" ], "709664008": [ "CT of nasal bone", "Computed tomography of nasal bone", "鼻骨计算机断层扫描", "鼻骨CT" ], "183541002": [ "Referral to surgeon", "转诊至外科医生" ], "85237003": [ "Injection of intervertebral space", "Injection into intervertebral disc", "椎间隙注射", "椎间盘注射" ], "118005001": [ "HIV culture", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) culture", "Human immunodeficiency virus culture", "人类免疫缺陷病毒培养", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 培养", "HIV 培养" ], "265461002": [ "95% distal pancreatectomy", "95 percent distal pancreatectomy", "95% 远端胰腺切除术" ], "412917006": [ "Blood spot palmitoylcarnitine measurement", "Blood spot palmitoyl carnitine", "血斑棕榈酰肉碱", "血斑棕榈酰肉碱测量" ], "314613007": [ "CT guided drainage of pancreatic lesion", "Computed tomography guided drainage of pancreatic lesion", "Drainage of pancreatic lesion using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行胰腺病变引流", "计算机断层扫描引导胰腺病变引流", "CT引导下胰腺病变引流" ], "232693002": [ "Inflation of tube cuff", "管袖充气" ], "116170001": [ "Incisional biopsy of testis by inguinal approach", "经腹股沟入路睾丸切开活检" ], "230858004": [ "Injection of radioisotope into subcutaneous reservoir", "将放射性同位素注射到皮下储液器中" ], "1230282005": [ "Removal of piercing of tongue", "去除舌头上的穿孔" ], "165322007": [ "Thirty-seven item dementia test", "三十七项痴呆症测试" ], "443850008": [ "Quantitative measurement of benzoylecgonine in serum or plasma using GC-MS", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of benzoylecgonine in serum or plasma specimen using gas chromatography mass spectrometry technique", "使用 GC-MS 定量测量血清或血浆中的苯甲酰爱康宁", "气相色谱质谱技术定量测定血清或血浆样本中苯甲酰爱康宁的质量浓度" ], "67018009": [ "Plastic amputation of upper extremity", "Cineplastic amputation of upper extremity", "上肢整形截肢", "上肢电影塑形截肢" ], "179871002": [ "Primary arthroscopic reattachment of ligament", "初次关节镜韧带再植术" ], "425631004": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic insertion of expanding covered metal stent into esophagus", "Fibreoptic endoscopic insertion of expanding covered metal stent into oesophagus", "经纤维内窥镜将膨胀覆膜金属支架置入食管", "经纤维内镜将膨胀覆膜金属支架置入食管" ], "46964002": [ "Diversional therapy", "转移疗法" ], "63348002": [ "Excision of benign tumor of breast", "Excision of benign tumour of breast", "乳腺良性肿瘤切除术" ], "440180004": [ "One to one communication with the client", "One to one communication", "与客户一对一沟通", "一对一沟通" ], "178036007": [ "Reconstruction with local subcutaneous pedicle island fascial flap", "Local subcutaneous pedicle island fascial flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle island fascial flap", "局部皮下带蒂岛状筋膜瓣修复" ], "274505004": [ "Cut-down infusion", "Cutdown infusion", "减少输液", "减少输液量" ], "12361006": [ "Osteotomy of radius and ulna", "桡骨及尺骨截骨术" ], "225353007": [ "Symptom control", "Alleviate symptoms", "症状控制", "缓解症状" ], "438345008": [ "Aspiration of kidney using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下肾脏穿刺" ], "241737008": [ "Tourniquet release", "Tourniquet off", "止血带关闭", "止血带松解" ], "307273008": [ "Cautery of wart", "Cauterisation of wart", "Cauterization of wart", "烧灼疣", "疣烧灼术" ], "43294005": [ "Echography, M-mode, limited", "超声心动图,M 型,有限" ], "76062007": [ "Duhamel operation, abdominoperineal pull-through", "Abdominoanal pull-through", "Abdominoperineal pull-through", "Duhamel 手术、腹会阴牵引术", "腹部肛门拉通术", "腹会阴牵引术" ], "303603001": [ "Renewal of urethral prosthesis for incontinence", "尿道假体更换术治疗尿失禁" ], "287219001": [ "Spinal cord tractotomy", "脊髓束切开术" ], "252616000": [ "Auditory brainstem electric response audiometry", "BSER - Brainstem evoked response audiometry", "BSERA - Brainstem evoked response audiogram", "ABR - Auditory brainstem response audiometry", "BSER - Brainstem electric response audiometry", "BSER-脑干诱发反应听力检查", "ABR-- 听觉脑干反应听力检查", "BSERA - 脑干诱发反应听力图", "听觉脑干电反应听力检查", "BSER-- 脑干电反应听力检查" ], "39624002": [ "Viral neutralization test", "Viral neutralisation test", "病毒中和试验" ], "432840004": [ "Biopsy of hand using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下手部活检" ], "105160004": [ "Dibenzepin measurement", "二苯并平测量" ], "1137352004": [ "Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of liver", "MR spectroscopy of liver", "肝脏磁共振波谱" ], "5021008": [ "Aldosterone measurement, standing, normal salt diet", "醛固酮测量,站立,正常盐饮食" ], "168861008": [ "Intravenous cystography", "静脉膀胱造影" ], "119709008": [ "Nose injection", "鼻腔注射" ], "429170003": [ "Percutaneous transhepatic cholangioscopy", "经皮肝穿刺胆管镜检查" ], "3186004": [ "Excision of Skene's gland", "Excision of Skene gland", "斯基恩氏腺切除术" ], "134258003": [ "Coxiella burnetii IgM level", "Coxiella burnetii immunoglobulin M level", "伯氏柯克斯体免疫球蛋白M水平", "伯氏柯克斯体 IgM 水平" ], "232562006": [ "Excision of vocal cord nodule", "Excision of vocal fold nodule", "声带小结切除术" ], "265330007": [ "Correction of deformity of palate", "腭畸形矫正" ], "117874002": [ "Sarcocystis neurona antigen assay", "肉孢子虫神经元抗原测定" ], "52338008": [ "Treatment planning for brachytherapy", "近距离放射治疗的治疗计划" ], "165191002": [ "Social evaluation for rehabilitation", "康复社会评价" ], "312647006": [ "Two layer compression bandage for skin ulcer", "皮肤溃疡双层加压绷带" ], "81436003": [ "Osmolality measurement, calculated", "渗透压测量,计算" ], "48668006": [ "Repair of fascia by graft of tendon", "肌腱移植修复筋膜" ], "310812006": [ "Informal assessment", "非正式评估" ], "1259249006": [ "Aspiration of bone marrow from tibial tuberosity", "Tibial tubercle aspiration", "从胫骨结节抽取骨髓", "胫骨结节抽吸术" ], "1290182002": [ "Ultrasonography guided injection of sclerosing agent foam into varicose vein of lower leg", "Injection of sclerosing agent foam into varicose vein of lower leg using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided foam sclerotherapy of varicose vein of lower leg", "超声引导下小腿静脉曲张注射硬化剂泡沫", "超声引导下小腿静脉曲张泡沫硬化治疗" ], "700358002": [ "Booster meningitis C vaccination", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C antigen", "Booster meningitis C immunization", "Booster meningitis C immunisation", "Administration of booster dose of meningitis C vaccine", "注射丙型脑膜炎疫苗加强剂", "加强丙型脑膜炎免疫", "丙型脑膜炎加强疫苗接种", "接种仅含脑膜炎奈瑟菌 C 群抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量" ], "241606003": [ "MRI of internal auditory meatus", "Magnetic resonance imaging of internal auditory meatus", "内耳道磁共振成像", "内耳道 MRI" ], "405446005": [ "Revision of transtibial amputation", "胫骨截肢术修复" ], "225222007": [ "Giving encouragement", "Offering encouragement", "给予鼓励" ], "419995000": [ "CT cholangiogram", "Computed tomography cholangiogram", "CT胆管造影", "计算机断层胆管造影" ], "28614009": [ "Operation on periurethral tissue", "尿道周围组织手术" ], "370843002": [ "Providing care respecting the worth and dignity of the patient", "提供尊重患者价值和尊严的护理" ], "305307008": [ "Admission by colorectal surgeon", "结直肠外科医生入院" ], "74096002": [ "Grafting of cerebral meninges", "脑膜移植" ], "418160007": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of brachial artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of brachial artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行肱动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下肱动脉造影血管成形术" ], "172400008": [ "Exploration of conjunctiva", "结膜探查" ], "449093001": [ "External fixation of radius", "桡骨外固定" ], "252485001": [ "Single breath nitrogen washout test", "单次呼吸氮气冲洗试验" ], "88645003": [ "Bicarbonate measurement", "HCO3 (bicarbonate) measurement", "碳酸氢盐测量", "HCO3(碳酸氢盐)测量" ], "121413003": [ "O-Desmethylvenlafaxine measurement", "O-去甲文拉法辛测量" ], "105029001": [ "Vitamin D3 measurement", "Cholecalciferol measurement", "维生素 D3 测量", "胆钙化醇测量" ], "1055301006": [ "Venography of left suprarenal vein", "Venogram of left suprarenal vein", "左肾上静脉造影" ], "72261007": [ "Resection of rectum with pelvic exenteration", "直肠切除术及盆腔廓清术" ], "416325004": [ "Vascular cannula procedure", "血管插管手术" ], "119578001": [ "Facial bone injection", "面部骨注射" ], "250650002": [ "Steroid hormone measurement", "Steroid hormone level", "类固醇激素水平", "类固醇激素测量" ], "86810002": [ "Qualitative serology procedure", "定性血清学检测程序" ], "1331994004": [ "Removal of internal fixation device from bone of sternum", "从胸骨移除内固定装置" ], "54042002": [ "Contrast radiography of nasolacrimal ducts", "鼻泪管造影" ], "37658001": [ "Removal of subcutaneous foreign body from shoulder", "肩部皮下异物取出" ], "430874007": [ "Reduction of dislocation of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节脱位复位" ], "35823001": [ "Catheter ablation of lesion of heart", "心脏病变导管消融术" ], "117743005": [ "Avian adenovirus antibody assay", "禽腺病毒抗体检测" ], "609263007": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent obturator hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下复发性闭孔疝修补术" ], "443588004": [ "Discharge by podiatric surgeon", "足科医生出院" ], "33988007": [ "Excision of lesion of vestibule of mouth with simple repair", "口腔前庭病变切除及简单修补术" ], "179609002": [ "Primary open reduction of dislocation and external fixation", "脱位一期切开复位及外固定" ], "48537004": [ "Bypass graft", "旁路移植" ], "408985005": [ "Growth and development care education", "Teach growth and development care", "成长发展护理教育", "教授成长和发展护理" ], "261529009": [ "Excision of lash follicles", "切除睫毛毛囊" ], "259694004": [ "Hemoglobin H level", "Hemoglobin H measurement", "Haemoglobin H level", "Haemoglobin H measurement", "血红蛋白 H 水平", "血红蛋白 H 测量" ], "439918006": [ "Replacement of tunneled centrally inserted central venous catheter with subcutaneous pump", "Replacement of tunnelled centrally inserted central venous catheter with subcutaneous pump", "以皮下泵代替隧道式中心静脉导管" ], "700227000": [ "Screening for non-accidental injury to child", "儿童非意外伤害筛查" ], "225091003": [ "Expression of bladder", "Expression of urinary bladder", "膀胱表达", "膀胱表现" ], "175939004": [ "Therapeutic open aspiration of renal cyst", "肾囊肿开放抽吸治疗" ], "405315005": [ "Thrombectomy of common femoral vein", "股总静脉血栓切除术" ], "77635005": [ "Bone graft of rib with microvascular anastomosis", "微血管吻合肋骨骨移植" ], "12099007": [ "Millin-Read operation for urethrovesical suspension", "Millin-Read 尿道膀胱悬吊术" ], "307011008": [ "Caudate lobe resection of liver", "Caudate lobectomy of liver", "肝尾叶切除术" ], "241475009": [ "US scan of pylorus", "Ultrasound scan of pylorus", "幽门超声扫描" ], "239640002": [ "Correction of congenital hallux valgus", "先天性拇外翻矫正" ], "59416008": [ "Avulsion of phrenic nerve", "Phrenicoexeresis", "膈神经撕脱", "膈肌运动" ], "105101000220106": [ "Replacement of dental precision attachment", "牙科精密附件更换" ], "418029005": [ "CT arthrography of metatarsophalangeal joint", "CT arthrogram of metatarsophalangeal joint", "Computed tomography arthrography of metatarsophalangeal joint", "跖趾关节CT造影", "跖趾关节计算机断层扫描造影" ], "172269008": [ "Removal of protective suture from eyelid", "拆除眼睑保护缝线" ], "450797008": [ "Revision of fusion of joint and internal fixation", "关节融合及内固定的修复" ], "170434002": [ "Administration of first dose of hepatitis A and B vaccine", "First hepatitis A and B immunization", "First hepatitis A and B immunisation", "First hepatitis A and B vaccination", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B virus antigens", "第一次甲型肝炎和乙型肝炎疫苗接种", "接种第一剂甲肝和乙肝疫苗", "注射第一剂仅含有甲型肝炎和乙型肝炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "首次甲肝和乙肝免疫接种" ], "399810003": [ "Stachybotrys atra specific IgG antibody measurement", "RGm24 specific IgG antibody measurement", "Stachybotrys atra specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "黑穗病菌特异性 IgG 抗体测定", "黑穗病菌特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定", "RGm24 特异性 IgG 抗体测量" ], "416194003": [ "Referral for neuropsychological testing", "转诊进行神经心理学测试" ], "104898007": [ "PGE>2< measurement", "Prostaglandin PGE2 measurement", "前列腺素 PGE2 测量", "PGE>2< 测量" ], "252354009": [ "Anti-cluster of differentiation 3 T-cell stimulation", "抗分化簇 3 T 细胞刺激" ], "428908000": [ "Combined photochemotherapy and ultraviolet A light therapy to skin", "光化学疗法和紫外线 A 光疗法联合用于皮肤" ], "609132004": [ "Revision of internal fixation of tibia", "胫骨内固定修复" ], "117612008": [ "Sputum smear examination", "痰涂片检查" ], "17473003": [ "Cecotomy", "Caecotomy", "盲肠切开术" ], "33857007": [ "Resection of humeral head", "肱骨头切除术" ], "392470000": [ "k76 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Diphenylmethane diisocyanate specific IgE antibody measurement", "Isocyanate MDI specific IgE antibody measurement", "Diphenylmethane diisocyanate specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "二苯甲烷二异氰酸酯特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "二苯甲烷二异氰酸酯特异性IgE抗体测定", "k76特异性IgE抗体测量", "异氰酸酯 MDI 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "228630004": [ "Repositioning of permanent transvenous electrodes", "永久静脉电极的重新定位" ], "243179000": [ "Basic life support", "BLS - Basic life support", "基础生命支持", "BLS-- 基本生命支持" ], "439787003": [ "Excision of neoplasm of subcutaneous tissue of pelvis and hip region", "骨盆及臀部皮下组织肿瘤切除术" ], "388800001": [ "Alpha-lactalbumin specific IgE antibody measurement", "f76 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Alpha-lactalbumin specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "α-乳清蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "f76 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "α-乳清蛋白特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "241344001": [ "Radiolabelled BSP study", "Radiolabeled sulfobromophthalein study", "Radiolabelled sulphobromophthalein study", "放射性标记磺溴酞研究", "放射性标记的BSP研究" ], "175808002": [ "Venous valve transplantation", "Venous valve transposition", "Transposition of valve of vein", "静脉瓣转位", "静脉瓣膜移植", "静脉瓣移位" ], "1306304004": [ "Mechanical circulatory support using biventricular assist device", "使用双心室辅助装置进行机械循环支持" ], "308715009": [ "Gutta percha dental pulp vitality test", "牙胶牙髓活力测试" ], "437952004": [ "Embolisation of testicular varicocele using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Embolization of testicular varicocele using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolization of testicular varicocele with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolisation of testicular varicocele with contrast", "透视引导下睾丸精索静脉曲张造影栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下睾丸精索静脉曲张造影栓塞术", "用荧光造影剂引导下进行睾丸精索静脉曲张栓塞术" ], "239509003": [ "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of the metatarsophalangeal joint of hallux", "拇趾跖趾关节假体全置换术" ], "173973006": [ "Revision of anastomosis of ileum", "回肠吻合口修复术" ], "712810001": [ "CT of lower limb for length measurement", "Computed tomography of lower limb for length measurement", "CT leg length measurement", "CT of lower limb for bone length measurement", "Computed tomography of lower limb for bone length measurement", "下肢CT长度测量", "下肢CT骨长度测量", "CT腿长测量", "下肢计算机断层扫描用于骨长度测量", "下肢计算机断层扫描长度测量" ], "41066001": [ "Anesthesia for intracranial vascular procedure", "Anaesthesia for intracranial vascular procedure", "颅内血管手术麻醉" ], "450666003": [ "Excision of lesion of skin of neck", "颈部皮肤病变切除术" ], "104767000": [ "Kynurenate measurement", "犬尿酸测量" ], "1251647001": [ "Lumbar discogram with contrast", "Lumbar discography with contrast", "Discography with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc of lumbar spine", "Lumbar provocative discogram", "Lumbar provocative discography", "腰椎间盘造影术", "腰椎间盘造影" ], "186687008": [ "Plastic operation on fascia", "Fascioplasty", "筋膜整形手术", "筋膜成形术" ], "55615009": [ "Revision of extraocular muscle surgery", "眼外肌手术修复" ], "252223008": [ "Apt test of gastrointestinal function", "胃肠功能APT测试" ], "710975009": [ "Reinforcement of self efficacy", "增强自我效能" ], "397844004": [ "Hydrotherapy with hot packs or compresses", "使用热敷或热敷进行水疗" ], "168468008": [ "Vaginal vault smear examination", "Microscopic examination of vaginal vault smear", "阴道穹窿涂片显微镜检查", "阴道穹窿涂片检查" ], "723689001": [ "Amputation of left and right leg through tibia and fibula", "Amputation of bilateral legs through tibia and fibula", "Amputation of both legs below the knee", "Bilateral below knee amputation", "左、右腿胫骨及腓骨截肢", "双腿膝盖以下截肢", "双侧膝下截肢", "经胫骨和腓骨截肢双腿" ], "314089003": [ "Thrombophilia screening test", "血栓形成倾向筛查试验" ], "363241007": [ "Non-operative procedure on inner ear", "内耳非手术治疗" ], "264937008": [ "Trimming of medial epicondyle", "内上髁修整" ], "232169008": [ "Insertion of dressing in external auditory canal", "外耳道敷料插入" ], "410558004": [ "Bagolini striated glasses test", "Bagolini test", "Bagolini striated lens test", "巴戈里尼试验", "Bagolini 条纹眼镜测试", "Bagolini 条纹晶状体检查" ], "1601000087100": [ "Ultrasonography of left and right foot", "Ultrasound of left and right foot", "Ultrasound scan of both feet", "Ultrasonography of bilateral feet", "双脚超声波扫描", "左、右脚超声检查", "双足超声检查", "左、右足超声检查" ], "441491005": [ "Ultrasound elastography of liver", "肝脏超声弹性成像" ], "11841000087101": [ "Ultrasound of breast and axilla", "Ultrasonography of breast and axilla", "Ultrasound scan of breast and axilla", "乳房及腋窝超声检查", "乳房和腋窝超声波扫描" ], "2881000087103": [ "MRI of bilateral femurs with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral femurs with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both femurs with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right femur with contrast", "左、右股骨对比磁共振成像", "双侧股骨对比磁共振成像", "双侧股骨增强磁共振成像", "双侧股骨增强 MRI 检查" ], "406888000": [ "Victoria blue B stain method", "Victoria blue B stain", "维多利亚蓝B染色", "维多利亚蓝B染色法" ], "359571009": [ "Right hemicolectomy", "Right colectomy", "Resection of ascending colon, cecum and terminal ileum", "Resection of ascending colon, caecum and terminal ileum", "右结肠切除术", "右半结肠切除术", "升结肠、盲肠和回肠末端切除术" ], "13672002": [ "Excision of fibrous tuberosities of dentoalveolar structures", "牙槽结构纤维结节切除术" ], "392339009": [ "Salidago virgaurea specific IgE antibody measurement", "Goldenrod specific IgE antibody measurement", "w12 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Salidago virgaurea specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "黄柳菊特异性IgE抗体测定", "黄花紫菀特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "黄柳菊特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "w12特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "4161000087105": [ "CT of left calcaneum", "Computed tomography of left calcaneum", "左跟骨计算机断层扫描", "左跟骨CT" ], "19521000087107": [ "Magnetic resonance arthrography of right shoulder", "MR arthrogram of right shoulder", "MR arthrography of right shoulder", "右肩 MR 关节造影", "右肩磁共振关节造影" ], "6721000087109": [ "MRI of left tibia and fibula with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left tibia and fibula with contrast", "左胫骨和腓骨增强 MRI 检查", "左胫骨和腓骨的对比磁共振成像" ], "767336008": [ "Excision of entire right testis by inguinal approach", "Right total inguinal orchidectomy", "右侧腹股沟睾丸全切除术", "经腹股沟入路切除整个右侧睾丸" ], "241213007": [ "Cardiac shunt study", "心脏分流术研究" ], "10002003": [ "Resection of stomach fundus", "Gastric fundusectomy", "Gastric fundectomy", "胃底切除术" ], "239378006": [ "Removal of sequestra from maxillary tooth socket", "从上颌牙槽中移除死骨" ], "173842008": [ "Closure of perforated gastric ulcer", "胃溃疡穿孔缝合" ], "303079004": [ "Mobilization of tibiofibular joint", "Mobilisation of tibiofibular joint", "胫腓关节活动" ], "710844004": [ "Assessment of death tradition", "死亡传统的评估" ], "104636005": [ "Dicarboxylate C6-C8-C10 measurement", "二羧酸盐 C6-C8-C10 测量" ], "71868008": [ "Surgical occlusion of abdominal vein", "Ligation of abdominal vein", "腹部静脉闭塞手术", "腹腔静脉结扎" ], "448700009": [ "Endoscopic ligation of subfascial perforating vein of lower extremity", "内镜下下肢筋膜下穿支静脉结扎术" ], "709009001": [ "Triple P - Positive Parenting Programme", "Triple P - Positive Parenting Program", "Triple P - 积极育儿计划", "Triple P——积极育儿计划" ], "446865003": [ "Craniotomy and removal of foreign body", "开颅手术及异物取出" ], "250257006": [ "Modified red blood cell osmotic fragility test", "Modified red blood cell osmotic fragility", "红细胞渗透脆性改变", "改良红细胞渗透脆性试验" ], "430481008": [ "Assessment of mobility", "行动能力评估" ], "363110002": [ "Excision of lesion of musculoskeletal system", "肌肉骨骼系统病变切除术" ], "313958005": [ "Plasma 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone measurement", "Plasma 17-alpha-hydroxyprogesterone level", "血浆17-α-羟孕酮水平", "血浆 17-α-羟孕酮测量" ], "117350006": [ "Equilibrium dialysis radioimmunoassay method for free thyroxine measurement", "平衡透析放射免疫分析法测定游离甲状腺素" ], "723558009": [ "Anxiolytic drug therapy", "抗焦虑药物治疗" ], "719888000": [ "Intravenous cardiac arrhythmia drug challenge test using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided intravenous cardiac arrhythmia drug challenge test", "荧光透视引导下静脉心律失常药物激发试验" ], "66363008": [ "Irrigation of ear", "Syringing of ear", "Irrigation of external auditory canal", "耳部冲洗", "外耳道冲洗", "耳朵冲洗" ], "277520001": [ "Percutaneous embolization of choroidal artery", "Percutaneous embolisation of choroidal artery", "经皮脉络膜动脉栓塞术" ], "64528004": [ "Platelet aggregation with drug test", "血小板聚集药物检测" ], "15376006": [ "Infant development screening", "婴儿发育筛查" ], "408592007": [ "Plasma plasminogen activity", "血浆纤溶酶原活性" ], "46309001": [ "Extraction of primary membranous cataract by excision", "原发性膜性白内障摘除术" ], "308453003": [ "Referral to occupational therapist", "转介给职业治疗师" ], "439525006": [ "Grafting of nerve to arm", "手臂神经移植" ], "699834000": [ "Provision of written information about leishmaniasis", "提供有关利什曼病的书面信息" ], "716218004": [ "Assessment using South Tyneside Assessment of Phonology", "Assessment using STAP (South Tyneside Assessment of Phonology)", "使用南泰恩赛德音系评估法进行评估", "使用 STAP(南泰恩赛德音系评估)进行评估" ], "404922004": [ "Mobilising exercises, fully weight bearing", "Mobilizing exercises, fully weight bearing", "活动练习,完全负重", "活动锻炼,完全负重" ], "306618005": [ "Discharge from pain management service", "疼痛管理服务出院" ], "60858007": [ "Repair of urethroperineal fistula", "Closure of urethroperineal fistula", "尿道会阴瘘的修补", "尿道会阴瘘缝合" ], "388538007": [ "Brassica rapa specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rape seed specific IgE antibody measurement", "f316 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Brassica rapa specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "油菜籽特异性IgE抗体测定", "芸苔特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "芸苔特异性IgE抗体测定", "f316 特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "239247009": [ "Transfer of peroneus longus", "腓骨长肌移植" ], "89956005": [ "Removal of calculus of lacrimal canaliculi by incision", "泪小管切开取石术" ], "24420007": [ "Sigmoidoscopy", "SIGy - Sigmoidoscopy", "SIGGY - Sigmoidoscopy", "SIGy-乙状结肠镜检查", "乙状结肠镜检查", "SIGGY-乙状结肠镜检查" ], "171876009": [ "Decompression of nerve via subclavian approach", "经锁骨下入路神经减压" ], "237412009": [ "McKissock bilateral reduction mammoplasty", "McKissock 双侧缩乳术" ], "235577006": [ "Brush biopsy of bile and pancreatic ducts", "Brush cytology of bile and pancreatic duct", "胆管和胰管刷检", "胆管及胰管刷检细胞学检查" ], "446734000": [ "Suturing of laceration of esophagus by transthoracic approach", "Suturing of laceration of oesophagus by transthoracic approach", "经胸入路食管裂伤缝合术" ], "104505008": [ "alpha-Glucosidase measurement", "α-葡萄糖苷酶测量" ], "708878003": [ "Robot assisted laparoscopic radical hysterectomy", "Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助腹腔镜根治性子宫切除术", "使用机器人辅助的腹腔镜子宫切除术" ], "428515000": [ "Correction of congenital deformity of heart", "先天性心脏畸形矫正" ], "69902009": [ "Combined core needle and aspiration biopsy", "Combined core needle biopsy and fine needle aspiration biopsy", "联合穿刺活检", "联合芯针活检和细针抽吸活检" ], "51683002": [ "Radial keratotomy", "RK - Radial keratotomy", "Surgical radial keratotomy", "手术放射状角膜切开术", "放射状角膜切开术", "RK - 放射状角膜切开术" ], "2531002": [ "Mononuclear cell function assay", "单核细胞功能测定" ], "313827005": [ "Serum methotrexate measurement", "Serum methotrexate level", "血清甲氨蝶呤测量", "血清甲氨蝶呤水平" ], "117219006": [ "Bodian stain method", "Bodian stain", "博迪恩染色", "鲍迪安染色法" ], "437401000124100": [ "Decreased potassium diet", "减少钾饮食" ], "410296004": [ "Homemaking teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Homemaking teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Homemaking education, guidance, and counseling", "Homemaking education, guidance, and counselling", "Housekeeping education, guidance and counselling", "Housekeeping education, guidance and counseling", "家政教育、指导和咨询", "家政教学、指导和咨询" ], "441241000124105": [ "Counselling about nutrition using social learning theory approach", "Counseling about nutrition using social learning theory approach", "使用社会学习理论方法进行营养咨询" ], "441229002": [ "Open reduction with internal fixation of trimalleolar fracture of ankle and fixation of posterior lip of tibia", "踝部三踝骨折切开复位内固定及胫骨后唇固定术" ], "452761000124107": [ "Revision of reconstruction of head of left radius", "左桡骨头重建术" ], "277389002": [ "MBFLB - Monaural bifrequency loudness balance test", "Monaural bifrequency loudness balance test", "单耳双频响度平衡测试", "MBFLB - 单耳双频响度平衡测试" ], "31629005": [ "Pump extraction of milk from lactating breast", "使用泵从哺乳乳房中抽取乳汁" ], "179085006": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture and internal fixation with multiple implant types", "骨折切开复位修复及多种植入物内固定" ], "62562000": [ "Osteoclasis of femur", "股骨骨折" ], "719757009": [ "Referral for brief intervention for substance abuse", "转介进行药物滥用的短期干预" ], "439394002": [ "Measurement of hydromorphone in urine", "尿液中氢吗啡酮的测定" ], "734306004": [ "Discussion about social support", "关于社会支持的讨论" ], "177250006": [ "Abdominoplasty", "腹部整形术" ], "306487000": [ "Discharge by plastic surgeon", "整形外科医生排出的废物" ], "27959000": [ "Sequestrectomy of forearm", "Sequestrectomy of radius and/or ulna", "桡骨和/或尺骨死骨切除术", "前臂死骨切除术" ], "421175005": [ "Restriction of visitors", "Restrict visitors", "限制访客" ], "173580001": [ "Open extirpation of lesion of esophagus", "Open extirpation of lesion of oesophagus", "食管病变切开术" ], "108044001": [ "Penis excision", "阴茎切除" ], "240951009": [ "Replacement of prosthesis in esophagus", "Insertion of replacement prosthesis into esophagus", "Replacement of prosthesis in oesophagus", "Insertion of replacement prosthesis into oesophagus", "将替代假体插入食道", "食管假体置换术" ], "1287692005": [ "Revision of total replacement of both glenohumeral joints", "Revision of prosthetic total arthroplasty of bilateral glenohumeral joints", "双侧盂肱关节假体全置换术", "双侧盂肱关节全置换术" ], "75276006": [ "High performance liquid chromatography, electrochemical type", "高效液相色谱法,电化学型" ], "1304076008": [ "Decompression fasciotomy of anterior and posterior compartments of lower leg", "小腿前后部减压筋膜切开术" ], "171745006": [ "Freeing of spinal tether", "脊柱系带释放" ], "710582004": [ "Education about nephrostomy care", "肾造口术护理教育" ], "235446006": [ "Attention to nasoduodenal tube", "注意鼻十二指肠管" ], "104374007": [ "Hepatitis A virus antibody, total measurement", "甲型肝炎病毒抗体,总测量值" ], "432054008": [ "Infusion of drug or medicament via intravenous route", "通过静脉途径输注药物或药剂" ], "415670009": [ "Superior rolling of breast", "Rolled superior", "乳房上部滚动", "卷制上等" ], "20619003": [ "Aspiration of lesion of spinal cord", "Aspiration of lesion of spinal cord tissue", "脊髓组织损伤抽吸", "脊髓损伤抽吸术" ], "708747005": [ "Laparoscopic biopsy of ovary", "腹腔镜卵巢活检" ], "182624001": [ "Free exercises in pool", "泳池自由练习" ], "231776006": [ "Insertion of retinal tacks", "插入视网膜钉" ], "51552007": [ "Suture of laceration of epididymis and spermatic cord", "附睾及精索裂伤缝合术" ], "313696009": [ "Percentage myelocyte count", "Myelocyte percent differential count", "中粒细胞计数百分比", "中粒细胞分类计数" ], "410165001": [ "Vitamin B12 injection education", "Teach vitamin B12 injection", "维生素B12注射教育", "教维生素B12注射" ], "66101004": [ "Removal of foreign body from breast", "FB - Removal of foreign body from breast", "乳房异物取出", "FB - 乳房异物去除" ], "115253009": [ "Bacterial identification method", "细菌鉴定方法" ], "46047002": [ "Anesthesia for laparoscopic procedure on upper abdomen", "Anaesthesia for laparoscopic procedure on upper abdomen", "上腹部腹腔镜手术麻醉" ], "439263004": [ "Taking an impression for creation of custom palatal lift prosthesis", "取模以制作定制腭提升假体" ], "715956002": [ "Transportation by taxi", "出租车交通" ], "306356003": [ "Referral to social services department occupational therapist", "Referral to SSD occupational therapist", "转介至社会服务部门职业治疗师", "转介至 SSD 职业治疗师" ], "175284009": [ "Replacement of aneurysmal bifurcation of aorta by anastomosis of aorta to femoral artery", "主动脉与股动脉吻合术治疗主动脉瘤分叉" ], "1287561002": [ "RACAB - robot assisted coronary artery bypass", "Coronary artery bypass using robotic assistance", "RACAB-- 机器人辅助冠状动脉搭桥手术", "使用机器人辅助进行冠状动脉搭桥手术" ], "122462000": [ "Drainage", "Drainage procedure", "引流", "引流程序" ], "386441009": [ "Sleep enhancement", "Sleep/wake cycle facilitation", "Sleep pattern control", "促进睡眠/觉醒周期", "睡眠模式控制", "改善睡眠" ], "171614000": [ "Excision of lesion of trigeminal nerve (V)", "三叉神经病变切除术(V)" ], "415539005": [ "Anti smooth muscle antibody IgM level", "Smooth muscle IgM antibody measurement", "Smooth muscle immunoglobulin M antibody measurement", "平滑肌 IgM 抗体测量", "平滑肌免疫球蛋白 M 抗体测量", "抗平滑肌抗体 IgM 水平" ], "448307005": [ "Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging of cerebral nerve tracts", "Diffusion tractography", "脑神经束的扩散张量磁共振成像", "扩散纤维束成像" ], "235315006": [ "Drainage of appendix mass", "阑尾肿块引流" ], "411611000119102": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine without contrast", "MRI of cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine without contrast", "颈椎、胸椎和腰椎的无造影 MRI", "颈椎、胸椎和腰椎无造影磁共振成像" ], "104243007": [ "Culture typing procedure, precipitin method, grouping", "培养分型程序、沉淀法、分组" ], "118792002": [ "Procedure on trachea", "气管手术" ], "410331000119107": [ "CT of right knee with contrast", "Computed tomography of right knee with contrast", "右膝增强计算机断层扫描", "右膝增强 CT" ], "391131000119106": [ "Ultrasound scan for qualitative amniotic fluid volume", "Ultrasonography for qualitative amniotic fluid volume", "Ultrasound of amniotic fluid for qualitative volume", "超声扫描确定羊水量", "超声检查羊水量定性", "羊水超声检查定性体积" ], "708616005": [ "Biopsy of perirectal tissue", "直肠周围组织活检" ], "446472006": [ "Colotomy and polypectomy", "Incision of colon and excision of polyp", "结肠切开及息肉切除", "结肠切开术和息肉切除术" ], "167944006": [ "Pleural fluid examination", "胸腔积液检查" ], "444637000": [ "Removal of pressure bandage", "Removal of pressure dressing", "去除加压敷料", "拆除压力绷带" ], "233480007": [ "Embolectomy of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘栓塞切除术" ], "231645005": [ "Medial rectus adjustable recession", "内直肌可调节退缩" ], "1296605006": [ "Drainage of cerebral subdural space by incision", "脑硬膜下腔切开引流" ], "51421008": [ "Transurethral curettage of bladder", "Transurethral curettage of urinary bladder", "经尿道膀胱刮除术" ], "197042001": [ "Biopsy of heart", "心脏活检" ], "49586007": [ "Appendicocecostomy", "Appendicocaecostomy", "阑尾盲肠造口术" ], "47751000": [ "Angiectomy with graft replacement by interposition", "血管切除术及血管置换术" ], "14983002": [ "Removal of foreign body from supraclavicular fossa by incision", "锁骨上窝切开取异物" ], "64135003": [ "Antibody to islet cells of pancreas measurement", "Islet cell antibody measurement", "Islet cell cytoplasma antibody", "ICA (islet cell antibody) measurement", "胰岛细胞抗体测量", "ICA(胰岛细胞抗体)测量", "胰岛细胞胞质抗体", "胰腺胰岛细胞抗体测量" ], "408199005": [ "U-snRNP antibody level", "U-snRNP antibody measurement", "Uridine-small nuclear ribonucleoprotein antibody level", "尿苷小核糖核蛋白抗体水平", "U-snRNP抗体水平", "U-snRNP抗体测量" ], "1209180002": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to third obtuse marginal branch and left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to third obtuse marginal branch and left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to third obtuse marginal branch and left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to third obtuse marginal branch and left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支第三钝缘支及左后外侧支", "游离右胸廓内动脉自左胸廓内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支第三钝缘支及左后外侧支的顺序吻合", "游离右乳内动脉自左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支第三钝缘支及左后外侧支的顺序吻合", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支第三钝缘支和左后外侧支" ], "29532006": [ "Proctoscopy with biopsy", "直肠镜活检" ], "764977005": [ "24 hour radionuclide imaging of whole body using radioisotope labeled human immunoglobulin G", "24 hour radionuclide imaging of whole body using radioisotope labelled human immunoglobulin G", "使用放射性同位素标记的人类免疫球蛋白 G 对全身进行 24 小时放射性核素显像" ], "60465006": [ "Permanent gastrostomy", "永久性胃造口术" ], "306225008": [ "Referral to counselling service", "Referral for counselling", "Referral to counseling service", "Referral for counseling", "转介辅导服务", "转介辅导", "转介咨询" ], "42246001": [ "Hepatojejunostomy", "Hepatico-jejunostomy", "Hepatico-jejunal anastomosis", "肝管空肠吻合术", "肝空肠吻合术" ], "9478004": [ "Prospective focused infection control surveillance", "前瞻性重点感染控制监测" ], "75014006": [ "Pelvimetry", "骨盆测量" ], "419078006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of vertebral artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of vertebral artery with contrast", "椎动脉造影荧光镜检查", "椎动脉造影荧光血管造影" ], "386310009": [ "Flatulence reduction", "减少胀气" ], "122331003": [ "Gardnerella vaginalis rRNA assay", "Gardnerella vaginalis ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "阴道加德纳菌 rRNA 检测", "阴道加德纳菌核糖体核糖核酸测定" ], "237019005": [ "Internal iliac artery vasopressin infusion", "髂内动脉加压素输注" ], "235184005": [ "Operation on esophageal varices", "Operation on oesophageal varices", "食管静脉曲张手术" ], "104112007": [ "White blood cell count, automated, cerebrospinal fluid", "白细胞计数,自动化,脑脊液" ], "233349001": [ "Reconstruction of celiac artery", "Reconstruction of coeliac artery", "腹腔动脉重建" ], "167813003": [ "Determination of density of morphologically normal and motile sperm", "Density of morphologically normal and motile sperm", "Determination of density of morphologically normal and motile spermatozoa", "形态正常且活力强的精子的密度", "形态正常且有活力的精子的密度测定", "形态正常且活力强的精子的密度测定" ], "446341008": [ "Sampling of fetal blood and biopsy of fetus", "Sampling of foetal blood and biopsy of foetus", "胎儿血液采样和胎儿活检" ], "1263706000": [ "ACPCP - anterior colporrhaphy and posterior colpoperineorrhaphy", "ACPC - anterior colporrhaphy and posterior colpoperineorrhaphy", "Combined anterior and posterior repair of vagina and perineum", "Anterior colporrhaphy and posterior colpoperineorrhaphy", "前阴道缝合术和后阴道会阴缝合术", "ACPCP-- 前阴道缝合术和后阴道会阴缝合术", "ACPC-- 前阴道缝合术和后阴道会阴缝合术", "阴道及会阴前后联合修复" ], "20357008": [ "Repair of peritoneum", "腹膜修复" ], "18522006": [ "Donor cardiectomy-pneumonectomy with preparation and maintenance of homograft", "供体心脏切除术-肺切除术及同种移植的准备和维护" ], "65839000": [ "Ophthalmic ultrasonic foreign body localization", "Ophthalmic ultrasonic foreign body localisation", "眼科超声异物定位" ], "311599003": [ "Eliciting a response", "引发回应" ], "426287008": [ "Amniocentesis for possible neural tube defect", "羊膜穿刺术检查可能的神经管缺陷" ], "178692008": [ "Primary external fixation stabilization of spinal fracture", "Primary external fixation stabilisation of spinal fracture", "脊柱骨折的初次外固定稳定", "脊柱骨折的初次外固定固定" ], "226009001": [ "Giving cut up food", "喂食切碎的食物" ], "29401007": [ "Anal fistulectomy, complex", "肛瘘切除术,复杂" ], "275161007": [ "Hordeolum removal", "麦粒肿去除" ], "76718005": [ "CT guidance for cyst aspiration", "Computed tomography guidance for cyst aspiration", "Aspiration of cyst using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided aspiration of cyst", "计算机断层扫描引导囊肿抽吸", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行囊肿抽吸", "CT 引导下囊肿抽吸" ], "306094005": [ "Referral by lip/speech-reading teacher", "Referral from lip/speech-reading teacher", "唇读/读词老师推荐" ], "271491001": [ "Pereyra Raz endoscopic bladder neck suspension", "Pereyra Raz endoscopic suspension of neck of urinary bladder", "Pereyra Raz 内镜膀胱颈悬吊术" ], "287875006": [ "Joint cartilage division", "Joint chondrotomy", "关节软骨科", "关节软骨切开术" ], "713859006": [ "CT of urinary tract excretory phase with contrast", "Excretory phase CT urography", "Computed tomography of urinary tract excretory phase with contrast", "泌尿道排泄期增强 CT 检查", "排泄期 CT 尿路造影", "泌尿道排泄期增强 CT" ], "42115006": [ "Open reduction of closed traumatic hip dislocation", "闭合性创伤性髋关节脱位的切开复位" ], "236888001": [ "Laparoscopic total hysterectomy", "腹腔镜子宫全切除术" ], "89432003": [ "Lemesurier operation, cleft lip repair", "Lemesurier 手术,唇裂修复" ], "449880005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging for cardiac morphology, function, and velocity with contrast", "MRI for cardiac morphology, function, and velocity with contrast", "磁共振成像用于对比心脏形态、功能和速度", "MRI 检查心脏形态、功能和速度" ], "302424006": [ "Introduction of inert substance into subcutaneous tissue", "将惰性物质引入皮下组织" ], "171352006": [ "Racing driver examination", "Racing driver medical examination", "赛车手考试", "赛车手体检" ], "415277000": [ "Referral to pediatric endocrinologist", "Referral to paediatric endocrinologist", "转诊至儿科内分泌科" ], "122200008": [ "Trypanosoma culture", "锥虫培养" ], "103981001": [ "Mi^a^ blood group antibody identification", "Mi^a^血型抗体鉴定" ], "71213003": [ "Arthrotomy of sternoclavicular joint for infection with drainage", "胸锁关节切开引流治疗感染" ], "431661005": [ "Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of superior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of superior vena cava with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮上腔静脉机械血栓切除术" ], "300589005": [ "Excision sebaceous cyst", "Excision of sebaceous cyst", "切除皮脂囊肿", "皮脂囊肿切除术" ], "69378000": [ "Irrigation of nasal passages", "Nasal douching", "Douching of nose", "冲洗鼻子", "冲洗鼻腔", "鼻腔冲洗" ], "282370004": [ "Excision biopsy of lesion of palate", "腭部病变切除活检" ], "315138006": [ "Herpes simplex antibody level", "单纯疱疹抗体水平" ], "427991000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal biopsy of left ventricle", "经皮左心室腔内活检" ], "446210009": [ "Excision of intradural lesion of base of posterior cranial fossa", "颅后窝底硬膜内病变切除术" ], "231383001": [ "Lumbar intrathecal neurolysis", "腰椎鞘内神经松解术" ], "233218009": [ "Transluminal fragmentation of pulmonary embolus", "TL - Transluminal fragmentation of pulmonary embolus", "TL - 肺栓塞经腔内碎裂", "肺栓塞腔内碎裂" ], "395223007": [ "Plasma aldosterone recumbent level", "卧位血浆醛固酮水平" ], "426156004": [ "Percutaneous replacement of plastic ureteric stent", "经皮塑料输尿管支架置换术" ], "229548005": [ "Stretch splinting", "拉伸夹板" ], "113025000": [ "Somnocinematography", "睡眠电影摄影" ], "440705000": [ "Construction of custom palatal lift prosthesis", "定制腭提升假体的构建" ], "309633003": [ "Prescription dose change", "处方剂量改变" ], "784769006": [ "Magnetocardiography", "心磁图" ], "63873007": [ "Anastomosis of pulmonary vein and azygos vein", "肺静脉与奇静脉吻合术" ], "391553007": [ "Serum molybdenum level", "血清钼水平" ], "275030001": [ "Ball valve mitral valve replacement", "球阀二尖瓣置换" ], "176726001": [ "Insertion of ring pessary into vagina", "Insertion of ring suppository into vagina", "将环栓剂插入阴道", "将环状子宫托插入阴道" ], "225878003": [ "Viewing the deceased", "瞻仰遗容" ], "699179003": [ "Internal fixation of phalangeal bone of finger without fracture reduction", "手指指骨骨折未复位内固定术" ], "305963004": [ "Referral from clinical neurophysiologist", "Referral by clinical neurophysiologist", "临床神经生理学家转诊", "临床神经生理学家的推荐" ], "715563006": [ "Insertion of endobronchial valve", "支气管内瓣膜插入" ], "25600005": [ "Ventricular shunt to cervical subarachnoid space", "脑室分流至颈部蛛网膜下腔" ], "287744008": [ "Graft to ureter", "输尿管移植" ], "122069003": [ "Parasite identification", "寄生虫鉴定" ], "171221008": [ "Heart disease screening", "心脏病筛查" ], "234922000": [ "Removal of suture from tooth socket", "从牙槽中拆除缝线" ], "710058001": [ "Management of vasopneumatic device", "血管充气装置的管理" ], "185770006": [ "Geriatric monitoring third letter", "老年监测第三封信" ], "431530008": [ "Percutaneous brachytherapy of hepatic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮肝动脉造影近距离放射治疗" ], "103850009": [ "Platelet associated antibody, IgM measurement", "Platelet associated antibody, immunoglobulin M measurement", "血小板相关抗体、IgM 测量", "血小板相关抗体、免疫球蛋白 M 测量" ], "233087003": [ "Left ventricular aneurysm operation", "Surgical procedure on left ventricular aneurysm", "Surgical procedure on aneurysm of left cardiac ventricle", "左心室动脉瘤的外科手术", "左心室动脉瘤手术", "左心室动脉瘤的外科治疗" ], "265855005": [ "Varicose vein stripping", "静脉曲张剥脱术" ], "396927009": [ "Molecular testing, diagnostic", "分子检测、诊断" ], "231252002": [ "Local anesthetic thoracic intrathecal block", "Local anaesthetic thoracic intrathecal block", "Thoracic intrathecal block", "局部麻醉胸椎鞘内阻滞", "胸椎鞘内阻滞" ], "1876007": [ "Recession of prognathic jaw", "Correction of mandibular prognathism", "Prognathic recession", "下颌前突矫正", "下颌前突退缩", "下颌突出症" ], "229417004": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the lumbar spine", "Accessory mobilization of the lumbar spine", "腰椎辅助活动" ], "63742004": [ "Excision of lesion of parathyroid glands", "Excision of lesion of parathyroid gland", "甲状旁腺病变切除术" ], "391422008": [ "Plasma thyroglobulin level", "血浆甲状腺球蛋白水平" ], "307667004": [ "Total colectomy, ileostomy and rectal mucous fistula", "全结肠切除术、回肠造口术和直肠粘膜瘘" ], "45523007": [ "Partial laterovertical laryngectomy", "Partial lateral laryngectomy", "部分侧喉切除术", "部分侧垂直喉切除术" ], "41853000": [ "Operation on pyriform sinus", "梨状窝手术" ], "25469001": [ "Anion gap measurement", "阴离子间隙测量" ], "91005004": [ "Audiological evaluation", "听力评估" ], "385917008": [ "Education about care of pressure injury stage I", "压力性损伤I期护理教育" ], "287613009": [ "Middle ear syringing or suction", "中耳冲洗或抽吸" ], "121938002": [ "Acanthamoeba species antibody assay", "Acanthameba species antibody assay", "Measurement of Acanthamoeba species antibody", "棘阿米巴抗体的测量", "棘阿米巴种抗体测定" ], "172925009": [ "Intranasal anterior and posterior ethmoidectomy", "经鼻前后筛窦切除术" ], "56402004": [ "Biopsy of mucous membrane", "粘膜活检" ], "72786002": [ "Removal of intact mammary implant", "移除完整的乳房植入物" ], "271229009": [ "Serum somatostatin measurement", "Serum somatostatin level", "血清生长抑素水平", "血清生长抑素测量" ], "1332519001": [ "Assessment using interviewer led Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire mastery subscale", "Assessment using CRQ-IL (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire interviewer led) mastery subscale", "Assessment using interviewer led CRQ (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire) mastery subscale", "使用访谈员主导的慢性呼吸问卷掌握分量表进行评估", "使用面试官主导的 CRQ(慢性呼吸道问卷)掌握分量表进行评估", "使用 CRQ-IL(慢性呼吸道问卷访谈员主导)掌握子量表进行评估" ], "103719002": [ "Replacement of stent", "Stent replacement", "更换支架", "支架置换" ], "5415002": [ "Destruction of lesion of liver", "Destruction of liver lesion", "Extirpation of lesion of liver", "肝脏病变破坏", "肝病灶摘除术" ], "120103005": [ "Eyelid injection", "Injection into eyelid", "眼睑注射" ], "431399005": [ "Brachytherapy using iodine (131-I) ethiodized oil", "使用碘(131-I)乙碘化油​​进行近距离放射治疗" ], "234791007": [ "Insertion of composite tip tooth restoration", "Comp tip tooth restoration", "Place composite tip tooth restoration", "AET - Acid etch tip tooth restoration", "CT - Composite tip tooth restoration", "复合尖牙修复", "复合尖牙修复体的插入", "放置复合材料尖牙修复体", "AET - 酸蚀牙尖修复", "CT - 复合尖牙修复" ], "185639009": [ "Cap check - 1st call", "Cap check - First call", "上限检查 - 第一次呼叫", "上限检查 - 首次呼叫" ], "445948003": [ "Suturing of pinna", "耳廓缝合" ], "3580004": [ "Removal of calculus of pharynx", "咽结石摘除术" ], "232956005": [ "Truncal root replacement", "躯干根置换术" ], "413180006": [ "Pan retinal photocoagulation for diabetes", "Panretinal photocoagulation for diabetes", "全视网膜光凝治疗糖尿病" ], "52732006": [ "Biopsy of tunica vaginalis", "Biopsy of tunica of testis", "睾丸膜活检", "鞘膜活检" ], "265724005": [ "Correction of spinal deformity and anterior instrumentation", "脊柱畸形矫正及前路固定" ], "444113001": [ "Measurement of pH of plasma of venous cord blood specimen at 37 degrees Celsius", "37 摄氏度脐静脉血样本血浆 pH 值测量" ], "313041002": [ "Making of appliance", "器具制造" ], "231121007": [ "Adjustment of neurostimulator electrode in peripheral nerve", "Adjustment to neurostimulator electrode in peripheral nerve", "周围神经刺激器电极的调整", "周围神经神经刺激器电极的调整" ], "180134000": [ "Anterior release of joints of foot for correction of congenital deformity of foot", "前足关节松解术矫正先天性足畸形" ], "229286000": [ "Respiratory expansion exercises", "呼吸扩张练习" ], "394961009": [ "Squamous cell carcinoma antigen level", "鳞状细胞癌抗原水平" ], "32678003": [ "Total ostectomy for graft of mandible", "下颌骨全切除术" ], "442278005": [ "Anastomosis of superior vena cava to pulmonary artery", "上腔静脉与肺动脉吻合术" ], "425894008": [ "Excision of lesion of intramedullary spinal cord", "脊髓髓内病变切除术" ], "14459002": [ "Excision of lesion of vein of head and neck", "头颈部静脉病变切除术" ], "112763005": [ "Osteotomy of tibia and fibula", "Osteotomy of bone of leg", "胫骨和腓骨截骨术", "腿部截骨术" ], "47227006": [ "Excision of submandibular gland", "Submandibular sialoadenectomy", "Excision of submaxillary gland", "下颌下涎腺切除术", "颌下腺切除术" ], "702587005": [ "Prescription of emergency contraception", "紧急避孕药处方" ], "178299008": [ "Inguinal lymph nodes sampling", "腹股沟淋巴结取样" ], "473211005": [ "Lipid disorder follow up assessment", "脂质紊乱随访评估" ], "391291008": [ "Fluid sample cholesterol level", "液体样本胆固醇水平" ], "307536006": [ "Examination of periodontium", "牙周组织检查" ], "45392008": [ "Psychologic evaluation or test procedure", "心理评估或测试程序" ], "895525009": [ "Amputation of part of left hand", "左手部分截肢" ], "385786002": [ "Chemotherapy care", "Chemotherapy management", "化疗管理", "化疗护理" ], "74490003": [ "Mechanical fragmentation of primary membranous cataract", "原发性膜性白内障机械碎裂" ], "238330003": [ "Bx- Biopsy of lesion of chest wall", "Biopsy of lesion of chest wall", "胸壁病变活检", "Bx-胸壁病变活检" ], "1155834004": [ "Stimulation of newborn", "刺激新生儿" ], "418554003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of hepatic artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of hepatic artery with contrast", "肝动脉荧光血管造影", "肝动脉造影荧光镜增强检查" ], "287482004": [ "Non-surgical penis biopsy", "非手术阴茎活检" ], "1286906008": [ "Ocular response analyzer tonometry - corneal compensated", "Ocular response analyser tonometry - corneal compensated", "Corneal compensated tonometry using ocular response analyser", "Corneal compensated tonometry using ocular response analyzer", "使用眼反应分析仪进行角膜补偿眼压测量", "眼部反应分析仪眼压测量 - 角膜补偿", "眼压反应分析仪眼压测量-角膜补偿" ], "121807002": [ "Malic acid measurement", "苹果酸测量" ], "252879004": [ "Lancaster screening", "Lancaster red-green test", "兰开斯特红绿测试", "兰卡斯特筛查" ], "39887009": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of carotid artery by neck incision", "颈动脉切开置管取栓术" ], "447652004": [ "Excision of nodule of larynx", "喉结节切除术" ], "87204004": [ "Removal of Shepard's tube from ear", "Removal of Shepard tube from ear", "从耳朵中取出谢泼德管" ], "234660007": [ "Transeptal alveolotomy", "经隔膜肺泡切开术" ], "118137002": [ "Complement C1 esterase inhibitor antibody measurement", "补体 C1 酯酶抑制剂抗体测量" ], "232825003": [ "Aortic valve cusp resection and repair with circumferential annuloplasty", "Carpentier operation", "卡彭蒂尔手术", "主动脉瓣尖切除及瓣环成形术修复" ], "413049004": [ "Retinol binding protein measurement", "Retinol binding protein level", "视黄醇结合蛋白水平", "视黄醇结合蛋白测量" ], "445817005": [ "Assessment using child occupational self assessment version 2.1", "使用儿童职业自我评估 2.1 版进行评估" ], "265593007": [ "Transperineal needle biopsy of prostate", "经会阴前列腺针吸活检" ], "394830001": [ "Action plan (community)", "行动计划(社区)" ], "1614003": [ "Repair of both direct inguinal hernias", "Repair of bilateral direct inguinal hernias", "修复双侧腹股沟直疝", "双侧腹股沟直疝修补术" ], "116302003": [ "Physical examination maneuver", "Physical examination manoeuvre", "体格检查操作" ], "230990005": [ "Removal of spinal extradural tumour", "Removal of spinal extradural tumor", "脊柱硬膜外肿瘤切除术", "脊柱硬膜外肿瘤切除" ], "34382007": [ "Extradural transection of spinal nerve", "脊神经硬膜外横断" ], "443982007": [ "Targeted analysis for gene mutation", "基因突变靶向分析" ], "229155001": [ "Knee exercises", "膝盖锻炼" ], "178168001": [ "Primary repair of tendon using permanent prosthesis", "使用永久性假体进行肌腱的初次修复" ], "243704004": [ "Provision of equipment", "Provision of appliances", "提供电器", "提供设备" ], "391160005": [ "Urine diazepam screening test", "尿液地西泮筛查试验" ], "702456005": [ "Drainage of lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of lower limb", "透视引导下肢引流" ], "735224005": [ "Prosthetic unicompartmental arthroplasty of bilateral knees", "Bilateral prosthetic unicompartmental arthroplasty of both knees", "Bilateral knee prosthetic unicompartmental arthroplasty", "双膝假体单髁关节置换术", "双膝关节假体单髁置换术" ], "1290445001": [ "Plain X-ray of toe of left foot", "左脚趾普通 X 光检查" ], "405709007": [ "Removal of foreign body from foot", "去除脚部异物" ], "438477007": [ "Ventricular restoration procedure of heart using prosthetic patch graft", "使用人工补片进行心脏心室修复手术" ], "28877009": [ "Cholera vaccination", "Cholera immunization", "Cholera immunisation", "Administration of cholera vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Vibrio cholerae antigen", "霍乱免疫", "霍乱疫苗接种", "接种仅含霍乱弧菌抗原的疫苗产品", "接种霍乱疫苗" ], "43426004": [ "Excision of hydrocele of canal of Nuck", "Hydrocelectomy of canal of Nuck", "努克管鞘膜积液切除术" ], "59810006": [ "Excision of lesion of eyelid by halving procedure", "Wheeler operation", "惠勒手术", "眼睑病变切除术" ], "10658007": [ "Suture of sciatic nerve", "坐骨神经缝合" ], "238199006": [ "Repair of perineal hernia", "会阴疝修补术" ], "449356000": [ "Injection of growth factor", "注射生长因子" ], "711500000": [ "Doppler ultrasound of vascular structure of lower limb", "Doppler ultrasound scan of vascular structure of lower limb", "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of lower extremity", "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of lower limb", "下肢血管结构多普勒超声扫描", "下肢血管结构多普勒超声检查", "下肢血管结构的多普勒超声检查" ], "367436000": [ "Permanent ileostomy", "Creation of permanent ileostomy", "建立永久性回肠造口术", "永久性回肠造口术" ], "170828001": [ "Blood disorder monitoring", "血液疾病监测" ], "121676005": [ "Pyridostigmine measurement", "吡啶斯的明测量" ], "252748005": [ "Repetitive nerve stimulation", "重复神经刺激" ], "88908007": [ "Rectal massage for levator spasm", "直肠按摩治疗肛提肌痉挛" ], "105292008": [ "Pheniramine measurement", "苯海拉明测量" ], "726049001": [ "Debridement of mediastinum", "纵隔清创术" ], "21537002": [ "Parathyroidectomy with mediastinal exploration by sternal split approach", "经胸骨劈开入路甲状旁腺切除术及纵隔探查" ], "54305003": [ "Lens couching procedure", "Surgical displacement of lens of eye", "Couching of lens", "镜片敷贴程序", "眼晶状体移位手术", "镜头安装" ], "236364009": [ "Micro-epididymal sperm aspiration", "Micro-epididymal spermatozoa aspiration", "MESA - micro-epididymal sperm aspiration", "MESA-- 显微附睾精子抽吸术", "显微附睾精子抽吸术", "微型附睾精子抽吸术" ], "119841007": [ "Skin of neck transposition", "颈部皮肤移位术" ], "118006000": [ "Mycoplasma or ureaplasma culture", "支原体或解脲支原体培养" ], "314614001": [ "Ultrasound guided drainage of pancreatic lesion", "超声引导下胰腺病变引流" ], "412918001": [ "Fluid sample amino acid chromatography", "流体样品氨基酸色谱分析" ], "709665009": [ "CT of stomach", "Computed tomography of stomach", "胃部计算机断层扫描", "胃部CT扫描" ], "232694008": [ "Deflation of tube cuff", "管袖带放气" ], "183542009": [ "Referral to general surgical service", "General surgical referral", "普通外科转诊", "转介至普通外科服务" ], "116171002": [ "Radical inguinal orchiectomy", "根治性腹股沟睾丸切除术" ], "265462009": [ "Anastomosis of pancreatic duct to transposed jejunum", "Roux-en-Y operation, pancreaticojejunostomy", "Roux-en-Y pancreaticojejunostomy", "Roux-en-Y 手术、胰肠吻合术", "Roux-en-Y胰肠吻合术", "胰管转位空肠吻合术" ], "165323002": [ "Biopsy administration", "活检管理" ], "443851007": [ "Quantitative measurement of benzoylecgonine in saliva specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of benzoylecgonine in saliva specimen", "唾液样本中苯甲酰爱康宁的定量测定", "唾液样本中苯甲酰爱康宁质量浓度的定量测定" ], "230859007": [ "Destruction of brain tumour", "Destruction of brain tumor", "脑肿瘤破坏" ], "425632006": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic extirpation of lesion of stomach", "Fibreoptic endoscopic extirpation of lesion of stomach", "纤维内镜胃病灶切除术" ], "720544006": [ "Booster meningitis B vaccination", "Booster meningitis B immunisation", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B antigen", "Administration of booster dose of meningitis B vaccine", "Booster meningitis B immunization", "接种脑膜炎乙型疫苗加强剂", "加强脑膜炎 B 免疫", "接种仅含 B 群脑膜炎奈瑟菌抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量", "脑膜炎 B 加强疫苗接种" ], "79733001": [ "Amputation above-knee", "AK amputation", "Amputation of leg above knee", "Amputation of leg through femur", "Amputation supracondylar, above-knee", "Kirk amputation of thigh", "AKA - Above knee amputation", "Above knee amputation", "Amputation of thigh through femur", "Transfemoral amputation", "膝上截肢", "又名-膝上截肢", "髁上、膝盖以上截肢", "股骨截肢术", "膝盖以上截肢", "股骨截肢", "大腿至股骨截肢术", "AK 截肢", "柯克大腿截肢术" ], "179872009": [ "Primary arthroscopic prosthetic ligament replacement", "初次关节镜下假体韧带置换术" ], "210805003": [ "Wolff procedure for postauricular grafting", "Wolff 耳后移植手术" ], "178037003": [ "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y fascial flap", "Local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y fascial flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction with local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y fascial flap", "局部皮下带蒂V-Y筋膜瓣重建", "局部皮下带蒂V-Y筋膜瓣修复" ], "276341003": [ "Cardiovascular investigation", "心血管检查" ], "14197006": [ "Alexander-Adams operation on uterine ligaments", "Adams operation on uterine ligaments", "亚历山大-亚当斯子宫韧带手术", "Adams 子宫韧带手术" ], "30581005": [ "Dopamine measurement, urine", "Urine dopamine", "尿液多巴胺测量", "尿多巴胺" ], "718709007": [ "Assessment using Crichton Vocabulary Scale", "Assessment using CVS (Crichton Vocabulary Scale)", "使用 CVS(克莱顿词汇量表)进行评估", "使用克莱顿词汇量表进行评估" ], "391029008": [ "Mental health HRGs", "Mental health healthcare resource groups", "心理健康保健资源团体", "心理健康 HRG" ], "241738003": [ "Tourniquet cuff deflation", "止血带袖口放气" ], "274506003": [ "Operative local anaesthesia", "Operative local anesthesia", "手术局部麻醉" ], "45130007": [ "Making open bed", "整理开放式床铺" ], "172532006": [ "YAG laser capsulotomy of lens", "Yttrium-aluminum-garnet (YAG) laser capsulotomy of lens", "Yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser capsulotomy of lens", "钇铝石榴石 (YAG) 激光晶状体囊切开术", "YAG激光晶状体囊切开术", "钇铝石榴石激光晶状体囊切开术" ], "303604007": [ "Destruction of lesion of urethral meatus", "尿道口损伤破坏术" ], "105161000": [ "Dichlorphenamide measurement", "二氯苯那敏测定" ], "432841000": [ "Computed tomography venography of cerebral vein with contrast", "CT venography of cerebral vein with contrast", "脑静脉增强 CT 造影", "增强脑静脉计算机断层扫描静脉造影" ], "287220007": [ "Spinal cord stereotaxis", "脊髓立体定位" ], "711369001": [ "Diaphragm stripping", "Stripping of diaphragm", "隔膜剥离" ], "416457004": [ "Referral to vasectomy clinic", "转诊至输精管切除术诊所" ], "121545006": [ "Diethylstilbestrol measurement", "Diethylstilboestrol measurement", "己烯雌酚测量" ], "5022001": [ "Lysergic acid diethylamide measurement", "LSD measurement", "麦角酸二乙酰胺测定", "LSD 测量" ], "431006002": [ "Incision and drainage of abdominal abscess", "腹腔脓肿切开引流" ], "252617009": [ "Auditory brainstem response screening test", "听觉脑干反应筛查测试" ], "119710003": [ "Nasopharynx closure", "鼻咽缝合" ], "709534006": [ "Administration of depot contraception", "Administration of depot contraceptive", "长效避孕药的使用" ], "117875001": [ "Shigella dysenteriae antibody assay", "Measurement of Shigella dysenteriae antibody", "痢疾志贺氏杆菌抗体测定", "痢疾志贺氏杆菌抗体检测" ], "35955002": [ "Radical vaginal hysterocolpectomy", "Radical vaginal hysterectomy, Schauta type operation", "Schauta-Amreich vaginal hysterectomy", "Radical vaginal hysterectomy", "Schauta radical vaginal hysterectomy", "Vaginal hysterocolpectomy and excision of parametrium", "根治性阴道子宫阴道切除术", "根治性阴道子宫切除术", "Schauta根治性阴式子宫切除术", "Schauta-Amreich 阴式子宫切除术", "阴道子宫阴道切除术和宫旁组织切除术", "根治性阴式子宫切除术、Schausa 型手术" ], "134259006": [ "Coxiella burnetii IgG level", "Coxiella burnetii immunoglobulin G level", "伯氏柯克斯体免疫球蛋白G水平", "伯氏柯克斯体 IgG 水平" ], "167027009": [ "Measurement of mixed venous partial pressure of oxygen", "Mixed venous partial pressure of oxygen", "pvO2 - Mixed venous partial pressure of oxygen", "混合静脉血氧分压测量", "pvO2 - 混合静脉氧分压", "混合静脉血氧分压" ], "312648001": [ "Four layer compression bandaging for skin ulcer", "皮肤溃疡四层加压绷带" ], "1230152005": [ "Checking of alarm", "检查报警" ], "1352009": [ "Anterior spinal rhizotomy", "前路脊神经切断术" ], "165192009": [ "Vocational evaluation for rehabilitation", "康复职业评估" ], "310813001": [ "Observational assessment", "General assessment", "观察评估", "总体评估" ], "48669003": [ "Amalgam restoration, one surface, permanent", "汞合金修复体,单面,永久性" ], "704029003": [ "Provision of infusion pump for enteral feeding", "提供输液泵进行肠内喂养" ], "718578000": [ "Assessment using Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment", "Assessment using START (Screening Tool to Alert doctors to Right Treatment)", "使用 START(提醒医生采取正确治疗的筛查工具)进行评估", "使用筛查工具进行评估,以提醒医生采取正确的治疗方法" ], "359965008": [ "Moving a patient in bed", "在床上移动病人" ], "30450003": [ "Arthroscopy of finger", "手指关节镜检查" ], "472818003": [ "Pleuroscopy", "Local anesthetic thoracoscopy", "Local anaesthetic thoracoscopy", "MT - medical thoracoscopy", "局部麻醉胸腔镜检查", "MT-医学胸腔镜检查", "胸膜镜检查" ], "405447001": [ "Revision of Gritti-Stokes amputation", "Gritti-Stokes 截肢术修复" ], "225223002": [ "Motivating patient", "激励病人" ], "241607007": [ "MRI of petrous bones", "Magnetic resonance imaging of petrous bones", "岩骨 MRI", "岩骨磁共振成像" ], "438215008": [ "Harvesting of part of small intestine from living donor", "Open partial enterectomy from living donor", "从活体捐献者体内获取部分小肠", "活体捐献者开放性部分肠切除术" ], "305308003": [ "Admission by general surgeon", "普通外科医生入院" ], "419996004": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of uterine artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of uterine artery with contrast", "子宫动脉荧光血管造影", "子宫动脉荧光造影" ], "434545000": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of radial artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of radial artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "用造影剂插入支架进行桡动脉荧光血管造影", "用造影剂插入支架进行桡动脉荧光镜造影" ], "713073001": [ "Giving encouragement to set limits", "鼓励设定限制" ], "370844008": [ "Patient Self-Determination Act education", "患者自决法教育" ], "8561003": [ "Destruction of epithelial downgrowth of anterior chamber of eye", "眼前房上皮下生破坏" ], "762225006": [ "Endovascular insertion of stent into aortic bifurcation", "主动脉分叉处血管内植入支架" ], "172401007": [ "Creation of conjunctival hood", "结膜罩的形成" ], "252486000": [ "Respiratory muscle function test", "呼吸肌功能检查" ], "90481009": [ "Thromboendarterectomy with graft of deep profunda femoral artery", "血栓内膜切除术及股深动脉移植术" ], "416326003": [ "Hypothyroidism monitoring verbal invite", "甲状腺功能减退症监测口头邀请" ], "6726004": [ "Incision and drainage of appendiceal abscess by transabdominal approach", "经腹阑尾脓肿切开引流术" ], "1055302004": [ "Venography of right suprarenal vein", "Venogram of right suprarenal vein", "右肾上静脉造影" ], "105030006": [ "Vitamin K measurement", "维生素 K 测量" ], "449094007": [ "External fixation of rib", "肋骨外固定" ], "121414009": [ "Olanzapine measurement", "奥氮平测量" ], "234267002": [ "Excision of femoral lymph node", "股淋巴结切除术" ], "1331995003": [ "Removal of internal fixation device from rib", "Removal of internal fixation device from bone of rib", "从肋骨移除内固定装置", "从肋骨中取出内固定装置" ], "86811003": [ "Pulmonary ventilation study, aerosol", "肺通气研究,气溶胶" ], "398107003": [ "Type 2 tympanoplasty", "Wullstein type 2 tympanoplasty", "2 型鼓室成形术", "Wullstein 2 型鼓室成形术" ], "4891005": [ "Proctostomy", "Rectostomy", "直肠造口术" ], "119579009": [ "Facial bone transplantation", "面部骨移植" ], "609264001": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent paraumbilical hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下复发性脐旁疝修补术" ], "117744004": [ "Avian encephalomyelitis virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Avian encephalomyelitis virus antibody", "禽脑脊髓炎病毒抗体测定", "禽脑脊髓炎病毒抗体检测" ], "166896004": [ "Laboratory blood sugar", "Laboratory blood glucose", "实验室血糖" ], "281584007": [ "Insertion of underwater seal chest drain", "Insertion of UWSD (underwater seal drain)", "插入水下密封胸腔引流管", "插入 UWSD(水下密封排水管)" ], "183280009": [ "Deafness remedial therapy", "耳聋矫正疗法" ], "33989004": [ "Reattachment of uterosacral ligament", "子宫骶韧带再植" ], "443589007": [ "Measurement of spotted fever group rickettsia antibody", "斑点热群立克次体抗体测定" ], "441754003": [ "Percutaneous transhepatic transplantation of pancreatic islet cell using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮肝穿刺胰岛细胞移植" ], "408986006": [ "Growth and development care management", "Growth/development case management", "Manage growth and development care", "Growth/development care management", "管理成长和发展护理", "成长/发育护理管理", "成长发育护理管理", "成长/发展案例管理" ], "1193583000": [ "2019 novel coronavirus DNA plasmid encoding spike protein immunization", "2019-nCoV DNA plasmid encoding spike protein immunisation", "Administration of SARS-CoV-2 DNA plasmid encoding spike protein vaccine", "Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 DNA plasmid encoding spike protein vaccination", "2019-nCoV DNA plasmid encoding spike protein vaccination", "COVID-19 DNA plasmid encoding spike protein vaccination", "SARS-CoV-2 DNA plasmid encoding spike protein immunization", "2019 novel coronavirus DNA plasmid encoding spike protein vaccination", "2019-nCoV DNA plasmid encoding spike protein immunization", "2019 novel coronavirus DNA plasmid encoding spike protein immunisation", "SARS-CoV-2 DNA plasmid encoding spike protein immunisation", "SARS-CoV-2 DNA plasmid encoding spike protein vaccination", "COVID-19 DNA plasmid encoding spike protein immunization", "COVID-19 DNA plasmid encoding spike protein immunisation", "Administration of vaccine product containing only severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 deoxyribonucleic acid plasmid encoding spike protein", "2019年新型冠状病毒 DNA 质粒编码刺突蛋白 免疫", "严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 DNA 质粒编码刺突蛋白疫苗接种", "COVID-19 DNA 质粒编码刺突蛋白免疫", "2019-nCoV 编码刺突蛋白的 DNA 质粒 疫苗", "SARS-CoV-2 DNA 质粒编码刺突蛋白疫苗", "接种仅含有编码刺突蛋白的严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 脱氧核糖核酸质粒的疫苗产品", "SARS-CoV-2 DNA 质粒编码刺突蛋白免疫", "注射编码刺突蛋白疫苗的 SARS-CoV-2 DNA 质粒", "2019新型冠状病毒DNA质粒编码刺突蛋白疫苗", "2019-nCoV 编码刺突蛋白的 DNA 质粒 免疫", "COVID-19 DNA 质粒编码刺突蛋白疫苗" ], "177775006": [ "Previous chest wall incision - resuture", "先前的胸壁切口 - 重新缝合" ], "307012001": [ "Zadik operation for ingrowing toenail", "扎迪克手术治疗嵌甲" ], "175940002": [ "Therapeutic open aspiration of renal pelvis", "肾盂开放抽吸术治疗" ], "44868003": [ "Acupuncture", "ACP - Acupuncture", "ACP-针灸", "针刺" ], "765764001": [ "Ultrasonography of deep vein", "Ultrasound scan of deep vein", "Ultrasound of deep vein", "深静脉超声检查", "深静脉超声扫描" ], "241476005": [ "US scan of spleen", "Ultrasound scan of spleen", "脾脏超声扫描" ], "405316006": [ "Axilloprofunda bypass using prosthesis", "Axillo-profunda bypass using prosthesis", "使用假体的腋窝深部绕道手术", "腋窝深静脉旁路假体" ], "77636006": [ "Creation of lesion of spinal cord by stereotactic method", "立体定向方法制造脊髓损伤" ], "225092005": [ "Permanent percutaneous nephrostomy", "Long-term percutaneous nephrostomy", "永久性经皮肾造口术", "长期经皮肾造口术" ], "239641003": [ "Correction of congenital hallux varus", "先天性拇内翻矫正" ], "418030000": [ "US scan and drainage of pelvis", "Ultrasound scan and drainage of pelvis", "盆腔超声扫描和引流", "超声扫描和盆腔引流" ], "73966002": [ "Hemicystectomy", "半膀胱切除术" ], "450798003": [ "Delivery of face to pubes presentation", "Delivery of occipitoposterior presentation", "Delivery of face to pubis presentation", "面部至阴毛先露的分娩", "面先露至耻骨先露", "枕后位分娩" ], "8430005": [ "Teflon implant into epiglottis", "Polytetrafluoroethylene implant into epiglottis", "聚四氟乙烯植入物进入会厌", "特氟龙植入物进入会厌" ], "57582005": [ "Alcohol, methyl measurement", "Methanol measurement", "酒精、甲基测量", "甲醇测量" ], "172270009": [ "Tissue glue protective tarsorrhaphy", "组织胶保护性睑缘缝合术" ], "170435001": [ "Administration of second dose of hepatitis A and B vaccine", "Second hepatitis A and B immunization", "Second hepatitis A and B immunisation", "Second hepatitis A and B vaccination", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Hepatitis A and B virus antigens", "第二次甲肝和乙肝免疫接种", "第二次甲型肝炎和乙型肝炎疫苗接种", "第二次甲型肝炎和乙型肝炎免疫接种", "接种第二剂仅含甲肝和乙肝病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "接种第二剂甲肝和乙肝疫苗" ], "104899004": [ "PGF measurement", "Prostaglandin F measurement", "前列腺素 F 测量", "PGF测量" ], "55747005": [ "Transection of muscle of pelvis", "骨盆肌肉横断" ], "252355005": [ "CD3 - Anti-cluster of differentiation 3 T-cell stimulation", "CD3 - 抗分化簇 3 T 细胞刺激" ], "121283006": [ "Methylene chloride measurement", "二氯甲烷测量" ], "711107008": [ "Injury care", "Injury treatment", "损伤护理", "损伤治疗" ], "168600009": [ "Thoracic inlet X-ray", "Thoracic outlet X-ray", "胸腔入口 X 光检查", "胸廓出口 X 光检查" ], "117613003": [ "Cryoprotein identification", "低温蛋白鉴定" ], "265069006": [ "Biopsy of lesion of uterus", "子宫病变活检" ], "428909008": [ "Biphasic defibrillation procedure", "双相除颤程序" ], "427074001": [ "Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy", "腹腔镜袖状胃切除术" ], "84845008": [ "Introduction of catheter into superior vena cava", "将导管插入上腔静脉" ], "771138006": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of left facet joint", "Injection of left facet joint using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下对左侧小关节进行注射", "荧光透视引导下左侧关节突注射" ], "228631000": [ "Toilet modification", "厕所改造" ], "66626009": [ "Forequarter amputation, left", "左前肢截肢" ], "392471001": [ "Ethylene oxide specific IgE antibody measurement", "k78 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ethylene oxide specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "k78特异性IgE抗体测量", "环氧乙烷特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "环氧乙烷特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "359703006": [ "Total glossectomy", "Total excision of tongue", "Complete glossectomy", "完全舌切除术", "全舌切除术", "舌全切除术" ], "32023008": [ "Removal of packing from vagina", "Removing vaginal pack", "Removal of pack from vagina", "从阴道取出包扎物", "取出阴道填塞物", "取出阴道包" ], "243180002": [ "EAR - Expired air resuscitation", "Expired air ventilation", "呼气通气", "EAR-- 呼气复苏" ], "439788008": [ "Controlled crying technique", "控制哭泣技术" ], "388801002": [ "Beta-lactoglobulin specific IgE antibody measurement", "f77 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Beta-lactoglobulin specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f77 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "β-乳球蛋白特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "β-乳球蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "1306305003": [ "Mechanical circulatory support using left ventricular assist device", "使用左心室辅助装置的机械循环支持" ], "175809005": [ "Interposition of venous valve", "Interposition of valve of vein", "静脉瓣膜插入术", "静脉瓣膜插入" ], "306881007": [ "Microwave diathermy to hand", "微波透热疗法" ], "173974000": [ "Closure of anastomosis of ileum", "回肠吻合口缝合" ], "24683000": [ "Uptake measurement", "吸收测量" ], "239510008": [ "Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of the metatarsophalangeal joint of hallux", "拇趾跖趾关节半置换术" ], "712811002": [ "Penile brachial pressure index", "阴茎肱压指数" ], "417899003": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of intertarsal joint", "Intertarsal joint arthrogram", "跗骨间关节造影", "跗骨间关节荧光造影" ], "172139005": [ "Destruction of orbital lesion", "眼眶病变破坏" ], "450667007": [ "Excision of lipoma of subcutaneous tissue of neck", "颈部皮下组织脂肪瘤切除术" ], "792896000": [ "Administration of measles and rubella vaccine", "Measles and rubella vaccination", "Measles and rubella immunization", "Measles and rubella immunisation", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Measles morbillivirus and Rubella virus antigens", "麻疹和风疹免疫接种", "麻疹和风疹疫苗接种", "接种仅含麻疹病毒和风疹病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "接种麻疹和风疹疫苗" ], "252224002": [ "Differential sugar absorption test", "Double sugar absorption test", "差异糖吸收试验", "双倍糖吸收试验" ], "104768005": [ "Ketogenic steroids challenge tests", "生酮类固醇激发试验" ], "1251648006": [ "Thoracic discogram with contrast", "Discography with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc of thoracic spine", "Thoracic discography with contrast", "Dorsal discogram with contrast", "Thoracic provocative discography", "Thoracic provocative discogram", "胸椎椎间盘注射造影剂的椎间盘造影术", "胸椎间盘造影", "背部椎间盘造影", "胸椎激发椎间盘造影" ], "363242000": [ "Non-operative procedure on middle ear", "中耳非手术治疗" ], "2794006": [ "Cauterization of navel", "Cauterisation of navel", "肚脐烧灼术" ], "314090007": [ "Sickle cell disease screening test", "镰状细胞病筛查测试" ], "609002009": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from eye proper", "Microscopic examination of specimen from eye", "眼球标本的显微镜检查", "眼标本的显微镜检查" ], "232170009": [ "Removal of dressing from external auditory canal", "去除外耳道敷料" ], "1196991007": [ "Imaging guided fine needle aspiration biopsy of ovary", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of ovary using imaging guidance", "影像引导下卵巢细针穿刺活检", "影像引导下卵巢经皮细针穿刺活检" ], "410559007": [ "Modified Bagolini striated glasses test", "Modified Bagolini test", "Visual field test using Bagolini striated glasses", "改良 Bagolini 条纹眼镜试验", "改良 Bagolini 试验", "使用 Bagolini 条纹眼镜进行视野测试" ], "310420002": [ "Patch repair of traumatic rupture of diaphragm", "创伤性膈肌破裂的补片修复" ], "359572002": [ "Enterectomy with anastomosis", "肠切除吻合术" ], "64660004": [ "Gas liquid chromatography measurement", "Gas-liquid chromatography", "气液色谱测定", "气相色谱法" ], "275817001": [ "Femorals - child examination", "股骨 - 儿童检查" ], "767337004": [ "Excision of entire left testis and entire left spermatic cord", "Left radical orchiectomy", "Left radical orchidectomy", "左侧根治性睾丸切除术", "左侧睾丸根治性切除术", "切除整个左侧睾丸和整个左侧精索" ], "423273004": [ "Recreational therapy education, guidance, and counseling", "Recreational therapy education, guidance, and counselling", "Recreational therapy care teaching, guidance and counselling", "Recreational therapy care teaching, guidance and counseling", "娱乐治疗护理教学、指导和咨询", "娱乐治疗教育、指导和咨询" ], "46441006": [ "Excision of lesion of auricle of ear", "Excision of lesion of pinna", "耳廓病变切除术" ], "406889008": [ "Water soluble eosin stain method", "Water soluble eosin stain", "水溶性伊红染色", "水溶性伊红染色法" ], "241214001": [ "Cine study of artificial heart valve", "人工心脏瓣膜的电影研究" ], "62825008": [ "Restriction enzyme analysis", "REA - restriction enzyme analysis", "限制性酶分析", "REA-限制性酶分析" ], "239379003": [ "Curettage of maxillary tooth socket", "上颌牙槽嵴刮除术" ], "21531000087101": [ "MRI of bilateral calves with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral calves with contrast", "双侧小腿增强磁共振成像", "双侧小腿增强 MRI 检查" ], "17691000087103": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of bilateral upper limbs with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venogram of both upper extremities with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venography of left and right upper limb with contrast", "左、右上肢荧光静脉造影", "双上肢荧光静脉造影", "双侧上肢荧光静脉造影" ], "13851000087104": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of aorta and left iliac artery", "Doppler ultrasound scan of aorta and left iliac artery", "主动脉和左髂动脉多普勒超声扫描", "主动脉和左髂动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "122856003": [ "Oral examination", "口腔检查" ], "1051000087108": [ "Ultrasonography of left forearm", "Ultrasound of left forearm", "Ultrasound scan of left forearm", "左前臂超声检查", "左前臂超声波扫描" ], "4891000087108": [ "CT of right femur", "Computed tomography of right femur", "右股骨CT", "右股骨计算机断层扫描" ], "2331000087109": [ "MRI of right forearm", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right forearm", "右前臂磁共振成像", "右前臂 MRI" ], "71869000": [ "Right ventricular recording", "右心室记录" ], "104637001": [ "Diethyl ether measurement", "乙醚测量" ], "710845003": [ "Assessment of decision making ability", "决策能力评估" ], "448701008": [ "Arthrotomy and removal of prosthesis of foot", "Incision of foot joint and removal of prosthesis", "足关节切开及假肢拆除", "关节切开术及足部假肢移除" ], "20882001": [ "Crown, resin with predominantly base metal", "牙冠,树脂,主要为贱金属" ], "250258001": [ "Serum hemopexin measurement", "Serum haemopexin level", "Serum hemopexin level", "Serum haemopexin measurement", "血清血红素结合蛋白测定", "血清血红素结合蛋白测量", "血清血红蛋白结合蛋白水平", "血清血红素结合蛋白水平" ], "446866002": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of portal vein", "MRI of portal vein", "门静脉磁共振成像", "门静脉 MRI" ], "709010006": [ "Liaising with referrer", "Liaising with referral source", "与推荐来源联络", "与推荐人联络" ], "428647001": [ "Ponseti manipulation", "潘塞缇操纵" ], "723559001": [ "Perinatal mental health assessment", "Assessment of perinatal mental health", "围产期心理健康评估" ], "363111003": [ "Exploration of biliary system", "胆道系统探查" ], "313959002": [ "Plasma 17-oxosteroid level", "Plasma 17-oxosteroid measurement", "血浆17-氧代类固醇水平", "血浆17-氧代类固醇测量" ], "117351005": [ "Sample dilution method for analyte measurement", "用于分析物测量的样品稀释法" ], "608871008": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from biliary tract", "胆道标本显微镜检查" ], "1231463009": [ "Excision of leukoplakia of vocal cord", "Excision of leucoplakia of vocal cord", "声带白斑切除术" ], "66364002": [ "Arrest of bone growth of radius", "桡骨骨生长停止" ], "426812002": [ "Radial optic neurotomy (II)", "Radial optic neurotomy", "放射状视神经切开术", "放射状视神经切开术(II)" ], "82748002": [ "Reinforced pin amalgam, Markley type procedure", "增强针汞合金,Markley 型手术" ], "445031009": [ "Discussion about preferred place of care", "讨论首选护理地点" ], "1111421000000101": [ "Insertion of magnetic marker into right breast using X-ray guidance", "X-ray guided insertion of magnetic marker into right breast", "Insertion of magnetic seed into right breast using X-ray guidance", "在 X 射线引导下将磁性种子植入右乳房", "在 X 射线的引导下将磁性标记插入右乳房", "在 X 射线引导下将磁性标记插入右乳房" ], "408593002": [ "Plasma plasminogen antigen level", "Plasma plasminogen antigen measurement", "血浆纤溶酶原抗原水平", "血浆纤溶酶原抗原测定" ], "439526007": [ "Incision and drainage of hip joint", "髋关节切开引流" ], "308454009": [ "Referral to orthoptist", "Refer to orthoptist", "转诊至视轴矫正师", "咨询视轴矫正师" ], "306619002": [ "Discharge from occupational health service", "职业健康服务终止" ], "699835004": [ "Provision of written information about colposcopy", "提供有关阴道镜检查的书面信息" ], "716219007": [ "Assessment using Test of Auditory Processing Skills Third Edition", "Assessment using TAPS-3 (Test of Auditory Processing Skills Third Edition)", "使用听觉处理技能测试第三版进行评估", "使用 TAPS-3(听觉处理技能测试第三版)进行评估" ], "11707008": [ "Repair of fallopian tube", "Salpingoplasty", "Fallopian tube repair", "输卵管修复", "输卵管成形术" ], "1287824002": [ "Incision of vascular structure of head", "头部血管结构切开术" ], "173712002": [ "Stomach and pylorus operations", "Gastric and pylorus operations", "胃及幽门手术" ], "239248004": [ "Transfer of peroneus tertius", "第三腓骨肌移位" ], "698000005": [ "Creatine kinase BB isoenzyme measurement", "肌酸激酶 BB 同工酶测定" ], "89957001": [ "Operation on lacrimal gland", "泪腺手术" ], "237413004": [ "Reduction mammoplasty horizontal pedicle technique", "Strombeck reduction mammoplasty", "乳房缩小术水平蒂技术", "斯特龙贝克乳房缩小术" ], "286565005": [ "Ureteroscopic ureteric stent procedure", "输尿管镜输尿管支架手术" ], "1235002001": [ "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous division of tendon", "Percutaneous division of tendon using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous tenotomy", "超声引导下经皮肌腱切断术" ], "235578001": [ "Brush biopsy of pancreatic duct", "胰管刷检" ], "448570005": [ "Trapezoidal osteotomy", "梯形截骨术" ], "104506009": [ "alpha-Ketoglutarate measurement", "α-酮戊二酸测量" ], "446735004": [ "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and excision of polyp of stomach", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and polypectomy of stomach", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and polypectomy of stomach", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及胃息肉切除术", "上消化道内镜检查及胃息肉切除术" ], "708879006": [ "Grafting of bone of rib", "Bone graft of rib", "肋骨骨移植", "肋骨移植" ], "313828000": [ "Serum arachidonic acid level", "Serum arachidonic acid measurement", "血清花生四烯酸水平", "血清花生四烯酸测量" ], "117220000": [ "Brown-Brenn stain method", "Brown-Brenn 染色法" ], "182756003": [ "Arterial perfusion", "动脉灌注" ], "428516004": [ "Insertion of progestogen implant", "植入孕激素植入物" ], "51684008": [ "Radical subtotal resection of pancreas", "根治性胰腺次全切除术" ], "444900008": [ "Ultrasonography of abdomen with contrast", "腹部造影超声检查" ], "697001": [ "Hepatitis A virus antibody measurement", "HAV antibody measurement", "Hepatitis A antibody level", "甲型肝炎病毒抗体测量", "HAV抗体检测", "甲型肝炎抗体水平" ], "410297008": [ "Housing teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Housing teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Housing education, guidance, and counseling", "Housing education, guidance, and counselling", "Home teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Home education, guidance, and counseling", "Home education, guidance, and counselling", "住房教育、指导和咨询", "住房教学、指导和咨询", "家庭教育、指导和咨询", "家庭教学、指导和咨询" ], "31630000": [ "Intracardiac phonocardiogram", "心内心音图" ], "277390006": [ "Frequency resolution test", "Frequency selectivity test", "频率选择性测试", "频率分辨率测试" ], "439395001": [ "Measurement of chlorpheniramine in urine", "尿液中氯苯那敏的测定" ], "177251005": [ "Abdominolipectomy", "Apronectomy", "腹部脂肪切除术", "围裙切除术" ], "46179008": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into brachial plexus", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into brachial plexus", "Brachial plexus block", "臂丛注射麻醉剂", "臂丛神经阻滞" ], "29795009": [ "Open reduction of orbital floor blowout fracture by periorbital approach", "经眶周入路切开复位治疗眶底爆裂性骨折" ], "224568002": [ "Staple capsulorrhaphy of shoulder", "肩关节囊缝合术" ], "444531000124100": [ "Nutrition environment management", "营养环境管理" ], "306488005": [ "Discharge by transplant surgeon", "移植外科医生出院" ], "438131000124102": [ "Increased biotin diet", "增加生物素饮食" ], "173581002": [ "Open laser destruction of lesion of oesophagus", "Open laser destruction of lesion of esophagus", "开放式激光食管病变毁损术", "开放式激光毁损食管病变" ], "89826002": [ "Nasogastric tube irrigation", "Flushing nasogastric tube", "鼻胃管冲洗", "冲洗鼻胃管" ], "417506008": [ "Hemorrhagic stroke monitoring", "Haemorrhagic stroke monitoring", "出血性卒中监测" ], "235447002": [ "Attention to nasojejunal tube", "鼻空肠管注意事项" ], "71607003": [ "Coagulation time, capillary", "凝血时间,毛细管" ], "104375008": [ "Hepatitis C antibody, confirmatory test", "丙型肝炎抗体,确认试验" ], "69772001": [ "Echography, B-scan, limited", "超声心动图、B 超、有限" ], "313697000": [ "90 minute plasma glucose measurement", "90 minute plasma glucose level", "90 分钟血糖水平", "90 分钟血糖测量" ], "231777002": [ "Intravitreal tamponade", "Vitreous replacement", "玻璃体内填塞", "玻璃体置换" ], "117089007": [ "Administration of Respiratory Syncytial virus immune globulin, human", "人类呼吸道合胞病毒免疫球蛋白的给药" ], "410166000": [ "Vitamin B12 injection management", "Manage vitamin B12 injection", "管理维生素 B12 注射", "维生素B12注射管理" ], "18785008": [ "Microbial dry smear", "微生物干涂片" ], "115254003": [ "Fungal identification method", "真菌鉴定方法" ], "82486007": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of popliteal-tibio-peroneal artery by leg incision", "经小腿切口腘窝-胫腓动脉导管取栓术" ], "737846009": [ "Day care surveillance", "日托监控" ], "1293067009": [ "Plain X-ray of parotid gland", "腮腺X线平片" ], "439264005": [ "Taking an impression for creation of custom speech aid prosthesis", "取模以制作定制助语假体" ], "29664009": [ "Iridectomy with scleral trephination", "Elliot operation", "Trephination of sclera with iridectomy", "Trephining of sclera and iridectomy", "虹膜切除术和巩膜环钻术", "艾略特手术", "巩膜环钻术及虹膜切除术", "巩膜环钻术和虹膜切除术" ], "715957006": [ "Transportation by own transport", "自备交通工具" ], "306357007": [ "Referral to hospital occupational therapist", "Referral to hospital-based occupational therapist", "转诊至医院职业治疗师" ], "11445008": [ "Excision of infected graft", "切除感染的移植物" ], "386442002": [ "Socialisation enhancement", "Socialization enhancement", "社会化增强" ], "1254794003": [ "Splinting of teeth using vacuum formed orthodontic retainer", "Insertion of vacuum formed orthodontic retainer onto teeth", "使用真空成型的牙齿矫正保持器进行牙齿夹板固定", "将真空成型的牙齿矫正保持器插入牙齿上" ], "42378007": [ "Incision and drainage of sublingual abscess, intraoral", "舌下脓肿切开引流、口腔内" ], "75146008": [ "Thromboendarterectomy with graft of innominate artery by thoracic incision", "经胸腔切口行血栓内膜切除术及无名动脉移植术" ], "40543003": [ "Repair of diaphragmatic hiatal hernia by thoracoabdominal approach", "胸腹联合入路修补膈疝" ], "171615004": [ "Excision of lesion of facial nerve (VII)", "面神经损伤切除术(VII)" ], "122463005": [ "Embolization procedure", "Embolization", "Embolisation procedure", "Embolisation", "栓塞", "栓塞术", "栓塞程序", "栓塞手术" ], "73311007": [ "Anesthesia for ventral or incisional hernia repair, lower abdomen", "Anaesthesia for ventral or incisional hernia repair, lower abdomen", "下腹部腹疝或切口疝修补术麻醉" ], "71476000": [ "Arthroplasty of wrist", "Repair of wrist", "Arthroplasty of the wrist", "Repair of wrist joint", "腕关节修复", "腕关节置换术" ], "7775009": [ "Ligation of abdominal varicose vein", "腹部静脉曲张结扎术" ], "269919009": [ "Fluid sample sodium measurement", "Fluid sample sodium level", "流体样品钠测量", "液体样本钠含量" ], "22324003": [ "Jejunectomy", "Resection of jejunum", "Jejunal resection", "Excision of jejunum", "Jejunectomy, resection of a segment or all of jejunum", "空肠切除术", "空肠切除术,切除一段或全部空肠" ], "104244001": [ "Fungal subtyping", "真菌亚型" ], "235316007": [ "Malone's operation", "ACE - Antegrade colonic enema procedure", "Malone operation", "马龙行动", "ACE - 顺行结肠灌肠术", "马龙的手术" ], "284468008": [ "Bilateral electroconvulsive therapy", "ECT - Bilateral electroconvulsive therapy", "ECT-双侧电休克治疗", "双侧电休克治疗" ], "233481006": [ "Embolectomy of arteriovenous graft", "动静脉移植物栓塞切除术" ], "118793007": [ "Procedure on bronchus", "支气管手术" ], "51422001": [ "Platelet aggregation with epinephrine test", "Platelet aggregation with adrenaline test", "肾上腺素试验及血小板聚集试验", "肾上腺素试验血小板聚集" ], "444638005": [ "Screening for malignant neoplasm of skin", "Screening for skin cancer", "皮肤癌筛查", "皮肤恶性肿瘤筛查" ], "231646006": [ "Medial rectus adjustable resection", "内直肌可调切除术" ], "1296606007": [ "Drainage of cerebral subdural space by trephination", "颅骨钻孔引流脑硬膜下腔" ], "2270007": [ "Repair of cleft hand", "Correction of cleft hand", "裂手矫正", "裂手修复" ], "426419000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into subclavian artery", "Endovascular insertion of stent into subclavian artery", "经皮腔内锁骨下动脉支架植入术", "锁骨下动脉血管内植入支架" ], "435001": [ "Pulmonary inhalation study", "肺吸入研究" ], "409781000119101": [ "MRI of scrotum without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of scrotum without contrast", "无造影剂阴囊磁共振成像", "阴囊 MRI 无造影" ], "394421000119103": [ "Plain X-ray of chest, anteroposterior view", "胸部 X 光检查,前后位" ], "16436661000119104": [ "Ultrasonography guided core needle biopsy of skin", "Core needle biopsy of skin using ultrasonographic guidance", "使用超声引导进行皮肤芯针活检", "超声引导下皮肤芯针活检" ], "16819009": [ "Delivery of face presentation", "面容呈现" ], "16549301000119107": [ "Fluoroscopy guided therapeutic injection of right wrist", "Therapeutic injection of right wrist using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下右腕部治疗注射", "荧光透视引导下右腕部治疗性注射" ], "1260168007": [ "Retrobulbar infiltration", "Infiltration into retrobulbar space", "侵入球后空间", "球后浸润" ], "408200008": [ "Cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody measurement", "Cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody level", "CCP (cyclic citrullinated peptide) antibody measurement", "环瓜氨酸肽抗体水平", "环瓜氨酸肽抗体测量", "CCP(环瓜氨酸肽)抗体测量" ], "176989003": [ "Laparoscopic reversal of female sterilisation", "Endoscopic reversal of female sterilization", "Laparoscopic reversal of female sterilization", "Endoscopic reversal of female sterilisation", "腹腔镜逆转女性绝育", "内镜逆转女性绝育" ], "1209181003": [ "Resection arthroplasty of knee with insertion of cement spacer", "Excisional arthroplasty of knee with insertion of cement spacer", "Excision arthroplasty of knee with insertion of cement spacer", "Excision arthroplasty of joint of knee with insertion of cement spacer", "膝关节切除置换术并置入骨水泥垫块", "膝关节切除置换术及骨水泥垫片置入术" ], "240690005": [ "Anastomosis of intrahepatic duct to jejunum", "肝内导管空肠吻合术" ], "306226009": [ "Referral to mental health counselling service", "Referral to mental health counseling service", "转介心理健康辅导服务", "转介心理健康咨询服务" ], "288007003": [ "Renal anastomosis", "肾吻合术" ], "75015007": [ "Repair of anorectal fistula", "Closure of anorectal fistula", "肛门直肠瘘闭合", "肛门直肠瘘修复" ], "304391009": [ "Wound infiltration of local anesthetic", "Wound infiltration of local anaesthetic", "伤口浸润局部麻醉药", "伤口浸润局部麻醉" ], "122332005": [ "Haemophilus influenzae rRNA assay", "Haemophilus influenzae ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "流感嗜血杆菌核糖体核糖核酸测定", "流感嗜血杆菌 rRNA 检测" ], "54961000": [ "Reduction of closed humeral lateral condylar fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of lateral condyle of humerus", "闭合性肱骨外髁骨折的手法复位", "肱骨外髁闭合性骨折手法复位" ], "104113002": [ "Cell count, peritoneal fluid", "腹腔液细胞计数" ], "5809008": [ "Selective vagotomy with pyloroplasty and gastrostomy", "选择性迷走神经切断术及幽门成形术和胃造口术" ], "233350001": [ "Reconstruction of brachial artery", "肱动脉重建" ], "118662001": [ "Medicolegal procedure", "Legal system procedure", "Legal system treatments and procedures", "法律制度程序", "法医学程序", "法律制度处理和程序" ], "446342001": [ "Excision of neoplasm from spinal extradural space", "脊髓硬膜外肿瘤切除术" ], "167814009": [ "Measurement of density of motile sperm", "Density of motile sperm", "Measurement of density of motile spermatozoa", "活动精子密度的测量", "活力精子密度的测量", "活力精子密度" ], "311600000": [ "Eliciting non-vocal response", "引发非声音反应" ], "1263707009": [ "Revision of one component of prosthetic hybrid replacement of shoulder joint using cemented humeral component", "人工混合型肩关节置换术中采用骨水泥型肱骨假体进行单部件翻修" ], "65840003": [ "Epiphyseal arrest by stapling of distal tibia", "通过远端胫骨缝合术阻止骨骺断裂" ], "47621004": [ "Diagnostic radiologic examination with fluoroscopy", "Fluoroscopic monitoring with radiography", "用射线进行透视监测", "荧光透视诊断性放射学检查" ], "64005007": [ "Reduction of closed humeral transcondylar fracture with manipulation and traction", "Manual reduction of closed transcondylar fracture of humerus and traction", "Manual reduction of closed transcondylar fracture of humerus with traction", "闭合性肱骨髁间骨折的复位及牵引治疗", "闭合性肱骨髁间骨折手法复位及牵引治疗", "闭合性肱骨髁间骨折牵引复位术" ], "275162000": [ "Hofmeister valved gastrectomy", "霍夫迈斯特瓣膜胃切除术" ], "422618004": [ "Continuous physical assessment", "持续的身体评估" ], "45786004": [ "Operation on salivary duct", "Salivary duct operation", "涎管手术" ], "226010006": [ "Assisting with eating and drinking", "协助进食和饮水" ], "1290970007": [ "Plain X-ray of heart", "心脏普通 X 光检查" ], "27567002": [ "Microcytotoxicity crossmatch, NIH type", "Microcytotoxicity crossmatch, National Institutes of Health type", "微细胞毒性交叉配型试验,美国国立卫生研究院类型", "微量细胞毒性交叉配型试验,NIH 型" ], "306095006": [ "Referral by teacher of the deaf", "Referral from teacher of the deaf", "聋哑教师推荐" ], "23897002": [ "Open reduction of fracture of orbit", "眼眶骨折切开复位术" ], "433497004": [ "Journaling", "日记" ], "122201007": [ "Escherichia coli O157:H7 culture", "大肠杆菌O157:H7培养物" ], "1285465008": [ "Administration via specific route", "特定途径给药" ], "449881009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging for cardiac morphology, function, and velocity under stress with contrast", "MRI for cardiac morphology, function, and velocity under stress with contrast", "MRI 检查心脏形态、功能和压力下的速度", "对比剂磁共振成像检查压力下的心脏形态、功能和速度" ], "236889009": [ "Laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy", "LASH - laparoscopic supracervical hysterectomy", "LASH-- 腹腔镜子宫切除术", "腹腔镜子宫上子宫切除术" ], "448046003": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of sentinel lymph node", "哨兵淋巴结的单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "300590001": [ "Red blood cell enzyme activity measurement", "Red blood cell enzyme activity", "红细胞酶活性", "红细胞酶活性测定" ], "415278005": [ "Referral to psychosexual clinic", "转诊至性心理诊所" ], "431662003": [ "Percutaneous transjugular needle biopsy of kidney using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transjugular needle biopsy of kidney", "荧光透视引导下经皮颈静脉肾穿刺活检" ], "103982008": [ "M^g^ blood group antibody identification", "M^g^血型抗体鉴定" ], "3843001": [ "Removal of foreign body from fascia", "去除筋膜中的异物" ], "233219001": [ "AVF - Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula operation", "AVM -Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation operation", "Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula operation", "Operation for pulmonary arteriovenous malformation", "肺动静脉瘘手术", "AVF - 肺动静脉瘘手术", "肺动静脉畸形手术", "AVM - 肺动静脉畸形手术" ], "395224001": [ "Removal of internal cardiac defibrillator", "移除心脏内置除颤器" ], "870360005": [ "Prescription of antibiotic prophylaxis", "抗生素预防处方" ], "427992007": [ "Removal of thrombus of arteriovenous fistula", "Thrombectomy of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘血栓切除术", "动静脉瘘血栓清除术" ], "231384007": [ "Intrathecal neurolysis of sacral roots", "Neurolytic saddle block", "骶神经根鞘内神经松解术", "神经阻滞鞍区" ], "165848009": [ "Autoantibody titres", "Autoantibody titer measurement", "Autoantibody titers", "Autoantibody titre measurement", "Autoantibody titre", "Autoantibody titer", "自身抗体滴度", "自身抗体滴度测量" ], "47490000": [ "Revision of pyelostomy", "肾盂造口术修复" ], "391554001": [ "Plasma parathyroid hormone level", "Plasma parathyroid hormone measurement", "血浆甲状旁腺激素水平", "血浆甲状旁腺激素测定" ], "113026004": [ "Sleep apnea recording", "Sleep apnoea recording", "睡眠呼吸暂停记录" ], "424322004": [ "Pediatric rehabilitation admission assessment", "Paediatric rehabilitation admission assessment", "儿科康复入院评估" ], "307799000": [ "Cardiac valvotomy", "Cardiac valvulotomy", "Incision of heart valve", "心脏瓣膜切开术" ], "1208919000": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to intermediate artery and second diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to ramus intermedius artery and second diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to intermediate artery and second diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to ramus intermedius artery and second diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至中间升支动脉和左冠状动脉前降支第二对角支", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至中间动脉及左冠状动脉前降支第二对角支", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至中间升支及左冠状动脉前降支第二对角支的顺序吻合", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至中间动脉及左冠状动脉前降支第二对角支的顺序吻合" ], "275031002": [ "Disc valve mitral valve replacement", "圆盘瓣二尖瓣置换术" ], "225879006": [ "Touching the deceased", "触摸死者" ], "305964005": [ "Referral by clinical pharmacologist", "Referral from clinical pharmacologist", "临床药理学家推荐" ], "60204005": [ "Cauterization of conjunctival lesion", "Cauterisation of conjunctival lesion", "结膜损伤烧灼术" ], "74753000": [ "Arthroplasty of carpometacarpal joint", "Repair of carpometacarpal joint", "腕掌关节置换术", "腕掌关节修复" ], "9217002": [ "Surgical fracture of nasal turbinates", "Therapeutic fracture of nasal turbinates", "Outfracture of nasal turbinate", "Conchopexy", "鼻甲骨折", "鼻甲骨折手术", "鼻甲骨折的治疗", "甲固定术" ], "173057002": [ "Reconstruction of trachea with skin flap", "皮瓣重建气管" ], "171222001": [ "Hypertension screening", "高血压筛查" ], "122070002": [ "Penicillium roqueforti antibody assay", "Measurement of Penicillium roqueforti antibody", "罗克福尔青霉菌抗体测定" ], "234923005": [ "Removal of suture of gingiva", "拆除牙龈缝线" ], "185771005": [ "Geriatric monitoring verbal invitation", "老年监测口头邀请" ], "431531007": [ "Measurement of AD7c neuronal thread protein concentration in cerebrospinal fluid", "Measurement of AD7cNTP (Alzheimer disease neuronal thread protein) concentration in cerebrospinal fluid", "脑脊液中AD7c神经元丝蛋白浓度的测量", "脑脊液中AD7cNTP(阿尔茨海默病神经元线蛋白)浓度的测量" ], "103851008": [ "Heparin associated thrombocytopenia assay", "HIT - heparin induced thrombocytopenia type I assay", "Type 1 HIT - heparin induced thrombocytopenia assay", "HIT-- 肝素诱导的血小板减少症 I 型试验", "1 型 HIT - 肝素诱导的血小板减少症试验", "肝素相关血小板减少症检测" ], "38315009": [ "Repair of pacemaker with replacement of pulse generator", "Repair of cardiac pacemaker with replacement of pulse generator", "更换脉冲发生器修复心脏起搏器", "更换脉冲发生器修复起搏器" ], "710059009": [ "Management of withdrawal symptom", "戒断症状的管理" ], "446080005": [ "Photography of wound", "伤口摄影" ], "233088008": [ "Left ventricular aneurysm plication", "左室动脉瘤折叠" ], "34645006": [ "Excision of lesion of choroid plexus", "脉络丛病变切除术" ], "231253007": [ "Lumbar intrathecal block", "Local anaesthetic lumbar intrathecal block", "Local anesthetic lumbar intrathecal block", "腰椎鞘内阻滞", "局部麻醉腰椎鞘内阻滞" ], "395093009": [ "Short term health assessment", "短期健康评估" ], "65578005": [ "Wedge excision of skin of nail fold", "甲襞皮肤楔形切除术" ], "49194008": [ "Reconstruction of lateral canthus", "Revision of lateral canthus", "外眼角重建", "外眼角修复" ], "229418009": [ "Physiological mobilization of the lumbar spine", "Physiological mobilisation of the lumbar spine", "腰椎的生理活动" ], "442410008": [ "Application of venous foot pump", "静脉足泵的应用" ], "391423003": [ "Plasma desipramine level", "血浆地昔帕明浓度" ], "702719002": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of lower limb with contrast", "MRI of lower limb with contrast", "下肢增强磁共振成像", "下肢增强 MRI" ], "30975008": [ "Nasality test", "鼻音测试" ], "717268000": [ "Assessment using Beck Depression Inventory II", "Assessment using BDI II - Beck Depression Inventory Second Edition", "使用贝克抑郁量表 II 进行评估", "使用 BDI II - 贝克抑郁量表第二版进行评估" ], "307668009": [ "Creation of rectal mucous fistula", "直肠粘膜瘘的建立" ], "385918003": [ "Management of care of pressure injury stage I", "压力性损伤I期的护理管理" ], "271230004": [ "Serum calcitonin level", "Serum calcitonin measurement", "血清降钙素测定", "血清降钙素水平" ], "172926005": [ "Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - antrostomy via middle meatus", "FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) antrostomy via middle meatus", "经中鼻道行功能性内镜鼻窦造口术 (FESS)", "功能性内镜鼻窦手术 - 经中鼻道行鼻窦造口术" ], "713598007": [ "Review of anticipatory care plan", "审查预期护理计划" ], "121939005": [ "Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae antibody assay", "Measurement of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae antibody", "胸膜肺炎放线杆菌抗体测定" ], "416851006": [ "Referral to community matron", "转介给社区护士长" ], "433235006": [ "Fetal echocardiography", "Foetal echocardiography", "胎儿超声心动图" ], "234792000": [ "Restoration of fractured tooth with tooth fragment", "用牙碎片修复断裂的牙齿" ], "431400003": [ "Jejunostomy using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下进行空肠造口术" ], "185640006": [ "Cap check - 2nd call", "Cap check - Second call", "上限检查 - 第二次呼叫" ], "1332520007": [ "Assessment using CRQ-SR (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire self-reported) mastery subscale", "Assessment using self-reported CRQ (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire) mastery subscale", "Assessment using self-reported Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire mastery subscale", "使用 CRQ-SR(慢性呼吸道问卷自我报告)掌握量表进行评估", "使用自我报告的 CRQ(慢性呼吸道问卷)掌握分量表进行评估", "使用自我报告的慢性呼吸问卷掌握分量表进行评估" ], "70952008": [ "Dilation of parotid duct", "Dilation of Stensen duct", "Dilation of Stensen's duct", "腮腺管扩张", "斯坦森管扩张术", "斯坦森氏管扩张" ], "103720008": [ "Elevation", "海拔" ], "232957001": [ "Cardiac support procedure", "MCSS - Mechanical circulatory support system", "MCS - Mechanical circulatory support", "MCS - 机械循环支持", "MCSS - 机械循环支持系统", "心脏支持程序" ], "413181005": [ "Laparoscopic repair of hiatus hernia", "腹腔镜食管裂孔疝修补术" ], "265725006": [ "Anterolateral release of spinal deformity and fusion", "脊柱畸形的前侧松解及融合" ], "1746005": [ "Scleral buckling with implant", "Encircling procedure of sclera for buckling with implant", "Buckling of sclera using implant", "使用植入物对巩膜进行扣带", "巩膜环扎术用于植入物扣带", "巩膜扣带植入物" ], "444114007": [ "Quantitative measurement of concentration of cryoglobulin in serum specimen", "Quantitative measurement of cryoglobulin in serum specimen", "血清标本中冷球蛋白浓度的定量测定", "血清标本中冷球蛋白的定量测定" ], "313042009": [ "Application of dental fluoride varnish", "氟化牙漆的应用" ], "165586009": [ "Plasma free protein S level", "Plasma free protein S measurement", "血浆游离蛋白 S 测量", "血浆游离蛋白 S 水平" ], "180135004": [ "Posteromedial release of calcaneotalar equinovarus", "Posteromedial release of clubfoot", "CTEV - Posteromedial release of calcaneotalar equinovarus", "跟距骨马蹄内翻后内侧松解术", "马蹄足后内侧松解术", "CTEV - 跟距骨马蹄内翻后内侧松解术" ], "868263005": [ "Education about infectious disease", "传染病教育" ], "702588000": [ "Fluoroscopic retrograde urethrography", "荧光逆行尿道造影" ], "425895009": [ "Repair of coronary sinus abnormality", "冠状窦异常的修复" ], "391292001": [ "Fluid sample oestradiol level", "Fluid sample estradiol level", "液体样本雌二醇水平" ], "473212003": [ "Lipid disorder initial assessment", "脂质紊乱初步评估" ], "229287009": [ "Deep breathing exercises", "DBR - Deep breathing exercises", "DBE - Deep breathing exercises", "深呼吸练习", "DBE--深呼吸练习", "DBR-- 深呼吸练习" ], "718972006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of sciatic nerve", "MRI of sciatic nerve", "坐骨神经磁共振成像", "坐骨神经 MRI" ], "225617001": [ "Soaking eye prosthesis", "浸泡义眼" ], "59942001": [ "Stripping of spinal subdural membrane", "脊髓硬膜下膜剥离" ], "762619000": [ "Screening for malignant neoplasm of urinary bladder", "膀胱恶性肿瘤筛查" ], "303867000": [ "Tc99m-labelled colloid liver study - static", "Tc99m-labeled colloid liver study - static", "Tc99m 标记胶体肝研究 - 静态" ], "174630009": [ "Endoscopic retrograde extraction of calculus from bile duct", "内镜逆行胆管结石取出术" ], "1155835003": [ "Suction of oral cavity", "口腔吸痰" ], "238331004": [ "Limited thoracoplasty", "有限胸廓成形术" ], "385787006": [ "Chemotherapy care education", "Teach chemotherapy care", "化疗护理教育", "教授化疗护理" ], "287483009": [ "Non-surgical biopsy of spermatic cord", "精索非手术活检" ], "221947009": [ "Reconstruction of surgically divided vas deferens", "手术分离输精管的重建" ], "416720006": [ "Hepatic pump", "Liver pump", "Hepatic pump technique", "肝泵", "肝泵技术" ], "449488007": [ "Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of articulation of bone not using cement", "Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of joint not using cement", "Uncemented prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of joint", "不使用骨水泥的人工半关节置换术", "不使用骨水泥的骨关节假体半关节置换术", "非骨水泥假体半关节置换术" ], "121808007": [ "Mandelate measurement", "曼陀罗测量" ], "398501005": [ "Herpes simplex antigen, EIA", "Herpes simplex antigen, EIA level", "Herpes simplex antigen, enzyme immunoassay", "单纯疱疹抗原,EIA水平", "单纯疱疹抗原,EIA", "单纯疱疹抗原,酶联免疫吸附测定" ], "234661006": [ "Augmentation of alveolar ridge", "牙槽嵴增高术" ], "169125005": [ "Isotope B12 with iron absorption", "具有铁吸收作用的同位素 B12" ], "1217701008": [ "Biopsy of pericardium using ultrasound guidance", "Biopsy of pericardium using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of pericardium", "使用超声引导进行心包活检", "超声引导下心包活检" ], "38053008": [ "Incision and exploration of lymphatic structure", "切开并探查淋巴结构" ], "232826002": [ "Excision of nodule from aortic valve cusp", "Excision of fibrous thickening from aortic valve cusp", "Excision of lesion from aortic valve cusp", "主动脉瓣瓣尖纤维增厚切除术", "主动脉瓣尖结节切除术", "主动脉瓣尖病变切除术" ], "445818000": [ "Assessment using childhood health assessment questionnaire", "使用儿童健康评估问卷进行评估" ], "68986004": [ "Transurethral resection of prostate, first stage of two stages", "经尿道前列腺切除术,分两期,第一期" ], "413050004": [ "Pleural fluid lactate dehydrogenase measurement", "Pleural fluid lactate dehydrogenase level", "胸水乳酸脱氢酶水平", "胸水乳酸脱氢酶测定" ], "3450007": [ "Lymphocytes, T and B cell evaluation", "淋巴细胞、T 细胞和 B 细胞评估" ], "249210007": [ "Creation of continent ileostomy", "Continent ileostomy", "Creation of Kock pouch", "回肠造口术", "Kock 袋的诞生", "建立大陆性回肠造口术" ], "118138007": [ "Granulocyte count", "粒细胞计数" ], "1615002": [ "Reline of upper partial denture at chairside", "在诊疗椅旁对上部局部义齿进行重衬" ], "1230415001": [ "Surgical procedure on left eye region", "左眼部位手术" ], "1148495004": [ "Increased complex carbohydrate diet", "增加复合碳水化合物饮食" ], "443983002": [ "Quantitative measurement of IgM in body fluid specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of immunoglobulin M in body fluid specimen", "体液标本中IgM的定量测定", "体液标本中免疫球蛋白M质量浓度的定量测定" ], "771663005": [ "Open repair of umbilical hernia using sutures", "使用缝合线进行开放式脐疝修补" ], "229156000": [ "Hamstring exercises", "腿筋练习" ], "427599009": [ "Excision of lesion of tissue of brain stem", "脑干组织损伤切除术" ], "230991009": [ "Removal of lesion from spinal intradural extramedullary space", "去除脊椎硬膜内髓外空间的病变" ], "737060007": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent ventral hernia using prosthesis", "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent hernia of anterior abdominal wall using prosthesis", "腹腔镜下复发性腹前壁疝修补术", "腹腔镜下复发性腹壁疝修补术" ], "180004007": [ "Implantation of bioelectrical prosthesis for limb", "肢体生物电假肢植入术" ], "702457001": [ "Drainage of upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of upper limb", "透视引导下上肢引流" ], "440313002": [ "Education about stimulus control behavior in insomnia", "Education about stimulus control behaviour in insomnia", "失眠症刺激控制行为教育" ], "243705003": [ "Provision of artificial eye", "提供义眼" ], "14329006": [ "Dilation of bladder", "Therapeutic overdistension of bladder", "Urinary bladder distension procedure", "Dilation of urinary bladder", "膀胱过度扩张的治疗", "膀胱扩张手术", "膀胱扩张" ], "61646000": [ "Respiratory quotient measurement", "呼吸商测量" ], "391161009": [ "Urine nitrazepam screening test", "尿液硝西泮筛查试验" ], "1290446000": [ "Plain X-ray of toe of right foot", "右脚趾普通 X 光检查" ], "178169009": [ "Primary repair of tendon using temporary prosthesis", "使用临时假体进行肌腱的初次修复" ], "438478002": [ "Open circular amputation of forearm through radius and ulna", "经桡骨和尺骨对前臂进行开放式环形截肢术" ], "405710002": [ "Removal of foreign body without incision from upper limb, except hand", "无需切开上肢(手除外)即可取出异物" ], "717006009": [ "Assessment using Bracken Basic Concept Scale Expressive", "Assessment using BBCSE (Bracken Basic Concept Scale Expressive)", "使用 Bracken 基本概念量表表达能力进行评估", "使用 BBCSE(Bracken 基本概念量表表达)进行评估" ], "57976004": [ "Patient transfer, in-hospital, service-to-service", "患者转院、院内转院、服务间转院" ], "711501001": [ "Removal of foreign body from head and neck using imaging guidance", "使用影像引导去除头颈部异物" ], "252749002": [ "Magnetic stimulation of peripheral nerves", "周围神经的磁刺激" ], "121677001": [ "Quazepam measurement", "夸西泮测量" ], "238200009": [ "Repair of incisional perineal hernia", "会阴切口疝修补术" ], "105293003": [ "Phenmetrazine measurement", "苯甲嗪测量" ], "119842000": [ "Skin of head transposition", "头部皮肤移位术" ], "170829009": [ "Blood disorder - initial assessment", "血液疾病 - 初步评估" ], "21538007": [ "Distal subtotal gastrectomy with vagotomy", "远端胃大部分切除术及迷走神经切断术" ], "314615000": [ "Ultrasound guided aspiration of pancreatic lesion", "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of pancreatic lesion", "Aspiration of pancreatic lesion using ultrasonic guidance", "超声引导下胰腺病变穿刺" ], "707831001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal ablation of pulmonary vein to left atrium conducting system", "经皮腔内消融肺静脉至左心房传导系统" ], "5154007": [ "Speech therapy", "Speech and language therapy", "Communication enhancement: speech deficit", "言语治疗", "言语和语言治疗", "沟通增强:言语障碍" ], "724215003": [ "MRI of bilateral thighs with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral thighs with contrast", "双侧大腿 MRI 增强扫描", "双侧大腿磁共振成像对比" ], "183543004": [ "Ophthalmological referral", "Referral to ophthalmology service", "眼科转诊", "转诊至眼科服务" ], "265463004": [ "Open drainage of lesion of pancreas", "胰腺病变开放引流" ], "443852000": [ "Replacement of temporary transvenous electrode of dual chamber pulse generator", "双腔脉冲发生器临时静脉电极的更换" ], "412919009": [ "Blood spot acyl carnitine profile", "Blood spot acylcarnitine profile", "血斑酰基肉碱谱" ], "118007009": [ "Enterococcus vancomycin resistant culture", "Vancomycin resistant Enterococcus culture", "耐万古霉素肠球菌培养", "万古霉素耐药肠球菌培养" ], "17868003": [ "Incisional discission of anterior hyaloid", "前玻璃体切开术" ], "232695009": [ "Insertion of throat pack", "插入喉咙包" ], "394700004": [ "Asthma annual review", "哮喘年度回顾" ], "1230284006": [ "Referral to tutoring program", "Referral to tutoring programme", "推荐辅导计划" ], "81569000": [ "Selective vagotomy with pyloroplasty", "选择性迷走神经切断术及幽门成形术" ], "116172009": [ "Incisional biopsy of ovary", "卵巢切开活检" ], "425633001": [ "Reconstruction of breast using flap of skin of buttock", "臀部皮瓣乳房再造术" ], "179873004": [ "Primary arthroscopic autograft ligament replacement", "初次关节镜自体韧带移植置换术" ], "32417007": [ "Paquin operation, ureteroneocystostomy", "帕奎因手术、输尿管膀胱造口术" ], "30582003": [ "Duodenostomy", "Enterostomy of duodenum", "十二指肠造口术" ], "276342005": [ "Ophthalmological and optical investigations", "眼科和光学检查" ], "178038008": [ "Distant fascial subcutaneous pedicle flap", "远端筋膜皮下带蒂皮瓣" ], "307275001": [ "Caustic applied locally", "局部涂抹腐蚀剂" ], "225355000": [ "Care of patient states", "Care of patient conditions", "患者状况护理", "患者状态护理" ], "716875002": [ "Assessment using Attention Process Training Test", "Assessment using APT (Attention Process Training) Test", "使用注意力过程训练测试进行评估", "使用 APT(注意力过程训练)测试进行评估" ], "241739006": [ "Limb exsanguination", "肢体失血" ], "274507007": [ "Operative general anesthesia", "Operative general anaesthesia", "手术全身麻醉" ], "12363009": [ "Complete repair of tetralogy of Fallot with closure of previous shunt", "完全修复法洛四联症并关闭之前的分流术" ], "174368001": [ "Dilation of anal sphincter", "肛门括约肌扩张" ], "26912002": [ "Operation on fascia of hand", "Hand fascia operation", "手部筋膜手术" ], "420128004": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of thoracic aorta with contrast and insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and stent of thoracic aorta", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of thoracic aorta with contrast and insertion of stent", "胸主动脉荧光造影及支架置入术", "胸主动脉造影及支架透视检查", "胸主动脉荧光血管造影及支架置入" ], "8693001": [ "Radionuclide identification of eye tumor", "Radionuclide identification of eye tumour", "眼肿瘤的放射性核素鉴定" ], "713205004": [ "Skin wash using sodium hypochlorite", "Sodium hypochlorite skin wash", "次氯酸钠皮肤清洗剂", "使用次氯酸钠清洗皮肤" ], "287221006": [ "Spinal cord electrocoagulation", "Coagulation of spinal cord using electrical energy", "利用电能凝固脊髓", "脊髓电凝" ], "418293008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of mesenteric artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of mesenteric artery with contrast", "肠系膜动脉造影荧光血管造影", "肠系膜动脉造影" ], "88778001": [ "Separation of blood unit into aliquots", "将血液单位分成等份" ], "252618004": [ "Auditory brainstem response threshold test", "听觉脑干反应阈值测试" ], "105162007": [ "Dicumarol measurement", "双香豆素测量" ], "432842007": [ "Computed tomography venography of intracranial vein with contrast", "CT venography of intracranial vein with contrast", "颅内静脉造影计算机断层扫描", "颅内静脉增强 CT 造影" ], "398239001": [ "MAC sedation", "Monitored anesthesia care (MAC) sedation", "Monitored anaesthesia care (MAC) sedation", "Monitored anesthesia care sedation", "Monitored anaesthesia care sedation", "MAC 镇静", "监测麻醉护理 (MAC) 镇静", "监测麻醉镇静" ], "121546007": [ "Diflunisal measurement", "双氯芬酸测量" ], "119711004": [ "Nose closure", "鼻部闭合" ], "117876000": [ "Avian paramyxovirus 2 antibody assay", "Measurement of Avian paramyxovirus 2 antibody", "禽副粘病毒 2 型抗体测定", "禽副粘病毒 2 型抗体检测" ], "52340003": [ "Angiography of bilateral pulmonary arteries", "Arteriography of bilateral pulmonary arteries", "Angiography of both pulmonary arteries", "Arteriography of both pulmonary arteries", "双侧肺动脉血管造影", "双侧肺动脉造影" ], "265332004": [ "Repair of cleft hard palate with posteriorly based axial transposition flap", "后轴型瓣移位修复硬腭裂" ], "167028004": [ "Arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide", "Measurement of arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide", "paCO2 - Arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide", "PaCO2 - Arterial carbon dioxide tension", "PaCO2——动脉二氧化碳分压", "动脉二氧化碳分压测量", "paCO2 - 动脉二氧化碳分压", "动脉二氧化碳分压" ], "232564007": [ "Excision of lesion of vocal ligament and Reinke's space", "Excision of lesion of vocal ligament and Reinke space", "声带韧带及Reinke间隙损伤切除术" ], "165193004": [ "Assessment of fitness for rehabilitation", "康复健康状况评估" ], "427337008": [ "Biopsy of tendon", "肌腱活检" ], "17737009": [ "Femoral-femoral artery bypass graft with vein", "带静脉的股-股动脉旁路移植术" ], "312649009": [ "Intramuscular injection of betamethasone", "倍他米松肌肉注射" ], "1162782007": [ "Three dimensional teleradiotherapy", "3D (three dimensional) external beam teleradiotherapy", "Three dimensional external beam radiation therapy", "3D-EBRT - three dimensional external beam radiation therapy", "3D-EBRT - 三维外束放射治疗", "3D(三维)外束远程放射治疗", "三维外照射放射治疗", "三维远程放射治疗" ], "736798007": [ "Open operation on outlet of male bladder", "男性膀胱出口开放手术" ], "359966009": [ "Repair of postoperative wound dehiscence of cornea", "角膜术后伤口裂开的修复" ], "177907007": [ "Ventral herniorrhaphy using natural material", "Repair of ventral hernia using insert of natural material", "使用天然材料插入物修补腹疝", "使用天然材料进行腹壁疝修补术" ], "389064003": [ "Team conference", "团队会议" ], "274376003": [ "Oesophagoscopy - direct", "Esophagoscopy - direct", "食管镜检查-直接", "食管镜检查 - 直接" ], "405448006": [ "Angioplasty of superficial femoral artery with prosthesis", "股浅动脉假体成形术" ], "225224008": [ "Stimulus control - behaviour therapy", "Exposure - behaviour therapy", "Exposure - behavior therapy", "Stimulus control - behavior therapy", "暴露-行为疗法", "暴露行为疗法", "刺激控制-行为疗法" ], "176072009": [ "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of ureter", "内镜输尿管病变切除术" ], "438216009": [ "Balloon expulsion test", "气囊排出试验" ], "305309006": [ "Admission by hand surgeon", "手外科医生入院" ], "419997008": [ "MRI angiography of coronary arteries", "MRA coronary arteries", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of coronary artery", "Magnetic resonance angiography of coronary artery", "MR angiography of coronary artery", "MR arteriography of coronary artery", "冠状动脉磁共振血管造影", "MRA 冠状动脉", "冠状动脉 MRI 血管造影", "冠状动脉磁共振造影" ], "434546004": [ "Care of subject following combined spinal-epidural anesthesia", "Care of subject following combined spinal-epidural anaesthesia", "脊柱-硬膜外联合麻醉后的受试者护理" ], "762226007": [ "Urinary retention care management", "尿潴留护理管理" ], "41330009": [ "Laparoscopic-assisted left colectomy", "Laparoscopic-assisted left hemicolectomy", "腹腔镜辅助左半结肠切除术", "腹腔镜辅助左结肠切除术" ], "121415005": [ "Oleandrin measurement", "夹竹桃苷测量" ], "105031005": [ "Vitronectin measurement", "玻璃粘连蛋白测量" ], "416327007": [ "Osteopathic manipulation, high velocity, low amplitude forces", "HVLA - High velocity, low amplitude", "Thrust technique", "整骨疗法,高速、低振幅力量", "HVLA——高速度、低振幅", "推力技术" ], "449095008": [ "Excision of exostosis of maxilla", "上颌骨外生骨疣切除术" ], "252487009": [ "Static respiratory muscle function test", "静态呼吸肌功能测试" ], "348956002": [ "Papillectomy of single anal tag", "单肛垂乳头切除术" ], "6727008": [ "Excision of lesion of bone of humerus", "肱骨病变切除术" ], "1055303009": [ "Incision of left frontal sinus via transorbital approach", "Left frontal sinusotomy via transorbital approach", "经眶入路左额窦切开术" ], "86812005": [ "Removal of foreign body from female perineum", "女性会阴异物取出" ], "119580007": [ "Trunk incision", "躯干切口" ], "609265000": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent spigelian hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下复发性疝修补术" ], "234268007": [ "Excision of popliteal lymph node", "腘窝淋巴结切除术" ], "117745003": [ "Herpes simplex virus antigen assay", "单纯疱疹病毒抗原检测" ], "183281008": [ "Lip-reading training", "Training for lip reading", "唇读训练" ], "17606004": [ "Sclerectomy", "Holth punch operation on sclera", "Resection of sclera", "巩膜切除术", "巩膜霍尔斯打孔术" ], "427206005": [ "Post fall assessment", "跌倒后评估" ], "261531000": [ "Excision of rib", "Costatectomy", "Resection of rib", "Costectomy", "肋骨切除术" ], "64923001": [ "Aldosterone measurement, high salt diet, urine", "醛固酮测量、高盐饮食、尿液" ], "408987002": [ "Newborn care assessment", "Assess newborn care", "评估新生儿护理", "新生儿护理评估" ], "359835002": [ "Light scatter measurement", "Turbidity test", "Nephelometric measurement", "浊度测试", "光散射测量", "浊度测量" ], "259696002": [ "Hemoglobin Constant Spring level", "Haemoglobin Constant Spring level", "Hemoglobin Constant Spring measurement", "Haemoglobin Constant Spring measurement", "血红蛋白恒定弹簧水平", "血红蛋白恒定弹簧测量" ], "30320005": [ "Rheumatoid factor, qualitative", "类风湿因子,定性" ], "241477001": [ "US scan of bowel", "Ultrasound scan of bowel", "Ultrasonography of intestine", "肠道超声扫描", "肠道超声波扫描", "肠道超声检查" ], "405317002": [ "Thrombectomy of superficial femoral vein", "股浅静脉血栓切除术" ], "175941003": [ "Extended pyelolithotomy", "扩大肾盂切开取石术" ], "28485005": [ "Reinforcement", "加强" ], "257861006": [ "Hook elevation of zygomatic fracture", "Hook elevation", "吊钩高度", "颧骨骨折钩抬高术" ], "782149008": [ "Assessment using Minnesota Sedation Assessment Tool", "Assessment using MSAT (Minnesota Sedation Assessment Tool)", "使用 MSAT(明尼苏达镇静评估工具)进行评估", "使用明尼苏达镇静评估工具进行评估" ], "239642005": [ "Application of traction using slings", "使用吊带进行牵引" ], "419866008": [ "Scleral spacing procedure", "巩膜间隙手术" ], "90351000": [ "Direct repair of artery of upper extremity", "上肢动脉直接修复" ], "450799006": [ "Operation on arteriovenous fistula of dura mater", "硬脑膜动静脉瘘手术" ], "170436000": [ "Administration of third dose of hepatitis A and B vaccine", "Third hepatitis A and B immunization", "Third hepatitis A and B vaccination", "Third hepatitis A and B immunisation", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B virus antigens", "注射第三剂仅含有甲型肝炎和乙型肝炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "注射第三剂甲肝和乙肝疫苗", "第三次甲肝和乙肝免疫接种", "第三次甲型和乙型肝炎疫苗接种" ], "121284000": [ "Tetrachloroethylene measurement", "四氯乙烯测量" ], "711108003": [ "Reporting test result", "Informing health care professional of test result", "告知医疗保健专业人员检测结果", "报告测试结果" ], "252356006": [ "Basophil function test", "嗜碱性粒细胞功能检查" ], "104900009": [ "PGF>2< measurement", "Prostaglandin PGF2 measurement", "PGF>2< 测量", "前列腺素 PGF2 测量" ], "299673006": [ "BH - Blalock Hanlon atrial septectomy", "Blalock Hanlon operation", "BH - Blalock Hanlon 房间隔切除术", "布莱洛克-汉隆手术" ], "1231726001": [ "Transapical transcatheter mitral valve-in-ring implantation using fluoroscopic and transoesophageal echocardiographic guidance", "Transapical transcatheter implantation of bioprosthetic mitral valve prosthesis into mitral annuloplasty ring using fluoroscopic and transesophageal echocardiographic guidance", "Transapical transcatheter implantation of bioprosthetic mitral valve prosthesis into mitral annuloplasty ring using fluoroscopic and transoesophageal echocardiographic guidance", "Transapical transcatheter mitral valve-in-ring implantation using fluoroscopic and transesophageal echocardiographic guidance", "使用荧光透视和经食管超声心动图引导经心尖导管将生物二尖瓣假体植入二尖瓣成形环", "使用荧光透视和经食管超声心动图引导进行经心尖经导管二尖瓣环植入术" ], "609134003": [ "Revision of internal fixation of tibia and fibula", "胫腓骨内固定修复" ], "117614009": [ "Laboratory procedure, review by pathologist", "实验室程序,病理学家审查" ], "771139003": [ "Injection of right facet joint using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided injection of right facet joint", "使用荧光透视引导进行右侧小关节注射", "荧光透视引导下右侧关节突注射" ], "1295427003": [ "Plain X-ray during operative procedure", "Intraoperative plain X-ray", "术中X线平片", "手术过程中的普通X光检查" ], "33859005": [ "Local destruction of lesion of knee joint", "膝关节病变局部破坏" ], "50243006": [ "Antibody to soluble DNA measurement", "Antibody to soluble deoxyribonucleic acid measurement", "可溶性脱氧核糖核酸抗体测定", "可溶性 DNA 抗体测量" ], "83011008": [ "Application of breast binder", "Tight binding of breast", "乳房紧束", "束胸带的使用" ], "441624004": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of ventilation of lung", "肺通气的单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "64792006": [ "Drug of abuse screen on gastric fluid", "胃液药物滥用筛查" ], "228632007": [ "Teach energy conservation", "Energy conservation education", "教导节能", "节能教育" ], "392472008": [ "Ficus spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "k81 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ficus spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "榕属植物特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "k81特异性IgE抗体测量", "榕属植物特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "439789000": [ "Excision of coccygeal pressure injury with coccygectomy and flap reconstruction", "Excision of pressure injury of coccygeal region with excision of coccyx and flap reconstruction", "尾骨切除皮瓣重建术治疗尾骨压伤", "尾骨区压伤切除术及尾骨切除皮瓣重建" ], "105281000220105": [ "Horizontal bitewing plain X-ray of teeth", "牙齿水平咬合翼状X光检查" ], "243181003": [ "Expired air ventilation with airway aid", "气道辅助呼气通气" ], "1258989004": [ "Patient disciplinary discharge", "患者纪律处分" ], "13805004": [ "Repair of sternal defect", "胸骨缺损修复" ], "177645006": [ "Toilet or clean burnt skin of head or neck", "上厕所或清洁头部或颈部烧伤的皮肤" ], "306882000": [ "Microwave diathermy to back", "背部微波透热疗法" ], "1306306002": [ "Mechanical circulatory support using right ventricular assist device", "使用右心室辅助装置进行机械循环支持" ], "700098008": [ "Management of bowel preparation for surgery", "手术肠道准备的管理" ], "388802009": [ "h1 specific IgE antibody measurement", "House dust (Greer Labs) specific IgE antibody measurement", "House dust (Greer Labs) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "h1特异性IgE抗体测量", "屋尘(Greer Labs)特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "屋尘(Greer Labs)特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "239511007": [ "Excision arthroplasty of the metatarsophalangeal joint of hallux", "拇趾跖趾关节切除成形术" ], "41068000": [ "Fibrin split products, hemagglutination inhibition microtiter assay", "Fibrin split products, haemagglutination inhibition microtitre assay", "纤维蛋白裂解产物、血凝抑制微量滴定试验" ], "450668002": [ "Excision of lipoma of subcutaneous tissue of head", "头部皮下组织脂肪瘤切除术" ], "172140007": [ "Cryotherapy to orbital lesion", "眼眶病变冷冻治疗" ], "6465000": [ "Arthrotomy of glenohumeral joint for infection with drainage", "盂肱关节切开引流治疗感染" ], "710977001": [ "Safe storage and management of medication", "药品的安全储存和管理" ], "252225001": [ "Disaccharide absorption test", "双糖吸收试验" ], "104769002": [ "18-hydroxy-corticosteroids measurement", "18-羟基皮质类固醇测量" ], "284993004": [ "Removal of intracranial electrodes with synchronous replacement", "颅内电极移除与同步置换" ], "22849005": [ "Local excision of lesion or tissue of humerus", "肱骨病变或组织局部切除" ], "1251649003": [ "Fluoroscopic discography with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc", "Fluoroscopic discogram with contrast", "Fluoroscopic discography with contrast", "荧光透视椎间盘造影术及向椎间盘注射造影剂", "透视椎间盘造影", "对比剂荧光透视椎间盘造影" ], "430614000": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of hepatic vein with contrast and insertion of stent", "肝静脉荧光镜造影及支架置入术" ], "133867001": [ "Pubic symphysectomy", "耻骨联合切除术" ], "363243005": [ "Nonsurgical manipulation procedure", "非手术操作程序" ], "1196992000": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of testis using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided fine needle aspiration biopsy of testis", "影像引导下经皮睾丸细针穿刺活检", "影像引导下睾丸细针穿刺活检" ], "183019009": [ "Promotion of healing", "促进愈合" ], "410560002": [ "Confrontation visual field test", "Confrontation visual field examination", "CF - Confrontation field", "CF——对抗场", "对抗视野测试", "对抗视野检查" ], "232171008": [ "Change of dressing in external auditory canal", "外耳道换药" ], "720021000": [ "Shared care prescribing protocol of drugs for dementia", "痴呆症药物共享护理处方方案" ], "310421003": [ "Patch repair of postoperative rupture of diaphragm", "膈肌术后破裂的补片修复" ], "392341005": [ "Dandelion specific IgE antibody measurement", "w8 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Taraxacum vulgare specific IgE antibody measurement", "Taraxacum vulgare specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "蒲公英特异性IgE抗体测定", "蒲公英特异性IgE抗体测量", "蒲公英特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "w8 特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "359573007": [ "Barkan operation with goniopuncture", "巴尔坎手术及房角穿刺" ], "30058000": [ "Therapeutic drug monitoring assay", "治疗药物监测试验" ], "406890004": [ "Martius yellow stain method", "Martius yellow stain", "马蒂乌斯黄斑", "马蒂乌斯黄染法" ], "241215000": [ "Head and chest angiography", "Angiography of vascular structure of head and chest", "头部及胸部血管造影", "头部及胸部血管结构血管造影" ], "62826009": [ "Insertion of prosthesis or prosthetic device of chin, polyethylene or silastic", "Implantation of chin, polyethylene or silastic", "下巴植入,聚乙烯或硅胶", "插入下巴假体或假肢装置,聚乙烯或硅橡胶" ], "388671001": [ "Laurus nobilis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf278 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bay leaf specific IgE antibody measurement", "Laurus nobilis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf278 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "月桂树特异性IgE抗体测定", "月桂叶特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "月桂特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "239380000": [ "Packing of wound of bone of face", "面部骨伤口包扎" ], "90089003": [ "Surgical occlusion of thoracic artery", "胸动脉闭塞手术" ], "122857007": [ "Reline of denture", "假牙重衬" ], "284862001": [ "Repair of muscle of hand by direct suture", "直接缝合修复手部肌肉" ], "710846002": [ "Assessment of depressed mood", "抑郁情绪评估" ], "104638006": [ "Dihydrofolate measurement", "二氢叶酸测量" ], "17141000087101": [ "Plain X-ray of both sacroiliac joints", "Plain X-ray of bilateral sacroiliac joints", "Plain X-ray of left and right sacroiliac joint", "双侧骶髂关节的普通 X 光检查", "左、右骶髂关节普通X光检查", "双侧骶髂关节X光检查" ], "1781000087102": [ "CT of left humerus with contrast", "Computed tomography of left humerus with contrast", "左肱骨增强 CT", "左肱骨增强计算机断层扫描" ], "709011005": [ "Endoscopy care", "内窥镜护理" ], "446867006": [ "Incision and drainage of female perineum", "女性会阴切开引流" ], "37267009": [ "Suture of spinal meninges", "Spinal meningeorrhaphy", "脊髓脊膜缝合术", "脊髓膜缝合" ], "4341000087106": [ "CT of right hand", "Computed tomography of right hand", "右手计算机断层扫描", "右手CT" ], "14581000087107": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of pelvis and vein of right lower limb", "Doppler ultrasound of vascular structure of pelvis and vein of right lower limb", "盆腔血管结构及右下肢静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "12021000087108": [ "CT arthrography of left upper extremity", "Computed tomography arthrography of left upper limb", "Computed tomography arthrography of left arm", "Computed tomography arthrography of left upper extremity", "CT arthrogram of left arm", "CT arthrogram of left upper extremity", "CT arthrography of left upper limb", "左上肢CT关节造影", "左臂CT关节造影", "左臂计算机断层关节造影", "左上肢计算机断层关节造影" ], "363112005": [ "Exploration of digestive system", "消化系统探索" ], "428648006": [ "Automated peritoneal dialysis", "自动化腹膜透析" ], "501000087103": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of artery of left lower limb with contrast", "Angioplasty of artery of left lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下左下肢动脉造影成形术", "荧光造影引导下左下肢动脉血管成形术" ], "608872001": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of patella", "Open reduction of dislocation of patellofemoral joint", "髌股关节脱位切开复位术", "髌骨脱位切开复位术" ], "117352003": [ "Electrophoresis method with 6.3 pH buffer", "采用 pH 值为 6.3 的缓冲液进行电泳" ], "3061000087107": [ "MRI of bilateral scapulae", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral scapulae", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both scapula", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right scapula", "左、右肩胛骨磁共振成像", "双侧肩胛骨磁共振成像", "双侧肩胛骨 MRI 检查" ], "13301000087109": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral kidneys", "Ultrasonography of both kidneys", "Ultrasonography of right and left kidney", "Ultrasound of bilateral kidneys", "Ultrasound scan of bilateral kidneys", "双肾超声检查", "左、右肾超声检查", "双侧肾脏超声扫描", "双侧肾脏超声检查" ], "313960007": [ "Serum hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase measurement", "Serum hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase level", "血清羟基丁酸脱氢酶水平", "血清羟基丁酸脱氢酶测定" ], "408594008": [ "5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase gene analysis", "5,10-亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶基因分析" ], "177383002": [ "Reconstruction using distant pedicle skin flap", "Reconstruction with distant pedicle skin flap", "Reconstruction using distant pedicle cutaneous flap", "远端带蒂皮瓣修复" ], "308455005": [ "Refer to orthotist", "Referral to orthotist", "转诊至矫形师", "咨询矫形师" ], "388540002": [ "f89 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Brassica/Sinapis spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "Mustard specific IgE antibody measurement", "Brassica/Sinapis spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "芸苔属/芥属植物特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "芸苔属/芥子属植物特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "芥末特异性IgE抗体测定", "f89 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "699836003": [ "Provision of written information about bronchoscopy", "提供有关支气管镜检查的书面信息" ], "1104471000000101": [ "Insertion of magnetic marker into bilateral breasts using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided insertion of magnetic marker into both breasts", "Ultrasonography guided insertion of magnetic marker into bilateral breasts", "Insertion of magnetic seed into bilateral breasts using ultrasonographic guidance", "在超声引导下将磁性标记插入双侧乳房", "超声引导下将磁性标记插入双侧乳房", "在超声引导下将磁性种子植入双侧乳房" ], "44476006": [ "Closure of fistula of kidney", "Closure of renal fistula", "肾瘘闭合" ], "306620008": [ "Discharge from psychotherapy service", "心理治疗服务结束" ], "75409000": [ "Implantation of outflow tract prosthesis in total repair of tetralogy of Fallot", "Insertion of outflow tract prosthesis in total repair of tetralogy of Fallot", "流出道假体植入术在法洛四联症全修复术中的应用", "流出道假体置入法洛四联症全修复术" ], "1287825001": [ "Incision of vascular structure of neck", "颈部血管结构切开术" ], "239249007": [ "Transfer of flexor to extensor tendon of lesser toe", "FETT - Flexor to extensor tendon transfer of lesser toe", "Girdlestone Taylor operation", "Girdlestone operation for claw toe repair", "修复爪形趾的 Gardlestone 手术", "小趾屈肌腱向伸肌腱转移", "FETT - 小趾屈肌腱至伸肌腱转移术", "Girdlestone Taylor 手术" ], "698001009": [ "Creatine kinase MM isoenzyme measurement", "肌酸激酶 MM 同工酶测量" ], "712550005": [ "Assessment of self-care of skin", "皮肤自我护理评估" ], "237414005": [ "Strombeck left reduction mammoplasty", "Strombeck 左侧乳房缩小术" ], "104507000": [ "alpha-Melanocyte stimulating hormone measurement", "α-促黑素细胞激素测量" ], "38971003": [ "Esophagoileostomy, antesternal or antethoracic, with interposition of small bowel", "Oesophagoileostomy, antesternal or antethoracic, with interposition of small bowel", "Esophagoileostomy, antesternal or antethoracic", "Oesophagoileostomy, antesternal or antethoracic", "食管吻合术,胸骨前或胸骨前,插入小肠", "食管回肠吻合术,胸骨前或胸骨前", "食管吻合术,胸骨前或胸骨前" ], "235579009": [ "Brush biopsy of bile duct", "胆管刷检" ], "446736003": [ "Endoscopic dilation and intubation of esophagus", "Endoscopic dilation and intubation of oesophagus", "Endoscopic dilation and insertion of tube into esophagus", "Endoscopic dilation and insertion of tube into oesophagus", "内镜扩张并将管插入食道", "内镜食管扩张插管" ], "86288009": [ "Repair of dental implant", "牙种植体修复" ], "708880009": [ "Bone graft of sternum", "Grafting of bone of sternum", "胸骨骨移植", "胸骨移植" ], "117221001": [ "Butyrate esterase stain method", "ANBE - Alpha naphthyl butyrate esterase stain", "Alpha naphthyl butyrate esterase stain", "Butyrate esterase stain", "丁酸酯酶染色", "α-萘基丁酸酯酶染色", "ANBE - α-萘基丁酸酯酶染色剂", "丁酸酯酶染色法" ], "182757007": [ "Head/neck perfusion", "头部/颈部灌注" ], "313829008": [ "Serum very long chain fatty acid measurement", "Serum very long chain fatty acid level", "血清极长链脂肪酸水平", "血清极长链脂肪酸测定" ], "428517008": [ "Excision of vertical extraocular muscle", "垂直眼外肌切除术" ], "410298003": [ "Interaction teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Interaction teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Interaction education, guidance, and counseling", "Interaction education, guidance, and counselling", "互动教育、指导和咨询", "互动教学、指导和咨询" ], "770746009": [ "Cone beam computed tomography of bilateral ankles", "Cone beam CT of both ankles", "Cone beam computed tomography of left and right ankle", "双踝部锥形束 CT", "左、右踝关节锥形束计算机断层扫描", "双侧踝关节锥形束 CT 扫描" ], "179087003": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture and intramedullary nail fixation", "骨折切开复位髓内钉固定术" ], "277391005": [ "Temporal resolution test", "时间分辨率测试" ], "439396000": [ "Radionuclide imaging of kidney after administration of diuretic", "利尿剂给药后肾脏放射性核素显像" ], "177252003": [ "Abdominoplasty and liposuction", "腹部整形术和抽脂术" ], "44345001": [ "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy", "体外冲击波碎石术" ], "306489002": [ "Discharge by trauma surgeon", "创伤外科医生出院" ], "240953007": [ "Insertion of replacement prosthesis into stomach", "将替代假体插入胃内" ], "1287694006": [ "Excision of female perineum", "女性会阴切除术" ], "304654007": [ "Discussion about activity of daily living", "日常生活活动能力讨论" ], "40675008": [ "Serologic test for syphilis", "Treponema pallidum antibody measurement", "Syphilis serology", "梅毒血清学", "梅毒螺旋体抗体测量", "梅毒血清学检测" ], "438861000124100": [ "Chromium supplement therapy", "铬补充疗法" ], "432056005": [ "Radionuclide dynamic bone imaging", "放射性核素动态骨显像" ], "22456006": [ "Hemovac pump use, care and adjustment", "Haemovac pump use, care and adjustment", "Haemovac 泵的使用、保养和调整", "Hemovac 泵的使用、保养和调整" ], "235448007": [ "Attention to orogastric tube", "注意口胃管" ], "441421000124104": [ "Management of route of enteral nutrition", "肠内营养途径管理" ], "104376009": [ "Gliadin antibody measurement", "麦胶蛋白抗体测量" ], "397453002": [ "Gamma-phage lysis test", "γ-噬菌体裂解试验" ], "437581000124108": [ "Threonine modified diet", "苏氨酸改良饮食" ], "662861000124108": [ "Referral to community wellness programme", "Referral to community wellness program", "转介至社区健康计划", "转介社区健康计划" ], "69773006": [ "Debridement of muscle", "肌肉清创" ], "20621008": [ "Substernal thyroidectomy by transthoracic approach", "经胸入路胸骨下甲状腺切除术" ], "444770000": [ "Exploration of spermatic cord", "精索探查" ], "117090003": [ "Intravenous infusion of Respiratory syncytial virus immune globulin, human", "Respiratory syncytial virus immune globulin, human, administration by intravascular infusion", "呼吸道合胞病毒免疫球蛋白,人,通过血管内输注给药", "呼吸道合胞病毒免疫球蛋白静脉输注" ], "313698005": [ "90 minute serum glucose level", "90 minute serum glucose measurement", "90 分钟血糖水平", "90 分钟血糖测量" ], "231778007": [ "Air/gas exchange of vitreous", "Injection of gas/air into vitreous", "向玻璃体内注入气体/空气", "玻璃体空气/气体交换" ], "737847000": [ "Respite care surveillance", "暂息护理监测" ], "115255002": [ "Bacterial count", "细菌计数" ], "82487003": [ "Subclavian-vertebral artery bypass graft with vein", "带静脉的锁骨下椎动脉旁路移植术" ], "33335007": [ "Anti-A-carbohydrate test", "Anti-A-CHO test", "抗A-CHO试验", "抗A碳水化合物检测" ], "736012000": [ "Reconstruction of microtia with free flap", "游离皮瓣修复小耳畸形" ], "410167009": [ "Radiation therapy care assessment", "Assess radiation therapy care", "放射治疗护理评估", "评估放射治疗护理" ], "178956006": [ "Diaphyseal division of bone", "骨干部分" ], "193505000": [ "Incision of uvula", "Uvulotomy", "悬雍垂切开术" ], "717793002": [ "Reproductive counselling", "Reproductive counseling", "生殖咨询" ], "78817002": [ "Surgical construction of anastomosis", "Construction of anastomosis", "吻合口的构建", "吻合口的外科构建" ], "177121008": [ "Repositioning of retroverted gravid uterus", "妊娠子宫后位复位" ], "306358002": [ "Referral to community-based physiotherapist", "Referral to community physiotherapist", "转诊至社区理疗师", "转诊至社区物理治疗师" ], "1287563004": [ "Cystodiathermy of bladder lesion", "Cystodiathermy of lesion of urinary bladder", "膀胱损伤的膀胱电灼术", "膀胱病变膀胱电灼术" ], "42379004": [ "Aldosterone measurement, serum", "Serum aldosterone level", "血清醛固酮水平", "血清醛固酮测量" ], "386443007": [ "Spiritual growth facilitation", "促进精神成长" ], "91531008": [ "One stage subtotal suprapubic prostatectomy", "一期耻骨上前列腺次全切除术" ], "400992001": [ "Refer to community physiotherapist", "转诊至社区物理治疗师" ], "171616003": [ "Excision of lesion of acoustic nerve (VIII)", "听神经病变切除术(VIII)" ], "122464004": [ "Augmentation", "Augmentation procedure", "增强", "增强程序" ], "269920003": [ "Fluid sample potassium level", "Fluid sample potassium measurement", "流体样品钾测量", "液体样本钾水平" ], "7776005": [ "Reopening of canthorrhaphy", "Severing of canthorrhaphy", "Division of canthorrhaphy", "重新开放眼角缝合术", "眼角缝合科", "切断眼角缝合术" ], "104245000": [ "Mycobacterial subtyping", "分枝杆菌亚型" ], "118794001": [ "Procedure on lung", "Lung procedure", "肺部手术" ], "233482004": [ "Procedure on intraluminal device of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉内瘘管腔内装置操作" ], "708618006": [ "Aspiration of testis", "睾丸抽吸" ], "870623000": [ "Closure of rectovaginal fistula using plug", "直肠阴道瘘栓塞闭合术" ], "217098009": [ "Implantation of Swanson prosthesis of toe", "斯旺森趾假体植入术" ], "231647002": [ "Medial rectus advancement", "Medial rectus readvancement", "内直肌推进", "内直肌再推进术" ], "1296607003": [ "Drainage of cerebral subarachnoid space by trephination", "颅骨钻孔引流脑蛛网膜下腔" ], "180660000": [ "Harvest of nerve", "神经的收获" ], "426420006": [ "Plain X-ray of left ankle", "左脚踝普通 X 光检查" ], "64137006": [ "Pigskin graft", "Porcine skin graft", "Porcine xenograft of skin to skin", "猪皮移植", "猪皮肤移植", "猪皮肤异种移植" ], "45918000": [ "Pericardioplasty", "Repair of pericardium", "心包成形术", "心包修复" ], "14985009": [ "Add tooth to existing partial denture", "在现有的局部假牙上添加牙齿" ], "275294003": [ "Blood volume estimation", "血容量估计" ], "62302004": [ "DNA analysis", "DNA studies", "Deoxyribonucleic acid analysis", "DNA 研究", "DNA 分析", "脱氧核糖核酸分析" ], "176990007": [ "Endoscopic removal of clip from fallopian tube", "内窥镜输卵管夹取出术" ], "306227000": [ "Referral for mental health counselling", "Referral for mental health counseling", "心理健康咨询转介" ], "11315009": [ "Neuroplasty of nerve of foot", "足部神经成形术" ], "107784002": [ "Operative procedure on lower extremity", "Surgical procedure on lower extremity", "下肢外科手术", "下肢手术" ], "304392002": [ "Short wave diathermy to upper limb", "上肢短波透热疗法" ], "16436111000119105": [ "Ultrasonography of right popliteal fossa", "Ultrasound scan of right popliteal fossa", "右腘窝超声扫描", "右腘窝超声检查" ], "91400004": [ "Bisection", "二分法" ], "1303816007": [ "Excision of malignant melanoma of external ear", "外耳恶性黑色素瘤切除术" ], "75016008": [ "Biopsy of soft tissue", "Excisional biopsy of soft tissue", "软组织活检", "软组织切除活检" ], "237021000": [ "Hydrostatic replacement of inverted uterus", "子宫内膜置换术" ], "288008008": [ "Transurethral ureteric removal", "经尿道输尿管切除术" ], "58632007": [ "Repair of cardiac pulse generator", "心脏脉冲发生器的维修" ], "122333000": [ "Hantavirus RNA assay", "Hantavirus ribonucleic acid assay", "汉坦病毒 RNA 检测", "汉坦病毒核糖核酸检测" ], "71346006": [ "Augmentation of outflow tract in total repair of tetralogy of Fallot", "Grafting of outflow tract in total repair of tetralogy of Fallot", "流出道移植在法洛四联症全修复术中的应用", "法洛四联症全修复术中流出道扩张术" ], "235186007": [ "Total fundoplication using abdominal approach", "采用腹部入路进行全胃底折叠术" ], "104114008": [ "Red blood cell count, manual, peritoneal fluid", "红细胞计数,手动,腹腔液" ], "233351002": [ "Reconstruction of axillary artery", "腋动脉重建" ], "85895003": [ "Contrast bronchogram", "对比支气管造影" ], "167815005": [ "Tray agglutination test", "托盘凝集试验" ], "53127005": [ "Physical examination, limited", "Partial medical examination", "体格检查,有限", "部分体检" ], "446343006": [ "Excision of lesion of middle cranial fossa extradural space", "颅中窝硬膜外病变切除术" ], "1263708004": [ "Revision of one component of hybrid prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint using cement", "人工肩关节置换术中采用骨水泥固定的混合型人工肩关节" ], "311601001": [ "Eliciting a vocal response", "引起声音回应" ], "65841004": [ "Suture of ocular tendon", "眼肌腱缝合" ], "442673006": [ "Measurement of total haemoglobin concentration using dipstick", "Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration using dipstick", "使用试纸测量总血红蛋白浓度" ], "276998004": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of arteriovenous fistula", "经皮动静脉瘘血栓溶解术" ], "702982008": [ "Referral to voluntary support service for carers", "Referral to voluntary support service for caregivers", "转介照顾者自愿支援服务" ], "178694009": [ "Revision to bedrest stabilisation of spinal fracture", "Revision to bedrest stabilization of spinal fracture", "脊柱骨折卧床固定术的修订" ], "226011005": [ "Respecting the client's privacy during faecal elimination", "Respecting the client's privacy during fecal elimination", "排便时尊重顾客的隐私" ], "275163005": [ "Examination of pharynx under anaesthetic", "Examination of pharynx under anesthetic", "EUA Pharynx - Examination under anesthetic of pharynx", "EUA Pharynx - Examination under anaesthetic of pharynx", "麻醉下咽部检查", "EUA 咽部 - 咽部麻醉检查", "EUA 咽部 - 麻醉下咽部检查" ], "1290971006": [ "Plain X-ray of diaphragm", "膈肌普通 X 光检查" ], "43952000": [ "Radical resection of tumor of soft tissue of thorax", "Radical resection of tumour of soft tissue of thorax", "胸部软组织肿瘤根治术" ], "733915005": [ "Promotion of self-toileting", "推广自行上厕所" ], "1141680002": [ "Increased lactose diet", "增加乳糖饮食" ], "306096007": [ "Referral from teacher of the hearing impaired", "Referral by teacher of the hearing impaired", "听障人士老师的推荐", "听障人士老师转介" ], "11184008": [ "Urinalysis, blood, qualitative", "Chemical test for occult blood, urine", "尿液分析、血液、定性", "尿液潜血化学检测" ], "122202000": [ "Varicella virus culture", "水痘病毒培养" ], "449882002": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging for cardiac morphology and function under stress", "MRI for cardiac morphology and function under stress", "MRI 检查压力下的心脏形态和功能", "磁共振成像检测压力下的心脏形态和功能" ], "38447000": [ "Clipping of inferior vena cava, partial", "下腔静脉部分夹闭" ], "302426008": [ "Injection of inert substance into subcutaneous tissue", "Injection of inert matter into subcutaneous tissue", "将惰性物质注射到皮下组织" ], "415279002": [ "Referral to rheumatology clinic", "转诊至风湿病门诊" ], "1285466009": [ "Fitting of dental trauma splint", "牙齿创伤夹板的安装" ], "103983003": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from P system (ISBT 003)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from P system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 003)", "从P系统中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会003)", "鉴定 P 系统中红细胞抗原的抗体(ISBT 003)" ], "726575006": [ "Arthroplasty of right shoulder", "右肩关节置换术" ], "448047007": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of medial branch of thoracic nerve using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下胸椎神经内侧支射频消融术" ], "54831007": [ "Determination of resistance to airflow by oscillatory method", "用振荡法测定气流阻力" ], "431663008": [ "Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of pulmonary vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of pulmonary vein", "荧光透视引导下经皮肺静脉机械血栓切除术", "荧光造影引导下经皮肺静脉机械血栓切除术" ], "69380006": [ "Venous catheterization for renal dialysis", "Venous catheterisation for renal dialysis", "肾透析静脉导管插入术" ], "233220007": [ "Embolisation of pulmonary arteriovenous malformation", "Embolization of pulmonary arteriovenous malformation", "肺动静脉畸形栓塞治疗" ], "772057003": [ "Amputation of entire left lower limb and ipsilateral hemipelvis", "左下肢全截肢及同侧半骨盆截肢" ], "174000": [ "Harrison-Richardson operation on vagina", "哈里森-理查森阴道手术" ], "231385008": [ "Subdural neurolysis", "硬膜下神经松解术" ], "229550002": [ "Dynamic splinting", "动态夹板" ], "426158003": [ "Internal tamponade of retina using gas", "用气体对视网膜进行内部填充" ], "49326008": [ "Creation of conduit between left ventricle and aorta", "Formation of apicoaortic shunt", "Construction of apicoaortic conduit", "主动脉尖分流的形成", "在左心室和主动脉之间建立导管", "主动脉尖导管的构建" ], "63875000": [ "Division of abdominal vein", "腹腔静脉分离" ], "391555000": [ "Serum immunofixation", "血清免疫固定" ], "440707008": [ "Open reduction of trimalleolar fracture of ankle with internal fixation", "踝部三踝骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "307800001": [ "Endarterectomy of iliac artery", "髂动脉内膜切除术" ], "275032009": [ "Single leaflet mitral valve replacement", "单叶二尖瓣置换术" ], "225880009": [ "Receiving last rites", "接受临终仪式" ], "305965006": [ "Referral from clinical physiologist", "Referral by clinical physiologist", "临床生理学家的推荐", "临床生理学家转诊" ], "27437006": [ "Assembly of pump-oxygenator for extracorporeal circulation", "体外循环用泵氧合器的组装" ], "11053008": [ "Stapedectomy with reestablishment of ossicular continuity with use of foreign material", "镫骨切除术并使用异物重建听小骨连续性" ], "74754006": [ "Phenothiazine measurement", "吩噻嗪的测量" ], "9218007": [ "Therapeutic apical closure", "Apexogenesis of tooth", "Root canal treatment of tooth with open apex", "Apexification of tooth", "Closure of apex of tooth", "Induction of calcific barrier of tooth", "根尖闭合治疗", "诱导牙齿钙化屏障", "牙根闭合", "牙齿根尖成形术", "牙根发育", "根尖开放的牙齿根管治疗" ], "7383000": [ "Anastomosis of intrathoracic artery", "Intrathoracic arterial bypass", "胸内动脉吻合术", "胸内动脉搭桥术" ], "122071003": [ "Plasmodium falciparum antibody assay", "Measurement of Plasmodium falciparum antibody", "恶性疟原虫抗体检测", "恶性疟原虫抗体测量" ], "171223006": [ "Ischemic heart disease screening", "Ischaemic heart disease screening", "缺血性心脏病筛查" ], "40151007": [ "Aponeurectomy", "Excision of aponeurosis", "腱膜切除", "腱膜切除术" ], "431532000": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous retrograde balloon embolisation of occlusion of gastric vein with contrast", "Percutaneous retrograde balloon embolization of occlusion of gastric vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous retrograde balloon embolization of occlusion of gastric vein with contrast", "Percutaneous retrograde balloon embolisation of occlusion of gastric vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "透视引导下经皮逆行球囊造影剂栓塞治疗胃静脉阻塞", "透视引导下经皮逆行球囊造影剂栓塞治疗胃静脉闭塞", "透视引导下经皮逆行球囊栓塞治疗胃静脉阻塞", "经皮逆行球囊栓塞治疗胃静脉阻塞" ], "103852001": [ "Russell viper venom time", "Vipera russelli clotting time", "RVVT - Russell's viper venom clotting time", "Russell's viper venom clotting time", "RVVT-- 罗素蝰蛇毒液凝固时间", "罗素蝰蛇毒液凝固时间", "罗素蝰蛇毒液时间", "罗氏蝰蛇的凝血时间" ], "185772003": [ "Geriatric monitoring telephone invitation", "老年监测电话邀请" ], "234924004": [ "Removal of suture of tongue", "拆除舌头缝线" ], "710060004": [ "Management of anxiety", "焦虑管理" ], "233089000": [ "Left ventricular aneurysm resection", "Excision of aneurysm of left cardiac ventricle", "左心室动脉瘤切除术" ], "3713005": [ "Release for de Quervain's tenosynovitis of hand", "Release for de Quervain tenosynovitis of hand", "手部 de Quervain 腱鞘炎松解术", "手部德奎文氏腱鞘炎松解术" ], "231254001": [ "Saddle block", "马鞍形滑车" ], "395094003": [ "Emotional and psychosocial support and advice", "Emotional and psychosocial support and education", "情感和心理社会支持与建议", "情感和社会心理支持与教育" ], "427862004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty with insertion of stent into renal artery", "经皮腔内球囊血管成形术及肾动脉支架置入术" ], "313174004": [ "Injection of Teflon into vocal cord", "Injection of polytetrafluoroethylene into vocal cord", "声带注射聚四氟乙烯", "声带注射特氟龙" ], "34646007": [ "Pericardiectomy", "Pericardectomy", "Excision of pericardium", "心包切除术", "心包切除" ], "83798008": [ "Paratyphoid fever vaccination", "Paratyphoid fever immunization", "Paratyphoid fever immunisation", "副伤寒疫苗接种", "副伤寒免疫" ], "229419001": [ "Mobilisation of the sacroiliac joint", "Mobilization of the sacroiliac joint", "骶髂关节活动" ], "112896000": [ "Replacement of mechanical kidney", "机械肾置换术" ], "49195009": [ "Cranioplasty with synchronous repair of encephalocele", "Repair of cerebral encephalocele", "Closure of encephalocele", "脑膨出修复", "颅骨修补术及脑膨出同步修复", "脑膨出闭合" ], "440576000": [ "240 minute plasma glucose measurement", "240 minute plasma glucose level", "240 分钟血糖测量", "240 分钟血糖水平" ], "178432004": [ "Rim excision of mandible", "Rim mandibulectomy", "下颌骨边缘切除术", "下颌骨缘切除术" ], "176597000": [ "Complete bilateral vulvectomy", "Total vulvectomy", "双侧外阴全切除术", "全外阴切除术" ], "391424009": [ "Plasma desmethyldothiepin level", "血浆去甲基多硫平水平" ], "307669001": [ "Total colectomy, ileostomy and closure of rectal stump", "全结肠切除术、回肠造口术和直肠残端闭合术" ], "702720008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of wrist with contrast", "MRI of wrist with contrast", "腕部对比磁共振成像", "腕部增强 MRI" ], "29141006": [ "Trazodone measurement", "曲唑酮测量" ], "373205008": [ "Nuclear medicine imaging procedure", "Radionuclide scanning", "Isotope scan", "Scintigraphy", "放射性核素扫描", "同位素扫描", "闪烁扫描", "核医学成像程序" ], "76458006": [ "Photocoagulation of iris", "虹膜光凝术" ], "371370007": [ "Filtering operation on eye", "Fistulisation of sclera", "Scleral fistulising procedure", "Scleral fistulizing procedure", "Fistulization of sclera", "Glaucoma drainage surgery", "巩膜瘘", "巩膜造瘘术", "眼部过滤手术", "青光眼引流手术" ], "271231000": [ "Serum GDH measurement", "Serum GDH level", "Serum glutamate D.H. level", "Serum glutamate dehydrogenase measurement", "血清 GDH 测量", "血清 GDH 水平", "血清谷氨酸脱氢酶测定", "血清谷氨酸 D.H. 水平" ], "172927001": [ "Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - antrostomy via inferior meatus", "FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) antrostomy via inferior meatus", "经下鼻道行功能性内镜鼻窦造口术 (FESS)", "功能性内镜鼻窦手术-经下鼻道行鼻窦造口术" ], "9087001": [ "Exploration of cranial nerve", "脑神经探查" ], "713599004": [ "Post mortem ultrasonography", "死后超声检查" ], "418687005": [ "Fluoroscopy of humerus", "肱骨透视检查" ], "385919006": [ "Pressure ulcer Stage 2 care assessment", "Assess pressure ulcer Stage 2 care", "Assessment of care of pressure injury stage II", "压疮第 2 阶段护理评估", "评估压疮 第 2 阶段护理", "压力性损伤Ⅱ期的护理评估" ], "121940007": [ "Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype determination", "胸膜肺炎放线杆菌血清型测定" ], "433236007": [ "Transthoracic echocardiography", "经胸超声心动图" ], "120105003": [ "Eyelid closure", "眼睑闭合" ], "431401004": [ "Lithotripsy using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导进行碎石术" ], "185641005": [ "Cap check - 3rd call", "Cap check - third call", "上限检查 - 第三次呼叫", "上限检查-第三次呼叫" ], "1332521006": [ "Surgical procedure on ethmoid sinus", "Operative procedure on ethmoid sinus", "Operation on ethmoid sinus", "筛窦手术" ], "234793005": [ "Insertion of temporary restoration in tooth", "将临时修复体插入牙齿" ], "103721007": [ "Manual elevation", "手动升降" ], "38185009": [ "Pokeweed mitogen assay", "Pokeweed mitogen B-lymphocyte stimulation", "PWM - Pokeweed mitogen B-lymphocyte stimulation", "商陆有丝分裂原测定", "商陆有丝分裂原B淋巴细胞刺激", "PWM - 商陆有丝分裂原 B 淋巴细胞刺激" ], "445950006": [ "Cystoscopy and removal of calculus of bladder", "Cystoscopy and removal of calculus of urinary bladder", "膀胱镜检查及膀胱结石去除", "膀胱镜检查及膀胱结石去除术" ], "52734007": [ "Total replacement of hip", "Total hip replacement", "THR - Total hip replacement", "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of the hip", "Insertion of hip prosthesis, total", "髋关节假体全置换术", "髋关节假体植入,全髋关节", "全髋关节置换术", "THR-- 全髋关节置换术" ], "265726007": [ "Spondylolisthesis operation", "脊椎滑脱手术" ], "1747001": [ "Replacement of skeletal muscle stimulator", "Removal of electronic stimulator of skeletal muscle with synchronous replacement", "骨骼肌刺激器更换", "骨骼肌电子刺激器移除术及同步置换术" ], "427731007": [ "Replacement of aortic root using mechanical prosthesis", "使用机械假体置换主动脉根部" ], "444115008": [ "Transfer of tibialis anterior tendon through interosseous membrane of leg", "经小腿骨间膜进行胫骨前肌腱转移术" ], "180136003": [ "Combined posteromedial and posterolateral release of clubfoot", "马蹄足后内侧和后外侧联合松解术" ], "442280004": [ "Imaging of gastrointestinal tract", "胃肠道成像" ], "868264004": [ "Education about infectious disease transmission", "传染病传播教育" ], "360360004": [ "Theophylline measurement", "茶碱测量" ], "229288004": [ "Lower lateral costal expansion exercises", "下侧肋骨扩张练习" ], "407677001": [ "Plasma pancreatic polypeptide level", "Plasma pancreatic polypeptide measurement", "血浆胰多肽测定", "血浆胰多肽水平" ], "30845002": [ "Creation of porto-splenic shunt", "建立门脾分流术" ], "391293006": [ "Sweat conductivity", "汗液传导率" ], "440445008": [ "Lysis of adhesions of chest wall", "胸壁粘连松解术" ], "702589008": [ "Fluoroscopic intravenous pyelogram", "透视静脉肾盂造影" ], "473213008": [ "Celiac disease annual review", "Coeliac disease annual review", "乳糜泻年度回顾" ], "1290578005": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of shoulder", "肩部软组织 X 光检查" ], "225618006": [ "Washing eye prosthesis", "清洗义眼" ], "438610008": [ "Incision of deep abscess of soft tissue", "软组织深部脓肿切开术" ], "59943006": [ "Cauterization of chalazion of eyelid", "Cauterisation of chalazion of eyelid", "眼睑霰粒肿烧灼术" ], "385788001": [ "Chemotherapy care management", "Manage chemotherapy care", "管理化疗护理", "化疗护理管理" ], "1155836002": [ "Support of victim of abuse", "虐待受害者的支持" ], "287484003": [ "Non-surgical male organ biopsy", "非手术男性器官活检" ], "172796005": [ "Revision septoplasty", "鼻中隔成形术修复" ], "238332006": [ "Total thoracoplasty", "全胸廓成形术" ], "303868005": [ "Radionuclide urinary bladder studies", "Cystographic isotope studies", "放射性核素膀胱研究", "膀胱同位素研究" ], "25340006": [ "Neutrophil band count", "Band count", "波段计数", "中性粒细胞带计数" ], "252881002": [ "Vertical prism test", "垂直棱镜测试" ], "449489004": [ "Conversion to prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not using cement", "Conversion to prosthetic replacement of joint not using cement", "Conversion to uncemented prosthetic replacement of joint", "不使用骨水泥的假肢关节置换术", "转换为不使用水泥的关节假体置换", "转换为非骨水泥假体置换关节" ], "170961007": [ "Menopause: dietary advice", "Menopause dietary education", "更年期:饮食建议", "更年期饮食教育" ], "72657008": [ "Intelligence test", "智力测试" ], "1217702001": [ "Total replacement of knee joint using cone", "TKA (total knee arthroplasty) using cone", "TKR (total knee replacement) using cone", "使用锥形的 TKR(全膝关节置换术)", "膝关节全置换术", "全膝关节置换术(TKA)采用锥形" ], "234662004": [ "Oral implant receptor site preparation", "口腔种植体受体部位准备" ], "169126006": [ "Isotope fat absorption", "同位素脂肪吸收" ], "119974008": [ "Thymus closure", "胸腺关闭" ], "19835001": [ "Homograft of skin", "Allograft of skin to skin", "皮肤对皮肤异体移植", "同种皮肤移植" ], "413051000": [ "Urine retinol binding protein measurement", "尿液视黄醇结合蛋白测量" ], "118139004": [ "Mesothelial cell count", "间皮细胞计数" ], "232827006": [ "Repair of aortic valve cusp", "主动脉瓣瓣尖修复" ], "1230416000": [ "Surgical procedure on right eye region", "右眼手术" ], "1616001": [ "Galactosylceramide beta-galactosidase measurement, leukocytes", "Galactosylceramide beta-galactosidase measurement, leucocytes", "半乳糖神经酰胺 β-半乳糖苷酶测量、白细胞" ], "230992002": [ "Evacuation of spinal intradural extramedullary haematoma", "Evacuation of spinal intradural extramedullary hematoma", "脊椎硬膜内髓外血肿清除术", "脊髓硬膜内髓外血肿清除术" ], "1148496003": [ "Decreased complex carbohydrate diet", "减少复合碳水化合物饮食" ], "445819008": [ "Assessment using communication skills questionnaire", "使用沟通技巧问卷进行评估" ], "771664004": [ "Open repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using sutures", "用缝合线进行开放式修复复发性脐疝" ], "18000007": [ "Muscle-testing with torque curves during isometric and isokinetic exercise", "在等长和等速运动期间使用扭矩曲线进行肌肉测试" ], "443984008": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of hydrocortisone in saliva specimen", "Quantitative measurement of cortisol in saliva specimen", "Quantitative measurement of hydrocortisone in saliva specimen", "唾液标本中氢化可的松质量浓度的定量测定", "唾液样本中皮质醇的定量测量", "唾液样本中氢化可的松的定量测定" ], "245541002": [ "Nail operations", "指甲手术" ], "425765007": [ "Open debridement and irrigation of joint", "开放性清创和关节冲洗" ], "180005008": [ "Implantation of kineplastic prosthesis for limb", "运动塑料肢体假肢植入术" ], "229157009": [ "Step ups", "进步" ], "391162002": [ "Urine oxazepam screening test", "尿液奥沙西泮筛查试验" ], "48933009": [ "Removal of foreign body from posterior segment of eye", "眼后节异物取出" ], "243706002": [ "Provision of ocular cosmetic shell", "提供眼部美容外壳" ], "178170005": [ "Primary repair of tendon using graft", "使用移植物进行肌腱的初次修复" ], "702458006": [ "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of lower limb", "Aspiration of lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下肢穿刺", "荧光透视引导下下肢穿刺" ], "440314008": [ "Education about progressive muscle relaxation technique", "渐进式肌肉放松技术教育" ], "405711003": [ "Removal of foreign body from upper limb, except hand", "除手之外的上肢异物取出" ], "1290447009": [ "Plain X-ray of calcaneum", "跟骨普通 X 光检查" ], "420260004": [ "Bimanual phacoemulsification", "双手白内障超声乳化术" ], "287353004": [ "Vessel resection and reanastomosis", "血管切除及再吻合" ], "238201008": [ "Repair of gluteal hernia", "臀疝修补术" ], "252750002": [ "F-wave recording", "F波记录" ], "56142003": [ "Division of iliotibial band", "髂胫束分离" ], "170830004": [ "Blood disorder - follow-up assessment", "血液疾病 - 后续评估" ], "121678006": [ "Quinacrine measurement", "奎纳克林测量" ], "236366006": [ "Intracavernous injection of vasoactive agent", "Injection of vasoactive agent into corpus cavernosum of penis", "阴茎海绵体注射血管活性药物", "海绵体内注射血管活性药物" ], "711502008": [ "Removal of foreign body from lower limb using imaging guidance", "影像引导下取出下肢异物" ], "105294009": [ "Phenobarbital measurement", "Phenobarbital level", "苯巴比妥浓度", "苯巴比妥测量" ], "119843005": [ "Skin of trunk closure", "躯干闭合皮肤" ], "3320000": [ "Autotransfusion", "Autologous blood transfusion", "Abt - autologous blood transfusion", "自体输血", "Abt-- 自体血输血", "自体血回输" ], "724216002": [ "X-ray tomography of right shoulder", "右肩 X 射线断层扫描" ], "412920003": [ "Plasma organic acid measurement", "Plasma organic acid", "血浆有机酸测量", "血浆有机酸" ], "118008004": [ "Escherichia coli enteroinvasive culture", "大肠杆菌肠侵袭性培养" ], "183544005": [ "Referral to ear, nose and throat service", "Referral to ENT service", "ENT referral", "转介至耳鼻喉科服务", "耳鼻喉科转诊", "转诊至耳鼻喉科" ], "445688005": [ "Assessment using geriatric depression scale original long form", "使用老年抑郁量表原始长表进行评估" ], "265464005": [ "Exploration of pancreas", "胰腺探查" ], "707832008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal ablation of atrial wall for atrial flutter", "经皮心房壁腔内消融治疗心房扑动" ], "50060161000188105": [ "Administration of norepinephrine", "去甲肾上腺素的给药" ], "68856007": [ "Injection of brain", "脑注射" ], "394701000": [ "Asthma follow-up", "哮喘随访" ], "116173004": [ "Wedge resection of ovary", "Excision of wedge of ovary", "卵巢楔形切除术", "卵巢楔切除术" ], "230861003": [ "Deep brain stimulation", "DBS - Deep brain stimulation", "深部脑刺激", "DBS-- 深部脑刺激" ], "1230285007": [ "Referral to adult learning center", "Referral to adult learning centre", "Referral to adult education center", "Referral to adult education centre", "转介至成人学习中心", "转介至成人教育中心" ], "81570004": [ "Advancement of tendon", "肌腱的进展" ], "179874005": [ "Primary arthroscopic allograft ligament replacement", "初次关节镜同种异体韧带置换术" ], "178039000": [ "Distant fascial microvascular free flap", "Fascial free flap", "远端筋膜微血管游离皮瓣", "筋膜游离皮瓣" ], "276343000": [ "Urogenital system investigation", "泌尿生殖系统检查" ], "440183002": [ "Laparoscopic drainage of lymphocele to peritoneal cavity", "腹腔镜淋巴囊肿引流至腹腔" ], "718711003": [ "Assessment using Process of Recovery Questionnaire", "Assessment using QPR (Process of Recovery Questionnaire)", "使用 QPR(恢复过程问卷)进行评估", "使用恢复过程问卷进行评估" ], "307276000": [ "Cryotherapy to mouth", "口腔冷冻疗法" ], "30583008": [ "Cauterization of urethra", "Cauterisation of urethra", "尿道烧灼" ], "274508002": [ "Postoperative haemorrhage control", "Postoperative hemorrhage control", "术后出血控制" ], "63351009": [ "von Willebrand factor multimer assay", "vWF multimer assay", "vWF 多聚体检测", "血管性血友病因子多聚体检测" ], "716876001": [ "Assessment using Wiig Criterion Referenced Inventory of Language", "Assessment using Wiig CRIL (Criterion Referenced Inventory of Language)", "使用 Wiig 标准参照语言量表进行评估", "使用 Wiig CRIL(标准参照语言清单)进行评估" ], "438348005": [ "Lumbar puncture using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下腰椎穿刺" ], "225356004": [ "Care of equipment and devices", "设备和装置的保养" ], "241740008": [ "Active warming of patient", "Warming device used to control patient's temperature", "用于控制患者体温的加温装置", "主动为患者保暖" ], "10529001": [ "Repair of filtering bleb by suture with conjunctival flap", "结膜瓣缝合修补滤过泡" ], "59681003": [ "Fecal urobilinogen, quantitative", "Faecal urobilinogen, quantitative", "粪便尿胆原,定量" ], "418294002": [ "Fluoroscopy of colon", "结肠荧光透视" ], "713206003": [ "MRI myelography", "Magnetic resonance imaging myelography", "磁共振成像脊髓造影", "MRI 脊髓造影" ], "287222004": [ "Reopening of laminectomy site", "重新开放椎板切除部位" ], "303606009": [ "Diagnostic percutaneous examination of placenta", "经皮胎盘诊断检查" ], "105163002": [ "Diltiazem measurement", "地尔硫卓测量" ], "711371001": [ "Gated computed tomography for cardiac function with contrast", "门控计算机断层扫描用于对比心脏功能" ], "449227002": [ "Balloon dilatation of systemic to pulmonary artery shunt", "Balloon dilation of systemic to pulmonary artery shunt", "体至肺动脉分流术球囊扩张术", "体动脉至肺动脉分流术球囊扩张术" ], "121547003": [ "Dihydrocodeine measurement", "二氢可待因测量" ], "252619007": [ "Auditory brainstem response suprathreshold waveform test", "听觉脑干反应超阈值波形测试" ], "168864000": [ "Urethrogram", "Urethrography", "尿道造影" ], "86944008": [ "Visual field study", "Examination of visual fields", "Visual field testing", "VF - Visual field", "视野研究", "视野测试", "VF——视野", "视野检查" ], "183413003": [ "Conscious B.P. control", "Conscious blood pressure control", "有意识的血压控制", "有意识地控制血压" ], "85109004": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into suprascapular nerve", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into suprascapular nerve", "Local anaesthetic suprascapular nerve block", "Local anesthetic suprascapular nerve block", "Suprascapular nerve block", "肩胛上神经阻滞", "将麻醉剂注入肩胛上神经", "将麻醉剂注射入肩胛上神经", "局部麻醉肩胛上神经阻滞" ], "52341004": [ "Manual muscle-testing of total body excluding hands", "除手之外的全身手动肌肉测试" ], "19573006": [ "Reduction of closed talus fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of talus", "距骨闭合性骨折手法复位", "闭合性距骨骨折的复位" ], "232565008": [ "Excision of sulcus vocalis", "声带沟切除术" ], "265333009": [ "Repair of cleft hard palate with bipedicled flaps", "双蒂皮瓣修复硬腭裂" ], "117877009": [ "Somatic cell assay", "体细胞测定" ], "165194005": [ "Assessment of fitness for occupational therapy", "Assess fitness for occupational therapy (OT)", "评估职业治疗 (OT) 的适应性", "职业治疗适应性评估" ], "66890006": [ "Reconstruction of eyelid, partial-thickness", "眼睑重建,部分厚度" ], "359967000": [ "Excision of scar of pericardium", "心包瘢痕切除术" ], "425503000": [ "Endoscopic retrograde insertion of expanding covered metal stent into bile duct", "内镜逆行插入扩张覆膜金属支架至胆管" ], "50506008": [ "Hepatitis B core antibody measurement, IgM type", "Hepatitis B core antibody measurement, immunoglobulin M type", "乙肝核心抗体测量,IgM 类型", "乙肝核心抗体测定、免疫球蛋白M型" ], "48671003": [ "Injection of vitreous substitute, pars plana approach", "玻璃体替代物注射,睫状体平坦部入路" ], "704031007": [ "Referral for overseas medical treatment", "海外就医转介" ], "65055008": [ "Deep biopsy of soft tissue of flank", "腰部软组织深部活检" ], "440052003": [ "Repair of paravaginal defect by abdominal approach", "经腹修补阴道旁缺损" ], "866036006": [ "Specimen examination by more than one examiner", "由多名检验人员进行样本检验" ], "438217000": [ "Revision of subcutaneous port component after open gastric restrictive procedure", "开放式胃限制手术后皮下端口组件的修订" ], "896969002": [ "Transfer of vascularised lymph node", "Transfer of vascularized lymph node", "VLNT - vascularised lymph node transfer", "VLNT - vascularized lymph node transfer", "带血管的淋巴结转移", "血管化淋巴结转移", "VLNT-- 血管化淋巴结移植" ], "405449003": [ "Revision of above knee amputation", "膝上截肢修复术" ], "176073004": [ "Cystoscopic insertion of ureteric stent", "膀胱镜输尿管支架置入术" ], "241609005": [ "MRI of paranasal sinuses", "Magnetic resonance imaging of paranasal sinuses", "鼻旁窦磁共振成像", "鼻旁窦 MRI" ], "26782000": [ "Cryotherapy", "Therapeutic application of cold", "Cryotherapy - physiotherapeutic", "冷敷治疗", "冷冻疗法", "冷冻疗法 - 物理治疗" ], "225225009": [ "Accumulative reinforcement", "累积强化" ], "305310001": [ "Admission by hepatobiliary surgeon", "肝胆外科医生入院" ], "208841009": [ "Frazier operation", "Subtemporal trigeminal rhizotomy", "颞下三叉神经根切断术", "Frazier 手术" ], "370846005": [ "Provides instruction about wound healing and wound care", "Wound healing and wound care education", "提供有关伤口愈合和伤口护理的指导", "伤口愈合和伤口护理教育" ], "762227003": [ "Provision of advice about aerobic exercise", "提供有氧运动建议" ], "713075008": [ "Management of fluid therapy", "液体治疗的管理" ], "1055304003": [ "Right frontal sinusotomy via transorbital approach", "Incision of right frontal sinus via transorbital approach", "经眶入路右额窦切开术", "经眶入路切开右额窦" ], "252488004": [ "Dynamic respiratory muscle function test", "动态呼吸肌功能检查" ], "105032003": [ "Xanthine measurement", "黄嘌呤测量" ], "121416006": [ "Omeprazole measurement", "奥美拉唑测量" ], "23112007": [ "Repair of retina for retinal tear or defect by xenon arc photocoagulation", "Repair of retinal tear by xenon arc photocoagulation", "氙弧光凝修复视网膜裂孔", "氙弧光凝修复视网膜裂孔或缺损" ], "39496003": [ "Control of atmospheric pressure and composition with antigen-free air conditioning", "无抗原空调控制大气压力和成分" ], "37661000": [ "Operation on digestive tract", "消化道手术" ], "709405002": [ "Anterior spinal fusion of atlas-axis using instrumentation", "Spinal fusion of atlantoaxial joint by anterior approach using instrumentation", "寰椎前路脊柱融合术", "前入路寰枢关节脊柱融合术" ], "414493004": [ "Inferior rolling of breast", "Rolled inferior", "滚动劣势", "乳房下翻" ], "234269004": [ "Excision of epitrochlear lymph node", "滑车上淋巴结切除术" ], "1331997006": [ "Change in bone length of thorax", "胸骨长度变化" ], "1217309008": [ "Percutaneous coronary intervention on ostial left main coronary artery", "PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) on ostial LMCA (left main coronary artery)", "Percutaneous coronary intervention on ostium of left main coronary artery", "左冠状动脉主干开口处经皮冠状动脉介入治疗", "左主冠状动脉开口处 (LMCA) 进行 PCI (经皮冠状动脉介入治疗)" ], "183282001": [ "Finger-reading training", "指读训练" ], "117746002": [ "Herpes virus 6 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human herpesvirus 6 antibody", "人类疱疹病毒 6 型抗体测定", "疱疹病毒 6 型抗体检测" ], "429042002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty with insertion of stent into pulmonary vein", "经皮腔内球囊血管成形术及将支架插入肺静脉" ], "609266004": [ "Laparoscopic repair of strangulated femoral hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下假体修补绞窄性股疝" ], "1162652005": [ "Reconstruction using latissimus dorsi flap", "使用最宽的背侧皮瓣进行重建" ], "408988007": [ "Newborn care education", "Teach newborn care", "教授新生儿护理", "新生儿护理教育" ], "261532007": [ "Fenestrectomy", "窗孔切除术" ], "177777003": [ "Previous chest wall incision - removal of wires", "先前的胸壁切口 - 移除导线" ], "175942005": [ "Simple nephrolithotomy", "单纯肾结石取石术" ], "241478006": [ "US scan of psoas", "Ultrasound scan of psoas", "腰肌超声扫描" ], "700230007": [ "Screening for child sexual abuse", "儿童性虐待筛查" ], "405318007": [ "Thrombectomy of profunda femoris vein", "Removal of thrombus from profunda femoris vein", "股深静脉血栓清除术", "股深静脉血栓切除术" ], "12102007": [ "Inversion of diverticulum of large intestine", "大肠憩室内翻" ], "1290054007": [ "Conversion from intraarticular arthrodesis", "Conversion from intra-articular arthrodesis", "关节内融合术的转化", "关节内融合术的转变" ], "239643000": [ "Application of halter traction", "牵引带的应用" ], "225094006": [ "Flushing gastrostomy tube", "冲洗胃造口管" ], "41200003": [ "Excision of rectal procidentia with anastomosis by perineal approach", "经会阴入路直肠脱垂切除吻合术" ], "450800005": [ "Destruction of pilonidal sinus", "毛囊窦破坏" ], "22981002": [ "Ortolani's test", "Ortolani's maneuver", "Ortolani's click test", "Ortolani's manoeuvre", "Ortolani test", "奥托拉尼的测试", "奥托拉尼的机动", "奥托拉尼动作", "奥托拉尼测试", "Ortolani 的点击测试" ], "252357002": [ "Basophil challenge test", "BCT - Basophil challenge test", "BCT-- 嗜碱性粒细胞激发试验", "嗜碱性粒细胞激发试验" ], "88517004": [ "Incision of floor of mouth", "Incision of sublingual space", "口底切开术", "舌下间隙切开术" ], "121285004": [ "Sulfasalazine measurement", "Sulphasalazine measurement", "柳氮磺吡啶测量" ], "711109006": [ "Reporting arterial blood gas result", "Informing health care professional of arterial blood gas test result", "报告动脉血气结果", "告知医护人员动脉血气检测结果" ], "416197005": [ "Tc-99m hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime leukocyte knee scan", "Tc-99m hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime leucocyte knee scan", "Tc-99m 六甲基丙胺肟白细胞膝关节扫描", "Tc-99m六甲基丙胺肟白细胞膝关节扫描" ], "104901008": [ "Prostaglandins, total measurement", "前列腺素,总测量值" ], "170437009": [ "Administration of booster dose of hepatitis A and B vaccine", "Hepatitis A and B booster vaccination", "Hepatitis A and B booster immunisation", "Hepatitis A and B booster immunization", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B virus antigens", "甲型和乙型肝炎加强疫苗接种", "注射仅含有甲型肝炎和乙型肝炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量", "甲肝和乙肝疫苗加强剂量注射", "甲型肝炎和乙型肝炎加强免疫" ], "609135002": [ "Revision of internal fixation of patella", "髌骨内固定修复" ], "117615005": [ "Report of transfusion reaction", "输血反应报告" ], "265071006": [ "Open clipping of both fallopian tubes", "Open clipping of bilateral fallopian tubes", "双侧输卵管开放夹闭术", "开放性夹闭双侧输卵管" ], "771140001": [ "Injection of both facet joints using fluoroscopic guidance", "Injection of bilateral facet joints using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided injection of bilateral facet joints", "Injection of left and right facet joint using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导进行双侧小关节注射", "使用荧光透视引导进行左、右关节突关节注射", "使用荧光透视引导对两个小关节进行注射", "荧光透视引导下双侧小关节注射" ], "7211000179105": [ "Internal fixation of sternum", "胸骨内固定" ], "214084009": [ "Excisional biopsy of skull", "颅骨切除活检" ], "228633002": [ "Joint protection training", "关节保护训练" ], "392473003": [ "Formaldehyde/Formalin specific IgE antibody measurement", "k80 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Formaldehyde/Formalin specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "甲醛/福尔马林特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "甲醛/福尔马林特异性IgE抗体测量", "k80特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "243182005": [ "Mouth to mouth expired air ventilation with airway", "带气道的口对口呼气通气" ], "718318007": [ "Assessment using Pragmatics Profile", "使用语用学档案进行评估" ], "700099000": [ "Assessment for preconception care", "孕前护理评估" ], "439790009": [ "Cryopreservation of ovarian tissue", "卵巢组织冷冻保存" ], "437955002": [ "Application of short leg cast", "短腿石膏的应用" ], "11971003": [ "Pulmonary ventilation-perfusion study by radioactive krypton", "放射性氪的肺通气灌注研究" ], "388803004": [ "House dust (Hollister-Stier Labs) specific IgE antibody measurement", "h2 specific IgE antibody measurement", "House dust (Hollister-Stier Labs) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "屋尘(Hollister-Stier Labs)特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "屋尘(Hollister-Stier Labs)特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "h2 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "306883005": [ "Microwave diathermy to pelvis", "骨盆微波透热疗法" ], "239512000": [ "Interposition arthroplasty of the metatarsophalangeal joint of hallux", "Helal arthroplasty of metatarsophalangeal joint", "跖趾关节置换术", "拇趾跖趾关节置换术" ], "241347008": [ "Radionuclide first pass liver study", "放射性核素首过肝脏检查" ], "42904002": [ "Repair of rectal laceration", "直肠裂伤修复" ], "75672003": [ "Platelet mean volume determination", "MPV - Mean platelet volume", "Mean platelet volume", "平均血小板体积", "MPV-平均血小板体积", "血小板平均体积测定" ], "712813004": [ "Computed tomography angiography of vascular structure of thoracic spine with contrast", "CT angiography of vascular structure of thoracic spine with contrast", "胸椎血管结构增强 CT 血管造影", "胸椎血管结构增强计算机断层扫描血管造影" ], "450669005": [ "Excision of adnexa of uterus", "子宫附件切除术" ], "172141006": [ "Cauterisation of orbital lesion", "Cauterization of orbital lesion", "眼眶损伤烧灼术" ], "252226000": [ "Gastrin stimulation test", "胃泌素刺激试验" ], "104770001": [ "18-Hydroxycorticosterone measurement", "18-羟基皮质酮测量" ], "710978006": [ "Minimizing environmental stimuli", "Minimizing environmental stimulation", "Minimising environmental stimulation", "Minimising environmental stimuli", "尽量减少环境刺激" ], "430615004": [ "Irrigation of urethra", "尿道冲洗" ], "232172001": [ "Instillation of ear drops or spray", "滴耳液或喷雾剂" ], "183020003": [ "Promotion of healing with positive pressure", "利用正压促进愈合" ], "314092004": [ "Mitochondrial antibody screening test", "线粒体抗体筛查测试" ], "609004005": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from eye", "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from eye proper", "眼标本细菌涂片显微镜检查", "眼球标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "363244004": [ "Nuclear medicine study by site", "按地点进行核医学研究" ], "133868006": [ "Calcanectomy", "Ostectomy of calcaneus", "跟骨切除术" ], "410561003": [ "Manual kinetic perimetry", "手动动态视野检查" ], "426945003": [ "Plain X-ray of bone", "骨骼普通 X 光检查" ], "1196993005": [ "Repositioning of peritoneal dialysis catheter using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided repositioning of peritoneal dialysis catheter", "影像引导下腹膜透析导管重新定位", "使用影像引导重新定位腹膜透析导管" ], "164801003": [ "Detrusor reflex testing", "逼尿肌反射测试" ], "359574001": [ "Oversewing of ulcer crater of duodenum", "Closure of ulcer of duodenum", "十二指肠溃疡缝合", "十二指肠溃疡坑缝合术" ], "392342003": [ "Urtica dioica specific IgE antibody measurement", "w20 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Nettle specific IgE antibody measurement", "Urtica dioica specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "荨麻特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "荨麻特异性IgE抗体测量", "w20特异性IgE抗体测量", "荨麻特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "310422005": [ "Prevention/screening invitation", "预防/筛查邀请" ], "81046006": [ "Removal of foreign body of orbit by incision", "切开法取出眼眶异物" ], "406891000": [ "Meldola blue stain method", "Meldola blue stain", "梅尔多拉蓝染色", "梅尔多拉蓝染色法" ], "767339001": [ "Right radical orchiectomy", "Right radical orchidectomy", "Excision of entire right testis and entire right spermatic cord", "右侧睾丸根治性切除术", "切除整个右侧睾丸和整个右侧精索", "右侧根治性睾丸切除术" ], "44608003": [ "Blood group typing", "Antigen typing, blood group", "BGP - Blood group", "Blood grouping", "血型分型", "BGP-- 血型", "血型分类", "抗原分型、血型" ], "47251000175108": [ "Inspection of foot", "Visual examination of foot", "足部检查", "足部视觉检查" ], "239381001": [ "Packing of wound of maxilla", "上颌骨伤口填塞" ], "60992009": [ "Hepatitis E antigen measurement", "戊型肝炎抗原检测" ], "122858002": [ "Rebase of denture", "假牙更换" ], "761834006": [ "Plastic operation of external ear", "外耳整形手术" ], "90090007": [ "Anastomosis of pancreatic duct", "Pancreatic duct anastomosis", "Anastomosis of pancreas", "胰腺吻合术", "胰管吻合术" ], "335850008": [ "Cavernostomy of lung", "Drainage of lung by incision", "肺海绵体造口术", "切开引流肺" ], "71871000": [ "Osteotomy of talus", "距骨截骨术" ], "104639003": [ "Dihydrolipoamide acetyl transferase measurement", "二氢硫辛酰胺乙酰转移酶测量" ], "710847006": [ "Assessment of dietary need", "饮食需求评估" ], "446868001": [ "Excision of meningioma by supratentorial approach", "幕上入路脑膜瘤切除术" ], "250260004": [ "Rate of hemolysis", "Rate of haemolysis", "Evaluation of rate of hemolysis", "Evaluation of rate of haemolysis", "溶血率", "溶血率评估" ], "53652006": [ "Radical excision of lesion of skin involving underlying or adjacent structure", "彻底切除涉及皮下或邻近结构的皮肤病变" ], "363113000": [ "Exploration of ear", "耳朵探查" ], "428649003": [ "Primary repair of umbilical hernia", "脐疝的初次修补" ], "608873006": [ "Open repair of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm", "胸腹主动脉瘤的开放式修复" ], "445033007": [ "Discussion about ideal body weight", "理想体重的探讨" ], "313961006": [ "Plasma hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase level", "Plasma hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase measurement", "血浆羟基丁酸脱氢酶水平", "血浆羟基丁酸脱氢酶测定" ], "443198001": [ "Insertion of night bite guard", "Insertion of night mouth guard", "Insertion of night tooth guard", "夜间佩戴护牙套", "插入夜间咬合护具", "插入夜间护牙套" ], "117353008": [ "Electrophoresis method with 8.9 pH buffer", "采用 pH 8.9 缓冲液的电泳法" ], "424979004": [ "Laryngeal mask airway insertion", "Insertion of laryngeal mask", "LMA (laryngeal mask airway) insertion", "喉罩气道插入", "喉罩插入", "LMA(喉罩气道)插入" ], "3791000087101": [ "Plain X-ray of right thumb", "右手拇指的普通 X 光检查" ], "5071000087104": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of bilateral lower extremity joints", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of bilateral lower limb joints", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of both lower limb joints", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of joint of left and right lower limb", "左、右下肢关节X线透视关节造影", "双下肢关节X线透视关节造影", "双下肢关节荧光透视关节造影", "双下肢关节透视关节造影" ], "718056001": [ "Insertion of dental bridge abutment on tooth", "将牙桥基台插入牙齿上" ], "408595009": [ "Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria cell marker analysis", "Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria cell marker analysis", "阵发性睡眠性血红蛋白尿症细胞标志物分析" ], "15311000087107": [ "CT of left scaphoid", "Computed tomography of left scaphoid", "左舟骨计算机断层扫描", "左舟骨 CT" ], "11471000087106": [ "Ultrasonography of chest and left axilla", "Ultrasound of chest and left axilla", "Ultrasound scan of chest and left axilla", "胸部和左腋窝超声扫描", "胸部和左腋窝超声检查" ], "20431000087109": [ "MRI of left humerus", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left humerus", "左肱骨磁共振成像", "左肱骨 MRI" ], "2511000087109": [ "MRI of left lower extremity", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left lower limb", "左下肢 MRI", "左下肢磁共振成像" ], "1231000087105": [ "Ultrasonography of right shoulder region", "Ultrasound of right shoulder region", "Ultrasound scan of right shoulder region", "右肩部超声检查", "右肩部超声波扫描" ], "308456006": [ "Referral to audiologist", "Refer to audiologist", "转诊至听力学家", "咨询听力学家" ], "439528008": [ "Partial excision of body of thoracic vertebra with decompression of spinal cord and nerve roots using transthoracic approach", "Partial thoracic corpectomy with decompression of spinal cord and nerve roots using transthoracic approach", "经胸入路胸椎体部分切除术及脊髓及神经根减压术", "经胸入路部分胸椎椎体切除术及脊髓和神经根减压术" ], "241085001": [ "Plain X-ray of subtalar joint", "距下关节普通X光检查" ], "404925002": [ "Single leg standing test", "单腿站立试验" ], "306621007": [ "Discharge from professionals allied to medicine service", "医疗服务相关专业人员的离职" ], "699837007": [ "Provision of written information about cystoscopy", "提供有关膀胱镜检查的书面信息" ], "1287826000": [ "Excision of tissue of carotid body", "颈动脉体组织切除" ], "173714001": [ "Total gastrectomy and excision of surrounding tissue", "全胃切除术及周围组织切除术" ], "239250007": [ "Tendodesis of long head of biceps muscle", "肱二头肌长头肌腱固定术" ], "9874008": [ "Arthrectomy of hip", "髋关节切除术" ], "401255004": [ "Faecal sucrose level", "Fecal sucrose level", "粪便蔗糖水平" ], "237415006": [ "Strombeck right reduction mammoplasty", "Strombeck 右侧乳房缩小术" ], "73575006": [ "Chiropractic consultation with history", "脊椎按摩治疗咨询及病史" ], "22588001": [ "Craniocervical spinal fusion for pseudoarthrosis", "颅颈脊柱融合术治疗假关节" ], "448572002": [ "Secondary open reduction of fracture of bone and intramedullary fixation", "骨折二期切开复位髓内固定" ], "712551009": [ "Assessment of laser injury", "激光损伤评估" ], "71740002": [ "Urease test", "尿素酶试验" ], "104508005": [ "alpha-Naphthylesterase measurement", "α-萘酯酶测量" ], "235580007": [ "Operations on duodenal papilla", "Sphincter of Oddi operation", "Pancreatic papilla operations", "Pancreatic duct sphincter operations", "Bile duct sphincter operations", "奥迪括约肌手术", "胰乳头手术", "胆管括约肌手术", "十二指肠乳头手术", "胰管括约肌手术" ], "86289001": [ "Valvuloplasty of femoral vein", "Repair of valve of femoral vein", "股静脉瓣膜修复", "股静脉瓣膜成形术" ], "710716009": [ "Education about breast care during postpartum period", "产后乳房护理教育" ], "397585002": [ "Chicken feathers specific IgE antibody measurement", "e85 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chicken feathers specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鸡毛特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "e85 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "鸡毛特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "854321000000108": [ "Immediate reconstruction of breast with free flap", "游离皮瓣即刻乳房重建" ], "446737007": [ "Esophagoscopy and bougienage", "Oesophagoscopy and bougienage", "食管镜检查和探条检查" ], "313830003": [ "Plasma VLDL triglyceride level", "Plasma VLDL triglyceride measurement", "Plasma very low density lipoprotein triglyceride measurement", "血浆极低密度脂蛋白甘油三酯测量", "血浆 VLDL 甘油三酯水平", "血浆 VLDL 甘油三酯测量" ], "51686005": [ "Banding", "带状" ], "362982007": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on extremity", "Anaesthesia for procedure on extremity", "肢体手术麻醉" ], "82619000": [ "Left colectomy", "Resection of descending colon", "Left hemicolectomy", "Resection of left hemicolon", "Excision of left hemicolon", "降结肠切除术", "左半结肠切除术", "左结肠切除术" ], "18918008": [ "Direct thrombectomy of subclavian vein by arm incision", "手臂切口直接取栓锁骨下静脉血栓" ], "49851000": [ "Packing of external auditory canal", "外耳道填塞" ], "770747000": [ "Localization of lesion with diagnostic dye using cone beam computed tomography", "Cone beam CT guided localisation of lesion with diagnostic dye", "Localisation of lesion with diagnostic dye using cone beam computed tomography", "Cone beam CT guided localization of lesion with diagnostic dye", "锥形束 CT 引导下使用诊断染料定位病变", "使用锥形束计算机断层扫描诊断染料定位病变", "使用锥形束计算机断层扫描通过诊断染料定位病变" ], "117222008": [ "Carmine stain method", "Carmine stain", "Cochineal stain method", "胭脂虫染色法", "胭脂红染色", "胭脂红染色法" ], "410299006": [ "Lab findings teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Lab findings teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Lab findings education, guidance, and counseling", "Lab findings education, guidance, and counselling", "Laboratory findings teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Laboratory findings education, guidance, and counseling", "Laboratory findings education, guidance, and counselling", "实验室发现教学、指导和咨询", "实验室发现教育、指导和咨询" ], "33467006": [ "Measuring output from newborn thoracic drain", "测量新生儿胸腔引流管的输出量" ], "277392003": [ "Dichotic listening test", "SDL - Simultaneous dichotic listening test", "双耳分听测试", "SDL-- 同步双耳分听测试" ], "64400007": [ "Pilojection of aneurysm, Gallagher type", "Repair of aneurysm by pilojection, Gallagher type", "加拉格尔型动脉瘤穿刺修复术", "Gallagher 型动脉瘤" ], "31632008": [ "Stereotactic focused proton beam on cerebrum", "立体定向聚焦质子束照射大脑" ], "439397009": [ "Distal revascularisation and interval ligation", "Distal revascularisation and interval ligation (DRIL)", "Distal revascularization and interval ligation", "Distal revascularization and interval ligation (DRIL)", "远端血运重建和间隔结扎", "远端血运重建和间隔结扎 (DRIL)" ], "175418002": [ "Endarterectomy of vertebral artery", "椎动脉内膜切除术" ], "240954001": [ "Insertion of replacement prosthesis into duodenum", "十二指肠置换假体植入术" ], "306490006": [ "Discharge by urologist", "泌尿科医生出院" ], "714255002": [ "Education about methadone storage", "关于美沙酮储存的教育" ], "7908000": [ "Operation on ileum", "Ileum operations", "回肠手术" ], "108047008": [ "Penis destructive procedure", "阴茎破坏手术" ], "401124003": [ "Plasma insulin C-peptide level", "血浆胰岛素 C 肽水平" ], "669321000168101": [ "Defence force pre-deployment health screen", "Defense force pre-deployment health screen", "国防部队部署前健康检查" ], "104377000": [ "Gliadin antibody, IgA measurement", "Gliadin antibody, immunoglobulin A measurement", "麦胶蛋白抗体、免疫球蛋白 A 测量", "麦胶蛋白抗体、IgA 测量" ], "235449004": [ "Attention to colonic tube", "注意结肠管" ], "38841005": [ "Pyloric antrotomy", "幽门窦切开术" ], "444771001": [ "Removal of foreign body from facial bone", "面部骨骼异物取出" ], "231779004": [ "Injection of silicone oil into vitreous", "玻璃体内注射硅油" ], "706915004": [ "Maintaining subdued lighting", "保持柔和的灯光" ], "770616000": [ "Administration of first dose of diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and pertussis and tetanus vaccine", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Haemophilus influenzae type b and Hepatitis B virus antigens", "First diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and pertussis and tetanus vaccination", "First diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and pertussis and tetanus immunisation", "First diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and pertussis and tetanus immunization", "注射第一剂白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙肝、百日咳和破伤风疫苗", "首次白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙肝、百日咳和破伤风免疫接种", "注射第一剂仅含有百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌、乙型流感嗜血杆菌和乙型肝炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "首次接种白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙肝、百日咳和破伤风疫苗" ], "182627008": [ "Aerotherapy", "空气疗法" ], "410168004": [ "Radiation therapy care education", "Teach radiation therapy care", "放射治疗护理教育", "教授放射治疗护理" ], "1831000124101": [ "Pregnancy and lactation medication review", "怀孕和哺乳期用药评论" ], "442936005": [ "Excision of neoplasm of soft tissue of face", "面部软组织肿瘤切除术" ], "737848005": [ "Excision of neurofibroma", "神经纤维瘤切除" ], "31501000": [ "Ethmoid sinusectomy", "Ethmoidectomy", "筛窦切除术" ], "437031000124104": [ "Increased soluble fibre diet", "Increased soluble fiber diet", "增加可溶性纤维饮食" ], "435751000124101": [ "Full liquid diet", "全流质饮食" ], "438311000124106": [ "Increased ascorbic acid diet", "Increased vitamin C diet", "增加抗坏血酸饮食", "增加维生素C饮食" ], "1293069007": [ "Plain X-ray of styloid process of skull", "颅骨茎突X线平片" ], "177122001": [ "External version of breech", "ECV - External cephalic version of breech", "臀位外部版本", "ECV-臀位外倒位" ], "439266007": [ "Percutaneous skeletal fixation of fracture of phalangeal shaft with manipulation", "经皮骨固定术治疗指骨干骨折" ], "717794008": [ "Supervision of pregnancy with history of infertility", "有不孕史者妊娠监测" ], "62434009": [ "Breast thermography", "Mammogram-thermographic", "乳房X光-热像", "乳房热成像" ], "699575002": [ "Grafting of hand", "Graft of hand", "手部移植" ], "306359005": [ "Referral to hospital physiotherapist", "Referral to hospital-based physiotherapist", "转诊至医院理疗师" ], "715959009": [ "Imaging of pelvis", "骨盆影像" ], "386444001": [ "Spiritual support", "精神支持" ], "122465003": [ "Reconstruction", "Reconstruction procedure", "Plastic repair", "Plastic repair procedure", "塑料修复", "重建", "塑料修复程序", "重建程序" ], "400993006": [ "Gonococcal cervical swab", "淋球菌宫颈拭子" ], "171617007": [ "Excision of lesion of glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)", "舌咽神经损伤切除术(IX)" ], "22326001": [ "Fusion of first metatarsophalangeal joint for hallux valgus repair", "Mckeever operation", "第一跖趾关节融合术修复拇外翻", "麦基弗行动" ], "433761009": [ "Computed tomography of thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "CT of thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "Computed tomography of chest, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "CT of chest, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "胸部、腹部和骨盆的增强计算机断层扫描", "胸部、腹部和骨盆的增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "胸部、腹部和盆腔增强 CT 扫描" ], "104246004": [ "Viral subtyping", "病毒亚型" ], "399158005": [ "Repair of fallopian tube by reimplantation into uterus", "Uterotubal implantation", "Tubouterine implantation", "子宫输卵管植入", "输卵管子宫植入", "输卵管再植修复术" ], "87862008": [ "Niacin accumulation test", "烟酸蓄积试验" ], "710454008": [ "Contracting for positive behavior", "Contracting for positive behaviour", "签订积极行为合同" ], "118795000": [ "Procedure on pleura", "胸膜手术" ], "708619003": [ "Open biopsy of testis", "睾丸开放活检" ], "235318008": [ "Creation of open caecostomy", "Creation of open cecostomy", "建立开放式盲肠造口术" ], "53259005": [ "Decompressive fasciotomy of hand", "手部减压筋膜切开术" ], "233483009": [ "Insertion of intraluminal device into arteriovenous fistula", "将腔内装置插入动静脉瘘" ], "870624006": [ "Superb microvascular imaging", "SMI - superb microvascular imaging", "卓越的微血管成像", "SMI-- 卓越的微血管成像" ], "231648007": [ "Medial rectus myotomy", "内直肌切开术" ], "1296608008": [ "Drainage of cerebral subarachnoid space by incision", "脑蛛网膜下腔切开引流" ], "180661001": [ "Harvest of sural nerve", "腓肠神经采集" ], "442805003": [ "Incision of stomach and suture of bleeding gastric ulcer", "胃切开缝合胃溃疡出血" ], "197045004": [ "Excision of myositis ossificans", "骨化性肌炎切除术" ], "426421005": [ "Correction of stenosis of nasal pyriform aperture", "鼻梨状孔狭窄的矫正" ], "408202000": [ "Toxoplasma serology", "弓形虫血清学" ], "45919008": [ "Excision of secondary membrane", "Extraction of after cataract by excision", "Extraction of secondary membrane by excision", "Excision of after cataract", "切除提取次级膜", "后发性白内障切除术", "切除次级膜", "后发性白内障摘除术" ], "306228005": [ "Referral for diagnostic investigation", "转诊进行诊断调查" ], "732212008": [ "Bilateral lower limb amputation", "Amputation of bilateral lower limbs", "双下肢截肢" ], "288009000": [ "Transurethral ureteric removal of foreign body", "经尿道输尿管异物取出术" ], "58633002": [ "Excision of scar of thorax", "胸部疤痕切除术" ], "1303817003": [ "Excision of malignant melanoma of right external ear", "右外耳恶性黑色素瘤切除术" ], "1287433006": [ "Therapeutic diathermy", "治疗透热疗法" ], "304393007": [ "Short wave diathermy to face", "面部短波透热疗法" ], "1285598000": [ "Excision of endocrine gland", "内分泌腺切除术" ], "122334006": [ "Hepatitis A virus RNA assay", "Hepatitis A virus ribonucleic acid assay", "甲型肝炎病毒 RNA 检测", "甲型肝炎病毒核糖核酸检测" ], "237022007": [ "Manual replacement of inverted uterus", "子宫倒置手法复位" ], "433630009": [ "Radionuclide electrocardiography gated myocardial perfusion stress study using thallium 201", "使用铊 201 进行放射性核素心电图门控心肌灌注压力研究" ], "431795002": [ "Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of hepatic vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮肝静脉机械血栓切除术(荧光造影引导)" ], "235187003": [ "Partial fundoplication", "PFP - Partial fundoplication", "Thal fundoplication", "部分胃底折叠术", "胃底折叠术", "PFP-- 部分胃底折叠术" ], "446344000": [ "Excision of lesion of anterior cranial fossa extradural space", "颅前窝硬膜外病变切除术" ], "104115009": [ "White blood cell count, automated, peritoneal fluid", "腹腔液白细胞计数自动化" ], "53128000": [ "Excision of xanthoma of tendon sheath of hand", "手部腱鞘黄瘤切除术" ], "85896002": [ "Avulsion of greater occipital nerve", "枕大神经撕脱" ], "16439401000119105": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging for cardiac velocity flow mapping", "MRI for cardiac velocity flow mapping", "磁共振成像用于心脏速度流图", "MRI 心脏速度血流图" ], "16319081000119105": [ "Plain X-ray orthodontic cephalogram", "Plain X-ray orthodontic cephalometry", "普通X射线正畸头颅侧位片", "普通X射线正畸头颅测量" ], "118664000": [ "Procedure on organ system", "Procedure on body system", "身体系统程序", "器官系统程序" ], "233352009": [ "Reconstruction of vertebral artery", "椎动脉重建" ], "1263709007": [ "Revision of one component of prosthetic hybrid replacement of shoulder joint using cemented glenoid component", "用骨水泥型关节盂组件进行肩关节假体混合置换术" ], "360754002": [ "Secondary correction of alar slump", "鼻翼下垂的二次矫正" ], "426290002": [ "Transfusion of washed red blood cells", "输注洗涤红细胞" ], "49458002": [ "Destruction by neurolytic agent of trigeminal nerve, mental", "神经溶解剂对三叉神经、精神" ], "306005": [ "Echography of kidney", "Ultrasound of kidney", "肾脏超声检查" ], "737586005": [ "Assessment for admission to adult intensive care", "成人重症监护入院评估" ], "16690007": [ "Prothrombin consumption time", "Serum prothrombin time", "血清凝血酶原时间", "凝血酶原消耗时间" ], "311602008": [ "Language promotion therapy", "语言促进治疗" ], "178695005": [ "Revision to collar stabilisation of cervical spine fracture", "Revision to collar stabilization of cervical spine fracture", "颈椎骨折颈托固定术的改进", "颈椎骨折颈托固定术的修订" ], "439004001": [ "Incision of superficial abscess of soft tissue", "软组织浅表脓肿切开术" ], "226012003": [ "Preparation of patient for urinary catheterization", "Preparation of patient for urinary catheterisation", "导尿术患者的准备", "导尿患者的准备" ], "29404004": [ "Labyrinthectomy, transtympanic", "迷路切除术,经鼓室" ], "45788003": [ "Incision and drainage of infected bursa of forearm", "前臂感染滑囊切开引流术" ], "176860004": [ "Introduction of radioactive substance into uterine cavity", "将放射性物质注入宫腔" ], "275164004": [ "Examination under anesthetic of postnasal space", "Examination under anaesthetic of postnasal space", "麻醉下检查鼻后间隙", "麻醉下检查鼻后腔" ], "733916006": [ "Promotion of self-bathing", "推广自助洗澡" ], "306097003": [ "Referral by school teacher", "Referral from school teacher", "学校老师推荐" ], "289713006": [ "Manipulation of tissue of chest wall", "胸壁组织操作" ], "91270003": [ "Arytenoidectomy by external approach", "External arytenoidectomy", "外部入路杓状软骨切除术", "外杓状软骨切除术" ], "173190004": [ "Needle biopsy of lesion of lung", "肺病变针吸活检" ], "1285467000": [ "Insertion of dental trauma splint", "插入牙科创伤夹板" ], "236891001": [ "Laparoscopic radical hysterectomy", "腹腔镜子宫切除术" ], "122203005": [ "Haemophilus ducreyi culture", "杜克雷嗜血杆菌培养" ], "449883007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging for cardiac morphology and function under stress with contrast", "MRI for cardiac morphology and function under stress with contrast", "MRI 检查压力下的心脏形态和功能", "磁共振成像检查压力下的心脏形态和功能" ], "349744000": [ "Grafting of skin of auditory meatus of ear", "Graft of skin to skin of external auditory canal", "外耳道皮肤移植", "耳外耳道皮肤移植" ], "448048002": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of prostate using endocavity radiofrequency coil", "MRI of prostate using endocavity radiofrequency coil", "使用腔内射频线圈进行前列腺 MRI 检查", "使用腔内射频线圈进行前列腺磁共振成像" ], "431664002": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of portal vein using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "植入支架进行门静脉荧光造影" ], "726576007": [ "Arthroplasty of right ankle", "右踝关节置换术" ], "85765000": [ "Fiberoptic bronchoscopy", "Fibreoptic bronchoscopy", "纤维支气管镜检查" ], "103984009": [ "P1 blood group antibody identification", "P1血型抗体鉴定" ], "315141002": [ "Hydatid antibody level", "包虫抗体水平" ], "823045003": [ "Removal of plomb from pleural cavity", "取出胸腔内的血栓" ], "233221006": [ "Ligation of pulmonary arteriovenous malformation", "肺动静脉畸形结扎术" ], "67546003": [ "Removal of penetrating foreign body from eye", "取出眼睛中的穿透性异物" ], "395226004": [ "Serum desipramine level", "血清地昔帕明水平" ], "772058008": [ "Amputation of entire right lower limb and ipsilateral hemipelvis", "右下肢全截肢及同侧半骨盆截肢" ], "278703000": [ "Transrectus incision", "Lanz incision", "兰兹切口", "经腹直肌切口" ], "231386009": [ "Cervical subdural neurolysis", "颈部硬膜下神经松解术" ], "16559003": [ "Repair of arteriovenous fistula by suture", "Suture of arteriovenous fistula", "Ligation of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘结扎术", "缝合修复动静脉瘘", "动静脉瘘缝合术" ], "229551003": [ "Resting splinting", "静息夹板" ], "31108002": [ "Consultation for laboratory medicine", "检验医学咨询" ], "440708003": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of distal medial condyle of femur", "股骨远端内侧髁骨折闭合复位" ], "113028003": [ "Ear, nose and throat examination", "Examination of ear, nose and throat", "ENT (ear, nose, and throat) examination", "ENT(耳、鼻、喉)检查", "耳、鼻、喉检查", "耳鼻喉检查" ], "391556004": [ "Serum chloramphenicol level", "血清氯霉素水平" ], "12889003": [ "Microbial culture, complex", "微生物培养,复杂" ], "275033004": [ "Bileaflet mitral valve replacement", "双叶二尖瓣置换术" ], "45657005": [ "Transmetacarpal amputation, reamputation", "经掌骨截肢、再截肢" ], "29273006": [ "Delayed isogeneic transplantation, living donor", "延迟同基因移植,活体供体" ], "225881008": [ "Holding the deceased", "抱着死者" ], "305966007": [ "Referral by dermatologist", "Referral from dermatologist", "皮肤科医生转诊", "皮肤科医生推荐" ], "287747001": [ "Spermatic cord hydrocele repair", "精索鞘膜积液修复" ], "418819002": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of superior vena cava with contrast", "上腔静脉荧光造影" ], "122072005": [ "Plasmodium malariae antibody assay", "Measurement of Plasmodium malariae antibody", "疟原虫抗体检测", "疟原虫抗体测定" ], "710061000": [ "Managing post partum depressed mood", "Management of depressed mood with postpartum onset", "产后抑郁情绪的管理", "管理产后抑郁情绪" ], "398765001": [ "Therapeutic barium enema for reduction of intussusception", "Radiological reduction of intussusception of colon using barium enema", "Barium enema for intussusception", "治疗性钡灌肠用于肠套叠复位", "钡灌肠治疗肠套叠", "钡灌肠法放射复位结肠套叠" ], "234925003": [ "Removal of suture from palate", "拆除腭部缝线" ], "431533005": [ "Fluoroscopy of spine for assessment of spinal movement", "脊柱透视检查以评估脊柱运动" ], "103853006": [ "Reptilase time", "Reptilase clotting time", "爬虫酶凝血时间", "爬虫酶时间" ], "231255000": [ "Spinal subdural local anaesthetic block", "Spinal subdural local anesthetic block", "脊椎硬膜下局部麻醉阻滞", "脊柱硬膜下局部麻醉阻滞" ], "233090009": [ "Left ventricular outflow tract muscle resection", "左心室流出道肌肉切除术" ], "395095002": [ "Administration of treatment via pessary", "通过子宫托进行治疗" ], "36482008": [ "Incision and exploration of intestine", "肠道切开探查" ], "1879000": [ "Fluorescent antigen measurement", "荧光抗原测量" ], "51031005": [ "Excisional biopsy of cerebral meninges", "脑膜切除活检" ], "444247007": [ "Photodynamic therapy of neovascular membrane of choroid", "脉络膜新生血管膜的光动力治疗" ], "229420007": [ "Accessory mobilization of the sacroiliac joint", "Accessory mobilisation of the sacroiliac joint", "骶髂关节辅助活动", "骶髂关节的辅助活动" ], "276737004": [ "Domiciliary ventilation", "Homecare ventilation", "家庭护理通气", "家庭通风" ], "391425005": [ "Serum methadone level", "血清美沙酮水平" ], "702721007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of temporomandibular joint with contrast", "MRI of temporomandibular joint with contrast", "颞下颌关节磁共振成像对比", "颞下颌关节增强 MRI 检查" ], "29142004": [ "Cocaine measurement", "Benzoylmethylecgonine measurement", "可卡因测量", "苯甲酰甲基芽子碱测量" ], "176598005": [ "Excision of excess labial tissue", "切除多余的阴唇组织" ], "1256107005": [ "Ecotherapy", "Nature therapy", "自然疗法", "生态疗法" ], "10923007": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from large intestine without incision", "大肠腔内异物不切开取出术" ], "385920000": [ "Pressure ulcer Stage 2 care", "Decubitus ulcer Stage 2 care", "Care of pressure injury stage II", "压疮 2 期护理", "压疮Ⅱ期的护理", "褥疮 2 期护理" ], "713600001": [ "Agreement on advance care plan", "预先护理计划协议" ], "91008002": [ "Bone imaging, tomographic", "骨成像、断层扫描" ], "43691007": [ "Cytopathology, review of slides and report, genital source, by physician", "细胞病理学,幻灯片和报告审查,生殖器来源,由医生" ], "172928006": [ "Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - excisional surgery to middle turbinate", "FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) excisional surgery to middle turbinate", "FESS(功能性内窥镜鼻窦手术)中鼻甲切除术", "功能性内窥镜鼻窦手术-中鼻甲切除术" ], "271232007": [ "Serum lipase level", "Serum lipase measurement", "血清脂肪酶测量", "血清脂肪酶水平" ], "89173006": [ "Anesthesia for closed procedure on radius, ulna, wrist or hand bones", "Anaesthesia for closed procedure on radius, ulna, wrist or hand bones", "桡骨、尺骨、腕骨或手骨闭式手术的麻醉" ], "121941006": [ "Bordetella parapertussis antibody assay", "Measurement of Bordetella parapertussis antibody", "副百日咳杆菌抗体测定", "副百日咳杆菌抗体检测" ], "103722000": [ "Instrumental elevation", "仪器海拔" ], "447786004": [ "Creation of anastomosis from ascending aorta to main pulmonary artery", "从升主动脉到主肺动脉建立吻合口" ], "234794004": [ "Cementation of temporary crown to tooth", "将临时牙冠粘接到牙齿上" ], "169258005": [ "Thermography - hepatic region", "热成像 - 肝脏区域" ], "431402006": [ "Marking of skin of head using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance", "Marking of skin of head using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided marking of skin of head", "使用磁共振成像(MRI)引导标记头部皮肤", "MRI 引导下头部皮肤标记", "使用磁共振成像引导标记头部皮肤" ], "87338009": [ "Tracheography", "气管造影" ], "265727003": [ "Surgical manipulation of cervical spine", "颈椎手术治疗" ], "232959003": [ "Transluminal maintenance of aortic balloon pump", "Transluminal maintenance of aortic pulsation balloon", "主动脉球囊泵腔内维护", "主动脉搏动球囊腔内维持治疗" ], "445951005": [ "Bougienage of neck of urinary bladder", "膀胱颈探条术" ], "69119007": [ "Arthrodesis of symphysis pubis", "耻骨联合融合术" ], "1197780003": [ "Spontaneous and/or timed ventilation", "ST - spontaneous and/or timed ventilation", "自主通气和/或定时通气", "ST-自主和/或定时通气" ], "231124004": [ "LA - Local anaesthetic nerve block in cervical region", "Nerve blocks in cervical region", "Local anaesthetic nerve block in cervical region", "LA - Local anesthetic nerve block in cervical region", "Local anesthetic nerve block in cervical region", "颈部神经阻滞", "LA - 颈部局部麻醉神经阻滞", "颈部局部麻醉神经阻滞" ], "50900008": [ "Iliac compression test", "髂骨压缩试验" ], "343977001": [ "Bundle of His pacing", "他的步伐" ], "788180009": [ "Lower uterine segment caesarean section", "Lower uterine segment cesarean section", "LSCS - lower segment caesarean section", "Lower segment caesarean section", "LUSCS - lower uterine segment caesarean section", "LUSCS - lower uterine segment cesarean section", "LSCS - lower segment cesarean section", "Lower segment cesarean section", "下段剖腹产", "子宫下段剖宫产", "LUSCS-- 子宫下段剖宫产", "下段剖宫产", "LSCS-- 下段剖宫产" ], "425897001": [ "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Human alphaherpesvirus 3 antigen for chickenpox", "Administration of first dose of Varicella-zoster vaccine for chickenpox", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Varicella-zoster virus antigen for chickenpox", "First Varicella-zoster vaccination for chickenpox", "First Varicella-zoster immunisation for chickenpox", "First Varicella-zoster immunization for chickenpox", "首次水痘-带状疱疹疫苗接种", "接种第一剂水痘-带状疱疹疫苗", "首次接种水痘-带状疱疹疫苗", "接种首剂仅含水痘-带状疱疹病毒抗原的水痘疫苗产品", "接种首剂仅含人类 α 疱疹病毒 3 型抗原的水痘疫苗产品" ], "180137007": [ "Lateral release for congenital deformity of foot", "侧位松解术治疗先天性足部畸形" ], "229289007": [ "Basal expansion exercises", "基础伸展练习" ], "473214002": [ "Suture plication of artery for control of gastric haemorrhage", "Suture plication of artery for control of gastric hemorrhage", "缝合折叠动脉以控制胃出血" ], "702590004": [ "Ablation using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下消融" ], "407678006": [ "Wood dust specific IgE antibody measurement", "Wood dust specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "木尘特异性IgE抗体测定", "木尘特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "178302008": [ "Excision or biopsy of lymph node", "淋巴结切除或活检" ], "440446009": [ "Laparoscopic excision of kidney and partial excision of ureter", "Laparoscopic nephrectomy and partial ureterectomy", "腹腔镜肾切除术和部分输尿管切除术", "腹腔镜肾脏切除及输尿管部分切除术" ], "1290579002": [ "Plain X-ray of joint of shoulder region under stress", "肩部关节受压时的普通 X 光检查" ], "63614008": [ "Thioridazine measurement", "硫利达嗪测量" ], "225619003": [ "Washing orbital prosthesis", "清洗眼眶假体" ], "438611007": [ "Transplantation of fetal cells", "Transplantation of foetal cells", "胎儿细胞移植" ], "61779007": [ "Reinsertion of implant of eyeball with conjunctival graft", "结膜移植眼球再植入术" ], "715304004": [ "Assessment using Behavior Assessment Battery", "Assessment using BAB (Behavior Assessment Battery)", "使用 BAB(行为评估电池)进行评估", "使用行为评估电池进行评估" ], "387624005": [ "Referral by optician", "Referral from optician", "验光师推荐", "配镜师推荐" ], "172797001": [ "Septovomerine osteotomy", "鼻中隔截骨术" ], "303869002": [ "Radionuclide female genital system study", "放射性核素女性生殖系统研究" ], "90877001": [ "Excision of thoracic varicose vein", "Thoracic phlebectomy of varicose vein", "胸腔静脉曲张切除术", "胸椎曲张静脉切除术" ], "1155837006": [ "Education about clinical pathway", "临床路径教育" ], "170962000": [ "Menopause sexual education", "Menopause sexual advice", "更年期性教育", "更年期性建议" ], "385789009": [ "Injection administration assessment", "Assess injection administration", "评估注射管理", "注射给药评估" ], "7122004": [ "Embolectomy of abdominal vein", "Removal of embolus of abdominal vein", "腹腔静脉栓塞清除术", "腹腔静脉栓塞切除术" ], "56274004": [ "Cryoprecipitate thawing and pooling", "冷沉淀解冻和汇集" ], "433106006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导的经皮腔内血管成形术" ], "252882009": [ "Prisms postoperative diplopia test", "棱镜术后复视检查" ], "169127002": [ "Potassium 40 whole body count", "钾 40 全身计数" ], "121810009": [ "Methylmalonylcarnitine measurement", "甲基丙二酰肉碱测量" ], "1217703006": [ "Revision of total replacement of knee joint using cone", "Revision of TKA (total knee arthroplasty) using cone", "Revision of TKR (total knee replacement) using cone", "使用锥形物进行 TKR(全膝关节置换术)的修订", "膝关节全置换术锥形翻修术", "使用锥形物进行 TKA(全膝关节置换术)的修复" ], "398503008": [ "Varicella-zoster nucleic acid assay", "Varicella-zoster nucleic acid detection", "水痘-带状疱疹核酸检测" ], "232828001": [ "Excision of vegetations from aortic valve", "主动脉瓣赘生物切除术" ], "234663009": [ "Implantation into jaw", "植入颌骨" ], "119975009": [ "Spleen closure", "脾脏闭合" ], "265596004": [ "Pull-through urethroplasty", "拖出式尿道成形术" ], "118140002": [ "Macrophage count", "巨噬细胞计数" ], "445820002": [ "Assessment using eating disorder examination", "使用饮食失调检查进行评估" ], "413052007": [ "Pleural fluid pH measurement", "胸水 pH 值测量" ], "83537002": [ "Serologic test for Ehrlichia chaffeensis", "查菲埃利希体血清学检测" ], "1148497007": [ "Increased simple carbohydrate diet", "增加简单碳水化合物饮食" ], "1230417009": [ "Surgical procedure on both eye regions", "Surgical procedure on bilateral eye regions", "双眼手术" ], "443985009": [ "Quantitative measurement of concentration of codeine in oral fluid", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of codeine in saliva specimen", "唾液标本中可待因质量浓度的定量测定", "口腔液中可待因浓度的定量测定" ], "65318003": [ "Fluorescent antibody, screen", "荧光抗体,筛选" ], "229158004": [ "Straight leg raising exercise", "直腿抬高运动" ], "278310008": [ "Ascending/descending threshold audiometry", "上升/下降阈值听力检查" ], "180006009": [ "Attention to prosthesis for limb", "肢体假肢注意事项" ], "702459003": [ "Aspiration of upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of upper limb", "透视引导下上肢穿刺", "荧光透视引导下上肢穿刺" ], "391163007": [ "Urine flunitrazepam screening test", "尿液氟硝西泮筛查试验" ], "440315009": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of shaft of humerus", "肱骨干骨折闭合复位" ], "178171009": [ "Primary simple repair of tendon", "肌腱的初次简单修复" ], "405712005": [ "Excision of hyperplastic oral soft tissue", "切除增生性口腔软组织" ], "715173001": [ "PET CT of brain using florbetapir (18-F)", "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography of brain using florbetapir (18-F)", "使用 florbetapir 进行脑部 PET CT 检查 (18-F)", "使用 florbetapir (18-F) 对脑进行正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描" ], "238202001": [ "Repair of peristomal hernia", "Repair of parastomal hernia", "造口旁疝修补术", "造口周围疝的修补" ], "711503003": [ "Removal of foreign body from upper limb using imaging guidance", "影像引导下上肢异物取出" ], "416591003": [ "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and low dose Corynebacterium diphtheriae and inactivated Human poliovirus antigens", "Administration of first dose of low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "First low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "First low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "First low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "注射第一剂仅含有破伤风梭菌、低剂量白喉棒状杆菌和灭活人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "注射首剂低剂量白喉和灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "首次低剂量白喉和灭活脊髓灰质炎及破伤风疫苗接种", "首次低剂量白喉和灭活脊髓灰质炎及破伤风免疫接种" ], "121679003": [ "Quinethazone measurement", "喹乙酮测定" ], "105295005": [ "Phensuximide, total measurement", "苯砜酰亚胺,总量" ], "367439007": [ "Repair of trachea", "Repair procedure to the trachea", "气管修复", "气管修复手术" ], "56143008": [ "Division of cerebral meninges", "脑膜分裂" ], "447524001": [ "Debridement of thumb", "拇指清创" ], "119844004": [ "Skin of trunk reconstruction", "躯干皮肤重建" ], "37924007": [ "Anal fistulectomy, subcutaneous", "肛瘘切除术,皮下" ], "232697001": [ "Lung reinflation", "肺再膨胀" ], "707833003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal three dimensional electroanatomic mapping of conducting system of heart", "Percutaneous transluminal 3D electroanatomic mapping of conducting system of heart", "经皮腔内心脏传导系统三维电解剖标测", "经皮心脏传导系统腔内三维电解剖标测" ], "412921004": [ "Aminolaevulinic acid / creatinine ratio measurement", "Aminolevulinic acid / creatinine ratio measurement", "Aminolaevulinic acid/creatinine ratio measurement", "Aminolevulinic acid/creatinine ratio measurement", "ALA/creatinine ratio", "ALA/肌酐比率", "氨基乙酰丙酸/肌酐比率测量" ], "52473006": [ "Manipulation of tonsil", "扁桃体操作" ], "183545006": [ "Orthopedic referral", "Referral to orthopaedic service", "Orthopaedic referral", "Referral to orthopedic service", "骨科转诊", "转介至骨科服务", "转诊至骨科服务" ], "314617008": [ "Chemoembolisation of liver metastases", "Chemoembolization of liver metastases", "肝转移瘤化疗栓塞" ], "118009007": [ "Ova OR parasites identification", "虫卵或寄生虫鉴定" ], "724217006": [ "X-ray tomography of right lower limb", "右下肢X射线断层扫描" ], "67022004": [ "Lymph gland thermography", "Thermography - lymph nodes", "热成像 - 淋巴结", "淋巴腺热成像" ], "116174005": [ "Wedge resection biopsy of ovary", "卵巢楔形切除活检" ], "50638005": [ "Incision of hymen", "Hymenotomy", "Surgical defloration", "处女膜切开", "手术摘除处女", "处女膜切开术" ], "230862005": [ "External neurostimulation of brain tissue", "脑组织的外部神经刺激" ], "394702007": [ "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease follow-up", "COAD follow-up", "COAD 后续行动", "慢性阻塞性肺病随访" ], "32419005": [ "Parathyroidectomy with mediastinal exploration by cervical approach", "经颈部入路纵隔探查甲状旁腺切除术" ], "179875006": [ "Primary arthroscopic xenograft ligament replacement", "初次关节镜异种移植韧带置换术" ], "425635008": [ "Balloon packing of cavity of nose", "鼻腔气囊填塞术" ], "440184008": [ "Open drainage of extraperitoneal lymphocele to peritoneal cavity", "将腹膜外淋巴囊肿引流至腹腔" ], "438349002": [ "Lumbar sympathectomy using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided lumbar sympathectomy", "CT引导下腰椎交感神经切除术", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行腰椎交感神经切除术" ], "12365002": [ "Heterograft of skin", "Xenograft of skin to skin", "皮肤异种移植", "异种皮肤移植" ], "274509005": [ "Dental extraction hemorrhage control", "Dental extraction haemorrhage control", "拔牙出血控制" ], "241741007": [ "Body cooling", "Active cooling of patient", "身体降温", "患者主动降温" ], "225357008": [ "Pressure sore care", "Decubitus care", "Bed sore care", "Care of pressure injury", "避免躺着", "压疮护理", "褥疮护理", "压力性损伤的护理" ], "307277009": [ "Laser surgery of mouth", "口腔激光手术" ], "26914001": [ "Tributyrin test", "三丁酸甘油酯试验" ], "420130002": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of internal iliac artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of internal iliac artery with contrast", "髂内动脉造影荧光血管造影", "髂内动脉造影荧光镜检查" ], "76066005": [ "Gilliam operation on uterus", "吉利姆子宫手术" ], "57847003": [ "Crisis intervention by group therapy", "团体治疗危机干预" ], "287223009": [ "Spinal cord exploration", "脊髓探查" ], "23244001": [ "Fetal hemoglobin determination", "Foetal haemoglobin determination", "Fetal haemoglobin determination", "Haemoglobin F level", "Hemoglobin F level", "血红蛋白 F 水平", "胎儿血红蛋白测定" ], "252620001": [ "Middle latency electric response audiometry", "MLR - Middle latency electric response audiometry", "MLR-- 中潜伏期电反应听力检查", "中潜伏期电反应听力检查" ], "432844008": [ "Administration of substance via gingival route", "通过牙龈途径给药" ], "72396009": [ "Thromboendarterectomy of upper limb artery", "上肢动脉血栓内膜切除术" ], "37793001": [ "Repair of pleura", "胸膜修复" ], "105164008": [ "Dimetamphetamine measurement", "甲基苯丙胺测量" ], "5025004": [ "Semen analysis, presence and motility of sperm", "Semen analysis, presence and motility of spermatozoa", "精液分析、精子的存在和活力" ], "121548008": [ "Diisobutyl ketone measurement", "二异丁基酮测量" ], "119713001": [ "Nasopharynx reconstruction", "鼻咽重建" ], "447393003": [ "Biopsy of kidney using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下肾脏活检" ], "3190002": [ "Epilation by forceps", "用镊子脱毛" ], "265334003": [ "Repair of cleft soft palate with Z-plasty", "Z 形成形术修复软腭裂" ], "724086003": [ "X-ray tomography of right femur", "右股骨 X 射线断层扫描" ], "117878004": [ "Staphylolysin antibody assay", "Measurement of staphylolysin antibody", "葡萄球菌溶血素抗体检测", "葡萄球菌溶血素抗体测定" ], "232566009": [ "Excision of mucosal bridge of vocal fold", "声带粘膜桥切除术" ], "85110009": [ "Phenol measurement, blood", "血液苯酚测定" ], "704032000": [ "Phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitor therapy", "磷酸二酯酶 5 抑制剂治疗" ], "443723009": [ "Repair of partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection by baffle redirection to left atrium with reimplantation of systemic vein in right atrium", "通过将挡板重定向至左心房并将体静脉重新植入右心房来修复部分异常肺静脉连接" ], "312651008": [ "Provision of childminding", "提供托儿服务" ], "63221000": [ "Excision of lesion of bone of ulna", "尺骨病变切除术" ], "310816009": [ "Transurethral microwave thermotherapy to prostate", "TUMT - Transurethral microwave thermotherapy", "经尿道前列腺微波热疗", "TUMT - 经尿道微波热疗" ], "866037002": [ "Dispatch of specimen for second opinion", "Dispatching of specimen for second opinion", "发送样本以获取第二意见" ], "177909005": [ "Removal of prosthetic material from previous repair of ventral hernia", "Removal of prosthetic material from previous ventral herniorrhaphy", "取出先前腹壁疝修补术中的假体材料", "取出先前修复腹疝的假体材料" ], "241610000": [ "MRI of nasopharynx", "Magnetic resonance imaging of nasopharynx", "鼻咽部 MRI", "鼻咽磁共振成像" ], "389066001": [ "Circulatory care", "循环系统护理" ], "77770002": [ "Gasserian ganglionectomy", "Excision of gasserian ganglion", "Excision of ganglion of trigeminal nerve", "Trigeminal ganglionectomy", "三叉神经节切除术", "半月神经节切除术" ], "405450003": [ "Revision of hindquarter amputation", "后肢截肢修复术" ], "225226005": [ "Negative reinforcement", "Negative reinforcement approach", "负面强化", "负强化方法" ], "176074005": [ "Cystoscopic removal of ureteric stent", "膀胱镜下输尿管支架取出术" ], "28618007": [ "Radical excision of floor of mouth", "口底根治切除术" ], "12234009": [ "RBC antibody detection, warm with titration", "RBC agglutinin detection, warm with titration", "Red blood cells antibody detection, warm with titration", "红细胞抗体检测,温热滴定", "红细胞凝集素检测,温热滴定" ], "305311002": [ "Admission by neurosurgeon", "神经外科医生入院" ], "43167002": [ "Anesthesia for pulmonary resection with thoracoplasty", "Anaesthesia for pulmonary resection with thoracoplasty", "胸廓成形术肺切除术的麻醉" ], "698527003": [ "Assessment for risk of self harm", "自我伤害风险评估" ], "370847001": [ "Provides instruction regarding dietary needs", "Dietary needs education", "Dietary needs instruction", "饮食需求指导", "提供有关饮食需求的指导", "饮食需求教育" ], "75935006": [ "Thoracoscopic lobectomy of lung", "胸腔镜肺叶切除术" ], "713076009": [ "Antenatal risk assessment", "产前风险评估" ], "121417002": [ "Osmium measurement", "锇测量" ], "252489007": [ "Transdiaphragmatic pressure measurement", "跨膈压力测量" ], "39497007": [ "Partial mandibulectomy", "Partial excision of mandible", "下颌骨部分切除术", "部分下颌骨切除术" ], "709406001": [ "Anterior spinal fusion of atlas-axis", "Spinal fusion of atlantoaxial joint by anterior approach", "寰椎前路脊柱融合术", "前入路寰枢关节脊柱融合术" ], "105033008": [ "Xanthurenate measurement", "黄尿酸盐测定" ], "234270003": [ "Biopsy of cervical lymph node", "颈部淋巴结活检" ], "119582004": [ "Excision of neck", "颈部切除术" ], "250654006": [ "9am cortisol level", "9am cortisol measurement", "上午 9 点皮质醇水平", "上午 9 点皮质醇测量" ], "68595001": [ "Enterocentesis of intestine", "肠穿刺术" ], "52211004": [ "Excision of superficial cervical lymph nodes", "颈部浅表淋巴结切除术" ], "117747006": [ "HIV 1 antigen assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 antigen assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus 1 antigen assay", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 抗原检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 抗原检测", "HIV 1 抗原检测" ], "609267008": [ "Laparoscopic repair of strangulated inguinal hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下嵌顿性腹股沟疝修补术" ], "277917001": [ "Thoracic impedance cardiography", "胸阻抗心动图" ], "408989004": [ "Newborn care management", "Manage newborn care", "管理新生儿护理", "新生儿护理管理" ], "79474000": [ "Application of plaster figure of eight, shoulder to hand", "Application of plaster figure of eight, long arm", "石膏八字形、长臂的应用", "石膏八字形的应用,肩并手" ], "179613009": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture dislocation and cast immobilization", "Primary open reduction of fracture dislocation and cast immobilisation", "骨折脱位一期切开复位及石膏固定", "骨折脱位的初次切开复位及石膏固定" ], "439922001": [ "Measurement of benzodiazepine in gastric fluid", "胃液中苯二氮卓类药物的测定" ], "46706006": [ "Replacement of IUD", "Change of intrauterine contraceptive device", "Replacement of intrauterine contraceptive device", "IUCD - Change of intrauterine contraceptive device", "IUD - Change of intrauterine device", "Change of coil", "Replacement of contraceptive intrauterine device", "更换宫内节育器", "更换线圈", "更换宫内避孕器", "IUD-- 宫内节育器更换", "IUCD - 更换宫内节育器" ], "175943000": [ "Anatrophic nephrolithotomy", "萎缩性肾结石取石术" ], "177778008": [ "Repair of previous incision of chest wall with local flap", "用局部皮瓣修复先前的胸壁切口" ], "241479003": [ "Subphrenic US scan", "Subphrenic ultrasound scan", "膈下超声扫描" ], "405319004": [ "Repair of common iliac vein", "髂总静脉修复" ], "307015004": [ "LA - Local anesthetic block of nerve plexus", "LA - Local anaesthetic block of nerve plexus", "Local anesthetic block of nerve plexus", "Local anaesthetic block of nerve plexus", "Nerve plexus block", "Plexus block", "神经丛阻滞", "LA - 神经丛局部麻醉阻滞", "神经丛局部麻醉阻滞" ], "225095007": [ "Rectal stump washout via stoma", "通过造口冲洗直肠残端" ], "1290055008": [ "Conversion from resurfacing arthroplasty of joint", "关节表面置换术转归" ], "239644006": [ "Application of pelvic traction", "骨盆牵引的应用" ], "59420007": [ "Open biopsy of stomach", "Biopsy of stomach by laparotomy", "开腹胃活检", "胃部开放活检" ], "10268009": [ "Immunochemiluminescent assay", "免疫化学发光分析" ], "41201004": [ "Dilation of foreskin in newborn", "新生儿包皮扩张" ], "104902001": [ "Protein CSF/protein serum ratio measurement", "Protein cerebrospinal fluid/protein serum ratio measurement", "脑脊液蛋白/血清蛋白比率测量", "蛋白质CSF/蛋白质血清比率测量" ], "450801009": [ "Infrared photocoagulation of lesion of skin", "皮肤病损红外线光凝治疗" ], "711110001": [ "Reinforcement of priority setting for care", "Reinforcing priority setting", "加强优先事项设定", "加强护理优先顺序" ], "121286003": [ "PGF>1< alpha measurement", "Prostaglandin PGF1 alpha measurement", "PGF>1< alpha 测量", "前列腺素 PGF1 alpha 测量" ], "399814007": [ "AGf76 specific IgA antibody measurement", "Alpha-lactalbumin specific IgA antibody measurement", "Alpha-lactalbumin specific immunoglobulin A antibody measurement", "α-乳清蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白 A 抗体测量", "α-乳清蛋白特异性 IgA 抗体测量", "AGf76 特异性 IgA 抗体测量" ], "432582008": [ "Drainage of cyst of kidney using ultrasound guidance", "Drainage of cyst of kidney using ultrasound (US) guidance", "超声引导下肾囊肿引流术", "在超声引导下进行肾囊肿引流" ], "39366009": [ "Repair of oval window fistula", "Closure of fistula of oval window of ear", "Closure of fistula of oval window", "卵圆窗瘘管关闭", "耳廓椭圆窗瘘管闭合术", "卵圆窗瘘管的修补" ], "252358007": [ "NK - Natural killer cell function test", "Natural killer cell function test", "自然杀伤细胞功能测试", "NK - 自然杀伤细胞功能测试" ], "397979003": [ "Tetanic stimulation monitoring", "强直刺激监测" ], "22982009": [ "Ghormley operation for hip fusion", "髋关节融合术" ], "21147007": [ "Closure by clip", "Clipping", "剪裁", "用夹子闭合" ], "70299008": [ "Decompression of auditory nerve", "听觉神经减压术" ], "609136001": [ "Revision of internal fixation of metatarsal bone", "跖骨内固定术" ], "84848005": [ "Endoscopy of tongue", "舌内镜检查" ], "117616006": [ "Investigation of transfusion reaction", "输血反应调查" ], "1295429000": [ "Plain X-ray skeletal survey", "Skeletal survey plain X-ray", "Complete skeletal plain X-ray series", "Plain X-ray survey of entire skeleton", "整个骨骼的普通 X 射线检查", "普通X射线骨骼检查", "完整骨骼 X 射线平片系列", "骨骼检查 X 射线平片" ], "297840009": [ "Excision of vitreous opacity by anterior approach", "前入路玻璃体混浊切除术" ], "1093006": [ "Excision of abdominal varicose vein", "Phlebectomy of abdominal varicose vein", "腹部静脉曲张切除术" ], "32026000": [ "Removal of prosthesis of joint structures of ankle", "Removal of ankle implant", "Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis of ankle", "踝关节植入物移除", "踝关节结构假体拆除", "踝关节切开术取出假体" ], "441626002": [ "Measurement of occult blood in body fluid specimen", "体液标本潜血测定" ], "228634008": [ "Ergonomic advice", "Ergonomic education", "人体工程学建议", "人体工程学教育" ], "392474009": [ "Green coffee bean specific IgE antibody measurement", "k70 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Green coffee bean specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "绿咖啡豆特异性IgE抗体测定", "绿咖啡豆特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "k70特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "243183000": [ "Mouth to nose expired air ventilation", "口对鼻呼气通气" ], "177647003": [ "Debridement of burnt skin of head and neck", "头颈部烧伤皮肤清创" ], "718319004": [ "Assessment using Cormack and Lehane System", "使用 Cormack 和 Lehane 系统进行评估" ], "241348003": [ "Tc99m hepatic perfusion index study", "Radionuclide imaging of liver using technetium (99m-Tc) with hepatic perfusion index", "使用锝(99m-Tc)对肝脏进行放射性核素显像并结合肝灌注指数", "Tc99m 肝灌注指数研究" ], "306884004": [ "Microwave diathermy to abdomen", "腹部微波透热疗法" ], "388804005": [ "Acarus siro specific IgE antibody measurement", "d70 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Acarus siro specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Flour mite specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "粗螨特异性IgE抗体测定", "粗线螨特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "d70 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "面粉螨特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "11972005": [ "Incision of nerve", "Neurotomy", "神经切开", "神经切断术" ], "61124007": [ "Endoscopy of integument", "内镜检查" ], "42905001": [ "Suture repair of aorta with cardiopulmonary bypass", "体外循环下主动脉缝合修复" ], "239513005": [ "Arthroplasty of the interphalangeal joint of the hallux", "拇趾间关节置换术" ], "173977007": [ "Creation of ileostomy", "Ileostomy formed", "建立回肠造口术", "回肠造口术形成" ], "1255321009": [ "Indocyanine green lymphography of lower extremity", "Lymphangiography of lower extremity using indocyanine green", "ICG (indocyanine green) lymphography of lower extremity", "Indocyanine green lymphography of lower limb", "Lymphangiography of lower limb using indocyanine green", "吲哚菁绿下肢淋巴管造影", "下肢ICG(吲哚菁绿)淋巴造影", "下肢吲哚菁绿淋巴造影" ], "450670006": [ "Debridement of skin of head", "头部皮肤清创" ], "104771002": [ "L-iditol dehydrogenase measurement", "L-艾杜醇脱氢酶测定" ], "710979003": [ "Observation of altered perception", "观察感知改变" ], "252227009": [ "Calcium infusion test", "Calcium stimulation test", "钙刺激试验", "钙输注试验" ], "707309004": [ "Bridging anticoagulant therapy with low molecular weight heparin", "低分子量肝素桥接抗凝治疗" ], "183021004": [ "Oxygenation of slough", "腐肉的氧合" ], "232173006": [ "Mastoid operation", "乳突手术" ], "51949007": [ "Packed RBC preparation, centrifugation", "Preparation and centrifugation of packed red blood cells", "浓缩红细胞制备、离心", "浓缩红细胞的制备和离心" ], "443330001": [ "Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection by coronary sinus cutback to oval fossa with insertion of interatrial baffle", "经冠状窦切回至卵圆窝置入心房间挡板修复完全性肺静脉异位引流" ], "297709009": [ "Open acromioplasty for decompression of rotator cuff", "开放式肩峰成形术用于肩袖减压" ], "1196994004": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of elbow joint", "Percutaneous drainage of joint of elbow using imaging guidance", "影像引导下肘关节经皮穿刺引流", "影像引导下经皮肘关节引流" ], "359575000": [ "Henley operation, jejunal transposition", "Gastrectomy with jejunal transposition", "胃切除术及空肠转位术", "亨利手术、空肠移位术" ], "64663002": [ "Prostatic massage", "前列腺按摩" ], "392343008": [ "Cocklebur specific IgE antibody measurement", "w13 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Xanthium commune specific IgE antibody measurement", "Xanthium commune specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "苍耳特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "w13特异性IgE抗体测量", "苍耳特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "46444003": [ "Gas endarterectomy of lower limb artery", "下肢动脉气体内膜切除术" ], "406892007": [ "Metanil yellow stain method", "Metanil yellow stain", "间苯二胺黄染色", "间苯二胺黄染色法" ], "423276007": [ "Newborn admission assessment", "Admission assessment newborn", "新生儿入院评估", "入学评估新生儿" ], "60993004": [ "Phlebectomy with graft replacement of upper limb vein", "上肢静脉切除及移植置换术" ], "241217008": [ "Cerebral four vessel angiogram", "Arteriography of four cerebral arteries", "Angiography of four cerebral arteries", "脑四血管造影", "四条脑动脉血管造影", "四条脑动脉造影" ], "1156886000": [ "Promotion of nutrient intake consistent with requirements", "促进营养摄入符合要求" ], "26390003": [ "Total colectomy", "Complete resection of colon", "Total removal of colon", "Total excision of colon", "结肠全切除", "全结肠切除术", "结肠完全切除" ], "108310004": [ "Psychologic AND/OR psychiatric procedure AND/OR service", "心理和/或精神病程序和/或服务" ], "304918005": [ "Removal of subcutaneous cerebrospinal fluid reservoir", "皮下脑脊液储存器的移除" ], "239382008": [ "Removal of pack from bone of face", "P/R - Removal of pack from bone of face", "P/R - 去除面部骨头上的包块", "去除面部骨头上的包块" ], "303083004": [ "Mobilization of the radioulnar joint", "Mobilisation of the radioulnar joint", "桡尺关节活动", "桡尺关节的活动" ], "122859005": [ "Reduction of fracture", "骨折复位" ], "172011006": [ "Transsternal thymectomy", "经胸骨胸腺切除术" ], "448704000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of esophagus", "Magnetic resonance imaging of oesophagus", "MRI of oesophagus", "MRI of esophagus", "食管磁共振成像", "食管 MRI" ], "104640001": [ "Dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase measurement", "二氢硫辛酰胺脱氢酶测定" ], "40939009": [ "CA 19-9 measurement", "Cancer antigen 19-9 measurement", "CA 199 measurement", "癌抗原 19-9 测量", "CA 199 测量", "CA 19-9 测量" ], "1220587009": [ "Ultrasound of scrotum", "Ultrasound scan of scrotum", "Ultrasonography of scrotum", "阴囊超声检查", "阴囊超声波扫描" ], "710848001": [ "Assessment of eating and drinking behavior", "Assessment of eating and drinking behaviour", "饮食行为评估" ], "250261000": [ "Determination of amount of hemolysis", "Amount of haemolysis", "Amount of hemolysis", "Determination of amount of haemolysis", "溶血量", "溶血量的测定" ], "88256009": [ "Pigment production test", "颜料生产测试" ], "70037003": [ "Removal of tube from small intestine", "从小肠中拔除管子" ], "20885004": [ "Repair of orbit", "Plastic repair of orbital cavity", "Repair of eyeball socket", "Repair of orbit proper", "眼窝修复", "眶腔整形修复", "修复轨道本体", "修复轨道" ], "709013008": [ "Removal of implant device from bone", "从骨头中取出植入装置" ], "445034001": [ "Provision of emesis basin", "Provision of vomit bowl", "提供呕吐碗", "提供呕吐盆" ], "117354002": [ "Food culture", "饮食文化" ], "313962004": [ "Plasma 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone measurement", "Plasma 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone level", "血浆 5-α-双氢睾酮测量", "血浆 5-α-双氢睾酮水平" ], "363114006": [ "Exploration of endocrine system", "内分泌系统探索" ], "831000": [ "Drawer test", "抽屉测试" ], "33599003": [ "Dilation of salivary duct", "Ptyalectasis", "Sialectasis", "Dilatation of salivary duct", "叶瓣扩张", "涎管扩张", "唾液扩张症" ], "49983005": [ "Ostectomy of calcaneus for spur", "Excision of calcaneal spur", "跟骨骨刺切除术" ], "443199009": [ "Instillation of mitomycin C into bladder", "Instillation of mitomycin C into urinary bladder", "膀胱灌注丝裂霉素C" ], "15380001": [ "Granulocyte migration factor assay", "粒细胞移动因子测定" ], "736276004": [ "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of central venous catheter with contrast", "Insertion of central venous catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下插入中心静脉导管", "在荧光造影引导下插入中心静脉导管" ], "48148004": [ "Quantitative photoplethysmography", "定量光电容积描记法" ], "719892007": [ "Assessment of chest drain swinging and bubbling", "胸腔引流管摆动和冒泡的评估" ], "439529000": [ "Endovascular repair of aneurysm of iliac artery", "髂动脉瘤腔内修复术" ], "308457002": [ "Refer to stoma nurse", "Referral to stomatherapist", "Referral to stoma nurse", "转诊至造口护士", "转诊至口腔治疗师" ], "306622000": [ "Discharge from arts therapy service", "退出艺术治疗服务" ], "177385009": [ "Reconstruction using distant pedicle random pattern skin flap", "Reconstruction with distant pedicle random pattern skin flap", "Reconstruction using distant pedicle random pattern cutaneous flap", "远端带蒂随机皮瓣修复", "远端带蒂随意皮瓣修复", "远距离带蒂随意皮瓣修复" ], "699838002": [ "Provision of written information about hysteroscopy", "提供有关宫腔镜检查的书面信息" ], "1142206004": [ "Thessaly test", "色萨利测试" ], "44478007": [ "Partial excision of bone of distal phalanx of finger", "手指末节指骨部分切除术" ], "173715000": [ "Total gastrectomy and interposition of jejunum", "全胃切除术和空肠插入术" ], "16041000087100": [ "Fluoroscopic arteriogram of left cervical vertebral artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of left cervical vertebral artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiogram of left cervical vertebral artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of left cervical vertebral artery with contrast", "左颈椎动脉荧光造影", "左颈椎动脉荧光血管造影" ], "239251006": [ "Adjustment to length of tendon or muscle", "调整肌腱或肌肉的长度" ], "417640000": [ "Thoracic pump", "Thoracic pump technique", "胸腔泵技术", "胸腔泵" ], "1287827009": [ "Choledochoscopy and dilation of CBD (common bile duct)", "Choledochoscopy and dilatation of common bile duct", "Choledochoscopy and dilation of common bile duct", "胆道镜检查和胆总管扩张术", "胆道镜检查及胆总管扩张术" ], "681000087106": [ "Drainage of left lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of left lower extremity", "透视引导下左下肢引流" ], "712552002": [ "Assessment of personal hygiene pattern", "个人卫生习惯评估" ], "48041000087107": [ "Endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection of gastrointestinal tract", "EPMR (endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection) of gastrointestinal tract", "Piecemeal EMR (endoscopic mucosal resection) of gastrointestinal tract", "胃肠道分块内镜黏膜切除术", "内镜胃肠道黏膜分块切除术", "胃肠道EPMR(内镜分块黏膜切除术)" ], "4521000087108": [ "Left fluoroscopic nephrostography", "Fluoroscopic left nephrostography", "左肾荧光透视造影", "左肾荧光造影" ], "401256003": [ "Faecal maltose level", "Fecal maltose level", "粪便麦芽糖水平" ], "14761000087109": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of right subclavian vein", "Doppler ultrasound of right subclavian vein", "右锁骨下静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "710717000": [ "Education about breast care during prenatal period", "产前乳房护理教育" ], "237416007": [ "Strombeck bilateral reduction mammoplasty", "Strombeck 双侧乳房缩小术" ], "6205000": [ "Fluorescent antigen, titer", "Fluorescent antigen, titre", "荧光抗原、滴度", "荧光抗原滴度" ], "104509002": [ "alpha-Thymosin measurement", "胸腺肽测量" ], "235581006": [ "Sphincteroplasty of duodenal papilla", "十二指肠乳头括约肌成形术" ], "708882001": [ "Arthroscopic removal of loose body from foot joint", "Arthroscopic removal of loose body from joint of foot", "关节镜下取出足关节游离体", "关节镜下足关节游离体取出术" ], "446738002": [ "Injection of gastric varices", "Injection of varix of stomach", "胃静脉曲张注射" ], "725266001": [ "Education about choosing appropriate clothing", "关于选择合适服装的教育" ], "430354007": [ "Application of upper extremity splint", "上肢夹板的应用" ], "362983002": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on trunk", "Anaesthesia for procedure on trunk", "躯干手术麻醉" ], "117223003": [ "Churukian-Schenk stain method", "Churukian-Schenk stain", "Churukian-Schenk 染色法", "Churukian-Schenk染色" ], "313831004": [ "Plasma free fatty acid measurement", "Plasma free fatty acid level", "血浆游离脂肪酸测量", "血浆游离脂肪酸水平" ], "2535006": [ "Pulpectomy", "Dental pulp extirpation", "Removal of pulp - complete", "Pulpectomy of tooth", "Extirpation of pulp of tooth", "Pulp extirpation", "牙髓切除术", "去除牙髓 - 已完成", "牙髓摘除术", "牙髓摘除" ], "68071007": [ "Dental fluoride treatment", "牙科氟化物治疗" ], "33468001": [ "Hematology procedure", "Haematology procedure", "血液学程序" ], "17084003": [ "Replacement of cochlear prosthesis", "人工耳蜗更换" ], "410300003": [ "Legal system teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Legal system teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Legal system education, guidance, and counseling", "Legal system education, guidance, and counselling", "法制教育、指导和咨询", "法律体系教学、指导和咨询" ], "443068005": [ "Tattooing of permanent makeup", "Permanent makeup", "纹绣永久化妆", "永久化妆" ], "491531000000103": [ "Assessment using post-traumatic stress disorder checklist for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Fifth Edition", "Assessment using PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) checklist for DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Fifth Edition)", "Assessment using PCL-5 (post-traumatic stress disorder checklist for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - Fifth Edition)", "使用《精神障碍诊断和统计手册》第五版的创伤后应激障碍检查表进行评估", "使用 PCL-5(《精神障碍诊断和统计手册》第五版的创伤后应激障碍检查表)进行评估", "使用 DSM-5(精神障碍诊断和统计手册 - 第五版)的 PTSD(创伤后应激障碍)检查表进行评估" ], "1260433004": [ "Subtotal gastrectomy using robotic assistance", "Robotic assisted subtotal gastrectomy", "Robot assisted subtotal gastrectomy", "使用机器人辅助进行胃大部分切除术", "机器人辅助胃大部分切除术" ], "277393008": [ "SSW - Staggered spondaic word test", "Staggered spondaic word test", "交错扬抑格词测试", "SSW - 交错扬抑格词测试" ], "441233009": [ "Polymerase chain reaction test for Adenovirus group F", "F 组腺病毒聚合酶链反应检测" ], "306491005": [ "Discharge by vascular surgeon", "血管外科医生出院" ], "175419005": [ "Endarterectomy of subclavian artery and patch repair of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉内膜切除术及锁骨下动脉补片修复术" ], "419344005": [ "Barium small bowel meal", "小肠钡餐" ], "171749000": [ "Extirpation of lesion of meninges of spinal cord", "脊髓脊膜损伤摘除术" ], "24293001": [ "Excision of cervical stump by abdominal approach", "经腹切除宫颈残端" ], "401125002": [ "HEp-2 cytoplasmic pattern", "HEp-2 cytoplasmic pattern determination", "HEp-2 细胞质模式", "HEp-2 细胞质模式测定" ], "235450004": [ "Attention to flatus tube", "Attention to rectal tube", "注意排气管", "注意直肠管" ], "104378005": [ "Gliadin antibody, IgG measurement", "Gliadin antibody, immunoglobulin G measurement", "麦胶蛋白抗体、免疫球蛋白 G 测量", "麦胶蛋白抗体、IgG 测量" ], "448442005": [ "Transtracheal jet ventilation", "经气管喷射通气" ], "22458007": [ "Epidural venography", "Epidural venogram", "硬膜外静脉造影" ], "430223006": [ "Biopsy of upper limb", "上肢活检" ], "231780001": [ "Injection of perfluorocarbon liquid into vitreous", "Injection of intravitreal heavy liquid", "玻璃体内注射重质液体", "将全氟碳液体注入玻璃体" ], "313700001": [ "Urine melanin measurement", "Urine melanin level", "尿液黑色素测量", "尿液黑色素水平" ], "182628003": [ "Therapeutic insufflation", "治疗性吹入" ], "428388009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of peripherally inserted central catheter", "Endovascular insertion of peripherally inserted central catheter", "经皮腔内插入外周中心静脉导管", "经外周插入中心静脉导管的血管内插入" ], "442937001": [ "Wheelchair maintenance and repair", "轮椅保养和维修" ], "180793002": [ "Harvest of flap of muscle of trunk", "躯干肌瓣切取" ], "737849002": [ "Respite care case management", "暂息护理案例管理" ], "410169007": [ "Radiation therapy care management", "Manage radiation therapy care", "放射治疗护理管理", "管理放射治疗护理" ], "770617009": [ "Second diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and pertussis and tetanus immunization", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Haemophilus influenzae type b and Hepatitis B virus antigens", "Second diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and pertussis and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of second dose of diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and pertussis and tetanus vaccine", "Second diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and pertussis and tetanus immunisation", "注射第二剂仅含有百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌、乙型流感嗜血杆菌和乙型肝炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第二次白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙肝、百日咳和破伤风疫苗接种", "注射第二剂白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙肝、百日咳和破伤风疫苗", "第二次白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙肝、百日咳和破伤风免疫" ], "1293070008": [ "Plain X-ray of sphenoid sinus", "蝶窦普通 X 光检查" ], "13283003": [ "Tissue processing technique", "组织处理技术" ], "78819004": [ "Incision and drainage of tonsil and peritonsillar structures", "扁桃体及扁桃体周围结构的切开和引流" ], "62435005": [ "Patient referral for special care, aging problem", "Patient referral for special care, ageing problem", "特殊护理、老龄化问题患者转诊" ], "306360000": [ "Referral to community-based speech and language therapist", "Referral to community speech and language therapist", "转介至社区言语治疗师" ], "717795009": [ "Supervision of pregnancy with history of insufficient antenatal care", "产前护理不足导致的妊娠监护" ], "699576001": [ "Full thickness graft of skin to skin of hand", "手部全层皮肤移植" ], "439041000124103": [ "Dietary liquid consistency - spoon thick liquid", "膳食液体稠度 - 勺子浓稠液体" ], "386445000": [ "Sports injury prevention: youth", "Preventing youth sports injury", "运动损伤预防:青少年", "预防青少年运动损伤" ], "75149001": [ "Orbitotomy", "Incision of orbit", "眼眶切开术" ], "437761000124106": [ "Increased lysine diet", "增加赖氨酸饮食" ], "400994000": [ "Gonococcal swab", "淋球菌拭子" ], "288141009": [ "Fetal head - manual flexion", "Foetal head - manual flexion", "胎儿头部 - 手动屈曲" ], "171618002": [ "Excision of lesion of vagus nerve (X)", "迷走神经损伤切除术(X)" ], "433762002": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of external iliac artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of external iliac artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "髂外动脉造影及支架植入术" ], "417378009": [ "Inorganic salt level", "Inorganic salt measurement", "无机盐测量", "无机盐水平" ], "38711002": [ "Open reduction of closed clavicular fracture", "闭合性锁骨骨折切开复位" ], "87863003": [ "Repair of fascia with graft of muscle", "肌肉移植修复筋膜" ], "104247008": [ "Bacterial endotoxin measurement, tissue homogenization for culture", "Bacterial endotoxin measurement, tissue homogenisation for culture", "细菌内毒素测量、组织匀浆培养", "细菌内毒素测量、组织均质培养" ], "233484003": [ "Insertion of stent into arteriovenous fistula", "Stenting of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘支架置入术", "动静脉瘘置入支架" ], "20492004": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of femoropopliteal artery by leg incision", "经小腿切口股腘动脉导管取栓术" ], "118796004": [ "Procedure on pleural cavity", "胸腔手术" ], "1296609000": [ "Incision of urachal cyst", "脐尿管囊肿切开术" ], "708620009": [ "Repair of scrotum and tunica vaginalis", "阴囊及鞘膜修复" ], "231649004": [ "Medial rectus marginal myotomy", "内直肌边缘切开术" ], "442806002": [ "Excision of rectum with anastomosis of colon to anus and creation of colonic reservoir", "直肠切除、结肠与肛门吻合及结肠储液器建立" ], "180662008": [ "Harvest of nerve of head", "头部神经采集" ], "719499006": [ "Ethanol ablation using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided ethanol ablation", "透视引导下乙醇消融", "荧光透视引导乙醇消融" ], "306229002": [ "Referral for domiciliary visit", "Referral for DV", "DV - Domiciliary visit request", "家庭暴力转介", "转介家访", "DV--住所访问请求" ], "732213003": [ "Amputation of right lower limb", "右下肢截肢" ], "764981005": [ "Angiogram of left internal carotid artery", "Angiography of left internal carotid artery", "Arteriography of left internal carotid artery", "左颈内动脉血管造影", "左颈内动脉造影" ], "386314000": [ "Grief work facilitation: perinatal death", "悲伤工作促进:围产期死亡" ], "304394001": [ "Short wave diathermy to neck", "颈部短波透热疗法" ], "288010005": [ "Urethral removal of ureteric calculus", "输尿管结石尿道取石术" ], "1156362006": [ "Electrocardiogram with exercise test using Bruce protocol", "使用 Bruce 方案进行心电图和运动测试" ], "91402007": [ "Salabrasion", "萨拉磨削术" ], "1303818008": [ "Excision of malignant melanoma of left external ear", "左外耳恶性黑色素瘤切除术" ], "7647001": [ "Incision of salivary gland", "Sialoadenotomy", "涎腺切开术", "唾液腺切开术" ], "237023002": [ "Haultain's operation", "Haultain operation", "阿尔泰恩行动", "Haultain 的行动" ], "122335007": [ "Hepatitis B virus polymerase DNA assay", "Hepatitis B virus polymerase deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "乙肝病毒聚合酶脱氧核糖核酸检测", "乙肝病毒聚合酶 DNA 检测" ], "433631008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of dialysis fistula using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊透析瘘成形术" ], "431796001": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of mesenteric vein using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮肠系膜静脉血栓溶解术" ], "104116005": [ "Neutrophil count, automated, peritoneal fluid", "腹腔液中性粒细胞计数自动化" ], "5812006": [ "Laboratory reporting, fax", "实验室报告、传真" ], "87732007": [ "Revision of ocular implant", "眼部植入物修复" ], "235188008": [ "Partial fundoplication using abdominal approach", "采用腹部入路进行部分胃底折叠术" ], "54964008": [ "Chemiluminescence assay", "Chemiluminescence", "化学发光分析", "化学发光" ], "118665004": [ "Procedure on integumentary system", "皮肤系统手术" ], "397193006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty by rotoablation", "Rotary blade coronary angioplasty", "旋转刀片冠状动脉成形术", "经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术" ], "1263710002": [ "Revision of one component of hybrid reverse polarity prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint using cement", "骨水泥型混合型反极性肩关节假体单部件置换术" ], "737587001": [ "Education about lymphoedema care", "Education about lymphedema care", "淋巴水肿护理教育" ], "311603003": [ "Listening skills promotion therapy", "聆听技巧提升疗法" ], "16656451000119100": [ "Transcatheter biopsy", "经导管活检" ], "178696006": [ "Revision to skull traction stabilisation of spinal fracture", "Revision to skull traction stabilization of spinal fracture", "脊柱骨折颅骨牵引固定术的修订" ], "439005000": [ "Insertion of distraction device into posterior lumbar spinous process", "腰椎后棘突插入牵引装置" ], "702984009": [ "Fluoroscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and small bowel follow through", "上消化道及小肠荧光透视检查" ], "13021005": [ "Electron microscopy study, examination and report", "电子显微镜研究、检查及报告" ], "226013008": [ "Educating patient in reason for their specific care", "对患者进行合理具体的护理教育" ], "287879000": [ "Subtalar/triple arthrodesis", "距下/三关节融合术" ], "173191000": [ "Aspiration biopsy of lesion of lung", "肺病变穿刺活检" ], "306098008": [ "Referral by self", "Self-referral", "自我推荐" ], "74887003": [ "Alpha-n-acetylglucosaminidase measurement", "α-N-乙酰葡萄糖胺酶测定" ], "122204004": [ "Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus culture", "Beta-haemolytic Streptococcus culture", "β-溶血性链球菌培养", "乙型溶血性链球菌培养" ], "1285468005": [ "Fitting of orthodontic separator", "正畸分离器的安装" ], "415281000": [ "Refractive lensectomy", "屈光晶状体切除术" ], "236892008": [ "Removal of displaced intrauterine device from peritoneal cavity", "IUD - Removal of displaced intrauterine device from peritoneal cavity", "IUCD - Removal of displaced intrauterine contraceptive device from peritoneal cavity", "Removal of displaced intrauterine contraceptive device from peritoneal cavity", "从腹腔中取出移位的宫内节育器", "宫内节育器 - 从腹腔中取出移位的宫内节育器", "IUCD - 从腹腔中取出移位的宫内节育器" ], "171356009": [ "Boxing medical examination", "拳击体检" ], "431665001": [ "Computed tomography of hip with contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of hip with contrast", "CT of hip with contrast", "髋关节增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "髋关节增强计算机断层扫描", "髋部增强 CT" ], "300593004": [ "Removal of calculus from liver", "清除肝脏结石" ], "448049005": [ "Radionuclide cardiac first pass ventriculography", "放射性核素心脏首过心室造影" ], "103985005": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Rh system (ISBT 004)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Rh system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 004)", "鉴定 Rh 系统中的红细胞抗原抗体 (ISBT 004)", "鉴定 Rh 系统红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 004)" ], "52998000": [ "Pantalar arthrodesis", "Fusion of pantalar joint", "Pantalar 关节融合术", "踝关节融合术" ], "233222004": [ "Operation on the sinuses of Valsalva", "SOV - Sinus of Valsalva operations", "SOV - 瓦尔萨尔瓦窦手术", "瓦尔萨尔瓦鼻窦手术" ], "34779000": [ "Insertion of bone peg in femoral neck", "Albee Delbet operation", "阿尔比·德尔贝特行动", "股骨颈骨钉插入" ], "315142009": [ "Influenza A antibody level", "甲型流感抗体水平" ], "231387000": [ "Thoracic subdural neurolysis", "胸椎硬膜下神经松解术" ], "395227008": [ "Urine bisacodyl metabolites level", "Urine bisacodyl metabolites measurement", "尿液比沙可啶代谢物水平", "尿液比沙可啶代谢物测定" ], "176003": [ "Anastomosis of rectum", "Rectorectostomy", "直肠吻合术" ], "229552005": [ "Night splinting", "夜间夹板" ], "278704006": [ "Iliac fossa muscle cutting incision", "髂窝肌肉切割切开术" ], "16560008": [ "Neurolysis of carpal tunnel", "腕管神经松解术" ], "309637002": [ "Care of equipment by device", "Care of equipment categorized by device", "Care of equipment categorised by device", "按设备保养设备", "按设备分类的设备保养" ], "440709006": [ "Closed reduction of transcondylar fracture of humerus", "肱骨髁间骨折闭合复位" ], "391557008": [ "Platelet/neutrophil ratio", "血小板/中性粒细胞比率" ], "29274000": [ "Flow cytometry, cell cycle analysis", "Flow cytometry, S phase analysis", "DNA S phase analysis", "流式细胞术、S 期分析", "流式细胞术、细胞周期分析", "DNA S期分析" ], "225882001": [ "Parting from the deceased's body", "与死者遗体告别" ], "176730003": [ "Exploration of vagina", "阴道探查" ], "78426005": [ "Injection of mouth", "口腔注射" ], "11055001": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into facial nerve", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into facial nerve", "Local anaesthetic facial nerve block", "Local anesthetic facial nerve block", "Facial nerve block", "面神经注射麻醉剂", "面神经阻滞", "局部麻醉面神经阻滞" ], "305967003": [ "Referral from endocrinologist", "Referral by endocrinologist", "内分泌科医生转诊", "内分泌科医生的推荐" ], "58372006": [ "Endodontic endosseous implant", "Endosseous implantation into jaw", "牙髓内种植体", "颌骨内植入" ], "74756008": [ "Transplantation of gracilis muscle", "股薄肌移植" ], "122073000": [ "Plasmodium ovale antibody assay", "Measurement of Plasmodium ovale antibody", "卵形疟原虫抗体测定" ], "103854000": [ "Thromboglobulin measurement", "Beta thromboglobulin measurement", "Beta thromboglobulin level", "β血小板球蛋白水平", "血栓球蛋白测量", "β血小板球蛋白测量" ], "416985008": [ "Traction technique", "Soft tissue traction technique", "软组织牵引技术", "牵引技术" ], "234926002": [ "Removal of suture of floor of mouth", "拆除口底缝线" ], "89305009": [ "Abdominal paracentesis", "Abdominal tap", "Abdominocentesis", "Percutaneous abdominal paracentesis", "Peritoneocentesis", "Celiocentesis", "Peritoneocentesis, initial", "Aspiration of ascites", "Coeliocentesis", "Ascites tap", "Intraperitoneal fluid aspiration", "腹部穿刺", "腹膜穿刺术,初始", "腹水抽吸", "腹腔内液体抽吸", "腹水穿刺", "腹膜穿刺术", "腹腔穿刺术", "体腔穿刺术", "腹腔穿刺", "经皮腹腔穿刺" ], "431534004": [ "Radionuclide ablation therapy of thyroid using iodine 131", "碘131放射性核素消融治疗甲状腺" ], "710062007": [ "Managing impaired coping process", "Management of coping impairment", "管理受损的应对过程", "应对障碍的管理" ], "20099001": [ "Blood typing, ABO, Rho(D) and RBC antibody screening", "Blood typing, ABO, Rho(D) and red blood cell antibody screening", "血型、ABO、Rho(D) 和红细胞抗体筛查" ], "413315001": [ "Nutrition / feeding management", "营养/饲养管理" ], "265859004": [ "Patent ductus arteriosus operation", "Persistent ductus arteriosus operation", "Operation on the ductus arteriosus", "PDA - Patent ductus arteriosus operation", "Patent ductus arteriosus repair", "Operation on the arterial duct", "Repair of patent ductus arteriosus", "永存动脉导管手术", "动脉导管手术", "动脉导管未闭手术", "PDA - 动脉导管未闭手术", "动脉导管未闭修复" ], "233091008": [ "Left ventricular outflow tract myotomy", "左心室流出道肌切开术" ], "395096001": [ "Stereotactic radiotherapy", "立体定向放射治疗" ], "51032003": [ "Hospital admission, donor for transplant organ", "入院,器官移植捐赠者" ], "231256004": [ "Cervical subdural block", "颈部硬膜下阻滞" ], "1179693000": [ "Excisional biopsy of internal mammary sentinel lymph node", "内乳哨兵淋巴结切除活检" ], "262189000": [ "Strickland suture of tendon", "Strickland technique", "肌腱斯特里克兰缝合术", "Strickland 技术" ], "32813003": [ "Cytokine assay", "细胞因子检测" ], "229421006": [ "Mobilisation of the coccyx", "Mobilization of the coccyx", "尾骨活动" ], "702722000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of scapula with contrast", "MRI of scapula with contrast", "肩胛骨磁共振成像对比", "肩胛骨增强 MRI 检查" ], "719106001": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of anterior tibial artery with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of anterior tibial artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮胫前动脉腔内血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下经皮胫前动脉血管成形术" ], "440578004": [ "Photocoagulation of macular drusen", "黄斑视网膜黄斑硬化症光凝治疗" ], "112898004": [ "Closure of renal pyelostomy", "Closure of renal pelviostomy", "肾盂造口术缝合", "肾盂造口术" ], "391426006": [ "Bone marrow aspirate examination", "骨髓穿刺检查" ], "176599002": [ "Partial vulvectomy", "部分外阴切除术" ], "61911006": [ "Blood gases, venous measurement", "血气、静脉测量" ], "717271008": [ "Assessment using Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic Interview", "Assessment using 3di (Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic Interview)", "使用 3di(发展、维度和诊断访谈)进行评估", "使用发展性、维度性和诊断性访谈进行评估" ], "1256108000": [ "Referral for ecotherapy", "生态疗法转诊" ], "699052004": [ "Full thickness autograft of skin to skin", "全层自体皮肤移植" ], "385921001": [ "Pressure ulcer Stage 2 care education", "Teach pressure ulcer Stage 2 care", "Education about care of pressure injury stage II", "压力性损伤Ⅱ期护理教育", "教导压疮 2 期护理", "压疮第二期护理教育" ], "713601002": [ "Fluoroscopy guided measurement of pulp pressure of spleen", "Measurement of pulp pressure of spleen using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下脾髓压测量", "透视引导下脾脏髓腔压力测量" ], "25473003": [ "Partial colpectomy", "Partial excision of vagina", "部分阴道切除术", "阴道部分切除术" ], "271233002": [ "Serum acid phosphatase measurement", "Serum acid phosphatase level", "SAP - Serum acid phosphatase", "SAP-- 血清酸性磷酸酶", "血清酸性磷酸酶水平", "血清酸性磷酸酶测定" ], "172929003": [ "Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - postoperative suction clearance under local anesthetic", "Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - postoperative suction clearance under local anaesthetic", "功能性内镜鼻窦手术-局部麻醉下术后吸鼻清除" ], "74625006": [ "Repair of supracristal defect with prosthesis", "假体修复嵴上部缺损" ], "285782001": [ "Binocular convergence exercises", "双眼会聚练习" ], "449622002": [ "Transplantation of tissue of upper limb", "上肢组织移植" ], "23638006": [ "Electrocardiogram with maximal exercise test", "最大运动试验心电图" ], "433238008": [ "Percutaneous injection of sclerosing agent into long saphenous vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous injection of sclerosing agent into long saphenous vein with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮长隐静脉注射硬化剂", "透视引导下经皮长隐静脉注射造影剂" ], "234795003": [ "Cementation of temporary bridge to tooth", "将临时牙桥粘接到牙齿上" ], "103723005": [ "Angioscopy", "血管镜检查" ], "447787008": [ "Conversion from previous anastomosis of stomach to jejunum", "胃与空肠吻合术的转换" ], "5419008": [ "Lysis of adhesions of tendon of hand", "Tendolysis of hand", "Tenolysis of hand", "手部肌腱松解症", "手腱松解术", "手部肌腱粘连松解术" ], "36352003": [ "Complement receptor measurement", "补体受体测量" ], "444117000": [ "Division of descending vertical vein", "降部垂直静脉分支" ], "232960008": [ "Transluminal removal of aortic pulsation balloon", "Transluminal removal of aortic balloon pump", "主动脉搏动球囊腔内移除术", "主动脉球囊泵腔内移除术" ], "265728008": [ "Surgical manipulation of the thoracic spine", "Surgical manipulation of thoracic spine", "胸椎手术操作" ], "231125003": [ "Deep cervical plexus block", "深颈丛阻滞" ], "18133004": [ "Child operation, radical subtotal pancreatectomy", "儿童手术、根治性胰腺次全切除术" ], "180138002": [ "Correction of congenital vertical talus", "先天性垂直距骨的矫正" ], "868266002": [ "Administration of second dose of diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus vaccine", "Second diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus immunisation", "Second diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus immunization", "Second diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Human poliovirus antigens", "注射第二剂仅含有破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "接种第二剂白喉、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "第二次白喉、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "第二次白喉、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫" ], "229290003": [ "Apical expansion exercises", "根尖扩张练习" ], "16298007": [ "Rate measurement", "速率测量" ], "440447000": [ "Insertion of peripherally inserted central catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Peripherally inserted central catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下插入外周中心静脉导管", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导外周插入中心静脉导管" ], "473215001": [ "Suture plication of artery for control of gastric ulcer haemorrhage", "Suture plication of artery for control of bleeding stomach ulcer", "Suture plication of artery for control of gastric ulcer hemorrhage", "动脉缝合折叠术治疗胃溃疡出血", "动脉缝合折叠术控制胃溃疡出血" ], "360362007": [ "Suture of laceration of perineum", "会阴裂伤缝合" ], "407679003": [ "Serum macroprolactin level", "Serum macroprolactin measurement", "血清大催乳素测定", "血清大催乳素水平" ], "178303003": [ "Excision or biopsy of scalene lymph node", "斜角淋巴结切除或活检" ], "1290580004": [ "Plain X-ray of entire clavicle", "Plain X-ray of clavicle, complete", "锁骨完整普通 X 光检查", "整个锁骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "225620009": [ "Cleaning orbital prosthesis", "清洁眼眶假体" ], "715305003": [ "Assessment using Pyramids and Palm Trees Test", "Assessment using PPT (Pyramids and Palm Trees Test)", "使用金字塔和棕榈树测试进行评估", "使用 PPT(金字塔和棕榈树测试)进行评估" ], "387625006": [ "Referral by optometrist", "验光师转介" ], "385790000": [ "Injection administration education", "Teach injection administration", "教授注射给药", "注射给药教育" ], "303870001": [ "Radionuclide male genital system study", "放射性核素男性生殖系统研究" ], "287486001": [ "Endoscopic ureter biopsy", "内镜输尿管活检" ], "433107002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of graft using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of graft with contrast", "使用荧光造影剂引导的经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术" ], "56275003": [ "Suture ligation", "缝合结扎" ], "39891004": [ "Injection of thoracic and abdominal artery", "胸腹动脉注射" ], "203731004": [ "Bacterial endotoxin measurement, biological method", "细菌内毒素测定,生物法" ], "252883004": [ "Dunlop test", "邓禄普测试" ], "1268691006": [ "Assistance with application for vocational rehabilitation programme", "Assistance with application for vocational rehabilitation program", "协助申请职业康复计划" ], "416723008": [ "Osteopathic manipulation, exaggeration method", "整骨手法、夸张手法" ], "121811008": [ "Methylsuccinate measurement", "甲基琥珀酸测量" ], "398504002": [ "Cytomegalovirus early antigen assay", "Cytomegalovirus early antigen level", "巨细胞病毒早期抗原水平", "巨细胞病毒早期抗原检测" ], "1119400004": [ "Reimplantation of right ureter using Politano Leadbetter technique", "采用 Politano Leadbetter 技术进行右侧输尿管再植" ], "119976005": [ "Thymus reconstruction", "胸腺重建" ], "413053002": [ "Retinol binding protein excretion measurement", "Retinol binding protein excretion", "视黄醇结合蛋白排泄测量", "视黄醇结合蛋白排泄" ], "118141003": [ "Thyroid colloidal antibody assay", "Measurement of thyroid colloid antibody", "甲状腺胶体抗体测定" ], "445821003": [ "Assessment using comprehensive occupational therapy evaluation scale", "采用综合职业治疗评估量表进行评估" ], "1279570000": [ "Closure of atrioventricular canal defect with surgical patch and repair of cleft of mitral valve", "Closure of endocardial cushion defect with surgical patch and repair of cleft of mitral valve", "Closure of defect of atrioventricular septum with surgical patch and repair of cleft of mitral valve", "用外科补片封闭房室隔缺损并修补二尖瓣裂隙", "用外科补片封闭心内膜垫缺损并修补二尖瓣裂隙", "用外科补片封闭房室管缺损并修补二尖瓣裂隙" ], "232829009": [ "Excision of vegetations from implanted aortic valve", "切除植入的主动脉瓣赘生物" ], "230994001": [ "Evacuation of spinal intradural extramedullary abscess", "脊椎硬膜内髓外脓肿清除术" ], "265597008": [ "Implantation of bulbar urethral prosthesis for incontinence", "Insertion of prosthesis for compression of bulb of male urethra", "球部尿道假体植入术治疗尿失禁", "插入假体压迫男性尿道球" ], "443986005": [ "Quantitative measurement of pH in capillary blood specimen", "毛细血管血液标本pH值的定量测定" ], "83538007": [ "Aneurysmectomy of aortic arch with anastomosis", "主动脉弓动脉瘤切除吻合术" ], "425767004": [ "Seed implantation into prostate", "Implantation of radioactive seed into prostate", "将放射性粒子植入前列腺", "种子植入前列腺" ], "229159007": [ "Toes, ankles and quadriceps exercises", "TAQs - Toes, ankles and quadriceps exercises", "脚趾、脚踝和股四头肌锻炼", "TAQ - 脚趾、脚踝和股四头肌锻炼" ], "391164001": [ "Urine phencyclidine screening test", "尿液苯环利定筛查试验" ], "440316005": [ "Open reduction and internal fixation of fracture of calcaneum with autogenous bone graft", "跟骨骨折切开复位自体骨移植内固定术" ], "702460008": [ "Biopsy of lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of lower limb", "透视引导下肢活检", "荧光透视引导下下肢活检" ], "405713000": [ "Excision of denture irritation hyperplasia", "义齿刺激增生切除术" ], "78033000": [ "Lysis of periureteral adhesions", "输尿管周围粘连松解术" ], "176337003": [ "Reconstruction by urethra-meatal advancement", "Chinese hypospadias repair", "中国人尿道下裂修复术", "尿道口推进重建" ], "1290449007": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of foot", "足部骨骼的普通 X 光检查" ], "445291000124103": [ "Nutrition-related skill education", "营养相关技能教育" ], "172667002": [ "Plug myringoplasty", "鼓膜塞成形术" ], "238203006": [ "Repair of paracolostomy hernia", "Repair of pericolostomy hernia", "结肠造口周围疝的修补", "结肠造口旁疝修补术" ], "121680000": [ "Resperine measurement", "赖氨酸测量" ], "88912001": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on arteries of forearm, wrist and hand", "Anaesthesia for procedure on arteries of forearm, wrist and hand", "前臂、腕部及手部动脉手术麻醉" ], "72528001": [ "Implantation of custodis eye", "眼球植入术" ], "252752005": [ "Concentric needle electromyography", "CNE - Concentric needle electromyography", "EMG CNE - Concentric needle electromyography", "CNE-- 同心针肌电图", "EMG CNE - 同心针肌电图", "同心针肌电图" ], "105296006": [ "Phentermine measurement", "芬特明测量" ], "447525000": [ "Radionuclide electrocardiography gated myocardial perfusion rest study using technetium (99m-Tc) tetrofosmin", "使用锝(99m-Tc)替曲膦进行放射性核素心电图门控心肌灌注静息研究" ], "711504009": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt stent", "Doppler ultrasound of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt stent", "经颈静脉肝内门体分流术支架的多普勒超声检查" ], "119845003": [ "Skin of trunk repair", "躯干皮肤修复" ], "168997003": [ "Fluoroscopy - brain", "脑透视检查" ], "185381007": [ "Repeat medication check", "重复药物检查" ], "724218001": [ "X-ray tomography of left lower limb", "左下肢X射线断层扫描" ], "118010002": [ "Picornavirus identification", "小核糖核酸病毒鉴定" ], "314618003": [ "On table abdominal ultrasound examination", "Operative abdominal ultrasound examination", "手术腹部超声检查", "腹部超声检查" ], "232698006": [ "Airway toilet", "气道厕所" ], "183546007": [ "Neurosurgical referral", "Referral to neurosurgical service", "转诊至神经外科服务", "神经外科转诊" ], "265466007": [ "Heart wall, septum and chamber operations", "心壁、心隔和心腔手术" ], "394703002": [ "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease annual review", "慢性阻塞性肺病年度回顾" ], "116175006": [ "Proximal subtotal gastrectomy", "Proximal gastrectomy", "近端胃大部分切除术", "近端胃切除术" ], "179876007": [ "Primary arthroscopic prosthetic ligament augmentation", "初次关节镜下假体韧带增强术" ], "391033001": [ "Refer to osteoporosis specialist", "咨询骨质疏松症专家" ], "30585001": [ "Common duct stone analysis", "胆管结石分析" ], "14201006": [ "Coronary angioplasty by open chest approach", "Open angioplasty of coronary artery", "冠状动脉开放血管成形术", "开胸入路冠状动脉成形术" ], "241742000": [ "Room temperature increased", "Ambient temperature increased", "室温升高", "环境温度升高" ], "274510000": [ "Control of haemorrhage of prostate", "Control of hemorrhage of prostate", "前列腺出血的控制", "控制前列腺出血" ], "438350002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon test occlusion of vertebral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内球囊试验闭塞椎动脉(荧光造影引导)" ], "700494002": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal balloon occlusion of vertebral artery with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal balloon occlusion of vertebral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "透视引导下经皮腔内球囊阻断椎动脉", "经皮腔内球囊阻断椎动脉" ], "77902002": [ "Vaginal hysterectomy with partial colpectomy", "阴道子宫切除术及部分阴道切除术" ], "716878000": [ "Assessment using Macmillan Readers Level Test", "使用麦克米伦读者水平测试进行评估" ], "225358003": [ "Wound care", "Administers care to wound sites", "伤口护理", "护理伤口部位" ], "61518007": [ "Echography, A-mode", "超声心动图,A 型" ], "28750009": [ "Open reduction of congenital hip dislocation with femoral shaft shortening", "先天性髋关节脱位合并股骨干缩短的切开复位术" ], "420131003": [ "Fluoroscopic mammary ductography", "Fluoroscopic mammary ductogram", "乳腺导管荧光透视造影", "乳腺导管透视造影" ], "239907008": [ "Digital exploration", "数字探索" ], "418296000": [ "US scan of female genital tract", "Ultrasound scan of female genital tract", "女性生殖道超声扫描" ], "713208002": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of superior vena cava", "Doppler ultrasound scan of superior vena cava", "上腔静脉多普勒超声扫描", "上腔静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "72397000": [ "Ergonovine provocation test", "麦角新碱激发试验" ], "121549000": [ "Dimenhydrinate measurement", "茶苯海明测定" ], "252621002": [ "Frequency following response measurement", "SSEP - Steady state evoked potential measurement", "40 Hz response evoked potential measurement", "FFR - Frequency following response measurement", "SSEP-稳态诱发电位测量", "频率跟随响应测量", "40 Hz 反应诱发电位测量", "FFR——频率跟随响应测量" ], "449229004": [ "Therapeutic suctioning of trachea via tracheostomy", "经气管切开术进行治疗性气管抽吸" ], "236237005": [ "Cystoscopy and blind litholapaxy", "膀胱镜检查和盲法放疗" ], "105165009": [ "Dimethyltryptamine measurement", "二甲基色胺测量" ], "432845009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of cardiac valvular function", "Magnetic resonance imaging of cardiac valvular function", "MRI of cardiac valvular function", "心脏瓣膜功能的磁共振成像", "心脏瓣膜功能的磁共振成像(MRI)", "心脏瓣膜功能的 MRI" ], "232567000": [ "Excision of epidermoid cyst of vocal fold", "Excision of epidermoid cyst of vocal cord", "声带表皮样囊肿切除术" ], "134263004": [ "HTLV 2 antibody level", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 2 antibody level", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus 2 antibody level", "人类 T 淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 2 抗体水平", "人类T细胞淋巴细胞病毒2型抗体水平", "HTLV 2 抗体水平" ], "724087007": [ "X-ray tomography of left upper limb", "X-ray tomography of left upper extremity", "左上肢 X 射线断层扫描", "左上肢X射线断层扫描" ], "117879007": [ "Streptococcal DNAse B antibody assay", "Measurement of streptococcal deoxyribonuclease B antibody", "链球菌脱氧核糖核酸酶B抗体的测定", "链球菌 DNA 酶 B 抗体检测" ], "314487008": [ "Anterior mesh vaginal repair", "阴道前网片修复术" ], "85111008": [ "Incision of scrotum", "Scrototomy", "Scrotal incision", "阴囊切开", "阴囊切开术" ], "165196007": [ "Procedures related to diagnosis", "诊断相关程序" ], "310817000": [ "TRMT - Transrectal microwave thermotherapy", "Transrectal microwave thermotherapy to prostate", "TRMT - 经直肠微波热疗", "经直肠前列腺微波热疗" ], "15905001": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of celiac artery by abdominal incision", "Embolectomy with catheter of coeliac artery by abdominal incision", "经腹部切口腹腔动脉导管取栓术" ], "359969002": [ "Pleural abrasion", "胸膜擦伤" ], "32289004": [ "Brain imaging with vascular flow", "血管流脑成像" ], "179745009": [ "Revision prosthetic replacement extra-articular ligament", "修复假体置换关节外韧带" ], "440054002": [ "Mechanical construction", "机械结构" ], "718582003": [ "Assessment using Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Benzodiazepines scale", "Assessment using CIWA-B (Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Benzodiazepines) scale", "使用 CIWA-B(苯二氮卓类药物临床戒断评估)量表进行评估", "使用临床研究所苯二氮卓类药物戒断评估量表进行评估" ], "866038007": [ "Specimen dispatch", "标本派送" ], "225227001": [ "Positive reinforcement approach", "Positive reinforcement", "Reinforcement of positive behavior", "Reinforcement of positive behaviour", "强化积极行为", "积极强化", "积极强化方法" ], "241611001": [ "MRI of salivary glands", "Magnetic resonance imaging of salivary glands", "唾液腺 MRI", "唾液腺磁共振成像" ], "896971002": [ "Oncolytic viral therapy", "Oncolytic virotherapy", "Oncolytic virus therapy", "溶瘤病毒治疗", "溶瘤病毒疗法" ], "405451004": [ "Profundaplasty with vein", "深静脉成形术" ], "389067005": [ "Community health procedure", "社区卫生程序" ], "274379005": [ "Intestinal scope-stomal", "Intestinal endoscopy via stoma", "肠镜-造口", "经造口肠镜检查" ], "176075006": [ "Ureteroscopic dilatation of ureter", "Endoscopic dilatation of ureter", "Endoscopic dilation of ureter", "Ureteroscopic dilation of ureter", "输尿管镜输尿管扩张术", "内镜输尿管扩张术" ], "174240003": [ "Proctectomy and anastomosis of colon to anus", "Abdominoperineal pull-through and proctectomy", "直肠切除及结肠肛门吻合术", "腹会阴牵引直肠切除术" ], "370848006": [ "Provides pain management instruction", "Pain management education", "提供疼痛管理指导", "疼痛管理教育" ], "75936007": [ "Charnley operation on ankle", "踝关节 Charnley 手术" ], "713077000": [ "Fluoroscopy guided removal of automatic cardiac defibrillator", "Removal of automatic cardiac defibrillator using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下移除自动心脏除颤器", "透视引导下移除自动心脏除颤器" ], "305312009": [ "Admission by ophthalmologist", "眼科医生确认" ], "172405003": [ "Superficial keratectomy", "浅表角膜切除术" ], "41333006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of lumbar spine with contrast", "MRI of lumbar spine with contrast", "腰椎增强磁共振成像", "腰椎增强 MRI 检查" ], "105034002": [ "Xylose measurement", "D-Xylose level", "D-Xylose measurement", "D-木糖测量", "木糖测量", "D-木糖水平" ], "252490003": [ "Body plethysmography - interruptor technique", "体容积描记法-中断器技术" ], "121418007": [ "Oxybutynin measurement", "奥昔布宁测量" ], "4895001": [ "Construction of sigmoid bladder", "Replacement of bladder with sigmoid", "Construction of sigmoid urinary bladder", "乙状结肠膀胱的构造", "乙状结肠置换膀胱" ], "1217311004": [ "Biopsy of bile duct using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided biopsy of bile duct", "Biopsy of bile duct using endoscopic ultrasound guidance", "内镜超声引导下胆管活检" ], "709407005": [ "Fusion of sacroiliac joint by anterior approach using instrumentation", "前入路骶髂关节融合术" ], "234271004": [ "Biopsy of axillary lymph node", "腋窝淋巴结活检" ], "447263007": [ "Drainage of pelvis by transvaginal approach using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下经阴道引流盆腔" ], "250655007": [ "Midnight cortisol measurement", "Midnight cortisol level", "午夜皮质醇测量", "午夜皮质醇水平" ], "119583009": [ "Trunk excision", "躯干切除" ], "117748001": [ "HIV 1 DNA assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus 1 deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型脱氧核糖核酸测定", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 脱氧核糖核酸检测", "HIV 1 DNA 检测" ], "609268003": [ "Open repair of obstructed femoral hernia with prosthesis", "开放式假体修复阻塞性股疝" ], "445428001": [ "Person centered counseling", "Person centered counselling", "Person centred counselling", "以人为本的咨询" ], "281588005": [ "Vascular cannula insertion", "血管插管" ], "183284000": [ "Oral rehabilitation", "口腔康复" ], "68596000": [ "Radical resection of tumor of soft tissue of elbow area", "Radical resection of tumour of soft tissue of elbow area", "肘部软组织肿瘤根治术" ], "166900001": [ "Glucometer blood sugar", "Glucometer blood glucose", "血糖仪血糖" ], "265204005": [ "Partial synovectomy", "Subtotal synovectomy", "Partial synovectomy of joint", "关节部分滑膜切除术", "部分滑膜切除术", "滑膜次全切除术" ], "3060007": [ "Forequarter amputation, right", "右前肢截肢" ], "179614003": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture dislocation and functional bracing", "骨折脱位的初次切开复位及功能性支撑" ], "736670004": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of facial tumor with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of neoplasm of face using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of facial tumour with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of neoplasm of face using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮面部肿瘤造影栓塞术", "面部肿瘤经皮栓塞术(荧光造影引导)" ], "15774007": [ "Maxillary sinus endoscopy with removal of mucous membrane and polyps", "上颌窦内窥镜检查及黏膜、息肉切除" ], "177779000": [ "Repair of previous incision of chest wall with distant flap", "利用远端皮瓣修复先前的胸壁切口" ], "408990008": [ "Child care assessment", "Assess child care", "评估儿童保育", "幼儿保育评估" ], "64926009": [ "Release of tenosynovitis", "腱鞘炎的缓解" ], "63091003": [ "Secondary sialodochoplasty", "继发性涎管成形术" ], "718451004": [ "Vascular system care management", "Management of vascular system care", "血管系统护理管理" ], "241480000": [ "US scan of adrenals", "Ultrasound scan of adrenals", "肾上腺超声扫描" ], "405320005": [ "Repair of common femoral vein", "股总静脉修复" ], "225096008": [ "Rectal stump washout via rectum", "经直肠冲洗直肠残端" ], "1290056009": [ "Conversion from cemented hybrid prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint", "肩关节骨水泥混合假体置换术" ], "59421006": [ "Nasoenteric tube aspiration", "鼻肠管抽吸" ], "239645007": [ "Application of suspended pelvic slings", "骨盆吊带的应用" ], "450802002": [ "Photodestruction of lesion of skin of head", "头部皮肤损伤光毁损术" ], "41202006": [ "Embolectomy of upper limb artery", "上肢动脉栓塞切除术" ], "711111002": [ "Reporting implantable device", "Informing health care professional of presence of implant device", "报告植入式设备", "告知医疗保健专业人员植入装置的存在" ], "432583003": [ "Embolisation of ovarian vein", "Embolization of ovarian vein", "卵巢静脉栓塞", "卵巢静脉栓塞术" ], "252359004": [ "K562 Cell line killing assay", "K562细胞系杀伤试验" ], "104903006": [ "Protein kinase measurement", "蛋白激酶测量" ], "121287007": [ "3-Hydroxyadipate measurement", "3-羟基己二酸测量" ], "399815008": [ "Gf9 specific IgG antibody measurement", "Oryza sativa specific IgG antibody measurement", "Oryza sativa specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "Rice specific IgG antibody measurement", "水稻特异性 IgG 抗体测定", "水稻特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定", "Gf9 特异性 IgG 抗体测量" ], "416199008": [ "Removal of releasable trabeculectomy suture", "拆除可松解的小梁切除术缝线" ], "184988003": [ "Court attend for solicitor", "Attend court for solicitor", "律师出庭", "代表律师出庭" ], "4764004": [ "Jet ventilation procedure", "喷射通气程序" ], "250524008": [ "Methylene blue reduction", "Methylene blue reduction test", "Methylthioninium chloride reduction", "亚甲蓝还原", "亚甲蓝还原试验" ], "53916009": [ "Insertion of cordis cannula into abdomen", "将心脏插管插入腹部" ], "117617002": [ "Immunohistochemistry procedure", "免疫组织化学步骤" ], "609137005": [ "Revision of internal fixation of tarsal bone", "跗骨内固定术修复" ], "443462004": [ "Percutaneous embolization of fibroid of uterus using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of fibroid of uterus using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolization of fibroid of uterus with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolisation of fibroid of uterus with contrast", "透视引导下子宫肌瘤造影栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮子宫肌瘤栓塞术", "经皮子宫肌瘤栓塞术(荧光造影引导)" ], "1295430005": [ "Postmortem plain X-ray skeletal survey", "Postmortem plain X-ray survey of entire skeleton", "尸检X光骨骼检查", "尸检后对整个骨骼进行 X 射线普通检查" ], "17478007": [ "Repair of pancreatic fistula", "Closure of pancreatic fistula", "胰瘘缝合", "胰瘘修复" ], "392475005": [ "Latex specific IgE antibody measurement", "Hevea brasiliensis specific IgE antibody measurement", "k82 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Hevea brasiliensis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "巴西橡胶树特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "巴西橡胶树特异性IgE抗体测定", "k82特异性IgE抗体测量", "乳胶特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "81179008": [ "Fiberoptic ileoscopy through stoma with biopsy", "Fibreoptic ileoscopy through stoma with biopsy", "经造口进行纤维回肠镜活检", "经造口进行纤维回肠镜检查并进行活检" ], "228635009": [ "Manual handling education", "手动操作教育" ], "439792001": [ "Administration of radiopharmaceutical agent via intraarticular route", "通过关节内途径给予放射性药剂" ], "718320005": [ "Assessment using 28-item General Health Questionnaire", "Assessment using GHQ-28 (General Health Questionnaire 28)", "使用 GHQ-28(一般健康问卷 28)进行评估", "使用 28 项一般健康问卷进行评估" ], "243184006": [ "Ventilation with self-reflating bag", "Ventilation with self-inflating bag", "自充气袋通气", "自膨胀气囊通气" ], "11973000": [ "Excision of accessory spleen", "Excision of ectopic spleen", "Accessory splenectomy", "辅助脾切除术", "副脾切除术", "异位脾脏切除术" ], "308720009": [ "Letter encounter", "书信邂逅" ], "306885003": [ "Microwave diathermy to hip", "臀部微波透热疗法" ], "388805006": [ "Euroglyphus maynei specific IgE antibody measurement", "d74 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Euroglyphus maynei specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "梅氏扁虱特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "d74 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "梅氏扁虱特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "241349006": [ "Radionuclide first pass spleen study", "放射性核素首过脾脏研究" ], "61125008": [ "Aortofemoral-popliteal artery in-situ vein bypass graft", "主动脉股动脉-腘动脉原位静脉旁路移植术" ], "700101007": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of pulmonary vein with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of pulmonary vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮肺静脉腔内血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下经皮肺静脉腔内血管成形术" ], "75674002": [ "Suction assisted lipectomy of lower extremity", "Liposuction of lower extremity", "下肢抽脂术", "下肢吸脂术" ], "59290003": [ "Anesthesia for transabdominal repair of diaphragmatic hernia", "Anaesthesia for transabdominal repair of diaphragmatic hernia", "经腹膈疝修补术的麻醉" ], "239514004": [ "Prosthetic arthroplasty of the interphalangeal joint of hallux", "拇趾间关节假体置换术" ], "450671005": [ "Debridement of soft tissue", "软组织清创" ], "712815006": [ "Endoscopic closure of fistula of small intestine", "内镜小肠瘘缝合术" ], "710980000": [ "Preventing cross infection", "Prevention of cross infection", "预防交叉感染" ], "792900002": [ "Assessment for breast reconstruction", "乳房重建评估" ], "399684003": [ "Development of care plan", "制定护理计划" ], "252228004": [ "Slow calcium infusion test", "缓慢钙输注试验" ], "39236004": [ "Microbial identification kit conventional method", "微生物鉴定试剂盒常规方法" ], "55620009": [ "Plombage of lung", "肺充血" ], "447001002": [ "Falloposcopy", "Inspection of fallopian tube via transvaginal approach using microendoscope", "经阴道显微内窥镜输卵管检查", "输卵管镜检查" ], "104772009": [ "Lactate/pyruvate ratio measurement", "Lactate/pyruvate ratio", "乳酸/丙酮酸比率", "乳酸/丙酮酸比率测量" ], "86553008": [ "Immunosuppressive therapy", "Immunosuppression", "免疫抑制治疗", "免疫抑制" ], "232174000": [ "Mastoid marginectomy", "乳突边缘切除术" ], "133870002": [ "Repair of ileorectal fistula", "Closure of ileorectal fistula", "回肠直肠瘘闭合", "回肠直肠瘘的修复" ], "314094003": [ "Lupus anticoagulant screening test", "狼疮抗凝物筛查试验" ], "1231598005": [ "Posterolateral rotatory drawer test", "Posterolateral rotatory drawer test of elbow", "后侧旋转抽屉试验", "肘部后外旋抽屉试验" ], "410563000": [ "Periocular steroid injection", "眼周类固醇注射" ], "164803000": [ "Pad test for incontinence", "尿失禁垫测试" ], "443331002": [ "Le Fort I osteotomy of maxilla into three segments with grafting of bone", "上颌骨 Le Fort I 截骨术,分为三段并进行骨移植" ], "1196995003": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of wrist joint", "Percutaneous drainage of joint of wrist using imaging guidance", "影像引导下腕关节经皮穿刺引流", "影像引导下腕关节经皮引流" ], "392344002": [ "Acacia longifolia specific IgE antibody measurement", "t19 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Acacia longifolia specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "长叶金合欢特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "长叶相思树特异性IgE抗体测定", "t19 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "310424006": [ "New patient screening invitation", "新患者筛查邀请" ], "81048007": [ "Abbott-Saunders test", "Abbott-Saunders 测试" ], "767341000": [ "Left total scrotal orchidectomy", "Excision of entire left testis by scrotal approach", "Left total scrotal orchiectomy", "左侧阴囊全睾丸切除术", "经阴囊入路切除整个左侧睾丸", "左侧阴囊睾丸全切除术" ], "179352009": [ "Conversion to uncemented total knee replacement", "转换为非骨水泥全膝关节置换术" ], "406893002": [ "Methyl blue stain method", "Methyl blue stain", "甲基蓝染色", "亚甲基蓝染色法" ], "13677008": [ "Urine specimen collection, closed drainage", "尿液标本采集、闭式引流" ], "275821008": [ "Referral of child", "儿童转介" ], "11842003": [ "Rocky Mountain spotted fever vaccination", "落基山斑疹热疫苗接种" ], "241218003": [ "Common carotid arteriogram", "Angiography of common carotid artery", "Arteriography of common carotid artery", "颈总动脉造影" ], "108311000": [ "Psychiatric procedure, interview AND/OR consultation", "精神病学程序、访谈和/或咨询" ], "421442008": [ "Fogging", "Subjective refraction by fogging technique", "雾化技术进行主观验光", "雾化" ], "388674009": [ "Lens esculenta specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf235 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lentil specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lens esculenta specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "扁豆特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "蓝藻特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf235 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "蓝藻特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "239383003": [ "P/R - Removal of pack from maxilla", "Removal of pack from maxilla", "取出上颌骨上的包块", "P/R - 取出上颌骨上的包" ], "42775008": [ "Intersex surgery, female to male", "Combined operation for transformation from female to male", "双性人手术,女性变男性", "女变男联合手术" ], "172012004": [ "Transcervical thymectomy", "经宫颈胸腺切除术" ], "303084005": [ "Mobilisation of the superior radioulnar joint", "Mobilization of the superior radioulnar joint", "上桡尺关节的活动" ], "1220588004": [ "Ultrasound scan of bilateral testes", "Ultrasound of bilateral testes", "Ultrasonography of bilateral testes", "Ultrasonography of both testes", "双侧睾丸超声扫描", "双侧睾丸超声检查" ], "1236972005": [ "Disinfection of skin", "皮肤消毒" ], "268481000": [ "Child health care", "Child care", "儿童保健", "儿童保育" ], "6337001": [ "Ligation of aortic arch", "主动脉弓结扎" ], "104641002": [ "2,3-diphosphoglycerate measurement", "2,3-二磷酸甘油酸测量" ], "57324007": [ "Restoration, crown, resin with predominantly base metal", "修复体,牙冠,树脂,主要为贱金属" ], "88257000": [ "Alpha-mannosidase measurement", "α-甘露糖苷酶测量" ], "710849009": [ "Assessment of exercise behaviour", "Assessment of exercise behavior", "运动行为评估" ], "117355001": [ "Blood cell count, manual", "血细胞计数,手动" ], "608875004": [ "Removal of implant from humerus", "从肱骨取出植入物" ], "35435005": [ "Antibody absorption, RBC, cold with autoabsorption", "Antibody absorption, red blood cell, cold with autoabsorption", "抗体吸收,红细胞,冷自吸收", "抗体吸收、红细胞、冷自吸收" ], "363115007": [ "Exploration of eye", "眼睛探索" ], "313963009": [ "Plasma etiocholanolone measurement", "Plasma aetiocholanolone level", "Plasma etiocholanolone level", "Plasma aetiocholanolone measurement", "血浆乙酰胆烷醇酮测定", "血浆胆烷醇酮水平", "血浆乙胆烷醇酮测定", "血浆乙胆烷醇酮水平" ], "719893002": [ "Computed tomography of ventricle of brain", "Computed tomography of cerebral ventricle", "CT cerebral ventriculogram", "CT cerebral ventriculography", "CT of ventricle of brain", "脑室CT", "CT脑室造影", "脑室计算机断层扫描" ], "392213008": [ "Sphenoid sinusotomy", "Sphenoidotomy", "Exploration of sphenoid sinus", "蝶窦切开术", "蝶窦探查" ], "439530005": [ "Percutaneous intradiscal annuloplasty using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮椎间盘瓣环成形术" ], "177386005": [ "Reconstruction using distant pedicle axial pattern skin flap", "Reconstruction with distant pedicle axial pattern skin flap", "Reconstruction using distant pedicle axial pattern cutaneous flap", "远距离带蒂轴型皮瓣修复" ], "308458007": [ "Referral to diabetic liaison nurse", "转诊至糖尿病联络护士" ], "388543000": [ "Camellia sinensis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Tea specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf222 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Camellia sinensis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "茶特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rf222特异性IgE抗体测量", "茶树特异性IgE抗体测定", "茶树特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "44479004": [ "Biopsy of skin of hindfoot", "后足皮肤活检" ], "306623005": [ "Discharge from podiatry service", "Discharge from chiropody service", "足病治疗服务出院", "足病治疗服务终止" ], "699839005": [ "Provision of written information about lower gastrointestinal tract endoscopy", "提供有关下消化道内窥镜检查的书面信息" ], "880063008": [ "Administration of sedative via nasal route", "Administration of intranasal sedation", "鼻腔内镇静给药", "通过鼻腔途径给予镇静剂" ], "173716004": [ "Total gastrectomy and anastomosis of esophagus to transposed jejunum", "Total gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y oesophagojejunal anastomosis", "Total gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y esophagojejunal anastomosis", "Total gastrectomy and anastomosis of oesophagus to transposed jejunum", "全胃切除及食管与转位空肠吻合术", "全胃切除及食管转位空肠吻合术", "全胃切除术和 Roux-en-Y 食管空肠吻合术" ], "108180004": [ "Mediastinum excision", "纵隔切除术" ], "239252004": [ "Tenotomy of extensor hallucis longus", "EHL - Tenotomy of extensor hallucis longus", "EHL - 拇长伸肌腱切断术", "拇长伸肌腱切断术" ], "1156756004": [ "Exploration of tympanic cavity", "鼓室探查" ], "237417003": [ "Reduction mammoplasty inferior pedicle technique", "Robbins inferior pedicle reduction mammoplasty", "Robbins 下蒂缩胸隆乳术", "乳房缩小成形术下蒂技术" ], "40809003": [ "Closure of ureterosigmoidal fistula", "输尿管乙状结肠瘘闭合" ], "73577003": [ "Digitoxin measurement", "洋地黄毒苷测量" ], "712553007": [ "Liaising with patient", "与患者联络" ], "89961007": [ "Fibrinolysin assay, screening", "Fibrinolysis time", "Clot lysis time", "Whole blood clot lysis time", "全血凝块溶解时间", "血凝块溶解时间", "纤溶酶测定、筛查", "纤溶时间" ], "401257007": [ "Faecal galactose level", "Fecal galactose level", "粪便半乳糖水平" ], "1235006003": [ "Implantation of cardiac resynchronization defibrillator lead", "Implantation of cardiac resynchronisation defibrillator lead", "心脏再同步除颤器导线植入术", "心脏再同步除颤器导线植入" ], "235582004": [ "Sphincterotomy of duodenal papilla", "Papillotomy", "乳头切开术", "十二指肠乳头括约肌切开术" ], "710718005": [ "Education about family process", "家庭过程教育" ], "251966007": [ "Simple excision of nasal polyps", "单纯切除鼻息肉" ], "6531000087100": [ "Biopsy of right lung using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of right lung", "荧光透视引导下右肺活检", "在荧光透视引导下进行右肺活检" ], "446739005": [ "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and banding of oesophageal varices", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and banding of esophageal varices", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and banding of oesophageal varices", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and banding of esophageal varices", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and banding of varix of esophagus", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and banding of varix of oesophagus", "上消化道内镜检查及食管静脉曲张套扎术", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及食管静脉曲张套扎术" ], "708883006": [ "Implantation of prosthesis of joint of toe", "Prosthetic arthroplasty of toe", "趾关节假体置换术", "趾关节假体植入术" ], "11651000087102": [ "Ultrasound of bilateral adrenal glands", "Ultrasound scan of bilateral adrenal glands", "Ultrasound scan of both adrenal glands", "Ultrasonography of bilateral adrenal glands", "双侧肾上腺超声扫描", "双侧肾上腺超声检查" ], "1411000087101": [ "CT of left knee", "Computed tomography of left knee", "左膝CT", "左膝计算机断层扫描" ], "84456001": [ "Saucerization of rectum", "Saucerisation of rectum", "直肠碟状化" ], "86291009": [ "Repair of adrenal gland", "肾上腺修复" ], "3971000087102": [ "Plain X-ray of both calcanei", "Plain X-ray of bilateral calcanei", "Plain X-ray of left and right calcaneum", "Plain X-ray of left and right calcaneus", "左、右跟骨的普通 X 光检查", "双侧跟骨的普通 X 光检查", "左、右跟骨普通 X 光检查", "双侧跟骨X线平片" ], "47491000087108": [ "Endoscopic excision of polyp of large intestine using injection to lift polyp", "Endoscopic polypectomy of large intestine using lifting technique", "Endoscopic polypectomy of large bowel using lifting technique", "Endoscopic excision of polyp of large intestine using lifting technique", "内镜下注射抬高息肉切除大肠息肉", "内镜大肠息肉摘除术", "内镜掀起法切除大肠息肉", "内镜抬高技术大肠息肉切除术" ], "397587005": [ "Radioallergosorbent test", "RAST test", "Radio-allergosorbent test", "RAST - Radio-allergosorbent test", "RAST", "放射变应原吸附试验", "事件", "放射过敏吸附试验", "RAST-- 放射过敏吸附试验", "RAST 测试" ], "18051000087103": [ "CT of pelvis and bilateral lower extremities with contrast", "CT of pelvis and bilateral lower limbs with contrast", "CT of pelvis and both lower limbs with contrast", "Computed tomography of pelvis and bilateral lower limbs with contrast", "Computed tomography of pelvis and bilateral lower extremities with contrast", "骨盆和双侧下肢增强计算机断层扫描", "骨盆及双下肢增强 CT 检查", "骨盆及双下肢增强 CT" ], "131000087104": [ "Biopsy of left thorax using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of left thorax", "透视引导下左胸部活检", "使用荧光透视引导进行左胸部活检" ], "428520000": [ "Suspension of uterus using mesh", "使用网片悬吊子宫" ], "117224009": [ "Alcian blue with Periodic acid Schiff stain method", "阿尔新蓝与过碘酸希夫染色法" ], "770749002": [ "Referral for combined healthy eating and physical education program", "Referral for combined healthy eating and physical education programme", "推荐健康饮食和体育相结合的计划" ], "443069002": [ "Pneumocystis carinii DNA assay", "Pneumocystis jirovecii deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "Pneumocystis jirovecii DNA assay", "卡氏肺孢子虫 DNA 检测", "耶氏肺孢子虫 DNA 检测", "耶氏肺孢子虫脱氧核糖核酸测定" ], "35971000087108": [ "Excision of left mastoid", "Left mastoidectomy", "左乳突切除术" ], "2536007": [ "Injection of medication in anterior chamber of eye", "眼前房注射药物" ], "277394002": [ "Willeford test battery", "威尔福德测试电池" ], "1260434005": [ "Robotic assisted total gastrectomy", "Robot assisted total gastrectomy", "Total gastrectomy using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助全胃切除术", "使用机器人辅助进行全胃切除术" ], "78951002": [ "Cell count and differential, body fluid", "细胞计数和分化,体液" ], "29799003": [ "Condylotomy", "Condylotomy - bone", "髁切开术", "髁切开术 - 骨" ], "27964001": [ "Destruction of lacrimal sac", "Gifford operation", "泪囊破坏", "吉福德手术" ], "306492003": [ "Discharge by nurse", "护士出院" ], "240956004": [ "Insertion of replacement prosthesis into small intestine", "将替代假体插入小肠" ], "1106661000000101": [ "Stereotactic mammography guided insertion of magnetic marker into bilateral breasts", "Insertion of magnetic marker into bilateral breasts using stereotactic mammography guidance", "Insertion of magnetic marker into both breasts using stereotactic mammography guidance", "Insertion of magnetic seed into bilateral breasts using stereotactic mammography guidance", "立体定向乳房 X 线摄影引导下将磁性标记插入双侧乳房", "使用立体定向乳房 X 线摄影引导将磁性标记插入双侧乳房", "使用立体定向乳房 X 线摄影引导将磁性种子植入双侧乳房" ], "306661000000108": [ "Upright stereotactic X-ray guided wire localization of breast lesion", "Upright wire localization of lesion of breast using stereotactic X-ray guidance", "Upright wire localisation of lesion of breast using stereotactic X-ray guidance", "Upright stereotactic X-ray guided wire localisation of breast lesion", "乳腺病变直立立体定向X线导丝定位", "乳腺病变直立立体定向X射线导丝定位", "乳腺病变立体定向X射线引导直立导丝定位", "乳腺病变立体定向X线引导直立导丝定位" ], "1287697004": [ "Repair of skin of head", "头部皮肤修复" ], "108049006": [ "Penis manipulation", "阴茎操纵" ], "714257005": [ "Iodine 123 MIBG (meta-iodobenzylguanidine) SPECT CT of pelvis", "Single photon emission computed tomography using iodine 123 meta-iodobenzylguanidine with computed tomography of pelvis", "使用碘 123 间碘苄胍进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描,并进行骨盆计算机断层扫描", "碘 123 MIBG(间碘苄胍) SPECT 骨盆 CT" ], "401126001": [ "Serum methaqualone level", "血清甲喹酮水平" ], "89830004": [ "Osteoclasis of radius", "桡骨骨断裂" ], "384742004": [ "Smoking cessation assistance", "Smoking cessation behaviour support", "Smoking cessation behavior support", "戒烟援助", "戒烟行为支持" ], "235451000": [ "Attention to enteral tube", "肠内管注意事项" ], "448443000": [ "Computed tomography angiography of abdominal artery with contrast", "CT angiography of abdominal artery with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of abdominal artery with contrast", "CT arteriogram of abdominal artery with contrast", "CT arteriography of abdominal artery with contrast", "腹部动脉增强 CT 血管造影", "腹部动脉增强 CT 造影", "腹部动脉造影计算机断层扫描" ], "104379002": [ "Gliadin antibody, IgM measurement", "Gliadin antibody, immunoglobulin M measurement", "麦胶蛋白抗体、免疫球蛋白 M 测量", "麦胶蛋白抗体、IgM 测量" ], "20624000": [ "Osteotomy of radius", "Incision of bone of radius", "桡骨切开术", "桡骨截骨术" ], "428389001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal ablation", "经皮腔内消融术" ], "117093001": [ "Intramuscular injection of human tetanus immune globulin", "Intramuscular injection of human tetanus immunoglobulin", "肌注破伤风免疫球蛋白", "肌内注射破伤风人免疫球蛋白" ], "313701002": [ "Human parvovirus IgM level", "Human parvovirus IgM measurement", "Human parvovirus immunoglobulin M measurement", "人类细小病毒 IgM 水平", "人类细小病毒免疫球蛋白 M 测量", "人类细小病毒 IgM 检测" ], "737850002": [ "Day care case management", "日间护理个案管理" ], "770618004": [ "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Haemophilus influenzae type b and Hepatitis B virus antigens", "Third diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and pertussis and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of third dose of diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and pertussis and tetanus vaccine", "Third diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and pertussis and tetanus immunisation", "Third diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and hepatitis B and pertussis and tetanus immunization", "注射第三剂仅含有百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌、乙型流感嗜血杆菌和乙型肝炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第三次白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙肝、百日咳和破伤风免疫接种", "第三次白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙肝、百日咳和破伤风疫苗接种", "第三次白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙肝、百日咳和破伤风免疫", "注射第三剂白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、乙肝、百日咳和破伤风疫苗" ], "442938006": [ "Radionuclide imaging of myocardial redistribution using thallium 201", "使用铊 201 进行心肌重分布放射性核素显像" ], "410170008": [ "Nutrition care assessment", "Assess nutrition care", "评估营养护理", "营养护理评估" ], "277263004": [ "Decrusting of nose", "Nasal decrusting", "鼻子除痂", "鼻腔除痂" ], "64271007": [ "Repair of stoma of gallbladder", "Revision of cholecystostomy", "Revision of stoma of gallbladder", "胆囊造口修复", "胆囊造口修复术", "胆囊造口术修复" ], "177124000": [ "Biopsy of tongue", "舌活检" ], "306361001": [ "Referral to hospital speech and language therapist", "Referral to hospital-based speech and language therapist", "转诊至医院言语治疗师", "转诊至医院言语和语言治疗师" ], "404665001": [ "Lens implant power determination following refractive surgery", "屈光手术后晶状体植入度数的测定" ], "699577005": [ "Full thickness graft of skin to skin of thumb", "拇指皮肤全层移植" ], "765113006": [ "Prospectively electrocardiogram gated computed tomography angiography of coronary artery with contrast", "Prospectively ECG (electrocardiogram) gated CCTA (coronary CT angiography) with contrast", "Prospectively electrocardiogram gated computed tomography arteriography of coronary artery with contrast", "Prospectively ECG (electrocardiogram) gated CT arteriogram of coronary artery with contrast", "Prospectively ECG (electrocardiogram) gated CT arteriography of coronary artery with contrast", "前瞻性心电图门控冠状动脉 CT 造影", "前瞻性心电图门控冠状动脉造影计算机断层扫描血管造影", "前瞻性 ECG(心电图)门控 CCTA(冠状动脉 CT 血管造影)", "前瞻性心电图门控冠状动脉造影计算机断层扫描" ], "173454000": [ "Reconstruction of mouth defect using local pedicle flap", "Reconstruction of mouth defect with local pedicle flap", "局部带蒂皮瓣修复口腔缺损" ], "288142002": [ "Replacement of cast", "更换铸模" ], "386446004": [ "Staff development", "员工发展" ], "304526006": [ "Advice relating to behavior", "Advice relating to behaviour", "Recommendation relating to behaviour", "Recommendation relating to behavior", "有关行为的建议", "与行为相关的建议" ], "269923001": [ "Fluid sample urea measurement", "Fluid sample urea level", "液体样本尿素水平", "流体样品尿素测量" ], "745059003": [ "Verification of Rhesus D antibody status", "恒河猴 D 抗体状态验证" ], "171619005": [ "Excision of lesion of accessory nerve (XI)", "副神经损伤切除术(XI)" ], "122467006": [ "Fitting", "Fitting procedure", "安装程序", "配件" ], "433763007": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of axillary vein using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "腋静脉造影及支架植入术" ], "22328000": [ "Reconstruction of subcutaneous tissue without skin graft", "无需皮肤移植的皮下组织重建" ], "431928000": [ "Local anaesthetic block of spinal nerve root using fluoroscopic guidance", "Local anesthetic block of spinal nerve root using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下脊神经根局部麻醉阻滞" ], "104248003": [ "Eutrophication", "富营养化" ], "448312006": [ "Removal of loose body from knee joint", "去除膝关节游离体" ], "235320006": [ "Transverse taeniamyotomy", "横带肌切开术" ], "437211000124103": [ "Potassium modified diet", "钾改良饮食" ], "87864009": [ "Curtis arthroplasty of interphalangeal joint of finger", "手指指间关节柯蒂斯置换术" ], "53261001": [ "Gas liquid chromatography, microcoulometric type", "气相液相色谱法,微库仑法" ], "233485002": [ "Removal of intraluminal device from arteriovenous fistula", "从动静脉瘘中取出管腔内装置" ], "69645004": [ "Excision of intranasal lesion by external approach", "经外入路切除鼻内病变" ], "708621008": [ "Insertion of urethral stent", "Insertion of stent into urethra", "尿道支架置入", "将支架插入尿道" ], "118797008": [ "Procedure on heart", "Heart procedure", "心脏手术" ], "231650004": [ "Medial rectus disinsertion", "内直肌脱离术" ], "444642008": [ "Measurement of expired nitric oxide", "呼出气一氧化氮测量" ], "65975002": [ "Thrombectomy of head and neck artery", "Removal of thrombus of head and neck artery", "头颈动脉血栓清除术", "头颈动脉血栓切除术" ], "442807006": [ "Insertion of intraaortic balloon counterpulsation device through femoral artery", "经股动脉插入主动脉内球囊反搏装置" ], "408204004": [ "Human herpes virus serology", "人类疱疹病毒血清学" ], "277132007": [ "Therapeutic procedure", "治疗程序" ], "31372007": [ "Operation on fingernail", "指甲手术" ], "29537000": [ "Preoperative shaving of skin", "术前剃除皮肤" ], "45921003": [ "Removal of cardiac pacemaker electrodes with replacement", "心脏起搏器电极的移除与更换" ], "13153003": [ "Circulation time, one test", "循环时间,一次测试" ], "781366001": [ "Microwave ablation of verruca plantaris", "微波消融治疗跖疣" ], "764982003": [ "Angiogram of right internal carotid artery", "Angiography of right internal carotid artery", "Arteriography of right internal carotid artery", "右侧颈内动脉血管造影", "右颈内动脉造影", "右颈内动脉血管造影" ], "306230007": [ "Referral for dermatology DV", "Referral for dermatology domiciliary visit", "转诊至皮肤科就诊", "皮肤科 DV 转诊" ], "304395000": [ "Short wave diathermy to trunk", "躯干短波透热疗法" ], "732214009": [ "Amputation of left lower limb", "左下肢截肢" ], "386315004": [ "Guilt work facilitation", "促进愧疚工作" ], "433632001": [ "Sampling of blood from cavernous sinus using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided sampling of blood from cavernous sinus with contrast", "荧光透视引导下从海绵窦取样造影血液", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导从海绵窦采集血液" ], "288011009": [ "Transurethral resection - electroresection of bladder", "Transurethral electroresection of urinary bladder", "经尿道电切术-膀胱电切术", "经尿道膀胱电切术" ], "302560003": [ "Determination of percentage differential white blood cells", "Percentage differential white blood cells", "白细胞分类百分比测定", "白细胞分类百分比" ], "235189000": [ "Anterior gastropexy", "Boerema gastropexy", "苋麻胃固定术", "前胃固定术" ], "237024008": [ "Kustner's operation", "Kustner operation", "库斯特纳手术" ], "104117001": [ "Cell count, pleural fluid", "细胞计数,胸水" ], "397194000": [ "Percutaneous rotational coronary endarterectomy", "经皮冠状动脉内膜旋切术" ], "118666003": [ "Procedure on musculoskeletal system", "肌肉骨骼系统手术" ], "413578006": [ "Arthrocentesis of joint of finger", "手指关节穿刺术" ], "313439006": [ "Plasma growth hormone measurement", "Plasma growth hormone level", "血浆生长激素水平", "血浆生长激素测量" ], "16692004": [ "C>1< complement assay", "C>1< 补体测定" ], "311604009": [ "Auditory attention therapy", "听觉注意力疗法" ], "178697002": [ "Revision to cast stabilization of spinal fracture", "Revision to cast stabilisation of spinal fracture", "脊柱骨折石膏固定术" ], "702985005": [ "Ultrasonography of fetal shunt", "胎儿分流术超声检查" ], "14857006": [ "Medial fasciotomy", "内侧筋膜切开术" ], "277001009": [ "Percutaneous arteriovenous fistula device procedure", "经皮动静脉内瘘装置手术" ], "275166002": [ "Evacuation of uterus", "子宫清扫" ], "1141683000": [ "Fructose modified diet", "果糖改良饮食" ], "306099000": [ "Referral by carer", "Referral by caregiver", "护理人员转介" ], "16457501000119102": [ "CT of abdomen and pelvis without contrast", "Computed tomography of abdomen and pelvis without contrast", "腹部和盆腔 CT 无造影", "无造影剂腹部和盆腔计算机断层扫描" ], "16460061000119103": [ "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous needle biopsy of left kidney", "Percutaneous needle biopsy of left kidney using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下左肾经皮穿刺活检" ], "25736000": [ "Excision of coarctation of aorta with end-to-end anastomosis", "主动脉缩窄切除及端端吻合术" ], "16554781000119103": [ "Intravenous radioisotope therapy using strontium 89", "Intravenous radionuclide therapy using strontium 89", "锶89静脉放射性核素治疗", "使用锶89进行静脉放射性同位素治疗" ], "572701000119102": [ "Mammography of left breast", "Mammogram of left breast", "左乳房乳房 X 线摄影", "左乳房乳房 X 光检查" ], "417117000": [ "Incision of lacrimal drainage structure", "Incision of lacrimal passage", "泪道引流结构切开术", "泪道切开术" ], "171357000": [ "Shooting medical examination", "射击体检" ], "302429001": [ "Toilet of burnt skin", "Clean of burnt skin", "清洁烧伤皮肤", "马桶烧伤皮肤" ], "122205003": [ "Streptococcus pyogenes culture", "化脓性链球菌培养" ], "1285469002": [ "Insertion of orthodontic separator", "插入正畸分离器" ], "431666000": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of metatarsus", "Computed tomography of metatarsus", "CT of metatarsus", "跖骨计算机断层扫描", "跖骨 CT", "跖骨计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "448050005": [ "Colectomy and side to side anastomosis of ileum to colon", "结肠切除术及回肠至结肠侧侧吻合术" ], "103986006": [ "D blood group antibody identification", "D血型抗体鉴定" ], "415282007": [ "Refractive lensectomy with intraocular lens implantation", "Clear lens extraction", "Refractive lens exchange", "Refractive lensectomy with IOL implantation", "屈光晶状体置换术", "清晰的晶状体提取", "屈光晶状体切除术及人工晶状体植入术", "屈光晶状体切除术和人工晶状体植入术" ], "87602008": [ "Closure of enterostomy of large intestine with resection and anastomosis", "大肠切除吻合术" ], "446215004": [ "Trabeculectomy with intraoperative application of antimetabolite", "术中应用抗代谢药物的小梁切除术" ], "315143004": [ "Influenza B antibody level", "乙型流感抗体水平" ], "233223009": [ "Closure of an aortic tunnel", "主动脉隧道关闭" ], "231388005": [ "Lumbar subdural neurolysis", "腰椎硬膜下神经松解术" ], "427996005": [ "Application of vacuum splint", "真空夹板的应用" ], "229553000": [ "Physical agent therapy", "物理疗法" ], "49329001": [ "Division of joint capsule of wrist", "腕关节囊的划分" ], "278705007": [ "Thoracoabdominal incision", "胸腹切口" ], "1259910000": [ "Endovascular repair of thoracic aortic aneurysm using endovascular stent graft and stent graft anchoring system", "Endovascular repair of aneurysm of thoracic aorta using endovascular stent graft and stent graft anchoring system", "采用血管内覆膜支架及覆膜支架锚固系统进行胸主动脉瘤的血管内修复" ], "440710001": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of sternoclavicular joint", "胸锁关节脱位闭合复位" ], "391558003": [ "Total white blood count", "Total white blood cell count", "总白细胞计数" ], "309638007": [ "Care of equipment by procedure", "Care of equipment categorized by procedure", "Care of equipment categorised by procedure", "按程序保养设备", "按程序分类的设备保养" ], "12891006": [ "Application of knee immobilizer", "Application of knee immobiliser", "膝关节固定器的应用" ], "225883006": [ "Making arrangements for care of dependants following death", "安排死者家属的照顾" ], "43824008": [ "Removal of embedded foreign body from dentoalveolar bone", "去除牙槽骨内嵌入的异物" ], "305968008": [ "Referral by gastroenterologist", "Referral from gastroenterologist", "胃肠病专家转诊", "胃肠病专家推荐" ], "386053000": [ "Investigations", "Evaluation procedure", "Assessment", "调查", "评估程序", "评估" ], "25605000": [ "Closed reduction of separated epiphysis of humerus", "肱骨骨骺分离闭合复位" ], "173061008": [ "Open placement of prosthesis in trachea", "开放式气管假体置入" ], "9221009": [ "Surgical treatment of septic abortion", "感染性流产的手术治疗" ], "23770001": [ "Closure of uteroureteric fistula", "子宫输尿管瘘闭合" ], "171226003": [ "Aortic aneurysm screening", "主动脉瘤筛查" ], "122074006": [ "Plasmodium species identification", "疟原虫种类鉴定" ], "21935000": [ "Repair of fistula of cisterna chyli", "Closure of fistula of cisterna chyli", "乳糜池瘘的修补术", "乳糜池瘘管闭合" ], "710063002": [ "Nephrostomy care", "肾造口术护理" ], "431535003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of external carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮颈外动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "103855004": [ "Thrombomodulin measurement", "血栓调节蛋白测量" ], "5551006": [ "Direct laryngoscopy with arytenoidectomy with operating microscope", "直接喉镜检查及手术显微镜下杓状软骨切除术" ], "234927006": [ "Removal of suture of cheek", "拆除脸颊缝合线" ], "284079008": [ "Revision of scar", "疤痕修复" ], "233092001": [ "Balloon dilatation of left ventricular outflow tract", "Balloon dilation of left ventricular outflow tract", "左心室流出道球囊扩张术" ], "87471009": [ "Operation on temporal bone, middle fossa approach", "颞骨手术、中颅窝入路" ], "231257008": [ "Thoracic subdural block", "胸椎硬膜下阻滞" ], "229422004": [ "Accessory mobilization of the sacrococcygeal joint", "Accessory mobilisation of the sacrococcygeal joint", "骶尾关节的辅助活动" ], "391427002": [ "Concentrate microscopy", "浓缩显微镜" ], "719107005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of posterior tibial artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of posterior tibial artery with contrast", "经皮腔内血管成形术在荧光造影引导下进行胫后动脉", "荧光透视引导下经皮胫后动脉血管成形术" ], "63747005": [ "Replacement of stent in pancreatic duct", "Renewal of pancreatic duct prosthesis", "胰管假体的更新", "胰管支架置换术" ], "702723005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of neck vessels with contrast", "MRI of neck vessels with contrast", "颈部血管磁共振成像对比", "颈部血管 MRI 增强扫描" ], "174765000": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of lesion of pancreas", "胰腺病变经皮穿刺抽吸术" ], "1256109008": [ "Education about ecotherapy", "生态疗法教育" ], "385922008": [ "Pressure ulcer Stage 2 care management", "Manage pressure ulcer Stage 2 care", "Management of care of pressure injury stage II", "压力性损伤Ⅱ期的护理管理", "压疮第二阶段护理管理", "管理压疮 第 2 阶段护理" ], "713602009": [ "Discussion about end of life care planning", "关于临终关怀计划的讨论" ], "433239000": [ "Percutaneous injection of sclerosing agent into short saphenous vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮短隐静脉注射硬化剂" ], "172930008": [ "Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - postoperative removal of polyps under local anaesthetic", "Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - postoperative removal of polyps under local anesthetic", "FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) postoperative removal of polyps under local anesthetic", "FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) postoperative removal of polyps under local anaesthetic", "FESS(功能性内镜鼻窦手术)局部麻醉下术后切除息肉", "功能性内镜鼻窦手术 - 局部麻醉下术后切除息肉", "功能性内镜鼻窦手术-局部麻醉下术后切除息肉" ], "72791001": [ "Laryngectomy", "Excision of larynx", "Larynx excision", "喉切除术" ], "271234008": [ "Serum alkaline phosphatase level", "Serum alkaline phosphatase measurement", "血清碱性磷酸酶测定", "血清碱性磷酸酶水平" ], "285783006": [ "Voluntary convergence exercises", "Jump convergence exercises", "自愿融合练习", "跳跃收敛练习" ], "121943009": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi antigen assay", "伯氏疏螺旋体抗原检测" ], "447788003": [ "Creation of anastomosis from left subclavian artery to left pulmonary artery", "建立从左锁骨下动脉至左肺动脉的吻合口" ], "87340004": [ "Splitting of tendon sheath of hand", "手部腱鞘裂开" ], "103724004": [ "Destructive procedure on skin using laser surgery", "使用激光手术对皮肤进行破坏性操作" ], "398636004": [ "Physical activity assessment", "体力活动评估" ], "70956006": [ "Cineplasty with cineplastic prosthesis of lower extremity", "下肢电影假体电影成形术" ], "38188006": [ "Division of joint capsule of shoulder", "肩关节囊的划分" ], "265729000": [ "Surgical manipulation of lumbar spine", "腰椎手术操作" ], "232961007": [ "Intraventricular pump support operation", "Haemopump operation", "Hemopump operation", "脑室内泵支持操作", "血液泵操作" ], "34518000": [ "Anastomosis of artery with bypass graft", "动脉与旁路移植吻合术" ], "231126002": [ "Superficial cervical plexus block", "颈浅丛阻滞" ], "444118005": [ "Recommendation of Rh>o<(D) immune globulin dose", "Rh>o<(D) 免疫球蛋白剂量推荐" ], "165590006": [ "Plasma factor VIII related antigen test", "血浆Ⅷ因子相关抗原检测" ], "360363002": [ "Ureterocolostomy", "Ureterocolic anastomosis", "Ureter to colon anastomosis", "输尿管结肠吻合术", "输尿管至结肠吻合术", "输尿管结肠造口术" ], "16299004": [ "Pharyngeal biopsy", "Biopsy of pharynx", "咽部活检" ], "180139005": [ "Release of subtalar joint for correction congenital deformity of foot", "距下关节松解术矫正先天性足畸形" ], "868267006": [ "Administration of first dose of diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus vaccine", "First diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus immunization", "First diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus vaccination", "First diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus immunisation", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Human poliovirus antigens", "首次接种白喉、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "接种第一剂白喉、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "注射第一剂仅含有破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "首次白喉、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫接种" ], "229291004": [ "Thoracic expansion exercises", "TEE - Thoracic expansion exercises", "TEE-- 胸廓扩张练习", "胸椎扩张练习" ], "473216000": [ "Suture plication of artery for control of duodenal ulcer hemorrhage", "Suture plication of artery for control of duodenal ulcer haemorrhage", "Suture plication of artery for control of bleeding duodenal ulcer", "动脉缝合折叠术治疗十二指肠溃疡出血" ], "407680000": [ "Melanogrammus aeglefinus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Melanogrammus aeglefinus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Haddock specific IgE antibody measurement", "黑线鲻特异性IgE抗体测定", "黑线鲻特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "黑线鳕特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "80000004": [ "Cauterization of fistula of cornea", "Cauterisation of fistula of cornea", "角膜瘘烧灼术" ], "440448005": [ "Insertion of stent graft into iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of stent graft into iliac artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下将支架移植物插入髂动脉", "使用对比剂荧光透视引导将支架移植物插入髂动脉" ], "129152004": [ "Procedure on back", "背部手术" ], "702592007": [ "Ultrasound guided needle localization of pelvis", "Ultrasound guided needle localisation of pelvis", "超声引导下骨盆穿刺针定位", "超声引导下骨盆针定位" ], "1290581000": [ "Plain X-ray of humerus and bone of shoulder girdle", "肱骨和肩带骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "782677000": [ "Epiphysiodesis of fibula", "Arrest of bone growth of fibula", "腓骨骨骺固定术", "腓骨骨生长停止" ], "405845002": [ "Elliptical re-excision of lesion of skin", "皮肤病变椭圆形再切除术" ], "424064009": [ "Cardiovascular stress test using pharmacologic stress agent", "Stress testing using pharmacologic-induced stress", "使用药物诱导的压力进行压力测试", "使用药物应激剂进行心血管应激测试" ], "78165004": [ "Take-down of arteriovenous shunt with creation of new shunt", "Removal of arteriovenous shunt with creation of new shunt", "拆除动静脉分流管并建立新的分流管", "移除动静脉分流管并建立新的分流管" ], "438613005": [ "Incision and subcutaneous insertion of bone graft to cranium", "切开并将骨移植物插入颅骨皮下" ], "225621008": [ "Cleaning eye prosthesis", "清洁义眼" ], "43562001": [ "Curettage of tendon", "肌腱刮除术" ], "76330002": [ "Genitourinary instillation", "泌尿生殖道滴注" ], "29013009": [ "Incision and drainage of masticator space by intraoral approach", "经口内入路切开并引流咀嚼间隙" ], "223786006": [ "Insertion of orbital implant outside muscle cone", "眼眶植入物置入肌锥外" ], "387626007": [ "Amputation of cervix", "Hysterotrachelectomy", "Trachelectomy", "Cervicectomy", "子宫宫颈切除术", "宫颈切除", "宫颈切除术" ], "385791001": [ "Injection administration management", "Manage injection administration", "管理注射给药", "注射给药管理" ], "8959002": [ "Mass spectrometry measurement", "Mass spectroscopy measurement", "质谱测量" ], "303871002": [ "Radionuclide urinary tract study", "放射性核素泌尿道研究" ], "287487005": [ "Non-surgical urinary biopsy", "非手术尿路活检" ], "238335008": [ "Removal of plomb with decortication", "剥皮术去除骨质" ], "762623008": [ "Conversion from total prosthetic replacement of elbow joint", "肘关节全假肢置换术" ], "72660001": [ "Suture of capsule or ligament of lower extremity", "下肢关节囊或韧带缝合" ], "1155839009": [ "Facilitation of activity of daily living", "促进日常生活活动" ], "121812001": [ "Mevalonic acid measurement", "甲羟戊酸测量" ], "1268692004": [ "Assistance with application for vocational education programme", "Assistance with application for vocational education program", "协助申请职业教育项目" ], "252884005": [ "Stycar vision test", "视力测试" ], "433108007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of innominate vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of innominate vein with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下进行无名静脉", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术" ], "1119401000": [ "Reimplantation of left ureter using Politano Leadbetter technique", "采用 Politano Leadbetter 技术进行左侧输尿管再植" ], "398505001": [ "Enterovirus DNA assay", "Enterovirus DNA detection", "Enterovirus deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "肠道病毒 DNA 检测", "肠道病毒脱氧核糖核酸检测" ], "234665002": [ "Submucosal implantation into jaw", "颌骨黏膜下植入" ], "119977001": [ "Thymus destructive procedure", "胸腺破坏术" ], "169129004": [ "Dynamic non-imaging isotope study", "动态非成像同位素研究" ], "265598003": [ "External urethrotomy", "外尿道切开术" ], "232830004": [ "Removal of thrombus from aortic valve", "Removal of clot from aortic valve", "Aortic valve thrombectomy", "Declotting of aortic valve", "去除主动脉瓣中的血凝块", "主动脉瓣血栓切除术", "主动脉瓣血栓清除", "主动脉瓣清除凝块" ], "19838004": [ "In-vitro immunologic test", "体外免疫学试验" ], "52606005": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on cervical spine", "Anaesthesia for procedure on cervical spine", "颈椎手术麻醉" ], "445822005": [ "Assessment using Draw A Person test", "使用“画人”测试进行评估" ], "230995000": [ "Removal of spinal intradural extramedullary tumor", "Removal of spinal intradural extramedullary tumour", "脊椎硬膜内髓外肿瘤切除术" ], "1279571001": [ "Closure of atrioventricular canal defect with surgical patch and repair of cleft of tricuspid valve", "Closure of endocardial cushion defect with surgical patch and repair of cleft of tricuspid valve", "Closure of defect of atrioventricular septum with surgical patch and repair of cleft of tricuspid valve", "用外科补片封闭房室间隔缺损并修补三尖瓣裂隙", "用外科补片封闭房室管缺损并修补三尖瓣裂隙", "用外科补片封闭心内膜垫缺损并修补三尖瓣裂隙" ], "183678006": [ "Arrange care by relative", "由亲属安排护理" ], "413054008": [ "Bilirubin profile", "胆红素分析" ], "1148499005": [ "Decreased simple carbohydrate diet", "减少简单碳水化合物饮食" ], "394835006": [ "Patient medication advice", "Patient medication education", "患者用药教育", "患者用药建议" ], "229160002": [ "Ankle exercises", "踝关节锻炼" ], "737064003": [ "Repair of hypogastric hernia using graft", "使用移植物修复下腹疝" ], "391165000": [ "Urine propoxyphene screening test", "尿丙氧芬筛查试验" ], "47101004": [ "Cardiotachometry", "Heart rate monitoring", "心率监测", "心动过速" ], "702461007": [ "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of upper limb", "Biopsy of upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下上肢活检", "透视引导下上肢活检" ], "243709009": [ "Provision of visual appliance", "提供视觉器具" ], "1290450007": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of foot", "足部软组织普通 X 光检查" ], "174503007": [ "Revision of anastomosis of gallbladder", "胆囊吻合口修复术" ], "8828000": [ "Plication of peripheral vein", "周围静脉折叠术" ], "238204000": [ "Repair of para-ileostomy hernia", "回肠造口旁疝的修补" ], "270972001": [ "Serum progesterone measurement", "Serum progesterone level", "血清孕酮测量", "血清孕酮水平" ], "25212003": [ "Reopening of blepharorrhaphy", "Severing of blepharorrhaphy", "Severing of tarsorrhaphy", "Reopening of tarsorrhaphy", "Division of blepharorrhaphy", "Division of tarsorrhaphy", "Opening of tarsorrhaphy", "眼睑缝合术切断", "重新开放睑缘缝合术", "切断睑缘缝合术", "眼睑缝合术科", "睑缘缝合术", "重新开展眼睑缝合术" ], "172668007": [ "Revision of myringoplasty", "Tympanoplasty revision", "Myringoplasty revision", "鼓膜成形术修复", "鼓室成形术修复" ], "252753000": [ "Macro EMG", "Macro electromyography", "宏观肌电图" ], "121681001": [ "Risperidone measurement", "利培酮测量" ], "105297002": [ "Phenylephrine measurement", "苯肾上腺素测量" ], "432977006": [ "Administration of drug or medicament via intraarterial route", "通过动脉内途径给药" ], "185382000": [ "Chronic disease surveillance check", "慢性病监测检查" ], "367441008": [ "Percutaneous puncture of kidney", "经皮肾穿刺" ], "119846002": [ "Skin of trunk transplantation", "躯干皮肤移植" ], "447526004": [ "Radionuclide myocardial perfusion stress study using technetium (99m-Tc) tetrofosmin", "使用锝(99m-Tc)替曲膦进行放射性核素心肌灌注压力研究" ], "168998008": [ "Fluoroscopy - skull", "透视检查 - 颅骨" ], "87078009": [ "Arthrotomy of hip for removal of foreign body", "髋关节切开术取出异物" ], "412923001": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid Tau protein measurement", "CSF Tau protein level", "脑脊液 Tau 蛋白测量", "脑脊液 Tau 蛋白水平" ], "183547003": [ "Pediatric surgical referral", "Referral to paediatric surgical service", "Referral to pediatric surgical service", "Paediatric surgical referral", "转诊至儿科外科服务", "儿科手术转诊" ], "118011003": [ "Babesia microti DNA assay", "Babesia microti deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "田鼠巴贝斯虫 DNA 检测", "田鼠巴贝斯虫脱氧核糖核酸检测" ], "707835005": [ "Hemicraniotomy", "开颅手术" ], "134395001": [ "Diabetic retinopathy screening", "糖尿病视网膜病变筛查" ], "37926009": [ "Microbial stain", "Microbial stain method", "微生物染色法", "微生物染色" ], "232699003": [ "Oropharyngeal suction under direct vision", "直视下口咽抽吸" ], "265467003": [ "Atrial inversion operation", "心房倒置手术" ], "36091004": [ "Lyophilization of culture", "Lyophilisation of culture", "培养物冻干" ], "724219009": [ "X-ray tomography of pelvis and right hip", "骨盆和右髋的 X 射线断层扫描" ], "427472005": [ "Ultrasound scan of right hip", "US scan of right hip", "右髋部超声波扫描", "右髋部超声扫描" ], "230864006": [ "Injection of antibiotic into brain abscess", "脑脓肿注射抗生素" ], "738768007": [ "Implantation of auditory device", "植入听觉装置" ], "425637000": [ "Catheter manometry of muscle compartment", "肌肉腔导管测压" ], "179877003": [ "Primary arthroscopic autograft ligament augmentation", "初次关节镜自体韧带移植增强术" ], "30586000": [ "Removable appliance therapy for tooth guidance", "用于牙齿引导的可拆卸器械治疗" ], "391034007": [ "Refer for falls assessment", "请参阅跌倒评估" ], "276346008": [ "Stoma bag procedures", "造口袋程序" ], "700495001": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal balloon occlusion of internal carotid artery with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal balloon occlusion of internal carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内球囊阻断颈内动脉(荧光造影引导)", "透视引导下经皮腔内颈动脉球囊阻断术" ], "274511001": [ "Control of haemorrhage of uterus", "Control of hemorrhage of uterus", "控制子宫出血" ], "241743005": [ "Ambient temperature decreased", "Room temperature decreased", "室温下降", "环境温度下降" ], "225359006": [ "Pressure area care", "PAC - Pressure area care", "Pressure management", "压力管理", "PAC - 压力区护理", "压力区护理" ], "77903007": [ "Tenolysis of extensor tendon of wrist", "腕伸肌腱松解术" ], "289060008": [ "Anterior resection of rectal prolapse", "直肠脱垂前切除术" ], "303609002": [ "Complete removal of fixed orthodontic appliance", "Complete deband orthodontic fixed appliance", "Complete debond orthodontic fixed appliance", "完全移除固定矫正器", "全脱粘正畸固定矫治器", "全脱带正畸固定矫治器" ], "287225002": [ "Spinal bone fragment elevation", "脊椎骨碎片抬高" ], "121550000": [ "Dimethoate measurement", "乐果测量" ], "285390004": [ "Advice to change carbohydrate intake", "Recommendation to change carbohydrate intake", "建议改变碳水化合物的摄入量", "改变碳水化合物摄入量的建议" ], "105166005": [ "Diphenhydramine measurement", "苯海拉明测量" ], "432846005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of cardiac ventricular volume", "Magnetic resonance imaging of cardiac ventricular volume", "MRI of cardiac ventricular volume", "心室容积的磁共振成像(MRI)", "心室容积 MRI", "心室容积磁共振成像" ], "170702005": [ "Epilepsy monitoring", "癫痫监测" ], "6862005": [ "Preoperative education", "Teaching: preoperative", "教学:术前", "术前教育" ], "301774009": [ "First stage of two stage orchidopexy", "两阶段睾丸固定术的第一阶段" ], "398243002": [ "Repair of rectocele", "Repair of rectocoele", "直肠膨出修复术", "直肠膨出修复" ], "86947001": [ "Graft of lip", "Grafting of lip", "唇移植", "唇部移植" ], "21411002": [ "Strapping of wrist", "Wrist strapping", "腕带", "手腕绑带" ], "252622009": [ "CERA - Cortical electric response audiometry", "CERA - Cortical evoked response audiometry", "SVR - Slow vertex response audiometry", "Cortical electric response audiometry", "SVR-慢速顶点反应听力检查", "皮层电反应听力检查", "CERA - 皮质电反应听力检查", "CERA - 皮质诱发反应听力检查" ], "119715008": [ "Nasopharynx destructive procedure", "鼻咽破坏性手术" ], "724088002": [ "X-ray tomography of pelvis and left hip", "骨盆和左髋的 X 射线断层扫描" ], "232568005": [ "Elevation of scarred plaque of vocal fold", "Elevation of vergeture of vocal fold", "声带边缘升高", "声带瘢痕斑块隆起" ], "117880005": [ "Streptococcal hyaluronidase antibody assay", "Measurement of streptococcal hyaluronidase antibody", "链球菌透明质酸酶抗体的测量", "链球菌透明质酸酶抗体测定" ], "787789001": [ "Resection of annular ligament of radius", "桡骨环状韧带切除术" ], "443725002": [ "Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to right atrium", "完全性肺静脉异位引流至右心房的修复" ], "165197003": [ "Diagnostic assessment", "诊断评估" ], "359970001": [ "Resection of pericardium for removal of adhesions", "切除心包以去除粘连" ], "704034004": [ "Discussion about anticoagulation therapy", "抗凝治疗讨论" ], "179746005": [ "Revision allograft replacement extra-articular ligament", "同种异体移植置换关节外韧带" ], "48674006": [ "Premedication for anesthetic procedure", "Premedication for anaesthetic procedure", "麻醉手术前用药" ], "310818005": [ "Endoscopic transurethral microwave thermotherapy to prostate", "经尿道内镜前列腺微波热疗" ], "866039004": [ "Review specimen from own archive", "Reviewing of specimen from own archive", "审查自己档案中的样本", "审查自己档案中的标本" ], "716748002": [ "Percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of neoplasm of kidney using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of neoplasm of kidney", "Percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of tumor of kidney using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of tumour of kidney using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下经皮不可逆电穿孔消融治疗肾肿瘤", "经皮不可逆电穿孔消融肾肿瘤计算机断层扫描引导", "经皮不可逆电穿孔消融肾脏肿瘤使用计算机断层扫描引导" ], "77772005": [ "Incision and drainage of eyeball", "眼球切开引流" ], "225228006": [ "Putting additive into peritoneal dialysis bag", "将添加剂放入腹膜透析袋" ], "405452006": [ "Angioplasty of popliteal artery with prosthesis", "腘动脉假体成形术" ], "241612008": [ "MRI of larynx", "Magnetic resonance imaging of larynx", "喉部 MRI", "喉部磁共振成像" ], "370849003": [ "Provides status reports to family/support person", "向家人/支持人员提供状态报告" ], "305313004": [ "Admission by oral surgeon", "Admission by maxillofacial surgeon", "颌面外科医生入院", "口腔外科医生入院" ], "174241004": [ "Anterior resection of rectum and anastomosis of colon to rectum using staples", "直肠前切除术及结肠直肠吻合术" ], "105035001": [ "Xylulose measurement", "木酮糖测量" ], "170571002": [ "Initial cardiac assessment", "初步心脏评估" ], "252491004": [ "Body plethysmography - oscillation technique", "体容积描记法-振荡技术" ], "121419004": [ "Oxychlordane measurement", "氧氯丹测量" ], "709408000": [ "Anterior spinal fusion for cervical spinal deformity", "Fusion of joint of cervical spine by anterior approach for deformity of cervical spine", "前入路颈椎关节融合术治疗颈椎畸形", "前路脊柱融合术治疗颈椎畸形" ], "430880004": [ "Self-confidence enhancement", "增强自信心" ], "234272006": [ "Biopsy of mediastinal lymph node", "纵隔淋巴结活检" ], "52213001": [ "Renal homotransplantation excluding donor and recipient nephrectomy", "不包括供体和受体肾切除术的同种肾移植" ], "35829002": [ "Removal of orbital implant", "Removal of orbital implant outside muscle cone", "Removal of prosthetic replacement for orbit", "Removal of external orbital prosthesis", "Removal of external orbital implant", "移除眼眶假体", "移除外部眼眶假体", "移除外部眼眶植入物", "移除眼眶植入物", "移除肌锥外的眼眶植入物" ], "183285004": [ "Masticatory exercises", "咀嚼练习" ], "609269006": [ "Open repair of obstructed inguinal hernia with prosthesis", "开放式假体修补术治疗阻塞性腹股沟疝" ], "3061006": [ "Complete avulsion of nail", "Complete excision of nail AND nail matrix", "彻底切除指甲和指甲基质", "指甲完全脱落" ], "265205006": [ "Prosthetic repair of ligament", "韧带假体修复" ], "445429009": [ "Cervical laminectomy", "Excision of lamina of cervical vertebra", "颈椎椎板切除术" ], "117749009": [ "HIV 1 p24 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p24 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 24 antibody", "HIV 1 p24 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 24 抗体的测量", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p24 抗体检测" ], "443594007": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of bone of upper limb", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和上肢骨计算机断层扫描" ], "736671000": [ "Fluoroscopy guided bronchoscopic insertion of endobronchial nitinol coil", "Bronchoscopic insertion of endobronchial nitinol coil using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下经支气管镜插入支气管内镍钛合金线圈", "荧光透视引导支气管镜插入支气管内镍钛合金线圈" ], "179615002": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture dislocation and skin traction", "一期切开复位骨折脱位及皮肤牵引" ], "32159004": [ "Osteotomy of mandible by Gigli saw", "使用 Gigli 锯进行下颌骨截骨术" ], "408991007": [ "Child care education", "Teach child care", "Child care training", "幼儿教育", "育儿培训", "教授儿童保育" ], "177780002": [ "Repair of previous incision of chest wall with microvascular transferred flap", "Repair of previous incision of chest wall with free flap", "微血管转移皮瓣修复原有胸壁切口", "利用游离皮瓣修复先前的胸壁切口" ], "734836004": [ "Voice prosthesis education", "Education about voice production device", "关于发声装置的教育", "发声假体教育" ], "241481001": [ "US scan of kidney and ureters", "Ultrasound scan of kidney and ureters", "肾脏和输尿管超声扫描", "肾脏和输尿管的超声波扫描" ], "257865002": [ "Cyanoacrylic injection", "氰基丙烯酸注射液" ], "225097004": [ "Proximal colonic washout", "近端结肠冲洗" ], "28489004": [ "Insertion of choledochohepatic tube for decompression", "插入胆总管肝管减压" ], "43038000": [ "Cardiovascular examination and evaluation", "Examination of cardiovascular system", "CVS - Examination of cardiovascular system", "心血管系统检查", "心血管检查和评估", "CVS - 心血管系统检查" ], "700233009": [ "Dilatation of stomach using fluoroscopic guidance", "Dilation of stomach using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下进行胃扩张" ], "405321009": [ "Repair of external iliac vein", "髂外静脉修复" ], "419870000": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of upper limb with contrast", "上肢荧光静脉造影" ], "239646008": [ "Application of skin traction to upper limb", "Application of skin traction to arm", "皮牵引在上肢的应用", "皮肤牵引在手臂的应用" ], "172275004": [ "Excision of lesion of perirectal tissue", "直肠周围组织病变切除" ], "450803007": [ "Osteotomy and internal fixation", "截骨内固定" ], "104904000": [ "Protein measurement, refractometric method", "蛋白质测量,折射法" ], "55752000": [ "Neuromuscular junction testing", "神经肌肉接头测试" ], "430749000": [ "Arachidonic acid measurement", "花生四烯酸的测定" ], "432584009": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of hepatic artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of hepatic artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "肝动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "肝动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术" ], "399816009": [ "AGf76 specific IgG antibody measurement", "Alpha-lactalbumin specific IgG antibody measurement", "Alpha-lactalbumin specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "AGf76 特异性 IgG 抗体测量", "α-乳清蛋白特异性 IgG 抗体测量", "α-乳清蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白 G 抗体测量" ], "4765003": [ "Insertion of ocular implant following or secondary to enucleation", "Insertion of ocular implant following or secondary to evisceration", "Insertion of ocular prosthesis or prosthetic device, secondary", "Secondary insertion of ocular implant", "眼球摘除术后或继发性眼部植入物插入", "插入眼部假体或义眼装置,二次", "眼内容物摘除后或继发性眼部植入", "眼部植入物的二次植入" ], "252360009": [ "Transplantation assay", "移植试验" ], "609138000": [ "Revision of internal fixation of tarsal and metatarsal bones", "跗骨及跖骨内固定修复" ], "428914007": [ "Posterior epiphysiodesis of spine for correction of deformity", "脊柱后骨骺固定术矫正畸形" ], "68466008": [ "Removal of coronary artery obstruction by percutaneous transluminal balloon, single vessel", "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of one coronary artery", "经皮腔内球囊单血管切除冠状动脉阻塞", "经皮腔内球囊血管成形术治疗一侧冠状动脉" ], "117618007": [ "Cell count by CD antigen phenotype", "根据 CD 抗原表型进行细胞计数" ], "50247007": [ "Anesthesia for tenodesis, rupture of long tendon of biceps", "Anaesthesia for tenodesis, rupture of long tendon of biceps", "肌腱固定术、肱二头肌长肌腱断裂的麻醉", "肌腱固定术、肱二头肌长腱断裂的麻醉" ], "408860000": [ "Plastic operation on hand with implant", "手部整形手术及植入物" ], "443463009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into superior mesenteric artery", "Endovascular insertion of stent into superior mesenteric artery", "肠系膜上动脉血管内植入支架", "经皮腔内支架置入肠系膜上动脉" ], "359708002": [ "Radical amputation of penis", "阴茎根治性切除术" ], "1295431009": [ "Postmortem plain X-ray skeletal survey of foetus", "Postmortem plain X-ray skeletal survey of fetus", "Postmortem plain X-ray of entire skeleton of fetus", "Postmortem plain X-ray of entire skeleton of foetus", "胎儿死后X射线骨骼检查", "胎儿尸检后全骨骼 X 光检查", "胎儿尸检后进行全骨骼 X 光检查" ], "228636005": [ "Back pain prevention education", "背痛预防教育" ], "439793006": [ "Osteotomy and discectomy of cervical spine by anterior approach", "Osteotomy of cervical vertebra and excision of cervical intervertebral disc by anterior approach", "前入路颈椎截骨及颈椎间盘切除术", "前入路颈椎截骨及椎间盘切除术" ], "243185007": [ "Advanced life support", "ALS - Advanced life support", "ALS-- 高级生命支持", "高级生命支持" ], "79345008": [ "Excision of maxillary torus palatinus", "上颌腭隆突切除术" ], "308721008": [ "Suction clearance of nasal cavity", "鼻腔吸气间隙" ], "306886002": [ "Microwave diathermy to knee", "膝盖微波透热疗法" ], "388806007": [ "Glycyphagus domesticus specific IgE antibody measurement", "d73 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Glycyphagus domesticus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "家蚕特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "家蚕特异性IgE抗体测定", "d73 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "239515003": [ "Excision arthroplasty of the interphalangeal joint of hallux", "拇趾指间关节切除成形术" ], "450672003": [ "Debridement of skin of neck", "颈部皮肤清创" ], "57456004": [ "Standing transfer training", "站立转移训练" ], "172144003": [ "Insertion of external orbital prosthesis", "Insertion of prosthetic replacement for orbit", "植入眼眶假体", "插入外部眼眶假体" ], "712816007": [ "CT of abdominal wall", "Computed tomography of abdominal wall", "腹壁计算机断层扫描", "腹壁CT" ], "710981001": [ "Prioritizing treatment regime", "Prioritising treatment regime", "优先治疗方案", "确定治疗方案的优先次序" ], "434288009": [ "Procedure on tissue block", "组织块操作" ], "170309003": [ "Child 7 month exam", "儿童 7 个月检查" ], "104773004": [ "Lactoferrin measurement", "乳铁蛋白测量" ], "448837005": [ "Attention to percutaneously inserted tubal prosthesis in bile duct", "经皮胆管置入人工管的注意事项" ], "792901003": [ "Drug addiction therapy using buprenorphine", "使用丁丙诺啡进行药物成瘾治疗" ], "22853007": [ "Transposition of biliary fistulous tract into intestine", "胆管瘘管移位至肠道" ], "55621008": [ "Drainage of ovarian abscess by abdominal approach", "经腹卵巢脓肿引流术" ], "252229007": [ "Rapid calcium infusion test", "快速钙输注检测" ], "37402004": [ "Incision and drainage of abscess of appendix", "阑尾脓肿切开引流" ], "168474008": [ "HLA tissue typing", "Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) tissue typing", "Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) tissue typing", "Human leukocyte antigen tissue typing", "人类白细胞抗原 (HLA) 组织分型", "人类白细胞抗原组织分型", "HLA 组织分型" ], "447002009": [ "Measurement of Influenza A virus A/Leningrad/621/86 (H1N1) antibody", "甲型流感病毒 A/Leningrad/621/86 (H1N1) 抗体检测" ], "133871003": [ "Cecosigmoidostomy", "Caecosigmoidostomy", "盲肠乙状结肠造口术" ], "232175004": [ "Primary obliteration of mastoid cavity", "乳突腔原发性闭塞" ], "707311008": [ "Immunosuppressant drug therapy", "免疫抑制药物治疗" ], "1002223009": [ "Assessment of progress toward goals to achieve food security", "评估实现粮食安全目标的进展情况" ], "1196996002": [ "Percutaneous drainage of joint of shoulder using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of shoulder joint", "影像引导下经皮肩关节引流", "影像引导下肩关节经皮穿刺引流" ], "17348004": [ "Operative procedure on posterior segment of eye", "眼后节手术方法" ], "279492006": [ "Release of intrinsic muscle of hand", "手内在肌释放" ], "410564006": [ "Posterior subtenon steroid injection", "后腱鞘下类固醇注射" ], "33732007": [ "Antibody to JO-1 measurement", "JO-1 抗体测量" ], "443332009": [ "Le Fort I osteotomy of maxilla into two segments with grafting of bone", "上颌骨 Le Fort I 截骨术,分为两段并进行骨移植" ], "66500008": [ "Physical medicine procedure", "Physiatric procedure", "物理医学程序", "物理治疗" ], "392345001": [ "Box elder specific IgE antibody measurement", "Acer negundo specific IgE antibody measurement", "t1 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Acer negundo specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "北美红松鼠特异性IgE抗体测定", "T1 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "黄枫特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "黄枫特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "179353004": [ "Revision uncemented total knee replacement", "Revision of uncemented total prosthetic replacement of knee joint", "非骨水泥全膝关节置换术", "非骨水泥型全膝关节假体置换术" ], "310425007": [ "Diabetes monitoring invitation", "糖尿病监测邀请" ], "308590000": [ "Payment for service procedure", "服务付款流程" ], "441497009": [ "Repair of capsule and anterior and posterior labrum for stabilisation of glenohumeral joint", "Repair of capsule and anterior and posterior labrum for stabilization of glenohumeral joint", "修复关节囊及前后盂唇以稳定盂肱关节" ], "359577008": [ "Goniotomy with goniopuncture", "房角穿刺切开术" ], "13678003": [ "Transanal enema", "经肛门灌肠" ], "767342007": [ "Right total scrotal orchidectomy", "Excision of entire right testis by scrotal approach", "Right total scrotal orchiectomy", "经阴囊入路切除整个右侧睾丸", "右侧阴囊全睾丸切除术", "右侧阴囊睾丸全切除术" ], "406894008": [ "Methyl orange stain method", "Methyl orange stain", "甲基橙染色", "甲基橙染色法" ], "273987005": [ "Nerve operations", "Operative procedure on nerve", "Nerve operation", "神经手术" ], "241219006": [ "Internal carotid arteriogram", "Arteriography of internal carotid artery", "Angiography of internal carotid artery", "颈内动脉造影" ], "388675005": [ "Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf311 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Megrim specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lepidorhombus whiffiagonis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Megrim 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Rf311特异性IgE抗体测量", "鳞背鳞鲽特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "鳞鲵特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "26392006": [ "Urethrovaginal fixation", "尿道阴道固定" ], "173848007": [ "Total excision of duodenum", "Total duodenectomy", "十二指肠全切除术", "全十二指肠切除术" ], "1236973000": [ "Disinfection of skin of perineum", "会阴皮肤消毒" ], "434157004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of renal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下进行肾动脉" ], "448706003": [ "Magnetic resonance venography of iliac vein", "髂静脉磁共振静脉造影" ], "201111000": [ "Ventricular puncture through suture with injection", "通过缝合注射进行心室穿刺" ], "104642009": [ "Dihydropteridine reductase measurement", "二氢蝶啶还原酶测定" ], "710850009": [ "Assessment of expectations", "期望评估" ], "4503005": [ "Removal of foreign body of sclera without use of magnet", "不使用磁铁去除巩膜异物" ], "37271007": [ "Repair of symblepharon", "睑球粘连修复" ], "117356000": [ "Blood cell count, automated", "血细胞计数,自动化" ], "608876003": [ "Removal of implant from radius and ulna", "从桡骨和尺骨取出植入物" ], "313964003": [ "Plasma IGF 1 measurement", "Plasma IGF 1 level", "Plasma insulin-like growth factor 1 measurement", "血浆胰岛素样生长因子 1 测量", "血浆 IGF-1 测量", "血浆 IGF-1 水平" ], "2668005": [ "Recementation of space maintainer", "间隙保持器再置换术" ], "428652006": [ "Transcervical resection of leiomyoma", "Transcervical resection of leiomyoma of uterus", "Transcervical resection of fibroid", "宫颈肌瘤切除术", "宫颈平滑肌瘤切除术", "子宫平滑肌瘤经宫颈切除术" ], "35436006": [ "Cisternal tap", "Puncture of cisterna magna", "枕大池穿刺", "水箱水龙头" ], "363116008": [ "Exploration of female genital system", "女性生殖系统探索" ], "445036004": [ "Assessment using short falls efficacy - international scale", "使用短距离跌倒效能评估-国际量表" ], "66369007": [ "Aneurysmectomy of head and neck artery", "头颈动脉瘤切除术" ], "426817008": [ "Computerized tomography of left ankle", "Computerised tomography of left ankle", "CT of left ankle", "Computed tomography of left ankle", "左脚踝计算机断层扫描", "左脚踝 CT", "左踝部计算机断层扫描" ], "17217009": [ "Composite graft", "复合移植物" ], "308459004": [ "Referral to psychologist", "Refer to psychologist", "咨询心理学家", "转介给心理学家" ], "60864000": [ "Autopsy review for conference", "会议尸检审查" ], "404928000": [ "Pilates exercise", "普拉提运动" ], "880064002": [ "Fine needle aspiration of retroperitoneal lymph node using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "EUS FNA (endoscopic ultrasonography fine needle aspiration) of retroperitoneal lymph node", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided fine needle aspiration of retroperitoneal lymph node", "Endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration of retroperitoneal lymph node", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of retroperitoneal lymph node using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "内镜超声引导下腹膜后淋巴结细针穿刺", "内镜超声引导下腹膜后淋巴结细针穿刺活检", "腹膜后淋巴结 EUS FNA(内镜超声细针穿刺)" ], "439531009": [ "Procedure on artery using imaging guidance", "使用影像引导进行动脉手术" ], "306624004": [ "Discharge from community chiropody service", "Discharge from community podiatry service", "退出社区足病治疗服务" ], "77248004": [ "Infection control procedure", "Infection control", "Infectious disease : prevention/control", "Infection precautions treatments and procedures", "Infection prevention and control", "感染预防治疗和程序", "感染控制程序", "传染病:预防/控制", "感染控制", "感染预防与控制" ], "388544006": [ "f23 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cancer pagurus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Crab specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cancer pagurus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "癌症寄生虫特异性IgE抗体测定", "f23 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "癌症寄生虫特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "蟹特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "699840007": [ "Provision of written information about antibiotic therapy", "提供有关抗生素治疗的书面信息" ], "9877001": [ "Repair of paraumbilical hernia", "脐旁疝修补术" ], "1287829007": [ "CRIF (closed reduction with internal fixation) of fracture of tibia using intramedullary nail", "Closed reduction of fracture of tibia with internal fixation using intramedullary nail", "CRIF (closed reduction with internal fixation) of fracture of tibia using IM (intramedullary) nail", "CRIF (closed reduction with internal fixation) of tibial fracture using intramedullary nail", "Closed reduction of tibial fracture with internal fixation using intramedullary nail", "CRIF (closed reduction with internal fixation) of tibial fracture using IM (intramedullary) nail", "Closed reduction of tibial fracture with internal fixation using IM (intramedullary) nail", "使用 IM(髓内)钉对胫骨骨折进行 CRIF(闭合复位内固定)", "胫骨骨折 CRIF(闭合复位内固定)髓内钉固定术", "胫骨骨折闭合复位髓内钉内固定", "胫骨骨折 CRIF(闭合复位内固定)髓内钉固定" ], "42645008": [ "Closure of gastroesophageal fistula", "Closure of gastro-oesophageal fistula", "胃食管瘘缝合", "胃食管瘘闭合" ], "712554001": [ "Liaising with patient on breastfeeding plan", "与患者沟通母乳喂养计划" ], "24426001": [ "Arsenic measurement, gastric", "胃砷测量" ], "239253009": [ "Tenotomy of extensor digitorum of lesser toe", "小趾伸肌腱切断术" ], "434026002": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of common iliac artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of common iliac artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "髂总动脉荧光造影及植入支架", "髂总动脉造影及支架植入术" ], "1156757008": [ "Exploration of tympanic membrane", "鼓膜探查" ], "401258002": [ "Faecal lactose level", "Fecal lactose level", "粪便乳糖水平" ], "417642008": [ "Removal of prosthetic components without revision", "无需修复即可移除假肢部件" ], "71743000": [ "Single valve replacement with commissurotomy of two valves", "单瓣膜置换术及双瓣膜分离术" ], "237418008": [ "Biesenberger reduction mammoplasty", "Reduction mammoplasty central pedicle technique", "缩乳术中央蒂技术", "比森伯格乳房缩小术" ], "104511006": [ "Ammonia nitrogen measurement", "氨氮测定" ], "38975007": [ "Exploration of tarsal tunnel", "跗管探查" ], "708884000": [ "Excision of emphysematous bleb of lung", "Resection of emphysematous bleb of lung", "肺气肿大泡切除术" ], "235583009": [ "ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) sphincterotomy of sphincter of Oddi and calculus removal", "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography sphincterotomy of sphincter of Oddi and calculus removal", "ERCP(内镜逆行胰胆管造影)Oddi 括约肌切开术及结石去除术", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影 Oddi 括约肌切开术及结石取出术" ], "37140006": [ "Chemical cauterization for destruction of lesion of uvula", "Chemical cauterisation for destruction of lesion of uvula", "化学烧灼法破坏悬雍垂病变" ], "446740007": [ "Banding of varix of stomach", "Banding of gastric varices", "胃静脉曲张套扎术", "胃静脉曲张束带术" ], "53524009": [ "Ophthalmoscopy", "Ophthalmoscopic examination", "Fundoscopy", "Clinical evaluation of optic fundoscopy", "眼底镜检查", "检眼镜检查", "眼底镜检查的临床评估" ], "313833001": [ "Plasma arginine vasopressin level", "Plasma arginine vasopressin measurement", "血浆精氨酸加压素水平", "血浆精氨酸加压素测量" ], "18921005": [ "Packed RBC preparation, sedimentation", "Packed red blood cell preparation, sedimentation", "浓缩红细胞制备、沉淀" ], "117225005": [ "Hale's colloidal iron stain method", "Hale's colloidal ferric oxide stain method", "Hale colloidal iron stain method", "Hale 胶体氧化铁染色法", "Hale胶体铁染色法", "Hale 胶体铁染色法" ], "17086001": [ "Modified radical mastectomy, bilateral", "改良根治性乳房切除术,双侧" ], "443070001": [ "Augmentation of pectoral region", "胸部增大术" ], "33470005": [ "Flucytosine measurement", "5-Fluorocytosine measurement", "5-flucytosine level", "5-氟胞嘧啶测量", "5-氟胞嘧啶水平", "氟胞嘧啶测量" ], "410302006": [ "Positioning teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Positioning teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Positioning education, guidance, and counseling", "Positioning education, guidance, and counselling", "定位教育、指导和咨询", "定位教学、指导和咨询" ], "66238006": [ "Radioreceptor assay", "Immunoradiometric assay", "RRA - radioreceptor assay", "IRMA - immunoradiometric assay", "RRA-- 放射受体分析", "放射受体检测", "IRMA-- 免疫放射测定法", "免疫放射测定" ], "277395001": [ "PFFIN - Pseudo free-field speech in noise test", "Pseudo free-field speech in noise test", "PFFIN - 噪声中的伪自由场语音测试", "噪声测试中的伪自由场语音" ], "2141000087100": [ "Biopsy of right breast using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided biopsy of right breast", "使用磁共振成像引导进行右乳房活检", "MRI 引导下右乳房活检" ], "5981000087101": [ "Mammography and aspiration of right breast", "乳房 X 线摄影及右乳抽吸" ], "48019007": [ "Electron probe scan, heavy metal", "电子探针扫描,重金属" ], "177256000": [ "Thigh reduction", "大腿缩小术" ], "439400000": [ "Percutaneous skeletal fixation of distal phalangeal fracture of thumb", "拇指远端指骨骨折经皮骨固定术" ], "13416003": [ "Ober's test", "Ober test", "奥伯的测试", "上测试" ], "4701000087107": [ "Angiography of right femoral artery", "Right femoral angiography", "Arteriography of right femoral artery", "右股动脉造影", "右股动脉血管造影" ], "17501000087108": [ "MRI of bilateral thighs", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral thighs", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right thighs", "左右大腿磁共振成像", "双侧大腿 MRI 检查", "双侧大腿磁共振成像" ], "27965000": [ "Methamphetamine measurement", "甲基苯丙胺测量" ], "716093002": [ "Assessment using Westmead Post-Traumatic Amnesia scale", "Assessment using Westmead PTA (Post-Traumatic Amnesia) scale", "使用 Westmead 创伤后遗忘量表进行评估", "使用 Westmead PTA(创伤后遗忘症)量表进行评估" ], "44349007": [ "Operation on jejunum", "Jejunum operations", "空肠手术" ], "306493008": [ "Discharge by agency nurse", "由代理护士出院" ], "11581009": [ "Swinging transfer training", "摆动转移训练" ], "304658005": [ "Discussion about functional activity", "功能活动讨论" ], "173586007": [ "Bypass of oesophagus by anastomosis of oesophagus to oesophagus", "Bypass of esophagus by anastomosis of esophagus to esophagus", "通过食管吻合术绕过食管" ], "75282009": [ "Open reduction of separation of epiphysis of tibia", "胫骨骨骺分离切开复位" ], "1287698009": [ "Repair of skin of neck", "颈部皮肤修复" ], "386578009": [ "Creation of split ileostomy", "建立回肠造口术" ], "1269479003": [ "Manage female perineal care", "Female perineal care management", "管理女性会阴护理", "女性会阴护理管理" ], "401127005": [ "Serum nitrazepam level", "血清硝西泮浓度" ], "417511005": [ "Referral to home health care service", "转介至家庭保健服务" ], "73447007": [ "Oxybutyric acid measurement", "羟丁酸测量" ], "384743009": [ "Support system enhancement", "Support system care", "支援体制强化", "支持系统护理" ], "104380004": [ "Allergen specific antibody measurement", "过敏原特异性抗体测量" ], "448444006": [ "Incision of intracranial vascular structure", "Incision of intracranial vessel", "颅内血管结构切开术", "颅内血管切开术" ], "235452007": [ "Preparation of bowel for surgery", "手术肠道准备" ], "200849007": [ "Piercing of external ear", "Piercing of pinna", "耳廓穿孔", "外耳穿孔" ], "2406000": [ "Periodontic dental consultation and report", "牙周病咨询及报告" ], "51558006": [ "Deep palpation", "深部触诊" ], "231782009": [ "Removal of gas/air from vitreous", "去除玻璃体中的气体/空气" ], "442939003": [ "Replacement of biliary catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导胆道导管更换术" ], "410171007": [ "Nutrition care education", "Teach nutrition care", "营养护理教育", "教导营养护理" ], "64272000": [ "Removal of foreign body of lacrimal passage", "泪道异物取出术" ], "277264005": [ "Instillation of nose drops", "滴鼻剂" ], "31504008": [ "Repair of congenital anovaginal fistula", "Closure of congenital anovaginal fistula", "先天性肛门阴道瘘的缝合", "先天性肛门阴道瘘的修补" ], "717797001": [ "Antenatal care of elderly primigravida", "高龄初产妇的产前保健" ], "439269000": [ "Harvesting of conjunctiva for allograft", "采集结膜用于同种异体移植" ], "699578000": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of inferior epigastric artery", "下腹壁动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "44218004": [ "Implantation of cochlear electrode", "Implantation of cochlear electronic stimulator", "植入耳蜗电子刺激器", "耳蜗电极植入" ], "715962007": [ "Referral to sport and exercise medicine service", "转介至运动和运动医学服务" ], "175290008": [ "Emergency bypass of bifurcation of aorta by anastomosis of aorta to femoral artery", "主动脉分叉处紧急搭桥术——主动脉与股动脉吻合" ], "306362008": [ "Referral to pharmacist", "转介给药剂师" ], "173455004": [ "Reconstruction of mouth defect using distant pedicle flap", "Reconstruction of mouth defect with distant pedicle flap", "Distant pedicle flap reconstruction of mouth defect", "远位带蒂皮瓣修复口腔缺损", "远距离带蒂皮瓣修复口腔缺损", "远侧带蒂皮瓣修复口腔缺损" ], "386447008": [ "Staff supervision", "员工监督" ], "433764001": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of basilic vein using contrast with insertion of stent", "用造影剂插入支架进行贵要静脉荧光镜造影" ], "171620004": [ "Excision of lesion of hypoglossal nerve", "舌下神经损伤切除术" ], "269924007": [ "Fluid sample creatinine measurement", "Creatinine measurement, body fluid", "肌酐测量,体液", "液体样本肌酐测量" ], "448313001": [ "Embolisation of intracranial aneurysm using catheter", "Embolization of intracranial aneurysm using catheter", "导管栓塞颅内动脉瘤" ], "104249006": [ "Vital staining", "Vital stain method", "Vital staining method", "Vital stain", "活体染色法", "活体染色" ], "431929008": [ "Warming patient using extracorporeal circulation", "使用体外循环为患者加温" ], "708622001": [ "Local excision of lesion of prostate", "前列腺病变局部切除术" ], "233486001": [ "Removal of stent from arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘支架取出术" ], "118798003": [ "Procedure on heart valve", "心脏瓣膜手术" ], "36878004": [ "Acid fast Kinyoun's cold carbolfuchsin stain method", "Acid fast Kinyoun cold carbolfuchsin stain method", "抗酸 Kinyoun 冷卡博克红染色法", "抗酸 Kinyoun 冷石炭酸染色法" ], "231651000": [ "Medial rectus superoplacement", "内直肌超移位术" ], "67811002": [ "Immune complex assay, c1q binding cell", "免疫复合物测定,c1q 结合细胞" ], "444643003": [ "Measurement of volume of single voided urine specimen", "单次尿液标本体积测量" ], "870627004": [ "Migraine therapy caloric vestibular stimulation", "偏头痛治疗热量前庭刺激" ], "35043006": [ "Functional independence training", "Independence training", "功能独立训练", "独立训练" ], "84195007": [ "Classical cesarean section", "Fundal cesarean section", "Corporeal cesarean section", "Classical transperitoneal cesarean section", "Classical caesarean section", "Fundal caesarean section", "Classical transperitoneal caesarean section", "Corporeal caesarean section", "剖宫产", "经典剖宫产", "剖腹产", "经典经腹剖宫产", "宫底剖宫产", "经典的腹膜剖宫产术", "经典剖腹产", "背景剖腹产" ], "51427007": [ "Intersex surgery, male to female", "Combined operation for transformation from male to female", "男变女组合手术", "双性人手术,男变女" ], "442808001": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of anus", "肛门细针穿刺活检" ], "1296611009": [ "Incision of urachal sinus", "脐尿管窦切开术" ], "436661000124100": [ "Lactose modified diet", "乳糖改良饮食" ], "408205003": [ "Calculus xanthine content measurement", "牙结石黄嘌呤含量的测定" ], "62306001": [ "Suprahyoid lymphadenectomy", "舌骨上淋巴结清扫术" ], "424589009": [ "Substance use treatment: cessation", "Substance use cessation treatments and procedures", "药物滥用戒断治疗和程序", "药物滥用治疗:戒断" ], "176994003": [ "Endoscopic freeing of adhesions of fallopian tube", "Laparoscopic salpingolysis", "Salpingolysis - endoscopic", "腹腔镜输卵管松解术", "输卵管松解术 - 内窥镜", "输卵管粘连内镜松解术" ], "11319003": [ "Control of postoperative hemorrhage of bladder", "Control of postoperative haemorrhage of bladder", "Control of postoperative haemorrhage of urinary bladder", "Control of postoperative hemorrhage of urinary bladder", "膀胱术后出血的控制" ], "306231006": [ "Referral for general medical domiciliary visit", "Referral for general medical DV", "一般医疗 DV 转介", "转介一般医疗上门就诊" ], "764983008": [ "Angiogram of right external carotid artery", "Angiography of right external carotid artery", "Arteriography of right external carotid artery", "右颈外动脉血管造影", "右颈外动脉造影" ], "288012002": [ "Transurethral resection - bladder ulcer excision", "Transurethral excision of ulcer of urinary bladder", "经尿道电切术-膀胱溃疡切除术", "经尿道膀胱溃疡切除术" ], "1287436003": [ "Open repair of intraarticular ligament", "关节内韧带开放修复" ], "304396004": [ "Short wave diathermy to lower limb", "下肢短波透热疗法" ], "386316003": [ "Hallucination management", "幻觉管理" ], "91404008": [ "Insertion of bone growth stimulator", "插入骨生长刺激器" ], "419084009": [ "CT of urinary tract", "Computed tomography of urinary tract", "泌尿道计算机断层扫描", "泌尿道CT" ], "7649003": [ "Orthopedic procedure on head", "Orthopaedic procedure on head", "头部矫形手术" ], "56801004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of renal artery", "Percutaneous angioplasty of renal artery", "PTA - Percutaneous angioplasty of renal artery", "PTA-- 经皮肾动脉血管成形术", "经皮肾动脉血管成形术", "经皮肾动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "122337004": [ "Francisella tularensis antigen assay", "土拉弗朗西斯菌抗原测定" ], "433633006": [ "Intraoperative fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta with contrast with insertion of fenestrated bifurcated stent graft", "Intraoperative fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta with contrast with insertion of fenestrated bifurcated stent graft", "术中腹主动脉荧光造影及插入有孔分叉支架移植物", "术中腹主动脉荧光血管造影及插入有孔分叉支架移植物" ], "431798000": [ "Fluoroscopic pancreatography using contrast", "对比剂透视胰腺造影" ], "237025009": [ "RMLE - Repair of right mediolateral episiotomy", "Repair of right mediolateral episiotomy", "右侧内外会阴切开术修复", "RMLE - 修复右侧内外会阴切开术" ], "104118006": [ "Red blood cell count, automated, pleural fluid", "自动化胸腔积液红细胞计数" ], "235190009": [ "Hill gastropexy", "Posterior gastropexy", "希尔胃固定术", "后胃固定术" ], "413579003": [ "Arthrocentesis of joint of toe", "趾关节穿刺术" ], "118667007": [ "Procedure on skeletal muscular system", "Procedure on system of skeletal muscles", "骨骼肌系统手术" ], "84064003": [ "Hysteroscopy with removal of submucous leiomyomata", "宫腔镜切除粘膜下平滑肌瘤" ], "116832003": [ "Measurement of ratio of cell count to total gated cells", "测量细胞计数与门控细胞总数的比率" ], "51296006": [ "Injection into tendon of hand", "手部肌腱注射" ], "82229000": [ "Spectrophotometric measurement, qualitative", "分光光度测量,定性" ], "313440008": [ "Serum TSH level", "Serum TSH measurement", "Measurement of serum thyroid stimulating hormone", "Serum thyroid stimulating hormone measurement", "血清 TSH 测量", "血清 TSH 水平", "血清促甲状腺激素测定" ], "311605005": [ "Auditory monitoring therapy", "听觉监测治疗" ], "442677007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of internal jugular vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of internal jugular vein with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内颈内静脉切割球囊血管成形术", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行颈内静脉" ], "65845008": [ "Reduction of closed coccygeal fracture", "闭合性尾骨骨折复位" ], "178698007": [ "Revision to external fixation stabilisation of spinal fracture", "Revision to external fixation stabilization of spinal fracture", "脊柱骨折外固定固定术的修订" ], "733919004": [ "Assessment of body movement", "身体运动评估" ], "78559005": [ "Operative procedure on shoulder", "Operative procedure on shoulder region", "肩部手术流程" ], "1141684006": [ "Increased fructose diet", "增加果糖饮食" ], "306100008": [ "Referral by relative", "亲属推荐" ], "173193002": [ "Drainage of lung", "肺引流" ], "9353002": [ "Muscle flap reconstruction of trunk", "Trunk reconstruction using muscle flap", "Reconstruction of trunk with muscle flap", "Reconstruction of trunk using muscle flap", "利用肌瓣重建躯干", "使用肌瓣进行躯干重建", "躯干肌瓣重建", "肌瓣重建躯干" ], "25737009": [ "Core needle biopsy of ovary", "卵巢穿刺活检" ], "23902001": [ "Epiphysiodesis of ulna", "尺骨骨骺固定术" ], "56670002": [ "Osteotomy of innominate bone with open reduction of hip", "无名骨截骨术及髋关节切开复位术" ], "89438004": [ "Endoscopic catheterization of pancreatic duct system", "Endoscopic catheterisation of pancreatic duct system", "胰管系统内镜导管插入术" ], "122206002": [ "Bordetella pertussis culture", "百日咳杆菌培养" ], "1285470001": [ "Fitting of dental crown to dental implant", "将牙冠安装到牙种植体上" ], "171358005": [ "Diving medical examination", "潜水体检" ], "236894009": [ "FET - Frozen embryo transfer", "Frozen embryo transfer", "冷冻胚胎移植", "FET——冷冻胚胎移植" ], "103987002": [ "C blood group antibody identification", "C血型抗体鉴定" ], "300595006": [ "Laser destruction of lesion of cervix", "Laser vaporisation of lesion of cervix", "Laser vaporization of lesion of cervix", "宫颈病变激光毁损术", "宫颈病变激光汽化术" ], "16431351000119104": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of hepatic vein with haemodynamic evaluation with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venogram of hepatic vein with haemodynamic evaluation with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venography of hepatic vein with hemodynamic evaluation with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venogram of hepatic vein with hemodynamic evaluation with contrast", "肝静脉荧光镜造影及血流动力学评估", "肝静脉荧光镜静脉造影及血流动力学评估" ], "431667009": [ "Intracoronary brachytherapy using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "使用荧光造影剂引导的冠状动脉内近距离放射治疗" ], "437751000119106": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of hand joint without contrast", "MRI of hand joint without contrast", "手关节无造影 MRI", "手关节无造影磁共振成像" ], "85768003": [ "Excision of median bar of prostate by transurethral approach", "经尿道前列腺中线切除术" ], "446216003": [ "Assessment using evaluation tool of children's handwriting", "使用儿童书写评估工具进行评估" ], "315144005": [ "Legionella immunofluorescence", "军团菌免疫荧光" ], "233224003": [ "Central aortopulmonary shunt operation", "中央主动脉肺动脉分流术" ], "413431000119108": [ "SPECT using octreotide for localization of neoplasm", "Single photon emission computed tomography using octreotide for localization of neoplasm", "SPECT using octreotide for localisation of neoplasm", "Single photon emission computed tomography using octreotide for localisation of neoplasm", "使用奥曲肽进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描以定位肿瘤", "使用奥曲肽进行 SPECT 肿瘤定位" ], "53000009": [ "Transplantation of superior rectus tendon for blepharoptosis", "上直肌腱移植治疗上睑下垂" ], "427997001": [ "Subtotal excision of colon and rectum and creation of colonic pouch and anastomosis of colon to anus", "结肠和直肠次全切除、结肠袋建立及结肠与肛门吻合术" ], "231389002": [ "Epidural neurolysis", "硬膜外神经松解术" ], "67549005": [ "Sternal debridement", "胸骨清创" ], "65714004": [ "Rice grain test for molds", "Rice grain test for moulds", "大米霉菌检测" ], "229554006": [ "Combination therapy", "联合治疗" ], "178567001": [ "Revisional operations on thoracic spine", "胸椎修复手术" ], "113031002": [ "Urine specimen collection, 2 hours", "尿液样本采集,2小时" ], "440711002": [ "Laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation of neoplasm of liver", "腹腔镜肝肿瘤射频消融术" ], "14727005": [ "Closure of filtering bleb", "滤泡闭合" ], "225884000": [ "Talking about dying", "谈论死亡" ], "45660003": [ "Excision of soft tissue lesion from external auditory canal", "外耳道软组织病变切除术" ], "78428006": [ "Repair of spinal meninges", "Repair of spinal cord meninges", "脊髓脑膜修复", "脊髓膜修复" ], "305969000": [ "Schroeder operation for cervical myomectomy", "宫颈肌瘤切除术 Schroeder 手术" ], "173062001": [ "Open placement of tracheal stent", "开放式气管支架置入术" ], "1156102003": [ "Education about human immunodeficiency virus screening", "Education about screening for human immunodeficiency virus", "关于人类免疫缺陷病毒筛查的教育", "人类免疫缺陷病毒筛查教育" ], "183699009": [ "Ophthalmology self-referral", "眼科自我转诊" ], "56539001": [ "Injection of contrast media for radiography by catheter, selective", "通过导管选择性注射造影剂进行放射线摄影" ], "1285339005": [ "Testicular semen aspiration", "Aspiration of seminal fluid from testis", "从睾丸抽吸精液", "睾丸精液抽吸" ], "122075007": [ "Plasmodium vivax antibody assay", "Measurement of Plasmodium vivax antibody", "间日疟原虫抗体检测", "间日疟原虫抗体测量" ], "234928001": [ "Removal of foreign body from cheek", "FB - Removal of foreign body from cheek", "去除脸颊异物", "FB - 去除脸颊异物" ], "431536002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of external iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of external iliac artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮髂外动脉腔内血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下经皮髂外动脉腔内成形术" ], "447920002": [ "Bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis of iliac artery to iliac artery", "髂动脉旁路手术,通过髂动脉至髂动脉的吻合术" ], "710064008": [ "Management of nephrostomy care", "肾造口术护理管理" ], "233093006": [ "Transluminal left ventricular outflow tract laser operation", "经腔内左心室流出道激光手术" ], "3717006": [ "Dilute Russell viper venom time", "Stypven time", "DRVVT - dilute Russell viper venom time", "稀释罗素蝰蛇毒液的时间", "斯蒂普文时间", "DRVVT - 稀释罗素蝰蛇毒液时间" ], "265861008": [ "Suture/repair of spleen", "缝合/修复脾脏" ], "20101008": [ "Anastomosis of renal pelvis", "Anastomosis of kidney pelvis", "肾盂吻合术" ], "67418003": [ "Excision of lymphangioma", "Excision of lymphocele", "淋巴管瘤切除", "淋巴囊肿切除术" ], "231258003": [ "Lumbar subdural block", "腰椎硬膜下阻滞" ], "1179695007": [ "Excisional biopsy of axillary sentinel lymph node", "腋窝哨兵淋巴结切除活检" ], "229423009": [ "Mobilisation of the thorax", "Mobilization of the thorax", "胸腔活动" ], "178436001": [ "Reduction of fracture of alveolus of mandible", "下颌骨牙槽骨折复位术" ], "702724004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of head and neck with contrast", "MRI of head and neck with contrast", "头部和颈部增强 MRI", "头部和颈部的对比磁共振成像" ], "391428007": [ "Red cell vitamin B6 level", "红细胞维生素 B6 水平" ], "717273006": [ "Assessment using 30 item General Health Questionnaire", "Assessment using GHQ 30 (General Health Questionnaire 30)", "使用 GHQ 30(一般健康问卷 30)进行评估", "使用 30 项一般健康问卷进行评估" ], "78297006": [ "Transection of supraorbital nerve", "眶上神经切断术" ], "420526005": [ "Coaxial phacoemulsfication", "同轴白内障超声乳化术" ], "27310005": [ "Gold measurement", "黄金测量" ], "418691000": [ "Fluoroscopy of submandibular gland", "颌下腺透视检查" ], "385923003": [ "Pressure ulcer Stage 3 care assessment", "Assess pressure ulcer Stage 3 care", "Assessment of care of pressure injury stage III", "评估压疮 第 3 阶段护理", "压疮第 3 阶段护理评估", "压力性损伤III期的护理评估" ], "713603004": [ "Advance care planning", "提前护理计划" ], "172931007": [ "Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - postoperative division of adhesions", "FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) postoperative division of adhesions", "功能性内镜鼻窦手术-术后粘连分离", "FESS(功能性内镜鼻窦手术)术后粘连分离" ], "287619008": [ "Catheter suction clot removal", "导管抽吸血凝块清除" ], "285784000": [ "Anti-suppression treatment", "Suppression treatment", "抑制治疗", "抗抑制治疗" ], "271235009": [ "Total lactic dehydrogenase measurement", "Total lactic dehydrogenase level", "总乳酸脱氢酶水平", "总乳酸脱氢酶测定" ], "89176003": [ "Implantation of vitreous for retinal reattachment with buckling", "玻璃体植入术用于视网膜扣带复位" ], "121944003": [ "Borrelia hermsii antibody assay", "Measurement of Borrelia hermsii antibody", "赫氏疏螺旋体抗体测定", "赫氏疏螺旋体抗体测量" ], "433240003": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of pulmonary artery using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮肺动脉血栓溶解术" ], "7256003": [ "Countercurrent electrophoresis measurement", "CEP measurement", "Counter-current immunoelectrophoresis", "逆流电泳测量", "逆流免疫电泳", "CEP 测量" ], "187480008": [ "Plastic repair of lower extremity", "下肢整形修复" ], "185645001": [ "Oral contraceptive check - first call", "口服避孕药检查 - 首次致电" ], "87341000": [ "Modified Adson's test", "Modified Adson test", "改良 Adson 测试" ], "1332525002": [ "Cardiac ablation for atrial fibrillation", "心房颤动的心脏消融" ], "103725003": [ "Laser resurfacing of skin", "激光换肤" ], "21805006": [ "Removal of salpingothecal shunt", "输卵管鞘分流术" ], "447789006": [ "Puncture of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉穿刺" ], "234797006": [ "Final cementation of crown to tooth - laboratory constructed", "将牙冠最终粘合到牙齿上 - 实验室建设" ], "232962000": [ "Transluminal insertion of intraventricular pump", "经腔内插入脑室内泵" ], "445954002": [ "Computed tomography of colon using intravenous contrast", "CT of colon using intravenous contrast", "使用静脉注射造影剂进行结肠计算机断层扫描", "结肠静脉注射造影剂 CT 检查" ], "265730005": [ "Surgical manipulation of coccyx", "尾骨手术" ], "313047003": [ "Prescription of appliance", "器具的时效" ], "231127006": [ "Lesser occipital nerve block", "Local anaesthetic lesser occipital nerve block", "Local anesthetic lesser occipital nerve block", "局部麻醉枕小神经阻滞", "枕小神经阻滞" ], "409516001": [ "Post-exposure prophylaxis", "暴露后预防" ], "868268001": [ "Administration of third dose of diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus vaccine", "Third diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus immunization", "Third diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus immunisation", "Third diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Human poliovirus antigens", "第三次白喉、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫", "接种第三剂白喉、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "注射第三剂仅含有破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第三次白喉、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫接种", "第三次白喉、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种" ], "229292006": [ "UTEE - Upper thoracic expansion exercises", "Upper thoracic expansion exercises", "上胸椎扩张练习", "UTEE - 上胸椎扩张练习" ], "442284008": [ "Education about anticoagulant therapy", "抗凝治疗教育" ], "407681001": [ "Aspirin specific IgE antibody measurement", "Acetyl salicylic acid specific IgE antibody measurement", "Aspirin specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "ASA (acetyl salicylic acid) specific IgE antibody measurement", "阿司匹林特异性IgE抗体测量", "ASA(乙酰水杨酸)特异性IgE抗体测量", "乙酰水杨酸特异性IgE抗体测定", "阿司匹林特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "702593002": [ "Ultrasound guided needle localization of chest", "Ultrasound guided needle localisation of chest", "超声引导胸部针定位", "超声引导下胸部针定位" ], "440449002": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of transplanted kidney", "MR angiography of transplanted kidney", "移植肾磁共振血管造影", "移植肾的磁共振血管造影" ], "718977000": [ "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of arteriovenous shunt with contrast", "Insertion of arteriovenous shunt using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下置入造影动静脉分流术", "在荧光造影引导下插入动静脉分流术" ], "178305005": [ "Excision or biopsy of axillary lymph node", "腋窝淋巴结切除或活检" ], "425900008": [ "Removal of filter in vena cava", "移除腔静脉过滤器" ], "424065005": [ "Application of breast shell", "乳罩的应用" ], "405846001": [ "Wide re-excision of lesion of skin", "皮肤病变广泛再切除" ], "473217009": [ "Decompression of intervertebral disc prolapse", "椎间盘突出减压术" ], "225622001": [ "Breathalyser test", "酒精测试" ], "438614004": [ "Excision of bone of cranium and excision of neoplasm of cerebellopontine angle", "Craniectomy and excision of cerebellopontine angle tumor", "Craniectomy and excision of cerebellopontine angle tumour", "小脑桥脑角肿瘤开颅及切除术", "开颅及小脑桥脑角肿瘤切除术", "颅骨切除及小脑桥脑角肿瘤切除" ], "307542005": [ "Excision of pyramidal lobe of thyroid", "甲状腺锥体叶切除术" ], "129153009": [ "Procedure on axilla", "Axillary procedure", "Axilla procedure", "腋窝手术" ], "1290582007": [ "Plain X-ray of shoulder girdle", "肩带 X 光检查" ], "10795000": [ "Ventriculocaval shunt with valve", "Ventriculocaval anastomosis with valve", "带瓣膜脑室腔静脉吻合术", "带瓣膜的脑室腔静脉分流术" ], "174635004": [ "Endoscopic change of pancreatic stent", "Endoscopic retrograde renewal of tubal prosthesis in pancreatic duct", "胰管支架内镜改变", "内镜逆行胰管修复术" ], "25344002": [ "Fimbriectomy of fallopian tube", "输卵管伞端切除术" ], "385792008": [ "Insulin administration assessment", "Assess insulin injection", "评估胰岛素注射", "胰岛素给药评估" ], "238336009": [ "Removal of plomb with drainage of pleural cavity", "胸腔引流术" ], "39893001": [ "Electrodermal audiometry", "皮肤电测听" ], "433109004": [ "Injection of nerve root of thoracic spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下胸椎神经根注射" ], "236501004": [ "PFR - Pelvic floor repair", "Pelvic floor repair operation", "Pelvic floor repair", "PFR-- 盆底修复", "盆底修复", "盆底修复手术" ], "252885006": [ "Amsler chart assessment", "阿姆斯勒图表评估" ], "121813006": [ "Monoamine oxidase measurement", "单胺氧化酶测量" ], "1268693009": [ "Coaching for interview readiness", "面试准备辅导" ], "5290006": [ "Incision and drainage of Ludwig's angina", "Incision and drainage of Ludwig angina", "路德维希心绞痛切开引流术" ], "1119402007": [ "Reimplantation of bilateral ureters using Politano Leadbetter technique", "采用 Politano Leadbetter 技术再植双侧输尿管" ], "232831000": [ "Removal of thrombus from implanted aortic valve", "去除植入的主动脉瓣中的血栓" ], "119978006": [ "Bone marrow destructive procedure", "骨髓破坏性手术" ], "118143000": [ "Complement SC5b-9 antibody assay", "Measurement of complement SC5b-9 antibody", "补体 SC5b-9 抗体测定", "补体 SC5b-9 抗体测量" ], "445823000": [ "Assessment using eating attitudes test", "使用饮食态度测试进行评估" ], "183679003": [ "Arrange care by neighbor", "Arrange care by neighbour", "由邻居安排护理", "安排邻居照顾" ], "265599006": [ "Urethroscopic removal of lesion in urethra", "尿道镜切除尿道病变" ], "413055009": [ "Retinol binding protein / creatinine ratio measurement", "视黄醇结合蛋白/肌酐比率测量" ], "443988006": [ "Measurement of Leptospira kirschneri serovar Grippotyphosa antibody", "克氏钩端螺旋体血清型流感伤寒抗体检测" ], "1279572008": [ "Repair of endocardial cushion defect with prosthesis", "Repair of atrioventricular canal defect with prosthesis", "Repair of defect of atrioventricular septum with prosthesis", "人工心脏瓣膜修复房室管缺损", "房室间隔缺损的人工修复", "人工心脏修复心内膜垫缺损" ], "229161003": [ "Foot exercises", "足部锻炼" ], "81705005": [ "Denervation of aortic body", "主动脉体神经支配" ], "178174001": [ "Secondary repair of tendon", "肌腱的二次修复" ], "391166004": [ "Urine LSD screening test", "Urine lysergic acid diethylamide screening test", "尿液 LSD 筛查测试", "尿麦角酸二乙酰胺筛查试验" ], "243710004": [ "Provision of low vision aid", "LVA - Provision of low vision aid", "提供低视力辅助设备", "LVA - 提供低视力辅助设备" ], "176339000": [ "Anastomotic urethroplasty", "尿道吻合术" ], "1290451006": [ "Plain X-ray of ankle and foot", "踝部和足部的普通 X 光检查" ], "174504001": [ "Closure of gallbladder anastomosis", "胆囊吻合口闭合" ], "238205004": [ "Removal of foreign material from previous herniorraphy", "去除先前疝修补术中的异物" ], "270973006": [ "Serum testosterone level", "Serum testosterone measurement", "血清睾酮水平", "血清睾酮测量" ], "72530004": [ "Coagulation time, Bart test", "Bart test", "Whole blood activated recalcification time", "全血活化复钙时间", "凝血时间、Bart 试验", "Bart 测试" ], "449362005": [ "Arthroscopic release of capsule of hip joint", "关节镜下髋关节囊松解术" ], "711506006": [ "Implantation of patient-activated cardiac event recorder", "植入患者激活的心脏事件记录器" ], "252754006": [ "Surface EMG", "CMAP - Surface EMG", "Surface electromyography", "表面肌电图", "CMAP-表面肌电图" ], "121682008": [ "Scopolamine measurement", "东莨菪碱测定" ], "54311000": [ "Fluorescence polarization immunoassay, homogeneous", "Fluorescence polarisation immunoassay, homogeneous", "荧光偏振免疫分析,均相", "荧光偏振免疫分析,均质" ], "105298007": [ "Phenytoin, free measurement", "苯妥英,免费测量" ], "168999000": [ "Fluoroscopy - cervical column", "Fluoroscopy of cervical vertebral column", "荧光透视检查-颈柱", "颈椎X线检查" ], "39762009": [ "Calcium, urine, qualitative", "Sulkowitch test", "Sulkowitch 试验", "钙、尿液、定性" ], "119847006": [ "Skin of trunk transposition", "躯干皮肤移位术" ], "447527008": [ "Laparoscopic total excision of kidney by retroperitoneal approach", "Retroperitoneoscopic total excision of kidney", "后腹腔镜全肾切除术", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路全肾切除术" ], "232700002": [ "Oropharyngeal blind suction", "口咽盲吸" ], "118012005": [ "Bartonella henselae DNA assay", "Bartonella henselae deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "汉塞巴尔通体脱氧核糖核酸测定", "汉塞巴尔通体 DNA 检测" ], "396540005": [ "Phlebotomy", "Venous blood draw", "Blood draw", "放血", "静脉采血", "抽血" ], "36092006": [ "Nephrocolopexy", "肾固定术" ], "183548008": [ "Referral to obstetrics service", "Obstetric referral", "产科转诊", "转诊至产科服务" ], "68860005": [ "Percutaneous valvuloplasty", "Percutaneous transluminal valvuloplasty", "Transluminal cardiac valvoplasty", "Percutaneous cardiac valvuloplasty", "经皮腔内瓣膜成形术", "腔内心脏瓣膜成形术", "经皮瓣膜成形术", "经皮心脏瓣膜成形术" ], "738769004": [ "Insertion of cerebrospinal fluid drain", "插入脑脊液引流管" ], "179878008": [ "Primary arthroscopic allograft ligament augmentation", "初次关节镜同种异体移植韧带增强术" ], "178043001": [ "Excision of fascia of posterior abdominal wall", "腹后壁筋膜切除术" ], "81574008": [ "Application of Crutchfield tongs of skull with synchronous skeletal traction", "Crutchfield 颅骨钳与同步骨牵引的应用" ], "48806009": [ "Maximal voluntary ventilation measurement", "Maximum breathing capacity measurement", "最大呼吸容量测量", "最大自主通气量测量" ], "276347004": [ "Transcranial electrical stimulation", "Transcranial electrical stimulation of brain", "经颅电刺激", "经颅脑电刺激" ], "440187001": [ "Measurement of phenobarbital in urine", "尿液中苯巴比妥的测定" ], "700496000": [ "Postoperative administration of antineoplastic agent into peritoneal cavity", "术后腹腔内注射抗肿瘤药物" ], "866171008": [ "Virtual surgical planning", "虚拟手术规划" ], "391035008": [ "Emergency mental health assessment - 24 hour intensive", "紧急心理健康评估 - 24 小时密集" ], "225360001": [ "Skin care", "Skin care treatments and procedures", "皮肤护理治疗和程序", "皮肤护理" ], "241744004": [ "Reduction of heat loss by insulation", "通过隔热减少热量损失" ], "307280005": [ "Implantation of cardiac pacemaker", "Implantation of heart pacemaker", "植入心脏起搏器" ], "423803008": [ "Personal hygiene surveillance", "个人卫生监测" ], "61520005": [ "Total osteoplasty of maxilla", "上颌骨全骨成形术" ], "716880006": [ "Assessment using Phonological Evaluation and Transcription of Audio-Visual Language", "Assessment using PETAL (Phonological Evaluation and Transcription of Audio-Visual Language)", "使用 PETAL(视听语言的音位评估与转录)进行评估", "使用音位评估和视听语言转录进行评估" ], "174373007": [ "Laying open of low anal fistula", "Laying open of low fistula in ano", "低位肛瘘切开术" ], "172538005": [ "Mechanical lensectomy", "机械晶状体切除术" ], "8698005": [ "Parathyroid hormone (PTH) immunochemiluminescent measurement", "Parathyroid hormone immunochemiluminescent measurement", "甲状旁腺激素免疫化学发光测定", "甲状旁腺激素 (PTH) 免疫化学发光测量" ], "170703000": [ "Initial epilepsy assessment", "初步癫痫评估" ], "105167001": [ "Dipipanone measurement", "地匹酮测量" ], "41466009": [ "Myocardial imaging for infarct with ejection fraction, first pass technique", "心肌梗塞的射血分数心肌显像,首过技术" ], "121551001": [ "Dimethylacetamide measurement", "二甲基乙酰胺的测定" ], "252623004": [ "Oto-acoustic emission test", "OAE - Oto-acoustic emission test", "耳声发射测试", "OAE - 耳声发射测试" ], "236239008": [ "Urethral catheter procedure", "尿道导管手术" ], "449231008": [ "Ensuring use of infusion pump within safe parameters", "确保输液泵的使用在安全范围内" ], "86948006": [ "Destruction of lesion of choroid", "脉络膜损伤破坏" ], "398244008": [ "Drainage of acute apical abscess", "AAA - Drainage of acute apical abscess", "急性根尖脓肿引流", "AAA - 急性根尖脓肿引流" ], "119716009": [ "Nose destructive procedure", "Destructive procedure of nose", "鼻部破坏性手术", "鼻部毁损性手术" ], "232569002": [ "Reduction of Reinke's edema", "Aspiration of Reinke's oedema", "Reduction of Reinke's oedema", "Aspiration of Reinke's edema", "Reduction of Reinke edema", "Reduction of Reinke oedema", "任克氏水肿抽吸术", "减轻任克氏水肿" ], "724089005": [ "X-ray tomography of left rib", "左肋骨 X 射线断层扫描" ], "134265006": [ "Treponema pallidum reagin antibody level", "梅毒螺旋体反应素抗体水平" ], "117881009": [ "Streptococcus antibody assay", "Measurement of Streptococcus species antibody", "链球菌抗体检测", "链球菌抗体的测量" ], "165198008": [ "Writing up - publishing", "撰写——出版" ], "1358008": [ "Anti-human globulin test, enzyme technique, titer", "Anti-human globulin test, enzyme technique, titre", "抗人球蛋白试验,酶技术,滴度", "抗人球蛋白试验、酶技术、滴度" ], "359971002": [ "Ward-Mayo operation for vaginal hysterectomy", "沃德-梅奥手术进行阴道子宫切除术" ], "179747001": [ "Revision xenograft replacement extra-articular ligament", "异种移植置换关节外韧带修复" ], "192461000": [ "Dilation of sphincter of Oddi", "奥迪括约肌扩张" ], "30456009": [ "Open heart valvuloplasty without replacement of valve", "无需更换瓣膜的开放式心脏瓣膜成形术" ], "63224008": [ "Chlordiazepoxide measurement", "氯氮卓测量" ], "225229003": [ "Peritoneal dialysis bag procedure", "腹膜透析袋程序" ], "77773000": [ "Angiectomy with graft replacement of abdominal vein", "Resection of abdominal vein with replacement by graft", "Phlebectomy with graft replacement of abdominal vein", "腹腔静脉切除并移植", "腹腔静脉切除术及移植置换术", "腹腔静脉血管切除术及移植置换术" ], "472824009": [ "Fetal echocardiography screening", "Foetal echocardiography screening", "胎儿超声心动图筛查" ], "405453001": [ "Angioplasty of popliteal artery with vein", "腘动脉带静脉成形术" ], "14072009": [ "Total esophagectomy", "Total oesophagectomy", "Total excision of oesophagus", "Total excision of esophagus", "食管全切除术", "全食管切除术" ], "12237002": [ "Achillorrhaphy", "踝关节缝合术" ], "700365005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal coil embolisation of unruptured cerebral aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal coil embolization of unruptured cerebral aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal coil embolization of unruptured cerebral aneurysm with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal coil embolisation of unruptured cerebral aneurysm with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内线圈栓塞术治疗未破裂脑动脉瘤", "经皮腔内线圈栓塞术治疗未破裂的脑动脉瘤", "经皮腔内线圈栓塞术治疗未破裂脑动脉瘤", "荧光造影引导下经皮腔内线圈栓塞治疗未破裂脑动脉瘤" ], "26786002": [ "Scleral buckling", "Buckling procedure of sclera", "Scleral buckle procedure", "巩膜扣带术" ], "241613003": [ "MRI of thyroid", "Magnetic resonance imaging of thyroid", "甲状腺磁共振成像", "甲状腺 MRI" ], "370850003": [ "Evaluation of arterial blood gas studies", "Evaluates arterial blood gases - ABGs", "评估动脉血气 - ABG", "动脉血气分析评估" ], "305314005": [ "Admission by orthopedic surgeon", "Admission by orthopaedic surgeon", "骨科医生入院" ], "698530005": [ "Education about safe storage and management of medication", "药品安全储存和管理教育" ], "713079002": [ "Discussion about cardiopulmonary resuscitation", "心肺复苏讨论" ], "418167005": [ "MRI venography of inferior vena cava", "Magnetic resonance imaging venography of inferior vena cava", "下腔静脉磁共振成像静脉造影", "下腔静脉 MRI 静脉造影" ], "172407006": [ "Cauterisation of corneal lesion", "Cauterization of corneal lesion", "角膜损伤烧灼术" ], "90487008": [ "Aortocoronary bypass of two coronary arteries", "Cardiac revascularization with bypass aortocoronary anastomosis of two coronary vessels", "Cardiac revascularisation with bypass aortocoronary anastomosis of two coronary vessels", "两条冠状动脉的主动脉冠状动脉搭桥术", "心脏血运重建术,包括双冠状动脉旁路主动脉冠状动脉吻合术" ], "88652001": [ "Suture of major peripheral nerve of arm including transposition", "手臂主要周围神经缝合术(包括转位)" ], "105036000": [ "Tissue preparation for drug analysis", "用于药物分析的组织制备" ], "39500001": [ "Thyroid imaging", "甲状腺成像" ], "121420005": [ "Oxymorphone measurement", "羟吗啡酮测量" ], "1268300007": [ "Reopening of laminotomy site", "重新开放椎板切开术部位" ], "1217313001": [ "Biopsy of colon using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided biopsy of colon", "Biopsy of colon using endoscopic ultrasound guidance", "内镜超声引导下结肠活检" ], "234273001": [ "Biopsy of abdominal lymph node", "腹部淋巴结活检" ], "170572009": [ "Follow-up cardiac assessment", "后续心脏评估" ], "1332001004": [ "Incision of bone of thorax", "胸骨切开术" ], "6732009": [ "Type II, early periodontitis, moderate pocket therapy", "II 型,早期牙周炎,中度牙周袋治疗" ], "398113007": [ "Replacement of prosthesis in biliary tract", "Renewal of bile duct prosthesis", "胆道假体置换术", "胆管假体的更新" ], "709409008": [ "Incision and drainage of infection of hand", "手部感染切开引流" ], "37665009": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on salivary glands", "Anaesthesia for procedure on salivary glands", "唾液腺手术麻醉" ], "183286003": [ "Swallowing defect amelioration", "吞咽缺陷改善" ], "445430004": [ "Measurement of cancer antigen 27-29", "癌抗原的测量 27-29" ], "281590006": [ "Exteriorization of brain ventricular shunt", "Exteriorisation of brain ventricular shunt", "脑室分流术外置式" ], "609270007": [ "Open repair of recurrent paraumbilical hernia with prosthesis", "复发性脐旁疝人工切口修补术" ], "35830007": [ "Aneurysmectomy with graft replacement of upper limb artery", "上肢动脉瘤切除及移植物置换术" ], "117750009": [ "HIV 1 p24 antigen assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p24 antigen assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus 1 p24 antigen assay", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p24 抗原检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 p24 抗原检测", "HIV 1 p24 抗原检测" ], "265206007": [ "Open repair of glenoid labrum", "开放性修复盂唇" ], "1227005": [ "Incision of subvalvular tissue for discrete subvalvular aortic stenosis", "瓣下组织切开术治疗离散性主动脉瓣下狭窄" ], "408992000": [ "Child care management", "Manage child care", "管理儿童保育", "幼儿保育管理" ], "179616001": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture dislocation and wire fixation", "骨折脱位一期切开复位钢丝固定" ], "443595008": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of bone of wrist", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和腕骨计算机断层扫描" ], "165067009": [ "Ovulation test temperature chart", "排卵测试温度表" ], "64928005": [ "Repair of rectovaginal fistula", "Closure of rectovaginal fistula", "直肠阴道瘘的修复", "直肠阴道瘘闭合" ], "736672007": [ "Transcutaneous stimulation of cervical branch of vagus nerve", "迷走神经颈支经皮刺激" ], "13941003": [ "Incision and drainage of epididymis", "附睾切开引流" ], "439925004": [ "Excision of constriction ring of finger with Z plasty", "手指缩窄环切除术及 Z 形成形术" ], "390773006": [ "Cognitive analytic therapy", "认知分析疗法" ], "734837008": [ "Visualizing and Verbalizing program", "Visualizing and Verbalizing programme", "视觉化与语言化程序", "视觉化与言语化课程" ], "257866001": [ "Intracardiac potassium chloride injection", "心内注射氯化钾" ], "405322002": [ "Repair of superficial femoral vein", "股浅静脉修复" ], "1290058005": [ "Conversion from cemented hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint", "髋关节骨水泥混合假体置换术" ], "208714009": [ "Arthrotomy with removal of loose body of interphalangeal joint of toe", "趾间关节切开术切除游离体" ], "225098009": [ "Collection of sample of saliva", "Taking sample of saliva", "采集唾液样本" ], "450804001": [ "Excision of digital mucous cyst of finger", "Excision of mucous cyst of finger", "手指粘液囊肿切除术" ], "6601003": [ "Removal of foreign body from skin of axilla", "腋窝皮肤异物取出" ], "104905004": [ "Protein measurement by electrophoretic fractionation and quantitation", "通过电泳分离和定量进行蛋白质测量" ], "432585005": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of hepatic artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of hepatic artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "用造影剂插入支架进行肝动脉荧光镜动脉造影", "肝动脉造影及支架置入术" ], "711113004": [ "Assessment of arterial blood flow using ultrasound", "使用超声评估动脉血流" ], "121289005": [ "3-Hydroxybutyrate measurement", "Beta-hydroxybutyrate measurement", "3-羟基丁酸测量", "β-羟基丁酸测量" ], "301513008": [ "Application of plaster figure of eight, elbow to finger", "石膏八字形固定,肘部至手指" ], "72137008": [ "Determination of bone marrow iron stores", "骨髓铁储量的测定" ], "86686000": [ "Occlusal adjustment, complete", "咬合调整,完成" ], "252361008": [ "Lymphocytotoxicity assay", "淋巴细胞毒性试验" ], "53918005": [ "Excision of lesion of nasal sinus", "鼻窦病变切除术" ], "397982008": [ "Insertion of device into airway", "将装置插入气道" ], "70302008": [ "Transection", "横切" ], "265075002": [ "Open clipping of right fallopian tube", "右侧输卵管开放夹闭" ], "117619004": [ "Lymphocyte count by CD antigen phenotype", "根据 CD 抗原表型进行淋巴细胞计数" ], "35699008": [ "Removal of dressing of hindfoot", "拆除后足敷料" ], "609139008": [ "Revision of internal fixation of calcaneus", "跟骨内固定翻修术" ], "443464003": [ "Low molecular weight heparin therapy", "Low molecular weight heparin treatment", "低分子肝素治疗" ], "277789000": [ "EUA - Examination under anaesthetic of penis", "EUA - Examination under anesthetic of penis", "Examination of penis under anaesthetic", "Examination of penis under anesthetic", "麻醉下检查阴茎", "EUA - 阴茎麻醉检查" ], "228637001": [ "Seating advice", "Seating education", "座位建议", "座位教育" ], "392477002": [ "Hexahydrophtalic anhydrid specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rk209 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Hexahydrophtalic anhydrid specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "六氢邻苯二甲酸酐特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rk209特异性IgE抗体测量", "六氢邻苯二甲酸酐特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "439794000": [ "Extracorporeal shock wave therapy", "Extracorporeal shockwave therapy", "体外冲击波治疗" ], "177650000": [ "Tangent excision of burnt skin of head or neck", "头部或颈部烧伤皮肤切线切除" ], "718322002": [ "Assessment using Communication Assessment Profile", "Assessment using CASP (Communication Assessment Profile)", "使用沟通评估概况进行评估", "使用 CASP(沟通评估概况)进行评估" ], "224967001": [ "Revision of cannula for dialysis", "透析插管修订" ], "79346009": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of spinal cord", "脊髓经皮穿刺活检" ], "388807003": [ "Lepidoglyphus destructor specific IgE antibody measurement", "d71 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lepidoglyphus destructor specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "d71 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "鳞螨特异性IgE抗体测定", "鳞螨特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "700103005": [ "Parathyroid hormone therapy", "甲状旁腺激素治疗" ], "241351005": [ "Radionuclide estimation of spleen size", "放射性核素评估脾脏大小" ], "306887006": [ "Microwave diathermy to ankle", "踝部微波透热疗法" ], "10140002": [ "Opiates, qualitative", "Qualitative measurement of opiate agonist", "定性阿片类药物", "阿片类激动剂的定性测量" ], "419740003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta with contrast and insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta with contrast and insertion of stent", "腹主动脉荧光血管造影及支架置入", "腹主动脉荧光造影及支架置入术" ], "239516002": [ "Monitoring procedure", "监测程序" ], "173980008": [ "Temporary ileostomy", "Creation of temporary ileostomy", "建立临时回肠造口术", "暂时回肠造口术" ], "24689001": [ "CT guidance for treatment planning, teletherapy", "Radiotherapy planning using computerised tomography", "Radiotherapy planning using computerized tomography", "Radiotherapy planning CT scan", "Computed tomography guidance for treatment planning, teletherapy", "Computed tomography guidance for treatment planning, external beam radiation therapy", "CT guidance for treatment planning, external beam radiation therapy", "使用计算机断层扫描进行放射治疗规划", "CT 引导治疗计划、远程治疗", "放射治疗计划 CT 扫描", "计算机断层扫描指导治疗计划、远程治疗", "CT 引导治疗计划、外照射放射治疗", "计算机断层扫描指导治疗计划、外照射放射治疗", "使用计算机断层扫描进行放射治疗计划" ], "434289001": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for biliary internal and external drainage", "Insertion of internal and external drain into biliary tract using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下将内外引流管插入胆道", "透视引导胆道内外引流" ], "712817003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of pulmonary vein", "经皮肺静脉腔内切割球囊成形术" ], "417905003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of testicular artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of testicular artery with contrast", "睾丸动脉荧光血管造影", "睾丸动脉造影" ], "41073006": [ "Endoscopy and fulguration", "内窥镜检查和电灼疗法" ], "450673008": [ "Application of gauze support bandage", "纱布绷带的应用" ], "55622001": [ "Tracheostomy, emergency procedure by transtracheal approach", "Emergency tracheostomy", "气管切开术,经气管入路的紧急手术", "紧急气管切开术" ], "252230002": [ "Secretin stimulation test", "促胰液素刺激试验" ], "8305008": [ "Removal of foreign body from rectum under anesthesia", "Removal of foreign body from rectum under anaesthesia", "麻醉下直肠异物取出", "麻醉下从直肠取出异物" ], "104774005": [ "Lactose measurement", "Lactose level", "乳糖测量", "乳糖水平" ], "792902005": [ "Drug addiction therapy using buprenorphine and naloxone", "使用丁丙诺啡和纳洛酮进行药物成瘾治疗" ], "710982008": [ "Education about administration of blood product", "血液制品管理教育" ], "397851008": [ "First twitch percentage of control value monitoring", "T1:T1 control value", "T1:T1控制值", "第一次抽搐控制值百分比监测" ], "314096001": [ "HLA B27 antigen screening test", "Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) B27 antigen screening test", "Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) B27 antigen screening test", "Human leukocyte antigen B27 screening test", "人类白细胞抗原(HLA)B27抗原筛查试验", "人类白细胞抗原 B27 筛查试验", "HLA B27抗原筛查检测" ], "37403009": [ "Sphincterotomy of sphincter of Oddi by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography", "Sphincterotomy of sphincter of Oddi by ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)", "经内镜逆行胰胆管造影术行 Oddi 括约肌切开术", "通过 ERCP(内镜逆行胰胆管造影术)进行 Oddi 括约肌切开术" ], "1002224003": [ "Assessment for food insecurity", "粮食不安全评估" ], "1231600004": [ "Biceps squeeze test", "肱二头肌挤压试验" ], "445168005": [ "Laparoscopic incision and drainage of cyst of ovary", "腹腔镜卵巢囊肿切开引流术" ], "363248001": [ "Operation on pleura", "胸膜手术" ], "232176003": [ "Secondary obliteration of mastoid cavity", "乳突腔继发闭塞" ], "133872005": [ "Scalene node biopsy", "斜角肌淋巴结活检" ], "1196997006": [ "Percutaneous drainage of joint of ankle using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of ankle joint", "影像引导下踝关节经皮穿刺引流", "影像引导下经皮踝关节引流" ], "410565007": [ "Retrobulbar steroid injection", "Injection of steroid into retrobulbar space", "球后注射类固醇", "向球后空间注射类固醇" ], "392346000": [ "Aesculus hippocastanum (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Horse chestnut specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rt203 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Aesculus hippocastanum (pollen) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rt203 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "欧洲七叶树(花粉)特异性IgE抗体测定", "欧洲七叶树(花粉)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "七叶树特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "359578003": [ "Percutaneous endoscopy through jejunostomy", "经皮内镜空肠造口术" ], "64666005": [ "T cell antigen receptor assay", "TCR assay", "T 细胞抗原受体检测", "TCR 检测" ], "720026005": [ "Shared care prescribing of drugs", "共享医疗药物处方" ], "310426008": [ "Hormone replacement monitoring invitation", "激素替代监测邀请" ], "767343002": [ "Excision of entire left testis", "Left total orchiectomy", "Left total orchidectomy", "切除整个左侧睾丸", "左侧睾丸全切除术" ], "275823006": [ "Isolation nursing", "隔离护理" ], "241220000": [ "External carotid arteriogram", "Angiography of external carotid artery", "Arteriography of external carotid artery", "颈外动脉造影" ], "406895009": [ "Methyl red stain method", "Methyl red stain", "甲基红染色法", "甲基红染色" ], "28228007": [ "Transthoracic avulsion of vagus nerve", "迷走神经经胸撕脱术" ], "108313002": [ "Family psychotherapy procedure", "Family psychotherapy", "家庭心理治疗程序", "家庭心理治疗" ], "173849004": [ "Partial duodenectomy", "Partial excision of duodenum", "十二指肠部分切除术" ], "239385005": [ "Repair orbital floor", "修复眼眶底" ], "8174004": [ "Roux-en-Y cholecystoenterostomy", "Roux-en-Y cholecystenterostomy", "Roux-en-Y胆囊肠吻合术" ], "1236974006": [ "Disinfection of skin of anogenital region", "肛门生殖器区域皮肤消毒" ], "434158009": [ "Transthoracic three dimensional echocardiogram of heart", "Transthoracic three dimensional ultrasonography of heart", "经胸心脏三维超声检查", "经胸三维心脏超声心动图" ], "6339003": [ "Conditioning play audiometry", "调节播放听力检查" ], "104643004": [ "Dinitrobenzene measurement", "二硝基苯的测量" ], "446872002": [ "Excision of mass of skin of sole of foot", "足底皮肤肿块切除术" ], "4504004": [ "Potter's obstetrical version with extraction", "Potter obstetrical version with extraction", "Potter 产科版本带拔牙", "带拔牙的 Potter 产科版本" ], "35437002": [ "Consultation in computer dosimetry and isodose chart for brachytherapy", "近距离放射治疗的计算机剂量测定和等剂量图咨询" ], "363117004": [ "Exploration of genitourinary system", "泌尿生殖系统探查" ], "51821004": [ "Removal of bony spicules from spinal canal", "从椎管中取出骨刺" ], "608877007": [ "Removal of implant from ulna", "从尺骨取出植入物" ], "117357009": [ "Organism count, microscopic method", "微生物计数,显微镜法" ], "443202004": [ "Le Fort I osteotomy of maxilla into one segment with grafting of bone", "上颌骨 Le Fort I 截骨术,进行骨移植" ], "392215001": [ "Drainage of sphenoid sinus", "蝶窦引流" ], "441367002": [ "Assistance with breastfeeding", "协助母乳喂养" ], "719895009": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of soft tissue using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided fine needle aspiration biopsy of soft tissue", "Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsy of soft tissue", "超声引导下软组织细针穿刺活检", "超声引导下进行软组织细针穿刺活检" ], "308460009": [ "Referral to colposcopy service", "转介至阴道镜检查服务" ], "306625003": [ "Discharge from hospital podiatry service", "Discharge from hospital chiropody service", "出院足病治疗服务" ], "699841006": [ "Provision of written information about parenting", "提供有关育儿的书面信息" ], "388545007": [ "Paprika specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sweet pepper specific IgE antibody measurement", "Capsicum annuum specific IgE antibody measurement", "f218 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Capsicum annuum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "辣椒特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "辣椒特异性IgE抗体测定", "f218特异性IgE抗体测量", "甜椒特异性IgE抗体测定", "辣椒粉特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "26262000": [ "Phlebography of head", "头部静脉造影" ], "239254003": [ "Tenotomy of flexor digitorum of lesser toe", "小趾屈肌腱切断术" ], "712555000": [ "Liaising about dietary regime", "沟通饮食习惯" ], "237419000": [ "Biesenberger left reduction mammoplasty", "Biesenberger 左侧乳房缩小术" ], "401259005": [ "Faecal fructose level", "Fecal fructose level", "粪便果糖水平" ], "434027006": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of common femoral vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of common femoral vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of common femoral vein with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of common femoral vein with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮股总静脉栓塞术", "用荧光造影剂引导经皮股总静脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮股总静脉造影栓塞术" ], "40811007": [ "Core needle biopsy of bladder", "Core needle biopsy of urinary bladder", "膀胱穿刺活检" ], "235584003": [ "Sphincterotomy of accessory papilla", "Sphincterotomy of minor papilla", "小乳头括约肌切开术", "副乳头括约肌切开术" ], "104512004": [ "Ammonium ion measurement", "NH4 - Ammonium level", "Ammonium level", "铵离子测量", "NH4-铵含量", "铵含量" ], "11550001000004102": [ "Excision of mass of pelvic region", "Excision of mass from pelvic region", "盆腔肿块切除术" ], "710720008": [ "Education about head lice infestation", "关于头虱感染的教育" ], "24830001000004106": [ "Counselling for management of urostomy", "Counseling for management of urostomy", "尿道造口术管理咨询" ], "708885004": [ "Removal of implant from scapula", "从肩胛骨移除植入物" ], "446741006": [ "Endoscopic ligation of varices of small intestine", "Endoscopic ligation of varix of small intestine", "内镜小肠静脉曲张结扎术" ], "18922003": [ "Thomas test", "托马斯测试" ], "117226006": [ "Cresyl echt violet stain method", "Cresyl echt violet stain", "甲酚真紫染色法", "甲酚真紫染色剂" ], "1231338008": [ "Ligation of middle colic artery", "中结肠动脉结扎" ], "277396000": [ "Self-assessed speech reception threshold in noise test", "SSRTN - Self-assessed speech reception threshold in noise test", "SSRTN - 噪声测试中自我评估的言语接收阈值", "噪声测试中自我评估的言语接收阈值" ], "13417007": [ "Wedge osteotomy of radius and ulna", "桡骨及尺骨楔形截骨术" ], "177257009": [ "Excision of redundant skin or fat of arm", "Excision of redundant fat of arm", "Excision of redundant skin of arm", "Batwing excision of arm", "切除手臂多余的皮肤或脂肪", "手臂多余皮肤切除", "手臂多余脂肪切除", "手臂蝙蝠翼切除术" ], "306494002": [ "Discharge by clinical nurse specialist", "临床护理专家出院" ], "240958003": [ "Insertion of replacement prosthesis into large intestine", "将替代假体插入大肠" ], "1287699001": [ "Closure of skin of head", "Skin of head closure", "头部皮肤缝合", "头部皮肤闭合" ], "173587003": [ "Bypass of esophagus using stomach", "Bypass of oesophagus using stomach", "利用胃绕过食道" ], "9747004": [ "Drainage of abscess of palate", "腭脓肿引流" ], "2871000087100": [ "MRI of bilateral femurs", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral femurs", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both femurs", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right femur", "双侧股骨磁共振成像", "左、右股骨磁共振成像", "双侧股骨 MRI 检查" ], "6711000087101": [ "MRI of left tibia and fibula", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left tibia and fibula", "左胫骨和腓骨 MRI", "左胫骨和腓骨的磁共振成像" ], "1173011006": [ "Hernioplasty", "Repair of hernia using surgical mesh", "使用外科网片修补疝气", "疝修补术" ], "401128000": [ "Plasma flunitrazepam level", "血浆氟硝西泮浓度" ], "16951000087103": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of bilateral buttocks", "Biopsy of bilateral buttocks using ultrasonographic guidance", "Biopsy of left and right buttocks using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of left and right buttocks", "超声引导下左、右臀部活检", "使用超声引导对左、右臀部进行活检", "超声引导下双侧臀部活检" ], "1269480000": [ "Manage male perineal care", "Male perineal care management", "管理男性会阴护理", "男性会阴护理管理" ], "50231000087107": [ "Endoscopic partial polypectomy of large intestine", "Endoscopic partial excision of polyp of large intestine", "内镜大肠息肉部分切除术", "内镜大肠部分息肉切除术" ], "1591000087108": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral elbows", "Ultrasonography of both elbows", "Ultrasonography of left and right elbow", "Ultrasound of bilateral elbows", "Ultrasound scan of bilateral elbows", "双侧肘部超声扫描", "双侧肘部超声检查", "左、右肘部超声检查", "双肘超声检查" ], "104381000": [ "Allergen specific IgE antibody measurement", "Allergen specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "过敏原特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "235453002": [ "Selective decontamination of the digestive tract", "SDD - Selective decontamination of the digestive tract", "SDD - 消化道选择性净化", "消化道选择性净化" ], "87997006": [ "Rapid thermonuclease test", "快速热核酸酶检测" ], "448445007": [ "Excision of vascular structure of upper limb", "Excision of vessel of upper limb", "上肢血管结构切除术", "上肢血管切除术" ], "415677007": [ "Surgical fire risk assessment", "手术火灾风险评估" ], "231783004": [ "Removal of silicone oil from vitreous", "玻璃体硅油去除" ], "313703004": [ "CD13 myeloid count procedure", "CD13 myeloid count", "CD13 髓系计数", "CD13 髓系计数程序" ], "117095008": [ "Administration of Vaccinia immune globulin, human", "人痘苗免疫球蛋白的给药" ], "2407009": [ "Excision of mediastinal tumor", "Excision of mediastinal tumour", "纵隔肿瘤切除术" ], "428391009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal ablation of congenital heart malformation", "Percutaneous transluminal ablation of congenital malformation of heart", "先天性心脏畸形的经皮腔内消融术", "经皮心脏先天畸形腔内消融术" ], "410172000": [ "Nutrition care management", "Nutrition case management", "Manage nutrition care", "营养护理管理", "管理营养护理", "营养病例管理" ], "705084002": [ "Collection of fluid specimen via Jackson-Pratt drain", "Collection of fluid specimen via closed suction drain", "通过封闭式引流管收集液体样本", "通过 Jackson-Pratt 引流管收集液体样本" ], "47889002": [ "Cold agglutinin measurement", "冷凝集素测量" ], "1293073005": [ "Cephalometric plain X-ray", "Plain X-ray cephalometry", "头颅测量X线平片", "普通X射线头颅测量" ], "277265006": [ "Instillation of nasal spray", "滴鼻喷雾剂" ], "736017006": [ "Education about hand hygiene", "Hand hygiene education", "手部卫生教育" ], "80657008": [ "Bronchoscopy with brush biopsy", "Bronchoscopy with bronchial brushings", "支气管镜检查及支气管刷检", "支气管镜刷检" ], "439270004": [ "Excision of synovium of intertarsal joint", "Synovectomy of tarsal joint", "跗骨间关节滑膜切除术", "跗关节滑膜切除术" ], "62438007": [ "Transplantation of pancreas", "Pancreatic transplant", "胰腺移植" ], "76987002": [ "Aortoplasty", "Repair of aorta", "主动脉成形术", "主动脉修复" ], "306363003": [ "Referral to radiographer", "转诊至放射技师" ], "699579008": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of superior epigastric artery", "腹壁上动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "288144001": [ "Splinting of fracture", "骨折夹板固定" ], "386448003": [ "Substance use prevention", "预防药物滥用" ], "173456003": [ "Reconstruction of mouth defect with free myocutaneous flap", "游离肌皮瓣修复口腔缺损" ], "9616004": [ "Tetracaine measurement", "丁卡因测量" ], "419216007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of celiac artery and mesenteric artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of coeliac artery and mesenteric artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of celiac artery and mesenteric artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of coeliac artery and mesenteric artery with contrast", "腹腔动脉和肠系膜动脉造影" ], "433765000": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of thoracic aorta using contrast with insertion of branched tapered stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of thoracic aorta using contrast with insertion of branched tapered stent graft", "胸主动脉荧光造影并插入分支锥形支架移植物", "胸主动脉荧光造影血管造影术及分支锥形支架植入术" ], "75152009": [ "Transposition procedure", "Transection and repositioning", "Surgical transfer", "手术转移", "横断和重新定位", "转置程序" ], "1269349006": [ "Stem cell transplant", "Transplantation of stem cell", "干细胞移植" ], "24165007": [ "Alcoholism counseling", "Alcoholism counselling", "酗酒咨询" ], "269925008": [ "Fluid sample bilirubin level", "Fluid sample bilirubin measurement", "Bilirubin measurement, body fluid", "液体样本胆红素测量", "液体样本胆红素水平", "胆红素测量,体液" ], "122469009": [ "Reduction procedure", "复位程序" ], "431930003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of brachiocephalic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下进行头臂动脉" ], "104250006": [ "Immunomeasurement for infectious agent antigen, single step method, qualitative or semi-quantitative", "传染性病原体抗原的免疫测量,单步法,定性或半定量" ], "446479002": [ "Perioperative evaluation of genitourinary system", "泌尿生殖系统围手术期评估" ], "53263003": [ "Drainage of ovarian abscess by vaginal approach", "卵巢脓肿阴道引流" ], "233487005": [ "Adjustment of intraluminal device of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉内瘘管腔内装置的调整" ], "708623006": [ "Removal of urethral calculus", "Removal of urethral stone", "Removal of calculus of urethra", "尿道结石去除", "尿道结石去除术" ], "118799006": [ "Procedure on cardiac septum", "心脏隔膜手术" ], "35044000": [ "Physical medicine treatment with electrical manual stimulation", "电手动刺激物理医学治疗" ], "2276001": [ "Exploration of popliteal artery", "腘动脉探查" ], "788708005": [ "Transperineal biopsy of prostate using magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography fusion guidance", "Magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound fusion-guided transperineal biopsy of prostate", "MRI-US fusion guided transperineal biopsy of prostate", "磁共振成像与超声融合引导经会阴前列腺活检", "MRI-US融合引导经会阴前列腺活检", "磁共振成像和超声融合引导下经会阴前列腺活检" ], "231652007": [ "Medial rectus inferoplacement", "内直肌下移术" ], "426425001": [ "Allograft of bone marrow from sibling donor", "来自兄弟姐妹捐献者的骨髓移植" ], "82361004": [ "Anesthesia of intracranial nerve", "Anaesthesia of intracranial nerve", "颅内神经麻醉" ], "229817009": [ "Curettage of verrucae pedis", "足疣刮除术" ], "408206002": [ "Pigeon feather antibody level", "鸽子羽毛抗体水平" ], "47758006": [ "Hepatitis B surface antigen measurement", "HBsAg measurement", "Hepatitis B surface antigen level", "HBsAg 测量", "乙肝表面抗原水平", "乙肝表面抗原检测" ], "31374008": [ "Chondrectomy of hand", "手部软骨切除术" ], "176995002": [ "Endoscopic injection into fallopian tube", "输卵管内镜注射" ], "764984002": [ "Angiography of left external carotid artery", "Angiogram of left external carotid artery", "Arteriography of left external carotid artery", "左颈外动脉血管造影", "左颈外动脉造影" ], "306232004": [ "Referral for general surgery DV", "Referral for general surgery domiciliary visit", "转诊至普通外科门诊", "普通外科 DV 转诊" ], "441231000124100": [ "Counselling about nutrition using health belief model", "Counseling about nutrition using health belief model", "使用健康信念模型进行营养咨询" ], "437391000124102": [ "High potassium diet", "Increased potassium diet", "高钾饮食", "增加钾饮食" ], "732216006": [ "Enteral tube care assessment", "肠内管护理评估" ], "452751000124105": [ "Revision of reconstruction of head of right radius", "右桡骨头重建术" ], "42253005": [ "Incision of uterus", "Hysterotomy", "子宫切开术" ], "419085005": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolisation of bronchial artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolization of bronchial artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolisation of bronchial artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolization of bronchial artery", "支气管动脉造影及栓塞术", "支气管动脉造影及栓塞检查" ], "1287437007": [ "Repair of torn collateral ligament and capsule of knee joint", "膝关节侧副韧带及关节囊撕裂的修复" ], "433634000": [ "Intraoperative fluoroscopic angiography of thoracic aorta with contrast with insertion of tapered stent graft", "Intraoperative fluoroscopic arteriography of thoracic aorta with contrast with insertion of tapered stent graft", "术中胸主动脉荧光造影及锥形支架植入", "术中胸主动脉荧光血管造影及锥形支架植入" ], "304397008": [ "Short wave diathermy to shoulder", "肩部短波透热疗法" ], "73186002": [ "Transplantation of hair follicles of eyebrow", "眉毛毛囊移植" ], "386317007": [ "Sharing patient information", "Healthcare information exchange", "医疗保健信息交换", "分享患者信息" ], "288013007": [ "Open bladder excision", "Open excision of urinary bladder", "开放性膀胱切除术", "膀胱开放切除术" ], "237026005": [ "Repair of perineal tear", "Perineal tear repair", "Suturing of perineal tear", "会阴撕裂修补", "会阴撕裂缝合", "会阴撕裂的修复" ], "122338009": [ "Haemophilus influenzae type a antigen assay", "A型流感嗜血杆菌抗原检测" ], "104119003": [ "White blood cell count, automated, pleural fluid", "胸腔积液白细胞计数(自动化)" ], "235191008": [ "Longitudinal gastroplasty", "纵向胃成形术" ], "413580000": [ "Asialo transferrin level", "Asialotransferrin measurement", "唾液酸转铁蛋白测量", "唾液酸转铁蛋白水平" ], "118668002": [ "Procedure on articular system", "关节系统手术" ], "167820005": [ "Vomit examination", "呕吐物检查" ], "3980006": [ "Subtotal resection of esophagus", "Partial esophagectomy", "Subtotal resection of oesophagus", "Subtotal oesophagectomy", "Total thoracic oesophagectomy", "Partial excision of oesophagus", "Partial oesophagectomy", "Partial excision of esophagus", "Subtotal esophagectomy", "Total thoracic esophagectomy", "食管次全切除术", "部分食管切除术", "全胸食管切除术", "食管部分切除术" ], "313441007": [ "Plasma TSH measurement", "Plasma TSH level", "Measurement of plasma thyroid stimulating hormone", "Plasma thyroid stimulating hormone measurement", "血浆促甲状腺激素测定", "血浆 TSH 测量", "血浆 TSH 水平" ], "1296481009": [ "MRI of all fingers of left hand", "Magnetic resonance imaging of all fingers of left hand", "左手所有手指的磁共振成像", "左手所有手指的 MRI 检查" ], "442678002": [ "Measurement of efavirenz peak concentration using high performance liquid chromatography", "高效液相色谱法测定依法韦仑峰浓度" ], "311606006": [ "Auditory memory therapy", "听觉记忆疗法" ], "275168001": [ "Neville-Barnes forceps delivery", "Neville-Barnes 产钳分娩" ], "439008003": [ "Transfer of free jejunum with microvascular anastomosis", "游离空肠移植及显微血管吻合术" ], "733920005": [ "Provision of pressure relieving mattress", "提供减压床垫" ], "175029007": [ "Prosthetic bypass of coronary artery", "冠状动脉人工搭桥术" ], "306101007": [ "Referral to establishment", "转介至机构" ], "271498007": [ "Anti-rabies immunoglobulin injection", "抗狂犬病免疫球蛋白注射液" ], "58506009": [ "Embolectomy of ascending aorta", "Removal of embolus of ascending aorta", "升主动脉栓塞去除术", "升主动脉栓塞切除术" ], "1285471002": [ "Fixation of dental crown to dental implant", "将牙冠固定到牙种植体上" ], "171359002": [ "Gliding medical examination", "滑翔体检" ], "302431005": [ "Tangential excision of burnt skin", "烧伤皮肤切线切除" ], "122207006": [ "Brucella culture", "布鲁氏菌培养" ], "236895005": [ "Artificial insemination by husband", "AIH - Artificial insemination by husband", "丈夫进行人工授精", "AIH-- 丈夫进行人工授精" ], "448052002": [ "Angulation osteotomy of diaphysis and internal fixation", "骨干成角截骨内固定术" ], "431668004": [ "Kyphoplasty of fracture of cervical spine using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Kyphoplasty of fracture of cervical spine using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided kyphoplasty of fracture of cervical spine", "CT引导下颈椎骨折后凸成形术", "计算机断层扫描引导下颈椎骨折后凸成形术", "CT 引导下颈椎骨折后凸成形术" ], "103988007": [ "E blood group antibody identification", "E血型抗体鉴定" ], "87604009": [ "Sleeve resection of stomach", "袖状胃切除术" ], "233225002": [ "Disconnection of pulmonary trunk and reanastomosis of distal end to ascending aorta", "肺动脉干断开及远端与升主动脉再吻合" ], "315145006": [ "Legionella rapid microagglutination test", "军团菌快速微量凝集试验" ], "446217007": [ "Assessment using Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment-Achilles questionnaire", "使用维多利亚州体育学院评估-阿基里斯问卷进行评估" ], "51166005": [ "Lysis of perivesical adhesions", "膀胱周围粘连松解术" ], "231390006": [ "Cervical epidural neurolysis", "颈部硬膜外神经松解术" ], "32947004": [ "Radiation therapy isodose plan, isocentric", "放射治疗等剂量计划、等中心" ], "229555007": [ "Rebox therapy", "重组疗法" ], "16549841000119104": [ "CT guided needle biopsy of right kidney", "Needle biopsy of right kidney using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行右肾针吸活检", "CT引导下右肾穿刺活检" ], "16631761000119104": [ "Collection of blood via implanted venous access device", "通过植入的静脉通路装置采集血液" ], "396241000119104": [ "Injection of indium 111 and ibritumomab tiuxetan", "注射铟 111 和伊布替尼" ], "391560001": [ "T cell total %", "T cell total percent", "T 细胞总量 %", "T 细胞总百分比" ], "80264004": [ "Injection into peritoneum", "腹膜注射" ], "410321000119109": [ "CT of left knee with contrast", "Computed tomography of left knee with contrast", "左膝增强 CT", "左膝增强计算机断层扫描" ], "178568006": [ "Revision anterior excision thoracic disc and fusion", "胸椎间盘前切除融合术" ], "383441000119108": [ "CT of orbit and sella turcica with contrast", "Computed tomography of orbit and sella turcica with contrast", "眼眶及鞍区增强计算机断层扫描", "眼眶及鞍区增强 CT 检查" ], "440712009": [ "Construction of custom speech aid prosthesis", "定制助听器假体的构建" ], "275037003": [ "Repair of aortic aneurysm using Y graft", "使用 Y 型移植物修复主动脉瘤" ], "78429003": [ "Referral to physical rehabilitation service", "Referral for physical rehabilitation", "转诊进行假肢康复", "转介至假肢康复服务" ], "225885004": [ "Health assessment", "健康评估" ], "174898001": [ "Refashioning of atrium", "中庭改造" ], "305970004": [ "Referral by general physician", "Referral from general physician", "全科医生转诊", "全科医生推荐" ], "173063006": [ "Open replacement of tracheal stent", "开放式气管支架置换术" ], "1156103008": [ "Education about screening for malignant neoplasm", "Education about screening for cancer", "癌症筛查教育", "恶性肿瘤筛查教育" ], "58375008": [ "Intelligence test/WAIS", "Wechsler adult intelligence scale", "Intelligence test/ Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale", "智力测试/韦氏成人智力量表", "智力测试/WAIS", "韦氏成人智力量表" ], "171228002": [ "Respiratory disease screening", "呼吸系统疾病筛查" ], "122076008": [ "Pneumocystis species identification", "肺孢子虫种鉴定" ], "7388009": [ "Repair of graft-enteric fistula", "Closure of arterial graft-enteric fistula", "动脉移植物肠瘘的闭合", "移植物肠瘘的修复" ], "447921003": [ "Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using prosthesis", "利用假体将股动脉吻合至胫动脉,进行股动脉旁路移植术" ], "431537006": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮血栓溶解术" ], "103857007": [ "Heparin cofactor II assay", "肝素辅因子 II 测定" ], "233094000": [ "Resection of subaortic fibromuscular shelf", "主动脉下纤维肌层切除术" ], "234929009": [ "FB - Removal of foreign body from floor of mouth", "FOM - Removal of foreign body from floor of mouth", "Removal of foreign body from floor of mouth", "FB-- 清除口底异物", "清除口底异物", "FOM-- 清除口底异物" ], "38321008": [ "Calculus analysis, quantitative, infrared spectroscopy", "微积分分析、定量、红外光谱" ], "34651001": [ "Optokinetic nystagmus test, bidirectional, with recording", "视动性眼球震颤测试,双向,带记录" ], "1263451004": [ "Operation on lumbar spine", "Surgical procedure on lumbar spine", "腰椎手术" ], "231259006": [ "Administration of epidural test dose", "硬膜外注射测试剂量" ], "180272001": [ "Insertion of chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter", "慢性非卧床腹膜透析导管插入" ], "229424003": [ "Accessory mobilization of the costal joint", "Accessory mobilisation of the costal joint", "肋关节的辅助活动" ], "1179696008": [ "Excision of accessory axillary breast tissue", "Excision of accessory breast tissue from axilla", "腋窝副乳房组织切除术", "切除腋窝附属乳房组织" ], "702725003": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of head and neck", "MRI of head and neck", "头部和颈部 MRI", "头部和颈部的磁共振成像" ], "391429004": [ "Urine salicylate level", "尿液水杨酸盐水平" ], "717274000": [ "Assessment using 12 item General Health Questionnaire", "Assessment using GHQ 12 (General Health Questionnaire 12)", "使用 GHQ 12(一般健康问卷 12)进行评估", "使用 12 项一般健康问卷进行评估" ], "12762001": [ "Suture of eyelid", "Suture of skin of eyelid", "眼睑皮肤缝合", "眼睑缝合" ], "440581009": [ "Laparoscopic cholecystoenterostomy", "Laparoscopic anastomosis of gallbladder to intestine", "Laparoscopic cholecystenterostomy", "腹腔镜胆囊肠造口术", "腹腔镜胆囊肠吻合术" ], "1256111004": [ "Coordination of care of subject with caregiver", "Coordination of care of subject with carer", "受试者与护理人员的护理协调", "患者与护理人员的护理协调" ], "60079008": [ "Curettage of spinal meninges", "脊髓膜刮除术" ], "27311009": [ "Ethylene glycol opacity test", "乙二醇不透明度测试" ], "713604005": [ "Education about advance care planning", "关于提前护理计划的教育" ], "271236005": [ "Serum potassium level", "Serum potassium measurement", "血清钾水平", "血清钾测量" ], "385924009": [ "Pressure ulcer Stage 3 care", "Decubitus ulcer Stage 3 care", "Care of pressure injury stage III", "压疮 3 期护理", "压力性损伤III期的护理", "褥疮 3 期护理" ], "121945002": [ "Brucella abortus antibody assay", "Measurement of Brucella abortus antibody", "流产布鲁氏杆菌抗体测定", "布鲁氏杆菌抗体测定" ], "285785004": [ "Orthoptic treatment penalisation with lenses", "Orthoptic treatment penalization with lenses", "镜片矫正治疗惩罚" ], "433241004": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for percutaneous endoscopic cholangiography with biliary drainage", "Percutaneous endoscopic cholangiography with insertion of biliary drain using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下进行经皮内镜胆管造影并插入胆道引流管", "荧光透视引导下经皮内镜胆管造影及胆道引流术" ], "40025007": [ "Odontotomy", "牙切开术" ], "185646000": [ "Oral contraceptive check - second call", "口服避孕药检查-第二次呼叫" ], "234798001": [ "Final cementation of crown to tooth - preformed", "将牙冠最终粘合到牙齿上 - 预先成型" ], "103726002": [ "Microvascular decompression surgery of cranial nerve", "Intracranial microvascular decompression of cranial nerve", "脑神经显微血管减压术", "颅内显微血管减压术" ], "120110004": [ "Eyelid transplantation", "眼睑移植" ], "5422005": [ "Amylase measurement, peritoneal fluid", "腹腔液淀粉酶测定" ], "232963005": [ "Transluminal maintenance of intraventricular pump", "脑室内泵的腔内维护" ], "231128001": [ "Local anesthetic greater auricular nerve block", "Local anaesthetic greater auricular nerve block", "Greater auricular nerve block", "局部麻醉耳大神经阻滞", "耳大神经阻滞" ], "313048008": [ "Augmentation of femur", "股骨增大术" ], "229293001": [ "Lower thoracic expansion exercises", "LTEE - Lower thoracic expansion exercises", "LTEE - 下胸椎扩张练习", "下胸椎扩张锻炼" ], "278445004": [ "Skills training", "技能培训" ], "425901007": [ "IVF - In vitro fertilisation with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)", "IVF - In vitro fertilization with intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)", "In vitro fertilisation with intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection", "In vitro fertilisation with intracytoplasmic sperm injection", "In vitro fertilization with intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection", "In vitro fertilization with intracytoplasmic sperm injection", "DISCO - direct inject of sperm into cytoplasm of oocyte", "ICSI - intracytoplasmic sperm injection", "In vitro fertilization with intracytoplasmic spermatozoa injection", "In vitro fertilisation with intracytoplasmic spermatozoa injection", "IVF-- 卵胞浆内单精子注射 (ICSI) 体外受精", "IVF - 卵胞浆内单精子注射 (ICSI) 体外受精", "卵胞浆内精子注射体外受精", "卵胞浆内单精子注射体外受精", "ICSI-- 卵胞浆内单精子注射", "DISCO - 将精子直接注射到卵母细胞的细胞质中" ], "442285009": [ "Excision of intestinal structure", "切除肠道结构" ], "440450002": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain and cervical spinal cord", "MRI of brain and cervical spinal cord", "脑部和颈髓 MRI", "脑和颈髓磁共振成像" ], "360365009": [ "Perineorrhaphy", "会阴缝合术" ], "473218004": [ "Excisional debridement of wound for infection", "Excisional debridement of infected wound", "切除清创治疗感染", "感染伤口切除清创" ], "178306006": [ "Excision or biopsy of mediastinal lymph node", "纵隔淋巴结切除或活检" ], "702594008": [ "Ultrasound guided needle localization of abdomen", "Ultrasound guided needle localisation of abdomen", "超声引导腹部穿刺针定位", "超声引导下腹部穿刺针定位" ], "47234008": [ "Repair of ruptured aneurysm with graft of subclavian artery by neck incision", "经颈切开锁骨下动脉移植修复破裂动脉瘤" ], "307543000": [ "Operation on transposed parathyroid gland", "甲状旁腺移位手术" ], "438615003": [ "Procedure on carotid artery using imaging guidance", "使用影像引导进行颈动脉手术" ], "407682008": [ "Plasma vitamin B12 level", "血浆维生素 B12 水平" ], "1290583002": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of shoulder girdle", "肩带骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "174636003": [ "Endoscopic retrograde removal of calculus from pancreatic duct", "内镜逆行胰管结石取出术" ], "172801000": [ "Operation on nasal turbinate", "Operation on turbinate of nose", "鼻甲手术" ], "238337000": [ "Removal of plomb with collapse of pleural cavity", "胸腔塌陷导致肺栓塞切除" ], "762625001": [ "Vaginal hysterectomy and pelvic floor repair", "阴道子宫切除术和盆底修复术" ], "387628008": [ "Nipple reconstruction", "Mammilliplasty", "Theleplasty", "Reconstruction of nipple", "整形外科", "乳头重建", "乳房整形术" ], "385793003": [ "Insulin administration education", "Teach insulin injection", "胰岛素给药教育", "教胰岛素注射" ], "1286913008": [ "Ocular response analyzer tonometry - Goldmann-correlated", "Ocular response analyser tonometry - Goldmann-correlated", "Goldmann correlated tonometry using ocular response analyser", "Goldmann correlated tonometry using ocular response analyzer", "眼压反应分析仪眼压测量法 - Goldmann 相关", "眼部反应分析仪眼压测量法 - Goldmann 相关", "使用眼反应分析仪进行 Goldmann 相关眼压测量" ], "287489008": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of liver", "经皮肝穿刺活检" ], "170966002": [ "Ear disorder monitoring", "耳部疾病监测" ], "56278001": [ "Advancement of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱推进术" ], "1268694003": [ "Coaching for self employment", "自主创业辅导" ], "252886007": [ "Refraction assessment", "Ocular refraction procedure", "Refraction", "折射", "眼部屈光手术", "屈光度评估" ], "89046008": [ "Anesthesia for osteotomy of humerus", "Anaesthesia for osteotomy of humerus", "肱骨截骨术麻醉" ], "72662009": [ "Dilation of anus", "肛门扩张" ], "433110009": [ "MR spectroscopy of prostate", "Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of prostate", "前列腺磁共振波谱", "前列腺磁共振波谱分析" ], "119979003": [ "Spleen destructive procedure", "脾脏破坏性手术" ], "234667005": [ "Expose jaw implant", "暴露颌骨植入物" ], "183680000": [ "Arrange home help", "安排家政服务" ], "398507009": [ "Malachite green stain method", "Malachite green stain", "孔雀绿染色法", "孔雀绿染色" ], "429440003": [ "Insertion of grommet in tympanic membrane", "Insertion of tympanic ventilation tube in tympanic membrane", "鼓膜插入通气管", "将鼓膜通气管插入鼓膜内" ], "773504003": [ "Ozone therapy", "臭氧治疗" ], "413056005": [ "Ascitic fluid lactate dehydrogenase measurement", "Ascitic fluid LDH level", "腹水LDH水平", "腹水乳酸脱氢酶测定" ], "118144006": [ "Screening test for red cell enzyme deficiency", "红细胞酶缺乏症筛查检测" ], "232832007": [ "Decalcification of aortic valve", "主动脉瓣脱钙" ], "445824006": [ "Assessment using eating disorder examination questionnaire", "使用饮食失调检查问卷进行评估" ], "36224009": [ "Excisional biopsy of cranial nerve ganglion", "脑神经节切除活检" ], "1148501002": [ "Increased phenylalanine diet", "增加苯丙氨酸饮食" ], "18005002": [ "Intrinsic-plus test", "Intrinsic tightness test", "Test for swan-neck deformity", "Bunnell-Littler test", "Bunnell-Littler 试验", "内在密封性测试", "鹅颈畸形测试", "内在加性试验" ], "443989003": [ "Bidirectional Glenn shunt procedure of left superior vena cava", "左上腔静脉双向格伦分流术" ], "32554000": [ "Bone marrow aspiration procedure, sternum", "Sternal aspiration", "骨髓抽吸手术,胸骨", "胸骨抽吸" ], "771669009": [ "Open umbilical hernioplasty using synthetic mesh", "Open repair of umbilical hernia using synthetic mesh", "使用合成网片进行开放式脐疝修补术", "使用合成网片进行脐疝开放式修补" ], "737066001": [ "Repair of hypogastric hernia using prosthesis", "用假体修补下腹疝" ], "278314004": [ "Extratympanic electrocochleography", "鼓室外耳蜗电图" ], "229162005": [ "Lumbrical exercises", "蚓状肌练习" ], "178175000": [ "Secondary repair of tendon using tendon transfer procedure", "采用肌腱转移术进行肌腱的二次修复" ], "243711000": [ "Optical low vision aid provision", "Provision of optical low vision aid", "提供光学低视力辅助设备" ], "63487001": [ "Assisted fertilization", "Assisted fertilisation", "辅助受精" ], "14335006": [ "Closure of esophageal fistula by thoracic approach", "Closure of oesophageal fistula by thoracic approach", "经胸腔入路食管瘘缝合术" ], "176340003": [ "Free graft urethroplasty", "游离尿道成形术" ], "438484004": [ "Measurement of blood flow rate in vascular access", "血管通路血流率测量" ], "1290452004": [ "Plain X-ray of foot", "足部普通 X 光检查" ], "90750001": [ "Biopsy of tonsil", "扁桃体活检" ], "172670003": [ "Excision of retraction pocket of tympanic membrane", "鼓膜凹陷袋切除术" ], "238206003": [ "Non-operative procedure for hernia", "疝气非手术治疗" ], "418430006": [ "Bimanual phacoemulsification of cataract with intraocular lens implantation", "双手白内障超声乳化吸除术及人工晶状体植入术" ], "449363000": [ "Excision of part of carpal bone", "Partial ostectomy of carpal bone", "腕骨部分截骨术", "部分腕骨切除" ], "287358008": [ "Prosthetic patch to artery", "动脉假体补片" ], "23379002": [ "Cyclotomy", "Cyclicotomy", "Ciliarotomy", "环切术", "睫状体切开术" ], "711507002": [ "Doppler transesophageal echocardiography", "Doppler transoesophageal echocardiography", "经食管多普勒超声心动图" ], "121683003": [ "sec-Butyl acetate measurement", "乙酸仲丁酯测定" ], "105299004": [ "Pholedrine measurement", "福来君测定" ], "252755007": [ "Multiplate EMG", "Multiplate electromyography", "多板肌电图" ], "119848001": [ "Skin of extremity closure", "肢体闭合皮肤" ], "169000003": [ "Fluoroscopy - skeleton/limbs", "荧光透视 - 骨骼/四肢" ], "70696006": [ "Open reduction of closed humeral fracture with internal skeletal fixation", "闭合性肱骨骨折切开复位内骨固定" ], "54312007": [ "Excision of lesion of femur", "股骨病变切除术" ], "183549000": [ "Gynecological referral", "Referral to gynaecology service", "Gynaecological referral", "Referral to gynecology service", "转诊至妇科服务", "妇科转诊" ], "118013000": [ "Bartonella quintana DNA assay", "Bartonella quintana deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "巴尔通体脱氧核糖核酸测定", "五日巴尔通体 DNA 检测" ], "232701003": [ "Nasopharyngeal suction", "鼻咽吸引" ], "412925008": [ "Serum vitamin D2 measurement", "Serum vitamin D2 level", "血清维生素D2测定", "血清维生素 D2 水平" ], "67026001": [ "Operation on multiple extraocular muscles", "多处眼外肌手术" ], "179879000": [ "Primary arthroscopic xenograft ligament augmentation", "初次关节镜异种移植韧带增强术" ], "230866008": [ "Injection of radioisotope into brain tissue", "将放射性同位素注射到脑组织" ], "46972000": [ "Van Hoorn maneuver", "Van Hoorn manoeuvre", "范霍恩机动" ], "63356004": [ "Capsulectomy of lens", "Capsulectomy of lens capsule", "Capsulectomy", "Membranectomy of lens capsule", "晶状体囊膜切除术", "囊切除术", "晶状体囊切除术" ], "178044007": [ "Excision of fascia of pelvis", "骨盆筋膜切除术" ], "1144700008": [ "Ligation of aneurysm of artery", "动脉瘤结扎术" ], "391036009": [ "Emergency mental health assessment - 24 hour not intensive", "紧急心理健康评估 - 24 小时非密集型" ], "225361002": [ "Bowel care", "Bowel care treatments and procedures", "Bowel management", "肠道护理", "肠道管理", "肠道护理治疗和程序" ], "716881005": [ "Assessment using Test of Auditory Reasoning and Processing Skills", "Assessment using TARPS (Test of Auditory Reasoning and Processing Skills)", "使用 TARPS(听觉推理和处理技能测试)进行评估", "使用听觉推理和处理技能测试进行评估" ], "307281009": [ "Transection of vagus", "迷走神经切断术" ], "174374001": [ "Laying open of high fistula in ano", "Laying open of high anal fistula", "肛瘘高位切开术", "高位肛瘘切开术" ], "287227005": [ "Ventriculopuncture of brain", "脑室穿刺" ], "303611006": [ "Epidural steroid injection", "硬膜外注射类固醇" ], "23248003": [ "Taking swab for microbiology", "取拭子进行微生物学检测" ], "236240005": [ "ISC - Intermittent self-catheterisation", "SIC - Self-intermittent catheterisation", "CISC - Clean intermittent self-catheterisation", "Clean intermittent self-catheterisation", "CISC - Clean intermittent self-catheterization", "SIC - Self-intermittent catheterization", "ISC - Intermittent self-catheterization", "Clean intermittent self-catheterization", "清洁间歇性自我导尿", "CISC - 清洁间歇性自我导尿", "ISC-- 间歇性自我导尿", "SIC-- 自我间歇导尿" ], "301776006": [ "Second stage orchidopexy", "Second stage of two stage orchidopexy", "Orchiopexy, any type, second stage", "两阶段睾丸固定术的第二阶段", "睾丸固定术,任何类型,第二阶段", "第二阶段睾丸固定术" ], "105168006": [ "Disulfiram measurement", "Disulphiram measurement", "双硫仑测量" ], "432848006": [ "Plain X-ray of hip region using mobile image intensifier", "使用移动影像增强器对髋部进行普通 X 射线检查" ], "170704006": [ "Follow-up epilepsy assessment", "癫痫随访评估" ], "252624005": [ "Cochlear echo test", "Kemp echo test", "Evoked oto-acoustic emission measurement", "EOAE - evoked oto-acoustic emission measurement", "诱发耳声发射测量", "耳蜗回声测试", "EOAE - 诱发耳声发射测量", "肯普回声试验" ], "285392007": [ "Advice to change dietary fibre intake", "Advice to change dietary fiber intake", "Recommendation to change dietary fibre intake", "Recommendation to change dietary fiber intake", "建议改变膳食纤维摄入量", "改变膳食纤维摄入量的建议" ], "119717000": [ "Transplantation of tissue of nose", "鼻组织移植" ], "709541000": [ "Administration of antipyretic", "服用退热药" ], "121552008": [ "Dimethylsulfoxide measurement", "Dimethylsulphoxide measurement", "二甲基亚砜测量" ], "265338000": [ "Salivary apparatus operation", "Salivary operation", "唾液手术", "唾液器官手术" ], "232570001": [ "Diathermy of laryngeal telangiectasis", "喉毛细血管扩张的透热疗法" ], "398245009": [ "Serum creatine kinase measurement", "血清肌酸激酶测量" ], "19578002": [ "Arthrodesis", "Joint fusion", "关节融合术", "关节融合" ], "117882002": [ "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 18F antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 18F antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae American serotype 18 antibody", "肺炎链球菌18F血清型抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌美国血清型18抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌丹麦血清型18F抗体的测定" ], "183418007": [ "Social case work", "社会个案工作" ], "165199000": [ "Social services case conference", "社会服务案件会议" ], "52346009": [ "Incision and exploration of spermatic cord", "精索切开探查" ], "427343005": [ "Laser destruction of lesion of external nose", "激光毁损外鼻病损" ], "50511005": [ "Electronic analysis of dual chamber internal cardiac pacemaker system with reprogramming", "可重新编程的双腔心脏起搏器系统的电子分析" ], "704036002": [ "Radionuclide single phase study of bone of extremity", "四肢骨放射性核素单相研究" ], "179748006": [ "Revision open prosthetic replacement intra-articular ligament", "翻修开放式假体置换关节内韧带" ], "65060007": [ "Closed excisional biopsy of cerebral meninges", "脑膜闭式切除活检" ], "30457000": [ "Catheterization of renal vein", "Catheterisation of renal vein", "肾静脉插管" ], "261668008": [ "Accommodation of straddling atrioventricular papillary muscle", "跨房室乳头肌的调节" ], "359972009": [ "Pleural poudrage", "胸膜碎裂术" ], "472825005": [ "Foetal chromosomal abnormality screening", "Fetal chromosomal abnormality screening", "胎儿染色体异常筛查" ], "274382000": [ "Operative enteroscopy", "Intraoperative enteroscopy", "术中肠镜检查", "手术肠镜检查" ], "47021000146101": [ "Laparoscopic procedure with conversion to open approach", "腹腔镜手术转为开腹手术" ], "405454007": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of upper limb artery", "上肢动脉内膜切除及血管成形术" ], "225230008": [ "Chronic peritoneal dialysis", "慢性腹膜透析" ], "75939000": [ "Change in bone length of humerus", "肱骨长度变化" ], "241614009": [ "MRI of parathyroid", "Magnetic resonance imaging of parathyroid", "甲状旁腺磁共振成像", "甲状旁腺 MRI" ], "370851004": [ "Evaluation of diagnostic study results", "诊断研究结果评估" ], "26787006": [ "N MYC gene amplification", "N MYC 基因扩增" ], "305315006": [ "Admission by paediatric surgeon", "Admission by pediatric surgeon", "儿科医生入院" ], "172408001": [ "Radiotherapy of corneal lesion", "角膜病变放射治疗" ], "698531009": [ "Resurfacing hemiarthroplasty of head of humerus", "肱骨头表面置换术" ], "713080004": [ "Discussion about do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation clinical decision", "关于不尝试心肺复苏临床决策的讨论" ], "252493001": [ "Inert gas dilution", "惰性气体稀释" ], "170573004": [ "Pre-treatment BP reading", "Pre-treatment blood pressure reading", "治疗前血压读数" ], "119586001": [ "Neck injection", "颈部注射" ], "121421009": [ "Oxytetracycline measurement", "土霉素测量" ], "105037009": [ "Drug, confirmation assay", "药物确认试验" ], "1217314007": [ "Biopsy of lesion of bile duct using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Biopsy of lesion of bile duct using endoscopic ultrasound guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided biopsy of lesion of bile duct", "内镜超声引导下胆管病变活检", "超声内镜引导下胆管病变活检" ], "234274007": [ "Biopsy of pelvic lymph node", "盆腔淋巴结活检" ], "250658009": [ "Free beta human chorionic gonadotrophin level", "Free beta human chorionic gonadotrophin measurement", "Free beta human chorionic gonadotropin level", "Free beta human chorionic gonadotropin measurement", "游离β人绒毛膜促性腺激素测量", "游离β人绒毛膜促性腺激素水平" ], "265207003": [ "Release of contracture of knee joint", "膝关节挛缩松解术" ], "609271006": [ "Open repair of strangulated femoral hernia with prosthesis", "开放式假体修复绞窄性股疝" ], "117751008": [ "HIV 1 p58 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p58 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 58 antibody", "HIV 1 p58 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 58 抗体的测量", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p58 抗体检测" ], "1230028001": [ "Removing nail polish", "Removal of nail polish", "Removing nail varnish", "去除指甲油" ], "3063009": [ "Gastroscopy through artificial stoma", "Percutaneous endoscopy through gastrostomy", "Endoscopy of stomach through stoma", "Gastroscopy via stoma", "经造口胃镜检查", "经人工造口进行胃镜检查", "经胃造口术", "经胃造口进行胃内窥镜检查" ], "66764004": [ "Surgical electrolysis of skin", "皮肤外科电解" ], "17612009": [ "History and physical examination, known or suspected carrier", "病史及体格检查,已知或疑似携带者" ], "736673002": [ "Injection of autologous blood into plantar fascia", "自体血注射至足底筋膜" ], "261537001": [ "Insertion of interatrial baffle", "插入房间挡板" ], "179617005": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture dislocation and external fixation", "一期切开复位骨折脱位及外固定" ], "408993005": [ "Adult care", "Adult health care", "成人医疗保健", "成人护理" ], "359841009": [ "Oxalic acid measurement", "Calcium oxalate measurement", "草酸测量", "草酸钙测量" ], "439926003": [ "Ambulatory continuous glucose monitoring of interstitial tissue fluid", "间质组织液的动态连续血糖监测" ], "61259000": [ "Therapeutic electrical stimulation for bone healing", "治疗性电刺激促进骨愈合" ], "1290059002": [ "Conversion from total prosthetic replacement of hip joint", "髋关节全假体置换术" ], "175947004": [ "Open renal denervation", "开放性肾脏去神经支配术" ], "405323007": [ "Diathermy of vein", "静脉透热疗法" ], "28491007": [ "Laboratory reporting, internal report", "实验室报告、内部报告" ], "59424003": [ "Reagent RBC, preparation enzyme treated pool", "Preparation of enzyme treated pooled reagent red blood cells", "试剂RBC、制备酶处理池", "酶处理的混合试剂红细胞的制备" ], "43040005": [ "Arthrotomy with removal of loose body of tarsometatarsal joint", "关节切开术切除跗跖关节游离体" ], "10272008": [ "Repair of fistula of diaphragm", "Closure of fistula of diaphragm", "Closure of fistula of the diaphragm", "膈瘘修补术", "膈瘘闭合", "膈瘘缝合术" ], "239648009": [ "Application of skull traction", "颅骨牵引的应用" ], "57589001": [ "Arthroplasty, acetabular and proximal femoral prosthetic replacement, with allograft", "关节成形术、髋臼和股骨近端假体置换术、同种异体移植" ], "172277007": [ "Biopsy of lesion of eyelid", "眼睑病变活检" ], "448970001": [ "Application of pressure trouser", "压力裤的应用" ], "121290001": [ "3-Hydroxydodecanedioate measurement", "3-羟基十二烷二酸酯测量" ], "104906003": [ "Protein nitrogen measurement", "蛋白质氮测定" ], "252362001": [ "Lymphocytotoxicity assay using HLA alloantisera", "Lymphocytotoxicity assay using human leukocyte antigen alloantisera", "使用人类白细胞抗原同种抗血清进行淋巴细胞毒性试验", "使用 HLA 同种抗血清进行淋巴细胞毒性试验" ], "399818005": [ "Dermatophagoides farinae specific IgG antibody measurement", "Gd2 specific IgE antibody measurement", "House dust mite (Df) specific IgG antibody measurement", "Dermatophagoides farinae specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "屋尘螨(Df)特异性 IgG 抗体测量", "Gd2 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "粉尘螨特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定", "粉尘螨特异性 IgG 抗体测定" ], "432586006": [ "Insertion of stent using ultrasound guidance", "Insertion of stent using ultrasound (US) guidance", "使用超声(美国)引导插入支架", "使用超声引导插入支架" ], "711114005": [ "Facilitation of access to treatment", "促进获得治疗" ], "447135002": [ "Simple mastectomy with axillary lymph node sampling", "单纯乳房切除术及腋窝淋巴结取样" ], "265076001": [ "Open clipping of left fallopian tube", "左侧输卵管开放夹闭" ], "21151009": [ "Intracranial pressure monitor maintenance", "颅内压监护仪维护" ], "609140005": [ "Revision of internal fixation of pelvic bone", "Revision of internal fixation of bone of pelvis", "骨盆骨内固定术" ], "117620005": [ "Lymphocyte count by cell surface antigen phenotype", "根据细胞表面抗原表型进行淋巴细胞计数" ], "428916009": [ "Operation for impingement syndrome of shoulder region", "肩部撞击综合征手术治疗" ], "17481002": [ "Major thoracotomy with removal of fibrin deposit", "大型开胸手术去除纤维蛋白沉积物" ], "310558000": [ "Preretinal membranectomy by peeling", "视网膜前膜剥除术" ], "66633009": [ "Nephrocystanastomosis", "肾囊吻合术" ], "228638006": [ "Pressure care advice", "Pressure care education", "压力护理教育", "压力护理建议" ], "392478007": [ "Alternaria alternata specific IgE antibody measurement", "m6 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Alternaria tenuis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Alternaria alternata specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "m6特异性IgE抗体测量", "链格孢菌特异性 IgE 抗体测定", "链格孢菌特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "链格孢薄特异性 IgE 抗体测定" ], "277790009": [ "Trimming of dog ears of prepuce", "包皮狗耳修剪" ], "13811001": [ "Take-down of gastric anastomosis", "Take-down of anastomosis of stomach", "胃吻合口拆除" ], "30195003": [ "Excision of lesion of cerebral cortex", "大脑皮质病损切除术" ], "439795004": [ "Reprimanding", "斥责" ], "718323007": [ "Assessment using Assessment Protocol of Pragmatic Linguistic Skills", "Assessment using APPLS (Assessment Protocol of Pragmatic Linguistic Skills)", "使用 APPLS(实用语言技能评估协议)进行评估", "使用实用语言技能评估协议进行评估" ], "306888001": [ "Microwave diathermy to foot", "足部微波透热疗法" ], "241352003": [ "Splenic study with radiolabelled denatured red cells", "Splenic study with radiolabeled denatured red cells", "使用放射性标记的变性红细胞进行脾脏研究" ], "700104004": [ "Management of inflammatory bowel disease", "炎症性肠病的治疗" ], "388808008": [ "d72 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Tyrophagus putrescentiae specific IgE antibody measurement", "Tyrophagus putrescentiae specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "腐食酪螨特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "食腐蝇特异性 IgE 抗体测定", "d72 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "698269000": [ "Bulge test", "Bulge sign test", "凸起征试验", "凸起试验" ], "419741004": [ "Fluoroscopic gastrointestinal tract loopography", "GI Loopogram", "胃肠道造影", "荧光胃肠道造影" ], "305053005": [ "Computed tomography angiography of aorta with contrast", "CT angiography of aorta with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of aorta with contrast", "CT arteriogram of aorta with contrast", "CT arteriography of aorta with contrast", "主动脉 CT 造影", "主动脉增强 CT 血管造影", "主动脉造影计算机断层扫描", "主动脉增强 CT 动脉造影" ], "239517006": [ "Interposition arthroplasty of the interphalangeal joint of hallux", "拇趾指间关节置换术" ], "42909007": [ "Radical excision of bursa of synovia of extensors of wrist", "腕伸肌滑囊根治切除术" ], "450674002": [ "Fusion of joint with articular bone graft", "关节骨移植融合术" ], "90226004": [ "Cytopathology procedure, preparation of smear, genital source", "PAP smear preparation", "Cervical smear test", "宫颈涂片检查", "宫颈抹片检查准备", "细胞病理学程序、涂片制备、生殖器来源" ], "22855000": [ "Electrocautery of lesion of esophagus", "Electrocautery of lesion of oesophagus", "Cauterization of lesion of esophagus using electrical energy", "Cauterisation of lesion of oesophagus using electrical energy", "电烧灼食管损伤", "使用电能烧灼食管病变", "食管损伤电灼术" ], "252231003": [ "Food stimulated gastrin test", "食物刺激胃泌素试验" ], "104775006": [ "Lactose measurement, urine, quantitative", "Urine lactose", "Urine lactose level", "尿液乳糖水平", "尿乳糖", "尿液乳糖测量,定量" ], "170311007": [ "First cholera immunization", "First cholera vaccination", "First cholera immunisation", "Administration of first dose of cholera vaccine", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Vibrio cholerae antigen", "接种第一剂霍乱疫苗", "首次霍乱疫苗接种", "首次霍乱免疫接种", "注射第一剂仅含霍乱弧菌抗原的疫苗产品" ], "86556000": [ "Exenteration of orbit with removal of adjacent structures", "摘除眼眶并移除邻近结构" ], "4636001": [ "Denker operation for radical maxillary antrotomy", "Denker 手术" ], "70172002": [ "Ileoanal anastomosis", "Anastomosis of small intestine-to-anus", "小肠肛门吻合术", "回肠肛门吻合术" ], "609009000": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of urine specimen", "尿液标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "1002225002": [ "Assessment of barriers in food insecurity care plan", "粮食不安全护理计划中的障碍评估" ], "428785005": [ "Biopsy of lesion of breast using guide wire", "Wire-guided biopsy of lesion of breast", "乳腺病变导丝引导活检", "导丝乳腺病变活检" ], "82886000": [ "Antiphospholipid antibody measurement", "抗磷脂抗体测量" ], "410566008": [ "Contrast sensitivity test", "Functional acuity contrast test", "CS - Contrast sensitivity", "FACT - Functional acuity contrast test", "FACT - 功能敏锐度对比测试", "CS——对比敏感度", "功能视力对比测试", "对比敏感度测试" ], "310427004": [ "Hypertension monitoring invitation", "高血压监测邀请" ], "359579006": [ "Partial gastrectomy with jejunal transposition", "部分胃切除术及空肠转位术" ], "275824000": [ "Pest control", "除害虫" ], "46448000": [ "Oxidation fermentation test", "氧化发酵试验" ], "392347009": [ "Alnus incana specific IgE antibody measurement", "t2 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Grey alder specific IgE antibody measurement", "Alnus incana specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "赤杨特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "灰桤木特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "t2 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "赤杨特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "406896005": [ "Methylthioninium chloride stain method", "Methylene blue stain method", "Methylthioninium chloride stain", "Methylene blue stain", "亚甲蓝染色法", "亚甲蓝染色" ], "767344008": [ "Right total orchidectomy", "Excision of entire right testis", "Right total orchiectomy", "右侧全睾丸切除术", "切除整个右侧睾丸", "右侧睾丸全切除术" ], "1258864009": [ "Laparoscopic IRE (irreversible electroporation) ablation of neoplasm of liver", "Laparoscopic irreversible electroporation ablation of neoplasm of liver", "Laparoscopic irreversible electroporation ablation of tumor of liver", "Laparoscopic irreversible electroporation ablation of tumour of liver", "腹腔镜不可逆电穿孔消融治疗肝肿瘤", "腹腔镜不可逆电穿孔消融肝肿瘤" ], "241221001": [ "Intravenous digital subtraction angiography of cervicocerebral arteries", "Cervicocerebral intravenous DSA (digital subtraction angiography)", "Intravenous digital subtraction arteriography of cervicocerebral arteries", "颈脑动脉静脉数字减影血管造影", "颈脑静脉DSA(数字减影血管造影)" ], "388677002": [ "Levisticum officinale specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lovage specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf275 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Levisticum officinale specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf275特异性IgE抗体测量", "欧芹特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "药用植物特异性IgE抗体测定", "利维西林特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "175685004": [ "Femorofemoral prosthetic crossover graft", "股骨股骨假体交叉移植" ], "716357005": [ "Urostomy irrigation management", "尿路造口冲洗管理" ], "273989008": [ "Cranial puncture", "颅骨穿刺" ], "239386006": [ "Open direct repair orbital floor", "开放式直接修复眼眶底板" ], "434159001": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of external carotid artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of external carotid artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "用造影剂插入支架移植物进行颈外动脉荧光血管造影", "用造影剂插入支架移植物进行颈外动脉荧光镜动脉造影" ], "710852001": [ "Assessment of financial status", "财务状况评估" ], "71876005": [ "Catheterization of eustachian tube", "Intubation of eustachian tube", "Cannulation of eustachian tube", "Catheterisation of eustachian tube", "耳咽管插管" ], "104644005": [ "Dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine measurement", "二棕榈酰磷脂酰胆碱测量" ], "4505003": [ "Tenolysis of flexor tendon of forearm", "前臂屈肌腱松解术" ], "397721007": [ "Referral by Accident and Emergency", "Referral by A & E", "Referral from A & E", "事故和紧急情况转介", "急诊科转诊" ], "446873007": [ "Excision of nodule of skin of elbow", "肘部皮肤结节切除术" ], "19054000": [ "Repair of spina bifida", "Repair of spinal cord meninges for dysraphism", "Spina bifida repair", "脊髓脑膜缝合不良的修复", "脊柱裂修复" ], "313966001": [ "Plasma IGF 2 measurement", "Plasma IGF 2 level", "Plasma insulin-like growth factor 2 measurement", "血浆 IGF 2 测量", "血浆胰岛素样生长因子 2 测量", "血浆 IGF2 水平" ], "608878002": [ "Removal of implant from femur", "从股骨取出植入物" ], "117358004": [ "High power light microscopy", "高倍光学显微镜" ], "428654007": [ "Primary foraminoplasty of spine", "脊柱原发性椎间孔成形术" ], "363118009": [ "Exploration of male genital system", "男性生殖系统探索" ], "49987006": [ "Cryotherapy of skin", "皮肤冷冻疗法" ], "719896005": [ "Removal of individual from care setting", "将个人从护理环境中移除" ], "441368007": [ "Resting the breast from breastfeeding", "母乳喂养期间让乳房休息" ], "277528008": [ "Percutaneous embolization of external carotid artery", "Percutaneous embolisation of external carotid artery", "经皮颈外动脉栓塞术" ], "275693003": [ "Letter from consultant", "顾问的信" ], "439533007": [ "Endoscopic balloon dilatation of ostium of paranasal sinus", "Balloon sinuplasty", "Endoscopic balloon dilation of ostium of paranasal sinus", "内镜鼻旁窦口球囊扩张术", "气囊鼻窦成形术" ], "308461008": [ "Referral to radiology service", "Referral to radiology department", "转诊至放射科服务", "转诊至放射科" ], "306626002": [ "Discharge from dietetics service", "营养科服务出院" ], "699842004": [ "Provision of written information about maternity care", "提供有关产妇护理的书面信息" ], "44482009": [ "Ventilating tube removal by another physician", "由另一位医生拔除通气管" ], "239255002": [ "Release of common extensor origin at elbow", "肘部伸肌起点的释放" ], "1287831003": [ "Laparoscopic morcellation of fibroid of uterus", "Laparoscopic morcellation of uterine fibroid", "Laparoscopic morcellation of leiomyoma of uterus", "腹腔镜子宫肌瘤粉碎术", "腹腔镜子宫平滑肌瘤分碎术", "腹腔镜子宫肌瘤分碎术" ], "698007008": [ "Collection of early morning mid stream specimen of urine by clean catch", "用干净的接尿器采集清晨中段尿液样本" ], "401260000": [ "Serum ketone level", "血清酮水平" ], "89964004": [ "Excision of lesion of bone of radius", "桡骨病变切除术" ], "712556004": [ "Liaising about pain management plan", "就疼痛管理计划进行沟通" ], "286572006": [ "Activation of implant", "植入物激活" ], "237420006": [ "Biesenberger right reduction mammoplasty", "Biesenberger 右侧乳房缩小术" ], "171884008": [ "Cervical chemical sympathectomy", "颈部化学交感神经切除术" ], "55361002": [ "Open biopsy of vertebral body of lumbar region", "腰椎椎体开放活检" ], "235585002": [ "Dilatation of duodenal papilla", "Dilation of duodenal papilla", "十二指肠乳头扩张" ], "168214001": [ "Sample mycology general", "真菌学概论样本" ], "104513009": [ "Amniotic fluid appearance, evaluation", "羊水外观、评估" ], "708886003": [ "Percutaneous drainage of abscess of retroperitoneum", "Percutaneous drainage of retroperitoneal abscess", "经皮腹膜后脓肿引流", "腹膜后脓肿经皮引流" ], "184598004": [ "Needle biopsy of brain", "脑穿刺活检" ], "446742004": [ "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and injection of esophageal varices", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and injection of oesophageal varices", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and injection of esophageal varices", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and injection of oesophageal varices", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and injection of varix of esophagus", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and injection of varix of oesophagus", "上消化道内镜检查及食管静脉曲张注射", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及食管静脉曲张注射" ], "413974004": [ "Depression medication review", "抑郁症药物评论" ], "37142003": [ "Open reduction of fracture of ulna", "尺骨骨折切开复位" ], "1231339000": [ "Ligation of left colic artery", "左结肠动脉结扎" ], "430358005": [ "Lateral antebrachial cutaneous nerve block of forearm", "Lateral cutaneous nerve block of forearm", "前臂外侧皮神经阻滞" ], "362987001": [ "Application for funding", "申请资助" ], "313835008": [ "HbA1c level (DCCT aligned)", "HbA1c measurement (DCCT aligned)", "Hemoglobin A1c measurement aligned to the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial", "Haemoglobin A1c measurement aligned to the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial", "与糖尿病控制和并发症试验相一致的糖化血红蛋白测量", "HbA1c 水平(DCCT 校准)", "HbA1c 测量(DCCT 校准)" ], "361152000": [ "Revision of stoma of large intestine", "大肠造口修复术" ], "277397009": [ "Performance reception speech threshold in noise test", "PRSTN - Performance reception speech threshold in noise test", "PRSTN - 噪声测试中的性能接收语音阈值", "噪声测试中性能接收语音阈值" ], "29802007": [ "Titanium measurement", "钛测量" ], "439402008": [ "Excision of neoplasm of subcutaneous tissue of upper arm", "上臂皮下组织肿瘤切除术" ], "306495001": [ "Discharge by breast care nurse", "乳房护理护士出院" ], "175423002": [ "Endarterectomy of axillary artery and patch repair of axillary artery", "腋动脉内膜切除术及腋动脉补片修复术" ], "240959006": [ "Therapeutic barium enema", "治疗性钡灌肠" ], "1287700000": [ "Skin of neck closure", "Closure of skin of neck", "颈部皮肤闭合", "颈部皮肤缝合" ], "372031008": [ "Maintains continuous surveillance", "保持持续监控" ], "27967008": [ "Functional reconstruction of internal nose", "鼻内功能重建" ], "716095009": [ "Assessment using Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Second Edition", "使用 Vineland 适应性行为量表(第二版)进行评估" ], "173588008": [ "Bypass of oesophagus by interposition of microvascularly attached jejunum", "Bypass of esophagus by interposition of microvascularly attached jejunum", "通过插入微血管连接空肠进行食管旁路手术", "经微血管连接空肠介入食管旁路术" ], "57065000": [ "Cauterization of turbinates, superficial", "Cauterisation of turbinates, superficial", "烧灼鼻甲,浅表" ], "89833002": [ "Biofeedback, respiratory air volume", "生物反馈、呼吸气量" ], "171753003": [ "Drainage of spinal canal", "椎管引流" ], "384745002": [ "Maintenance of gastrointestinal tract tube", "Gastrointestinal tube care", "Tube care: gastrointestinal tract", "Enteral tube care", "胃肠道管的维护", "肠内管护理", "胃肠道护理", "管道护理:胃肠道" ], "401129008": [ "von Willebrand screening test", "血管性血友病筛查测试" ], "87998001": [ "Morphine measurement, quantitative", "吗啡测量,定量" ], "104382007": [ "Allergen specific IgE antibody measurement, qualitative", "Allergen specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement, qualitative", "过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量,定性", "过敏原特异性 IgE 抗体测量,定性" ], "55230008": [ "Implantation of mammary artery into ventricle", "Anastomosis of internal mammary artery to myocardium", "Anastomosis of thoracic artery to myocardium", "内乳动脉与心肌吻合术", "胸动脉与心肌吻合术", "乳腺动脉植入术" ], "52241000087100": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of right sacroiliac joint", "MRI of right sacroiliac joint", "右侧骶髂关节 MRI", "右侧骶髂关节磁共振成像" ], "37011005": [ "Direct thrombectomy of iliac vein by abdominal and leg incision", "经腹部及小腿切口直接切除髂静脉血栓" ], "6161000087100": [ "Plain X-ray of right rib", "Plain X-ray of bone of right rib", "右肋骨普通 X 光检查", "右肋骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "21521000087103": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of bilateral saphenous veins", "Doppler ultrasound of bilateral saphenous veins", "Doppler ultrasound scan of bilateral saphenous veins", "双侧隐静脉多普勒超声检查", "双侧隐静脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "430227007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of calcaneus, talus, navicular and cuboid bones of foot", "Magnetic resonance imaging of calcaneus, talus, navicular and cuboid bones of foot", "MRI of calcaneus, talus, navicular and cuboid bones of foot", "足部跟骨、距骨、舟骨和骰骨的 MRI 检查", "足部跟骨、距骨、舟骨和骰骨的磁共振成像 (MRI)", "足部跟骨、距骨、舟骨和骰骨的磁共振成像" ], "1041000087105": [ "Ultrasonography of right foot", "Ultrasound of right foot", "Ultrasound scan of right foot", "右脚超声检查", "右脚超声波扫描", "右足超声检查" ], "13841000087102": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of aorta and right iliac artery", "Doppler ultrasound scan of aorta and right iliac artery", "主动脉和右髂动脉多普勒超声检查", "主动脉和右髂动脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "168083008": [ "Amniotic fluid examination", "羊水检查" ], "2408004": [ "Hexosaminidase A and total hexosaminidase measurement, serum", "血清己糖胺酶 A 和总己糖胺酶测量" ], "231784005": [ "Removal of perfluorocarbon liquid from vitreous", "从玻璃体中除去全氟碳液体" ], "69779005": [ "Cardiac resuscitation", "心脏复苏" ], "86163008": [ "Anesthesia for total knee replacement", "Anaesthesia for total knee replacement", "全膝关节置换术的麻醉" ], "35176008": [ "Plastic repair and revision with revascularization", "Plastic repair and revision with revascularisation", "整形修复及血管重建修复", "整形修复和血管重建修复" ], "2321000087107": [ "MRI of left forearm with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left forearm with contrast", "左前臂 MRI 增强扫描", "左前臂对比磁共振成像" ], "117096009": [ "Intramuscular injection of Vaccinia immune globulin, human", "人痘苗免疫球蛋白肌肉注射" ], "410173005": [ "Dietary regime assessment", "Assess regular diet", "饮食状况评估", "评估常规饮食" ], "736018001": [ "Elective classical cesarean section with bilateral tubal ligation", "Elective classical caesarean section with bilateral tubal ligation", "Elective upper segment cesarean section with bilateral tubal ligation", "Elective upper segment caesarean section with bilateral tubal ligation", "选择性上段剖宫产术及双侧输卵管结扎术", "选择性经典剖宫产术及双侧输卵管结扎术", "选择性上段剖宫产及双侧输卵管结扎术" ], "80658003": [ "Injection of pancreas", "胰腺注射" ], "228114008": [ "Child health procedures", "儿童健康程序" ], "78823007": [ "Life support procedure", "Life support", "生命保障", "生命支持程序" ], "175292000": [ "Emergency bypass of bifurcation of aorta by anastomosis of aorta to iliac artery", "主动脉分叉处紧急搭桥术,将主动脉吻合至髂动脉" ], "699580006": [ "Postmortem imaging procedure", "尸检成像程序" ], "715964008": [ "Imaging of lower limb", "Imaging of lower extremity", "下肢成像", "下肢影像学" ], "306364009": [ "Referral to therapeutic radiographer", "转诊至放射治疗技师" ], "1111411000000107": [ "Insertion of magnetic marker into left breast using X-ray guidance", "X-ray guided insertion of magnetic marker into left breast", "Insertion of magnetic seed into left breast using X-ray guidance", "在 X 射线的引导下将磁性标记插入左乳房", "在 X 射线引导下将磁性种子植入左乳房", "在 X 射线引导下将磁性标记插入左乳房" ], "305011000000108": [ "Core needle biopsy of breast using plain X-ray guidance", "Plain X-ray guided core needle biopsy of breast", "乳腺普通 X 射线引导下芯针活检", "使用普通 X 射线引导进行乳房芯针活检" ], "386449006": [ "Substance use treatment: alcohol withdrawal", "物质使用治疗:酒精戒断" ], "173457007": [ "Reconstruction of mouth defect with fasciocutaneous flap", "筋膜皮瓣修复口腔缺损" ], "433766004": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of thoracic aorta using contrast with insertion of branched tube stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of thoracic aorta using contrast with insertion of branched tube stent graft", "胸主动脉荧光血管造影术及插入分支管支架移植物", "胸主动脉荧光造影及分支管支架植入术" ], "122470005": [ "Reduction of closed fracture", "闭合性骨折复位" ], "7782008": [ "Division of ligament of shoulder", "Division of joint ligament of shoulder", "肩关节韧带分离", "肩部韧带分离" ], "1201979001": [ "Excision of lesion of brain tissue", "Focal excision of brain tissue", "Excision of lesion of brain", "脑组织病变切除", "脑组织局部切除", "脑损伤切除术" ], "269926009": [ "Fluid sample glucose measurement", "Fluid sample glucose level", "Glucose measurement, body fluid", "液体样本葡萄糖水平", "血糖测量、体液", "液体样本葡萄糖测量" ], "431931004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of splenic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of splenic artery with contrast", "透视引导下经皮脾动脉腔内血管成形术", "透视引导下经皮脾动脉造影血管成形术" ], "104251005": [ "Immunomeasurement for infectious agent antigen, multiple step method, qualitative or semi-quantitative", "传染性病原体抗原的免疫测量,多步骤方法,定性或半定量" ], "233488000": [ "Adjustment of arteriovenous fistula stent", "动静脉内瘘支架的调整" ], "446480004": [ "Perioperative evaluation of gastrointestinal tract", "围手术期胃肠道评估" ], "118800005": [ "Procedure on chordae tendineae", "腱索手术" ], "86032007": [ "Enlargement of intestinal stoma", "肠造口扩大" ], "870629001": [ "Bilateral mastectomy for transgender male", "Bilateral mastectomy for FTM (female to male) transsexual", "Excision of bilateral breasts for female to male transsexual", "Excision of both breasts for female to male transsexual", "FTM(女变男)变性者的双侧乳房切除术", "跨性别男性双侧乳房切除术", "女变男变性人双侧乳房切除术", "女变男变性者切除双侧乳房" ], "428261001": [ "Measurement of cobalt/creatinine ratio", "钴/肌酐比值的测量" ], "788709002": [ "MRI-US fusion guided transrectal biopsy of prostate", "Magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound fusion guided transrectal biopsy of prostate", "Transrectal biopsy of prostate using magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography fusion guidance", "磁共振成像和超声融合引导前列腺经直肠活检", "MRI-US融合引导经直肠前列腺活检", "磁共振成像和超声融合引导下经直肠前列腺活检" ], "84197004": [ "Gastric freezing", "Gastric cooling", "Cryotherapy of stomach", "胃冷冻", "胃部冷冻治疗", "胃部降温" ], "231653002": [ "Medial rectus vertical transposition", "内直肌垂直转位" ], "229818004": [ "Cauterisation of wart of skin of sole of foot", "Cauterization of wart of skin of sole of foot", "Cauterization of verruca pedis", "Cauterisation of verruca pedis", "足底皮肤疣烧灼术", "足疣烧灼术" ], "180666006": [ "Harvest of random pattern flap of skin from limb", "Harvest of random pattern (RP) flap of skin from limb", "四肢随意型皮瓣切取", "从肢体获取随机型(RP)皮瓣" ], "178831001": [ "Spinal instrumentation with posterior rod(s)", "带后杆的脊柱内固定" ], "408207006": [ "Fowl serum antibody level", "Fowl serum antibody measurement", "鸡血清抗体水平", "鸡血清抗体测定" ], "176996001": [ "Endoscopic intrafallopian transfer of gamete", "内镜输卵管内配子移植" ], "78692009": [ "Ligation of aorta", "主动脉结扎" ], "764985001": [ "Angiography of cervical portion of left internal carotid artery", "Angiogram of cervical portion of left internal carotid artery", "Arteriography of cervical portion of left internal carotid artery", "左颈内动脉颈部动脉造影", "左颈内动脉颈部血管造影" ], "44089008": [ "Manual reduction of prolapsed rectum", "Pushing back rectal prolapse", "脱垂直肠手动复位术", "推回直肠脱垂" ], "306233009": [ "Referral for care of the elderly domiciliary visit", "Referral for geriatric medicine DV", "Referral for care of the elderly DV", "Referral for geriatric medicine domiciliary visit", "老年医学门诊转诊", "转介老人护理上门就诊", "老年医学 DV 转诊", "老年人护理转介 DV" ], "288014001": [ "Bladder sphincteroplasty", "Reconstruction of sphincter of urinary bladder", "膀胱括约肌成形术", "膀胱括约肌重建" ], "304398003": [ "Short wave diathermy to elbow", "肘部短波透热疗法" ], "9486004": [ "Quantitative microbial culture, filter paper method", "定量微生物培养,滤纸法" ], "386318002": [ "Health policy monitoring", "健康政策监测" ], "27705009": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into phrenic nerve", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into phrenic nerve", "Local anaesthetic phrenic nerve block", "Local anesthetic phrenic nerve block", "膈神经注射麻醉剂", "局部麻醉膈神经阻滞" ], "173326008": [ "Dress tooth", "TD - Insn temp dress tooth", "Temporary dental filling", "Insertion of temporary dressing in tooth", "Insertion of temporary dental filling in tooth", "在牙齿内插入临时敷料", "TD - Insn 临时装牙", "礼服牙", "临时牙齿填充", "在牙齿中插入临时填充物" ], "237027001": [ "CPT - Repair of complete perineal tear", "Repair of complete perineal tear", "CPT - 会阴完全撕裂的修复", "会阴完全撕裂的修复" ], "171491002": [ "Stereotactic biopsy of brain", "脑立体定向活检" ], "122339001": [ "Measurement of Haemophilus influenzae type b antibody", "Haemophilus influenzae type b antibody assay", "B 型流感嗜血杆菌抗体的测量", "B型流感嗜血杆菌抗体检测" ], "433635004": [ "Active warming of subject using haemodialysis circuit", "Active warming of subject using hemodialysis circuit", "使用血液透析回路对受试者进行主动加温" ], "235192001": [ "Collis-Belsey procedure", "Longitudinal gastroplasty with partial fundoplication", "Collis-Belsey 手术", "纵向胃成形术及部分胃底折叠术" ], "431800007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta using contrast with insertion of fenestrated aortounilateral iliac stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta using contrast with insertion of fenestrated aortounilateral iliac stent graft", "腹主动脉荧光造影及置入开孔主动脉单侧髂动脉支架移植物", "腹主动脉荧光血管造影术,插入有孔主动脉单侧髂动脉支架移植物" ], "399032008": [ "Salpingohysterostomy", "Hysterosalpingostomy", "子宫输卵管造口术", "输卵管子宫造口术" ], "104120009": [ "Neutrophil count, automated, pleural fluid", "中性粒细胞计数,自动化,胸水" ], "53133001": [ "Cecocoloplicopexy", "Caecocoloplicopexy", "盲肠结肠固定术" ], "440681000124109": [ "Management of caffeine intake", "咖啡因摄入量的管理" ], "3981005": [ "Carrier detection, molecular genetics", "携带者检测、分子遗传学" ], "118669005": [ "Procedure on respiratory system", "Respiratory procedures", "呼吸系统手术" ], "313442000": [ "Serum prolactin level", "Serum prolactin measurement", "血清催乳素测定", "血清催乳素水平" ], "1296482002": [ "MRI of all fingers of right hand", "Magnetic resonance imaging of all fingers of right hand", "右手所有手指的磁共振成像", "右手所有手指的 MRI 检查" ], "311607002": [ "Auditory focus therapy", "听觉聚焦疗法" ], "49463003": [ "Consultation for paternity case", "亲子鉴定案件咨询" ], "442679005": [ "Quantitative measurement of amino acid in urine", "尿液中氨基酸的定量测定" ], "426295007": [ "Obstetric uterine artery Doppler", "Doppler ultrasound scan of uterine artery", "子宫动脉多普勒超声扫描", "产科子宫动脉多普勒" ], "64012003": [ "Incision of abdominal vein", "Abdominal phlebotomy", "Abdominal venotomy", "Angiotomy of abdominal vein", "腹部放血", "腹部静脉切开", "腹部静脉切开术" ], "47628005": [ "V-excision of lip with primary direct linear closure", "唇部 V 形切除术及一期直接线性闭合" ], "306102000": [ "Referral to primary health care clinic", "转诊至初级保健诊所" ], "275169009": [ "Simpson's forceps delivery", "Simpson forceps delivery", "辛普森产钳分娩" ], "1172619003": [ "Support of victim of child abuse", "Supporting victim of child abuse", "虐待儿童受害者的支持", "支持虐待儿童的受害者" ], "42123008": [ "Type III, moderate periodontitis, moderate to deep pocket therapy", "III 型,中度牙周炎,中度至深周袋治疗" ], "122208001": [ "Candida culture", "念珠菌培养" ], "302432003": [ "Desloughing wound", "Removal of slough from skin", "去除皮肤上的腐肉", "脱落伤口" ], "236896006": [ "DI - Donor insemination", "AID - Artificial insemination by donor", "Artificial insemination by donor", "DI - 供精授精", "AID - 捐献者人工授精", "捐献者人工授精" ], "171360007": [ "Parachuting medical examination", "跳伞体检" ], "5685002": [ "Electrolysis procedure", "电解程序" ], "103989004": [ "Little c blood group antibody identification", "小c血型抗体鉴定" ], "448053007": [ "Resuturing of previous incision of anterior abdominal wall", "腹前壁切口再缝合" ], "710197007": [ "Ultrasonography of appendix", "Ultrasound scan of appendix", "Ultrasound of appendix", "阑尾超声检查", "阑尾超声扫描" ], "431669007": [ "Fluoroscopic peroral pneumocolon", "透视经口气肿" ], "71221009": [ "Transfer of iliopsoas to greater trochanter", "髂腰肌转移至大转子" ], "233226001": [ "Subclavian to pulmonary artery shunt operation", "锁骨下动脉至肺动脉分流术" ], "20234004": [ "Internal fixation of bone of phalanges of hand", "手指骨内固定" ], "85770007": [ "Biofeedback, three channel rectal balloon", "生物反馈、三通道直肠球囊" ], "413450008": [ "Adenovirus nucleic acid detection", "腺病毒核酸检测" ], "231391005": [ "Thoracic epidural neurolysis", "胸椎硬膜外神经松解术" ], "49332003": [ "Chiropractic adjustment of multiple cervical spine subluxations", "脊椎按摩治疗多发性颈椎半脱位" ], "16564004": [ "Hartmann operation, rectal resection", "Hartmann's procedure", "Rectosigmoidectomy, closure of rectal stump and exteriorization of bowel", "Rectosigmoidectomy, closure of rectal stump and exteriorisation of bowel", "哈特曼手术、直肠切除术", "哈特曼手术", "直肠乙状结肠切除术、直肠残端闭合及肠道外置术", "直肠乙状结肠切除术、直肠残端缝合及肠道外置" ], "229556008": [ "Pulsed electromagnetic energy therapy", "脉冲电磁能疗法" ], "113033004": [ "Thrombin time, substituted", "凝血酶时间,替代" ], "440713004": [ "Construction of custom surgical obturator prosthesis", "定制手术闭孔假体的构建" ], "719241008": [ "Urostomy assessment", "尿道造口术评估" ], "12894003": [ "Functional assessment", "功能评估" ], "225886003": [ "Medical assessment", "医疗评估" ], "275038008": [ "Dacron aortofemoral Y graft", "Polyethylene terephthalate aortofemoral Y graft", "聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯主动脉股动脉 Y 型移植物", "涤纶主动脉股动脉 Y 型移植物" ], "305971000": [ "Referral from geneticist", "Referral by geneticist", "遗传学家推荐" ], "173064000": [ "Open removal of tracheal stent", "开放式移除气管支架" ], "174899009": [ "Repair of sinus venosus", "Repair of sinus venosus defect", "Repair of persistent sinus venosus", "静脉窦缺损的修复", "静脉窦修复", "永存静脉窦修复术" ], "16554411000119104": [ "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography of heart", "PET CT of heart", "正电子发射断层扫描和心脏计算机断层扫描", "心脏 PET-CT" ], "27443008": [ "Removal of transvenous electrodes", "Removal of electronic heart device, transvenous electrode", "移除电子心脏装置、静脉电极", "移除静脉电极" ], "409771000119104": [ "MRI of sacrococcygeal region of spine without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of sacrococcygeal region of spine without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of sacrum and coccyx without contrast", "骶骨和尾骨无造影磁共振成像", "脊柱骶尾部无造影磁共振成像", "脊柱骶尾部无造影 MRI" ], "418824004": [ "Off-pump coronary artery bypass", "OPCAB - Off-pump coronary artery bypass", "OPCAB-非体外循环冠状动脉搭桥术", "非体外循环冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "171229005": [ "Screening plain X-ray of chest", "Screening plain CXR (chest X-ray)", "筛查普通胸部X光检查", "胸部X光检查" ], "431538001": [ "Percutaneous aspiration thrombectomy of artery of upper limb using fluoroscopy guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous aspiration thrombectomy of artery of upper limb with contrast", "透视引导下经皮上肢动脉血栓抽吸术", "透视引导下经皮上肢动脉造影血栓抽吸术" ], "103858002": [ "Low molecular weight kininogen assay", "低分子量激肽原测定" ], "234930004": [ "Removal of foreign body from alveolar process mucous membrane", "清除肺泡突黏膜异物" ], "726450005": [ "Measurement of Hepatitis B antigen", "Hepatitis B antigen virus measurement", "乙肝抗原病毒检测", "乙肝抗原测定" ], "169394006": [ "Afterload radiotherapy - OP cavity", "Afterload radiotherapy of oropharyngeal cavity", "口咽腔后负荷放射治疗", "后负荷放射治疗 - OP 腔" ], "54706004": [ "Mean corpuscular hemoglobin determination", "MCH determination", "Mean corpuscular haemoglobin determination", "MCH - Mean corpuscular haemoglobin", "MCH - Mean cell haemoglobin", "Mean cell haemoglobin", "MCH - Mean cell hemoglobin", "Mean cell hemoglobin", "MCH - Mean corpuscular hemoglobin", "MCH-平均细胞血红蛋白", "MCH-平均红细胞血红蛋白", "平均细胞血红蛋白", "MCH 测定", "MCH-- 平均细胞血红蛋白", "平均红细胞血红蛋白测定" ], "447922005": [ "Suturing of capsule of radiocarpal joint", "桡腕关节囊缝合" ], "233095004": [ "Construction of conduit - apex of left ventricle to descending aorta", "导管建设-左心室心尖至降主动脉" ], "315015006": [ "Referral to rapid access chest pain clinic", "转诊至快速胸痛诊所" ], "429703007": [ "Paracervical uterine neurectomy", "宫颈旁子宫神经切除术" ], "231260001": [ "Administration of epidural top-up", "硬膜外麻醉补充给药" ], "1263452006": [ "Anaesthesia and/or sedation procedure", "Anesthesia and/or sedation procedure", "麻醉和/或镇静程序" ], "229425002": [ "Costochondral accessory mobilization", "Costochondral accessory mobilisation", "肋软骨附件活动", "肋软骨附属物活动" ], "213041003": [ "Hey foot amputation", "嘿脚截肢" ], "1179697004": [ "Reconstruction of nipple using local skin flap", "局部皮瓣重建乳头" ], "180273006": [ "Removal of chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter", "慢性非卧床腹膜透析导管移除术" ], "65585009": [ "Osteotomy of femur, supracondylar with fixation", "股骨髁上截骨固定术" ], "702726002": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of head and neck", "MR angiography of head and neck", "头部和颈部的磁共振血管造影", "头部和颈部磁共振血管造影" ], "440582002": [ "Psychosynthesis", "心理综合" ], "112902005": [ "Partial cystectomy", "Excision of part of bladder", "Partial excision of bladder", "Partial urinary cystectomy", "部分膀胱切除", "部分膀胱切除术", "膀胱部分切除术" ], "14598005": [ "Vitamin B12 measurement", "Cyanocobalamin, true measurement", "Antipernicious anemia factor measurement", "Antipernicious anaemia factor measurement", "抗恶性贫血因子测定", "氰钴胺,真实测量", "维生素 B12 测量" ], "309510008": [ "Subcutaneous drug therapy", "皮下药物治疗" ], "391430009": [ "Blood zinc protoporphyrin level", "血液锌原卟啉水平" ], "717275004": [ "Assessment using Auditory Comprehension Test for Sentences", "Assessment using ACTS (Auditory Comprehension Test for Sentences)", "使用句子听觉理解测试进行评估", "使用 ACTS(句子听觉理解测试)进行评估" ], "78299009": [ "Core needle biopsy of rectum", "直肠芯针活检" ], "76464004": [ "Hospital admission, for observation", "入院观察" ], "387760006": [ "Infusion care", "输液护理" ], "1256112006": [ "Education about document translation service", "文件翻译服务教育" ], "58245000": [ "Advancement of eye muscle, multiple, with resection or recession", "Advancement of extraocular muscle, multiple, with resection or recession", "眼外肌多处前移,伴有切除或萎缩", "多处眼肌前移,伴有切除或萎缩" ], "287621003": [ "Removal of object from tracheostomy", "从气管切开术中取出物体" ], "385925005": [ "Pressure ulcer Stage 3 care education", "Teach pressure ulcer Stage 3 care", "Education about care of pressure injury stage III", "压力性损伤III期护理教育", "压疮3期护理教育", "教导压疮 3 期护理" ], "121946001": [ "Brucella canis antibody assay", "Measurement of Brucella canis antibody", "犬布鲁氏杆菌抗体测定" ], "9093009": [ "Thyrochondrotomy", "甲状软骨切开术" ], "285786003": [ "Excision of multiple anal papillae", "切除多个肛乳头" ], "433242006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of pancreas using contrast", "胰腺造影荧光血管造影" ], "431407000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of fetus", "Magnetic resonance imaging of fetus", "Magnetic resonance imaging of foetus", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of foetus", "MRI of fetus", "MRI of foetus", "胎儿磁共振成像(MRI)", "胎儿 MRI", "胎儿磁共振成像" ], "103727006": [ "Vestibular nerve section", "前庭神经切片" ], "36356000": [ "Decompression of endolymphatic sac", "内淋巴囊减压术" ], "185647009": [ "Oral contraceptive check - third call", "口服避孕药检查-第三次呼叫" ], "234799009": [ "Fixation of dental bridge", "Cement bridge to tooth", "牙桥固定", "将水泥桥固定到牙齿上" ], "232964004": [ "Transluminal removal of intraventricular pump", "经腔内移除脑室内泵" ], "313049000": [ "Augmentation of glenoid", "关节盂增大术" ], "1753001": [ "Resection of uveal tissue", "葡萄膜组织切除" ], "18137003": [ "Extracapsular extraction of lens by aspiration and irrigation technique", "用抽吸和冲洗技术进行晶状体囊外摘除术" ], "34521003": [ "Osteoplasty of radius, lengthening with autograft", "桡骨成形术、自体移植延长" ], "231129009": [ "LA - Local anaesthetic nerve block in upper limb", "Nerve blocks in upper limb", "Local anaesthetic nerve block in upper limb", "LA - Local anesthetic nerve block in upper limb", "Local anesthetic nerve block in upper limb", "上肢神经阻滞", "LA - 上肢局部麻醉神经阻滞", "上肢局部麻醉神经阻滞" ], "278446003": [ "Aspiration of ventricular shunt", "Aspiration of cerebroventricular shunt", "脑室分流术" ], "229294007": [ "ACBT - Active cycle of breathing technique", "Active cycle of breathing technique", "ACBT-- 主动循环呼吸技术", "主动循环呼吸技术" ], "424067002": [ "Genitourinary assessment", "泌尿生殖系统评估" ], "407683003": [ "Plasma paraquat level", "Plasma paraquat measurement", "血浆百草枯测量", "血浆百草枯浓度" ], "440451003": [ "Parallel beam scanography", "平行光束扫描" ], "473219007": [ "Cardiovascular disorder medication review", "心血管疾病药物评论" ], "702595009": [ "Counseling for fertility preservation", "Counselling for fertility preservation", "生育力保存咨询" ], "438616002": [ "Procedure on coronary artery using imaging guidance", "使用影像引导进行冠状动脉手术" ], "61784001": [ "Removal of gastric balloon", "Removal of gastric bubble", "去除胃泡", "胃内水球移除" ], "307544006": [ "Excision of parathyroid transplant", "甲状旁腺移植切除术" ], "45400006": [ "Reagent RBC, freeze, liquid nitrogen", "Reagent red blood cell, freeze, liquid nitrogen", "试剂红细胞、冷冻、液氮", "试剂RBC、冷冻、液氮" ], "1290584008": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of upper arm", "上臂软组织普通X光检查" ], "387629000": [ "Nipple and areola reconstruction", "Reconstruction of nipple and areolar complex", "乳头及乳晕复合体重建", "乳头和乳晕重建" ], "27181009": [ "Removal of foreign body from brain by incision", "切开取出脑内异物" ], "287490004": [ "Non-surgical perianal biopsy", "非手术肛周活检" ], "860930005": [ "Cataract surgery of left eye", "Surgery of cataract of left eye", "左眼白内障手术" ], "238338005": [ "Removal of pectus bar", "胸板移除术" ], "303874005": [ "Radionuclide blood cell study", "放射性核素血细胞研究" ], "58114008": [ "Endoscopic procedure on vulva", "外阴内窥镜手术" ], "385794009": [ "Manage insulin injection", "Insulin administration management", "胰岛素给药管理", "管理胰岛素注射" ], "1268695002": [ "Provision of clothing", "提供服装" ], "252887003": [ "Refraction assessment - distance", "屈光度评估 - 距离" ], "121815004": [ "Motilin measurement", "胃动素测量" ], "234668000": [ "Remove jaw implant", "移除颌骨植入物" ], "433111008": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of brain perfusion", "Computed tomography of brain perfusion", "CT of brain perfusion", "脑灌注计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "脑灌注计算机断层扫描", "脑灌注 CT" ], "174241000112100": [ "Transplantation of allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell", "Transplantation of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell", "同种异体造血干细胞移植" ], "413057001": [ "Ascitic fluid amylase measurement", "Ascitic fluid amylase level", "腹水淀粉酶水平", "腹水淀粉酶测定" ], "232833002": [ "Decalcification of implanted aortic valve", "植入主动脉瓣脱钙" ], "183681001": [ "Arrange meals on wheels", "Meals-on-wheels provision", "送餐上门服务", "安排流动餐食" ], "3457005": [ "Patient referral", "Referral procedure", "Referral", "推荐", "患者转诊", "转介程序" ], "118145007": [ "Parasite antigen assay", "寄生虫抗原检测" ], "445825007": [ "Assessment using eating disorder inventory", "使用饮食失调量表进行评估" ], "230998003": [ "Repair of spinal cord meninges for cerebrospinal fluid fistula", "脊髓脑膜修补术治疗脑脊液瘘" ], "771670005": [ "Open umbilical hernioplasty using biological mesh", "Open repair of umbilical hernia using biological mesh", "使用生物网片进行脐疝开放式修补", "使用生物网片进行开放式脐疝修补术" ], "34390007": [ "Nonexcisional debridement of burn", "Removal of skin necrosis or slough", "去除皮肤坏死或腐肉", "烧伤非切除清创术" ], "394838008": [ "Test request", "测试请求" ], "1148502009": [ "Phenylalanine modified diet", "苯丙氨酸改良饮食" ], "229163000": [ "Foot arch exercises", "足弓锻炼" ], "443990007": [ "Quantitative measurement of substance rate ratio of pyridinoline to creatinine in 24 hour urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of pyridinoline in 24 hour urine specimen", "24小时尿液标本中吡啶啉的定量测定", "24小时尿液标本中吡啶啉与肌酐物质比率的定量测定" ], "32555004": [ "Restoration, inlay, porcelain/ceramic, three surfaces", "修复、嵌体、瓷/陶瓷、三面" ], "50774009": [ "Laparoscopic-assisted right colectomy", "Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy", "腹腔镜右半结肠切除术", "腹腔镜辅助右结肠切除术" ], "737067005": [ "Repair of ventral hernia using graft", "使用移植物修复腹疝" ], "180011006": [ "Above elbow amputation", "Amputation through humerus", "AEA - Above elbow amputation", "Trans-humeral amputation", "Amputation of arm through humerus", "肱骨截肢术", "肱骨截肢", "AEA-- 肘上截肢", "肘上截肢" ], "48939008": [ "Destruction of retroperitoneal tumor", "Destruction of retroperitoneal tumour", "腹膜后肿瘤破坏" ], "178176004": [ "Secondary repair of tendon using lengthening procedure", "采用延长手术进行肌腱的二次修复" ], "243712007": [ "Provision of optical low vision aid - near", "提供光学低视力辅助器 - 近距离" ], "28885000": [ "Treatment planning for chemotherapy, secondary course", "化疗治疗计划,二级疗程" ], "438485003": [ "Measurement of homocysteine concentration in urine", "尿液同型半胱氨酸浓度测量" ], "176341004": [ "Reconstruction of urethra using pedicle flap", "Pedicle flap urethroplasty", "带蒂皮瓣尿道成形术", "带蒂皮瓣尿道重建" ], "1290453009": [ "Plain X-ray of foot, anteroposterior and lateral views", "足部普通 X 光检查、前后位和侧位照片" ], "10666003": [ "Exploration for removal of deep foreign body of forearm", "前臂深部异物取出术" ], "8831004": [ "Removal of coronary artery thrombus", "冠状动脉血栓清除术" ], "270975004": [ "Serum ceruloplasmin measurement", "Serum ceruloplasmin level", "Serum caeruloplasmin level", "Serum caeruloplasmin measurement", "血清铜蓝蛋白测量", "血清铜蓝蛋白水平", "血清铜蓝蛋白测定" ], "57983006": [ "Operation for bone injury on phalanges of foot", "足指骨骨损伤手术" ], "238207007": [ "Application of adhesive strapping across umbilicus", "脐带胶带的应用" ], "367444000": [ "Repair of vagina", "阴道修复" ], "88916003": [ "Anoscopy", "Endoscopy of anus", "肛门镜检查", "肛门内窥镜检查" ], "56148004": [ "Proximal hamstring recession", "近端腿筋萎缩" ], "170836005": [ "Allergic disorder monitoring", "过敏性疾病监测" ], "449364006": [ "Injection of electrolyte", "注入电解液" ], "711508007": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of breast using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮乳腺细针穿刺活检" ], "252756008": [ "SFEMG - Single fiber EMG", "Single fiber EMG", "SFEMG - Single fibre EMG", "Single fibre EMG", "Single fiber electromyography", "Single fibre electromyography", "单纤维肌电图", "SFEMG-- 单纤维肌电图" ], "121684009": [ "Selegiline measurement", "司来吉兰测量" ], "105300007": [ "Pindolol measurement", "吲哚洛尔测量" ], "169001004": [ "Fluoroscopy -heart/mediastinum", "荧光透视检查-心脏/纵隔" ], "447529006": [ "Complete excision of meningioma by infratentorial approach", "Total excision of meningioma by infratentorial approach", "经脑幕下入路全切除脑膜瘤", "经脑幕下入路彻底切除脑膜瘤" ], "5161006": [ "Specialty clinic admission", "Speciality clinic admission", "专科门诊入院" ], "119849009": [ "Skin of extremity reconstruction", "肢体皮肤重建" ], "232702005": [ "Orotracheal suction", "Tracheal suction via mouth", "口气管吸引", "经口气管抽吸" ], "118014006": [ "Rotavirus RNA assay", "Rotavirus ribonucleic acid assay", "轮状病毒 RNA 检测", "轮状病毒核糖核酸检测" ], "707838007": [ "Revisional automated percutaneous mechanical excision of cervical intervertebral disc", "颈椎间盘经皮自动机械切除术" ], "3326006": [ "Excision of bunionette", "Excision of exostosis of head of fifth metatarsal", "小拇趾外翻切除术", "第五跖骨头外生骨疣切除术" ], "412926009": [ "Serum vitamin B1 measurement", "Serum vitamin B1 level", "血清维生素 B1 测量", "血清维生素 B1 水平" ], "724222006": [ "X-ray tomography of right rib", "右肋骨 X 射线断层扫描" ], "230867004": [ "Removal of object from brain tissue", "从脑组织中取出物体" ], "34259007": [ "Measurement of glucose 5 hours after glucose challenge for glucose tolerance test", "葡萄糖耐量试验中葡萄糖刺激 5 小时后测量葡萄糖" ], "425640000": [ "Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using surgical sutures", "使用手术缝合线修复复发性脐疝" ], "179880002": [ "Revision arthroscopic ligament repair", "关节镜韧带修复术" ], "32424008": [ "Excision of lesion of eyelid, minor", "眼睑病变切除术,轻微" ], "440189003": [ "Incision of peritoneum with replacement of gastric stimulation electrodes from lesser curvature of stomach", "Laparotomy with replacement of gastric stimulation electrodes from lesser curvature", "开腹手术并更换胃小弯刺激电极", "腹膜切开术及胃小弯胃刺激电极置换术" ], "46973005": [ "Blood pressure taking", "量血压" ], "61522002": [ "Atrial septectomy by blade method", "刀片法房间隔切除术" ], "225362009": [ "Dental care", "牙齿保健" ], "59687004": [ "Excision of laryngeal polyp", "Laryngeal polypectomy", "Excision of polyp of larynx", "喉息肉切除术" ], "8700001": [ "Insertion of sieve into vena cava", "Insertion of vena cava sieve", "腔静脉筛管插入术", "将筛子插入腔静脉" ], "370983009": [ "Laboratory test of hypothalamic and pituitary hormones", "Laboratory test of hypothalamic-pituitary axis", "Laboratory test of hypothalamic and pituitary function", "下丘脑和垂体功能的实验室检查", "下丘脑-垂体轴实验室检查", "下丘脑和垂体激素的实验室检查" ], "25084003": [ "Therapeutic spinal puncture", "Therapeutic lumbar puncture", "治疗性脊椎穿刺", "治疗性腰椎穿刺" ], "303612004": [ "Injection into cervical epidural space", "Injection into cervical extradural space", "颈部硬膜外腔注射" ], "39633000": [ "Amputation of hallux", "Amputation great toe", "大脚趾截肢", "拇趾截肢" ], "74236008": [ "Restoration, inlay, metallic, per tooth, in addition to inlay", "修复体,嵌体,金属,每颗牙齿,除嵌体外" ], "711377002": [ "Assessment for gastrostomy tube insertion", "胃造口管插入评估" ], "105169003": [ "Doxylamine measurement", "多西拉敏测量" ], "432849003": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of forefoot", "Ultrasonography of forefoot", "前足超声检查" ], "121553003": [ "Dinitrophenol measurement", "二硝基苯酚的测定" ], "449233006": [ "Child examination for emotional development", "儿童情绪发育检查" ], "252625006": [ "Spontaneous oto-acoustic emission measurement", "SOAE - Spontaneous oto-acoustic emission measurement", "自发耳声发射测量", "SOAE - 自发性耳声发射测量" ], "236241009": [ "Bladder neck operation for female stress incontinence", "Operation of neck of urinary bladder for female stress incontinence", "膀胱颈手术治疗女性压力性尿失禁" ], "86950003": [ "Fetography", "Diagnostic radiography of fetus with intrauterine contrast visualization", "Foetography", "Diagnostic radiography of fetus with intrauterine contrast visualisation", "Diagnostic radiography of foetus with intrauterine contrast visualisation", "胎儿摄影", "宫内造影可视化胎儿诊断放射摄影术", "胎儿宫内造影诊断放射线照相术", "足部摄影" ], "398246005": [ "Anastomosis of pancreatic duct to stomach", "胰管胃吻合术" ], "168870006": [ "Peroral cholangiography", "经口胆管造影" ], "119718005": [ "Transplantation of tissue of nasopharynx", "鼻咽组织移植" ], "1217446008": [ "Suture of periosteum of metacarpal bone", "掌骨骨膜缝合" ], "35963001": [ "Removal of staples", "拆除钉书钉" ], "232571002": [ "Biopsy of lesion of larynx", "喉部病变活检" ], "21414005": [ "Replacement of packing of vulva", "更换外阴填塞物" ], "54182007": [ "Destructive procedure of salivary gland", "唾液腺毁损手术" ], "68731005": [ "Decortication of cerebral meninges", "脑膜剥脱术" ], "52347000": [ "Special potency disk identification, colistin test", "特殊效力盘鉴定、粘菌素试验" ], "709542007": [ "Administration of nutritional supplement", "营养补充剂的管理" ], "265339008": [ "Wilke type procedure, parotid duct diversion", "Diversion of bilateral parotid ducts", "Diversion of both parotid ducts", "Wilke 型手术,腮腺管改道术", "双侧腮腺管改道术" ], "66896000": [ "Esophagoileostomy with interposition of small bowel", "Oesophagoileostomy with interposition of small bowel", "食管吻合术加小肠插入术", "食管回肠吻合术及小肠插入术" ], "314491003": [ "Prosthetic hybrid total replacement of hip joint", "假体混合型全髋关节置换术" ], "117883007": [ "Streptococcus pneumoniae group A antigen assay", "肺炎链球菌A组抗原测定" ], "17744000": [ "Subtotal hysterectomy after cesarean delivery", "Subtotal hysterectomy after caesarean delivery", "剖宫产后子宫次全切除术" ], "445563009": [ "Counseling for sexually transmitted disease", "Counselling for sexually transmitted disease", "性传播疾病咨询" ], "179749003": [ "Revision open allograft replacement intra-articular ligament", "翻修开放同种异体移植置换关节内韧带" ], "359973004": [ "Excision of pericardial adhesions", "心包粘连切除术" ], "441893003": [ "Active compression decompression (ACD) cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with use of inspiratory impedance threshold device (ITD)", "Active compression decompression cardiopulmonary resuscitation with use of inspiratory impedance threshold device", "使用吸气阻抗阈值装置进行主动按压减压心肺复苏", "使用吸气阻抗阈值装置 (ITD) 进行主动按压减压 (ACD) 心肺复苏 (CPR)" ], "65061006": [ "Open reduction of fracture of tibia", "胫骨骨折切开复位" ], "704037006": [ "Radionuclide two-phase study of bone of extremity", "四肢骨放射性核素双相研究" ], "30458005": [ "Incision and drainage of male perineum", "男性会阴切开引流术" ], "866042005": [ "Screening for autism", "Screening for autistic disorder", "自闭症筛查" ], "390906007": [ "Follow-up encounter", "后续遭遇" ], "472826006": [ "Foetal kinetocardiography", "Fetal kinetocardiography", "胎儿运动心动图" ], "274383005": [ "Diagnostic aspiration", "诊断性吸入" ], "241615005": [ "MRI of breast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of breast", "乳房 MRI", "乳腺磁共振成像" ], "225231007": [ "PD - Stab peritoneal dialysis", "Stab peritoneal dialysis", "PD-穿刺腹膜透析", "穿刺腹膜透析" ], "405455008": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of Iliac artery with prosthesis", "髂动脉内膜切除及假体血管成形术" ], "370852006": [ "Recording of devices implanted during operative procedure", "Documenting devices implanted during operative procedure", "Records devices implanted during operative procedure", "记录手术过程中植入的设备" ], "305316007": [ "Admission by pancreatic surgeon", "胰腺外科医生入院" ], "57721002": [ "Valvulotomy of tricuspid valve", "Tricuspid valvotomy", "TVy - Tricuspid valvotomy", "三尖瓣切开术", "TVy-- 三尖瓣切开术" ], "418169008": [ "Dye disappearance test", "Fluorescein dye disappearance test", "DDT - Dye disappearance test", "荧光素染料消失试验", "染料消失试验", "DDT-染料消失试验" ], "121422002": [ "Papaverine measurement", "罂粟碱测量" ], "170574005": [ "Yearly observation of borderline hypertension", "每年观察临界高血压" ], "252494007": [ "Expired gas analysis", "呼气气体分析" ], "37667001": [ "Individual preventive medicine education", "个体预防医学教育" ], "70435002": [ "Ultrasound peripheral imaging", "超声外周成像" ], "119587005": [ "Trunk injection", "树干注射" ], "21283007": [ "Anesthesia for hip disarticulation", "Anaesthesia for hip disarticulation", "髋关节离断术麻醉" ], "234275008": [ "Biopsy of inguinal lymph node", "腹股沟淋巴结活检" ], "117752001": [ "HIV 1 RNA assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 ribonucleic acid assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus 1 ribonucleic acid assay", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 核糖核酸检测", "HIV 1 RNA 检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型核糖核酸检测" ], "183288002": [ "Muscular re-education", "肌肉再教育" ], "1217315008": [ "Bilateral ankle arthroplasty", "Repair of joint of bilateral ankles", "双侧踝关节置换术", "双踝关节修复术" ], "609272004": [ "Open repair of strangulated inguinal hernia with prosthesis", "开放式假体修补术治疗绞窄性腹股沟疝" ], "429048003": [ "Short-term psychodynamic therapy", "短期心理动力疗法" ], "1230029009": [ "Cleaning of external fixation site with change of dressing", "清洁外固定部位并更换敷料" ], "408994004": [ "Adult care assessment", "成人护理评估" ], "261538006": [ "Open intracoronary repair of coronary artery fistula", "Intracoronary repair technique", "冠状动脉瘘的开放式冠状动脉内修复术", "冠状动脉内修复技术" ], "736674008": [ "Fluoroscopy guided minimally invasive sacroiliac joint fusion by lateral transarticular approach", "Minimally invasive fusion of sacroiliac joint by lateral transarticular approach using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经侧关节入路微创骶髂关节融合术", "透视引导下经侧关节入路微创骶髂关节融合术" ], "177783000": [ "Open pleurectomy", "Open excision of pleura", "胸膜切开术", "开放性胸膜切除术" ], "767607002": [ "Radionuclide measurement of leakage during isolated limb perfusion using technetium (99m-Tc) labelled erythrocytes", "Radionuclide measurement of leakage during isolated limb perfusion using technetium (99m-Tc) labeled erythrocytes", "使用锝 (99m-Tc) 标记的红细胞进行离体肢体灌注期间的放射性核素泄漏测量" ], "439927007": [ "Barostat study of rectum", "Measurement of rectal sensation and rectal tone and rectal compliance", "直肠感觉、直肠张力和直肠顺应性的测量", "直肠恒压研究" ], "405324001": [ "Diathermy of vein of lower extremity", "Diathermy of vein of lower limb", "下肢静脉透热疗法" ], "239649001": [ "Application of skeletal traction to upper limb", "骨牵引在上肢的应用" ], "175948009": [ "Exploration of renal transplant", "Exploration of kidney transplant", "肾脏移植探索" ], "241484009": [ "US scan of transplant kidney", "Ultrasound scan of transplant kidney", "移植肾脏的超声波扫描", "美国移植肾脏扫描" ], "225100009": [ "Replacing dentures", "更换假牙" ], "763937008": [ "Radionuclide imaging of thyroid using iodine-131", "I131 thyroid imaging study", "Iodine 131 uptake study of thyroid", "使用碘-131对甲状腺进行放射性核素显像", "I131甲状腺显像研究", "甲状腺碘131摄取研究" ], "172278002": [ "Removal of foreign body from eyelid", "FB - Removal of foreign body from eyelid", "FB - 去除眼睑异物", "眼睑异物取出" ], "90358006": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of humerus without internal fixation", "肱骨骨折闭合复位不内固定" ], "41206009": [ "Antibody elution, alcohol", "抗体洗脱,酒精" ], "432587002": [ "Insertion of suprapubic catheter using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Insertion of suprapubic catheter using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导插入耻骨上导管", "在超声引导下插入耻骨上导管" ], "121291002": [ "3-Hydroxyglutarate measurement", "3-羟基戊二酸测量" ], "711115006": [ "Facilitation of financial recovery", "促进金融复苏" ], "104907007": [ "Free erythrocyte protoporphyrin measurement", "游离红细胞原卟啉测量" ], "252363006": [ "Lymphocytotoxicity assay using monoclonal antibodies", "使用单克隆抗体进行淋巴细胞毒性试验" ], "86688004": [ "Apexcardiogram with ECG lead", "Apexcardiogram with electrocardiogram lead", "心尖心动图及心电图导联" ], "428917000": [ "Translocation of pigment epithelium of retina", "视网膜色素上皮移位" ], "135840009": [ "Blood pressure monitoring", "血压监测" ], "19317004": [ "Posterior anal sphincterotomy", "Dorsal sphincterotomy", "Posterior sphincterotomy", "肛门后括约肌切开术", "后括约肌切开术", "背部括约肌切开术" ], "445301005": [ "Assistance with hair styling", "协助发型设计" ], "2933008": [ "Pneumogynecography", "Pneumogynaecography", "妇科呼吸造影" ], "609141009": [ "Revision of internal fixation of wall of acetabulum", "髋臼壁内固定术翻修" ], "443466001": [ "Evaluation of gastrointestinal tract", "Gastrointestinal assessment", "胃肠道评估" ], "50250005": [ "Destruction of lesion of rectum by cauterization", "Destruction of lesion of rectum by cauterisation", "烧灼法破坏直肠病变" ], "441631000": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of inferior vena cava with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of inferior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮下腔静脉血管成形术", "荧光造影引导下经皮腔内下腔静脉血管成形术" ], "228639003": [ "Community integration training", "Community awareness training", "社区融入培训", "社区意识培训" ], "392479004": [ "Aspergillus fumigatus specific IgE antibody measurement", "m3 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Aspergillus fumigatus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "m3特异性IgE抗体测量", "烟曲霉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "烟曲霉特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "310559008": [ "Preretinal membranectomy by delamination", "分层视网膜前膜切除术" ], "718324001": [ "X-ray tomography of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节X射线断层扫描" ], "30196002": [ "Repair of broad ligament of uterus", "子宫阔韧带修复术" ], "388809000": [ "Blomia tropicalis specific IgE antibody measurement", "d201 specific IgE antibody measurement", "House dust mite (Bt) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Blomia tropicalis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "屋尘螨(Bt)特异性IgE抗体测定", "d201 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "热带无毛虫特异性IgE抗体测定", "热带假丝酵母特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "177652008": [ "Escharotomy of burnt skin of head", "头部烧伤皮肤切开术" ], "700105003": [ "Zoledronic acid therapy", "唑来膦酸治疗" ], "239518001": [ "Arthroplasty of joint of lesser toe", "小趾关节置换术" ], "306889009": [ "Faradic nerve stimulation to upper limb", "上肢法拉第神经刺激" ], "42910002": [ "Exploration of choroid", "脉络膜探查" ], "450675001": [ "Fusion of joint with extraarticular bone graft", "关节外骨移植融合" ], "170312000": [ "Second cholera immunisation", "Second cholera vaccination", "Second cholera immunization", "Administration of second dose of cholera vaccine", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Vibrio cholerae antigen", "第二次霍乱免疫", "第二次霍乱疫苗接种", "注射第二剂仅含霍乱弧菌抗原的疫苗产品", "接种第二剂霍乱疫苗" ], "22856004": [ "Injection of sympathetic nerve", "交感神经注射" ], "448840005": [ "Repair of supravalvar aorta using patch", "使用补片修复主动脉瓣上部" ], "252232005": [ "Gluten challenge test", "麸质激发试验" ], "104776007": [ "Lactose measurement, urine, qualitative", "尿液乳糖测量,定性" ], "710984009": [ "Reinforcement of achievement", "巩固成就" ], "314098000": [ "Rubella screening test", "风疹筛查检测" ], "283165009": [ "Decompression laminectomy", "减压椎板切除术" ], "68338001": [ "Interactive medical psychiatric diagnostic interview", "互动医学精神病学诊断访谈" ], "232178002": [ "Mastoid pack procedure", "乳突填塞术" ], "2802005": [ "Manual dilation and stretching", "手动扩张和拉伸" ], "1231602007": [ "Tabletop relocation test", "桌面搬迁测试" ], "50119002": [ "Penetrating keratoplasty in aphakia", "无晶状体眼的穿透性角膜移植术" ], "164807004": [ "Special female genital test", "特殊女性生殖器检查" ], "967006": [ "Medication education", "Drugs - health education", "Drug treatment education", "药物治疗教育", "用药教育", "药物 - 健康教育" ], "787399008": [ "Amputation of both feet", "Amputation of bilateral feet", "Bilateral foot amputation", "双足截肢", "双脚截肢" ], "15516003": [ "Full thickness skin transplantation with tube and pedicle", "Full thickness transplantation with tube and pedicle", "Incision and tubing pedicle graft", "切口和管状蒂移植", "带管带蒂全层移植", "带蒂管状全层皮肤移植" ], "441500003": [ "Grafting of bone using cancellous chip allograft", "使用松质骨碎片同种异体骨进行骨移植" ], "392348004": [ "Arecastrum romanzoffianum specific IgE antibody measurement", "t72 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Queen palm specific IgE antibody measurement", "Arecastrum romanzoffianum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "槟榔特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "槟榔特异性IgE抗体测定", "t72 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "皇后棕榈特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "310428009": [ "Obesity monitoring invitation", "肥胖监测邀请" ], "406897001": [ "Methylene violet stain (Bernthsen) method", "Methylene violet stain (Bernthsen)", "亚甲紫染色(Bernthsen)法", "亚甲紫染色(Bernthsen)" ], "1258865005": [ "Open irreversible electroporation of neoplasm of liver", "Open IRE (irreversible electroporation) of neoplasm of liver", "Open irreversible electroporation of tumor of liver", "Open irreversible electroporation of tumour of liver", "肝肿瘤的开放式不可逆电穿孔", "肝肿瘤的开放性不可逆电穿孔", "肝脏肿瘤的开放式 IRE(不可逆电穿孔)" ], "11846000": [ "Aniline measurement", "苯胺测量" ], "767345009": [ "Left subcapsular orchidectomy", "Left subcapsular orchiectomy", "左侧囊下睾丸切除术" ], "716358000": [ "Telehealth chronic obstructive pulmonary disease monitoring", "远程医疗慢性阻塞性肺病监测" ], "273990004": [ "Electrocoagulation of brain", "Coagulation of brain tissue using electrical energy", "脑电凝术", "利用电能凝固脑组织" ], "388678007": [ "Rf333 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Linum usitatissimum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Linseed specific IgE antibody measurement", "Linum usitatissimum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "最常见的是特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "Rf333 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "最常见的特异性 IgE 抗体测量类型", "亚麻籽特异性 IgE 抗体测定" ], "241222008": [ "Cerebral venography", "脑静脉造影" ], "239387002": [ "Traction for fracture of maxilla", "Balkan beam traction for fracture of maxilla", "上颌骨骨折牵引治疗", "巴尔干束牵引治疗上颌骨骨折" ], "1255195003": [ "Urethral irrigation of bladder", "Urethral irrigation of bladder via catheter", "Urethral irrigation of urinary bladder via catheter", "膀胱尿道冲洗", "通过导管进行膀胱尿道冲洗", "经导管尿道冲洗膀胱" ], "1156891004": [ "Reinforcement of musculoskeletal exercise technique", "强化肌肉骨骼锻炼技术" ], "1220592006": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of scrotum", "Aspiration of scrotum using ultrasound guidance", "Aspiration of scrotum using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下阴囊穿刺", "超声引导下阴囊抽吸" ], "434160006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of external iliac artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of external iliac artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "髂外动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "髂外动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术" ], "104645006": [ "Dopamine beta-hydroxylase measurement", "多巴胺β羟化酶测量" ], "710853006": [ "Assessment of fluid balance", "液体平衡评估" ], "397722000": [ "Referral by community dental service", "社区牙科服务转介" ], "268485009": [ "Child examination: general/head", "儿童检查:一般/头部" ], "446874001": [ "Radionuclide myocardial perfusion study using technetium Tc^99m^ tetrofosmin", "使用锝Tc^99m^替曲膦进行放射性核素心肌灌注研究" ], "363119001": [ "Exploration of musculoskeletal system", "肌肉骨骼系统探索" ], "608879005": [ "Removal of implant from fibula", "从腓骨中取出植入物" ], "313967005": [ "Plasma methaemalbumin level", "Plasma methemalbumin measurement", "Plasma methemalbumin level", "Plasma methaemalbumin measurement", "血浆高铁血白蛋白水平", "血浆高铁血白蛋白测量", "血浆高铁血红蛋白测量", "血浆高铁血红蛋白水平" ], "6471000179103": [ "Transplantation of kidney and pancreas", "肾脏和胰腺移植" ], "117359007": [ "Low power light microscopy", "低倍光学显微镜" ], "49988001": [ "Epididymoplasty", "Repair of epididymis", "Epididymis repair", "附睾成形术", "附睾修复" ], "719897001": [ "Insertion of bioabsorbable stent into airway using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of bioabsorbable stent into airway", "在荧光透视引导下将生物可吸收支架插入气道", "荧光透视引导下将生物可吸收支架插入气道" ], "179225002": [ "Abduction traction", "外展牵引" ], "441369004": [ "Thawing of cryopreserved embryo", "冷冻胚胎的解冻" ], "424985006": [ "Infection precautions surveillance", "Infection control surveillance", "感染预防监测", "感染控制监测" ], "736281008": [ "Insertion of intrathecal catheter using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of intrathecal catheter", "透视引导下鞘内导管插入", "在荧光透视引导下插入鞘内导管" ], "439534001": [ "Shaving of peritoneal dialysis catheter cuff", "腹膜透析导管袖口的剃除" ], "308462001": [ "Referral to pathology service", "Referral to pathology department", "转诊至病理学服务", "转诊至病理科" ], "306627006": [ "Discharge from hospital dietetics service", "出院营养服务" ], "173720000": [ "Partial gastrectomy and anastomosis of stomach to transposed jejunum", "Partial gastrectomy with Roux-en-Y jejunal anastomosis", "部分胃切除术及 Roux-en-Y 空肠吻合术", "部分胃切除及胃与转位空肠吻合术" ], "239256001": [ "Release of common flexor origin at elbow", "肘部屈肌起点的释放" ], "699843009": [ "Education about colposcopy", "阴道镜检查教育" ], "419480006": [ "Fluoroscopic cardiac ventriculography", "Cardiac ventriculogram", "荧光心室造影", "心室造影" ], "108184008": [ "Diaphragm excision", "Excision of diaphragm", "Diaphragm resection", "膈肌切除术" ], "401261001": [ "24 hour urine electrolytes measurement", "24 hour urine electrolytes", "24小时尿液电解质", "24小时尿液电解质测量" ], "105271000220107": [ "Replacement of bonded orthodontic retainer", "Replacement of fixed orthodontic retainer", "更换粘接式牙齿矫正保持器", "固定矫正保持器的更换" ], "237421005": [ "Biesenberger operation, reduction mammoplasty, bilateral", "Biesenberger bilateral reduction mammoplasty", "Biesenberger 双侧乳房缩小术", "Biesenberger 手术,缩乳术,双侧" ], "24429008": [ "Revision of nephrostomy", "Repair of stoma of kidney", "Revision of stoma of kidney", "肾造口术修复", "肾造口修复术", "肾造口修复" ], "235586001": [ "Pancreatic duct septotomy", "胰管隔膜切开术" ], "171885009": [ "Cryotherapy to cervical sympathetic nerve", "Cryotherapy to cervical autonomic nerves", "颈部自主神经冷冻治疗", "颈部交感神经冷冻治疗" ], "104514003": [ "Amylo-1,6-glucosidase measurement", "淀粉-1,6-葡萄糖苷酶测定" ], "708887007": [ "Excision of neoplasm of sympathetic nerve", "Excision of tumour of sympathetic nerve", "Excision of tumor of sympathetic nerve", "交感神经肿瘤切除术" ], "444908001": [ "Isolation nursing in negative pressure isolation environment", "负压隔离环境中的隔离护理" ], "446743009": [ "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and banding of gastric varices", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and banding of gastric varices", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and banding of gastric varices", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and banding of varix of stomach", "上消化道内镜检查及胃静脉曲张套扎术", "上消化道内镜检查及胃底静脉曲张套扎术", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及胃静脉曲张套扎术" ], "1231340003": [ "Ligation of right colic artery", "右结肠动脉结扎" ], "362988006": [ "Aspiration of urinary tract", "尿道吸入" ], "117228007": [ "De Galantha stain method", "De Galantha stain", "De Galantha 染色法", "德加兰莎染色剂" ], "182764009": [ "Anticoagulant therapy", "抗凝治疗" ], "313836009": [ "Serum free triiodothyronine measurement", "Serum free triiodothyronine level", "血清游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸测量", "血清游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸水平" ], "361153005": [ "Repair of stoma of large intestine", "大肠造口修复术" ], "179094000": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of small bone and fixation using screw", "小骨骨折闭合复位螺钉固定" ], "410305008": [ "Rest/sleep teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Rest/sleep teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Rest/sleep education, guidance, and counseling", "Rest/sleep education, guidance, and counselling", "休息/睡眠教育、指导和咨询", "休息/睡眠教学、指导和咨询" ], "277398004": [ "Masked threshold in notched noise test", "陷波噪声测试中的掩蔽阈值" ], "439403003": [ "Communication using speech and sign language simultaneously", "同时使用语音和手语进行交流" ], "13419005": [ "Embolization of abdominal artery", "Embolisation of abdominal artery", "Transarterial embolisation of abdominal artery", "Transarterial embolization of abdominal artery", "腹部动脉栓塞术", "腹部动脉栓塞", "腹部动脉经动脉栓塞术" ], "177259007": [ "Excision of skin and soft tissue of hand", "手部皮肤及软组织切除" ], "306496000": [ "Discharge by cardiac rehabilitation nurse", "心脏康复护士出院" ], "372032001": [ "Evaluation of wound healing progress", "Evaluates progress of wound healing", "评估伤口愈合进展" ], "175424008": [ "Endarterectomy of brachial artery and patch repair of brachial artery", "肱动脉内膜切除术及肱动脉补片修复术" ], "1287701001": [ "Revision of left total shoulder arthroplasty", "Revision of left total shoulder replacement", "Revision of prosthetic total arthroplasty of left glenohumeral joint", "左全肩关节置换术翻修", "左盂肱关节假体全置换术" ], "108053008": [ "Prostate destructive procedure", "前列腺破坏性手术" ], "1304085008": [ "Decompression fasciotomy of deep posterior compartment of lower leg", "小腿后深部筋膜减压切开术" ], "401130003": [ "Serum temazepam level", "血清替马西泮水平" ], "24298005": [ "Reduction of batwing arms", "Brachioplasty", "蝙蝠臂缩小", "臂成形术" ], "40682007": [ "Microbial identification kit, N/F ferm tube method", "微生物鉴定试剂盒,N/F发酵管法" ], "89834008": [ "Cyclohexamide resistance test for molds", "Cyclohexamide resistance test for moulds", "霉菌抗环己酰胺试验" ], "171754009": [ "Syringostomy", "脊髓空洞切开术" ], "399295001": [ "Positioning for breast imaging", "乳房成像定位" ], "87999009": [ "Laboratory reporting, written report", "实验室报告、书面报告" ], "444777002": [ "Clamping of suprapubic urinary catheter with intermittent release and reclamping", "Intermittent clamping of suprapubic urinary catheter", "耻骨上导尿管间歇夹闭", "耻骨上导尿管夹紧并间歇性释放和重新夹紧" ], "231785006": [ "Excision of lesion of choroid", "脉络膜病变切除术" ], "2409007": [ "Reattachment of extremity of foot", "Replantation of toe", "足末端再植", "趾骨再植" ], "313705006": [ "Mycoplasma IgG level", "Mycoplasma IgG measurement", "Mycoplasma immunoglobulin G measurement", "支原体 IgG 测量", "支原体 IgG 水平", "支原体免疫球蛋白G测量" ], "574005": [ "Benzodiazepine measurement", "苯二氮卓类药物测量" ], "737854006": [ "Home oxygen therapy management", "家庭氧疗管理" ], "31507001": [ "Specimen collection for microbiology", "微生物学标本采集" ], "279102009": [ "Pain rehabilitation", "疼痛康复" ], "12011000087100": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of left axilla", "Biopsy of left axilla using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下左腋窝活检" ], "4331000087100": [ "CT of left hand", "Computed tomography of left hand", "左手计算机断层扫描", "左手CT" ], "1771000087104": [ "CT of left humerus", "Computed tomography of left humerus", "左肱骨 CT", "左肱骨计算机断层扫描" ], "228115009": [ "Education provision", "Provision of education needs", "Education programmes", "Education programs", "Education treatments and procedures", "满足教育需求", "教育供给", "教育项目", "教育治疗和程序" ], "78824001": [ "Repair of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia, acute", "急性创伤性膈疝的修复" ], "17131000087107": [ "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of bilateral thorax", "Biopsy of bilateral thorax using fluoroscopic guidance", "Biopsy of right and left thorax using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of right and left thorax", "使用荧光透视引导进行左右胸部活检", "透视引导下左、右胸部活检", "透视引导下双侧胸部活检", "在荧光透视引导下进行双侧胸部活检" ], "717800004": [ "Antenatal screening for malformation", "产前畸形筛查" ], "491000087106": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of right upper extremity", "Injection of right upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下右上肢注射", "透视引导下右上肢注射" ], "29672006": [ "Partial oophorectomy", "Partial excision of ovary", "部分卵巢切除术", "卵巢部分切除术" ], "736019009": [ "High ligation of bilateral testicular veins for varicocele", "Palomo operation on bilateral testicular veins", "双侧睾丸静脉Palomo手术", "双侧睾丸静脉高位结扎术治疗精索静脉曲张" ], "388285000": [ "Incision and curettage of chalazion", "Incision and curettage of meibomian cyst", "睑板囊肿切开刮除术", "霰粒肿切开刮除术" ], "3051000087109": [ "MRI of right lower extremity with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right lower limb with contrast", "右下肢增强 MRI 扫描", "右下肢增强磁共振成像" ], "177128002": [ "Labour operations", "Labour procedure", "Induction and delivery procedures", "Labor operations", "Labor procedure", "劳工行动", "诱导和分娩程序", "分娩程序" ], "306365005": [ "Referral to diagnostic radiographer", "转诊至诊断放射技师" ], "699581005": [ "Post mortem MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging)", "Post mortem magnetic resonance imaging", "死后磁共振成像", "尸检 MRI(磁共振成像)" ], "715965009": [ "Aspiration of cyst using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下抽吸囊肿" ], "173458002": [ "Reconstruction of mouth defect with free bowel flap", "游离肠瓣修复口腔缺损" ], "75154005": [ "Anesthesia for open procedure on humerus and elbow", "Anaesthesia for open procedure on humerus and elbow", "肱骨、肘部开放手术的麻醉" ], "386450006": [ "Substance use treatment: drug withdrawal", "药物滥用治疗:戒毒" ], "419218008": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of infrapopliteal artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of infrapopliteal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下膝下动脉造影血管成形术", "荧光造影引导下膝下动脉血管成形术" ], "89703000": [ "Potter's obstetrical version", "Potter obstetrical version", "波特的产科版本", "波特产科版" ], "417383001": [ "Local anesthetic popliteal fossa block, lateral approach", "Local anaesthetic popliteal fossa block, lateral approach", "Popliteal fossa nerve block, lateral approach", "腘窝神经阻滞,侧入路", "局部麻醉腘窝阻滞,侧入路" ], "269927000": [ "Fluid sample albumin level", "Fluid sample albumin measurement", "液体样本白蛋白水平", "液体样本白蛋白测量" ], "171623002": [ "Repair of optic nerve (II)", "视神经修复(二)" ], "433767008": [ "Insertion of nasobiliary drain using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下插入鼻胆管引流管" ], "122471009": [ "Reduction of open fracture", "开放性骨折的复位" ], "104252003": [ "Immunoassay for infectious agent antibody, quantitative", "传染性病原体抗体的免疫测定,定量" ], "431932006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of iliac vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内髂静脉血管成形术(荧光造影引导)" ], "446481000": [ "Excision of testis by inguinal approach", "经腹股沟入路切除睾丸" ], "710460008": [ "Education about monitoring respiratory status", "关于监测呼吸状况的教育" ], "86033002": [ "Excision of cyst of mesonephric duct", "中肾管囊肿切除术" ], "708625004": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of liver lesion by open approach", "Open radiofrequency ablation of lesion of liver", "肝脏病变开放式射频消融术", "开放手术射频消融肝脏病变" ], "1104461000000108": [ "Insertion of magnetic marker into right breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided insertion of magnetic marker into right breast", "Ultrasonography guided insertion of magnetic marker into right breast", "Insertion of magnetic seed into right breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "使用超声引导将磁性标记插入右乳房", "超声引导下将磁性标记插入右乳房", "使用超声引导将磁性种子植入右乳房" ], "69649005": [ "Anti DNase B test", "Measurement of deoxyribonuclease B antibody", "Anti-deoxyribonuclease B test", "脱氧核糖核酸酶B抗体的测量", "抗脱氧核糖核酸酶B检测", "抗 DNase B 检测" ], "233489008": [ "Bypass graft of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘旁路移植术" ], "118801009": [ "Procedure on papillary muscle of heart", "心脏乳头肌手术" ], "2278000": [ "Urinalysis, automated", "尿液自动分析" ], "442811000": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of the thyroid using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下甲状腺经皮穿刺活检" ], "313574009": [ "CD19 B-cell count procedure", "CD19 B-cell count", "CD19 B细胞计数", "CD19 B细胞计数程序" ], "231654008": [ "Medial rectus Faden", "内直肌 Faden" ], "408208001": [ "Fluid sample globulin level", "液体样本球蛋白水平" ], "426427009": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic photodynamic therapy of lesion of esophagus", "Fibreoptic endoscopic photodynamic therapy of lesion of oesophagus", "光导纤维内镜光动力治疗食管病变" ], "178832008": [ "Removal spinal instrumentation", "移除脊柱内固定物" ], "703120008": [ "Pre-admission assessment for major surgery", "大型手术入院前评估" ], "439141002": [ "Discharge by mental health primary care worker", "精神卫生初级保健工作者出院" ], "424592008": [ "Regional extracorporeal perfusion", "区域体外灌注" ], "45925007": [ "Enema for removal of impacted feces", "Enema for removal of impacted faeces", "灌肠以清除堵塞的粪便" ], "175162001": [ "Angiocardiography of both right and left sides of heart", "Angiocardiography of bilateral sides of heart", "心脏左右两侧心血管造影", "双侧心脏心血管造影" ], "76858002": [ "Pentazocine measurement", "喷他佐辛测量" ], "306234003": [ "Referral for mental illness domiciliary visit", "Referral for psychiatry DV", "转介精神疾病家访", "精神病学 DV 转诊" ], "732218007": [ "Urine specimen collection, 8 hours", "尿液样本采集,8小时" ], "173327004": [ "Teeth - wire splint", "Wiring of teeth", "牙齿 - 钢丝夹板", "牙齿修整" ], "1287439005": [ "Repair of cruciate ligament and capsule of knee joint", "膝关节十字韧带及关节囊修复" ], "304399006": [ "Short wave diathermy to wrist", "腕部短波透热疗法" ], "25871006": [ "Cricothyroidectomy", "Thyrocricoidectomy", "环甲膜切除术" ], "9487008": [ "Biofeedback, gastric secretion pH", "生物反馈、胃分泌 pH" ], "433636003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of axillary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行腋动脉" ], "122340004": [ "Haemophilus influenzae type b antigen assay", "B型流感嗜血杆菌抗原检测" ], "237028006": [ "Repair of vaginal tear", "Repair of laceration of vagina", "Suture of laceration of vagina", "Vaginal tear sutured", "阴道撕裂的修复", "阴道撕裂缝合", "阴道裂伤修复", "阴道裂伤缝合" ], "89572009": [ "Incision and drainage of lacrimal gland", "泪腺切开引流术" ], "431801006": [ "Percutaneous insertion of artificial venous valve using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous insertion of artificial venous valve with contrast", "荧光造影引导经皮人工静脉瓣膜插入术", "荧光造影引导下经皮插入人工静脉瓣" ], "235193006": [ "V-Y gastroplasty", "V-Y胃成形术" ], "104121008": [ "Cell count, urine", "尿液细胞计数" ], "446350005": [ "Destruction of intranasal lesion by external approach", "Destruction of lesion of internal nose by external approach", "通过外部方法破坏鼻内病变", "外部方法破坏鼻内病变" ], "118670006": [ "Procedure on upper respiratory tract", "上呼吸道手术" ], "313443005": [ "Plasma prolactin measurement", "Plasma prolactin level", "血浆催乳素测量", "血浆催乳素水平" ], "1263715007": [ "Replacement of breast prosthesis in pre-pectoral space", "Renewal of breast prosthesis in prepectoral space", "Replacement of breast prosthesis in subglandular space", "胸前间隙乳房假体置换术", "乳腺下间隙乳房假体置换术", "胸前间隙乳房假体的更新" ], "65848005": [ "Removal of ureteral catheter", "拔除输尿管导管" ], "438851000124102": [ "Chloride supplement therapy", "氯化物补充疗法" ], "311608007": [ "Auditory retention therapy", "听觉保留疗法" ], "426296008": [ "Plain X-ray of joint", "关节普通 X 光检查" ], "14861000": [ "Operation on bladder", "Bladder operation", "Operation on urinary bladder", "膀胱手术" ], "437571000124105": [ "Decreased phenylalanine diet", "减少苯丙氨酸饮食" ], "441411000124107": [ "Management of schedule of enteral nutrition", "肠内营养计划管理" ], "662851000124106": [ "Referral to interpreter", "转介翻译" ], "178701004": [ "Primary closed reduction cervical spine fracture and collar stabilization", "Primary closed reduction cervical spine fracture and collar stabilisation", "原发性闭合复位颈椎骨折及颈托固定" ], "62178009": [ "Cauterization of iris", "Cauterisation of iris", "虹膜烧灼" ], "306103005": [ "Referral to department", "转介至部门" ], "27575008": [ "Change in bone length of carpals and metacarpals", "腕骨和掌骨的骨长度变化" ], "418956005": [ "Doppler ultrasound scan of vertebral arteries", "Doppler ultrasonography of vertebral arteries", "椎动脉多普勒超声检查", "椎动脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "56673000": [ "Injection of ovary", "卵巢注射" ], "91276009": [ "Thyroid isthmectomy", "Excision of thyroid isthmus", "Isthmectomy of thyroid gland", "Isthmusectomy", "甲状腺峡部切除术", "峡部切除术" ], "1172620009": [ "Support of victim of elder abuse", "Supporting victim of elder abuse", "支持受虐待老人", "为受虐老人提供支持" ], "271500008": [ "Anti-CMV intravenous immunoglobulin injection", "Intravenous injection of anticytomegalovirus immunoglobulin", "抗CMV静脉免疫球蛋白注射液", "静脉注射抗巨细胞病毒免疫球蛋白" ], "236897002": [ "Endometrial resection", "子宫内膜切除术" ], "1285473004": [ "Electrical cardiometry", "心电图" ], "171361006": [ "Camping medical examination", "露营体检" ], "417121007": [ "Breech extraction", "臀位拔出" ], "89441008": [ "Jejunocolostomy for obesity", "空肠结肠造口术治疗肥胖症" ], "122209009": [ "Clostridium difficile culture", "艰难梭菌培养" ], "710198002": [ "Counselling about spiritual distress", "Counseling about spiritual distress", "精神困扰咨询" ], "302433008": [ "Dressing of skin", "皮肤敷料" ], "40289009": [ "Excision of neurofibroma, extensive", "广泛性神经纤维瘤切除术" ], "726582005": [ "Opiate therapy", "阿片类药物治疗" ], "431670008": [ "Replacement of jejunostomy tube using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下更换空肠造口管" ], "103990008": [ "Little e blood group antibody identification", "小e血型抗体鉴定" ], "446219005": [ "Assessment using Árnadóttir occupational therapy-activities of daily living neurobehavioral evaluation", "Assessment using Árnadóttir occupational therapy-activities of daily living neurobehavioural evaluation", "使用 Árnadóttir 职业治疗-日常生活活动神经行为评估进行评估" ], "53003006": [ "Resection of splenic flexure of colon", "结肠脾曲切除术" ], "233227005": [ "Modified Blalock-Taussig shunt", "MBTS - Modified Blalock-Taussig shunt", "MBT - Modified Blalock-Taussig shunt", "改良 Blalock-Taussig 分流术", "MBT - 改良 Blalock-Taussig 分流术", "MBTS - 改良 Blalock-Taussig 分流术" ], "231392003": [ "Sacral epidural neurolysis", "骶管硬膜外神经松解术" ], "51168006": [ "Electroencephalographic biofeedback, central synchrony", "EEG biofeedback, central synchrony", "脑电生物反馈、中枢同步" ], "229557004": [ "Phonophoresis therapy", "超声药物透入疗法" ], "178570002": [ "Revisional costotransversectomy of thoracic intervertebral disc", "胸椎间盘肋横突切除术" ], "113034005": [ "Streptokinase antibody measurement", "链激酶抗体测量" ], "275039000": [ "Dacron aortoiliac Y graft", "Polyethylene terephthalate aortoiliac Y graft", "涤纶主髂动脉 Y 型移植物", "聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯主动脉髂动脉 Y 型移植物" ], "1290847000": [ "Plain X-ray of root canal of tooth", "牙齿根管的普通X光检查" ], "12895002": [ "Physiotherapeutic breathing exercise", "Breathing exercises", "物理治疗呼吸练习", "呼吸练习" ], "391562009": [ "Plasma chromium level", "血浆铬水平" ], "127583001": [ "Procedure on peritoneal sac", "腹膜囊手术" ], "174900004": [ "Repair of partial anomalous pulmonary venous return", "PAPVR - Partial anomalous pulmonary venous return operation", "PAPVD - Partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage operation", "PAPVC - Partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection operation", "Repair of partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage", "Repair of partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection", "PAPVC - 部分性肺静脉异位连接手术", "PAPVR - 部分性肺静脉异位回流手术", "PAPVD - 部分性肺静脉畸形引流手术", "部分肺静脉异常引流的修复", "部分性肺静脉异位回流的修复", "部分性肺静脉异常连接修复" ], "305972007": [ "Referral from clinical geneticist", "Referral by clinical geneticist", "临床遗传学家推荐" ], "9225000": [ "Revision of stapedectomy", "镫骨切除术的修订" ], "171230000": [ "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease screening", "慢性阻塞性肺病筛查" ], "234931000": [ "Oral irrigation", "口腔冲洗" ], "122078009": [ "Rabies virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Rabies virus antibody", "狂犬病毒抗体测定", "狂犬病毒抗体检测" ], "103859005": [ "Reverse ABO group typing", "逆向 ABO 血型分型" ], "71091006": [ "Cryotherapy of ciliary body", "Cyclocryotherapy", "Cryotherapy to ciliary body", "睫状体冷冻治疗", "冷冻疗法" ], "233096003": [ "Construction of conduit - left ventricle to ascending aorta", "导管建设-左心室至升主动脉" ], "491141000119108": [ "Plain X-ray of excised tissue of right breast", "X-ray of excised tissue of right breast", "Plain X-ray of excised tissue specimen of right breast", "右乳房切除组织的普通 X 光检查", "右乳房切除组织标本的普通X光检查", "右乳房切除组织 X 光检查" ], "36488007": [ "Biopsy of anus", "Anal biopsy", "肛门活检" ], "395101001": [ "Ongoing review", "正在进行的审查" ], "67421001": [ "Prescription of service", "服务时效" ], "231261002": [ "Combined spinal/epidural block", "Combined spinal/epidural local anaesthetic block", "Combined spinal/epidural local anesthetic block", "CSE - combined spinal epidural anaesthesia", "CSE - combined spinal epidural anesthesia", "脊柱/硬膜外联合阻滞", "脊柱/硬膜外联合局部麻醉", "CSE-- 脊柱硬膜外联合麻醉", "脊柱/硬膜外联合局部麻醉阻滞" ], "229426001": [ "Intercostal accessory mobilisation", "Intercostal accessory mobilization", "肋间附件活动" ], "112903000": [ "Excision of perivesical tissue", "切除膀胱周围组织" ], "16434009": [ "Special care of premature baby", "Premature baby care", "Developmental care", "Preterm infant care", "早产儿的特殊护理", "早产儿护理", "发育护理" ], "14599002": [ "Esophagojejunostomy by abdominal approach", "Oesophagojejunostomy by abdominal approach", "经腹部食管空肠吻合术" ], "702727006": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of head and neck with contrast", "MR angiography of head and neck with contrast", "头部和颈部的磁共振血管造影", "头部和颈部增强磁共振血管造影" ], "391431008": [ "Parainfluenza virus antibody level", "副流感病毒抗体水平" ], "61916001": [ "Injection into bone marrow", "注射入骨髓" ], "176604008": [ "Destruction of vulval lesion", "外阴病变破坏" ], "1256113001": [ "Education about language interpretation service", "语言翻译服务相关教育" ], "420529003": [ "Radiation plaque therapy", "Radiotherapy using radioactive plaque on eye", "Radioactive plaque treatment", "放射斑块治疗", "使用眼部放射性斑块进行放射治疗", "放射性斑块治疗" ], "76465003": [ "Restoration, resin, one surface, posterior, primary", "修复,树脂,单面,后部,初级" ], "174769006": [ "Diagnostic percutaneous aspiration of lesion of pancreas", "胰腺病变的诊断性经皮穿刺活检" ], "10929006": [ "Myectomy for graft", "Excision of muscle for graft", "Resection of muscle for graft", "切除肌肉进行移植", "肌切除术" ], "287622005": [ "Evacuation of bladder contents", "Evacuation of urinary bladder contents", "排出膀胱内容物" ], "385926006": [ "Pressure ulcer Stage 3 care management", "Manage pressure ulcer Stage 3 care", "Management of care of pressure injury stage III", "管理压疮 第 3 阶段护理", "压力性损伤III期的护理管理", "压疮第 3 阶段护理管理" ], "1287046006": [ "Medicolegal advice", "Medicolegal education", "法医咨询", "法医学教育" ], "271238006": [ "Serum chloride measurement", "Serum chloride level", "血清氯化物水平", "血清氯化物测量" ], "433243001": [ "Percutaneous endoscopic insertion of gastrostomy tube using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮内镜胃造口管插入术" ], "121947005": [ "Brucella melitensis antibody assay", "Measurement of Brucella melitensis antibody", "羊型布鲁氏杆菌抗体测定" ], "285787007": [ "Accommodation exercises", "住宿练习" ], "302171008": [ "Adjust hearing aid settings", "调整助听器设置" ], "38192004": [ "Incision of ovary", "Oophorotomy", "Ovariotomy", "卵巢切开术" ], "120112007": [ "Eyelid transposition", "眼睑移位术" ], "21808008": [ "Environmental culture", "环境文化" ], "234800008": [ "Temporary cementation of crown to tooth", "Provisional cementation of crown to tooth", "将牙冠暂时粘固到牙齿上" ], "232965003": [ "VAD - Implantation of ventricular assist device", "Implantation of heart auxiliary ventricle", "Implantation of cardiac ventricular assist device", "VAD - 心室辅助装置植入", "心室辅助装置植入术", "心脏辅助心室植入术" ], "85509006": [ "Complex uroflowmetry", "复杂尿流率测定" ], "69125006": [ "Glucose measurement, CSF", "Glucose measurement, cerebrospinal fluid", "葡萄糖测量,脑脊液", "血糖测量、脑脊液" ], "313050000": [ "Augmentation of humerus", "肱骨增强术" ], "444122000": [ "Quantitative measurement of glucose in 24 hour urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass rate of excretion of glucose in 24 hour urine specimen", "24小时尿液标本葡萄糖排泄率的定量测定", "24小时尿液样本葡萄糖定量测定" ], "265733007": [ "Replantation of lower leg", "Lower leg reattachment", "小腿复位", "小腿再植" ], "429573008": [ "Urodynamic study using catheter", "使用导管进行尿动力学研究" ], "231130004": [ "Brachial plexus block by interscalene approach", "Interscalene block", "Interscalene brachial plexus block", "肌间臂丛阻滞", "斜角肌间阻滞", "经斜角肌间入路臂丛神经阻滞" ], "18138008": [ "Manipulation of epididymis", "附睾操作" ], "278447007": [ "Closure of urethral fistula in male", "男性尿道瘘缝合术" ], "32687007": [ "Anastomosis of extracranial-intracranial arteries", "Extracranial to intracranial arterial anastomosis", "颅外至颅内动脉吻合术", "颅外-颅内动脉吻合术" ], "473220001": [ "Hematologic disorder medication review", "Haematologic disorder medication review", "血液病药物审查" ], "229295008": [ "Forced expiration technique", "FET - Forced expiration technique", "FET-- 用力呼气技术", "用力呼气技术" ], "440452005": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of pancreas using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下经皮胰腺穿刺" ], "702596005": [ "Fertility preservation procedure", "生育力保存程序" ], "178308007": [ "Excision or biopsy of porta hepatis lymph node", "肝门淋巴结切除或活检" ], "407684009": [ "Urine ephedrine level", "Urine ephedrine measurement", "尿液麻黄碱测定", "尿液麻黄碱水平" ], "29017005": [ "Beta-glucuronidase measurement, spinal fluid", "β-葡萄糖醛酸酶测量,脊髓液" ], "438617006": [ "Vestibular nerve section by transcranial approach", "经颅入路前庭神经切断术" ], "307545007": [ "Exploration of parathyroid transplant", "甲状旁腺移植的探索" ], "1290585009": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of upper limb", "上肢软组织X线平片" ], "174638002": [ "Endoscopic retrograde drainage of lesion of pancreas", "内镜胰腺病变逆行引流术" ], "1010222004": [ "Occlusion of left fallopian tube", "左侧输卵管阻塞" ], "76334006": [ "Immunotherapy", "Immunological therapy", "Biological response modifier therapy", "Immunological care", "免疫护理", "生物反应调节剂治疗", "免疫疗法", "免疫治疗" ], "287491000": [ "Non-surgical biopsy of anus", "肛门非手术活检" ], "172803002": [ "Division of adhesions of turbinate of nose", "鼻甲粘连分离术" ], "238339002": [ "Reconstruction of chest wall with local flap", "局部皮瓣重建胸壁" ], "90883003": [ "Vascular impedance determination", "血管阻抗测定" ], "385795005": [ "Injection of vitamin B12", "Vitamin B12 injection", "Injection of cyanocobalamin", "注射氰钴胺", "注射维生素 B12", "维生素B12注射液" ], "303875006": [ "Partial meniscectomy of knee", "膝关节半月板部分切除术" ], "7128000": [ "Supply of spectacles", "Provision of spectacles", "Glasses provision", "Provision of eyeglasses", "提供眼镜", "眼镜供应" ], "433112001": [ "Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of portal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of portal vein with contrast", "透视引导下经皮门静脉机械血栓切除术", "经皮门静脉机械血栓切除术(荧光造影引导)" ], "25347009": [ "Venography of bilateral lower limbs", "Venography of bilateral lower extremities", "Venography of both lower limbs", "Venography of bilateral legs", "双腿静脉造影", "双下肢静脉造影" ], "121816003": [ "N-acetyl-l-aspartate measurement", "N-乙酰-l-天冬氨酸测量" ], "252888008": [ "Refraction assessment - near", "屈光度评估 - 近视" ], "119981001": [ "Kidney injection", "肾脏注射" ], "234669008": [ "Tooth and periodontium operation", "牙齿及牙周手术" ], "1119405009": [ "Fitting of upper left unilateral removable partial denture", "左上单侧可摘局部义齿安装" ], "68994006": [ "Measurement of total haemoglobin concentration and haematocrit", "Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit", "总血红蛋白浓度和血细胞比容的测量" ], "413058006": [ "Serum IgG IF anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody measurement", "Serum IgG IF anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody level", "ANCA IgG", "Serum immunoglobulin G fluorescent immunoassay anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody measurement", "血清 IgG IF 抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体测量", "血清 IgG IF 抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体水平", "抗中性抗体 IgG", "血清免疫球蛋白G荧光免疫分析抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体测定" ], "232834008": [ "Balloon aortic valvotomy", "Aortic valvuloplasty", "Valvuloplasty of aortic valve", "AVP - aortic valvuloplasty", "球囊主动脉瓣切开术", "AVP-- 主动脉瓣成形术", "主动脉瓣成形术" ], "118146008": [ "Bacterial nucleic acid assay", "细菌核酸检测" ], "445826008": [ "Assessment using falls behavioral scale for older people", "Assessment using falls behavioural scale for older people", "使用跌倒行为量表对老年人进行评估" ], "183682008": [ "Arrange care attender", "安排护理人员" ], "1279575005": [ "Repair of atrioventricular canal defect with tissue graft", "Repair of endocardial cushion defect with tissue graft", "Repair of defect of atrioventricular septum with tissue graft", "组织移植修复房室管缺损", "组织移植修复房室隔缺损", "组织移植修复心内膜垫缺损" ], "230999006": [ "Repair of spinal cord meninges for cerebrospinal fluid fistula using local tissue flap", "局部组织瓣修复脊髓脑膜脑脊液瘘" ], "18007005": [ "Progressive central nervous system disease rehabilitation", "渐进式中枢神经系统疾病康复" ], "443991006": [ "Quantitative measurement of IgM in cord blood specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of immunoglobulin M in cord blood specimen", "脐带血样本中 IgM 的定量测量", "脐血标本中免疫球蛋白M质量浓度的定量测定" ], "737068000": [ "Repair of ventral hernia using prosthesis", "使用假体修复腹疝" ], "442156005": [ "Calculation of ionised calcium concentration", "Calculation of ionized calcium concentration", "计算钙离子浓度", "钙离子浓度的计算" ], "229164006": [ "Sport specific rehabilitation", "运动专项康复" ], "243713002": [ "Provision of magnifier low vision aid - near", "提供放大镜低视力辅助器 - 近距离" ], "391169006": [ "Plasma perhexiline level", "血浆哌克昔林浓度" ], "47105008": [ "Repair of nonunion of metatarsal bones", "跖骨不愈合的修复" ], "178177008": [ "Secondary repair of tendon using permanent prosthesis", "使用永久性假体进行肌腱的二次修复" ], "1208534003": [ "Wide excision of soft tissue of shoulder", "肩部软组织广泛切除术" ], "28886004": [ "Closure of ventricular septal defect with infundibular resection and patch", "漏斗部切除术和补片术封堵室间隔缺损" ], "897238003": [ "Diabetes management using closed-loop delivery system", "使用闭环输送系统进行糖尿病管理" ], "176342006": [ "Transpubic urethroplasty", "耻骨上尿道成形术" ], "27051004": [ "pH measurement, arterial", "Blood arterial pH level", "动脉 pH 测量", "动脉血 pH 值" ], "174507008": [ "Closure of fistula of gallbladder", "胆囊瘘闭合" ], "238208002": [ "Application of truss", "桁架的应用" ], "418432003": [ "Scintimammogram", "Scintimammography", "Breast specific gamma imaging", "闪烁乳房X线照相", "闪烁乳房X线照相术", "乳腺特异性伽马成像" ], "270976003": [ "Serum A1 antitrypsin measurement", "Serum A1 antitrypsin level", "血清 A1 抗胰蛋白酶测量", "血清 A1 抗胰蛋白酶水平" ], "170837001": [ "Allergic disorder initial assessment", "过敏性疾病初步评估" ], "252757004": [ "Sphincter EMG", "Electromyography of sphincter", "括约肌肌电图" ], "121685005": [ "Sufentanil measurement", "舒芬太尼测量" ], "105301006": [ "Piperacillin measurement", "哌拉西林测定" ], "56149007": [ "Deep needle biopsy of bone", "骨深针活检" ], "449365007": [ "Infusion of vancomycin", "输注万古霉素" ], "5162004": [ "Excision of pressure injury", "切除压疮" ], "398378004": [ "HTLV 1 nucleic acid assay", "HTLV 1 nucleic acid detection", "Human T cell lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV 1) nucleic acid assay", "Human T cell lymphotropic virus 1 nucleic acid assay", "HTLV 1 核酸检测", "HTLV 1核酸检测", "人类T细胞淋巴细胞病毒1核酸检测", "人类 T 淋巴细胞病毒 1 (HTLV 1) 核酸检测" ], "169002006": [ "Fluoroscopy of diaphragm", "Screening of diaphragm", "隔膜筛查", "膈肌透视检查" ], "412927000": [ "24hr urine ornithine output measurement", "24hr urine ornithine output", "24小时尿鸟氨酸排出量测定", "24小时尿鸟氨酸排出量" ], "119850009": [ "Skin of extremity repair", "四肢皮肤修复" ], "232703000": [ "Tracheal suction via tracheostomy", "通过气管切开术进行气管抽吸" ], "707839004": [ "Revisional automated percutaneous mechanical excision of intervertebral disc", "经皮自动机械椎间盘切除术" ], "118015007": [ "Rubeola virus RNA assay", "Rubeola virus ribonucleic acid assay", "风疹病毒 RNA 检测", "风疹病毒核糖核酸检测" ], "396543007": [ "Blood draw via femoral vein", "Femoral vein blood draw", "通过股静脉抽血", "股静脉采血" ], "17876001": [ "Radiation therapy treatment planning, interpretation of special testing ordered by radiation therapist", "放射治疗治疗计划、放射治疗师要求的特殊检测的解释" ], "394708006": [ "Paraneoplastic antibody level", "副肿瘤抗体水平" ], "230868009": [ "Removal of radioactive implant from brain tissue", "从脑组织中取出放射性植入物" ], "179881003": [ "Revision arthroscopic reattachment of ligament", "关节镜下韧带再植术" ], "229033006": [ "Radioisotope scan of total body", "全身放射性同位素扫描" ], "163497009": [ "Obstetric examination", "产科检查" ], "391038005": [ "Emergency mental health assessment - Part day : day care", "紧急心理健康评估 - 日间部分:日间护理" ], "440190007": [ "Extracranial contouring of facial and skull bones for benign neoplasm", "面部和颅骨良性肿瘤的颅外轮廓整形" ], "178046009": [ "Certification of admission", "Admission certification", "入学证明" ], "225363004": [ "Eye care", "眼睛护理" ], "700499007": [ "Implantation of extra-articular partial load absorber device to knee joint", "膝关节外部分负荷吸收装置植入术" ], "307283007": [ "Ureteral meatotomy", "输尿管切开术" ], "10536000": [ "Simple electrodesiccation of lesion of penis", "Desiccation of lesion of penis using electrical energy", "阴茎损伤的简易电干燥术", "利用电能干燥阴茎病变" ], "26920000": [ "Repair of tendon by graft or implant of tendon", "通过肌腱移植或植入来修复肌腱" ], "370984003": [ "Removal of calculus from urinary bladder by incision", "Lithotomy of urinary bladder", "Removal of calculus from bladder by incision", "Urinary cystolithotomy", "Open removal of bladder calculus", "切开膀胱取出结石", "膀胱切开取石术", "膀胱结石开放切除术", "尿路膀胱切开取石术" ], "43304004": [ "Fistulectomy of skin and subcutaneous tissue", "Excision of fistula of skin", "皮肤和皮下组织瘘管切除术", "皮肤瘘管切除术" ], "420136008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of left side of heart with contrast", "Left cardiac angiogram with contrast", "左心脏血管造影", "左侧心脏荧光血管造影" ], "90621001": [ "Specimen dispatch and referral, complex", "标本派送和转诊,复杂" ], "287229008": [ "Lacrimal calculus removal", "泪石去除" ], "303613009": [ "Injection into thoracic epidural space", "Injection into dorsal extradural space", "背部硬膜外腔注射", "胸腔硬膜外腔注射" ], "236242002": [ "Fixed suspension procedure of bladder neck", "Vagino obturator shelf operation", "Lapides operation for stress incontinence", "Fixed suspension procedure of urinary bladder neck", "膀胱颈固定悬吊术", "阴道闭孔架手术", "Lapides手术治疗压力性尿失禁" ], "105170002": [ "Dyphylline measurement", "二羟茶碱测量" ], "432850003": [ "Radionuclide bone imaging of lumbar spine", "腰椎放射性核素骨显像" ], "88786001": [ "Operculectomy", "Excision of pericoronal tissues", "Gingival operculectomy", "切除冠周组织", "眼睑切除术", "龈盖切除术" ], "1137362006": [ "Laparoscopic cholecystectomy and exploration of common bile duct using robotic assistance", "Robot assisted laparoscopic cholecystectomy and exploration of common bile duct", "机器人辅助腹腔镜胆囊切除及胆总管探查术", "机器人辅助腹腔镜胆囊切除术及胆总管探查" ], "252626007": [ "DPOAE - Distortion product oto-acoustic emission measurement", "Distortion product oto-acoustic emission measurement", "DPOAE - 畸变产物耳声发射测量", "畸变产物耳声发射测量" ], "121554009": [ "Diphenoxylate measurement", "地芬诺酯测定" ], "37799002": [ "Urinary bladder training", "Bladder training", "膀胱训练" ], "119719002": [ "Nasopharynx manipulation", "鼻咽手术" ], "1217447004": [ "Suture of periosteum of carpal bone", "腕骨骨膜缝合" ], "709543002": [ "Administration of vitamin", "维生素的施用" ], "725927001": [ "Pronuclear transfer mitochondrial replacement therapy", "PNT MRT - pronuclear transfer mitochondrial replacement therapy", "Pronuclear transfer mitochondrial donation", "原核转移线粒体替代疗法", "原核转移线粒体捐赠", "PNT MRT-- 原核转移线粒体替代疗法" ], "414631007": [ "Anti lysozyme antibody level", "Lysozyme antibody measurement", "溶菌酶抗体测量", "抗溶菌酶抗体水平" ], "117884001": [ "Teichoate antibody assay", "Measurement of teichoic acid antibody", "磷壁抗体测定", "磷壁酸抗体测定" ], "429180004": [ "Reprogramming of neurostimulator device", "神经刺激器装置的重新编程" ], "265340005": [ "Partial oesophagectomy and proximal gastrectomy", "Partial esophagectomy and proximal gastrectomy", "部分食管切除术和近端胃切除术" ], "167036008": [ "Bone profile", "骨骼轮廓" ], "232572009": [ "Insertion of laryngeal keel", "喉龙骨插入" ], "704038001": [ "Laparoscopic repair of obstructed incisional hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下修补阻塞性切口疝" ], "179750003": [ "Incision of soft tissue of hand", "手部软组织切开术" ], "65062004": [ "Incision and evacuation of hematoma in inguinal region", "Incision and evacuation of hematoma in groin region", "Incision and evacuation of haematoma in groin region", "Incision and evacuation of haematoma in inguinal region", "腹股沟区血肿切开清除术", "腹股沟区血肿切开及清除术" ], "359974005": [ "Tuffier operation for vaginal hysterectomy", "阴道子宫切除术" ], "736806006": [ "Education for contraceptive sheath", "避孕套教育" ], "390907003": [ "Coronary heart disease monitoring administration", "冠心病监测管理局" ], "833275006": [ "Accelerometry", "加速度计" ], "79611007": [ "Extracapsular extraction of cataract by curette evacuation", "Curettage of lens", "Lens curette extraction", "刮除术白内障囊外摘除术", "晶状体刮除术" ], "225232000": [ "Attention to peritoneal drain", "注意腹腔引流" ], "12240002": [ "Repair of umbilical hernia with prosthesis", "脐疝修补术" ], "274384004": [ "Diagnostic aspiration of liver abscess", "Diagnostic aspiration of abscess of liver", "肝脓肿诊断性穿刺" ], "241616006": [ "MRI of lungs", "Magnetic resonance imaging of lungs", "肺部磁共振成像", "肺部 MRI" ], "61392008": [ "Reconstruction of pelvic floor", "盆底重建" ], "370853001": [ "Screening for physical abuse", "Screens for physical abuse", "筛查身体虐待" ], "405456009": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of lower limb artery", "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of lower extremity artery", "下肢动脉内膜切除及血管成形术" ], "420005003": [ "Fluoroscopy of trachea", "气管透视检查" ], "59557004": [ "Copper measurement, liver tissue", "铜测量,肝组织" ], "305317003": [ "Admission by plastic surgeon", "整形外科医生入院" ], "90490002": [ "Tenolysis of extensor tendon of forearm", "前臂伸肌腱松解术" ], "172410004": [ "Debridement of corneal lesion", "角膜病变清创" ], "450938008": [ "Commissurotomy of heart valve", "心脏瓣膜切开术" ], "418170009": [ "Yag laser trabeculotomy", "YLT - YAG laser trabeculotomy", "Yag 激光小梁切开术", "YLT - YAG 激光小梁切开术" ], "88655004": [ "Repair of varicocele", "精索静脉曲张修复" ], "432719005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of knee with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of knee with contrast", "MRI of knee with contrast", "膝关节增强 MRI 检查", "膝关节磁共振成像对比", "膝关节磁共振成像(MRI)对比" ], "449103007": [ "Ligation of common hepatic artery", "肝总动脉结扎" ], "119588000": [ "Neck closure", "颈部闭合" ], "121423007": [ "Paramethadione measurement", "甲二酮测量" ], "252495008": [ "Electric dental pulp vitality test", "EPT - Electric dental pulp vitality test", "EPT - 电动牙髓活力测试", "电动牙髓活力测试" ], "70436001": [ "Palmar fasciectomy with z-plasty", "掌筋膜切除术及 Z 成形术" ], "398116004": [ "Somatosensory evoked potentials monitoring", "体感诱发电位监测" ], "250660006": [ "Luteinising hormone/follicle stimulating hormone level", "Luteinizing hormone/follicle stimulating hormone measurement", "Luteinizing hormone/follicle stimulating hormone level", "Luteinising hormone/follicle stimulating hormone measurement", "LH/FSH - Luteinising hormone/follicle stimulating hormone level", "FSH/LH - Follicle stimulating hormone/luteinising hormone level", "FSH/LH - Follicle stimulating hormone/luteinizing hormone level", "LH/FSH - Luteinizing hormone/follicle stimulating hormone level", "黄体生成素/促卵泡激素水平", "FSH/LH-促卵泡激素/黄体生成素水平", "LH/FSH-促黄体激素/促卵泡激素水平", "黄体生成素/促卵泡激素测量", "LH/FSH-促黄体生成素/促卵泡激素水平" ], "430884008": [ "Activity therapy", "活动治疗" ], "84985001": [ "Biopsy of perineum", "会阴活检" ], "1217316009": [ "Laparoscopic ultrasonography guided biopsy of lesion of bile duct", "Biopsy of lesion of bile duct using laparoscopic ultrasound guidance", "Biopsy of lesion of bile duct using laparoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "腹腔镜超声引导下胆管病变活检" ], "234276009": [ "Biopsy of femoral lymph node", "股淋巴结活检" ], "183289005": [ "Neuromuscular re-education", "神经肌肉再教育" ], "117753006": [ "HIV DNA assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "人类免疫缺陷病毒脱氧核糖核酸测定", "HIV DNA 检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)脱氧核糖核酸检测" ], "609273009": [ "Laparoscopic repair of spigelian hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下疝修补术" ], "35833009": [ "Lead screening, blood", "铅筛查、血液" ], "1230030004": [ "Changing gown of patient", "Change of patient gown", "病人换衣", "更换病号服" ], "443598005": [ "Assessment of conscious level using Simpson and Reilly paediatric modified GCS (Glasgow coma scale)", "Assessment of conscious level using Simpson and Reilly pediatric modified GCS (Glasgow coma scale)", "Assessment of consciousness level using Adelaide pediatric modified Glasgow coma scale", "Assessment of consciousness level using Adelaide paediatric modified Glasgow coma scale", "使用阿德莱德儿童改良格拉斯哥昏迷量表评估意识水平", "使用 Simpson 和 Reilly 儿科改良 GCS(格拉斯哥昏迷量表)评估意识水平" ], "441763001": [ "Endoscopic exteriorisation of third ventricle", "Endoscopic exteriorization of third ventricle", "Endoscopic third ventriculostomy", "内镜第三脑室外置术", "内镜第三脑室造口术" ], "81315001": [ "Division of ligament of foot and toe", "Division of joint ligament of foot and toe", "足趾关节韧带分离", "足趾韧带分离" ], "408995003": [ "Adult care education", "Teach adult care", "教授成人护理", "成人护理教育" ], "359843007": [ "Oxalate measurement", "草酸盐测量" ], "179619008": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture dislocation and fixation with screw(s)", "骨折脱位的初次切开复位并用螺钉固定" ], "736675009": [ "Plain X-ray guided implantation of neurostimulator into sphenopalatine ganglion", "Implantation of neurostimulator into sphenopalatine ganglion using plain X-ray guidance", "Insertion of neurostimulator into sphenopalatine ganglion using plain X-ray guidance", "使用普通 X 射线引导将神经刺激器植入蝶腭神经节", "使用普通 X 射线引导将神经刺激器插入蝶腭神经节", "普通 X 射线引导下将神经刺激器植入蝶腭神经节" ], "177784006": [ "Decortication of pleura", "Decortication of lung", "肺去皮", "胸膜剥脱术" ], "767608007": [ "Facilitating symbolic play", "促进象征性游戏" ], "79480008": [ "Operation on lymph node", "Lymphatic gland operation", "Lymph node operation", "淋巴腺手术", "淋巴结手术" ], "405325000": [ "Avulsion of subfascial perforating veins", "筋膜下穿静脉撕脱" ], "50060151000188108": [ "Administration of epinephrine", "肾上腺素的给药" ], "241485005": [ "US scan of penis", "US scan of corpus cavernosum", "Ultrasound scan of penis", "阴茎海绵体超声扫描", "阴茎超声波扫描", "阴茎超声扫描" ], "1290061006": [ "Conversion from cemented prosthetic replacement of joint", "骨水泥假体置换关节的转换" ], "225101008": [ "Checking patency of urinary catheter tubing", "Checking if catheter blocked", "检查导管是否堵塞", "检查导尿管的通畅程度" ], "75810001": [ "Frontal sinusotomy", "Exploration of frontal sinus", "额窦探查", "额窦切开术" ], "239650001": [ "Application of skeletal traction via the humerus", "通过肱骨进行骨牵引的应用" ], "763938003": [ "Static radionuclide imaging of thyroid", "甲状腺静态放射性核素显像" ], "190498008": [ "Urethral dilatation - female", "U/D - Urethral dilatation", "Urethral dilation - female", "U/D-尿道扩张", "尿道扩张 - 女性" ], "10274009": [ "Partial overdenture", "部分覆盖义齿" ], "434423004": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of profunda femoris artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of profunda femoris artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "股深动脉荧光血管造影及植入支架", "股深动脉荧光造影及支架植入术" ], "252364000": [ "Mixed lymphocyte reaction", "混合淋巴细胞反应" ], "104908002": [ "Zinc protoporphyrin measurement", "ZPP - zinc protoporphyrin level", "ZPP-- 锌原卟啉水平", "锌原卟啉测量" ], "416204002": [ "Local anesthetic popliteal fossa block, posterior approach", "Local anaesthetic popliteal fossa block, posterior approach", "Popliteal fossa nerve block, posterior approach", "局部麻醉腘窝阻滞,后入路", "腘窝神经阻滞,后入路" ], "432588007": [ "Biopsy of radius and ulna using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of radius and ulna", "在荧光透视引导下进行桡骨和尺骨活检", "荧光透视引导下桡骨和尺骨活检" ], "399820008": [ "AGf78 specific IgA antibody measurement", "Casein specific IgA antibody measurement", "Casein specific immunoglobulin A antibody measurement", "酪蛋白特异性 IgA 抗体测量", "酪蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白 A 抗体测量", "AGf78 特异性 IgA 抗体测量" ], "39372009": [ "Osteoplasty of fibula", "腓骨成形术" ], "711116007": [ "Facilitation of drug abuse recovery", "促进药物滥用康复" ], "448972009": [ "Revision of prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone", "Revision of prosthetic replacement of joint", "关节假体置换术", "骨关节假体置换术" ], "37537004": [ "Liver and spleen imaging", "肝脏和脾脏成像" ], "397985005": [ "Intracranial dural pressure monitoring regime", "Intracranial dural pressure monitoring", "Intracranial bolt monitoring", "颅内硬膜压监测方案", "颅内硬膜压监测", "颅内栓监测" ], "266913006": [ "Insertion of Thompson prosthesis", "插入汤普森假体" ], "299681007": [ "Construction of transverse loop colostomy", "横环结肠造口术的构建" ], "121292009": [ "3-Hydroxyisobutyrate measurement", "3-羟基异丁酸酯测量" ], "1299105009": [ "Nasal cryoablation", "Cryoablation of nose", "鼻部冷冻消融术", "鼻腔冷冻消融" ], "396150002": [ "Referral for substance abuse", "药物滥用转诊" ], "609142002": [ "Revision of internal fixation of bone of anterior ring of pelvis", "骨盆前环骨内固定术的翻修" ], "445302003": [ "Assessment using Waterlow Scale", "Assessment of pressure injury risk using Waterlow scale", "使用 Waterlow 量表进行评估", "使用 Waterlow 量表评估压力损伤风险" ], "428918005": [ "Total cordectomy", "Vocal cordectomy type IV", "全声带切除术", "声带切除术 IV 型" ], "1231734007": [ "Excision of breast", "Mastectomy", "乳房切除术" ], "83019005": [ "Cricopharyngeal myotomy", "环咽肌切开术" ], "443467005": [ "Ligation of anomalous pulmonary vein", "异常肺静脉结扎术" ], "392480001": [ "Aspergillus niger specific IgE antibody measurement", "m207 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Aspergillus niger specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "黑曲霉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "黑曲霉特异性IgE抗体测定", "m207 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "228640001": [ "Independent travel training", "独立旅行培训" ], "50251009": [ "Radiographic dental examination for personal identification", "用于个人身份识别的牙科放射线检查" ], "310560003": [ "Preretinal membranectomy by segmentation", "视网膜前膜分割切除术" ], "15648005": [ "Banding of pulmonary artery", "Muller operation for banding of pulmonary artery", "Pulmonary artery banding", "Application of band to pulmonary artery", "肺动脉束带", "Muller 肺动脉环缩术", "肺动脉束带的应用" ], "243189001": [ "Venom immunotherapy", "毒液免疫治疗" ], "177653003": [ "Escharotomy of burnt skin of neck", "颈部烧伤皮肤切开术" ], "423413008": [ "Reverse trendelenburg positioning", "反特伦德伦堡体位" ], "306890000": [ "Faradic nerve stimulation to face", "面部法拉第神经刺激" ], "700106002": [ "Ibandronic acid therapy", "伊班膦酸治疗" ], "241354002": [ "Renal isotope studies", "Renal radioisotope scan", "Isotopic renogram", "Renal scan", "Radionuclide renal studies", "Kidney scan", "Kidney radioisotope scan", "放射性核素肾脏研究", "肾脏同位素研究", "同位素肾图", "肾脏扫描", "肾脏放射性同位素扫描" ], "388810005": [ "Dermatophagoides farinae specific IgE antibody measurement", "d2 specific IgE antibody measurement", "House dust mite (Df) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Dermatophagoides farinae specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "粉尘螨特异性IgE抗体测定", "屋尘螨(Df)特异性IgE抗体检测", "粉尘螨特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "d2 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "437962006": [ "Lipoprotein associated phospholipase A₂ measurement", "脂蛋白相关磷脂酶 A₂ 测量" ], "175818007": [ "Ligation of short saphenous vein", "短隐静脉结扎术" ], "75679007": [ "Gastrointestinal tract x-ray", "Radiography of gastrointestinal tract", "胃肠道 X 光检查", "胃肠道放射摄影" ], "59295008": [ "Excisional biopsy of phalanges of hand", "手指骨切除活检" ], "450676000": [ "Reconstruction of intraarticular ligament", "关节内韧带重建" ], "239519009": [ "Arthroplasty of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe", "小趾跖趾关节置换术" ], "252233000": [ "Hydrogen breath test", "H-BT - Hydrogen breath test", "H2BT - Hydrogen breath test", "氢气呼气试验", "H2BT-氢气呼气试验", "H-BT-氢气呼气试验" ], "72009003": [ "Secondary rhinoplasty, minor revision", "二次鼻整形,小修复" ], "104777003": [ "Lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase measurement", "卵磷脂胆固醇酰基转移酶测定" ], "170313005": [ "Administration of booster dose of cholera vaccine", "Cholera booster immunisation", "Cholera booster immunization", "Cholera booster vaccination", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Vibrio cholerae antigen", "霍乱加强免疫", "霍乱加强疫苗接种", "注射霍乱疫苗加强剂", "注射仅含霍乱弧菌抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量" ], "448841009": [ "Replacement of cardiac biventricular implantable cardioverter defibrillator using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下更换心脏双心室植入式心律转复除颤器" ], "6473009": [ "Suture of old obstetrical laceration of uterus", "陈旧性产科子宫裂伤缝合术" ], "183027000": [ "Prolonged intravenous feeding", "长时间静脉营养" ], "445171002": [ "Core needle biopsy of breast using mammography guidance", "乳房 X 线摄影引导下进行乳房芯针活检" ], "232179005": [ "Insertion of mastoid pack", "乳突包插入" ], "133875007": [ "Injection of prostaglandin", "注射前列腺素" ], "787400001": [ "Amputation of finger of both hands", "Amputation of finger of bilateral hands", "Bilateral amputation of finger of hand", "双手指截肢" ], "310429001": [ "Smoking monitoring invitation", "吸烟监测邀请" ], "15517007": [ "Repair of inguinal hernia with prosthesis or graft, direct", "用假体或移植物直接修复腹股沟疝" ], "392349007": [ "t3 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Betula verrucosa specific IgE antibody measurement", "Common silver birch specific IgE antibody measurement", "Betula verrucosa specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "疣皮桦树特异性IgE抗体测定", "疣皮桦特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "银桦树特异性IgE抗体测定", "T3 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "359581008": [ "Jejunoileostomy bypass shunt for obesity", "空肠回肠造口旁路分流术治疗肥胖症" ], "275826003": [ "Preventing injury", "Injury prevention", "预防受伤", "预防伤害" ], "767346005": [ "Right subcapsular orchidectomy", "Right subcapsular orchiectomy", "右侧囊下睾丸切除术", "右侧睾丸囊下切除术" ], "406898006": [ "Naphthalene black 12B stain method", "Naphthalene black 12B stain", "萘黑12B染料", "萘黑12B染色法" ], "273991000": [ "Lobotomy of brain", "Lobotomy - brain", "Lobotomy", "脑白质切除术 - 大脑", "脑白质切断术" ], "388679004": [ "Loligo spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf258 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Squid specific IgE antibody measurement", "Loligo spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf258 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "枪乌贼属特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "枪乌贼属特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "鱿鱼特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "372295008": [ "Cytologic examination of anus", "肛门细胞学检查" ], "1255196002": [ "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with control of haemorrhage of oesophagus", "EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) with control of esophageal hemorrhage", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with control of hemorrhage of esophagus", "OGD (oesophagogastroduodenoscopy) with control of oesophageal haemorrhage", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及食管出血控制", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查控制食管出血", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查 (EGD) 可控制食管出血", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查(OGD)可控制食管出血" ], "10012005": [ "Expression", "表达" ], "1156892006": [ "Scheduling of follow up appointment", "安排后续预约" ], "239388007": [ "Fixation of maxilla - external", "上颌骨固定 - 外部" ], "173852007": [ "Open extirpation of lesion of duodenum", "十二指肠病变切开术" ], "1220593001": [ "Ultrasonography guided drainage of scrotum", "Drainage of scrotum using ultrasonographic guidance", "Drainage of scrotum using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下阴囊引流" ], "40945001": [ "Intramedullary nailing of humerus", "肱骨髓内钉" ], "761841000": [ "Administration of human papilloma virus vaccine", "Human papillomavirus vaccination", "Human papillomavirus immunization", "Human papillomavirus immunisation", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Human papillomavirus antigen", "人乳头瘤病毒免疫", "人乳头瘤病毒疫苗接种", "接种人乳头瘤病毒疫苗", "接种仅含人乳头瘤病毒抗原的疫苗产品" ], "59164006": [ "Repair of gastroschisis with prosthesis or graft", "使用假体或移植物修复腹裂" ], "172017005": [ "Biopsy of lesion of thymus gland", "胸腺病变活检" ], "73713008": [ "Repair of gastroschisis", "Closure of gastroschisis", "腹裂修复", "腹裂闭合" ], "710854000": [ "Assessment of family process", "家庭过程评估" ], "268486005": [ "Child examination: trunk/limbs", "儿童检查:躯干/四肢" ], "71878006": [ "Calcium measurement", "Calcium level", "钙水平", "钙测量" ], "104646007": [ "Lecithin phosphorus measurement", "Palmitoylphosphatidyl choline measurement", "棕榈酰磷脂酰胆碱测量", "卵磷脂磷测定" ], "446875000": [ "Radionuclide electrocardiography gated myocardial perfusion stress study using technetium (99m-Tc) tetrofosmin", "使用锝(99m-Tc)替曲膦进行放射性核素心电图门控心肌灌注压力研究" ], "20891002": [ "Fetal decapitation", "Decapitation of the fetus", "Decapitation of the foetus", "Foetal decapitation", "胎儿断头术", "胎儿斩首", "斩首胎儿" ], "86427003": [ "Incision and drainage of sublingual space", "舌下间隙切开引流" ], "4507006": [ "Decompression fasciotomy of wrist, flexor and extensor compartment", "Decompression fasciotomy of flexor and extensor compartment of wrist", "腕屈伸肌筋膜减压切开术", "腕部、屈肌和伸肌间室减压筋膜切开术" ], "709019007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal arterial angioplasty with insertion of stent", "Percutaneous transluminal stent reconstruction of artery", "经皮腔内支架重建动脉", "经皮腔内动脉血管成形术及支架植入术" ], "313968000": [ "24 hour urine free adrenaline output measurement", "24 hour urine free adrenaline output", "24 hour urine free epinephrine output measurement", "24 hour urine free epinephrine output", "Measurement of 24 hour urine free adrenaline output", "Measurement of 24 hour urine free epinephrine output", "24 小时尿游离肾上腺素排出量测定", "24 小时尿游离肾上腺素排出量的测量", "24 小时尿中肾上腺素分泌量测量", "24 小时尿中肾上腺素分泌量", "24小时尿游离肾上腺素排出量" ], "117360002": [ "Mixed antiglobulin reaction test", "MAR (mixed antiglobulin reaction) test", "MAR(混合抗球蛋白反应)测试", "混合抗球蛋白反应试验" ], "19056003": [ "Medial fasciotomy with annular ligament of finger resection", "内侧筋膜切开术切除手指环状韧带" ], "363120007": [ "Exploration of nervous system", "神经系统探索" ], "608880008": [ "Removal of implant from tibia and fibula", "从胫骨和腓骨中取出植入物" ], "445040008": [ "Assessment using historical, clinical, risk management 20 assessing risk for violence scheme version 2", "使用历史、临床、风险管理 20 评估暴力风险计划第 2 版" ], "392218004": [ "Puncture of sphenoid sinus", "蝶窦穿刺" ], "719898006": [ "Computed tomography of head, neck, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "CT of head, neck, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "头部、颈部、腹部和骨盆的增强计算机断层扫描", "头部、颈部、腹部和盆腔增强 CT 扫描" ], "424986007": [ "Instillation of dilating eye drops to eye", "Pupillary dilation", "Dilation of eyes", "眼睛扩张", "滴入扩瞳眼药水", "瞳孔扩张" ], "80922008": [ "Carinal reconstruction", "Reconstruction of carina", "Carinal reconstruction procedure", "Tracheobronchoplasty", "Reconstruction of carina of trachea", "Reconstruction of tracheal carina", "隆突重建", "龙骨重建", "隆突重建手术", "气管支气管成形术", "气管隆突重建" ], "718063001": [ "Assessment of vascular system care", "血管系统护理评估" ], "439535000": [ "Application of short arm splint", "短臂夹板的应用" ], "308463006": [ "Refer to community day center", "Refer to community day centre", "Referral to community day center", "Referral to community day centre", "转介至社区日间中心", "参考社区日间中心", "请参阅社区日间中心" ], "306628001": [ "Discharge from community dietetics service", "退出社区营养服务" ], "699844003": [ "Education about hysteroscopy", "宫腔镜检查教育" ], "7201000179108": [ "Internal fixation of rib", "肋骨内固定" ], "404932006": [ "Timed up and go mobility test", "Timed up and go", "TUG - timed up and go", "计时起立行走活动能力测试", "TUG-- 计时起步", "计时出发" ], "239257005": [ "Shortening of tendon or muscle", "肌腱或肌肉缩短" ], "698009006": [ "Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction", "BLVR - Bronchoscopic lung volume reduction", "支气管镜肺减容术", "BLVR-- 支气管镜肺减容术" ], "712558003": [ "Anger management therapy", "愤怒管理疗法" ], "237422003": [ "Reduction mammoplasty free nipple graft technique", "乳房缩小术游离乳头移植技术" ], "73582005": [ "Excision of lesion of orbit", "Excision of orbital lesion", "眼眶病变切除术" ], "171886005": [ "Radiofrequency controlled thermal destruction of cervical sympathetic nerve", "Radiofrequency destruction of cervical autonomic nerves", "Radiofrequency destruction of cervical sympathetic nerve", "射频控制热毁损颈交感神经", "射频毁损颈部自主神经", "射频毁损颈部交感神经" ], "401262008": [ "Treponema pallidum particle agglutination test", "梅毒螺旋体颗粒凝集试验" ], "38979001": [ "Open reduction of open humeral fracture with external skeletal fixation", "开放性肱骨骨折切开复位外骨固定" ], "104515002": [ "Androstanediol glucuronide measurement", "雄烷二醇葡萄糖醛酸苷测量" ], "399427004": [ "Monitoring of patient with cancer", "癌症患者的监测" ], "22595005": [ "Transplantation of tissue of esophagus", "Transplantation of tissue of oesophagus", "食管组织移植" ], "448579006": [ "Biopsy of joint of hip", "髋关节活检" ], "708888002": [ "Robot assisted laparoscopic para-aortic lymph node dissection", "Laparoscopic para-aortic lymph node dissection using robotic assistance", "使用机器人辅助进行腹腔镜主动脉旁淋巴结清扫术", "机器人辅助腹腔镜主动脉旁淋巴结清扫术" ], "446744003": [ "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and ligation of duodenal varices", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and ligation of duodenal varices", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and ligation of duodenal varices", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and ligation of varix of duodenum", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及十二指肠静脉曲张结扎术", "上消化道内镜检查及十二指肠曲张静脉结扎术", "上消化道内镜检查及十二指肠静脉曲张结扎术" ], "233752006": [ "Removal of penetrating foreign body from palate", "取出上颚的穿透性异物" ], "53528007": [ "Curettage of conjunctiva for trachoma follicles", "Removal of trachoma follicles from conjunctiva", "去除结膜中的沙眼滤泡", "沙眼滤泡结膜刮除术" ], "313837000": [ "Serum free T4 level", "Serum free T4 measurement", "血清游离 T4 测量", "血清游离 T4 水平" ], "117229004": [ "Nonspecific esterase stain method", "Nonspecific esterase stain", "非特异性酯酶染色法", "非特异性酯酶染色" ], "182765005": [ "Physiotherapy for prevention of cardiovascular complications", "物理治疗预防心血管并发症" ], "444909009": [ "Isolation nursing in positive pressure environment", "Reverse isolation nursing in positive pressure environment", "正压环境下逆向隔离护理", "正压环境隔离护理" ], "33474001": [ "Correction of trichiasis by epilation with cryotherapy", "Cryotherapy to eyelash", "通过冷冻疗法脱毛来矫正倒睫", "睫毛冷冻疗法" ], "361154004": [ "Uterine suspension without shortening of round ligaments or sacrouterine ligaments", "不缩短圆韧带或骶子宫韧带的子宫悬吊术" ], "410306009": [ "Screening teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Screening teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Screening education, guidance, and counseling", "Screening education, guidance, and counselling", "Screening procedures teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Screening procedures teaching, guidance, and counseling", "筛查教育、指导和咨询", "筛查教学、指导和咨询", "筛查程序教学、指导和咨询" ], "426690009": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic reduction of intussusception of gastroenterostomy", "Fiberoptic endoscopic reduction of intussusception of gastroenterostomy", "纤维内镜胃肠造口套叠复位术" ], "66242009": [ "Factor VIII assay, two stage", "因子 VIII 测定,两阶段" ], "179095004": [ "Closed reduction of fragment of bone and fixation using screw", "骨折块闭合复位并用螺钉固定" ], "48023004": [ "Breast self-examination technique education", "Breast self-examination instruction", "Health education - breast examination", "健康教育-乳房检查", "乳房自我检查技术教育", "乳房自我检查指导" ], "277399007": [ "Tinnitus pitch match", "耳鸣音调匹配" ], "62572002": [ "Longmire operation, bile duct anastomosis", "Longmire 手术、胆管吻合术" ], "439404009": [ "Binaural electroacoustic evaluation for hearing aid", "助听器的双耳电声评估" ], "372033006": [ "Hypothermia risk assessment", "Assesses risk for inadvertent hypothermia", "体温过低风险评估", "评估意外体温过低的风险" ], "306497009": [ "Discharge by contact tracing nurse", "接触者追踪护士出院" ], "175425009": [ "Endarterectomy of vertebral artery and patch repair of vertebral artery", "椎动脉内膜切除术及椎动脉补片修复术" ], "58902001": [ "Ilioiliac bypass graft with vein", "带静脉的髂髂旁路移植术" ], "1287702008": [ "Preconception consultation", "孕前咨询" ], "173590009": [ "Bypass of oesophagus by interposition of microvascularly attached colon", "Bypass of esophagus by interposition of microvascularly attached colon", "通过插入微血管附着结肠来绕过食管" ], "1269483003": [ "Drainage of pyometra", "Drainage of pus from uterine cavity", "宫腔脓液引流", "子宫积脓引流" ], "401131004": [ "Plasma oxazepam level", "血浆奥沙西泮浓度" ], "235456005": [ "Biopsy of liver lesion", "肝脏病变活检" ], "430229005": [ "Biopsy of sympathetic nerve ganglion", "交感神经节活检" ], "428394001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal pericardiocentesis", "经皮腔内心包穿刺术" ], "413845009": [ "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease accident and emergency attendance since last visit", "自上次就诊以来的慢性阻塞性肺病急诊就诊次数" ], "231786007": [ "Diathermy of choroid", "脉络膜透热疗法" ], "426559000": [ "Removal of gastric band", "胃束带拆除" ], "313706007": [ "Salivary IgA measurement", "Salivary IgA level", "Salivary immunoglobulin A measurement", "唾液 IgA 水平", "唾液免疫球蛋白 A 测量", "唾液 IgA 测量" ], "444778007": [ "Psychosexual assessment", "性心理评估" ], "410175003": [ "Dietary regime management", "Manage regular diet", "Dietary management treatment", "饮食管理治疗", "饮食制度管理", "管理规律饮食" ], "737855007": [ "Anaphylaxis care", "过敏反应护理" ], "736020003": [ "Emergency classical cesarean section with bilateral tubal ligation", "Emergency upper segment cesarean section with bilateral tubal ligation", "Emergency upper segment caesarean section with bilateral tubal ligation", "Emergency classical caesarean section with bilateral tubal ligation", "紧急上段剖宫产术及双侧输卵管结扎术", "紧急经典剖宫产术及双侧输卵管结扎", "紧急上段剖宫产及双侧输卵管结扎术" ], "228116005": [ "Notification of adoption", "收养通知" ], "717801000": [ "Antenatal screening for fetal growth retardation", "Antenatal screening for foetal growth retardation", "胎儿生长迟缓产前筛查" ], "46057001": [ "Flurazepam measurement", "氟西泮测量" ], "177129005": [ "SIL - Surgical induction of labor", "Surgical induction of labor", "Surgical induction of labour", "SIL - Surgical induction of labour", "手术引产", "SIL-- 手术引产" ], "406505007": [ "Modified radical mastectomy", "改良根治性乳房切除术" ], "60606003": [ "Duodenocholedochotomy with transduodenal choledocholithotomy", "十二指肠胆总管切开术及经十二指肠胆总管切开取石术" ], "699582003": [ "MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) of abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "腹部和骨盆的对比磁共振成像", "腹部和骨盆的 MRI(磁共振成像)对比" ], "715966005": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of spleen", "Aspiration of spleen using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下脾脏穿刺" ], "306366006": [ "Referral to social services department social worker", "Referral to SSD social worker", "转介至社会服务部门社工", "转介至 SSD 社工" ], "107923001": [ "Pharynx destructive procedure", "咽部破坏性手术" ], "58771002": [ "Game analysis", "比赛分析" ], "386451005": [ "Substance use treatment: overdose", "药物滥用治疗:过量服用" ], "12741000087102": [ "Ultrasonography guided injection of bilateral upper limbs", "Injection of bilateral upper extremities using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided injection of bilateral upper extremities", "Injection of bilateral upper limbs using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下双侧上肢注射" ], "173459005": [ "Reconstruction of mouth defect with free omental flap", "游离大网膜瓣修复口腔缺损" ], "8901000087102": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of right carotid artery", "Doppler ultrasound of right carotid artery", "Doppler ultrasound scan of right carotid artery", "右颈动脉多普勒超声检查", "右颈动脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "15301000087105": [ "CT of right scaphoid", "Computed tomography of right scaphoid", "右舟骨 CT", "右舟骨计算机断层扫描" ], "122472002": [ "Skeletal fixation", "Skeletal fixation procedure", "Fixation of bone", "Bone fixation", "骨固定", "骨骼固定手术", "骨骼固定" ], "2501000087107": [ "MRI of right knee with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right knee with contrast", "右膝增强 MRI 检查", "右膝增强磁共振成像" ], "20421000087107": [ "CT of right scapula with contrast", "Computed tomography of right scapula with contrast", "右肩胛骨增强 CT 扫描", "右肩胛骨增强计算机断层扫描" ], "5061000087108": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of bilateral knees", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of bilateral knees", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of left and right knee", "双膝荧光透视关节造影", "左、右膝关节荧光镜关节造影", "双膝X光透视关节造影" ], "3781000087103": [ "Plain X-ray of left thumb", "左手拇指的普通 X 光检查" ], "417384007": [ "Administration of second booster of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and low dose Corynebacterium diphtheriae and inactivated Human poliovirus antigens", "Administration of second booster of low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Second booster of low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Second booster of low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Second booster of low dose diphtheria and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "第二次低剂量白喉和灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫加强针", "接种仅含破伤风梭菌、低剂量白喉棒状杆菌和灭活人脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品第二次加强剂", "第二次加强接种低剂量白喉和灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "第二次加强低剂量白喉和灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "低剂量白喉、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗第二次加强免疫" ], "304531008": [ "Advice about side effects of treatment", "Advice about side effects of therapy", "Treatment side effects education", "关于治疗副作用的建议", "治疗副作用教育" ], "24168009": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of Rathke's pouch", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of Rathke pouch", "拉特克氏囊细针穿刺活检", "Rathke 囊细针穿刺活检" ], "433768003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of hepatic artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of hepatic artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "植入支架进行肝动脉荧光血管造影", "用造影剂插入支架移植物进行肝动脉荧光镜动脉造影" ], "1221000087108": [ "Ultrasonography of left shoulder region", "Ultrasound of left shoulder region", "Ultrasound scan of left shoulder region", "左肩部超声波扫描", "左肩部超声检查" ], "269928005": [ "Fluid sample alkaline phosphatase measurement", "Fluid sample alkaline phosphatase level", "流体样品碱性磷酸酶测量", "液体样本碱性磷酸酶水平" ], "171624008": [ "Repair of oculomotor nerve (III)", "动眼神经修复(三)" ], "431933001": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of central venous catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮中心静脉导管血栓溶解术" ], "235325001": [ "Extended left hemicolectomy", "Extended left colectomy", "扩大左结肠切除术", "扩大左半结肠切除术" ], "118802002": [ "Procedure on pericardium", "心包手术" ], "708626003": [ "Suture of laceration of scrotum and tunica vaginalis", "阴囊及鞘膜裂伤缝合术" ], "4114003": [ "Parenteral chemotherapy for malignant neoplasm", "恶性肿瘤的肠外化疗" ], "69650005": [ "Arthroscopy of hip", "髋关节镜检查" ], "53266006": [ "Operation on diaphragm", "Diaphragm operation", "Diaphragm procedure", "隔膜手术", "隔膜操作", "膈肌手术" ], "51431001": [ "Bone graft of femur", "股骨骨移植" ], "67815006": [ "Repair of aneurysm with graft of radial artery", "桡动脉移植修复动脉瘤" ], "2279008": [ "Antibody detection, RBC, enzyme, 1 stage technique, including anti-human globulin", "Antibody detection, red blood cell, enzyme, 1 stage technique, including anti-human globulin", "抗体检测,红细胞,酶,1 阶段技术,包括抗人球蛋白", "抗体检测,红细胞,酶,1阶段技术,包括抗人球蛋白" ], "231655009": [ "Operations on lateral rectus", "外直肌手术" ], "229820001": [ "Manipulation of interphalangeal joint of foot - non-surgical", "Manipulation of interphalangeal joint of foot", "足指间关节手法治疗", "足部指间关节手术 - 非手术" ], "64145001": [ "Maxillary sinus endoscopy with removal of fungus ball", "上颌窦内窥镜检查及真菌球去除术" ], "211601002": [ "Excisional biopsy of artery", "动脉切除活检" ], "178833003": [ "Spinal instrumentation with posterior rods and segmental wiring", "脊柱内固定,采用后置杆和分段钢丝" ], "80529009": [ "CA 125 measurement", "CA 125 测量" ], "408209009": [ "Percentage abnormal sperm count", "Percentage abnormal spermatozoa count", "异常精子数量百分比", "异常精子计数百分比" ], "306235002": [ "Referral to endoscopy service", "转介至内窥镜检查服务" ], "732219004": [ "Combined treatment method", "Combined technique", "Osteopathic combined treatment method", "联合治疗方法", "整骨疗法综合治疗方法", "联合技术" ], "304400004": [ "Short wave diathermy to hand", "短波透热疗法" ], "288016004": [ "Internal urethrotomy", "内尿道切开术" ], "386320004": [ "Health system guidance", "卫生系统指导" ], "1287440007": [ "Repair of collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint", "掌指关节侧副韧带修复" ], "122341000": [ "Haemophilus influenzae type c antigen assay", "C型流感嗜血杆菌抗原检测" ], "173328009": [ "Immobilisation of teeth", "Splinting of teeth", "Fixation of teeth", "Immobilization of teeth", "Insertion of dental splint onto teeth", "牙齿固定", "将牙科夹板插入牙齿上", "牙齿夹板" ], "237029003": [ "Repair of vulval tear", "Repair of laceration of vulva", "外阴裂伤的修复", "外阴撕裂的修复" ], "433637007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of iliac vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of iliac vein with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行髂静脉", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊造影髂静脉成形术" ], "235194000": [ "Antireflux prosthesis procedure", "抗反流假体手术" ], "104122001": [ "Red blood cell count, automated, urine", "尿液红细胞计数,自动化" ], "73189009": [ "Amoxapine measurement", "阿莫沙平测量" ], "431802004": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of thrombus using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮血栓抽吸" ], "5818005": [ "Flocculation test", "絮凝试验" ], "118671005": [ "Procedure on lower respiratory tract", "下呼吸道手术" ], "116836000": [ "Prekallikrein screen", "前激肽释放酶筛查" ], "313444004": [ "Plasma FSH level", "Plasma FSH measurement", "Plasma follicle stimulating hormone measurement", "血浆 FSH 水平", "血浆 FSH 测量", "血浆促卵泡激素测定" ], "1263716008": [ "Laparoscopic plication of uterosacral ligament", "腹腔镜子宫骶韧带折叠术" ], "262457001": [ "Cervical mediastinoscopy", "颈纵隔镜检查" ], "669311000168108": [ "Defence force pre-deployment health assessment", "Defense force pre-deployment health assessment", "国防部队部署前健康评估" ], "311609004": [ "Listening skill exercises", "听力技巧练习" ], "16697005": [ "Incision and drainage of submaxillary abscess, extraoral", "颌下脓肿切开引流,口外" ], "737593009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of heart under stress", "MRI of heart under stress", "压力下的心脏 MRI", "压力下的心脏磁共振成像" ], "64014002": [ "HLAR broth microdilution test", "High level aminoglycoside resistance (HLAR) broth microdilution test", "High level aminoglycoside resistance broth microdilution test", "HLAR 肉汤微量稀释试验", "高浓度氨基糖苷类抗生素耐药性 (HLAR) 肉汤微量稀释试验", "高浓度氨基糖苷类抗生素耐药性肉汤微量稀释试验" ], "80398005": [ "Removal of implant from deep soft tissues", "从深层软组织取出植入物" ], "178702006": [ "Primary closed reduction spinal fracture and bedrest stabilisation", "Primary closed reduction spinal fracture and bedrest stabilization", "脊柱骨折初次闭合复位及卧床固定", "原发性闭合复位脊柱骨折及卧床固定" ], "733923007": [ "Change of diaper", "更换尿布" ], "306104004": [ "Referral to accident and emergency service", "Referral to casualty service", "Referral to accident and emergency department", "转诊至伤亡服务部门", "转诊至急诊科", "转介至事故和急救服务" ], "437021000124102": [ "Insoluble fibre modified diet", "Insoluble fiber modified diet", "不溶性纤维改良饮食" ], "435741000124103": [ "Clear liquid diet", "清流质饮食" ], "42125001": [ "Excisional biopsy of breast mass", "乳腺肿块切除活检" ], "173197001": [ "Open mediastinal procedure", "开放纵隔手术" ], "25741008": [ "Special audiometric function test", "特殊听力功能测试" ], "1172621008": [ "Support of victim of incest", "Supporting victim of incest", "支持乱伦受害者", "乱伦受害者的支持" ], "302434002": [ "Dressing of skin ulcer", "皮肤溃疡敷料" ], "122210004": [ "Streptococcus agalactiae culture", "无乳链球菌培养" ], "56674006": [ "Closure of ureteral fistula", "Closure of ureteric fistula", "输尿管瘘闭合" ], "236898007": [ "ELA - Endometrial laser ablation", "HEAL - Hysteroscopic endometrial ablation by laser", "HELA - Hysteroscopic endometrial laser ablation", "Endometrial laser ablation", "Hysteroscopic endometrial laser ablation", "HELA - 宫腔镜子宫内膜激光消融术", "宫腔镜子宫内膜激光消融术", "ELA - 子宫内膜激光消融术", "HEAL - 宫腔镜子宫内膜激光消融术", "子宫内膜激光消融术" ], "710199005": [ "Counselling about fear", "Counseling about fear", "关于恐惧的咨询" ], "185911006": [ "Hormone replacement monitoring first letter", "激素替代监测首字母" ], "5687005": [ "Removal of foreign body from ovary", "卵巢异物取出" ], "413452000": [ "Adjustable refractive surgery", "可调屈光手术" ], "103991007": [ "Little f blood group antibody identification", "小f血型抗体鉴定" ], "233228000": [ "Anastomosis of superior vena cava to disconnected pulmonary artery", "Classical Glenn shunt", "上腔静脉与已断开的肺动脉的吻合术", "经典格伦分流术" ], "431671007": [ "Fluoroscopic retrograde ureteropyelography", "荧光镜逆行输尿管肾盂造影" ], "85772004": [ "Injection of coronary artery", "冠状动脉注射" ], "315148008": [ "Leptospiral microagglutination test", "钩端螺旋体微量凝集试验" ], "167692009": [ "Faeces examination - organisms", "Feces examination - organisms", "粪便检查-生物" ], "231393008": [ "Stellate ganglion neurolysis", "星状神经节神经松解术" ], "426166007": [ "Dix-Hallpike manoeuvre", "Dix-Hallpike maneuver", "Dix-Hallpike 手法", "十矛机动" ], "229558009": [ "Interferential therapy", "干扰治疗" ], "178571003": [ "Revisional posterior decompression of thoracic disc", "胸椎间盘后路减压术" ], "14731004": [ "Rhytidectomy of subcutaneous and musculoaponeurotic system", "SMAS flap, rhytidectomy", "皮下和肌肉腱膜系统除皱术", "SMAS 皮瓣、除皱术" ], "47499004": [ "Fine needle biopsy of mediastinum", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of mediastinum", "纵隔细针穿刺活检", "纵隔细针活检" ], "440715006": [ "Stapled transanal resection of rectum", "经肛门直肠切除术" ], "80267006": [ "Duodenoscopy", "Endoscopy of duodenum", "十二指肠镜检查", "十二指肠内镜检查" ], "78432000": [ "Intravenous anesthesia", "Intravenous anaesthesia", "静脉麻醉" ], "12896001": [ "Excision of external hemorrhoidal tags and papillae", "Excision of external haemorrhoidal tags and papillae", "切除外痔及痔核", "切除外痔核及痔核乳头" ], "113035006": [ "Thromboplastin generation test", "凝血活酶生成试验" ], "275040003": [ "Emergency femorofemoral prosthetic crossover graft", "紧急股骨股骨假体交叉移植" ], "391563004": [ "Measurement of cystathionine in plasma specimen", "血浆样本中胱硫醚的测定" ], "1290848005": [ "Full mouth dental plain X-ray periapical", "全口牙齿X光片根尖" ], "63883006": [ "Osteoplasty of ulna, lengthening with autograft", "尺骨成形术,自体移植延长" ], "127584007": [ "Adjustment of stabilizing device", "Adjustment of stabilising device", "稳定装置的调整" ], "307808008": [ "Neuropsychological testing", "神经心理学测试" ], "27445001": [ "Restoration, resin", "修复,树脂" ], "305973002": [ "Referral by clinical cytogeneticist", "Referral from clinical cytogeneticist", "临床细胞遗传学家推荐", "临床细胞遗传学家转诊" ], "304138005": [ "Care of eye prosthesis", "义眼的护理" ], "58378005": [ "Phrenicotomy", "Division of phrenic nerve", "Transection of phrenic nerve", "膈肌切开术", "膈神经的划分", "膈神经横断" ], "287754007": [ "Spermatic cord foreign body removal", "精索异物取出" ], "171231001": [ "Asthma screening", "哮喘筛查" ], "122079001": [ "Reovirus antibody assay", "Measurement of reovirus antibody", "呼肠孤病毒抗体检测" ], "56543002": [ "Atomic absorption, furnace type", "原子吸收,炉型" ], "89311007": [ "Endoscopic biopsy of jejunum", "Jejunoscopy and biopsy", "内镜空肠活检", "空肠镜检查和活检" ], "103860000": [ "Blood group typing A variant", "血型分型A变体" ], "5556001": [ "Manually assisted spontaneous delivery", "Assisted spontaneous delivery", "Manually assisted vaginal delivery", "人工辅助阴道分娩", "辅助自然分娩", "人工辅助自然分娩" ], "398772000": [ "Health education - hypoglycaemia", "Health education - hypoglycemia", "Hypoglycemia education", "Hypoglycaemia education", "健康教育-低血糖", "低血糖教育" ], "185780005": [ "Stress monitoring first letter", "Stress monitoring 1st letter", "压力监测第一封信" ], "234932007": [ "Irrigation of oral wound", "口腔伤口冲洗" ], "169396008": [ "Radiomimetic chemotherapy", "放射模拟化疗" ], "69257001": [ "Open reduction of fracture of fibula", "腓骨骨折切开复位" ], "429705000": [ "Insertion of esophageal tracheal combitube", "Insertion of oesophageal tracheal combitube", "食管气管插管" ], "315017003": [ "Fasting cholesterol level", "空腹胆固醇水平" ], "233097007": [ "Construction of conduit - left ventricle to pulmonary trunk", "导管建设-左心室至肺动脉干" ], "1179699001": [ "Reconstruction of nipple using local skin flap and synthetic mesh", "使用局部皮瓣和合成网片重建乳头" ], "231262009": [ "Combined spinal/epidural technique with needles at separate spaces", "联合脊柱/硬膜外技术,在不同空间穿刺针" ], "229427005": [ "Mobilization of the temporomandibular joint", "Mobilisation of the temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节活动" ], "394591000119102": [ "Fluoroscopic guided shuntogram of indwelling nonvascular shunt", "Shuntogram of indwelling nonvascular shunt using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下留置非血管分流术的分流图", "荧光透视引导下非血管内留置分流术" ], "309512000": [ "Microscopically controlled excision of lesion of skin of head or neck using fresh tissue technique", "使用新鲜组织技术在显微镜下切除头部或颈部皮肤病变" ], "391432001": [ "Parainfluenza type 2 antibody level", "副流感病毒 2 型抗体水平" ], "702728001": [ "Biliary drainage using fluoroscopic guidance", "Drainage of bile duct using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of bile duct", "荧光透视引导下胆道引流", "透视引导下胆管引流" ], "572511000119105": [ "Live attenuated measles and mumps and rubella and varicella-zoster immunization", "Live attenuated measles and mumps and rubella and varicella-zoster immunisation", "Live attenuated measles and mumps and rubella and varicella-zoster vaccination", "Administration of live attenuated measles and mumps and rubella and varicella-zoster vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only live attenuated Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus and Human alphaherpesvirus 3 antigens", "接种减毒活麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘-带状疱疹疫苗", "减毒活疫苗麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘-带状疱疹疫苗", "接种仅含减毒活麻疹病毒、腮腺炎病毒、风疹病毒和人类 α 疱疹病毒 3 型抗原的疫苗产品", "减毒活疫苗麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘-带状疱疹疫苗免疫", "减毒活疫苗麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘-带状疱疹免疫接种" ], "16321631000119108": [ "Computed tomography angiography of neck and chest and abdomen with contrast", "CT angiography of neck and chest and abdomen with contrast", "颈部、胸部和腹部增强 CT 血管造影", "颈部、胸部和腹部的增强 CT 血管造影" ], "45533004": [ "Repair of ruptured aneurysm with graft of mesenteric artery", "肠系膜动脉移植修复破裂动脉瘤" ], "717277007": [ "Education about burn", "烧伤教育" ], "174770007": [ "Percutaneous pancreatogram", "经皮胰腺造影" ], "385927002": [ "Pressure ulcer Stage 4 care assessment", "Assess pressure ulcer Stage 4 care", "Assessment of care of pressure injury stage IV", "评估压疮 第 4 阶段护理", "压疮第 4 阶段护理评估", "压力性损伤IV期的护理评估" ], "713607003": [ "Enhancement of self-efficacy", "Promoting self-efficacy", "增强自我效能", "提高自我效能" ], "271239003": [ "Serum bicarbonate level", "Serum bicarbonate measurement", "血清碳酸氢盐水平", "血清碳酸氢盐测量" ], "121948000": [ "Brucella suis antibody assay", "Measurement of Brucella suis antibody", "猪布鲁氏杆菌抗体测定" ], "7260000": [ "Open biopsy of gallbladder", "胆囊开放活检" ], "285788002": [ "Bar reading exercises", "酒吧阅读练习" ], "447793000": [ "Endoscopic ultrasonography of mediastinum", "纵隔内镜超声检查" ], "120113002": [ "Cornea injection", "角膜注射" ], "234801007": [ "Provisional cementation of bridge to tooth or teeth", "Temporary cementation of bridge to tooth or teeth", "将牙桥暂时粘固到一颗或多颗牙齿上" ], "103729009": [ "Insertion of middle ear prosthesis", "Tympanoplasty using artificial prosthesis", "中耳假体植入", "使用人工假体进行鼓室成形术" ], "429574002": [ "Posterior colporrhaphy with mesh", "Posterior repair of vagina with mesh", "后阴道网片缝合术", "阴道后部修补网片" ], "232966002": [ "RVAD - Implantation of right ventricular assist device", "RHA - Right heart assist operation", "Implantation of right cardiac ventricular assist device", "RHA-- 右心辅助手术", "右心室辅助装置植入术", "RVAD-- 右心室辅助装置植入术" ], "231131000": [ "Brachial plexus block by supraclavicular approach", "Supraclavicular block", "Supraclavicular brachial plexus block", "锁骨上阻滞", "锁骨上臂丛神经阻滞", "锁骨上入路臂丛神经阻滞" ], "313051001": [ "Augmentation of ulna", "尺骨增强术" ], "444123005": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass rate of excretion of pyridinoline in 2 hour urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of pyridinoline in 2 hour urine specimen", "定量测定2小时尿液标本中吡啶啉排泄质量速率", "2小时尿液标本中吡啶啉的定量测定" ], "16304003": [ "Anesthesia for pancreatectomy, partial", "Anaesthesia for pancreatectomy, partial", "部分胰腺切除术的麻醉" ], "425904004": [ "Closure of connection of stomach to transposed jejunum", "胃与转位空肠连接处缝合" ], "704432005": [ "Discussion about euthanasia", "关于安乐死的讨论" ], "294832005": [ "Formation of pupil", "瞳孔的形成" ], "360368006": [ "Gastrorrhaphy for suture of wound", "胃缝合术缝合伤口" ], "440453000": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of aortic arch and carotid artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of aortic arch and carotid artery with contrast", "主动脉弓及颈动脉造影" ], "702597001": [ "Genetic counseling for heritable disorder with patient at risk", "Genetic counselling for heritable disorder with patient at risk", "针对有风险的遗传性疾病患者的遗传咨询" ], "473221002": [ "Pulmonary disorder medication review", "肺部疾病药物审查" ], "229296009": [ "Sputum clearance", "Sputum induction technique", "痰液诱导技术", "痰液清除" ], "178309004": [ "Excision or biopsy of inguinal lymph node", "腹股沟淋巴结切除或活检" ], "407685005": [ "Plasma glutamic acid level", "Plasma glutamic acid measurement", "血浆谷氨酸测量", "血浆谷氨酸水平" ], "176474000": [ "Aspiration of epididymal cyst", "附睾囊肿抽吸" ], "61786004": [ "Removal of foreign body of penis without incision", "阴茎异物不切开取出术" ], "1290586005": [ "Plain X-ray of bone structure of rib, clavicle and sternum", "肋骨、锁骨和胸骨骨骼结构的普通 X 光检查" ], "78170006": [ "Cosmetic chemosurgery", "美容化学外科" ], "307546008": [ "Operation on brain ventricle", "脑室手术" ], "715311000": [ "Application of hexachlorophene powder to umbilical cord stump", "六氯酚粉剂在脐带残端的应用" ], "1255983002": [ "Nayyar core preparation of tooth using amalgam dental filling material", "Preparation of core of tooth using Nayyar technique with amalgam dental filling material", "采用 Nayyar 技术用汞合金牙科填充材料制备牙核", "使用汞合金牙科填充材料进行 Nayyar 牙芯准备" ], "174639005": [ "Endoscopic retrograde dilation of pancreatic duct", "内镜逆行胰管扩张术" ], "238340000": [ "CC - Procedure to costal cartilage", "Procedure to costal cartilage", "肋软骨手术", "CC - 肋软骨手术" ], "387631009": [ "Partial supraglottic laryngectomy", "Supraglottic laryngectomy", "Partial glottosupraglottic laryngectomy", "声门上喉切除术", "部分声门上喉切除术" ], "1010223009": [ "Occlusion of right fallopian tube", "右侧输卵管阻塞" ], "74500006": [ "Cardiac enzymes/isoenzymes measurement", "CK and/or LD isoenzymes measurement", "Cardiac enzyme profile", "CK 和/或 LD 同工酶测量", "心脏酶谱", "心脏酶/同工酶测量" ], "303876007": [ "Meniscal reattachment", "半月板复位" ], "172804008": [ "Biopsy of lesion of nasal turbinate", "鼻甲病变活检" ], "39897000": [ "Citrate measurement", "柠檬酸盐测量" ], "385796006": [ "Medication prefill preparation", "药物预填充准备" ], "287492007": [ "Non-surgical biopsy of epididymis", "附睾非手术活检" ], "252889000": [ "Refraction assessment - intermediate distance", "屈光度评估-中距离" ], "433113006": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of mesenteric artery using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮肠系膜动脉血栓溶解术" ], "121817007": [ "N-acetyltyrosine measurement", "N-乙酰酪氨酸测量" ], "119982008": [ "Kidney closure", "肾脏闭合" ], "234670009": [ "Surgical removal of non-impacted tooth", "手术拔除非阻生牙" ], "413059003": [ "Ascitic fluid glucose measurement", "Ascitic fluid glucose level", "腹水血糖水平", "腹水葡萄糖测定" ], "118147004": [ "Viral nucleic acid assay", "病毒核酸检测" ], "445827004": [ "Assessment using functional assessment measure", "使用功能评估措施进行评估" ], "52611007": [ "Reduction of closed tarsometatarsal joint dislocation", "闭合性跖跖关节脱位的复位" ], "18008000": [ "Closure of vesicovaginal fistula by vaginal approach", "Vaginal repair of vesicovaginal fistula", "膀胱阴道瘘的阴道修复", "经阴道方法关闭膀胱阴道瘘" ], "232835009": [ "Balloon dilatation of implanted aortic valve", "Balloon dilation of implanted aortic valve", "植入式主动脉瓣球囊扩张术" ], "771672002": [ "Open repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using biological mesh", "Open hernioplasty using biological mesh for recurrent umbilical hernia", "使用生物网片开放式修补复发性脐疝", "使用生物网片进行开放式疝修补术治疗复发性脐疝" ], "443992004": [ "Quantitative measurement of IgM in cerebrospinal fluid specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of immunoglobulin M in cerebrospinal fluid specimen", "脑脊液标本中IgM的定量测定", "脑脊液标本中免疫球蛋白M质量浓度的定量测定" ], "67160005": [ "Empyemectomy with lobectomy", "脓胸切除术和肺叶切除术" ], "231000005": [ "Repair of spinal cord meninges for cerebrospinal fluid fistula using distal tissue flap", "远端组织瓣修复脊髓脑膜脑脊液瘘" ], "442157001": [ "Qualitative measurement of acylcarnitine in plasma specimen", "血浆样本中酰基肉碱的定性测定" ], "278317006": [ "Cochlear travelling wave velocity measurement", "TWV - Cochlear travelling wave velocity measurement", "Cochlear traveling wave velocity measurement", "TWV - Cochlear traveling wave velocity measurement", "TWV——耳蜗行波速度测量", "耳蜗行波速度测量" ], "32557007": [ "Epidural injection of contrast substance, lumbar", "腰椎硬膜外注射造影剂" ], "229165007": [ "Sprint training", "短跑训练" ], "737069008": [ "Open repair of incisional hernia", "切口疝开放式修补术" ], "48941009": [ "Creation of lumbosubarachnoid shunt with valve", "建立带瓣膜的腰椎蛛网膜下腔分流术" ], "178178003": [ "Secondary repair of tendon using temporary prosthesis", "使用临时假体进行肌腱的二次修复" ], "391170007": [ "General psychiatric care of older adults - 1 to 2 contacts/week", "老年人的一般精神科护理——每周 1 至 2 次接触" ], "243714008": [ "Provision of low vision hand magnifier", "提供低视力手持放大镜" ], "1208535002": [ "Flexible fibreoptic oesophagoscopy", "Flexible fiberoptic esophagoscopy", "柔性纤维食管镜检查", "柔性光纤食管镜检查" ], "422103004": [ "Can opener anterior capsulotomy", "Can-opener anterior capsulotomy", "开罐器前囊切开术" ], "438487006": [ "Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture", "结核分枝杆菌培养" ], "174508003": [ "Closure of gallbladder perforation", "胆囊穿孔缝合" ], "238209005": [ "Application of abdominal corset", "Application of abdominal belt", "Application of abdominal binder", "腹带的应用", "腹部束带的应用" ], "270977007": [ "Serum P1 - phenotype level", "Serum P1 - phenotype level determination", "血清 P1 - 表型水平测定", "血清 P1 - 表型水平" ], "367446003": [ "Achillotomy", "Division of Achilles tendon", "Tenotomy of Achilles tendon", "Achillotenotomy", "跟腱切断术", "跟腱切开术", "跟腱分割" ], "105302004": [ "Pipradrol measurement", "哌拉醇测量" ], "121686006": [ "Sulfamethoxazole measurement", "Sulphamethoxazole measurement", "磺胺甲恶唑测量" ], "170838006": [ "Allergic disorder follow-up assessment", "过敏性疾病随访评估" ], "449366008": [ "Injection of urokinase", "尿激酶注射" ], "87083001": [ "Partial ostectomy of sternum", "Partial excision of sternum", "胸骨部分截骨术", "胸骨部分切除术" ], "447531002": [ "Retroperitoneoscopic nephroureterectomy", "Laparoscopic excision of ureter and kidney by retroperitoneal approach", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路输尿管及肾脏切除术", "腹腔镜后肾输尿管切除术" ], "252758009": [ "Anal sphincter EMG", "Electromyography of anal sphincter", "肛门括约肌肌电图" ], "169003001": [ "Fluoroscopy - lungs", "荧光透视检查 - 肺部" ], "185387006": [ "New patient consultation", "新病人咨询" ], "37931006": [ "Auscultation", "Auscultation - examination", "Listening", "听力", "听诊 - 检查", "听诊" ], "119851008": [ "Skin of extremity transplantation", "肢体皮肤移植" ], "54315009": [ "Revision of prosthesis of heart valve", "心脏瓣膜假体修复术" ], "707840002": [ "Revisional automated percutaneous mechanical excision of thoracic intervertebral disc", "胸椎间盘经皮自动机械切除术" ], "871680005": [ "Insertion of biliary stent", "胆道支架置入" ], "412928005": [ "Blood glucose series", "血糖系列" ], "19712007": [ "Patient transfer, to another health care facility", "患者转移至另一家医疗机构" ], "118016008": [ "Epstein Barr virus early antibody, diffuse pattern determination", "Epstein Barr 病毒早期抗体、弥漫型测定" ], "232704006": [ "Tracheobronchial lavage", "Tracheobronchial irrigation", "Tracheobronchial washing", "气管支气管灌洗", "气管支气管冲洗" ], "429312007": [ "Removal of obstruction of right ventricular outflow tract", "解除右心室流出道梗阻" ], "265472007": [ "Plastic repair of mitral valve", "二尖瓣整形修复" ], "230869001": [ "External drainage procedure from ventricle of brain", "Ventricular tap", "心室穿刺", "脑室外引流术" ], "3328007": [ "Incision of vein of head and neck", "Phlebotomy of head and neck vein", "Venotomy of head and neck vein", "头颈部静脉切开", "头部及颈静脉放血", "头部及颈静脉切开术" ], "179882005": [ "Revision arthroscopic prosthetic ligament replacement", "关节镜下假体韧带置换术" ], "440191006": [ "Cystourethroscopy with irrigation and removal of clot", "膀胱尿道镜检查及冲洗和清除血凝块" ], "307284001": [ "Electrolysis operation", "Surgical electrolysis", "电解操作", "外科电解" ], "61524001": [ "Resection of exteriorized segment of small intestine", "Resection of exteriorised segment of small intestine", "外化小肠段切除术", "切除外切小肠段" ], "716884002": [ "Education about fluid output", "关于液体排出量的教育" ], "420137004": [ "MRI of parotid gland", "Magnetic resonance imaging of parotid gland", "腮腺磁共振成像", "腮腺 MRI" ], "174377008": [ "Fistulography of anal fistula", "肛瘘造影" ], "303614003": [ "Injection into lumbar epidural space", "Lumbar epidural injection", "腰椎硬膜外腔注射", "腰椎硬膜外注射" ], "172542008": [ "Revision of intraocular lens", "人工晶状体修复" ], "90622008": [ "Sodium chloride tolerance test (6.5%)", "Sodium chloride tolerance test (6.5 percent)", "氯化钠耐受性测试(6.5%)" ], "105171003": [ "Emetine measurement", "依米丁测量" ], "432851004": [ "Radionuclide bone imaging of femur", "股骨放射性核素骨显像" ], "252627003": [ "Real ear measurement of hearing aid gain", "REM - Real ear measurement of hearing aid gain", "Probe insertion gain measurement", "REM - 真实耳朵测量助听器增益", "真耳测量助听器增益", "探头插入增益测量" ], "121555005": [ "Dipyridamole measurement", "双嘧达莫测量" ], "236243007": [ "Operation for female sphincter incompetence", "女性括约肌功能不全手术" ], "398248006": [ "Repair of eyelid", "Eyelid repair", "眼睑修复" ], "70568006": [ "Resection of pad of forefoot", "Amputation of pad of forefoot", "前足垫截肢", "前足垫切除术" ], "429181000": [ "Transtympanic injection of inner ear", "经鼓室内耳注射" ], "1217448009": [ "Suture of periosteum of tarsal bone", "跗骨骨膜缝合" ], "725928006": [ "PET CT FDG (fluorodeoxyglucose) imaging of base of brain to mid-thigh", "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography fluorodeoxyglucose F18 imaging of base of brain to mid-thigh", "脑底部至大腿中部的 PET CT FDG(氟脱氧葡萄糖)成像", "正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描氟脱氧葡萄糖 F18 成像,对大脑底部至大腿中部进行成像" ], "119720008": [ "Nose manipulation", "鼻部整形" ], "232573004": [ "Removal of prosthesis from larynx", "喉部假体取出" ], "167037004": [ "Serum total HCG measurement", "Serum total HCG level", "Measurement of serum total human chorionic gonadotropin", "Serum total human chorionic gonadotropin measurement", "Measurement of serum total human chorionic gonadotrophin", "Serum total human chorionic gonadotrophin measurement", "血清总绒毛膜促性腺激素测定", "血清总 HCG 测量", "血清总 HCG 水平" ], "709544008": [ "Administration of vitamin B12", "维生素 B12 的给药" ], "117885000": [ "Verotoxin identification", "志贺毒素的鉴别" ], "35965008": [ "Colocentesis", "结肠穿刺术" ], "265341009": [ "Total esophagectomy and interposition of microvascularly attached jejunum", "Total oesophagectomy and interposition of microvascularly attached jejunum", "全食管切除术和微血管附着空肠插入术" ], "34130000": [ "Cholecystocecostomy", "Cholecystocaecostomy", "胆囊切除术" ], "85117007": [ "External rotation recurvatum test", "外旋反屈试验" ], "183421009": [ "Voluntary social agency", "志愿社会机构" ], "443730003": [ "Interpersonal psychotherapy", "人际心理治疗" ], "736807002": [ "Education for withdrawal contraception", "体外循环避孕教育" ], "179751004": [ "Revision open xenograft replacement intra-articular ligament", "翻修开放异种移植置换关节内韧带" ], "441895005": [ "Replacement of aortic valve with tissue graft", "Biological aortic valve replacement", "Bioprosthetic aortic valve replacement", "Tissue aortic valve replacement", "组织主动脉瓣置换术", "生物主动脉瓣置换术", "用组织移植物置换主动脉瓣" ], "359975006": [ "Repair of hernia cul-de-sac", "疝气修补术" ], "704039009": [ "Laparoscopic repair of incisional hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下切口疝修补术" ], "63228006": [ "Resection of sclera with scleral buckling", "巩膜扣带术切除巩膜" ], "30460007": [ "Microbial identification, identicult-Neissera method", "微生物鉴定,Identicult-奈瑟氏菌法" ], "177916006": [ "Suture of burst abdomen", "Resuture of burst abdomen", "腹部破裂缝合", "腹部破裂再缝合" ], "833276007": [ "Gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging", "Gadolinium-enhanced MRI", "Magnetic resonance imaging using gadolinium contrast", "钆增强磁共振成像", "使用钆对比剂的磁共振成像" ], "45009000": [ "Operative procedure on elbow", "肘部手术步骤" ], "405457000": [ "Femoro-posterior tibial artery bypass", "Femoral posterior tibial artery bypass", "股骨胫后动脉搭桥术" ], "241617002": [ "MRI of axilla", "Magnetic resonance imaging of axilla", "腋窝磁共振成像" ], "225233005": [ "Umbilical cord stump cleaning", "脐带残端清洁" ], "274385003": [ "Diagnostic kidney aspiration", "Diagnostic renal aspiration", "Diagnostic aspiration of kidney", "肾脏诊断性穿刺", "诊断性肾穿刺" ], "75942006": [ "Total correction of transposition of great vessels", "大血管转位全矫正" ], "370854007": [ "Screening for substance abuse", "Screens for substance abuse", "筛查药物滥用", "药物滥用筛查" ], "190630008": [ "Cryotherapy of palate", "腭部冷冻治疗" ], "24955000": [ "Removal of mechanical kidney", "机械肾切除" ], "305318008": [ "Admission by transplant surgeon", "移植外科医生承认" ], "90491003": [ "Antibody capture EIA test", "Antibody capture enzyme immunoassay test", "抗体捕获 EIA 检测", "抗体捕获酶联免疫吸附试验" ], "41339005": [ "Coronary angioplasty", "冠状动脉成形术" ], "449104001": [ "Ligation of saphenous vein", "隐静脉结扎" ], "121424001": [ "Paraoxon measurement", "对氧磷测量" ], "432720004": [ "Ultrasonography of seminal vesicles", "Ultrasonography (US) of seminal vesicles", "精囊超声检查" ], "234277000": [ "Biopsy of popliteal lymph node", "腘窝淋巴结活检" ], "252496009": [ "Cold stick dental pulp vitality test", "Cold dental pulp vitality test", "冷牙髓活力测试", "冷棒牙髓活力测试" ], "105040009": [ "Heavy metal screen, Reinsch method", "重金属筛分,Reinsch 方法" ], "119589008": [ "Trunk closure", "行李箱盖" ], "117754000": [ "HTLV 1 AND 2 antibody assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 AND 2 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 antibody and Human T-lymphotropic virus 2 antibody", "HTLV 1 和 2 抗体检测", "人类 T 细胞淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 和 2 抗体检测", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒1型抗体和人类T淋巴细胞病毒2型抗体的测量" ], "414501008": [ "Initial substance misuse assessment", "初步药物滥用评估" ], "609274003": [ "Laparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with conversion to laparotomy", "腹腔镜双侧输卵管卵巢切除术中转开腹手术" ], "183290001": [ "Exercises for rigidity", "僵硬练习" ], "445434008": [ "Measurement of aquaporin-4 antibody", "水通道蛋白-4抗体测量" ], "261540001": [ "Laminotomy", "Spondylotomy", "Rachitomy", "Rachiotomy", "椎板切开术", "脊柱切断术", "脊椎切开术", "脊髓气管切开术" ], "179620002": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture dislocation and fixation with plate(s)", "骨折脱位的初次切开复位并用钢板固定" ], "408996002": [ "Adult care management", "Manage adult care", "成人护理管理", "管理成人护理" ], "63097004": [ "Application of long leg cast", "Application of above knee plaster cast", "长腿石膏的应用", "膝盖以上石膏固定" ], "865913006": [ "Assessment using Preparedness for Caregiving Scale", "Assessment using PCS (Preparedness for Caregiving Scale)", "使用 PCS(护理准备量表)进行评估", "使用护理准备量表进行评估" ], "177785007": [ "Open excision of pleural lesion", "Open resection of pleural lesion", "胸膜病变开放切除术", "胸膜病变切除术" ], "44878000": [ "Microbial culture in partial CO>2<, initial isolation", "在部分 CO>2< 中培养微生物,初步分离" ], "225102001": [ "Checking urinary catheter tubing", "检查导尿管" ], "405326004": [ "Angioplasty of internal carotid artery", "颈内动脉血管成形术" ], "1290062004": [ "Conversion from prosthetic interposition arthroplasty", "假体植入关节置换术的转换" ], "28494004": [ "Incidental transection of fallopian tube", "输卵管意外横断" ], "239651002": [ "Application of skeletal traction via the olecranon", "通过鹰嘴进行骨牵引的应用" ], "59427005": [ "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation", "Synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation", "SIMV - synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation", "SIMV - synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation", "SIMV-- 同步间歇指令通气", "同步间歇指令通气" ], "763939006": [ "Radionuclide imaging of thyroid using technetium (99m-Tc) sodium pertechnetate", "使用锝(99m-Tc)高锝酸钠对甲状腺进行放射性核素显像" ], "26659006": [ "Excision of carcinoma of urethra", "尿道癌切除术" ], "762104002": [ "Modified fluid diet", "改良流质饮食" ], "41208005": [ "Removal of spinal electrodes", "Removal of spinal neurostimulator electrodes", "移除脊髓神经刺激器电极", "移除脊柱电极" ], "172280008": [ "Insertion of gold weight into upper eyelid", "将金重物插入上眼睑" ], "90360008": [ "Suture of ligament of foot", "足部韧带缝合" ], "22989000": [ "Vaccination for arthropod-borne virus", "节肢动物传播病毒的疫苗接种" ], "711117003": [ "Facilitation of impulse control", "促进冲动控制" ], "432589004": [ "Biopsy of shoulder using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下进行肩部活检" ], "104909005": [ "Protoporphyrins measurement, erythrocytes, quantitative", "原卟啉测量,红细胞,定量" ], "121293004": [ "3-Hydroxyisovalerylcarnitine measurement", "3-羟基异戊酰肉碱测量" ], "252365004": [ "Homozygous T-cell test", "HTC - Homozygous T-cell test", "纯合T细胞检测", "HTC-纯合T细胞测试" ], "299682000": [ "Construction of sigmoid loop colostomy", "乙状结肠袢造口术的构建" ], "135842001": [ "Serum C reactive protein level", "血清 C 反应蛋白水平" ], "4770005": [ "Colporrhaphy for repair of urethrocele", "Repair of urethrocele", "Repair of urethrocoele", "Colporrhaphy for repair of urethrocoele", "尿道膨出修补术", "尿道膨出的修复", "阴道缝合术修复尿道膨出" ], "397986006": [ "Transoesophageal echocardiographic monitoring", "Transesophageal echocardiographic monitoring", "经食管超声心动图监测" ], "68471001": [ "Excision of lesion of bone", "骨病损切除术" ], "37538009": [ "Estradiol measurement", "Oestradiol measurement", "Oestradiol level", "雌二醇水平", "雌二醇测量" ], "396151003": [ "Referral to urology service for elevated PSA", "Referral to urology service for elevated prostate specific antigen", "因前列腺特异性抗原升高转诊至泌尿科", "因 PSA 升高转诊至泌尿科" ], "414370009": [ "Guinea pig epithelium+rabbit epithelium+hamster epithelium+rat epithelium+rat serum proteins+rat urine proteins+mouse epithelium+mouse serum proteins+mouse urine proteins specific IgE antibody measurement", "Guinea pig epithelium+rabbit epithelium+hamster epithelium+rat epithelium+rat serum proteins+rat urine proteins+mouse epithelium+mouse serum proteins+mouse urine proteins specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "豚鼠上皮+兔上皮+仓鼠上皮+大鼠上皮+大鼠血清蛋白+大鼠尿蛋白+小鼠上皮+小鼠血清蛋白+小鼠尿蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定", "豚鼠上皮+兔上皮+仓鼠上皮+大鼠上皮+大鼠血清蛋白+大鼠尿蛋白+小鼠上皮+小鼠血清蛋白+小鼠尿蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "443468000": [ "Reconstruction of ramus of mandible by vertical osteotomy with grafting of bone", "垂直截骨植骨重建下颌骨升支" ], "445303008": [ "Compression of lymphedema using nonelastic compression device", "Compression of lymphoedema using nonelastic compression device", "使用非弹性压迫装置压迫淋巴水肿" ], "228641002": [ "Community living skills training", "社区生活技能培训" ], "359713003": [ "Total hypophysectomy", "Total excision of pituitary gland", "Total pituitectomy", "全垂体切除术", "垂体全切除术" ], "441633002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into internal jugular vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into internal jugular vein with contrast", "Endovascular insertion of stent into internal jugular vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导将支架置入颈内静脉", "在荧光造影引导下经皮腔内颈内静脉置入支架", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内颈内静脉置入造影支架" ], "425249005": [ "Provision of overbed trapeze", "Provision of overbed frame", "提供床上吊架", "提供床架" ], "310561004": [ "Preretinal membranectomy by hydrodelamination", "水脱层视网膜前膜切除术" ], "408865005": [ "Handwashing precautions", "洗手注意事项" ], "79350002": [ "Excision of lesion of palate with local flap closure", "切除腭部病变并局部皮瓣缝合" ], "718326004": [ "CT of central nervous system for radiotherapy planning", "Computed tomography of central nervous system for radiotherapy planning", "中枢神经系统计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "中枢神经系统 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "243190005": [ "Honeybee desensitization therapy", "Honeybee desensitisation therapy", "蜜蜂脱敏疗法" ], "46582008": [ "Removal of neuropacemaker of peripheral nerve", "移除周围神经起搏器" ], "177654009": [ "Escharotomy of burnt skin of chest", "胸部烧伤皮肤切开术" ], "306891001": [ "Faradic nerve stimulation to neck", "颈部法拉第神经刺激" ], "241355001": [ "Placenta isotope study", "胎盘同位素研究" ], "175819004": [ "Ligation of recurrent varicose vein of leg", "腿部复发性静脉曲张结扎术" ], "388811009": [ "House dust mite (Dm) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Dermatophagoides microceras specific IgE antibody measurement", "d3 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Dermatophagoides microceras specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "小角螨特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "d3 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "屋尘螨(Dm)特异性IgE抗体测量", "小角螨特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "305056002": [ "Admission procedure", "Admission care", "入学程序", "入院护理" ], "239520003": [ "Prosthetic arthroplasty of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe", "小趾跖趾关节假体置换术" ], "173984004": [ "Attention to ileostomy", "回肠造口术注意事项" ], "172149008": [ "Revision of external orbital prosthesis", "Revision of prosthetic replacement for orbit", "外眼眶假体的修复", "眼眶假体置换术" ], "450677009": [ "Injection of botulinum toxin into anal sphincter", "肉毒杆菌毒素注射入肛门括约肌" ], "252234006": [ "Oxalate loading test", "草酸盐负荷试验" ], "72010008": [ "Removal of internal fixation device", "Removal of internal fixation device from bone", "从骨中取出内固定装置", "拆除内固定装置" ], "104778008": [ "Leucine measurement", "Leucine level", "亮氨酸水平", "亮氨酸测量" ], "53791007": [ "Destruction of retroperitoneal endometriomas", "Destruction of endometriotic cyst of retroperitoneum", "腹膜后子宫内膜异位囊肿破坏术", "腹膜后子宫内膜异位症的破坏" ], "314100000": [ "Urine MDA screening test", "Urine methylenedioxyamphetamine screening test", "尿液 MDA 筛查试验", "尿液亚甲二氧基苯丙胺筛查试验" ], "266783009": [ "Face to pubes conversion", "面部至阴毛的转化" ], "264948001": [ "Chest wall, pleura and diaphragm operations", "胸壁、胸膜和膈肌手术" ], "1264372005": [ "Administration of radioprotective agent", "放射防护剂的施用" ], "183028005": [ "Nasal tube feeding", "鼻管喂养" ], "232180008": [ "Removal of mastoid pack", "移除乳突包" ], "410569001": [ "Subconjunctival steroid injection", "结膜下注射类固醇" ], "443337003": [ "Measurement of Anaplasma phagocytophilum antibody", "嗜吞噬细胞无形体抗体的测量" ], "66505003": [ "Grafting of tibia and fibula", "胫骨和腓骨移植" ], "277662000": [ "Percutaneous balloon dilation of esophagus", "Percutaneous balloon dilation of oesophagus", "经皮食管球囊扩张术" ], "17353009": [ "Microbial growth rate, slow", "微生物生长速度慢" ], "969009": [ "Incision and exploration of larynx", "Diagnostic laryngotomy", "喉部切开探查", "诊断性喉切开术" ], "64670002": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of aortoiliac artery by leg incision", "经小腿切口主髂动脉导管取栓术" ], "310430006": [ "Stress monitoring invitation", "压力监测邀请" ], "392350007": [ "Horn beam specific IgE antibody measurement", "Carpinus betulus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rt209 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Carpinus betulus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "桦树特异性IgE抗体测定", "鹅耳枥特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "角梁特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Rt209 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "767347001": [ "Excision of entire left undescended testis", "切除整个左侧隐睾" ], "406899003": [ "Naphthol green B stain method", "Naphthol green B stain", "萘酚绿B染色法", "萘酚绿B染色" ], "275827007": [ "Maintaining asepsis", "保持无菌" ], "388680001": [ "Lupine seed specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lupinus albus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf335 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lupinus albus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "白羽扇豆特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "羽扇豆种子特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rf335 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "白羽扇豆特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "11848004": [ "Radical resection of tumor of soft tissue of hand", "Radical resection of tumour of soft tissue of hand", "手部软组织肿瘤根治术" ], "241224009": [ "Petrosal venography", "岩静脉造影" ], "173853002": [ "Open destruction of lesion of duodenum", "十二指肠病变开放性毁损术" ], "239389004": [ "Fixation of bone of face - internal", "面部骨骼固定 - 内部" ], "1255197006": [ "EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) with clipping for control of hemorrhage of esophagus", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with clipping for control of haemorrhage of oesophagus", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with clipping for control of esophageal hemorrhage", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with clipping for control of hemorrhage of esophagus", "EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) with clipping for control of esophageal hemorrhage", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with clipping for control of oesophageal haemorrhage", "OGD (oesophagogastroduodenoscopy) with clipping for control of haemorrhage of oesophagus", "OGD (oesophagogastroduodenoscopy) with clipping for control of oesophageal haemorrhage", "食管胃十二指肠镜夹闭术治疗食管出血", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查 (EGD) 配合食管夹控制食管出血", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查 (Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy) 配合夹闭术控制食管出血", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查 (EGD) 配合夹闭术控制食管出血", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查 (OGD) 结合食管夹控制食管出血" ], "172018000": [ "Exploration of thymus gland", "胸腺探索" ], "57330007": [ "Local excision of lesion or tissue of tibia and fibula", "胫腓骨病变或组织局部切除" ], "268487001": [ "Child examination: motor/sphincter", "儿童检查:运动/括约肌" ], "1236978009": [ "Diagnostic aspiration of hydrocele of tunica vaginalis", "鞘膜鞘膜积液的诊断性抽吸" ], "6343004": [ "Forensic bite mark comparison technique", "法医咬痕比对技术" ], "710855004": [ "Assessment for sign of discomfort", "评估不适症状" ], "709020001": [ "Microwave ablation of lesion of liver by open approach", "Open microwave ablation of lesion of liver", "开腹微波消融治疗肝脏病变", "开放性肝脏病变微波消融术" ], "725404004": [ "MBI - molecular breast imaging", "Molecular breast imaging", "分子乳腺成像", "MBI-- 分子乳腺成像" ], "35441003": [ "Laryngeal catheterization", "Laryngeal catheterisation", "喉导管插入术" ], "2673004": [ "Incision and drainage of masticator space by extraoral approach", "经口外入路切开并引流咀嚼间隙" ], "117361003": [ "Indirect mixed antiglobulin reaction test", "间接混合抗球蛋白反应试验" ], "363121006": [ "Exploration of respiratory system", "呼吸系统探索" ], "608881007": [ "Removal of implant from carpal and metacarpal bones", "从腕骨和掌骨中取出植入物" ], "313969008": [ "24 hour urine free noradrenaline output", "24 hour urine free noradrenaline output measurement", "24 hour urine free norepinephrine output measurement", "24 hour urine free norepinephrine output", "Measurement of 24 hour urine free noradrenaline output", "Measurement of 24 hour urine free norepinephrine output", "24小时尿游离去甲肾上腺素排出量", "24 小时尿游离去甲肾上腺素输出量的测量", "24 小时尿中去甲肾上腺素输出量测量", "24 小时尿游离去甲肾上腺素输出量测量", "24 小时尿液游离去甲肾上腺素输出量的测量" ], "82758003": [ "Endolymphatic sac operation with shunt", "内淋巴囊分流术" ], "33606006": [ "Myoglobin measurement", "肌红蛋白测量" ], "179227005": [ "Change of external fixator pin", "更换外固定钉" ], "308464000": [ "Refer to day hospital", "Referral to day hospital", "转诊至日间医院" ], "277531009": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of branch of external carotid artery", "Percutaneous embolization of branch of external carotid artery", "经皮颈外动脉分支栓塞术" ], "439536004": [ "Percutaneous angiography of cerebral artery and insertion of drug eluting stent using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous angiography of cerebral artery and insertion of drug eluting stent with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮脑动脉造影及植入造影剂药物洗脱支架", "经皮脑动脉血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术(荧光造影引导)" ], "177392004": [ "Distant subcutaneous pedicle flap, random pattern, to head or neck", "远端皮下蒂皮瓣,随机型,至头部或颈部" ], "404933001": [ "Berg balance test", "伯格平衡试验" ], "699845002": [ "Education about bronchoscopy", "支气管镜检查教育" ], "11717003": [ "Wedge osteotomy of clavicle", "锁骨楔形截骨术" ], "60869005": [ "Division of ascending aorta", "升主动脉分离" ], "880069007": [ "Diamond burr superficial keratectomy", "钻石钻浅层角膜切削术" ], "175557007": [ "Repair of stoma of small intestine", "小肠造口修复术" ], "306629009": [ "Discharge from occupational therapy service", "结束职业治疗服务" ], "77253009": [ "Removal of hip prosthesis, complicated, with methyl methacrylate", "用甲基丙烯酸甲酯进行复杂的髋关节假体移除" ], "434031000": [ "Percutaneous embolization of ovarian vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of ovarian vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导下经皮卵巢静脉栓塞术", "透视引导下卵巢静脉经皮栓塞术" ], "173722008": [ "Maki's pylorus-preserving gastrectomy", "Maki pylorus-preserving gastrectomy", "Maki保留幽门的胃切除术" ], "40815003": [ "Direct repair of artery of hand", "手部动脉直接修复" ], "24431004": [ "Esophagoduodenostomy with complete gastrectomy", "Oesophagoduodenostomy with complete gastrectomy", "Total gastrectomy and anastomosis of oesophagus to duodenum", "Total gastrectomy and anastomosis of esophagus to duodenum", "全胃切除及食管十二指肠吻合术", "食管十二指肠吻合术及全胃切除术" ], "401263003": [ "Anti pertussis toxin IgG level", "Anti pertussis toxin immunoglobulin G level", "抗百日咳毒素 IgG 水平", "抗百日咳毒素免疫球蛋白G水平" ], "89967006": [ "Partial cholecystectomy", "Thoreck operation, partial cholecystectomy", "Partial excision of gallbladder", "Thoreck 手术,部分胆囊切除术", "胆囊部分切除术", "部分胆囊切除术" ], "235588000": [ "Excision of duodenal papilla", "Excision of lesion of duodenal papilla", "十二指肠乳头切除术", "十二指肠乳头病变切除术" ], "1236847009": [ "Excision of intracranial cyst", "颅内囊肿切除术" ], "237423008": [ "Dufourmental reduction mammoplasty", "Reduction mammoplasty lateralising technique", "Reduction mammoplasty lateralizing technique", "乳房缩小成形术侧化技术", "乳房缩小术侧化技术", "乳房缩小术" ], "104516001": [ "Amyloid associated protein measurement", "淀粉样蛋白相关蛋白测量" ], "448580009": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of joint of knee", "膝关节细针穿刺活检" ], "446745002": [ "Colonoscopy and biopsy of colon", "Endoscopic biopsy of colon", "结肠镜检查和结肠活检", "结肠内镜活检" ], "397593002": [ "Referral by emergency medical admissions unit", "急诊科转诊" ], "250137004": [ "Calf squeeze test", "Simmonds test", "Thompson test", "汤普森试验", "西蒙兹试验", "小腿挤压试验" ], "708889005": [ "Robotic assisted laparoscopic segmentectomy of liver", "Robot assisted laparoscopic segmentectomy of liver", "Laparoscopic segmentectomy of liver using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助腹腔镜肝段切除术" ], "313838005": [ "Plasma free T4 measurement", "Plasma free T4 level", "血浆游离 T4 测量", "血浆游离 T4 水平" ], "182766006": [ "Physiotherapy for maintenance of cardiovascular performance", "物理治疗以维持心血管功能" ], "410307000": [ "Sickness/injury care teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Sickness/injury care teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Sickness/injury care education, guidance, and counseling", "Sickness/injury care education, guidance, and counselling", "疾病/伤害护理教育、指导和咨询", "疾病/伤害护理教学、指导和咨询" ], "49859003": [ "Sequestrectomy of humeral head to surgical neck", "肱骨头至外科颈死骨切除术" ], "361155003": [ "Hysteropexy", "Uteropexy", "子宫固定术" ], "787139004": [ "Piecemeal excision", "Piecemeal resection", "分块切除" ], "443075006": [ "Manual reduction of dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint with percutaneous skeletal fixation", "经皮骨固定术治疗掌指关节脱位" ], "277400000": [ "Tinnitus loudness match", "耳鸣响度匹配" ], "82627009": [ "Discission of vitreous strands by anterior approach", "前入路玻璃体束探查" ], "15256002": [ "Transmyocardial revascularization by laser technique", "TMR by laser", "Transmyocardial revascularisation by laser technique", "激光隧道磁共振", "激光心肌血运重建术" ], "372034000": [ "Implementation of haemostasis techniques", "Implementation of hemostasis techniques", "Implements haemostasis techniques", "Implements hemostasis techniques", "实施止血技术", "止血技术的实施" ], "44354003": [ "Cardiac catheterization, right heart and left ventricular puncture", "Cardiac catheterisation, right heart and left ventricular puncture", "心导管插入术、右心和左心室穿刺" ], "306498004": [ "Discharge by continence nurse", "排便护士出院" ], "781634004": [ "N-methyl coproporphyrin measurement", "N-甲基粪卟啉测定" ], "108055001": [ "Prostate manipulation", "前列腺手术" ], "240962009": [ "Biliary dilatation procedure", "Biliary dilation procedure", "胆道扩张手术" ], "1287703003": [ "Pretravel consultation", "行前咨询" ], "171756006": [ "Creation of syringoperitoneal shunt", "建立注射器腹腔分流术" ], "401132006": [ "Pancreolauryl T/K ratio", "胰十二烷基T/K比率" ], "430230000": [ "Biopsy of trunk", "躯干活检" ], "104385009": [ "Allergen specific IgA antibody measurement", "Allergen specific immunoglobulin A antibody measurement", "过敏原特异性 IgA 抗体测量", "过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白 A 抗体测量" ], "69782000": [ "Electron probe scan", "电子探针扫描" ], "20630000": [ "Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with cholangiography", "腹腔镜胆囊切除术及胆管造影" ], "231787003": [ "Biopsy of lesion of choroid", "脉络膜病变活检" ], "410176002": [ "Special diet assessment", "Assess special diet", "评估特殊饮食", "特殊饮食评估" ], "16960003": [ "Amino acid screen", "Metabolic screen for amino acids", "Amino acid screening", "氨基酸筛选", "氨基酸代谢筛查" ], "442944005": [ "Induction of amnesia", "引发遗忘症" ], "737856008": [ "Management of vaginal blood loss", "Managing vaginal bleeding", "处理阴道出血", "阴道失血的治疗" ], "228117001": [ "Placement on child register", "Registering of child", "列入儿童登记册", "儿童登记" ], "736021004": [ "Insertion of catheter into sciatic nerve", "将导管插入坐骨神经" ], "1293077006": [ "Plain X-ray of pituitary fossa", "Plain X-ray of sella turcica", "垂体窝普通 X 光检查", "鞍区 X 线平片" ], "177130000": [ "Forewater rupture of amniotic membrane", "羊膜前水破裂" ], "441109009": [ "Active core warming of subject using mediastinal irrigation", "使用纵隔灌洗对受试者进行主动核心加温" ], "47893008": [ "Dental examination for personal identification", "牙科检查以确认个人身份" ], "717802007": [ "Antenatal screening for isoimmunization", "Antenatal screening for isoimmunisation", "产前同种免疫筛查" ], "27839000": [ "Division of cartilage of finger", "Division of joint cartilage of finger", "手指关节软骨的分割", "手指软骨分割" ], "715967001": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of femoral vein", "股静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "306367002": [ "Referral to SSD care manager", "Referral to social services department care manager", "转介至 SSD 护理经理", "转介至社会服务部护理经理" ], "173460000": [ "Direct closure of mouth defect", "直接闭合口腔缺损" ], "699583008": [ "MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) of thorax, abdomen and pelvis", "Magnetic resonance imaging of thorax, abdomen and pelvis", "MRI of thorax, abdomen and pelvis", "胸部、腹部和骨盆的磁共振成像", "胸部、腹部和骨盆的 MRI", "胸部、腹部和骨盆的 MRI(磁共振成像)" ], "304532001": [ "Advice about failure risk of therapy", "Advice about failure risk of treatment", "Treatment failure risk education", "治疗失败风险教育", "关于治疗失败风险的建议" ], "386452003": [ "Supply management", "Supplies case management", "供应管理", "耗材案例管理" ], "288148003": [ "Internal support", "内部支持" ], "26004008": [ "Systemic hypothermia in open heart surgery", "Induction of systemic hypothermia in open heart surgery", "心脏直视手术中全身低温的诱导", "心脏直视手术中的全身低温" ], "302697001": [ "Drainage of skin lesion", "皮肤损伤引流" ], "269929002": [ "Fluid sample amylase level", "Fluid sample amylase measurement", "Amylase measurement, body fluid", "淀粉酶测量,体液", "流体样品淀粉酶测定", "液体样本淀粉酶水平" ], "433769006": [ "Care of subject following local anaesthesia", "Care of subject following local anesthesia", "局部麻醉后受试者的护理" ], "122473007": [ "Reduction of open hyoid fracture", "开放性舌骨骨折的复位" ], "417385008": [ "Adjustment of trabeculectomy suture", "小梁切除术缝线的调整" ], "171625009": [ "Repair of trochlear nerve (IV)", "滑车神经修复(IV)" ], "104254002": [ "Microbial antigen assay by radioimmunoassay method", "放射免疫分析法检测微生物抗原" ], "87870003": [ "Microcytotoxicity crossmatch, long incubation type", "微细胞毒性交叉配型,长孵育型" ], "233491000": [ "Banding of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘套扎术" ], "4511000087100": [ "Fluoroscopy guided lithotripsy of right kidney", "Lithotripsy of right kidney using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下右肾碎石术", "荧光透视引导下右肾碎石术" ], "48031000087101": [ "Colonoscopy using rectal retroflexion technique", "采用直肠后屈技术进行结肠镜检查" ], "708627007": [ "Laparoscopic excision of small intestine", "Laparoscopic resection of small intestine", "腹腔镜小肠切除术" ], "21151000087104": [ "Ultrasonography of toe of right foot", "Ultrasonography of right toe", "Ultrasound of toe of right foot", "Ultrasound scan of toe of right foot", "右脚趾超声检查", "右脚趾超声波扫描" ], "118803007": [ "Procedure on trabeculae carneae cordis", "心脏小梁手术" ], "12191000087105": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of right adrenal gland", "Biopsy of right adrenal gland using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下右肾上腺活检" ], "84200003": [ "Arteriography of pulmonary arteries", "Pulmonary angiography", "Pulmonary arteriography", "Pulmonary arteriogram", "Pulmonary angiogram", "Pulmonary artery angiography", "Pulmonary arteriograph", "Angiography of pulmonary arteries", "肺动脉血管造影", "肺动脉造影", "肺血管造影" ], "14751000087106": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of left subclavian vein", "Doppler ultrasound of left subclavian vein", "左锁骨下静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "671000087109": [ "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of right upper limb", "Biopsy of right upper extremity using fluoroscopic guidance", "Biopsy of right upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of right upper extremity", "荧光透视引导下右上肢活检" ], "229821002": [ "Manipulation of lumbar spine", "Manipulation of the lumbar spine - non-surgical", "腰椎操纵", "腰椎操纵 - 非手术" ], "445004": [ "Repair of malunion of tibia", "胫骨畸形愈合的修复" ], "65981005": [ "Consultation in laboratory medicine for test interpretation", "实验室医学咨询以解释检测结果" ], "408210004": [ "Serum pro-insulin level", "Serum pro-insulin measurement", "血清胰岛素原水平", "血清胰岛素原测量" ], "178834009": [ "Spinal instrumentation with pedicular fixation system", "脊柱内固定与椎弓根固定系统" ], "422759001": [ "Pre-procedure evaluation check", "术前评估检查" ], "306236001": [ "Referral to open access service", "转介至开放存取服务" ], "766823009": [ "Regulated breathing method", "Regulated breathing approach", "调节呼吸的方法", "调节呼吸法" ], "764988004": [ "Angiography of cervical portion of right internal carotid artery", "Angiogram of cervical portion of right internal carotid artery", "Arteriography of cervical portion of right internal carotid artery", "右颈内动脉颈部动脉造影", "右颈内动脉颈部血管造影" ], "224316005": [ "Cauterization of uterosacral ligament", "Cauterisation of uterosacral ligament", "子宫骶韧带烧灼术" ], "304401000": [ "Short wave diathermy to back", "背部短波透热疗法" ], "386321000": [ "Haemodynamic regulation", "Hemodynamic regulation", "血液动力学调节", "血流动力学调节" ], "419089004": [ "CT angiography of lower limb artery with contrast", "CT arteriogram of lower limb artery with contrast", "CT arteriography of lower limb artery with contrast", "CT arteriography of artery of lower extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of artery of lower limb with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of artery of lower extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of artery of lower extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of artery of lower limb with contrast", "CT angiography of lower extremity artery with contrast", "下肢动脉增强 CT 血管造影", "下肢动脉增强 CT 造影", "下肢动脉增强 CT 动脉造影" ], "1287441006": [ "Reverse polarity total prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint not using cement", "Uncemented reverse polarity total prosthetic arthroplasty of shoulder joint", "不使用骨水泥的反极性全肩关节假体置换术", "非骨水泥反极性全肩关节假体置换术" ], "288017008": [ "Retroperitoneal tissue operations", "Retroperitoneal space operation", "腹膜后组织手术", "腹膜后间隙手术" ], "40422001": [ "Drainage of one digit", "Drainage of digit", "手指引流", "一位数字的排水" ], "433638002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of inferior mesenteric artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行肠系膜下动脉" ], "122342007": [ "Haemophilus influenzae type d antigen assay", "流感嗜血杆菌 d 型抗原检测" ], "237030008": [ "Repair of superficial vulval tear", "Repair of vulval graze", "浅表外阴撕裂的修复", "外阴擦伤修复" ], "448187000": [ "Craniotomy and clipping of intracranial aneurysm", "开颅手术及颅内动脉瘤夹闭术" ], "235195004": [ "Replacement of implanted antireflux prosthesis", "植入式抗反流假体的更换" ], "104123006": [ "Neutrophil count, automated, urine", "中性粒细胞计数,自动化,尿液" ], "431803009": [ "Radionuclide imaging of gastrointestinal tract using oral chromium 51 ethylenediamine tetra-acetate", "口服铬 51 乙二胺四乙酸盐进行胃肠道放射性核素显像" ], "118672003": [ "Procedure on cardiovascular system", "Cardiovascular procedure", "Cardiovasc. procedures", "CVS procedures", "心血管系统手术", "CVS 程序", "心血管手术" ], "313445003": [ "Plasma LH measurement", "Plasma LH level", "Plasma luteinising hormone level", "Plasma luteinizing hormone level", "Plasma luteinizing hormone measurement", "血浆促黄体激素测定", "血浆 LH 测量", "血浆促黄体激素水平", "血浆 LH 水平", "血浆促黄体生成素水平" ], "1263717004": [ "Removal of breast prosthesis from pre-pectoral space", "Removal of breast prosthesis from prepectoral space", "从胸前空间取出乳房假体" ], "360762005": [ "Secondary correction of cleft lip nasal deformity", "唇裂鼻畸形的二次矫正" ], "49466006": [ "Adrenocorticotropic hormone measurement", "Corticotropin measurement", "ACTH measurement", "Adrenocorticotrophic hormone level", "促肾上腺皮质激素测量", "促肾上腺皮质激素水平", "ACTH 测量" ], "178703001": [ "Primary closed reduction spinal fracture and skull traction stabilization", "Primary closed reduction spinal fracture and skull traction stabilisation", "一期闭合复位脊柱骨折及颅骨牵引固定", "原发性闭合复位脊柱骨折及颅骨牵引固定" ], "311610009": [ "Minimal pair therapy", "最低限度配对治疗" ], "1209060000": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to first and third diagonal branches of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to first and third diagonal branches of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to first and third diagonal branches of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to first and third diagonal branches of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉前降支第一和第三对角支", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉前降支第一和第三对角支", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉前降支第一、第三对角支的顺序吻合", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至左冠状动脉前降支第一、第三对角支的序贯吻合术" ], "31247009": [ "Electron spin resonance measurement", "电子自旋共振测量" ], "733924001": [ "Management of excoriation of skin", "皮肤破损的治疗" ], "275172002": [ "Curettage and cauterization of skin wart", "Curettage and cauterisation of skin wart", "皮肤疣刮除术和烧灼术" ], "306105003": [ "Referral to anesthetic service", "Referral to anaesthetic service", "转诊至麻醉服务" ], "173198006": [ "Open excision of lesion of mediastinum", "纵隔病变开放切除术" ], "122211000": [ "Cytomegalovirus culture", "巨细胞病毒培养" ], "302435001": [ "Attention to dressing of burnt skin", "烧伤皮肤包扎注意事项" ], "236899004": [ "Cryotherapy endometrial ablation", "冷冻疗法子宫内膜消融术" ], "431672000": [ "Injection of steroid into joint using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下将类固醇注射到关节中" ], "171363009": [ "Periodic examination during employment", "在职期间定期检查" ], "103992000": [ "Ce blood group antibody identification", "Ce血型抗体鉴定" ], "185912004": [ "Hormone replacement monitoring second letter", "激素替代监测第二封信" ], "315149000": [ "Measles IgG level", "Measles immunoglobulin G level", "麻疹 IgG 水平", "麻疹免疫球蛋白 G 水平" ], "167693004": [ "Stool sample virology", "粪便样本病毒学" ], "437751000124109": [ "Decreased leucine diet", "减少亮氨酸饮食" ], "413453005": [ "Adjusted magnesium level", "Adjusted magnesium measurement", "调整镁测量值", "调整镁含量" ], "439031000124108": [ "Dietary liquid consistency - honey thick liquid", "膳食液体浓度-蜂蜜浓稠液体" ], "67554001": [ "Revision and reinsertion of ocular implant", "眼部植入物的修复和重新植入" ], "231394002": [ "Celiac plexus chemical ablation", "Coeliac plexus chemical ablation", "腹腔神经丛化学消融术" ], "229559001": [ "Transcutaneous nerve stimulation therapy", "TNS - Transcutaneous nerve stimulation", "TCNS - Transcutaneous nerve stimulation", "TENS - Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation", "Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation", "Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)", "TNS——经皮神经刺激", "TCNS-- 经皮神经刺激", "经皮神经刺激治疗", "经皮神经电刺激", "经皮神经电刺激 (TENS)", "TENS——经皮神经电刺激" ], "311479006": [ "Spinal instrumentation", "Instrumentation of spine", "脊柱内固定" ], "178572005": [ "Revisional anterolateral biopsy of thoracic intervertebral disc", "胸椎间盘前侧活检修复" ], "1259916006": [ "Reconstruction of breast using pre-pectoral prosthesis", "Reconstruction of breast using subglandular prosthesis", "乳房下假体乳房重建", "使用胸前假体进行乳房重建" ], "113036007": [ "Blood group typing O", "O blood group, typing", "血型类型 O", "O型血,类型" ], "440716007": [ "Polymerase chain reaction test for Pneumocystis", "肺孢子虫聚合酶链反应检测" ], "307809000": [ "Psychometric testing", "心理测试" ], "1290849002": [ "Plain X-ray of tooth", "牙齿普通 X 光检查" ], "391564005": [ "Plasma asparagine level", "Plasma asparagine measurement", "血浆天冬酰胺测量", "血浆天冬酰胺水平" ], "275041004": [ "Endarterectomy and patch repair of common iliac artery", "髂总动脉内膜切除及补片修复" ], "27446000": [ "Coagulation or electrocoagulation of gasserian ganglion", "半月神经节凝固或电凝" ], "305974008": [ "Referral from clinical molecular geneticist", "Referral by clinical molecular geneticist", "临床分子遗传学家推荐", "临床分子遗传学家的推荐" ], "418827006": [ "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolisation of internal iliac artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolisation of internal iliac artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolization of internal iliac artery", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolization of internal iliac artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolization of internal iliac artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolisation of internal iliac artery", "髂内动脉造影及栓塞术", "荧光透视动脉造影及髂内动脉栓塞术", "髂内动脉荧光造影及栓塞术", "髂内动脉造影及栓塞荧光血管造影", "髂内动脉造影荧光透视及栓塞术" ], "173067007": [ "Cricothyroidotomy", "Cricothyroidostomy", "Cricothyrotomy", "环甲膜切开术" ], "41995008": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of mesenteric artery by abdominal incision", "经腹部切口肠系膜动脉导管取栓术" ], "9227008": [ "Incision of rectovaginal septum", "直肠阴道隔切开术" ], "74763008": [ "Toxicology substance measurement", "毒理物质测量" ], "122080003": [ "Rickettsia species detection", "立克次体种检测" ], "103861001": [ "Blood group typing A>m<", "血型分型A>m<" ], "234933002": [ "Irrigation of tooth socket", "牙槽窝冲洗" ], "169397004": [ "Radiochemotherapy: local infiltration", "放化疗:局部浸润" ], "431541005": [ "Positron emission tomography (PET) fluorine 18 choline uptake study", "Positron emission tomography fluorine 18 choline uptake study", "正电子发射断层扫描氟18胆碱摄取研究", "正电子发射断层扫描 (PET) 氟 18 胆碱摄取研究" ], "398773005": [ "Health education - diabetes self-monitoring", "Diabetes self-monitoring health education", "健康教育-糖尿病自我监测", "糖尿病自我监测健康教育" ], "54709006": [ "Body measurement", "身体测量" ], "71093009": [ "Pancreatography during surgery", "手术期间胰腺造影" ], "233098002": [ "Operation on the interventricular septum", "室间隔手术" ], "185781009": [ "Stress monitoring second letter", "压力监测第二封信" ], "429706004": [ "Endovascular repair of suprarenal aortic aneurysm using endovascular stent graft", "使用血管内支架移植物修复肾上主动脉瘤" ], "395103003": [ "Final days pathway", "最后的日子之路" ], "231263004": [ "Combined spinal/epidural technique - spinal needle through Tuohy needle", "脊柱/硬膜外联合技术 - 脊柱穿刺针穿过 Tuohy 针" ], "229428000": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the temporomandibular joint", "Accessory mobilization of the temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节的辅助活动" ], "313183009": [ "Inappropriate use of out of hours service", "不当使用非工作时间服务" ], "426036002": [ "Fertiloscopy", "Endoscopy of female reproductive organs with hysterosalpingography", "生育镜检查", "子宫输卵管造影术检查女性生殖器官" ], "719113001": [ "Assessment using Test of Word Finding Third Edition", "Assessment using TWF-3 (Test of Word Finding Third Edition)", "使用 TWF-3(词语查找测试第三版)进行评估", "使用词语查找测试第三版进行评估" ], "49204009": [ "C>112< at half saturation measurement", "Partial pressure of oxygen at half saturation measurement", "半饱和测量时 PO>2<", "半饱和氧分压测量" ], "408997006": [ "Adolescent care", "Adolescent health care", "青少年保健", "青少年护理" ], "64933009": [ "Thromboendarterectomy with graft of iliac artery", "血栓内膜切除术及髂动脉移植术" ], "767610009": [ "Total hysterectomy via vaginal approach", "Vaginal total hysterectomy", "阴道全子宫切除术", "经阴道全子宫切除术" ], "175951002": [ "Endoscopic ultrasound fragmentation of renal calculus", "Nephroscopy and ultrasound lithotripsy of renal calculus", "肾镜及超声碎石治疗肾结石", "内镜超声碎裂肾结石" ], "241487002": [ "US scan of prostate", "Ultrasound scan of prostate", "前列腺超声波扫描", "前列腺超声扫描" ], "225103006": [ "Intermittent urethral catheterisation", "Intermittent urethral catheterization", "Urinary catheterization: intermittent", "In-out urethral catheterisation", "In-out urethral catheterization", "尿道内插管", "间歇性导尿", "导尿:间歇性" ], "405327008": [ "Injection of sclerosing agent into vein of lower limb", "Sclerotherapy of vein of lower limb", "下肢静脉硬化治疗", "下肢静脉注射硬化剂" ], "1290063009": [ "Conversion from prosthetic replacement of head of radius", "桡骨头假体置换术" ], "59428000": [ "Decompression of plantar digital nerve", "Release of plantar nerve", "足底指神经减压术", "足底神经释放" ], "174116003": [ "Extirpation of lesion of colon", "结肠病灶切除术" ], "763940008": [ "Radioactive iodine uptake", "Radionuclide imaging of thyroid using iodine radioisotope", "RAIU - Radioactive iodine uptake", "Radioiodine thyroid imaging study", "Thyroid iodine isotope uptake", "放射性碘甲状腺显像研究", "放射性碘摄取", "使用碘放射性同位素对甲状腺进行放射性核素显像", "甲状腺碘同位素摄取", "RAIU-- 放射性碘摄取" ], "239652009": [ "Application of skeletal traction via the radius", "通过桡骨应用骨牵引" ], "41209002": [ "Transcatheter therapy for embolization with angiography", "Transcatheter therapy for embolisation with angiography", "经导管血管造影栓塞治疗" ], "450809006": [ "Brushing of teeth", "刷牙" ], "399822000": [ "Food specific IgG antibody measurement", "Food specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "食品特异性 IgG 抗体测量", "食物特异性免疫球蛋白 G 抗体测量" ], "104910000": [ "Protoporphyrins measurement, erythrocytes, screen", "原卟啉测量、红细胞、筛查" ], "252366003": [ "Peripheral blood lymphocyte cross-match", "外周血淋巴细胞交叉配血" ], "448974005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of suprarenal artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of suprarenal artery", "经皮肾上动脉腔内栓塞术" ], "121294005": [ "3-Hydroxylinoleoylcarnitine measurement", "3-羟基亚油酰肉碱测量" ], "432590008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of thoracic aorta with contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of thoracic aorta with contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "胸主动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入", "胸主动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入" ], "37539001": [ "Fascial sling for facial weakness", "Facial meloplasty", "筋膜吊带治疗面部无力", "面部整形手术" ], "711118008": [ "Facilitation of alcohol abuse recovery", "促进酒精滥用康复" ], "53923005": [ "Medical consultation on inpatient", "住院医疗咨询" ], "609144001": [ "Revision of internal fixation of bone of posterior ring of pelvis", "骨盆后环骨内固定术" ], "166776003": [ "Serum/plasma protein test", "Measurement of protein in serum or plasma", "血清或血浆中蛋白质的测量", "血清/血浆蛋白检测" ], "19320007": [ "Nonexcisional destruction of lesion of ciliary body", "非切除性睫状体病变毁损术" ], "84856008": [ "Oropharyngeal suctioning", "Oropharyngeal suction", "口咽吸痰" ], "427085004": [ "Reconstruction of vagina with bowel interposition", "阴道重建术及肠道插入术" ], "261410000": [ "Direct anastomosis of confluence to left atrium", "Direct anastomosis of pulmonary venous confluence to left atrium", "汇合处直接吻合至左心房", "肺静脉汇合处与左心房直接吻合" ], "310562006": [ "Lyme disease test", "莱姆病检测" ], "441634008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal occlusion of interposition tube prosthesis between pulmonary artery and subclavian artery", "经皮腔内封堵肺动脉与锁骨下动脉之间的介入管假体" ], "392482009": [ "Aureobasidium pullulans specific IgE antibody measurement", "m12 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Aureobasidium pullulans specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "出芽短梗霉特异性IgE抗体测定", "m12特异性IgE抗体测量", "出芽短梗霉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "228642009": [ "Life skills training", "生活技能培训" ], "718327008": [ "Assessment using Consonant Trigrams Test", "Assessment using CTT (Consonant Trigrams Test)", "使用辅音三字母组合测试进行评估", "使用 CTT(辅音三字母组测试)进行评估" ], "700108001": [ "Diphosphonate prophylaxis", "Bisphosphonate prophylaxis", "Biphosphonate prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic bisphosphonate", "双膦酸盐预防", "预防性使用双膦酸盐" ], "388812002": [ "Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus specific IgE antibody measurement", "House dust mite (Dp) specific IgE antibody measurement", "d1 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "屋尘螨特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "屋尘螨(Dp)特异性IgE抗体测定", "屋尘螨特异性IgE抗体测定", "d1 特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "243191009": [ "Wasp desensitisation therapy", "Wasp desensitization therapy", "黄蜂脱敏疗法" ], "28364006": [ "Cardiac catheterization, left heart, by left ventricular puncture", "Cardiac catheterisation, left heart, by left ventricular puncture", "左心导管插入术,通过左心室穿刺" ], "306892008": [ "Faradic nerve stimulation to trunk", "对躯干进行法拉第神经刺激" ], "173985003": [ "Revision of ileostomy", "Refashioning of ileostomy", "回肠造口术修复", "回肠造口术的改造" ], "239521004": [ "Excision arthroplasty of the metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe", "Excision arthroplasty of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe", "小趾跖趾关节切除置换术" ], "712822003": [ "Grafting of fat", "脂肪移植" ], "450678004": [ "Intraamniotic injection of abortifacient", "Intra-amniotic injection of abortifacient", "羊膜腔内注射堕胎药" ], "172150008": [ "Revision of prosthetic replacement for eyeball", "Revision of artificial eye", "义眼修复", "眼球假体置换术" ], "57462009": [ "Replacement of tube or enterostomy device of large intestine", "大肠管或肠造口装置更换" ], "710987002": [ "Monitoring patient location using an exit alarm", "使用出口警报监控患者位置" ], "104779000": [ "Leukocyte esterase measurement", "Leucocyte esterase measurement", "Leucocyte esterase concentration", "Leukocyte esterase concentration", "白细胞酯酶浓度", "白细胞酯酶测定" ], "39243005": [ "Mechanical fragmentation of cataract with extraction by posterior route", "Extraction of cataract by phacofragmentation with aspiration by posterior route", "Phakofragmentation", "Fragmatome lensectomy", "机械碎裂性白内障后入路摘除术", "晶状体碎裂", "经后路晶状体碎裂吸除白内障术", "碎裂晶状体切除术" ], "88395007": [ "Neuroplasty of major peripheral nerve of arm", "手臂主要周围神经成形术" ], "252235007": [ "Pyruvate tolerance test", "丙酮酸耐受试验" ], "266784003": [ "Manual replacement of inverted postnatal uterus", "产后子宫倒置手法复位" ], "4640005": [ "Ligation of fallopian tubes by abdominal approach", "经腹输卵管结扎术" ], "447008008": [ "Measurement of rate of resorption of phosphorus from renal tubule", "肾小管磷吸收率的测量" ], "314101001": [ "Urine MDEA screening test", "Urine methylenedioxyethylamphetamine screening test", "尿液亚甲二氧乙基苯丙胺筛查试验", "尿液 MDEA 筛查试验" ], "133877004": [ "Therapeutic regimen", "Regimen orders", "治疗方案", "养生法" ], "51957005": [ "Replacement of lumbosubarachnoid shunt", "腰椎蛛网膜下腔分流术置换术" ], "68341005": [ "Hemodialysis, supervision at home", "Haemodialysis, supervision at home", "血液透析、居家监护" ], "609013007": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from retroperitoneum", "Microscopic examination of retroperitoneal specimen", "Microscopic examination of specimen from retroperitoneal space", "腹膜后标本的显微镜检查", "腹膜后腔标本的显微镜检查" ], "410570000": [ "Retrobulbar injection of anaesthetic agent", "Retrobulbar injection of anesthetic agent", "球后注射麻醉剂" ], "363253006": [ "Paracentesis of central nervous system structure", "中枢神经系统结构穿刺术" ], "232181007": [ "Change of mastoid pack", "乳突包更换" ], "264949009": [ "Correction of pectus deformity", "胸廓畸形矫正" ], "443338008": [ "Fluoroscopic superselective angiography of cerebral artery using contrast", "Fluoroscopic superselective arteriography of cerebral artery using contrast", "荧光透视超选择性脑动脉血管造影", "荧光透视超选择性脑动脉造影" ], "310431005": [ "Well adult monitoring invitation", "健康成人监测邀请" ], "359583006": [ "Endoscopy of jejunum through artificial stoma", "经人工造口进行空肠内镜检查" ], "392351006": [ "Carya pecan (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "t22 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pecan (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Hickory specific IgE antibody measurement", "Carya pecan (pollen) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "山核桃花粉特异性IgE抗体测定", "山核桃花粉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "山核桃特异性IgE抗体测定", "山核桃(花粉)特异性IgE抗体测定", "t22 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "13684000": [ "Incision and drainage of antecubital fossa", "肘前窝切开引流" ], "275828002": [ "Preventing infection of immunosuppressed client", "Preventing infection of immunosuppressed patient", "Preventing infection of immunocompromised patient", "预防免疫抑制患者的感染", "预防免疫功能低下患者的感染" ], "767348006": [ "Excision of entire right undescended testis", "切除整个右侧隐睾" ], "406900008": [ "Naphthol yellow S stain method", "Naphthol yellow S stain", "萘酚黄S染色法", "萘酚黄S染色" ], "273993002": [ "Meninges operation", "脑膜手术" ], "388681002": [ "Lycopersicon lycopersicum specific IgE antibody measurement", "f25 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Tomato specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lycopersicon lycopersicum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "番茄特异性IgE抗体测定", "番茄特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f25特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "175689005": [ "Endarterectomy of femoral artery and patch repair of femoral artery", "股动脉内膜切除术及股动脉补片修复术" ], "28233006": [ "Manual removal of retained placenta", "Manual removal of decidua", "Manual removal secundines", "Manual evacuation of retained placenta", "Manual removal of placenta", "手动清除滞留胎盘", "手动去除胎盘", "手动去除蜕膜", "手动移除秒孔", "手动去除胎盘残留" ], "1255198001": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with control of hemorrhage of esophagus by thermocoagulation", "EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) with control of esophageal hemorrhage by thermocoagulation", "EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) with control of hemorrhage of esophagus by thermocoagulation", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with control of haemorrhage of oesophagus by thermocoagulation", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with control of oesophageal haemorrhage by thermocoagulation", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with control of esophageal hemorrhage by thermocoagulation", "OGD (oesophagogastroduodenoscopy) with control of haemorrhage of oesophagus by thermocoagulation", "OGD (oesophagogastroduodenoscopy) with control of oesophageal haemorrhage by thermocoagulation", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及热凝术控制食管出血", "通过热凝术控制食管出血的 EGD(食管胃十二指肠镜检查)", "EGD(食管胃十二指肠镜检查)通过热凝术控制食管出血", "通过热凝术控制食管出血的食管胃十二指肠镜检查 (OGD)", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查 (OGD) 通过热凝固术控制食管出血", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及热凝止血" ], "304926002": [ "Open atrial septostomy", "开放式房间隔造口术" ], "239390008": [ "Removal of fixation from maxilla", "移除上颌固定装置" ], "1236979001": [ "Aspiration of hydrocele of canal of Nuck", "努克管鞘膜积液抽吸术" ], "122867002": [ "Excision of cervical rib", "颈肋切除术" ], "303091008": [ "Mobilisation of the inferior radioulnar joint", "Mobilization of the inferior radioulnar joint", "下桡尺关节的活动" ], "710856003": [ "Assessment of grief", "悲伤评估" ], "1251528007": [ "Fluoroscopic discography with injection of contrast into intervertebral disc of lumbar spine", "Fluoroscopic discogram with injection of contrast into lumbar intervertebral disc", "Fluoroscopic discography of lumbar spine with contrast", "腰椎椎间盘注射造影剂的荧光透视椎间盘造影术", "腰椎荧光镜椎间盘造影", "腰椎间盘注射造影剂的荧光透视椎间盘造影" ], "104648008": [ "Elastase 2 measurement", "弹性蛋白酶 2 测量" ], "709021002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal venous angioplasty with insertion of stent", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of vein with insertion of stent", "经皮腔内静脉血管成形术及支架置入术" ], "608882000": [ "Removal of implant from tarsal and metatarsal bones", "从跗骨和跖骨中取出植入物" ], "84594003": [ "Gas endarterectomy of aorta", "主动脉气体内膜切除术" ], "363122004": [ "Exploration of trunk", "探索树干" ], "313970009": [ "24 hour urine free dopamine output measurement", "24 hour urine free dopamine output", "24 小时尿游离多巴胺输出量", "24 小时尿液游离多巴胺输出量测量" ], "179228000": [ "Removal of skin traction", "去除皮肤牵引" ], "441372006": [ "Diagnostic analysis of cochlear implant with reprogramming", "重新编程人工耳蜗的诊断分析" ], "79089001": [ "Post-fracture rehabilitation", "骨折后康复" ], "308465004": [ "Referral to optometrist", "Refer to optician", "转介至验光师", "咨询配镜师" ], "439537008": [ "Percutaneous arterial and venous embolization of cerebral arteriovenous fistula using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous arterial and venous embolisation of cerebral arteriovenous fistula using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous arterial and venous embolisation of cerebral arteriovenous fistula with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous arterial and venous embolization of cerebral arteriovenous fistula with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮脑动静脉瘘动脉及静脉栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮脑动静脉瘘动脉及静脉造影栓塞术" ], "388550001": [ "Chili pepper specific IgE antibody measurement", "Capsicum frutescens specific IgE antibody measurement", "rf279 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Capsicum frutescens specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Chilli pepper specific IgE antibody measurement", "辣椒特异性IgE抗体测定", "rf279 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "辣椒特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "699846001": [ "Education about lower gastrointestinal tract endoscopy", "下消化道内镜检查教育" ], "306630004": [ "Discharge from hospital occupational therapy service", "出院职业治疗服务" ], "880070008": [ "Repair of double inlet ventricle", "双入口心室修复" ], "11718008": [ "Excision of thoracic artery", "Thoracic arteriectomy", "胸动脉切除术", "胸主动脉切除术" ], "239259008": [ "Lengthening of tendons or muscles of the flexor compartment of the forearm", "前臂屈肌腱或肌肉的延长" ], "57200001": [ "Incision of vagina", "Colpotomy", "Vaginotomy", "阴道切开术" ], "237424002": [ "Lejour reduction mammoplasty", "Reduction mammoplasty vertical scar technique", "缩乳术垂直疤痕技术", "Lejour 乳房缩小术" ], "1236848004": [ "Excision of cyst of cranium", "Excision of cranial bone cyst", "Excision of cyst of skull", "颅骨囊肿切除术" ], "71749001": [ "Glenoid bone block", "Eden-Hybinette operation", "关节盂骨块", "伊甸-海比内特手术" ], "22597002": [ "Repair of fistula of mediastinum", "Closure of fistula of mediastinum", "纵隔瘘缝合", "纵隔瘘修补术" ], "401264009": [ "Phlebovirus IgG level", "Phlebovirus immunoglobulin G level", "白蛉病毒 IgG 水平", "白蛉病毒免疫球蛋白G水平" ], "6213004": [ "Prescribing corneoscleral contact lens", "处方角巩膜接触镜" ], "235589008": [ "Destruction of lesion of duodenal papilla", "十二指肠乳头病变毁损术" ], "446746001": [ "Excision of mucosa of duodenum", "Duodenal mucosectomy", "十二指肠黏膜切除术", "十二指肠粘膜切除术" ], "708890001": [ "Laparoscopic cardiomyotomy", "Laparoscopic Heller operation", "腹腔镜心脏肌切开术", "腹腔镜Heller手术" ], "430362004": [ "Application of lower extremity splint", "下肢夹板的应用" ], "20762007": [ "Application of electric heating pad", "电热垫的应用" ], "84463001": [ "Error pattern diagnostic articulation test", "错误模式诊断发音测试" ], "313839002": [ "Plasma free triiodothyronine level", "Plasma free triiodothyronine measurement", "血浆游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸水平", "血浆游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸测量" ], "117231008": [ "Fite-Faraco stain method", "Fite-Faraco stain", "Fite-Faraco 染色法", "Fite-Faraco 染色" ], "787140002": [ "Marginal excision", "Marginal resection", "边缘切除" ], "361156002": [ "Surgical repair of prolapsed uterus", "Suspension of uterus", "Repair of uterine prolapse", "子宫脱垂的修复", "子宫悬吊术", "子宫脱垂的手术修复" ], "410308005": [ "Signs/symptoms-mental/emotional teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Signs/symptoms-mental/emotional teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Signs/symptoms-mental/emotional education, guidance, and counseling", "Signs/symptoms-mental/emotional education, guidance, and counselling", "体征/症状-心理/情绪教学、指导和咨询", "体征/症状-心理/情感教育、指导和咨询" ], "443076007": [ "Fluoroscopy of programmable cerebrospinal fluid shunt", "可编程脑脊液分流术的荧光透视检查" ], "17092007": [ "Hepatitis E antibody measurement", "戊型肝炎抗体测量" ], "277401001": [ "Tinnitus loudness match to frequency of pitch match", "耳鸣响度与音调频率匹配" ], "15257006": [ "Lobectomy of liver with partial excision of adjacent lobes", "肝叶切除术及邻近肝叶部分切除术" ], "179097007": [ "Primary internal fixation(without reduction) of proximal femoral fracture with screw/nail and intramedullary device", "股骨近端骨折螺钉/钉及髓内装置一期内固定(未复位)" ], "392089008": [ "Breast procedure", "Procedure involving the breast", "涉及乳房的手术", "乳房手术" ], "46190003": [ "Acetylcholinesterase, red blood cell measurement", "Cholinesterase, erythrocytic measurement", "Acetylcholinesterase, RBC measurement", "Red cell cholinesterase measurement", "胆碱酯酶、红细胞测量", "乙酰胆碱酯酶、红细胞测量", "红细胞胆碱酯酶测量" ], "372035004": [ "Identification of barriers to communication", "识别沟通障碍" ], "306499007": [ "Discharge by diabetic liaison nurse", "糖尿病联络护士出院" ], "91672001": [ "Ultrasound examination of joint", "US scan of joint", "美国关节扫描", "关节超声检查" ], "1287704009": [ "Physical activity consultation", "体能活动咨询" ], "171757002": [ "Creation of lumboperitoneal shunt", "Creation of thecoperitoneal shunt", "建立腰池腹腔分流术", "建立腹腔分流术" ], "401133001": [ "Lymphocyte subsets", "Lymphocyte subset measurement", "淋巴细胞亚群", "淋巴细胞亚群测量" ], "104901000220107": [ "Restoration of tooth using ceramic onlay", "使用陶瓷嵌体修复牙齿" ], "57069006": [ "Repair of malunion of humerus with iliac autograft", "自体髂骨移植修复肱骨畸形愈合" ], "415682000": [ "Surgical time out", "Surgical pause", "Surgical time out for patient verification", "手术暂停", "手术暂停以进行患者验证" ], "71618003": [ "DNA probe analysis", "Deoxyribonucleic acid probe analysis", "DNA探针分析", "脱氧核糖核酸探针分析" ], "399298004": [ "PCR test for Toxoplasma", "Toxoplasma polymerase chain reaction", "Polymerase chain reaction test for Toxoplasma", "Toxoplasma PCR", "弓形虫聚合酶链反应", "弓形虫PCR", "弓形虫 PCR 检测", "弓形虫聚合酶链反应检测" ], "104386005": [ "Allergen specific IgM antibody measurement", "Allergen specific immunoglobulin M antibody measurement", "过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白 M 抗体测量", "过敏原特异性 IgM 抗体测量" ], "235458006": [ "Exploration of liver transplant", "肝移植探索" ], "6082008": [ "Perforation of footplate", "Cody tack operation", "Fick operation", "科迪大头钉行动", "做过手术", "足底穿孔" ], "53399006": [ "Microbial identification test, rapid method", "微生物鉴别试验,快速方法" ], "35180003": [ "Circumcision by clamp procedure on newborn", "新生儿包皮环切钳手术" ], "51564004": [ "Smear for meat fibers", "Smear for meat fibres", "涂抹肉纤维" ], "231788008": [ "Aspiration of choroidal fluid", "Drainage of suprachoroidal fluid", "脉络膜液抽吸", "脉络膜上腔液引流" ], "313708008": [ "Urine reducing substance level", "Urine reducing substance measurement", "尿液还原物质测量", "尿液降低物质水平" ], "442945006": [ "Transplantation of free osteocutaneous flap from metatarsal bone using microvascular anastomosis", "吻合显微血管的跖骨游离骨皮瓣移植" ], "410177006": [ "Special diet education", "Teach special diet", "特殊饮食教育", "教授特殊饮食" ], "1293078001": [ "Plain X-ray of external auditory canal opening", "外耳道开口的普通 X 光检查" ], "178966003": [ "Osteotomy of bone of foot", "Osteotomy of foot", "足部截骨术" ], "228118006": [ "Removing from child register", "从儿童登记册中删除" ], "408342007": [ "Referral to tissue viability nurse specialist", "转诊至组织活力护理专家" ], "177131001": [ "Hindwater rupture of amniotic membrane", "Hindwater rupture with Drew Smythe catheter", "使用 Drew Smythe 导管进行 Hindwater 破裂", "羊膜后破" ], "404672000": [ "Piggyback lens implantation", "Insertion of piggyback lens implant", "Piggy-back lens implantation", "背驮式晶状体植入", "植入背驮式晶状体" ], "76992000": [ "Excision of knee joint synovium", "Synovectomy of knee joint", "膝关节滑膜切除术" ], "439275009": [ "Osteotomy of thoracic vertebra and excision of thoracic intervertebral disc by anterior approach", "Osteotomy and discectomy of thoracic spine by anterior approach", "前入路胸椎截骨及椎间盘切除术", "前入路胸椎截骨及胸椎间盘切除术" ], "699584002": [ "Post mortem computed tomography", "Post mortem CT (Computed tomography)", "死后计算机断层扫描", "尸检 CT(计算机断层扫描)" ], "715968006": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of renal vessel", "Doppler ultrasound of renal vessel", "Doppler ultrasound scan of renal vessel", "肾血管多普勒超声扫描", "肾血管多普勒超声检查" ], "306368007": [ "Referral to teacher", "转介给老师" ], "42389000": [ "Avulsion of lingual nerve", "舌神经撕脱" ], "75157003": [ "Cryosurgery for benign rectal tumor", "Cryosurgery for benign rectal tumour", "直肠良性肿瘤的冷冻手术" ], "386453008": [ "Support group facilitation", "Support group", "Support group treatments and procedures", "支持小组协助", "支援团队", "支持小组治疗和程序" ], "107925008": [ "Pharynx manipulation", "咽部按摩" ], "401002001": [ "Gonococcal urethral swab", "淋球菌尿道拭子" ], "171626005": [ "Repair of abducens nerve (VI)", "外展神经修复(VI)" ], "7786006": [ "VDRL test", "VDRL - Venereal diseases research laboratory test", "Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test", "Venereal Disease Research Laboratory test", "性病研究实验室 (VDRL) 测试", "性病研究实验室测试", "VDRL-性病研究实验室测试", "VDRL 测试" ], "433770007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of axillary artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of axillary artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "用造影剂插入药物洗脱支架进行腋动脉荧光镜造影", "腋动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入" ], "104255001": [ "Microbial antigen assay by immunofluorescence method", "免疫荧光法检测微生物抗原" ], "431935008": [ "Fluoroscopic ileostomy barium enema", "荧光镜回肠造口钡灌肠" ], "118804001": [ "Procedure on blood vessel", "血管手术" ], "708628002": [ "Laparoscopic biopsy of lesion of peritoneum", "腹腔镜腹膜病变活检" ], "4116001": [ "Fenestration procedure", "Construction of window", "窗户结构", "开窗程序" ], "20500004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal iliac artery balloon angioplasty", "经皮腔内髂动脉球囊血管成形术" ], "86036005": [ "Intravenous chemotherapy administration by push technique", "推注静脉化疗" ], "36884001": [ "Repair of recurrent dislocation of patella", "Roux-Goldthwait operation", "Roux-Goldthwait手术", "复发性髌骨脱位的修复" ], "69652002": [ "Amitriptyline measurement", "阿米替林测量" ], "233492007": [ "Excision of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘切除术" ], "167956007": [ "Pleural fluid specific gravity measurement", "Pleural fluid specific gravity", "胸水比重测量", "胸水比重" ], "313577002": [ "Human parvovirus IgG level", "Human parvovirus IgG measurement", "Human parvovirus immunoglobulin G measurement", "人类细小病毒 IgG 水平", "人类细小病毒 IgG 检测", "人类细小病毒免疫球蛋白G测定" ], "231657001": [ "Lateral rectus adjustable recession", "外直肌可调式后退" ], "49598002": [ "Anthrax vaccination", "Anthrax immunization", "Anthrax immunisation", "Administration of vaccine product containing Bacillus anthracis antigen", "Administration of anthrax vaccine", "炭疽病疫苗接种", "含有炭疽杆菌抗原的疫苗产品的给药", "炭疽病免疫", "接种炭疽疫苗" ], "16830007": [ "Visual acuity testing", "视力测试" ], "408211000": [ "Absolute CD56 count", "绝对 CD56 计数" ], "11641000087100": [ "MRI of joints of bilateral lower extremities", "Magnetic resonance imaging of joints of bilateral lower extremities", "双下肢关节磁共振成像", "双下肢关节MRI" ], "178835005": [ "Myeloscopy", "脊髓镜检查" ], "6521000087102": [ "Biopsy of left lung using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of left lung", "荧光透视引导下左肺活检", "在荧光透视引导下进行左肺活检" ], "1401000087103": [ "CT guided biopsy of right kidney", "Biopsy of right kidney using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行右肾活检", "CT 引导下右肾活检" ], "10361000087104": [ "Computed tomography of head and cervical spine", "CT of head and cervical spine", "头部及颈椎CT检查", "头部和颈椎的计算机断层扫描" ], "3961000087106": [ "Plain X-ray of bilateral acromioclavicular joints", "Plain X-ray of left and right acromioclavicular joint", "Plain X-ray of both acromioclavicular joints", "左、右肩锁关节普通 X 光检查", "双侧肩锁关节的普通 X 光检查", "双侧肩锁关节X光检查" ], "177000006": [ "Endoscopic biopsy of fallopian tube", "Endoscopic fallopian biopsy", "输卵管内镜活检", "内镜输卵管活检" ], "275304009": [ "Ferning - cervical test", "Assessment of cervical mucus ferning pattern", "宫颈粘液蕨状形态的评估", "Ferning - 宫颈检查" ], "27709003": [ "Ascorbic acid measurement", "Vitamin C measurement", "维生素 C 测量", "抗坏血酸测量" ], "306237005": [ "Referral for palliative care", "Referral to palliative care service", "转介至姑息治疗服务", "转诊接受姑息治疗" ], "1303826000": [ "Excision of malignant melanoma of ala nasi", "鼻翼恶性黑色素瘤切除术" ], "732221009": [ "Urine specimen collection, 48 hours", "尿液样本采集,48 小时" ], "288018003": [ "Retroperitoneal drainage operation", "腹膜后引流手术" ], "173330006": [ "Surgical arrest of post-extraction hemorrhage", "Surgical arrest of post-extraction haemorrhage", "拔牙后出血的手术止血" ], "304402007": [ "Short wave diathermy to pelvis", "骨盆短波透热疗法" ], "386322007": [ "High risk pregnancy care", "高危妊娠护理" ], "56807000": [ "Ureterolithotomy", "Removal of calculus of ureter by incision", "输尿管切开取石术" ], "122343002": [ "Haemophilus influenzae type e antigen assay", "e型流感嗜血杆菌抗原检测" ], "171495006": [ "Maintenance of neurostimulator in brain", "脑神经刺激器的维护" ], "237031007": [ "Repair of paraurethral tear", "尿道旁撕裂的修复" ], "104124000": [ "White blood cell count, automated, semen", "白细胞计数,自动化,精液" ], "89575006": [ "Injection of sympathetic ganglion", "交感神经节注射" ], "235196003": [ "FB - Removal of foreign body from oesophagus", "Removal of foreign body from oesophagus", "FB - Removal of foreign body from esophagus", "Removal of foreign body from esophagus", "FB - 食道异物取出", "食道异物取出", "取出食道异物" ], "284348003": [ "Removal of rejected kidney", "Excision of rejected transplanted kidney", "切除废弃肾脏", "切除排斥的移植肾" ], "448188005": [ "Transcatheter embolization of carotid cavernous fistula", "Transcatheter embolisation of carotid cavernous fistula", "颈动脉海绵窦瘘经导管栓塞术" ], "1106651000000104": [ "Stereotactic mammography guided insertion of magnetic marker into right breast", "Insertion of magnetic marker into right breast using stereotactic mammography guidance", "Insertion of magnetic seed into right breast using stereotactic mammography guidance", "使用立体定向乳房 X 线摄影引导将磁性标记插入右乳房", "使用立体定向乳房 X 线摄影引导将磁性种子植入右乳房", "立体定向乳房 X 线摄影引导下将磁性标记插入右乳房" ], "3985001": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on arteries of lower leg with bypass graft", "Anaesthesia for procedure on arteries of lower leg with bypass graft", "小腿动脉旁路移植手术的麻醉", "小腿动脉搭桥手术的麻醉" ], "446353007": [ "Ultrasonography in third trimester", "妊娠晚期超声检查" ], "118673008": [ "Procedure on digestive system", "Gastrointestinal and digestive procedures", "消化系统手术", "胃肠道和消化系统手术" ], "51302004": [ "Turbinectomy", "Conchectomy", "鼻甲切除术", "耳蜗切除术" ], "1296486004": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery", "动脉瘤性股动脉紧急置换术" ], "82235000": [ "Spectrophotometric measurement, quantitative", "分光光度测量,定量" ], "311611008": [ "Maximal pair therapy", "最大配对疗法" ], "178704007": [ "Primary closed reduction spinal fracture and cast stabilisation", "Primary closed reduction spinal fracture and cast stabilization", "初次闭合复位脊柱骨折及石膏固定" ], "733925000": [ "Application of ointment", "涂抹药膏" ], "1209061001": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to first and second diagonal branches of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to first and second diagonal branches of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to first and second diagonal branches of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to first and second diagonal branches of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至左冠状动脉前降支第一、二对角支的序贯吻合术", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉前降支第一、二对角支", "游离右乳内动脉自左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉前降支第一、二对角支序贯吻合", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉前降支第一、二对角支" ], "14864008": [ "Endoscopy of thyroid", "甲状腺内镜检查" ], "176869003": [ "Endoscopic cauterization of lesion of uterus", "Endoscopic cauterisation of lesion of uterus", "子宫病变内镜烧灼术" ], "78565005": [ "Division of joint capsule of hip", "髋关节囊的划分" ], "306106002": [ "Referral to ITU service", "Referral to intensive care service", "转诊至重症监护室", "转介至国际电联服务" ], "173199003": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of mediastinum", "纵隔病变开放活检" ], "1172623006": [ "Support of victim of intimate partner violence", "Supporting victim of intimate partner violence", "支持亲密伴侣暴力的受害者", "亲密伴侣暴力受害者的支持" ], "302436000": [ "Attention to dressing of skin", "注意皮肤穿衣" ], "23908002": [ "Closure of pleuropericardial fistula", "Repair of pleuropericardial fistula", "胸膜心包瘘的修补", "胸膜心包瘘闭合" ], "73060005": [ "Finger-to-nose test", "指鼻试验" ], "122212007": [ "Enterovirus culture", "肠道病毒培养" ], "71225000": [ "Excision of uterine ligament", "Resection of uterine ligament", "子宫韧带切除术" ], "236900009": [ "Radiofrequency endometrial ablation", "RaFEA - Radiofrequency endometrial ablation", "射频子宫内膜消融术", "RaFEA-射频子宫内膜消融术" ], "431673005": [ "Administration of substance via gastric stoma", "通过胃造口给药" ], "103993005": [ "C^w^ blood group antibody identification", "C^w^血型抗体鉴定" ], "710201007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of vascular structure of spine with contrast", "脊柱血管结构荧光血管造影" ], "315150000": [ "Measles IgM level", "Measles immunoglobulin M level", "麻疹 IgM 水平", "麻疹免疫球蛋白 M 水平" ], "185913009": [ "Hormone replacement monitoring third letter", "激素替代监测第三封信" ], "53006003": [ "Exploration of carpal tunnel", "腕管探查" ], "233230003": [ "Hemi-Fontan operation", "半方坦手术" ], "167694005": [ "Stool sample - bacteriology", "粪便样本-细菌学" ], "446222007": [ "Hand-assisted laparoscopic left colectomy", "Laparoscopic hand-assisted left hemicolectomy", "腹腔镜手助左半结肠切除术", "手助腹腔镜左半结肠切除术" ], "231395001": [ "Injection of neurolytic to dorsal root ganglion", "向背根神经节注射神经溶解剂" ], "313315002": [ "Hey-Groves operation", "海-格罗夫斯行动" ], "116707006": [ "Specimen color determination", "Specimen colour determination", "标本颜色测定" ], "442552000": [ "Measurement of glycine in cerebrospinal fluid specimen", "脑脊液标本中甘氨酸的测定" ], "1263587009": [ "Reconstruction of breast using CWPF (chest wall perforator flap)", "Reconstruction of breast using chest wall perforator flap", "使用 CWPF(胸壁穿支皮瓣)进行乳房重建", "胸壁穿支皮瓣乳房重建" ], "82104002": [ "Suture of laceration of salivary gland", "涎腺裂伤缝合术" ], "441041000124100": [ "Counselling about nutrition", "Nutrition counselling", "Nutrition counseling", "Counseling about nutrition", "营养咨询" ], "432081000124100": [ "Counseling for alternatives to driving", "Counselling for alternatives to driving", "驾驶替代方案咨询" ], "437201000124101": [ "Phosphorus modified diet", "磷改良饮食" ], "229560006": [ "Obstetric transcutaneous nerve stimulation", "产科经皮神经刺激" ], "178573000": [ "Revisional posterior fusion of joint of thoracic spine", "胸椎关节后路翻修融合术" ], "424333001": [ "Tracheostomy capping trial", "气管切开封盖试验" ], "391565006": [ "Plasma arginosuccinate level", "血浆精氨酸琥珀酸水平" ], "1290850002": [ "Plain X-ray of dentition", "牙齿普通 X 光检查" ], "176738005": [ "FB - Removal of foreign body from vagina", "Removal of foreign body from vagina", "FB-- 阴道异物去除", "阴道异物取出" ], "307810005": [ "Brain ventriculoscopy", "Ventriculoscopy", "Ventriculoscopy operations", "Ventriculoscopic exploration of ventricle of brain", "脑室镜脑室探查", "脑室镜手术", "脑室镜检查" ], "764727000": [ "Doppler ultrasonography guided marking of skin over long saphenous vein", "Marking of skin over long saphenous vein using Doppler ultrasonographic guidance", "多普勒超声引导下长隐静脉皮肤标记", "使用多普勒超声引导对长隐静脉皮肤进行标记" ], "127586009": [ "Closed reduction of fracture AND application of cast", "骨折闭合复位及石膏固定" ], "43831007": [ "Percutaneous core needle biopsy of lung", "经皮肺穿刺芯针活检" ], "305975009": [ "Referral by genitourinary medicine physician", "Referral from GU medicine physician", "Referral from sexually transmittable diseases physician", "Referral by GU medicine physician", "Referral by sexually transmittable diseases physician", "泌尿生殖科医生转诊", "泌尿外科医师转诊", "性传播疾病医生转诊", "泌尿科医师推荐", "性传播疾病医生的推荐" ], "418828001": [ "Fluoroscopic lumbar myelogram", "透视腰椎脊髓造影" ], "713740002": [ "Transperineal template biopsy of prostate using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided transperineal template biopsy of prostate", "超声引导下经会阴前列腺模板活检" ], "58380004": [ "Pericardiostomy", "Creation of pericardial window for drainage", "Creation of pericardial window", "Formation of pericardial window", "Fenestration of pericardium", "Window operation on pericardium", "Pericardial window operation", "心包窗的建立", "心包开窗手术", "心包开窗术", "心包窗的形成", "创建心包窗用于引流", "心包造口术" ], "171233003": [ "Genitourinary disease screening", "泌尿生殖系统疾病筛查" ], "122081004": [ "Rickettsia typhus group antibody assay", "Measurement of typhus group rickettsia antibody", "斑疹伤寒立克次体抗体检测" ], "185782002": [ "Stress monitoring third letter", "Stress monitoring call third letter", "压力监测第三封信", "压力监测电话第三封信" ], "234934008": [ "Irrigation of periodontal pocket", "牙周袋冲洗" ], "169398009": [ "Radiochemotherapy: to stop spread", "放化疗:阻止扩散" ], "103862008": [ "Blood group typing A>x<", "血型分型A>x<" ], "233099005": [ "Closure of ventricular septal defect by direct suture", "室间隔缺损直接缝合术" ], "231264005": [ "Sympathetic nerve block", "交感神经阻滞" ], "67424009": [ "Excision of aural glomus tumor, transmastoid", "Excision of aural glomus tumour, transmastoid", "切除乳突处耳球肿瘤" ], "180277007": [ "Insertion of temporary peritoneal dialysis catheter", "插入临时腹膜透析导管" ], "229429008": [ "Physiological mobilization of the temporomandibular joint", "Physiological mobilisation of the temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节的生理活动" ], "391434000": [ "Percentage CD5 count", "CD5 计数百分比" ], "178442002": [ "Reduction of fracture of alveolus of maxilla", "上颌骨牙槽骨折复位术" ], "112906008": [ "Slitting of prepuce on newborn", "新生儿包皮切开术" ], "176607001": [ "Cryotherapy of lesion of vulva", "Cryosurgery of lesion of vulva", "外阴损伤冷冻治疗", "外阴病变冷冻治疗" ], "45535006": [ "Excision of subcutaneous tumor of shoulder area", "Excision of subcutaneous tumour of shoulder area", "肩部皮下肿瘤切除术" ], "61919008": [ "Giving patient an enema", "Enema", "Giving enema", "Administration of enema", "给病人灌肠", "灌肠剂", "灌肠" ], "76468001": [ "Radical mastectomy of bilateral breasts", "Radical mastectomy of both breasts", "双侧乳房根治性切除术" ], "715444007": [ "Assessment using Yale Swallow Protocol", "使用耶鲁吞咽协议进行评估" ], "1172361002": [ "Management of infant formula feedings in 24 hours", "Manage infant formula feeding attempts per day", "管理每日婴儿配方奶粉喂养次数", "婴儿配方奶粉24小时喂养管理" ], "271241002": [ "Serum inorganic phosphate level", "Serum inorganic phosphate measurement", "血清无机磷酸盐测量", "血清无机磷酸盐水平" ], "385929004": [ "Pressure ulcer Stage 4 care education", "Teach pressure ulcer Stage 4 care", "Education about care of pressure injury stage IV", "压力性损伤IV期护理教育", "压疮第四期护理教育", "教导压疮第 4 阶段护理" ], "287625007": [ "Therapeutic aspiration of renal cyst", "肾囊肿的治疗性抽吸" ], "121950008": [ "Campylobacter jejuni antibody assay", "Measurement of Campylobacter jejuni antibody", "空肠弯曲杆菌抗体检测", "空肠弯曲菌抗体测定" ], "433246009": [ "Radionuclide study for small bowel transit time", "小肠转运时间放射性核素研究" ], "38195002": [ "Alkaloids measurement, tissue screening", "Alkaloids measurement, tissue quantitative", "生物碱测量、组织筛查", "生物碱测量,组织定量" ], "16545811000119100": [ "Positron emission tomography myocardial metabolism study", "PET myocardial metabolism study", "正电子发射断层扫描心肌代谢研究", "PET 心肌代谢研究" ], "169267005": [ "Physics - other measurements", "物理学 - 其他测量" ], "185651006": [ "Adult screening - first call", "Adult screen - 1st call", "成人筛查 - 第一次来电", "成人筛查 - 首次致电" ], "447795007": [ "Excision of lesion of tendon sheath of ankle", "踝部腱鞘病变切除术" ], "431411006": [ "Skin marking using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance", "Skin marking using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided skin marking", "MRI 引导皮肤标记", "使用磁共振成像引导进行皮肤标记", "使用磁共振成像(MRI)引导进行皮肤标记" ], "232968001": [ "BiVAD - Implantation of biventricular assist device", "Implantation of cardiac biventricular assist device", "BiVAD-- 双心室辅助装置植入", "心脏双心室辅助装置植入术" ], "16435731000119106": [ "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous needle biopsy of muscle", "Percutaneous needle biopsy of muscle using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下经皮肌肉穿刺活检" ], "265736004": [ "Through knee amputation", "TKA - Through knee amputation", "Disarticulation of the knee joint", "Disarticulation at knee", "Knee disarticulation", "Disarticulation of knee", "TKA-- 膝关节截肢术", "膝关节脱位", "通过膝关节截肢" ], "1757000": [ "Arthroscopy of wrist with partial synovectomy", "腕关节镜检查及部分滑膜切除术" ], "52744009": [ "Cytochemical test", "细胞化学检测" ], "231133002": [ "Brachial plexus block by axillary approach", "Axillary brachial plexus block", "腋窝入路臂丛神经阻滞", "腋路臂丛神经阻滞" ], "313053003": [ "Augmentation of talus", "距骨增强术" ], "444125003": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration ratio of excretion of chromium to excretion of creatinine in 24 hour urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of ratio of chromium to creatinine in 24 hour urine", "24小时尿液标本中铬排泄量与肌酐排泄量质量浓度比值的定量测定", "24小时尿液中铬与肌酐比值的定量测定" ], "149213005": [ "Open chest massage of the heart", "Internal cardiac massage", "内部心脏按摩", "开胸心脏按摩" ], "67293006": [ "Dilation of lymphatic structure", "淋巴结构扩张" ], "34525007": [ "Release for tenosynovitis of hand", "手部腱鞘炎松解术" ], "180146001": [ "Separation of tarsal coalition", "跗骨联合分离" ], "868274001": [ "Administration of second dose of diphtheria and pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Second diphtheria and pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Second diphtheria and pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Second diphtheria and pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Human poliovirus antigens", "第二次白喉、百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫", "接种第二剂白喉、百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "第二次白喉、百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫接种", "第二次白喉、百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "注射第二剂仅含有百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品" ], "16306001": [ "Ocular photography for medical evaluation and documentation, slit lamp photography", "Slit lamp photography of eye", "用于医学评估和记录的眼部摄影、裂隙灯摄影", "眼裂隙灯摄影" ], "360370002": [ "Repair of stomach laceration by suture", "缝合修复胃裂伤" ], "409522005": [ "Standard precautions", "标准预防措施" ], "278450005": [ "Finger stick", "Finger puncture", "Finger-prick sampling", "手指穿刺", "手指刺", "指尖采血" ], "442290007": [ "Defibulation of vulva", "外阴除颤" ], "112775000": [ "Osteoclasis of tibia and fibula", "胫骨和腓骨骨断裂" ], "229298005": [ "Breathing control", "BC - Breathing control technique", "呼吸控制", "BC - 呼吸控制技术" ], "407687002": [ "Poultry feathers specific IgE antibody measurement", "Poultry feathers specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "家禽羽毛特异性IgE抗体测定", "家禽羽毛特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "702599003": [ "Counseling for infertility", "Counselling for infertility", "不孕不育咨询" ], "473223004": [ "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease medication review", "Chronic obstructive lung disorder medication review", "慢性阻塞性肺病药物评论", "慢性阻塞性肺病药物审查" ], "440455007": [ "Percutaneous embolization of vein by direct puncture using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of vein by direct puncture using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下直接穿刺经皮静脉栓塞术", "在荧光造影引导下通过直接穿刺进行经皮静脉栓塞" ], "14471008": [ "Fungus serologic study", "Serologic test for Fungus", "真菌血清学检测", "真菌血清学研究" ], "12636002": [ "Removal of tube from mediastinum", "从纵隔中拔除导管" ], "176476003": [ "Injection sclerotherapy of epididymal cyst", "附睾囊肿注射硬化剂治疗" ], "1208668003": [ "Reconstruction using posterior tibial artery fasciocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction with posterior tibial artery fasciocutaneous flap", "Posterior tibial artery fasciocutaneous flap reconstruction", "胫后动脉筋膜皮瓣重建", "胫后动脉筋膜皮瓣修复" ], "61788003": [ "Ward guaiac test", "沃德愈创木脂试验" ], "1290588006": [ "Plain X-ray of joint of shoulder region", "肩部关节的普通 X 光检查" ], "782684008": [ "Repair of peripherally inserted central catheter", "Repair of PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter)", "PICC(经外周插入中心静脉导管)修复", "外周插入中心静脉导管的修复" ], "307548009": [ "Reconstruction of external ear with flap", "外耳皮瓣再造术" ], "27185000": [ "Vaginal hysterectomy with partial colpectomy and repair of enterocele", "阴道子宫切除术、部分阴道切除术和肠膨出修补术" ], "715313002": [ "Insertion of stent into bowel using fluoroscopic guidance", "Insertion of colonic stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of colonic stent", "在荧光透视引导下将支架插入肠道", "荧光透视引导下结肠支架插入", "在荧光透视引导下插入结肠支架" ], "860934001": [ "Surgery of cataract of right eye", "Cataract surgery of right eye", "右眼白内障手术" ], "1286918004": [ "Portable electronic applanation tonometry", "便携式电子压平眼压计" ], "385798007": [ "Radiation therapy care", "Radiation therapy management", "放射治疗管理", "放射治疗护理" ], "303878008": [ "Radionuclide study of thorax", "胸部放射性核素检查" ], "238342008": [ "Procedure to previous chest wall incision", "先前胸壁切口的手术" ], "287494008": [ "Non-surgical ring cervical biopsy", "非手术宫颈环活检" ], "121819005": [ "Nephrogenous cyclic adenosine monophosphate measurement", "肾源性环磷酸腺苷测定" ], "252891008": [ "Special renal investigation", "特殊肾脏检查" ], "234672001": [ "Surgical removal of non-impacted 3", "Surgical removal of non-impacted permanent canine tooth", "手术拔除未阻生的恒犬齿", "手术切除未受影响的 3" ], "56283009": [ "Transplantation of small intestine", "Small bowel transplant", "小肠移植" ], "1119408006": [ "Fitting of lower right unilateral removable partial denture", "安装右下单侧可摘局部义齿" ], "232837001": [ "Transluminal radiofrequency aortic valvotomy", "经腔内射频主动脉瓣切开术" ], "119984009": [ "Kidney transposition", "肾移位" ], "118149001": [ "Parasite nucleic acid assay", "寄生虫核酸检测" ], "445829001": [ "Assessment using functional test for the hemiparetic upper extremity", "使用功能测试评估偏瘫上肢" ], "413061007": [ "Mercury / creatinine ratio measurement", "Mercury / creatinine ratio", "汞/肌酐比率测量", "汞/肌酐比率" ], "771674001": [ "Open repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using synthetic mesh", "Open hernioplasty using synthetic mesh for recurrent umbilical hernia", "使用合成网片进行复发性脐疝的开放式修补", "使用合成网片进行开放式疝修补术治疗复发性脐疝" ], "231002002": [ "Repair of spinal cord meninges for dysraphism using local tissue flap", "Repair of spinal myelomeningocele using local flap", "局部皮瓣修复脊髓脊膜膨出", "使用局部组织瓣修复脊髓脑膜闭合不全" ], "443994003": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of creatinine corrected for glucose concentration in overnight peritoneal dialysis fluid", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of creatinine corrected for glucose concentration in overnight peritoneal dialysis fluid specimen", "定量测量腹膜透析液中经葡萄糖浓度校正后的肌酐质量浓度", "定量测量隔夜腹膜透析液标本中校正葡萄糖浓度后的肌酐质量浓度" ], "180015002": [ "Amputation of hand, thumb or finger", "手、拇指或手指的截肢" ], "229167004": [ "Running straight training", "直线跑训练" ], "32559005": [ "Reconstruction of penis", "阴茎重建" ], "737071008": [ "Open repair of obstructed incisional hernia with prosthesis", "Open repair of obstructed incisional hernia using prosthesis", "开放式修补术治疗阻塞性切口疝", "使用假体进行开放式切口疝修补术" ], "278319009": [ "Electrically evoked auditory brainstem response audiometry", "EABR - Electrically evoked auditory brainstem response audiometry", "EABR-- 电诱发听觉脑干反应听力检查", "电诱发听觉脑干反应听力检查" ], "391172004": [ "General psychiatric care of older adults - <1 contact/month", "老年人的一般精神病护理 - <1 次/月" ], "243716005": [ "Provision of low vision headband magnifier", "提供低视力头带放大镜" ], "79876008": [ "Operation on uterus", "Uterine operation", "子宫手术" ], "178180009": [ "Secondary simple repair of tendon", "肌腱的二次简单修复" ], "1290457005": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of ankle", "踝部软组织 X 光检查" ], "438489009": [ "Lengthening of tendon of upper arm", "上臂肌腱延长" ], "10670006": [ "Oxazepam measurement", "奥沙西泮测量" ], "238211001": [ "Resuture of deep dehiscence abdominal incision", "腹部深裂切口再缝合" ], "303747001": [ "Respiratory system contrast procedure", "呼吸系统造影程序" ], "74371005": [ "Coronary artery bypass with autogenous graft, two grafts", "自体移植冠状动脉搭桥术,两个移植血管" ], "25219007": [ "Antibody to nuclear matrix measurement", "核基质抗体测量" ], "8835008": [ "Anesthesia for heart/lung transplant", "Anaesthesia for heart/lung transplant", "心脏/肺移植麻醉" ], "41603008": [ "Exploration of abdominal vein", "腹部静脉探查" ], "367448002": [ "Negative contrast cardiac roentgenography", "负对比心脏X线摄影" ], "105304003": [ "Practolol measurement", "普拉托洛尔测量" ], "252760006": [ "Quantitative myometry", "定量肌测量" ], "121688007": [ "Sulindac measurement", "舒林酸测量" ], "5165002": [ "Division of thoracic artery", "胸动脉分离" ], "52482000": [ "Sling removal", "吊带拆除" ], "169005008": [ "Fluoroscopy - esophagus", "Fluoroscopy - oesophagus", "Fluoroscopy of esophagus", "Fluoroscopy of oesophagus", "食管透视检查", "透视检查 - 食道", "食管荧光透视检查" ], "398381009": [ "Neisseria gonorrhoeae nucleic acid detection", "Neisseria gonorrhoeae nucleic acid", "Neisseria gonorrhoeae nucleic acid assay", "淋病奈瑟菌核酸检测", "淋病奈瑟菌核酸" ], "185389009": [ "Follow-up visit", "随访" ], "68866004": [ "Cell count and differential, cerebrospinal fluid", "CSF cell count and differential", "脑脊液细胞计数和分类", "脑脊液细胞计数及分化" ], "363778006": [ "Phenotype", "Phenotype determination", "表型测定", "表型" ], "412930007": [ "Gastrointestinal hormone study", "胃肠激素研究" ], "19714008": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of axillary artery by arm incision", "经臂切口腋动脉导管取栓术" ], "118018009": [ "HIV 1 antibody band pattern determination", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 antibody band pattern determination", "Human immunodeficiency virus 1 antibody band pattern determination", "HIV 1 抗体谱带测定", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 抗体带型测定", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型抗体带型测定" ], "50647002": [ "Sliding inlay graft of tibia", "胫骨滑动嵌体移植" ], "443863002": [ "Quantitative measurement of cortisol in baseline serum or plasma specimen after ACTH challenge", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of hydrocortisone in baseline serum or plasma specimen after adrenocorticotropin challenge", "促肾上腺皮质激素激发后基线血清或血浆标本中氢化可的松质量浓度的定量测量", "促肾上腺皮质激素刺激后基线血清或血浆样本中皮质醇的定量测量" ], "429314008": [ "Partial callosotomy", "部分胼胝体切开术" ], "230871001": [ "Therapeutic drainage from ventricle of brain", "Therapeutic ventricular tap", "脑室引流治疗", "治疗性脑室穿刺" ], "83415006": [ "Transposition of tissue of pelvic region", "盆腔组织移位" ], "265474008": [ "Plastic repair of tricuspid valve", "Tricuspid valvuloplasty", "Tricuspid valvoplasty", "TVP - tricuspid valve plasty", "三尖瓣整形修复", "TVP-- 三尖瓣成形术", "三尖瓣成形术" ], "427479001": [ "Anchoring of chest drain using suture", "使用缝合线固定胸腔引流管" ], "232706008": [ "Airway clearance by finger sweep", "手指扫动清除气道" ], "394711007": [ "Urine leucocyte test", "Urine leukocyte test", "尿液白细胞检测", "尿液白细胞检查" ], "442028003": [ "Measurement of tobramycin peak concentration", "妥布霉素峰浓度测定" ], "787927008": [ "Coagulation factor Xa inhibitor prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic coagulation factor Xa inhibitor", "凝血因子 Xa 抑制剂预防", "预防性使用凝血因子Xa抑制剂" ], "179884006": [ "Revision arthroscopic allograft ligament replacement", "关节镜下同种异体韧带置换术" ], "32428006": [ "Transplantation of salivary gland duct", "涎腺导管移植" ], "391041001": [ "Planned mental health assessment - 24 hour not intensive", "计划心理健康评估 - 24 小时非密集型" ], "425644009": [ "Intrauterine insemination with superovulation using donor sperm", "Intrauterine insemination with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation using donor sperm", "Intrauterine insemination with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation using donor spermatozoa", "使用供体精子进行超排卵宫内授精", "使用供精者进行控制性卵巢刺激宫内授精", "使用供精子进行控制性卵巢刺激宫内授精" ], "63361002": [ "Repair of fistula of bladder", "Closure of fistula of bladder", "Closure of fistula of urinary bladder", "Repair of fistula of urinary bladder", "膀胱瘘修补术", "膀胱瘘管闭合", "膀胱瘘修复术" ], "866177007": [ "Administration of antiarrhythmic drug via oral route", "口服抗心律失常药物" ], "700502006": [ "Informing patient of outcome of CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) choice appointment", "Informing patient of outcome of child and adolescent mental health service choice appointment", "告知患者儿童和青少年心理健康服务选择预约的结果", "告知患者 CAMHS(儿童和青少年心理健康服务)选择预约的结果" ], "225366007": [ "Planned voiding", "计划排尿" ], "420139001": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of shoulder", "Shoulder arthrogram", "肩关节X线透视造影", "肩关节造影" ], "76075007": [ "Play therapy", "Therapeutic play", "Play psychotherapy", "治疗性游戏", "游戏治疗", "玩心理治疗" ], "303616001": [ "Injection into sacral epidural space", "骶骨硬膜外腔注射" ], "713216006": [ "Drainage of upper limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided drainage of upper limb", "超声引导下上肢引流" ], "236245000": [ "Retropubic urethrolysis", "耻骨后尿道松解术" ], "105173000": [ "Ephedrine measurement", "麻黄碱测量" ], "432853001": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of anterior abdominal wall", "Ultrasonography of anterior abdominal wall", "腹前壁超声检查" ], "252629000": [ "Static platform test", "静态平台测试" ], "121557002": [ "Dobutamine measurement", "多巴酚丁胺测量" ], "449237007": [ "Measurement of temperature using skin strip thermometer", "使用皮肤贴片温度计测量温度" ], "23253008": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of phalanges of foot with internal fixation", "足指骨骨折闭合复位内固定" ], "1217450001": [ "Suture of periosteum of rib", "肋骨骨膜缝合" ], "119722000": [ "Accessory sinus injection", "副鼻窦注射" ], "709546005": [ "CT guided aspiration of kidney", "Aspiration of kidney using computed tomography guidance", "CT 引导下肾脏穿刺", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肾脏穿刺" ], "86954007": [ "Excision of urethral septum", "Excision of congenital urethral valve", "先天性尿道瓣膜切除术", "尿道中隔切除术" ], "725930008": [ "Iodine 123 technetium 99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile radionuclide parathyroid subtraction study", "I123 (iodine 123) Tc-99m MIBI (technetium 99m methoxyisobutylisonitrile) parathyroid subtraction study", "碘123锝99m甲氧基异丁基异腈放射性核素甲状旁腺减影研究", "I123(碘 123)Tc-99m MIBI(锝 99m 甲氧基异丁基异腈)甲状旁腺减影研究" ], "429183002": [ "Revision of percutaneous intradiscal thermocoagulation of lumbar intervertebral disc using radiofrequency probe", "经皮射频探头腰椎间盘热凝术翻修术" ], "298111005": [ "Diagnostic aspiration of liver", "肝脏诊断性穿刺" ], "232575006": [ "Removal of cricothyroidotomy tube", "移除环甲膜切开管" ], "50516000": [ "Atomic emission measurement", "原子发射测量" ], "117887008": [ "Avian paramyxovirus 3 antibody assay", "Measurement of Avian paramyxovirus 3 antibody", "禽副粘病毒 3 型抗体测定", "禽副粘病毒 3 型抗体检测" ], "787796004": [ "Injection into tendon of elbow", "肘部肌腱注射" ], "359977003": [ "Mayo operation for vaginal hysterectomy", "梅奥手术用于阴道子宫切除术" ], "736809004": [ "Education for female condom", "女用安全套教育" ], "704041005": [ "Closed rhinoseptoplasty", "闭式鼻中隔成形术" ], "425513008": [ "Transfusion of leucoreduced red blood cells", "输注去白细胞红细胞" ], "30462004": [ "Echography of breast, B-scan", "乳房超声检查、B 超" ], "79614004": [ "Aneurysmectomy with graft replacement of abdominal vein", "动脉瘤切除术及腹腔静脉移植置换术" ], "440062005": [ "Craniectomy with excision of brain abscess", "Excision of bone of cranium with excision of abscess of brain", "开颅术切除脑脓肿", "颅骨切除术及脑脓肿切除术" ], "716755000": [ "Percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of neoplasm of lung using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of neoplasm of lung", "Percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of tumor of lung using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of tumour of lung using computed tomography guidance", "经皮不可逆电穿孔消融肺癌肿瘤", "CT引导下经皮不可逆电穿孔消融治疗肺癌", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行经皮不可逆电穿孔消融肺肿瘤" ], "176083000": [ "Cystoscopic ureteric sampling of urine", "膀胱镜输尿管尿液取样" ], "12243000": [ "Exploration of femoral artery", "股动脉探查" ], "405459002": [ "Femoro-tibio-peroneal artery bypass", "股骨-胫骨-腓骨动脉搭桥术" ], "241619004": [ "MRI of thoracic inlet", "Magnetic resonance imaging of thoracic inlet", "胸腔入口磁共振成像", "胸腔入口 MRI" ], "274387006": [ "Diagnostic aspiration of breast", "乳房诊断性穿刺" ], "174248005": [ "Open cauterization of lesion of rectum", "Open cauterisation of lesion of rectum", "直肠损伤开放烧灼术", "直肠病变开放烧灼术" ], "305320006": [ "Admission by urologist", "泌尿科医生入院" ], "26792008": [ "Simple chemical destruction of lesion of penis", "阴茎损伤的单纯化学毁损术" ], "370856009": [ "Limiting access to confidential patient information", "Shares patient information only with those directly involved in care", "限制访问机密患者信息", "仅与直接参与护理的人员分享患者信息" ], "105042001": [ "2,4 toluenediamine measurement", "2,4甲苯二胺测量" ], "88658002": [ "Anesthesia for transurethral resection of bladder tumor", "Anaesthesia for transurethral resection of bladder tumour", "经尿道膀胱肿瘤电切术的麻醉" ], "449106004": [ "Colonoscopic excision of polyp of rectum", "结肠镜直肠息肉切除术" ], "121426004": [ "Pentane measurement", "戊烷测量" ], "252498005": [ "CJR - Centric jaw relationship", "Record bite", "Take bite", "Record jaw relationship", "CR-Record centric jaw relation", "Jaw registration", "Centric jaw relationship", "Record interocclusal relationship", "Record retruded axis", "Bite registration", "Record intercuspal position", "Record occlusal registration", "记录颌骨关系", "CR-记录正中颌位关系", "记录咬合记录", "咬一口", "记录咬合", "记录牙尖交错位置", "咬合记录", "正中颌关系", "颌骨定位", "CJR-- 正中颌关系", "记录后退轴", "记录咬合关系" ], "39506007": [ "Osteotomy of acetabular bone with femoral osteotomy", "髋臼截骨术及股骨截骨术" ], "119591000": [ "Trunk reconstruction", "躯干重建" ], "1332007000": [ "Wedge osteotomy of thorax", "胸廓楔形截骨术" ], "4903000": [ "Serum protein electrophoresis", "血清蛋白电泳" ], "1217319002": [ "Laparoscopic excision of adrenal gland using robotic assistance", "Laparoscopic adrenalectomy using robotic assistance", "使用机器人辅助进行腹腔镜肾上腺切除术" ], "234279002": [ "Fine needle aspiration of lymph node", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of lymph node", "Fine needle biopsy of lymph node", "淋巴结细针活检", "淋巴结细针穿刺", "淋巴结细针穿刺活检" ], "414503006": [ "Injection of joint of toe", "趾关节注射" ], "21287008": [ "Incision and drainage of lesion of tongue", "舌病损切开引流术" ], "609276001": [ "Removal of implant from radius", "从桡骨移除植入物" ], "86823009": [ "Biopsy of nasal sinus", "鼻窦活检" ], "250663008": [ "Unconjugated estriol measurement", "Unconjugated estriol level", "未结合雌三醇水平", "游离雌三醇测量" ], "117756003": [ "HTLV 1 gp46 antibody assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 gp46 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 glycoprotein 46 antibody", "人类 T 细胞淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 gp46 抗体检测", "HTLV 1 gp46 抗体检测", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒1型糖蛋白46抗体的测定" ], "35836001": [ "Anterior spinal cordotomy", "前路脊髓切开术" ], "443601000": [ "Computed tomography for measurement of brain volume", "CT for measurement of brain volume", "CT 测量脑容量", "计算机断层扫描测量脑容量" ], "183292009": [ "Exercises for spasticity", "痉挛锻炼" ], "408998001": [ "Adolescent care assessment", "Assess adolescent care", "评估青少年护理", "青少年护理评估" ], "785830001": [ "Transplant of cornea of right eye", "右眼角膜移植" ], "48550003": [ "Medical consultation on nursing facility inpatient", "护理机构住院医疗咨询" ], "32166003": [ "History taking, self-administered, questionnaire", "病史采集,自我管理,问卷" ], "359846004": [ "PO>2< measurement", "PO>2< 测量" ], "30331002": [ "Excision of urethral diverticulum", "尿道憩室切除术" ], "767611008": [ "Total abdominal hysterectomy using intrafascial technique", "Intrafascial TAH (total abdominal hysterectomy)", "筋膜内全子宫切除术 (TAH)", "采用筋膜内技术进行腹部全子宫切除术" ], "225104000": [ "Residual catheterization", "Residual catheterisation", "残留导管" ], "405328003": [ "Injection of sclerosing agent into calf vein", "Sclerotherapy of calf vein", "小腿静脉注射硬化剂", "小腿静脉硬化治疗" ], "241488007": [ "US scan of prostate - transurethral", "Ultrasound scan of prostate - transurethral", "经尿道前列腺超声扫描", "前列腺超声扫描 - 经尿道" ], "77648009": [ "Excision of lesion of lung", "肺病灶切除术" ], "175952009": [ "Nephroscopy and electrohydraulic lithotripsy of renal calculus", "肾镜及肾结石液电碎石术" ], "26661002": [ "Probing of lacrimal canaliculi", "泪小管探查" ], "239653004": [ "Application of skeletal traction via the metacarpals", "通过掌骨进行骨牵引的应用" ], "763941007": [ "I125 uptake study", "Radionuclide imaging of thyroid using iodine-125", "I125 摄取研究", "使用碘-125对甲状腺进行放射性核素显像" ], "59429008": [ "Pedicle soft dentoalveolar tissue graft procedure", "Split gingival papilla flap", "Pedicle mucogingival graft", "带蒂龈黏膜移植", "劈开龈乳头瓣", "带蒂软牙槽组织移植手术" ], "450810001": [ "Notification of miscarriage", "流产通知" ], "73978003": [ "Multiple segmental resections of small intestine", "小肠多段切除术" ], "711119000": [ "Facilitation of ability to communicate needs", "促进沟通需求的能力" ], "104911001": [ "Purine-nucleoside phosphorylase measurement", "嘌呤核苷磷酸化酶测量" ], "399823005": [ "House dust mite (Dp) specific IgG antibody measurement", "Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus specific IgG antibody measurement", "Gd1 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "屋尘螨特异性IgG抗体测定", "屋尘螨特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定", "屋尘螨(Dp)特异性 IgG 抗体测量", "Gd1 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "39375006": [ "Removal of calculus of urethra without incision", "不切开取石术" ], "170447007": [ "Antihelminth drug prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic antihelminth", "驱虫药物预防", "预防性驱虫药物的使用" ], "121295006": [ "3-Hydroxyoleoylcarnitine measurement", "3-羟基油酰肉碱测量" ], "252367007": [ "T-cell cross-match", "T细胞交叉配型" ], "4772002": [ "Reduction of torsion of spermatic cord", "Detorsion of spermatic cord", "精索扭转复位" ], "840356002": [ "Reconstruction of bilateral breasts using free transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction of bilateral breasts using free TRAM (transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous) flap", "利用游离腹直肌肌皮瓣重建双侧乳房", "游离横腹直肌肌皮瓣重建双侧乳房" ], "447140005": [ "Excision of frontal sinus and nasal turbinate", "Frontal sinusectomy and turbinectomy", "额窦及鼻甲切除术", "额窦切除术和鼻甲切除术" ], "609145000": [ "Revision of internal fixation of iliac spine of pelvis", "骨盆髂嵴内固定术翻修" ], "314233004": [ "Second stage Dacron mesh keratoprosthesis", "Second stage polyethylene terephthalate mesh keratoprosthesis", "第二阶段聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯网状角膜假体", "第二阶段涤纶网状角膜假体" ], "19321006": [ "Repair or plastic operation on tibia and fibula", "胫腓骨修复或整形手术" ], "410702009": [ "Pars plana lensectomy of cataract", "白内障睫状体平坦部晶状体切除术" ], "443470009": [ "Reconstruction of ramus of mandible by C osteotomy with grafting of bone", "C 形截骨植骨重建下颌骨升支" ], "312398009": [ "Excisional biopsy of joint structure of shoulder", "肩关节结构切除活检" ], "392483004": [ "Candida albicans specific IgE antibody measurement", "m5 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Candida albicans specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "白色念珠菌特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "m5特异性IgE抗体测量", "白色念珠菌特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "228643004": [ "Habilitation training", "康复训练" ], "359715005": [ "Upper gastrointestinal procedure", "上消化道手术" ], "408867002": [ "Taking respiratory rate", "测量呼吸频率" ], "423416000": [ "Substance use cessation case management", "药物滥用戒断案例管理" ], "243192002": [ "Drug desensitization therapy", "Drug hyposensitization therapy", "Drug desensitisation therapy", "Drug hyposensitisation therapy", "药物脱敏治疗" ], "62968005": [ "Seminal fluid detection by acid phosphatase method", "酸性磷酸酶法检测精液" ], "177656006": [ "Escharotomy of burnt skin of hand", "手部烧伤皮肤切开术" ], "30200007": [ "Serologic test for cytomegalovirus", "Cytomegalovirus antibody measurement", "CMV antibody level", "巨细胞病毒血清学检测", "巨细胞病毒抗体水平", "巨细胞病毒抗体测量" ], "306893003": [ "Faradic nerve stimulation to lower limb", "下肢法拉第神经刺激" ], "44749005": [ "Subsequent stage of staged operation", "分阶段行动的后续阶段" ], "388813007": [ "Anisakis specific IgE antibody measurement", "p4 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Anisakis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "海兽尖线虫特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "海兽尖线虫特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "p4特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "241357009": [ "Radionuclide static renal study", "放射性核素静态肾脏研究" ], "173986002": [ "Repair of prolapse of ileostomy", "回肠造口脱垂的修补" ], "763810005": [ "I123 thyroid imaging study", "Radionuclide imaging of thyroid using iodine-123", "Iodine 123 uptake study of thyroid", "甲状腺碘123摄取研究", "I123甲状腺显像研究", "使用碘-123对甲状腺进行放射性核素显像" ], "239522006": [ "Interposition arthroplasty of the metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe", "Interposition arthroplasty of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe", "小趾跖趾关节置换术" ], "103748008": [ "Cloning procedure", "克隆过程" ], "90231002": [ "Catecholamines, fractionation measurement, urine", "Free catecholamine fractionation measurement, urine", "尿液中游离儿茶酚胺分馏测定", "儿茶酚胺,分馏测量,尿液" ], "12931000087106": [ "MRI of left clavicle", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left clavicle", "左锁骨 MRI", "左锁骨磁共振成像" ], "450679007": [ "Extraamniotic injection of abortifacient", "Extra-amniotic injection of abortifacient", "羊膜外注射堕胎药" ], "22860001": [ "Partial submucous laryngectomy", "部分粘膜下喉切除术" ], "55628002": [ "Maintenance of thoracic drain", "Attention to chest drain", "Maintenance of chest tube", "胸腔引流管的维护", "胸管的维护", "注意胸腔引流" ], "170316002": [ "First typhoid vaccination", "First typhoid immunisation", "Administration of first dose of typhoid vaccine", "First typhoid immunization", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi antigen", "接种第一剂伤寒疫苗", "接种首剂仅含伤寒沙门氏菌亚种血清型抗原的疫苗产品", "第一次伤寒疫苗接种", "首次伤寒免疫接种" ], "104780002": [ "Lipids measurement", "脂质测量" ], "416076006": [ "Referral to pediatric dermatology service", "Referral to paediatric dermatology service", "转诊至儿科皮肤科服务" ], "710988007": [ "Monitoring of tissue perfusion", "组织灌注监测" ], "252236008": [ "Sham feeding test", "假喂食试验" ], "86561003": [ "Transurethral clearance of bladder", "Transurethral clearance of urinary bladder", "经尿道膀胱清扫术", "经尿道膀胱切除术" ], "397857007": [ "Peak airway pressure monitoring", "峰值气道压力监测" ], "51958000": [ "Removal of T-tube from bile duct", "Removal of bile duct T-tube", "从胆管中取出 T 管", "胆管T管拔除" ], "609014001": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from retroperitoneum", "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of retroperitoneal specimen", "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from retroperitoneal space", "腹膜后标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "363254000": [ "Paracentesis of endocrine organ", "内分泌器官穿刺" ], "232182000": [ "Insertion of osseointegrated bone anchor", "插入骨整合骨锚" ], "70177008": [ "Escharotomy", "焦痂切开术" ], "68342003": [ "Ramstedt operation, pyloromyotomy with wedge resection", "Fredet-Ramstedt operation, pyloromyotomy with wedge resection", "Ramstedt 手术,幽门肌切开术及楔形切除术", "Fredet-Ramstedt 手术,幽门肌切开术及楔形切除术" ], "314102008": [ "Urine MDMA screening test", "Urine methylenedioxymethamphetamine screening test", "尿液亚甲二氧基甲基苯丙胺筛查试验", "尿液 MDMA 筛查测试" ], "82891004": [ "Neck imaging for metastatic carcinoma of thyroid", "甲状腺转移癌的颈部影像学检查" ], "359584000": [ "Fixation of duodenum to abdominal wall", "十二指肠固定于腹壁" ], "31904001": [ "Adrenalectomy", "Excision of adrenal gland", "Excision of adrenal gland operations", "肾上腺切除术", "肾上腺切除手术" ], "971009": [ "Prosthetic construction and fitting", "假肢制造与装配" ], "310432003": [ "Well woman monitoring invitation", "健康女性监测邀请" ], "408736005": [ "Surgical pneumothorax", "Surgically induced pneumothorax", "手术引起的气胸", "手术气胸" ], "13685004": [ "Pharyngostomy", "Creation of pharyngostome", "咽口造口术", "咽造口术" ], "275829005": [ "Reverse isolation", "反向隔离" ], "406901007": [ "Neutrophil alkaline phosphatase stain method", "Neutrophil alkaline phosphatase stain", "中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶染色法", "中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶染色" ], "175690001": [ "Endarterectomy of popliteal artery and patch repair of popliteal artery", "腘动脉内膜切除术及腘动脉补片修复术" ], "241226006": [ "Pulmonary arteriogram by main pulmonary artery injection", "Pulmonary arteriography by main pulmonary artery injection", "Pulmonary angiography by main pulmonary artery injection", "主肺动脉注射肺血管造影", "主肺动脉注射肺动脉造影" ], "11850007": [ "Injection of contrast media for radiography by catheter, supraselective", "通过导管注射超选择性放射线造影剂" ], "44618008": [ "Excision, fusion and repair of toes", "趾骨切除、融合及修复" ], "388682009": [ "Rf345 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Macadamia nut specific IgE antibody measurement", "Macadamia nut specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "澳洲坚果特异性IgE抗体测定", "澳洲坚果特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf345 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "239391007": [ "Zygomatic augmentation", "Tessier - Zygomatic augmentation", "Malar augmentation", "颧骨增大术", "Tessier - 颧骨增大术" ], "1255199009": [ "Percutaneous endoscopic insertion of jejunostomy tube", "经皮内镜空肠造口管插入术" ], "8180007": [ "Fiberoptic colonoscopy through colostomy", "Endoscopy of colon through artificial stoma", "Colonoscopy through artificial stoma", "Fibreoptic colonoscopy through colostomy", "通过结肠造口术进行纤维结肠镜检查", "通过人工造口进行结肠镜检查", "经人工造口结肠内镜检查" ], "104649000": [ "Enolase measurement", "烯醇酶测定" ], "446878003": [ "Transluminal angioplasty", "腔内血管成形术" ], "53662004": [ "Closure of lacrimal fistula", "泪瘘闭合" ], "709022009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal arterial embolization of dural arteriovenous fistula", "Percutaneous transluminal arterial embolisation of dural arteriovenous fistula", "硬脑膜动静脉瘘经皮腔内动脉栓塞术", "经皮腔内动脉栓塞治疗硬脑膜动静脉瘘" ], "608883005": [ "Removal of implant from pelvic bone", "Removal of implant from bone of pelvis", "从骨盆骨中取出植入物" ], "363123009": [ "Exteriorization by anatomic site", "Exteriorisation by anatomic site", "按解剖位置外化" ], "410440008": [ "Diabetic Retinopathy Study 7 field stereoscopic fundus photography", "DRS 7 field stereoscopic fundus photography", "糖尿病视网膜病变研究 7 视野立体眼底摄影", "DRS 7 视野立体眼底摄影" ], "80925005": [ "Removal of cerebral ventricular reservoir, Ommaya or Rickham", "脑室储液器切除术、Ommaya 或 Rickham" ], "48157005": [ "Compatibility test, crossmatch, screening for compatible unit, antiglobulin technique", "兼容性测试、交叉配血、筛选相容单位、抗球蛋白技术" ], "719901007": [ "Gastroduodenal balloon dilatation using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided gastroduodenal balloon dilatation", "Balloon dilatation of stomach and duodenum using fluoroscopic guidance", "Balloon dilation of stomach and duodenum using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下胃及十二指肠球囊扩张术", "透视引导下胃十二指肠球囊扩张术", "荧光透视引导下胃十二指肠球囊扩张术" ], "179229008": [ "Removal of spinal fixation system", "拆除脊柱固定系统" ], "13554000": [ "Incision of thigh", "大腿切开术" ], "62706003": [ "Spinal percutaneous cordotomy", "Percutaneous cordotomy", "Percutaneous tractotomy", "Division of nerve tracts of spinal cord, percutaneous", "Division of spinal cord tracts, percutaneous", "Splitting of spinal cord tracts, percutaneous", "经皮束切开术", "经皮脊髓神经束分离", "经皮脊髓束分离", "经皮脊髓切开术", "脊柱经皮脊髓切开术" ], "439538003": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of pelvis using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous aspiration of pelvis", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行经皮骨盆穿刺", "CT引导下经皮盆腔穿刺" ], "308466003": [ "Refer to school nurse", "Referral to school nurse", "转介给学校护士", "转介至学校护士" ], "306631000": [ "Discharge from community occupational therapy service", "退出社区职业治疗服务" ], "699847005": [ "Education about cystoscopy", "膀胱镜检查教育" ], "880071007": [ "Thermal pulsation treatment of meibomian gland", "Meibomian thermal pulsation treatment", "睑板腺热脉冲治疗" ], "75420000": [ "Excision of redundant mucosa from duodenostomy", "十二指肠造口术切除多余粘膜" ], "26268001": [ "Anastomosis of hepatic ducts", "Intrahepatic anastomosis", "Hepatic duct anastomosis", "肝内吻合术", "肝管吻合术" ], "108188006": [ "Abdomen incision", "Abdominal incision", "腹部切口" ], "24433001": [ "Reduction of closed greater tuberosity fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of greater tuberosity of humerus", "闭合性大结节骨折的复位手法治疗", "肱骨大结节闭合性骨折手法复位" ], "237425001": [ "Mastopexy superior pedicle technique", "Marchac mastopexy", "乳房固定术上蒂技术", "Marchac 乳房固定术" ], "104518000": [ "Androstenediol measurement", "雄烯二醇测量" ], "235590004": [ "Destruction lesion of ampulla Vater", "Destruction lesion of papilla of Vater", "肝乳头破坏性损伤", "壶腹部破坏性损伤" ], "69915000": [ "Special stain for microorganism", "微生物专用染色剂" ], "446747005": [ "Sigmoidoscopy and sigmoid mucosectomy", "Sigmoidoscopy and excision of mucosa of sigmoid colon", "乙状结肠镜检查及乙状结肠粘膜切除术", "乙状结肠镜检查和乙状结肠粘膜切除术" ], "53531008": [ "Antibody identification, RBC, albumin and AHG", "Antibody identification, red blood cell, albumin and anti-human globulin", "抗体鉴定、红细胞、白蛋白、抗人球蛋白", "抗体鉴定、红细胞、白蛋白和 AHG" ], "313840000": [ "Serum total bilirubin measurement", "Serum total bilirubin level", "血清总胆红素水平", "血清总胆红素测量" ], "117232001": [ "Fontana Masson silver stain method", "Fontana Masson silver stain", "Fontana Masson 银染色", "Fontana Masson 银染色法" ], "410309002": [ "Signs/symptoms-physical teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Signs/symptoms-physical teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Signs/symptoms-physical education, guidance, and counseling", "Signs/symptoms-physical education, guidance, and counselling", "体征/症状-身体教学、指导和咨询", "体征/症状-体育教育、指导和咨询" ], "443077003": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of spine", "MR angiography of vascular structure of spine", "脊柱血管结构磁共振血管造影", "脊柱血管结构的磁共振血管造影" ], "115397006": [ "CD3+CD4+ Lymphocyte antigen detection", "Detection of lymphocytes positive for both CD3 antigen and CD4 antigen", "检测 CD3 抗原和 CD4 抗原均呈阳性的淋巴细胞", "CD3+CD4+淋巴细胞抗原检测" ], "361157006": [ "Repair of eyelid laceration, partial-thickness involving lid margin", "修复眼睑裂伤、部分厚度的眼睑边缘" ], "736154000": [ "Percutaneous lysis of adhesions of spinal cord and nerve roots", "经皮脊髓及神经根粘连松解术" ], "66245006": [ "Radical vulvectomy with inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy", "根治性外阴切除术及腹股沟股淋巴结清扫术" ], "179098002": [ "Primary internal fixation(without reduction) of proximal femoral fracture with screw/nail and plate device", "股骨近端骨折一期内固定(未复位)应用螺钉/钉和钢板装置" ], "33477008": [ "Unheated serum reagin test", "不加热血清反应素试验" ], "392090004": [ "Operation on breast", "Mammary gland operation", "Breast operation", "Mammary operation", "乳腺手术", "乳房手术" ], "177263000": [ "Excision of sweat gland-bearing skin of axilla", "腋窝汗腺皮肤切除术" ], "277402008": [ "Tinnitus loudness match to frequency of best hearing threshold", "耳鸣响度与最佳听力阈值频率匹配" ], "308335008": [ "Patient encounter procedure", "病人就诊程序" ], "306500003": [ "Discharge by genitourinary nurse", "泌尿生殖科护士出院" ], "372036003": [ "Implementation of protective measures prior to operative or invasive procedure", "手术或侵入性操作前实施保护措施" ], "765252005": [ "Radionuclide imaging of liver using radioactive isotope", "Radioisotope study of liver", "肝脏放射性同位素研究", "使用放射性同位素对肝脏进行放射性核素显像" ], "175428006": [ "Reconstruction of subclavian artery with vein graft", "静脉移植重建锁骨下动脉" ], "716100006": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of fetal head", "Doppler ultrasound of vascular structure of fetal head", "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of foetal head", "Doppler ultrasound of vascular structure of foetal head", "Doppler ultrasound scan of vascular structure of fetal head", "Doppler ultrasound scan of vascular structure of foetal head", "胎儿头部血管结构的多普勒超声扫描", "胎儿头部血管结构的多普勒超声检查" ], "1304089002": [ "Decompression fasciotomy of superficial posterior compartment lower leg", "小腿后浅筋膜减压切开术" ], "1287705005": [ "Consultation for diabetes mellitus", "糖尿病咨询" ], "417518004": [ "Cefinase test", "头孢他定试验" ], "401134007": [ "ANCA profile", "ANCA profile determination", "Neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody profile", "Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) profile determination", "Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies profile determination", "ANCA简介", "中性粒细胞胞质自身抗体谱", "抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体 (ANCA) 谱测定", "ANCA 谱测定", "抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体谱测定" ], "57070007": [ "Confrontation therapy", "Confrontation technique", "对抗疗法", "对抗技巧" ], "104387001": [ "Allergen specific IgG antibody measurement", "Allergen specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白 G 抗体测量", "过敏原特异性 IgG 抗体测量" ], "55235003": [ "C-reactive protein measurement", "CRP - C-reactive protein level", "C-reactive protein level", "C反应蛋白测量", "CRP-C反应蛋白水平", "C反应蛋白水平" ], "432067006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of pulmonary artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of pulmonary artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "用造影剂插入支架进行肺动脉荧光血管造影", "用造影剂插入支架进行肺动脉荧光镜动脉造影" ], "413848006": [ "CyA HPLC equivalent level", "Ciclosporin measurement, high performance liquid chromatography equivalent", "CyA HPLC 等效水平", "环孢素测量,高效液相色谱当量" ], "20632008": [ "Removal of foreign body from pharynx", "FB - Removal of foreign body from pharynx", "去除咽部异物", "FB - 去除咽部异物" ], "313709000": [ "Urine free noradrenaline measurement", "Urine free noradrenaline level", "Urine free norepinephrine measurement", "Urine free norepinephrine level", "Measurement of urine free norepinephrine", "Measurement of urine free noradrenaline", "尿液游离去甲肾上腺素测量", "尿液游离去甲肾上腺素的测量", "尿液游离去甲肾上腺素水平", "尿游离去甲肾上腺素水平", "尿液游离去甲肾上腺素的测定" ], "67949002": [ "Maxillary sinus endoscopy with biopsy", "上颌窦内窥镜检查及活检" ], "410178001": [ "Special diet management", "特殊饮食管理" ], "737858009": [ "Attention to endoprosthesis of bone", "注意骨内假体" ], "49730009": [ "Postoperative follow-up, anaesthesia", "Postoperative follow-up, anesthesia", "术后随访、麻醉" ], "424727007": [ "Maintenance of temporary cardiac pacemaker settings", "Temporary cardiac pacemaker settings care", "临时心脏起搏器设置的维护", "临时心脏起搏器放置护理" ], "1293079009": [ "Plain X-ray of internal auditory meatus", "Plain X-ray of internal acoustic meatus of temporal bone", "Plain X-ray of internal auditory canal", "颞骨内耳道X线平片", "内耳道普通X光检查", "内耳道普通 X 光检查" ], "439276005": [ "Osteotomy of spine by posterior approach", "Osteotomy of vertebra by posterior approach", "后入路脊柱截骨术", "后入路脊椎截骨术" ], "699585001": [ "Injection of foot using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided injection of foot", "CT引导下足部注射", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行足部注射" ], "306369004": [ "Referral to lip/speech-reading teacher", "转介给唇读/读词老师" ], "404673005": [ "Primary piggyback lens implantation", "初级背驮式晶状体植入" ], "388289006": [ "Curettage of chalazion", "霰粒肿刮除术" ], "175297006": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of aorta", "Emergency repair of aortic aneurysm", "主动脉瘤段紧急置换术", "主动脉瘤紧急修复" ], "386454002": [ "Surgical assistance", "手术援助" ], "419222003": [ "Implantation of intravitreal device", "玻璃体内装置植入" ], "42390009": [ "Repair of obstetric laceration of bladder and urethra", "Repair of obstetric laceration of urinary bladder and urethra", "产科膀胱尿道裂伤的修复" ], "171627001": [ "Repair of trigeminal nerve (V)", "三叉神经修复(V)" ], "433771006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of internal iliac artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of internal iliac artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "髂内动脉造影及支架植入术" ], "269931006": [ "Fluid sample bicarbonate measurement", "Fluid sample bicarbonate level", "液体样本碳酸氢盐水平", "液体样本碳酸氢盐测量" ], "104256000": [ "Microbial antigen assay by latex agglutination method", "乳胶凝集法微生物抗原测定" ], "120640001": [ "Laxative identification", "Presence of laxative", "存在泻药", "泻药鉴别" ], "20501000": [ "Urinalysis, specific gravity measurement", "Specific gravity measurement, urine", "Urine specific gravity", "Urine specific gravity level", "尿液比重", "尿液比重测量", "尿液分析、比重测量", "尿液比重水平" ], "118805000": [ "Procedure on artery", "Artery procedure", "Arterial procedure", "动脉手术" ], "431936009": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of parathyroid artery using contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of parathyroid artery using contrast", "甲状旁腺动脉造影荧光血管造影", "甲状旁腺动脉造影" ], "233493002": [ "Excision of arteriovenous graft", "动静脉移植物切除术" ], "708629005": [ "Laparoscopic bypass gastrojejunostomy", "腹腔镜旁路胃空肠造口术" ], "84202006": [ "Ureterolithotomy, lower one-third of ureter", "Lower third ureterolithotomy", "输尿管下三分之一切开取石术", "输尿管切开取石术,输尿管下三分之一" ], "313578007": [ "Urine volume", "Urine sample volume measurement", "尿量", "尿液样本体积测量" ], "82367000": [ "Aneurysmectomy of ascending aorta with anastomosis", "升主动脉瘤切除吻合术" ], "231658006": [ "Lateral rectus adjustable resection", "外直肌可调切除术" ], "67818008": [ "Operation on nasopharynx", "鼻咽手术" ], "426431003": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic pressure-controlled balloon dilatation of lower esophageal sphincter", "Fibreoptic endoscopic pressure-controlled balloon dilatation of lower oesophageal sphincter", "Fiberoptic endoscopic pressure-controlled balloon dilation of lower esophageal sphincter", "Fibreoptic endoscopic pressure-controlled balloon dilation of lower oesophageal sphincter", "纤维内镜下食管括约肌压力控制球囊扩张术", "纤维内镜压力控制球囊扩张下食管括约肌" ], "229823004": [ "Pulmonary rehabilitation class", "肺康复班" ], "31380000": [ "Incision and drainage of wrist for deep abscess", "腕部深部脓肿切开引流术" ], "408212007": [ "Percentage CD56 count", "CD56 计数百分比" ], "719508009": [ "Focused transthoracic echocardiography in intensive care", "FICE - Focused Intensive Care Echocardiography", "重症监护中的聚焦经胸超声心动图", "FICE - 重点重症监护超声心动图" ], "734057006": [ "Excision of distal clavicle", "Mumford procedure", "Mumford operation", "芒福德手术", "远端锁骨切除术" ], "306238000": [ "Referral to Social Services", "Referral to SSD services", "Referral to social services department services", "转介至社会服务部门服务", "推荐 SSD 服务", "转介至社会服务机构" ], "175166003": [ "Coronary arteriography using single catheter", "Coronary angiography using single catheter", "单导管冠状动脉造影" ], "60478006": [ "Local actinotherapy", "局部放射治疗" ], "699454007": [ "Arthrotomy of joint of shoulder girdle", "肩带关节切开术" ], "304403002": [ "Short wave diathermy to abdomen", "腹部短波透热疗法" ], "386323002": [ "Home maintenance assistance", "房屋维修援助" ], "173331005": [ "Insertion of pack into tooth socket", "Packing of tooth socket", "牙套包装", "将牙包插入牙槽" ], "288019006": [ "Retroperitoneal exploration operation", "腹膜后探查手术" ], "5971000087103": [ "Mammography and aspiration of left breast", "乳房 X 线摄影及左乳房穿刺" ], "237032000": [ "Repair of vaginal vault tear", "Repair of colporrhexis", "阴道穹窿撕裂的修复", "阴道破裂修复" ], "851000087104": [ "Fluoroscopic ureterography of bilateral ureters", "Fluoroscopic ureterography of both ureters", "Fluoroscopic ureterography of left and right ureter", "Bilateral fluoroscopic ureterography", "双侧输尿管荧光镜输尿管造影", "双侧输尿管荧光透视造影", "左、右输尿管荧光镜输尿管造影" ], "2131000087106": [ "Biopsy of left breast using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided biopsy of left breast", "MRI 引导下左乳房活检", "使用磁共振成像引导进行左乳房活检" ], "20051000087106": [ "Magnetic resonance arthrography of left shoulder", "MR arthrogram of left shoulder", "MR arthrography of left shoulder", "左肩磁共振关节造影", "左肩 MR 关节造影" ], "4691000087107": [ "Angiography of left femoral artery", "Left femoral angiography", "Arteriography of left femoral artery", "左股动脉造影", "左股动脉血管造影" ], "419091007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of coeliac artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of celiac artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of celiac artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of coeliac artery with contrast", "腹腔动脉造影荧光镜检查", "腹腔动脉造影荧光血管造影", "腹腔动脉造影荧光镜造影" ], "171496007": [ "Removal of neurostimulator electrode from brain tissue", "从脑组织中取出神经刺激器电极" ], "54973000": [ "Total breech delivery with forceps to aftercoming head", "用产钳将胎儿头部引至臀位分娩" ], "7656009": [ "Isotope study for renal plasma flow", "肾血浆流量的同位素研究" ], "431805002": [ "Embolisation using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Embolisation using ultrasound guidance", "Embolization using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下栓塞", "使用超声引导进行栓塞", "使用超声(美国)引导进行栓塞" ], "122344008": [ "Haemophilus influenzae type f antigen assay", "f型流感嗜血杆菌抗原检测" ], "104125004": [ "Red blood cell count, automated, synovial fluid", "红细胞计数,自动化,滑液" ], "448189002": [ "Transcatheter embolisation of intracranial arteriovenous fistula", "Transcatheter embolization of intracranial arteriovenous fistula", "颅内动静脉瘘经导管栓塞术" ], "5821007": [ "Ligation, division and complete stripping of long and short saphenous veins", "结扎、分离及完全剥离长、短隐静脉" ], "397202000": [ "Cauterisation of haemorrhoids", "Cauterization of hemorrhoids", "Haemorrhoidectomy - cauterise", "Hemorrhoidectomy - cauterize", "Hemorrhoidectomy by cauterization", "Haemorrhoidectomy by cauterisation", "痔疮烧灼术", "痔疮切除术 - 烧灼", "烧灼痔切除术" ], "235197007": [ "Dilatation of esophageal stricture", "Dilatation of oesophageal stricture", "Dilation of esophageal stricture", "Dilation of oesophageal stricture", "食管狭窄扩张" ], "36754000": [ "Epstein-Barr nuclear antibody measurement", "EBNA antibody measurement", "Serologic test for Epstein-Barr nuclear antibody measurement", "Epstein-Barr virus nuclear antibody assay", "Epstein-Barr 核抗体测量", "EBNA 抗体测量", "EB 核抗体血清学检测", "EB病毒核抗体检测" ], "118674002": [ "Procedure on genitourinary system", "泌尿生殖系统手术" ], "20370004": [ "Microbial identification, Key rapid test", "微生物鉴定,关键快速检测" ], "1263719001": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic cryoablation of lesion of colon", "Fibreoptic endoscopic cryotherapy to lesion of colon", "Fiberoptic endoscopic cryoablation of lesion of colon", "Fiberoptic endoscopic cryotherapy to lesion of colon", "纤维内镜结肠病变冷冻消融术", "纤维内镜冷冻消融术治疗结肠病变", "纤维内镜冷冻治疗结肠病变" ], "313447006": [ "Absolute CD3 count", "Absolute CD3 count procedure", "绝对 CD3 计数", "绝对 CD3 计数程序" ], "84071008": [ "Internal fixation of phalanges of foot", "足趾骨内固定" ], "311612001": [ "Auditory discrimination exercises", "听觉辨别练习" ], "316002": [ "Partial dacryocystectomy", "部分泪囊切除术" ], "65852005": [ "Lysis of adhesions of fallopian tube", "Salpingolysis", "Peritubal adhesiolysis", "输卵管松解术", "输卵管粘连松解术", "输卵管周围粘连松解术" ], "307942000": [ "Removal of bone anchored hearing aid", "移除骨锚式助听器" ], "178705008": [ "Primary closed reduction spinal fracture and external fixation", "一期闭合复位脊柱骨折及外固定" ], "47633009": [ "Suture of facial nerve, intratemporal, with grafting", "颞骨内面神经缝合及移植" ], "176870002": [ "Endoscopic cryotherapy to lesion of uterus", "子宫病变的内镜冷冻治疗" ], "1209062008": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to second and third diagonal branches of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to second and third diagonal branches of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to second and third diagonal branches of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to second and third diagonal branches of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉前降支第二、三对角支的顺序吻合", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉前降支的第二和第三对角支", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至左冠状动脉前降支第二、三对角支的序贯吻合术", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉前降支的第二和第三对角支" ], "306107006": [ "Referral to adult intensive care service", "Referral to adult ITU", "转诊至成人 ITU", "转诊至成人重症监护服务" ], "125883007": [ "Hemipatellectomy", "半髌骨切除术" ], "173200000": [ "Open drainage of the mediastinum", "纵隔开放引流" ], "713872007": [ "Single-port laparoscopic cholecystectomy", "单孔腹腔镜胆囊切除术" ], "122213002": [ "Herpes simplex virus culture", "单纯疱疹病毒培养" ], "171365002": [ "Food-handler medical examination", "食品处理人员体检" ], "236901008": [ "Endoscopic myomectomy", "内镜肌瘤切除术" ], "302437009": [ "Operation on skin wound", "皮肤创伤手术" ], "185914003": [ "Hormone replacement monitoring verbal invite", "激素替代监测口头邀请" ], "5690004": [ "Incision of seminal vesicle", "Seminal vesiculotomy", "Spermatocystotomy", "精囊切开术" ], "103994004": [ "C^x^ blood group antibody identification", "C^x^血型抗体鉴定" ], "22074007": [ "Excision of fistula of lacrimal gland", "Fistulectomy of lacrimal gland", "泪腺瘘切除术", "泪腺瘘管切除术" ], "415290007": [ "Removal of drug coated stent", "移除药物涂层支架" ], "315151001": [ "Measles antibody level", "麻疹抗体水平" ], "446223002": [ "Hand-assisted laparoscopic right colectomy", "Laparoscopic hand-assisted laparoscopic right colectomy", "腹腔镜手助腹腔镜右半结肠切除术", "手助腹腔镜右半结肠切除术" ], "413455003": [ "Adrenocorticotrophic hormone precursor level", "Adrenocorticotrophic hormone precursor measurement", "促肾上腺皮质激素前体测定", "促肾上腺皮质激素前体水平" ], "69391004": [ "Layer closure of wounds of extremities", "四肢伤口分层缝合" ], "233231004": [ "Division of superior vena cava with end-to-side anastomoses of both ends to the right pulmonary artery with isolation from right atrium", "分离上腔静脉,两端进行端侧吻合,与右肺动脉隔离,并与右心房隔离" ], "167695006": [ "Stool sample - parasitology", "粪便样本-寄生虫学" ], "428004000": [ "Insertion of hearing implant into middle ear", "将听力植入物插入中耳" ], "116708001": [ "Polymorphonuclear leukocyte count", "Polymorphonuclear leucocyte count", "多形核白细胞计数" ], "231396000": [ "Radiofrequency destruction of nerves and ganglia", "RF - Radiofrequency destruction of nerves and ganglia", "RF——射频破坏神经和神经节", "射频破坏神经和神经节" ], "1263588004": [ "Reconstruction of breast using pedicled lateral intercostal artery perforator flap", "Reconstruction of breast using pedicled LICAP (lateral intercostal artery perforator) flap", "带蒂肋间外侧动脉穿支皮瓣乳房再造术", "使用带蒂 LICAP(外侧肋间动脉穿支)皮瓣进行乳房重建" ], "18404006": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of ulnar artery by arm incision", "手臂切口尺动脉导管取栓术" ], "65721004": [ "Closed reduction of separation of epiphysis of fibula", "腓骨骨骺分离闭合复位" ], "442553005": [ "Measurement of chloride in peritoneal fluid specimen", "腹腔液标本中氯化物的测量" ], "229561005": [ "Faradism therapy", "感应疗法" ], "14734007": [ "Administrative procedure", "Administrative procedures", "行政程序" ], "31118007": [ "Intracranial phlebectomy", "颅内静脉切除术" ], "127587000": [ "Closed reduction of fracture AND application of splint", "闭合复位骨折并使用夹板" ], "391566007": [ "Serum chromium level", "血清铬水平" ], "43832000": [ "Transection of pudendal nerve", "阴部神经切断术" ], "764728005": [ "Doppler ultrasonography guided marking of skin over small saphenous vein", "Marking of skin over small saphenous vein using Doppler ultrasonographic guidance", "使用多普勒超声引导对小隐静脉皮肤进行标记", "多普勒超声引导下小隐静脉皮肤标记" ], "305976005": [ "Referral from care of the elderly physician", "Referral from geriatrician", "Referral by geriatric medicine physician", "Referral by geriatrician", "Referral by care of the elderly physician", "老年病学专家转诊", "老年护理医生转诊", "老年医学医师转诊", "老年医生转诊" ], "431531000124101": [ "Health literacy assessment", "健康素养评估" ], "74765001": [ "Lymphocyte count", "淋巴细胞计数" ], "173069005": [ "Closure of tracheocutaneous fistula", "气管皮肤瘘的闭合" ], "122082006": [ "Rotavirus antigen assay", "轮状病毒抗原检测" ], "171234009": [ "Nephropathy screening", "肾病筛查" ], "169399001": [ "Radiochemotherapy via oral route", "口服放化疗" ], "103863003": [ "Blood group typing A>1<", "血型分型A>1<" ], "710071003": [ "Management of peritoneal dialysis", "腹膜透析的管理" ], "21943005": [ "Hot water bath hydrotherapy", "Hot water baths treatment", "热水浴治疗", "热水浴水疗" ], "87479006": [ "Bronchoscopy with tracheal dilation", "支气管镜检查及气管扩张" ], "185783007": [ "Stress monitoring verbal invite", "压力监测口头邀请" ], "431543008": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of dialysis fistula using fluoroscopic guidance", "Percutaneous embolization of dialysis fistula using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下透析瘘经皮栓塞术" ], "234935009": [ "Irrigation of gingival operculum", "龈盖冲洗" ], "233100002": [ "Transluminal closure of ventricular septal defect using prosthesis", "TL - Transluminal closure of ventricular septal defect", "Transluminal closure of ventricular septal defect using device", "Percutaneous transluminal closure of defect of interventricular septum using prosthesis", "TL - 室间隔缺损腔内封堵术", "使用装置进行室间隔缺损腔内封堵", "室间隔缺损腔内修补术", "经皮腔内人工室间隔缺损封堵术" ], "83809000": [ "Renal calicectomy", "肾盏切除术" ], "1889001": [ "Patient transfer, in-hospital, unit-to-unit", "患者转院、院内转院、病房间转院" ], "229430003": [ "Mobilisation of laryngeal structure", "Mobilization of laryngeal structure", "喉部结构的活动", "喉部结构的移动" ], "65590007": [ "Diagnostic radiography with contrast media by injection, positive contrast, postoperative", "注射造影剂诊断放射线照相术、阳性对比剂、术后" ], "1179702008": [ "Reconstruction of nipple using local skin flap and acellular dermal matrix", "Reconstruction of nipple using local skin flap and ADM (acellular dermal matrix)", "局部皮瓣与脱细胞真皮基质重建乳头", "使用局部皮瓣和 ADM(脱细胞真皮基质)重建乳头" ], "702731000": [ "Answering patient preoperative questions", "回答患者术前问题" ], "276747001": [ "Uncinectomy and polypectomy", "钩突切除术和息肉切除术" ], "14603002": [ "Apnea monitor surveillance", "Apnoea monitor surveillance", "呼吸暂停监测" ], "391435004": [ "Percentage CD79B count", "CD79B 计数百分比" ], "112907004": [ "Fitting of external prosthetic device on penis", "Application of support for penis", "阴茎外部假体安装", "阴茎支撑装置的应用" ], "424203006": [ "Physical therapy education, guidance and counseling", "Physical therapy education, guidance and counselling", "Physical therapy care teaching, guidance and counseling", "Physical therapy care teaching, guidance and counselling", "物理治疗护理教学、指导和咨询", "物理治疗教育、指导和咨询" ], "440587008": [ "Revision of aqueous shunt to extraocular reservoir", "眼外储液器房水分流术的修订" ], "782816002": [ "Oral fluid substance level", "Measurement of substance in oral fluid", "口腔液体中物质的测量", "口腔液体物质水平" ], "78304005": [ "Pituitary gonadotropin measurement", "Pituitary gonadotrophin measurement", "垂体促性腺激素测量" ], "41866000": [ "Repair of muscle by direct suture", "直接缝合修复肌肉" ], "172938001": [ "Pharyngolaryngo-esophagectomy", "Pharyngolaryngo-oesophagectomy", "Pharyngolaryngoesophagectomy", "咽喉食管切除术" ], "287626008": [ "Therapeutic aspiration - spinal cyst", "治疗性抽吸 - 脊柱囊肿" ], "385930009": [ "Pressure ulcer Stage 4 care management", "Manage pressure ulcer Stage 4 care", "Management of care of pressure injury stage IV", "压疮第 4 阶段护理管理", "压力性损伤IV期的护理管理", "管理压疮 第 4 阶段护理" ], "1172362009": [ "Management of composition of infant formula", "婴儿配方奶粉成分管理" ], "121951007": [ "Candida albicans antibody assay", "Measurement of Candida albicans antibody", "白色念珠菌抗体检测", "白色念珠菌抗体测量" ], "169268000": [ "Volumetry", "体积测定" ], "185652004": [ "Adult screen - 2nd call", "Adult screening - second call", "成人筛查 - 第二次呼叫", "成人筛查 - 第二次来电" ], "234804004": [ "Fixation of restoration to dental implant", "将修复体固定到牙种植体上" ], "265737008": [ "Disarticulation of the tarsal bones", "跗骨脱臼" ], "232969009": [ "Cardiac support using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circuitry", "ECMO - Cardiac support using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circuitry", "使用体外膜氧合回路进行心脏支持", "ECMO - 使用体外膜氧合回路进行心脏支持" ], "444126002": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of temazepam in saliva specimen", "Quantitative measurement of temazepam in saliva specimen", "唾液标本中替马西泮质量浓度的定量测定", "唾液样本中替马西泮的定量测定" ], "394974003": [ "Insulin IgE antibody level", "Insulin immunoglobulin E antibody level", "胰岛素免疫球蛋白 E 抗体水平", "胰岛素 IgE 抗体水平" ], "50910004": [ "C1q deviation test", "C1q 偏差测试" ], "409523000": [ "Standard respiratory precautions", "标准呼吸预防措施" ], "231134008": [ "Musculocutaneous nerve block", "Local anaesthetic musculocutaneous nerve block", "Local anesthetic musculocutaneous nerve block", "局部麻醉肌皮神经阻滞", "肌皮神经阻滞" ], "229299002": [ "Relaxed breathing", "放松呼吸" ], "180147005": [ "Triple arthrodesis for correction of congenital deformity of foot", "三关节融合术矫正足部先天畸形" ], "16555501000119102": [ "CT guided injection of celiac plexus", "Injection of celiac plexus using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided injection of coeliac plexus", "Injection of coeliac plexus using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下腹腔神经丛注射", "CT 引导下腹腔神经丛注射", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行腹腔神经丛注射" ], "394221000119102": [ "Ultrasonography for fetal biophysical profile without non-stress testing", "Ultrasound scan for fetal biophysical profile without non-stress testing", "Ultrasonography for feotal biophysical profile without non-stress testing", "无需无应激试验即可进行胎儿生物物理检查", "无需无压力测试即可进行胎儿生物物理特征超声扫描" ], "30856002": [ "Back disease and deformity rehabilitation", "背部疾病及畸形康复" ], "473224005": [ "Gout medication review", "痛风药物评论" ], "139501000119109": [ "Aftercare for osteoporotic fracture of vertebra", "骨质疏松性脊椎骨折的后期护理" ], "407688007": [ "Caged bird feathers specific IgE antibody measurement", "Caged bird feathers specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "笼养鸟羽毛特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "笼养鸟羽毛特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "440456008": [ "Fluoroscopy of pleural cavity with contrast", "胸膜腔造影透视检查" ], "307549001": [ "Cochlear prosthesis procedure", "人工耳蜗手术" ], "303879000": [ "Radionuclide study of abdomen", "腹部放射性核素检查" ], "238343003": [ "Previous chest wall incision - debridement", "既往胸壁切口 - 清创" ], "385799004": [ "Allergic reaction control assessment", "Assess allergic reaction control", "评估过敏反应控制情况", "过敏反应控制评估" ], "23516001": [ "Alpha-n-acetylglucosaminidase measurement, fibroblasts", "α-n-乙酰葡萄糖胺酶测量,成纤维细胞" ], "252892001": [ "Peritoneal equilibration test", "PET - Peritoneal equilibration test", "PET-腹膜平衡试验", "腹膜平衡试验" ], "121820004": [ "Nitrosonaphthol measurement", "亚硝萘酚测定" ], "398513000": [ "Hepatitis C nucleic acid assay", "Hepatitis C nucleic acid detection", "丙型肝炎核酸检测" ], "1119409003": [ "Fitting of upper right unilateral removable partial denture", "右上单侧可摘局部义齿安装" ], "234673006": [ "Surgical removal of impacted tooth", "手术拔除阻生牙" ], "413062000": [ "Serum intrinsic growth factor 1 measurement", "Serum intrinsic growth factor 1 level", "血清内在生长因子 1 水平", "血清内在生长因子 1 测量" ], "118150001": [ "Gastrointestinal tract excision", "胃肠道切除术" ], "85382001": [ "Manipulation of joint adhesions of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节粘连的治疗" ], "265606003": [ "Therapeutic aspiration of hydrocele", "鞘膜积液抽吸治疗" ], "52614004": [ "Transplantation of finger for replacing absent thumb, same hand", "Transfer of digit to replace absent thumb, same hand", "用手指移植来代替缺失的拇指,同一只手", "手指移植手术代替缺失拇指,同一只手" ], "232838006": [ "Autograft aortic valve replacement", "自体主动脉瓣置换术" ], "445830006": [ "Retrograde catheterisation of ureter", "Retrograde catheterization of ureter", "输尿管逆行插管" ], "429446009": [ "Vascular catheterization", "Insertion of vascular catheter", "Insertion of catheter into blood vessel", "Vascular catheterisation", "血管导管插入术", "将导管插入血管", "血管导管插入" ], "263771001": [ "Gridiron incision", "McBurney's incision", "格栅切口", "麦氏切口" ], "36230009": [ "Psychologic desensitization, implosion", "Psychologic desensitisation, implosion", "心理脱敏、内爆" ], "16371000202105": [ "Assessment of confusion", "混乱程度评估" ], "443995002": [ "Measurement of Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 antigen", "甲型流感病毒 H1N1 亚型抗原测定" ], "18011004": [ "Instillation of bladder", "Instillation of urinary bladder", "膀胱灌注" ], "231003007": [ "Repair of spinal myelomeningocele using distant flap", "Repair of spinal cord meninges for dysraphism using distal tissue flap", "远端皮瓣修复脊髓脊膜膨出", "使用远端组织瓣修复脊髓脑膜闭合不全" ], "180016001": [ "Amputation of phalanx of finger", "手指指骨截除术" ], "737072001": [ "Open repair of strangulated incisional hernia", "嵌顿性切口疝的开放式修补术" ], "278320003": [ "Acoustic reflectometry", "声学反射仪" ], "243717001": [ "Provision of spectacle low vision aid - near", "Provision of eyeglass low vision aid - near", "提供近视眼镜辅助器", "提供眼镜式低视力辅助器 - 近距离" ], "276485002": [ "Injection vasectomy", "Male sterilisation by injection", "Male sterilization by injection", "注射绝育", "注射输精管切除术" ], "717018000": [ "Assessment using Phonological Awareness Profile", "使用语音意识档案进行评估" ], "63493009": [ "Incision and drainage of tunica vaginalis", "鞘膜切开引流" ], "28890002": [ "Repair of traumatic diaphragmatic hernia, chronic", "慢性创伤性膈疝的修复" ], "391173009": [ "Plasma carnitine level", "血浆肉碱水平" ], "438490000": [ "Transluminal dilation of aqueous outflow canal", "房水流出道腔内扩张术" ], "178181008": [ "Secondary repair tendon using graft - second stage of two-stage procedure", "使用移植物进行二次修复肌腱 - 两阶段手术的第二阶段" ], "1290458000": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of ankle joint region", "踝关节区域骨骼的普通 X 光检查" ], "45274003": [ "Closure of enterostomy of small intestine with resection and anastomosis", "小肠造口切除吻合术" ], "59823004": [ "Repair of fistula of scrotum", "Closure of fistula of scrotum", "阴囊瘘管缝合术", "阴囊瘘修补术" ], "698799005": [ "Respiratory therapy by control of atmospheric pressure", "通过控制气压进行呼吸治疗" ], "287364001": [ "Arteriovenous anastomosis", "动静脉吻合术" ], "31950003": [ "Removal of caliper tongs from skull", "从头骨中取出卡尺钳" ], "303748006": [ "Digestive system contrast procedure", "消化系统造影程序" ], "713348007": [ "Bronchial thermoplasty", "Thermoplasty of bronchus", "支气管热成形术" ], "270980008": [ "Plasma C-reactive protein level", "Plasma C-reactive protein measurement", "血浆 C 反应蛋白水平", "血浆 C 反应蛋白测量" ], "172676009": [ "Myringotomy and insertion of short-term grommet", "Gs - Short-term grommet insertion", "Myringotomy and insertion of short-term tympanic ventilation tube", "鼓膜切开术及短期鼓室通气管插入术", "Gs - 短期索环插入", "鼓膜切开术和短期通气管插入术" ], "105305002": [ "Prazepam measurement", "普拉西泮测量" ], "121689004": [ "Tacrine measurement", "他克林测量" ], "252761005": [ "Computerized EMG analysis", "Quantitative EMG analysis", "Computerised EMG analysis", "Quantitative electromyography analysis", "计算机化肌电图分析", "定量肌电图分析" ], "119854000": [ "Breast closure", "乳房闭合" ], "21550001": [ "Fine needle biopsy of ureter", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of ureter", "输尿管细针活检", "输尿管细针穿刺活检" ], "56153009": [ "Reconstruction of radial head", "桡骨头重建" ], "7001008": [ "Incision of lingual frenum", "Division of frenulum of tongue", "Tongue tie operation", "Lingual frenotomy", "Incision of lingual fraenum", "Frenotomy of tongue", "Release of tongue-tie", "舌系带手术", "舌系带切开术", "舌系带的划分", "舌系带松解术" ], "118019001": [ "HIV 1 identification", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 identification", "Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 identification", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型鉴定", "HIV 1 鉴定", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV-1 鉴定" ], "314627002": [ "Endoscopic injection haemostasis of duodenal ulcer", "Endoscopic injection hemostasis of duodenal ulcer", "内镜十二指肠溃疡注射止血术", "十二指肠溃疡内镜注射止血术" ], "169006009": [ "Fluoroscopy - intestine -small", "荧光透视检查 - 肠道 - 小" ], "134403003": [ "Urgent referral", "紧急转诊" ], "183555005": [ "Burns referral", "烧伤转诊" ], "412931006": [ "24hr urine arginine output measurement", "24hr urine arginine output", "24小时尿精氨酸排出量", "24小时尿液精氨酸排出量测定" ], "232707004": [ "Removal of foreign body from airway", "FB - Removal of foreign body from airway", "清除气道异物", "FB-清除气道异物" ], "363779003": [ "Genotype determination", "Genotype", "基因型", "基因型测定" ], "265475009": [ "Plastic repair of pulmonary valve", "肺动脉瓣整形修复" ], "34264006": [ "Intraoperative colonoscopy", "Operative endoscopy of colon", "Operative colonoscopy", "结肠手术内镜检查", "手术结肠镜检查", "术中结肠镜检查" ], "83416007": [ "Cauterization of round ligament", "Cauterisation of round ligament", "Cauterisation of round ligament of uterus", "Cauterization of round ligament of uterus", "子宫圆韧带烧灼术", "圆韧带烧灼术" ], "443864008": [ "Quantitative measurement of histamine in serum or plasma specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of histamine in serum or plasma specimen", "血清或血浆标本中组胺质量浓度的定量测定", "血清或血浆样本中组胺的定量测量" ], "230872008": [ "Torkildsen operation", "Torkildsen ventriculocisternostomy", "Torkildsen脑室池吻合术", "托基尔森手术" ], "179885007": [ "Revision arthroscopic xenograft ligament replacement", "关节镜异种移植韧带置换术" ], "178050002": [ "Revision of palmar fasciectomy", "掌侧筋膜切除术的修正" ], "440194003": [ "Angulation periarticular osteotomy", "成角关节周围截骨术" ], "79746006": [ "Single valve replacement with commissurotomy of another valve", "单瓣膜置换术联合另一瓣膜分离术" ], "391042008": [ "Planned mental health assessment - Full day : day care", "计划心理健康评估 - 全天:日间护理" ], "700503001": [ "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for calcific tendinopathy of shoulder", "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for calcific tendinitis of shoulder", "体外冲击波碎石治疗肩关节钙化性肌腱炎", "体外冲击波碎石治疗肩关节钙化性肌腱病" ], "225367003": [ "Toileting regime", "如厕习惯" ], "716887009": [ "Fluid input management", "液体输入管理" ], "1255724003": [ "Radiotherapy plan of treatment", "Radiotherapy treatment plan", "放射治疗计划" ], "76076008": [ "Amalgam restoration, three surfaces, permanent", "汞合金修复,三面,永久性" ], "174380009": [ "Biopsy of perianal lesion", "肛周病变活检" ], "287233001": [ "Anterior chamber foreign body removal by magnet", "磁铁取出前房异物" ], "713217002": [ "Education about epilepsy and driving", "关于癫痫和驾驶的教育" ], "72406003": [ "Bleeding time", "Bleeding time - observation", "出血时间", "出血时间 - 观察" ], "236246004": [ "Operation for female bladder neck obstruction", "Operation for obstruction of female urinary bladder neck", "女性膀胱颈梗阻手术" ], "252630005": [ "Kinetic platform test", "Kinetic plate test", "动力学平台测试", "动力学板试验" ], "105174006": [ "Erythromycin measurement", "红霉素测量" ], "432854007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of thumb", "Magnetic resonance imaging of thumb", "MRI of thumb", "拇指 MRI", "拇指磁共振成像 (MRI)", "拇指磁共振成像" ], "121558007": [ "Doxapram measurement", "多沙普仑测量" ], "168875001": [ "Splenography", "脾脏造影" ], "1217451002": [ "Suture of periosteum of sternum", "胸骨骨膜缝合" ], "709547001": [ "Computed tomography of sacroiliac joint with contrast", "CT of sacroiliac joint with contrast", "骶髂关节增强 CT 检查", "骶髂关节增强计算机断层扫描" ], "119723005": [ "Accessory sinus closure", "副鼻窦闭合" ], "725931007": [ "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography of whole body using sodium fluoride (18-F)", "PET CT of whole body using sodium fluoride (18-F)", "氟化钠全身 PET CT(18-F)", "使用氟化钠(18-F)进行正电子发射断层扫描和全身计算机断层扫描" ], "68736000": [ "Quantitative microbial culture, surface streak method", "定量微生物培养,表面划线法" ], "265344001": [ "Bypass of oesophagus", "Bypass of esophagus", "食管绕道手术" ], "117888003": [ "Avian pox virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Fowlpox virus antibody", "鸡痘病毒抗体测定", "禽痘病毒抗体检测" ], "35968005": [ "Excision of malignant lesion of face and ear", "面部及耳部恶性病变切除术" ], "232576007": [ "Change of cricothyroidotomy tube", "环甲膜切开管更换" ], "429184008": [ "Securing endotracheal tube using holder", "使用支架固定气管插管" ], "65066001": [ "Diagnostic radiography with contrast media by injection, positive contrast, operative", "注射造影剂诊断放射线照相术、阳性对比剂、手术" ], "704042003": [ "Non-invasive cardiac output monitoring", "Noninvasive cardiac output monitoring", "无创心输出量监测" ], "359978008": [ "Repair of pouch of Douglas", "Repair of rectouterine pouch", "Culdoplasty", "椎管成形术", "直肠子宫陷凹修复术", "道格拉斯囊修复" ], "736810009": [ "Education for spermicidal contraceptive", "杀精子避孕教育" ], "177919004": [ "Repair of anterior abdominal wall with distant flap", "远端皮瓣修复腹前壁" ], "274388001": [ "Diagnostic aspiration of cyst", "囊肿诊断性抽吸" ], "225236002": [ "Religaturing umbilical cord", "重新结扎脐带" ], "276223009": [ "Plastic excision of skin", "皮肤整形切除" ], "716756004": [ "Percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of neoplasm of liver using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of neoplasm of liver", "Percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of tumour of liver using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of tumor of liver using computed tomography guidance", "经皮不可逆电穿孔消融肝肿瘤计算机断层扫描引导", "经皮不可逆电穿孔消融肝肿瘤使用计算机断层扫描引导", "CT引导下经皮不可逆电穿孔消融治疗肝肿瘤" ], "241620005": [ "Cardiac MRI", "MRI of heart", "Magnetic resonance imaging of heart", "心脏 MRI", "心脏磁共振成像" ], "405460007": [ "Femoro-tibio-peroneal artery bypass with vein", "股骨-胫骨-腓骨动脉旁路移植术" ], "1290196008": [ "Injection of lesion of duodenum", "Injection of duodenal lesion", "十二指肠病变注射" ], "370857000": [ "Transporting according to individual needs", "Transports according to individual needs", "根据个人需求进行运输", "根据个人需求运输" ], "174249002": [ "Open cryotherapy to lesion of rectum", "直肠病变的开放式冷冻治疗" ], "305321005": [ "Admission by vascular surgeon", "血管外科医生入院" ], "762238003": [ "Attention to nasogastric tube", "鼻胃管注意事项" ], "713086005": [ "Prophylactic internal fixation of humerus using metal nail", "Prophylactic nailing of humerus", "肱骨预防性金属钉内固定", "预防性肱骨钉固定" ], "74110005": [ "Anesthesia for femoral artery ligation", "Anaesthesia for femoral artery ligation", "股动脉结扎术麻醉" ], "8574009": [ "Platelet estimate", "血小板估计" ], "252499002": [ "Detailed occlusal analysis using study models", "使用研究模型进行详细的咬合分析" ], "105043006": [ "2,6 toluenediamine measurement", "2,6甲苯二胺测定" ], "449107008": [ "Care of central venous catheter", "中心静脉导管的护理" ], "414504000": [ "Injection of steroid into plantar fascia", "足底筋膜注射类固醇" ], "121427008": [ "Pentoxifylline measurement", "己酮可可碱测量" ], "21288003": [ "Strapping of knee", "Knee strapping", "膝盖绑带" ], "234280004": [ "Fine needle aspiration of supraclavicular lymph node", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of supraclavicular lymph node", "FNA (fine needle aspiration) of supraclavicular lymph node", "锁骨上淋巴结细针穿刺", "锁骨上淋巴结细针穿刺 (FNA)", "锁骨上淋巴结细针穿刺活检" ], "1332008005": [ "Total excision of rib", "Total resection of rib", "全肋切除术", "肋骨全切除术" ], "4904006": [ "Dilation of anal sphincter under nonlocal anesthesia", "Dilation of anal sphincter under nonlocal anaesthesia", "非局部麻醉下肛门括约肌扩张术" ], "119592007": [ "Neck repair", "颈部修复" ], "445437001": [ "Core needle biopsy of breast using palpation guidance", "触诊引导下进行乳房芯针活检" ], "183293004": [ "Training of coordination", "Coordination training", "协调训练", "协调性训练" ], "609277005": [ "Removal of implant from tibia", "从胫骨取出植入物" ], "117757007": [ "HTLV 1 p19 antibody assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 p19 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 protein 19 antibody", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒1蛋白19抗体的测定", "HTLV 1 p19 抗体检测", "人类 T 细胞淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 p19 抗体检测" ], "83154001": [ "Excision of lesion of prostate", "前列腺病变切除术" ], "443602007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain using isotropic resolution", "MRI of brain using isotropic resolution", "采用各向同性分辨率进行脑部磁共振成像", "采用各向同性分辨率进行脑部 MRI 检查" ], "785831002": [ "Transplant of cornea of left eye", "左眼角膜移植" ], "64935002": [ "Excision of branchial cleft vestige", "鳃裂痕迹切除术" ], "261543004": [ "Ligation of descending vein", "降静脉结扎" ], "767612001": [ "Intrafascial vaginal total hysterectomy", "Total hysterectomy via vaginal approach using intrafascial technique", "采用筋膜内技术经阴道全子宫切除术", "筋膜内阴道全子宫切除术" ], "408999009": [ "Adolescent care education", "Teach adolescent care", "青少年关爱教育", "教导青少年护理" ], "46716003": [ "Microalbuminuria measurement", "Urine microalbumin", "Urine microalbumin level", "尿微量白蛋白", "尿微量白蛋白水平", "微量白蛋白尿测量" ], "865916003": [ "Assessment using Bakas Caregiving Outcomes Scales", "Assessment using BCOS (Bakas Caregiving Outcomes Scales)", "使用 Bakas 护理结果量表进行评估", "使用 BCOS(Bakas 护理结果量表)进行评估" ], "390780008": [ "Thyroid hormone measurement", "甲状腺激素测量" ], "177788009": [ "Open drainage of pleural cavity", "Eloesser procedure", "Eloesser 手术", "胸腔开放引流" ], "175953004": [ "Endoscopic laser fragmentation of renal calculus", "内镜激光碎石术" ], "12113005": [ "Scleral buckling with vitrectomy", "巩膜扣带术联合玻璃体切除术" ], "405329006": [ "Injection of sclerosing agent into thigh vein", "Sclerotherapy of thigh vein", "大腿静脉注射硬化剂", "股静脉硬化治疗" ], "241489004": [ "HYCOSY - Hysterosalpingo contrast sonography", "US hysterosalpingogram", "Hysterosalpingo contrast sonography", "子宫输卵管造影超声检查", "子宫输卵管造影", "HYCOSY - 子宫输卵管造影超声检查" ], "225105004": [ "Collection of stool specimen", "Taking faecal sample", "Taking fecal sample", "采集粪便样本", "粪便标本采集" ], "59430003": [ "Incision and drainage of hematoma of ankle", "Incision and drainage of haematoma of ankle", "踝部血肿切开引流术" ], "43046004": [ "Suture of Tenon's capsule", "Suture of Tenon capsule", "Tenon 囊缝合术" ], "75814005": [ "Erysiphake extraction of cataract by inferior temporal route", "颞下入路白内障摘除术" ], "450811002": [ "Maintenance of battery of cardiac pacemaker system", "心脏起搏器系统电池的维护" ], "303355006": [ "Biers block", "Local anesthetic intravenous regional block", "LA - Local anaesthetic intravenous regional block", "LA - Local anesthetic intravenous regional block", "Local anaesthetic intravenous regional block", "LA - 局部麻醉静脉区域阻滞", "比尔块", "局部麻醉静脉区域阻滞" ], "41211006": [ "D-lactate measurement, urine", "尿液 D-乳酸测量" ], "252368002": [ "B-cell cross-match", "B细胞交叉配型" ], "72144004": [ "External drainage of pseudocyst of pancreas", "胰腺假性囊肿外引流术" ], "711120006": [ "Facilitation of acceptance of aging", "促进接受衰老" ], "39376007": [ "Manual reduction of internal abdominal hernia", "Manual relief of incarcerated internal hernia", "嵌顿性内疝的手动释放", "腹内疝手法复位术" ], "104912008": [ "Pyrimidine-5'-nucleotidase measurement", "嘧啶-5'-核苷酸酶测量" ], "37541000": [ "Radiography of retroperitoneum", "Retroperitoneal X-ray", "腹膜后 X 线检查", "腹膜后 X 线摄影" ], "121296007": [ "3-Hydroxypalmitoylcarnitine measurement", "3-羟基棕榈酰肉碱测量" ], "86693001": [ "Autopsy review for teaching", "教学剖析审查" ], "397989004": [ "Conjunctivodacryocystostomy", "Anastomosis of lacrimal sac to conjunctival sac", "结膜泪囊造口术", "泪囊与结膜囊吻合术" ], "840357006": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of knee", "膝关节脱位闭合复位" ], "447141009": [ "Endoscopic ethmoidectomy", "Endoscopic excision of ethmoid sinus", "内镜筛窦切除术" ], "265082003": [ "Laparoscopic oocyte recovery", "腹腔镜卵母细胞回收" ], "609146004": [ "Revision of internal fixation of phalanx", "指骨内固定修复" ], "314234005": [ "First stage Dacron mesh keratoprosthesis", "First stage polyethylene terephthalate mesh keratoprosthesis", "第一期聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯网状角膜假体", "第一期涤纶网状角膜假体" ], "1103000": [ "Transcrural mobilization of stapes", "Transcrural mobilisation of stapes", "经腿镫骨松动术" ], "83023002": [ "Chemolysis of spinal canal structure", "椎管结构化学溶解" ], "81188004": [ "Transcatheter therapy", "Transcatheter therapeutic procedure", "经导管治疗", "经导管治疗程序" ], "392484005": [ "Cephalosporium acremonium specific IgE antibody measurement", "m202 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cephalosporium acremonium specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "m202 特异性IgE抗体测量", "顶头孢霉特异性IgE抗体测定", "顶头孢霉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "359716006": [ "Transverse wedge excision of lip with primary closure", "唇横向楔形切除术及一期缝合" ], "228644005": [ "Industrial therapy", "IT - Industrial therapy", "工业治疗", "IT-工业治疗" ], "408868007": [ "Respiratory rate taking management", "Manage respiration", "Manage respiratory rate taking", "呼吸频率管理", "管理呼吸频率", "管理呼吸" ], "243193007": [ "Penicillin desensitisation therapy", "Penicillin desensitization therapy", "青霉素脱敏治疗", "青霉素脱敏疗法" ], "388814001": [ "p1 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ascaris specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ascaris specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "蛔虫特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "蛔虫特异性IgE抗体测定", "p1特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "239523001": [ "Arthroplasty of interphalangeal joint of lesser toe", "小趾指间关节置换术" ], "306894009": [ "Faradic nerve stimulation to shoulder", "肩部法拉第神经刺激" ], "1222563003": [ "Implantation of dental zygomatic implant into zygoma", "Implantation of dental zygomatic implant into zygomatic bone", "将颧骨种植体植入颧骨内", "颧骨种植体植入术" ], "173987006": [ "Reduction of prolapse of ileostomy", "减少回肠造口脱垂" ], "450680005": [ "Aspiration of intervertebral disc", "椎间盘抽吸术" ], "1237112006": [ "Revision parotidectomy", "Revision of excision of parotid gland", "Re-excision of tumor of parotid gland", "Excision of tumour of parotid gland", "Excision of neoplasm of parotid gland following previous partial parotidectomy", "Reexcision of neoplasm of parotid gland", "Re-excision of tumour of parotid gland", "腮腺切除术修正术", "腮腺部分切除术后的腮腺肿瘤切除术", "腮腺切除术", "腮腺肿瘤再切除术", "腮腺肿瘤切除术" ], "57464005": [ "Medical examination under hypnosis", "催眠状态下的医学检查" ], "417912007": [ "Doppler ultrasound scan of iliac and femoral arteries", "Doppler ultrasonography of iliac and femoral arteries", "髂动脉和股动脉多普勒超声扫描", "髂动脉和股动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "39245003": [ "Child guidance education", "儿童辅导教育" ], "252237004": [ "Thiamine pyrophosphate enhancement test", "TPP - Thiamine pyrophosphate enhancement test", "硫胺素焦磷酸增强试验", "TPP - 硫胺素焦磷酸增强试验" ], "72013005": [ "Revision of scar of skin with excision", "Excision of skin scar", "切除皮肤疤痕", "切除皮肤疤痕修复" ], "170317006": [ "Second typhoid vaccination", "Administration of second dose of typhoid vaccine", "Second typhoid immunization", "Second typhoid immunisation", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi antigen", "注射第二剂仅含伤寒沙门氏菌亚种血清型抗原的疫苗产品", "第二次伤寒免疫", "第二次伤寒疫苗接种", "接种第二剂伤寒疫苗" ], "4642002": [ "Removal of inflatable penile prosthesis, with pump, reservoir and cylinders", "取出可充气阴茎假体,包括泵、储液器和气缸" ], "250402006": [ "Blood group antibody titre", "Blood group antibody titer measurement", "Blood group antibody titer", "Blood group antibody titre measurement", "血型抗体滴度", "血型抗体滴度测量" ], "609015000": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from peritoneum", "腹膜标本的显微镜检查" ], "133879001": [ "Monitoring of patient temperature", "Monitors body temperature", "T - Patient temperature monitoring", "Patient temperature monitoring", "监测患者体温", "T - 患者体温监测", "患者体温监测", "监测体温" ], "363255004": [ "Paracentesis of eye", "眼部穿刺术" ], "232183005": [ "Insertion of bone anchors for subcutaneous bone anchored hearing aid", "BAHA 1 procedure", "BAHA - Insertion of anchors for subcutaneous bone anchored hearing aid", "BAHA - Insertion of anchors for percutaneous bone anchored hearing aid", "Insertion of bone anchors for percutaneous bone anchored hearing aid", "插入皮下骨锚式助听器骨锚", "经皮骨锚式助听器骨锚的插入", "BAHA - 经皮骨锚式助听器锚的插入", "BAHA 1 手术", "BAHA - 皮下骨锚式助听器锚的插入" ], "183031006": [ "Provision of artificial arm", "提供假肢" ], "443340003": [ "Radionuclide cardiac study for detection of right to left lung shunt", "放射性核素心脏检查检测右向左肺分流" ], "410572008": [ "Intravitreal steroid injection", "Injection of steroid via intravitreal route", "玻璃体内注射类固醇" ], "81057001": [ "Destruction of hemorrhoids, internal and external", "Destruction of haemorrhoids, internal and external", "消除内痔和外痔", "破坏内痔和外痔" ], "359585004": [ "Ileojejunal bypass", "回肠空肠绕道手术" ], "310433008": [ "Well man monitoring invitation", "健康人监测邀请" ], "275830000": [ "Reverse barrier nursing", "逆向屏障护理" ], "406902000": [ "New fuchsin stain method", "New fuchsin stain", "新的品红染色方法", "新品红染色" ], "767350003": [ "Anastomosis of left epididymis to left vas deferens", "Left epididymovasostomy", "左侧输精管附睾吻合术", "左附睾与左输精管吻合术" ], "392353009": [ "t73 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Australian palm specific IgE antibody measurement", "Casuarina equisetifolia specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Casuarina equisetifolia specific IgE antibody measurement", "t73 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "木麻黄特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "木麻黄特异性IgE抗体测定", "澳洲棕榈特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "44619000": [ "Wedge resection of bilateral ovaries", "Wedge resection of both ovaries", "双侧卵巢楔形切除术" ], "243062008": [ "Anaesthetic procedure explained", "Anesthetic procedure explained", "Anesthetic procedure education", "Anaesthetic procedure education", "Anesthesia procedure education", "Anaesthesia procedure education", "Anaesthesia procedure explained", "Anesthesia procedure explained", "麻醉程序讲解", "麻醉程序教育" ], "241227002": [ "Selective pulmonary arteriogram", "Selective angiography of pulmonary artery", "Selective arteriography of pulmonary artery", "肺动脉选择性血管造影", "选择性肺动脉造影" ], "388683004": [ "Mackerel specific IgE antibody measurement", "Scomber scombrus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf206 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Scomber scombrus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鲭鱼特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rf206 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "鲐鱼特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "239392000": [ "Removal of graft from bone of face", "移除面部骨骼移植物" ], "273995009": [ "Primary excision thoracic intervertebral disc", "胸椎间盘初次切除术" ], "173856005": [ "Bypass of duodenum", "十二指肠绕道手术" ], "1255200007": [ "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with radiofrequency ablation of oesophagus", "EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) with RFA (radiofrequency ablation) of esophagus", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with radiofrequency ablation of esophagus", "OGD (oesophagogastroduodenoscopy) with RFA (radiofrequency ablation) of oesophagus", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及食管射频消融术", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查 (EGD) 和食管射频消融 (RFA)", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查 (OGD) 和食管射频消融 (RFA)" ], "26400009": [ "Labyrinthotomy, transtympanic", "经鼓室迷路切开术" ], "172021003": [ "Excision of both adrenal glands with transposition of adrenal tissue", "Excision of bilateral adrenal glands with transposition of adrenal tissue", "Bilateral adrenalectomy with transposition of adrenal tissue", "双侧肾上腺切除及肾上腺组织移位术", "切除双侧肾上腺并将肾上腺组织移位", "双侧肾上腺切除术及肾上腺组织移位术" ], "122869004": [ "Measurement", "Measurement procedure", "测量", "测量程序" ], "104650000": [ "Enteroglucagon measurement", "肠胰高血糖素测量" ], "55498000": [ "Endotracheal bronchography", "Endotracheal bronchogram", "气管内支气管造影" ], "710858002": [ "Assessment of knowledge of medication regime", "用药方案知识评估" ], "71882008": [ "Operation on facial joint", "TMJ - Temporomandibular joint operation", "Temporomandibular joint operation", "面关节手术", "TMJ - 颞下颌关节手术", "颞下颌关节手术" ], "4511000": [ "Restoration, inlay, composite/resin, one surface, laboratory processed", "修复体,嵌体,复合材料/树脂,单面,实验室处理" ], "414111007": [ "Enzyme immunoassay method", "EIA method", "Enzyme immunoassay", "酶联免疫吸附测定法", "酶联免疫吸附测定", "EIA 方法" ], "19060000": [ "Cauterization of vocal cords", "Cauterisation of vocal cords", "声带烧灼" ], "608884004": [ "Removal of implant from vertebra", "从脊椎中取出植入物" ], "51828005": [ "Repair of blepharoptosis by tarsolevator resection, internal approach", "通过提睑肌切除术、内部入路修复上睑下垂" ], "66377006": [ "Radionuclide localization of tumor, limited area", "Radionuclide localisation of tumour, limited area", "肿瘤放射性核素定位,有限区域" ], "410441007": [ "Ophthalmoscopy with medical evaluation, extended, with fluorescein angiography", "眼底镜检查及医学评估,扩展,荧光血管造影" ], "277534001": [ "Percutaneous embolization of coronary artery fistula", "Percutaneous embolisation of coronary artery fistula", "冠状动脉瘘经皮栓塞术" ], "703518004": [ "Rastelli creation of conduit between right ventricle and pulmonary artery", "Rastelli 在右心室和肺动脉之间建立导管" ], "31774006": [ "Steinberg operation, revision of gastric anastomosis", "斯坦伯格手术,胃吻合口修复" ], "177395002": [ "Distant microvascular transferred flap, axial pattern", "Distant free flap, axial pattern", "远端游离皮瓣,轴向模式", "远处微血管转移皮瓣,轴向模式" ], "439539006": [ "Percutaneous embolization of arteriovenous fistula of spinal dura using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of arteriovenous fistula of spinal dura using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "透视引导下经皮硬脊膜动静脉瘘栓塞术" ], "29939009": [ "Ferguson operation, herniorrhaphy", "弗格森手术、疝修补术" ], "79091009": [ "Fixed appliance therapy for interceptive orthodontic treatment", "固定矫治器治疗阻断性正畸治疗" ], "306632007": [ "Discharge from orthoptics service", "退出视轴矫正服务" ], "108189003": [ "Abdomen excision", "腹部切除术" ], "173725005": [ "Open extirpation of lesion of stomach", "胃病灶切开术" ], "8050000": [ "Preparation of detailed report for patient's disability including corrective recommendations", "准备患者残疾的详细报告,包括矫正建议" ], "237426000": [ "McKissock mastopexy", "Mastopexy vertical bipedicle technique", "麦基索克乳房固定术", "乳房固定术垂直双蒂技术" ], "401266006": [ "Referral to drug abuse counsellor", "Referral to drug abuse counselor", "转介给药物滥用顾问", "转介给药物滥用咨询师" ], "235591000": [ "Laser therapy of ampullary tumor", "Laser therapy of ampullary tumour", "壶腹部肿瘤的激光治疗" ], "448583006": [ "High dose opiate anaesthesia", "High dose opiate anesthesia", "高剂量阿片类麻醉" ], "104519008": [ "Androsterone measurement", "雄酮测量" ], "168220000": [ "Sample parasitology general", "寄生虫学样本" ], "4380007": [ "Transposition of vulvar tissue", "外阴组织移位" ], "313841001": [ "Plasma conjugated bilirubin level", "Plasma conjugated bilirubin measurement", "血浆结合胆红素水平", "血浆结合胆红素测量" ], "117233006": [ "Fouchet stain method", "Fouchet stain", "Fouchet 染色法", "Fouchet 染色" ], "68081006": [ "Orthopedic class in walking training, musculoskeletal", "Orthopaedic class in walking training, musculoskeleta", "Orthopedic class in walking re-education, musculoskeletal", "Orthopaedic class in walking re-education, musculoskeletal", "步行训练、肌肉骨骼矫形课程", "步行训练、肌肉骨骼矫形课", "步行再教育、肌肉骨骼矫形课程" ], "115398001": [ "CD4+ Lymphocyte antigen detection", "Detection of lymphocytes positive for CD4 antigen", "检测 CD4 抗原阳性淋巴细胞", "CD4+淋巴细胞抗原检测" ], "710006": [ "Thromboendarterectomy with graft of mesenteric artery", "血栓内膜切除术及肠系膜动脉移植术" ], "410310007": [ "Skin care teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Skin care teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Skin care education, guidance, and counseling", "Skin care education, guidance, and counselling", "皮肤护理教育、指导和咨询", "皮肤护理教学、指导和咨询" ], "443078008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of lumbosacral plexus", "MRI of lumbosacral plexus", "腰骶丛磁共振成像", "腰骶丛 MRI" ], "392091000": [ "Care regimes assessment", "Assess health care", "护理制度评估", "评估医疗保健" ], "31643000": [ "Angiography of upper extremity arteries with serialography", "Arteriography of upper extremity arteries with serialography", "上肢动脉血管造影及序列造影", "上肢动脉造影及序列造影" ], "277403003": [ "Minimal masking level for tinnitus", "MML - Minimal masking level for tinnitus", "MML - 耳鸣的最低掩蔽水平", "耳鸣的最低掩蔽水平" ], "736155004": [ "Education for liver failure", "Liver failure education", "肝功能衰竭教育", "肝衰竭教育" ], "64411004": [ "Hepatitis C antibody measurement", "HCV antibody measurement", "Anti HCV measurement", "Hepatitis C antibody level", "丙型肝炎抗体水平", "HCV 抗体检测", "抗 HCV 检测", "丙型肝炎抗体测量" ], "177264006": [ "Excision of sweat gland-bearing skin of groin", "腹股沟汗腺皮肤切除术" ], "765253000": [ "Dynamic radionuclide imaging of liver using radioisotope", "使用放射性同位素对肝脏进行动态放射性核素显像" ], "175429003": [ "Reconstruction of axillary artery with vein graft", "静脉移植重建腋动脉" ], "306501004": [ "Discharge by lymphedema care nurse", "Discharge by lymphoedema care nurse", "淋巴水肿护理护士出院" ], "44357005": [ "Lead measurement, quantitative", "铅测量,定量" ], "716101005": [ "Discussion about telehealth monitoring", "Discussion about remote health monitoring", "远程健康监测探讨", "关于远程医疗监测的讨论" ], "372037007": [ "Implementation of latex allergy precautions", "Implements latex allergy precautions as needed", "Latex allergy precautions", "Latex precautions", "实施乳胶过敏预防措施", "乳胶注意事项", "乳胶过敏预防措施", "根据需要采取乳胶过敏预防措施" ], "173594000": [ "Attention to connection of oesophagus", "Attention to bypass of esophagus", "Attention to connection of esophagus", "Attention to bypass of oesophagus", "注意食道连接", "注意食管绕道手术" ], "781637006": [ "2-thio-thiazolidine-4-carboxylic-acid measurement", "2-sulfanylidene-1,3-thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid measurement", "2-硫代噻唑烷-4-羧酸测量", "2-硫亚甲基-1,3-噻唑烷-4-羧酸测量" ], "9754005": [ "Repair of laceration of sclera with synchronous repair of conjunctiva", "巩膜裂伤修复术及结膜同步修复" ], "1287706006": [ "Consultation for menopause", "更年期咨询" ], "1304090006": [ "Decompression fasciotomy of four compartments of lower leg", "小腿四个部位的减压筋膜切开术" ], "57071006": [ "Sympathectomy", "Excision of sympathetic nerve", "Resection of sympathetic nerve", "Smithwick operation", "Surgical sympathectomy", "交感神经切除术", "交感神经切除", "Smithwick 行动", "外科交感神经切除术" ], "401135008": [ "Health education - asthma", "Asthma education", "健康教育 - 哮喘", "哮喘教育" ], "432068001": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of tibial artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of tibial artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "胫动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "胫动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术" ], "104388006": [ "Endocrine receptor assay", "内分泌受体检测" ], "235460008": [ "Marsupialization of liver abscess", "Marsupialisation of liver abscess", "肝脓肿袋形缝合术", "肝脓肿袋形成形术" ], "430233003": [ "Biopsy of lower limb", "下肢活检" ], "413849003": [ "CyA mono level", "Ciclosporin measurement, monoclonal", "CyA 单核细胞增多症", "环孢素测量,单克隆" ], "86169007": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into sphenopalatine ganglion", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into sphenopalatine ganglion", "Local anaesthetic sphenopalatine ganglion block", "Local anesthetic sphenopalatine ganglion block", "Sphenopalatine ganglion block", "局部麻醉蝶腭神经节阻滞", "蝶腭神经节注射麻醉剂", "蝶腭神经节阻滞" ], "84334000": [ "Open reduction of fracture of fibula with internal fixation", "腓骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "67950002": [ "Osteotomy of tarsal", "Osteotomy of tarsal bone", "Incision of tarsal bone", "跗骨切开术", "跗骨截骨术" ], "115267000": [ "Specimen description", "标本描述" ], "737859001": [ "Education about internal cardiac defibrillator", "关于心脏内置除颤器的教育" ], "82499005": [ "Radiography of nasolacrimal duct", "鼻泪管X线摄影" ], "31512000": [ "Shaving of benign lesion with chemical cauterization", "Paring of benign lesion with chemical cauterization", "Shaving of benign lesion with chemical cauterisation", "Paring of benign lesion with chemical cauterisation", "用化学烧灼法切除良性病变", "用化学烧灼法刮除良性病变" ], "410179009": [ "Universal precautions assessment", "Assess universal precautions", "普遍预防措施评估", "评估普遍预防措施" ], "64280007": [ "Fitting of artificial limb", "Fitting of prosthesis or prosthetic device of limb", "装配假肢或肢体假肢装置", "假肢安装" ], "1293080007": [ "Plain X-ray of vault of skull", "颅骨穹窿普通 X 光检查" ], "439277001": [ "Repair of pseudoaneurysm of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘假性动脉瘤修补术" ], "699586000": [ "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography of liver using yttrium 90 microspheres", "使用钇90微球对肝脏进行正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描" ], "175298001": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of ascending aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta", "紧急用主动脉对主动脉吻合术置换升主动脉瘤段" ], "715970002": [ "Computed tomography of small intestine with contrast", "CT of small intestine with contrast", "Computed tomography enterography", "CT enterography", "小肠增强计算机断层扫描", "小肠增强 CT", "计算机断层小肠造影", "肠道CT造影" ], "306370003": [ "Referral to teacher of the deaf", "转介给聋哑教师" ], "404674004": [ "Secondary piggyback lens implantation", "二次背驮式晶状体植入" ], "27842006": [ "Radical excision of lymph nodes", "Radical lymphangiectomy", "根治性淋巴管切除术", "淋巴结根治切除术" ], "386455001": [ "Surveillance: community", "监测:社区" ], "288151005": [ "Bone fixation traction", "骨固定牵引" ], "763287008": [ "Hospital review", "Review at hospital", "医院复查", "医院回顾" ], "401004000": [ "Peak expiratory flow rate monitoring", "峰值呼气流量监测" ], "433772004": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of superficial femoral artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of superficial femoral artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "用造影剂插入支架移植物进行股浅动脉荧光镜动脉造影", "股浅动脉荧光血管造影及植入支架" ], "269932004": [ "Fluid sample lipase level", "Fluid sample lipase measurement", "流体样品脂肪酶测量", "液体样品脂肪酶水平" ], "171628006": [ "Repair of facial nerve (VII)", "面神经修复(VII)" ], "24172008": [ "Crisis intervention", "Crisis therapy", "危机治疗", "危机干预" ], "120641002": [ "Allergen identification", "过敏原识别" ], "708630000": [ "Open drainage of liver abscess", "Open drainage of abscess of liver", "肝脓肿开腹引流" ], "104257009": [ "Microbial antigen assay by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) method", "Microbial antigen assay by enzyme immunoassay method", "酶联免疫吸附测定(EIA)法微生物抗原测定", "酶联免疫吸附法检测微生物抗原" ], "118806004": [ "Procedure on coronary arteries", "冠状动脉手术" ], "233494008": [ "Simple suture of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘简易缝合术" ], "231659003": [ "Lateral rectus advancement", "Lateral rectus readvancement", "外直肌再推进术", "外直肌推进" ], "313579004": [ "Urine methamphetamine measurement", "Urine metamphetamine level", "尿液甲基苯丙胺测量", "尿液甲基苯丙胺水平" ], "229824005": [ "Putting patient in a position", "Positioning patient", "Positions patient", "Positioning", "Positioning therapy", "Positioning treatments and procedures", "定位治疗和程序", "患者定位", "定位", "让患者处于适当位置", "定位治疗", "患者体位" ], "719509001": [ "Bupropion therapy", "安非他酮治疗" ], "408213002": [ "Absolute CD16 count", "绝对 CD16 计数" ], "47765003": [ "Repair of pleuroperitoneal fistula", "Closure of pleuroperitoneal fistula", "胸腹膜瘘闭合", "胸腹膜瘘的修补" ], "732223007": [ "Urine specimen collection, 72 hours", "尿液样本采集,72 小时" ], "699455008": [ "Operative procedure on axilla", "腋窝手术" ], "44095009": [ "Removal of dental implant", "移除牙种植体" ], "306239008": [ "Referral to SSD customer services", "Referral to social services department customer services", "转介至 SSD 客户服务", "转介至社会服务部门客户服务" ], "27711007": [ "Destructive procedure on heart", "心脏破坏性手术" ], "288020000": [ "Retroperitoneal adhesions freeing", "腹膜后粘连松解" ], "386324008": [ "Hope instillation", "灌输希望" ], "237033005": [ "Repair of uterine scar dehiscence", "子宫疤痕裂开的修复" ], "1285609007": [ "Assessment for intimate partner abuse", "亲密伴侣虐待评估" ], "122345009": [ "Hepatitis C virus 100-3 antibody assay", "Measurement of Hepatitis C virus recombinant protein C 100-3 antibody", "丙型肝炎病毒重组蛋白C100-3抗体测定", "丙型肝炎病毒 100-3 抗体检测" ], "104126003": [ "White blood cell count, automated, synovial fluid", "白细胞计数,自动化,滑液" ], "22206003": [ "Application of dressing, occlusive plastic", "敷料、封闭塑料的应用" ], "448190006": [ "Partial excision of esophagus and anastomosis of esophagus to jejunum", "Partial excision of oesophagus and anastomosis of oesophagus to jejunum", "Partial esophagectomy and anastomosis of esophagus to jejunum", "Partial oesophagectomy and anastomosis of oesophagus to jejunum", "食管部分切除及食管空肠吻合术", "食管部分切除及食管与空肠吻合术" ], "54974006": [ "Insertion of permanent pacemaker with transvenous electrodes, ventricular", "Initial insertion of transvenous pacemaker electrode leads into ventricle", "Initial insertion of electrode into ventricle of heart", "经静脉起搏器电极导线首次插入心室", "首次将电极插入心室", "植入经静脉电极、心室永久起搏器" ], "284350006": [ "Diabetes mellitus diet education", "糖尿病饮食教育" ], "87742009": [ "Gas endarterectomy of abdominal artery", "腹部动脉气体内膜切除术" ], "118675001": [ "Procedure on female genital system", "女性生殖系统手术" ], "397203005": [ "Clamp and cautery of haemorrhoids", "Clamp and cautery of hemorrhoids", "痔疮钳夹和烧灼" ], "14381000087104": [ "Injection of right sacroiliac joint using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided injection of right sacroiliac joint", "超声引导下右骶髂关节注射" ], "84072001": [ "Transposition of pterygium", "McReynolds operation", "Dissection of pterygium with reposition", "麦克雷诺兹行动", "翼状胬肉切除复位", "翼状胬肉移位" ], "313448001": [ "Absolute CD8 count procedure", "Absolute CD8 count", "绝对 CD8 计数", "绝对 CD8 计数程序" ], "10541000087107": [ "Excision of left hemidiaphragm", "Left hemidiaphragm excision", "左半膈肌切除术" ], "1296488003": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis", "紧急吻合术治疗动脉瘤性股动脉置换术" ], "2861000087109": [ "MRI of bilateral elbows with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral elbows with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both elbows with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right elbow with contrast", "左、右肘部磁共振成像对比", "双肘部磁共振成像对比", "双侧肘部增强 MRI 检查", "双侧肘部增强磁共振成像" ], "1581000087106": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral calves", "Ultrasound of left and right calf", "Ultrasound scan of both calves", "左、右小腿超声检查", "双侧小腿的超声波扫描", "双侧小腿超声检查" ], "4141000087109": [ "Plain X-ray of bilateral wrists", "Plain X-ray of left and right wrist", "Plain X-ray of both wrists", "双腕部普通 X 光检查", "双侧腕部普通 X 光检查", "左、右手腕的普通 X 光检查" ], "737597005": [ "Allograft of skin to skin of neck", "颈部皮肤异体移植" ], "311613006": [ "Auditory identification exercises", "听觉识别练习" ], "33085008": [ "Orbital venography", "眼眶静脉造影" ], "80402001": [ "Insertion of implantable venous access port", "Insertion of TIVAD (totally implantable venous access device)", "植入 TIVAD(全植入式静脉通路装置)", "植入式静脉通路端口的插入" ], "47634003": [ "Repair of congenital arteriovenous fistula of extremity", "先天性肢体动静脉瘘的修补术" ], "275175000": [ "Exploration of skin wound or burn", "皮肤伤口或烧伤探查" ], "307943005": [ "Injection of intralesional steroid into larynx", "Injection of steroid into lesion of larynx", "喉部病灶内注射类固醇", "喉部病变处注射类固醇" ], "439015006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal coil embolization of cerebral aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal coil embolisation of cerebral aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal coil embolisation of cerebral aneurysm with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal coil embolization of cerebral aneurysm with contrast", "经皮腔内线圈栓塞术治疗脑动脉瘤", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内线圈栓塞治疗脑动脉瘤", "荧光造影引导下经皮腔内线圈栓塞治疗脑动脉瘤" ], "699324001": [ "Repair of round window", "圆窗维修" ], "306108001": [ "Refer to paediatric ITU", "Referral to pediatric intensive care service", "Refer to pediatric ITU", "Referral to paediatric intensive care service", "转诊至儿科重症监护服务", "请参阅儿科 ITU" ], "43964008": [ "Anesthesia for radical resection of shoulder", "Anaesthesia for radical resection of shoulder", "肩关节根治性切除术的麻醉" ], "175036008": [ "Revision of bypass for coronary artery", "冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "271505003": [ "Reduction of fracture of femur with internal fixation", "股骨骨折复位内固定" ], "1303697004": [ "Assessment using Robson's Ten Group Classification System", "Assessment using Robson Ten Group Classification System", "Assessment using Robson TGCS (Ten Group Classification System)", "Assessment using Robsons Ten Group Classification System", "使用罗布森十组分类系统进行评估", "使用 Robson TGCS(十组分类系统)进行评估", "使用 Robson 十组分类系统进行评估" ], "236902001": [ "Vaginal myomectomy", "阴道肌瘤切除术" ], "302438004": [ "Exploration of wound of skin", "皮肤伤口探查" ], "122214008": [ "Helicobacter pylori culture", "幽门螺杆菌培养" ], "56678009": [ "Repair of nonunion of scaphoid bone with radial styloidectomy", "桡骨茎突切除术修复舟骨骨不连" ], "185915002": [ "Hormone replacement monitoring telephone invite", "激素替代监测电话邀请" ], "103995003": [ "V blood group antibody identification", "V血型抗体鉴定" ], "431675003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of coronary graft using contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of coronary graft using contrast", "使用造影剂进行冠状动脉移植的荧光镜动脉造影", "使用造影剂进行冠状动脉移植的荧光血管造影" ], "710203005": [ "Fluoroscopy guided therapeutic contrast enema for reduction of intussusception of colon", "Therapeutic contrast enema for reduction of intussusception of colon using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下造影灌肠治疗结肠套叠" ], "415291006": [ "Repeat dispensing at designated pharmacy", "在指定药房重复配药" ], "36624001": [ "Gastrointestinal blood loss study by stool counting", "通过粪便计数研究胃肠道失血量" ], "233232006": [ "Maintenance of ductus arteriosus patency", "Maintenance of arterial duct patency as a shunt", "维持动脉导管通畅", "维持动脉导管分流通畅" ], "315152008": [ "Meningococcal IgG level", "Meningococcal immunoglobulin G level", "脑膜炎球菌免疫球蛋白 G 水平", "脑膜炎球菌 IgG 水平" ], "446224008": [ "Computed tomography triple phase study of kidney", "CT triple phase study of kidney", "肾脏CT三期研究", "肾脏计算机断层扫描三期研究" ], "2021001": [ "Internal fixation of radius and ulna without fracture reduction", "桡骨、尺骨骨折未复位内固定" ], "18405007": [ "Iridectomy with corneal section, optical", "虹膜切除术和角膜切片,光学" ], "82106000": [ "Bacterial antibiogram analysis", "细菌抗生素图谱分析" ], "311482001": [ "Posterior spinal instrumentation", "后路脊柱内固定" ], "116709009": [ "Bone marrow myeloid-erythroid ratio determination", "骨髓髓系-红系比例测定" ], "67557008": [ "Laparoscopic cholecystectomy with exploration of common duct", "腹腔镜胆囊切除术及胆总管探查" ], "442554004": [ "Guaiac test for occult blood in faeces specimen", "Guaiac test for occult blood in feces specimen", "愈创木脂检测粪便样本中的潜血", "愈创木脂试验检测粪便样本中的潜血" ], "231397009": [ "Radiofrequency destruction of scar neuroma", "瘢痕神经瘤的射频毁损术" ], "229562003": [ "Faradic foot bath", "法拉第足浴" ], "113039000": [ "Osmotic fragility", "RBC osmotic fragility", "红细胞渗透脆性", "渗透脆性" ], "391567003": [ "Oral fluid cocaine level", "口腔液体可卡因水平" ], "178575007": [ "Revision decompression and fusion thoracic spine", "胸椎减压融合术" ], "176740000": [ "Colposcopic removal of foreign body from vagina", "阴道镜下取出阴道异物" ], "307812002": [ "Prosthetic augmentation of ligament", "韧带假体增强术" ], "127588005": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation AND application of cast", "闭合复位脱位及石膏固定" ], "76601001": [ "Intramuscular injection", "IM - Intramuscular injection", "IMI - Intramuscular injection", "IM-肌肉注射", "肌肉注射", "IMI-- 肌肉注射" ], "305977001": [ "Referral by infectious diseases physician", "Referral from infectious diseases physician", "传染病医生转诊", "传染病医生的推荐" ], "225892009": [ "Revision of arteriovenous shunt for renal dialysis", "肾透析动静脉分流术的修正" ], "11065007": [ "Nasoenteric tube removal", "鼻肠管拔除" ], "74766000": [ "Slitting of prepuce", "Preputiotomy", "Prepucotomy", "Slitting of prepuce of penis", "包皮环切术", "包皮切开术", "阴茎包皮切开术" ], "27449007": [ "Removal of embolus from intracranial artery", "Intracranial embolectomy", "Embolectomy of intracranial artery", "颅内栓塞切除术", "颅内动脉栓塞取出", "颅内动脉栓塞切除术" ], "287758005": [ "Vasotomy and foreign body removal", "输精管切开术和异物去除" ], "173070006": [ "Removal of granulation tissue from tracheostomy", "气管切开术中肉芽组织去除" ], "23779000": [ "Crystal identification, urine", "晶体鉴定,尿液" ], "1268963001": [ "Group consultation", "团体咨询" ], "40163002": [ "Extraction of secondary membrane with capsulectomy", "Extraction of after cataract with capsulectomy", "通过囊切除术提取次级膜", "后发性白内障摘除术" ], "122083001": [ "Saccharomonospora viridis antibody assay", "Measurement of Saccharomonospora viridis antibody", "绿色糖单孢菌抗体测定", "绿色糖单孢菌抗体的测量" ], "72931008": [ "Fibrin split products, precipitation", "纤维蛋白裂解产物、沉淀" ], "185784001": [ "Stress monitoring telephone invite", "压力监测电话邀请" ], "431544002": [ "Percutaneous aspiration thrombectomy of dialysis fistula using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮透析瘘血栓抽吸术" ], "437381000124100": [ "Decreased phosphorus diet", "减少磷饮食" ], "234936005": [ "Major salivary gland operation", "大唾液腺手术" ], "284088004": [ "Gill operation", "鳃部手术" ], "651141000124102": [ "Education about intimate partner violence service", "关于亲密伴侣暴力服务方面的教育" ], "169400008": [ "Radiochemotherapy via intravenous route", "Radiochemotherapy via IV (intravenous) route", "静脉注射放化疗", "静脉放化疗" ], "103864009": [ "Blood group typing A>3<", "血型类型A>3<" ], "6021000124103": [ "Targeted medication therapy review", "靶向药物治疗回顾" ], "233101003": [ "Operation on ventricular septal patch", "室间隔补片手术" ], "54712009": [ "Watson-Jones operation for hip fusion", "沃森-琼斯髋关节融合手术" ], "85645002": [ "Repair of scleral staphyloma", "巩膜葡萄肿的修复" ], "429709006": [ "Referral by osteopath", "整骨医生转诊" ], "20109005": [ "Electrolytes measurement, serum", "Serum electrolytes", "电解质测量,血清", "血清电解质" ], "313186001": [ "Referral to breast clinic", "转诊至乳腺门诊" ], "18274005": [ "Reopening of iris in anterior chamber of eye", "眼前房虹膜重新开放" ], "165730006": [ "Transferrin saturation index", "Transferrin saturation", "Transferrin saturation measurement", "Transferrin iron saturation", "Serum iron to TIBC ratio", "Percentage iron saturation", "Serum transferrin saturation", "转铁蛋白饱和度测量", "血清转铁蛋白饱和度", "转铁蛋白铁饱和度", "铁饱和度百分比", "血清铁与总铁结合力比率", "转铁蛋白饱和度", "转铁蛋白饱和指数" ], "231266007": [ "Cervical sympathetic block", "颈交感神经阻滞" ], "229431004": [ "Accessory mobilization of the thyroid cartilage", "Accessory mobilisation of the thyroid cartilage", "甲状软骨的辅助活动", "甲状软骨的辅助移动" ], "262199005": [ "Telescopic bronchial anastomotic reinforcement", "伸缩式支气管吻合口加固" ], "409655005": [ "Bone marrow culture", "骨髓培养" ], "426039009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into renal artery", "Endovascular insertion of stent into renal artery", "肾动脉内支架置入", "经皮肾动脉腔内支架置入术" ], "63756002": [ "Reduction of closed trimalleolar ankle fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed trimalleolar fracture of ankle", "闭合性踝部三踝骨折手法复位", "闭合性三踝骨折的复位手法治疗" ], "391436003": [ "DRVVT correction", "Dilute Russell viper venom test (DRVVT) correction", "Dilute Russell viper venom test correction", "稀释罗素蝰蛇毒液试验 (DRVVT) 校正", "DRVVT 校正", "稀释罗素毒蛇毒液测试校正" ], "309516002": [ "Neurological therapy", "神经系统治疗" ], "440588003": [ "Endoscopic procedure on appendix", "阑尾内镜手术" ], "112908009": [ "Suture of laceration of penis", "阴茎裂伤缝合" ], "176609003": [ "Implantation of radioactive substance into vulva", "外阴植入放射性物质" ], "29153005": [ "Reattachment of joint capsule", "关节囊复位" ], "27318003": [ "KOH preparation", "Potassium hydroxide preparation", "KOH制备", "氢氧化钾制备" ], "287627004": [ "Therapeutic brain ventricular shunt aspiration", "治疗性脑室分流术" ], "1172363004": [ "Management of modular fiber formula component in infant formula", "Management of modular fibre formula component in infant formula", "婴幼儿配方奶粉中模块化纤维配方成分的管理", "婴儿配方奶粉中模块化纤维配方成分的管理" ], "271243004": [ "Serum vitamin A measurement", "Serum vitamin A level", "血清维生素 A 测量", "血清维生素 A 水平" ], "385931008": [ "Oedema control assessment", "Edema control assessment", "Assess oedema control", "Assess edema control", "水肿控制评估", "评估水肿控制情况" ], "1186912002": [ "Laparoscopic low anterior resection of rectum with construction of colostomy", "Laparoscopic low anterior excision of rectum with construction of colostomy", "Laparoscopic LAR (low anterior resection) of rectum with construction of colostomy", "腹腔镜直肠低位前切除术及结肠造口术", "腹腔镜直肠低位前切除术 (LAR) 及结肠造口术" ], "40032003": [ "Incision and exploration of tunica vaginalis", "鞘膜切开探查" ], "433248005": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of subclavian vein with contrast and insertion of stent", "锁骨下静脉荧光造影及支架置入术" ], "120117001": [ "Anterior segment of eye closure", "眼前节闭合" ], "285792009": [ "Remy separator exercises", "Remy 分离器练习" ], "234805003": [ "Insertion of maxillofacial prosthesis", "颌面假体植入" ], "169269008": [ "Blood/plasma viscosimetry", "血液/血浆粘度测定" ], "185653009": [ "Adult screening - third call", "Adult screen - 3rd call", "成人筛查 - 第三次呼叫", "成人筛查 - 第三次来电" ], "265738003": [ "Disarticulation of the tarsometatarsal joints", "Disarticulation of metatarsal bones", "跖跖关节脱位", "跖骨离断" ], "69130005": [ "Stapedectomy", "镫骨切除术" ], "232970005": [ "Cardiomyoplasty operation", "心肌成形术" ], "394975002": [ "Insulin IgG antibody level", "Insulin immunoglobulin G antibody level", "胰岛素 IgG 抗体水平", "胰岛素免疫球蛋白G抗体水平" ], "1759002": [ "Assessment of nutritional status", "Physical/nutritional assessment", "营养状况评估", "身体/营养评估" ], "83679004": [ "Aldosterone measurement", "Aldosterone level", "醛固酮水平", "醛固酮测量" ], "444127006": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of glucose in postcalorie fasting serum or plasma", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of glucose in postcalorie fasting serum or plasma specimen", "定量测量热量摄入后空腹血清或血浆样本中的葡萄糖质量浓度", "定量测量热量摄入后空腹血清或血浆中的葡萄糖质量浓度" ], "165599007": [ "Kaolin cephalin clotting time", "Kaolin cephalin clotting time procedure", "KCCT - Kaolin cephalin clotting time", "高岭土脑磷脂凝固时间测定法", "KCCT-- 高岭土脑磷脂凝固时间", "高岭土脑磷脂凝固时间" ], "16308000": [ "Beta-galactosidase measurement", "β-半乳糖苷酶测量" ], "231135009": [ "Local anesthetic intercostobrachial and medial cutaneous nerve of arm block", "Local anaesthetic intercostobrachial and medial cutaneous nerve of arm block", "Intercostobrachial and medial cutaneous nerve of arm block", "肋间臂神经及臂内侧皮神经阻滞", "局部麻醉肋间臂神经阻滞及手臂内侧皮神经阻滞" ], "868276004": [ "Third diphtheria and pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Third diphtheria and pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Administration of third dose of diphtheria and pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Third diphtheria and pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Human poliovirus antigens", "第三次白喉、百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫接种", "接种第三剂白喉、百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "第三次白喉、百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "注射第三剂仅含有百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品" ], "360372005": [ "Gastrorrhaphy for perforated gastric ulcer", "胃溃疡穿孔胃缝合术" ], "409524006": [ "Airborne precautions", "空气传播预防措施" ], "229300005": [ "Inspiratory muscle training", "吸气肌肉训练" ], "702601001": [ "Routine gynaecologic examination", "Routine gynaecology examination", "Routine gynecologic examination", "Routine gynecology examination", "常规妇科检查" ], "47241002": [ "Palpation of spleen", "脾脏触诊" ], "440457004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of plastic stent into bile duct using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮胆管腔内插入塑料支架" ], "407689004": [ "Plasma methylmalonic acid level", "Plasma 2-Methylpropanedioic acid measurement", "Plasma methylmalonic acid measurement", "Plasma 2-Methylpropanedioic acid level", "血浆 2-甲基丙二酸水平", "血浆甲基丙二酸水平", "血浆甲基丙二酸测量", "血浆 2-甲基丙二酸测量" ], "14473006": [ "Surface brachytherapy", "Surface application of radioelement", "Surface radioactive source application", "表面近距离放射治疗", "放射性元素的表面应用", "地面放射源应用" ], "473225006": [ "Hypertension medication review", "高血压药物评论" ], "112777008": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of femur", "股骨骨折闭合复位" ], "307550001": [ "Recession of rectus eye muscle", "眼直肌萎缩" ], "176478002": [ "Microsurgical epididymovasostomy", "显微外科输精管附睾吻合术" ], "63625004": [ "Deep incision with opening of bone cortex of hip joint", "深切口,打开髋关节骨皮质" ], "391305007": [ "Percentage CD10 count", "CD10 计数百分比" ], "698931001": [ "Monitoring of stoma output", "监测造口排出量" ], "16334791000119101": [ "Computed tomography of sternum without contrast", "CT of sternum without contrast", "无造影剂胸骨计算机断层扫描", "胸骨 CT 无造影" ], "16430791000119103": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of inferior vena cava with contrast with serialography", "Fluoroscopic venogram of inferior vena cava with contrast with serialography", "下腔静脉荧光镜静脉造影与序列造影对比", "下腔静脉荧光透视静脉造影与序列造影对比" ], "27187008": [ "Repair of tendon sheath by direct suture", "直接缝合修复腱鞘" ], "385800000": [ "Allergic reaction management", "Allergy management", "Allergic reaction control", "Allergic reaction care", "过敏反应护理", "过敏管理", "过敏反应控制", "过敏反应管理" ], "571591000119106": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only live attenuated Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus antigens", "Administration of live attenuated measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine", "Live attenuated measles, mumps, and rubella vaccination", "Live attenuated measles, mumps, and rubella immunisation", "Live attenuated measles, mumps, and rubella immunization", "接种减毒活麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹疫苗", "麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹减毒活疫苗免疫", "接种仅含减毒活麻疹病毒、腮腺炎正红病毒和风疹病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹减毒活疫苗" ], "414151000119108": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of chest, abdomen and pelvis without contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiogram of chest, abdomen and pelvis without contrast", "MR angiography of chest, abdomen and pelvis without contrast", "胸部、腹部和盆腔无造影磁共振血管造影", "胸部、腹部和盆腔无造影 MR 血管造影" ], "121821000": [ "Octanoate measurement", "辛酸测量" ], "7133001": [ "Psychiatric day care by day", "每日精神病护理" ], "238344009": [ "Previous chest wall incision - procedure for sinus", "先前的胸壁切口 - 鼻窦手术" ], "416733000": [ "Supine plain X-ray of abdomen", "腹部仰卧X光平片" ], "89053004": [ "Vaginal cesarean section", "Vaginal caesarean section", "阴道剖腹产", "阴道剖宫产" ], "252893006": [ "Desferioxamine test", "去铁胺试验" ], "234674000": [ "Surgical removal of impacted permanent canine tooth", "Surgical removal of impacted 3", "手术拔除阻生恒犬齿", "手术切除受影响的 3" ], "169138002": [ "Isotope distribution static scan", "同位素分布静态扫描" ], "5298004": [ "Incision and drainage of deep hematoma of thigh region", "Incision and drainage of deep haematoma of thigh region", "股部深部血肿切开引流术" ], "119986006": [ "Ureter injection", "输尿管注射" ], "314759000": [ "Japanese encephalitis vaccination", "Japanese encephalitis immunisation", "Japanese encephalitis immunization", "Administration of Japanese encephalitis vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Japanese encephalitis virus antigen", "日本脑炎免疫接种", "接种仅含日本脑炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "日本脑炎疫苗接种", "接种日本脑炎疫苗" ], "68999001": [ "Reattachment of retina by electrocoagulation", "电凝复位视网膜" ], "118151002": [ "Gastrointestinal tract injection", "Injection of gastrointestinal tract", "胃肠道注射" ], "232839003": [ "Operation on implanted aortic valve", "主动脉瓣植入手术" ], "183687002": [ "Self-referral to hospital", "自行转诊至医院" ], "445831005": [ "Partial excision of stomach and jejunal transposition and excision of intestine", "Partial gastrectomy and jejunal transposition and intestinal resection", "部分胃切除术及空肠转位术和肠切除术", "胃部分切除术、空肠转位术及肠切除术" ], "413063005": [ "Acinetobacter species screening test", "不动杆菌种筛选试验" ], "265607007": [ "Biopsy of epididymis", "附睾活检" ], "443996001": [ "Ligation of descending vertical vein", "降支垂直静脉结扎" ], "229169001": [ "Running in circles training", "Running in circles", "跑圈训练", "围着圈跑" ], "425777002": [ "Operation on cricopharyngeus muscle", "环咽肌手术" ], "16177004": [ "Orthodontic procedure", "正畸手术" ], "30726001": [ "Ultrasonic guidance for thoracentesis", "超声引导胸腔穿刺术" ], "178182001": [ "Secondary repair tendon using graft - one-stage procedure", "使用移植物进行二次修复肌腱 - 单阶段手术" ], "276486001": [ "Ligation vasectomy", "Vasoligation", "Male sterilisation by ligation of vas deferens", "Male sterilization by ligation of vas deferens", "血管结扎术", "输精管结扎术" ], "718854004": [ "Injection of steroid into trochanteric bursa", "向股骨转子滑囊注射类固醇" ], "243718006": [ "Provision of spectacle magnifier", "Provision of eyeglass magnifier", "提供眼镜放大镜" ], "47110007": [ "Complete sialoadenectomy", "Complete excision of salivary gland", "涎腺全切除术", "唾液腺完全切除" ], "176347000": [ "Open biopsy of urethral lesion", "尿道病变开放活检" ], "17101000202104": [ "Assessment of hallucinations", "幻觉评估" ], "438491001": [ "Ultrasonography of soft tissue of craniofacial region", "颅面部软组织超声检查" ], "45275002": [ "General afternoon and evening care of adult", "成人的一般下午和晚上护理" ], "717019008": [ "Assessment using Vocal Profile Analysis Scheme", "Assessment using VPAS (Vocal Profile Analysis Scheme)", "Assessment using VPA (Vocal Profile Analysis)", "使用 VPA(声音特征分析)进行评估", "使用声音特征分析方案进行评估", "使用 VPAS(声音特征分析方案)进行评估" ], "1290459008": [ "Plain X-ray of ankle region", "踝部普通 X 光检查" ], "76208001": [ "Bacterial strain typing", "细菌菌株分型" ], "10672003": [ "Minimum bactericidal concentration test, macrodilution method", "Antibiotic sensitivity, macrotube dilution", "最低杀菌浓度试验,常量稀释法", "抗生素敏感性、大管稀释" ], "698800009": [ "Respiratory therapy by control of atmospheric composition", "通过控制大气成分进行呼吸治疗" ], "238213003": [ "Reconstruction of abdominal wall using flap", "皮瓣重建腹壁" ], "270981007": [ "Serum pyruvate measurement", "Serum pyruvate level", "血清丙酮酸测量", "血清丙酮酸水平" ], "74373008": [ "Enterocentesis of small intestine", "小肠穿刺术" ], "105306001": [ "Probenecid measurement", "丙磺舒测量" ], "252762003": [ "Interference pattern EMG analysis", "Interference pattern electromyography analysis", "干扰模式肌电图分析", "干涉图肌电图分析" ], "121690008": [ "Tamoxifen measurement", "他莫昔芬测量" ], "169007000": [ "Fluoroscopy - intestine -large", "透视检查-肠道-大" ], "21551002": [ "Division of brain tissue", "脑组织分裂" ], "300079003": [ "Extraction of stone from parotid duct", "Removal of calculus from parotid duct", "腮腺管结石取出术", "腮腺管结石取出" ], "363780000": [ "Detection of urinary reducing substances", "尿液还原物质检测" ], "412932004": [ "Monomeric prolactin measurement", "Monomeric prolactin level", "单体催乳素水平", "单体催乳素测量" ], "118020007": [ "HTLV 1 AND 2 antibody band pattern determination", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 AND 2 antibody band pattern determination", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus 1 AND 2 antibody band pattern determination", "HTLV 1 和 2 抗体带型测定", "人类 T 细胞淋巴细胞病毒 1 和 2 抗体带模式测定", "人类 T 细胞淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 和 2 抗体带模式测定" ], "232708009": [ "Removal of device from airway", "从气道中移除装置" ], "1197529002": [ "Transurethral en bloc resection of bladder tumor", "EBTUR (en bloc transurethral resection) of neoplasm of bladder", "Transurethral en bloc resection of bladder tumour", "Transurethral en bloc excision of neoplasm of bladder", "Transurethral en bloc excision of neoplasm of urinary bladder", "膀胱肿瘤整块经尿道切除术 (EBTUR)", "经尿道膀胱肿瘤整块切除术" ], "230873003": [ "Revision of more than one component of ventricular shunt", "脑室分流术多个部位的修复" ], "17881005": [ "Cauterization of choroid plexus", "Cauterisation of choroid plexus", "脉络丛烧灼术" ], "787929006": [ "Direct thrombin inhibitor prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic direct thrombin inhibitor", "预防性使用直接凝血酶抑制剂", "直接凝血酶抑制剂预防" ], "442030001": [ "Evaluation of vomitus specimen", "呕吐物标本的评估" ], "443865009": [ "Quantitative measurement of barbiturate in urine specimen using GC-MS", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of barbiturate in urine specimen using gas chromatography mass spectrometry technique", "气相色谱质谱技术定量测定尿液标本中巴比妥类药物的质量浓度", "气相色谱-质谱法定量测定尿液样本中的巴比妥酸盐" ], "179886008": [ "Revision arthroscopic prosthetic ligament augmentation", "关节镜下假体韧带增强术" ], "440195002": [ "Lavage of mammary duct and sampling of mammary cytologic material", "乳腺导管灌洗及乳腺细胞学材料取样" ], "178051003": [ "Plantar fasciectomy", "Excision of plantar fascia", "足底筋膜切除术" ], "14211004": [ "CT guidance for needle biopsy", "Computed tomography guidance for needle biopsy", "CT 引导下进行针吸活检", "计算机断层扫描引导针吸活检" ], "391043003": [ "Planned mental health assessment - Part day : day care", "计划心理健康评估 - 部分日间:日间护理" ], "28760000": [ "Laryngoscopy", "Laryngotracheoscopy", "Endoscopic exploration of larynx", "Endoscopy of larynx", "喉气管镜检查", "喉内镜探查", "喉内窥镜检查", "喉镜检查" ], "45144001": [ "Aluminum measurement, blood", "Aluminium measurement, blood", "Blood aluminium", "Blood aluminum", "Blood aluminium level", "Blood aluminum level", "血铝水平", "血液中的铝含量测量", "铝测量,血液", "血铝" ], "307288003": [ "Closed reduction maxillary fracture", "闭合复位上颌骨骨折" ], "405592006": [ "Insertion of subcutaneous intravenous access reservoir", "皮下静脉输液管插入" ], "700504007": [ "Post-chemotherapy monitoring", "化疗后监测" ], "225368008": [ "Contact tracing", "CT - Contact tracing", "接触者追踪", "CT - 接触者追踪" ], "76077004": [ "Total pancreatectomy with transplantation", "全胰腺切除及移植" ], "26925005": [ "Transverse colectomy", "Resection of transverse colon", "Excision of transverse colon", "横结肠切除术" ], "434690003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of brachial artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of brachial artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "肱动脉造影及支架植入术" ], "418306005": [ "Simplify home medication routine", "简化家庭用药程序" ], "8706007": [ "Arginine tolerance test", "精氨酸耐受试验" ], "88791000": [ "Simple repair of wounds of extremities", "四肢伤口的简单修复" ], "56023004": [ "Nasal septotomy", "Incision of nasal septum", "鼻中隔切开术" ], "121559004": [ "Doxorubicin measurement", "阿霉素测量" ], "105175007": [ "Estazolam measurement", "艾司唑仑测量" ], "236247008": [ "Reconstruction of female bladder neck", "Reconstruction of female urinary bladder neck", "女性膀胱颈重建" ], "725932000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon cryoablation of pulmonary vein to left atrium conducting system", "经皮腔内球囊冷冻消融肺静脉至左心房传导系统" ], "432855008": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of symphysis pubis", "Ultrasonography of symphysis pubis", "耻骨联合超声检查" ], "252631009": [ "Gastrointestinal motor function test", "胃肠运动功能检查" ], "119724004": [ "Accessory sinus reconstruction", "副鼻窦重建" ], "709548006": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of neck", "SPECT of neck", "颈部单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "颈部 SPECT" ], "37804007": [ "Excision of lesion of parotid gland", "Excision of lesion of parotid duct", "腮腺病变切除术", "腮腺管病变切除术" ], "265345000": [ "Creation of tube oesophagostomy", "Creation of tube esophagostomy", "建立食管造口术", "建立管状食管造口术" ], "1217452009": [ "Suture of periosteum of bone of thorax", "胸骨骨膜缝合" ], "35969002": [ "Ligation of supernumerary toes", "多生趾结扎术" ], "183425000": [ "Social care", "社会关怀" ], "117889006": [ "21-Hydroxylase antibody assay", "Measurement of 21-hydroxylase antibody", "21-羟化酶抗体测定", "21-羟化酶抗体测量" ], "1366004": [ "Inhalation therapy procedure", "Breathing treatment", "吸入治疗程序", "呼吸治疗" ], "66902005": [ "Ophthalmic examination and evaluation, follow-up", "眼科检查和评估、随访" ], "50518004": [ "Division of vitreous cicatricial bands by posterior approach", "经后入路玻璃体瘢痕带分离" ], "359979000": [ "Total iron binding capacity measurement", "TIBC - Total iron binding capacity", "IBC - Iron binding capacity", "Iron binding capacity", "铁结合能力", "TIBC-总铁结合能力", "总铁结合力测量", "IBC-- 铁结合能力" ], "81451007": [ "Donaldson stereophotography", "唐纳森立体摄影" ], "179755008": [ "Extra-articular plastic replacement of intra-articular ligament", "关节内韧带的关节外整形置换" ], "704043008": [ "Endovascular insertion of plastic stent", "血管内插入塑料支架" ], "736811008": [ "Education for transdermal contraceptive patch", "透皮避孕贴教育" ], "177920005": [ "Reconstruction of skin of anterior abdominal wall using free skin flap with microvascular anastomosis", "Reconstruction of skin of anterior abdominal wall with free skin flap with microvascular anastomosis", "Reconstruction of skin of anterior abdominal wall using free cutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis", "吻合显微血管的游离皮瓣重建腹前壁皮肤", "吻合显微血管的游离皮瓣修复腹前壁皮肤" ], "440064006": [ "Marsupialisation of diverticulum of urethra", "Marsupialization of diverticulum of urethra", "尿道憩室袋形成形术" ], "700373001": [ "Repair of macular hole", "Repair of hole of macula lutea", "黄斑裂孔修复", "黄斑裂孔修补术" ], "1290197004": [ "Injection of lesion of large intestine", "大肠病变注射" ], "225237006": [ "Ligaturing umbilical cord", "结扎脐带" ], "405461006": [ "Femoro-tibio-peroneal artery bypass with prosthesis", "股骨-胫骨-腓骨动脉假体旁路手术" ], "274389009": [ "Diagnostic aspiration of ovary", "卵巢诊断性穿刺" ], "174250002": [ "Open laser destruction of lesion of rectum", "直肠病变的开放性激光毁损术" ], "305322003": [ "Admission by health care assistant", "医疗助理入院" ], "241621009": [ "MRI of abdomen", "Magnetic resonance imaging of abdomen", "腹部 MRI", "腹部磁共振成像" ], "370858005": [ "Following clinical pathway protocol", "Uses a clinical pathway", "Uses a care path", "Uses a critical path", "使用护理路径", "使用关键路径", "遵循临床路径方案", "使用临床路径" ], "713087001": [ "Removal of bone screw internal fixation device from ankle", "踝关节骨螺钉内固定装置拆除" ], "24959006": [ "Replacement of drain of vulva", "更换外阴引流管" ], "105044000": [ "2-oxoisocaproate measurement", "2-氧代异己酸测量" ], "172415009": [ "Plastic operations on cornea", "角膜整形手术" ], "121428003": [ "Pergolide measurement", "培高利特测量" ], "252500006": [ "Toluidine blue staining of oral mucosa", "口腔黏膜甲苯胺蓝染色" ], "39508008": [ "Postoperative control of hemorrhage of adenoids", "Postoperative control of haemorrhage of adenoids", "腺样体出血的术后控制" ], "234281000": [ "Fine needle aspiration of cervical lymph node", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of cervical lymph node", "颈部淋巴结细针穿刺", "颈部淋巴结细针穿刺活检" ], "1332009002": [ "Total excision of sternum", "Total resection of sternum", "胸骨全切除术" ], "119593002": [ "Trunk repair", "后备箱维修" ], "168745003": [ "Plain X-ray of thoracic aorta", "胸主动脉普通 X 光检查" ], "398121001": [ "Reversal of anaesthesia using stimulant drug", "Reversal of anesthesia using stimulant drug", "使用兴奋剂逆转麻醉" ], "1217321007": [ "Injection of trigger point", "注射触发点" ], "609278000": [ "Endoscopic destruction of tissue of stomach", "内镜胃组织破坏术" ], "54057009": [ "Laryngotracheobronchoscopy", "喉气管支气管镜检查" ], "117758002": [ "HTLV 1 p24 antibody assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 p24 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 protein 24 antibody", "人类 T 淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 p24 抗体检测", "HTLV 1 p24 抗体检测", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒1蛋白24抗体的测定" ], "265214001": [ "Surgical manipulation of ankle joint", "Manipulation of ankle joint", "踝关节操纵", "踝关节手术" ], "68606004": [ "Incision and drainage of sublingual space by intraoral approach", "经口内入路舌下间隙切开引流" ], "50387000": [ "Skin fluorescence test by Wood's light", "Woods light test", "Skin fluorescence test by Wood light", "伍兹灯试验", "伍德氏灯皮肤荧光测试", "伍德灯皮肤荧光测试" ], "443603002": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain with contrast using isotropic resolution", "MRI of brain with contrast using isotropic resolution", "采用各向同性分辨率进行脑部对比磁共振成像", "使用各向同性分辨率进行脑部对比 MRI" ], "1235008": [ "Muscle transfer", "Transfer of muscle origin", "Transfer of muscle", "肌肉转移", "肌肉起源转移", "肌肉移植" ], "427219009": [ "Anchoring of chest drain using tape", "使用胶带固定胸腔引流管" ], "359848003": [ "P-50 blood gas measurement", "P-50血气测量" ], "261544005": [ "Ligation of vertical vein", "垂直静脉结扎" ], "179624006": [ "Primary closed reduction of traumatic dislocation of joint", "创伤性关节脱位一期闭合复位" ], "409000006": [ "Adolescent care management", "Manage adolescent care", "管理青少年护理", "青少年护理管理" ], "177789001": [ "Rib resection for drainage", "Rib resection and open drainage of pleural cavity", "Excision of rib and open drainage of pleural cavity", "肋骨切除及胸腔开放引流", "肋骨切除引流" ], "13949001": [ "Fluorescent treponemal absorption test, double staining test", "FTA-ABS-DS test", "FTA-ABS-DS 测试", "荧光梅毒螺旋体吸收试验、双重染色试验" ], "79485003": [ "Removal of foreign body from muscle", "FB - Removal of foreign body from muscle", "肌肉异物去除", "FB-- 去除肌肉中的异物" ], "1259133003": [ "Fixation of fracture of bone of spine using pedicle screw instrumentation system", "Fixation of fracture of bone of spine using bone screw internal spinal fixation system", "骨螺钉内固定系统固定脊柱骨折", "椎弓根螺钉系统固定脊柱骨折" ], "390781007": [ "Insertion of auditory implant to brainstem", "将听觉植入物插入脑干" ], "405330001": [ "Hepatic artery cannula insertion", "Insertion of arterial cannula into hepatic artery", "肝动脉插管", "将动脉套管插入肝动脉" ], "225106003": [ "Bowel prep", "Bowel preparation", "Preparation of bowel for procedure", "肠道准备" ], "175954005": [ "Percutaneous nephrolithotomy without disintegration", "PCNL - Percutaneous nephrolithotomy without disintegration", "PCNL-- 无需解体经皮肾镜取石术", "经皮肾镜碎石术" ], "241490008": [ "Infertility US scan", "Infertility ultrasound scan", "不孕不育超声扫描" ], "239655006": [ "Application of skeletal traction to lower limb", "骨牵引在下肢的应用" ], "43047008": [ "Lysis of adhesions of liver", "肝粘连松解术" ], "1204476003": [ "Capsule endoscopy of large intestine", "Endoscopy of large intestine using video capsule endoscopy system", "CCE - colon capsule colonoscopy", "使用视频胶囊内窥镜系统进行大肠内窥镜检查", "CCE-- 结肠胶囊结肠镜检查", "大肠胶囊内镜检查" ], "8444004": [ "Removal of gallstones from liver", "清除肝脏胆结石" ], "303356007": [ "Local anaesthetic nerve block around spinal cord meninges", "Local anesthetic nerve block around spinal cord meninges", "脊髓脑膜周围局部麻醉神经阻滞" ], "270588008": [ "Excisional biopsy of femur", "股骨切除活检" ], "39377003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal femoropopliteal artery balloon angioplasty", "经皮腔内股腘动脉球囊血管成形术" ], "104913003": [ "Pyrophosphate crystals measurement", "焦磷酸盐晶体测量" ], "399825003": [ "Common silver birch specific IgG antibody measurement", "Betula verrucosa specific IgG antibody measurement", "Gt3 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Betula verrucosa specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "Gt3特异性IgE抗体测量", "疣皮桦特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定", "银桦树特异性 IgG 抗体测定", "疣皮桦树特异性IgG抗体测定" ], "448977003": [ "Biopsy of metacarpal bone", "掌骨活检" ], "121297003": [ "3-Hydroxypropionate measurement", "3-羟基丙酸酯测量" ], "711121005": [ "Facilitation of family ability to participate in care plan", "促进家庭参与护理计划的能力" ], "252369005": [ "Cytotoxic mixed lymphocyte test", "细胞毒性混合淋巴细胞试验" ], "709286001": [ "Epiphysiodesis of greater trochanter of femur", "Greater trochanteric epiphysiodesis of femur", "股骨大转子骨骺固定术" ], "447142002": [ "Measurement of pH of serum or plasma of fetal blood specimen", "Measurement of pH of serum or plasma of foetal blood specimen", "胎儿血液样本血清或血浆 pH 值的测量", "胎儿血液样本血清或血浆pH值的测量" ], "37542007": [ "Posttreatment stabilization, orthodontic device", "Posttreatment stabilisation, orthodontic device", "治疗后稳定、正畸装置" ], "723835000": [ "Drainage of left lower limb using computed tomography guidance", "Drainage of left lower extremity using computed tomography guidance", "Drainage of left leg using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided drainage of left lower extremity", "CT guided drainage of left leg", "Computed tomography guided drainage of left lower limb", "Computed tomography guided drainage of left lower extremity", "Computed tomography guided drainage of left leg", "CT guided drainage of left lower limb", "CT引导下左下肢引流", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行左腿引流", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行左下肢引流", "计算机断层扫描引导左下肢引流", "CT 引导下左腿引流", "计算机断层扫描引导下左腿引流" ], "397990008": [ "Analgesia for labour/delivery", "Analgesia for labor/delivery", "分娩镇痛" ], "1299110008": [ "Transportation in isolation", "隔离运输" ], "183163003": [ "Excisional biopsy of inner ear", "内耳切除活检" ], "428923005": [ "Radiotherapy to breast", "乳房放射治疗" ], "265083008": [ "Shortening of broad ligament of uterus", "子宫阔韧带缩短" ], "609147008": [ "Revision of internal fixation of vertebra", "脊椎内固定修复" ], "1104006": [ "Triad knee repair", "O'Donoghue operation", "奥多诺霍行动", "三叉膝修复" ], "17488008": [ "Irrigation by cannulation of sphenoid sinus", "Cannulation and irrigation of sphenoid sinus", "蝶窦插管冲洗", "蝶窦插管及冲洗" ], "408869004": [ "Musculoskeletal care", "肌肉骨骼护理" ], "392485006": [ "Chaetomium globosum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rm208 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chaetomium globosum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "球毛壳菌特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Chaetomium globosum 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Rm208特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "228645006": [ "Job simulation", "Work simulation", "工作模拟" ], "310565008": [ "Lyme ELISA test", "Lyme enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay test", "莱姆病酶联免疫吸附试验", "莱姆病 ELISA 检测" ], "718330001": [ "Hemodialysis care", "Haemodialysis care", "血液透析护理" ], "243194001": [ "Insulin desensitisation therapy", "Insulin desensitization therapy", "胰岛素脱敏治疗" ], "308730000": [ "Head and neck contrast procedure", "头颈部造影检查" ], "388815000": [ "Echinococcus specific IgE antibody measurement", "p2 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Echinococcus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "棘球绦虫特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "p2特异性IgE抗体测量", "棘球蚴特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "28367004": [ "Cholangiogram", "Cholangiography", "胆管造影" ], "306895005": [ "Faradic nerve stimulation to back", "法拉第神经刺激背部" ], "44751009": [ "Total abdominal colectomy with proctectomy and continent ileostomy", "全腹部结肠切除术、直肠切除术和可控回肠造口术" ], "59300005": [ "Operation on spleen", "Spleen operation", "脾脏手术" ], "239524007": [ "Prosthetic arthroplasty of interphalangeal joint of lesser toe", "小趾指间关节假体置换术" ], "42916008": [ "Application of surgically clean compresses", "手术清洁敷布的应用" ], "90233004": [ "Open reduction of open sternoclavicular dislocation, chronic, with fascial graft", "慢性开放性胸锁关节脱位切开复位联合筋膜移植" ], "41081007": [ "Recession of extraocular muscles, multiple, with advancement or resection", "眼外肌多处萎缩,伴有进展或切除" ], "1204345008": [ "Microlaryngoscopy and biopsy", "显微喉镜检查和活检" ], "450681009": [ "Aspiration of lesion of liver", "肝脏病变抽吸" ], "434297008": [ "Intraoperative fluoroscopic angiography of thoracic aorta with contrast with insertion of fenestrated tapered stent graft", "Intraoperative fluoroscopic arteriography of thoracic aorta with contrast with insertion of fenestrated tapered stent graft", "术中胸主动脉荧光造影及插入有孔锥形支架移植物", "术中胸主动脉荧光血管造影及插入有孔锥形支架移植物" ], "170318001": [ "Administration of booster dose of typhoid vaccine", "Typhoid booster immunization", "Typhoid booster vaccination", "Typhoid booster immunisation", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi antigen", "接种伤寒疫苗加强剂量", "伤寒加强疫苗接种", "注射仅含伤寒沙门氏菌亚种血清型抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量", "伤寒加强免疫" ], "448846004": [ "Application of foam dressing", "泡沫敷料的应用" ], "104782005": [ "Lipids, phospholipid phosphorus measurement", "脂质、磷脂磷测定" ], "710990008": [ "Education about fluid therapy", "液体疗法教育" ], "88398009": [ "Transurethral lysis of adhesions of bladder", "Transurethral lysis of adhesions of urinary bladder", "经尿道膀胱粘连松解术" ], "252238009": [ "Vitamin A absorption test", "维生素A吸收测试" ], "250403001": [ "Blood group antibody concentration measurement", "Blood group antibody concentration", "血型抗体浓度", "血型抗体浓度测量" ], "264952001": [ "Fenestration of pleura", "Clagett fenestration of chest wall", "Creation of pleural window", "Claget 胸壁开窗术", "胸膜窗的创建", "胸膜开窗术" ], "363256003": [ "Paracentesis of female genital tract structure", "女性生殖道结构穿刺术" ], "183032004": [ "Provision of myoelectric arm", "提供肌电手臂" ], "84728005": [ "Neurological examination", "Nervous system examination - general", "神经系统检查", "神经系统检查-一般" ], "609016004": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from peritoneum", "腹膜标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "133880003": [ "Induction of vomiting", "Induction of emesis", "催吐" ], "314104009": [ "Urine amphetamine screening test", "尿液苯丙胺筛查试验" ], "410573003": [ "Intravitreal antibiotic injection", "玻璃体内注射抗生素" ], "277666002": [ "X-ray guided biopsy", "X 射线引导活检" ], "310434002": [ "Self-referral to service", "自我推荐服务" ], "359586003": [ "Laminectomy with spinal fusion", "椎板切除术及脊柱融合术" ], "392354003": [ "Chestnut (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rt206 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Castanea sativa (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Castanea sativa (pollen) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "栗子(花粉)特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rt206 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "栗树(花粉)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "栗树(花粉)特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "441506009": [ "Measurement of amprenavir peak concentration", "安普那韦峰浓度测定" ], "243063003": [ "Postoperative procedure education", "术后程序教育" ], "1258871004": [ "Transanal total mesorectal excision", "TaTME - transanal total mesorectal excision", "TaTME-- 经肛门全直肠系膜切除术", "经肛门全直肠系膜切除术" ], "767351004": [ "Anastomosis of right epididymis to right vas deferens", "Right epididymovasostomy", "右侧输精管附睾吻合术", "右侧附睾与右侧输精管吻合术" ], "406903005": [ "Nile blue stain method", "Nile blue stain", "尼罗蓝染色法", "尼罗蓝染色" ], "273996005": [ "Revision excision thoracic intervertebral disc", "胸椎间盘切除术" ], "44620006": [ "Endarterectomy of intracranial artery", "Intracranial thromboendarterectomy", "Intracranial intimectomy", "颅内动脉内膜切除术", "颅内血栓动脉内膜切除术", "颅内动脉瘤切除术" ], "241228007": [ "Pulmonary venous wedge angiogram", "肺静脉楔形血管造影" ], "388684005": [ "f90 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Malt specific IgE antibody measurement", "Malt specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f90 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "麦芽特异性IgE抗体测定", "麦芽特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "173857001": [ "Bypass of duodenum by anastomosis of stomach to jejunum", "胃空肠吻合术十二指肠旁路手术" ], "239393005": [ "Removal of graft from maxilla", "上颌骨移植物移除" ], "1255201006": [ "USG-HIFU (ultrasound guided high intensity focused ultrasound) ablation of uterine lesion", "Ultrasound guided high intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of uterus", "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of uterus using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导高强度聚焦超声(USG-HIFU)消融子宫病变", "超声引导下高强度聚焦超声消融子宫病变" ], "434166000": [ "Percutaneous embolization of ulnar artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of ulnar artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮尺动脉栓塞术", "用荧光造影剂引导经皮尺动脉栓塞术" ], "73718004": [ "Urine protein electrophoresis", "UPEP - urine protein electrophoresis", "尿蛋白电泳", "UPEP-- 尿蛋白电泳" ], "90102008": [ "Social psychotherapy", "社会心理治疗" ], "104651001": [ "Enteropeptidase measurement", "肠肽酶测定" ], "710859005": [ "Assessment of knowledge of pain management", "疼痛管理知识评估" ], "170187006": [ "Child examination: general behavior", "Child examination: general behaviour", "儿童检查:一般行为" ], "1251531008": [ "Plain X-ray of rib", "Plain X-ray of bone structure of rib", "肋骨骨结构普通 X 光检查", "肋骨普通 X 光检查" ], "397728001": [ "Cockroach specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cockroach specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "蟑螂特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "蟑螂特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测量" ], "2677003": [ "Stripping", "剥离" ], "608885003": [ "Laparoscopic left oophorectomy", "腹腔镜左卵巢切除术" ], "445045003": [ "Change of stoma flange", "造口法兰更换" ], "313973006": [ "Plas gastric inhibitory peptide level", "Plasma gastric inhibitory peptide measurement", "血浆胃抑制肽测定", "血浆抑胃肽水平" ], "410442000": [ "Ophthalmic angiography", "Eye angiography", "Angiography of ocular blood vessel with contrast", "眼部血管造影", "眼科血管造影" ], "312138002": [ "Embolisation of uterine artery", "Embolization of uterine artery", "子宫动脉栓塞术" ], "277535000": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of bronchial artery", "Percutaneous embolization of bronchial artery", "经皮支气管动脉栓塞术" ], "82762009": [ "Ventricular shunt to circulatory system", "Ventriculovascular shunt", "Creation of ventriculovascular anastomosis", "脑室血管分流术", "脑室分流至循环系统", "建立脑室血管吻合术" ], "49994009": [ "Splanchnicotomy", "内脏切开术" ], "703519007": [ "Repair of double outlet right ventricle with anastomosis of left ventricle to aorta via ventricular septal defect and right ventricle to pulmonary trunk conduit", "左心室经室间隔缺损吻合主动脉、右心室经肺动脉干吻合术修复右心室双出口" ], "48159008": [ "Microbial culture, aerobic, initial isolation", "微生物培养、需氧、初步分离" ], "308468002": [ "Referral to coroner", "转介验尸官" ], "79092002": [ "Arthrography of shoulder", "肩关节造影" ], "29940006": [ "Plastic revision of recent operation", "近期手术整形修复" ], "439540008": [ "Percutaneous embolization of spinal arteriovenous malformation using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of spinal arteriovenous malformation using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of spinal arteriovenous malformation with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of spinal arteriovenous malformation with contrast", "透视引导下经皮脊柱动静脉畸形栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮脊髓动静脉畸形造影栓塞术" ], "44489000": [ "Cystic fibrosis carrier detection", "囊性纤维化携带者检测" ], "306633002": [ "Discharge from hospital orthoptics service", "出院视轴矫正服务" ], "77257005": [ "Leukopheresis", "Leucapheresis", "Leukapheresis", "Leukocytapheresis", "白细胞分离术" ], "60873008": [ "Transfer of toe to finger, except thumb", "脚趾移植到手指,拇指除外" ], "386718000": [ "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography", "Endoscopic retrograde choledochopancreatography", "ERCP - endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影", "ERCP-- 内镜逆行胰胆管造影术", "内镜逆行胆胰造影" ], "699849008": [ "Healthy eating education", "健康饮食教育" ], "173726006": [ "Open excision of polyp of stomach", "胃息肉切除术" ], "239262006": [ "Operation on lesion of tendon", "肌腱损伤手术" ], "401267002": [ "Telephone triage encounter", "电话分诊" ], "171891006": [ "Lumbar chemical sympathectomy", "Lumbar sympathetic chemical neurolysis", "腰椎交感神经化学神经松解术", "腰椎化学交感神经切除术" ], "22600001": [ "Creation of arteriovenous fistula with nonautogenous graft", "使用非自体移植物建立动静脉瘘" ], "237427009": [ "Mastopexy horizontal pedicle technique", "Strombeck mastopexy", "斯特龙贝克乳房固定术", "乳房固定术水平蒂技术" ], "268360001": [ "Visual testing", "视觉测试" ], "104520002": [ "Angiotensin I measurement", "血管紧张素 I 测量" ], "235592007": [ "Biopsy of duodenal papilla", "十二指肠乳头活检" ], "71752009": [ "Antibody identification, RBC antibody panel, enzyme, 1 stage technique including anti-human globulin", "Antibody identification, red blood cell antibody panel, enzyme, 1 stage technique including anti-human globulin", "抗体鉴定、红细胞抗体组、酶、1 阶段技术(包括抗人球蛋白)", "抗体鉴定、红细胞抗体组、酶、包括抗人球蛋白在内的 1 阶段技术" ], "430365002": [ "Application of short leg splint", "短腿夹板的应用" ], "708893004": [ "Removal of bone screw device from femur", "从股骨取出骨螺钉装置" ], "53533006": [ "Partial lobectomy of thyroid", "甲状腺部分叶切除术" ], "37149007": [ "Destruction of retroperitoneal cysts", "腹膜后囊肿破坏" ], "117234000": [ "Three micron giemsa stain method", "Three micron giemsa stain", "三微米吉姆萨染色法", "三微米吉姆萨染色" ], "182770003": [ "Pre-anesthetic assessment", "Pre-anaesthetic assessment", "Preanaesthesia evaluation", "PAE - pre-anaesthetic evaluation", "PAE - pre-anesthetic evaluation", "麻醉前评估", "PAE-- 麻醉前评估" ], "362994003": [ "Biopsy of immune system structure", "免疫系统结构活检" ], "68082004": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of iliac vein by abdominal and leg incision", "经腹部及腿部切口髂静脉置管取栓术" ], "313842008": [ "Serum unconjugated bilirubin measurement", "Serum unconjugated bilirubin level", "血清未结合胆红素测量", "血清未结合胆红素水平" ], "443079000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of spine of fetus", "Magnetic resonance imaging of spine of foetus", "MRI of spine of foetus", "MRI of spine of fetus", "胎儿脊柱磁共振成像", "胎儿脊柱 MRI" ], "33479006": [ "Distal subtotal pancreatectomy with splenectomy and pancreaticojejunostomy", "远端胰腺次全切除术及脾切除术和胰肠空肠吻合术" ], "441244001": [ "Home visit for cystostomy care and maintenance", "膀胱造口术护理和维护的家访" ], "179100002": [ "Revision to internal fixation(without reduction) of proximal femoral fracture with screw/nail and intramedullary device", "股骨近端骨折螺钉/钉及髓内装置内固定(未复位)翻修术" ], "736156003": [ "Education for visual impairment", "Visual impairment education", "视障教育" ], "277404009": [ "High frequency tympanometry", "高频鼓室压力测试" ], "29809003": [ "Microalbuminuria measurement, 10-hour collection, urine", "微量白蛋白尿测量,10 小时收集,尿液" ], "439409004": [ "Thoracoscopy with total pericardiectomy", "胸腔镜全心包切除术" ], "372038002": [ "Advocacy", "倡导" ], "306502006": [ "Discharge by nurse behavioural therapist", "Discharge by nurse behavioral therapist", "护士行为治疗师出院" ], "765254006": [ "Static radionuclide imaging of liver using radioisotope", "使用放射性同位素对肝脏进行静态放射性核素显像" ], "175430008": [ "Reconstruction of brachial artery with vein graft", "静脉移植重建肱动脉" ], "1287707002": [ "Consultation for hypertension", "高血压咨询" ], "173595004": [ "Revision of interposition anastomosis of esophagus", "Revision of interposition anastomosis of oesophagus", "食管间置吻合术" ], "91675004": [ "Arthroscopy of elbow with removal of foreign body", "肘关节镜检查及异物取出" ], "26139006": [ "Delayed achillorrhaphy", "延迟跟腱缝合术" ], "40688006": [ "Cannulation of duodenum", "十二指肠插管" ], "401136009": [ "Servicing equipment", "维修设备" ], "104389003": [ "Muscle sarcolemma antibody measurement", "肌肉肌膜抗体测量" ], "235461007": [ "Drainage of liver abscess", "肝脓肿引流" ], "432069009": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of renal vein using contrast with insertion of stent", "支架置入造影剂肾静脉荧光镜静脉造影" ], "413850003": [ "CyA poly level", "Ciclosporin measurement, polyclonal", "环孢菌素测量,多克隆", "CyA 多聚水平" ], "53402007": [ "Endoscopy of small intestine through artificial stoma", "经人工造口进行小肠内镜检查" ], "86170008": [ "Total repair of truncus arteriosus, one-stage", "Correction of truncus arteriosus, one-stage", "动脉干全修复,一期", "动脉干矫正术(一期)" ], "723311002": [ "Amputation of left foot", "左脚截肢" ], "444783004": [ "Screening colonoscopy", "筛查结肠镜检查" ], "84335004": [ "Anastomosis of urethra, end-to-end", "Reanastomosis of urethra", "尿道端对端吻合术", "尿道吻合术" ], "117103007": [ "Administration of human immune globulin product", "Administration of immune globulin product of human origin", "Administration of immune serum globulin, human", "施用人源免疫球蛋白产品", "注射人免疫血清球蛋白", "人类免疫球蛋白产品的给药" ], "313711009": [ "Urine oligosaccharide measurement", "Urine oligosaccharide level", "尿液寡糖测定", "尿液低聚糖水平" ], "410180007": [ "Universal precautions education", "Teach universal precautions", "教导普遍预防措施", "普及预防教育" ], "1293081006": [ "Plain X-ray of frontal sinus", "额窦普通 X 光检查" ], "228121008": [ "Post-adoption support", "收养后支持" ], "46062000": [ "Avulsion of mental nerve", "颏神经撕脱" ], "47897009": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from rectum", "直肠内异物取出" ], "78830001": [ "Resection of sternum", "胸骨切除术" ], "736025008": [ "Insertion of peritoneal pack", "Insertion of pack into peritoneal cavity", "插入腹膜填塞物", "将填塞物插入腹腔" ], "703257008": [ "Assessment of cause of psychotic and behavioral symptoms", "Assessment of cause of psychotic and behavioural symptoms", "精神病和行为症状的原因评估" ], "439278006": [ "Measurement of static venous pressure in haemodialysis vascular access", "Measurement of static venous pressure in hemodialysis vascular access", "血液透析血管通路静态静脉压的测量" ], "62446008": [ "Destructive procedure on brain", "Destruction of tissue of brain", "Ablation of brain tissue", "Destructive procedure to brain tissue", "脑组织破坏", "脑部破坏性手术", "脑组织破坏性手术", "脑组织消融" ], "60611001": [ "Vineland social maturity test", "维兰社会成熟度测试" ], "371907003": [ "Oxygen administration by nasal cannula", "鼻导管供氧" ], "306371004": [ "Referral to teacher of the hearing impaired", "转介给听障人士的老师" ], "386456000": [ "Surveillance: late pregnancy", "监测:妊娠晚期" ], "175299009": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of thoracic aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta", "紧急行主动脉对主动脉吻合术置换胸主动脉瘤段" ], "419224002": [ "Angioplasty of renal transplant using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of renal transplant with contrast", "荧光透视引导下肾移植血管成形术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行肾移植血管成形术" ], "699587009": [ "Positron emission tomography using 11c-metomidate with computed tomography", "使用 11c-甲咪唑进行正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描" ], "763288003": [ "Patient review", "患者评论" ], "304536003": [ "Advice to stop functional activity", "Recommendation to stop functional activity", "停止功能活动的建议", "建议停止功能活动" ], "58776007": [ "Autologous bone marrow transplant", "ABMT - Autologous bone marrow transplant", "Autologous bone marrow graft", "自体骨髓移植", "ABMT-自体骨髓移植" ], "9624009": [ "Tenectomy of eye", "Extraocular muscle tenectomy", "眼外肌腱切除术", "眼肌腱切除术" ], "24173003": [ "Pinch graft", "Pinch graft of skin to skin", "夹接", "皮肤对皮肤夹移植" ], "171629003": [ "Repair of acoustic nerve (VIII)", "听神经修复(VIII)" ], "448322000": [ "Bypass of popliteal artery by anastomosis of popliteal artery to peroneal artery using prosthesis", "用假体将腘动脉吻合至腓动脉,进行腘动脉旁路移植术" ], "73325008": [ "Immunoglobulin typing, Inv", "免疫球蛋白分型,Inv" ], "433773009": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of iliac vein using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "髂静脉荧光镜造影及植入支架" ], "55106003": [ "Apexcardiography", "Apex cardiography", "心尖心动图" ], "269933009": [ "Fluid sample trypsin level", "Fluid sample trypsin measurement", "液体样本胰蛋白酶水平", "液体样品胰蛋白酶测量" ], "38722003": [ "Excision of ring of conjunctiva around cornea", "Excision of conjunctival ring", "Peridectomy", "Peritectomy", "周围切除术", "结膜环切除术", "包膜切除术", "角膜周围结膜环切除术" ], "104258004": [ "Microbial antigen assay by immunoassay method", "免疫测定法检测微生物抗原" ], "69655000": [ "Auditory rotation test", "听觉旋转测试" ], "708631001": [ "Laparoscopic-assisted low anterior resection of rectum", "腹腔镜辅助直肠低位前切除术" ], "430103002": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of soft tissue", "软组织细针穿刺活检" ], "86039003": [ "Preventive dental procedure", "预防性牙科手术" ], "118807008": [ "Procedure on artery of head and neck", "头颈部动脉手术" ], "4119008": [ "Intracranial phlebectomy with anastomosis", "颅内静脉切除及吻合术" ], "233495009": [ "Exploration of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘探查" ], "18668003": [ "Excision of nasopalatine cyst", "鼻腭囊肿切除术" ], "35052002": [ "Thrombectomy and repair of venous graft", "静脉移植物血栓切除术和修复" ], "67820006": [ "Repair of fascia by suture", "缝合修复筋膜" ], "231660008": [ "Lateral rectus myotomy", "外直肌切开术" ], "426433000": [ "Reconstruction of breast with pedicle transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap", "Breast reconstruction using pedicle transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction of breast using pedicle transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap", "带蒂横腹直肌肌皮瓣乳房重建", "带蒂横腹直肌肌皮瓣乳房再造术" ], "229825006": [ "Application of padding to the foot", "脚部衬垫的应用" ], "13163006": [ "Surgical transfer with flap construction", "手术转移及皮瓣修复" ], "60480000": [ "Immunoperoxidase measurement with avidin biotin complex", "用亲和素生物素复合物测量免疫过氧化物酶" ], "732224001": [ "Timed stool collection", "定时收集粪便" ], "11328002": [ "Removal of foreign body from nose by incision", "Removal of intranasal foreign body by lateral rhinotomy", "切开鼻腔取出异物", "侧鼻切开术取出鼻内异物" ], "899020431000132100": [ "Post-exposure herpesvirus infection prophylaxis", "暴露后疱疹病毒感染预防" ], "306240005": [ "Referral to social services department duty team", "Referral to SSD duty team", "转介至社会服务部门值班小组", "转介至 SSD 值班团队" ], "76864009": [ "Aspiration of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱抽吸" ], "25877005": [ "Mealtime assistance", "用餐协助" ], "1303829007": [ "Excision of malignant melanoma of right ala nasi", "右鼻翼恶性黑色素瘤切除术" ], "173333008": [ "Scaling of tooth", "S - Scaling of tooth", "Removal of accretion from tooth using dental scaler", "Removal of deposit from tooth using dental scaler", "使用洁牙机清除牙齿上的沉积物", "S - 洁牙", "洗牙" ], "304405009": [ "Short wave diathermy to hip", "臀部短波透热疗法" ], "1285610002": [ "Screening for intimate partner abuse", "筛查亲密伴侣虐待" ], "386325009": [ "Humour facilitation", "Humor facilitation", "幽默促进" ], "237034004": [ "Repair of uterine perforation", "子宫穿孔修补" ], "122346005": [ "Hepatitis C virus 22-3 antibody assay", "Measurement of Hepatitis C virus recombinant protein 22-3 antibody", "丙型肝炎病毒重组蛋白22-3抗体测定", "丙型肝炎病毒 22-3 抗体检测" ], "56810007": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of foot and toe", "足趾脱位切开复位术" ], "448191005": [ "Suction diathermy adenoidectomy", "Suction excision of adenoid by diathermy", "透热疗法吸除腺样体", "吸出式透热疗法腺样体切除术" ], "104127007": [ "Neutrophil count, automated, synovial fluid", "中性粒细胞计数,自动化,滑液" ], "118676000": [ "Procedure on male genital system", "男性生殖系统手术" ], "397204004": [ "Caecostomy operations", "Cecostomy operations", "盲肠造口术" ], "446356004": [ "Assessment using role checklist", "使用角色清单进行评估" ], "67689006": [ "Cryosurgery with thermocouple control", "Cryosurgery with thermocouple control with liquid nitrogen", "采用热电偶控制的冷冻手术", "使用液氮进行热电偶控制的冷冻手术" ], "1296489006": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal popliteal artery by anastomosis", "紧急吻合置换动脉瘤腘动脉" ], "2153008": [ "Cardiac catheterization education", "Cardiac catheterisation education", "心导管教育" ], "426302001": [ "Digital fasciectomy", "手指筋膜切除术" ], "737598000": [ "Counseling for end of life issues", "Counselling for end of life issues", "临终问题咨询" ], "311614000": [ "Pragmatic enhancement strategies", "务实的增强策略" ], "65854006": [ "Reexcision", "再次切除" ], "278846007": [ "Dietetic procedures", "Nutritionist procedures", "Nutritionist treatments and procedures", "Nutritionist care treatments and procedures", "营养师治疗和程序", "饮食程序", "营养师程序", "营养师护理治疗和程序" ], "6151000087103": [ "Plain X-ray of left rib", "Plain X-ray of bone of left rib", "左肋骨的普通 X 光检查", "左肋骨普通 X 光检查" ], "1031000087104": [ "Ultrasonography of left foot", "Ultrasound of left foot", "Ultrasound scan of left foot", "左足超声检查", "左脚超声波扫描", "左脚超声检查" ], "2311000087104": [ "MRI of left forearm", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left forearm", "左前臂 MRI", "左前臂磁共振成像" ], "52231000087106": [ "MRI of left sacroiliac joint", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left sacroiliac joint", "左骶髂关节磁共振成像", "左骶髂关节 MRI" ], "24071000087108": [ "Carotid artery disease screening", "颈动脉疾病筛查" ], "3591000087109": [ "Plain X-ray of right forearm", "右前臂普通 X 光检查" ], "275176004": [ "MUA - Manipulation under anaesthetic of fractured nasal bones", "MUA - Manipulation under anesthetic of fractured nasal bones", "Manipulation under anesthetic of fractured nasal bones", "Manipulation under anaesthetic of fractured nasal bones", "MUA - 鼻骨骨折麻醉下手术", "鼻骨骨折麻醉下手术" ], "307944004": [ "Excision of mucous cyst of vocal cord", "声带粘液囊肿切除术" ], "27581000": [ "Intralesional injection of skin", "皮肤病灶内注射" ], "340712005": [ "Detorsion of volvulus", "Reduction of volvulus", "肠扭转复位", "肠扭转矫正术" ], "439016007": [ "Augmentation of mandible using prosthesis", "使用假体增大下颌骨" ], "699325000": [ "Repair of oval window", "椭圆形窗户修复" ], "4871000087109": [ "CT of left femur", "Computed tomography of left femur", "左股骨计算机断层扫描", "左股骨CT" ], "175037004": [ "Revision of bypass for one coronary artery", "一侧冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "306109009": [ "Referral to pain management service", "转介至疼痛管理服务" ], "74898002": [ "Ligation and division of long saphenous vein at saphenofemoral junction", "隐股连接处长隐静脉的结扎和切断" ], "171367005": [ "Travel examination", "旅行考试" ], "236903006": [ "Strassmann metroplasty", "施特拉斯曼子宫成形术" ], "302439007": [ "Exploration of burnt skin", "烧伤皮肤的探索" ], "122215009": [ "Rickettsia culture", "立克次体培养" ], "103996002": [ "E^w^ blood group antibody identification", "E^w^血型抗体鉴定" ], "431676002": [ "Computed tomography venography with contrast", "CT venography with contrast", "增强 CT 静脉造影" ], "710204004": [ "Assisting with self-care", "协助自我护理" ], "233233001": [ "Operation on systemic to pulmonary artery shunt", "体动脉至肺动脉分流术" ], "315153003": [ "Meningococcal IgM level", "Meningococcal immunoglobulin M level", "脑膜炎球菌 IgM 水平", "脑膜炎球菌免疫球蛋白 M 水平" ], "20241005": [ "Closure of gastroduodenostomy", "Take-down of gastroduodenostomy", "胃十二指肠吻合术", "胃十二指肠吻合术拆除" ], "413457006": [ "Advice about domestic violence", "Domestic violence education", "家庭暴力教育", "关于家庭暴力的建议" ], "116710004": [ "Mononuclear cell count", "单核细胞计数" ], "231398004": [ "Radiofrequency destruction of cranial nerve", "射频毁损脑神经" ], "442555003": [ "Measurement of amphetamine in serum specimen", "血清标本中苯丙胺的测定" ], "409787004": [ "Redline alert test", "Redline alert", "红线警报测试", "红线警报" ], "229563008": [ "Interrupted direct current therapy", "间断直流电治疗" ], "113040003": [ "T cell depletion of bone marrow for transplantation", "骨髓 T 细胞耗竭用于移植" ], "178576008": [ "Revision decompression of thoracic spine", "胸椎减压翻修术" ], "14736009": [ "Patient evaluation and management", "History and physical examination with evaluation and management of patient", "患者评估和管理", "病史和体格检查以及患者的评估和管理" ], "45669002": [ "Cardio-omentopexy", "心脏网膜固定术" ], "391568008": [ "Oral fluid methadone level", "口腔液体美沙酮浓度" ], "127589002": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation AND application of splint", "闭合复位脱位及应用夹板" ], "307813007": [ "Antenatal ultrasound scan at 22-40 weeks", "22-40 周产前超声扫描" ], "438885008": [ "Active core warming of subject using esophageal thermal tube", "Active core warming of subject using oesophageal thermal tube", "使用食管热管对受试者进行主动核心加温" ], "275045008": [ "Transluminal operations on common iliac artery", "髂总动脉腔内手术" ], "60218003": [ "Urinalysis, protein, qualitative", "尿液分析,蛋白质,定性" ], "305978006": [ "Referral from nephrologist", "Referral by nephrologist", "肾病科医师推荐", "肾病科医师转诊" ], "122084007": [ "Saint Louis encephalitis virus antigen assay", "St. Louis encephalitis virus antigen assay", "圣路易斯脑炎病毒抗原检测" ], "710073000": [ "Computed tomography angiography of head, neck and thorax with contrast", "CT angiography of head, neck and thorax with contrast", "头部、颈部和胸部增强 CT 血管造影", "头部、颈部和胸部的增强 CT 血管造影" ], "234937001": [ "Excision of major salivary gland", "大涎腺切除术" ], "103865005": [ "Blood group typing A>112< complement assay", "Complement second component", "补体第二成分", "C>2< 补体测定" ], "87350003": [ "Microbial identification kit, API staph-trac method", "微生物鉴定试剂盒,API Staph-Trac 方法" ], "234806002": [ "Insertion of extraoral maxillofacial prosthesis", "口外颌面假体植入" ], "431414003": [ "Management of external defibrillation", "体外除颤的管理" ], "120118006": [ "Anterior segment of eye reconstruction", "眼前节重建" ], "103734008": [ "External camera medical photography", "外置摄像机医学摄影" ], "19979004": [ "Excision of lesion of atrium", "心房病变切除术" ], "183819005": [ "Referral for hematology test", "Referral for haematology test", "转诊进行血液学检查" ], "265739006": [ "Amputation through metatarsal bones", "Transmetatarsal amputation", "Transmetatarsal amputation of foot", "跖骨截肢", "足部跖骨截肢术", "通过跖骨截肢" ], "429579007": [ "Radiotherapy to axilla", "腋窝放射治疗" ], "413195008": [ "Cholangioscopy", "胆管镜检查" ], "444128001": [ "Quantitative measurement of glucose in pleural fluid specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of glucose in pleural fluid specimen", "胸水标本中葡萄糖质量浓度的定量测定", "胸水标本中葡萄糖的定量测定" ], "394976001": [ "Rheumatoid factor screening test", "类风湿因子筛查试验" ], "722656005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of tibioperoneal trunk using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of tibioperoneal trunk with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮穿刺胫腓干血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下经皮穿刺胫腓动脉血管成形术" ], "231136005": [ "Elbow block", "Local anaesthetic elbow block", "Local anesthetic elbow block", "局部麻醉肘部阻滞", "肘部阻滞" ], "165600005": [ "Dilute Russell viper venom ratio measurement", "Dilute Russell viper venom ratio", "稀释罗素蝰蛇毒液比例测量", "稀释罗素蝰蛇毒液比例" ], "409525007": [ "Respiratory secretion precautions", "Droplet precautions", "Respiratory droplet precautions", "呼吸道分泌物注意事项", "呼吸道飞沫防护", "飞沫防护" ], "180149008": [ "Dilwyn Evans procedure for correction of clubfoot", "迪尔温·埃文斯 (Dilwyn Evans) 手术矫正马蹄足" ], "868277008": [ "First diphtheria and pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "First diphtheria and pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Administration of first dose of diphtheria and pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "First diphtheria and pertussis and poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Human poliovirus antigens", "接种第一剂白喉、百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "首次接种白喉、百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "首次白喉、百日咳、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫接种", "注射第一剂仅含有百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品" ], "49077009": [ "Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy", "Flexible fibreoptic laryngoscopy", "柔性光纤喉镜检查" ], "112778003": [ "Arthrotomy with exploration of interphalangeal joint of toe", "趾间关节切开术及探查" ], "229301009": [ "Incentive spirometry", "诱发肺量测定" ], "63626003": [ "Endoscopic ligation and division of both fallopian tubes", "Endoscopic ligation and division of bilateral fallopian tubes", "内镜下双侧输卵管结扎及切断术" ], "473226007": [ "Heart failure medication review", "心力衰竭药物审查" ], "407690008": [ "Urine methylmalonic acid level", "Urine 2-Methylpropanedioic acid measurement", "Urine methylmalonic acid measurement", "Urine 2-Methylpropanedioic acid level", "尿液甲基丙二酸水平", "尿液甲基丙二酸测定", "尿液 2-甲基丙二酸水平", "尿液 2-甲基丙二酸测量" ], "438623001": [ "Bronchoscopic procedure using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导的支气管镜检查" ], "47242009": [ "Excision of lesion of anterior chamber of eye", "眼前房病变切除术" ], "307551002": [ "Recession of oblique eye muscle", "眼斜肌萎缩" ], "440458009": [ "Removal of foreign body from soft tissue of nose", "鼻腔软组织异物取出" ], "176479005": [ "Non-microsurgical epididymovasostomy", "非显微手术输精管附睾吻合术" ], "424074007": [ "Adult rehabilitation admission assessment", "Rehabilitation admission assessment adult", "成人康复入院评估", "康复入院评估成人" ], "391306008": [ "Percentage CD16 count", "CD16 计数百分比" ], "10804001": [ "Removal of foreign body from spinal meninges", "去除脊髓膜中的异物" ], "322100002": [ "Incision of salivary duct", "涎管切开术" ], "76340004": [ "Plication of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱折褶术" ], "387636004": [ "Operation on larynx", "Larynx operation", "喉部手术" ], "287497001": [ "Non-surgical ear biopsy", "非手术耳部活检" ], "385801001": [ "Allergic reaction control education", "Teach allergic reaction control", "教导过敏反应控制", "过敏反应控制教育" ], "238345005": [ "Previous chest wall incision - repair with flap", "先前的胸壁切口 - 用皮瓣修复" ], "41737005": [ "Hand lens examination of skin", "手持放大镜检查皮肤" ], "23518000": [ "Decompression of cranial ganglion", "脑神经节减压术" ], "25353009": [ "Craniotomy", "Incision of bone of skull", "颅骨切开术", "开颅手术" ], "252894000": [ "Renal osteodystrophy assessment", "ROD - Renal osteodystrophy, assessment", "ROD - 肾性骨营养不良症,评估", "肾性骨营养不良症评估" ], "285662005": [ "Removal of plate from bone", "从骨头上取出钢板" ], "121822007": [ "Octanoylcarnitine measurement", "辛酰肉碱测量" ], "119987002": [ "Ureter closure", "Ureterorrhaphy", "输尿管闭合", "输尿管缝合术" ], "234675004": [ "Periapical curettage of tooth root", "牙根尖刮除术" ], "169139005": [ "Isotope static scan brain", "同位素静态扫描脑" ], "16443041000119100": [ "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous needle biopsy of liver", "Percutaneous needle biopsy of liver using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下经皮肝脏穿刺活检" ], "384161000119102": [ "Ultrasonography of soft tissue of neck", "Ultrasound scan of soft tissue of neck", "Ultrasound of soft tissue of neck", "颈部软组织超声扫描", "颈部软组织超声检查" ], "232840001": [ "Rotation of implanted aortic valve", "植入主动脉瓣的旋转" ], "632481000119106": [ "Administration of diphtheria and tetanus vaccine, less than 7 years of age", "Diphtheria and tetanus vaccination, less than 7 years of age", "Diphtheria and tetanus immunisation, less than 7 years of age", "Diphtheria and tetanus immunization, less than 7 years of age", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens, less than 7 years of age", "7 岁以下,接种白喉和破伤风疫苗", "白喉和破伤风免疫接种,7 岁以下", "7 岁以下接种白喉和破伤风疫苗", "7 岁以下儿童接种仅含破伤风梭菌和白喉棒状杆菌抗原的疫苗产品" ], "371361000119107": [ "Comprehensive metabolic panel", "综合代谢组" ], "413064004": [ "Anti mitochondrial antibody pattern", "抗线粒体抗体模式" ], "183688007": [ "General medical self-referral", "一般医疗自我转诊" ], "231005000": [ "Repair of spinal myelomeningocele using free flap", "Repair of spinal cord meninges for dysraphism using microvascular transfer flap", "Repair of spinal cord meninges for dysraphism using free flap", "游离皮瓣修复脊髓脊膜膨出", "使用游离皮瓣修复脊髓脑膜闭合不全", "使用微血管转移皮瓣修复脊髓脑膜闭合不全" ], "50781002": [ "Biopsy of posterior one-third of tongue", "舌后三分之一活检" ], "116317004": [ "Physical examination maneuver related to thoracic outlet", "Physical examination manoeuvre related to thoracic outlet", "与胸廓出口相关的体格检查操作" ], "180018000": [ "Amputation through phalanx of finger", "指骨截肢" ], "81714000": [ "Ileorectostomy", "Ileorectal anastomosis", "Ileoproctostomy", "IRA - Ileorectal anastomosis", "Anastomosis of ileum to rectum", "回肠直肠造口术", "回肠直肠吻合术", "IRA-- 回肠直肠吻合术" ], "442162000": [ "Child 6 to 8 week examination", "儿童6至8周检查" ], "48946004": [ "Arthrotomy of ankle with exploration", "Arthrotomy of ankle with joint exploration", "踝关节切开术及探查", "踝关节切开术及关节探查" ], "718855003": [ "Assessment of risk in home environment", "Assessment of home safety", "家庭环境风险评估", "家居安全评估" ], "276487005": [ "Riddle crossover vasectomy", "里德尔交叉输精管切除术" ], "702471009": [ "Functional family therapy", "功能性家庭治疗" ], "1290460003": [ "Plain X-ray of ankle, anteroposterior and lateral views", "踝部 X 光检查、前后位和侧位片" ], "270982000": [ "Serum lactate level", "Serum lactate measurement", "血清乳酸测量", "血清乳酸水平" ], "57990001": [ "Repair of blepharoptosis by levator muscle technique", "Plication of levator for blepharoptosis", "Tucking of levator palpebrae for blepharoptosis", "Levator palpebrae tuck", "提上睑肌整形术", "提上睑肌折叠术治疗上睑下垂", "提睑肌折叠术治疗上睑下垂", "提上睑肌技术修复上睑下垂" ], "698801008": [ "Respiratory therapy by control of atmospheric pressure and composition", "通过控制气压和成分进行呼吸治疗" ], "287366004": [ "Replacement of vascular graft", "血管移植置换" ], "238214009": [ "Reconstruction of abdominal wall using local skin flap", "局部皮瓣重建腹壁" ], "105307005": [ "Procainamide and N-acetylprocainamide measurement", "普鲁卡因胺和 N-乙酰普鲁卡因胺的测量" ], "432987005": [ "Checking position of endotracheal tube using exhaled carbon dioxide", "利用呼出的二氧化碳检查气管插管的位置" ], "121691007": [ "Temazepam measurement", "替马西泮测量" ], "252763008": [ "Motor unit analysis", "运动单元分析" ], "300080000": [ "Removal of calculus from submandibular duct", "Extraction of stone from submandibular duct", "颌下管结石取出术", "去除颌下管结石" ], "119856003": [ "Breast repair", "Repair of breast", "乳房修复" ], "169008005": [ "Fluoroscopy - stomach", "胃部透视检查" ], "232709001": [ "Extubation of bronchus", "Bronchial extubation", "拔除支气管插管", "支气管拔管" ], "183557002": [ "Referral to cardiothoracic surgeon", "转诊至心胸外科医生" ], "52485003": [ "Cyclic adenosine monophosphate measurement", "Cyclic AMP measurement", "cAMP measurement", "环磷酸腺苷测量", "cAMP 测量" ], "314629004": [ "Endoscopic injection haemostasis of gastric ulcer", "Endoscopic injection hemostasis of gastric ulcer", "内镜胃溃疡注射止血术" ], "363781001": [ "Basal gastric acid output", "Basal gastric acid output measurement", "基础胃酸排出量测量", "基础胃酸输出量" ], "118021006": [ "Pasteurella multocida serotype determination", "多杀性巴氏杆菌血清型测定" ], "3333006": [ "Application of short arm splint, forearm to hand, static", "短臂夹板的应用,前臂到手,静态" ], "412933009": [ "Serum moclobemide measurement", "Serum moclobemide level", "血清吗氯贝胺测定", "血清吗氯贝胺浓度" ], "36101009": [ "Deep incision with opening of bone cortex of elbow", "肘部骨皮质深切口" ], "17882003": [ "Direct laryngoscopy with arytenoidectomy", "Endoscopic arytenoidectomy", "内镜杓状软骨切除术", "直接喉镜检查及杓状软骨切除术" ], "1197530007": [ "Microsurgical excision of varicocele by subinguinal approach", "Microsurgical subinguinal varicocelectomy", "经腹股沟下入路显微手术切除精索静脉曲张", "显微外科腹股沟下静脉曲张切除术" ], "230874009": [ "Renewal of proximal catheter of ventricular shunt", "脑室分流术近端导管的更新" ], "179887004": [ "Revision arthroscopic autograft ligament augmentation", "关节镜下自体韧带移植修复术" ], "718724003": [ "Assessment using Children's Communication Checklist Second Edition", "Assessment using CCC-2 (Children's Communication Checklist-2)", "使用儿童沟通检查表第二版进行评估", "使用CCC-2(儿童沟通检查表-2)进行评估" ], "178052005": [ "Revision of plantar fasciectomy", "足底筋膜切除术修复" ], "46980007": [ "Microbial identification, Minitek yeast system", "微生物鉴定,Minitek 酵母系统" ], "866180008": [ "Provision of wearable defibrillation system", "提供可穿戴除颤系统" ], "405593001": [ "Angioplasty of external iliac artery with prosthesis", "髂外动脉假体成形术" ], "276356007": [ "Test feed", "测试进给" ], "225369000": [ "Use of clean technique", "使用清洁技术" ], "391044009": [ "Crisis/short term interventions in mental health care - 24 hour intensive", "心理健康危机/短期干预 - 24 小时密集" ], "438361005": [ "Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm with insertion of visceral extension prosthesis", "腹主动脉瘤腔内修复及内脏延长假体植入" ], "307289006": [ "Open reduction of mandibular fracture", "下颌骨骨折切开复位" ], "700505008": [ "Computed tomography angiography of blood vessel of abdominal wall with contrast", "CT angiography of blood vessel of abdominal wall with contrast", "腹壁血管造影计算机断层扫描", "腹壁血管增强 CT 血管造影" ], "59694001": [ "Occupational social therapy", "职业社会治疗" ], "370990004": [ "Methotrexate excretion measurement", "甲氨蝶呤排泄测量" ], "172547002": [ "Biopsy of lesion of lens", "晶状体病变活检" ], "713219004": [ "Ultrasound scan of pelvis and lower extremity", "US - Ultrasound scan of pelvis and lower limb", "Ultrasonography of pelvis and lower extremity", "骨盆及下肢超声波扫描", "骨盆及下肢超声检查", "美国 - 骨盆和下肢超声波扫描" ], "287235008": [ "Lacrimal sac drainage", "泪囊引流" ], "252632002": [ "Gastrointestinal manometry", "GIT pressure study", "胃肠道压力研究", "胃肠测压" ], "6872008": [ "Perfusion chemotherapy for malignant neoplasm", "恶性肿瘤灌注化疗" ], "70573000": [ "Insertion of pacemaker pulse generator", "植入起搏器脉冲发生器" ], "105176008": [ "Etafedrine measurement", "乙非君测量" ], "432856009": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of sternoclavicular joint", "Ultrasonography of sternoclavicular joint", "胸锁关节超声检查" ], "398253001": [ "Post-tetanic facilitation monitoring", "破伤风后促进监测" ], "725933005": [ "Percutaneous endoscopic interlaminar lumbar discectomy", "Percutaneous endoscopic interlaminar excision of lumbar intervertebral disc", "经皮内镜腰椎间盘切除术", "经皮内镜椎板间腰椎间盘切除术" ], "86957000": [ "Replacement of prosthesis of femur", "股骨假体置换术" ], "121560009": [ "Doxycycline measurement", "强力霉素测量" ], "119725003": [ "Transplantation of tissue of accessory sinus", "副窦组织移植" ], "709549003": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of heart", "SPECT of heart", "心脏 SPECT", "心脏单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "117890002": [ "Asialoganglioside GM1 antibody assay", "Measurement of asialoganglioside GM1 antibody", "去唾液酸神经节苷脂 GM1 抗体的测量", "去唾液酸神经节苷脂 GM1 抗体检测" ], "183426004": [ "Abandoned baby care", "弃婴护理" ], "359980002": [ "Vaginal panhysterectomy", "阴道全子宫切除术" ], "704044002": [ "Endovascular insertion of metal stent", "血管内插入金属支架" ], "48684007": [ "Pharmacokinetic study", "药代动力学研究" ], "30465002": [ "Core needle biopsy of epididymis", "附睾芯针活检" ], "440065007": [ "Aspiration and injection of cyst of bone", "骨囊肿抽吸注射" ], "225238001": [ "Supporting breasts during breast-feeding", "母乳喂养期间支撑乳房" ], "241622002": [ "MRI of liver", "Magnetic resonance imaging of liver", "肝脏 MRI", "肝脏磁共振成像" ], "405462004": [ "Femoro-distal popliteal artery bypass", "股远端腘动脉搭桥术" ], "176086008": [ "Retrograde catheter ureteropyelography", "逆行导管输尿管肾盂造影" ], "1290198009": [ "Injection of lesion of small intestine", "小肠病变注射" ], "43179002": [ "Puncture aspiration of hematoma of skin", "Puncture aspiration of haematoma of skin", "皮肤血肿穿刺抽吸" ], "305323008": [ "Admission by midwife", "助产士入院" ], "41344003": [ "Arthroplasty of distal ulna with prosthetic replacement", "远端尺骨关节成形术及假体置换" ], "713088006": [ "Assessment of risk of ineffective tissue perfusion", "组织灌注无效风险评估" ], "105045004": [ "2-pyridone measurement", "2-吡啶酮测量" ], "252501005": [ "Oral diagnostic probing", "口腔诊断探查" ], "121429006": [ "Phenacemide measurement", "苯乙酰脲测量" ], "1217322000": [ "Injection of multiple trigger points", "注射多个触发点" ], "37674006": [ "Child continence training", "Toilet training", "儿童节制训练", "如厕训练" ], "234282007": [ "Fine needle aspiration of axillary lymph node", "腋窝淋巴结细针穿刺" ], "119594008": [ "Neck destructive procedure", "颈部破坏性手术" ], "429055001": [ "Replacement of lateral canthal tendon using tarsal strip", "使用睑板条置换外眦肌腱" ], "445439003": [ "Removal of alternate adhesive skin closures", "去除替代的粘性皮肤闭合器" ], "117759005": [ "HTLV 1 p26 antibody assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 p26 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T- lymphotropic virus 1 protein 26 antibody", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 protein 26 antibody", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒1蛋白26抗体的测定", "HTLV 1 p26 抗体检测", "人类 T 细胞淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 p26 抗体检测" ], "183295006": [ "Locomotor training", "运动训练" ], "773119007": [ "Total removal of transobturator tape", "完全移除经闭孔胶带" ], "609279008": [ "Endoscopic excision of tissue of large intestine", "内镜大肠组织切除术" ], "1230036005": [ "Removal of tube", "拔除管子" ], "409001005": [ "Older adult care", "老年人护理" ], "359849006": [ "T4/TBG ratio", "Thyroxine/thyroxine binding globulin ratio", "T4/TBG 比率", "甲状腺素/甲状腺素结合球蛋白比率" ], "179625007": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture dislocation of joint and skeletal traction", "骨折脱位关节一期闭合复位及骨牵引" ], "390782000": [ "Midwife unit delivery booking", "助产士单位分娩预约" ], "46718002": [ "Electrocauterization of lesion of cornea", "Electrocauterization of corneal lesion", "Electrocauterisation of corneal lesion", "Electrocauterisation of lesion of cornea", "Cauterization of lesion of cornea using electrical energy", "Cauterisation of lesion of cornea using electrical energy", "用电能烧灼角膜损伤", "使用电能烧灼角膜损伤", "角膜损伤电灼术" ], "79486002": [ "Oversewing", "过度卷曲" ], "177790005": [ "Closure of open drainage of pleural cavity", "胸腔开放引流术" ], "1259134009": [ "Open reduction of fracture of bone of spine and internal fixation using pedicle screw internal spinal fixation system", "Open reduction of fracture of bone of spine and internal fixation using bone screw internal spinal fixation system", "脊柱骨折切开复位骨螺钉内固定系统固定", "脊柱骨折切开复位椎弓根螺钉内固定系统固定" ], "405331002": [ "Creation of upper limb arteriovenous fistula", "Creation of upper extremity arteriovenous fistula", "上肢动静脉瘘的建立" ], "77651002": [ "Destruction of intra-abdominal cysts", "腹腔内囊肿破坏" ], "241491007": [ "Ultrasonography for antepartum monitoring of fetus", "Fetal US scan", "US scan of fetus", "Ultrasound scan of fetus", "Ultrasonography for antepartum monitoring of foetus", "US scan of foetus", "Ultrasound scan of foetus", "Foetal US scan", "产前超声监测胎儿", "胎儿超声波扫描", "胎儿超声扫描", "产前胎儿超声监测" ], "239656007": [ "Application of skeletal traction via the femur", "通过股骨应用骨牵引" ], "303357003": [ "Local anesthetic sympathetic nerve block", "LA - Local anaesthetic sympathetic nerve block", "Local anaesthetic autonomic nerve block", "LA - Local anesthetic sympathetic nerve block", "Local anesthetic autonomic nerve block", "Local anaesthetic sympathetic nerve block", "LA - 局部麻醉交感神经阻滞", "局部麻醉自主神经阻滞", "局部麻醉交感神经阻滞" ], "711122003": [ "Establishment of trust", "建立信托" ], "170450005": [ "Meningococcus prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic antibiotic for meningococcus", "预防性使用抗生素治疗脑膜炎球菌", "脑膜炎球菌预防" ], "252370006": [ "PCR-fingerprinting", "PCR for genomic fingerprinting", "Polymerase chain reaction analysis for genomic fingerprinting", "PCR 基因组指纹识别", "聚合酶链式反应分析基因组指纹", "PCR指纹分析" ], "448978008": [ "Biopsy of radius", "桡骨活检" ], "104914009": [ "Pyruvate carboxylase measurement", "丙酮酸羧化酶测量" ], "121298008": [ "3-Hydroxytetradecadienoylcarnitine measurement", "3-羟基十四碳二烯酰肉碱测量" ], "135847007": [ "Involuntary admission", "非自愿入院" ], "840359009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of renal artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of renal artery", "经皮肾动脉腔内栓塞术" ], "265084002": [ "Operation on round and uterosacral ligament", "子宫圆韧带及子宫骶韧带手术" ], "52092002": [ "Operative procedure on ankle", "踝关节手术" ], "428924004": [ "Revisional foraminoplasty of spine", "Revision of foraminoplasty of spine", "脊柱椎间孔成形术", "脊柱椎间孔成形术的修订" ], "609148003": [ "Percutaneous embolization of gastric vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of gastric vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of gastric vein with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of gastric vein with contrast", "透视引导下经皮胃静脉造影栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮胃静脉造影栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮胃静脉栓塞术" ], "1297276008": [ "Breast milk feeding", "母乳喂养" ], "443473006": [ "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography carbon 11 choline uptake study", "正电子发射断层扫描与计算机断层扫描碳11胆碱摄取研究" ], "312401007": [ "IgM anticardiolipins measurement", "IgM anticardiolipins level", "Immunoglobulin M anticardiolipins measurement", "IgM 抗心磷脂水平", "IgM 抗心磷脂测定", "免疫球蛋白 M 抗心磷脂测量" ], "408870003": [ "Musculoskeletal care assessment", "Assess musculoskeletal care", "评估肌肉骨骼护理", "肌肉骨骼护理评估" ], "359718007": [ "Upper digestive tract operation", "上消化道手术" ], "392486007": [ "Cladosporium herbarum specific IgE antibody measurement", "m2 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cladosporium herbarum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "枝孢属植物特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "m2特异性IgE抗体测量", "枝孢霉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "228646007": [ "Pre-vocational training", "职业前培训" ], "718331002": [ "Hemodialysis care assessment", "Haemodialysis care assessment", "血液透析护理评估" ], "243195000": [ "Aspirin desensitization therapy", "Aspirin desensitisation therapy", "阿司匹林脱敏疗法" ], "310566009": [ "Lyme immunoblot test", "莱姆免疫印迹检测" ], "177659004": [ "Escharotomy of burnt skin of foot", "足部烧伤皮肤切开术" ], "13819004": [ "Division of laryngeal nerve", "喉神经的分离" ], "421584003": [ "Campylobacter lari rRNA assay", "Campylobacter lari ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "红嘴鸥弯曲杆菌核糖体核糖核酸测定", "红嘴鸥弯曲杆菌 rRNA 检测" ], "77520003": [ "Galactose-1-phosphate measurement", "半乳糖-1-磷酸测量" ], "306896006": [ "Faradic nerve stimulation to pelvis", "骨盆法拉第神经刺激" ], "1222565005": [ "Radiation therapy treatment phase", "Radiotherapy treatment phase", "放射治疗治疗阶段", "放射治疗阶段" ], "239525008": [ "Excision arthroplasty of interphalangeal joint of lesser toe", "小趾指间关节切除置换术" ], "73850000": [ "Pedicle graft", "带蒂移植" ], "450682002": [ "Bypass of segment of aorta", "主动脉段绕道手术" ], "24698003": [ "Cauterisation of lesion of uvula using thermal energy", "Cauterization of lesion of uvula palatina using thermal energy", "Cauterisation of lesion of uvula palatina using thermal energy", "Thermocauterization of lesion of uvula palatina", "Thermocauterisation of lesion of uvula palatina", "Cauterization of lesion of uvula using thermal energy", "腭垂病变热灼术", "利用热能烧灼悬雍垂病变", "利用热能烧灼腭垂病变", "热能烧灼腭垂损伤" ], "252239001": [ "Vitamin C loading test", "维生素C负荷试验" ], "710991007": [ "Monitoring for risk of complications of nurse-controlled analgesia", "监测护士控制镇痛并发症的风险" ], "397860000": [ "Bronchial lavage via fibreoptic bronchoscope", "Bronchial lavage via fiberoptic bronchoscope", "Fibreoptic bronchoscopic lavage of bronchus", "Fiberoptic bronchoscopic lavage of bronchus", "纤维支气管镜支气管灌洗", "经纤维支气管镜进行支气管灌洗" ], "266788000": [ "Infixed bone pin traction", "固定骨针牵引" ], "37412006": [ "Excision of large intestine for interposition", "Resection of large intestine for interposition", "Interposition of colon", "Colonic interposition", "切除大肠进行中间插入", "切除大肠进行插入", "结肠插入术", "结肠插入" ], "250404007": [ "Blood compatibility", "Blood compatibility test", "血液相容性", "血液相容性测试" ], "445177003": [ "Cutting and filing of toenails of both feet", "修剪和锉平双脚的脚趾甲" ], "232185003": [ "Incus transposition", "砧骨转位" ], "314105005": [ "Urine phenothiazine screening test", "尿吩噻嗪筛查试验" ], "133881004": [ "Intubation and aspiration of small intestine", "小肠插管和抽吸" ], "264953006": [ "Closure of fenestration of pleura", "胸膜开窗缝合" ], "17358000": [ "Bilateral segmental tubal excision and ligation by endoscopy", "Pomeroy procedure by endoscopy", "Endoscopic segmental excision and ligation of bilateral fallopian tubes", "Endoscopic segmental excision and ligation of both fallopian tubes", "内镜双侧输卵管分段切除及结扎术", "内窥镜 Pomeroy 手术", "内镜下双侧输卵管分段切除及结扎术" ], "609017008": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from bone marrow", "骨髓标本的显微镜检查" ], "363257007": [ "Paracentesis of respiratory tract structure", "呼吸道结构穿刺" ], "164814002": [ "Postcoital test", "性交后测试" ], "443342006": [ "Determination of alpha-1-antitrypsin genotype", "α-1-抗胰蛋白酶基因型的确定" ], "441507000": [ "Quantitative chemical analysis of calculus", "微积分的定量化学分析" ], "410574009": [ "Intravitreal antiviral injection", "玻璃体内注射抗病毒药物" ], "392355002": [ "Corylus avellana (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Hazel (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "t4 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Corylus avellana (pollen) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "榛子(花粉)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "T4 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "榛子(花粉)特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "425123005": [ "Respiratory therapy surveillance", "Respiratory therapy care surveillance", "呼吸治疗护理监测", "呼吸治疗监测" ], "277667006": [ "Ultrasound guided biopsy", "超声引导下活检" ], "359587007": [ "Resection of caecum and terminal ileum", "Resection of cecum and terminal ileum", "Ileocaecal resection", "Ileocecal resection", "Ileocecectomy", "盲肠和回肠末端切除术", "回盲部切除术" ], "406904004": [ "Nitrazine yellow stain method", "Nitrazine yellow stain", "硝嗪黄染色", "硝嗪黄染色法" ], "243064009": [ "Reproductive education", "生殖教育" ], "175693004": [ "Profundoplasty of femoral artery and patch repair of deep femoral artery", "股动脉深成形术及股深动脉补片修复术" ], "241229004": [ "Thoracic aortogram", "胸主动脉造影" ], "388685006": [ "f49 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Malus sylvestris specific IgE antibody measurement", "Apple specific IgE antibody measurement", "Malus sylvestris specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "苹果特异性IgE抗体测量", "苹果特异性IgE抗体测定", "苹果特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f49 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "306765008": [ "Respiratory drainage techniques", "呼吸引流技术" ], "239394004": [ "Operation for lesion of mandible", "下颌骨损伤手术" ], "173858006": [ "Bypass of duodenum by anastomosis of duodenum to duodenum", "十二指肠至十二指肠吻合术" ], "1236983001": [ "Recanalization of choanal atresia", "Repair of choanal atresia", "Recanalisation of choanal atresia", "后鼻孔闭锁修复术", "后鼻孔闭锁再通术" ], "90103003": [ "Coproporphyrinogen oxidase measurement erythrocytes", "粪卟啉原氧化酶测量红细胞" ], "73719007": [ "Tooth extraction, complete upper", "Extraction of all maxillary teeth", "Upper dental clearance", "拔除所有上颌牙齿", "拔牙,全上颌", "上牙间隙" ], "710860000": [ "Assessment of knowledge of patient controlled analgesia", "患者自控镇痛知识评估" ], "170188001": [ "Child examination: appearance", "儿童检查:外观" ], "434167009": [ "Transthoracic ultrasonography (US) of heart with contrast", "Transthoracic ultrasonography of heart with contrast", "经胸心脏造影超声检查" ], "104652008": [ "Enterotoxin measurement", "肠毒素测量" ], "250273000": [ "Evaluation of white blood cell age", "White blood cell age", "白细胞年龄评估", "白细胞年龄" ], "709025006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal venous embolisation of dural arteriovenous fistula", "Percutaneous transluminal venous embolization of dural arteriovenous fistula", "硬脑膜动静脉瘘经皮腔内静脉栓塞术" ], "346742000": [ "Suture of cornea with conjunctival flap", "结膜瓣缝合角膜" ], "313974000": [ "Urine free adrenaline measurement", "Urine free adrenaline level", "Urine free epinephrine measurement", "Urine free epinephrine level", "尿游离肾上腺素水平", "尿游离肾上腺素测量", "尿液游离肾上腺素水平" ], "35446008": [ "Chemical cauterization of wound", "Chemical cauterisation of wound", "伤口化学烧灼" ], "19062008": [ "Encephalocentesis", "Encephalopuncture", "Cranial tap", "脑穿刺术", "脑穿刺", "颅骨穿刺" ], "426827002": [ "Ultrasound scan of chest wall", "US scan of chest wall", "胸壁超声扫描" ], "443211004": [ "Excision of part of pericardium", "Subtotal pericardiectomy", "部分心包切除", "心包次全切除术" ], "312139005": [ "Percutaneous embolization of uterine artery", "Percutaneous embolisation of uterine artery", "经皮子宫动脉栓塞术" ], "82763004": [ "Nitrate disk reduction test", "硝酸盐纸片还原试验" ], "308469005": [ "Referral to geneticist", "Refer to geneticist", "参考遗传学家", "转诊给遗传学家" ], "439541007": [ "Percutaneous thrombectomy of cerebral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮脑动脉血栓切除术" ], "79093007": [ "Craniotomy with treatment of penetrating wound of brain", "开颅手术治疗脑穿透伤" ], "11722003": [ "Lysis of adhesions of spinal meninges", "Freeing of adhesions of meninges of spinal cord", "脊髓膜粘连松解术", "脊髓脑膜粘连的游离" ], "388554005": [ "Rf265 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Caraway specific IgE antibody measurement", "Caraway specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "葛缕子特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf265特异性IgE抗体测量", "葛缕子特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "404938005": [ "Cranio sacral therapy", "Craniosacral therapy", "颅骶疗法" ], "306634008": [ "Discharge from community orthoptics service", "退出社区视轴矫正服务" ], "175562008": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal iliac artery by anastomosis of iliac artery to femoral artery", "紧急行髂动脉吻合术治疗动脉瘤性髂动脉" ], "239263001": [ "Excision of calcific deposit from rotator cuff", "切除肩袖钙化沉积物" ], "108191006": [ "Abdomen endoscopy", "Endoscopy of abdomen", "腹部内窥镜检查" ], "237428004": [ "Robbins inferior pedicle mastopexy", "Mastopexy inferior pedicle technique", "乳房下蒂固定术", "罗宾斯下蒂乳房固定术" ], "171892004": [ "Cryotherapy to lumbar sympathetic nerve", "Cryotherapy to lumbar autonomic nerves", "腰交感神经冷冻治疗", "腰椎自主神经冷冻治疗" ], "55369000": [ "Lysis of adhesions of spleen", "Splenolysis", "脾脏溶解", "脾脏粘连松解术" ], "235593002": [ "Biopsy of lesion of ampulla of Vater", "Biopsy of lesion of papilla of Vater", "乏特氏乳头病变活检", "壶腹部病变活检" ], "268361002": [ "Auditory/vestibular testing", "听觉/前庭测试" ], "448585004": [ "TCI - target controlled intravenous anaesthesia", "TCI - target controlled intravenous anesthesia", "Target controlled infusion anaesthesia", "Target controlled infusion anesthesia", "Target controlled total intravenous anaesthesia", "Target controlled total intravenous anesthesia", "靶控输注麻醉", "靶控全静脉麻醉", "TCI-- 靶控静脉麻醉" ], "104521003": [ "Angiotensin II measurement", "血管紧张素 II 测量" ], "38985008": [ "Lysis of adhesions of bursa", "滑囊粘连松解术" ], "708894005": [ "Removal of plate device from metacarpal bone", "Removal of bone plate from metacarpal", "移除掌骨骨板", "从掌骨中取出板状装置" ], "446750008": [ "Video urodynamic study", "视频尿动力学检查" ], "2547000": [ "Excision of keloid", "瘢痕疙瘩切除术" ], "362995002": [ "Biopsy of urinary tract", "泌尿道活检" ], "313843003": [ "Serum alkaline phosphatase liver isoenzyme level", "Serum alkaline phosphatase liver isoenzyme measurement", "血清碱性磷酸酶肝同工酶测定", "血清碱性磷酸酶肝同工酶水平" ], "182771004": [ "Informed consent for procedure", "知情同意程序" ], "117235004": [ "May-Grunwald giemsa stain method", "May-Grunwald giemsa stain", "May-Grunwald 姬姆萨染色法", "May-Grunwald 姬姆萨染色" ], "35315008": [ "Facial nerve function study", "面神经功能研究" ], "443080002": [ "Percutaneous balloon compression of trigeminal nerve using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮三叉神经球囊压迫术" ], "115400002": [ "CD4+CD25+ Lymphocyte antigen detection", "Detection of lymphocytes positive for both CD4 antigen and CD25 antigen", "检测 CD4 抗原和 CD25 抗原均呈阳性的淋巴细胞", "CD4+CD25+淋巴细胞抗原检测" ], "410312004": [ "Specimen collection teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Specimen collection teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Specimen collection education, guidance, and counseling", "Specimen collection education, guidance, and counselling", "样本采集教育、指导和咨询", "标本采集教学、指导和咨询" ], "712003": [ "Closed chest suction", "闭式胸腔吸痰" ], "361160004": [ "Repair of eyelid, partial-thickness involving lid margin", "眼睑修复,包括眼睑边缘的部分厚度" ], "441245000": [ "Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein 70 antibody measurement", "小核糖核蛋白 70 抗体测量" ], "736157007": [ "Education for gastrostomy tube insertion", "Gastrostomy tube insertion education", "胃造口管插入教育" ], "306503001": [ "Discharge by nurse psychotherapist", "护士心理治疗师出院" ], "439410009": [ "Reconstruction of bone of thoracic dorsal spine", "胸背椎骨重建" ], "240967003": [ "Removal of oily contrast medium", "去除油性造影剂" ], "372039005": [ "Patient identification", "Identifying patient", "患者识别", "确认患者身份" ], "765255007": [ "Radionuclide imaging of liver using rose bengal (131-I) sodium", "使用玫瑰红(131-I)钠进行肝脏放射性核素显像" ], "401137000": [ "Maintaining equipment", "维护设备" ], "235462000": [ "Live donor partial hepatectomy", "活体供体肝部分切除术" ], "432070005": [ "Aspiration of elbow using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下肘部抽吸" ], "104390007": [ "Anti-thyroid antibody measurement", "Thyroid autoantibody test", "Thyroid autoantibodies", "Thyroid autoantibody level", "甲状腺自身抗体", "甲状腺自身抗体检测", "甲状腺自身抗体水平", "抗甲状腺抗体测量" ], "399302007": [ "PCR test for Dengue virus", "Dengue polymerase chain reaction", "Polymerase chain reaction test for Dengue virus", "登革热病毒 PCR 检测", "登革热病毒聚合酶链反应检测", "登革热聚合酶链反应" ], "86171007": [ "Determinative histochemistry for enzymes", "酶的确定性组织化学" ], "231792001": [ "Ventriculolumbar shunt with valve", "带瓣脑室腰椎分流术" ], "313712002": [ "Serum vancomycin measurement", "Serum vancomycin level", "血清万古霉素水平", "血清万古霉素测量" ], "84336003": [ "Radiation therapy isodose plan, rotation field", "放射治疗等剂量计划、旋转野" ], "426565000": [ "Removal of subretinal vascular membrane", "去除视网膜下血管膜" ], "723312009": [ "Amputation of right foot", "右脚截肢" ], "442949000": [ "Transplantation of muscle flap to upper extremity", "上肢肌瓣移植" ], "33349003": [ "Creation of carotid-subclavian shunt", "Vascular bypass of carotid to subclavian artery", "Carotid subclavian bypass graft", "颈动脉至锁骨下动脉血管旁路手术", "颈动脉锁骨下动脉旁路移植术", "建立颈动脉-锁骨下分流术" ], "82501002": [ "Decarboxylase dihydrolase test", "脱羧酶二水解酶试验" ], "410181006": [ "Universal precautions management", "Manage universal precautions", "管理普遍预防措施", "普遍预防管理" ], "16965008": [ "Insertion of intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation", "Insertion of intra-aortic balloon pump", "Insertion of pulsation-type balloon into aorta", "主动脉内球囊反搏插入", "主动脉内球囊泵插入", "将脉动型球囊插入主动脉" ], "1293082004": [ "Plain X-ray of ethmoid sinus", "筛窦 X 光检查" ], "178970006": [ "Osteotomy of head of metatarsal", "跖骨头截骨术" ], "736026009": [ "Elective lower segment cesarean section with bilateral tubal ligation", "Elective lower segment caesarean section with bilateral tubal ligation", "选择性下段剖宫产术及双侧输卵管结扎术", "选择性下段剖宫产及双侧输卵管结扎术" ], "78831002": [ "Comprehensive eye examination", "Extended ophthalmologic work-up", "扩展眼科检查", "全面眼科检查" ], "62447004": [ "Weber's test", "Weber tuning fork test", "Weber test", "韦伯测试", "韦伯音叉测试" ], "177135005": [ "Oxytocin induction of labour", "Oxytocin induction of labor", "催产素引产" ], "175300001": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of suprarenal abdominal aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta", "紧急行主动脉对主动脉吻合术置换肾上腹主动脉瘤段" ], "6461000179109": [ "Drainage of phlegmon of foot", "足部蜂窝织炎引流" ], "371908008": [ "Oxygen administration by mask", "面罩供氧" ], "107929002": [ "Esophagus destructive procedure", "Oesophagus destructive procedure", "食管破坏性手术" ], "1156505006": [ "Teleradiotherapy using carbon ions", "Carbon ion EBRT (external beam radiation therapy)", "External beam radiation therapy using carbon ions", "External beam radiotherapy using carbon ions", "使用碳离子进行外部放射治疗", "碳离子远程放射治疗", "碳离子 EBRT(外束放射治疗)", "使用碳离子的外部放射治疗" ], "304537007": [ "Advice to stop activity of daily living", "Recommendation to stop activity of daily living", "建议停止日常生活活动" ], "288153008": [ "Spinal extension traction", "脊柱伸展牵引" ], "386457009": [ "Surveillance: remote electronic", "监控:远程电子" ], "122478003": [ "Synovial biopsy", "滑膜活检" ], "433774003": [ "Injection of subacromial bursa using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Injection of subacromial bursa using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行肩峰下滑囊注射", "超声引导下肩峰下滑囊注射" ], "269934003": [ "Microbiology", "微生物学" ], "89710006": [ "Exploration of bursa", "滑囊探查" ], "171630008": [ "Repair of glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)", "舌咽神经修复(IX)" ], "431939002": [ "Percutaneous aspiration thrombectomy of artery of lower limb using fluoroscopy guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous aspiration thrombectomy of artery of lower limb with contrast", "透视引导下经皮下肢动脉血栓抽吸术", "透视引导下肢动脉经皮穿刺血栓切除术" ], "120643004": [ "Cyanide ascorbate screen", "Ascorbate-cyanide screening test", "氰化物抗坏血酸盐筛查", "抗坏血酸氰化物筛查试验" ], "448323005": [ "Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using vein graft", "利用静脉移植将股动脉吻合至腓动脉,从而进行股动脉旁路移植" ], "104259007": [ "Microbial antigen assay by immunodiffusion method", "免疫扩散法微生物抗原测定" ], "118808003": [ "Procedure on artery of thorax and abdomen", "胸腹部动脉手术" ], "233496005": [ "Exploration of arteriovenous graft", "动静脉移植的探索" ], "105261000220101": [ "Repair of fixed orthodontic retainer", "Repair of bonded orthodontic retainer", "粘接正畸保持器的修复", "固定正畸保持器的修复" ], "20504008": [ "Enterostomy, delayed opening", "肠造口术,延迟打开" ], "708632008": [ "Laparoscopic incision and exploration of common bile duct", "腹腔镜胆总管切开探查术" ], "430104008": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of peritoneum", "腹膜细针穿刺活检" ], "723181002": [ "Herpes prophylaxis", "Herpesvirus infection prophylaxis", "疱疹病毒感染预防", "疱疹预防" ], "67821005": [ "Osteoplasty of femur, shortening", "Shortening of femur", "股骨缩短", "股骨成形术、缩短术" ], "231661007": [ "Lateral rectus marginal myotomy", "外直肌边缘切开术" ], "229826007": [ "Debridement of callus", "Paring of callus", "Reduction of callus", "削去胼胝", "骨痂清创", "减少骨痂" ], "704962008": [ "Assessment for post-laryngectomy rehabilitation", "喉切除术后康复评估" ], "408215009": [ "Cryptosporidium microscopy", "隐孢子虫显微镜检查" ], "732225000": [ "Arthroplasty of left shoulder", "左肩关节置换术" ], "439148008": [ "Demonstration of empathy", "展现同理心" ], "306241009": [ "Referral to audiological physician", "转诊至听力医生" ], "1303830002": [ "Excision of malignant melanoma of left ala nasi", "左鼻翼恶性黑色素瘤切除术" ], "304406005": [ "Short wave diathermy to knee", "膝盖短波透热疗法" ], "386326005": [ "Hyperglycaemia management", "Hyperglycemia management", "高血糖管理" ], "42262007": [ "Total shoulder replacement", "TSR - total shoulder replacement", "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of shoulder joint", "TSR-- 全肩关节置换术", "肩关节假体全置换术", "全肩关节置换术" ], "288022008": [ "Perivesical tissue operation", "膀胱周围组织手术" ], "122347001": [ "Hepatitis C virus 5-1-1 antibody assay", "Measurement of Hepatitis C virus recombinant protein 5-1-1 antibody", "丙型肝炎病毒 5-1-1 抗体检测", "丙型肝炎病毒重组蛋白5-1-1抗体测定" ], "1269227002": [ "Fitting of partial lower denture", "安装部分下颌假牙" ], "431808000": [ "Aspiration of ganglion cyst of foot using ultrasound guidance", "Aspiration of ganglion cyst of foot using US (ultrasound) guidance", "使用超声引导进行足部腱鞘囊肿抽吸", "超声引导下足部腱鞘囊肿抽吸术" ], "104128002": [ "WBC differential count, peripheral blood buffy coat smear", "White blood cells (WBC) differential count, peripheral blood buffy coat smear", "White blood cells differential count, peripheral blood buffy coat smear", "白细胞 (WBC) 分类计数、外周血白细胞涂片", "白细胞分类计数、外周血白细胞涂片" ], "448192003": [ "Injection of autologous blood into tendon", "自体血注射入肌腱" ], "284352003": [ "Dietary advice for obesity", "Obesity diet education", "肥胖症的饮食建议", "肥胖饮食教育" ], "38592005": [ "Dental behavior management", "Dental behaviour management", "牙科行为管理" ], "233365000": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal superficial femoral artery", "动脉瘤性股浅动脉紧急置换术" ], "315285005": [ "Ligation of hepatic artery", "肝动脉结扎" ], "118677009": [ "Procedure on urinary system", "泌尿系统手术" ], "313450009": [ "Faecal reducing substance level", "Fecal reducing substance measurement", "Fecal reducing substance level", "Faecal reducing substance measurement", "Reducing substance measurement, stool", "粪便还原物质测量", "粪便还原物质水平", "还原物质测量,粪便", "粪便中还原物质含量" ], "721215004": [ "Meatal advancement and glanuloplasty incorporated hypospadias repair", "MAGPI - Meatal advancement and glanuloplasty incorporated", "Repair of hypospadias by meatal advancement and glanuloplasty incorporated technique", "尿道前移和龟头成形术结合尿道下裂修复术", "MAGPI - 阴茎前移和阴茎头成形术", "尿道下裂修补术联合尿道前移及龟头成形术" ], "311615004": [ "Semantic enhancement strategies", "语义增强策略" ], "178708005": [ "Revision to closed reduction of cervical spine fracture and collar stabilisation", "Revision to closed reduction of cervical spine fracture and collar stabilization", "颈椎骨折闭合复位及颈托固定术" ], "176873000": [ "Transcervical resection endometrium", "TCER (Transcervical endometrial resection)", "TCRE (Transcervical resection endometrium)", "TCER(经宫颈子宫内膜切除术)", "宫颈切除子宫内膜", "TCRE(宫颈内膜切除术)" ], "275177008": [ "Forefoot arthroplasty", "前足关节置换术" ], "11198000": [ "Carnitine measurement, tissue", "肉碱测量,组织" ], "764862003": [ "Radionuclide imaging of myocardium using technetium (99m-Tc) sestamibi with administration of dipyridamole", "使用锝(99m-Tc)甲氧基异丁基异腈和双嘧达莫进行心肌放射性核素显像" ], "306110004": [ "Referral to medical service", "转介医疗服务" ], "175038009": [ "Revision of bypass for two coronary arteries", "两根冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "58515002": [ "Cryoleucotomy", "冷冻脑白质切开术" ], "14561000087101": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of aorta and left femoral artery", "Doppler ultrasound scan of aorta and left femoral artery", "主动脉和左股动脉多普勒超声扫描", "主动脉和左股动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "386195006": [ "Lithotripsy of bladder calculus", "Lithotripsy of calculus of urinary bladder", "膀胱结石碎石术" ], "4321000087102": [ "CT of right forearm with contrast", "Computed tomography of right forearm with contrast", "右前臂增强 CT", "右前臂增强计算机断层扫描" ], "236904000": [ "Jones modified Strassmann metroplasty", "Jones 改良 Strassmann 子宫成形术" ], "713875009": [ "Local anaesthetic pectoral compartment nerve block", "Local anesthetic pectoral compartment nerve block", "PECS 1 block", "PECS 1 块", "局部麻醉胸腔神经阻滞" ], "171368000": [ "Emigration medical examination", "Emigration suitability medical", "Emigration examination", "移民考试", "移民体检", "移民适宜性医疗" ], "56680003": [ "Endoscopy of parathyroid gland", "甲状旁腺内镜检查" ], "1761000087108": [ "CT of bilateral humeri with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral humeri with contrast", "Computed tomography of both humeri with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right humerus with contrast", "双侧肱骨增强计算机断层扫描", "双侧肱骨增强 CT", "左、右肱骨增强计算机断层扫描" ], "122216005": [ "Legionella culture", "军团菌培养" ], "3041000087106": [ "MRI of left lower extremity with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left lower limb with contrast", "左下肢增强 MRI 扫描", "左下肢增强磁共振成像" ], "18401000087108": [ "CT guided biopsy of left rib", "Biopsy of left rib using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行左肋骨活检", "CT 引导下左肋骨活检" ], "481000087109": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of left upper extremity", "Injection of left upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下左上肢注射", "左上肢透视引导注射" ], "13281000087108": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of right iliac artery", "Doppler ultrasound of right iliac artery", "右髂动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "302440009": [ "Psychiatric pharmacologic management", "精神药物治疗" ], "103997006": [ "G blood group antibody identification", "G血型抗体鉴定" ], "431677006": [ "Plain X-ray of upper limb using mobile image intensifier", "使用移动影像增强器进行上肢普通 X 光检查" ], "397074006": [ "Psychologic desensitisation therapy", "Psychologic desensitization therapy", "Psychologic desensitisation", "Psychologic desensitization", "心理脱敏", "心理脱敏治疗" ], "69394007": [ "Maxillary sinus endoscopy with removal of cyst", "上颌窦内窥镜检查及囊肿切除术" ], "233234007": [ "Application of band to systemic to pulmonary artery shunt", "带状动脉在体动脉至肺动脉分流术中的应用" ], "3858009": [ "Echography of thyroid, A-mode", "甲状腺超声检查,A 型" ], "1263591004": [ "Reconstruction of breast using pedicled anterior intercostal artery perforator flap", "Reconstruction of breast using pedicled AICAP (anterior intercostal artery perforator) flap", "带蒂肋间前动脉穿支皮瓣乳房重建", "使用带蒂 AICAP(前肋间动脉穿支)皮瓣进行乳房重建" ], "444391005": [ "Incision and drainage of pilonidal cyst", "藏毛囊肿切开引流" ], "772071006": [ "Referral to dentist", "转诊至牙医" ], "67559006": [ "Expression of conjunctival follicles", "结膜滤泡的表达" ], "231399007": [ "Radiofrequency destruction of nerve root", "射频毁损神经根" ], "16572002": [ "Butalbital measurement", "布他比妥测量" ], "229564002": [ "Therapeutic direct current therapy", "Direct current therapy", "直流电治疗", "治疗性直流电疗法" ], "32956007": [ "Transplantation of tissue of rectum", "直肠组织移植" ], "409788009": [ "Rapid HIV-1 antibody test", "Rapid human immunodeficiency virus type 1 antibody test", "HIV-1 抗体快速检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型抗体快速检测" ], "1104451000000105": [ "Insertion of magnetic marker into left breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided insertion of magnetic marker into left breast", "Ultrasonography guided insertion of magnetic marker into left breast", "Insertion of magnetic seed into left breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下将磁性标记插入左乳房", "使用超声引导将磁性标记插入左乳房", "使用超声引导将磁性种子植入左乳房" ], "113041004": [ "Special anatomic pathology procedure or service, explain by report", "特殊解剖病理学程序或服务,通过报告解释" ], "307814001": [ "Arthroplasty of hip joint using cement", "Cemented arthroplasty of hip joint", "使用骨水泥进行髋关节置换术", "髋关节骨水泥置换术" ], "127590006": [ "Forearm tendon exteriorization cineplasty", "Forearm tendon exteriorisation cineplasty", "前臂肌腱外置电影成形术" ], "176742008": [ "Drainage of canal of Nuck", "努克运河引流" ], "438886009": [ "Active external warming of subject using heat pad", "使用热垫对受试者进行主动外部加温" ], "373350008": [ "Procedure on cartilage", "软骨手术" ], "305979003": [ "Referral by neurologist", "Referral from neurologist", "神经科医生转诊" ], "699195003": [ "Provision of coronary heart disease leaflet", "提供冠心病单张" ], "74768004": [ "Therapeutic phlebotomy at bedside", "床边治疗性放血" ], "287760007": [ "Vasotomy and drainage", "输精管切开引流术" ], "418832007": [ "Radionuclide whole body bone study", "放射性核素全身骨骼研究" ], "9232009": [ "Fluorescent treponemal antibody absorption test", "FTA-ABS test", "FTA(Abs) - Fluorescent treponemal antibody test", "FTA-ABS测试", "荧光梅毒螺旋体抗体吸收试验", "FTA(Abs) - 荧光梅毒螺旋体抗体测试" ], "171237002": [ "Skin disease screening", "皮肤病筛查" ], "38330000": [ "Operation on pterygium", "翼状胬肉手术" ], "169402000": [ "Radiochemotherapy: local artery", "放化疗:局部动脉" ], "122085008": [ "Salmonella serovar Paratyphi A antibody assay", "Measurement of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Paratyphi A antibody", "甲型副伤寒沙门氏菌抗体检测", "副伤寒沙门氏菌甲型抗体测定" ], "234938006": [ "Repair of major salivary gland", "大涎腺修复" ], "103866006": [ "Blood group typing A>2233100< assay", "补体 CH>100< 测定" ], "165869006": [ "Platelet antibodies test", "血小板抗体检测" ], "311490001": [ "Primary open reduction of spinal fracture", "脊柱骨折一期切开复位" ], "83949009": [ "Chiropractic ultrasound", "脊椎按摩超声波" ], "32962002": [ "Computerized tomography of abdomen with contrast", "Computerised tomography of abdomen with contrast", "CT of abdomen with contrast", "Computed tomography of abdomen with contrast", "腹部增强计算机断层扫描", "腹部增强 CT" ], "442562007": [ "Count of eosinophils in urine specimen", "尿液样本中嗜酸性粒细胞计数" ], "278722009": [ "Radial breast incision", "放射状乳房切口" ], "178583001": [ "Primary decompression of cervical spine", "Primary decompression operation on cervical spine", "颈椎一期减压术" ], "307820000": [ "Tarsometatarsal arthrodesis", "Tarsometatarsal fusion", "跗跖融合", "跗跖关节融合术" ], "127596000": [ "Decompression fasciotomy of anterior tibial compartment", "Fasciotomy anterior compartment of lower leg", "胫骨前间隙减压筋膜切开术", "小腿前部筋膜切开术" ], "373356002": [ "Evisceration of eye proper", "Evisceration of eyeball", "Evisceration of ocular contents", "Eyeball evisceration", "眼球摘除术", "眼球摘除", "眼内容物摘除" ], "438892003": [ "Semiquantitative analysis of volatile compound for infectious agent detection", "用于传染性病原体检测的挥发性化合物半定量分析" ], "391575009": [ "Total T lymphocyte count", "总T淋巴细胞计数" ], "275052005": [ "Reconstruction of deep femoral artery", "股深动脉重建" ], "1208940004": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to ramus intermedius artery and first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to intermediate artery and first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to ramus intermedius artery and first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to intermediate artery and first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至中间升支及左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支的顺序吻合", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至中间动脉及左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支的顺序吻合", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至中间动脉及左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至中间升动脉和左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支" ], "76609004": [ "Vitamin A measurement", "维生素 A 测量" ], "305985005": [ "Referral from psychiatrist", "Referral by psychiatrist", "精神科医生转介", "精神科医生的转诊" ], "699201006": [ "Conversion to total prosthetic replacement of elbow joint", "转换为肘关节全假肢置换" ], "762902004": [ "One stage left orchidopexy", "一期左侧睾丸固定术" ], "418838006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of internal carotid artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of internal carotid artery with contrast", "颈内动脉造影荧光镜检查", "颈内动脉造影荧光血管造影" ], "58390007": [ "Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation", "Allogeneic bone marrow transplant", "Allogeneic bone marrow graft", "同种异体骨髓移植" ], "9238008": [ "Suture of stomach", "Gastrorrhaphy", "胃缝合", "胃缝合术" ], "40171003": [ "Epstein-Barr EA-D antibody measurement", "Epstein-Barr EA-D 抗体测量" ], "122091005": [ "Schistosoma japonicum antibody assay", "Measurement of Schistosoma japonicum antibody", "日本血吸虫抗体测定", "日本血吸虫抗体检测" ], "447936000": [ "Excision of intrahepatic bile duct", "肝内胆管切除术" ], "710080003": [ "Protecting religious belief", "Protection of religious belief", "保护宗教信仰" ], "431552004": [ "Injection of nerve root of sacral spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下骶棘神经根注射" ], "234944005": [ "Destruction of lesion of minor salivary gland", "小涎腺损伤破坏术" ], "103872006": [ "Blood group typing, RH phenotyping", "Rhesus blood group phenotype determination", "恒河猴血型表型测定", "血型分型、RH 表型" ], "185792005": [ "Stop smoking monitoring first letter", "停止吸烟监测第一封信" ], "233109001": [ "Complete ventricular septation operation", "完成心室间隔手术" ], "315029007": [ "Debulking of cartilage graft of eyelid", "眼睑软骨移植减瘤术" ], "395114000": [ "Chinese herbal medicine", "中草药" ], "446101008": [ "Removal of tick", "除掉蜱虫" ], "870250004": [ "FOLFIRINOX (fluorouracil, leucovorin, irinotecan, oxaliplatin) antineoplastic chemotherapy regimen", "FOLFIRINOX antineoplastic chemotherapy regimen", "Fluorouracil, leucovorin, irinotecan and oxaliplatin antineoplastic chemotherapy regimen", "FOLFIRINOX抗肿瘤化疗方案", "氟尿嘧啶、亚叶酸钙、伊立替康和奥沙利铂抗肿瘤化疗方案", "FOLFIRINOX(氟尿嘧啶、亚叶酸钙、伊立替康、奥沙利铂)抗肿瘤化疗方案" ], "51050005": [ "Charles excision and split skin graft for lymphoedema", "Charles excision and split skin graft for lymphedema", "Excision of lymphedematous tissue and split thickness graft of skin", "Excision of lymphoedematous tissue and split thickness graft of skin", "淋巴水肿组织切除及皮肤分层移植", "查尔斯切除和分裂皮肤移植治疗淋巴水肿" ], "444266007": [ "Measurement of Hepatitis B surface antibody and Hepatitis C antibody", "乙肝表面抗体及丙肝抗体测定" ], "231274008": [ "Injection of steroid into joint", "关节注射类固醇" ], "313194008": [ "Glucose load test", "葡萄糖负荷试验" ], "229439002": [ "Manipulation of the upper limb", "Manipulation of the upper limb - non-surgical", "上肢操纵 - 非手术", "上肢操纵" ], "112916000": [ "Operation on cervix", "宫颈手术" ], "14612000": [ "Immunoassay for detection of antibody to infectious agent, paired sample", "免疫分析检测传染源抗体,配对样本" ], "702740001": [ "Supervision of high risk pregnancy with history of previous precipitate labor", "Supervision of high risk pregnancy with history of previous precipitate labour", "有急产史的高危妊娠监护" ], "391444003": [ "Serum anti-ganglioside M2 level", "血清抗神经节苷脂 M2 水平" ], "178452003": [ "Intermaxillary fixation of mandible", "下颌骨颌间固定" ], "176617006": [ "Reconstruction of vulva with distant flap", "远端皮瓣重建外阴" ], "699070001": [ "Repair of acquired femoral arteriovenous fistula", "后天性股动静脉瘘的修复" ], "715454006": [ "Assessment using Revised Kendrick Battery for detection of dementia in the elderly", "使用修订版肯德里克量表对老年人痴呆症的检测进行评估" ], "10942006": [ "Plication", "Folding", "Pleating", "Tucking", "折起", "褶裥", "折叠式的", "褶皱" ], "4861000087100": [ "CT of bilateral femurs with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral femurs with contrast", "Computed tomography of both femurs with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right femur with contrast", "左、右股骨增强计算机断层扫描", "双侧股骨增强计算机断层扫描", "双侧股骨增强 CT 检查" ], "385939005": [ "Denture care management", "Manage denture care", "管理假牙护理", "假牙护理管理" ], "1021000087101": [ "Ultrasonography of right elbow", "Ultrasound of right elbow", "Ultrasound scan of right elbow", "右肘超声扫描", "右肘部超声检查", "右肘超声检查" ], "6141000087101": [ "Plain X-ray of all fingers of right hand", "右手所有手指的普通 X 光检查" ], "2301000087101": [ "MRI of right foot with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right foot with contrast", "右脚 MRI 对比", "右脚对比磁共振成像" ], "1186920000": [ "Referral to intellectual disability psychiatry service", "转介至智力障碍精神病服务" ], "20221000087106": [ "Magnetic resonance arthrography of left knee", "Magnetic resonance arthrogram of left knee", "MR arthrography of left knee", "左膝 MR 关节造影", "左膝磁共振关节造影" ], "449640003": [ "Reduction of fracture of upper limb with internal fixation", "上肢骨折复位内固定" ], "3581000087107": [ "Plain X-ray of left forearm", "左前臂普通 X 光检查" ], "121960004": [ "Adenovirus antigen assay", "Adenovirus antigen level", "腺病毒抗原水平", "腺病毒抗原检测" ], "23656006": [ "Incision of mouth", "口腔切开术" ], "52221000087109": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of right calcaneus", "MRI of right calcaneus", "右跟骨 MRI", "右跟骨磁共振成像" ], "433256008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of pulmonary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of pulmonary artery with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊肺动脉血管成形术(荧光造影引导)", "荧光透视引导下经皮肺动脉腔内切割球囊血管成形术" ], "103741002": [ "Optical transillumination", "Light scanning", "Diaphanography", "Transillumination", "Transillumination scanning", "光扫描", "透照", "透照扫描", "光学透照", "透照法" ], "431421003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of brachial artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内肱动脉血管成形术(荧光造影引导)" ], "185661004": [ "Adult abnormal - 3rd recall", "Adult abnormal - third recall", "成人异常 - 第三次召回", "成人异常-第三次回忆" ], "120125004": [ "Posterior segment of eye closure", "眼后闭合" ], "445970000": [ "Moving subject from bed to chair", "Moving patient from bed to chair", "将病人从床上移到椅子上", "将对象从床上移到椅子上" ], "265746002": [ "Proximal femoral osteotomy for correction of congenital dislocation of the hip", "股骨近端截骨术矫正先天性髋关节脱位" ], "232978003": [ "Insertion of stent in pulmonary vein", "Stenting of pulmonary vein", "肺静脉支架置入术" ], "183826005": [ "Refer for serological testing", "参考血清学检测" ], "34535001": [ "Microbial identification, HNID panel", "Microbial identification, Haemophilus-Neisseria identification panel", "微生物鉴定,嗜血杆菌-奈瑟菌鉴定组", "微生物鉴定,HNID 面板" ], "231143004": [ "Local anesthetic radial nerve block at elbow", "Local anaesthetic radial nerve block at elbow", "Radial nerve block at elbow", "肘部桡神经阻滞", "肘部局部麻醉桡神经阻滞" ], "180156002": [ "Release of syndactyly of toes", "趾并指畸形的松解" ], "65468005": [ "Hemilaminectomy for decompression and exploration", "半椎板切除减压探查" ], "178321000": [ "Operation on lymphatic duct", "淋巴管手术" ], "440465001": [ "Percutaneous embolization of neoplasm of cervical vertebra using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of neoplasm of cervical vertebra using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "透视引导下经皮颈椎肿瘤栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮颈椎肿瘤栓塞术" ], "16316009": [ "Incision of external ear", "外耳切开术" ], "704444008": [ "Assisting with grooming", "Assisting with personal grooming", "Self-care assistance: dressing/grooming", "协助个人梳洗", "自我护理协助:穿衣/梳洗", "协助梳洗" ], "63633003": [ "Open ureteral meatotomy", "Cutting of ureterovesical orifice, open", "开放输尿管口切开术", "输尿管膀胱口切开,打开" ], "80017006": [ "Injection of phenol into sympathetic nerve", "苯酚注射到交感神经" ], "473233007": [ "Human immunodeficiency virus medication review", "人类免疫缺陷病毒药物审查" ], "12646000": [ "Repair of incarcerated inguinal hernia", "嵌顿性腹股沟疝修补术" ], "407697006": [ "Part 1 Schilling test", "第 1 部分 Schilling 测试" ], "176486002": [ "Ligation of vas deferens", "Ligation of vas deferens - not for contraception", "输精管结扎术 - 不用于避孕", "输精管结扎术" ], "274790002": [ "Examination of joint movement", "关节活动度检查" ], "1290598000": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of hip joint region", "髋关节区域骨骼的普通 X 光检查" ], "391313008": [ "Blood (WBC) screen for Sandhoff disease", "Blood (white blood cell) screen for Sandhoff disease", "桑德霍夫病血液(白细胞)筛查" ], "422246005": [ "Conjunctival resection", "Resection of conjunctiva", "结膜切除术" ], "307558008": [ "Decompression of intestine", "Intestinal decompression", "肠减压", "肠道减压" ], "61798009": [ "Ligamentous reconstruction of knee, extra-articular", "膝关节韧带重建,关节外" ], "698939004": [ "Implantation of artificial iris", "人工虹膜植入" ], "387643005": [ "Partial hysterectomy", "Partial or subtotal hysterectomy", "Subtotal hysterectomy", "部分子宫切除术", "部分或次全子宫切除术", "子宫次全切除术" ], "715323006": [ "Assessment using QRISK2 cardiovascular disease 10 year risk scale", "使用QRISK2心血管疾病10年风险量表进行评估" ], "174651007": [ "Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography", "ERP - Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography", "内镜逆行胰腺造影", "ERP-- 内镜逆行胰腺造影" ], "287504003": [ "Non-surgical biopsy of external ear", "外耳非手术活检" ], "238352007": [ "Thoracoscopic destruction of pleural lesion", "胸腔镜胸膜病变破坏术" ], "418576007": [ "Harvesting of peripheral blood stem cells", "Harvest of peripheral blood stem cells", "PBSC - Peripheral blood stem cell harvest", "Peripheral blood stem cell collection", "Peripheral blood stem cell harvest", "外周血干细胞采集", "PBSC - 外周血干细胞采集", "采集外周血干细胞" ], "303888009": [ "Osteotomy of body of os calcis", "跟骨体截骨术" ], "385808007": [ "Gastrostomy/nasogastric tube care education", "Teach gastrostomy/nasogastric tube care", "Teach enteral tube care", "Enteral tube care education", "教授胃造口术/鼻胃管护理", "胃造口术/鼻胃管护理教育", "教授肠内管护理", "肠内管护理教育" ], "252901001": [ "Upper urinary tract urodynamic study", "上尿路尿动力学检查" ], "302053004": [ "Embolectomy of carotid artery", "颈动脉栓塞切除术" ], "121829003": [ "Orthocresol measurement", "邻甲酚测量" ], "234682000": [ "Modified Widman flap", "改良魏德曼瓣" ], "169146001": [ "Isotope static cystography", "同位素静态膀胱造影" ], "185530001": [ "Cohort screening", "队列筛查" ], "1332410004": [ "Open intra-articular allograft augmentation of intra-articular ligament", "开放性关节内同种异体移植增强关节内韧带" ], "119994004": [ "Urethra closure", "尿道闭合" ], "19855000": [ "Manipulation of testis", "睾丸操作" ], "118159000": [ "Gastrointestinal tract transposition", "胃肠道移位" ], "232847003": [ "Aortic valve replacement and aortoplasty", "主动脉瓣置换术和主动脉成形术" ], "183695003": [ "Obstetric self-referral", "产科自我转诊" ], "36239005": [ "Destruction of lesion of eyelid", "眼睑损伤破坏" ], "445839007": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy guided nasogastric feeding tube insertion", "Insertion of nasogastric feeding tube using endoscopy for upper gastrointestinal tract guidance", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy guided nasogastric feeding tube insertion", "使用内窥镜引导上消化道插入鼻胃管", "食管胃十二指肠镜引导下鼻胃管插入" ], "1636000": [ "Injection of sclerosing agent in varicose vein", "Injection of varicose vein with sclerosing agent", "Sclerotherapy of varicose vein", "静脉曲张注射硬化剂", "静脉曲张硬化疗法" ], "707983007": [ "Taking throat swab for gonorrhea", "Taking throat swab for gonorrhoea", "用咽拭子检测淋病" ], "771684000": [ "Open repair of spigelian hernia using sutures", "使用缝合线进行开放式疝修补术" ], "413071009": [ "Percentage CD33 count", "CD33 计数百分比" ], "116324003": [ "Shoulder maneuver", "Shoulder manoeuvre", "肩部动作" ], "50788008": [ "Pulmonary ventilation-perfusion study by radioactive xenon", "Pulmonary xenon flow study", "肺氙气流量研究", "放射性氙气肺通气灌注研究" ], "231012009": [ "Excision of spinal cord cyst", "Excision of cyst of spinal cord", "脊髓囊肿切除术" ], "425785006": [ "Repair of tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve", "法洛四联症伴肺动脉瓣缺失的修复术" ], "737081007": [ "Administration of chickenpox vaccine", "Administration of Varicella-zoster vaccine for chickenpox", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Varicella-zoster virus antigen for chickenpox", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Human alphaherpesvirus 3 antigen for chickenpox", "Varicella-zoster vaccination for chickenpox", "Varicella-zoster immunisation for chickenpox", "Varicella-zoster immunization for chickenpox", "接种水痘疫苗", "接种水痘-带状疱疹疫苗治疗水痘", "接种仅含水痘-带状疱疹病毒抗原的水痘疫苗", "水痘-带状疱疹疫苗", "水痘-带状疱疹疫苗接种", "接种仅含人类 α 疱疹病毒 3 型抗原的水痘疫苗产品" ], "47118000": [ "Repair of anus", "Anoplasty", "肛门整形术", "肛门修复" ], "442169009": [ "Measurement of vancomycin trough concentration", "万古霉素谷浓度的测量" ], "243726003": [ "Provision of headband telescope", "提供头带望远镜" ], "718862007": [ "Assessment using Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory in Epilepsy", "Assessment using NDDI-E (Neurological Disorders Depression Inventory in Epilepsy)", "使用 NDDI-E(癫痫神经系统疾病抑郁量表)进行评估", "使用神经系统疾病抑郁量表对癫痫进行评估" ], "61667000": [ "Highly selective vagotomy", "Transection of vagi limited to proximal stomach", "Parietal cell vagotomy", "Proximal gastric vagotomy", "PCV - Parietal cell vagotomy", "PGV - Proximal gastric vagotomy", "HSV - Highly selective vagotomy", "PGV-- 近端胃迷走神经切断术", "高选择性迷走神经切断术", "迷走神经切断术仅限于近端胃", "HSV-高选择性迷走神经切断术", "近端胃迷走神经切断术", "PCV-- 壁细胞迷走神经切断术", "壁细胞迷走神经切断术" ], "440334009": [ "Percutaneous embolization of common iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of common iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮髂总动脉栓塞术" ], "78051004": [ "Supracondylar osteotomy of femur", "股骨髁上截骨术" ], "176355007": [ "Optical urethrotomy", "DVU - Direct vision urethrotomy", "DVU-- 直视尿道切开术", "光导尿道切开术" ], "174520006": [ "Exploration of gallbladder", "胆囊探查" ], "440661000124104": [ "Management of non-nutritive food additive intake", "非营养性食品添加剂摄入量的管理" ], "1255864008": [ "Microdissection testicular sperm extraction", "microTESE - microdissection testicular sperm extraction", "Incisional biopsy of seminiferous tubule for sperm extraction using operating microscope", "Incisional biopsy of seminiferous tubule for spermatozoa extraction using operating microscope", "microTESE-- 显微解剖睾丸精子提取", "手术显微镜下切开曲细精管活检以提取精子", "显微切割睾丸精子提取", "使用手术显微镜对曲细精管进行切开活检以提取精子" ], "303757000": [ "Upper gastrointestinal tract contrast procedure", "上消化道造影检查" ], "287373009": [ "Vascular prosthesis by-pass graft", "血管假体旁路移植术" ], "121698001": [ "Tetraethyl lead measurement", "四乙基铅测量" ], "172685009": [ "Ossiculoplasty using biological graft", "使用生物移植进行听小骨成形术" ], "238221009": [ "Rives prosthetic abdominal wall repair", "Rives 假体腹壁修复" ], "1186658003": [ "Spontaneous timed ventilation with pressure-support for spontaneous breaths and volume-control ventilator initiated inflation", "自主定时通气,通过压力支持自主呼吸和容量控制呼吸机启动充气" ], "56162006": [ "Sequestrectomy of tibia and fibula", "胫骨和腓骨死骨切除术" ], "449378007": [ "Fusion of cervicothoracic region of spine with internal fixation by posterior approach", "后入路颈胸椎融合内固定术" ], "88930008": [ "Recipient nephrectomy", "Total nephrectomy in recipient", "受体肾切除术", "接受者全肾切除术" ], "252770008": [ "Early cutaneous reflex recording", "早期皮肤反射记录" ], "105314007": [ "Psilocybin measurement", "裸盖菇素测量" ], "119863003": [ "Lip reconstruction", "Reconstruction of lip", "唇部重建" ], "1217591002": [ "Injection of drug or medicament", "注射毒品或药剂" ], "169015002": [ "Fluoroscopy and radiography - brain", "荧光透视和放射线照相术 - 脑" ], "70711006": [ "Endoscopy of scrotum", "阴囊内窥镜检查" ], "19724000": [ "Arthroplasty of wrist, pseudoarthrosis type with internal fixation", "腕关节置换术、假关节型内固定术" ], "183564000": [ "Refer to hospital registrar", "咨询医院登记员" ], "232716000": [ "Removal of endobronchial blocker", "移除支气管内阻塞物" ], "314636003": [ "Insertion of reversed intestinal segment", "反向肠段插入" ], "429324000": [ "Grafting of bone using autogenous vascularized pedicle graft", "Grafting of bone using autogenous vascularised pedicle graft", "使用自体血管蒂移植骨", "采用自体血管蒂移植骨" ], "412940005": [ "Magnesium / creatinine ratio measurement", "Magnesium/creatinine ratio", "镁/肌酐比值测量", "镁/肌酐比率" ], "265484009": [ "Left ventriculogram", "左心室造影" ], "1505002": [ "Hospital admission for isolation", "入院隔离" ], "230881002": [ "Aspiration of subcutaneous cerebrospinal fluid reservoir", "Button tap", "Cap tap", "按钮点击", "皮下脑脊液储液罐抽吸", "盖帽水龙头" ], "394721004": [ "Total beta human chorionic gonadotrophin level", "Total beta human chorionic gonadotropin level", "总β人绒毛膜促性腺激素水平" ], "771553006": [ "Provision of written information about female genital mutilation", "提供有关女性生殖器切割的书面信息" ], "32438001": [ "Excision of carotid body lesion", "Excision of lesion of carotid body", "颈动脉体病变切除术" ], "442038008": [ "Measurement of nuclear matrix protein 22 in urine specimen", "尿液标本核基质蛋白22的测定" ], "178059001": [ "Extirpation of lesion of fascia", "筋膜损伤摘除术" ], "704182008": [ "Assessment using hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke, bleeding history or predisposition, labile international normalised ratio, elderly over 65, and drugs/alcohol concomitantly score", "Assessment using HAS-BLED score", "Assessment using hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke, bleeding history or predisposition, labile international normalized ratio, elderly over 65, and drugs/alcohol concomitantly score", "使用 HAS-BLED 评分进行评估", "使用高血压、肾/肝功能异常、中风、出血史或倾向、不稳定的国际标准化比率、65 岁以上的老年人以及同时服用药物/饮酒进行评分" ], "425654008": [ "Repair of univentricular heart", "单心室心脏修复" ], "65206009": [ "Interdisciplinary medical team conference", "跨学科医疗团队会议" ], "46987005": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from anus", "肛门内异物取出" ], "440203008": [ "Partial excision of body of lumbar vertebra with decompression of spinal cord, nerve roots and cauda equina using thoracolumbar approach", "Partial lumbar corpectomy with decompression of spinal cord, nerve roots and cauda equina using thoracolumbar approach", "经胸腰椎入路腰椎体部分切除并减压脊髓、神经根及马尾", "采用胸腰椎入路进行腰椎部分切除术,减压脊髓、神经根及马尾" ], "79755009": [ "Fine needle biopsy of tongue", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of tongue", "舌细针穿刺活检", "舌细针活检" ], "438368004": [ "Grafting of nerve to hand", "手部神经移植" ], "28768007": [ "Incisional biopsy of breast mass", "乳腺肿块切开活检" ], "43317001": [ "Suture of aorta", "主动脉缝合" ], "59701006": [ "Closure of ureterocervical fistula", "输尿管宫颈瘘闭合" ], "287242008": [ "Posterior eye foreign body removal by incision", "Posterior chamber of eye foreign body removal by incision", "切开法取出眼后房异物", "眼后部切开取出异物" ], "39647001": [ "Neuroplasty of major peripheral nerve of brachial plexus", "臂丛主要周围神经成形术" ], "236255001": [ "Closed operation on prostate", "前列腺闭合手术" ], "105183001": [ "Ethylmorphine measurement", "乙基吗啡测量" ], "88799003": [ "Removal of prosthesis of joint structures of shoulder", "肩关节结构假体移除术" ], "72415005": [ "Clostridium difficile assay", "艰难梭菌检测" ], "449247005": [ "Arthroscopic release of capsule of elbow joint", "关节镜下肘关节囊松解术" ], "170719007": [ "Initial ophthalmological assessment", "初步眼科评估" ], "252639006": [ "Burge test", "伯吉试验" ], "168884001": [ "Hysterosalpingography", "Hysterosalpingogram", "Salp - Hysterosalpingogram", "HSG - Hysterosalpingogram", "HSG-- 子宫输卵管造影", "子宫输卵管造影", "子宫输卵管造影 - 子宫输卵管造影" ], "121567007": [ "Ethinamate measurement", "乙酰胺酸测量" ], "70580003": [ "Debridement of open fracture of radius", "桡骨开放性骨折清创术" ], "56031009": [ "Biopsy of gallbladder", "胆囊活检" ], "54196001": [ "Incision of ischiorectal tissue", "切开坐骨直肠组织" ], "86964003": [ "Cystic fibrosis sweat test", "Chloride measurement, sweat", "Sweat chloride", "Sweat chloride level", "囊性纤维化汗液测试", "汗液氯化物测量", "汗液氯化物水平", "汗液氯化物" ], "398260007": [ "Tourniquet positioned on patient", "止血带置于患者身上" ], "447412005": [ "Excisional biopsy of lymph node of neck", "颈部淋巴结切除活检" ], "773257001": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent incisional hernia of anterior abdominal wall using synthetic mesh with anterior component separation", "腹腔镜下应用合成网片分离前部结构修补术治疗复发性腹前壁切口疝" ], "412809002": [ "Viral hepatitis screening test", "病毒性肝炎筛查检测" ], "117897004": [ "Calcium channel antibody assay", "Measurement of calcium channel antibody", "钙通道抗体测量", "钙通道抗体检测" ], "183433004": [ "Own child has been fostered", "自己的孩子被寄养" ], "445577007": [ "Assessment using visual infusion phlebitis scale", "使用视觉输液静脉炎量表进行评估" ], "66910006": [ "Gross organ fixation and special preparation", "大体器官固定和特殊准备" ], "443742008": [ "Insertion of transvenous electrode of single chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator", "单腔起搏心脏复律除颤器脉冲发生器经静脉电极插入术" ], "441907007": [ "Revisional repair of multiple tears of rotator cuff of shoulder", "肩袖多发性撕裂的修复术" ], "384151000119104": [ "Screening mammography of bilateral breasts", "Screening mammogram of bilateral breasts", "双侧乳房筛查乳房 X 线摄影" ], "423688004": [ "Recreational therapy surveillance", "Recreational therapy care surveillance", "娱乐治疗护理监测", "娱乐治疗监测" ], "225245001": [ "Rubbing up a contraction", "揉搓收缩" ], "12253004": [ "Insertion of graft of aorta with cardiopulmonary bypass", "体外循环下主动脉移植术" ], "241629006": [ "MRI of rectum", "Magnetic resonance imaging of rectum", "直肠磁共振成像", "直肠 MRI" ], "176093007": [ "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for stone in lower ureter", "体外冲击波碎石治疗输尿管下段结石" ], "405469008": [ "Arterial bypass of lower limb artery", "Arterial bypass of lower extremity artery", "Infrainguinal bypass", "下肢动脉搭桥术", "腹股沟下搭桥术" ], "764082000": [ "Radionuclide imaging of thyroid with administration of thyrotropin releasing hormone", "Radionuclide thyroid study with TRH (thyrotropin releasing hormone)", "使用 TRH(促甲状腺激素释放激素)进行放射性核素甲状腺研究", "给予促甲状腺激素释放激素进行甲状腺放射性核素显像" ], "305330002": [ "Admission by mental health nurse", "精神健康护士入院" ], "370866001": [ "Mobility deficit assessment", "Assess mobility therapy", "评估活动治疗", "行动障碍评估" ], "75954006": [ "Type IV, advanced periodontitis, deep pocket therapy", "IV型,晚期牙周炎,深袋治疗" ], "26802008": [ "Radiation therapy isodose plan, arc field", "放射治疗等剂量计划、弧场" ], "713095002": [ "Education about urinary bladder irrigation", "Urinary bladder irrigation education", "膀胱冲洗教育", "关于膀胱冲洗的教育" ], "8583004": [ "Incision and drainage of hip joint area for deep abscess", "髋关节区深部脓肿切开引流术" ], "172423006": [ "Removal of corneal suture", "拆除角膜缝线" ], "41351007": [ "Suction and cleaning of tracheostomy tube", "气管切开管的抽吸和清洁" ], "432732000": [ "Injection of sclerosing agent into vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光透视引导下将硬化剂注射到静脉中" ], "105052002": [ "Acrylonitrile measurement", "丙烯腈测量" ], "252508004": [ "Broad band source phototest", "宽带光源光测试" ], "6748005": [ "Electron microscopy technique, glass knife making", "电子显微镜技术、玻璃刀制作" ], "121436007": [ "Allobarbital measurement", "阿洛巴比妥测量" ], "119601001": [ "Trunk manipulation", "躯干调整" ], "416348009": [ "Child health 4 years review", "儿童健康四年回顾" ], "709425003": [ "Thoracoscopic truncal vagotomy", "胸腔镜躯干迷走神经切断术" ], "234289003": [ "Fine needle aspiration of epitrochlear lymph node", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of epitrochlear lymph node", "滑车上淋巴结细针穿刺活检", "细针穿刺滑车上淋巴结" ], "447281005": [ "Video assisted thoracoscopic excision of esophagus", "Video assisted thoracoscopic excision of oesophagus", "电视胸腔镜食管切除术" ], "250673005": [ "Detection of porphyrins", "卟啉检测" ], "183302000": [ "Active exercise", "主动锻炼" ], "3078002": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of renal artery by abdominal incision", "经腹腔镜肾动脉导管取栓术" ], "429062005": [ "Embolisation of aneurysm using transluminal coil", "Embolization of aneurysm using transluminal coil", "使用腔内线圈栓塞动脉瘤", "使用腔内弹簧圈栓塞动脉瘤" ], "117766006": [ "Bartonella henselae antibody assay", "Measurement of Bartonella henselae antibody", "汉赛巴尔通体抗体测量", "汉赛巴尔通体抗体检测" ], "773126007": [ "Application of topical antifungal agent to skin", "皮肤局部应用抗真菌剂" ], "1230043004": [ "Positioning of head", "头部定位" ], "443611007": [ "Reconstruction of breast with immediate insertion of breast prosthesis", "立即植入乳房假体进行乳房重建" ], "279771007": [ "Cardiovascular flow study imaging", "心血管血流研究成像" ], "359856000": [ "Goniotomy without goniopuncture", "无需进行房角穿刺的房角切开术" ], "179632003": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of temporomandibular joint", "Closed reduction of dislocation of jaw", "颌骨脱位闭合复位", "颞下颌关节脱位闭合复位" ], "409008004": [ "Perinatal care education", "Teach perinatal care", "教授围产期护理", "围产期护理教育" ], "261552008": [ "Ureteric reflux prevention procedure", "Reflux prevention procedure", "输尿管反流预防程序", "反流预防程序" ], "439941003": [ "Percutaneous stereotactic neurostimulation of spinal cord", "经皮脊髓立体定向神经刺激" ], "63109005": [ "Excision of mediastinal cyst", "Excision of cyst of mediastinum", "纵隔囊肿切除术" ], "177797008": [ "Bx - Open biopsy of pleural lesion", "Open biopsy of pleural lesion", "Bx-胸膜病变开放活检", "胸膜病变开放活检" ], "241498001": [ "US scan of elbow", "Ultrasound scan of elbow", "Ultrasonography of elbow", "肘部超声检查", "肘部超声扫描", "肘部超声波扫描" ], "175962002": [ "Nephroscopy and biopsy of renal lesion", "Nephroscopic biopsy of renal lesion", "肾镜肾病变活检", "肾镜检查及肾病变活检" ], "44890003": [ "Enzyme-linked immunoassay, noncompetitive", "酶联免疫测定,非竞争性" ], "865925009": [ "Assessment using HIT-6 (Headache Impact Test-6)", "Assessment using Headache Impact Test-6", "使用 HIT-6(头痛冲击测试-6)进行评估", "使用头痛影响测试-6进行评估" ], "257882000": [ "Double dye method", "Pre-biopsy localisation of breast lesion using double dye method", "Pre-biopsy localization of breast lesion using double dye method", "乳腺病变活检前双染法定位", "双染法", "活检前使用双染法对乳腺病变进行定位" ], "782170002": [ "CT triple phase angiography with contrast for TAVI (transcatheter aortic valve implantation) planning", "Computed tomography triple phase angiography with contrast for transcatheter aortic valve implantation planning", "CT triple phase angiography with contrast for TAVI (transcatheter aortic valve implantation) workup", "CT 三相血管造影对比剂用于 TAVI(经导管主动脉瓣植入术)检查", "CT 三相血管造影增强扫描用于 TAVI(经导管主动脉瓣植入)规划", "增强 CT 三相血管造影用于经导管主动脉瓣植入计划" ], "716634006": [ "Referral to neurological physiotherapist", "转诊至神经物理治疗师" ], "405338008": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of popliteal artery", "Popliteal endarterectomy and angioplasty", "腘动脉内膜切除术和血管成形术", "腘动脉内膜切除术及血管成形术" ], "77658008": [ "Ultrasonography of urinary system", "泌尿系统超声检查" ], "225114009": [ "Inspection of stump", "树桩检查" ], "239663007": [ "Change of traction splint", "牵引夹板的更换" ], "1255471008": [ "Repair of spinal dura mater", "Spinal duraplasty", "脊椎硬脊膜成形术", "硬脊膜修复" ], "73988002": [ "Exploration of tendon sheath of hand", "手部腱鞘探查" ], "90372002": [ "Excision of osseous tuberosities of dentoalveolar structures", "牙槽结构骨结节切除术" ], "434436004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of internal iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行髂内动脉" ], "450820006": [ "Replacement of pulse generator of permanent cardiac pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下更换永久心脏起搏器脉冲发生器" ], "121305003": [ "3-Methylglutarate measurement", "3-甲基戊二酸测量" ], "416217004": [ "Indocyanine green staining of lens capsule", "晶状体囊吲哚菁绿染色" ], "350681005": [ "Manual muscle-testing with total evaluation of body", "手动肌肉测试,全面评估身体" ], "104921009": [ "Retinaldehyde measurement", "视黄醛测量" ], "252377009": [ "Immunodeficiency screening", "Immunodeficiency profile", "免疫缺陷筛查", "免疫缺陷概况" ], "428931000": [ "Third human papillomavirus vaccination", "Administration of third dose of human papilloma virus vaccine", "Third human papillomavirus immunisation", "Third human papillomavirus immunization", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Human papillomavirus antigen", "接种第三剂仅含人乳头瘤病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第三次人乳头瘤病毒免疫", "接种第三剂人乳头瘤病毒疫苗", "第三次人乳头瘤病毒疫苗接种" ], "299694009": [ "Biopsy of ileum", "Ileal biopsy", "回肠活检" ], "609155001": [ "Percutaneous transcatheter coil embolisation of fistula of coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transcatheter coil embolization of fistula of coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal coil embolization of fistula of coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal coil embolisation of fistula of coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal coil embolisation of fistula of coronary artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal coil embolization of fistula of coronary artery with contrast", "经皮冠状动脉瘘经造影荧光镜引导经皮腔内弹簧圈栓塞术", "经皮冠状动脉造影引导下经皮腔内弹簧圈栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮冠状动脉造影剂腔内弹簧圈栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮冠状动脉瘘经皮腔内弹簧圈栓塞术", "经皮导管线圈栓塞术治疗冠状动脉瘘" ], "2947007": [ "Therapeutic compound measurement", "治疗化合物测量" ], "66648003": [ "Removal of impacted tooth, partially bony", "拔除部分骨质阻生牙" ], "443480008": [ "Laparoscopic excision of part of colon", "Laparoscopic subtotal colectomy", "腹腔镜切除部分结肠", "腹腔镜结肠次全切除术" ], "408877000": [ "Gastric care assessment", "Assess gastric care", "评估胃部护理", "胃部护理评估" ], "228653003": [ "Occupational therapy home visit", "职业治疗家访" ], "392493006": [ "Pityrosporum orbiculare specific IgE antibody measurement", "m70 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pityrosporum orbiculare specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "m70 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "圆形糠秕孢子菌特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "圆形糠秕孢子菌特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "441645006": [ "Excision of lesion of intradural extramedullary spinal cord", "脊髓硬膜内髓外损伤切除术" ], "439810000": [ "Injection of thrombin into pseudoaneurysm of extremity", "Injection of thrombin into pseudoaneurysm of limb", "肢体假性动脉瘤内注射凝血酶" ], "243202001": [ "Suppression of Rhesus isoimmunisation", "Suppression of Rhesus isoimmunization", "抑制恒河猴同种免疫" ], "46594004": [ "Patellar retinacula release", "Eggers operation for tendon release of patella", "艾格斯手术治疗髌骨肌腱释放", "髌骨支持带松解术" ], "175831002": [ "SSV - Stripping of the short saphenous vein", "Stripping of the short saphenous vein", "剥离短隐静脉", "SSV-- 短隐静脉剥离术" ], "241367004": [ "Radionuclide hysterosalpingography", "放射性核素子宫输卵管造影" ], "306903006": [ "Faradism under pressure to hand", "法拉第主义面临压力" ], "470743007": [ "Measurement of 17-hydroxycorticosteroid in 24 hour urine specimen", "24 小时尿液样本中 17-羟基皮质类固醇的测定" ], "239532004": [ "Meniscoplasty of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节半月板成形术" ], "272300006": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of femur with internal fixation", "股骨骨折闭合复位内固定" ], "305068006": [ "Prophylactic trunk stretching", "预防性躯干拉伸" ], "712833000": [ "Second Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C vaccination", "Second Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C immunization", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Haemophilus influenzae type b and Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C antigens", "Second Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C immunisation", "Administration of second dose of Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C vaccine", "注射第二剂仅含有 B 型流感嗜血杆菌和 C 群脑膜炎奈瑟菌抗原的疫苗产品", "注射第二剂乙型流感嗜血杆菌和丙型脑膜炎疫苗", "第二次 B 型流感嗜血杆菌和 C 型脑膜炎免疫", "第二次乙型流感嗜血杆菌和丙型脑膜炎疫苗接种", "第二次 B 型流感嗜血杆菌和 C 型脑膜炎免疫接种" ], "172161000": [ "Reconstruction of orbital cavity with bone graft", "骨移植重建眼眶腔" ], "1222572006": [ "Cervical ripening using hygroscopic cervical dilator", "Cervical ripening using osmotic dilator", "使用渗透扩张器促进宫颈成熟", "使用吸湿宫颈扩张器促进宫颈成熟" ], "8321003": [ "Erichsen's test", "Pelvic rock test", "Erichsen test", "埃里克森检验", "骨盆摇摆试验" ], "450689006": [ "Bypass of vertebral artery", "椎动脉旁路手术" ], "6486000": [ "Curettage of sclera", "巩膜刮除术" ], "710998001": [ "Monitoring for child abuse", "监测虐待儿童行为" ], "448854002": [ "Shortening of bone of extremity", "肢体骨短缩" ], "22870004": [ "Repair of sinus of Valsalva fistula with cardiopulmonary bypass", "体外循环下瓦尔萨尔瓦窦瘘修补术" ], "104790005": [ "Lithocholic acid measurement", "石胆酸测量" ], "170326009": [ "First pertussis vaccination", "Administration of first dose of pertussis vaccine", "First pertussis immunization", "First pertussis immunisation", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis antigen", "第一次百日咳疫苗接种", "首次百日咳免疫接种", "接种第一剂仅含百日咳杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "接种第一剂百日咳疫苗" ], "397867002": [ "Alteration of haemoglobin concentration to increase oxygen delivery", "Alteration of hemoglobin concentration to increase oxygen delivery", "Oxygen delivery increased by alteration of haemoglobin concentration", "Oxygen delivery increased by alteration of hemoglobin concentration", "血红蛋白浓度改变导致氧气输送增加", "改变血红蛋白浓度以增加氧气输送" ], "264960000": [ "Primary repair of femoral hernia using sutures", "使用缝合线进行股疝的初次修复" ], "84736001": [ "Excision of exostosis from external auditory canal", "Removal of exostosis from external auditory canal", "外耳道外生骨疣切除术" ], "314112001": [ "Advice to avoid nut intake", "Recommendation to avoid nut intake", "建议避免摄入坚果", "避免摄入坚果的建议" ], "266795009": [ "Application of limb prosthesis", "肢体假肢的应用" ], "51968005": [ "Sesamoidectomy", "籽骨切除术" ], "183040005": [ "Patient reassurance", "患者安心" ], "133888005": [ "Focal asymmetric density analysis", "Computer assisted image analysis for focal asymmetric density", "局部不对称密度的计算机辅助图像分析", "局部不对称密度分析" ], "789248007": [ "Plasma pseudocholinesterase measurement", "Plasma butyrylcholinesterase measurement", "血浆丁酰胆碱酯酶测定", "血浆假胆碱酯酶测定" ], "609024009": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from pancreas prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备的胰腺标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "232192008": [ "Attention to middle ear ventilation tube", "Attention to middle ear grommet", "注意中耳鼓膜", "注意中耳通气管" ], "1264384007": [ "Follow-up for combined therapy of surgery and radiation therapy", "手术和放射治疗联合治疗的随访" ], "82901006": [ "Sickle cell identification, solubility method", "Sickling, turbidometric method", "Sickle solubility test", "镰状细胞识别,溶解度法", "镰状浊度法", "镰状溶解度试验" ], "310442001": [ "Closure of atrial septal defect using sutures", "用缝合线封闭房间隔缺损" ], "359594005": [ "Duodenorrhaphy", "Suture of duodenum", "十二指肠缝合术", "十二指肠缝合" ], "392362006": [ "Mountain juniper specific IgE antibody measurement", "t6 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Juniperus sabinoides specific IgE antibody measurement", "Juniperus sabinoides specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "桧柏特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "桧柏特异性IgE抗体测定", "山桧特异性IgE抗体测定", "t6 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "179370007": [ "Open total medial meniscectomy", "开放式全内侧半月板切除术" ], "406911000": [ "Permethrin stain method", "Permethrin stain", "氯菊酯染色法", "氯菊酯污渍" ], "177535001": [ "Reconstruction with mucosal graft", "粘膜移植重建" ], "64682006": [ "Pulmonary perfusion imaging, gaseous", "肺灌注成像,气体" ], "275839004": [ "Child examination: sphincter", "儿童检查:括约肌" ], "243071004": [ "Physical abuse counselling", "Physical abuse counseling", "Counseling for physical abuse", "Counselling for physical abuse", "身体虐待咨询" ], "62847008": [ "Tryptase release from mast cell measurement", "测量肥大细胞释放的类胰蛋白酶" ], "388692001": [ "Milk, powder specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf228 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Milk, powder specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf228特异性IgE抗体测量", "牛奶、奶粉特异性IgE抗体测定", "牛奶、奶粉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "44628004": [ "Osmolality measurement, serum", "血清渗透压测量" ], "239401003": [ "Packing of wound of mandible", "下颌骨伤口填塞" ], "1287977006": [ "Laparoscopic radical cystectomy", "Laparoscopic radical excision of urinary bladder", "腹腔镜根治性膀胱切除术", "腹腔镜膀胱根治切除术" ], "450558003": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging T2 mapping", "磁共振成像 T2 映射" ], "1220606005": [ "Endoscopy of trachea and biopsy of lesion of trachea using fiberoptic bronchoscope", "Endoscopy of trachea and biopsy of lesion of trachea using fibreoptic bronchoscope", "Tracheoscopy and biopsy of lesion of trachea", "Tracheoscopy and biopsy of lesion of trachea using fiberoptic bronchoscope", "Tracheoscopy and biopsy of lesion of trachea using fibreoptic bronchoscope", "纤维支气管镜气管内窥镜检查及气管病变活检", "纤维支气管镜气管镜检查及气管病变活检", "气管镜检查及气管病变活检" ], "73726007": [ "Repair of tendon by graft or implant of muscle", "通过肌肉移植或植入修复肌腱" ], "90110009": [ "Thermotolerance test for molds", "Thermotolerance test for moulds", "模具耐热试验", "模具耐热测试" ], "710867002": [ "Support for family decision making process", "支持家庭决策过程" ], "104659004": [ "Ethylmalonate measurement", "乙基丙二酸测量" ], "6355005": [ "Removal of internal fixation device of radius", "桡骨内固定装置拆除" ], "170195005": [ "Child examination: eyes", "儿童检查:眼睛" ], "268499008": [ "Administration of poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Human poliovirus antigens", "脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫", "接种仅含破伤风梭菌和人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "接种脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗" ], "20904001": [ "Arthrodesis of shoulder", "肩关节融合术" ], "446888002": [ "X-ray of vas deferens using contrast", "输精管造影 X 射线检查" ], "397736005": [ "Extirpation of varicose vein of lower limb", "下肢静脉曲张摘除术" ], "4520009": [ "Anastomosis of esophagus, antesternal or antethoracic, with insertion of prosthesis", "Anastomosis of oesophagus, antesternal or antethoracic, with insertion of prosthesis", "食管吻合术、胸骨前吻合术或胸骨前吻合术,并插入假体", "食管吻合术,胸骨前或胸骨前,插入假体" ], "608893003": [ "Laparoscopic salpingo-oophoroplasty", "Laparoscopic repair of ovary and fallopian tube", "腹腔镜输卵管卵巢成形术", "腹腔镜卵巢及输卵管修复" ], "313981007": [ "Urine vitamin B1 level", "Urine vitamin B1 measurement", "尿液维生素 B1 水平", "尿液维生素 B1 测量" ], "426834000": [ "Reconstruction of vagina with urethral dissection", "尿道解剖阴道重建术" ], "428669008": [ "Maintenance of dynamic graciloplasty sphincter", "动态股薄肌成形术括约肌的维护" ], "410450009": [ "Direct ophthalmoscopy", "Direct fundoscopy", "直接检眼镜检查", "直接眼底镜检查" ], "736295006": [ "Total pharyngectomy with reconstruction using free flap", "全咽切除术及游离皮瓣重建" ], "769063007": [ "Antipsychotic medication review", "抗精神病药物审查" ], "259324000": [ "Ligation of fallopian tube with crushing", "输卵管结扎挤压术" ], "392231009": [ "Intravenous cannulation", "Venous cannula insertion", "静脉插管" ], "308476000": [ "Referral to gastroenterologist", "转诊至胃肠病专家" ], "718076007": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of internal mammary artery", "Doppler ultrasound scan of internal mammary artery", "Doppler ultrasound of internal mammary artery", "乳内动脉多普勒超声检查", "乳内动脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "306641002": [ "Discharge from orthotics service", "退出矫形服务" ], "175569004": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to superficial femoral artery", "紧急用主动脉吻合股浅动脉来替代小腿动脉瘤" ], "716241007": [ "Assessment using Language Assessment Remediation and Screening Procedure", "Assessment using LARSP (Language Assessment Remediation and Screening Procedure)", "使用 LARSP(语言评估补救和筛选程序)进行评估", "使用语言评估补救和筛选程序进行评估" ], "173734000": [ "Plastic operations on stomach", "胃部整形手术" ], "59046001": [ "Laryngotracheobronchoscopy with biopsy", "喉气管支气管镜检查及活检" ], "239270001": [ "Operation on lesion of tendon sheath", "腱鞘损伤手术" ], "24443003": [ "Total thyroidectomy", "Complete thyroidectomy", "全甲状腺切除术", "甲状腺全切除术" ], "237435007": [ "Application of dressing to breast", "乳房敷料" ], "88144003": [ "Removal of ectopic interstitial uterine pregnancy requiring total hysterectomy", "切除异位间质部子宫妊娠需要进行全子宫切除术" ], "710736005": [ "Education about relapse prevention", "预防复发教育" ], "268368008": [ "Special urinary procedures", "特殊泌尿手术" ], "448592009": [ "Sigmoidoscopic excision of mucosa of rectum", "乙状结肠镜直肠黏膜切除术" ], "104528009": [ "Apolipoprotein LPA measurement", "Measurement of apolipoprotein(a)", "Apolipoprotein(a) measurement", "载脂蛋白(a)的测量", "载脂蛋白(a)测量", "载脂蛋白 LPA 测量" ], "397605005": [ "Urine N-telopeptide cross links measurement", "Urine crosslinked N-telopeptide measurement", "尿液交联N端肽测定", "尿液 N 端肽交联测定" ], "446757006": [ "Assessment using short health anxiety inventory", "使用简明健康焦虑量表进行评估" ], "363002001": [ "Cardiovascular function test", "心血管功能检查" ], "313850004": [ "Plasma gamma-glutamyl transferase measurement", "Plasma gamma-glutamyl transferase level", "血浆γ-谷氨酰转移酶水平", "血浆γ-谷氨酰转移酶测定" ], "117242004": [ "Permanent mount method for parasite identification", "寄生虫鉴定的永久固定方法" ], "182778005": [ "Metabolic monitoring", "代谢监测" ], "361167001": [ "Repair of ectropion by blepharoplasty", "Repair of ectropion with lid reconstruction", "眼睑外翻修复及眼睑重建", "眼睑成形术修复眼睑外翻" ], "408484000": [ "Level 1 axillary clearance of lymph nodes", "Axillary clearance - level 1", "Excision of level I axillary lymph nodes", "Level I axillary lymphadenectomy", "I 级腋窝淋巴结清扫术", "1 级腋窝淋巴结清扫", "腋窝清除-1级", "切除 I 级腋窝淋巴结" ], "17103008": [ "Muscle function study", "Skeletal muscle function study", "肌肉功能研究", "骨骼肌功能研究" ], "410319008": [ "Support system teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Support system teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Support system education, guidance, and counseling", "Support system education, guidance, and counselling", "支持系统教学、指导和咨询", "支持系统教育、指导和咨询" ], "80804009": [ "Stripping of fascia of hand", "手部筋膜剥离术" ], "179108009": [ "Revision to closed reduction and internal fixation of proximal femoral fracture with screw/nail and plate device", "股骨近端骨折闭合复位螺钉/钉和钢板固定术" ], "177273003": [ "Excision of blemish of skin of head or neck", "头部或颈部皮肤瑕疵切除术" ], "736164009": [ "Monitoring of liver function", "肝功能监测" ], "13433005": [ "Excision of lesion of brain by transtemporal approach", "经颞叶入路切除脑病灶" ], "78969006": [ "Ligation of varicose vein of upper limb", "Ligation of varices of peripheral vein of upper limb", "上肢周围静脉曲张结扎术", "上肢静脉曲张结扎术" ], "734329007": [ "Discussion about writing Last Will and Testament", "关于写遗嘱的讨论" ], "31652009": [ "Intracavitary chemotherapy for malignant neoplasm", "恶性肿瘤腔内化疗" ], "699726001": [ "Pial synangiosis", "软脑膜血管增生症" ], "175438001": [ "Ligation of brachial artery", "肱动脉结扎" ], "306510007": [ "Discharge by stomatherapist", "口腔治疗师排出的液体" ], "240974008": [ "Mini-abdominoplasty", "微创腹部整形术" ], "11598009": [ "Excision of synovial cyst", "滑膜囊肿切除术" ], "1156643002": [ "Endolaser photocoagulation of retina", "视网膜激光光凝术" ], "40696001": [ "Repair of nose", "鼻子修复" ], "384760004": [ "Feeding and dietary regime", "喂养和饮食制度" ], "401144009": [ "Plasma chloride measurement", "Plasma chloride level", "血浆氯化物测量", "血浆氯化物水平" ], "24312009": [ "Repair of laceration of great vessels", "大血管裂伤的修复" ], "415693003": [ "Synchronisation of repeat medication", "Synchronization of repeat medication", "Medication synchronization", "Medication synchronisation", "药物同步", "重复用药同步", "用药同步" ], "104397005": [ "Salivary gland antibody measurement", "唾液腺抗体测量" ], "432077008": [ "Repair of fracture of upper limb bone by nailing using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下髓内钉修复上肢骨折" ], "235469009": [ "30-50% distal pancreatectomy", "Resection of tail of pancreas", "Caudal pancreatectomy", "30 to 50 percent distal pancreatectomy", "30-50% 远端胰腺切除术", "胰尾切除术", "尾部胰腺切除术", "30% 至 50% 远端胰腺切除术" ], "448461009": [ "Stereotactic radiation therapy using megavoltage radiation", "采用兆伏辐射的立体定向放射治疗" ], "37026007": [ "Closed excisional biopsy of brain", "脑闭合性切除活检" ], "313719006": [ "120 minute plasma cortisol level", "120 minute plasma cortisol measurement", "120 分钟血浆皮质醇水平", "120 分钟血浆皮质醇测量" ], "410188000": [ "Taking patient vital signs assessment", "Assess taking patient vital signs", "Assess vital signs", "评估生命体征", "评估患者生命体征" ], "84343009": [ "Partial antero-latero-vertical laryngectomy", "部分前侧垂直喉切除术" ], "770636004": [ "Assessment using Medical Outcomes Study 36-item Short Form Health Survey", "Assessment using MOS SF-36 (Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form Health Survey)", "使用 MOS SF-36(医学结果研究 36 项简明健康调查)进行评估", "使用医疗结果研究 36 项简明健康调查表进行评估" ], "311884008": [ "External memory aids training", "外部记忆有助于训练" ], "33356009": [ "Betatron teleradiotherapy", "Betatron therapy", "Betatron external beam radiation therapy", "Betatron 疗法", "Betatron远程放射治疗", "Betatron 外部放射治疗" ], "31521004": [ "Resection of intestine for interposition", "Excision of intestine for interposition", "切除肠道进行插入", "切除肠管进行插入" ], "47905007": [ "Postoperative administration of analgesia", "Postoperative analgesia procedure", "术后镇痛管理", "术后镇痛程序" ], "64289008": [ "Excision of tumor of stomach", "Excision of tumour of stomach", "胃肿瘤切除术" ], "1293089008": [ "Plain X-ray of vulva", "外阴 X 光检查" ], "62454005": [ "Fibrin split products, immunoelectrophoresis", "纤维蛋白裂解产物,免疫电泳" ], "177142005": [ "Elective upper segment cesarean section", "Elective upper segment caesarean section", "选择性上段剖宫产" ], "46070005": [ "Revision of colostomy", "Repair of colostomy", "Refashioning of colostomy", "结肠造口修复", "结肠造口术修复", "结肠造口术的改造" ], "27851003": [ "Myelography of entire spinal canal", "Full length myelogram", "整个椎管的脊髓造影", "全长脊髓造影" ], "91552000": [ "Postoperative revision of scleral fistulization procedure", "Revision of scleral fistulization procedure", "Revision of scleral fistulisation procedure", "Postoperative revision of scleral fistulisation procedure", "巩膜造瘘术后修复", "巩膜造瘘术的修订" ], "107936001": [ "Operative procedure on small intestine", "Small intestine operation", "小肠手术" ], "404683009": [ "Vancomycin resistant Staphylococcus aureus culture", "耐万古霉素金黄色葡萄球菌培养" ], "9632001": [ "Nursing procedure", "Nursing care treatments and procedures", "护理程序", "护理治疗和程序" ], "386464006": [ "Prescribed diet education", "Teaching: prescribed diet", "教学:规定饮食", "处方饮食教育" ], "763296008": [ "Assessment using GPCOG (General Practitioner assessment of Cognition)", "Assessment using General Practitioner assessment of Cognition", "使用全科医生的认知评估进行评估", "使用 GPCOG(全科医生认知评估)进行评估" ], "122485004": [ "Release of tendon sheath", "肌腱鞘释放" ], "433781005": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of thoracic aorta with contrast with insertion of tube stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of thoracic aorta with contrast with insertion of tube stent graft", "胸主动脉荧光造影及管状支架植入术", "胸主动脉荧光血管造影及插入管状支架移植物" ], "7797006": [ "Gastric polypectomy", "Excision of gastric polyp", "胃息肉切除术" ], "171637006": [ "Intracranial stereotactic neurolysis of optic nerve (II)", "颅内立体定向视神经松解术(二)" ], "431946006": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of peritoneal cavity with contrast", "Computed tomography of peritoneal cavity with contrast", "CT of peritoneal cavity with contrast", "腹腔增强 CT", "腹腔增强 CT 扫描", "腹腔增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "104266008": [ "Latex agglutination test for infectious agent antibody", "传染性病原体抗体乳胶凝集试验" ], "235338009": [ "Balloon dilatation of stricture - large intestine", "Pneumatic dilatation of stricture - large intestine", "Balloon dilation of stricture - large intestine", "大肠狭窄球囊扩张术", "大肠狭窄充气扩张术" ], "708639004": [ "Excision of intramuscular lipoma", "肌内脂肪瘤切除术" ], "118815006": [ "Procedure on lip", "唇部手术" ], "430111007": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of spermatic cord", "精索细针穿刺活检" ], "36895007": [ "Exploration of orbit", "轨道探索" ], "231668001": [ "Superior rectus adjustable recession", "上直肌可调节后退" ], "233503009": [ "Revascularisation of finger", "Revascularization of finger", "手指血管重建术" ], "167967008": [ "Pleural fluid microscopy", "胸水显微镜检查" ], "51444006": [ "Epiphyseal arrest by stapling of distal fibula", "通过远端腓骨缝合术阻止骨骺移动" ], "313588008": [ "CD14 monocyte count procedure", "CD14 monocyte count", "CD14单核细胞计数程序", "CD14单核细胞计数" ], "444660008": [ "70-gene signature assay", "70-gene expression profile assay", "70 基因表达谱分析", "70 基因特征检测" ], "65993001": [ "Destruction of lesion of Bartholin's gland by incision", "Destruction of lesion of Bartholin gland by incision", "切开术破坏巴氏腺病变" ], "16841009": [ "Removal of impacted tooth, completely bony", "拔除阻生牙,完全是骨质的" ], "408222001": [ "Percentage atypical mononuclear cell count", "非典型单核细胞计数百分比" ], "424606007": [ "Removal of peripherally inserted central catheter", "Removal of PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter)", "移除 PICC(经外周插入的中心静脉导管)", "移除经外周插入的中心导管" ], "178846008": [ "Free phalangeal transfer to hand", "游离指骨移植至手部" ], "439155005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal coil embolisation of cerebral venous sinus using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal coil embolization of cerebral venous sinus using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内线圈栓塞术在荧光造影引导下对脑静脉窦进行栓塞" ], "13171005": [ "Dilation of cardiac sphincter of esophagus", "Dilation of achalasia", "Dilation of cardiac sphincter of oesophagus", "贲门失弛缓症扩张", "食管贲门括约肌扩张" ], "1209203006": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to second obtuse marginal branch and left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to second obtuse marginal branch and left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to second obtuse marginal branch and left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to second obtuse marginal branch and left posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "游离右乳内动脉自左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支第二钝缘支及左后外侧支的顺序吻合", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支的第二钝缘支和左后外侧支", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支第二钝缘支及左后外侧支", "游离右胸廓内动脉自左胸廓内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支第二钝缘支及左后外侧支的序贯吻合术" ], "765000002": [ "Monitoring of smoking cessation therapy", "戒烟治疗监测" ], "306248003": [ "Referral to complementary therapist", "转介至补充治疗师" ], "699464003": [ "Procedure on joint of shoulder girdle", "肩带关节手术" ], "42269003": [ "Anesthesia for radical orchiectomy, abdominal", "Anaesthesia for radical orchiectomy, abdominal", "根治性睾丸切除术的麻醉,腹部", "腹部根治性睾丸切除术的麻醉" ], "304413005": [ "Pulsed electromagnetic energy to lower limb", "脉冲电磁能作用于下肢" ], "386333005": [ "Infant care", "Infant health care", "婴儿护理", "婴幼儿保健" ], "122354007": [ "Leptospira interrogans antigen assay", "钩端螺旋体疑问抗原测定" ], "24050008": [ "Post-cardiac rehabilitation training", "Cardiac retraining", "心脏术后康复训练", "心脏再训练" ], "73202009": [ "Aortofemoral to popliteal vascular bypass", "主动脉股动脉至腘动脉血管旁路手术" ], "54983001": [ "Measurement of girth", "周长的测量" ], "87751001": [ "Cineradiography", "电影放射摄影术" ], "710343002": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of artery of limb", "Doppler ultrasound scan of artery of limb", "Doppler ultrasonography of artery of extremity", "Doppler ultrasound of artery of limb", "肢体动脉多普勒超声检查", "四肢动脉多普勒超声检查", "四肢动脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "71367006": [ "Endoscopic biopsy of sphincter of Oddi", "奥狄氏括约肌内镜活检" ], "235207006": [ "Attention to prosthesis within esophagus", "Attention to prosthesis within oesophagus", "Revision of prosthesis in esophagus", "Revision of prosthesis in oesophagus", "注意食管内假体", "食管假体修复" ], "431815008": [ "Giving clear oral fluid", "给予清澈的口服液" ], "448199007": [ "Arthrocentesis of temporomandibular joint", "Centesis of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节穿刺术" ], "315292000": [ "Contrast swallow", "对比吞咽" ], "186055009": [ "Formal complaint about hospital care RE: self", "关于医院护理的正式投诉 RE: 自我" ], "233372004": [ "Bypass graft of the descending thoracic aorta", "Thoracic aorta reconstruction", "Thoracoabdominal aortic reconstruction", "胸主动脉重建", "降主动脉旁路移植术", "胸腹主动脉重建" ], "118684001": [ "Procedure on olfactory system", "嗅觉系统检查程序" ], "200604007": [ "Mammoplasty with muscle flap", "肌瓣隆胸术" ], "2161003": [ "Operation on vulva", "Vulva operation", "外阴手术" ], "313457007": [ "Measurement of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine in urine", "Urine 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine level", "Urine methylenedioxymethamphetamine measurement", "尿液 3,4-亚甲二氧基甲基苯丙胺水平", "尿液亚甲二氧基甲基苯丙胺测量", "尿液中 3,4-亚甲二氧基甲基苯丙胺的测定" ], "65862003": [ "Delayed hypersensitivity skin test for tetanus", "Tetanus skin test", "破伤风延迟超敏反应皮肤试验", "破伤风皮肤试验" ], "311622007": [ "Sentence mapping", "句子映射" ], "278854009": [ "Insertion of hormone implant", "激素植入物植入" ], "178715002": [ "Primary open reduction of cervical spine fracture and collar stabilization", "Primary open reduction of cervical spine fracture and collar stabilisation", "颈椎骨折的初次切开复位及颈托固定", "颈椎骨折一期切开复位及颈托固定" ], "439024002": [ "Reconstruction of supraorbital margin using autograft", "自体移植重建眶上缘" ], "45808009": [ "Tibial tendon transfer", "Garceau operation", "Tibia tendon transfer", "加尔索行动", "胫骨肌腱转移" ], "306117001": [ "Referral to clinical physiology service", "转诊至临床生理学服务" ], "74906006": [ "Incision and drainage of gallbladder", "胆囊切开引流" ], "236911001": [ "Excision of tubo-ovarian mass", "输卵管卵巢肿块切除术" ], "171375004": [ "Insurance claim examination", "保险索赔审查" ], "122223006": [ "Verotoxin 2 antibody assay", "Measurement of Shiga-like toxin 2 antibody", "Measurement of verotoxin 2 antibody", "志贺毒素 2 抗体测量", "志贺样毒素 2 抗体测量", "Verotoxin 2 抗体测定" ], "302447007": [ "Biopsy of the nail bed", "甲床活检" ], "415300000": [ "Review of systems", "系统审查" ], "40303009": [ "Arthroscopy of wrist with complete synovectomy", "腕关节镜检查及完全滑膜切除术" ], "104004002": [ "K blood group antibody identification", "K血型抗体鉴定" ], "448068008": [ "Ligation and stripping of varicose vein of thorax", "胸腔静脉曲张结扎剥脱术" ], "85785001": [ "Capsulotomy of lens", "Capsulotomy of eye lens", "Capsulotomy of lens capsule", "晶状体囊切开术" ], "233241001": [ "Take down of Potts anastomosis", "Take down of Potts-Cooley-Smith shunt", "Take down of Potts shunt", "拆除 Potts-Cooley-Smith 分流器", "拆除 Potts 吻合口", "拆除 Potts 分流器" ], "446233005": [ "Removal of subcutaneous reservoir using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下取出皮下储液器" ], "315161008": [ "Mycoplasma agglutination test", "支原体凝集试验" ], "870382003": [ "Transfer of tendon of gluteus maximus", "Transfer of gluteus maximus tendon", "臀大肌腱转移" ], "1263598005": [ "Laparoscopic plication of greater curve of stomach", "Laparoscopic plication of greater curvature of stomach", "腹腔镜胃大弯折叠术" ], "231406006": [ "Radiofrequency destruction of celiac plexus", "Radiofrequency destruction of coeliac plexus", "腹腔神经丛射频破坏" ], "311491002": [ "Revision open reduction of spinal fracture", "脊柱骨折切开复位修复" ], "442563002": [ "Measurement of occult blood in single stool specimen", "单次粪便标本潜血检测" ], "278723004": [ "Mastectomy incision", "乳房切除术切口" ], "16579006": [ "Metacarpal amputation with finger or thumb", "用手指或拇指进行掌骨截肢" ], "229571007": [ "Heat pad treatment", "热垫处理" ], "32963007": [ "Incision and drainage of nonobstetrical perineal abscess", "非产科会阴脓肿切开引流" ], "113048005": [ "Tyrosine decomposition test", "酪氨酸分解试验" ], "391576005": [ "Activated partial thromboplastin time ratio using actin FSL reagent", "APTR (activated partial thromboplastin time ratio) using actin FSL", "APTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) ratio using actin FSL", "使用肌动蛋白 FSL 测定 APTT(活化部分凝血活酶时间)比率", "使用肌动蛋白 FSL 试剂测定活化部分凝血活酶时间比率", "使用肌动蛋白 FSL 测定 APTR(活化部分凝血活酶时间比率)" ], "178584007": [ "Primary anterior decompression of cervical spinal cord and fusion", "原发性颈髓前路减压及融合术" ], "275053000": [ "Reconstruction of common femoral artery", "股总动脉重建" ], "80280009": [ "Immediate insertion of breast prosthesis", "立即植入乳房假体" ], "307821001": [ "Urine blood test", "尿液血液检查" ], "105251000220103": [ "Replacement of vacuum formed orthodontic retainer", "真空成型牙齿矫正保持器的更换" ], "176749004": [ "Removal of intrauterine contraceptive device from pouch of Douglas", "Removal of contraceptive coil from pouch of Douglas", "从道格拉斯囊中取出宫内避孕器", "从道格拉斯囊中取出避孕环" ], "29293003": [ "Endoscopic biopsy of nasal sinus", "鼻窦内镜活检" ], "373357006": [ "Excision of lesion of eye proper", "Excision of lesion of eyeball", "眼球病变切除术", "眼球损伤切除术" ], "764738000": [ "CT guided percutaneous irreversible electroporation of neoplasm of pancreas", "CT guided percutaneous IRE (irreversible electroporation) of neoplasm of pancreas", "CT guided percutaneous irreversible electroporation of tumor of pancreas", "CT guided percutaneous irreversible electroporation of tumour of pancreas", "Percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of neoplasm of pancreas using computed tomography guidance", "经皮不可逆电穿孔消融胰腺肿瘤", "CT 引导下经皮胰腺肿瘤不可逆电穿孔 (IRE)", "CT引导下经皮胰腺肿瘤不可逆电穿孔术" ], "305986006": [ "Referral by child and adolescent psychiatrist", "Referral from child and adolescent psychiatrist", "儿童和青少年精神科医生转诊", "儿童和青少年精神科医生的转诊" ], "58391006": [ "Diaphragm fitting with instructions", "Diaphragm fitting with education", "隔膜安装及说明", "隔膜安装与教育" ], "762903009": [ "One stage right orchidopexy", "一期右侧睾丸固定术" ], "122092003": [ "Measurement of Schistosoma mansoni antibody", "Schistosoma mansoni antibody assay", "曼氏血吸虫抗体检测" ], "171244006": [ "Radiation exposure screening", "辐射暴露筛查" ], "185793000": [ "Stop smoking monitoring second letter", "停止吸烟监测第二封信" ], "103873001": [ "Ce blood group typing", "Ce血型分型" ], "710081004": [ "Smoking cessation therapy", "戒烟治疗" ], "87489005": [ "Provisional splinting, extracoronal", "临时夹板,冠外" ], "234945006": [ "Incision of minor salivary gland", "小涎腺切开术" ], "890305007": [ "Bilateral reverse prosthetic total arthroplasty of shoulders", "Reverse prosthetic total arthroplasty of both shoulders", "Reverse prosthetic total arthroplasty of bilateral shoulders", "双侧肩关节逆行假体全置换术", "双肩逆向假体全关节置换术", "双肩关节逆向假体全置换术" ], "431553009": [ "Endoanal ultrasound (US) examination of rectal sphincter", "Endoanal ultrasound examination of rectal sphincter", "直肠括约肌的肛内超声检查" ], "446102001": [ "Incision of abscess of breast", "乳房脓肿切开术" ], "315030002": [ "Percutaneous transhepatic removal of biliary stent", "经皮肝穿刺胆道支架取出术" ], "233110006": [ "Completion of ventricular septation operation", "完成心室分隔手术" ], "870251000": [ "Proton pump inhibitor therapy", "PPI (proton pump inhibitor) therapy", "质子泵抑制剂治疗", "PPI(质子泵抑制剂)治疗" ], "444267003": [ "Analysis using denaturing high performance liquid chromatography technique", "Analysis using denaturing HPLC", "采用变性高效液相色谱技术进行分析", "使用变性 HPLC 进行分析" ], "395115004": [ "Endocrine studies", "内分泌研究" ], "229440000": [ "Manipulation of shoulder - non-surgical", "Manipulation of shoulder", "肩部按摩", "肩部手术 - 非手术" ], "180288001": [ "Immobilization using plaster cast", "Immobilisation using plaster cast", "使用石膏固定", "石膏固定" ], "360512003": [ "POP - Manipulation fracture and plaster of Paris", "POP - 骨折手法治疗及石膏固定" ], "442432004": [ "Revision of ventriculoperitoneal shunt", "脑室腹腔分流术修复" ], "276757000": [ "Intracardiac oxygen saturation measurement", "Intracardiac oxygen saturation", "心内氧饱和度", "心内氧饱和度测量" ], "16448009": [ "Replacement of rectal tube", "直肠管更换" ], "391445002": [ "Serum anti-neuronal nuclei antibody level", "血清抗神经元细胞核抗体水平" ], "702741002": [ "Supervision of high risk pregnancy for multigravida", "多胎妊娠的高危妊娠监护" ], "14370001000004106": [ "Intestinal rehabilitation program", "Intestinal rehabilitation programme", "肠道康复计划" ], "438762000": [ "Open revision of femoral anastomosis of synthetic arterial bypass graft using nonautogenous patch graft", "使用非自体补片移植对人工动脉旁路移植股动脉吻合口进行开放式修复" ], "176618001": [ "Reconstruction of vulva with free flap", "Reconstruction of vulva with microvascular transferred flap", "游离皮瓣重建外阴", "微血管移植皮瓣修复外阴" ], "10943001": [ "Graft of amnionic membrane to skin", "Grafting of amnionic membrane to skin", "Grafting of amniotic membrane to skin", "羊膜至皮肤移植", "羊膜移植至皮肤" ], "60095008": [ "Injection into pelvic region", "骨盆区注射" ], "385940007": [ "Skin breakdown control", "皮肤破损控制" ], "121961000": [ "Clostridium botulinum toxin assay", "肉毒梭菌毒素检测" ], "89193003": [ "Medial fasciotomy of elbow with stripping", "肘内侧筋膜切开术及剥离术" ], "449641004": [ "Reduction of fracture of upper arm with internal fixation", "上臂骨折复位内固定" ], "433257004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of tibial artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行胫动脉" ], "169278002": [ "Spectrometry", "光谱测定" ], "120126003": [ "Posterior segment of eye reconstruction", "眼后节重建" ], "431422005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of axillary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内血管成形术在荧光造影引导下进行腋动脉" ], "415038008": [ "Laser interference biometry", "Optical biometry", "Partial coherence interferometry biometry", "激光干涉生物识别", "部分相干干涉生物测量", "光学生物识别" ], "445971001": [ "Laparotomy and incision of small intestine", "开腹手术及小肠切开术" ], "183827001": [ "Refer for immunological test", "参考免疫学检测" ], "234814008": [ "Insertion of intraoral appliance", "插入口内器具" ], "103742009": [ "Renewal of prescription", "Prescription renewal", "处方更新" ], "3031000087100": [ "MRI of bilateral lower limbs with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral lower limbs with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both lower limbs with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right lower limb with contrast", "左、右下肢对比磁共振成像", "双下肢增强 MRI 检查", "双下肢增强磁共振成像" ], "232979006": [ "Repair of pulmonary vein", "肺静脉修复" ], "265747006": [ "Pelvic osteotomy for congenital dislocation of the hip", "骨盆截骨术治疗先天性髋关节脱位" ], "14551000087104": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of aorta and right femoral artery", "Doppler ultrasound scan of aorta and right femoral artery", "主动脉和右股动脉多普勒超声扫描", "主动脉和右股动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "4311000087105": [ "CT of right forearm", "Computed tomography of right forearm", "右前臂计算机断层扫描", "右前臂CT" ], "1751000087105": [ "CT of bilateral humeri", "Computed tomography of bilateral humeri", "Computed tomography of both humeri", "Computed tomography of left and right humerus", "双侧肱骨 CT", "双侧肱骨的计算机断层扫描", "左、右肱骨计算机断层扫描", "双侧肱骨计算机断层扫描" ], "34536000": [ "Amniocentesis", "Incision and drainage of amnion", "AC - Amniocentesis", "羊膜切开引流", "羊膜穿刺术", "AC-羊膜穿刺术" ], "20951000087105": [ "Ultrasound of pelvis and perineum", "Ultrasound scan of pelvis and perineum", "Ultrasonography of pelvis and perineum", "骨盆及会阴超声检查", "骨盆和会阴超声扫描" ], "13271000087106": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of left iliac artery", "Doppler ultrasound of left iliac artery", "左髂动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "394984002": [ "Endomysial antibody IgG level", "Endomysial antibody immunoglobulin G level", "肌内膜抗体 IgG 水平", "肌内膜抗体免疫球蛋白G水平" ], "427752004": [ "Decompression laminectomy of lumbar spine", "Excision of lamina of lumbar vertebra for decompression of spinal cord", "腰椎减压椎板切除术", "腰椎椎板切除脊髓减压术" ], "231144005": [ "Radial nerve block at wrist", "Local anaesthetic radial nerve block at wrist", "Local anesthetic radial nerve block at wrist", "腕部桡神经阻滞", "腕部局部麻醉桡神经阻滞" ], "425917001": [ "Intramuscular hormone therapy", "肌肉注射激素治疗" ], "180157006": [ "Amputation of supernumerary toe", "多余趾截除术" ], "440466000": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of lung", "肺部单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "473234001": [ "Dyslipidemia medication review", "血脂异常药物评论" ], "407698001": [ "Part 2 Schilling test", "第 2 部分 Schilling 测试" ], "112786003": [ "Midtarsal arthrodesis, transverse", "跗骨中部横向关节融合术" ], "129170001": [ "Procedure on tunica vaginalis testis", "睾丸鞘膜手术" ], "391314002": [ "Serum anti-ganglioside M1 level", "Serum anti-ganglioside M1 measurement", "血清抗神经节苷脂 M1 测定", "血清抗神经节苷脂 M1 水平" ], "178322007": [ "Bypass of obstruction of lymphatic duct", "淋巴管阻塞旁路手术" ], "307559000": [ "Savage intestinal decompression", "野蛮肠减压术" ], "274791003": [ "Examination of legs", "Examination of lower limb", "腿部检查", "下肢检查" ], "29031005": [ "Swinney urethral reconstruction", "Swinney 尿道重建" ], "438631006": [ "Checking bath water temperature", "检查洗澡水温" ], "12647009": [ "Excision of lesion of male perineum", "男性会阴病变切除术" ], "387644004": [ "Supracervical hysterectomy", "宫颈上子宫切除术" ], "1090361000000104": [ "Referral to police", "转介警方" ], "303889001": [ "Application of Pugh's traction", "Application of Pugh traction", "Pugh 牵引的应用" ], "238353002": [ "Thoracoscopic instillation of substance into pleural cavity", "胸腔镜胸膜腔内灌注物质" ], "10812009": [ "Blood gases, capillary measurement", "血气、毛细血管测量" ], "385809004": [ "Gastrostomy/nasogastric tube care management", "Manage gastrostomy/nasogastric tube care", "Manage enteral tube care", "Enteral tube care management", "管理胃造口术/鼻胃管护理", "胃造口术/鼻胃管护理管理", "管理肠内管护理", "肠内管护理管理" ], "1332411000": [ "Open intra-articular prosthetic augmentation of intra-articular ligament", "开放式关节内假体增强关节内韧带" ], "54459001": [ "Debridement of open fracture of hand", "手部开放性骨折清创术" ], "121830008": [ "Palatinase measurement", "帕拉金酶测量" ], "252902008": [ "Whitaker test", "Antegrade pressure flow test", "顺行压力流试验", "Whitaker 测试" ], "185531002": [ "Combined opportunistic and cohort screening", "机会性筛查和队列筛查相结合" ], "234683005": [ "Replacement of periodontal flap", "牙周瓣置换术" ], "38075005": [ "Clipping of inferior vena cava, complete", "下腔静脉夹闭,完全" ], "1119419009": [ "Radical dissection of left half of neck", "左半颈部根治性解剖" ], "707984001": [ "Anti-tumour necrosis factor drug monitoring", "Anti-tumor necrosis factor drug monitoring", "抗肿瘤坏死因子药物监测" ], "183696002": [ "Orthopedic self-referral", "Orthopaedic self-referral", "骨科自我转诊" ], "413072002": [ "Absolute CD25 count", "绝对 CD25 计数" ], "118160005": [ "Gastrointestinal tract manipulation", "胃肠道操作" ], "232848008": [ "Aortic valve replacement and patch aortoplasty", "主动脉瓣置换术和主动脉瓣补片成形术" ], "444005000": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass content of cocaine metabolite in meconium specimen using gas chromatography mass spectrometry technique", "Quantitative measurement of mass content of cocaine metabolite in meconium specimen using gas chromatography mass spectrometry", "气相色谱质谱法定量测定胎粪标本中可卡因代谢物的质量含量", "气相色谱质谱技术定量测定胎粪标本中可卡因代谢物的质量含量" ], "85392009": [ "Reconstitution of lyophilized culture", "Reconstitution of lyophilised culture", "冻干培养物的重构" ], "116325002": [ "Elbow maneuver", "Elbow manoeuvre", "肘部动作" ], "231013004": [ "Excision of spinal cord vascular malformation", "脊髓血管畸形切除术" ], "83557003": [ "Indirect laryngoscopy with vocal cord injection", "间接喉镜检查及声带注射" ], "34405006": [ "Continuous electrocardiogram", "连续心电图" ], "50789000": [ "Serum inhibitory titer test", "SIT test", "Serum inhibitory titre test", "Serum inhibitory titre", "Serum inhibitory titer", "血清抑制滴度检测", "SIT 测试", "血清抑制滴度", "血清抑制滴度试验" ], "737082000": [ "CT guided percutaneous irreversible electroporation of neoplasm of prostate", "Percutaneous IRE (irreversible electroporation) of neoplasm of prostate using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous irreversible electroporation ablation of neoplasm of prostate using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行前列腺肿瘤经皮 IRE(不可逆电穿孔)", "CT引导下经皮前列腺肿瘤不可逆电穿孔术", "经皮不可逆电穿孔消融前列腺肿瘤" ], "229178007": [ "Neck exercises in water", "水中颈部锻炼" ], "79887000": [ "Excision of lesion of peritoneum", "腹膜病变切除术" ], "178191002": [ "Adjustment to origin of tendon or muscle", "调整肌腱或肌肉的起点" ], "440335005": [ "Radionuclide imaging of perfusion of myocardium under stress and reinjection using Thallium 201", "铊 201 负荷及再灌注心肌灌注的放射性核素显像" ], "243727007": [ "Provision of optical low vision aid - distance", "提供光学低视力辅助设备 - 远距离" ], "391183008": [ "Early intervention in psychosis - 24 hour intensive", "精神病早期干预 - 24 小时强化" ], "30735008": [ "Reconstructive repair of pectus carinatum", "鸡胸的重建修复" ], "176356008": [ "Endoscopic dilatation of urethra", "Endoscopic dilation of urethra", "Urethroscopic urethral dilatation", "Urethroscopic dilation of urethra", "内镜尿道扩张术", "尿道镜尿道扩张术" ], "174521005": [ "Removal of foreign body from gallbladder", "胆囊异物取出" ], "270990000": [ "Serum vitamin D measurement", "Serum vitamin D level", "血清维生素 D 水平", "血清维生素 D 测量" ], "715193009": [ "Ultrasonography of gallbladder with contrast", "Ultrasound scan of gallbladder with contrast", "胆囊超声造影扫描", "胆囊造影超声检查" ], "1255865009": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of seminal fluid from seminal vesicle", "Aspiration of seminal fluid from seminal vesicle using ultrasonographic guidance", "使用超声引导从精囊抽吸精液", "超声引导下精囊抽吸精液" ], "238222002": [ "Exploration of femoral canal", "股骨管探查" ], "303758005": [ "Lower gastrointestinal tract contrast procedure", "下消化道造影检查" ], "8846006": [ "Synovectomy of hip joint", "Excision of hip joint synovium", "髋关节滑膜切除", "髋关节滑膜切除术" ], "39779003": [ "Removal of outer attic wall of middle ear", "中耳外鼓室壁切除术" ], "252771007": [ "Late cutaneous reflex recording", "晚期皮肤反射记录" ], "105315008": [ "Pyrilamine measurement", "吡拉明测量" ], "121699009": [ "Thebaine measurement", "蒂巴因测量" ], "169016001": [ "Fluoroscopy and radiography - skull", "透视检查和放射线照相术 - 颅骨" ], "5176003": [ "Thromboendarterectomy with graft of renal artery", "血栓内膜切除术及肾动脉移植术" ], "437551000124100": [ "Lysine modified diet", "赖氨酸改良饮食" ], "709688005": [ "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of pericardium", "Drainage of pericardium using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下心包引流", "荧光透视引导下心包引流" ], "332856005": [ "Aspiration of trachea with lavage", "气管抽吸并冲洗" ], "441391000124107": [ "Management of delivery rate of enteral nutrition", "肠内营养供给率的管理" ], "19725004": [ "Correction of esophageal atresia", "Correction of oesophageal atresia", "Repair oesophageal atresia", "OA - Repair oesophageal atresia", "Repair esophageal atresia", "OA - Repair esophageal atresia", "修复食管闭锁", "食管闭锁的矫正", "OA-修复食管闭锁" ], "438831000124109": [ "Boron supplement therapy", "硼补充疗法" ], "183565004": [ "Refer to child medical officer", "转介儿童医疗官" ], "314637007": [ "Insertion of reversed onlay intestinal graft", "插入反向覆盖肠移植物" ], "118029008": [ "Measurement of Influenza A subtype H7N7 antibody", "Measurement of Influenza A virus subtype H7N7 antibody", "Equine Influenza A virus 1 antibody assay", "甲型流感病毒 H7N7 亚型抗体测定", "甲型流感病毒 H7N7 亚型抗体检测", "马流感病毒 A 1 抗体检测" ], "412941009": [ "Urine ethanolamine measurement", "Urine ethanolamine level", "尿乙醇胺水平", "尿液乙醇胺测量" ], "771554000": [ "Monitoring of intravenous infusion", "静脉输液监测" ], "429325004": [ "Repair of pseudoaneurysm by injection of thrombin", "注射凝血酶修复假性动脉瘤" ], "396557009": [ "Correction of clubfoot", "Release of clubfoot", "Clubfoot release", "马蹄足松解术", "马蹄足的矫正", "马蹄足释放术" ], "232717009": [ "Coronary artery bypass graft", "CABG - Coronary artery bypass graft", "CBG - Coronary bypass graft", "Coronary artery bypass grafting", "Coronary artery bypass graft operations", "CAG - Coronary artery graft", "CAG-冠状动脉移植", "冠状动脉搭桥手术", "CBG-冠状动脉搭桥术", "冠状动脉搭桥术", "CABG-冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "167181009": [ "Creatinine clearance test", "Measurement of renal clearance of creatinine", "肌酐肾清除率的测量", "肌酐清除率测试" ], "394722006": [ "60 minute plasma xylose level", "60 分钟血浆木糖水平" ], "442039000": [ "Measurement of albumin gradient between serum specimen and ascitic fluid specimen", "Serum ascites albumin gradient", "血清腹水白蛋白梯度", "血清标本与腹水标本白蛋白梯度测定" ], "787938008": [ "Partial resection of small bowel using robotic assistance", "使用机器人辅助进行小肠部分切除术" ], "230882009": [ "Irrigation of subcutaneous cerebrospinal fluid reservoir", "Irrigation of cerebrospinal fluid valve", "脑脊液灌注阀", "皮下脑脊液库灌注" ], "178060006": [ "Destruction of lesion of fascia", "筋膜损伤破坏" ], "63372007": [ "Direct thrombectomy of iliac vein by abdominal incision", "经腹部切口直接取栓术" ], "225377001": [ "Continuous behavioural assessment", "Continuous behavioral assessment", "持续行为评估" ], "12385003": [ "Repair of mouth laceration", "口腔裂伤修复" ], "438369007": [ "Incision of bone of cranium and transection of tentorium cerebelli", "Craniotomy and transection of tentorium cerebelli", "开颅和小脑幕切断术", "颅骨切开及小脑幕横断" ], "26934000": [ "Repair of uterovaginal fistula", "Closure of uterovaginal fistula", "子宫阴道瘘的修复", "子宫阴道瘘闭合" ], "174390001": [ "Drainage through perineal region", "会阴部引流" ], "43318006": [ "Synovectomy of flexor tendon sheath of foot", "足屈肌腱鞘滑膜切除术" ], "8715000": [ "Hospital admission, elective", "Hospital admission, planned", "计划入院", "住院,选择性" ], "74251004": [ "Physiatric mobilization of joint", "Physiatric remobilization of joint", "Physiatric remobilisation of joint", "Physiatric mobilisation of joint", "Mobilization of joint", "关节物理活动", "关节物理康复", "关节活动", "关节物理治疗活动" ], "57867007": [ "Implantation of artificial bladder sphincter", "Implantation of artificial urinary sphincter", "Implantation of artificial urinary bladder sphincter", "人工尿道括约肌植入术", "人工膀胱括约肌植入术", "人工膀胱括约肌植入" ], "172555009": [ "Anterior vitrectomy", "Vitrectomy by anterior approach", "Extirpation of vitreous body using anterior approach", "前入路玻璃体摘除术", "前部玻璃体切除术", "前入路玻璃体切除术" ], "6880001": [ "C3e receptor measurement", "C3e 受体测量" ], "170720001": [ "Follow-up ophthalmological assessment", "后续眼科评估" ], "121568002": [ "Ethionamide measurement", "乙硫异烟胺测量" ], "105184007": [ "Ethylnicotinamide measurement", "乙基烟酰胺测量" ], "447413000": [ "Drainage of amniotic fluid using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导引流羊水" ], "252640008": [ "Gastrointestinal propulsive force study", "GIT propulsive force study", "Traction study using solid-state transducer", "使用固态传感器进行牵引研究", "胃肠道推进力研究", "胃肠推进力研究" ], "398261006": [ "Pancreas to stomach anastomosis", "Pancreaticogastrostomy", "Pancreaticogastric anastomosis", "胰腺胃吻合术", "胰胃吻合术" ], "1217461009": [ "Facilitation of ability to communicate about dying process", "Facilitating ability to talk about dying process", "促进谈论死亡过程的能力", "促进有关死亡过程的沟通能力" ], "265354002": [ "Endoscopic insertion of tubal prosthesis into esophagus using rigid esophagoscope", "Rigid esophagoscopy and insertion of tube prosthesis", "Rigid oesophagoscopy and insertion of tube prosthesis", "Endoscopic insertion of tubal prosthesis into oesophagus using rigid oesophagoscope", "使用硬质食管镜在内镜下将输卵管假体插入食管", "使用硬质食管镜在内窥镜下将输卵管假体插入食管", "硬质食管镜检查及管状假体插入" ], "68746003": [ "Stereotactic operation on thalamus", "丘脑立体定向手术" ], "412810007": [ "Serum levetiracetam measurement", "Serum levetiracetam level", "血清左乙拉西坦测定", "血清左乙拉西坦水平" ], "117898009": [ "CIC conglutinin solid phase induced immune complex assay", "Circulating immune complexes (CIC) conglutinin solid phase induced immune complex assay", "Circulating immune complexes conglutinin solid phase induced immune complex assay", "循环免疫复合物凝集素固相诱导免疫复合物测定", "循环免疫复合物(CIC)凝集素固相诱导免疫复合物测定", "CIC凝集素固相诱导免疫复合物测定" ], "179764003": [ "Primary autograft augmentation extra-articular ligament", "原发性自体移植增强关节外韧带" ], "425524005": [ "Transfusion antithrombin III factor", "输血抗凝血酶III因子" ], "46857000": [ "Determination of resistance to airflow by plethysmographic method", "用体积描记法测定气流阻力" ], "359988009": [ "Needle biopsy of cerebral meninges", "脑膜针吸活检" ], "14089001": [ "Red blood cell count", "RBC count", "RBC - Red blood cell count", "红细胞计数", "RBC-- 红细胞计数" ], "440073003": [ "Education about vaginal birth after cesarean section", "Education about vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC)", "Education about vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC)", "Education about vaginal birth after caesarean section", "剖腹产后阴道分娩 (VBAC) 的相关教育", "剖宫产后阴道分娩 (VBAC) 的相关教育", "剖宫产后阴道分娩教育", "剖腹产后阴道分娩教育" ], "225246000": [ "Sizing of the vagina and cervix", "阴道和宫颈的尺寸" ], "241630001": [ "MRI of scrotum", "MRI of testes", "Magnetic resonance imaging of testes", "Magnetic resonance imaging of scrotum", "阴囊磁共振成像", "阴囊 MRI", "睾丸 MRI", "睾丸磁共振成像" ], "77790006": [ "Transposition of tissue of esophagus", "Transposition of tissue of oesophagus", "食管组织转位" ], "405470009": [ "Femoro-tibio-peroneal graft for repair of aneurysm using in-situ vein", "利用原位静脉进行股骨-胫骨-腓骨移植修复动脉瘤" ], "16550001000119100": [ "Drainage of lesion of pelvis using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous drainage of lesion of pelvis", "Percutaneous drainage of lesion of pelvis using computed tomography guidance", "计算机断层扫描引导下盆腔病变引流", "CT引导下盆腔病变经皮穿刺引流", "计算机断层扫描引导下经皮盆腔病变引流" ], "16558961000119100": [ "CT guided needle aspiration of bursa of right knee", "Needle aspiration of bursa of right knee using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行右膝滑囊针吸术", "CT 引导下右膝滑囊针吸术" ], "370867005": [ "Mobility deficit therapy", "Mobility therapy", "活动障碍治疗", "活动治疗" ], "16560241000119104": [ "Oral radionuclide therapy", "Oral radioisotope therapy", "口服放射性核素治疗", "口服放射性同位素治疗" ], "713096001": [ "Education about second hand smoke exposure", "关于接触二手烟的教育" ], "762248001": [ "Laparoscopic repair of paraumbilical hernia with suture", "腹腔镜缝合修补脐旁疝" ], "24968008": [ "Endoscopy of skin of extremities", "四肢皮肤内窥镜检查" ], "121437003": [ "Allopurinol measurement", "别嘌呤醇测量" ], "88669004": [ "Implantation of Rickham reservoir", "植入 Rickham 水库" ], "252509007": [ "Lesion provocation phototest", "病变激发光试验" ], "105053007": [ "Alfentanil measurement", "阿芬太尼测量" ], "4914002": [ "Treatment planning for teletherapy", "Treatment planning for external beam radiation therapy", "外照射放射治疗的治疗计划", "远程治疗的治疗计划" ], "250674004": [ "Intermediary products of metabolism measurement", "Intermediary products of metabolism level", "代谢测量的中间产物", "代谢中间产物" ], "234290007": [ "Drainage of lesion of mediastinal lymph node", "纵隔淋巴结病变引流" ], "725810008": [ "Assessment using Miller Function and Participation Scales", "Assessment using M-FUN (Miller Function and Participation Scales)", "Assessment using MfunPS (Miller Function and Participation Scales)", "使用 MfunPS(米勒函数和参与量表)进行评估", "使用米勒函数和参与量表进行评估", "使用 M-FUN(米勒功能和参与量表)进行评估" ], "117767002": [ "Bartonella quintana antibody assay", "Measurement of Bartonella quintana antibody", "巴尔通体抗体测量", "五日巴尔通体抗体检测" ], "773127003": [ "Laparoscopic augmentation of lower oesophageal sphincter using magnetic titanium ring", "Laparoscopic augmentation of lower esophageal sphincter using magnetic titanium ring", "腹腔镜下食管括约肌磁性钛环增强术", "腹腔镜下食管下括约肌磁性钛环增强术" ], "19463006": [ "Transplantation of retroperitoneal tissue", "腹膜后组织移植" ], "609287009": [ "Endoscopic thermocoagulation of small intestine for control of hemorrhage", "Endoscopic thermocoagulation of small intestine for control of haemorrhage", "内镜小肠热凝术控制出血" ], "83164005": [ "Mobilization of mandible", "Mobilisation of mandible", "下颌骨活动" ], "427228005": [ "Preparation of discharge summary", "出院总结的准备" ], "441777003": [ "Measurement of calcium in dialysis fluid specimen", "透析液样本中钙的测量" ], "409009007": [ "Perinatal care management", "Manage perinatal care", "管理围产期护理", "围产期护理管理" ], "179633008": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of nasal bone", "鼻骨脱位闭合复位" ], "177798003": [ "Mechanical open pleurodesis", "机械开放式胸膜固定术" ], "423558004": [ "Neurovascular assessment", "神经血管评估" ], "46726005": [ "Arthrodesis of wrist joint with sliding graft", "滑动移植物腕关节融合术" ], "276102005": [ "Incision and exploration of thyroid", "甲状腺切开探查" ], "405339000": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of superficial femoral artery with vein", "Superficial femoral endarterectomy and angioplasty using vein", "股浅动脉带静脉内膜切除及血管成形术", "浅表股动脉内膜切除术和血管成形术使用静脉" ], "259718008": [ "Mechanical removal of corneal epithelium", "机械去除角膜上皮" ], "28507002": [ "Endoscopy of artery of head and neck", "头颈部动脉内镜检查" ], "44891004": [ "Epiphyseal stapling", "Stapling of diaphysis", "Stapling of epiphyseal plate", "骨干缝合", "骨骺缝合术", "骨骺板缝合" ], "257883005": [ "Lubrication", "润滑" ], "225115005": [ "Milking drain", "挤奶排水管" ], "241499009": [ "US scan of wrist", "Ultrasound scan of wrist", "Ultrasonography of wrist", "腕部超声检查", "腕部超声扫描", "手腕超声波扫描" ], "450821005": [ "Replacement of pulse generator of implantable cardioverter defibrillator using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下更换植入式心脏复律除颤器脉冲发生器" ], "104922002": [ "Retinoate measurement", "Tretinoin measurement", "视黄酸测量", "维甲酸测量" ], "55770002": [ "Incision and exploration of vagina", "Colpotomy with exploration", "阴道切开探查", "阴道切开术及探查" ], "121306002": [ "3-o-Methyldopa measurement", "3-o-甲基多巴测量" ], "86703004": [ "Factor VIII assay, one stage", "因子 VIII 检测,单阶段" ], "299695005": [ "Competitive games psychotherapy", "竞技游戏心理治疗" ], "447151005": [ "Fluoroscopy of wrist", "腕部透视检查" ], "609156000": [ "Percutaneous transcatheter coil embolisation of aneurysm of coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal coil embolization of aneurysm of coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transcatheter coil embolization of aneurysm of coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal coil embolisation of aneurysm of coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮导管线圈栓塞术治疗冠状动脉瘤", "经皮冠状动脉腔内线圈栓塞术", "经皮导管线圈栓塞治疗冠状动脉瘤" ], "772996007": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent epigastric hernia using synthetic mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using synthetic mesh with fascial closure for recurrent epigastric hernia", "腹腔镜下使用合成网片和筋膜闭合术修复复发性上腹疝", "使用合成网片结合筋膜闭合的腹腔镜疝修补术治疗复发性上腹疝" ], "83033005": [ "Fecal analysis", "Feces analysis", "Stool analysis", "Faeces analysis", "Faecal analysis", "粪便分析" ], "392494000": [ "Rhizopus nigricans specific IgE antibody measurement", "m11 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rhizopus nigricans specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "m11特异性IgE抗体测量", "黑根霉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "黑根霉特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "359726004": [ "Cavernoscopy of thorax", "胸部海绵体镜检查" ], "81198005": [ "Freeing of goniosynechiae with injection of air or liquid", "Lysis of goniosynechiae with injection of air or liquid", "注射空气或液体进行房角粘连松解术", "通过注入空气或液体释放房角粘连" ], "408878005": [ "Gastric care education", "Teach gastric care", "胃部护理教育", "教导胃部护理" ], "720174008": [ "Drug harm reduction program", "Drug harm reduction programme", "减少毒品危害计划" ], "308739004": [ "Repositioning", "重新定位" ], "243203006": [ "Intermittent pneumatic calf-thigh compression", "间歇性气动小腿大腿加压" ], "306904000": [ "Faradism under pressure to lower limb", "法拉第效应在压力下传导至下肢" ], "241368009": [ "Radionuclide study of scrotum", "Radionuclide study of testes", "阴囊放射性核素检查", "睾丸放射性核素研究" ], "26541002": [ "Repair of tendon by graft or implant of fascia", "通过筋膜移植或植入修复肌腱" ], "239533009": [ "Eminectomy temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节切除术" ], "450690002": [ "Bypass of carotid artery", "颈动脉搭桥术" ], "8322005": [ "Closure of stomach ulcer", "Closure of gastric ulcer", "胃溃疡愈合", "胃溃疡闭合" ], "712834006": [ "First Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C immunization", "First Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C immunisation", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Haemophilus influenzae type b and Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C antigens", "Administration of first dose of Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C vaccine", "First Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C vaccination", "首次 B 型流感嗜血杆菌和 C 型脑膜炎免疫接种", "接种第一剂乙型流感嗜血杆菌和丙型脑膜炎疫苗", "首次接种乙型流感嗜血杆菌和丙型脑膜炎疫苗", "接种第一剂仅含有 B 型流感嗜血杆菌和 C 群脑膜炎奈瑟菌抗原的疫苗产品" ], "172162007": [ "Correction of hypertelorism with orbital osteotomies", "眼眶截骨术矫正眼距过长" ], "22871000": [ "Injection of anterior segment of eye", "眼前节注射" ], "448855001": [ "Shortening of humerus", "肱骨缩短" ], "57474008": [ "Digital examination of enterostomy stoma", "肠造口造口指检" ], "252247001": [ "C-peptide stimulation test", "C肽刺激试验" ], "170327000": [ "Second pertussis vaccination", "Second pertussis immunization", "Second pertussis immunisation", "Administration of second dose of pertussis vaccine", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis antigen", "第二次百日咳疫苗接种", "第二次百日咳免疫", "接种第二剂百日咳疫苗", "接种第二剂仅含百日咳杆菌抗原的疫苗产品" ], "447020000": [ "Insertion of hard interocclusal appliance", "Insertion of hard occlusal appliance", "Insertion of hard occlusal splint", "插入硬咬合夹板", "插入硬咬合装置" ], "710999009": [ "Monitoring food intake", "监测食物摄入量" ], "6487009": [ "Hand tendon pulley reconstruction with tendon prosthesis", "用肌腱假体重建手部肌腱滑车" ], "104791009": [ "Lipoprotein ultracentrifugation and quantitation", "脂蛋白超速离心和定量" ], "133889002": [ "Asymmetric breast tissue analysis", "Computer assisted image analysis for asymmetric breast tissue", "不对称乳房组织的计算机辅助图像分析", "不对称乳房组织分析" ], "789249004": [ "Butyrylcholinesterase screening test", "丁酰胆碱酯酶筛查试验" ], "609025005": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from prostate prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备前列腺标本涂片进行显微镜细胞学检查" ], "445185007": [ "Resurfacing of head of femur", "股骨头表面置换术" ], "1264385008": [ "Follow-up for combined therapy of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy", "手术、放疗和化疗联合治疗的随访" ], "426966006": [ "Deep sclerectomy with spacer", "深部巩膜切除术及间隔器" ], "392363001": [ "Rt212 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cedar specific IgE antibody measurement", "Libocedrus decurrens specific IgE antibody measurement", "Libocedrus decurrens specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "菥蓂特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Libocedrus 进行特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "雪松特异性IgE抗体测量", "Rt212 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "164822009": [ "Special male genital test", "特殊男性生殖器检查" ], "179371006": [ "Open partial lateral meniscectomy", "开放部分外侧半月板切除术" ], "310443006": [ "Closure of atrial septal defect using patch", "使用补片封闭房间隔缺损" ], "359595006": [ "Miller operation", "米勒操作" ], "275840002": [ "Preventing spread of infection", "防止感染扩散" ], "243072006": [ "Advice on cancer", "Cancer education", "癌症建议", "癌症教育" ], "406912007": [ "Phloxin B stain method", "Phloxin B stain", "绿脓杆菌 B 染色法", "Phloxin B 染色" ], "274005006": [ "Excision of aberrant thyroid tissue", "Aberrant thyroid gland excision", "切除异常甲状腺组织", "异常甲状腺切除术" ], "77397006": [ "Implant removal of radial head", "桡骨头植入物移除" ], "241237007": [ "Gastric arteriogram", "Arteriography of gastric artery", "Angiography of gastric artery", "胃动脉造影" ], "388693006": [ "Banana specific IgE antibody measurement", "Musa spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "f92 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Musa spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "芭蕉属特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "f92 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "芭蕉属特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "香蕉特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "173866002": [ "Open insertion of tubal prosthesis into duodenum", "将输卵管假体开放式插入十二指肠" ], "239402005": [ "Removal of pack from mandible", "P/R - Removal of pack from mandible", "取出下颌骨上的包", "P/R - 取出下颌骨上的包" ], "288554006": [ "Donning lower limb prosthesis practice", "下肢假肢佩戴练习" ], "1220607001": [ "Brain ventriculoscopy and biopsy of lesion of ventricle of brain", "Endoscopy of ventricle of brain and biopsy of lesion of ventricle of brain", "脑室镜检查及脑室病变活检", "脑室内镜检查及脑室病变活检" ], "450559006": [ "Laparoscopic myomectomy", "Laparoscopic excision of uterine fibroid", "Laparoscopic excision of leiomyoma of uterus", "腹腔镜子宫平滑肌瘤切除术", "腹腔镜子宫肌瘤切除术" ], "57343007": [ "Nonobstetrical insertion of bougie into cervix", "非产科将探条插入宫颈" ], "170196006": [ "Child examination: squint", "儿童检查:斜视" ], "397737001": [ "Division of fascia of hand", "Incision of fascia of hand with division", "Hand fasciotomy", "Fasciotomy of hand", "手部筋膜的划分", "手部筋膜切开术" ], "104660009": [ "Folic acid measurement", "叶酸测量" ], "70057004": [ "Endoscopy of ileal conduit", "Cystoscopy of ileal conduit", "Looposcopy of ileal conduit", "Endoscopic examination of ileal conduit", "回肠膀胱镜检查", "回肠导管内镜检查", "回肠导管镜检查" ], "446889005": [ "Measurement of fractional excretion of calcium", "Measurement of fractional excretion of calcium using urine specimen and serum or plasma specimen", "使用尿液样本和血清或血浆样本测量钙排泄分数", "钙排泄分数的测量" ], "363134007": [ "Genitourinary system incision", "泌尿生殖系统切开术" ], "851001": [ "Root canal therapy, molar, excluding final restoration", "根管治疗,磨牙,不包括最终修复" ], "608894009": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from nervous system for parasites", "对神经系统标本进行寄生虫显微镜检查" ], "443219002": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of superficial mass of thyroid", "甲状腺浅表肿块细针穿刺活检" ], "836435007": [ "Simple mastectomy of right breast using robotic assistance", "Robotic assisted simple mastectomy of right breast", "机器人辅助右侧乳房单纯切除术", "使用机器人辅助进行右侧乳房简单乳房切除术" ], "410451008": [ "Indirect ophthalmoscopy", "Indirect fundoscopy", "间接眼底镜检查", "间接检眼镜检查" ], "392232002": [ "Incision and drainage of peritonsillar abscess", "扁桃体周围脓肿切开引流" ], "277544004": [ "Percutaneous embolization of varicocele", "Percutaneous embolisation of varicocele", "精索静脉曲张经皮栓塞术" ], "29949007": [ "Plastic repair and revision of injury", "Plastic repair and revision of deformity", "整形修复和畸形矫正", "整形修复和损伤修复" ], "716242000": [ "Assessment using Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire for parents or educators of 2-4 year olds", "Assessment using SDQ (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) for parents or educators of 2-4 year olds", "使用优势与困难问卷对 2-4 岁儿童的家长或教育工作者进行评估", "使用 SDQ(优势与困难问卷)对 2-4 岁儿童的家长或教育工作者进行评估" ], "308477009": [ "Referral to psychiatrist", "转诊至精神科医生" ], "44498002": [ "Pleurodesis with tetracycline", "四环素胸膜固定术" ], "175570003": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal iliac artery by anastomosis of iliac artery to iliac artery", "紧急行髂动脉至髂动脉吻合术,替代动脉瘤性髂动脉" ], "28114005": [ "Incision and drainage of lacrimal sac", "泪囊切开引流术" ], "306642009": [ "Discharge from hospital orthotics service", "出院矫形服务" ], "239271002": [ "Excision of lesion of tendon sheath", "腱鞘损伤切除术" ], "9895003": [ "Destruction of lesion of large intestine", "Destruction of lesion - large intestine", "破坏病变-大肠", "大肠病变破坏" ], "386727004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cardiac valvotomy", "经皮腔内心脏瓣膜切开术" ], "40828005": [ "Epinephrine measurement, supine", "Adrenaline measurement, supine", "仰卧位肾上腺素测量" ], "710737001": [ "Education about risk reduction technique", "降低风险技术教育" ], "55377001": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of innominate artery by arm incision", "经臂切口置管取栓术" ], "6225001": [ "Antibody detection, RBC, enzyme, 2 stage technique, including anti-human globulin", "Antibody detection, red blood cell, enzyme, 2 stage technique, including anti-human globulin", "抗体检测,红细胞,酶,2 阶段技术,包括抗人球蛋白", "抗体检测,红细胞,酶,2阶段技术,包括抗人球蛋白" ], "37158000": [ "Reduction of buttocks", "Buttock lift", "臀部缩小术", "提臀术" ], "446758001": [ "Assessment using sensory profile", "使用感官特征进行评估" ], "708902002": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of femur and internal fixation using bone plate", "Closed reduction and plate of fracture of femur", "股骨骨折闭合复位接骨板内固定", "股骨骨折闭合复位钢板固定术" ], "69926006": [ "Repair of vesicosigmoidal fistula", "Closure of vesicosigmoidal fistula", "膀胱乙状结肠瘘的修复", "膀胱乙状结肠瘘闭合" ], "86310007": [ "Removal of internal fixation device of fibula", "腓骨内固定装置拆除" ], "182779002": [ "Metabolic crisis monitoring", "代谢危机监测" ], "363003006": [ "Cardiovascular physical examination", "心血管体格检查" ], "117243009": [ "Phosphotungstic acid-hematoxylin stain method", "Phosphotungstic acid-haematoxylin stain method", "PTAH - Mallory's phosphotungstic acid haematoxylin stain", "Phosphotungstic acid-haematoxylin stain", "PTAH - Mallory's phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin stain", "Phosphotungstic acid-hematoxylin stain", "磷钨酸-苏木精染色法", "PTAH - Mallory 磷钨酸苏木精染色", "磷钨酸-苏木精染色" ], "66256006": [ "Removal of foreign body from perineum", "会阴异物取出" ], "361168006": [ "Suture of uterosacral ligament", "子宫骶韧带缝合" ], "179109001": [ "Primary wire fixation of fracture", "骨折一期钢丝固定" ], "736165005": [ "Nasogastric tube care management", "鼻胃管护理管理" ], "244645007": [ "Pelvic examination under general anesthesia", "Pelvic examination under general anaesthesia", "全身麻醉下进行盆腔检查" ], "734330002": [ "Provision of written information about writing Last Will and Testament", "提供有关撰写遗嘱的书面信息" ], "177274009": [ "Excision of sebaceous cyst of head or neck", "头部或颈部皮脂囊肿切除术" ], "372047005": [ "Prescription of drug within scope of practice", "Prescribes medication within scope of practice", "在执业范围内开药", "执业范围内的药品处方" ], "306511006": [ "Discharge by community-based nurse", "社区护士出院" ], "77135006": [ "Decompression of trigeminal nerve root", "Taarnhoj operation", "塔恩霍伊行动", "三叉神经根减压术" ], "699727005": [ "Laparoscopic reconstruction of ureteropelvic junction by retroperitoneal approach", "Retroperitoneoscopic pyeloplasty", "腹腔镜后肾盂成形术", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路重建肾盂输尿管连接部" ], "42532000": [ "Infundibulectomy of ventricle in total repair of tetralogy of Fallot", "脑室漏斗切除术在法洛四联症全修复术中的应用" ], "240975009": [ "Upper abdominoplasty", "上腹部整形术" ], "175439009": [ "Ligation of vertebral artery", "椎动脉结扎术" ], "27983008": [ "Osteoplasty of phalanges of hand", "手指骨成形术" ], "419364000": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of cerebral artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of cerebral artery with contrast", "脑动脉造影荧光血管造影", "脑动脉造影荧光镜检查" ], "89849000": [ "High forceps delivery", "High forceps operation", "Application of or delivery by high forceps", "使用高位产钳进行分娩", "高位产钳手术", "高位产钳分娩" ], "384761000": [ "Caretaking skills training", "护理技能培训" ], "827129004": [ "Insertion of composite restoration using strip crown", "使用条形冠插入复合修复体" ], "401145005": [ "Plasma inorganic phosphate measurement", "Plasma inorganic phosphate level", "血浆无机磷酸盐水平", "血浆无机磷酸盐测量" ], "104398000": [ "Acetylcholine receptor modulating antibody measurement", "乙酰胆碱受体调节抗体测量" ], "448462002": [ "Arthroscopic removal of loose body from wrist joint", "关节镜下腕关节游离体取出" ], "432078003": [ "Plain X-ray of sacrum using mobile image intensifier", "使用移动影像增强器进行骶骨普通 X 射线检查" ], "235470005": [ "Hemipancreatectomy", "Left pancreatectomy", "50-70% distal pancreatectomy", "50 to 70 percent distal pancreatectomy", "左胰腺切除术", "50% 至 70% 远端胰腺切除术", "50-70% 远端胰腺切除术", "半胰腺切除术" ], "430243000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of breast for radiotherapy planning", "Magnetic resonance imaging of breast for radiotherapy planning", "MRI of breast for radiotherapy planning", "乳房 MRI 用于放射治疗计划", "乳腺磁共振成像用于放射治疗计划", "乳房磁共振成像(MRI)用于放射治疗计划" ], "168099002": [ "Amniotic fluid chemistry procedure", "Amniotic fluid chemistry", "羊水化学", "羊水化学检查程序" ], "313720000": [ "90 minute serum cortisol measurement", "90 minute serum cortisol level", "90 分钟血清皮质醇水平", "90 分钟血清皮质醇测量" ], "50060131000188104": [ "Infusion of epinephrine", "输注肾上腺素" ], "33357000": [ "Roentgenography, negative contrast", "负对比X线照相术" ], "442957002": [ "Open reduction of fracture of distal medial condyle of femur with external fixation", "股骨远端内侧髁骨折切开复位外固定" ], "770637008": [ "Assessment using Abbey Pain Scale", "使用 Abbey 疼痛量表进行评估" ], "426573009": [ "Repair of vault of vagina with mesh using abdominal approach", "经腹入路补片修复阴道穹窿" ], "410189008": [ "Taking patient vitals signs education", "Teach taking patient vital signs", "Teach vital signs", "教导生命体征", "对患者进行生命体征教育", "教导测量患者生命体征" ], "1293090004": [ "Plain X-ray of nasopharynx", "Plain X-ray of postnasal space", "鼻咽部普通 X 光检查", "鼻后间隙的普通 X 光检查" ], "177143000": [ "Elective lower segment caesarean section", "Elective lower segment cesarean section", "选择性下段剖宫产" ], "13303004": [ "Posterior sclerotomy", "后巩膜切开术" ], "765132000": [ "Venography of right lower extremity", "Venogram of right lower extremity", "Venography of right lower limb", "Venogram of right lower limb", "右下肢静脉造影" ], "46071009": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of subclavian artery by thoracic incision", "经胸腔切口锁骨下动脉导管取栓术" ], "44236004": [ "Determination of resistance to airflow", "Determination of airway resistance", "Measurement of airway resistance", "气流阻力的测定", "气道阻力测量", "气道阻力的测定" ], "419233000": [ "CT arthrography of temporomandibular joint", "CT arthrogram of temporomandibular joint", "Computed tomography arthrography of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节CT造影", "颞下颌关节计算机断层扫描造影" ], "288161003": [ "Orthopaedic device application", "Orthopedic device application", "骨科器械应用" ], "386465007": [ "Prescribed medication education", "Teaching: prescribed medication", "Instruction about prescribed medications", "处方药教育", "处方药说明", "教学:处方药" ], "7798001": [ "Conjunctivoplasty with conjunctival graft", "结膜移植术" ], "171638001": [ "Intracranial stereotactic neurolysis of oculomotor nerve (III)", "动眼神经颅内立体定向松解术(三)" ], "122486003": [ "Division of ligament", "Release of ligament", "Desmotomy", "Syndesmotomy", "肌腱切断术", "韧带分离", "韧带联合切开术", "韧带释放" ], "235339001": [ "FB - Removal of foreign body from large intestine", "Removal of foreign body from large intestine", "大肠异物取出", "FB - 清除大肠异物" ], "104267004": [ "Microbial antibody titer by latex agglutination method", "Microbial antibody titre by latex agglutination method", "乳胶凝集法测定微生物抗体滴度" ], "430112000": [ "Biopsy of meninges", "脑膜活检" ], "708640002": [ "Robot assisted exploration of common bile duct", "Laparoscopic exploration of common bile duct using robotic assistance", "Robot assisted laparoscopic exploration of common bile duct", "机器人辅助胆管探查", "机器人辅助腹腔镜胆总管探查" ], "233504003": [ "Revascularisation of multiple fingers", "Revascularization of multiple fingers", "多根手指血管重建术", "多根手指血管重建" ], "118816007": [ "Procedure on vestibule of mouth", "口腔前庭手术" ], "35061002": [ "Control of hemorrhage of laparotomy site", "Control of haemorrhage of laparotomy site", "控制剖腹手术部位出血" ], "18677005": [ "Filleting of toe flap including preparation of recipient site", "趾皮瓣修整,包括接受部位的准备" ], "231669009": [ "Superior rectus adjustable resection", "上直肌可调切除术" ], "426442007": [ "Closed reduction of dislocated prosthetic replacement of head of femur", "股骨头脱位假体置换闭合复位" ], "15007006": [ "Thrombectomy of arterial graft", "动脉移植物血栓切除术" ], "408223006": [ "Serum buprenorphine level", "Serum buprenorphine measurement", "血清丁丙诺啡浓度", "血清丁丙诺啡测量" ], "1209204000": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to second and third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to second and third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to second and third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to second and third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支第二、三钝缘支的序贯吻合术", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支第二和第三钝缘支", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支第二、三钝缘支的序贯吻合术", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支第二和第三钝缘支" ], "62324004": [ "Incision of penis", "阴茎切开术" ], "373620007": [ "Romberg test", "罗姆伯格试验" ], "306249006": [ "Referral to bereavement counsellor", "Referral to bereavement counselor", "转介至丧亲顾问" ], "173342001": [ "Gingiva operations", "Gum operations", "牙龈手术", "口香糖业务" ], "304414004": [ "Pulsed electromagnetic energy to shoulder", "脉冲电磁能肩" ], "1156382005": [ "Intensity modulated intracavitary brachytherapy", "调强腔内近距离放射治疗" ], "386334004": [ "Intraoperative infection control", "Infection control: intraoperative", "术中感染控制", "感染控制:术中" ], "417267003": [ "Advice to GP to increase patient medication", "Recommendation to General Practitioner to increase patient medication", "Recommendation to GP to increase patient medication", "建议全科医生增加患者用药" ], "89587004": [ "Removal of foreign body from abdominal cavity", "FB - Removal of foreign body from abdominal cavity", "FB-腹腔异物取出", "腹腔异物取出" ], "122355008": [ "Mumps virus antigen assay", "腮腺炎病毒抗原检测" ], "235208001": [ "Removal of prosthesis from oesophagus", "Removal of prosthesis from esophagus", "从食管中取出假体", "从食管取出假体" ], "284360002": [ "Diet advice for inborn error of metabolism", "Inborn error of metabolism diet education", "先天性代谢错误饮食教育", "先天性代谢障碍的饮食建议" ], "202440005": [ "Water soluble contrast myelogram", "水溶性脊髓造影剂" ], "186056005": [ "Formal complaint about hospital care RE: relative", "关于医院护理的正式投诉 RE: 亲属" ], "448200005": [ "Excision of supernumerary digit containing bone", "切除含有骨的多余手指" ], "22216006": [ "Repair of cholecystoduodenal fistula", "Closure of cholecystoduodenal fistula", "胆囊十二指肠瘘缝合术", "胆囊十二指肠瘘修补术" ], "710344008": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of extremity vessel", "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of limb", "Doppler ultrasound scan of vascular structure of limb", "Doppler ultrasound of vascular structure of limb", "肢体血管多普勒超声检查", "四肢血管结构的多普勒超声检查", "四肢血管结构多普勒超声扫描" ], "20381001": [ "Injection of anesthetic substance, therapeutic, subarachnoid, differential", "Injection of anaesthetic substance, therapeutic, subarachnoid, differential", "注射麻醉物质、治疗、蛛网膜下腔、鉴别" ], "349896009": [ "Excision of perianal lesion", "肛周病变切除" ], "118685000": [ "Procedure on hematopoietic system", "Procedure on haematopoietic system", "造血系统手术" ], "315293005": [ "Contrast meal", "对比餐" ], "233373009": [ "ABG - Aortobifemoral graft", "Trouser graft", "ABF - Aortobifemoral graft", "ABG - Aortic bifurcation graft", "Aortic bifurcation graft", "Aortic bifurcation bypass graft", "主动脉分叉旁路移植术", "ABG - 主动脉双股动脉移植", "ABG - 主动脉分叉移植物", "主动脉分叉移植物", "裤形移植", "ABF-- 主动脉双股动脉移植" ], "313458002": [ "Urine pseudoephedrine measurement", "Urine pseudoephedrine level", "尿液伪麻黄碱水平", "尿液伪麻黄碱测定" ], "772210005": [ "Application of below elbow back slab", "Application of dorsal slab", "肘下背板的应用", "背板的应用" ], "33095001": [ "Fistulectomy of cornea", "角膜瘘切除术" ], "426311001": [ "Plain X-ray of right foot", "右脚普通 X 光检查" ], "311623002": [ "Expressive repair strategy", "表达性修复策略" ], "82247006": [ "Coronary artery bypass with autogenous graft, five grafts", "自体移植冠状动脉搭桥术,五处移植血管" ], "178716001": [ "Primary open reduction spinal fracture and bedrest stabilisation", "Primary open reduction spinal fracture and bedrest stabilization", "初次切开复位脊柱骨折及卧床固定" ], "47644001": [ "Hepatitis D antigen measurement", "丁型肝炎抗原检测" ], "306118006": [ "Referral to endocrinology service", "转诊至内分泌科" ], "122224000": [ "Acetylcholine receptor antibody assay", "Measurement of acetylcholine receptor antibody", "乙酰胆碱受体抗体检测", "乙酰胆碱受体抗体的测量" ], "1156251008": [ "Reconstruction of hand using free tendocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis", "吻合显微血管的游离腱皮瓣修复手部缺损" ], "302448002": [ "Previous chest wall incision - reopening", "先前的胸壁切口 - 重新打开" ], "448069000": [ "Ligation and stripping of varicose vein of upper limb", "上肢静脉曲张结扎剥脱术" ], "415301001": [ "Rheumatoid factor IgG level", "Rheumatoid factor IgG measurement", "Rheumatoid factor immunoglobulin G measurement", "类风湿因子免疫球蛋白G测量", "类风湿因子 IgG 水平", "类风湿因子 IgG 测量" ], "710213002": [ "Evaluation of psychosocial response to instruction about exercise", "评估对运动指导的社会心理反应" ], "236912008": [ "GIFT - Gamete intrafallopian transfer", "Gamete intrafallopian transfer", "配子输卵管内移植", "GIFT - 配子输卵管内移植" ], "104005001": [ "Little k blood group antibody identification", "小k血型抗体鉴定" ], "169541001": [ "Postcoital contraceptive procedure", "性交后避孕方法" ], "185925007": [ "Prescription event monitoring", "处方事件监控" ], "54853009": [ "Removal of implanted intra-arterial infusion pump", "移除植入的动脉内输液泵" ], "233242008": [ "Take down of Glenn shunt", "拆除 Glenn 分流器" ], "1263599002": [ "Fitting of acrylic removable partial denture", "Fitting of acrylic RPD (removable partial denture)", "丙烯酸 RPD(可摘局部义齿)安装", "丙烯酸可摘局部义齿的安装" ], "231407002": [ "DRGT - Dorsal root ganglion thermocoagulation", "Dorsal root ganglion thermocoagulation", "Radiofrequency destruction of dorsal root ganglion", "DRGT-背根神经节热凝术", "背根神经节射频破坏", "背根神经节热凝术" ], "444399007": [ "Radionuclide imaging with computed tomography attenuation correction and localisation", "Radionuclide imaging with computed tomography attenuation correction and localization", "放射性核素成像与计算机断层扫描衰减校正和定位" ], "772079008": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent lumbar hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using synthetic mesh for recurrent lumbar hernia", "使用合成网片进行腹腔镜疝修补术治疗复发性腰疝", "腹腔镜下合成网片修补复发性腰疝" ], "229572000": [ "Wax treatment", "蜡处理" ], "442564008": [ "Evaluation of urine specimen", "尿液样本评估" ], "391577001": [ "M9 mitochondrial antibody (EIA) level", "M9 mitochondrial antibody (enzyme immunoassay) level", "M9 线粒体抗体(酶联免疫吸附测定)水平", "M9 线粒体抗体 (EIA) 水平" ], "113049002": [ "Pigment production test, photochromogenic", "色素生产试验,光致变色" ], "1259929006": [ "Replacement of sub-pectoral space breast prosthesis with pre-pectoral space breast prosthesis", "Replacement of subpectoral space prosthetic breast implant with prepectoral space prosthetic breast implant", "Replacement of submuscular space prosthetic breast implant with subglandular space prosthetic breast implant", "用乳腺下间隙假体乳房植入物替换肌肉下间隙假体乳房植入物", "胸前间隙乳房假体替代胸下间隙乳房假体", "胸肌下间隙假体乳房植入物替换胸肌前间隙假体乳房植入物" ], "31129006": [ "Synergism testing, broth macrodilution method", "协同作用测试,肉汤稀释法" ], "373358001": [ "Suture of eye proper", "Suture of globe", "Suture of eyeball", "眼球缝合", "眼缝" ], "438894002": [ "Sympathectomy of ulnar artery", "尺动脉交感神经切除术" ], "127598004": [ "Repair of joint capsule of knee", "膝关节囊修复" ], "275054006": [ "Reconstruction of femoral artery", "股动脉重建" ], "1208942007": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery and third marginal circumflex coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery and third marginal circumflex coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery and third marginal circumflex coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery and third marginal circumflex coronary artery", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支和第三回旋缘冠状动脉", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支及第三回旋边缘冠状动脉", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉依次吻合至左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支及第三回旋缘冠状动脉", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支及第三回旋缘冠状动脉的顺序吻合" ], "307822008": [ "Endoscopic trachea biopsy", "内镜气管活检" ], "305987002": [ "Referral from forensic psychiatrist", "Referral by forensic psychiatrist", "法医精神病学家的推荐", "法医精神病学家转诊" ], "11075005": [ "Subconvulsive electroshock therapy", "亚惊厥电击疗法" ], "76611008": [ "Atherectomy by laser", "Atherectomy using laser", "激光旋切术" ], "699203009": [ "Insertion of implantable venous access device using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下插入可植入静脉通路装置" ], "287768000": [ "Gastroduodenoscopy through artificial stoma", "经人工造口胃十二指肠镜检查" ], "40173000": [ "Incision of bladder", "Urinary cystotomy", "Cystostomy", "Incision of urinary bladder", "膀胱切开", "膀胱切开术", "尿道膀胱切开术", "膀胱造口术" ], "91160008": [ "Transcricoid bronchography", "Transcricoid bronchogram", "环软骨支气管造影", "经环软骨支气管造影" ], "171245007": [ "Urine screening", "尿液筛查" ], "89325008": [ "Cauterization of ovary", "Cauterisation of ovary", "卵巢烧灼术" ], "5570001": [ "Arthrotomy for infection with exploration and drainage of carpometacarpal joint", "腕掌关节切开引流治疗感染" ], "122093008": [ "Schistosoma species antibody assay", "Measurement of Schistosoma species antibody", "血吸虫抗体检测" ], "431554003": [ "Radionuclide imaging using indium 111 capromab pendetide", "使用铟 111 卡普罗单抗喷地肽进行放射性核素成像" ], "169410004": [ "Support transfusion therapy", "支持输血治疗" ], "415170005": [ "Presbyopic refractive lensectomy", "Presbyopic refractive lensectomy-PRELEX", "老花眼屈光晶状体切除术" ], "185794006": [ "Stop smoking monitoring third letter", "停止吸烟监测第三封信" ], "103874007": [ "C^w^ blood group typing", "C^w^血型分型" ], "710082006": [ "Protecting cultural belief", "Protection of cultural belief", "保护文化信仰" ], "3735002": [ "Coproporphyrin III measurement", "粪卟啉 III 测定" ], "36503003": [ "Biopsy of bladder", "Biopsy of urinary bladder", "膀胱活检" ], "315031003": [ "Percutaneous transhepatic insertion of biliary drain", "经皮肝穿刺胆道引流术" ], "233111005": [ "Operations for Fallot-type conditions", "法洛型病症的操作" ], "20119004": [ "Ureterocecostomy", "Ureterocaecostomy", "输尿管盲肠造口术" ], "446103006": [ "Partial excision of lesion of brain", "脑损伤部分切除术" ], "708247009": [ "Dot blot assay", "斑点印迹试验" ], "231276005": [ "Injection of facet joint", "小关节注射" ], "18284006": [ "Phospholipid measurement", "磷脂测量" ], "870252007": [ "Ventricular tachycardia ablation", "室性心动过速消融" ], "444268008": [ "Analysis using digital PCR", "Analysis using digital polymerase chain reaction technique", "使用数字 PCR 进行分析", "利用数字聚合酶链式反应技术进行分析" ], "229441001": [ "Manipulation of the glenohumeral joint", "Manipulation of the glenohumeral joint - non-surgical", "肩关节手术", "肩关节手术 - 非手术" ], "32833004": [ "Removal of anterior instrumentation of spine", "移除脊柱前部固定装置" ], "30998000": [ "Transplantation of fascia of hand", "手部筋膜移植" ], "391446001": [ "Plasma androstenedione/testosterone ratio", "血浆雄烯二酮/睾酮比率" ], "719126002": [ "Assessment using Patient-Specific Functional Scale", "Assessment using PSFS (Patient-Specific Functional Scale)", "使用患者特定功能量表进行评估", "使用 PSFS(患者特定功能量表)进行评估" ], "180289009": [ "Application of plaster cast", "POP - Applying plaster of Paris", "Applying plaster of Paris", "POP - Application of plaster of Paris", "涂抹熟石膏", "石膏固定", "POP - 涂抹熟石膏", "POP - 熟石膏的应用" ], "178454002": [ "Fixation of mandible - extraoral", "下颌骨固定 - 口外" ], "112918004": [ "Vaginal hysterectomy with colpo-urethrocystopexy, Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz type", "阴道子宫切除术联合阴道尿道膀胱固定术,Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz 型" ], "78315000": [ "Pharyngotomy", "Incision of pharynx", "咽部切开术", "咽切开术" ], "80150009": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of innominate artery by neck incision", "颈部切开置管取栓术" ], "702742009": [ "Supervision of high risk pregnancy for social problem", "高危妊娠监护的社会问题" ], "438763005": [ "Open grafting of osteochondral autograft to knee", "膝关节开放性自体骨软骨移植" ], "60096009": [ "Enucleation of cyst of salivary gland", "涎腺囊肿摘除术" ], "76480009": [ "Removal of pulmonary embolus", "Embolectomy of pulmonary artery", "Pulmonary embolectomy", "PE - Pulmonary embolectomy", "Trendelenburg operation", "PE - 肺栓塞切除术", "肺动脉栓塞切除术", "特伦德伦伯卧位手术", "肺栓塞去除", "肺栓塞切除术" ], "271253003": [ "Measurement of vanillylmandelic acid in urine specimen", "尿液标本中香草扁桃酸的测定" ], "385941006": [ "Wound care assessment", "Assess wound care", "评估伤口护理", "伤口护理评估" ], "171114004": [ "Viral screening - excluding rubella", "病毒筛查 - 排除风疹" ], "121962007": [ "Clostridium botulinum toxin identification", "肉毒梭菌毒素鉴定" ], "285802009": [ "Preferential looking test", "PL - Preferential looking test", "PLT - Preferential looking test", "PL - 优先考虑测试", "PLT - 优先考虑测试", "优先考虑测试" ], "447807004": [ "Excision of sequestrum of metacarpal bone", "Sequestrectomy of metacarpal bone", "Sequestrectomy of metacarpal", "掌骨死骨切除术" ], "103743004": [ "Self-administration of antibiotic therapy at home", "在家自行进行抗生素治疗" ], "169279005": [ "X-ray fluorescence spectrometry", "X射线荧光光谱法" ], "120127007": [ "Posterior segment of eye transplantation", "眼后节移植" ], "118292001": [ "Removal", "Removal procedure", "Removal - procedure", "移动", "移除程序", "移除 - 程序" ], "445972008": [ "Insertion of esophageal stent", "Insertion of oesophageal stent", "置入食管支架", "食管支架置入" ], "69140008": [ "Freezing and thawing of culture", "培养物的冷冻和解冻" ], "232980009": [ "Angioplasty of pulmonary vein", "Balloon angioplasty of pulmonary vein", "Balloon dilatation of pulmonary vein", "肺静脉球囊成形术", "肺静脉球囊扩张术", "肺静脉血管成形术" ], "394985001": [ "Anti-nuclear IgM antibody level", "Anti-nuclear immunoglobulin M antibody level", "抗核免疫球蛋白M抗体水平", "抗核IgM抗体水平" ], "231145006": [ "Local anesthetic median nerve block", "Local anaesthetic median nerve block", "Median nerve block", "正中神经阻滞", "局部麻醉正中神经阻滞" ], "427753009": [ "Insertion of oesophageal tracheal double lumen airway", "Insertion of esophageal tracheal double lumen supraglottic airway", "Insertion of esophageal tracheal double lumen airway", "Insertion of oesophageal tracheal double lumen supraglottic airway", "食管气管双腔声门上气道插入术", "食管气管双腔通气道插入术" ], "473235000": [ "Endocrine disorder medication review", "内分泌失调药物评论" ], "47251001": [ "Fistulization of thoracic duct", "Lymphaticostomy of thoracic duct", "Fistulisation of thoracic duct", "胸导管造瘘术", "胸导管造瘘", "胸导管淋巴管切开术" ], "178323002": [ "Ligation of lymphatic duct", "淋巴管结扎" ], "391315001": [ "Serum amitriptyline level", "血清阿米替林水平" ], "129171002": [ "Procedure on skin of axilla", "腋窝皮肤手术" ], "2481000087101": [ "MRI of left knee with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left knee with contrast", "左膝增强磁共振成像", "左膝增强 MRI 检查" ], "1201000087102": [ "Ultrasonography of left salivary gland", "Ultrasound of left salivary gland", "Ultrasound scan of left salivary gland", "左涎腺超声检查", "左涎腺超声扫描" ], "112787007": [ "Correction of metatarsus varus", "Heyman-Herndon operation", "海曼-赫恩登行动", "跖骨内翻矫正" ], "11441000087103": [ "CT of left acromioclavicular joint", "Computed tomography of left acromioclavicular joint", "左肩锁关节CT", "左肩锁关节计算机断层扫描" ], "407699009": [ "Haemoglobin D level", "Hemoglobin D level", "Haemoglobin D measurement", "Hemoglobin D measurement", "血红蛋白 D 水平", "血红蛋白 D 测量" ], "440467009": [ "Transoesophageal echocardiography with contrast", "Transesophageal echocardiography with contrast", "经食管造影超声心动图检查" ], "5041000087107": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of left hip", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of left hip joint", "左髋关节荧光镜关节造影", "左髋关节荧光镜造影" ], "438632004": [ "Arthroscopy and drilling of knee", "膝关节镜检查及钻孔" ], "15281000087109": [ "CT guided biopsy of right scapula", "Biopsy of right scapula using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导对右肩胛骨进行活检", "CT 引导下右肩胛骨活检" ], "307560005": [ "Closure of intestinal-vascular graft fistula", "肠血管移植瘘的闭合" ], "274792005": [ "Examination of lips", "嘴唇检查" ], "1290600006": [ "Intraoperative plain X-ray of hip region", "术中髋部 X 光检查" ], "3761000087109": [ "Plain X-ray of left shoulder", "左肩普通 X 光检查" ], "1208680006": [ "Arthroplasty of joint of bilateral elbows", "Arthroplasty of joint of both elbows", "Bilateral elbow joint arthroplasty", "双肘关节置换术", "双侧肘关节置换术" ], "715325004": [ "Assessment using Apraxia Battery for Adults Second Edition", "Assessment using ABA-2 (Apraxia Battery for Adults Second Edition)", "使用 ABA-2(成人失用症测试第二版)进行评估", "使用成人失用症量表进行评估(第二版)" ], "174653005": [ "Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography and collection of pancreatic juice", "内镜逆行胰腺造影及胰液收集" ], "59965006": [ "Incision of submental space", "Submandibular incision", "下颌下切口", "颏下间隙切开术" ], "287506001": [ "Non-surgical adrenal biopsy", "非手术肾上腺活检" ], "238354008": [ "Puncture and drainage of pleural cavity", "胸腔穿刺引流" ], "385810009": [ "Gastrostomy/nasogastric tube insertion assessment", "Assess gastrostomy/nasogastric tube insertion", "Assess enteral tube insertion", "Enteral tube insertion assessment", "评估肠内管插入情况", "胃造口术/鼻胃管插入评估", "评估胃造口术/鼻胃管插入", "肠管插入评估" ], "416743002": [ "Local anesthetic sciatic nerve block; lateral approach", "Local anaesthetic sciatic nerve block; lateral approach", "Sciatic nerve block; lateral approach", "局部麻醉坐骨神经阻滞;侧入路", "坐骨神经阻滞;侧入路" ], "252903003": [ "Urethral fluid bridge pressure test", "尿道液桥压力试验" ], "89063007": [ "Open reduction of closed ulnar shaft fracture", "闭合性尺骨干骨折切开复位" ], "169148000": [ "Isotope static scan spleen", "同位素静态扫描脾脏" ], "121831007": [ "Palmitoylcarnitine measurement", "棕榈酰肉碱测量" ], "56295009": [ "Perfusion of small intestine", "小肠灌注" ], "1119420003": [ "Radical dissection of right half of neck", "右半颈部根治性解剖" ], "234684004": [ "Repositioned periodontal flap", "重新定位牙周瓣" ], "54460006": [ "Chemonucleolysis", "Intervertebral chemonucleolysis", "Enzyme destruction of intervertebral disc", "化学溶核术", "椎间化学髓核溶解术", "酶破坏椎间盘" ], "447676007": [ "Suturing of capsule of elbow joint", "肘关节囊缝合" ], "232849000": [ "Aortic valve replacement and plication of ascending aorta", "主动脉瓣置换术及升主动脉折叠术" ], "265617002": [ "Cauterisation of lesion of vulva", "Cauterization of lesion of vulva", "外阴损伤烧灼术" ], "69009003": [ "Division of cartilage of spine", "脊椎软骨分割" ], "1129491000000109": [ "Guided self-help", "Guided self-help psychological therapy", "引导式自助", "引导式自助心理治疗" ], "183697006": [ "ENT self-referral", "Ear, nose and throat self-referral", "耳鼻喉科自我转诊" ], "413073007": [ "Serum C1 esterase inhibitor antigen level", "Hereditary Angioneurotic Oedema Test", "Hereditary Angioneurotic Edema Test", "Serum C1 inhibitor antigen measurement", "C1 Esterase Inhibitor", "C1 Inactivator", "HANE Assay", "C1 Inhibitor", "C1 酯酶抑制剂", "C1 抑制剂", "遗传性血管神经性水肿检查", "HANE 检测", "C1灭活剂", "血清 C1 抑制剂抗原测量", "血清 C1 酯酶抑制剂抗原水平" ], "118161009": [ "Laser enucleation of the prostate", "前列腺激光剜除术" ], "116326001": [ "Wrist maneuver", "Wrist manoeuvre", "腕部动作" ], "1638004": [ "Cineplasty with cineplastic prosthesis of extremity", "Cineplastic amputation with cineplastic prosthesis of extremity", "电影塑性截肢术及肢体电影塑性假体", "肢体电影假体电影成形术" ], "444006004": [ "Quantitative measurement of calprotectin in stool specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass content of calprotectin in stool specimen", "粪便标本中钙卫蛋白质量含量的定量测定", "粪便样本中钙卫蛋白的定量测定" ], "16187000": [ "Chiropractic adjustment of sacral subluxation", "骶骨半脱位的脊椎矫正" ], "81723002": [ "Amputation", "截肢" ], "229179004": [ "Upper limb exercises in water", "Arm exercises in water", "水中手臂练习", "上肢水中练习" ], "737083005": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous chemosaturation of hepatic artery with contrast", "Percutaneous chemosaturation of hepatic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮肝动脉造影化疗", "经皮肝动脉造影化疗饱和术" ], "442171009": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of submandibular gland", "颌下腺细针穿刺活检" ], "391184002": [ "Early intervention in psychosis - 24 hour not intensive", "精神病早期干预 - 24 小时非密集干预" ], "243728002": [ "Provision of hand held distance telescope", "提供手持式测距望远镜" ], "14352005": [ "Incision and drainage of pseudocyst of pancreas", "胰腺假性囊肿切开引流术" ], "440336006": [ "Repair of central venous access catheter with subcutaneous port", "带皮下端口的中央静脉导管的修复" ], "718864008": [ "Assessment using Lower Extremity Functional Scale", "Assessment using LEFS (Lower Extremity Functional Scale)", "使用 LEFS(下肢功能量表)进行评估", "使用下肢功能量表进行评估" ], "1290469002": [ "Plain X-ray of thigh", "大腿普通 X 光检查" ], "176357004": [ "Endoscopic insertion of urethral stent", "内镜尿道支架置入术" ], "43450002": [ "Total thymectomy", "全胸腺切除术" ], "76218006": [ "Transposition of scrotal tissue", "阴囊组织转位" ], "270991001": [ "Serum vitamin E measurement", "Serum vitamin E level", "血清维生素 E 测量", "血清维生素 E 水平" ], "287375002": [ "Nasal sinus puncture and irrigation", "鼻窦穿刺和冲洗" ], "303759002": [ "Biliary tract contrast procedure", "Imaging of biliary tract with contrast", "胆道造影", "胆道造影检查" ], "418447007": [ "US scan of orbits", "Ultrasound scan of orbits", "美国轨道扫描", "眼眶超声波扫描" ], "88932000": [ "Lactate dehydrogenase isoenzymes measurement", "LDH isoenzymes measurement", "Lactic acid dehydrogenase isoenzymes measurement", "LD isoenzymes measurement", "Lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme level", "LD同工酶测定", "乳酸脱氢酶同工酶测定", "乳酸脱氢酶同工酶水平", "LDH同工酶测定" ], "449380001": [ "Insertion of orthodontic screw", "插入矫正螺钉" ], "252772000": [ "Stretch reflex studies", "牵张反射研究" ], "238223007": [ "Procedure for abdominal wall lesion", "腹壁损伤手术" ], "121700005": [ "Theobromine measurement", "可可碱测量" ], "37945000": [ "Substernal thyroidectomy by cervical approach", "经颈部入路胸骨下甲状腺切除术" ], "7012008": [ "Coagulation or electrocoagulation of spinal cord lesion", "脊髓损伤部位的电凝或凝固治疗" ], "709689002": [ "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of extremity", "Drainage of limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of limb", "在荧光透视引导下进行肢体引流", "透视引导下肢体引流" ], "105316009": [ "Pyrovalerone measurement", "吡咯戊酮测量" ], "119865005": [ "Mouth repair", "Repair of mouth", "口腔修复", "修复口腔" ], "169017005": [ "Fluoroscopy and radiography - cervical column", "荧光透视和放射线照相术 - 颈柱" ], "314638002": [ "Excision of reversed intestinal segment", "切除逆转肠段" ], "412942002": [ "Urine urate / creatinine ratio measurement", "Urine urate/creatinine ratio", "尿液尿酸/肌酐比值", "尿液尿酸/肌酐比值测量" ], "445710004": [ "Lymphoedema care", "Lymphedema care", "淋巴水肿护理" ], "429326003": [ "Recession of horizontal extraocular muscle", "水平眼外肌萎缩" ], "396558004": [ "Correction of congenital deformity of hindfoot", "后足先天畸形矫正" ], "394723001": [ "Anti-DNAse B antibody level", "Anti-deoxyribonuclease B antibody level", "抗DNA酶B抗体水平", "抗脱氧核糖核酸酶B抗体水平" ], "50659003": [ "Medical audit procedure", "医疗审计程序" ], "771555004": [ "Monitoring of continuous bladder irrigation", "持续膀胱冲洗的监测" ], "67043003": [ "Arthrodesis of metacarpophalangeal joint with autograft", "自体移植掌指关节融合术" ], "230883004": [ "Injection of substance into subcutaneous cerebrospinal fluid reservoir", "将物质注入皮下脑脊液储存器" ], "704184009": [ "Endovascular insertion of metal stent with mechanical embolic protection", "Endovascular insertion of metallic stent with mechanical embolic protection", "具有机械栓塞保护功能的金属支架的血管内插入" ], "79757001": [ "Ribotyping", "核糖体分型" ], "46989008": [ "Reduction of closed carpometacarpal fracture dislocation of thumb with manipulation and skeletal fixation", "Manual reduction of closed carpometacarpal fracture dislocation of thumb with skeletal fixation", "手法复位固定治疗闭合性拇指腕掌骨骨折脱位", "手法固定复位闭合性拇指腕掌骨骨折脱位" ], "12386002": [ "Patient status determination", "Patient condition determination", "患者病情确定", "患者状态确定" ], "225378006": [ "Ongoing assessment of behavior", "Ongoing assessment of behaviour", "持续的行为评估" ], "307298009": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration of breast lesion", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of lesion of breast", "乳腺病变经皮细针穿刺活检", "经皮乳腺病变细针穿刺" ], "174391002": [ "Drainage of ischiorectal abscess", "坐骨直肠脓肿引流" ], "59703009": [ "Cervical spinal fusion by anterior technique", "Cervical arthrodesis by anterior technique", "前路颈椎关节融合术", "前路颈椎融合术" ], "74252006": [ "Breath analysis, labeled hydrogen", "Breath analysis, labelled hydrogen", "呼气分析,标记氢" ], "39649003": [ "Partial excision of proximal tibia", "胫骨近端部分切除术" ], "121569005": [ "Ethyl acetate measurement", "乙酸乙酯测量" ], "301793006": [ "Biopsy of lump of axilla", "腋窝肿块活检" ], "285409006": [ "Medical termination of pregnancy", "MTP - Medical termination of pregnancy", "Medical abortion", "MTP-- 医疗终止妊娠", "药物流产", "医疗终止妊娠" ], "105185008": [ "Etilefrine measurement", "乙替福林测量" ], "236257009": [ "Submucous polytetrafluoroethylene injection to male bladder neck", "Submucous Teflon injection to male bladder neck", "Submucous Teflon injection to male urinary bladder neck", "Submucosal injection of polytetrafluoroethylene to male urinary bladder neck", "STING - submucous Teflon injection to male bladder neck", "STING - 男性膀胱颈粘膜下注射特氟隆", "男性膀胱颈黏膜下注射聚四氟乙烯", "男性膀胱颈黏膜下注射特氟隆", "男性膀胱颈黏膜下聚四氟乙烯注射" ], "252641007": [ "Gastrointestinal transit study", "胃肠道转运研究" ], "447414006": [ "Measurement of blood gases in mixed venous blood specimen", "混合静脉血标本血气测定" ], "119734008": [ "Trachea injection", "Injection into trachea", "气管注射" ], "117899001": [ "Collagen antibody assay", "Measurement of collagen antibody", "胶原抗体检测", "胶原抗体测定" ], "412811006": [ "Urine kappa light chain measurement", "Urine kappa light chain level", "尿液 κ 轻链测定", "尿液 κ 轻链水平" ], "183435006": [ "Care from relatives", "亲属的关怀" ], "1230176002": [ "Positioning subject in supine position", "Supine positioning", "Positioning subject lying on back", "让受试者仰卧", "让受试者处于仰卧位", "仰卧位" ], "443744009": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of immunoglobulin G in 24 hour urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of IgG in 24 hour urine specimen", "24小时尿液样本中IgG的定量测定", "24小时尿液标本中免疫球蛋白G质量浓度的定量测定" ], "179765002": [ "Revision reattachment extra-articular ligament", "关节外韧带修复再植" ], "704053009": [ "Closed rhinoplasty", "闭式鼻整形术" ], "177930001": [ "Biopsy of lesion of anterior abdominal wall", "腹前壁病变活检" ], "440074009": [ "Nonsurgical reduction of cardiac septum for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy with coronary arteriogram", "Nonsurgical reduction of cardiac septum for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy with arteriography of coronary artery", "Nonsurgical reduction of cardiac septum for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy with angiography of coronary artery", "肥厚性梗阻性心肌病非手术心脏隔膜复位及冠状动脉造影", "肥厚性梗阻性心肌病的非手术心脏隔膜复位术及冠状动脉造影" ], "241631002": [ "MRI pelvimetry", "Magnetic resonance imaging pelvimetry", "MRI 骨盆测量", "磁共振成像骨盆测量" ], "716767003": [ "Assessment using Wechsler Objective Language Dimensions test", "Assessment using WOLD (Wechsler Objective Language Dimensions) test", "使用韦氏客观语言维度测试进行评估", "使用韦氏客观语言维度 (WOLD) 测试进行评估" ], "223412000": [ "Advice about efficacy of therapy", "Advice about efficacy of treatment", "Efficacy of treatment education", "治疗效果建议", "关于治疗效果的建议", "治疗教育的效果" ], "225247009": [ "Direct intraperitoneal insemination", "DIPI - Direct intraperitoneal insemination", "直接腹腔内授精", "DIPI-- 直接腹腔内授精" ], "10420000": [ "Lumbar and lumbosacral fusion by lateral transverse process technique", "通过侧横突技术进行腰椎和腰骶融合" ], "405471008": [ "Femoro-tibio-peroneal graft for repair of aneurysm", "股骨-胫骨-腓骨移植修复动脉瘤" ], "370868000": [ "Mobility deficit education", "Teach mobility therapy", "行动不便教育", "教授活动疗法" ], "305332005": [ "Admission by sick children's nurse", "病童护士入院" ], "1157300007": [ "Education about iodine supplement therapy", "Iodine supplement therapy education", "碘补充疗法教育" ], "434569001": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of brachial vein using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "植入支架进行肱静脉荧光造影" ], "713097005": [ "Education about radial pulse taking", "关于桡动脉脉搏测量的教育" ], "105054001": [ "Alphaprodine measurement", "Alphaprodine 测量" ], "252510002": [ "PUVA test", "Psoralen and long-wave ultraviolet radiation (PUVA) test", "Psoralen and long-wave ultraviolet radiation test", "光化学发光试验", "补骨脂素和长波紫外线照射试验", "补骨脂素和长波紫外线照射 (PUVA) 试验" ], "39518003": [ "Fluorescence identification test", "荧光鉴别试验" ], "170590005": [ "Cardiac drug monitoring", "心脏药物监测" ], "121438008": [ "Allyl alcohol measurement", "烯丙醇测量" ], "119603003": [ "Vertebral column injection", "脊柱注射" ], "70451005": [ "Glucagon measurement", "Glucagon level", "胰高血糖素水平", "胰高血糖素测量" ], "234291006": [ "Drainage of lesion of abdominal lymph node", "腹部淋巴结病变引流" ], "16523851000119103": [ "Needle puncture and aspiration of abscess of rectum using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided needle puncture and aspiration of abscess of rectum", "CT引导下直肠脓肿穿刺抽吸术", "计算机断层扫描引导下直肠脓肿针穿刺抽吸" ], "86835008": [ "Repair of notched lip", "修复缺口唇" ], "85000002": [ "Hemagglutination assay", "Haemagglutination assay", "Haemagglutination", "Hemagglutination", "血凝反应", "血凝试验" ], "16554571000119106": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography for localization of inflammation", "SPECT CT for localization of inflammation", "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography for localisation of inflammation", "SPECT CT for localisation of inflammation", "SPECT CT 用于炎症定位", "SPECT CT 检查炎症定位", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描用于炎症定位" ], "609288004": [ "Endoscopic injection of small intestine for control of haemorrhage", "Endoscopic injection of small intestine for control of hemorrhage", "内镜小肠注射止血" ], "429064006": [ "Implantation of biventricular cardiac pacemaker system", "Implantation of cardiac resynchronization therapy implantable pacemaker", "心脏再同步治疗植入式起搏器植入术", "双心室心脏起搏器系统植入术" ], "117768007": [ "Beta lactamase organism identification", "β-内酰胺酶生物体鉴定" ], "773128008": [ "Endoscopic snare resection of lesion of colon using full thickness resection device", "内镜全层切除装置圈套器切除结肠病变" ], "443613005": [ "Removal of night bite guard", "Removal of night mouth guard", "Removal of night tooth guard", "移除夜间护牙套", "移除夜间咬合护具", "夜间摘除护牙套" ], "17629007": [ "Prenatal care education", "Antenatal care education", "Teach prenatal care", "Teach antenatal care", "产前保健教育", "教授产前护理" ], "179634002": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of nasal septum", "鼻中隔脱位闭合复位术" ], "409010002": [ "Antenatal care assessment", "Assess antenatal care", "评估产前护理", "产前护理评估" ], "359858004": [ "Barkan operation", "巴坎行动" ], "441778008": [ "Measurement of aluminium in 24 hour urine specimen", "Measurement of aluminum in 24 hour urine specimen", "24 小时尿液样本中铝的测定" ], "390791001": [ "Referral for echocardiography", "转诊进行超声心动图检查" ], "177799006": [ "Chemical open pleurodesis", "化学开放式胸膜固定术" ], "1193607007": [ "Transurethral excision of ejaculatory duct", "经尿道射精管切除术" ], "241500000": [ "Ultrasonography of finger", "Ultrasound scan of finger", "Ultrasound of finger", "手指超声波检查", "手指超声波扫描", "手指超声检查" ], "405340003": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of popliteal artery with prosthesis", "Popliteal endarterectomy and angioplasty using prosthesis", "腘动脉内膜切除及假体成形术", "腘动脉内膜切除术和假体血管成形术" ], "77660005": [ "Arteriography of both adrenal arteries", "Angiography of both adrenal arteries", "Arteriography of bilateral adrenal arteries", "Angiography of bilateral adrenal arteries", "双侧肾上腺动脉造影" ], "782172005": [ "Transcutaneous microwave ablation of sweat gland", "经皮微波消融汗腺" ], "12124007": [ "Radioisotope scan of pancreas", "胰腺放射性同位素扫描" ], "10289000": [ "Revision of gastroduodenal anastomosis with reconstruction", "胃十二指肠吻合口修复重建" ], "225116006": [ "Irrigation of wound", "Wound irrigation", "冲洗伤口", "伤口冲洗" ], "434438003": [ "Computed tomography of neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "CT of neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "颈部、胸部、腹部和骨盆的增强计算机断层扫描", "颈部、胸部、腹部和骨盆的增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "颈部、胸部、腹部和骨盆增强 CT 扫描" ], "450822003": [ "Reexcision of ganglion of hand", "Re-excision of ganglion cyst of hand", "Reexcision of ganglion cyst of hand", "手部腱鞘囊肿再切除术", "手部神经节再切除术" ], "11601000202103": [ "Assisting with visual aids", "借助视觉辅助工具" ], "55771003": [ "Incision of fallopian tube", "Salpingotomy", "输卵管切开术" ], "448987004": [ "Intraluminal brachytherapy of biliary tract", "胆道腔内近距离放射治疗" ], "121307006": [ "4-Aminobutyrate measurement", "4-氨基丁酸测量" ], "104923007": [ "Riboflavin measurement", "核黄素测量" ], "4784000": [ "Operation on sublingual gland", "舌下腺手术" ], "432603009": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of shoulder joint with contrast", "肩关节造影透视造影" ], "252379007": [ "Cell marker profile", "细胞标志物概况" ], "447152003": [ "Aspiration of esophagus", "Aspiration of oesophagus", "食管吸入" ], "414384004": [ "Health education - parenting", "Parenting education", "健康教育 - 育儿", "家长教育" ], "299696006": [ "Exploration of patella", "髌骨探查" ], "35717002": [ "Discission of congenital cataract", "先天性白内障的探讨" ], "428933002": [ "Enzyme linked immunospot assay", "Enzyme linked immunosorbent spot (ELISPOT) assay", "酶联免疫斑点试验", "酶联免疫吸附斑点(ELISPOT)试验" ], "117637003": [ "Chemical OR drug identification procedure", "化学或药物鉴定程序" ], "445317004": [ "Fine needle aspiration using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided fine needle aspiration biopsy", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy using fluoroscopic localisation", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy using fluoroscopic localization", "使用荧光透视引导进行细针穿刺活检", "荧光透视引导下的细针穿刺", "荧光透视引导下细针穿刺活检", "利用荧光透视定位进行细针穿刺活检", "利用荧光定位进行细针穿刺活检" ], "772997003": [ "Fast field-cycling MRI", "Fast field-cycling magnetic resonance imaging", "Rapid field-cycling MRI", "FFC-MRI - Fast field-cycling MRI", "FFC-MRI - 快速场循环 MRI", "快速场循环 MRI", "快速场循环磁共振成像" ], "609157009": [ "Revision of total prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint", "全肩关节假体置换术" ], "48431000": [ "Anastomosis of thoracic artery to coronary artery, single", "Cardiac revascularization with bypass anastomosis of thoracic artery to coronary artery, single vessel", "Cardiac revascularisation with bypass anastomosis of thoracic artery to coronary artery, single vessel", "心脏血运重建术,胸动脉至冠状动脉搭桥吻合术,单支血管", "胸动脉与冠状动脉吻合术,单" ], "408879002": [ "Gastric care management", "Manage gastric care", "胃部护理管理", "管理胃部护理" ], "81199002": [ "Extensive destruction of lesion of vagina", "阴道病变广泛破坏" ], "392495004": [ "Stemphylium botryosum specific IgE antibody measurement", "m10 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Stemphylium botryosum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "根霉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "根结线虫特异性IgE抗体测定", "m10特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "785711007": [ "Plain X-ray of toe", "趾骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "720175009": [ "Alcohol harm reduction program", "Alcohol harm reduction programme", "酒精危害减少计划" ], "275972003": [ "Cholesterol screening", "胆固醇筛查" ], "241369001": [ "Radionuclide study of phallic blood flow", "阴茎血流的放射性核素研究" ], "306905004": [ "Faradism under pressure to lower leg", "法拉第效应在小腿受到压力下" ], "700121008": [ "Filing of toenail", "Filing of nail of toe", "锉趾甲" ], "305070002": [ "Prophylactic lower limb stretching", "预防性下肢拉伸" ], "239534003": [ "Exploration of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节探查" ], "1255342006": [ "tDCS - transcranial direct current stimulation", "Transcranial direct current stimulation", "Transcranial direct current stimulation of brain", "经颅直流电刺激大脑", "经颅直流电刺激", "tDCS-- 经颅直流电刺激" ], "90243001": [ "Diathermy of lesion of retina", "视网膜病变透热疗法" ], "26542009": [ "Ward urine dip stick testing for sugar", "病房尿液试纸检测糖分" ], "450691003": [ "Bypass of inferior mesenteric artery", "下肠系膜动脉旁路手术" ], "172163002": [ "Correction of hypertelorism with orbital osteotomies and facial bipartition", "通过眼眶截骨术和面部双分术矫正眼距过宽" ], "448856000": [ "Shortening of metatarsal bone", "跖骨缩短" ], "303235008": [ "Excision of sweat gland bearing skin", "切除带汗腺的皮肤" ], "104792002": [ "Lipoprotein electrophoretic separation and quantitation", "脂蛋白电泳分离与定量" ], "170328005": [ "Third pertussis vaccination", "Third pertussis immunisation", "Administration of third dose of pertussis vaccine", "Third pertussis immunization", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis antigen", "接种第三剂百日咳疫苗", "第三次百日咳免疫", "第三次百日咳疫苗接种", "注射第三剂仅含百日咳杆菌抗原的疫苗产品" ], "252248006": [ "Cerulin test", "Caerulin test", "雨藻素试验", "蜡蛋白试验" ], "22872007": [ "Stimulation of carotid sinus with ECG monitoring", "Stimulation of carotid sinus with simultaneous electrocardiographic monitoring", "颈动脉窦刺激并同时进行心电图监测", "心电图监测下刺激颈动脉窦" ], "711000008": [ "Monitoring fluid output", "监测液体输出量" ], "447021001": [ "Colonoscopy and tattooing", "结肠镜检查和纹身" ], "314114000": [ "Advice to reduce meat intake", "Recommendation to reduce meat intake", "减少肉类摄入的建议", "建议减少肉类摄入量" ], "250413009": [ "Protein concentration, test strip measurement", "Protein concentration", "蛋白质浓度", "蛋白质浓度、试纸测量" ], "428802000": [ "Endovascular repair of carotid artery", "颈动脉腔内修复" ], "609026006": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from spleen prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备的脾脏标本涂片显微镜细胞学检查" ], "133890006": [ "Breast composition analysis", "Computer assisted image analysis for breast composition analysis", "乳房成分分析", "计算机辅助图像分析用于乳房成分分析" ], "310444000": [ "Closure of patent foramen ovale using sutures", "用缝合线封闭未闭的卵圆孔" ], "81068001": [ "Fine needle biopsy of prostate", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of prostate", "前列腺细针活检", "前列腺细针穿刺活检" ], "15532000": [ "Release of celiac artery axis", "Strong operation for unbridling of celiac artery axis", "Unbridling of celiac artery axis", "Unbridling of coeliac artery axis", "Strong operation for unbridling of coeliac artery axis", "Release of coeliac artery axis", "腹腔动脉轴失控强力手术", "腹腔动脉轴释放", "释放腹腔动脉轴", "腹腔动脉轴不受控制" ], "179372004": [ "Open total lateral meniscectomy", "开放式全外侧半月板切除术" ], "359596007": [ "Fixation of jejunum to abdominal wall", "空肠固定于腹壁" ], "1258881000": [ "Intradetrusor injection of botulinum toxin type A", "Injection of botulinum toxin type A into detrusor muscle of urinary bladder", "膀胱逼尿肌注射A型肉毒毒素", "逼尿肌内注射A型肉毒毒素" ], "392364007": [ "t210 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ligustrum vulgare specific IgE antibody measurement", "Privet specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ligustrum vulgare specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "女贞子特异性IgE抗体测定", "女贞特异性IgE抗体测定", "t210 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "女贞子特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "406913002": [ "Ponceau 3R stain method", "Ponceau 3R stain", "Ponceau 3R 染色法", "涵洞3R染色剂" ], "30081003": [ "Hallux valgus correction with sesamoidectomy and tendon transplants", "拇外翻矫正术:籽骨切除术和肌腱移植" ], "388694000": [ "Myristica fragrans (seed kernel) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Nutmeg specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf282 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Myristica fragrans (seed kernel) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "肉豆蔻(种仁)特异性IgE抗体测定", "肉豆蔻特异性IgE抗体测定", "肉豆蔻(种仁)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf282 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "241238002": [ "Gastroduodenal arteriogram", "Angiography of gastroduodenal artery", "Arteriography of gastroduodenal artery", "胃十二指肠动脉造影" ], "239403000": [ "Traction for fracture of mandible", "下颌骨骨折牵引治疗" ], "26411001": [ "Decortication of lung and parietal pleurectomy", "肺剥脱术和壁层胸膜切除术" ], "288555007": [ "Doffing lower limb prosthesis practice", "脱下下肢假肢练习" ], "450560001": [ "Laparoscopic removal of ovarian cyst", "腹腔镜卵巢囊肿切除术" ], "1220608006": [ "Endoscopy of bronchus and biopsy of lesion of lung using rigid bronchoscope", "Bronchoscopy and biopsy of lesion of lung using rigid bronchoscope", "Rigid bronchoscopy and biopsy of lesion of lung", "硬质支气管镜检查及肺病变活检", "用硬质支气管镜进行支气管镜检查和肺部病变活检", "硬质支气管镜检查支气管内窥镜检查及肺病变活检" ], "8192007": [ "Repair of enterocele by vaginal approach", "Vaginal repair of enterocele", "肠膨出的阴道修补术", "经阴道修补肠膨出" ], "170197002": [ "Child examination: ears", "儿童检查:耳朵" ], "710869004": [ "Support for family coping process", "支持家庭应对过程" ], "104661008": [ "Ferrochelatase measurement", "亚铁螯合酶测量" ], "608895005": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from kidney for parasites", "肾脏标本的显微镜检查以查找寄生虫" ], "1231487006": [ "Repair of cleft lip with triangular flap", "三角瓣修复唇裂" ], "51839008": [ "Extraction of primary membranous cataract by needling", "原发性膜性白内障针刺摘除术" ], "410452001": [ "Monocular indirect ophthalmoscopy", "Monocular indirect fundoscopy", "单眼间接检眼镜检查", "单眼间接眼底镜检查" ], "443220008": [ "Ablative resurfacing of skin of eyelid using laser", "Laser ablative resurfacing of skin of eyelid", "激光剥脱眼睑皮肤重修术", "使用激光进行眼睑皮肤剥脱重修" ], "836436008": [ "Robotic assisted bilateral simple mastectomy", "Simple mastectomy of bilateral breasts using robotic assistance", "使用机器人辅助进行双侧乳房的简单乳房切除术", "机器人辅助双侧单纯乳房切除术" ], "179241001": [ "Inlay cortical autograft of bone", "骨皮质自体移植" ], "392233007": [ "Drainage of peritonsillar abscess", "Drainage of abscess of peritonsillar tissues", "Drainage of quinsy", "扁桃体周围脓肿引流", "扁桃体脓肿引流", "扁桃体周围组织脓肿引流" ], "308478004": [ "Referral to general surgeon", "转诊至普通外科医生" ], "718078008": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of transplanted liver", "Doppler ultrasound scan of transplanted liver", "Doppler ultrasound of transplanted liver", "移植肝脏的多普勒超声扫描", "移植肝脏的多普勒超声检查", "移植肝的多普勒超声检查" ], "306643004": [ "Discharge from community orthotics service", "退出社区矫形服务" ], "60883007": [ "Training in personal periodontal care, plaque control", "Personal periodontal care, plaque control education", "个人牙周护理、牙菌斑控制教育", "个人牙周护理、牙菌斑控制培训" ], "59048000": [ "Mono test", "单声道测试" ], "401277000": [ "Completion of mental health crisis plan", "完成心理健康危机计划" ], "239272009": [ "Destruction of lesion of tendon sheath", "腱鞘损伤破坏" ], "6226000": [ "Visual rehabilitation, eye motion defect", "视觉康复、眼球运动缺陷" ], "71762002": [ "Hydroxyproline measurement, free, urine", "尿液中游离羟脯氨酸测量" ], "448594005": [ "Transposition of muscle of shoulder", "肩肌移位" ], "55378006": [ "Anterior vestibuloplasty", "前庭成形术" ], "710738006": [ "Education about symptom control", "症状控制教育" ], "104530006": [ "Apolipoproteins A measurement", "载脂蛋白 A 测量" ], "708903007": [ "Closed reduction and nailing of fracture of proximal femur", "Closed reduction of fracture of proximal femur and internal fixation using bone nail", "股骨近端骨折闭合复位钉固定", "股骨近端骨折闭合复位骨钉内固定" ], "446759009": [ "Assessment using Sollerman hand function test", "使用 Sollerman 手部功能测试进行评估" ], "117244003": [ "Nucleic acid probe method with amplification", "扩增核酸探针法" ], "182780004": [ "Diabetic crisis monitoring", "糖尿病危机监测" ], "313852007": [ "Plasma aspartate transaminase measurement", "Plasma aspartate transaminase level", "血浆天冬氨酸转氨酶水平", "血浆天冬氨酸转氨酶测定" ], "82641000": [ "Computerized tomography, coronal", "Computerised tomography, coronal", "CT coronal", "Computed tomography coronal", "冠状计算机断层扫描", "计算机断层扫描冠状", "CT冠状" ], "410321003": [ "Wellness health teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Wellness health teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Wellness health education, guidance, and counselling", "Wellness health education, guidance, and counseling", "健康教育、指导和咨询" ], "787153004": [ "MR/US fusion guided prostate biopsy", "Biopsy of prostate using magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography fusion guidance", "MRI-US fusion guided prostate biopsy", "MRI-US 融合引导前列腺活检", "MR/US 融合引导前列腺活检", "磁共振成像和超声融合引导下前列腺活检" ], "408486003": [ "Level 2 axillary clearance of lymph nodes", "Axillary clearance - level 2", "Level II axillary lymphadenectomy", "Excision of level II axillary lymph nodes", "Ⅱ级腋窝淋巴结切除术", "腋窝清除-2级", "II 级腋窝淋巴结清扫术", "2 级腋窝淋巴结清扫" ], "392102003": [ "Endoscopy of pharynx", "Pharyngoscopy", "咽内镜检查", "咽镜检查" ], "80806006": [ "Scleral buckling with air tamponade", "巩膜扣带术及空气填充" ], "179110006": [ "Revision to wire fixation of fracture", "骨折钢丝固定术的修订" ], "736166006": [ "Assessment for constipation care", "便秘护理评估" ], "46203002": [ "Bivalving of cast", "Splitting of plaster cast", "Bi-valving plaster cast", "双瓣石膏模型", "石膏模型开裂", "双壳类铸型" ], "699728000": [ "Asthma self management", "哮喘自我管理" ], "29819009": [ "Aortocoronary bypass of one coronary artery", "Cardiac revascularization with bypass aortocoronary anastomosis of one coronary vessel", "Cardiac revascularisation with bypass aortocoronary anastomosis of one coronary vessel", "心脏血运重建术,行单侧冠状动脉旁路主动脉冠状动脉吻合术", "一侧冠状动脉的主动脉冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "60752001": [ "Parasite detection, blood", "寄生虫检测、血液" ], "27984002": [ "Flurothyl therapy", "氟乙烷疗法" ], "306512004": [ "Discharge by community nurse", "社区护士出院" ], "175440006": [ "Open embolectomy of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉开放栓塞切除术" ], "173605003": [ "Repair of rupture of oesophagus", "Repair of rupture of esophagus", "食管破裂修补术" ], "171770006": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid pressure recording", "Spinal manometry", "脑脊液压力记录", "脊柱测压" ], "401146006": [ "Plasma dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate level", "Plasma dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate level", "血浆脱氢表雄酮硫酸盐水平" ], "384762007": [ "Transportation procedure", "运输流程" ], "38863001": [ "Gas endarterectomy", "气体动脉内膜切除术" ], "432079006": [ "Removal of inferior vena cava filter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided removal of inferior vena cava filter with contrast", "用造影剂荧光透视引导移除下腔静脉滤器", "透视引导下腔静脉滤器移除术" ], "448463007": [ "Excision of lesion of tendon sheath of toe", "趾腱鞘病变切除术" ], "104399008": [ "Acetylcholine receptor blocking antibody measurement", "乙酰胆碱受体阻断抗体测量" ], "235471009": [ "Debridement of pancreatic and peripancreatic necrosis", "Pancreatic necrosectomy", "Pancreatic sequestrectomy", "Necrosectomy of pancreas", "胰腺坏死切除术", "胰腺及胰周坏死清创" ], "53412000": [ "Ligation of common carotid artery", "颈总动脉结扎" ], "313721001": [ "60 minute plasma cortisol level", "60 minute plasma cortisol measurement", "60 分钟血浆皮质醇测量", "60 分钟血浆皮质醇水平" ], "2425002": [ "Epstein-Barr virus serologic test", "EBV serologic test", "EB病毒血清学检测", "EBV 血清学检测" ], "428409003": [ "Revision of fixtures for attachment of nasal prosthesis", "鼻假体固定装置的修订" ], "18809007": [ "Meckel's ganglionectomy", "Sphenopalatine ganglionectomy", "Meckel ganglionectomy", "蝶腭神经节切除术", "梅克尔神经节切除术" ], "770638003": [ "Magnetic resonance venography of jugular vein", "Magnetic resonance venogram of jugular vein", "MR venography of jugular vein", "颈静脉磁共振静脉造影" ], "410190004": [ "Taking patient vital signs management", "Manage vital signs", "Manage taking patient vital signs", "管理患者生命体征", "管理生命体征", "进行患者生命体征管理" ], "442958007": [ "Incision and drainage of abscess of breast using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided incision and drainage of abscess of breast", "CT引导下乳腺脓肿切开引流术", "计算机断层扫描引导下乳腺脓肿切开引流" ], "1293091000": [ "Plain X-ray of nasopharynx with contrast", "Plain X-ray of postnasal space with contrast", "鼻咽造影普通 X 光检查", "鼻后间隙造影普通 X 光检查" ], "78840003": [ "Crushing of nasal septum", "Adams operation for crushing of nasal septum", "Adams 手术治疗鼻中隔破碎症", "鼻中隔破碎" ], "765133005": [ "Venography of left renal vein", "Venogram of left renal vein", "左肾静脉造影" ], "107938000": [ "Small intestine excision", "Resection of small intestine", "Excision small intestine", "Small bowel resection", "切除小肠", "小肠切除术" ], "304546001": [ "Preparation of patient", "Preparation of client", "患者准备", "客户准备" ], "288162005": [ "Orthopedic device removal", "Orthopaedic device removal", "Removal of orthopaedic device", "Removal of orthopedic device", "骨科器械移除", "移除矫形装置" ], "75170007": [ "Extraction of lens of eye", "Lens excision", "Lens extraction", "Ocular lens excision", "晶状体切除", "晶状体切除术", "晶状体取出", "摘除眼晶状体" ], "386466008": [ "Teaching: psychomotor skill", "Psychomotor skill training", "教学:心理运动技能", "心理运动技能训练" ], "714146009": [ "Removal of AO external fixator", "拆除 AO 外固定器" ], "122487007": [ "Division of patent ductus arteriosus", "Division of ductus arteriosus", "动脉导管未闭的分离", "动脉导管分离" ], "171639009": [ "Intracranial stereotactic neurolysis of trochlear nerve (IV)", "颅内立体定向滑车神经松解术(IV)" ], "235340004": [ "Excision of polyp of large intestine", "Polypectomy of large intestine", "大肠息肉切除术" ], "431948007": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of haemangioma of liver", "Single photon emission computed tomography of hemangioma of liver", "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of hemangioma of liver", "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of haemangioma of liver", "肝血管瘤单光子发射计算机断层扫描(SPECT)", "肝血管瘤的单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "399180008": [ "Interstitial radioactive colloid therapy", "Interstitial radionuclide therapy", "间质放射性核素治疗", "间质放射性胶体治疗" ], "104268009": [ "Microbial IgG antibody by immunoassay method", "Microbial immunoglobulin G antibody by immunoassay method", "免疫测定法检测微生物免疫球蛋白G抗体", "免疫测定法检测微生物IgG抗体" ], "233505002": [ "Revascularization of lower limb", "Revascularisation of lower limb", "下肢血管重建" ], "708641003": [ "Thoracoscopic repair of diaphragmatic hernia in neonate", "Thoracoscopic repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia", "胸腔镜新生儿膈疝修补术", "胸腔镜下先天性膈疝修补术" ], "118817003": [ "Procedure on oral cavity", "口腔手术" ], "36897004": [ "Excision of urachal cyst with umbilical hernia repair", "脐尿管囊肿切除及脐疝修补术" ], "430113005": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of mouth", "口腔细针穿刺活检" ], "18678000": [ "Hyperbaric oxygen therapy", "Hyperbaric oxygenation", "HOT - Hyperbaric oxygen therapy", "热-高压氧疗法", "高压氧疗法", "高压氧治疗" ], "231670005": [ "Superior rectus advancement", "Superior rectus readvancement", "上直肌推进", "上直肌再推进术" ], "229835000": [ "Filing of a nail", "锉指甲" ], "459006": [ "Closed condylotomy of mandible", "下颌骨闭合髁切开术" ], "408224000": [ "Plasma buprenorphine level", "Plasma buprenorphine measurement", "血浆丁丙诺啡测量", "血浆丁丙诺啡浓度" ], "65995008": [ "Fixation of cardinal ligament", "Fixation of transverse cervical ligament", "主韧带固定", "颈横韧带固定术" ], "440992003": [ "Exploration of penetrating wound of flank", "腰部穿透伤探查" ], "1260192004": [ "Removal of extrinsic tooth stain", "去除外源性牙渍" ], "1209205004": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery and posterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery and posterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery and posterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to second obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery and posterior descending coronary artery", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支第二钝缘支及冠状动脉后降支", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支第二钝缘支及冠状动脉后降支", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支第二钝缘支及后降支的顺序吻合", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支第二钝缘支及冠状动脉后降支的顺序吻合" ], "13173008": [ "Cryptotomy of anus", "肛门隐窝切开术" ], "306250006": [ "Referral to genetic counsellor", "Referral to genetic counselor", "转诊至遗传咨询师" ], "715850007": [ "Dynamic expiratory CT of intrathoracic respiratory structures", "Dynamic expiratory computed tomography of intrathoracic respiratory structures", "胸内呼吸结构的动态呼气 CT", "胸内呼吸结构的动态呼气计算机断层扫描" ], "1156383000": [ "Intravascular brachytherapy", "血管内近距离放射治疗" ], "304415003": [ "Pulsed electromagnetic energy to elbow", "脉冲电磁能作用于肘部" ], "386335003": [ "Infection protection", "Preventing infection", "感染防护", "预防感染" ], "419103004": [ "Polymerase chain reaction test for Leishmania", "PCR test for Leishmania", "利什曼原虫聚合酶链反应检测", "利什曼原虫 PCR 检测" ], "9503007": [ "Benenenti operation for rotation of bulbous urethra", "贝内内蒂球状尿道旋转手术" ], "431817000": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast for thrombolysis follow-up", "对比剂荧光血管造影用于溶栓随访" ], "169673001": [ "Antenatal Rhesus antibody screening", "Antenatal RhD antibody screening", "产前恒河猴抗体筛查", "产前 RhD 抗体筛查" ], "104137002": [ "Bone marrow processing to eliminate cells", "骨髓处理以消除细胞" ], "186057001": [ "Formal complaint about private specialist", "关于私人专科医生的正式投诉" ], "122356009": [ "Neisseria meningitidis A antigen assay", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌A抗原测定" ], "284361003": [ "Dietary advice for disorder of amino acid metabolism", "Amino acid metabolism disorder diet education", "氨基酸代谢紊乱的饮食建议", "氨基酸代谢障碍饮食教育" ], "71369009": [ "Orthodontic service", "牙齿矫正服务" ], "710345009": [ "Postpartum breastfeeding assessment", "Assessment of postpartum breastfeeding", "产后母乳喂养评估" ], "233374003": [ "Y graft of abdominal aortic aneurysm - emergency", "腹主动脉瘤 Y 型移植物 - 紧急情况" ], "53150004": [ "Devascularization of stomach", "Tanner operation, devascularization of stomach", "Tanner operation, devascularisation of stomach", "Devascularisation of stomach", "Gastric devascularisation", "Gastric devascularization", "胃部血管阻断术", "坦纳手术、胃断流术", "胃血管阻断术", "胃血管断流术", "胃断流术" ], "3998005": [ "Bone imaging of limited area", "有限区域骨成像" ], "315294004": [ "Contrast enema", "造影灌肠" ], "118686004": [ "Procedure on immune system", "免疫系统程序" ], "69534008": [ "Tympanostomy with general anesthesia", "Tympanostomy with general anaesthesia", "全身麻醉下鼓膜切开术" ], "67699001": [ "Application of cylinder cast, thigh to ankle", "大腿至脚踝处使用圆柱形石膏固定" ], "774046009": [ "MRI guided high intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of breast", "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of breast using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "磁共振成像引导高强度聚焦超声消融乳腺病灶", "MRI引导下高强度聚焦超声消融乳腺病灶" ], "1263731004": [ "Implantation of personalized external aortic root support", "PEARS - personalised external aortic root support", "Personalised external aortic root mesh support", "Implantation of personalised external aortic root support", "Implantation of custom-made extraluminal aortic root support", "PEARS - personalized external aortic root support", "Personalized external aortic root mesh support", "Implantation of custom-made extraluminal aortic root mesh-sleeve", "个性化主动脉根部外网片支撑", "个性化主动脉根部外支架植入", "定制腔外主动脉根部网套植入术", "个性化外主动脉根部支撑植入", "PEARS——个性化主动脉根部外支撑", "定制腔外主动脉根部支架的植入" ], "51315008": [ "Insertion of aortic needle by translumbar route", "经腰椎途径插入主动脉针" ], "49480004": [ "Anesthesia for arthroscopic procedure of ankle joint", "Anaesthesia for arthroscopic procedure of ankle joint", "踝关节镜手术麻醉", "踝关节镜手术的麻醉" ], "278856006": [ "Hormone implant replacement therapy", "HRT - Hormone implant therapy", "激素植入替代疗法", "HRT-- 激素植入疗法" ], "426312008": [ "Providing reassurance to neighbour", "Providing reassurance to neighbor", "让邻居放心" ], "311624008": [ "Language elaboration approach", "语言详尽方法" ], "178717005": [ "Primary open reduction spinal fracture and skull traction stabilization", "Primary open reduction spinal fracture and skull traction stabilisation", "初次切开复位脊柱骨折及颅骨牵引固定" ], "275186003": [ "Myringoplasty using non-biological tissue", "使用非生物组织进行鼓膜成形术" ], "45810006": [ "Reattachment of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱再植术" ], "13042007": [ "Elbow flexion test", "肘部屈曲试验" ], "175047001": [ "Double implantation of mammary arteries into coronary arteries", "乳腺动脉双侧植入冠状动脉" ], "306119003": [ "Referral to genetics service", "转诊至遗传学服务" ], "420807005": [ "Calculation of corneal tissue ablation depth", "Munnerlyn formula calculation", "Calculation of corneal tissue ablation depth for refractive change", "Munnerlyn 公式计算", "计算角膜组织消融深度以改变屈光度", "角膜组织消融深度的计算" ], "27591006": [ "Group analytical psychotherapy", "团体分析心理治疗" ], "9372002": [ "Drainage of cranial sinus by trephination", "颅窦钻孔引流术" ], "91292004": [ "Repair of ventricular septum in total repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection", "全肺静脉异位引流术中室间隔修补" ], "236913003": [ "Fallopian replacement of egg with delayed insemination", "FREDI - Fallopian replacement of egg with delayed insemination", "输卵管卵子置换术及延迟授精", "FREDI - 输卵管置换术和延迟授精" ], "302449005": [ "Open pleurodesis", "开放式胸膜固定术" ], "104006000": [ "Kp^a^ blood group antibody identification", "Kp^a^血型抗体鉴定" ], "54854003": [ "Creation of conduit of right ventricle and pulmonary artery in repair of pulmonary artery atresia", "Formation of conduit of right ventricle and pulmonary artery in repair of pulmonary artery atresia", "Creation of shunt of right ventricle and pulmonary artery in repair of pulmonary artery atresia", "肺动脉闭锁修复术中右心室及肺动脉管道的形成", "右心室及肺动脉导管的建立在肺动脉闭锁修复术中", "右心室与肺动脉分流术修复肺动脉闭锁" ], "448070004": [ "Primary extended posterior decompression of lumbar spine", "初次扩大腰椎后路减压术" ], "726598003": [ "Ustekinumab therapy", "乌司奴单抗治疗" ], "1201734006": [ "TKA (total knee arthroplasty) using impaction bone graft", "TKR (total knee replacement) using impaction bone graft", "Total arthroplasty of knee using impaction bone graft", "Total replacement of knee with impaction bone graft", "压入骨移植全膝关节置换术", "采用压入骨移植进行全膝关节置换术 (TKA)", "采用压入骨移植进行膝关节全置换术", "采用压入骨移植的全膝关节置换术 (TKR)" ], "415302008": [ "Rhinoplasty of nasal deformity", "Correction of nasal deformity", "鼻畸形矫正", "鼻畸形整形手术" ], "710214008": [ "Evaluation of psychosocial response to instruction about medication", "评估对用药指导的心理社会反应" ], "413467001": [ "Aftercare", "后期护理" ], "233243003": [ "Transluminal operations on suprarenal artery", "肾上动脉腔内手术" ], "315163006": [ "Parakeet fecal antibody level", "Parakeet faecal antibody level", "长尾小鹦鹉粪便抗体水平" ], "36635006": [ "Insertion of Barton tongs of skull with synchronous skeletal traction", "巴顿颅骨钳插入术及同步骨牵引" ], "429851006": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of thorax for radiotherapy planning", "Computed tomography of thorax for radiotherapy planning", "CT of thorax for radiotherapy planning", "胸部 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划", "胸部计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "胸部计算机断层扫描 (CT) 用于放射治疗计划" ], "870384002": [ "Point of care diagnostic ultrasonography", "PoCUS - point of care ultrasound", "Point of care ultrasound", "床旁超声", "PoCUS-- 护理点超声检查", "临床诊断超声检查" ], "1263600004": [ "Insertion of fixed orthodontic retainer", "插入固定矫正保持器" ], "772080006": [ "Laparoscopic repair of lumbar hernia using biological mesh", "Laparoscopic lumbar hernioplasty using biological mesh", "腹腔镜下生物网片修补腰疝", "使用生物网片进行腹腔镜腰椎疝修补术" ], "231408007": [ "Radiofrequency destruction of abdominal cutaneous nerve", "RF - Radiofrequency destruction of abdominal cutaneous nerve", "RF - 射频破坏腹部皮神经", "射频毁损腹部皮神经" ], "197002": [ "Mold to yeast conversion test", "Mould to yeast conversion test", "霉菌至酵母转化测试", "霉菌酵母转化试验" ], "229573005": [ "Wax bandage treatment", "蜡绷带治疗" ], "278725006": [ "Frontal incision", "额部切口" ], "1259930001": [ "Replacement of pre-pectoral space prosthetic breast prosthesis with sub-pectoral space prosthetic breast prosthesis", "Replacement of prepectoral space prosthetic breast implant with subpectoral space prosthetic breast implant", "Replacement of subglandular space prosthetic breast implant with submuscular space prosthetic breast implant", "用肌肉下间隙假体乳房植入物替换腺下间隙假体乳房植入物", "胸前间隙假体乳房植入物替换胸前间隙假体乳房植入物", "胸前间隙假体乳房假体替换为胸下间隙假体乳房假体" ], "442565009": [ "Measurement of hippuric acid in urine specimen", "尿液标本中马尿酸的测定" ], "113050002": [ "Utilization of inositol test", "Utilisation of inositol test", "肌醇测试的利用", "肌醇检测的应用" ], "31130001": [ "Total abdominal colectomy with proctectomy and ileostomy", "Panproctocolectomy and ileostomy", "全直肠结肠切除术和回肠造口术", "全腹部结肠切除术及直肠切除术和回肠造口术" ], "276890005": [ "Balloon angioplasty of vein", "Percutaneous angioplasty of vein", "Balloon dilatation of vein", "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of vein", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of vein", "静脉球囊成形术", "静脉球囊扩张术", "经皮静脉球囊成形术", "经皮静脉血管成形术", "经皮腔内静脉血管成形术" ], "391578006": [ "Oral fluid benzodiazepine level", "口腔液体苯二氮卓类药物水平" ], "784794007": [ "Multiparametric magnetic resonance elastography", "多参数磁共振弹性成像" ], "438895001": [ "Percutaneous skeletal fixation of dislocation of carpometacarpal joint with manipulation", "经皮骨固定术治疗腕掌关节脱位" ], "178586009": [ "Primary posterior decompression cervical cord", "原发性颈髓后路减压术" ], "307823003": [ "Heart wall operations", "心壁手术" ], "1208943002": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery and first marginal circumflex coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery and first marginal circumflex coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery and first marginal circumflex coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery and first marginal circumflex coronary artery", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉依次吻合至左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支及第一回旋缘支", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支及第一回旋边缘冠状动脉", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支及第一回旋缘冠状动脉的顺序吻合", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支和第一回旋缘冠状动脉" ], "127599007": [ "Application of hip spica cast", "Application of hip spica plaster cast", "髋人字形石膏固定的应用", "髋部人字形石膏的应用" ], "373359009": [ "Surgical closure of eye structure", "Eye closure", "闭眼", "手术闭合眼部结构" ], "174916002": [ "Valves of heart and adjacent structures operations", "心脏瓣膜及邻近结构手术" ], "715588003": [ "Computed tomography of head, neck, abdomen and pelvis", "CT of head, neck, abdomen and pelvis", "头部、颈部、腹部和骨盆的计算机断层扫描", "头部、颈部、腹部和盆腔 CT" ], "305988007": [ "Referral by liaison psychiatrist", "Referral from liaison psychiatrist", "联络精神科医生转诊", "联络精神科医生的转诊" ], "60228007": [ "Cholecystectomy with exploration of common duct with cholangiography", "Cholecystectomy with cholangiography", "胆囊切除术及胆管造影术探查胆总管", "胆囊切除术及胆管造影" ], "91161007": [ "Pedal pulse taking", "踏板脉搏测量" ], "122094002": [ "Shigella boydii antibody assay", "Measurement of Shigella boydii antibody", "志贺氏杆菌抗体检测", "鲍氏志贺氏杆菌抗体测定" ], "40174006": [ "Isolation procedure", "Isolation technique", "Isolation precautions", "隔离程序", "隔离预防措施", "隔离技术" ], "431555002": [ "Percutaneous lumbar vertebroplasty using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮腰椎成形术" ], "5571002": [ "Excision of lesion of aorta with end-to-end anastomosis", "主动脉病变切除及端端吻合术" ], "87491002": [ "Alpha-1-antitrypsin clearance, feces and serum", "Alpha-1-antitrypsin clearance, faeces and serum", "α-1-抗胰蛋白酶清除率,粪便和血清" ], "185795007": [ "Stop smoking monitoring verbal invite", "戒烟监控口头邀请" ], "103875008": [ "C^x^ blood group typing", "C^x^血型分型" ], "446104000": [ "Evacuation of blood clot of scalp", "头皮血栓清除" ], "69272002": [ "Destruction of peritoneal tissue", "腹膜组织破坏" ], "233112003": [ "Repair of Fallot-type double outlet right ventricle", "DORV - Repair of Fallot-type double outlet right ventricle", "DORV - 法洛型右心室双出口修复", "法洛型右心室双出口的修复" ], "444269000": [ "Analysis using gene copy number technique", "基因拷贝数技术分析" ], "231277001": [ "Injection around facet mass", "小关节肿块周围注射" ], "870253002": [ "Myeloablative conditioning regimen", "MAC (myeloablative conditioning) regimen", "MAC(骨髓消融性调理)方案", "清髓性预处理方案" ], "180290000": [ "Change of plaster cast", "COP - Change of plaster", "更换石膏", "COP - 更换石膏" ], "16450001": [ "Leukocyte migration inhibitor factor assay", "Leucocyte migration inhibitor factor assay", "白细胞移动抑制因子测定" ], "442434003": [ "Arthroscopic repair of superior labrum anterior to posterior tear", "关节镜下修复上盂唇前后撕裂" ], "229442008": [ "Manipulation of the acromioclavicular joint - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the acromioclavicular joint", "肩锁关节手术——非手术", "肩锁关节的操作" ], "178455001": [ "Removal of fixation of mandible", "拆除下颌固定" ], "276759002": [ "Superior vena cava oxygen saturation measurement", "Superior vena cava oxygen saturation", "上腔静脉血氧饱和度", "上腔静脉血氧饱和度测量" ], "702743004": [ "Supervision of high risk pregnancy for multigravida age 15 years or younger", "15 岁或以下多胎妊娠的高危妊娠监护" ], "391447005": [ "Serum C24/C22 long chain fatty acid level", "血清 C24/C22 长链脂肪酸水平" ], "80151008": [ "Excision of spinous process of vertebra", "脊椎棘突切除术" ], "12780005": [ "Indirect laryngoscopy with removal of lesion", "间接喉镜检查及病变切除" ], "715457004": [ "Injection of temporomandibular joint using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "Cone beam CT guided injection of temporomandibular joint", "锥形束CT引导下颞下颌关节注射", "锥形束 CT 引导下颞下颌关节注射" ], "699073004": [ "Reconstruction of carotid artery with graft", "颈动脉移植重建" ], "385942004": [ "Wound care management", "伤口护理管理" ], "172950007": [ "Reconstruction of pharynx with distant pedicle flap", "远端带蒂皮瓣修复咽部" ], "271254009": [ "Urine HVA level", "Urine HVA measurement", "Measurement of homovanillic acid in urine", "尿液 HVA 测量", "尿液中高香草酸的测定", "尿液什么水平" ], "121963002": [ "Clostridium difficile antibody assay", "Measurement of Clostridium difficile antibody", "艰难梭菌抗体检测", "艰难梭菌抗体测量" ], "171115003": [ "Polio screening", "脊髓灰质炎筛查" ], "285803004": [ "Teller acuity cards", "出纳员敏锐度卡" ], "40043006": [ "Bottle feeding of patient", "Bottle feeding", "奶瓶喂养", "用奶瓶喂食病人" ], "72811008": [ "Closure of sigmoidostomy", "Take-down of sigmoidostomy", "乙状结肠造口术", "乙状结肠造口术拆除" ], "120128002": [ "Extraocular muscles closure", "眼外肌闭合" ], "38208004": [ "Insertion of cardiac pacemaker single-chamber device, replacement", "Removal of cardiac pacemaker and replacement with single-chamber cardiac device", "心脏起搏器单腔装置的植入、更换", "移除心脏起搏器并更换为单腔心脏装置" ], "103744005": [ "Administration of intravenous fluids", "Administers IV fluid therapy", "进行静脉输液治疗", "静脉输液" ], "234816005": [ "Fit speech aid", "Insertion of speech aid", "插入言语辅助器", "适合言语辅助器" ], "169280008": [ "Infrared spectrometry", "红外光谱法" ], "21824009": [ "Manipulation of abdominal tissue", "腹部组织操作" ], "447808009": [ "Bursotomy of upper arm", "Incision of bursa of upper arm", "上臂滑囊切开术" ], "183829003": [ "Referral for imaging", "转诊进行影像学检查" ], "3605001": [ "Reduction of ciliary body", "Diminution of ciliary body", "睫状体缩小" ], "69141007": [ "Excisional biopsy of pelvic bone", "骨盆骨切除活检" ], "232981008": [ "Stenting of pulmonary venous pathway", "Insertion of stent in pulmonary venous pathway", "肺静脉通路支架置入术", "肺静脉通路支架置入" ], "265749009": [ "Primary correction of congenital deformity of foot", "足部先天畸形的初级矫正" ], "394986000": [ "Anti-nuclear IgG antibody level", "Anti-nuclear immunoglobulin G antibody level", "抗核免疫球蛋白G抗体水平", "抗核 IgG 抗体水平" ], "34538004": [ "Advancement of round ligament", "圆韧带推进" ], "231146007": [ "Median nerve block at elbow", "Local anaesthetic median nerve block at elbow", "Local anesthetic median nerve block at elbow", "肘部局部麻醉正中神经阻滞", "肘部正中神经阻滞" ], "360383001": [ "Repair of aneurysm by trapping", "动脉瘤圈闭修复" ], "1770009": [ "Mitral valvotomy", "Valvulotomy of mitral valve", "Mitral valvulotomy", "MVy - Mitral valvotomy", "二尖瓣切开术", "MVy-二尖瓣切开术" ], "442303003": [ "Deflation of lung", "肺萎缩" ], "81855008": [ "Internal fetal monitoring during labor", "Internal fetal monitoring during labour", "Internal foetal monitoring during labour", "分娩期间胎儿内部监测" ], "180159009": [ "Correction of congenital crossed toes", "先天性交叉趾的矫正" ], "112788002": [ "Operation on accessory sinus", "Operation on nasal sinus", "副窦手术", "鼻窦手术" ], "391316000": [ "Serum anti nuclear antibody level", "血清抗核抗体水平" ], "14484004": [ "Division of vein of lower limb", "下肢静脉划分" ], "473236004": [ "Suture of cesarean wound for dehiscence", "Suture of caesarean wound for dehiscence", "Resuturing of cesarean wound", "Resuturing of caesarean wound", "剖宫产伤口裂开缝合", "剖宫产伤口再缝合", "剖腹产伤口再缝合", "剖腹产伤口裂开缝合" ], "407700005": [ "Haemoglobin E level", "Hemoglobin E level", "Haemoglobin E measurement", "Hemoglobin E measurement", "血红蛋白 E 水平", "血红蛋白 E 测量" ], "178324008": [ "Cannulation of lymphatic duct", "淋巴管插管" ], "274793000": [ "Examination of muscle power", "肌肉力量检查" ], "129172009": [ "Procedure on nail", "指甲上的手术" ], "61801003": [ "Patient referral for psychiatric aftercare", "患者转诊进行精神病后续护理" ], "12649007": [ "Transposition of prostatic tissue", "前列腺组织移位" ], "29033008": [ "Cuneiform osteotomy", "Wedge osteotomy", "楔形截骨术", "楔骨截骨术" ], "307561009": [ "Ileectomy and ileostomy", "Ileal resection and ileostomy", "回肠切除术和回肠造口术" ], "43582002": [ "Mechanical vitrectomy by anterior approach", "Anterior vitrectomy, mechanical", "前部玻璃体切除术,机械", "前入路机械玻璃体切除术" ], "438633009": [ "Sampling of vaginal vault for smear", "阴道穹窿取样进行涂片检查" ], "174654004": [ "Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography via accessory ampulla of Vater", "经副壶腹部进行内镜逆行胰腺造影" ], "10814005": [ "Cannula declotting with balloon catheter", "使用球囊导管进行套管除凝" ], "387646002": [ "Uterine fundectomy", "子宫底切除术" ], "715326003": [ "Assessment using American Association on Mental Retardation Adaptive Behavior Scale", "Assessment using American Association on Mental Retardation Adaptive Behaviour Scale", "Assessment using AAMR ABS (American Association on Mental Retardation Adaptive Behavior Scale)", "Assessment using AAMR ABS (American Association on Mental Retardation Adaptive Behaviour Scale)", "使用 AAMR ABS(美国智力障碍协会适应行为量表)进行评估", "使用美国智力障碍协会适应行为量表进行评估" ], "27198009": [ "Blood group typing, RH genotyping, complete", "Rh system genotype", "Rh 系统基因型", "血型分型,RH 基因分型,完整" ], "8979005": [ "Creation of peritoneal-venous shunt", "Creation of peritoneovascular shunt", "Formation of abdominovenous shunt", "Creation of peritovenous shunt", "建立腹腔血管分流术", "腹腔静脉分流的形成", "建立腹腔静脉分流术" ], "287507005": [ "Non-surgical endocrine biopsy", "非手术内分泌活检" ], "651000087103": [ "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of right upper limb", "Aspiration of right upper extremity using fluoroscopic guidance", "Aspiration of right upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of right upper extremity", "荧光透视引导下右上肢穿刺", "透视引导下右上肢穿刺", "荧光透视引导下右上肢抽吸术" ], "41747008": [ "Radioisotope scan of bone", "Bone imaging", "Bone scan", "Isotope bone scan", "骨扫描", "骨成像", "骨放射性同位素扫描", "同位素骨扫描" ], "238355009": [ "Percutaneous pleural biopsy", "Abram's pleural punch biopsy", "Bx - Percutaneous pleural biopsy", "Bx - 经皮胸膜活检", "经皮胸膜活检", "Abram 胸膜穿刺活检" ], "172819009": [ "Packing of cavity of nose", "Packing of nose", "鼻腔填塞" ], "14731000087102": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of left subclavian artery", "Doppler ultrasound of left subclavian artery", "左锁骨下动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "17291000087101": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of left upper limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venogram of left upper extremity with contrast", "左上肢荧光静脉造影" ], "121832000": [ "Pentacarboxylate measurement", "五羧酸盐测量" ], "433128006": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for aspiration of abdomen", "Aspiration of abdomen using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of abdomen", "透视引导下进行腹部抽吸", "腹部抽吸的荧光透视引导", "透视引导下腹部抽吸" ], "90899009": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of phalanges of hand with internal fixation", "手指骨骨折闭合复位内固定" ], "385811008": [ "Gastrostomy/nasogastric tube insertion education", "Teach enteral tube insertion", "Teach gastrostomy/nasogastric tube insertion", "Enteral tube insertion education", "教导肠管插入", "教导胃造口术/鼻胃管插入", "肠管插入教育", "胃造口术/鼻胃管插入教育" ], "252904009": [ "Urethral electric conductance test", "UECP - Urethral electric conductance test", "DUEC - Distal urethral electric conductance test", "Distal urethral electric conductance test", "Bladder neck electric conductance test", "BNEC - Bladder neck electric conductance test", "膀胱颈电导试验", "BNEC - 膀胱颈电导测试", "DUEC - 远端尿道电导测试", "UECP - 尿道电导测试", "尿道电导试验", "远端尿道电导试验" ], "38077002": [ "Manual expression of sebaceous gland", "手动挤压皮脂腺" ], "234685003": [ "Apically repositioned periodontal flap", "根尖复位牙周瓣" ], "1119421004": [ "Functional dissection of left half of neck", "Conservative dissection of left half of neck", "Modified radical neck dissection of left cervical lymph nodes", "Modified radical dissection of left half of neck", "改良根治性颈清扫术左颈部淋巴结清扫术", "左半颈部改良根治性切除术", "左半颈部功能解剖", "左半颈部保守解剖" ], "447677003": [ "Suturing of ligament of elbow", "肘部韧带缝合" ], "232850000": [ "Aortoventriculoplasty", "主动脉心室成形术" ], "413074001": [ "Serum dexamfetamine measurement", "Serum dexamphetamine level", "血清右旋苯丙胺测量", "血清右旋苯丙胺水平" ], "118162002": [ "Laser enucleation of the prostate with intravesical morcellation", "激光前列腺剜除术及膀胱内分碎术" ], "36242004": [ "Transplantation of temporalis muscle", "颞肌移植" ], "265618007": [ "Complete colpocleisis", "Total obliteration of vagina", "Total colpocleisis", "全阴道封闭术", "阴道完全封闭", "完全阴道封闭" ], "52626009": [ "Manipulative reduction of nasal bone fracture with stabilization", "Manipulative reduction of nasal bone fracture with stabilisation", "鼻骨骨折手法复位固定" ], "427623005": [ "Obstetric umbilical artery Doppler", "Doppler ultrasound scan of umbilical artery", "产科脐动脉多普勒", "脐动脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "231015006": [ "Open dorsal column neurostimulator electrode procedures", "打开背柱神经刺激器电极程序" ], "18023005": [ "Repair of lacrimal system", "Lacrimal apparatus repair", "泪器修复", "泪道系统修复" ], "116327005": [ "Hand maneuver", "Hand manoeuvre", "手部动作" ], "229180001": [ "Shoulder girdle exercises in water", "水中肩带锻炼" ], "771687007": [ "Open hernioplasty using synthetic mesh for recurrent spigelian hernia", "Open repair of recurrent spigelian hernia using synthetic mesh", "使用合成网片进行开放式疝修补术治疗复发性疝", "使用合成网片进行复发性疝修补术" ], "444007008": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of glucose in synovial fluid specimen", "Quantitative measurement of glucose in synovial fluid specimen", "滑液标本中葡萄糖质量浓度的定量测定", "滑液标本中葡萄糖的定量测定" ], "737084004": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous insertion of vertebral craniocaudal expandable implants", "Percutaneous insertion of vertebral craniocaudal expandable implants using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导经皮插入脊椎头足向可扩展植入物", "在荧光透视引导下经皮插入脊椎头足向可扩展植入物" ], "712941000000102": [ "Referral for multidisciplinary review", "转诊进行多学科审查" ], "391185001": [ "Early intervention in psychosis - Part day : day care", "精神病的早期干预 - 日间护理" ], "243729005": [ "Provision of headband distance telescope", "配备头带距离望远镜" ], "702481008": [ "Child health 24-30 months review", "儿童健康 24-30 个月回顾" ], "28902003": [ "Syphilis test, quantitative", "梅毒检测,定量" ], "405734007": [ "Repair of nail bed", "Reconstruction nail bed", "甲床修复", "重建甲床" ], "12518007": [ "Operation on male perineum", "Male perineal operation", "男性会阴手术" ], "176358009": [ "Endoscopic resection of posterior urethral valve", "内镜后尿道瓣膜切除术" ], "715195002": [ "Assessment using Cambridge Apraxia Battery", "Assessment using CAB (Cambridge Apraxia Battery)", "使用 CAB(剑桥失用症量表)进行评估", "使用剑桥失用症测试表进行评估" ], "10683007": [ "Destruction of lesion of heart", "心脏病变破坏" ], "238224001": [ "Enucleation of lesion of abdominal wall", "腹壁病变剜除术" ], "25232002": [ "Reconstruction of thumb with toe", "Pollicisation of toe", "Pollicization of toe", "拇指与趾骨重建", "趾骨化" ], "1155728004": [ "Decreased chromium diet", "减少铬饮食" ], "58000006": [ "Patient discharge", "Discharge procedure", "病人出院", "出院程序" ], "41616008": [ "Removal of embolus from thoracic artery", "Embolectomy of thoracic artery", "胸动脉栓塞移除", "胸动脉栓塞切除术" ], "270992008": [ "Serum total protein level", "Serum total protein measurement", "血清总蛋白测定", "血清总蛋白水平" ], "449381002": [ "Removal of orthodontic screw", "移除矫正螺丝" ], "105317000": [ "Ranitidine measurement", "雷尼替丁测量" ], "54330000": [ "Patient transfer, to another health care facility, definitive", "患者转院至另一家医疗机构,明确" ], "121701009": [ "Thiamylal measurement", "硫戊醛测定" ], "21562002": [ "Theophylline measurement, saliva", "唾液茶碱测量" ], "711525009": [ "Indirect immunocytochemical technique", "间接免疫细胞化学技术" ], "169018000": [ "Fluoroscopy and radiography - skeleton", "透视和放射线照相术 - 骨骼" ], "709690006": [ "Drainage of bladder using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of bladder", "Drainage of urinary bladder using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of urinary bladder", "透视引导下膀胱引流", "荧光透视引导下膀胱引流" ], "119866006": [ "Lip destructive procedure", "唇部破坏性手术" ], "447546009": [ "Insertion of implantable epidural access system into lumbar epidural space", "将植入式硬膜外通路系统插入腰椎硬膜外腔" ], "265487002": [ "Drainage of pericardium", "Pericardial drainage", "Decompression of pericardium", "心包减压", "心包引流" ], "118031004": [ "Escherichia coli K1 antigen assay", "大肠杆菌K1抗原测定" ], "314639005": [ "Excision of reversed onlay intestinal graft", "逆向覆盖肠移植切除术" ], "183567007": [ "Referral to hematologist", "Referral to haematologist", "转诊至血液科医师" ], "412943007": [ "Urine arginosuccinate measurement", "Urine arginosuccinate level", "尿液精氨酸琥珀酸测定", "尿液精氨酸琥珀酸水平" ], "232719007": [ "Coronary artery bypass graft x 1", "CABG x 1 - Coronary artery bypass graft x 1", "冠状动脉搭桥手术 x 1", "CABG x 1 - 冠状动脉搭桥手术 x 1" ], "429327007": [ "Revision of conduit", "导管修订" ], "771556003": [ "Fluoroscopy for colonic transit study", "结肠转运透视检查" ], "394724007": [ "Coronary heart disease medication review", "冠心病用药评论" ], "50660008": [ "Thoracic phlebectomy with anastomosis", "胸腔静脉切除及吻合术" ], "196281000": [ "Excisional biopsy of heart", "心脏切除活检" ], "81593005": [ "Solid phase radioimmunoassay", "SPRIA - solid phase radioimmunoassay", "SPRIA-- 固相放射免疫分析法", "固相放射免疫分析法" ], "391054008": [ "Emergency mental health assessment - Daily intensive", "紧急心理健康评估 - 每日密集" ], "307299001": [ "Removal of lesion from intracranial subdural space", "颅内硬膜下腔病变切除" ], "225379003": [ "Analog behavioral assessment", "Analogue behavioural assessment", "模拟行为评估" ], "12387006": [ "Microbial subculture", "微生物传代培养" ], "438371007": [ "Suboccipital craniectomy with cervical laminectomy for decompression of medulla and spinal cord", "Excision of bone of suboccipital cranium and lamina of cervical vertebra for decompression of medulla and spinal cord", "枕下开颅术联合颈椎板切除术治疗延髓及脊髓​​减压", "枕下颅骨及颈椎椎板切除术减压脊髓" ], "437731000124102": [ "Decreased isoleucine diet", "减少异亮氨酸饮食" ], "464611000124102": [ "Coordination of care team", "护理团队的协调" ], "74253001": [ "Arthroplasty of temporomandibular joint with allograft", "同种异体颞下颌关节置换术" ], "174392009": [ "Drainage of perianal abscess", "肛周脓肿引流" ], "301794000": [ "Excision of lump of axilla", "腋窝肿块切除术" ], "432866001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of mesenteric vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行肠系膜静脉" ], "8717008": [ "Manipulative reduction of open fracture of malar area, including zygomatic arch and malar tripod, towel clip technique", "Reduction of open zygomatic arch fracture using a towel clip", "用毛巾夹复位开放性颧弓骨折", "颧骨区开放性骨折的手法复位,包括颧弓和颧骨三脚架,毛巾夹技术" ], "252642000": [ "Barium coated food gastric transit study", "钡餐食品胃转运研究" ], "236258004": [ "Needle biopsy of prostate", "前列腺针吸活检" ], "121570006": [ "Ethylene measurement", "乙烯测量" ], "105186009": [ "Felbamate measurement", "非氨酯测量" ], "21431003": [ "Regional chemexfoliation", "区域化学去角质" ], "265356000": [ "Repair of oesophageal hiatus using thoracic approach", "Repair of esophageal hiatus using thoracic approach", "经胸入路食管裂孔修补术" ], "119735009": [ "Bronchus injection", "支气管注射" ], "68748002": [ "Biopsy of uterine ligament", "子宫韧带活检" ], "412812004": [ "Urine lambda light chain measurement", "Urine lambda light chain level", "尿液 Lambda 轻链水平", "尿液 Lambda 轻链测量" ], "871564005": [ "Administration of essential fatty acid", "必需脂肪酸的施用" ], "117900006": [ "Cytokeratin antibody assay", "Measurement of cytokeratin antibody", "细胞角蛋白抗体的测量", "细胞角蛋白抗体测定" ], "183436007": [ "Care from friends", "朋友的关心" ], "427361001": [ "Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using insert of natural material", "用天然材料插入物修补复发性脐疝" ], "443745005": [ "Quantitative measurement of IgM in 24 hour urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of immunoglobulin M in 24 hour urine specimen", "24小时尿液样本中IgM的定量测定", "24小时尿液标本中免疫球蛋白M质量浓度的定量测定" ], "179766001": [ "Revision autograft replacement extra-articular ligament", "翻修自体移植置换关节外韧带" ], "704054003": [ "Education about ureterostomy care", "输尿管造口术护理教育" ], "359990005": [ "Bilirubin measurement, amniotic fluid", "胆红素测量,羊水" ], "163382007": [ "Testicular self-examination", "睾丸自我检查" ], "79627000": [ "Immunoglobulin G subclass, G1 measurement", "免疫球蛋白 G 亚类、G1 测量" ], "177931002": [ "Excision of lesion of anterior abdominal wall and insert of prosthetic material into anterior abdominal wall", "切除腹前壁病变并将假体植入腹前壁" ], "63243008": [ "Intraoperative cholangiogram", "Cholangiography during surgery", "Peroperative cholangiogram", "On table cholangiogram", "Operative cholangiography", "Intraoperative cholangiography", "术中胆管造影", "手术期间胆管造影", "手术胆管造影", "桌上型胆管造影" ], "405472001": [ "Femoro-tibio-peroneal graft for repair of aneurysm with prosthesis", "股骨-胫骨-腓骨移植用于修复动脉瘤的假体" ], "225248004": [ "ZD - Zone drilling", "Zone drilling", "Zona drilling", "区域钻探", "透明带钻孔", "ZD - 区域钻探" ], "305333000": [ "Admission by nurse practitioner", "执业护士入院" ], "241632009": [ "MRI of upper limb", "Magnetic resonance imaging of upper limb", "上肢磁共振成像", "上肢 MRI" ], "59573005": [ "Potassium measurement", "钾测量" ], "223413005": [ "Advice about signs and symptoms", "Signs and symptoms education", "关于体征和症状的建议", "体征和症状教育" ], "713098000": [ "Education about hospitalisation", "Education about hospitalization", "住院教育" ], "370869008": [ "Mobility deficit management", "Manage mobility therapy", "管理行动治疗", "行动不便管理" ], "172426003": [ "Removal of foreign body from cornea", "Removal of corneal foreign body", "FB - Removal of foreign body from cornea", "FB - 去除角膜异物", "去除角膜异物", "角膜异物取出" ], "121439000": [ "Talbutal measurement", "塔布他林测量" ], "105055000": [ "Alprazolam measurement", "阿普唑仑测量" ], "252511003": [ "Clinical immunological test", "临床免疫学检测" ], "39519006": [ "Reduction of closed humeral shaft fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of shaft of humerus", "肱骨干闭合性骨折手法复位", "闭合性肱骨干骨折的复位手法治疗" ], "725812000": [ "Assessment using ACS (Activity Card Sort)", "Assessment using Activity Card Sort", "使用 ACS(活动卡片分类)进行评估", "使用活动卡片分类进行评估" ], "170591009": [ "Digoxin monitoring", "地高辛监测" ], "234292004": [ "Drainage of lesion of pelvic lymph node", "盆腔淋巴结病变引流" ], "773129000": [ "Combined endoscopic and laparoscopic excision of polyp of colon", "内镜腹腔镜联合切除结肠息肉" ], "119604009": [ "Vertebral column closure", "脊柱闭合" ], "21300009": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on major vessels of neck", "Anaesthesia for procedure on major vessels of neck", "颈部主要血管手术麻醉" ], "85001003": [ "Lymphocyte migration factor assay", "淋巴细胞迁移因子测定" ], "117769004": [ "Acid fast bacteria identification", "抗酸细菌鉴定" ], "35849006": [ "Microbial identification, rapid kit method", "微生物鉴定,快速试剂盒法" ], "609289007": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from bone marrow for parasites", "对骨髓标本进行显微镜检查以寻找寄生虫" ], "66782001": [ "Closure of stoma of small intestine", "Closure of enterostomy of small intestine", "Closure of artificial opening of small intestine", "小肠造口缝合", "人工小肠开口缝合", "小肠造口术缝合" ], "443614004": [ "Replantation of upper arm between elbow and shoulder after complete amputation", "完全截肢后肘肩间上臂再植" ], "427230007": [ "Amniocentesis for possible chromosomal abnormality", "羊膜穿刺检查可能的染色体异常" ], "179635001": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of joint and internal fixation of joint", "关节脱位闭合复位及关节内固定" ], "409011003": [ "Antenatal care management", "Manage antenatal care", "产前保健管理", "管理产前护理" ], "16520741000119101": [ "CT guided needle biopsy of salivary gland", "Needle biopsy of salivary gland using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下涎腺针吸活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行唾液腺针吸活检" ], "261555005": [ "Repair for obstruction of urinary reservoir", "尿道阻塞修复" ], "16451621000119103": [ "Ultrasonography guided needle biopsy of left kidney", "Needle biopsy of left kidney using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下左肾穿刺活检" ], "16548901000119104": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of kidney", "SPECT of kidney", "肾脏 SPECT", "肾脏单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "359859007": [ "Vanillylmandelic acid measurement", "香草扁桃酸的测定" ], "1193608002": [ "Prophylactic internal femoral fixation", "Prophylactic internal fixation of femur", "股骨预防性内固定", "预防性股骨内固定" ], "16559141000119108": [ "CT guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pelvis", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pelvis using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下经皮盆腔细针穿刺活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行盆腔经皮细针穿刺活检" ], "439944006": [ "Insertion of proximal extension prosthesis for repair of descending thoracic aorta", "插入近端延长假体修复降胸主动脉" ], "865928006": [ "Assessment using Emotional Stress Reaction Questionnaire", "Assessment using ESRQ (Emotional Stress Reaction Questionnaire)", "使用情绪压力反应问卷进行评估", "使用 ESRQ(情绪压力反应问卷)进行评估" ], "225117002": [ "Irrigating off dressing", "冲洗敷料" ], "405341004": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of superficial femoral artery with prosthesis", "Superficial femoral endarterectomy and angioplasty using prosthesis", "浅表股动脉内膜切除术和假体血管成形术", "股浅动脉内膜切除及假体成形术" ], "12125008": [ "Vaginal biopsy", "Biopsy of vagina", "阴道活检" ], "75826000": [ "Arthrodesis of elbow joint with autograft", "自体移植肘关节融合术" ], "43058004": [ "Injection of contrast media for radiography by direct puncture", "通过直接穿刺注射造影剂进行放射线摄影" ], "239666004": [ "Application of plaster cast to upper limb", "上肢石膏固定的应用" ], "41223000": [ "Pharyngolaryngectomy with radical neck dissection and reconstruction", "咽喉切除术及根治性颈淋巴清扫和重建" ], "172295005": [ "Revision of anastomosis between lacrimal gland and nose", "泪腺鼻吻合术" ], "450823008": [ "Postpartum exploration of uterus using instrument", "产后子宫探查" ], "104924001": [ "Ribonuclease measurement", "核糖核酸酶测量" ], "121308001": [ "4-Hydroxyglutethimide measurement", "4-羟戊酸测量" ], "432604003": [ "Chromosome breakage assay", "染色体断裂试验" ], "252380005": [ "Allergy profile", "Atopy screening", "Hypersensitivity screening", "Hypersensitivity profile", "Allergy screening", "过敏概况", "超敏反应概况", "过敏筛查", "过敏症筛查", "超敏反应筛查" ], "53937001": [ "Distal splenorenal anastomosis", "Distal splenorenal shunt", "Warren shunt", "沃伦分流", "远端脾肾分流术", "远端脾肾吻合术" ], "299697002": [ "Exploration of elbow joint", "肘关节探查" ], "398001004": [ "Fraenoplasty", "Frenoplasty", "系带整形术" ], "86705006": [ "Cauterization of cervix by laser surgery", "Cauterisation of cervix by laser surgery", "Cauterisation of cervix using laser", "Cauterization of cervix using laser", "通过激光手术烧灼宫颈", "用激光烧灼宫颈", "使用激光烧灼宫颈" ], "447153008": [ "Aspiration of pharynx", "咽部吸入" ], "609158004": [ "Percutaneous insertion of stent graft into vertebral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous insertion of stent graft into vertebral artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导经皮椎动脉造影支架植入术", "在荧光造影引导下经皮将支架移植物插入椎动脉" ], "117638008": [ "3-Hydroxysebacate measurement", "3-羟基癸二酸酯测量" ], "1115001": [ "Decortication", "去皮" ], "445318009": [ "Fine needle aspiration using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided fine needle aspiration", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided fine needle aspiration biopsy", "使用磁共振成像引导进行细针穿刺活检", "MRI 引导下细针穿刺活检", "MRI 引导下细针穿刺", "使用磁共振成像引导的细针穿刺" ], "771163006": [ "Assessment using mBESS (modified Balance Error Scoring System)", "Assessment using M-BESS (Modified Balance Error Scoring System)", "Assessment using Modified Balance Error Scoring System", "使用 mBESS(改良的平衡误差评分系统)进行评估", "使用 M-BESS(改进的平衡误差评分系统)进行评估", "使用改进的平衡误差评分系统进行评估" ], "359728003": [ "Radical mastectomy including pectoral muscles and axillary lymph nodes", "根治性乳房切除术,包括胸肌和腋窝淋巴结" ], "392496003": [ "Trichoderma viride specific IgE antibody measurement", "m15 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Trichoderma viride specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "m15特异性IgE抗体测量", "绿色木霉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "绿色木霉特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "720176005": [ "Alcohol relapse prevention program", "Alcohol relapse prevention programme", "酒精复发预防计划" ], "408880004": [ "Nausea care assessment", "Assess nausea care", "评估恶心护理", "恶心护理评估" ], "243205004": [ "Orthoptic occlusion treatment", "视轴矫正治疗" ], "46597006": [ "Salivary gland imaging with serial views", "唾液腺连续视图成像" ], "241370000": [ "Radionuclide non-imaging renal studies", "放射性核素非成像肾脏研究" ], "306906003": [ "Intermittent compression therapy to upper limb", "上肢间歇性压迫治疗" ], "28378007": [ "Amylase measurement, urine", "Urine amylase", "尿淀粉酶", "尿液淀粉酶测定" ], "10159000": [ "Revision of gastroduodenal anastomosis with reconstruction and vagotomy", "胃十二指肠吻合口重建及迷走神经切断术" ], "419759001": [ "Overrefraction", "Over-refraction", "过度屈光" ], "372442008": [ "Cytologic examination of large intestine", "大肠细胞学检查" ], "239535002": [ "Mandibular condylar shave", "下颌髁突刮除" ], "173999004": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of ileum", "回肠病变开放活检" ], "1222575008": [ "Laparoscopic cholangiography during surgery with contrast", "Laparoscopic intraoperative cholangiography with contrast", "Laparoscopic intraoperative cholangiogram with contrast", "手术期间进行腹腔镜胆管造影", "腹腔镜术中胆管造影" ], "450692005": [ "Open excision of lesion of uterus", "子宫病变开放切除术" ], "434308005": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of brachial vein using contrast with insertion of stent", "用造影剂插入支架进行肱静脉荧光镜静脉造影" ], "8324006": [ "Incision and drainage of rectal abscess", "直肠脓肿切开引流" ], "172164008": [ "Correction of hypertelorism with orbital osteotomies and nasal reconstruction", "通过眼眶截骨术和鼻部重建术矫正眼距过宽" ], "22873002": [ "Pulmonary phlebography", "Pulmonary venous angiogram", "Pulmonary venogram", "肺静脉造影" ], "252249003": [ "Food stimulation test", "食物刺激试验" ], "711001007": [ "Monitoring fluid intake", "监测液体摄入量" ], "104793007": [ "Luteinizing hormone by color comparison method for ovulation test", "Luteinising hormone by colour comparison method for ovulation test", "用比色法检测促黄体激素排卵试验" ], "37422000": [ "Arthroscopically aided anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction", "关节镜辅助前交叉韧带重建" ], "250414003": [ "Blood concentration", "Blood concentration, test strip measurement", "血药浓度", "血液浓度、试纸测量" ], "447022008": [ "Cauterisation of verruca of penis", "Cauterization of verruca of penis", "Cauterization of wart of penis", "Cauterisation of wart of penis", "阴茎疣烧灼术" ], "1264387000": [ "Radiotherapy follow-up", "Follow-up for radiation therapy", "放射治疗随访", "放射治疗的后续治疗" ], "609027002": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from upper gastrointestinal tract prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备的上消化道标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "264963003": [ "Suture of anterior abdominal wall", "Suture of abdominal wall", "腹前壁缝合", "腹壁缝合" ], "232195005": [ "Repositioning of ventilation tube through tympanic membrane", "Repositioning of grommet in tympanic membrane", "重新定位鼓膜内的鼓膜垫", "通气管穿过鼓膜重新定位" ], "133891005": [ "Care planning session", "护理计划会议" ], "35587007": [ "Supervision, handling and loading of radioelement", "放射性元素的监督、处理和装载" ], "428803005": [ "3 lead electrocardiographic monitoring", "3导联心电图监测" ], "82904003": [ "Surgical closure of window", "手术关闭窗口" ], "426968007": [ "Intrauterine insemination with superovulation using partner sperm", "Intrauterine insemination with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation using partner sperm", "Intrauterine insemination with controlled ovarian hyperstimulation using partner spermatozoa", "使用伴侣精子进行控制性卵巢刺激宫内授精", "使用伴侣精子进行超排卵宫内授精" ], "312280008": [ "Crystal identification", "Presence of crystals", "存在晶体", "晶体鉴定" ], "359597003": [ "Cardiac revascularization with bypass anastomosis of internal mammary to coronary artery, single vessel", "Single internal mammary-coronary artery bypass", "Bypass internal mammary-coronary artery, single", "Anastomosis of internal mammary artery to coronary artery, single vessel", "Cardiac revascularisation with bypass anastomosis of internal mammary to coronary artery, single vessel", "心脏血运重建术,内乳动脉旁路吻合至冠状动脉,单支血管", "单侧乳内冠状动脉搭桥术", "旁路内乳冠状动脉,单", "内乳动脉与冠状动脉吻合术,单支血管" ], "310445004": [ "Closure of patent foramen ovale using patch", "使用补片封闭卵圆孔未闭" ], "392365008": [ "Rt211 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sweet gum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Liquidambar styraciflua specific IgE antibody measurement", "Liquidambar styraciflua specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "枫香树特异性IgE抗体测定", "枫香特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "枫香树胶特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rt211 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "179373009": [ "Open repair medial meniscus", "开放式修复内侧半月板" ], "64685008": [ "Bismuth measurement", "铋测量" ], "30082005": [ "Arthroscopy of foot", "足关节镜检查" ], "62850006": [ "Medical examination under sedation", "镇静状态下的医学检查" ], "243074007": [ "Advice on patient associations", "Patient associations education", "Education of patient associations", "对患者协会的建议", "患者协会教育" ], "406914008": [ "Ponceau S stain method", "Ponceau S stain", "丽春红S染色法", "涵洞S染色" ], "274007003": [ "Drainage of cyst of eyelid", "Drainage of meibomian cyst", "Chalazion drainage", "睑板囊肿引流", "霰粒肿引流", "眼睑囊肿引流" ], "388695004": [ "Rf266", "Myristica fragrans specific IgE antibody measurement", "Mace specific IgE antibody measurement", "Myristica fragrans specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf266", "肉豆蔻特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "肉豆蔻特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "241239005": [ "Hepatic arteriogram", "Arteriography of hepatic artery", "Angiography of hepatic artery", "肝动脉造影" ], "28247005": [ "Incision of phalanges of hand", "Incision of phalanx of hand", "手指骨切开术" ], "77399009": [ "Excision of prepatellar bursa", "髌前滑囊切除术" ], "173868001": [ "Mobilization of duodenum", "Mobilisation of duodenum", "十二指肠活动" ], "59180001": [ "Injection into skin of head", "头部皮肤注射" ], "239404006": [ "Release of intermaxillary fixation", "IMF - Release of intermaxillary fixation", "IMF - 颌间固定释放", "颌间固定释放" ], "450561002": [ "Conversion from hemiarthroplasty of shoulder", "肩关节半关节置换术转换" ], "40961004": [ "Incision of lymphoid tissue", "淋巴组织切开术" ], "172033008": [ "Biopsy of lesion of adrenal gland", "肾上腺病变活检" ], "39126001": [ "Excision of blood vessel", "Angiectomy", "血管切除术", "血管切除" ], "104662001": [ "Fibronectin measurement", "纤连蛋白测量" ], "710870003": [ "Support for caregiver during weaning", "断奶期间对护理人员的支持" ], "71894004": [ "Radiologic guidance for percutaneous specimen collection", "经皮标本采集的放射学指导" ], "268502007": [ "Leptospirosis prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic antibiotic for leptospirosis", "预防性使用抗生素治疗钩端螺旋体病", "钩端螺旋体病预防" ], "6358007": [ "Capsulorrhaphy of joint", "Joint capsulorrhaphy", "关节囊缝合术" ], "170198007": [ "Child examination: hearing", "儿童检查:听力" ], "446891002": [ "Laparoscopic lysis of perirenal adhesions", "腹腔镜肾周粘连松解术" ], "430507007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) myelography of lumbar spine", "Magnetic resonance imaging myelography of lumbar spine", "MRI myelography of lumbar spine", "腰椎磁共振成像(MRI)脊髓造影", "腰椎磁共振成像脊髓造影", "腰椎 MRI 脊髓造影" ], "281216000": [ "Excisional biopsy of pericardium", "心包切除活检" ], "1231488001": [ "Repair of cleft lip using straight line technique", "直线技术修复唇裂" ], "445056003": [ "Cutting toenails of both feet", "修剪双脚的脚趾甲" ], "313984004": [ "90 minute plasma FSH measurement", "90 minute plasma FSH level", "90 minute plasma follicle stimulating hormone measurement", "90 分钟血浆促卵泡激素测量", "90 分钟血浆 FSH 水平", "90 分钟血浆 FSH 测量" ], "608896006": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from lower gastrointestinal tract for parasites", "下消化道标本的寄生虫显微镜检查" ], "33621000": [ "Trochanteric transplant", "股骨转子移植" ], "853003": [ "Fecal fat measurement, 72-hour collection", "Faecal fat measurement, 72-hour collection", "粪便脂肪测量,72 小时收集" ], "836437004": [ "Simple mastectomy of left breast using robotic assistance", "Robotic assisted simple mastectomy of left breast", "使用机器人辅助进行左乳简单乳房切除术", "机器人辅助左乳单纯乳房切除术" ], "410453006": [ "Binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy", "BIO - binocular indirect ophthalmoscopy", "BIO-- 双目间接检眼镜检查", "双目间接检眼镜检查" ], "443221007": [ "Reconstruction of ramus of mandible by sagittal split osteotomy with internal fixation", "下颌骨升支矢状劈开内固定重建术" ], "392234001": [ "Repair of epididymis and vas deferens", "附睾和输精管修复" ], "277546002": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of cavernous sinus", "Percutaneous embolization of cavernous sinus", "经皮海绵窦栓塞术" ], "718079000": [ "Injection of arteriovenous fistula using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided injection of arteriovenous fistula with contrast", "荧光透视引导下动静脉瘘注射造影剂", "荧光透视引导下动静脉内瘘注射造影剂" ], "275711006": [ "Serum chemistry test", "血清化学检测" ], "308479007": [ "Referral to ophthalmologist", "转诊至眼科医生" ], "423167009": [ "Chronic disease process education", "Chronic illness education", "慢性病过程教育", "慢性病教育" ], "44500001": [ "Injection of temporomandibular joint", "Injection into temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节注射" ], "716244004": [ "Assessment using Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire self-rated for 11-17 year olds", "Assessment using SDQ (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) self-rated for 11-17 year olds", "使用优势与困难问卷对 11-17 岁学生进行自我评估", "使用 SDQ(优势与困难问卷)对 11-17 岁学生进行自我评估" ], "306644005": [ "Discharge from surgical fitting service", "手术配戴服务出院" ], "11732005": [ "Simple cystometrogram", "简易膀胱内压图" ], "239273004": [ "Excision of single muscle", "单块肌肉切除" ], "9897006": [ "Receptor binding site activity", "受体结合位点活性" ], "57214001": [ "Effleurage", "轻拂" ], "73598003": [ "Biofeedback, autogenic training", "生物反馈、自生训练" ], "171902006": [ "Thoracic surgical sympathectomy", "胸外科交感神经切除术" ], "104531005": [ "Apolipoproteins B measurement", "载脂蛋白 B 测量" ], "415827007": [ "Voltage gated calcium channel antibody level", "Voltage-gated calcium channel antibody measurement", "电压门控钙通道抗体水平", "电压门控钙通道抗体测量" ], "708904001": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of femur and internal fixation using bone nail", "Closed reduction and nail of fracture of femur", "股骨骨折闭合复位钉固定术", "股骨骨折闭合复位骨钉内固定" ], "6227009": [ "Relationship psychotherapy", "关系心理治疗" ], "430376003": [ "Aspergillus galactomannan antigen assay", "曲霉半乳甘露聚糖抗原测定" ], "446760004": [ "Assessment using Westmead home safety assessment", "使用 Westmead 家庭安全评估进行评估" ], "182781000": [ "Diabetic stabilization", "Diabetic stabilisation", "糖尿病稳定" ], "313853002": [ "Plasma unconjugated bilirubin measurement", "Plasma unconjugated bilirubin level", "血浆非结合胆红素测量", "血浆非结合胆红素水平" ], "84477003": [ "Roux-en-Y anastomosis of extrahepatic biliary ducts and gastrointestinal tract", "肝外胆管及胃肠道Roux-en-Y吻合术" ], "281085002": [ "Sugar-free diet education", "无糖饮食教育" ], "117245002": [ "Nucleic acid probe method with target amplification", "靶标扩增的核酸探针方法" ], "17106000": [ "Incision of epigastric region", "Epigastric incision", "上腹部切口", "上腹部切开术" ], "426706000": [ "Removal of hearing implant from external ear", "从外耳移除听力植入物" ], "361170002": [ "Derlacki operation", "德拉基手术" ], "410322005": [ "Anatomy/physiology case management", "解剖学/生理学病例管理" ], "66258007": [ "Thoracoscopic biopsy of lung", "胸腔镜肺活检" ], "441255001": [ "Cervical laminoplasty with decompression of spinal cord and reconstruction of posterior bony elements", "Reconstruction of lamina of cervical vertebra and posterior bony elements with decompression of spinal cord", "颈椎椎板成形术,脊髓减压,后骨性结构重建", "脊髓减压颈椎椎板及后骨性结构重建" ], "722009": [ "Fine needle biopsy of thymus", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of thymus", "胸腺细针活检", "胸腺细针穿刺活检" ], "1293223004": [ "Division of carpal bone", "腕骨的划分" ], "179111005": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture and wire fixation", "骨折一期闭合复位及钢丝固定" ], "408487007": [ "Health visitor follow up", "健康访问者跟进" ], "177276006": [ "Trephine removal of sebaceous cyst", "环锯切除皮脂囊肿" ], "240977001": [ "Biopsy of skin", "Skin biopsy", "皮肤活检" ], "27985001": [ "Cervical sympathectomy", "颈交感神经切除术" ], "11601004": [ "Complicated seminal vesiculotomy", "复杂的精囊切开术" ], "60753006": [ "McIndoe operation for construction of vagina", "Abbe-Wharton-McIndoe operation", "Abbe operation for construction of vagina", "Abbe 阴道重建术", "Abbe-Wharton-McIndoe 手术", "McIndoe 阴道修复手术" ], "699729008": [ "Encephalo-duro-arterio-synangiosis", "EDAS - Encephalo-duro-arterio-synangiosis", "Encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis", "脑硬膜动脉血管缝合术", "脑硬脑膜动脉血管融合", "EDAS - 脑硬脑膜动脉血管成形术" ], "306513009": [ "Discharge by community psychiatric nurse", "Discharge by CPN", "CPN 放电", "社区精神科护士出院" ], "372049008": [ "Assessment of history of previous radiation exposure", "Assesses history of previous radiation exposure", "评估既往放射线暴露史", "评估先前的辐射暴露史" ], "42534004": [ "Excision of subcutaneous vascular malformation of extremity", "肢体皮下血管畸形切除术" ], "401147002": [ "Plasma testosterone measurement", "Plasma testosterone level", "血浆睾酮测量", "血浆睾酮水平" ], "71632001": [ "Curettage of bursa", "滑囊刮除术" ], "235472002": [ "Local excision of lesion of pancreas", "胰腺病变局部切除术" ], "104400001": [ "Monosialoganglioside GM1 antibody measurement", "单唾液酸神经节苷脂 GM1 抗体测量" ], "448464001": [ "Assessment of airway device cuff pressure", "气道装置袖带压力评估" ], "22480005": [ "Intracranial microdissection", "颅内显微解剖" ], "118949002": [ "Procedure on extremity", "四肢手术" ], "86181006": [ "Evaluation and management of inpatient", "History and physical examination with management of inpatient", "住院患者的评估和管理", "病史和体格检查及住院管理" ], "313722008": [ "150 minute plasma cortisol level", "150 minute plasma cortisol measurement", "150 分钟血浆皮质醇测量", "150 分钟血浆皮质醇水平" ], "311887001": [ "Insertion of vaginal caesium applicators", "Insertion of vaginal cesium applicators", "阴道铯涂药器的插入" ], "410191000": [ "Temperature taking assessment", "Assess temperature", "Assess temperature taking", "评估体温", "评估温度", "体温测量评估" ], "442959004": [ "Harvesting of sheet of fascia from fascia lata by incision of skin and subcutaneous tissue", "通过切开皮肤和皮下组织从阔筋膜中获取筋膜片" ], "770639006": [ "Magnetic resonance arthrography of carpometacarpal joint", "MR arthrography of carpometacarpal joint", "Magnetic resonance arthrogram of carpometacarpal joint", "腕掌关节磁共振关节造影", "腕掌关节磁共振造影" ], "1293092007": [ "Plain X-ray of uvula", "Plain X-ray of uvula palatina", "腭垂的普通 X 射线", "悬雍垂的 X 光检查" ], "765134004": [ "Venogram of right renal vein", "Venography of right renal vein", "右肾静脉造影" ], "27854006": [ "Metanephrines measurement, total, urine", "Urine metanephrine", "Urine metanephrine level", "尿甲肾上腺素", "尿液中总甲肾上腺素的测量", "尿液中甲肾上腺素水平" ], "306382007": [ "Discharge by health worker", "医护人员出院" ], "386467004": [ "Safe sex education", "Teaching: safe sex", "安全性行为教育", "教学:安全性行为" ], "304547005": [ "Offering encouragement to perform activity of daily living", "Giving encouragement to perform activity of daily living", "鼓励进行日常生活活动" ], "419235007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of pudendal artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of pudendal artery with contrast", "阴部动脉造影荧光血管造影", "阴部动脉造影荧光镜检查" ], "122488002": [ "Transection of vas deferens", "输精管横断" ], "171640006": [ "Intracranial stereotactic neurolysis of abducens nerve (VI)", "颅内立体定向外展神经松解术(VI)" ], "235341000": [ "Open operation on rectal polyp", "Open polypectomy of rectum", "直肠息肉开放手术", "直肠息肉切除术" ], "104269001": [ "Microbial IgM antibody by immunoassay method", "Microbial immunoglobulin M antibody by immunoassay method", "免疫测定法检测微生物免疫球蛋白M抗体", "免疫测定法检测微生物IgM抗体" ], "448333002": [ "Endoscopic division of epidural adhesions", "Endoscopic division of epidural adhesions of spine", "Endoscopic lysis of epidural adhesions", "内镜下硬膜外粘连松解术", "内镜分离硬膜外粘连", "内镜分离脊柱硬膜外粘连" ], "431949004": [ "Active external warming of subject", "受试者的主动外部保暖" ], "86050000": [ "Curettage of bursa of hand", "手部滑囊刮除术" ], "71501009": [ "Transfer of finger, except thumb", "Transfer of finger to finger, except thumb", "除拇指外,其他手指均转移", "手指移位,拇指除外" ], "233506001": [ "Revascularisation of whole leg", "Revascularization of whole leg", "整条腿血运重建", "全腿血运重建" ], "430114004": [ "Education about infant stimulation at 9-12 months", "9-12个月婴儿刺激教育" ], "708642005": [ "Robotic rectopexy", "Robotic proctopexy", "Robot assisted fixation of rectum", "Fixation of rectum using robotic assistance", "Robot assisted laparoscopic fixation of rectum", "Laparoscopic fixation of rectum using robotic assistance", "机器人直肠固定术", "使用机器人辅助固定直肠", "机器人辅助腹腔镜直肠固定术", "机器人辅助直肠固定" ], "413730008": [ "C-terminal glucagon level", "C-terminal glucagon measurement", "C 端胰高血糖素测量", "C 端胰高血糖素水平" ], "118818008": [ "Procedure on tooth", "牙齿手术" ], "313591008": [ "24 hour urine urea output measurement", "24 hour urine urea output", "24小时尿液尿素排出量测量", "24小时尿液尿素排出量" ], "231671009": [ "Superior rectus horizontal transposition", "上直肌水平转位" ], "33228002": [ "Change in bone length of ulna", "尺骨长度变化" ], "229836004": [ "Drilling of a nail", "Reduction of a nail", "Drilling of nail", "钉子钻孔", "指甲缩减", "钻钉子" ], "426444008": [ "Denervation of trigeminal nerve (V)", "三叉神经支配(V)" ], "408225004": [ "Urine ethambutol level", "Urine ethambutol measurement", "尿液乙胺丁醇浓度", "尿液乙胺丁醇测定" ], "45942001": [ "Laboratory reporting, telephone", "实验室报告,电话" ], "1260193009": [ "Removal of accretion from teeth using dental scaler", "Scaling of teeth", "Removal of deposits from teeth using dental scaler", "使用洁牙机清除牙齿上的沉积物", "洗牙" ], "291702009": [ "Tympanosympathectomy", "Sympathectomy of tympanum", "鼓室交感神经切除术" ], "306251005": [ "Referral to marriage guidance counsellor", "Referral to marriage guidance counselor", "转介给婚姻指导顾问" ], "207947007": [ "Shortening of extraocular muscle", "眼外肌缩短" ], "173344000": [ "Excision of lesion of gingiva", "牙龈病损切除" ], "240715008": [ "Digital palpation", "数字触诊" ], "304416002": [ "Pulsed electromagnetic energy to wrist", "脉冲电磁能作用于手腕" ], "288032001": [ "Transection of bilateral fallopian tubes", "Transection of both fallopian tubes", "双侧输卵管横断术", "双侧输卵管横断" ], "386336002": [ "Insurance authorization", "保险授权" ], "107808005": [ "Accessory sinus excision", "Nasal sinusectomy", "Excision of nasal sinus", "副鼻窦切除术", "鼻窦切除术" ], "1156384006": [ "Pulsed dose rate brachytherapy", "PDR (pulsed dose rate) brachytherapy", "PDR(脉冲剂量率)近距离放射治疗", "脉冲剂量率近距离放射治疗" ], "42272005": [ "Image analysis, quantitative", "图像分析,定量" ], "419104005": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of cerebral artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of cerebral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下脑动脉造影血管成形术", "荧光造影引导下脑动脉血管成形术" ], "122357000": [ "Neisseria meningitidis B antigen assay", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌B抗原检测" ], "56821003": [ "Insertion of drain into vagina", "将引流管插入阴道" ], "171509005": [ "Brain cerebrospinal fluid pathway operation", "Ventricle of brain and subarachnoid space operations", "脑脑脊液通路手术", "脑室及蛛网膜下腔手术" ], "24053005": [ "Heterophile antibody screen", "异嗜性抗体筛选" ], "235210004": [ "Oesophageal self-bouginage", "Esophageal self-bouginage", "Esophageal self-bougienage", "Oesophageal self-bougienage", "食管自我探条插入术", "食管自我探条置管术", "食管自我探条术" ], "431818005": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of vein of upper limb", "Doppler ultrasound scan of vein of upper limb", "上肢静脉多普勒超声扫描", "上肢静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "284362005": [ "Dietary advice for pku", "Dietary advice for phenylketonuria", "Phenylketonuria diet education", "苯海拉明 糖尿病饮食建议", "苯丙酮尿症饮食教育", "苯丙酮尿症的饮食建议" ], "104138007": [ "Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase stain method, blood or bone marrow", "Tartrate resistant acid phosphatase stain", "抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶染色法,血液或骨髓", "抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶染色" ], "186058006": [ "Formal complaint about private specialist RE: self", "关于私人专家的正式投诉 RE: 自我" ], "36767002": [ "Reduction of volvulus of stomach", "Gastric volvulus reduction", "胃扭转复位术", "胃扭转复位" ], "233375002": [ "Straight graft of the abdominal aorta", "腹主动脉直移植物" ], "313460000": [ "24 hour urine citrate output measurement", "24 hour urine citrate output", "24小时尿柠檬酸盐排出量", "24 小时尿液柠檬酸盐排出量测量" ], "118687008": [ "Procedure on lymphoid system", "淋巴系统程序" ], "2164006": [ "Injection of aorta", "主动脉注射" ], "737609007": [ "Ceftazidime desensitisation therapy", "Ceftazidime desensitization therapy", "头孢他啶脱敏疗法" ], "178718000": [ "Primary open reduction spinal fracture and cast stabilisation", "Primary open reduction spinal fracture and cast stabilization", "初次切开复位脊柱骨折及石膏固定" ], "311625009": [ "Therapy to promote use of phrases", "促进短语使用的疗法" ], "226035000": [ "KPC - Key points of control", "Key points of control", "控制要点", "KPC-关键控制点" ], "78579002": [ "Ultrasonography of retroperitoneum", "腹膜后超声检查" ], "275187007": [ "Myringoplasty using fat", "使用脂肪的鼓膜成形术" ], "175048006": [ "Single anastomosis of mammary artery to left anterior descending coronary artery", "乳腺动脉与左冠状动脉前降支单吻合术" ], "306120009": [ "Referral to clinical genetics service", "转诊至临床遗传学服务" ], "74909004": [ "Harvesting of ligament", "韧带采集" ], "9373007": [ "Stripping of vocal cords", "Stripping of vocal fold", "剥离声带", "声带剥离" ], "25757008": [ "Excision of skin of head and neck", "头颈部皮肤切除" ], "171378002": [ "Attendance allowance medical", "护理津贴医疗" ], "122226003": [ "Granulocyte antibody assay", "Measurement of granulocyte antibody", "粒细胞抗体测定", "粒细胞抗体测量" ], "302450005": [ "Talc pleurodesis", "滑石粉胸膜固定术" ], "71239000": [ "Zygosity determination", "接合性测定" ], "236914009": [ "ZIFT - Zygote intrafallopian transfer", "PROST - Pronuclear stage tubal transfer", "Zygote intrafallopian transfer", "ZIFT - 受精卵输卵管内移植", "PROST - 原核期输卵管移植", "受精卵输卵管内移植" ], "726599006": [ "Sirolimus therapy", "雷帕霉素治疗" ], "1201735007": [ "Transfer of tendon of wrist region", "腕部肌腱移位术" ], "315164000": [ "Parakeet serum antibody level", "长尾小鹦鹉血清抗体水平" ], "710215009": [ "Evaluation of psychosocial response to instruction about nutrition", "评估对营养指导的心理社会反应" ], "69404000": [ "Perfusion of lower limb", "下肢灌注" ], "104007009": [ "Kp^b^ blood group antibody identification", "Kp^b^血型抗体鉴定" ], "429852004": [ "Computed tomography of orbit with contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of orbit with contrast", "CT of orbit with contrast", "眼眶增强计算机断层扫描", "眼眶增强 CT 扫描", "眼眶增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "53020005": [ "Implantation of vitreous for retinal reattachment", "玻璃体植入术用于视网膜复位" ], "444401001": [ "Insertion of single chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator", "插入单腔起搏心脏复律除颤器脉冲发生器" ], "870385001": [ "Hypofractionated radiation therapy", "低分次放射治疗" ], "233244009": [ "Transluminal operations on superior mesenteric artery", "肠系膜上动脉腔内手术" ], "231409004": [ "Radiofrequency destruction of posterior primary ramus", "Radiofrequency denervation of spinal facet joint of vertebra", "脊椎小关节射频去神经支配术", "射频毁损后主升支" ], "772081005": [ "Laparoscopic repair of lumbar hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic lumbar hernioplasty using synthetic mesh", "使用合成网片进行腹腔镜腰椎疝修补术", "腹腔镜下合成网片修补腰疝" ], "229574004": [ "Hot mud treatment", "热泥处理" ], "278726007": [ "Head and neck incision", "头颈部切口" ], "178587000": [ "Primary posterior decompression cervical cord and fusion", "原发性后路颈髓减压及融合术" ], "14747002": [ "Elective immunization for international travel", "Elective immunisation for international travel", "国际旅行选择性免疫接种" ], "113051003": [ "Esteem micro media system test", "Esteem微媒体系统测试" ], "391579003": [ "Phospholipid ratio", "磷脂比例" ], "719259006": [ "Imaging procedure without contrast", "无造影剂成像程序" ], "373360004": [ "Angioplasty of branches of abdominal aorta", "腹主动脉分支血管成形术" ], "127600005": [ "Arthrotomy with drainage of intertarsal joint", "跗骨间关节切开引流术" ], "305989004": [ "Referral from psychiatrist for the elderly mentally ill", "Referral by psychiatrist for the elderly mentally ill", "Referral by old age psychiatrist", "Referral from psychogeriatrician", "Referral from old age psychiatrist", "Referral by psychogeriatrician", "精神科医生为患有精神疾病的老年人转介", "老年精神科医生的转诊", "老年精神科医生转诊", "精神科医生为患有精神疾病的老年人提供转诊" ], "60229004": [ "Deep incision with opening of bone cortex of shoulder area", "深切口,打开肩部骨皮质" ], "173082002": [ "Endoscopic removal of foreign body from trachea using rigid bronchoscope", "Rigid bronchoscopy and removal of foreign body from trachea", "内镜下使用硬质支气管镜取出气管异物", "硬质支气管镜检查及气管异物取出" ], "42010004": [ "Uterine myomectomy", "Uterine fibroidectomy", "Hysteromyomectomy", "Excision fibroid", "Myomectomy", "切除子宫肌瘤", "子宫肌瘤切除术", "肌瘤切除术" ], "236783000": [ "Terminal ileum bypass", "回肠末端绕道手术" ], "287770009": [ "Reduce scrotal elephantiasis", "减少阴囊象皮肿" ], "122095001": [ "Shigella flexneri antibody assay", "Measurement of Shigella flexneri antibody", "福氏志贺氏菌抗体测定" ], "171247004": [ "Urine screening for protein", "尿液蛋白质筛查" ], "431556001": [ "Radionuclide two-phase bone study of whole body", "全身放射性核素双相骨研究" ], "38340002": [ "Temporary insertion of pacemaker into atrium by transvenous route", "Insertion of temporary transvenous cardiac electrode and pacemaker catheter", "插入临时经静脉心脏电极和起搏器导管", "通过静脉途径将起搏器暂时插入心房" ], "185796008": [ "Stop smoking monitoring telephone invite", "戒烟监测电话邀请" ], "5572009": [ "Incision of kidney pelvis", "Renal pyelotomy", "Renal pelviotomy", "Incision of renal pelvis", "肾盂切开术" ], "103876009": [ "C blood group typing", "C血型分型" ], "52889002": [ "Endocervical curettage", "ECC - Endocervical curettage", "ECC-- 宫颈管刮除术", "宫颈管刮除术" ], "427886002": [ "Total cavopulmonary connection with lateral atrial tunnel", "Lateral caval Fontan", "全腔静脉肺动脉连接及侧心房隧道", "外侧腔静脉 Fontan" ], "395118002": [ "Metabolic screening test", "代谢筛查测试" ], "444270004": [ "Analysis using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis", "Analysis using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis technique", "采用变性梯度凝胶电泳技术进行分析", "使用变性梯度凝胶电泳进行分析" ], "231278006": [ "Injection of local anaesthetic into facet joint", "Injection of local anesthetic into facet joint", "向小关节注射局部麻醉药", "将局部麻醉剂注射到小关节" ], "18286008": [ "Catheter ablation of tissue of heart", "心脏组织导管消融" ], "360515001": [ "Closed reduction of fracture and application of plaster cast", "骨折闭合复位并石膏固定" ], "180291001": [ "ROP - Removal of plaster", "Removal of plaster of Paris", "RPOP - Removal of plaster of Paris", "POP - Removal of plaster of Paris", "POP - Removing plaster cast", "Removal of plaster cast", "ROP - 拆除石膏", "拆除石膏", "POP - 拆除石膏", "RPOP - 清除熟石膏", "清除熟石膏", "POP - 清除熟石膏" ], "229443003": [ "Manipulation of the sternoclavicular joint", "Manipulation of the sternoclavicular joint - non-surgical", "胸锁关节手术——非手术", "胸锁关节的操作" ], "391448000": [ "Serum C26/C22 long chain fatty acid level", "血清 C26/C22 长链脂肪酸水平" ], "112920001": [ "Incisional biopsy of uterine ligament", "子宫韧带切开活检" ], "80152001": [ "Alpha-1-Fetoprotein measurement", "AFP measurement", "Alpha Fetoprotein measurement", "AFP 测量", "甲胎蛋白测量" ], "702744005": [ "Supervision of high risk pregnancy for primigravida age 15 years or younger", "15 岁或以下初产妇的高危妊娠监护" ], "104881000220105": [ "Restoration of tooth using composite resin onlay", "使用复合树脂贴面修复牙齿" ], "699074005": [ "Transgastric plication of oesophageal varices", "Transgastric plication of esophageal varices", "经胃食管静脉曲张折叠术" ], "371394007": [ "Removal of scleral buckle", "Removal of encircling band of eye", "去除眼部环绕带", "巩膜扣带术" ], "715458009": [ "Plain X-ray of entire spine using mobile image intensifier", "使用移动影像增强器对整个脊柱进行普通 X 射线检查" ], "10946009": [ "Fajersztajn test", "法杰斯坦测试" ], "172951006": [ "Pharyngeal reconstruction with free flap", "Reconstruction of pharynx with microvascular transferred flap", "游离皮瓣修复咽部重建术", "显微血管转移瓣修复咽部" ], "385943009": [ "Drainage tube care assessment", "Assess drainage tube care", "引流管护理评估", "评估引流管护理" ], "171116002": [ "Smallpox screening", "天花筛查" ], "285804005": [ "Keeler acuity cards", "基勒敏锐度卡" ], "449644007": [ "Stripping and ligation of vein of lower limb", "下肢静脉剥脱结扎术" ], "121964008": [ "Clostridium difficile toxin B assay", "艰难梭菌毒素 B 检测" ], "447809001": [ "Arthrotomy of toe", "Incision of joint of toe", "趾关节切开术" ], "120129005": [ "Extraocular muscles reconstruction", "眼外肌重建" ], "890177005": [ "Repair of biventricular atrioventricular connection", "双心室房室连接的修复" ], "103745006": [ "Intra-oral photography", "口内摄影" ], "185665008": [ "BP screening - first call", "BP screen - 1st call", "Blood pressure screening - first call", "血压筛查 - 首次呼叫", "血压筛查 - 第一次呼叫" ], "70977009": [ "Culture of medical device", "医疗器械文化" ], "232982001": [ "Repair of pulmonary venous pathway", "修复肺静脉通路" ], "183830008": [ "Referral for X-ray", "转诊进行 X 光检查" ], "445974009": [ "Examination of middle ear under microscope", "Microscopy of middle ear", "Inspection of middle ear using microscope", "中耳显微镜检查", "使用显微镜检查中耳", "显微镜下检查中耳" ], "265750009": [ "Release of pantalar joints for correction congenital deformity of foot", "松解足底关节矫正先天性足部畸形" ], "36374009": [ "Toxicology testing for Cl-HC insecticide", "Cl-HC 杀虫剂毒理学测试" ], "231147003": [ "Local anesthetic median nerve block at wrist", "Local anaesthetic median nerve block at wrist", "Median nerve block at wrist", "腕部正中神经阻滞", "腕部局部麻醉正中神经阻滞" ], "18155007": [ "Biopsy of palate", "腭活检" ], "180160004": [ "Reduction of macrodactyly of toe", "趾部巨指症的矫正" ], "229312009": [ "Nasal ventilation therapy", "鼻腔通气治疗" ], "47253003": [ "Quantitative serology procedure", "定量血清学检测程序" ], "129173004": [ "Procedure on hair", "Hair procedure", "头发上的程序", "头发护理" ], "112789005": [ "Core needle biopsy of nasal sinus", "鼻窦芯针活检" ], "473237008": [ "Stereotactic radiosurgery for acoustic neuroma", "立体定向放射外科治疗听神经瘤" ], "176490000": [ "Vasectomy reversal", "Reversal of vasectomy", "Vasovasostomy", "输精管切除术逆转", "输精管吻合术", "输精管结扎逆转术" ], "307562002": [ "Closure of gastroenterostomy", "胃肠造口术关闭" ], "407701009": [ "Resin isocyanate specific IgE antibody measurement", "Resin isocyanate specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "树脂异氰酸酯特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "树脂异氰酸酯特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "178325009": [ "Exploration of chylous fistula", "乳糜瘘探查" ], "424085009": [ "Community outreach worker service case management", "社区外展工作者服务案例管理" ], "274794006": [ "Examination of nose", "鼻子检查" ], "29034002": [ "Patrick's test", "Fabere test", "Patrick test", "法贝尔试验", "帕特里克测试", "帕特里克的测试" ], "698943000": [ "Referral to nurse complex case manager", "转介给护士综合病例经理" ], "391317009": [ "Serum ANA pattern", "Serum antinuclear antibody pattern", "血清抗核抗体谱", "血清 ANA 模式" ], "387647006": [ "Repair of ankle", "踝关节修复" ], "385812001": [ "Gastrostomy/nasogastric tube insertion management", "Manage gastrostomy/nasogastric tube insertion", "Manage enteral tube insertion", "Enteral tube insertion management", "管理肠管插入", "胃造口术/鼻胃管插入管理", "管理胃造口术/鼻胃管插入", "肠管插入管理" ], "238356005": [ "Removal of chest drain", "Intercostal drain removal", "Removal of pleural tube drain", "肋间引流管移除", "拔除胸腔引流管", "移除胸膜管引流管" ], "23529001": [ "Mercury measurement, blood", "血液汞含量测量" ], "433129003": [ "Aspiration of pelvis using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopic guidance for aspiration of pelvis", "透视引导下进行骨盆抽吸", "在荧光透视引导下进行骨盆抽吸" ], "121833005": [ "pH, combined acid measurement", "pH、组合酸测量" ], "252905005": [ "Urinary loss test", "尿量检测" ], "87230000": [ "Take-down of anastomosis of intestine", "肠吻合口拆除" ], "119998001": [ "Penis closure", "阴茎闭合" ], "234686002": [ "Coronally repositioned periodontal flap", "牙周瓣冠向复位" ], "185534005": [ "Letter invite to screening", "Postal invite to screening", "邀请函", "邮寄邀请函" ], "1119422006": [ "Conservative dissection of right half of neck", "Modified radical dissection of right half of neck", "Functional dissection of right half of neck", "Modified radical neck dissection of right cervical lymph nodes", "右半颈部改良根治性切除术", "右半颈部功能解剖", "改良根治性右颈部淋巴结清扫术", "右半颈部保守解剖" ], "169150008": [ "Isotope static scan of bone marrow", "骨髓同位素静态扫描" ], "232851001": [ "Konno aortoventriculoplasty", "绀野主动脉心室成形术" ], "52627000": [ "Penicillinase measurement", "青霉素酶测定" ], "447678008": [ "25-Hydroxyvitamin D2 measurement", "Measurement of 25-hydroxyergocalciferol", "25-羟基维生素 D2 测量", "25-羟基麦角钙化醇的测量" ], "413075000": [ "Serum desmethylclobazam measurement", "Serum desmethylclobazam level", "血清去甲氯巴占测量", "血清去甲氯巴占浓度" ], "14181000087102": [ "Ultrasonography of abdomen pelvis, and right lower extremity", "Ultrasonography of abdomen, pelvis and right lower limb", "Ultrasound of abdomen pelvis, and right lower extremity", "Ultrasound scan of abdomen pelvis, and right lower extremity", "腹部、盆腔及右下肢超声检查", "腹部骨盆及右下肢超声波扫描" ], "19859006": [ "Osteopathic manipulation, low-velocity, high-amplitude forces, springing", "整骨疗法,低速、高振幅力量,弹跳" ], "118163007": [ "Open enucleation of the prostate", "开放式前列腺剜除术" ], "116328000": [ "Physical examination maneuver related to cervical spine", "Physical examination manoeuvre related to cervical spine", "与颈椎相关的体格检查手法" ], "2661000087105": [ "MRI of left wrist", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left wrist", "左手腕 MRI", "左手腕磁共振成像" ], "445843006": [ "Suturing of nerve plexus", "Neurroraphy of plexus", "神经丛缝合", "神经丛缝合术" ], "427624004": [ "Extraarticular scapular resection with reconstruction of shoulder", "肩胛骨关节外切除及肩关节重建" ], "11621000087109": [ "MRI of joints of bilateral upper extremities", "Magnetic resonance imaging of joints of bilateral upper extremities", "双侧上肢关节磁共振成像", "双侧上肢关节MRI检查" ], "707987008": [ "Discussion about last days of life", "关于生命最后几天的讨论" ], "231016007": [ "Epidural neurostimulator electrode procedure", "硬膜外神经刺激器电极程序" ], "425789000": [ "Transluminal intracardiac echocardiography", "经腔内心脏超声心动图" ], "1640009": [ "History and physical examination, insurance", "病史和体格检查、保险" ], "229181002": [ "Shoulder exercises in water", "水中肩部锻炼" ], "771688002": [ "Open repair of recurrent spigelian hernia using biological mesh", "Open hernioplasty using biological mesh for recurrent spigelian hernia", "生物网片开放式修补复发性疝", "使用生物网片进行开放式疝修补术治疗复发性疝" ], "444008003": [ "Quantitative measurement of glucose in serum or plasma specimen 6 hours after glucose challenge", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of glucose in serum or plasma specimen 6 hours after glucose challenge", "葡萄糖刺激后 6 小时定量测量血清或血浆样本中的葡萄糖", "葡萄糖激发6小时后定量测量血清或血浆样本中的葡萄糖质量浓度" ], "737085003": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous insertion of bioresorbable stent into coronary artery", "Percutaneous insertion of bioresorbable stent into coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下经皮将生物可吸收支架插入冠状动脉", "荧光透视引导经皮插入生物可吸收支架进入冠状动脉" ], "65341006": [ "Electrical muscle-testing", "电肌肉测试" ], "391186000": [ "Early intervention in psychosis - Daily intensive", "精神病早期干预 - 每日强化治疗" ], "243730000": [ "Provision of spectacle distance telescope", "Provision of eyeglass distance telescope", "提供眼镜式测距望远镜", "提供眼镜远距离望远镜" ], "48957009": [ "Epilation by electrolysis", "Electrolysis of hair follicle", "毛囊电解", "电解脱毛" ], "63506005": [ "Destruction of lesion of choroid by radiation therapy", "Radiotherapy to lesion of choroid", "放射疗法破坏脉络膜病变", "脉络膜病变的放射治疗" ], "14354006": [ "Operative procedure on upper respiratory tract", "Operation on upper respiratory tract", "上呼吸道手术" ], "176359001": [ "Endoscopic removal of urethral stent", "内镜下尿道支架取出术" ], "1290471002": [ "Plain X-ray of femur, anteroposterior and lateral views", "股骨普通 X 光检查、前后位和侧位照片" ], "225511007": [ "Manipulation of the vertebrae - non-surgical", "脊椎操作 - 非手术" ], "28903008": [ "Percutaneous angioscopy", "经皮血管镜检查" ], "1255868006": [ "Intra-arterial injection of urokinase", "动脉内注射尿激酶" ], "238225000": [ "Debridement of lesion of abdominal wall", "腹壁病变清创术" ], "74385000": [ "Provision of therapeutic radionuclide", "提供治疗性放射性核素" ], "1286801002": [ "Real time tumour tracking external beam radiotherapy", "Real-time tumor-tracking external beam radiotherapy", "Real-time tumour-tracking external beam radiotherapy", "Real time tumor tracking external beam radiotherapy", "实时肿瘤追踪外束放射治疗", "实时肿瘤追踪外照射放射治疗" ], "303761006": [ "Pancreatic contrast procedure", "Pancreatography", "Pancreatogram", "Imaging of pancreas with contrast", "胰腺造影", "胰腺造影检查", "胰腺造影成像" ], "1155729007": [ "Sulfate salt modified diet", "Sulphate salt modified diet", "硫酸盐改良饮食" ], "121702002": [ "Thiazide measurement", "噻嗪类药物测量" ], "252774004": [ "H-reflex studies", "H反射研究" ], "105318005": [ "Rifampin measurement", "利福平测量" ], "119867002": [ "Mouth destructive procedure", "口腔破坏性手术" ], "709691005": [ "Ultrasonography guided drainage of limb", "Drainage of limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided drainage of limb", "超声引导下肢体引流" ], "1332283005": [ "MRI of sacroiliac joint", "Magnetic resonance imaging of sacroiliac joint", "骶髂关节 MRI", "骶髂关节磁共振成像" ], "169019008": [ "Fluoroscopy and radiography - heart", "荧光透视和放射线照相术 - 心脏" ], "412944001": [ "Plasma arginine measurement", "Plasma arginine level", "血浆精氨酸水平", "血浆精氨酸测量" ], "183568002": [ "Refer to pain clinic", "转诊至疼痛门诊" ], "232720001": [ "CABG x 2 - Coronary artery bypass grafts x 2", "Coronary artery bypass grafts x 2", "CABG x 2 - 冠状动脉搭桥手术 x 2", "冠状动脉搭桥手术 x 2" ], "118032006": [ "Escherichia coli K99 detection", "大肠杆菌K99检测" ], "314640007": [ "Resuture of perineal wound", "会阴伤口再缝合" ], "445712007": [ "Computed tomography of abdomen with ethiodized oil contrast", "Computed tomography of abdomen with ethiodised oil contrast", "CT of abdomen with ethiodised oil contrast", "CT of abdomen with ethiodized oil contrast", "腹部乙碘油造影 CT", "腹部 CT 扫描(乙碘油造影)", "腹部计算机断层扫描与乙碘油对比剂" ], "265488007": [ "Great vessels and pulmonary artery operations", "Great vessel and pulmonary artery procedure", "大血管及肺动脉手术", "大血管和肺动脉手术" ], "771557007": [ "Replacement of cardiac biventricular implantable cardioverter defibrillator", "心脏双心室植入式心脏复律除颤器的更换" ], "394725008": [ "Diabetes medication review", "糖尿病药物审查" ], "736954004": [ "Hip fracture probability assessment using FRAX (fracture risk assessment tool)", "Hip fracture probability assessment using hip fracture risk assessment tool", "使用 FRAX(骨折风险评估工具)评估髋部骨折概率", "使用髋部骨折风险评估工具评估髋部骨折概率" ], "79759003": [ "Internal fixation of carpals and metacarpals without fracture reduction", "腕骨、掌骨骨折未复位内固定术" ], "225380000": [ "Baseline behavioural assessment", "Baseline behavioral assessment", "基线行为评估" ], "391055009": [ "Mental health crisis resolution - Part day", "Mental health crisis resolution - Part day: day care", "心理健康危机解决 - 部分天数", "心理健康危机解决-部分日间:日间护理" ], "307300009": [ "External drainage procedure from spinal subarachnoid space", "脊髓蛛网膜下腔外引流术" ], "59705002": [ "Short wave diathermy", "短波透热疗法" ], "174393004": [ "Drainage of perirectal abscess", "直肠周围脓肿引流" ], "820511000168109": [ "Thyroplasty", "甲状软骨成形术" ], "287246006": [ "Sympathetic nerve divided", "交感神经分裂" ], "105187000": [ "Fencamfamin measurement", "芬坎法明测量" ], "432867005": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of common femoral vein with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of common femoral vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮股总静脉腔内血管成形术", "经皮腔内股静脉血管成形术(荧光造影引导)" ], "121571005": [ "Ethylene oxide measurement", "环氧乙烷测量" ], "236259007": [ "Secondary urethrectomy", "二次尿道切除术" ], "252643005": [ "Bread barium swallow", "面包钡餐" ], "119736005": [ "Bronchus closure", "Closure of bronchus", "支气管闭合" ], "437181000124102": [ "Manganese modified diet", "锰改良饮食" ], "5048009": [ "External cephalic version with tocolysis", "外部头位倒转术联合宫缩抑制" ], "551101000124107": [ "Referral to lawyer", "转介律师" ], "85133005": [ "Urinary cystotomy with lysis of intraluminal adhesions", "尿道膀胱切开术及管腔内粘连松解术" ], "117901005": [ "Deoxyribonucleoprotein antibody assay", "Measurement of deoxyribonucleoprotein antibody", "Deoxyribonucleic acid antibody measurement", "脱氧核糖核酸抗体测量", "脱氧核糖核蛋白抗体的测量", "脱氧核糖核蛋白抗体测定" ], "773261007": [ "Procedure related to reproduction", "与生殖相关的程序" ], "265357009": [ "Esophageal reflux operation", "Antireflux operation", "Oesophageal reflux operation", "Anti-reflux surgery", "Antireflux surgery", "食管反流手术", "抗反流手术" ], "412813009": [ "Urine light chain measurement", "Urine light chain level", "尿液轻链测定", "尿液轻链水平" ], "443746006": [ "Measurement of urea, sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate and glucose", "Urea, electrolytes and glucose measurement", "尿素、电解质和葡萄糖测量", "尿素、钠、钾、氯化物、碳酸氢盐和葡萄糖的测量" ], "722274008": [ "Excision of neoplasm of kidney", "Excision of renal tumor", "Excision of renal tumour", "Excision of renal neoplasm", "肾肿瘤切除术" ], "34146008": [ "Mouse toxin neutralization test", "Mouse toxin neutralisation test", "小鼠毒素中和试验" ], "48695001": [ "Implantation of skull plate", "颅骨板植入" ], "179767005": [ "Revision autograft augmentation extra-articular ligament", "翻修自体移植增强关节外韧带" ], "359991009": [ "Ventriculography of right and left heart", "左、右心室造影" ], "63244002": [ "Factor B complement assay", "C>3< activator complement assay", "C>3< proactivator complement assay", "C>3< 激活剂补体试验", "B因子补体检测", "C>3< 促活化剂补体测定" ], "30476003": [ "Barton's forceps delivery", "Barton forceps delivery", "Barton 产钳分娩", "巴顿产钳分娩" ], "440076006": [ "Cystoscopic ureteroneocystostomy with insertion of ureteral stent", "Cystoscopic anastomosis of ureter to bladder with insertion of stent into ureter", "Cystoscopic anastomosis of ureter to urinary bladder with insertion of stent into ureter", "膀胱镜下输尿管吻合术及膀胱支架置入术", "膀胱镜输尿管膀胱造口术及输尿管支架置入术", "膀胱镜下输尿管膀胱吻合术及输尿管支架置入术" ], "716769000": [ "Assessment using Preschool Language Scale", "Assessment using PLS (Preschool Language Scale)", "使用 PLS(学前语言量表)进行评估", "使用学龄前语言量表进行评估" ], "241633004": [ "MRI of shoulder", "Magnetic resonance imaging of shoulder", "肩部磁共振成像", "肩部 MRI" ], "405473006": [ "Ilio-profunda artery bypass", "髂深动脉搭桥术" ], "225249007": [ "Subzonal insemination", "SUZI - Subzonal insemination", "带下授精", "SUZI - 带下授精" ], "176097008": [ "Endoscopic removal of lesion of ureteric orifice", "Transurethral removal of lesion of ureteric orifice", "内镜下输尿管口病变切除术", "经尿道输尿管口病变切除术" ], "420022001": [ "Fluoroscopy of gastrointestinal tract", "胃肠道荧光检查" ], "305334006": [ "Admission by nursing auxiliary", "护理辅助人员入场" ], "205195000": [ "Lengthening procedure on one extraocular muscle", "一侧眼外肌延长术" ], "370870009": [ "Ambulation therapy assessment", "Assess ambulation therapy", "评估步行治疗", "步行治疗评估" ], "713099008": [ "Education about foetal development", "Education about fetal development", "胎儿发育教育" ], "121440003": [ "Amoxapine metabolite measurement", "阿莫沙平代谢物测定" ], "105056004": [ "Alprenolol measurement", "阿普洛尔测量" ], "252512005": [ "In vivo test of hypersensitivity", "Allergy testing", "Allergy test", "体内超敏反应试验", "过敏测试" ], "23136006": [ "Operation on pharynx", "Pharyngeal operation", "咽部手术" ], "119605005": [ "Vertebral column reconstruction", "脊柱重建" ], "250677006": [ "Stone composition", "Determination of stone composition", "Calculus composition", "Determination of calculus composition", "结石成分的测定", "石材成分", "微积分作文", "结石成分测定" ], "21301008": [ "Removal of dye from spinal canal", "Lumbar puncture for removal of dye", "清除椎管内的染料", "腰椎穿刺去除染料" ], "445450000": [ "Encounter by short message service text messaging", "Text messaging encounter", "短信邂逅", "短信服务短信邂逅" ], "183306002": [ "Pelvic floor exercises", "PFEX - Pelvic floor exercises", "PFE - Pelvic floor exercises", "Kegel exercises", "Pelvic muscle exercises", "PFEX - 骨盆底锻炼", "骨盆肌肉锻炼", "凯格尔运动", "PFE-- 骨盆底锻炼", "骨盆底锻炼" ], "609290003": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from surgical wound for parasites", "Microscopic examination of specimen from operative wound for parasites", "对手术伤口标本进行寄生虫显微镜检查" ], "117770003": [ "Adenovirus 40 AND 41 antigen assay", "腺病毒 40 和 41 抗原检测" ], "234293009": [ "Drainage of lesion of femoral lymph node", "股淋巴结病变引流" ], "723978006": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of adrenal gland", "Biopsy of adrenal gland using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下肾上腺活检" ], "429066008": [ "Transluminal insertion of prosthesis into blood vessel of liver", "肝血管腔内植入假体" ], "1230047003": [ "Revision of total replacement of hip joint using metal augmentation", "Revision of THA (total hip arthroplasty) using metal augmentation", "Revision of THR (total hip replacement) using metal augmentation", "Revision of total arthroplasty of hip joint using metal augmentation", "Revision of total hip replacement using metal augment", "Revision of THA (total hip arthroplasty) using metal augment", "Revision of THR (total hip replacement) using metal augment", "使用金属增强体进行全髋关节置换术", "使用金属增强体进行全髋关节置换术 (THA) 的修复", "使用金属增强体修复全髋关节置换术 (THR)", "髋关节全置换术金属增强修复", "使用金属增强体修复全髋关节置换术 (THA)" ], "427231006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into aorta", "Endovascular insertion of stent into aorta", "主动脉内植入支架", "经皮腔内主动脉支架植入" ], "179636000": [ "Closed reduction of fracture dislocation of joint and internal fixation of joint", "关节骨折脱位闭合复位及关节内固定" ], "441780002": [ "Reconstruction of ankle joint", "踝关节重建" ], "48564003": [ "Fluoroscopic monitoring and radiography for cardiac pacemaker insertion", "心脏起搏器植入的荧光透视监测和放射线照相术" ], "359860002": [ "Colotomy for biopsy", "结肠切开活检" ], "409012005": [ "Delivery care assessment", "Assess delivery care", "分娩护理评估", "评估分娩护理" ], "261556006": [ "Repair of perforated urinary reservoir", "尿道穿孔修补术" ], "439945007": [ "Sperm identification from tissue specimen from testis", "Spermatozoa identification from tissue specimen from testis", "从睾丸组织样本进行精子鉴定" ], "405342006": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of popliteal artery with vein", "Popliteal endarterectomy and angioplasty using vein", "腘动脉内膜切除术及静脉成形术", "腘动脉内膜切除术和血管成形术" ], "225118007": [ "Soaking off dressing", "浸泡敷料" ], "241502008": [ "US scan of hip", "Ultrasound scan of hip", "髋关节超声扫描", "髋部超声波扫描" ], "12126009": [ "Resection of ulna", "尺骨切除术" ], "28510009": [ "Replacement of tracheal stent", "气管支架更换术" ], "16609791000119102": [ "Transfusion of immunoglobulin", "输注免疫球蛋白" ], "239667008": [ "Application of above elbow plaster cast", "AEPOP - Application of above elbow plaster of Paris", "肘上石膏固定的应用", "AEPOP - 肘上石膏的应用" ], "26675009": [ "Arthroplasty of ankle with implant", "Prosthetic arthroplasty of ankle", "踝关节置换术及植入物", "踝关节假体置换术" ], "450824002": [ "Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy", "腹腔镜骶骨阴道固定术" ], "104925000": [ "Ribose measurement", "核糖测量" ], "399837001": [ "Food specific IgA antibody measurement", "Food specific immunoglobulin A antibody measurement", "食物特异性 IgA 抗体测量", "食物特异性免疫球蛋白 A 抗体测量" ], "711133000": [ "Administration of fluid therapy", "液体疗法的实施" ], "72157007": [ "Phosphorus measurement, urine", "尿液磷含量测量" ], "250546000": [ "Measurement of partial pressure of oxygen in blood", "Partial pressure of oxygen in blood", "Blood oxygen tension", "pO2 - Partial pressure of oxygen in blood", "血液中氧分压的测量", "血氧张力", "pO2 - 血液中的氧分压", "血液中的氧分压" ], "121309009": [ "4-Hydroxyphenylacetate measurement", "4-羟基苯乙酸酯测定" ], "252381009": [ "HLA - Human leukocyte antigen gene test", "Human leukocyte antigen gene test", "HLA - Human leucocyte antigen gene test", "Human leucocyte antigen gene test", "人类白细胞抗原基因检测", "HLA - 人类白细胞抗原基因检测" ], "398002006": [ "Physiatric manipulation of muscle structures", "肌肉结构的物理治疗" ], "70322007": [ "Immunization in infancy", "Immunisation in infancy", "婴儿期免疫接种" ], "117639000": [ "Antidiuretic identification", "抗利尿剂的鉴别" ], "52103001": [ "Limited rhinoplasty", "Denonvillier operation, limited rhinoplasty", "Denonvillier 手术,有限鼻整形术", "有限的鼻整形手术" ], "445319001": [ "Insertion of vagal nerve stimulator", "Insertion of vagus nerve stimulator", "迷走神经刺激器插入" ], "68487003": [ "Incision and drainage of shoulder area for deep abscess", "肩部深部脓肿切开引流术" ], "609159007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of superior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮上腔静脉血管成形术" ], "66652003": [ "Psychiatric interview, continuation or follow-up", "精神科访谈、继续或随访" ], "408881000": [ "Nausea care education", "Teach nausea care", "教导恶心护理", "恶心护理教育" ], "720177001": [ "Drug relapse prevention program", "Drug relapse prevention programme", "预防吸毒复发计划", "药物复发预防计划" ], "64817005": [ "Anesthesia for vaginal delivery", "Anaesthesia for vaginal delivery", "阴道分娩麻醉" ], "392497007": [ "Trichophyton ment. var goetzii specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rm210 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Trichophyton ment. var goetzii specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rm210特异性IgE抗体测量", "毛癣菌变种 goetzii 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "毛癣菌变种 goetzii 特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "13830001": [ "Incision of pericardium", "Pericardiotomy", "Pericardotomy", "心包切开", "心包切开术" ], "243206003": [ "Orthoptic occlusion treatment - full-time", "视轴矫正治疗 - 全日制" ], "11995001": [ "Suture of salivary gland", "涎腺缝合术" ], "241371001": [ "Probe renogram", "探针肾图" ], "28379004": [ "Dilation and curettage of uterus after abortion", "流产后子宫扩张和刮宫" ], "77531006": [ "Repair of mastoid antrum or cavity", "乳突窦或乳突腔修复" ], "306907007": [ "Intermittent compression therapy to lower limb", "下肢间歇性加压治疗" ], "239536001": [ "High level mandibular condylectomy", "高位下颌髁切除术" ], "174000002": [ "Strictureplasty of ileum", "回肠狭窄成形术" ], "303237000": [ "Sebaceous cyst removal", "Removal of sebaceous cyst", "皮脂囊肿切除" ], "1222576009": [ "Laparoscopic percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography with contrast", "腹腔镜经皮肝穿刺胆管造影" ], "1237125003": [ "Optical dermatoscopy of skin", "Optical dermoscopy of skin", "皮肤光学皮肤镜检查" ], "1204357004": [ "Endoscopy of trachea using fibreoptic bronchoscope", "Fiberoptic tracheoscopy", "Fibreoptic tracheoscopy", "Endoscopy of trachea using fiberoptic bronchoscope", "使用纤维支气管镜进行气管内窥镜检查", "纤维气管镜检查" ], "417925004": [ "Fluoroscopic cervical myelogram", "透视颈椎造影" ], "712837004": [ "Active surveillance of prostate cancer", "前列腺癌的主动监测" ], "711002000": [ "Monitoring fall risk", "监测跌倒风险" ], "172165009": [ "Correction of hypotelorism with orbital osteotomies", "通过眼眶截骨术矫正眼距过短" ], "39258002": [ "Biopsy of mesentery", "肠系膜活检" ], "252250003": [ "Glucagon stimulation test", "GST - Glucagon stimulation test", "胰高血糖素刺激试验", "GST-- 胰高血糖素刺激试验" ], "104794001": [ "LH challenge tests", "Luteinizing hormone challenge tests", "Luteinising hormone challenge tests", "黄体生成素激发试验", "LH 激发试验" ], "170330007": [ "First tetanus vaccination", "Administration of first dose of tetanus vaccine", "First tetanus immunization", "First tetanus immunisation", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani antigen", "注射第一剂破伤风疫苗", "第一次破伤风免疫", "第一次破伤风疫苗接种", "接种第一剂仅含破伤风梭菌抗原的疫苗产品" ], "22874008": [ "Trifluoperazine measurement", "三氟拉嗪测量" ], "416090009": [ "Epilepsy monitoring verbal invite", "癫痫监测口头邀请" ], "250415002": [ "Bilirubin concentration, test strip measurement", "Bilirubin concentration", "胆红素浓度,试纸测量", "胆红素浓度" ], "447023003": [ "Drainage of abscess of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织脓肿引流" ], "37423005": [ "Gross operation repair of omphalocele, first stage", "脐膨出大手术修复,第一期" ], "232196006": [ "Operation for middle ear lesion", "中耳病变手术" ], "609028007": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from ureter prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "使用巴氏技术制备的输尿管标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "1197017000": [ "Reconstruction using local skin rotation flap", "Reconstruction using local cutaneous rotation flap", "Reconstruction with local skin rotation flap", "Local skin rotation flap reconstruction", "局部皮肤旋转皮瓣修复", "局部皮肤旋转皮瓣重建" ], "51972009": [ "Prostacyclin measurement", "6-Keto-PG-F-1 measurement", "6-酮-PG-F-1 测量", "前列环素测量" ], "736430001": [ "Reconstruction of microtia with microvascular anastomosis", "显微血管吻合术修复小耳畸形" ], "179374003": [ "Open repair lateral meniscus", "开放式修复外侧半月板" ], "81070005": [ "Bronchoscopy through tracheostomy with biopsy of lung", "通过气管切开术进行支气管镜检查并进行肺活检" ], "275843000": [ "Weil's disease prophylaxis", "Weil disease prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic antibiotic for icteric leptospirosis", "韦尔病预防", "魏尔氏病预防", "预防性使用抗生素治疗黄疸型钩端螺旋体病" ], "46467001": [ "Photochemotherapy with psoralens and ultraviolet A", "PUVA therapy", "PUVA phototherapy", "光化学疗法", "补骨脂素和紫外线 A 的光化学疗法" ], "228526008": [ "Sensorimotor techniques", "感觉运动技术" ], "392366009": [ "Cajeput tree specific IgE antibody measurement", "Melaleuca leucadendron specific IgE antibody measurement", "t21 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Melaleuca leucadendron specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "白千层特异性IgE抗体测定", "t21 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "白千层树特异性IgE抗体测定", "白千层特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "406915009": [ "Ponceau xylidine stain method", "Ponceau xylidine stain", "丽春红二甲苯胺染色法", "涵二甲苯胺染色剂" ], "388696003": [ "Blue mussel specific IgE antibody measurement", "f37 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Mytilus edulis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Mytilus edulis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f37 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "贻贝特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "蓝贻贝特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "贻贝特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "241240007": [ "Pancreatic arteriogram", "Angiography of pancreatic artery", "Arteriography of pancreatic artery", "胰腺动脉造影" ], "175704008": [ "Open embolectomy of femoral artery", "Open thrombectomy of femoral artery", "Open femoral embolectomy", "股动脉开放血栓切除术", "开放性股动脉栓塞切除术", "股动脉开放栓塞切除术" ], "274008008": [ "Drainage of hordeolum", "Drainage of stye", "麦粒肿引流" ], "288557004": [ "Lower limb amputee transfer practice", "下肢截肢者转移练习" ], "763693006": [ "Assessment using EMS (Elderly Mobility Scale)", "Assessment using Elderly Mobility Scale", "使用老年人活动能力量表进行评估", "使用 EMS(老年人活动能力量表)进行评估" ], "239405007": [ "Alveolar bone graft to mandible", "下颌骨牙槽骨移植" ], "10029008": [ "Suicide precautions", "自杀预防措施" ], "172034002": [ "Embolisation of adrenal gland", "Embolization of adrenal gland", "肾上腺栓塞", "肾上腺栓塞术" ], "8194008": [ "Closure of pyelocutaneous fistula", "肾盂皮瘘闭合" ], "450562009": [ "Laparoscopic excision of ruptured ectopic tubal pregnancy", "腹腔镜异位输卵管妊娠破裂切除术" ], "170199004": [ "Child examination: speech", "儿童检查:言语" ], "710871004": [ "Support for caregiver during toilet training", "在如厕训练期间为护理人员提供支持" ], "104663006": [ "Flavin adenine dinucleotide measurement", "黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸测量" ], "55511007": [ "Rapid urine screening test, enzyme tube test", "快速尿液筛查检测、酶管检测" ], "397740001": [ "Cannulation of trachea", "Tracheal cannulation", "气管插管" ], "53676003": [ "Endoscopic excision of lesion of anus", "内镜肛门病变切除术" ], "70060006": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of phalanx of foot", "足趾骨骨折闭合复位" ], "446892009": [ "Laparoscopic lysis of periureteral adhesions", "腹腔镜输尿管周围粘连松解术" ], "608897002": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from upper gastrointestinal tract for parasites", "上消化道标本的寄生虫显微镜检查" ], "313985003": [ "120 minute serum FSH level", "120 minute serum FSH measurement", "120 minute serum follicle stimulating hormone measurement", "120 分钟血清促卵泡激素测量", "120 分钟血清 FSH 测量", "120 分钟血清 FSH 水平" ], "445057007": [ "Drilling toenails of both feet", "双脚脚趾甲钻孔" ], "17238003": [ "Right ventricular resection for infundibular stenosis with commissurotomy", "右心室切除术治疗漏斗部狭窄并联合分离术" ], "392235000": [ "Anastomosis of epididymis to vas deferens", "Repair of vas deferens by anastomosis to epididymis", "附睾与输精管吻合术", "输精管吻合术修复附睾" ], "15403001": [ "N-acetylglucosaminidase A and B measurement", "N-乙酰葡萄糖胺酶A和B的测定" ], "179243003": [ "Cancellous strip autograft of bone", "自体松质骨条带移植" ], "29952004": [ "Percutaneous placement of gastrostomy tube", "经皮置入胃造口管" ], "275712004": [ "Human corticotrophin releasing hormone test", "hCRH - Human corticotrophin releasing hormone test", "人类促皮质素释放激素测试", "hCRH-- 人类促皮质素释放激素测试" ], "308480005": [ "Referral to ear, nose and throat surgeon", "转诊至耳鼻喉外科医生" ], "79104007": [ "Somatomedin-C measurement", "Insulin-like growth factor-I measurement", "Insulin-like growth factor-1 measurement", "胰岛素样生长因子-1 测量", "生长因子-C测量", "胰岛素样生长因子-I 测量" ], "306645006": [ "Discharge from hospital surgical fitting service", "出院手术配戴服务" ], "304810004": [ "Operation on articular eminence of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节突手术" ], "239274005": [ "Release of contracture of sternomastoid muscle", "胸锁乳突肌挛缩松解术" ], "714410006": [ "Assessment of impact of illness on roles", "疾病对角色影响的评估" ], "171903001": [ "Thoracic chemical sympathectomy", "胸腔化学交感神经切除术" ], "24447002": [ "Layer closure of wounds of face and ears", "面部及耳部伤口分层缝合" ], "73599006": [ "Destruction of chorioretinal lesion by photocoagulation", "光凝术破坏脉络膜视网膜病变" ], "88148000": [ "Partial resection of vertebral component, spinous process of cervical region", "椎体、颈部棘突部分切除术" ], "415828002": [ "Voltage gated potassium channel antibody level", "Voltage-gated potassium channel antibody measurement", "电压门控钾通道抗体测量", "电压门控钾通道抗体水平" ], "104532003": [ "Apolipoproteins C measurement", "载脂蛋白 C 测量" ], "448596007": [ "Excision of rectal stump", "直肠残端切除术" ], "708905000": [ "Closed reduction and dynamic hip screw of fracture of femur", "Closed reduction of fracture of femur and internal fixation using dynamic hip screw plate", "股骨骨折闭合复位动力髋螺钉板内固定", "股骨骨折闭合复位动力髋螺钉固定治疗" ], "446761000": [ "Assessment using modular arrangement of predetermined time standards assessment tool", "采用模块化安排预定时间标准评估工具进行评估" ], "413993002": [ "Dihydrotestosterone level", "Dihydrotestosterone measurement", "双氢睾酮测量", "双氢睾酮水平" ], "268372007": [ "In-vivo test of susceptibility", "体内敏感性测试" ], "117246001": [ "Osmotic fragility test, RBC dilution method", "Osmotic fragility test, red blood cell dilution method", "渗透脆性试验、红细胞稀释法" ], "18942007": [ "Wedge osteotomy of fibula", "腓骨楔形截骨术" ], "410323000": [ "Bonding case management", "Bonding / attachment case management", "粘合/附着案例管理", "保函管理" ], "313854008": [ "Serum lactate dehydrogenase level", "Serum lactate dehydrogenase measurement", "血清乳酸脱氢酶测定", "血清乳酸脱氢酶水平" ], "82643002": [ "Suture of conjunctiva", "结膜缝合" ], "84478008": [ "Occupational therapy", "OT - Occupational therapy", "Occupational therapist service", "职业治疗师服务", "职业治疗", "OT-职业治疗" ], "361171003": [ "Tympanoplasty, type I with graft", "鼓室成形术,I 型,带移植" ], "426707009": [ "Computerized tomography of right ankle", "Computerised tomography of right ankle", "CT of right ankle", "Computed tomography of right ankle", "右脚踝 CT", "右脚踝计算机断层扫描", "右踝关节计算机断层扫描" ], "408488002": [ "Nitroglycerin prophylaxis", "Glyceryl trinitrate prophylaxis", "Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic nitroglycerin", "Administration of prophylactic glyceryl trinitrate", "预防性使用硝酸甘油", "硝酸甘油预防", "硝酸甘油(GTN)预防" ], "179112003": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture and wire fixation", "骨折闭合复位及钢丝固定术" ], "1293224005": [ "Division of metacarpal bone", "掌骨的划分" ], "80808007": [ "Excision of lesion of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱损伤切除术" ], "439421000": [ "Counselling for menopause", "Counseling for menopause", "更年期咨询" ], "177277002": [ "Subcutaneous excision of sweat gland tissue of axilla", "Breach subcutaneous excision of tissue of axilla", "腋窝汗腺组织皮下切除术", "腋窝组织破口皮下切除术" ], "13437006": [ "Alpha globulin gene analysis, blood", "血液 α 球蛋白基因分析" ], "46205009": [ "Pyelotomy with tube drainage", "Drainage of kidney pelvis by incision", "肾盂切开引流", "肾盂切开引流术" ], "306514003": [ "Discharge by company nurse", "公司护士出院" ], "699730003": [ "Encephalo-duro-arterio-myo-synangiosis", "EDAMS - Encephalo-duro-arterio-myo-synangiosis", "Encephaloduroarteriomyosynangiosis", "脑硬膜动脉肌血管形成症", "脑硬脑膜动脉肌血管融合术", "EDAMS-- 脑硬脑膜动脉肌血管成形术" ], "175442003": [ "Open embolectomy of brachial artery", "肱动脉开放栓塞术" ], "240978006": [ "Incisional biopsy of skin lesion", "皮肤病变切开活检" ], "716114006": [ "Assessment using Raven's Progressive Matrices and Vocabulary Scales", "使用瑞文渐进式测验和词汇量表进行评估" ], "879954008": [ "Fine needle aspiration of mediastinal lymph node using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration of mediastinal lymph node", "EUS FNA (endoscopic ultrasonography fine needle aspiration) of mediastinal lymph node", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided fine needle aspiration of mediastinal lymph node", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of mediastinal lymph node using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "纵隔淋巴结 EUS FNA(内镜超声细针穿刺)", "内镜超声引导下纵隔淋巴结细针穿刺活检", "内镜超声引导下纵隔淋巴结细针穿刺" ], "827132001": [ "Guided periodontal tissue regeneration re-entry", "引导牙周组织再生再入" ], "57084002": [ "Amalgam restoration, two surfaces, primary", "汞合金修复,双面,初级" ], "7932007": [ "Clonazepam measurement", "氯硝西泮测量" ], "401148007": [ "Plasma digoxin measurement", "Plasma digoxin level", "血浆地高辛水平", "血浆地高辛测量" ], "89852008": [ "Excision of distal ulna", "远端尺骨切除术" ], "104401002": [ "Antibody to myelin measurement", "髓鞘抗体测量" ], "235473007": [ "Drainage of lesion of pancreas", "胰腺病变引流" ], "37030005": [ "Fitting of orthotic device", "矫形装置的安装" ], "313723003": [ "90 minute plasma cortisol measurement", "90 minute plasma cortisol level", "90 分钟血浆皮质醇水平", "90 分钟血浆皮质醇测量" ], "444795004": [ "Computed tomography of maxilla", "CT of maxilla", "上颌骨CT", "上颌骨计算机断层扫描" ], "84347005": [ "Removal of skeletal muscle stimulator", "Removal of electronic stimulator from skeletal muscle", "Removal of functional electrical stimulator from skeletal muscle", "从骨骼肌中移除功能性电刺激器", "移除骨骼肌刺激器", "从骨骼肌中移除电子刺激器" ], "428411007": [ "Aortopulmonary reconstruction with systemic-to-pulmonary arterial shunt", "体动脉至肺动脉分流术进行主动脉肺动脉重建" ], "311888006": [ "Insertion of uterine cesium applicators", "Insertion of uterine caesium applicators", "子宫铯涂药器插入", "子宫铯涂药器的插入" ], "410192007": [ "Temperature taking education", "Teach temperature taking", "Teach temperature", "体温测量教育", "教测量体温", "示教温度" ], "770640008": [ "MRI of external auditory meatus with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of external auditory meatus with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of external auditory canal with contrast", "外耳道增强磁共振成像", "外耳道磁共振成像对比", "外耳道 MRI 增强扫描" ], "442960009": [ "Excision of neoplasm of soft tissue of scalp", "头皮软组织肿瘤切除术" ], "719653002": [ "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of bioabsorbable venous stent with contrast", "Insertion of bioabsorbable stent into vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下将生物可吸收支架插入静脉", "荧光透视引导下植入造影剂可生物吸收静脉支架" ], "64293002": [ "Blepharoplasty of lower eyelid", "Repair of lower eyelid", "下眼睑整形术", "下眼睑修复" ], "47909001": [ "Vestibulotomy", "前庭切开术" ], "80677001": [ "Fog inhalation therapy", "雾化吸入疗法" ], "29690007": [ "Excision of lesion of artery of upper limb", "上肢动脉病变切除术" ], "306383002": [ "Discharge by counsellor", "Discharge by counselor", "辅导员出院" ], "77007005": [ "Injection into soft tissue of hand", "手部软组织注射" ], "304548000": [ "Giving encouragement to perform functional activity", "Offering encouragement to perform functional activity", "鼓励进行功能性活动" ], "75172004": [ "Fistulization of cerebral subarachnoid space", "Fistulisation of cerebral subarachnoid space", "脑蛛网膜下腔造瘘", "脑蛛网膜下腔造瘘术" ], "107940005": [ "Small intestine endoscopy", "小肠内窥镜检查" ], "288164006": [ "External manipulation", "外部操纵" ], "1287588007": [ "Destruction of fibrocutaneous tags using electrical energy", "Destruction of multiple fibroepithelial polyps using electrical energy", "使用电能破坏纤维皮肤标签", "利用电能破坏多个纤维上皮息肉" ], "386468009": [ "Sexuality education", "Teaching: sexuality", "Sex education", "Health education - sexual", "Sexual advice", "性建议", "性教育", "教学:性", "健康教育-性" ], "173476009": [ "EUA - Examination of oral cavity under general anesthesia", "Examination of mouth under general anesthesia", "GA - Examination of oral cavity under general anesthesia", "Examination of oral cavity under general anaesthesia", "Examination of oral cavity under general anesthesia", "Examination of mouth under general anaesthesia", "GA - Examination of oral cavity under general anaesthesia", "EUA - Examination of oral cavity under general anaesthesia", "全身麻醉下口腔检查", "EUA - 全身麻醉下进行口腔检查", "全身麻醉下进行口腔检查", "GA - 全身麻醉下口腔检查" ], "171641005": [ "Intracranial stereotactic neurolysis of trigeminal nerve (V)", "三叉神经颅内立体定向神经松解术(V)" ], "104270000": [ "Cold agglutinin screen", "冷凝集素筛查" ], "5966002": [ "Removal of foreign body from elbow area, deep", "肘部深处异物取出" ], "235342007": [ "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of rectum using fibreoptic sigmoidoscope", "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of rectum using fiberoptic sigmoidoscope", "纤维乙状结肠镜直肠病变切除术" ], "708643000": [ "Robot assisted laparoscopic proximal subtotal gastrectomy", "Laparoscopic proximal subtotal gastrectomy using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助腹腔镜近端胃大部分切除术", "使用机器人辅助进行腹腔镜近端胃大部切除术" ], "448334008": [ "Carotid sinus massage test", "颈动脉窦按摩试验" ], "118819000": [ "Procedure on gum", "牙龈手术" ], "36899001": [ "Loop electrosurgical excision procedure", "LEEP", "环电外科切除术", "LEEP" ], "430115003": [ "Education about toddler nutrition at 13-18 months", "13-18个月幼儿营养教育" ], "233507005": [ "Revascularization of foot", "Revascularisation of foot", "足部血管重建" ], "446499008": [ "Provision of replacement hearing aid", "提供更换助听器" ], "723192001": [ "Fluoroscopy guided sclerotherapy of vascular malformation of orbit with contrast", "Sclerotherapy of vascular malformation of orbit using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下眼眶血管畸形硬化治疗" ], "231672002": [ "Superior rectus Faden", "上直肌" ], "428280004": [ "Insertion of stent into ductus arteriosus", "Placement of stent in ductus arteriosus", "Stenting of ductus arteriosus", "动脉导管支架置入术", "动脉导管内支架置入术", "将支架插入动脉导管" ], "442829005": [ "Incision and drainage of intramural perirectal abscess by transanal approach", "经肛门入路直肠周围脓肿切开引流术" ], "229837008": [ "Remodelling of a nail", "Contouring of a nail", "Remodeling of a nail", "指甲重塑", "指甲轮廓" ], "178850001": [ "Proximal row carpectomy", "近排腕骨切除术" ], "408226003": [ "Urine rifampicin level", "Urine rifampicin measurement", "尿液利福平水平", "尿液利福平测量" ], "31394004": [ "Phototherapy", "Light therapy", "Actinotherapy", "光疗", "光疗法", "放射治疗" ], "13175001": [ "Excision of excessive skin and subcutaneous tissue", "切除多余的皮肤和皮下组织" ], "717687001": [ "Cone beam CT guided insertion of drain", "Insertion of drain using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "锥形束 CT 引导下插入引流管", "使用锥形束 CT 引导插入引流管" ], "29559003": [ "Radioiodohippurate sodium renogram, multiple probes", "放射性碘马尿酸钠肾图,多个探针" ], "177015007": [ "Marsupialization of lesion of ovary", "Marsupialisation of lesion of ovary", "卵巢病变袋形成形术", "卵巢病变袋形化术" ], "78711007": [ "Doppler flow mapping of heart", "心脏多普勒血流图" ], "306252003": [ "Referral to mental health counsellor", "Referral to mental health counselor", "转介心理健康顾问" ], "175180005": [ "Decompression of cardiac tamponade", "心脏压塞减压" ], "76876009": [ "Bilateral oophorectomy", "Excision of both ovaries", "Excision of bilateral ovaries", "双侧卵巢切除术", "切除双侧卵巢" ], "75041001": [ "Bromides measurement, urine", "尿液溴化物测量" ], "1172769003": [ "Apicoectomy on anterior tooth", "Excision of apex of root of anterior tooth", "前牙根尖切除术" ], "173345004": [ "Biopsy of lesion of gingiva", "牙龈病变活检" ], "304417006": [ "Pulsed electromagnetic energy to hand", "脉冲电磁能" ], "419105006": [ "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolisation of thoracic artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolization of thoracic artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolisation of thoracic artery", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolization of thoracic artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolization of thoracic artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolisation of thoracic artery", "胸动脉荧光血管造影及栓塞术", "胸动脉造影荧光透视及栓塞术", "胸动脉荧光造影及栓塞术", "胸动脉造影透视及栓塞术" ], "171510000": [ "Creation of connection from ventricle of brain", "从脑室建立连接" ], "386337006": [ "Intrapartal care", "Intrapartum care", "产时护理" ], "91425008": [ "Environmental intervention on a psychiatric patient's behalf with employers", "代表精神病患者与雇主进行环境干预" ], "122358005": [ "Neisseria meningitidis C antigen assay", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌C抗原检测" ], "235211000": [ "Insertion of esophageal stethoscope", "Insertion of oesophageal stethoscope", "插入食管听诊器" ], "54987000": [ "Choledochoplasty", "Repair of common bile duct", "胆管修复", "胆总管成形术" ], "186059003": [ "Formal complaint about private specialist RE: relative", "关于私人专家的正式投诉 RE: 亲属" ], "104139004": [ "Hematocrit, spun microhematocrit method", "Haematocrit, spun microhaematocrit method", "血细胞比容,旋转微量血细胞比容法" ], "448203007": [ "Excision of pilonidal sinus and suturing of surgical wound", "切除藏毛窦并缝合手术伤口" ], "233376001": [ "Repair of aortic aneurysm using straight graft", "AAA - Repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm using straight graft", "Tube graft of Abdominal aortic aneurysm", "使用直移植物修复主动脉瘤", "AAA - 使用直移植物修复腹主动脉瘤", "腹主动脉瘤管状移植物" ], "118688003": [ "Procedure on lymphatic system", "淋巴系统手术" ], "20384009": [ "Radioisotope scan of pituitary", "垂体放射性同位素扫描" ], "311626005": [ "Therapy to promote sentence use", "促进句子使用的疗法" ], "360778007": [ "Pharyngeal reconstruction by direct closure", "直接缝合咽部重建" ], "62196000": [ "Destructive procedure of cornea", "角膜破坏性手术" ], "178719008": [ "Primary open reduction spinal fracture and external fixation", "一期脊柱骨折切开复位外固定" ], "275188002": [ "Myringoplasty using gelatin", "使用明胶进行鼓膜成形术" ], "306121008": [ "Referral to clinical cytogenetics service", "转诊至临床细胞遗传学服务" ], "27593009": [ "Bacterial biotyping", "细菌生物分型" ], "386206008": [ "Kidney imaging with function study", "Radionuclide dynamic renal study", "Renal scan and radioisotope function study", "放射性核素动态肾脏研究", "肾脏成像与功能研究", "肾脏扫描和放射性同位素功能研究" ], "1303710009": [ "Antenatal prevention of foetal injury of brain", "Antenatal prevention of fetal injury of brain", "Antenatal prevention of foetal brain injury", "Antenatal prevention of fetal brain injury", "Foetal neuroprotection", "Fetal neuroprotection", "产前预防胎儿脑损伤", "胎儿神经保护", "胎儿脑损伤的产前预防" ], "236915005": [ "Tubal embryo transfer", "TEST - Tubal embryo stage transfer", "TET - Tubal embryo transfer", "Intrafallopian tube embryo transfer", "TET-- 输卵管胚胎移植", "测试 - 输卵管胚胎阶段移植", "输卵管胚胎移植", "输卵管内胚胎移植" ], "171379005": [ "Mobility allowance medical", "Mobility allowance examination", "流动医疗津贴", "流动津贴审查" ], "122227007": [ "Insulin receptor antibody assay", "Measurement of insulin receptor antibody", "胰岛素受体抗体的测量", "胰岛素受体抗体检测" ], "1269107008": [ "Wide local excision of lesion of breast using radiofrequency identifier tag", "射频识别标签乳腺病变广泛局部切除术" ], "71240003": [ "Microbial identification, rapid ANA II method", "微生物鉴定,快速 ANA II 方法" ], "104008004": [ "Js^a^ blood group antibody identification", "Js^a^ 血型抗体鉴定" ], "710216005": [ "Evaluation of psychosocial response to instruction about pain", "评估对疼痛指导的心理社会反应" ], "1201736008": [ "Incision of medial malleolus", "Medial malleolar osteotomy", "内踝切开术", "内踝截骨术" ], "726600009": [ "Lenalidomide therapy", "来那度胺治疗" ], "315165004": [ "Paraprotein typing by immunofixation", "免疫固定法副蛋白分型" ], "233245005": [ "Transluminal operations on inferior mesenteric artery", "下肠系膜动脉腔内手术" ], "870386000": [ "Vasopressor therapy", "血管加压药治疗" ], "429853009": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of toe", "Computed tomography of toe", "CT of toe", "脚趾计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "脚趾计算机断层扫描", "趾骨CT" ], "1279986002": [ "Excision of both nipples", "Excision of bilateral nipples", "切除双侧乳头", "双侧乳头切除术" ], "772082003": [ "Repair of recurrent lumbar hernia", "复发性腰疝的修补" ], "18418004": [ "Hepatitis C virus recombinant immunoblot measurement", "HCV by RIBA measurement", "通过 RIBA 测量 HCV", "丙型肝炎病毒重组免疫印迹检测" ], "165874003": [ "Serum indirect platelet antibody screening", "血清间接血小板抗体筛查" ], "313330006": [ "Closed reduction of intracapsular fracture of neck of femur and internal fixation using a dynamic hip screw", "股骨颈囊内骨折闭合复位动力髋螺钉内固定" ], "1263602007": [ "Endoscopic control of hemorrhage of stomach using APC (argon plasma coagulation)", "Endoscopic control of gastric haemorrhage using argon plasma coagulation", "Endoscopic control of hemorrhage of stomach using argon plasma coagulation", "Endoscopic control of gastric hemorrhage using APC (argon plasma coagulation)", "Endoscopic control of haemorrhage of stomach using argon plasma coagulation", "Endoscopic control of gastric bleeding using argon plasma coagulation", "Endoscopic control of gastric bleeding using APC (argon plasma coagulation)", "Endoscopic control of gastric hemorrhage using argon plasma coagulation", "Endoscopic control of bleeding of stomach using APC (argon plasma coagulation)", "Endoscopic control of haemorrhage of stomach using APC (argon plasma coagulation)", "Endoscopic control of gastric haemorrhage using APC (argon plasma coagulation)", "内镜氩离子凝固术治疗胃出血", "内镜下氩离子凝固治疗胃出血", "内镜下氩离子凝固术治疗胃出血", "内镜下应用氩离子凝固术治疗胃出血", "内镜下应用APC(氩离子凝固术)控制胃出血", "内镜下应用APC(氩离子凝固术)治疗胃出血", "内镜下应用APC(氩离子凝固术)止血" ], "51186009": [ "Delayed hypersensitivity skin test for mumps", "Skin test for mumps", "Mumps antigen skin test", "腮腺炎延迟过敏性皮肤试验", "腮腺炎皮肤测试", "腮腺炎抗原皮肤试验" ], "442567001": [ "Radiographic imaging of lymphatic system using contrast", "使用对比剂对淋巴系统进行射线成像" ], "278727003": [ "Temporal incision", "颞部切口" ], "229575003": [ "Hot rocks treatment", "热岩处理" ], "391580000": [ "Blood (WBC) screen for metachromatic leukodystrophy", "Blood (white blood cell) screen for metachromatic leukodystrophy", "血液(白细胞)筛查异染性脑白质营养不良", "血液(白细胞)筛查异染性白质营养不良" ], "276892002": [ "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of pulmonary vein", "Percutaneous angioplasty of pulmonary vein", "经皮肺静脉球囊成形术", "经皮肺静脉血管成形术" ], "113052005": [ "Agar disk elution susceptibility test for Mycobacteria", "分枝杆菌琼脂纸片洗脱药敏试验" ], "45681003": [ "Incision, exploration and biopsy for determination of stage of disease", "Staging operation", "Staging operation involving incision, exploration and biopsy", "暂存操作", "涉及切开、探查和活检的分期手术", "切开、探查和活检以确定疾病分期" ], "438897009": [ "Partial lumbar corpectomy with decompression of spinal cord, nerve roots and cauda equina using lateral extracavitary approach", "Partial excision of body of lumbar vertebra with decompression of spinal cord, nerve roots and cauda equina using lateral extracavitary approach", "经侧腔外入路腰椎体部分切除术及脊髓、神经根及马尾减压术", "采用侧腔外入路进行腰椎部分切除术,减压脊髓、神经根及马尾神经" ], "12913009": [ "Splenorrhaphy with partial splenectomy", "脾切除术及脾缝合术" ], "174918001": [ "Allograft mitral valve replacement", "Homograft mitral valve replacement", "同种异体二尖瓣置换术" ], "127601009": [ "Hammer toe operation", "Repair of hammer toe", "Correction of hammer toe", "锤状趾的矫正", "锤状趾手术", "锤状趾的修复" ], "27462006": [ "Transplantation of tissue of mediastinum", "纵隔组织移植" ], "11078007": [ "Fletcher factor assay", "Prekallikrein assay", "弗莱彻因子测定", "前激肽释放酶测定" ], "846662007": [ "Insulin pump education", "Education about administration of insulin using insulin pump", "关于使用胰岛素泵注射胰岛素的教育", "胰岛素泵教育" ], "1172507001": [ "Lymphocyte apheresis", "淋巴细胞单采" ], "173083007": [ "Endoscopic snare resection of lesion of trachea using rigid bronchoscope", "Rigid bronchoscopy and snare resection of lesion of trachea", "硬质支气管镜气管病变切除术", "硬质支气管镜下气管内圈套切除术" ], "287771008": [ "Scrotum fistulectomy", "阴囊瘘管切除术" ], "122096000": [ "Shigella sonnei antibody assay", "Measurement of Shigella sonnei antibody", "宋内志贺氏菌抗体测定" ], "72944003": [ "Electrodesiccation with curettage", "电干燥刮除术" ], "103877000": [ "Little c blood group typing", "小c血型分型" ], "171248009": [ "Urine screening for blood", "尿液血液筛查" ], "169413002": [ "Hormone therapy", "HT - Hormone therapy", "Endocrine therapy", "HT-激素治疗", "激素治疗", "内分泌治疗" ], "40176008": [ "Diaphragm use education", "隔膜使用教育" ], "431557005": [ "Plain X-ray of cervical spine using mobile image intensifier", "使用移动影像增强器进行颈椎普通 X 光检查" ], "284101009": [ "Removal of implant", "移除植入物" ], "233114002": [ "Operation for major aortopulmonary collateral arteries", "MAPCA - Major aortopulmonary collateral artery operation", "主动脉肺动脉侧支手术", "MAPCA - 主动脉肺动脉侧支手术" ], "20122002": [ "Ventriculocordectomy", "Laryngeal ventriculocordectomy", "脑室脊髓切除术", "喉头脑室脊髓切除术" ], "446106003": [ "Excision of mass of epididymis", "附睾肿块切除术" ], "167578005": [ "Measurement of urine volume over 6 hours", "Urine volume over 6 hours", "Urine volume over 6 hrs", "6小时尿量", "6 小时内尿量", "测量6小时内的尿量" ], "741018004": [ "Subcutaneous mastectomy of left breast with prosthetic implant", "左乳房皮下切除术及假体植入" ], "771951002": [ "Open repair of recurrent incisional hernia using biological mesh", "Open hernioplasty using biological mesh for recurrent incisional hernia", "使用生物网片开放式修补复发性切口疝", "使用生物网片进行开放式疝修补术治疗复发性切口疝" ], "231279003": [ "Injection of local anesthetic and steroid into facet joint", "Injection of local anaesthetic and steroid into facet joint", "向小关节注射局部麻醉剂和类固醇" ], "395119005": [ "Plasma renin ambulant level", "血浆肾素动态水平" ], "870255009": [ "Cardiac resynchronization therapy", "Cardiac resynchronisation therapy", "心脏再同步化治疗" ], "180292008": [ "Application of plaster cast to trunk", "Application of plaster jacket", "躯干石膏固定", "石膏夹套的应用" ], "229444009": [ "Manipulation of elbow - non-surgical", "Manipulation of elbow", "肘部操作 - 非手术", "肘部操作" ], "473369002": [ "Drainage of suprachoroidal fluid after choroidal detachment", "脉络膜脱离后脉络膜上腔液引流" ], "63769003": [ "Operation on facial bone", "Facial bone operation", "Operative procedure on facial bones", "面部骨骼手术" ], "112921002": [ "Repair of uterus", "Hysteroplasty", "Metroplasty", "Uteroplasty", "子宫修复", "子宫成形术" ], "440601004": [ "Application of Risser jacket", "Risser 护套的应用" ], "391449008": [ "Serum carotenoid level", "血清类胡萝卜素水平" ], "719129009": [ "Assessment using Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure", "Assessment using POEM (Patient-Oriented Eczema Measure)", "使用 POEM(以患者为中心的湿疹测量法)进行评估", "使用以患者为中心的湿疹测量方法进行评估" ], "178457009": [ "Internal fixation of mandible with plating system", "下颌骨钢板固定系统内固定" ], "1290734003": [ "Drainage of boil of skin of head", "头部皮疮引流" ], "78318003": [ "History and physical examination, annual for health maintenance", "Annual health maintenance examination", "年度健康维护检查", "每年进行病史和体格检查以维护健康" ], "29166005": [ "Radiologic examination of upper gastrointestinal tract and small bowel with serial films", "上消化道及小肠的系列影像学检查" ], "176622006": [ "Biopsy of lesion of vulva", "外阴病变活检" ], "715459001": [ "Injection of marker into axilla using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided injection of marker into axilla", "Ultrasonography guided injection of marker into axilla", "使用超声引导将标记物注射到腋窝", "超声引导下腋窝注射标记物" ], "830147001": [ "Computed tomography of orbit", "CT of orbit", "眼眶计算机断层扫描", "眼眶 CT" ], "699075006": [ "Holmium laser enucleation of prostate", "Transurethral holmium laser enucleation of prostate", "经尿道钬激光前列腺剜除术", "钬激光前列腺剜除术" ], "240323008": [ "Multiple organ donation operation", "多器官捐献手术" ], "385944003": [ "Maintenance of drainage tube", "Drainage tube care", "引流管的保养", "引流管护理" ], "172952004": [ "Reconstruction of pharynx with free jejunal transfer", "游离空肠移植重建咽喉" ], "287640009": [ "Excision of skin lesion and Z-plasty", "皮肤病变切除及 Z 成形术" ], "285805006": [ "Cardiff acuity cards", "卡迪夫敏锐度卡" ], "171117006": [ "Measles screening", "麻疹筛查" ], "449645008": [ "Stripping and ligation of vein of lower leg", "小腿静脉剥脱及结扎" ], "56429009": [ "Transnasal eustachian tube inflation with catheterization", "Transnasal eustachian tube inflation with catheterisation", "经鼻导管充气治疗", "经鼻导管充气术" ], "121965009": [ "Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin assay", "产气荚膜梭菌肠毒素测定" ], "169282000": [ "Diagnostic data computerisation", "Diagnostic data computerization", "诊断数据计算机化" ], "38210002": [ "Ligation of venous connection between anomalous vein and superior vena cava", "异常静脉与上腔静脉间静脉连接结扎术" ], "234818006": [ "Insertion of mouth held appliance", "插入口持器具" ], "103746007": [ "Heparin therapy", "肝素治疗" ], "431426008": [ "Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of vein of lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "透视引导下经皮下肢静脉机械血栓切除术" ], "185666009": [ "BP screen - 2nd call", "BP screening - second call", "Blood pressure screening - second call", "血压筛查 - 第二次呼叫", "血压筛查-第二次呼叫", "血压检查 - 第二次呼叫" ], "445975005": [ "Excision of polyp of duodenum", "Polypectomy of duodenum", "十二指肠息肉切除术" ], "36375005": [ "Bilateral spinal cordotomy", "双侧脊髓切开术" ], "183831007": [ "Referral for ultrasound investigation", "Referral for diagnostic ultrasonography", "转诊进行超声检查", "转诊进行诊断性超声检查" ], "232983006": [ "Balloon dilatation of pulmonary venous pathway", "Balloon angioplasty of pulmonary venous pathway", "Angioplasty of pulmonary venous pathway", "肺静脉通路球囊扩张术", "肺静脉通路血管成形术", "肺静脉通路球囊成形术" ], "265751008": [ "Medial release of joints of foot for correction of congenital deformity of foot", "Medial release of joints of foot for correction of clubfoot", "足部关节内侧松解术矫正马蹄足", "足部关节内侧松解术矫正足部先天畸形" ], "3607009": [ "Transplantation of mesenteric tissue", "肠系膜组织移植" ], "231148008": [ "Ring block in hand", "手拿环块" ], "67308009": [ "Yellow fever vaccination", "Yellow fever immunization", "Yellow fever immunisation", "Administration of yellow fever vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Yellow fever virus antigen", "接种黄热病疫苗", "黄热病免疫", "黄热病疫苗接种", "接种仅含黄热病毒抗原的疫苗产品" ], "229313004": [ "Manual hyperinflation", "Bagging - manual hyperinflation", "手动充气过度", "装袋 - 手动充气" ], "442305005": [ "Referral for ambulatory electrocardiogram", "转诊进行动态心电图检查" ], "112790001": [ "Nasal sinus endoscopy", "鼻窦内窥镜检查" ], "407702002": [ "Faecal glucose level", "Fecal glucose level", "Faecal glucose measurement", "Fecal glucose measurement", "粪便葡萄糖水平", "粪便葡萄糖测量" ], "473238003": [ "Endoscopic decompression of orbit for exophthalmos", "内镜眼眶减压术治疗眼球突出" ], "30870002": [ "General calisthenic exercise regimen", "一般健美操锻炼方案" ], "391318004": [ "Serum Purkinje cell cytoplasm antibody level", "血清浦肯野细胞胞浆抗体水平" ], "129174005": [ "Procedure on skin appendage", "皮肤附属物手术" ], "440470008": [ "Creation of lesion of gasserian ganglion with neurolytic agent using stereotactic method", "立体定向神经溶解剂造成半月神经节损伤" ], "29035001": [ "Restoration, resin, two surfaces, posterior, primary", "修复,树脂,双面,后部,初级" ], "12651006": [ "Sclerectomy for retinal reattachment", "巩膜切除术用于视网膜复位" ], "307563007": [ "Extracranial transection of accessory nerve", "副神经颅外横断" ], "274795007": [ "Examination of optic disc", "视神经乳头检查" ], "387648001": [ "Arthroplasty of the ankle", "踝关节置换术" ], "238357001": [ "Procedure for lesion of diaphragm", "膈肌损伤的手术程序" ], "418581003": [ "CT of floor of mouth", "Computed tomography of floor of mouth", "口底计算机断层扫描", "口底CT" ], "172821004": [ "Insertion of Brighton epistaxis balloon", "插入 Brighton 鼻出血球囊" ], "385813006": [ "Gastrostomy/nasogastric tube irrigation assessment", "Assess gastrostomy/nasogastric tube irrigation", "Assess enteral tube irrigation", "Enteral tube irrigation assessment", "肠管灌注评估", "评估胃造口术/鼻胃管灌注", "胃造口术/鼻胃管灌注评估", "评估肠内管灌注" ], "287509008": [ "Non-surgical biopsy of peripheral nerve", "周围神经非手术活检" ], "121834004": [ "pH, free acid measurement", "pH、游离酸测量" ], "252906006": [ "Urinary pad weighing", "尿垫称重" ], "1285098007": [ "Bilateral disarticulation of knee joints", "Disarticulation of both knee joints", "Disarticulation of bilateral knee joints", "双膝关节脱位", "双膝关节离断", "双侧膝关节离断" ], "433130008": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of bone of thorax", "Single photon emission computed tomography of bone of thorax", "胸骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)", "胸骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "447679000": [ "Combined total vitamin D2 and D3 measurement", "Measurement of combined total ergocalciferol and colecalciferol", "总麦角钙化醇和胆钙化醇的综合测量", "总维生素 D2 和 D3 综合测量" ], "87231001": [ "Anastomosis of hepatic duct to gastrointestinal tract", "肝管与胃肠道吻合术" ], "234687006": [ "Graft of periodontal bone defect", "Grafting of periodontal bone defect", "牙周骨缺损移植" ], "169151007": [ "Isotope static scan joint", "同位素静态扫描接头" ], "185535006": [ "Telephone invite to screening", "电话邀请参加筛选" ], "118164001": [ "Laser ablation of prostate", "前列腺激光消融" ], "167316004": [ "Urine bacteriuria test", "尿液菌尿检测" ], "871828004": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and low dose Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens", "Low dose diphtheria and tetanus immunisation", "Low dose diphtheria and tetanus immunization", "Low dose diphtheria and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of low dose diphtheria and tetanus vaccine", "低剂量白喉和破伤风疫苗接种", "接种仅含破伤风梭菌和低剂量白喉棒状杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "低剂量白喉和破伤风免疫", "注射低剂量白喉和破伤风疫苗" ], "396692006": [ "Radical orchiectomy", "Excision of testis and spermatic cord", "根治性睾丸切除术", "睾丸及精索切除" ], "183700005": [ "Rheumatology self-referral", "风湿病学自我转诊" ], "85396007": [ "Synovial fluid analysis", "滑液分析" ], "231017003": [ "Epidural insertion neurostimulator electrode", "硬膜外插入神经刺激器电极" ], "427625003": [ "Respiratory health self management education", "Education for self management of respiratory health", "呼吸健康自我管理教育" ], "444009006": [ "Assessment of rheumatoid arthritis", "类风湿关节炎的评估" ], "737086002": [ "Ultrasonography guided transperineal insertion of biodegradable spacer into perirectal space", "Transperineal insertion of biodegradable spacer into perirectal space using ultrasonographic guidance", "使用超声引导经会阴将可生物降解的垫片插入直肠周围间隙", "超声引导下经会阴将可生物降解垫片插入直肠周围间隙" ], "180030006": [ "Amputation of the foot", "足部截肢" ], "229182009": [ "Elbow exercises in water", "水中肘部练习" ], "243731001": [ "Provision of integral spectacle distance telescope", "Provision of integral eyeglass distance telescope", "提供一体式眼镜测距望远镜", "提供一体式眼镜远距离望远镜" ], "440339004": [ "Tenolysis of flexor of foot", "Lysis of adhesions of flexor tendon of foot", "足屈肌腱粘连松解术", "足屈肌腱松解术" ], "2111000087101": [ "MRI of brachial plexus of right upper limb", "Magnetic resonance imaging of brachial plexus of right upper limb", "右上肢臂丛神经MRI", "右上肢臂丛神经磁共振成像" ], "702483006": [ "Biopsy of lower limb using computed tomography guidance", "Computed tomography guided biopsy of lower limb", "CT guided biopsy of lower limb", "计算机断层扫描引导下肢活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行下肢活检", "CT引导下肢活检" ], "12351000087103": [ "Ultrasonography guided drainage of right breast", "Drainage of right breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下右侧乳房引流", "使用超声引导进行右侧乳房引流" ], "17471000087104": [ "MR angiography of left lower limb with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of left lower extremity with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of left lower limb with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of left leg with contrast", "MR angiography of left lower extremity with contrast", "MR angiography of left leg with contrast", "左下肢增强磁共振血管造影", "左腿磁共振血管造影", "左腿 MR 血管造影" ], "391187009": [ "Early intervention in psychosis - 3-5 contacts/week", "精神病早期干预 - 每周 3-5 次接触" ], "717032003": [ "Assessment using Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices", "Assessment using Raven's APM (Advanced Progressive Matrices)", "使用 Raven 的 APM(高级渐进矩阵)进行评估", "使用瑞文高级渐进矩阵进行评估" ], "831000087108": [ "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of bilateral upper limbs", "Aspiration of bilateral upper limbs using fluoroscopic guidance", "Aspiration of both upper limbs using fluoroscopic guidance", "Aspiration of left and right upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下进行双上肢抽吸", "透视引导下双侧上肢穿刺", "荧光透视引导下左、右上肢穿刺", "荧光透视引导下双侧上肢穿刺" ], "174525001": [ "Percutaneous cholecystostomy", "Percutaneous cholecystotomy", "Percutaneous drainage of gallbladder", "经皮胆囊引流", "经皮胆囊造口术", "经皮胆囊切开术" ], "711527001": [ "Reconstruction with supercharged free flap", "增压游离瓣重建" ], "416615002": [ "Osteopathic manipulation, functional method", "整骨疗法、功能疗法" ], "88935003": [ "Spleen imaging with vascular flow", "脾脏血管流成像" ], "252775003": [ "Quantitative sensory test", "定量感官测试" ], "1286802009": [ "External beam radiotherapy using ITV (internal target volume) approach", "External beam radiotherapy using internal target volume approach", "采用 ITV(内部靶体积)方法的外部放射治疗", "采用内部靶体积方法进行外束放射治疗" ], "270994009": [ "Serum globulin measurement", "Serum globulin level", "血清球蛋白水平", "血清球蛋白测量" ], "121703007": [ "Thiopurine methyltransferase measurement", "硫嘌呤甲基转移酶测量" ], "23399008": [ "Vestibular rehabilitation", "前庭康复" ], "105319002": [ "Rubidium measurement", "铷测量" ], "367463004": [ "Vaginal dilation procedure", "Dilation of vagina", "阴道扩张手术", "阴道扩张" ], "39783003": [ "Pyrazinamidase test", "吡嗪酰胺酶试验" ], "1332284004": [ "MRI of bilateral sacroiliac joints", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both sacroiliac joints", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral sacroiliac joints", "双侧骶髂关节磁共振成像", "双侧骶髂关节 MRI" ], "169020002": [ "Fluoroscopy and radiography - mediastinum", "荧光透视和放射线照相术 - 纵隔" ], "119868007": [ "Mouth transplantation", "口腔移植" ], "54332008": [ "Suture of artery of great vessels", "大血管动脉缝合" ], "412945000": [ "Urine 3-methylhistidine measurement", "Urine 3-methylhistidine level", "尿液 3-甲基组氨酸水平", "尿液 3-甲基组氨酸测量" ], "445713002": [ "Brush biopsy of endocervix", "宫颈内膜刷检" ], "118033001": [ "Fc fragment antibody assay", "Measurement of Fc fragment antibody", "Fc 片段抗体测定", "Fc片段抗体的测定" ], "232721002": [ "Coronary artery bypass grafts x 3", "Triple coronary bypass", "CABG x 3 - Coronary artery bypass grafts x 3", "CABG x 3 - 冠状动脉搭桥手术 x 3", "三重冠状动脉搭桥术", "冠状动脉搭桥手术 x 3" ], "183569005": [ "Refer to terminal care consult", "请参阅临终关怀咨询" ], "429329005": [ "Computerised cognitive behavioural therapy", "Computerized cognitive behavioral therapy", "计算机化认知行为疗法" ], "771558002": [ "Measurement of periodontal pocket depth-four areas per tooth exam", "测量牙周袋深度——每个牙齿检查四个区域" ], "230886007": [ "Exploration of ventricle of brain", "脑室探查" ], "196283002": [ "Excision of heterotopic bone from muscle", "肌肉异位骨切除术" ], "736955003": [ "Osteoporotic fracture probability assessment using osteoporotic fracture risk assessment tool", "Osteoporotic fracture probability assessment using FRAX (fracture risk assessment tool)", "使用骨质疏松性骨折风险评估工具进行骨质疏松性骨折概率评估", "使用 FRAX(骨折风险评估工具)进行骨质疏松性骨折概率评估" ], "14224004": [ "Paracervical block anesthesia", "Paracervical block anaesthesia", "Local anaesthetic block of paracervical nerve", "LA - Local anaesthetic block of paracervical nerve", "LA - Local anesthetic block of paracervical nerve", "Local anesthetic block of paracervical nerve", "Paracervical nerve block", "Uterine paracervical block anaesthesia", "Uterine paracervical block anesthesia", "颈旁神经阻滞", "LA - 颈旁神经局部麻醉阻滞", "LA-- 颈旁神经局部麻醉阻滞", "颈旁神经局麻阻滞", "子宫旁阻滞麻醉", "宫颈旁阻滞麻醉", "颈旁神经局部麻醉阻滞" ], "391056005": [ "Mental health crisis resolution - Daily intensive", "心理健康危机解决 - 每日强化" ], "782437002": [ "Unroofing of pseudocyst of ear", "Deroofing of pseudocyst of auricle of ear", "Deroofing of pseudocyst of pinna of ear", "耳廓假性囊肿去顶术", "耳部假性囊肿去顶术" ], "176229009": [ "Insertion of biethium bean beneath the bladder neck", "Insertion of biethium bean beneath neck of urinary bladder", "将双硫仑豆插入膀胱颈下方" ], "12389009": [ "Xeromammography", "Xerography of breast", "Xeromammogram", "乳房干燥造影", "乳房静电复印术", "乳腺干照相术" ], "420154007": [ "Radionuclide venography of upper limb", "上肢放射性核素静脉造影" ], "287247002": [ "Sympathetic nervous system operation", "交感神经系统手术" ], "41487004": [ "Fibrin split products, protamine sulfate assay", "Protamine sulfate test", "3P test", "Triple P test", "Plasma protamine paracoagulation assay", "Protamine sulphate test", "Fibrin split products, protamine sulphate assay", "3P测试", "硫酸鱼精蛋白检测", "血浆鱼精蛋白副凝固试验", "三重 P 检验", "纤维蛋白裂解产物、硫酸鱼精蛋白测定" ], "432868000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of common iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内血管成形术在荧光造影引导下进行髂总动脉" ], "236260002": [ "Closed urethrotomy", "Closed urethrotomy of bladder neck", "Otis urethrotomy", "奥蒂斯尿道切开术", "闭式尿道切开术", "膀胱颈闭式尿道切开术" ], "301796003": [ "Axillary lymph node procedure", "腋窝淋巴结手术" ], "121572003": [ "Etodolac measurement", "依托度酸测量" ], "105188005": [ "Fenethylline measurement", "苯乙啉测量" ], "56036004": [ "Osteotomy of mandible", "Mandibulotomy", "下颌骨切开术", "下颌骨截骨术" ], "252644004": [ "Marshmallow barium swallow", "棉花糖钡餐" ], "119737001": [ "Trachea closure", "气管闭合" ], "398265002": [ "Tracheal tube fixation", "气管插管固定" ], "447417004": [ "Ethmoidectomy and turbinectomy", "Excision of ethmoid sinus and nasal turbinate", "切除筛窦及鼻甲", "筛窦切除术和鼻甲切除术" ], "773262000": [ "Galvanism", "电流" ], "52366000": [ "Serologic test for Rochalimaea quintana", "Serologic test for Bartonella quintana", "五日巴尔通体血清学检测", "Rochalimea quintana 血清学检测" ], "117902003": [ "Ganglioside GD1a antibody assay", "Measurement of ganglioside GD1a antibody", "神经节苷脂 GD1a 抗体测量", "神经节苷脂 GD1a 抗体检测" ], "265358004": [ "Antireflux fundoplication using thoracic approach", "经胸入路抗反流胃底折叠术" ], "412814003": [ "Tissue transglutaminase IgA measurement", "Tissue transglutaminase IgA level", "Tissue transglutaminase immunoglobulin A measurement", "组织转谷氨酰胺酶 IgA 测量", "组织转谷氨酰胺酶免疫球蛋白 A 测量", "组织转谷氨酰胺酶 IgA 水平" ], "443747002": [ "Arthroscopic shaving of articular cartilage of knee", "关节镜下膝关节软骨刮除术" ], "48696000": [ "Provocative test for increased intraocular pressure for glaucoma", "青光眼眼压升高激发试验" ], "1230179009": [ "Positioning subject in lateral decubitus position", "Positioning lateral", "Positioning subject in lateral position", "侧位", "将受试者置于侧卧位" ], "359992002": [ "Urine bilirubin", "Bilirubin measurement, urine", "Urine bilirubin level", "尿胆红素水平", "尿液胆红素测量", "尿胆红素" ], "177933004": [ "Destruction of lesion of anterior abdominal wall", "腹前壁损伤破坏" ], "405474000": [ "Ilio-profunda artery bypass with prosthesis", "髂深动脉假体旁路手术" ], "176098003": [ "Transurethral endoscopic incision of ureteric orifice", "TUUI - Transurethral ureteric incision", "Transurethral ureteric meatotomy", "Endoscopic ureteric meatotomy", "经尿道输尿管切开术", "内镜输尿管切开术", "TUUI-- 经尿道输尿管切开术", "经尿道内镜输尿管口切开术" ], "716770004": [ "Assessment using Porch Index of Communicative Ability", "Assessment using PICA (Porch Index of Communicative Ability)", "使用 PICA(沟通能力门廊指数)进行评估", "使用 Porch 沟通能力指数进行评估" ], "307170004": [ "Endoscopic transaxillary thoracic sympathectomy", "Endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy using transaxillary approach", "内镜腋窝胸交感神经切除术", "经腋窝入路内镜胸交感神经切除术" ], "241634005": [ "MRI of upper arm", "Magnetic resonance imaging of upper arm", "上臂磁共振成像", "上臂 MRI" ], "225250007": [ "Intravaginal artificial insemination", "阴道内人工授精" ], "223415003": [ "Advice regarding activity", "Recommendation regarding activity", "活动建议" ], "43191006": [ "Microbial identification, rapid NFT method", "Microbial identification, rapid neutrophil function test method", "微生物鉴定、中性粒细胞功能快速检测方法", "微生物鉴定,快速NFT法" ], "305335007": [ "Admission to establishment", "进入机构" ], "713100000": [ "Education about diversional therapy", "关于转移疗法的教育" ], "370871008": [ "Ambulation therapy", "Exercise therapy: ambulation", "运动疗法:步行", "步行治疗" ], "252513000": [ "Allergy test - not skin", "过敏测试 - 不是皮肤" ], "8588008": [ "Replacement of distal catheter in shunt system", "分流系统中远端导管的更换" ], "23137002": [ "Anesthesia for renal transplant, recipient", "Anaesthesia for renal transplant, recipient", "肾移植手术麻醉、接受者" ], "121441004": [ "Amphotericin B measurement", "两性霉素 B 测量" ], "1268321007": [ "Excision of pelvic endometriosis", "Excision of endometriosis of pelvis", "盆腔子宫内膜异位症切除术" ], "54070000": [ "Postpartum education", "产后教育" ], "105057008": [ "Amantadine measurement", "金刚烷胺测量" ], "234294003": [ "Drainage of lesion of popliteal lymph node", "腘窝淋巴结病变引流" ], "119606006": [ "Vertebral column transplantation", "脊柱移植" ], "68619000": [ "Chemotherapy for non-neoplastic disease", "非肿瘤疾病的化疗" ], "1217334008": [ "Management of respiratory device", "呼吸设备管理" ], "265227002": [ "Intracranial destruction of trigeminal nerve (V)", "三叉神经颅内破坏(V)" ], "609291004": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of blood specimen", "血液标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "117771004": [ "Bordetella avium antibody assay", "Measurement of Bordetella avium antibody", "鸟博德氏杆菌抗体测量", "鸟百日咳抗体检测" ], "183307006": [ "Quadriceps drill", "Quadriceps exercises", "股四头肌练习" ], "3083005": [ "Removal of device from thorax", "从胸腔取出装置" ], "66784000": [ "Endoscopy of thoracic and abdominal artery", "胸腹部动脉内窥镜检查" ], "773131009": [ "Plain X-ray for ulnar variance view", "尺骨变异视图的普通 X 射线" ], "17632005": [ "Division of vitreous cicatricial bands by anterior approach", "前入路玻璃体瘢痕带分离" ], "1230048008": [ "THA (total hip arthroplasty) using metal augment", "THR (total hip replacement) using metal augment", "Total replacement of hip joint using metal augment", "Total arthroplasty of hip joint using metal augment", "THR (total hip replacement) using metal augmentation", "THA (total hip arthroplasty) using metal augmentation", "Total replacement of hip joint using metal augmentation", "Total hip replacement using metal augmentation", "使用金属增强体进行全髋关节置换术", "使用金属增强体的 THR(全髋关节置换术)", "使用金属增强体进行髋关节全置换术", "使用金属增强体完全置换髋关节", "使用金属增强体进行全髋关节置换术 (THR)", "使用金属增强物的全髋关节置换术 (THA)" ], "409013000": [ "Delivery care education", "Teach delivery care", "分娩护理教育", "教导分娩护理" ], "261557002": [ "Revision of urinary reservoir continence mechanism", "尿道储尿控机制的修订" ], "359861003": [ "Chloroethylene measurement", "Vinyl chloride measurement", "氯乙烯测量" ], "81333007": [ "Suture of pelvic periosteum", "骨盆骨膜缝合" ], "439946008": [ "Laparoscopic repair of urinary stress incontinence using sling", "腹腔镜吊带修复尿失禁压力" ], "405343001": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of superficial femoral artery", "Superficial femoral endarterectomy and angioplasty", "股浅动脉内膜切除及血管成形术", "浅表股动脉内膜切除术和血管成形术" ], "865930008": [ "Assessment using Scale for Assessment and Rating of Ataxia", "Assessment using SARA (Scale for Assessment and Rating of Ataxia)", "使用共济失调评估和评定量表进行评估", "使用 SARA(共济失调评估和评定量表)进行评估" ], "241503003": [ "US scan of neonatal hip", "Ultrasound scan of neonatal hip", "新生儿髋关节超声扫描" ], "225119004": [ "Repadding wound", "重新填充伤口" ], "175967008": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of renal lesion", "肾脏病变经皮穿刺活检" ], "174132000": [ "Refashioning of caecostomy", "Refashioning of cecostomy", "盲肠造口术的改造" ], "43060002": [ "Intravenous injection", "IV - Intravenous injection", "IV-静脉注射", "静脉注射" ], "239668003": [ "BEPOP - Application of below elbow plaster of Paris", "Application of below elbow plaster cast", "肘下石膏固定的应用", "BEPOP - 肘下石膏的应用" ], "59444009": [ "Bifemoral bypass graft with vein", "带静脉的双股动脉旁路移植术" ], "450825001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of multiple pregnancy", "MRI of multiple pregnancy", "多胎妊娠的 MRI 检查", "多胎妊娠的磁共振成像" ], "104926004": [ "Ribulose measurement", "核酮糖测量" ], "121310004": [ "4-Hydroxyphenyllactate measurement", "4-羟基苯基乳酸测量" ], "399838006": [ "Gg6 specific IgG antibody measurement", "Phleum pratense specific IgG antibody measurement", "Phleum pratense specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "Timothy grass specific IgG antibody measurement", "提摩西草特异性 IgG 抗体测定", "梯牧草特异性IgG抗体测定", "Gg6 特异性 IgG 抗体测量", "梯牧草特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定" ], "6622009": [ "Add clasp to existing partial denture", "Add clasp to denture", "在假牙上添加卡环", "在现有的局部义齿上添加卡环" ], "398003001": [ "Train-of-four monitoring", "四组监测" ], "16559321000119100": [ "CT guided fine needle aspiration biopsy of abdomen", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of abdomen using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下腹部细针穿刺活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行腹部细针穿刺活检" ], "139481000119100": [ "Aftercare for osteoporotic fracture of wrist", "腕骨质疏松性骨折的术后护理" ], "250547009": [ "Venous partial pressure of oxygen", "Measurement of venous partial pressure of oxygen", "pvO2 - Venous partial pressure of oxygen", "Venous oxygen tension", "pvO2 - 静脉氧分压", "静脉氧分压", "静脉血氧分压测量", "静脉血氧分压" ], "609160002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of brachiocephalic vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮头臂静脉腔内血管成形术" ], "117640003": [ "Endophyte identification", "内生菌鉴定" ], "16520921000119109": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous needle biopsy of muscle", "Percutaneous needle biopsy of muscle using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮肌肉穿刺活检", "在荧光透视引导下进行经皮肌肉穿刺活检" ], "427101007": [ "Percutaneous insertion of metal ureteric stent", "经皮插入金属输尿管支架" ], "441650000": [ "Measurement of barbiturate in serum specimen", "血清标本中巴比妥酸盐的测定" ], "392498002": [ "Trichophyton ment. var interdigitale specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rm211 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Trichophyton ment. var interdigitale specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "趾间毛癣菌特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rm211特异性IgE抗体测量", "趾间毛癣菌特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "720178006": [ "Alcohol twelve step program", "Alcohol twelve step programme", "酒精十二步计划" ], "408882007": [ "Nausea care management", "Manage nausea care", "处理恶心护理", "恶心护理管理" ], "1259015007": [ "Implantation of spinal cord stimulator generator and electrode", "Implantation of permanent spinal cord stimulator", "Implantation of permanent spinal cord stimulator generator and electrode", "永久性脊髓刺激器植入", "永久性脊髓刺激器发生器和电极的植入", "脊髓刺激器发生器及电极植入术" ], "30215008": [ "Repair of esophageal fistula", "Closure of esophageal fistula", "Repair of oesophageal fistula", "Closure of oesophageal fistula", "食管瘘闭合", "食管瘘修复" ], "243207007": [ "Orthoptic full time occlusion treatment - partial occlusion", "正视全程遮挡治疗 - 部分遮挡" ], "46599009": [ "Closure of fistula of common bile duct", "Closure of common bile duct fistula", "胆总管瘘闭合术", "胆总管瘘闭合" ], "306908002": [ "Intermittent compression therapy to hand", "间歇性手部压迫疗法" ], "1222577000": [ "Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography guided laparoscopic biopsy of bile duct with contrast", "Laparoscopic biopsy of bile duct using percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography guidance with contrast", "经皮肝穿刺胆管造影引导腹腔镜胆管造影活检", "经皮肝穿刺胆管造影引导下腹腔镜胆管活检" ], "305073000": [ "Prophylactic elbow stretching", "预防性肘部拉伸" ], "241372008": [ "ERPF determination", "Effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) determination", "Effective renal plasma flow determination", "有效肾血浆流量(ERPF)测定", "有效肾血浆流量测定", "ERPF 确定" ], "174001003": [ "Removal of foreign body from ileum", "回肠异物取出" ], "239537005": [ "Total mandibular condylectomy", "Temporomandibular condylectomy", "颞下颌髁切除术", "全下颌髁切除术" ], "10161009": [ "Patient discharge, to home, with assistance", "患者在协助下出院回家" ], "1237126002": [ "Digital dermatoscopy of skin", "Digital dermoscopy of skin", "皮肤数字皮肤镜检查" ], "123014005": [ "Pelvis excision", "Excision of pelvis", "骨盆切除术" ], "172166005": [ "Correction of vertical orbital dystopia with orbital osteotomies", "通过眼眶截骨术矫正垂直眼眶畸形" ], "303238005": [ "Removal of wart", "去除疣" ], "434310007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of brachiocephalic artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of brachiocephalic artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "头臂动脉造影及支架植入术", "头臂动脉造影荧光血管造影术及植入支架" ], "90246009": [ "Probing of nasolacrimal duct", "Nasolacrimal duct probe - diag", "鼻泪管探头 - 诊断", "鼻泪管探查" ], "72027000": [ "Radial pulse taking", "桡动脉脉搏测量" ], "104795000": [ "Lutropin release factor measurement", "黄体生成素释放因子测量" ], "252251004": [ "Insulinoma prolonged fasting test", "Insulinoma extended fasting test", "Whipple's triad test", "胰岛素瘤延长禁食试验", "胰岛素瘤延长空腹试验", "惠普尔三联征" ], "711003005": [ "Monitoring bowel motility", "监测肠道蠕动" ], "6491004": [ "Protein S, free assay", "蛋白 S,免费检测" ], "170331006": [ "Second tetanus vaccination", "Administration of second dose of tetanus vaccine", "Second tetanus immunization", "Second tetanus immunisation", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani antigen", "注射第二剂破伤风疫苗", "第二次破伤风免疫", "接种第二剂仅含破伤风梭菌抗原的疫苗产品", "第二次破伤风疫苗接种" ], "250416001": [ "Urobilinogen concentration", "Urobilinogen concentration, test strip measurement", "尿胆原浓度,试纸测量", "尿胆原浓度" ], "447024009": [ "Cauterisation of verruca of pinna", "Cauterisation of wart of pinna", "Cauterization of verruca of pinna", "Cauterization of wart of pinna", "耳廓疣烧灼术" ], "1264389002": [ "Radiation therapy to oral cavity", "Radiotherapy to oral cavity", "口腔放射治疗" ], "232197002": [ "Diathermy of eustachian tube", "耳咽管透热疗法" ], "51973004": [ "Reattachment of tendon to skeletal attachment", "将肌腱重新连接至骨骼附件" ], "609029004": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from urethra prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备尿道标本涂片进行显微镜细胞学检查" ], "363269004": [ "Radical resection of soft tissue", "根治性软组织切除术" ], "314117007": [ "Revision of trabeculectomy", "Filter revision", "Trabeculectomy revision", "过滤器修订", "小梁切除术修复", "小梁切除术的修正" ], "133893008": [ "Neurological care", "Care of neurological patient", "神经系统护理", "神经病患者的护理" ], "84741009": [ "Fulguration of urethral caruncle", "尿道肉阜电灼术" ], "31919000": [ "Synovectomy of spine", "Excision of synovium of spine", "脊柱滑膜切除术" ], "359599000": [ "Jejunopexy", "Fixation of jejunum", "空肠固定", "空肠固定术" ], "392367000": [ "Morus alba specific IgE antibody measurement", "t70 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Mulberry specific IgE antibody measurement", "Morus alba specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "t70 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "桑树特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "桑树特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "406916005": [ "Pontamine sky blue 5BX stain method", "Pontamine sky blue 5BX stain", "滂胺天蓝5BX染色法", "滂胺天蓝 5BX 染色" ], "46468006": [ "Malar augmentation with alloplastic material", "异体材料颧骨增大术" ], "275844006": [ "Gamma globulin administration", "丙种球蛋白注射" ], "274009000": [ "Tarsectomy", "跗骨切除术" ], "177540009": [ "Allograft of amniotic membrane to head or neck", "羊膜同种异体移植至头部或颈部" ], "241241006": [ "Inferior mesenteric arteriogram", "Inferior mesenteric angiography", "Arteriography of inferior mesenteric artery", "Angiography of inferior mesenteric artery", "下肠系膜动脉造影", "下肠系膜血管造影" ], "388697007": [ "Basil specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ocimum basilicum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf269 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ocimum basilicum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf269特异性IgE抗体测量", "罗勒特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "罗勒特异性IgE抗体测定", "罗勒特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "763694000": [ "Assessment using Mini AQLQ (Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire)", "Assessment using Mini Asthma Quality of Life Questionnaire", "使用 Mini AQLQ(哮喘生活质量问卷)进行评估", "使用简易哮喘生活质量问卷进行评估" ], "175705009": [ "Open thrombectomy of popliteal artery", "Open embolectomy popliteal artery", "开放性腘动脉栓塞切除术", "腘动脉开放血栓切除术" ], "419630005": [ "Creation of anastomosis between lacrimal drainage system and nose", "建立泪道引流系统与鼻腔之间的吻合术" ], "239406008": [ "Removal of graft from mandible", "从下颌骨移除移植物" ], "288558009": [ "Transfers with patient participation", "患者参与的转运" ], "450563004": [ "Laparoscopic excision of ectopic ovarian pregnancy", "腹腔镜卵巢异位妊娠切除术" ], "90115004": [ "Lengthening of bone of tibia", "Anderson operation", "安德森手术", "胫骨延长" ], "104664000": [ "Follitropin challenge tests", "促卵泡激素激发试验" ], "57347008": [ "Clotting test with substitution", "Substituted clotting test", "Clotting test, mixtures", "凝血置换试验", "替代凝血试验", "凝血试验,混合物" ], "710872006": [ "Regimen management support", "养生法管理支持" ], "86445003": [ "Curettage of cyst of clavicle", "Excision of cyst of clavicle", "锁骨囊肿刮除术", "锁骨囊肿切除术" ], "4525004": [ "Emergency department patient visit", "Seen by casualty - service", "Seen by Accident and Emergency service", "伤员看到 - 服务", "事故和急救服务部门", "急诊科病人就诊" ], "70061005": [ "Graft of skin pedicle attachment to thumb", "Grafting of skin pedicle attachment to thumb", "Reconstruction of thumb using pedicle skin flap", "拇指皮蒂附着处移植", "带蒂皮瓣拇指再造", "拇指皮蒂移植" ], "430509005": [ "Examination of fluid specimen", "液体样本检查" ], "446893004": [ "Laparoscopic lysis of perivesical adhesions", "腹腔镜膀胱周围粘连松解术" ], "53677007": [ "Suture of laceration of nose", "鼻部裂伤缝合" ], "313986002": [ "60 minute serum cortisol measurement", "60 minute serum cortisol level", "60 分钟血清皮质醇测量", "60 分钟血清皮质醇水平" ], "2690005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis", "MRI of pelvis", "骨盆磁共振成像", "骨盆 MRI" ], "707202005": [ "Monitoring of blood loss per vagina", "监测阴道出血量" ], "608898007": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from spleen for parasites", "显微镜检查脾脏标本是否有寄生虫" ], "66391000": [ "Traction", "T - Traction", "牵引力", "T——牵引力" ], "410455004": [ "Slit lamp fundus examination", "Slit lamp fundoscopy", "裂隙灯眼底检查" ], "277548001": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of vein of Galen", "Percutaneous embolization of vein of Galen", "经皮盖伦静脉栓塞术", "经皮 Galen 静脉栓塞术" ], "392236004": [ "Operative procedure on spinal structures", "Spinal operation", "Operative procedure on vertebral column", "Operative procedure on spine", "Operative procedure on spinal structure", "脊柱手术", "脊柱结构手术" ], "80940007": [ "Osteotomy of calcaneus with internal fixation", "跟骨截骨内固定术" ], "179244009": [ "Cancellous chip autograft of bone", "松质骨碎片自体骨移植" ], "13569004": [ "Transfusion of plasma", "输注血浆" ], "79105008": [ "Removal of electronic heart device, myocardial electrode", "移除电子心脏装置、心肌电极" ], "308481009": [ "Referral to orthopedic surgeon", "Referral to orthopaedic surgeon", "转诊至骨科医生" ], "275713009": [ "oCRH - Ovine corticotrophin releasing hormone test", "Ovine corticotrophin releasing hormone test", "oCRH-- 羊促皮质素释放激素试验", "羊促皮质素释放激素试验" ], "388566004": [ "f78 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Casein specific IgE antibody measurement", "Casein specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "酪蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "f78 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "酪蛋白特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "306646007": [ "Discharge from community surgical fitting service", "社区手术配戴服务出院" ], "304811000": [ "Operation on meniscus of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节半月板手术" ], "450432001": [ "Verification of organ donation status", "器官捐赠状态验证" ], "1204096004": [ "Vascularized bone graft to carpal bone with microsurgery", "Vascularised bone graft to carpal bone with microsurgery", "用显微手术将血管化骨移植至腕骨", "显微外科手术将血管化骨移植至腕骨" ], "171904007": [ "Cryotherapy to thoracic sympathetic nerve", "Cryotherapy to thoracic autonomic nerves", "胸交感神经冷冻治疗", "胸部自主神经冷冻治疗" ], "448597003": [ "Evacuation of blood clot of pelvis", "骨盆血凝块清除" ], "104533008": [ "Apolipoproteins E measurement", "载脂蛋白 E 测量" ], "708906004": [ "Closed reduction and locking nail of fracture of femur", "Closed reduction of fracture of femur and internal fixation using locking nail", "股骨骨折闭合复位锁钉治疗", "股骨骨折闭合复位带锁钉内固定" ], "446762007": [ "Assessment using functional analysis of care environments assessment tool", "使用护理环境评估工具的功能分析进行评估" ], "182783002": [ "Dehydration monitoring", "脱水监测" ], "117247005": [ "Lactate dehydrogenase measurement, lactate to pyruvate method", "乳酸脱氢酶测定,乳酸转丙酮酸法" ], "313855009": [ "Plasma lactate dehydrogenase measurement", "Plasma lactate dehydrogenase level", "血浆乳酸脱氢酶测量", "血浆乳酸脱氢酶水平" ], "426708004": [ "Reduction of labia major", "大阴唇缩小术" ], "410324006": [ "Medical/dental care", "Medical/dental care treatments and procedures", "医疗/牙科护理", "医疗/牙科护理治疗和程序" ], "66260009": [ "Injection of prophylactic substance", "注射预防药物" ], "736169004": [ "Post anesthesia care management", "Post anaesthesia care management", "麻醉后护理管理" ], "408489005": [ "Respiratory emergency hospital admission", "呼吸急诊入院" ], "179113008": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture and locked reamed intramedullary nail fixation", "骨折一期闭合复位及锁定扩髓髓内钉固定" ], "177278007": [ "Excision of multiple skin lesions", "切除多处皮肤病变" ], "439422007": [ "Open revision of arterial bypass of lower extremity with segmental vein interposition", "下肢动脉旁路开放修复术及分段静脉插入术" ], "306515002": [ "Discharge by district nurse", "区护士出院" ], "699731004": [ "Glucose tolerance test, antenatal", "产前葡萄糖耐量测试" ], "175443008": [ "Open embolectomy of vertebral artery", "椎动脉开放栓塞切除术" ], "419368002": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of femoral artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of femoral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下股动脉造影血管成形术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行股动脉血管成形术" ], "58920005": [ "Imaging of carotid arteries", "Carotid imaging", "Angiography of carotid artery", "Arteriography of carotid artery", "颈动脉造影", "颈动脉成像" ], "401149004": [ "Plasma paracetamol measurement", "Plasma paracetamol level", "血浆对乙酰氨基酚测量", "血浆对乙酰氨基酚浓度" ], "40701008": [ "Echocardiography", "Ultrasonography of heart", "Echocardiographic procedure", "US scan of heart", "Cardiac echo", "Echocardiogram", "Cardiac US scan", "US heart scan", "Ultrasound of heart", "心脏超声波", "超声心动图检查", "心脏超声扫描", "超声心动图", "美国心脏扫描", "心脏超声", "心脏超声检查" ], "448466004": [ "Embolisation of arteriovenous fistula of extremity", "Embolization of arteriovenous fistula of extremity", "肢体动静脉瘘栓塞术" ], "104402009": [ "Myelin basic protein antibody titer", "Myelin basic protein antibody titre", "髓鞘碱性蛋白抗体滴度" ], "430247004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of entire skeleton", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of entire skeleton", "MRI of entire skeleton", "整个骨骼的 MRI", "整个骨骼的磁共振成像(MRI)", "整个骨骼的磁共振成像" ], "20647004": [ "Removal of foreign body from vitreous without use of magnet", "不使用磁铁从玻璃体中取出异物" ], "4263006": [ "Biopsy of soft tissue of elbow area, superficial", "肘部浅表软组织活检" ], "168103007": [ "Amniotic fluid palmitic acid", "Amniotic fluid palmitic acid measurement", "羊水棕榈酸测量", "羊水棕榈酸" ], "428412000": [ "Radiotherapy to head", "头部放射治疗" ], "444796003": [ "Core needle biopsy using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided core needle biopsy", "CT 引导下芯针活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行芯针活检" ], "313724009": [ "Plasma troponin I level", "Plasma troponin I measurement", "血浆肌钙蛋白 I 水平", "血浆肌钙蛋白 I 测量" ], "410193002": [ "Temperature taking management", "Manage temperature", "Manage temperature taking", "测温管理", "管理体温测量", "管理温度" ], "426577005": [ "Marsupialisation of canaliculus", "Marsupialisation of lacrimal canaliculus", "Marsupialization of canaliculus", "Marsupialization of lacrimal canaliculus", "小管袋形化", "泪小管袋形术" ], "80678006": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of alveolar process of maxilla", "上颌骨牙槽突骨折闭合复位" ], "15142007": [ "Sexual psychotherapy, female therapist - female patient", "性心理治疗,女性治疗师 - 女性患者" ], "357371003": [ "Exploration of petrous pyramid air cells", "岩锥体气囊探查" ], "60624001": [ "Insertion of valve in vas deferens", "输精管瓣膜插入术" ], "386469001": [ "Toddler nutrition education", "Teaching: toddler nutrition", "教学:幼儿营养", "幼儿营养教育" ], "1287589004": [ "Electrocauterization of fibrocutaneous tag", "Electrocauterisation of fibrocutaneous tag", "Cauterisation of fibroepithelial polyp using electrical energy", "Cauterization of fibroepithelial polyp using electrical energy", "纤维皮肤赘生物电灼术", "使用电能烧灼纤维上皮息肉" ], "763301008": [ "Assessment using MOxFQ (Manchester-Oxford Foot Questionnaire) (foot)", "Assessment using Manchester-Oxford Foot Questionnaire (foot)", "使用曼彻斯特-牛津足部问卷进行评估(足部)", "使用 MOxFQ(曼彻斯特-牛津足部问卷)进行评估(足部)" ], "304549008": [ "Offering encouragement to exercise", "Giving encouragement to exercise", "Exercise promotion", "运动推广", "鼓励锻炼" ], "171642003": [ "Intracranial stereotactic neurolysis of facial nerve (VII)", "面神经颅内立体定向神经松解术(VII)" ], "431951000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of brachial vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行肱静脉" ], "384634009": [ "Postnatal maternal examination", "Pregnancy follow-up examination", "Postnatal appointment", "产后产妇检查", "妊娠随访检查", "产后预约" ], "104271001": [ "Cold agglutinin titer", "Cold agglutinin titre", "冷凝集素滴度" ], "235343002": [ "Colonoscopy and extirpation of lesion of colon", "结肠镜检查及结肠病变切除" ], "38735007": [ "Fatty acid profile measurement", "脂肪酸谱测量" ], "413732000": [ "Calcitonin gene-related peptide level", "Calcitonin gene-related peptide measurement", "降钙素基因相关肽测定", "降钙素基因相关肽水平" ], "448335009": [ "Computed tomography of head and neck with contrast", "CT of head and neck with contrast", "头部和颈部增强计算机断层扫描", "头部和颈部增强 CT" ], "20516002": [ "Spinal cordotomy", "Tractotomy of spinal cord", "Spinal chordotomy", "Myelotomy", "Bishoff operation", "Division of nerve tracts of spinal cord", "Division of spinal cord tracts", "Splitting of spinal cord tracts", "Transection of nerve tracts in spinal cord", "Cordotomy", "脊髓切断术", "比绍夫手术", "脊髓束分裂", "脊髓束的分裂", "脊髓束切开术", "脊髓切开术", "脊髓神经束的划分", "脊髓神经束横断", "脊髓脊索切断术" ], "233508000": [ "Revascularisation of toe", "Revascularization of toe", "趾骨血管重建术" ], "446500004": [ "Biopsy of ulcer", "溃疡活检" ], "71503007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of joint of upper extremity", "MRI of joint of upper extremity", "上肢关节MRI", "上肢关节磁共振成像" ], "708644006": [ "Laparoscopic closure of stomach ulcer using patch", "Laparoscopic patch closure of gastric ulcer", "Laparoscopic closure of ulcer of stomach using patch", "腹腔镜胃溃疡补片缝合术" ], "118820006": [ "Procedure on floor of mouth", "Floor of mouth operation", "FOM - Operation on floor of mouth", "FOM-- 口底手术", "口底手术" ], "86052008": [ "Closed reduction of fracture", "Manual reduction of closed fracture", "闭合性骨折手法复位", "骨折闭合复位" ], "430116002": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of ear", "耳部细针穿刺活检" ], "444665003": [ "Resection and anastomosis of trachea", "气管切除吻合术" ], "313593006": [ "24 hour urine adrenaline output measurement", "24 hour urine adrenaline output", "24 hour urine epinephrine output measurement", "24 hour urine epinephrine output", "24 小时尿肾上腺素排出量测量", "24 小时尿肾上腺素排出量测定", "24小时尿肾上腺素排出量" ], "231673007": [ "Operations on inferior rectus", "下直肌手术" ], "442830000": [ "Endoscopic excision of polyp of large intestine using sigmoidoscope", "Sigmoidoscopic polypectomy", "内镜乙状结肠镜大肠息肉切除术", "乙状结肠镜息肉切除术" ], "33230000": [ "Activation test", "激活测试" ], "229838003": [ "Removal of onychophosis", "去除甲沟炎" ], "82382005": [ "Subtotal removal of vitreous by anterior approach with mechanical vitrectomy", "采用前入路机械玻璃体切除术进行玻璃体次全切除" ], "178851002": [ "Metacarpal support operation on carpus", "腕骨掌骨支撑手术" ], "703139003": [ "Computed tomography of lower limb for arthroplasty planning", "CT of lower limb for arthroplasty planning", "下肢 CT 检查以规划关节置换术", "下肢计算机断层扫描用于关节置换术规划" ], "408227007": [ "Urine beta 2 microglobulin level", "Urine beta 2 microglobulin measurement", "尿液 β2 微球蛋白水平", "尿液β2微球蛋白测定" ], "13176000": [ "Removal of peritoneal drainage device", "Removal of tube from peritoneum", "Removal of peritoneal drain", "移除腹腔引流管", "移除腹腔引流装置", "从腹膜中拔除导管" ], "45944000": [ "Anesthesia for mediastinoscopy", "Anaesthesia for mediastinoscopy", "纵隔镜检查麻醉" ], "717688006": [ "Cone beam CT guided insertion of drain into neck", "Insertion of drain into neck using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "锥形束 CT 引导下将引流管插入颈部", "使用锥形束 CT 引导将引流管插入颈部" ], "29560008": [ "Repair of eyeball socket with graft", "Reconstruction of eye socket with graft", "Revision of enucleation of socket with graft", "Restoration of eye socket with graft", "Grafting of eye socket", "Grafting of orbit", "用移植物修复眼窝", "眼窝移植", "眼窝摘除术及移植修复", "用移植物重建眼窝", "眼窝移植修复", "眼眶移植" ], "306253008": [ "Referral to doctor", "转诊至医生" ], "304418001": [ "Pulsed electromagnetic energy to back", "脉冲电磁能支持" ], "715853009": [ "CT of salivary gland with contrast", "Computed tomography of salivary gland with contrast", "唾液腺增强计算机断层扫描", "涎腺增强 CT 扫描" ], "173346003": [ "Gingivoplasty", "Reconstruction of gingiva", "牙龈成形术", "牙龈重建" ], "1172770002": [ "Apicoectomy on premolar tooth", "Apicoectomy on bicuspid tooth", "Excision of apex of root of bicuspid tooth", "Excision of apex of root of premolar tooth", "前磨牙根尖切除术", "双尖牙根尖切除术" ], "386338001": [ "Intrapartal care: high-risk delivery", "产时护理:高风险分娩" ], "122359002": [ "Neisseria meningitidis W135 antigen assay", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌W135抗原测定" ], "73207003": [ "Reconstruction otoplasty of cartilage of ear", "耳软骨重建术" ], "71372002": [ "Replacement of automatic cardioverter/defibrillator, total system", "Replacement of AICD", "更换 AICD", "更换自动心脏复律器/除颤器,全系统" ], "104140002": [ "Hemoglobin by copper sulfate method, non-automated", "Haemoglobin by copper sulphate method, non-automated", "非自动化硫酸铜法测定血红蛋白", "硫酸铜法测定血红蛋白,非自动化" ], "235212007": [ "Balloon tamponade of oesophagus using Sengstaken-Blakemore tube", "Blakemore intubation of esophagus", "Sengstaken intubation of esophagus", "Sengstaken intubation of oesophagus", "Blakemore intubation of oesophagus", "Balloon tamponade of esophagus using Sengstaken-Blakemore tube", "使用 Sengstaken-Blakemore 管进行食管气囊填塞", "森斯塔肯食管插管术", "食管插管术", "布莱克莫尔食管插管术" ], "431820008": [ "Injection of foot using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导进行足部注射" ], "169676009": [ "Rhesus screening - 1st pregnancy sample", "恒河猴筛查 - 第一个妊娠样本" ], "399052009": [ "Aortic balloon pump operation", "Intra-aortic balloon counterpulsation operation", "主动脉球囊泵手术", "主动脉内球囊反搏手术" ], "85921004": [ "Puncture procedure", "Piercing procedure", "Perforation procedure", "穿刺程序", "穿孔程序" ], "233377005": [ "Tube graft abdominal aortic aneurysm - emergency", "管状移植腹主动脉瘤 - 紧急情况" ], "1263734007": [ "Endoscopic control of hemorrhage of duodenum using APC (argon plasma coagulation)", "Endoscopic control of duodenal haemorrhage using argon plasma coagulation", "Endoscopic control of haemorrhage of duodenum using argon plasma coagulation", "Endoscopic control of duodenal haemorrhage using APC (argon plasma coagulation)", "Endoscopic control of duodenal hemorrhage using APC (argon plasma coagulation)", "Endoscopic control of duodenal bleeding using argon plasma coagulation", "Endoscopic control of haemorrhage of duodenum using APC (argon plasma coagulation)", "Endoscopic control of hemorrhage of duodenum using argon plasma coagulation", "Endoscopic control of duodenal hemorrhage using argon plasma coagulation", "Endoscopic control of bleeding of duodenum using APC (argon plasma coagulation)", "内镜下应用APC(氩离子凝固术)止住十二指肠出血", "内镜下氩离子凝固术治疗十二指肠出血", "内镜下应用氩离子凝固术治疗十二指肠出血", "内镜下应用APC(氩离子凝固术)治疗十二指肠出血" ], "2166008": [ "Bicuspidization of aortic valve", "Bicuspidisation of aortic valve", "主动脉瓣二尖瓣化" ], "311627001": [ "Therapy to promote recognition and understanding of concrete words", "促进具体词语识别和理解的疗法" ], "33099007": [ "Incudectomy", "子宫切除术" ], "65867009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of mediastinum", "MRI of mediastinum", "纵隔 MRI", "纵隔磁共振成像" ], "275189005": [ "Repair of nasopharynx", "鼻咽修复" ], "306122001": [ "Referral to clinical molecular genetics service", "转诊至临床分子遗传学服务" ], "175050003": [ "Single implantation of mammary artery into coronary artery", "单根乳腺动脉植入冠状动脉" ], "60362005": [ "Suture of sigmoid", "Sigmoidorrhaphy", "乙状结肠缝合", "乙状结肠缝合术" ], "76746007": [ "Cardiovascular stress testing", "心血管压力测试" ], "287903004": [ "Suturing of hand", "手部缝合" ], "1303711008": [ "Prevention of pre-eclampsia", "预防先兆子痫" ], "122228002": [ "PM-Scl extractable nuclear antibody assay", "Polymyositis-scleroderma (PM-Scl) extractable nuclear antibody assay", "Measurement of polymyositis-scleroderma extractable nuclear antibody", "多发性肌炎-硬皮病可提取性核抗体的测定", "多发性肌炎-硬皮病 (PM-Scl) 可提取核抗体试验", "PM-Scl可提取核抗体试验" ], "302452002": [ "Transcatheter instillation of substance into pleural cavity", "经导管将物质灌注到胸膜腔内" ], "236916006": [ "Distal salpingostomy", "远端输卵管造口术" ], "710217001": [ "Evaluation of psychosocial response to instruction about wound treatment", "评估对伤口治疗指导的社会心理反应" ], "1252724009": [ "Replacement of intrathecal catheter", "Replacement of microspinal catheter", "微脊椎导管更换", "鞘内导管更换" ], "22089003": [ "Pulmonary ventilation-perfusion study by radioactive oxygen", "放射性氧肺通气灌注研究" ], "1201737004": [ "Le Fort I incision of maxilla with incision of maxilla into multiple segments", "Le Fort I osteotomy with segmentalization of maxilla into multiple segments", "Le Fort I osteotomy with segmentalisation of maxilla into multiple segments", "Le Fort 1 incision of maxilla with incision of maxilla into multiple segments", "Le Fort 1 osteotomy with osteotomy of maxilla into multiple segments", "Le Fort I osteotomy with osteotomy of maxilla into multiple segments", "Le Fort 1 截骨术,将上颌骨截成多个节段", "Le Fort I 截骨术将上颌骨分段成多个部分", "Le Fort 1 上颌骨切口,将上颌骨切成多个段", "Le Fort I 截骨术将上颌骨分割成多个部分", "上颌骨 Le Fort I 切口,将上颌骨切分成多个部分", "Le Fort I 截骨术,将上颌骨截成多段" ], "104009007": [ "Js^b^ blood group antibody identification", "Js^b^血型抗体鉴定" ], "726601008": [ "Belimumab therapy", "贝利木单抗治疗" ], "300617009": [ "Organized games therapy", "Organised games therapy", "组织游戏疗法", "组织游戏治疗" ], "85790003": [ "Total ostectomy of tarsals and metatarsals", "跗骨及跖骨全截骨术" ], "315166003": [ "Parrot faecal antibody level", "Parrot fecal antibody level", "鹦鹉粪便抗体水平" ], "69406003": [ "Fitting of prosthesis", "Fitting of prosthetic device", "Application of prosthesis", "Fitting of appliance", "假肢的应用", "器具的装配", "假肢安装" ], "429854003": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of shoulder with contrast", "Computed tomography of shoulder with contrast", "CT of shoulder with contrast", "肩部增强计算机断层扫描", "肩部增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "肩部增强 CT 扫描" ], "233246006": [ "Transluminal operations on coeliac artery", "Transluminal operations on celiac artery", "腹腔动脉腔内手术" ], "36638008": [ "Gas liquid chromatography, alkali flame ionization type", "Gas liquid chromatography, thermionic type", "Gas liquid chromatography, alkali flame ionisation type", "气相液相色谱法,热离子型", "气相液相色谱法,碱性火焰离子化型" ], "165875002": [ "Lupus circulating anticoagulant index measurement", "Lupus circulating anticoagulant index", "狼疮循环抗凝指数", "狼疮循环抗凝指数测量" ], "313331005": [ "Admission for social reasons", "Social admission", "社会录取", "因社会原因入学" ], "1279987006": [ "Removal of piercing from right external ear", "移除右外耳的耳洞" ], "772083008": [ "Laparoscopic repair of lumbar hernia", "腹腔镜腰疝修补术" ], "16584000": [ "Hepatitis B vaccination", "Hepatitis B immunization", "Hepatitis B immunisation", "Administration of hepatitis B vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Hepatitis B virus antigen", "接种乙肝疫苗", "接种仅含乙肝病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "乙肝免疫接种", "乙肝疫苗接种", "乙肝免疫" ], "870387009": [ "Immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy", "ICI (immune checkpoint inhibitor) therapy", "免疫检查点抑制剂治疗", "ICI(免疫检查点抑制剂)疗法" ], "229576002": [ "Hot towels treatment", "热毛巾治疗" ], "278728008": [ "Occipital incision", "枕骨切口" ], "113053000": [ "Immunoprecipitin test, qualitative", "免疫沉淀素试验,定性" ], "391581001": [ "Serum dibucaine number", "血清丁卡因含量" ], "719261002": [ "Perineal hernioplasty", "Repair of perineal hernia using surgical mesh", "使用外科网片修补会阴疝", "会阴疝修补术" ], "14749004": [ "Puncture of ventricular shunt tubing", "脑室分流管穿刺" ], "80285004": [ "Hill-Allison operation, diaphragmatic hernia repair", "Hill-Allison 手术、膈疝修补术" ], "276893007": [ "Percutaneous angioplasty of superior vena cava", "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of superior vena cava", "经皮上腔静脉球囊成形术", "经皮上腔静脉血管成形术" ], "733810001": [ "Support for self-management", "支持自我管理" ], "438898004": [ "Partial sacral corpectomy with decompression of spinal cord, nerve roots and cauda equina by transperitoneal approach", "Partial excision of body of sacral vertebra with decompression of spinal cord, nerve roots and cauda equina by transperitoneal approach", "经腹腔入路骶椎部分切除术及脊髓、神经根及马尾减压术", "经腹腔入路骶椎体部分切除并减压脊髓、神经根及马尾" ], "307826006": [ "Chemical labyrinthectomy", "化学迷路切除术" ], "846663002": [ "Administration of insulin using insulin pump", "使用胰岛素泵注射胰岛素" ], "715591003": [ "Assessment of function of chest drain", "Assessment of chest drain function", "胸腔引流功能评估" ], "305991007": [ "Referral from rehabilitation psychiatrist", "Referral by rehabilitation psychiatrist", "康复精神科医生的转诊", "康复精神科医生转诊" ], "174919009": [ "Xenograft mitral valve replacement", "Pericardial mitral valve replacement", "异种移植二尖瓣置换术", "心包二尖瓣置换术" ], "173084001": [ "Endoscopic laser destruction of lesion of trachea using rigid bronchoscope", "Rigid bronchoscopic laser destruction of lesion of trachea", "Rigid bronchoscopic destruction of lesion of trachea using laser", "硬质支气管镜内镜激光毁损术", "硬质支气管镜激光毁损气管病变", "硬质支气管镜激光毁损术" ], "43847009": [ "Incision and exploration of penis", "阴茎切开探查" ], "420679009": [ "Cross-cylinder refraction", "Jackson cross-cylinder refraction", "杰克逊交叉圆柱折射", "交叉柱镜折射" ], "58396001": [ "Calculus analysis, qualitative", "微积分分析,定性" ], "418844005": [ "US scan and drainage of prostate", "Ultrasound scan and drainage of prostate", "前列腺超声扫描和引流", "前列腺超声扫描及引流" ], "89329002": [ "Removal of artificial bladder sphincter", "Removal of artificial prosthesis from urinary sphincter", "Removal of artificial urinary bladder sphincter", "从尿道括约肌移除人工假体", "移除人工膀胱括约肌", "人工膀胱括约肌切除术" ], "431558000": [ "Insertion of cardiac pressure wire using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下插入心脏压力导线" ], "122097009": [ "Spirillum minus antibody assay", "Measurement of Spirillum minus antibody", "螺旋藻减抗体测定", "螺菌负抗体的测定" ], "103878005": [ "D blood group typing", "D血型分型" ], "169414008": [ "Supportive pharmacotherapy", "支持药物治疗" ], "233115001": [ "Ligation of major aortopulmonary collateral artery", "主动脉肺动脉侧支结扎术" ], "36507002": [ "Arthrotomy for infection with exploration of carpometacarpal joint", "腕掌关节切开术治疗感染并探查" ], "446107007": [ "Focal photocoagulation of chorioretinal lesion using laser", "激光局部光凝治疗脉络膜视网膜病变" ], "429723008": [ "Urinary catheter procedure", "Procedure involving urinary catheter", "涉及导尿管的手术", "导尿管手术" ], "231280000": [ "Injection of steroid into facet joint", "向小关节注射类固醇" ], "741019007": [ "Subcutaneous mastectomy of right breast with prosthetic implant", "右乳房皮下切除术及假体植入" ], "1263472001": [ "Osteoplasty of tarsal bone", "跗骨整形术" ], "395120004": [ "Plasma renin recumbent level", "血浆肾素卧位水平" ], "870256005": [ "Ultrasonography guided insertion of catheter", "Insertion of catheter using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下导管插入", "使用超声引导插入导管" ], "444272007": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of mephenytoin and normephenytoin in serum or plasma specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mephenytoin and normephenytoin in serum or plasma specimen", "血清或血浆样本中美芬妥英和去甲美芬妥英的定量测定", "血清或血浆标本中美芬妥英和去甲美芬妥英质量浓度的定量测定" ], "180293003": [ "Replacement of plaster jacket", "Change of plaster jacket", "更换石膏夹套", "更换石膏夹板" ], "16453004": [ "Operation on stomach", "Gastric operation", "Stomach operation", "胃部手术" ], "426053009": [ "Elek test", "Elek immunoprecipitation test", "雷象体", "免疫沉淀试验" ], "473370001": [ "Drainage of subretinal fluid after choroidal detachment", "脉络膜脱离后视网膜下液引流" ], "178458004": [ "Internal fixation of mandible with wire", "下颌骨钢丝内固定" ], "391450008": [ "Plasma total carnitine level", "血浆总肉碱水平" ], "176623001": [ "Drainage of lesion of vulva", "外阴病变引流" ], "1290735002": [ "Drainage of boil of skin of neck", "颈部皮肤脓肿引流" ], "45551003": [ "Arthrotomy of elbow", "肘关节切开术" ], "385945002": [ "Drainage tube care education", "Teach drainage tube care", "引流管护理教育", "教导引流管护理" ], "302190000": [ "Abdominal hysterectomy and right salpingo-oophorectomy", "腹部子宫切除术和右侧输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "171118001": [ "Yellow fever screening", "黄热病筛查" ], "172953009": [ "Reconstruction of pharynx with stomach pull-up", "胃拉升术重建咽喉" ], "121966005": [ "Clostridium tetani antibody assay", "Measurement of Clostridium tetani antibody", "破伤风梭菌抗体检测", "破伤风梭菌抗体测定" ], "185667000": [ "BP screening - third call", "BP screen - 3rd call", "Blood pressure screening - third call", "血压筛查 - 第三次呼叫", "血压检查 - 第三次呼叫", "血压筛查-第三次呼叫" ], "120131001": [ "Extraocular muscles transplantation", "Extraocular muscle transplantation", "眼外肌移植" ], "449646009": [ "Reduction of open fracture of lower limb with internal fixation", "下肢开放性骨折复位内固定" ], "415043001": [ "Patient education based on age and identified needs", "Patient education, age and need specific", "患者教育、年龄和需求具体", "根据年龄和确定的需求进行患者教育" ], "103747003": [ "Tocolysis", "Administration of tocolytic medication", "安胎药", "宫缩抑制药物的使用" ], "431427004": [ "Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of vascular graft of lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of vascular graft of lower limb with contrast", "透视引导下肢经皮血管造影机械取栓术", "荧光造影引导下经皮下肢血管移植机械血栓切除术" ], "234819003": [ "Insertion of interocclusal appliance", "Insertion of occlusal appliance", "Insertion of occlusal splint", "Insertion of bite raising appliance", "插入咬合提升装置", "插入咬合间矫正器", "插入咬合装置", "插入咬合夹板" ], "169283005": [ "Clinical photography", "Medical photography", "医学摄影", "临床摄影" ], "183832000": [ "Referral for magnetic resonance imaging", "Referral for NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) imaging", "Referral for MRI", "Referral for nuclear magnetic resonance imaging", "转诊进行 NMR(核磁共振)成像", "转诊进行磁共振成像", "转诊进行 MRI", "转诊进行核磁共振成像" ], "70979007": [ "Nickel measurement", "镍测量" ], "232984000": [ "Correction of scimitar syndrome", "Repair of scimitar syndrome", "弯刀综合征的修复", "弯刀综合症的矫正" ], "445976006": [ "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and excision of polyp of esophagus", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and excision of polyp of oesophagus", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and polypectomy of esophagus", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and polypectomy of oesophagus", "上消化道内镜检查及食管息肉切除术", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及食管息肉切除术" ], "231149000": [ "Ring block of thumb", "拇指环块" ], "444141002": [ "Thoracoscopic excision of mass of pericardium", "胸腔镜心包肿块切除术" ], "18157004": [ "Orthotic procedure", "矫形手术" ], "313069005": [ "Verbal abuse counselling", "Verbal abuse counseling", "Counselling for verbal abuse", "Counseling for verbal abuse", "言语虐待辅导", "言语虐待咨询" ], "427757005": [ "Percutaneous transjejunal cholangiogram", "Percutaneous transjejunal cholangiography", "经皮空肠胆管造影", "经皮经空肠胆管造影" ], "65474005": [ "Internal fixation of clavicle without fracture reduction", "锁骨骨折未复位内固定" ], "229314005": [ "Breathing awareness for childbirth", "分娩时的呼吸意识" ], "163778008": [ "Examination of reflexes", "反射检查" ], "473239006": [ "Bilateral oophorectomy for ovarian malignancy", "Bilateral oophorectomy for malignant tumor of ovary", "Bilateral oophorectomy for malignant tumour of ovary", "Excision of bilateral ovaries for malignant neoplasm of ovary", "Excision of both ovaries for malignant neoplasm of ovary", "卵巢恶性肿瘤双侧卵巢切除术", "卵巢恶性肿瘤切除双侧卵巢" ], "407703007": [ "Perinuclear ANCA screen", "P-ANCA screen", "Perinuclear antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies screen", "P-ANCA筛查", "核周 ANCA 筛查", "核周抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体筛查" ], "307564001": [ "Extracranial transection of trigeminal nerve", "三叉神经颅外横断术" ], "12652004": [ "Zinc measurement, urine", "Urine zinc", "Urine zinc level", "尿锌", "尿液锌水平", "尿液锌测量" ], "176492008": [ "Microsurgical reversal of vasectomy", "输精管切除术显微手术逆转术" ], "274796008": [ "Examination of pain sensation", "痛觉检查" ], "782700009": [ "Total distal radioulnar joint replacement", "全远端桡尺关节置换" ], "385814000": [ "Gastrostomy/nasogastric tube irrigation education", "Teach gastrostomy/nasogastric tube irrigation", "Teach enteral tube irrigation", "Enteral tube irrigation education", "教导肠管灌洗", "胃造口术/鼻胃管灌洗教育", "肠管灌注教育", "教授胃造口术/鼻胃管灌洗" ], "287510003": [ "Non-surgical biopsy of meninges", "脑膜非手术活检" ], "238358006": [ "Reconstruction of diaphragm with mesh", "用网片重建膈肌" ], "252907002": [ "Urilos electrical measurement of urine loss", "Urilos 尿量电测量" ], "121835003": [ "pH, total acid measurement", "pH、总酸测量" ], "449515004": [ "Biopsy of joint of toe", "趾关节活检" ], "433131007": [ "Radionuclide imaging of bone of upper limb", "上肢骨放射性核素显像" ], "169152000": [ "Isotope static scan lymph node", "同位素静态扫描淋巴结" ], "234688001": [ "Mucogingival graft", "龈粘膜移植" ], "447680002": [ "Measurement of 25-hydroxyergocalciferol in serum specimen", "Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D2 measurement", "血清标本中25-羟基麦角钙化醇的测定", "血清 25-羟基维生素 D2 测量" ], "120000006": [ "Prostate closure", "前列腺闭合" ], "1119424007": [ "Lengthening of left side of nasal columella", "左侧鼻小柱延长" ], "185536007": [ "Verbal invite to screening", "口头邀请参加筛查" ], "36245002": [ "Eisenson test for aphasia", "艾森森失语症测试" ], "232853003": [ "Placement of left ventricular outflow tract transannular patch", "LVOT - Left ventricular outflow tract transannular patch operation", "LVOT - 左心室流出道跨环补片手术", "左心室流出道跨环补片置入术" ], "19861002": [ "Intermittent positive pressure breathing treatment with nebulized medication", "IPPB treatment with nebulized medication", "IPPB treatment with nebulised medication", "Intermittent positive pressure breathing treatment with nebulised medication", "IPPB 雾化药物治疗", "雾化药物间歇性正压呼吸治疗", "雾化药物间歇正压呼吸治疗", "IPPB雾化药物治疗" ], "85397003": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of elbow", "肘关节脱位切开复位" ], "445845004": [ "Removal of obstruction of renal pelvis by transurethral approach", "经尿道切除肾盂梗阻" ], "183701009": [ "Dermatology self-referral", "皮肤科自我转诊" ], "444010001": [ "Quantitative measurement of amfetamine and metamfetamine in urine using GC-MS", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of amfetamine and metamfetamine in urine specimen using gas chromatography mass spectrometry technique", "气相色谱质谱技术定量测定尿液标本中苯丙胺和甲基苯丙胺的质量浓度", "用气相色谱-质谱法定量测定尿液中的苯丙胺和甲基苯丙胺" ], "116330003": [ "Bryant's triangle procedure", "Measurement of displacement of femoral trochanter using Bryant's triangle", "Bryant triangle procedure", "布赖恩特三角测量股骨转子位移", "布莱恩特三角手术" ], "229183004": [ "Wrist exercises in water", "水中腕部锻炼" ], "16191005": [ "Crown repair", "牙冠修复" ], "702484000": [ "Computed tomography guided biopsy of head", "Biopsy of head using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided biopsy of head", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行头部活检", "计算机断层扫描引导下头部活检", "CT 引导下头部活检" ], "65343009": [ "Fine needle biopsy of uterus", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of uterus", "子宫细针活检", "子宫细针穿刺活检" ], "440340002": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of clavicle", "锁骨骨折闭合复位" ], "391188004": [ "Early intervention in psychosis - 1-2 contacts/week", "精神病早期干预 - 每周 1-2 次接触" ], "14356008": [ "Grafting of inner ear", "内耳移植" ], "28905001": [ "Curettage of anus", "肛门刮除术" ], "423956009": [ "Calculation of weaning parameters", "撤机参数的计算" ], "243732008": [ "Provision of clip-on spectacle distance telescope", "Provision of clip-on eyeglass distance telescope", "提供夹式眼镜远距离望远镜", "提供夹式眼镜测距望远镜" ], "1290473004": [ "Plain X-ray of all fingers", "所有手指的普通 X 光检查" ], "174526000": [ "Percutaneous lithotripsy of calculus in gallbladder", "Percutaneous fragmentation of gallbladder stone", "经皮胆囊碎石术", "经皮胆囊结石碎裂术" ], "1561000087100": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of bilateral breasts", "Aspiration of bilateral breasts using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided aspiration of both breasts", "Ultrasound guided aspiration of left and right breast", "超声引导下双侧乳房穿刺", "超声引导下左、右乳房穿刺", "使用超声引导进行双侧乳房抽吸" ], "270995005": [ "Plasma total protein level", "Plasma total protein measurement", "血浆总蛋白水平", "血浆总蛋白测定" ], "4121000087100": [ "Plain X-ray of left and right thumb", "Plain X-ray of bilateral thumbs", "Plain X-ray of both thumbs", "左、右拇指的普通 X 光检查", "双侧拇指的普通 X 光检查", "双拇指的普通 X 光检查" ], "6681000087100": [ "MRI of bilateral tibia and fibula", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral tibia and fibula", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both tibia and fibula", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right tibia and fibula", "双侧胫骨和腓骨的磁共振成像", "双侧胫骨和腓骨 MRI", "胫骨和腓骨的磁共振成像", "左、右胫骨和腓骨的磁共振成像" ], "13081000087104": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of bilateral axillae", "Biopsy of bilateral axillae using ultrasonographic guidance", "Biopsy of both axilla using ultrasonographic guidance", "Biopsy of left and right axilla using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下双侧腋窝活检", "使用超声引导对左、右腋窝进行活检", "使用超声引导对双侧腋窝进行活检" ], "121704001": [ "Thorium measurement", "钍测量" ], "9241000087103": [ "Plain X-ray of left lower limb", "左下肢普通X光检查" ], "14361000087105": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of cyst of left and right kidneys", "Aspiration of cyst of bilateral kidneys using ultrasonographic guidance", "Aspiration of cyst of left and right kidneys using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of cyst of bilateral kidneys", "超声引导下左、右肾囊肿穿刺抽吸", "超声引导下双肾囊肿抽吸术", "超声引导下双肾囊肿穿刺抽吸术", "超声引导下左、右肾囊肿抽吸术" ], "2841000087108": [ "MRI guided biopsy of bilateral breasts", "Biopsy of bilateral breasts using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "Biopsy of both breasts using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "Biopsy of left and right breast using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "使用磁共振成像引导进行双侧乳房活检", "MRI 引导下双侧乳房活检", "使用磁共振成像引导对双侧乳房进行活检", "使用磁共振成像引导进行左、右乳房活检" ], "56168005": [ "Incision of cul-de-sac", "Culdotomy", "Incision of pouch of Douglas", "Posterior colpotomy", "后阴道切开术", "切开死胡同", "道格拉斯囊切开术", "阴道口切开术" ], "711528006": [ "Arthroscopic drilling of osteochondral lesion of elbow", "关节镜下肘关节骨软骨损伤钻孔治疗" ], "170856006": [ "Skin disorder monitoring", "皮肤病监测" ], "87101000": [ "Excision of lesion of bronchus", "Bronchial lesion - local excision", "支气管病变-局部切除", "支气管病变切除术" ], "105320008": [ "Salicylamide measurement", "水杨酰胺测量" ], "1332285003": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of sacroiliac joint with contrast", "MRI of sacroiliac joint with contrast", "骶髂关节增强 MRI 检查", "骶髂关节磁共振成像对比" ], "119869004": [ "Lip transposition", "唇转位术" ], "169021003": [ "Fluoroscopy and radiography - lungs", "荧光透视和放射线照相术 - 肺部" ], "726077005": [ "Computed tomography arteriography of bronchial artery with contrast", "CT arteriography of bronchial artery with contrast", "CT angiography of bronchial artery with contrast", "CT arteriogram of bronchial artery with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of bronchial artery with contrast", "支气管动脉造影计算机断层扫描", "支气管动脉增强 CT 造影", "支气管动脉增强 CT 血管造影" ], "789778002": [ "Colonoscopy and faecal microbiota transplantation", "Colonoscopy and fecal microbiota transplantation", "结肠镜检查和粪便微生物移植" ], "68882003": [ "Replacement of electronic heart device, myocardial electrode", "更换电子心脏装置、心肌电极" ], "412946004": [ "Plasma phosphoethanolamine measurement", "Plasma phosphoethanolamine level", "血浆磷酸乙醇胺测量", "血浆磷酸乙醇胺水平" ], "118034007": [ "Helicobacter pylori antigen assay", "幽门螺杆菌抗原检测" ], "232722009": [ "CABG x 4 - Coronary artery bypass grafts x 4", "Coronary artery bypass grafts x 4", "Quadruple coronary artery bypass graft", "四重冠状动脉搭桥术", "冠状动脉搭桥手术 x 4", "CABG x 4 - 冠状动脉搭桥手术 x 4" ], "67047002": [ "Microbial wet smear", "微生物湿涂片" ], "230887003": [ "Decompression of thoracic outlet by myotomy of scalenus anticus muscle", "前斜角肌切开术减压胸廓出口" ], "34279004": [ "Open biopsy of uterus", "子宫开放活检" ], "771559005": [ "Measurement of periodontal pocket depth-two areas per tooth exam", "测量牙周袋深度——每次牙齿检查两个区域" ], "32444002": [ "Antibody to Mi-2 measurement", "Mi-2 抗体测量" ], "442044007": [ "Measurement of chloride in stool specimen", "粪便样本中氯化物的测定" ], "718737000": [ "Assessment using Zung self rating depression scale", "使用Zung抑郁自评量表进行评估" ], "63377001": [ "Open core needle biopsy of liver", "肝脏开放针穿刺活检" ], "841851000000108": [ "Verification of activity of daily living needs", "日常生活活动需求的验证" ], "440209007": [ "Analysis of expired gas using spectroscopy", "使用光谱法分析呼出气体" ], "307302001": [ "Devine exclusion of stomach", "Devine gastric exclusion", "胃排除法", "胃部排除" ], "438374004": [ "Cervical laminoplasty with decompression of spinal cord", "Reconstruction of lamina of cervical vertebra with decompression of spinal cord", "颈椎椎板重建脊髓减压术", "颈椎椎板成形术及脊髓减压术" ], "225382008": [ "Global behavioural assessment", "Global behavioral assessment", "整体行为评估" ], "371003002": [ "Ureterogram", "Ureterography", "输尿管造影" ], "43323006": [ "Turbidity test, qualitative", "浊度测试,定性" ], "25104002": [ "Haloperidol measurement", "Haldol measurement", "氟哌啶醇测定", "氟哌利多测量" ], "303632003": [ "Removal of artificial voice box", "移除人工声带" ], "57872003": [ "Repair of muscle by graft or implant of fascia", "通过筋膜移植或植入修复肌肉" ], "105189002": [ "Fenfluramine measurement", "芬氟拉明测量" ], "236261003": [ "Otis urethrotomy in female", "女性 Otis 尿道切开术" ], "285413004": [ "Uterine sounding", "Uterine cavity length measurement", "宫腔长度测量", "子宫探查" ], "432869008": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of vein of lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮下肢静脉血栓溶解术" ], "121573008": [ "Fenchlorphos measurement", "苯甲磷测量" ], "168890002": [ "Female genital system contrast procedure", "女性生殖系统造影检查" ], "119738006": [ "Bronchus reconstruction", "支气管重建" ], "183439000": [ "Economic rehab. measures", "Economic rehabilitation measures", "经济复苏措施" ], "70586009": [ "Operation on brain", "Brain operations", "脑部手术", "大脑运作" ], "314511002": [ "Left hepatic trisegmentectomy", "左肝三段切除术" ], "412815002": [ "Tissue transglutaminase IgG measurement", "Tissue transglutaminase IgG level", "Tissue transglutaminase immunoglobulin G measurement", "组织转谷氨酰胺酶 IgG 水平", "组织转谷氨酰胺酶免疫球蛋白G测量", "组织转谷氨酰胺酶 IgG 测量" ], "445583005": [ "Computed tomography of head, thorax, abdomen and pelvis", "CT of head, thorax, abdomen and pelvis", "头部、胸部、腹部和盆腔 CT 扫描", "头部、胸部、腹部和骨盆的计算机断层扫描" ], "265359007": [ "Antireflux fundoplication using abdominal approach", "腹部入路抗反流胃底折叠术" ], "429199008": [ "Subligamental cordectomy", "Vocal cordectomy type II", "韧带下脊髓切除术", "声带切除术 II 型" ], "232591009": [ "Bronchoscopy with lobar gas sampling", "支气管镜检查及肺叶气体采样" ], "117903008": [ "Ganglioside GD1b antibody assay", "Measurement of ganglioside GD1b antibody", "神经节苷脂 GD1b 抗体检测", "神经节苷脂 GD1b 抗体测量" ], "425529000": [ "Cardiomemo electrocardiographic monitoring", "Cardiomemo心电图监测" ], "179769008": [ "Primary open autograft replacement intra-articular ligament", "初次开放自体移植置换关节内韧带" ], "177934005": [ "Drainage of anterior abdominal wall", "腹前壁引流" ], "440078007": [ "Laparoscopic construction of gastric stoma", "腹腔镜胃造口术" ], "700387001": [ "Ultrasonography of urinary bladder for post-void residual volume", "膀胱超声检查排尿后残余尿量" ], "405475004": [ "Ilio-femoral artery bypass with prosthesis", "髂股动脉假体旁路手术" ], "225251006": [ "Fitting of cervical cap", "宫颈帽安装" ], "176099006": [ "Submucous Teflon injection to ureteric orifice", "STING - Submucous Teflon injection to ureteric orifice", "Submucous polytetrafluoroethylene injection to ureteric orifice", "输尿管口黏膜下注射聚四氟乙烯", "STING - 输尿管口粘膜下注射特氟隆", "输尿管口粘膜下注射聚四氟乙烯" ], "241635006": [ "MRI of elbow", "Magnetic resonance imaging of elbow", "肘部磁共振成像", "肘部 MRI" ], "370872001": [ "Ambulation therapy education", "Teach ambulation therapy", "步行治疗教育", "教授步行治疗" ], "75960006": [ "Repair of muscle by graft or implant of tendon", "通过肌腱移植或植入修复肌肉" ], "305336008": [ "Admission to hospice", "入住临终关怀医院" ], "437361000124105": [ "Decreased magnesium diet", "减少镁摄入" ], "713101001": [ "Education about diabetic ulcer care", "糖尿病溃疡护理教育" ], "441201000124108": [ "Counseling about nutrition using cognitive behavioral theoretical approach", "Counselling about nutrition using cognitive behavioural theoretical approach", "使用认知行为理论方法进行营养咨询" ], "172429005": [ "Section of cornea", "角膜切面" ], "41357006": [ "Delayed isogeneic transplantation, cadaver donor", "延迟同基因移植,尸体供体" ], "1268322000": [ "Aspiration curettage of uterus", "子宫吸刮术" ], "72290001": [ "Bioassay, qualitative", "定性生物测定" ], "105058003": [ "Amdinocillin measurement", "氨地西林测定" ], "121442006": [ "Amyl nitrite measurement", "亚硝酸戊酯的测定" ], "252514006": [ "In vivo test of type 1 hypersensitivity", "1型超敏反应体内试验" ], "119607002": [ "Hip joint incision", "Arthrotomy of hip", "髋关节切开术" ], "234295002": [ "Drainage of lesion of epitrochlear lymph node", "滑车上淋巴结病变引流" ], "414519004": [ "Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 level", "Insulin-like growth factor binding protein 3 measurement", "胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白 3 水平", "胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白 3 测量" ], "725815003": [ "Assessment using OT-DORA (Occupational Therapy Driver Off Road Assessment) Battery", "Assessment using Occupational Therapy Driver Off Road Assessment Battery", "使用 OT-DORA(职业治疗驾驶员越野评估)电池进行评估", "使用职业治疗驾驶员越野评估电池进行评估" ], "398135004": [ "Exteriorisation of caecum", "Exteriorization of cecum", "盲肠外移", "盲人的外化" ], "609292006": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from bone marrow", "骨髓标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "117772006": [ "Bovine immunoglobulin G assay", "牛免疫球蛋白G测定" ], "85004006": [ "Maintenance of elastic bandage", "弹性绷带的保养" ], "265228007": [ "Decompression of facial nerve (VII)", "面神经减压术(VII)" ], "34017004": [ "Autogenous graft of rib cartilage to nose", "Autologous graft of rib cartilage to nose", "自体肋软骨移植至鼻部" ], "736694004": [ "Abdominal sacrocolpopexy using mesh", "Abdominal sacral colpopexy using mesh", "使用网片进行腹部骶骨阴道固定术" ], "179638004": [ "Primary closed reduction of dislocation and cast immobilization", "Primary closed reduction of dislocation and cast immobilisation", "脱位一期闭合复位及石膏固定", "脱位的初次闭合复位及石膏固定" ], "409014006": [ "Delivery care management", "Manage delivery care", "分娩护理管理", "管理分娩护理" ], "1193611001": [ "Transfer of extensor indicis tendon to EPL (extensor pollicis longus) tendon", "Transfer of extensor indicis tendon to extensor pollicis longus tendon", "Transfer of tendon of extensor indicis to extensor pollicis longus muscle tendon", "将食指伸肌腱转移至拇长伸肌腱", "将伸指肌腱转移至伸拇长肌腱", "将食指伸肌腱转移至 EPL(拇长伸肌腱)" ], "1259147004": [ "Insertion of dental bridge with resin and base metal pontic onto tooth", "将带有树脂和基底金属桥体的牙桥插入牙齿上" ], "439947004": [ "Screening for antihistamine in urine", "尿液中抗组胺药的筛查" ], "718475004": [ "Ultrasonography for amniotic fluid index", "Ultrasonography for AFI (amniotic fluid index)", "羊水指数超声检查", "超声检查羊水指数 (AFI)" ], "13963007": [ "Repair of coronary arteriovenous chamber fistula", "冠状动脉动静脉瘘的修复" ], "700256000": [ "Management of antenatal education", "产前教育管理" ], "77664001": [ "Suture of brachial plexus", "臂丛神经缝合术" ], "421728001": [ "Anticoagulant prophylaxis", "Thrombosis prophylaxis", "Anticoagulant coverage", "Administration of prophylactic anticoagulant", "预防性使用抗凝剂", "抗凝预防", "血栓预防", "抗凝治疗覆盖率" ], "175968003": [ "Percutaneous drainage of renal lesion", "肾病灶经皮穿刺引流" ], "28512001": [ "Revision of reconstructed breast", "Revision of mammoplasty", "乳房整形术修复", "乳房重建修复" ], "12128005": [ "Removal of spinal electrodes with synchronous replacement", "同步置换脊柱电极" ], "61280006": [ "Manipulation of skin of lower extremity", "下肢皮肤处理" ], "405344007": [ "Biopsy of cranial artery", "脑动脉活检" ], "225120005": [ "Padding wound", "填充伤口" ], "241504009": [ "US scan of knee", "Ultrasound scan of knee", "Ultrasonography of knee", "膝关节超声检查", "膝盖超声波扫描", "膝盖超声扫描" ], "239669006": [ "Application of Colles plaster cast", "Colles 石膏模型的应用" ], "450826000": [ "Surgical procedure on internal thoracic artery by transluminal approach", "经腔内入路胸廓内动脉外科手术" ], "90378003": [ "Biofeedback training by electromyogram application in tension headache", "肌电图生物反馈训练在紧张性头痛中的应用" ], "73994005": [ "Emergency operation", "紧急行动" ], "121311000": [ "4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate measurement", "4-羟基苯丙酮酸测定" ], "712970008": [ "Plain X-ray of cervical spine", "Plain X-ray of cervical vertebral column region", "颈椎X光检查", "颈椎区X线平片" ], "447156000": [ "Trephination of cranium and drainage of empyema of subdural space", "颅骨钻孔及硬膜下腔积脓引流" ], "448991009": [ "Embolisation of aneurysm of renal artery", "Embolization of aneurysm of renal artery", "肾动脉瘤栓塞术" ], "250548004": [ "Measurement of capillary partial pressure of oxygen", "Capillary partial pressure of oxygen", "Capillary oxygen tension", "pcapO2 - Capillary partial pressure of oxygen", "毛细血管氧张力", "毛细管氧分压", "毛细管氧分压的测量", "pcapO2 - 毛细管氧分压" ], "166793003": [ "Serum paraprotein level", "Serum paraprotein measurement", "血清副蛋白测定", "血清副蛋白水平" ], "609161003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of fenestrated stent graft into aorta", "Endovascular insertion of fenestrated stent graft into aorta", "将有孔支架移植物插入主动脉", "经皮腔内将带孔支架移植物插入主动脉" ], "117641004": [ "Ketone solvent identification", "酮类溶剂鉴别" ], "1295454000": [ "Plain X-ray of bilateral ribs", "Plain X-ray of bone of bilateral ribs", "双侧肋骨X光检查", "双侧肋骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "441651001": [ "Measurement of aciclovir", "Measurement of acyclovir", "阿昔洛韦的测定" ], "359731002": [ "Urban operation, extended radical mastectomy", "城市手术、扩大根治术" ], "720179003": [ "Drug twelve step program", "Drug twelve step programme", "药物十二步方案", "药物十二步计划" ], "16551091000119100": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of joint of left hip using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of joint of left hip", "计算机断层扫描引导下左髋关节经皮细针穿刺活检", "CT引导下左髋关节经皮细针穿刺活检" ], "392499005": [ "Trichophyton rubrum specific IgE antibody measurement", "m205 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Trichophyton rubrum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "红色毛癣菌特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "m205 特异性IgE抗体测量", "红色毛癣菌特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "32051004": [ "Institutional environmental intervention", "制度环境干预" ], "16441011000119103": [ "Superficial fine needle aspiration using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided superficial fine needle aspiration", "Superficial fine needle aspiration biopsy using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下进行浅表细针穿刺活检", "超声引导下浅表细针穿刺" ], "408883002": [ "Breastfeeding support", "母乳喂养支持" ], "571571000119105": [ "Diphtheria and acellular pertussis and tetanus vaccination", "Diphtheria and acellular pertussis and tetanus immunisation", "Diphtheria and acellular pertussis and tetanus immunization", "Administration of vaccine product containing only acellular Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens", "Administration of diphtheria and acellular pertussis and tetanus vaccine", "白喉、无细胞百日咳和破伤风免疫", "接种白喉、无细胞百日咳和破伤风疫苗", "注射仅含有无细胞百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌和白喉棒状杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "白喉、无细胞百日咳和破伤风疫苗接种" ], "81203002": [ "Debridement of open fracture of femur", "股骨开放性骨折清创术" ], "80051000119107": [ "Stroke care management", "中风护理管理" ], "16554931000119102": [ "Intravenous radionuclide therapy using radium 223 dichloride", "Intravenous radioisotope therapy using radium 223 dichloride", "使用氯化镭223进行静脉放射性核素治疗", "使用氯化镭 223 进行静脉放射性同位素治疗" ], "414131000119102": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of abdomen and pelvis without contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiogram of abdomen and pelvis without contrast", "MR angiography of abdomen and pelvis without contrast", "无造影剂腹部和盆腔磁共振血管造影", "腹部和盆腔无造影 MR 血管造影", "腹部和盆腔无造影磁共振血管造影" ], "411571000119106": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of thoracic spine and lumbar spine without contrast", "MRI of thoracic spine and lumbar spine without contrast", "胸椎和腰椎无造影 MRI", "无造影剂胸椎和腰椎磁共振成像" ], "718344007": [ "Assessment using Eysenck Personality Questionnaire", "Assessment using EPQ (Eysenck Personality Questionnaire)", "使用 EPQ(艾森克人格问卷)进行评估", "使用艾森克人格问卷进行评估" ], "406451000119107": [ "Plain X-ray of pelvis, frog leg view", "Plain X-ray of pelvis, frog leg lateral view", "骨盆、蛙腿视图的普通 X 光检查", "骨盆、蛙腿侧位 X 光检查" ], "243208002": [ "Orthoptic full time occlusion treatment - total occlusion", "正视全程遮挡治疗-全遮挡" ], "308744006": [ "Orthopedic US scan", "Orthopaedic US scan", "Orthopaedic ultrasound scan", "Orthopedic ultrasound scan", "骨科超声扫描" ], "46600007": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on knee", "Anaesthesia for procedure on knee", "膝盖手术麻醉" ], "439816006": [ "Education about travel during pregnancy", "孕期旅行教育" ], "257757005": [ "Application of hemoclips", "Application of haemoclips", "血夹的应用", "止血夹的应用" ], "241373003": [ "Tc99m-DTPA clearance - GFR", "Technetium-99m-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid clearance - glomerular filtration rate", "Tc99m-DTPA 清除率 - GFR", "锝-99m-二乙烯三胺五乙酸清除率 - 肾小球滤过率" ], "700125004": [ "Referral to pediatric gynecology service", "Referral to paediatric gynaecology service", "转诊至儿科妇科服务" ], "306909005": [ "Intermittent compression therapy to lower leg", "小腿间歇性加压治疗" ], "239538000": [ "Temporomandibular joint capsular plication", "Plication of capsule of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节囊折叠术" ], "1222578005": [ "Intraoperative cholangiography guided laparoscopic biopsy of bile duct with contrast", "Laparoscopic biopsy of bile duct using intraoperative cholangiography guidance with contrast", "术中胆管造影引导腹腔镜胆管造影活检", "术中胆管造影引导下腹腔镜胆管活检" ], "305074006": [ "Prophylactic wrist stretching", "预防性腕部伸展" ], "174002005": [ "Closure of perforation of ileum", "回肠穿孔缝合" ], "172167001": [ "Correction of rotational orbital dystopia with orbital osteotomies", "利用眼眶截骨术矫正旋转性眼眶畸形" ], "24711004": [ "Partial substernal thyroidectomy", "胸骨下甲状腺部分切除术" ], "123015006": [ "Gonadotropin peptide measurement", "Gonadotrophin peptide measurement", "促性腺激素肽测量" ], "448860002": [ "Arthroscopic removal of loose body from toe joint", "关节镜下取出趾关节游离体" ], "711004004": [ "Monitoring activity tolerance", "监测活动耐受性" ], "170332004": [ "Third tetanus vaccination", "Third tetanus immunisation", "Administration of third dose of tetanus vaccine", "Third tetanus immunization", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani antigen", "第三次破伤风疫苗接种", "注射第三剂破伤风疫苗", "接种第三剂仅含破伤风梭菌抗原的疫苗产品", "第三次破伤风免疫" ], "252252006": [ "Insulin stimulation test", "胰岛素刺激试验" ], "104796004": [ "Lysine measurement", "赖氨酸测量" ], "447025005": [ "Evacuation of haematoma of skin of trunk", "Evacuation of hematoma of skin of trunk", "躯干皮肤血肿清除术" ], "250417005": [ "Glucose concentration, test strip measurement", "葡萄糖浓度、试纸测量" ], "314118002": [ "Laparoscopic total splenectomy", "腹腔镜全脾切除术" ], "84742002": [ "Anesthesia for thoracotomy procedure involving lungs", "Anaesthesia for thoracotomy procedure involving lungs", "涉及肺部的开胸手术麻醉" ], "363270003": [ "Radiologic guidance for diagnostic procedure", "诊断程序的放射学指导" ], "1264390006": [ "Insertion of maxillary surgical obturator", "Insertion of maxillary immediate temporary obturator", "上颌手术填塞器的插入", "上颌骨即刻临时填塞器的植入" ], "264966006": [ "Closure of congenital umbilical defect", "先天性脐带缺损缝合" ], "609030009": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from kidney prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备的肾脏标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "164827003": [ "Investigations for male infertility", "Male infertility testing", "Infertility investigation-male", "Investigations for male fertility", "男性不育症检查", "男性生育能力检查", "男性不育检测" ], "17081000202107": [ "Assessment of loneliness", "孤独感评估" ], "33755005": [ "Lysis of adhesions of kidney", "Nephrolysis", "肾松解术", "肾粘连松解术" ], "443355007": [ "Insertion of dual chamber pulse generator and repositioning of cardioverter defibrillation pulse generator lead", "插入双腔脉冲发生器并重新定位心脏复律除颤脉冲发生器导线" ], "243077000": [ "Advice to limit sexual activity", "Recommendation to limit sexual activity", "限制性活动的建议" ], "406917001": [ "Pontamine sky blue 6BX stain method", "Pontamine sky blue 6BX stain", "滂胺天蓝6BX染色法", "滂胺天蓝 6BX 染色" ], "228528009": [ "Range of motion activity", "ROM - Range of movement activity", "ROM - Range of motion activity", "运动范围", "ROM - 运动活动范围", "ROM - 活动范围" ], "275845007": [ "Inoculating against infection", "接种疫苗预防感染" ], "388698002": [ "f59 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Octopus vulgaris specific IgE antibody measurement", "Octopus vulgaris specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Common octopus specific IgE antibody measurement", "章鱼特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f59 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "章鱼特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "274010005": [ "Extraocular muscle myotomy", "眼外肌切开术" ], "175706005": [ "Ligation of aneurysm of popliteal artery", "腘动脉瘤结扎术" ], "239407004": [ "Inverted L mandibular osteotomy", "倒L形下颌骨截骨术" ], "8196005": [ "Clotting factor VII assay", "Proconvertin assay", "Factor VII assay", "Stable factor assay", "Autoprothrombin I assay", "促转化素测定", "稳定因子分析", "自发凝血酶原I测定", "凝血因子 VII 检测", "Ⅶ 因子检测" ], "450564005": [ "Ligation of superior mesenteric artery", "肠系膜上动脉结扎" ], "24580007": [ "Immune complex assay, Raji cell", "Raji cell assay", "Raji assay", "Raji 试验", "免疫复合物测定,Raji 细胞", "Raji 细胞试验" ], "710873001": [ "Involving client in decision making process", "让客户参与决策过程" ], "104665004": [ "Follitropin/lutropin ratio measurement", "促卵泡激素/促黄体激素比率测量" ], "6361008": [ "Anesthesia for popliteal thromboendarterectomy", "Anaesthesia for popliteal thromboendarterectomy", "腘动脉血栓内膜切除术的麻醉" ], "86446002": [ "Ward urine dip stick testing for acetone", "病房尿液试纸检测丙酮" ], "446894005": [ "Laparoscopic partial excision of kidney by retroperitoneal approach", "Retroperitoneoscopic partial nephrectomy", "后腹腔镜肾部分切除术", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路肾脏部分切除术" ], "35459000": [ "Autopsy, gross examination, stillborn or newborn", "尸检、大体检查、死产或新生儿" ], "707203000": [ "Monitoring of drainage of amniotic fluid per vagina", "阴道羊水引流量监测" ], "608899004": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from ureter for parasites", "对输尿管标本进行显微镜检查以寻找寄生虫" ], "410456003": [ "Corneal pachymetry", "Corneal pachometry", "角膜厚度测量" ], "82776005": [ "Injection of anesthetic substance, therapeutic, subdural, continuous", "Injection of anaesthetic substance, therapeutic, subdural, continuous", "注射麻醉物质,治疗性,硬膜下,连续", "注射麻醉物质,治疗,硬膜下,连续" ], "426840007": [ "Fetal biometry using ultrasound", "Foetal biometry using ultrasound", "使用超声波进行胎儿生物测量", "使用超声波进行胎儿生物测定" ], "770904009": [ "Adduction test of knee", "Adduction stress test of knee", "Varus stress test of knee", "Varus test of knee", "膝内翻应力试验", "膝内收试验", "膝内翻试验", "膝关节内收应力试验" ], "392237008": [ "Total arthroplasty of knee, geomedic or polycentric", "膝关节全关节置换术,几何或多中心" ], "308482002": [ "Referral to neurosurgeon", "转诊至神经外科医生" ], "275714003": [ "Urine dipstick for haemoglobin", "Urine dipstick for hemoglobin", "尿液试纸检测血红蛋白" ], "718082005": [ "Replacement of tooth with removable denture", "Replacement of tooth with denture", "用可摘义齿替换牙齿", "用假牙替换牙齿" ], "177410005": [ "Bipedicled sensory flap", "双蒂感觉皮瓣" ], "306647003": [ "Discharge from radiology service", "Discharge from X-ray service", "解除 X 射线服务", "放射科出院" ], "44503004": [ "Removal of spinal neurostimulator", "Removal of spinal electronic stimulator", "移除脊髓电子刺激器", "移除脊髓神经刺激器" ], "42668004": [ "Growth and development education", "成长发展教育" ], "1304236006": [ "Total prosthetic replacement of hip joint via supercapsular approach using percutaneous assistance", "Supercapsular percutaneously assisted total prosthetic hip joint replacement", "Supercapsular percutaneously assisted prosthetic THA (total hip arthroplasty)", "Supercapsular percutaneously assisted prosthetic total arthroplasty of hip", "超囊经皮辅助全髋关节假体置换术", "经皮辅助超囊入路全髋关节假体置换术", "超囊经皮辅助假体全髋关节置换术 (THA)" ], "304812007": [ "Operation on mandibular condyle", "下颌髁突手术" ], "173740007": [ "Bypass of stomach by anastomosis of esophagus to duodenum", "Bypass of stomach by anastomosis of oesophagus to duodenum", "食管十二指肠吻合术胃旁路手术" ], "239276007": [ "Maintenance of functional electrical stimulator in skeletal muscle", "Adjustment of functional electrical stimulator in skeletal muscle", "骨骼肌功能性电刺激器的维护", "功能性电刺激器对骨骼肌的调节" ], "417665003": [ "Osteopathic manipulation, myofascial release", "整骨疗法、肌筋膜松解" ], "450433006": [ "Destruction of lesion of oral cavity", "口腔病损毁毁" ], "57217008": [ "Thompson operation, cleft lip repair", "汤普森手术,唇裂修复" ], "1204097008": [ "Vascularised bone graft to femur with microsurgery", "Vascularized bone graft to femur with microsurgery", "用显微手术将血管化骨移植至股骨", "利用显微手术进行带血管的骨移植至股骨" ], "415830000": [ "Warfarin dose unchanged", "华法林剂量不变" ], "171905008": [ "Radiofrequency destruction of thoracic autonomic nerves", "Radiofrequency controlled thermal destruction of thoracic sympathetic nerve", "Radiofrequency destruction of thoracic sympathetic nerve", "射频毁损胸腔自主神经", "射频控制热毁损胸交感神经", "射频毁损胸交感神经" ], "40833009": [ "Keratectomy", "Excision of cornea", "角膜切除术", "角膜切除" ], "104534002": [ "Argininosuccinate lyase measurement", "精氨琥珀酸裂解酶测定" ], "20779001": [ "Tube drainage of duodenum", "十二指肠管引流" ], "708907008": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of pelvis and internal fixation", "骨盆骨折闭合复位内固定" ], "117248000": [ "Lactate dehydrogenase measurement, pyruvate to lactate method", "乳酸脱氢酶测定,丙酮酸转化为乳酸的方法" ], "313856005": [ "Serum conjugated bilirubin level", "Serum conjugated bilirubin measurement", "血清结合胆红素水平", "血清结合胆红素测量" ], "182784008": [ "Hemolysis monitoring", "Haemolysis monitoring", "溶血监测" ], "361173000": [ "Destruction of lesion of rectum by fulguration", "直肠损伤电灼术" ], "33493004": [ "Strapping of lower back", "Lumbosacral strapping", "腰部绑带", "腰骶绑带" ], "410325007": [ "Signs/symptoms-mental/emotional treatments and procedures", "Evaluation for signs and symptoms of mental and/or emotional health problems", "评估精神和/或情绪健康问题的迹象和症状", "体征/症状-心理/情绪治疗和程序" ], "49877008": [ "Revision of bone flap of skull", "颅骨骨瓣修复术" ], "408490001": [ "Antipsychotic drug therapy", "Neuroleptic therapy", "抗精神病药物治疗", "抗精神病治疗" ], "179114002": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture and locked unreamed intramedullary nail fixation", "骨折一期闭合复位及锁定非扩髓髓内钉固定" ], "80810009": [ "Regional blood flow study", "区域血流研究" ], "439423002": [ "Closed manual reduction of fracture of head of femur", "股骨头骨折闭合手法复位" ], "423039003": [ "Genetics education, guidance, counselling", "Genetics education, guidance, counseling", "Genetics teaching, guidance and counselling", "Genetics teaching, guidance and counseling", "遗传学教学、指导和咨询", "遗传学教育、指导、咨询" ], "716116008": [ "Colostomy irrigation management", "结肠造口冲洗管理" ], "204542000": [ "Exploratory sclerotomy", "Exploration of sclera by incision", "切口探查巩膜", "探查性巩膜切开术" ], "433918001": [ "Ethanol ablation using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Ethanol ablation using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided ethanol ablation", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行乙醇消融", "CT引导下乙醇消融", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行乙醇消融" ], "827134000": [ "Insertion of fixed rapid mandibular expansion appliance", "固定快速下颌扩张器插入" ], "1173033008": [ "Endoscopy of pelvis", "Pelvic endoscopy", "Endoscopy of pelvic cavity", "Pelviscopy", "盆腔镜检查", "盆腔内窥镜检查" ], "73470004": [ "Hinging of mitral valve", "Neostrophingic mobilization of mitral valve", "Neostrophingic mobilisation of mitral valve", "二尖瓣新收缩性动员", "二尖瓣新螺旋运动", "二尖瓣铰链" ], "401150004": [ "Plasma theophylline level", "血浆茶碱水平" ], "253694007": [ "Excisional biopsy of bone of humerus", "肱骨切除活检" ], "235475000": [ "External drainage pancreatic collection", "External drainage of pancreatic collection", "胰腺外引流收集", "胰液外引流" ], "399315003": [ "Radionuclide therapy", "Radioisotope teleradiotherapy", "Internal radiotherapy", "RI - Radioisotope therapy", "Radiotherapy - internal", "Radioisotope therapy", "Short distance and contact radiotherapy", "内部放射治疗", "放射性同位素治疗", "放射性核素治疗", "短距离和接触放射治疗", "放射治疗 - 内部", "RI——放射性同位素治疗", "放射性同位素远程放射治疗" ], "104403004": [ "Purkinje cells antibody titer", "Purkinje cells antibody titre", "浦肯野细胞抗体滴度" ], "55251006": [ "Laryngotomy with removal of laryngocele", "Excision of laryngocele", "Laryngotomy with removal of congenital laryngocele", "喉切开术切除喉膨出", "喉切开术切除先天性喉膨出", "喉膨出切除术" ], "88019008": [ "Subclavian-subclavian artery bypass graft with vein", "带静脉的锁骨下-锁骨下动脉旁路移植术" ], "448467008": [ "Interstitial brachytherapy using caesium needle", "Interstitial brachytherapy using cesium needle", "使用铯针进行组织间近距离放射治疗" ], "37032002": [ "Cryosurgery for destruction of lesion of uvula", "冷冻手术毁损悬雍垂" ], "67965001": [ "Complement assay, total", "总补体测定" ], "428413005": [ "Death verification", "Verification of death", "死亡验证", "死亡证明" ], "313725005": [ "Serum phenylalanine measurement", "Serum phenylalanine level", "血清苯丙氨酸测量", "血清苯丙氨酸水平" ], "444797007": [ "Core needle biopsy using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导进行芯针活检" ], "410194008": [ "Pulse taking assessment", "Assess pulse taking", "脉搏评估", "评估脉搏" ], "719655009": [ "Removal of drain from thorax using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided removal of drain from chest", "在荧光透视引导下从胸腔取出引流管", "透视引导下从胸腔取出引流管" ], "64295009": [ "Arthroplasty of knee, femoral condyles", "膝关节置换术、股骨髁" ], "62460005": [ "Repair of inguinal hernia with orchiectomy and prosthetic replacement", "睾丸切除及假体置换术治疗腹股沟疝" ], "386470000": [ "Toddler safety education", "Teaching: toddler safety", "教学:幼儿安全", "幼儿安全教育" ], "91558001": [ "Synergism testing, broth microdilution method", "协同作用测试,肉汤微量稀释法" ], "714150002": [ "CT scanogram of spine", "Computed tomography scanogram of spine", "脊柱计算机断层扫描图", "脊柱 CT 扫描图" ], "306385009": [ "Discharge by bereavement counsellor", "Discharge by bereavement counselor", "由丧亲顾问出院" ], "763302001": [ "Assessment using AUDIT-C (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test - Consumption)", "Assessment using Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test - Consumption", "使用 AUDIT-C(酒精使用障碍识别测试 - 消费)进行评估", "使用酒精使用障碍识别测试进行评估 - 消费" ], "288166008": [ "Revision of prosthesis", "假肢修复" ], "1287590008": [ "Coagulation of cervix using electrical energy", "利用电能凝固宫颈" ], "304550008": [ "Giving encouragement to take medication", "Offering encouragement to take medication", "Offering encouragement to take drug", "Giving encouragement to take drug", "鼓励服药", "鼓励吸毒" ], "384635005": [ "Full postnatal examination", "全面产后检查" ], "171643008": [ "Intracranial stereotactic neurolysis of acoustic nerve(VIII)", "颅内立体定向听神经松解术(VIII)" ], "448336005": [ "Radiofrequency biopsy of breast using X-ray guidance", "使用 X 射线引导进行乳房射频活检" ], "55120005": [ "Repair to denture", "Repair of denture", "假牙修复", "修复假牙" ], "431952007": [ "Administration of substance via buccal route", "通过口腔途径给药" ], "235344008": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic extirpation of lesion of colon", "Fibreoptic endoscopic extirpation of lesion of colon", "纤维内镜结肠病变切除术" ], "104272008": [ "Particle agglutination titer for infectious agent", "Particle agglutination titre for infectious agent", "传染性病原体颗粒凝集滴度" ], "86053003": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of hand", "手部骨折闭合复位" ], "413733005": [ "Anti calcium channel blocking antibody level", "Calcium channel blocking antibody measurement", "抗钙通道阻滞抗体水平", "钙通道阻断抗体测量" ], "118821005": [ "Procedure on digestive organ", "消化器官手术" ], "708645007": [ "Laparoscopic closure of ulcer of duodenum using patch", "Laparoscopic patch closure of duodenal ulcer", "Laparoscopic closure of duodenal ulcer using patch", "腹腔镜十二指肠溃疡补片缝合术" ], "84218000": [ "Microdissection of nerve", "神经显微解剖" ], "51450001": [ "Reduction of fracture of radius with internal fixation", "桡骨骨折内固定复位" ], "444666002": [ "Incision and exploration of perineum", "会阴切开探查" ], "313594000": [ "24 hour urine mercury output", "24 hour urine mercury output measurement", "Mercury measurement, 24H urine", "24小时尿液汞排出量", "24小时尿液汞含量测量", "24小时尿液汞排出量测量" ], "36901005": [ "Vulvectomy", "Excision of vulva", "Vulva excision", "外阴切除", "外阴切除术" ], "723194000": [ "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography of brain using florbetaben (18-F)", "PET CT of brain using florbetaben (18-F)", "使用 florbetaben (18-F) 进行脑部 PET CT 检查", "使用氟倍他班 (18-F) 对大脑进行正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描" ], "231674001": [ "Inferior rectus adjustable recession", "下直肌可调式后退" ], "182522007": [ "Intrauterine catheterisation", "Intrauterine catheterization", "宫内导尿" ], "788730006": [ "Grattage", "Scraping of granulation tissue", "刮除肉芽组织", "刮痧" ], "442831001": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of liver using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous needle biopsy of liver", "荧光透视引导下经皮肝脏穿刺活检" ], "463004": [ "Closed reduction of coxofemoral joint dislocation with splint", "Closed reduction of coxofemoral joint with splint", "夹板闭合复位髋股关节脱位", "夹板闭合复位髋股关节" ], "1260196001": [ "Scaling and root planing of all teeth", "Removal of accretion from all teeth using dental scaler with planing of roots of all teeth", "Removal of deposits from all teeth using dental scaler with planing of roots of all teeth", "使用洁牙机清除所有牙齿上的沉积物并刨平所有牙齿的牙根", "使用洁牙机清除所有牙齿上的沉积物并刨平所有牙齿的根部", "所有牙齿的洁治和根面平整" ], "408228002": [ "Absolute CD19 count", "绝对 CD19 计数" ], "703140001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of lower limb for arthroplasty planning", "MRI of lower limb for arthroplasty planning", "下肢磁共振成像用于关节置换术规划", "下肢 MRI 检查以规划关节置换术" ], "766841001": [ "Radionuclide imaging using gallium-67", "使用镓-67进行放射性核素成像" ], "373625002": [ "Biopsy of lesion of bile duct", "胆管病变活检" ], "717689003": [ "Cone beam CT guided insertion of drain into head", "Insertion of drain into head using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "锥形束 CT 引导下将引流管插入头部", "使用锥形束 CT 引导将引流管插入头部" ], "29561007": [ "Repair of epididymis and spermatic cord", "附睾和精索的修复" ], "175182002": [ "Diagnostic pericardiocentesis", "Diagnostic aspiration of pericardial cavity", "心包腔诊断性穿刺", "诊断性心包穿刺术" ], "306254002": [ "Refer to casualty officer", "Referral to casualty doctor", "Referral to A & E doctor", "Referral to Accident and Emergency doctor", "转至伤亡人员", "转诊至急诊医生", "转诊至急诊科医生" ], "1172771003": [ "Apicoectomy on molar tooth", "Excision of apex of root of molar tooth", "磨牙根尖切除术" ], "25891004": [ "Excision of segment of ureter for ureteral stricture", "输尿管狭窄切除输尿管段" ], "173347007": [ "Suture of gingiva", "牙龈缝合" ], "1287459009": [ "Excision of benign inverted papilloma of nasal sinus", "鼻窦良性内翻性乳头状瘤切除术" ], "304419009": [ "Pulsed electromagnetic energy to pelvis", "脉冲电磁能作用于骨盆" ], "417272007": [ "Mandibular drainage technique", "Galbreath method", "Galbreath treatment technique", "Galbreath 方法", "Galbreath治疗技术", "下颌引流技术" ], "169677000": [ "Rhesus screening - 2nd pregnancy sample", "Rhesus screening - Second pregnancy sample", "恒河猴筛查 - 第二次妊娠样本" ], "448205000": [ "Primary excision of thoracic intervertebral disc by anterolateral approach", "前外侧入路胸椎间盘一期切除术" ], "235213002": [ "Balloon tamponade of esophagus using Minnesota tube", "Balloon tamponade of oesophagus using Minnesota tube", "明尼苏达管气囊填塞食管", "明尼苏达管食管气囊填塞术" ], "104141003": [ "Semi-quantitative measurement of total haemoglobin in blood specimen", "Semi-quantitative measurement of total hemoglobin in blood specimen", "血液样本中总血红蛋白的半定量测量" ], "122360007": [ "Neospora caninum antibody assay", "Measurement of Neospora caninum antibody", "犬新孢子虫抗体检测", "犬新孢子虫抗体测定" ], "431821007": [ "Injection of hand using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下手部注射" ], "233378000": [ "Extra-anatomical bypass graft", "X-anatomical bypass graft", "解剖外旁路移植术", "X-解剖旁路移植术" ], "118690002": [ "Procedure on head", "头部手术" ], "397218006": [ "Amputation of ankle", "Through ankle amputation", "踝关节截肢", "通过踝关节截肢" ], "69538006": [ "Excision of diverticulum of ampulla of Vater", "壶腹部憩室切除术" ], "264311001": [ "Evaluation of iron stores", "Iron stores", "铁储量的评估", "铁器店" ], "18551005": [ "Incision of conjunctiva with drainage of cyst", "结膜切开引流囊肿" ], "34935006": [ "Toe to finger transfer, first stage", "从脚趾到手指的移植,第一阶段" ], "1263735008": [ "Proctectomy using transanal endoscopic microsurgery", "Excision of rectum by TEM (transanal endoscopic microsurgery)", "TEMS (transanal endoscopic microsurgery) proctectomy", "Excision of rectum by transanal endoscopic microsurgery", "Endoscopic microsurgical excision of rectum by transanal approach", "经肛门内镜显微手术切除直肠", "经肛门内镜显微手术(TEM)切除直肠", "TEMS(经肛门内镜显微手术)直肠切除术", "经肛门内镜直肠显微切除术", "经肛门内镜显微手术直肠切除术" ], "737612005": [ "Education for infection control isolation", "Education about isolation for infection control", "有关感染控制隔离的教育", "感染控制隔离教育" ], "311628006": [ "Therapy to promote recognition and understanding of simple phrases", "促进对简单短语的识别和理解的疗法" ], "14881004": [ "Tonography with provocative tests", "Provocative intraocular pressure test", "激发眼压试验", "眼压检查及激发试验" ], "13046005": [ "Cholylglycine measurement", "胆酸甘氨酸测量" ], "176886009": [ "Manual manipulation of non-pregnant uterus", "非妊娠子宫的手动操作" ], "43979001": [ "Erythropoietin measurement", "EPO assay", "Erythropoietin level", "促红细胞生成素水平", "促红细胞生成素测量", "EPO 检测" ], "306123006": [ "Referral to genitourinary medicine service", "Referral to sexually transmittable diseases service", "转介至性传播疾病服务", "转诊至泌尿生殖医学服务" ], "25760001": [ "Angiography of cervicocerebral arteries", "Arteriography of cervicocerebral arteries", "颈脑动脉造影" ], "418976004": [ "US scan of cardiac vessels", "Ultrasound scan of cardiac vessels", "心脏血管超声波扫描", "心脏血管超声扫描" ], "236917002": [ "Isthmo-isthmic anastomosis", "峡部峡部吻合术" ], "122229005": [ "Plasmodium falciparum antigen assay", "恶性疟原虫抗原检测" ], "1269109006": [ "Digital breast tomosynthesis guided insertion of radiofrequency identifier tag into breast", "Insertion of radiofrequency identifier tag into breast using digital breast tomosynthesis guidance", "使用数字乳房断层合成引导将射频识别标签插入乳房", "数字乳腺断层合成引导射频识别标签插入乳房" ], "7541006": [ "Incision and exploration of testis", "Surgical exploration of testis", "Exploration of testis", "睾丸探查", "睾丸切开探查", "睾丸手术探查" ], "302453007": [ "Bx - Biopsy of diaphragm", "Biopsy of diaphragm", "膈肌活检", "Bx-膈肌活检" ], "171381007": [ "Child special examination", "儿童特别检查" ], "726602001": [ "Certolizumab pegol therapy", "赛妥珠单抗治疗" ], "104010002": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Lewis system (ISBT 007)", "Le blood group antibody identification", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Lewis system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 007)", "从 Lewis 体系中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体 (ISBT 007)", "从 Lewis 系统鉴定红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 007)", "Le血型抗体鉴定" ], "710218006": [ "Plan of care education", "护理教育计划" ], "429855002": [ "Skin marking using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Skin marking using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided skin marking", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行皮肤标记", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行皮肤标记", "CT引导下皮肤标记" ], "315167007": [ "Parrot serum antibody level", "鹦鹉血清抗体水平" ], "18420001": [ "Replacement of wound catheter of integument", "更换伤口外皮导管" ], "772084002": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent lumbar hernia using biological mesh", "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using biological mesh for recurrent lumbar hernia", "腹腔镜下生物网片修补复发性腰疝", "腹腔镜疝修补术使用生物网片治疗复发性腰疝" ], "1279988001": [ "Removal of piercing from left external ear", "移除左外耳的穿孔" ], "870388004": [ "Cooled radiofrequency ablation of nerve using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided cooled radiofrequency ablation of nerve", "C-RFA (cooled radiofrequency ablation) of nerve using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下神经冷却射频消融", "使用荧光透视引导进行神经冷却射频消融", "使用荧光透视引导进行神经 C-RFA(冷却射频消融)" ], "231412001": [ "Radiofrequency denervation of spinal facet joint of lumbar vertebra", "Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of lumbar facet nerve", "Radiofrequency controlled thermal denervation of lumbar facet joint", "腰椎小关节射频控制热去神经支配", "腰椎小关节射频去神经支配术", "腰椎小关节神经射频热凝治疗" ], "165876001": [ "Direct platelet antibody test", "直接血小板抗体检测" ], "278729000": [ "Postauricular incision", "耳后切口" ], "737481003": [ "Inpatient care management", "住院护理管理" ], "426185005": [ "Open removal of cardiac vegetations", "开放性去除心脏赘生物" ], "229577006": [ "Replacement of permanent transvenous electrodes", "永久静脉电极的更换" ], "276894001": [ "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of inferior vena cava", "Percutaneous angioplasty of inferior vena cava", "经皮下腔静脉球囊成形术", "经皮下腔静脉血管成形术" ], "14750004": [ "Operation on seminal vesicle", "精囊手术" ], "178590006": [ "Revision decompression of cervical spine", "Revisional decompression operations on cervical spine", "颈椎减压修复术", "颈椎修复减压手术" ], "113054006": [ "Febrile agglutinins, quantitative", "发热凝集素,定量" ], "275059001": [ "Transluminal procedure on superficial femoral artery", "股浅动脉腔内手术" ], "373363002": [ "Angioplasty of artery of lower extremity", "下肢动脉血管成形术" ], "719262009": [ "Perineal herniorrhaphy", "Repair of perineal hernia using surgical suture", "使用手术缝合线修补会阴疝", "会阴疝修补术" ], "438899007": [ "Screening for drug in neonatal urine", "Neonatal drug screen on urine", "新生儿尿液药物筛查" ], "305992000": [ "Referral by public health physician", "Referral by community physician", "Referral from public health physician", "Referral from community physician", "社区医生转诊", "公共卫生医生转诊", "公共卫生医生的推荐" ], "715592005": [ "Chest drain care management", "胸腔引流管护理管理" ], "173085000": [ "Endoscopic aspiration of trachea using rigid bronchoscope", "Rigid bronchoscopic aspiration of trachea", "硬质支气管镜气管抽吸", "使用硬质支气管镜进行内镜气管抽吸" ], "91165003": [ "Subapical osteotomy of mandible", "下颌骨根尖下截骨术" ], "287773006": [ "Scrotum/tunica vaginalis operations", "阴囊/鞘膜手术" ], "122098004": [ "Sporothrix schenckii antibody assay", "Measurement of Sporothrix schenckii antibody", "申克孢子丝菌抗体检测", "申克孢子丝菌抗体测定" ], "89330007": [ "Aneurysmectomy with graft replacement of lower limb vein", "下肢静脉动脉瘤切除及移植置换术" ], "103879002": [ "Weak D blood group typing", "弱D血型" ], "87495006": [ "Drainage of facial region", "面部引流" ], "431559008": [ "Percutaneous embolization of artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用造影剂荧光透视引导进行经皮动脉栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮动脉栓塞术" ], "233116000": [ "Banding of major aortopulmonary collateral artery", "主动脉肺动脉侧支环扎术" ], "20124001": [ "Mobilization of testis in scrotum", "Mobilisation of testis in scrotum", "阴囊内睾丸移动术", "阴囊内睾丸的活动" ], "446108002": [ "Grid photocoagulation of chorioretinal lesion using laser", "激光网格光凝治疗脉络膜视网膜病变" ], "1052316004": [ "Excision of left vas deferens", "左侧输精管切除术" ], "3740005": [ "Removal of foreign body of canthus by incision", "切开法取出眼角异物" ], "708252004": [ "Discharge from virtual ward", "虚拟病房出院" ], "36508007": [ "Fulguration of lesion of duodenum", "十二指肠病变电灼术" ], "395121000": [ "Examination of scalp", "头皮检查" ], "231281001": [ "Injection of sacroiliac joint", "骶髂关节注射" ], "870257001": [ "SEEG - stereoelectroencephalography", "Stereoelectroencephalography", "SEEG-- 立体脑电图", "立体脑电图" ], "444273002": [ "Quantitative measurement of IgM in urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of immunoglobulin M in urine specimen", "尿液标本中免疫球蛋白M质量浓度的定量测定", "尿液样本中 IgM 的定量检测" ], "165745004": [ "Rhesus blood grouping", "恒河猴血型" ], "1263473006": [ "Osteoplasty of metatarsal bone", "跖骨整形术" ], "229446006": [ "Manipulation of the humeroulnar joint - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the humeroulnar joint", "肱尺关节手术 - 非手术", "肱尺关节的操作" ], "440603001": [ "Reduction of masseter muscle by intraoral approach", "口内入路咬肌缩小术" ], "180294009": [ "Application of functional cast brace", "功能性石膏支具的应用" ], "63771003": [ "General actinotherapy", "常规放射治疗" ], "473371002": [ "Electromyography for disorder of central nervous system", "中枢神经系统疾病的肌电图检查" ], "112923004": [ "Transection of fallopian tube by vaginal approach", "经阴道输卵管横断术" ], "47387005": [ "Head injury rehabilitation", "头部损伤康复" ], "391451007": [ "Serum voltage-gated calcium channel antibody level", "血清电压门控钙通道抗体水平" ], "31003009": [ "Follicle stimulating hormone measurement", "FSH measurement", "FSH level", "FSH - Follicle stimulating hormone level", "促卵泡激素测量", "FSH 测量", "FSH 水平", "FSH-促卵泡激素水平" ], "438768001": [ "Reconstruction of supraorbital margin using allograft", "同种异体骨移植重建眶上缘" ], "12784001": [ "Replacement of stent of fallopian tube", "输卵管支架置换术" ], "1290736001": [ "Drainage of lesion of skin of head", "头部皮肤损伤引流" ], "176624007": [ "Injection of sclerosing agent into vein of vulva", "外阴静脉注射硬化剂" ], "240325001": [ "Cadaver donor nephrectomy", "Cadaver nephrectomy", "尸体肾切除术", "尸体供体肾切除术" ], "699077003": [ "Transurethral thulium laser enucleation of prostate", "经尿道铥激光前列腺剜除术" ], "715461005": [ "Computed tomography of urinary bladder with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "CT of urinary bladder with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "膀胱造影计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "膀胱增强 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "174789007": [ "Embolization of spleen", "Embolisation of spleen", "脾脏栓塞" ], "385946001": [ "Drainage tube care management", "Manage drainage tube care", "管理引流管护理", "引流管护理管理" ], "418714002": [ "Virtual CT colonoscopy", "Virtual computed tomography colonoscopy", "虚拟计算机断层结肠镜检查", "虚拟 CT 结肠镜检查" ], "172954003": [ "Reconstruction of pharynx with colon pull-up", "结肠拉升术重建咽喉" ], "271258007": [ "Urine urate measurement", "Urine urate level", "尿液尿酸水平", "尿液尿酸测量" ], "449647000": [ "Reduction of open fracture of lower leg with internal fixation", "小腿开放性骨折复位内固定" ], "121967001": [ "Coccidioides immitis antibody assay", "Measurement of Coccidioides immitis antibody", "粗球孢子虫抗体的测定", "粗球孢子虫抗体测定" ], "302191001": [ "Abdominal hysterectomy and left salpingo-oophorectomy", "腹部子宫切除术和左侧输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "429593000": [ "Removal of foreign body from anus", "肛门异物取出" ], "234820009": [ "Fitting of BRA (bite raising appliance)", "Fitting of bite raising appliance", "Fitting of occlusal appliance", "咬合提升装置的安装", "佩戴胸罩(咬合提升装置)", "咬合装置安装" ], "445977002": [ "Assessment using Sensory Integration and Praxis Test", "Assessment using SIPT (Sensory Integration and Praxis Test)", "使用 SIPT(感觉统合与实践测试)进行评估", "使用感觉统合和实践测试进行评估" ], "431428009": [ "Fluoroscopic cholecystography using contrast", "对比剂荧光胆囊造影" ], "69145003": [ "Antibody identification, RBC, saline", "Antibody identification, red blood cell, saline", "抗体鉴定,红细胞,盐水", "抗体鉴定、红细胞、生理盐水" ], "183833005": [ "Referral for computed tomography", "Referral for CT", "转诊进行计算机断层扫描", "转诊进行 CT" ], "232985004": [ "Operation on systemic great vein", "全身大静脉手术" ], "265753006": [ "Osteotomy of body of os calcis for correction congenital deformity of foot", "跟骨体截骨术矫正先天性足畸形" ], "83694000": [ "Lamellar keratoplasty", "Lamellar graft to cornea", "LK - Lamellar keratoplasty", "LK - 板层角膜移植术", "板层移植至角膜", "板层角膜移植术" ], "231150000": [ "Ring block of index finger", "食指环块" ], "1774000": [ "Nasopharyngeal rehabilitation", "鼻咽康复" ], "313070006": [ "Domestic abuse counselling", "Domestic abuse counseling", "Counseling for domestic abuse", "Counselling for domestic abuse", "家庭暴力咨询" ], "442307002": [ "Blind sac closure of external auditory canal", "外耳道盲囊闭合术" ], "229315006": [ "Manual therapy", "手法治疗" ], "407704001": [ "Thrombin time ratio", "凝血酶时间比率" ], "391320001": [ "Serum aspartic acid level", "血清天冬氨酸水平" ], "424088006": [ "Combined deep and superficial cervical plexus block", "深浅颈丛联合阻滞" ], "473240008": [ "Sequestrectomy of facial bone for osteoradionecrosis", "面骨坏死切除术治疗放射性骨坏死" ], "112792009": [ "Nasal endoscopy with total ethmoidectomy", "鼻内镜全筛窦切除术" ], "307565000": [ "Transgastric drainage of pancreatic lesion", "胰腺病变经胃引流术" ], "176493003": [ "Non-microsurgical reversal of vasectomy", "非显微手术逆转输精管切除术" ], "1290605001": [ "Plain X-ray of acetabulum", "髋臼的普通 X 光检查" ], "61805007": [ "Hemolysin detection, cold, biphasic", "Donath Landsteiner test", "Donath Landsteiner antibody assay", "Haemolysin detection, cold, biphasic", "Donath-Landsteiner test", "多纳斯·兰德斯坦纳测试", "Donath Landsteiner 抗体检测", "多纳斯-兰德斯坦纳检验", "溶血素检测,低温,双相" ], "715330000": [ "Assessment using Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination", "Assessment using BDAE (Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination)", "使用 BDAE(波士顿诊断性失语症检查)进行评估", "使用波士顿诊断性失语症检查进行评估" ], "418583000": [ "US scan venography of lower limbs", "Ultrasound venography of lower limbs", "下肢超声扫描静脉造影", "下肢超声静脉造影" ], "238359003": [ "Drainage of infected branchial cyst", "Incision and drainage of branchial abscess", "感染性鳃囊肿引流", "鳃裂脓肿切开引流" ], "287511004": [ "Non-surgical biopsy of brain", "脑非手术活检" ], "41751005": [ "Anatomic measurement", "解剖测量" ], "385815004": [ "Gastrostomy/nasogastric tube irrigation management", "Manage gastrostomy/nasogastric tube irrigation", "Manage enteral tube irrigation", "Enteral tube irrigation management", "管理胃造口术/鼻胃管灌洗", "管理肠管灌注", "肠管灌注管理", "胃造口术/鼻胃管灌洗管理" ], "713495007": [ "Ultrasound of spleen with contrast", "Ultrasonography of spleen with contrast", "Ultrasound scan of spleen with contrast", "脾脏超声造影", "脾脏超声造影扫描" ], "433132000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of pituitary fossa with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of pituitary fossa with contrast", "MRI of pituitary fossa with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of sella turcica with contrast", "垂体窝造影磁共振成像 (MRI)", "垂体窝磁共振成像对比", "垂体窝增强 MRI 检查", "鞍区磁共振成像对比" ], "121836002": [ "Phenolphthalein measurement", "酚酞测定" ], "252908007": [ "Urinary frequency volume chart", "Micturition chart", "尿频尿量对照表", "排尿图表" ], "169153005": [ "Isotope static placentography", "同位素静态胎盘造影" ], "120001005": [ "Testis excision", "Excision of testis", "睾丸切除" ], "1119425008": [ "Lengthening of right side of nasal columella", "右侧鼻小柱延长" ], "183702002": [ "Neurology self-referral", "神经科自我转诊" ], "445846003": [ "Removal of obstruction of ureter by transurethral approach", "经尿道方法解除输尿管梗阻" ], "69014004": [ "Open reduction of open acromioclavicular dislocation, chronic, with fascial graft", "慢性开放性肩锁关节脱位切开复位联合筋膜移植" ], "232854009": [ "PV - Pulmonary valve operation", "Pulmonary valve operation", "肺动脉瓣手术", "PV - 肺动脉瓣手术" ], "116331004": [ "Physical examination maneuver related to pelvis", "Physical examination manoeuvre related to pelvis", "与骨盆相关的体格检查操作" ], "18027006": [ "Transplantation of liver", "Tx - Liver transplantation", "Hepatic transplantation", "LTx - Liver transplant", "肝移植", "肝脏移植", "LTx-肝移植", "Tx-肝移植" ], "67179008": [ "Bronchoscopy for relief of stenosis with laser surgery", "支气管镜检查及激光手术缓解狭窄" ], "720704002": [ "Fluoroscopic arteriography of anterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic angiography of anterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Arteriography of anterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Arteriogram of anterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Angiogram of anterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "植入药物洗脱支架进行胫前动脉造影", "胫前动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "用造影剂插入药物洗脱支架对胫前动脉进行血管造影", "胫前动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "用造影剂插入药物洗脱支架进行胫前动脉造影" ], "229184005": [ "Trunk exercises in water", "水中躯干锻炼" ], "440341003": [ "Closed manual reduction of fracture of head of radius", "桡骨头骨折闭合手法复位术" ], "243733003": [ "Provision of non-optical low vision aid", "提供非光学低视力辅助设备" ], "702485004": [ "Computed tomography of cervical and thoracic spine", "CT of cervical and thoracic spine", "Computed tomography of cervicothoracic spine", "颈椎和胸椎的计算机断层扫描", "颈椎和胸椎CT", "颈胸椎计算机断层扫描" ], "391189007": [ "Early intervention in psychosis - 1-3 contacts/month", "精神病早期干预 - 每月 1-3 次接触" ], "698815005": [ "Augmentation of mandible", "下颌骨增大术" ], "715199008": [ "Assessment using PSS (Perceived Stress Scale)", "Assessment using Perceived Stress Scale", "使用 PSS(感知压力量表)进行评估", "使用感知压力量表进行评估" ], "174527009": [ "Percutaneous dissolution therapy to calculus in gallbladder", "经皮胆囊结石溶石治疗" ], "238228003": [ "Drainage of lesion of abdominal wall", "腹壁病变引流" ], "25236004": [ "Replacement of tricuspid valve", "TVR - Tricuspid valve replacement", "三尖瓣置换术", "TVR-- 三尖瓣置换术" ], "172692004": [ "Division of adhesions of ossicle of ear", "耳小骨粘连分离术" ], "287380006": [ "Inner ear fenestration", "内耳开窗术" ], "121705000": [ "Tiagabine measurement", "噻加宾测量" ], "7017002": [ "Ligation of internal jugular vein", "颈内静脉结扎" ], "711529003": [ "Arthroscopic drilling of osteochondral lesion of ankle", "关节镜下踝关节骨软骨损伤钻孔治疗" ], "170857002": [ "Initial skin assessment", "初步皮肤评估" ], "252777006": [ "Electric response audiometry", "Evoked response audiometry", "ERA - Evoked response audiometry", "ERA - Electric response audiometry", "ERA - 诱发反应听力检查", "诱发反应听力检查", "ERA - 电反应听力检查", "电反应听力检查" ], "105321007": [ "Sertraline measurement", "舍曲林测量" ], "185406000": [ "Ambulance request for patient", "病人的救护车请求" ], "5182000": [ "Total body perfusion", "全身灌注" ], "414782002": [ "Multi-layer compression bandaging", "多层加压包扎" ], "119870003": [ "Mouth transposition", "口型转换" ], "1332286002": [ "MRI of bilateral sacroiliac joints with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral sacroiliac joints with contrast", "双侧骶髂关节磁共振成像对比", "双侧骶髂关节增强 MRI 检查" ], "169022005": [ "Fluoroscopy and radiography - chest wall", "透视和放射线照相术 - 胸壁" ], "87102007": [ "Excision of round ligament", "Resection of round ligament", "圆韧带切除术" ], "54334009": [ "Periosteal suture", "Suture of periosteum", "Suturing of periosteum", "缝合骨膜", "骨膜缝合" ], "19731001": [ "Ultrasound study of eye", "Ocular ultrasound", "眼部超声检查" ], "232723004": [ "Coronary artery bypass grafts x 5", "CABG x 5 - Coronary artery bypass grafts x 5", "冠状动脉搭桥手术 x 5", "CABG x 5 - 冠状动脉搭桥手术 x 5" ], "52211000087101": [ "MRI of left calcaneus", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left calcaneus", "左跟骨 MRI", "左跟骨磁共振成像" ], "21491000087101": [ "Ultrasonography of toe of left foot", "Ultrasonography of left toe", "Ultrasound of toe of left foot", "Ultrasound scan of toe of left foot", "左脚趾超声波扫描", "左脚趾超声检查" ], "789779005": [ "Sigmoidoscopy and fecal microbiota transplantation", "Sigmoidoscopy and faecal microbiota transplantation", "乙状结肠镜检查和粪便微生物移植" ], "118035008": [ "Hepatitis C virus recombinant protein superoxide dismutase antibody assay", "Measurement of Hepatitis C virus recombinant protein superoxide dismutase antibody", "丙型肝炎病毒重组蛋白超氧化物歧化酶抗体的测定", "丙型肝炎病毒重组蛋白超氧化物歧化酶抗体测定" ], "412947008": [ "Urine 1-methylhistidine measurement", "Urine 1-methylhistidine level", "尿液 1-甲基组氨酸水平", "尿液 1-甲基组氨酸测量" ], "2291000087100": [ "MRI of right foot", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right foot", "右脚 MRI", "右脚磁共振成像" ], "6131000087107": [ "Plain X-ray of all fingers of left hand", "左手所有手指的普通 X 光检查" ], "443880003": [ "Analysis of genome using melting curve technique", "利用熔解曲线技术分析基因组" ], "1011000087109": [ "Ultrasonography of left elbow", "Ultrasound of left elbow", "Ultrasound scan of left elbow", "左肘超声检查", "左肘部超声检查", "左肘超声扫描" ], "4851000087103": [ "CT of bilateral femurs", "Computed tomography of bilateral femurs", "Computed tomography of both femurs", "Computed tomography of left and right femur", "双侧股骨计算机断层扫描", "双侧股骨 CT", "双股骨的计算机断层扫描", "左、右股骨计算机断层扫描" ], "230888008": [ "Open exploration of ventricle of brain", "脑室开放探查" ], "81597006": [ "Excision of neurolemmoma of cutaneous nerve", "皮神经神经鞘瘤切除术" ], "79762000": [ "Intubation of nasolacrimal duct with irrigation", "Irrigation of nasolacrimal duct with insertion of tube or stent", "Syringing of nasolacrimal duct with insertion of tube or stent", "插入管子或支架冲洗鼻泪管", "鼻泪管插管冲洗", "用管子或支架插入鼻泪管进行冲洗" ], "423826001": [ "Renewal of prescription for diaphragm contraceptive", "Contraceptive diaphragm renewal", "CAP renewal", "阴道避孕药处方更新", "避孕隔膜更新", "CAP 更新" ], "866194009": [ "Prescription of renin-angiotensin system inhibitor", "肾素-血管紧张素系统抑制剂处方" ], "61543001": [ "Wigand's obstetrical version", "Wigand obstetrical version", "Wigand 产科版", "Wigand 的产科版本" ], "438375003": [ "Insertion of tunneled indwelling catheter with cuff into pleura", "Insertion of tunnelled indwelling catheter with cuff into pleura", "将带袖口的隧道式留置导管插入胸膜" ], "225383003": [ "Standardized schedule behavioral assessment", "Standardised schedule behavioural assessment", "标准化时间表行为评估" ], "307303006": [ "Gastric antrectomy with Billroth I anastomosis", "Billroth I gastric antrectomy", "Billroth I 型胃窦切除术", "胃窦切除术及 Billroth I 吻合术" ], "174396007": [ "Pilonidal sinus operation", "藏毛窦手术" ], "41489001": [ "Oligoclonal protein measurement", "寡克隆蛋白测量" ], "1111381000000105": [ "Insertion of magnetic marker into bilateral breasts using X-ray guidance", "X-ray guided insertion of magnetic marker into bilateral breasts", "Insertion of magnetic seed into bilateral breasts using X-ray guidance", "在 X 射线引导下将磁性标记插入双侧乳房", "在 X 射线引导下将磁性种子植入双侧乳房" ], "713233004": [ "Supervision of high risk pregnancy with history of previous neonatal death", "有新生儿死亡史的高危妊娠监护" ], "303633008": [ "Irrigation of maxillary antrum", "Maxillary AWO (antral washout)", "Irrigation of maxillary sinus", "Maxillary antral washout", "Maxillary antral lavage", "上颌窦冲洗", "上颌窦冲洗 (AWO)" ], "301798002": [ "Excision of lesion of axillary fold", "腋窝皱褶病变切除术" ], "121574002": [ "Fenthion measurement", "倍硫磷测量" ], "252646002": [ "Radionuclide liquid phase gastric emptying study", "Studies of gastric emptying using radiolabelled liquid meal", "Studies of gastric emptying using radiolabeled liquid meal", "使用放射性标记液体膳食进行胃排空研究", "放射性核素液相胃排空研究" ], "236262005": [ "Closed urethrotomy of female bladder neck", "女性膀胱颈闭式尿道切开术" ], "105190006": [ "Fenoprofen measurement", "非诺洛芬测定" ], "119739003": [ "Trachea reconstruction", "Tracheal reconstruction procedure", "Reconstruction of trachea operations", "Tracheoplasty", "气管重建", "气管成形术", "气管重建手术" ], "86971008": [ "Closure of ventricular septal defect with pulmonary valvotomy and patch", "肺动脉瓣切开术和补片封堵室间隔缺损" ], "412816001": [ "Serum unbound copper measurement", "Serum unbound copper level", "血清游离铜水平", "血清游离铜测定" ], "232592002": [ "Bronchoscopic sampling of secretions", "支气管镜分泌物取样" ], "265360002": [ "Antireflux gastropexy", "抗反流胃固定术" ], "117904002": [ "Drug-induced anti-platelet antibody assay", "Measurement of drug-induced platelet antibody", "药物诱导的抗血小板抗体检测", "药物诱导血小板抗体的测定" ], "709563009": [ "Voluntary care", "自愿护理" ], "34149001": [ "Microbial wet smear, tease preparation", "微生物湿涂片、挑逗制剂" ], "443749004": [ "Assessment of risk of venous thromboembolism", "静脉血栓栓塞风险评估" ], "81466005": [ "Hexosaminidase A and total hexosaminidase measurement, fibroblasts", "己糖胺酶 A 和总己糖胺酶测量,成纤维细胞" ], "179770009": [ "Primary extra-articular autograft augmentation intra-articular ligament", "原发性关节外自体移植增强关节内韧带" ], "276239002": [ "Therapy", "治疗" ], "440079004": [ "Suppression of lactation using hormone", "使用激素抑制泌乳" ], "177935006": [ "Removal of foreign body from anterior abdominal wall", "Removal of foreign body from abdominal wall", "腹前壁异物取出", "腹壁异物取出" ], "46863009": [ "Debridement of skin, subcutaneous tissue and muscle", "皮肤、皮下组织和肌肉清创" ], "405476003": [ "Ilio-profunda artery bypass with vein", "髂深动脉旁路手术及静脉" ], "225252004": [ "Storage of cervical cap", "宫颈帽的储存" ], "176100003": [ "Transurethral incision of ureterocele", "输尿管囊肿经尿道切开术" ], "28644007": [ "Vaginal enterocelectomy", "阴道肠切除术" ], "241636007": [ "MRI of forearm", "Magnetic resonance imaging of forearm", "前臂 MRI", "前臂磁共振成像" ], "305337004": [ "Admission to community hospital", "社区医院入院" ], "370873006": [ "Ambulation therapy management", "Manage ambulation therapy", "步行治疗管理", "管理步行治疗" ], "172430000": [ "Trephine of cornea", "角膜环钻" ], "764089009": [ "Radionuclide imaging of radioisotope labelled platelets", "Radionuclide imaging of radioisotope labeled platelets", "Radiolabeled platelet study", "Radiolabelled platelet study", "放射性同位素标记血小板的放射性核素成像", "放射性标记血小板研究" ], "385422002": [ "Procedure on artery of head", "头部动脉手术" ], "74126006": [ "Reduction of closed elbow dislocation requiring anesthesia", "Reduction of closed elbow dislocation requiring anaesthesia", "需要麻醉的闭合性肘关节脱位复位" ], "713102008": [ "Education about device safety", "设备安全教育" ], "121443001": [ "Antihistamine measurement", "抗组胺药测量" ], "1268323005": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of breast using stereotactic guidance", "Stereotactically guided fine needle aspiration biopsy of breast", "立体定向引导下乳腺细针穿刺活检", "立体定向引导乳腺细针穿刺活检" ], "416355006": [ "Osteopathic manipulation, facilitated positional release", "FPR - facilitated positional release", "FPR-- 促进位置释放", "整骨疗法,促进体位释放" ], "252515007": [ "Type 1 hypersensitivity skin test", "Allergy skin test", "1 型超敏反应皮肤试验", "过敏皮肤测试" ], "105059006": [ "Amiloride measurement", "阿米洛利测量" ], "234296001": [ "Lymphatic drainage through buried fascia/tensor fascia lata", "通过埋藏筋膜/阔筋膜张肌进行淋巴引流" ], "440651000124101": [ "Management of beta glucan intake", "β-葡聚糖摄入量的管理" ], "119608007": [ "Pelvis incision", "骨盆切口" ], "438091000124104": [ "Ascorbic acid modified diet", "Vitamin C modified diet", "维生素 C 改良饮食", "抗坏血酸改良饮食" ], "609293001": [ "Laparoscopic left oophorectomy after prior right oophorectomy", "已进行右侧卵巢切除术,现进行腹腔镜左侧卵巢切除术" ], "789517000": [ "Rinsing of mouth using fluoride treatment", "Fluoride mouth rinsing", "氟化物漱口", "使用氟化物漱口" ], "265229004": [ "Biopsy of lesion of meninges of brain", "脑膜病变活检" ], "773133007": [ "Surgical distraction of externally adjustable spinal deformity correction system", "外部可调脊柱畸形矫正系统的手术牵引" ], "1230050000": [ "Assisting with dressing", "Assisting with dressing activity", "协助穿衣", "协助穿衣活动" ], "66786003": [ "Closure of foramen ovale with prosthesis by open heart technique", "Repair of foramen ovale with prosthesis by open heart technique", "开胸技术修复卵圆孔假体", "用开放式心脏技术闭合卵圆孔假体" ], "165090004": [ "Arterial blood flow test", "动脉血流检查" ], "50402008": [ "Hanging hip operation", "Voss operation", "沃斯行动", "悬吊髋关节手术" ], "441783000": [ "Conformal radiotherapy", "Three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy", "3D conformal radiotherapy", "三维适形放射治疗", "适形放射治疗" ], "359863000": [ "Open biopsy of colon", "结肠开放活检" ], "736695003": [ "Incretin mimetic therapy management", "肠促胰岛素类似物治疗管理" ], "34018009": [ "Slime test for staphylococci", "葡萄球菌粘液试验" ], "261559004": [ "Urinary reservoir bowel segment revision", "尿道储尿管肠段修复" ], "179639007": [ "Primary closed reduction of dislocation and functional bracing", "脱位的初次闭合复位和功能性支撑" ], "409015007": [ "Labour care assessment", "Labor care assessment", "Assess labour care", "Assess labor care", "分娩护理评估", "评估分娩护理", "劳动护理评估" ], "423564006": [ "Provider instructions for treatment", "医疗服务提供者的治疗说明" ], "77665000": [ "Ventrohysteropexy", "Ventrosuspension of uterus", "Ventrofixation of uterus", "腹侧子宫固定术", "子宫腹侧悬吊术", "子宫腹腔固定术" ], "439948009": [ "Measurement of electrolytes in stool", "粪便电解质测量" ], "241505005": [ "US scan of ankle", "Ultrasound scan of ankle", "Ultrasonography of ankle", "踝部超声检查", "踝部超声扫描", "脚踝超声波扫描" ], "175969006": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of renal lesion", "经皮肾病损穿刺抽吸术" ], "405345008": [ "Thrombolysis of lower limb artery", "Thrombolysis of artery of lower extremity", "下肢动脉血栓溶解术" ], "225121009": [ "Removal of wound pack", "拆除伤口包扎" ], "59446006": [ "Suture of anal sphincter", "Anal sphincterorrhaphy", "肛门括约肌缝合", "肛门括约肌缝合术" ], "239670007": [ "Application of scaphoid plaster cast", "舟骨石膏固定的应用" ], "172299004": [ "Biopsy of lesion of lacrimal sac", "泪囊病变活检" ], "450827009": [ "Induction chemotherapy", "诱导化疗" ], "252384001": [ "Urine dipstick for bilirubin", "尿液胆红素试纸" ], "1055200005": [ "Increased protein diet", "Increased protein and/or protein derivative diet", "增加蛋白质饮食", "增加蛋白质和/或蛋白质衍生物饮食" ], "121312007": [ "5-alpha-Tetrahydrocortisol measurement", "5-α-四氢皮质醇测量" ], "711136008": [ "Count of instruments and sponges", "器械和海绵数量" ], "53941002": [ "Closure of septal fenestration of heart", "Closure of septum defect of heart", "心脏隔膜缺损缝合术", "心脏隔膜开窗缝合术" ], "250549007": [ "Transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen", "Measurement of transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen", "TC - Transcutaneous oxygen tension", "TcPO2 - Transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen", "TcPO2 - Transcutaneous oxygen tension", "TcPO2——经皮氧张力", "TC-经皮氧张力", "经皮氧分压测量", "经皮氧分压", "TcPO2 - 经皮氧分压" ], "609162005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of branched stent graft into aorta", "Endovascular insertion of branched stent graft into aorta", "经皮腔内将分支支架移植物插入主动脉", "将分支支架移植物插入主动脉" ], "428938006": [ "Standing-start 180 degree turn test", "原地起步 180 度转弯测试" ], "117642006": [ "Lysozyme screen", "溶菌酶筛选" ], "50271000": [ "Dental implant maintenance procedure", "种植牙维护程序" ], "66655001": [ "Conjunctival flap, bridge", "结膜瓣、结膜桥" ], "166794009": [ "Serum troponin T measurement", "Serum troponin T level", "血清肌钙蛋白 T 水平", "血清肌钙蛋白 T 测量" ], "1119007": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of foot and toe", "足趾脱位闭合复位" ], "392500001": [ "Trichosporon pullulans specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rm203 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Trichosporon pullulans specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rm203特异性IgE抗体测量", "出芽毛孢子菌特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "出芽丝孢菌特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "425268008": [ "Review of care plan", "审查护理计划" ], "228660009": [ "Contact therapy", "接触疗法" ], "408884008": [ "Breast feeding support management", "Manage breast feeding support", "管理母乳喂养支持", "母乳喂养支持管理" ], "439817002": [ "Thoracoscopy with total pulmonary decortication and intrapleural pneumonolysis", "胸腔镜全肺剥脱术和胸膜内肺溶解术" ], "243209005": [ "Orthoptic treatment - part-time total occlusion", "视轴矫正治疗 - 部分时间全遮挡" ], "257758000": [ "Local application of haemostyptics", "Local application of hemostyptics", "局部应用止血药" ], "306910000": [ "Acid etch splinting of teeth", "AE - Acid etch splinting of teeth", "牙齿酸蚀夹板", "AE - 牙齿酸蚀夹板" ], "275977009": [ "Guthrie test", "Guthrie 试验" ], "174003000": [ "Exclusion of segment of ileum", "排除回肠段" ], "370611004": [ "Excision of malignant neoplasm", "恶性肿瘤切除" ], "305075007": [ "Prophylactic hand stretching", "预防性手部拉伸" ], "239539008": [ "Eminence augmentation temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节隆起增强术" ], "434312004": [ "Laser ablation of osteoid osteoma using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Laser ablation of osteoid osteoma using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided laser ablation of osteoid osteoma", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导激光消融骨样骨瘤", "使用计算机断层扫描引导激光消融骨样骨瘤", "CT引导下激光消融骨样骨瘤" ], "626061000119109": [ "Pentavalent live attenuated rotavirus immunisation via oral route", "Pentavalent live attenuated rotavirus immunization via oral route", "Administration of pentavalent live attenuated rotavirus vaccine via oral route", "Pentavalent live attenuated rotavirus vaccination via oral route", "Administration of pentavalent vaccine product containing only live attenuated Rotavirus antigen via oral route", "口服五联减毒活轮状病毒免疫", "通过口服途径给予仅含有减毒活轮状病毒抗原的五联疫苗产品", "口服五联减毒活轮状病毒疫苗" ], "450696008": [ "Endarterectomy and patch repair of artery", "动脉内膜切除术及补片修复" ], "286856008": [ "Operative examination of ear", "耳部手术检查" ], "252253001": [ "L-Leucine infusion test", "L-亮氨酸输注试验" ], "711005003": [ "Measurement of fluid output", "液体排出量的测量" ], "55645007": [ "Closure of reno-intestinal fistula", "肾肠瘘闭合" ], "250418000": [ "Ketone concentration", "Ketone concentration, test strip measurement", "酮浓度", "酮浓度、试纸测量" ], "104797008": [ "Lysolecithin acyltransferase measurement", "溶血卵磷脂酰基转移酶测量" ], "170333009": [ "Administration of booster dose of tetanus vaccine", "Tetanus booster immunisation", "Tetanus booster immunization", "Tetanus booster vaccination", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani antigen", "破伤风加强免疫", "破伤风加强疫苗接种", "注射仅含破伤风梭菌抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量", "注射破伤风疫苗加强剂" ], "397874007": [ "Endotracheal or endobronchial tube over catheter", "Endotracheal or endobronchial tube change over tube exchange catheter", "Endotracheal or endobronchial tube change over airway exchange catheter", "Airway exchange catheter procedure", "气管内或支气管内导管更换管交换导管", "气管内或支气管内导管更换气道交换导管", "气管内或支气管内导管", "气道交换导管手术" ], "266802007": [ "Endotracheal anesthesia", "Endotracheal anaesthesia", "气管内麻醉" ], "133895001": [ "Care of patient with infectious disease", "传染病患者的护理" ], "264967002": [ "Excision of fistula of umbilicus", "Excision of umbilical fistula", "脐瘘切除术" ], "363271004": [ "Radiologic guidance for percutaneous procedure", "经皮手术的放射学指导" ], "314119005": [ "Excision of sperm granuloma from spermatic cord", "Excision of spermatogenic granuloma from spermatic cord", "精索生精肉芽肿切除术", "精索精子肉芽肿切除术" ], "1264391005": [ "Insertion of maxillary obturator", "插入上颌骨填塞器" ], "19207007": [ "Manipulation", "操纵" ], "609031008": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from liver prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备的肝脏标本涂片显微镜细胞学检查" ], "445191009": [ "Care of suprapubic urinary catheter", "耻骨上导尿管的护理" ], "232199004": [ "Inflation of Eustachian tube using balloon", "使用气囊充气耳咽管" ], "33756006": [ "Partial adrenalectomy", "Subtotal adrenalectomy", "部分肾上腺切除术", "肾上腺次全切除术" ], "443356008": [ "Excision of subcutaneous neoplasm of foot", "足部皮下肿瘤切除术" ], "228529001": [ "Neurodevelopmental techniques", "神经发育技术" ], "64689002": [ "Fixation of tongue with mechanical K wire", "用机械克氏针固定舌头" ], "359601003": [ "Coronary artery bypass with autogenous graft of internal mammary artery, single graft", "冠状动脉搭桥术,采用自体内乳动脉移植,单根移植" ], "392369002": [ "Olive (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Olea europaea (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "t9 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Olea europaea (pollen) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "t9 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "油橄榄(花粉)特异性IgE抗体测定", "橄榄(花粉)特异性IgE抗体测定", "油橄榄(花粉)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "310449005": [ "Referral to hospital", "Refer to hospital", "转诊至医院" ], "15537006": [ "Removal by grinding", "Grinding", "研磨", "研磨去除" ], "1258886005": [ "Reduction of intussusception of intestine using enema", "灌肠复位肠套叠" ], "406918006": [ "Procion brilliant blue MRS stain method", "Procion brilliant blue MRS stain", "普罗西恩亮蓝MRS染色法", "Procion 亮蓝 MRS 染色" ], "388699005": [ "Trout specific IgE antibody measurement", "Oncorhynchus mykiss specific IgE antibody measurement", "f204 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Salmo gairdneri specific IgE antibody measurement", "Oncorhynchus mykiss specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鳟鱼特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "虹鱒特异性IgE抗体测定", "f204 特异性IgE抗体测量", "虹鱒特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "虹鳟特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "257627006": [ "Otoplasty of auditory canal or meatus", "Repair of auditory canal or meatus of ear", "耳道或耳道修复", "耳道或耳道成形术" ], "241243009": [ "Three vessel study", "Coeliac, superior and inferior mesenteric arteriogram", "Celiac, superior and inferior mesenteric arteriogram", "Angiography of coeliac artery, superior mesenteric artery and inferior mesenteric artery", "Arteriography of coeliac artery, superior mesenteric artery and inferior mesenteric artery", "Arteriography of celiac artery, superior mesenteric artery and inferior mesenteric artery", "Angiography of celiac artery, superior mesenteric artery and inferior mesenteric artery", "腹腔动脉、肠系膜上动脉和肠系膜下动脉血管造影", "腹腔、上、下肠系膜动脉造影", "腹腔动脉、上、下肠系膜动脉造影", "腹腔动脉、肠系膜上动脉、肠系膜下动脉造影", "腹腔动脉、肠系膜上动脉和肠系膜下动脉造影", "三血管研究" ], "1287984003": [ "Immediate repair of obstetric laceration of cervix uteri", "产科宫颈裂伤的立即修复" ], "763696003": [ "Assessment using Maelor Score Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment", "Assessment using Maelor Scale", "使用 Maelor 评分压疮风险评估进行评估", "使用 Maelor 量表进行评估" ], "59184005": [ "Revision of Holter valve", "动态心电图瓣膜修订" ], "239408009": [ "Subcondylar mandibular osteotomy", "下颌骨髁下截骨术" ], "450565006": [ "Ligation of celiac artery", "Ligation of coeliac artery", "腹腔动脉结扎" ], "88282000": [ "Extracapsular extraction of cataract by mechanical fragmentation with aspiration", "Extracapsular extraction of cataract by phacofragmentation with aspiration", "超声乳化碎裂联合抽吸白内障囊外摘除术", "机械碎裂抽吸法白内障囊外摘除术" ], "39130003": [ "Placement of collagen shield on cornea", "在角膜上放置胶原蛋白盾" ], "104666003": [ "Formate measurement", "甲酸盐测量" ], "710874007": [ "Education about cross infection prevention", "预防交叉感染教育" ], "53679005": [ "Take-down of vascular anastomosis or bypass", "Take-down of vascular anastomosis", "Take-down of anastomosis of blood vessel", "拆除血管吻合口或旁路手术", "血管吻合口拆除" ], "446895006": [ "Rigid cystoscopic ablation of prostate using neodymium doped yttrium aluminum garnet laser", "Visual laser assisted prostatectomy", "Rigid cystoscopic ablation of prostate using neodymium doped yttrium aluminium garnet laser", "视觉激光辅助前列腺切除术", "采用掺钕钇铝石榴石激光进行前列腺硬性膀胱镜消融" ], "313988001": [ "Lipoprotein cholesterol ratio measurement", "Lipoprotein cholesterol ratio", "脂蛋白胆固醇比率测量", "脂蛋白胆固醇比率" ], "707204006": [ "Monitoring of discharge per vagina", "阴道分泌物监测" ], "608900009": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from periureteral tissue for parasites", "对输尿管周围组织样本进行显微镜检查以寻找寄生虫" ], "426841006": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic rubber band ligation of upper gastrointestinal tract varices", "Fiberoptic endoscopic rubber band ligation of upper gastrointestinal tract varices", "纤维内镜橡皮筋结扎治疗上消化道静脉曲张" ], "392238003": [ "Implantation of joint prosthesis into knee joint", "Prosthetic arthroplasty of knee", "Implantation of prosthesis or prosthetic device of knee joint", "Prosthetic arthroplasty of knee joint", "膝关节假体或假肢装置植入", "膝关节假体置换术", "膝关节假体植入" ], "425006004": [ "Medication prescription surveillance", "药物处方监控" ], "80942004": [ "Topical application of fluoride excluding prophylaxis, adult", "成人局部应用氟化物(不包括预防性用药)" ], "719918006": [ "Social Use of Language program", "Social Use of Language programme", "语言社交运用计划" ], "718083000": [ "Replacement of tooth with removable partial denture", "Replacement of tooth with partial denture", "使用可摘局部义齿替换牙齿", "用局部假牙替换牙齿" ], "79107000": [ "Pleating of sclera for buckling", "巩膜褶皱以便扣带" ], "423171007": [ "Elevation of head of bed", "Elevate head of bed", "床头抬高", "抬高床头" ], "308483007": [ "Referral to pediatric surgeon", "Referral to paediatric surgeon", "转诊至儿科医生" ], "306648008": [ "Discharge from surgical service", "外科手术出院" ], "77272009": [ "Open tenotomy of extensor tendon of forearm", "前臂伸肌腱开放切断术" ], "239277003": [ "Operation on lesion of muscle", "肌肉损伤手术" ], "59053005": [ "Arthroscopy of elbow with complete synovectomy", "肘关节镜全滑膜切除术" ], "450434000": [ "Excision of squamous cell carcinoma", "鳞状细胞癌切除术" ], "386733008": [ "Stamey endoscopic bladder neck suspension", "Stamey endoscopic suspension of neck of urinary bladder", "Stamey 内镜膀胱颈悬吊术" ], "1204098003": [ "Vascularized bone graft to fibula with microsurgery", "Vascularised bone graft to fibula with microsurgery", "显微外科手术将血管化骨移植至腓骨", "用显微手术将血管化骨移植至腓骨" ], "40834003": [ "Complex surgical repair of wounds of trunk", "躯干伤口的复杂外科修复" ], "22615000": [ "Body alignment education", "身体姿势教育" ], "415831001": [ "Warfarin treatment plan", "华法林治疗计划" ], "104535001": [ "Argininosuccinate measurement", "精氨琥珀酸测定" ], "6231003": [ "Graft of palate", "Grafting of palate", "腭部移植", "腭移植" ], "710743004": [ "Education about delirium", "关于谵妄症的教育" ], "432215003": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of upper arm with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of upper arm with contrast", "MRI of upper arm with contrast", "上臂增强磁共振成像", "上臂增强磁共振成像(MRI)", "上臂增强 MRI 检查" ], "71767008": [ "Division of ligament of elbow", "Division of joint ligament of elbow", "肘关节韧带分离", "肘部韧带分离" ], "86316001": [ "Proliferative T lymphocyte assay", "PTL assay", "增殖 T 淋巴细胞测定", "PTL 检测" ], "708908003": [ "Laparoscopic live donor nephrectomy", "腹腔镜活体供肾切除术" ], "446764008": [ "Assessment using sequential occupational dexterity assessment", "使用顺序职业灵活性评估进行评估" ], "428545002": [ "Phototherapy of skin", "皮肤光疗" ], "117249008": [ "Platelet count, Rees-Ecker method", "血小板计数,Rees-Ecker 方法" ], "182785009": [ "Starvation monitoring", "饥饿监控" ], "18945009": [ "Control of hemorrhage of abdominal cavity", "Control of haemorrhage of abdominal cavity", "Control of intra-abdominal bleeding", "腹腔出血的控制", "控制腹腔内出血" ], "361174006": [ "Fulguration of anus", "肛门电灼" ], "726007": [ "Pathology consultation, comprehensive, records and specimen with report", "病理学咨询、综合、记录及标本与报告" ], "410326008": [ "Bronchial hygiene case management", "支气管卫生病例管理" ], "179115001": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture and unlocked reamed intramedullary nail fixation", "骨折一期闭合复位及解锁扩髓髓内钉固定" ], "408491002": [ "Calcium channel blocker prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic calcium channel blocker", "预防性使用钙通道阻滞剂", "钙通道阻滞剂预防" ], "423040001": [ "Rehabilitation assessment", "康复评估" ], "439424008": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of proximal humerus", "肱骨近端骨折闭合复位" ], "175445001": [ "Ligation of axillary artery", "腋动脉结扎" ], "240981001": [ "Reconstruction with fascial graft", "筋膜移植重建" ], "372053005": [ "Verification of operative procedure", "Verifies operative procedure", "验证手术程序", "手术过程验证" ], "306517005": [ "Discharge by practice nurse", "执业护士出院" ], "26154000": [ "Base deficit measurement", "Hypobasemia measurement", "Hypobasaemia measurement", "基础缺失测量", "低碱血症测量" ], "714282005": [ "Assessment using DemTect scale", "使用 DemTect 量表进行评估" ], "401151000": [ "Plasma insulin measurement", "Plasma insulin level", "血浆胰岛素测量", "血浆胰岛素水平" ], "237311001": [ "Breech delivery", "Total breech delivery", "Complete breech delivery", "全臀位分娩", "臀位分娩" ], "75306008": [ "Urobilinogen measurement", "尿胆原测量" ], "827135004": [ "Insertion of orthodontic anchoring screw", "插入正畸锚固螺钉" ], "432084000": [ "Management of permanent pacemaker", "永久起搏器的管理" ], "6100001": [ "Fenestration of stapes footplate with vein graft", "镫骨足板开窗术及静脉移植" ], "235476004": [ "Operation on pancreatic duct", "胰管手术" ], "104404005": [ "Alpha-1-fetoprotein measurement, serum", "Serum alpha-fetoprotein", "血清甲胎蛋白", "血清甲胎蛋白测定" ], "20649001": [ "Internal fixation of bone of radius", "桡骨内固定" ], "51582001": [ "Transposition of tissue of diaphragm", "膈肌组织移位" ], "444798002": [ "Repair of partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection by baffle redirection to left atrium with superior caval vein anastomosis to right atrial appendage", "用挡板重定向至左心房,上腔静脉吻合至右心耳,修复部分异常肺静脉连接" ], "428414004": [ "Replacement of medial canthal tendon using periosteal strip", "骨膜条置换内眦肌腱" ], "313726006": [ "Serum taurine level", "Serum taurine measurement", "血清牛磺酸测量", "血清牛磺酸水平" ], "442963006": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of breast using ultrasound guidance", "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous needle biopsy of breast", "超声引导下乳腺经皮穿刺活检" ], "426579008": [ "Ischemic heart disease education", "Coronary heart disease education", "Ischaemic heart disease education", "缺血性心脏病教育", "冠心病教育" ], "178984001": [ "Step cut lengthening of bone", "阶梯式切骨延长术" ], "410195009": [ "Pulse taking education", "Teach pulse", "Teach pulse taking", "教导脉搏", "示教脉冲", "把握脉搏教育" ], "47912003": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of subclavian artery by arm incision", "经臂切口锁骨下动脉导管取栓术" ], "719656005": [ "Injection of botulinum toxin using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided injection of botulinum toxin", "荧光透视引导下注射肉毒杆菌毒素", "在荧光透视引导下注射肉毒杆菌毒素" ], "44242000": [ "DNA hybridization with autoradiography", "DNA hybridisation with autoradiography", "Deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization with autoradiography", "Deoxyribonucleic acid hybridisation with autoradiography", "DNA 杂交与放射自显影", "放射自显影脱氧核糖核酸杂交" ], "306386005": [ "Discharge by genetic counsellor", "Discharge by genetic counselor", "遗传咨询师出院" ], "386471001": [ "Technical equipment management", "Technology management", "技术设备管理", "技术管理" ], "763303006": [ "Assessment using CAGE (Cutting down, Annoyance by criticism, Guilty feeling and Eye-openers) Questionnaire", "Assessment using Cutting down, Annoyance by criticism, Guilty feeling and Eye-openers Questionnaire", "评估采用削减、批评烦恼、内疚感和开眼问卷", "使用 CAGE(削减、批评带来的烦恼、内疚感和开眼界)问卷进行评估" ], "107943007": [ "Small intestine manipulation", "小肠操纵" ], "745084000": [ "Checking position of nasogastric tube using pH indicator testing strip", "使用 pH 指示剂试纸检查鼻胃管位置" ], "58791009": [ "Mastoid obliteration", "Obliteration of mastoid cavity", "乳突闭塞", "乳突腔闭塞" ], "1287591007": [ "Cauterisation of cervix using electrical energy", "Cauterization of cervix using electrical energy", "Electrocauterisation of cervix", "Electrocauterization of cervix", "宫颈电灼术", "使用电能烧灼宫颈" ], "171644002": [ "Intracranial stereotactic neurolysis of glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)", "颅内立体定向舌咽神经松解术(IX)" ], "89724005": [ "Rorschach test", "罗夏墨迹测验" ], "384636006": [ "Maternal postnatal 6 week examination", "产妇产后6周检查" ], "401020005": [ "Urinary cortisol analysis", "尿皮质醇分析" ], "448337001": [ "Telemedicine consultation with patient", "与患者进行远程医疗咨询" ], "1202001002": [ "W-plasty of skin of head", "头部皮肤W成形术" ], "104273003": [ "Febrile agglutinins measurement, Brucella, Francisella, Murine typhus, Q fever, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, scrub typhus", "热凝集素测量、布鲁氏菌、弗朗西斯菌、鼠型斑疹伤寒、Q 热、落基山斑疹热、恙虫病" ], "38737004": [ "Transposition of tissue of rectum", "直肠组织转位" ], "235345009": [ "Cauterisation of lesion - large intestine", "Cauterization of lesion - large intestine", "病变烧灼术-大肠" ], "118822003": [ "Procedure on liver", "肝脏手术" ], "413734004": [ "Calcium phosphate level", "Calcium phosphate measurement", "磷酸钙测量", "磷酸钙水平" ], "233510003": [ "Temporal artery cannula insertion", "颞动脉插管" ], "708646008": [ "Laparotomy with biopsy of peritoneum", "Laparotomy and peritoneal biopsy", "开腹手术及腹膜活检", "开腹手术和腹膜活检" ], "231675000": [ "Inferior rectus adjustable resection", "下直肌可调切除术" ], "51451002": [ "Arthrotomy of glenohumeral joint for infection with removal of foreign body", "盂肱关节切开术治疗感染并取出异物" ], "1296635004": [ "Fluoroscopy guided endoscopic duodenal mucosal resurfacing", "Endoscopic circumferential hydrothermal ablation of mucosa of duodenum using fluoroscopic guidance", "DMR - duodenal mucosal resurfacing", "透视引导下内镜环状十二指肠黏膜水热消融术", "DMR-- 十二指肠粘膜重塑", "荧光透视引导下内镜十二指肠黏膜重塑术" ], "67835007": [ "Operative procedure on sclera", "Operation on sclera", "Sclera operation", "Scleral operation", "巩膜手术" ], "408229005": [ "Percentage CD19 count", "CD19 计数百分比" ], "424613007": [ "Provision of activity privileges", "Activity privileges", "提供活动特权", "活动权限" ], "373626001": [ "Biopsy of lesion of gallbladder", "胆囊病变活检" ], "717690007": [ "Cone beam CT guided insertion of drain into chest", "Insertion of drain into chest using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "使用锥形束 CT 引导将引流管插入胸腔", "锥形束 CT 引导下将引流管插入胸腔" ], "11343000": [ "Anoscopy with biopsy", "肛门镜检查及活检" ], "177018009": [ "Open destruction of lesion of ovary", "卵巢病变开放性毁损术" ], "306255001": [ "Referral to anesthetist", "Referral to anaesthetist", "转诊至麻醉师" ], "76879002": [ "Operation on spinal cord", "Spinal cord procedure", "Spinal cord operation", "脊髓手术" ], "304420003": [ "Pulsed electromagnetic energy to abdomen", "脉冲电磁能照射腹部" ], "107812004": [ "Accessory sinus destructive procedure", "副鼻窦破坏性手术" ], "1172772005": [ "Excision of apex of root of tooth", "Apicoectomy", "牙根尖切除术", "根尖切除术" ], "386340006": [ "Intravenous therapy", "Intravenous (IV) Therapy", "Intravenous care", "静脉治疗", "静脉护理", "静脉注射(IV)治疗" ], "1254692007": [ "Drill biopsy of bone", "Drilling of bone and biopsy", "骨钻活检", "骨钻孔和活检" ], "42276008": [ "Spot indole test", "斑点吲哚试验" ], "419108008": [ "Fluoroscopic pharyngography", "Pharyngogram", "咽部造影", "荧光透视咽造影" ], "122361006": [ "Parainfluenza virus 1 antigen assay", "副流感病毒 1 抗原检测" ], "431822000": [ "Pericardiocentesis using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下心包穿刺术" ], "448206004": [ "Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc by anterior approach", "前入路颈椎间盘初次切除术" ], "169678005": [ "Rhesus screening - 3rd pregnancy sample", "Rhesus screening - third pregnancy sample", "恒河猴筛查 - 第三次妊娠样本" ], "104142005": [ "Plasma haemoglobin level", "Plasma hemoglobin level", "Measurement of total haemoglobin concentration in plasma specimen", "Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration in plasma specimen", "血浆样本中总血红蛋白浓度的测量", "血浆标本中总血红蛋白浓度的测量", "血浆血红蛋白水平" ], "235214008": [ "Billroth I partial gastrectomy - Horsley modification", "Billroth I 部分胃切除术 - Horsley 改良术" ], "284366008": [ "Examination of body system", "身体系统检查" ], "397219003": [ "Guyon amputation", "Guyon 截肢" ], "69539003": [ "Direct laryngoscopy with stripping of vocal cords", "直接喉镜检查及剥离声带" ], "36771004": [ "Surgical occlusion of blood vessel", "血管闭塞手术" ], "118691003": [ "Procedure on face", "面部手术" ], "233379008": [ "Axillobifemoral bypass graft", "Bypass of aorta by anastomosis of axillary artery to bilateral femoral arteries", "腋动脉与双侧股动脉吻合的主动脉旁路手术", "腋双股动脉旁路移植术" ], "84088001": [ "Correction of atresia of external meatus of ear", "Construction of patent meatus of ear", "耳外道闭锁矫正术", "耳道未闭的修建" ], "231544004": [ "Radiotherapy to orbital lesion", "眼眶病变放射治疗" ], "166008006": [ "RNP antibody measurement", "RNP antibody level", "Ribonucleoprotein (RNP) antibody measurement", "Ribonucleoprotein antibody measurement", "核糖核蛋白抗体测量", "RNP抗体水平", "核糖核蛋白(RNP)抗体测量", "RNP抗体测量" ], "67704009": [ "Etiocholanolone measurement", "乙胆烷醇酮测量" ], "311629003": [ "Therapy to promote recognition and understanding of complex phrases", "促进对复杂短语的识别和理解的疗法" ], "82253006": [ "IL-5 assay", "Interleukin (IL)-5 assay", "Interleukin-5 assay", "白细胞介素 (IL)-5 测定", "白细胞介素-5 检测", "IL-5 测定" ], "178722005": [ "Revision to open reduction of cervical spine fracture and collar stabilisation", "Revision to open reduction of cervical spine fracture and collar stabilization", "颈椎骨折切开复位及颈托固定术" ], "176887000": [ "Vaginofixation of uterus", "子宫阴道固定术" ], "29431001": [ "Open reduction of open shoulder dislocation", "开放性肩关节脱位切开复位" ], "275191002": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of postnasal space", "鼻后腔病变开放活检" ], "226039006": [ "Manipulation of the interphalangeal joints of hand - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the interphalangeal joints of hand", "手指间关节的操纵", "手指间关节的手术——非手术" ], "306124000": [ "Referral to infectious diseases service", "转介至传染病服务机构" ], "207820001": [ "Arthrotomy with removal of foreign body of interphalangeal joint of toe", "趾间关节切开术及异物取出术" ], "43980003": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on forearm, wrist or hand", "Anaesthesia for procedure on forearm, wrist or hand", "前臂、手腕或手部手术的麻醉" ], "338892004": [ "Complete repair of anomalous venous return, supracardiac type", "完全修复心上型静脉回流异常" ], "1303713006": [ "Endoscopic drainage of SPA (subperiosteal abscess) of orbit", "Endoscopic drainage of SPOA (subperiosteal orbital abscess)", "Endoscopic drainage of subperiosteal abscess of orbit", "眼眶骨膜下脓肿 (SPA) 的内镜引流", "内镜下眶骨膜下脓肿引流", "内镜下眼眶骨膜下脓肿引流术" ], "173217007": [ "Partial excision of lip", "唇部部分切除术" ], "122230000": [ "Plasmodium vivax antigen assay", "间日疟原虫抗原检测" ], "1156257007": [ "SARS-CoV-2 immunization", "Administration of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine", "2019-nCoV vaccination", "Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 vaccination", "2019-nCoV immunisation", "2019 novel coronavirus immunization", "COVID-19 immunization", "2019 novel coronavirus vaccination", "COVID-19 vaccination", "2019 novel coronavirus immunisation", "SARS-CoV-2 vaccination", "2019-nCoV immunization", "COVID-19 immunisation", "Administration of vaccine product against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2", "COVID-19 疫苗接种", "2019新型冠状病毒疫苗接种", "2019-nCoV 免疫", "SARS-CoV-2 免疫", "严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 疫苗接种", "COVID-19 免疫接种", "2019-nCoV 疫苗接种", "接种 SARS-CoV-2 疫苗", "接种严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 疫苗产品", "2019新型冠状病毒免疫", "SARS-CoV-2 疫苗接种" ], "171382000": [ "Adoption medical examination", "收养体检" ], "236918007": [ "Isthmo-ampullary anastomosis", "峡部壶腹部吻合术" ], "89462009": [ "Citrate utilization test", "Citrate utilisation test", "柠檬酸利用试验" ], "710219003": [ "Evaluation of psychosocial response to instruction about plan of care", "评估对护理计划指导的社会心理反应" ], "38475003": [ "Tympanoplasty with mastoidotomy, with ossicular chain reconstruction", "鼓室成形术加乳突切开术,并进行听小骨链重建" ], "104011003": [ "Le^a^ blood group antibody identification", "Le^a^血型抗体鉴定" ], "726603006": [ "Apremilast therapy", "阿普司特治疗" ], "429856001": [ "Computed tomography of prostate for radiotherapy planning", "Computed tomography (CT) of prostate for radiotherapy planning", "CT of prostate for radiotherapy planning", "前列腺计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "前列腺计算机断层扫描 (CT) 用于放射治疗计划", "前列腺 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "282400002": [ "Excision of lesion of hepatic ducts", "肝管病变切除术" ], "315168002": [ "Parvovirus B19 IgG level", "Parvovirus B19 immunoglobulin G level", "细小病毒 B19 免疫球蛋白 G 水平", "细小病毒 B19 IgG 水平" ], "446240006": [ "Excision of medial part of maxilla and nasal turbinate", "Medial maxillectomy and turbinectomy", "上颌骨内侧部及鼻甲切除术", "内侧上颌骨切除术和鼻甲切除术" ], "51189002": [ "Excision of lesion of tibia", "胫骨病变切除术" ], "165877005": [ "Autoimmunity profile", "Autoimmune profile", "Autoimmunity screening", "Autoimmune screening", "自身免疫状况", "自身免疫特征", "自身免疫筛查" ], "231413006": [ "Percutaneous cervical anterolateral cordotomy", "PALC - Percutaneous anterolateral cordotomy", "经皮颈前外侧脊髓切断术", "PALC - 经皮前外侧脊髓切开术" ], "870389007": [ "Cooled radiofrequency ablation of nerve using ultrasonographic guidance", "C-RFA (cooled radiofrequency ablation) of nerve using ultrasonography guidance", "Ultrasonography guided cooled radiofrequency ablation of nerve", "使用超声引导进行神经 C-RFA(冷却射频消融)", "超声引导下神经冷却射频消融", "使用超声引导进行神经冷却射频消融" ], "229578001": [ "Ice bath treatment", "冰浴治疗" ], "278730005": [ "Periorbital incision", "眶周切口" ], "276895000": [ "Percutaneous angioplasty of pulmonary venous pathway", "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of pulmonary venous pathway", "经皮肺静脉通路球囊成形术", "经皮肺静脉通路成形术" ], "391583003": [ "Perinuclear neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody level", "核周中性粒细胞胞浆抗体水平" ], "719263004": [ "Repair of parastomal hernia using mesh patch", "Parastomal hernioplasty", "使用网片修补术修补造口旁疝", "造口旁疝修补术" ], "178591005": [ "Revisional anterior decompression operation on cervical spinal cord and fusion", "颈椎前路减压修复及融合术" ], "31135006": [ "Macrophage migration inhibitor factor assay", "巨噬细胞移动抑制因子测定" ], "113055007": [ "Immune complex assay", "免疫复合物测定" ], "275060006": [ "Transluminal procedure on common femoral artery", "股总动脉腔内手术" ], "307828007": [ "Excision of nasal dermoid", "鼻部皮样囊肿切除术" ], "373364008": [ "Procedure on eyebrow", "眉毛手术" ], "29300007": [ "Core needle biopsy of lymph node", "淋巴结芯针活检" ], "305993005": [ "Referral from obstetrician and gynecologist", "Referral from obstetrician and gynaecologist", "Referral by obstetrician and gynecologist", "Referral by obstetrician and gynaecologist", "妇产科医生的推荐", "妇产科医生的转诊", "妇产科医生转诊" ], "25630002": [ "Testicular imaging", "睾丸成像" ], "173086004": [ "Endoscopic irrigation of trachea using rigid bronchoscope", "Rigid bronchoscopic lavage of trachea", "使用硬质支气管镜进行内镜气管冲洗", "硬质支气管镜气管灌洗" ], "418846007": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of popliteal artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of popliteal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下腘动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下腘动脉造影成形术" ], "122099007": [ "Staphylococcus aureus antibody assay", "Measurement of Staphylococcus aureus antibody", "金黄色葡萄球菌抗体测定" ], "21960000": [ "Shaving of patella", "髌骨刮除" ], "447944000": [ "Suprapubic aspiration of urinary bladder", "耻骨上膀胱抽吸术" ], "431560003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of profunda femoris artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮股深动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "103880004": [ "E blood group typing", "E血型分型" ], "429725001": [ "Stimulated arteriography of pancreas", "Stimulated angiography of pancreatic artery", "Stimulated arteriography of pancreatic artery", "胰腺动脉刺激血管造影", "胰腺刺激动脉造影", "胰腺动脉刺激造影" ], "446109005": [ "Total mastectomy and axillary dissection", "Simple mastectomy with excision of axillary lymph nodes", "单纯乳房切除术及腋窝淋巴结切除术", "全乳房切除术和腋窝清扫术" ], "1052317008": [ "Excision of right vas deferens", "右侧输精管切除术" ], "233117009": [ "Transluminal embolisation of major aortopulmonary collateral artery", "Transluminal embolization of major aortopulmonary collateral artery", "主动脉肺动脉侧支腔内栓塞术" ], "51058003": [ "Reconstruction of extremity with muscle flap", "Reconstruction of extremity using muscle flap", "Muscle flap reconstruction of extremity", "Extremity reconstruction using muscle flap", "肌瓣重建肢体", "利用肌瓣重建肢体", "使用肌瓣进行肢体重建", "肢体肌瓣重建" ], "83826006": [ "Palpebral ligament sling operation", "Eyelid fascia lata sling operation", "眼睑阔筋膜吊带手术", "眼睑韧带吊带手术" ], "870258006": [ "Evaluation of critical flicker fusion frequency", "临界闪烁融合频率的评估" ], "231282008": [ "Injection of local anaesthetic into sacroiliac joint", "Injection of local anesthetic into sacroiliac joint", "骶髂关节注射局部麻醉药" ], "444274008": [ "Measurement of amino acid in serum or plasma specimen using screening technique", "采用筛选技术测量血清或血浆样本中的氨基酸" ], "229447002": [ "Manipulation of the superior radioulnar joint - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the superior radioulnar joint", "上桡尺关节的操作 - 非手术", "上桡尺关节的操作" ], "391452000": [ "Serum desmethyldothiepin level", "血清去甲基多硫平水平" ], "47388000": [ "Decompression of tarsal tunnel", "Tarsal tunnel decompression", "Decompression of posterior tibial nerve at ankle", "跗管减压术", "踝部胫后神经减压术" ], "63772005": [ "Injection of eustachian tube with inert material", "向耳咽管注入惰性物质" ], "112924005": [ "Implantation of ovary into uterine cavity", "卵巢植入子宫腔" ], "440604007": [ "Qualitative measurement of nicotine in urine", "尿液中尼古丁的定性测量" ], "45553000": [ "Making circolectric bed", "制作圆形电床" ], "78321001": [ "Endoscopy of mouth", "口腔内窥镜检查" ], "1290737005": [ "Drainage of lesion of skin of neck", "颈部皮肤损伤引流" ], "240326000": [ "Donor hepatectomy", "Removal of liver from donor", "摘除捐献者的肝脏", "供肝切除术" ], "176625008": [ "Separation of labial adhesions", "Separation of vulval adhesions", "外阴粘连分离", "阴唇粘连分离" ], "438769009": [ "Unifocalisation of pulmonary artery with cardiopulmonary bypass", "Unifocalization of pulmonary artery with cardiopulmonary bypass", "体外循环下肺动脉单聚焦", "体外循环下肺动脉的单一聚焦" ], "174790003": [ "Biopsy of lesion of spleen", "脾脏病变活检" ], "76486003": [ "Occlusion of bilateral fallopian tubes", "Occlusion of both fallopian tubes", "双侧输卵管阻塞" ], "699078008": [ "Repair of complete atrioventricular septal defect", "Repair of atrioventricular septal defect with atrial and ventricular components", "带有心房和心室成分的房室间隔缺损的修复", "完全性房室间隔缺损的修补" ], "271259004": [ "Urine urea level", "Urine urea measurement", "尿液尿素水平", "尿液尿素测量" ], "385947005": [ "Dressing change assessment", "Assess dressing change", "换药评估", "评估敷料更换" ], "41883009": [ "Excision of lesion of vagina", "Excision of vaginal lesion", "阴道病变切除术", "阴道病变切除" ], "171120003": [ "Trachoma screening", "沙眼筛查" ], "72816003": [ "Excision of lesion of epicardium", "心外膜病变切除术" ], "121968006": [ "Coccidioides immitis detection", "球孢子菌的无情检测" ], "38213000": [ "Closure of intestinal cutaneous fistula", "Closure of enterocutaneous fistula", "肠外瘘闭合", "肠皮瘘闭合" ], "431429001": [ "Radionuclide destruction of synovium", "放射性核素破坏滑膜" ], "185669002": [ "BP screening - first recall", "Blood pressure screening - first recall", "血压筛查-首次召回", "血压筛查 - 首次回访" ], "87365002": [ "Ceruloplasmin measurement", "Caeruloplasmin measurement", "铜蓝蛋白测量" ], "1332549004": [ "Marsupialisation of ranula of salivary gland", "Marsupialization of ranula of salivary gland", "涎腺囊袋造袋术", "涎腺囊袋化" ], "103749000": [ "Sleep disorder assessment", "睡眠障碍评估" ], "302192008": [ "On treatment for hypertension", "高血压治疗" ], "415045008": [ "Patient monitoring equipment check", "病人监护设备检查" ], "265754000": [ "Wedge tarsectomy for correction congenital deformity of foot", "楔形跗骨切除术矫正先天性足部畸形" ], "234821008": [ "Insertion of Tanner appliance", "插入 Tanner 矫正器" ], "232986003": [ "Operation on superior vena cava", "上腔静脉手术" ], "183834004": [ "Referral for medical photography", "医学摄影推荐" ], "429594006": [ "Excision of horizontal extraocular muscle", "水平眼外肌切除术" ], "445978007": [ "Assessment using volitional questionnaire version 4.1", "使用 4.1 版意志问卷进行评估" ], "231151001": [ "Ring block of middle finger", "中指环块" ], "1775004": [ "Submaxillary incision with drainage", "颌下切开引流" ], "313071005": [ "Substance abuse counselling", "Substance abuse counseling", "Counseling for substance abuse", "Counselling for substance abuse", "药物滥用咨询" ], "67311005": [ "Sedimentation rate, Wintrobe", "沉降速率,温特罗布" ], "6441000179108": [ "Surgical removal of sinus of natal cleft", "手术切除先天性裂窦" ], "229316007": [ "Cervical traction", "CT - Cervical traction", "CT - 颈椎牵引", "颈椎牵引" ], "407705000": [ "Haemoglobin G level", "Hemoglobin G level", "Haemoglobin G measurement", "Hemoglobin G measurement", "血红蛋白 G 测量", "血红蛋白 G 水平" ], "391321002": [ "Blood biotinidase level", "血液生物素酶水平" ], "178329003": [ "Lymphangiography of mediastinal lymph nodes", "Mediastinal lymphangiogram", "Lymphangiogram of mediastinal nodes", "纵隔淋巴管造影", "纵隔淋巴结淋巴管造影" ], "112793004": [ "Fistulization of nasal sinus", "Fistulisation of nasal sinus", "鼻窦造瘘术" ], "473241007": [ "Sequestrectomy of infected facial bone", "Sequestrectomy of facial bone for infection", "面部骨坏死切除术治疗感染", "感染性面骨死骨切除术" ], "1290606000": [ "Plain X-ray of ilium", "髂骨普通 X 光检查" ], "782702001": [ "Transurethral water vapour ablation of prostate", "Transurethral water vapor ablation of prostate", "WAVE (Water vapor energy) ablation thermal therapy", "WAVE (Water vapour energy) ablation thermal therapy", "经尿道前列腺水蒸气消融术", "WAVE(水蒸气能量)消融热疗", "经尿道前列腺水汽消融术" ], "12654003": [ "Closure of foramen ovale with prosthesis by closed heart technique", "Repair of foramen ovale with prosthesis by closed heart technique", "Transluminal prosthetic closure of patent foramen ovale", "经腔内假体封闭卵圆孔未闭", "闭式心脏技术修复卵圆孔假体", "用闭式心脏技术闭合卵圆孔假体" ], "307566004": [ "Transgastric drainage of pancreatic cyst", "胰腺囊肿经胃引流术" ], "274798009": [ "Examination of retina", "视网膜检查" ], "387651008": [ "Exploration with a probe", "Diagnostic probing", "Diagnostic instrumental exploration", "用探针探索", "诊断仪器探索", "诊断探测" ], "385816003": [ "Patient feeding technique assessment", "Assess patient feeding technique", "病人进食技术评估", "评估病人的进食技术" ], "287512006": [ "Non-surgical biopsy of nervous system", "神经系统非手术活检" ], "238360008": [ "Excision of branchial tract", "鳃管切除术" ], "90904008": [ "Removal of utricle of labyrinth", "迷路囊切除术" ], "252909004": [ "Frewen regime", "Bladder drill", "Urinary bladder drill", "膀胱钻", "弗雷文政权" ], "433133005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of orbit with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of orbit with contrast", "MRI of orbit with contrast", "眼眶增强磁共振成像 (MRI)", "眼眶磁共振成像对比", "眼眶增强 MRI 检查" ], "121837006": [ "Phenylacetate measurement", "苯乙酸盐测量" ], "449517007": [ "Arthroscopic removal of loose body from finger joint", "关节镜下手指关节游离体取出" ], "234690000": [ "Insertion of membrane into periodontal tissue", "将膜插入牙周组织" ], "70850001": [ "Myectomy of eye muscle, multiple", "眼肌切除术,多发性" ], "431298004": [ "Fluoroscopic myelogram of lumbar spine with cervical puncture", "颈椎穿刺腰椎透视脊髓造影" ], "3479000": [ "Removal of heart assist system with replacement", "Removal of pump assist device of heart with replacement", "心脏辅助系统的移除与更换", "心脏泵辅助装置的移除及更换" ], "87234009": [ "Broth microdilution susceptibility test for Nocardia", "诺卡氏菌肉汤微量稀释药敏试验" ], "232855005": [ "Inspection of pulmonary valve", "肺动脉瓣检查" ], "52631006": [ "Local destruction of lesion of wrist joint", "腕关节损伤局部破坏" ], "183703007": [ "Urology self-referral", "泌尿科自我转诊" ], "445847007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of Achilles tendon", "MRI of Achilles tendon", "跟腱 MRI", "跟腱磁共振成像" ], "50796003": [ "Cervical biopsy", "Biopsy of cervix uteri", "Biopsy of cervix", "宫颈活检" ], "231020006": [ "Adjustment to epidural electrode", "Attention to dorsal column stimulation electrode", "注意背柱刺激电极", "硬膜外电极的调整" ], "116332006": [ "Physical examination maneuver related to the spine", "Physical examination manoeuvre related to the spine", "与脊柱相关的体格检查操作" ], "32577000": [ "Radical excision of preauricular sinus of ear", "耳前窦根治切除术" ], "720705001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain with arterial spin labeling", "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain with arterial spin labelling", "MRI of brain with arterial spin labeling", "MRI of brain with arterial spin labelling", "脑动脉自旋标记磁共振成像", "脑部动脉自旋标记 MRI", "脑部 MRI 动脉自旋标记", "用动脉自旋标记进行脑磁共振成像" ], "229185006": [ "Abdominal exercises in water", "水中腹部锻炼" ], "407574002": [ "Informing partner", "通知合作伙伴" ], "391190003": [ "Early intervention in psychosis - <1 contact/month", "精神病早期干预 - <1 次接触/月" ], "702486003": [ "Computed tomography of cervical and thoracic spine with contrast", "CT of cervical and thoracic spine with contrast", "颈椎和胸椎增强计算机断层扫描", "颈椎和胸椎增强 CT 检查" ], "440342005": [ "Open reduction of fracture of distal phalanx of finger with internal fixation", "手指远节指骨骨折切开复位内固定" ], "243734009": [ "Provision of electronic low vision aid", "提供电子低视力辅助设备" ], "12523007": [ "Joint capsulodesis", "关节囊固定术" ], "10688003": [ "Anodic stripping voltammetry measurement", "阳极溶出伏安法测量" ], "1255872005": [ "WWT - wet wrap therapy", "Wet wrap therapy", "Application of wet therapy wrap to skin", "将湿疗包敷于皮肤上", "湿敷疗法", "WWT-- 湿敷疗法" ], "270997002": [ "Serum fructosamine level", "Serum fructosamine measurement", "血清果糖胺测定", "血清果糖胺水平" ], "287381005": [ "External ear skin graft", "Graft of skin to skin of external ear", "外耳皮肤移植" ], "238229006": [ "Incision and drainage of lesion of abdominal wall", "腹壁病变切开引流" ], "416618000": [ "Adjustment of suture within Molteno tube", "调整 Molteno 管内的缝合线" ], "252778001": [ "Ophthalmic electrodiagnostic investigations", "眼科电诊断检查" ], "105322000": [ "Silicate measurement", "硅酸盐测量" ], "121706004": [ "Ticlopidine measurement", "噻氯匹定测量" ], "39786006": [ "Endoscopy of spinal canal", "脊椎管内窥镜检查" ], "170858007": [ "Follow-up skin assessment", "后续皮肤评估" ], "711530008": [ "Arthroscopic drilling of osteochondral lesion of knee", "关节镜下膝骨软骨损伤钻孔治疗" ], "169023000": [ "Fluoroscopy and radiography - digestive", "荧光透视和放射照相术 - 消化系统" ], "87103002": [ "Excision of nasolabial cyst", "Excision of cyst of nasolabial fold", "Excision of cyst of nasolabial sulcus", "鼻唇囊肿切除术", "鼻唇沟囊肿切除术" ], "1332287006": [ "MRI of sacroiliac joint without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of sacroiliac joint without contrast", "骶髂关节无造影磁共振成像", "骶髂关节非造影 MRI" ], "265492000": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal bifurcation of aorta by anastomosis of aorta to iliac artery", "紧急主动脉瘤分叉置换术,以主动脉至髂动脉吻合" ], "70719008": [ "Interferon beta assay", "干扰素β检测" ], "412948003": [ "Plasma sarcosine measurement", "Plasma sarcosine level", "血浆肌氨酸水平", "血浆肌氨酸测量" ], "445716005": [ "Endoscopic dilation of small intestine", "内镜小肠扩张术" ], "232724005": [ "CABG >5 - Coronary artery bypass grafts greater than five", "Coronary artery bypass grafts greater than 5", "冠状动脉搭桥手术超过 5", "CABG >5 - 冠状动脉搭桥手术超过 5 次" ], "230889000": [ "Biopsy of lesion of ventricle of brain", "脑室病变活检" ], "118036009": [ "Herpes simplex virus 1 antigen assay", "单纯疱疹病毒 1 型抗原检测" ], "429332008": [ "Transplantation of single lobe of lung", "单叶肺移植" ], "442046009": [ "Measurement of mercaptopurine metabolite", "巯嘌呤代谢物的测定" ], "440211003": [ "Excision of lamina of vertebra with release of tethered lumbar spinal cord", "Laminectomy with release of tethered lumbar spinal cord", "椎板切除并释放束缚腰椎脊髓", "椎板切除术及腰椎脊髓栓系释放术" ], "866195005": [ "Ultrasound scan of joint of upper limb", "Ultrasonography of joint of upper extremity", "Ultrasonography of joint of upper limb", "Ultrasound of joint of upper limb", "上肢关节超声检查", "上肢关节超声扫描" ], "14541000087102": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of vein of left upper extremity", "Doppler ultrasonography of vein of left upper limb", "Doppler ultrasound of vein of left upper limb", "左上肢静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "14227006": [ "Sickle cell identification", "镰状细胞识别" ], "307304000": [ "Polya gastric antrectomy", "Gastric antrectomy with Polya anastomosis", "胃窦切除术及 Polya 吻合术", "波利亚胃窦切除术" ], "11981000087102": [ "CT arthrography of right lower extremity", "Computed tomography arthrography of right lower extremity", "Computed tomography arthrography of right lower limb", "CT arthrogram of right lower extremity", "CT arthrography of right lower limb", "右下肢计算机断层关节造影", "右下肢CT关节造影" ], "438376002": [ "Intracardiac procedure using imaging guidance", "使用影像引导进行心内手术" ], "1741000087107": [ "CT of bilateral hips with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral hips with contrast", "双侧髋部增强 CT 检查", "双侧髋关节增强 CT 检查" ], "77928004": [ "Insertion of bone growth stimulator into humerus", "将骨生长刺激器插入肱骨" ], "4301000087108": [ "CT of left forearm with contrast", "Computed tomography of left forearm with contrast", "左前臂增强计算机断层扫描", "左前臂增强 CT 扫描" ], "423827005": [ "Endoscopy", "Inspection using endoscope", "内窥镜检查", "使用内窥镜检查" ], "3021000087102": [ "MRI of bilateral lower limbs", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral lower limbs", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both lower limbs", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right lower limb", "双下肢磁共振成像", "左、右下肢磁共振成像", "双下肢 MRI" ], "12392008": [ "Facial-accessory nerve anastomosis", "Accessory-facial nerve anastomosis", "Neuroanastomosis of accessory and facial nerve", "Accessory-facial anastomosis", "副面神经吻合术", "面部副神经吻合术", "副神经及面神经吻合术", "副面部吻合术" ], "18381000087108": [ "Computed tomography angiography of bilateral lower limbs with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of left and right lower limb with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of both lower limbs with contrast", "CT angiography of bilateral lower extremities with contrast", "CT angiography of bilateral lower limbs with contrast", "CT angiography of bilateral legs with contrast", "CT angiography of both legs with contrast", "CT angiography of both lower limbs with contrast", "CT angiography of both lower extremities with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of bilateral lower extremities with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of both lower extremities with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of both legs with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of bilateral legs with contrast", "双腿增强 CT 血管造影", "双下肢增强 CT 血管造影", "双腿增强计算机断层血管造影", "左、右下肢增强 CT 血管造影" ], "28776009": [ "Suture of periosteum of phalanges of foot", "足趾骨骨膜缝合" ], "225384009": [ "Functional behavioural assessment", "Functional behavioral assessment", "Functional analysis", "功能分析", "功能行为评估" ], "371005009": [ "Removal of calculus of urinary bladder", "膀胱结石清除术" ], "57874002": [ "Abdominal phlebectomy", "Excision of abdominal vein", "腹腔静脉切除术", "腹部静脉切除术" ], "287250004": [ "New attachment of nerve", "神经的新附着" ], "713234005": [ "Supervision of high risk pregnancy with history of previous intrauterine death", "有宫内死亡史的高危妊娠监护" ], "236263000": [ "Dilatation of urethra using filiform and follow-on soft bougies", "Dilation of urethra using filiform and follow-on soft bougies", "使用丝状和后续软探条扩张尿道" ], "121575001": [ "Fluconazole measurement", "氟康唑测量" ], "449255003": [ "Intraluminal brachytherapy of tracheobronchial tree", "气管支气管树腔内近距离放射治疗" ], "105191005": [ "Fenproporex measurement", "芬普雷司测量" ], "252647006": [ "Studies of gastric emptying using radiolabelled solid meal", "Radionuclide solid phase gastric emptying study", "Studies of gastric emptying using radiolabeled solid meal", "使用放射性标记的固体食物进行胃排空研究", "放射性核素固相胃排空研究" ], "432871008": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for drainage", "Insertion of drain using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导引流", "在荧光透视引导下插入引流管" ], "398268000": [ "Finger fasciectomy", "手指筋膜切除术" ], "39655008": [ "Esophagoplasty by thoracic approach", "Oesophagoplasty by thoracic approach", "经胸入路食管成形术" ], "37820002": [ "Removal of gallstones from duodenum", "十二指肠胆结石去除" ], "119740001": [ "Trachea destructive procedure", "气管破坏性手术" ], "168892005": [ "Male genital system contrast procedure", "男性生殖系统造影检查" ], "709564003": [ "Restricting oral intake", "限制口服摄入" ], "117905001": [ "Endothelin measurement", "内皮素测量" ], "134289004": [ "Chlamydia group antibody level", "衣原体组抗体水平" ], "429201005": [ "Referral to therapeutic nuclear medicine service", "转诊至治疗核医学服务" ], "412817005": [ "Prothrombin time with 80:20 mix", "PT 80:20 mix", "80:20 混合物的凝血酶原时间", "PT 80:20 混合" ], "232593007": [ "Bronchoscopic arrest of hemorrhage", "Bronchoscopic arrest of haemorrhage", "支气管镜止血" ], "52369007": [ "Grafting of tibia", "胫骨移植" ], "216209009": [ "Removal of hydatidiform mole", "葡萄胎切除" ], "83302001": [ "Oestrogen receptor assay (ERA)", "Estrogen receptor assay (ERA)", "Estrogen receptor assay", "雌激素受体检测(ERA)", "雌激素受体测定" ], "427366006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of femur", "MRI of femur", "股骨 MRI", "股骨磁共振成像" ], "32315000": [ "Fluphenazine measurement", "氟奋乃静测量" ], "441915005": [ "Measurement of renal function", "肾功能测量" ], "179771008": [ "Primary intra-articular autograft augmentation intra-articular ligament", "原发性关节内自体移植增强关节内韧带" ], "440080001": [ "Endoscopy of nasal sinus with decompression of optic nerve", "Endoscopic decompression of optic nerve", "内镜视神经减压术", "鼻窦内窥镜视神经减压术" ], "79632004": [ "Disarticulation of toe", "趾关节脱位" ], "274405001": [ "Contrast radiography of trachea", "气管造影" ], "389093003": [ "Fertility care", "Fertility preservation", "生育护理", "生育力保存" ], "1306597004": [ "Assessment of osteoporosis", "骨质疏松症评估" ], "241637003": [ "MRI of wrist", "Magnetic resonance imaging of wrist", "腕部 MRI", "腕部磁共振成像" ], "176101004": [ "Cystoscopic dilatation of ureteric orifice", "Cystoscopic dilation of ureteric orifice", "膀胱镜输尿管口扩张术" ], "405477007": [ "Iliac artery bypass", "髂动脉搭桥术" ], "28645008": [ "Replacement of bone flap of skull", "颅骨骨瓣置换术" ], "59578001": [ "Surgical pneumoperitoneum for collapse of lung", "肺塌陷的外科气腹治疗" ], "223418001": [ "Advice about efficacy of medication", "Advice about drug efficacy", "Advice about efficacy of drug treatment", "Medication efficacy education", "关于药物疗效的建议", "药物疗效教育", "药物治疗效果建议", "关于药物功效的建议" ], "420026003": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of common carotid artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of common carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下颈总动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下颈总动脉造影成形术" ], "225253009": [ "Checking cervix covered by cap", "检查宫颈帽覆盖的情况" ], "370874000": [ "Assistive device provision assessment", "Assess assistive device therapy", "辅助设备提供评估", "评估辅助设备治疗" ], "305338009": [ "Admission to GP hospital", "Admission to general practice hospital", "入住全科医院", "入住综合医院" ], "105060001": [ "Aminocaproate trough measurement", "氨基己酸谷测量" ], "23140002": [ "Loop diathermy excision of cervix", "Loop electrosurgical excision procedure of cervix", "DLE (Diathermy loop excision) of cervix", "LEEP (Loop electrosurgical excision procedure) of cervix", "宫颈环电切除术 (LEEP)", "宫颈环电热切除术", "宫颈透热环切除术 (DLE)", "宫颈环电切术" ], "121444007": [ "Aprobarbital measurement", "阿普巴比妥测量" ], "252516008": [ "Intracutaneous test of type 1 hypersensitivity", "Intradermal test of type 1 hypersensitivity", "1型超敏反应皮内试验" ], "234297005": [ "Lymphatic drainage through omental transfer", "通过网膜转移进行淋巴引流" ], "725817006": [ "Assessment using Assessment of Occupational Functioning Modified Interest Checklist", "使用职业功能评估修改兴趣检查表进行评估" ], "429070000": [ "Preconception care", "孕前护理" ], "281614005": [ "Construction of dental pull down template", "牙科下拉模板的构建" ], "609294007": [ "Laparoscopic right oophorectomy after prior left oophorectomy", "左侧卵巢切除术后行腹腔镜右侧卵巢切除术" ], "117774007": [ "Caprine parapoxvirus antibody assay", "山羊副痘病毒抗体测定" ], "1230051001": [ "Preparation of shower bath", "淋浴准备" ], "1251000": [ "Incisional biopsy of testis", "睾丸切开活检" ], "265230009": [ "Needle destruction of substantia gelatinosa of cervical spinal cord", "DREZ lesion destruction", "DREZ 病变破坏", "颈髓胶状质针破坏术" ], "165091000": [ "Limb blood flow test", "肢体血流检测" ], "437541000124102": [ "Leucine modified diet", "亮氨酸改良饮食" ], "177805000": [ "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of pleura", "内镜胸膜病变摘除术" ], "179640009": [ "Primary closed reduction of dislocation and skin traction", "脱位和皮肤牵引的初次闭合复位" ], "438821000124106": [ "Vitamin K supplement therapy", "维生素K补充疗法" ], "439949001": [ "Evaluation of ulcer healing", "溃疡愈合评估" ], "409016008": [ "Labour care education", "Labor care education", "Teach labour care", "Teach labor care", "劳工关怀教育", "教导分娩护理" ], "441381000124109": [ "Management of concentration of enteral nutrition", "肠内营养浓度管理" ], "46733005": [ "Provision of molds or casts for immobilization", "Provision of moulds or casts for immobilisation", "提供固定模具或铸模" ], "390797002": [ "Referral to respiratory rapid response team", "转诊至呼吸道快速反应小组" ], "28514000": [ "Tomography of both kidneys", "Tomography of bilateral kidneys", "双肾断层扫描", "双侧肾脏断层扫描" ], "225122002": [ "Packing sinus", "填塞窦" ], "700258004": [ "Dietary education about vitamin intake", "关于维生素摄入的饮食教育" ], "241506006": [ "US scan of joints of foot", "Ultrasound scan of joints of foot", "足部关节超声扫描", "足部关节超声波扫描" ], "388962008": [ "Weight maintenance regimen", "Weight control", "控制体重", "体重维持方案" ], "405346009": [ "Thrombolysis of iliac artery", "髂动脉血栓溶解术" ], "239671006": [ "Application of volar slab", "掌侧板的应用" ], "712972000": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of artery of penis", "Doppler ultrasound scan of penile artery", "Doppler ultrasound of penile artery", "阴茎动脉多普勒超声检查", "阴茎动脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "73996007": [ "Proctopexy combined with sigmoid resection by abdominal approach", "经腹直肠固定术联合乙状结肠切除术" ], "252385000": [ "Urine dipstick for leucocyte esterase", "Urine dipstick for leucocytes", "Urine dipstick for white cells", "Urine dipstick for leukocyte esterase", "Urine dipstick for leukocytes", "尿液白细胞酯酶试纸", "尿液试纸检测白细胞", "尿液白细胞试纸" ], "90380009": [ "Removal of pyelostomy and nephrostomy tubes", "移除肾盂造口管和肾造口管" ], "121313002": [ "5-Hydroxyhexanoate measurement", "5-羟基己酸测量" ], "711137004": [ "Count of instruments and sponges during surgery", "手术期间器械和海绵的数量" ], "104929006": [ "Sarcosine measurement", "肌氨酸测量" ], "1055201009": [ "Decreased protein diet", "Decreased protein and/or protein derivative diet", "减少蛋白质和/或蛋白质衍生物饮食", "减少蛋白质饮食" ], "609163000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into hepatic artery", "Endovascular insertion of stent into hepatic artery", "经皮肝动脉腔内支架置入术", "肝动脉内支架置入" ], "398006009": [ "Malleus stapes assembly", "锤骨镫骨组装" ], "117643001": [ "Monoclonal band identification", "单克隆条带识别" ], "84875003": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on neck", "Anaesthesia for procedure on neck", "颈部手术麻醉" ], "68491008": [ "Implantation of prosthesis or prosthetic device of acetabulum of hip joint with use of methyl methacrylate", "Insertion of prosthesis or prosthetic device of acetabulum of hip joint with use of methyl methacrylate", "使用甲基丙烯酸甲酯植入髋关节髋臼假体或假体装置", "利用甲基丙烯酸甲酯植入髋关节髋臼假体或假体装置" ], "392501002": [ "Ulocladium chartarum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rm204 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ulocladium chartarum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rm204 特异性IgE抗体测量", "Ulocladium 纸特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "用于特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量的 Ulocladium 试纸" ], "15669007": [ "Splenorenal bypass graft", "脾肾旁路移植术" ], "228661008": [ "Grenz ray therapy", "边界射线治疗" ], "243210000": [ "Orthoptic treatment - uniocular penalization", "Orthoptic treatment - uniocular penalisation", "视觉矫正治疗 - 单眼惩罚", "视觉矫正治疗-单眼惩罚" ], "408885009": [ "Breastfeeding support education", "Teach breastfeeding support", "教授母乳喂养支持", "母乳喂养支持教育" ], "177674002": [ "Dressing of burnt skin of head or neck", "头部或颈部烧伤皮肤的包扎" ], "275978004": [ "Colon neoplasm screening", "Screening for malignant neoplasm of colon", "Screening for colon cancer", "Colon cancer screening", "结肠肿瘤筛查", "结肠癌筛查", "结肠恶性肿瘤筛查" ], "175839000": [ "Operation on jugular body", "颈静脉体手术" ], "306911001": [ "Removal of tooth splint", "拆除牙夹板" ], "1259018009": [ "Education about adult education centre", "Education about adult learning centre", "Education about adult learning center", "Education about adult education center", "关于成人教育中心的教育", "成人教育中心教育", "成人学习中心教育" ], "61151005": [ "Cholecystopancreatostomy", "Gallbladder to pancreas anastomosis", "胆囊胰管吻合术", "胆囊胰吻合术" ], "239540005": [ "Operation on intervertebral disc", "Intervertebral disc operation", "椎间盘手术" ], "370612006": [ "Excision of neoplasm", "Tumorectomy", "Tumourectomy", "肿瘤切除", "肿瘤切除术" ], "174004006": [ "Open intubation of ileum", "回肠开放插管" ], "305076008": [ "Hand stretching", "手部伸展" ], "90249002": [ "Pneumocentesis", "Pneumonocentesis", "Puncture of lung for aspiration", "肺穿刺吸入", "肺穿刺术" ], "711006002": [ "Measurement of fluid intake", "液体摄入量的测量" ], "170334003": [ "Final tetanus immunisation", "Final tetanus immunization", "Administration of final dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani antigen", "Final tetanus vaccination", "Administration of final dose of tetanus vaccine", "最后一次破伤风疫苗接种", "最终破伤风免疫", "注射最后一剂仅含破伤风梭菌抗原的疫苗产品", "注射最后一剂破伤风疫苗", "最终破伤风免疫接种" ], "104798003": [ "Lysozyme measurement", "Lysozyme level", "溶菌酶水平", "溶菌酶测量" ], "448862005": [ "Embolisation of carotid cavernous fistula", "Embolization of carotid cavernous fistula", "颈动脉海绵窦瘘栓塞术" ], "399710006": [ "Stereotactically guided core needle biopsy", "Core needle biopsy using stereotactic guidance", "立体定向引导下的芯针活检", "立体定向引导芯针活检" ], "252254007": [ "Tolbutamide tolerance test", "Glucose measurement, tolbutamide tolerance test", "Tolbutamide measurement", "血糖测量、甲苯磺丁脲耐量试验", "甲苯磺丁脲测定", "甲苯磺丁脲耐受试验" ], "414259000": [ "First diphtheria and Haemophilus influenza type b and five component acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of first dose of diphtheria and Haemophilus influenza type b and five component acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "First diphtheria and Haemophilus influenza type b and five component acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only five component acellular Bordetella pertussis, Clostridium tetani, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Haemophilus influenzae type b and inactivated whole Human poliovirus antigens", "First diphtheria and Haemophilus influenza type b and five component acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "首次白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、五种成分无细胞百日咳、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫接种", "注射第一剂仅含有五种成分的疫苗产品:无细胞百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌、b 型流感嗜血杆菌和灭活的全人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原", "首次接种白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、五种成分无细胞百日咳、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "首次白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、五种成分无细胞百日咳、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫", "注射第一剂白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌和五种成分无细胞百日咳、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗" ], "250419008": [ "Dipstick test of nitrite concentration", "Nitrite concentration", "亚硝酸盐浓度", "亚硝酸盐浓度试纸测试" ], "609032001": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from lymph node prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备淋巴结标本涂片进行显微镜细胞学检查" ], "19208002": [ "Extraction of secondary membrane by discission", "Extraction of after cataract by discission", "二次膜分离提取", "后发性白内障摘除术" ], "16457831000119107": [ "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous injection of pseudoaneurysm of right limb", "Percutaneous injection of pseudoaneurysm of right limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下右肢假性动脉瘤经皮注射", "超声引导下右肢假性动脉瘤经皮穿刺注射" ], "314120004": [ "Bilateral dissection tonsillectomy", "Dissection and excision of bilateral tonsils", "Dissection and excision of both tonsils", "双侧扁桃体切除术", "解剖并切除两侧扁桃体", "双侧扁桃体切开并切除" ], "1264392003": [ "Fitting of maxillary obturator", "上颌骨填塞器安装" ], "133896000": [ "Care of immunosuppressed patient", "免疫抑制患者的护理" ], "232200001": [ "Decompression of endolymphatic sac and insertion of shunt", "内淋巴囊减压及分流管插入" ], "428808001": [ "Transtympanic injection of middle ear", "中耳鼓室注射" ], "50141002": [ "Scleral buckling with vitreous implant", "巩膜扣带术联合玻璃体植入" ], "33757002": [ "Fulguration of urethral polyps", "尿道息肉电灼术" ], "66525004": [ "Closure by tape", "用胶带封口" ], "392370001": [ "Phoenix canariensis (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rt214 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Phoenix canariensis (pollen) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Canary island date palm (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Canary island date palm (pollen) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "加那利岛枣椰子(花粉)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rt214 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "加那利岛枣椰子(花粉)特异性IgE抗体测定", "加那利海枣(花粉)特异性IgE抗体测定", "加那利海枣(花粉)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "359602005": [ "Fine needle biopsy of rectum", "直肠细针活检" ], "228530006": [ "Weight-bearing through affected side", "患侧负重" ], "408754009": [ "CT of entire head", "Computed tomography of entire head", "整个头部 CT", "整个头部计算机断层扫描" ], "46471003": [ "Isotope study for urinary recovery", "尿液回收同位素研究" ], "275847004": [ "Hepatitis notification", "肝炎通报" ], "406919003": [ "Romanowsky stain method", "Romanowsky stain", "罗曼诺夫斯基染色法", "罗曼诺夫斯基染色" ], "241244003": [ "Percutaneous splenoportogram", "Direct splenoportogram", "直接脾门静脉造影", "经皮脾门静脉造影" ], "388700006": [ "Marjoram specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf274 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Origanum majorana specific IgE antibody measurement", "Origanum majorana specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "牛至特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "马郁兰特异性IgE抗体测量", "Rf274 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "牛至特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "239409001": [ "Mandibular angle osteotomy", "下颌角截骨术" ], "1287985002": [ "Intraluminal insertion of sponge into rectum using sigmoidoscope", "Sigmoidoscopic insertion of endosponge in rectum", "Insertion of endosponge into rectum using sigmoidoscope", "Endoluminal vacuum therapy in rectum using sigmoidoscope", "使用乙状结肠镜将内海绵插入直肠", "乙状结肠镜直肠腔内真空治疗", "使用乙状结肠镜将海绵插入直肠腔内", "乙状结肠镜直肠海绵体插入术" ], "26417002": [ "Obliteration of Skene's gland", "Obliteration of Skene gland", "斯基恩腺消失", "斯基恩氏腺消失" ], "57350006": [ "Slocum's test", "Slocum test", "斯洛库姆试验", "斯洛克姆试验" ], "450566007": [ "Digital breast tomosynthesis", "Digital tomosynthesis of breast", "数字乳腺断层合成", "乳腺数字断层摄影" ], "170203004": [ "Child examination: heart", "儿童检查:心脏" ], "6363006": [ "Dilation of lacrimal punctum with irrigation", "冲洗扩张泪点" ], "104667007": [ "Free inositol measurement", "游离肌醇测量" ], "363141001": [ "Imaging of neck", "颈部影像" ], "20912009": [ "Craniotomy for decompression of skull fracture", "开颅手术减压颅骨骨折" ], "445061001": [ "Preoperative counseling", "Preoperative counselling", "术前咨询" ], "2693007": [ "Stool fat, quantitative measurement", "粪便脂肪定量测定" ], "608901008": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from lymph node for parasites", "淋巴结标本的显微镜检查是否有寄生虫" ], "313989009": [ "Serum cholesterol/HDL ratio", "Serum cholesterol/HDL ratio measurement", "Serum cholesterol/high density lipoprotein ratio measurement", "血清胆固醇/高密度脂蛋白比率测量", "血清胆固醇/高密度脂蛋白 (HDL) 比率", "血清胆固醇/高密度脂蛋白 (HDL) 比率测量" ], "770906006": [ "Jerk test of knee", "膝关节挺举试验" ], "1295194008": [ "Injection into lymphatic tissue", "注射至淋巴组织" ], "719919003": [ "Fluoroscopy guided balloon dilatation of colon", "Balloon dilatation of colon using fluoroscopic guidance", "Balloon dilation of colon using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下结肠球囊扩张术" ], "308484001": [ "Referral to obstetrician", "转诊至产科医生" ], "275716001": [ "Mycology", "真菌学" ], "718084006": [ "Replacement of tooth with removable complete denture", "用可拆卸的全口义齿替换牙齿" ], "306649000": [ "Discharge from breast surgery service", "乳腺外科手术出院" ], "388569006": [ "Castanea sativa specific IgE antibody measurement", "f299 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sweet chestnut specific IgE antibody measurement", "Castanea sativa specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "栗树特异性IgE抗体测定", "板栗特异性IgE抗体测定", "f299 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "栗树特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "386734002": [ "Combined open and endoscopic bladder neck suspension", "Combined open and endoscopic urinary bladder neck suspension", "开放式和内镜式膀胱颈悬吊术", "开放及内镜联合膀胱颈悬吊术" ], "173742004": [ "Revision of anastomosis of stomach to duodenum", "Revision gastroduodenal anastomosis", "胃十二指肠吻合术" ], "1304238007": [ "Glaucoma tube shunt of left eye", "Glaucoma implant surgery of left eye", "Insertion of drainage tube into anterior chamber of left eye", "左眼青光眼植入手术", "左眼青光眼管分流术", "左眼前房插入引流管" ], "239278008": [ "Operation on fracture", "骨折手术" ], "171907000": [ "Chemical destruction of perivascular sympathetic nerve", "血管周围交感神经的化学破坏" ], "401283002": [ "Enteric microscopy, culture and sensitivities", "肠道显微镜检查、培养和敏感性" ], "304814008": [ "Kleinian psychoanalysis", "克莱因精神分析" ], "450435004": [ "Laparoscopy and peritoneal lavage", "Laparoscopy with peritoneal washout", "腹腔镜检查和腹腔灌洗", "腹腔镜检查及腹膜冲洗" ], "1204099006": [ "Vascularized bone graft to tibia with microsurgery", "Vascularised bone graft to tibia with microsurgery", "利用显微手术进行带血管的胫骨骨移植", "用显微外科手术将血管化骨移植至胫骨" ], "417667006": [ "Preoxygenation by time", "按时间进行预给氧" ], "104536000": [ "Argininosuccinate synthase measurement", "精氨酰琥珀酸合酶测定" ], "432216002": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of popliteal fossa", "Ultrasonography of popliteal fossa", "腘窝超声检查" ], "20781004": [ "Partial excision of nail and nail matrix", "Partial avulsion of nail", "Partial excision of claw", "PNA - Partial nail avulsion", "Partial nail avulsion", "Partial removal of nail plate", "部分指甲撕脱", "部分去除指甲板", "爪子部分切除", "指甲部分撕脱", "部分切除指甲和指甲基质", "PNA-- 部分指甲撕脱" ], "708909006": [ "Insertion of temporary catheter into thoracic epidural space", "将临时导管插入胸腔硬膜外腔" ], "446765009": [ "Assessment using Beck depression inventory", "使用贝克抑郁量表进行评估" ], "281090004": [ "Advice to exercise", "Recommendation to exercise", "锻炼建议" ], "84482005": [ "Core needle biopsy of pancreas", "胰腺芯针活检" ], "18946005": [ "Epidural anesthesia", "Peridural anesthesia", "Epidural anaesthesia", "Peridural anaesthesia", "Local anaesthetic epidural block", "LA - Local anaesthetic epidural block", "Local anesthetic epidural block", "LA - Local anesthetic epidural block", "Epidural block", "Extradural block", "局部麻醉硬膜外阻滞", "硬膜外麻醉", "LA - 局部麻醉硬膜外阻滞", "硬膜外阻滞" ], "313858006": [ "Plasma amikacin level", "Plasma amikacin measurement", "血浆阿米卡星浓度", "血浆阿米卡星测量" ], "117250008": [ "SAMHSA drug assay confirmation method", "Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration confirmation method for amphetamine measurement", "Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) drug assay confirmation method", "Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration drug assay confirmation method", "药物滥用和精神健康服务管理局苯丙胺测量确认方法", "药物滥用和精神健康服务管理局药物检测确认方法", "SAMHSA药物检测确认方法", "药物滥用和精神健康服务管理局 (SAMHSA) 药物检测确认方法" ], "68098006": [ "Immediate auscultation", "立即听诊" ], "787159000": [ "Left midfoot amputation", "Amputation of left midfoot", "左足中段截肢" ], "410327004": [ "Caretaking/parenting skills case management", "照顾/育儿技能案例管理" ], "361175007": [ "Doyle operation for paracervical uterine denervation", "宫颈旁子宫去神经支配的 Doyle 手术" ], "179116000": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture and unlocked unreamed intramedullary nail fixation", "骨折一期闭合复位及非扩髓髓内钉解锁固定" ], "48044004": [ "Estrogen-progesterone receptor assay measurement", "Oestrogen-progesterone receptor assay measurement", "雌激素-孕酮受体测定" ], "342956007": [ "Removal of foreign body from labia", "阴唇异物去除" ], "408492009": [ "Six item cognitive impairment test", "六项认知障碍测试" ], "177281002": [ "Excision of melanoma", "切除黑色素瘤" ], "46209003": [ "Orthotic evaluation for brace fitting", "矫形器评估以决定支架的适配" ], "62593004": [ "Opponensplasty by hypothenar muscle transfer", "通过小鱼际肌移植进行对掌肌成形术" ], "898177006": [ "Excision of Couinaud hepatic segment VI and Couinaud hepatic segment VII", "Right posterior sectionectomy of liver", "切除 Couinaud 肝段 VI 和 Couinaud 肝段 VII", "右肝后段切除术" ], "306518000": [ "Discharge by liaison nurse", "联络护士出院" ], "175446000": [ "Open embolectomy of axillary artery", "腋动脉开放栓塞切除术" ], "439425009": [ "Closed manual reduction of fracture of distal medial condyle of femur", "股骨远端内侧髁骨折闭合手法复位" ], "717953009": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only Human papillomavirus 16 and 18 antigens", "Human papillomavirus 16 and 18 immunization", "Human papillomavirus 16 and 18 immunisation", "Administration of Human papillomavirus 16 and 18 vaccine", "Human papillomavirus 16 and 18 vaccination", "人乳头瘤病毒 16 和 18 免疫", "接种仅含人乳头瘤病毒 16 和 18 抗原的疫苗产品", "人乳头瘤病毒 16 型和 18 型疫苗接种", "接种人乳头瘤病毒 16 型和 18 型疫苗" ], "60758002": [ "Lysis of pelvic adhesions", "盆腔粘连松解术" ], "699734007": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of bladder", "Percutaneous aspiration of urinary bladder", "经皮膀胱穿刺抽吸术", "经皮膀胱穿刺" ], "40704000": [ "Wright's obstetrical version with extraction", "Wright obstetrical version with extraction", "带拔牙功能的 Wright 产科版本", "Wright 产科版本带拔牙" ], "827136003": [ "Assisting with oral hygiene", "协助口腔卫生" ], "417536004": [ "En bloc osteotomy", "Bloc osteotomy", "整块截骨术", "在截骨垫上" ], "401152007": [ "Plasma ferritin measurement", "Plasma ferritin level", "血浆铁蛋白水平", "血浆铁蛋白测量" ], "38869002": [ "Scapulopexy", "Green operation", "绿色运营", "肩胛骨固定术" ], "432085004": [ "Massage of abdomen", "Abdominal massage", "腹部按摩" ], "104405006": [ "Urine pregnancy test, by visual color comparison methods", "Urine pregnancy test, by visual colour comparison methods", "通过目视颜色比较法进行尿液妊娠试验" ], "448469006": [ "Ropes test", "Synovial fluid mucin clot test", "滑液黏蛋白凝块试验", "绳索测试" ], "235477008": [ "Pancreaticojejunostomy", "Pancreas to jejunum anastomosis", "PJ - Pancreaticojejunostomy", "Pancreaticojejunal anastomosis", "胰腺空肠吻合术", "胰管空肠吻合术", "PJ - 胰肠吻合术" ], "37034001": [ "Ligation of arteriovenous fistula of coronary artery", "Ligation of coronary arteriovenous fistula", "冠状动脉动静脉瘘结扎术" ], "55253009": [ "Replacement of tricuspid valve with tissue graft", "Biological tricuspid valve replacement", "Tissue tricuspid valve replacement", "Bioprosthetic tricuspid valve replacement", "组织三尖瓣置换术", "生物人工三尖瓣置换术", "用组织移植物置换三尖瓣", "生物三尖瓣置换术" ], "4266003": [ "Referral to drug addiction rehabilitation service", "Referral for drug addiction rehabilitation", "Patient referral for medication addiction rehabilitation", "转介戒毒康复", "转介戒毒康复服务", "药物成瘾康复患者转诊" ], "313727002": [ "Serum glutamine measurement", "Serum glutamine level", "血清谷氨酰胺水平", "血清谷氨酰胺测量" ], "51583006": [ "T3 reverse measurement", "Tri-iodothyronine reverse measurement", "Reverse T3 measurement", "反向 T3 测量", "三碘甲状腺原氨酸逆向测量", "T3反向测量" ], "182655007": [ "Local heating - infrared irradiation", "局部加热-红外线照射" ], "410196005": [ "Pulse taking management", "Manage pulse taking", "Manage pulse", "管理脉搏", "把脉管理" ], "426580006": [ "Internal tamponade of retina", "视网膜内压塞" ], "64297001": [ "Detoxication psychiatric therapy for alcoholism", "Detoxification psychiatric therapy for alcoholism", "酒精中毒的排毒精神治疗", "酒精中毒的解毒精神治疗" ], "80681001": [ "Myasthenia gravis panel measurement", "重症肌无力面板测量" ], "306387001": [ "Discharge by marriage guidance counsellor", "Discharge by marriage guidance counselor", "婚姻辅导员解除婚姻关系" ], "1287592000": [ "Cauterization of cervix using thermal energy", "Cauterisation of cervix using thermal energy", "Thermocauterization of cervix", "利用热能烧灼宫颈", "宫颈热灼术" ], "75176001": [ "Tympanectomy", "Myringectomy", "Myringodectomy", "鼓膜切除术", "鼓室切除术" ], "107944001": [ "Large intestine excision", "Large bowel resection", "大肠切除术" ], "763304000": [ "Assessment using SINBAD (Site, Ischemia, Neuropathy, Bacterial Infection, Area and Depth) classification", "Assessment using Site, Ischemia, Neuropathy, Bacterial Infection, Area and Depth classification", "使用部位、缺血、神经病变、细菌感染、面积和深度分类进行评估", "使用 SINNBAD(部位、缺血、神经病变、细菌感染、面积和深度)分类进行评估" ], "386472008": [ "Telephone consultation", "电话咨询" ], "171645001": [ "Intracranial stereotactic neurolysis of vagus nerve (X)", "迷走神经颅内立体定向神经松解术(X)" ], "56957009": [ "Reconstruction of eyelid, full-thickness", "全层眼睑重建" ], "73341009": [ "Removal of ectopic fetus from ovary without oophorectomy", "Removal of ectopic foetus from ovary without oophorectomy", "不进行卵巢切除术去除卵巢异位胎儿" ], "448338006": [ "Denervation of spinal facet joint of cervical vertebra", "颈椎小关节神经支配术" ], "431954008": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of common carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of common carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of common carotid artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of common carotid artery with contrast", "透视引导下经皮颈总动脉造影栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮颈总动脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮颈总动脉造影栓塞术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行颈总动脉经皮栓塞术" ], "1202002009": [ "W-plasty of skin of neck", "颈部皮肤W成形术" ], "446503002": [ "Evacuation of blood clot of skin", "清除皮肤血凝块" ], "104274009": [ "Actinomyces antibody assay", "Serologic test for Actinomyces", "Measurement of Actinomyces antibody", "放线菌血清学检测", "放线菌抗体测定" ], "708647004": [ "Laparotomy with biopsy of omentum", "Laparotomy and omental biopsy", "开腹手术及网膜活检", "开腹手术和大网膜活检" ], "233511004": [ "Subclavian artery cannula insertion", "锁骨下动脉插管" ], "118823008": [ "Procedure on gallbladder", "胆囊手术" ], "313596003": [ "Factor IX related antigen measurement", "Factor IX related antigen level", "IX 因子相关抗原水平", "IX 因子相关抗原测量" ], "231676004": [ "Inferior rectus advancement", "Inferior rectus readvancement", "下直肌推进", "下直肌再推进术" ], "182524008": [ "Attention to urinary catheter", "注意导尿管" ], "51452009": [ "Repair of pharyngoesophageal fistula", "Closure of pharyngoesophageal fistula", "Repair of pharyngo-oesophageal fistula", "Closure of pharyngo-oesophageal fistula", "Closure of pharyngo-esophageal fistula", "咽食管瘘修补术", "咽食管瘘闭合" ], "442833003": [ "Percutaneous cholecystostomy and drainage using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下经皮胆囊造口引流术" ], "180689003": [ "Harvest of axial pattern flap of skin", "Harvest of axial pattern (AP) flap of skin", "轴型(AP)皮瓣的采集", "轴型皮瓣的切取" ], "426449003": [ "Endoscopic microwave ablation of endometrium", "内镜子宫内膜微波消融术" ], "311761008": [ "Application of elastoplast strapping", "弹性塑料捆扎带的应用" ], "47782001": [ "Submucous resection of nasal septum with replacement with graft", "鼻中隔粘膜下切除术及移植物置换术" ], "408230000": [ "Heparin induced thrombocytopenia screening test", "HIT - heparin induced thrombocytopenia type II screening test", "Type 2 HIT - heparin induced thrombocytopenia screening test", "HIT-- 肝素诱导的血小板减少症 II 型筛查试验", "2 型 HIT - 肝素诱导的血小板减少症筛查试验", "肝素诱导的血小板减少症筛查试验" ], "178854005": [ "Reconstruction of hand with local skin flap", "局部皮瓣修复手部缺损" ], "177019001": [ "Open cauterization of lesion of ovary", "Open cauterisation of lesion of ovary", "卵巢病变开放烧灼术" ], "703142009": [ "Prescription for contraceptive", "Prescription of contraception", "避孕处方" ], "766843003": [ "Radionuclide imaging using high dose gallium-67", "使用高剂量镓-67进行放射性核素成像" ], "29563005": [ "Arthroscopy of shoulder with limited debridement", "肩关节镜检查及有限清创" ], "439163006": [ "Referral for medical termination of pregnancy", "转诊进行药物终止妊娠" ], "717691006": [ "Cone beam CT guided insertion of drain into abdomen", "Insertion of drain into abdomen using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "锥形束 CT 引导下将引流管插入腹部", "使用锥形束 CT 引导将引流管插入腹部" ], "306256000": [ "Refer to radiotherapist", "Referral to radiotherapist", "转诊至放射治疗师", "转诊放射治疗师" ], "699472001": [ "Ulnar nerve block mid-humeral", "Local anesthetic ulnar nerve block in upper arm", "Local anaesthetic ulnar nerve block in upper arm", "上臂局部麻醉尺神经阻滞", "肱骨中部尺神经阻滞" ], "422779009": [ "Elevation of affected extremity", "抬高患肢" ], "419109000": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram", "透视关节造影" ], "765008009": [ "Radionuclide imaging using technetium (99m-Tc) sulesomab", "使用锝(99m-Tc)sulesomab 进行放射性核素成像" ], "304421004": [ "Pulsed electromagnetic energy to hip", "脉冲电磁能作用于臀部" ], "386341005": [ "Invasive haemodynamic monitoring", "Invasive hemodynamic monitoring", "侵入性血流动力学监测" ], "58661008": [ "Closure of fistula of uterus", "子宫瘘闭合" ], "24058001": [ "Echocardiography for determining posterior left ventricular wall thickness", "超声心动图确定左心室后壁厚度" ], "122362004": [ "Parainfluenza virus 2 antigen assay", "副流感病毒 2 型抗原检测" ], "104143000": [ "Measurement of total haemoglobin concentration in urine specimen", "Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration in urine specimen", "尿液标本中总血红蛋白浓度的测量" ], "171514009": [ "Creation of subcutaneous cerebrospinal fluid reservoir", "皮下脑脊液储存器的建立" ], "169679002": [ "Rhesus screening - cord blood sample", "恒河猴筛查 - 脐带血样本" ], "284367004": [ "Examination of body function", "身体功能检查" ], "431823005": [ "Marking of skin using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导标记皮肤" ], "399055006": [ "Spot compression of breast", "乳房局部受压" ], "22223007": [ "Incision and drainage of lateral pharyngeal space", "咽侧间隙切开引流" ], "448207008": [ "Primary anterior decompression of cervical spinal cord", "Primary decompression of cervical spinal cord by anterior approach", "前入路颈髓减压术", "原发性颈髓前路减压术" ], "235215009": [ "Billroth I partial gastrectomy - von Haberer-Finney modification", "Billroth I 部分胃切除术 - von Haberer-Finney 改良术" ], "315300001": [ "Excision of labia", "阴唇切除" ], "710351004": [ "Transportation to home", "交通回家" ], "233380006": [ "Femorofemoral crossover bypass graft", "Xover - Femorofemoral crossover bypass graft", "FFX - Femorofemoral crossover bypass graft", "Femfem X over - femorofemoral crossover bypass graft", "FFX-- 股骨股骨交叉旁路移植术", "股股交叉旁路移植术", "Xover - 股骨股骨交叉旁路移植术", "Femfem X over - 股骨交叉旁路移植术" ], "167844007": [ "Vomit pH", "Measurement of vomit pH", "呕吐物 pH 值", "呕吐物 pH 值测量" ], "397220009": [ "Amputation by disarticulation of hindfoot", "后足离断术" ], "231545003": [ "Reconstruction of orbital cavity with conjunctival flap", "结膜瓣眶腔重建术" ], "34937003": [ "Incision of vein of upper limb", "Venotomy of upper limb vein", "上肢静脉切开术" ], "82254000": [ "Refixation", "Reattachment", "重新附着", "重新注视" ], "18553008": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of wrist", "腕关节脱位闭合复位" ], "334003": [ "Panorex examination of mandible", "下颌骨全景检查" ], "178723000": [ "Revision to open reduction spinal fracture and bedrest stabilisation", "Revision to open reduction spinal fracture and bedrest stabilization", "脊柱骨折切开复位修复及卧床固定" ], "311630008": [ "Therapy to promote recognition and understanding of simple sentences", "促进简单句子识别和理解的疗法" ], "260643004": [ "Middle cranial fossa craniectomy", "中颅窝开颅术" ], "277027009": [ "Percutaneous removal of gallbladder stone", "经皮胆囊结石取出术" ], "62200005": [ "Microcytotoxicity crossmatch, Amos wash type", "微细胞毒性交叉配型试验,Amos 洗涤型" ], "275192009": [ "Resection of mediastinal lesion", "纵隔病变切除术" ], "306125004": [ "Referral to nephrology service", "转诊至肾病科" ], "1303714000": [ "Endoscopic excision of NDC (nasal dermoid cyst)", "Endoscopic excision of dermoid cyst of nose", "Endoscopic excision of nasal dermoid cyst", "鼻内镜皮样囊肿切除术", "鼻内镜切除鼻皮样囊肿", "内镜切除鼻皮样囊肿 (NDC)" ], "74914000": [ "Gait training procedure", "Gait training", "Gait training treatments and procedures", "Gait re-education", "步态再教育", "步态训练", "步态训练治疗和程序", "步态训练程序" ], "173218002": [ "Excision of vermilion border and advancement of lip mucosa", "切除唇红缘并推进唇黏膜" ], "1287330005": [ "Reconstruction of collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of hand using graft", "移植重建手部指间关节侧副韧带" ], "58530006": [ "Bathing patient in bed", "床上给病人洗澡" ], "302455000": [ "Drainage of ascites", "腹水引流" ], "236919004": [ "Ampullary-ampullary anastomosis", "壶腹部吻合术" ], "171383005": [ "Fostering medical examination", "培育体检" ], "726604000": [ "Acitretin therapy", "阿维A治疗" ], "104012005": [ "Le^b^ blood group antibody identification", "Le^b^血型抗体鉴定" ], "413473000": [ "Alcohol consumption counseling", "Alcohol consumption counselling", "Counseling about alcohol consumption", "Counselling about alcohol consumption", "饮酒咨询", "关于饮酒的咨询" ], "315169005": [ "Parvovirus B19 IgM level", "Parvovirus B19 IgM measurement", "Parvovirus B19 immunoglobulin M measurement", "细小病毒 B19 IgM 测量", "细小病毒 B19 免疫球蛋白 M 测量", "细小病毒 B19 IgM 水平" ], "429857005": [ "Computed tomography of internal auditory meatus with contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of internal auditory meatus with contrast", "CT of internal auditory meatus with contrast", "内耳道增强计算机断层扫描", "内耳道增强 CT 检查", "内耳道增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "231414000": [ "Dorsal root entry zone lesion", "Dorsal root entry zone lesioning", "DREZ (dorsal root entry zone) lesioning", "背根入口区损伤", "DREZ(背根入口区)损伤" ], "870390003": [ "Dissection of fissure of Sylvius", "Dissection of Sylvian fissure", "西尔维乌斯裂隙解剖", "侧裂解剖" ], "49355000": [ "Bunionectomy with adductor tendon transfer", "Hauser bunionectomy", "Joplin operation", "乔普林行动", "豪瑟拇囊切除术", "拇囊切除术及足内收肌腱转移术" ], "278731009": [ "Supraorbital incision", "眶上切口" ], "229579009": [ "Silicone oil bath treatment", "Silicone oil bath", "硅油浴处理", "硅油浴" ], "276896004": [ "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of systemic venous pathway", "Percutaneous angioplasty of systemic venous pathway", "经皮体静脉通路球囊成形术", "经皮全身静脉通路血管成形术" ], "719264005": [ "Repair of parastomal hernia using surgical suture", "Parastomal herniorrhaphy", "使用手术缝合线修复造口旁疝", "造口旁疝修补术" ], "14752007": [ "Axillary-axillary artery bypass graft", "腋窝-腋窝动脉旁路移植术" ], "113056008": [ "Helper suppressor typing T-cell subsets measurement", "T cells, T4/T8 ratio", "Helper suppressor ratio determination", "Cluster of differentiation 4/Cluster of differentiation 8 ratio", "辅助抑制型 T 细胞亚群测量", "分化簇 4/分化簇 8 比率", "T 细胞,T4/T8 比率", "辅助抑制因子比率测定" ], "47520009": [ "Suture of wound of forefoot", "前脚伤口缝合" ], "176757001": [ "Upper female genital tract operation", "Gynecological operation on upper female genital tract", "Gynaecological operation on upper female genital tract", "女性上生殖道妇科手术", "妇科上生殖道手术", "女性上生殖道手术" ], "62069000": [ "Delayed opening colostomy", "延迟开放结肠造口术" ], "307829004": [ "Excision of nasal glioma", "鼻胶质瘤切除术" ], "275061005": [ "Transluminal procedure on deep femoral artery", "股深动脉腔内手术" ], "391584009": [ "Kaolin clotting ratio", "高岭土凝结率" ], "45685007": [ "Radical neck dissection", "Radical block neck dissection", "RND - radical neck dissection", "根治性颈淋巴清扫术", "RND-- 根治性颈清扫术", "根治性颈清扫术" ], "424352007": [ "Public health case investigation", "公共卫生案件调查" ], "305994004": [ "Referral by gynaecologist", "Referral by gynecologist", "Referral from gynaecologist", "Referral from gynecologist", "妇科医生推荐", "妇科医生转诊" ], "27466009": [ "Injection of neurolytic nerve agent", "Injection of neurolytic substance", "注射神经溶解物质", "注射神经溶解剂" ], "1303583003": [ "Post-transplant evaluation of recipient", "接受者的移植后评估" ], "7412000": [ "Incision of lymphangioma", "淋巴管瘤切开术" ], "1268980002": [ "Simple mastectomy of right breast and prophylactic mastectomy of left breast", "右侧乳房单纯切除术及左侧乳房预防性切除术" ], "89332004": [ "Radical resection of sternum for osteomyelitis", "根治性胸骨切除术治疗骨髓炎" ], "122100004": [ "Streptobacillus moniliformis antibody assay", "Measurement of Streptobacillus moniliformis antibody", "念珠状链杆菌抗体测定" ], "23796004": [ "IL-7 assay", "Interleukin-7 assay", "白细胞介素-7 测定", "IL-7 测定" ], "302324007": [ "Adjustment of neurostimulator electrode in brain tissue", "脑组织中神经刺激器电极的调整" ], "103881000": [ "Little e blood group typing", "小e血型分型" ], "431561004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of subclavian vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of subclavian vein with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行锁骨下静脉", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊造影锁骨下静脉成形术" ], "447945004": [ "Biopsy of phalanx", "指骨活检" ], "233118004": [ "Stenting of major aortopulmonary collateral artery", "Placement of stent in major aortopulmonary collateral artery", "主动脉肺动脉侧支支架植入术", "主动脉肺动脉侧支支架置入术" ], "395123002": [ "Urine screening test for diabetes", "尿液筛查糖尿病" ], "1907003": [ "Bifurcation of bone", "骨分叉" ], "83827002": [ "Measurement of intrauterine pressure", "宫内压力测量" ], "870259003": [ "Injection of bone marrow aspirate concentrate", "注射骨髓抽吸浓缩物" ], "426056001": [ "Deep sclerectomy without spacer", "深部巩膜切除术(无间隔器)" ], "788339009": [ "Genetic consultation", "遗传咨询" ], "18291009": [ "Repair of ruptured aneurysm with graft of artery", "动脉移植修复破裂的动脉瘤" ], "444275009": [ "Measurement of creatinine concentration in serum or plasma specimen with calculation of glomerular filtration rate", "测量血清或血浆样本中的肌酐浓度并计算肾小球滤过率" ], "229448007": [ "Manipulation of the radiohumeral joint", "Manipulation of the radiohumeral joint - non-surgical", "桡肱关节操作 - 非手术", "桡肱关节的操作" ], "391453005": [ "Serum dihydropyrimide dehydrogenase level", "血清二氢嘧啶脱氢酶水平" ], "112925006": [ "Repair of obstetric laceration of vulva", "产科外阴裂伤的修复" ], "1290738000": [ "Drainage of skin tissue", "皮肤组织引流" ], "440605008": [ "Screening for oxycodone in urine", "尿液中羟可酮的筛查" ], "61938004": [ "Breast reconstruction with free flap", "游离皮瓣乳房重建" ], "438770005": [ "Autologous chondrocyte implantation of knee joint", "膝关节自体软骨细胞植入" ], "699079000": [ "Open subfascial ligation of varicose vein of lower limb", "下肢静脉曲张开放筋膜下结扎术" ], "174791004": [ "Banding of spleen", "脾脏束带" ], "287644000": [ "Supramalleolar ankle amputation", "踝上截肢术" ], "385948000": [ "Dressing change education", "Teach dressing change", "换药教育", "教导换药" ], "240327009": [ "Removal of liver from cadaver donor", "Cadaver donor hepatectomy", "从尸体捐献者体内摘取肝脏", "尸体供肝切除术" ], "271260009": [ "Urine creatinine measurement", "Creatinine measurement, urine", "尿液肌酐测量", "尿肌酐测量" ], "56433002": [ "Thyroidorrhaphy", "Suture of thyroid gland", "甲状腺缝合术" ], "121969003": [ "Coccidioides immitis exoantigen identification", "球孢子菌外抗原鉴定" ], "171121004": [ "HIV screening", "AIDS (HTLV-III) screening", "HIV screening test", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) screening", "Human immunodeficiency virus screening", "HIV 筛查检测", "HIV 筛查", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 筛查", "人类免疫缺陷病毒筛查", "艾滋病(HTLV-III)筛查" ], "72817007": [ "Physical medicine ultrasound treatment", "物理医学超声治疗" ], "103750000": [ "Sleep apnea assessment", "Sleep apnoea assessment", "睡眠呼吸暂停评估" ], "185670001": [ "BP screening - second recall", "BP screen - 2nd recall", "Blood pressure screening - second recall", "血压筛查 - 第二次召回", "血压筛查-第二次召回" ], "87366001": [ "Total elbow replacement", "Arthroplasty of elbow with synthetic joint prosthesis", "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of the elbow", "TER - Total elbow replacement", "TER——全肘关节置换术", "人工合成关节假体肘关节置换术", "肘关节假体全置换术", "全肘关节置换术" ], "234822001": [ "Insertion of Ramford occlusal appliance", "Insertion of Ramford occlusal splint", "插入 Ramford 咬合装置", "插入 Ramford 咬合夹板" ], "5446003": [ "Excision of cervical rib for outlet compression syndrome with sympathectomy", "切除颈肋并切除交感神经治疗出口压迫综合征" ], "890182003": [ "Insertion of ocular conformer", "插入眼部矫正器" ], "431430006": [ "Radionuclide imaging of lung for pulmonary aspiration", "肺放射性核素显像诊断肺吸入" ], "21830009": [ "Anesthesia for procedure in lumbar region", "Anaesthesia for procedure in lumbar region", "腰椎手术麻醉" ], "120134009": [ "External ear injection", "外耳注射" ], "183835003": [ "Referral for angiography", "转诊进行血管造影" ], "265755004": [ "Correction of curly fifth toe", "矫正第五趾弯曲" ], "52763005": [ "Removal of subdeltoid calcareous deposits, open method", "开放式方法去除三角肌下钙质沉积物" ], "429595007": [ "Resection of tumor of heart", "Resection of tumour of heart", "Resection of neoplasm of heart", "心脏肿瘤切除术" ], "232987007": [ "Repair of superior vena cava", "上腔静脉修复" ], "313072003": [ "Racial abuse counselling", "Racial abuse counseling", "Counselling for racial abuse", "Counseling for racial abuse", "种族虐待咨询", "种族歧视咨询" ], "444144005": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass rate of excretion of thallium in 24 hour urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of thallium in 24 hour urine specimen", "24小时尿液标本中铊排泄质量速率的定量测定", "24小时尿液标本中铊的定量测定" ], "18160006": [ "Excision of lesion of thoracic artery", "胸动脉病变切除术" ], "231152008": [ "Ring block of ring finger", "无名指戒指块" ], "229317003": [ "Thoracic traction", "胸椎牵引" ], "442309004": [ "Insertion of tunneled venous catheter", "Insertion of tunnelled venous catheter", "隧道式静脉导管插入" ], "14490000": [ "Orthotic device construction and fitting", "矫形装置的构造和装配" ], "473242000": [ "Control of postoperative hemorrhage of prostate", "Control of postoperative haemorrhage of prostate", "前列腺术后出血的控制" ], "702618002": [ "Radionuclide study of whole body for detection of liver to lung shunt using Tc99m MAA (technetium 99m macroaggregated albumin)", "Radionuclide imaging of whole body for detection of liver to lung shunt using technetium 99m macroaggregated albumin", "使用锝99m大聚集白蛋白进行全身放射性核素显像以检测肝至肺分流", "使用 Tc99m MAA(锝 99m 大聚集白蛋白)进行全身放射性核素研究,以检测肝至肺分流" ], "293018003": [ "Evacuation of perianal hematoma", "Evacuation of perianal haematoma", "肛周血肿清除术" ], "407706004": [ "Haemoglobin J level", "Hemoglobin J level", "Haemoglobin J measurement", "Hemoglobin J measurement", "血红蛋白 J 测量", "血红蛋白 J 水平" ], "112794005": [ "Elevation of orbital bone fragments of frontal sinus", "额窦眶骨碎片提升术" ], "440474004": [ "Checking of arm sling", "检查臂吊带" ], "178330008": [ "Lymphangiogram of para-aortic nodes", "Lymphangiography of para-aortic lymph nodes", "主动脉旁淋巴管造影", "主动脉旁淋巴结淋巴管造影" ], "274799001": [ "Examination of salivary gland", "唾液腺检查" ], "391322009": [ "Blood immunoreactive trypsin level", "血液免疫反应性胰蛋白酶水平" ], "78191003": [ "Capsulotomy of lens with removal of foreign body by magnet extraction", "Removal of foreign body of lens by incision with use of magnet", "用磁铁切开法取出晶状体异物", "晶状体囊切开术并用磁铁取出异物" ], "29039007": [ "Insertion of osteogenic pins for bone growth stimulation", "插入成骨针以刺激骨骼生长" ], "307567008": [ "Transgastric drainage of pancreatic necrosis", "胰腺坏死经胃引流术" ], "10820006": [ "Beta lactamase measurement", "Beta-lactamase activity", "β-内酰胺酶活性", "β-内酰胺酶测定" ], "715332008": [ "Assessment using Multilingual Aphasia Examination", "Assessment using MAE (Multilingual Aphasia Examination)", "使用多语言失语症检查进行评估", "使用 MAE(多语言失语症检查)进行评估" ], "287513001": [ "Non-surgical otoscopic ear biopsy", "非手术耳镜耳活检" ], "238361007": [ "Excision of branchial sinus", "鳃窦切除术" ], "172825008": [ "INP - Intranasal polypectomy", "Nasal polypectomy", "鼻息肉切除术", "INP-- 鼻内息肉切除术" ], "303897008": [ "Radionuclide study of stomach", "Radionuclide gastric study", "胃部放射性核素检查", "放射性核素胃部检查" ], "385817007": [ "Patient feeding technique education", "病人喂养技术教育" ], "121838001": [ "Phenyllactate measurement", "苯乳酸测量" ], "433134004": [ "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with insertion of biliary plastic stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with insertion of biliary plastic stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下进行内镜逆行胰胆管造影 (ERCP) 并插入胆道塑料支架", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影术及荧光透视引导下胆道塑料支架置入术" ], "72686006": [ "Chemocauterization of palate", "Chemical cauterization for destruction of lesion of palate", "Chemocauterisation of palate", "Chemical cauterisation for destruction of lesion of palate", "腭部化学烧灼术", "化学烧灼术破坏腭部病变", "化学烧灼法破坏腭部病变" ], "89070007": [ "General durotomy", "Exploratory durotomy", "普通硬膜切开术", "硬膜切开探查术" ], "1119427000": [ "Open transposition of left subclavian artery to carotid artery with endovascular repair of descending thoracic aorta by neck incision", "左锁骨下动脉开放转位至颈动脉并经颈部切口进行降胸主动脉腔内修复" ], "234691001": [ "Removal of membrane from periodontal tissue", "去除牙周组织中的膜" ], "185539000": [ "Initial patient \"call\"", "最初的患者“呼叫”" ], "169155003": [ "Isotope stat scan parathyroid", "甲状旁腺同位素统计扫描" ], "38083004": [ "Repair of nasopharyngeal atresia", "Correction of nasopharyngeal atresia", "鼻咽闭锁矫正术", "鼻咽闭锁修复术" ], "252910009": [ "Urogynaecological tests", "Urogynecological tests", "泌尿妇科检查" ], "431299007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of perfusion of heart under stress", "Magnetic resonance imaging of perfusion of heart under stress", "MRI of perfusion of heart under stress", "压力下心脏灌注的磁共振成像(MRI)", "压力下心脏灌注的 MRI", "心脏负荷灌注磁共振成像" ], "36248000": [ "Repair of obstetric laceration of urethra", "产科尿道裂伤的修复" ], "183704001": [ "Radiotherapy self-referral", "放射治疗自我转诊" ], "19864005": [ "Prostatomembranous urethrorrhaphy", "前列腺膜部尿道缝合术" ], "232856006": [ "Inspection of implanted pulmonary valve", "植入肺动脉瓣的检查" ], "85400007": [ "Osteotomy of radius, distal third", "桡骨远端三分之一截骨术" ], "116333001": [ "Adductor pollicis test", "拇指内收肌测试" ], "1645004": [ "Transduodenal sphincterotomy", "经十二指肠括约肌切开术" ], "231021005": [ "Removal of epidural electrode", "移除硬膜外电极" ], "737090000": [ "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of cerebral ventriculoatrial shunt", "Insertion of cerebral ventriculoatrial shunt using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下脑室心房分流术" ], "442178003": [ "Radionuclide study of whole body for detection of right to left shunt using macroaggregated albumin", "使用大聚集白蛋白进行全身放射性核素研究以检测右向左分流" ], "32578005": [ "Biopsy of appendix", "阑尾活检" ], "229186007": [ "Back exercises in water", "水中背部锻炼" ], "391191004": [ "Homeless mental health care - Full day : day care", "无家可归者心理健康护理 - 全天:日间护理" ], "243735005": [ "Provision of closed circuit television", "提供闭路电视" ], "702487007": [ "Computed tomography of thoracic and lumbar spine", "CT of thoracic and lumbar spine", "CT of thoracolumbar spine", "胸腰椎CT", "胸椎和腰椎的计算机断层扫描" ], "61676007": [ "Reduction of closed metatarsophalangeal joint dislocation", "闭合性跖趾关节脱位的复位" ], "1290476007": [ "Plain X-ray of ring finger", "无名指的普通 X 光检查" ], "10689006": [ "Exploration of nerve", "神经探查" ], "418454001": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and thrombolysis of lower limb artery", "Fluoroscopy and thrombolysis with contrast of lower limb artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and thrombolysis of lower limb artery", "下肢动脉荧光血管造影及溶栓治疗", "下肢动脉透视及造影溶栓术", "下肢动脉荧光造影及溶栓治疗" ], "238230001": [ "Marsupialisation of cyst of abdominal wall", "Marsupialization of cyst of abdominal wall", "腹壁囊肿袋形成形术" ], "287382003": [ "Epistaxis control - cautery", "Control of epistaxis by cautery", "控制鼻出血 - 烧灼", "烧灼止血" ], "449387003": [ "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with removal of calculus from bile duct", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影术及胆管结石取出术" ], "105323005": [ "Silicon measurement", "硅测量" ], "21611000175104": [ "Provision of written information about exercise", "提供有关演习的书面信息" ], "252779009": [ "Single bright white flash electroretinography", "单次亮白闪光视网膜电图" ], "121707008": [ "Tolmetin measurement", "托美丁测量" ], "1332288001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral sacroiliac joints without contrast", "MRI of bilateral sacroiliac joints without contrast", "双侧骶髂关节无造影 MRI", "双侧骶髂关节无造影磁共振成像" ], "1119296001": [ "Radical right hemivulvectomy", "根治性右半外阴切除术" ], "5184004": [ "Osteotomy of shaft of femur with fixation", "股骨干截骨固定术" ], "118037000": [ "Herpes simplex virus 2 antigen assay", "单纯疱疹病毒 2 型抗原检测" ], "25060001000004106": [ "Counselling for management of ileostomy", "Counseling for management of ileostomy", "回肠造口术管理咨询" ], "19733003": [ "Excisional biopsy of tarsal and metatarsal", "Biopsy of tarsals and metatarsals", "跗骨和跖骨活检", "跗骨和跖骨切除活检" ], "265493005": [ "Replacement of aneurysmal bifurcation of aorta by anastomosis of aorta to iliac artery", "主动脉与髂动脉吻合术替代主动脉瘤分叉" ], "412949006": [ "Plasma alpha-aminoadipate measurement", "Plasma alpha-aminoadipate level", "血浆 α-氨基己二酸水平", "血浆 α-氨基己二酸测量" ], "789781007": [ "Ureterorenoscopy with fragmentation and removal of calculus of kidney", "Ureterorenoscopy with fragmentation and removal of kidney stone", "Ureterorenoscopy with fragmentation and removal of renal stone", "Ureterorenoscopy with fragmentation and removal of renal calculus", "输尿管肾镜碎石取出术", "输尿管肾镜碎石取石术" ], "443882006": [ "Excision of infected vascular graft of limb", "肢体感染血管移植切除术" ], "771562008": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of short bone and fixation using screw", "短骨骨折闭合复位螺钉固定" ], "442047000": [ "Measurement of efavirenz peak concentration", "依法韦仑峰浓度的测量" ], "230890009": [ "Excision of lesion of ventricle of brain", "脑室病变切除术" ], "32447009": [ "Total ostectomy of radius and ulna", "桡骨及尺骨全截骨术" ], "79764004": [ "Excision of lesion of rectum", "直肠病变切除术" ], "440212005": [ "Percutaneous embolization of pancreaticoduodenal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of pancreaticoduodenal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of pancreaticoduodenal artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of pancreaticoduodenal artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮胰十二指肠动脉造影栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮胰十二指肠动脉栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮胰十二指肠动脉造影栓塞术" ], "866196006": [ "Ultrasound of bilateral upper limb joints", "Ultrasonography of bilateral upper extremity joints", "Ultrasound scan of bilateral upper limb joints", "Ultrasonography of joint of bilateral upper limbs", "双侧上肢关节超声检查", "双侧上肢关节超声扫描", "双上肢关节超声检查" ], "225385005": [ "Behavioral assessment", "Assessing behavior", "Behavioral analysis", "Behavioural assessment", "Behavioural analysis", "Assessing behaviour", "行为分析", "行为评估", "评估行为" ], "10558003": [ "Repair of bronchopleural fistula", "Closure of bronchopleural fistula", "支气管胸膜瘘闭合", "支气管胸膜瘘的修复" ], "59710003": [ "Simple orchiectomy with placement of testicular prosthesis by scrotal approach", "经阴囊入路单纯睾丸切除术及睾丸假体置入术" ], "371006005": [ "Education assistance", "Educational assistance", "教育援助" ], "26942004": [ "Destructive procedure of coronary artery", "冠状动脉破坏性手术" ], "287251000": [ "Old nerve injury repair", "陈旧性神经损伤修复" ], "303635001": [ "Drainage of nasolacrimal duct", "鼻泪管引流" ], "57875001": [ "Provisional splinting, intracoronal", "临时夹板,冠内" ], "6311000087100": [ "Doppler ultrasonography flow mapping of vein of left upper extremity", "Doppler ultrasonography flow mapping of vein of left upper limb", "左上肢静脉多普勒超声血流图" ], "5031000087101": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of both hips", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of left and right hip", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of bilateral hip joints", "双髋关节荧光透视关节造影", "双侧髋关节荧光镜关节造影", "左、右髋关节荧光镜关节造影" ], "51111000087102": [ "Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgical procedure with conversion to open approach", "手助腹腔镜手术转为开放式手术" ], "2471000087103": [ "MRI of left knee", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left knee", "左膝 MRI", "左膝磁共振成像" ], "12711000087103": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral breasts and bilateral axillae", "Ultrasonography of both breasts and both axillae", "Ultrasonography of right and left breasts and right and left axillae", "Ultrasound of bilateral breasts and bilateral axillae", "Ultrasound scan of bilateral breasts and bilateral axillae", "双侧乳房和双侧腋窝超声扫描", "左右乳房及左右腋窝超声检查", "双侧乳房和腋窝超声检查", "双侧乳房及双侧腋窝超声检查" ], "432872001": [ "Injection of ankle using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Injection of ankle using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行踝部注射", "使用超声(US)引导进行踝部注射" ], "367336001": [ "Chemotherapy", "CT - Chemotherapy", "化疗", "CT - 化疗" ], "15271000087107": [ "Biopsy of left scapula using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided biopsy of left scapula", "使用计算机断层扫描引导对左肩胛骨进行活检", "CT 引导下左肩胛骨活检" ], "105192003": [ "Fentanyl measurement", "芬太尼测量" ], "713235006": [ "Supervision of high risk pregnancy with history of previous antepartum hemorrhage", "Supervision of high risk pregnancy with history of previous antepartum haemorrhage", "有产前出血史的高危妊娠监护" ], "236264006": [ "Open operation on female urethra", "女性尿道开放手术" ], "121576000": [ "Flurbiprofen measurement", "氟比洛芬测量" ], "1191000087104": [ "Ultrasonography of right lower limb", "Ultrasound of right lower limb", "Ultrasound scan of right lower limb", "右下肢超声检查", "右下肢超声扫描" ], "3751000087106": [ "Plain X-ray of right scapula", "右肩胛骨X光检查" ], "70589002": [ "Removal of epicardial electrodes with replacement of epicardial lead", "Removal of cardiac pacemaker from epicardium with replacement of epicardial lead", "Replacement of epicardial pacemaker electrode leads", "Replacement of electronic heart device, epicardial electrode", "更换电子心脏装置、心外膜电极", "移除心外膜电极并更换心外膜导线", "心外膜起搏器电极导线更换", "从心外膜取出心脏起搏器并更换心外膜导线" ], "285416007": [ "Resuture of episiotomy", "会阴切开术再缝合" ], "119741002": [ "Bronchus destructive procedure", "Destructive procedure of bronchus", "支气管破坏性手术" ], "709565002": [ "MR angiogram of entire blood vessel with contrast", "MR angiography of entire blood vessel with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of entire blood vessel with contrast", "整个血管的 MR 血管造影", "增强磁共振血管造影" ], "447421006": [ "Prophylactic mastectomy", "预防性乳房切除术" ], "117906000": [ "Ganglioside GM1b antibody assay", "Measurement of ganglioside GM1b antibody", "神经节苷脂 GM1b 抗体检测", "神经节苷脂 GM1b 抗体测量" ], "232594001": [ "Bronchoscopic aspiration of secretions", "Toilet bronchoscopy", "Bronchial suction via fiberoptic bronchoscope", "Bronchial suction via fibreoptic bronchoscope", "厕所支气管镜检查", "经纤维支气管镜进行支气管抽吸", "支气管镜抽吸分泌物" ], "429202003": [ "Transfer of care to hospital", "转至医院治疗" ], "35986008": [ "Cauterization of forefoot", "Cauterisation of forefoot", "前脚烧灼" ], "443751000": [ "Platelet aggregation with high dose ristocetin test", "Measurement of platelet aggregation using high dose ristocetin", "使用高剂量瑞斯托霉素测量血小板聚集率", "高剂量瑞斯托霉素试验检测血小板聚集情况" ], "179772001": [ "Revision open reattachment intra-articular ligament", "翻修开放再植关节内韧带" ], "441916006": [ "Measurement of basal metabolic rate", "基础代谢率测量" ], "720444008": [ "Sequencing skills training", "排序技能训练" ], "440081002": [ "Excision of ischial pressure injury with ostectomy and skin flap reconstruction", "Excision of pressure injury of ischial region with excision of ischium and flap reconstruction using skin flap", "坐骨切除及皮瓣重建治疗坐骨区压力性损伤", "坐骨压力损伤切除术及皮瓣重建" ], "30481007": [ "Pyruvate kinase measurement", "PK - Pyruvate kinase activity", "丙酮酸激酶测量", "PK - 丙酮酸激酶活性" ], "405478002": [ "Ilio-popliteal artery bypass", "Iliopopliteal bypass graft", "髂腘动脉搭桥术", "髂腘动脉旁路移植" ], "225254003": [ "Inspecting cervical cap", "检查宫颈帽" ], "307174008": [ "Parotid duct papillotomy", "腮腺管乳头切开术" ], "28646009": [ "Repair of tendon sheath of hand", "手部腱鞘修复" ], "389094009": [ "Infertility care", "Family planning: infertility", "不孕不育护理", "计划生育:不孕不育" ], "305339001": [ "Admission to private hospital", "入住私立医院" ], "241638008": [ "MRI of hand", "Magnetic resonance imaging of hand", "手部 MRI", "手部磁共振成像" ], "370875004": [ "Assistive device education", "Teach assistive device therapy", "Advice about appliances", "Advice relating to equipment and appliances", "Instruction in the use of aids", "辅助工具使用指导", "有关家电的建议", "教授辅助设备治疗", "有关设备和器具的建议", "辅助设备教育" ], "223419009": [ "Advice about failure risk of drug treatment", "Advice about drug failure risk", "Medication failure risk education", "药物失败风险教育", "关于药物治疗失败风险的建议", "关于药物失败风险的建议" ], "41360004": [ "Nasotracheal aspiration", "Nasotracheal suction", "Tracheal suction via nose", "经鼻气管吸入", "经鼻气管抽吸", "经鼻气管吸引" ], "713104009": [ "Giving encouragement to have positive body image", "鼓励树立积极的身体形象" ], "105061002": [ "Aminopyrine measurement", "氨基比林测量" ], "711269003": [ "Fluoroscopic splenoportography with contrast", "透视脾门静脉造影" ], "252517004": [ "Subcutaneous test of type 1 hypersensitivity", "1型超敏反应皮下试验" ], "72293004": [ "Local destruction of lesion of facial bone", "面部骨损伤局部破坏" ], "121445008": [ "Arsenate measurement", "砷酸盐测量" ], "183311000": [ "Passive exercise", "被动运动" ], "429071001": [ "Dietary education for lipid disorder", "脂质紊乱的饮食教育" ], "232463004": [ "External rhinoplasty", "外鼻整形术" ], "609295008": [ "Laparoscopic left salpingo-oophorectomy after prior right salpingo-oophorectomy", "已行右侧输卵管卵巢切除术,现行腹腔镜左侧输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "117775008": [ "Chlamydia trachomatis G, F, AND K antibody assay", "Measurement of Chlamydia trachomatis G, F, and K antibody", "沙眼衣原体 G、F、K 抗体检测", "沙眼衣原体 G、F 和 K 抗体检测" ], "265231008": [ "Biopsy of lesion of spinal cord meninges", "脊髓脑膜损伤活检" ], "165092007": [ "Circulatory stress test", "循环压力测试" ], "17636008": [ "Specimen collection", "标本采集" ], "669281000168106": [ "Defence force preliminary pre-deployment medical examination", "Defense force preliminary pre-deployment medical examination", "国防部队部署前初步体检" ], "409017004": [ "Labour care management", "Labor care management", "Manage labour care", "Manage labor care", "劳工护理管理", "管理分娩护理" ], "441785007": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of abdominal cavity structure", "腹腔结构细针穿刺活检" ], "81337008": [ "Reduction of closed shoulder dislocation with fracture of greater tuberosity with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed dislocation of shoulder joint with fracture of greater tuberosity of humerus", "闭合性肩关节脱位合并肱骨大结节骨折手法复位", "闭合性肩关节脱位合并大结节骨折的手术复位" ], "179641008": [ "Primary closed reduction of dislocation and skeletal traction", "脱位的初次闭合复位和骨牵引" ], "439950001": [ "Education about familial urinary cystine stones", "关于家族性尿路胱氨酸结石的教育" ], "177806004": [ "Endoscopic pleurodesis using talc", "使用滑石粉的内镜胸膜固定术" ], "13966004": [ "Incision and exploration of nipple", "乳头切开探查" ], "865934004": [ "Assessment using Patient Health Questionnaire-4", "Assessment using PHQ-4 (Patient Health Questionnaire-4)", "使用 PHQ-4(患者健康问卷-4)进行评估", "使用患者健康问卷-4 进行评估" ], "63118007": [ "Insertion of rod through fracture", "通过骨折处插入杆" ], "405347000": [ "Thrombolysis of aorta", "主动脉血栓溶解" ], "257891001": [ "Photodynamic therapy", "PDT - Photodynamic therapy", "光动力疗法", "PDT-光动力疗法" ], "241507002": [ "US scan of orthopedic soft tissues", "US scan of orthopaedic soft tissues", "Ultrasound scan of orthopedic soft tissues", "Ultrasound scan of orthopaedic soft tissues", "骨科软组织超声波扫描", "骨科软组织超声扫描" ], "175971006": [ "Antegrade pyelogram", "顺行性肾盂造影" ], "307043008": [ "Retry-in denture", "再试义齿" ], "77667008": [ "Therapeutic drug monitoring, qualitative", "治疗药物监测,定性" ], "73997003": [ "Osteopathic manipulation to move tissue fluids", "整骨疗法移动组织液" ], "712973005": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of head and neck with contrast", "头部和颈部的荧光血管造影" ], "104930001": [ "Secretin measurement", "Secretin test", "促胰液素测量", "促胰液素检测" ], "1055202002": [ "Consistent protein diet", "Consistent protein and/or protein derivative diet", "持续的蛋白质和/或蛋白质衍生物饮食", "持续的蛋白质饮食" ], "252386004": [ "Urine dipstick for specific gravity", "尿比重试纸" ], "72162008": [ "Measuring output from thoracic drain", "测量胸腔引流管的输出量" ], "121314008": [ "5-Hydroxytryptophan measurement", "5-羟色氨酸测量" ], "711138009": [ "Evaluation of count of instruments and sponges procedure", "评估仪器和海绵计数程序" ], "53943004": [ "Digital palpation of nasopharynx", "鼻咽部触诊" ], "250551006": [ "Venous oxygen saturation", "Venous oxygen saturation measurement", "SvO2 - Venous oxygen saturation", "静脉血氧饱和度", "静脉血氧饱和度测量", "SvO2 - 静脉血氧饱和度" ], "117644007": [ "Narcotic identification", "毒品识别" ], "164961002": [ "Physiological function tests", "生理功能测试" ], "1121002": [ "Kinetic activities for range of motion", "Kinetic activities to increase range of motion", "提高运动范围的动力活动", "通过运动增加运动范围" ], "1295457007": [ "Plain X-ray of scrotum", "阴囊普通 X 光检查" ], "228662001": [ "Betatron X-ray therapy", "Betatron X射线治疗" ], "359734005": [ "Halsted mastectomy", "哈尔斯特德乳房切除术" ], "310582005": [ "Implantation of intravenous dual chamber permanent cardiac pacemaker", "静脉双腔永久心脏起搏器植入术" ], "408886005": [ "Breastfeeding support assessment", "Assess breastfeeding support", "评估母乳喂养支持", "母乳喂养支持评估" ], "1259019001": [ "Evaluation of eligibility for adult education centre", "Evaluation of eligibility for adult education center", "Evaluation of eligibility for adult learning centre", "Evaluation of eligibility for adult learning center", "成人教育中心资格评估", "成人学习中心资格评估" ], "243211001": [ "Orthoptic treatment penalization - atropine and minus lenses", "Orthoptic treatment penalisation - atropine and minus lenses", "视轴矫正治疗惩罚——阿托品和近视镜片", "视轴矫正治疗惩罚——阿托品和减镜片" ], "275979007": [ "Rectal neoplasm screening", "Screening for malignant neoplasm of rectum", "直肠肿瘤筛查", "直肠恶性肿瘤筛查" ], "175840003": [ "Operation on the pulmonary venous system", "肺静脉系统手术" ], "26549000": [ "Internal pelvic fixation of bone", "骨盆内骨固定" ], "174005007": [ "Oversewing of small intestine", "Oversewing of small bowel", "小肠缝合", "小肠缝合术" ], "239541009": [ "Cervical discectomy", "Excision of cervical intervertebral disc", "颈椎间盘切除术" ], "24714007": [ "Microbial growth rate, rapid", "微生物生长速度快" ], "303242008": [ "Toilet of skin", "皮肤的厕所" ], "286858009": [ "CSF valve removal", "Cerebrospinal fluid valve removal", "脑脊液瓣膜移除术", "脑脊液瓣膜移除" ], "450698009": [ "Repair of retina", "视网膜修复" ], "416095004": [ "Advice to GP to re-start patient medication", "Recommendation to General Practitioner to re-start patient medication", "Recommendation to GP to re-start patient medication", "建议全科医生重新开始为患者服药", "建议全科医生重新开始给患者用药" ], "711007006": [ "Measurement of chest circumference", "胸围测量" ], "104799006": [ "Macroamylase measurement", "大分子淀粉酶测定" ], "252255008": [ "Insulin suppression test", "胰岛素抑制试验" ], "447028007": [ "Incision of petrous pyramid air cells", "岩锥体气囊切开术" ], "314121000": [ "Bilateral guillotine tonsillectomy", "Guillotine excision of bilateral tonsils", "Guillotine excision of both tonsils", "双侧扁桃体切除术", "双侧扁桃体断头台切除术", "断头台切除双侧扁桃体" ], "1004084009": [ "Intense pulsed light therapy of eyelid", "眼睑强脉冲光治疗" ], "232201002": [ "Ultrasonic labyrinthectomy", "超声迷路切除术" ], "51977003": [ "Repair of rectourethral fistula with colostomy", "Closure of rectourethral fistula with colostomy", "结肠造口术修复直肠尿道瘘", "结肠造口术闭合直肠尿道瘘" ], "264969004": [ "Laparotomy and removal of foreign body from abdominal cavity", "开腹手术及腹腔异物取出" ], "1297161006": [ "Operation on outlet of urinary bladder", "Surgical procedure on outlet of urinary bladder", "膀胱出口手术" ], "609033006": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from musculoskeletal system prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备的肌肉骨骼系统标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "1197022000": [ "Local fascial flap to eyelid", "Local fascia flap to eyelid", "眼睑局部筋膜瓣" ], "428809009": [ "Endovascular repair of aorto-uniiliac aneurysm using endovascular stent graft", "使用血管内支架移植物修复主动脉单髂动脉瘤" ], "133897009": [ "Perioperative care", "围手术期护理" ], "17374005": [ "Queckenstedt's test", "Queckenstedt test", "Queckenstedt 试验" ], "164830005": [ "Special musculo-skeletal test", "特殊肌肉骨骼测试" ], "426974007": [ "Amyloid A level", "淀粉样蛋白A水平" ], "359603000": [ "Repair of jejunostomy", "空肠造口修复" ], "443358009": [ "Surgical removal of transvenous electrode of dual chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator by transthoracic approach", "经胸手术切除双腔起搏心脏复律除颤器脉冲发生器的经静脉电极" ], "33758007": [ "General night care of child", "儿童一般夜间护理" ], "228531005": [ "Activity for ontogenetic motor pattern", "个体发育运动模式活动" ], "16549441000119102": [ "Radionuclide scan of cerebrospinal fluid flow of brain using indium 111", "Radioisotope scan of cerebrospinal fluid flow of brain using indium 111", "使用铟 111 对脑脊液流进行放射性同位素扫描", "使用铟 111 对脑脊液流进行放射性核素扫描" ], "572481000119103": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only live attenuated Measles morbillivirus antigen", "Administration of live attenuated measles vaccine", "Live attenuated measles immunization", "Live attenuated measles immunisation", "Live attenuated measles vaccination", "麻疹减毒活疫苗免疫", "接种减毒活麻疹疫苗", "麻疹减毒活疫苗", "接种仅含减毒活麻疹病毒抗原的疫苗产品" ], "128392000": [ "Ear excision", "耳切除术" ], "48307009": [ "Repair of rectourethral fistula", "Closure of rectourethral fistula", "Closure of urethrorectal fistula", "直肠尿道瘘闭合", "直肠尿道瘘的修复", "尿道直肠瘘闭合" ], "243080004": [ "Advice on technique for premature ejaculation", "Technique for premature ejaculation education", "早泄教育技巧", "治疗早泄的技巧建议" ], "61021001": [ "Anesthesia for thoracotomy procedure involving pleura", "Anaesthesia for thoracotomy procedure involving pleura", "涉及胸膜的开胸手术麻醉" ], "241245002": [ "Umbilical venogram", "脐静脉造影" ], "30088009": [ "Blood culture", "血培养" ], "388701005": [ "Oregano specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf283 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Origanum vulgare specific IgE antibody measurement", "Origanum vulgare specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf283特异性IgE抗体测量", "牛至特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "牛至特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "牛至特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "1287986001": [ "Insertion of endosponge into rectum using colonoscope", "Colonoscopic insertion of endosponge into rectum", "Intraluminal insertion of sponge into rectum using colonoscope", "Endoluminal vacuum therapy in rectum using colonoscope", "结肠镜将内海绵插入直肠", "使用结肠镜将内海绵插入直肠", "结肠镜直肠腔内真空治疗", "使用结肠镜将海绵插入直肠腔内" ], "173874001": [ "Endoscopic dilation of duodenum", "Endoscopic dilatation of duodenum", "内镜十二指肠扩张术" ], "1255218005": [ "Left prosthetic intraocular lens implant", "Implantation of prosthetic intraocular lens into left eye", "左眼植入人工晶状体", "左眼人工晶状体植入" ], "239410006": [ "Non-arthroplastic joint operation", "非关节成形术" ], "40967000": [ "Removal of calculus of lacrimal canaliculi", "泪小管结石去除术" ], "73735000": [ "Cytogenetic procedure", "Cytogenetic study", "细胞遗传学研究", "细胞遗传学程序" ], "450567003": [ "Conversion to hybrid total knee replacement", "转换为混合全膝关节置换术" ], "104668002": [ "Fructokinase measurement", "果糖激酶测量" ], "170204005": [ "Child examination: femoral arteries", "儿童体格检查:股动脉" ], "268508006": [ "Notification of infectious jaundice", "传染性黄疸通报" ], "22748009": [ "Partial excision of phalanx of toe", "趾骨部分切除术" ], "710876009": [ "Education about ambulation technique", "步行技术教育" ], "313990000": [ "Plasma cholesterol/HDL ratio measurement", "Plasma cholesterol/HDL ratio", "Plasma cholesterol/high density lipoprotein ratio measurement", "血浆胆固醇/高密度脂蛋白 (HDL) 比率", "血浆胆固醇/高密度脂蛋白比率测量", "血浆胆固醇/高密度脂蛋白 (HDL) 比率测量" ], "608902001": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from perirenal tissue for parasites", "对肾周组织样本进行显微镜检查以寻找寄生虫" ], "51846004": [ "Manual replacement of nonobstetric inverted uterus", "Manual nonobstetric repair of inverted uterus", "子宫内翻的手动非产科修复", "非产科子宫内翻的人工复位" ], "838278005": [ "Assessment using eye tracking technology", "使用眼动追踪技术进行评估" ], "445062008": [ "Provision of specialised cutlery", "Provision of specialised eating utensils", "Provision of specialized cutlery", "Provision of specialized eating utensils", "提供专用餐具" ], "1231494009": [ "Excision arthroplasty of joint of hip with insertion of cement spacer", "Excisional arthroplasty of hip joint with insertion of cement spacer", "Excision arthroplasty of hip joint with insertion of cement spacer", "Resection arthroplasty of hip joint with insertion of cement spacer", "髋关节切除置换术及骨水泥垫片置入术" ], "707206008": [ "Assessment for bariatric surgery", "减肥手术评估" ], "410459005": [ "Ultrasound pachymetry", "超声角膜厚度测量" ], "443227006": [ "Assessment using ABC (activities-specific balance confidence) scale", "Assessment using activities-specific balance confidence scale", "使用活动特定平衡信心量表进行评估", "使用 ABC(特定活动平衡信心)量表进行评估" ], "1295195009": [ "Injection into pericardial sac", "心包囊注射" ], "62725000": [ "Removal of intact mammary implant plus capsulectomy", "移除完整乳房植入物并切除包膜" ], "308485000": [ "Referral to gynecologist", "Referral to gynaecologist", "转诊至妇科医生" ], "13573001": [ "Patellapexy", "髌骨固定术" ], "306650000": [ "Discharge from cardiothoracic surgery service", "心胸外科出院" ], "60890002": [ "Female sterilization", "Female sterilisation", "Contraceptive method: female sterilization", "Contraceptive method: female sterilisation", "避孕方法:女性绝育", "女性绝育" ], "388570007": [ "Carob specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf296 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ceratonia siliqua specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ceratonia siliqua specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "角果木特异性IgE抗体测定", "角果木特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf296 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "角豆特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "239279000": [ "Fixation of fracture", "骨折固定" ], "698031003": [ "Subtotal excision of tongue", "Subtotal glossectomy", "舌部次全切除术" ], "1304239004": [ "Glaucoma tube shunt of right eye", "Insertion of drainage tube into anterior chamber of right eye", "Glaucoma implant surgery of right eye", "右眼青光眼植入手术", "右眼青光眼管分流术", "右眼前房插入引流管" ], "1255087004": [ "Endovascular repair of dissection of aorta using endovascular stent graft", "主动脉夹层血管内支架修复术" ], "75439005": [ "Blind biopsy of breast", "乳腺盲活检" ], "40836001": [ "Suture of great vessel", "Repair of laceration of great vessels by suture", "大血管裂伤缝合修复", "大血管缝合" ], "304815009": [ "Bion-based group psychoanalysis", "基于生物的团体心理分析" ], "1204100003": [ "Vascularised bone graft with microsurgery", "Vascularized bone graft with microsurgery", "VBG (vascularised bone graft) with microsurgery", "VBG (vascularized bone graft) with microsurgery", "血管化骨移植 (VBG) 和显微手术", "显微外科血管化骨移植" ], "450436003": [ "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography", "正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描" ], "171908005": [ "Cryotherapy to perivascular sympathetic nerve", "血管周围交感神经冷冻治疗" ], "24452007": [ "Removal of blood clot from bladder by incision", "Cystostomy and removal of blood clot", "Removal of blood clot from urinary bladder by incision", "切开膀胱取出血凝块", "膀胱造口术和血凝块清除", "通过切开术去除膀胱中的血凝块" ], "268377001": [ "Hypersensitivity skin testing", "超敏性皮肤测试" ], "432217006": [ "Biopsy of neck using ultrasound guidance", "Biopsy of neck using ultrasound (US) guidance", "使用超声引导进行颈部活检" ], "71769006": [ "Curettage of external ear", "外耳刮除术" ], "708910001": [ "Insertion of temporary intrathecal catheter", "Temporary intrathecal catheter insertion", "插入临时鞘内导管", "临时鞘内导管插入" ], "104537009": [ "Arylsulfatase, total measurement", "Arylsulphatase, total measurement", "芳基硫酸酯酶,总测量值" ], "446766005": [ "Assessment using arthritis impact measurement scale", "使用关节炎影响测量量表进行评估" ], "53550008": [ "Detection of aggregated immunoglobulin G binding", "Detection of aggregated IgG binding", "检测聚集免疫球蛋白 G 结合", "检测聚集的 IgG 结合" ], "37166009": [ "Rapid hippurate hydrolysis test", "快速马尿酸水解试验" ], "313859003": [ "Plasma ampicillin measurement", "Plasma ampicillin level", "血浆氨苄西林测量", "血浆氨苄西林水平" ], "51715005": [ "Incision and exploration of prostate", "前列腺切开探查" ], "428547005": [ "Spinal fusion for scoliosis", "脊柱侧弯的脊柱融合术" ], "33496007": [ "Mammoplasty", "Mastoplasty", "Breast reconstruction", "Mammaplasty", "Reconstruction of breast", "乳房重建", "乳房整形术" ], "361176008": [ "Denervation of uterosacral nerves", "子宫骶神经支配" ], "410328009": [ "Coping skills case management", "应对技巧案例管理" ], "408493004": [ "Referral for DXA scan of hip and spine", "Referral for dual energy X-ray photon absorptiometry scan of hip and spine", "Referral for DEXA of hip and spine", "转诊进行髋部和脊柱 DEXA 检查", "转诊进行髋部和脊柱双能 X 射线光子吸收扫描", "转诊进行髋部和脊柱 DXA 扫描" ], "898178001": [ "Laparoscopic excision of Couinaud hepatic segment VI and Couinaud hepatic segment VII", "Laparoscopic right posterior sectionectomy of liver", "腹腔镜右后肝切除术", "腹腔镜切除 Couinaud 肝段 VI 和 Couinaud 肝段 VII" ], "62594005": [ "Reagent RBC, freeze, glycerol", "Reagent red blood cell, freeze, glycerol", "试剂红细胞,冷冻,甘油", "试剂红细胞、冷冻、甘油" ], "240983003": [ "Reconstruction with local flap", "局部皮瓣修复" ], "306519008": [ "Discharge by nurse practitioner", "执业护士出院" ], "175447009": [ "Operation on aneurysm of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉瘤手术" ], "7937001": [ "Transplantation of adrenal gland", "肾上腺移植" ], "401153002": [ "Plasma globulin measurement", "Plasma globulin level", "血浆球蛋白测量", "血浆球蛋白水平" ], "89857002": [ "Semen analysis, count only", "精液分析,仅计数" ], "40705004": [ "Insertion of bilateral silicone gel-filled breast implants", "Bilateral insertion of silicone gel-filled breast implants", "植入双侧硅胶填充乳房植入物", "双侧植入硅胶填充乳房植入物" ], "827137007": [ "Guided periodontal tissue regeneration", "GTR (guided tissue regeneration) of periodontal tissue", "引导牙周组织再生", "牙周组织引导组织再生 (GTR)" ], "171777009": [ "Injection of destructive substance into spinal nerve root", "向脊神经根注射破坏性物质" ], "432086003": [ "Excision of cyst of female perineum", "女性会阴囊肿切除术" ], "104406007": [ "Chorionic gonadotropin measurement, qualitative", "Chorionic gonadotrophin measurement, qualitative", "HCG serum, qualitative", "HCG血清,定性", "绒毛膜促性腺激素测量,定性" ], "430251002": [ "Biopsy of nasal fossae", "鼻窝活检" ], "446635005": [ "Excision of lesion of conjunctiva and excision of adjacent sclera", "切除结膜病变及切除邻近巩膜" ], "118955007": [ "Implantation to cardiovascular system", "植入心血管系统" ], "428416002": [ "Radiotherapy to neck", "颈部放射治疗" ], "313728007": [ "Serum glycine level", "Serum glycine measurement", "血清甘氨酸水平", "血清甘氨酸测量" ], "182656008": [ "General body warming therapy", "全身温热疗法" ], "18816008": [ "Acromioplasty with synthetic joint prosthesis", "肩峰成形术与合成关节假体" ], "444800009": [ "Fitting of antithromboembolic stockings", "抗血栓栓塞袜的试穿" ], "410197001": [ "Respiratory rate taking education", "Teach respiration", "Teach respiratory rate taking", "教导测量呼吸频率", "教呼吸", "呼吸频率测量教育" ], "180821004": [ "Vaginal suspension and fixation", "阴道悬吊和固定" ], "426581005": [ "Plain X-ray of both feet", "Plain X-ray of bilateral feet", "双脚普通 X 光检查", "双足普通 X 光检查" ], "442965004": [ "Measurement of ratio of apolipoprotein B to apolipoprotein A-I", "载脂蛋白 B 与载脂蛋白 A-I 比率的测量" ], "178986004": [ "Chondrodiastasis", "Chondrodiatasis", "软骨分离症", "软骨脱位" ], "31530007": [ "Removal of foreign body of iris without use of magnet", "不使用磁铁去除虹膜异物" ], "46079006": [ "Vaccination by injection gun", "注射枪接种" ], "62463007": [ "Exploration of tendon sheath", "腱鞘探查" ], "306388006": [ "Discharge by mental health counsellor", "Discharge by mental health counselor", "心理健康顾问出院" ], "273620008": [ "Modified Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory", "改良明尼苏达多项人格测验" ], "1156521001": [ "Education about health service", "健康服务教育" ], "386473003": [ "Telephone follow-up", "电话跟进" ], "763305004": [ "Assessment using Size (area, depth), Sepsis, Arteriopathy, Denervation system", "Assessment using S(AD) SAD (Size (area, depth) Sepsis, Arteriopathy, Denervation) system", "使用 S(AD) SAD(大小(面积、深度)脓毒症、动脉病、失神经支配)系统进行评估", "使用大小(面积、深度)、败血症、动脉病、失神经系统进行评估" ], "171646000": [ "Intracranial stereotactic neurolysis of accessory nerve (XI)", "副神经颅内立体定向神经松解术(XI)" ], "401022002": [ "HEp-2 nuclear pattern", "HEp-2 nuclear pattern determination", "HEp-2 核模式测定", "HEp-2 核模式" ], "89726007": [ "Drainage of ovary by incision", "卵巢切开引流" ], "448339003": [ "Division of palmar fascia of hand using needle", "Needle fasciotomy of hand", "手部针刺筋膜切开术", "使用针头切断手掌筋膜" ], "1202003004": [ "Reconstruction using local cutaneous flap", "Reconstruction using local skin flap", "Reconstruction with local skin flap", "Local skin flap reconstruction", "局部皮瓣重建", "局部皮瓣修复" ], "104275005": [ "Bordetella antibody assay", "Serologic test for Bordetella", "Measurement of Bordetella species antibody", "百日咳血清学检测", "百日咳抗体测定", "百日咳杆菌抗体的测量" ], "710483006": [ "Discharge planning by family caregiver", "家庭护理人员制定出院计划" ], "431955009": [ "Percutaneous embolization of internal iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of internal iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮髂内动脉栓塞术" ], "413736002": [ "Cancer emotional and psychosocial support and advice", "Cancer emotional and psychosocial support and education", "癌症情感和社会心理支持与教育", "癌症情感和社会心理支持与建议" ], "118824002": [ "Procedure on biliary tract", "胆道手术" ], "5971009": [ "Incision and drainage of axilla", "腋窝切开引流" ], "233512006": [ "Axillary artery cannula insertion", "腋动脉插管" ], "69672007": [ "Bilateral axillary lymphadenectomy", "Excision of lymph node groups of both axillae", "Excision of lymph node groups of bilateral axillae", "双侧腋窝淋巴结组切除", "双侧腋窝淋巴结清扫术" ], "446504008": [ "Stereotactic destruction of lesion using gamma radiation", "使用伽玛射线立体定向破坏病变" ], "708648009": [ "Laparotomy with biopsy of pancreas", "Laparotomy and pancreatic biopsy", "开腹手术及胰腺活检", "开腹手术和胰腺活检" ], "51453004": [ "Arthrotomy for synovectomy of hip joint", "髋关节滑膜切除术" ], "313597007": [ "Factor VIII von Willebrands Factor ratio", "Factor VIII von Willebrand factor ratio measurement", "第八因子血管性血友病因子比率测量", "因子 VIII 血管性血友病因子比率" ], "231677008": [ "Inferior rectus disinsertion", "下直肌脱离术" ], "182525009": [ "Clamping of urinary catheter", "导尿管夹紧" ], "64167000": [ "Doppler flow mapping of aortic arch", "主动脉弓多普勒血流图" ], "703143004": [ "Initiation of transdermal contraception", "开始使用透皮避孕药" ], "178855006": [ "Reconstruction of hand with distant skin flap", "远端皮瓣修复手部缺损" ], "439164000": [ "Education about post term pregnancy", "关于过期妊娠的教育" ], "15015009": [ "Excision of bronchus, wide sleeve", "支气管切除术、宽袖状支气管切除术" ], "717692004": [ "Cone beam CT guided insertion of drain into pelvis", "Insertion of drain into pelvis using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "使用锥形束 CT 引导将引流管插入骨盆", "锥形束 CT 引导下将引流管插入骨盆" ], "60497006": [ "Graft of skin and mucous membrane", "Grafting of skin and mucous membrane", "皮肤黏膜移植" ], "306257009": [ "Referral to family planning doctor", "转诊至计划生育医生" ], "58662001": [ "Division of aberrant vessel", "异常血管的分离" ], "288038002": [ "Skene's gland division", "Skene gland division", "斯基恩腺分区", "斯基恩氏腺分区" ], "386342003": [ "Kangaroo care", "Skin to skin contact", "皮肤接触", "袋鼠式护理" ], "304422006": [ "Pulsed electromagnetic energy to knee", "脉冲电磁能至膝盖" ], "1254694008": [ "Cerebellar function test", "小脑功能检查" ], "269819008": [ "Factor VIII assay", "Ⅷ 因子检测" ], "251600000": [ "PVER - Pattern visual evoked responses", "PVEP - Pattern visual evoked potentials", "Pattern visual evoked potentials", "图形视觉诱发电位", "PVEP-- 图形视觉诱发电位", "PVER-- 图案视觉诱发反应" ], "122363009": [ "Parainfluenza virus 3 antigen assay", "副流感病毒 3 型抗原检测" ], "1300176002": [ "EUS-BD - endoscopic ultrasound guided biliary drainage", "Drainage of biliary tract using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided biliary tract drainage", "Drainage of biliary tract using endoscopic ultrasound guidance", "超声内镜引导下胆道引流", "EUS-BD - 内镜超声引导胆道引流", "内镜超声引导胆道引流" ], "169680004": [ "Rhesus - 6 months after anti-D sample", "RhD - 6 months after anti-D sample", "RhD - 抗 D 样本后 6 个月", "恒河猴 - 抗 D 样本检测后 6 个月" ], "431824004": [ "Sampling of blood of adrenal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用造影剂荧光透视引导进行肾上腺静脉血液采样" ], "71376004": [ "Excision of lesion of soft tissue of hand", "手部软组织损伤切除术" ], "235216005": [ "Billroth I partial gastrectomy - von Haberer modification", "Billroth I 部分胃切除术 - von Haberer 改良术" ], "104144006": [ "Determination of haemoglobin subtype", "Determination of hemoglobin subtype", "血红蛋白亚型的测定" ], "118693000": [ "Procedure on neck", "Neck procedure", "颈部手术" ], "284368009": [ "Examination of parotid gland", "腮腺检查" ], "315301002": [ "Reconstruction of vagina with flap", "阴道瓣重建术" ], "710352006": [ "Extrication procedure", "救援程序" ], "233381005": [ "Iliofemoral X over - crossover graft", "Iliofemoral crossover graft", "髂股交叉移植", "髂股骨X交叉移植" ], "84090000": [ "Opponensplasty of hand", "手部对掌成形术" ], "85925008": [ "Supportive verbal psychotherapy", "支持性言语心理治疗" ], "231546002": [ "Reconstruction of orbital cavity with dermofat graft", "用真皮脂肪移植重建眼眶腔" ], "772218003": [ "Mobile intraoperative 3D (three-dimensional) CT of thoracic spine", "Mobile intraoperative three-dimensional computed tomography of thoracic spine", "移动式术中胸椎 3D(三维)CT", "术中移动式胸椎三维计算机断层扫描" ], "67706006": [ "Pancreatolithotomy", "Incision and removal of pancreatic calculus", "Pancreolithotomy", "Open removal of calculus from pancreatic duct", "胰管切开取石", "胰管切开取石术", "胰腺切开取石术", "胰腺结石切开取石术" ], "426319004": [ "Excision of high transverse vaginal septum", "高位阴道横隔切除术" ], "311631007": [ "Therapy to promote recognition and understanding of complex sentences", "促进复杂句子识别和理解的疗法" ], "47652003": [ "C3a receptor measurement", "C3a 受体测量" ], "260644005": [ "Posterior cranial fossa craniectomy", "后颅窝开颅术" ], "178724006": [ "Revision to open reduction spinal fracture and skull traction stabilization", "Revision to open reduction spinal fracture and skull traction stabilisation", "脊柱骨折切开复位及颅骨牵引固定术" ], "176889002": [ "Uterus operation haemostasis", "Uterus operation hemostasis", "Surgical control of hemorrhage of uterus", "Surgical control of haemorrhage of uterus", "子宫出血的手术控制", "子宫手术止血" ], "275193004": [ "Bx - Biopsy of mediastinal lesion", "Biopsy of lesion of mediastinum", "Bx-纵隔病变活检", "纵隔病变活检" ], "422649009": [ "Community outreach worker services education, guidance, and counseling", "Community outreach worker services education, guidance, and counselling", "Community outreach worker services teaching, guidance and counselling", "Community outreach worker services teaching, guidance and counseling", "社区外展工作者服务教育、指导和咨询", "社区外展工作者服务教学、指导和咨询" ], "45817009": [ "Removal of foreign body from retina by incision", "切开视网膜取出异物" ], "78585009": [ "Transurethral electroresection of bladder neck", "Transurethral electrocoagulation of urethrovesical junction", "Transurethral electroresection of neck of urinary bladder", "经尿道尿道膀胱连接处电凝术", "经尿道膀胱颈电切术" ], "306126003": [ "Referral to nuclear medicine service", "转诊至核医学服务" ], "1303715004": [ "Endoscopic closure of perforation of nasal septum", "ENSPR - endoscopic nasal septal perforation repair", "Endoscopic repair of nasal septal perforation", "ENSPR-- 内窥镜鼻中隔穿孔修补术", "内镜鼻中隔穿孔缝合术", "内镜鼻中隔穿孔修补术" ], "74915004": [ "HIV-1 ELISA assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)", "Human immunodeficiency virus 1 enzyme linked immunosorbent assay", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型酶联免疫吸附试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒抗体酶联免疫吸附试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒-1(HIV-1)酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)", "HIV-1 ELISA 检测" ], "418979006": [ "Angioplasty of tibial artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of tibial artery with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行胫动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下胫动脉造影血管成形术" ], "173219005": [ "Excision of irregular mucosa of lip", "唇部不规则粘膜切除术" ], "1287331009": [ "Reconstruction of collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of foot using graft", "足指间关节侧副韧带移植重建" ], "23928003": [ "Costochondrectomy", "Excision of costal cartilage", "Resection of costal cartilage", "肋软骨切除术" ], "171384004": [ "Boarding out medical examination", "寄宿体检" ], "236920005": [ "Cornual-isthmic anastomosis", "角峡部吻合术" ], "122232008": [ "Rabies virus antigen assay", "狂犬病毒抗原检测" ], "104013000": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Duffy system (ISBT 008)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Duffy system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 008)", "用 Duffy 系统 (ISBT 008) 鉴别红细胞抗原抗体", "从 Duffy 系统鉴定红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 008)" ], "54861004": [ "Labyrinthotomy with tack procedure and mastoidectomy", "迷路切开术加钉术和乳突切除术" ], "726605004": [ "Medicinal gold therapy", "药金疗法" ], "710221008": [ "Administration of nurse controlled analgesia", "护士控制镇痛的管理" ], "429858000": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of head and neck", "Computed tomography of head and neck", "CT of head and neck", "头颈部CT检查", "头部和颈部的计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "头部和颈部的计算机断层扫描" ], "315170006": [ "Pigeon fecal antibody level", "Pigeon faecal antibody level", "鸽子粪便抗体水平" ], "870391004": [ "Assisted ventilation in prone position", "俯卧位辅助通气" ], "231415004": [ "Cryotherapy to nerves or ganglia", "Cryodenervation", "神经或神经节冷冻疗法", "冷冻去神经支配" ], "278732002": [ "Infraorbital incision", "眶下切口" ], "82124003": [ "Active manipulation", "主动操控" ], "32972004": [ "Acetabuloplasty, Whitman type procedure", "Whitman operation for hip reconstruction", "惠特曼髋关节重建手术", "髋臼成形术,Whitman 型手术" ], "442572005": [ "Revision of decompression of carpal tunnel", "腕管减压术" ], "229580007": [ "Ice therapy", "冰疗" ], "113057004": [ "Leukocyte antibody measurement", "Leucocyte antibody measurement", "白细胞抗体测量" ], "391585005": [ "APTR (activated partial thromboplastin time ratio) using actin FS", "Activated partial thromboplastin time ratio using actin FS reagent", "APTT (activated partial thromboplastin time) ratio using actin FS", "使用肌动蛋白 FS 测定 APTT(活化部分凝血活酶时间)比率", "使用肌动蛋白 FS 试剂测定活化部分凝血活酶时间比率", "使用肌动蛋白 FS 测定 APTR(活化部分凝血活酶时间比率)" ], "719265006": [ "Repair of inguinal hernia using surgical mesh", "Inguinal hernioplasty", "腹股沟疝修补术", "使用外科网片修补腹股沟疝" ], "276897008": [ "Percutaneous angioplasty of arteriovenous fistula", "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of arteriovenous fistula", "经皮球囊血管成形术治疗动静脉瘘", "经皮动静脉瘘成形术" ], "178593008": [ "Revision posterior decompression cervical cord", "颈髓后路减压术" ], "275062003": [ "Transluminal procedure on popliteal artery", "腘动脉腔内手术" ], "127606004": [ "Therapeutic phlebotomy", "Blood letting", "放血", "治疗性放血" ], "307830009": [ "Endoscopic stapling of pharyngeal pouch", "内镜咽囊缝合术" ], "305995003": [ "Referral by obstetrician", "Referral from obstetrician", "产科医生转诊" ], "58400001": [ "Chiropractic examination", "脊椎按摩检查" ], "74784003": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on middle and inner ear", "Anaesthesia for procedure on middle and inner ear", "中耳及内耳手术麻醉" ], "287776003": [ "Prostatic haemorrhage endoscopic control", "Prostatic hemorrhage endoscopic control", "前列腺出血内镜治疗" ], "122101000": [ "Streptococcus agalactiae antigen assay", "无乳链球菌抗原测定" ], "171253004": [ "Exercise status screening", "运动状态筛查" ], "351477007": [ "Ladd procedure for correction of volvulus", "肠扭转矫正术" ], "302325008": [ "Procedure on brain ventricular shunt", "脑室分流术操作步骤" ], "23797008": [ "Esophagojejunostomy", "Oesophagojejunostomy", "Anastomosis of oesophagus to jejunum", "Oesophagojejunal anastomosis", "Esophagojejunal anastomosis", "Anastomosis of esophagus to jejunum", "食管空肠吻合术" ], "89333009": [ "Division of abdominal varicose vein", "腹部静脉曲张的切除" ], "447946003": [ "Right hemicolectomy and ileostomy", "Right colectomy and ileostomy", "右半结肠切除术和回肠造口术", "右结肠切除术和回肠造口术" ], "169418006": [ "Visible light therapy", "可见光疗法" ], "103882007": [ "E^w^ blood group typing", "E^w^血型分型" ], "87498008": [ "Plastic repair of introitus", "Plastic repair of vaginal introitus", "阴道口整形修复" ], "708255002": [ "First line treatment", "一线治疗" ], "233119007": [ "Unifocalization operation", "Unifocalisation operation", "单焦点操作", "单焦点手术" ], "36511008": [ "Injection into inner ear", "内耳注射" ], "429727009": [ "Primary percutaneous endoscopic excision of thoracic intervertebral disc", "初次经皮内镜胸椎间盘切除术" ], "20127008": [ "Application of dressing, fixed", "敷料固定" ], "83828007": [ "Ciliectomy of eyelid margin", "Cyclectomy of eyelid margin", "Excision of cilia base", "睑缘切除术", "切除纤毛基部", "眼睑缘纤毛切除术" ], "395124008": [ "Viral studies", "病毒研究" ], "231284009": [ "Injection of local anesthetic and steroid into sacroiliac joint", "Injection of local anaesthetic and steroid into sacroiliac joint", "骶髂关节注射局部麻醉剂和类固醇" ], "313204009": [ "Lifestyle education", "生活方式教育" ], "229449004": [ "Manipulation of the carpal bones - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the carpal bones", "腕骨的操纵", "腕骨操作 - 非手术" ], "49225009": [ "Change in bone length of tibia and fibula", "胫骨和腓骨骨长度的变化" ], "14622006": [ "Esophagoplasty by cervical approach", "Oesophagoplasty by cervical approach", "经颈部入路食管成形术", "颈部入路食管成形术" ], "112926007": [ "Suture of obstetric laceration of vagina", "Obstetrical vaginorrhaphy", "产科阴道缝合术", "产科阴道裂伤缝合术" ], "440606009": [ "Measurement of theophylline trough concentration", "茶碱谷浓度测量" ], "782835002": [ "Laparoscopic pectopexy using mesh", "使用网片的腹腔镜胸部固定术" ], "1290739008": [ "Drainage of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织引流" ], "60104001": [ "Incision and drainage of forefoot", "前足切开引流" ], "12787008": [ "D-xylose, blood", "D-木糖,血液" ], "699080002": [ "Repair of blood vessel of abdomen with synthetic patch graft", "用合成补片修复腹部血管" ], "240328004": [ "Removal of pancreatic tissue from donor", "从捐赠者体内取出胰腺组织" ], "174792006": [ "Exploration of spleen", "脾脏探查" ], "830152006": [ "Recommend vaccination", "Recommendation regarding vaccination", "关于疫苗接种的建议", "建议接种疫苗" ], "287645004": [ "Breast skin graft", "Graft of skin to skin of breast", "乳房皮肤移植" ], "385949008": [ "Dressing change management", "Manage dressing change", "换药管理", "管理换药" ], "271261008": [ "Urine creatine measurement", "Creatine measurement, urine", "尿液肌酸测量" ], "121970002": [ "Coliform bacteria detection", "大肠菌群检测" ], "416882005": [ "Toggle technique", "切换技术" ], "171122006": [ "Hepatitis B screening", "乙肝筛查" ], "447815001": [ "Incision of bursa of lower limb", "下肢滑囊切开术" ], "185671002": [ "BP screen - 3rd recall", "BP screening - third recall", "Blood pressure screening - third recall", "血压筛查-第三次召回", "血压筛查 - 第三次召回" ], "103751001": [ "Peripheral visual field examination", "周边视野检查" ], "120135005": [ "External ear closure", "外耳闭合" ], "431431005": [ "MR arteriography of entire aorta", "MR angiography of entire aorta", "Magnetic resonance angiography of entire aorta", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of entire aorta", "整个主动脉的 MR 动脉造影", "整个主动脉的磁共振动脉造影", "整个主动脉的磁共振血管造影", "整个主动脉的 MR 血管造影" ], "234823006": [ "Insertion of occlusal wafer", "插入咬合片" ], "21831008": [ "Incision and exploration of bronchus", "支气管切开探查" ], "445980001": [ "Assessment using worker role interview version 10.0", "使用工人角色访谈版本 10.0 进行评估" ], "5447007": [ "Transfusion", "Transfusions", "输血" ], "232988002": [ "Angioplasty of superior vena cava", "Balloon angioplasty of superior vena cava", "Balloon dilatation of superior vena cava", "上腔静脉球囊扩张术", "上腔静脉球囊成形术", "上腔静脉血管成形术" ], "231153003": [ "Ring block of little finger", "小指环块" ], "18161005": [ "Anesthesia for electrical conversion of arrhythmias", "Anaesthesia for electrical conversion of arrhythmias", "心律失常电转换麻醉", "心律失常电转换的麻醉" ], "313073008": [ "Crime victim counselling", "Crime victim counseling", "Counselling of crime victim", "Counseling of crime victim", "犯罪受害者辅导" ], "81862004": [ "Open reduction of diastasis of ankle mortise", "踝关节分离切开复位术" ], "180166005": [ "Correction of complex craniofacial deformity", "复杂颅面畸形的矫正" ], "360390006": [ "Repair of aneurysm by wiring", "Aneurysmorrhaphy by wiring", "用导线修复动脉瘤", "动脉瘤缝合术" ], "229318008": [ "Lumbar traction", "腰椎牵引" ], "440475003": [ "Invite expression of feelings", "邀请表达感受" ], "391323004": [ "Serum C26 long chain fatty acid level", "血清 C26 长链脂肪酸水平" ], "407707008": [ "Chlamydia deoxyribonucleic acid detection", "Chlamydia DNA detection", "衣原体脱氧核糖核酸检测", "衣原体DNA检测" ], "782704000": [ "Sutureless aortic valve replacement", "SU-AVR - sutureless aortic valve replacement", "Replacement of aortic valve using sutureless valve", "无缝线瓣膜置换主动脉瓣", "SU-AVR-无缝线主动脉瓣置换术", "无缝线主动脉瓣置换术" ], "307568003": [ "Excision of neck of pancreas", "胰颈切除术" ], "373104003": [ "Cardiac output measurement by thermal dye dilution method", "热染料稀释法测量心输出量" ], "1290608004": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of pelvis and bone of hip joint region", "骨盆骨和髋关节区骨的普通X光检查" ], "76357000": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on clavicle and/or scapula", "Anaesthesia for procedure on clavicle and/or scapula", "锁骨和/或肩胛骨手术麻醉" ], "10821005": [ "Gastric fluid analysis, food, forensic", "胃液分析、食品、法医" ], "238362000": [ "Biopsy of mass in the neck", "颈部肿块活检" ], "385818002": [ "Patient feeding technique management", "Manage patient feeding technique", "管理病人进食技术", "病人喂养技术管理" ], "433135003": [ "Biopsy of knee using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Biopsy of knee using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行膝关节活检" ], "252911008": [ "Pessary pad test", "子宫托垫试验" ], "121839009": [ "Phenylpropionylglycine measurement", "苯丙酰甘氨酸测量" ], "5316002": [ "Closed osteotomy of mandibular ramus", "下颌升支闭合截骨术" ], "120004002": [ "Epididymis injection", "附睾注射" ], "185540003": [ "Second patient \"call\"", "第二位病人“来电”" ], "1119428005": [ "Open transposition of right subclavian artery to carotid artery with endovascular repair of descending thoracic aorta by neck incision", "右锁骨下动脉开放转位至颈动脉并经颈部切口进行降胸主动脉腔内修复" ], "234692008": [ "Periodontal and radicular surgery", "牙周和根尖手术" ], "724377000": [ "Amputation of finger of left hand", "左手指截肢" ], "232857002": [ "Excision of vegetations from pulmonary valve", "肺动脉瓣赘生物切除术" ], "70852009": [ "Implantation of prosthetic limb device", "假肢装置植入" ], "167321001": [ "Urine dipstick for urobilinogen", "尿胆原试纸" ], "871833000": [ "Subcutaneous injection of pneumococcal vaccine", "皮下注射肺炎球菌疫苗" ], "183705000": [ "Hematology self-referral", "Haematology self-referral", "血液科自我转诊" ], "413081008": [ "Clopidogrel prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic clopidogrel", "预防性使用氯吡格雷", "氯吡格雷预防" ], "34414001": [ "Incision of rectum", "直肠切开术" ], "52633009": [ "Heavy metal screen on bile", "胆管上重金属筛管" ], "231022003": [ "Replacement of epidural electrode", "更换硬膜外电极" ], "83566004": [ "Ligation of lymphatic vessel", "淋巴管结扎" ], "116334007": [ "Stereotactically guided percutaneous core needle biopsy of breast", "Percutaneous core needle biopsy of breast using stereotactic guidance", "立体定向引导下乳腺经皮穿刺芯针活检" ], "737091001": [ "Insertion of microstructural scaffold into articular cartilage of knee", "微结构支架置入膝关节软骨" ], "32579002": [ "Obliteration of lacrimal canaliculi", "泪小管闭塞" ], "229187003": [ "Pelvic tilting exercise in water", "水中骨盆倾斜运动" ], "65347005": [ "Donor cardiectomy with preparation and maintenance of homograft", "供体心脏切除术及同种移植的准备和维护" ], "81731007": [ "Excision of lesion of adrenal gland", "肾上腺病损切除术" ], "79896000": [ "Manipulation of pericardium", "心包操作" ], "720707009": [ "Plain X-ray of gastrointestinal tract with marker capsule for transit study", "胃肠道普通 X 射线检查,带标记胶囊,用于转运研究" ], "702488002": [ "Computed tomography of thoracic and lumbar spine with contrast", "CT of thoracic and lumbar spine with contrast", "胸椎和腰椎增强计算机断层扫描", "胸腰椎增强 CT 检查" ], "391192006": [ "Homeless mental health care - Part day : day care", "无家可归者心理健康护理 - 部分日间护理" ], "243736006": [ "Provision of image intensifier", "提供影像增强器" ], "45293001": [ "Immunoglobulin G measurement", "IgG", "IgG - Immunoglobulin G", "Immunoglobulin G level", "IgG——免疫球蛋白G", "免疫球蛋白G", "免疫球蛋白 G 测量", "免疫球蛋白 G 水平" ], "1290477003": [ "Plain X-ray of index finger", "食指普通 X 光检查" ], "90775002": [ "Reduction of closed hyoid fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of hyoid bone", "闭合性舌骨骨折的复位方法", "闭合性舌骨骨折手法复位" ], "385687002": [ "Energy conservation assessment", "Assess energy conservation", "节能评估", "评估节能" ], "238231002": [ "Needle biopsy of lesion of abdominal wall", "腹壁病变针吸活检" ], "270999004": [ "Urine total protein measurement", "Urine total protein level", "尿液总蛋白水平", "尿液总蛋白测定" ], "711532000": [ "Surgical pathology consultation on slides with comprehensive review and interpretation", "对幻灯片进行外科病理学咨询,并进行全面审查和解释" ], "121708003": [ "Toluene diisocyanate measurement", "甲苯二异氰酸酯测定" ], "105324004": [ "Sotalol measurement", "索他洛尔测量" ], "23404005": [ "Diathermy of nasal turbinates", "Turbinectomy by diathermy", "Submucous diathermy to nasal turbinate", "DIT - Diathermy to inferior turbinate", "SMD - Submucous diathermy", "鼻甲黏膜下透热疗法", "透热疗法鼻甲切除术", "DIT - 下鼻甲透热疗法", "鼻甲透热疗法", "SMD - 粘膜下透热疗法" ], "252780007": [ "Dark adapted single bright flash ERG", "Dark adapted single bright flash electroretinography", "暗适应单亮闪光ERG", "暗适应单亮闪光视网膜电图" ], "119873001": [ "Tongue closure", "舌头闭合" ], "56172009": [ "Gastric fluid analysis, total acid measurement", "胃液分析、总酸测量" ], "169025007": [ "Fluoroscopy and radiography - urinary", "泌尿系统荧光透视和放射线照相术" ], "709697009": [ "Computed tomography of ileal conduit", "CT of ileal conduit", "回肠导管 CT", "回肠导管计算机断层扫描" ], "1332289009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of left sacroiliac joint without contrast", "MRI of left sacroiliac joint without contrast", "左骶髂关节 MRI 无造影", "左骶髂关节无造影磁共振成像" ], "118038005": [ "HIV 1 gp105 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 gp105 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 glycoprotein 105 antibody", "HIV 1 gp105 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV-1 gp105 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型糖蛋白 105 抗体的测量" ], "412950006": [ "Plasma homocitrulline measurement", "Plasma homocitrulline level", "血浆同型瓜氨酸水平", "血浆同型瓜氨酸测量" ], "232726007": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of coronary artery", "经皮冠状动脉内膜切除术" ], "67051000": [ "Abdominal lymphangiography, bilateral", "腹部淋巴管造影,双侧" ], "443883001": [ "Measurement of alpha fetoprotein and human chorionic gonadotropin and unconjugated estriol in serum or plasma specimen", "血清或血浆样本中甲胎蛋白、人绒毛膜促性腺激素和游离雌三醇的测定" ], "3141000175101": [ "Progesterone supplement education", "黄体酮补充剂教育" ], "427499007": [ "Endometrial ablation using free heated saline", "使用自由加热盐水进行子宫内膜消融" ], "230891008": [ "Destruction of choroid plexus", "脉络丛破坏" ], "440213000": [ "Measurement of encainide and metabolite in serum", "血清中恩卡尼及其代谢物的测定" ], "866197002": [ "Ultrasound of joint of lower limb", "Ultrasonography of joint of lower extremity", "Ultrasound scan of joint of lower limb", "Ultrasonography of joint of lower limb", "下肢关节超声扫描", "下肢关节超声检查" ], "79765003": [ "Diverticulectomy of esophagus by cervical approach", "Diverticulectomy of oesophagus by cervical approach", "经颈部入路食管憩室切除术" ], "30613005": [ "Aneurysmectomy with anastomosis", "动脉瘤切除吻合术" ], "178069007": [ "Release of fascia", "筋膜释放" ], "225386006": [ "Evaluating patient status for discharge", "Pre-discharge assessment", "出院前评估", "评估患者出院状态" ], "176234008": [ "Open resection of female bladder neck", "Open resection of female urinary bladder neck", "女性膀胱颈开放切除术" ], "303636000": [ "Conjunctival biopsy", "结膜活检" ], "57876000": [ "Injection of spinal intervertebral space with chymotrypsin", "脊髓椎间隙注射糜蛋白酶" ], "6889000": [ "Shortening of sclera by scleral buckling", "巩膜扣带术缩短巩膜" ], "285417003": [ "Resuture of episiotomy dehiscence", "会阴切开裂口的再缝合" ], "432873006": [ "Injection of elbow using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Injection of elbow using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声(US)引导进行肘部注射", "超声引导下肘部注射" ], "236265007": [ "Epispadias repair in female - primary procedure", "女性尿道上裂修复术 - 初次手术" ], "105193008": [ "Flunitrazepam measurement", "氟硝西泮测量" ], "86974000": [ "Ischiopubiotomy", "Farabeuf operation", "坐骨耻骨切开术", "法拉伯夫手术" ], "252649009": [ "Point pH monitoring", "点pH监测" ], "121577009": [ "Fluvoxamine measurement", "氟伏沙明测量" ], "709566001": [ "MR angiography of vertebral artery", "Magnetic resonance angiography of vertebral artery", "MR angiogram of vertebral artery", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of vertebral artery", "MR arteriography of vertebral artery", "椎动脉磁共振血管造影", "椎动脉磁共振动脉造影" ], "447422004": [ "Laparoscopic excision of stricture of ureter by retroperitoneal approach", "Retroperitoneoscopic excision of stricture of ureter", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路输尿管狭窄切除术", "腹腔镜输尿管狭窄切除术" ], "70590006": [ "Elevation of skull fracture fragments", "Elevation of skull fracture", "Elevation of depressed fracture of cranium", "颅骨凹陷性骨折抬高术", "颅骨骨折碎片抬高", "颅骨骨折抬高" ], "232595000": [ "Bronchoscopic irrigation", "Bronchoscopic lavage", "Bronchoscopic washout", "支气管镜灌洗", "支气管镜冲洗" ], "1921000087100": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral Achilles tendons", "Ultrasound of left and right Achilles tendon", "Ultrasound scan of both Achilles tendons", "左、右跟腱超声检查", "双侧跟腱超声检查", "双侧跟腱超声扫描" ], "641000087101": [ "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of left upper limb", "Aspiration of left upper extremity using fluoroscopic guidance", "Aspiration of left upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of left upper extremity", "荧光透视引导下左上肢抽吸术", "透视引导下左上肢穿刺" ], "445587006": [ "Assessment using geriatric depression scale", "使用老年抑郁量表进行评估" ], "16001000087103": [ "Computed tomography angiography of left upper limb with contrast", "CT angiography of left upper limb with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of left upper extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of left arm with contrast", "CT angiography of left upper extremity with contrast", "CT angiography of left arm with contrast", "左臂增强 CT 血管造影", "左上肢增强 CT 血管造影" ], "17281000087103": [ "Fluoroscopic venogram of right upper extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venography of right upper limb with contrast", "右上肢荧光静脉造影" ], "14721000087104": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of bilateral subclavian arteries", "Doppler ultrasonography of left and right subclavian artery", "Doppler ultrasound of both subclavian arteries", "左、右锁骨下动脉多普勒超声检查", "双侧锁骨下动脉的多普勒超声检查", "双侧锁骨下动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "117907009": [ "Glutamate decarboxylase 65 antibody assay", "Measurement of glutamate decarboxylase 65 antibody", "谷氨酸脱羧酶 65 抗体测定", "谷氨酸脱羧酶65抗体测定" ], "4481000087108": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of right wrist", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of right wrist", "右腕关节荧光透视造影" ], "443752007": [ "Measurement of platelet aggregation using low dose ristocetin", "Platelet aggregation with low dose ristocetin test", "低剂量瑞斯托霉素试验检测血小板聚集情况", "使用低剂量瑞斯托霉素测量血小板聚集率" ], "1162813001": [ "Repair of bat ear", "Bat ear pinnaplasty", "Correction of bat ear", "蝙蝠耳修复", "蝙蝠耳矫正", "蝙蝠耳廓整形术" ], "179773006": [ "Revision open autograft replacement intra-articular ligament", "翻修开放自体移植置换关节内韧带" ], "720445009": [ "Normal movement patterns training", "正常运动模式训练" ], "241639000": [ "MRI of hip", "Magnetic resonance imaging of hip", "髋关节磁共振成像", "髋部 MRI" ], "440082009": [ "Repair of paravaginal defect by vaginal approach", "经阴道修补阴道旁缺损" ], "225255002": [ "Washing cervical cap", "清洗宫颈帽" ], "389095005": [ "Contraception care", "Family planning treatments and procedures", "Family planning: contraception", "Family planning care: contraception", "计划生育治疗和程序", "计划生育:避孕", "计划生育护理:避孕", "避孕护理" ], "405479005": [ "Ilio-popliteal artery bypass with prosthesis", "髂腘动脉搭桥术" ], "45031008": [ "Fulguration of choroid", "脉络膜电灼术" ], "307175009": [ "Marsupialization of submandibular duct", "Marsupialisation of submandibular duct", "颌下管袋形化术" ], "43196001": [ "Ileocolotomy", "回结肠切开术" ], "370876003": [ "Assistive device provision management", "Manage assistive device therapy", "辅助设备供应管理", "管理辅助设备治疗" ], "305340004": [ "Admission to long stay hospital", "入住长期医院" ], "274407009": [ "Intrauterine device check", "宫内节育器检查" ], "59580007": [ "Cranial neuroplasty", "Repair of cranial nerve", "Cranial nerve repair", "脑神经修复", "颅神经成形术" ], "10428007": [ "Radiologic guidance for dilation of ureters", "输尿管扩张的放射学指导" ], "24977001": [ "Topical chemotherapy for malignant neoplasm", "恶性肿瘤局部化疗" ], "418193003": [ "Develop home medication dispensing strategy", "制定家庭药物分配策略" ], "449126000": [ "Administration of inhalation anaesthetic using endotracheal tube", "Administration of inhalation anesthetic using endotracheal tube", "使用气管插管给予吸入麻醉药" ], "121446009": [ "Arsenic trioxide measurement", "三氧化二砷测量" ], "252518009": [ "Inhalational provocation test", "吸入激发试验" ], "105062009": [ "Aminosalicylate measurement", "氨基水杨酸测量" ], "234299008": [ "Lymphonodovenous anastomosis", "淋巴管静脉吻合术" ], "265232001": [ "Diagnostic lumbar puncture", "Diagnostic spinal tap", "Diagnostic lumbar spinal puncture", "Diagnostic lumbar tap", "诊断性脊椎穿刺", "诊断性腰椎穿刺" ], "3088001": [ "Anesthesia for endoscopic procedure on upper extremity", "Anaesthesia for endoscopic procedure on upper extremity", "上肢内镜手术麻醉" ], "725819009": [ "Assessment using Residential Environment Impact Scale Version 4.0", "Assessment using REIS (Residential Environment Impact Scale) Version 4.0", "使用 REIS(居住环境影响量表)4.0 版进行评估", "使用居住环境影响量表 4.0 版进行评估" ], "773136004": [ "Endoscopic mucosal resection of lesion of sigmoid colon using rigid sigmoidoscope", "硬质乙状结肠镜内镜黏膜切除术治疗乙状结肠病变" ], "412688005": [ "Norwalk virus antigen test", "诺沃克病毒抗原检测" ], "232464005": [ "Open rhinoplasty", "开放式鼻整形术" ], "429072008": [ "Dietary education for hyperlipidaemia", "Dietary education for hyperlipidemia", "高脂血症的饮食教育" ], "609296009": [ "Laparoscopic right salpingo-oophorectomy after prior left salpingo-oophorectomy", "已行左侧输卵管卵巢切除术,现行腹腔镜右侧输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "85008009": [ "Division of ligament of ankle", "Division of joint ligament of ankle", "踝关节韧带分离术", "踝关节韧带分离" ], "117776009": [ "Clue cell identification", "线索细胞识别" ], "1230053003": [ "Washing of face and hands", "Washing of skin of face and bilateral hands", "Bathing of skin of face and bilateral hands", "Bathing of face and hands", "洗净面部及双手皮肤", "清洗面部和双手皮肤", "洗脸和洗手" ], "1253002": [ "Refusion of spine", "脊柱报销" ], "165093002": [ "Portal venous pressure test", "Measurement of portovenous pressure", "门静脉压力测量", "门静脉压力试验" ], "179642001": [ "Primary closed reduction of dislocation and fixation by wire(s)", "脱位的初次闭合复位并用钢丝固定" ], "261562001": [ "Angioplasty of systemic to pulmonary artery shunt", "体动脉至肺动脉分流术" ], "81338003": [ "Partial excision of pineal gland", "Partial pinealectomy", "部分松果体切除术", "松果体部分切除术" ], "785850002": [ "Reverse shoulder replacement", "Reverse total shoulder arthroplasty", "Reverse prosthetic total arthroplasty of shoulder", "反肩关节置换术", "肩关节逆行假体全置换术", "逆行全肩关节置换术" ], "441786008": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of pelvic structure", "盆腔结构细针穿刺活检" ], "409018009": [ "Postpartum care assessment", "Assess postpartum care", "产后护理评估", "评估产后护理" ], "439951002": [ "Arthroscopy of hip with synovectomy", "髋关节镜检查及滑膜切除术" ], "359866008": [ "Diagnostic radiography with contrast media by injection, positive and negative contrast", "通过注射造影剂进行诊断放射摄影,采用正造影和负造影" ], "390799004": [ "Coronary heart disease review", "冠心病综述" ], "28516003": [ "Biopsy of soft tissue of ankle area, deep", "踝部深部软组织活检" ], "12132004": [ "Langenbeck operation, cleft palate repair", "朗根贝克手术、腭裂修复" ], "405348005": [ "Thrombolysis of upper limb artery", "上肢动脉血栓溶解" ], "239673009": [ "Application of thumb spica plaster cast", "拇指人字形石膏固定的应用" ], "450830002": [ "Excision of orbital fat herniation", "眶脂肪疝切除术" ], "24846002": [ "Imbrication", "Overlapping", "嵌套", "重叠" ], "418062002": [ "MRI angiography of upper limb artery", "MRA upper limb artery", "Magnetic resonance angiography of upper limb artery", "MR angiography of upper limb artery", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of upper limb artery", "MR arteriography of upper limb artery", "上肢动脉 MRI 血管造影", "上肢动脉磁共振动脉造影", "上肢动脉MRA", "上肢动脉磁共振血管造影" ], "712974004": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of chest and abdomen with contrast", "胸部和腹部增强荧光血管造影" ], "8462008": [ "Arthrotomy of finger", "手指关节切开术" ], "1237262009": [ "Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 inhibitor therapy", "Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 targeted therapy", "HER2 (Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2) inhibitor therapy", "Receptor tyrosine-protein kinase erbB-2 inhibitor therapy", "人类表皮生长因子受体2靶向治疗", "人类表皮生长因子受体2抑制剂治疗", "HER2(人类表皮生长因子受体 2)抑制剂治疗", "受体酪氨酸蛋白激酶 erbB-2 抑制剂治疗" ], "104931002": [ "Serine measurement", "丝氨酸测量" ], "55779001": [ "Anesthesia for pneumocentesis", "Anaesthesia for pneumocentesis", "肺穿刺术麻醉" ], "399843004": [ "Aspergillus versicolor specific IgG antibody measurement", "RGm25 specific IgG antibody measurement", "Aspergillus versicolor specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "花斑曲霉特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定", "花斑曲霉特异性 IgG 抗体测定", "RGm25 特异性 IgG 抗体测量" ], "711139001": [ "Evaluation of tubes and drains", "管道和引流管的评估" ], "416227005": [ "Removal of glaucoma drainage tube", "拔除青光眼引流管" ], "1055203007": [ "Increased fat and oil diet", "Increased fat diet", "增加脂肪和油的饮食", "增加脂肪饮食" ], "252387008": [ "Detection of antimicrobial substance", "抗菌物质检测" ], "121315009": [ "5-Oxoproline measurement", "5-氧脯氨酸测量" ], "437721000124100": [ "Increased isoleucine diet", "增加异亮氨酸饮食" ], "439001000124100": [ "Zinc supplement therapy", "补锌疗法" ], "250552004": [ "Mixed venous oxygen saturation measurement", "Mixed venous oxygen saturation", "SvO2 - Mixed venous oxygen saturation", "混合静脉血氧饱和度", "混合静脉血氧饱和度测量", "SvO2 - 混合静脉血氧饱和度" ], "462041000124102": [ "Coordination of transition of care plan", "护理计划过渡的协调" ], "414392008": [ "Herbal therapy", "草药疗法" ], "84877006": [ "Arthroscopy of knee with meniscus repair", "Arthroscopic repair of meniscus", "膝关节镜检查及半月板修复", "关节镜下半月板修复" ], "609165007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal laser ablation of vein", "经皮腔内静脉激光消融术" ], "117645008": [ "Oral hypoglycemic identification", "Oral hypoglycaemic identification", "口服降糖药鉴别", "口服降血糖药的鉴别" ], "1295458002": [ "Plain X-ray of epididymis with contrast", "附睾造影 X 光检查" ], "310583000": [ "Suction clearance of tracheostomy tube", "气管切开管吸力间隙" ], "164962009": [ "Skin test for susceptibility", "皮肤敏感测试" ], "408887001": [ "Vision care management", "Manage vision care", "管理视力保健", "视力保健管理" ], "392503004": [ "Ro202 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Artemisia salina, fish feed specific IgE antibody measurement", "Artemisia salina, fish feed specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "盐蒿、鱼饲料特异性IgE抗体测定", "Ro202 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "盐蒿、鱼饲料特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "228663006": [ "Microtron X-ray therapy", "Microtron X射线治疗" ], "718348005": [ "Cardiovascular care", "心血管护理" ], "439820005": [ "Sensate focus technique", "感觉聚焦技术" ], "1259020007": [ "Referral to Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program", "Referral to Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction programme", "转介正念减压计划" ], "243212008": [ "Orthoptic treatment penalisation - atropine and miotic", "Orthoptic treatment penalization - atropine and miotic", "视觉矫正治疗惩罚措施 - 阿托品和缩瞳剂", "视觉矫正治疗惩罚——阿托品和缩瞳剂" ], "306913003": [ "BAHA 2 procedure", "Second stage bone anchored hearing aid procedure", "第二阶段骨锚式助听器手术", "BAHA 2 手术" ], "257761004": [ "Ultrasonic endarterectomy", "超声动脉内膜切除术" ], "239542002": [ "Excision of lumbar intervertebral disc", "Lumbar discectomy", "腰椎间盘切除术" ], "1222582007": [ "Phototherapeutic keratectomy", "PTK - phototherapeutic keratectomy", "Excimer laser phototherapeutic keratectomy", "Phototherapeutic keratectomy using argon fluoride excimer laser", "光治疗性角膜切除术", "使用氟化氩准分子激光进行光治疗性角膜切除术", "准分子激光光治疗性角膜切除术", "PTK-- 光治疗性角膜切除术" ], "370614007": [ "Lateral wire repair of ruptured anterior cruciate ligament", "外侧钢丝修复前交叉韧带断裂" ], "450699001": [ "Repair of artery using prosthetic graft", "使用假体移植修复动脉" ], "417931001": [ "Radionuclide study of sacroiliac joints", "骶髂关节放射性核素研究" ], "305078009": [ "Prophylactic hip stretching", "预防性髋部拉伸" ], "303243003": [ "Removal of contaminant from skin", "清除皮肤上的污染物" ], "172171003": [ "Biopsy of orbital lesion", "眼眶病变活检" ], "24715008": [ "Splenoportogram by splenic arteriography", "Splenoportography", "Portal venogram indirect", "Splenoportogram by arteriography of splenic artery", "Splenoportogram by angiography of splenic artery", "脾动脉造影脾门静脉图", "脾动脉造影术", "门静脉间接造影", "脾门静脉造影", "脾动脉造影脾门静脉造影" ], "711008001": [ "Assessment of substance withdrawal", "药物戒断评估" ], "88416005": [ "Arthrotomy of ankle with drainage", "踝关节切开引流术" ], "104800005": [ "Macroglobulins measurement", "巨球蛋白测量" ], "55648009": [ "Endoscopic dilation of pancreatic duct", "Dilation of pancreatic duct by ERCP", "内镜胰管扩张术", "经 ERCP 扩张胰管" ], "252256009": [ "Lundh meal", "Lundh test", "隆德餐", "隆德试验" ], "1004085005": [ "Filler injection to eyelid", "Injection of filling material into eyelid", "眼睑内注射填充材料", "眼睑填充注射" ], "609034000": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from seminal vesicle prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备精囊标本涂片进行显微镜细胞学检查" ], "445194001": [ "Evaluation of need for motorised wheelchair", "Evaluation of need for motorized wheelchair", "电动轮椅需求评估" ], "1264394002": [ "Fitting of speech bulb", "Fitting of pharyngeal obturator", "咽部闭塞器的安装", "语音灯泡的安装" ], "264970003": [ "Reopening of abdomen", "腹部重新打开" ], "133898004": [ "Preoperative care", "Pre-surgical preparation", "Surgical preparation", "术前护理", "手术前准备", "手术准备" ], "35594005": [ "Initial pericardiocentesis", "初始心包穿刺术" ], "443359001": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of mass of parotid salivary gland", "腮腺肿块细针穿刺活检" ], "232202009": [ "Closure of fistula of semicircular canal", "半规管瘘管闭合" ], "33759004": [ "Suture of cecum", "Cecorrhaphy", "Suture of caecum", "Caecorrhaphy", "盲人缝合", "盲肠缝合术", "盲肠缝合" ], "17375006": [ "Ultrasonic guidance for renal pelvis aspiration", "超声引导下肾盂穿刺" ], "228532003": [ "Motor relearning technique", "Motor retraining technique", "运动再学习技术", "运动再训练技术" ], "441524006": [ "Construction of scrotum", "阴囊的构造" ], "243081000": [ "Advice on squeeze technique", "Squeeze technique education", "挤压技术教育", "挤压技术建议" ], "392372009": [ "Picea excelsa specific IgE antibody measurement", "Picea excelsa specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "t201 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Norway spruce specific IgE antibody measurement", "云杉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "挪威云杉特异性IgE抗体测定", "云杉特异性IgE抗体测定", "t201 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "128393005": [ "Biopsy of ear", "耳部活检" ], "406921008": [ "Rosolic acid sodium salt stain method", "Rosolic acid sodium salt stain", "玫瑰果酸钠盐染色", "玫瑰果酸钠盐染色法" ], "241246001": [ "Transhepatic portogram", "经肝门静脉造影" ], "699998000": [ "Procedure on skeletal muscle", "骨骼肌手术" ], "388702003": [ "Rabbit meat specific IgE antibody measurement", "Oryctolagus spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "f213 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Oryctolagus spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "穴兔特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "f213特异性IgE抗体测量", "穴兔特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "兔肉特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "175710008": [ "Repair of femoral artery with temporary silastic shunt", "临时硅胶管分流术修复股动脉" ], "173875000": [ "Endoscopic insertion of tubal prosthesis into duodenum", "内镜下十二指肠输卵管假体置入" ], "77406008": [ "Confirmatory medical consultation", "Second or third medical opinion", "确认医疗咨询", "第二或第三个医疗意见" ], "1287987005": [ "Injection of amniotic fluid", "羊水注射" ], "16323611000119102": [ "MRI of orbit, face and neck without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of orbit, face and neck without contrast", "眼眶、面部和颈部无造影磁共振成像", "眼眶、面部和颈部的 MRI 无造影" ], "42803009": [ "Electromyography", "EMG - Electromyography", "Electromyogram", "肌电图", "EMG-肌电图" ], "16437531000119105": [ "Ultrasonography for qualitative deepest pocket amniotic fluid volume", "Ultrasound scan for qualitative deepest pocket amniotic fluid volume", "Ultrasound of deepest pocket amniotic fluid for qualitative volume", "最深层羊水袋的超声检查以确定羊水量", "超声扫描定性测定最深羊水袋中的羊水量", "超声检查定性最深羊水袋量" ], "383771000119107": [ "CT of wrist without contrast", "Computed tomography of wrist without contrast", "腕部无造影 CT", "无造影剂腕部计算机断层扫描" ], "450568008": [ "Endoscopic excision of articular cartilage", "内镜关节软骨切除术" ], "268509003": [ "Cardiac disease monitoring", "Heart disease monitoring", "心脏疾病监测", "心脏病监测" ], "104669005": [ "Glycated protein measurement", "糖化蛋白测量" ], "170205006": [ "Child examination: hips", "儿童检查:臀部" ], "55517006": [ "Esophagogastric fundoplasty with fundic patch", "Oesophagogastric fundoplasty with fundic patch", "食管胃底修补术" ], "313991001": [ "Serum cholesterol/LDL ratio", "Serum cholesterol/LDL ratio measurement", "Serum cholesterol/low density lipoprotein ratio measurement", "血清胆固醇/低密度脂蛋白比率测量", "血清胆固醇/LDL 比率测量", "血清胆固醇/LDL 比率" ], "363143003": [ "Immune system destructive procedure", "免疫系统破坏程序" ], "428679005": [ "Partial excision of left ventricle of heart", "Partial left ventriculectomy", "心脏左心室部分切除术", "左心室部分切除术" ], "608903006": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from nervous system", "神经系统标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "35463007": [ "Guided dentoalveolar tissue regeneration, including surgery and re-entry", "引导牙槽组织再生,包括手术和再入" ], "82780000": [ "Incision and exploration of esophagus", "Incision and exploration of oesophagus", "食管切开探查" ], "50012009": [ "Cecopexy", "Cecofixation", "Caecopexy", "Caecofixation", "盲肠固定术", "盲肠固定" ], "80945002": [ "Cystoproctostomy", "膀胱直肠造口术" ], "261169004": [ "Posterolateral thoracotomy", "后外侧开胸术" ], "392241007": [ "Closure of male urethrostomy", "男性尿道造口术" ], "31793008": [ "Embolization of aorta", "Embolisation of aorta", "主动脉栓塞" ], "46342000": [ "Removal of electrodes from brain", "Removal of intracranial electrodes", "从大脑中取出电极", "移除颅内电极" ], "62726004": [ "Fetal clavicotomy", "Fetal cleidorrhexis", "Fetal cleidotomy", "Foetal cleidorrhexis", "Foetal clavicotomy", "胎儿锁骨切开术", "胎儿锁骨断裂" ], "421339001": [ "Computer-assisted videokeratoscopy", "CVK - computer-assisted videokeratoscopy", "计算机辅助视频角膜镜检查", "CVK-- 计算机辅助视频角膜镜检查" ], "306651001": [ "Discharge from thoracic surgery service", "胸外科出院" ], "388571006": [ "f81 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cheddar cheese specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cheese, cheddar type specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Cheese, cheddar type specific IgE antibody measurement", "切达干酪特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "f81特异性IgE抗体测量", "奶酪、切达干酪型特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "奶酪、切达干酪型特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "42672000": [ "Dentoalveolar bone replacement graft, multiple sites, including flap entry and closure", "牙槽骨替代移植,多个部位,包括皮瓣进入和闭合" ], "239280002": [ "Fixation of fracture using pins", "使用针固定骨折" ], "304816005": [ "Generic psychoanalysis", "一般精神分析" ], "1255088009": [ "Repair of dissection of aorta using stent graft", "覆膜支架修复主动脉夹层" ], "171909002": [ "Radiofrequency controlled thermal destruction of perivascular sympathetic nerve", "射频控制热破坏血管周围交感神经" ], "1204101004": [ "Vascularized bone graft to humerus with microsurgery", "Vascularised bone graft to humerus with microsurgery", "显微外科手术将血管化骨移植至肱骨", "用显微手术将血管化骨移植至肱骨" ], "73605004": [ "Electrocardiogram with vectorcardiogram", "心电图与心向量图" ], "8069005": [ "Implantation of tricuspid valve prosthesis or synthetic device", "植入三尖瓣假体或合成装置" ], "450437007": [ "Revision of anterior excision of lumbar disc", "腰椎间盘前切除术修复术" ], "401285009": [ "Mycology microscopy, culture and sensitivities", "真菌学显微镜检查、培养和敏感性" ], "104538004": [ "Asparagine measurement", "天冬酰胺测量" ], "20783001": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of ankle", "踝关节脱位切开复位术" ], "708911002": [ "Temporary epidural catheter insertion, lumbar", "Insertion of temporary catheter into lumbar epidural space", "将临时导管插入腰椎硬膜外腔", "暂时性腰椎硬膜外导管插入" ], "741679001": [ "American Heart Association advanced cardiac life support protocol", "AHA ACLS protocol", "AHA ACLS 协议", "美国心脏协会高级心脏生命支持协议" ], "53551007": [ "Transabdominal encephalocentesis of fetal head", "Transabdominal encephalocentesis of foetal head", "经腹胎儿头部穿刺术" ], "117252000": [ "Drug confirmation assay, cut off >200 ng/ml", "药物确认试验,截止值 >200 ng/ml" ], "707076002": [ "Epistaxis care", "鼻出血护理" ], "1296900004": [ "Rhenium 188 brachytherapy", "Rhenium-188 brachytherapy", "铼-188近距离放射治疗", "铼 188 近距离放射治疗" ], "313860008": [ "Plasma beta-carotene level", "Plasma beta-carotene measurement", "血浆β-胡萝卜素水平", "血浆β-胡萝卜素测量" ], "426713000": [ "Percutaneous chemical ablation of lesion of liver", "经皮肝病灶化学消融术" ], "361177004": [ "Denervation of paracervical uterine nerves", "宫颈旁子宫神经支配的去除" ], "787161009": [ "Right midfoot amputation", "Amputation of right midfoot", "右足中段截肢" ], "179118004": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture and internal fixation with screw(s)", "骨折一期闭合复位并用螺钉固定" ], "408494005": [ "Referral for DXA scan of forearm", "Referral for dual energy X-ray photon absorptiometry scan of forearm", "Referral for DEXA of forearm", "转诊进行前臂双能X射线光子吸收扫描", "转诊进行前臂 DXA 扫描", "转诊进行前臂 DEXA 检查" ], "29827000": [ "Complete salpingo-oophorectomy", "Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy", "Excision of bilateral fallopian tubes and ovaries", "Excision of both fallopian tubes and ovaries", "双侧输卵管卵巢切除术", "切除输卵管和卵巢", "输卵管卵巢全切除术", "切除双侧输卵管和卵巢" ], "439427001": [ "Fasting kidney panel", "空腹肾功能检查" ], "62595006": [ "Insertion of bone growth stimulator into tarsals and metatarsals", "将骨骼生长刺激器插入跗骨和跖骨" ], "46211007": [ "Debridement of bone", "骨清创" ], "898179009": [ "Excision of Couinaud hepatic segment IV and Couinaud hepatic segment V and Couinaud hepatic segment VIII", "Central bisegmentectomy of liver", "切除 Couinaud 肝段 IV、Couinaud 肝段 V 和 Couinaud 肝段 VIII", "肝脏中央双段切除术" ], "306520002": [ "Discharge by outreach nurse", "外展护士出院" ], "175448004": [ "Operation on aneurysm of axillary artery", "腋动脉瘤手术" ], "11608005": [ "Open reduction of open shoulder dislocation with fracture of greater tuberosity", "开放性肩关节脱位合并大结节骨折的切开复位治疗" ], "240984009": [ "Reconstruction with distant flap", "远端皮瓣重建" ], "699736009": [ "Orthotopic cystoplasty", "Orthotopic repair of urinary bladder", "原位膀胱成形术", "膀胱原位修复" ], "24322003": [ "Immediate isogeneic transplantation, cadaver donor", "立即同基因移植,尸体供体" ], "171778004": [ "Radiofrequency controlled thermal destruction of spinal nerve root", "射频控制脊神经根热破坏" ], "73474008": [ "Stump elongation of upper extremity", "上肢残端伸长" ], "401154008": [ "Plasma parathyroid hormone related peptide measurement", "Plasma parathyroid hormone related peptide level", "血浆甲状旁腺激素相关肽测定", "血浆甲状旁腺激素相关肽水平" ], "104407003": [ "HLA typing, mixed lymphocyte culture", "Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) typing, mixed lymphocyte culture", "Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing, mixed lymphocyte culture", "Human leukocyte antigen typing, mixed lymphocyte culture", "HLA分型、混合淋巴细胞培养", "人类白细胞抗原分型、混合淋巴细胞培养", "人类白细胞抗原 (HLA) 分型、混合淋巴细胞培养" ], "235479006": [ "Proximal pancreaticojejunostomy", "近端胰肠吻合术" ], "37036004": [ "Arthrotomy of acromioclavicular joint for infection with exploration", "肩锁关节切开术治疗感染并进行探查" ], "430252009": [ "Education about infant stimulation at 0-4 months", "0-4个月婴儿刺激教育" ], "182657004": [ "Hot baths - therapy", "热水浴——疗法" ], "18817004": [ "Removal of silastic tubes from fallopian tube", "输卵管硅胶管拔除" ], "313729004": [ "Serum histidine measurement", "Serum histidine level", "血清组氨酸测量", "血清组氨酸水平" ], "66134002": [ "Magnet extraction of foreign body from cornea", "Removal of foreign body of cornea by magnet", "磁铁法取出角膜异物", "角膜异物磁铁取出术" ], "410198006": [ "Respiratory function management", "Manage respiration measurement", "呼吸功能管理", "管理呼吸测量" ], "47915001": [ "In vitro hair test for molds", "In vitro hair test for moulds", "体外毛发霉菌检测" ], "817963002": [ "Vascularised bone graft to spine with microsurgery", "Vascularized bone graft to spine with microsurgery", "用显微手术将血管化骨移植至脊柱", "利用显微手术进行带血管的骨移植到脊柱" ], "64299003": [ "Relaxation training therapy", "Relaxation therapy", "RT - Relaxation training", "Relaxation training", "Relaxation/breathing techniques treatments and procedures", "Relaxation programme", "Relaxation program", "放松训练疗法", "放松疗法", "RT——放松训练", "放松训练", "放松计划", "放松/呼吸技巧治疗和程序" ], "62464001": [ "Anesthesia for renal procedure", "Anaesthesia for renal procedure", "肾脏手术麻醉" ], "78848005": [ "Making unoccupied bed", "整理空床" ], "781525000": [ "Administration of prostaglandin via oral route", "Oral prostaglandin therapy", "口服前列腺素", "口服前列腺素治疗" ], "177152009": [ "Breech extraction delivery with version", "臀位牵引分娩方式" ], "60629006": [ "Synergism testing", "协同作用测试" ], "288170000": [ "Packed blood cell transfusion", "浓缩血细胞输血" ], "714154006": [ "Reduction clitoroplasty of ambiguous genitalia", "阴蒂缩小术" ], "1156522008": [ "Education about normal psychological response", "正常心理反应教育" ], "386474009": [ "Intraoperative temperature regulation", "术中温度调节" ], "7807006": [ "Ganglionectomy of tendon sheath site", "Excision of ganglion cyst of tendon sheath", "腱鞘囊肿切除术", "腱鞘部位神经节切除术" ], "56959007": [ "Operation on globus pallidus", "苍白球手术" ], "24191008": [ "Application of finger splint, dynamic", "手指夹板的应用,动态" ], "448340001": [ "Reopening of chest and reexploration of intraabdominal operation site", "重新开胸并重新探查腹部手术部位" ], "401023007": [ "HEp-2 centromere", "HEp-2 centromere determination", "HEp-2 着丝粒测定", "HEp-2 着丝粒" ], "171647009": [ "Intracranial stereotactic neurolysis hypoglossal nerve (XII)", "颅内立体定向神经松解术舌下神经(XII)" ], "1202004005": [ "Reconstruction using local skin advancement flap", "Reconstruction with local skin advancement flap", "Local skin advancement flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction using local cutaneous advancement flap", "局部皮肤推进皮瓣重建", "使用局部皮肤推进皮瓣进行重建" ], "235348006": [ "Destruction of lesion of large intestine using thermal probe", "使用热探针破坏大肠病变" ], "104276006": [ "Borrelia antibody assay", "Serologic test for Borrelia", "Measurement of Borrelia species antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体抗体的测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体血清学检测", "伯氏疏螺旋体抗体测定" ], "708649001": [ "Division of tendon of neck", "Tenotomy of neck", "颈部肌腱切断术", "颈肌腱分离" ], "118825001": [ "Procedure on pancreas", "胰腺手术" ], "233513001": [ "Brachial artery cannula insertion", "肱动脉插管" ], "20521004": [ "Basic pure tone audiometry, air and bone", "基本纯音听力检查、气听和骨听" ], "430121004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of pelvis for radiotherapy planning", "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis for radiotherapy planning", "MRI of pelvis for radiotherapy planning", "骨盆 MRI 用于放射治疗计划", "骨盆磁共振成像(MRI)用于放射治疗计划", "骨盆磁共振成像用于放射治疗计划" ], "446505009": [ "D1 lymph node dissection", "Dissection of perigastric lymph nodes", "Excision of perigastric lymph nodes", "胃周淋巴结清扫", "胃周淋巴结切除术", "D1淋巴结清扫" ], "313598002": [ "Glycolipid antibody measurement", "Glycolipid antibody level", "糖脂抗体测量", "糖脂抗体水平" ], "231678003": [ "Inferior rectus horizontal transposition", "下直肌水平转位" ], "51454005": [ "Electrocoagulation of prostatic bed", "Coagulation of prostatic bed using electrical energy", "利用电能凝固前列腺床", "前列腺床电凝术" ], "49619003": [ "Removal of foreign body of penis", "阴茎异物取出" ], "33235005": [ "Complex cystometrogram", "复杂膀胱内压图" ], "703144005": [ "Initiation of hormone releasing contraceptive vaginal ring", "开始使用激素释放避孕阴道环" ], "1260200006": [ "Scaling of teeth with root planing in quadrant of dental arch", "Removal of deposits from teeth using dental scaler with planing of roots of teeth in quadrant of dental arch", "Removal of accretion from teeth using dental scaler with planing of roots of teeth in quadrant of dental arch", "使用洁牙机清除牙齿上的沉积物,并刨平牙弓象限内的牙根", "牙弓象限根面平整术洁牙" ], "178856007": [ "Reconstruction of hand using free flap with microvascular anastomosis", "吻合显微血管的游离皮瓣修复手部缺损" ], "439165004": [ "Education about influenza vaccine during pregnancy", "怀孕期间流感疫苗接种教育" ], "242557008": [ "Bimanual palpation", "双手触诊" ], "717693009": [ "Cone beam CT guided insertion of drain into upper limb", "Insertion of drain into upper limb using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "使用锥形束 CT 引导将引流管插入上肢", "锥形束 CT 引导下将引流管插入上肢" ], "306258004": [ "Referral to ITU specialist", "Referral to intensive care specialist", "转介给国际电联专家", "转诊至重症监护专家" ], "44114006": [ "Insertion of bone growth stimulator into tibia and fibula", "将骨生长刺激器插入胫骨和腓骨" ], "11346008": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of vena cava by abdominal and leg incision", "腹部及腿部切口下腔静脉导管血栓切除术" ], "304423001": [ "Pulsed electromagnetic energy to ankle", "脉冲电磁能作用于脚踝" ], "288039005": [ "Internal cephalic version and extraction", "内部头位转位及取出" ], "386343008": [ "Labour suppression", "Labor suppression", "Suppression of labour", "Suppression of labor", "抑制劳动", "劳工压制", "抑制劳工" ], "269820002": [ "Serum iron tests", "血清铁检测" ], "122364003": [ "Parainfluenza virus antigen assay", "副流感病毒抗原检测" ], "169681000": [ "Rhesus - random, non-pregnancy sample", "RhD antibody screening, random non-pregnancy sample", "RhD 抗体筛查,随机非妊娠样本", "恒河猴 - 随机、非妊娠样本" ], "235217001": [ "Billroth I partial gastrectomy - Schoemaker modification", "Billroth I 部分胃切除术 - Schoemaker 改良术" ], "284369001": [ "Examination of submandibular gland", "颌下腺检查" ], "448209006": [ "Removal of loose body from ankle joint", "从踝关节取出游离体" ], "104145007": [ "Hemoglobin electrophoresis", "Haemoglobin electrophoresis", "血红蛋白电泳" ], "118694006": [ "Procedure on trunk", "行李箱上的程序" ], "2171001": [ "Remnant tonsillectomy", "Excision of remnant of tonsil", "Excision of tonsil tag", "切除残留扁桃体", "切除扁桃体赘生物", "残留扁桃体切除术" ], "315302009": [ "Reconstruction of maxilla with flap", "上颌骨瓣修复术" ], "85926009": [ "Lumbar and lumbosacral fusion by anterior technique", "前路腰椎及腰骶椎融合术" ], "116859006": [ "Transfusion of blood product", "Blood product administration by intravascular infusion", "Transfusing blood products", "BT - Blood transfusion", "Blood transfusion", "BT-输血", "输血", "通过血管内输注给予血液制品", "输注血液制品" ], "311632000": [ "Therapy to promote recognition and understanding of long paragraphs", "促进对长段落的识别和理解的疗法" ], "33104008": [ "Female urethrorrhaphy", "女性尿道缝合术" ], "260645006": [ "Minilaparotomy", "小切口开腹手术" ], "178725007": [ "Revision to open reduction spinal fracture and cast stabilisation", "Revision to open reduction spinal fracture and cast stabilization", "脊柱骨折切开复位及石膏固定术" ], "275194005": [ "Bancroft partial gastrectomy and oesophagogastrostomy", "Bancroft partial gastrectomy and esophagogastrostomy", "班克罗夫特部分胃切除术和食管胃吻合术", "班克罗夫特部分胃切除术和食管胃造口术" ], "176890006": [ "Intrauterine pressure test", "宫内压力试验" ], "29434009": [ "Implantation of Mulligan hood on fallopian tube", "输卵管 Mulligan 罩植入术" ], "11215007": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of orbit, rim or wall", "眼眶、眶缘或眶壁骨折的闭合复位" ], "306127007": [ "Referral to rheumatology service", "转诊至风湿病科" ], "1303716003": [ "Endoscopic excision of lesion of infratemporal fossa", "内镜颞下窝病变切除术" ], "710222001": [ "Initiation of nurse controlled analgesia", "启动护士控制镇痛" ], "236921009": [ "Cornual-ampullary anastomosis", "壶腹部角吻合术" ], "22094003": [ "Linear proctotomy", "Panas operation, linear proctotomy", "线性直肠切开术", "Panas 手术,线性直肠切开术" ], "104014006": [ "Fy^a^ blood group antibody identification", "Fy^a^血型抗体鉴定" ], "233251000": [ "Transluminal operations on vertebral artery", "椎动脉腔内手术" ], "71246009": [ "Zinc measurement", "Zinc level", "锌测量", "锌含量" ], "315171005": [ "Pigeon serum antibody level", "鸽血清抗体水平" ], "429859008": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of whole spine with contrast", "Computed tomography of whole spine with contrast", "CT of whole spine with contrast", "脊柱增强 CT 扫描", "增强型全脊柱计算机断层扫描", "脊柱增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "231416003": [ "Cryotherapy to scar neuroma", "冷冻疗法治疗神经瘤疤痕" ], "870392006": [ "Weaning from noninvasive ventilation", "撤离无创通气" ], "442573000": [ "Revision of decompression of median nerve at wrist", "腕部正中神经减压术修复" ], "16589005": [ "Femoral endarterectomy", "Endarterectomy of femoral artery", "股动脉内膜切除术" ], "229581006": [ "Ice therapy in elevation", "高海拔冰疗" ], "278733007": [ "Perioral incision", "口周切口" ], "721101008": [ "Head impulse test", "Head thrust test", "头部冲击试验", "头部推力试验" ], "80290001": [ "Nutritional test for molds", "Nutritional test for moulds", "霉菌营养测试" ], "178594002": [ "Revision posterior decompression cervical cord and fusion", "颈髓后路减压及融合术" ], "63906004": [ "Open reduction of mandibular condylar fracture", "下颌髁突骨折切开复位术" ], "391586006": [ "Serum glomerular basement membrane antibody level", "血清肾小球基底膜抗体水平" ], "113058009": [ "CA 15-3 measurement", "CA 153 measurement", "Cancer antigen 15-3 measurement", "癌抗原 15-3 测量", "CA 153 测量", "CA 15-3 测量" ], "45687004": [ "Clomiphene test", "Clomid test", "Clomid stimulation test", "Clomiphene stimulation test", "Clomifene stimulation test", "克罗米芬试验", "克罗米芬刺激试验", "氯米芬刺激试验" ], "1208951004": [ "Duodenoscopy and biopsy of lesion of duodenum", "Endoscopic examination of duodenum and biopsy of lesion of duodenum", "十二指肠镜检查及十二指肠病变活检", "十二指肠内镜检查及十二指肠病变活检" ], "307831008": [ "Repair of cleft larynx", "Repair of laryngeal cleft", "喉裂修复术", "喉裂修复" ], "275063008": [ "Transluminal procedure on femoral artery", "股动脉腔内手术" ], "305996002": [ "Referral from occupational health physician", "Referral by occupational health physician", "职业健康医生推荐", "职业健康医生转介" ], "29303009": [ "Electrocardiographic procedure", "Electrocardiogram", "Electrocardiography procedure", "ECG (electrocardiography) procedure", "心电图程序", "ECG(心电图)程序", "心电图" ], "76620004": [ "Palatoplasty for lengthening of palate with pharyngeal flap", "腭裂成形术,利用咽瓣延长腭部" ], "58401002": [ "Surgical removal of residual tooth roots", "Surgical removal of retained root of tooth", "手术去除残留牙根" ], "89334003": [ "Patient discharge, deceased, to anatomic board", "患者出院,已死亡,送至解剖委员会" ], "7414004": [ "Intraoperative transluminal aortic angioplasty", "术中经腔主动脉血管成形术" ], "122102007": [ "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 1 antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae American serotype 1 antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 1 antibody", "肺炎链球菌血清型1抗体的测定", "肺炎链球菌丹麦血清型1抗体的测定", "肺炎链球菌美洲血清型1抗体测定" ], "302326009": [ "Revision of proximal catheter of ventricular shunt", "脑室分流术近端导管的修正" ], "103883002": [ "Little f blood group typing", "小f血型分型" ], "169419003": [ "Light therapy for inflammation", "Antiinflammatory light therapy", "抗炎光疗法", "光疗法治疗炎症" ], "415179006": [ "Procollagen type III N-terminal propeptide level", "Procollagen type III N-terminal propeptide measurement", "III 型前胶原 N 端前肽测量", "III 型前胶原 N 端前肽水平" ], "233120001": [ "Unifocalisation operation to an artery", "Unifocalization operation to an artery", "动脉单聚焦手术" ], "36512001": [ "Anesthesia for any procedure on trachea", "Anaesthesia for any procedure on trachea", "任何气管手术的麻醉" ], "708256001": [ "Second line treatment", "二线治疗" ], "85664008": [ "Thromboendarterectomy with graft of celiac artery", "Thromboendarterectomy with graft of coeliac artery", "血栓内膜切除术及腹腔动脉移植术" ], "444277001": [ "Measurement of arterial closing pressure", "动脉闭合压测量" ], "231285005": [ "Injection of steroid into sacroiliac joint", "骶髂关节注射类固醇" ], "1263477007": [ "Osteoplasty of carpal bone", "腕骨整形术" ], "34677009": [ "Novobiocin susceptibility test", "新生霉素敏感性试验" ], "442442002": [ "Division of mitral valve chordae tendineae", "二尖瓣腱索的划分" ], "229450004": [ "Manipulation of the inferior radioulnar joint", "Manipulation of the inferior radioulnar joint - non-surgical", "下桡尺关节的操作", "下桡尺关节的操作 - 非手术" ], "178463000": [ "Intermaxillary fixation of maxilla", "上颌骨颌间固定" ], "440607000": [ "Plain X-ray of teeth in oblique lateral view", "牙齿斜侧面普通 X 光检查" ], "391455003": [ "Serum pristanic acid", "血清降植酸" ], "112927003": [ "Manual rotation of fetal head", "Manual rotation of foetal head", "手动旋转胎头" ], "782836001": [ "Laparoscopic ventral fixation of internal prolapse of rectum using mesh", "腹腔镜直肠内脱垂腹侧固定网片" ], "10953000": [ "Control of hemorrhage after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy", "Control of haemorrhage after tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy", "扁桃体切除术和腺样体切除术后出血的控制" ], "174793001": [ "Drainage of spleen", "脾脏引流" ], "699081003": [ "Repair of blood vessel of thorax with synthetic patch graft", "用合成补片修复胸部血管" ], "240329007": [ "Removal of bone from donor", "从捐赠者体内取出骨骼" ], "172958000": [ "Open excision of lesion of pharynx", "咽部病变切开切除术" ], "271262001": [ "Urine inorganic phosphate measurement", "Urine inorganic phosphate level", "尿液无机磷酸盐测定", "尿液无机磷酸盐水平" ], "9118002": [ "Direct nasal mucous membrane test", "直接鼻黏膜试验" ], "416883000": [ "Mental health monitoring verbal invitation", "心理健康监测口头邀请" ], "385950008": [ "Incision care assessment", "Assess incision care", "评估切口护理", "切口护理评估" ], "121971003": [ "Coliform bacteria colony count", "大肠菌群菌落计数" ], "447816000": [ "Suturing of artery of extremity", "肢体动脉缝合" ], "220275009": [ "Primary excision of burnt skin", "烧伤皮肤初次切除" ], "21832001": [ "Suture of laceration of diaphragm", "膈肌裂伤缝合术" ], "40051009": [ "Tracheoplasty by intrathoracic approach", "Repair of trachea by intrathoracic approach", "经胸内入路修复气管", "胸内入路气管成形术" ], "120136006": [ "External ear reconstruction", "Reconstruction of external ear", "外耳重建" ], "38216008": [ "Infusion chemotherapy for malignant neoplasm", "恶性肿瘤灌注化疗" ], "103752008": [ "Perimetry", "视野检查" ], "445981002": [ "Assessment using work environment impact scale version 2.0", "使用工作环境影响量表 2.0 版进行评估" ], "52765003": [ "Intubation", "插管" ], "429597004": [ "Insertion of dynamic graciloplasty sphincter", "动态股薄肌成形术括约肌插入" ], "232989005": [ "Stenting of superior vena cava", "Insertion of stent in superior vena cava", "上腔静脉支架置入", "上腔静脉支架置入术" ], "19997007": [ "Hypnotherapy", "Mesmerism", "Hypnosis", "Hypnotism", "催眠", "催眠术", "催眠疗法" ], "265757007": [ "Injection of radiocontrast material", "注射放射造影剂" ], "83698002": [ "Complete repair of tetralogy of Fallot with transannular patch", "用环状补片完全修复法洛四联症" ], "394994007": [ "Coxsackievirus antibody level", "柯萨奇病毒抗体水平" ], "229319000": [ "Mobilizing of body part", "Mobilising of body part", "调动身体部位" ], "180167001": [ "Cranio-orbital remodelling for plagiocephaly", "Cranio-orbital remodeling for plagiocephaly", "斜头畸形的颅眶重塑" ], "231154009": [ "Digital nerve block in hand", "手部数字神经阻滞" ], "425927007": [ "CLIP - Clinical language intervention programme", "Clinical language intervention program", "Clinical language intervention programme", "临床语言干预计划", "CLIP-- 临床语言干预计划" ], "702620004": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal intrasaccular ellipsoid braided-wire assisted embolization of cerebral aneurysm with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal intrasaccular ellipsoid braided-wire assisted embolization of cerebral aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal intrasaccular ellipsoid braided-wire assisted embolisation of cerebral aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal intrasaccular ellipsoid braided-wire assisted embolisation of cerebral aneurysm with contrast", "经皮腔内囊内椭圆编织丝辅助脑动脉瘤栓塞术(荧光造影引导)", "透视引导下经皮腔内椭圆编织丝辅助脑动脉瘤造影栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内椭圆编织丝辅助脑动脉瘤造影栓塞术", "经皮腔内囊内椭圆编织丝辅助脑动脉瘤荧光造影引导栓塞术" ], "80028005": [ "Repair of choledochoduodenal fistula", "Closure of choledochoduodenal fistula", "胆总管十二指肠瘘修补术", "胆总管十二指肠瘘缝合术" ], "63644006": [ "Arthrodesis of carpometacarpal joint of thumb with internal fixation", "拇指腕掌关节融合内固定术" ], "112796007": [ "Closure of stoma of larynx", "Take-down of laryngostomy", "Take-down of stoma of larynx", "喉造口切除术", "喉造口缝合", "喉造口术拆除" ], "30876008": [ "Pain control techniques education", "疼痛控制技术教育" ], "274801003": [ "Examination of thyroid gland", "甲状腺检查" ], "307569006": [ "Partial excision of head of pancreas", "胰头部分切除术" ], "1290609007": [ "Plain X-ray of ischium", "坐骨普通 X 光检查" ], "10822003": [ "Fecal trypsin, qualitative 24-hour specimen", "Faecal trypsin, qualitative 24-hour specimen", "粪便胰蛋白酶,定性 24 小时样本", "粪便胰蛋白酶,定性 24 小时标本" ], "174662007": [ "Therapeutic percutaneous insertion of prosthesis into bile duct", "Therapeutic percutaneous insertion of tube into bile duct", "经皮胆管插入治疗", "经皮胆管假体置入治疗" ], "172827000": [ "Division of adhesions of internal nose", "鼻内粘连分离术" ], "713499001": [ "Inferior maxillary sinusectomy", "Excision of mucous membrane of inferior maxillary sinus", "下颌窦黏膜切除术", "下颌窦切除术" ], "90907001": [ "Shortening of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱缩短" ], "715334009": [ "Assessment using Metaphon Screening Assessment", "使用 Metaphon 筛选评估进行评估" ], "418587004": [ "Fluoroscopic cardiac shunt study", "荧光心脏分流术研究" ], "238363005": [ "Fine needle aspiration of mass in the neck", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of mass of neck", "颈部肿块细针穿刺活检", "颈部肿块细针穿刺" ], "385819005": [ "Infection control assessment", "Assess infection control", "评估感染控制", "感染控制评估" ], "252912001": [ "Q-tip urethrovesical angle test", "Q-tip 尿道膀胱角测试" ], "433136002": [ "Biopsy of hand using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Biopsy of hand using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行手部活检" ], "121840006": [ "Phytonadione measurement", "植物甲萘醌测量" ], "120005001": [ "Testis closure", "睾丸闭合" ], "234693003": [ "Tooth root resection", "牙根切除术" ], "185541004": [ "Third patient \"call\"", "第三个病人“来电”" ], "5317006": [ "Radical amputation of penis with bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy", "阴茎根治性切断术及双侧盆腔淋巴结清扫术" ], "413082001": [ "Referral for carotid doppler", "转诊进行颈动脉多普勒检查" ], "52634003": [ "Anesthesia for injection procedure for posterior fossa myelography", "Anaesthesia for injection procedure for posterior fossa myelography", "Anesthesia for injection procedure for posterior cranial fossa myelography", "Anaesthesia for injection procedure for posterior cranial fossa myelography", "后颅窝脊髓造影注射术麻醉", "后颅窝脊髓造影注射麻醉" ], "183706004": [ "Plastic surgery self-referral", "整形外科自我推荐" ], "724378005": [ "Amputation of finger of right hand", "右手指截肢" ], "232858007": [ "Excision of vegetations from implanted pulmonary valve", "植入肺动脉瓣赘生物切除术" ], "36250008": [ "Replacement of tissue expander of skin with permanent prosthesis", "用永久性假体代替皮肤组织扩张器" ], "231023008": [ "Repositioning of epidural electrode", "硬膜外电极重新定位" ], "48964006": [ "Repair of paraumbilical hernia with prosthesis", "脐旁疝修补术" ], "229188008": [ "Lower limb exercises in water", "Leg exercises in water", "水中腿部练习", "水中下肢锻炼" ], "442180009": [ "Measurement of 5 aminolaevulinic acid in 24 hour urine specimen", "Measurement of 5 aminolevulinic acid in 24 hour urine specimen", "Measurement of delta aminolaevulinic acid in 24 hour urine specimen", "Measurement of delta aminolevulinic acid in 24 hour urine specimen", "24小时尿液样本中5-氨基乙酰丙酸的测定", "24小时尿液样本中5氨基乙酰丙酸的测定", "24 小时尿液样本中δ氨基乙酰丙酸的测定" ], "243737002": [ "Provision of ancillary low vision aid", "提供辅助低视力辅助设备" ], "63513005": [ "Arthrodesis of ankle", "Ankle fusion", "Fusion of joint of ankle", "踝关节融合", "踝关节融合术" ], "702489005": [ "Computed tomography of tibia and fibula", "CT of tibia and fibula", "胫骨和腓骨的计算机断层扫描", "胫骨和腓骨 CT" ], "14361005": [ "Cytopathology clerical procedure including coding", "细胞病理学文书程序,包括编码" ], "78062004": [ "Repair of vaginovesical fistula", "Repair of vesicovaginal fistula", "Closure of vaginovesical fistula", "阴道膀胱瘘的闭合", "阴道膀胱瘘的修复", "膀胱阴道瘘的修复" ], "1290478008": [ "Plain X-ray of little finger", "小指普通 X 光检查" ], "174531003": [ "Percutaneous biopsy of lesion of gallbladder", "胆囊病变经皮穿刺活检" ], "271000000": [ "Urine albumin measurement", "Urine albumin level", "尿白蛋白水平", "尿白蛋白测量" ], "172696001": [ "Tympanoplasty using biological graft", "使用生物移植进行鼓室成形术" ], "385688007": [ "Energy conservation", "Energy management", "能源管理", "节能减排" ], "25240008": [ "Cerebral ventriculotomy", "脑室切开术" ], "449389000": [ "Placement of stent in cardiac conduit", "心脏导管内支架的置入" ], "238232009": [ "Needle aspiration of lesion of abdominal wall", "腹壁病变针吸活检" ], "416621003": [ "Removal of prosthetic components", "拆除假肢部件" ], "72557002": [ "Open reduction of open hyoid fracture", "开放性舌骨骨折切开复位" ], "1284973003": [ "Immune tolerance induction", "ITI - immune tolerance induction", "免疫耐受诱导", "ITI-- 免疫耐受诱导" ], "252781006": [ "Pre-dark-adapted single bright flash ERG", "Pre-dark-adapted single bright flash electroretinography", "暗适应前单次亮闪光视网膜电图" ], "23405006": [ "Schamroth test", "Schamroth 试验" ], "121709006": [ "Topiramate measurement", "托吡酯测量" ], "1332290000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of right sacroiliac joint without contrast", "MRI of right sacroiliac joint without contrast", "右侧骶髂关节无造影磁共振成像", "右侧骶髂关节 MRI 无造影" ], "105325003": [ "Spironolactone measurement", "螺内酯测量" ], "5186002": [ "Arthrotomy for synovectomy of glenohumeral joint", "肩关节滑膜切除术" ], "709698004": [ "Computed tomography of lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint with contrast", "CT of lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint with contrast", "腰椎及骶髂关节增强 CT 检查", "腰椎及骶髂关节增强计算机断层扫描" ], "87106005": [ "Combined alcohol and drug detoxification", "酒精和药物联合戒毒" ], "37954002": [ "L.E. cell preparation", "L.E. cells", "Lupus erythematosus (LE) cell preparation", "Lupus erythematosus cell preparation", "L.E. 细胞制备", "L.E. 细胞", "红斑狼疮 (LE) 细胞制备", "红斑狼疮细胞制备" ], "119874007": [ "Tongue reconstruction", "Reconstruction of tongue", "Plastic operation on tongue", "舌头整形手术", "舌头重建" ], "21570007": [ "Open reduction of fracture of foot", "足部骨折切开复位" ], "169026008": [ "Fluoroscopy and radiography - female genital", "荧光透视和放射线照相术 - 女性生殖器" ], "118039002": [ "HIV 1 gp120 AND gp160 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 gp120 AND gp160 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 glycoprotein 120 and glycoprotein 160 antibody", "HIV 1 gp120 和 gp160 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV-1 gp120 和 gp160 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型糖蛋白 120 和糖蛋白 160 抗体的测量" ], "445719003": [ "Assessment using visual analogue pain scale", "Assessment using visual analog pain scale", "使用视觉模拟疼痛量表进行评估" ], "232727003": [ "Rotax coronary atherectomy", "Percutaneous directional coronary atherectomy", "经皮冠状动脉粥样硬化斑块切除术", "罗泰克冠状动脉粥样硬化切除术" ], "412951005": [ "Plasma alloisoleucine measurement", "Plasma alloisoleucine level", "血浆异亮氨酸测量", "血浆异亮氨酸水平" ], "265495003": [ "Bypass of bifurcation of aorta by anastomosis of aorta to iliac artery", "主动脉分叉旁路手术,将主动脉吻合至髂动脉" ], "167191003": [ "Gastric function tests", "胃功能检查" ], "738796001": [ "Collection of dried blood spot specimen", "干血斑标本采集" ], "443884007": [ "Cutting and filing of toenail", "修剪和锉趾甲" ], "771564009": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of bone and internal fixation using bone plate", "骨折闭合复位接骨板内固定" ], "229057006": [ "Meetings", "会议" ], "866198007": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral lower extremity joints", "Ultrasonography of bilateral lower limb joints", "Ultrasound of joint of bilateral lower limbs", "Ultrasonography of joint of bilateral lower limbs", "Ultrasound scan of joint of bilateral lower limbs", "双下肢关节超声检查", "双下肢关节超声扫描" ], "178070008": [ "Fasciotomy upper arm", "上臂筋膜切开术" ], "63382008": [ "Parathyroidectomy with mediastinal exploration by transthoracic approach", "经胸入路甲状旁腺切除术及纵隔探查术" ], "225387002": [ "Nutrient intake assessment", "营养摄入量评估" ], "405611007": [ "Peripheral nerve plexus block", "周围神经丛阻滞" ], "176235009": [ "Insertion of prosthetic collar around female bladder neck", "Insertion of prosthetic collar around neck of female urinary bladder", "在女性膀胱颈周围植入假体颈圈", "在女性膀胱颈周围插入假体颈托" ], "59712006": [ "Evacuation of subdural hematoma", "Evacuation of subdural haematoma", "Evacuation of intracranial subdural hematoma", "Subdural hematoma evacuation", "Subdural haematoma evacuation", "Evacuation of intracranial subdural haematoma", "硬膜下血肿清除术", "颅内硬膜下血肿清除术" ], "715072008": [ "Sharing of advance care plan with out of hours service", "与非工作时间服务共享预先护理计划" ], "172565003": [ "Cryotherapy to lesion of retina", "视网膜病变冷冻治疗" ], "713237003": [ "Supervision of high risk pregnancy with history of previous big baby", "有巨大儿病史的高危妊娠监护" ], "74261006": [ "Intrinsic factor antibody measurement", "Intrinsic factor blocking antibody measurement", "Intrinsic factor antibody level", "内在因素抗体测量", "内在因子阻断抗体测量", "内在因素抗体水平" ], "432874000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of head with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of head with contrast", "MRI of head with contrast", "头部对比磁共振成像", "头部 MRI 增强扫描", "头部增强磁共振成像(MRI)" ], "105194002": [ "Fluorouracil measurement", "氟尿嘧啶测量" ], "121578004": [ "Fonofos measurement", "地虫磷测量" ], "170730005": [ "Gout monitoring", "痛风监测" ], "236266008": [ "Epispadias repair in female - revision procedure", "女性尿道上裂修复术 - 修复手术" ], "88810008": [ "Alkaline phosphatase measurement", "碱性磷酸酶测量" ], "252650009": [ "Period pH monitoring", "Long interval pH monitoring", "Ambulatory pH monitoring", "长间隔pH监测", "动态 pH 监测", "定期pH监测" ], "86975004": [ "Internal fixation of femur", "股骨内固定" ], "119743004": [ "Bronchus transplantation", "支气管移植" ], "5055006": [ "Uniscept system test", "Uniscept 系统测试" ], "709567005": [ "MR angiogram of vascular structure of spine with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of spine with contrast", "MR angiography of vascular structure of spine with contrast", "脊柱血管结构磁共振血管造影", "脊柱血管结构磁共振血管造影对比", "脊柱血管结构对比磁共振血管造影" ], "447423009": [ "Laparoscopic total excision of ureter by retroperitoneal approach", "Retroperitoneoscopic total ureterectomy", "后腹腔镜全输尿管切除术", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路输尿管全切除术" ], "412820002": [ "Semen microscopy", "Microscopic examination of seminal fluid specimen", "Microscopic examination of semen specimen", "精液显微镜检查", "精液标本显微镜检查" ], "54207009": [ "Factor VIII R: WF assay", "Factor VIII R: vWF assay", "vWF - von Willebrand factor level", "Factor VIII-related Willebrand factor assay", "因子 VIII R:vWF 检测", "vWF-- 血管性血友病因子水平", "因子 VIII 相关威尔布兰德因子检测", "因子 VIII R:WF 检测" ], "232596004": [ "Bronchoscopic destruction of lesion", "支气管镜下毁损" ], "117908004": [ "Histone H2A-H2B antibody assay", "Measurement of histone H2a-H2b deoxyribonucleic acid complex antibody", "组蛋白H2a-H2b脱氧核糖核酸复合物抗体的测量", "组蛋白 H2A-H2B 抗体检测" ], "265364006": [ "Partitioning of stomach", "胃的分区" ], "445588001": [ "Assessment using Guy's neurological disability scale", "Assessment using Guys neurological disability scale", "使用 Guy 神经功能障碍量表进行评估", "使用 Guys 神经功能障碍量表进行评估" ], "183444007": [ "Referral for further care", "转诊进一步治疗" ], "35988009": [ "Heavy metal screen, qualitative", "重金属筛网,定性" ], "1385001": [ "Echography, scan B-mode for fetal age determination", "Echography, scan B-mode for foetal age determination", "超声心动图、B 型扫描用于确定胎儿年龄", "超声造影、B 型扫描用于胎儿年龄测定" ], "312681000": [ "Bone density scan", "骨密度扫描" ], "443753002": [ "Insertion of single chamber cardiac pacemaker pulse generator", "插入单腔心脏起搏器脉冲发生器" ], "179774000": [ "Revision extra-articular autograft augmentation intra-articular ligament", "翻修关节外自体移植增强关节内韧带" ], "1179198005": [ "Endoscopic medial maxillectomy", "Endoscopic excision of medial wall of maxillary sinus", "Endoscopic excision of medial wall of maxillary antrum", "EMM - endoscopic medial maxillectomy", "EMM-- 内窥镜上颌骨切除术", "内镜上颌窦内侧壁切除术", "内镜上颌骨切除术" ], "15934007": [ "Perfusion of limb", "肢体灌注" ], "210707000": [ "Chopart type procedure", "Chopart amputation", "Midtarsal disarticulation", "Chopart disarticulation", "Chopart 型手术", "跗骨中段离断", "乔帕特离断术", "乔帕特截肢术" ], "6491000087100": [ "CT guided biopsy of right lung", "Biopsy of right lung using computed tomography guidance", "CT 引导下右肺活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行右肺活检" ], "1144595005": [ "Vitamin E and/or vitamin E derivative modified diet", "维生素 E 和/或维生素 E 衍生物改良饮食" ], "11611000087101": [ "Ultrasonography of right buttock", "Ultrasound of right buttock", "Ultrasound scan of right buttock", "右臀部超声波扫描", "右臀部超声检查" ], "5211000087102": [ "Venography of bilateral upper limbs", "Venogram of both upper limbs", "Venography of left and right arm", "左、右臂静脉造影", "双侧上肢静脉造影", "双上肢静脉造影" ], "14171000087104": [ "Ultrasonography of abdomen, pelvis and left lower extremity", "Ultrasonography of abdomen, pelvis and left lower limb", "Ultrasound of abdomen, pelvis and left lower extremity", "Ultrasound scan of abdomen, pelvis and left lower extremity", "腹部、骨盆及左下肢超声波扫描", "腹部、盆腔及左下肢超声检查" ], "225256001": [ "Removal of cervical cap", "宫颈帽移除" ], "91000087106": [ "Left fluoroscopic retrograde pyelography", "Fluoroscopic retrograde pyelography of left renal pelvis", "左肾盂荧光逆行肾盂造影", "左侧荧光镜逆行肾盂造影" ], "241640003": [ "MRI of thigh", "Magnetic resonance imaging of thigh", "大腿磁共振成像", "大腿 MRI" ], "16731000087109": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis and lower limb", "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis and lower extremity", "MRI of pelvis and lower extremity", "骨盆和下肢 MRI", "骨盆和下肢磁共振成像" ], "716776005": [ "Assessment using Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech", "Assessment using ASSIDS (Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech)", "Assessment using AIDS (Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech)", "使用 ASSIDS(构音障碍言语清晰度评估)进行评估", "使用艾滋病毒评估(构音障碍言语的可理解性评估)", "使用构音障碍言语可理解性评估进行评估" ], "305341000": [ "Admission to tertiary referral hospital", "Admission to tertiary referral center", "Admission to tertiary referral centre", "进入三级转诊中心", "入住三级转诊医院" ], "405480008": [ "Ilio-popliteal artery bypass with vein", "髂腘动脉旁路手术及静脉" ], "764093003": [ "Radionuclide imaging using chromium-51 labelled erythrocytes", "Radionuclide imaging using chromium-51 labeled erythrocytes", "使用铬-51标记红细胞进行放射性核素成像" ], "223421004": [ "Advice regarding when to take drug", "Advice regarding when to take medication", "Recommendation regarding when to take drug", "关于何时服药的建议" ], "420029005": [ "Endolaser photocoagulation", "激光光凝术" ], "43197005": [ "Destructive procedure on mouth AND lips", "对口腔和嘴唇进行破坏性手术" ], "174269007": [ "Operations on rectum via anal sphincter", "Transsphincteric operations on rectum", "经肛门括约肌直肠手术", "直肠经括约肌手术" ], "370877007": [ "Adult day centre assessment", "Adult day center assessment", "Assess adult day centre", "Assess adult day center", "成人日间中心评估", "评估成人日间中心" ], "8594000": [ "Operation of Ambu resuscitator", "Ambu 复苏器的操作" ], "57746002": [ "Suture of periosteum of femur", "Periosteal suture of femur", "股骨骨膜缝合" ], "713106006": [ "Screening for drug abuse", "药物滥用筛查" ], "121447000": [ "Astemizole measurement", "阿司咪唑测量" ], "252519001": [ "Histamine challenge", "组胺挑战" ], "6759001": [ "Esophagojejunostomy by thoracic approach", "Oesophagojejunostomy by thoracic approach", "经胸入路食管空肠吻合术" ], "711271003": [ "CT guided lumbar puncture", "Lumbar puncture using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导腰椎穿刺", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行腰椎穿刺" ], "105063004": [ "Amiodarone measurement", "胺碘酮测量" ], "72295006": [ "Complicated prostatotomy with external drainage of prostatic abscess", "复杂前列腺切开术及前列腺脓肿外引流" ], "170599006": [ "24 hr blood pressure monitoring", "24小时血压监测" ], "234300000": [ "Lymphovenous anastomosis", "Lymphovenous bypass", "淋巴静脉绕道手术", "淋巴静脉吻合术" ], "119612001": [ "Hip joint closure", "髋关节闭合" ], "37692003": [ "Removal of gallstones from large intestine", "去除大肠胆结石" ], "609297000": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from lower gastrointestinal tract prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备的下消化道标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "117777000": [ "Coccidia identification", "球虫鉴别" ], "183313002": [ "Joint movement/exercise", "关节活动/锻炼" ], "265233006": [ "Spinal nerve root operation", "脊神经根手术" ], "443622006": [ "Insertion of temporary transvenous electrode of dual chamber cardiac pulse generator", "双腔心脏脉冲发生器临时静脉电极插入术" ], "409019001": [ "Postpartum care management", "Manage postpartum care", "管理产后护理", "产后护理管理" ], "1230054009": [ "Washing skin of bilateral buttocks", "Washing buttocks", "Bathing buttocks", "Bathing of skin of bilateral buttocks", "沐浴臀部", "洗臀部", "清洗双侧臀部皮肤", "双侧臀部皮肤沐浴" ], "359867004": [ "Antibiotic sensitivity, disk method", "抗生素敏感性,纸片法" ], "179643006": [ "Primary closed reduction of dislocation and external fixation", "脱位一期闭合复位及外固定" ], "261563006": [ "Sleeve pulmonary artery resection", "袖状肺动脉切除术" ], "177808003": [ "Endoscopic pleurectomy", "内镜胸膜切除术" ], "79504004": [ "Arthroscopy of hand", "手关节镜检查" ], "63120005": [ "Lysis of adhesions of conjunctiva", "结膜粘连松解术" ], "225125000": [ "Scalp cooling", "头皮冷却" ], "439952009": [ "Evaluation of auditory rehabilitation", "听觉康复评估" ], "405349002": [ "Removal of lower limb vascular prosthesis", "下肢血管假体移除术" ], "61285001": [ "Ovulation induction", "Hyperstimulation of ovary", "Induction of ovulation", "诱导排卵", "卵巢过度刺激" ], "239674003": [ "Application of plaster cast to lower limb", "下肢石膏固定的应用" ], "43066008": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into trigeminal nerve", "Trigeminal nerve block", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into trigeminal nerve", "将麻醉剂注射入三叉神经", "三叉神经阻滞", "将麻醉剂注入三叉神经" ], "8463003": [ "Microbial identification kit, API 20A method", "微生物鉴定试剂盒,API 20A 方法" ], "712975003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of artery of abdomen with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of artery of abdomen with contrast", "腹部动脉造影荧光血管造影", "腹部动脉造影荧光透视造影" ], "1055204001": [ "Fat and oil modified diet", "Fat modified diet", "脂肪改良饮食", "脂肪和油改良饮食" ], "399844005": [ "Allergen specific IgE antibody measurement, FAST type", "Fluoroallergosorbent test", "FAST test", "Allergen specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement, fluoro-allergo sorbent test type", "FAST 测试", "过敏原特异性 IgE 抗体测量,FAST 型", "氟变应原吸附试验", "过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量,氟过敏吸附剂测试类型" ], "121316005": [ "6-beta-Hydroxycortisol measurement", "6-β-羟基皮质醇测量" ], "104932009": [ "Sialate measurement", "唾液酸测量" ], "21177001": [ "Arthrotomy for excision of torn cartilage of acromioclavicular joint", "关节切开术切除肩锁关节撕裂软骨" ], "445326001": [ "Assistance with undressing", "Assisting with undressing", "协助脱衣服" ], "250553009": [ "Capillary oxygen saturation", "Capillary oxygen saturation measurement", "SvO2 - Capillary oxygen saturation", "毛细血管血氧饱和度测量", "SvO2 - 毛细血管血氧饱和度", "毛细血管血氧饱和度" ], "232334003": [ "Replacement of electronic heart device battery", "Replacement of cardiac pacemaker battery", "Replacement of battery of intravenous cardiac pacemaker system", "静脉心脏起搏器系统电池更换", "更换电子心脏装置电池", "更换心脏起搏器电池" ], "609166008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal laser ablation of varicose vein of lower limb", "Percutaneous transluminal laser ablation of varicose vein of leg", "经皮腔内激光消融治疗小腿静脉曲张", "经皮腔内激光消融治疗下肢静脉曲张" ], "117646009": [ "Volatile halogenated hydrocarbon identification", "挥发性卤代烃鉴别" ], "17507003": [ "Partial excision of tibia", "Partial ostectomy of tibia", "胫骨部分切除术", "胫骨部分截骨术" ], "1295459005": [ "Plain X-ray of epididymis and vas deferens with contrast", "附睾和输精管造影 X 光检查" ], "427107006": [ "Excision of accessory uterus", "副子宫切除术" ], "228664000": [ "Van der Graaff X-ray therapy", "范德格拉夫 X 射线治疗" ], "428211000124100": [ "Assessment of substance use", "药物滥用评估" ], "392504005": [ "Isocyanate HDI specific IgE antibody measurement", "k77 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Hexamethylene diisocyanate specific IgE antibody measurement", "Hexamethylene diisocyanate specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "六亚甲基二异氰酸酯特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "k77特异性IgE抗体测量", "异氰酸酯 HDI 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "六亚甲基二异氰酸酯特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "437171000124100": [ "Magnesium modified diet", "镁改良饮食" ], "310584006": [ "Completion of plaster from backslab", "背板抹灰完毕" ], "408888006": [ "Vision care assessment", "Assess vision care", "视力保健评估", "评估视力护理" ], "308749001": [ "Mesenteric arteriogram", "Arteriography of mesenteric artery", "Angiography of mesenteric artery", "肠系膜动脉造影" ], "13837003": [ "Inborn errors of metabolism screen", "先天性代谢缺陷筛查" ], "243213003": [ "Orthoptic treatment penalization - atropine only", "Orthoptic treatment penalisation - atropine only", "视觉矫正治疗惩罚 - 仅使用阿托品", "视觉矫正治疗惩罚 - 仅限阿托品" ], "79373005": [ "Transposition procedure of small intestine", "小肠移位手术" ], "1259021006": [ "Education about Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction programme", "Education about Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program", "关于正念减压计划的教育" ], "275981009": [ "Screening for malignant neoplasm of lung", "Lung cancer screening", "肺恶性肿瘤筛查", "肺癌筛查" ], "439821009": [ "Prescription of medication for unlicensed indication", "未经许可开具药品处方" ], "257762006": [ "Mechanical endarterectomy", "机械性动脉内膜切除术" ], "305079001": [ "Prophylactic knee stretching", "预防性膝关节拉伸" ], "239543007": [ "Reconstruction of intervertebral disc", "Replacement of intervertebral disc", "椎间盘重建", "椎间盘置换术" ], "450700000": [ "Repair of artery using vein graft", "使用静脉移植修复动脉" ], "419767009": [ "Bimanual microincisional phacoemulsification of cataract with intraocular lens implantation", "MICS- microincision cataract surgery", "Microincision cataract surgery", "MICS-微切口白内障手术", "微切口白内障手术", "双手微切口白内障超声乳化吸除联合人工晶状体植入术" ], "370615008": [ "Portal-systemic shunt ligation by ameroid", "使用 Ameroid 进行门体分流结扎术" ], "8332003": [ "Excision of deep jugular nodes", "颈深淋巴结切除术" ], "90252005": [ "Open osteotomy of mandibular angle", "下颌角开放截骨术" ], "172172005": [ "Drainage of orbit", "眼眶引流" ], "252257000": [ "PABA - N-Benzoyl-L-tyrosyl-p-aminobenzoic acid test", "Bentiromide test", "N-Benzoyl-L-tyrosyl-p-aminobenzoic acid test", "苯替罗米特试验", "PABA - N-苯甲酰-L-酪氨酰-对氨基苯甲酸试验", "N-苯甲酰-L-酪氨酰-对氨基苯甲酸试验" ], "88417001": [ "Transplantation of seminal vesicle", "精囊移植" ], "55649001": [ "Immunoassay for detection of antibody to infectious agent", "Microbial antibody assay by immunoassay method", "免疫测定法检测微生物抗体", "检测传染源抗体的免疫测定" ], "303244009": [ "Removal of substance from skin or subcutaneous tissue", "从皮肤或皮下组织去除物质" ], "711009009": [ "Waste removal service assessment", "垃圾清理服务评估" ], "104801009": [ "Malate dehydrogenase measurement", "苹果酸脱氢酶测定" ], "1004086006": [ "Meibography", "美白针" ], "428811000": [ "Transjugular intrahepatic angioplasty of portal vein", "经颈静脉肝内门静脉血管成形术" ], "1264395001": [ "Insertion of pharyngeal obturator", "Insertion of speech bulb", "插入言语球", "插入咽部闭塞器" ], "609035004": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from skin prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备的皮肤标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "183051005": [ "Advice to rest", "Recommendation to rest", "建议休息", "休息建议" ], "232203004": [ "Obliteration of superior semicircular canal", "上半规管闭塞" ], "264971004": [ "Endoscopic division of adhesions of peritoneum", "内镜腹膜粘连分离术" ], "133899007": [ "Postoperative care", "术后护理" ], "363275008": [ "Radiographic procedure on lower extremity", "下肢放射线检查" ], "443360006": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of mass of scalp", "头皮肿块细针穿刺活检" ], "392373004": [ "Rt213 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pine specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pinus radiata specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pinus radiata specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rt213 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "辐射松特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "辐射松特异性IgE抗体测定", "松树特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "179381005": [ "Arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy", "关节镜下部分内侧半月板切除术" ], "15541005": [ "Graft of skin to skin of trunk", "皮肤与躯干皮肤移植" ], "441525007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal chemoembolisation of artery", "Percutaneous transluminal chemoembolization of artery", "经皮动脉腔内化疗栓塞术" ], "359605007": [ "Fixation of ileum to abdominal wall", "回肠固定于腹壁" ], "406922001": [ "Saffron stain method", "Saffron stain", "藏红花染色", "藏红花染色法" ], "228533008": [ "Sensory integration technique", "SI - Sensory integration", "感觉统合技术", "SI——感觉统合" ], "128394004": [ "Removal of foreign body from digestive system", "清除消化系统中的异物" ], "62858004": [ "Operation on pericardium", "Pericardial operation", "Pericardium operation", "心包手术" ], "243082007": [ "Advice on stop-start technique", "Stop-start technique education", "关于停止-启动技术的建议", "走走停停技术教育" ], "274015000": [ "Tympanic membrane operation", "鼓膜手术" ], "241247005": [ "Pancreatic venous sampling", "胰腺静脉取样" ], "175711007": [ "Repair of popliteal artery with temporary silastic shunt", "临时硅胶管分流术修复腘动脉" ], "699999008": [ "Obstetrical version with extraction", "带提取功能的产科版本" ], "388703008": [ "Rice specific IgE antibody measurement", "f9 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Oryza sativa specific IgE antibody measurement", "Oryza sativa specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "水稻特异性IgE抗体测定", "f9特异性IgE抗体测量", "水稻特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "763700006": [ "Assessment using Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale", "Assessment using COWS (Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale)", "使用 COWS(临床阿片类药物戒断量表)进行评估", "使用临床阿片类药物戒断量表进行评估" ], "448734005": [ "Manipulation of prosthetic joint", "假肢关节的操作" ], "104670006": [ "Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase measurement", "果糖二磷酸醛缩酶测量" ], "170206007": [ "Child examination: spine", "儿童检查:脊柱" ], "792798008": [ "Video assisted thoracoscopy for hemostasis", "Video assisted thoracoscopy for control of haemorrhage", "Video assisted thoracoscopy for control of hemorrhage", "Video assisted thoracoscopy for haemostasis", "电视辅助胸腔镜止血", "电视辅助胸腔镜控制出血" ], "1216947003": [ "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided hepaticogastrostomy", "Anastomosis of hepatic duct to stomach using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Hepaticogastrostomy using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) guided hepaticogastrostomy", "Endoscopic ultrasound guided hepaticogastrostomy", "Endoscopic ultrasound guided hepatogastrostomy", "超声内镜引导下肝管胃吻合术", "内镜超声引导下肝胃造瘘术", "内镜超声引导下肝胃吻合术", "EUS(内镜超声)引导下肝胃吻合术" ], "16433141000119100": [ "Ultrasonography guided needle biopsy of superficial lymph node", "Needle biopsy of superficial lymph node using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下浅表淋巴结针吸活检", "超声引导下浅表淋巴结穿刺活检" ], "16534261000119101": [ "Radionuclide scan of sentinel lymph node of breast", "Radioisotope scan of sentinel lymph node of breast", "乳腺哨兵淋巴结放射性同位素扫描", "乳腺哨兵淋巴结放射性核素扫描" ], "53683005": [ "Angiocardiography of left heart", "Selective left ventricular injection for angiography", "Selective left atrial injection for angiography", "选择性左心房注射血管造影", "选择性左心室注射血管造影", "左心心血管造影" ], "16522741000119100": [ "Plain X-ray for bone length measurement", "普通 X 射线用于骨长度测量" ], "608904000": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from biliary tract", "胆道标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "2696004": [ "Hepatic venography with hemodynamic evaluation", "Hepatic venography with haemodynamic evaluation", "肝静脉造影及血流动力学评估" ], "19080004": [ "Repair of abdominothoracic fistula", "Repair of thoracoabdominal fistula", "Closure of abdominothoracic fistula", "胸腹瘘修补术", "腹胸瘘修补术", "腹胸瘘管闭合" ], "1231496006": [ "Artificial meniscus implant", "Implantation of artificial meniscus into knee joint", "Insertion of artificial meniscus prosthesis to knee joint", "Synthetic meniscus implant", "Implantation of meniscus prosthesis into knee joint", "合成半月板植入物", "人工半月板植入", "膝关节半月板假体植入术", "膝关节内植入人工半月板", "膝关节植入人工半月板假体" ], "313992008": [ "Plasma cholesterol/LDL ratio measurement", "Plasma cholesterol/LDL ratio", "Plasma cholesterol/low density lipoprotein ratio measurement", "血浆胆固醇/LDL 比率测量", "血浆胆固醇/LDL 比率", "血浆胆固醇/低密度脂蛋白比率测量" ], "363144009": [ "Immune system diagnostic imaging procedure", "免疫系统诊断成像程序" ], "17245003": [ "Repair of ectropion by suture", "Suture repair of ectropion", "Suture of eyelid with ectropion repair", "缝合修复眼睑外翻", "眼睑缝合及外翻修复" ], "392242000": [ "Repair of artery", "Arterial repair", "Arterioplasty", "动脉修复", "动脉成形术" ], "277554000": [ "Insertion of glass-ionomer restoration into tooth", "将玻璃离子修复体插入牙齿" ], "443229009": [ "Percutaneous insertion of stent into major aortopulmonary collateral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下经皮将支架插入主动脉肺动脉侧支" ], "64562004": [ "Hysterotrachelorrhaphy", "子宫宫颈缝合术" ], "15410007": [ "Autogenous graft of rib cartilage to chin", "Autologous graft of rib cartilage to chin", "自体肋软骨移植至下巴" ], "29959008": [ "Anesthesia for lower leg cast procedure", "Anaesthesia for lower leg cast procedure", "小腿石膏固定手术的麻醉" ], "13575008": [ "Femoroperoneal vascular bypass", "Femoroperoneal shunt", "Femoral-distal bypass with peroneal artery", "股腓血管绕道手术", "腓动脉股骨远端旁路移植术", "股腓动脉分流术" ], "60892005": [ "Jejunojejunostomy", "Anastomosis of jejunum to jejunum", "空肠空肠吻合术", "空肠至空肠吻合术" ], "306652008": [ "Discharge from cardiac surgery service", "心脏外科手术出院" ], "304817001": [ "Independent psychoanalysis", "独立心理分析" ], "1304241003": [ "Insertion of drainage tube into anterior chamber of bilateral eyes", "Glaucoma implant surgery of bilateral eyes", "Glaucoma tube shunt of bilateral eyes", "Insertion of drainage tube into anterior chamber of both eyes", "Bilateral insertion of drainage tube into anterior chambers", "双侧前房插入引流管", "双眼前房插入引流管", "双眼青光眼管分流术", "双眼青光眼植入手术", "将引流管插入双眼前房" ], "239281003": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of neck of femur and open fixation using Deyerle multiple hip pinning", "股骨颈骨折一期切开复位及 Deyerle 多髋钉固定" ], "9905009": [ "Loop colostomy", "Construction of diverting colostomy", "结肠改道造口术的建立", "结肠造口术" ], "450438002": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "1204102006": [ "Vascularised bone graft to radius with microsurgery", "Vascularized bone graft to radius with microsurgery", "用显微手术将血管化骨移植至桡骨", "利用显微手术将血管化骨移植至桡骨" ], "22619006": [ "Frommel operation on uterine ligaments", "子宫韧带弗罗梅尔手术" ], "104539007": [ "Aspartate amino transferase/alanine amino transferase ratio measurement", "天冬氨酸氨基转移酶/丙氨酸氨基转移酶比率测量" ], "430384004": [ "Incision and drainage of abscess of face", "面部脓肿切开引流术" ], "1296901000": [ "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of tunneled peritoneal drain into peritoneal cavity", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of tunnelled peritoneal drain into peritoneal cavity", "Insertion of tunnelled peritoneal drain into peritoneal cavity using fluoroscopic guidance", "Insertion of tunneled peritoneal drain into peritoneal cavity using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下将隧道式腹腔引流管插入腹腔", "荧光透视引导下将隧道式腹腔引流管插入腹腔" ], "18949003": [ "Change of dressing", "Reapplying a fresh dressing", "Renewing dressing", "Redressing wound", "Repeating dressing", "Dressing change", "更换敷料", "包扎伤口", "换药", "更新敷料", "重复穿衣", "重新敷上新敷料" ], "117253005": [ "Drug screen test method", "药物筛选试验方法" ], "313861007": [ "Plasma total T4 measurement", "Plasma total T4 level", "血浆总 T4 测量", "血浆总 T4 水平" ], "787162002": [ "Percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation", "PPVI - percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation", "PPVI-- 经皮肺动脉瓣植入术", "经皮肺动脉瓣植入术" ], "82650003": [ "Quinidine measurement", "奎尼丁测量" ], "443098003": [ "Hydrogen breath test using sucrose", "使用蔗糖进行氢气呼气试验" ], "115418004": [ "Viral Sequencing", "病毒测序" ], "410330006": [ "Dressing change/wound care case management", "换药/伤口护理病例管理" ], "730005": [ "Incision of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织切开" ], "361178009": [ "Neuroplasty and transposition of cranial nerve", "神经成形术和脑神经移位术" ], "48047006": [ "Incision and drainage of perianal abscess", "肛周脓肿切开引流" ], "408495006": [ "Referral for DXA scan of heel", "Referral for dual energy X-ray photon absorptiometry scan of heel", "Referral for DEXA of heel", "转诊进行足跟双能X射线光子吸收仪扫描", "转诊进行脚跟 DEXA 检查", "转诊进行脚跟 DXA 扫描" ], "29828005": [ "Excision of lesion of lip", "唇部病变切除术" ], "898180007": [ "Laparoscopic excision of Couinaud hepatic segment IV and Couinaud hepatic segment V and Couinaud hepatic segment VIII", "Laparoscopic central bisegmentectomy of liver", "腹腔镜中央肝段切除术", "腹腔镜切除Couinaud肝段IV、Couinaud肝段V、Couinaud肝段VIII" ], "699737000": [ "Local destruction of urethral tissue", "尿道组织局部破坏" ], "60761001": [ "Endoscopy of aorta", "主动脉内镜检查" ], "11609002": [ "Relaxation exercise", "放松练习" ], "306521003": [ "Discharge by research nurse", "研究护士出院" ], "1240409003": [ "Implantation of joint prosthesis in right shoulder joint", "Implantation of prosthesis into right glenohumeral joint", "右肩关节植入假体", "右肩关节假体植入术" ], "372057006": [ "Assessment of baseline neurological status", "Assesses baseline neurological status", "评估基线神经状态", "基线神经系统状态评估" ], "175449007": [ "Operation on aneurysm of brachial artery", "肱动脉瘤手术" ], "9774003": [ "Manipulation of temporomandibular joint", "Temporomandibular joint manipulation", "TMJ (temporomandibular joint) manipulation", "颞下颌关节调整", "颞下颌关节手术", "TMJ(颞下颌关节)调整" ], "108078007": [ "Vulva destructive procedure", "Destructive procedure on vulva", "外阴破坏性手术" ], "24323008": [ "Revision stapedectomy with incus replacement by homograft or prosthesis", "镫骨切除术修复并用同种异体或假体置换砧骨" ], "401155009": [ "Plasma carbamazepine level", "Plasma carbamazepine measurement", "血浆卡马西平浓度", "血浆卡马西平测量" ], "104408008": [ "HLA typing, primed lymphocyte culture", "Primed lymphocyte culture", "Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing, primed lymphocyte culture", "Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) typing, primed lymphocyte culture", "Human leukocyte antigen typing, primed lymphocyte culture", "人类白细胞抗原分型、引发淋巴细胞培养", "引物淋巴细胞培养", "人类白细胞抗原 (HLA) 分型、引发淋巴细胞培养", "HLA 分型、引发淋巴细胞培养" ], "235480009": [ "Caudal pancreaticojejunostomy", "尾部胰管空肠吻合术" ], "430253004": [ "Health literacy enhancement", "增强健康素养" ], "35202002": [ "Scanning or imaging with vascular flow", "Radionuclide vascular imaging", "Scanning or imaging, perfusion study", "Radionuclide study of vascular system", "放射性核素血管显像", "利用血管流进行扫描或成像", "血管系统放射性核素研究", "扫描或成像、灌注研究" ], "84354004": [ "Repair of tracheoesophageal fistula", "Ligation of tracheo-oesophageal fistula", "TOF - Closure of tracheo-oesophageal fistula", "Closure of tracheo-oesophageal fistula", "Ligation of tracheoesophageal fistula", "TOF - Closure of tracheoesophageal fistula", "Closure of tracheoesophageal fistula", "Repair of tracheo-oesophageal fistula", "气管食管瘘修复", "TOF - 气管食管瘘闭合", "气管食管瘘闭合", "气管食管瘘缝合", "气管食管瘘结扎术" ], "67970008": [ "Hemodialysis, maintenance at home", "Haemodialysis, maintenance at home", "血液透析、居家维护" ], "313730009": [ "Serum valine level", "Serum valine measurement", "血清缬氨酸测量", "血清缬氨酸水平" ], "410199003": [ "Weight control assessment", "Assess weight control", "体重控制评估", "评估体重控制" ], "33367005": [ "Coronary angiography", "Angiography of coronary arteries", "Coronary arteriography", "Coronary angiogram", "Coronary arteriogram", "Angiography of coronary artery", "Arteriography of coronary artery", "冠状动脉造影" ], "178988003": [ "Revision of reconstruction of bone", "骨重建的修订" ], "31532004": [ "Social service at home", "居家社会服务" ], "817964008": [ "Vascularized bone graft to pelvis with microsurgery", "Vascularised bone graft to pelvis with microsurgery", "用显微手术将血管化骨移植至骨盆", "利用显微手术将血管化骨移植至骨盆" ], "424748009": [ "Speech and language therapy surveillance", "Speech and language pathology surveillance", "言语和语言病理学监测", "言语和语言治疗监测" ], "44246002": [ "Endoscopy of vein", "Angioscopy of vein", "静脉血管镜检查", "静脉内窥镜检查" ], "781526004": [ "MRI of lumbosacral plexus with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of lumbosacral plexus with contrast", "腰骶丛磁共振成像对比", "腰骶丛增强 MRI 扫描" ], "306390007": [ "Discharge by A & E doctor", "Discharge by casualty doctor", "Discharge by Accident and Emergency doctor", "急诊科医生出院", "急诊医生出院" ], "1156523003": [ "Education about transcutaneous neuromodulation device", "关于经皮神经调节装置的教育" ], "304555003": [ "Reassuring about functional activity", "确保功能活动" ], "386475005": [ "Therapeutic touch", "治疗性触摸" ], "73344001": [ "Delaying of pedicle graft", "Delay of skin pedicle graft", "延迟进行椎弓根移植", "皮肤蒂移植延迟" ], "56960002": [ "Coagulation time, HAREM test", "HAREM test", "Whole blood partial thromboplastin time", "全血部分凝血活酶时间", "HAREM 测试", "凝血时间、HAREM 测试" ], "401024001": [ "Serum diazepam level", "血清地西泮浓度" ], "40576004": [ "Removal of pleurothecal shunt", "移除胸膜分流管" ], "448341002": [ "Endarterectomy and patch repair of suprarenal artery", "肾上动脉内膜切除及补片修复" ], "104277002": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi antibody assay", "Serologic test for Borrelia burgdorferi", "Measurement of Borrelia burgdorferi antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体抗体检测", "伯氏疏螺旋体抗体测量", "伯氏疏螺旋体血清学检测" ], "235349003": [ "Cryotherapy of lesion - large intestine", "病变冷冻治疗-大肠" ], "118826000": [ "Procedure on digestive tract", "消化道手术" ], "413738001": [ "Cancer monitoring first letter", "癌症监测第一封信" ], "708650001": [ "Excision of part of phalanx of hand", "Partial ostectomy of phalanx of hand", "手指骨部分切除术", "手指骨部分截骨术" ], "430122006": [ "Biopsy of pituitary gland", "垂体活检" ], "233514007": [ "Radial artery cannula insertion", "桡动脉插管" ], "182527001": [ "Therapeutic aspiration procedure", "Aspiration -therapeutic", "治疗性抽吸程序", "抽吸治疗" ], "67839001": [ "Merrill Palmer preschool performance", "梅里尔·帕尔默学前教育表现" ], "313599005": [ "Hu antibody level", "Hu antibody measurement", "Hu 抗体水平", "Hu抗体测量" ], "231679006": [ "Inferior rectus Faden", "右下法登" ], "311764000": [ "Family counselling", "Family counseling", "家庭咨询", "家庭辅导" ], "786900002": [ "Intense pulsed light therapy", "强脉冲光治疗" ], "197076005": [ "Excisional biopsy of lacrimal gland", "泪腺切除活检" ], "442836006": [ "Excision of benign neoplasm of phalanx of finger with autograft", "手指指骨良性肿瘤切除术及自体移植" ], "468008": [ "Glutathione measurement", "谷胱甘肽测量" ], "178857003": [ "Repositioning of second ray of hand", "重新定位第二只手" ], "703145006": [ "Sterilization procedure", "Sterilisation procedure", "灭菌程序" ], "29566002": [ "Avulsion of sympathetic nerve", "交感神经撕脱" ], "717694003": [ "Cone beam CT guided insertion of drain into lower limb", "Insertion of drain into lower limb using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "使用锥形束 CT 引导将引流管插入下肢", "锥形束 CT 引导下将引流管插入下肢" ], "177022004": [ "Replantation of ovary", "Reattachment of ovary", "卵巢复位", "卵巢再植" ], "11347004": [ "Modified radical neck dissection", "FND - Functional neck dissection", "Conservative neck dissection", "Modified radical neck dissection of cervical lymph nodes", "Functional neck dissection", "功能性颈清扫术", "改良根治性颈淋巴结清扫术", "改良根治性颈清扫术", "FND-- 功能性颈清扫术", "保守性颈清扫术" ], "306259007": [ "Referral to adult intensive care specialist", "Referral to adult ITU specialist", "转诊至成人 ITU 专家", "转诊至成人重症监护专家" ], "173352002": [ "Tongue and palate operations", "舌头和腭部手术" ], "386344002": [ "Laboratory data interpretation", "Evaluation of laboratory test data", "Lab findings interpretation treatments and procedure", "Laboratory findings data interpretation", "实验室数据解释", "实验室结果数据解释", "实验室结果解释治疗和程序", "实验室测试数据评估" ], "189736003": [ "Poncet operation", "一次性操作" ], "304424007": [ "Pulsed electromagnetic energy to foot", "脉冲电磁能到脚" ], "122365002": [ "Hepatitis B virus rRNA assay", "Hepatitis B virus ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "乙肝病毒核糖体核糖核酸检测", "乙肝病毒 rRNA 检测" ], "269821003": [ "Serum ferritin measurement", "Serum ferritin level", "血清铁蛋白测量", "血清铁蛋白水平" ], "7677007": [ "Consonant differential pressure test", "辅音压差试验" ], "284370000": [ "Examination of male genitals", "Male genital examination", "男性生殖器检查" ], "431826002": [ "Computed tomography (CT) for endovascular aneurysm repair planning", "Computed tomography for endovascular aneurysm repair planning", "CT for endovascular aneurysm repair planning", "CT 用于血管内动脉瘤修复规划", "计算机断层扫描用于血管内动脉瘤修复规划", "计算机断层扫描 (CT) 用于血管内动脉瘤修复规划" ], "235218006": [ "Billroth II partial gastrectomy - Moynihan modification", "Billroth II 部分胃切除术 - Moynihan 改良术" ], "38610007": [ "Pulmonary bypass operation", "肺绕道手术" ], "104146008": [ "Hemoglobin electrophoresis, pH 6.3", "Haemoglobin electrophoresis, pH 6.3", "血红蛋白电泳,pH 6.3" ], "710354007": [ "Rapid extrication", "快速救援" ], "4007002": [ "Anti-human globulin test, indirect, titer, non-gamma", "Anti-human globulin test, indirect, titre, non-gamma", "抗人球蛋白试验,间接,滴度,非伽马", "抗人球蛋白试验,间接,滴度,非γ" ], "118695007": [ "Procedure on thorax", "胸部手术" ], "233383008": [ "Femdistal - Femorodistal bypass graft", "FDB - Femorodistal bypass", "BK - Below knee femoral popliteal bypass graft", "Femorodistal bypass", "Femoro-distal bypass", "Femdistal - 股骨远端旁路移植术", "FDB-- 股骨远端旁路术", "股骨远端旁路手术", "BK - 膝下股腘动脉旁路移植术" ], "231548001": [ "Correction of hypertelorism", "矫正眼距过长" ], "772220000": [ "Mobile intraoperative three-dimensional computed tomography of lumbar spine", "Mobile intraoperative 3D (three-dimensional) CT of lumbar spine", "腰椎术中移动式三维计算机断层扫描", "腰椎术中移动式 3D(三维)CT" ], "84092008": [ "Injection of scrotum", "阴囊注射" ], "49489003": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of foot", "足脱位切开复位术" ], "737617004": [ "Referral to prosthetic service", "转介至假肢服务" ], "311633005": [ "Therapy to promote recognition and understanding of conversation", "促进对话识别和理解的疗法" ], "426321009": [ "Primary decompression of posterior fossa and upper cervical spinal cord and instrumentation", "后颅窝及上颈髓的原发性减压及内固定" ], "178726008": [ "Revision to open reduction spinal fracture and external fixation", "脊柱骨折切开复位外固定术" ], "62203007": [ "Destruction of lesion of Bartholin's gland by aspiration", "Destruction of lesion of Bartholin gland by aspiration", "用抽吸法破坏巴氏腺病变", "巴氏腺病变抽吸破坏术" ], "45819007": [ "Laryngoplasty with cricoid split", "Cricoid split procedure", "环状软骨劈开喉成形术", "环状软骨劈开术" ], "439035007": [ "Education about sleep hygiene behaviour", "Education about sleep hygiene behavior", "Teaching about sleep hygiene behaviour", "Teaching about sleep hygiene behavior", "教导睡眠卫生行为", "睡眠卫生行为教育" ], "306128002": [ "Referral to pediatric service", "Referral to paediatric service", "转诊至儿科服务" ], "715728004": [ "Cone beam computed tomography of temporal bone", "Cone beam CT of temporal bone", "颞骨锥形束计算机断层扫描", "颞骨锥形束CT" ], "91301001": [ "Repair and refitting spectacles", "Repair and refitting eyeglasses", "修理和改装眼镜" ], "42149003": [ "Special care of wound", "伤口的特殊护理" ], "58533008": [ "Artificial insemination", "Assisted insemination", "AI - Artificial insemination", "辅助授精", "AI-人工授精", "人工授精" ], "9381008": [ "Antibody identification, RBC, saline and AHG", "Antibody identification, red blood cell, saline and anti-human globulin", "抗体鉴定、红细胞、盐水和 AHG", "抗体鉴定、红细胞、盐水和抗人球蛋白" ], "7546001": [ "History and physical examination, follow-up for neoplastic disease", "病史和体格检查,肿瘤疾病的随访" ], "417146007": [ "Referral to heart failure nurse", "转诊至心力衰竭护士" ], "122234009": [ "Rickettsia rickettsii antigen assay", "立克次体抗原检测" ], "710223006": [ "Initiation of patient controlled analgesia", "启动患者自控镇痛" ], "104015007": [ "Fy^b^ blood group antibody identification", "Fy^b^血型抗体鉴定" ], "431695009": [ "Administration of drug or medicament to skin via topical route", "通过局部途径将药物或药剂施用于皮肤" ], "446244002": [ "Insertion of catheter into lumbar epidural space", "Lumbar epidural catheterisation", "Lumbar epidural catheterization", "腰椎硬膜外置管", "将导管插入腰椎硬膜外腔" ], "315172003": [ "Plasma streptomycin level", "血浆链霉素水平" ], "38479009": [ "Frank breech delivery", "臀位分娩" ], "429860003": [ "Injection of lumbar zygapophyseal joint using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Injection of lumbar zygapophyseal joint using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided Injection of lumbar zygapophyseal joint", "计算机断层扫描引导下腰椎关节突关节注射", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行腰椎关节突关节注射", "CT引导下腰椎关节突关节注射" ], "233252007": [ "Transluminal operations on brachial artery", "肱动脉腔内手术" ], "444409004": [ "Measurement of Rickettsia australis antibody", "澳大利亚立克次体抗体测量" ], "165881005": [ "Kidney autoantibody measurement", "Kidney autoantibody level", "肾脏自身抗体水平", "肾脏自身抗体测量" ], "231417007": [ "Cryotherapy to Gasserian ganglion", "半月神经节冷冻治疗" ], "278734001": [ "Intraoral incision", "口内切口" ], "229582004": [ "Cryocuff treatment", "冷冻袖套治疗" ], "442574006": [ "Revision of decompression of posterior tibial nerve at ankle", "踝部胫后神经减压术翻修术" ], "113059001": [ "Mononuclear cell hydrogen peroxide generation assay", "单核细胞过氧化氢生成试验" ], "275064002": [ "Endarterectomy and repair", "动脉内膜切除术和修复" ], "782968005": [ "Laparoscopic pectopexy using synthetic mesh", "使用合成网片进行腹腔镜胸部固定术" ], "373368006": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysm", "动脉瘤紧急置换" ], "50080231000188105": [ "Radiotherapy to face", "Facial radiotherapy", "面部放射治疗", "放射治疗" ], "27469002": [ "Percutaneous transhepatic portography with hemodynamic evaluation", "Percutaneous transhepatic portography with haemodynamic evaluation", "经皮肝穿刺门静脉造影及血流动力学评估" ], "305997006": [ "Referral by radiologist", "Referral from radiologist", "放射科医生转诊" ], "74786001": [ "Electrocoagulation of vulva", "Coagulation of vulva using electrical energy", "利用电能凝固外阴", "外阴电凝术" ], "781133009": [ "Assessment using CPT (Cognitive Performance Test)", "Assessment using Cognitive Performance Test", "使用认知表现测试进行评估", "使用 CPT(认知表现测试)进行评估" ], "287778002": [ "Prostatotomy and calculus removal", "前列腺切开术和结石去除术" ], "1285367001": [ "Mixed meal tolerance test", "MMTT - mixed meal tolerance test", "MMTT-- 混合膳食耐受性测试", "混合膳食耐受性测试" ], "122103002": [ "Streptococcus pneumoniae 12 antibody assay", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serogroup 12 antibody", "肺炎链球菌血清群 12 抗体的测量", "肺炎链球菌12抗体测定" ], "171255006": [ "Spirometry screening", "肺量计筛查" ], "23799006": [ "Injection of contrast media for radiography by catheter, non-selective", "通过导管注射造影剂进行放射线摄影,非选择性" ], "447948002": [ "Conversion from cemented total replacement of joint", "骨水泥全关节置换术" ], "103884008": [ "G blood group typing", "G血型分型" ], "315041000": [ "High concentration oxygen therapy", "高浓度氧疗" ], "233121002": [ "Unifocalization operation using the azygos system", "Unifocalisation operation using the azygos system", "使用奇异系统的单焦点手术", "使用奇异轴系统的单焦点手术" ], "708257005": [ "Third line treatment", "三线治疗" ], "167585009": [ "Urine nitrite", "尿液亚硝酸盐" ], "1263478002": [ "Osteoplasty of metacarpal bone", "掌骨整形术" ], "165750005": [ "Blood group typing, minor blood group", "Minor blood groups", "血型分型、次要血型", "小血型" ], "395126005": [ "Immunocytochemistry test", "免疫细胞化学检测" ], "313206006": [ "Advice about physiological functions", "Physiological functions education", "关于生理功能的建议", "生理机能教育" ], "229451000": [ "Manipulation of the intercarpal joints - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the intercarpal joints", "腕骨间关节的操纵——非手术", "腕骨间关节的操纵" ], "1179723002": [ "Administration of tocilizumab", "托珠单抗的给药" ], "426059008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal thrombolysis of blood vessel of liver", "经皮肝血管腔内血栓溶解术" ], "80160000": [ "Fine needle biopsy of uterine ligament", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of uterine ligament", "子宫韧带细针活检", "子宫韧带细针穿刺活检" ], "391456002": [ "Serum tissue transglutaminase level", "血清组织转谷氨酰胺酶水平" ], "63776008": [ "Avulsion of vagus limited to proximal stomach", "迷走神经撕脱仅限于近端胃" ], "112928008": [ "Crede maneuver", "Crede manoeuvre", "克雷德机动", "思考机动" ], "782837005": [ "Laparoscopic ventral fixation of internal prolapse of rectum using biological mesh", "腹腔镜直肠内脱垂腹侧固定术生物网片" ], "240330002": [ "Removal of eyes from cadaver", "摘除尸体眼睛" ], "43722003": [ "Neuro-ophthalmological procedure", "Neuro-ophthalmological test", "神经眼科测试", "神经眼科手术" ], "699082005": [ "Repair of blood vessel of limb with synthetic patch graft", "Repair of blood vessel of extremity with synthetic patch graft", "合成补片移植修复肢体血管" ], "271263006": [ "Urine random osmolality", "Urine random osmolality measurement", "尿液随机渗透压", "尿液随机渗透压测量" ], "287647007": [ "Disarticulation at wrist", "Disarticulation of wrist", "腕关节脱位" ], "385951007": [ "Incision care", "Incision site care", "切口护理", "切口部位护理" ], "449652005": [ "Manipulation of lower limb", "下肢操纵" ], "121972005": [ "Colorado tick fever virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Colorado tick fever virus antibody", "科罗拉多蜱热病毒抗体检测" ], "120137002": [ "External ear transplantation", "外耳移植" ], "103753003": [ "Computed perimetry", "Automated static perimetry", "自动静态视野检查", "计算机视野检查" ], "185673004": [ "Blood pressure abnormal - 1st recall", "血压异常 - 第一次召回" ], "234825004": [ "Insertion of appliance for sleep apnea", "Insertion of appliance for sleep apnoea", "插入睡眠呼吸暂停治疗装置", "插入治疗睡眠呼吸暂停的装置" ], "431433008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of inferior mesenteric artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of inferior mesenteric artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下肠系膜下动脉经皮腔内血管成形术", "荧光造影引导下经皮肠系膜下动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "183838001": [ "Refer for ECG recording", "Referral for electrocardiogram", "转诊进行心电图检查", "参考心电图记录" ], "232990001": [ "Ligation of superior vena cava", "上腔静脉结扎" ], "282142006": [ "Open ventrosuspension of uterus", "开放式子宫腹侧悬吊术" ], "85534006": [ "Operative endoscopy of jejunum", "Operative jejunoscopy", "空肠内镜手术", "空肠镜手术" ], "445982009": [ "Endoscopy and biopsy of upper gastrointestinal tract", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and biopsy", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and biopsy", "上消化道内镜检查及活检", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查和活检", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及活检" ], "313075001": [ "Phobia counselling", "Phobia counseling", "Counselling for phobia", "Counseling for phobia", "恐惧症咨询" ], "429598009": [ "Revision of repair of rotator cuff", "肩袖修复术" ], "231155005": [ "Metacarpal nerve block", "Common digital nerve block in the hand", "手部常见数字神经阻滞", "掌神经阻滞" ], "180168006": [ "Cranio-orbital remodelling for trigonocephaly", "Cranio-orbital remodeling for trigonocephaly", "三角头畸形的颅眶重塑", "三角头畸形的颅眶重建" ], "229320006": [ "Mobilising the neck", "Mobilizing the neck", "活动颈部" ], "702621000": [ "Fluoroscopy guided thrombolysis of intracranial vessel with contrast", "Thrombolysis of intracranial vessel using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下颅内血管血栓溶解术", "透视引导下颅内血管造影血栓溶解术" ], "80029002": [ "Removal of necrotic bone fragment from joint", "从关节中去除坏死骨碎片" ], "112797003": [ "Laryngeal reinnervation by neuromuscular pedicle", "通过神经肌肉蒂进行喉部神经支配" ], "129181003": [ "Procedure on joint of upper extremity", "上肢关节手术" ], "407709006": [ "Androgen level", "Androgen measurement", "雄激素测量", "雄激素水平" ], "309405007": [ "Implantation of simple one wire intravenous cardiac pacemaker", "简易单线静脉心脏起搏器植入术" ], "12658000": [ "Operation on female genital organs", "Gynaecological procedure", "Gynecological procedure", "妇科手术", "女性生殖器官手术" ], "1290610002": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of hip", "髋部软组织普通 X 光检查" ], "782706003": [ "Subconjunctival insertion of transcleral gelatin stent", "结膜下植入经巩膜明胶支架" ], "274802005": [ "Examination of tongue", "舌头检查" ], "307570007": [ "Endoscopic removal of percutaneous gastrostomy", "PEG - Endoscopic removal of percutaneous gastrostomy", "内镜经皮胃造口切除术", "PEG-- 内镜经皮胃造口切除术" ], "176498007": [ "Operation on varicocele", "精索静脉曲张手术" ], "76359002": [ "Incision of hematoma of broad ligament", "Incision of haematoma of broad ligament", "阔韧带血肿切开术" ], "174663002": [ "Percutaneous insertion of tubal prosthesis into both hepatic ducts", "经皮将输卵管假体插入双侧肝管" ], "303900001": [ "Radionuclide water and electrolyte study", "放射性核素水和电解质研究" ], "238364004": [ "Excision of glomus tumour in the neck", "Excision of glomus tumor in the neck", "颈部血管球瘤切除术" ], "172828005": [ "Removal of foreign body from nose", "FB - Removal of foreign body from nose", "FB - 去除鼻内异物", "取出鼻内异物" ], "385820004": [ "Infection control education", "Teach infection control", "教授感染控制", "感染控制教育" ], "713500005": [ "Suture of extensor tendon of hand", "手伸肌腱缝合" ], "121841005": [ "Pristanate measurement", "普里斯坦酸盐测量" ], "433137006": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for lithotripsy of gall bladder", "Lithotripsy of gall bladder using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导胆囊碎石术", "荧光透视引导下胆囊碎石术" ], "252913006": [ "Bladder neck elevation test", "Bonney's stress incontinence test", "Evaluation test of neck of urinary bladder", "Bonney 压力性尿失禁测试", "膀胱颈评估检查", "膀胱颈抬高试验" ], "120006000": [ "Epididymis closure", "附睾闭合" ], "431302007": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of renal artery using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮肾动脉血栓溶解术" ], "447686008": [ "Application of pressure to wound", "对伤口施加压力" ], "19867003": [ "Collection of sputum, Lukens tube", "痰液采集,Lukens 管" ], "232859004": [ "Operation on pulmonary valve cusp", "Operation on pulmonary valve leaflet", "肺动脉瓣叶手术", "肺动脉瓣尖手术" ], "413083006": [ "Automated auditory brainstem response test", "自动听觉脑干反应测试" ], "85403009": [ "Delivery, medical personnel present", "分娩,医护人员在场" ], "231024002": [ "Spinal cord stimulation", "SCS - Spinal cord stimulation", "Neurostimulation of spinal cord tissue", "SCS——脊髓刺激", "脊髓组织的神经刺激", "脊髓刺激" ], "34416004": [ "Removal of subcutaneous foreign body from foot", "足部皮下异物取出" ], "32581000": [ "Partial hip replacement by cup with acetabuloplasty", "髋臼杯状部分置换术" ], "229189000": [ "Hip exercises in water", "水中臀部锻炼" ], "81733005": [ "Dental surgical procedure", "Dental operation", "牙科手术", "牙科手术程序" ], "425797007": [ "Destruction of subretinal lesion", "视网膜下病变的破坏" ], "702490001": [ "Computed tomography of tibia and fibula with contrast", "CT of tibia and fibula with contrast", "胫骨和腓骨增强 CT", "胫骨和腓骨增强计算机断层扫描" ], "47130006": [ "Conjunctivoplasty with extensive rearrangement", "结膜成形术及大面积重排" ], "391194007": [ "Homeless mental health care - Daily intensive", "无家可归者心理健康护理 - 每日强化" ], "243738007": [ "Provision of typoscope", "提供排字仪" ], "1290479000": [ "Plain X-ray of middle finger", "中指普通 X 光检查" ], "45295008": [ "Urine dilution test", "尿液稀释试验" ], "385689004": [ "Energy conservation management", "Manage energy conservation", "节能管理", "管理节能" ], "90777005": [ "Compatibility test, crossmatch, minor, includes recipient and donor typing and antibody screening", "兼容性测试,交叉配型,次要,包括接受者和捐赠者的分型和抗体筛查" ], "238233004": [ "Irrigation of abdominal wall", "Lavage of abdominal wall", "Washout of abdominal wall", "腹壁灌洗", "腹壁冲洗" ], "121710001": [ "Toxaphene measurement", "毒杀芬​​测量" ], "105326002": [ "Stanozolol measurement", "康力龙测量" ], "252782004": [ "Photopic electroretinography", "明视视网膜电图" ], "711534004": [ "Maternal cervical assessment", "产妇宫颈评估" ], "72558007": [ "Closure of stoma of thorax", "Closure of thoracostomy", "胸腔造口缝合", "胸腔造口术关闭" ], "433006008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of mandible", "Magnetic resonance imaging of mandible", "MRI of mandible", "下颌骨磁共振成像", "下颌骨磁共振成像 (MRI)", "下颌骨 MRI" ], "449390009": [ "Ensuring use of supplies and equipment within safe parameters", "确保在安全范围内使用物资和设备" ], "1332291001": [ "MRI of bilateral calcanei", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral calcanei", "双侧跟骨 MRI 检查", "双侧跟骨磁共振成像" ], "709699007": [ "Computed tomography of tooth", "CT of tooth", "牙齿计算机断层扫描", "牙齿CT" ], "118040000": [ "HIV 1 gp120 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 gp120 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 glycoprotein 120 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV-1 gp120 抗体检测", "HIV 1 gp120 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型糖蛋白 120 抗体的测量" ], "414787008": [ "Anti MuSK antibody level", "Muscle-specific tyrosine kinase antibody measurement", "肌肉特异性酪氨酸激酶抗体测量", "抗 MuSK 抗体水平" ], "3352000": [ "Parathyroid hormone measurement", "PTH measurement", "Parathormone measurement", "Immunoreactive PTH measurement", "PTH - Parathyroid hormone level", "免疫反应性 PTH 测量", "PTH-- 甲状旁腺激素水平", "PTH 测量", "甲状旁腺激素测量" ], "412952003": [ "Plasma beta-alanine measurement", "Plasma beta-alanine level", "血浆β-丙氨酸测量", "血浆β-丙氨酸水平" ], "232728008": [ "Percutaneous low speed rotational coronary atherectomy", "经皮低速冠状动脉旋磨术" ], "445720009": [ "Assessment using social functioning scale", "使用社会功能量表进行评估" ], "771565005": [ "Partial removal of transobturator tape", "部分移除经闭孔胶带" ], "312813005": [ "Ultrasound scan of upper limb arteries", "Ultrasound angiography of artery of upper limb", "Ultrasound scan of artery of upper limb", "Ultrasonography of artery of arm", "Ultrasound of artery of arm", "Ultrasound angiography of artery of arm", "Ultrasound scan of artery of upper extremity", "Ultrasound scan of artery of arm", "Ultrasound of artery of upper extremity", "Ultrasonography of artery of upper extremity", "Ultrasonography of artery of upper limb", "Ultrasound of artery of upper limb", "Ultrasound angiography of artery of upper extremity", "上肢动脉超声扫描", "手臂动脉超声检查", "手臂动脉超声血管造影", "上肢动脉超声检查", "上肢动脉超声血管造影", "手臂动脉超声波扫描" ], "230893006": [ "Removal of foreign body from ventricle of brain", "脑室异物取出" ], "443885008": [ "Atrial fistulogram with venous access with contrast", "Atrial fistulography with venous access with contrast", "心房瘘造影及静脉通路造影", "带有静脉通路和造影剂的心房瘘造影" ], "229058001": [ "Case conference", "CC - Case conference", "CC-案例会议", "案件会议" ], "425666002": [ "Computed tomography of colon", "CT of colon", "结肠CT", "结肠计算机断层扫描" ], "179906007": [ "Puncture of joint", "关节穿刺" ], "736962007": [ "Prosthetic bypass of four or more coronary arteries", "Bypass of four or more coronary arteries with prosthesis", "四条或更多冠状动脉的人工旁路手术", "使用假体绕过四条或更多条冠状动脉" ], "866199004": [ "Ultrasound scan of bowel with contrast", "Ultrasonography of intestine with contrast", "Ultrasonography of bowel with contrast", "Ultrasound of bowel with contrast", "肠道超声造影扫描", "肠道造影超声检查" ], "735127005": [ "Dipyridamole therapy", "双嘧达莫治疗" ], "178071007": [ "Fasciotomy forearm", "前臂筋膜切开术" ], "440215007": [ "Counseling for unwanted pregnancy", "Counselling for unwanted pregnancy", "意外怀孕咨询" ], "405612000": [ "Autonomic nerve plexus block", "自主神经丛阻滞" ], "225388007": [ "Dietary intake assessment", "Nutritional intake assessment", "膳食摄入评估", "营养摄入评估" ], "371009003": [ "Operative procedure on bone of upper extremity", "Operation on bone of upper extremity", "上肢骨手术方法", "上肢骨手术" ], "420161006": [ "Fluoroscopic corpora cavernosography", "荧光透视阴茎海绵体造影" ], "57878004": [ "Internal fixation of patella", "髌骨内固定" ], "8726006": [ "Anesthesia for pancreatectomy, total", "Anaesthesia for pancreatectomy, total", "全胰腺切除术麻醉" ], "713238008": [ "Supervision of high risk pregnancy with history of previous abnormal baby", "对有异常婴儿病史的高危妊娠进行监督" ], "105195001": [ "Fluoxymesterone measurement", "氟甲睾酮测量" ], "432875004": [ "Insertion of drain into neck using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Insertion of drain into neck using ultrasound guidance", "在超声引导下将引流管插入颈部" ], "236267004": [ "Vaginal urethrolysis", "Transvaginal urethrolysis", "阴道尿道松解术", "经阴道尿道松解术" ], "121579007": [ "Fumonisin measurement", "伏马毒素测定" ], "72427008": [ "History and physical examination, follow-up examination for cardiovascular disease", "病史及体格检查、心血管疾病的随访检查" ], "398272001": [ "Post-anesthesia assessment", "麻醉后评估" ], "170731009": [ "Initial gout assessment", "初步痛风评估" ], "709568000": [ "MR angiography of carotid artery with contrast", "MR angiogram of carotid artery with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of carotid artery with contrast", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of carotid artery with contrast", "MR arteriography of carotid artery with contrast", "颈动脉磁共振血管造影", "颈动脉 MR 血管造影", "颈动脉磁共振造影" ], "725952004": [ "Education about sepsis", "败血症教育" ], "252651008": [ "SART - Standard acid reflux test", "Standard acid reflux test", "标准胃酸反流测试", "SART - 标准胃酸反流测试" ], "54208004": [ "Arthroplasty of elbow with membrane", "带膜肘关节置换术" ], "119744005": [ "Bronchus manipulation", "支气管操作" ], "168896008": [ "Sialography", "Contrast sialogram", "对比涎液造影", "涎液造影" ], "412821003": [ "Serum anti-ganglioside D1a IgG measurement", "Serum anti-ganglioside D1a IgG level", "Serum anti-ganglioside D1a immunoglobulin G measurement", "血清抗神经节苷脂 D1a IgG 水平", "血清抗神经节苷脂 D1a IgG 测定", "血清抗神经节苷脂 D1a 免疫球蛋白 G 测量" ], "265365007": [ "Bypass of stomach by anastomosis of stomach to duodenum", "胃十二指肠吻合术胃旁路手术" ], "232597008": [ "Bronchoscopic cauterization of lesion using electrical energy", "Bronchoscopic cauterisation of lesion using electrical energy", "Bronchoscopic electrocauterization of lesion", "Bronchoscopic electrocauterisation of lesion", "使用电能对支气管镜病变进行烧灼", "支气管镜电灼术", "支气管镜电烧灼病变" ], "363669008": [ "Nasal test for allergens", "鼻腔过敏原测试" ], "117909007": [ "Intercalated disk antibody assay", "Measurement of intercalated disk antibody", "闰盘抗体测量", "闰盘抗体检测" ], "50538003": [ "Discission of membranous cataract, primary", "原发性膜性白内障的讨论" ], "443754008": [ "Incision of joint capsule of midfoot with release of contracted soft tissue and lengthening of tendon of foot", "中足关节囊切开术,松解收缩的软组织,延长足部肌腱" ], "66922009": [ "Division of goniosynechiae", "房角粘连分裂" ], "1179199002": [ "Arthroscopic capsular release of ankle joint", "Arthroscopic release of capsule of ankle joint", "关节镜下踝关节囊松解术" ], "441919004": [ "Posterior fusion of atlantoaxial joint using transarticular screw", "经关节螺钉行寰枢关节后路融合术" ], "179775004": [ "Revision intra-articular autograft augmentation intra-articular ligament", "翻修关节内自体移植增强关节内韧带" ], "46868000": [ "Removal of foreign body of penis by incision", "阴茎异物切开取出术" ], "177940003": [ "Open extirpation of lesion of peritoneum", "腹膜损伤切开术" ], "440084005": [ "Assessment of adequacy of dialysis", "透析充分性的评估" ], "1144596006": [ "Increased vitamin E and/or vitamin E derivative diet", "增加维生素 E 和/或维生素 E 衍生物饮食" ], "12265000": [ "Suture of ulcer of skin", "Closure of ulcer of skin", "皮肤溃疡缝合", "皮肤溃疡闭合" ], "716777001": [ "Hemodynamic monitoring", "Haemodynamic monitoring", "血流动力学监测" ], "241641004": [ "MRI of knee", "Magnetic resonance imaging of knee", "膝关节磁共振成像", "膝盖 MRI" ], "225257005": [ "Insertion of cervical cap", "插入宫颈帽" ], "421865005": [ "Interferometric corneal topography", "干涉角膜地形图" ], "405481007": [ "Aorto-profunda arterial bypass", "主动脉-深动脉搭桥术" ], "370878002": [ "Provision of adult day centre care", "Provision of adult day center care", "Provision of adult day centre", "Provision of adult day center", "Adult day center care", "Adult day centre care", "成人日间中心护理", "提供成人日间中心护理", "提供成人日间中心" ], "59582004": [ "Hepatitis B core antibody measurement", "HBcAB measurement", "乙肝核心抗体检测", "HBcAB 测量" ], "223422006": [ "Advice regarding what to do if drug omitted", "Recommendation regarding what to do if drug omitted", "如果药物遗漏了怎么办的建议", "关于漏服药物后该如何处理的建议" ], "305342007": [ "Admission to ward", "入住病房" ], "174270008": [ "Transsphincteric excision of mucosa of rectum", "经括约肌直肠黏膜切除术" ], "713107002": [ "Screening for alcohol abuse", "酒精滥用筛查" ], "172435005": [ "Biopsy of lesion of cornea", "角膜病变活检" ], "90515006": [ "Repair of laceration of large vein", "大静脉裂伤的修复" ], "2101000087103": [ "MRI of brachial plexus of left upper limb with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of brachial plexus of left upper limb with contrast", "左上肢臂丛神经增强磁共振成像", "左上肢臂丛增强磁共振成像" ], "20021000087104": [ "CT of right scapula", "Computed tomography of right scapula", "右肩胛骨计算机断层扫描", "右肩胛骨CT" ], "303507005": [ "Local anaesthetic nerve block in head and neck", "Local anesthetic nerve block in head and neck", "头部和颈部局部麻醉神经阻滞" ], "21301000087103": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis and left and right hip with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis and both hips with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis and bilateral hips with contrast", "MRI of pelvis and bilateral hips with contrast", "骨盆和双侧髋部 MRI 增强扫描", "骨盆和左右髋部对比磁共振成像", "骨盆和双侧髋部对比磁共振成像", "骨盆和双侧髋部磁共振成像对比" ], "821000087106": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of bilateral lower limbs", "Injection of bilateral lower limbs using fluoroscopic guidance", "Injection of both lower limbs using fluoroscopic guidance", "Injection of left and right lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下左、右下肢注射", "透视引导下双下肢注射", "荧光透视引导下双下肢注射" ], "121448005": [ "Azatadine measurement", "阿扎他定测量" ], "711272005": [ "Radionuclide scan of neuroendocrine function", "神经内分泌功能放射性核素扫描" ], "252520007": [ "Methacholine challenge", "乙酰甲胆碱激发试验" ], "414525000": [ "Interposition procedure", "介入程序" ], "105064005": [ "Amiodarone and desethylamiodarone measurement", "胺碘酮和去乙基胺碘酮的测量" ], "6760006": [ "Excision of lesion of phalanges of foot", "足趾骨损伤切除术" ], "16181000087109": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of bilateral subclavian arteries with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of bilateral subclavian arteries with contrast", "双侧锁骨下动脉造影", "双侧锁骨下动脉荧光血管造影" ], "234301001": [ "Transplantation of lymph collectors", "淋巴收集器移植" ], "170600009": [ "Stroke monitoring", "中风监测" ], "119613006": [ "Pelvis closure", "骨盆闭合" ], "725821004": [ "Assessment using CAPE (Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment)", "Assessment using Children's Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment", "使用儿童参与和享受评估进行评估", "使用 CAPE(儿童参与和享受评估)进行评估" ], "398141006": [ "Palmar fasciotomy", "Division of palmar fascia", "Release of palmar fascia", "掌筋膜切开术", "释放掌筋膜", "掌筋膜的分割" ], "265234000": [ "Extirpation of lesion of spinal nerve root", "脊神经根损伤摘除术" ], "3090000": [ "Aneurysmectomy with graft replacement of lower limb artery", "下肢动脉瘤切除及移植物置换术" ], "609298005": [ "Microscopic examination of blood specimen", "血液样本显微镜检查" ], "216082006": [ "Arthrectomy of foot and toe", "足趾关节切除术" ], "117778005": [ "Coxsackievirus A antibody assay", "Measurement of Human coxsackievirus A antibody", "人类柯萨奇病毒 A 抗体的测量", "柯萨奇病毒 A 抗体检测" ], "412690006": [ "Malaria serology", "疟疾血清学" ], "443623001": [ "Percutaneous insertion of aortic valve using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮主动脉瓣插入术" ], "17639001": [ "Operation on extraocular muscle", "Surgical procedure on ocular muscle", "Ocular muscle operation", "Eye muscle operation", "眼肌手术", "眼外肌手术" ], "183314008": [ "Joint movement training", "Training of joint movements", "关节运动训练" ], "232466007": [ "Correction of alar collapse using implant", "使用植入物矫正鼻翼塌陷" ], "165095009": [ "Thermography of skin", "皮肤热成像" ], "736700005": [ "Revision of internal cardiac defibrillator lead using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided revision of internal cardiac defibrillator lead", "使用荧光透视引导修改心脏内除颤器导线", "荧光透视引导下心脏内除颤器导线的修复" ], "409020007": [ "Dispensing medication assessment", "Assess medication care", "配药评估", "评估药物护理" ], "30353000": [ "Ultrasonography of aortic arch", "Ultrasound scan of aortic arch", "Ultrasound of aortic arch", "Ultrasound angiography of aortic arch", "主动脉弓超声扫描", "主动脉弓超声血管造影", "主动脉弓超声检查" ], "865937006": [ "Tomography of both entire lungs", "双侧全肺断层扫描" ], "405350002": [ "Removal of abdominal vascular prosthesis", "腹部血管假体移除术" ], "175974003": [ "Incision of periurethral tissue", "Incision of Cowper's glands", "尿道周围组织切开", "切开考珀氏腺" ], "225126004": [ "Exposing sore skin to the air", "将疼痛的皮肤暴露在空气中" ], "239675002": [ "Application of cylinder plaster cast", "圆柱形石膏模型的应用" ], "75835007": [ "Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy", "LAVH (Laparoscopy assisted vaginal hysterectomy)", "腹腔镜辅助阴式子宫切除术", "LAVH(腹腔镜辅助阴道子宫切除术)" ], "24848001": [ "Pelvic echography", "Ultrasonography of pelvis", "Ultrasound scan of pelvis", "骨盆超声波扫描", "盆腔超声检查" ], "172304003": [ "Removal of tube from nasolacrimal duct", "从鼻泪管中拔除管子" ], "450832005": [ "Cleansing and sterilisation of skin", "Cleansing and sterilization of skin", "皮肤清洁和消毒" ], "121317001": [ "6-beta-Naltrexol measurement", "6-β-纳曲醇测量" ], "104933004": [ "Sialidase measurement", "唾液酸酶测量" ], "88549004": [ "Arthroplasty of carpocarpal joint with implant", "腕关节置换术及植入物" ], "1153509006": [ "Education about trauma therapy", "创伤治疗教育" ], "250554003": [ "Measurement of oxygen saturation at periphery", "Oxygen saturation at periphery", "SpO2 - Oxygen saturation at periphery", "SpO2 measurement", "外周血氧饱和度测量", "SpO2 测量", "外周血氧饱和度", "SpO2 - 外周血氧饱和度" ], "21178006": [ "Excision of female urethral diverticulum", "女性尿道憩室切除术" ], "398010007": [ "Insertion of hip prosthesis", "Hip replacement", "Prosthetic arthroplasty of hip", "髋关节假体植入", "髋关节置换术", "髋关节假体置换术" ], "117647000": [ "Methylenedianiline measurement", "亚甲基二苯胺测量" ], "68495004": [ "Excision of tissue of mediastinum", "纵隔组织切除" ], "609167004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of lower limb", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of blood vessel of lower limb", "下肢经皮腔内血管成形术", "经皮下肢血管腔内成形术" ], "1295460000": [ "Plain X-ray of larynx", "喉部普通 X 光检查" ], "427108001": [ "Endoscopic ultrasound examination of liver", "肝脏内镜超声检查" ], "32057000": [ "Removal of foreign body from bursa of hand", "手部滑囊异物取出" ], "17508008": [ "Paraaminohippurate measurement", "Aminohippurate, para measurement", "氨基马尿酸,参数测量", "对氨基马尿酸测量" ], "441657002": [ "Repair of capsule and anterior labrum for stabilisation of glenohumeral joint", "Repair of capsule and anterior labrum for stabilization of glenohumeral joint", "修复关节囊和前盂唇以稳定盂肱关节" ], "163129005": [ "Brief GIT examination", "Brief gastrointestinal tract examination", "简短的胃肠道检查" ], "392505006": [ "Ispaghula specific IgE antibody measurement", "k72 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ispaghula specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "车前草特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "k72特异性IgE抗体测量", "车前草特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "30222000": [ "Reline of complete lower denture at chairside", "在椅旁重新衬垫全口下义齿" ], "439822002": [ "Shiatsu", "Shiatsu massage", "指压", "指压按摩" ], "62990005": [ "Repair of chordae tendineae", "肌腱修复" ], "257763001": [ "Radiofrequency endarterectomy", "射频动脉内膜切除术" ], "175843001": [ "Open removal of thrombus from vein", "Open vein thrombectomy", "开放静脉血栓切除术", "开放性去除静脉血栓" ], "470755001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of foetal cardiovascular system", "Magnetic resonance imaging of fetal cardiovascular system", "MRI of foetal cardiovascular system", "MRI of fetal cardiovascular system", "胎儿心血管系统 MRI", "胎儿心血管系统磁共振成像" ], "243214009": [ "Orthoptic treatment - Fresnel prisms", "Orthoptic treatment - correcting prisms", "视轴矫正治疗-菲涅尔棱镜", "视轴矫正治疗-矫正棱镜" ], "77539008": [ "Pancreaticocystoduodenostomy", "Pancreatic cystoduodenostomy", "胰十二指肠吻合术", "胰腺囊十二指肠吻合术" ], "239544001": [ "Biopsy of intervertebral disc", "椎间盘活检" ], "24717000": [ "Restoration, resin, three or more surfaces, posterior, permanent", "修复,树脂,三个或更多表面,后部,永久" ], "450701001": [ "Repair of axillary artery", "腋动脉修复" ], "172173000": [ "Removal of foreign body from orbit", "FB - Removal of foreign body from orbit", "FB - 从轨道中取出异物", "移除眼眶异物" ], "370616009": [ "Correction of portal-systemic shunt", "门体分流术纠正" ], "57485005": [ "Oxygen therapy", "O2 therapy", "Oxygen therapy care", "氧气治疗", "氧疗护理" ], "170338000": [ "First anthrax vaccination", "First anthrax immunization", "First anthrax immunisation", "Administration of first dose of anthrax vaccine", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Bacillus anthracis antigen", "首次炭疽病免疫", "首次接种炭疽疫苗", "首次炭疽病免疫接种", "接种第一剂炭疽疫苗", "接种首剂仅含炭疽杆菌抗原的疫苗产品" ], "104802002": [ "Malonate measurement", "丙二酸测量" ], "252258005": [ "Pancreolauryl test", "FDL - Fluorescein dilaurate test", "Fluorescein dilaurate test", "胰十二指肠试验", "荧光素二月桂酸酯试验", "FDL-- 荧光素二月桂酸酯试验" ], "1004087002": [ "Neostigmine test", "新斯的明试验" ], "86583004": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on cervical spinal cord", "Anaesthesia for procedure on cervical spinal cord", "颈椎手术麻醉" ], "133900002": [ "Operating room care", "Intraoperative care", "手术室护理", "术中护理" ], "609036003": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from biliary tract prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备的胆道标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "183052003": [ "Advice not to eat", "Recommendation not to eat", "建议不要吃" ], "445196004": [ "Probiotic therapy", "益生菌治疗" ], "232204005": [ "Obliteration of posterior semicircular canal", "后半规管闭塞" ], "68364007": [ "Syringing of nasolacrimal duct", "Irrigation of nasolacrimal duct", "鼻泪管冲洗" ], "314124008": [ "Cleaning of skin wound of head or neck", "头部或颈部皮肤伤口的清理" ], "443361005": [ "Reconstruction of toenail bed with nail bed graft", "利用指甲床移植重建趾甲床" ], "66529005": [ "IL-1 Beta assay", "Interleukin-1 beta assay", "白细胞介素-1β 检测", "IL-1β 检测" ], "228534002": [ "Developmental training", "Developmental therapy", "发展治疗", "发展培训" ], "179382003": [ "Arthroscopic total medial meniscectomy", "关节镜全内侧半月板切除术" ], "81078003": [ "Disability evaluation procedure", "残疾评估程序" ], "392374005": [ "Pinus strobus specific IgE antibody measurement", "White pine specific IgE antibody measurement", "t16 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pinus strobus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "松树特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "t16 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "松树特异性IgE抗体测定", "白松特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "408758007": [ "Injection of eye region", "眼部注射" ], "13707001": [ "Surgical repair and revision of stoma", "外科修复和修复造口" ], "243083002": [ "Advice on technique for impotence", "Technique for impotence education", "阳痿教育技术", "治疗阳痿的技术建议" ], "128395003": [ "Removal of foreign body from genitourinary system", "泌尿生殖系统异物取出" ], "62859007": [ "Removal of foreign body from urethra without incision", "无需切开尿道取出异物" ], "241248000": [ "Renal venous sampling", "肾静脉取样" ], "30091009": [ "Immunofluorescence cell labelling index measurement", "Immunofluorescence cell labeling index measurement", "免疫荧光细胞标记指数测量" ], "388704002": [ "f290 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Oyster specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ostrea edulis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ostrea edulis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "牡蛎特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f290特异性IgE抗体测量", "牡蛎特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "牡蛎特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "28256002": [ "Electronic wave or pacemaker analysis, remote", "远程电子波或起搏器分析" ], "274016004": [ "Stapes operation", "镫骨手术" ], "700000006": [ "Vaginal delivery of fetus", "胎儿阴道分娩" ], "1255221007": [ "Right prosthetic intraocular lens implant", "Implantation of prosthetic intraocular lens into right eye", "右眼植入人工晶状体", "右眼人工晶状体植入" ], "73738003": [ "Chloral hydrate measurement, blood", "水合氯醛测量,血液" ], "450570004": [ "Conversion to fusion of joint with articular bone graft", "关节骨移植后转为关节融合" ], "710879002": [ "Education of parent about caregiver child attachment", "对家长进行照顾者与儿童依恋的教育" ], "170207003": [ "Child examination: feet", "儿童检查:足部" ], "104671005": [ "Fructose measurement", "果糖测量" ], "268511007": [ "Respiratory disease monitoring", "呼吸系统疾病监测" ], "313993003": [ "Serum cholesterol/VLDL ratio", "Serum cholesterol/VLDL ratio measurement", "Serum cholesterol/very low density lipoprotein ratio measurement", "血清胆固醇/VLDL 比率测量", "血清胆固醇/VLDL 比率", "血清胆固醇/极低密度脂蛋白比率测量" ], "608905004": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from bladder", "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from urinary bladder", "膀胱标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "363145005": [ "Immune system endoscopy", "免疫系统内窥镜检查" ], "2697008": [ "Stripping and ligation of saphenous vein", "Stripping and ligation of great saphenous vein", "大隐静脉剥脱及结扎", "隐静脉剥脱及结扎" ], "66398006": [ "Mastectomy with excision of regional lymph nodes", "Excision of breast with excision of regional lymph nodes", "乳房切除术及区域淋巴结切除术" ], "33630008": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of radius and ulna", "桡骨及尺骨骨折闭合复位" ], "179251000": [ "Application of bone xenograft", "Xenograft of bone", "异种骨移植的应用", "异种骨移植" ], "409551000119100": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of carotid artery without contrast", "MR angiography of carotid artery without contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiogram of carotid artery without contrast", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of carotid artery without contrast", "MR arteriography of carotid artery without contrast", "颈动脉磁共振造影(无造影剂)", "无造影剂颈动脉磁共振血管造影", "无造影剂颈动脉磁共振造影" ], "139471000119103": [ "Aftercare for osteoporotic fracture of lower leg", "Aftercare for osteoporotic fracture of lower limb", "小腿骨质疏松性骨折的术后护理", "下肢骨质疏松性骨折的术后护理" ], "406792001": [ "Acid phosphatase stain method", "Acid phosphatase stain", "酸性磷酸酶染色法", "酸性磷酸酶染色" ], "16547791000119107": [ "CT guided needle biopsy of mass of retroperitoneum", "Needle biopsy of mass of retroperitoneum using computed tomography guidance", "计算机断层扫描引导下腹膜后肿块针吸活检", "CT引导下腹膜后肿块穿刺活检" ], "29960003": [ "Training in use of lead dog for the blind", "Guide dog training", "Lead dog for the blind training", "导盲犬训练", "盲人导盲犬的使用培训" ], "306653003": [ "Discharge from dental surgery service", "牙科手术服务出院" ], "239282005": [ "Fixation of fracture using wire", "使用钢丝固定骨折" ], "304818006": [ "Classical psychoanalysis", "古典精神分析" ], "401287001": [ "Genital microscopy, culture and sensitivities", "生殖器显微镜检查、培养和敏感性" ], "171911006": [ "Splanchnic nerve chemical ablation", "内脏神经化学消融术" ], "73607007": [ "Hospital admission, emergency, from emergency room", "医院入院,紧急情况,从急诊室" ], "104540009": [ "Aspartate measurement", "天冬氨酸测量" ], "414001002": [ "Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenza type b and five component acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenza type b and five component acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of diphtheria and Haemophilus influenza type b and five component acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only five component acellular Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Haemophilus influenzae type b and inactivated whole Human poliovirus antigens", "Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenza type b and five component acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、五种成分无细胞百日咳、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、五种成分无细胞百日咳、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫", "接种白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、五种成分无细胞百日咳、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "注射仅含有五种成分的无细胞百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌、b 型流感嗜血杆菌和灭活的全人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品" ], "430385003": [ "Incision and drainage of abscess of chest", "胸腔脓肿切开引流" ], "708913004": [ "Laparoscopic abdomino-perineal resection, robotic assisted", "Robot assisted laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection", "Laparoscopic abdominoperineal resection using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助腹腔镜腹会阴切除术", "使用机器人辅助的腹腔镜腹会阴切除术", "腹腔镜腹会阴切除术,机器人辅助" ], "397617007": [ "Von Willebrand factor activity measurement", "Von Willebrand factor activity level", "血管性血友病因子活动度测量", "血管性血友病因子活动水平" ], "313862000": [ "Serum total T4 level", "Serum total T4 measurement", "血清总 T4 测量", "血清总 T4 水平" ], "2566000": [ "Osteoplasty of radius", "桡骨成形术" ], "117254004": [ "Cystic fibrosis respiratory culture", "囊性纤维化呼吸道培养" ], "1296902007": [ "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous embolization of thoracic duct", "Percutaneous embolization of thoracic duct using ultrasound guidance", "Percutaneous embolisation of thoracic duct using ultrasonographic guidance", "Percutaneous embolization of thoracic duct using ultrasonographic guidance", "US (ultrasound) guided percutaneous embolization of thoracic duct", "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous embolisation of thoracic duct", "US (ultrasound) guided percutaneous embolisation of thoracic duct", "Percutaneous embolisation of thoracic duct using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下经皮胸导管栓塞术" ], "182790007": [ "Psychiatric monitoring", "精神监测" ], "281094008": [ "Testicular self-examination instruction", "Testicular self-examination education", "Health education - testicular examination", "睾丸自我检查指导", "健康教育-睾丸检查", "睾丸自我检查教育" ], "444934009": [ "Hot stone massage", "热石按摩" ], "361179001": [ "Cranial nerve transposition", "脑神经移位" ], "82651004": [ "Suture of lung", "Closure of laceration of lung", "肺缝合", "肺裂伤缝合" ], "410331005": [ "Durable medical equipment case management", "耐用医疗设备案例管理" ], "17115007": [ "Transfer of tendon pes anserinus for repair of knee", "Slocum operation", "Transplantation of tendon pes anserinus for repair of knee", "Pes anserinus transfer", "转移鹅腿", "鹅足肌腱移植修复膝关节", "鹅足肌腱转移修复膝关节", "斯洛克姆手术" ], "424880000": [ "Nursing care education, guidance, counselling", "Nursing care education, guidance, counseling", "Nursing care teaching, guidance and counselling", "Nursing care teaching, guidance and counseling", "护理教育、指导、咨询", "护理教学、指导和咨询" ], "179120001": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture and locked reamed intramedullary nail fixation", "骨折闭合复位及锁定扩髓髓内钉固定术" ], "342960005": [ "Ventriculoatrial anastomosis with valve", "Ventriculoatrial shunt with valve", "带瓣膜的心室心房吻合术", "带瓣膜脑室心房分流术" ], "392112005": [ "Threshold automated static perimetry", "Threshold ASP", "阈值自动静态视野检查", "门槛价格" ], "408496007": [ "Referral for quantitative ultrasound scan of heel", "转诊进行足跟定量超声扫描" ], "64432007": [ "Myocardial imaging", "Transmission imaging of heart", "Radioisotope myocardial imaging procedure", "心肌成像", "放射性同位素心肌显像程序", "心脏透射成像" ], "717957005": [ "X-ray tomography of upper limb", "上肢X射线断层扫描" ], "306522005": [ "Discharge by midwife", "助产士接生" ], "699738005": [ "Laparoscopic formation of cutaneous ureterostomy", "腹腔镜下输尿管皮肤造口术" ], "240986006": [ "Harvest of skin graft", "皮肤移植的采集" ], "175450007": [ "Operation on aneurysm of vertebral artery", "椎动脉瘤手术" ], "44378008": [ "Partial colectomy with anastomosis", "Subtotal colectomy with anastomosis", "部分结肠切除及吻合术", "结肠次全切除及吻合术" ], "11610007": [ "Arylsulfatase A measurement, fibroblasts", "Arylsulphatase A measurement, fibroblasts", "芳基硫酸酯酶 A 测量,成纤维细胞" ], "1287727001": [ "Assessment using Doloplus-2 scale", "Assessment using DOLOPLUS-2 scale", "使用 DOLOPLUS-2 量表进行评估", "使用 Doloplus-2 量表进行评估" ], "1254959003": [ "Monitoring substance withdrawal", "监测药物戒断" ], "27994007": [ "Theophylline measurement, blood", "茶碱测量,血液" ], "1240410008": [ "Implantation of joint prosthesis in left shoulder joint", "Implantation of prosthesis into left glenohumeral joint", "Prosthetic arthroplasty of left shoulder", "左盂肱关节植入假体", "左肩关节假体置换术", "左肩关节假体植入术" ], "386607008": [ "Iridotomy", "Puncture of iris", "Discission of iris", "Incision of iris", "虹膜切开术", "虹膜穿刺", "虹膜讨论" ], "24324002": [ "Repair of properitoneal hernia", "腹膜疝修补术" ], "104409000": [ "Leukocyte phagocytosis test", "Leucocyte phagocytosis test", "白细胞吞噬试验" ], "432089005": [ "Marking of skin over long saphenous vein using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Marking of skin over long saphenous vein using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导对长隐静脉皮肤进行标记" ], "22489006": [ "Manipulation of tissue of lips", "Lip manipulation", "唇部组织操作", "唇部护理" ], "235481008": [ "Lateral pancreaticojejunostomy", "Longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy", "Modified Puestow operation", "Onlay pancreaticojejunostomy", "纵向胰肠吻合术", "改进的Puestow操作", "胰管空肠侧吻合术", "覆盖式胰肠吻合术" ], "1234905008": [ "Implantation of subcutaneous cardioverter defibrillator lead", "皮下植入心脏复律除颤器导线" ], "448473009": [ "Suturing of capsule of shoulder joint", "肩关节囊缝合" ], "397486003": [ "Intravesical potassium sensitivity test", "膀胱内钾敏感性试验" ], "430254005": [ "Education about toddler safety at 25-36 months", "25-36 个月幼儿安全教育" ], "118958009": [ "Biopsy of testis", "睾丸活检" ], "84355003": [ "Antibody panel measurement", "抗体组测量" ], "51587007": [ "Bleeding time, template", "Mielke template bleeding time", "Mielke 模板出血时间", "出血时间,模板" ], "66136000": [ "Excision of Müllerian duct", "Excision of paramesonephric duct", "Excision of Mullerian duct", "中肾旁管切除术", "苗勒氏管切除术", "切除苗勒氏管" ], "428419009": [ "Thrombolysis of access catheter", "通路导管血栓溶解" ], "426584002": [ "Oesophageal pressure monitoring", "Esophageal pressure monitoring", "食管压力监测" ], "313731008": [ "Plasma homocysteine measurement", "Plasma homocysteine level", "血浆同型半胱氨酸测量", "血浆同型半胱氨酸水平" ], "49752000": [ "Intravenous pyelogram with KUB", "Intravenous urography with KUB", "Intravenous pyelogram with kidney-ureter-bladder", "静脉肾盂造影及腹部平片", "静脉尿路造影及腹部平片", "静脉肾盂造影及肾-输尿管-膀胱" ], "410200000": [ "Weight control education", "Teach weight control", "体重控制教育", "教导体重控制" ], "64301005": [ "Wedge osteotomy of humerus", "肱骨楔形截骨术" ], "80685005": [ "Double valve replacement with commissurotomy of one valve", "双瓣膜置换术,单瓣膜分离" ], "178989006": [ "Local bone transplantation", "Reconstruction of bone with local flap", "局部皮瓣骨重建", "局部骨移植" ], "817965009": [ "Administration of ergometrine and oxytocin", "施用麦角新碱和催产素" ], "46082001": [ "Lateral orbitotomy", "Kroenlein operation", "外侧眼眶切开术", "克伦莱因行动" ], "306391006": [ "Discharge by anesthetist", "Discharge by anaesthetist", "麻醉师出院" ], "781527008": [ "MRI of right external auditory canal with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right external auditory meatus with contrast", "MRI of right external auditory meatus with contrast", "右外耳道增强 MRI 检查", "右外耳道 MRI 增强扫描", "右外耳道增强磁共振成像" ], "763308002": [ "Provision of prefabricated pneumatic walking brace", "提供预制气动步行支架" ], "107948003": [ "Large intestine manipulation", "大肠推拿" ], "304556002": [ "Spinal nerve ganglion operation", "脊神经节手术" ], "386476006": [ "Touch", "触碰" ], "75180006": [ "Percussion", "打击乐器" ], "401025000": [ "Plasma diazepam level", "血浆地西泮浓度" ], "1156524009": [ "Intensity modulated external beam neutron radiation therapy", "Intensity modulated neutron teleradiotherapy", "Intensity modulated external beam neutron radiotherapy", "调强中子远程放射治疗", "调强外束中子放射治疗" ], "384641003": [ "Repair of mitral valve", "MVR - Mitral valve repair", "MVR-- 二尖瓣修复", "二尖瓣修复" ], "40577008": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on upper anterior abdominal wall", "Anaesthesia for procedure on upper anterior abdominal wall", "上腹前壁手术麻醉" ], "235350003": [ "Prosthesis procedures - large intestine", "假体手术 - 大肠" ], "1202006007": [ "Intra-articular incision of bone of ankle", "Intra-articular osteotomy of bone of ankle", "踝骨关节内切开术", "踝关节内截骨术" ], "104278007": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi antibody confirmatory test", "Western blot for Borrelia burgdorferi antibody", "伯氏疏螺旋体抗体的蛋白质印迹法", "伯氏疏螺旋体抗体确认试验" ], "446507001": [ "Excision of secondary membrane of anterior segment of eye", "眼前节次级膜切除术" ], "708651002": [ "Partial excision of vertebra", "Partial ostectomy of vertebra", "脊椎部分截骨术", "脊椎部分切除术" ], "448342009": [ "Endovascular fenestration of aortic dissection", "Endovascular fenestration of dissection of aorta", "主动脉夹层血管内开窗术" ], "430123001": [ "Biopsy of fetus", "Biopsy of foetus", "胎儿活检" ], "4139007": [ "Posterior spinal cordotomy", "后脊髓切开术" ], "233515008": [ "Ulnar artery cannula insertion", "尺动脉插管" ], "413739009": [ "Cancer monitoring invitation", "癌症监测邀请" ], "118827009": [ "Procedure on tongue", "舌头上的手术" ], "182528006": [ "Therapeutic aspiration-hygroma", "Therapeutic aspiration of hygroma", "血肿抽吸治疗", "治疗性吸入性水肿" ], "231680009": [ "Surgical procedure on superior oblique muscle", "Operation on superior oblique muscle", "Operative procedure on superior oblique muscle", "上斜肌手术" ], "33237002": [ "Quadricepsplasty, Thompson type", "股四头肌成形术,汤普森型" ], "786901003": [ "NIRS - Near infrared spectroscopy", "Near-infrared spectroscopy", "NIRS-近红外光谱", "近红外光谱" ], "311765004": [ "Modification of house", "房屋改造" ], "16853008": [ "Phlebectomy with anastomosis of head and neck vein", "头颈静脉切除吻合术" ], "441002003": [ "Storage of graft tissue", "移植组织的储存" ], "15018006": [ "Laparoscopic repair of inguinal hernia", "腹腔镜腹股沟疝修补术" ], "178858008": [ "Reconstruction of first web space with local flaps", "利用局部皮瓣重建第一蹼隙" ], "717695002": [ "Cone beam CT guided insertion of drain into spine", "Insertion of drain into spine using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "使用锥形束 CT 引导将引流管插入脊柱", "锥形束 CT 引导下将引流管插入脊柱" ], "29567006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain and brain stem", "MRI of brain and brain stem", "脑和脑干磁共振成像", "脑部及脑干 MRI" ], "13183007": [ "Cryotherapy of lesion of bladder", "Cryotherapy of lesion of urinary bladder", "膀胱病变冷冻治疗" ], "177023009": [ "Suture ruptured corpus luteum", "黄体缝合破裂" ], "306260002": [ "Referral to paediatric ITU specialist", "Referral to pediatric intensive care specialist", "Referral to pediatric ITU specialist", "Referral to paediatric intensive care specialist", "转诊至儿科 ITU 专家", "转诊至儿科重症监护专家" ], "765012003": [ "Radionuclide imaging using iodine (131-I) labeled monoclonal antibody", "Radionuclide imaging using iodine (131-I) labelled monoclonal antibody", "使用碘(131-I)标记的单克隆抗体进行放射性核素成像" ], "386345001": [ "Laser precautions", "激光注意事项" ], "58665004": [ "Revision of corrective procedure on heart", "心脏矫正手术的修订" ], "419113007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of external carotid artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of external carotid artery with contrast", "颈外动脉造影荧光血管造影", "颈外动脉造影" ], "304425008": [ "Ultrasound treatment to upper limb", "上肢超声治疗" ], "73214001": [ "Yeast identification procedure", "酵母鉴定程序" ], "122366001": [ "Hepatitis C virus RNA assay", "Hepatitis C virus ribonucleic acid assay", "丙型肝炎病毒核糖核酸检测", "丙型肝炎病毒 RNA 检测" ], "269822005": [ "Haemoglobin A2 level", "Hemoglobin A2 measurement", "Hemoglobin A2 level", "Haemoglobin A2 measurement", "血红蛋白 A2 测量", "血红蛋白 A2 水平" ], "433662007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of external iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of external iliac artery with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行髂外动脉", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊造影髂外动脉成形术" ], "171518007": [ "Maintenance of proximal catheter of cerebroventricular shunt", "脑室分流术近端导管的维护" ], "235219003": [ "Billroth II partial gastrectomy - Balfour modification", "Billroth II 部分胃切除术 - Balfour 改良术" ], "104147004": [ "Hemoglobin electrophoresis, pH 8.9", "Haemoglobin electrophoresis, pH 8.9", "血红蛋白电泳,pH 8.9" ], "431827006": [ "Replacement of drainage tube using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下更换引流管" ], "38611006": [ "Avulsion of cranial nerve", "脑神经撕脱" ], "710355008": [ "Education about health seeking behavior", "Education about health seeking behaviour", "关于健康寻求行为的教育" ], "233384002": [ "Popliteal-distal bypass", "Popdistal bypass graft", "远端旁路移植术", "腘窝远端旁路手术" ], "315304005": [ "Vaginal pack procedure", "阴道填塞手术" ], "4008007": [ "Phlebography of neck", "颈部静脉造影" ], "118696008": [ "Procedure on mediastinum", "Mediastinal procedure", "纵隔手术" ], "116861002": [ "Transfusion of fresh frozen plasma", "Fresh frozen plasma administration by intravascular infusion", "输注新鲜冰冻血浆", "通过血管内输注给予新鲜冷冻血浆" ], "723069003": [ "Associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy", "ALPPS - associating liver partition and portal vein ligation for staged hepatectomy", "ALPPS - 联合肝分割和门静脉结扎进行分期肝切除术", "联合肝脏分割和门静脉结扎进行分期肝切除术" ], "84093003": [ "Electrocoagulation of fallopian tube", "Coagulation of fallopian tube using electrical energy", "输卵管电凝术", "利用电能凝固输卵管" ], "231549009": [ "Correction of hypotelorism", "矫正眼距过短" ], "18557009": [ "Closure by suture", "Suturing", "缝合" ], "82258002": [ "Percutaneous implantation of neurostimulator electrodes, intradural", "经皮植入神经刺激器电极,硬膜内" ], "311634004": [ "Therapy to promote recognition and understanding of spontaneous speech", "促进自发言语识别和理解的治疗" ], "47655001": [ "Excision of both vas deferens and postoperative examination of semen", "Excision of bilateral vas deferens and postoperative examination of semen", "Bilateral vasectomy and postoperative examination of semen", "双侧输精管切除及术后精液检查", "双侧输精管切除术及术后精液检查", "切除双侧输精管并进行术后精液检查" ], "260647003": [ "Total laminectomy", "全椎板切除术" ], "275196007": [ "Ramstedt operation", "Ramstedt procedure", "Ramstedt 手术", "拉姆施泰特手术" ], "60369001": [ "Bathing patient", "Giving patient a bath", "给病人洗澡" ], "76753003": [ "Chloral hydrate measurement", "水合氯醛测量" ], "306129005": [ "Referral to community paediatric service", "Referral to community pediatric service", "转介至社区儿科服务", "转诊至社区儿科服务" ], "418982001": [ "Fluoroscopy and stent coronary artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of coronary artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of coronary artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "冠状动脉造影及支架置入术", "荧光造影及冠状动脉支架置入术" ], "1303718002": [ "Flexible fibreoptic laryngoscopic-guided VF (vocal fold) injection", "Flexible fibreoptic laryngoscopic-guided vocal fold injection", "Injection laryngoplasty", "Flexible fibreoptic laryngoscopic-guided vocal cord injection", "Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopic-guided vocal cord injection", "Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopic-guided VF (vocal fold) injection", "Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopic-guided vocal fold injection", "柔性光纤喉镜引导声带注射", "注射喉成形术" ], "58534002": [ "Microbial growth rate test", "微生物生长率测试" ], "42150003": [ "Suture repair of great vessels with cardiopulmonary bypass", "体外循环下大血管缝合修复" ], "23931002": [ "Ultrasonography of head and neck", "头颈部超声检查" ], "122235005": [ "Rubella virus antigen assay", "风疹病毒抗原检测" ], "302459006": [ "Excision of ganglion of hand", "Excision of ganglion cyst of hand", "手部腱鞘囊肿切除术", "手部神经节切除术" ], "236923007": [ "Ampullary uterotubal implantation", "壶腹部输卵管植入术" ], "171387006": [ "School admission medical examination", "入学体检" ], "104016008": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Kidd system (ISBT 009)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Kidd system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 009)", "鉴定 Kidd 系统红细胞抗原抗体 (ISBT 009)", "从 Kidd 系统 (国际输血协会 009) 中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体" ], "446245001": [ "Cervical epidural catheterization", "Insertion of catheter into cervical epidural space", "Cervical epidural catheterisation", "将导管插入颈部硬膜外腔", "颈部硬膜外置管", "颈部硬膜外导管插入术" ], "233253002": [ "Transluminal operations on axillary artery", "腋动脉腔内手术" ], "20261004": [ "Helium therapy", "氦气疗法" ], "429861004": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of lesion of kidney using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Radiofrequency ablation of lesion of kidney using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided radiofrequency ablation of lesion of kidney", "CT引导下肾脏病变射频消融术", "CT 引导下肾脏病变射频消融", "计算机断层扫描引导下肾脏病变射频消融" ], "53029006": [ "Bleeding time, quantitative", "Hemorrhagometry", "Haemorrhagometry", "出血时间,定量", "出血量测定" ], "315173008": [ "Plasma teicoplanin level", "血浆替考拉宁浓度" ], "231418002": [ "Cryotherapy to intercostal nerve", "肋间神经冷冻治疗" ], "165882003": [ "Anti-T antibody level", "Anti-T autoantibody measurement", "抗T抗体水平", "抗 T 自身抗体测量" ], "278735000": [ "Sternomastoid incision", "Sternocleidomastoid muscle incision", "胸乳突肌切口", "胸锁乳突肌切开术" ], "442575007": [ "Revision of decompression of tarsal tunnel", "跗管减压术修复" ], "229583009": [ "Chemically-activated ice pack treatment", "化学活化冰袋治疗" ], "31140003": [ "Nortryptyline measurement", "去甲色替林测量" ], "63908003": [ "Nonlineage cell antigen detection", "非谱系细胞抗原检测" ], "113060006": [ "TGF-Alpha assay", "Tumour growth factor (TGF)-Alpha assay", "Tumor growth factor-alpha assay", "肿瘤生长因子-α测定", "肿瘤生长因子 (TGF)-Alpha 检测", "TGF-Alpha 检测" ], "275065001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal dilation of artery using Grunzig catheter", "使用 Grunzig 导管进行经皮腔内动脉扩张术" ], "45689001": [ "Femoral phlebography", "Venogram - femoral", "股静脉造影", "静脉造影 - 股静脉" ], "1208953001": [ "Injection of caustic into tumor", "Injection of caustic into neoplasm", "Injection of caustic into tumour", "将腐蚀剂注入肿瘤" ], "782969002": [ "Laparoscopic pectopexy with fixation of cervical stump using surgical mesh", "腹腔镜下宫颈固定术及使用手术网片固定宫颈残端" ], "78457005": [ "Pyocin typing", "绿脓杆菌素分型" ], "176761007": [ "Large loop excision of transformation zone", "LLETZ - Large loop excision of transformation zone", "LLETZ-- 移行区大环切除术", "移行区大环切除术" ], "305998001": [ "Referral from surgeon", "Referral by surgeon", "外科医生推荐", "外科医生转诊" ], "287779005": [ "Prostatotomy and drainage", "前列腺切开引流术" ], "1285368006": [ "NMTT - normal meal tolerance test", "Normal meal tolerance test", "正常进餐耐量测试", "NMTT-- 正常膳食耐受性测试" ], "417016007": [ "Compression of the fourth ventricle - technique", "CV-4 technique", "第四脑室受压 - 技术", "CV-4 技术" ], "54733000": [ "Anesthesia for total wrist replacement", "Anaesthesia for total wrist replacement", "全腕关节置换术的麻醉" ], "122104008": [ "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 12F antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 12F antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae American serotype 12 antibody", "肺炎链球菌12F血清型抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌美国血清型12抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌丹麦血清型12F抗体的测定" ], "21965005": [ "Removal of retinal implant", "移除视网膜植入物" ], "185805007": [ "Well woman monitoring first letter", "健康女人监测第一封信" ], "169421008": [ "Infrared radiation therapy", "Infrared therapy", "Radiant heat therapy", "红外线放射治疗", "红外线治疗", "辐射热疗法" ], "103885009": [ "V blood group typing", "V血型分型" ], "429730002": [ "Photodynamic therapy of skin of whole body", "全身皮肤光动力治疗" ], "20130001": [ "Endoscopy of skin of trunk", "躯干皮肤内窥镜检查" ], "315042007": [ "Social support", "社会支持" ], "395127001": [ "Health education - infant massage", "Infant massage health education", "婴幼儿按摩健康教育", "健康教育-婴儿按摩" ], "231287002": [ "Infiltration", "浸润" ], "446114009": [ "Excision of carcinoma of nose", "Excision of malignant epithelial neoplasm of nose", "鼻部恶性上皮肿瘤切除术", "鼻癌切除术" ], "313207002": [ "Advice about the menopause", "Menopause education", "关于更年期的建议", "更年期教育" ], "426060003": [ "Nitrous oxide and oxygen gas analgesia in labour", "Nitrous oxide and oxygen gas analgesia in labor", "Gas and air analgesia in labour", "Gas and air analgesia in labor", "一氧化二氮和氧气在分娩中的镇痛", "分娩时的气体和空气镇痛" ], "229452007": [ "Manipulation of the carpometacarpal joints", "Manipulation of the carpometacarpal joints - non-surgical", "腕掌关节的操纵 - 非手术", "腕掌关节的操纵" ], "424225000": [ "Cardiovascular stress test using the dobutamine stress test protocol", "使用多巴酚丁胺压力测试方案进行心血管压力测试" ], "180300007": [ "Attention to plaster cast", "注意石膏" ], "112929000": [ "Exploratory craniotomy, supratentorial", "Exploratory craniectomy, supratentorial", "幕上开颅探查术" ], "440609002": [ "Brachytherapy monitoring", "近距离放射治疗监测" ], "391457006": [ "Urine danthron level", "Urine danthron measurement", "尿液丹斯隆测量", "尿液丹斯龙水平" ], "31009008": [ "Tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy, with ossicular chain reconstruction", "鼓室成形术联合乳突切除术及听小骨链重建术" ], "782838000": [ "Laparoscopic ventral fixation of internal prolapse of rectum using synthetic mesh", "腹腔镜下合成网片腹腔固定直肠内脱垂" ], "307702003": [ "Excision of sentinel pile", "切除前哨痔" ], "29174006": [ "Injection of vulva", "外阴注射" ], "225782006": [ "Pain control", "Controlling pain", "控制疼痛", "疼痛控制" ], "699083000": [ "Repair of blood vessel of abdomen with tissue patch graft", "组织补片移植修复腹部血管" ], "45558009": [ "Incision of lung", "Pneumonotomy", "肺切开术" ], "385952000": [ "Incision care education", "Teach incision care", "教导切口护理", "切口护理教育" ], "830155008": [ "Hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy", "HIPEC - hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy", "Administration of hyperthermic antineoplastic agent into peritoneal cavity", "HIPEC-- 腹腔内高温化疗", "腹腔热灌注化疗", "腹腔内注射高温抗肿瘤药物" ], "172960003": [ "Incision of retropharyngeal abscess", "咽后脓肿切开术" ], "449653000": [ "Manipulation of lower leg", "小腿操纵" ], "121973000": [ "Coronavirus antibody assay", "Measurement of coronavirus antibody", "冠状病毒抗体测量", "冠状病毒抗体检测" ], "72821000": [ "Biopsy of temporal artery", "Biopsy of the temporal artery", "Temporal artery biopsy", "TAB - Temporal artery biopsy", "TAB - 颞动脉活检", "颞动脉活检" ], "40053007": [ "Repair of biliary tract fistula", "Closure of biliary tract fistula", "Closure of biliary fistula", "胆瘘闭合", "胆道瘘修补术", "胆道瘘管缝合" ], "171125008": [ "Bacterial disease screening", "细菌性疾病筛查" ], "431434002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of pulmonary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of pulmonary artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮肺动脉腔内血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下经皮肺动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "185674005": [ "Blood pressure abnormal - 2nd recall", "Blood pressure abnormal - Second recall", "血压异常 - 第二次召回" ], "120138007": [ "External ear transposition", "外耳移位术" ], "103754009": [ "Prescribing change of spectacles", "Prescribing change of eyeglasses", "Change of prescription of spectacles", "要求更换眼镜", "处方更换眼镜", "更改眼镜度数" ], "232991002": [ "Ligation of left superior vena cava", "左上腔静脉结扎术" ], "19999005": [ "Slitting of lacrimal canaliculus for removal of streptothrix", "Evacuation of streptothrix from lacrimal duct", "从泪管中清除链球菌", "泪小管切开术去除链球菌" ], "313076000": [ "Eating disorder counselling", "Eating disorder counseling", "Counseling for eating disorder", "Counselling for eating disorder", "饮食失调咨询" ], "183839009": [ "Refer for audiometry", "参考听力检查" ], "231156006": [ "Digital nerve block of thumb", "拇指神经阻滞" ], "81865002": [ "Destruction of lesion of penis", "阴茎病变毁损术" ], "49097004": [ "Special dosimetry, TLD", "Special dosimetry, thermoluminescent dosimetry", "特殊剂量测定,TLD", "特殊剂量测定、热释光剂量测定" ], "47262001": [ "Incision of auricle of ear", "耳廓切开术" ], "407710001": [ "Factor IX inhibitor screening test", "IX 因子抑制剂筛选试验" ], "178334004": [ "Reinsertion of ureterostomy tube", "重新插入输尿管造口管" ], "129182005": [ "Procedure on joint of lower extremity", "下肢关节手术" ], "702622007": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of thoracodorsal artery", "胸背动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "112798008": [ "Insertion of endotracheal tube", "Intubation of trachea", "Endotracheal intubation", "Tracheal intubation", "插入气管插管", "气管插管" ], "274803000": [ "Examination of tympanic membrane", "鼓膜检查" ], "391326007": [ "Plasma calcitonin level", "血浆降钙素水平" ], "1290611003": [ "Plain X-ray of lower limb", "下肢普通X光检查" ], "176499004": [ "Embolisation of varicocele", "Embolization of varicocele", "精索静脉曲张栓塞术", "精索静脉曲张栓塞治疗" ], "307571006": [ "Anticoagulant monitoring", "Anticoagulant drug monitoring", "抗凝监测", "抗凝药物监测" ], "782707007": [ "Circumferential viscodilation and tensioning of Schlemm canal by external approach", "Circumferential viscodilation and tensioning of sinus venosus of sclera by external approach", "外部入路施莱姆管环向扩张和张紧", "外入路巩膜静脉窦环向扩张及张紧" ], "387656003": [ "Bilateral vulvectomy", "Block dissection of vulva", "Excision of bilateral sides of vulva", "Excision of both sides of vulva", "外阴块状解剖", "双侧外阴切除术" ], "420424006": [ "Cryotherapy of ocular surface", "眼表冷冻治疗" ], "76360007": [ "Microbial identification, Neisseria-Kwik method", "微生物鉴定,奈瑟氏菌-Kwik 方法" ], "287517000": [ "Surgical biopsy of artery", "动脉手术活检" ], "385821000": [ "Infection control management", "Manage infection control", "Infection precautions case management", "管理感染控制", "感染控制管理", "感染预防措施病例管理" ], "172829002": [ "Nose biopsy by rhinoscopy", "Biopsy of nose by rhinoscopy", "通过鼻镜进行鼻腔活检" ], "238365003": [ "Excision of glomus vagale", "迷走神经球切除术" ], "56306000": [ "Cosmetic surgery", "整容手术" ], "433138001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of pelvis with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis with contrast", "MRI of pelvis with contrast", "骨盆增强 MRI", "骨盆造影磁共振成像 (MRI)", "骨盆磁共振成像对比" ], "252914000": [ "Pyridium pad test", "吡啶垫试验" ], "1268722002": [ "Insertion of tooth supported radiographic dental implant template", "Insertion of tooth supported radiographic dental implant stent", "插入牙齿支撑的放射线牙科植入模板", "插入牙齿支撑的放射线牙科植入支架" ], "713501009": [ "Anorectal manometry", "肛门直肠测压" ], "121842003": [ "Procollagen peptide type 1 measurement", "1 型前胶原肽测量" ], "416754007": [ "International normalized ratio monitoring in general practice", "International normalised ratio monitoring in general practice", "INR ratio monitoring in family practice", "INR ratio monitoring in general practice", "International normalized ratio monitoring in family practice", "International normalised ratio monitoring in family practice", "Monitoring of international normalized ratio in general practice", "Monitoring of international normalised ratio in general practice", "全科医疗中的国际标准化比率监测", "家庭实践中的 INR 比率监测", "全科医学中的国际标准化比率监测", "全科医生中的国际标准化比率监测", "家庭实践中的国际标准化比率监测", "全科医学中的 INR 比率监测" ], "431303002": [ "Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of vein of upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of vein of upper limb with contrast", "透视引导下经皮上肢静脉机械血栓切除术", "荧光造影引导下经皮上肢静脉机械血栓切除术" ], "300231003": [ "Removal of foreign body from mouth", "Remove object from mouth", "Removal of foreign body from oral cavity", "FB - Removal of foreign body from mouth", "清除口腔异物", "FB - 清除口腔异物", "从嘴里取出物体" ], "234695005": [ "Removal of accretion from tooth", "Removal of deposit from tooth", "Removal of tooth deposit", "清除牙垢", "清除牙齿上的沉积物" ], "36252000": [ "Coated particle agglutination assay", "包被颗粒凝集试验" ], "413084000": [ "Health education - rheumatology", "Rheumatology education", "风湿病学教育", "健康教育-风湿病学" ], "120007009": [ "Epididymis reconstruction", "附睾重建" ], "265628003": [ "Suture of vagina", "Vaginorrhaphy", "Vaginal suturing", "阴道缝合术", "阴道缝合" ], "169159009": [ "Isotope dynamic scanning", "同位素动态扫描" ], "232860009": [ "Excision of pulmonary valve cusp", "Resection of pulmonary valve cusp", "肺动脉瓣尖切除术" ], "427633002": [ "Intravenous injection of vaccine", "静脉注射疫苗" ], "231025001": [ "Dorsal column stimulation", "DCS - Dorsal column stimulation", "背柱刺激", "DCS-背柱刺激" ], "444017003": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography using iodine 131 with computed tomography of whole body", "使用碘 131 进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描,并进行全身计算机断层扫描" ], "180038004": [ "Amputation of phalanx of toe", "趾骨截除术" ], "178203000": [ "Reconstruction of tendon sheath", "腱鞘重建" ], "229190009": [ "Knee exercises in water", "水中膝盖锻炼" ], "702491002": [ "Computed tomography of ankle with contrast", "CT of ankle with contrast", "踝部增强 CT 检查", "踝关节增强计算机断层扫描" ], "243739004": [ "Provision of task lighting", "提供工作照明" ], "391195008": [ "Homeless mental health care - 3-5 contacts/week", "无家可归者心理健康护理 - 每周 3-5 次联系" ], "1290480002": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of hand", "手部骨骼的普通 X 光检查" ], "12528003": [ "Cross intrinsic transfer", "Cross intrinsic transfer of hand", "交叉内在转移手", "交叉内在转移" ], "27077007": [ "Repair of femoral hernia with groin incision", "腹股沟切口修补股疝" ], "287386000": [ "Nasal sinus puncture", "鼻窦穿刺" ], "172698000": [ "Revision of tympanoplasty", "鼓室成形术修复" ], "238234005": [ "Excision of lesion of umbilicus", "脐部病变切除术" ], "385690008": [ "Fracture care assessment", "Assess fracture care", "评估骨折护理", "骨折护理评估" ], "121711002": [ "Tramadol measurement", "曲马多测量" ], "433007004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of penis", "Magnetic resonance imaging of penis", "MRI of penis", "阴茎 MRI", "阴茎磁共振成像(MRI)", "阴茎磁共振成像" ], "105327006": [ "Streptokinase measurement", "链激酶测量" ], "449391008": [ "Insertion of seton into high anal fistula", "将挂线插入高位肛瘘" ], "252783009": [ "Scotopic rod electroretinography", "暗视杆视网膜电图" ], "414788003": [ "Mycobacterial microscopy", "分枝杆菌显微镜检查" ], "709700008": [ "CT of limb with contrast", "Computed tomography of limb with contrast", "肢体增强计算机断层扫描", "肢体增强 CT" ], "119876009": [ "Pharynx closure", "咽部闭合" ], "118041001": [ "HIV 1 gp160 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 gp160 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 glycoprotein 160 antibody", "HIV 1 gp160 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型糖蛋白 160 抗体的测量", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV-1 gp160 抗体检测" ], "232729000": [ "Percutaneous high speed rotational coronary atherectomy", "Rotablator coronary atherectomy", "经皮高速冠状动脉旋磨术", "冠状动脉旋磨术" ], "412953008": [ "Plasma beta-aminoisobutyrate measurement", "Plasma beta-aminoisobutyrate level", "血浆 β-氨基异丁酸测量", "血浆 β-氨基异丁酸水平" ], "134425009": [ "Enuresis support", "遗尿支持" ], "50670005": [ "Endoscopy of carotid body", "颈动脉体内镜检查" ], "443886009": [ "Endovascular repair of aneurysm of iliac artery with graft using radiologic guidance", "放射学引导下髂动脉瘤腔内修复术" ], "48835001": [ "Esophagogastric fundoplasty", "Oesophagogastric fundoplasty", "食管胃底成形术" ], "736963002": [ "Prosthetic bypass of one coronary artery", "Bypass of one coronary artery with prosthesis", "用假体进行一侧冠状动脉搭桥术", "一侧冠状动脉人工旁路手术" ], "65219008": [ "Subcutaneous implantation of cardiac pacemaker", "皮下植入心脏起搏器" ], "866200001": [ "Ultrasound scan of bilateral eyes", "Ultrasound of bilateral eyes", "Ultrasound of both eyes", "Ultrasonography of bilateral eyes", "Ultrasound scan of left and right eye", "左、右眼超声波扫描", "双眼超声扫描", "双眼超声检查" ], "720579008": [ "Support for transition between environments", "支持环境之间的转换" ], "176237001": [ "Removal of prosthetic collar from female bladder neck", "Removal of prosthetic collar from female urinary bladder neck", "从女性膀胱颈取出假体颈托", "从女性膀胱颈移除假体颈托" ], "26946001": [ "CT of upper extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography of upper extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography of upper limb with contrast", "上肢增强 CT 扫描", "上肢增强计算机断层扫描", "上肢增强 CT" ], "174402004": [ "Laying open of pilonidal sinus", "切开藏毛窦" ], "371010008": [ "Removal of calculus of urinary bladder by suprapubic approach", "Urinary cystolithotomy by suprapubic approach", "Suprapubic vesicolithotomy", "耻骨上膀胱切开取石术", "耻骨上入路膀胱结石取石术", "耻骨上入路膀胱切开取石术" ], "713239000": [ "Supervision of high risk pregnancy with history of previous primary postpartum hemorrhage", "Supervision of high risk pregnancy with history of previous primary postpartum haemorrhage", "对有原发性产后出血病史的高危妊娠进行监护", "有原发性产后出血病史的高危妊娠监护" ], "715074009": [ "Insertion of intraosseous transcutaneous amputation prosthesis implant", "骨内经皮截肢假体植入术" ], "303639007": [ "Direct brain stimulation", "直接脑刺激" ], "105196000": [ "Flupenthixol measurement", "氟哌噻吨测量" ], "88812000": [ "Excision of lesion of ciliary body", "睫状体病损切除术" ], "170732002": [ "Follow-up gout assessment", "痛风后续评估" ], "432876003": [ "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with dilatation of bile duct using fluoroscopic guidance", "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with dilation of bile duct using fluoroscopic guidance", "ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) with dilatation of bile duct using fluoroscopic guidance", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影 (ERCP) 是在荧光透视引导下进行胆管扩张", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影及荧光透视引导下胆管扩张术" ], "252652001": [ "pH reflux test", "pH 回流测试" ], "121580005": [ "Gabapentin measurement", "加巴喷丁测量" ], "416492007": [ "Referral for sweat chloride test", "建议进行汗液氯化物检测" ], "236268009": [ "Open operation on male urethra", "男性尿道开放手术" ], "5057003": [ "Radical orbitomaxillectomy", "Radical orbitomaxillary discission", "Radical orbitomaxillary resection", "根治性眶上颌骨切除术", "根治性眶上颌切除术" ], "168897004": [ "Breast contrast procedure", "乳房造影检查" ], "119745006": [ "Trachea manipulation", "气管操作" ], "709569008": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of limb", "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of extremity", "MR angiogram of vascular structure of limb", "MR angiography of vascular structure of limb", "MR angiography of vascular structure of extremity", "肢体血管结构的 MR 血管造影", "肢体血管结构磁共振血管造影" ], "117910002": [ "Intercellular structure antibody assay", "Intercellular cement antibody level", "Measurement of intercellular structure antibody", "细胞间胶质抗体水平", "细胞间结构抗体测定", "细胞间结构抗体的测量" ], "232598003": [ "Bronchoscopic destruction of lesion - laser", "Bronchoscopic destruction of lesion using laser", "支气管镜毁损术-激光", "支气管镜下激光毁损" ], "167062004": [ "Serum lipoprotein measurement", "Serum lipoprotein levels", "血清脂蛋白测量", "血清脂蛋白水平" ], "281750005": [ "Drainage of infected bursa", "感染滑囊引流" ], "412822005": [ "Serum anti-ganglioside D1a IgM measurement", "Serum anti-ganglioside D1a IgM level", "Serum anti-ganglioside D1a immunoglobulin M measurement", "血清抗神经节苷脂 D1a IgM 水平", "血清抗神经节苷脂 D1a IgM 测定", "血清抗神经节苷脂 D1a 免疫球蛋白 M 测量" ], "19606007": [ "Endarterectomy of aortic arch", "Thromboendarterectomy of aortic arch", "Intimectomy of aortic arch", "主动脉弓内切除术", "主动脉弓血栓内膜切除术", "主动脉弓内膜切除术" ], "183446009": [ "Admission to cardiac intensive care unit", "入住心脏重症监护室" ], "427371004": [ "Airway toilet using soft catheter", "使用软导管进行气道清洁" ], "443755009": [ "Percutaneous biopsy of liver using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下经皮肝脏活检" ], "15936009": [ "Aspiration of nasal sinus through natural ostium", "通过自然口抽吸鼻窦" ], "177941004": [ "Open excision of lesion of peritoneum", "腹膜病变切除术" ], "10391000132108": [ "Endoscopic submucosal dissection of gastrointestinal tract", "ESD (Endoscopic submucosal dissection) of gastrointestinal tract", "胃肠道ESD(内镜黏膜下剥离术)", "内镜胃肠道黏膜下剥离术" ], "440085006": [ "Home visit for postpartum care and assessment", "产后护理及评估上门拜访" ], "225258000": [ "Cervical cap procedure", "宫颈帽手术" ], "405482000": [ "Aorto-femoral arterial bypass", "主动脉-股动脉搭桥术" ], "46869008": [ "Education about prevention of pressure injury", "预防压伤教育" ], "274410002": [ "Dental referral - child", "牙科转诊 - 儿童" ], "241642006": [ "MRI of lower leg", "Magnetic resonance imaging of lower leg", "小腿 MRI", "小腿磁共振成像" ], "420031001": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta with contrast", "Abdominal aorta angiogram with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta with contrast", "腹主动脉造影" ], "223423001": [ "Advice regarding taking a break from taking drug", "Recommendation regarding taking a break from taking drug", "关于停止服用药物的建议" ], "176106009": [ "Radical cystoprostatourethrectomy", "根治性膀胱前列腺尿道切除术" ], "305343002": [ "Admission to day ward", "入住日间病房" ], "698559005": [ "Referral to tropical medicine clinic", "转诊至热带医学诊所" ], "370879005": [ "Adult day centre education", "Adult day center education", "Teach adult day centre", "Teach adult day center", "教授成人日间中心", "成人日间中心教育" ], "10431008": [ "Neuroplasty of median nerve at carpal tunnel", "腕管正中神经成形术" ], "303508000": [ "LA - Local anesthetic nerve block in trunk", "Local anesthetic nerve block in trunk", "LA - Local anaesthetic nerve block in trunk", "Local anaesthetic nerve block in trunk", "躯干局部麻醉神经阻滞", "LA - 躯干局部麻醉神经阻滞" ], "8596003": [ "Open reduction of open scapular fracture, juxta-articular", "肩胛骨开放性骨折近关节切开复位" ], "172436006": [ "Chelation of cornea", "EDTA treatment of cornea", "角膜螯合", "EDTA 治疗角膜" ], "713108007": [ "Provide status report to multidisciplinary team", "向多学科团队提供状态报告" ], "711273000": [ "Magnetic resonance angiogram of abdominal vascular structure with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of abdominal vascular structure with contrast", "MR angiography of abdominal vessel with contrast", "腹部血管结构磁共振血管造影对比", "腹部血管磁共振造影" ], "121449002": [ "Azathioprine measurement", "硫唑嘌呤测量" ], "252521006": [ "Oral provocation test", "口腔激发试验" ], "105065006": [ "Amitriptyline and nortriptyline measurement", "阿米替林和去甲替林的测量" ], "119614000": [ "Hip joint reconstruction", "髋关节重建" ], "170601008": [ "CHD monitoring", "Coronary heart disease monitoring", "冠心病监测" ], "37694002": [ "Natural killer cell antigen detection", "自然杀伤细胞抗原检测" ], "414526004": [ "Interposition procedure of intestine", "肠道插入手术" ], "398142004": [ "Emergency cricothyroidotomy", "Emergency cricothyrotomy", "紧急环甲膜切开术" ], "725822006": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of cervical spinal nerve root", "Injection of cervical spinal nerve root using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下颈脊神经根注射", "透视引导下颈脊神经根注射" ], "234302008": [ "Excision of lymphatic vesicles", "淋巴小泡切除术" ], "609299002": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of blood specimen prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备血液样本涂片进行显微镜细胞学检查" ], "117779002": [ "Coxsackievirus A1 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human coxsackievirus A 1 antibody", "柯萨奇病毒 A1 抗体检测", "人柯萨奇病毒A1抗体测定" ], "232467003": [ "Correction of alar collapse by diathermy of alae nasi", "Correction alar collapse by spot welding of alae nasi", "点焊鼻翼矫正鼻翼塌陷", "鼻翼透热疗法矫正鼻翼塌陷" ], "85011005": [ "Antibody absorption, RBC, differential", "Antibody absorption, red blood cell, differential", "抗体吸收,红细胞,分类", "抗体吸收、红细胞、分化" ], "1551000087103": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral axillae", "Ultrasound of bilateral axillae", "Ultrasound scan of bilateral axillae", "Ultrasonography of left and right axilla", "Ultrasonography of both axilla", "左、右腋窝超声检查", "双侧腋窝超声扫描", "双侧腋窝超声检查" ], "14351000087107": [ "Ultrasonography of pelvis and right lower extremity", "Ultrasonography of pelvis and right lower limb", "Ultrasound of pelvis and right lower extremity", "Ultrasound scan of pelvis and right lower extremity", "骨盆及右下肢超声检查", "骨盆及右下肢超声扫描" ], "38671000087108": [ "Repair of right middle ear and excision of right mastoid", "Right tympanoplasty with right mastoidectomy", "右中耳修复及右乳突切除", "右鼓室成形术及右乳突切除术" ], "4111000087108": [ "Plain X-ray of bilateral shoulders", "Plain X-ray of both shoulders", "Plain X-ray of left and right shoulder", "左、右肩部普通 X 光检查", "双肩X光检查", "双肩普通 X 光检查" ], "427240005": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic photodynamic therapy of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "Fiberoptic endoscopic photodynamic therapy of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "纤维内镜光动力治疗上消化道病变" ], "443624007": [ "Percutaneous insertion of pulmonary valve using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮肺动脉瓣插入术" ], "441789001": [ "Measurement of heavy metal in tissue specimen", "组织标本中重金属的测定" ], "359869001": [ "Diagnostic radiography double contrast", "诊断放射线摄影双重对比" ], "409021006": [ "Dispensing medication education", "Teach medication care", "教导药物护理", "配药教育" ], "81341007": [ "Cadmium measurement, urine", "尿液镉测量" ], "32189006": [ "Pubiotomy", "Pelvitomy", "骨盆切开术", "耻骨切开术" ], "736701009": [ "Administration of antipruritic", "止痒药的给药" ], "865938001": [ "Tomography of both lungs", "双肺断层扫描" ], "423570000": [ "Removal of vascular sheath", "去除血管鞘" ], "767634004": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only Human alphaherpesvirus 3 antigen", "Varicella-zoster vaccination", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Varicella-zoster virus antigen", "Administration of Varicella-zoster vaccine", "Varicella-zoster immunisation", "Varicella-zoster immunization", "接种仅含人类 α 疱疹病毒 3 型抗原的疫苗产品", "接种仅含水痘-带状疱疹病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "水痘-带状疱疹免疫", "水痘-带状疱疹疫苗接种" ], "12135002": [ "Radical resection of tumor of soft tissue of ankle area", "Radical resection of tumour of soft tissue of ankle area", "踝部软组织肿瘤根治性切除术", "踝部软组织肿瘤根治术" ], "405351003": [ "Revision of anastomosis of lower limb vascular prosthesis", "下肢人工血管吻合术" ], "241511008": [ "US scan of leg lengthening", "Ultrasound scan of leg lengthening", "腿部延长超声波扫描", "美式腿部延长扫描" ], "239676001": [ "Application of below knee plaster cast", "膝下石膏固定" ], "225127008": [ "Exposing wound to air", "伤口暴露在空气中" ], "714812005": [ "Induced termination of pregnancy", "人工终止妊娠" ], "174140006": [ "Dilation of colostomy", "Dilation of colostomy stoma", "结肠造口扩张", "结肠造口扩张术" ], "305212007": [ "Medical records transfer", "医疗记录转移" ], "450833000": [ "Cleansing and sterilisation of burnt skin", "Cleansing and sterilization of burnt skin", "烧伤皮肤的清洁和消毒" ], "57617002": [ "Urine specimen collection", "Taking urine sample", "Collection of urine specimen", "尿液样本采集", "尿液标本采集", "抽取尿液样本" ], "252390002": [ "Culture and susceptibility", "C&S - Culture and sensitivities", "Culture and sensitivities", "文化和敏感性", "文化和易感性", "C&S——文化和敏感性" ], "39398003": [ "Repair of pleural fistula", "Closure of pleural fistula", "胸膜瘘闭合", "胸膜瘘修复" ], "104934005": [ "Sodium measurement, serum", "Serum sodium", "Serum sodium level", "血清钠水平", "血清钠", "血清钠测量" ], "121318006": [ "6-Monoacetylmorphine measurement", "6-单乙酰吗啡测量" ], "250555002": [ "Blood oxygen concentration", "Blood oxygen concentration measurement", "血氧浓度", "血氧浓度测量" ], "430779007": [ "Application of functional brace", "功能支具的应用" ], "2960001": [ "Repair of fistula of cervix", "Closure of fistula of cervix", "Closure of fistula of uterine cervix", "宫颈瘘修补术", "宫颈瘘管闭合" ], "117648005": [ "Methylergonovine measurement", "甲基麦角新碱测量" ], "609168009": [ "Percutaneous cryoablation of neoplasm of kidney using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous cryotherapy ablation of tumor of kidney using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous cryotherapy ablation of tumour of kidney using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous cryotherapy ablation of tumor of kidney", "CT guided percutaneous cryotherapy ablation of tumour of kidney", "CT引导下经皮肾肿瘤冷冻消融术", "经皮冷冻消融肾脏肿瘤的计算机断层扫描引导", "经皮肾脏肿瘤冷冻消融术(CT 引导)", "经皮冷冻消融肾肿瘤的计算机断层扫描指导" ], "1295461001": [ "Plain X-ray of larynx with contrast", "喉部造影 X 光检查" ], "163130000": [ "Intermediate GIT examination", "Intermediate gastrointestinal tract examination", "中级胃肠道检查" ], "427109009": [ "Repair of arteriovenous malformation of coronary artery", "冠状动脉动静脉畸形的修复" ], "228666003": [ "Teletherapy with dual headed cobalt unit", "External beam radiation therapy with dual headed cobalt unit", "双头钴装置远程治疗", "双头钴装置体外放射治疗" ], "392506007": [ "Lysozyme specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rk208 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lysozyme specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "溶菌酶特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "溶菌酶特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rk208特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "243215005": [ "Orthoptic treatment Fresnel prisms - base in", "矫正视力菲涅尔棱镜 - 基座" ], "439823007": [ "Thoracentesis with insertion of pleural tube", "胸腔穿刺插入胸膜管" ], "1259023009": [ "Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction programme", "Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program", "正念减压计划" ], "175844007": [ "Open thrombectomy of vein of upper limb", "上肢静脉开放血栓切除术" ], "239545000": [ "Debridement of intervertebral disc", "椎间盘清创术" ], "42937000": [ "Restoration, crown, single", "修复体,牙冠,单个" ], "190393003": [ "Undercutting of perianal tissue", "肛周组织切开" ], "123022003": [ "Hexane measurement", "n-Hexane measurement", "己烷测量", "正己烷测量" ], "303246006": [ "Removal of object from skin or subcutaneous tissue", "从皮肤或皮下组织取出物体" ], "450702008": [ "Repair of brachial artery", "肱动脉修复" ], "711011000": [ "Assessment of urinary status", "排尿状况评估" ], "252259002": [ "Secretin cholecystokinin-pancreozymin test", "CCK-PZ - Secretin cholecystokinin-pancreozymin test", "Cholecystokinin test", "Secretin cholecystokinin test", "促胰液素胆囊收缩素试验", "促胰液素胆囊收缩素-胰酶素试验", "CCK-PZ - 促胰液素胆囊收缩素-胰酶素试验", "胆囊收缩素试验" ], "88419003": [ "Chiropractic adjustment of temporomandibular joint subluxation", "颞下颌关节半脱位的整脊治疗" ], "6499002": [ "Tsuge operation on finger for macrodactyly repair", "手指 Tsuge 手术修复巨指症" ], "39267002": [ "Pericardiorrhaphy", "Suture of pericardium", "心包缝合", "心包缝合术" ], "104803007": [ "Mannitol renal clearance measurement", "甘露醇肾清除率测定" ], "170339008": [ "Second anthrax vaccination", "Administration of second dose of anthrax vaccine", "Second anthrax immunization", "Second anthrax immunisation", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Bacillus anthracis antigen", "接种第二剂炭疽疫苗", "第二次炭疽疫苗接种", "第二次炭疽免疫", "接种第二剂仅含炭疽杆菌抗原的疫苗产品" ], "184888004": [ "Emigration medical - basic", "Basic emigration examination", "基本移民审查", "移民医疗-基本" ], "53816005": [ "Incision and exploration of perirenal tissue", "Incision and exploration of perinephric area", "肾周区域切开探查", "肾周组织切开探查" ], "1004088007": [ "Ice pack test", "冰袋测试" ], "662631000124103": [ "Evaluation of eligibility for vocational education programme", "Evaluation of eligibility for vocational education program", "职业教育项目资格评估" ], "428813002": [ "Pharmacologic and exercise stress test", "药理学和运动压力测试" ], "35597003": [ "Epidural injection of anesthetic substance, diagnostic, lumbar, continuous", "Epidural injection of anaesthetic substance, diagnostic, lumbar, continuous", "诊断性腰椎硬膜外注射麻醉物质,持续" ], "437351000124108": [ "Increased magnesium diet", "增加镁的饮食" ], "133901003": [ "Burn care", "烧伤护理" ], "232205006": [ "Sacculotomy", "囊膜切开术" ], "609037007": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from peritoneum prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备的腹膜标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "314125009": [ "Refraction under general anaesthetic", "Refraction under general anesthetic", "全身麻醉下屈光检查" ], "33762001": [ "Primary chemoprophylaxis", "初级化学预防" ], "443362003": [ "Removal of ruptured breast implant", "取出破裂的乳房植入物" ], "426978005": [ "Endoscopic de-roofing of multiple cysts of kidney", "内镜下肾脏多发囊肿去顶术" ], "82914007": [ "Needle aspiration for drainage of thyroid", "甲状腺针吸引流" ], "228535001": [ "Skin care management", "Manage skin care", "Skin care case management", "皮肤护理案例管理", "管理皮肤护理", "皮肤护理管理" ], "408759004": [ "Instilling medication to conjunctival sac", "Conjunctival sac instillation", "结膜囊滴注", "向结膜囊注入药物" ], "359607004": [ "Ileopexy", "Fixation of ileum", "回肠固定", "回肠固定术" ], "195767005": [ "Cholangiostomy", "胆管造口术" ], "392375006": [ "t11 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Platanus acerifolia specific IgE antibody measurement", "Maple leaf sycamore specific IgE antibody measurement", "London plane specific IgE antibody measurement", "Platanus acerifolia specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "悬铃木特异性IgE抗体测定", "枫叶梧桐特异性IgE抗体测定", "悬铃木特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "T11 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "伦敦飞机特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "179383008": [ "Arthroscopic partial lateral meniscectomy", "关节镜下部分外侧半月板切除术" ], "406924000": [ "Sirius red F3B stain method", "Sirius red F3B stain", "天狼星红F3B染色法", "天狼星红 F3B 染色" ], "15543008": [ "Isodose computation for brachytherapy", "近距离放射治疗的等剂量计算" ], "128396002": [ "Removal of foreign body from central nervous system", "中枢神经系统异物移除" ], "423308005": [ "Neutralization of retinoscopic reflex", "Neutralisation of retinoscopic reflex", "视网膜镜反射中和" ], "388705001": [ "Mutton specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ovis spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "f88 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ovis spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "绵羊属特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "f88 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "羊肉特异性IgE抗体测定", "绵羊属特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "241249008": [ "Renal transplant arteriogram", "Angiography of renal artery of transplanted kidney", "Arteriography of renal artery of transplanted kidney", "移植肾肾动脉造影", "肾移植动脉造影" ], "419638003": [ "CT arthrography of metacarpophalangeal joint", "CT arthrogram of metacarpophalangeal joint", "Computed tomography arthrography of metacarpophalangeal joint", "掌指关节CT造影", "掌指关节计算机断层扫描关节造影" ], "450571000": [ "Conversion to fusion of joint and internal fixation", "转为关节融合及内固定" ], "761867005": [ "Assessment using POS-S Renal (Palliative care Outcome Scale symptom list for end-stage renal disease)", "Assessment using Palliative care Outcome Scale symptom list for end-stage renal disease", "使用 POS-S Renal(终末期肾病姑息治疗结果量表症状列表)进行评估", "使用姑息治疗结果量表对终末期肾病症状列表进行评估" ], "172043006": [ "SM - Simple mastectomy", "Simple mastectomy", "Total mastectomy", "全乳房切除术", "单纯乳房切除术", "SM-简单乳房切除术" ], "24587005": [ "Image analysis", "图像分析" ], "104672003": [ "Fumarase measurement", "延胡索酸酶测定" ], "710880004": [ "Education about dying process", "关于死亡过程的教育" ], "170208008": [ "Child examination: herniae", "儿童检查:疝气" ], "39136009": [ "Revision of gastrojejunostomy", "胃空肠吻合术修复" ], "4533003": [ "Ligation of artery of lower limb", "下肢动脉结扎" ], "37301005": [ "Plication of urethrovesical junction", "尿道膀胱连接处折叠术" ], "68234001": [ "Salpingo-oophoroplasty", "Repair of ovary and fallopian tube", "卵巢及输卵管修复", "输卵管卵巢成形术" ], "608906003": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from endocrine gland", "内分泌腺标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "182922004": [ "Dietary regime", "Food treatments and procedures", "Regular diet care", "定期饮食护理", "食品处理和程序", "饮食制度" ], "363146006": [ "Immune system excision", "免疫系统切除" ], "443231000": [ "Total excision of nail and nail matrix with amputation of tuft of distal phalanx", "指甲和指甲基质全部切除并切断远端指骨束" ], "313994009": [ "Plasma cholesterol/VLDL ratio measurement", "Plasma cholesterol/VLDL ratio", "Plasma cholesterol/very low density lipoprotein ratio measurement", "血浆胆固醇/VLDL 比率测量", "血浆胆固醇/极低密度脂蛋白比率测量", "血浆胆固醇/VLDL 比率" ], "66399003": [ "Take-down of cerebral ventricular shunt", "脑室分流术拆除" ], "426847005": [ "Supervision whilst eating meal", "Supervision while eating meal", "就餐时监督" ], "50015006": [ "Closure by staple", "用钉子封闭" ], "275721003": [ "Bacteriology - general", "细菌学 - 综合" ], "406793006": [ "Albert's stain method", "Albert's stain", "Albert stain method", "Albert染色法", "艾伯特染色法", "艾伯特的污点" ], "239283000": [ "Fixation of fracture using screws", "使用螺钉固定骨折" ], "306654009": [ "Discharge from orthodontics service", "牙齿矫正服务出院" ], "304819003": [ "Lacanian psychoanalysis", "拉康精神分析" ], "414121000119100": [ "MRI of abdomen and pelvis without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of abdomen and pelvis without contrast", "腹部和骨盆非造影 MRI", "无造影剂腹部和骨盆磁共振成像" ], "173747005": [ "Roux-en-Y gastrojejunostomy", "Connection of stomach to transposed jejunum", "Gastrojejunostomy, transposed", "Roux-en-y gastric bypass", "鲁氏胃绕道手术", "胃空肠造口术,转位", "胃与转置空肠的连接", "Roux-en-Y胃空肠吻合术" ], "419507009": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of axillofemoral graft with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of axillofemoral graft with contrast", "腋股移植物荧光血管造影", "腋股动脉移植的荧光透视动脉造影" ], "383401000119106": [ "CT of middle ear without contrast", "Computed tomography of middle ear without contrast", "无造影剂的中耳计算机断层扫描", "中耳 CT 无造影" ], "8072003": [ "Replacement of cardiac pacemaker with single chamber pacemaker not specified as rate responsive", "使用未指定频率反应的单腔起搏器更换心脏起搏器" ], "24456005": [ "Injection of soft tissue", "软组织注射" ], "401288006": [ "Respiratory microscopy, culture and sensitivities", "呼吸道显微镜检查、培养和敏感性" ], "450440007": [ "Exploration of skin of neck", "颈部皮肤探查" ], "22621001": [ "Replacement of subarachnoid/subdural catheter", "蛛网膜下腔/硬膜下导管更换" ], "57224009": [ "History taking, medicolegal investigation", "病史采集、法医调查" ], "415837002": [ "Wavefront analysis", "Wavefront aberrometry", "Wavefront sensing", "Wave-front analysis", "波前像差测量", "波前传感", "波前分析" ], "448605007": [ "Arthroscopic removal of loose body from hand joint", "关节镜下取出手关节游离体" ], "104541008": [ "Benzoate measurement", "苯甲酸测定" ], "71773009": [ "Test for Nikolsky's sign", "Test for Nikolsky sign", "尼科尔斯基征检测" ], "20786009": [ "Revision of peripheral neurostimulator electrodes", "外周神经刺激器电极的修订" ], "117255003": [ "Drug screen test method, cut off >1000 ng/ml", "药物筛选测试方法,截止值>1000 ng/ml" ], "182791006": [ "Psychiatric observation", "精神科观察" ], "428551007": [ "Transmuscular cordectomy", "Vocal cordectomy type III", "III 型声带切除术", "经肌层脊髓切除术" ], "2567009": [ "Resection of rib by transaxillary approach", "经腋窝入路肋骨切除术" ], "410332003": [ "Education programmes case management", "Education programs case management", "Education case management", "教育案例管理", "教育项目案例管理" ], "361180003": [ "Transplantation of cranial nerve", "脑神经移植" ], "33500009": [ "Composite bypass graft", "复合旁路移植术" ], "179121002": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture and locked unreamed intramedullary nail fixation", "骨折闭合复位及锁定非扩髓髓内钉固定术" ], "408497003": [ "Hypotensive therapy", "降压治疗" ], "898182004": [ "Implantation of gastric pacemaker into stomach", "Implantation of gastric neurostimulator into stomach", "胃内植入胃起搏器", "胃神经刺激器植入胃内" ], "46214004": [ "Surgical occlusion of artery of head and neck", "头颈部动脉闭塞手术" ], "29830007": [ "Lysis of cortical adhesions of brain", "脑皮质粘连松解术" ], "306523000": [ "Discharge by community-based midwife", "Discharge by community midwife", "社区助产士接生", "社区助产士出院" ], "1240411007": [ "Implantation of joint prosthesis in right knee joint", "Implantation of prosthesis into right knee joint", "Prosthetic arthroplasty of right knee", "右膝关节假体置换术", "右膝关节植入假体", "右膝关节假体植入术" ], "372059009": [ "Evaluation of postoperative neurological status", "Evaluates of postoperative neurological status", "术后神经功能状态评估", "评估术后神经系统状态" ], "42544002": [ "Cannulation of nasal sinus by puncture", "鼻窦穿刺插管" ], "75312003": [ "Partial colectomy with ileostomy and creation of mucofistula", "部分结肠切除术及回肠造口术和粘膜瘘建立" ], "386608003": [ "Sphincterotomy of iris", "虹膜括约肌切开术" ], "401157001": [ "Brief solution focused psychotherapy", "Brief solution focused therapy", "简短的解决方案重点治疗", "简短的解决方案重点心理治疗" ], "57093001": [ "Echocardiography, real-time with image documentation with M-mode recording, complete", "实时超声心动图检查,带 M 型记录的图像文档,完整" ], "235482001": [ "Closure of pancreaticogastrostomy", "胰胃吻合术" ], "448474003": [ "Low anterior resection of rectum and total excision of mesorectum", "直肠低位前切除术及直肠系膜全切除术" ], "104410005": [ "HLA serotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) serotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) serotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen serotyping", "HLA 血清分型", "人类白细胞抗原血清分型", "人类白细胞抗原 (HLA) 血清分型" ], "53423001": [ "Lobectomy of brain", "Excision of brain lobe", "Resection of brain lobe", "脑叶切除术" ], "118959001": [ "Removal from urinary tract", "从尿道中移除" ], "430255006": [ "Education about toddler nutrition at 19-24 months", "19-24 个月幼儿营养教育" ], "20655006": [ "Application of tourniquet", "Tourniquet application", "止血带应用", "止血带的应用" ], "313732001": [ "Plasma phenylalanine measurement", "Plasma phenylalanine level", "血浆苯丙氨酸测量", "血浆苯丙氨酸水平" ], "182660006": [ "Cold therapy", "Cooling therapy", "Therapy by cooling", "冷疗法", "冷却疗法" ], "199044008": [ "Repair of mallet finger", "锤状指的修复" ], "426585001": [ "Imaging guided insertion of colorectal stent", "影像引导下结肠直肠支架置入" ], "410201001": [ "Weight maintenance regimen management", "Manage weight control", "管理体重控制", "体重维持方案管理" ], "49753005": [ "alpha-L-Iduronidase measurement, leukocytes", "alpha-L-Iduronidase measurement, leucocytes", "α-L-艾杜糖醛酸酶测量,白细胞" ], "178990002": [ "Reconstruction of bone with distant flap", "Distant bone transplantation", "远端皮瓣骨重建", "远距离骨移植" ], "64302003": [ "Calculus analysis", "微积分分析" ], "439299009": [ "Cluster of differentiation antigen 59 count procedure", "Cluster of differentiation antigen 59 (CD59) count procedure", "分化抗原 59 (CD59) 计数程序", "分化抗原簇 59 计数程序" ], "781528003": [ "MRI of left external auditory canal with contrast", "MRI of left external auditory meatus with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left external auditory meatus with contrast", "左外耳道增强 MRI 检查", "左外耳道磁共振成像对比", "左外耳道 MRI 增强扫描" ], "306392004": [ "Discharge by clinical oncologist", "临床肿瘤科医生出院" ], "386477002": [ "Triage: disaster", "分类:灾难" ], "288173003": [ "Infusion of plasma expander", "输注血浆扩容剂" ], "1156525005": [ "Mixed beam external beam radiation therapy", "Mixed beam teleradiotherapy", "Mixed beam EBRT (external beam radiation therapy)", "混合束远程放射治疗", "混合束外照射放射治疗", "混合束 EBRT(外束放射治疗)" ], "304557006": [ "ADL - Reassuring about activity of daily living", "Reassuring about activity of daily living", "ADL - 保证日常生活活动", "对日常生活活动能力有信心" ], "419245009": [ "Fluoroscopic micturating cystourethrography", "Micturating cystourethrogram", "排尿时膀胱尿道造影", "荧光透视排尿期膀胱尿道造影" ], "401026004": [ "Plasma methaqualone level", "血浆甲喹酮水平" ], "384642005": [ "Mitral valvuloplasty", "Mitral valvoplasty", "MVP - Mitral valvoplasty", "Valvuloplasty of mitral valve", "Balloon mitral valvotomy", "MVP - 二尖瓣成形术", "二尖瓣成形术", "球囊二尖瓣切开术" ], "433794007": [ "Injection of pes anserine bursa using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Injection of pes anserine bursa using ultrasound guidance", "Injection of anserine bursa using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided injection of anserine bursa", "超声引导下鹅囊腔注射", "超声引导下鹅囊袋注射", "超声引导下鹅足囊注射" ], "399191001": [ "PCR test for Herpes simplex", "Herpes simplex polymerase chain reaction", "Polymerase chain reaction test for Herpes simplex", "单纯疱疹 PCR 检测", "单纯疱疹聚合酶链反应检测", "单纯疱疹聚合酶链反应" ], "431959003": [ "Percutaneous embolization of common femoral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of common femoral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of common femoral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of common femoral artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下股总动脉经皮栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮股总动脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮股总动脉造影栓塞术", "用荧光造影剂引导经皮股总动脉栓塞术" ], "448343004": [ "Computed tomography perfusion study of neck", "CT perfusion study of neck", "颈部CT灌注研究", "颈部 CT 灌注研究" ], "235351004": [ "Insertion of prosthesis into large intestine", "将假体插入大肠" ], "104279004": [ "Brucella antibody assay", "Serologic test for Brucella", "Measurement of Brucella species antibody", "布鲁氏菌血清学检测", "布鲁氏菌抗体测量", "布鲁氏杆菌抗体测定" ], "413740006": [ "Cancer monitoring second letter", "癌症监测第二封信" ], "446508006": [ "Insertion of capsular tension ring and artificial iris", "植入囊袋张力环和人工虹膜" ], "708652009": [ "Narcotics education", "Patient education about narcotics", "对患者进行麻醉药品教育", "毒品教育" ], "233516009": [ "Femoral artery cannula insertion", "股动脉插管" ], "313601007": [ "Listeria antibody measurement", "Listeria antibody level", "李斯特菌抗体水平", "李斯特菌抗体测量" ], "231681008": [ "Superior oblique plication", "Plication of superior oblique muscle of eye", "眼上斜肌折叠术", "上斜角折叠术" ], "311766003": [ "Barrier-free environment provision", "提供无障碍环境" ], "178859000": [ "Plication of sagittal bands of fingers", "手指矢状带折叠术" ], "703147003": [ "Reversal of sterilisation", "Reversal of sterilization", "逆转绝育" ], "424619006": [ "Prenatal visit", "产前检查" ], "11349001": [ "Incision of abscess of lip", "唇脓肿切开术" ], "60501001": [ "Creation of ventriculo-jugular shunt", "Ventriculojugulovenostomy", "Ventriculojugular shunt", "建立脑室颈静脉分流术", "脑室颈静脉吻合术", "脑室颈静脉分流术" ], "306261003": [ "Referral to community paediatrician", "Referral to community pediatrician", "转诊至社区儿科医生" ], "44117004": [ "Operation on vagina", "Vagina operation", "阴道手术" ], "175189006": [ "Biopsy of pericardium", "Pericardial biopsy", "心包活检" ], "107818000": [ "Larynx manipulation", "喉部操作" ], "173354001": [ "Commando radical glossectomy", "突击根治性舌切除术" ], "765013008": [ "Radionuclide imaging using indium (111-In) labeled monoclonal antibody", "Radionuclide imaging using indium (111-In) labelled monoclonal antibody", "使用铟(111-In)标记的单克隆抗体进行放射性核素成像" ], "386346000": [ "Learning facilitation", "学习促进" ], "288042004": [ "Hysterectomy and fetus removal", "Hysterectomy and foetus removal", "子宫切除术和胎儿移除" ], "304426009": [ "Ultrasound treatment to face", "面部超声波治疗" ], "433663002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of renal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术(荧光造影引导下)" ], "171519004": [ "Maintenance of distal catheter of cerebroventricular shunt", "脑室分流术远端导管的维护" ], "122367005": [ "Hepatitis C virus rRNA assay", "Hepatitis C virus ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "丙型肝炎病毒核糖体核糖核酸测定", "丙型肝炎病毒 rRNA 检测" ], "54996000": [ "Mirror-clouding test", "镜子起雾测试" ], "36777000": [ "Debridement", "清创" ], "233385001": [ "Interposition arterial graft", "介入动脉移植" ], "167849002": [ "Vomit occult blood", "呕吐潜血" ], "104148009": [ "Apt test (hemoglobin), stool", "Apt test (haemoglobin), stool", "APT 检测(血红蛋白),粪便", "APT 测试(血红蛋白),粪便" ], "284372008": [ "Examination of upper limb", "上肢检查" ], "710356009": [ "Education about infant development", "婴幼儿成长教育" ], "85929002": [ "Excision of mediastinal lymph nodes", "Excision of mediastinal lymph nodes group", "纵隔淋巴结切除术", "纵隔淋巴结组切除术" ], "315305006": [ "Removal of uterine foreign body", "子宫异物取出" ], "53161007": [ "Radiologic guidance for ileal conduitogram", "Ileoloopogram", "回肠导管造影的放射学指导", "回肠造影" ], "444542000": [ "Insertion of single chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator and transvenous electrode", "插入单腔起搏心脏复律除颤器脉冲发生器和经静脉电极" ], "772222008": [ "Mobile intraoperative 3D (three-dimensional) CT of cervical spine", "Mobile intraoperative three-dimensional computed tomography of cervical spine", "移动式术中颈椎三维计算机断层扫描", "移动式术中颈椎 3D(三维)CT" ], "231550009": [ "Correction of vertical orbital dystopia", "矫正垂直眼眶错位" ], "33107001": [ "Reattachment of tendon", "肌腱再植" ], "311635003": [ "Therapy to promote recognition and understanding of humour", "Therapy to promote recognition and understanding of humor", "促进对幽默的识别和理解的疗法" ], "64040008": [ "Blood and body fluid laboratory precaution procedure", "血液和体液实验室预防程序" ], "260648008": [ "Hemilaminectomy", "半椎板切除术" ], "29437002": [ "Pemberton osteotomy operation of ilium", "Pemberton osteotomy for congenital deformity of hip", "彭伯顿髂骨截骨术", "彭伯顿截骨术治疗先天性髋关节畸形" ], "13053001": [ "Avulsion of spinal nerve, extradural", "脊神经撕脱,硬膜外" ], "178728009": [ "Removal of ureteral stent", "移除输尿管支架" ], "275197003": [ "Manual procedures on rectum", "直肠手动操作" ], "45821002": [ "Vestibular function test with recording", "前庭功能测试及记录" ], "306130000": [ "Referral to pediatric neurology service", "Referral to paediatric neurology service", "转诊至儿科神经内科服务" ], "173223002": [ "Removal of lesion of lip", "唇部病变切除" ], "287911009": [ "Excision of hand lesion", "手部病变切除" ], "236924001": [ "Balloon tuboplasty", "TBT - Transcervical balloon tuboplasty", "TBT-- 宫颈球囊成形术", "气囊导管成形术" ], "302460001": [ "Repair of single tendon", "单条肌腱修复" ], "171388001": [ "Fitness to attend school examination", "适合参加学校考试" ], "122236006": [ "Rubeola virus antigen assay", "风疹病毒抗原检测" ], "40316009": [ "High performance liquid chromatography, ion exchange type", "高效液相色谱,离子交换型" ], "169553002": [ "Insertion of subcutaneous contraceptive", "皮下植入避孕药" ], "104017004": [ "Jk^a^ blood group antibody identification", "Jk^a^血型抗体鉴定" ], "87633005": [ "Incision of fascia of hand", "手部筋膜切开术" ], "446246000": [ "Debridement of hand", "手部清创" ], "315174002": [ "Pneumococcal IgG 1 level", "Pneumococcal immunoglobulin G 1 level", "肺炎球菌免疫球蛋白G1水平", "肺炎球菌 IgG1 水平" ], "85798005": [ "Endoscopy of bladder through artificial stoma", "Cystoscopy of bladder via stoma", "Endoscopy of urinary bladder through artificial stoma", "经人工造口膀胱内窥镜检查", "经膀胱造口膀胱镜检查" ], "429862006": [ "Computed tomography of liver with contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of liver with contrast", "CT of liver with contrast", "肝脏增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "肝脏增强 CT", "肝脏增强计算机断层扫描" ], "67579003": [ "Excision of Bartholin's cyst", "Excision of Bartholin cyst", "Excision of cyst of Bartholin gland", "巴氏囊肿切除术", "巴氏腺囊肿切除术" ], "231419005": [ "Cryotherapy to cranial nerve", "脑神经冷冻治疗" ], "165883008": [ "Cytotropic antibody measurement", "Cytotropic antibody level", "细胞嗜性抗体水平", "细胞嗜性抗体测量" ], "229584003": [ "Ice cube treatment", "冰块治疗" ], "278736004": [ "Suprasternal incision", "胸骨上切口" ], "113061005": [ "Cr^51^ release assay", "Cr^51^释放试验" ], "307834000": [ "Referral by person", "个人推荐" ], "782970001": [ "Laparoscopic pectopexy with fixation of fornix of vagina using surgical mesh", "腹腔镜胸部固定术及使用手术网片固定阴道穹窿" ], "174927000": [ "Homograft aortic valve replacement", "Allograft replacement of aortic valve", "同种异体主动脉瓣置换术" ], "43855002": [ "Transposition of vas deferens", "输精管转位" ], "305999009": [ "Referral by breast surgeon", "Referral from breast surgeon", "乳腺外科医生转诊", "乳腺外科医生推荐" ], "1172516002": [ "HDCT-SCT - high-dose chemotherapy with stem cell transplant", "High-dose chemotherapy with stem cell transplant", "高剂量化疗联合干细胞移植", "HDCT-SCT - 高剂量化疗联合干细胞移植" ], "91172002": [ "Hypnodrama", "催眠剧" ], "302329002": [ "Revision of distal catheter of ventricular shunt", "脑室分流术远端导管的修正" ], "72953005": [ "Operative esophagogastroscopy", "Operative oesophagogastroscopy", "食管胃镜手术", "手术性食管胃镜检查" ], "89337005": [ "Endoscopic biopsy of ileum", "Ileoscopy and biopsy", "Diagnostic endoscopic examination of ileum and biopsy of lesion of ileum", "回肠诊断性内镜检查及回肠病变活检", "内镜回肠活检", "回肠镜检查和活检" ], "56569008": [ "Excision of lesion of cranium", "Excision of lesion of skull", "Excision of skull lesion", "Excision of cranial lesion", "颅骨病变切除术", "颅骨损伤切除术", "颅脑病变切除术" ], "169422001": [ "Inflammatory infrared therapy", "炎症红外线治疗" ], "122105009": [ "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 14 antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 14 antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae American serotype 14 antibody", "肺炎链球菌丹麦血清型14抗体的测定", "肺炎链球菌血清型14抗体的测定", "肺炎链球菌美国血清型14抗体测定" ], "103886005": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from MNS system (ISBT 002)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from MNS system (ISBT 002)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from MNS system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 002)", "血型、MNS 系统的红细胞抗原(ISBT 002)", "血型、MNS 系统的红细胞抗原(国际输血协会 002)", "血型、MNS 系统的红细胞抗原 (ISBT 002)" ], "447950005": [ "Creation of anastomosis from ascending aorta to left pulmonary artery", "从升主动脉至左肺动脉建立吻合口" ], "185806008": [ "Well woman monitoring second letter", "健康女人监测第二封信" ], "315043002": [ "Long term social support", "长期社会支持" ], "233123004": [ "Intraventricular operation for non-Fallot type double outlet ventricle", "Intraventricular operation for transposition or double outlet ventricle", "心室内手术治疗心室移位或双出口", "非法洛型双出口心室内手术" ], "446115005": [ "Elevation of depressed fracture of skull and debridement of brain", "颅骨凹陷性骨折抬高及脑清创术" ], "165752002": [ "Kidd blood group", "Kidd 血型" ], "51064005": [ "Core needle biopsy of larynx", "喉部芯针活检" ], "395128006": [ "Plasma aldosterone ambulant level", "血浆醛固酮动态水平" ], "231288007": [ "Subcutaneous tissue infiltration", "皮下组织浸润" ], "313208007": [ "Advice about HIV prevention", "HIV prevention education", "Human immunodeficiency virus prevention education", "关于预防艾滋病的建议", "人类免疫缺陷病毒预防教育", "艾滋病预防教育" ], "442445000": [ "Measurement of fractionated porphyrins in plasma specimen", "血浆样本中分离卟啉的测定" ], "229453002": [ "Intermetacarpal manipulation - non-surgical", "Intermetacarpal manipulation", "掌骨间操作 - 非手术", "掌骨间推拿" ], "32845008": [ "Alcohol measurement, urine", "酒精测量、尿液" ], "391458001": [ "Urine dextropropoxyphene level", "Urine propoxyphene level", "尿丙氧芬浓度", "尿液右丙氧芬浓度" ], "440610007": [ "Excision of subcutaneous neoplasm of soft tissue of elbow region", "肘部软组织皮下肿瘤切除术" ], "438775000": [ "Reduction of volvulus of small intestine", "Reduction of volvulus of small bowel", "小肠扭转复位术" ], "225783001": [ "Minimising pain", "Minimizing pain", "减轻疼痛" ], "473378008": [ "Suture plication of artery by transanal approach for control of anorectal hemorrhage", "Suture plication of artery by transanal approach for control of anorectal haemorrhage", "经肛门入路动脉缝合折叠术治疗肛门直肠出血", "经肛门入路缝合折叠动脉治疗肛门直肠出血" ], "61943006": [ "RBC antibody detection with albumin", "Red blood cell antibody detection with albumin", "使用白蛋白检测红细胞抗体" ], "699084006": [ "Repair of blood vessel of limb with tissue patch graft", "Repair of blood vessel of extremity with tissue patch graft", "组织补片移植修复肢体血管" ], "764620007": [ "SPECT CT of bone of elbow using 186-Re (rhenium-186)", "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of bone of elbow using rhenium-186", "使用 186-Re(铼-186)对肘骨进行 SPECT CT 检查", "使用铼-186 对肘部骨骼进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "9121000": [ "Excision of lesion of large intestine", "大肠病变切除术" ], "830156009": [ "HITHOC - hyperthermic intrathoracic chemotherapy", "Administration of hyperthermic antineoplastic agent into thoracic cavity", "Hyperthermic intrathoracic chemotherapy", "胸腔内热灌注化疗", "HITHOC-- 胸腔内热化疗", "胸腔内注射热疗抗肿瘤药物" ], "10956008": [ "Clot retraction, inhibition by drug", "血凝块回缩,药物抑制" ], "172961004": [ "Closure of pharyngocutaneous fistula", "咽瘘闭合" ], "287649005": [ "Augmentation of mammoplasty with silicone", "硅胶隆胸术" ], "385953005": [ "Incision care management", "Manage incision care", "管理切口护理", "切口护理管理" ], "713633006": [ "Assessment using Groningen Frailty Indicator", "使用格罗宁根虚弱指标进行评估" ], "449654006": [ "Transposition of tissue of lower limb", "下肢组织移位术" ], "56438006": [ "Neuroanastomosis", "Anastomosis of nerve", "神经吻合术" ], "121974006": [ "Corynebacterium diphtheriae antibody assay", "Measurement of Corynebacterium diphtheriae antibody", "白喉棒状杆菌抗体测定" ], "54603001": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from pharynx without incision", "无需切开即可取出咽腔内异物" ], "433270008": [ "Computed tomography of neck, thorax and abdomen with contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of neck, thorax and abdomen with contrast", "CT of neck, thorax and abdomen with contrast", "颈部、胸部和腹部增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "颈部、胸部和腹部增强 CT 扫描", "颈部、胸部和腹部增强计算机断层扫描" ], "171126009": [ "TB - Tuberculosis screening", "Tuberculosis screening", "结核病筛查", "TB - 结核病筛查" ], "431435001": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of portal vein using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮门静脉血栓溶解术" ], "169291001": [ "X-ray beam therapy", "X-ray therapy - external", "XRT - Radiotherapy", "XRT - Teletherapy", "X-ray teletherapy", "X射线远距治疗", "X射线束治疗", "XRT - 远程治疗", "X 射线治疗 - 外部", "XRT——放射治疗" ], "185675006": [ "Blood pressure abnormal - 3rd recall", "Blood pressure abnormal - third recall", "血压异常 - 第三次召回", "血压异常-第三次召回" ], "103755005": [ "Pressure test for perilymph fistula", "外淋巴瘘压力试验" ], "69152001": [ "Folic acid measurement, RBC", "RBC folate measurement", "Red cell folic acid level", "Folic acid measurement, red blood cell", "红细胞叶酸水平", "叶酸测量,红细胞", "红细胞叶酸测量", "叶酸测量、红细胞" ], "36384005": [ "Excision of lesion of cervix", "Excision of lesion of uterine cervix", "宫颈病变切除术" ], "183840006": [ "Refer for nerve conduct study", "参考神经传导研究" ], "444149000": [ "Detection of factor V Leiden mutation and prothrombin G20210A mutation", "Detection of Arg506Gln mutation in gene of coagulation factor V gene and detection of G20210A mutation in gene of coagulation factor II", "凝血因子Ⅴ基因Arg506Gln突变检测及凝血因子Ⅱ基因G20210A突变检测", "检测Ⅴ型凝血因子莱顿突变和凝血酶原G20210A突变" ], "232992009": [ "Division of superior vena cava", "上腔静脉分支" ], "231157002": [ "Digital nerve block of index finger", "食指神经阻滞" ], "427765008": [ "Screening of live kidney donor", "活体肾脏捐赠者筛查" ], "313077009": [ "HIV counselling", "HIV counseling", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) counselling", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) counseling", "Human immunodeficiency virus counseling", "Human immunodeficiency virus counselling", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 咨询", "人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)咨询", "艾滋病咨询", "人类免疫缺陷病毒咨询" ], "180170002": [ "Frontal advancement - floating", "前部推进 - 浮动" ], "129183000": [ "Procedure on bone of extremity", "四肢骨手术" ], "407711002": [ "Factor VII inhibitor screening test", "第七因子抑制物筛选试验" ], "391327003": [ "Serum clonazepam level", "血清氯硝西泮浓度" ], "309407004": [ "Implantation of complex one wire intravenous cardiac pacemaker", "复杂单线静脉心脏起搏器植入术" ], "47263006": [ "Irving operation on fallopian tube", "输卵管欧文手术" ], "782708002": [ "Everolimus therapy", "依维莫司治疗" ], "12660003": [ "Repair of complete shoulder cuff avulsion, chronic", "慢性肩袖完全撕脱修复" ], "274804006": [ "Evaluation of uterine fundal height", "Evaluation of uterine fundal size", "子宫底大小评估", "宫底高度评估" ], "176500008": [ "High ligation of testicular vein for varicocele", "High ligation of testicular vein", "High tie of varicocele", "Palomo procedure on testicular vein", "精索静脉曲张高位结节", "睾丸静脉高位结扎术治疗精索静脉曲张", "睾丸静脉高位结扎术", "睾丸静脉 Palomo 手术" ], "387657007": [ "Bilateral labiectomy", "Excision of bilateral labia", "Excision of both labia", "双侧阴唇切除术", "切除双侧阴唇" ], "8990000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of peripheral artery", "经皮腔内周围动脉血管成形术" ], "238366002": [ "Excision of parapharyngeal mass", "咽旁肿块切除术" ], "713502002": [ "Endoscopic calcaneoplasty for Haglund deformity", "内窥镜跟骨成形术治疗 Haglund 畸形" ], "123678003": [ "Lithotomy", "Incision and removal of stone", "Incision and removal of calculus", "切开并去除牙结石", "切开并取出结石", "切开取石术" ], "287518005": [ "Surgical biopsy of peripheral vessel", "外周血管手术活检" ], "385822007": [ "Universal precautions", "普遍预防措施" ], "252915004": [ "Bladder cooling test", "Iced water test", "Urinary bladder cooling test", "冰水试验", "膀胱冷却试验" ], "1268723007": [ "Insertion of oral soft tissue supported radiographic dental implant stent", "Insertion of oral soft tissue supported radiographic dental implant template", "插入口腔软组织支撑放射线牙种植体模板", "口腔软组织支撑放射线牙科种植支架的植入" ], "121843008": [ "Propenoylcarnitine measurement", "丙烯酰肉碱测量" ], "334835009": [ "Pneumonostomy with open drainage", "肺造口术及开放式引流" ], "433139009": [ "Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of knee", "Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging of knee", "膝关节动态磁共振成像", "膝关节动态磁共振成像(MRI)" ], "1119432004": [ "Partial glossectomy with radical dissection of left half of neck", "部分舌切除术及左半颈部根治性解剖" ], "169160004": [ "Isotope dynamic CSF scan", "Isotope dynamic scan of cerebrospinal fluid", "脑脊液同位素动态扫描", "同位素动态脑脊液扫描" ], "234696006": [ "Scale and polish teeth", "S&P - Scale and polish teeth", "Scaling and polishing teeth", "S+P - Scale and polish teeth", "S/P - Scale and polish teeth", "Removal of deposits from teeth using dental scaler and dental polishing brush", "Removal of accretion from teeth using dental scaler and dental polishing brush", "使用洁牙机和牙齿抛光刷清除牙齿上的沉积物", "洗牙和抛光", "S+P - 洁牙和抛光", "使用洁牙机和牙齿抛光刷去除牙齿上的沉积物", "S/P - 洁牙和抛光", "S&P - 洁牙和抛光", "洁牙和抛光" ], "120008004": [ "Testis reconstruction", "睾丸重建" ], "19869000": [ "Rapid plasma reagin test", "RPR test", "RPR检测", "快速血浆反应素检测" ], "36253005": [ "Suprapubic prostatectomy", "TVP - Transvesical prostatectomy", "耻骨上前列腺切除术", "TVP-- 经膀胱前列腺切除术" ], "265629006": [ "Biopsy of lesion of vagina", "阴道病变活检" ], "52637005": [ "Test tube ovum fertilization", "In vitro fertilization", "In vitro fertilisation", "Test tube ovum fertilisation", "In vitro fertilisation procedure", "In vitro fertilization procedure", "Test tube baby technique", "IVF - in vitro fertilisation", "IVF - in vitro fertilization", "试管受精", "体外受精", "IVF-体外受精", "体外受精程序", "试管婴儿技术" ], "231026000": [ "Aspiration of spinal cystic tumour", "Aspiration of spinal cystic tumor", "脊柱囊性肿瘤抽吸术", "脊柱囊性肿瘤抽吸" ], "232861008": [ "Repair of pulmonary valve cusp", "肺动脉瓣瓣尖修复" ], "48967004": [ "Plasma cell labelling index measurement", "Plasma cell labeling index measurement", "浆细胞标记指数测量" ], "180039007": [ "Proximal hemiphalangectomy of toe", "趾骨近端半指骨切除术" ], "229191008": [ "Ankle exercises in water", "水中踝关节锻炼" ], "63516002": [ "Vaginal hysterectomy with colpo-urethrocystopexy, Pereyra type", "阴道子宫切除术联合阴道尿道膀胱固定术,Pereyra 型" ], "243740002": [ "Provision of work board", "提供工作板" ], "178204006": [ "Biopsy of lesion of tendon sheath", "腱鞘损伤活检" ], "28913000": [ "Tonsillectomy with adenoidectomy", "Adenotonsillectomy", "Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy", "扁桃体切除术和腺样体切除术", "腺样体扁桃体切除术" ], "702492009": [ "Computed tomography of calcaneum with contrast", "CT of calcaneum with contrast", "跟骨增强计算机断层扫描", "跟骨增强 CT" ], "440348009": [ "Education about emptying bladder using Crede maneuver", "Education about emptying bladder using Crede manoeuvre", "Education about emptying bladder using Credé maneuver", "Education about emptying bladder using Credé manoeuvre", "使用 Credé 手法排空膀胱的教育", "使用 Credé 动作排空膀胱的教育", "使用 Crede 动作排空膀胱的教育", "使用 Crede 手法排空膀胱的教育" ], "1290481003": [ "Plain X-ray of metacarpal bone", "掌骨普通 X 光检查" ], "238235006": [ "Excision of umbilical granuloma", "脐肉芽肿切除术" ], "385691007": [ "Fracture care", "骨折护理" ], "287387009": [ "Graft to nose", "移植至鼻子" ], "449392001": [ "Insertion of seton into high anal fistula and partial laying open of track", "将挂线插入高位肛瘘并部分打开瘘管" ], "252784003": [ "Flicker electroretinography", "Steady state flash electroretinography", "闪烁视网膜电图", "稳态闪光视网膜电图" ], "105328001": [ "Streptomycin measurement", "Streptomycin level", "链霉素测量", "链霉素水平" ], "1186672007": [ "Spontaneous timed ventilation with pressure-support for spontaneous breaths and pressure-control with flow termination for ventilator initiated inflation", "自主定时通气,通过压力支持实现自主呼吸,通过压力控制实现呼吸机启动充气并终止流量" ], "121712009": [ "trans-Nonachlor measurement", "反式九氯测量" ], "433008009": [ "Core needle biopsy of breast using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "Core needle biopsy of breast using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance", "MRI guided core needle biopsy of breast", "使用磁共振成像 (MRI) 引导进行乳房芯针活检", "MRI 引导下乳腺芯针活检", "使用磁共振成像引导进行乳房芯针活检" ], "398405003": [ "Meningococcal nucleic acid assay", "Meningococcal nucleic acid detection", "脑膜炎球菌核酸检测" ], "412954002": [ "Plasma ethanolamine measurement", "Plasma ethanolamine level", "血浆乙醇胺测量", "血浆乙醇胺水平" ], "167194006": [ "Pentagastrin infusion test", "五肽胃泌素输注试验" ], "443887000": [ "Grafting of aortic valve prosthesis by transapical approach", "Transapical implantation of aortic valve", "经心尖入路主动脉瓣人工瓣膜移植术", "经心尖主动脉瓣植入术" ], "118042008": [ "HIV 1 gp34 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 gp34 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 glycoprotein 34 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV-1 gp34 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型糖蛋白 34 抗体的测量", "HIV 1 gp34 抗体检测" ], "771567002": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic excision of lesion of mucous membrane of oesophagus", "Fiberoptic endoscopic excision of lesion of mucous membrane of esophagus", "Fiberoptic endoscopic mucosal resection of lesion of esophagus", "Fibreoptic endoscopic mucosal resection of lesion of oesophagus", "纤维内镜食管黏膜病变切除术", "纤维内镜食管病变黏膜切除术" ], "83439001": [ "Coordination exercise", "协调练习" ], "427503001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into pulmonary artery", "Endovascular insertion of stent into pulmonary artery", "经皮肺动脉腔内支架置入术", "血管内支架插入肺动脉" ], "230895004": [ "Injection of antibiotic into ventricle of brain", "脑室内注射抗生素" ], "67055009": [ "Excision of fistula of groin", "Groin sinus excision", "腹股沟瘘切除术", "腹股沟窦切除术" ], "16068008": [ "Repair of vesicosigmoidovaginal fistula", "膀胱乙状结肠阴道瘘的修补" ], "736964008": [ "Prosthetic bypass of three coronary arteries", "Bypass of three coronary arteries with prosthesis", "三条冠状动脉的人工旁路手术", "用假体绕道三条冠状动脉" ], "866201002": [ "Ultrasound of interphalangeal joint", "Ultrasound scan of interphalangeal joint", "Ultrasonography of interphalangeal joint", "指间关节超声检查", "指间关节超声扫描" ], "14233002": [ "Quantitative microbial culture, pad culture method", "定量微生物培养,垫培养法" ], "30617006": [ "Incision of nervous system", "神经系统切开术" ], "405614004": [ "Unexpected hospital admission", "意外入院" ], "1208430005": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to mid and distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to mid and distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to mid and distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to mid and distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "游离右乳内动脉自左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉前降支中远段序贯吻合术", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉前降支的中段和远端", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉前降支的中段和远端", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至左冠状动脉前降支中远段序贯吻合术" ], "176238006": [ "Implantation of prosthetic sphincter around female bladder neck", "Insertion in female of artificial urinary sphincter", "AUS - Implantation artificial urinary sphincter in female", "女性人工尿道括约肌植入", "澳大利亚 - 女性植入人工尿道括约肌", "女性膀胱颈周围植入假体括约肌" ], "12398007": [ "Excision of endometrial synechiae", "子宫内膜粘连切除术" ], "225390008": [ "Triage", "分类" ], "10563004": [ "Sleep disorder function test", "睡眠障碍功能测试" ], "90648000": [ "Partial cystectomy with reimplantation of ureter into bladder", "Partial cystectomy with reimplantation of ureter into urinary bladder", "膀胱部分切除术并将输尿管重新植入膀胱" ], "174403009": [ "Drainage of pilonidal sinus", "藏毛窦引流" ], "713240003": [ "Supervision of high risk pregnancy with poor obstetric history", "产科病史不良的高危妊娠监护" ], "41496004": [ "Ophthalmic echography with amplitude quantitation, A-mode", "带振幅定量的眼科超声心动图,A 模式" ], "287256005": [ "Nerve division/destruction", "神经分裂/破坏" ], "205336009": [ "Enucleation of eye without implant", "眼球摘除术(无植入物)" ], "236269001": [ "Bulbar urethral prosthesis operation", "球尿道假体手术" ], "301805004": [ "Taking high vaginal swab", "HVS - Taking high vaginal swab", "取高位阴道拭子", "HVS - 取高位阴道拭子" ], "252653006": [ "Reflux study - dye test", "反流研究 - 染料测试" ], "432877007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of pulmonary perfusion", "Magnetic resonance imaging of pulmonary perfusion", "MRI of pulmonary perfusion", "肺灌注 MRI", "肺灌注磁共振成像", "肺灌注磁共振成像(MRI)" ], "105197009": [ "Formaldehyde measurement", "甲醛测量" ], "121581009": [ "Gamma chlordane measurement", "伽玛氯丹测量" ], "21442007": [ "Revision of enucleation of socket", "眼窝剜除术修复" ], "183447000": [ "Admission to respiratory intensive care unit", "入住呼吸重症监护病房" ], "119746007": [ "Lung excision", "Excision of lung", "Pulmonary resection", "Resection of lung", "肺切除术" ], "709570009": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of limb with contrast", "MR angiogram of vascular structure of limb with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of extremity with contrast", "MR angiography of vascular structure of limb with contrast", "MR angiography of vascular structure of extremity with contrast", "肢体血管结构对比磁共振血管造影", "肢体血管结构磁共振血管造影对比", "肢体血管结构磁共振血管造影" ], "117911003": [ "Myelin associated glycoprotein antibody assay", "Measurement of myelin associated glycoprotein antibody", "髓鞘相关糖蛋白抗体检测", "髓鞘相关糖蛋白抗体的测量" ], "265367004": [ "Gastrostomy operation", "胃造口手术" ], "232599006": [ "Bronchoscopic destruction of lesion - cryotherapy", "Bronchoscopic cryosurgery", "支气管镜冷冻手术", "支气管镜毁损术-冷冻疗法" ], "1230188000": [ "Mobilising to wheelchair", "Mobilizing to wheelchair", "Moving to wheelchair", "Transferring to wheelchair", "Moving subject to wheelchair", "转至轮椅", "转乘轮椅", "需坐轮椅移动", "转用轮椅" ], "281751009": [ "Application of skeletal traction via proximal tibia", "胫骨近端骨牵引的应用" ], "83308002": [ "Punch biopsy of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织穿刺活检" ], "443756005": [ "Percutaneous achillotomy", "Percutaneous division of Achilles tendon", "Percutaneous achillotenotomy", "经皮跟腱切开术", "经皮跟腱切断术" ], "32321001": [ "Open reduction of closed sternoclavicular dislocation, chronic", "慢性闭合性胸锁关节脱位切开复位" ], "441921009": [ "Determination of haemoglobin subtype using electrophoresis", "Determination of hemoglobin subtype using electrophoresis", "用电泳法测定血红蛋白亚型" ], "30486002": [ "Sling operation on tarsus muscle of eyelid", "眼睑板肌吊带术" ], "177942006": [ "Open destruction of lesion of peritoneum", "腹膜损伤开放性破坏" ], "1144598007": [ "Decreased vitamin E and/or vitamin E derivative diet", "减少维生素 E 和/或维生素 E 衍生物饮食" ], "176107000": [ "Radical cystourethrectomy - female", "根治性膀胱尿道切除术 - 女性" ], "241643001": [ "MRI of ankle", "Magnetic resonance imaging of ankle", "踝关节磁共振成像", "踝关节 MRI" ], "46870009": [ "P32 tracer study of eye", "Phosphorus 32 uptake test", "眼部P32示踪研究", "磷32吸收试验" ], "389099004": [ "Precautionary procedure", "预防程序" ], "405483005": [ "Aorto-femoral arterial bypass with prosthesis", "带假体的主动脉-股动脉搭桥术" ], "225259008": [ "Retrieval of lost thread of intrauterine contraceptive device", "宫内节育器丢失线头的取回术" ], "174272000": [ "Transsphincteric destruction of lesion of rectum", "直肠经括约肌破坏术" ], "698560000": [ "Referral to sleep apnea clinic", "Referral to sleep apnoea clinic", "转诊至睡眠呼吸暂停诊所" ], "26816003": [ "Repair of eyelid laceration", "眼睑裂伤修复" ], "305344008": [ "Admission to day hospital", "入住日间医院" ], "370880008": [ "Adult day centre management", "Adult day center management", "Manage adult day centre", "Manage adult day center", "管理成人日间中心", "成人日间中心管理" ], "172437002": [ "Exploration of cornea", "角膜探查" ], "713109004": [ "Referral to community meals service", "转介至社区膳食服务" ], "303509008": [ "Local anaesthetic nerve block in abdomen", "LA - Local anaesthetic nerve block in abdomen", "Local anesthetic nerve block in abdomen", "LA - Local anesthetic nerve block in abdomen", "LA - 腹部局部麻醉神经阻滞", "腹部局部麻醉神经阻滞" ], "416362002": [ "Teriparatide therapy", "特立帕肽治疗" ], "121450002": [ "Azinphos methyl measurement", "谷硫磷甲基测定" ], "252522004": [ "Gastrointestinal food challenge", "胃肠道食物挑战" ], "711274006": [ "Magnetic resonance angiogram of vascular structure of lower limb", "MR angiography of vascular structure of lower limb", "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of lower limb", "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of lower extremity", "MR angiography of vascular structure of lower extremity", "MR angiography of vascular structure of leg", "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of leg", "下肢血管结构磁共振血管造影", "下肢血管结构磁共振血管成像", "腿部血管结构的磁共振血管造影" ], "236138007": [ "Xenograft renal transplant", "异种肾移植" ], "105066007": [ "Amobarbital measurement", "戊巴比妥测量" ], "725823001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of arterial graft using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of arterial graft with contrast", "经皮腔内动脉移植血管成形术(荧光造影引导)", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内造影动脉移植血管成形术" ], "39530009": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of nerve", "经皮神经穿刺活检" ], "234303003": [ "Drainage of lymphatics", "淋巴引流" ], "119615004": [ "Pelvis reconstruction", "骨盆重建" ], "414527008": [ "Interposition procedure of large intestine", "大肠插入术" ], "398143009": [ "Uterine contraction monitoring", "子宫收缩监测" ], "35860002": [ "Repair by nailing", "Nailing", "Pinning", "固定", "钉子修复", "钉子" ], "412692003": [ "Urine coproporphyrin / creatinine ratio", "尿粪卟啉/肌酐比值" ], "117780004": [ "Coxsackievirus A10 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human coxsackievirus A 10 antibody", "柯萨奇病毒 A10 抗体检测", "人柯萨奇病毒A10抗体测定" ], "609300005": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of stool specimen prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备粪便标本涂片进行显微镜细胞学检查" ], "183316005": [ "Continuous passive mobilisation", "Continuous passive mobilization", "Continuous passive motion therapy", "持续被动运动治疗", "持续被动活动" ], "265236003": [ "Primary neurolysis and transposition of peripheral nerve", "原发性神经松解术及周围神经移位术" ], "232468008": [ "Correction of alar collapse by modification of bony margins of nasal aperture", "通过修改鼻孔骨缘来矫正鼻翼塌陷" ], "1230057002": [ "Washing of skin of chest", "Washing of chest", "Bathing of skin of chest", "胸部皮肤清洗", "胸部皮肤沐浴", "洗胸" ], "34025002": [ "Removal of internal fixation device of femur", "股骨内固定装置拆除" ], "359870000": [ "Kirby Bauer test", "Kirby Bauer 试验" ], "736702002": [ "Revision of biventricular permanent pacemaker lead using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided revision of biventricular permanent pacemaker lead", "荧光透视引导下双心室永久起搏器导线的修正", "荧光透视引导下双心室永久起搏器导线的修复" ], "179646003": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture dislocation and cast immobilization", "Primary closed reduction of fracture dislocation and cast immobilisation", "骨折脱位一期闭合复位及石膏固定" ], "409022004": [ "Dispensing medication management", "Manage medication care", "Medication coordination/ordering case management", "药物协调/订购案例管理", "管理药物护理", "配药管理" ], "261566003": [ "Tangential pulmonary artery resection", "切向肺动脉切除术" ], "24041000087100": [ "Screening for disorder of artery", "Arterial disease screening", "动脉疾病筛查" ], "13801000087100": [ "Ultrasonography of thorax and axilla", "Ultrasound scan of chest and axilla", "Ultrasound of chest and axilla", "Ultrasonography of chest and axilla", "胸部和腋窝超声波扫描", "胸部和腋窝超声检查", "胸部及腋窝超声检查" ], "79507006": [ "Carotid-vertebral artery bypass graft with vein", "带静脉的颈动脉-椎动脉旁路移植术" ], "4841000087101": [ "CT of right elbow with contrast", "Computed tomography of right elbow with contrast", "右肘部增强计算机断层扫描", "右肘增强 CT" ], "2281000087102": [ "MRI of left foot with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left foot with contrast", "左脚对比磁共振成像", "左脚 MRI 对比" ], "46739009": [ "Incision of peripheral nerve", "Peripheral neurotomy", "周围神经切断术", "周围神经切开术" ], "241512001": [ "Ultrasonography of Achilles tendon", "Ultrasound of Achilles tendon", "Ultrasound scan of Achilles tendon", "跟腱超声扫描", "跟腱超声检查" ], "1001000087107": [ "Ultrasonography of calf of right lower leg", "Ultrasound of calf of right lower leg", "Ultrasound scan of calf of right lower leg", "右小腿小腿超声波扫描", "右小腿超声检查", "右小腿小腿超声检查" ], "30355007": [ "Removal of calculus of lacrimal gland by incision", "泪腺切开取石术" ], "405352005": [ "Revision of anastomosis of abdominal vascular prosthesis", "腹部血管假体吻合术" ], "17641000087105": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of bilateral lower limbs", "Aspiration of bilateral lower extremities using ultrasonographic guidance", "Aspiration of left and right lower limbs using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of bilateral lower extremities", "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of left and right lower limbs", "Aspiration of bilateral lower limbs using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下左右下肢穿刺", "超声引导下双下肢抽吸术", "超声引导下双下肢穿刺" ], "225128003": [ "Exposing skin to the air", "皮肤暴露在空气中" ], "28520004": [ "Venipuncture for blood test", "Phlebotomy for diagnostic test", "Venous specimen collection", "Venous blood sampling", "Phlebotomy: venous blood sample", "静脉穿刺进行血液检查", "静脉标本采集", "诊断测试的静脉穿刺", "静脉血采样", "放血:静脉血样本" ], "305213002": [ "Sending of medical records to GP", "Sending of medical records to general practitioner", "将医疗记录发送给全科医生" ], "174141005": [ "Reduction of prolapse of colostomy", "减少结肠造口脱垂" ], "239677005": [ "Application of slipper plaster cast", "拖鞋石膏固定的应用" ], "712978001": [ "Revision of thyroid gland excision", "Revision thyroidectomy", "甲状腺切除术", "甲状腺切除术修复" ], "418066004": [ "Angioplasty of superior mesenteric artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of superior mesenteric artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下肠系膜上动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下肠系膜上动脉造影成形术" ], "450834006": [ "Assessment of ureterostomy tube", "输尿管造口管的评估" ], "1153511002": [ "Liaising with health care provider on medication procurement", "与医疗保健提供者就药品采购进行联络" ], "121319003": [ "7-Aminoflunitrazepam measurement", "7-氨基氟硝西泮测量" ], "104935006": [ "Sodium measurement, urine", "Urine sodium", "Urine sodium level", "尿液钠测量", "尿钠水平", "尿钠" ], "448999006": [ "Instillation of hormone", "激素滴注" ], "1055207008": [ "Decreased fat diet", "Decreased fat and oil diet", "减少脂肪和油饮食", "减少脂肪饮食" ], "250556001": [ "Arterial oxygen concentration measurement", "Arterial oxygen concentration", "动脉血氧浓度", "动脉氧浓度测量" ], "86716004": [ "Core needle biopsy of thyroid", "甲状腺芯针活检" ], "398012004": [ "Sedation reversal using a specific sedative drug reversal agent", "使用特定镇静药物逆转剂来逆转镇静" ], "905291000000102": [ "Assessment using Childhood Asthma Control Test", "使用儿童哮喘控制测试进行评估" ], "1264529000": [ "Fitting of labial gingival veneer", "唇龈贴面安装" ], "609169001": [ "Percutaneous cryotherapy ablation of tumor of liver using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous cryotherapy ablation of tumour of liver using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous cryoablation of neoplasm of liver using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous cryotherapy ablation of tumor of liver", "CT guided percutaneous cryotherapy ablation of tumour of liver", "经皮冷冻消融肝肿瘤的计算机断层扫描引导", "经皮肝肿瘤冷冻消融术(CT 引导)", "CT引导下经皮肝穿刺冷冻消融治疗肝肿瘤", "经皮冷冻消融肝肿瘤的计算机断层扫描指导" ], "53948008": [ "Doleris operation on uterine ligaments", "Doleris 子宫韧带手术" ], "287051000000107": [ "Multidisciplinary meeting", "多学科会议" ], "117649002": [ "Methylfentanyl measurement", "甲基芬太尼测量" ], "84881006": [ "Chest imaging for metastatic carcinoma of thyroid", "甲状腺转移癌的胸部影像学检查" ], "722022003": [ "Hysteroscopic bipolar electrosurgical excision of uterine fibroid", "宫腔镜双极电切术治疗子宫肌瘤" ], "50278006": [ "Transplant of salivary duct opening", "涎管开口移植" ], "359739000": [ "External ear and external auditory canal operations", "外耳及外耳道手术" ], "163131001": [ "Full GIT examination", "Full gastrointestinal tract examination", "全面胃肠道检查" ], "1295462008": [ "Plain X-ray of oropharynx with contrast", "口咽部造影普通 X 光检查" ], "392507003": [ "Maleic anhydrid specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rk210 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Maleic anhydrid specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "马来酸酐特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rk210特异性IgE抗体测量", "马来酸酐特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "310587004": [ "First annual visit by district nurse", "区护士首次年度访问" ], "228667007": [ "Stereotactic cobalt teletherapy", "Stereotactic cobalt external beam radiation therapy", "立体定向钴外束放射治疗", "立体定向钴远距治疗" ], "439824001": [ "Subcutaneous injection of methotrexate", "皮下注射甲氨蝶呤" ], "62992002": [ "Removal of foreign body from urethra with incision", "尿道切开取异物" ], "1259024003": [ "Revision of total prosthetic replacement of wrist joint", "腕关节全假体置换术" ], "177680005": [ "Attention to dressing of burn of head or neck", "头部或颈部烧伤包扎注意事项" ], "243216006": [ "Orthoptic treatment Fresnel prisms - base out", "视轴矫正治疗菲涅尔棱镜-基座" ], "308752009": [ "Intramuscular injection of vitamin B12", "肌肉注射维生素B12" ], "700133003": [ "Management of colposcopy", "阴道镜检查的管理" ], "257765008": [ "Low speed rotational atherectomy", "低速旋磨术" ], "175845008": [ "Open thrombectomy of vein of lower limb", "下肢静脉开放血栓切除术" ], "59322003": [ "Anesthesia for phleborrhaphy on veins of forearm, wrist and hand", "Anaesthesia for phleborrhaphy on veins of forearm, wrist and hand", "前臂、腕部及手部静脉缝合术的麻醉" ], "239546004": [ "Spinal fusion without reduction of spinal deformity", "Spinal fusion in situ", "脊柱融合术未减少脊柱畸形", "脊柱原位融合" ], "174010006": [ "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of ileum", "内镜回肠病变切除术" ], "305082006": [ "Prophylactic hip adductor stretching", "预防性髋部内收肌拉伸" ], "8335001": [ "Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty", "UPPP - Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty", "UVPP - Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty", "腭咽成形术", "UPPP-- 腭咽成形术", "UVPP-- 腭咽成形术" ], "450703003": [ "Repair of iliac artery", "髂动脉修复" ], "123023008": [ "Hydroxyalprazolam measurement", "羟基阿普唑仑测量" ], "104804001": [ "Meat fibers measurement", "Meat fibres measurement", "肉纤维测量" ], "416100002": [ "Ciliary body ablation", "睫状体消融" ], "170340005": [ "Third anthrax vaccination", "Administration of third dose of anthrax vaccine", "Third anthrax immunization", "Third anthrax immunisation", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Bacillus anthracis antigen", "第三次炭疽免疫", "接种第三剂炭疽疫苗", "接种第三剂仅含炭疽杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "第三次炭疽疫苗接种" ], "711012007": [ "Assessment of transfer injury", "转移性损伤评估" ], "88420009": [ "Neuroplasty of major peripheral nerve branch of sciatic nerve", "坐骨神经主要周围神经分支的神经成形术" ], "70201003": [ "Traction removal", "牵引力消除" ], "1004089004": [ "Fistulogram with contrast", "Fistulography with contrast", "造影瘘管造影" ], "184889007": [ "Emigration examination with tests", "Emigration medical with tests", "移民考试", "移民体检及测试" ], "609038002": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from bladder prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from urinary bladder prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备膀胱标本涂片进行显微镜细胞学检查", "采用巴氏技术制备膀胱标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "723726002": [ "Amputation of left great toe", "Amputation of left hallux", "左脚大脚趾截肢", "左拇趾截肢" ], "314126005": [ "Excision of pupillary membrane", "瞳孔膜切除术" ], "133902005": [ "Care of unconscious patient", "昏迷病人的护理" ], "232206007": [ "Excision of lesion of internal auditory canal", "Excision of lesion of internal auditory meatus", "内耳道病变切除术" ], "264974007": [ "Peritoneal to venous drainage of ascites", "腹水经腹腔至静脉引流" ], "19214009": [ "Incision of spinal nerve root", "Radiculotomy", "Radicotomy", "Spinal radicotomy", "Spinal radiculotomy", "Spinal rhizotomy", "Transection of spinal nerve root", "Cutting of spinal nerve root", "Division of spinal nerve root", "Rhizotomy", "脊神经切断术", "神经根切开术", "脊神经根横断", "根切开术", "脊椎切断术", "脊椎神经根切开术", "脊神经根切断", "脊神经根的分离", "脊神经根切开术" ], "66531001": [ "Open reduction of fracture of zygoma or zygomatic arch", "Open reduction - zygomatic fracture", "切开复位 - 颧骨骨折", "颧骨或颧弓骨折切开复位" ], "68366009": [ "Release of encircling material of posterior segment of eye", "眼后节包绕物质的释放" ], "443363008": [ "Measurement of Bence Jones protein", "本周蛋白的测定" ], "228536000": [ "Scar management", "疤痕管理" ], "179384002": [ "Arthroscopic total lateral meniscectomy", "关节镜全外侧半月板切除术" ], "440641000124103": [ "Management of psyllium intake", "车前草摄入量的管理" ], "392376007": [ "t14 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cottonwood specific IgE antibody measurement", "Populus deltoides specific IgE antibody measurement", "Populus deltoides specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "杨树特异性IgE抗体测量", "t14 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "美洲黑杨特异性IgE抗体测定", "杨树特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "408760009": [ "Vision screening", "视力筛查" ], "359608009": [ "Implantation of cochlear prosthetic device, electrode and receiver", "植入人工耳蜗装置、电极和接收器" ], "406925004": [ "Solochrome azurine (BS) stain method", "Solochrome azurine (BS) stain", "Solochrome 天青 (BS) 染色剂", "单色天青(BS)染色法" ], "128397006": [ "Operative procedure on intracranial vein", "颅内静脉手术" ], "259469007": [ "Reimplantation of ureter into bladder", "Intravesical reimplantation of ureter", "输尿管再植膀胱术", "膀胱内输尿管再植术" ], "388706000": [ "Ovomucoid specific IgE antibody measurement", "f233 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ovomucoid specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "卵粘蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "f233 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "卵粘液特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "243085009": [ "Oral health education", "OHE - Oral health education", "Dental health education", "DHE - Dental health education", "Mouth care education", "口腔护理教育", "DHE——牙齿健康教育", "牙齿健康教育", "OHE-- 口腔健康教育", "口腔健康教育" ], "28258001": [ "Aneurysmorrhaphy by methyl methacrylate", "Repair of aneurysm by methyl methacrylate", "甲基丙烯酸甲酯动脉瘤缝合术", "甲基丙烯酸甲酯修复动脉瘤" ], "44642007": [ "Partial colectomy with colostomy and creation of mucofistula", "部分结肠切除术及结肠造口术和粘膜瘘建立" ], "241250008": [ "Renal transplant venogram", "肾移植静脉造影" ], "1255223005": [ "Cow milk free diet", "无牛奶饮食" ], "172044000": [ "Subcutaneous mastectomy for gynaecomastia", "Subcutaneous mastectomy for gynecomastia", "皮下乳房切除术治疗男性乳房发育症" ], "450572007": [ "Conversion to fusion of joint and external fixation", "转为关节融合和外固定" ], "39137000": [ "Repair of tendon by transfer or transplantation", "通过转移或移植修复肌腱" ], "170209000": [ "Child examination: testes", "儿童检查:睾丸" ], "710881000": [ "Education about eating pattern", "饮食习惯教育" ], "448737003": [ "Embolisation of aneurysm using catheter", "Embolization of aneurysm using catheter", "使用导管栓塞动脉瘤" ], "104673008": [ "Fumarate measurement", "富马酸盐测定" ], "363147002": [ "Immune system incision", "免疫系统切口" ], "51851005": [ "Tympanoplasty with antrotomy, with ossicular chain reconstruction", "鼓室成形术结合上颌窦切开术和听小骨链重建术" ], "313995005": [ "Hemoglobin A measurement", "Haemoglobin A level", "Hemoglobin A level", "Haemoglobin A measurement", "血红蛋白 A 测量", "血红蛋白 A 水平" ], "608907007": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from female genital tract", "女性生殖道标本的显微镜检查" ], "33632000": [ "Injection of spinal saline", "脊髓盐水注射" ], "770912001": [ "MRI of blood vessel wall", "Magnetic resonance imaging of wall of blood vessel", "血管壁磁共振成像", "血管壁 MRI" ], "182923009": [ "Nil by mouth", "NBM - Nil by mouth", "NPO - Nothing by mouth", "Nothing by mouth", "Nil per os", "NBM-禁止口服", "禁止口服", "每操作系统无", "NPO-- 禁止口服", "禁止入口" ], "443232007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain of fetus", "Magnetic resonance imaging of fetal brain", "Magnetic resonance imaging of foetal brain", "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain of foetus", "MRI of foetal brain", "MRI of brain of fetus", "MRI of brain of foetus", "MRI of fetal brain", "胎儿大脑磁共振成像", "胎儿脑部磁共振成像", "胎儿脑部 MRI" ], "392245003": [ "Reconstruction of artery", "动脉重建" ], "719925004": [ "Assessment using Goldman-Fristoe Test for Articulation Second Edition", "Assessment using GFTA-2 (Goldman-Fristoe Test for Articulation 2)", "使用 GFTA-2(Goldman-Fristoe 发音测试 2)进行评估", "使用 Goldman-Fristoe 发音测试第二版进行评估" ], "406794000": [ "Alcohol soluble nigrosine stain method", "Alcohol soluble nigrosine stain", "醇溶性苯胺黑染色剂", "醇溶苯胺黑染色法" ], "31797009": [ "Core needle biopsy of uterus", "子宫芯针活检" ], "15413009": [ "High forceps delivery with episiotomy", "会阴切开高位产钳分娩" ], "241119000": [ "Plain X-ray of extracted tooth", "拔牙后的普通 X 光检查" ], "11743002": [ "Semen analysis, post vasectomy", "输精管切除术后精液分析" ], "306655005": [ "Discharge from pediatric dentistry service", "Discharge from paediatric dentistry service", "儿童牙科服务出院" ], "173748000": [ "Bypass of stomach by anastomosis of stomach to transposed jejunum", "胃转位空肠吻合术" ], "44511009": [ "Excision of lesion on penis", "阴茎病变切除术" ], "75444003": [ "Fetal electrocardiogram", "Fetal ECG", "Foetal ECG", "Foetal electrocardiogram", "胎儿心电图" ], "1304244006": [ "Screening for malignant tumor of esophagus", "Screening for malignant neoplasm of esophagus", "Screening for malignant neoplasm of oesophagus", "Screening for malignant tumour of oesophagus", "Oesophageal cancer screening", "Esophageal cancer screening", "食管癌筛查", "食管恶性肿瘤筛查", "食道癌筛查" ], "239284006": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of neck of femur and open fixation using Charnley compression screw", "股骨颈骨折一期切开复位及 Charnley 加压螺钉切开固定" ], "1287860007": [ "Excision of lesion of carpal bone", "腕骨病变切除术" ], "304820009": [ "Developmental psychodynamic psychotherapy", "发展心理动力心理治疗" ], "401289003": [ "Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus screening test", "耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌筛查试验" ], "450441006": [ "Exploration of burnt skin of neck", "颈部烧伤皮肤探查" ], "8073008": [ "Ultrasonic guidance for aspiration of ova", "超声引导下抽吸卵子" ], "88158001": [ "Endoscopy of skin of neck", "颈部皮肤内窥镜检查" ], "171913009": [ "Radiofrequency controlled thermal destruction of splanchnic sympathetic nerve", "Radiofrequency destruction of splanchnic nerves", "射频毁损内脏神经", "射频控制热破坏内脏交感神经" ], "104542001": [ "Beta-alanine measurement", "β-丙氨酸测量" ], "55390008": [ "Arthrotomy of ankle", "踝关节切开术" ], "448606008": [ "Endovenous radiofrequency obliteration of varicose vein of lower limb", "下肢静脉曲张腔内射频消融术" ], "86323000": [ "Injection of orbit", "Injection of orbit proper", "轨道正确注射", "轨道注入" ], "22622008": [ "Muscle transposition", "肌肉移位" ], "53555003": [ "Basic comprehensive audiometry testing", "基本综合听力测试" ], "16321411000119100": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of nasopharynx without contrast", "MRI of nasopharynx without contrast", "鼻咽部非造影 MRI", "无造影剂鼻咽磁共振成像" ], "708915006": [ "Endoscopic total thyroidectomy", "内镜全甲状腺切除术" ], "268382008": [ "Circulatory function tests", "Circ. function test", "循环功能测试", "电路功能测试" ], "397619005": [ "FP - Family planning", "Family planning", "Family planning education", "FP-计划生育", "计划生育教育", "家庭计划" ], "393091000119105": [ "Computed tomography of neck and chest without contrast", "CT of neck and chest without contrast", "颈部和胸部无造影计算机断层扫描", "颈部和胸部无造影 CT" ], "408451000119106": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of kidney using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous needle biopsy of kidney", "荧光透视引导下经皮肾脏穿刺活检" ], "411011000119106": [ "CT of abdominal organs, kidney, ureter and bladder without contrast", "Computed tomography of abdominal organs, kidney, ureter and bladder without contrast", "Computed tomography of abdominal organs, KUB without contrast", "腹部器官、肾脏、输尿管和膀胱的无造影 CT", "腹部器官、肾脏、输尿管和膀胱的无造影计算机断层扫描", "腹部器官计算机断层扫描,无造影剂的 KUB" ], "313864004": [ "Plasma glucagon measurement", "Plasma glucagon level", "血浆胰高血糖素测量", "血浆胰高血糖素水平" ], "117256002": [ "Drug screen test method, cut off >25 ng/ml", "药物筛选测试方法,截止值>25 ng/ml" ], "16437891000119107": [ "Removal of indwelling tunneled catheter with cuff from pleura using radiologic guidance", "Removal of indwelling tunnelled catheter with cuff from pleura using radiologic guidance", "在放射学指导下从胸膜中取出带袖口的留置隧道导管", "在放射学引导下从胸膜中取出带袖口的留置隧道导管" ], "608776007": [ "Open reduction of nasoethmoid fracture with internal fixation", "Open reduction of fracture of nasoethmoid complex with internal fixation", "鼻筛骨折切开复位内固定术", "鼻筛复合体骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "1296904008": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 6B, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F, and 23F capsular polysaccharide antigens conjugated", "Administration of pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate vaccine", "接种仅含有肺炎链球菌丹麦血清型 1、3、4、5、6A、6B、7F、9V、14、18C、19A、19F 和 23F 荚膜多糖抗原结合的疫苗产品", "接种肺炎球菌 13 价结合疫苗" ], "707080007": [ "Education about epistaxis care", "关于鼻出血护理的教育" ], "361181004": [ "Class in physical fitness and conditioning", "体能训练和调理课程" ], "410333008": [ "Employment case management", "就业案例管理" ], "33501008": [ "Catheterization for bronchography", "Catheterisation for bronchography", "支气管造影导管插入术" ], "31666004": [ "Drainage of pterygopalatine fossa", "翼腭窝引流" ], "15282006": [ "Fetal echocardiography, real time with image documentation (2D) with M-mode recording", "Foetal echocardiography, real time with image documentation (2D) with M-mode recording", "胎儿超声心动图,实时图像记录(2D)及 M 型记录" ], "441266008": [ "Specimen collection by endometrial suction curette", "子宫内膜吸刮器采集标本" ], "179122009": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture and unlocked reamed intramedullary nail fixation", "骨折闭合复位及解锁扩髓髓内钉固定术" ], "46215003": [ "Antibody to extractable nuclear antigen measurement", "ENA - Extractable nuclear antigen antibody level", "Extractable nuclear antigen antibody level", "Antibody to extractable nuclear antigen typing", "ENA-- 可提取核抗原抗体水平", "可提取核抗原抗体分型", "可提取核抗原抗体测定", "可提取核抗原抗体水平" ], "423047003": [ "Provider instructions to the pharmacy", "提供者对药房的指示" ], "210055007": [ "Excisional biopsy of middle ear", "中耳切除活检" ], "1240412000": [ "Implantation of joint prosthesis in left knee joint", "Implantation of prosthesis into left knee joint", "Prosthetic arthroplasty of left knee", "左膝关节假体植入术", "左膝关节植入假体", "左膝关节假体置换术" ], "44380002": [ "Endoscopic control of gastric bleeding", "Endoscopic coagulation of gastric haemorrhage", "Endoscopic coagulation of gastric hemorrhage", "内镜控制胃出血", "内镜胃出血电凝治疗" ], "306524006": [ "Discharge by hospital midwife", "Discharge by hospital-based midwife", "医院助产士接生出院", "由医院助产士出院" ], "240988007": [ "Division of flap", "皮瓣分割" ], "173617001": [ "Open operations on oesophageal varices", "Open operations on esophageal varices", "食管静脉曲张开放手术" ], "9777005": [ "Bile pigment measurement, urine", "Urine bile pigment level", "尿液胆色素测量", "尿胆色素水平" ], "386609006": [ "Procedure on vein", "Venous procedure", "Vein procedure", "静脉手术" ], "75313008": [ "Orthotic splinting", "矫形夹板" ], "89862001": [ "Repair of lung", "肺修复" ], "22491003": [ "Fimbrioplasty", "伞端成形术" ], "235483006": [ "Closure of pancreaticoduodenostomy", "胰十二指肠吻合术" ], "104411009": [ "HLA typing, single antigens, A, B, or C", "Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) typing, single antigens, A, B, or C", "Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing, single antigens, A, B, or C", "Human leukocyte antigen typing, single antigens, A, B, or C", "人类白细胞抗原分型,单一抗原,A、B 或 C", "人类白细胞抗原 (HLA) 分型,单一抗原,A、B 或 C", "HLA 分型,单一抗原,A、B 或 C" ], "71643009": [ "Frozen blood preparation", "冷冻血液制备" ], "118960006": [ "Excision from urinary tract", "尿道切除术" ], "430256007": [ "Education about toddler safety at 19-24 months", "19-24 个月幼儿安全教育" ], "428421004": [ "Intermittent infusion of therapeutic substance", "间歇性输注治疗物质" ], "264581005": [ "Advancement of vagina", "阴道前移" ], "182661005": [ "Local cooling therapy", "局部冷却疗法" ], "313733006": [ "Plasma taurine level", "Plasma taurine measurement", "血浆牛磺酸水平", "血浆牛磺酸测量" ], "49754004": [ "Manipulation of heart valve", "心脏瓣膜操作" ], "442970006": [ "Transfer of tibialis posterior tendon through interosseous membrane of leg", "经小腿骨间膜进行胫骨后肌腱转移" ], "410202008": [ "Oxygen therapy assessment", "Assess oxygen therapy care", "氧疗评估", "评估氧疗护理" ], "180826009": [ "Harvest of palmaris longus tendon", "掌长肌腱的采集" ], "178991003": [ "Microvascular bone transplantation", "Reconstruction of bone with free flap", "微血管骨移植", "游离皮瓣重建骨" ], "441135005": [ "Capsulodesis of metacarpophalangeal joints of multiple digits", "多指掌指关节囊固定术" ], "47919007": [ "Rickettsial serologic study", "立克次体血清学研究" ], "736047008": [ "Injection of neurolytic substance into superior hypogastric plexus", "Neurolytic superior hypogastric plexus block", "神经阻滞上腹下丛阻滞", "上腹下丛注射神经溶解物质" ], "439300001": [ "Division of tibia and fibula", "胫骨和腓骨的划分" ], "406532002": [ "Choice of services education", "选择服务教育" ], "13316004": [ "Implantation of pulmonary valve with tissue graft", "组织移植物肺动脉瓣植入术" ], "27865001": [ "Bilateral mastectomy", "Excision of both breasts", "Excision of bilateral breasts", "双侧乳房切除术", "切除双侧乳房" ], "60633004": [ "Bilateral mastectomy with preservation of skin and nipple with synchronous implant", "Subcutaneous mammectomy of bilateral breasts with synchronous implants", "Subcutaneous mammectomy of both breasts with synchronous implants", "保留皮肤及乳头的双侧乳房切除术及同步植入", "双侧乳房皮下切除术及同步植入" ], "306393009": [ "Discharge by radiotherapist", "放射治疗师出院" ], "304558001": [ "Reassuring about exercise", "放心锻炼" ], "173486005": [ "Radical excision of parotid gland", "Radical excision of parotid gland with sacrifice of facial nerve", "Radical parotidectomy", "根治性腮腺切除术", "腮腺根治性切除术", "腮腺根治性切除术及面神经牺牲术" ], "1156526006": [ "Two dimensional external beam radiation therapy", "2D-EBRT - two dimensional external beam radiation therapy", "Two dimensional external beam teleradiotherapy", "2D (two dimensional) external beam radiotherapy", "二维外照射放射治疗", "2D(二维)外束放射治疗", "2D-EBRT - 二维外束放射治疗", "二维外束远程放射治疗" ], "386478007": [ "Triage: emergency centre", "Triage: emergency center", "分诊:急救中心" ], "384643000": [ "Repair of tricuspid valve", "TVR - Tricuspid valve repair", "三尖瓣修复", "TVR-- 三尖瓣修复" ], "288174009": [ "Dried plasma injection", "干血浆注射液" ], "401027008": [ "Serum morphine metabolite level", "血清吗啡代谢物水平" ], "104280001": [ "Campylobacter antibody assay", "Serologic test for Campylobacter", "Measurement of Campylobacter species antibody", "弯曲杆菌抗体检测", "弯曲杆菌抗体的测量", "弯曲杆菌血清学检测" ], "433795008": [ "Cooling subject by infusion of cold intravenous fluid", "通过输注冷静脉液来冷却受试者" ], "251736005": [ "Repair of cleft palate using pharyngeal flap", "Pharyngeal flap repair of cleft palate", "咽瓣修复腭裂" ], "448344005": [ "Computed tomography perfusion study of pelvis", "CT perfusion study of pelvis", "盆腔CT灌注研究", "盆腔 CT 灌注研究" ], "235352006": [ "Replacement of prosthesis in large intestine", "大肠假体置换术" ], "431960008": [ "Percutaneous embolization of lumbar artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of lumbar artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of lumbar artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of lumbar artery with contrast", "透视引导下经皮腰动脉造影栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮腰动脉栓塞术" ], "233517000": [ "Posterior tibial artery cannula insertion", "胫后动脉插管" ], "413741005": [ "Cancer monitoring third letter", "癌症监测第三封信" ], "118829007": [ "Procedure on esophagus", "Procedure on oesophagus", "食道手术" ], "86061008": [ "Lysis of adhesions of ureter, intraluminal", "输尿管腔内粘连松解术" ], "444674001": [ "Computed tomography of head, thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "CT of head, thorax, abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "头部、胸部、腹部和盆腔增强 CT 扫描", "头部、胸部、腹部和骨盆的增强计算机断层扫描" ], "231682001": [ "Superior oblique advancement", "Superior oblique readvancement", "上斜肌再推进", "上斜推进" ], "428290007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal ablation of wall of atrium", "经皮心房壁腔内消融术" ], "66007002": [ "Legal deposition regarding patient's problem or condition", "关于病人的问题或状况的法律证词" ], "178860005": [ "Correction of swan neck deformity of finger", "手指天鹅颈畸形的矫正" ], "80556006": [ "Chemical test for occult blood", "潜血化学检测" ], "408236006": [ "Serum biotinidase level", "Serum biotinidase measurement", "血清生物素酶测定", "血清生物素酶水平" ], "1292972006": [ "Plain X-ray of lower respiratory tract", "下呼吸道普通X光检查" ], "174201000112103": [ "Laparoscopic repair of hernia using surgical mesh", "腹腔镜下使用手术网片修补疝气" ], "175190002": [ "Exploration of pericardium", "心包探查" ], "306262005": [ "Referral to neonatologist", "转诊至新生儿科医生" ], "304427000": [ "Ultrasound treatment to neck", "颈部超声波治疗" ], "1156395000": [ "Assessment using Pocket Smell Test", "Assessment using PST (Pocket Smell Test)", "使用口袋嗅觉测试进行评估", "使用 PST(口袋嗅觉测试)进行评估" ], "122368000": [ "Hepatitis D virus RNA assay", "Hepatitis D virus ribonucleic acid assay", "丁型肝炎病毒 RNA 检测", "丁型肝炎病毒核糖核酸检测" ], "288043009": [ "Hysterectomy in pregnancy", "妊娠期子宫切除术" ], "386347009": [ "Learning readiness enhancement", "提高学习准备度" ], "171520005": [ "Insertion of antisyphon device into ventricular shunt", "将防虹吸装置插入脑室分流术" ], "104149001": [ "Acidified serum lysis test, RBC", "Acid hemolysin assay", "Ham test", "Acidified serum test, RBC", "Acid haemolysin assay", "Acidified serum lysis test, red blood cells", "酸化血清溶解试验,红细胞", "他测试", "酸性溶血素测定", "酸化血清测试,红细胞" ], "284373003": [ "Examination of upper arm", "上臂检查" ], "251605005": [ "Flash visual evoked potentials", "FVEP - Flash visual evoked potentials", "FEP - Flash evoked potentials", "FEP-- 闪光诱发电位", "FVEP-- 闪光视觉诱发电位", "闪光视觉诱发电位" ], "5845006": [ "Emulsification procedure", "Destruction of lesion or structure by emulsification", "乳化破坏病变或结构", "乳化过程" ], "233386000": [ "Arterial jump graft", "Jump graft", "跳跃移植", "动脉跳跃移植" ], "38613009": [ "Incision and drainage of deep abscess of knee region", "膝部深部脓肿切开引流术" ], "315306007": [ "Examination by method", "按方法检查" ], "118698009": [ "Procedure on abdomen", "腹部手术" ], "772223003": [ "Mobile intraoperative 3D (three-dimensional) CT of head", "Mobile intraoperative three-dimensional computed tomography of head", "移动式术中头部三维计算机断层扫描", "移动式术中头部 3D(三维)CT" ], "116863004": [ "Transfusion of red blood cells", "Red blood cells administration by intravascular infusion", "输注红细胞", "通过血管内输注给予红细胞" ], "444543005": [ "Referral to social services for adult protection", "转介至社会服务机构接受成人保护" ], "84095005": [ "Tzanck smear", "Tzanck smear method", "Tzanck 涂片法", "Tzanck 涂片" ], "231551008": [ "Correction of rotational orbital dystopia", "矫正旋转性眼眶畸形" ], "278868002": [ "IVRSB - Intravenous regional sympathetic block", "Intravenous regional sympathetic block", "IVRSB-- 静脉局部交感神经阻滞", "静脉区域交感神经阻滞" ], "311636002": [ "Therapy to promote recognition and understanding of sarcasm", "促进对讽刺的认识和理解的疗法" ], "260649000": [ "Lumbar microdiscectomy", "Microdiscectomy", "显微椎间盘切除术", "腰椎显微椎间盘切除术" ], "424489006": [ "Mantoux test", "结核菌素试验" ], "699347000": [ "Mechanical heart valve replacement", "机械心脏瓣膜置换术" ], "306131001": [ "Referral to paediatric oncology service", "Referral to pediatric oncology service", "转诊至儿科肿瘤科" ], "173224008": [ "Destruction of lesion of lip", "唇部病变破坏" ], "1156264009": [ "CT guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of lung", "CT guided puncture aspiration of lung", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of lung using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下经皮肺细针穿刺活检", "CT引导下肺穿刺抽吸", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行经皮肺细针穿刺活检" ], "122237002": [ "Measurement of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Paratyphi A H antibody", "Salmonella Paratyphi A H antibody assay", "副伤寒沙门氏菌甲型H亚种抗体测定", "甲型副伤寒沙门氏菌 H 抗体检测" ], "236925000": [ "Linear salpingotomy", "线性输卵管切开术" ], "23933004": [ "Excision of lingual frenum", "Lingual frenectomy", "Frenectomy of tongue", "Excision of lingual fraenum", "Lingual fraenectomy", "Excision of fraenum of tongue", "Excision of frenum of tongue", "Excision of frenulum of tongue", "舌系带切除术" ], "40317000": [ "Purdue pegboard test", "普渡大学钉板测试" ], "431698006": [ "Adjustment of gastric banding using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导调整胃束带手术" ], "169554008": [ "Check of subcutaneous contraceptive", "皮下避孕药检查" ], "54866009": [ "Initial implantation of cardiac single-chamber device", "Initial insertion of single-chamber device not specified as rate-responsive", "首次植入心脏单腔装置", "首次插入单腔装置未指定为速率反应性" ], "315175001": [ "Pneumococcal IgG 2 level", "Pneumococcal immunoglobulin G 2 level", "肺炎球菌免疫球蛋白G2水平", "肺炎球菌 IgG2 水平" ], "104018009": [ "Jk^b^ blood group antibody identification", "Jk^b^血型抗体鉴定" ], "429863001": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of parotid gland with contrast", "Computed tomography of parotid gland with contrast", "CT of parotid gland with contrast", "腮腺增强 CT 检查", "腮腺增强 CT 扫描", "腮腺增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "446247009": [ "Debridement of wound of upper limb", "上肢伤口清创" ], "231420004": [ "Cryotherapy to nerve root", "神经根冷冻治疗" ], "65745000": [ "Partial hypophysectomy", "Subtotal hypophysectomy", "部分垂体切除术", "垂体次全切除术" ], "229585002": [ "Cold pack treatment", "冷敷治疗" ], "180433003": [ "Application of caustic to lesion", "将腐蚀剂涂抹到病变部位" ], "16593004": [ "Destruction of benign facial lesions, first lesion", "良性面部病变的破坏,第一个病变" ], "426193005": [ "Repair of vault of vagina with mesh using vaginal approach", "经阴道入路补片修复阴道穹窿" ], "278737008": [ "Scalp reflecting incision", "头皮反射切口" ], "113062003": [ "Anticytokine antibody assay", "Measurement of cytokine antibody", "细胞因子抗体测量", "抗细胞因子抗体检测" ], "80294005": [ "Total abdominal colectomy with rectal mucosectomy and ileoanal anastomosis", "全腹部结肠切除术及直肠黏膜切除术和回肠肛门吻合术" ], "307835004": [ "Referral by service", "服务推荐" ], "174928005": [ "Pericardial aortic valve replacement", "Xenograft aortic valve replacement", "异种移植主动脉瓣置换术", "心包主动脉瓣置换术" ], "306000006": [ "Referral from cardiothoracic surgeon", "Referral by cardiothoracic surgeon", "心胸外科医生的转诊", "心胸外科医生转诊" ], "7418001": [ "Suture of fascia to skeletal attachment of hand", "筋膜与手部骨骼附着处的缝合" ], "122106005": [ "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 18C antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae American serotype 56 antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 18C antibody", "肺炎链球菌丹麦血清型18C抗体的测定", "肺炎链球菌18C血清型抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌美国血清型56抗体测定" ], "103887001": [ "M blood group typing", "M血型分型" ], "56570009": [ "Insertion of diaphragm into vagina", "将隔膜插入阴道" ], "185807004": [ "Well woman monitoring third letter", "健康女人监测第三封信" ], "3748003": [ "Biopsy of perirenal tissue", "肾周组织活检" ], "233124005": [ "Construction of intraventricular left ventricle to aorta tunnel", "室内左心室至主动脉隧道的构建" ], "446116006": [ "Debridement of toe", "趾骨清创术" ], "315044008": [ "First aid training", "First aid education", "急救教育", "急救训练" ], "444281001": [ "Detection of ordinal level of haemoglobin F in blood specimen", "Detection of ordinal level of hemoglobin F in blood", "Detection of ordinal level of hemoglobin F in blood specimen", "Detection of ordinal level of haemoglobin F in blood", "血液标本中血红蛋白F的定量检测", "血液中血红蛋白F的顺序水平检测" ], "395129003": [ "Amino acid chromatography", "氨基酸色谱法" ], "231289004": [ "Infiltration of local anesthetic to subcutaneous tissue", "Infiltration of local anaesthetic to subcutaneous tissue", "局部麻醉药浸润至皮下组织" ], "313209004": [ "Advice about weaning", "Weaning education", "Infant weaning education", "婴儿断奶教育", "关于断奶的建议", "断奶教育" ], "165753007": [ "Kell blood group", "凯尔血型" ], "737358001": [ "Open repair of obstructed incisional hernia", "阻塞性切口疝的开放式修补术" ], "442446004": [ "Quantitative measurement of acylcarnitine in blood specimen", "血液样本中酰基肉碱的定量测定" ], "1179726005": [ "Administration of propofol", "丙泊酚的给药" ], "229454008": [ "Manipulation of the metacarpophalangeal joints - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the metacarpophalangeal joints", "掌指关节的操作", "掌指关节操作 - 非手术" ], "49230008": [ "Endoscopy of esophagus", "Esophagoscopy", "Oesophagoscopy", "Endoscopy of oesophagus", "Endoscopic examination of oesophagus", "Endoscopic examination of esophagus", "食管镜检查", "食管内镜检查", "食管内窥镜检查" ], "440611006": [ "Home visit for marriage counseling", "Home visit for marriage counselling", "婚姻辅导上门" ], "391459009": [ "Urine diamorphine level", "尿液二吗啡水平" ], "12792005": [ "Pediculosis treatment of hair", "头发虱病的治疗" ], "45560006": [ "Ablation of inner ear by ultrasound", "超声消融内耳" ], "225784007": [ "Preventing pain", "预防疼痛" ], "78328007": [ "Aspiration of fallopian tube", "Puncture of fallopian tube with aspiration", "输卵管穿刺抽吸术", "输卵管抽吸" ], "385954004": [ "Foot care assessment", "Assess foot care", "足部护理评估", "评估足部护理" ], "287650005": [ "Augmentation of mammoplasty with prosthesis", "假体隆胸术" ], "171127000": [ "Salter operation", "索尔特行动" ], "89207003": [ "Destruction of lesion of urethra", "尿道损伤破坏" ], "449655007": [ "Transposition of tissue of lower leg", "小腿组织转位术" ], "120140002": [ "Middle ear closure", "中耳闭合" ], "5452002": [ "Core needle biopsy of thymus", "胸腺芯针活检" ], "234828002": [ "Adjust extraoral maxillofacial prosthesis", "调整口外颌面假体" ], "1332556005": [ "Convalescent plasma transfusion therapy", "Therapeutic transfusion of convalescent plasma", "恢复期血浆输注治疗", "恢复期血浆治疗性输血" ], "202060006": [ "Ventricular puncture through fontanel with injection", "经囟门穿刺脑室并注射" ], "169292008": [ "Grenz ray therapy up to 10 kV", "高达 10 kV 的 Grenz 射线治疗" ], "265761001": [ "Intramuscular chemotherapy", "肌肉注射化疗" ], "232993004": [ "Diversion of superior vena cava to systemic venous atrium", "上腔静脉改道至体静脉心房" ], "314913005": [ "Injection of penis", "阴茎注射" ], "183841005": [ "Refer for lung function test", "参考肺功能测试" ], "445985006": [ "Assessment using rheumatoid arthritis work instability scale", "使用类风湿关节炎工作不稳定性量表进行评估" ], "313078004": [ "Loss counselling", "Loss counseling", "Counseling for loss", "Counselling for loss", "损失咨询" ], "231158007": [ "Digital nerve block of middle finger", "中指神经阻滞" ], "180171003": [ "Frontal advancement - fixed", "前部推进 - 已修复" ], "262091005": [ "Reattachment of rotator cuff to humeral prosthetic component", "Reattachment to humeral component", "将肩袖重新连接至肱骨假体", "重新连接至肱骨组件" ], "47264000": [ "Closed reduction of fracture with internal fixation", "Closed fracture reduction and internal fixation", "闭合性骨折复位内固定", "骨折闭合复位内固定" ], "30880003": [ "Trabeculectomy ab externo", "Creation of subscleral fistula to sclera", "Creation of guarded fistula to sclera", "外部小梁切除术", "建立巩膜下瘘管至巩膜", "建立巩膜保护瘘管" ], "129184006": [ "Procedure on bone of forearm", "前臂骨手术" ], "391328008": [ "Serum cryoglobulin level", "血清冷球蛋白水平" ], "309408009": [ "Implantation of complex two wire intravenous cardiac pacemaker", "复杂双线静脉心脏起搏器植入术" ], "407712009": [ "Factor XI inhibitor screening test", "因子 XI 抑制剂筛选试验" ], "782709005": [ "Hydroxychloroquine therapy", "羟氯喹疗法" ], "176501007": [ "Inguinal ligation of varicocele", "Ivanissevich procedure on varicocele", "精索静脉曲张腹股沟结扎术", "伊万尼塞维奇手术治疗精索静脉曲张" ], "274805007": [ "Examination of vulva", "外阴检查" ], "27210007": [ "Laryngopharyngoesophagectomy with radical neck dissection and synchronous thyroidectomy", "Laryngopharyngooesophagectomy with radical neck dissection and synchronous thyroidectomy", "喉咽食管切除术及根治性颈淋巴清扫术和同步甲状腺切除术", "喉咽食管切除术及根治性颈清扫术和同步甲状腺切除术" ], "385823002": [ "Health history taking assessment", "Assess health history taking", "健康史采集评估", "评估健康史" ], "74527005": [ "Injection of anesthetic substance, therapeutic, subdural, differential", "Injection of anaesthetic substance, therapeutic, subdural, differential", "注射麻醉物质、治疗、硬膜下、鉴别" ], "123679006": [ "Arterial anastomosis", "Direct anastomosis of artery", "动脉直接吻合术", "动脉吻合术" ], "121844002": [ "Propionylcarnitine measurement", "丙酰肉碱测量" ], "252916003": [ "Triple swab", "Three swab test", "三重拭子", "三拭子检测" ], "433140006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of lumbar and sacral spine with contrast", "MRI of lumbar and sacral spine with contrast", "腰椎和骶椎增强 MRI 检查", "腰椎和骶椎的对比磁共振成像" ], "169161000": [ "Isotope brain angiography", "Angiography of intracranial vascular structure using radioactive isotope", "使用放射性同位素进行颅内血管结构造影", "同位素脑血管造影" ], "431305009": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous insertion of stent graft into bypass of external iliac artery to internal iliac artery with contrast", "Percutaneous insertion of stent graft into bypass of external iliac artery to internal iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮置入支架移植物经髂外动脉旁路至髂内动脉", "在荧光造影引导下经皮将支架移植物插入髂外动脉至髂内动脉旁路" ], "1119433009": [ "Partial glossectomy with radical dissection of right half of neck", "部分舌切除术及右半颈部根治性解剖" ], "232862001": [ "Excision of lesion from pulmonary valve cusp", "Excision of fibrous thickening from pulmonary valve cusp", "Excision of nodule from pulmonary valve cusp", "肺动脉瓣尖结节切除术", "肺动脉瓣尖病变切除术", "肺动脉瓣尖纤维增厚切除术" ], "265630001": [ "Insertion of vaginal dilator", "插入阴道扩张器" ], "85406001": [ "Grinding of tissue for culture", "培养用组织研磨" ], "69022006": [ "Esophagoscopy by intraoperative incision", "Oesophagoscopy by intraoperative incision", "术中切开食管镜检查" ], "282014007": [ "Incision biopsy of skin", "皮肤切开活检" ], "707998009": [ "Assessment for termination of pregnancy", "终止妊娠评估" ], "394867009": [ "Health administration", "卫生行政" ], "1651009": [ "Excision of tendon sheath", "腱鞘切除" ], "231027009": [ "Aspiration of spinal abscess", "脊椎脓肿抽吸" ], "229192001": [ "Hydrotherapy regime", "水疗方案" ], "425800009": [ "Percutaneous transhepatic removal of calculus from bile duct", "经皮肝穿刺胆管取石术" ], "180040009": [ "Amputation lesser toe", "小脚趾截肢" ], "735261001": [ "Revision of right total knee arthroplasty", "Revision of right total prosthetic knee arthroplasty", "右全膝关节假体置换术修复", "右全膝关节置换术修复" ], "243741003": [ "Provision of work clamp", "提供工作夹" ], "702493004": [ "Computed tomography of clavicle with contrast", "CT of clavicle with contrast", "锁骨增强计算机断层扫描", "锁骨增强 CT" ], "1290482005": [ "Plain X-ray of thumb under stress", "拇指受压时的普通 X 光检查" ], "733426006": [ "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of left shoulder", "Total left shoulder replacement", "左全肩关节置换术", "左肩关节假体全置换术" ], "438514008": [ "Diphtheria toxin neutralisation test", "Diphtheria toxin neutralization test", "白喉毒素中和试验" ], "422130009": [ "Transplantation of hand muscle", "手部肌肉移植" ], "1255879001": [ "Administration of nitric oxide", "一氧化氮的施用" ], "385692000": [ "Fracture care education", "Teach fracture care", "教授骨折护理", "骨折护理教育" ], "58012005": [ "Gasserian ganglion block", "Local anaesthetic Gasserian ganglion block", "Local anesthetic Gasserian ganglion block", "局部麻醉半月神经节阻滞", "半月神经节阻滞" ], "238236007": [ "Excision of vitelline fistula", "卵黄瘘切除术" ], "271004009": [ "Urine fructose level", "Urine fructose measurement", "尿液果糖水平", "尿果糖测量" ], "252785002": [ "PERG - Pattern electroretinography", "Pattern electroretinography", "PERG-- 图案视网膜电图", "图案视网膜电图" ], "433009001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of lower leg with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of lower leg with contrast", "MRI of lower leg with contrast", "小腿增强磁共振成像", "小腿增强 MRI 检查", "小腿增强磁共振成像(MRI)" ], "121713004": [ "Trenbolone measurement", "群勃龙测量" ], "170865004": [ "Gynecological disorder monitoring", "Gynaecological disorder monitoring", "妇科疾病监测" ], "5190000": [ "Cell fusion", "细胞融合" ], "105329009": [ "Strontium measurement", "锶测量" ], "21574003": [ "Repair of aneurysm of abdominal aorta with graft", "腹主动脉瘤移植物修复术" ], "37958004": [ "Removal of foreign body of sclera by incision", "巩膜切开取异物" ], "119878005": [ "Esophagus injection", "Oesophagus injection", "Injection of oesophagus", "Injection of esophagus", "食管注射" ], "54342005": [ "Destruction of premalignant skin lesion", "破坏癌前皮肤病变" ], "412955001": [ "Plasma 1-methylhistidine measurement", "Plasma 1-methylhistidine level", "血浆1-甲基组氨酸水平", "血浆 1-甲基组氨酸测量" ], "134427001": [ "Frail elderly assessment", "体弱老人评估" ], "118043003": [ "HIV 1 gp41 AND gp43 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 gp41 AND gp43 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 glycoprotein 41 and glycoprotein 43 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV-1 gp41 和 gp43 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型糖蛋白 41 和糖蛋白 43 抗体的测量", "HIV 1 gp41 和 gp43 抗体检测" ], "19739004": [ "Platelet aggregation test", "Aggregometer test", "Platelet aggregation assay", "血小板聚集试验", "凝集计测试", "血小板聚集检测" ], "183579007": [ "Open excisional biopsy of brain", "脑开放切除活检" ], "167195007": [ "Insulin response test - vagus", "胰岛素反应测试 - 迷走神经" ], "232731009": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of coronary artery", "冠状动脉经皮血栓溶解术" ], "265499009": [ "Transluminal operations on aorta", "主动脉腔内手术" ], "230896003": [ "Intracranial vascular operation", "颅内血管手术" ], "722416003": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of femoral vessel", "Doppler ultrasound scan of femoral vessel", "Doppler ultrasound of femoral vessel", "股血管多普勒超声检查", "股血管多普勒超声扫描" ], "443888005": [ "Insertion of balloon catheter into breast for radiotherapy", "将球囊导管插入乳房进行放射治疗" ], "771568007": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic excision of lesion of colonic mucous membrane", "Fibreoptic endoscopic mucosal resection of lesion of colon", "Fiberoptic endoscopic mucosal resection of lesion of colon", "Fiberoptic endoscopic excision of lesion of colonic mucous membrane", "纤维内镜结肠黏膜病变切除术", "纤维内镜结肠病变黏膜切除术" ], "278213007": [ "Lumbar epidural steroid injection", "腰椎硬膜外注射类固醇" ], "736965009": [ "Prosthetic bypass of two coronary arteries", "Bypass of two coronary arteries with prosthesis", "用假体绕道两根冠状动脉", "两根冠状动脉的人工旁路手术" ], "178074004": [ "Fasciotomy posterior compartment of lower leg", "Decompression fasciotomy of posterior compartment of lower leg", "小腿后部减压筋膜切开术", "小腿后部筋膜切开术" ], "63386006": [ "Sexual psychotherapy", "性心理治疗" ], "176239003": [ "Excision of tissue of tongue", "舌组织切除" ], "225391007": [ "Injury assessment", "Assessment of injury", "损伤评估" ], "174404003": [ "Injection of radiocontrast substance into pilonidal sinus", "将放射性造影剂注射入藏毛窦" ], "59716009": [ "Reduction of size of abdominal wall", "腹壁缩小" ], "713241004": [ "Supervision of high risk pregnancy with history of previous fetal distress", "Supervision of high risk pregnancy with history of previous foetal distress", "对有胎儿窘迫史的高危妊娠进行监护" ], "236270000": [ "Removal of bulbar urethral prosthesis for incontinence", "移除球部尿道假体治疗尿失禁" ], "252654000": [ "Reflux study - aspiration test", "反流研究-吸入试验" ], "432878002": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of acromioclavicular joint", "Magnetic resonance imaging of acromioclavicular joint", "MRI of acromioclavicular joint", "肩锁关节磁共振成像", "肩锁关节 MRI", "肩锁关节磁共振成像(MRI)" ], "301806003": [ "Insertion of subcutaneous contraceptive in arm", "手臂皮下植入避孕药" ], "105198004": [ "Furfenorex measurement", "呋芬雷司测量" ], "57881009": [ "Ventricular shunt to cisterna magna", "脑室至枕大池分流术" ], "318190001": [ "Mastectomy with preservation of skin and nipple with synchronous implant", "保留皮肤和乳头的乳房切除术及同步植入" ], "121582002": [ "Ganciclovir measurement", "更昔洛韦测量" ], "1217475002": [ "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided biopsy of lung", "Biopsy of lung using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Biopsy of lung using endoscopic ultrasound guidance", "使用内镜超声引导进行肺活检", "内镜超声引导下肺活检" ], "54211003": [ "Nonmagnetic extraction of foreign body from lens without extraction of lens", "Removal of foreign body from lens without use of magnet", "无需取出镜片即可从镜片中非磁性地取出异物", "无需使用磁铁即可去除镜头中的异物" ], "709571008": [ "MR angiography of vascular structure of pelvis with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of pelvis with contrast", "MR angiogram of vascular structure of pelvis with contrast", "盆腔血管结构磁共振血管造影", "骨盆血管结构磁共振血管造影" ], "68760001": [ "Tattooing of skin lesion", "Tattooing of skin defect", "皮肤缺损纹身", "纹身皮肤损伤" ], "281752002": [ "Application of skeletal traction via distal tibia", "胫骨远端骨牵引的应用" ], "167064003": [ "Serum random lipoprotein level", "Serum random lipoprotein measurement", "血清随机脂蛋白水平", "血清随机脂蛋白测量" ], "183448005": [ "Admission to neurological intensive care unit", "入住神经重症监护病房" ], "117912005": [ "Myelin basic protein antibody assay", "Measurement of myelin basic protein antibody", "髓鞘碱性蛋白抗体测定" ], "232600009": [ "Bronchoscopic resection of lesion", "支气管镜切除病变" ], "105231000220109": [ "Replacement of Hawley orthodontic retainer", "更换 Hawley 正畸保持器" ], "1230189008": [ "Transferring to chair", "Moving to chair", "Mobilizing to chair", "Mobilising to chair", "Moving subject to chair", "动员到椅子上", "移至椅子", "转移到椅子上", "将主题移至椅子" ], "48706002": [ "Exophthalmometry", "眼球突出测量" ], "425538003": [ "Reconstruction of breast using free inferior gluteal artery perforator flap", "游离臀下动脉穿支皮瓣乳房重建术" ], "720450003": [ "Preoperative urine specimen collection", "Pre-operative urine specimen collection", "Pre-surgery urine specimen collection", "术前尿液样本采集", "术前尿液标本采集" ], "81474006": [ "Repair of penis", "阴茎修复" ], "259863001": [ "Removal of Shirodkar suture from cervix", "Removal of Shirodkar cerclage from cervix", "Shirodkar cervical cerclage removal", "从宫颈移除 Shirodkar 环扎带", "Shirodkar 宫颈环扎术拆除", "从宫颈拆除 Shirodkar 缝线" ], "440087003": [ "Rigid proctosigmoidoscopy and decompression of sigmoid volvulus using rigid proctoscope", "硬性直肠乙状结肠镜检查及乙状结肠扭转减压术" ], "1144599004": [ "Increased vitamin K and/or vitamin K derivative diet", "增加维生素 K 和/或维生素 K 衍生物饮食" ], "390935004": [ "Percutaneous coil embolisation of cerebral artery aneurysm", "Percutaneous coil embolization of cerebral artery aneurysm", "经皮脑动脉瘤弹簧圈栓塞术" ], "307180000": [ "Artificial voicebox procedure", "人工声带手术" ], "225260003": [ "Checking position of thread of intrauterine device", "检查宫内节育器线头位置" ], "45036003": [ "Ultrasonography of abdomen", "US abdominal scan", "美国腹部扫描", "腹部超声检查" ], "405484004": [ "Aorto-profunda arterial bypass with prosthesis", "主动脉深动脉旁路移植术" ], "274412005": [ "Eye disorder screening", "Screening for eye conditions", "眼部疾病筛查" ], "61420007": [ "Tube feeding of patient", "Tube feeding", "Gavage", "Enteral tube feeding", "TF - Tube feeding", "管饲", "TF-管饲", "肠内管饲", "病人管饲" ], "176108005": [ "Simple cystectomy", "单纯膀胱切除术" ], "241644007": [ "MRI of foot", "Magnetic resonance imaging of foot", "足部磁共振成像", "足部 MRI" ], "59585002": [ "Psychiatric commitment to psychiatric institution", "Commitment to psychiatric institution", "精神病院承诺", "精神病人承诺去精神病院" ], "698561001": [ "Referral to nurse case manager", "转介给护士病例经理" ], "174273005": [ "Transsphincteric anastomosis of colon to anus", "经括约肌结肠肛门吻合术" ], "370881007": [ "Abuse prevention assessment", "Assess abuse control", "虐待预防评估", "评估滥用控制" ], "223425008": [ "Advice about types of equipment available", "Types of available equipment education", "关于可用设备类型的建议", "可用设备教育的类型" ], "305345009": [ "Admission to psychiatric day hospital", "入住精神病日间医院" ], "303510003": [ "LA - Local anesthetic nerve block in back", "Local anesthetic nerve block in back", "LA - Local anaesthetic nerve block in back", "Local anaesthetic nerve block in back", "LA - 背部局部麻醉神经阻滞", "背部局部麻醉神经阻滞" ], "713110009": [ "Provision of talking monitored dosage system", "提供语音监控剂量系统" ], "121451003": [ "Azithromycin measurement", "阿奇霉素测量" ], "23147004": [ "Sequestrectomy of bone of humerus", "肱骨死骨切除术" ], "105067003": [ "Amoxicillin measurement", "阿莫西林测量" ], "55915006": [ "Incision and drainage of hematoma of pelvis", "Incision and drainage of haematoma of pelvis", "盆腔血肿切开引流", "盆腔血肿切开引流术" ], "236139004": [ "Nephroureterectomy with cystoscopically assisted ureterectomy", "膀胱镜辅助输尿管切除术及肾输尿管切除术" ], "6763008": [ "Manual reduction of closed fracture of acetabulum", "髋臼闭合性骨折手法复位" ], "54080001": [ "Cauterization of broad ligament", "Cauterisation of broad ligament", "Cauterisation of broad ligament of uterus", "Cauterization of broad ligament of uterus", "阔韧带烧灼术", "子宫阔韧带烧灼术" ], "252523009": [ "Gastrointestinal drug challenge", "胃肠道药物挑战" ], "119616003": [ "Pelvis repair", "骨盆修复" ], "725824007": [ "Assessment using RDB (Rookwood Driving Battery)", "Assessment using Rookwood Driving Battery", "使用 Rookwood 驾驶电池进行评估", "使用 RDB (Rookwood 驾驶测试) 进行评估" ], "117781000": [ "Coxsackievirus A16 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human coxsackievirus A 16 antibody", "人柯萨奇病毒A16抗体测定", "柯萨奇病毒 A16 抗体检测" ], "447296009": [ "Surgical procedure on middle and inner ear", "中耳及内耳手术" ], "183317001": [ "Continuous passive mobilization of fingers", "Continuous passive mobilisation of fingers", "持续被动活动手指" ], "232469000": [ "Occlusion of nostril", "鼻孔堵塞" ], "234304009": [ "Enteromesenteric bridge operation", "肠系膜桥手术" ], "281621005": [ "Casting of dental study model", "牙科研究模型铸造" ], "773141007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right orbit", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral orbits", "MRI of bilateral orbits", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both orbits", "双眼轨道磁共振成像", "双侧眼眶磁共振成像", "双侧眼眶 MRI 检查", "左、右眼眶磁共振成像" ], "609301009": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of vein of transplanted pancreas using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮移植胰腺静脉血栓溶解术" ], "19477009": [ "Open reduction of closed elbow dislocation", "闭合性肘关节脱位切开复位术" ], "1258006": [ "Excision of meniscus of wrist", "Meniscectomy of wrist", "腕部半月板切除术", "腕关节半月板切除术" ], "1230058007": [ "Bathing of skin of back", "Washing back", "清洗", "背部皮肤沐浴" ], "165098006": [ "Skeletomuscular function test", "骨骼肌功能测试" ], "15807005": [ "Financial audit", "Disease costing audit", "疾病成本审计", "财务审计" ], "179647007": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture dislocation and functional bracing", "骨折脱位的初次闭合复位及功能性支具" ], "409023009": [ "Professional / ancillary services care", "专业/辅助服务护理" ], "405353000": [ "Revision of lower limb vascular prosthesis", "下肢血管假体的修复" ], "44905002": [ "Phlebectomy of lower limb vein", "Excision of lower limb vein", "下肢静脉切除术", "下肢静脉切开术" ], "175977005": [ "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy for renal calculus less than 2 cm in diameter", "Extracorporeal shockwave treatment for renal calculus of less than 2 cm in diameter", "体外冲击波碎石治疗直径小于2厘米的肾结石", "体外冲击波治疗直径小于2厘米的肾结石" ], "241513006": [ "US scan of rotator cuff", "Ultrasound scan of rotator cuff", "肩袖超声扫描" ], "225129006": [ "Application of emollient to skin", "在皮肤上涂抹润肤剂" ], "239678000": [ "Application of static cast brace", "静态石膏支架的应用" ], "61289007": [ "Interferon alpha assay", "干扰素α检测" ], "35011000087100": [ "Mixed milk feeding", "Mixed breast milk and bottle feeding", "混合母乳喂养和奶瓶喂养", "混合奶喂养" ], "19651000087101": [ "Magnetic resonance arthrography of left ankle", "Magnetic resonance arthrogram of left ankle", "MR arthrography of left ankle", "左踝关节磁共振关节造影" ], "1731000087101": [ "CT of bilateral hips", "Computed tomography of bilateral hips", "Computed tomography of both hips", "Computed tomography of left and right hip", "双侧髋关节计算机断层扫描", "双髋关节计算机断层扫描", "左、右髋关节计算机断层扫描", "双侧髋部 CT" ], "450835007": [ "Child visual perception assessment", "儿童视觉感知评估" ], "14531000087108": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of vein of right upper extremity", "Doppler ultrasonography of vein of right upper limb", "Doppler ultrasound of vein of right upper limb", "右上肢静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "4291000087109": [ "CT of left forearm", "Computed tomography of left forearm", "左前臂计算机断层扫描", "左前臂CT" ], "252392005": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid microscopy", "CSF - Cerebrospinal fluid microscopy", "Microscopic examination of cerebrospinal fluid specimen", "脑脊液显微镜检查", "CSF - 脑脊液显微镜检查", "脑脊液标本显微镜检查" ], "104936007": [ "Somatomedin measurement", "生长因子测量" ], "399848008": [ "Gm6 specific IgG antibody measurement", "Alternaria alternata specific IgG antibody measurement", "Alternaria alternata specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "链格孢菌特异性 IgG 抗体测量", "Gm6 特异性 IgG 抗体测量", "链格孢菌特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定" ], "1153512009": [ "Liaising with health care provider on medication reconciliation", "与医疗保健提供者就药物协调进行联络" ], "53949000": [ "Mononuclear cell direct cytotoxicity assay", "MTT reduction assay", "MTT 还原试验", "单核细胞直接细胞毒性试验" ], "168637003": [ "Plain X-ray of radius", "桡骨的普通 X 射线" ], "121320009": [ "8-Hydroxyloxapine measurement", "8-羟基洛沙平测量" ], "250557005": [ "Capillary oxygen concentration", "Capillary oxygen concentration measurement", "毛细管氧浓度测量", "毛细管氧浓度" ], "609170000": [ "Revision of reverse polarity total prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint", "反极性全肩关节假体置换术" ], "86717008": [ "Nasoenteric tube irrigation", "鼻肠管冲洗" ], "117650002": [ "Methylhistamine measurement", "甲基组胺测量" ], "265106004": [ "Insertion of Austin-Moore prosthesis", "插入 Austin-Moore 假体" ], "1264530005": [ "Insertion of labial gingival veneer", "插入唇侧牙龈贴面" ], "1127003": [ "Interstitial radium application", "间质镭应用" ], "164967003": [ "Brucellosis skin test", "布鲁氏菌病皮肤试验" ], "1295463003": [ "Plain X-ray of pharynx", "咽部普通 X 光检查" ], "359740003": [ "Extended radical mastectomy", "扩大根治性乳房切除术" ], "261436007": [ "Longitudinal digital incision", "纵向手指切口" ], "392508008": [ "Maxatase specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rk204 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Maxatase specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Maxatase 特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "Maxatase特异性IgE抗体测量", "Rk204特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "439825000": [ "Laparoscopic insertion of permanent intraperitoneal catheter", "腹腔镜下永久性腹腔内导管插入" ], "310588009": [ "Visit by health visitor", "健康访问者访问" ], "1259025002": [ "HFNOT - high flow nasal oxygen therapy", "Heated and humidified high flow oxygen therapy using nasal cannula", "HFNOT-- 高流量鼻氧疗法", "使用鼻导管进行加热加湿高流量氧气治疗" ], "243217002": [ "Orthoptic treatment Fresnel prisms - base up", "视轴矫正治疗菲涅尔棱镜 - 底部向上" ], "226833008": [ "Revision of stoma of thorax", "胸腔造口修复术" ], "716518003": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of liver using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided fine needle aspiration of liver", "超声引导下肝脏细针穿刺", "超声引导下肝脏细针穿刺活检" ], "257766009": [ "High speed rotational atherectomy", "高速旋磨术" ], "700134009": [ "Management of bronchoscopy", "支气管镜检查管理" ], "241382009": [ "Non-imaging thyroid uptake test", "非成像甲状腺摄取试验" ], "174011005": [ "Endoscopic dilatation of ileum", "Endoscopic dilation of ileum", "内镜回肠扩张术" ], "59323008": [ "Spinal fusion with graft", "脊柱融合术" ], "714683008": [ "Measurement of hemoglobin F by Kleihauer-Betke method", "Hemoglobin F measurement using Kleihauer-Betke method", "Fetomaternal hemorrhage calculation, Kleihauer-Betke method", "Fetomaternal haemorrhage calculation, Kleihauer-Betke method", "Haemoglobin F measurement using Kleihauer-Betke method", "使用 Kleihauer-Betke 方法测量血红蛋白 F", "胎儿母体出血量计算,Kleihauer-Betke 方法", "用 Kleihauer-Betke 方法测量血红蛋白 F" ], "239547008": [ "Spinal fusion for spondylolysis", "脊柱融合术治疗椎弓峡部裂" ], "41104003": [ "Wedge excision of breast", "乳房楔形切除术" ], "73872003": [ "Manipulation of rectum", "直肠操作" ], "1237136005": [ "Consultation with patient", "患者咨询" ], "417936006": [ "MRI angiography of head", "MRA head", "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of head", "MR angiography of vascular structure of head", "MRA 头", "头部血管结构磁共振血管造影", "头部 MRI 血管造影" ], "712848006": [ "MRI of urinary tract with contrast", "MRI urography with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of urinary tract with contrast", "泌尿道增强磁共振成像", "MRI 尿路造影", "泌尿道磁共振成像对比" ], "104805000": [ "Melanin measurement", "黑色素测量" ], "448869001": [ "Replacement of cardiac biventricular permanent pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下更换心脏双心室永久起搏器" ], "450704009": [ "Repair of common iliac artery", "髂总动脉修复" ], "711013002": [ "Assessment of tobacco use", "烟草使用情况评估" ], "252261006": [ "Secretin caerulin test", "Secretin cerulin test", "促胰液素青霉素试验", "促胰液素测试" ], "447034000": [ "Total repositioning of orbit proper", "轨道完全重新定位" ], "88421008": [ "Closure of rectovaginal fistula by abdominal approach", "经腹手术闭合直肠阴道瘘" ], "170341009": [ "Fourth anthrax vaccination", "Fourth anthrax immunisation", "Administration of fourth dose of anthrax vaccine", "Fourth anthrax immunization", "Administration of fourth dose of vaccine product containing only Bacillus anthracis antigen", "第四次炭疽疫苗接种", "注射第四剂仅含炭疽杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "第四次炭疽免疫", "接种第四剂炭疽疫苗" ], "70202005": [ "Repair of scleral staphyloma with graft", "巩膜葡萄肿移植物修复" ], "86586007": [ "Bowstring test", "Bowstringing", "Popliteal compression test", "Posterior tibial stretch test", "腘窝压缩试验", "弓弦测试", "拉弓弦", "胫骨后拉伸试验" ], "266810008": [ "Replacement of IV endocardial electrode", "静脉心内膜电极更换" ], "314127001": [ "Cauterisation of Little's area", "Cauterization of Little's area", "Little 区烧灼术" ], "133903000": [ "Critical care", "Care of intensive care unit patient", "重症监护室病人的护理", "重症监护" ], "232207003": [ "EUM ear - Examination of ear under microscope", "Examination of ear under microscope", "显微镜下检查耳朵", "EUM 耳朵 - 在显微镜下检查耳朵" ], "609039005": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from endocrine gland prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备的内分泌腺标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "392377003": [ "Mesquite specific IgE antibody measurement", "Prosopis juliflora specific IgE antibody measurement", "t20 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Prosopis juliflora specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "t20 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "牧豆树特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "牧豆树特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "408761008": [ "Children's vision screening", "儿童视力筛查" ], "81081008": [ "Organic acid screen", "有机酸筛选" ], "228537009": [ "Management of maceration", "浸渍管理" ], "406926003": [ "Solochrome black 6B stain method", "Solochrome black 6B stain", "索洛铬黑6B染色法", "Solochrome 黑色 6B 染色" ], "243086005": [ "TBI - Tooth brushing instruction", "Tooth brushing education", "TBI - 刷牙指导", "刷牙教育" ], "177550005": [ "Delayed primary suture of skin of head or neck", "头部或颈部皮肤一期缝合延迟" ], "46478009": [ "Excision of pressure injury of ischial region with primary closure using suture", "Excision of ischial pressure injury with primary suture", "切除坐骨压力损伤并缝合一期伤口", "坐骨区压力性损伤切除缝合一期缝合术" ], "61027002": [ "Removal of fetal structures", "Removal of foetal structures", "移除胎儿结构", "去除胎儿结构" ], "175715003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of femoral artery", "经皮股动脉腔内成形术" ], "77411005": [ "Arthrotomy of radiocarpal joint for infection with exploration and drainage", "桡腕关节切开术治疗感染并进行探查和引流" ], "241251007": [ "Renal transplant venous sampling", "肾移植静脉取样" ], "388707009": [ "Spiny lobster specific IgE antibody measurement", "Langust specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf304 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Palinurus spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "Palinurus spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf304 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "龙虾特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "龙虾特异性IgE抗体测定", "龙虾特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测定" ], "1255224004": [ "Beef free diet", "无牛肉饮食" ], "75576005": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on lower anterior abdominal wall", "Anaesthesia for procedure on lower anterior abdominal wall", "下腹前壁手术麻醉" ], "438811000124103": [ "Vitamin E supplement therapy", "维生素E补充疗法" ], "441371000124106": [ "Management of composition of enteral nutrition", "肠内营养成分管理" ], "450573002": [ "Restoration of part of tooth using filling", "使用填充物修复部分牙齿" ], "1220621004": [ "Revision of total replacement of knee joint using stem", "Revision of TKR (total knee replacement) using stem", "Revision of TKA (total knee arthroplasty) using stem", "使用假体修复全膝关节置换术 (TKA)", "膝关节全置换术", "使用股骨柄修复全膝关节置换术 (TKR)" ], "437531000124107": [ "Isoleucine modified diet", "异亮氨酸改良饮食" ], "90125009": [ "Biofeedback training by electro-oculogram application in blepharospasm", "眼电生物反馈训练在眼睑痉挛中的应用" ], "104674002": [ "Fumarylacetoacetate measurement", "富马酰乙酰乙酸酯测定" ], "170210005": [ "Child examination: genitalia", "儿童检查:生殖器" ], "6370006": [ "Chemosurgery of stomach lesion", "胃部病变化疗手术" ], "710882007": [ "Education about effective communication", "有效沟通教育" ], "4535005": [ "Incision of pelvirectal tissue", "盆腔直肠组织切开术" ], "608908002": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from female genital tract", "女性生殖道标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "363148007": [ "Immune system measurement of physiology/function", "免疫系统生理/功能测量" ], "443233002": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of face using contrast", "MRI of face using contrast", "面部 MRI 对比剂", "面部对比磁共振成像" ], "33633005": [ "Prescription of drug", "Medication prescription", "Medication prescribing", "Medication prescription treatments and procedures", "药物处方治疗和程序", "药物处方" ], "770913006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of wall of blood vessel with contrast", "MRI of blood vessel wall with contrast", "血管壁 MRI 对比剂", "血管壁磁共振成像对比" ], "769078000": [ "Reimplantation of ureter using laparoscope", "Laparoscopic reimplantation of ureter", "腹腔镜输尿管再植术" ], "17249009": [ "Division of joint capsule of knee", "膝关节囊的划分" ], "719926003": [ "Assessment using Goldman-Fristoe Test for Articulation Third Edition", "Assessment using GFTA-3 (Goldman-Fristoe Test for Articulation 3)", "使用 Goldman-Fristoe 发音测试第三版进行评估", "使用 GFTA-3(Goldman-Fristoe 发音测试 3)进行评估" ], "425014005": [ "Substance use education", "药物滥用教育" ], "406795004": [ "Alizarin blue S stain method", "Alizarin blue S stain", "茜素蓝S染色法", "茜素蓝S染色" ], "783627007": [ "Plain X-ray of sacroiliac joint", "骶髂关节普通X光检查" ], "388576001": [ "f82 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cheese, mold type specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cheese, mold type specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Cheese, mould type specific IgE antibody measurement", "奶酪霉菌型特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "奶酪、霉菌类型特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "f82 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "奶酪、霉菌类型特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "77280002": [ "Paper-pulling test", "拉纸试验" ], "306656006": [ "Discharge from restorative dentistry service", "牙科修复服务出院" ], "1287861006": [ "Excision of lesion of metacarpal bone", "掌骨病变切除术" ], "239285007": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of neck of femur and open fixation using dynamic hip screw", "股骨颈骨折一期切开复位及动力髋螺钉固定" ], "386741008": [ "Maintenance of tube", "Tube care", "管护理", "管子的保养" ], "73610000": [ "Incision of tonsil", "Tonsillotomy", "扁桃体切开术" ], "173749008": [ "Revision of anastomosis of stomach to transposed jejunum", "胃与空肠移位吻合术" ], "304821008": [ "Supportive expressive psychodynamic psychotherapy", "支持性表达性心理动力心理治疗" ], "712586006": [ "Care of incontinence appliance", "失禁器具的护理" ], "22623003": [ "Reconstruction of cornea", "Reconstructive surgery on cornea", "角膜重建手术", "角膜重建" ], "415839004": [ "Wavefront-guided laser assisted in situ keratomileusis", "Wavefront-guided LASIK (laser assisted in situ keratomileusis)", "Topography guided LASIK (laser assisted in situ keratomileusis)", "波前引导激光原位角膜磨镶术", "地形引导 LASIK(激光辅助原位角膜磨镶术)", "波前引导 LASIK(激光辅助原位角膜磨镶术)" ], "268383003": [ "Thermometry", "温度测量" ], "104543006": [ "beta-Aminoisobutyrate measurement", "β-氨基异丁酸测量" ], "88159009": [ "Hepatitis A virus antibody, IgM type", "Hepatitis A IgM antibody test", "Hepatitis A virus antibody, immunoglobulin M type", "甲肝病毒抗体、免疫球蛋白M型", "甲型肝炎病毒抗体,IgM 型", "甲型肝炎 IgM 抗体检测" ], "446772005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of base of skull", "MRI of base of skull", "颅底 MRI", "颅底磁共振成像" ], "86324006": [ "Neodymium, yttrium, aluminum garnet laser photocoagulation", "Nd:YAG laser photocoagulation", "Neodymium, yttrium, aluminium garnet laser photocoagulation", "钕、钇、铝石榴石激光光凝术", "Nd:YAG激光光凝术" ], "708916007": [ "Local myocutaneous flap to lip", "唇部局部肌皮瓣" ], "608777003": [ "Open reduction of mandibular fracture with fixation", "Open reduction of fracture of mandible with fixation", "下颌骨骨折切开复位固定", "下颌骨骨折切开复位固定术" ], "313865003": [ "Plasma human chorionic gonadotropin multiple of median measurement", "Plasma human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) multiple of median measurement", "Plasma human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) multiple of median measurement", "Plasma human chorionic gonadotrophin multiple of median measurement", "血浆人绒毛膜促性腺激素中位数测量倍数", "血浆人绒毛膜促性腺激素中位数倍数", "血浆人绒毛膜促性腺激素 (HCG) 中位数测量倍数" ], "428553005": [ "Excision of muscle of left ventricular outflow tract", "Left ventricular outflow tract myectomy", "左心室流出道心肌切除术", "左心室流出道肌肉切除术" ], "707081006": [ "Distant subcutaneous pedicle flap, fasciocutaneous", "Reconstruction using distant subcutaneous pedicle flap, fasciocutaneous", "远端皮下带蒂皮瓣、筋膜皮瓣", "使用远端皮下蒂皮瓣、筋膜皮瓣进行重建" ], "117257006": [ "Drug screen test method, cut off >50 ng/ml", "药物筛选测试方法,截止值>50 ng/ml" ], "182793009": [ "Neurological monitoring regime", "Neurologic monitoring", "神经系统监测", "神经系统监测制度" ], "410334002": [ "Environment case management", "环境案件管理" ], "443102006": [ "Excision of entire pericardium", "Total pericardiectomy", "全心包切除术", "切除整个心包" ], "361182006": [ "Group exercise", "团体练习" ], "408499000": [ "Level 3 axillary clearance of lymph nodes", "Axillary clearance - level 3", "Excision of level III axillary lymph nodes", "Level III axillary lymphadenectomy", "III 级腋窝淋巴结切除术", "3 级腋窝淋巴结清扫", "腋窝清除-3级", "III 级腋窝淋巴结清扫术" ], "179123004": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture and unlocked unreamed intramedullary nail fixation", "骨折闭合复位及非扩髓髓内钉解锁固定术" ], "64435009": [ "Amylase measurement", "Amylase level", "淀粉酶测定", "淀粉酶水平" ], "427101000119106": [ "Computed tomography of chest and abdomen without contrast", "CT of chest and abdomen without contrast", "胸部和腹部无造影计算机断层扫描", "胸部和腹部 CT 无造影" ], "898184003": [ "Implantation of neurostimulator device", "神经刺激器植入" ], "414301000119107": [ "Defecography with barium enema", "钡灌肠排粪造影" ], "50781000119109": [ "Nutrition therapy for congestive heart failure", "充血性心力衰竭的营养治疗" ], "372061000": [ "Maintaining the patient's dignity and privacy", "Maintains patient's dignity and privacy", "维护患者的尊严和隐私" ], "240989004": [ "Removal of adherent contaminant from skin", "清除皮肤上附着的污染物" ], "306525007": [ "Discharge by educational psychologist", "教育心理学家出院" ], "304690000": [ "Penile plethysmography", "阴茎体积描记法" ], "11613009": [ "Repair of inflatable penile prosthesis, with pump, reservoir and cylinders", "可膨胀阴茎假体的修复,配有泵、储液器和气缸" ], "386610001": [ "Operative procedure on vein", "Operative procedure on veins", "静脉手术" ], "173618006": [ "Disconnection of azygos vein", "奇静脉离断" ], "763442007": [ "Repair of left partial cleft lip", "左侧部分唇裂修复" ], "40711001": [ "Repair of spleen", "Splenoplasty", "Splenorrhaphy", "脾缝合术", "脾成形术", "脾脏修复" ], "235484000": [ "Closure of pancreaticojejunostomy", "胰管空肠吻合口闭合" ], "104412002": [ "HLA typing, multiple antigens, A, B, or C", "Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) typing, multiple antigens, A, B, or C", "Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) typing, multiple antigens, A, B, or C", "Human leukocyte antigen typing, multiple antigens, A, B, or C", "人类白细胞抗原 (HLA) 分型,多种抗原,A、B 或 C", "HLA 分型,多种抗原,A、B 或 C", "人类白细胞抗原分型,多种抗原,A、B 或 C" ], "38876007": [ "Partial excision of ulna", "Partial ostectomy of ulna", "尺骨部分截骨术", "尺骨部分切除术" ], "432092009": [ "Insertion of cardiac defibrillator using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下插入心脏除颤器" ], "88028009": [ "Urinary pressure and flow study", "尿压和流量研究" ], "69809004": [ "Excision of rib by cervical approach", "经颈部入路肋骨切除术" ], "118961005": [ "Introduction to urinary tract", "泌尿道简介" ], "37041007": [ "Forced feeding of patient", "强迫病人进食" ], "313734000": [ "Plasma glutamine measurement", "Plasma glutamine level", "血浆谷氨酰胺测量", "血浆谷氨酰胺水平" ], "180827000": [ "Harvest of plantaris tendon", "跖肌腱采集" ], "14691000202105": [ "Assessment of circadian rhythm", "昼夜节律评估" ], "410203003": [ "Oxygen therapy education", "Teach oxygen therapy care", "氧疗教育", "教导氧疗护理" ], "442971005": [ "Osteotomy of phalanx of finger", "手指指骨截骨术" ], "47920001": [ "Reconstruction of eyelid with tarsoconjunctival flap", "睑结膜瓣眼睑重建术" ], "736048003": [ "Education about use of dark spectacles", "Education about use of dark eye glasses", "关于使用墨镜的教育" ], "178992005": [ "Hemichondrodiatasis", "Hemichondrodiastasis", "半软骨脱位", "半软骨分离症" ], "441136006": [ "Collection of specimen by glass slide", "通过玻璃载玻片采集标本" ], "439301002": [ "Contouring of forehead for reduction and application of prosthetic material", "塑造额头轮廓以便缩小并应用假体材料" ], "177157003": [ "Spontaneous breech delivery", "自然臀位分娩" ], "406533007": [ "Choice of medication explained", "Choice of medication education", "药物选择教育", "解释药物选择" ], "13317008": [ "Retainers inlay, metallic, two surfaces", "保持器嵌体,金属,双面" ], "715994002": [ "72 hour ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring", "72小时动态心电图监测" ], "306394003": [ "Discharge by family planning doctor", "计划生育医生出院" ], "77018005": [ "Excision of lesion of intracranial artery", "颅内动脉病变切除术" ], "91567001": [ "Take-down of stoma of bronchus", "Bronchostomy closure", "支气管造口切除术", "支气管造口术关闭" ], "714159001": [ "Local anaesthetic serratus plane block", "Local anesthetic serratus plane block", "局部麻醉锯肌平面阻滞" ], "304559009": [ "Assisting with functional activity", "Helping with functional activity", "协助功能活动", "帮助功能活动" ], "89732002": [ "Drug of abuse screen", "Drugs of abuse screen", "Drugs of abuse screening", "药物滥用筛查" ], "401028003": [ "Plasma morphine metabolite level", "血浆吗啡代谢物水平" ], "171652004": [ "Decompression of optic nerve (II)", "视神经减压术(二)" ], "1202009000": [ "Incision of ureter by transurethral endoscopic approach using laser", "Endoscopic transurethral laser ureterotomy", "经尿道内镜激光切开输尿管", "经尿道内镜激光输尿管切开术" ], "433796009": [ "Intraoperative fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta with contrast with insertion of fenestrated unilateral aorto-iliac stent graft", "Intraoperative fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta with contrast with insertion of fenestrated unilateral aorto-iliac stent graft", "术中腹主动脉荧光造影及单侧有孔主动脉髂动脉支架植入", "术中腹主动脉荧光血管造影及插入单侧有孔主动脉髂动脉支架移植物" ], "40580009": [ "Perirenal operation", "肾周手术" ], "104281002": [ "Chlamydia antibody assay", "Serologic test for Chlamydia", "Measurement of Chlamydia antibody", "衣原体血清学检测", "衣原体抗体检测", "衣原体抗体测量" ], "71513004": [ "Destruction of sympathetic nerve by injection of neurolytic agent", "通过注射神经溶解剂破坏交感神经" ], "399193003": [ "PCR test for Chlamydia trachomatis", "Chlamydia trachomatis polymerase chain reaction", "Polymerase chain reaction for Chlamydia trachomatis", "沙眼衣原体聚合酶链反应", "沙眼衣原体 PCR 检测" ], "448345006": [ "Computed tomography perfusion study of thorax", "CT perfusion study of thorax", "胸部CT灌注研究", "胸部计算机断层扫描灌注研究" ], "235353001": [ "Attention to prosthesis within large intestine", "关注大肠内假体" ], "431961007": [ "Percutaneous embolization of superficial forearm vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of superficial forearm vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮前臂浅静脉栓塞术" ], "118830002": [ "Procedure on stomach", "胃部手术" ], "413742003": [ "Cancer pain and symptom management", "癌症疼痛和症状管理" ], "36910002": [ "Craniectomy", "开颅术" ], "233518005": [ "Dorsalis pedis artery cannula insertion", "足背动脉插管" ], "446510008": [ "Excision of dentigerous cyst of maxilla", "上颌骨含牙囊肿切除术" ], "20526009": [ "Formation of syndactyly of toe", "并趾畸形的形成" ], "18691004": [ "Alpha-subunit of pituitary glycoprotein hormone measurement", "Alpha-PGH measurement", "Pituitary glucoprotein hormone alpha subunit measurement", "垂体糖蛋白激素 α 亚基测量", "Alpha-PGH 测量", "垂体糖蛋白 α 亚基激素测量" ], "231683006": [ "Superior oblique partial tenotomy", "上斜肌腱部分切断术" ], "182531007": [ "Dressing of wound", "包扎伤口" ], "49624000": [ "Transfer of iliopsoas to femoral neck", "将髂腰肌转移至股骨颈" ], "428291006": [ "Dietary education for gastrointestinal tract disorder", "胃肠道疾病饮食教育" ], "442840002": [ "Transplantation of free osteocutaneous flap from iliac crest using microvascular anastomosis", "吻合显微血管的髂骨游离骨皮瓣移植" ], "1260205001": [ "Oversewing of exposed vaginal mesh", "阴道网片暴露缝合" ], "80557002": [ "Drilling of bone", "骨钻孔" ], "408237002": [ "Factor V Leiden test", "V 因子莱顿检验" ], "426456009": [ "Medial maxillectomy", "内侧上颌骨切除术" ], "47789005": [ "Excision of lesion of pancreas", "胰腺病变切除术" ], "13186004": [ "Avulsion of abdominal vagus nerve", "腹部迷走神经撕脱" ], "306263000": [ "Referral to pediatric neurologist", "Referral to paediatric neurologist", "转诊至儿科神经科医生" ], "44119001": [ "Anastomosis of small intestine to small intestine", "Enteroanastomosis small-to-small intestine", "Enteroenterostomy small-to-small intestine", "Bypass shunt small-to-small intestine", "Enteroenterostomy", "肠肠吻合术", "小肠与小肠吻合术", "小肠旁路分流术", "小肠吻合术", "肠肠吻合术 小肠至小肠" ], "765015001": [ "Radionuclide imaging using radioisotope labeled monoclonal antibody", "Radionuclide imaging using radioisotope labelled monoclonal antibody", "使用放射性同位素标记的单克隆抗体进行放射性核素成像" ], "107820002": [ "Tracheobronchial excision", "气管支气管切除" ], "1156396004": [ "Assessment using Brief Smell Identification Test", "Assessment using B-SIT (Brief Smell Identification Test)", "使用 B-SIT(简短气味识别测试)进行评估", "使用简短气味识别测试进行评估" ], "304428005": [ "Ultrasound treatment to trunk", "躯干超声波治疗" ], "386348004": [ "Limit setting", "限制设定" ], "42284007": [ "BCG vaccination", "Tuberculosis vaccination", "Tuberculosis immunization", "BCG immunization", "Tuberculosis immunisation", "BCG immunisation", "Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination", "Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccination", "Administration of vaccine product containing only live attenuated Mycobacterium bovis antigen", "结核病免疫", "卡介苗接种", "卡介苗 (BCG) 疫苗接种", "卡介苗免疫", "接种仅含减毒活牛分枝杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "结核病疫苗接种" ], "122369008": [ "Herpes simplex virus DNA assay", "Herpes simplex virus deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "单纯疱疹病毒 DNA 检测", "单纯疱疹病毒脱氧核糖核酸检测" ], "71382001": [ "Creation of cutaneoperitoneal fistula", "建立皮肤腹膜瘘" ], "104150001": [ "Sucrose hemolysis test", "Sugar water test, RBC", "Sucrose haemolysis test", "Sugar-water test", "糖水测试,红细胞", "蔗糖溶血试验", "糖水试验" ], "38614003": [ "Alpha-galactosidase measurement, leukocytes", "Alpha-galactosidase measurement, leucocytes", "α-半乳糖苷酶测量,白细胞" ], "235222001": [ "Attention to gastrostomy", "胃造口术注意事项" ], "87766003": [ "Lysis of adhesions of trachea", "气管粘连松解术" ], "710358005": [ "Education about light therapy", "光疗教育" ], "284374009": [ "Examination of forearm", "前臂检查" ], "20395003": [ "Introduction of aortic catheter by translumbar route", "经腰椎途径插入主动脉导管" ], "315307003": [ "Repair of obstetric laceration of lower urinary tract", "产科下尿路裂伤的修复" ], "200619008": [ "Comprehensive interview and evaluation", "综合面试与评估" ], "231552001": [ "Anterior orbitotomy", "前眶切开术" ], "444544004": [ "Drainage of tendon sheath of hand", "手部腱鞘引流" ], "360789000": [ "Local excision of renal parenchymal tumour", "Local excision of renal parenchymal tumor", "肾实质肿瘤局部切除术", "肾实质肿瘤局部切除" ], "442709002": [ "Evaluation of surgical biopsy specimen", "手术活检标本的评估" ], "311637006": [ "Therapy to promote recognition and understanding of paralinguistic aspects of speech", "促进对言语副语言方面的识别和理解的治疗" ], "49493009": [ "Resection of cornua of both fallopian tubes", "Resection of cornua of bilateral fallopian tubes", "双侧输卵管角切除术" ], "424490002": [ "Medication prescription case management", "药物处方案例管理" ], "275199000": [ "Ball valve aortic valve replacement", "球阀主动脉瓣置换术" ], "176895001": [ "Vaginal excision of lesion of uterus", "子宫病变阴道切除术" ], "78591006": [ "Division of varicose vein of head and neck", "头颈部静脉曲张的分型" ], "43988005": [ "Temporary tracheostomy", "暂时气管切开术" ], "25769000": [ "Removal of internal fixation device from patella", "取出髌骨内固定装置" ], "60372008": [ "HLA class I serotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I serotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) class I serotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen class I serotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen class I serotyping", "人类白细胞抗原 (HLA) I 类血清分型", "HLA I 类血清分型", "人类白细胞抗原 I 类血清分型" ], "306132008": [ "Referral to special care baby unit", "Referral to neonatal unit", "Referral to special care baby service", "转介至特殊婴儿护理服务", "转诊至特殊护理婴儿病房", "转诊至新生儿病房" ], "763049007": [ "Fluoroscopy guided intrathecal injection of anaesthetic", "Intrathecal injection of anesthetic using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided intrathecal injection of anesthetic", "Intrathecal injection of anaesthetic using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导鞘内注射麻醉药", "使用荧光透视引导进行鞘内注射麻醉剂" ], "171390000": [ "Examination for institution", "院校考试" ], "173225009": [ "Wedge resection of lip", "Wedge excision of lip", "唇楔形切除术" ], "236926004": [ "Expression of fallopian tube", "Milking of fallopian tube", "输卵管表现", "输卵管挤奶" ], "122238007": [ "Measurement of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Paratyphi A O antibody", "Salmonella Paratyphi A O antibody assay", "副伤寒沙门氏菌甲型O型抗体测定", "副伤寒沙门氏菌A O抗体测定" ], "104019001": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Diego system (ISBT 010)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Diego system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 010)", "从 Diego 系统 (国际输血协会 010) 中鉴定抗红细胞抗原抗体", "从 Diego 系统 (ISBT 010) 中鉴定针对 RBC 抗原的抗体" ], "87635003": [ "Enteroentectropy", "肠蠕动" ], "431699003": [ "Injection of hip using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下进行髋关节注射" ], "315176000": [ "Pneumococcal IgG level", "Pneumococcal immunoglobulin G level", "肺炎球菌 IgG 水平", "肺炎球菌免疫球蛋白 G 水平" ], "85800003": [ "Sulfapyridine measurement", "Sulphapyridine measurement", "磺胺吡啶测量" ], "446248004": [ "Biopsy of ulcer of skin", "皮肤溃疡活检" ], "3880007": [ "Excision of lesion of fibula", "腓骨病变切除术" ], "231421000": [ "Cryotherapy to trigger point", "冷冻疗法治疗触发点" ], "429864007": [ "Computed tomography of thorax and abdomen with contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of thorax and abdomen with contrast", "CT of thorax and abdomen with contrast", "胸部和腹部增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "胸部和腹部增强 CT", "胸部和腹部增强计算机断层扫描" ], "83965005": [ "Anesthesia for arthroscopic procedure of shoulder joint", "Anaesthesia for arthroscopic procedure of shoulder joint", "肩关节镜手术麻醉" ], "229586001": [ "Rest, ice, compression and elevation treatment programme", "Rest, ice, compression and elevation treatment program", "RICE - Rest, ice, compression and elevation treatment program", "休息、冰敷、加压和抬高治疗方案", "RICE - 休息、冰敷、加压和抬高治疗方案" ], "82130003": [ "Implantation of electroencephalographic receiver in brain", "Implantation of intracranial electroencephalographic receiver", "脑内植入脑电图接收器", "颅内脑电图接收器植入术" ], "721106003": [ "Education about hemodynamic monitoring", "Education about haemodynamic monitoring", "血流动力学监测教育" ], "14759003": [ "Lysis of adhesions of gallbladder", "Lysis of adhesions of biliary tract", "胆道粘连松解术", "胆囊粘连松解术" ], "113063008": [ "Primed lymphocyte test", "PLT - primed lymphocyte test", "PLT-- 引发淋巴细胞检测", "引发淋巴细胞测试" ], "45692002": [ "Anastomosis of esophagus, antesternal or antethoracic, with interposition of jejunal loop", "Roux-Herzen-Judine operation, jejunal loop interposition", "Esophagojejunostomy antesternal or antethoracic, with interposition of small bowel", "Esophagojejunostomy antesternal or antethoracic", "Oesophagojejunostomy antesternal or antethoracic", "Oesophagojejunostomy antesternal or antethoracic, with interposition of small bowel", "Anastomosis of oesophagus, antesternal or antethoracic, with interposition of jejunal loop", "胸骨前或胸骨前食管空肠吻合术,中间插入小肠", "食管空肠吻合术(胸骨前或胸骨前)", "食管吻合术,胸骨前或胸骨前,中间插入空肠袢", "Roux-Herzen-Judine手术,空肠袢介入", "食管空肠吻合术,位于胸骨前或胸骨前,中间插入小肠" ], "307836003": [ "Referral by establishment", "机构推荐" ], "20883006": [ "N-methylimidazoleacetic acid measurement, urine", "MIAA measurement, urine", "MIAA 测量,尿液", "尿液中 N-甲基咪唑乙酸的测定" ], "174929002": [ "Mechanical prosthetic aortic valve replacement", "Replacement of aortic valve with prosthesis", "主动脉瓣置换术", "机械人工主动脉瓣置换术" ], "306001005": [ "Referral by thoracic surgeon", "Referral from thoracic surgeon", "胸外科医生转诊", "胸外科医生的转诊" ], "287782000": [ "Periprostatic tissue drainage", "前列腺周围组织引流" ], "42022001": [ "Repair of ruptured aneurysm with graft of renal artery", "肾动脉移植修复破裂动脉瘤" ], "173094006": [ "Open operations on carina", "Open procedure to the carina", "龙骨开放手术", "隆隆术" ], "122107001": [ "Streptococcus pneumoniae 19 antibody assay", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serogroup 19 antibody", "肺炎链球菌 19 抗体检测", "肺炎链球菌血清群 19 抗体的测量" ], "1268987004": [ "Mammography guided insertion of infrared reflector into breast", "Insertion of infrared reflector localisation marker into breast using mammographic guidance", "Insertion of infrared reflector localization marker into breast using mammographic guidance", "乳房 X 线摄影引导下将红外线反射器插入乳房", "使用乳房 X 线摄影引导将红外反射定位标记插入乳房" ], "302331006": [ "Biopsy of brain meninges", "脑膜活检" ], "89339008": [ "Partial colectomy with coloproctostomy and colostomy", "部分结肠切除术及结肠直肠造口术和结肠造口术" ], "7419009": [ "Destruction of cranial nerve", "脑神经破坏" ], "103888006": [ "N blood group typing", "N血型分型" ], "185808009": [ "Well woman monitoring verbal invite", "健康女人监测口头邀请" ], "446117002": [ "Surgical exposure of impacted tooth", "阻生牙的手术暴露" ], "69285004": [ "Specific gravity measurement", "SG - Specific gravity", "SG——比重", "比重测量" ], "3749006": [ "Reduction of closed ischial fracture", "闭合性坐骨骨折复位" ], "233125006": [ "Construction of intraventricular left ventricle to aorta spiral tunnel", "Kawashima operation", "川岛行动", "室内左心室至主动脉螺旋隧道的构建" ], "165754001": [ "Lewis blood group", "刘易斯血型" ], "315045009": [ "Advice about taking aspirin", "Taking aspirin education", "服用阿司匹林的建议", "服用阿司匹林教育" ], "231290008": [ "Infiltration of local anesthetic and steroid to subcutaneous tissue", "Infiltration of local anaesthetic and steroid to subcutaneous tissue", "局部麻醉剂和类固醇渗透至皮下组织" ], "395130008": [ "Cortisol midday level", "皮质醇午间水平" ], "444282008": [ "Detection of Tay Sachs disease carrier status", "检测 Tay Sachs 病携带者身份" ], "313210009": [ "Fluid intake education", "液体摄入教育" ], "16463007": [ "Manual reduction of prolapsed enterostomy", "Manual reduction of prolapsed stoma", "脱垂肠造口的手动复位", "脱垂造口的手动复位" ], "229455009": [ "Manipulation of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb", "Manipulation of the carpometacarpal joint of the thumb - non-surgical", "拇指腕掌关节的操纵", "拇指腕掌关节的手术——非手术" ], "112932002": [ "Drainage of intracranial space by aspiration", "Aspiration of intracranial space", "颅内抽吸", "颅内引流术" ], "63780003": [ "Muscle-testing by bicycle dynamometer", "Bicycle dynamometer", "通过自行车测力计进行肌肉测试", "自行车测力计" ], "391460004": [ "Urine D-Lysergic acid level", "尿液 D-麦角酸水平" ], "440612004": [ "Assessment of nursing care needs", "护理需求评估" ], "178468009": [ "Internal fixation of bone of face with plating system", "面骨钢板系统内固定" ], "225785008": [ "Temporary percutaneous nephrostomy", "暂时经皮肾造口术" ], "438777008": [ "Exploration of penetrating wound of neck", "颈部贯通伤探查" ], "274937009": [ "Botulinum toxin injection into eyelid", "Injection of botulinum toxin into eyelid", "眼睑内注射肉毒杆菌毒素" ], "385955003": [ "Foot care", "足疗" ], "713635004": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography using gallium 67 with computed tomography of pelvis", "使用镓 67 进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描,并进行骨盆计算机断层扫描" ], "271267007": [ "Urine lithium measurement", "Urine lithium level", "尿液锂含量", "尿液锂测量" ], "287651009": [ "Augmentation of mammoplasty with graft", "乳房移植隆胸术" ], "1186936003": [ "Specimen storage", "Storage of specimen", "标本保存", "标本储存" ], "171128005": [ "Venereal disease screening", "VD- Venereal disease screening", "VD-性病筛查", "性病筛查" ], "7288006": [ "Febrile agglutinins, qualitative", "热凝集素,定性" ], "449656008": [ "Transposition of tissue of upper limb", "上肢组织移位术" ], "1332557001": [ "Prophylactic transfusion of convalescent plasma", "预防性输注恢复期血浆" ], "169293003": [ "Superficial X-ray therapy 10-60 kV", "浅表X射线治疗 10-60 kV" ], "234829005": [ "Adjust maxillary obturator", "调整上颌骨填塞器" ], "70989006": [ "Postoperative control of hemorrhage of tonsils", "Postoperative control of haemorrhage of tonsils", "扁桃体出血的术后控制" ], "21837007": [ "Shortening of endopelvic fascia", "骨盆内筋膜缩短" ], "54605008": [ "Delayed hypersensitivity skin test for Trichophyton", "Trichophyton skin test", "迟发型超敏反应皮肤试验检测毛癣菌", "毛癣菌皮肤测试" ], "183842003": [ "Refer for EEG", "Refer for electroencephalogram", "参考脑电图" ], "232994005": [ "Operation on inferior vena cava", "下腔静脉手术" ], "444151001": [ "Analysis using single strand conformation polymorphism technique", "利用单链构象多态性技术进行分析" ], "231159004": [ "Digital nerve block of ring finger", "无名指神经阻滞" ], "313079007": [ "Homosexuality counselling", "Homosexuality counseling", "Counselling for homosexuality", "Counseling for homosexuality", "同性恋咨询", "同性恋辅导" ], "67319007": [ "Operation on bone injury of humerus", "肱骨骨损伤手术" ], "180172005": [ "Correction of oblique facial cleft", "斜面裂矫正" ], "112801002": [ "Surgical closure of tracheal fistula with plastic repair", "Closure of tracheal fistula with plastic repair", "气管瘘的塑料修补术", "气管瘘的整形外科修补" ], "735393007": [ "Rehabilitation following brain surgery", "脑部手术后康复" ], "176502000": [ "Scrotal ligation of varicocele", "精索静脉曲张阴囊结扎术" ], "702625009": [ "Morrow procedure", "Excision of muscle of left ventricle interventricular septum", "Ventricular septal myectomy", "莫罗手术", "左心室室间隔肌肉切除术", "室间隔心肌切除术" ], "129185007": [ "Procedure on radius", "半径上的程序" ], "373110003": [ "Emergency procedure", "紧急程序" ], "782710000": [ "Natalizumab therapy", "那他珠单抗治疗" ], "174667001": [ "Percutaneous insertion of tubal prosthesis into common bile duct", "经皮胆管假体置入术" ], "1256011002": [ "Restoration of tooth using ceramic overlay", "使用陶瓷贴面修复牙齿" ], "387659005": [ "Partial excision of lacrimal gland", "Partial dacryoadenectomy", "部分泪腺切除术", "泪腺部分切除术" ], "76363009": [ "Drainage of scrotal wall abscess", "阴囊壁脓肿引流" ], "418592002": [ "MRI of cervix", "Magnetic resonance imaging of cervix", "宫颈 MRI", "宫颈磁共振成像" ], "303904005": [ "Radionuclide study of respiratory function", "呼吸功能的放射性核素研究" ], "8992008": [ "Bacterial serologic study", "Serologic test for Bacterium", "细菌血清学研究", "细菌血清学检测" ], "220149000": [ "Exploration of joint structures by incision", "通过切开探查关节结构" ], "416757000": [ "Potential acuity testing", "Potential acuity estimation", "潜在敏锐度测试", "潜在敏锐度评估" ], "121845001": [ "Propionylglycine measurement", "丙酰甘氨酸测量" ], "385824008": [ "Teaching how to take health history", "Teach health history", "Health history education", "Health history taking education", "教导如何记录健康史", "健康史教育", "教授健康史", "健康史采集教育" ], "433141005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of lumbar and sacral spine", "MRI of lumbar and sacral spine", "腰椎和骶椎的磁共振成像", "腰椎和骶椎的 MRI" ], "252917007": [ "Decortication of kidney", "肾去皮术" ], "23541008": [ "Argon laser photocoagulation", "氩激光光凝" ], "120010002": [ "Epididymis destructive procedure", "附睾破坏性手术" ], "431306005": [ "Fluoroscopy of heart for checking of permanent cardiac pacemaker position", "心脏荧光透视检查以确认永久性心脏起搏器的位置" ], "169162007": [ "Isotope thyroid angiography", "Angiography of vascular structure of thyroid using radioactive isotope", "同位素甲状腺血管造影", "使用放射性同位素对甲状腺血管结构进行血管造影" ], "707999001": [ "Assessment for sterilisation procedure", "Assessment for sterilization procedure", "灭菌程序评估" ], "232863006": [ "Removal of clot from pulmonary valve", "Declotting of pulmonary valve", "Pulmonary valve thrombectomy", "Removal of thrombus from pulmonary valve", "肺动脉瓣清除凝块", "肺动脉瓣血栓切除术", "去除肺动脉瓣中的血凝块", "肺动脉瓣血栓清除" ], "413087007": [ "Referral to respiratory nurse specialist", "转诊至呼吸科专科护士" ], "231028004": [ "Aspiration of spinal haematoma", "Aspiration of spinal hematoma", "脊髓血肿抽吸" ], "427636005": [ "Endoscopic dilation of ureteric orifice", "内镜输尿管口扩张术" ], "312948004": [ "Karyotype determination", "Karyotype", "核型", "核型测定" ], "18036005": [ "Revision of implanted intra-arterial infusion pump", "植入式动脉输注泵的修订" ], "229193006": [ "Hydrotherapy - Halliwick method", "水疗-哈利维克法" ], "63518001": [ "Anesthesia for excision of retropharyngeal tumor", "Anaesthesia for excision of retropharyngeal tumour", "咽后肿瘤切除术麻醉", "咽后肿瘤切除术的麻醉" ], "243742005": [ "Provision of scleral contact lens", "提供巩膜接触镜" ], "702494005": [ "Computed tomography of elbow with contrast", "CT of elbow with contrast", "肘部增强 CT", "肘部增强 CT 扫描" ], "178206008": [ "Drainage of tendon sheath", "腱鞘引流" ], "735262008": [ "Revision of left total knee arthroplasty", "Revision of left total prosthetic knee arthroplasty", "左全膝关节假体置换术修复", "左全膝关节置换术修复" ], "28915007": [ "Antibody to nucleolus measurement", "核仁抗体测量" ], "176371007": [ "Otis urethrotomy in male", "男性 Otis 尿道切开术" ], "438515009": [ "E-mail encounter from carer", "E-mail encounter from caregiver", "Email encounter from caregiver", "来自护理人员的电子邮件" ], "58013000": [ "Unbridling of artery of limb", "四肢动脉松动" ], "418461002": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of coronary artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of coronary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下冠状动脉造影成形术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行冠状动脉血管成形术" ], "238237003": [ "Excision of urachal fistula", "脐尿管瘘切除术" ], "385693005": [ "Fracture care management", "Manage fracture care", "骨折护理管理", "管理骨折护理" ], "271005005": [ "Urine sucrose measurement", "Urine sucrose level", "尿液蔗糖测量", "尿液蔗糖水平" ], "287389007": [ "Nose - repair or plastic operation", "鼻子——修复或整形手术" ], "1286813007": [ "Fitting of extraoral maxillofacial prosthesis", "口外颌面假体的安装" ], "252786001": [ "Transient pattern electroretinography", "瞬态图案视网膜电图" ], "170866003": [ "Gynecological disorder: initial assessment", "Gynaecological disorder: initial assessment", "妇科疾病:初步评估" ], "7026004": [ "Transfer of pectoralis major tendon", "Seddon-Brooks operation", "Transfer of pectoralis major", "胸大肌腱转移", "胸大肌移位术", "塞登-布鲁克斯手术" ], "121714005": [ "Trichlormethiazide measurement", "三氯噻嗪的测量" ], "105330004": [ "Styrene measurement", "苯乙烯测量" ], "1186674008": [ "Spontaneous timed ventilation with volume targeted pressure-support for spontaneous breaths and volume targeted pressure-control for ventilator initiated inflations", "自主定时通气,通过容量目标压力支持自主呼吸,以及容量目标压力控制呼吸机启动充气" ], "5191001": [ "Surgical treatment of missed abortion of second trimester", "Surgical treatment of missed miscarriage of second trimester", "妊娠中期稽留流产的手术治疗" ], "119879002": [ "Esophagus closure", "Oesophagus closure", "食管闭合" ], "169031005": [ "Tomography - head/neck", "断层扫描 - 头部/颈部" ], "412956000": [ "Plasma 3-methylhistidine measurement", "Plasma 3-methylhistidine level", "血浆 3-甲基组氨酸测量", "血浆 3-甲基组氨酸水平" ], "19740002": [ "Extracapsular extraction of lens by inferior temporal route", "经颞下入路进行晶状体囊外摘除术" ], "232732002": [ "Exploration of coronary artery with inspection only", "仅通过检查即可探查冠状动脉" ], "134428006": [ "Hormone replacement therapy review", "激素替代疗法评论" ], "83441000": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on breast", "Anaesthesia for procedure on breast", "乳房手术麻醉" ], "118044009": [ "HIV 1 gp41 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 gp41 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 glycoprotein 41 antibody", "HIV 1 gp41 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV-1 gp41 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型糖蛋白 41 抗体的测量" ], "443889002": [ "Factor VIII mutation carrier detection test", "第 VIII 因子突变携带者检测" ], "34289000": [ "Operation on vertebra", "脊椎手术" ], "771569004": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic mucosal resection of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "Fiberoptic endoscopic excision of lesion of mucous membrane of upper gastrointestinal tract", "Fibreoptic endoscopic mucosal resection of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "Fibreoptic endoscopic excision of lesion of mucous membrane of upper gastrointestinal tract", "纤维内镜上消化道黏膜病变切除术", "纤维内镜上消化道病变黏膜切除术" ], "67057001": [ "Phrenicectomy", "Resection of phrenic nerve", "膈肌切除术", "膈神经切除术" ], "230897007": [ "Intracranial aneurysm operation", "颅内动脉瘤手术" ], "278214001": [ "Cervical epidural steroid injection", "颈部硬膜外注射类固醇" ], "720582003": [ "Registration for online access to local general practice service", "注册在线访问本地全科医生服务" ], "736966005": [ "Saphenous vein graft bypass of four or more coronary arteries", "Aortocoronary artery bypass of four or more coronary arteries with saphenous vein graft", "四条或更多冠状动脉的隐静脉移植旁路手术", "利用隐静脉移植进行四条或更多冠状动脉的主动脉冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "442054006": [ "Quantitative measurement of cystine in random urine specimen", "随机尿液样本中胱氨酸的定量测定" ], "866203004": [ "Consultation for asthma", "哮喘咨询" ], "225392000": [ "Pressure sore risk assessment", "Assessment of risk of pressure injury", "压力性损伤风险评估", "压疮风险评估" ], "176240001": [ "Activation of artificial bladder neck sphincter in female", "女性人工膀胱颈括约肌的激活" ], "287258006": [ "Parathyroid adenoma excision", "Removal of parathyroid adenoma", "甲状旁腺腺瘤切除术", "甲状旁腺腺瘤切除" ], "713242006": [ "Supervision of high risk pregnancy with poor reproductive history", "对生育史不良的高危妊娠的监督" ], "90650008": [ "Lengthening of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱延长" ], "236271001": [ "Revision of urethral prosthesis for incontinence", "Maintenance of bulbar urethral prosthesis for incontinence", "球部尿道假体的维护治疗尿失禁", "尿道假体修复治疗尿失禁" ], "449263002": [ "Auscultation of heart", "心脏听诊" ], "88815003": [ "Peripheral block anesthesia", "Peripheral nerve block", "Local anesthetic peripheral nerve block", "Peripheral block anaesthesia", "Local anaesthetic peripheral nerve block", "局部麻醉周围神经阻滞", "外周阻滞麻醉", "周围神经阻滞" ], "252655004": [ "Reflux study - aspiration test for acid", "反流研究 - 酸性吸入试验" ], "432879005": [ "Injection of wrist using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopic guidance for injection of wrist", "荧光透视引导下腕部注射", "腕部注射荧光透视引导" ], "7161000179101": [ "Antireflux procedure associated esophagomyotomy", "Antireflux procedure associated oesophagomyotomy", "抗反流手术相关食管肌切开术" ], "301807007": [ "Removal of subcutaneous contraceptive", "取出皮下避孕药" ], "70596000": [ "Reduction of closed interphalangeal toe joint dislocation", "闭合性趾间关节脱位的复位" ], "105199007": [ "Furosemide measurement", "Frusemide measurement", "呋塞米测量" ], "121583007": [ "Gemfibrozil measurement", "吉非贝齐测量" ], "709572001": [ "MR angiogram of renal artery with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of renal artery with contrast", "MR angiography of renal artery with contrast", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of renal artery with contrast", "MR arteriography of renal artery with contrast", "肾动脉磁共振血管造影", "肾动脉 MR 血管造影", "肾动脉磁共振造影" ], "168900006": [ "Omphalomesenteric duct contrast radiography", "脐肠系膜管造影" ], "117913000": [ "Myelin associated glycoprotein, sulfated glucuronic paragloboside antibody assay", "Myelin associated glycoprotein, sulphated glucuronic paragloboside antibody assay", "髓鞘相关糖蛋白、硫酸化葡萄糖醛酸副红细胞糖苷抗体测定", "髓鞘相关糖蛋白、硫酸化葡萄糖醛酸副红蛋白糖苷抗体测定" ], "37828009": [ "Suture of small intestine with colostomy", "结肠造口小肠缝合术" ], "167065002": [ "Serum fasting lipoprotein measurement", "Serum fasting lipoprotein level", "血清空腹脂蛋白测量", "血清空腹脂蛋白水平" ], "85145001": [ "Removal of foreign body of cornea with slit lamp", "裂隙灯摘除角膜异物" ], "183449002": [ "Admission to metabolic intensive care unit", "入住代谢重症监护病房" ], "52377006": [ "Factor VIII C: Ag assay", "Ⅷ 因子 C:抗原检测" ], "281753007": [ "Drainage of intramuscular haematoma", "Drainage of intramuscular hematoma", "肌内血肿引流" ], "232601008": [ "Bronchoscopic snare resection of lesion", "支气管镜圈套器切除病变" ], "773273007": [ "Insertion of temporary dental crown", "Insertion of temporary dental crown on tooth", "在牙齿上安装临时牙冠", "植入临时牙冠" ], "707737009": [ "Discussion about priorities for care", "关于护理优先事项的讨论" ], "1390003": [ "Laparoscopic-assisted sigmoid colectomy", "Laparoscopic-assisted sigmoidectomy", "腹腔镜辅助乙状结肠切除术" ], "412825007": [ "Fluid sample phosphate measurement", "Fluid sample phosphate level", "流体样品磷酸盐水平", "流体样品磷酸盐测量" ], "1230190004": [ "Supporting elimination with a toilet chair", "Assisting toileting activities using a commode chair", "使用马桶椅帮助排便", "使用便椅协助如厕" ], "1144600001": [ "Decreased vitamin K and/or vitamin K derivative diet", "减少维生素 K 和/或维生素 K 衍生物饮食" ], "63256001": [ "Flow cytometric crossmatch, single color", "Flow cytometric crossmatch, single colour", "流式细胞交叉配型,单色" ], "46872001": [ "Microbiologic media preparation", "微生物培养基制备" ], "440088008": [ "Procedure on aorta using imaging guidance", "使用影像引导进行主动脉手术" ], "1290221003": [ "Creation of conjunctival flap", "结膜瓣的制作" ], "225261004": [ "Feeling stem of intrauterine device", "Feeling stem of coil", "线圈感觉杆", "宫内节育器感觉杆" ], "405485003": [ "Bypass of bifurcation of aorta by anastomosis of aorta to profunda femoris artery", "Aorto-profunda bifurcation bypass", "主动脉分叉旁路手术,将主动脉吻合至股深动脉", "主动脉深部分叉旁路术" ], "258029006": [ "Finger plethysmography", "手指体积描记法" ], "61421006": [ "Radiometric test for slow growing Mycobacteria", "缓慢生长分枝杆菌的放射性测试" ], "370882000": [ "Abuse prevention", "Abuse control", "Abuse protection support", "滥用控制", "滥用保护支持", "预防滥用" ], "241645008": [ "MRI of spine", "Magnetic resonance imaging of spine", "脊柱磁共振成像", "脊柱 MRI" ], "305346005": [ "Admission to psychogeriatric day hospital", "Admission to elderly mentally ill day hospital", "Admission to old age psychiatry day hospital", "入住老年精神病日间医院" ], "698562008": [ "Referral to hypnotherapist", "转介催眠治疗师" ], "420034009": [ "Superior mesenteric angiogram with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of superior mesenteric artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of superior mesenteric artery with contrast", "肠系膜上动脉造影", "肠系膜上血管造影" ], "223426009": [ "Advice about use of equipment", "Equipment use education", "设备使用教育", "关于设备使用的建议" ], "303511004": [ "Local anaesthetic nerve block in pelvis", "LA - Local anaesthetic nerve block in pelvis", "Local anesthetic nerve block in pelvis", "LA - Local anesthetic nerve block in pelvis", "LA - 骨盆局部麻醉神经阻滞", "骨盆局部麻醉神经阻滞" ], "57751008": [ "Joint capsuloplasty", "Repair of joint capsule", "关节囊修复", "关节囊成形术" ], "713111008": [ "Provision of monitored dosage system", "提供监控剂量系统" ], "236140002": [ "Middle partial nephrectomy", "中段肾部分切除术" ], "121452005": [ "Bacitracin measurement", "杆菌肽测量" ], "1268332007": [ "Implantation of prosthesis into joint of left ankle", "Prosthetic arthroplasty of left ankle", "左踝关节假体置换术", "左踝关节植入假体" ], "88684008": [ "Replacement of prosthesis of acetabulum", "髋臼假体置换术" ], "4929000": [ "Local perfusion of kidney", "肾脏局部灌注" ], "105068008": [ "Amphepramone measurement", "Diethylpropion measurement", "安非他酮测量", "二乙丙酮测量" ], "234305005": [ "Kondoleon correction for lymphedema", "Kondoleon correction for lymphoedema", "Kondoleon 淋巴水肿矫正术", "Kondoleon 矫正淋巴水肿" ], "773142000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral orbits with contrast", "MRI of bilateral orbits with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right orbit with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both orbits with contrast", "双侧眼眶 MRI 增强扫描", "左、右眼眶对比磁共振成像", "双眼眶磁共振成像对比", "双眼眶对比磁共振成像" ], "445462001": [ "Incisional biopsy of lymph node", "淋巴结切开活检" ], "412694002": [ "Human leucocyte antigen B5 screening test", "Human leukocyte antigen B5 screening test", "HLA B5 antigen screening test", "人类白细胞抗原 B5 筛查试验", "HLA B5抗原筛查检测", "人类白细胞抗原B5筛查试验" ], "281622003": [ "Mount dental study model", "安装牙科研究模型" ], "265238002": [ "Extirpation of cervical sympathetic nerve", "Destruction of cervical sympathetic nerve", "颈部交感神经受损", "颈交感神经摘除术" ], "232470004": [ "Reconstruction of nose", "Rhinoplasty", "Nose reconstruction", "Plastic operation on nose", "鼻整形手术", "鼻部重建", "鼻子重建", "鼻部整形手术" ], "183318006": [ "Continuous passive mobilisation of wrist", "Continuous passive mobilization of wrist", "持续被动活动腕关节" ], "117782007": [ "Coxsackievirus A2 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human coxsackievirus A 2 antibody", "人柯萨奇病毒A2抗体测定", "柯萨奇病毒 A2 抗体检测" ], "443627000": [ "Repair of partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection by insertion of interatrial baffle to left atrium", "经左心房插入房间挡板修复部分异常肺静脉连接" ], "723990008": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of breast", "Biopsy of breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下乳房活检", "超声引导下乳腺活检" ], "165099003": [ "Skeletomuscular dynometry", "骨骼肌肉测力计" ], "736704001": [ "Columelloplasty", "Repair of lateral deviation of nasal cartilage", "鼻小柱成形术", "鼻软骨侧偏的修复" ], "179648002": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture dislocation and skin traction", "骨折脱位一期闭合复位及皮肤牵引" ], "409024003": [ "Medication monitoring assessment", "Assess medication actions", "药物监测评估", "评估药物作用" ], "359872008": [ "Disk diffusion susceptibility test", "纸片扩散药敏试验" ], "439957003": [ "Cystourethroscopy and dilation of bladder", "Cystourethroscopy and dilation of urinary bladder", "膀胱尿道镜检查和膀胱扩张", "膀胱尿道镜检查和膀胱扩张术" ], "175978000": [ "Extracorporeal shockwave treatment for renal calculus of 2 cm or more in diameter", "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of renal calculus of 2 cm or more in diameter", "直径2cm及以上肾结石体外冲击波碎石术", "体外冲击波治疗直径2厘米或以上的肾结石" ], "241514000": [ "Ultrasound scan of soft tissue mass", "Ultrasonography of soft tissue mass", "软组织肿块的超声检查", "软组织肿块超声扫描" ], "225130001": [ "Application of moisturizer to skin", "Application of moisturiser to skin", "在皮肤上涂抹保湿霜", "涂抹保湿霜" ], "388970003": [ "Weight maintenance consultation", "Counseling for weight control", "Counselling for weight control", "体重维持咨询", "体重控制咨询" ], "405354006": [ "Revision of anastomosis of vascular prosthesis", "血管假体吻合口修复术" ], "257898007": [ "Realignment over catheter only", "Realignment posterior urethra over catheter", "导管上后尿道重新排列", "仅通过导管重新对准" ], "43071001": [ "Excision of lesion of maxillary sinus", "Excision of lesion of maxillary antrum", "上颌窦病变切除术" ], "419903003": [ "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolization of renal artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolization of renal artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolisation of renal artery", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolisation of renal artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolization of renal artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolisation of renal artery", "肾动脉造影荧光透视及栓塞术", "肾动脉造影透视及栓塞术", "肾动脉荧光血管造影及栓塞术", "肾动脉造影及栓塞荧光血管造影", "肾动脉荧光造影及栓塞术", "肾动脉造影及栓塞术" ], "239679008": [ "Application of humeral cast brace", "肱骨石膏支具的应用" ], "305215009": [ "Patient removal request procedure", "病人移除请求程序" ], "74004007": [ "Epilation of eyelid by forceps", "用镊子脱眼睑" ], "450836008": [ "Removal of etonogestrel radiopaque contraceptive implant", "依托孕烯不透射线避孕植入物的移除" ], "252393000": [ "Stool microscopy", "Microscopic examination of stool specimen", "粪便标本显微镜检查", "粪便显微镜检查" ], "88553002": [ "Removal of cardioverter/defibrillator pulse generator without replacement", "Removal of pulse generator cardioverter/defibrillator", "拆除心脏复律器/除颤器脉冲发生器而不进行更换", "移除脉冲发生器心脏复律器/除颤器" ], "104937003": [ "Insulin-like growth factor-II measurement", "Somatomedin A measurement", "胰岛素样生长因子 II 测量", "生长因子A的测量" ], "1153513004": [ "Liaising with health care provider on medication regime", "Liaising with health care provider on medication regimen", "与医疗保健提供者就药物治疗方案进行沟通" ], "72169004": [ "Destruction of hemorrhoids, external", "Destruction of haemorrhoids, external", "Destruction of rectal haemorrhoids, external", "Destruction of rectal hemorrhoids, external", "破坏外痔", "破坏外部痔疮", "直肠痔疮破坏,外部", "直肠痔疮的破坏,外部" ], "23017004": [ "Embolization of artery of lower limb", "Embolisation of artery of lower limb", "下肢动脉栓塞术" ], "121321008": [ "9-Hydroxyrisperidone measurement", "Paliperidone measurement", "帕利哌酮测量", "9-羟基利培酮测量" ], "250558000": [ "Mixed venous oxygen concentration measurement", "Mixed venous oxygen concentration", "混合静脉血氧浓度", "混合静脉血氧浓度测量" ], "53950000": [ "Respiratory therapy", "Respiratory care", "Pulmonary care", "呼吸护理", "肺部护理", "呼吸治疗" ], "135870004": [ "Medical examination - aviation", "Aviation medical", "体检-航空", "航空医疗" ], "447166008": [ "Laparoscopic hand-assisted extended right hemicolectomy", "Hand-assisted laparoscopic extended right colectomy", "腹腔镜手助扩大右半结肠切除术", "手助腹腔镜扩大右半结肠切除术" ], "609171001": [ "Percutaneous cryotherapy ablation of tumor of lung using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous cryoablation of neoplasm of lung using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous cryotherapy ablation of tumour of lung using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous cryotherapy ablation of tumor of lung", "CT guided percutaneous cryotherapy ablation of tumour of lung", "CT引导下经皮肺癌冷冻消融术", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肺肿瘤经皮冷冻消融", "经皮冷冻消融肺癌肿瘤的计算机断层扫描指导", "经皮冷冻消融肺癌肿瘤的计算机断层扫描引导" ], "117651003": [ "Monoacetyldapsone measurement", "单乙酰氨苯砜测定" ], "12701000087100": [ "CT arthrography of bilateral lower extremities", "Computed tomography arthrography of bilateral lower extremities", "Computed tomography arthrography of bilateral lower limbs", "CT arthrogram of both lower limbs", "CT arthrography of both lower extremities", "CT arthrogram of bilateral lower extremities", "双下肢计算机断层关节造影", "双下肢CT关节造影" ], "20381000087101": [ "MRI of right calf", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right calf", "右小腿 MRI", "右小腿磁共振成像" ], "1231763005": [ "MRI of small intestine with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of small intestine with contrast", "Magnetic resonance enterography with contrast", "磁共振小肠造影", "小肠磁共振成像对比", "小肠 MRI 增强扫描" ], "5021000087103": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of bilateral elbows", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of both elbows", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of left and right elbow", "双肘关节荧光透视造影", "左、右肘关节荧光镜造影", "双侧肘关节荧光镜关节造影" ], "51101000087104": [ "Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgical procedure", "手助腹腔镜手术" ], "15261000087103": [ "CT of bilateral ribs", "Computed tomography of bilateral ribs", "Computed tomography of left and right rib", "双侧肋骨 CT", "双侧肋骨计算机断层扫描", "左、右肋骨的计算机断层扫描" ], "6301000087102": [ "Doppler ultrasonography flow mapping of vein of right upper extremity", "Doppler ultrasonography flow mapping of vein of right upper limb", "右上肢静脉多普勒超声血流图" ], "2461000087107": [ "MRI of right upper arm with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right upper arm with contrast", "右上臂对比磁共振成像", "右上臂 MRI 增强扫描" ], "1181000087101": [ "Ultrasonography of left lower limb", "Ultrasound of left lower limb", "Ultrasound scan of left lower limb", "左下肢超声检查", "左下肢超声扫描" ], "1264531009": [ "Fixation of indirect restoration to tooth using silicate cement", "使用硅酸盐水泥固定间接修复牙齿" ], "11421000087107": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis and left hip", "MRI of pelvis and left hip", "骨盆和左髋部磁共振成像", "骨盆和左髋部 MRI" ], "3741000087108": [ "Plain X-ray of left scapula", "左肩胛骨X光检查" ], "392509000": [ "Methyltetrahydrophtalic anhydrid specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rk211 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Methyltetrahydrophtalic anhydrid specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rk211特异性IgE抗体测量", "甲基四氢邻苯二甲酸酐特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "甲基四氢邻苯二甲酸酐特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "1295464009": [ "Plain X-ray of pharynx with contrast", "咽部造影 X 光检查" ], "261437003": [ "Longitudinal palmar incision", "手掌纵形切口" ], "359741004": [ "External ear and external auditory canal procedure", "外耳和外耳道手术" ], "1162557005": [ "Excision of polyp of vocal cord", "Excision of vocal fold polyp", "Excision of vocal cord polyp", "Vocal cord polypectomy", "声带息肉切除术" ], "79378001": [ "Excision of lesion from facial bone", "Excision of lesion of facial bone", "面骨病损切除术", "切除面骨病变" ], "30226002": [ "Partial pharyngectomy", "Limited pharyngectomy", "部分咽切除术", "有限咽切除术" ], "439826004": [ "Laparoscopic pyeloplasty", "Laparoscopic reconstruction of ureteropelvic junction", "腹腔镜肾盂输尿管连接处重建", "腹腔镜肾盂成形术" ], "308754005": [ "Tarsometatarsal arthrodesis, single joint", "跗跖关节融合术,单关节" ], "243218007": [ "Orthoptic treatment Fresnel prisms - base down", "视轴矫正治疗菲涅尔棱镜-底部朝下" ], "241383004": [ "Non-imaging thyroid uptake of Tc99m pertechnetate", "甲状腺对 Tc99m 高锝酸盐的非成像摄取" ], "700135005": [ "Management of hysteroscopy", "宫腔镜检查管理" ], "77543007": [ "Ligation of fallopian tube", "Tubal ligation", "TL - Tubal ligation", "输卵管结扎术", "TL-输卵管结扎" ], "372455009": [ "Repair of genital tract laceration", "Repair of genital tract tear", "生殖道裂伤的修复", "生殖道撕裂的修复" ], "1157052002": [ "Measurement of substance with benzene structure", "苯结构物质的测定" ], "174012003": [ "Endoscopic insertion of tubal prosthesis into ileum", "Ileoscopy and insertion of tube prosthesis", "内窥镜回肠输卵管假体置入", "回肠镜检查及管状假体插入" ], "239548003": [ "Operation for spinal trauma", "脊柱外伤手术" ], "305084007": [ "Prophylactic quadriceps stretching", "预防性股四头肌拉伸" ], "270481000": [ "Epispadias repair", "尿道上裂修复" ], "123025001": [ "Methyl n-amyl ketone measurement", "甲基正戊基酮测量" ], "1237137001": [ "Waxing up of teeth on trial maxillofacial prosthesis", "Wax-up of teeth on trial maxillofacial prosthesis", "颌面假体试戴牙齿打蜡", "颌面假体试制牙蜡型" ], "434321003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of popliteal artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of popliteal artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "腘动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "腘动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术" ], "450705005": [ "Repair of vertebral artery", "椎动脉修复" ], "448870000": [ "Revision of anterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc", "颈椎间盘前切除术修复术" ], "170342002": [ "Administration of booster dose of anthrax vaccine", "Anthrax booster immunization", "Anthrax booster immunisation", "Anthrax booster vaccination", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Bacillus anthracis antigen", "炭疽疫苗加强剂量注射", "仅含炭疽杆菌抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量给药", "炭疽病加强疫苗接种", "炭疽病加强免疫" ], "39270003": [ "Lysis of adhesions", "Freeing and lysis", "Division and lysis", "Adhesiolysis", "粘连松解术", "分裂和裂解", "释放和裂解" ], "252262004": [ "Ammonium excretion test", "氨排泄试验" ], "104806004": [ "Menadione measurement", "甲萘醌测量" ], "711014008": [ "Assessment of tissue perfusion", "组织灌注评估" ], "250427004": [ "Detection of volatile substance", "挥发性物质检测" ], "1004091007": [ "Sinogram of abdominal wall with contrast", "腹壁对比正弦图" ], "414267008": [ "Fluid sample amphetamine level", "Fluid sample amphetamine measurement", "液体样本苯丙胺测量", "液体样本苯丙胺含量" ], "37435009": [ "Cyclosporine measurement", "环孢菌素测量" ], "314128006": [ "Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication using abdominal approach", "采用腹部入路的腹腔镜尼森胃底折叠术" ], "609040007": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from female genital tract prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备的女性生殖道标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "82917000": [ "Reopening of craniotomy site", "Reopening of craniectomy site", "重新开放开颅手术部位" ], "443365001": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of bone of head and neck", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和头颈部骨骼计算机断层扫描" ], "133904006": [ "Postmortem care", "死后护理" ], "166672007": [ "Serum creatine kinase MB isoenzyme measurement", "血清肌酸激酶同工酶测定" ], "738277004": [ "Attention to total prosthetic replacement of elbow joint", "重视全肘关节假体置换" ], "264976009": [ "Excision of fascia of abdomen", "腹部筋膜切除术" ], "408762001": [ "Photoscreening", "影像筛查" ], "228538004": [ "Upper limb training", "上肢训练" ], "243087001": [ "Interdental cleaning instruction", "Interdental cleaning education", "牙间清洁教育", "牙间清洁指导" ], "406927007": [ "Solochrome cyanine R stain method", "Solochrome cyanine R stain", "Solochrome 菁 R 染料", "索洛铬菁R染色法" ], "274020000": [ "Epiglottic lesion excision", "Excision of lesion of epiglottis", "会厌病变切除术", "会厌病变切除" ], "177551009": [ "Secondary suture of skin of head or neck", "头部或颈部皮肤二期缝合" ], "175716002": [ "Percutaneous angioplasty of popliteal artery", "经皮腘动脉血管成形术" ], "241252000": [ "Adrenal angiography", "Angiography of adrenal gland", "肾上腺血管造影" ], "128399009": [ "Anastomosis of gall bladder", "Gallbladder anastomosis", "胆囊吻合术" ], "388708004": [ "Shrimp specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pandalus borealis specific IgE antibody measurement", "f24 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pandalus borealis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f24 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "北极甜虾特异性IgE抗体测定", "虾特异性IgE抗体测定", "北极甜虾特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "306788009": [ "Periodontal regeneration procedure", "牙周再生程序" ], "1255225003": [ "Sheep milk free diet", "无羊奶饮食" ], "669271000168108": [ "Defence force pre-deployment medical examination", "Defense force pre-deployment medical examination", "国防部队部署前体检" ], "419641007": [ "Fluoroscopy of bile duct", "胆管透视检查" ], "239417009": [ "Operation on meniscus of the knee", "膝关节半月板手术" ], "270350005": [ "Passport application signing", "护照申请签名" ], "1220622006": [ "TKA (total knee arthroplasty) using stem", "TKR (total knee replacement) using stem", "Total replacement of knee joint using knee stem", "使用股骨干的全膝关节置换术 (TKA)", "膝关节全置换术", "使用柄的 TKR(全膝关节置换术)" ], "71907001": [ "Neuroplasty of ulnar nerve at elbow", "肘部尺神经成形术" ], "104675001": [ "Galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase measurement, semi-quantitative", "半乳糖-1-磷酸尿苷转移酶测量,半定量" ], "761870009": [ "Assessment using KPS (Karnofsky Performance Status)", "Assessment using Karnofsky Performance Status", "使用 KPS(卡氏绩效状态)进行评估", "使用卡氏体能状态评估" ], "88291001": [ "Obstetric panel", "产科小组" ], "710883002": [ "Education about increasing activity tolerance", "关于提高活动耐受力的教育" ], "233912002": [ "Replacement of heart valve poppet, prosthetic", "更换心脏瓣膜阀芯、假体" ], "435701000124100": [ "Energy modified diet", "能量改良饮食" ], "428685003": [ "Stress test using cardiac pacing", "使用心脏起搏进行压力测试" ], "363149004": [ "Immune system physical examination", "免疫系统体检" ], "608909005": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from kidney", "肾脏标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "66402002": [ "Peritoneal dialysis training", "Peritoneal dialysis education", "腹膜透析教育", "腹膜透析培训" ], "836450003": [ "Drainage of seroma of breast using seroma catheter", "使用血清肿导管引流乳房血清肿" ], "33634004": [ "Labyrinthectomy, transcanal", "迷路切除术,经鼻腔" ], "48183000": [ "Hospital admission, special", "住院,特殊" ], "443234008": [ "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography fluorine 18 choline uptake study", "正电子发射断层扫描与计算机断层扫描氟18胆碱摄取研究" ], "392247006": [ "Insertion of catheter into artery", "Catheterisation of artery", "Arterial catheterisation", "Catheterization of artery", "Arterial catheterization", "Arterial catheter insertion", "Arterial line insertion", "将导管插入动脉", "动脉导管插入", "动脉导管插入术" ], "425015006": [ "History and physical examination for surgical clearance", "病史和体格检查以确定手术许可" ], "179255009": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of bone", "骨病变开放活检" ], "783628002": [ "Plain X-ray of hip", "髋关节普通 X 光检查" ], "406796003": [ "Alizarin cyanine green stain method", "茜素菁绿染色法" ], "29964007": [ "Tin measurement", "锡测量" ], "699873000": [ "Collection of blood via arterial catheter", "通过动脉导管采集血液" ], "306657002": [ "Discharge from ear, nose and throat service", "Discharge from ENT service", "耳鼻喉科服务机构排出的分泌物", "耳鼻喉科出院" ], "77281003": [ "Calcofluor white stain", "Calcofluor white fluorescent stain method", "卡尔科弗卢尔白色荧光染色法", "Calcofluor 白色染色" ], "388577005": [ "Chick pea specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cicer arietinus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf309 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cicer arietinum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cicer arietinus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鹰嘴豆特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "鹰嘴豆特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Rf309 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "304822001": [ "Psychodynamic-interpersonal psychotherapy", "心理动力人际心理治疗" ], "26294005": [ "Radical prostatectomy", "Total prostatectomy", "根治性前列腺切除术", "全前列腺切除术" ], "108214006": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on thorax, chest, shoulder AND/OR axilla", "Anaesthesia for procedure on thorax, chest, shoulder AND/OR axilla", "胸部、肩部和/或腋窝手术的麻醉" ], "239286008": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of neck of femur and open fixation using Richards screw", "股骨颈骨折一期切开复位及理查德螺钉固定" ], "173750008": [ "Conversion to anastomosis of stomach to transposed jejunum", "胃与空肠转位吻合术" ], "24459003": [ "Strapping of finger", "Finger strapping", "手指绑带" ], "104544000": [ "beta-Endorphin measurement", "β-内啡肽测量" ], "415840002": [ "Wavefront-guided photorefractive keratectomy", "Wavefront-guided PRK-photorefractive keratectomy", "波前引导 PRK 准分子激光角膜切削术", "波前引导的屈光性角膜切削术" ], "88160004": [ "Anesthesia for subdural taps", "Anaesthesia for subdural taps", "硬膜下穿刺的麻醉", "硬膜下穿刺麻醉" ], "6240004": [ "Operative procedure on knee", "膝盖手术过程" ], "446773000": [ "Suturing of laceration of ureter", "输尿管裂伤缝合" ], "448608009": [ "Gynaecologic intracavitary brachytherapy", "Gynecologic intracavitary brachytherapy", "Intracavitary brachytherapy of female genital tract", "妇科腔内近距离放射治疗", "女性生殖道腔内近距离放射治疗" ], "708917003": [ "Pedicle myocutaneous flap to lip", "唇部带蒂肌皮瓣" ], "117258001": [ "Parasitic identification method", "寄生虫识别方法" ], "313866002": [ "Serum human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) multiple of median measurement", "Serum human chorionic gonadotropin multiple of median measurement", "Serum human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) multiple of median measurement", "Serum human chorionic gonadotrophin multiple of median measurement", "血清人绒毛膜促性腺激素 (HCG) 中位数测量倍数", "血清人绒毛膜促性腺激素中位数测量倍数", "血清人绒毛膜促性腺激素中位数倍数" ], "707082004": [ "Reconstruction using distant subcutaneous pedicle flap, myocutaneous", "Distant subcutaneous pedicle flap, myocutaneous", "使用远端皮下蒂皮瓣、肌皮瓣进行重建", "远端皮下带蒂皮瓣、肌皮" ], "428554004": [ "Partial excision of breast using guide wire", "使用导丝进行乳房部分切除术" ], "608778008": [ "Open reduction of mandibular fracture with internal fixation", "Open reduction of fracture of mandible with internal fixation", "下颌骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "410335001": [ "Exercises case management", "练习案例管理" ], "33503006": [ "Chiropractic adjustment of single lumbar spine subluxation", "单侧腰椎半脱位的整脊治疗" ], "82655008": [ "RBC antibody detection, warm", "RBC agglutinin detection, warm", "Red blood cell antibody detection, warm", "红细胞抗体检测,温", "红细胞抗体检测,温暖", "红细胞凝集素检测,温" ], "1260468004": [ "Open repair of lumbar hernia", "腰疝开放式修补术" ], "277428006": [ "Unterberger test", "温特伯格测试" ], "439433005": [ "Lysis of adhesions of lung", "肺粘连松解术" ], "77150002": [ "History and physical examination, school", "School child health examination", "病史和体格检查,学校", "学龄儿童健康检查" ], "175454003": [ "PTA - Percutaneous angioplasty of subclavian artery", "Percutaneous angioplasty of subclavian artery", "PTA-- 经皮锁骨下动脉血管成形术", "经皮锁骨下动脉血管成形术" ], "44382005": [ "Injection of inferior laryngeal nerve", "喉下神经注射" ], "27998005": [ "Repair of laceration of sclera by application of tissue glue", "用组织胶修复巩膜裂伤" ], "306526008": [ "Discharge by psychotherapist", "心理治疗师出院" ], "240990008": [ "Removal of non-adherent contaminant from skin", "清除皮肤上未粘附的污染物" ], "699742008": [ "Laparoscopic ureteroneocystostomy with bladder flap", "Laparoscopic ureteroneocystostomy with urinary bladder flap", "腹腔镜输尿管膀胱造口术及膀胱瓣", "腹腔镜输尿管膀胱造口术及膀胱瓣移植" ], "763443002": [ "Repair of right partial cleft lip", "右侧部分唇裂修复" ], "173619003": [ "Transection of esophagus using staple gun", "Transection of oesophagus using staple gun", "使用钉枪横断食管" ], "108083004": [ "Vagina destructive procedure", "Vaginal destructive procedure", "Destructive procedure on vagina", "阴道破坏性手术" ], "386611002": [ "Procedure on lens", "镜头上的程序" ], "26163003": [ "Plication of ventricle of heart", "心室折叠术" ], "171784001": [ "Radiofrequency controlled thermal destruction of spinothalamic tract", "射频控制脊髓丘脑束热破坏" ], "432093004": [ "Intravascular ultrasound thrombolysis using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下血管内超声血栓溶解术" ], "235485004": [ "Pancreatic duct prosthesis operations", "胰管假体手术" ], "104413007": [ "HLA typing, single antigen, DR or DQ", "Human leucocyte antigen (HLA), single antigen, DR or DQ", "Human leukocyte antigen (HLA), single antigen, DR or DQ", "Human leukocyte antigen, single antigen, DR or DQ", "人类白细胞抗原、单一抗原、DR 或 DQ", "人类白细胞抗原 (HLA)、单一抗原、DR 或 DQ", "HLA 分型、单一抗原、DR 或 DQ" ], "430258008": [ "Education about infant safety at 4-6 months", "4-6个月婴儿安全教育" ], "428423001": [ "Insertion of stent into cerebral artery", "脑动脉置入支架" ], "313735004": [ "Plasma methionine level", "Plasma methionine measurement", "血浆蛋氨酸水平", "血浆蛋氨酸测量" ], "706951006": [ "Radionuclide non-imaging glomerular filtration rate estimation study", "放射性核素非成像肾小球滤过率评估研究" ], "182663008": [ "Gastric cooling therapy", "胃部冷却疗法" ], "442972003": [ "Revision of skin pocket for dual chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator", "双腔起搏心脏复律除颤器皮囊修复术" ], "426588004": [ "Reconstruction of radial club hand", "桡骨畸形手重建" ], "180828005": [ "Harvest of extensor tendon of toe", "趾伸肌腱采集" ], "178993000": [ "Osteotomy for callotasis prior to bone lengthening", "骨延长前进行截骨术治疗胼胝体" ], "82524009": [ "Advancement of eye muscle", "Advancement of extraocular muscle", "Extraocular muscle advancement", "眼外肌进展", "眼外肌发育", "眼部肌肉发育" ], "410204009": [ "Oxygen therapy management", "Manage oxygen therapy care", "管理氧疗护理", "氧疗管理" ], "424753004": [ "Dietary management education, guidance, and counselling", "Dietary management education, guidance, and counseling", "Dietary management teaching, guidance and counselling", "Dietary management teaching, guidance and counseling", "饮食管理教学、指导和咨询", "饮食管理教育、指导和咨询" ], "177158008": [ "Assisted breech delivery", "臀位助产" ], "439302009": [ "Control of anterior nasal bleeding", "Control of anterior epistaxis", "控制前鼻出血" ], "386480001": [ "Truth telling", "Honesty promotion", "诚信推广", "讲真话" ], "304560004": [ "Helping with activity of daily living", "Assisting with activity of daily living", "帮助日常生活活动", "协助日常生活活动" ], "288176006": [ "Circulation maintenance", "流通维护" ], "1156528007": [ "Particle spot scanning external beam radiotherapy", "Particle spot scanning teleradiotherapy", "External beam radiation therapy using particle spot scanning technique", "采用粒子点扫描技术的外束放射治疗", "粒子点扫描远程放射治疗", "粒子点扫描外束放射治疗" ], "7813002": [ "Esophagojejunostomy with interposition of small bowel", "Oesophagojejunostomy with interposition of small bowel", "食管空肠吻合术加小肠插入术", "食管空肠吻合术及小肠插入术" ], "401029006": [ "Plasma nitrazepam level", "血浆硝西泮浓度" ], "122501008": [ "Fusion", "Fusion procedure", "融合程序", "融合" ], "171653009": [ "Decompression of oculomotor nerve (III)", "动眼神经减压术(三)" ], "1202010005": [ "Reconstruction of skin of lip using local V-Y advancement flap", "V-Y advancement flap reconstruction of lip", "V-Y推进皮瓣唇部重建", "局部V-Y推进皮瓣修复唇部皮肤" ], "448346007": [ "Endoscopic dilation of esophagus using rigid esophagoscope", "Endoscopic dilation of oesophagus using rigid oesophagoscope", "使用硬质食管镜进行内镜食管扩张术", "使用硬食管镜进行内镜食管扩张术" ], "235354007": [ "Removal of prosthesis from large intestine", "从大肠中取出假体" ], "104282009": [ "Chlamydia IgM antibody assay", "Serologic test for Chlamydia, IgM", "Measurement of Chlamydia species IgM antibody", "Measurement of Chlamydia species immunoglobulin M antibody", "衣原体 IgM 抗体的测量", "衣原体血清学检测,IgM", "衣原体免疫球蛋白 M 抗体的测量", "衣原体 IgM 抗体检测" ], "233519002": [ "Umbilical artery cannula insertion", "脐动脉插管" ], "118831003": [ "Procedure on intestine", "肠道手术" ], "4143006": [ "Injection of anterior chamber of eye", "Injection into anterior chamber of eye", "眼前房注射" ], "182532000": [ "Dressing of ulcer", "溃疡敷料" ], "413743008": [ "Cancer rehabilitation and readaption", "癌症康复和再适应" ], "231684000": [ "Superior oblique disinsertion", "上斜肌脱离" ], "313604004": [ "Cytomegalovirus IgG antibody level", "Cytomegalovirus IgG antibody measurement", "Cytomegalovirus immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "巨细胞病毒免疫球蛋白 G 抗体测量", "巨细胞病毒 IgG 抗体测量", "巨细胞病毒 IgG 抗体水平" ], "51460005": [ "Phrenoplasty", "Repair of phrenic nerve", "膈神经修复", "颅骨成形术" ], "18692006": [ "Bypass gastroenterostomy", "Gastroenterostomy", "旁路胃肠造口术", "胃肠造口术" ], "33241003": [ "Serologic test for Rickettsia typhi", "伤寒立克次体血清学检测" ], "1260206000": [ "Endoscopic removal of bulking agent from outlet of male bladder", "Endoscopic removal of bulking agent from outlet of male urinary bladder", "内镜下男性膀胱出口膨胀剂取出术", "内镜下男性膀胱出口膨胀剂去除术" ], "31406008": [ "Manual withdrawal of penis", "手动抽出阴茎" ], "439171005": [ "Laparoscopic selective transection of vagus nerve", "腹腔镜选择性迷走神经切断术" ], "765016000": [ "Radionuclide imaging using oleic acid (125-I)", "使用油酸(125-I)进行放射性核素成像" ], "306264006": [ "Referral to paediatric oncologist", "Referral to pediatric oncologist", "转诊至儿科肿瘤科医生" ], "304429002": [ "Ultrasound treatment to lower limb", "下肢超声波治疗" ], "1254701003": [ "Assistance with application to substance use disorder treatment program", "Assistance with application to substance use disorder treatment programme", "协助申请物质使用障碍治疗计划" ], "1287469003": [ "Electrofulguration", "电灼疗法" ], "9517003": [ "Mirror examination", "镜子检查" ], "288045002": [ "Injection of amnion for termination of pregnancy", "Injection of substance into amniotic cavity for termination of pregnancy", "向羊膜腔内注射物质来终止妊娠", "羊膜注射终止妊娠" ], "25901006": [ "Tooth movement for periodontal purposes", "为牙周治疗而移动牙齿" ], "173357008": [ "Extirpation of lesion of tongue", "Removal of lesion of tongue", "舌病损摘除术", "切除舌头病变" ], "386349007": [ "Malignant hyperthermia precautions", "恶性高热的预防措施" ], "714029009": [ "Preoperative high dose brachytherapy", "术前高剂量近距离放射治疗" ], "56834002": [ "Repair of aneurysm of abdominal aorta involving visceral vessels with graft", "累及内脏血管的腹主动脉瘤移植物修复术" ], "269826008": [ "ABO blood grouping", "ABO 血型" ], "417282008": [ "Referral for proteinuria test", "转诊进行蛋白尿检测" ], "38615002": [ "Excision of subfascial abdominal wall tumor", "Excision of desmoid tumor of abdomen", "Excision of subfascial abdominal wall tumour", "Excision of desmoid tumour of abdomen", "腹壁筋膜下肿瘤切除术", "腹部纤维瘤切除术" ], "104151002": [ "Complement lysis sensitivity test, RBC", "Complement lysis sensitivity test, red blood cell", "补体溶解敏感性试验,红细胞" ], "122370009": [ "Histoplasma capsulatum DNA assay", "Histoplasma capsulatum deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "荚膜组织胞浆菌 DNA 检测", "荚膜组织胞浆菌脱氧核糖核酸测定" ], "284375005": [ "Examination of thumb", "拇指检查" ], "235223006": [ "Operations on pylorus", "幽门手术" ], "118700000": [ "Procedure on female perineum", "女性会阴手术" ], "233388004": [ "Replacement of aneurysmal iliac artery by anastomosis", "动脉瘤性髂动脉吻合术" ], "85932004": [ "Colony count on plate", "平板菌落计数" ], "315308008": [ "Dilatation of cervix for delivery", "扩张宫颈以利分娩" ], "18561003": [ "Closure of enterocolic fistula", "Repair of enterocolic fistula", "肠结肠瘘闭合", "肠结肠瘘修复" ], "231553006": [ "Intranasal orbital decompression", "鼻内眼眶减压术" ], "116865006": [ "Administration of albumin", "Albumin administration", "白蛋白的给药", "白蛋白给药" ], "34945008": [ "Angiocardiography", "Angiography of heart", "Cardiac angiography", "Cardioangiography", "Cardiovascular angiography", "心血管造影", "心脏血管造影" ], "311638001": [ "Language exercises", "语言练习" ], "342002": [ "Amobarbital interview", "戊巴比妥采访" ], "82262008": [ "Obliteration of lacrimal punctum", "泪点闭塞" ], "195115001": [ "Duodenocholedochotomy", "十二指肠胆总管切开术" ], "260651001": [ "Superior cordotomy", "上部脊髓切断术" ], "31275006": [ "Moxibustion", "艾灸" ], "226048001": [ "Positioning - therapy", "定位-治疗" ], "275200002": [ "Disc valve aortic valve replacement", "圆盘瓣膜主动脉瓣置换术" ], "45824005": [ "Removal of foreign body of popliteal space", "腘窝异物取出" ], "306133003": [ "Referral to obstetrics and gynecology service", "Referral to obstetrics and gynaecology service", "转介至妇产科服务", "转诊至妇产科服务" ], "175061006": [ "Transection of coronary artery muscle bridge", "冠状动脉肌桥横断" ], "418986003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of upper limb artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of upper limb artery with contrast", "上肢动脉造影荧光血管造影", "上肢动脉造影荧光镜检查" ], "386218004": [ "Control of haemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract", "Control of hemorrhage of gastrointestinal tract", "胃肠道出血的控制", "控制胃肠道出血" ], "173226005": [ "Cryotherapy to lesion of lip", "唇部损伤的冷冻治疗" ], "42154007": [ "Removable appliance therapy to control harmful habit", "可拆卸器械治疗以控制不良习惯" ], "1187199001": [ "Harvest of bone graft from tibia", "从胫骨获取骨移植" ], "171391001": [ "Geriatric home admission examination", "老人院入院检查" ], "122239004": [ "Measurement of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Paratyphi B H antibody", "Salmonella Paratyphi B H antibody assay", "副伤寒沙门氏菌乙型 H 型抗体测定", "乙型副伤寒沙门氏菌 H 抗体检测" ], "286079005": [ "Choledochostomy", "胆总管造口术" ], "236927008": [ "Removal of clip from fallopian tube", "取出输卵管夹" ], "431700002": [ "Injection of joint using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下关节注射" ], "1201748006": [ "Revision of total replacement of knee joint with isolated tibial polyethylene insert exchange", "Revision of total arthroplasty of knee with isolated tibial polyethylene insert exchange", "Revision of TKR (total knee replacement) with isolated tibial polyethylene insert exchange", "Revision of TKA (total knee arthroplasty) with isolated tibial polyethylene insert exchange", "胫骨聚乙烯衬垫置换全膝关节翻修术", "膝关节全置换术修复胫骨聚乙烯假体", "用单独的胫骨聚乙烯插入物交换术进行全膝关节置换术 (TKA) 的修订", "置换孤立胫骨聚乙烯插入物以进行 TKR(全膝关节置换术)的修订" ], "104020007": [ "Di^a^ blood group antibody identification", "Di^a^血型抗体鉴定" ], "233257001": [ "Transluminal operations on circle of Willis", "Willis 环腔内手术" ], "69417002": [ "Ganglionectomy of sympathetic nerve", "交感神经节切除术" ], "3881006": [ "Incision and drainage of submental space by extraoral approach", "经口外入路切开引流颏下腔" ], "446249007": [ "Incision of abscess of neck", "颈部脓肿切开术" ], "429865008": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of wrist joint with contrast", "腕关节荧光造影" ], "34814005": [ "Epicardial poudrage", "Beck operation", "Intrapericardial poudrage", "Beck 手术", "心外膜撕囊术", "心包内切开术" ], "231422007": [ "Cryotherapy to stellate ganglion", "星状神经节冷冻治疗" ], "67582008": [ "Bicarbonate excretion measurement", "碳酸氢盐排泄测量" ], "442579001": [ "Revision of hybrid prosthetic replacement of knee joint using cement", "膝关节混合型假体置换术" ], "229587005": [ "UVA phototherapy", "UVA - Ultraviolet A", "UVA - Ultraviolet A light therapy", "Ultraviolet A light therapy", "Ultraviolet A therapy", "紫外线A疗法", "UVA——紫外线 A", "紫外线A光疗法", "UVA光疗", "UVA——紫外线 A 光疗法" ], "113064002": [ "HLA-B serotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen B serotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen B serotyping", "HLA-B血清分型", "人类白细胞抗原 B 血清分型" ], "178600005": [ "Primary decompression of lumbar spine", "Primary decompression operations on lumbar spine", "腰椎一期减压术", "腰椎初次减压手术" ], "276904005": [ "Stent procedure to prostate", "前列腺支架手术" ], "45693007": [ "Removal of tumor of temporal bone", "Removal of tumour of temporal bone", "颞骨肿瘤切除术" ], "307837007": [ "Referral to person", "转介给个人" ], "275069007": [ "Maintenance of drainage tube of kidney", "肾脏引流管的维护" ], "306002003": [ "Referral from cardiac surgeon", "Referral by cardiac surgeon", "心脏外科医生转诊" ], "25639001": [ "Malar augmentation with bone", "颧骨增大术" ], "386087005": [ "Collection of aspirated sputum", "收集吸出的痰液" ], "42023006": [ "Incision and drainage of thyroid", "甲状腺切开引流" ], "173095007": [ "Open biopsy of carinal lesion", "Bx - Open biopsy of carinal lesion", "Bx - 隆突病变开放活检", "隆突病变开放活检" ], "9255007": [ "Removal of foreign body from anterior chamber of eye without use of magnet", "Nonmagnetic extraction of foreign body from anterior chamber of eye", "非磁性眼前房异物取出术", "不使用磁铁从眼前房取出异物" ], "287783005": [ "Bowel stoma repair", "肠造口修复" ], "23804001": [ "Incision and drainage of deep hematoma of knee region", "Incision and drainage of deep haematoma of knee region", "膝部深部血肿切开引流术" ], "302332004": [ "Biopsy of spinal cord tissue", "Biopsy of spinal cord", "脊髓活检", "脊髓组织活检" ], "122108006": [ "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 19F antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 19F antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae American serotype 19 antibody", "肺炎链球菌美国血清型19抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌19F血清型抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌丹麦血清型19F抗体的测量" ], "398801000": [ "Exteriorisation of colon", "Exteriorization of colon", "结肠外移", "结肠外化" ], "185809001": [ "Well woman monitoring telephone invite", "好女人监控电话邀请" ], "103889003": [ "S blood group typing", "S血型分型" ], "54737004": [ "Reduction of open mandibular fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of open fracture of mandible", "手法复位下颌骨开放性骨折", "下颌骨开放性骨折手法复位" ], "415185004": [ "Provision of child day center care", "Provision of child day centre care", "Child day center care", "Provision of child day center", "Child day centre care", "Provision of child day centre", "提供日间儿童托管服务", "提供儿童日间中心托管", "提供日间儿童中心", "儿童日间中心托管" ], "429734006": [ "Intubation using medication", "使用药物插管" ], "233126007": [ "DORV - Repair of double outlet right ventricle", "Repair of double outlet right ventricle", "DORV - 右心室双出口修复", "右心室双出口修复术" ], "444283003": [ "Analysis using loss of heterozygosity technique", "使用杂合性缺失技术进行分析" ], "231291007": [ "Infiltration of steroid to subcutaneous tissue", "类固醇渗透至皮下组织" ], "313211008": [ "Advice about posture", "Posture education", "关于姿势的建议", "姿势教育" ], "180304003": [ "Application of palmar slab", "掌板的应用" ], "737360004": [ "Preconception counselling", "Preconception counseling", "孕前咨询" ], "229456005": [ "Manipulation of the lower limb - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the lower limb", "下肢操纵", "下肢手术——非手术" ], "178469001": [ "Internal fixation of bone of face with wire", "面骨钢丝内固定" ], "473381003": [ "Transthoracic echocardiography for congenital heart disease", "经胸超声心动图检查诊断先天性心脏病" ], "309541009": [ "Metabolic therapy", "代谢治疗" ], "274938004": [ "Cryocautery to internal nose", "鼻内冷冻烧灼术" ], "371407007": [ "Total phalangectomy", "全指骨切除术" ], "385956002": [ "Foot care education", "Teach foot care", "Teaching: foot care", "Advice about foot care", "教导足部护理", "教学:足部护理", "足部护理教育", "足部护理建议" ], "171129002": [ "Brucellosis screening", "布鲁氏菌病筛查" ], "449657004": [ "Transposition of tissue of upper arm", "上臂组织转位术" ], "121977004": [ "Afipia felis antibody assay", "Measurement of Afipia felis antibody", "猫阿菲皮虫抗体测定", "猫阿菲皮蚊抗体检测" ], "23673008": [ "Excision of tumor of ankle area, deep, subfascial", "Excision of tumour of ankle area, deep, subfascial", "踝部深部筋膜下肿瘤切除术" ], "234830000": [ "Adjust intraoral appliance", "Adjust oral splint", "调整口腔夹板", "调整口内器械" ], "169294009": [ "Half-deep therapy 60-150 kV", "半深度治疗 60-150 kV" ], "445987003": [ "Assessment using hand volumeter set", "使用手持式体积计进行评估" ], "232995006": [ "Repair of inferior vena cava", "下腔静脉修复" ], "183843008": [ "Refer to urodynamic studies", "参考尿动力学研究" ], "52771009": [ "Transplantation of tissue of perineum", "会阴组织移植" ], "20003009": [ "BACTEC susceptibility test by direct method", "直接法 BACTEC 药敏试验" ], "1784004": [ "Fecal stercobilin, qualitative", "Faecal stercobilin, qualitative", "粪便粪胆素,定性" ], "313080005": [ "Work-related counselling", "Work-related counseling", "工作相关咨询" ], "444152008": [ "Analysis using chain termination sequencing technique", "采用链终止测序技术进行分析" ], "229325001": [ "Mobilising the trunk", "Mobilizing the trunk", "调动躯干" ], "231160009": [ "Digital nerve block of little finger", "小指神经阻滞" ], "735394001": [ "Rehabilitation following spinal surgery", "脊柱手术后康复" ], "47266003": [ "Repair of broken complete denture base", "全口义齿基托断裂修复" ], "407714005": [ "Percentage CD117 count", "CD117 计数百分比" ], "391330005": [ "Faecal clinitest", "Fecal clinitest", "粪便检查", "粪便临床检测" ], "129186008": [ "Procedure on ulna", "尺骨手术" ], "112802009": [ "Surgical procedure on cardiovascular system", "Cardiovascular surgical procedure", "Cardiovascular operation", "Cardiovascular operative procedure", "心血管手术", "心血管系统外科手术", "心血管手术程序", "心血管外科手术" ], "12663001": [ "Amputation below-knee conversion into above-knee amputation", "膝下截肢转换为膝上截肢" ], "782711001": [ "Secukinumab therapy", "苏金单抗治疗" ], "373111004": [ "Procedure in coronary care unit", "冠心病监护室的程序" ], "61815001": [ "Protection of individual from surroundings", "保护个人免受周围环境影响" ], "698956007": [ "Insertion of drain", "插入引流管" ], "303905006": [ "Radionuclide study of gastrointestinal function", "胃肠功能的放射性核素研究" ], "58145007": [ "Electron microscopy study, transmission, examination and report", "电子显微镜研究、传输、检查和报告" ], "74529008": [ "Image analysis, segmentation", "图像分析、分割" ], "121846000": [ "Prorenin measurement", "肾素原测量" ], "385825009": [ "Health history taking management", "Manage health history taking", "健康史采集管理", "管理健康史采集" ], "89078000": [ "Serologic test for Ehrlichia canis", "犬埃里克体血清学检测" ], "252918002": [ "Investigations for impotence", "阳痿检查" ], "1268726004": [ "Education about peer support programme", "Education about peer support program", "同伴支持计划教育" ], "169163002": [ "Isotope dynamic heart scan", "同位素动态心脏扫描" ], "120011003": [ "Testis destructive procedure", "睾丸破坏手术" ], "234699004": [ "Root planing of tooth", "RP - Root planing of tooth", "Planing of root of tooth", "牙根刨削", "牙根平整术", "RP - 牙根平整术" ], "232864000": [ "Removal of thrombus from implanted pulmonary valve", "移除植入式肺动脉瓣中的血栓" ], "427637001": [ "Dermatological non-operative procedure on scrotum", "阴囊皮肤非手术治疗" ], "444021005": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of ciclosporin in serum or plasma specimen using enzyme immunoassay technique", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of ciclosporin in serum or plasma using enzyme immunoassay", "酶联免疫吸附测定技术定量测定血清或血浆标本中环孢素的质量浓度", "酶联免疫吸附法定量测定血清或血浆中环孢素的质量浓度" ], "231029007": [ "Aspiration of spinal cyst", "脊柱囊肿抽吸" ], "1653007": [ "Internal fixation of bone without fracture reduction", "未复位骨内固定" ], "229194000": [ "Hydrotherapy - Bad Ragaz patterns", "水疗 - 巴德拉加兹 (Bad Ragaz) 模式" ], "149109009": [ "Bronchoscopic destruction of bronchial lesion", "支气管镜下破坏支气管病变" ], "442186003": [ "Screening for sickle cell disease", "镰状细胞病筛查" ], "243743000": [ "Provision of corneoscleral contact lens", "Provision of extralimbal contact lens", "提供角膜外隐形眼镜", "提供角巩膜接触镜" ], "178207004": [ "Decompression of tendon sheath", "腱鞘减压" ], "702495006": [ "Computed tomography of foot with contrast", "CT of foot with contrast", "足部增强 CT 扫描", "足部增强计算机断层扫描" ], "194591008": [ "Rectal myectomy", "直肠肌切除术" ], "78068000": [ "Laboratory reporting, verbal", "实验室口头报告" ], "176372000": [ "Urethral pressure measurement", "尿道压力测量" ], "438516005": [ "E-mail encounter to carer", "E-mail encounter to caregiver", "Email encounter to caregiver", "通过电子邮件将情况告知护理人员", "通过电子邮件与护理人员联系", "通过电子邮件向护理人员汇报情况" ], "303774000": [ "Urinary tract contrast procedure", "泌尿道造影检查" ], "713374001": [ "Measurement of surface foot pressure", "足部表面压力测量" ], "1286814001": [ "Fitting of functional orthodontic appliance", "功能性正畸器具的安装" ], "385694004": [ "Cast care assessment", "Assess cast care", "石膏护理评估", "评估石膏护理" ], "238238008": [ "Excision of sinus of umbilicus", "Excision of umbilical sinus", "脐窦切除术" ], "418462009": [ "Fluoroscopic antegrade pyelography", "荧光顺行肾盂造影" ], "105331000": [ "Tacrolimus measurement", "他克莫司测量" ], "449395004": [ "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and incision of duodenal papilla", "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and papillotomy", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影及乳头切开术", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影及十二指肠乳头切开术" ], "252787005": [ "Steady state pattern electroretinography", "稳态模式视网膜电图" ], "121715006": [ "Trichloroethane measurement", "三氯乙烷测量" ], "170867007": [ "Gynaecological follow-up assessment", "Gynecological follow-up assessment", "妇科随访评估" ], "23411009": [ "Maxillary antrectomy", "Maxillary sinusectomy", "上颌窦切除术" ], "398408001": [ "Hantavirus nucleic acid assay", "Hantavirus nucleic acid detection", "汉坦病毒核酸检测" ], "169032003": [ "Tomography - skeleton/limbs", "断层扫描 - 骨骼/四肢" ], "119880004": [ "Esophagus reconstruction", "Oesophagus reconstruction", "Reconstruction of oesophagus", "Reconstruction of esophagus", "食管重建", "食道重建" ], "445725004": [ "Endoscopic ablation of endometrium", "内镜子宫内膜消融术" ], "118045005": [ "HIV 1 p15 AND p18 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 p15 AND p18 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 15 antibody and protein 18 antibody", "HIV 1 p15 和 p18 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 15 抗体和蛋白 18 抗体的测量", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV-1 p15 和 p18 抗体检测" ], "167197004": [ "Digestive function tests", "消化功能检查" ], "3357006": [ "Iron kinetics study", "Iron kinetics", "铁动力学", "铁动力学研究" ], "232733007": [ "Exploration of coronary artery with arteriotomy", "动脉切开术探查冠状动脉" ], "412957009": [ "Plasma gamma-aminobutyrate measurement", "Plasma gamma-aminobutyrate level", "血浆γ-氨基丁酸测定", "血浆γ-氨基丁酸水平" ], "789789009": [ "Traditional Maori medicine", "Rongoa Maori", "Rongoa Māori", "Traditional Māori medicine", "毛利医学", "毛利传统医学", "本土医学", "传统毛利医学" ], "230898002": [ "Clipping of intracranial aneurysm", "颅内动脉瘤夹闭术" ], "263666002": [ "Aluminum stores", "Evaluation of aluminum stores", "Aluminium stores", "Evaluation of aluminium stores", "铝制品商店", "铝店评估", "铝库评估" ], "736967001": [ "Saphenous vein graft bypass of one coronary artery", "Aortocoronary artery bypass of one coronary artery with saphenous vein graft", "用隐静脉移植术进行一侧冠状动脉的主动脉冠状动脉搭桥术", "一侧冠状动脉的隐静脉移植旁路手术" ], "427506009": [ "Excision of ileoanal pouch", "回肠肛门袋切除术" ], "442055007": [ "Measurement of total bilirubin in cord blood specimen", "脐带血样本中总胆红素的测量" ], "720583008": [ "Transcatheter implantation of mitral valve using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided transcatheter mitral valve implantation", "Fluoroscopy guided TMVI (transcatheter mitral valve implantation)", "荧光透视引导下经导管二尖瓣植入术", "荧光透视引导 TMVI(经导管二尖瓣植入术)" ], "704199009": [ "Post mortem request", "Request for postmortem examination", "要求进行尸检", "验尸请求" ], "79772002": [ "Excision of excessive skin and subcutaneous tissue of buttock", "切除臀部多余的皮肤和皮下组织" ], "866204005": [ "Consultation for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", "Consultation for COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)", "慢性阻塞性肺病咨询", "COPD(慢性阻塞性肺病)咨询" ], "61553000": [ "Ophthalmic biometry by ultrasound echography, A-mode", "Orbital A scan - biometry", "通过超声回声描记术、A 型进行眼科生物测量", "眼眶 A 扫描 - 生物测定" ], "225393005": [ "Pressure sore assessment", "Bed sore assessment", "Pressure injury assessment", "压疮评估", "褥疮评估", "压力损伤评估" ], "43334009": [ "Reformation of chamber of eye", "眼房重建" ], "303643006": [ "Excision of spinal cord meninges", "Resection of spinal cord meninges", "脊髓脑膜切除术" ], "90651007": [ "Anesthesia for liver transplant, recipient", "Anaesthesia for liver transplant, recipient", "肝移植手术麻醉、接受者", "肝移植受体麻醉" ], "172571009": [ "Epiretinal dissection", "Epiretinal membrane stripping", "视网膜前夹层", "视网膜前膜剥离" ], "746011009": [ "Closure of skin wound", "皮肤伤口缝合" ], "88816002": [ "Femoral shortening by epiphyseal stapling", "Blount operation with epiphyseal stapling", "Equalization of leg by epiphyseal stapling of femur", "Stapling of epiphyseal plate of femur", "Equalisation of leg by epiphyseal stapling of femur", "布朗特手术及骨骺缝合术", "通过骨骺缝合术缩短股骨", "股骨骺缝合术矫正腿部屈曲", "股骨骺板缝合术", "通过股骨骺缝合术使腿部平衡" ], "121584001": [ "Glycol measurement", "乙二醇测量" ], "105200005": [ "Glipizide measurement", "格列吡嗪测量" ], "252656003": [ "Reflux study - aspiration test for bile", "反流研究 - 胆汁抽吸试验" ], "432880008": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for lithotripsy of salivary gland", "Lithotripsy of salivary gland using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下涎腺碎石术" ], "72432009": [ "Excision of lesion of skin of breast", "乳房皮肤病损切除术" ], "236272008": [ "Activation of bulbar urethral prosthesis for incontinence", "激活球部尿道假体治疗尿失禁" ], "119749000": [ "Lung injection", "肺注射" ], "449264008": [ "Auscultation of lower respiratory tract", "下呼吸道听诊" ], "709573006": [ "MR angiography of vascular structure of upper limb", "MR angiogram of vascular structure of upper limb", "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of upper limb", "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of upper extremity", "MR angiography of vascular structure of arm", "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of arm", "MR angiography of vascular structure of upper extremity", "手臂血管结构的磁共振血管造影", "上肢血管结构磁共振血管造影", "上肢血管结构磁共振血管成像" ], "431045007": [ "Education about infant safety at 0-3 months", "0-3个月婴儿安全教育" ], "447429008": [ "Excision of secondary membrane of anterior segment of eye by pars plana approach", "经睫状体平坦部入路切除眼前节次级膜" ], "232602001": [ "Bronchoscopic placement of stent", "Bronchoscopic stenting procedure", "支气管镜支架置入", "支气管镜支架置入术" ], "281754001": [ "Drainage of intramuscular abscess", "肌内脓肿引流" ], "183450002": [ "Admission to burn unit", "烧伤科入院" ], "117914006": [ "Myocardium antibody pattern determination", "心肌抗体谱测定" ], "1230191000": [ "Preparation of personal care products", "个人护理产品的制备" ], "312687001": [ "Femoro-anterior tibial bypass graft", "Femoral-distal bypass with anterior tibial artery", "股骨前胫骨旁路移植术", "带胫前动脉的股骨远端旁路术" ], "412826008": [ "Fluid sample magnesium measurement", "Fluid sample magnesium level", "流体样品镁含量测量", "流体样品镁含量" ], "443759003": [ "Calculation of quantitative volume rate of glomerular filtration based on concentration of analyte in serum or plasma specimen", "根据血清或血浆样本中分析物的浓度计算肾小球滤过定量体积率" ], "6611000179105": [ "Fiberoptic bronchoscopy with brush biopsy of bronchus", "Fibreoptic bronchoscopy with brush biopsy of bronchus", "Fibreoptic bronchoscopy with bronchial brush", "Fiberoptic bronchoscopy with bronchial brush", "纤维支气管镜检查及支气管刷检", "纤维支气管镜检查及支气管刷" ], "179780008": [ "Extra-articular prosthetic augmentation of intra-articular ligament", "关节外假体增强关节内韧带" ], "81476008": [ "Image analysis, qualitative", "图像分析,定性" ], "1144601002": [ "Vitamin K and/or vitamin K derivative modified diet", "维生素 K 和/或维生素 K 衍生物改良饮食" ], "440089000": [ "Sleep restriction therapy", "睡眠限制治疗" ], "177945008": [ "Open drainage of peritoneum", "腹膜开放引流" ], "405486002": [ "Aorto-profunda bifurcation bypass with prosthesis", "主动脉深部分叉旁路手术及假体" ], "225262006": [ "Saving clots passed via vagina", "挽救经阴道排出的血凝块" ], "274414006": [ "Laryngoscopy to remove object", "喉镜检查取出异物" ], "305347001": [ "Admission to elderly severely mentally ill day hospital", "入住年长严重精神病日间医院" ], "241646009": [ "MRI of cervical spine", "Magnetic resonance imaging of cervical spine", "颈椎磁共振成像", "颈椎 MRI" ], "698563003": [ "Referral to bariatric surgeon", "转诊至减肥外科医生" ], "370883005": [ "Abuse prevention education", "Teach abuse control", "预防虐待教育", "教导虐待控制" ], "713112001": [ "Provision of memory device", "提供记忆装置" ], "121453000": [ "Baclofen measurement", "巴氯芬测量" ], "105069000": [ "Amphetaminil measurement", "安非他明测量" ], "1268333002": [ "Implantation of prosthesis into joint of right ankle", "Prosthetic arthroplasty of right ankle", "右踝关节假体置换术", "右踝关节植入假肢" ], "252525002": [ "Closed patch test - European standard series", "封闭式斑贴试验-欧洲标准系列" ], "711277004": [ "Embolization of abdominal vein", "Embolisation of abdominal vein", "腹腔静脉栓塞" ], "39533006": [ "Prescription for alteration of hormonal balance by drugs", "用药物改变荷尔蒙平衡的处方" ], "119618002": [ "Hip joint destructive procedure", "髋关节破坏性手术" ], "4930005": [ "Repair of thoracogastric fistula", "胸胃瘘修补术" ], "234306006": [ "Gibson and Tough excision and full thickness graft for lymphoedema", "Gibson and Tough excision and full thickness graft for lymphedema", "Excision of lymphoedematous tissue and full thickness skin graft", "Excision of lymphedematous tissue and full thickness graft of skin", "切除淋巴水肿组织并移植全层皮肤", "Gibson 和 Tough 切除及全层移植治疗淋巴水肿", "淋巴水肿组织切除及全层皮肤移植" ], "232471000": [ "Pro-labial flap V-Y advancement", "V-Y advancement columella lengthening", "Bilateral columellae lengthening operation", "Lengthening of both sides of nasal columella", "Lengthening of bilateral sides of nasal columella", "V-Y 推进鼻小柱延长术", "前唇瓣 V-Y 推进", "延长两侧鼻小柱", "双侧鼻小柱延长术" ], "21314009": [ "Maintenance of knee immobilizer", "Maintenance of knee immobiliser", "膝关节固定器的保养" ], "117783002": [ "Coxsackievirus A21 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human coxsackievirus A 21 antibody", "柯萨奇病毒 A21 抗体检测", "人柯萨奇病毒A21抗体测定" ], "52247003": [ "Repair of aortic valve with tissue graft", "用组织移植物修复主动脉瓣" ], "183319003": [ "Continuous passive mobilization of elbow", "Continuous passive mobilisation of elbow", "持续肘部被动活动" ], "773143005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of left orbit", "MRI of left orbit", "左眼眶磁共振成像", "左眼眶 MRI" ], "429079004": [ "Insertion of stent into portal vein", "门静脉置入支架" ], "19479007": [ "Reconstruction of head and neck using muscle flap", "Reconstruction of head and neck with muscle flap", "Muscle flap reconstruction of head and neck", "利用肌瓣重建头部和颈部", "肌瓣重建头颈部", "头颈部肌瓣重建" ], "50412001": [ "Wide destruction of lesion of bony palate", "骨腭病变广泛破坏" ], "1230060009": [ "Revision of THR (total hip replacement) using liner exchange", "Revision of total replacement of hip joint using liner exchange", "Revision of total arthroplasty of hip joint using liner exchange", "Revision of THA (total hip arthroplasty) using liner exchange", "Revision of total replacement of hip joint using acetabular liner exchange", "髋臼内衬置换术全髋关节置换术", "髋关节全置换术中衬管置换的翻修", "髋关节全置换术中衬垫置换术", "使用衬垫交换术修复全髋关节置换术 (THA)", "使用衬垫置换术修复全髋关节置换术 (THR)" ], "409025002": [ "Ventilator care", "呼吸机护理" ], "64961003": [ "Excision of cusp of mitral valve", "二尖瓣切除术" ], "179649005": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture dislocation and fixation by wire(s)", "骨折脱位的初次闭合复位并用钢丝固定" ], "48577007": [ "Leukovorin rescue", "亚叶酸钙救援" ], "718486002": [ "Penile plethysmography using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided penile plethysmography", "超声引导下的阴茎体积描记法", "超声引导下阴茎体积描记法" ], "13974003": [ "Aponeurotomy of hand", "手部腱膜切开术" ], "177814005": [ "Biopsy of periurethral tissue", "尿道周围组织活检" ], "439958008": [ "Sampling of cervix for Papanicolaou smear", "宫颈取样进行巴氏涂片检查" ], "28523002": [ "Hydrocelectomy of processus vaginalis", "Excision of hydrocele of processus vaginalis testis", "鞘突积液切除术", "睾丸鞘突鞘膜积液切除术" ], "225131002": [ "Application of cream to skin", "将乳霜涂抹在皮肤上" ], "241515004": [ "US measurement of skin thickness", "Ultrasound measurement of skin thickness", "超声波测量皮肤厚度", "美国皮肤厚度测量" ], "257899004": [ "Realignment and suture of posterior urethra", "Realignment and suture", "重新排列和缝合", "后尿道复位缝合" ], "405355007": [ "Revision of anastomosis of upper limb vascular prosthesis", "上肢人工血管吻合术" ], "239680006": [ "Application of forearm cast brace", "前臂石膏支具的应用" ], "26688007": [ "Internal and combined version without extraction", "无需提取的内部和组合版本" ], "450837004": [ "Primary anterior excision of lumbar disc", "一期腰椎间盘前切除术" ], "303381005": [ "Mastoid antrum drainage", "乳突窦引流" ], "418069006": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of spleen with contrast", "Splenic venogram with contrast", "脾脏荧光静脉造影", "脾静脉造影" ], "172309008": [ "Enlargement of lacrimal punctum", "泪点增大" ], "41237009": [ "Subtotal parathyroidectomy", "Partial excision of parathyroid glands", "甲状旁腺部分切除术", "甲状旁腺次全切除术" ], "6634001": [ "Destruction of hemorrhoids, internal", "Destruction of haemorrhoids, internal", "Destruction of rectal hemorrhoids, internal", "破坏痔疮,内部", "直肠痔疮的破坏,内部" ], "449002000": [ "Revision of posterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc", "颈椎间盘后路切除术修复" ], "121322001": [ "Aliphatic hydrocarbon measurement", "脂肪烃测量" ], "252394006": [ "Breast fluid microscopy", "乳腺积液显微镜检查" ], "416234007": [ "Highly active anti-retroviral therapy", "HAART-Highly active anti-retroviral therapy", "高效抗逆转录病毒疗法" ], "135871000": [ "Silver nitrate cautery", "硝酸银烧灼" ], "104938008": [ "Somatostatin measurement", "生长抑素测量" ], "250559008": [ "Venous oxygen concentration measurement", "Venous oxygen concentration", "静脉血氧浓度", "静脉氧浓度测量" ], "1264532002": [ "Restoration of tooth using porcelain fused to noble metal crown", "贵金属烤瓷牙冠修复" ], "609172008": [ "Revision of hybrid prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint using cement", "骨水泥混合型肩关节假体置换术" ], "166804009": [ "Electrophoresis: albumin", "电泳:白蛋白" ], "443497002": [ "Excision of sentinel lymph node", "Lymphadenectomy of sentinel lymph node", "前哨淋巴结切除术", "哨兵淋巴结清扫术" ], "1295465005": [ "Plain X-ray of gland with contrast", "腺体造影 X 光检查" ], "81214004": [ "Destruction of lesion of rectum by laser", "Destruction of lesion of rectum using laser", "激光毁损直肠病变", "激光破坏直肠病变" ], "392510005": [ "Papain specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rk201 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Papain specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "木瓜蛋白酶特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Rk201特异性IgE抗体测量", "木瓜蛋白酶特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "3191000087100": [ "MRI of right wrist with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right wrist with contrast", "右腕部对比磁共振成像", "右腕部增强 MRI 检查" ], "243219004": [ "Orthoptic treatment Fresnel prisms - base oblique", "视轴矫正菲涅尔棱镜-基座斜置" ], "128531006": [ "Transplantation of islet cells", "Islet cell transplant", "Transplantation of islets of Langerhans", "胰岛移植", "胰岛细胞移植" ], "15991000087102": [ "Computed tomography angiography of right upper limb with contrast", "CT angiography of right upper extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of right arm with contrast", "CT angiography of right arm with contrast", "CT angiography of right upper limb with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of right upper extremity with contrast", "右上肢增强 CT 血管造影", "右臂增强 CT 血管造影" ], "716520000": [ "Ottawa ankle rules assessment", "渥太华脚踝规则评估" ], "308755006": [ "Subcutaneous injection of insulin", "Insulin injection", "皮下注射胰岛素", "胰岛素注射" ], "4471000087106": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of left wrist", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of left wrist", "左腕关节荧光透视造影" ], "631000087107": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of bilateral upper limbs", "Injection of bilateral upper limbs using fluoroscopic guidance", "Injection of both upper limbs using fluoroscopic guidance", "Injection of left and right upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下左、右上肢注射", "荧光透视引导下双侧上肢注射", "荧光透视引导下双上肢注射", "透视引导下双侧上肢注射" ], "14711000087107": [ "Injection of bilateral sacroiliac joints using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided injection of bilateral sacroiliac joints", "超声引导下双侧骶髂关节注射" ], "19831000087106": [ "Magnetic resonance arthrography of right hip", "Magnetic resonance arthrogram of right hip", "MR arthrography of right hip", "右髋关节磁共振关节造影", "右髋关节 MR 关节造影" ], "372456005": [ "Repair of obstetric laceration", "产科裂伤的修复" ], "700136006": [ "Management of cystoscopy", "Management of endoscopy of urinary bladder", "膀胱镜检查管理", "膀胱内镜检查管理" ], "1911000087108": [ "CT of bilateral shoulders with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral shoulders with contrast", "Computed tomography of both shoulders with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right shoulder with contrast", "双肩增强 CT 扫描", "双肩增强计算机断层扫描", "左、右肩部增强计算机断层扫描", "双肩增强 CT 检查" ], "59325001": [ "Fine needle biopsy of bronchus", "Aspiration biopsy of bronchus", "支气管细针活检", "支气管抽吸活检" ], "241384005": [ "Non-imaging thyroid uptake of I123", "非成像甲状腺对碘123的摄取" ], "419773005": [ "Small bowel series with water soluble contrast follow through", "小肠系列检查及水溶性造影剂跟踪" ], "239549006": [ "Manipulation of spinal dislocation", "脊椎脱位的治疗" ], "305085008": [ "Prophylactic hamstring stretching", "预防性腿筋拉伸" ], "73874002": [ "Ultraviolet light examination of specimen", "Wood lamp examination of specimen", "伍德灯检查标本", "标本的紫外线检查" ], "450706006": [ "Repair of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉修复" ], "1237138006": [ "Dental photography", "牙科摄影" ], "270482007": [ "Fixation of mandible", "Fixation of jaw", "颌骨固定", "下颌骨固定" ], "170343007": [ "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Haemophilus influenzae type b antigen", "First Haemophilus influenzae type b immunization", "Administration of first dose of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine", "First Haemophilus influenzae type b immunisation", "First Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccination", "首次 B 型流感嗜血杆菌免疫", "接种第一剂仅含 b 型流感嗜血杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "首次接种乙型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗", "注射第一剂 b 型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗" ], "104807008": [ "Methane measurement", "甲烷测量" ], "711015009": [ "Assessment of symptom control", "症状控制评估" ], "72039008": [ "Lactobacilli MRS broth test", "Lactobacilli Man, Rogosa and Sharpe broth test", "人乳杆菌、罗格萨和夏普肉汤试验", "乳酸杆菌MRS肉汤试验" ], "414268003": [ "Fluid sample barbiturate level", "Fluid sample barbiturate measurement", "液体样本巴比妥酸盐测量", "液体样本巴比妥酸盐水平" ], "428817001": [ "Insertion of stent into ureter", "将支架插入输尿管" ], "314129003": [ "Three layer compression bandage for skin ulcer", "皮肤溃疡三层加压绷带" ], "609041006": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from integument prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "使用巴氏技术制备的体表标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "133905007": [ "Delivery room care", "产房护理" ], "1297169008": [ "Insertion of dental bridge with resin and noble metal pontic onto tooth", "将带有树脂和贵金属桥体的牙桥插入牙齿上" ], "279526001": [ "Lumbosacral fusion for pseudoarthrosis", "Lumbosacral spinal fusion for pseudoarthrosis", "腰骶脊柱融合术治疗假关节", "腰骶融合治疗假关节" ], "443366000": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of bone of knee", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和膝关节骨计算机断层扫描" ], "183057009": [ "Gluten-free diet education", "无麸质饮食教育" ], "164838003": [ "Special dermatological testing", "特殊皮肤病学测试" ], "82918005": [ "Positron emission tomography", "PET scan", "PET - Positron emission tomography", "PET-正电子发射断层扫描", "正电子发射断层扫描" ], "392379000": [ "Douglas fir specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pseudotsuga taxifolia specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rt207 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pseudotsuga taxifolia specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "紫杉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "紫杉特异性IgE抗体测定", "花旗松特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rt207 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "66534009": [ "Cerebral duraplasty", "Repair of cerebral dura mater", "脑硬膜成形术", "硬脑膜修复" ], "408763006": [ "Needle revision of failed filtering bleb", "失败的滤过泡针修复术" ], "228539007": [ "Lower limb training", "下肢训练" ], "177552002": [ "Resuture of skin of head or neck", "头部或颈部皮肤缝合" ], "46480003": [ "Celiac angiography", "Coeliac angiography", "Coeliac arteriogram", "Coeliac axis angiography", "Coeliac axis arteriogram", "Celiac arteriogram", "Celiac axis arteriogram", "Celiac axis angiography", "Arteriography of coeliac artery", "Arteriography of celiac artery", "Angiography of celiac artery", "Angiography of coeliac artery", "腹腔动脉血管造影", "腹腔动脉造影", "腹腔血管造影" ], "406928002": [ "Solochrome dark blue stain method", "Solochrome dark blue stain", "Solochrome 深蓝色染色", "单色深蓝染色法" ], "128400002": [ "Anastomosis of stomach", "胃吻合术" ], "243088006": [ "Tongue cleaning instruction", "Tongue cleaning education", "舌头清洁教育", "舌头清洁指导" ], "62864006": [ "Reduction of fracture of leg with internal fixation", "小腿骨折复位内固定" ], "28261000": [ "Beta-glucosidase measurement", "β-葡萄糖苷酶测量" ], "241253005": [ "Adrenal arteriogram", "Arteriography of adrenal artery", "Angiography of adrenal artery", "肾上腺动脉造影" ], "175717006": [ "Percutaneous embolectomy of femoral artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of femoral artery", "经皮股动脉腔内栓塞切除术", "经皮股动脉栓塞切除术" ], "388709007": [ "Panicum milliaceum specific IgE antibody measurement", "f55 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Common millet specific IgE antibody measurement", "Panicum milliaceum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "黍特异性IgE抗体测定", "f55 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "小米特异性IgE抗体测定", "黍特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "1255226002": [ "Pork free diet", "无猪肉饮食" ], "239418004": [ "Open meniscectomy", "Open meniscectomy operations", "开放式半月板切除手术", "开放半月板切除术" ], "1287994008": [ "RFA (radiofrequency ablation) of neoplasm of bile duct", "Radiofrequency ablation of neoplasm of bile duct", "胆管肿瘤射频消融术" ], "188431000": [ "Suture of fascia to skeletal attachment", "筋膜与骨骼附着处的缝合" ], "104676000": [ "Galactose challenge tests", "半乳糖激发试验" ], "450575009": [ "Registration of visual impairment", "视力障碍登记" ], "448740003": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of thoracic inlet with contrast", "MRI of thoracic inlet with contrast", "胸腔入口磁共振成像对比", "胸腔入口增强磁共振成像" ], "710884008": [ "Education about managing withdrawal symptoms", "关于管理戒断症状的教育" ], "608910000": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from liver", "肝脏标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "428686002": [ "Recession of vertical extraocular muscle", "垂直眼外肌萎缩" ], "363150004": [ "Immune system procedure by site", "免疫系统程序按部位" ], "19086005": [ "Radioisotope study of respiratory system", "Radionuclide study of respiratory system", "呼吸系统放射性同位素研究", "呼吸系统放射性核素研究" ], "313998007": [ "Fluid sample uric acid measurement", "Fluid sample uric acid level", "液体样本尿酸测量", "液体样本尿酸水平" ], "836451004": [ "Drainage of seroma of left breast using seroma catheter", "使用血清肿导管引流左乳房血清肿" ], "770915004": [ "Dry needling of verruca plantaris", "跖疣干针治疗" ], "867007": [ "Facial-hypoglossal nerve anastomosis", "Anastomosis of hypoglossal and facial nerve", "Neuroanastomosis of hypoglossal and facial nerve", "Hypoglossofacial anastomosis", "舌面下吻合术", "舌下神经及面神经吻合术", "面神经-舌下神经吻合术" ], "80952000": [ "Microbial smear, light microscopy examination", "微生物涂片、光学显微镜检查" ], "392248001": [ "Arterial cannula insertion", "Cannulation of artery", "Intra-arterial cannulation", "Arterial cannulation", "动脉插管", "动脉内插管" ], "443235009": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography indium 111 leucocyte study", "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography indium 111 leukocyte study", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描与计算机断层扫描铟111白细胞研究" ], "438991000124100": [ "Sulphur supplement therapy", "Sulfur supplement therapy", "硫磺补充疗法" ], "31800006": [ "Selective angiocardiography", "选择性心血管造影" ], "437711000124108": [ "Decreased histidine diet", "减少组氨酸饮食" ], "406797007": [ "Alizarin red S stain method", "Alizarin red S stain", "茜素红S染色", "茜素红S染色法" ], "241122003": [ "Video examination of joint movement", "关节活动度视频检查" ], "306658007": [ "Discharge from endocrine surgery service", "内分泌外科出院" ], "239287004": [ "Fixation of fracture using cannulated screws", "使用空心螺钉固定骨折" ], "9911007": [ "Core needle biopsy", "芯针活检" ], "173751007": [ "Conversion from previous anastomosis of stomach to transposed jejunum", "胃吻合术转为空肠转位术" ], "104545004": [ "Saccharase measurement", "Beta-fructofuranosidase measurement", "Measurement of beta-fructofuranosidase", "蔗糖酶测定", "β-呋喃果糖苷酶的测定", "β-呋喃果糖苷酶测量" ], "397622007": [ "Antimicrobial activity measurement", "Antimicrobial activity level", "抗菌活性测量", "抗菌活性水平" ], "86326008": [ "Collection of sweat test, pediatric overnight", "Collection of sweat test, paediatric overnight", "收集汗液测试,儿科过夜" ], "608779000": [ "Open reduction of fracture of clavicle with internal fixation", "锁骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "708918008": [ "Robot assisted laparoscopic pyeloplasty", "Laparoscopic pyeloplasty using robotic assistance", "Pyeloplasty, laparoscopic with robot assistance", "使用机器人辅助的腹腔镜肾盂成形术", "机器人辅助腹腔镜肾盂成形术" ], "281099003": [ "Referral to nurse", "转介给护士" ], "182795002": [ "Fibrinogen degradation product screening", "纤维蛋白原降解产物筛选" ], "428555003": [ "Transvenous implantation of automatic cardiac defibrillator", "经静脉植入自动心脏除颤器" ], "313867006": [ "Plasma AFP MoM", "Plasma alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) multiple of median measurement", "Plasma alpha-fetoprotein multiple of median measurement", "血浆甲胎蛋白中位测量值倍数", "血浆 AFP MoM", "血浆甲胎蛋白 (AFP) 中位测量值倍数" ], "410336000": [ "Feeding procedures case management", "喂养程序案例管理" ], "18955008": [ "Operation on scrotum", "Operation on the scrotum", "Scrotum operation", "阴囊手术" ], "117259009": [ "Microscopy", "Microscopic examination", "显微镜", "显微镜检查" ], "17120007": [ "Biofeedback, strain gage", "Biofeedback, strain gauge", "生物反馈、应变计" ], "277429003": [ "Equitest measurement of balance", "公平衡量平衡" ], "179125006": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture and internal fixation with screw(s)", "骨折复位及螺钉内固定" ], "408501008": [ "Emergency hospital admission for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", "Emergency hospital admission for COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)", "慢性阻塞性肺病急诊入院", "因 COPD(慢性阻塞性肺病)紧急入院" ], "734346005": [ "Use of asthma symptom diary", "Asthma monitoring using asthma symptom diary", "哮喘症状日记的使用", "使用哮喘症状日记监测哮喘" ], "13450007": [ "Mammary ductogram of multiple ducts", "Mammary galactogram of multiple ducts", "多条乳腺导管造影", "乳腺多导管乳腺造影" ], "44383000": [ "Patient referral for consultation", "Request for consultation", "咨询请求", "病人转介咨询" ], "177290009": [ "Mohs chemosurgical excision of skin of head or neck", "Microscopically controlled excision of lesion of skin of head or neck using chemosurgical technique", "莫氏化学外科切除头部或颈部皮肤", "使用化学外科技术在显微镜下切除头部或颈部皮肤病变" ], "175455002": [ "Percutaneous angioplasty of brachial artery", "经皮肱动脉血管成形术" ], "306527004": [ "Discharge by professional allied to medicine", "由医学相关专业人员出院" ], "240991007": [ "Unroofing of blister", "Deroofing of skin blister", "去水泡", "皮肤水疱剥除术" ], "222772002": [ "Removal of foreign body from bone, except fixation device", "去除骨中异物(固定装置除外)" ], "763444008": [ "Repair of partial cleft lip", "部分唇裂修复" ], "386612009": [ "Operation on lens", "Operative procedure on ocular lens", "Lens operations", "眼晶状体手术", "镜头操作" ], "58932009": [ "Individual natural childbirth education", "Natural childbirth instruction, individual", "自然分娩指导,个人", "个性化自然分娩教育" ], "104414001": [ "HLA typing, multiple antigens, DR or DQ", "Human leukocyte antigen (HLA), multiple antigens, DR or DQ", "Human leucocyte antigen (HLA), multiple antigens, DR or DQ", "Human leukocyte antigen, multiple antigens, DR or DQ", "人类白细胞抗原 (HLA)、多种抗原、DR 或 DQ", "人类白细胞抗原、多种抗原、DR 或 DQ", "HLA 分型、多种抗原、DR 或 DQ" ], "235486003": [ "Insertion of pancreatic duct prosthesis", "胰管假体插入" ], "432094005": [ "Iodine 131 antibody therapy", "Radiolabelled Iodine 131 antibody therapy", "Radiolabeled Iodine 131 antibody therapy", "放射性碘 131 抗体治疗", "放射性碘131抗体治疗", "碘131抗体治疗" ], "22494006": [ "Immediate percussion", "立即打击" ], "430259000": [ "Education about infant nutrition at 10-12 months", "10-12个月婴儿营养教育" ], "383761000119101": [ "Computed tomography of shoulder without contrast", "CT of shoulder without contrast", "肩部无造影 CT", "无造影剂肩部计算机断层扫描" ], "168115006": [ "Amniotic fetal cell study", "Amniotic foetal cell study", "羊膜胎儿细胞研究" ], "571921000119104": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of liver", "SPECT of liver", "肝脏 SPECT", "肝脏单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "16446481000119106": [ "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous core needle biopsy of thyroid", "Percutaneous core needle biopsy of thyroid using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下经皮甲状腺穿刺芯针活检" ], "67976002": [ "Endoscopy of cul-de-sac", "Culdoscopy", "Endoscopic exploration of cul-de-sac", "直肠内窥镜检查", "内窥镜探查死路", "后穹窿镜检查" ], "18824003": [ "Excision of lesion of vein of upper limb", "上肢静脉病变切除术" ], "313736003": [ "Plasma glycine measurement", "Plasma glycine level", "血浆甘氨酸测量", "血浆甘氨酸水平" ], "410205005": [ "Respiratory care assessment", "Assessment of respiratory care", "呼吸护理评估" ], "426589007": [ "Endoscopic decompression of joint", "内镜关节减压术" ], "442973008": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided fine needle aspiration biopsy", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行经皮细针穿刺活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行细针穿刺活检", "CT引导下细针穿刺活检" ], "178994006": [ "Angular correction by callotasis", "通过胼胝体矫正角度" ], "406535000": [ "Accommodation needs assessment", "住宿需求评估" ], "439303004": [ "Application of rigid total contact leg cast", "刚性全接触腿石膏的应用" ], "62471006": [ "Deep axillary lymphadenectomy", "腋窝深淋巴结清扫术" ], "29703006": [ "Complement assay", "Complement test", "Complement observations", "补体检测", "补体测定", "补充观察" ], "715996000": [ "Insertion of drain into pericardium using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided insertion of drain into pericardium", "超声引导下将引流管插入心包", "在超声引导下将引流管插入心包" ], "306396001": [ "Discharge by own GP", "Discharge by own general practitioner", "由自己的全科医生出院" ], "765148004": [ "Assessment using Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire status version", "Assessment using DTSQs (Diabetes Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire status version)", "使用糖尿病治疗满意度问卷状态版本进行评估", "使用 DTSQ(糖尿病治疗满意度问卷状态版本)进行评估" ], "304561000": [ "Informing health care professional", "告知医疗保健专业人员" ], "77020008": [ "Direct Coombs test", "Anti-human globulin test, direct", "Direct antiglobulin test", "DCT - Direct Coombs test", "DAT - Direct antiglobulin test", "直接抗球蛋白试验", "直接 Coombs 试验", "DCT - 直接 Coombs 试验", "抗人球蛋白试验,直接", "DAT-直接抗球蛋白试验" ], "173489003": [ "Extirpation of lesion of salivary gland", "涎腺病变摘除术" ], "1156529004": [ "External beam radiation therapy using particle passive scattering technique", "Particle passive scattering external beam radiotherapy", "Particle passive scattering teleradiotherapy", "采用粒子被动散射技术的体外放射治疗", "粒子被动散射远程放射治疗", "粒子被动散射外束放射治疗" ], "122502001": [ "Anchoring", "Anchoring procedure", "锚定", "锚固程序" ], "401030001": [ "Urine flunitrazepam level", "尿液氟硝西泮浓度" ], "171654003": [ "Decompression of trochlear nerve (IV)", "滑车神经减压术(IV)" ], "55131002": [ "Pancreatic polypeptide measurement", "Human pancreatic polypeptide measurement", "Pancreatic polypeptide level", "人胰多肽测定", "胰多肽水平", "胰多肽测定" ], "235355008": [ "Closure of perforated large intestine", "大肠穿孔缝合" ], "1202011009": [ "Repair of ectropion of skin of eyelid using local V-Y advancement flap", "V-Y advancement flap repair of ectropion", "局部V-Y推进皮瓣修复眼睑皮肤外翻", "V-Y推进皮瓣修复眼睑外翻" ], "118832005": [ "Procedure on small intestine", "小肠手术" ], "217136007": [ "Biopsy of urethra", "尿道活检" ], "708656007": [ "Dual energy X-ray photon absorptiometry of wrist", "DXA of wrist", "DEXA of wrist", "腕部 DXA", "腕部 DEXA", "腕部双能X射线光子吸收测定法" ], "18693001": [ "Anesthesia for endoscopic procedure on perineum and pelvis", "Anaesthesia for endoscopic procedure on perineum and pelvis", "会阴及盆腔内窥镜检查的麻醉" ], "233520008": [ "Peripheral venous cannula insertion", "Insertion of peripheral venous cannula into peripheral vein", "外周静脉插管", "将外周静脉插管插入外周静脉" ], "231685004": [ "Superior oblique anterior transposition", "上斜肌前移位术" ], "116997007": [ "Acridine orange stain", "Acridine orange stain method", "吖啶橙染色", "吖啶橙染色法" ], "442842005": [ "Conscious oral sedation", "Oral administration of sedative for conscious sedation", "清醒口服镇静剂", "口服镇静剂以达到清醒镇静" ], "311770006": [ "Urethral bouginage using Cluttons sound", "Urethral bougienage using Cluttons sound", "使用 Cluttons 探条进行尿道探查", "使用 Cluttons 探条进行尿道探条检查" ], "33242005": [ "Alveolectomy, including curettage of osteitis", "肺泡切除术,包括骨炎刮除术" ], "474008": [ "Esophagoenteric anastomosis, intrathoracic", "Oesophagoenteric anastomosis, intrathoracic", "胸内食管肠吻合术" ], "408239004": [ "Treponema pallidum gelatin agglutination test", "梅毒螺旋体明胶凝集试验" ], "80559004": [ "Nasal vibration test", "鼻腔振动试验" ], "15023006": [ "Thromboendarterectomy with graft of carotid artery by neck incision", "经颈切开法颈动脉血栓内膜切除术及颈动脉移植术" ], "1260207009": [ "Endoscopic removal of bulking agent from outlet of female bladder", "Endoscopic removal of bulking agent from outlet of female urinary bladder", "内镜下女性膀胱出口膨胀剂去除术" ], "306265007": [ "Referral to pain management specialist", "转诊至疼痛管理专家" ], "91438000": [ "Amalgam restoration, one surface, primary", "汞合金修复,单面,初级" ], "173358003": [ "Excision of lesion of tongue", "舌病损切除术" ], "714030004": [ "Posterior fusion of atlantoaxial joint using polyaxial screw and rod fixation", "采用多轴螺钉和杆固定进行寰枢关节后融合" ], "1254702005": [ "Assistance with application for adult learning center", "Assistance with application for adult learning centre", "协助申请成人学习中心" ], "25902004": [ "Individual exercises", "个人练习" ], "304430007": [ "Ultrasound treatment to shoulder", "肩部超声波治疗" ], "9518008": [ "Fistulography of abdominal wall with contrast", "Fistulogram of abdominal wall with contrast", "腹壁造影瘘管造影" ], "42286009": [ "Destructive procedure on posterior segment of eye", "眼后节破坏性手术" ], "1172782006": [ "Periradicular surgery on anterior tooth", "Periapical surgery on anterior tooth", "前牙根尖手术", "前牙根尖周围手术" ], "386350007": [ "Administration of drug or medicament via otic route", "通过耳部途径给药" ], "7683005": [ "Incision of blood vessel", "Angiotomy", "血管切开", "血管切开术" ], "122371008": [ "Histoplasma capsulatum rRNA assay", "Histoplasma capsulatum ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "荚膜组织胞浆菌核糖体核糖核酸测定", "荚膜组织胞浆菌 rRNA 检测" ], "38616001": [ "Thermosclerectomy", "热巩膜切除术" ], "284376006": [ "Examination of finger", "手指检查" ], "167853000": [ "Vomit toxicology", "呕吐物毒理学" ], "104152009": [ "Reticulocyte count, manual", "网织红细胞计数,手动" ], "315309000": [ "Operation on Skene's gland", "Operation on Skene gland", "斯基恩氏腺手术", "斯基恩腺手术" ], "118701001": [ "Procedure on male perineum", "男性会阴手术" ], "20397006": [ "Chemical tattooing of cornea", "角膜化学纹身" ], "231554000": [ "Transantral transethmoidal orbital decompression", "经上颌窦经筛窦眼眶减压术" ], "67714000": [ "Insertion of Miller-Abbott tube for intestinal decompression", "插入 Miller-Abbott 管进行肠减压" ], "2178007": [ "Ureterocentesis", "输尿管穿刺术" ], "313474007": [ "60 minute blood glucose measurement", "60 minute blood glucose level", "60 分钟血糖水平", "60分钟血糖测量" ], "311639009": [ "Developing cause and effect link for communication exercises", "为沟通练习建立因果联系" ], "178732003": [ "Pyloroduodenotomy", "幽门十二指肠切开术" ], "31276007": [ "Electroejaculation procedure", "电刺激射精程序" ], "260652008": [ "Bilateral lumbotomy", "Incision of bilateral loins", "Incision of both loins", "Incision of bilateral flanks", "切开双腰", "双侧腰部切开术", "双侧腰椎切开术" ], "275201003": [ "Single leaflet aortic valve replacement", "单叶主动脉瓣置换术" ], "226049009": [ "Proprioception awareness work", "Joint position sense work", "JPS - Joint position sense work", "Proprioceptive facilitation", "本体感受促进", "JPS-- 关节位置感知训练", "联合位置感知工作", "本体感受意识工作" ], "60374009": [ "Morphometric analysis", "Morphometry", "形态测量分析", "形态测量学" ], "173227001": [ "Cautery to lesion of lip", "Cauterisation of lesion of lip", "Cauterization of lesion of lip", "唇部损伤烧灼术", "唇部损伤处烧灼" ], "74923002": [ "Mobilization", "Mobilisation", "动员" ], "306134009": [ "Referral to child and adolescent psychiatry service", "转诊至儿童和青少年精神病服务机构" ], "386219007": [ "Control of hemorrhage in postpartum uterus", "Control of haemorrhage in postpartum uterus", "Reduction of bleeding in postpartum uterus", "减少产后子宫出血", "产后子宫出血的控制" ], "122240002": [ "Measurement of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Paratyphi B O antibody", "Salmonella Paratyphi B O antibody assay", "副伤寒沙门氏菌B型血清型O抗体测定", "副伤寒沙门氏菌B O抗体测定" ], "236928003": [ "Removal of ring from fallopian tube", "输卵管环取出" ], "302464005": [ "Biopsy of lesion of tendon", "肌腱损伤活检" ], "89472007": [ "Incision and drainage of popliteal space", "腘窝切开引流" ], "171392008": [ "Prison medical examination", "监狱体检" ], "1201749003": [ "Revision of TKR (total knee replacement) using rotating hinge prosthesis", "Revision of total arthroplasty of knee using rotating hinge prosthesis", "Revision of total replacement of knee joint using rotating hinge prosthesis", "Revision of TKA (total knee arthroplasty) using rotating hinge prosthesis", "使用旋转铰链假体进行全膝关节置换术 (TKR) 的修复", "旋转铰链假体全膝关节置换术", "旋转铰链假体全膝关节置换术翻修", "使用旋转铰链假体进行 TKA(全膝关节置换术)的修复" ], "431701003": [ "Removal of biliary drain using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下移除胆道引流管" ], "104021006": [ "Di^b^ blood group antibody identification", "Di^b^血型抗体鉴定" ], "233258006": [ "Angioplasty of artery", "Balloon angioplasty of artery", "Arterial angioplasty", "Balloon dilatation of artery", "动脉球囊成形术", "动脉血管成形术", "动脉球囊扩张术" ], "446250007": [ "D2 lymph node dissection", "D2淋巴结清扫" ], "429866009": [ "Computed tomography of breast for radiotherapy planning", "Computed tomography (CT) of breast for radiotherapy planning", "CT of breast for radiotherapy planning", "乳房 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划", "乳腺计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "乳房计算机断层扫描 (CT) 用于放射治疗计划" ], "34815006": [ "Transplantation of adrenal gland tissue to cerebral ventricle", "肾上腺组织移植至脑室" ], "229588000": [ "Ultraviolet B therapy", "UVB - Ultraviolet B light therapy", "Ultraviolet B light therapy", "UVB - Ultraviolet B", "UVB phototherapy", "紫外线B疗法", "UVB——紫外线 B", "紫外线B光疗法", "UVB - 紫外线 B 光疗", "UVB光疗" ], "165887009": [ "Reticulin R1 autoantibody titer", "Reticulin R1 autoantibody titer measurement", "Reticulin R1 autoantibody titre", "Reticulin R1 autoantibody titre measurement", "网状蛋白 R1 自身抗体滴度测量", "网状蛋白 R1 自身抗体滴度" ], "737492002": [ "Outpatient care management", "门诊护理管理" ], "113065001": [ "Immunoassay for chemical constituent", "化学成分免疫分析" ], "63913004": [ "Tonography with water provocation", "Water drinking test", "水激发眼压检查", "饮水测试" ], "178601009": [ "Primary extended posterior decompression lumbar spine and fusion", "初次扩大后路腰椎减压融合术" ], "307838002": [ "Discharge by person", "个人出院" ], "176766002": [ "Avulsion of lesion of cervix uteri", "宫颈病变撕脱术" ], "306003008": [ "Referral from dental surgeon", "Referral by dental surgeon", "牙科医生推荐", "牙科医生转诊" ], "386088000": [ "Collection of induced sputum", "Induced sputum collection", "诱导痰液收集", "诱导痰液采集" ], "781139008": [ "Assessment using AIMS2 (Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales 2)", "Assessment using Arthritis Impact Measurement Scales 2", "使用关节炎影响测量量表 2 进行评估", "使用 AIMS2(关节炎影响测量量表 2)进行评估" ], "287784004": [ "Local excision of rectum", "直肠局部切除术" ], "91176004": [ "Direct thrombectomy of femoropopliteal vein by abdominal and leg incision", "经腹部及小腿切口直接切除股腘静脉血栓" ], "23805000": [ "Curettage of eyelid", "眼睑刮除术" ], "1268989001": [ "Wide local excision of lesion of breast using infrared reflector", "Wide local excision of lesion of breast using infrared reflector localization marker", "Wide local excision of lesion of breast using infrared reflector localisation marker", "红外反射定位标记乳腺病灶广泛局部切除术", "使用红外反射定位标记进行乳腺病变广泛局部切除", "红外线反射器乳腺病变广泛局部切除术" ], "122109003": [ "Streptococcus pneumoniae 23 antibody assay", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serogroup 23 antibody", "肺炎链球菌 23 抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌血清群 23 抗体的测量" ], "7421004": [ "Bone marrow imaging, limited area", "骨髓成像,有限区域" ], "302333009": [ "Adjustment of neurostimulator electrode adjacent to spinal cord tissue", "调整邻近脊髓组织的神经刺激器电极" ], "447954001": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of lesion of heart", "心脏病变射频消融术" ], "169426003": [ "Laser dental therapy", "激光牙科治疗" ], "71122007": [ "Middle ear exploration through postauricular incision", "经耳后切口探查中耳" ], "103890007": [ "Little s blood group typing", "Little 的血型分类" ], "5586008": [ "Aminolevulinic acid dehydratase measurement", "ALA-D measurement", "Aminolaevulinic acid dehydratase measurement", "ALA-D 测量", "氨基乙酰丙酸脱水酶测定" ], "233127003": [ "Repair of double outlet right ventricle with anastomosis of left ventricle to aorta via ventricular septal defect and direct anastomosis of right ventricle to pulmonary trunk", "REV (reparation a l'etage ventriculaire) operation", "REV operation", "REV(心室水平修复)手术", "左心室经室间隔缺损吻合主动脉及右心室直接吻合肺动脉干修复右心室双出口", "REV 操作" ], "20135006": [ "Screening procedure", "Health screening", "Screening procedures", "健康检查", "筛查程序", "筛选程序" ], "231292000": [ "Infiltration of neurolytic substance to subcutaneous tissue", "神经溶解物质渗入皮下组织" ], "313212001": [ "Advice about symptomatic treatment", "Education about symptomatic treatment", "对症治疗的教育", "对症治疗的建议" ], "165756004": [ "Lutheran blood group typing", "Lutheran blood group", "路德教血型", "路德教会血型分型" ], "229457001": [ "Manipulation of the hip joint", "Manipulation of the hip joint - non-surgical", "髋关节手术——非手术", "髋关节的操纵" ], "444284009": [ "Analysis using multiplex ligation dependent probe amplification", "Analysis using multiplex ligation dependent probe amplification technique", "使用多重连接依赖性探针扩增技术进行分析", "使用多重连接依赖性探针扩增进行分析" ], "1179729003": [ "Administration of sarilumab", "sarilumab 的给药" ], "178470000": [ "Fixation of bone of face - external", "面骨固定 - 外部" ], "112934001": [ "Insertion of tongs of skull with synchronous skeletal traction", "同步骨牵引头颅钳插入术" ], "409681009": [ "Serial haematocrit determinations", "Serial hematocrit determinations", "连续血细胞比容测定" ], "440614003": [ "Sampling of vagina for Papanicolaou smear", "阴道取样进行巴氏涂片检查" ], "473382005": [ "Post exposure prophylaxis with antiviral therapy for potential sexual exposure to human immunodeficiency virus", "Administration of prophylactic antiviral after potential sexual exposure to human immunodeficiency virus", "针对人类免疫缺陷病毒的潜在性接触进行暴露后预防性抗病毒治疗", "可能发生人类免疫缺陷病毒性接触后给予预防性抗病毒药物" ], "391462007": [ "Urine nickel:creatinine ratio", "尿液镍:肌酐比值" ], "176635002": [ "Closed reduction of rib fracture with external fixation", "肋骨骨折闭合复位外固定" ], "422395007": [ "Removal of arterial catheter", "Arterial catheter removal", "动脉导管移除", "移除动脉导管" ], "274939007": [ "Manual dilatation of colostomy", "Manual dilation of colostomy", "结肠造口手动扩张术" ], "371408002": [ "Removal of foreign body of lower limb, except foot", "除脚外下肢异物取出" ], "60112009": [ "Drug addiction counseling", "Drug addiction counselling", "药物成瘾咨询" ], "58277002": [ "Endometrectomy of cul-de-sac", "子宫内膜切除术" ], "699088009": [ "Repair blood vessel of neck with tissue patch graft", "用组织补片移植修复颈部血管" ], "385957006": [ "Foot care management", "Manage foot care", "足部护理管理", "管理足部护理" ], "287653007": [ "Subcutaneous mastectomy and prosthetic implant", "皮下乳房切除术和假体植入" ], "713637007": [ "Selective dorsal rhizotomy", "Selective division of dorsal spinal nerve root", "SDR (selective dorsal rhizotomy)", "选择性脊神经背根切断术", "选择性切断脊神经背根", "SDR(选择性脊神经背根切断术)" ], "91045008": [ "Destruction of tissue of mediastinum", "纵隔组织破坏" ], "172965008": [ "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of nasopharynx", "鼻咽部病变摘除术" ], "171130007": [ "Pertussis screening", "百日咳筛查" ], "185679000": [ "Chronic disease monitoring - first recall", "慢性病监测-首次召回" ], "120143000": [ "Inner ear closure", "内耳闭合" ], "56442009": [ "Arthroscopy of shoulder with lysis and resection of adhesions with manipulation", "肩关节镜松解术及粘连切除术" ], "449658009": [ "Transplantation of tissue of lower limb", "下肢组织移植" ], "54607000": [ "Exploration of thoracic vein", "胸静脉探查" ], "87375004": [ "Radical bilateral orchiectomy", "Bilateral excision of testes and spermatic cords", "双侧睾丸及精索切除术", "根治性双侧睾丸切除术" ], "121978009": [ "Cryptococcus neoformans antibody assay", "Measurement of Cryptococcus neoformans antibody", "新型隐球菌抗体的测定", "新型隐球菌抗体检测" ], "234831001": [ "Preparation of pattern for cast restoration of tooth at chairside", "牙床旁模型制作及牙模修复" ], "70991003": [ "Fluorescent antibody, titer", "Fluorescent antibody, titre", "荧光抗体,滴度", "荧光抗体滴度" ], "103759004": [ "Metamyelocyte count, blood", "血液中幼稚红细胞计数" ], "183844002": [ "Refer for vascular studies", "参考血管研究" ], "169295005": [ "Deep X-ray therapy 150-400 kV", "DXT - Teletherapy", "DXT - Deep X-ray therapy", "Deep X-ray therapy", "DXT——远程治疗", "DXT——深部X射线治疗", "深部X射线治疗 150-400 kV", "深部X射线治疗" ], "167460003": [ "Urine paraprotein level", "Urine paraprotein measurement", "尿液副蛋白水平", "尿液副蛋白测定" ], "232996007": [ "Angioplasty of inferior vena cava", "Balloon dilatation of inferior vena cava", "Balloon angioplasty of inferior vena cava", "下腔静脉血管成形术", "下腔静脉球囊成形术", "下腔静脉球囊扩张术" ], "445988008": [ "Assessment using health assessment questionnaire", "使用健康评估问卷进行评估" ], "3620007": [ "Red cell survival study with hepatic sequestration", "Isotope study for red blood cell hepatic sequestration", "肝隔离症中的红细胞存活研究", "红细胞肝隔离的同位素研究" ], "265764009": [ "Renal dialysis", "Kidney dialysis", "Artificial kidney dialysis", "人工肾透析", "肾透析" ], "444153003": [ "Analysis using conformation sensitive capillary electrophoresis", "Analysis using conformation sensitive capillary electrophoresis technique", "采用构象敏感毛细管电泳进行分析", "采用构象敏感毛细管电泳技术进行分析" ], "229326000": [ "Mobilizing the pelvis", "Mobilising the pelvis", "调动骨盆" ], "231161008": [ "LA - Local anaesthetic nerve block in lower limb", "Nerve blocks in lower limb", "Local anaesthetic nerve block in lower limb", "LA - Local anesthetic nerve block in lower limb", "Local anesthetic nerve block in lower limb", "下肢局部麻醉神经阻滞", "下肢神经阻滞", "LA - 下肢局部麻醉神经阻滞" ], "16334008": [ "Take-down of systemic-pulmonary artery anastomosis", "体肺动脉吻合术" ], "81870009": [ "Parotidectomy", "Excision of parotid gland", "腮腺切除术" ], "425934009": [ "Cardioverter defibrillator procedure", "心脏复律除颤器程序" ], "112803004": [ "Aneurysmectomy", "Dissection of aneurysm and removal", "动脉瘤解剖及切除", "动脉瘤切除术" ], "14499004": [ "Repair or plastic operation on radius and ulna", "桡骨、尺骨修复或整形手术" ], "407715006": [ "Percentage CD11b count", "CD11b 计数百分比" ], "129187004": [ "Procedure on carpal bone", "腕骨手术" ], "391331009": [ "Serum flecainide level", "血清氟卡尼水平" ], "373112006": [ "Evaluation of murmur", "杂音评估" ], "12664007": [ "Excision with graft replacement of thoracic artery", "Arteriectomy with graft replacement of thoracic artery", "胸主动脉切除术及移植置换术", "胸主动脉切除及移植置换术" ], "782712008": [ "Vedolizumab therapy", "维多珠单抗治疗" ], "387661001": [ "Operation on respiratory tract", "Operative procedure on respiratory tract", "Respiratory tract operations", "呼吸道手术" ], "1208696009": [ "Corticosteroid steroid injection of nasal turbinate", "Injection of corticosteroid and/or corticosteroid derivative into nasal turbinate", "鼻甲皮质类固醇注射", "将皮质类固醇和/或皮质类固醇衍生物注射入鼻甲" ], "10829007": [ "Esophagus acid perfusion test (Bernstein)", "Oesophagus acid perfusion test (Bernstein)", "Test of oesophageal sensation using acid perfusion", "Test of esophageal sensation using acid perfusion", "Bernstein test", "用酸灌注法测试食管感觉", "食管酸灌注试验(Bernstein)", "食管酸灌注试验(伯恩斯坦)", "伯恩斯坦检验" ], "287522000": [ "Surgical biopsy of female perineum", "女性会阴手术活检" ], "385826005": [ "Health promotion assessment", "Assess health promotion", "评估健康促进", "健康促进评估" ], "8994009": [ "Radioiron oral absorption study", "Radioiron absorption study", "放射性铁口服吸收研究", "放射性铁吸收研究" ], "252919005": [ "Physiological tests for impotence", "阳痿生理测试" ], "89079008": [ "Venotripsy", "静脉碎裂术" ], "121847009": [ "PGA measurement", "Prostaglandin A measurement", "PGA 测量", "前列腺素 A 测量" ], "1268727008": [ "Education about charitable organisation", "Education about charitable organization", "慈善组织教育" ], "234700003": [ "Access for endodontic therapy", "Cut access cavity in tooth", "Cavity preparation of tooth - pulpal access", "切开牙齿进入蛀牙处", "牙洞准备 - 牙髓通道", "接受牙髓治疗" ], "120012005": [ "Epididymis transplantation", "附睾移植" ], "19873002": [ "Anesthesia for radical surgery on clavicle and/or scapula", "Anaesthesia for radical surgery on clavicle and/or scapula", "锁骨和/或肩胛骨根治性手术的麻醉" ], "232865004": [ "Decalcification of pulmonary valve", "肺动脉瓣脱钙" ], "265633004": [ "Selective destruction of fetus", "Selective destruction of foetus", "Selective fetal reduction", "选择性毁灭胎儿", "选择性减胎术" ], "231030002": [ "Spinal nerve root and ganglion operation", "脊神经根及神经节手术" ], "83574003": [ "Sorondo-Ferré hindquarter operation", "Sorondo-Ferre hindquarter operation", "索隆多-费雷后躯操作", "索隆多-费雷后肢手术" ], "50806003": [ "HIV-1 antibody confirmatory test", "Confirmatory test for HIV antibody", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 antibody confirmatory test", "Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 antibody confirmatory test", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV-1 抗体确认试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型抗体确认试验", "HIV 抗体确认试验", "HIV-1 抗体确认试验" ], "18038006": [ "Protection of surroundings from individual", "保护周围环境免受个人" ], "229195004": [ "Hydrotherapy - metacentre balance technique", "Hydrotherapy - metacenter balance technique", "水疗-元心平衡技术" ], "737099004": [ "Abdominal hysterectomy with sacrocolpopexy using mesh", "腹部子宫切除术和使用网片的骶骨阴道固定术" ], "63520003": [ "Endoscopy of pericardium", "心包内镜检查" ], "243744006": [ "Provision of corneal contact lens", "提供角膜接触镜" ], "702496007": [ "Computed tomography of femur", "CT of femur", "股骨计算机断层扫描", "股骨CT" ], "438517001": [ "Referral to sleep clinic", "转诊至睡眠诊所" ], "733429004": [ "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of right shoulder", "Total right shoulder replacement", "右肩关节假体全置换术", "右肩关节全置换术" ], "176373005": [ "Balloon dilatation of urethra", "Balloon dilation of urethra", "尿道球囊扩张术" ], "1290485007": [ "Plain X-ray of both hands and wrists, anteroposterior, lateral and ball-catch views", "Plain X-ray of bilateral hands and wrists, anteroposterior, lateral and ball catch views", "双手和手腕的普通 X 光检查、前后位、侧位和接球位", "双侧手部和腕部的普通 X 光检查、前后位、侧位和接球位" ], "238239000": [ "Excision of pilonidal sinus of umbilicus", "Excision of umbilical pilonidal sinus", "脐藏毛窦切除术" ], "1286815000": [ "Insertion of functional orthodontic appliance", "插入功能性正畸器具" ], "385695003": [ "Cast care", "Cast care treatments and procedures", "Maintenance of cast", "Cast care: maintenance", "演员护理:维护", "铸模的保养", "演员护理", "石膏护理治疗和程序" ], "418463004": [ "MRI venography of intracranial veins", "Magnetic resonance imaging venography of intracranial veins", "颅内静脉 MRI 静脉造影", "颅内静脉磁共振成像静脉造影" ], "303775004": [ "Operation on oral frenum", "Operation on oral fraenum", "口系带手术" ], "8863005": [ "Open biopsy of vertebral body of cervical region", "颈椎椎体切开活检" ], "172703006": [ "Destruction of lesion of middle ear", "中耳病变破坏" ], "90783008": [ "Cryoextraction", "低温萃取" ], "252788000": [ "Chromatic electroretinography", "彩色视网膜电图" ], "449396003": [ "Dilation of mature T tube tract", "Dilation of mature T tube track", "成熟T管扩张" ], "711540006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of breast for screening", "MRI of breast for screening", "乳腺磁共振成像筛查", "乳房 MRI 筛查" ], "121716007": [ "Trichloroethylene measurement", "三氯乙烯测量" ], "414793000": [ "Myeloperoxidase level", "髓过氧化物酶水平" ], "105332007": [ "Teicoplanin measurement", "Teicoplanin level", "替考拉宁测量", "替考拉宁浓度" ], "70729001": [ "Cystourethroscopy with resection of posterior urethra", "膀胱尿道镜检查及后尿道切除术" ], "36126000": [ "Antibody to salivary gland duct epithelium measurement", "唾液腺导管上皮抗体测量" ], "169033008": [ "Tomography - larynx/trachea", "断层扫描 - 喉部/气管" ], "445726003": [ "Endoscopic excision of sphenoid sinus", "Endoscopic sphenoidectomy", "内镜蝶窦切除术" ], "52510004": [ "Anesthesia for lumbar sympathectomy", "Anaesthesia for lumbar sympathectomy", "腰交感神经切除术的麻醉" ], "412958004": [ "Urine glutamate measurement", "Urine glutamate level", "尿液谷氨酸水平", "尿液谷氨酸测定" ], "118046006": [ "HIV 1 p15 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p15 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 15 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 15 抗体的测量", "HIV 1 p15 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p15 抗体检测" ], "68894007": [ "Placing restraint", "施加约束" ], "427507000": [ "Insertion of therapeutic spacer into joint", "将治疗垫插入关节" ], "67059003": [ "Stapedectomy with incus replacement", "镫骨切除术及砧骨置换术" ], "443891005": [ "Injection of steroid into chalazion", "霰粒肿注射类固醇" ], "230899005": [ "Ligation of intracranial aneurysm", "颅内动脉瘤结扎术" ], "278216004": [ "Thoracic epidural steroid injection", "胸段硬膜外注射类固醇" ], "736968006": [ "Saphenous vein graft bypass of three coronary arteries", "Aortocoronary artery bypass of three coronary arteries with saphenous vein graft", "用隐静脉移植进行三条冠状动脉的主动脉冠状动脉搭桥术", "三条冠状动脉的隐静脉移植旁路手术" ], "229064008": [ "Movement therapy", "运动疗法" ], "63389004": [ "Drainage of bursa", "滑囊引流" ], "440221006": [ "Bypass of carotid artery to brachial artery using vein graft", "利用静脉移植将颈动脉旁路转至肱动脉" ], "225394004": [ "Assessment of fluid loss from wound", "Assessing seepage from wound", "伤口失液评估", "评估伤口渗出" ], "176242009": [ "Removal of artificial bladder neck sphincter in female", "Removal of artificial urinary bladder neck sphincter in female", "女性人工膀胱颈括约肌切除术" ], "77938009": [ "Arterial pressure monitoring, invasive method", "动脉压监测,侵入性方法" ], "59719002": [ "Exteriorization", "Exteriorisation", "外观设计", "外观化" ], "303644000": [ "Biopsy of spinal meninges", "Biopsy of meninges of spinal cord", "脊髓膜活检", "脊髓脑膜活检" ], "223559009": [ "Dutoit and Roux operation", "Dutoit 和 Roux 手术" ], "172572002": [ "Excision of retinal lesion", "视网膜病变切除" ], "41500002": [ "Small bowel series", "Radiography of digestive tract, small bowel series", "Radiologic examination of small bowel, serial films", "小肠系列", "小肠放射学检查,系列胶片", "消化道、小肠放射线摄影系列" ], "418332004": [ "CT of neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis", "CT of neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis", "Computerized tomography of neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis", "Computerised tomography of neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis", "Computed tomography of neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvis", "颈部、胸部、腹部和骨盆 CT", "颈部、胸部、腹部和骨盆的计算机断层扫描" ], "121585000": [ "Gossypol measurement", "棉酚测定" ], "23281002": [ "Anastomosis of cystic duct", "胆囊管吻合术" ], "236273003": [ "Urethroplasty for stricture", "尿道狭窄成形术" ], "432881007": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of whole body using iodine 123", "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of whole body using iodine 123", "使用碘 123 进行全身单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "使用碘 123 进行全身单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)" ], "252657007": [ "Colorimetric bile probe test", "Colourimetric bile probe test", "比色胆汁探针试验", "比色胆汁探针检测" ], "105201009": [ "Glyburide measurement", "格列苯脲测量" ], "119750000": [ "Pleura injection", "胸膜注射" ], "168902003": [ "Head fistulography with contrast", "头部造影造影" ], "709574000": [ "Magnetic resonance venography of intracranial vein with contrast", "MR venography of intracranial vein with contrast", "Magnetic resonance venogram of intracranial vein with contrast", "颅内静脉磁共振造影" ], "449265009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of colon with contrast", "MRI of colon with contrast", "结肠增强 MRI", "结肠磁共振成像对比" ], "447430003": [ "Debridement of nail fold", "甲襞清创" ], "431046008": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of fallopian tube", "输卵管细针穿刺活检" ], "281755000": [ "Drainage of infected ganglion", "感染神经节引流" ], "429211003": [ "Maze procedure for atrial fibrillation", "迷宫手术治疗心房颤动" ], "412827004": [ "Fluid sample triglyceride measurement", "Fluid sample triglyceride level", "液体样本甘油三酯测量", "液体样本甘油三酯水平" ], "232603006": [ "Bronchoscopic closure of fistula", "支气管镜瘘管闭合" ], "117915007": [ "Neurokinin A assay", "神经激肽 A 测定" ], "707739007": [ "Ambulating with assistance of one person", "在一人协助下行走" ], "17776005": [ "Arthrography of elbow", "肘关节造影" ], "312688006": [ "Femoropopliteal prosthetic bypass graft", "股腘动脉人工旁路移植术" ], "1230192007": [ "Preparation of physical therapy device", "Preparation of physical therapy equipment", "物理治疗装置的准备", "物理治疗设备的准备" ], "441925000": [ "Remanipulation of fragment of bone and fixation using screw", "骨碎片的再处理和螺钉固定" ], "32325005": [ "Inversion of diverticulum of small intestine", "小肠憩室内翻" ], "179781007": [ "Prosthetic repair of multiple ligaments", "多条韧带的假体修复" ], "423706007": [ "Interpreter/translator services surveillance", "口译/翻译服务监控" ], "241647000": [ "MRI of thoracic spine", "MRI of dorsal spine", "Magnetic resonance imaging of thoracic spine", "胸椎 MRI", "背部脊柱 MRI", "胸椎磁共振成像" ], "225263001": [ "Application of cold compresses to female perineum", "对女性会阴进行冷敷" ], "177946009": [ "Open drainage of subphrenic abscess", "膈下脓肿切开引流" ], "440090009": [ "Measurement of pregnancy associated plasma protein A concentration", "妊娠相关血浆蛋白A浓度的测量" ], "307183003": [ "Creation of ileo-anal pouch", "回肠肛门袋的建立" ], "405487006": [ "Aorto-iliac bypass with prosthesis", "Aortoiliac vascular bypass with prosthesis", "主动脉髂动脉旁路手术", "带假体的主髂动脉血管旁路" ], "12271006": [ "Complement fixation test for syphilis", "梅毒补体结合试验" ], "274415007": [ "Scan of lymphatic system", "Lymphatics imaging", "Lymphatics and lymph gland imaging", "淋巴管成像", "淋巴系统扫描", "淋巴管和淋巴腺成像" ], "61423009": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on arteries of shoulder and axilla", "Anaesthesia for procedure on arteries of shoulder and axilla", "肩部及腋窝动脉手术麻醉" ], "43204002": [ "Mammography of bilateral breasts", "Mammography of both breasts", "双侧乳房 X 线摄影", "双侧乳房钼靶X线摄影" ], "370884004": [ "Abuse prevention management", "Manage abuse control", "滥用预防管理", "管理滥用控制" ], "223428005": [ "Advice about types of appliances", "Types of appliances education", "关于家电类型的建议", "家电类型教育" ], "305348006": [ "Admission to care of the elderly day hospital", "Admission to geriatric day hospital", "入住老年日间医院", "入住老人日间护理医院" ], "698564009": [ "Referral for obstetric ultrasound scan", "转诊进行产科超声检查" ], "90521005": [ "Disarticulation of thumb", "拇指脱臼" ], "713113006": [ "Provision of medication schedule", "提供用药时间表" ], "24985005": [ "Visual field examination and evaluation, extended", "视野检查与评估,扩展" ], "252526001": [ "Closed patch test - extended series", "封闭式斑贴试验 - 扩展系列" ], "105070004": [ "Ampicillin measurement", "Ampicillin level", "氨苄西林测量", "氨苄西林浓度" ], "236142005": [ "Open repair of kidney or renal pelvis", "肾脏或肾盂的开放式修复" ], "449134006": [ "Fusion of cervicothoracic region of spine with internal fixation by anterior approach", "前入路颈胸椎融合内固定术" ], "121454006": [ "Bendiocarb measurement", "苯虫威测定" ], "725827000": [ "Assessment using Evaluation of Social Interaction", "Assessment using ESI (Evaluation of Social Interaction)", "使用 ESI(社交互动评估)进行评估", "使用社交互动评估进行评估" ], "711278009": [ "Computed tomography of head, neck, thorax and abdomen", "CT of head, neck, thorax and abdomen", "头颈胸腹部CT检查", "头部、颈部、胸部和腹部的计算机断层扫描" ], "447299002": [ "Measurement of Influenza A virus A/England/42/72 (H3N2) antibody", "甲型流感病毒 A/England/42/72 (H3N2) 抗体测量" ], "234307002": [ "Homan excision and closure with local skin flap for lymphedema", "Excision of lymphoedematous tissue plus local skin graft", "Homan excision and closure with local skin flap for lymphoedema", "Excision of lymphedematous tissue plus local skin graft", "切除淋巴水肿组织并进行局部皮肤移植", "Homan 切除并用局部皮瓣缝合治疗淋巴水肿", "淋巴水肿组织切除加局部皮肤移植" ], "119619005": [ "Hip joint transplantation", "髋关节移植" ], "412696000": [ "Urine uroporphyrin / creatinine ratio", "尿液尿卟啉/肌酐比率" ], "429080001": [ "Transjugular intrahepatic insertion of stent graft into portal vein", "经颈静脉肝内植入支架移植物至门静脉" ], "773144004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of right orbit", "MRI of right orbit", "右眼眶 MRI", "右侧眼眶磁共振成像" ], "232472007": [ "Repair of external nose", "外鼻修复" ], "117784008": [ "Coxsackievirus A4 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human coxsackievirus A 4 antibody", "人柯萨奇病毒A4抗体测定", "柯萨奇病毒 A4 抗体检测" ], "183320009": [ "Continuous passive mobilization of shoulder", "Continuous passive mobilisation of shoulder", "持续进行肩部被动活动" ], "265240007": [ "Extirpation of lumbar sympathetic nerve", "Destruction of lumbar sympathetic nerve", "腰交感神经受损", "腰交感神经摘除术" ], "409026001": [ "Interpersonal dynamic assessment", "Assess interpersonal dynamics", "评估人际关系动态", "人际动态评估" ], "179650005": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture dislocation and external fixation", "骨折脱位一期闭合复位及外固定" ], "261570006": [ "Thermotherapy", "热疗" ], "439959000": [ "Sampling of anus for Papanicolaou smear", "肛门取样进行巴氏涂片检查" ], "425410009": [ "Ultrasound scan of thigh", "大腿超声波扫描" ], "390807002": [ "Referral to private state registered podiatry service", "转介至私人州注册足病治疗服务机构" ], "241516003": [ "US scan of spine", "Ultrasound scan of spine", "脊柱超声波扫描", "脊柱超声扫描" ], "405356008": [ "Thrombolysis of lower limb artery via brachial artery catheter", "经肱动脉导管溶栓治疗下肢动脉血栓形成" ], "75841000": [ "Injection of neurolytic agent into sympathetic nerve", "Injection of neurolytic substance to autonomic nerve", "Injection of neurolytic substance to sympathetic nerve", "Neurolytic sympathetic nerve block", "神经溶解性交感神经阻滞", "将神经溶解剂注射到交感神经中", "向交感神经注射神经溶解物质", "向自主神经注射神经溶解物质" ], "28524008": [ "Repair of entropion by thermocauterization", "Repair of entropion by thermocauterisation", "通过热烧灼术修复眼睑内翻" ], "257900009": [ "Realignment with fixation of prostate or bladder neck", "Realignment of posterior urethra with fixation of prostate or bladder neck", "后尿道复位并固定前列腺或膀胱颈", "重新调整并固定前列腺或膀胱颈" ], "225132009": [ "Application of topical agent to skin", "将外用药物涂抹于皮肤" ], "239681005": [ "Application of tibial cast brace", "胫骨石膏支具的应用" ], "172310003": [ "Occlusion of lacrimal punctum", "Punctal occlusion", "泪点堵塞", "泪点阻塞" ], "712982004": [ "Harvesting of saphenous vein using endoscopy", "Endoscopic harvesting of saphenous vein", "内镜下隐静脉采集", "使用内窥镜采集隐静脉" ], "449003005": [ "Revision of posterior decompression of lumbar spinal cord", "腰椎后路减压术翻修术" ], "121323006": [ "alpha-Chlordane measurement", "α-氯丹测量" ], "252395007": [ "Electron microscopy of faeces", "Electron microscopy of feces", "粪便电子显微镜检查" ], "398016001": [ "Chemosurgery, first stage, including the removal of all gross tumour and delineation of margins", "Chemosurgery, first stage, including the removal of all gross tumor and delineation of margins", "第一阶段化学外科手术,包括切除所有肿瘤并勾画边缘", "化学外科手术,第一阶段,包括切除所有大体肿瘤并描绘边缘" ], "11541000175105": [ "Referral to care management service", "转介至护理管理服务" ], "32021000175107": [ "Referral to community care management service", "转介至社区护理管理服务" ], "250560003": [ "Oxygen dissolved in blood", "Measurement of oxygen dissolved in blood", "血液中溶解氧的测量", "血液中溶解的氧气" ], "447168009": [ "Mastectomy and axillary clearance", "Excision of breast with complete axillary lymphadenectomy", "乳房切除术及腋窝淋巴结全清扫术", "乳房切除术和腋窝清扫术" ], "21184009": [ "Reduction of closed radial shaft fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of shaft of radius", "闭合性桡骨干骨折的复位手法治疗", "桡骨干闭合性骨折手法复位术" ], "609173003": [ "Percutaneous cryotherapy ablation of tumor using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous cryoablation of neoplasm using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous cryotherapy ablation of tumour using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous cryotherapy ablation of tumor", "CT guided percutaneous cryotherapy ablation of tumour", "CT引导下经皮冷冻消融肿瘤", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行经皮冷冻消融肿瘤", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行经皮肿瘤冷冻消融", "CT引导下经皮肿瘤冷冻消融术" ], "166805005": [ "Electrophoresis: alpha-1-globulin", "电泳:α-1-球蛋白" ], "1264533007": [ "Needle puncture of urinary bladder", "Paracentesis of urinary bladder", "Vesicocentesis", "Aspiration of urinary bladder using needle", "使用针头抽吸膀胱", "膀胱穿刺术", "膀胱针穿刺" ], "1295466006": [ "Plain X-ray with contrast", "对比剂普通 X 光检查" ], "427114008": [ "Debonding of orthodontic bracket", "正畸托槽脱粘" ], "261439000": [ "Open - laryngectomy incision", "开放性喉切除术切口" ], "50282008": [ "Simple scrotoplasty", "简单阴囊成形术" ], "228671005": [ "Linear accelerator electron teletherapy", "LINNAC - Linear accelerator electron therapy", "Linear accelerator electron external beam radiation therapy", "直线加速器电子外束放射治疗", "直线加速器电子远距治疗", "LINNAC - 直线加速器电子治疗" ], "32063009": [ "Delayed hypersensitivity skin test, multitest", "Multitest skin test", "Cell-mediated immunity multitest", "CMI - Cell-mediated immunity multitest", "细胞介导免疫多测试", "迟发型超敏反应皮肤试验、多重测试", "多项皮肤测试", "CMI - 细胞介导免疫多测试" ], "392511009": [ "Pepsin specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rk213 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pepsin specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rk213特异性IgE抗体测量", "胃蛋白酶特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "胃蛋白酶特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "423444004": [ "Procedure involving splint", "夹板手术" ], "62996004": [ "Reconstruction of facial bones", "Reconstruction of facial bone, except mandible", "Reconstruction of bone of face", "面部骨骼重建", "面部骨骼重建(下颌骨除外)" ], "243220005": [ "Postural drainage after nephrolithotripsy", "肾结石术后体位引流" ], "46612006": [ "Cystometrogram", "CMG - Cystometrogram", "Filling cystometry", "Cystometry", "Filling cystometrogram", "充盈性膀胱测压", "充盈性膀胱内压图", "膀胱测压图", "CMG-- 膀胱内压图", "膀胱测压" ], "13844007": [ "Exenteration of ethmoid air cells", "筛窦气房摘除术" ], "44777001": [ "Creation of conduit between right ventricle and pulmonary artery", "Formation of conduit of right ventricle and distal pulmonary artery", "Creation of shunt of right ventricle and distal pulmonary artery", "Rastelli operation", "拉斯泰利手术", "右心室和远端肺动脉管道的形成", "建立右心室与远端肺动脉分流术", "在右心室和肺动脉之间建立导管" ], "257769002": [ "Spiral binding", "螺旋装订" ], "700137002": [ "Management of oesophagogastroduodenoscopy", "Management of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy", "Management of esophagogastroduodenoscopy", "上消化道内镜检查管理", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查管理" ], "241385006": [ "Non-imaging thyroid uptake of I131", "非成像甲状腺对碘131的摄取" ], "239550006": [ "Application of spinal traction system", "脊柱牵引系统的应用" ], "172179001": [ "Transposition of ligament of orbit", "眼眶韧带转位" ], "450707002": [ "Repair of wall of heart", "Repair of cardiac wall", "心壁修复" ], "305086009": [ "Prophylactic ankle stretching", "预防性踝关节拉伸" ], "75710009": [ "Pyruvate kinase measurement, erythrocytes", "丙酮酸激酶测量,红细胞" ], "24723005": [ "Operative procedure on peripheral nerve", "Peripheral nerve operations", "周围神经手术" ], "6481000087102": [ "CT guided biopsy of left lung", "Biopsy of left lung using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行左肺活检", "CT 引导下左肺活检" ], "11601000087103": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of joint of right upper extremity", "MRI of right upper extremity joint", "右上肢关节MRI", "右上肢关节磁共振成像" ], "47441000087101": [ "Gastrojejunostomy tube feeding", "GJ (gastrojejunostomy) tube feeding", "Feeding by gastrojejunostomy tube", "通过胃空肠造口管喂养", "胃空肠造口管饲", "GJ(胃空肠造口术)管饲" ], "286867009": [ "Female artificial urinary sphincter procedure", "女性人工尿道括约肌手术" ], "5201000087104": [ "Bilateral femoral angiography", "Angiography of bilateral femoral arteries", "Arteriography of bilateral femoral arteries", "Angiography of both femoral arteries", "Arteriography of both femoral arteries", "双侧股动脉造影", "双侧股动脉血管造影" ], "252264003": [ "Inulin clearance test", "Inulin renal clearance measurement", "菊粉肾清除率测定", "菊粉清除试验" ], "14161000087108": [ "MRI of bilateral clavicles", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral clavicles", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right clavicles", "MRI of left and right clavicles", "左、右锁骨磁共振成像", "左、右锁骨 MRI", "双侧锁骨磁共振成像", "双侧锁骨 MRI 检查" ], "1361000087109": [ "CT of right hip with contrast", "Computed tomography of right hip with contrast", "右髋部增强计算机断层扫描", "右髋部增强 CT" ], "711016005": [ "Metaphon phonological therapy", "隐喻音位疗法" ], "55656007": [ "Fixed appliance therapy", "固定器械治疗" ], "86589000": [ "Biopsy of soft tissue of forearm, deep", "前臂深部软组织活检" ], "170344001": [ "Second Haemophilus influenzae type b immunization", "Administration of second dose of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Haemophilus influenzae type b antigen", "Second Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccination", "Second Haemophilus influenzae type b immunisation", "第二次 b 型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗接种", "接种第二剂仅含 b 型流感嗜血杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "第二次 b 型流感嗜血杆菌免疫", "注射第二剂 b 型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗" ], "81000087109": [ "Fluoroscopy of right lower extremity", "Fluoroscopy of right lower limb", "右下肢透视检查" ], "2641000087109": [ "MRI of right upper extremity", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right upper limb", "右上肢 MRI", "右上肢磁共振成像" ], "10321000087109": [ "Ultrasonography of chest and abdomen", "Ultrasound scan of chest and abdomen", "Ultrasound of chest and abdomen", "Ultrasonography of thorax and abdomen", "胸部和腹部超声检查", "胸腹部超声检查", "胸部和腹部超声波扫描" ], "414269006": [ "Fluid sample cannabinoid level", "Fluid sample cannabinoid measurement", "液体样本大麻素测量", "液体样本大麻素水平" ], "445202001": [ "Quantitative measurement of time of activated coagulation in blood specimen using silica activator", "Silica clotting time", "二氧化硅凝固时间", "用二氧化硅活化剂定量测定血液标本中活化凝固时间" ], "397885009": [ "Hand fasciectomy", "手部筋膜切除术" ], "609042004": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from perirenal tissue prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "使用巴氏技术制备的肾周组织标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "183058004": [ "Phenylalanine-free diet education", "无苯丙氨酸饮食教育" ], "428818006": [ "Closure of defect of interventricular septum using intraoperative transluminal prosthesis", "术中经腔内假体封堵室间隔缺损" ], "19218007": [ "Incision and exploration of gallbladder", "Cholecystotomy with exploration", "胆囊切开术及探查", "胆囊切开探查" ], "363282007": [ "Removal of foreign body from bladder", "Removal of foreign body from urinary bladder", "膀胱异物取出" ], "1297170009": [ "Insertion of dental bridge with porcelain fused to base metal pontic onto tooth", "将瓷牙桥与基底金属桥体融合到牙齿上" ], "133906008": [ "Postpartum care", "Postpartal care", "Postnatal care", "产后护理" ], "164839006": [ "Direct microscopy", "直接显微镜检查" ], "443367009": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography using gallium", "SPECT CT using gallium", "使用镓的 SPECT CT", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描与使用镓的计算机断层扫描" ], "359612003": [ "Implantation of cochlear prosthetic device", "Insertion of cochlear implant", "植入人工耳蜗", "人工耳蜗植入" ], "15548004": [ "Supplementary measure, anesthetic", "Supplementary measure, anaesthetic", "辅助措施,麻醉剂", "辅助措施,麻醉" ], "228540009": [ "Hand therapy", "手部治疗" ], "243089003": [ "Maxillofacial prosthesis or appliance care education", "颌面假体或器具护理教育" ], "128401003": [ "Anastomosis of duodenum", "十二指肠吻合术" ], "406929005": [ "Soluble berlin blue stain method", "Soluble berlin blue stain", "可溶性柏林蓝染色法", "可溶性柏林蓝染色" ], "955571000000108": [ "Discussion about family wellbeing", "关于家庭幸福的讨论" ], "1127091000000109": [ "Assessment using PUFA (pulpal involvement, ulceration, fistula and abscess) index", "Assessment using pulpal involvement, ulceration, fistula and abscess index", "使用牙髓受累、溃疡、瘘管和脓肿指数进行评估", "使用 PUFA(牙髓受累、溃疡、瘘管和脓肿)指数进行评估" ], "175718001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of popliteal artery", "PC TL embolectomy popliteal artery", "Percutaneous embolectomy of popliteal artery", "经皮腘动脉栓塞切除术", "经皮腔内腘动脉栓塞切除术", "PC TL 栓塞切除术 腘动脉" ], "388710002": [ "Poppy seed specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf224 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Papaver somniferum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Papaver somniferum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "罂粟特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf224 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "罂粟特异性IgE抗体测定", "罂粟籽特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "11878008": [ "Excision of lesion of uterosacral ligament", "子宫骶韧带损伤切除术" ], "274022008": [ "Repair of coarctation of aorta", "主动脉缩窄修复术" ], "75579003": [ "Repair of artery with vein graft of lower extremity", "下肢静脉移植修复动脉" ], "1255227006": [ "Mammalian milk free diet", "不含哺乳动物乳汁的饮食" ], "239419007": [ "Repair of meniscus", "Meniscal repair", "半月板修复" ], "173883006": [ "Intubation of duodenum for pancreatic function studies", "十二指肠插管进行胰腺功能研究" ], "1287995009": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of neoplasm of pancreatic duct", "RFA (radiofrequency ablation) of pancreatic duct", "胰管肿瘤射频消融治疗", "胰管射频消融术 (RFA)" ], "270352002": [ "Medical examinations/reports", "体检/报告" ], "1204240001": [ "Laparoscopic ureteroplasty with oral mucosal graft using robotic assistance", "Robot assisted laparoscopic ureteroplasty with oral mucosal graft", "机器人辅助下腹腔镜输尿管成形术及口腔黏膜移植", "机器人辅助腹腔镜输尿管成形术及口腔黏膜移植" ], "450576005": [ "Microsurgical graft to facial nerve", "面神经显微手术移植" ], "24592007": [ "Serologic test for Ehrlichia sennetsu", "埃里克体血清学检测" ], "448741004": [ "Ligation and stripping of intracranial varicose vein", "颅内静脉曲张结扎剥脱术" ], "792805006": [ "Fasting", "禁食" ], "170213007": [ "Child examination: bowel control", "儿童检查:排便控制" ], "104677009": [ "Galactose renal clearance measurement", "半乳糖肾清除率测量" ], "710885009": [ "Education about medication handling", "关于药物处理的教育" ], "250298004": [ "Reversed neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio", "Reversed neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio measurement", "中性粒细胞/淋巴细胞比例逆转", "反向中性粒细胞/淋巴细胞比率测量" ], "266682007": [ "Removal of unwanted material", "去除不需要的材料" ], "363151000": [ "Immune system repair", "免疫系统修复" ], "608911001": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from lower gastrointestinal tract", "下消化道标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "166543004": [ "Serum renin activity", "Serum renin activity measurement", "血清肾素活性", "血清肾素活性测定" ], "313999004": [ "Small incision phacoemulsification of cataract and insertion of intraocular lens", "Small incision phakoemulsification of cataract and insertion of intraocular lens", "小切口白内障晶状体乳化吸除及人工晶状体植入术", "小切口白内障超声乳化吸除及人工晶状体植入术" ], "770916003": [ "Removal of verruca plantaris by occlusion using adhesive tape", "用胶带封闭去除跖疣" ], "443236005": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of parathyroid", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和甲状旁腺计算机断层扫描" ], "836452006": [ "Drainage of seroma of right breast using seroma catheter", "使用血清肿导管引流右乳房血清肿" ], "50020006": [ "Inflation of fallopian tube", "Rubin test on fallopian tube", "Insufflation of fallopian tube", "Fallopian insufflation", "Tubal insufflation", "输卵管充气", "输卵管充气术", "输卵管膨胀", "输卵管 Rubin 试验" ], "179257001": [ "Insertion of internal electromagnetic bone stimulator", "插入内部电磁骨刺激器" ], "48185007": [ "Destruction of lesion of bladder", "Destruction of lesion of urinary bladder", "膀胱病变毁损术", "膀胱病变破坏" ], "406798002": [ "Alizarin yellow GG stain method", "Alizarin yellow GG stain", "茜素黄GG染色法", "茜素黄GG染色" ], "734478003": [ "Laparoscopic high ligation of bilateral testicular veins", "Laparoscopic high ligation of both spermatic veins", "Laparoscopic high ligation of left and right spermatic vein", "腹腔镜双侧精索静脉高位结扎术", "腹腔镜双侧睾丸静脉高位结扎术", "腹腔镜左右精索静脉高位结扎术" ], "306659004": [ "Discharge from gastrointestinal surgical service", "Discharge from GI surgical service", "胃肠外科出院" ], "388579008": [ "Rf220 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cinnamon specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cinnamomum spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cinnamon specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Cinnamomum spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "肉桂特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf220特异性IgE抗体测量", "肉桂属特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "肉桂特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "肉桂属特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "241123008": [ "Fluoroscopy of soft tissue", "软组织荧光透视" ], "304824000": [ "Group psychoanalysis", "团体心理分析" ], "239288009": [ "Closed reduction and internal fixation of proximal femoral fracture with Richard's cannulated hip screw", "Closed reduction and internal fixation of proximal femoral fracture with Richard cannulated hip screw", "股骨近端骨折闭合复位Richard空心髋螺钉内固定", "股骨近端骨折闭合复位理查德空心髋螺钉内固定" ], "437161000124107": [ "Iron modified diet", "铁改良饮食" ], "434601000124108": [ "Steroid therapy for foetal lung maturation", "Steroid therapy for fetal lung maturation", "类固醇治疗促进胎儿肺成熟" ], "461481000124109": [ "Referral to peer support", "转介同伴支持" ], "268386006": [ "Joint probing", "联合探测" ], "708919000": [ "Radical prostatectomy, laparoscopic with robot assistance", "Robot assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy", "Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助腹腔镜根治性前列腺切除术", "使用机器人辅助的腹腔镜根治性前列腺切除术" ], "432226009": [ "Ablation of lesion of liver using computed tomography guidance", "Ablation of lesion of liver using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "CT guided ablation of lesion of liver", "CT引导下肝病灶消融", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导消融肝脏病变", "计算机断层扫描引导下肝病灶消融" ], "446775007": [ "Collection of urine via indwelling urinary catheter", "通过留置导尿管收集尿液" ], "4407008": [ "Slitting of lacrimal canaliculus for passage of tube", "切开泪小管以插入泪管" ], "313868001": [ "Serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) multiple of median measurement", "Serum alpha-fetoprotein multiple of median measurement", "血清甲胎蛋白 (AFP) 中位测量值倍数", "血清甲胎蛋白中位测量值倍数" ], "608780002": [ "Open reduction of fracture of scapula with internal fixation", "肩胛骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "182796001": [ "Intracranial pressure monitoring regime", "Intracranial pressure monitoring", "Intracranial pressure (ICP) monitoring", "ICP-intracranial pressure monitoring", "颅内压 (ICP) 监测", "颅内压监测", "颅内压监测方案" ], "117260004": [ "Immunochemical stain for myeloperoxidase", "Myeloperoxidase stain method", "Myeloperoxidase stain", "髓过氧化物酶染色", "髓过氧化物酶染色法", "髓过氧化物酶免疫化学染色" ], "35340001": [ "Operation for injury of radius AND ulna", "桡骨及尺骨损伤手术" ], "281100006": [ "Referral to health worker", "转介给医护人员" ], "426721006": [ "Plain X-ray of right ankle", "右脚踝 X 光检查" ], "66273008": [ "Myocutaneous flap to extremity", "四肢肌皮瓣" ], "29835002": [ "Destruction of intranasal lesion", "鼻内病变破坏" ], "439435003": [ "Thoracoscopy with excision of pericardial lesion", "胸腔镜心包病变切除术" ], "240992000": [ "Escharotomy of burnt skin", "烧伤皮肤切开术" ], "175456001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of subclavian artery", "经皮锁骨下动脉腔内栓塞切除术" ], "60768007": [ "Ablation of inner ear by cryosurgery", "冷冻手术消融内耳" ], "306528009": [ "Discharge by arts therapist", "艺术治疗师出院" ], "699744009": [ "Bypass of ureter", "输尿管绕道术" ], "304693003": [ "Penile volume plethysmography", "阴茎体积描记法" ], "173621008": [ "Open injection sclerotherapy to oesophageal varices", "Open injection sclerotherapy to esophageal varices", "食管静脉曲张开放注射硬化剂治疗", "食管静脉曲张开放式注射硬化剂治疗" ], "401162000": [ "Problem solving therapy", "问题解决疗法" ], "419381009": [ "CT of mastoid", "Computed tomography of mastoid", "乳突计算机断层扫描", "乳突 CT" ], "417546002": [ "Referral for pediatric congenital heart disease", "Referral for paediatric congenital heart disease", "儿童先天性心脏病转诊" ], "104415000": [ "HLA-Dw serotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen Dw serotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen Dw serotyping", "人类白细胞抗原 Dw 血清分型", "HLA-Dw 血清型" ], "432095006": [ "Radionuclide imaging of hepatobiliary region with gallbladder stimulation", "胆囊刺激肝胆区放射性核素显像" ], "235487007": [ "Removal of pancreatic duct prosthesis", "胰管假体移除术" ], "1003700002": [ "Assessment using Sequential Organ Failure Assessment score", "Assessment using SOFA (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment) score", "使用 SOFA(序贯器官衰竭评估)评分进行评估", "使用序贯器官衰竭评估评分进行评估" ], "723337004": [ "Ayres Sensory Integration", "艾尔斯感觉统合" ], "313737007": [ "Plasma lysine level", "Plasma lysine measurement", "血浆赖氨酸测量", "血浆赖氨酸水平" ], "410206006": [ "Respiratory care education", "Teach respiratory care", "Teach pulmonary care", "呼吸护理教育", "教授呼吸护理", "教授肺部护理" ], "178995007": [ "Translational correction by callotasis", "通过胼胝体修复翻译" ], "406536004": [ "Income needs assessment", "收入需求评估" ], "11485002": [ "Electron microscopy for viral identification rapid", "电子显微镜快速鉴定病毒" ], "1611000087103": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral forearms", "Ultrasound of both forearms", "Ultrasound scan of left and right forearm", "双前臂超声检查", "左、右前臂超声波扫描", "双侧前臂超声检查" ], "306397005": [ "Discharge by partner of GP", "Discharge by partner of general practitioner", "全科医生的合伙人解除职务", "普通科医生的合伙人解除职务" ], "765149007": [ "Assessment using Pocock death from cardiovascular disease risk score", "使用 Pocock 心血管疾病死亡风险评分进行评估" ], "715997009": [ "Arterial catheter care education", "动脉导管护理教育" ], "304562007": [ "Informing doctor", "Contacting physician", "Physician contact", "通知医生", "联系医生", "医生联系方式" ], "173490007": [ "Excision of lesion of submandibular gland", "颌下腺病变切除术" ], "386482009": [ "Umbilical line tube care", "Maintenance of umbilical line", "Tube care: umbilical line", "Maintenance of umbilical catheter", "脐导管的保养", "脐带管的维护", "脐带管护理", "管道护理:脐带" ], "1156530009": [ "VMAT - volumetric modulated arc therapy", "Volumetric modulated arc therapy", "VMAT-- 容积调强弧形治疗", "容积调强弧形治疗" ], "171655002": [ "Decompression of abducens nerve (VI)", "外展神经减压术(VI)" ], "384647004": [ "Bile duct stone removal", "Removal of gallstones in bile duct", "Removal of gallstone from bile duct", "胆管结石取出", "胆管结石去除" ], "401031002": [ "Serum flunitrazepam level", "血清氟硝西泮浓度" ], "40583006": [ "Resection of trachea", "Tracheal resection", "Trachea excision", "气管切除术", "气管切除" ], "1202012002": [ "Reconstruction of skin with local V-Y advancement flap", "Reconstruction of skin using local V-Y advancement flap", "V-Y advancement flap reconstruction of skin", "使用局部 V-Y 推进皮瓣重建皮肤", "局部 V-Y 推进皮瓣重建皮肤", "V-Y 推进皮瓣重建皮肤" ], "104284005": [ "Francisella tularensis antibody assay", "Serologic test for Francisella tularensis", "Measurement of Francisella tularensis antibody", "土拉弗朗西斯菌抗体测定", "土拉弗朗西斯菌血清学检测", "土拉弗朗西斯菌抗体检测" ], "38748006": [ "McCall culdoplasty", "McCall 阴道后穹窿成形术" ], "118833000": [ "Procedure on duodenum", "十二指肠手术" ], "413745001": [ "Cancer short term health assessment", "癌症短期健康评估" ], "235356009": [ "Decompression of sigmoid colon using flatus tube", "Decompression of sigmoid volvulus using flatus tube", "使用排气管对乙状结肠进行减压", "用排气管减压乙状结肠扭转" ], "233521007": [ "Peripheral venous cannula insertion - dorsum of hand", "Insertion of peripheral venous cannula into dorsal vein of hand", "外周静脉插管 - 手背", "将外周静脉插管插入手背静脉" ], "313606002": [ "Urine coproporphyrin measurement", "Urine coproporphyrin level", "尿粪卟啉测定", "尿粪卟啉水平" ], "116998002": [ "Wade stain", "Wade-Fite stain method", "Wade Fite stain", "韦德污点", "韦德·菲特污迹", "Wade-Fite染色法" ], "231686003": [ "Surgical procedure on orbit", "Orbital operations", "Surgical procedure on orbit proper", "轨道运行", "眼眶外科手术", "轨道内手术" ], "410075001": [ "Patient transfer assessment", "Assess transfer care", "评估转移护理", "病人转运评估" ], "408240002": [ "Fetal cell test", "Foetal cell test", "胎儿细胞检测" ], "64176007": [ "Anesthesia for omphalocele", "Anaesthesia for omphalocele", "脐膨出的麻醉" ], "47792009": [ "Endoscopic brush biopsy of large intestine", "内镜大肠刷检" ], "31408009": [ "Sexual psychotherapy, group, male and female", "性心理治疗,团体,男性和女性" ], "1254703000": [ "Assistance with application for financial assistance programme", "Assistance with application for financial assistance program", "协助申请财政援助计划" ], "306266008": [ "Referral to pathologist", "转诊给病理学家" ], "9519000": [ "Class in postural drainage", "体位引流课程" ], "763183003": [ "Assessment using Leeds Foot Impact Scale", "使用利兹足部冲击量表进行评估" ], "714031000": [ "Single port laparoscopic nephrectomy", "单孔腹腔镜肾切除术" ], "288047005": [ "Facial bone - bone graft", "Bone graft to facial bone", "Grafting of facial bone", "面部骨移植", "面部骨 - 骨移植", "面部骨骼移植" ], "173359006": [ "Cryotherapy to lesion of tongue", "舌头病变冷冻治疗" ], "304431006": [ "Ultrasound treatment to elbow", "肘部超声波治疗" ], "386351006": [ "Administration of drug or medicament via enteral tube", "通过肠内管注射药物" ], "419119006": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of renal vein with contrast", "肾静脉荧光造影" ], "91439008": [ "Exploration of parathyroid gland", "甲状旁腺探查" ], "122372001": [ "Japanese encephalitis virus RNA assay", "Japanese encephalitis virus ribonucleic acid assay", "日本脑炎病毒核糖核酸测定", "日本脑炎病毒 RNA 检测" ], "24068006": [ "Hysterectomy for removal of hydatidiform mole", "子宫切除术去除葡萄胎" ], "40452009": [ "Glutethimide measurement", "Doriden measurement", "格鲁米特测量", "Doriden 测量" ], "269828009": [ "Syphilis infectious titre test", "Syphilis infectious titer test", "梅毒传染性滴度检测" ], "284377002": [ "Examination of index finger", "食指检查" ], "235225004": [ "Heineke-Mikulicz pyloroplasty", "Heineke-Mikulicz operation, pyloroplasty", "Mikulicz-Heinecke pyloroplasty", "Mikulicz-Heinecke幽门成形术", "Heineke-Mikulicz 手术、幽门成形术", "Heineke-Mikulicz幽门体" ], "104153004": [ "Reticulocyte count, flow cytometry", "网织红细胞计数、流式细胞术" ], "233390003": [ "Patch repair of arterial graft", "动脉移植补片修复" ], "315310005": [ "Uterine pack procedure", "子宫填塞手术" ], "34947000": [ "Operation to establish drainage of ventricle", "手术建立脑室引流" ], "18563000": [ "Repair of strangulated inguinal hernia", "嵌顿性腹股沟疝的修补术" ], "118702008": [ "Procedure on upper extremity", "上肢手术" ], "231555004": [ "Orbital floor implant operation", "眶底植入手术" ], "67715004": [ "Oral contrast duodenography", "Duodenogram", "口服造影十二指肠造影", "十二指肠图" ], "1149059007": [ "Anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from aorta to acute marginal branch of right coronary artery", "Anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from aorta to AM (acute marginal) branch of RCA (right coronary artery)", "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft from aorta to marginal branch of right coronary artery", "游离右乳内动脉自主动脉至右冠状动脉尖缘支的吻合术", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从主动脉吻合至右冠状动脉 (RCA) 的急性边缘分支 (AM)", "使用从主动脉到右冠状动脉边缘支的游离右胸内动脉移植进行冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "33112000": [ "Removal of rice bodies from tendon sheaths of hand", "手部腱鞘米粒去除术" ], "723075007": [ "Insertion of plastic metallic restoration into tooth", "Insertion of malleable metallic restoration into tooth", "将塑料金属修复体插入牙齿", "将可塑性金属修复体插入牙齿" ], "278872003": [ "IVRA - Intravenous regional analgesia", "Intravenous regional analgesia", "IVRA-- 静脉区域镇痛", "静脉区域镇痛" ], "311640006": [ "Language expansion exercises", "语言扩展练习" ], "260653003": [ "Circumareolar incision", "乳晕周围切口" ], "178733008": [ "Primary open reduction spinal fracture and internal fixation with plate", "一期脊柱骨折切开复位钢板内固定术" ], "275202005": [ "Bileaflet aortic valve replacement", "双叶主动脉瓣置换术" ], "226050009": [ "Prosthetic rehabilitation", "假肢康复" ], "306135005": [ "Referral to forensic psychiatry service", "转介至法医精神病学服务" ], "386220001": [ "Control of wound haemorrhage", "Control of wound hemorrhage", "Bleeding reduction: wound", "控制伤口出血", "减少伤口出血" ], "418988002": [ "Fluoroscopy of parotid gland", "腮腺透视检查" ], "175063009": [ "Exploration of coronary artery", "冠状动脉探查" ], "91308007": [ "Blood gases, arterial measurement", "ABGs measurement", "Gases, arterial measurement", "气体、动脉测量", "动脉血气测量", "血气、动脉测量" ], "1156268007": [ "Injection of steroid into orbit", "Injection of steroid into orbit proper", "向眼眶注射类固醇", "将类固醇注射到眼眶内" ], "42156009": [ "Incision of abscess of sclera", "巩膜脓肿切开术" ], "89473002": [ "Exploration of tendon", "肌腱探查" ], "417153003": [ "Referral for home nurse visit", "转介家庭护士访问" ], "122241003": [ "Measurement of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Paratyphi C H antibody", "Salmonella Paratyphi C H antibody assay", "副伤寒沙门氏菌 C H 抗体检测", "副伤寒沙门氏菌丙型 H 型抗体测定" ], "171393003": [ "Police medical examination", "警察体检" ], "449921006": [ "Ultrasonography of upper limb", "上肢超声检查" ], "7553005": [ "Excisional biopsy of eye", "眼部切除活检" ], "302465006": [ "Release of contracture of forearm", "前臂挛缩松解术" ], "54870001": [ "DAF receptor measurement", "DAF 受体测量" ], "104022004": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Yt system (ISBT 011)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Yt system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 011)", "鉴定 Yt 系统中红细胞抗原的抗体 (ISBT 011)", "从 Yt 系统中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 011)" ], "431702005": [ "Removal of cardiac pacemaker lead using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下移除心脏起搏器导线" ], "429867000": [ "Computed tomography of head for radiotherapy planning", "Computed tomography (CT) of head for radiotherapy planning", "CT of head for radiotherapy planning", "头部计算机断层扫描 (CT) 用于放射治疗计划", "头部计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "头部 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "167723001": [ "Identification of microorganisms in CSF", "CSF: microorganisms", "Identification of microorganisms in cerebrospinal fluid", "脑脊液:微生物", "脑脊液中微生物的鉴定", "脑脊液微生物鉴定" ], "233259003": [ "Balloon angioplasty of extracranial carotid artery", "Angioplasty of external carotid artery", "颈外动脉血管成形术", "颅外颈动脉球囊成形术" ], "315179007": [ "Poliovirus antibody level", "脊髓灰质炎病毒抗体水平" ], "165888004": [ "Anti-haemoglobin antibody level", "Anti-hemoglobin antibody measurement", "Anti-hemoglobin antibody level", "Anti-haemoglobin antibody measurement", "抗血红蛋白抗体测量", "抗血红蛋白抗体水平" ], "311509005": [ "Visual processing training", "视觉处理训练" ], "65749006": [ "Gastroesophageal reflux study, radiographic", "Gastro-oesophageal reflux X-ray study", "Gastro-esophageal reflux X-ray study", "Gastrooesophageal reflux study, radiographic", "Gastroesophageal reflux X-ray study", "胃食管反流 X 射线检查", "胃食管反流研究,放射学" ], "113066000": [ "Chemical test, semi-quantitative", "化学测试,半定量" ], "229589008": [ "UVC - Ultraviolet C light therapy", "Ultraviolet C light therapy", "UVC - Ultraviolet C", "Ultraviolet C therapy", "紫外线C疗法", "UVC - 紫外线 C 光疗", "UVC——紫外线C", "紫外线C光疗" ], "406143004": [ "Removal of drain suture", "Drain sutures removed", "拆除引流缝线", "引流缝合线拆除" ], "12927004": [ "Osteotomy for rotational correction of proximal phalanx of first toe", "截骨术矫正第一趾近节指骨旋转" ], "29311004": [ "Open tenotomy of flexor tendon of forearm", "前臂屈肌腱开放性切断术" ], "306004002": [ "Referral by orthodontist", "Referral from orthodontist", "正畸医生推荐", "正畸医生转诊" ], "1287209003": [ "Administration of mitotic inhibitor", "有丝分裂抑制剂的给药" ], "9257004": [ "Revision of intracranial neurostimulator receiver", "颅内神经刺激器接收器的修订" ], "287785003": [ "Removal of rectum foreign body", "直肠异物取出" ], "386089008": [ "Collection of coughed sputum", "收集咳出的痰液" ], "91177008": [ "Eye examination under anesthesia", "EUA - Examination of eye under anesthetic", "Examination of eye under anesthetic", "Examination of eye under anaesthetic", "EUA - Examination of eye under anaesthetic", "Eye examination under anaesthesia", "麻醉下进行眼科检查", "EUA - 麻醉下进行眼部检查", "麻醉下检查眼睛", "EUA - 麻醉下的眼睛检查" ], "122110008": [ "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 23F antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 23F antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae American serotype 23 antibody", "肺炎链球菌丹麦血清型23F抗体的测定", "肺炎链球菌美国血清型23抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌23F血清型抗体测定" ], "1187070009": [ "Implantation of drug delivery reservoir using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided implantation of drug delivery reservoir", "荧光透视引导下植入药物输送容器", "荧光透视引导下药物释放容器植入" ], "103891006": [ "U blood group typing", "U血型分型" ], "167592004": [ "Examination of feces", "Examination of faeces", "粪便检查" ], "118440007": [ "Dissection with preservation of nerve", "保留神经的解剖" ], "34685000": [ "Ray amputation of finger", "手指射线切断术" ], "233128008": [ "Repair of double outlet left ventricle", "DOLV - Repair of double outlet left ventricle", "DOLV - 左心室双出口修复", "左心室双出口修复术" ], "51069000": [ "Destruction of lesion of nerve", "神经损伤破坏" ], "231293005": [ "Intradermal infiltration", "皮内浸润" ], "395133005": [ "Renin and aldosterone", "肾素和醛固酮" ], "444285005": [ "Analysis using PCR polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis", "Analysis using polymerase chain reaction polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis technique", "PCR聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析", "采用聚合酶链式反应聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术进行分析" ], "1917008": [ "Patient discharge, deceased, medicolegal case", "患者出院、死亡、法医学案件" ], "409682002": [ "Serial platelet counts", "连续血小板计数" ], "229458006": [ "Manipulation of the knee joint - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the knee joint", "膝关节手术——非手术", "膝关节操纵" ], "426066009": [ "Endoscopic submucosal resection of lesion of lower bowel using fiberoptic sigmoidoscope", "Endoscopic submucosal resection of lesion of lower bowel using fibreoptic sigmoidoscope", "纤维乙状结肠镜内镜黏膜下切除术治疗下段肠道病变", "纤维乙状结肠镜下内镜黏膜下切除术治疗下段肠道病变" ], "391463002": [ "Urine phencyclidine level", "尿液苯环利定浓度" ], "440615002": [ "Microscopic examination of vaginal Papanicolaou smear", "阴道巴氏涂片显微镜检查" ], "702759004": [ "Radionuclide imaging of heart for assessment of myocardial viability", "放射性核素心脏显像评估心肌活力" ], "782844001": [ "Assessment using Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score", "Assessment using KOOS (Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score)", "使用 KOOS(膝关节损伤和骨关节炎结果评分)进行评估", "使用膝关节损伤和骨关节炎结果评分进行评估" ], "12796008": [ "Transection of fallopian tube by abdominal approach", "经腹入路输卵管横断术" ], "274940009": [ "Drainage of lesion of spleen", "脾脏病变引流" ], "385958001": [ "Perineal care", "会阴护理" ], "271270006": [ "Urine vitamin C load measurement", "Urine vitamin C load level", "尿液维生素 C 负荷测量", "尿液维生素 C 负荷水平" ], "449659001": [ "Transplantation of tissue of lower leg", "小腿组织移植" ], "121979001": [ "Cryptococcus neoformans antigen assay", "新型隐球菌抗原检测" ], "172966009": [ "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of oropharynx", "内镜口咽病变摘除术" ], "72827001": [ "Replantation of arm after incomplete amputation", "不完全截肢后手臂再植" ], "40059006": [ "Creation of aortofemoral shunt", "Creation of aortofemoral vascular bypass", "建立主动脉股动脉血管旁路", "建立主动脉股动脉分流术" ], "185680002": [ "Chronic disease monitoring - second recall", "慢性病监测-第二次召回" ], "5456004": [ "Graft of lymphatic structure", "Transplantation of lymphatic structure", "淋巴结构移植" ], "120144006": [ "Inner ear reconstruction", "内耳重建" ], "169296006": [ "Ultrahard X-rays 400-2000 kV", "超硬 X 射线 400-2000 kV" ], "445989000": [ "Assessment using hip disability and osteoarthritis outcome score", "使用髋关节残疾和骨关节炎结果评分进行评估" ], "234832008": [ "Construction of tooth veneer at chairside", "椅旁牙齿贴面的制作" ], "431440009": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of dialysis fistula using contrast with insertion of stent", "透析瘘管荧光血管造影及支架置入" ], "103760009": [ "Specimen mass measurement", "Sample weight", "样品重量", "标本质量测量" ], "232997003": [ "Stenting of inferior vena cava", "Insertion of stent in inferior vena cava", "下腔静脉支架置入术" ], "83706000": [ "Robert Jones bandaging", "罗伯特·琼斯绷带" ], "231162001": [ "Opsons block", "Lumbar plexus block", "视黄素阻断", "腰丛阻滞" ], "313082002": [ "Employment education", "就业教育" ], "18170008": [ "Subsequent nursing facility visit", "随后的护理机构就诊" ], "444154009": [ "Measurement of pH of plasma of arterial blood specimen at 37 degrees Celsius", "37 摄氏度动脉血标本血浆 pH 值测量" ], "442319005": [ "Folic acid prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic folic acid", "叶酸预防", "预防性叶酸注射" ], "1144996003": [ "Vitamin B12 and/or vitamin B12 derivative modified diet", "维生素 B12 和/或维生素 B12 衍生物改良饮食" ], "735396004": [ "Open biopsy of adrenal gland", "肾上腺开放活检" ], "178340006": [ "Excision of lymphoedematous tissue of scrotum", "Excision of lymphedematous tissue of scrotum", "阴囊淋巴水肿组织切除术" ], "407716007": [ "CD11c count", "CD11c 计数" ], "1208697000": [ "Injection of botulinum toxin type A into nasal turbinate", "鼻甲注射 A 型肉毒毒素" ], "373113001": [ "Routine procedure", "常规程序" ], "129188009": [ "Procedure on metacarpal bone", "掌骨手术" ], "10830002": [ "Physician administration and interpretation of instrument of health risk assessment", "Health hazard appraisal", "医生管理和解释健康风险评估工具", "健康危害评估" ], "59982008": [ "Shortening of uterosacral ligament", "子宫骶韧带缩短" ], "385827001": [ "Health promotion education", "Teach health promotion", "教授健康促进", "健康促进教育" ], "387662008": [ "Respiratory tract procedure", "呼吸道手术" ], "303907003": [ "Radionuclide study of genitourinary function", "泌尿生殖功能的放射性核素研究" ], "74531004": [ "Partial bilateral adrenalectomy", "Subtotal bilateral adrenalectomy", "双侧肾上腺次全切除术", "双侧肾上腺部分切除术" ], "90915003": [ "Excision of bone for graft", "Excision of bone for graft, autograft or homograft", "Ostectomy for graft", "切除骨骼进行移植", "截骨术", "切除骨骼进行移植、自体移植或同种移植" ], "287523005": [ "Surgical biopsy of female genitalia", "女性生殖器手术活检" ], "171000001": [ "Social counselling", "Social counseling", "社会辅导", "社会咨询" ], "1268728003": [ "Assistance with completing documentation to assign power of attorney", "协助填写授权委托书文件" ], "121848004": [ "PGD>2< measurement", "Prostaglandin D2 measurement", "前列腺素 D2 测量", "PGD​​>2< 测量" ], "252920004": [ "Nocturnal penile tumescence", "NPT - Nocturnal penile tumescence", "NPT-- 夜间阴茎勃起", "夜间阴茎勃起" ], "449528006": [ "Conversion to prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone using cement", "Conversion to prosthetic replacement of joint using cement", "Conversion to cemented prosthetic arthroplasty of joint", "使用水泥将骨关节转换为假体置换", "转换为骨水泥型假体置换术", "使用水泥进行关节假体置换" ], "416760007": [ "Osteopathic manipulation, v-spread", "整骨疗法,V 形伸展" ], "120013000": [ "Vas deferens excision", "Excision of vas deferens", "输精管切除术" ], "414925007": [ "Obtaining consent", "获得同意" ], "87245007": [ "Metatarsectomy", "跖骨切除术" ], "169165009": [ "Isotope dynamic spleen scan", "同位素动态脾脏扫描" ], "232866003": [ "Decalcification of implanted pulmonary valve", "植入肺动脉瓣的脱钙" ], "708002004": [ "Combined calcium and vitamin D3 preparation prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic combined calcium and vitamin D3 preparation", "预防性使用钙和维生素 D3 联合制剂", "钙和维生素 D3 联合制剂预防" ], "231031003": [ "Excision of spinal nerve root tumour", "Excision of spinal nerve root tumor", "脊神经根肿瘤切除术" ], "67191004": [ "Change in bone length", "骨长度变化" ], "50807007": [ "Femoral-popliteal artery bypass graft with vein", "Femoral-popliteal in-situ vein bypass", "Femoropopliteal reversed vein bypass graft", "带静脉的股腘动脉旁路移植术", "股腘静脉逆行旁路移植术", "股腘静脉原位旁路术" ], "444023008": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of bone of lower leg", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和小腿骨计算机断层扫描" ], "65356002": [ "Arthrotomy with drainage of interphalangeal joint of toe", "趾间关节切开引流术" ], "229196003": [ "Cardiovascular exercises in water", "水中心血管锻炼" ], "442188002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal valvotomy and valvuloplasty of pulmonary valve structure", "经皮腔内肺动脉瓣切开术及肺动脉瓣成形术" ], "48972008": [ "Arthrectomy of shoulder", "Excision of shoulder joint", "Arthrectomy of shoulder joint", "肩关节切除术", "肩关节切除" ], "702497003": [ "Computed tomography guided drainage", "Drainage using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided drainage", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行引流", "CT引导下引流", "计算机断层扫描引导引流" ], "440353004": [ "Antibody to nuclease measurement", "核酸酶抗体测量" ], "243745007": [ "Provision of audiotaped services", "提供录音服务" ], "422134000": [ "Benzodiazepine measurement, urine, FPIA", "Benzodiazepine measurement, urine FPIA", "Benzodiazepine measurement, urine, fluorescence polarization immunoassay", "Benzodiazepine measurement, urine, fluorescence polarisation immunoassay", "Measurement for urine benzodiazepine by fluorescence polarization immunoassay", "Measurement for urine benzodiazepine by fluorescence polarisation immunoassay", "荧光偏振免疫分析法测定尿中苯二氮卓类药物", "苯二氮卓类测量,尿液,FPIA", "苯二氮卓类测量,尿液,荧光偏振免疫分析法", "苯二氮卓类药物测量,尿液 FPIA", "荧光偏振免疫分析法测定尿液中苯二氮卓类药物" ], "14369007": [ "Deworming", "Worming by anthelminthic", "驱虫", "驱虫药" ], "176374004": [ "Hook ablation of posterior urethral valve", "后尿道瓣膜钩消融术" ], "1290486008": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of hand and bone of wrist region", "手部骨骼和腕部骨骼的普通 X 光检查" ], "27083005": [ "Immunoglobulin G subclass measurement", "免疫球蛋白 G 亚类测量" ], "59851008": [ "Electronystagmogram", "Electronystagmography", "ENG examination", "ENG - Electronystagmography", "眼震电图", "ENG 检查", "ENG - 眼震电图" ], "385696002": [ "Cast care education", "Teach cast care", "演员护理教育", "教导演员护理" ], "238240003": [ "Excision of vitelline sinus", "卵黄窦切除术" ], "1286816004": [ "Fitting of mandibular resection prosthesis", "下颌切除假体的安装" ], "303776003": [ "Arthrogram of shoulder girdle and upper limb joint", "肩带及上肢关节图" ], "271008007": [ "Urine oxalate level", "Urine oxalate measurement", "尿液草酸盐测量", "尿液草酸盐水平" ], "367477001": [ "Excision of mandible", "Mandibulectomy", "下颌骨切除术" ], "105333002": [ "Tellurium measurement", "碲测量" ], "121717003": [ "Trichlorofluoroethane measurement", "三氯氟乙烷的测量" ], "449397007": [ "Insertion of permanent cardiac pacemaker pulse generator and electrode", "Insertion of permanent pacemaker system", "植入永久起搏器系统", "植入永久性心脏起搏器脉冲发生器和电极" ], "252789008": [ "Early receptor potential electroretinography", "早期受体电位视网膜电图" ], "119882007": [ "Stomach injection", "Injection of stomach", "胃部注射" ], "232735000": [ "Operation for coronary artery fistula", "冠状动脉瘘手术" ], "118047002": [ "HIV 1 p17 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p17 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 17 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p17 抗体检测", "HIV 1 p17 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 17 抗体的测量" ], "265503003": [ "Reconstruction of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉重建" ], "773407007": [ "Open repair of recurrent incisional hernia of anterior abdominal wall using biological mesh with component separation", "生物网片分离术治疗复发性腹前壁切口疝" ], "183583007": [ "Refer to mental health worker", "转介心理健康工作者" ], "412959007": [ "Pseudomonas antibody measurement", "Pseudomonas antibody level", "假单胞菌抗体水平", "假单胞菌抗体测量" ], "134431007": [ "Child health promotion", "儿童健康促进" ], "230900000": [ "Trapping of intracranial aneurysm", "颅内动脉瘤的圈闭" ], "50676004": [ "Implantation of cochlear prosthetic device, multiple channels", "Implantation of cochlear electronic stimulator, multiple channels", "人工耳蜗植入,多通道", "植入人工耳蜗电子刺激器,多通道" ], "427508005": [ "Implantation of cardioverter defibrillator with two electrode leads", "植入带有两个电极导线的心脏复律除颤器" ], "83444008": [ "Renal papillectomy", "肾乳头切除术" ], "720585001": [ "Multi-agency case management review meeting", "多机构案件管理审查会议" ], "736969003": [ "Saphenous vein graft bypass of two coronary arteries", "Aortocoronary artery bypass of two coronary arteries with saphenous vein graft", "用隐静脉移植术进行双侧冠状动脉主动脉冠状动脉搭桥术", "双侧冠状动脉隐静脉搭桥术" ], "278217008": [ "Sacral epidural steroid injection", "骶管硬膜外注射类固醇" ], "48841008": [ "Azidothymidine measurement", "Azt measurement", "它的测量", "叠氮胸苷测量" ], "229065009": [ "Exercise therapy", "Exercises treatments and procedures", "运动疗法", "锻炼、治疗和程序" ], "440222004": [ "Destruction of malignant neoplasm of rectum using cryosurgery", "用冷冻手术摧毁直肠恶性肿瘤" ], "225395003": [ "Wound assessment", "伤口评估" ], "172573007": [ "Biopsy of retinal lesion", "视网膜病变活检" ], "432882000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of pelvic cavity", "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvic cavity", "MRI of pelvic cavity", "盆腔磁共振成像", "盆腔磁共振成像(MRI)" ], "287261007": [ "Total substernal thyroidectomy", "Complete substernal thyroidectomy", "全胸骨下甲状腺切除术", "完全胸骨下甲状腺切除术" ], "6898002": [ "Arthroscopically aided posterior cruciate ligament reconstruction", "关节镜辅助后交叉韧带重建" ], "105202002": [ "Heavy metals measurement", "重金属测量" ], "252658002": [ "Gastrointestinal secretory study", "胃肠分泌研究" ], "121586004": [ "Griseofulvin measurement", "灰黄霉素测量" ], "449266005": [ "Excision of intracranial vascular structure", "Excision of intracranial vessel", "颅内血管结构切除", "颅内血管切除术" ], "236274009": [ "Single stage epispadias repair", "单阶段尿道上裂修复术" ], "56050009": [ "Heterophile antibody titer after absorption with beef cells and guinea pig kidney", "Heterophile antibody titre after absorption with beef cells and guinea pig kidney", "牛细胞和豚鼠肾吸收后的异嗜性抗体滴度", "牛细胞和豚鼠肾吸附后的异嗜性抗体滴度" ], "431047004": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of nasal fossae", "鼻窝细针穿刺活检" ], "709575004": [ "MR venography of pelvis with contrast", "Magnetic resonance venogram of pelvis with contrast", "Magnetic resonance venography of vein of pelvis with contrast", "盆腔磁共振静脉造影", "盆腔静脉磁共振造影" ], "70599007": [ "Construction of median tarsorrhaphy", "Central tarsorrhaphy", "正中睑板缝合术的构建", "中央睑板缝合术" ], "725959008": [ "Transurethral insertion of prostatic urethral lift implant", "Insertion of prostatic urethral lift by transurethral cystoscopic approach using prostatic retraction implant", "经尿道前列腺尿道抬高植入物插入", "经尿道膀胱镜入路前列腺尿道抬高术及前列腺牵拉植入物插入术" ], "168903008": [ "Neck fistulography with contrast", "颈瘘造影" ], "232604000": [ "Open procedure to the trachea", "气管开放手术" ], "19612002": [ "Hepatocholangiocystoduodenostomy", "肝胆管囊十二指肠吻合术" ], "281756004": [ "Terminalisation of finger", "Terminalization of finger", "手指末端化" ], "183452005": [ "Emergency hospital admission", "紧急入院" ], "117916008": [ "Neuronal antibody assay", "神经元抗体测定" ], "412828009": [ "Fluid sample osmolality measurement", "Fluid sample osmolality", "液体样本渗透压", "液体样品渗透压测量" ], "707740009": [ "Ambulating with assistance of two people", "在两人协助下行走" ], "312689003": [ "Superficial femoral embolectomy", "Thrombectomy of superficial femoral artery", "股浅动脉血栓切除术", "股浅动脉栓塞切除术" ], "443761007": [ "Anticipatory palliative care", "预期姑息治疗" ], "179782000": [ "Prosthetic repair of intra-articular ligament", "关节内韧带假体修复" ], "48710004": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of aortoiliac artery by abdominal incision", "腹部切口主髂动脉导管取栓术" ], "177947000": [ "Open drainage of pelvic abscess", "盆腔脓肿开放引流" ], "63259008": [ "Enterocentesis of large intestine", "大肠穿刺术" ], "472859009": [ "Taking anal swab for chlamydia", "用肛门拭子检测衣原体" ], "405488001": [ "Ilio-iliac artery bypass with prosthesis", "髂髂动脉搭桥术" ], "77808004": [ "Stereotactic cordotomy", "Stereotactic chordotomy of spinal cord", "脊髓立体定向脊索切断术", "立体定向脊髓切开术" ], "241648005": [ "MRI of lumbar spine", "Magnetic resonance imaging of lumbar spine", "腰椎 MRI", "腰椎磁共振成像" ], "225264007": [ "Bathing female perineal area", "女性会阴部沐浴" ], "274416008": [ "Tracheoscopy to remove object", "气管镜检查取出异物" ], "305349003": [ "Admission to department", "部门录取" ], "370885003": [ "Manage activities of daily living (ADLS)", "Activities of daily living management", "管理日常生活活动 (ADLS)", "日常生活活动管理" ], "698565005": [ "Referral by podiatric surgeon", "足科医生转诊" ], "713114000": [ "Provision of medication list", "提供药物清单" ], "105071000": [ "Anileridine measurement", "苯胺测定" ], "711279001": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of intestine", "肠道血管结构的多普勒超声检查" ], "418202009": [ "Fluoroscopy of spine", "脊柱透视检查" ], "252527005": [ "Open patch test", "打开斑贴试验" ], "121455007": [ "Benzaldehyde measurement", "苯甲醛测定" ], "250692007": [ "Apolipoprotein E phenotype", "Apolipoprotein E phenotype determination", "载脂蛋白 E 表型", "载脂蛋白 E 表型测定" ], "52249000": [ "Incision of sebaceous cyst", "皮脂囊肿切开术" ], "414532009": [ "Intracameral anesthesia", "Intracameral anaesthesia", "前房麻醉", "前房内麻醉" ], "234308007": [ "Operation on lymphocyst", "淋巴囊肿手术" ], "773145003": [ "Laparoscopic repair of umbilical hernia using biological mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic umbilical hernioplasty using biological mesh with fascial closure", "使用生物网片和筋膜闭合进行腹腔镜脐疝修补术", "腹腔镜下应用生物网片结合筋膜闭合术修补脐疝" ], "70468009": [ "Topical application of fluoride including prophylaxis, child", "局部应用氟化物,包括预防、儿童" ], "232473002": [ "External fixation of fractured nasal bones", "鼻骨骨折外固定" ], "183321008": [ "Continuous passive mobilisation of hip", "Continuous passive mobilization of hip", "持续进行髋关节被动活动" ], "19481009": [ "Transposition of urethral tissue", "尿道组织转位" ], "117785009": [ "Coxsackievirus A7 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human coxsackievirus A 7 antibody", "柯萨奇病毒 A7 抗体检测", "人柯萨奇病毒A7抗体测定" ], "165102003": [ "Metabolic function test", "代谢功能测试" ], "427246004": [ "Endoscopic drilling of epiphysis for repair of articular cartilage", "内窥镜骨骺钻孔修复关节软骨" ], "443630007": [ "Ultrasonography of liver with contrast", "肝脏超声造影" ], "1179075000": [ "Colonna arthroplasty", "结肠成形术" ], "15811004": [ "Anesthesia for procedures on lymphoid tissue of neck", "Anaesthesia for procedures on lymphoid tissue of neck", "颈部淋巴组织手术的麻醉" ], "703939004": [ "Referral for cryopreservation", "转诊进行冷冻保存" ], "409027005": [ "Infant care assessment", "Assess infant care", "婴儿护理评估", "评估婴儿护理" ], "390808007": [ "Mental health care", "Mental health care type elements", "心理健康护理类型要素", "心理健康护理" ], "225133004": [ "Skin cleansing procedure", "皮肤清洁程序" ], "257901008": [ "Gillies reduction of zygomatic fracture", "Gillies reduction", "吉利斯还原", "Gillies 颧骨骨折复位术" ], "288834001": [ "Agreeing on care plan", "Agreement on care plan", "Agreement of care plan", "同意护理计划", "护理计划协议" ], "239682003": [ "Application of upper limb cast brace with elbow hinges", "肘关节上肢石膏支架的应用" ], "59458006": [ "Manipulation of skin of head", "头部皮肤处理" ], "419906006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of common carotid artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of common carotid artery with contrast", "颈总动脉造影" ], "172311004": [ "Three snip procedure to eyelid", "双眼皮三剪手术" ], "24855004": [ "Anesthesia for complete amputation of penis", "Anaesthesia for complete amputation of penis", "阴茎全截除术的麻醉" ], "121324000": [ "alpha-Hydroxyalprazolam measurement", "α-羟基阿普唑仑测量" ], "712983009": [ "Excision of esophagus and gastric mobilization using laparoscope", "Excision of oesophagus and gastric mobilisation using laparoscope", "Laparoscopic esophagectomy and gastric mobilization", "Laparoscopic oesophagectomy and gastric mobilisation", "腹腔镜食管切除及胃游离术", "腹腔镜食管切除及胃动员术", "腹腔镜食管切除术和胃动员术" ], "104940003": [ "Sulfate measurement, urine", "Sulphate measurement, urine", "尿液硫酸盐测量" ], "449004004": [ "Fusion of thoracolumbar region of spine with internal fixation by anterior approach", "前入路胸腰椎融合内固定术" ], "399852008": [ "RGm26 specific IgG antibody measurement", "Cladosporium cladosporiodes specific IgG antibody measurement", "Cladosporium cladosporiodes specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "RGm26 特异性 IgG 抗体测量", "枝孢霉特异性 IgG 抗体测定", "枝孢霉特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定" ], "252396008": [ "Electron microscopy of vesicle fluid", "囊泡液的电子显微镜检查" ], "53953003": [ "Dark adaptation study", "暗适应研究" ], "250561004": [ "Measurement of oxygen dissolved in arterial blood", "Oxygen dissolved in arterial blood", "动脉血中溶解的氧气", "动脉血中溶解氧的测量" ], "1264534001": [ "Paracentesis of gallbladder", "Needle puncture of gallbladder", "胆囊穿刺术", "胆囊针穿刺" ], "396182004": [ "Major amblyoscope test", "主要弱视检查" ], "35734005": [ "Microbial culture, room temperature", "微生物培养,室温" ], "166806006": [ "Electrophoresis: alpha-2-globulin", "电泳:α-2-球蛋白" ], "789398005": [ "Decompression of small intestine via colonoscope", "经结肠镜小肠减压" ], "117654006": [ "N-Methylacetamide measurement", "N-甲基乙酰胺测量" ], "17515000": [ "Radioimmunoprecipitation assay", "RIP assay", "放射免疫沉淀试验", "RIP 检测" ], "609174009": [ "Revision of prosthetic replacement of head of radius", "桡骨头假体置换术" ], "1295467002": [ "Plain X-ray of epididymis", "附睾普通 X 光检查" ], "33899008": [ "Drainage of spleen by marsupialization", "Drainage of spleen by marsupialisation", "Marsupialisation of splenic lesion", "Marsupialization of splenic lesion", "脾脏袋形引流术", "脾脏病变袋形化术", "脾脏病变袋形化" ], "408896001": [ "Wandering control assessment", "Assess wandering control", "游荡控制评估", "评估游荡控制" ], "392512002": [ "Phospholipase specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rk203 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Phospholipase specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "磷脂酶特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测量", "磷脂酶特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Rk203特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "261440003": [ "Open - laryngofissure", "开放性喉裂" ], "228672003": [ "Microtron electron teletherapy", "Microtron electron external beam radiation therapy", "Microtron 电子远距治疗", "Microtron 电子外束放射治疗" ], "13845008": [ "Gastrointestinal aspirate for localization of blood loss", "Gastrointestinal aspirate for localisation of blood loss", "胃肠道抽吸物用于定位失血" ], "243221009": [ "Rehydration therapy", "补液疗法" ], "241386007": [ "Non-imaging thyroid uptake and perchlorate discharge test", "非成像甲状腺摄取和高氯酸盐排出试验" ], "305087000": [ "Prophylactic foot stretching", "预防性足部拉伸" ], "1255359001": [ "Fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy", "Fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy", "FSRT - fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy", "Fractionated dose stereotactic radiation therapy", "FSRT-- 分次立体定向放射治疗", "分次立体定向放射治疗", "分次剂量立体定向放射治疗" ], "42943003": [ "Sitting root test", "Flip test", "翻转测试", "坐根测试" ], "1237140001": [ "Bronchoscopic APC (argon plasma coagulation) of bronchus", "APC (argon plasma coagulation) of bronchus using bronchoscope", "Bronchoscopic argon plasma coagulation of bronchus", "Argon plasma coagulation of bronchus using bronchoscope", "支气管镜氩离子凝固术", "使用支气管镜进行支气管氩离子凝固术 (APC)", "支气管镜下 APC(氩等离子凝固术)", "支气管镜氩离子凝固支气管" ], "172180003": [ "Removal of fixation from fracture of orbit", "眼眶骨折固定拆除" ], "286868004": [ "Female prosthetic bladder outlet collar procedure", "Female prosthetic urinary bladder outlet collar procedure", "女性假体膀胱出口环手术" ], "450708007": [ "Repair of vault of vagina by abdominal approach", "经腹入路修补阴道穹窿" ], "170345000": [ "Administration of third dose of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine", "Third Haemophilus influenzae type b immunization", "Third Haemophilus influenzae type b immunisation", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Haemophilus influenzae type b antigen", "Third Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccination", "第三次 B 型流感嗜血杆菌免疫", "注射第三剂乙型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗", "第三次 b 型流感嗜血杆菌免疫", "第三次乙型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗接种", "接种第三剂仅含 b 型流感嗜血杆菌抗原的疫苗产品" ], "711017001": [ "Assessment of spiritual belief", "精神信仰评估" ], "252265002": [ "Lithium clearance test", "Lithium renal clearance measurement", "锂清除试验", "锂肾清除率测量" ], "448873003": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of ankle and extramedullary fixation", "踝部骨折一期切开复位髓外固定" ], "270484008": [ "Respiratory therapy by atmospheric control", "大气控制呼吸治疗" ], "104809006": [ "Methemalbumin measurement", "Methaemalbumin measurement", "正铁白蛋白测量", "高铁血白蛋白测量" ], "4670000": [ "Catheterization of bronchus", "Insertion of catheter into bronchus", "Catheterisation of bronchus", "支气管插管", "将导管插入支气管" ], "447038002": [ "Ligation of blood vessel of cerebral meninges", "脑膜血管结扎术" ], "21054003": [ "Hair transplant", "毛发移植" ], "414270007": [ "Fluid sample ethanol level", "Fluid sample ethanol measurement", "液体样品乙醇测量", "液体样本乙醇含量" ], "35603000": [ "Subarachnoid-peritoneal spinal shunt", "Subarachnoid-peritoneal spinal shunt with valve", "Subarachnoid-peritoneal spinal anastomosis with valve", "带瓣膜的蛛网膜下腔-腹膜脊柱吻合术", "蛛网膜下腔-腹膜脊髓分流术", "带瓣膜的蛛网膜下腔-腹膜脊髓分流术" ], "84755001": [ "Radiation therapy treatment management", "放射治疗管理" ], "723731000": [ "Amputation of right great toe", "Amputation of right hallux", "右拇趾截肢", "右脚大脚趾截肢" ], "68371002": [ "Repair of symblepharon with free graft", "Grafting for symblepharon repair", "用游离移植修复睑球粘连", "移植修复睑球粘连" ], "133907004": [ "Episiotomy care", "会阴切开术护理" ], "445203006": [ "Detection of Ehrlichia using polymerase chain reaction technique", "使用聚合酶链反应技术检测埃里克体" ], "9771000087103": [ "Plain X-ray of bilateral lower limbs", "Plain X-ray of both lower limbs", "Plain X-ray of left and right lower limb", "左、右下肢普通X光检查", "双下肢普通X光检查", "双下肢X线平片" ], "1297171008": [ "Insertion of dental bridge with base metal pontic onto tooth", "将带有基底金属桥体的牙桥插入牙齿上" ], "183059007": [ "Patient advised about high fibre diet", "Patient advised about high fiber diet", "High fiber diet education", "High fibre diet education", "建议患者进行高纤维饮食", "高纤维饮食教育" ], "21291000087102": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of right saphenous vein", "Doppler ultrasound of right saphenous vein", "Doppler ultrasound scan of right saphenous vein", "右隐静脉多普勒超声扫描", "右隐静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "811000087103": [ "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of bilateral lower limbs", "Biopsy of bilateral lower limbs using fluoroscopic guidance", "Biopsy of both lower limbs using fluoroscopic guidance", "Biopsy of left and right lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下双下肢活检", "荧光透视引导下双下肢活检", "荧光透视引导下左、右下肢活检", "在荧光透视引导下进行双下肢活检" ], "443368004": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography ventriculography at cardiac rest", "心脏静息状态下的单光子发射计算机断层扫描和计算机断层心室造影" ], "2091000087108": [ "MRI of brachial plexus of left upper limb", "Magnetic resonance imaging of brachial plexus of left upper limb", "左上肢臂丛神经MRI", "左上肢臂丛神经磁共振成像" ], "46891000087108": [ "Recommendation to start proton pump inhibitor therapy", "Recommendation to start PPI (proton pump inhibitor) therapy", "建议开始质子泵抑制剂治疗", "建议开始 PPI(质子泵抑制剂)治疗" ], "82920008": [ "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of the gallbladder", "ESWL gallbladder stone - Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy of gallbladder stone", "ESWL of calculus in gallbladder - Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy of calculus in gallbladder", "Extracorporeal lithotripsy of calculus in gallbladder", "Extracorporeal fragmentation of gallbladder stone", "胆囊体外冲击波碎石术", "胆囊结石体外冲击波碎石术 - 胆囊结石体外冲击波碎石术", "胆囊结石体外碎石术", "胆囊结石体外碎裂术", "ESWL 胆囊结石 - 体外冲击波碎石术" ], "426984008": [ "Allotransplantation of thymus gland", "胸腺同种异体移植" ], "164840008": [ "Stereo microscopy", "立体显微镜" ], "392381003": [ "Quercus alba specific IgE antibody measurement", "Oak specific IgE antibody measurement", "t7 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Quercus alba specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "橡树特异性IgE抗体测量", "白栎特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "t7 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "白栎特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "81085004": [ "Destructive procedure of anterior segment of eye", "眼前节破坏性手术" ], "441533008": [ "Measurement of tramadol in urine specimen", "尿液标本中曲马多的测定" ], "406930000": [ "Spirit soluble aniline blue stain method", "Spirit soluble aniline blue stain", "酒精溶解苯胺蓝染色法", "酒精可溶苯胺蓝染色" ], "767378002": [ "Surgical reduction of torsion of left testis with fixation of right testis", "手术复位左侧睾丸扭转并固定右侧睾丸" ], "228541008": [ "Perceptual training", "感知训练" ], "13714004": [ "Arthroscopy", "关节镜检查" ], "243090007": [ "Bridge or pontic hygiene care instruction", "Bridge or pontic hygiene care education", "牙桥或桥体卫生保健教育", "牙桥或桥体卫生护理指导" ], "274023003": [ "Varicose vein operation", "静脉曲张手术" ], "241255003": [ "Pelvic angiography", "Angiography of blood vessel of pelvis", "盆腔血管造影" ], "388711003": [ "Rf294 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Passion fruit specific IgE antibody measurement", "Passiflora edulis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Passiflora edulis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "西番莲特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "百香果特异性IgE抗体测定", "西番莲特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rf294 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "239420001": [ "Pantalar arthrodesis of hindfoot", "后足 Pantalar 关节融合术" ], "1255228001": [ "Goat milk free diet", "无羊奶饮食" ], "175719009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of femoral artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of femoral artery", "经皮股动脉腔内栓塞术" ], "59196003": [ "Pharyngoplasty with silastic implant", "硅胶植入物咽喉成形术" ], "419644004": [ "Fluoroscopic urethrography", "尿道荧光透视造影" ], "450577001": [ "Removal of foreign body from urinary tract", "尿道异物取出" ], "1204241002": [ "Inferior capsular shift operation of shoulder", "肩关节下关节囊移位手术" ], "24593002": [ "Fibrinolysin assay", "Plasmin assay", "Fibrinolytic system test", "纤溶系统检查", "纤溶酶测定" ], "172049005": [ "Quadrantectomy of breast", "Excision of breast quadrant", "乳房象限切除术" ], "761873006": [ "Assessment using Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale", "Assessment using MADRS (Montgomery-Åsberg Depression Rating Scale)", "使用蒙哥马利-奥斯伯格抑郁量表进行评估", "使用 MADRS(蒙哥马利-奥斯伯格抑郁量表)进行评估" ], "270353007": [ "Employment examination/reports", "就业审查/报告" ], "170214001": [ "Child examination: bladder control", "儿童检查:膀胱控制" ], "104678004": [ "Galactosylgalactosylglucosylceramidase measurement", "半乳糖基半乳糖基葡萄糖基神经酰胺酶测量" ], "266683002": [ "Evacuation of GIT contents", "Evacuation of gastrointestinal tract contents", "胃肠道内容物的疏散", "排出胃肠道内容物" ], "4539004": [ "Excision of bronchogenic cyst", "Excision of cyst of bronchus", "支气管囊肿切除术" ], "86459005": [ "Compatibility test, crossmatch, enzyme technique", "兼容性测试、交叉配血、酶技术" ], "1231504004": [ "Assessment using International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Functional Diet Scale", "Assessment using IDDSI-FDS (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Functional Diet Scale)", "使用 IDDSI-FDS(国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议功能性饮食量表)进行评估", "使用国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议功能性饮食量表进行评估" ], "363152007": [ "Immune system surgical procedure", "免疫系统外科手术" ], "608912008": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from lymph node", "淋巴结标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "836453001": [ "Drainage of seroma of bilateral breasts using seroma catheter", "Drainage of seroma of left and right breast using seroma catheter", "使用血清导管引流左、右乳房血清肿", "使用血清导管引流双侧乳房血清肿" ], "443237001": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of perfusion of lung", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和肺灌注计算机断层扫描" ], "770917007": [ "Application of homeopathic topical agent to verruca plantaris", "Application of homoeopathic topical agent to verruca plantaris", "顺势疗法外用药物治疗跖疣" ], "179258006": [ "Attention to electromagnetic stimulator in bone", "关注骨骼电磁刺激器" ], "29967000": [ "Echography, scan B-mode for placement of radiation fields", "超声检查、B 型扫描以确定辐射场的位置" ], "392250009": [ "Operation on fallopian tube", "Fallopian tube operation", "Tubal operations - fallopian", "输卵管手术", "输卵管手术 - 输卵管" ], "783631001": [ "Plain X-ray of tibia and fibula", "胫骨和腓骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "177423003": [ "Local subcutaneous pedicle island flap, myocutaneous, to head or neck", "头部或颈部局部皮下带蒂岛状皮瓣,肌皮瓣" ], "406799005": [ "Alizarin yellow R stain method", "Alizarin yellow R stain", "茜素黄R染色", "茜素黄R染色法" ], "62735006": [ "Intra-arterial injection", "动脉内注射" ], "308495007": [ "Needle suspension procedure of bladder neck", "Needle suspension procedure of neck of urinary bladder", "膀胱颈针悬吊术", "膀胱颈悬吊术" ], "241124002": [ "Video soft palate", "Dynamic soft palate study", "视频软腭", "动态软腭研究" ], "388580006": [ "Rf329 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Citrullus lanatus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Watermelon specific IgE antibody measurement", "Citrullus lanatus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "西瓜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "西瓜特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rf329 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "11748006": [ "Repair of atrial septal defect with prosthesis by open heart technique", "开胸技术修复房间隔缺损" ], "306660009": [ "Discharge from general GI surgical service", "Discharge from general gastrointestinal surgical service", "普通胃肠外科服务出院", "普通胃肠外科出院" ], "239289001": [ "Fixation of fracture using plate", "Plating", "电镀", "使用钢板固定骨折" ], "1287865002": [ "Trabeculectomy of left eye", "左眼小梁切除术" ], "386745004": [ "Transurethral cystoscopy", "Urethrocystoscopy", "Cystourethroscopy", "经尿道膀胱镜检查", "尿道膀胱镜检查", "膀胱尿道镜检查" ], "108217004": [ "Interview, history AND/OR physical examination", "访谈、病史和/或体格检查" ], "304825004": [ "Humanistic psychotherapy", "人本主义心理治疗" ], "24462000": [ "Trocar cholecystotomy", "套管针胆囊切开术" ], "401294003": [ "Wound microscopy, culture and sensitivities", "伤口显微镜检查、培养和敏感性" ], "268387002": [ "Sinus probing", "鼻窦探查" ], "104547007": [ "beta-Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase measurement", "Hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase level", "3-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase measurement", "3-羟基丁酸脱氢酶测量", "羟基丁酸脱氢酶水平", "β-羟基丁酸脱氢酶测量" ], "510851000124100": [ "Excision of right nipple", "切除右乳头" ], "708920006": [ "Laparoscopic anterior resection of rectum, robot assisted", "Robot assisted laparoscopic anterior resection of rectum", "Laparoscopic anterior resection of rectum using robotic assistance", "腹腔镜直肠前切除术,机器人辅助", "机器人辅助腹腔镜直肠前切除术" ], "428931000124102": [ "Pharmacogenetic consultation", "Pharmacogenomic consultation", "药物基因组学咨询" ], "446776008": [ "Excision of inguinal lymph node and pelvic lymph node", "Inguinal and pelvic lymphadenectomy", "腹股沟淋巴结及盆腔淋巴结切除术", "腹股沟和盆腔淋巴结清扫术" ], "86328009": [ "Core needle biopsy of retroperitoneal mass", "腹膜后肿块芯针活检" ], "117261000": [ "Serum incubation method", "血清培养法" ], "439171000124107": [ "Modified food, medical food supplement therapy", "改良食品、医疗食品补充疗法" ], "608781003": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of acromioclavicular joint", "肩锁关节脱位切开复位术" ], "661891000124107": [ "Assistance with application for English as a second language program", "Assistance with application for English as a second language programme", "协助申请英语作为第二语言课程" ], "182797005": [ "Spinal cord function monitoring", "脊髓功能监测" ], "313869009": [ "Plasma ethosuximide level", "Plasma ethosuximide measurement", "血浆乙琥胺测量", "血浆乙琥胺浓度" ], "230114001": [ "Central line feeding", "Central hyperalimentation", "中心线供料", "中枢营养过度" ], "82658005": [ "Incisional biopsy of larynx", "喉部切开活检" ], "80823002": [ "Ophthalmic echography, B-scan, limited", "眼科超声心动图,B 超,有限" ], "179127003": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture and intramedullary nail fixation", "骨折一期闭合复位髓内钉固定" ], "261047008": [ "Anterior mediastinotomy", "前纵隔切开术" ], "439436002": [ "Sexual surrogate therapy", "性替代疗法" ], "308364004": [ "Research administrative procedure", "研究管理程序" ], "734348006": [ "Whole language approach", "全语言方法" ], "175457005": [ "Percutaneous embolectomy of brachial artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of brachial artery", "经皮腔内肱动脉栓塞切除术", "经皮肱动脉栓塞术" ], "240993005": [ "Dermabrasion of burnt skin", "烧伤皮肤磨削术" ], "11617005": [ "Implantation of outflow tract prosthesis in pulmonary valvuloplasty", "Insertion of outflow tract prosthesis in pulmonary valvuloplasty", "肺瓣成形术中流出道假体的插入", "肺瓣成形术中流出道假体植入" ], "716129008": [ "Assessment using Preschool Behavior Checklist", "Assessment using PBCL (Preschool Behavior Checklist)", "使用学龄前行为检查表进行评估", "使用 PBCL(学龄前行为检查表)进行评估" ], "9782003": [ "Gross operation, herniorrhaphy", "大手术、疝修补术" ], "75318004": [ "Suture of laceration of sclera", "巩膜裂伤缝合" ], "26166006": [ "Removal of internal fixation device from pelvis", "从骨盆移除内固定装置" ], "42550007": [ "Catheterization of umbilical vein", "Catheterisation of umbilical vein", "脐静脉插管" ], "304694009": [ "Penile circumference plethysmography", "阴茎周长体积描记法" ], "1269515004": [ "Face to face consultation with patient", "与患者面对面咨询" ], "171787008": [ "Therapeutic epidural injection", "治疗性硬膜外注射" ], "71648000": [ "Manipulation of vein", "静脉操作" ], "235488002": [ "Collection of pancreatic juice", "Collection of pancreatic drainage", "胰腺引流液的收集", "胰液采集" ], "104416004": [ "HLA-DP serotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen DP serotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen DP serotyping", "HLA-DP 血清型", "人类白细胞抗原 DP 血清分型" ], "415712004": [ "Third diphtheria and Haemophilus influenza type b and five component acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "Third diphtheria and Haemophilus influenza type b and five component acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of third dose of diphtheria and Haemophilus influenza type b and five component acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Third diphtheria and Haemophilus influenza type b and five component acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only five component acellular Bordetella pertussis, Clostridium tetani, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Haemophilus influenzae type b and inactivated whole Human poliovirus antigens", "注射第三剂仅含有五种成分的疫苗产品:无细胞百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌、b 型流感嗜血杆菌和灭活的全人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原", "第三次白喉和乙型流感嗜血杆菌以及五种成分无细胞百日咳和灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫", "注射第三剂白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌和五种成分无细胞百日咳、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "第三次白喉和乙型流感嗜血杆菌和五种成分无细胞百日咳和灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种" ], "708789002": [ "Suture of laceration of mouth", "口腔裂伤缝合" ], "20661009": [ "Respirations counting and evaluation", "呼吸计数和评估" ], "313738002": [ "Plasma histidine measurement", "Plasma histidine level", "血浆组氨酸测量", "血浆组氨酸水平" ], "51594005": [ "Radical maxillary antrectomy", "根治性上颌窦切除术" ], "2442008": [ "Incision of lacrimal canaliculus", "泪小管切开术" ], "428426009": [ "Notification of physician", "通知医生" ], "410207002": [ "Respiratory care management", "Manage respiratory care", "Manage pulmonary care", "Respiratory therapy case management", "呼吸护理管理", "管理肺部护理", "呼吸治疗病例管理", "管理呼吸护理" ], "180831006": [ "Harvest of bone from skull", "从头骨中取出骨头" ], "391988000": [ "Inversion of tunica vaginalis", "鞘膜内翻" ], "178996008": [ "Filling of segmental defect by bone transport", "通过骨转移填充节段性缺损" ], "46089005": [ "Division of bladder neck", "Division of neck of urinary bladder", "膀胱颈分割" ], "439305006": [ "Stereotactic insertion of intracerebral infusion catheter", "脑内输液导管立体定向插入" ], "406537008": [ "Leisure needs assessment", "休闲需求评估" ], "177161009": [ "Forceps cephalic delivery", "头位产钳分娩" ], "11486001": [ "Radionuclide study, circulation time", "放射性核素研究,循环时间" ], "304563002": [ "Informing relative", "通知亲属" ], "91571003": [ "Endoscopic removal of intraluminal foreign body from trachea", "Bronchoscopic removal of intraluminal foreign body from trachea", "支气管镜取出气管腔内异物", "内镜气管腔内异物取出" ], "419251004": [ "Prosthetic device education", "Instruction in use of prosthesis", "Prosthetic teaching", "假肢教育", "假肢教学", "假肢使用指导" ], "386483004": [ "Tube care: urinary", "Maintenance of urinary tube", "尿管保养", "管道护理:泌尿" ], "383941000119102": [ "Computed tomography of knee without contrast", "CT of knee without contrast", "膝关节无造影计算机断层扫描", "膝关节 CT 无造影" ], "409541000119102": [ "CT of right tibia and fibula with contrast", "Computed tomography of right tibia and fibula with contrast", "右胫骨和腓骨增强计算机断层扫描", "右胫骨和腓骨增强 CT" ], "173491006": [ "Excision of lesion of sublingual gland", "舌下腺病变切除术" ], "171656001": [ "Decompression of trigeminal nerve (V)", "三叉神经减压术(V)" ], "497861000119107": [ "Corneal pachymetry of both eyes", "Bilateral corneal pachymetry", "Corneal pachymetry of bilateral eyes", "双侧角膜厚度测量", "双眼角膜厚度测量" ], "16442821000119108": [ "Fluoroscopy of colon with water soluble contrast", "水溶性造影剂结肠荧光透视检查" ], "1269384005": [ "Fitting of component of fixed orthodontic appliance", "固定矫治器组件的安装" ], "24200008": [ "Calculus analysis, quantitative, X-ray diffraction", "微积分分析,定量,X 射线衍射" ], "384648009": [ "Repair of atresia of pulmonary valve with ventricular septal defect", "Repair of pulmonary valve atresia with VSD (ventricular septal defect)", "肺动脉瓣闭锁合并室间隔缺损的修补术", "肺动脉瓣闭锁合并室间隔缺损(VSD)修复" ], "235357000": [ "Irrigation of colon via cecostomy tube", "Washout via caecostomy tube", "Colonic lavage via caecostomy tube", "Irrigation of colon via caecostomy tube", "Colonic lavage via cecostomy tube", "Washout via cecostomy tube", "通过盲肠造口管冲洗", "通过盲肠造口管进行结肠灌洗", "通过盲肠造口管灌洗结肠" ], "22365003": [ "Repair of ruptured musculotendinous cuff, acute", "急性肌腱袖破裂修复" ], "401032009": [ "Urine diazepam level", "尿液地西泮浓度" ], "399197002": [ "Lateral rolling of breast", "Breast rolled laterally", "乳房横向滚动" ], "71517003": [ "Circulating inhibitor assay, factor VIII", "Factor VIII inhibitor assay", "Factor VIIIc inhibitor assay", "循环抑制因子测定,第 VIII 因子", "因子 VIIIc 抑制剂检测", "Ⅷ 因子抑制剂检测" ], "104285006": [ "Helicobacter pylori antibody assay", "Serologic test for Helicobacter pylori", "Measurement of Helicobacter pylori antibody", "幽门螺杆菌抗体检测", "幽门螺杆菌血清学检测", "幽门螺杆菌抗体测定" ], "233522000": [ "Peripheral venous cannula insertion - forearm", "Insertion of peripheral venous cannula into superficial forearm vein", "外周静脉插管-前臂", "将外周静脉插管插入前臂浅静脉" ], "118834006": [ "Procedure on jejunum", "空肠手术" ], "67847001": [ "Removal of testicular prosthesis", "睾丸假体移除" ], "116999005": [ "Verhoeff-Van Gieson stain", "Verhoeff-Van Gieson stain method", "Verhoeff-Van Gieson 染色法", "Verhoeff-Van Gieson 染色" ], "313607006": [ "Urine vitamin B2 level", "Urine vitamin B2 measurement", "尿液维生素 B2 水平", "尿液维生素 B2 测量" ], "444679006": [ "Positioning subject in recovery position", "将受试者置于恢复体位" ], "410076000": [ "Patient transfer education", "Teach transfer care", "教导转移护理", "患者转移教育" ], "231687007": [ "Superior oblique Harada-Ito procedure", "上斜肌 Harada-Ito 手术" ], "16860002": [ "Vestibular function test with observation and evaluation by physician", "前庭功能测试,由医生观察和评估" ], "311772003": [ "Replacement of grommet in tympanic membrane", "Replacement of tympanic ventilation tube in tympanic membrane", "鼓膜内鼓室通气管置换术", "更换鼓膜垫圈" ], "82396004": [ "Wedge osteotomy of tarsal", "Elmslie-Cholmeley operation", "Wedge tarsectomy", "Wedge osteotomy of tarsal bone", "Elmslie-Cholmeley 手术", "楔形跗骨切除术", "跗骨楔形截骨术" ], "408241003": [ "Serum methylmalonic acid level", "Serum methylmalonic acid measurement", "血清甲基丙二酸测量", "血清甲基丙二酸水平" ], "177030003": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of ovary", "卵巢病变开放活检" ], "306267004": [ "Referral to blood transfusion doctor", "转诊至输血医生" ], "8651000202109": [ "Checking refrigerator for expired food", "检查冰箱是否有过期食物" ], "288048000": [ "Facial bone - prosthesis", "面部骨骼 - 假体" ], "173360001": [ "Cauterization of lesion of tongue", "Cauterisation of lesion of tongue", "舌病损烧灼术" ], "419120000": [ "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolisation of mesenteric artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolisation of mesenteric artery", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolization of mesenteric artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolization of mesenteric artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolization of mesenteric artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolisation of mesenteric artery", "肠系膜动脉荧光造影及栓塞术", "肠系膜动脉造影荧光透视及栓塞术", "肠系膜动脉造影及栓塞术" ], "304432004": [ "Ultrasound treatment to wrist", "手腕超声波治疗" ], "386352004": [ "Medication administration: epidural", "Administration of drug or medicament via epidural route", "通过硬膜外途径给药", "给药方式:硬膜外" ], "1254704006": [ "Assistance with application for workforce transition program", "Assistance with application for workforce transition programme", "协助申请劳动力转型计划" ], "1172784007": [ "Periradicular surgery on molar tooth", "Periapical surgery on molar tooth", "磨牙根尖周围手术", "磨牙根尖手术" ], "714032007": [ "Education about cow's milk protein free diet", "关于无牛奶蛋白饮食的教育" ], "269829001": [ "TPHA - Treponema pallidum haemaglutination test", "Treponema pallidum haemaglutination test", "TPHA - Treponema pallidum hemaglutination test", "Treponema pallidum hemaglutination test", "梅毒螺旋体血凝试验", "TPHA - 梅毒螺旋体血凝试验" ], "763184009": [ "Telepractice consultation", "远程医疗咨询" ], "122373006": [ "Legionella species DNA assay", "Legionella species deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "军团菌 DNA 检测", "军团菌脱氧核糖核酸测定" ], "235226003": [ "Finney operation, pyloroplasty", "Finney pyloroplasty", "芬尼幽门成形术", "芬尼手术、幽门成形术" ], "104154005": [ "Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, non-automated", "红细胞沉降率,非自动化" ], "284378007": [ "Examination of middle finger", "中指检查" ], "36783002": [ "Paracentesis of anterior chamber of eye with therapeutic release of aqueous", "Therapeutic aspiration of anterior chamber of eye", "Therapeutic evacuation of anterior chamber of eye", "前房抽吸治疗", "眼前房清除术", "眼前房穿刺放液治疗" ], "118703003": [ "Procedure on shoulder", "Procedure on shoulder region", "肩部手术" ], "233391004": [ "Ligation of aberrant subclavian artery", "迷走锁骨下动脉结扎术" ], "315311009": [ "Operation on uterosacral ligament", "子宫骶韧带手术" ], "1149060002": [ "Anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from aorta to posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft from aorta to posterolateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft from aorta to posterior lateral branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from aorta to PL (posterolateral) branch of LCX (left circumflex) coronary artery", "将游离的 RIMA(右内乳动脉)从主动脉吻合至 LCX(左回旋支)冠状动脉的 PL(后外侧)分支", "冠状动脉搭桥术,利用游离右胸廓内动脉从主动脉移植至左冠状动脉回旋支后外侧支", "游离右乳内动脉从主动脉吻合左冠状动脉回旋支后外侧支" ], "67716003": [ "Epidural injection of anesthetic substance, therapeutic, caudal, continuous", "Epidural injection of anaesthetic substance, therapeutic, caudal, continuous", "Continuous caudal epidural analgesia", "持续骶管硬膜外镇痛", "治疗性、骶部、连续硬膜外注射麻醉物质", "治疗性骶管硬膜外持续注射麻醉物质" ], "231556003": [ "Revision of orbital floor implant", "眶底植入物修复" ], "166020003": [ "DS DNA antibody by ELISA", "Double stranded deoxyribonucleic acid antibody by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)", "Measurement of double stranded deoxyribonucleic acid antibody using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay", "ELISA 检测 DS DNA 抗体", "酶联免疫吸附试验测定双链脱氧核糖核酸抗体", "酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测双链脱氧核糖核酸抗体" ], "18564006": [ "Incision of umbilicus", "Umbilical incision", "脐部切开术", "脐切开术" ], "870532007": [ "Implantation of speech valve on tracheostomy tube", "Placement of speaking valve on tracheostomy tube", "Implantation of speaking valve on tracheostomy tube", "在气管切开管上放置发声阀", "气管切开插管发声阀植入术", "气管切开插管上言语阀的植入" ], "116868008": [ "Intramuscular injection of Varicella virus immune globulin", "Varicella virus immune globulin administration by intramuscular injection", "肌肉注射水痘病毒免疫球蛋白" ], "84100007": [ "History taking", "Clinical interview", "Taking health history", "History taking, health", "病史采集", "临床访谈", "询问健康史", "病史采集、健康" ], "313476009": [ "Hepatitis B e antigen test", "乙肝e抗原检测" ], "311641005": [ "Speech promotion therapy", "言语促进治疗" ], "426329006": [ "FISH - fluorescence in situ hybridisation", "FISH - fluorescence in situ hybridization", "Fluorescence in situ hybridisation", "Fluorescence in situ hybridization", "荧光原位杂交", "FISH-荧光原位杂交" ], "65881006": [ "Fluorescence activated cell sorter assay", "FACS assay", "荧光激活细胞分选试验", "FACS 检测" ], "64046002": [ "Curettage of benign tumor of scapula", "Curettage of benign tumour of scapula", "肩胛骨良性肿瘤刮除术" ], "178734002": [ "Fixation of fracture of spine using Harrington rod", "哈灵顿棒固定脊柱骨折" ], "275203000": [ "Ball valve tricuspid valve replacement", "球阀三尖瓣置换术" ], "260654009": [ "Subareolar incision", "乳晕下切口" ], "45827003": [ "Fasciocutaneous flap reconstruction of head and neck", "Reconstruction of head and neck using fasciocutaneous flap", "Head and neck reconstruction using fasciocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction of head and neck with fasciocutaneous flap", "头颈部筋膜皮瓣重建", "筋膜皮瓣重建头颈部", "筋膜皮瓣修复头颈部", "使用筋膜皮瓣进行头颈部重建" ], "226051008": [ "Provision of lift", "提供升降机" ], "43992003": [ "C>3< complement assay", "Complement component 3 test", "补体成分 3 检测", "C>3< 补体测定" ], "699352005": [ "Repair of ascending aorta", "升主动脉修复" ], "306136006": [ "Referral to liaison psychiatry service", "转介至联络精神病学服务" ], "386221002": [ "Body image enhancement", "身体形象提升" ], "40322000": [ "Microvascular anastomosis", "显微血管吻合术" ], "236930001": [ "Catheterisation of fallopian tube", "Cannulation of fallopian tube", "Catheterization of fallopian tube", "输卵管插管" ], "56706002": [ "Physical examination under local anesthesia", "Physical examination under local anaesthesia", "局部麻醉下的身体检查", "局部麻醉下体格检查" ], "449922004": [ "Ultrasonography of lower limb", "下肢超声检查" ], "122242005": [ "Measurement of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Paratyphi C O antibody", "Salmonella Paratyphi C O antibody assay", "副伤寒沙门氏菌C O抗体检测", "副伤寒沙门氏菌C亚种血清型O抗体测定" ], "302466007": [ "Release of contracture of hand", "手部挛缩松解术" ], "431703000": [ "Application of support tights", "支撑紧身裤的应用" ], "171394009": [ "Armed forces medical examination", "Defence force medical examination", "国防部队体检", "武装部队体检" ], "1201751004": [ "Revision of TKA (total knee arthroplasty) using valgus-varus constrained prosthesis", "Revision of TKR (total knee replacement) using valgus-varus constrained prosthesis", "Revision of TKR (total knee replacement) using VVC (valgus-varus constrained) prosthesis", "Revision of TKA (total knee arthroplasty) using VVC (valgus-varus constrained) prosthesis", "Revision of total replacement of knee joint using valgus-varus constrained prosthesis", "外翻-内翻限制型假体全膝关节置换术", "使用外翻-内翻限制假体进行 TKR(全膝关节置换术)的修复", "使用 VVC(外翻-内翻限制型)假体进行 TKA(全膝关节置换术)的修复", "使用外翻-内翻限制型假体进行 TKA(全膝关节置换术)的修复", "使用 VVC(外翻-内翻限制型)假体进行 TKR(全膝关节置换术)的修复" ], "38487005": [ "Closure of fistula of cornea with lamellar autograft", "自体板层移植缝合角膜瘘" ], "87639009": [ "Facilitation of intraocular circulation", "促进眼内循环" ], "104023009": [ "Yt^a^ blood group antibody identification", "Yt^a^血型抗体鉴定" ], "315180005": [ "Poultry fecal antibody level", "Poultry faecal antibody level", "家禽粪便抗体水平" ], "429868005": [ "Injection of lumbar spinal nerve root using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Injection of lumbar spinal nerve root using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided injection of lumbar spinal nerve root", "CT引导下腰椎神经根注射", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行腰椎神经根注射", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行腰脊神经根注射" ], "413484007": [ "Alpha carotene level", "Alpha-carotene measurement", "胡萝卜素测量", "胡萝卜素水平" ], "233260008": [ "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of extracranial carotid artery", "Percutaneous angioplasty of extracranial carotid artery", "PTA - Percutaneous angioplasty of carotid artery", "PTA-- 颈动脉经皮血管成形术", "经皮颅外颈动脉血管成形术", "经皮颅外颈动脉球囊成形术" ], "18433007": [ "Endoscopy with brush biopsy and washing", "Endoscopic brush biopsy and washing", "内镜刷检及冲洗" ], "311510000": [ "Information processing training", "信息处理训练" ], "737494001": [ "Open debridement of joint", "关节开放清创" ], "51201009": [ "Correction of transposition of great vessels", "大血管转位矫正" ], "165889007": [ "Anti-B autoantibody measurement", "Anti-B autoantibody level", "抗 B 自身抗体测量", "抗 B 自身抗体水平" ], "276907003": [ "Percutaneous sperm aspiration", "Percutaneous aspiration of spermatozoa", "经皮精子抽吸" ], "113067009": [ "Enzyme-multiplied immunoassay technique", "EMIT assay", "EMIT 检测", "酶扩增免疫分析技术" ], "406144005": [ "Patient transfer to cardiac intensive care unit", "Transfer to CICU", "患者转入心脏重症监护室", "转入重症监护病房" ], "306005001": [ "Referral by pediatric dentist", "Referral from paediatric dentist", "Referral from pediatric dentist", "Referral by paediatric dentist", "儿科牙医推荐", "儿科牙医转诊" ], "781141009": [ "Assessment using APACHE II (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II)", "Assessment using Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II", "Assessment using Acute Physiology, Age, Chronic Health Evaluation II", "使用 APACHE II(急性生理与慢性健康评估 II)进行评估", "使用急性生理和慢性健康评估 II 进行评估", "使用急性生理、年龄、慢性健康评估 II 进行评估" ], "287786002": [ "Decompression of rectum", "直肠减压" ], "173098009": [ "Partial extirpation of bronchus", "支气管部分切除" ], "302335002": [ "Local anaesthetic thoracic epidural block", "Local anesthetic thoracic epidural block", "LA - Local anesthetic thoracic epidural block", "Thoracic epidural block", "LA - Local anaesthetic thoracic epidural block", "LA - 局部麻醉胸段硬膜外阻滞", "胸段硬膜外阻滞", "局部麻醉胸段硬膜外阻滞" ], "122111007": [ "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 3 antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae American serotype 3 antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 3 antibody", "肺炎链球菌丹麦血清型3抗体的测定", "肺炎链球菌血清型3抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌美洲血清型3抗体测定" ], "89343007": [ "Ultrasound study follow-up", "超声研究随访" ], "103892004": [ "Mi^a^ blood group typing", "Mi^a^血型分型" ], "38356007": [ "Venography of upper extremity", "Upper limb venogram", "Arm venogram", "上肢静脉造影", "手臂静脉造影" ], "233129000": [ "Repair of double outlet left ventricle with right ventricle to pulmonary trunk conduit and ventricular septal defect closure", "左心室双出口修复及右心室至肺动脉干导管修复及室间隔缺损封堵" ], "429737004": [ "Percutaneous laser ablation of lesion of fetus", "经皮胎儿病变激光消融术" ], "118441006": [ "Evacuation of hematoma", "Evacuation of haematoma", "血肿清除" ], "167593009": [ "Faeces examination - general", "Feces examination - general", "粪便检查-一般" ], "1263486002": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopic electrohydraulic lithotripsy of gastric bezoar", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopic electrohydraulic lithotripsy of bezoar in stomach", "OGD (oesophagogastroduodenoscopic) electrohydraulic lithotripsy of bezoar in stomach", "EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopic) electrohydraulic lithotripsy of gastric bezoar", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopic electrohydraulic lithotripsy of bezoar in stomach", "OGD (oesophagogastroduodenoscopic) electrohydraulic lithotripsy of gastric bezoar", "EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopic) electrohydraulic lithotripsy of bezoar in stomach", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopic electrohydraulic lithotripsy of gastric bezoar", "胃十二指肠镜(EGD)胃石电液碎石术", "食管胃十二指肠镜(OGD)胃石电液碎石术", "胃十二指肠镜(OGD)胃石电液碎石术", "食管胃十二指肠镜胃石液电碎石术" ], "231294004": [ "Intradermal infiltration of local anesthetic", "Intradermal infiltration of local anaesthetic", "局部麻醉药皮内浸润" ], "1279870005": [ "Repair of mitral valve using prosthetic chorda tendinae using transesophageal echocardiography guidance", "Repair of mitral valve using prosthetic chorda tendinae using transoesophageal echocardiography guidance", "Repair of mitral valve using prosthetic chordae tendinae using transoesophageal echocardiography guidance", "Repair of mitral valve using prosthetic chordae tendinae using transesophageal echocardiography guidance", "Transoesophageal echocardiography guided repair of mitral valve using prosthetic chordae tendinae", "Transesophageal echocardiography guided repair of mitral valve using prosthetic chordae tendinae", "Repair of mitral valve using prosthetic chorda tendinae using TOE (transoesophageal echocardiography) guidance", "Repair of mitral valve using prosthetic chorda tendinae using TOE (transesophageal echocardiography) guidance", "经食管超声心动图引导下人工腱索修复二尖瓣", "在 TOE(经食管超声心动图)引导下使用人工腱索修复二尖瓣", "经食管超声心动图引导下使用人工腱索修复二尖瓣" ], "395134004": [ "Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate level", "Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate level", "Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate measurement", "Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate measurement", "脱氢表雄酮硫酸盐测量", "脱氢表雄酮硫酸盐水平", "脱氢表雄酮硫酸盐测定" ], "18302006": [ "Therapeutic abortion by hysterotomy", "Obstetrical hysterotomy for termination of pregnancy", "Incision of uterus for termination of pregnancy", "Hysterotomy and termination of pregnancy", "子宫切开术治疗性流产", "产科子宫切开术终止妊娠", "子宫切开术和终止妊娠", "子宫切开终止妊娠" ], "426067000": [ "Open removal of cardiac thrombus", "开放性心脏血栓切除术" ], "444286006": [ "Analysis using protein truncation test", "Analysis using protein truncation test technique", "使用蛋白质截断试验进行分析", "使用蛋白质截断测试技术进行分析" ], "737363002": [ "Alcohol abuse surveillance", "酒精滥用监测" ], "229459003": [ "Manipulation of the tibiofemoral joint", "Manipulation of the tibiofemoral joint - non-surgical", "胫股关节手术 - 非手术", "胫股关节的操作" ], "49235003": [ "Barbiturates measurement, quantitative", "巴比妥类药物定量测量" ], "442451005": [ "Education about child car seat safety", "儿童汽车座椅安全教育" ], "440616001": [ "Microscopic examination of anal Papanicolaou smear", "肛门巴氏涂片显微镜检查" ], "112936004": [ "Reinsertion of holter valve", "Reinsertion of holter valve into brain", "将动态心电图瓣膜重新插入脑内", "重新插入动态心电图瓣膜" ], "47400005": [ "Destruction of gasserian ganglion by radiofrequency", "Radiofrequency destruction of Gasserian ganglion", "射频破坏半月神经节" ], "80168007": [ "Stripping of thoracic varicose veins", "胸椎曲张静脉剥脱术" ], "391464008": [ "Urine propionic acid level", "尿液丙酸水平" ], "31016009": [ "Microbial smear, phase contrast examination", "微生物涂片、相差检查" ], "45565001": [ "Logotherapy", "意义疗法" ], "307709007": [ "Repair of perforated colon", "Repair of colonic perforation", "结肠穿孔修复" ], "438781008": [ "Reconstruction of vena cava", "腔静脉重建" ], "274941008": [ "Male epispadias repair", "男性尿道上裂修复" ], "764626001": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of bone of knee using rhenium-186", "SPECT CT of bone of knee using 186-Re (rhenium-186)", "使用 186-Re(铼-186)对膝盖骨进行 SPECT CT 检查", "使用铼-186 进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描和膝盖骨计算机断层扫描" ], "43730002": [ "Automated psychologic testing", "自动心理测试" ], "174802006": [ "Allotransplant of heart and lung", "同种异体心脏和肺脏移植" ], "91047000": [ "Retinoids measurement", "类视黄酸测量" ], "172967000": [ "Endoscopic removal of foreign body from pharynx", "内镜下咽部异物取出" ], "304039000": [ "Skin flap operation", "皮瓣手术" ], "74663003": [ "Partial submucous resection of turbinate", "鼻甲部分粘膜下切除术" ], "713639005": [ "Ex vivo cultured living related limbal cell allograft to ocular surface", "离体培养的活体相关角膜缘细胞异体移植至眼表" ], "271271005": [ "Urine organic acid levels", "Urine organic acid level", "尿液有机酸水平" ], "23676000": [ "Partial excision of pituitary gland by transsphenoidal approach", "Partial hypophysectomy by transsphenoidal approach", "经蝶窦入路垂体部分切除术" ], "385959009": [ "Perineal care education", "Teach perineal care", "教导会阴护理", "会阴护理教育" ], "89212002": [ "Urinary manometry", "尿压测定" ], "121980003": [ "Cryptococcus species antigen assay", "隐球菌种抗原测定" ], "171132004": [ "Cholera screening", "霍乱筛查" ], "449660006": [ "Reconstruction of lower limb", "下肢重建" ], "890193001": [ "Phalloplasty", "Gender confirmation phalloplasty", "性别确认阴茎成形术", "阴茎成形术" ], "169297002": [ "Short distance X-ray therapy", "短距离X射线治疗" ], "185681003": [ "Chronic disease monitoring - third recall", "慢性病监测-第三次召回" ], "234833003": [ "Repair of existing restoration of tooth", "修复现有牙齿修复体" ], "38225002": [ "Yeast identification, dalmau plate test", "Yeast identification, cornmeal agar", "酵母鉴定,Dalmau平板试验", "酵母鉴定,玉米粉琼脂" ], "21841006": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of mesenteric artery by abdominal incision", "经腹切开肠系膜动脉导管取栓术" ], "120145007": [ "Chest wall incision", "胸壁切口" ], "103761008": [ "Specimen dry weight measurement", "标本干重测量" ], "20006001": [ "Passive hemagglutination assay", "Passive haemagglutination assay", "被动血凝试验" ], "5457008": [ "Serologic test for Rickettsia conorii", "康氏立克次体血清学检测" ], "69158002": [ "Intra-atrial pacing", "心房内起搏" ], "395003000": [ "Removal of hormone implant from subcutaneous tissue", "从皮下组织取出激素植入物" ], "445990009": [ "Assessment using home falls and accidents screening tool", "使用家庭跌倒和事故筛查工具进行评估" ], "232998008": [ "Division of inferior vena cava", "下腔静脉分离" ], "444155005": [ "Calculus analysis using photography", "Analysis of calculus using photographic imaging technique", "利用摄影进行微积分分析", "利用摄影成像技术分析微积分" ], "1787006": [ "Ultrasonic guidance for pericardiocentesis", "超声引导下心包穿刺术" ], "313083007": [ "Unemployment counselling", "Unemployment counseling", "失业咨询" ], "231163006": [ "Hip block", "Local anaesthetic hip block", "Local anesthetic hip block", "局部麻醉髋关节阻滞", "髋关节阻滞" ], "129189001": [ "Procedure on phalanx of hand", "手指骨手术" ], "407717003": [ "Percentage CD15 count", "CD15 计数百分比" ], "1144997007": [ "First 2019 novel coronavirus mRNA vaccination", "First COVID-19 mRNA immunization", "First 2019-nCoV mRNA vaccination", "Administration of first dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine", "First SARS-CoV-2 mRNA immunisation", "First COVID-19 mRNA vaccination", "First COVID-19 mRNA immunisation", "First 2019-nCoV mRNA immunization", "First 2019 novel coronavirus mRNA immunization", "First 2019 novel coronavirus mRNA immunisation", "First 2019-nCoV mRNA immunisation", "First SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination", "First SARS-CoV-2 mRNA immunization", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 messenger ribonucleic acid", "First severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 mRNA vaccination", "首批 2019 年新型冠状病毒 mRNA 疫苗", "首次 SARS-CoV-2 mRNA 免疫", "首批 2019-nCoV mRNA 疫苗", "接种第一剂 SARS-CoV-2 mRNA 疫苗", "首次 2019-nCoV mRNA 免疫", "首次 SARS-CoV-2 mRNA 疫苗接种", "首次 COVID-19 mRNA 免疫", "首个 COVID-19 mRNA 疫苗", "首次 COVID-19 mRNA 免疫接种", "接种首剂仅含严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 信使核糖核酸的疫苗产品", "首个严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 mRNA 疫苗", "首例 2019 年新型冠状病毒 mRNA 免疫" ], "391333007": [ "Urine galactitol level", "尿液半乳糖醇水平" ], "176506002": [ "Drainage of spermatic cord", "精索引流" ], "438650006": [ "Dietary education for lactation", "Dietary education for breast feeding", "哺乳期饮食教育", "母乳喂养饮食教育" ], "698959000": [ "Endoscopic control of small intestine bleeding by clipping", "内镜下夹闭小肠出血治疗" ], "12666009": [ "Cholecystocolostomy", "胆囊结肠造口术" ], "782714009": [ "Laparoscopic pectopexy with fixation of fornix of vagina using mesh", "腹腔镜乳房固定术及用网片固定阴道穹窿" ], "10831003": [ "Direct closure of laceration of conjunctiva with nonperforating scleral laceration", "结膜裂伤和非穿透性巩膜裂伤的直接缝合" ], "174671003": [ "Renewal of percutaneously inserted tubal prosthesis in bile duct", "经皮胆管插入管状假体的更新" ], "387663003": [ "Exploration of kidney", "Renal exploration", "肾脏探查" ], "172836001": [ "EUA Nose", "Examination of nose under anaesthetic", "Examination of nose under anesthetic", "美国鼻子", "麻醉下检查鼻子" ], "385828006": [ "Health promotion management", "Manage health promotion", "Health promotion case management", "Stimulation/nurturance case management", "管理健康促进", "刺激/养育案例管理", "健康促进案例管理", "健康促进管理" ], "303908008": [ "Radionuclide study of endocrine function", "内分泌功能的放射性核素研究" ], "252921000": [ "Corporeal veno-occlusive function", "体静脉闭塞功能" ], "171001002": [ "Benefits counselling", "Benefits counseling", "Counselling about benefits", "Counseling about benefits", "福利咨询" ], "416761006": [ "Respired oxygen monitoring", "呼吸氧监测" ], "121849007": [ "PGF>2< alpha measurement", "Prostaglandin PGF2 alpha measurement", "前列腺素 PGF2 α 测量", "PGF>2< alpha 测量" ], "21710002": [ "Removal of thrombus from intracranial artery", "Intracranial thrombectomy", "Thrombectomy of intracranial artery", "颅内血栓切除术", "颅内动脉血栓切除术", "颅内动脉血栓清除术" ], "234702006": [ "Pulpotomy - vital - partial", "牙髓切断术 - 活髓 - 部分" ], "120014006": [ "Scrotum excision", "阴囊切除术" ], "5326009": [ "Administration of dermatologic formulation", "皮肤病学制剂的给药" ], "265635006": [ "Diagnostic amniocentesis", "Diagnostic aspiration of amniotic cavity", "诊断性羊膜穿刺术", "羊膜腔诊断性穿刺" ], "232867007": [ "Closure of pulmonary valve", "Oversewing of pulmonary valve", "肺动脉瓣关闭", "肺动脉瓣缝合术" ], "19875009": [ "Diagnostic aspiration of vitreous", "Vitreous tap", "玻璃体诊断性抽吸", "玻璃水龙头" ], "231032005": [ "Excision of spinal nerve ganglion tumour", "Excision of spinal nerve ganglion tumor", "脊神经节肿瘤切除术" ], "16205000": [ "Total repair of truncus arteriosus, Rastelli type operation", "Creation of conduit of right ventricle and pulmonary artery in repair of truncus arteriosus", "Rastelli operation in repair of truncus arteriosus", "Shunt of right ventricle and pulmonary artery in repair of truncus arteriosus", "动脉干全修复,Rastelli 式手术", "拉斯特利手术修复动脉干", "右心室和肺动脉分流术修复动脉干", "右心室及肺动脉导管的建立及动脉干修复" ], "32589003": [ "Instruction in use of crutch", "Use of crutch education", "Crutch walking education", "使用拐杖教育", "拐杖行走教育", "拐杖使用说明" ], "48973003": [ "Removal of sutures under anesthesia", "Removal of sutures under anaesthesia", "在麻醉下拆除缝线" ], "180045004": [ "Amputation stump procedure", "Amputation stump operation", "截肢残端手术" ], "442189005": [ "Excision of hydrocele of tunica vaginalis", "Excision of hydrocoele of tunica vaginalis", "鞘膜积液切除术" ], "229197007": [ "Aquaerobic exercises", "水中有氧运动" ], "245581009": [ "Emergency examination for triage", "急诊检查分诊" ], "440354005": [ "Arthroscopy of wrist with release of transverse carpal ligament", "腕关节镜检查及腕横韧带松解术" ], "243746008": [ "Provision of talking book", "提供有声读物" ], "28919001": [ "Replacement of tube or enterostomy device of small intestine", "更换小肠管或肠造口装置" ], "702498008": [ "Computed tomography of femur with contrast", "CT of femur with contrast", "股骨增强计算机断层扫描", "股骨增强 CT" ], "438519003": [ "Transposition of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘转位术" ], "287393001": [ "Epistaxis control by cryosurgery", "冷冻手术控制鼻出血" ], "238241004": [ "Excision of urachal sinus", "Excision of sinus of urachus", "脐尿管窦切除术" ], "172705004": [ "Biopsy of lesion of middle ear", "中耳病变活检" ], "385697006": [ "Cast care management", "Manage cast care", "Cast care case management", "石膏护理病例管理", "演员护理管理", "管理石膏护理" ], "271009004": [ "Urine cysteine measurement", "Urine cysteine level", "尿液半胱氨酸测量", "尿液半胱氨酸水平" ], "303777007": [ "Arthrogram of lower limb joint", "下肢关节造影" ], "1286817008": [ "Insertion of mandibular resection prosthesis", "下颌切除假体植入" ], "433014002": [ "Biopsy of larynx", "喉活检" ], "252790004": [ "Focal electroretinography", "局部视网膜电图" ], "56182005": [ "Chloramphenicol acetyltransferase susceptibility test", "氯霉素乙酰转移酶敏感性试验" ], "1186678006": [ "Continuous positive airway pressure with an assured constant airway pressure adjunct", "持续气道正压通气和确保恒定气道压力的辅助治疗" ], "121718008": [ "Trichlorofluoromethane measurement", "三氯氟甲烷测量" ], "37963000": [ "Repair of serratus anterior muscle", "Whitman operation on serratus anterior muscle", "Repair of serratus anterior tendon", "Repair of serratus anterior", "前锯肌腱修复", "前锯肌修复", "前锯肌 Whitman 手术" ], "119883002": [ "Stomach closure", "胃闭合" ], "87115003": [ "Resorption rate measurement, renal tubule", "Renal tubular reabsorption test", "肾小管吸收率测量", "肾小管重吸收试验" ], "105334008": [ "Tetracycline measurement", "四环素测量" ], "169035001": [ "Tomography - gallbladder", "断层扫描 - 胆囊" ], "183584001": [ "Referral to community psychiatric nurse", "转介至社区精神科护士" ], "412960002": [ "Urine glutamine measurement", "Urine glutamine level", "尿液谷氨酰胺测量", "尿液谷氨酰胺水平" ], "167200003": [ "Duodenal aspirate analysis", "十二指肠抽吸物分析" ], "3360004": [ "Anastomosis of bile ducts", "Biliary anastomosis", "Bile duct anastomosis", "胆管吻合术", "胆道吻合术" ], "232736004": [ "Open operation for coronary artery fistula", "Open repair of coronary artery fistula", "冠状动脉瘘的开放式修复", "冠状动脉瘘开放手术" ], "19744006": [ "Operation on gallbladder", "Gallbladder operation", "胆囊手术" ], "52512007": [ "Suture of urethra", "Suture of laceration of urethra", "Urethrorrhaphy", "尿道缝合术", "尿道裂伤缝合", "尿道缝合" ], "118048007": [ "HIV 1 p18 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p18 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 18 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 18 抗体的测量", "HIV 1 p18 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p18 抗体检测" ], "230901001": [ "Wrapping of wall of intracranial aneurysm", "Reinforcing of wall of intracranial aneurysm", "颅内动脉瘤壁包裹", "颅内动脉瘤壁加固" ], "67061007": [ "Excision of lesion of spleen", "Excision of spleen lesion", "脾脏病变切除术" ], "83445009": [ "Change in bone length of tarsals and metatarsals", "跗骨和跖骨长度的变化" ], "736970002": [ "Allograft bypass of four or more coronary arteries", "四条或更多冠状动脉的同种异体搭桥手术" ], "278218003": [ "Guanethidine block", "Intravenous guanethidine block", "静脉注射胍乙啶阻滞", "胍乙啶阻滞剂" ], "229066005": [ "Proprioceptive exercises", "本体感受练习" ], "65226008": [ "Drop arm test", "落臂试验" ], "442058009": [ "Revisional hemilaminectomy for decompression of lumbar spine", "半椎板切除术治疗腰椎减压" ], "866207003": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of ankle", "Aspiration of ankle using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下踝关节穿刺", "超声引导下踝部穿刺" ], "128927009": [ "Procedure by method", "按方法执行的程序" ], "225396002": [ "Skin lesion assessment", "皮肤病变评估" ], "172574001": [ "Reposition plombage for detachment", "重新定位弹片以便分离" ], "41502005": [ "Debridement of forehead lacerations", "额头裂伤清创" ], "39667005": [ "Amygdalohippocampotomy", "杏仁核海马切开术" ], "236275005": [ "First stage of two-stage epispadias repair", "二期尿道上裂修复术第一阶段" ], "432883005": [ "Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) with secretin stimulation", "Secretin stimulated MRCP", "Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography with secretin stimulation", "促胰液素刺激磁共振胰胆管造影", "促胰液素刺激磁共振胆胰管造影", "促胰液素刺激磁共振胰胆管造影 (MRCP)" ], "105203007": [ "Heavy metal measurement, quantitative", "重金属测量,定量" ], "252659005": [ "Gastric secretory study", "胃分泌研究" ], "168904002": [ "Chest wall fistulography with contrast", "Fistulogram of chest wall with contrast", "胸壁造影瘘管造影", "胸壁瘘管造影" ], "711411006": [ "Allotransplantation of kidney from beating heart cadaver", "来自有心脏跳动尸体的同种异体肾脏移植" ], "121587008": [ "Guaifenesin measurement", "愈创甘油醚测量" ], "709576003": [ "MR venography of abdomen with contrast", "Magnetic resonance venography of vein of abdomen with contrast", "Magnetic resonance venogram of abdomen with contrast", "腹部磁共振静脉造影", "腹部静脉磁共振造影" ], "21448006": [ "Incision and drainage of sacrococcygeal region", "骶尾部切开引流" ], "398280008": [ "Auditory acuity evaluation", "听觉敏锐度评估" ], "431048009": [ "Education about toddler safety at 13-18 months", "13-18个月幼儿安全教育" ], "119752008": [ "Pleura closure", "胸膜缝合" ], "232605004": [ "Resection of tracheal stenosis", "气管狭窄切除术" ], "117917004": [ "Neuronal nuclear antibody assay", "Measurement of neuronal antinuclear antibody", "神经元核抗体测定", "神经元抗核抗体的测量" ], "52381006": [ "Operation on epididymis", "Operation on the epididymis", "附睾手术" ], "19613007": [ "Destruction of lesion of vagina", "Destruction of vaginal lesion", "阴道损伤破坏", "阴道损伤毁损术" ], "167069008": [ "Plasma lipoprotein measurement", "Plasma lipoprotein levels", "血浆脂蛋白水平", "血浆脂蛋白测量" ], "281757008": [ "Terminalization of thumb", "Terminalisation of thumb", "拇指末端化" ], "707741008": [ "Ambulating with assistance of team of people", "在团队协助下行走" ], "32327002": [ "Excision of lesion of stomach", "Stomach lesion resection", "胃病灶切除术" ], "425543005": [ "Digital respired carbon dioxide monitoring", "数字呼吸二氧化碳监测" ], "179783005": [ "Prosthetic repair of extra-articular ligament", "关节外韧带的假体修复" ], "1259292001": [ "Application of glass-ionomer dental material to dentine of tooth following fracture of tooth", "Application of glass-ionomer dental material to dentin of tooth following fracture of tooth", "玻璃离子牙科材料在牙齿折断后牙本质修复中的应用" ], "472860004": [ "Taking anal swab for gonorrhea", "Taking anal swab for gonorrhoea", "取肛门拭子检测淋病" ], "700401002": [ "Excision of pterygium with conjunctival graft", "Excision of pterygium with graft to conjunctiva", "翼状胬肉切除术及结膜移植", "翼状胬肉切除术及结膜移植术" ], "241649002": [ "MRI arthrography", "Magnetic resonance imaging arthrography", "MRI 关节造影", "磁共振成像关节造影" ], "307185005": [ "Creation of ileo-anal W-shaped pouch", "回肠肛门 W 形袋的建立" ], "225265008": [ "Application of egg white to female perineal area", "将蛋清涂抹于女性会阴部" ], "43206000": [ "Antibody to NSpI measurement", "NSpI 抗体测量" ], "174278001": [ "Rectosigmoidectomy and peranal anastomosis", "直肠乙状结肠切除术和肛周吻合术" ], "370886002": [ "Safety procedure", "Safety treatments and procedures", "安全程序", "安全处理和程序" ], "59590004": [ "Excision of eye with implant and attachment of muscles", "Ophthalmectomy with implant and attachment of muscles", "Enucleation of eyeball with implant and attachment of muscles", "Removal of eyeball with implant and attachment of muscles", "Enucleation of eyeball with synchronous implant into Tenon's capsule with attachment of muscles", "眼球切除术及植入物和肌肉附着", "摘除眼球并植入眼球肌肉", "眼球切除术及植入和肌肉附着", "眼球摘除术及植入物和肌肉附着", "眼球摘除术及同步植入 Tenon 囊内肌肉附着处" ], "305350003": [ "Admission to anaesthetic department", "Admission to anesthetic department", "入住麻醉科" ], "405489009": [ "Bypass of bifurcation of aorta by anastomosis of aorta to iliac artery with prosthesis", "Aorto-iliac bifurcation bypass with prosthesis", "主动脉分叉旁路手术:用假体将主动脉吻合至髂动脉", "主动脉髂动脉分叉旁路手术及假体" ], "698566006": [ "Refashioning of perineum", "会阴重塑" ], "41371003": [ "Perineal prostatectomy", "会阴前列腺切除术" ], "713115004": [ "Prevention of constipation", "预防便秘" ], "418203004": [ "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolization of uterine artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolization of uterine artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolisation of uterine artery", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolisation of uterine artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolization of uterine artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolisation of uterine artery", "子宫动脉造影荧光透视及栓塞术", "子宫动脉造影及栓塞荧光血管造影", "子宫动脉造影及栓塞荧光镜动脉造影", "子宫动脉荧光造影及栓塞术", "子宫动脉造影及栓塞荧光镜血管造影" ], "252528000": [ "Scratch patch test", "划痕斑贴试验" ], "90523008": [ "Computerized axial tomography of lumbar spine with contrast", "Computerised axial tomography of lumbar spine with contrast", "CT of lumbar spine with contrast", "腰椎增强 CT", "腰椎计算机轴向断层扫描", "腰椎增强计算机轴向断层扫描" ], "170608002": [ "Initial respiratory assessment", "初步呼吸评估" ], "711280003": [ "Fluoroscopy guided gastrojejunostomy tube procedure", "Gastrojejunostomy tube procedure using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下胃空肠造口管手术", "荧光透视引导胃空肠造口管手术" ], "39536003": [ "Duodenotomy for foreign body removal", "Removal of foreign body from duodenum by incision", "Open removal of foreign body from duodenum", "切开十二指肠取出异物", "十二指肠切开术取出异物", "十二指肠异物切除术" ], "236144006": [ "Open stone operation on kidney or renal pelvis", "肾脏或肾盂开放取石手术" ], "105072007": [ "Anthraquinone measurement", "蒽醌测定" ], "121456008": [ "Benzidine measurement", "联苯胺测量" ], "234309004": [ "Drainage of lymphocyst", "淋巴囊肿引流" ], "54085006": [ "Removal of foreign body of ciliary body by incision", "睫状体异物切开取出术" ], "37701007": [ "Vital capacity screening test", "肺活量筛查测试" ], "447301009": [ "Measurement of Influenza A virus A/Mississippi/1/85 (H3N2) antibody", "甲型流感病毒 A/Mississippi/1/85 (H3N2) 抗体测量" ], "773146002": [ "Laparoscopic repair of umbilical hernia using sutures with fascial closure", "腹腔镜下筋膜缝合修复脐疝" ], "183322001": [ "Continuous passive mobilization of knee", "Continuous passive mobilisation of knee", "持续膝关节被动活动", "膝关节持续被动活动" ], "609306004": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of specimen from bladder", "Microscopic cytologic examination of specimen from urinary bladder", "膀胱标本的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "117786005": [ "Coxsackievirus A9 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human coxsackievirus A 9 antibody", "柯萨奇病毒 A9 抗体检测", "人柯萨奇病毒A9抗体测定" ], "232474008": [ "Operation on internal nose", "鼻内手术" ], "66799000": [ "Decompression of lateral cutaneous femoral nerve of thigh", "Decompression of lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh", "Release of lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh", "大腿外侧皮神经减压术", "股外侧皮神经释放术", "股外侧皮神经减压术" ], "443631006": [ "Ultrasonography with contrast", "超声造影" ], "409028000": [ "Infant care management", "Manage infant care", "婴幼儿保育管理", "管理婴儿护理" ], "165103008": [ "Metabolic function tested", "代谢功能测试" ], "703940002": [ "Plain X-ray of elbow for bone age", "肘部普通 X 光检查以确定骨龄" ], "736708003": [ "Assessment using PASS (Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients)", "Assessment using Postural Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients", "使用 PASS(中风患者姿势评估量表)进行评估", "使用姿势评估量表对中风患者进行评估" ], "427247008": [ "Hearing assessment", "听力评估" ], "261572003": [ "Trimming of skin", "修剪皮肤" ], "32196008": [ "Epinephrine measurement, standing", "Adrenaline measurement, standing", "站立时肾上腺素测量" ], "390809004": [ "Emergency mental health assessment", "紧急心理健康评估" ], "12142002": [ "Division of ligament of knee", "Division of joint ligament of knee", "膝关节韧带分离", "膝关节韧带分离术" ], "175982003": [ "Irrigation of kidney", "肾脏灌洗" ], "241518002": [ "CT of posterior fossa", "Computed tomography of posterior fossa", "后颅窝计算机断层扫描", "后颅窝 C​​T" ], "225134005": [ "Marking position of planned stoma site", "标记计划造口部位的位置" ], "288835000": [ "Agreeing on entire care plan", "同意整个护理计划" ], "1290094009": [ "Interposition arthroplasty of metatarsophalangeal joint", "跖趾关节置换术" ], "43075005": [ "Partial resection of colon", "Segmental colectomy", "STC - Subtotal colectomy", "Segmental excision of colon", "Partial colectomy", "Subtotal colectomy", "结肠次全切除术", "结肠部分切除术", "部分结肠切除术", "结肠节段切除术", "STC-- 结肠次全切除术" ], "239683008": [ "Application of forearm cast brace with wrist hinges", "腕铰链式前臂石膏支具的应用" ], "57624001": [ "Calculus analysis, quantitative", "微积分分析,定量" ], "72173001": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of innominate artery by neck incision", "颈部切开置管取栓术" ], "104941004": [ "Starch granules measurement", "淀粉颗粒测量" ], "121325004": [ "alpha-N-Acetylgalactosaminidase measurement", "α-N-乙酰半乳糖胺酶测量" ], "250562006": [ "Oxygen dissolved in mixed venous blood", "Measurement of oxygen dissolved in mixed venous blood", "溶解在混合静脉血中的氧气", "混合静脉血中溶解氧的测量" ], "1264535000": [ "Implantation of prosthesis into joint of right wrist", "Prosthetic arthroplasty of right wrist", "右腕关节假体置换术", "右腕关节植入假肢" ], "166807002": [ "Electrophoresis: beta-globulin", "电泳:β-球蛋白" ], "609175005": [ "Revision of total prosthetic replacement of elbow joint", "肘关节全假体置换术" ], "35735006": [ "Avulsion of infraorbital nerve", "眶下神经撕脱" ], "1231767006": [ "Nocturnal home hemodialysis education", "Education about nocturnal home haemodialysis", "Education about nocturnal home hemodialysis", "Nocturnal home haemodialysis education", "夜间家庭血液透析教育", "关于夜间家庭血液透析的教育" ], "117655007": [ "Nomifensine measurement", "诺米芬新测量" ], "17516004": [ "Reduction of closed nasal septal fracture", "闭合性鼻中隔骨折的复位" ], "261441004": [ "Palmar incision", "手掌切口" ], "408897005": [ "Wandering control education", "Teach wandering control", "教导游荡控制", "游走控制教育" ], "81217006": [ "Prefabricated stainless steel crown with resin window", "预制不锈钢冠,带树脂窗" ], "392513007": [ "Phthalic anhydride specific IgE antibody measurement", "k79 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Phthalic anhydride specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "k79特异性IgE抗体测量", "邻苯二甲酸酐特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "邻苯二甲酸酐特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "64833008": [ "Costochondral cartilage graft", "Grafting of costochondral cartilage graft", "肋软骨移植" ], "228673008": [ "Strontium 90 electron teletherapy", "Strontium 90 electron external beam radiation therapy", "锶90电子远距治疗", "锶90电子外束放射治疗" ], "310593007": [ "Metatarsophalangeal fusion", "Metatarsophalangeal arthrodesis", "Fusion of metatarsophalangeal joint", "跖趾关节融合术", "跖趾关节融合", "跖趾融合" ], "243222002": [ "Oral rehydration therapy", "ORT - Oral rehydration therapy", "口服补液疗法", "ORT-- 口服补液疗法" ], "13846009": [ "Augmentation of buttock", "Fanny-lift operation", "腰部升降操作", "臀部增大术" ], "241387003": [ "Whole body radioiodine I123 study", "全身放射性碘 I123 研究" ], "700139004": [ "Denosumab therapy", "地舒单抗治疗" ], "239552003": [ "Stabilization of spinal dislocation", "Stabilisation of spinal dislocation", "脊柱脱位的稳定" ], "305088005": [ "Prophylactic tendo achilles stretching", "预防性跟腱拉伸" ], "1255360006": [ "Consultation for radiotherapy", "放射治疗咨询" ], "763840007": [ "Whole body radioiodine I131 study", "Radionuclide imaging of whole body using iodine (131-I)", "全身放射性碘 I131 研究", "使用碘(131-I)进行全身放射性核素显像" ], "712853001": [ "Antenatal screening for viral hepatitis type B", "产前乙型病毒性肝炎筛查" ], "10381000132106": [ "Endoscopic mucosal resection of gastrointestinal tract", "EMR (endoscopic mucosal resection) of gastrointestinal tract", "内镜胃肠道黏膜切除术", "胃肠道内镜黏膜切除术 (EMR)" ], "450709004": [ "Repair of vault of vagina by vaginal approach", "经阴道入路修复阴道穹窿" ], "172181004": [ "Retro-ocular injection into orbit", "眼后注射至眼眶" ], "6506000": [ "Placing a patient on a bedpan", "将患者放在便盆上" ], "252266001": [ "Saralasin test", "萨拉拉辛试验" ], "104810001": [ "Methionine adenosyltransferase measurement", "蛋氨酸腺苷转移酶测定" ], "170346004": [ "Haemophilus influenzae type b booster vaccination", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Haemophilus influenzae type b antigen", "Haemophilus influenzae type b booster immunization", "Administration of booster dose of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine", "Haemophilus influenzae type b booster immunisation", "注射乙型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗加强剂", "B型流感嗜血杆菌加强免疫", "注射仅含 b 型流感嗜血杆菌抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量", "B 型流感嗜血杆菌加强疫苗接种" ], "711018006": [ "Assessment of social support", "社会支持评估" ], "22890008": [ "Augmentation mammoplasty", "Breast augmentation", "隆胸手术", "隆胸" ], "448874009": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of long bone and complex extramedullary fixation", "长骨骨折一期切开复位及复杂髓外固定" ], "21055002": [ "Crisis intervention with medication", "药物危机干预" ], "4671001": [ "Excision of lesion from sphenoid sinus", "蝶窦病变切除术" ], "266815003": [ "Intramuscular drug injection", "肌肉注射药物" ], "314132000": [ "Indirect platelet antibody screening", "间接血小板抗体筛查" ], "183060002": [ "Low residue diet education", "低残渣饮食教育" ], "264980004": [ "Fasciotomy thigh", "大腿筋膜切开术" ], "723732007": [ "Parietal lift", "顶骨提升" ], "363284008": [ "Removal of lesion of urinary tract", "泌尿道病变切除" ], "1001000": [ "Cauterization of Bartholin's gland", "Cauterisation of Bartholin's gland", "Cauterization of Bartholin gland", "Cauterisation of Bartholin gland", "巴氏腺烧灼术" ], "133908009": [ "Obstetrical laceration care", "产科裂伤护理" ], "50153003": [ "Duhrssen's operation on uterus", "Duhrssen operation on uterus", "杜尔森子宫手术" ], "82921007": [ "Radionuclide localization of abscess of limited area", "Radionuclide localisation of abscess of limited area", "有限区域脓肿的放射性核素定位" ], "164841007": [ "Monochromator phototest", "MLT - Monochromator light test", "Monochromator light test", "MLT - 单色仪光测试", "单色仪光测试", "单色仪照相测试" ], "228542001": [ "Perceptual motor retraining", "知觉运动再训练" ], "392382005": [ "Salix caprea specific IgE antibody measurement", "t12 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Salix caprea specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Goat willow specific IgE antibody measurement", "黄柳特异性IgE抗体测定", "黄柳特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "羊柳特异性IgE抗体测定", "t12 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "406931001": [ "Spirit soluble eosin stain method", "Spirit soluble eosin stain", "酒精溶解伊红染色法", "酒精可溶性伊红染色" ], "783763002": [ "Xenograft of skin to skin of head", "皮肤与头部皮肤异种移植" ], "62867004": [ "Teleradiotherapy with radioactive cesium", "Teleradiotherapy with radioactive caesium", "Caesium 137 teletherapy", "Cesium 137 teletherapy", "External beam radiation therapy with radioactive cesium", "External beam radiation therapy with radioactive caesium", "放射性铯的体外放射治疗", "铯137远程治疗", "放射性铯远程放射治疗" ], "767379005": [ "Surgical reduction of torsion of right testis with fixation of left testis", "手术复位右侧睾丸扭转并固定左侧睾丸" ], "243091006": [ "Orofacial defect cleansing education", "颌面部缺损清洁教育" ], "261000087102": [ "Right nephrostomy using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided right nephrostomy", "荧光透视引导下右肾造口术", "在荧光透视引导下进行右肾造口术" ], "38661000087104": [ "Left tympanoplasty with left mastoidectomy", "Repair of left middle ear and excision of left mastoid", "左鼓室成形术及左乳突切除术", "左中耳修复及左乳突切除" ], "13061000087105": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of aorta and artery of lower limb", "Doppler ultrasound of aorta and artery of lower limb", "Doppler ultrasound scan of aorta and artery of lower limb", "主动脉及下肢动脉多普勒超声扫描", "主动脉及下肢动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "241256002": [ "Pelvic venogram", "盆腔静脉造影" ], "175720003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of popliteal artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of popliteal artery", "经皮腘动脉腔内栓塞术" ], "1258899008": [ "Education about job center", "Education about job centre", "Education about employment centre", "Education about employment center", "就业教育中心", "就业中心教育" ], "1541000087101": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral ankles", "Ultrasound of left and right ankle", "Ultrasound scan of both ankles", "双侧踝部超声检查", "双脚踝超声波扫描", "左、右脚踝超声检查" ], "4101000087106": [ "Plain X-ray of bilateral scapulae", "Plain X-ray of both scapulae", "Plain X-ray of left and right scapula", "双侧肩胛骨X光检查", "双侧肩胛骨的普通 X 光检查", "左、右肩胛骨普通 X 光检查" ], "14341000087109": [ "Ultrasonography of pelvis and left lower extremity", "Ultrasonography of pelvis and left lower limb", "Ultrasound of pelvis and left lower limb", "Ultrasound scan of pelvis and left lower limb", "骨盆及左下肢超声扫描", "骨盆及左下肢超声检查" ], "28264008": [ "Amygdalotomy", "杏仁核切开术" ], "274024009": [ "Aneurysm clipping", "动脉瘤夹闭" ], "42813001": [ "Medico-legal mental status determination", "法医学精神状态鉴定" ], "761874000": [ "Assessment using Five-Shot questionnaire", "使用五次问卷进行评估" ], "286738000": [ "Removal of urinary system catheter", "拔除泌尿系统导管" ], "450578006": [ "Removal of foreign body from pouch of Douglas", "Removal of foreign body from rectouterine pouch", "直肠子宫陷凹异物取出", "取出道格拉斯囊中的异物" ], "170215000": [ "Child examination: motor tone", "儿童检查:运动张力" ], "22759000": [ "Social service interview of family", "家庭社会服务访谈" ], "1204242009": [ "External beam radiation therapy using particle scanning technique", "Particle scanning external beam radiotherapy", "粒子扫描外束放射治疗", "采用粒子扫描技术的外束放射治疗" ], "104679007": [ "gamma-Aminobutyrate measurement", "γ-氨基丁酸测量" ], "250300004": [ "White blood cell enzyme activity measurement", "White blood cell enzyme activity", "白细胞酶活性测定", "白细胞酶活性" ], "363153002": [ "Immune system transplantation", "免疫系统移植" ], "608913003": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from musculoskeletal system", "肌肉骨骼系统标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "166545006": [ "Serum erythropoetin level", "Serum erythropoetin measurement", "血清促红细胞生成素测量", "血清促红细胞生成素水平" ], "182929008": [ "Prophylactic drug therapy", "Drug prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic medication", "Administration of prophylactic drug or medicament", "预防性用药", "药物预防", "预防性药物治疗", "预防性药物或药剂的施用" ], "17254000": [ "Hepaticolithotomy", "Lithotomy of hepatic ducts", "肝管切开取石术", "肝胆管切开取石术" ], "770918002": [ "Laser destruction of verruca", "Destruction of verruca using laser", "使用激光破坏疣", "激光毁除疣" ], "50022003": [ "Cast post as part of bridge retainer", "铸造柱作为桥梁保持器的一部分" ], "870006": [ "Carbamazepine measurement", "卡马西平测量" ], "836454007": [ "Ultrasonography guided drainage of seroma of breast using seroma catheter", "Drainage of seroma of breast with seroma catheter using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下乳腺浆液肿导管引流", "超声引导下用血清肿导管引流乳房血清肿" ], "179259003": [ "Filling of bone defect with bone cement", "骨水泥填充骨缺损" ], "423184003": [ "Adult pain assessment", "Pain assessment adult", "疼痛评估成人", "成人疼痛评估" ], "439568007": [ "Measurement of holotranscobalamin concentration", "Quantitative measurement of holotranscobalamin", "全钴胺浓度的测量", "全转钴胺的定量测量" ], "308496008": [ "Gittes endoscopic bladder neck suspension", "Gittes suspension", "Gittes endoscopic suspension of neck of urinary bladder", "吉特斯内镜膀胱颈悬吊术", "吉蒂斯内镜膀胱颈悬吊术", "吉特停赛" ], "13584008": [ "Reduction of closed carpal scaphoid fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of scaphoid bone", "舟骨闭合性骨折手法复位", "闭合性腕舟骨骨折的复位手法治疗" ], "767248009": [ "Lymphangiography of left half of pelvis", "Lymphangiogram of left half of pelvis", "左半盆腔淋巴管造影" ], "241125001": [ "Placentography-contrast", "胎盘造影" ], "406800009": [ "Auramine stain method", "Auramine stain", "金胺染色", "金胺染色法" ], "388581005": [ "Citrus aurantifolia specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf306 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Citrus X aurantifolia specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Key lime specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Key lime specific IgE antibody measurement", "Citrus X aurantifolia specific IgE antibody measurement", "酸橙特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "酸橙特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "橙叶柑橘特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rf306 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "柑橘 X aurantifolia 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "柑橘X aurantifolia特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测量" ], "306661008": [ "Discharge from upper gastrointestinal surgical service", "Discharge from upper GI surgical service", "上消化道外科出院", "上消化道手术出院" ], "1287866001": [ "Trabeculectomy of right eye", "右眼小梁切除术" ], "304826003": [ "Integrative psychotherapy", "综合心理治疗" ], "239290005": [ "Closed reduction of intracapsular fracture of neck of femur and fixation using Smith-Petersen nail", "股骨颈囊内骨折闭合复位Smith-Petersen钉固定" ], "89999000": [ "Operation on broad ligament", "Broad ligament operation", "Operation on broad ligament of uterus", "子宫阔韧带手术", "阔韧带手术" ], "401295002": [ "Ear, nose and throat microscopy, culture and sensitivities", "耳鼻喉显微镜检查、培养和敏感性" ], "22831000087106": [ "Computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and bilateral lower limbs with contrast", "Computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis, left and right lower limb with contrast", "CT of abdomen, pelvis and bilateral lower limbs with contrast", "Computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and both lower limbs with contrast", "Computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and bilateral lower extremities with contrast", "腹部、骨盆和双侧下肢增强计算机断层扫描", "腹部、骨盆和双下肢增强计算机断层扫描", "腹部、骨盆、左、右下肢增强计算机断层扫描", "腹部、盆腔及双下肢增强 CT 检查" ], "417679006": [ "Tc-99m hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime leukocyte bowel scan", "Tc-99m hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime leucocyte bowel scan", "Tc-99m 六甲基丙胺肟白细胞肠道扫描" ], "104548002": [ "beta-Lipotropin measurement", "β-促脂激素测量" ], "710756006": [ "Education about electrolyte therapy", "电解质治疗教育" ], "268388007": [ "Assessment for rehabilitation", "Evaluation for rehabilitation", "康复评估" ], "51726004": [ "Cervicothoracic sympathectomy", "颈胸交感神经切除术" ], "608782005": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of carpometacarpal joint", "腕掌关节脱位切开复位术" ], "313870005": [ "Plasma tobramycin measurement", "Plasma tobramycin level", "血浆妥布霉素测量", "血浆妥布霉素浓度" ], "443107000": [ "Measurement of Murray Valley encephalitis virus antibody", "默里谷脑炎病毒抗体测定" ], "361187000": [ "Removal of prosthesis of joint structures of wrist", "Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis of wrist", "腕关节结构假体移除", "腕关节切开术移除假体" ], "230115000": [ "Peripheral parenteral nutrition", "PPN procedure", "Peripheral line feeding", "外周肠外营养", "PPN 程序", "外围线路馈送" ], "410339007": [ "Gait training case management", "步态训练案例管理" ], "33507007": [ "Excision of malignant tumor of rectum by transanal approach", "Excision of malignant tumour of rectum by transanal approach", "经肛门入路直肠恶性肿瘤切除术" ], "426723009": [ "Repair of sphenoidal sinus", "蝶窦修复" ], "64440001": [ "Reline of lower partial denture at chairside", "在诊疗椅旁对下部局部义齿进行重衬" ], "179128008": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture and intramedullary nail fixation", "骨折闭合复位髓内钉固定术" ], "441272008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of four vessel branches of aortic arch with contrast flush", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of four vessel branches of aortic arch with contrast flush", "主动脉弓四支血管造影及造影剂冲洗", "主动脉弓四支血管造影及造影冲洗" ], "437341000124106": [ "Decreased iron diet", "减少铁饮食" ], "175458000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of vertebral artery", "经皮椎动脉腔内栓塞切除术" ], "388450003": [ "Drug specific IgE antibody measurement", "Drug specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "药物特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "药物特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "240994004": [ "Shave debridement of skin wound", "皮肤伤口刮除清创" ], "372066005": [ "Implementation of protective measures during neurosurgical procedures", "Implements protective measures during neurosurgical procedures", "在神经外科手术过程中实施保护措施", "神经外科手术过程中保护措施的实施" ], "306530006": [ "Discharge by dance therapist", "舞蹈治疗师出院" ], "26167002": [ "Ligation of common iliac vein, complete", "髂总静脉结扎,完全" ], "419383007": [ "Polymerase chain reaction test for Leishmania major", "PCR test for Leishmania major", "Polymerase chain reaction test for L. major", "大型利什曼原虫 PCR 检测", "大型利什曼原虫聚合酶链反应检测", "L. major 的聚合酶链反应测试" ], "171788003": [ "Therapeutic lumbar epidural injection", "腰椎硬膜外注射治疗" ], "235489005": [ "Opening of pancreatic duct", "Incision of pancreatic duct", "胰管切开术", "胰管开口" ], "448481005": [ "Removal of tube from appendix", "阑尾管拔除" ], "104417008": [ "Immunoassay, qualitative, multiple step method", "免疫测定,定性,多步骤方法" ], "708790006": [ "Suture of laceration of lip", "唇裂伤缝合" ], "86198006": [ "Influenza vaccination", "Influenza immunization", "Influenza immunisation", "Administration of influenza vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Influenza virus antigen", "流感免疫", "接种仅含流感病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "流感疫苗接种", "接种流感疫苗" ], "444811001": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of lesion of lung using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided radiofrequency ablation of lesion of lung", "计算机断层扫描引导下肺部病变射频消融", "CT引导下肺部病变射频消融" ], "149899004": [ "Removal of cerclage from cervix", "Removal of cervical cerclage material", "去除宫颈环扎材料", "宫颈环扎带移除" ], "313739005": [ "Plasma valine level", "Plasma valine measurement", "血浆缬氨酸测量", "血浆缬氨酸水平" ], "66144000": [ "Fixation of palpebral ligament", "睑缘韧带固定" ], "16992002": [ "Osteopathic manipulation", "Osteopathic manipulative therapy", "Osteopathic manipulative treatment", "整骨手法治疗", "整骨疗法" ], "180832004": [ "Harvesting of rib for bone grafting", "采集肋骨用于骨移植" ], "410208007": [ "Ventilator care assessment", "Assess ventilator care", "呼吸机护理评估", "评估呼吸机护理" ], "178997004": [ "Filling of segmental defect by compression-distraction", "压缩-伸展法填充节段缺损" ], "391989008": [ "Eversion of hydrocele sac", "Jaboulay's eversion of hydrocele", "Jaboulay's operation for hydrocele", "Jaboulay's operation for hydrocoele", "Eversion of hydrocoele sac", "Jaboulay's eversion of hydrocoele", "Jaboulay 鞘膜积液外翻", "鞘膜积液外翻", "鞘膜积液囊外翻", "Jaboulay 鞘膜积液手术", "Jaboulay 鞘膜积液外翻术" ], "177162002": [ "High forceps cephalic delivery with rotation", "带旋转功能的高位产钳头位分娩" ], "62474003": [ "Group primal therapy", "团体原始治疗" ], "406538003": [ "Employment needs assessment", "就业需求评估" ], "439306007": [ "Referral to pregnancy counselling service", "Referral to pregnancy counseling service", "转介至怀孕咨询服务" ], "60639000": [ "Excision of lesion from soft tissue of face", "面部软组织病变切除" ], "78858009": [ "Administration of cortisone", "可的松的使用" ], "290015004": [ "Conjunctival graft procedure", "结膜移植手术" ], "386484005": [ "Ventriculostomy/lumbar drain care", "Maintenance of ventriculostomy/lumbar drain", "Tube care: ventriculostomy/lumbar drain", "管道护理:脑室造口术/腰大池引流术", "脑室造口术/腰大池引流术护理", "脑室造口术/腰大池引流术的维护" ], "419252006": [ "Fluoroscopy of penis", "阴茎透视检查" ], "304564008": [ "Informing next of kin", "通知近亲" ], "384649001": [ "Catheterisation of bladder by indwelling suprapubic catheter", "Catheterization of bladder by indwelling suprapubic catheter", "Insertion of indwelling suprapubic catheter", "Catheterisation of urinary bladder by indwelling suprapubic catheter", "Catheterization of urinary bladder by indwelling suprapubic catheter", "耻骨上膀胱留置导管", "耻骨上留置导尿管进行膀胱插管", "插入耻骨上留置导管", "耻骨上膀胱留置导尿管" ], "401033004": [ "Urine methaqualone level", "尿液甲喹酮水平" ], "448350000": [ "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of uterus", "高强度聚焦超声消融子宫病变" ], "89737008": [ "Verapamil measurement", "维拉帕米测量" ], "235358005": [ "Distal colon loop washout via loop colostomy", "通过结肠造口术冲洗远端结肠" ], "104286007": [ "Haemophilus influenzae antibody assay", "Serologic test for Haemophilus influenzae", "Measurement of Haemophilus influenzae antibody", "流感嗜血杆菌抗体检测", "流感嗜血杆菌血清学检测" ], "233523005": [ "Peripheral venous cannula insertion - antecubital fossa", "Insertion of peripheral venous cannula into antecubital vein", "外周静脉插管-肘前窝", "将外周静脉插管插入肘前静脉" ], "410271000119102": [ "CT of right femur without contrast", "Computed tomography of right femur without contrast", "右股骨无造影计算机断层扫描", "右股骨 CT 无造影" ], "118835007": [ "Procedure on ileum", "回肠手术" ], "16549791000119102": [ "CT guided needle biopsy of left kidney", "Needle biopsy of left kidney using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下左肾穿刺活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行左肾针吸活检" ], "313608001": [ "Urine homocystine measurement", "Urine homocystine level", "尿液同型半胱氨酸测定", "尿液同型半胱氨酸水平" ], "16452511000119101": [ "Fluoroscopic arteriogram of extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiogram of artery of extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of artery of extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of artery of extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of artery of limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of artery of limb with contrast", "肢体动脉造影荧光血管造影", "肢体荧光血管造影", "肢体动脉造影荧光镜检查", "肢体荧光动脉造影" ], "388511000119103": [ "Fluoroscopic arteriography of thoracic aorta with serialography by femoral approach with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiogram of thoracic aorta with serialography by femoral approach with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriogram of thoracic aorta with serialography by femoral approach with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of thoracic aorta with serialography by femoral approach with contrast", "经股动脉入路胸主动脉荧光血管造影及造影", "经股动脉入路进行胸主动脉荧光血管造影及造影", "经股动脉入路胸主动脉荧光透视造影及造影", "经股动脉入路胸主动脉荧光镜造影及造影" ], "231688002": [ "Superior oblique trochlear fracture and resection", "上斜滑车骨折及切除" ], "383391000119109": [ "Computed tomography of orbit and sella turcica without contrast", "CT of orbit and sella turcica without contrast", "眼眶和鞍区无造影计算机断层扫描", "眼眶及鞍区 CT 无造影" ], "410077009": [ "Patient transfer management", "Manage transfer care", "管理转移护理", "病人转移管理" ], "408242005": [ "Soluble transferrin receptor test", "可溶性转铁蛋白受体检测" ], "177031004": [ "Open drainage of ovarian cyst", "Oophorotomy and rupture of cyst", "Open drainage of cyst of ovary", "卵巢囊肿开腹引流", "卵巢囊肿开放引流", "卵巢切开术和囊肿破裂" ], "75057001": [ "Lysis of adhesions of vulva", "外阴粘连松解术" ], "306268009": [ "Referral to chemical pathologist", "Referral to clinical biochemist", "转诊至化学病理学家", "转诊至临床生物化学家" ], "9521005": [ "Anal fistulectomy, second stage", "肛瘘切除术,第二阶段" ], "1254705007": [ "Referral to financial assistance programme", "Referral to financial assistance program", "转介财务援助计划" ], "122374000": [ "Legionella species rRNA assay", "Legionella species ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "军团菌核糖体核糖核酸测定", "军团菌 rRNA 检测" ], "304433009": [ "Ultrasound treatment to hand", "超声波治疗到手" ], "7686002": [ "Endoscopic removal of foreign body from larynx", "内镜喉异物取出" ], "91441009": [ "Cisternal puncture with injection", "池穿刺注射" ], "386353009": [ "Administration of drug or medicament via ophthalmic route", "通过眼科途径给药" ], "40454005": [ "Resistive exercise", "阻力运动" ], "89606003": [ "Politzerization of eustachian tube", "Politzerisation of eustachian tube", "Inflation of Eustachian tube using Politzer technique", "使用 Politzer 技术充气耳咽管", "咽鼓管波利策化", "耳咽管波利策化" ], "448219000": [ "Excision of intrathoracic vascular structure", "Excision of intrathoracic vessel", "切除胸内血管结构", "胸内血管切除术" ], "284379004": [ "Examination of ring finger", "无名指检查" ], "104155006": [ "Erythrocyte sedimentation rate, automated", "红细胞沉降率,自动化" ], "235227007": [ "Dilatation of pyloric stricture", "Dilation of pyloric stricture", "幽门狭窄扩张" ], "71387007": [ "Endodontic dental consultation and report", "Endodontic assessment", "牙髓科咨询及报告", "牙髓科评估" ], "431835009": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for dilatation of trachea", "Dilatation of trachea using fluoroscopy guidance", "Dilation of trachea using fluoroscopy guidance", "透视引导下气管扩张术" ], "53168001": [ "Repair of bronchopleurocutaneous fistula", "Closure of bronchopleurocutaneous fistula", "支气管胸膜皮瘘的修复", "支气管胸膜皮瘘闭合" ], "774064002": [ "MRI guided high intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of bone", "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of lesion of bone using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI引导高强度聚焦超声消融骨病损", "磁共振成像引导高强度聚焦超声消融骨病损" ], "315312002": [ "Nasal columella lengthening operation", "鼻小柱延长手术" ], "233392006": [ "Ligation of uterine artery", "子宫动脉结扎" ], "118704009": [ "Procedure on upper arm", "上臂手术" ], "2181002": [ "Operation for bone injury of tarsals and metatarsals", "跗骨、跖骨骨损伤手术" ], "870533002": [ "Heated and humidified high flow oxygen therapy", "HHFO2 - heated and humidified high flow oxygen therapy", "HHFO2——加热加湿高流量氧气治疗", "加热加湿高流量氧气治疗" ], "1296517003": [ "Percutaneous transfemoral insertion of stent into extracranial carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transfemoral insertion of stent into extracranial carotid artery", "荧光透视引导下经皮经股动脉颅外颈动脉支架植入" ], "231557007": [ "Orbital tissue volume enhancement", "眼眶组织体积增强" ], "311642003": [ "Repetition of sound", "重复声音" ], "719407002": [ "Remote non-verbal consultation", "远程非语言咨询" ], "260655005": [ "Submammary incision", "乳房下切口" ], "226052001": [ "Normalization of postural reflexes", "Reflex inhibition", "RI - Reflex inhibition", "Normalisation of postural reflexes", "反射抑制", "姿势反射正常化", "RI——反射抑制" ], "309807009": [ "Methylprednisolone pulse therapy", "甲基强的松龙冲击疗法" ], "275204006": [ "Disc valve tricuspid valve replacement", "圆盘瓣膜三尖瓣置换术" ], "13060007": [ "Repair of ectropion by blepharoplasty and excision of tarsal wedge", "Repair of ectropion with wedge resection", "眼睑成形术及睑板楔切除术治疗眼睑外翻", "楔形切除术修复眼睑外翻" ], "122243000": [ "Measurement of Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi H antibody", "Salmonella Typhi H antibody assay", "伤寒沙门氏菌 H 抗体检测", "伤寒沙门氏菌H亚种抗体测定" ], "91310009": [ "Patient follow-up to return when and if necessary", "必要时对患者进行随访" ], "386222009": [ "Body mechanics promotion", "人体力学推广" ], "271534009": [ "Serum growth hormone measurement", "Serum growth hormone level", "血清生长激素水平", "血清生长激素测定" ], "236931002": [ "Methotrexate injection into tubal pregnancy", "输卵管妊娠甲氨蝶呤注射" ], "302467003": [ "Biopsy of lesion of muscle", "肌肉病变活检" ], "171395005": [ "University admission medical", "大学入学医学" ], "449923009": [ "Destructive procedure on lower limb", "下肢毁损性手术" ], "104024003": [ "Yt^b^ blood group antibody identification", "Yt^b^血型抗体鉴定" ], "1201752006": [ "Revision of TKR (total knee replacement) using augment", "Revision of TKA (total knee arthroplasty) using modular metal augmentation", "Revision of total arthroplasty of knee using modular metal augmentation", "Revision of total replacement of knee joint using modular metal augmentation", "使用模块化金属增强体修复 TKA(全膝关节置换术)", "使用增强物进行 TKR(全膝关节置换术)的修订", "膝关节全置换术中采用模块化金属增强体进行翻修", "模块化金属增强体全膝关节置换术" ], "448088007": [ "Bypass of artery of lower extremity by anastomosis of aorta to common femoral artery", "主动脉与股总动脉吻合术进行下肢动脉旁路手术" ], "431704006": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of ovarian vein using contrast", "卵巢静脉造影透视静脉造影" ], "54872009": [ "Destruction of lesion of cerebral meninges", "脑膜损伤破坏术" ], "71256008": [ "Fluorescein-string test for upper GI bleeding", "Fluorescein string test for upper gastrointestinal bleeding", "上消化道出血荧光素串试验", "上消化道出血的荧光素串试验" ], "429869002": [ "Computed tomography of temporal bone", "Computed tomography (CT) of temporal bone", "CT of temporal bone", "颞骨计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "颞骨计算机断层扫描", "颞骨CT" ], "233261007": [ "Balloon angioplasty of the subclavian artery", "Thoracic inlet angioplasty", "Angioplasty of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉血管成形术", "胸腔入口血管成形术", "锁骨下动脉球囊血管成形术" ], "85805008": [ "Excision of superficial lymph node", "浅表淋巴结切除术" ], "18434001": [ "Irrigation of cystostomy", "膀胱造口冲洗" ], "446253009": [ "Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation with purging", "同种异体骨髓移植及净化" ], "315181009": [ "Poultry serum antibody level", "家禽血清抗体水平" ], "1280002000": [ "TB (tuberculosis) management program", "Tuberculosis management program", "TB (tuberculosis) management programme", "Tuberculosis management programme", "结核病管理计划" ], "165890003": [ "Albumin autoantibody level", "Albumin autoantibody measurement", "白蛋白自身抗体测量", "白蛋白自身抗体水平" ], "428034005": [ "Insertion of prosthesis of bone", "骨假体植入" ], "16599000": [ "Arthroplasty of foot with synthetic joint prosthesis", "用合成关节假体进行足部关节置换术" ], "311511001": [ "Executive functions training", "执行功能培训" ], "229591000": [ "Theraktin treatment", "Theraktin 治疗" ], "49367003": [ "Partial acromioplasty", "部分肩峰成形术" ], "278743005": [ "Amputation incision", "截肢切口" ], "14764004": [ "Repair of laceration of male perineum", "男性会阴裂伤的修补" ], "1259948005": [ "Repair of fissure sealant on tooth", "牙齿窝沟封闭修复" ], "113068004": [ "Capillary electrophoresis", "毛细管电泳" ], "276908008": [ "Intracavernous injection", "Injection into corpus cavernosum of penis", "海绵体内注射", "阴茎海绵体注射" ], "275073005": [ "Revision of prosthetic collar around female bladder neck", "Revision of prosthetic collar around female urinary bladder neck", "女性膀胱颈假体颈圈的修复" ], "406145006": [ "Layette advice", "Layette education", "婴儿服装建议", "布局教育" ], "306006000": [ "Referral by restorative dentist", "Referral from restorative dentist", "修复牙医推荐", "修复牙医的推荐" ], "25643002": [ "Cryoglobulin measurement, type I", "冷球蛋白测量,I 型" ], "1303595003": [ "Right knee arthroscopy", "Arthroscopy of right knee joint", "右膝关节镜检查" ], "122112000": [ "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 4 antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae American serotype 4 antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 4 antibody", "肺炎链球菌美洲血清型4抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌丹麦血清型4抗体的测定", "肺炎链球菌4型血清抗体测定" ], "74795009": [ "Excision of tendon", "Tenonectomy", "腱鞘切除术", "肌腱切除" ], "302336001": [ "LA - Local anaesthetic cervical epidural block", "Cervical epidural block", "LA - Local anesthetic cervical epidural block", "Local anesthetic cervical epidural block", "Local anaesthetic cervical epidural block", "局部麻醉颈部硬膜外阻滞", "LA - 局部麻醉颈部硬膜外阻滞", "颈部硬膜外阻滞" ], "89344001": [ "Intramedullary nailing of femur", "股骨髓内钉" ], "417024002": [ "Spencer technique", "斯宾塞技术" ], "169429005": [ "Microwave therapy to prostate", "前列腺微波治疗" ], "103893009": [ "M^g^ blood group typing", "M^g^血型分型" ], "118442004": [ "Drainage of abscess", "脓肿引流" ], "233130005": [ "Repair of double outlet left ventricle with direct right ventricle to pulmonary trunk anastomosis and ventricular septal defect closure", "右心室至肺动脉干直接吻合术修复左心室双出口及室间隔缺损封堵术" ], "444287002": [ "Analysis using pyrosequencing technique", "Analysis using pyrosequencing", "使用焦磷酸测序进行分析", "使用焦磷酸测序技术进行分析" ], "231295003": [ "Intradermal infiltration of local anaesthetic and steroid", "Intradermal infiltration of local anesthetic and steroid", "局部麻醉药和类固醇皮内浸润", "局部麻醉药和类固醇的皮内浸润" ], "395135003": [ "APTT 50:50 mix", "Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) 50:50 mix", "Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) 1:1 mix", "Activated partial thromboplastin time 50:50 mix", "活化部分凝血活酶时间 (APTT) 1:1 混合", "APTT 50:50 混合", "活化部分凝血活酶时间 50:50 混合", "活化部分凝血活酶时间 (APTT) 50:50 混合" ], "1263487006": [ "Robotic assisted subtotal gastrectomy with abdominal lymphadenectomy", "Robot assisted subtotal gastrectomy with abdominal lymphadenectomy", "Subtotal gastrectomy with abdominal lymphadenectomy using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助胃大部分切除术及腹部淋巴结清扫术", "使用机器人辅助进行胃大部分切除术和腹部淋巴结清扫术" ], "409684001": [ "Sterilisation of equipment", "Sterilization of equipment", "设备灭菌" ], "229460008": [ "Manipulation of the patellofemoral articulation - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the patellofemoral articulation", "髌股关节的操作 - 非手术", "髌股关节的操控" ], "719145006": [ "Assessment using Bedside Evaluation Screening Test Second Edition", "Assessment using BEST-2 (Bedside Evaluation Screening Test Second Edition)", "使用床边评估筛查测试第二版进行评估", "使用 BEST-2(床边评估筛查测试第二版)进行评估" ], "176638000": [ "Drainage of female perineum", "女性会阴引流" ], "391465009": [ "Blood ketone level", "血酮水平" ], "438782001": [ "Operation on pterygomaxillary fossa", "Operation on pterygopalatine fossa", "Surgical procedure on pterygomaxillary fossa", "Surgical procedure on pterygopalatine fossa", "翼上颌窝手术", "翼腭窝手术" ], "717310003": [ "Assessment using BASDEC (Brief Assessment Schedule Depression Cards)", "Assessment using Brief Assessment Schedule Depression Cards", "使用 BASDEC(简要评估计划抑郁卡)进行评估", "使用简短评估计划抑郁卡进行评估" ], "274942001": [ "Biopsy of vulva", "Vulvar biopsy", "Vulval biopsy", "外阴活检" ], "61950005": [ "Excision of neuroma of cutaneous nerve", "皮神经神经瘤切除术" ], "307710002": [ "Ligation of abdominal aorta", "腹主动脉结扎" ], "702761008": [ "Computed tomography of head and pituitary fossa", "Computed tomography of head and sella turcica", "CT of head and pituitary fossa", "头部和鞍区计算机断层扫描", "头部及垂体窝 CT", "头部和垂体窝的计算机断层扫描" ], "371411001": [ "Excision of lesion of skin of upper extremity", "上肢皮肤病损切除术" ], "174803001": [ "Revision of transplantation of heart and lung", "心肺移植修复术" ], "699091009": [ "Microsurgical repair of blood vessel", "显微血管修复" ], "304040003": [ "Grafting to skin", "皮肤移植" ], "385960004": [ "Bladder care assessment", "Assess bladder care", "Assessment of urinary bladder care", "评估膀胱护理", "膀胱护理评估" ], "172968005": [ "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of hypopharynx", "内镜下咽部病变摘除术" ], "121981004": [ "Cryptosporidium species antigen assay", "Cryptosporidia antigen level", "隐孢子虫抗原测定", "隐孢子虫抗原水平" ], "449661005": [ "Reconstruction of lower leg", "小腿重建" ], "56445006": [ "Spirometry for bronchospasm with prolonged evaluation after exercise", "运动后进行肺量计检查以评估支气管痉挛" ], "171133009": [ "Leprosy screening", "麻风病筛查" ], "103762001": [ "Specimen volume measurement", "标本体积测量" ], "54610007": [ "Kidney panel", "肾脏检查" ], "120146008": [ "Chest wall excision", "Excision of chest wall", "胸壁切除术" ], "773671000": [ "Assessment using Padua Inventory", "使用帕多瓦清单进行评估" ], "85543002": [ "Plication of superior vena cava", "上腔静脉折叠术" ], "169298007": [ "Intracavitary X-ray therapy", "腔内X射线治疗" ], "232999000": [ "Insertion of valve into vena cava", "将瓣膜插入腔静脉" ], "20007005": [ "Anesthesia for total cystectomy", "Anaesthesia for total cystectomy", "全膀胱切除术的麻醉" ], "234834009": [ "Re-cement dental restoration", "重新粘合牙齿修复体" ], "890194007": [ "Metoidioplasty", "Gender confirmation metoidioplasty", "性别确认阴茎成形术", "阴茎成形术" ], "445991008": [ "Assessment using hospital anxiety and depression scale", "使用医院焦虑和抑郁量表进行评估" ], "313084001": [ "Redundancy counselling", "Redundancy counseling", "裁员咨询" ], "231164000": [ "Local anesthetic hip block by intracapsular approach", "Local anaesthetic hip block by intracapsular approach", "Hip block by intracapsular approach", "经关节囊内入路进行局部麻醉髋关节阻滞", "经关节囊内入路局部麻醉髋关节阻滞", "髋关节囊内入路阻滞" ], "1788001": [ "Blood unit collection for directed donation, donor", "Collection, processing and storage of donor directed whole blood or components", "Directed blood donation", "定向捐献血液单位采集、捐献者", "定向献血", "捐献者全血或成分的采集、处理和储存" ], "444156006": [ "Analysis of genome for mutation using heteroduplex technique", "Analysis of genome using heteroduplex technique", "利用异源双链技术分析基因组突变", "利用异源双链技术分析基因组" ], "442321000": [ "Measurement of alcohol in blood specimen", "血液样本中酒精含量的测定" ], "16337001": [ "Complicated pyelotomy", "复杂的肾盂切开术" ], "180177004": [ "Continuous infusion of therapeutic substance", "持续输注治疗物质" ], "720849008": [ "Education about stroke", "Stroke education", "Education about cerebrovascular accident", "中风教育", "关于中风的教育", "脑血管意外教育" ], "391334001": [ "Serum immunoglobulin A1 level", "血清免疫球蛋白A1水平" ], "1144998002": [ "Second 2019-nCoV mRNA immunisation", "Second COVID-19 mRNA vaccination", "Second 2019-nCoV mRNA vaccination", "Second 2019 novel coronavirus mRNA immunization", "Second 2019 novel coronavirus mRNA immunisation", "Second 2019-nCoV mRNA immunization", "Second 2019 novel coronavirus mRNA vaccination", "Second SARS-CoV-2 mRNA immunisation", "Administration of second dose of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine", "Second COVID-19 mRNA immunization", "Second COVID-19 mRNA immunisation", "Second SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination", "Second SARS-CoV-2 mRNA immunization", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 messenger ribonucleic acid", "Second severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 mRNA vaccination", "第二剂 COVID-19 mRNA 疫苗", "第二次 2019 新型冠状病毒 mRNA 疫苗接种", "第二轮 2019-nCoV mRNA 疫苗接种", "接种第二剂 SARS-CoV-2 mRNA 疫苗", "第二次 SARS-CoV-2 mRNA 疫苗接种", "第二次 SARS-CoV-2 mRNA 免疫", "第二次严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 mRNA 疫苗接种", "第二次2019新型冠状病毒mRNA免疫", "第二次 2019 年新型冠状病毒 mRNA 免疫", "第二次 COVID-19 mRNA 免疫", "第二次 2019-nCoV mRNA 免疫", "接种仅含严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 信使核糖核酸的疫苗产品第二剂" ], "735398003": [ "Open biopsy of thyroid", "甲状腺开放活检" ], "129190005": [ "Procedure on bone of upper extremity", "上肢骨手术" ], "407718008": [ "Faecal coproporphyrin I level", "Fecal coproporphyrin I level", "Faecal coproporphyrin I measurement", "Fecal coproporphyrin I measurement", "粪卟啉I测定", "粪便粪卟啉 I 水平", "粪便中粪卟啉 I 的测量" ], "78203001": [ "Cryosurgery of lesion of cervix", "Cryocautery of cervix", "Cryosurgery to cervix", "宫颈病变冷冻手术", "宫颈冷冻手术", "宫颈冷冻烧灼术" ], "1208699002": [ "Injection of drug or medicament into nasal turbinate", "将药物或药剂注射入鼻甲" ], "438651005": [ "Promotion of self actualization", "促进自我实现" ], "43600003": [ "Tubeless gastric analysis and measurement", "无管胃分析和测量" ], "174672005": [ "Removal of percutaneously inserted tubal prosthesis from bile duct", "从胆管中取出经皮插入的输卵管假体" ], "303909000": [ "Radionuclide small intestine study", "放射性核素小肠研究" ], "387664009": [ "Incision and exploration of kidney", "Nephrotomy with exploration", "肾切开术及探查", "肾脏切开探查" ], "287525003": [ "Surgical biopsy of male perineum", "男性会阴手术活检" ], "25381003": [ "Ligation of artery", "Arterial ligation", "动脉结扎" ], "172837005": [ "Biopsy of lesion of nasal mucosa", "鼻黏膜病变活检" ], "385829003": [ "Specimen care assessment", "Assess specimen care", "评估标本护理", "标本护理评估" ], "252922007": [ "Intracavernous injection test using vaso-active agent", "Diagnostic injection of vasoactive agent into corpus cavernosum of penis", "血管活性药物海绵体内注射试验", "阴茎海绵体诊断性注射血管活性药物" ], "449530008": [ "Bypass of segment of infrarenal abdominal aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta", "主动脉至主动脉吻合术,绕过肾下腹主动脉段" ], "234703001": [ "Pulpotomy - vital - coronal", "牙髓切断术 - 活髓 - 冠状" ], "169167001": [ "Radioisotope scan of lymphatic system", "Lymphoscintigraphy", "Radionuclide lymphogram", "Radionuclide lymphangiogram", "Radionuclide study of lymphatic system", "淋巴系统放射性同位素扫描", "放射性核素淋巴管造影", "放射性核素淋巴造影", "淋巴闪烁显像", "淋巴系统放射性核素研究" ], "171002009": [ "Vocational counselling", "Vocational counseling", "职业咨询" ], "121850007": [ "Prostaglandin measurement", "前列腺素测量" ], "232868002": [ "Pulmonary commissurotomy", "PV - Pulmonary valvotomy", "Valvulotomy of pulmonary valve", "Pulmonary valvulotomy", "PVy - Pulmonary valvotomy", "Pulmonary valvotomy", "肺动脉瓣切开术", "PV-- 肺瓣切开术", "PVy-- 肺瓣切开术", "肺动脉切开术", "肺瓣切开术" ], "708004003": [ "Multidisciplinary review", "多学科审查" ], "19876005": [ "Ankle dorsiflexion test", "踝关节背屈试验" ], "265636007": [ "Cerclage of uterine cervix", "Banding of uterine cervix", "Cerclage of cervix", "Cervical cerclage", "宫颈束带", "宫颈环扎术" ], "231033000": [ "Biopsy of spinal nerve root lesion", "脊神经根损伤活检" ], "442190001": [ "Construction of urostomy", "Construction of external stoma of urinary system", "泌尿系统外造口的构建", "尿道造口术的构建" ], "229198002": [ "Water running", "水上跑步" ], "425806003": [ "Translocation of retina", "视网膜移位" ], "702499000": [ "Computed tomography of humerus", "CT of humerus", "肱骨 CT", "肱骨计算机断层扫描" ], "63523001": [ "Peritomy", "Circumferential conjunctival incision", "环结膜切口", "腹膜切开术" ], "243747004": [ "Provision of wireless", "提供无线网络" ], "78072001": [ "Repair of urethral fistula", "Closure of urethral fistula", "尿道瘘闭合", "尿道瘘修复" ], "438520009": [ "Dilatation of arteriovenous fistula", "Dilation of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘扩张术" ], "385698001": [ "Immobiliser care assessment", "Immobilizer care assessment", "Assess immobiliser care", "Assess immobilizer care", "防盗器护理评估", "评估防盗器护理" ], "303778002": [ "Arthrogram of spinal joint", "脊柱关节造影" ], "238242006": [ "Cautery of umbilical granuloma", "脐肉芽肿烧灼术" ], "121719000": [ "Trichlorotrifluoroethane measurement", "三氯三氟乙烷的测量" ], "252791000": [ "Magnetic field recording", "磁场记录" ], "271010009": [ "Urine mucopolysaccharide level", "Urine mucopolysaccharide measurement", "Urine glycosaminoglycan measurement", "Urine glycosaminoglycan level", "尿液粘多糖水平", "尿糖胺聚糖水平", "尿液粘多糖测定", "尿糖胺聚糖测定" ], "1186679003": [ "Synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation - volume targeted pressure-control and pressure-support inflation", "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation - volume targeted pressure-control and pressure-support inflation", "同步间歇指令通气 - 容量目标压力控制和压力支持充气" ], "449399005": [ "Application of personal protective equipment", "个人防护装备的应用" ], "105335009": [ "Tetrahydrocortisone measurement", "四氢可的松测量" ], "39799009": [ "Comprehensive orthodontic treatment, transitional dentition, for class III malocclusion", "综合正畸治疗,过渡牙列,针对 III 类错颌畸形" ], "414796008": [ "Myopic spherical photorefractive keratectomy", "Myopic spherical PRK-photorefractive keratectomy", "近视球面屈光性角膜切削术", "近视球面 PRK 准分子激光角膜切削术" ], "412961003": [ "Serum voltage-gated potassium channel antibody measurement", "Serum voltage-gated potassium channel antibody level", "血清电压门控钾通道抗体水平", "血清电压门控钾通道抗体测量" ], "118049004": [ "HIV 1 p23 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p23 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 23 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 23 抗体的测量", "HIV 1 p23 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p23 抗体检测" ], "265505005": [ "Transluminal operation on subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉腔内手术" ], "232737008": [ "Embolization of coronary artery fistula", "Embolisation of coronary artery fistula", "冠状动脉瘘栓塞术" ], "230902008": [ "Embolisation of intracranial aneurysm", "Embolization of intracranial aneurysm", "颅内动脉瘤栓塞治疗", "颅内动脉瘤栓塞术" ], "229067001": [ "Postural exercises", "姿势练习" ], "736971003": [ "Allograft bypass of one coronary artery", "一侧冠状动脉同种异体搭桥术" ], "81611004": [ "Retrospective audit", "Outcome audit", "结果审计", "追溯审计" ], "278219006": [ "CFAM - Intraoperative EEG using cerebral function analysing monitor", "Intraoperative EEG - cerebral function analysing monitor", "Intraoperative electroencephalogram - cerebral function analyzing monitor", "Intraoperative electroencephalogram - cerebral function analysing monitor", "CFAM - 使用脑功能分析监视器进行术中脑电图", "术中脑电图-脑功能分析监测仪" ], "63392000": [ "Broth microdilution susceptibility test for Mycobacteria", "分枝杆菌微量肉汤稀释药敏试验" ], "440224003": [ "Measurement of theophylline peak concentration", "茶碱峰浓度测定" ], "866208008": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of lymph node", "Aspiration of lymph node using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下淋巴结穿刺", "超声引导下淋巴结抽吸" ], "225397006": [ "Skin assessment", "皮肤评估" ], "371018001": [ "Empirical therapy", "经验性治疗" ], "25119001": [ "Repair of blood vessel with synthetic, polyethylene terephthalate or polytetrafluoroethylene patch graft", "Repair of blood vessel with synthetic, Dacron or Teflon patch graft", "Grafting of blood vessel with synthetic patch, Dacron or Teflon", "使用合成材料、涤纶或特氟隆补片移植修复血管", "使用合成材料、聚对苯二甲酸乙二醇酯或聚四氟乙烯补片移植修复血管", "使用合成补片、涤纶或特氟隆进行血管移植" ], "303647007": [ "Drainage of ventricle of brain using Holter valve", "使用 Holter 瓣膜进行脑室引流" ], "39668000": [ "Removal of pancreatic drain", "移除胰管引流管" ], "105204001": [ "Heptaminol measurement", "庚醇测量" ], "252660000": [ "Stimulated gastric secretory test", "Stimulation of gastric secretion", "刺激胃分泌试验", "刺激胃液分泌" ], "88820003": [ "Aldosterone measurement, urine", "尿液醛固酮测量" ], "121588003": [ "Halazepam measurement", "哈拉西泮测量" ], "236276006": [ "Second stage of two-stage epispadias repair", "二期尿道上裂修复术的第二阶段" ], "5065000": [ "Reduction of closed traumatic hip dislocation with anesthesia", "Reduction of closed traumatic hip dislocation with anaesthesia", "麻醉下闭合性创伤性髋关节脱位复位" ], "168905001": [ "Abdominal fistulography with contrast", "腹部造影瘘管造影" ], "447433001": [ "Endoscopic excision of sphenoid sinus and nasal turbinate", "Endoscopic sphenoidectomy with turbinectomy", "内镜蝶窦切除术及鼻甲切除术", "内镜蝶窦及鼻甲切除术" ], "119753003": [ "Lung closure", "肺闭合" ], "709577007": [ "MR venography of abdomen", "Magnetic resonance venography of vein of abdomen", "Magnetic resonance venogram of abdomen", "腹部磁共振静脉造影", "腹部静脉磁共振静脉造影" ], "70601009": [ "Topical application of fluoride including prophylaxis, adult", "氟化物局部应用(包括预防),成人" ], "232606003": [ "Tracheal reconstruction with patch", "气管补片重建" ], "281758003": [ "Repair of tendon", "Tenoplasty", "Tenomyoplasty", "腱肌成形术", "肌腱修复", "腱成形术" ], "412830006": [ "Fluid sample lactate measurement", "Fluid sample lactate level", "液体样本乳酸测量", "液体样本乳酸水平" ], "445598007": [ "Assessment using Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 item score", "Assessment using GAD-7 (Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7 item) score", "使用 GAD-7(广泛性焦虑症 7 项)评分进行评估", "使用广泛性焦虑症 7 项评分进行评估" ], "167070009": [ "Plasma random lipoprotein level", "Plasma random lipoprotein measurement", "血浆随机脂蛋白测量", "血浆随机脂蛋白水平" ], "117918009": [ "Neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody pattern determination", "中性粒细胞胞浆抗体模式测定" ], "1017203005": [ "Anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to RI (ramus intermedius) artery", "Anastomosis of left internal mammary artery to ramus intermedius artery", "Anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery to intermediate artery", "Anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to RI (ramus intermedius) artery", "左胸廓内动脉与中间动脉吻合术", "左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 与 RI (中间升支) 动脉吻合", "将 LITA(左胸内动脉)吻合至 RI(中间升支动脉)", "左乳内动脉与中间升动脉吻合术" ], "312691006": [ "Calibrating aortography", "Calibrating aortogram", "Calibrating arteriography of aorta", "Calibrating angiography of aorta", "校准主动脉造影", "校准主动脉图", "校准主动脉血管造影" ], "230771007": [ "Curettage of joint", "关节刮除术" ], "34163007": [ "Revision of arteriovenous fistula with thrombectomy with nonautogenous graft", "动静脉瘘修复术及非自体移植物血栓切除术" ], "15944009": [ "Arthrotomy for excision of torn cartilage of sternoclavicular joint", "关节切开术切除胸锁关节撕裂软骨" ], "704072009": [ "Cognitive behavior therapy care management", "Cognitive behaviour therapy care management", "认知行为治疗护理管理" ], "440093006": [ "Insertion of radioactive implant into interstitial tissue using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导将放射性植入物插入间质组织" ], "1259293006": [ "Application of composite dental filling material to dentine of tooth following fracture of tooth", "Application of composite dental filling material to dentin of tooth following fracture of tooth", "复合补牙材料在牙本质折断修复中的应用" ], "241650002": [ "MRI arthrography of shoulder", "Magnetic resonance imaging arthrography of shoulder", "肩关节 MRI 关节造影", "肩关节磁共振成像造影" ], "1290226008": [ "Administration of antineoplastic agent via intravenous route", "Intravenous antineoplastic chemotherapy", "通过静脉途径给予抗肿瘤药物", "静脉抗肿瘤化疗" ], "28658009": [ "Plication of diaphragm for hernia repair by thoracoabdominal approach", "胸腹联合入路膈肌折叠术修补疝气" ], "225266009": [ "Drying female perineal area with hair dryer", "用吹风机吹干女性会阴部" ], "420039004": [ "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolisation of abdominal artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolisation of abdominal artery", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolization of abdominal artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolization of abdominal artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolization of abdominal artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolisation of abdominal artery", "腹部动脉造影荧光透视及栓塞术", "腹部动脉造影及栓塞术", "腹部动脉造影及栓塞荧光血管造影" ], "305351004": [ "Admit to ITU", "Admit to intensive care unit", "ICU - Admission to intensive care unit", "Admission to intensive care unit", "ICU-- 入住重症监护病房", "入住重症监护室", "加入国际电联" ], "90524002": [ "Repair of esophagopleurocutaneous fistula", "Repair of oesophagopleurocutaneous fistula", "Closure of esophagopleurocutaneous fistula", "食管胸膜皮瘘的修复", "食管胸膜皮瘘的缝合" ], "713116003": [ "Monitoring adherence to medication regime", "监测用药方案的依从性" ], "11971000224104": [ "Dissection of lymph node", "淋巴结清扫" ], "105073002": [ "Antipyrine measurement", "安替比林测定" ], "711281004": [ "Referral to support group", "转介至支持小组" ], "121457004": [ "Benzophenone measurement", "二苯甲酮的测定" ], "416369006": [ "Integrated optical coherence tomography and scanning laser ophthalmoscopy", "CSLO + OCT", "OCT ophthalmoscopy", "OCT-SLO", "Optical coherence tomography and scanning laser ophthalmoscopy", "光学相干断层扫描和扫描激光检眼镜检查", "中部时间 + 十月", "OCT-SLO", "OCT检眼镜检查", "集成光学相干断层扫描和扫描激光检眼镜检查" ], "170609005": [ "Follow-up respiratory assessment", "后续呼吸评估" ], "252529008": [ "Photo patch test", "光斑贴试验" ], "236145007": [ "Open incision or drainage of kidney or renal pelvis", "肾脏或肾盂的开放性切开或引流" ], "4934001": [ "Salpingography", "Radiography of fallopian tubes", "输卵管造影", "输卵管放射线照相术" ], "758598006": [ "Referral to pediatric nephrologist", "Referral to paediatric nephrologist", "转诊至儿科肾病科", "转诊至儿科肾病专家" ], "119622007": [ "Pelvis manipulation", "骨盆调整" ], "725830007": [ "Assessment using CASP (Child and Adolescent Scale of Participation)", "Assessment using Child and Adolescent Scale of Participation", "使用儿童和青少年参与量表进行评估", "使用 CASP(儿童和青少年参与量表)进行评估" ], "117787001": [ "Coxsackievirus B antibody assay", "Measurement of Human coxsackievirus B antibody", "人类柯萨奇病毒B抗体的测定", "柯萨奇病毒 B 抗体检测" ], "234310009": [ "Excision of lymphocyst", "Excision of lymphatic cyst", "淋巴囊肿切除术" ], "773147006": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using biological mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using biological mesh with fascial closure for recurrent umbilical hernia", "腹腔镜疝修补术应用生物网片结合筋膜闭合治疗复发性脐疝", "腹腔镜下应用生物网片结合筋膜闭合术修复复发性脐疝" ], "183323006": [ "Continuous passive mobilisation of ankle", "Continuous passive mobilization of ankle", "踝关节持续被动活动", "踝关节的持续被动活动" ], "609307008": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of specimen from female genital tract", "女性生殖道标本的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "281627009": [ "Transposition of adrenal tissue", "肾上腺组织移位" ], "232475009": [ "Adams crushing of nasal septum", "亚当斯鼻中隔粉碎症" ], "66800001": [ "Counseling by physiotherapist", "Counselling by physiotherapist", "物理治疗师的咨询" ], "359877002": [ "Uranorrhaphy for cleft palate repair", "Suture of cleft palate", "Palatorrhaphy for cleft palate", "腭裂缝合术", "腭裂修复术" ], "46746000": [ "Reduction of closed calcaneal fracture with manipulation and skeletal fixation", "Manual reduction of closed calcaneal fracture with skeletal fixation", "闭合性跟骨骨折手法复位并骨骼固定", "通过手法和骨骼固定复位闭合性跟骨骨折" ], "81349009": [ "Complement typing procedure", "补体分型程序" ], "390810009": [ "Planned mental health assessment", "有计划的心理健康评估" ], "1290095005": [ "Reverse polarity cemented total prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint", "反极性骨水泥型全肩关节假体置换术" ], "241519005": [ "CT of pituitary fossa", "Computed tomography of pituitary fossa", "垂体窝 CT", "垂体窝计算机断层扫描" ], "225135006": [ "Marking skin site prior to procedure", "手术前标记皮肤部位" ], "388975008": [ "Weight reduction consultation", "减肥咨询" ], "239684002": [ "Application of above knee cast brace with knee hinges", "膝上石膏支具与膝关节铰链的应用" ], "174148004": [ "Intra-abdominal manipulation of colon", "腹腔内结肠操作" ], "288836004": [ "Agreeing on elements of the care plan", "就护理计划的各项要素达成一致" ], "205081000": [ "Interphalangeal fusion of joint of finger", "Interphalangeal fusion of finger", "Interphalangeal arthrodesis of finger", "Arthrodesis of interphalangeal joint of finger", "手指指间关节融合术", "手指指间关节融合", "手指指间融合" ], "59460008": [ "Dentoalveolar bone replacement graft, single site, including flap entry and closure", "牙槽骨替代移植,单部位,包括皮瓣进入和闭合" ], "876825002": [ "Administration of parenteral nutrition", "肠外营养管理" ], "121326003": [ "Amino-beta-guanidinopropionate measurement", "氨基-β-胍基丙酸盐测量" ], "104942006": [ "Starch measurement", "淀粉测量" ], "250563001": [ "Measurement of oxygen dissolved in venous blood", "Oxygen dissolved in venous blood", "溶解在静脉血中的氧气", "静脉血中溶解氧的测量" ], "252398009": [ "Culture - general", "文化 - 总体" ], "84888000": [ "DNA hybridization assay", "DNA hybridisation assay", "Deoxyribonucleic acid hybridisation assay", "Deoxyribonucleic acid hybridization assay", "DNA杂交试验", "脱氧核糖核酸杂交试验" ], "135875009": [ "Stroke prevention", "CVA prevention", "脑血管病(CVA)预防", "预防中风" ], "1231768001": [ "Nocturnal home hemodialysis", "Nocturnal home haemodialysis", "夜间家庭血液透析", "夜间居家血液透析" ], "1264536004": [ "Implantation of prosthesis into joint of left wrist", "Prosthetic arthroplasty of left wrist", "左腕关节假体置换术", "左腕关节植入假肢" ], "609176006": [ "Revision of component of total prosthetic replacement of joint", "全关节假体置换部件的翻修" ], "2968008": [ "Craniectomy with treatment of penetrating wound of brain", "开颅手术治疗脑穿透伤" ], "428952008": [ "Intermittent subcutaneous infusion of therapeutic substance", "间歇性皮下输注治疗物质" ], "117656008": [ "Norethindrone measurement", "炔诺酮测量" ], "33901004": [ "Repair of external ear", "Otoplasty of external ear", "Plastic operations on external ear", "外耳整形术", "外耳整形手术", "外耳修复" ], "1133007": [ "Removal of intact bilateral mammary implants", "Removal of intact implants of bilateral breasts", "Removal of intact implants of bilateral mammaries", "Removal of intact implants of both breasts", "移除双侧乳房的完整植入物", "移除完整的双侧乳房植入物" ], "408898000": [ "Wandering control management", "Manage wandering control", "管理游走控制", "游走控制管理" ], "392514001": [ "Savinase specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rk206 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Savinase specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rk206特异性IgE抗体测量", "Savinase 特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "Savinase 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "228674002": [ "Cyclotron neutron teletherapy", "Cyclotron neutron external beam radiation therapy", "回旋中子外束放射治疗", "回旋中子远距治疗" ], "81218001": [ "Injection of laryngeal nerve", "喉神经注射" ], "243223007": [ "Parenteral rehydration therapy", "肠外补液治疗" ], "12012002": [ "Partial excision of vertebra of thoracic region", "胸椎部分切除术" ], "175852005": [ "Flushing of central line", "冲洗中心线" ], "1255361005": [ "Percutaneous injection of substance into cyst of kidney", "Percutaneous injection of renal cyst", "肾囊肿经皮注射", "经皮肾囊肿注射物质" ], "419777006": [ "US scan and drainage of thyroid", "Ultrasound scan and drainage of thyroid", "甲状腺超声扫描和引流" ], "763841006": [ "Radionuclide imaging of whole body using metaiodobenzylguanidine (131-I)", "Radionuclide imaging of whole body using iobenguane (131-I)", "使用碘苯胍(131-I)进行全身放射性核素显像", "使用碘苄胍(131-I)进行全身放射性核素显像" ], "239553008": [ "Biopsy of vertebra", "脊椎活检" ], "172182006": [ "Open reduction of fracture of orbit and internal fixation", "眼眶骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "450710009": [ "Open repair of extraarticular ligament", "关节外韧带开放性修复术" ], "104811002": [ "Methionine measurement", "Methionine level", "蛋氨酸测量", "蛋氨酸水平" ], "711019003": [ "Microvascular anastomosis of lymphatic vessel to venous structure", "Microvascular lymphaticovenous anastomosis", "显微血管淋巴静脉吻合术", "淋巴管与静脉结构的显微血管吻合术" ], "416107004": [ "Cervical cytology test", "Cytologic examination of cervix", "宫颈细胞学检查" ], "252267005": [ "Urine acidification test", "Acid loading test", "Renal tubular acidification study", "肾小管酸化研究", "酸负荷试验", "尿液酸化试验" ], "86592001": [ "Mass spectrometry, plasma desorption type", "质谱法,等离子体解吸型" ], "51989001": [ "Transposition of bladder tissue", "Transposition of urinary bladder tissue", "Transposition of tissue of urinary bladder", "膀胱组织转位", "膀胱组织移位术", "膀胱组织移位" ], "133909001": [ "Maintenance of device", "设备维护" ], "183061003": [ "Low fat diet education", "低脂饮食教育" ], "314133005": [ "Resuturing of trabeculectomy", "小梁切除术再缝合" ], "1264405005": [ "Insertion of indirect restoration onto tooth", "将间接修复体插入牙齿" ], "1297173006": [ "Insertion of dental bridge with porcelain fused to noble metal pontic onto tooth", "将瓷牙与贵金属桥体融合,植入牙齿上" ], "2837008": [ "Transposition of ulnar nerve at elbow", "肘部尺神经移位" ], "363285009": [ "Removal of soft tissue", "去除软组织" ], "392383000": [ "Rt205 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sambucus nigra specific IgE antibody measurement", "Elder specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sambucus nigra specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rt205 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "老年人特异性IgE抗体检测", "接骨木特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "接骨木特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "359615001": [ "Partial lobectomy of lung", "肺部分叶切除术" ], "179391004": [ "Arthroscopic removal of loose body from knee joint", "关节镜下取出膝关节游离体" ], "228543006": [ "Sensory re-education", "Sensory retraining", "感官再教育", "感觉再训练" ], "1258900003": [ "Evaluation of eligibility for financial assistance program", "Evaluation of eligibility for financial assistance programme", "评估经济援助计划的资格", "评估财务援助计划的资格" ], "439700004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of cerebral venous sinus using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of cerebral venous sinus with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮脑静脉窦腔内血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下经皮脑静脉窦腔内成形术" ], "243092004": [ "Orthodontic appliance care education", "正畸器具护理教育" ], "30100003": [ "Anesthesia for procedures on eye", "Anaesthesia for procedures on eye", "眼科手术麻醉" ], "406932008": [ "Spore stain method", "Spore stain", "孢子染色", "孢子染色法" ], "388713000": [ "f338 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pecten spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "Scallop specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pecten spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "扇贝属特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "扇贝特异性IgE抗体测定", "扇贝属特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "f338 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "62868009": [ "Mobilizing exercises", "Mobilization physiotherapy", "Mobilising exercises", "Mobilisation physiotherapy", "动员物理治疗", "动员练习" ], "274025005": [ "Colonic polypectomy", "结肠息肉切除术" ], "241257006": [ "Percutaneous perfemoral pelvic venogram", "Percutaneous perfemoral angiography of pelvic vein", "Percutaneous perfemoral venography of pelvic vein", "经皮股静脉盆腔静脉造影", "经皮股动脉盆腔静脉造影", "经皮股动脉周围盆腔静脉造影" ], "1255230004": [ "Mammary ductoscopy and biopsy", "Endoscopy and biopsy of mammary duct using microendoscope", "乳腺导管镜检查和活检", "使用显微内窥镜进行乳腺导管内窥镜检查和活检" ], "10046006": [ "Cystoureterolithotomy", "膀胱输尿管切开取石术" ], "1220627000": [ "Biopsy of pelvis using ultrasound guidance", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of pelvis", "Biopsy of pelvis using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下盆腔活检", "超声引导下进行盆腔活检", "使用超声引导进行骨盆活检" ], "239422009": [ "Arthrodesis of first tarsometatarsal joint", "第一跗跖关节融合术" ], "75582008": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of hip", "Open reduction of coxofemoral joint dislocation", "髋股关节脱位切开复位术", "髋关节脱位切开复位术" ], "57363000": [ "Transplantation of aberrant renal vein", "Transection of aberrant renal vein with reimplantation", "迷走肾静脉移植", "迷走肾静脉切断再植术" ], "21471000087100": [ "MRI of calf of right lower leg with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of calf of right lower leg with contrast", "右小腿小腿增强 MRI 检查", "右小腿小腿增强磁共振成像" ], "991000087101": [ "Ultrasonography of calf of left lower leg", "Ultrasound of calf of left lower leg", "Ultrasound scan of calf of left lower leg", "左小腿超声检查", "左小腿小腿超声检查", "左小腿小腿超声波扫描" ], "6111000087102": [ "MRI of fibula", "Magnetic resonance imaging of fibula", "腓骨磁共振成像", "腓骨 MRI" ], "450579003": [ "Removal of foreign body from skin of head", "去除头部皮肤异物" ], "3551000087104": [ "Plain X-ray of right femur", "右股骨普通 X 光检查" ], "90131007": [ "Arthrocentesis", "Tap of joint", "Aspiration of joint", "关节抽吸", "接头处轻敲", "关节穿刺术" ], "2271000087104": [ "MRI of left foot", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left foot", "左脚磁共振成像", "左脚 MRI" ], "284904002": [ "Removal of foreign body from vulva by incision", "切开法取出外阴异物" ], "11231000087108": [ "Bilateral central neck dissection", "Dissection of lymph nodes of both sides of central compartment of neck", "Dissection of lymph nodes of bilateral sides of central compartment of neck", "颈中央区双侧淋巴结清扫", "颈部中央区两侧淋巴结清扫", "双侧中央颈清扫术" ], "1251560004": [ "Reconstruction of breast using local fasciocutaneous flap", "Breast reconstruction using local fasciocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction of breast with local fasciocutaneous flap", "局部筋膜皮瓣乳房重建", "局部筋膜皮瓣乳房再造术", "使用局部筋膜皮瓣进行乳房重建" ], "104680005": [ "gamma-Glutamylcysteine synthetase measurement", "γ-谷氨酰半胱氨酸合成酶测量" ], "12511000087107": [ "CT arthrography of left lower extremity", "Computed tomography arthrography of left lower extremity", "Computed tomography arthrography of left lower limb", "CT arthrogram of left lower extremity", "CT arthrography of left lower limb", "左下肢C​​T关节造影", "左下肢计算机断层关节造影" ], "4831000087107": [ "CT of left elbow with contrast", "Computed tomography of left elbow with contrast", "左肘部增强计算机断层扫描", "左肘部增强 CT" ], "22760005": [ "Xeroradiography", "Xerography", "干射线照相术", "静电复印" ], "397757002": [ "Human leukocyte antigen phenotyping", "HLA (Human leukocyte antigen) antigen phenotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen phenotyping", "HLA (Human leucocyte antigen) antigen phenotyping", "人类白细胞抗原表型", "HLA(人类白细胞抗原)抗原表型" ], "168381002": [ "Helicobacter blood test", "幽门螺杆菌血液检测" ], "68242000": [ "Injection of sympathetic ciliary ganglion", "交感睫状神经节注射" ], "281234001": [ "Soldering of orthodontic metal work", "牙齿矫正金属件的焊接" ], "1231506002": [ "Laser assisted uvulopalatoplasty", "LAUP - laser assisted uvulopalatoplasty", "Reconstruction of uvula and soft palate using laser", "激光辅助腭裂成形术", "激光重建腭垂和软腭", "LAUP-- 激光辅助腭裂成形术" ], "608914009": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from pancreas", "胰腺标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "836455008": [ "Drainage of seroma of left breast with seroma catheter using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided drainage of seroma of left breast using seroma catheter", "超声引导下用血清导管引流左乳腺血清肿", "超声引导下用血清肿导管引流左乳房血清肿" ], "33639009": [ "Segmental lobectomy with concomitant decortication", "肺叶分段切除术及同期肺叶剥脱术" ], "392252001": [ "Suture of cervix", "Suture of laceration of cervix", "Trachelorrhaphy", "宫颈裂伤缝合", "宫颈缝合", "静脉缝合术" ], "15420002": [ "Reline of lower partial denture at laboratory", "在实验室对下部局部义齿进行重衬" ], "719932008": [ "Assessment using Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly", "Assessment using HHIE (Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly)", "使用 HHIE(老年人听力障碍量表)进行评估", "使用老年人听力障碍量表进行评估" ], "767249001": [ "Lymphangiography of right half of pelvis", "右半盆腔淋巴管造影" ], "79121003": [ "Biopsy of stomach", "Gastric biopsy", "胃活检" ], "439569004": [ "Resuscitation", "复苏" ], "406801008": [ "Azo black stain method", "Azo black stain", "偶氮黑色染料", "偶氮黑染色法" ], "306662001": [ "Discharge from colorectal surgery service", "结直肠手术出院" ], "388582003": [ "Citrus limon specific IgE antibody measurement", "f208 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lemon specific IgE antibody measurement", "Citrus limon specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "柠檬特异性IgE抗体测定", "f208特异性IgE抗体测量", "柠檬特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "柠檬特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "108219001": [ "Physician visit with evaluation AND/OR management service", "医生访问评估和/或管理服务" ], "9915003": [ "Clotting factor X assay", "Factor X assay", "Stuart-Prower factor assay", "Stuart factor assay", "Stuart-Propower 因子分析", "因子 X 检测", "凝血因子 X 检测", "斯图尔特因子分析" ], "386747007": [ "Maintenance of implant", "种植体的维护" ], "239291009": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of neck of femur and open fixation using Holt nail", "股骨颈骨折一期切开复位及Holt钉切开固定" ], "401296001": [ "Percentage reticulated platelet count", "网织血小板计数百分比" ], "24464004": [ "Operative procedure on femur", "股骨手术过程" ], "268389004": [ "Bowel assessment", "肠道评估" ], "104549005": [ "beta-Melanocyte stimulating hormone measurement", "β-促黑素细胞激素测量" ], "415845007": [ "Whole blood manganese measurement", "全血锰测量" ], "448613008": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of nerve root of thoracic spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下胸椎神经根射频消融术" ], "20794002": [ "Insertion of gastric balloon", "Insertion of balloon into stomach", "Insertion of gastric bubble", "将气球插入胃部", "胃泡插入", "胃内水球置入" ], "708922003": [ "Open reduction of epiphyseal fracture of tibia", "胫骨骨骺骨折切开复位术" ], "397626005": [ "Calculus carbonate content measurement", "Calculus carbonate content", "碳酸盐结石含量", "碳酸盐结石含量测定" ], "608783000": [ "Open reduction of fracture of carpal bone with internal fixation", "腕骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "444943000": [ "Assistance with washing hair", "协助洗头" ], "117263002": [ "Ganglioside antibody assay", "Measurement of ganglioside antibody", "神经节苷脂抗体测定", "神经节苷脂抗体检测" ], "1231375003": [ "Moving subject from lying to edge of bed sitting", "Moving subject to sitting on edge of bed from lying down", "将受试者从躺着的位置移到床边坐着的位置", "从躺着移动到坐在床边" ], "68111003": [ "Cardioschisis", "心脏裂孔" ], "313871009": [ "Plasma free beta human chorionic gonadotrophin level", "Plasma free beta human chorionic gonadotrophin measurement", "Plasma free beta human chorionic gonadotropin level", "Plasma free beta human chorionic gonadotropin measurement", "血浆游离β人绒毛膜促性腺激素测定", "血浆游离β人绒毛膜促性腺激素水平" ], "723471009": [ "Education about management of symptoms of condition within activity", "关于活动期间病情症状管理的教育" ], "361188005": [ "Aspiration of intracranial space through previously implanted catheter or reservoir, Ommaya or Rickham", "通过先前植入的导管或储液器、Ommaya 或 Rickham 抽吸颅内空间" ], "410340009": [ "Homemaking case management", "Housekeeping case management", "家政案例管理", "家政案件管理" ], "1293241007": [ "Prosthetic arthroplasty of joint not using cement", "Uncemented prosthetic arthroplasty of joint", "非骨水泥假体关节置换术", "不使用骨水泥的关节假体置换术" ], "719801008": [ "Assessment using SCAN-3C Test for Auditory Processing Disorders in Children", "使用 SCAN-3C 测试评估儿童听觉处理障碍" ], "439438001": [ "Reconstruction of volar plate of interphalangeal joint of finger", "手指指间关节掌侧板重建术" ], "372067001": [ "Implementation of measures to provide psychological support", "Implements measures to provide psychological support", "采取措施提供心理支持", "落实心理援助措施" ], "240995003": [ "Release of burns contracture", "烧伤挛缩的解除" ], "44387004": [ "Decompression chamber therapy", "Control of atmospheric pressure and composition in decompression chamber procedure", "Hyperbaric chamber therapy", "Recompression therapy", "减压舱程序中气压和成分的控制", "加压治疗", "高压氧舱治疗", "减压舱治疗" ], "306531005": [ "Discharge by drama therapist", "戏剧治疗师出院" ], "28003005": [ "Repair of symblepharon with free graft of buccal mucous membrane", "颊黏膜游离移植修复睑球粘连" ], "175459008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of subclavian artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of subclavian artery", "经皮锁骨下动脉腔内栓塞术" ], "1287736002": [ "Operation on iliac artery", "髂动脉手术" ], "304696006": [ "Vaginal plethysmography", "阴道体积描记法" ], "7949000": [ "Arthrotomy of glenohumeral joint for infection with exploration", "盂肱关节切开术治疗感染并进行探查" ], "401165003": [ "GP out of hours service administration", "General practitioner (GP) out of hours service administration", "General practitioner out of hours service administration", "全科医生(GP)非工作时间服务管理", "全科医生非工作时间服务管理" ], "440631000124108": [ "Management of soy protein intake", "大豆蛋白摄入量的管理" ], "171789006": [ "Therapeutic sacral epidural injection", "骶管硬膜外注射治疗" ], "1269517007": [ "Child 1 month examination", "孩子1个月检查" ], "235490001": [ "Suturing of pancreatic duct", "胰管缝合" ], "104418003": [ "Immunoassay, semi-quantitative, multiple step method", "免疫测定,半定量,多步骤方法" ], "38882005": [ "Reconstruction of penis with graft", "阴茎移植重建" ], "430263007": [ "Arthroscopic shoulder decompression", "关节镜肩关节减压术" ], "182668004": [ "Ultraviolet lesion destruction", "紫外线损伤破坏" ], "313740007": [ "Serum leucine measurement", "Serum leucine level", "血清亮氨酸水平", "血清亮氨酸测量" ], "444812008": [ "Repair of aortic valve using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下修复主动脉瓣" ], "35212009": [ "Excision of nipple lesion", "乳头病变切除" ], "410209004": [ "Ventilator care education", "Teach ventilator care", "呼吸机护理教育", "教授呼吸机护理" ], "16993007": [ "Routine shampoo of hair", "日常洗发" ], "180833009": [ "Harvest of bone graft from iliac crest", "Harvesting of bone graft from iliac crest", "从髂嵴获取骨移植" ], "31542002": [ "Carbon dioxide content measurement", "CO>2< content measurement", "二氧化碳含量测量", "CO>2<含量测量" ], "391990004": [ "Osteotomy of femur", "Incision of bone of femur", "股骨切开术", "股骨截骨术" ], "719670005": [ "Sex reassignment surgery", "Operation for sexual transformation", "Gender reassignment surgery", "Sex change operation", "Gender affirmation surgery", "Gender confirmation surgery", "Gender affirming surgery", "性别确认手术", "性变性手术", "变性手术" ], "80694004": [ "Repair of larynx", "Laryngoplasty", "喉成形术", "喉修复" ], "439307003": [ "Diagnostic analysis of cochlear implant with programming", "人工耳蜗的诊断分析及编程" ], "406539006": [ "Education needs assessment", "教育需求评估" ], "27872000": [ "Specimen freezing", "标本冷冻" ], "91573000": [ "Tympanometry testing", "Tympanometry", "鼓室压力测试" ], "386485006": [ "Unilateral neglect care", "Unilateral neglect management", "单方面忽视管理", "单侧忽视护理" ], "56970000": [ "Central shunt with prosthetic graft", "带人工血管的中央分流术" ], "171658000": [ "Decompression of acoustic nerve (VIII)", "听神经减压术(VIII)" ], "107957009": [ "Operative procedure on digestive organ", "消化器官手术" ], "73354002": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of brachial artery by arm incision", "经臂部切口肱动脉导管取栓术" ], "401034005": [ "Urine morphine metabolite level", "尿液吗啡代谢物水平" ], "7818006": [ "Complete dermabrasion", "全面磨皮" ], "1269386007": [ "Bonding of orthodontic bracket to enamel of tooth", "Fixation of orthodontic bracket to enamel of tooth using bonding agent", "牙齿矫正托槽与牙釉质的粘接", "使用粘合剂将正畸托槽固定到牙釉质上" ], "1202015000": [ "Reconstruction of skin of anterior abdominal wall using distant skin flap", "Reconstruction of skin of anterior abdominal wall with distant skin flap", "利用远端皮瓣重建腹前壁皮肤", "远端皮瓣重建腹前壁皮肤" ], "448351001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of perineum", "MRI of perineum", "会阴磁共振成像", "会阴 MRI" ], "433802006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of transplanted renal artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of transplanted renal artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "植入支架进行移植肾动脉荧光血管造影", "植入支架进行移植肾动脉荧光造影" ], "235359002": [ "Perianal region operations", "肛周手术" ], "104287003": [ "Legionella antibody assay", "Serologic test for Legionella", "Measurement of Legionella species antibody", "军团菌抗体的测量", "军团菌抗体检测", "军团菌血清学检测" ], "5983006": [ "Repair of spermatic cord", "Suture of spermatic cord", "Repair of spermatic cord laceration", "精索修复", "精索缝合", "精索撕裂的修复" ], "233524004": [ "Peripheral venous cannula insertion - dorsum of foot", "Insertion of peripheral venous cannula into dorsal vein of foot", "外周静脉插管 - 足背", "将外周静脉插管插入足背静脉" ], "118836008": [ "Procedure on cecum", "Procedure on caecum", "盲肠手术", "盲人程序" ], "231689005": [ "Superior oblique Faden", "斜上方法登" ], "428297005": [ "Excision of cyst", "囊肿切除" ], "444681008": [ "Bathing perineal area", "沐浴会阴部" ], "311774002": [ "Colonoscopic polypectomy", "结肠镜息肉切除术" ], "410078004": [ "Sleep pattern control assessment", "Assess sleep enhancement", "Assess sleep pattern control", "睡眠模式控制评估", "评估睡眠模式控制", "评估睡眠改善效果" ], "408243000": [ "Urinary pneumococcal antigen test", "尿肺炎球菌抗原检测" ], "1292979002": [ "Repair of congenital hernia of diaphragm", "Repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia", "先天性膈疝修补术" ], "703155005": [ "Referral to maternity service", "转介至产科服务" ], "16290681000119103": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only acellular Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and inactivated whole Human poliovirus antigens", "Diphtheria and acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccination", "Diphtheria and acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunisation", "Administration of diphtheria and acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus vaccine", "Diphtheria and acellular pertussis and inactivated poliomyelitis and tetanus immunization", "白喉、无细胞百日咳、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫", "接种仅含有无细胞百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌和灭活全人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "白喉、无细胞百日咳、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "接种白喉、无细胞百日咳、灭活脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗" ], "178867008": [ "Transfer of extensor hallucis longus tendon to head of first metatarsal and fusion of interphalangeal joints", "拇长伸肌腱移位至第一跖骨头及指间关节融合术" ], "16554361000119106": [ "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography of brain", "PET CT of brain", "脑正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描", "脑部 PET-CT" ], "177032006": [ "Oophorotomy and drainage of abscess", "卵巢切开术及脓肿引流" ], "306269001": [ "Referral to general pathologist", "转诊至普通病理学家" ], "765021002": [ "Vegetarian diet", "素食" ], "304434003": [ "Ultrasound treatment to back", "背部超声波治疗" ], "1254706008": [ "Referral to language interpretation service", "转介语言翻译服务" ], "288050008": [ "Bone division and muscle transfer", "骨骼分裂和肌肉移植" ], "714034008": [ "Education about soya-based infant formula", "Education about soy-based infant formula", "关于大豆婴儿配方奶粉的教育" ], "73223003": [ "Electrocoagulation", "电凝" ], "204295003": [ "Primary percutaneous repair of ruptured Achilles tendon with graft", "一期经皮移植修复跟腱断裂" ], "269831005": [ "Infectious mononucleosis test", "传染性单核细胞增多症检查" ], "40455006": [ "Endarterectomy of lower limb artery", "Intimectomy of lower limb", "下肢动脉内膜切除术", "下肢内镜切除术" ], "417287002": [ "Cardiovascular disease interim monitoring", "心血管疾病中期监测" ], "122375004": [ "Listeria monocytogenes rRNA assay", "Listeria monocytogenes ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "单核细胞增生李斯特菌 rRNA 检测", "单核细胞增生李斯特菌核糖体核糖核酸测定" ], "89607007": [ "Exploration of intracranial vein", "颅内静脉探查" ], "235228002": [ "Balloon dilatation of pyloric stricture", "Pneumatic dilatation of pyloric stricture", "Balloon dilation of pyloric stricture", "幽门狭窄充气扩张术", "幽门狭窄球囊扩张术" ], "284380001": [ "Examination of little finger", "小指检查" ], "431836005": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for dilatation of bile duct", "Dilatation of bile duct using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopic guidance for dilation of bile duct", "Dilation of bile duct using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下胆管扩张术", "荧光透视引导下胆管扩张术" ], "104156007": [ "Zeta sedimentation ratio", "泽塔沉降比" ], "233393001": [ "Ligation of internal iliac artery", "髂内动脉结扎" ], "118705005": [ "Procedure on elbow", "肘部手术" ], "313478005": [ "Promyelocyte percent differential count", "Percentage promyelocyte count", "早幼粒细胞计数百分比", "早幼粒细胞百分分化计数" ], "870534008": [ "Administration of human anti-D immunoglobulin", "Administration of human anti-D (rh) immunoglobulin", "Administration of human rho(D) immunoglobulin", "注射人类rho(D)免疫球蛋白", "施用人抗D免疫球蛋白", "施用人抗 D(rh)免疫球蛋白" ], "16731002": [ "Shortening of tendon", "肌腱缩短" ], "178736000": [ "Primary open reduction spinal fracture and internal fixation with wire", "一期脊柱骨折切开复位钢丝内固定" ], "311643008": [ "Repetition of phoneme", "音素重复" ], "260656006": [ "Cervical collar incision", "颈托切开术" ], "176901003": [ "Excision of both adnexa of uterus", "Excision of bilateral adnexa of uterus", "双侧子宫附件切除术", "子宫两侧附件切除" ], "62213004": [ "Combined alcohol and drug rehabilitation", "酒精和药物综合康复" ], "275205007": [ "Single leaflet tricuspid valve replacement", "单叶三尖瓣置换术" ], "175066001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of bypass graft of coronary artery", "经皮腔内球囊成形术冠状动脉旁路移植术" ], "306138007": [ "Referral to psychogeriatric service", "Referral to elderly mentally ill service", "Referral to old age psychiatry service", "转介至长者精神病服务", "转介至老年精神科服务" ], "713903002": [ "Total omentectomy", "Supracolic omentectomy", "全网膜切除术", "结肠上大网膜切除术" ], "386223004": [ "Bowel incontinence care", "大便失禁护理" ], "1156271004": [ "Closure of oroantral communication", "口上颌窦交通关闭" ], "287919006": [ "Hand plastic operation with graft", "手部整形手术及移植" ], "58543006": [ "Plasminogen activator inhibitor assay", "PAI assay", "PAI 检测", "纤溶酶原激活剂抑制剂检测" ], "271535005": [ "Serum cortisol level", "Serum cortisol measurement", "血清皮质醇水平", "血清皮质醇测量" ], "25775009": [ "Gastric fluid analysis, free and total acid measurement", "胃液分析、游离酸和总酸测量" ], "7556002": [ "Ligation of ureter", "输尿管结扎" ], "449924003": [ "Destructive procedure on lower leg", "小腿破坏性手术" ], "122244006": [ "Streptococcus pneumoniae 7 antibody assay", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serogroup 7 antibody", "肺炎链球菌 7 抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌7群抗体测定" ], "236932009": [ "Multiple puncturing of ovarian capsule", "Drilling of ovary", "Multicauterisation of ovary", "Multicauterization of ovary", "卵巢钻孔", "卵巢多发烧灼", "卵巢囊多次穿刺" ], "5721002": [ "Repair of eyebrow", "眉毛修复" ], "104025002": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Xg system (ISBT 012)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Xg system (ISBT 012)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Xg system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 012)", "血型、Xg 系统的红细胞抗原 (ISBT 012)", "从 Xg 系统中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 012)", "从 Xg 系统 (ISBT 012) 中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体" ], "71257004": [ "Skin pedicle graft preparation", "Cutting and preparation of pedicle grafts", "Skin pedicle graft design and raising", "Raising of pedicle graft", "Formation of neurovascular pedicle graft", "神经血管蒂移植物的形成", "切割和准备蒂移植物", "蒂移植物抬高", "皮肤蒂移植准备", "皮肤蒂移植设计及培养" ], "431705007": [ "Sialodochoplasty using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下进行涎管成形术" ], "233262000": [ "Angioplasty of brachial artery", "Balloon angioplasty of brachial artery", "肱动脉血管成形术", "肱动脉球囊成形术" ], "20270001": [ "Immunodiffusion, quantitative", "免疫扩散,定量" ], "315182002": [ "Psittacosis LGV antibody level", "Psittacosis lymphogranuloma venereum antibody level", "鹦鹉热性病淋巴肉芽肿抗体水平", "鹦鹉热 LGV 抗体水平" ], "429870001": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of sacroiliac joint with contrast", "骶髂关节荧光造影" ], "69422002": [ "Trial forceps delivery", "试产钳分娩" ], "231427001": [ "Cryotherapy to coeliac plexus", "Cryotherapy to celiac plexus", "腹腔神经丛冷冻治疗" ], "772099002": [ "Repair of incisional hernia of abdominal wall", "腹壁切口疝修补术" ], "67587002": [ "Anesthesia for intraperitoneal procedure in lower abdomen", "Anaesthesia for intraperitoneal procedure in lower abdomen", "下腹部腹腔内手术的麻醉" ], "165891004": [ "Serum anti-cardiolipin measurement", "Serum anti-cardiolipin level", "血清抗心磷脂测定", "血清抗心磷脂水平" ], "1280003005": [ "Pulmonary arterial hypertension management programme", "Pulmonary arterial hypertension management program", "肺动脉高压管理计划" ], "428035006": [ "Measurement of pipecolic acid", "哌可酸的测定" ], "51203007": [ "Simple excision of cystic hygroma", "囊性水瘤单纯切除术" ], "2051007": [ "Red cell iron utilization study", "Radioiron red cell utilization", "Red cell iron utilisation study", "Radioiron red cell utilisation", "红细胞铁利用率研究", "红细胞铁利用研究", "放射性铁红细胞利用率" ], "1263619009": [ "Delayed repair of tendon", "肌腱修复延迟" ], "278744004": [ "Symmetrical flap incision", "对称皮瓣切口" ], "229592007": [ "Kromayer treatment", "Kromayer 治疗" ], "719277001": [ "Repair of sciatic hernia using surgical mesh", "Sciatic hernioplasty", "使用外科网片修复坐骨疝", "坐骨疝修补术" ], "1259949002": [ "Open flap debridement of surface of oral implant", "OFD (open flap debridement) of surface of oral implant", "Elevation of gingival flap and open debridement of surface of oral implant", "口腔种植体表面开放皮瓣清创术", "口腔种植体表面的 OFD(开放皮瓣清创术)", "龈瓣抬高及口腔种植体表面开放清创" ], "14765003": [ "Transgeneic procedure", "Genetic engineering procedure", "基因工程程序", "转基因程序" ], "31149002": [ "Fluorescence polarization immunoassay, heterogenous", "Fluorescence polarisation immunoassay, heterogenous", "荧光偏振免疫分析,异质" ], "63917003": [ "Cardiolipin antigen preparation", "心磷脂抗原制备" ], "113069007": [ "Atomic absorption, Delves cup type", "原子吸收,德尔夫斯杯型" ], "275074004": [ "Renewal of prosthetic collar around female bladder neck", "Replacement of prosthetic collar around female urinary bladder neck", "女性膀胱颈假体环的更新", "女性膀胱颈假体颈圈更换术" ], "242306008": [ "Bunnell operation for tendon of hand transfer", "Bunnell 手术进行手部肌腱移植" ], "62082008": [ "Removal of calculus of lacrimal passage by incision", "切开取石术" ], "174935002": [ "Allograft tricuspid valve replacement", "Homograft tricuspid valve replacement", "同种异体三尖瓣置换术" ], "11095004": [ "Packing of posterior nose", "Packing of nasopharynx", "Packing of postnasal space", "Insertion of postnasal pack", "Packing of posterior nasal cavity", "鼻后间隙填塞", "后鼻腔填塞", "插入鼻后填塞物", "鼻后部填塞", "鼻咽填塞" ], "781143007": [ "Assessment using APACHE III (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation III)", "Assessment using Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation III", "Assessment using Acute Physiology, Age, Chronic Health Evaluation III", "使用急性生理和慢性健康评估 III 进行评估", "使用急性生理、年龄、慢性健康评估 III 进行评估", "使用 APACHE III(急性生理与慢性健康评估 III)进行评估" ], "306007009": [ "Referral by ENT surgeon", "Referral from ENT surgeon", "Referral by ear, nose and throat surgeon", "耳鼻喉外科医生转诊", "耳鼻喉科医生转诊" ], "271404001": [ "Child examination: development", "儿童检查:发育" ], "287788001": [ "Bowel stoma closure", "肠造口闭合" ], "1303596002": [ "Arthroscopy of left knee joint", "Left knee arthroscopy", "左膝关节镜检查" ], "174191000112100": [ "Excision of knee cyst", "Excision of cyst of knee", "膝关节囊肿切除术" ], "9260006": [ "Insertion of valved tube into larynx", "Insertion of artificial pharyngeal valve", "将带阀管插入喉部", "人工咽瓣插入术" ], "1172524007": [ "POSE-2 - primary obesity surgery endoluminal 2", "Primary obesity surgery endoluminal 2", "Modified primary obesity surgery endoluminal", "POSE-2 - 原发性肥胖症手术腔内 2", "原发性肥胖手术腔内 2", "改良原发性肥胖腔内手术" ], "173100009": [ "Strayer procedure", "Strayer 手术" ], "302337005": [ "Injection of destructive substance into pituitary gland", "向脑垂体注射破坏性物质" ], "56577007": [ "Mandibular coronoidectomy", "Coronoidectomy", "下颌冠突切除术", "冠突切除术" ], "169430000": [ "Electrotherapy", "电疗" ], "103894003": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from P system (ISBT 003)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from P system (ISBT 003)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from P system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 003)", "血型,P 系统红细胞抗原 (ISBT 003)", "血型,P 系统红细胞抗原(ISBT 003)", "血型、P 系统红细胞抗原(国际输血协会 003)" ], "447958003": [ "Creation of anastomosis from right subclavian artery to right pulmonary artery", "建立右锁骨下动脉至右肺动脉吻合口" ], "52907004": [ "Repair of vein with patch graft of tissue", "Grafting of vein with tissue patch", "组织补片静脉移植", "用组织补片移植修复静脉" ], "233131009": [ "Repair of double outlet left ventricle with intraventricular right ventricle to pulmonary trunk tunnel", "左心室双出口合并右心室内肺动脉干隧道修复术" ], "395136002": [ "Total mesorectal excision", "全直肠系膜切除术" ], "231296002": [ "Intradermal infiltration of steroid", "类固醇皮内浸润" ], "1263488001": [ "Colonoscopic decompression of large intestine", "结肠镜大肠减压术" ], "83840007": [ "Esophagotomy by cervical approach", "Oesophagotomy by cervical approach", "经颈部入路食管切开术" ], "18304007": [ "Yeast identification, germ tube test", "酵母鉴定、芽管试验" ], "229461007": [ "Manipulation of the superior tibiofibular joint", "Manipulation of the superior tibiofibular joint - non-surgical", "上胫腓关节的操作", "上胫腓关节手术——非手术" ], "737365009": [ "Counselling about sexual attitude", "Counseling about sexual attitude", "性态度咨询" ], "12799001": [ "Physiotherapy class activities", "物理治疗课堂活动" ], "274943006": [ "Examination of female genital tract under anesthetic", "Examination of female genital tract under anaesthetic", "Gynae EUA - Gynaecological examination under anaesthetic", "EUA - Examination of female genital tract under anaesthetic", "Gynaecological examination under anaesthetic", "EUA - Examination of female genital tract under anesthetic", "Gyne EUA - Gynecological examination under anesthetic", "Gynecological examination under anesthetic", "Gynae EUA - 麻醉下妇科检查", "麻醉下妇科检查", "EUA - 麻醉下女性生殖道检查", "麻醉下女性生殖道检查", "Gyne EUA - 麻醉下妇科检查", "EUA - 麻醉下检查女性生殖道" ], "60116007": [ "Complement fixation titration", "补体结合滴定" ], "385961000": [ "Bladder care", "Bladder care treatments and procedures", "Urinary bladder care", "膀胱护理治疗和程序", "膀胱护理" ], "91049002": [ "Heparin-protamine titration assay", "Heparin-protamine neutralisation", "Heparin-protamine neutralization", "肝素-鱼精蛋白滴定试验", "肝素-鱼精蛋白中和" ], "449662003": [ "Closure of lower limb", "下肢闭合" ], "171134003": [ "Diphtheria screening", "白喉筛查" ], "121982006": [ "Cryptosporidium species detection", "隐孢子虫种群检测" ], "120147004": [ "Thorax excision", "胸腔切除术" ], "234835005": [ "Insertion of complete orthodontic appliance", "插入完整牙齿矫正器" ], "103763006": [ "Specimen volume measurement for timed urine collection", "定时尿液采集的样本体积测量" ], "445992001": [ "Assessment using international index of erectile function", "使用国际勃起功能指数进行评估" ], "233000004": [ "Operation on systemic venous pathway", "全身静脉通路手术" ], "429608005": [ "Reshaping of cranium", "颅骨重塑" ], "313085000": [ "Relationship counselling", "Relationship counseling", "关系咨询" ], "444157002": [ "Detection of BCR-ABL t(9;22) translocation", "Detection of BCR-ABL translocation", "检测 BCR-ABL 易位", "检测 BCR-ABL t(9;22) 易位" ], "231165004": [ "Hip block by extracapsular approach", "Local anaesthetic hip block by extracapsular approach", "Local anesthetic hip block by extracapsular approach", "经关节囊外入路进行局部麻醉髋关节阻滞", "髋关节囊外入路阻滞" ], "395005007": [ "Medicine labelling amended", "Medicine labeling amended", "药品标签修订" ], "229330002": [ "Mobilization of the upper limb", "Mobilisation of the upper limb", "上肢活动" ], "407719000": [ "Serum thyroglobulin recovery level", "血清甲状腺球蛋白恢复水平" ], "180178009": [ "Continuous subcutaneous infusion of insulin", "持续皮下输注胰岛素" ], "1144999005": [ "Decreased vitamin B12 and/or vitamin B12 derivative diet", "减少维生素 B12 和/或维生素 B12 衍生物饮食" ], "735399006": [ "Open biopsy of nasal sinus", "鼻窦开放活检" ], "702631007": [ "Insertion of manometer catheter into pyloric antrum and duodenum using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of antroduodenal manometry catheter", "在荧光透视引导下将压力计导管插入幽门窦和十二指肠", "透视引导下插入十二指肠胃窦测压导管" ], "80039008": [ "Repair of wound of abdominal wall", "腹壁伤口修复" ], "129191009": [ "Procedure on bone of lower extremity", "下肢骨手术" ], "438652003": [ "Embolisation of arteriovenous malformation using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Embolization of arteriovenous malformation using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolization of arteriovenous malformation with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolisation of arteriovenous malformation with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导下栓塞动静脉畸形", "荧光透视引导下动静脉畸形造影栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下动静脉畸形栓塞术" ], "27217005": [ "Patient referral for evaluation, aging problem", "Patient referral for evaluation, ageing problem", "患者转诊评估,老化问题", "患者转诊评估,老龄化问题" ], "59985005": [ "Bone marrow staining and interpretation", "骨髓染色及解释" ], "385830008": [ "Specimen care", "Specimen management", "Specimen treatments", "标本处理", "标本护理", "标本管理" ], "252923002": [ "Polaroid photograph test for penile angulation", "宝丽来照片测试阴茎角度" ], "171003004": [ "Counselling of employer", "Counseling of employer", "雇主咨询", "雇主辅导" ], "121851006": [ "Pyridinoline measurement", "吡啶啉测量" ], "56315007": [ "Anesthesia for vaginal hysterectomy", "Anaesthesia for vaginal hysterectomy", "阴道子宫切除术的麻醉" ], "431312000": [ "Cementoplasty using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导进行牙骨质成形术" ], "5328005": [ "Shortening of Achilles tendon", "Shortening of heel cord", "跟腱缩短" ], "234704007": [ "Pulpotomy - devitalizing", "Pulpotomy - devitalising", "牙髓切断术 - 失活" ], "445861002": [ "Measurement of norbuprenorphine in urine specimen", "Urine norbuprenorphine measurement", "尿液去甲丁丙诺啡测量", "尿液标本中去甲丁丙诺啡的测定" ], "232869005": [ "Balloon dilatation of implanted pulmonary valve", "Balloon dilation of implanted pulmonary valve", "植入式肺动脉瓣球囊扩张术" ], "165498002": [ "Red blood cell enzyme test", "Red blood cell enzyme observation", "红细胞酶检查", "红细胞酶观察" ], "394874004": [ "Acu-reflexology", "针灸反射疗法" ], "771706005": [ "Laparoscopic repair of umbilical hernia using sutures", "腹腔镜缝合修复脐疝" ], "231034006": [ "Biopsy of spinal nerve ganglion lesion", "脊神经节病变活检" ], "229199005": [ "Circuit training in water", "水中循环训练" ], "180047007": [ "Excision of lesion of amputation stump", "截肢残端病变切除术" ], "14372000": [ "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of the gallbladder and bile duct", "胆囊胆管体外冲击波碎石术" ], "178212003": [ "Removal of prosthesis from tendon", "从肌腱中取出假体" ], "30756005": [ "Amount of trapped gas, box FRC, measurement", "Amount of trapped gas, box functional residual capacity, measurement", "滞留气体量、箱体功能残余容量、测量", "滞留气体量、箱体FRC、测量" ], "243748009": [ "Provision for visual and hearing impairment", "为视觉和听觉障碍者提供" ], "702500009": [ "Computed tomography of humerus with contrast", "CT of humerus with contrast", "肱骨增强 CT", "肱骨增强计算机断层扫描" ], "176377006": [ "Diathermy of urethral caruncle", "Urethral caruncle diathermy", "尿道肉阜透热疗法" ], "438521008": [ "Aspiration of pelvis using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行骨盆抽吸" ], "174542007": [ "Excision of ampulla of Vater and replantation of common bile duct into duodenum", "十二指肠壶腹部切除术及胆总管再植术" ], "238243001": [ "Needle aspiration of lesion of umbilicus", "脐部病变针吸检查" ], "713379006": [ "Education about dehydration", "关于脱水的教育" ], "172707007": [ "Suction clearance of middle ear", "中耳吸气间隙" ], "433016000": [ "Excision of ligament", "韧带切除" ], "385699009": [ "Maintenance of immobiliser", "Maintenance of immobilizer", "Immobiliser care", "Immobilizer care", "防盗器的保养", "防盗器护理", "固定护理" ], "271011008": [ "Urine hydroxyproline level", "Urine hydroxyproline measurement", "尿羟脯氨酸水平", "尿羟脯氨酸测量" ], "449400003": [ "Removal of blood clot from arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘血凝块清除" ], "1186680000": [ "Synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation volume control inflation and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct during expiratory phase", "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation volume control inflation and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct during expiratory phase", "同步间歇指令通气量控制充气和呼气期保证恒定气道压力辅助装置", "同步间歇指令通气容量控制充气和呼气期保证恒定气道压力辅助装置" ], "105336005": [ "Thallium measurement", "铊测量" ], "711544002": [ "In vitro fertilisation with surrogacy", "In vitro fertilization with surrogacy", "体外受精与代孕" ], "252792007": [ "Magnetoencephalography", "MEG - Magnetoencephalography", "MEG-脑磁图", "脑磁图" ], "414797004": [ "N-terminal glucagon level", "N-terminal glucagon measurement", "N 端胰高血糖素水平", "N 端胰高血糖素测量" ], "773410000": [ "Computed tomography of cisterna magna", "CT of cisterna magna", "枕大池 CT", "枕大池计算机断层扫描" ], "169037009": [ "Tomography - chest", "断层扫描 - 胸部" ], "232738003": [ "Ligation of coronary artery", "冠状动脉结扎" ], "118050004": [ "HIV 1 p26 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p26 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 26 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 26 抗体的测量", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p26 抗体检测", "HIV 1 p26 抗体检测" ], "412962005": [ "Urine alloisoleucine measurement", "Urine alloisoleucine level", "尿液异亮氨酸测量", "尿液异亮氨酸水平" ], "265506006": [ "Translocation of branch of renal artery", "肾动脉分支易位" ], "167202006": [ "Xylose tolerance test", "Xylose absorption test", "木糖吸收试验", "木糖耐受性测试" ], "19746008": [ "Spinal ganglionectomy", "脊髓神经节切除术" ], "230903003": [ "Ligation of intracranial vessel", "颅内血管结扎" ], "116215005": [ "Proximal subtotal pancreatectomy", "近端胰腺次全切除术" ], "278220000": [ "Intraoperative EEG using compressed spectral array", "CSA - Intraoperative EEG using compressed spectral array", "Intraoperative electroencephalogram using compressed spectral array", "使用压缩频谱阵列进行术中脑电图", "使用压缩频谱阵列的术中脑电图", "CSA - 使用压缩频谱阵列的术中脑电图" ], "736972005": [ "Allograft bypass of three coronary arteries", "三条冠状动脉的同种异体搭桥手术" ], "16076005": [ "Prescription", "Prescription of", "处方" ], "229068006": [ "Posture correction", "姿势矫正" ], "866209000": [ "Ultrasonography guided arthrocentesis of joint of finger", "Arthrocentesis of joint of finger using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下手指关节穿刺术" ], "440225002": [ "High altitude simulation test with supplemental oxygen titration", "Hypoxia altitude simulation test with supplemental oxygen titration", "高原模拟试验及辅助供氧滴定", "缺氧高原模拟试验及补充氧气滴定" ], "225398001": [ "Neurological assessment", "Assessing neurological status", "Assessing neurological performance", "评估神经系统状况", "神经系统评估", "评估神经功能表现" ], "176246007": [ "Transurethral resection of female bladder neck", "Transurethral excision of female urinary bladder neck", "经尿道女性膀胱颈切除术" ], "420171008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of carotid artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of carotid artery with contrast", "颈动脉造影荧光镜检查", "颈动脉造影荧光血管造影" ], "303648002": [ "Excision of papilloma", "乳头状瘤切除术" ], "105205000": [ "Hydrochlorothiazide measurement", "氢氯噻嗪的测量" ], "252661001": [ "Grassi test", "脂肪测试" ], "236277002": [ "Revision of male epispadias repair", "男性尿道上裂修复术" ], "72437003": [ "Incision and exploration of skin of groin", "腹股沟皮肤切开探查" ], "88821004": [ "Vascular bypass of renal artery", "Bypass of renal artery", "肾动脉血管旁路手术", "肾动脉搭桥术" ], "121589006": [ "Halothane measurement", "卤烷测量" ], "168906000": [ "Retroperitoneal fistulography with contrast", "腹膜后造影瘘管造影" ], "711413009": [ "Allotransplantation of kidney from non-beating heart cadaver", "无心脏跳动尸体同种异体肾脏移植" ], "709578002": [ "MRI of parotid gland with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of parotid gland with contrast", "腮腺增强 MRI 检查", "腮腺磁共振成像对比" ], "119754009": [ "Pleura reconstruction", "胸膜重建" ], "117919001": [ "Nuclear antibody pattern determination", "核抗体模式测定" ], "265375005": [ "Correction of malrotation of duodenum", "十二指肠旋转不良的矫正" ], "363679005": [ "Imaging", "Clinical imaging", "临床影像", "影像" ], "232607007": [ "Tracheal reconstruction with flap", "气管瓣重建" ], "167071008": [ "Plasma fasting lipoprotein measurement", "Plasma fasting lipoprotein level", "血浆空腹脂蛋白水平", "血浆空腹脂蛋白测量" ], "429215007": [ "Respiratory education", "呼吸教育" ], "183455007": [ "Psychiatric emergency hospital admission", "精神病急诊入院" ], "312692004": [ "Mesenteric artery bypass graft", "肠系膜动脉旁路移植术" ], "704073004": [ "Supervision getting out of bed", "监督起床" ], "440094000": [ "Insertion of radioactive implant into interstitial tissue of prostate with transperineal insertion of catheter", "经会阴插入导管将放射性植入物插入前列腺间质组织" ], "1259294000": [ "Restoration of tooth using preformed zirconia dental crown", "Restoration of tooth using prefabricated zirconia dental crown", "使用预制氧化锆牙冠修复牙齿" ], "833310007": [ "Contrast enhanced dual energy spectral mammography", "对比增强双能谱乳腺摄影" ], "225267000": [ "Female perineal area care procedures", "Female perineal care", "女性会阴护理", "女性会阴部护理步骤" ], "274419001": [ "Gastroscopy to remove object", "胃镜检查取出异物" ], "77811003": [ "Exploration of peripheral nerve", "周围神经探查" ], "241651003": [ "MRI arthrography of elbow", "Magnetic resonance imaging arthrography of elbow", "肘关节磁共振成像", "肘关节磁共振成像关节造影" ], "420040002": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast", "对比剂荧光血管造影" ], "305352006": [ "Admission to adult intensive care unit", "Admission to adult ITU", "入住成人重症监护病房", "成人 ITU 入学" ], "698568007": [ "Discussion about postnatal depression", "关于产后抑郁症的讨论" ], "713117007": [ "Monitoring foetal development", "Monitoring fetal development", "监测胎儿发育" ], "172445007": [ "Punch resection of sclera", "巩膜穿刺切除术" ], "252530003": [ "Test of cell-mediated immunity", "CMI - Cell-mediated immunity test", "细胞免疫测试", "CMI - 细胞介导免疫测试" ], "711282006": [ "Skin condition care", "皮肤状况护理" ], "105074008": [ "Atenolol measurement", "阿替洛尔测量" ], "121458009": [ "Benztropine measurement", "苯扎托品测量" ], "119623002": [ "Shoulder incision", "肩部切口" ], "758599003": [ "Referral to domestic abuse agency", "转介至家庭暴力机构" ], "414535006": [ "Intraocular refractive surgery", "眼内屈光手术" ], "447303007": [ "Calculation of degree of stenosis of internal carotid artery using NASCET method", "Calculation of degree of stenosis of internal carotid artery using the diameter of the distal internal carotid artery lumen as denominator", "NASCET法计算颈内动脉狭窄程度", "以颈内动脉远端管腔直径为分母计算颈内动脉狭窄程度" ], "234311008": [ "Operation on cystic hygroma", "囊性水瘤手术" ], "773148001": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using sutures with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic herniorrhaphy with fascial closure for recurrent umbilical hernia", "腹腔镜下筋膜缝合修复复发性脐疝", "腹腔镜筋膜缝合疝修补术治疗复发性脐疝" ], "19484001": [ "Decompressive incision", "减压切开术" ], "609308003": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of specimen from nervous system", "神经系统标本的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "232476005": [ "Removal of nasal septal spur", "去除鼻中隔骨刺" ], "117788006": [ "Coxsackievirus B1 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human coxsackievirus B 1 antibody", "人柯萨奇病毒B1抗体测定", "柯萨奇病毒 B1 抗体检测" ], "52252008": [ "Obstetrical perineal care education", "产科会阴护理教育" ], "722161008": [ "Diabetic retinal eye exam", "糖尿病视网膜眼科检查" ], "179654001": [ "Secondary reduction of traumatic dislocation of joint", "创伤性关节脱位的二次复位" ], "736710001": [ "Assessment using CPAx (Chelsea Critical Care Physical Assessment tool)", "Assessment using Chelsea Critical Care Physical Assessment tool", "使用 Chelsea 重症监护身体评估工具进行评估", "使用 CPAx(切尔西重症监护身体评估工具)进行评估" ], "228806004": [ "Revision of urethrostomy", "Revision of stoma of urethra", "尿道造口修复术", "尿道造口术修复" ], "359878007": [ "Amniotic fluid analysis for hemolytic disease of the newborn", "Amniotic fluid analysis for haemolytic disease of the newborn", "新生儿溶血病的羊水分析" ], "718491001": [ "Fluoroscopy guided balloon dilatation of esophagus", "Fluoroscopy guided balloon dilatation of oesophagus", "Balloon dilatation of esophagus using fluoroscopic guidance", "Balloon dilatation of oesophagus using fluoroscopic guidance", "Balloon dilation of esophagus using fluoroscopic guidance", "Balloon dilation of oesophagus using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下食管球囊扩张术" ], "439963007": [ "Interdependence psychosocial approach", "相互依赖心理社会方法" ], "390811008": [ "Crisis/short term interventions in mental health care", "心理健康危机/短期干预" ], "46747009": [ "Femoral shortening with blade plate", "Blount operation", "带刀片的股骨短缩术", "布朗特手术" ], "12144001": [ "Ligation of inferior vena cava", "下腔静脉结扎术" ], "257904000": [ "Open repair of zygomatic fracture", "颧骨骨折开放修复术" ], "208752005": [ "Biopsy of nerve ganglion", "神经节活检" ], "225136007": [ "Skin preparation", "Preparing skin", "准备皮肤", "皮肤准备" ], "239685001": [ "Application of below knee cast brace with ankle hinges", "踝关节铰链式膝下石膏支具的应用" ], "388976009": [ "Weight reduction regimen", "Weight reduction assistance", "减重援助", "减肥方案" ], "26693005": [ "Sexual psychotherapy, group", "性心理治疗,团体" ], "174149007": [ "Open reduction of intussusception of colon", "结肠套叠切开复位术" ], "59461007": [ "Direct repair of intra-abdominal artery", "腹腔内动脉直接修复" ], "418074003": [ "Mammography and aspiration", "Mammogram and aspiration", "乳房 X 光检查和抽吸", "乳房 X 线摄影和乳房穿刺" ], "90394005": [ "Anesthesia for augmentation mammoplasty", "Anaesthesia for augmentation mammoplasty", "隆胸手术麻醉" ], "104943001": [ "Streptomyces proteinase measurement", "链霉菌蛋白酶测量" ], "252399001": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid culture", "脑脊液培养" ], "6639006": [ "Replacement of obstructed valve in shunt system", "更换分流系统中阻塞的瓣膜" ], "121327007": [ "Amylase isoenzyme measurement", "淀粉酶同工酶测定" ], "414404002": [ "Herpes simplex virus isolation", "单纯疱疹病毒分离" ], "4804005": [ "Microbial identification test", "微生物鉴别试验" ], "1217220006": [ "Direct laryngoscopy with injection into vocal cord", "直接喉镜检查及声带注射" ], "250564007": [ "Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in blood", "Measurement of partial pressure of carbon dioxide in blood", "Blood carbon dioxide tension", "pCO2 - Partial pressure of carbon dioxide in blood", "pCO2 - 血液中二氧化碳的分压", "血液中二氧化碳的分压", "血液二氧化碳分压", "血液中二氧化碳分压的测量" ], "445337000": [ "Drilling and filling of cavity of tooth", "牙齿蛀洞的钻孔和填充" ], "447172008": [ "Hydrostatic expression of fallopian tube", "输卵管静水压力表" ], "396185002": [ "Referral to urology service for recurrent female urinary tract infection", "因女性复发性泌尿道感染转诊至泌尿科" ], "428953003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal thrombectomy of blood vessel of liver", "经皮肝血管腔内血栓切除术" ], "166809004": [ "Electrophoresis: paraprotein", "电泳:副蛋白" ], "609177002": [ "Revision of component of total prosthetic replacement of joint not using cement", "不使用骨水泥的全关节假体置换术部件的翻修" ], "117657004": [ "Norfenfluramine measurement", "去甲芬氟拉明测量" ], "66670000": [ "Fistulectomy of joint", "Fistulectomy of acquired fistula of joint", "后天性关节瘘切除术", "关节瘘切除术" ], "427118006": [ "Endoscopic radiofrequency ablation of lesion of prostate", "前列腺病变内镜射频消融术" ], "164974008": [ "Skin test: lymphogran.venereum", "皮肤测试:淋巴结病.性病" ], "64835001": [ "Extraction of after cataract with iridocapsulectomy", "Extraction of secondary membrane with iridocapsulectomy", "虹膜囊切除术提取第二层膜", "虹膜囊切除术后后发性白内障摘除术" ], "228675001": [ "Deuterium on tritium neutron teletherapy", "Deuterium on tritium neutron external beam radiation therapy", "氘氚中子外束放射治疗", "氘氚中子远程治疗" ], "392515000": [ "Silk waste specific IgE antibody measurement", "k73 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Silk waste specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "k73特异性IgE抗体测量", "蚕丝废料特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "蚕丝废料特异性 IgE 抗体测定" ], "179523005": [ "Revision of prosthetic interposition arthroplasty", "假体置换术的修订" ], "408899008": [ "Memory loss care", "记忆丧失护理" ], "243224001": [ "Social therapy", "Sociotherapy", "Social work/counseling treatments and procedures", "Social work/counseling care treatments and procedures", "社会工作/咨询治疗和程序", "社会工作/咨询护理治疗和程序", "社会治疗" ], "175853000": [ "Removal of central venous line", "移除中心静脉导管" ], "439832009": [ "Laparoscopic fimbrioplasty", "Laparoscopic reconstruction of fimbria of fallopian tube", "腹腔镜子宫肌纤维成形术", "腹腔镜输卵管伞端重建术" ], "105221000220106": [ "Fitting of lower fixed orthodontic retainer", "Fitting of mandibular fixed orthodontic retainer", "下颌固定矫正保持器的安装", "下颌固定矫治保持器的安装" ], "46616009": [ "Operation on female perineum", "Female perineum operation", "女性会阴手术" ], "241389000": [ "Radionuclide parathyroid subtraction study", "放射性核素甲状旁腺减影研究" ], "10178000": [ "Extracapsular extraction of cataract by inferior temporal route", "颞下入路白内障囊外摘除术" ], "26562001": [ "Phenothiazine measurement, quantitative", "吩噻嗪的定量测量" ], "239554002": [ "Biopsy of vertebral body", "椎体活检" ], "1255362003": [ "Spinal epiduroscopy", "Endoscopy of spinal epidural space", "脊柱硬膜外镜检查", "脊柱硬膜外腔内镜检查" ], "174018004": [ "Enterotomy and endoscopic examination of ileum", "回肠切开术及内镜检查" ], "763842004": [ "Radionuclide imaging of whole body using iobenguane (131-I) for localization of neoplasm", "Radionuclide imaging of whole body using metaiodobenzylguanidine (131-I) for localization of neoplasm", "Radionuclide imaging of whole body using metaiodobenzylguanidine (131-I) for localisation of neoplasm", "Radionuclide imaging of whole body using iobenguane (131-I) for localisation of neoplasm", "使用碘苄胍(131-I)进行全身放射性核素显像以定位肿瘤", "使用碘苯胍(131-I)进行全身放射性核素显像以定位肿瘤" ], "305090006": [ "Prophylactic shoulder stretching", "预防性肩部拉伸" ], "172183001": [ "Insertion of orbital floor implant", "植入眼眶底植入物" ], "24727006": [ "Temperature gradient studies", "Core-periphery temperature gradient monitoring", "温度梯度研究", "核心-外围温度梯度监测" ], "450711008": [ "Plastic repair of extraarticular ligament", "关节外韧带的整形修复" ], "252268000": [ "Ammonium chloride loading test", "Ammonium chloride acidification test", "氯化铵酸化试验", "氯化铵负荷试验" ], "712855008": [ "CT of head, cervical and thoracic spine", "Computed tomography of head, cervical and thoracic spine", "头部、颈椎和胸椎的计算机断层扫描", "头部、颈椎和胸椎CT" ], "104812009": [ "Methoxyacetate measurement", "甲氧基乙酸酯测量" ], "37441002": [ "Removal of electronic heart device", "移除电子心脏装置" ], "21057005": [ "Manipulation of coronary artery", "冠状动脉手术" ], "414273009": [ "Fluorescein staining of eye", "眼部荧光素染色" ], "428822001": [ "Photodynamic therapy of subretinal lesion", "视网膜下病变的光动力治疗" ], "183062005": [ "Low cholesterol diet education", "低胆固醇饮食教育" ], "1264406006": [ "Fixation of indirect restoration to tooth", "间接修复体固定于牙齿" ], "838422006": [ "Monitoring of clozapine therapy", "Clozapine monitoring", "氯氮平治疗的监测", "氯氮平监测" ], "133910006": [ "Conductance catheter method", "导引导管法" ], "738283001": [ "Intralesional cryotherapy of lesion of skin", "皮肤损伤内冷冻治疗" ], "264982007": [ "Total excision of bursa", "滑囊全切除术" ], "35606008": [ "Xanthine decomposition agar test", "黄嘌呤分解琼脂试验" ], "426987001": [ "Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of lesion of lung", "经皮肺病灶射频消融术" ], "50155005": [ "Excision of radius AND ulna for graft", "切除桡骨和尺骨进行移植" ], "263147003": [ "Crushing of nerve", "神经受压" ], "228544000": [ "Cognitive intervention strategies", "认知干预策略" ], "179392006": [ "Arthroscopic washout of knee joint", "Arthroscopic irrigation of knee joint", "关节镜下膝关节冲洗" ], "48320007": [ "Urethroplasty, repair of membranous urethra, second stage", "尿道成形术,修复膜状尿道,第二阶段" ], "425152008": [ "Risk benefit ratio assessment", "风险收益比评估" ], "406933003": [ "Sudan II stain method", "Sudan II stain", "苏丹 II 染色法", "苏丹 II 型" ], "1258901004": [ "Education about telephone support program", "Education about telephone support programme", "有关电话支持计划的教育" ], "46485008": [ "Suture of ligament of knee", "膝关节韧带缝合" ], "241258001": [ "Retrograde iliac phlebogram", "逆行髂静脉造影" ], "243093009": [ "Self-examination instruction", "Self-examination education", "自查指导", "自我检查教育" ], "61034000": [ "Anterior drawer test", "Anterior drawer sign test", "前抽屉试验", "前抽屉征检查" ], "783765009": [ "Xenograft of skin to skin of neck", "皮肤与颈部皮肤异种移植" ], "274026006": [ "Gastrointestinal anastomosis procedure", "胃肠吻合术" ], "175722006": [ "Arteriography of popliteal artery", "Popliteal arteriography", "Angiography of popliteal artery", "腘动脉造影" ], "388714006": [ "f96 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Persea americana specific IgE antibody measurement", "Avocado specific IgE antibody measurement", "Persea americana specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f96 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "牛油果特异性IgE抗体测定", "鳄梨特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "鳄梨特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "1287999003": [ "Intraoperative endoscopy of stomach", "IOE (intraoperative endoscopy) of stomach", "Intraoperative gastric endoscopy", "Intraoperative gastroscopy", "术中胃镜检查", "胃术中内镜检查", "胃部术中内窥镜检查", "术中胃内镜检查" ], "239423004": [ "Arthrodesis of interphalangeal joint of lesser toe", "小趾指间关节融合术" ], "173887007": [ "Duodenal ulcer operation", "Operations on duodenal ulcer", "十二指肠溃疡手术" ], "450580000": [ "Removal of foreign body from skin of neck", "去除颈部皮肤异物" ], "237588004": [ "Perirectal fistulectomy", "直肠周围瘘管切除术" ], "1220628005": [ "Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography guided biopsy of lesion of pancreas with contrast", "Biopsy of lesion of pancreas using endoscopic retrograde pancreatography guidance with contrast", "Biopsy of lesion of pancreas using ERP (endoscopic retrograde pancreatography) guidance with contrast", "内镜逆行胰腺造影引导下胰腺病变活检", "内镜逆行胰腺造影引导下胰腺病变穿刺活检", "使用 ERP(内镜逆行胰腺造影)引导进行胰腺病变活检" ], "1251561000": [ "Reconstruction using pedicle innervated skin flap", "Reconstruction with pedicle innervated skin flap", "带蒂皮瓣修复" ], "55529002": [ "Arylsulfatase B measurement", "N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfatase measurement", "Arylsulphatase B measurement", "N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulphatase measurement", "芳基硫酸酯酶 B 测量", "N-乙酰半乳糖胺-4-硫酸酯酶测量", "N-乙酰半乳糖胺-4-硫酸酶测量", "芳基硫酸酯酶B测定" ], "104681009": [ "gamma-Glutamyltransferase/aspartate amino transferase ratio measurement", "γ-谷氨酰转移酶/天冬氨酸氨基转移酶比率测量" ], "37310002": [ "Immunoblot assay", "免疫印迹试验" ], "22761009": [ "Perineogram", "会阴图" ], "4542005": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of foot", "足部骨折闭合复位" ], "266686005": [ "Procedures relating to splintage and immobilisation", "Immobilisation and support", "Immobilisation procedure", "Immobilization and support", "Immobilization procedure", "Procedures relating to splintage and immobilization", "固定和支持", "固定程序", "固定和支撑", "与夹板固定和固定相关的程序" ], "86462008": [ "Aneurysmectomy of upper limb artery", "上肢动脉瘤切除术" ], "281235000": [ "Construction of temporary dental crown", "临时牙冠的制作" ], "608915005": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from perirenal tissue", "肾周组织标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "18361000087102": [ "CT guided biopsy of right rib", "Biopsy of right rib using computed tomography guidance", "CT 引导下右肋骨活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行右肋骨活检" ], "1721000087103": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral wrists", "Ultrasound of left and right wrist", "Ultrasound scan of both wrists", "双腕超声波扫描", "左、右腕部超声检查", "双侧腕部超声检查" ], "5561000087102": [ "Mammary ductography of bilateral breasts", "Mammary ductography of both breasts", "Mammary ductography of left and right breast", "双侧乳房乳腺导管造影", "左、右乳房乳腺导管造影" ], "363155009": [ "Incision AND drainage of limb", "肢体切开引流" ], "14521000087106": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of left femoral artery", "Doppler ultrasound scan of left femoral artery", "左股动脉多普勒超声扫描", "左股动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "17081000087107": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of right femoral artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of right femoral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行右股动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下右股动脉造影血管成形术" ], "66408003": [ "Antibody to PCNA measurement", "Antibody to proliferating cell nuclear antigen measurement", "增殖细胞核抗原抗体测定", "PCNA抗体测量" ], "445075008": [ "Request for language interpreter service", "请求语言翻译服务" ], "3001000087108": [ "MRI of bilateral knees with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral knees with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both knees with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right knee with contrast", "左、右膝关节磁共振成像对比", "双膝关节磁共振成像对比", "双膝 MRI 增强扫描", "双膝进行对比磁共振成像" ], "836456009": [ "Drainage of seroma of right breast with seroma catheter using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided drainage of seroma of right breast with seroma catheter", "超声引导下用血清肿导管引流右乳房血清肿", "超声引导下用血清肿导管引流右乳血清肿" ], "179261007": [ "Release of periosteum", "Periosteal release", "骨膜松解", "骨膜松解术" ], "767250001": [ "Lymphangiogram of left half of abdomen", "Lymphangiography of left half of abdomen", "左半腹部淋巴管造影" ], "406802001": [ "Azocarmine G (GX) stain method", "Azocarmine G (GX) stain", "偶氮胭脂红 G (GX) 染色", "偶氮胭脂红G(GX)染色法" ], "306663006": [ "Discharge from general surgical service", "退出普通外科服务" ], "388583008": [ "f209 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Grapefruit specific IgE antibody measurement", "Citrus paradisi specific IgE antibody measurement", "Citrus paradisi specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "柑橘特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "柑橘特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "葡萄柚特异性IgE抗体测定", "f209特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "241127009": [ "Encephalography", "Encephalography - general", "脑造影", "脑造影 - 一般" ], "239292002": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of neck of femur and open fixation using Ross Brown nail", "股骨颈骨折一期切开复位及Ross Brown钉切开固定" ], "108220007": [ "Evaluation AND/OR management - new patient", "评估和/或管理 - 新患者" ], "419516008": [ "US scan and aspiration of chest", "US scan and aspiration of thorax", "Ultrasound scan and aspiration of chest", "胸腔超声扫描和穿刺", "超声波扫描及胸部穿刺", "超声扫描和胸部穿刺" ], "26300008": [ "Protein C, functional assay", "蛋白 C,功能测定" ], "401297005": [ "Haemolysis screening test", "Hemolysis screening test", "溶血筛查试验" ], "57233006": [ "Artificial insemination with sperm washing and capacitation", "Artificial insemination with spermatozoa washing and capacitation", "精子清洗和获能的人工授精", "精子洗涤和获能的人工授精" ], "40849006": [ "Biopsy of adenoids", "Biopsy of adenoid", "腺样体活检" ], "104550005": [ "Bilirubin renal clearance measurement", "胆红素肾清除率测量" ], "432230007": [ "Epidural injection of lumbar spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下腰椎硬膜外注射" ], "37179000": [ "Esophagoduodenal anastomosis with interposition of small bowel", "Esophagoduodenostomy with interposition of small bowel", "Oesophagoduodenal anastomosis with interposition of small bowel", "Oesophagoduodenostomy with interposition of small bowel", "食管十二指肠吻合术及小肠插入术" ], "268390008": [ "Bladder assessment", "Assessment of urinary bladder", "膀胱评估" ], "4411002": [ "Removal of device from female genital tract", "从女性生殖道中取出装置" ], "708923008": [ "Open reduction of epiphyseal fracture of ulna", "尺骨骨骺骨折切开复位术" ], "1231376002": [ "Sialendoscopic removal of mucus plug of salivary duct", "Removal of mucus plug of salivary duct using sialendoscope", "涎液镜清除涎管粘液栓", "涎液内镜清除涎液管黏液栓" ], "313872002": [ "Serum free beta human chorionic gonadotrophin measurement", "Serum free beta human chorionic gonadotrophin level", "Serum free beta human chorionic gonadotropin level", "Serum free beta human chorionic gonadotropin measurement", "血清游离β人绒毛膜促性腺激素水平", "血清游离β人绒毛膜促性腺激素测定" ], "428560004": [ "Fixation of retina using tissue adhesive", "Retinopexy using tissue adhesive", "使用组织粘合剂进行视网膜固定术", "使用组织粘合剂固定视网膜" ], "608784006": [ "Open reduction of fracture of metacarpal bone with internal fixation", "掌骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "182800007": [ "Intrapleural pressure monitor", "胸膜内压力监测仪" ], "117264008": [ "Cold incubation of serum, 1 week", "血清冷培养,1周" ], "17125002": [ "Arthroplasty of carpometacarpal joint without implant", "无植入物的腕掌关节置换术" ], "361189002": [ "Drainage of cerebrum by aspiration through previously implanted catheter", "通过先前植入的导管抽吸大脑引流" ], "741007": [ "Operation on prostate", "前列腺手术" ], "410341008": [ "Housing case management", "Home case management", "住房案件管理", "家庭案件管理" ], "312037009": [ "Application for charitable grant", "慈善资助申请" ], "770789008": [ "Referral to community diabetes antenatal clinic", "转诊至社区糖尿病产前诊所" ], "46223001": [ "Application of finger splint, static", "手指夹板的应用,静态" ], "439439009": [ "Thoracoscopy with removal of intrapleural fibrin deposit", "胸腔镜检查并清除胸膜内纤维蛋白沉积" ], "240996002": [ "Chemical peel", "Chemical peeling of skin lesion", "化学剥皮", "皮肤损伤化学剥脱" ], "306532003": [ "Discharge by music therapist", "音乐治疗师出院" ], "175460003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of brachial artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of brachial artery", "经皮肱动脉腔内栓塞术" ], "372068006": [ "Evaluation of response to administration of fluids and electrolytes", "评估对液体和电解质管理的反应" ], "304697002": [ "Vaginal photoplethysmography", "阴道光电容积描记法" ], "1287737006": [ "Sarilumab therapy", "沙利鲁单抗治疗" ], "171790002": [ "Therapeutic thoracic epidural injection", "胸段硬膜外注射治疗" ], "1269518002": [ "Child 5 year examination", "儿童5岁检查" ], "450318004": [ "Assessment using strengths and difficulties questionnaire", "使用优势和困难问卷进行评估" ], "38883000": [ "Preoperative disinfection of skin", "术前皮肤消毒" ], "235491002": [ "Ligation of pancreatic duct", "胰管结扎" ], "399331006": [ "Computed tomography without contrast", "Computerised axial tomography without contrast", "Computerized axial tomography without contrast", "CT without contrast", "无造影剂的计算机轴向断层扫描", "无造影CT", "无造影剂的计算机断层扫描" ], "71651007": [ "Mammography", "Radiographic examination of breast", "Mammogram", "乳房 X 光检查", "乳房 X 线检查", "乳房X光检查" ], "104419006": [ "Immunoassay, qualitative, single step method", "免疫测定,定性,单步法" ], "438801000124101": [ "Vitamin D supplement therapy", "维生素D补充疗法" ], "444813003": [ "Prophylactic immunotherapy", "预防性免疫治疗" ], "51597003": [ "Manual palpation of vagina", "Digital manual palpation of vagina", "阴道数字化手动触诊", "手动触诊阴道" ], "437521000124109": [ "Increased homocysteine diet", "饮食中同型半胱氨酸含量增加" ], "67981006": [ "Removal of foreign body of scrotum", "FB - Removal of foreign body from scrotum", "FB-阴囊异物取出", "阴囊异物取出术" ], "264589007": [ "Excision of medial epicondyle of humerus", "肱骨内上髁切除术" ], "1296781005": [ "Surgical electrolysis of lesion of skin of head and/or neck", "头部和/或颈部皮肤损伤的外科电解治疗" ], "313741006": [ "Serum homocysteine level", "Serum homocysteine measurement", "血清同型半胱氨酸水平", "血清同型半胱氨酸测量" ], "770658002": [ "Assessment using Standardized Assessment of Concussion", "Assessment using SAC (Standardized Assessment of Concussion)", "使用 SAC(脑震荡标准化评估)进行评估", "使用标准化脑震荡评估进行评估" ], "180834003": [ "Harvest of bone from radius", "从桡骨获取骨骼" ], "442978004": [ "Nerve block with injection of cervical spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下颈椎神经阻滞注射" ], "391991000": [ "Deep incision with opening of bone cortex of femur", "深切口,打开股骨骨皮质" ], "410210009": [ "Ventilator care management", "Manage ventilator care", "管理呼吸机护理", "呼吸机护理管理" ], "64311003": [ "Biopsy of soft tissue of upper arm, deep", "上臂深部软组织活检" ], "1293111003": [ "Plain X-ray of left sphenoid sinus", "左侧蝶窦普通 X 光检查" ], "177164001": [ "Midforceps cephalic delivery with rotation", "中位产钳旋转式头位分娩" ], "439308008": [ "Injection of sclerosing solution into perirectal tissue for rectal prolapse", "直肠周围组织注射硬化液治疗直肠脱垂" ], "290017007": [ "Excision of anterior mucosal prolapse of rectum", "直肠前黏膜脱垂切除术" ], "714166000": [ "Intraoperative ultrasound of blood vessel", "术中血管超声" ], "75190003": [ "Transposition of tissue of stomach", "胃组织移位" ], "304566005": [ "Admission for treatment", "入院治疗" ], "386486007": [ "Urinary elimination care", "Urinary elimination management", "排尿护理", "尿液排泄管理" ], "288182009": [ "Extracorporeal kidney", "体外肾脏" ], "433803001": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of subclavian vein using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "锁骨下静脉造影及植入支架" ], "1269387003": [ "Fitting of orthodontic bracket", "牙齿矫正托槽安装" ], "401035006": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid microscopy culture and sensitivities", "脑脊液显微镜培养和敏感性" ], "122507007": [ "Synovectomy of shoulder", "Synovectomy of shoulder joint", "Excision of shoulder joint synovium", "肩关节滑膜切除术", "肩关节滑膜切除", "肩部滑膜切除术" ], "40587007": [ "Pereyra procedure including anterior colporrhaphy", "Pereyra 手术包括前阴道缝合术" ], "171659008": [ "Decompression of glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)", "舌咽神经减压术(IX)" ], "300896003": [ "Open tubal occlusion", "开放性输卵管阻塞" ], "235360007": [ "Dunphy repair for rectal prolapse", "Dunphy 直肠脱垂修复术" ], "448352008": [ "Sphincteroplasty of pancreatic duct using duodenal approach", "经十二指肠入路胰管括约肌成形术" ], "104288008": [ "Leptospira antibody assay", "Serologic test for Leptospira", "Measurement of Leptospira species antibody", "钩端螺旋体血清学检测", "钩端螺旋体抗体测量", "钩端螺旋体抗体检测" ], "774197003": [ "Assessment using Affect Balance Scale", "Assessment using ABS (Affect Balance Scale)", "使用情感平衡量表进行评估", "使用 ABS(情感平衡量表)进行评估" ], "118837004": [ "Procedure on appendix", "附录程序" ], "233525003": [ "Peripheral venous cannula insertion - saphenous vein", "Insertion of peripheral venous cannula into saphenous vein", "外周静脉插管 - 隐静脉", "将外周静脉插管插入隐静脉" ], "36917004": [ "Incision of esophageal web", "Dewebbing of esophagus", "Incision of oesophageal web", "Dewebbing of oesophagus", "Division of web of oesophagus", "Division of web of esophagus", "食管蹼切开术", "食管脱蹼", "食管网的划分" ], "69685005": [ "Repair of tricuspid valve with prosthesis", "人工三尖瓣修复术" ], "4149005": [ "Bone histomorphometry, aluminum stain", "Bone histomorphometry, aluminium stain", "骨组织形态计量学、铝染色", "骨组织形态测量学、铝染色" ], "167989007": [ "Sputum inspection", "痰液检查" ], "231690001": [ "Excision of Dupuytren's contracture of foot", "Excision of plantar aponeurosis for Dupuytren's contracture of foot", "Excision of plantar aponeurosis for Dupuytren contracture of foot", "足部杜普伊特伦挛缩切除术", "足底腱膜切除术治疗足杜普伊特伦挛缩症", "足底腱膜切除术治疗足杜普伊特伦挛缩" ], "313610004": [ "Urine N-methyl histamine measurement", "Urine N-methyl histamine level", "尿液 N-甲基组胺水平", "尿液 N-甲基组胺测量" ], "1296650008": [ "Assessment using BASFI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index)", "Assessment using Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index", "使用 BASFI(Bath 强直性脊柱炎功能指数)进行评估", "使用巴斯强直性脊柱炎功能指数进行评估" ], "442847004": [ "Curettage of bone cyst of phalanx of finger with autograft", "手指指骨骨囊肿刮除术及自体骨移植" ], "704991006": [ "Anchoring of endotracheal tube", "气管插管固定" ], "410079007": [ "Sleep pattern control education", "Teach sleep pattern control", "Sleep enhancement education", "教导睡眠模式控制", "睡眠促进教育", "睡眠模式控制教育" ], "426463009": [ "Allotransplantation of ileum", "回肠同种异体移植" ], "178868003": [ "Localized fusion of joints of midfoot and forefoot", "Localised fusion of joints of midfoot and forefoot", "中足和前足关节局部融合" ], "408244006": [ "Plasma ethanol level", "血浆乙醇水平" ], "373641001": [ "Manipulation of fracture", "骨折处理" ], "306270000": [ "Referral to medical microbiologist", "转诊至医学微生物学家" ], "765022009": [ "Lacto-vegetarian diet", "Lactovegetarian diet", "乳素食" ], "304435002": [ "Ultrasound treatment to pelvis", "骨盆超声波治疗" ], "60510009": [ "Creation of subarachnoid/subdural-jugular shunt", "建立蛛网膜下腔/硬膜下颈静脉分流术" ], "1254707004": [ "Referral to document translation service", "转介文件翻译服务" ], "386355002": [ "Medication administration: intradermal", "Administration of drug or medicament via intradermal route", "给药方式:皮内", "通过皮内途径给药" ], "503891000119102": [ "Fluoroscopy guided needle biopsy of lymph node", "Needle biopsy of lymph node using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下淋巴结穿刺活检" ], "419123003": [ "Fluoroscopic cystometrography", "荧光膀胱内压检查" ], "489811000119100": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of head and brain without contrast", "MR angiography of head and brain without contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiogram of head and brain without contrast", "头部及脑部无造影 MR 血管造影", "头部及脑部无造影磁共振血管造影" ], "16292691000119104": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only inactivated whole Japanese encephalitis virus antigen", "Administration of intramuscular inactivated Japanese encephalitis vaccine", "Intramuscular inactivated Japanese encephalitis immunization", "Intramuscular inactivated Japanese encephalitis immunisation", "Intramuscular inactivated Japanese encephalitis vaccination", "接种仅含灭活日本脑炎病毒全抗原的疫苗产品", "肌肉注射灭活日本脑炎疫苗", "肌肉注射灭活日本脑炎疫苗免疫" ], "392531000119105": [ "Screening mammography of left breast", "Screening mammogram of left breast", "左乳筛查乳房 X 光检查", "左乳筛查乳房 X 线摄影" ], "122376003": [ "Mobiluncus species rRNA assay", "Mobiluncus species ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "动弯钩核糖体核糖核酸测定", "动弯钩虫 rRNA 检测" ], "431837001": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of bone of head and neck", "Single photon emission computed tomography of bone of head and neck", "头颈部骨骼单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)", "头颈部骨骼单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "284381002": [ "Examination of thigh", "大腿检查" ], "104157003": [ "Light microscopy", "Observation by light microscope", "LM - Light microscopy", "光学显微镜观察", "光学显微镜", "LM——光学显微镜" ], "235229005": [ "TV+D - Truncal vagotomy with drainage", "Truncal vagotomy with drainage", "迷走神经干切开引流术", "TV+D - 迷走神经干切开引流术" ], "315314001": [ "Destructive procedure of palate", "腭部破坏性手术" ], "118706006": [ "Procedure on forearm", "前臂手术" ], "233394007": [ "Ligation of anterior division of internal iliac artery", "髂内动脉前支结扎术" ], "313479002": [ "Rubella IgM level", "Rubella IgM measurement", "Rubella immunoglobulin M measurement", "风疹 IgM 检测", "风疹 IgM 水平", "风疹免疫球蛋白 M 测量" ], "231559005": [ "Biopsy of lesion of globe", "眼球病变活检" ], "51335009": [ "Removal of supernumerary toe", "切除多余趾" ], "311644002": [ "Repetition of speech task", "重复言语任务" ], "348003": [ "Radionuclide dynamic function study", "Dynamic scanning study", "动态扫描研究", "放射性核素动力学函数研究" ], "426332009": [ "External beam radiotherapy to lesion of retina", "External beam radiation therapy to lesion of retina", "视网膜病变的外照射治疗", "视网膜损伤的外照射治疗" ], "260657002": [ "Cervical collar incision with sternotomy extension", "颈领切口及胸骨切开术延长" ], "178737009": [ "Primary open reduction spinal fracture and internal fixation with rod system", "一期脊柱骨折切开复位棒系统内固定" ], "29446008": [ "Liquid phase immunoprecipitation competitive binding immunoassay", "液相免疫沉淀竞争结合免疫分析" ], "275206008": [ "Bileaflet tricuspid valve replacement", "双叶三尖瓣置换术" ], "14681000202108": [ "Assistance with participation in religious service", "协助参加宗教仪式" ], "306139004": [ "Referral to rehabilitation psychiatry service", "转介至康复精神病服务" ], "11227005": [ "Excision of ganglion of tendon sheath of hand", "手部腱鞘神经节切除术" ], "173232000": [ "Revision of primary closure of cleft lip", "唇裂一期闭合修复" ], "386224005": [ "Bowel incontinence care: encopresis", "大便失禁护理:遗粪" ], "271536006": [ "Serum ACTH measurement", "Serum ACTH level", "Serum adrenocorticotropic hormone measurement", "Measurement of serum adrenocorticotropic hormone", "血清促肾上腺皮质激素水平", "血清促肾上腺皮质激素测定", "血清促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)测定" ], "302469000": [ "Excision of lymphoedematous tissue of leg", "Excision of lymphedematous tissue of leg", "Sistrunk operation on leg", "腿部淋巴水肿组织切除术", "腿部 Sistrunk 手术" ], "171397002": [ "Health examination - suspected condition", "Medical examination for suspected condition", "疑似病症的医学检查", "健康检查-疑似病症" ], "23941004": [ "Open reduction of closed radial shaft fracture", "闭合性桡骨干骨折切开复位" ], "236933004": [ "Aspiration of ovarian cyst", "卵巢囊肿抽吸术" ], "7557006": [ "Vitamin E measurement", "Alpha tocopherol measurement", "Tocopherol measurement", "维生素 E 测量", "生育酚测量", "α-生育酚测量" ], "122245007": [ "Streptococcus pyogenes enzyme antibody assay", "Measurement of Streptococcus pyogenes enzyme antibody", "化脓性链球菌酶抗体测定", "化脓性链球菌酶抗体的测定" ], "269701007": [ "Transplantation of testis to scrotum", "睾丸移植至阴囊" ], "104026001": [ "Xg^a^ blood group antibody identification", "Xg^a^血型抗体鉴定" ], "167727000": [ "Determination of general chemical content of CSF", "CSF: chemical content -general", "Determination of general chemical content of cerebrospinal fluid", "脑脊液一般化学成分的测定", "脑脊液一般化学成分测定", "CSF:化学成分-一般" ], "5722009": [ "Surgical reanastomosis of colon", "结肠外科吻合术" ], "20271002": [ "Incisional biopsy of salivary gland", "涎腺切开活检" ], "446255002": [ "Laparoscopic D2 lymph node dissection", "腹腔镜 D2 淋巴结清扫术" ], "429871002": [ "Lumbar epidural injection using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Lumbar epidural injection using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided lumbar epidural injection", "CT引导腰椎硬膜外注射", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行腰椎硬膜外注射", "在 CT 引导下进行腰椎硬膜外注射" ], "298799004": [ "Puestow operation, pancreaticojejunostomy", "Pancreaticojejunostomy, side-to-side anastomosis", "胰管空肠吻合术、侧侧吻合术", "Puestow 手术、胰肠吻合术" ], "233263005": [ "Balloon angioplasty of aorta", "Angioplasty of aorta", "主动脉成形术", "主动脉球囊成形术" ], "315183007": [ "Psittacosis antibody level", "鹦鹉热抗体水平" ], "3887005": [ "Ligation of wart", "Wart ligation", "疣结扎术", "疣结扎" ], "1263620003": [ "Delayed repair of tendon using tendon transfer", "使用肌腱转移术进行延迟修复肌腱" ], "772100005": [ "Laparoscopic repair of incisional hernia of abdominal wall", "腹腔镜腹壁切口疝修补术" ], "231428006": [ "Cryotherapy to dorsal root ganglion", "背根神经节冷冻治疗" ], "229593002": [ "Mercury vapour lamp treatment", "Mercury vapor lamp treatment", "汞灯治疗" ], "278745003": [ "Skew flap incision", "斜瓣切口" ], "1259950002": [ "Insertion of membrane and fixation pin into periodontal tissue", "将膜和固定针插入牙周组织" ], "14766002": [ "Removal by suction", "Aspiration procedure", "Aspiration", "通过吸力去除", "愿望", "抽吸程序" ], "178606004": [ "Primary foraminotomy of lumbar spine", "腰椎原发性椎间孔切开术" ], "113070008": [ "Gas liquid chromatography, flame ionization type", "Gas liquid chromatography, flame ionisation type", "气相液相色谱法,火焰离子化型" ], "47534009": [ "Decompression of median nerve", "Release of carpal tunnel for nerve decompression", "Release of carpal tunnel for median nerve decompression", "Release of transverse carpal ligament for nerve decompression", "Retinaculotomy of carpal tunnel", "Decompression of median nerve at wrist", "Carpal tunnel release", "Carpal tunnel decompression", "CTR - carpal tunnel release", "CTD - carpal tunnel decompression", "CTD-- 腕管减压术", "腕管减压术", "松解腕横韧带以减压神经", "腕管支持带切开术", "腕部正中神经减压术", "CTR-- 腕管松解术", "正中神经减压", "腕管松解术治疗正中神经减压", "腕管松解术以减压神经", "腕管松解术" ], "275075003": [ "Renewal of artificial bladder neck sphincter in female", "Replacement of artificial urinary bladder neck sphincter in female", "女性人工膀胱颈括约肌的更新", "女性人工膀胱颈括约肌置换术" ], "406147003": [ "Infant massage", "Baby massage", "婴儿按摩" ], "12931005": [ "Bypass transplantation with isogeneic transplant", "同基因移植旁路移植" ], "76632000": [ "Anesthesia for femoral arteriograms, retrograde", "Anaesthesia for femoral arteriograms, retrograde", "逆行股动脉造影麻醉", "逆行股动脉造影的麻醉" ], "174936001": [ "Xenograft tricuspid valve replacement", "Pericardial tricuspid valve replacement", "异种移植三尖瓣置换术", "心包三尖瓣置换术" ], "176771009": [ "Colposcopic laser destruction of lesion of cervix", "阴道镜下激光宫颈病变破坏术" ], "27480002": [ "Excision of bunion", "Bunionectomy", "Excision of exostosis of head of first metatarsal", "第一跖骨头外生骨疣切除术", "拇囊炎切除术", "拇囊切除术" ], "306008004": [ "Referral by endocrine surgeon", "Referral from endocrine surgeon", "内分泌外科医生转诊", "内分泌外科医生的推荐" ], "271405000": [ "Chemical/poison screening", "化学品/毒物筛查" ], "1303597006": [ "Right shoulder joint region arthroscopy", "Arthroscopy of joint of right shoulder region", "右肩关节区域关节镜检查", "右肩关节关节镜检查" ], "58413007": [ "Patient transfer to skilled nursing facility for level 2 care", "患者转至专业护理机构接受 2 级护理" ], "302338000": [ "Lobectomy of thyroid gland", "Thyroid lobectomy", "Hemithyroidectomy", "甲状腺叶切除术", "半甲状腺切除术" ], "1268994001": [ "Insertion of infrared reflector into breast using digital tomosynthesis guidance", "Insertion of infrared reflector localisation marker into breast using digital tomosynthesis guidance", "Insertion of infrared reflector localization marker into breast using digital tomosynthesis guidance", "Digital tomosynthesis guided insertion of infrared reflector localisation marker into breast", "Digital tomosynthesis guided insertion of infrared reflector localization marker into breast", "数字断层合成引导红外反射定位标记插入乳房", "使用数字断层合成引导将红外反射器插入乳房", "使用数字断层合成引导将红外反射定位标记插入乳房" ], "25645009": [ "Endoscopy of perineum", "会阴内镜检查" ], "713773009": [ "Assessment using Mini-cog", "Assessment using Mini-cog brief cognitive screening test", "使用 Mini-cog 进行评估", "使用 Mini-cog 简短认知筛查测试进行评估" ], "89346004": [ "Delivery by Kjelland rotation", "Delivery by Kielland rotation", "KRFD - Kielland's rotational forceps delivery", "Kielland's rotational forceps delivery", "Kielland forceps delivery with rotation", "采用 Kielland 旋转输送", "KRFD-- 基尔兰德旋转产钳分娩", "通过 Kjelland 旋转输送", "基尔兰德旋转产钳分娩", "带旋转功能的 Kielland 产钳助产" ], "169431001": [ "Electropyrexia", "电热" ], "71127001": [ "Popliteal neurectomy", "腘神经切除术" ], "726487002": [ "Dynamic MRI of wrist", "Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging of wrist", "腕部动态磁共振成像", "腕部动态 MRI" ], "103895002": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from Lutheran system (ISBT 005)", "Lutheran antigen type", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Lutheran system (ISBT 005)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Lutheran system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 005)", "血型、路德系统红细胞抗原 (ISBT 005)", "血型、路德体系的红细胞抗原 (ISBT 005)", "路德抗原类型", "血型、红细胞抗原来自路德系统(国际输血协会 005)" ], "447959006": [ "Measurement of thiopurine methyltransferase in whole blood specimen", "全血标本中硫嘌呤甲基转移酶的测定" ], "118444003": [ "Capsulectomy procedure", "Excision of connective tissue capsule", "囊切除术", "结缔组织囊切除术" ], "315052006": [ "Beta blocker prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic beta blocker", "β受体阻滞剂预防", "预防性使用β受体阻滞剂" ], "231297006": [ "Intradermal infiltration of neurolytic substance", "神经溶解物质的皮内浸润" ], "395137006": [ "Ligation of inferior mesenteric artery", "下肠系膜动脉结扎" ], "229462000": [ "Manipulation of the inferior tibiofibular joint - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the inferior tibiofibular joint", "下胫腓关节的操作", "下胫腓关节手术 - 非手术" ], "426070001": [ "Percutaneous biopsy of lesion of pancreas", "胰腺病变经皮穿刺活检" ], "18305008": [ "Removal of implantable venous access port", "移除植入式静脉通路" ], "82006003": [ "Diagnostic radiography with contrast media by injection, positive and negative contrast, bilateral", "注射造影剂诊断放射线照相术,正、负对比,双侧" ], "409686004": [ "Disinfecting of equipment", "设备消毒" ], "63787000": [ "History and physical examination, premarital", "病史和体格检查,婚前" ], "31019002": [ "Implantation of artificial heart", "Implantation of TAH (total artificial heart)", "全人工心脏(TAH)植入术", "人工心脏植入" ], "719147003": [ "Assessment using California Verbal Learning Test Children's Version", "Assessment using CVLT-C (California Verbal Learning Test - Children's Version)", "使用加州言语学习测试儿童版进行评估", "使用 CVLT-C(加州言语学习测试 - 儿童版)进行评估" ], "112939006": [ "Ventricular shunt to head or neck structure", "脑室分流至头部或颈部结构" ], "440619008": [ "Ablation of ventricular arrhythmogenic focus with cardiopulmonary bypass", "体外循环下室性心律失常病灶消融术" ], "61952002": [ "Implantation of diaphragmatic pacemaker", "膈肌起搏器植入术" ], "1290752003": [ "Plain X-ray of thyroid", "甲状腺普通 X 光检查" ], "25514001": [ "Digoxin measurement", "地高辛测量" ], "385962007": [ "Bladder care education", "Teach bladder care", "Education for urinary bladder care", "膀胱护理教育", "教导膀胱护理" ], "121983001": [ "Cyanobacterium identification", "蓝藻鉴定" ], "171135002": [ "Bacterial conjunctivitis screening", "细菌性结膜炎筛查" ], "302207003": [ "Endoscopic dilatation of bile duct", "Endoscopic dilation of bile duct", "内镜胆管扩张术" ], "1285247007": [ "Administration via oral route", "口服给药" ], "449663008": [ "Closure of lower leg", "小腿闭合" ], "103764000": [ "Laboratory reporting, service comment", "实验室报告、服务评论" ], "5460001": [ "Removal of prosthesis from fallopian tube", "输卵管假体移除术" ], "54612004": [ "Gene replacement therapy", "Gene insertion therapy", "基因替代疗法", "基因插入治疗" ], "415060006": [ "Percentage CD13 count", "CD13 计数百分比" ], "233001000": [ "Repair of systemic venous pathway", "修复全身静脉通路" ], "429609002": [ "Lung volume reduction surgery", "肺减容手术" ], "3625002": [ "Anesthesia for brachial arteriograms, retrograde", "Anaesthesia for brachial arteriograms, retrograde", "逆行肱动脉造影麻醉" ], "445993006": [ "Assessment using Jamar hydraulic hand dynamometer", "使用 Jamar 液压手持测力计进行评估" ], "231166003": [ "Local anesthetic sciatic nerve block; anterior approach", "Local anaesthetic sciatic nerve block; anterior approach", "Sciatic nerve block; anterior approach", "局部麻醉坐骨神经阻滞;前入路", "坐骨神经阻滞;前入路" ], "313086004": [ "Self-esteem counselling", "Self-esteem counseling", "Counseling for self-esteem", "Counselling for self-esteem", "自尊咨询" ], "1279742004": [ "Nutrition care plan development", "Development of nutrition care plan", "营养护理计划制定", "制定营养护理计划" ], "32723001": [ "Puncture and drainage of Rathke's pouch", "Puncture and drainage of Rathke pouch", "拉特克囊穿刺引流", "拉特克氏囊穿刺引流" ], "16339003": [ "Incision of supraclavicular fossa with drainage", "Drainage of supraclavicular fossa", "锁骨上窝引流", "锁骨上窝切开引流" ], "229331003": [ "Mobilisation of the shoulder", "Mobilization of the shoulder", "肩部活动" ], "425939004": [ "Endoscopic serial drainage of amniotic fluid", "Endoscopic serial amniocentesis", "内镜连续羊膜穿刺术", "内镜连续羊水引流" ], "129192002": [ "Procedure on bone of pelvis", "骨盆骨手术" ], "1145000005": [ "Increased vitamin B12 and/or vitamin B12 derivative diet", "增加维生素 B12 和/或维生素 B12 衍生物的饮食" ], "407720006": [ "Amylase clearance", "淀粉酶清除率" ], "112808008": [ "Manipulation of cardiovascular system", "心血管系统的操作" ], "782717002": [ "Laparoscopic pectopexy with fixation of cervical stump using mesh", "腹腔镜下宫颈固定术及宫颈残端网片固定术" ], "307581005": [ "Laparoscopic interval appendicectomy", "Laparoscopic interval appendectomy", "腹腔镜间隔阑尾切除术" ], "27218000": [ "Care of patient valuables", "病人贵重物品的保管" ], "25383000": [ "IL-1 Alpha assay", "Interleukin-1 alpha assay", "白细胞介素-1α检测", "IL-1 Alpha 检测" ], "830034009": [ "Excision of dermoid cyst of subcutaneous tissue of nose", "鼻部皮下组织皮样囊肿切除术" ], "287527006": [ "Surgical biopsy of pericardium", "心包手术活检" ], "385831007": [ "Specimen care education", "Teach specimen care", "标本护理教育", "教授标本护理" ], "303911009": [ "Ultrasound studies of systems", "系统超声研究" ], "7164004": [ "Toxoplasmosis dye test", "Toxoplasma gondii antibody, dye test", "Toxoplasma dye test", "弓形虫染料试验", "弓形虫抗体,染料测试", "弓形虫病染料检测" ], "171004005": [ "Retirement counselling", "Retirement counseling", "退休咨询" ], "121852004": [ "Pyrrole measurement", "吡咯测量" ], "252924008": [ "Visual evoked erection test", "视觉诱发勃起试验" ], "431313005": [ "Repositioning of central venous catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided repositioning of central venous catheter with contrast", "荧光透视引导下中心静脉导管造影复位", "使用荧光造影剂引导重新定位中心静脉导管" ], "398545005": [ "Nucleic acid assay", "Nucleic acid detection", "核酸检测" ], "38097007": [ "Excisional biopsy of fibula", "腓骨切除活检" ], "234705008": [ "Pulpotomy - non-vital disinfection", "牙髓切断术-非活体消毒" ], "232870006": [ "Transluminal laser pulmonary valvotomy", "经腔内激光肺瓣切开术" ], "771707001": [ "Laparoscopic umbilical hernioplasty using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic repair of umbilical hernia using synthetic mesh", "使用合成网片进行腹腔镜脐疝修补术", "腹腔镜下使用合成网片修补脐疝" ], "425808002": [ "18 lead electrocardiographic monitoring", "18 导联心电图监测" ], "180048002": [ "Revision coverage of amputation stump", "截肢残端修复覆盖范围" ], "65360004": [ "Construction of artificial vagina with graft", "移植人工阴道的构建" ], "229200008": [ "Functional re-education in water", "Functional training in water", "水中功能训练", "水中功能再教育" ], "442192009": [ "Revisional fusion of occipitocervical junction", "Revision of fusion of occipitocervical junction", "枕颈交界处修复融合术", "枕颈交界处融合术" ], "243749001": [ "Provision of guide help for visual and hearing impairment", "为视觉和听觉障碍者提供引导帮助" ], "702501008": [ "Computed tomography of knee with contrast", "CT of knee with contrast", "膝关节增强 CT", "膝关节增强计算机断层扫描" ], "391205009": [ "Mental health addiction programmes - 24 hour not intensive", "Mental health addiction programs - 24 hour not intensive", "心理健康成瘾项目 - 24 小时非密集型" ], "438522001": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of spinal neoplasm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of spinal neoplasm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行脊柱肿瘤经皮栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮脊柱肿瘤栓塞术" ], "176378001": [ "Needle aspiration of urethra", "尿道针吸" ], "61690005": [ "Fenestration of inner ear with graft", "内耳开窗术及移植物" ], "174543002": [ "Partial excision of bile duct and anastomosis of bile duct to duodenum", "胆管部分切除及胆管十二指肠吻合术" ], "271012001": [ "Fluid sample total protein measurement", "Fluid sample total protein level", "Protein measurement, body fluid", "蛋白质测量、体液", "液体样本总蛋白水平", "液体样品总蛋白测定" ], "90788004": [ "Repair of stoma of rectum", "Revision of stoma of rectum", "直肠造口修复术" ], "385700005": [ "Immobiliser care education", "Immobilizer care education", "Teach immobiliser care", "Teach immobilizer care", "防盗器保养教育", "教授防盗器保养", "教导防盗器保养", "防盗器护理教育" ], "238244007": [ "Excision of patent urachus", "脐尿管未闭切除术" ], "287396009": [ "Nose incised - turbinotomy", "鼻部切开术 - 鼻甲切开术" ], "252793002": [ "Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring", "术中神经生理监测" ], "105337001": [ "Thiocyanate measurement", "硫氰酸盐测量" ], "449401004": [ "Removal of intrathecal catheter using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下移除鞘内导管" ], "121721005": [ "Triflupromazine measurement", "三氟丙嗪测量" ], "41636009": [ "Cystic fibrosis carrier detection, blood", "囊性纤维化携带者检测,血液" ], "1186681001": [ "SIMV-PC PS PS ACAP (synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control, two levels of pressure-support and an assured constant airway pressure) adjunct", "Synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control, two levels of pressure-support and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct", "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control, two levels of pressure-support and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct", "SIMV-PC PS PS ACAP (synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control, two levels of pressure-support and an assured constant airway pressure) adjunct", "同步间歇指令通气,配备压力控制、两级压力支持和确保恒定气道压力辅助装置", "SIMV-PC PS PS ACAP(同步间歇指令通气,带压力控制、两级压力支持和保证恒定气道压力)辅助", "SIMV-PC PS PS ACAP(同步间歇指令通气,带压力控制、两级压力支持和保证恒定气道压力)辅助装置", "同步间歇指令通气,带压力控制、两级压力支持和确保恒定气道压力辅助装置" ], "1284985006": [ "Diabetes mellitus management programme", "Diabetes mellitus management program", "糖尿病管理计划" ], "54350001": [ "Creatine measurement, amniotic fluid", "肌酸测量,羊水" ], "431182000": [ "Placing subject in prone position", "让受试者处于俯卧姿势" ], "118051000": [ "HIV 1 p28 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p28 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 28 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p28 抗体检测", "HIV 1 p28 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 28 抗体的测量" ], "773411001": [ "Fluoroscopic cisternography with contrast", "对比剂荧光透视脑池造影" ], "37966008": [ "Application of heat lamp to perineum", "会阴部热灯应用" ], "265507002": [ "Transluminal operations on renal artery", "肾动脉腔内手术" ], "134435003": [ "Routine antenatal care", "常规产前护理" ], "232739006": [ "Removal of foreign body from coronary artery", "冠状动脉异物取出" ], "116216006": [ "Incisional biopsy of lesion of heart", "心脏病变切开活检" ], "736973000": [ "Allograft bypass of two coronary arteries", "双冠状动脉同种异体搭桥手术" ], "230904009": [ "Excision of lesion of intracranial vessel", "颅内血管病变切除术" ], "360141002": [ "Vectis extraction", "杠杆拔出" ], "229069003": [ "Posture re-education", "Postural re-education", "Posture training", "姿势训练", "姿势再教育" ], "440226001": [ "Closed manual reduction of articular fracture of interphalangeal joint", "指间关节骨折闭合手法复位术" ], "866210005": [ "Ultrasonography guided arthrocentesis of joint of toe", "Arthrocentesis of joint of toe using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下趾关节穿刺术" ], "767906009": [ "Post bronchodilator spirometry", "支气管扩张剂使用后肺量测定" ], "225399009": [ "Pain assessment", "疼痛评估" ], "43340002": [ "Operation on uterine ligament", "Uterine ligament operation", "子宫韧带手术" ], "287265003": [ "Drainage of thyroid", "甲状腺引流" ], "303649005": [ "Nerve adhesion freeing", "神经粘连松解" ], "170742000": [ "Diabetic monitoring", "糖尿病监测" ], "121590002": [ "Heptachlor measurement", "七氯测量" ], "105206004": [ "Hydrocodone measurement", "氢可酮测量" ], "431051002": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of retroperitoneum", "腹膜后细针穿刺活检" ], "119755005": [ "Lung reconstruction", "肺重建" ], "709579005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of mandible with contrast", "MRI of mandible with contrast", "下颌骨增强磁共振成像", "下颌骨增强 MRI 检查" ], "167072001": [ "Plasma random HDL cholesterol level", "Plasma random HDL cholesterol measurement", "Plasma random high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement", "血浆随机高密度脂蛋白胆固醇测量", "血浆随机高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平" ], "232608002": [ "Tracheal end-to-end anastomosis", "气管端端吻合术" ], "281760001": [ "Repair of tendon of upper limb", "上肢肌腱修复" ], "52384003": [ "Urethromeatoplasty with mucosal advancement", "尿道粘膜推进成形术" ], "412832003": [ "Serum anti-ganglioside M1 IgG measurement", "Serum anti-ganglioside M1 IgG level", "Serum anti-ganglioside M1 immunoglobulin G measurement", "血清抗神经节苷脂 M1 IgG 水平", "血清抗神经节苷脂 M1 免疫球蛋白 G 测定", "血清抗神经节苷脂 M1 IgG 测定" ], "265376006": [ "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of duodenum", "内镜十二指肠病变摘除术" ], "427381000": [ "Reconstruction of breast using free superior gluteal artery perforator flap", "游离臀上动脉穿支皮瓣乳房重建" ], "363680008": [ "Radiographic imaging procedure", "Roentgenography", "X-ray", "Diagnostic radiography", "Diagnostic imaging procedure using X-rays", "射线成像程序", "诊断放射学", "X 射线", "X线照相术", "使用 X 射线的诊断成像程序" ], "394613000": [ "Gene therapy", "基因治疗" ], "1017205003": [ "Anastomosis of left internal mammary artery to obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to OM (obtuse marginal) branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery to obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to OM (obtuse marginal) branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "将左胸内动脉 (LITA) 与左冠状动脉回旋支 (OM) 的钝缘支吻合", "左乳内动脉与左冠状动脉回旋支钝缘支吻合术", "左胸廓内动脉与左冠状动脉回旋支钝缘支吻合术", "左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 与左冠状动脉回旋支 (OM) 钝缘支 (OM) 吻合" ], "443765003": [ "Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection by creation of left neoatrium with pericardial roof", "用心包顶建立左心房修复完全性肺静脉异位引流" ], "312693009": [ "Aorta to inferior mesenteric artery bypass graft", "主动脉至下肠系膜动脉旁路移植术" ], "179786002": [ "Primary prosthetic augmentation extra-articular ligament", "初次假体增强关节外韧带" ], "736842003": [ "Closure of enterovesicovaginal fistula", "肠膀胱阴道瘘的缝合" ], "704074005": [ "Supervision when away from usual care setting", "远离常规护理环境时的监督" ], "15946006": [ "Correction of coarctation of aorta with graft replacement", "主动脉缩窄的矫正及移植物置换" ], "310858007": [ "Self-monitoring", "自我监控" ], "1259295004": [ "Dental trauma prevention advice", "Advice about dental trauma prevention", "Education about prevention of dental trauma", "牙科创伤预防建议", "关于预防牙齿外伤的建议", "预防牙科创伤的教育" ], "14111006": [ "Myocutaneous transplantation", "Myocutaneous flap", "肌皮瓣", "肌皮移植" ], "225268005": [ "Vulval toilet", "外阴厕所" ], "241652005": [ "MRI arthrography of wrist", "Magnetic resonance imaging arthrography of wrist", "腕关节磁共振成像造影", "腕关节 MRI 造影" ], "307188007": [ "Biopsy of para-aortic lymph nodes", "Biopsy of para-aortic lymph node", "主动脉旁淋巴结活检" ], "305353001": [ "Admission to paediatric intensive care unit", "Admission to pediatric ITU", "Admission to paediatric ITU", "Admission to pediatric intensive care unit", "入住儿科重症监护室", "儿科 ITU 入院", "入住儿科重症监护病房" ], "1290228009": [ "Subcutaneous antineoplastic chemotherapy", "Administration of antineoplastic agent via subcutaneous route", "皮下注射抗肿瘤药物", "皮下抗肿瘤化疗" ], "90526000": [ "Initial evaluation and management of healthy individual", "Preventive evaluation of new patient", "健康个体的初步评估和管理", "新患者的预防性评估" ], "223433009": [ "Advice about benefits", "Benefits education", "福利教育", "福利建议" ], "713118002": [ "Monitoring mechanical heart support device", "监测机械心脏支持装置" ], "8606002": [ "Transillumination of nasal sinuses", "鼻窦透照" ], "418206007": [ "Fluoroscopic sinography with contrast", "Fluoroscopic sinogram with contrast", "对比剂荧光透视鼻窦造影", "对比剂荧光透视正弦图" ], "121459001": [ "Benzyl alcohol measurement", "苯甲醇测量" ], "711283001": [ "Cognitive behavior therapy by unidisciplinary team", "Cognitive behaviour therapy by unidisciplinary team", "单学科团队的认知行为治疗" ], "252531004": [ "Contact sensitivity test", "接触敏感度测试" ], "236147004": [ "Open nephrostomy", "开放式肾造口术" ], "758600000": [ "Referral to atrial fibrillation clinic", "转诊至心房颤动诊所" ], "447304001": [ "One stage extracapsular extraction of lens and insertion of prosthetic intraocular lens", "一期晶状体囊外摘除及人工晶状体植入" ], "234312001": [ "Aspiration of cystic hygroma", "囊性水瘤抽吸" ], "105075009": [ "Atropine measurement", "阿托品测量" ], "1184584003": [ "Automated information gathering", "Information gathering from automated entry", "通过自动输入收集信息", "自动信息收集" ], "21320005": [ "Manipulation of accessory sinus", "副窦操作" ], "414536007": [ "Intrastromal photodisruption laser keratectomy", "Intrastromal laser keratectomy", "基质内光碎裂激光角膜切削术", "基质内激光角膜切削术" ], "316232007": [ "Graft of nipple", "Grafting of nipple", "乳头移植" ], "232477001": [ "Destruction of lesion of nasal septum", "鼻中隔损伤破坏术" ], "117789003": [ "Coxsackievirus B2 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human coxsackievirus B 2 antibody", "人柯萨奇病毒B2抗体测定", "柯萨奇病毒 B2 抗体检测" ], "445469005": [ "Reinsertion of internal bone fixation device", "重新插入内部骨固定装置" ], "609309006": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of specimen from perivesical tissue", "膀胱周围组织标本的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "773149009": [ "Laparoscopic umbilical hernioplasty using synthetic mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic repair of umbilical hernia using synthetic mesh with fascial closure", "使用合成网片和筋膜闭合进行腹腔镜脐疝修补术", "腹腔镜下使用合成网片和筋膜闭合术修补脐疝" ], "1266002": [ "Closure of fistula of ear drum", "Closure of fistula of tympanic membrane", "Closure of perforation of ear drum", "Closure of perforation of tympanic membrane", "Closure of tympanic membrane perforation", "耳膜穿孔缝合术", "耳膜瘘闭合", "鼓膜瘘缝合术", "鼓膜穿孔缝合" ], "443634003": [ "Measurement of apolipoprotein A-II", "载脂蛋白 A-II 的测量" ], "179655000": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture dislocation and skeletal traction", "骨折脱位切开复位及骨牵引修复" ], "359879004": [ "Radical bunionectomy", "根治性拇囊切除术" ], "441799006": [ "Intensity modulated radiation therapy", "IMRT - intensity modulated radiation therapy", "Intensity modulated radiotherapy", "IMRT-- 调强放射治疗", "调强放射治疗" ], "439964001": [ "Laparoscopic excision of kidney and total excision of ureter", "Laparoscopic nephrectomy and total ureterectomy", "腹腔镜肾脏切除术及输尿管全切除术", "腹腔镜肾切除术和全输尿管切除术" ], "390812001": [ "Secure and high-dependency mental health care", "安全和高度依赖的心理健康护理" ], "46748004": [ "Elevation of orbital bone fragments of maxillary sinus", "上颌窦眶骨碎片提升术" ], "79516005": [ "Renal arteriography", "Renal arteriogram", "Renal angiography", "Arteriography of renal artery", "Renal angiogram", "Angiography of renal artery", "肾动脉造影", "肾血管造影" ], "177820006": [ "Diagnostic pleurocentesis", "Diagnostic aspiration of pleural cavity", "胸腔诊断性穿刺", "诊断性胸膜穿刺术" ], "241521000": [ "CT of internal auditory meatus", "Computed tomography of internal auditory meatus", "内耳道 CT", "内耳道计算机断层扫描" ], "388977000": [ "Weight increase consultation", "增重咨询" ], "225137003": [ "Swabbing skin area", "擦拭皮肤区域" ], "239686000": [ "Application of long leg cast brace with knee and ankle hinges", "带膝、踝铰链的长腿石膏支具的应用" ], "174150007": [ "Open reduction of volvulus of caecum", "Open reduction of volvulus of cecum", "盲肠扭转切开复位术" ], "74011006": [ "Open reduction of fracture of tibia and fibula with internal fixation", "胫腓骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "41243006": [ "Microbial culture, tissue", "微生物培养、组织" ], "121328002": [ "Anabolic steroid identification", "合成代谢类固醇识别" ], "104944007": [ "Substance P measurement", "P 物质测量" ], "252400008": [ "Culture for parasites", "寄生虫培养" ], "72176009": [ "Reattachment of choroid and retina by xenon arc photocoagulation", "氙弧光凝术使脉络膜和视网膜复位" ], "447173003": [ "Excision of contiguous neoplasm of extradural and intradural space of spine", "脊柱硬膜外及硬膜内邻近肿瘤切除术" ], "250565008": [ "Measurement of venous partial pressure of carbon dioxide", "Venous partial pressure of carbon dioxide", "pvCO2 - Venous partial pressure of carbon dioxide", "Venous carbon dioxide tension", "静脉二氧化碳分压", "pvCO2 - 静脉二氧化碳分压", "静脉二氧化碳分压测量" ], "1299141009": [ "Peanut+hazelnut+Brazil nut+almond+coconut specific IgE antibody measurement", "Mixed nut (fx1) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Peanut+hazelnut+Brazil nut+almond+coconut specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "花生+榛子+巴西坚果+杏仁+椰子特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "混合坚果(fx1)特异性IgE抗体测量", "花生+榛子+巴西坚果+杏仁+椰子特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "2970004": [ "Metacarpal lengthening and transfer of local flap", "Cocked hat procedure", "三角帽手术", "掌骨延长及局部皮瓣转移" ], "265114005": [ "Opposition transfer to thumb", "反对派转移到拇指" ], "609178007": [ "Revision of component of total prosthetic replacement of joint using cement", "人工关节全置换术部件的翻修" ], "66671001": [ "Incision and drainage of parapharyngeal abscess by intraoral approach", "口内入路咽旁脓肿切开引流术" ], "166810009": [ "Electrophoresis: cryoglobulin", "电泳:冷球蛋白" ], "117658009": [ "Norfentanyl measurement", "去甲芬太尼测量" ], "228676000": [ "Hiletron neutron teletherapy", "Hiletron neutron external beam radiation therapy", "海莱特罗中子远距治疗", "海莱特罗中子外束放射治疗" ], "64836000": [ "Blood in gastric contents measurement", "胃内容物血液测定" ], "7151000179104": [ "Excision of benign neoplasm of esophagus", "Excision of benign neoplasm of oesophagus", "Excision of benign tumor of esophagus", "Excision of benign tumour of oesophagus", "食管良性肿瘤切除术" ], "408900003": [ "Memory loss care education", "Teach memory loss care", "记忆丧失护理教育", "教导记忆丧失护理" ], "392516004": [ "Sunflower seed specific IgE antibody measurement", "k84 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sunflower seed specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "葵花籽特异性IgE抗体测定", "k84特异性IgE抗体测量", "葵花籽特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "179524004": [ "Conversion to prosthetic interposition arthroplasty", "转换为假体植入关节置换术" ], "81220003": [ "Artificial pacemaker rate check", "人工起搏器心率检查" ], "48452008": [ "Excisional biopsy of sympathetic nerve ganglion", "交感神经节切除活检" ], "439833004": [ "Percutaneous skeletal fixation of dislocation of interphalangeal joint with manipulation", "经皮骨固定术治疗指间关节脱位" ], "718361005": [ "Weight management program", "Weight management programme", "体重管理计划" ], "63001006": [ "Repair or replace broken clasp, partial denture", "修理或更换破损的卡环、局部假牙" ], "175854006": [ "Insertion of subclavian feeding line", "插入锁骨下营养管" ], "61166008": [ "Aneurysmectomy of ascending aorta", "升主动脉瘤切除术" ], "239555001": [ "Biopsy of posterior element of vertebra", "椎骨后部活检" ], "241390009": [ "Thallium 201 parathyroid study", "铊 201 甲状旁腺研究" ], "698307003": [ "Consultation for benign neoplasm disease", "良性肿瘤疾病咨询" ], "174019007": [ "Paracentesis and endoscopic examination of ileum", "回肠穿刺和内镜检查" ], "1255363008": [ "Laparoscopic tubotubal anastomosis", "Laparoscopic reestablishment of continuity of fallopian tube", "Laparoscopic fallopian tube reanastomosis", "Laparoscopic end-to-end anastomosis of fallopian tube", "腹腔镜输卵管吻合术", "腹腔镜输卵管连续性重建", "腹腔镜输卵管端端吻合术", "腹腔镜输卵管再吻合术" ], "24728001": [ "Incision of myocardium", "Myocardiotomy", "心肌切开术" ], "57496002": [ "Excision of lesion of sacrococcygeal region", "骶尾部病变切除术" ], "419779009": [ "Fluoroscopy and embolization of celiac artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy and embolisation of coeliac artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolisation of coeliac artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolization of celiac artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolization of celiac artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolisation of coeliac artery", "腹腔动脉荧光造影及栓塞术", "腹腔动脉造影透视及栓塞术", "腹腔动脉造影及栓塞荧光血管造影", "腹腔动脉造影透视检查及栓塞术", "腹腔动脉造影及栓塞术" ], "763843009": [ "Radionuclide imaging of whole body using iodine (123-I) metaiodobenzylguanidine", "Radionuclide imaging of whole body using Iobenguane (123-I)", "使用碘(123-I)甲碘苄胍进行全身放射性核素显像", "使用碘苄胍(123-I)进行全身放射性核素显像" ], "417944006": [ "Double everting upper eyelid", "Double eversion of upper eyelid", "双上眼睑外翻", "上眼睑双外翻" ], "172184007": [ "Removal of orbital floor implant", "Removal of orbit floor implant", "移除眼眶底植入物" ], "712856009": [ "Computed tomography of sacral spine and coccyx with contrast", "CT of sacrum and coccyx with contrast", "Computed tomography of sacrum and coccyx with contrast", "骶骨和尾骨增强计算机断层扫描", "骶骨及尾骨增强 CT 检查", "骶椎和尾骨增强计算机断层扫描" ], "448877002": [ "Fusion of lumbosacral region of spine with internal fixation by anterior approach", "前入路腰骶椎融合内固定术" ], "104813004": [ "Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase NAD measurement", "Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide measurement", "亚甲基四氢叶酸脱氢酶 NAD 测量", "亚甲基四氢叶酸脱氢酶烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸测量" ], "88429005": [ "Intramedullary nailing of ulna", "尺骨髓内钉" ], "252269008": [ "Calcium chloride loading test", "氯化钙负载试验" ], "709186008": [ "Noninvasive abdominal foetal electrocardiography", "Noninvasive abdominal fetal electrocardiography", "Noninvasive abdominal fetal electrocardiogram", "Non-invasive abdominal fetal electrocardiography", "Noninvasive abdominal fetal ECG (electrocardiography)", "无创腹部胎儿心电图", "无创腹部胎儿心电图(心电图)" ], "183063000": [ "Low salt diet education", "低盐饮食教育" ], "297751002": [ "Administration of saline solution", "Infusion of saline solution", "输注生理盐水", "盐水注射" ], "314135003": [ "Reconstruction of areola", "乳晕重建" ], "1297175004": [ "Arterial bypass graft of upper limb artery using arterial graft", "使用动脉移植进行上肢动脉旁路移植术" ], "609047005": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from periureteral tissue prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "使用巴氏技术制备输尿管周围组织样本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "264983002": [ "Transfer of tendon", "Rerouting of tendon", "Tendon transfer", "肌腱改道", "肌腱转移" ], "133911005": [ "Doppler catheter method", "多普勒导管法" ], "723735009": [ "Drainage of lower extremity using computed tomography guidance", "Drainage of leg using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided drainage of leg", "CT guided drainage of lower limb", "Drainage of lower limb using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下肢引流", "CT 引导下腿部引流", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行下肢引流", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行腿部引流" ], "787436003": [ "Administration of diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and pertussis and tetanus vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Haemophilus influenzae type b antigens", "Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and pertussis and tetanus immunisation", "Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and pertussis and tetanus immunization", "Diphtheria and Haemophilus influenzae type b and pertussis and tetanus vaccination", "接种白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、百日咳和破伤风疫苗", "白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、百日咳和破伤风疫苗接种", "白喉、乙型流感嗜血杆菌、百日咳和破伤风免疫", "接种仅含有百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌和 b 型流感嗜血杆菌抗原的疫苗产品" ], "179393001": [ "Arthroscopic removal foreign body from knee joint", "关节镜下取出膝关节异物" ], "31937004": [ "Embolectomy of descending aorta", "Removal of embolus of descending aorta", "降主动脉栓塞切除术", "降主动脉栓塞去除术" ], "228545004": [ "Coma stimulation", "昏迷刺激" ], "392385007": [ "Pepper tree specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rt217 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Schinus molle specific IgE antibody measurement", "Schinus molle specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "胡椒树特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rt217 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "软脊鲛特异性IgE抗体测定", "软疣特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "441537009": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of subclavian vein using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮锁骨下静脉血栓溶解术" ], "243094003": [ "Breastfeeding education", "Instruction relating to breastfeeding", "Lactation education", "有关母乳喂养的指导", "母乳喂养教育", "哺乳教育" ], "1258902006": [ "Education about tutoring program", "Education about tutoring programme", "辅导计划教育" ], "11883000": [ "Arthrodesis of metacarpophalangeal joint with internal fixation", "掌指关节融合内固定术" ], "406934009": [ "Sudan black stain method", "Sudan black stain", "苏丹黑染色法", "苏丹黑污迹" ], "274027002": [ "Bowel stoma operation", "肠造口手术" ], "128406008": [ "Anastomosis of jejunum", "空肠吻合术" ], "44651004": [ "Contraceptive use education", "避孕教育" ], "421483006": [ "Raster photogrammetry corneal topography", "光栅摄影测量角膜地形图" ], "77419007": [ "Reduction osteoplasty of facial bones", "面部骨骼缩小整形术" ], "388715007": [ "Petrosilenum crispum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Parsley specific IgE antibody measurement", "f86 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Petrosilenum crispum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f86 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "石油特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "欧芹特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "岩藻特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "241259009": [ "Transuterine pelvic venogram", "宫腔静脉造影" ], "239424005": [ "Repair of ulnar collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb", "拇指掌指关节尺侧副韧带修复术" ], "59200008": [ "Segmental dermabrasion of face", "面部分段磨皮术" ], "450581001": [ "Removal of slough from burnt skin", "去除烧伤皮肤上的腐肉" ], "90133005": [ "Grafting of pelvic bone", "骨盆骨移植" ], "57365007": [ "Excision of lesion of aorta with interposition graft replacement", "切除主动脉病变并进行中间移植物置换术" ], "104682002": [ "Gastric inhibitory polypeptide measurement", "胃抑肽测定" ], "170218003": [ "Child examination: gross motor development", "儿童检查:粗大运动发育" ], "268522006": [ "Obesity monitoring", "肥胖监测" ], "1251562007": [ "Reconstruction with pedicle deltopectoral skin flap", "Reconstruction using pedicle deltopectoral skin flap", "带蒂三角胸肌皮瓣修复", "带蒂三角肌胸大肌皮瓣修复" ], "710890007": [ "Education about mobilizing device", "Education about mobilising device", "关于动员装置的教育" ], "266687001": [ "Bandaging and sling support", "绷带和吊带支撑" ], "84628000": [ "Exploration of vein", "静脉探查" ], "281236004": [ "Construction of temporary dental bridge", "临时牙桥建造" ], "363156005": [ "Incision AND drainage of musculoskeletal system", "肌肉骨骼系统切开引流" ], "608916006": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from periureteral tissue", "输尿管周围组织标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "836457000": [ "Ultrasonography guided drainage of seroma of bilateral breasts using seroma catheter", "Drainage of seroma of bilateral breasts with seroma catheter using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided drainage of seroma of left and right breast using seroma catheter", "超声引导下用血清肿导管引流左、右乳房血清肿", "超声引导下用血清肿导管引流双侧乳房血清肿" ], "50025001": [ "Diagnostic radiography with oral contrast", "Diagnostic radiography with contrast media by ingestion", "口服造影剂诊断放射线照相术", "通过吞咽造影剂进行诊断性放射摄影" ], "312169003": [ "Total pyridinolines measurement", "Total pyridinolines", "总吡啶啉测量", "总吡啶啉" ], "1295209004": [ "Plain X-ray of sternum", "胸骨普通 X 光检查" ], "392254000": [ "Trachelorrhaphy by vaginal approach", "Trachelorrhaphy, Emmet type", "气管缝合术,Emmet 型", "经阴道气管缝合术" ], "179262000": [ "Reefing of bone", "骨硬化" ], "13587001": [ "Gas liquid chromatography, mass analyzer type", "Gas liquid chromatography, mass analyser type", "气相液相色谱仪,质谱分析仪", "气相液相色谱、质谱分析类型" ], "29971002": [ "Operation on external ear", "Surgical procedure on external ear", "External ear operations", "外耳手术" ], "177427002": [ "Local transposition flap, myocutaneous", "局部转位皮瓣,肌皮" ], "12691000087100": [ "Ultrasonography guided injection of bilateral lower limbs", "Injection of bilateral lower extremities using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided injection of bilateral lower extremities", "Injection of bilateral lower limbs using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下双侧下肢注射", "超声引导下双下肢注射" ], "15251000087101": [ "CT of left rib", "Computed tomography of left rib", "左肋骨 CT", "左肋骨计算机断层扫描" ], "767251002": [ "Lymphangiogram of right half of abdomen", "Lymphangiography of right half of abdomen", "右腹部淋巴管造影" ], "20371000087103": [ "MRI of left calf", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left calf", "左小腿磁共振成像", "左小腿 MRI" ], "439571004": [ "Reconstruction of forehead using allograft", "用同种异体移植重建额头" ], "6291000087101": [ "Doppler ultrasonography flow mapping of vein of left lower extremity", "Doppler ultrasonography flow mapping of vein of left lower limb", "左下肢静脉多普勒超声血流图" ], "5011000087106": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of bilateral ankles", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of both ankles", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of left and right ankle", "左、右踝关节荧光镜关节造影", "双踝关节荧光透视关节造影", "双踝关节荧光镜关节造影" ], "388584002": [ "Tangerine specific IgE antibody measurement", "Clementine specific IgE antibody measurement", "Mandarin specific IgE antibody measurement", "Citrus reticulata specific IgE antibody measurement", "Satsumas specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf302 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Citrus reticulata specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf302 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "柑橘特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "蜜柑特异性IgE抗体测定", "柑橘特异性IgE抗体测定", "橘子特异性IgE抗体测定", "克莱门氏小柑橘特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "406803006": [ "Azophloxin stain method", "Azophloxin stain", "偶氮霉素染色", "偶氮青霉素染色法" ], "2451000087109": [ "MRI of right upper arm", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right upper arm", "右上臂 MRI", "右上臂磁共振成像" ], "1171000087103": [ "Ultrasonography of right knee region", "Ultrasound of right knee region", "Ultrasound scan of right knee region", "右膝区域超声检查", "右膝区域超声波扫描" ], "3731000087102": [ "Plain X-ray of right sacroiliac joint", "右骶髂关节普通X光" ], "28136008": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from uterus without incision", "不切开子宫腔内异物取出术" ], "306664000": [ "Discharge from hand surgery service", "手部外科服务出院" ], "386749005": [ "Repair of pulmonary valve", "Valvuloplasty of pulmonary valve", "PVP - Pulmonary valvuloplasty", "Pulmonary valvoplasty", "肺动脉瓣修复", "PVP-肺瓣成形术", "肺动脉瓣成形术", "肺瓣成形术" ], "108221006": [ "Evaluation AND/OR management - established patient", "评估和/或管理 - 已确诊患者" ], "239293007": [ "Internal fixation of fracture", "Fixation of fracture using internal fixator", "骨折内固定", "使用内固定器固定骨折" ], "286610002": [ "Male artificial urinary sphincter procedure", "男性人工尿道括约肌手术" ], "8082002": [ "Removal of foreign body of lacrimal gland by incision", "泪腺切开取异物术" ], "432231006": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of lung", "肺细针穿刺活检" ], "104551009": [ "Bile measurement", "胆汁测量" ], "708924002": [ "Open reduction of epiphyseal fracture of radius", "桡骨骨骺骨折切开复位术" ], "281105001": [ "Fecal lipase measurement", "Faecal lipase", "Fecal lipase", "Faecal lipase measurement", "粪便脂肪酶测量", "粪便脂肪酶" ], "51729006": [ "Excision of tissue or organ for grafting from donor site", "从供体部位切除组织或器官进行移植" ], "444945007": [ "Fine needle aspiration using ultrasound guidance", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导的细针穿刺", "使用超声引导进行细针穿刺活检" ], "608785007": [ "Open reduction of fracture of radius and ulna with internal fixation", "桡骨及尺骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "410342001": [ "Interaction case management", "互动案例管理" ], "313873007": [ "90 minute plasma GH level", "90 minute plasma GH measurement", "90 minute plasma growth hormone measurement", "90 分钟血浆 GH 水平", "90 分钟血浆生长激素测量", "90 分钟血浆 GH 测量" ], "117265009": [ "Cold incubation of serum, 24 hours", "血清冷培养,24 小时" ], "35345006": [ "Vitamin B12 binding capacity measurement", "维生素 B12 结合能力测定" ], "33510000": [ "Partial sacrectomy", "部分骶骨切除术" ], "15291005": [ "Left ventricular recording", "左心室记录" ], "441275005": [ "Position cosmetic mirror near subject", "将化妆镜放置在靠近拍摄对象的位置" ], "388453001": [ "Epidermal and animal protein specific IgE antibody measurement", "Epidermal and animal protein specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "表皮和动物蛋白特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "表皮和动物蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测量" ], "175461004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of vertebral artery", "Percutaneous embolization of vertebral artery", "Percutaneous embolisation of vertebral artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of vertebral artery", "经皮椎动脉栓塞术", "经皮椎动脉腔内栓塞术" ], "306533008": [ "Discharge by play therapist", "由游戏治疗师引导出院" ], "1156666001": [ "Auranofin therapy", "金诺芬治疗" ], "42554003": [ "Irrigation of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱冲洗" ], "171791003": [ "Therapeutic cervical epidural injection", "治疗性颈椎硬膜外注射" ], "401167006": [ "Group exercise programme", "Group exercise program", "团体锻炼计划" ], "57103007": [ "Reattachment of retina by diathermy", "Repair of retina for retinal detachment by diathermy", "透热疗法复位视网膜", "视网膜脱离透热疗法修复" ], "104420000": [ "Immunoassay, semi-quantitative, single step method", "免疫测定,半定量,单步法" ], "450319007": [ "Assessment using Edinburgh postnatal depression scale", "使用爱丁堡产后抑郁量表进行评估" ], "38884006": [ "Removal of liver tube", "肝管移除" ], "669261000168102": [ "Defence force preliminary post-deployment medical examination", "Defense force preliminary post-deployment medical examination", "国防部队部署后初步体检" ], "235492009": [ "Removal of calculus from pancreatic duct", "胰管结石取出" ], "86201001": [ "Destructive procedure of musculoskeletal system", "肌肉骨骼系统破坏性手术" ], "250041003": [ "Conversion of cardiac rhythm to sinus rhythm", "心律转为窦性心律" ], "18830003": [ "Myringotomy including aspiration with general anesthesia", "Myringotomy including aspiration with general anaesthesia", "全身麻醉下进行鼓膜切开术(包括抽吸)" ], "67982004": [ "Core needle biopsy of spleen", "脾脏穿刺活检" ], "35214005": [ "Norepinephrine measurement", "Noradrenaline measurement", "去甲肾上腺素测量" ], "313742004": [ "Serum lysine measurement", "Serum lysine level", "血清赖氨酸测量", "血清赖氨酸水平" ], "737891000": [ "Reimplantation of superior mesenteric artery", "肠系膜上动脉再植术" ], "180835002": [ "Harvest of bone from ulna", "从尺骨获取骨骼" ], "49763002": [ "Cardiovascular rehabilitation procedure", "心血管康复程序" ], "442979007": [ "Insertion of pleural tube using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided insertion of pleural tube", "CT 引导下胸膜管插入", "使用计算机断层扫描引导插入胸膜管" ], "82531008": [ "Open biopsy of liver", "肝脏开放活检" ], "410211008": [ "Tracheostomy care assessment", "Assess tracheostomy care", "气管切开术护理评估", "评估气管切开术护理" ], "435691000124100": [ "Diet modified for specific foods or ingredients", "针对特定食物或成分调整饮食" ], "277304005": [ "Pure tone audiometry using attention raising techniques", "采用注意力提升技术的纯音测听" ], "1293112005": [ "Plain X-ray of right sphenoid sinus", "右侧蝶窦普通 X 光检查" ], "439309000": [ "Thoracoscopy with partial pulmonary decortication", "胸腔镜检查及部分肺剥脱术" ], "46093004": [ "Acetaminophen measurement", "Paracetamol measurement", "对乙酰氨基酚测量" ], "717837005": [ "Leflunomide therapy", "来氟米特治疗" ], "78861005": [ "Donor hepatectomy with preparation and maintenance of homograft", "供肝切除术及同种移植的准备和维护" ], "699618001": [ "Tuberculosis prophylaxis", "Tuberculosis preventive therapy", "Administration of prophylactic antituberculosis agent", "结核病预防", "预防性使用抗结核药物", "结核病预防治疗" ], "290018002": [ "Endoscopic insertion of tubal prosthesis into oesophagus", "Endoscopic insertion of tubal prosthesis into esophagus", "内镜食管假体置入", "经内镜将输卵管假体置入食管" ], "42423000": [ "Chiropractic consultation, history and examination", "脊椎按摩咨询、病史和检查" ], "304567001": [ "Admission for long-term care", "长期护理入院" ], "175330009": [ "Attention to prosthesis of aorta", "主动脉假体注意事项" ], "386487003": [ "Urinary habit training", "排尿习惯训练" ], "288183004": [ "Insertion of IV endocardial electrode", "Insertion of intravenous endocardial electrode", "插入静脉心内膜电极" ], "9655003": [ "Removal of foreign body from external auditory canal", "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from ear without incision", "FB - Removal of foreign body from external auditory canal", "去除外耳道异物", "无需切开耳腔取出耳内异物", "FB - 去除外耳道异物" ], "122508002": [ "Excision of elbow joint synovium", "Synovectomy of elbow joint", "肘关节滑膜切除术" ], "171660003": [ "Decompression of vagus nerve (X)", "迷走神经减压术(X)" ], "24204004": [ "Replacement of vaginal packing", "Replacement of pack of vagina", "更换阴道包", "更换阴道填塞物" ], "401036007": [ "Urine nitrazepam level", "尿液中硝西泮的浓度" ], "1234785000": [ "Replacement of cardiac resynchronisation therapy defibrillator pulse generator", "Replacement of cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator pulse generator", "更换心脏再同步治疗除颤器脉冲发生器" ], "104289000": [ "Listeria monocytogenes antibody assay", "Serologic test for Listeria monocytogenes", "Measurement of Listeria monocytogenes antibody", "单核细胞增生李斯特菌抗体测定", "单核细胞增生李斯特菌抗体检测", "单核细胞增生李斯特菌血清学检测" ], "710497003": [ "Establishment of rapport", "建立融洽关系" ], "300897007": [ "Total salpingectomy", "全输卵管切除术" ], "1202017008": [ "Surgical procedure using flap", "Flap procedure", "Surgical procedure with flap", "使用皮瓣的手术", "皮瓣手术" ], "415585008": [ "Steroid injection into lateral epicondyle tendon of humerus", "肱骨外上髁肌腱注射类固醇" ], "22369009": [ "Platinum measurement", "铂金测量" ], "20534003": [ "Aortopopliteal vascular bypass", "主动脉腘动脉旁路移植术" ], "233526002": [ "Peripheral venous cannula insertion - scalp", "Insertion of peripheral venous cannula into scalp vein", "外周静脉插管 - 头皮", "将外周静脉插管插入头皮静脉" ], "430134003": [ "Education about oral contraception", "口服避孕药教育" ], "118838009": [ "Procedure on large intestine", "大肠手术" ], "18699002": [ "Clinical laboratory specimen identification", "临床实验室标本鉴定" ], "231691002": [ "Operations on inferior oblique", "下斜肌手术" ], "35083003": [ "Suture of mesentery", "Suturing of mesentery", "肠系膜缝合" ], "2315006": [ "Operation on cerebral meninges", "Brain meninges operation", "脑膜手术" ], "311776000": [ "Continuous infusion of alteplase", "Continuous infusion of rt-PA", "持续输注阿替普酶", "持续输注 rt-PA" ], "66016003": [ "Reattachment of artery of extremity", "肢体动脉再接" ], "410080005": [ "Sleep pattern control management", "Manage sleep pattern control", "Sleep enhancement management", "管理睡眠模式控制", "睡眠模式控制管理", "睡眠增强管理" ], "408245007": [ "GT1b IgM level", "GT1b immunoglobulin M level", "GT1b IgM 水平", "GT1b 免疫球蛋白 M 水平" ], "31413008": [ "Operative procedure on coronary arteries", "Coronary artery surgery", "Coronary artery operation", "Operative procedure on coronary artery", "冠状动脉手术" ], "177034007": [ "Open diagnostic aspiration of ovary", "开放式卵巢诊断抽吸术" ], "306271001": [ "Referral to neuropathologist", "转诊至神经病理学家" ], "765023004": [ "Lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet", "Lactoovovegetarian diet", "乳素食", "蛋奶素食" ], "288052000": [ "Bone graft with bone chips", "骨碎片骨移植" ], "304436001": [ "Ultrasound treatment to abdomen", "腹部超声波治疗" ], "9524002": [ "Total pancreatectomy", "TP - Total pancreatectomy", "Total excision of pancreas", "胰腺全切除术", "TP-全胰腺切除术", "全胰腺切除术" ], "386356001": [ "Medication administration: intramuscular", "Medication administration: intramuscular (IM)", "Administration of drug or medicament via intramuscular route", "给药方式:肌肉注射(IM)", "通过肌肉注射药物或药剂", "给药方式:肌肉注射" ], "173364005": [ "Biopsy of lesion of tongue", "舌病损活检" ], "1254708009": [ "Referral to workforce transition programme", "Referral to workforce transition program", "转介劳动力转型计划" ], "89609005": [ "Curettage of tendon sheath of hand", "手部腱鞘刮除术" ], "122377007": [ "Mumps virus RNA assay", "Mumps virus ribonucleic acid assay", "腮腺炎病毒核糖核酸检测", "腮腺炎病毒 RNA 检测" ], "235230000": [ "Highly selective vagotomy with drainage", "高选择性迷走神经切断引流术" ], "87774002": [ "Fitting of prosthesis of hand", "Fitting of prosthetic device of hand", "手部假肢安装", "手部假肢装置的安装" ], "431838006": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of bone of upper limb", "Single photon emission computed tomography of bone of upper limb", "上肢骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "上肢骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)" ], "20403000": [ "Iridocyclectomy", "虹膜睫状体切除术" ], "167859001": [ "Synovial fluid examination", "滑液检查" ], "284382009": [ "Examination of lower leg", "小腿检查" ], "22238008": [ "Pulmonary stress testing", "肺部压力测试" ], "315315000": [ "Perineoplasty", "会阴成形术" ], "408621000119100": [ "Removal of tunneled central venous catheter with subcutaneous port using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided removal of tunneled central venous catheter with subcutaneous port with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided removal of tunnelled central venous catheter with subcutaneous port with contrast", "Removal of tunnelled central venous catheter with subcutaneous port using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "透视引导下移除带皮下端口的隧道式中心静脉导管", "荧光透视引导下移除带皮下端口的隧道式中心静脉导管", "在荧光造影引导下移除带有皮下端口的隧道式中心静脉导管" ], "495661000119101": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral hip joints with contrast", "MRI of bilateral hip joints with contrast", "双侧髋关节 MRI 增强扫描", "双侧髋关节磁共振成像对比" ], "118707002": [ "Procedure on wrist", "手腕手术" ], "231560000": [ "Insertion of intraconal orbital implant", "植入眼眶锥内植入物" ], "233395008": [ "Clipping of artery", "动脉夹闭" ], "409901000119107": [ "MRI of liver without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of liver without contrast", "肝脏无造影 MRI", "无造影剂肝脏磁共振成像" ], "412461000119108": [ "MRI of sella turcica without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of pituitary fossa without contrast", "垂体窝无造影磁共振成像", "鞍区非造影 MRI" ], "313480004": [ "Plasma salicylate measurement", "Plasma salicylate level", "血浆水杨酸水平", "血浆水杨酸测量" ], "311645001": [ "Repetition of speech activity", "重复言语活动" ], "82269004": [ "Cauterization of fallopian tube", "Cauterisation of fallopian tube", "输卵管烧灼术" ], "360797007": [ "Enucleation of renal tumour", "Enucleation of renal tumor", "肾肿瘤摘除术" ], "178738004": [ "Primary open reduction spinal fracture and internal fixation with segmental wire system", "一期脊柱骨折切开复位分段钢丝系统内固定" ], "440882005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal stent assisted polymer embolization of cerebral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal stent assisted polymer embolisation of cerebral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal stent assisted polymer embolisation of cerebral artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal stent assisted polymer embolization of cerebral artery with contrast", "经皮腔内支架辅助脑动脉聚合物栓塞术(荧光造影引导)", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内支架辅助脑动脉造影聚合物栓塞术" ], "719410009": [ "Consultation via video conference", "通过视频会议进行咨询" ], "275207004": [ "Ball valve pulmonary valve replacement", "球阀肺动脉瓣置换术" ], "11228000": [ "Dieffenbach operation for hip disarticulation", "迪芬巴赫髋关节离断术" ], "306140002": [ "Referral to clinical oncology service", "转诊至临床肿瘤科服务" ], "25777001": [ "Division of ligament of wrist", "Division of joint ligament of wrist", "腕关节韧带分离", "腕韧带分离" ], "418993004": [ "Flicker perimetry", "闪烁视野检查" ], "386225006": [ "Irrigation of bowel", "Irrigation of intestine", "Bowel irrigation", "肠道灌洗", "肠道冲洗" ], "42161006": [ "Keratocentesis", "Paracentesis of cornea", "角膜穿刺术" ], "302470004": [ "Operation on branchial cleft", "鳃裂手术" ], "236934005": [ "Drainage of ovarian abscess", "卵巢脓肿引流" ], "417158007": [ "Referral to psycho-educational group", "转介至心理教育小组" ], "171398007": [ "Examination for suspected mental disorder", "疑似精神障碍检查" ], "38491000": [ "Apnea monitor removal", "Apnoea monitor removal", "移除呼吸暂停监测器" ], "73094007": [ "VDRL, quantitative", "Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL), quantitative", "Venereal Disease Research Laboratory, quantitative", "性病研究实验室 (VDRL),定量", "性病研究实验室,定量", "VDRL,定量" ], "104027005": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Scianna system (ISBT 013)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Scianna system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 013)", "从 Scianna 系统 (国际输血协会 013) 中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体", "从 Scianna 系统 (ISBT 013) 中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体" ], "446256001": [ "Removal of vagal nerve stimulator", "Removal of vagus nerve stimulator", "移除迷走神经刺激器" ], "315184001": [ "RSV antigen level", "Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) antigen level", "Respiratory syncytial virus antigen level", "Respiratory syncytial virus antigen assay", "呼吸道合胞病毒抗原检测", "呼吸道合胞病毒抗原水平", "RSV 抗原水平", "呼吸道合胞病毒 (RSV) 抗原水平" ], "233264004": [ "Angioplasty of thoracic aorta", "Balloon angioplasty of the thoracic aorta", "胸主动脉成形术", "胸主动脉球囊血管成形术" ], "429872009": [ "Cementoplasty of glenoid using computed tomography guidance", "Cementoplasty of glenoid using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "CT guided cementoplasty of glenoid", "CT引导下关节盂骨水泥成形术", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行关节盂骨水泥成形术", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行关节盂骨水泥成形术" ], "165893001": [ "Reticulin antibody titre", "Reticulin antibody titer measurement", "Reticulin antibody titer", "Reticulin antibody titre measurement", "网状蛋白抗体滴度", "网状蛋白抗体滴度测量" ], "231429003": [ "Cryotherapy to abdominal cutaneous nerve", "Cryotherapy for abdominal cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome - ACNES", "腹部皮神经卡压综合征的冷冻疗法 - ACNES", "腹部皮神经冷冻治疗" ], "1263621004": [ "Delayed repair of tendon using temporary prosthesis", "使用临时假体延迟修复肌腱" ], "772101009": [ "Repair of recurrent incisional hernia of abdominal wall", "复发性腹壁切口疝的修补术" ], "278746002": [ "Long posterior flap incision", "长后皮瓣切口" ], "229594008": [ "Functional rehabilitation", "功能康复" ], "719279003": [ "Repair of sciatic hernia using surgical sutures", "Repair of ischiatic hernia using surgical sutures", "Sciatic herniorrhaphy", "使用手术缝合线修复坐骨疝", "坐骨疝修补术" ], "113071007": [ "Thin layer chromatography measurement", "薄层色谱测定" ], "276911009": [ "Provision of Cunningham penile clamp", "提供 Cunningham 阴茎夹" ], "275076002": [ "Revision of artificial bladder neck sphincter in female", "女性人工膀胱颈括约肌修复术" ], "176772002": [ "Cold coagulation of lesion of cervix", "宫颈病变冷凝术" ], "45700007": [ "Removal of foreign body of perirenal tissue", "肾周组织异物去除" ], "62084009": [ "Shortening of bone of ulna", "尺骨缩短" ], "27481003": [ "Chemosurgery", "Destruction of lesion or structure by chemical application", "通过化学方法破坏病变或结构", "化学外科" ], "174937005": [ "Mechanical prosthetic tricuspid valve replacement", "机械人工三尖瓣置换术" ], "306009007": [ "Referral from gastrointestinal surgeon", "Referral from GI surgeon", "Referral by GI surgeon", "Referral by gastrointestinal surgeon", "胃肠外科医生的推荐", "胃肠外科医生转诊", "胃肠外科医生推荐" ], "287790000": [ "Stoma scar tissue released", "释放造口疤痕组织" ], "173102001": [ "Open destruction of lesion of bronchus", "支气管病变开放性破坏" ], "1303598001": [ "Arthroscopy of joint of left shoulder region", "Left shoulder joint region arthroscopy", "左肩关节关节镜检查", "左肩关节区域关节镜检查" ], "713774003": [ "Minimally invasive repair of pectus excavatum using pectus bar", "胸棒微创修复漏斗胸" ], "271406004": [ "Neurostimulation of brain tissue", "Neurostimulation procedure of brain tissue", "脑组织神经刺激", "脑组织的神经刺激程序" ], "122115003": [ "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 6B antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 6B antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae American serotype 26 antibody", "肺炎链球菌美国血清型26抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌丹麦血清型 6B 抗体的测定", "肺炎链球菌血清型6B抗体测定" ], "103896001": [ "Lu^a^ blood group typing", "Lu^a^血型分型" ], "726488007": [ "Excision of left adrenal gland", "Left adrenalectomy", "左肾上腺切除术" ], "429741000": [ "Revision of laser foraminoplasty of cervical spine", "颈椎激光椎间孔成形术的修订" ], "169432008": [ "Galvanic faradization", "Galvanic faradisation", "电流感应" ], "446125000": [ "Electrohydraulic lithotripsy", "电液碎石术" ], "315053001": [ "Statin prophylaxis", "HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor prophylaxis", "Statin therapy", "Administration of prophylactic statin", "3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibitor prophylaxis", "他汀类药物预防", "3-羟基-3-甲基戊二酰辅酶A还原酶抑制剂预防", "预防性使用他汀类药物", "HMG-CoA还原酶抑制剂预防", "他汀类药物治疗" ], "118445002": [ "Excision of benign neoplasm", "良性肿瘤切除" ], "233133007": [ "Take-down of Fontan operation", "取消 Fontan 行动" ], "413357007": [ "45 minute serum GH level", "45 minute serum growth hormone measurement", "45 分钟血清 GH 水平", "45 分钟血清生长激素测量" ], "36525009": [ "Incision and drainage of deep supralevator abscess", "深部提肌上脓肿切开引流" ], "231298001": [ "Intramuscular infiltration", "肌内浸润" ], "395138001": [ "Flush ligation of inferior mesenteric artery", "下肠系膜动脉平齐结扎" ], "229463005": [ "Manipulation of the ankle joint - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the ankle joint", "踝关节手术——非手术", "踝关节操作" ], "213079008": [ "Biopsy of thorax", "胸腔活检" ], "49239009": [ "Biofeedback training in regulation of blood pressure for essential hypertension", "生物反馈训练对原发性高血压患者血压调节的作用" ], "440620002": [ "300 minute plasma glucose measurement", "300 minute plasma glucose level", "300 分钟血糖水平", "300 分钟血糖测量" ], "409687008": [ "Cleaning of equipment", "设备清洁" ], "391468006": [ "Cytoplasmic ANCA Screen", "细胞质 ANCA 筛查" ], "719148008": [ "Assessment using CVLT-II (California Verbal Learning Test Second Edition)", "Assessment using California Verbal Learning Test Second Edition", "使用加州言语学习测试第二版进行评估", "使用 CVLT-II(加州言语学习测试第二版)进行评估" ], "1290753008": [ "Plain X-ray of cervical lymph node", "Plain X-ray of lymph node of neck", "颈部淋巴结X光检查" ], "176641009": [ "Nonobstetrical perineoplasty", "Female perineoplasty", "女性会阴整形术", "非产科会阴成形术" ], "699094001": [ "Radionuclide lutetium 177 somatostatin analogue scan", "Radionuclide lutetium 177 somatostatin analog scan", "Radionuclide imaging using lutetium (177-Lu) labelled somatostatin analogue", "Radionuclide imaging using lutetium (177-Lu) labeled somatostatin analog", "使用镥(177-Lu)标记的生长抑素类似物进行放射性核素成像", "放射性核素镥177生长抑素类似物扫描" ], "1156011001": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pancreas using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pancreas", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行胰腺经皮细针穿刺活检", "CT引导下经皮胰腺细针穿刺活检" ], "385963002": [ "Bladder care management", "Manage bladder care", "Bladder care case management", "Management of urinary bladder care", "管理膀胱护理", "膀胱护理管理", "膀胱护理病例管理" ], "287659006": [ "Bilateral vasoplasty", "Reconstruction of both vas deferens", "Reconstruction of bilateral vas deferens", "双侧血管成形术", "双侧输精管重建" ], "171136001": [ "Yaws screening", "雅司病筛查" ], "449664002": [ "Transplantation of tissue of upper arm", "上臂组织移植" ], "121984007": [ "Cyclospora cayetanesis detection", "环孢子虫检测" ], "120149001": [ "Thorax injection", "胸腔注射" ], "415061005": [ "Percentage CD34/HLADR count", "Percentage CD34+HLADR+ count", "Percentage count of cells positive for both CD34 antigen and HLA-DR antigen", "Percentage count of cells positive for both CD34 antigen and human leukocyte antigen DR", "Percentage count of cells positive for both CD34 antigen and human leucocyte antigen DR", "CD34 抗原和 HLA-DR 抗原均阳性的细胞百分比", "CD34+HLADR+ 计数百分比", "CD34/HLADR 计数百分比", "CD34 抗原和人类白细胞抗原 DR 均呈阳性的细胞百分比" ], "169301006": [ "High-energy beam therapy", "高能射线治疗" ], "185685007": [ "Adult immunisation - first call", "Adult immunization - first call", "成人免疫接种 - 首选" ], "445994000": [ "Assessment using joint protection behavior assessment", "Assessment using joint protection behaviour assessment", "采用联合保护行为评估进行评估" ], "233002007": [ "Angioplasty of systemic venous pathway", "Balloon dilatation of systemic venous pathway", "Balloon angioplasty of systemic venous pathway", "体循环静脉血管成形术", "全身静脉通路球囊扩张术", "体循环静脉通路球囊成形术" ], "18175003": [ "Repair of stress incontinence by urethrovesical suspension with gracilis muscle transplant", "Urethrovesical suspension with gracilis muscle transplant", "尿道膀胱悬吊术联合股薄肌移植", "尿道膀胱悬吊联合股薄肌移植治疗压力性尿失禁" ], "231167007": [ "Sciatic nerve block; posterior approach", "Local anaesthetic sciatic nerve block; posterior approach", "Local anesthetic sciatic nerve block; posterior approach", "Labatt sciatic nerve block", "局部麻醉坐骨神经阻滞;后入路", "坐骨神经阻滞;后入路", "Labatt 坐骨神经阻滞" ], "313087008": [ "Anxiety counselling", "Anxiety counseling", "Counseling for anxiety", "Counselling for anxiety", "焦虑咨询" ], "81876003": [ "Fibrin split products, agglutination assay", "纤维蛋白裂解产物凝集试验" ], "229332005": [ "Accessory mobilization of the shoulder", "Accessory mobilisation of the shoulder", "肩部辅助活动" ], "112809000": [ "Division of chordae tendineae", "腱索的划分" ], "407721005": [ "CD16 count", "CD16 计数" ], "702633005": [ "Counselling for intrauterine device contraception", "Counseling for intrauterine device contraception", "宫内节育器避孕咨询" ], "129193007": [ "Procedure on ilium", "髂骨手术" ], "440489008": [ "Education about plagiocephaly", "关于斜头畸形的教育" ], "307582003": [ "Drainage of appendix", "阑尾引流" ], "1290622004": [ "Needle decompression thoracostomy", "Needle chest decompression", "Needle chest decompression for tension pneumothorax", "针刺胸腔减压", "针刺减压胸腔造口术", "针刺胸腔减压治疗张力性气胸" ], "830035005": [ "Excision of dermoid cyst of skin of nose", "鼻部皮肤皮样囊肿切除术" ], "27219008": [ "Concurrent audit", "并发审计" ], "385832000": [ "Specimen care management", "Manage specimen care", "标本护理管理", "管理标本护理" ], "287528001": [ "Bronchoscopy via tracheostomy", "Bronchoscopy through tracheostomy", "通过气管切开术进行支气管镜检查", "经气管切开术进行支气管镜检查" ], "121853009": [ "Sebacate measurement", "癸二酸测量" ], "252925009": [ "Stamey test - infection localization", "Stamey test - infection localisation", "Stamey 测试 - 感染定位" ], "70866004": [ "Regional excision of groin lymph nodes", "Regional excision of inguinal lymph nodes", "腹股沟淋巴结区域切除", "腹股沟淋巴结区域切除术" ], "265639000": [ "Midforceps delivery without rotation", "无旋转中段产钳分娩" ], "120018009": [ "Vas deferens injection", "输精管注射" ], "167335004": [ "Urine microscopy for casts", "Urine microscopy - casts", "尿液显微镜检查 - 管型", "尿液显微镜检查管型" ], "232871005": [ "Transluminal radiofrequency pulmonary valvotomy", "经腔内射频肺瓣切开术" ], "445863004": [ "Loopogram of colon", "结肠环造影" ], "413095006": [ "Clinical management plan review", "临床管理计划审查" ], "18044005": [ "Endoscopy of trachea", "Tracheoscopy", "气管内窥镜检查", "气管镜检查" ], "771708006": [ "Laparoscopic repair of umbilical hernia", "腹腔镜脐疝修补术" ], "65361000": [ "Osteopathic manipulation, indirect forces", "Indirect technique", "Osteopathic manipulation, indirect method", "Osteopathic manipulative treatment using indirect method", "间接技术", "整骨疗法,间接力量", "整骨疗法,间接方法", "间接整骨手法治疗" ], "231036008": [ "Destruction of spinal nerve root", "脊神经根破坏" ], "50812008": [ "Ultracentrifugation", "超速离心" ], "425809005": [ "Prosthetic replacement of intervertebral disc", "椎间盘假体置换术" ], "180049005": [ "Drainage of amputation stump", "截肢残端引流" ], "229201007": [ "Gait re-education in water", "Gait training in water", "水中步态再教育", "水中步态训练" ], "243750001": [ "Provision of communicator for visual and hearing impairment", "为视觉和听觉障碍者提供通讯器" ], "178214002": [ "Removal of foreign body from tendon", "FB - Removal of foreign body from tendon", "去除肌腱中的异物", "FB - 肌腱异物去除" ], "702502001": [ "Computed tomography of lower limb with contrast", "CT of lower limb with contrast", "Computerized axial tomography of lower extremity with contrast", "Computerised axial tomography of lower extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography of lower extremity with contrast", "CT of lower extremity with contrast", "下肢增强计算机轴向断层扫描", "下肢增强 CT", "下肢增强 CT 扫描", "下肢增强计算机断层扫描" ], "391206005": [ "Mental health addiction programmes - 24 hour intensive", "Mental health addiction programs - 24 hour intensive", "心理健康成瘾项目 - 24 小时强化" ], "440358008": [ "Primary prevention of cardiovascular disease", "心血管疾病的一级预防" ], "438523006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon test occlusion of middle cerebral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内球囊试验闭塞大脑中动脉(荧光造影引导)" ], "76240002": [ "Lysis of corneovitreal adhesions", "角玻璃体粘连松解术" ], "59856003": [ "Exploration of artery of head and neck", "头颈部动脉探查" ], "172709005": [ "Extirpation of lesion of middle ear", "中耳病变摘除术" ], "303781007": [ "Contrast radiography of brain", "Brain contrast procedure", "脑造影程序", "脑部对比 X 线摄影" ], "713381008": [ "Lipid rescue therapy", "脂质拯救疗法" ], "385701009": [ "Immobiliser care management", "Immobilizer care management", "Manage immobiliser care", "Manage immobilizer care", "防盗器护理管理", "管理防盗器护理", "管理固定护理", "固定化护理管理" ], "238245008": [ "Excision of urachal cyst", "Excision of cyst of urachus", "脐尿管囊肿切除术" ], "121722003": [ "Trihexyphenidyl measurement", "苯海索测量" ], "8869009": [ "Endoscopic dilation of gastrojejunostomy site", "内镜胃空肠吻合口扩张术" ], "170874002": [ "Urinary disorder monitoring", "泌尿系统疾病监测" ], "105338006": [ "Thiopental measurement", "硫喷妥钠测量" ], "1186682008": [ "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control, one level of pressure-support active during both phases and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct", "Synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control, one level of pressure-support active during both phases and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct", "SIMV-PC PS (x2) ACAP (synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control, one level of pressure-support active during both phases and an assured constant airway pressure) adjunct", "SIMV-PC PS (x2) ACAP (synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control, one level of pressure-support active during both phases and an assured constant airway pressure) adjunct", "SIMV-PC PS (x2) ACAP(同步间歇指令通气,带压力控制,两个阶段均激活一个压力支持水平,并确保气道压力恒定)辅助", "同步间歇指令通气,带压力控制、两个阶段均激活某一级别的压力支持以及确保恒定的气道压力辅助装置", "同步间歇指令通气,带压力控制、两个阶段均激活一个压力支持水平以及确保恒定气道压力辅助装置" ], "119887001": [ "Small intestine closure", "小肠闭合" ], "414799001": [ "N terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide level", "N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide measurement", "N 端脑钠肽前体水平", "N 端脑钠肽前体测量" ], "431183005": [ "Referral to endodontic service", "转诊至牙髓科服务" ], "21583008": [ "Watson-Jones operation for reconstruction of lateral ligaments of ankle", "沃森-琼斯手术重建踝关节外侧韧带" ], "52516005": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into sciatic nerve", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into sciatic nerve", "Local anaesthetic sciatic nerve block", "Local anesthetic sciatic nerve block", "Sciatic nerve block", "坐骨神经注射麻醉剂", "坐骨神经阻滞", "局部麻醉坐骨神经阻滞" ], "412964006": [ "Urine arginine measurement", "Urine arginine level", "尿液精氨酸测量", "尿液精氨酸水平" ], "118052007": [ "HIV 1 p31 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p31 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 31 antibody", "HIV 1 p31 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 31 抗体的测量", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p31 抗体检测" ], "445732008": [ "Incision and drainage of lacrimal drainage structure", "泪道引流结构切开引流" ], "19748009": [ "Cyanide measurement, tissue", "氰化物测量,组织" ], "116217002": [ "Excisional biopsy of lesion of heart", "心脏病变切除活检" ], "773412008": [ "Traditional medicine", "Indigenous medicine", "本土医学", "传统药物" ], "36132005": [ "Burst forming unit-erythroid assay", "BFU-E assay", "爆发形成单位-红细胞试验", "BFU-E 检测" ], "232740008": [ "Mitral valve operation", "MV - Mitral valve operation", "二尖瓣手术", "MV - 二尖瓣手术" ], "230905005": [ "Excision of intracranial arteriovenous malformation", "颅内动静脉畸形切除术" ], "50681008": [ "Phenol measurement", "苯酚测量" ], "1529009": [ "Aspiration of soft tissue", "软组织抽吸" ], "229070002": [ "Stretching exercises", "伸展运动" ], "48846003": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of intra-abdominal mass", "Fine needle biopsy of intra-abdominal mass", "Fine needle aspiration lesion of peritoneal cavity", "腹部肿块细针穿刺活检", "腹腔细针穿刺病变", "腹部肿块细针活检" ], "442062003": [ "Anterior and posterior attachment of correctional instrument to spine", "矫正器械在脊柱的前部和后部固定" ], "736974006": [ "Lobectomy of right middle lobe of lung", "Excision of middle lobe of right lung", "右肺中叶切除术", "右中叶肺叶切除术" ], "278222008": [ "Continuous processed EEG using compressed spectral array", "CSA - Continuous processed EEG using compressed spectral array", "Continuous processed electroencephalogram using compressed spectral array", "使用压缩频谱阵列进行连续处理的脑电图", "使用压缩频谱阵列进行连续处理的EEG", "CSA - 使用压缩频谱阵列进行连续处理的脑电图" ], "440227005": [ "Education about indication for prenatal ultrasound", "产前超声检查指征教育" ], "79779006": [ "Patient discharge, deceased, no autopsy", "患者出院,死亡,无需尸检" ], "866211009": [ "Ultrasonography guided localization of lesion", "Localization of lesion using ultrasonographic guidance", "Localisation of lesion using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided localisation of lesion", "超声引导下病变定位", "使用超声引导定位病变" ], "225400002": [ "Personal assessment", "个人入息课税" ], "28792004": [ "Preoperative preparation of skin", "术前皮肤准备" ], "1208440008": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of lesion of bile duct", "Fine needle aspiration of lesion of bile duct", "胆管病变细针穿刺", "胆管病变细针穿刺活检" ], "43341003": [ "Dental history taking", "牙科病史采集" ], "303650005": [ "Removal of mole of skin by excision", "切除皮肤痣" ], "88823001": [ "Serologic test for Influenza B virus", "乙型流感病毒血清学检测" ], "711415002": [ "Video assisted thoracoscopy for major lung resection", "电视辅助胸腔镜用于大面积肺切除术" ], "6903003": [ "Metabolic monitoring procedure", "代谢监测程序" ], "236279004": [ "Excision of hooded prepuce", "包皮环切术" ], "170743005": [ "Initial diabetic assessment", "初步糖尿病评估" ], "121591003": [ "Heptachlorepoxide measurement", "七氯环氧物测量" ], "252663003": [ "Carbon dioxide breath test", "二氧化碳呼气试验" ], "105207008": [ "Hydromorphone measurement", "氢吗啡酮测量" ], "168908004": [ "Knee arthrogram", "膝关节造影" ], "414668005": [ "Mental health monitoring first letter", "心理健康监测第一封信" ], "119756006": [ "Lung destructive procedure", "肺破坏性手术" ], "68769000": [ "Partial glossectomy", "Partial excision of tongue", "舌头部分切除", "部分舌切除术" ], "431052009": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of lip", "唇部细针穿刺活检" ], "709580008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of nasopharynx with contrast", "MRI of nasopharynx with contrast", "鼻咽部增强 MRI 检查", "鼻咽部增强磁共振成像" ], "281761002": [ "Repair of flexor tendon forearm, wrist, hand", "前臂、腕部、手部屈肌腱修复" ], "183457004": [ "Geriatric emergency hospital admission", "老年急诊入院" ], "232609005": [ "Shunt of cerebral ventricle to lumbar site", "脑室至腰椎分流术" ], "167073006": [ "Plasma fasting HDL cholesterol measurement", "Plasma fasting HDL cholesterol level", "Plasma fasting high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement", "血浆空腹高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平", "血浆空腹高密度脂蛋白胆固醇测量" ], "412833008": [ "Blood sirolimus measurement", "Blood sirolimus level", "血雷帕霉素测量", "血雷帕霉素浓度" ], "312694003": [ "Excision of necrotic patch of small intestine", "小肠坏死斑切除术" ], "1398005": [ "Direct thrombectomy of iliac vein by leg incision", "经小腿切口直接取栓髂静脉" ], "394614006": [ "Reflexology", "反射疗法" ], "15947002": [ "Periodic acid Schiff stain method, blood or bone marrow", "过碘酸希夫染色法,血液或骨髓" ], "310859004": [ "Driving assessment", "驾驶评估" ], "179787006": [ "Primary allograft augmentation extra-articular ligament", "原发性同种异体移植增强关节外韧带" ], "390944003": [ "24 hour urine homovanillic acid output", "24小时尿液高香草酸排出量" ], "79648003": [ "Anal cryptectomy", "肛门隐窝切除术" ], "440096003": [ "Repair of persistant cloaca by abdominal and sacroperineal approach", "经腹部及骶尾入路修补泄殖腔残留" ], "833312004": [ "Pneumatic vitreolysis", "气压玻璃体消融术" ], "241653000": [ "MRI arthrography of hip", "Magnetic resonance imaging arthrography of hip", "髋关节磁共振成像关节造影", "髋关节 MRI 关节造影" ], "225269002": [ "Tendon transplantation", "肌腱移植" ], "45045002": [ "Glossoplasty", "Repair of tongue", "Tongue repair", "舌成形术", "舌头修复" ], "307189004": [ "Alcohol injection of liver metastases", "肝转移瘤酒精注射" ], "176117005": [ "Cecocystoplasty", "Caecal bladder augmentation", "Cecal bladder augmentation", "Caecocystoplasty", "盲肠膀胱成形术", "盲肠膀胱扩大术" ], "223434003": [ "Advice to avoid activity", "Advice against doing activity", "Recommendation to avoid activity", "建议避免活动", "不建议进行活动", "避免活动的建议" ], "10442004": [ "Splint maintenance", "夹板维护" ], "305354007": [ "Admission to medical department", "医学部入院" ], "418207003": [ "Treatment administration by irrigation", "通过灌溉进行治疗" ], "450975003": [ "Assessment using sensory modality assessment and rehabilitation technique", "使用感觉模态评估和康复技术进行评估" ], "713119005": [ "Monitoring confusion", "监控混乱" ], "172447004": [ "Cauterization of lesion of sclera", "Cauterisation of lesion of sclera", "巩膜损伤烧灼术" ], "41375007": [ "Medical evaluation of hearing problem", "听力问题的医学评估" ], "90527009": [ "Laparoscopic-assisted anterior resection of rectum", "腹腔镜辅助直肠前切除术" ], "105076005": [ "Azlocillin measurement", "阿洛西林测量" ], "252532006": [ "Dinitrochlorobenzene contact sensitivity test", "DNCB - Dinitrochlorobenzene contact sensitivity test", "二硝基氯苯接触敏感度试验", "DNCB - 二硝基氯苯接触敏感度测试" ], "711284007": [ "Assessment by uniprofessional team", "由专业团队评估" ], "121460006": [ "Bethanechol measurement", "贝胆碱测量" ], "236148009": [ "Open pyelostomy", "开放性肾盂造口术" ], "1184585002": [ "Manual information gathering", "Information gathering from manual entry", "手动信息收集", "通过手工输入收集信息" ], "758601001": [ "Repair of left femoral hernia using surgical mesh", "使用外科网片修补左股疝" ], "37705003": [ "Collection of sputum", "Collection of sputum specimen", "痰液收集", "痰液标本采集" ], "234313006": [ "Diathermy of cystic hygroma", "囊性水瘤的透热疗法" ], "609310001": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of semen specimen", "精液样本的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "725833009": [ "Assessment using DASH (Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting)", "Assessment using Detailed Assessment of Speed of Handwriting", "使用详细手写速度评估进行评估", "使用 DASH(手写速度详细评估)进行评估" ], "183326003": [ "Combined physical therapy", "综合物理治疗" ], "232478006": [ "Closure of perforation of septum of nose with labial graft", "用唇移植缝合鼻中隔穿孔" ], "117790007": [ "Coxsackievirus B3 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human coxsackievirus B 3 antibody", "柯萨奇病毒 B3 抗体检测", "人柯萨奇病毒B3抗体测定" ], "771315000": [ "Measurement of periodontal pocket depth", "Charting of periodontal pocket depth", "牙周袋深度测量", "牙周袋深度图表" ], "773150009": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using synthetic mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using synthetic mesh with fascial closure for recurrent umbilical hernia", "使用合成网片结合筋膜闭合的腹腔镜疝修补术治疗复发性脐疝", "腹腔镜下使用合成网片和筋膜闭合术修复复发性脐疝" ], "83187002": [ "Closed heart valvotomy of pulmonary valve", "Brock operation", "Brock operation for pulmonary valvotomy", "Closed pulmonary commissurotomy", "Closed pulmonary valvotomy", "闭式心脏瓣膜切开术", "布洛克行动", "闭式肺动脉切开术", "闭式肺瓣切开术", "肺动脉瓣切开术 Brock 手术" ], "66803004": [ "Excision of regional periaortic lymph nodes", "切除主动脉周围区域淋巴结" ], "50419005": [ "Aneurysmectomy of descending aorta with anastomosis", "降主动脉瘤切除吻合术" ], "1267006": [ "Electrocoagulation of lesion of vagina", "Coagulation of lesion of vagina using electrical energy", "电能凝固阴道病变", "阴道病变电凝术" ], "1230067007": [ "Correction of congenital anomaly", "矫正先天畸形" ], "34035008": [ "Partial thromboplastin time substituted test", "APTT correction studies", "Differential APTT test", "PTT substitution test", "PTT替代试验", "APTT 校正研究", "部分凝血活酶时间替代试验", "分化 APTT 检测" ], "359880001": [ "Palatoplasty for cleft palate", "Uranoplasty for cleft palate repair", "腭裂成形术", "腭裂修复术" ], "703944006": [ "Referral for decongestive lymphatic therapy", "转诊进行消充血淋巴治疗" ], "390813006": [ "Assertive outreach in mental health care", "积极开展心理健康护理" ], "77682003": [ "Destruction of lesion of scrotum", "Destruction of scrotal lesion", "阴囊损伤毁损术", "阴囊病变破坏" ], "388978005": [ "Weight gain regimen", "Weight gain assistance", "增重方案", "体重增加援助" ], "241522007": [ "CT of petrous bones", "Computed tomography of petrous bones", "岩骨计算机断层扫描", "岩骨 CT" ], "225138008": [ "Drying skin creases", "皮肤干燥起皱" ], "700274009": [ "Referral for procedure", "转介程序" ], "10311005": [ "Reduction of closed talus fracture with manipulation and percutaneous pinning", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of talus with percutaneous pinning", "闭合性距骨骨折的复位及经皮克氏针固定", "经皮克氏针固定治疗闭合性距骨骨折" ], "174151006": [ "Open reduction of volvulus of sigmoid colon", "乙状结肠扭转切开复位术" ], "418076001": [ "Angioplasty of artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下动脉血管成形术", "使用荧光造影剂引导进行动脉血管成形术" ], "1237276005": [ "Plication of external oblique aponeurosis", "腹外斜肌腱膜折叠术" ], "8476009": [ "Operation on bone injury of femur", "股骨骨损伤手术治疗" ], "23025002": [ "Gastric emptying study", "Gastric transit study", "胃转运研究", "胃排空研究" ], "121329005": [ "Anticonvulsant identification", "抗惊厥药物鉴别" ], "252401007": [ "Organism typing", "生物体分型" ], "104945008": [ "Succinate measurement", "琥珀酸测量" ], "1299142002": [ "Pecan nut+cashew nut+ pistachio+walnut specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pecan nut+cashew nut+ pistachio+walnut specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Mixed nut (fx22) specific IgE antibody measurement", "山核桃+腰果+开心果+核桃特异性IgE抗体测量", "混合坚果(fx22)特异性IgE抗体测量", "山核桃+腰果+开心果+核桃特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "53958007": [ "Harvesting of donor material", "供体材料的采集" ], "2971000": [ "Closure of urethrovaginal fistula", "Closure of acquired urethrovaginal fistula", "尿道阴道瘘闭合", "获得性尿道阴道瘘的缝合" ], "21190008": [ "Two stage subtotal suprapubic prostatectomy", "二期耻骨上前列腺次全切除术" ], "447174009": [ "Excision of neoplasm of intradural extramedullary spine", "硬膜内髓外棘肿瘤切除术" ], "84891000": [ "Tenotomy of abductor hallucis muscle", "Release of abductor hallucis muscle", "拇展肌腱切断术", "拇展肌释放" ], "250566009": [ "Mixed venous partial pressure of carbon dioxide", "Measurement of mixed venous partial pressure of carbon dioxide", "Mixed venous carbon dioxide tension", "pvCO2 - Mixed venous partial pressure of carbon dioxide", "混合静脉二氧化碳分压", "pvCO2 - 混合静脉二氧化碳分压", "混合静脉二氧化碳分压的测量" ], "396187005": [ "Diplopia test", "复视检查" ], "265115006": [ "Complex reconstruction of forefoot", "前足复杂重建" ], "609179004": [ "Revision of component of total prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint", "全肩关节假体置换术部件的翻修" ], "117659001": [ "Norflunitrazepam measurement", "去甲氟硝西泮测量" ], "81221004": [ "Removal of foreign body of lacrimal passage by incision", "泪道切开取异物" ], "408901004": [ "Memory loss care management", "Manage memory loss care", "管理记忆丧失护理", "记忆丧失护理管理" ], "441669005": [ "Measurement of ratio of apolipoprotein A to apolipoprotein B", "载脂蛋白 A 与载脂蛋白 B 比率的测量" ], "32069008": [ "Chart abstracting by exception", "异常抽象图表" ], "128538000": [ "Removal of device", "移除裝置" ], "228677009": [ "Cesium 137 brachytherapy", "Caesium 137 brachytherapy", "铯137近距离放射治疗" ], "392517008": [ "Isocyanate TDI specific IgE antibody measurement", "k75 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Toluene diisocyanate specific IgE antibody measurement", "Toluene diisocyanate specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "甲苯二异氰酸酯特异性IgE抗体测定", "异氰酸酯 TDI 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "k75特异性IgE抗体测量", "甲苯二异氰酸酯特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "63002004": [ "Initial psychiatric interview with data recording by aide or social worker", "由助手或社工进行初步精神科访谈并记录数据" ], "13850002": [ "Drainage of cranial sinus by aspiration", "颅窦穿刺引流" ], "439834005": [ "Percutaneous skeletal fixation of dislocation of metacarpophalangeal joint with manipulation", "经皮骨固定术治疗掌指关节脱位" ], "46618005": [ "Operant conditioning", "操作性条件反射" ], "61167004": [ "Thyroid stimulating hormone measurement", "TSH measurement", "Thyrotropin measurement", "Thyrotropin stimulating hormone measurement", "TSH - Thyroid stimulating hormone level", "Thyroid stimulating hormone level", "TSH level", "TSH-促甲状腺激素水平", "促甲状腺激素水平", "TSH 水平", "TSH 测量", "促甲状腺激素测量" ], "339695007": [ "Reduction of volvulus of intestine", "肠扭转复位" ], "239556000": [ "Biopsy of pedicle of vertebra", "椎弓根活检" ], "241391008": [ "Tc99m-MIBI parathyroid study", "Tc99m-methoxyisobutyl isonitrile parathyroid study", "Tc99m-MIBI 甲状旁腺研究", "Tc99m-甲氧基异丁基异腈甲状旁腺研究" ], "1255364002": [ "Lymphangiography of upper extremity using indocyanine green", "ICG (indocyanine green) lymphography of upper extremity", "Indocyanine green lymphography of upper limb", "Indocyanine green lymphography of upper extremity", "Lymphangiography of upper limb using indocyanine green", "吲哚菁绿上肢淋巴管造影", "上肢 ICG(吲哚菁绿)淋巴造影", "上肢吲哚菁绿淋巴造影" ], "763844003": [ "Radiolabelled mIBG study", "Radiolabeled mIBG study", "Radionuclide imaging using iobenguane", "使用碘苯胍进行放射性核素成像", "放射性标记的 mIBG 研究" ], "6601000179108": [ "Endoscopy of pharynx, trachea and esophagus", "Endoscopy of pharynx, trachea and oesophagus", "Pharyngo-tracheo-esophageal panendoscopy", "Pharyngo-tracheo-oesophageal panendoscopy", "咽喉、气管、食道内窥镜检查", "咽喉、气管、食管内窥镜检查", "咽气管食管全内镜检查" ], "698308008": [ "Consultation for malignant neoplasm disease", "恶性肿瘤疾病咨询" ], "8345004": [ "Wedge biopsy of liver", "肝楔形活检" ], "1204377006": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to proximal and distal LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to proximal and distal left anterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to proximal and distal LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery and distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至近端和远端冠状动脉 (LAD)", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉前降支近端和远端的顺序吻合", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至左冠状动脉前降支近端及左冠状动脉前降支远端的顺序吻合", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至近端和远端冠状动脉 (LAD)" ], "417945007": [ "Radionuclide white blood cell imaging study", "放射性核素白细胞显像研究" ], "172185008": [ "Packing of maxilla to correct blow-out fracture of orbit", "填塞上颌骨矫正眼眶爆裂性骨折" ], "711022001": [ "Identification of attitude toward care", "识别护理态度" ], "104814005": [ "Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase NADP measurement", "Methylenetetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate measurement", "亚甲基四氢叶酸脱氢酶 NADP 测量", "亚甲基四氢叶酸脱氢酶烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸测定" ], "252270009": [ "Sodium sulfate loading test", "Sodium sulphate loading test", "硫酸钠负荷试验" ], "709187004": [ "Electrocardiography via fetal scalp electrodes", "Fetal scalp electrocardiogram", "Fetal scalp electrocardiography", "Electrocardiography via foetal scalp electrodes", "通过胎儿头皮电极进行心电图检查", "胎儿头皮心电图" ], "397891006": [ "Reconstruction of ossicular chain", "Ossiculoplasty", "听小骨成形术", "听骨链重建" ], "609048000": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from perivesical tissue prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备膀胱周围组织标本涂片进行显微镜细胞学检查" ], "314136002": [ "Endoscopic Nissen fundoplication using thoracic approach", "经胸入路内镜尼森胃底折叠术" ], "133912003": [ "Fiberoptic catheter method", "Fibreoptic catheter method", "光纤导管法" ], "50157002": [ "Phlebectomy with anastomosis of upper limb vein", "上肢静脉切除吻合术" ], "426989003": [ "Excision of multiple lesions of liver", "肝脏多发病变切除术" ], "443373005": [ "Debridement by high pressure irrigation", "高压冲洗清创" ], "81090001": [ "Speech audiometry, extended, swinging story test", "Swinging story test", "言语听力检查、扩展、摇摆故事测试", "摇摆故事测试" ], "228546003": [ "Orientation training", "入职培训" ], "441538004": [ "Computed tomography of small intestine", "CT of small intestine", "小肠计算机断层扫描", "小肠 CT" ], "359618004": [ "Segmental lobectomy", "肺叶分段切除术" ], "408770006": [ "Child protection case conference", "儿童保护案件会议" ], "179394007": [ "Arthroscopic synovectomy knee joint", "关节镜滑膜切除术膝关节" ], "1258903001": [ "Education about financial assistance program", "Education about financial assistance programme", "有关财务援助计划的教育" ], "439703002": [ "Percutaneous insertion of stent into cerebral venous sinus using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous insertion of stent into cerebral venous sinus", "荧光透视引导下经皮脑静脉窦支架置入术", "荧光造影引导下经皮脑静脉窦支架置入术" ], "243095002": [ "Instruction on breast hygiene", "Breast hygiene education", "乳房卫生指导", "乳房卫生教育" ], "31938009": [ "Repair of ruptured aneurysm with graft of iliac artery", "髂动脉移植修复破裂动脉瘤" ], "406935005": [ "Sudan black B stain method", "Sudan black B stain", "苏丹黑B染色法", "苏丹黑B染色" ], "128407004": [ "Removal of therapeutic shunt device", "移除治疗分流装置" ], "241260004": [ "Testicular arteriogram", "Arteriography of testicular artery", "Angiography of testicular artery", "睾丸动脉造影" ], "388716008": [ "Green bean specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf315 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Phaseolus vulgaris (green) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Phaseolus vulgaris (green) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "菜豆(绿色)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "菜豆(绿色)特异性IgE抗体测定", "绿豆特异性IgE抗体测定", "Rf315特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "173889005": [ "Closure of perforated duodenal ulcer", "十二指肠溃疡穿孔缝合" ], "239425006": [ "Repair of ligament of knee joint", "膝关节韧带修复" ], "24598006": [ "Arthroplasty of metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joint", "掌指关节及指间关节置换术" ], "450582008": [ "Removal of slough from skin of head", "去除头部皮肤上的腐肉" ], "268523001": [ "Target weight discussed", "讨论目标体重" ], "57366008": [ "Exploration of muscle", "探索肌肉" ], "170219006": [ "Child examination: fine motor development", "儿童检查:精细运动发育" ], "104683007": [ "Gastrin challenge tests", "胃泌素激发试验" ], "55531006": [ "Urethrostomy", "尿道造口术" ], "37312005": [ "External ocular photography for medical evaluation and documentation", "用于医学评估和记录的外眼摄影" ], "4544006": [ "Excision of subcutaneous tumor of extremities", "Excision of subcutaneous tumour of extremities", "四肢皮下肿瘤切除术" ], "168384005": [ "CLO test for helicobacter pylori", "Campylobacter-like organism test for Helicobacter pylori", "Rapid urease test for Helicobacter pylori", "幽门螺杆菌弯曲杆菌样生物检测", "幽门螺杆菌快速尿素酶检测", "幽门螺杆菌 CLO 检测" ], "53696006": [ "Operation on retina", "Retinal operation", "视网膜手术" ], "397760009": [ "Tympanotomy", "Myringotomy", "鼓膜切开术", "鼓室切开术" ], "363157001": [ "Incision and drainage of soft tissue", "软组织切开引流" ], "182933001": [ "Hormone replacement therapy ongoing treatment", "激素替代疗法持续治疗" ], "608917002": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from perivesical tissue", "膀胱周围组织标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "1264277001": [ "RCT - root canal therapy", "Root canal therapy", "RCT - root canal treatment", "Treatment of root canal of tooth", "根管治疗", "RCT-- 根管治疗", "牙齿根管治疗" ], "443242009": [ "Insertion of drainage tube into pleural cavity using ultrasound guidance", "在超声引导下将引流管插入胸腔" ], "1295210009": [ "Plain X-ray of rib cage", "Plain X-ray of thoracic cage", "肋骨 X 光检查", "胸廓 X 光检查" ], "392255004": [ "Incision of haematoma of vagina", "Incision of hematoma of vagina", "阴道血肿切开术" ], "406804000": [ "Azorubin S stain method", "Azorubin S stain", "偶氮红S染色法", "偶氮红S染色" ], "48191009": [ "Crystal identification, chemical", "晶体鉴定、化学" ], "308500005": [ "Asthma monitoring call", "哮喘监测电话" ], "439572006": [ "Bypass of axillary artery to brachial artery using vein graft", "利用静脉移植将腋动脉旁路转至肱动脉" ], "177428007": [ "Reconstruction using local osteomyocutaneous transposition flap", "Reconstruction using local osseomyocutaneous transposition flap", "Reconstruction with local osteomyocutaneous transposition flap", "局部骨肌皮瓣转位修复", "局部骨肌皮瓣移位修复" ], "388585001": [ "Orange specific IgE antibody measurement", "Citrus sinsensis specific IgE antibody measurement", "f33 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Citrus sinsensis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "柑橘特异性IgE抗体测定", "f33 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "柑橘特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "橙色特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "306665004": [ "Discharge from neurosurgical service", "神经外科出院" ], "241129007": [ "Auditory meatogram", "Meatogram", "听觉元图", "肉图" ], "239294001": [ "Fixation of fracture using external fixator", "使用外固定器固定骨折" ], "173758001": [ "Open reduction of intussusception of gastroenterostomy", "胃肠造口套叠切开复位术" ], "21101000087100": [ "Magnetic resonance venography of extremity", "Magnetic resonance venogram of limb", "Magnetic resonance venography of limb", "MR venography of limb", "肢体磁共振静脉造影" ], "3181000087102": [ "MRI of left wrist with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left wrist with contrast", "左腕部增强 MRI 检查", "左腕部对比磁共振成像" ], "4461000087102": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of right temporomandibular joint", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of right temporomandibular joint", "右侧颞下颌关节X线透视关节造影", "右侧颞下颌关节X线透视造影" ], "448616000": [ "Assessment using ages and stages questionnaires third edition", "使用年龄和阶段问卷进行评估第三版" ], "621000087105": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of right lower extremity", "Injection of right lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下右下肢注射", "荧光透视引导下右下肢注射" ], "55400002": [ "Ganglionectomy of peripheral nerve", "周围神经节切除术" ], "12141000087103": [ "Computed tomography angiography of neck and thorax with contrast", "CT angiography of neck and thorax with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of neck and chest with contrast", "颈部和胸部增强 CT 血管造影" ], "14701000087105": [ "Ultrasonography of pelvis and bilateral lower limbs", "Ultrasonography of pelvis and both lower limbs", "Ultrasonography of pelvis and right and left lower limbs", "Ultrasound of pelvis and bilateral lower limbs", "Ultrasound scan of pelvis and both lower limbs", "骨盆及双下肢超声检查", "骨盆及双下肢超声波扫描", "骨盆及左右下肢超声检查" ], "1901000087106": [ "CT of bilateral shoulders", "Computed tomography of bilateral shoulders", "Computed tomography of both shoulders", "Computed tomography of left and right shoulder", "双肩 CT", "双肩计算机断层扫描", "左、右肩部计算机断层扫描" ], "104552002": [ "Bile acid measurement", "胆汁酸测量" ], "17261000087109": [ "Computed tomography of pelvis and lower limb", "Computed tomography of pelvis and lower extremity", "CT of pelvis and lower limb", "骨盆及下肢CT", "骨盆和下肢计算机断层扫描" ], "708925001": [ "Open reduction of epiphyseal fracture of femur", "股骨骨骺骨折切开复位术" ], "281106000": [ "Fecal starch", "Faecal starch", "Fecal starch test", "Faecal starch test", "粪便淀粉检测", "粪便淀粉" ], "313874001": [ "60 minute plasma GH measurement", "60 minute plasma GH level", "60 minute plasma growth hormone measurement", "60 分钟血浆生长激素测量", "60 分钟血浆 GH 测量", "60 分钟血浆 GH 水平" ], "51730001": [ "Indirect immunobead assay", "间接免疫珠试验" ], "117266005": [ "Cold incubation of serum, 2 days", "血清冷培养,2天" ], "428562007": [ "Surgical reopening of anterior nares", "手术重新打开前鼻孔" ], "608786008": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of interphalangeal joint of toe", "趾间关节脱位切开复位术" ], "17127005": [ "Grafting of vein with patch", "Repair of vein with patch graft", "用补片移植修复静脉", "带补片的静脉移植" ], "410343006": [ "Lab findings case management", "Laboratory findings case management", "实验室发现案例管理" ], "361191005": [ "Extraction of cataract by ultrasonic phacofragmentation", "Extraction of cataract by phacofragmentation with aspiration", "Aspiration of cataract by phacofragmentation", "超声乳化碎裂吸除白内障术", "超声乳化碎裂术抽吸白内障", "超声晶状体碎裂术摘除白内障" ], "293820001": [ "Keratoplasty", "角膜移植术" ], "31676001": [ "HIV antigen test", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) antigen test", "Human immunodeficiency virus antigen test", "人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)抗原检测", "HIV抗原检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒抗原检测" ], "15292003": [ "Subtotal supraglottic laryngectomy with radical neck dissection", "喉半全切除术及根治性颈淋巴清扫术" ], "703420004": [ "Insertion of urethral catheter using guide wire", "Urethral catheterization by rail-roading", "Urethral catheterisation by rail-roading", "使用导丝插入尿道导管", "铁路尿道插管", "轨道式尿道插管" ], "64444005": [ "Flow cytometry", "流式细胞术" ], "441276006": [ "Preparation of embryo for transfer", "胚胎移植准备" ], "838351000000107": [ "Education about risk of malignant neoplasm of breast", "Education about risk of breast cancer", "乳腺恶性肿瘤风险教育", "乳腺癌风险教育" ], "306534002": [ "Discharge by audiologist", "听力学家出院" ], "175462006": [ "Subclavian arteriogram", "Thoracic inlet arteriogram", "Arteriography of subclavian artery", "Angiography of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉造影", "胸腔入口动脉造影" ], "1156667005": [ "Penicillamine therapy", "青霉胺疗法" ], "173627007": [ "Open revision of tubal prosthesis in oesophagus", "Open revision of tubal prosthesis in esophagus", "食管内输卵管修复术", "食管内输卵管假体的开放式修复" ], "419387008": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of iliac vein with contrast", "Iliac venogram with contrast", "髂静脉造影", "髂静脉荧光镜造影" ], "1287739009": [ "Operation on femoral artery", "股动脉手术" ], "104421001": [ "Immunoassay, quantitative, by radiopharmaceutical technique", "用放射性药物技术进行定量免疫测定" ], "235493004": [ "Dilatation of pancreatic duct", "Dilation of pancreatic duct", "胰管扩张" ], "432101007": [ "Distention of shoulder using fluoroscopic guidance", "Distension of shoulder using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下进行肩部伸展", "透视引导下进行肩部扩张" ], "446650001": [ "Excision of gastric mucosa", "Excision of mucosa of stomach", "Gastric mucosectomy", "胃黏膜切除术", "胃粘膜切除术" ], "168122003": [ "Sample examination - general", "样本检查-一般" ], "430266004": [ "Radionuclide two-phase bone imaging of wrist", "腕部放射性核素双相骨显像" ], "18831004": [ "Manipulation of knee joint under general anesthesia", "Manipulation of knee joint under general anaesthesia", "Manipulation of knee joint under anaesthetic", "Manipulation of knee joint under anesthetic", "麻醉下膝关节手术", "全身麻醉下膝关节手术" ], "180836001": [ "Harvesting of fibula for bone grafting", "采集腓骨用于骨移植" ], "82532001": [ "Sequestrectomy of wrist", "Excision of sequestrum of wrist", "腕部死骨切除术" ], "313743009": [ "Serum ornithine level", "Serum ornithine measurement", "血清鸟氨酸测量", "血清鸟氨酸水平" ], "410212001": [ "Tracheostomy care education", "Trach care education", "Teach tracheostomy care", "教授气管切开术护理", "气管切开护理教育" ], "179001000": [ "Drainage of bone", "骨引流" ], "1293113000": [ "Plain X-ray of bilateral sphenoid sinuses", "Plain X-ray of both sphenoid sinuses", "Plain X-ray of left and right sphenoid sinus", "左、右蝶窦的普通 X 光检查", "双侧蝶窦的普通 X 光检查", "双侧蝶窦 X 光检查" ], "391993002": [ "Tubotubal anastomosis", "Tubal anastomosis", "Fallopian tube anastomosis", "Reestablishment of continuity of fallopian tube", "Surgical reanastomosis of fallopian tube", "输卵管吻合术", "输卵管连续性重建" ], "80697006": [ "Epiphyseal stapling of radius AND ulna", "Epiphyseal arrest by stapling of distal radius AND ulna", "桡骨和尺骨骨骺缝合术", "通过远端桡骨和尺骨的缝合来阻止骨骺的移动" ], "439310005": [ "Referral for surgical termination of pregnancy", "转诊进行手术终止妊娠" ], "27875003": [ "Reduction of closed comminuted elbow fracture with traction and manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed comminuted fracture of elbow with traction", "肘部闭合性粉碎性骨折牵引手法复位", "牵引和手法治疗闭合性粉碎性肘部骨折" ], "175331008": [ "Revision of prosthesis of thoracic aorta", "胸主动脉假体修复术" ], "173496001": [ "Incision of parotid gland", "腮腺切开术" ], "26040005": [ "Excisional biopsy of bursa", "滑囊切除活检" ], "288184005": [ "Removal of IV endocardial electrode", "移除静脉心内膜电极" ], "304568006": [ "Admission for respite care", "暂息护理入院" ], "417421000": [ "Referral for pediatric arrhythmia", "Referral for paediatric arrhythmia", "儿童心律失常转诊" ], "437701000124105": [ "Increased histidine diet", "增加组氨酸饮食" ], "386488008": [ "Urinary incontinence care", "尿失禁护理" ], "24205003": [ "Uric acid measurement, urine", "尿酸测量,尿液" ], "438981000124103": [ "Sodium supplement therapy", "补钠疗法" ], "401037003": [ "Urine temazepam level", "尿液替马西泮浓度" ], "171661004": [ "Decompression of accessory nerve (XI)", "副神经减压(XI)" ], "433805008": [ "Fine needle aspiration and core needle biopsy of breast using ultrasound guidance", "Ultrasonography guided fine needle aspiration biopsy and core needle biopsy of breast", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy and core needle biopsy of breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Fine needle aspiration and core needle biopsy of breast using US (ultrasound) guidance", "超声引导下乳腺细针穿刺活检及芯针活检", "超声引导下乳腺细针穿刺活检和芯针活检", "超声引导下乳腺细针穿刺及芯针活检", "在超声引导下进行乳房细针穿刺和芯针活检" ], "1202018003": [ "Reconstruction with flap", "Reconstruction using flap", "皮瓣重建" ], "5986003": [ "Non-sensitized spontaneous sheep erythrocyte binding, E-rosette", "Non-sensitised spontaneous sheep erythrocyte binding, E-rosette", "非致敏自发性绵羊红细胞结合,E-玫瑰花结" ], "22370005": [ "Blood donor rejection, clerical", "血液捐献者拒绝,文职人员" ], "235362004": [ "Endoscopic removal of intraluminal foreign body from stomach and small intestine without incision", "内镜下不切开取出胃、小肠腔内异物" ], "774199000": [ "Assessment using ADAM (Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male) questionnaire", "Assessment using Androgen Deficiency in the Aging Male questionnaire", "使用 ADAM(老年男性雄激素缺乏症)问卷进行评估", "使用老年男性雄激素缺乏症问卷进行评估" ], "415586009": [ "Steroid injection into medial epicondyle tendon of humerus", "肱骨内上髁肌腱注射类固醇" ], "118839001": [ "Procedure on colon", "结肠手术" ], "53303003": [ "Toilet", "洗手间" ], "104290009": [ "Lymphogranuloma venereum antibody assay", "Serologic test for Lymphogranuloma venereum", "性病淋巴肉芽肿抗体检测", "性病淋巴肉芽肿血清学检测" ], "233527006": [ "Central venous cannula insertion", "Inserting central line", "Central line insertion", "中心线插入", "插入中心线", "中心静脉插管" ], "84236000": [ "Removal of clavicular bandage", "拆除锁骨绷带" ], "1296652000": [ "Assessment using Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index", "Assessment using BASDAI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index)", "使用巴斯强直性脊柱炎疾病活动指数进行评估", "使用 BASDAI(巴斯强直性脊柱炎疾病活动指数)进行评估" ], "67852006": [ "Incision and drainage of infected bursa of hip joint area", "髋关节区感染滑囊切开引流" ], "870668008": [ "Administration of third dose of diphtheria and tetanus vaccine", "Third diphtheria and tetanus vaccination", "Third diphtheria and tetanus immunisation", "Third diphtheria and tetanus immunization", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens", "第三次白喉和破伤风免疫接种", "第三次白喉和破伤风疫苗接种", "第三次白喉和破伤风免疫", "接种第三剂白喉和破伤风疫苗", "注射第三剂仅含破伤风梭菌和白喉棒状杆菌抗原的疫苗产品" ], "231692009": [ "Inferior oblique advancement", "Inferior oblique readvancement", "下斜肌前移", "下斜肌再推进" ], "35084009": [ "Sulfisoxazole measurement", "Sulphisoxazole measurement", "磺胺异噁唑测量", "磺胺异恶唑测量" ], "410081009": [ "Rehabilitation therapy assessment", "Assess rehabilitation care", "康复治疗评估", "评估康复护理" ], "735926002": [ "Fitting of external breast prosthesis", "外部乳房假体安装" ], "408246008": [ "GT1b IgG level", "GT1b immunoglobulin G level", "GT1b IgG 水平", "GT1b 免疫球蛋白 G 水平" ], "62347003": [ "Nipple exploration with excision of lactiferous duct", "乳头探查及乳腺导管切除术" ], "765024005": [ "Atkins diet", "阿特金斯饮食法" ], "306272008": [ "Referral to clinical allergist", "转诊至临床过敏症专科医生" ], "1254709001": [ "Referral to substance use disorder treatment programme", "Referral to substance use disorder treatment program", "转介至药物滥用治疗计划", "转介至物质使用障碍治疗计划" ], "9525001": [ "Shoulder depression test", "肩部凹陷试验" ], "304437005": [ "Ultrasound treatment to hip", "髋关节超声波治疗" ], "173365006": [ "Removal of foreign body from tongue", "FB - Removal of foreign body from tongue", "去除舌头异物", "FB - 去除舌头异物" ], "288053005": [ "Bone graft with metallic fixation", "骨移植与金属固定" ], "386357005": [ "Medication administration: intraosseous", "Administration of drug or medicament via intraosseous route", "通过骨内途径给药", "给药方式:骨内" ], "89610000": [ "Suture of kidney", "Nephrorrhaphy", "肾脏缝合", "肾缝合术" ], "122378002": [ "Mycobacterium avium complex rRNA assay", "Mycobacterium avium complex ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "鸟分枝杆菌复合核糖体核糖核酸测定", "鸟分枝杆菌复合体 rRNA 检测" ], "1285642008": [ "Dural puncture epidural", "硬膜外穿刺" ], "235231001": [ "Closure of perforated stomach", "胃穿孔缝合" ], "104159000": [ "Scanning electron microscopy study", "扫描电子显微镜研究" ], "431839003": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of liver with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of liver with contrast", "MRI of liver with contrast", "肝脏增强 MRI", "肝脏增强磁共振成像(MRI)", "肝脏磁共振成像对比" ], "284383004": [ "Examination of calf", "小牛检查" ], "315316004": [ "Dipping - examination", "Dipping", "浸渍", "浸渍-检查" ], "69556006": [ "Otonecrectomy of inner ear", "内耳耳廓切除术" ], "36788006": [ "Cecoplication", "Caecoplication", "盲肠并发症" ], "67721000": [ "Sacroiliac arthrodesis", "Arthrodesis of sacroiliac joint", "骶髂关节融合术" ], "233396009": [ "Division of artery", "动脉分裂" ], "118708007": [ "Procedure on hand", "现有程序" ], "311646000": [ "Therapy to promote phoneme", "促进音素的疗法" ], "65886001": [ "Excision of petrous apex cells", "Exenteration of petrous pyramid air cells", "Apicectomy of petrous pyramid", "Petrosectomy", "岩锥体尖切除术", "岩锥体气囊摘除术", "岩骨切除术", "切除岩尖细胞" ], "180574001": [ "Compartment pressure studies", "隔室压力研究" ], "426334005": [ "Lavage of bone", "Bone lavage", "骨灌洗", "骨冲洗" ], "260659004": [ "Partial sternotomy", "部分胸骨切开术" ], "16550151000119102": [ "CT guided percutaneous cryoablation of neoplasm of right kidney", "Percutaneous cryoablation of neoplasm of right kidney using computed tomography guidance", "计算机断层扫描引导下经皮右肾肿瘤冷冻消融术", "CT引导下经皮右肾肿瘤冷冻消融术" ], "178739007": [ "Primary open reduction spinal fracture and internal fixation with internal fixator", "一期脊柱骨折切开复位内固定器固定" ], "408071000119106": [ "Percutaneous renal needle biopsy using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous renal needle biopsy", "Percutaneous needle biopsy of kidney using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous needle biopsy of kidney", "超声引导下经皮肾脏穿刺活检", "超声引导下经皮肾穿刺活检" ], "226056003": [ "Sensory stimulation", "感官刺激" ], "411911000119107": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain and facial bones without contrast", "MRI of brain and facial bones without contrast", "无造影剂的脑部和面部骨骼磁共振成像", "脑部和面部骨骼无造影 MRI" ], "27613000": [ "Ventriculopleural shunt with valve", "Creation of ventriculo-pleural shunt", "Ventriculopleural anastomosis with valve", "Creation of ventriculopleural shunt", "带瓣膜脑室胸膜吻合术", "带瓣膜脑室胸膜分流术", "建立脑室胸膜分流术" ], "306141003": [ "Referral to radiotherapy service", "Referral to radiation therapy service", "转介至放射治疗服务", "转诊至放射治疗服务" ], "43997009": [ "Destruction by neurolytic agent of trigeminal nerve, supraorbital", "神经溶解剂破坏三叉神经、眶上神经" ], "418994005": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of lower limb artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of lower limb artery with contrast", "下肢动脉造影", "下肢动脉造影荧光血管造影" ], "9394005": [ "Incision of fascial compartments of head", "头部筋膜区切开术" ], "386226007": [ "Calming", "Calming technique", "镇静", "镇静技巧" ], "271538007": [ "Gastrointestinal hormone measurement", "Gastrointestinal hormone level", "胃肠激素测量", "胃肠激素水平" ], "23943001": [ "Open reduction of sternum fracture", "胸骨骨折切开复位" ], "302471000": [ "Modification of cranioplasty", "颅骨成形术改良" ], "122247004": [ "Trichomonas vaginalis antigen assay", "阴道毛滴虫抗原检测" ], "171399004": [ "Examination for suspected neoplasm", "疑似肿瘤检查" ], "236935006": [ "Evacuation of broad ligament haematoma", "Evacuation of broad ligament hematoma", "阔韧带血肿清除术" ], "104028000": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Dombrock system (ISBT 014)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Dombrock system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 014)", "从 Dombrock 系统 (ISBT 014) 中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体", "从 Dombrock 系统鉴定红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 014)" ], "315185000": [ "Rickettsial antibody level", "立克次体抗体水平" ], "233265003": [ "Percutaneous angioplasty of thoracic aorta", "PTA - Percutaneous angioplasty of thoracic aorta", "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of thoracic aorta", "经皮胸主动脉成形术", "经皮胸主动脉球囊成形术", "PTA-- 胸主动脉经皮血管成形术" ], "429873004": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of pancreas with contrast", "Computed tomography of pancreas with contrast", "CT of pancreas with contrast", "胰腺增强计算机断层扫描", "胰腺增强 CT", "胰腺增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "3889008": [ "Suture of lip", "Cheilorrhaphy", "唇部缝合", "唇缝缝合术" ], "2054004": [ "Barbiturates measurement, quantitative and qualitative", "巴比妥类药物的定量和定性测量" ], "198662005": [ "Hand muscle transfer", "手部肌肉移植" ], "1263622006": [ "Delayed repair of tendon using permanent prosthesis", "使用永久性假体延迟修复肌腱" ], "67590008": [ "Excision of trabeculae carneae cordis", "切除心脏的肉质梁" ], "231430008": [ "Cryodenervation of spinal facet joint of vertebra", "脊椎小关节冷冻去神经支配" ], "278747006": [ "Racquet incision", "球拍切口" ], "113072000": [ "Beta-glucosidase measurement, leukocytes", "Beta-glucosidase measurement, leucocytes", "β-葡萄糖苷酶测量,白细胞" ], "14768001": [ "Peripheral blood smear interpretation", "Peripheral blood film examination", "外周血涂片解读", "外周血涂片检查" ], "719280000": [ "Repair of lumbar hernia using surgical mesh", "Lumbar hernioplasty", "腰椎疝修补术", "使用外科网片修复腰疝" ], "229595009": [ "Walking with patient - mobilisation", "Walking with patient - mobilization", "与患者一起行走 - 活动" ], "31152005": [ "Uroporphyrin measurement", "尿卟啉测量" ], "422533001": [ "Activity of daily living needs assessment", "日常生活活动需求评估" ], "275077006": [ "Revision of prosthetic collar around male bladder neck", "Revision of prosthetic collar around male urinary bladder neck", "男性膀胱颈假体颈环修复术", "男性膀胱颈假体颈圈修复术" ], "306010002": [ "Referral by general gastrointestinal surgeon", "Referral by general GI surgeon", "Referral from general gastrointestinal surgeon", "普通胃肠外科医生的转诊", "普通胃肠道外科医生转诊", "普通胃肠外科医生转诊" ], "76634004": [ "Repair of anal fistula", "Closure of anal fistula", "肛瘘缝合", "肛瘘修复" ], "781146004": [ "Assessment using AIDS Risk Behavior Knowledge Test", "Assessment using ARBKT (AIDS Risk Behavior Knowledge Test)", "使用艾滋病风险行为知识测试进行评估", "使用 ARBKT(艾滋病风险行为知识测试)进行评估" ], "27482005": [ "Structural analysis", "结构分析" ], "418863006": [ "CT of biliary tract", "Computed tomography of biliary tract", "胆道计算机断层扫描", "胆道CT" ], "9263008": [ "Application of elastic bandage", "弹性绷带的应用" ], "1303599009": [ "Fusion of left subtalar joint", "Arthrodesis of left subtalar joint", "左距下关节融合术" ], "122116002": [ "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 7F antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 7F antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae American serotype 51 antibody", "肺炎链球菌美国血清型51抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌丹麦血清型7F抗体的测定", "肺炎链球菌7F血清型抗体测定" ], "1268996004": [ "Excisional biopsy of lesion of breast using infrared reflector", "Excisional biopsy of lesion of breast using infrared reflector localisation marker", "Excisional biopsy of lesion of breast using infrared reflector localization marker", "使用红外反射定位标记进行乳腺病变切除活检", "红外反射定位标记乳腺病变切除活检", "红外反射器乳腺病变切除活检" ], "302340005": [ "Bilateral adrenalectomy", "Excision of bilateral adrenal glands", "Excision of both adrenal glands", "双侧肾上腺切除术", "切除双侧肾上腺" ], "417028004": [ "Preoxygenation by vital capacity breaths", "通过肺活量呼吸进行预氧合" ], "726489004": [ "Excision of right adrenal gland", "Right adrenalectomy", "右肾上腺切除术" ], "103897005": [ "Lu^b^ blood group typing", "Lu^b^血型分型" ], "233134001": [ "Damus-Stansel-Kaye operation", "DSK - Damus Stansel Kaye operation", "Damus operation", "DSK - Damus Stansel Kaye 操作", "我们给出操作", "达姆斯-斯坦塞尔-凯操作" ], "185817009": [ "Well man monitoring first letter", "嗯,人监测第一封信" ], "118446001": [ "Percutaneous aspiration", "经皮穿刺" ], "3758004": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of subclavian artery by neck incision", "颈部切开锁骨下动脉导管取栓术" ], "36526005": [ "Endoscopy and control of hemorrhage", "Endoscopy and control of haemorrhage", "内镜检查和出血控制", "内镜检查与出血控制" ], "446126004": [ "Laparoscopic fixation of kidney", "Laparoscopic nephropexy", "腹腔镜肾脏固定术", "腹腔镜肾固定术" ], "20142006": [ "Excision of accessory or ectopic lung tissue", "切除附属肺组织或异位肺组织" ], "315054007": [ "Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor prophylaxis", "Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor", "血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂预防", "预防性使用血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂", "血管紧张素转换酶(ACE)抑制剂预防" ], "444291007": [ "Removal of foreign body from subcutaneous tissue by incision", "切开皮下组织取出异物" ], "442456000": [ "Closure of atrial septal defect using septal occluder device", "使用房间隔封堵器封堵房间隔缺损" ], "231299009": [ "Intramuscular infiltration of local anaesthetic", "Intramuscular infiltration of local anesthetic", "局部麻醉药肌肉浸润" ], "395139009": [ "Ligation of inferior mesenteric artery with preservation of ascending left colic artery", "保留左结肠升动脉的下肠系膜动脉结扎术" ], "229464004": [ "Manipulation of the intertarsal joints", "Manipulation of the intertarsal joints - non-surgical", "跗骨间关节的治疗 - 非手术治疗", "跗骨间关节的治疗" ], "80173001": [ "Closure of abdominal wall dehiscence", "Reclosure of postoperative disruption of abdominal wall", "Closure of abdominal wall evisceration", "Repair of abdominal wall dehiscence", "Resuture of previous abdominal wall incision", "腹壁裂开缝合", "腹壁摘除缝合", "腹壁裂开的修补", "重新缝合先前的腹壁切口", "腹壁术后断裂的再缝合" ], "178477002": [ "Le Fort III osteotomy", "Osteotomy of maxilla involving nasal complex", "涉及鼻骨复合体的上颌骨截骨术", "Le Fort III 截骨术" ], "391469003": [ "Blood spot acylcarnitine", "血斑酰基肉碱" ], "702765004": [ "Computed axial tomography of head and sella turcica with contrast", "CT of head and sella turcica with contrast", "Computed tomography of head and sella turcica with contrast", "Computed tomography of head and pituitary fossa with contrast", "头部和鞍区增强计算机轴向断层扫描", "头部及垂体窝增强计算机断层扫描", "头部及鞍区增强计算机断层扫描", "头部及鞍区增强 CT 检查" ], "260397005": [ "Closure of fistula of cerebrospinal fluid", "脑脊液瘘管闭合" ], "78338002": [ "Radical fasciectomy of plantar fascia", "足底筋膜根治性切除术" ], "1290754002": [ "Drainage of paravesical space", "膀胱旁间隙引流" ], "176642002": [ "Closure of fistula of female perineum", "女性会阴瘘管缝合术" ], "307714006": [ "Coronary arteriography using three catheters", "Coronary angiography using three catheters", "使用三根导管进行冠状动脉造影" ], "9132000": [ "Reopening of osteotomy site of facial bone", "面部骨切开术部位重新开放" ], "10967009": [ "Eosinophil count, nasal", "鼻部嗜酸性粒细胞计数" ], "271276000": [ "Semen pH measurement", "Semen pH level", "精液 pH 值", "精液 pH 值测量" ], "56449000": [ "Insertion of bone growth stimulator into clavicle", "将骨骼生长刺激器插入锁骨" ], "449665001": [ "Escharotomy of burnt skin of upper arm", "上臂烧伤皮肤切开术" ], "385964008": [ "Bladder instillation assessment", "Assess bladder instillation", "膀胱灌注评估", "评估膀胱灌注" ], "1156012008": [ "CT guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of lesion of pancreas", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of lesion of pancreas using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下胰腺病变经皮细针穿刺活检", "计算机断层扫描引导下经皮胰腺病变细针穿刺活检" ], "171137005": [ "Bacterial meningitis screening", "细菌性脑膜炎筛查" ], "1285249005": [ "Administration via enteral route", "肠内给药" ], "87382000": [ "Operation on mesentery", "肠系膜手术" ], "120150001": [ "Chest wall endoscopy", "胸壁内窥镜检查" ], "415062003": [ "Percentage CD55 count", "CD55 计数百分比" ], "103766003": [ "Evocative or suppression testing panel", "唤起或抑制测试面板" ], "169302004": [ "Linear accelerator photon therapy", "直线加速器光子治疗" ], "185686008": [ "Adult immunization - second call", "Adult immunisation - second call", "成人免疫接种 - 第二次呼叫" ], "233003002": [ "Stenting of systemic venous pathway", "Insertion of stent in systemic venous pathway", "全身静脉通路支架植入术", "全身静脉通路支架置入" ], "445995004": [ "Assessment using joint protection knowledge assessment", "采用联合防护知识评估进行评估" ], "183851006": [ "Referral to clinic", "转诊至诊所" ], "231168002": [ "Local anesthetic sciatic nerve block; lithotomy approach", "Local anaesthetic sciatic nerve block; lithotomy approach", "Sciatic nerve block; lithotomy approach", "局部麻醉坐骨神经阻滞;切开取石入路", "坐骨神经阻滞;切开取石术" ], "50944006": [ "Porphyrin measurement, fractionation, erythrocytes", "卟啉测量、分馏、红细胞" ], "229333000": [ "Accessory mobilization of the glenohumeral joint", "Accessory mobilisation of the glenohumeral joint", "肩关节辅助活动", "盂肱关节的辅助活动" ], "444160009": [ "Calculation of quantitative volume rate of glomerular filtration based on cystatin C concentration in serum or plasma specimen", "根据血清或血浆标本中胱抑素C浓度计算肾小球滤过定量容积率" ], "49109005": [ "Fascial sling of mouth", "口筋膜吊带" ], "360405005": [ "Removal of foreign body of lens by incision", "切开法取出晶状体异物" ], "442325009": [ "Replacement of joint of digit of hand", "手指关节置换术" ], "47274002": [ "Angiectomy with anastomosis", "Resection of blood vessel with anastomosis", "血管切除术及吻合术", "血管切除吻合术" ], "407722003": [ "ADP 1 umol test", "Adenosine diphosphate 1 umol test", "二磷酸腺苷 1 umol 测试", "ADP 1 umol 测试" ], "440490004": [ "Application of long arm cast", "长臂投掷的应用" ], "129194001": [ "Procedure on ischium", "坐骨手术" ], "307583008": [ "Cecectomy", "Excision of cecum", "Excision of caecum", "盲肠切除术" ], "76372001": [ "Embolectomy of abdominal artery", "Removal of embolus from abdominal artery", "腹部动脉栓塞清除", "腹部动脉栓塞切除术" ], "27220002": [ "Alpha-1-Fetoprotein measurement, amniotic fluid", "羊水中甲胎蛋白测量" ], "387668007": [ "One stage orchidopexy", "一期睾丸固定术" ], "10836008": [ "Decompression of spinal cord", "Spinal decompression", "脊髓减压", "脊柱减压" ], "385833005": [ "Blood specimen care assessment", "Assess blood specimen care", "血液样本护理评估", "评估血液样本护理" ], "287529009": [ "Diagnostic puncture/aspiration", "Diagnostic centesis", "Diagnostic puncture and aspiration", "诊断性穿刺和抽吸", "诊断性穿刺", "诊断性穿刺/抽吸" ], "121854003": [ "Somatotropin releasing hormone measurement", "生长激素释放激素测量" ], "433150007": [ "Indium 111 antibody therapy", "Radiolabelled indium 111 antibody therapy", "Radiolabeled indium 111 antibody therapy", "放射性标记铟111抗体治疗", "铟111抗体疗法" ], "234707000": [ "Root canal preparation", "根管准备" ], "171006007": [ "Grieving counselling", "Grief counselling", "Grieving counseling", "Grief counseling", "Counselling for grieving", "Counseling for grieving", "悲伤辅导" ], "120019001": [ "Seminal vesicle injection", "精囊注射" ], "431315003": [ "Audio recording of subject interview", "主题访谈的录音" ], "447699006": [ "Injection of intervertebral disc using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下椎间盘注射" ], "708008000": [ "Increase exchange volume of peritoneal dialysis", "增加腹膜透析交换量" ], "54483009": [ "Amputation education", "截肢教育" ], "118184002": [ "Laboratory test with detection limit of <20mg/L", "实验室测试,检测限<20mg/L" ], "232872003": [ "Pulmonary valvectomy", "Resection of pulmonary valve", "Excision of pulmonary valve", "肺瓣切除术", "肺动脉瓣切除术" ], "265640003": [ "Crede placental expression", "Placental expression", "Delivery by Crede maneuver", "Delivery by Crede manoeuvre", "胎盘表达", "Crede 胎盘表达", "通过 Crede 机动进行交付" ], "445864005": [ "Three dimensional transesophageal echocardiography", "Three dimensional transoesophageal echocardiography", "Three dimensional transoesophageal ultrasonography of heart", "Three dimensional transesophageal ultrasonography of heart", "三维经食管心脏超声检查", "心脏三维经食管超声检查", "三维经食管超声心动图" ], "771709003": [ "Laparoscopic umbilical hernioplasty using biological mesh", "Laparoscopic repair of umbilical hernia using biological mesh", "使用生物网片进行腹腔镜脐疝修补术", "腹腔镜下使用生物网片修补脐疝" ], "231037004": [ "Destruction of spinal nerve ganglion", "脊神经节破坏" ], "444029007": [ "Exploration of wrist with removal of deep foreign body", "腕部探查及深部异物取出" ], "229202000": [ "Stand to sit re-education in water", "Stand to sit training in water", "水中站坐训练", "站着坐着再教育" ], "247421008": [ "Removal of secundines by aspiration curettage", "Removal of retained placenta by aspiration curettage", "Removal of retained placenta by curettage", "通过吸除术去除子宫下段", "通过刮宫去除残留胎盘", "通过刮宫术去除残留胎盘" ], "16210001": [ "Resection of clavicle", "锁骨切除术" ], "180050005": [ "Excision neuroma amputation stump", "切除神经瘤截肢残端" ], "391207001": [ "Mental health addiction programmes - full day : day care", "Mental health addiction programs - full day : day care", "Mental health addiction programs - full day: day care", "Mental health addiction programmes - full day: day care", "心理健康成瘾计划 - 全天:日间护理" ], "243751002": [ "Provision of mobility device", "Provision of locomotory aid", "Provision of mobility aid", "提供移动设备", "提供行动援助", "提供运动辅助设备" ], "14375003": [ "Operation on mandible", "Lower jaw operation", "Mandible operation", "下颌骨手术", "下颌手术" ], "702503006": [ "Computed tomography of mandible with contrast", "CT of mandible with contrast", "下颌骨增强 CT", "下颌骨增强计算机断层扫描" ], "438524000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of branch of gastroduodenal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of branch of gastroduodenal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal embolisation of branch of gastroduodenal artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal embolization of branch of gastroduodenal artery with contrast", "经皮腔内造影引导胃十二指肠动脉分支栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮腔内造影胃十二指肠动脉分支栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮腔内胃十二指肠动脉分支栓塞术" ], "303782000": [ "Oral and dental contrast procedure", "口腔及牙科造影程序" ], "174545009": [ "Partial excision of bile duct and anastomosis of bile duct to jejunum", "胆管部分切除及胆管空肠吻合术" ], "385702002": [ "Bowel care assessment", "Assess bowel care", "评估肠道护理", "肠道护理评估" ], "74406002": [ "Open heart valvuloplasty of mitral valve without replacement", "无置换术的二尖瓣开胸瓣成形术" ], "287398005": [ "Nose incised - drainage", "鼻部切开引流" ], "449403001": [ "Balloon dilatation of recoarctation of aorta", "Balloon dilation of recoarctation of aorta", "主动脉缩窄球囊扩张术" ], "238246009": [ "Probing of lesion of umbilicus", "脐部病变探查" ], "170875001": [ "Urinary: initial assessment", "泌尿系统:初步评估" ], "105339003": [ "Thiothixene measurement", "噻吨测量" ], "1186683003": [ "Synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control, an assured constant airway pressure adjunct and pressure-support at the higher pressure level only", "SIMV-PC PS ACAP (synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control, an assured constant airway pressure adjunct and pressure-support) at the higher pressure level only", "SIMV-PC PS ACAP (synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control, an assured constant airway pressure adjunct and pressure-support) at the higher pressure level only", "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation with pressure-control, an assured constant airway pressure adjunct and pressure-support at the higher pressure level only", "SIMV-PC PS ACAP(同步间歇指令通气与压力控制,保证恒定气道压力辅助和压力支持)仅在较高的压力水平", "同步间歇指令通气,带压力控制、确保恒定气道压力辅助装置和仅在较高压力水平上提供压力支持", "SIMV-PC PS ACAP(同步间歇指令通气,带压力控制、保证恒定气道压力辅助和压力支持)仅在较高压力水平" ], "23419006": [ "Intelligence test/WB2", "智力测试/WB2" ], "121723008": [ "Trimeprazine measurement", "三甲丙嗪测量" ], "711547009": [ "Ultrasonography of genital labium", "Ultrasound of genital labium", "Ultrasound scan of labia", "生殖阴唇超声检查", "阴唇超声波扫描" ], "119888006": [ "Small intestine reconstruction", "小肠重建" ], "37968009": [ "Prick test", "Skin prick test", "点刺试验", "皮肤点刺试验" ], "118053002": [ "HIV 1 p32 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p32 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 32 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p32 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 32 抗体的测量", "HIV 1 p32 抗体检测" ], "773413003": [ "Provision of telescopic spectacles for near vision", "Provision of near eyeglass telescope", "Provision of telescopic eyeglasses near", "Provision of eyeglass-mounted near telescope", "Provision of spectacle-mounted near telescope", "Provision of spectacle near telescope", "提供近距离伸缩眼镜", "提供眼镜式近距望远镜", "提供望远镜近视眼镜", "望远镜附近提供眼镜", "提供近视望远镜" ], "85285002": [ "Microbial identification kit, API 20C method", "微生物鉴定试剂盒,API 20C 方法" ], "726096009": [ "Imaging of small intestine", "小肠成像" ], "232741007": [ "Inspection of mitral valve", "二尖瓣检查" ], "167205008": [ "Butterfat absorption test", "乳脂吸收测试" ], "67066002": [ "Deoxycorticosteroids measurement", "脱氧皮质类固醇测量" ], "230906006": [ "Excision of intracranial venous malformation", "颅内静脉畸形切除术" ], "116218007": [ "Fine needle biopsy of heart", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of heart", "心脏细针穿刺活检", "心脏细针活检" ], "17914007": [ "Existential therapy", "存在主义疗法" ], "16079003": [ "Sauer-Bacon operation, abdominoperineal resection", "Sauer-Bacon 手术,腹会阴切除术" ], "229071003": [ "Functional exercises", "功能练习" ], "702372001": [ "Skin graft to forehead", "Graft of skin to skin of forehead", "额头皮肤移植", "皮肤移植至额头皮肤" ], "225401003": [ "Behavioural observation using an observation schedule", "Behavioral observation using an observation schedule", "使用观察计划进行行为观察" ], "61561005": [ "Incision of larynx", "Laryngotomy", "喉部切开术", "喉切开术" ], "26958001": [ "Hepatic function panel", "LFT - Liver function test", "Liver function test", "LFT-肝功能检查", "肝功能检查" ], "1306745009": [ "Plain X-ray of genital", "生殖器 X 光检查" ], "434723003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of brachial artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of brachial artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "用造影剂插入药物洗脱支架进行肱动脉荧光镜动脉造影", "肱动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术" ], "303651009": [ "Removal of mole of skin of head or neck by excision", "切除头部或颈部皮肤痣" ], "236280001": [ "Ombredanne hypospadias repair", "Van der Meulen hypospadias repair", "Flip-flap hypospadias repair", "Mathieu hypospadias repair", "Reconstruction by urethra-ventralising operation", "Reconstruction by urethra-ventralizing operation", "翻瓣尿道下裂修复术", "Ombredanne 尿道下裂修复术", "Mathieu 尿道下裂修复术", "尿道腹侧化手术重建", "Van der Meulen 尿道下裂修复术" ], "105208003": [ "Hydroxychloroquine measurement", "羟氯喹测量" ], "170744004": [ "Follow-up diabetic assessment", "糖尿病后续评估" ], "1284856004": [ "Assessment using Numeric Pain Rating Scale", "使用数字疼痛评分量表进行评估" ], "711416001": [ "Dega osteotomy of pelvic bone", "骨盆骨 Dega 截骨术" ], "416504003": [ "Vascular line exchange over wire", "Line exchange over wire", "有线线路交换", "通过导线交换血管导管" ], "121592005": [ "Hexachlorobenzene measurement", "六氯苯测量" ], "252664009": [ "Radionuclide breath test", "C14 Breath test", "C14 Gastrointestinal function measurement", "C14-BT - Radionuclide breath test", "C14 呼气试验", "C14 胃肠功能测量", "C14-BT - 放射性核素呼气试验", "放射性核素呼气试验" ], "414669002": [ "Mental health monitoring invitation", "心理健康监测邀请" ], "119757002": [ "Pleura transplantation", "胸膜移植" ], "431053004": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of bone", "骨细针穿刺活检" ], "709581007": [ "Magnetic resonance arthrography of joint structure of limb with contrast", "MR arthrography of limb with contrast", "Magnetic resonance arthrogram of limb with contrast", "肢体磁共振关节造影", "肢体 MR 关节造影", "四肢关节结构磁共振造影对比" ], "167074000": [ "Plasma random LDL cholesterol measurement", "Plasma random LDL cholesterol level", "Plasma random low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement", "血浆随机低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平", "血浆随机低密度脂蛋白胆固醇测量" ], "740514001": [ "Total hysterectomy with right salpingectomy", "全子宫切除术及右侧输卵管切除术" ], "412834002": [ "Serum anti-ganglioside M1 IgM measurement", "Serum anti-ganglioside M1 IgM level", "Serum anti-ganglioside M1 immunoglobulin M measurement", "血清抗神经节苷脂 M1 IgM 水平", "血清抗神经节苷脂 M1 IgM 测定", "血清抗神经节苷脂 M1 免疫球蛋白 M 测量" ], "19618003": [ "Open reduction of closed mandibular fracture with external fixation", "闭合性下颌骨骨折切开复位外固定" ], "85154003": [ "Total laryngectomy with radical neck dissection", "Radical dissection of neck with laryngectomy", "根治性颈部解剖及喉切除术", "全喉切除术及根治性颈淋巴清扫术" ], "609442008": [ "Antenatal care for woman with history of recurrent miscarriage", "有反复流产史的妇女的产前护理" ], "396450009": [ "Vaginoperineotomy", "Nonobstetrical episiotomy", "阴道会阴切开术", "非产科会阴切开术" ], "1399002": [ "Incision and exploration of ureter", "输尿管切开探查" ], "722295003": [ "Step down change in telehealth monitoring", "远程医疗监控的逐步变革" ], "183458009": [ "Pediatric emergency hospital admission", "Paediatric emergency hospital admission", "儿科急诊入院" ], "312695002": [ "Excision of anal fissure and island flap closure", "肛裂切除及岛状皮瓣缝合" ], "445602009": [ "Assessment using clinical chronic obstructive pulmonary disease questionnaire", "使用临床慢性阻塞性肺病问卷进行评估" ], "394615007": [ "Aromatherapy", "Aroma therapy", "芳香疗法" ], "83319004": [ "Spore test", "孢子测试" ], "179788001": [ "Primary xenograft augmentation extra-articular ligament", "原发性异种移植增强关节外韧带" ], "48716005": [ "Lymphocyte storage, liquid nitrogen", "淋巴细胞储存,液氮" ], "310860009": [ "Work assessment", "工作评估" ], "30497002": [ "Removal of electronic bladder stimulator", "Removal of electronic urinary bladder stimulator", "移除电子膀胱刺激器" ], "390945002": [ "24 hour urine porphyrin output", "24小时尿卟啉排出量" ], "440097007": [ "Lysis of adhesions of triceps tendon", "Tenolysis of triceps", "肱三头肌腱松解术", "肱三头肌腱粘连松解术" ], "718625008": [ "Assessment using Test of Minimal Articulation Competence", "Assessment using T-MAC (Test of Minimal Articulation Competence)", "使用基本发音能力测试进行评估", "使用 T-MAC(最低发音能力测试)进行评估" ], "225270001": [ "Chemical male castration", "男性化学阉割" ], "176118000": [ "Ileocecocystoplasty", "Ileocaecocystoplasty", "回盲囊成形术", "回盲膀胱成形术" ], "389110003": [ "Family health promotion", "家庭健康促进" ], "45046001": [ "Exploration of mastoid", "乳突探查" ], "1290230006": [ "Transluminal operation on cerebral artery", "脑动脉腔内手术" ], "241654006": [ "MRI arthrography of knee", "Magnetic resonance imaging arthrography of knee", "膝关节磁共振成像关节造影", "膝关节 MRI 关节造影" ], "307190008": [ "Laparoscopic closure of perforated gastric ulcer", "腹腔镜胃溃疡穿孔缝合术" ], "700406007": [ "Self-monitoring of blood ketone", "自我监测血酮" ], "223435002": [ "Advice to avoid behavior", "Advice to avoid behaviour", "Recommendation to avoid behaviour", "Recommendation to avoid behavior", "避免行为的建议", "建议避免以下行为" ], "305355008": [ "Admission to clinical allergy department", "临床过敏科入院" ], "174283009": [ "Peranal biopsy of lesion of rectum", "直肠病变肛周活检" ], "713120004": [ "Counting foetal movement", "Counting fetal movement", "计算胎动" ], "252533001": [ "Streptococcus skin test", "链球菌皮肤试验" ], "236149001": [ "Incision of renal capsule", "肾包膜切开术" ], "105077001": [ "Aztreonam measurement", "氨曲南测量" ], "121461005": [ "Biogenic amine measurement", "生物胺测量" ], "234314000": [ "Injection of cystic hygroma", "Injection of substance into cystic lymphangioma", "囊性水瘤注射", "囊性淋巴管瘤内注射物质" ], "119626005": [ "Shoulder excision", "肩关节切除术" ], "758602008": [ "Repair of right femoral hernia using surgical mesh", "使用外科网片修补右股疝" ], "609311002": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of specimen from seminal vesicle", "精囊标本的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "232479003": [ "Enlargement of perforation of nasal septum", "鼻中隔穿孔扩大" ], "117791006": [ "Coxsackievirus B4 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human coxsackievirus B 4 antibody", "人柯萨奇病毒B4抗体测定", "柯萨奇病毒 B4 抗体检测" ], "183327007": [ "Cardiovascular retraining", "心血管再训练" ], "773151008": [ "Laparoscopic incisional hernioplasty using synthetic mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic repair of incisional hernia using synthetic mesh with fascial closure", "腹腔镜下使用合成网片和筋膜闭合术修补切口疝", "使用合成网片和筋膜闭合进行腹腔镜切口疝修补术" ], "738548004": [ "Laparoscopic repair of ureter by retroperitoneal approach", "Retroperitoneoscopic repair of ureter", "腹腔镜后输尿管修复术", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路输尿管修复术" ], "66804005": [ "Manipulation of vagina", "阴道操作" ], "17652006": [ "Serologic test for Rickettsia rickettsii", "立克次体血清学检测" ], "359881002": [ "Amniotic fluid analysis for erythroblastosis fetalis", "Amniotic fluid spectrophotometric scan", "Amniotic fluid spectral analysis", "Amniotic fluid analysis for erythroblastosis foetalis", "胎儿骨髓幼红细胞增多症的羊水分析", "羊水分光光度扫描", "羊水光谱分析", "胎儿骨髓成红细胞增多症的羊水分析" ], "703945007": [ "Laparoscopic repair of ventral hernia", "Laparoscopic repair of hernia of anterior abdominal wall", "腹腔镜腹前壁疝修补术", "腹腔镜腹疝修补术" ], "390814000": [ "Mental health crisis resolution", "心理健康危机解决" ], "261577009": [ "Upper pouch myotomy", "上袋肌切开术" ], "439966004": [ "Hysteroscopy and removal of impacted foreign body", "宫腔镜检查及异物取出" ], "79518006": [ "Ossiculectomy with tympanoplasty revision", "听小骨切除术及鼓室成形术修复" ], "225139000": [ "Cleaning skin creases", "清洁皮肤皱纹" ], "241523002": [ "CT stereotactic localization", "CT stereotactic localisation", "Computed tomography stereotactic localization", "Computed tomography stereotactic localisation", "计算机断层扫描立体定向定位", "CT立体定位", "CT立体定向定位" ], "700275005": [ "Referral for anaesthesia consultation", "Referral for anesthesia consultation", "转诊至麻醉科咨询", "转介麻醉科咨询" ], "305224000": [ "Admission by health worker", "医护人员入场" ], "175987009": [ "Operations along nephrostomy track", "肾造口术路径上的手术" ], "239688004": [ "Application of buddy strapping", "Application of neighbour strapping", "Application of neighbor strapping", "伙伴捆绑的应用", "邻居捆扎的应用" ], "121330000": [ "Antidepressant identification", "抗抑郁药识别" ], "39410008": [ "Resuture of cardiac septum prosthesis", "心脏隔膜假体缝合术" ], "104946009": [ "Succinylacetone measurement", "琥珀酰丙酮的测量" ], "250567000": [ "Measurement of capillary partial pressure of carbon dioxide", "Capillary partial pressure of carbon dioxide", "毛细管二氧化碳分压", "毛细管二氧化碳分压的测量" ], "53959004": [ "Xenogeneic transplantation", "Animal-human transplantation", "Xenotransplantation", "Heterologous transplantation", "异种移植", "动物-人类移植", "异体移植" ], "396188000": [ "Red lens test", "Red glass test", "红色镜头测试", "红玻璃试验" ], "609180001": [ "Revision of component of total prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint using cement", "人工肩关节全置换术部件的翻修" ], "117660006": [ "Norketamine measurement", "去甲氯胺酮测量" ], "265116007": [ "Excision of heads of multiple lesser metatarsals", "切除多个小跖骨头" ], "84892007": [ "Suppressive psychotherapy", "抑制性心理治疗" ], "392518003": [ "TMA specific IgE antibody measurement", "Trimellitic anhydride specific IgE antibody measurement", "k86 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Trimellitic anhydride specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "偏苯三酸酐特异性IgE抗体测定", "k86特异性IgE抗体测量", "偏苯三酸酐特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "TMA 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "64838004": [ "Isometric exercise", "等长运动" ], "408902006": [ "Memory loss care assessment", "Assess memory loss care", "评估记忆丧失护理", "记忆丧失护理评估" ], "13851003": [ "Application of hip spica cast, both legs", "双腿髋关节石膏固定" ], "63003009": [ "Removal of foreign body from large intestine by incision", "切开大肠取出异物" ], "241392001": [ "Triple radionuclide parathyroid study", "三重放射性核素甲状旁腺检查" ], "698309000": [ "Consultation for endoscopic procedure", "内窥镜检查咨询" ], "1255365001": [ "Injection of substance into bladder wall", "Injection of substance into urinary bladder wall", "将物质注射到膀胱壁" ], "763845002": [ "I123 - mIBG study", "Radionuclide imaging using iobenguane (123-I)", "I123——mIBG 研究", "使用碘苯胍(123-I)进行放射性核素成像" ], "26565004": [ "Polya operation, gastrectomy", "Polya partial gastrectomy", "Billroth II partial gastrectomy - Polya modification", "波利亚胃部分切除术", "波利亚手术、胃切除术", "Billroth II 部分胃切除术 - Polya 改良术" ], "1204378001": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to proximal and mid LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to proximal and mid left anterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to proximal and mid LAD (left anterior descending) coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery and mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉前降支近段及中段的顺序吻合", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至近端和中段冠状动脉 (LAD)", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至近端和中段冠状动脉 (LAD)", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉依次吻合至左冠状动脉前降支近端及左冠状动脉前降支中段" ], "239557009": [ "Biopsy of lamina of vertebra", "椎板活检" ], "432495001": [ "Fluoroscopy guided embolisation of external iliac artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolization of external iliac artery with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of external iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of external iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下髂外动脉造影栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮髂外动脉栓塞术" ], "22895003": [ "Adjustment of lid position", "盖子位置调整" ], "711023006": [ "Identification of attitude toward pain", "识别对疼痛的态度" ], "104815006": [ "Methylmalonate measurement", "甲基丙二酸测量" ], "252271008": [ "Urine:plasma partial pressure of carbon dioxide gradient", "PCO2 - Urine:plasma partial pressure of carbon dioxide gradient", "PCO2 - 尿液:血浆二氧化碳分压梯度", "尿液:血浆二氧化碳分压梯度" ], "53828002": [ "Ligation of major artery of abdomen", "腹部大动脉结扎" ], "397892004": [ "Retrograde intubation", "逆行插管" ], "51993007": [ "Aneurysmectomy of aortic arch", "主动脉弓动脉瘤切除术" ], "183065007": [ "Low carbohydrate diet education", "低碳水化合物饮食教育" ], "264985009": [ "Muscle transfer at elbow", "肘部肌肉移植" ], "410606002": [ "Social service procedure", "社会服务流程" ], "33774002": [ "Reduction of fracture of ulna with internal fixation", "尺骨骨折复位内固定" ], "312302004": [ "Plication of ascending aorta", "升主动脉折叠术" ], "66542005": [ "Zonulolysis with lens extraction", "晶状体摘除术" ], "426990007": [ "Home oxygen therapy", "家庭氧疗" ], "31939001": [ "Repair of obstetric laceration of cervix", "Obstetrical trachelorrhaphy", "Repair of cervical laceration", "产科宫颈缝合术", "产科宫颈裂伤的修复", "宫颈裂伤修复" ], "392387004": [ "t208 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Linden specific IgE antibody measurement", "Tilia cordata specific IgE antibody measurement", "Tilia cordata specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "椴树特异性IgE抗体测定", "Linden 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "椴树特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "t208 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "64707006": [ "Venography of superior vena cava with serialography", "上腔静脉造影及序列造影" ], "228547007": [ "Reality orientation", "Reality orientation approach", "Ro - reality orientation", "现实导向", "Ro-现实导向", "现实导向方法" ], "243096001": [ "Instruction on correct fixing of baby to breast", "Correct fixing of baby to breast education", "正确固定婴儿乳房教育", "指导宝宝正确吸吮乳房" ], "406936006": [ "Sudan blue stain method", "Sudan blue stain", "苏丹蓝染色", "苏丹蓝染色法" ], "30104007": [ "Needling of lens capsule", "晶状体囊穿刺" ], "241261000": [ "Testicular venogram", "Varicogram", "睾丸静脉造影", "变异函数" ], "128408009": [ "Removal of electronic monitor device", "拆除电子监控装置" ], "388717004": [ "Red kidney bean specific IgE antibody measurement", "Phaseolus vulgaris (red) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf287 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Phaseolus vulgaris (red) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf287 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "红芸豆特异性IgE抗体测定", "菜豆(红)特异性IgE抗体测定", "菜豆(红)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "75586006": [ "Incision and drainage of spinal cord", "脊髓切开引流" ], "239426007": [ "Repair of anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint", "膝关节前交叉韧带修复" ], "712727001": [ "CT of head and cervical spine with contrast", "Computed tomography of head and cervical spine with contrast", "头部及颈椎增强 CT 扫描", "头部和颈椎增强计算机断层扫描" ], "450583003": [ "Removal of slough from skin of neck", "去除颈部皮肤腐肉" ], "8215004": [ "Lisfranc shoulder disarticulation", "Lisfranc 肩关节离断术" ], "57367004": [ "Division of soft tissue", "Incision of soft tissue with division", "软组织切开分离", "软组织分区" ], "270359006": [ "Insurance (life) exam", "Life insurance examination", "保险(人寿)考试", "人寿保险审查" ], "24599003": [ "Pulmonary artery pressure monitoring", "肺动脉压监测" ], "170220000": [ "Child examination: social development", "儿童检查:社会发展" ], "104684001": [ "Gastrin releasing polypeptide measurement", "胃泌素释放多肽测定" ], "1237015006": [ "Bathing of skin of both lower limbs", "Bathing of skin of both lower extremities", "Washing of both lower limbs", "Washing of bilateral lower limbs", "Bathing of skin of bilateral lower limbs", "清洗双下肢", "双下肢冲洗", "双下肢皮肤沐浴" ], "710892004": [ "Education about stoma complications", "关于造口并发症的教育" ], "448748005": [ "Application of eye patch", "眼贴的应用" ], "268524007": [ "Rheumatology disorder monitoring", "Rheumatism monitoring", "风湿病监测" ], "432364009": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for endoscopic dilatation of trachea", "Endoscopic dilatation of trachea using fluoroscopic guidance", "Endoscopic dilation of trachea using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下进行内镜气管扩张术", "透视引导下内镜气管扩张术", "荧光透视引导下内镜气管扩张术" ], "266689003": [ "Splint teeth with orthodontic bands", "用矫正带夹板固定牙齿" ], "446913004": [ "Calculation of ratio of maximum rate of tubular reabsorption of phosphate to glomerular filtration rate", "肾小管最大重吸收磷速率与肾小球滤过率之比的计算" ], "86465005": [ "Incision of spleen", "Splenotomy", "脾切开术", "脾脏切开术" ], "250305009": [ "White blood cell membrane antigen", "White blood cell membrane antigen determination", "白细胞膜抗原测定", "白细胞膜抗原" ], "1231510004": [ "Lift-off test", "Gerber test", "格柏测试", "升空试验" ], "363158006": [ "Incision of ear", "耳部切开术" ], "608918007": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from prostate", "前列腺标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "443243004": [ "Percutaneous transhepatic insertion of catheter into biliary tract using radiologic guidance with contrast", "在放射学引导下经皮经肝胆道导管插入" ], "17259005": [ "Ocular motility study", "眼球运动研究" ], "426859009": [ "Endoscopic ultrasound examination of bile duct", "胆管内镜超声检查" ], "392256003": [ "Evacuation of haematoma of vagina", "Evacuation of hematoma of vagina", "Evacuation of vaginal haematoma", "Evacuation of vaginal hematoma", "阴道血肿清除术" ], "439573001": [ "Open revision of femoral anastomosis of synthetic arterial bypass graft using autogenous vein patch graft", "使用自体静脉补片移植进行人工动脉旁路移植股动脉吻合口的开放式修复" ], "14600001000004107": [ "Closure of wound of ankle with flap", "Flap closure of ankle wound", "踝部伤口皮瓣缝合", "用皮瓣缝合踝部伤口" ], "177429004": [ "Local rotation flap, myocutaneous", "局部旋转皮瓣,肌皮" ], "406805004": [ "Acriflavine stain method", "Acriflavine stain", "吖啶黄染色法", "吖啶黄染色" ], "388586000": [ "Clupea harengus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Herring specific IgE antibody measurement", "f205 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Clupea harengus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鲱鱼特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f205特异性IgE抗体测量", "鲱鱼特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "60906000": [ "Aluminum measurement, tissue", "Aluminium measurement, tissue", "铝测量,组织" ], "241130002": [ "Air meatogram", "空气流量表" ], "306666003": [ "Discharge from ophthalmology service", "眼科服务出院" ], "175594003": [ "Iliofemoral prosthetic crossover graft", "髂股骨假体交叉移植" ], "239295000": [ "Open reduction of fracture without fixation", "骨折切开复位不固定" ], "75455003": [ "Neurectasis of cranial nerve", "Stretching of cranial nerve", "脑神经扩张", "脑神经拉伸" ], "42687005": [ "Lymphangiogram", "Lymphangiography", "Contrast radiology of lymphatic tissue", "Lymphogram", "Lymphatic system contrast procedure", "淋巴系统造影术", "淋巴管造影", "淋巴组织对比放射学", "淋巴造影" ], "1304255006": [ "Endoscopic balloon dilation of ostium of right paranasal sinus", "BCD (balloon catheter dilation) of ostium of right paranasal sinus", "BSOD (balloon sinus ostial dilation) of right paranasal sinus", "Balloon sinuplasty of ostium of right paranasal sinus", "内镜右侧鼻旁窦口球囊扩张术", "右侧鼻旁窦 BSOD(鼻窦口球囊扩张)", "右侧鼻旁窦口球囊导管扩张术", "右侧鼻旁窦口球囊扩张术" ], "401300000": [ "Atypical pneumonia screening test", "非典型肺炎筛查检测" ], "24468001": [ "Prophylactic treatment of humerus with methyl methacrylate", "用甲基丙烯酸甲酯预防性治疗肱骨" ], "386751009": [ "Cystoscopic removal of foreign body from bladder", "Endoscopic removal of foreign body from bladder", "Cystoscopy to remove object", "Cystoscopic removal of foreign body from urinary bladder", "膀胱镜检查取出异物", "内镜膀胱异物取出", "膀胱镜取出膀胱异物" ], "57236003": [ "Repair of cholecystoenteric fistula", "Closure of cholecystoenteric fistula", "Closure of cholecystenteric fistula", "Repair of cholecystenteric fistula", "胆囊肠瘘闭合", "胆囊肠瘘修复术", "胆囊瘘管缝合术" ], "286612005": [ "Male prosthetic bladder outlet collar procedure", "Male prosthetic urinary bladder outlet collar procedure", "男性假体膀胱出口环手术" ], "186473000": [ "Angiocardiography with carbon dioxide negative contrast", "二氧化碳负对比心血管造影" ], "22633006": [ "Vaginal delivery, medical personnel present", "阴道分娩,医务人员在场" ], "104553007": [ "Bilirubin, non-glucuronidated measurement", "非葡萄糖醛酸化胆红素测量" ], "708926000": [ "Open reduction and locking nail of fracture of femur", "Open reduction of fracture of femur and internal fixation using locking nail", "股骨骨折切开复位锁定钉内固定", "股骨骨折切开复位锁定钉治疗" ], "250174000": [ "Paraprotein measurement", "Paraprotein level", "副蛋白测量", "副蛋白水平" ], "37182005": [ "Corneoscleral suture", "角巩膜缝合线" ], "446782006": [ "Ultrasonography of deep inferior epigastric perforator skin flap", "下腹壁深穿支皮瓣的超声检查" ], "313875000": [ "30 minute plasma GH level", "30 minute plasma GH measurement", "30 minute plasma growth hormone measurement", "30 分钟血浆生长激素测量", "30 分钟血浆 GH 水平", "30 分钟血浆 GH 测量" ], "117267001": [ "Cold incubation of serum, 3 days", "血清冷培养,3天" ], "397630008": [ "Alpha-1-antitrypsin phenotype determination", "α-1-抗胰蛋白酶表型测定" ], "428563002": [ "Stent assisted embolisation of aneurysm using transluminal coil", "Stent assisted embolization of aneurysm using transluminal coil", "使用腔内线圈进行支架辅助动脉瘤栓塞", "支架辅助动脉瘤栓塞术" ], "608787004": [ "Open reduction of fracture of patella with internal fixation", "髌骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "5191000087101": [ "Angiography of bilateral brachial arteries", "Arteriography of both brachial arteries", "Arteriography of left and right brachial artery", "Arteriography of bilateral brachial arteries", "Angiography of both brachial arteries", "左、右肱动脉造影", "双侧肱动脉造影" ], "12871000087103": [ "CT guided biopsy of right upper limb", "Biopsy of right upper extremity using computed tomography guidance", "Biopsy of right upper limb using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行右上肢活检", "CT引导下右上肢活检" ], "410344000": [ "Legal system case management", "法制案件管理" ], "182803009": [ "Cardiac emergency monitoring", "心脏急救监测" ], "1351000087106": [ "CT of right hip", "Computed tomography of right hip", "右髋部计算机断层扫描", "右髋部 CT" ], "2631000087103": [ "MRI of left upper extremity", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left upper limb", "左上肢磁共振成像", "左上肢 MRI" ], "443112004": [ "Repair of partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection by direct anomalous vein anastomosis to left atrium", "直接异位静脉吻合术修复部分性肺静脉异位连接" ], "230120000": [ "Faradism under pressure", "压力下的法拉第主义" ], "71000087107": [ "Fluoroscopy of left lower extremity", "Fluoroscopy of left lower limb", "左下肢透视检查" ], "312040009": [ "Application for social services funding", "社会服务资助申请" ], "441277002": [ "Active core warming of subject using intragastric irrigation", "使用胃内灌洗对受试者进行主动核心加温" ], "277437006": [ "Bronchial revascularization", "Bronchial revascularisation", "支气管血运重建" ], "15293008": [ "Funnel enema", "漏斗灌肠" ], "306535001": [ "Discharge by audiology technician", "听力技师出院" ], "46226009": [ "Cervicectomy with synchronous colporrhaphy", "Anterior and posterior colporrhaphy and amputation of cervix uteri", "宫颈切除术及同步阴道缝合术", "前后阴道缝合术及宫颈切断术" ], "77159001": [ "Acetylcholine receptor measurement", "Acetylcholine receptor binding antibody measurement", "乙酰胆碱受体结合抗体测量", "乙酰胆碱受体测量" ], "372071003": [ "Microscopy for malarial parasites", "显微镜检查疟原虫" ], "175463001": [ "Vertebral artery angiography", "Vertebral arteriogram", "Arteriography of vertebral artery", "Angiography of vertebral artery", "椎动脉血管造影", "椎动脉造影" ], "1156668000": [ "Deferasirox therapy", "地拉罗司治疗" ], "60775008": [ "Core needle biopsy of large intestine", "大肠芯针活检" ], "173628002": [ "Open removal of tubal prosthesis from esophagus", "Open removal of tubal prosthesis from oesophagus", "从食管中开放性取出输卵管假体" ], "304700003": [ "Distraction training", "分心训练" ], "9788004": [ "Lysis of penile adhesions", "Division of penile adhesions", "Freeing of preputial adhesions", "Release of preputial adhesions", "阴茎粘连分离", "包皮粘连松解术", "阴茎粘连松解术" ], "388455008": [ "Food specific IgE antibody measurement", "Food specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "食物特异性IgE抗体测量", "食物特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "1304124007": [ "Screening for cancer of oral cavity", "Screening for malignant neoplasm of oral cavity", "口腔恶性肿瘤筛查", "口腔癌筛查" ], "40721009": [ "Selenium measurement, tissue", "硒测量,组织" ], "745233009": [ "Referral to chronic pain management service", "转诊至慢性疼痛管理服务" ], "399334003": [ "Manipulation of the cervical spine", "颈椎操纵" ], "104422008": [ "Immunoassay, quantitative", "免疫测定,定量" ], "446651002": [ "Upper endoscopic ultrasonography of retroperitoneum", "腹膜后上腔内镜超声检查" ], "313744003": [ "Serum serine measurement", "Serum serine level", "血清丝氨酸测量", "血清丝氨酸水平" ], "35216007": [ "Operation on spermatic cord", "精索手术" ], "2448007": [ "Cell count of synovial fluid with differential count", "滑液细胞计数及分类计数" ], "180837005": [ "Harvest of bone from skull, full thickness", "从头骨中获取全层骨骼" ], "410213006": [ "Tracheostomy care management", "Manage tracheostomy care", "管理气管切开术护理", "气管切开术护理管理" ], "179002007": [ "Fenestration of cortex of bone", "骨皮质开窗" ], "391994008": [ "Reversal of female sterilisation", "Reversal of female sterilization", "逆转女性绝育" ], "29711001": [ "Coagulation panel for thrombosis", "Thrombosis panel", "Hypercoagulable state screen", "血栓形成小组", "高凝状态筛查", "血栓凝血检查" ], "13327002": [ "Partial colectomy by transanal approach", "经肛门入路部分结肠切除术" ], "716004000": [ "Magnetic resonance elastography", "磁共振弹性成像" ], "44260000": [ "Stereotactic excisional biopsy of intracranial lesion with computerized axial tomography", "Stereotactic excisional biopsy of intracranial lesion with computerised axial tomography", "Stereotactic excisional biopsy of intracranial lesion using computed tomography guidance", "Stereotactic CT guided excisional biopsy of intracranial lesion", "计算机轴向断层扫描对颅内病变进行立体定向切除活检", "立体定向CT引导下颅内病变切除活检", "计算机断层扫描引导下立体定向切除颅内病变活检" ], "177167008": [ "Barton forceps cephalic delivery with rotation", "带旋转功能的 Barton 产钳头位分娩" ], "175332001": [ "Revision of prosthesis of bifurcation of aorta", "主动脉分叉处假体修复术" ], "290020004": [ "Tru-cut transperineal biopsy of prostate", "经会阴前列腺真切活检" ], "306404005": [ "Discharge by intensive care specialist", "Discharge by ITU specialist", "由国际电联专家进行放电", "重症监护专家出院" ], "386489000": [ "Urinary incontinence care: enuresis", "尿失禁护理:遗尿" ], "1303993002": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with full thickness resection of esophagus", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with full thickness resection of oesophagus", "食管胃十二指肠镜全层切除术", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及食管全层切除术" ], "239033002": [ "Digital examination", "数字检查" ], "173497005": [ "Incision of submandibular gland", "颌下腺切开术" ], "288185006": [ "Inhalation general anaesthesia", "Inhalation general anesthesia", "吸入全身麻醉" ], "58809006": [ "Osteoarthrotomy", "骨关节切开术" ], "171662006": [ "Decompression of hypoglossal nerve (XII)", "舌下神经减压术(XII)" ], "415587000": [ "Steroid sulfatase level", "Steroid sulphatase level", "Steryl-sulfatase measurement", "Steryl-sulphatase measurement", "甾醇硫酸酯酶测定", "类固醇硫酸酯酶水平" ], "401038008": [ "Plasma temazepam level", "血浆替马西泮浓度" ], "433806009": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta using contrast with insertion of fenestrated bifurcated stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta using contrast with insertion of fenestrated bifurcated stent graft", "腹主动脉荧光造影及插入有孔分叉支架移植物", "腹主动脉荧光血管造影术及插入有孔分叉支架移植物" ], "1202019006": [ "Craniectomy of base of skull and excision of midline neoplasm of brain", "Excision of bone of cranium and excision of midline neoplasm at base of skull", "颅底开颅及脑中线肿瘤切除术", "颅骨切除及颅底中线肿瘤切除" ], "1234787008": [ "Application of protective device", "保护装置的应用" ], "20536001": [ "Direct immunobead assay", "直接免疫珠测定" ], "774200002": [ "Assessment using ASEPSIS (Additional treatment, Serous discharge, Erythema, Purulent exudate, Separation of deep tissue, Isolation of bacteria, duration of inpatient Stay) scoring method", "Assessment using Additional treatment, Serous discharge, Erythema, Purulent exudate, Separation of deep tissue, Isolation of bacteria, duration of inpatient Stay scoring method", "采用 ASEPSIS(附加治疗、浆液性分泌物、红斑、化脓性渗出物、深层组织分离、细菌分离、住院时间)评分法进行评估", "采用附加治疗、浆液性分泌物、红斑、脓性渗出物、深层组织分离、细菌分离、住院时间评分法进行评估" ], "38755008": [ "Lysis of adhesions of blood vessel", "Lysis of adhesions of peripheral blood vessel", "Freeing of blood vessel", "血管游离", "周围血管粘连松解术", "血管粘连松解术" ], "118840004": [ "Procedure on sigmoid colon", "乙状结肠手术" ], "233528001": [ "Central venous cannula insertion via internal jugular vein", "经颈内静脉插入中心静脉插管" ], "71523008": [ "Repair of ostium secundum defect with prosthesis by open heart technique", "开胸技术修复继发孔缺损" ], "104291008": [ "Mycoplasma antibody assay", "Serologic test for Mycoplasma", "Measurement of Mycoplasma species antibody", "支原体抗体测量", "支原体抗体检测", "支原体血清学检测" ], "870669000": [ "Preschool diphtheria and tetanus vaccination", "Preschool administration of diphtheria and tetanus vaccine", "Preschool diphtheria and tetanus immunisation", "Preschool diphtheria and tetanus immunization", "Preschool administration of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens", "学龄前儿童接种仅含破伤风梭菌和白喉棒状杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "学龄前白喉和破伤风免疫接种", "学龄前白喉、破伤风疫苗接种", "学龄前儿童接种白喉和破伤风疫苗" ], "53304009": [ "Parathyroidectomy", "PTx - Parathyroidectomy", "Excision of parathyroid gland", "PTx-甲状旁腺切除术", "甲状旁腺切除术" ], "18701002": [ "Repair of tendon of hand by graft or implant", "通过移植或植入修复手部肌腱" ], "437151000124105": [ "Iodine modified diet", "碘改良饮食" ], "444685004": [ "Assessment of bowel sounds", "肠鸣音评估" ], "231693004": [ "Inferior oblique myotomy", "下斜肌切开术" ], "51469006": [ "Four dimensional ultrasound imaging of heart", "Four dimensional echocardiography", "四维超声心动图", "心脏四维超声成像" ], "84237009": [ "Radial styloidectomy", "桡骨茎突切除术" ], "410082002": [ "Rehabilitation therapy education", "Teach rehabilitation care", "教授康复护理", "康复治疗教育" ], "33250001": [ "Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy for directed placement of percutaneous gastrostomy tube", "上消化道内镜引导放置经皮胃造口管" ], "786914002": [ "Snare tip soft coagulation", "STSC - snare tip soft coagulation", "STSC - 圈套器尖端软凝固", "圈套头软凝固" ], "16866008": [ "Larrey operation", "Larrey shoulder disarticulation", "Larrey amputation", "拉雷手术", "Larrey 截肢", "Larrey 肩关节脱位" ], "31415001": [ "Atrial septostomy by blade method", "刀片法房间隔造口术" ], "408247004": [ "GQ1b IgG level", "GQ1b immunoglobulin G level", "GQ1b IgG 水平", "GQ1b 免疫球蛋白 G 水平" ], "735927006": [ "Adjustment of external breast prosthesis", "外部乳房假体的调整" ], "62348008": [ "Open reduction of fracture of phalanges of foot with internal fixation", "足指骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "306273003": [ "Referral to chest physician", "Referral to thoracic physician", "转诊至胸科医生", "转诊至胸科医师" ], "765025006": [ "Kosher diet", "Jewish diet", "犹太饮食" ], "304438000": [ "Ultrasound treatment to knee", "膝盖超声波治疗" ], "386358000": [ "Medication administration: intravenous", "Medication administration: intravenous (IV)", "Administration of drug or medicament via intravenous route", "通过静脉途径给药", "给药方式:静脉注射(IV)", "给药方式:静脉注射" ], "1254710006": [ "Referral to telephone social support programme", "Referral to telephone social support program", "转介电话社会支持计划" ], "1172790006": [ "Periradicular surgery on premolar tooth", "Periradicular surgery on bicuspid tooth", "Periapical surgery on premolar tooth", "Periapical surgery on bicuspid tooth", "双尖牙根尖手术", "前磨牙根尖周围手术", "前磨牙根尖手术", "双尖牙根尖周围手术" ], "122379005": [ "Mycobacterium avium rRNA assay", "Mycobacterium avium ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "鸟分枝杆菌 rRNA 检测", "鸟分枝杆菌核糖体核糖核酸测定" ], "417291007": [ "Referral to epidural anesthesia for reflex sympathetic dystrophy", "Referral to epidural anaesthesia for reflex sympathetic dystrophy", "转诊至硬膜外麻醉治疗反射性交感神经营养不良症" ], "87776000": [ "Intra-arterial infusion of antineoplastic agent", "Intra-arterial infusion of cancer chemotherapy agent", "动脉灌注癌症化疗药物", "动脉内灌注抗肿瘤药物" ], "431840001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of salivary gland with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of salivary gland with contrast", "MRI of salivary gland with contrast", "唾液腺增强磁共振成像", "唾液腺造影磁共振成像(MRI)", "唾液腺增强 MRI 检查" ], "104160005": [ "Cytopathology, review of slides and report, Bethesda System, genital source, by physician", "细胞病理学,幻灯片和报告审查,贝塞斯达系统,生殖器来源,由医生进行" ], "284384005": [ "Examination of foot", "足部检查" ], "235232008": [ "Oversewing perforated gastric ulcer", "缝合穿孔胃溃疡" ], "233397000": [ "Division of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉分离" ], "118709004": [ "Procedure on finger", "手指上的手术" ], "18570000": [ "Incision and drainage of deep abscess of soft tissues of neck", "颈部软组织深部脓肿切开引流术" ], "315317008": [ "Biopsy of cranial nerve", "脑神经活检" ], "1296522003": [ "HIFU (high intensity focused ultrasound) ablation of prostate", "High intensity focused ultrasound ablation of prostate", "高强度聚焦超声前列腺消融术", "高强度聚焦超声 (HIFU) 前列腺消融术" ], "231562008": [ "Bicoronal browlift", "双冠状提眉术" ], "1263754008": [ "Image guided percutaneous gastrostomy", "Percutaneous gastrostomy using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮胃造口术", "使用影像引导进行经皮胃造口术" ], "351005": [ "Urinary undiversion of ureteral anastomosis", "Take-down of ureteral anastomosis", "输尿管吻合口尿路不改道", "输尿管吻合口拆除" ], "311647009": [ "Therapy to promote consonants", "促进辅音发音的疗法" ], "309812005": [ "Extubation of trachea", "Tracheal extubation", "拔除气管插管", "气管拔管" ], "260660009": [ "Total sternotomy", "全胸骨切开术" ], "275209001": [ "Disc valve pulmonary valve replacement", "圆盘瓣肺动脉瓣置换术" ], "47668009": [ "Intracavitary radium application", "腔内镭应用" ], "78601005": [ "Anesthesia for percutaneous liver biopsy", "Anaesthesia for percutaneous liver biopsy", "经皮肝穿刺活检的麻醉" ], "193289008": [ "Dilation of pancreatic sphincter", "胰腺括约肌扩张" ], "76766003": [ "Excision of lesion of ligament of joint", "关节韧带损伤切除术" ], "306142005": [ "Referral to ultrasonography service", "转诊至超声检查服务" ], "386227003": [ "Cardiac care: acute", "心脏护理:急性" ], "91315004": [ "ABO typing", "Blood group typing, ABO only", "ABO 分型", "血型分型,仅限 ABO" ], "16334561000119101": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of chest without contrast", "MRI of chest without contrast", "胸部 MRI 无造影", "无造影胸部磁共振成像" ], "16554721000119102": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography for localisation of inflammation", "Single photon emission computed tomography for localization of inflammation", "SPECT for localisation of inflammation", "SPECT for localization of inflammation", "SPECT 检测炎症定位", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描用于炎症定位" ], "388321000119101": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of sacrum without contrast", "MRI of sacrum without contrast", "无造影骶骨磁共振成像", "骶骨无造影 MRI" ], "413921000119104": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of scapula without contrast", "MRI of scapula without contrast", "无造影肩胛骨磁共振成像", "肩胛骨 MRI 无造影" ], "418995006": [ "Feeding regime", "喂养方式" ], "173235003": [ "Lip adhesion of bilateral cleft lips", "Lip adhesion of both lip clefts", "双侧唇裂唇粘连", "双侧唇裂粘连" ], "81121000119107": [ "Sleep disorder care management", "睡眠障碍护理管理" ], "16321761000119108": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of neck without contrast", "MR angiography of neck without contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiogram of neck without contrast", "颈部磁共振血管造影(无造影剂)" ], "271539004": [ "Serum gastrin level", "Serum gastrin measurement", "血清胃泌素测定", "血清胃泌素水平" ], "40328001": [ "Exteriorization of maxillary sinus", "Exteriorisation of maxillary sinus", "上颌窦外移" ], "56712007": [ "Computerized tomography, multi-plane", "Computerised tomography, multi-plane", "Computed tomography multi-plane", "多平面计算机断层扫描" ], "171400006": [ "Examination for suspected tuberculosis", "TB - Examination for suspected tuberculosis", "疑似结核病检查", "TB - 疑似结核病检查" ], "122248009": [ "Varicella virus antigen assay", "水痘病毒抗原检测" ], "302472007": [ "Reduction of fractured nasal bone", "Manipulation of fractured nasal bone", "鼻骨骨折的治疗", "鼻骨骨折复位" ], "236936007": [ "Repair of broad ligament tear", "阔韧带撕裂的修复" ], "448093005": [ "Measurement of temperature using tympanic thermometer", "使用耳温计测量温度" ], "104029008": [ "Do^a^ blood group antibody identification", "Do^a^血型抗体鉴定" ], "347954002": [ "Anal papillectomy", "Excision of anal papilla", "肛乳头切除术", "肛门乳头切除术" ], "233266002": [ "Balloon angioplasty of the abdominal aorta", "Angioplasty of abdominal aorta", "腹主动脉球囊血管成形术", "腹主动脉成形术" ], "315186004": [ "Ross river fever antibody level", "罗斯河热抗体水平" ], "429874005": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of sternum", "Computed tomography of sternum", "CT of sternum", "胸骨计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "胸骨 CT", "胸骨计算机断层扫描" ], "1263623001": [ "Delayed repair of multiple tendons", "多条肌腱修复延迟" ], "444423002": [ "Quantitative measurement of glucose in predialysis peritoneal dialysis fluid specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of glucose in predialysis peritoneal dialysis fluid specimen", "透析前腹膜透析液标本中葡萄糖的定量测定", "透析前腹膜透析液标本葡萄糖质量浓度的定量测定" ], "36658009": [ "Delayed hypersensitivity skin test for phytohemagglutinin", "PHA - Phytohaemagglutinin intradermal test", "Phytohaemagglutinin skin test", "PHA - Phytohemagglutinin intradermal test", "Phytohemagglutinin skin test", "Delayed hypersensitivity skin test for phytohaemagglutinin", "植物血凝素皮肤试验", "植物血凝素迟发型超敏反应皮肤试验", "PHA-- 植物血凝素皮内试验" ], "231431007": [ "Cryodenervation of spinal facet joint of cervical vertebra", "颈椎小关节冷冻去神经支配术" ], "65756000": [ "Vaginectomy", "Colpectomy", "Vaginal excision", "Excision of vagina", "阴道切除术", "阴道切除" ], "229596005": [ "Touch weight-bearing gait re-education on stairs", "Touch weight-bearing gait training on stairs", "楼梯触觉负重步态训练", "楼梯上触摸负重步态再教育" ], "49372007": [ "Ureterotomy with drainage", "Drainage of ureter by incision", "输尿管切开引流术", "输尿管切开引流" ], "719281001": [ "Lumbar herniorrhaphy", "Repair of lumbar hernia using surgical sutures", "腰椎疝修补术", "使用手术缝合线修复腰疝" ], "113073005": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid oligoclonal bands", "脑脊液寡克隆带" ], "178609006": [ "Revision decompression of lumbar spine", "Revisional decompression operations on lumbar spine", "腰椎减压翻修术", "腰椎减压修复手术" ], "225926000": [ "Rhythmical exercises", "节奏练习" ], "275078001": [ "Revision of artificial urinary sphincter around male bladder neck or sphincter", "男性膀胱颈或括约肌周围人工尿道括约肌的修复" ], "14769009": [ "Tilt table test", "Tilt test", "倾斜台试验", "倾斜试验" ], "45702004": [ "Hospital admission, precertified by medical audit action", "入院,经医疗审计行动预先核准" ], "27483000": [ "Diagnostic radiography with contrast media", "Diagnostic radiologic examination with contrast media", "Contrast radiology", "Contrast radiography", "Contrast radiology excluding angiography", "使用造影剂的诊断放射线照相术", "不包括血管造影的对比放射学", "对比放射学", "对比放射线照相术", "使用造影剂的诊断性放射学检查" ], "371547003": [ "Reattachment procedure", "重新附着程序" ], "306011003": [ "Referral by upper GI surgeon", "Referral from upper GI surgeon", "Referral from upper gastrointestinal surgeon", "Referral by upper gastrointestinal surgeon", "上消化道外科医生转诊", "上消化道外科医生的转诊" ], "174939008": [ "Repair of Ebstein's anomaly of tricuspid valve", "Repositioning of tricuspid valve", "Repair of Ebstein anomaly of tricuspid valve", "三尖瓣Ebstein畸形的修复", "三尖瓣复位", "埃布斯坦氏三尖瓣畸形的修复" ], "91184000": [ "Exploration of intracranial artery", "颅内动脉探查" ], "713776001": [ "Email encounter from third party", "E-mail encounter from third party", "遇到来自第三方的电子邮件", "来自第三方的电子邮件" ], "271408003": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of pharynx", "咽部病变开放活检" ], "1303600007": [ "Fusion of right subtalar joint", "Arthrodesis of right subtalar joint", "右距下关节融合", "右距下关节融合术" ], "122117006": [ "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 8 antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 8 antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae American serotype 8 antibody", "肺炎链球菌美国血清型8抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌8型抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌丹麦血清型8抗体的测定" ], "103898000": [ "Au^a^ blood group typing", "Au^a^血型分型" ], "185818004": [ "Well man monitoring second letter", "好人监测第二封信" ], "71130008": [ "Thrombin titer", "Thrombin titre", "凝血酶滴度" ], "822959001": [ "Short-term drug therapy", "短期药物治疗" ], "169434009": [ "Ultrasound percutaneous drug introduction", "超声经皮药物导入" ], "413359005": [ "7-Dehydrocholesterol level", "7-Dehydrocholesterol measurement", "7-脱氢胆固醇水平", "7-脱氢胆固醇测量" ], "446127008": [ "Insertion of soft interocclusal appliance", "Insertion of soft occlusal appliance", "插入软咬合装置" ], "231300001": [ "Intramuscular infiltration of local anesthetic and steroid", "Intramuscular infiltration of local anaesthetic and steroid", "局部麻醉药和类固醇的肌肉内浸润" ], "67460004": [ "Hypophyseal infundibulectomy", "垂体漏斗切除术" ], "313220004": [ "Removal of pressure garment", "脱掉压力衣" ], "395140006": [ "Primary intestinal anastomosis", "原发性肠吻合术" ], "1924009": [ "Hepaticotomy with drainage", "肝切开引流术" ], "180313001": [ "Splinting of hand", "手部夹板固定" ], "229465003": [ "Manipulation of the tarsometatarsal joints - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the tarsometatarsal joints", "跗跖关节手术 - 非手术", "跗跖关节的治疗" ], "82009005": [ "Implantation of electronic stimulator into bladder", "Implantation of electronic stimulator into urinary bladder", "膀胱植入电子刺激器" ], "409689006": [ "Dengue virus antibody measurement, IgM type", "Dengue virus antibody measurement, immunoglobulin M type", "登革热病毒抗体测量,IgM 类型", "登革热病毒抗体测定、免疫球蛋白M型" ], "719150000": [ "Assessment using Frenchay Activities Index", "Assessment using FAI (Frenchay Activities Index)", "使用 Frenchay 活动指数进行评估", "使用 FAI(Frenchay 活动指数)进行评估" ], "391470002": [ "Urine chromatography", "尿液色谱分析" ], "702766003": [ "Abdominal and peripheral angiography", "Angiography of abdominal and peripheral vascular system", "腹部及周围血管系统血管造影", "腹部及外周血管造影" ], "178478007": [ "Low level osteotomy of maxilla", "上颌骨低位截骨术" ], "1290755001": [ "Drainage of paravesical extravasation", "膀胱旁渗出引流" ], "438787007": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of arteriovenous fistula for hemodialysis", "Doppler ultrasonography of arteriovenous fistula for haemodialysis", "血液透析动静脉内瘘的多普勒超声检查" ], "76504000": [ "Embolectomy of aortic arch", "Removal of embolus of aortic arch", "主动脉弓栓塞切除术", "主动脉弓栓塞取出术" ], "174808005": [ "Xenotransplant of heart", "异种心脏移植" ], "287661002": [ "Bilateral fallopian tuboplasty", "Reconstruction of bilateral fallopian tubes", "Reconstruction of both fallopian tubes", "双侧输卵管成形术", "双侧输卵管重建" ], "1172397006": [ "Alveolar ridge preservation", "ARP - alveolar ridge preservation", "牙槽嵴保存", "ARP-- 牙槽嵴保存" ], "418733007": [ "US scan of abdominal vessels", "Ultrasound scan of abdominal vessels", "腹部血管超声扫描" ], "449666000": [ "Escharotomy of burnt skin of upper limb", "上肢烧伤皮肤切开术" ], "385965009": [ "Bladder instillation education", "Teach bladder instillation", "膀胱灌注教育", "教导膀胱灌注" ], "25517008": [ "Warm soak of extremity", "四肢温水浸泡" ], "416898003": [ "Advice about shaking babies", "Shaken babies syndrome education", "Shaken babies syndrome ed", "婴儿摇晃综合症", "婴儿摇晃综合症教育", "关于摇晃婴儿的建议" ], "7298000": [ "Fulguration of skin", "皮肤电灼" ], "271277009": [ "Fluid sample total acid level", "Fluid sample total acid measurement", "流体样品总酸测量", "流体样品总酸度" ], "40066007": [ "Removal of urethral stent", "移除尿道支架" ], "121986009": [ "Cytomegalovirus antigen assay", "巨细胞病毒抗原检测" ], "120151002": [ "Chest wall closure", "胸壁缝合" ], "185687004": [ "Adult immunisation - third call", "Adult immunization - third call", "成人免疫接种 - 第三次呼叫" ], "415063008": [ "Percentage CD59 count", "CD59 计数百分比" ], "447831009": [ "Secondary suturing of wound of abdomen", "腹部伤口二期缝合" ], "169303009": [ "Betatron photon therapy", "Betatron 光子治疗" ], "445996003": [ "Assessment using Manchester foot pain and disability index", "使用曼彻斯特足痛和残疾指数进行评估" ], "183852004": [ "Referral to lipid clinic", "转诊至脂质诊所" ], "85548006": [ "Episiotomy", "会阴切开术" ], "67329000": [ "Administration of antidote", "解毒剂的使用" ], "233004008": [ "Coronary sinus operation", "冠状窦手术" ], "231169005": [ "Femoral nerve block", "Local anaesthetic femoral nerve block", "Local anesthetic femoral nerve block", "局部麻醉股神经阻滞", "股神经阻滞" ], "313089006": [ "Faradic nerve stimulation to elbow", "肘部法拉第神经刺激" ], "18177006": [ "India ink stain", "India ink stain method", "印度墨水污渍", "印度墨水染色法" ], "49110000": [ "Subarachnoid perfusion of spinal cord with refrigerated saline", "脊髓蛛网膜下腔灌注冷冻盐水" ], "425942005": [ "Glueing of cornea", "Gluing of cornea", "Corneal glueing", "Corneal gluing", "角膜粘合" ], "229334006": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the acromioclavicular joint", "Accessory mobilization of the acromioclavicular joint", "肩锁关节的辅助活动", "肩锁关节辅助活动" ], "440491000": [ "Biopsy of thorax using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided biopsy of thorax", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行胸部活检", "CT 引导下胸部活检" ], "47275001": [ "Clayton operation", "Resection of metatarsal heads AND bases of phalanges", "克莱顿行动", "跖骨头及指骨根部切除术" ], "16342009": [ "Anesthesia for closed procedure on foot", "Anaesthesia for closed procedure on foot", "足部闭式手术麻醉" ], "129195000": [ "Procedure on pubis", "耻骨手术" ], "32726009": [ "Solid phase fluoroimmunoassay", "固相荧光免疫分析" ], "358571002": [ "Open heart valvuloplasty of aortic valve without replacement", "无需置换的主动脉瓣开胸瓣膜成形术" ], "391339006": [ "Plasma neurotensin level", "血浆神经降压素水平" ], "407723008": [ "ADP 3 umol test", "Adenosine diphosphate 3 umol test", "二磷酸腺苷3微摩尔试验", "ADP 3 umol 测试" ], "178347009": [ "Excision of branchial cyst", "鳃囊肿切除术" ], "112811009": [ "Atrioseptoplasty", "Septal atrioplasty of heart", "Atrioseptopexy", "Closure of atrial septal defect", "Correction of atrial septal defect", "Repair of atrial septal defect", "Repair of atrial septum of heart", "Repair of defect of interatrial septum", "Repair of defect of atrial septum", "Closure of defect of interatrial septum", "ASD - Repair of atrial septal defect", "房间隔缺损封堵术", "房间隔缺损缝合", "房间隔缺损的修复", "ASD - 房间隔缺损修复", "房间隔缺损矫正", "心脏隔膜成形术", "心脏房间隔修复术", "房间隔缺损修复", "房间隔缺损的修补", "房间隔固定术", "房间隔成形术" ], "307584002": [ "Cecoplasty", "Caecoplasty", "盲肠成形术" ], "29056004": [ "Osmolality measurement", "渗透压测量" ], "12672009": [ "Proctolysis", "直肠溶解" ], "174677004": [ "Endoscopic removal of calculus from bile duct along T tube track", "内镜下沿T管轨道取出胆管结石" ], "387669004": [ "Bevan orchidopexy", "Bevan 睾丸固定术" ], "41770000": [ "Autopsy, gross and microscopic examination", "尸检、大体和显微镜检查" ], "172842002": [ "Correction of cleft lip nasal deformity", "唇裂鼻畸形的矫正" ], "385834004": [ "Blood specimen care", "血液样本的护理" ], "9002005": [ "Manual testing of muscle function", "肌肉功能手动测试" ], "121855002": [ "Suberate measurement", "速率测量" ], "171007003": [ "Bereavement counselling", "Bereavement counseling", "Counseling for bereavement", "Counselling for bereavement", "丧亲辅导" ], "433151006": [ "Referral to educational psychologist", "转介给教育心理学家" ], "431316002": [ "Laparoscopic subtotal hysterectomy", "腹腔镜子宫次全切除术" ], "234708005": [ "Irrigation of root canal", "根管冲洗" ], "120020007": [ "Seminal vesicle closure", "精囊闭合" ], "265641004": [ "Pack to control postnatal vaginal bleeding", "Packing to control postnatal vaginal bleeding", "控制产后阴道出血的包", "填塞以控制产后阴道出血" ], "445865006": [ "Sampling of fetal blood using ultrasound guidance", "Sampling of foetal blood using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导采集胎儿血液" ], "232873008": [ "Open pulmonary valvectomy", "开放式肺瓣切除术" ], "708009008": [ "Increase number of perfusion exchanges per 24 hours of peritoneal dialysis", "增加腹膜透析24小时灌注交换次数" ], "444030002": [ "Division of ascending vertical vein", "升垂直静脉分支" ], "771710008": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using sutures", "腹腔镜缝合修复复发性脐疝" ], "229203005": [ "Daily living activities in water", "水中日常生活活动" ], "440360005": [ "Open reduction of fracture of plafond of tibia with internal fixation", "胫骨平台骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "391208006": [ "Mental health addiction programmes - part day : day care", "Mental health addiction programs - part day : day care", "Mental health addiction programs - part day: day care", "Mental health addiction programmes - part day: day care", "心理健康成瘾计划 - 部分日间护理", "心理健康成瘾计划-部分日间护理", "心理健康成瘾计划 - 部分日间:日间护理" ], "243752009": [ "Provision of long cane", "提供长手杖" ], "438525004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal temporary balloon occlusion of uterine artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内暂时性子宫动脉球囊阻断术(荧光造影引导)" ], "59858002": [ "Assembly and operation of pump with oxygenator or heat exchanger with monitoring", "带监测功能的氧合器或热交换器的泵的组装和操作" ], "174546005": [ "Partial excision of bile duct and end-to-end anastomosis of bile duct", "胆管部分切除及胆管端端吻合术" ], "238247000": [ "Umbilical cord procedure", "脐带手术" ], "172711001": [ "Unblocking of grommet in tympanic membrane", "Unblocking of ventilation tube through tympanic membrane", "疏通鼓膜内通气管", "经鼓膜通气管疏通术" ], "1155751004": [ "Liaising with caregiver on management of medication regime", "与护理人员联络,管理药物治疗方案" ], "303783005": [ "Contrast procedure of cavity of the head", "头腔造影术" ], "385703007": [ "Bowel care education", "Teach bowel care", "肠道护理教育", "教导排便护理" ], "170876000": [ "Follow-up urinary assessment", "尿液随访评估" ], "203644001": [ "Sclerostomy", "巩膜切开术" ], "121724002": [ "Trimethobenzamide measurement", "三甲氧基苯甲酰胺测定" ], "105340001": [ "Ticarcillin measurement", "替卡西林测定" ], "711548004": [ "Insertion of gold seed marker using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided insertion of gold seed marker", "Ultrasound guided insertion of gold seed marker", "使用超声引导插入金种子标记物", "超声引导下插入金种子标记物" ], "252796005": [ "Intraoperative sensory nerve stimulation", "术中感觉神经刺激" ], "449404007": [ "Cryosurgery of hepatic lesion", "Cryosurgery of lesion of liver", "肝脏病变冷冻手术", "肝脏损伤冷冻治疗" ], "1186684009": [ "Synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation with synchronised termination pressure-control, pressure-support and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct", "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation with synchronized termination pressure-control, pressure-support and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct", "SIMV-PC(S) PS ACAP (synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation with synchronized termination pressure-control, pressure-support and an assured constant airway pressure) adjunct", "SIMV-PC(S) PS ACAP (synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation with synchronised termination pressure-control, pressure-support and an assured constant airway pressure) adjunct", "同步间歇指令通气,同步终止压力控制、压力支持和保证恒定气道压力辅助装置", "SIMV-PC(S) PS ACAP(同步间歇指令通气,同步终止压力控制、压力支持和保证恒定气道压力)辅助" ], "431185003": [ "Replacement of central venous catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided replacement of central venous catheter with contrast", "荧光造影引导下中心静脉导管置换术", "透视引导下中心静脉导管造影更换" ], "232742000": [ "Inspection of implanted mitral valve", "植入二尖瓣的检查" ], "85286001": [ "Repair of artery with vein graft of upper extremity", "上肢静脉移植修复动脉" ], "68902004": [ "Clotting factor XII assay", "Factor XII assay", "Hageman factor assay", "凝血因子 XII 检测", "哈格曼因子测定", "因子 XII 检测" ], "412966008": [ "Urine asparagine measurement", "Urine asparagine level", "尿液天冬酰胺水平", "尿液天冬酰胺测定" ], "167206009": [ "Disaccharidase tolerance tests", "双糖酶耐受试验" ], "230907002": [ "Excision of intracranial cavernous haemangioma", "Excision of intracranial cavernous hemangioma", "颅内海绵状血管瘤切除术" ], "116219004": [ "Excisional biopsy of lesion of breast with axillary contents", "Excisional biopsy of breast mass with axillary contents", "乳腺肿块及腋窝内容物的切除活检", "乳腺病变及腋窝内容物的切除活检" ], "229072005": [ "Aerobic exercises", "有氧运动" ], "32464007": [ "Silver measurement", "银测量" ], "425680009": [ "Cognitive behavioral therapy by multidisciplinary team", "Cognitive behavioural therapy by multidisciplinary team", "多学科团队的认知行为治疗" ], "178085002": [ "Biopsy of lesion of fascia", "筋膜损伤活检" ], "391077008": [ "Quantitative ultrasound scan of heel", "足跟定量超声扫描" ], "1208442000": [ "Parenting support intervention", "Intervention to support parenting", "支持育儿的干预措施", "育儿支持干预" ], "12410002": [ "Looposcopy orchiopexy", "睾丸镜检查" ], "77946005": [ "Microscopic examination and diagnosis of previously processed surgical specimen", "先前处理的手术标本的显微镜检查和诊断" ], "225402005": [ "Non-participant observation", "非参与观察" ], "405626009": [ "Respired nitric oxide monitoring", "呼吸性一氧化氮监测" ], "303652002": [ "Removal of mole of skin operations", "皮肤痣去除手术" ], "90660004": [ "Application of dressing for burn", "Burn dressing", "Dressing of burnt skin", "烧伤皮肤包扎", "烧伤敷料的应用", "烧伤敷料" ], "449273000": [ "McBride procedure and basal osteotomy of first metatarsal", "McBride 手术及第一跖骨基底截骨术" ], "121593000": [ "Hexachloroethane measurement", "六氯乙烷测量" ], "236281002": [ "One stage reconstruction by urethra-terminalizing operation", "One stage reconstruction by urethra-terminalising operation", "尿道末端重建术" ], "416505002": [ "Backward bending test", "后弯试验" ], "711417005": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of blood vessel of organ transplant", "器官移植血管多普勒超声检查" ], "105209006": [ "Hydroxymethoxyphenamine measurement", "羟甲氧那明测量" ], "252665005": [ "C14 triolein breath test", "C14三油精呼气试验" ], "56057007": [ "Reconstruction of mastoid cavity", "乳突腔重建" ], "414670001": [ "Mental health monitoring second letter", "心理健康监测第二封信" ], "431054005": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of parathyroid gland", "甲状旁腺细针穿刺活检" ], "119758007": [ "Pleura manipulation", "胸膜操作" ], "740515000": [ "Total hysterectomy with left salpingectomy", "全子宫切除术及左侧输卵管切除术" ], "232611001": [ "Repair of traumatic rupture of the trachea", "气管外伤破裂的修复" ], "183459001": [ "Gynecological emergency hospital admission", "Gynaecological emergency hospital admission", "妇科急诊入院" ], "265379004": [ "Creation of jejunostomy", "Surmay operation, jejunostomy", "Artificial opening into jejunum", "空肠人工开口", "外科手术、空肠造口术", "建立空肠造口术" ], "167075004": [ "Plasma fasting LDL cholesterol level", "Plasma fasting LDL cholesterol measurement", "Plasma fasting low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement", "血浆空腹 LDL 胆固醇测量", "血浆空腹低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平", "血浆空腹低密度脂蛋白胆固醇测量" ], "363683005": [ "Gastroesophageal reflux study", "Gastrooesophageal reflux study", "胃食管反流研究" ], "445603004": [ "Assessment of central venous catheter entry site", "中心静脉导管插入部位的评估" ], "396451008": [ "Prothrombin time", "Protime", "Quick one stage prothrombin time", "PT assay", "PT - Prothrombin time", "普利泰", "快速单阶段凝血酶原时间", "PT 检测", "凝血酶原时间", "PT——凝血酶原时间" ], "117923009": [ "Ovary antibody assay", "Ovary antibody measurement", "Measurement of ovary antibody", "卵巢抗体检测", "卵巢抗体测量" ], "48717001": [ "Incisional biopsy of bladder", "Incisional biopsy of urinary bladder", "膀胱切开活检" ], "704077003": [ "Allograft of amniotic membrane", "同种异体羊膜移植" ], "310861008": [ "Chlamydia antigen test", "衣原体抗原检测" ], "390946001": [ "24 hour urine metadrenaline output", "24小时尿中肾上腺素排出量" ], "179789009": [ "Revision prosthetic augmentation extra-articular ligament", "修复假体增强关节外韧带" ], "440098002": [ "Repair of fifth digit hammertoe with plastic skin closure", "用塑料皮肤闭合修复第五指锤状趾" ], "784162006": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for implantation of permanent cardiac pacemaker", "Implantation of permanent cardiac pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下植入永久性心脏起搏器", "荧光透视引导下植入永久心脏起搏器" ], "718626009": [ "Assessment using Token Test", "使用令牌测试进行评估" ], "225271002": [ "Collection of mid-stream specimen of urine", "MSU - Collection of mid-stream specimen of urine", "MSU - 收集中段尿液样本", "收集中段尿液样本" ], "61431004": [ "Hemolysin detection, ABO", "Haemolysin detection, ABO", "溶血素检测,ABO" ], "307191007": [ "Transduodenal pancreatic biopsy", "经十二指肠胰腺活检" ], "176119008": [ "Ileocaecal bladder replacement", "Ileocecal bladder replacement", "Ileocecal urinary bladder replacement", "Ileocaecal urinary bladder replacement", "回盲部膀胱置换术", "回盲囊置换术", "回盲膀胱置换术" ], "223436001": [ "Advice to stop activity", "Recommendation to stop activity", "建议停止活动", "停止活动的建议" ], "274423009": [ "Drainage of bladder", "Bladder drainage", "Drain bladder", "Drainage of urinary bladder", "排空膀胱", "膀胱引流" ], "241655007": [ "MRI arthrography of ankle", "Magnetic resonance imaging arthrography of ankle", "踝关节 MRI 关节造影", "踝关节磁共振成像关节造影" ], "10444003": [ "Operation on omentum", "Surgical procedure on omentum", "大网膜手术" ], "59596005": [ "Hemodialysis training at home", "Haemodialysis training at home", "Hemodialysis education at home", "Haemodialysis education at home", "家庭血液透析教育", "在家进行血液透析培训" ], "713121000": [ "Management of fatigue", "疲劳管理" ], "57761001": [ "Insertion of Allen-Brown cannula", "插入 Allen-Brown 套管" ], "305356009": [ "Admission to audiology department", "听力学系入学" ], "385441004": [ "Rodding of conjunctiva", "结膜拉伤" ], "24993005": [ "Ureterolysis with freeing and repositioning of ureter", "Lysis of adhesions of ureter with freeing and repositioning of ureter", "输尿管粘连松解术及输尿管游离复位术", "输尿管松解术及输尿管游离复位" ], "121462003": [ "Biperiden measurement", "比哌立登测量" ], "72310004": [ "Circumcision", "Prepucectomy", "割礼", "包皮切除术" ], "6774004": [ "Closure of tracheostomy", "Closure of stoma of trachea", "Take-down of stoma of trachea", "气管切开术关闭", "气管造口缝合", "气管造口拆除" ], "105078006": [ "Barbital measurement", "巴比妥测量" ], "252534007": [ "Glycerin skin test", "甘油皮肤试验" ], "414539000": [ "Iris suture fixation of posterior chamber intraocular lens", "虹膜缝线固定后房型人工晶状体" ], "234315004": [ "Incision and drainage of cystic hygroma", "囊性水瘤切开引流术" ], "37707006": [ "Radionuclide study of coronary blood flow", "冠状动脉血流的放射性核素研究" ], "447307008": [ "Laparoscopic total excision of urinary bladder", "Laparoscopic total cystectomy", "腹腔镜膀胱全切除术", "腹腔镜全膀胱切除术" ], "773152001": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent incisional hernia using synthetic mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using synthetic mesh with fascial closure for recurrent incisional hernia", "使用合成网片结合筋膜闭合进行腹腔镜疝修补术治疗复发性切口疝", "腹腔镜下使用合成网片和筋膜闭合术修复复发性切口疝" ], "183328002": [ "Reduction of oedema", "Reduction of edema", "减少水肿" ], "232480000": [ "Fitting obturator of nasal septum", "安装鼻中隔闭塞器" ], "117792004": [ "Coxsackievirus B5 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human coxsackievirus B 5 antibody", "人柯萨奇病毒B5抗体测定", "柯萨奇病毒 B5 抗体检测" ], "115957000": [ "Lysis of adhesions of pleura", "胸膜粘连松解术" ], "609312009": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of specimen from prostate", "前列腺标本的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "443637005": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of haemangioma of liver", "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of hemangioma of liver", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描与肝血管瘤计算机断层扫描" ], "427253008": [ "Ultrasound scan of lower leg", "US scan of lower leg", "小腿超声扫描", "小腿超声波扫描" ], "441802002": [ "Imaging of liver", "肝脏成像" ], "48586002": [ "Cellobiose assimilation test", "纤维二糖同化试验" ], "261578004": [ "Vaginal Z-plasty", "阴道 Z 型塑料" ], "32202006": [ "Ligation of cisterna chyli", "乳糜池结扎术" ], "359882009": [ "Thyroidectomy with laryngectomy", "甲状腺切除术和喉切除术" ], "390815004": [ "Early intervention in psychosis", "精神病的早期干预" ], "439967008": [ "Incision and drainage of bursa of foot", "足部滑囊切开引流" ], "225140003": [ "Checking skin creases", "检查皮肤皱纹" ], "175988004": [ "Tube nephrostogram", "Nephrostography", "Nephrostomography", "Nephrostogram", "肾脏造影", "管状肾造影", "肾造影" ], "241524008": [ "CT cisternography", "CT of head with intrathecal contrast", "Computed tomography cisternography", "计算机断层脑池造影", "CT脑池造影", "头部 CT 及鞘内造影" ], "59465003": [ "Destruction of lesion of cornea by cryotherapy", "Cryotherapy of corneal lesion", "冷冻疗法破坏角膜损伤", "角膜损伤冷冻治疗" ], "26697006": [ "Epiphyseal arrest by stapling of distal tibia and fibula", "Epiphyseal stapling of tibia and fibula", "通过远端胫骨和腓骨缝合术阻止骨骺移动", "胫骨和腓骨骨骺缝合术" ], "239689007": [ "Application of thumb spica strapping", "拇指人字形绑带的应用" ], "174153009": [ "Open relief of strangulation of colon", "结肠绞窄的开放手术" ], "712990004": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of breast", "乳腺多普勒超声检查" ], "172318005": [ "Combined operation on eye muscles", "眼肌联合手术" ], "8478005": [ "Gastric fluid analysis, pH titration", "Gastric fluid analysis, pH determination", "胃液分析、pH 值测定", "胃液分析、pH滴定" ], "104947000": [ "Sucrose measurement", "Sucrose level", "蔗糖测量", "蔗糖水平" ], "121331001": [ "Antipsychotic identification", "抗精神病药物鉴别" ], "252403005": [ "Toxin detection", "毒素检测" ], "23027005": [ "Physical medicine service to two body areas", "针对两个身体部位的物理医学服务" ], "185032001": [ "First boarded out child examination", "首次寄宿儿童检查" ], "37576003": [ "Endoscopic excision of lesion of esophagus", "Endoscopic excision of lesion of oesophagus", "内镜食管病变切除术" ], "250568005": [ "Transcutaneous partial pressure of carbon dioxide", "Measurement of transcutaneous partial pressure of carbon dioxide", "Transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension", "TcPCO2 - Transcutaneous partial pressure of carbon dioxide", "经皮二氧化碳分压", "TcPCO2 - 经皮二氧化碳分压", "经皮二氧化碳张力", "经皮二氧化碳分压的测量" ], "84893002": [ "Replacement of cannula of arteriovenous shunt", "动静脉分流管更换术" ], "265117003": [ "Osteotomy of multiple metatarsals", "多处跖骨截骨术" ], "609181002": [ "Revision of component of total prosthetic replacement of elbow joint", "肘关节全假体置换部件的翻修" ], "117661005": [ "Normephenytoin measurement", "去甲苯妥英测量" ], "83058000": [ "Stain, Sudan Black B, blood or bone marrow", "染色,苏丹黑 B,血液或骨髓" ], "392519006": [ "Abachi wood specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rk212 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Triplochiton scleroxylon specific IgE antibody measurement", "Triplochiton scleroxylon specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "阿巴奇木特异性IgE抗体测定", "硬木三棱鱼特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rk212特异性IgE抗体测量", "硬木树特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "13852005": [ "Transabdominal gastroscopy", "Operative endoscopy of stomach", "胃镜手术", "经腹胃镜检查" ], "306929006": [ "Referral to hand surgery service", "转介至手部外科手术服务" ], "421617007": [ "RET proto-oncogene mutation analysis", "RET原癌基因突变分析" ], "241393006": [ "Radionuclide adrenal cortex study", "Radiolabelled seleno-nor-cholesterol study", "Scintadren study", "Radiolabeled seleno-nor-cholesterol study", "放射性核素肾上腺皮质研究", "放射性标记硒去甲胆固醇研究", "星状细胞研究" ], "763846001": [ "I131-miBG study", "Radionuclide imaging using iobenguane (131-I)", "Radionuclide imaging using metaiodobenzylguanine (131-I)", "I131-miBG 研究", "使用碘苯胍(131-I)进行放射性核素成像", "使用碘苄鸟嘌呤(131-I)进行放射性核素成像" ], "305094002": [ "Therapeutic neck stretching", "治疗性颈部伸展" ], "239558004": [ "Biopsy of transverse process of vertebra", "椎骨横突活检" ], "698310005": [ "Consultation for colposcopy related procedure", "阴道镜检查相关程序咨询" ], "42950004": [ "Iron measurement", "Iron level", "铁水平", "铁测量" ], "711024000": [ "Identification of altered perception", "感知改变的识别" ], "1204379009": [ "Culdoscopy with biopsy and lysis of adhesions", "Endoscopy of cul-de-sac with biopsy and lysis of adhesions", "后穹窿镜活检及粘连松解术", "直肠穹窿内镜活检及粘连松解术" ], "252272001": [ "Water deprivation test", "禁水试验" ], "416112003": [ "Tc-99m hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime leukocyte hip scan", "Tc-99m hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime leucocyte hip scan", "Tc-99m六甲基丙胺肟白细胞髋部扫描" ], "432496000": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of penile artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of penile artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导经皮阴茎动脉栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮阴茎动脉造影栓塞术" ], "104816007": [ "Methylmalonyl-CoA mutase measurement", "Methylmalonyl-coenzyme A mutase measurement", "甲基丙二酰辅酶 A 变位酶测量" ], "709189001": [ "Revision of internal fixation of talus bone", "距骨内固定术" ], "53829005": [ "Evacuation of pelvic blood clot by culdocentesis", "通过后穹窿穿刺术清除盆腔血凝块" ], "2842000": [ "Gas chromatography measurement", "气相色谱测定" ], "51994001": [ "Excision of benign tumor of rectum by transanal approach", "Excision of benign tumour of rectum by transanal approach", "经肛门入路直肠良性肿瘤切除术" ], "250437009": [ "Number of human cells", "Count of human cells", "人体细胞数量", "人体细胞计数" ], "133914002": [ "Thermistor catheter method", "热敏电阻导管法" ], "264986005": [ "Transfer of biceps femoris tendon", "Transfer of biceps femoris", "股二头肌腱转移", "股二头肌移植" ], "183066008": [ "Low protein diet education", "低蛋白饮食教育" ], "787439005": [ "Wide excision", "Wide local excision", "局部广泛切除", "广泛切除" ], "426991006": [ "Attachment of auricular prosthesis", "耳廓假体安装" ], "1162436000": [ "Referral to legal aid", "转介法律援助" ], "228548002": [ "Comprehension training", "Concept formation training", "理解训练", "概念形成训练" ], "310468008": [ "Bronchoscopic cauterisation of fistula", "Bronchoscopic cauterization of fistula", "支气管镜瘘管烧灼术" ], "441540009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of femoral vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术(荧光造影引导下股静脉)" ], "81092009": [ "Transsacral rectosigmoidectomy", "经骶骨直肠乙状结肠切除术" ], "46489002": [ "Excision of lesion of ventricle of heart", "心室病变切除术" ], "13721004": [ "Operation on chordae tendineae", "肌腱手术" ], "243097005": [ "Instruction on perineal hygiene", "Perineal hygiene education", "会阴卫生指导", "会阴卫生教育" ], "406937002": [ "Sunset yellow FCF stain method", "Sunset yellow FCF stain", "日落黄FCF染色法", "日落黄FCF染色" ], "128409001": [ "Removal of device from cardiovascular system", "从心血管系统中移除装置" ], "392388009": [ "t8 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ulmus americana specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ulmus americana specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "American elm specific IgE antibody measurement", "t8 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "榆树特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "榆树特异性IgE抗体测定", "美国榆树特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "439705009": [ "Suture of digital nerve of hand", "手部指神经缝合" ], "700014006": [ "Open reduction of fracture without internal fixation", "骨折切开复位不进行内固定" ], "44654007": [ "Anesthesia for insertion of penile prosthesis, perineal approach", "Anaesthesia for insertion of penile prosthesis, perineal approach", "阴茎假体置入麻醉、会阴入路" ], "241262007": [ "Internal iliac arteriogram", "Internal iliac arteriography", "Arteriography of internal iliac artery", "Angiography of internal iliac artery", "髂内动脉造影" ], "388718009": [ "Phaseolus vulgaris (white) specific IgE antibody measurement", "f15 specific IgE antibody measurement", "White bean specific IgE antibody measurement", "Phaseolus vulgaris (white) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "菜豆(白)特异性IgE抗体测定", "白豆特异性IgE抗体测定", "菜豆(白)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f15特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "239427003": [ "Repair of posterior cruciate ligament of knee joint", "Repair of PCL (posterior cruciate ligament)", "修复 PCL(后交叉韧带)", "膝关节后交叉韧带修复" ], "24600000": [ "Incision of anus", "肛门切开术" ], "73752001": [ "Restoration, inlay, porcelain/ceramic, one surface", "修复,嵌体,瓷/陶瓷,单面" ], "104685000": [ "Glucose CSF/glucose plasma ratio measurement", "Glucose cerebrospinal fluid/glucose plasma ratio measurement", "葡萄糖脑脊液/葡萄糖血浆比率测量", "脑脊液葡萄糖/血浆葡萄糖比率测量" ], "170221001": [ "Child examination: language development", "儿童检查:语言发育" ], "450584009": [ "Removal of intermaxillary fixation screw", "移除颌间固定螺钉" ], "432365005": [ "Endoscopic dilatation of pylorus using fluoroscopic guidance", "Endoscopic guided pyloric dilatation", "Fluoroscopic guidance for endoscopic dilatation of pylorus", "Endoscopic dilation of pylorus using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下内镜幽门扩张术", "内镜引导下幽门扩张术" ], "71917006": [ "Repair of lip", "Cheiloplasty", "唇部修复", "唇腭裂矫正术" ], "88301006": [ "Removal of packing of vulva", "拆除外阴填塞物" ], "268525008": [ "High risk drug monitoring", "高风险药物监控" ], "710893009": [ "Education about substance abuse", "关于药物滥用的教育" ], "70082004": [ "Vocational rehabilitation", "职业康复" ], "446914005": [ "Preparation and staining of smear using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备和染色涂片" ], "266690007": [ "Closed cardiac massage with ventilation", "闭式心脏按摩并通气" ], "53698007": [ "Partial removal of vitreous by anterior approach, limbal incision", "通过前入路、角膜缘切口部分去除玻璃体" ], "19095002": [ "Ligation of bronchus", "支气管结扎" ], "1264279003": [ "Procedure on root canal of tooth", "牙根管治疗程序" ], "608919004": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from spleen", "脾脏标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "68247006": [ "Suture of ovary", "Oophororrhaphy", "卵巢缝合", "卵巢缝合术" ], "182935008": [ "Prophylactic iron therapy", "Iron prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic iron", "预防性补铁", "预防性铁疗法", "铁预防" ], "443244005": [ "Replantation of hand between wrist and fingers after complete amputation", "完全截肢后腕部和手指间再植手" ], "425025001": [ "Dangle at bedside", "悬挂在床边" ], "179265003": [ "Percutaneous diagnostic puncture of bone", "经皮骨诊断穿刺" ], "392257007": [ "Neurological mental status determination", "Nervous system and mental state general examination", "Mental status determination", "Clinical psychiatric mental status determination", "Clinical psychologic mental status determination", "精神状态测定", "神经精神状态测定", "神经系统和精神状态一般检查", "临床心理精神状态测定", "临床精神病心理状态测定" ], "406806003": [ "Alkali blue 5B (4B) stain method", "Alkali blue 5B (4B) stain", "碱性蓝5B(4B)染色", "碱性蓝5B(4B)染色法" ], "734486003": [ "Prosody exercises", "韵律练习" ], "439574007": [ "Grafting of full thickness free graft to trunk with direct closure of donor site", "将全层游离移植物移植至躯干并直接关闭供区" ], "79126008": [ "Anesthesia for corneal transplant", "Anaesthesia for corneal transplant", "角膜移植麻醉" ], "177430009": [ "Reconstruction using local osteomyocutaneous rotation flap", "Reconstruction using local osseomyocutaneous rotation flap", "Reconstruction with local osteomyocutaneous rotation flap", "局部骨肌皮瓣旋转修复" ], "241131003": [ "Positive contrast meatogram", "阳性对比剂肉眼检查" ], "306667007": [ "Discharge from oral surgery service", "Discharge from maxillofacial surgery service", "颌面外科服务出院", "口腔外科服务出院" ], "11755008": [ "Arthrotomy of mediocarpal joint for infection with removal of foreign body", "Arthrotomy of midcarpal joint for infection with removal of foreign body", "腕关节切开术治疗感染并取出异物" ], "60907009": [ "Lysis of adhesions of middle ear", "Adhesiolysis of middle ear", "中耳粘连松解术" ], "386752002": [ "Transurethral removal of foreign body from bladder", "Transurethral removal of foreign body from urinary bladder", "经尿道膀胱异物取出术" ], "388587009": [ "Cocos nucifera specific IgE antibody measurement", "f36 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Coconut specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cocos nucifera specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "椰子特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f36 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "椰子特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "75456002": [ "Embryo transfer", "ET - Embryo transfer", "Introduction of embryo into uterine cavity", "将胚胎植入宫腔", "胚胎移植" ], "108224003": [ "Preventive patient evaluation", "预防性患者评估" ], "1304256007": [ "Endoscopic balloon dilation of ostium of left paranasal sinus", "BCD (balloon catheter dilation) of ostium of left paranasal sinus", "Balloon sinuplasty of ostium of left paranasal sinus", "BSOD (balloon sinus ostial dilation) of left paranasal sinus", "左侧鼻旁窦口球囊扩张术", "左侧鼻旁窦 BSOD(鼻窦口球囊扩张)", "内镜左鼻旁窦口球囊扩张术", "左鼻旁窦口BCD(球囊导管扩张术)" ], "8085000": [ "Suction assisted lipectomy of upper extremity", "Liposuction of upper extremity", "上肢抽脂术", "上肢吸脂术" ], "302997003": [ "Dental facebow record", "牙科面弓记录" ], "40853008": [ "Partial excision of rib", "Partial ostectomy of rib", "肋骨部分切除术", "肋骨部分截骨术" ], "24469009": [ "Collection of routine urine specimen for laboratory", "收集常规尿液样本送实验室" ], "415850001": [ "Worth four-dot test", "Worth 4 dot test", "Worth four dot test", "Worth's four-dot test", "Worth's lights", "价值四点测试", "沃思四点测试", "沃斯四点测试", "沃斯的灯光", "价值 4 点测试" ], "71786000": [ "Intranasal oxygen therapy", "鼻内氧疗" ], "104554001": [ "Bilirubin, albumin bound measurement", "胆红素、白蛋白结合测量" ], "432234003": [ "Injection of wrist using ultrasound guidance", "Injection of wrist using ultrasound (US) guidance", "使用超声引导进行腕部注射", "使用超声(US)引导进行腕部注射" ], "708927009": [ "Robot assisted laparoscopic excision of diverticulum of urinary bladder", "Diverticulectomy in urinary bladder, laparoscopic with robot assistance", "Robot assisted laparoscopic diverticulectomy of urinary bladder", "Laparoscopic excision of diverticulum of urinary bladder using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助腹腔镜膀胱憩室切除术" ], "313876004": [ "120 minute plasma GH measurement", "120 minute plasma GH level", "120 minute plasma growth hormone measurement", "120 分钟血浆生长激素测量", "120 分钟血浆 GH 测量", "120 分钟血浆 GH 水平" ], "117268006": [ "Cold incubation of serum, 4 days", "血清冷培养,4天" ], "2580007": [ "Transplant of hair follicles to scalp", "毛囊移植至头皮" ], "428564008": [ "Skin sparing mastectomy", "保留皮肤的乳房切除术" ], "608788009": [ "Open reduction of fracture of calcaneus with internal fixation", "跟骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "230121001": [ "Faradic nerve stimulation", "法拉第神经刺激" ], "35348008": [ "Quantitative microbial culture, cup method", "定量微生物培养,杯法" ], "410345004": [ "Medical/dental care case management", "医疗/牙科护理案例管理" ], "179134001": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of bone and fixation using functional bracing system", "骨折闭合复位及功能支撑系统固定" ], "1260478001": [ "Robotic assisted repair of ventral hernia", "Robot assisted repair of ventral hernia", "Repair of ventral hernia using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助修复腹疝", "使用机器人辅助修复腹疝" ], "46227000": [ "Fenestration of aortic aneurysm", "主动脉瘤开窗术" ], "4641000087100": [ "Angiography of right brachial artery", "Arteriography of right brachial artery", "右肱动脉血管造影", "右肱动脉造影" ], "177299005": [ "Shave excision of lesion of skin of head or neck", "头部或颈部皮肤病变刮除术" ], "801000087100": [ "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of bilateral lower limbs", "Aspiration of bilateral lower limbs using fluoroscopic guidance", "Aspiration of both lower limbs using fluoroscopic guidance", "Aspiration of left and right lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下左、右下肢穿刺", "透视引导下双下肢穿刺", "在荧光透视引导下进行双下肢穿刺", "荧光透视引导下双下肢穿刺" ], "29843007": [ "Coronary atherectomy by laser", "Laser coronary angioplasty", "Percutaneous laser coronary endarterectomy", "Percutaneous transluminal laser coronary angioplasty", "Percutaneous atherectomy of coronary artery using laser", "经皮激光冠状动脉内膜切除术", "经皮腔内激光冠状动脉成形术", "激光冠状动脉粥样硬化切除术", "经皮冠状动脉激光旋切术", "激光冠状动脉成形术" ], "306536000": [ "Discharge by podiatrist", "Discharge by chiropodist", "足病医生出院" ], "2081000087106": [ "MRI of right ankle with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right ankle with contrast", "右踝关节磁共振成像对比", "右踝部增强 MRI 检查" ], "46881000087106": [ "Recommendation to participate in cancer screening programme", "Recommendation to participate in cancer screening program", "建议参加癌症筛查计划" ], "11624006": [ "Forced extension of limb", "Limb - forced extension", "肢体强制伸展" ], "175464007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of axillary artery", "经皮腋动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "241000008": [ "Zadik procedure", "Zadek procedure", "扎迪克手术", "对接程序" ], "1240424007": [ "Excision of pressure injury of lower limb with primary closure using suture", "Excision of pressure injury of lower limb with primary suture", "下肢压力性损伤切除缝合一期缝合术", "下肢压力性损伤切除一期缝合术" ], "388456009": [ "Grass pollen specific IgE antibody measurement", "Grass pollen specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "草花粉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "草花粉特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "716136009": [ "Assessment using Graded Word Spelling Test", "使用分级单词拼写测试进行评估" ], "304701004": [ "Thought-stopping training", "思维停止训练" ], "386621005": [ "Operation on gastrointestinal tract", "GI - Gastrointestinal operation", "GIT - Gastrointestinal tract operation", "Gut operation", "GIT-- 胃肠道手术", "GI - 胃肠道手术", "良好的运营", "胃肠道手术" ], "75325006": [ "Removal of cystostomy tube", "Removal of suprapubic tube into bladder", "Removal of suprapubic catheter", "移除耻骨上管至膀胱", "耻骨上导管移除", "移除膀胱造口管" ], "1156669008": [ "Ambrisentan therapy", "安立生坦治疗" ], "104423003": [ "Protein electrophoresis, synovial fluid", "蛋白质电泳,滑液" ], "202727004": [ "Goniopuncture without goniotomy", "无需开窗术的房角穿刺术" ], "432103005": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) of carotid artery", "Magnetic resonance angiography of carotid artery", "MR angiography of carotid artery", "Magnetic resonance angiogram of carotid artery", "Magnetic resonance of carotid artery", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of carotid artery", "MR arteriography of carotid artery", "颈动脉磁共振血管造影", "颈动脉磁共振", "颈动脉磁共振动脉造影", "颈动脉磁共振血管造影 (MRA)" ], "6119006": [ "Local destruction of lesion of bony palate", "骨腭损伤局部破坏" ], "235495006": [ "Injection of pancreatic duct", "胰管注射" ], "88039007": [ "Transplant of lung", "LTx - Lung transplant", "肺移植", "LTx-肺移植" ], "415719008": [ "Thyroid inhibitor antibody level", "Thyroid inhibitor antibody measurement", "甲状腺抑制剂抗体测量", "甲状腺抑制剂抗体水平" ], "446652009": [ "Laparotomy and decompression of intestine", "开腹手术及肠减压" ], "1296785001": [ "PES - pharyngeal electrical stimulation", "Electrical neurostimulation of pharynx using pharyngeal electrical stimulation catheter", "PES-- 咽部电刺激", "使用咽部电刺激导管对咽部进行电神经刺激" ], "313745002": [ "Plasma serine level", "Plasma serine measurement", "血浆丝氨酸测量", "血浆丝氨酸水平" ], "180838000": [ "Harvest of joint from toe", "从脚趾处采集关节" ], "395665009": [ "Single dose typhoid vaccination", "Administration of single dose of vaccine product containing only Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi antigen", "Administration of single dose of typhoid vaccine", "Single dose typhoid immunization", "Single dose typhoid immunisation", "单剂量伤寒免疫", "单剂伤寒疫苗", "接种单剂伤寒疫苗", "注射单剂量仅含伤寒沙门氏菌亚种血清型抗原的疫苗产品" ], "410214000": [ "Communication care assessment", "Assess communication care", "沟通护理评估", "评估沟通关怀" ], "179003002": [ "Saucerisation of bone", "Craterisation of bone", "Saucerization of bone", "Craterization of bone", "骨质碟状化", "骨质凹陷" ], "31547008": [ "Repair of old obstetrical laceration of vulva", "Suture of old obstetrical laceration of vulva", "陈旧性产科外阴裂伤的修复", "陈旧性产科外阴裂伤缝合术" ], "391995009": [ "Tuboplasty for sterilisation reversal", "Tuboplasty for sterilization reversal", "输卵管成形术逆转绝育" ], "15163009": [ "Total arthroplasty of hip, low friction", "LFA - Low friction arthroplasty of the hip", "髋关节全置换术,低摩擦", "LFA - 低摩擦髋关节置换术" ], "177168003": [ "DeLee forceps cephalic delivery with rotation", "Delivery by DeLee manoeuvre", "Delivery by DeLee maneuver", "通过 DeLee 机动进行投递", "DeLee 旋转式头位分娩产钳", "通过 DeLee 手法进行投递" ], "29712008": [ "Revision of knee replacement", "Revision of prosthetic replacement of knee joint", "膝关节置换术", "膝关节假体置换术" ], "27877006": [ "Excision of lesion of periprostatic tissue", "前列腺周围组织病变切除术" ], "306405006": [ "Discharge by adult intensive care specialist", "Discharge by adult ITU specialist", "成人 ITU 专家出院", "成人重症监护专家出院" ], "173498000": [ "Incision of sublingual gland", "舌下腺切开术" ], "107962005": [ "Salivary gland manipulation", "Salivary manipulation", "唾液腺操作", "唾液操纵" ], "288186007": [ "General anaesthesia and muscle relaxant", "General anesthesia and muscle relaxant", "全身麻醉和肌肉松弛剂" ], "1303994008": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with suturing of duodenum", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with suturing of duodenum", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with repair of duodenum using suture", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with repair of duodenum using suture", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及十二指肠缝合术", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及十二指肠缝合修复" ], "91578009": [ "Recession of eye muscle", "Recession of extraocular muscle", "Recession of muscle of eye", "Extraocular muscle recession", "眼外肌萎缩", "眼肌萎缩", "眼部肌肉萎缩" ], "386490009": [ "Urinary retention care", "尿潴留护理" ], "75194007": [ "Curettage of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱刮除术" ], "401039000": [ "Plasma antithrombin III activity", "Plasma antithromb III activity", "Plasma antithrombin III activity measurement", "Measurement of antithrombin III activity in plasma", "血浆抗凝血酶III活性测定", "血浆抗血栓 III 活性", "血浆抗凝血酶 III 活性", "血浆中抗凝血酶III活性的测定" ], "40591002": [ "Manual examination of uterus", "Manual exploration of uterus", "子宫手动探查", "子宫手动检查" ], "104292001": [ "Serologic test for Neisseria meningitidis", "Neisseria Meningitidis antibody assay", "Measurement of Neisseria meningitidis antibody", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌抗体检测", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌血清学检测", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌抗体测定" ], "1234788003": [ "Replacement of leadless cardiac pacemaker", "Replacement of leadless pacemaker of heart", "更换无导线心脏起搏器", "无导线心脏起搏器更换" ], "235364003": [ "Total proctectomy", "Complete proctectomy", "直肠全切除术", "全直肠切除术" ], "118841000": [ "Procedure on rectosigmoid colon", "直肠乙状结肠手术" ], "710500009": [ "Education about susceptibility to infection", "关于感染易感性的教育" ], "38756009": [ "Psychiatric evaluation of patient for criminal responsibility with report", "患者刑事责任精神评估及报告" ], "446521004": [ "Colonoscopy and colonic mucosectomy", "Colonoscopy and excision of mucosa of colon", "结肠镜检查及结肠粘膜切除", "结肠镜检查和结肠黏膜切除术" ], "233529009": [ "Central venous cannula insertion via external jugular vein", "经颈外静脉插入中心静脉插管" ], "444686003": [ "Restriction of oral fluid", "限制口服液体" ], "870670004": [ "Preschool administration diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus vaccine", "Preschool diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus immunization", "Preschool diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus vaccination", "Preschool diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus immunisation", "Preschool administration of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Human poliovirus antigens", "学龄前白喉、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风免疫接种", "学龄前白喉、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗接种", "学龄前儿童接种白喉、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗", "学龄前儿童接种仅含破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌和人脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品" ], "231694005": [ "Inferior oblique disinsertion", "下斜肌脱离术" ], "35086006": [ "Repair of foramen ovale with tissue graft", "Closure of foramen ovale with tissue graft", "用组织移植封闭卵圆孔", "组织移植修复卵圆孔" ], "313614008": [ "Myocardial antibody measurement", "Myocardial antibody level", "心肌抗体水平", "心肌抗体测量" ], "2318008": [ "Anesthesia for cast procedure on forearm, wrist or hand", "Anaesthesia for cast procedure on forearm, wrist or hand", "前臂、手腕或手部石膏固定手术的麻醉" ], "410083007": [ "Rehabilitation therapy management", "Rehabilitation case management", "Manage rehabilitation care", "管理康复护理", "康复案例管理", "康复治疗管理" ], "47800001": [ "Repair of coronary arteriocardiac chamber fistula", "冠状动脉心腔瘘的修补术" ], "439161000124100": [ "Modified beverage, medical food supplement therapy", "改良饮料、医疗食品补充疗法" ], "178872004": [ "Complex reconstruction of hindfoot", "后足复杂重建" ], "451961000124103": [ "Amputation of thumb of left hand", "左手拇指截肢" ], "177037000": [ "Oocyte recovery", "OR - Oocyte retrieval", "Follicle aspiration", "Oocyte retrieval", "卵母细胞提取", "卵母细胞恢复", "或 - 卵母细胞检索", "卵泡抽吸" ], "408248009": [ "GQ1b IgM level", "GQ1b immunoglobulin M level", "GQ1b 免疫球蛋白 M 水平", "GQ1b IgM 水平" ], "11362002": [ "Epstein-Barr MA antibody measurement", "Epstein-Barr membrane antigen antibody measurement", "Epstein-Barr 膜抗原抗体测量", "Epstein-Barr MA 抗体测量" ], "419127002": [ "Fluoroscopic venography", "荧光透视静脉造影" ], "304439008": [ "Ultrasound treatment to ankle", "脚踝超声波治疗" ], "386359008": [ "Administration of drug or medicament via oral route", "通过口服途径服用药物或药剂" ], "400908006": [ "CSM visual acuity assessment", "Central, steady, maintained (CSM) visual acuity assessment", "Central, steady, maintained visual acuity assessment", "中央、稳定、维持视力评估", "中央、稳定、维持 (CSM) 视力评估", "CSM 视力评估" ], "122380008": [ "Mycobacterium gordonae rRNA assay", "Mycobacterium gordonae ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "戈登分枝杆菌核糖体核糖核酸测定", "戈登分枝杆菌 rRNA 检测" ], "1285644009": [ "Fitting of fixed functional orthodontic appliance", "固定功能矫正器的安装" ], "431841002": [ "Endoscopic ultrasonography (US) of stomach", "Endoscopic ultrasonography of stomach", "胃内镜超声检查" ], "235233003": [ "Removal of foreign body from stomach", "Removal of FB (foreign body) from stomach", "胃内异物取出" ], "5857002": [ "Complement mediated cytotoxicity assay", "Complement mediated cytotoxicity assay, dye exclusion assay", "补体介导的细胞毒性试验、染料排斥试验", "补体介导的细胞毒性试验" ], "22241004": [ "Transurethral cryosurgical removal of prostate", "经尿道前列腺冷冻手术切除术" ], "284385006": [ "Examination of toe", "脚趾检查" ], "38625007": [ "Vaginoscopy with biopsy of vagina", "阴道镜检查及阴道活检" ], "104161009": [ "Cytopathology, review of slides and report, CSF", "Cytopathology, review of slides and report, cerebrospinal fluid", "细胞病理学、幻灯片和报告审查、脑脊液", "细胞病理学、幻灯片和报告审查、CSF" ], "315318003": [ "Endoscopic removal of urethral calculus", "内镜尿道结石摘除术" ], "233398005": [ "Excision/biopsy of artery", "动脉切除/活检" ], "397238007": [ "Suture of liver", "肝脏缝合" ], "118710009": [ "Procedure on lower extremity", "下肢手术" ], "313483002": [ "Serum adrenaline level", "Serum adrenaline measurement", "Serum epinephrine measurement", "Serum epinephrine level", "Measurement of serum epinephrine", "Measurement of serum adrenaline", "血清肾上腺素测定", "血清肾上腺素水平", "血清肾上腺素测量" ], "231563003": [ "Operations on medial canthus", "内眼角手术" ], "84107005": [ "Manipulation of artery of lower extremity", "下肢动脉操作" ], "34955007": [ "Revision of automatic implantable cardioverter/defibrillator", "自动植入式心脏复律除颤器的修订" ], "33120003": [ "Intubation of stomach", "Gastric intubation", "胃插管" ], "352003": [ "Reagent RBC, preparation antibody sensitized pool", "Reagent RBC, preparation antibody sensitised pool", "Preparation of antibody sensitised pooled reagent red blood cells", "Preparation of antibody sensitized pooled reagent red blood cells", "试剂RBC、制备抗体致敏池", "试剂RBC,制备抗体致敏池", "抗体致敏混合试剂红细胞的制备" ], "311648004": [ "Therapy to promote vowels", "促进元音发音的疗法" ], "16736007": [ "Transcatheter therapy for embolization", "Transcatheter therapy for embolisation", "经导管栓塞治疗" ], "719413006": [ "Breathlessness care management", "Dyspnea care management", "Dyspnoea care management", "呼吸困难护理管理" ], "1209098000": [ "Fiberoptic colonoscopy with biopsy of lesion of colon", "Fibreoptic colonoscopy with biopsy of lesion of colon", "纤维结肠镜检查及结肠病变活检" ], "178741008": [ "Revision to open reduction spinal fracture and internal fixation with wire", "脊柱骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "275210006": [ "Single leaflet pulmonary valve replacement", "单叶肺动脉瓣置换术" ], "306143000": [ "Referral to computerized tomography service", "Referral to computerised tomography service", "Referral to computed tomography service", "转介至电脑断层扫描服务", "转诊至计算机断层扫描服务" ], "715743002": [ "Emergency hemofiltration", "Emergency haemofiltration", "紧急血液滤过" ], "175071008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal coronary thrombolysis using streptokinase", "Percutaneous transluminal coronary thrombolytic using streptokinase", "经皮腔内冠状动脉血栓溶解术", "使用链激酶进行经皮腔内冠状动脉血栓溶解术" ], "271540002": [ "Serum pancreatic polypeptide measurement", "Serum pancreatic polypeptide level", "血清胰多肽测定", "血清胰多肽水平" ], "386228008": [ "Cardiac precautions", "心脏预防措施" ], "89481001": [ "Suture of mouth", "Stomatorrhaphy", "Suture mouth", "缝合口", "嘴部缝合", "口腔缝合术" ], "287924009": [ "Excision of cervix stump", "Excision of cervical stump", "宫颈残端切除术" ], "302473002": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of periorbital bone", "眶周骨骨折闭合复位" ], "236937003": [ "Gynaecological endoscopy", "Gynaecological endoscopic examination", "Gynecological endoscopy", "Gynecological endoscopic examination", "妇科内镜检查", "妇科内窥镜检查" ], "171401005": [ "Examination for work accident", "工伤事故检查" ], "104030003": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Colton system (ISBT 015)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Colton system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 015)", "从 Colton 系统 (国际输血协会 015) 中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体", "鉴定 Colton 系统 (ISBT 015) 中的红细胞抗原抗体" ], "25651000205109": [ "Education about testosterone replacement therapy", "Education about TRT (testosterone replacement therapy)", "关于 TRT(睾酮替代疗法)的教育", "关于睾酮替代疗法的教育" ], "5726007": [ "Removal of epicardial electrodes", "Removal of cardiac pacemaker from epicardium or myocardium", "Removal of electronic heart device, epicardial electrode", "移除电子心脏装置、心外膜电极", "移除心外膜电极", "从心外膜或心肌中取出心脏起搏器" ], "3891000": [ "Comprehensive orthodontic treatment, permanent dentition, for class I malocclusion", "综合正畸治疗,恒牙,针对 I 类错颌畸形" ], "51131000119102": [ "Nutrition therapy for hypertension", "高血压的营养治疗" ], "233267006": [ "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of abdominal aorta", "PTA - Percutaneous angioplasty of abdominal aorta", "Percutaneous angioplasty of abdominal aorta", "腹主动脉经皮血管成形术", "腹主动脉经皮球囊血管成形术", "PTA-- 腹主动脉经皮血管成形术" ], "16555451000119104": [ "Therapeutic injection of left knee using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided therapeutic injection of left knee", "左膝荧光透视引导治疗注射" ], "772104001": [ "Laparoscopic repair of incisional hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic incisional hernioplasty using synthetic mesh", "腹腔镜下使用合成网片修补切口疝", "使用合成网片进行腹腔镜切口疝修补术" ], "315187008": [ "Rubella (single radial haemolysis) antibody", "Rubella (single radial hemolysis) antibody", "风疹(单放射状溶血)抗体", "风疹(单次放射状溶血)抗体" ], "383931000119106": [ "Computed tomography of lower leg without contrast", "CT of lower leg without contrast", "小腿无造影 CT", "小腿无造影计算机断层扫描" ], "429875006": [ "Computed tomography of whole spine", "Computed tomography (CT) of whole spine", "CT of whole spine", "整个脊柱 CT", "整个脊柱的计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "整个脊柱的计算机断层扫描" ], "231432000": [ "Cryodenervation of spinal facet joint of thoracic vertebra", "胸椎小关节冷冻去神经支配术" ], "413371000119104": [ "SPECT using gallium for localization of neoplasm", "Single photon emission computed tomography using gallium for localization of neoplasm", "Single photon emission computed tomography using gallium for localisation of neoplasm", "SPECT using gallium for localisation of neoplasm", "使用镓进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描以定位肿瘤", "使用镓进行 SPECT 肿瘤定位" ], "1263624007": [ "Delayed repair of tendon to bone using fixation", "肌腱与骨的固定延迟修复" ], "572091000119106": [ "Computed tomography of lumbar spine without contrast", "CT of lumbar spine without contrast", "无造影剂腰椎计算机断层扫描", "腰椎 CT 无造影" ], "139451000119107": [ "Aftercare for healing osteoporotic fracture", "骨质疏松性骨折的康复护理" ], "229597001": [ "Shadow walking gait re-education on stairs", "Shadow walking gait training on stairs", "楼梯上的影子步行步态再教育", "楼梯影子步行步态训练" ], "32989007": [ "Unsatisfactory clinical laboratory specimen identified", "发现不合格的临床实验室样本" ], "178610001": [ "Revision extended posterior decompression lumbar spine and fusion", "腰椎后路减压融合术" ], "12935001": [ "Ligation of intracranial vein", "颅内静脉结扎" ], "373383001": [ "Procedure on oculomotor system", "眼球运动系统程序" ], "62087002": [ "Clinical laboratory specimen rejection", "临床实验室标本拒收" ], "43868005": [ "Creation of endorectal ileal J-pouch with anastomosis to anus", "Creation of ileo-anal J-shaped pouch", "直肠内回肠 J 型袋创建及肛门吻合", "建立回肠肛门 J 形袋" ], "306012005": [ "Referral by colorectal surgeon", "Referral from colorectal surgeon", "结直肠外科医生转诊" ], "371548008": [ "Procedure on eye region", "眼部手术" ], "9265001": [ "Specimen processing", "标本处理" ], "287793003": [ "Intestine bypass shunt", "肠旁路分流术" ], "1303601006": [ "Arthrodesis of right ankle joint", "Fusion of right ankle joint", "右踝关节融合术" ], "56582000": [ "Osteotomy of patella", "Incision of patella", "髌骨截骨术", "髌骨切开术" ], "122118001": [ "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 9N antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae Danish serotype 9N antibody", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae American serotype 9 antibody", "肺炎链球菌丹麦血清型9N抗体的测定", "肺炎链球菌美国血清型9抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌9N血清型抗体测定" ], "302342002": [ "Reconstruction of breast using local skin flap", "局部皮瓣乳房重建" ], "1268998003": [ "Insertion of infrared reflector into breast using ultrasound guidance", "Insertion of infrared reflector localization marker into breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided insertion of infrared reflector localisation marker into breast", "Insertion of infrared reflector localisation marker into breast using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided insertion of infrared reflector localization marker into breast", "利用超声波引导将红外线反射器插入乳房", "使用超声引导将红外反射定位标记插入乳房", "超声引导下将红外反射定位标记插入乳房" ], "7430007": [ "Cryotherapy of skin lesion with liquid nitrogen", "液氮冷冻治疗皮肤损伤" ], "54747001": [ "Multiple segmental resections of large intestine", "大肠多段切除术" ], "710107001": [ "Maintenance of wound drain", "伤口引流管的维护" ], "169435005": [ "Ultrasound therapy - analgesia", "超声波治疗-镇痛" ], "87515005": [ "Ileostomy management and care", "回肠造口术的管理和护理" ], "726491007": [ "Excision of bilateral vocal cord polyp", "双侧声带息肉切除术" ], "103899008": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from Kell system (ISBT 006)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Kell system (ISBT 006)", "Kell blood group phenotype determination", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Kell system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 006)", "凯尔血型表型测定", "血型、凯尔系统的红细胞抗原 (ISBT 006)", "血型、红细胞抗原来自凯尔系统(国际输血协会 006)" ], "185819007": [ "Well man monitoring third letter", "井人监测第三封信" ], "118448000": [ "Insertion of sound", "Sounding", "插入声音", "探测" ], "85680003": [ "Range of motion exercise", "运动范围锻炼" ], "233136004": [ "Total cavopulmonary connection", "TCPC - Total cavopulmonary connection operations", "Total cavopulmonary connection operation", "TCPC-- 全腔静脉肺动脉连接手术", "全腔静脉肺动脉连接", "全腔静脉肺动脉连接术" ], "298672007": [ "Anterior decompression of shoulder joint", "Subacromial decompression", "肩关节前路减压术", "肩峰下减压术" ], "231301002": [ "Intramuscular infiltration of steroid", "类固醇肌肉注射" ], "395141005": [ "Cell tissue autoantibody screening test", "细胞组织自身抗体筛查试验" ], "229466002": [ "Intermetatarsal manipulation", "Intermetatarsal manipulation - non-surgical", "跖骨间操作 - 非手术", "跖骨间操作" ], "442458004": [ "Arthroscopic excision of infrapatellar fat pad", "关节镜下髌下脂肪垫切除术" ], "180314007": [ "Splinting of finger", "手指夹板" ], "440623000": [ "Microscopic examination of cervical Papanicolaou smear", "宫颈巴氏涂片显微镜检查" ], "719151001": [ "Assessment using Gray Silent Reading Test", "Assessment using GSRT (Gray Silent Reading Test)", "使用格雷默读测试进行评估", "使用 GSRT(格雷默读测试)进行评估" ], "178479004": [ "Osteotomy of alveolar segment of maxilla", "上颌骨牙槽段截骨术" ], "112943005": [ "Epidural injection of anesthetic substance, diagnostic, caudal, continuous", "Epidural injection of anaesthetic substance, diagnostic, caudal, continuous", "诊断性、骶部、连续硬膜外注射麻醉物质" ], "702767007": [ "Positron emission tomography of whole body", "PET of whole body", "全身PET", "全身正电子发射断层扫描" ], "438788002": [ "Transurethral removal of internal dwelling ureteral stent using radiologic guidance", "放射学引导下经尿道移除内置输尿管支架" ], "174809002": [ "Heterotopic allotransplant of heart", "Auxiliary heart transplant", "Piggy-back heart transplant", "异位心脏移植", "背驮式心脏移植", "辅助心脏移植" ], "41902000": [ "Major crossmatch", "Cross-match", "Blood cross-matching", "血液交叉配血", "主要交叉配血", "交叉配血" ], "1303470002": [ "Destruction of lesion of perineum", "Extirpation of lesion of perineum", "会阴部损伤毁损术", "会阴病损摘除术" ], "9134004": [ "Ballistocardiography", "Ballistocardiogram", "心冲击图", "心冲击描记法" ], "385966005": [ "Bladder instillation management", "Manage bladder instillation", "管理膀胱灌注", "膀胱灌注管理" ], "121987000": [ "Cytomegalovirus inclusion body detection", "巨细胞病毒包涵体检测" ], "287662009": [ "Bilateral vasectomy", "Excision of bilateral vas deferens", "Excision of both vas deferens", "双侧输精管切除术", "切除双侧输精管" ], "236675001": [ "Procedure on anus", "肛门手术" ], "416899006": [ "Cranial osteopathic manipulation", "颅骨整骨疗法" ], "449667009": [ "Escharotomy of burnt skin of lower limb", "下肢烧伤皮肤切开术" ], "415064002": [ "Percentage CD61 count", "CD61 计数百分比" ], "1285251009": [ "Administration via intraarterial route", "动脉内给药" ], "87384004": [ "Diene test", "双烯测试" ], "71000002": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of subclavian vein by arm incision", "手臂切口锁骨下静脉置管取栓术" ], "169304003": [ "Van der Graaff photon therapy", "范德格拉夫光子疗法" ], "103768002": [ "Chorionic gonadotropin stimulation panel, testosterone response", "Chorionic gonadotrophin stimulation panel, testosterone response", "绒毛膜促性腺激素刺激小组,睾酮反应" ], "20013001": [ "Reduction of fracture of facial bone", "Reduction of fracture of bone of face", "面部骨折复位" ], "120152009": [ "Thorax closure", "胸腔闭合" ], "445997007": [ "Assessment using Middlesex elderly assessment of mental state", "使用米德尔塞克斯老年人精神状态评估进行评估" ], "444162001": [ "Liposuction of abdomen", "Suction assisted lipectomy of abdomen", "腹部吸脂术", "腹部抽脂术" ], "313090002": [ "Faradic nerve stimulation to wrist", "腕部法拉第神经刺激" ], "183853009": [ "Refer to hearing aid clinic", "转诊至助听器诊所" ], "18178001": [ "Evaluation for hearing aid and testing", "助听器评估与测试" ], "429613009": [ "Percutaneous insertion of tracheal plug for congenital diaphragmatic hernia of fetus", "Percutaneous insertion of tracheal plug for congenital diaphragmatic hernia of foetus", "经皮气管塞置入术治疗胎儿先天性膈疝" ], "395010006": [ "Angiotensin II receptor antagonist prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic angiotensin II receptor antagonist", "预防性使用血管紧张素 II 受体拮抗剂", "血管紧张素 II 受体拮抗剂预防" ], "231170006": [ "Local anesthetic lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block", "Local anaesthetic lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block", "Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block", "局麻药股外侧皮神经阻滞", "股外侧皮神经阻滞", "局部麻醉股外侧皮神经阻滞" ], "50946008": [ "Repair of old traumatic injury of cranial nerve", "陈旧性脑神经外伤的修复" ], "34562009": [ "Refracture of nasal bones", "鼻骨再骨折" ], "409559006": [ "Infusion of botulism antitoxin", "输注肉毒抗毒素" ], "229335007": [ "Accessory mobilization of the sternoclavicular joint", "Accessory mobilisation of the sternoclavicular joint", "胸锁关节的辅助活动", "胸锁关节辅助活动" ], "112812002": [ "Division of common wall between posterior left atrium and coronary sinus with roofing of resultant defect and patch graft", "Incision of common wall between posterior left atrium and coronary sinus with roofing of resultant defect with patch graft", "左心房后壁与冠状窦之间的共同壁的分离及其所致缺损的覆盖和补片移植", "切开左心房后壁和冠状窦之间的共同壁,并用补片移植覆盖由此产生的缺损" ], "407724002": [ "ADP 5 umol test", "Adenosine diphosphate 5 umol test", "二磷酸腺苷 5 umol 测试", "ADP 5 umol 测试" ], "178348004": [ "Excision of branchial fistula", "Closure of branchial fistula", "鳃瘘切除术", "鳃瘘闭合" ], "702636002": [ "Surveillance of contraception", "Contraceptive surveillance", "避孕监测" ], "129196004": [ "Procedure on innominate bone", "无名骨手术" ], "440492007": [ "Biopsy of thyroid using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行甲状腺活检" ], "307585001": [ "Percutaneous cecostomy", "Percutaneous caecostomy", "经皮盲肠造口术" ], "61825006": [ "Surgical occlusion of lower limb veins", "下肢静脉闭塞手术" ], "27222005": [ "REA of plasmid DNA", "Radioenzymatic assay (REA) of plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid", "Radioenzymatic assay of plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid", "质粒 DNA 的 REA", "质粒脱氧核糖核酸的放射酶测定", "质粒脱氧核糖核酸的放射酶测定(REA)" ], "303915000": [ "US gastrointestinal tract", "Ultrasound of gastrointestinal tract", "胃肠道超声检查", "美国胃肠道" ], "174678009": [ "Percutaneous removal of calculus from bile duct along T tube track", "经皮胆管T管取石术" ], "74539002": [ "Intra-abdominal manipulation of large intestine", "腹腔内大肠操作" ], "287531000": [ "Enteroscopy via paracentesis", "经腹穿刺进行肠镜检查" ], "385835003": [ "Blood specimen care education", "Teach blood specimen care", "血液样本护理教育", "教导血液样本护理" ], "25387004": [ "Wedge resection of skin", "皮肤楔形切除术" ], "121856001": [ "Suberylcarnitine measurement", "肉碱测量" ], "252928006": [ "Sperm examination", "Examination of spermatozoa", "精子检查" ], "171008008": [ "Loss of limb counselling", "Loss of limb counseling", "Counselling for loss of limb", "Counseling for loss of limb", "肢体丧失辅导", "肢体丧失咨询" ], "234709002": [ "Application of root canal dressing", "Insertion of root canal dressing", "插入根管敷料", "根管敷料的应用" ], "709845004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of limb with contrast", "MRI of extremity with contrast", "MRI of limb with contrast", "肢体增强磁共振成像", "肢体增强 MRI" ], "120021006": [ "Scrotum closure", "阴囊闭合" ], "232874002": [ "Closed pulmonary valvectomy", "闭式肺瓣切除术" ], "3498003": [ "Total excision of pituitary gland by transsphenoidal approach", "Ablation of pituitary gland by transsphenoidal approach", "经蝶窦入路全切除垂体", "经蝶窦入路垂体消融术" ], "708010003": [ "Intraosseous access care management", "骨内通路护理管理" ], "36266005": [ "Cluster of differentiation antigen detection", "CD antigen detection", "CD - Cluster of differentiation marker analysis", "Cluster of differentiation marker analysis", "分化簇抗原检测", "CD - 分化标记聚类分析", "分化标记聚类分析", "CD抗原检测" ], "265642006": [ "Obstetric monitoring", "产科监测" ], "52650006": [ "Removal of foreign body of eyelid by incision", "Removal of embedded foreign body of eyelid", "眼睑切开取出异物", "眼睑内嵌异物取出术" ], "445866007": [ "Ultrasonography of multiple pregnancy for fetal anomaly", "Ultrasonography of multiple pregnancy for foetal anomaly", "多胎妊娠的超声检查以诊断胎儿畸形" ], "231039001": [ "Implantation of neurostimulator electrode onto spinal nerve root", "将神经刺激器电极植入脊神经根" ], "67199002": [ "Exploration of adrenal gland with biopsy by transabdominal approach", "经腹部探查肾上腺并进行活检" ], "18047003": [ "Repair of small intestine fistula", "Closure of small intestine fistula", "Repair of small intestinal fistula", "小肠瘘修复", "小肠瘘管缝合" ], "444031003": [ "Measurement of heavy metal in 24 hour urine specimen by screening method", "筛选法测定24小时尿液标本中的重金属" ], "771711007": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using synthetic mesh for recurrent umbilical hernia", "腹腔镜下使用合成网片修补复发性脐疝", "使用合成网片进行腹腔镜疝修补术治疗复发性脐疝" ], "34431008": [ "Physiotherapy of chest", "Respiratory physiotherapy", "Chest physiotherapy", "胸部物理治疗", "呼吸物理治疗" ], "32596001": [ "Phenothiazine measurement, qualitative", "吩噻嗪的定性测量" ], "229204004": [ "Hydrotherapy relaxation", "水疗放松" ], "391209003": [ "Mental health addiction programmes - daily intensive", "Mental health addiction programs - daily intensive", "心理健康成瘾项目 - 每日强化", "心理健康成瘾项目——每日强化" ], "243753004": [ "Provision of mouth opening appliance", "Provision of trismus screw", "Provision of Archimedian screw", "提供张口器具", "提供咬合螺钉", "提供阿基米德螺旋" ], "702505004": [ "Computed tomography of mastoid with contrast", "CT of mastoid with contrast", "乳突增强 CT", "乳突增强 CT 扫描" ], "14377006": [ "Transplantation of prostatic tissue", "前列腺组织移植" ], "440361009": [ "Closed manual reduction of intertrochanteric fracture of femur", "股骨转子间骨折闭合手法复位" ], "438526003": [ "Percutaneous venous embolisation of cerebral arteriovenous fistula using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous venous embolization of cerebral arteriovenous fistula using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous venous embolization of cerebral arteriovenous fistula with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous venous embolisation of cerebral arteriovenous fistula with contrast", "透视引导下经皮脑动静脉瘘造影栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮脑动静脉瘘静脉栓塞术" ], "176382004": [ "Operation on urethral orifice", "Operations on urethral meatus", "尿道口手术" ], "385704001": [ "Bowel training assessment", "Assess bowel training", "排便训练评估", "评估排便训练" ], "238248005": [ "Umbilical cord clamping", "脐带结扎" ], "1155752006": [ "Liaising with healthcare provider", "与医疗保健提供者联络" ], "287400009": [ "Epistaxis control - suture", "Suture of nose for epistaxis", "Control of epistaxis by suture", "缝合控制鼻出血", "鼻出血控制-缝合", "鼻出血缝合术" ], "252797001": [ "Intraoperative motor nerve stimulation", "术中运动神经刺激" ], "121725001": [ "Triprolidine measurement", "曲普利啶测量" ], "105341002": [ "Timolol measurement", "噻吗洛尔测量" ], "433021002": [ "Fluoroscopic fistulography of lower limb with contrast", "下肢荧光透视瘘管造影" ], "1186685005": [ "Synchronised intermittent mandatory ventilation with volume targeted pressure-control, pressure-support and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct", "Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation with volume targeted pressure-control, pressure-support and an assured constant airway pressure adjunct", "同步间歇指令通气,配合容量目标压力控制、压力支持和保证恒定气道压力辅助装置" ], "711549007": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of anesthetic into facet joint", "Fluoroscopy guided injection of anaesthetic into facet joint", "Injection of anesthetic agent into facet joint using fluoroscopic guidance", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into facet joint using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下向小关节注射麻醉剂" ], "449405008": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of medial branch of lumbar nerve using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下腰神经内侧支射频消融术" ], "183591003": [ "Refer to partner", "参考合作伙伴" ], "412967004": [ "Urine sarcosine measurement", "Urine sarcosine level", "尿液肌氨酸水平", "尿液肌氨酸测量" ], "50684000": [ "Pseudocholinesterase measurement", "Butyrylcholinesterase measurement", "假胆碱酯酶测定", "丁酰胆碱酯酶测量" ], "118055009": [ "HIV 1 p51 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p51 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 51 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 51 抗体的测量", "HIV 1 p51 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p51 抗体检测" ], "1230332003": [ "Postpartum collection of blood from umbilical cord", "Collection of blood from umbilical cord immediately after delivery", "Postpartum cord blood sampling", "产后脐带血采样", "分娩后立即采集脐带血", "产后脐带血采集" ], "771580004": [ "Endoscopic mucosal resection of lesion of lower bowel using fiberoptic sigmoidoscope", "Excision of lesion of mucous membrane of lower bowel using fiberoptic sigmoidoscope", "Excision of lesion of mucous membrane of lower bowel using fibreoptic sigmoidoscope", "Endoscopic mucosal resection of lesion of lower bowel using fibreoptic sigmoidoscope", "纤维乙状结肠镜切除下段肠道黏膜病变", "纤维乙状结肠镜下肠粘膜切除术", "纤维乙状结肠镜下黏膜切除术治疗下段肠道病变" ], "116220005": [ "Excisional biopsy of lesion of breast without axillary contents", "Excisional biopsy of breast mass without axillary contents", "不含腋窝内容物的乳腺病变切除活检", "不含腋窝内容物的乳腺肿块切除活检" ], "230908007": [ "Obliteration of lesion of intracranial vessel", "Destruction of lesion of intracranial vessel", "颅内血管病变闭塞", "颅内血管损伤破坏" ], "229073000": [ "Circulatory exercises", "循环锻炼" ], "442065001": [ "Microscopic examination for dysmorphic red blood cells in urine specimen", "尿液样本中异形红细胞的显微镜检查" ], "48849005": [ "Imaging of arteries of upper extremity", "Angiography of artery of upper extremity", "Arteriography of artery of upper extremity", "Angiography of artery of arm", "Arteriography of artery of upper limb", "Arteriography of artery of arm", "Angiography of artery of upper limb", "上肢动脉造影", "手臂动脉造影", "上肢动脉成像" ], "65233008": [ "Arthrodesis of cricoarytenoid", "环杓关节融合术" ], "178086001": [ "Repair of fascia", "筋膜修复" ], "423846006": [ "Medication dosage tapering", "Medication tapering", "Dosage taper", "Dose taper", "Medication taper", "药物剂量逐渐减少", "逐渐减少药物治疗", "药物减量", "剂量逐渐减少" ], "718758006": [ "Assessment using Child Session Rating Scale", "Assessment using CSRS (Child Session Rating Scale)", "使用儿童会话评定量表进行评估", "使用 CSRS(儿童课程评定量表)进行评估" ], "30630007": [ "Neutrophil count", "中性粒细胞计数" ], "225403000": [ "Participant observation", "参与观察" ], "1208443005": [ "Needle aspiration of supraclavicular lymph node", "Aspiration of supraclavicular lymph node using needle", "用针抽吸锁骨上淋巴结", "锁骨上淋巴结针吸" ], "43344006": [ "Hofmeister operation, gastrectomy", "霍夫迈斯特手术、胃切除术" ], "698704008": [ "Home visit for rheumatology service", "风湿病科服务上门服务" ], "174416009": [ "Closure of bowel fistula", "Intestine fistula closure", "Closure of intestinal fistula", "肠瘘闭合", "肠瘘缝合" ], "303653007": [ "Head CT", "CT of head", "Computed tomography of head", "头部CT检查", "头部计算机断层扫描", "头部CT" ], "172581008": [ "Fluorescein angiography of eye", "Fluorescein angiogram", "FA - fluorescein angiography", "Angiography of eye using fluorescein", "FA - fluorescein angiogram", "眼部荧光血管造影", "FA-荧光血管造影", "荧光血管造影", "荧光素眼部血管造影" ], "105210001": [ "Hydroxyzine measurement", "羟嗪测量" ], "711418000": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of arteriovenous graft with contrast", "动静脉移植血管造影" ], "56058002": [ "Fluoroscopy to assist endoscopic maneuver", "Fluoroscopy to assist endoscopic manoeuvre", "透视检查协助内镜操作", "透视检查辅助内镜操作" ], "285434006": [ "Insertion of abortifacient pessary", "Insertion of abortifacient suppository", "堕胎药子宫托插入", "插入堕胎栓剂" ], "121594006": [ "Hexanoylglycine measurement", "己酰甘氨酸测量" ], "252666006": [ "C14 glycocholate breath test", "C14甘胆酸呼气试验" ], "236282009": [ "Mustarde hypospadias repair", "Broadbent hypospadias repair", "Non-prepucial skin flap reconstruction of urethra", "芥末尿道下裂修复", "宽弯型尿道下裂修复术", "非包皮瓣尿道重建" ], "414671002": [ "Mental health monitoring third letter", "心理健康监测第三封信" ], "119759004": [ "Cardiovascular system closure", "心血管系统关闭" ], "709583005": [ "Biopsy of extremity", "Biopsy of limb", "肢体活检" ], "431055006": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of urethra", "尿道细针穿刺活检" ], "398287006": [ "Alteration of circulating volume to increase oxygen delivery", "Oxygen delivery increased by alteration of circulating volume", "循环血容量改变导致氧气输送增加", "改变循环容量以增加氧气输送" ], "412836000": [ "Serum anti-ganglioside Q1b IgG measurement", "Serum anti-ganglioside Q1b IgG level", "Serum anti-ganglioside Q1b immunoglobulin G measurement", "血清抗神经节苷脂 Q1b IgG 测量", "血清抗神经节苷脂 Q1b 免疫球蛋白 G 测量", "血清抗神经节苷脂 Q1b IgG 水平" ], "265380001": [ "Jejunojejunal bypass", "Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to jejunum", "空肠至空肠吻合术", "空肠空肠绕道手术" ], "707748002": [ "Excision of pilonidal sinus and primary closure", "切除藏毛窦并一期闭合" ], "117924003": [ "Parathyrin antibody assay", "Measurement of parathyrin antibody", "甲状旁腺素抗体测定", "甲状旁腺素抗体检测" ], "281764005": [ "Repair of extensor tendon forearm, wrist, hand", "前臂、腕部、手部伸肌腱修复" ], "183460006": [ "Obstetric emergency hospital admission", "产科急诊入院" ], "232612008": [ "Open tracheal stent procedure", "开放式气管支架手术" ], "50553006": [ "Nonmechanical method of resuscitation", "Manual resuscitation", "人工复苏", "非机械复苏方法" ], "32334000": [ "Incision and exploration of vulva", "Incision and exploration of labia", "外阴切开探查", "阴唇切开探查" ], "736846000": [ "Reconstruction of microtia with graft", "移植重建小耳畸形" ], "179790000": [ "Revision allograft augmentation extra-articular ligament", "同种异体移植增强关节外韧带修复" ], "310862001": [ "Chlamydia antigen by ELISA", "Chlamydia antigen by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay", "酶联免疫吸附试验检测衣原体抗原", "衣原体抗原 ELISA 检测" ], "15950004": [ "Excision of tumor of soft tissue of neck, subcutaneous", "Excision of tumour of soft tissue of neck, subcutaneous", "颈部皮下软组织肿瘤切除术" ], "63267000": [ "Alcohol measurement", "Alcohol level", "酒精测量", "酒精含量" ], "784163001": [ "Implantation of cardiac biventricular permanent pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance", "Implantation of cardiac biventricular PPM (permanent pacemaker) using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopic guidance for implantation of cardiac biventricular PPM (permanent pacemaker)", "在荧光透视引导下植入心脏双心室 PPM(永久起搏器)", "荧光透视引导下心脏双心室永久起搏器植入术", "心脏双心室 PPM(永久起搏器)植入的荧光透视引导" ], "704078008": [ "Thyroid stimulating hormone suppression therapy", "促甲状腺激素抑制治疗" ], "14115002": [ "Biopsy of soft tissue of ankle area, superficial", "踝部浅表软组织活检" ], "390947005": [ "24 hour urine normetadrenaline output", "24 hour urine normetanephrine output", "24小时尿去甲肾上腺素排出量", "24小时尿中正肾上腺素排出量" ], "177955007": [ "Open instillation of sclerosing substance into peritoneal cavity", "腹腔内开放式灌注硬化物质" ], "716792000": [ "Assessment using Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning Scale", "Assessment using Rancho Scale", "Assessment using RLAS (Rancho Los Amigos Scale)", "使用 Rancho Los Amigos 认知功能水平量表进行评估", "使用 Rancho Scale 进行评估", "使用 RLAS (Rancho Los Amigos 量表) 进行评估" ], "307192000": [ "Revision gastropexy", "胃固定术修复" ], "305357000": [ "Admission to cardiology department", "心脏内科入院" ], "225272009": [ "Washing around catheter", "Meatal toilet", "Catheter toilet", "Cleaning around catheter", "导管厕所", "金属马桶", "冲洗导管周围", "清洁导管周围" ], "241656008": [ "Cine MRI of joint movement", "Cine magnetic resonance imaging of joint movement", "关节运动的电影磁共振成像" ], "26829003": [ "Environmental intervention on a psychiatric patient's behalf with institutions", "代表精神病患者与机构进行环境干预" ], "223437005": [ "Advice to stop behavior", "Advice to stop behaviour", "Recommendation to stop behavior", "Recommendation to stop behaviour", "建议停止行为", "停止行为的建议" ], "74146001": [ "Repair of bladder", "Cystoplasty", "Repair of urinary bladder", "膀胱成形术", "膀胱修复" ], "24994004": [ "Cineplasty or cineplastic prosthesis of arm", "Implantation of cineplastic prosthesis of upper arm", "上臂电影假体植入术", "手臂电影整形术或电影假肢" ], "418210005": [ "MRI of colon", "Magnetic resonance imaging of colon", "结肠磁共振成像", "结肠 MRI" ], "88695002": [ "Class in walking training, nervous system", "Class in walking re-education, nervous system", "步行训练、神经系统课程", "步行再教育、神经系统课程" ], "105079003": [ "Barbiturates measurement", "巴比妥类药物测量" ], "252535008": [ "Proteus skin test", "变形杆菌皮肤试验" ], "121463008": [ "Bretylium measurement", "溴苄胺测量" ], "725836001": [ "Cone beam CT guided laser ablation", "Laser ablation using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "使用锥形束 CT 引导进行激光消融", "锥形束 CT 引导激光消融" ], "447308003": [ "Cystourethrectomy", "Excision of urethra and urinary bladder", "尿道及膀胱切除术", "膀胱尿道切除术" ], "39543009": [ "Administration of insulin", "胰岛素注射" ], "68641000": [ "Insufflation", "吹气" ], "232481001": [ "Septodermoplasty", "中隔真皮成形术" ], "609313004": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination cerebrospinal fluid specimen", "脑脊液标本显微镜细胞学检查" ], "183329005": [ "Antenatal exercises", "产前锻炼" ], "773153006": [ "Laparoscopic incisional hernioplasty using biological mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic repair of incisional hernia using biological mesh with fascial closure", "腹腔镜下使用生物网片结合筋膜闭合修补切口疝", "使用生物网片和筋膜闭合进行腹腔镜切口疝修补术" ], "443638000": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of liver and spleen", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和肝脏和脾脏计算机断层扫描" ], "117793009": [ "Coxsackievirus B6 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human coxsackievirus B 6 antibody", "人柯萨奇病毒B6抗体测定", "柯萨奇病毒 B6 抗体检测" ], "64971001": [ "Fulguration of retina", "视网膜电击" ], "359883004": [ "Foam stability test", "泡沫稳定性测试" ], "441803007": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of parotid gland", "腮腺细针穿刺活检" ], "390816003": [ "General psychiatric care of adults of working age", "工作年龄成年人的一般精神科护理" ], "30368004": [ "Excision of artery of extremity", "肢体动脉切除术" ], "307061004": [ "Referral by clinical hematologist", "Referral by clinical haematologist", "临床血液科医师转诊", "临床血液科医生转诊" ], "225141004": [ "Attention to skin creases", "注意皮肤皱纹" ], "12149006": [ "Chemotherapy administration, subcutaneous, with local anesthesia", "Chemotherapy administration, subcutaneous, with local anaesthesia", "局部麻醉下皮下化疗给药", "皮下化疗给药,局部麻醉" ], "257909005": [ "Repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia using muscle flap", "肌瓣修补先天性膈疝" ], "28533005": [ "Urinalysis, sediment examination, uncentrifuged", "尿液分析、沉渣检查、非离心" ], "765813009": [ "Intracavitary brachytherapy of mouth", "口腔内近距离放射治疗" ], "241525009": [ "CT air meatogram", "Computed tomography air meatogram", "计算机断层扫描空气血流图", "CT气体质显像" ], "305226003": [ "Admission by casualty doctor", "Admission by A & E doctor", "Admission by Accident and Emergency doctor", "急诊医生入院", "急诊科医生入院" ], "239690003": [ "Application of buttress strapping", "支撑带的应用" ], "61301009": [ "Incision and drainage of skin", "皮肤切开引流" ], "223306006": [ "Electrocoagulation of broad ligament", "Coagulation of broad ligament using electrical energy", "阔韧带电凝术", "利用电能凝固阔韧带" ], "712991000": [ "Management of safety", "安全管理" ], "43082009": [ "Repair of gastrojejunal fistula", "Closure of gastrojejunal fistula", "胃空肠瘘闭合", "胃空肠瘘修复" ], "172319002": [ "Medial rectus recession and lateral rectus resection", "内直肌退缩和外直肌切除" ], "39412000": [ "Diascopy procedure", "Vitropression", "玻璃体加压", "透视检查程序" ], "55796000": [ "Reinsertion of transhepatic T-tube", "经肝 T 管重新插入" ], "252404004": [ "Hepatitis A antigen screening", "甲型肝炎抗原筛查" ], "104948005": [ "Sulfate measurement", "Sulphate measurement", "Sulphate level", "Sulfate level", "硫酸盐水平", "硫酸盐测量" ], "449012007": [ "Injection of strontium-89", "注射锶-89" ], "121332008": [ "Aromatic solvent identification", "芳香族溶剂鉴别" ], "416244009": [ "Osteopathic manipulation, passive method", "整骨疗法,被动方法" ], "250569002": [ "Blood nitrogen concentration", "Blood nitrogen concentration measurement", "N2 - Blood nitrogen concentration", "N2——血氮浓度", "血氮浓度测量", "血氮浓度" ], "447177002": [ "Assessment using subgroups for targeted treatment (STarT) back screening tool", "Assessment using subgroups for targeted treatment back screening tool", "使用亚组进行针对性治疗的评估回筛工具", "使用针对性治疗亚组 (STarT) 回筛工具进行评估" ], "37577007": [ "Open heart valvuloplasty of pulmonary valve without replacement", "Repair of pulmonary valve without replacement by open heart technique", "无需置换的开胸技术修复肺动脉瓣", "无需置换的肺动脉瓣开胸瓣膜成形术" ], "117662003": [ "O-Desmethylencainide measurement", "O-去甲卡尼测量" ], "84894008": [ "Molecular biology identification technique", "分子生物学鉴定技术" ], "609182009": [ "Revision of component of total prosthetic replacement of elbow joint not using cement", "不使用骨水泥的全肘关节假体置换部件的翻修" ], "66675005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of orbit, face and neck", "MRI of orbit, face and neck", "眼眶、面部和颈部的磁共振成像", "眼眶、面部和颈部的 MRI" ], "392520000": [ "Cotton (crude fibers) specific IgE antibody measurement", "o1 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cotton (crude fibers) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "棉花(粗纤维)特异性IgE抗体测定", "o1 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "棉花(粗纤维)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "408904007": [ "Crisis therapy education", "Teach crisis therapy", "教授危机疗法", "危机治疗教育" ], "241394000": [ "Radionuclide adrenal study with Scintadren only", "仅使用 Scintadren 进行放射性核素肾上腺研究" ], "174023004": [ "Intubation of ileum for decompression of intestine", "回肠插管减压术" ], "763847005": [ "Radionuclide imaging of adrenal gland using iobenguane (123-I)", "使用碘苯胍(123-I)对肾上腺进行放射性核素显像" ], "698311009": [ "Consultation for assisted reproductive procedure", "辅助生殖手术咨询" ], "1204380007": [ "Culdoscopy with biopsy", "Endoscopy of cul-de-sac with biopsy", "后穹窿镜活检", "直肠癌内镜检查及活检" ], "448881002": [ "Endovenous laser ablation of varicose vein", "静脉内激光消融治疗静脉曲张" ], "88433003": [ "Estrogen measurement", "Oestrogen measurement", "雌激素测量" ], "711025004": [ "Implementation of cluster care", "实施集群护理" ], "104817003": [ "Methyltestosterone measurement", "甲基睾酮测量" ], "252273006": [ "Desmopressin test", "Arginine vasopressin stress test", "DDAVP test", "DDAVP 测试", "精氨酸加压素压力试验", "去氨加压素试验" ], "414278000": [ "FMC7 absolute count", "FMC7绝对计数" ], "170353008": [ "Administration of first dose of poliomyelitis vaccine", "First poliomyelitis vaccination", "First poliomyelitis immunisation", "First poliomyelitis immunization", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Human poliovirus antigen", "首次脊髓灰质炎免疫接种", "接种第一剂仅含人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "首次脊髓灰质炎疫苗接种", "接种第一剂脊髓灰质炎疫苗" ], "432497009": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of testicular vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of testicular vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of testicular vein with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of testicular vein with contrast", "经皮睾丸静脉造影剂荧光透视引导栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮睾丸静脉造影栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮睾丸静脉栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮睾丸静脉造影栓塞术" ], "301425009": [ "Partial excision of bile duct", "胆管部分切除术" ], "184902004": [ "Racing driver examination and blood group testing", "Racing drivers medical with blood grouping", "赛车手接受血型体检", "赛车手检查和血型测试" ], "21062006": [ "Phenylpropanolamine measurement", "苯丙醇胺测量" ], "264987001": [ "Ankle muscle transfer", "踝部肌肉移植" ], "723739003": [ "Drainage of upper extremity using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided drainage of arm", "CT guided drainage of upper limb", "Drainage of arm using computed tomography guidance", "Drainage of upper limb using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下上肢引流", "CT 引导下手臂引流", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行上肢引流", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行手臂引流" ], "183067004": [ "High protein diet education", "高蛋白饮食教育" ], "2843005": [ "Revision of urinary conduit", "尿道修复" ], "33776000": [ "Insertion of permanent pacemaker with transvenous electrodes, AV sequential", "Insertion of permanent pacemaker with transvenous electrodes, atrio-ventricular sequential", "植入经静脉电极、房室连续永久起搏器", "植入经静脉电极的永久起搏器、AV 连续" ], "426992004": [ "Open exploration of ureter", "输尿管开放探查" ], "1008006": [ "Operation on nerve ganglion", "神经节手术" ], "310469000": [ "Bronchoscopic gluing of fistula", "Bronchoscopic glueing of fistula", "支气管镜瘘管粘合术" ], "50160009": [ "Extended family therapy", "Multiple family group therapy", "大家庭治疗", "多家庭团体治疗" ], "81093004": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from oral cavity", "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from mouth without incision", "不切开口腔内异物取出术", "口腔内异物取出" ], "228549005": [ "Reminiscence therapy", "Rt - reminiscence therapy", "回忆疗法", "RT-回忆疗法" ], "243098000": [ "Instruction on regular washing and bathing", "Regular washing and bathing education", "定期洗漱和洗澡指导", "定期洗漱和洗澡教育" ], "1162437009": [ "Coordination of resources to address housing instability", "协调资源解决住房不稳定问题" ], "439706005": [ "Suture of motor branch of ulnar nerve", "尺神经运动支缝合" ], "46490006": [ "Application of ice collar, cap or bag", "使用冰领、冰帽或冰袋" ], "406938007": [ "Tartrazine stain method", "Tartrazine stain", "柠檬黄污渍", "酒石黄染色法" ], "128410006": [ "Removal of device from central nervous system", "从中枢神经系统中移除装置" ], "30106009": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of alveolar process of mandible", "下颌骨牙槽突骨折闭合复位" ], "241263002": [ "Pudendal arteriogram", "Selective pudendal arteriogram", "Angiography of pudendal artery", "Arteriography of pudendal artery", "选择性阴部动脉造影", "阴部动脉造影" ], "388719001": [ "Rf289 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Phoenix dactylifera specific IgE antibody measurement", "Date specific IgE antibody measurement", "Phoenix dactylifera specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf289 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "海枣特异性IgE抗体测定", "特定 IgE 抗体测量日期", "海枣特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "61039005": [ "Arthrodesis of hip joint with subtrochanteric osteotomy", "股骨转子下截骨髋关节融合术" ], "274031008": [ "Rectal polypectomy", "直肠息肉切除术" ], "75588007": [ "Excision of lesion of cornea", "Removal of corneal lesion", "Excision of corneal lesion", "角膜病变切除术", "去除角膜病变" ], "239428008": [ "Repair of medial collateral ligament of knee joint", "MCL - Repair of medial collateral ligament", "膝关节内侧副韧带修复", "MCL - 修复内侧副韧带" ], "255812008": [ "Canaloplasty of external auditory meatus", "外耳道成形术" ], "712729003": [ "Computed tomography of scaphoid", "CT of scaphoid", "舟骨 CT", "舟骨计算机断层扫描" ], "450585005": [ "Removal of intermaxillary fixation wire", "移除颌间固定钢丝" ], "172057008": [ "Reconstruction of breast using myocutaneous flap of latissimus dorsi muscle", "背阔肌肌皮瓣乳房再造术" ], "448750002": [ "Measurement of velocity of blood flow in intracranial vessel using Doppler ultrasonography", "Transcranial Doppler ultrasound velocimetry", "经颅多普勒超声测速", "多普勒超声测量颅内血管血流速度" ], "55534003": [ "Macrophage migration factor assay", "巨噬细胞移动因子测定" ], "104686004": [ "Glucose measurement, blood, test strip", "Dipstick blood sugar", "Dipstick blood sugar level", "试纸血糖", "试纸血糖水平", "血糖测量、血液、试纸" ], "22766004": [ "IL-6 assay", "Interleukin-6 assay", "IL-6 测定", "白细胞介素-6 测定" ], "432366006": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of bone of knee", "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of bone of knee", "膝关节骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "膝骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)" ], "268526009": [ "Warfarin monitoring", "华法林监测" ], "430531002": [ "Tamponade of anterior nasal bleeding using nasal tampon", "使用鼻塞填塞前鼻出血" ], "250307001": [ "White blood cell cytochemical reaction", "White blood cell cytochemical reaction determination", "白细胞细胞化学反应", "白细胞细胞化学反应测定" ], "266691006": [ "Venous flow stimulation", "静脉血流刺激" ], "68248001": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into pudendal nerve", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into pudendal nerve", "Local anaesthetic block of pudendal nerve", "LA - Local anaesthetic block of pudendal nerve", "LA - Local anesthetic block of pudendal nerve", "Local anesthetic block of pudendal nerve", "将麻醉剂注射到阴部神经", "LA - 阴部神经局部麻醉阻滞", "阴部神经局部麻醉阻滞", "阴部神经注射麻醉剂" ], "608920005": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from upper gastrointestinal tract", "上消化道标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "392258002": [ "Assessment of mental status by psychiatrist", "精神科医生评估精神状态" ], "179266002": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of lesion of bone", "骨病变经皮穿刺活检" ], "308503007": [ "Hypertension monitoring call", "高血压监测电话" ], "734487007": [ "Provision of voice production device", "Provision of voice prosthesis", "提供发声设备", "提供发声假体" ], "177431008": [ "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle island osteomyocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle island osseomyocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction with local subcutaneous pedicle island osteomyocutaneous flap", "局部皮下带蒂岛状骨肌皮瓣修复" ], "306668002": [ "Discharge from orthopedic service", "Discharge from orthopaedic service", "退出骨科服务" ], "406807007": [ "Alkali blue 6B stain method", "Alkali blue 6B stain", "碱性蓝 6B 染色", "碱性蓝6B染色法" ], "388588004": [ "Conalbumin specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf323 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Conalbumin specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "伴白蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "Rf323 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "伴清蛋白特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "241132005": [ "Parotid sialogram", "腮腺涎液造影" ], "11756009": [ "Factor H receptor measurement", "因子H受体测量" ], "1304257003": [ "Endoscopic balloon dilatation of ostia of bilateral paranasal sinuses", "BSOD (balloon sinus ostial dilation) of bilateral paranasal sinuses", "BCD (balloon catheter dilation) of ostia of bilateral paranasal sinuses", "Endoscopic balloon dilatation of ostium of both paranasal sinuses", "Balloon sinuplasty of ostia of bilateral paranasal sinuses", "双侧鼻旁窦 BSOD(球囊窦口扩张术)", "双侧鼻旁窦口球囊导管扩张术", "内镜双侧鼻旁窦口球囊扩张术", "双侧鼻旁窦口球囊扩张术" ], "26305003": [ "Division of cartilage of knee", "Division of joint cartilage of knee", "膝关节软骨分割" ], "57238002": [ "Selective embolization of artery", "Selective embolisation of artery", "动脉选择性栓塞" ], "8086004": [ "Restoration, inlay, metallic, three surfaces", "修复、镶嵌、金属、三个表面" ], "432235002": [ "Injection using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Injection using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导注射", "使用超声(美国)引导注射" ], "168256002": [ "Postmortem isolation of organism", "P.M. isolation: organism", "死后生物体分离", "P.M. 隔离:有机体" ], "250176003": [ "Human leucocyte antigen isotype", "Human leukocyte antigen isotype determination", "Human leukocyte antigen isotype", "Human leucocyte antigen isotype determination", "人类白细胞抗原同型测定", "人类白细胞抗原同种型", "人类白细胞抗原同种型测定" ], "708928004": [ "Robot assisted laparoscopic radical cystectomy", "Radical cystectomy, laparoscopic with robot assistance", "Laparoscopic radical cystectomy using robotic assistance", "使用机器人辅助的腹腔镜根治性膀胱切除术", "机器人辅助腹腔镜根治性膀胱切除术" ], "37184006": [ "Enucleation of cyst of liver", "肝囊肿摘除术" ], "446784007": [ "Venography of lower extremity using contrast", "下肢静脉造影" ], "608789001": [ "Laparoscopic repair of femoral hernia", "腹腔镜股疝修补术" ], "182805002": [ "Cardiac output monitoring", "心输出量监测" ], "84501003": [ "Cytokine therapy", "细胞因子治疗" ], "51733004": [ "Periodic oral examination", "定期口腔检查" ], "10371000132109": [ "Colonoscopic snare polypectomy of colon", "结肠镜下结肠息肉切除术" ], "313877008": [ "30 minute serum GH level", "30 minute serum GH measurement", "30 minute serum growth hormone measurement", "30 分钟血清 GH 测量", "30 分钟血清 GH 水平", "30 分钟血清生长激素测量" ], "428565009": [ "Balloon assisted embolisation of aneurysm using transluminal coil", "Balloon assisted embolization of aneurysm using transluminal coil", "球囊辅助动脉瘤栓塞术", "使用腔内线圈进行球囊辅助动脉瘤栓塞" ], "746002": [ "Chiropractic adjustment of coccyx subluxation", "尾骨半脱位的脊椎矫正" ], "410346003": [ "Medication action/side effects case management", "药物作用/副作用案例管理" ], "17130003": [ "T3 uptake measurement", "Tri-iodothyronine resin uptake measurement", "T3U measurement", "T3 - Triiodothyronine uptake", "T3——三碘甲状腺原氨酸摄取", "T3 摄取测量", "T3U 测量", "三碘甲状腺原氨酸树脂摄取量测量" ], "426730003": [ "Computed tomography angiography of thorax with contrast", "CT angiography of thorax with contrast", "胸部增强 CT 血管造影" ], "703423002": [ "Combined chemotherapy and radiation therapy", "Chemoradiation", "Radiochemotherapy", "Chemoradiotherapy", "放化疗", "化疗和放射治疗联合" ], "31679008": [ "Screw home motion test", "螺丝回家运动测试" ], "1260479009": [ "Laparoscopic repair of paraumbilical hernia using synthetic mesh", "腹腔镜下使用合成网片修补脐旁疝" ], "785343009": [ "Implantation of neurostimulator into peripheral nerve", "将神经刺激器植入周围神经" ], "46228005": [ "Prescription for alteration of hormonal balance for cancer", "癌症激素平衡改变处方" ], "388457000": [ "House dust specific IgE antibody measurement", "House dust specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "屋尘特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "屋尘特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "716137000": [ "Assessment using Boone Voice Program for Children", "使用 Boone Voice Program 为儿童进行评估" ], "77161005": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid protein electrophoresis", "Spinal fluid protein electrophoresis", "CPEP - cerebrospinal fluid protein electrophoresis", "CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) protein electrophoresis", "CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) electrophoresis", "Protein electrophoresis, CSF (cerebrospinal fluid)", "脊髓液蛋白电泳", "CPEP-- 脑脊液蛋白电泳", "脑脊液 (CSF) 蛋白电泳", "蛋白质电泳,CSF(脑脊液)", "脑脊液蛋白电泳", "脑脊液电泳" ], "241001007": [ "Partial excision of nail plate", "部分切除甲板" ], "175465008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of axillary artery", "经皮腔内腋动脉栓塞切除术" ], "1240425008": [ "Excision of pressure injury of lower leg with primary closure using suture", "Excision of pressure injury of lower leg with primary suture", "Excision of pressure ulcer of lower leg with primary suture", "小腿压疮切除及一期缝合", "小腿压力性损伤切除及缝合一期缝合", "小腿压疮切除一期缝合术" ], "28009009": [ "Liver transplant without recipient hepatectomy", "无需接受肝切除术的肝移植" ], "1287742003": [ "Radiotherapy", "RT - Radiotherapy", "Radiation therapy", "RT - 放射治疗", "放射治疗" ], "9790003": [ "Graft of penis", "Grafting of penis", "阴茎移植" ], "304702006": [ "TIR - Traumatic incident reduction", "Traumatic incident reduction", "TIR - 减少创伤性事件", "减少创伤事件" ], "763454007": [ "Fluoroscopy using contrast", "对比剂荧光透视检查" ], "251000087100": [ "Left nephrostomy using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided left nephrostomy", "在荧光透视引导下进行左肾造口术", "荧光透视引导左肾造口术" ], "4091000087101": [ "Plain X-ray of bilateral scaphoids", "Plain X-ray of both scaphoids", "Plain X-ray of left and right scaphoid", "双侧舟骨的普通 X 光检查", "左、右舟骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "36091000087102": [ "Repair of right middle ear", "右中耳修复" ], "38651000087102": [ "Repair of hallux valgus of right foot", "右足拇外翻矫正术" ], "14331000087103": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of right lower extremity blood vessel", "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of right lower limb", "Doppler ultrasound of vascular structure of right lower limb", "右下肢血管结构多普勒超声检查", "右下肢血管多普勒超声检查" ], "1236755008": [ "Implantation of cardiac resynchronization defibrillator system", "Implantation of cardiac resynchronisation defibrillator system", "Implantation of biventricular implantable cardioverter defibrillator", "双心室植入式心脏复律除颤器", "心脏再同步除颤系统植入术", "心脏再同步除颤器系统植入术" ], "2811000087107": [ "MRI of bilateral brachial plexuses with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral brachial plexuses with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both brachial plexuses with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right brachial plexus with contrast", "左、右臂丛增强磁共振成像", "双侧臂丛神经增强磁共振成像", "双侧臂丛增强 MRI 检查" ], "432104004": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of urinary bladder for flow rate", "Ultrasonography of urinary bladder for flow rate", "膀胱超声检查(US)以确定尿流率", "膀胱超声检查尿流率" ], "6651000087108": [ "CT of right tibia and fibula", "Computed tomography of right tibia and fibula", "右胫骨和腓骨CT", "右胫骨和腓骨的计算机断层扫描" ], "235496007": [ "Fine needle aspiration of pancreas and peripancreatic tissue", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of pancreas and peripancreatic tissue", "胰腺和胰周组织细针穿刺", "胰腺和胰周组织的细针穿刺活检" ], "4285000": [ "Insertion of bone growth stimulator into femur", "将骨生长刺激器插入股骨" ], "104424009": [ "Immunoelectrophoresis, body fluid, with concentration", "免疫电泳,体液,浓缩" ], "55272009": [ "Dacryocystectomy", "Excision of lacrimal sac", "Extirpation of lacrimal sac", "泪囊摘除术", "泪囊切除术" ], "88040009": [ "Clotting factor XI assay", "Plasma thromboplastin antecedent assay", "PTA assay", "Factor XI assay", "凝血因子 XI 检测", "Ⅺ因子检测", "PTA 检测", "血浆凝血活酶前体检测" ], "413885003": [ "Colorimetric laboratory test", "Colourimetric laboratory test", "比色实验室检测", "比色实验室测试" ], "53437005": [ "Repair of vertebral arch defect in spina bifida", "脊柱裂椎弓缺损的修复" ], "430269006": [ "Ablation using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Ablation using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided ablation", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行消融", "CT引导消融", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行消融" ], "37053006": [ "Open reduction of fracture of humerus with internal fixation", "肱骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "313746001": [ "Plasma caffeine measurement", "Plasma caffeine level", "血浆咖啡因水平", "血浆咖啡因测量" ], "410215004": [ "Communication care education", "Teach communication care", "沟通关怀教育", "教导沟通关怀" ], "391996005": [ "Salpingosalpingostomy", "输卵管输卵管造口术" ], "175334000": [ "Removal of prosthesis from aorta", "从主动脉移除假体" ], "306406007": [ "Discharge by pediatric ITU specialist", "Discharge by paediatric ITU specialist", "Discharge by pediatric intensive care specialist", "Discharge by paediatric intensive care specialist", "儿科 ITU 专家出院", "儿科重症监护专家出院" ], "107963000": [ "Liver excision", "Hepatectomy", "Resection of liver", "Excision of liver", "肝切除术", "肝切除" ], "91579001": [ "Repair of mandibular ridge", "下颌骨修复" ], "419259002": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of pelvis with contrast", "骨盆荧光镜静脉造影" ], "386491008": [ "Values clarification", "价值观澄清" ], "1303995009": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and repair of small intestine using suture", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and repair of small intestine using suture", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及小肠缝合修复" ], "7824000": [ "Enlargement of pre-existing atrial septal defect", "原有房间隔缺损扩大" ], "75195008": [ "Crystal identification of synovial fluid", "Crystal identification by compensated polarizing lens analysis of synovial fluid", "Crystal identification by compensated polarising lens analysis of synovial fluid", "滑液晶体鉴定", "通过补偿偏振透镜分析滑液进行晶体鉴定" ], "401040003": [ "Haemoglobin C measurement", "Haemoglobin C level", "Hemoglobin C level", "Hemoglobin C measurement", "Measurement of haemoglobin C", "Measurement of hemoglobin C", "血红蛋白 C 测量", "血红蛋白 C 水平", "血红蛋白 C 的测量" ], "433808005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of superficial femoral vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of superficial femoral vein with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术治疗股浅静脉造影", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行股浅静脉" ], "56976006": [ "Incision of hematoma of popliteal space", "Incision of haematoma of popliteal space", "腘窝血肿切开术" ], "235365002": [ "Swenson procedure", "斯文森手术" ], "1234789006": [ "Measurement of irrigating solution", "灌溉溶液的测量" ], "104293006": [ "Nocardia antibody assay", "Serologic test for Nocardia", "Measurement of Nocardia species antibody", "诺卡氏菌抗体检测", "诺卡氏菌抗体的测量", "诺卡氏菌血清学检测" ], "4154001": [ "Incision and drainage of penis", "阴茎切开引流" ], "708666004": [ "Ultrasound guided injection of botulinum toxin", "超声波引导下注射肉毒杆菌毒素" ], "233530004": [ "Central venous cannula insertion via subclavian vein", "Insertion of subclavian line", "经锁骨下静脉插入中心静脉插管", "插入锁骨下静脉线" ], "446522006": [ "Ultrasonography in first trimester", "妊娠早期超声检查" ], "118842007": [ "Procedure on rectum", "直肠手术" ], "1296655003": [ "MRI of all fingers of both hands", "Magnetic resonance imaging of all fingers of bilateral hands", "MRI of all fingers of bilateral hands", "双手所有手指的磁共振成像", "双手所有手指的 MRI 检查" ], "117007006": [ "Titration method", "滴定法" ], "444687007": [ "Fluoroscopy of catheter in situ", "导管原位荧光透视检查" ], "231695006": [ "Inferior oblique anterior transposition", "下斜肌前移位术" ], "410084001": [ "Range of motion assessment", "Assess range of motion", "运动范围评估", "评估运动范围" ], "313615009": [ "Fecal chymotrypsin measurement", "Faecal chymotrypsin level", "Fecal chymotrypsin level", "Faecal chymotrypsin measurement", "粪便糜蛋白酶水平", "粪便糜蛋白酶测定" ], "788751009": [ "Corticosteroid and/or corticosteroid derivative therapy", "皮质类固醇和/或皮质类固醇衍生物治疗" ], "311780005": [ "Continuous infusion of immunoglobulin", "持续输注免疫球蛋白" ], "408249001": [ "Globin gene analysis", "珠蛋白基因分析" ], "717710000": [ "Assessment using Morgan-Barry Auditory Discrimination and Attention Test", "使用 Morgan-Barry 听觉辨别和注意力测试进行评估" ], "178873009": [ "Localized fusion of joints of hindfoot", "Localised fusion of joints of hindfoot", "后足关节局部融合" ], "308110009": [ "Direct fundoscopy following mydriatic", "散瞳后直接眼底镜检查" ], "60515004": [ "Muscle-testing electrodiagnosis with chronaximetry", "利用时差法进行肌肉测试电诊断" ], "306275005": [ "Referral to respiratory physician", "转诊至呼吸科医生" ], "763192000": [ "Mouth care after head and neck surgery", "头颈部手术后的口腔护理" ], "288056002": [ "Bone fusion", "骨融合" ], "386360003": [ "Medication administration: rectal", "Administration of drug or medicament via rectal route", "给药方式:直肠", "通过直肠途径给药" ], "304440005": [ "Ultrasound treatment to foot", "足部超声波治疗" ], "437331000124101": [ "Increased iron diet", "增加铁质饮食" ], "400909003": [ "Allen picture test", "艾伦图片测试" ], "302605004": [ "Forced manual dilatation of anus", "Anal stretch", "Lord's procedure", "Anal dilatation", "Forced manual dilation of anus", "主的程序", "肛门扩张", "肛门伸展", "强行扩张肛门" ], "1285645005": [ "Insertion of fixed functional orthodontic appliance", "插入固定功能矫正器" ], "122381007": [ "Mycobacterium intracellulare rRNA assay", "Mycobacterium intracellulare ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "胞内分枝杆菌 rRNA 检测", "胞内分枝杆菌核糖体核糖核酸测定" ], "169698000": [ "Antenatal syphilis screening", "产前梅毒筛查" ], "104162002": [ "Cytopathology, screening of smear, Bethesda System, genital source, by cytotechnologist", "细胞病理学,涂片筛查,Bethesda 系统,生殖器来源,由细胞技术员进行" ], "71394005": [ "Endoscopic procedure on thymus", "胸腺内窥镜手术" ], "431842009": [ "Insertion of drain using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Insertion of drain using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided insertion of drain", "在计算机断层扫描引导下插入引流管", "CT 引导下置入引流管", "在 CT 引导下插入引流管" ], "235234009": [ "Photocoagulation of gastric lesion", "Laser ablation of gastric lesion", "Laser treatment of gastric lesion", "胃部病变激光消融", "胃部病变光凝治疗", "胃部病变激光治疗" ], "233399002": [ "Extended resection of thoracic aorta", "胸主动脉扩大切除术" ], "397239004": [ "Repair of liver laceration", "肝裂伤修复" ], "315319006": [ "Anastomosis of intestine to anus", "肠肛门吻合术" ], "118711008": [ "Procedure on hip", "髋关节手术" ], "2188008": [ "Suture of tendon to skeletal attachment", "Tenosuture to skeletal attachment", "Tenorrhaphy to skeletal attachment", "腱缝合至骨骼附着处", "肌腱与骨骼附着处的缝合", "肌腱缝合至骨骼附着处" ], "231564009": [ "Excision of lesion of medial canthus", "内眦病变切除术" ], "313484008": [ "Plasma apolipoprotein B measurement", "Plasma apolipoprotein B level", "血浆载脂蛋白 B 测量", "血浆载脂蛋白 B 水平" ], "82273001": [ "Flexible fiberoptic laryngoscopy with removal of lesion", "Flexible fibreoptic laryngoscopy with removal of lesion", "柔性光纤喉镜检查及病变切除术" ], "311649007": [ "Therapy to promote consonant-vowel combinations", "促进辅音-元音组合的疗法" ], "719414000": [ "Referral to hospice at home service", "转介至居家临终关怀服务" ], "260662001": [ "Laryngectomy incision", "喉切除术切口" ], "178742001": [ "Revision to open reduction spinal fracture and internal fixation with plate", "脊柱骨折切开复位翻修及钢板内固定" ], "14902005": [ "Autoagglutination test", "自身凝集试验" ], "45835000": [ "Destructive procedure of pelvic region", "骨盆区破坏性手术" ], "439051004": [ "Dietary education for gestational diabetes", "妊娠期糖尿病的饮食教育" ], "275211005": [ "Bileaflet pulmonary valve replacement", "双叶肺动脉瓣置换术" ], "13067005": [ "Cholesteryl esters measurement", "Cholesterol esters measurement", "胆固醇酯测量" ], "1209099008": [ "Endoscopy of nose and sinuses", "Endoscopy of nose and nasal sinuses", "鼻腔和鼻窦内窥镜检查", "鼻腔及鼻窦内窥镜检查" ], "78603008": [ "Biopsy of lung", "肺活检" ], "11232006": [ "Lateral fasciotomy with annular ligament of finger resection", "外侧筋膜切开术切除手指环状韧带" ], "306144006": [ "Referral to magnetic resonance imaging service", "转介至磁共振成像服务" ], "386229000": [ "Caregiver support", "Carer support", "护理人员支持", "照顾者支持" ], "271541003": [ "Serum parathyroid hormone level", "Serum parathyroid hormone measurement", "血清甲状旁腺激素测定", "血清甲状旁腺激素水平" ], "287925005": [ "Vaginal closure by suturing", "缝合阴道" ], "122250001": [ "Western equine encephalomyelitis virus antigen assay", "西部马脑脊髓炎病毒抗原测定" ], "40330004": [ "Repair of spinal cord", "脊髓修复" ], "7562007": [ "Radioisotope study of endocrine system", "Endocrine diagnostic nuclear medicine procedure", "Radionuclide study of endocrine system", "内分泌系统的放射性同位素研究", "内分泌诊断核医学程序", "内分泌系统放射性核素研究" ], "302474008": [ "IMF - Intermaxillary fixation of mandible and maxilla", "Intermaxillary fixation of mandible and maxilla", "下颌骨及上颌骨间固定", "IMF - 下颌骨和上颌骨的颌间固定" ], "104031004": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Landsteiner-Weiner system (ISBT 016)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Landsteiner-Weiner system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 016)", "从 Landsteiner-Weiner 系统鉴定红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 016)", "从 Landsteiner-Weiner 系统 (ISBT 016) 中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体" ], "431711005": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of common iliac artery using contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of common iliac artery using contrast", "髂总动脉造影荧光血管造影", "髂总动脉造影荧光镜造影" ], "87647009": [ "Arthroplasty of finger with synthetic joint prosthesis", "Arthroplasty of finger with implantation of joint prosthesis", "手指关节置换术及关节假体植入", "用合成关节假体进行手指关节置换术" ], "233268001": [ "Balloon angioplasty of hepatic artery", "Angioplasty of hepatic artery", "肝动脉球囊成形术", "肝动脉成形术" ], "315188003": [ "Saturation of iron binding capacity", "Iron saturation", "铁饱和", "铁结合能力饱和" ], "69428003": [ "Transplantation of uterine tissue", "子宫组织移植" ], "397108006": [ "Oesophagostomy operation", "Esophagostomy operation", "Creation of esophagostomy", "Creation of oesophagostomy", "建立食管造口术", "食管造口术", "食管造口手术" ], "53044007": [ "Tissue thromboplastin inhibitor assay", "TTI assay", "组织凝血活酶抑制剂测定", "TTI 检测" ], "772105000": [ "Laparoscopic repair of incisional hernia using biological mesh", "Laparoscopic incisional hernioplasty using biological mesh", "腹腔镜下使用生物网片修补切口疝", "使用生物网片进行腹腔镜切口疝修补术" ], "83977000": [ "Implantation of retinal attachment", "视网膜附属物植入" ], "429876007": [ "Injection of hip joint using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Injection of hip joint using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided injection of hip joint", "CT引导下髋关节注射", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行髋关节注射", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行髋关节注射" ], "231433005": [ "Cryodenervation of spinal facet joint of lumbar vertebra", "腰椎小关节冷冻去神经支配术" ], "1263625008": [ "Delayed repair of tendon using graft", "延迟使用移植物修复肌腱" ], "1280009009": [ "Ligation of innominate artery", "Ligation of brachiocephalic artery", "无名动脉结扎", "头臂动脉结扎术" ], "229598006": [ "Full weight-bearing gait re-education", "Full weight-bearing gait training", "完全负重步态再教育", "全负重步态训练" ], "113075003": [ "Creatinine measurement, serum", "Serum creatinine", "血清肌酐", "血清肌酐测量" ], "719283003": [ "Repair of ventral hernia using surgical mesh", "Ventral hernioplasty", "使用外科网片修补腹疝", "腹疝修补术" ], "14771009": [ "Electrodesiccation of lesion of rectum", "Desiccation of lesion of rectum using electrical energy", "直肠病变电干燥术", "利用电能干燥直肠病变" ], "383381000119106": [ "CT of orbit without contrast", "Computed tomography of orbit without contrast", "眼眶 CT 无造影", "无造影剂眼眶计算机断层扫描" ], "176776004": [ "Laser cone biopsy of cervix uteri", "宫颈激光锥形活检" ], "410261000119108": [ "CT of left femur without contrast", "Computed tomography of left femur without contrast", "左股骨 CT 无造影", "左股骨无造影计算机断层扫描" ], "16446101000119108": [ "Ultrasonography of abdomen for ascites", "Ultrasound scan of abdomen for ascites", "Ultrasound of abdomen for ascites", "腹部超声检查腹水", "腹部超声扫描检查腹水" ], "504981000119108": [ "CT of heart without contrast with calcium scoring", "Computed tomography of heart without contrast with calcium scoring", "心脏计算机断层扫描(无钙化对比)", "心脏 CT 无钙化造影" ], "306013000": [ "Referral by general surgeon", "Referral from general surgeon", "普通外科医生转诊" ], "406152008": [ "Admission assessment", "入学评估" ], "371549000": [ "Procedure on neoplasm of eye region", "眼部肿瘤的手术" ], "11101003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty", "Balloon angioplasty of coronary artery", "Percutaneous transluminal coronary balloon angioplasty", "PTCA - Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty", "Percutaneous angioplasty of coronary artery", "经皮腔内冠状动脉球囊成形术", "经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术", "PTCA-经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术", "经皮冠状动脉成形术", "冠状动脉球囊成形术" ], "225928004": [ "Patient self-discharge against medical advice", "Patient discharge against medical advice", "患者不顾医生劝阻出院", "患者不顾医生建议自行出院" ], "271410001": [ "Anorectal stretch", "肛门直肠伸展" ], "58418003": [ "Epidural injection of neurolytic solution, caudal", "Epidural injection of neurolytic substance, caudal", "Epidural injection of neurolytic via caudal route", "经骶管硬膜外注射神经阻滞剂", "尾部硬膜外注射神经溶解溶液", "硬膜外注射神经溶解物质,骶部" ], "1303602004": [ "Arthrodesis of left ankle joint", "Fusion of left ankle joint", "左踝关节融合术" ], "91186003": [ "Radiography for bone length studies", "Orthoroentgenogram", "正射影像图", "用于骨长度研究的射线照相术" ], "42034009": [ "Enterostomy management and care", "肠造口术的管理和护理" ], "56583005": [ "Mephobarbital measurement", "甲苯巴比妥测量" ], "302343007": [ "Insertion of breast prosthesis", "Insertion of prosthesis for breast", "乳房假体植入" ], "185820001": [ "Well man monitoring verbal invite", "健康人监测口头邀请" ], "122119009": [ "Streptococcus pneumoniae antibody assay", "Measurement of Streptococcus pneumoniae antibody", "肺炎链球菌抗体测定", "肺炎链球菌抗体检测" ], "103900003": [ "Js^a^ blood group typing", "Js^a^ 血型分型" ], "169436006": [ "Ultrasound therapy - skeletal", "超声波治疗-骨骼" ], "1052337007": [ "Protein modified diet", "Protein and/or protein derivative modified diet", "蛋白质改良饮食", "蛋白质和/或蛋白质衍生物改良饮食" ], "233137008": [ "Completion of total cavopulmonary connection", "完成全腔静脉肺动脉连接" ], "395142003": [ "Allergy screening test", "过敏筛查测试" ], "231302009": [ "Intramuscular infiltration of neurolytic substance", "神经溶解物质的肌肉内浸润" ], "280454009": [ "Endoscopic airway clearance", "内镜气道清除" ], "16475002": [ "Transcutaneous stimulation of bone growth", "经皮刺激骨骼生长" ], "409691003": [ "Dengue virus antibody measurement, IgG type", "Dengue virus antibody measurement, immunoglobulin G type", "登革热病毒抗体测量,IgG 类型", "登革热病毒抗体测量,免疫球蛋白G型" ], "229467006": [ "Manipulation of the metatarsophalangeal joints - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the metatarsophalangeal joints", "跖趾关节的操纵", "跖趾关节手术——非手术" ], "180315008": [ "Splinting of dislocated hip", "髋关节脱位夹板固定" ], "702768002": [ "Drainage procedure using ultrasound guidance", "Drainage using ultrasonic guidance", "使用超声引导进行引流手术", "超声引导引流" ], "391472005": [ "Blood (WBC) screen for GM1 gangliosidosis", "Blood (white blood cell) screen for GM1 gangliosidosis", "血液(白细胞)筛查 GM1 神经节苷脂沉积症" ], "717317000": [ "Assessment using Beck Hopelessness Scale", "Assessment using BHS (Beck Hopelessness Scale)", "使用 BHS(贝克绝望量表)进行评估", "使用贝克绝望量表进行评估" ], "719152008": [ "Assessment using Holborn Reading Scale", "使用霍尔本阅读量表进行评估" ], "176645000": [ "Excision of sweat gland bearing skin of female perineum", "女性会阴汗腺皮肤切除术" ], "80176009": [ "Labyrinthectomy, membranous", "Membranous labyrinthectomy", "膜状迷路切除术", "迷路切除术,膜状" ], "438789005": [ "Suture of thenar branch of median nerve", "Suture of recurrent branch of median nerve", "正中神经返支缝合", "正中神经鱼际支缝合" ], "404186002": [ "Polymerase chain reaction for Epstein-Barr virus", "PCR for EBV", "Polymerase chain reaction for EBV", "Epstein-Barr 病毒聚合酶链反应", "EBV 聚合酶链反应", "EBV PCR 检测" ], "174810007": [ "Revision of implantation of prosthetic heart", "人工心脏植入术修复" ], "385967001": [ "Bladder training assessment", "Assess bladder training", "Assessment of urinary bladder training", "评估膀胱训练", "膀胱训练评估" ], "1303471003": [ "Destruction of lesion of perineum using laser", "激光毁损会阴" ], "713647005": [ "Education about taking methadone", "关于服用美沙酮的教育" ], "271279007": [ "Sweat sodium measurement", "Sweat sodium level", "汗液钠测量", "汗液钠含量" ], "449668004": [ "Escharotomy of burnt skin of lower leg", "小腿烧伤皮肤切开术" ], "121988005": [ "Dengue virus 1 antibody assay", "Measurement of Dengue virus 1 antibody", "登革热病毒 1 抗体检测", "登革热病毒 1 型抗体测量" ], "171140005": [ "Malaria screening", "疟疾筛查" ], "185689001": [ "Adult immunisation - first recall", "Adult immunization - first recall", "成人免疫接种 - 首次召回" ], "415065001": [ "Percentage CD79a count", "CD79a 计数百分比" ], "234841003": [ "Insertion of cleft lip or palate strapping appliance", "插入唇裂或腭裂固定装置" ], "120153004": [ "Chest wall reconstruction", "Reconstruction of chest wall", "胸壁重建" ], "103769005": [ "Chorionic gonadotropin stimulation panel, estradiol response", "Chorionic gonadotrophin stimulation panel, estradiol response", "Chorionic gonadotropin stimulation panel, oestradiol response", "Chorionic gonadotrophin stimulation panel, oestradiol response", "绒毛膜促性腺激素刺激组,雌二醇反应" ], "447833007": [ "Internal fixation of spine using plate", "脊柱钢板内固定" ], "21849008": [ "Triple valve replacement", "三瓣膜置换术" ], "445998002": [ "Assessment using Michigan hand outcomes questionnaire", "使用密歇根手部结果问卷进行评估" ], "183854003": [ "Referral to audiology clinic", "转诊至听力诊所" ], "233006005": [ "Repair of unroofed coronary sinus to create tunnel", "Repair of coronary sinus atrial septal defect to create tunnel", "修复冠状窦房间隔缺损建立隧道", "修复无顶冠状窦以建立隧道" ], "313091003": [ "Faradic nerve stimulation to hand", "对手部进行法拉第神经刺激" ], "50947004": [ "Suppression test", "抑制测试" ], "395011005": [ "Prophylactic diuretic therapy", "Diuretic prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic diuretic", "预防性利尿剂的使用", "利尿剂预防", "预防性利尿治疗" ], "231171005": [ "Obturator nerve block", "Local anaesthetic obturator nerve block", "Local anesthetic obturator nerve block", "局部麻醉闭孔神经阻滞", "闭孔神经阻滞" ], "409560001": [ "Injection of botulism antitoxin", "注射肉毒抗毒素" ], "442328006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal ablation of septum of heart using chemical substance", "经皮腔内化学物质消融心脏隔膜" ], "229336008": [ "Accessory scapulothoracic mobilisation", "Accessory scapulothoracic mobilization", "辅助肩胛胸廓活动" ], "407725001": [ "Collagen 2 umol test", "胶原蛋白 2 umol 测试" ], "702637006": [ "Surveillance of prescribed method of contraception", "处方避孕方法的监测" ], "112813007": [ "Reimplantation of pulmonary artery for hemitruncus repair", "肺动脉再植术修复半动脉干" ], "307586000": [ "Laparoscopic transverse colectomy", "腹腔镜横结肠切除术" ], "14509009": [ "Evisceration", "Exenteration", "Evidement", "剜除术", "明显地", "掏空" ], "391341007": [ "Serum phytanic acid level", "血清植烷酸水平" ], "129197008": [ "Procedure on coccyx", "尾骨手术" ], "242050004": [ "Cut-down injection", "Cutdown injection", "减量注射" ], "78210007": [ "Incision of axilla", "Axillary incision", "腋窝切开术", "腋窝切口" ], "176514008": [ "Excision of sweat gland bearing skin of male perineum", "男性会阴汗腺皮肤切除术" ], "387671004": [ "Ombredanne orchidopexy", "Ombredanne 睾丸固定术" ], "59991007": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from cervix", "宫颈腔内异物取出" ], "74540000": [ "Somatosensory testing", "体感测试" ], "385836002": [ "Blood specimen care management", "Manage blood specimen care", "管理血液样本护理", "血液样本护理管理" ], "303916004": [ "Hepatobiliary ultrasound", "US liver and biliary system", "美国肝脏和胆道系统", "肝胆超声" ], "171009000": [ "Mastectomy counselling", "Mastectomy counseling", "Counseling for mastectomy", "Counselling for mastectomy", "乳房切除术咨询" ], "252929003": [ "Sperm microscopy", "Spermatozoa microscopy", "精子显微镜检查" ], "121857005": [ "Suberylglycine measurement", "甘氨酸测量" ], "433153009": [ "Chorionic villus sampling using obstetric ultrasound (US) guidance", "Chorionic villus sampling using obstetric ultrasound guidance", "使用产科超声(美国)指导进行绒毛膜绒毛取样", "使用产科超声引导进行绒毛膜绒毛取样" ], "120022004": [ "Vas deferens closure", "输精管闭合" ], "38102005": [ "Cholecystectomy", "Excision of gallbladder", "Gallbladder excision", "Removal of gallbladder", "胆囊切除", "胆囊切除术" ], "234710007": [ "Application of root canal medication", "Insertion of root canal medication", "根管治疗药物的应用", "注入根管治疗药物" ], "232875001": [ "Operation on implanted pulmonary valve", "肺动脉瓣植入手术" ], "69035002": [ "Reduction of closed iliac fracture", "闭合性髂骨骨折复位" ], "85419002": [ "Orchidopexy", "Orchiopexy", "Fixation of testis", "睾丸固定", "睾丸固定术" ], "445867003": [ "Ultrasonography of arteriovenous fistula", "Ultrasonography of dialysis shunt", "Ultrasound of arteriovenous fistula", "Ultrasound scan of arteriovenous fistula", "Ultrasound angiography of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘的超声检查", "动静脉瘘超声扫描", "动静脉瘘超声血管造影", "动静脉瘘超声检查", "透析分流管超声检查" ], "708011004": [ "Increase blood flow for hemodialysis", "Increase blood flow for haemodialysis", "增加血液透析的血流量" ], "3499006": [ "Aspiration of vitreous with replacement", "Extraction of vitreous with replacement", "Removal of vitreous with replacement", "玻璃体抽吸并置换", "玻璃体摘除及置换" ], "771712000": [ "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using biological mesh for recurrent umbilical hernia", "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using biological mesh", "腹腔镜下生物网片修补复发性脐疝", "腹腔镜疝修补术使用生物网片治疗复发性脐疝" ], "231040004": [ "Adjustment of neurostimulator electrode on spinal nerve root", "神经刺激器电极对脊神经根的调节" ], "444032005": [ "Detection of mutation in apolipoprotein B-100 gene", "载脂蛋白B-100基因突变检测" ], "425813003": [ "Doppler ultrasound scan of middle cerebral artery of fetus", "Doppler ultrasound scan of middle cerebral artery of foetus", "胎儿大脑中动脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "229205003": [ "Relaxation in water with floats", "在水中漂浮放松" ], "32597005": [ "Excision of tracheal tumor by thoracic approach", "Excision of tracheal tumour by thoracic approach", "经胸入路气管肿瘤切除术" ], "14378001": [ "Arthrotomy with removal of foreign body of tarsometatarsal joint", "跗跖关节切开术及异物取出术" ], "702506003": [ "Computed tomography of sternoclavicular joint with contrast", "CT of sternoclavicular joint with contrast", "胸锁关节增强计算机断层扫描", "胸锁关节增强 CT" ], "243754005": [ "Provision of device for impotence", "提供治疗阳痿的设备" ], "718890006": [ "Assessment using Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale Staff Version (3 day recall period)", "Assessment using IPOS (Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale) Staff Version (3 day recall period)", "使用 IPOS(综合姑息治疗结果量表)员工版本进行评估(3 天回忆期)", "使用综合姑息治疗结果量表工作人员版本进行评估(3 天回忆期)" ], "391210008": [ "Mental health addiction programmes - 3-5 contacts/week", "Mental health addiction programs - 3-5 contacts/week", "心理健康成瘾计划 - 每周 3-5 次联系", "心理健康成瘾项目——每周 3-5 次联系" ], "438527007": [ "Ultrasonography of soft tissue", "软组织超声检查" ], "59860000": [ "Removal of intact implants of both breasts with capsulectomies", "Removal of intact implants of bilateral breasts with capsulectomies", "Removal of intact implants of bilateral mammaries with capsulectomies", "通过乳房囊膜切除术取出双侧完整植入物", "通过囊膜切除术去除双侧乳房的完整植入物", "通过囊膜切除术取出双侧乳房的完整植入物" ], "176383009": [ "Removal of lesion of urethral meatus", "尿道口病变切除" ], "76244006": [ "CAMP test", "Christie, Atkins, Munch, Petersen (CAMP) test", "Christie, Atkins, Munch, Petersen test", "克里斯蒂、阿特金斯、蒙克、彼得森测试", "克里斯蒂、阿特金斯、蒙克、彼得森(CAMP)测试", "CAMP 测试" ], "385705000": [ "Bowel training education", "Teach bowel training", "排便训练教育", "教导排便训练" ], "238249002": [ "Umbilical cord clamp replacement", "脐带夹更换" ], "121726000": [ "Tromethamine measurement", "氨丁三醇测量" ], "285566004": [ "Disarticulation of finger joint", "手指关节脱位" ], "252798006": [ "Arteriovenous aneurysm operation", "Operative procedure on arteriovenous aneurysm", "动静脉瘤手术方法", "动静脉瘤手术" ], "711550007": [ "Fluoroscopic lymphangiogram", "荧光淋巴管造影" ], "367486006": [ "Lasègue test", "Straight leg raising test", "Lasegue test", "拉塞格试验", "直腿抬高试验" ], "449406009": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of nerve root of cervical spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下颈椎神经根射频消融术" ], "87123001": [ "Excision of heart valve", "Cardiac valvulectomy", "心脏瓣膜切除术" ], "105342009": [ "Tolazamide measurement", "甲磺酰胺测定" ], "433022009": [ "Fluoroscopic fistulography of upper limb with contrast", "上肢造影荧光镜瘘管造影" ], "119891006": [ "Large intestine injection", "Injection of large intestine", "大肠注射" ], "431187006": [ "Facial massage", "Massage of face", "脸部按摩", "面部按摩" ], "265512001": [ "Replacement of aneurysmal iliac artery", "髂动脉瘤置换术" ], "68904003": [ "Local destruction of renal tissue", "肾组织局部破坏" ], "232744004": [ "Mitral valve C-ring", "Mitral prosthetic ring", "Mitral annuloplasty using ring", "二尖瓣 C 形环", "二尖瓣人工环", "使用环进行二尖瓣瓣环成形术" ], "118056005": [ "HIV 1 p53 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p53 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 53 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 53 抗体的测量", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p53 抗体检测", "HIV 1 p53 抗体检测" ], "134440006": [ "Referral to heart failure clinic", "转诊至心力衰竭诊所" ], "412968009": [ "Urine alpha-aminoadipate measurement", "Urine alpha-aminoadipate level", "尿液 α-氨基己二酸测量", "尿液 α-氨基己二酸水平" ], "1533002": [ "Ureteroplication", "Plication of ureter", "输尿管折叠术" ], "443901003": [ "Removal of foreign body from subcutaneous tissue by incision of skin and dissection of subcutaneous tissue", "通过切开皮肤和解剖皮下组织去除皮下组织异物" ], "34301003": [ "Alpha-fucosidase measurement, fibroblasts", "α-岩藻糖苷酶测量,成纤维细胞" ], "427517005": [ "Fitting of dynamic cranioplasty band", "动力颅骨修补带安装" ], "1230333008": [ "Centrifugation of blood", "Centrifugation of blood specimen", "血液离心", "血液样本离心" ], "81618005": [ "Intravenous cholangiogram", "IVC - Intravenous cholangiogram", "Infusion cholangiogram", "Intravenous cholangiography", "输注胆管造影", "IVC-静脉胆管造影", "静脉胆管造影" ], "229074006": [ "Exercise circuits", "运动循环" ], "14247003": [ "Cerebral hemispherectomy", "Excision of brain hemisphere", "Resection of brain hemisphere", "Hemispherectomy", "大脑半球切除术" ], "440231004": [ "Hysteroscopy and cannulation of bilateral fallopian tubes", "宫腔镜检查及双侧输卵管插管" ], "30631006": [ "Insertion of metal device into nasal cartilage", "Insert nose ring", "插入鼻环", "将金属装置插入鼻软骨" ], "258172002": [ "Stereotactic mammography", "立体定向乳房X光检查" ], "225404006": [ "Observation of behavior", "Observation of behaviour", "行为观察" ], "303654001": [ "Special CT procedures of the head", "Special computed tomography procedure of head", "头部特殊计算机断层扫描程序", "头部特殊 CT 检查" ], "74278002": [ "Synovectomy of tendon sheath of hand", "Tenonectomy of hand", "Tenosynovectomy of hand", "手部腱鞘滑膜切除术", "手部腱切除术", "手部腱鞘切除术" ], "698705009": [ "Rheumatology drug monitoring", "风湿病药物监测" ], "8742004": [ "Anesthesia for cervical cerclage", "Anaesthesia for cervical cerclage", "宫颈环扎术的麻醉" ], "254502002": [ "Arthroscopy of elbow", "肘关节镜检查" ], "105211002": [ "Ibuprofen measurement", "布洛芬测量" ], "236283004": [ "Terminalising reconstruction of urethra using skin graft", "Terminalizing reconstruction of urethra using skin graft", "利用皮肤移植进行尿道末端重建" ], "39675004": [ "Anesthesia for reduction mammoplasty", "Anaesthesia for reduction mammoplasty", "缩乳术麻醉" ], "285435007": [ "Intravenous steroid injection", "Intravenous steroids", "静脉注射类固醇" ], "711419008": [ "Nasogastric tube procedure using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided nasogastric tube procedure", "透视引导下鼻胃管置入术", "透视引导下鼻胃管手术" ], "121595007": [ "Hexobarbital measurement", "环己巴比妥测量" ], "54224003": [ "Transposition of pharyngeal tissue", "咽部组织移位" ], "431056007": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of head and neck structure", "头颈部结构细针穿刺活检" ], "119760009": [ "Cardiovascular system reconstruction", "心血管系统重建" ], "265381002": [ "Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to colon", "空肠结肠吻合术" ], "232613003": [ "Attention to tracheostomy", "气管切开术注意事项" ], "117925002": [ "Phosphatidate antibody assay", "Measurement of phosphatidate antibody", "磷脂酸抗体测量", "磷脂抗体测定" ], "773285004": [ "Open repair of incisional hernia of anterior abdominal wall using synthetic mesh with anterior component separation", "用合成网片分离前部组件开放式修补腹前壁切口疝" ], "183461005": [ "Orthopedic emergency hospital admission", "Orthopaedic emergency hospital admission", "骨科急诊入院" ], "412837009": [ "Blood serotonin measurement", "Blood serotonin level", "血液血清素测量", "血液血清素水平" ], "179791001": [ "Revision xenograft augmentation extra-articular ligament", "异种移植增强关节外韧带修复" ], "390948000": [ "Blood deoxypyridinoline level", "血液脱氧吡啶林水平" ], "425551008": [ "Antenatal ultrasound scan for possible abnormality", "产前超声检查可能出现的异常" ], "177956008": [ "Reopening of abdomen and re-exploration of intra-abdominal operation site and surgical arrest of postoperative bleeding", "Reopening of abdomen and reexploration of intra-abdominal operation site and surgical arrest of postoperative bleeding", "腹部再开腹及腹腔内手术部位再探查及术后止血" ], "28665001": [ "TGF-Beta assay", "Tumour growth factor (TGF)-Beta assay", "Tumor growth factor (TGF)-Beta assay", "Tumor growth factor-beta assay", "Tumour growth factor-beta assay", "肿瘤生长因子-β检测", "TGF-β检测", "肿瘤生长因子-β测定", "肿瘤生长因子 (TGF)-β 测定" ], "897017002": [ "Antiviral prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic antiviral", "预防性抗病毒治疗", "抗病毒预防" ], "274425002": [ "Therapeutic aspiration - cyst", "治疗性抽吸 - 囊肿" ], "225273004": [ "Clamping urethral catheter with intermittent release", "夹闭尿道导管并间歇释放" ], "716793005": [ "Assessment using Functional Independence Measure", "Assessment using FIM (Functional Independence Measure)", "使用功能独立性测量进行评估", "使用 FIM(功能独立性测量)进行评估" ], "176121003": [ "Caecal bladder replacement", "Cecal bladder replacement", "Caecal urinary bladder replacement", "Cecal urinary bladder replacement", "盲肠膀胱置换术" ], "307193005": [ "Resection of terminal ileum", "回肠末端切除术" ], "223438000": [ "Advice to discontinue a procedure", "Recommendation to discontinue a procedure", "建议停止手术" ], "241657004": [ "Cine MRI of joint movement - shoulder", "Cine magnetic resonance imaging of joint movement - shoulder", "Cine magnetic resonance imaging of shoulder joint movement", "肩部关节运动的电影磁共振成像", "肩部关节运动的电影 MRI", "肩关节运动的电影磁共振成像" ], "45049008": [ "Incision and exploration of popliteal space", "腘窝切开探查" ], "174286001": [ "Perineal operations for rectal prolapse", "直肠脱垂的会阴手术" ], "698574007": [ "Control of hemorrhage of duodenum", "Control of haemorrhage of duodenum", "十二指肠出血的控制" ], "420046008": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of carotid artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下颈动脉造影血管成形术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行颈动脉血管成形术" ], "385443001": [ "Radionuclide thyroid imaging", "Radionuclide thyroid imaging study", "Thyroid scan", "Radionuclide thyroid study", "Radionuclide imaging of thyroid", "放射性核素甲状腺显像", "放射性核素甲状腺研究", "甲状腺放射性核素显像", "放射性核素甲状腺显像研究", "甲状腺扫描" ], "713123002": [ "Irrigation of urostomy", "尿道造口冲洗" ], "8611000": [ "2,3-diphosphoglycerate measurement, erythrocytes", "2,3-二磷酸甘油酸测量,红细胞" ], "172451002": [ "Overlay scleroplasty", "覆盖性巩膜成形术" ], "105080000": [ "Bendroflumethiazide measurement", "苄氟噻嗪测量" ], "416376001": [ "Laser procedure", "激光治疗" ], "88696001": [ "Division of tympanum", "Division of tympanic membrane", "鼓膜的划分" ], "121464002": [ "Brodifacoum measurement", "溴敌隆测量" ], "6776002": [ "Auricular aneurysmectomy", "耳廓动脉瘤切除术" ], "711288005": [ "Subcutaneous injection of hematological growth factor", "Subcutaneous injection of haematological growth factor", "皮下注射血液生长因子" ], "449144008": [ "Removal of loose body from wrist joint", "去除腕关节中的游离体" ], "252536009": [ "Contact basophil hypersensitivity test", "接触性嗜碱性粒细胞超敏反应试验" ], "236152009": [ "Pushpull operation for ureteric calculus", "输尿管结石推拉术" ], "709453003": [ "Reconstruction of breast using free fasciocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis", "吻合显微血管的游离筋膜皮瓣乳房再造术" ], "119629003": [ "Shoulder injection", "肩部注射" ], "70477002": [ "Treatment of nasomaxillary complex fracture, Lefort II type", "Lefort II 型鼻颌骨复合体骨折的治疗" ], "447309006": [ "Incision of neck of urinary bladder by transurethral approach using laser", "经尿道激光切开膀胱颈" ], "430925007": [ "Measurement of substance", "物质的测量" ], "773154000": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent incisional hernia using biological mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using biological mesh with fascial closure for recurrent incisional hernia", "腹腔镜下使用生物网片结合筋膜闭合修补复发性切口疝", "腹腔镜疝修补术应用生物网片结合筋膜闭合治疗复发性切口疝" ], "37709009": [ "Thermocauterization of sclera with iridectomy", "Thermocauterisation of sclera with iridectomy", "Iridectomy with scleral thermocauterization", "Iridectomy with scleral thermocauterisation", "Schele operation", "虹膜切除术联合巩膜热灼术", "巩膜热灼术及虹膜切除术", "巩膜热灼术联合虹膜切除术", "计划操作" ], "117794003": [ "Echovirus 1 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human echovirus 1 antibody", "埃可病毒 1 型抗体检测", "人类埃可病毒 1 型抗体的测量" ], "609314005": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of sputum specimen", "痰液标本的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "232482008": [ "Reduction of nasal turbinate", "鼻甲缩小术" ], "265250008": [ "Bilateral reduction mammoplasty", "Reduction plasty of bilateral breasts", "Reduction plasty of both breasts", "双侧乳房缩小术", "双侧乳房缩小整形术" ], "115959002": [ "Stereotactic radiosurgery", "立体定向放射外科" ], "427255001": [ "Induction of minimal sedation", "Anxiolysis", "诱导最低限度的镇静", "抗焦虑" ], "738551006": [ "Right hemicolectomy with stoma", "Right colectomy with stoma", "右半结肠切除术及造口术", "右结肠切除术及造口术" ], "48588001": [ "Reattachment of nerve", "神经再附着" ], "359884005": [ "Radical laryngopharyngectomy with synchronous thyroidectomy", "根治性喉咽切除术及同步甲状腺切除术" ], "439969006": [ "Grafting to great vessel of thorax with shunt bypass", "胸大血管分流旁路移植术" ], "390817007": [ "General psychiatric care of older adults", "老年人的一般精神科护理" ], "241526005": [ "CT of paranasal sinuses", "Computed tomography of paranasal sinuses", "鼻旁窦计算机断层扫描", "鼻旁窦 CT" ], "225142006": [ "Checking dressing for leakage", "检查敷料是否泄漏" ], "239691004": [ "Repair of eyelid, partial-thickness", "眼睑部分厚度修复" ], "305227007": [ "Admission by anesthetist", "Admission by anaesthetist", "麻醉师入院" ], "712992007": [ "Robot assisted laparoscopic low anterior resection of rectum", "Laparoscopic low anterior resection of rectum using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助腹腔镜直肠低位前切除术" ], "172320008": [ "BMR - Bilateral medial rectus recession", "Recession of both medial rectus muscles", "Recession of bilateral medial rectus muscles", "双侧内直肌萎缩", "BMR-- 双侧内直肌退缩" ], "57632009": [ "Plication of stomach", "Gastroplication", "胃折叠术", "胃褶皱" ], "104949002": [ "Sulfate, inorganic measurement", "Sulphate, inorganic measurement", "硫酸盐,无机测量" ], "449013002": [ "Cauterisation of anal wart", "Cauterisation of verruca of anus", "Cauterization of anal wart", "Cauterization of verruca of anus", "肛门疣烧灼术" ], "252405003": [ "Hepatitis B antigen screening", "乙肝抗原筛查" ], "39413005": [ "BACTEC susceptibility test by indirect method", "间接法 BACTEC 药敏试验" ], "121333003": [ "Asbestos identification", "石棉鉴别" ], "432629009": [ "Aspiration of wrist using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Aspiration of wrist using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下的腕部抽吸", "超声引导下腕部穿刺" ], "250570001": [ "Evaluation of acid-base balance", "Acid-base balance", "酸碱平衡评估", "酸碱平衡" ], "86730009": [ "Excision of lesion of heart", "心脏病变切除术" ], "609183004": [ "Revision of replacement of joint of lower limb", "Revision of replacement of joint of lower extremity", "下肢关节置换术" ], "52127004": [ "Anesthesia for shunt revision, dialysis", "Anaesthesia for shunt revision, dialysis", "分流术修复、透析麻醉", "分流修复、透析麻醉" ], "314271007": [ "Conscious sedation", "Moderate sedation", "Induction of conscious sedation", "诱导镇静", "中度镇静", "清醒镇静" ], "117663008": [ "O-Desmethyltramadol measurement", "O-去甲曲马多测量" ], "83060003": [ "Sympathetic neurotomy", "Transection of sympathetic nerve", "Section of sympathetic nerve", "Division of sympathetic nerve", "Cutting of sympathetic nerve", "Krause operation", "交感神经切断", "交感神经的分布", "交感神经切断术", "克劳斯手术", "交感神经切面" ], "48457002": [ "Abduction procedure of arytenoid", "杓状软骨外展手术" ], "408905008": [ "Crisis therapy management", "Manage crisis therapy", "Management of crisis therapy", "危机治疗管理", "管理危机治疗" ], "228681009": [ "Cobalt 60 brachytherapy", "钴60近距离放射治疗" ], "1144350004": [ "Fitting of interim partial lower denture", "临时下颌部分假牙安装" ], "177694006": [ "Incision and drainage of wound", "伤口切开引流" ], "439838008": [ "Partial excision of body of sacral vertebra with decompression of spinal cord, nerve roots and cauda equina by retroperitoneal approach", "Partial sacral corpectomy with decompression of spinal cord, nerve roots and cauda equina by retroperitoneal approach", "经腹膜后入路骶椎部分切除术及脊髓、神经根及马尾减压术", "经腹膜后入路骶椎体部分切除及脊髓、神经根及马尾减压术" ], "44787002": [ "Tricyclic antidepressant measurement", "Tricyclic screening", "三环筛查", "三环类抗抑郁药测量" ], "241395004": [ "Radionuclide adrenal study with kidney localisation", "Radionuclide adrenal study with kidney localization", "放射性核素肾上腺研究及肾脏定位" ], "305096000": [ "Therapeutic upper limb stretching", "治疗性上肢伸展" ], "763848000": [ "Radionuclide imaging of whole body using iodine-131 for localisation of neoplasm", "Radionuclide imaging of whole body using iodine-131 for localization of neoplasm", "使用碘-131进行全身放射性核素显像以定位肿瘤" ], "239560002": [ "Biopsy of spinous process of vertebra", "椎棘突活检" ], "698312002": [ "Consultation for minor abdominal procedure", "腹部小手术咨询" ], "41117000": [ "Repair of hernia of fascia", "筋膜疝修复术" ], "57501001": [ "Laboratory reporting, cum sum", "实验室报告,总计" ], "714696009": [ "Quantitative measurement of hemoglobin F in maternal blood specimen using flow cytometry technique", "Quantitative measurement of haemoglobin F in maternal blood specimen using flow cytometry technique", "流式细胞术定量测定母血样本中的血红蛋白F" ], "90269007": [ "Operative procedure on artery of head and neck", "头颈部动脉手术" ], "252274000": [ "Sequential water deprivation DDAVP test", "Sequential water deprivation desmopressin test", "序贯禁水 DDAVP 试验", "序贯禁水去氨加压素试验" ], "170354002": [ "Second poliomyelitis vaccination", "Second poliomyelitis immunisation", "Administration of second dose of poliomyelitis vaccine", "Second poliomyelitis immunization", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Human poliovirus antigen", "接种第二剂脊髓灰质炎疫苗", "第二次脊髓灰质炎疫苗接种", "接种第二剂仅含有人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第二次脊髓灰质炎免疫接种" ], "711026003": [ "Identification of abnormal body part before perioperative positioning", "围手术期体位定位前异常身体部位的识别" ], "432498004": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of gastric artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of gastric artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮胃动脉栓塞术" ], "301426005": [ "Excision of base of skull", "颅底切除术" ], "104818008": [ "Mianserin measurement", "米安色林测量" ], "86599005": [ "Echography, scan B-mode for placental localization", "Echoplacentogram", "US placentography", "Echography, scan B-mode for placental localisation", "超声检查、B 型扫描以定位胎盘", "胎盘超声检查", "美国胎盘造影" ], "133916000": [ "Role clarification", "角色澄清" ], "445212008": [ "Nasal potential difference test", "鼻电位差试验" ], "183068009": [ "Milk-free diet education", "无奶饮食教育" ], "66545007": [ "Repair of tracheoesophageal fistula by thoracic approach", "Repair of tracheooesophageal fistula by thoracic approach", "Repair of tracheo-oesophageal fistula by thoracic approach", "经胸腔入路修补气管食管瘘" ], "15558000": [ "Expressive psychotherapy", "Exploratory verbal psychotherapy", "探索性言语心理治疗", "表达性心理治疗" ], "441542001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into axillary vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Endovascular insertion of stent into axillary vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下经皮腔内插入腋静脉支架", "使用荧光造影剂引导将支架置入腋静脉" ], "33777009": [ "Division of ligament of spine", "Section of spinal ligament", "脊柱韧带切面", "脊柱韧带分离" ], "1162438004": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of muscle using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of muscle", "使用影像引导进行经皮肌肉细针穿刺活检", "影像引导下经皮肌肉细针穿刺活检" ], "310470004": [ "Suture of defect of atrioventricular valve leaflet", "房室瓣缺损缝合术" ], "228550005": [ "Attention training", "注意力训练" ], "31942007": [ "Transection of greater occipital nerve", "枕大神经切断术" ], "439707001": [ "Transmyocardial closure of ventricular septal defect using catheter with implant", "使用带植入物的导管进行室间隔缺损的心肌封堵" ], "79259004": [ "Extraction of secondary membrane by needling", "Extraction of after cataract by needling", "针刺法摘除后发性白内障", "针刺提取次级膜" ], "177563004": [ "Removal of clip from skin of head or neck", "从头部或颈部皮肤上取下夹子" ], "406939004": [ "Thioflavine T stain method", "Thioflavine T stain", "硫黄素T染色法", "硫黄素T染色" ], "128411005": [ "Removal of device from genitourinary system", "从泌尿生殖系统中移除装置" ], "243099008": [ "Instruction on regular change of sanitary pad", "Regular change of sanitary pad education", "定期更换卫生巾的指导", "定期更换卫生巾教育" ], "388720007": [ "f51 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Phyllostachys pubescens specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bamboo shoot specific IgE antibody measurement", "Phyllostachys pubescens specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f51特异性IgE抗体测量", "毛竹特异性IgE抗体测定", "毛竹特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "竹笋特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "239429000": [ "LCL - Repair of lateral collateral ligament", "Repair of lateral collateral ligament of knee joint", "膝关节外侧副韧带修复", "LCL - 修复外侧副韧带" ], "241264008": [ "Phalloarteriogram", "Penile arteriogram", "Angiography of penile artery", "Arteriography of penile artery", "阴茎动脉造影" ], "10053002": [ "Irrigation of tendon sheath", "腱鞘冲洗" ], "73754000": [ "Uroporphyrinogen-I-synthase measurement", "尿卟啉原-I-合酶测量" ], "450586006": [ "Curettage of neoplasm of bone", "骨肿瘤刮除术" ], "24602008": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of femoropopliteal artery by leg incision", "Percutaneous transluminal catheter embolectomy of femoropopliteal artery", "经小腿切口股腘动脉导管取栓术", "经皮腔内导管股腘动脉取栓术" ], "432367002": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of bone of pelvis", "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of bone of pelvis", "骨盆骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "骨盆骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)" ], "170223003": [ "Child: refer for surveillance", "Refer child for surveillance", "转介儿童接受监视", "儿童:转介监视" ], "710895002": [ "Education about use of covering device", "关于使用覆盖装置的教育" ], "448751003": [ "Microforaminotomy of cervical spine", "颈椎微孔切开术" ], "71919009": [ "Watson-Jones operation for shoulder arthrodesis, extra-articular", "沃森-琼斯肩关节融合术,关节外" ], "250308006": [ "Immunoglobulin chain concentration measurement", "Immunoglobulin chain concentration", "免疫球蛋白链浓度", "免疫球蛋白链浓度测量" ], "608921009": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from ureter", "输尿管标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "48195000": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of innominate artery by thoracic incision", "经胸腔切开置管取栓术" ], "162883003": [ "Brief examination of respiratory system", "呼吸系统简要检查" ], "308504001": [ "Obesity monitoring call", "肥胖监测电话" ], "177432001": [ "Local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y flap, myocutaneous", "局部皮下带蒂V-Y皮瓣、肌皮" ], "406808002": [ "Atebrin FS stain method", "Atebrin FS stain", "Atebrin FS 染色", "Atebrin FS 染色法" ], "241133000": [ "Submandibular sialogram", "下颌下涎液造影" ], "437741004": [ "Plasma homocysteine measurement after methionine load", "蛋氨酸负荷后血浆同型半胱氨酸测量" ], "306669005": [ "Discharge from pancreatic surgery service", "胰腺外科出院" ], "388589007": [ "Coriandrum sativum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf317 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Coriander specific IgE antibody measurement", "Coriandrum sativum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "芫荽特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf317 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "芫荽特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "255682001": [ "Transection of trigeminal nerve", "Cutting of trigeminal nerve", "三叉神经切断术", "三叉神经切断" ], "239298003": [ "Malar osteotomy", "Zygomatic osteotomy", "颧骨切开术" ], "304834009": [ "Removal of ventriculoatrial shunt", "脑室心房分流术移除术" ], "57239005": [ "Rapid urine screening test, bioluminescence", "快速尿液筛查检测,生物发光" ], "73623007": [ "Platelet morphology", "血小板形态" ], "8087008": [ "Chiropractic application of heat", "脊椎按摩热疗" ], "432236001": [ "Aspiration of knee using ultrasound guidance", "Aspiration of knee using ultrasound (US) guidance", "使用超声引导进行膝关节穿刺", "超声引导下膝盖穿刺" ], "71788004": [ "Administration of anticoagulant", "抗凝剂的使用" ], "104556004": [ "Bilirubin measurement, stool, qualitative", "粪便胆红素测量,定性" ], "708929007": [ "Robot assisted laparoscopic partial excision of kidney", "Robot assisted laparoscopic partial nephrectomy", "Partial nephrectomy, laparoscopic with robot assistance", "Laparoscopic partial excision of kidney using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助腹腔镜部分肾切除术", "使用机器人辅助进行腹腔镜肾脏部分切除术", "机器人辅助腹腔镜肾脏部分切除术", "机器人辅助腹腔镜肾部分切除术" ], "250177007": [ "Human leukocyte antigen genotype determination", "Human leucocyte antigen genotype determination", "HLA (Human leucocyte antigen) genotyping", "HLA (Human leukocyte antigen) genotyping", "HLA(人类白细胞抗原)基因分型", "人类白细胞抗原基因型测定" ], "182806001": [ "Plethysmographic monitoring", "体积描记法监测" ], "35350000": [ "Implantation of aortic valve prosthesis or synthetic device", "主动脉瓣假体或合成装置植入" ], "313878003": [ "60 minute serum GH measurement", "60 minute serum GH level", "60 minute serum growth hormone measurement", "60 分钟血清 GH 测量", "60 分钟血清 GH 水平", "60 分钟血清生长激素测量" ], "608790005": [ "Laparoscopic repair of obturator hernia", "腹腔镜闭孔疝修补术" ], "82667005": [ "Ureterolithotomy, upper one-third of ureter", "Upper third ureterolithotomy", "输尿管上段取石术", "输尿管切开取石术,输尿管上三分之一" ], "312043006": [ "Positive feedback approach", "正反馈法" ], "410347007": [ "Medication set-up case management", "药物设置案例管理" ], "1293248001": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of lower abdomen", "下腹部软组织普通X光检查" ], "179136004": [ "Primary external fixation(without reduction) of proximal femoral fracture", "股骨近端骨折一期外固定(未复位)" ], "1260480007": [ "Laparoscopic repair of paraumbilical hernia", "腹腔镜脐旁疝修补术" ], "29845000": [ "Xenon flow scan of cardiovascular system", "心血管系统氙气流扫描" ], "241002000": [ "Frost partial excision of nail plate", "弗罗斯特甲板部分切除术" ], "306538004": [ "Discharge by community-based podiatrist", "Discharge by community podiatrist", "Discharge by community chiropodist", "Discharge by community-based chiropodist", "社区足病医生出院" ], "388458005": [ "Insect specific IgE antibody measurement", "Insect specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "昆虫特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "昆虫特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "11626008": [ "Miles operation, complete proctectomy", "Miles 手术,完全直肠切除术" ], "175466009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of axillary artery", "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of axillary artery", "经皮腋动脉腔内栓塞术" ], "1240426009": [ "Excision of pressure injury of lower leg with local flap reconstruction using skin flap", "Excision of pressure injury of lower leg with local skin flap reconstruction", "小腿压力性损伤切除局部皮瓣重建术", "皮瓣局部修复切除小腿压力性损伤" ], "386623008": [ "Incision of uterine cervix", "Hysterotrachelotomy", "Incision of cervix", "子宫气管切开术", "宫颈切开术" ], "335636001": [ "Extraction of primary membranous cataract by phacofragmentation", "原发性膜性白内障超声乳化摘除术" ], "22505000": [ "Sequestrectomy of fibula", "腓骨死骨切除术" ], "432105003": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for biliary drainage", "Insertion of drain into biliary tract using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导胆道引流", "在荧光透视引导下将引流管插入胆道" ], "235497003": [ "Fine needle aspiration of peripancreatic tissue", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of peripancreatic tissue", "FNA (fine needle aspiration) of peripancreatic tissue", "胰周组织细针穿刺", "胰周组织细针穿刺活检", "胰周组织细针穿刺 (FNA)" ], "104425005": [ "Column chromatography measurement", "柱层析测定" ], "71657006": [ "Operation on testis", "Operation on the testis", "睾丸手术" ], "55273004": [ "Removal of prosthesis of joint structures of finger", "Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis of finger", "关节切开术取出手指假体", "手指关节结构假体移除" ], "168126000": [ "Sample macroscopy", "Macroscopic examination", "Macroscopy", "宏观检查", "样品宏观检查" ], "448489007": [ "Removal of ambulatory blood pressure monitor", "移除动态血压监测仪" ], "430270007": [ "Ablation using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Ablation using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下消融", "使用超声(美国)引导进行消融" ], "35219000": [ "Biopsy of hypopharynx", "Biopsy of postcricoid region", "下咽活检", "环后区活检" ], "395667001": [ "Advice about progestogen only oral contraceptive", "Progestogen only oral contraceptive education", "仅使用孕激素的口服避孕药教育", "关于仅含孕激素的口服避孕药的建议" ], "428435002": [ "Fixation of retina using cryotherapy", "Retinopexy using cryotherapy", "使用冷冻疗法固定视网膜", "使用冷冻疗法进行视网膜固定术" ], "313747005": [ "Serum caffeine level", "Serum caffeine measurement", "血清咖啡因测量", "血清咖啡因水平" ], "3541000087102": [ "Plain X-ray of left femur", "左股骨普通 X 光检查" ], "981000087103": [ "Ultrasonography of pathological specimen of right breast", "右乳腺病理标本超声检查" ], "6101000087104": [ "MRI of tibia", "Magnetic resonance imaging of tibia", "胫骨磁共振成像", "胫骨 MRI" ], "442984001": [ "Open repair of distal tibiofibular joint", "Open repair of tibiofibular syndesmosis", "胫腓联合开放修复术", "远端胫腓关节开放修复" ], "4821000087105": [ "CT of bilateral elbows with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral elbows with contrast", "Computed tomography of both elbows with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right elbow with contrast", "双肘部增强计算机断层扫描", "双侧肘部增强计算机断层扫描", "双肘部增强 CT 检查", "左、右肘部增强计算机断层扫描" ], "410216003": [ "Communication care management", "Manage communication care", "Communication case management", "沟通护理管理", "沟通案例管理", "管理沟通关怀" ], "2261000087108": [ "MRI of right femur with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right femur with contrast", "右股骨增强 MRI 检查", "右股骨增强磁共振成像" ], "21461000087109": [ "Plain X-ray of left salivary gland", "左涎腺普通 X 光检查" ], "22741000087109": [ "Accelerated partial breast irradiation", "APBI - accelerated partial breast irradiation", "APBI-- 加速部分乳腺照射", "加速部分乳腺放射治疗" ], "408381007": [ "Migraine prophylaxis", "偏头痛预防" ], "179005009": [ "Insertion of drainage system into bone", "将引流系统插入骨骼" ], "177170007": [ "Piper forceps delivery", "Piper 产钳分娩" ], "77031000": [ "Alpha-galactosidase measurement", "α-半乳糖苷酶测量" ], "306407003": [ "Discharge by pain management specialist", "疼痛管理专家出院" ], "44263003": [ "C1q polyethylene glycol assay", "C1q 聚乙二醇测定" ], "386492001": [ "Vehicle safety promotion", "车辆安全宣传" ], "27879009": [ "Operation on hypopharynx", "下咽手术" ], "288188008": [ "Hypodermic drug injection", "皮下注射毒品" ], "73361003": [ "Schwabach test", "施瓦巴赫试验" ], "171665008": [ "Neurostimulation of cranial nerve", "脑神经刺激" ], "235366001": [ "Duhamel procedure", "Retrorectal pull-through", "Duhamel Hirschsprung abdominal-perineal resection", "杜哈梅尔先天性巨结肠腹会阴切除术", "直肠后拉通术", "Duhamel 手术" ], "104294000": [ "Salmonella antibody assay", "Serologic test for Salmonella", "Measurement of Salmonella species antibody", "沙门氏菌抗体测定", "沙门氏菌抗体测量", "沙门氏菌血清学检测" ], "87910007": [ "Fine needle biopsy of trachea", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of trachea", "气管细针穿刺活检", "气管细针活检" ], "233531000": [ "Central venous cannula insertion via axillary vein", "经腋静脉插入中心静脉插管" ], "446523001": [ "Insertion of catheter into brain ventricle", "将导管插入脑室" ], "118843002": [ "Procedure on perirectal tissue", "直肠周围组织手术" ], "167995008": [ "Sputum microscopy", "Microscopic examination of sputum specimen", "痰液显微镜检查", "痰液标本显微镜检查" ], "117008001": [ "von Kossa stain method", "Kossa stain method", "von Kossa stain", "Kossa stain", "科萨染色法", "你在哪里?", "来自科萨染色" ], "1296656002": [ "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous microwave ablation of benign nodule of thyroid", "Percutaneous microwave ablation of benign nodule of thyroid using ultrasound guidance", "Percutaneous microwave ablation of benign nodule of thyroid using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下经皮微波消融治疗甲状腺良性结节" ], "444688002": [ "Colporectopexy", "Suspension and fixation of rectum to wall of vagina for prolapse of rectum", "直肠悬吊固定于阴道壁治疗直肠脱垂", "阴道直肠固定术" ], "313616005": [ "Serum troponin I measurement", "Serum troponin I level", "血清肌钙蛋白 I 测量", "血清肌钙蛋白 I 水平" ], "231696007": [ "Inferior oblique extirpation", "下斜肌摘除术" ], "410085000": [ "Range of motion education", "Teach range of motion", "教导动作范围", "运动范围教育" ], "66021000": [ "Revision of previous repair of peripheral nerve", "修复先前的周围神经修复" ], "33253004": [ "Open tenotomy of extensor of foot", "足伸肌腱开放切断术" ], "408250001": [ "Plasma creatine kinase MB isoenzyme level", "血浆肌酸激酶同工酶水平" ], "311781009": [ "Making ergonomic equipment", "制作符合人体工程学的设备" ], "786917009": [ "Ultrasound bladder vibrometry", "Ultrasound urinary bladder vibrometry", "UBV - ultrasound bladder vibrometry", "超声膀胱测振", "UBV - 超声膀胱测振仪", "超声膀胱振动测定" ], "373647002": [ "Fine needle aspiration of lesion of peritoneal cavity", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of lesion of peritoneal cavity", "腹腔病变细针穿刺活检", "腹腔病变细针穿刺" ], "308111008": [ "Albumin excretion rate measurement", "Albumin excretion rate", "白蛋白排泄率", "白蛋白排泄率测定" ], "27748003": [ "Arthroplasty of knee, condyle and plateau, lateral compartment", "Prosthetic lateral unicompartment arthroplasty of the knee", "膝关节假体外侧单髁置换术", "膝关节、髁及平台、侧间室置换术" ], "306276006": [ "Referral to clinical neurophysiologist", "转诊至临床神经生理学家" ], "765028008": [ "Angiography of left cervical vertebral artery", "Angiogram of left cervical vertebral artery", "Arteriography of left cervical vertebral artery", "左颈椎动脉血管造影", "左颈椎动脉造影" ], "288057006": [ "Bone lengthening", "骨延长" ], "122382000": [ "Mycobacterium kansasii rRNA assay", "Mycobacterium kansasii ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "堪萨斯分枝杆菌 rRNA 检测", "堪萨斯分枝杆菌核糖体核糖核酸测定" ], "304441009": [ "Interferential to upper limb", "上肢干扰" ], "58681009": [ "Microbial culture, slide", "微生物培养,载玻片" ], "1285646006": [ "Fitting of cleft lip or palate strapping appliance", "唇裂或腭裂固定装置的安装" ], "400910008": [ "HOTV test", "HOTV测试" ], "284387003": [ "Examination of hallux", "Examination of big toe", "Examination of great toe", "拇趾检查", "大脚趾检查" ], "431843004": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of subtalar joint", "Ultrasonography of subtalar joint", "距下关节超声检查" ], "104163007": [ "Cytopathology procedure, preparation of smear and interpretation, non-genital source", "细胞病理学程序、涂片制备及解释、非生殖器来源" ], "118712001": [ "Procedure on thigh", "大腿手术" ], "53176004": [ "Transection of muscle of eye", "眼肌横断" ], "233400009": [ "Radically extended resection of thoracic aorta", "根治性扩大胸主动脉切除术" ], "440621000124105": [ "Management of plant sterol ester intake", "植物固醇酯摄入量的管理" ], "231565005": [ "Destruction of lesion of medial canthus", "内眦病变毁损术" ], "313485009": [ "Urine DNPH level", "Urine DNPH measurement", "Measurement of 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine in urine specimen", "尿液样本中2,4-二硝基苯肼的测定", "尿液 DNPH 测量", "尿液 DNPH 水平" ], "442722005": [ "Qualitative measurement of occult blood in gastric fluid specimen", "胃液标本潜血的定性测定" ], "311650007": [ "Therapy to promote consonant-vowel-consonant combinations", "促进辅音-元音-辅音组合的疗法" ], "719415004": [ "Breathlessness care", "Dyspnea care", "Dyspnoea care", "呼吸困难护理" ], "260663006": [ "Laryngofissure", "Median thyrotomy", "喉裂", "甲状腺正中切开术" ], "178743006": [ "Revision to open reduction spinal fracture and internal fixation with rod system", "脊柱骨折切开复位修复及棒系统内固定" ], "226060000": [ "Stress management", "Stress control", "Manage stress control", "压力管理", "压力控制", "管理压力控制" ], "733964002": [ "Insertion of malleable tooth colored restoration into tooth", "Insertion of malleable tooth coloured restoration into tooth", "将可塑性牙色修复体置入牙齿", "将可塑性牙色修复体插入牙齿" ], "62220006": [ "Fulguration of bladder by suprapubic approach", "Fulguration of urinary bladder by suprapubic approach", "耻骨上入路膀胱电灼术" ], "60385006": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of ulnar artery by arm incision", "手臂切口尺动脉导管取栓术" ], "306145007": [ "Referral to blood transfusion service", "转介至输血服务" ], "386230005": [ "Case management", "案例管理" ], "287926006": [ "Vaginal polyp excision", "Excision of vaginal polyp", "阴道息肉切除术" ], "122251002": [ "Bordetella culture", "百日咳培养" ], "89483003": [ "Esophagoscopy for control of hemorrhage", "Oesophagoscopy for control of haemorrhage", "食管镜检查控制出血" ], "171403008": [ "Examination for alleged rape", "涉嫌强奸的检查" ], "302475009": [ "Fixation of mandible - internal", "下颌骨固定 - 内部" ], "710240002": [ "Ultrasound guided aspiration of head and neck", "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of head and neck", "Aspiration of head and neck using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下进行头部和颈部抽吸", "超声引导下头颈部穿刺" ], "431712003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of common iliac artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of common iliac artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "髂总动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "髂总动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入" ], "104032006": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Chido/Rodgers system (ISBT 017)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Chido/Rodgers system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 017)", "从 Chido/Rodgers 系统 (ISBT 017) 中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体", "从 Chido/Rodgers 系统中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 017)" ], "5728008": [ "Anoscopy for removal of foreign body", "肛门镜检查以取出异物" ], "429877003": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of neck for radiotherapy planning", "Computed tomography of neck for radiotherapy planning", "CT of neck for radiotherapy planning", "颈部计算机断层扫描 (CT) 用于放射治疗计划", "颈部计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "颈部 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "315189006": [ "Schistosomal antibody level", "血吸虫抗体水平" ], "85813009": [ "Open reduction of fracture of humerus", "Open reduction of fracture of humerus without internal fixation", "肱骨骨折切开复位不内固定", "肱骨骨折切开复位" ], "233269009": [ "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of hepatic artery", "Percutaneous angioplasty of hepatic artery", "经皮肝动脉血管成形术", "经皮肝动脉球囊成形术" ], "772106004": [ "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using biological mesh for recurrent incisional hernia", "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent incisional hernia using biological mesh", "腹腔镜疝修补术使用生物网片治疗复发性切口疝", "腹腔镜下使用生物网片修补复发性切口疝" ], "1280010004": [ "Screening for child developmental disorder", "Child developmental disorder screening", "儿童发育障碍筛查" ], "231434004": [ "Cryotherapy to sacral nerve roots", "骶神经根冷冻治疗" ], "1263626009": [ "Delayed repair of tendon using lengthening procedure", "采用延长手术延迟修复肌腱" ], "229599003": [ "Partial weight-bearing gait re-education", "Partial weight-bearing gait training", "部分负重步态训练", "部分负重步态再教育" ], "426207005": [ "Repair of recurrent umbilical hernia using insert of prosthetic material", "用假体材料插入物修补复发性脐疝" ], "49375009": [ "Reduction of proximal tibiofibular joint dislocation", "近端胫腓关节脱位复位" ], "47540002": [ "Excision of lesion of sweat gland", "Excision of lesion of apocrine gland", "汗腺病变切除术", "顶泌腺病变切除术" ], "113076002": [ "Glucose tolerance test", "Glucose challenge test", "OGTT - Oral glucose tolerance test", "GTT - Glucose tolerance test", "葡萄糖耐量测试", "葡萄糖耐量试验", "GTT-- 葡萄糖耐量测试", "OGTT-口服葡萄糖耐量试验" ], "276916004": [ "Paramedian incision", "旁正中切口" ], "80308001": [ "Pulmonary ventilation-perfusion study by radioactive carbon", "放射性碳测定肺通气灌注研究" ], "733833000": [ "Education about self-monitoring", "Teaching about self-monitoring", "自我监测教育", "教导自我监控" ], "178612009": [ "Revision posterior decompression lumbar spine and fusion", "腰椎后路减压融合术" ], "406153003": [ "Pre-admission assessment", "入学前评估" ], "275081006": [ "Franzen needle aspiration of prostate", "Franzen needle aspiration biopsy of prostate", "弗兰岑前列腺针吸活检" ], "225929007": [ "Joint home visit", "联合家访" ], "373385008": [ "Surgical repair of head and neck structure", "头颈部结构手术修复" ], "371550000": [ "Procedure on neoplasm of eye proper", "眼球肿瘤手术" ], "699230004": [ "Discussion about domestic abuse", "关于家庭暴力的讨论" ], "306014006": [ "Referral from hand surgeon", "Referral by hand surgeon", "手外科医生转诊", "手外科医生推荐" ], "271411002": [ "Transluminal balloon atrial septostomy", "BAS - Balloon atrial septostomy", "BAS - 球囊房间隔造口术", "腔内球囊房间隔造口术" ], "386099003": [ "Spot urine procedure", "斑点尿液程序" ], "418867007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of abdomen with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal vascular structure with contrast", "Abdominal vascular structure angiogram with contrast", "腹部血管结构荧光血管造影", "腹部增强荧光血管造影", "腹部血管结构造影" ], "16459631000119104": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of artery of left upper limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of left upper limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiogram of artery of left upper limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriogram of left upper limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of artery of left upper limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of artery of left upper extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of artery of left upper extremity with contrast", "左上肢动脉荧光血管造影", "左上肢荧光动脉造影", "左上肢荧光血管造影", "左上肢动脉荧光造影" ], "302344001": [ "Exploration of mammary duct", "乳腺导管探查" ], "1303603009": [ "Repair of ligament of thumb", "拇指韧带修复" ], "89352003": [ "Repair of tendon of hand by graft or implant of fascia", "筋膜移植或植入修复手部肌腱" ], "122120003": [ "Streptococcus pneumoniae antigen assay", "肺炎链球菌抗原测定" ], "56584004": [ "Semen analysis, motility and count", "精液分析、活力和数量" ], "1269000008": [ "Insertion of guide wire into breast using mammography guidance", "Mammography guided insertion of guide wire into breast", "在乳房 X 线摄影引导下将导丝插入乳房", "乳房 X 线摄影引导将导丝插入乳房" ], "169437002": [ "US therapy - skin lesion", "Ultrasound therapy - skin lesion", "超声波治疗-皮肤病变", "超声治疗-皮肤病变" ], "431581003": [ "Venoplasty using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided venoplasty with contrast", "使用荧光造影剂引导的静脉成形术", "荧光透视引导下对比剂静脉成形术" ], "103901004": [ "Js^b^ blood group typing", "Js^b^ 血型分型" ], "185821002": [ "Well man monitoring telephone invite", "好人监测电话邀请" ], "447965006": [ "Biopsy of bone of knee", "膝骨活检" ], "233138003": [ "Take down of total cavopulmonary connection", "拆除全腔静脉肺动脉连接" ], "118450008": [ "Layered closure", "Layer closure procedure", "分层闭合", "层关闭程序" ], "165767003": [ "Rhesus antibody titre", "Rhesus antibody titer", "Rhesus antibody titer measurement", "Rhesus antibody titre measurement", "恒河猴抗体滴度测量", "恒河猴抗体滴度" ], "231303004": [ "Fracture infiltration with local anesthetic", "Haematoma block", "Fracture block", "Fracture infiltration with local anaesthetic", "Hematoma block", "局部麻醉下骨折浸润", "骨折块", "血肿阻断" ], "395143008": [ "Acute phase screening test", "急性期筛查试验" ], "229468001": [ "Manipulation of the sacroiliac joint", "Manipulation of the sacroiliac joint - non-surgical", "骶髂关节的操作", "骶髂关节手术 - 非手术" ], "442460002": [ "Procedure on wound", "伤口处理" ], "391473000": [ "Blood (WBC) screen for Schindler disease", "Blood (white blood cell) screen for Schindler disease", "Schindler 病的血液(白细胞)筛查", "Schindler 病的血液 (WBC) 筛查" ], "180316009": [ "Splinting of knee", "膝关节夹板" ], "178481002": [ "Osteotomy of mandible and advancement of mandible", "下颌骨截骨术及下颌骨前移术" ], "719153003": [ "Assessment using Schonell Reading Test", "使用 Schonell 阅读测试进行评估" ], "112945003": [ "Operation on sympathetic nerve", "交感神经手术" ], "702769005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of foetal heart", "Magnetic resonance imaging of fetal heart", "MRI of fetal heart", "MRI of foetal heart", "胎儿心脏 MRI", "胎儿心脏磁共振成像" ], "47409006": [ "Tympanoplasty type III with graft against mobile and intact stapes", "Myringostapediopexy", "Wullstein type 3 tympanoplasty", "Type 3 tympanoplasty", "Tympanoplasty with columellar effect", "鼓室成形术 III 型,移植活动镫骨和完整镫骨", "具有小柱效应的鼓室成形术", "鼓膜镫骨固定术", "3 型鼓室成形术", "Wullstein 3 型鼓室成形术" ], "438790001": [ "Revision of lumbar total intervertebral disc prosthesis using anterior approach", "Revision of total lumbar disc arthroplasty using anterior approach", "前入路全腰椎间盘置换术的翻修", "前入路腰椎全椎间盘假体翻修术" ], "78342004": [ "Radical resection of tumor of soft tissue of shoulder area", "Radical resection of tumour of soft tissue of shoulder area", "肩部软组织肿瘤根治术" ], "717318005": [ "Assessment using Edinburgh Functional Communication Profile", "Assessment using EFCP (Edinburgh Functional Communication Profile)", "使用爱丁堡功能性沟通档案进行评估", "使用 EFCP(爱丁堡功能性沟通档案)进行评估" ], "176646004": [ "Exploration of female perineum", "女性会阴探查" ], "10971007": [ "Incision of soft tissue", "软组织切开" ], "287664005": [ "Bilateral tubal ligation", "Ligation of both fallopian tubes", "Ligation of bilateral fallopian tubes", "双侧输卵管结扎", "双侧输卵管结扎术" ], "385968006": [ "Bladder training education", "Teach bladder training", "Education for urinary bladder training", "膀胱训练教育", "教授膀胱训练" ], "271280005": [ "Removal of endotracheal tube", "Endotracheal extubation", "拔除气管插管", "气管拔管" ], "172976007": [ "Endoscopic examination and biopsy of hypopharynx", "下咽内镜检查及活检" ], "7301001": [ "Haptoglobin measurement, chemical", "结合珠蛋白测量,化学" ], "121989002": [ "Dengue virus 2 antibody assay", "Measurement of Dengue virus 2 antibody", "登革热病毒 2 型抗体测量", "登革热病毒 2 型抗体检测" ], "415066000": [ "Percentage glycophorin count", "糖蛋白计数百分比" ], "447834001": [ "Removal of suture from trunk", "拆除躯干缝合线" ], "171141009": [ "Rickettsia screening", "立克次体筛查" ], "185690005": [ "Adult immunization - second recall", "Adult immunisation - second recall", "成人免疫接种 - 第二次召回" ], "120154005": [ "Thorax reconstruction", "胸腔重建" ], "234842005": [ "Insertion of part of fixed orthodontic appliance", "Insertion of component of fixed orthodontic appliance", "Insertion of component of orthodontic FA (fixed appliance)", "固定矫正器组件的插入", "插入部分固定矫正器", "插入正畸 FA 组件(固定矫正器)" ], "103770006": [ "Renal vein renin stimulation panel", "肾静脉肾素刺激小组" ], "233007001": [ "Closure of coronary sinus atrial septal defect", "冠状窦房间隔缺损封堵术" ], "183855002": [ "Referral to orthodontic clinic", "转诊至正畸诊所" ], "429615002": [ "Primary percutaneous intradiscal thermocoagulation of intervertebral disc using radiofrequency probe", "经皮射频探头椎间盘内热凝术" ], "69167002": [ "Ocular photography, close up", "眼睛摄影,特写" ], "445999005": [ "Assessment using methods time measurement", "使用时间测量方法进行评估" ], "444164000": [ "Measurement of urea, sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate and creatinine", "Urea, electrolytes and creatinine measurement", "尿素、电解质和肌酐测量", "尿素、钠、钾、氯化物、碳酸氢盐和肌酐的测量" ], "231172003": [ "Three-in-one block", "三合一区块" ], "313092005": [ "Electromagnetic energy therapy", "电磁能疗法" ], "34564005": [ "Creation of shunt of ascending aorta to pulmonary artery", "Shunt of ascending aorta to pulmonary artery by Waterston operation", "Waterston operation for aorta-right pulmonary artery anastomosis", "Waterston shunt", "Anastomosis of ascending aorta to right pulmonary artery", "建立升主动脉至肺动脉分流术", "Waterston 手术进行主动脉-右肺动脉吻合术", "Waterston 手术升主动脉至肺动脉分流术", "Waterston分流术", "升主动脉与右肺动脉吻合术" ], "409561002": [ "Administration of botulism antitoxin", "注射肉毒抗毒素" ], "32729002": [ "Thyroid uptake with thyroid suppression", "甲状腺摄取与甲状腺抑制" ], "229337004": [ "Physiological mobilization of the shoulder", "Physiological mobilisation of the shoulder", "肩部的生理活动" ], "425945007": [ "Ultrasound scan of popliteal artery", "Ultrasound angiography of popliteal artery", "Ultrasound arteriography of popliteal artery", "Ultrasound of popliteal artery", "Ultrasonography of popliteal artery", "腘动脉超声血管造影", "腘动脉超声扫描", "腘动脉超声造影", "腘动脉超声检查" ], "407726000": [ "Collagen 5 umol test", "胶原蛋白 5 umol 测试" ], "112814001": [ "Closed heart valvotomy of aortic valve", "Closed aortic valvotomy", "闭式主动脉瓣切开术", "主动脉瓣闭式心脏瓣膜切开术" ], "65497008": [ "Incision of perineum", "Perineotomy", "Perineal incision", "会阴切口", "会阴切开术" ], "391342000": [ "Serum Ro 02-0683 number", "血清Ro 02-0683号" ], "129198003": [ "Procedure on sternum", "胸骨手术" ], "243886006": [ "Blind registration", "盲注册" ], "242051000": [ "Puncture of vessel", "血管穿刺" ], "440494008": [ "Computed tomography of urinary tract with contrast", "CT of urinary tract with contrast", "泌尿道增强 CT", "泌尿道造影计算机断层扫描" ], "1290627005": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of lower limb", "下肢软组织X线平片" ], "307587009": [ "Removal of Thiersch suture", "拆除 Thiersch 缝线" ], "830040002": [ "Insertion of endovascular stent into vein of upper limb", "Endovascular insertion of stent into vein of upper limb", "上肢静脉内支架置入术" ], "387672006": [ "Cardiotochogram", "Electronic fetal monitoring", "Foetal monitoring", "Fetal monitoring", "CTG - Cardiotochography", "胎心胎心图", "CTG-心动图", "胎儿监护", "电子胎儿监护" ], "25389001": [ "Fluid restriction", "液体限制" ], "287533002": [ "Tracheoscopy via tracheostomy", "Endoscopy of trachea via stoma", "经气管切开术进行气管镜检查", "经气管造口内窥镜检查" ], "713517003": [ "Infliximab therapy", "英夫利昔单抗治疗" ], "58157003": [ "Anastomosis of renal vein and splenic vein", "Splenorenal anastomosis", "Anastomosis of splenic and renal vein", "Splenorenal vascular bypass", "Creation of splenorenal shunt", "Creation of lienorenal shunt", "Splenorenal cannulation", "建立脾肾分流术", "脾肾吻合术", "脾肾插管", "脾肾静脉吻合术", "脾肾血管绕道手术", "肾静脉脾静脉吻合术" ], "385837006": [ "Stool specimen care assessment", "Assess stool specimen care", "评估粪便标本护理", "粪便样本护理评估" ], "1155885007": [ "Repair of aortic valve", "主动脉瓣修复" ], "303917008": [ "US urinary tract", "Ultrasound of urinary tract", "美国泌尿道", "泌尿道超声检查" ], "121858000": [ "Sucrase measurement", "蔗糖酶测定" ], "433154003": [ "Insertion of catheter into cardiac ventricle for stimulation using fluoroscopy guidance", "在荧光透视引导下将导管插入心室进行刺激" ], "171010005": [ "Colostomy education", "结肠造口术教育" ], "252930008": [ "Sperm immobilisation test", "Sperm immobilization test", "Spermatozoa immobilisation test", "Spermatozoa immobilization test", "精子固定试验" ], "185559001": [ "Child immunisation - first call", "Child immunization - first call", "儿童免疫接种——第一时间" ], "54487005": [ "Gynecologic pelvimetry", "Gynaecologic pelvimetry", "妇科盆腔测量", "妇科骨盆测量" ], "234711006": [ "Repair perforation of tooth root by internal recalcification", "牙根内再钙化修复牙根穿孔" ], "70871006": [ "Incisional biopsy", "Incision and biopsy", "切开活检" ], "232876000": [ "Rotation of implanted pulmonary valve", "植入肺动脉瓣的旋转" ], "69036001": [ "Total pancreaticoduodenectomy", "Total pancreatectomy with synchronous duodenectomy", "Total pancreatoduodenectomy", "全胰腺切除术及同步十二指肠切除术", "全胰十二指肠切除术" ], "169175007": [ "Isotope - bone marrow function", "同位素-骨髓功能" ], "120023009": [ "Vas deferens reconstruction", "输精管重建" ], "36268006": [ "Repair of abdominouterine fistula", "Closure of abdominouterine fistula", "腹腔子宫瘘修补术", "腹腔子宫瘘闭合术" ], "167340007": [ "Urine microscopy for crystals", "Urine microscopy: crystals", "尿液显微镜检查结晶", "尿液显微镜检查:结晶" ], "67201000": [ "Arthroplasty with prosthetic replacement of trapezium", "关节置换术及假体置换斜方骨" ], "231041000": [ "Removal of neurostimulator electrode from spinal nerve root", "从脊神经根移除神经刺激器电极" ], "708012006": [ "Increase session time for hemodialysis", "Increase session time for haemodialysis", "增加血液透析时间" ], "18049000": [ "Bronchoscopy with destruction of tumor by laser surgery", "Bronchoscopy with destruction of tumour by laser surgery", "Bronchoscopic destruction of tumour using laser surgery", "Bronchoscopic destruction of tumor using laser surgery", "支气管镜检查并用激光手术破坏肿瘤", "经支气管镜激光手术破坏肿瘤", "支气管镜下激光手术破坏肿瘤" ], "1113701000112104": [ "Automated ultrasound of entire breast", "Automated ultrasound scan of entire breast", "AWBU - automated whole breast ultrasound", "Automated ultrasonography of entire breast", "Automated whole breast ultrasound", "AWBU-- 自动化全乳房超声检查", "整个乳房的自动超声检查", "自动全乳腺超声检查", "整个乳房的自动超声扫描" ], "444033000": [ "Measurement of factor VIII activity by chromogenic method", "Chromogenic factor VIII assay", "显色因子 VIII 检测", "显色法测定Ⅷ因子活性" ], "771713005": [ "Open repair of inguinal hernia using sutures", "使用缝合线进行开放式腹股沟疝修补术" ], "229206002": [ "Relaxation in water without floats", "无需漂浮即可在水中放松" ], "425814009": [ "Laparoscopic ultrasound examination of pancreas", "腹腔镜胰腺超声检查" ], "30763005": [ "Pelvic osteoplasty", "骨盆骨成形术" ], "243755006": [ "Provision of penile vacuum constriction device", "提供阴茎真空收缩装置" ], "391211007": [ "Mental health addiction programmes - 1-2 contacts/week", "Mental health addiction programs - 1-2 contacts/week", "心理健康成瘾计划 - 每周 1-2 次联系", "心理健康成瘾项目——每周 1-2 次联系" ], "178219007": [ "Muscle operation", "肌肉手术" ], "440363007": [ "Evaluation of oral and pharyngeal swallowing function", "口腔及咽部吞咽功能评估" ], "702507007": [ "Computed tomography of sternum with contrast", "CT of sternum with contrast", "胸骨增强计算机断层扫描", "胸骨增强 CT" ], "176384003": [ "Dilatation of urethral meatus", "Dilation of urethral meatus", "尿道口扩张" ], "897280004": [ "Computed tomography angiography with contrast for localization of perforating artery of femur", "Computed tomography angiography with contrast for localisation of perforating artery of femur", "CT angiography with contrast for localization of perforating artery of femur", "CT angiography with contrast for localisation of perforating artery of femur", "CT arteriography with contrast for localisation of perforating artery of femur", "CT arteriography with contrast for localization of perforating artery of femur", "Computed tomography arteriography with contrast for localization of perforating artery of femur", "Computed tomography arteriography with contrast for localisation of perforating artery of femur", "CT arteriogram with contrast for localisation of perforating artery of femur", "CT arteriogram with contrast for localization of perforating artery of femur", "增强 CT 动脉造影以定位股骨穿通动脉", "增强 CT 动脉造影对股骨穿通动脉的定位", "增强计算机断层动脉造影术定位股骨穿通动脉", "增强 CT 血管造影以定位股骨穿通动脉", "增强计算机断层血管造影术定位股骨穿通动脉", "增强 CT 血管造影对股骨穿通动脉的定位", "增强 CT 动脉造影术定位股骨穿通动脉" ], "78080008": [ "Hyperthermia treatment of cancer", "癌症的热疗治疗" ], "59861001": [ "Destructive procedure of thigh and leg", "大腿和小腿毁容性手术" ], "305621000": [ "Bypass of duodenum by anastomosis of duodenum to jejunum", "十二指肠空肠吻合术" ], "174549003": [ "Extirpation of lesion of bile duct", "胆管病变摘除术" ], "287402001": [ "Retinal, choroid and vitreous body operations", "视网膜、脉络膜和玻璃体手术" ], "8874001": [ "Arthroscopy of knee with medial and lateral meniscectomy", "Endoscopic total meniscectomy of knee", "膝关节镜检查及内外半月板切除术", "内镜全膝半月板切除术" ], "713386003": [ "Supervision of high risk pregnancy for maternal short stature", "身材矮小孕妇高危妊娠监护" ], "385706004": [ "Assessment of faecal disimpaction", "Assessment of fecal disimpaction", "Assess disimpaction", "粪便嵌塞的评估", "评估解除嵌塞", "粪便嵌塞评估" ], "238250002": [ "Umbilical cord clamp removal", "脐带夹移除" ], "303786002": [ "Contrast procedure of neck", "颈部造影程序" ], "74410004": [ "Subconjunctival injection", "结膜下注射" ], "418474008": [ "US scan and aspiration of upper abdomen", "Ultrasound scan and aspiration of upper abdomen", "上腹部超声波扫描及抽吸", "上腹部超声扫描和穿刺" ], "449407000": [ "Injection of streptokinase", "注射链激酶" ], "72575001": [ "Stripping of spinal meninges", "脊髓膜剥离" ], "252799003": [ "Intraoperative facial nerve stimulation", "术中面神经刺激" ], "433023004": [ "Fluoroscopic dacryocystoplasty", "荧光镜泪囊成形术" ], "711551006": [ "Computed tomography of sacrococcygeal region of spine", "CT of sacrococcygeal region of spine", "CT of sacrococcygeal spine", "Computed tomography of sacrum and coccyx", "骶骨和尾骨的计算机断层扫描", "骶尾椎 CT", "脊柱骶尾部 CT", "脊柱骶尾部计算机断层扫描" ], "447572000": [ "Calculation of degree of stenosis of internal carotid artery using the diameter of the distal internal carotid artery lumen determined by ultrasound as denominator", "以超声测量的颈内动脉远端管腔直径为分母计算颈内动脉狭窄程度" ], "121727009": [ "Tungsten measurement", "钨测量" ], "169044000": [ "Cineradiography - brain", "电影放射摄影 - 大脑" ], "119892004": [ "Large intestine closure", "大肠闭合" ], "54356007": [ "Insertion of carotid pacemaker", "颈动脉起搏器植入" ], "87124007": [ "Endoscopic insertion of nasopancreatic drainage tube", "内镜下插入鼻胰引流管" ], "118057001": [ "HIV 1 p55 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p55 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 55 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p55 抗体检测", "HIV 1 p55 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 55 抗体的测量" ], "281897000": [ "Helicobacter eradication therapy", "幽门螺杆菌根除疗法" ], "37972008": [ "Biopsy of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织活检" ], "70740009": [ "Excision adenoidal tags", "切除腺样体赘生物" ], "167209002": [ "Chem. metabolic function tests", "化学代谢功能测试" ], "232745003": [ "Plication annuloplasty of mitral valve", "二尖瓣折叠成形术" ], "52521008": [ "Excision of lesion of spermatic cord", "精索病变切除术" ], "116222002": [ "Incisional biopsy of gastrointestinal tract", "胃肠道切开活检" ], "50686003": [ "Removal of mediastinal drain", "移除纵隔引流管" ], "443902005": [ "Repair of partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection by anastomosis of pulmonary venous confluence to left atrium via connecting vein", "经连接静脉吻合肺静脉汇合处至左心房修复部分性肺静脉异常连接" ], "230910009": [ "Embolisation of intracranial arteriovenous malformation", "Embolization of intracranial arteriovenous malformation", "颅内动静脉畸形栓塞治疗" ], "81619002": [ "Methapyrilene measurement", "Lude measurement", "甲基吡咯烷酮测定", "路德测量" ], "229075007": [ "Home exercise program", "Home exercise programme", "家庭锻炼计划" ], "442067009": [ "Measurement of occult blood in two separate stool specimens", "测量两个单独的粪便样本中的潜血" ], "63400002": [ "Blood donor accounting, clerical", "献血者会计、文职" ], "866216004": [ "CT guided injection of bone", "Injection of bone using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行骨注射", "CT引导下骨注射" ], "225405007": [ "Observation whilst in seclusion", "Observation while in seclusion", "隐居观察" ], "698706005": [ "Rheumatology disorder annual review", "风湿病年度回顾" ], "26962007": [ "Urease test, Wayne method", "尿素酶试验,韦恩法" ], "90663002": [ "Tolerance test, oral", "耐受性测试,口服" ], "713255007": [ "Discussion about female genital mutilation", "关于女性生殖器切割的讨论" ], "56060000": [ "Repair of musculotendinous cuff of shoulder", "Rotator cuff repair", "Repair of rotator cuff of shoulder", "肩袖修复术", "肩袖修复", "肩部肌腱袖修复术" ], "287271009": [ "Heart - arterial implant", "心脏 - 动脉植入物" ], "711420002": [ "X-ray consultation", "X光检查" ], "236284005": [ "Terminalising reconstruction of urethra using graft other than skin", "Terminalizing reconstruction of urethra using graft other than skin", "使用皮肤以外的移植物进行尿道末端重建" ], "252668007": [ "C14 D-Xylose breath test", "C14 D-木糖呼气试验" ], "121596008": [ "Hyaluronate measurement", "透明质酸测量" ], "105212009": [ "Imipenem and cilastatin measurement", "亚胺培南和西司他丁的测定" ], "431057003": [ "Education about infant nutrition at 0-3 months", "0-3个月婴儿营养教育" ], "119761008": [ "Cardiovascular system repair", "心血管系统修复" ], "398289009": [ "T4:T1 ratio", "Ratio of fourth twitch to first twitch monitoring", "T4:T1比率", "第四次抽搐与第一次抽搐监测的比率" ], "36006002": [ "Axillary-femoral-femoral artery bypass graft with vein", "带静脉的腋动脉-股动脉-股动脉旁路移植术" ], "117926001": [ "Phosphatidylcholine antibody assay", "Measurement of phosphatidylcholine antibody", "磷脂酰胆碱抗体测定", "磷脂酰胆碱抗体测量" ], "429222004": [ "Percutaneous transbiliary biopsy of lesion of bile duct", "经皮胆管穿刺活检术" ], "183462003": [ "Ear, nose and throat emergency hospital admission", "ENT emergency hospital admission", "耳鼻喉急诊医院入院", "耳鼻喉急诊入院" ], "773286003": [ "Open repair of incisional hernia of anterior abdominal wall using biological mesh with anterior component separation", "生物网片分离前部修补术治疗腹前壁切口疝" ], "412838004": [ "Serum anti-ganglioside Q1b IgM measurement", "Serum anti-ganglioside Q1b IgM level", "Serum anti-ganglioside Q1b immunoglobulin M measurement", "血清抗神经节苷脂 Q1b IgM 测量", "血清抗神经节苷脂 Q1b IgM 水平", "血清抗神经节苷脂 Q1b 免疫球蛋白 M 测量" ], "445606007": [ "Change of vacuum drainage bottle", "更换真空引流瓶" ], "427387001": [ "Internal tamponade of retina using oil", "用油进行视网膜内部填塞" ], "232614009": [ "Biopsy of tracheostomy", "气管切开活检" ], "281766007": [ "Repair of tendon of lower limb", "下肢肌腱修复" ], "722299009": [ "Step up change in telehealth monitoring", "加强远程医疗监测的变革" ], "15952007": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from artificial stoma", "人工造口腔内异物取出" ], "179792008": [ "Primary extra-articular allograft augmentation intra-articular ligament", "原发性关节外同种异体移植增强关节内韧带" ], "440101003": [ "Application of halo device for maxillofacial fixation", "颌面固定装置的应用" ], "14117005": [ "Insertion of Crosby-Cooney button into abdomen", "将 Crosby-Cooney 按钮插入腹部" ], "79653008": [ "Local destruction of lesion of bronchus", "Destruction of lesion of bronchus", "支气管病变破坏", "支气管病变局部破坏" ], "274426001": [ "Therapeutic aspiration - joint", "治疗性抽吸 - 关节" ], "12282003": [ "Pulp vitality test", "Dental pulp vitality test", "牙髓活力测试" ], "307194004": [ "Disimpaction of food bolus from esophageal tube", "Disimpaction of food bolus from oesophageal tube", "从食管中取出食物团块", "将食物团从食管中取出" ], "225274005": [ "Releasing urethral catheter clamp", "释放尿道导管夹" ], "700410005": [ "Routine enquiry about domestic abuse", "家庭暴力例行调查" ], "897018007": [ "Antifungal prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic antifungal", "抗真菌预防", "预防性抗真菌治疗" ], "241658009": [ "Cine MRI of joint movement - elbow", "Cine magnetic resonance imaging of joint movement - elbow", "Cine magnetic resonance imaging of elbow joint movement", "关节运动的电影磁共振成像-肘部", "关节运动的电影磁共振成像 - 肘部", "肘关节运动的电影磁共振成像" ], "174287005": [ "Insertion of encircling suture around anal sphincter", "肛门括约肌周围缝合线插入" ], "10447005": [ "Maprotiline measurement", "马普替林测量" ], "223439008": [ "Advice to discontinue a therapy", "Recommendation to discontinue a therapy", "停止治疗的建议", "建议停止治疗" ], "41380003": [ "Radioisotope scan for myocardial infarction", "Study of myocardial necrosis", "Radionuclide myocardial infarct study", "心肌坏死研究", "放射性核素心肌梗死研究", "心肌梗塞放射性同位素扫描" ], "252537000": [ "Rebuck skin window test", "雷巴克皮肤窗测试" ], "121465001": [ "Bromocriptine measurement", "溴隐亭测量" ], "172452009": [ "Imbrication of sclera", "巩膜叠覆" ], "105081001": [ "Benzene measurement", "苯测量" ], "236153004": [ "Percutaneous removal of renal lesion", "经皮肾病损切除术" ], "1268345006": [ "Percutaneous drainage of lymphatic system using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of lymphatic system", "影像引导下经皮淋巴系统引流" ], "447310001": [ "Endoscopic excision of neoplasm of ureter", "内镜输尿管肿瘤切除术" ], "449145009": [ "Suturing of intraabdominal artery", "腹腔内动脉缝合" ], "1332046003": [ "Endoscopic coagulation of hemorrhage of small intestine", "Endoscopic coagulation of haemorrhage of small intestine", "Endoscopic coagulation of small intestine bleeding", "内镜小肠出血电凝治疗" ], "70478007": [ "Correction of overlapping toes", "脚趾重叠矫正" ], "117795002": [ "Echovirus 11 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human echovirus 11 antibody", "人类埃可病毒 11 抗体的测量", "埃可病毒 11 抗体检测" ], "68643002": [ "Lymphocyte transformation, spontaneous blastogenesis", "淋巴细胞转化、自发性胚细胞发生" ], "773155004": [ "Laparoscopic repair of epigastric hernia using biological mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic epigastric hernioplasty using biological mesh with fascial closure", "腹腔镜下应用生物网片结合筋膜闭合术修补上腹疝", "使用生物网片结合筋膜闭合的腹腔镜上腹疝修补术" ], "232483003": [ "Submucous resection of nasal turbinate", "鼻甲黏膜下切除术" ], "609315006": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of specimen from urethra", "尿道标本的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "35875005": [ "Antibody to Scl-70 measurement", "Scl-70 抗体测量" ], "265251007": [ "Right reduction mammoplasty", "右侧乳房缩小术" ], "738552004": [ "Partial colectomy with stoma", "Partial resection of colon with stoma", "部分结肠切除术及造口术", "结肠部分切除术及造口术" ], "115960007": [ "Total skin electron beam therapy", "全身皮肤电子束治疗" ], "441805000": [ "Quantitative measurement of lysergic acid diethylamide in urine specimen using high performance liquid chromatography", "高效液相色谱法定量测定尿液标本中的麦角酸二乙酰胺" ], "66808008": [ "Resuture of wound of skin and subcutaneous tissue without graft", "皮肤及皮下组织伤口无移植缝合" ], "736717003": [ "Repair of recurrent left inguinal hernia", "复发性左腹股沟疝修补术" ], "359885006": [ "Shake test", "摇晃测试" ], "390818002": [ "Homeless mental health care", "无家可归者心理健康护理" ], "439970007": [ "Measurement of amoxapine and metabolite in urine", "尿液中阿莫沙平及其代谢物的测定" ], "307063001": [ "Referral to clinical hematologist", "Referral to clinical haematologist", "转诊至临床血液科医生", "转诊至临床血液科医师" ], "241527001": [ "CT of nasopharynx", "Computed tomography of nasopharynx", "鼻咽部计算机断层扫描", "鼻咽CT" ], "225143001": [ "Checking dressing of skin", "检查皮肤敷料" ], "61303007": [ "Open tenotomy of iliopsoas", "髂腰肌腱开放切断术" ], "1157196000": [ "Inactivated whole 2019 novel coronavirus antigen immunization", "Inactivated whole SARS-CoV-2 antigen vaccination", "Inactivated whole COVID-19 antigen immunization", "Inactivated whole 2019 novel coronavirus antigen immunisation", "Inactivated whole 2019-nCoV antigen vaccination", "Inactivated whole COVID-19 antigen immunisation", "Inactivated whole COVID-19 antigen vaccination", "Inactivated whole 2019 novel coronavirus antigen vaccination", "Inactivated whole 2019-nCoV antigen immunisation", "Inactivated whole SARS-CoV-2 antigen immunization", "Administration of inactivated whole SARS-CoV-2 antigen vaccine", "Inactivated whole 2019-nCoV antigen immunization", "Administration of vaccine product containing only inactivated whole severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antigen", "Inactivated whole severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antigen vaccination", "灭活全2019新型冠状病毒抗原免疫", "接种灭活全 SARS-CoV-2 抗原疫苗", "灭活 2019-nCoV 全抗原免疫", "接种仅含灭活的严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 抗原的疫苗产品", "灭活2019新型冠状病毒抗原免疫", "灭活全2019新型冠状病毒抗原疫苗", "灭活整个 SARS-CoV-2 抗原免疫", "灭活全 COVID-19 抗原疫苗", "灭活全 2019-nCoV 抗原免疫", "灭活全 SARS-CoV-2 抗原疫苗", "灭活 2019-nCoV 全抗原疫苗", "灭活 COVID-19 全抗原免疫", "灭活严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 抗原疫苗" ], "77687009": [ "Surgical occlusion of upper limb veins", "上肢静脉闭塞手术" ], "305228002": [ "Admission by clinical oncologist", "临床肿瘤科医生接纳" ], "274295008": [ "Anal examination", "肛门检查" ], "239692006": [ "Application of herring bone strapping", "人字形捆扎带的应用" ], "712993002": [ "Robot assisted laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection", "Laparoscopic pelvic lymph node dissection using robotic assistance", "使用机器人辅助进行腹腔镜盆腔淋巴结清扫术", "机器人辅助腹腔镜盆腔淋巴结清扫术" ], "57633004": [ "Aspiration of spermatocele", "精液囊肿抽吸" ], "74017005": [ "Intraoperative transhepatic cholangiogram", "Intraoperative transhepatic cholangiography", "术中经肝胆管造影" ], "172321007": [ "Resection of bilateral medial rectus muscles", "Resection of both medial rectus muscles", "双侧内直肌切除术", "切除两侧内直肌" ], "104950002": [ "Sulfhemoglobin measurement", "Sulphaemoglobin measurement", "磺胺血红蛋白测量", "硫血红蛋白测量" ], "432630004": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of bone", "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of bone", "骨骼单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "骨骼单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)" ], "121334009": [ "Beta blocker identification", "β受体阻滞剂的鉴别" ], "398027004": [ "Excision of varicose vein of lower limb", "Phlebectomy of varicose vein of lower limb", "Stripping of varicose vein of lower limb", "Local excision of varicose vein of leg", "小腿静脉曲张局部切除术", "下肢静脉曲张剥脱术", "下肢静脉曲张切除术" ], "447179004": [ "Biopsy of sural nerve", "腓肠神经活检" ], "70347009": [ "Collection of specimen for culture by laboratory", "采集样本送至实验室进行培养" ], "4811009": [ "Reconstruction of diaphragm", "膈肌重建" ], "117664002": [ "OKT3 measurement", "Ortho Kung T3 measurement", "Ortho Kung T3 测量", "OKT3 测量" ], "609184005": [ "Revision of replacement of joint of upper limb", "Revision of replacement of joint of upper extremity", "上肢关节置换术" ], "265120006": [ "Triple arthrodesis of hindfoot", "Triple arthrodesis", "Triple fusion of joints of hindfoot", "后足三关节融合术", "三关节融合术" ], "35744007": [ "Reline of complete lower denture at laboratory", "在实验室对下颌全口义齿进行重衬" ], "445344009": [ "Assessment of ability to perform peak flow technique", "执行峰值流量技术的能力评估" ], "83061004": [ "Echocardiography for determining mitral valve motion", "超声心动图确定二尖瓣运动" ], "443509009": [ "Sliding osteotomy of chin with single piece implant", "下巴滑动截骨术,植入单片植入物" ], "228682002": [ "Cobalt 60 brachytherapy manual loading", "钴60近距离治疗手动装载" ], "310602001": [ "Expression of retained products of conception", "妊娠产物残留排出" ], "392522008": [ "Daphnia, fish feed specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ro207 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Daphnia, fish feed specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "水蚤、鱼饲料特异性IgE抗体测定", "水蚤、鱼饲料特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Ro207 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "408906009": [ "Immunological care assessment", "Assess immunological care", "评估免疫护理", "免疫护理评估" ], "77556000": [ "Simple one stage distal hypospadias repair with meatal advancement", "简单的一期远端尿道下裂修补术及尿道前移术" ], "10185001": [ "Repair of hernia of fascia of hand", "手部筋膜疝修补术" ], "419785002": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of heart with contrast", "心脏荧光血管造影" ], "239561003": [ "Biopsy of facet joint of spine", "脊柱小关节活检" ], "1255369007": [ "Construction of abdominal stoma", "腹部造口建设" ], "303262000": [ "Narcosynthesis", "麻醉合成" ], "305097009": [ "Therapeutic trunk stretching", "治疗性躯干伸展" ], "698313007": [ "Consultation for minor operation", "小手术咨询" ], "712862004": [ "Prochlorperazine measurement", "丙氯拉嗪测量" ], "73886004": [ "Roux-en-Y cholecystojejunostomy with jejunojejunostomy", "Roux-en-Y 胆囊空肠吻合术及空肠空肠吻合术" ], "104819000": [ "Microalbumin measurement, urine, quantitative", "尿液微量白蛋白测量,定量" ], "416115001": [ "Confirming patient identity by direct questioning", "通过直接询问确认患者身份" ], "170355001": [ "Administration of third dose of poliomyelitis vaccine", "Third poliomyelitis vaccination", "Third poliomyelitis immunisation", "Third poliomyelitis immunization", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Human poliovirus antigen", "接种第三剂仅含人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第三次脊髓灰质炎免疫接种", "第三次脊髓灰质炎疫苗接种", "接种第三剂脊髓灰质炎疫苗" ], "448883004": [ "Injection of phytomenadione", "Injection of vitamin K1", "植物甲萘醌注射液", "注射维生素 K1" ], "252275004": [ "Haematology test", "Hematology test", "Haematology - general", "Hematology - general", "血液学 - 综合", "血液学检查" ], "711027007": [ "Diabetic ulcer care", "糖尿病溃疡护理" ], "432499007": [ "Percutaneous embolization of popliteal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of popliteal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of popliteal artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of popliteal artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮腘动脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮腘动脉造影栓塞术" ], "397896001": [ "Exenteration of orbit", "眶外移位术" ], "709192002": [ "Local excision of lesion of duodenum", "十二指肠病变局部切除术" ], "168520004": [ "Radiotherapy for immunosuppression", "放射治疗免疫抑制" ], "53832008": [ "Hemiepiphyseal arrest of distal humerus", "肱骨远端半骨骺阻滞" ], "183069001": [ "Egg-free diet patient education", "无蛋饮食患者教育" ], "68381003": [ "Surgical removal of erupted tooth requiring elevation of mucoperiosteal flap and removal of bone and/or section of tooth", "手术拔除已萌出的牙齿,需要掀起粘骨膜瓣并去除骨骼和/或牙齿部分" ], "264989003": [ "Transfer of biceps brachii tendon", "Transfer of biceps brachii", "肱二头肌腱转移", "肱二头肌转移" ], "609053005": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of urine specimen prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备尿液标本涂片进行显微镜细胞学检查" ], "19229006": [ "Pesticides screen", "Pesticide screening", "农药筛查", "农药筛选" ], "428829005": [ "Radiotherapy to pelvis", "骨盆放射治疗" ], "35613008": [ "General gown technique", "通用礼服技术" ], "133917009": [ "Bonding encouragement", "Bonding / attachment encouragement", "鼓励建立亲密关系/依恋关系", "建立联系鼓励" ], "310471000": [ "Patching of defect of atrioventricular valve leaflet", "房室瓣缺损修补术" ], "164850009": [ "Ambulatory ECG", "Ambulatory electrocardiogram", "动态心电图" ], "179399002": [ "Arthroscopy and biopsy of knee", "膝关节镜检查及活检" ], "31943002": [ "Finger-to-floor distance test", "手指到地板距离测试" ], "359623004": [ "Total lobectomy of lung", "全肺叶切除术" ], "81095006": [ "Operative procedure on the pelvis and hip", "骨盆和髋部手术" ], "441543006": [ "Measurement of amino acid", "氨基酸测定" ], "15559008": [ "Open reduction of closed acromioclavicular dislocation, acute, with fascial graft", "急性闭合性肩锁关节脱位切开复位联合筋膜移植" ], "243100000": [ "Instruction on use of bidet", "Use of bidet education", "Bidet education", "使用坐浴盆教育", "坐浴盆教育", "坐浴盆使用说明" ], "406940002": [ "Thionine stain method", "Thionine stain", "Thionin stain method", "硫堇染色", "硫堇染色法", "硫宁染色法" ], "228551009": [ "Memory retraining", "记忆再训练" ], "439708006": [ "Home visit", "家访" ], "175729002": [ "Revision of reconstruction of artery", "动脉重建术" ], "388721006": [ "Allspice specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf339 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pimenta dioica specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pimenta dioica specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf339 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "辣椒特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "异株辣椒特异性IgE抗体测定", "多香果特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "419654000": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of metacarpophalangeal joint", "掌指关节荧光造影" ], "239430005": [ "Ligament reconstruction", "韧带重建" ], "450587002": [ "Curettage of lesion of skin of neck", "颈部皮肤病变刮除术" ], "303131009": [ "Aspiration of epididymis", "附睾抽吸术" ], "6384001": [ "Removal of device from digestive system", "从消化系统中移除装置" ], "104688003": [ "Glucose measurement, quantitative", "葡萄糖测量,定量" ], "710896001": [ "Education about use of supporting device", "关于使用支撑装置的教育" ], "22768003": [ "Suture of retina for reattachment", "缝合视网膜以便重新附着" ], "448752005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of cervix using endocavity radiofrequency coil", "MRI of cervix using endocavity radiofrequency coil", "使用腔内射频线圈进行宫颈磁共振成像", "使用腔内射频线圈进行宫颈 MRI 检查" ], "432368007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of nasal sinuses with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of nasal sinuses with contrast", "MRI of nasal sinuses with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of paranasal sinus with contrast", "MRI of paranasal sinus with contrast", "鼻旁窦磁共振成像对比", "鼻旁窦增强磁共振成像", "鼻窦增强 MRI 检查", "鼻窦磁共振成像对比", "鼻窦磁共振成像(MRI)对比" ], "170224009": [ "Referral of child to medical officer", "将儿童转介给医务人员" ], "709061001": [ "Cervical oesophagogastrostomy using retrosternal route", "Cervical esophagogastrostomy using retrosternal route", "采用胸骨后入路进行颈部食管胃造口术", "采用胸骨后入路进行颈部食管胃吻合术" ], "37317004": [ "Wedge osteotomy of metatarsal", "跖骨楔形截骨术" ], "608922002": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from urethra", "尿道标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "35482003": [ "Partial mastectomy with axillary lymphadenectomy", "部分乳房切除术及腋窝淋巴结清扫术" ], "68250009": [ "Cerebral palsy rehabilitation", "脑瘫康复" ], "410479002": [ "Chorioretinal biopsy", "脉络膜视网膜活检" ], "721775007": [ "Provision of information about psychosis", "提供有关精神病的信息" ], "879007": [ "Special blood coagulation test, explain by report", "特殊凝血检查,报告解释" ], "308505000": [ "Diabetes monitoring call", "糖尿病监测呼叫" ], "162884009": [ "Intermediate respiratory system examination", "中级呼吸系统检查" ], "46361001": [ "Cystourethroscopy with bilateral ureteral meatotomy", "膀胱尿道镜检查及双侧输尿管口切开术" ], "406809005": [ "Auramine G stain method", "Auramine G stain", "金胺G染色", "金胺G染色法" ], "177433006": [ "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y osteomyocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction with local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y osteomyocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y osseomyocutaneous flap", "局部皮下带蒂V-Y骨肌皮瓣修复" ], "734489005": [ "Altered auditory feedback", "AAF - altered auditory feedback", "听觉反馈改变", "AAF-- 改变听觉反馈" ], "388590003": [ "Hazel nut specific IgE antibody measurement", "f17 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Corylus avellana specific IgE antibody measurement", "Corylus avellana specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "榛子特异性 IgE 抗体测定", "榛子特异性IgE抗体测定", "f17特异性IgE抗体测量", "榛子特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "11758005": [ "Quantitative photoplethysmography, venous", "定量光电容积描记法,静脉" ], "306670006": [ "Discharge from pediatric surgical service", "Discharge from paediatric surgical service", "儿科外科出院" ], "241134006": [ "Choanogram", "图表" ], "42691000": [ "Soak", "浸泡" ], "437742006": [ "Huntington disease deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) test", "Huntington disease gene mutation carrier detection test", "亨廷顿病基因突变携带者检测", "亨廷顿病脱氧核糖核酸 (DNA) 检测" ], "239299006": [ "Le Fort I osteotomy", "Le Fort I incision of maxilla", "Le Fort I 截骨术", "上颌骨 Le Fort I 切口" ], "419523009": [ "US scan of esophagus", "US scan of oesophagus", "Ultrasound scan of esophagus", "Ultrasound scan of oesophagus", "Ultrasonography of esophagus", "Ultrasonography of oesophagus", "食道超声波扫描", "食管超声检查", "食道超声扫描" ], "105211000220104": [ "Fitting of upper fixed orthodontic retainer", "Fitting of maxillary fixed orthodontic retainer", "上颌固定矫正保持器的安装", "上颌固定矫治保持器的安装" ], "401304009": [ "Service of nebuliser", "Service of nebulizer", "雾化器维修" ], "432237005": [ "Aspiration of hip using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Aspiration of hip using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行髋关节抽吸", "超声引导下髋关节穿刺" ], "104557008": [ "Biopterin measurement", "生物蝶呤测量" ], "53570002": [ "Removal of foreign body from eye", "IOFB - Removal of intraocular foreign body", "Removal of intraocular foreign body", "Removal of foreign body from globe", "FB removed from eye", "FB - Removal of foreign body from globe", "眼内异物取出", "IOFB - 眼内异物取出术", "去除眼球异物", "FB - 去除眼球中的异物", "FB 从眼睛中取出", "取出眼内异物" ], "708930002": [ "Maintenance hemodiafiltration", "Maintenance haemodiafiltration", "维持性血液透析滤过" ], "250178002": [ "Human leucocyte antigen A genotype", "Human leukocyte antigen A genotype determination", "Human leukocyte antigen A genotype", "Human leucocyte antigen A genotype determination", "HLA-A - Human leucocyte antigen A genotype", "HLA-A - Human leukocyte antigen A genotype", "Class 1 alpha chain", "HLA-A - 人类白细胞抗原 A 基因型", "1 类 α 链", "人类白细胞抗原 A 基因型测定", "人类白细胞抗原 A 基因型" ], "182807005": [ "Continuous blood sampling", "持续血液采样" ], "51735006": [ "P-ANCA measurement", "P-Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies measurement", "P-抗中性粒细胞胞浆抗体测量", "P-ANCA 检测" ], "313879006": [ "90 minute serum GH level", "90 minute serum GH measurement", "90 minute serum growth hormone measurement", "90 分钟血清 GH 测量", "90 分钟血清生长激素测量", "90 分钟血清 GH 水平" ], "312044000": [ "Negative feedback approach", "负面反馈方法" ], "608791009": [ "Laparoscopic repair of spigelian hernia", "腹腔镜疝修补术" ], "410348002": [ "Mobility/transfers case management", "流动/调动案件管理" ], "1231383009": [ "Support for use of complementary therapy", "Supporting use of complementary therapy", "支持使用补充疗法" ], "66284001": [ "Surgical repair and revision of pouch", "手术修复和修正袋" ], "787180006": [ "MI-E - mechanical insufflation-exsufflation", "Mechanical insufflation exsufflation", "Mechanical in-exsufflation", "Cough assist", "咳嗽辅助", "MI-E - 机械充气-排气", "机械充气 排气", "机械排气" ], "33516006": [ "Pulpotomy, therapeutic, excluding final restoration", "牙髓切断术,治疗性,不包括最终修复" ], "179137008": [ "Revision to external fixation(without reduction) of proximal femoral fracture", "股骨近端骨折外固定术(未复位)的修订" ], "439446000": [ "Open revision of arterial bypass of lower extremity with vein patch angioplasty", "下肢动脉旁路开放修复术及静脉补片成形术" ], "1293249009": [ "Plain X-ray of lower abdomen", "下腹部普通 X 光检查" ], "392129008": [ "Low dose heparin prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic low dose heparin", "预防性使用低剂量肝素", "低剂量肝素预防" ], "259222004": [ "Scraping of corneal epithelium", "Abrasion of corneal epithelium", "Curettage of corneal epithelium", "Scraping of cornea", "角膜上皮刮除术", "刮除角膜上皮", "角膜上皮磨损", "角膜刮除" ], "177302005": [ "Wide excision of skin lesion", "广泛切除皮肤病变" ], "175467000": [ "Axillary arteriography", "Arteriography of axillary artery", "Angiography of axillary artery", "腋动脉造影", "腋窝动脉造影" ], "1240427000": [ "Excision of pressure injury of lower limb with local skin flap reconstruction", "Excision of pressure injury of lower extremity with local skin flap reconstruction", "Excision of pressure injury of lower limb with local flap reconstruction using skin flap", "下肢压力性损伤切除局部皮瓣重建术", "下肢压力性损伤切除局部皮瓣重建", "下肢压力性损伤切除及局部皮瓣重建" ], "60779002": [ "Arthrotomy of foot and toe", "足部及趾关节切开术" ], "388459002": [ "Mite specific IgE antibody measurement", "Mite specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "螨特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "螨虫特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "241003005": [ "Steindler partial excision of nail plate", "Steindler 指甲板部分切除术" ], "306539007": [ "Discharge by hospital-based chiropodist", "Discharge by hospital podiatrist", "Discharge by hospital chiropodist", "Discharge by hospital-based podiatrist", "医院足病医生出院" ], "77163008": [ "Endarterectomy of aorta with patch graft", "主动脉内膜切除术及补片移植" ], "386624002": [ "Obstetrical trachelotomy", "产科宫颈切开术" ], "42560003": [ "Operation on biliary tract", "Biliary procedure", "Biliary operations", "胆道手术" ], "173632008": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of oesophagus", "Open biopsy of lesion of esophagus", "食管病变开放活检" ], "171797004": [ "Total sacrifice of peripheral nerve", "完全切除周围神经" ], "57109006": [ "Cytotoxicity assay for autoantibody", "自身抗体的细胞毒性试验" ], "401173007": [ "Disease management programme", "Disease management program", "疾病管理计划" ], "450325006": [ "Assessment using obsessive compulsive inventory", "使用强迫症量表进行评估" ], "71658001": [ "Esophagoscopy for biopsy", "Endoscopic biopsy of esophagus", "Oesophagoscopy for biopsy", "Endoscopic biopsy of oesophagus", "Endoscopic oesophagus biopsy", "Endoscopic esophagus biopsy", "食管镜活检", "内镜食管活检" ], "432106002": [ "Injection of foot using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Injection of foot using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声(US)引导进行足部注射", "使用超声波引导进行足部注射" ], "89877009": [ "Core needle biopsy of intra-abdominal mass", "腹部肿块芯针活检" ], "448490003": [ "Attention to prosthetic replacement of head of humerus", "肱骨头假体置换的注意事项" ], "415722005": [ "Tidal volume monitoring", "潮气量监测" ], "104426006": [ "Paper chromatography measurement, 1-dimensional", "纸色谱测量,一维" ], "235498008": [ "Operation for pancreatic fistula", "胰瘘手术" ], "313748000": [ "Serum proline measurement", "Serum proline level", "血清脯氨酸测量", "血清脯氨酸水平" ], "168127009": [ "Sample microscopy", "样品显微镜" ], "182676002": [ "Eutrophic muscle stimulation", "富营养性肌肉刺激" ], "617002": [ "Bone graft to mandible", "Grafting of bone to mandible", "Bone graft of mandible", "下颌骨骨移植", "下颌骨移植", "下颌骨植骨" ], "47934001": [ "Cardioplasty of stomach", "Plastic repair with reconstruction of cardia of stomach", "胃贲门整形修复重建", "胃贲门成形术" ], "179006005": [ "Removal of drainage system from bone", "去除骨骼引流系统" ], "391998006": [ "Dilation and curettage of uterus after delivery", "Postpartum curettage", "Curettage of delivered uterus", "产后刮宫", "子宫刮除术", "产后子宫扩张和刮宫" ], "64318009": [ "Diagnostic radiography, stereotactic localization", "Diagnostic radiography, stereotactic localisation", "诊断放射摄影、立体定位" ], "406547006": [ "Urgent follow-up", "紧急跟进" ], "14511000087103": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of right femoral artery", "Doppler ultrasound scan of right femoral artery", "右股动脉多普勒超声检查", "右股动脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "10671000087103": [ "Right internal iliac artery ligation", "Ligation of right internal iliac artery", "右髂内动脉结扎" ], "17071000087105": [ "Angioplasty of left femoral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of left femoral artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下左股动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下左股动脉造影血管成形术" ], "4271000087105": [ "CT of right foot", "Computed tomography of right foot", "右脚CT", "右脚计算机断层扫描" ], "1711000087106": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral upper limbs", "Ultrasound of left and right upper limb", "Ultrasound scan of both upper limbs", "左、右上肢超声检查", "双上肢超声扫描", "双侧上肢超声检查" ], "734227007": [ "Specimen decontamination", "标本净化" ], "60648005": [ "Incision of thoracic vein", "Thoracic phlebotomy", "Thoracic venotomy", "胸静脉切开术", "胸腔放血", "胸腔静脉切开术" ], "2991000087109": [ "MRI of bilateral knees", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral knees", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both knees", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right knee", "双膝磁共振成像", "左、右膝关节磁共振成像", "双膝 MRI" ], "288189000": [ "Induce labour - IV injection", "Induce labor - IV injection", "Induce labor - intravenous injection", "Induction of labor by intravenous injection", "Induction of labour by intravenous injection", "静脉注射引产", "引产-静脉注射" ], "306408008": [ "Discharge by pathologist", "病理学家出院" ], "386493006": [ "Venous access device maintenance", "VAD maintenance", "静脉通路装置维护", "什么维护" ], "89746002": [ "Cauterization of adenoid fossa", "Cauterisation of adenoid fossa", "腺样窝烧灼术" ], "40594005": [ "Taking arterial blood pressure", "测量动脉血压" ], "401042006": [ "Urine oxazepam level", "尿液中奥沙西泮浓度" ], "433810007": [ "Active cooling of subject using peritoneal dialysis fluid", "使用腹膜透析液对受试者进行主动降温" ], "171666009": [ "Implantation of neurostimulator into cranial nerve", "将神经刺激器植入脑神经" ], "38759002": [ "Saliva secretor studies", "唾液分泌研究" ], "104295004": [ "Shigella antibody assay", "Serologic test for Shigella", "Measurement of Shigella species antibody", "志贺氏菌抗体测量", "志贺氏菌血清学检测", "志贺氏菌抗体测定" ], "235367005": [ "Duhamel procedure with Lester Martin modification", "Duhamel手术联合Lester Martin改良" ], "233532007": [ "Insertion of long line", "Central venous cannula insertion via antecubital fossa vein", "插入长线", "经肘前窝静脉插入中心静脉插管" ], "166161001": [ "Opsonization function test", "Opsonisation function test", "调理功能试验" ], "231697003": [ "Inferior oblique muscle Z-myotomy", "下斜肌 Z 型肌切开术" ], "2321005": [ "Delivery by Ritgen maneuver", "Delivery by Ritgen manoeuvre", "通过 Ritgen 手法分娩" ], "18705006": [ "Endoscopic brush biopsy of ileum", "内镜回肠刷检" ], "117009009": [ "Vassar-Culling stain method", "Vassar & Culling thioflavine T stain", "Vassar-Culling stain", "Vassar and Culling thioflavine T stain", "Vassar 和 Culling 硫黄素 T 染色", "瓦萨-卡林染色", "瓦萨-卡林染色法", "Vassar & Culling 硫黄素 T 染色" ], "410086004": [ "Range of motion management", "Manage range of motion", "运动范围管理", "管理运动范围" ], "442854005": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of pleura using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下经皮胸膜穿刺活检" ], "408251002": [ "Urine deoxypyridinoline level", "Urine deoxypyridinoline measurement", "尿液脱氧吡啶啉测定", "尿液脱氧吡啶林水平" ], "373648007": [ "Fine needle aspiration of lesion of abdominal cavity", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of lesion of abdominal cavity", "腹腔病变细针穿刺活检", "腹腔病变细针穿刺" ], "765029000": [ "Angiography of right cervical vertebral artery", "Angiogram of right cervical vertebral artery", "Arteriography of right cervical vertebral artery", "右侧颈椎动脉血管造影", "右颈椎动脉造影", "右颈椎动脉血管造影" ], "306277002": [ "Referral to clinical physiologist", "转诊至临床生理学家" ], "420965003": [ "Antineoplastic agent prophylaxis", "Chemotherapeutic agent prophylaxis", "Chemoprophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic antineoplastic agent", "Administration of prophylactic antineoplastic chemotherapy", "化疗药物预防", "预防性抗肿瘤化疗的给药", "抗肿瘤药物预防", "化学预防", "预防性抗肿瘤药物的使用" ], "175205008": [ "Open operations for combined abnormality of great vessels", "大型船舶联合异常开放手术" ], "288058001": [ "Bone reconstruction", "骨重建" ], "304442002": [ "Interferential to face", "干扰面" ], "386362006": [ "Medication administration: subcutaneous", "Administration of drug or medicament via subcutaneous route", "给药方式:皮下", "通过皮下途径给药" ], "1285647002": [ "Fitting of upper removable orthodontic appliance", "上颌可拆卸矫正器的安装" ], "122383005": [ "Mycobacterium species DNA assay", "Mycobacterium species deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "分枝杆菌种脱氧核糖核酸测定", "分枝杆菌 DNA 检测" ], "302607007": [ "Ureteroscopic extraction of ureteric calculus without disintegration", "输尿管镜不碎石取石术" ], "73231008": [ "Internal fixation of tibia", "胫骨内固定" ], "400911007": [ "E test", "Tumbling E test", "E game", "和测试", "翻滚 E 测试", "电子游戏" ], "448228004": [ "Harvesting of random pattern flap of skin", "随意取皮瓣" ], "431844005": [ "Ultrasonography of acromioclavicular joint", "Ultrasonography (US) of acromioclavicular joint", "肩锁关节超声检查" ], "235236006": [ "Sclerotherapy of gastric varices", "Injection of scleroscant into gastric lesion", "胃部病变部位注射硬化剂", "胃底静脉曲张硬化治疗" ], "87780005": [ "Fine needle biopsy of abdominal wall mass", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of abdominal wall mass", "腹壁肿块细针穿刺活检", "腹壁肿块细针活检" ], "85945000": [ "Osteotomy of humerus with internal fixation", "肱骨截骨内固定术" ], "315321001": [ "Right hemicolectomy and anastomosis of ileum to colon", "Right colectomy and anastomosis of ileum to colon", "右半结肠切除及回肠至结肠吻合术", "右结肠切除及回肠至结肠吻合术" ], "397241003": [ "Simple hepatorrhaphy", "单纯肝缝合术" ], "413625003": [ "Bacterial culture and sensitivity", "细菌培养和药敏试验" ], "118713006": [ "Procedure on knee", "膝盖手术" ], "233401008": [ "Excision of carotid body tumor", "Excision of chemodectoma", "Excision of carotid body tumour", "颈动脉体肿瘤切除术", "切除化学感受器瘤" ], "36793009": [ "Creatinine measurement, 12 hour urine", "肌酐测量,12 小时尿液" ], "231566006": [ "Cautery to lesion of medial canthus", "烧灼内眼角病变" ], "442723000": [ "Measurement of creatinine clearance normalized to body surface area in peritoneal dialysis fluid specimen", "Measurement of creatinine clearance normalised to body surface area in peritoneal dialysis fluid specimen", "腹膜透析液标本中以体表面积标准化的肌酐清除率测量", "腹膜透析液样本中以体表面积标准化的肌酐清除率测量" ], "311651006": [ "Therapy to promote use of single word", "促进单词使用的疗法" ], "178744000": [ "Revision to open reduction spinal fracture and internal fixation with segmental wire system", "脊柱骨折切开复位翻修及分段钢丝系统内固定" ], "719416003": [ "Opioid therapy for breathlessness management", "Opiate therapy for breathlessness management", "阿片类药物治疗呼吸困难" ], "472071000124100": [ "Education about programme", "Education about program", "项目教育" ], "441351000124101": [ "Counselling about nutrition using rewards and contingency management strategy", "Counseling about nutrition using rewards and contingency management strategy", "使用奖励和应急管理策略进行营养咨询" ], "438791000124102": [ "Vitamin C supplement therapy", "维生素C补充疗法" ], "437511000124101": [ "Histidine modified diet", "组氨酸改良饮食" ], "47672008": [ "Delayed suture of flexor tendons of hand", "手部屈肌腱延迟缝合" ], "29453004": [ "Jejunotomy", "空肠切开术" ], "306146008": [ "Referral to chemical pathology service", "Referral to clinical biochemistry service", "转诊至化学病理学服务", "转诊至临床生物化学服务" ], "58551009": [ "Stapling of bone of carpus", "Stapling of carpal bone", "腕骨缝合术", "腕骨缝合" ], "386231009": [ "Cast care: wet", "Care of wet cast", "湿石膏的护理", "石膏护理: 湿式" ], "302476005": [ "Fixation of maxilla - internal", "上颌骨固定 - 内部" ], "122252009": [ "Borrelia culture", "伯氏疏螺旋体培养" ], "38497001": [ "Enterolithotomy", "肠切开取石术" ], "710241003": [ "Ultrasonography guided removal of foreign body", "Removal of foreign body using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided removal of foreign body", "超声引导下取出异物", "超声引导下异物取出" ], "104033001": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Hh system (ISBT 018)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Hh system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 018)", "鉴定 Hh 系统中红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 018)", "鉴定 Hh 系统红细胞抗原抗体 (ISBT 018)" ], "431713008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of renal artery with contrast and insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of renal artery with contrast and insertion of drug eluting stent", "肾动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "肾动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术" ], "315190002": [ "Serum streptomycin level", "血清链霉素水平" ], "1281846002": [ "Ablation of prostate", "前列腺消融" ], "347958004": [ "Excision of arteriovenous aneurysm", "动静脉瘤切除术" ], "233270005": [ "Angioplasty of coeliac artery", "Angioplasty of celiac artery", "腹腔动脉血管成形术" ], "20278008": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of tibia", "胫骨骨折闭合复位" ], "397110008": [ "Keratectomy for pterygium", "翼状胬肉角膜切除术" ], "67595003": [ "Radionuclide study of cardiac output", "Radioisotope scan of cardiac output", "心输出量的放射性核素研究", "心输出量放射性同位素扫描" ], "229600000": [ "Non-weight-bearing gait re-education", "Non-weight-bearing gait training", "非负重步态训练", "非负重步态再教育" ], "65760002": [ "Galactosylceramide beta-galactosidase measurement", "半乳糖神经酰胺β-半乳糖苷酶测定" ], "49376005": [ "Electromyography of urethral sphincter", "Urethral sphincter EMG", "尿道括约肌肌电图" ], "47541003": [ "Cauterization of lacrimal punctum", "Retropunctal cautery of lacrimal punctum", "Cauterisation of lacrimal punctum", "泪点烧灼术", "泪点后烧灼术", "泪点烧灼" ], "31157004": [ "Peripheral thermogram", "外周热像图" ], "719285005": [ "Gluteal hernioplasty", "Repair of gluteal hernia using surgical mesh", "臀疝修补术", "使用外科网片修补臀疝" ], "276917008": [ "Midline incision", "正中切口" ], "176778003": [ "Ring biopsy of cervix", "宫颈环活检" ], "275082004": [ "Pack to control postpartum haemorrhage", "Pack to control postpartum hemorrhage", "控制产后出血的包", "控制产后出血" ], "406154009": [ "Augmentative communication", "增强沟通" ], "306015007": [ "Referral by hepatobiliary surgeon", "Referral from hepatobiliary surgeon", "肝胆外科医生转诊" ], "58420000": [ "Excision of excessive skin and subcutaneous tissue of abdomen", "切除腹部多余的皮肤和皮下组织" ], "1303604003": [ "Repair of left patellar tendon", "Left patellar tendon repair", "Repair of left patellar ligament", "左髌韧带修复", "左髌腱修复" ], "25652006": [ "alpha-L-iduronidase measurement", "α-L-艾杜糖醛酸酶测定" ], "302345000": [ "Aural polypectomy (middle ear)", "Excision of middle ear polyp", "中耳息肉切除术", "耳息肉切除术(中耳)" ], "417033000": [ "Referral for home based phlebotomy", "转诊至家庭放血疗法" ], "122121004": [ "Streptococcus pyogenes antigen assay", "化脓性链球菌抗原检测" ], "54750003": [ "Pyelorrhaphy", "肾盂缝合术" ], "103902006": [ "Kp^a^ blood group typing", "Kp^a^血型分型" ], "169438007": [ "US therapy - larynx lesion", "Ultrasound therapy - larynx lesion", "超声波治疗-喉部病变", "超声治疗-喉部病变" ], "447966007": [ "Excision of exostosis of toe", "趾骨疣切除术" ], "742878008": [ "Management of body temperature", "体温管理" ], "52915001": [ "Curettement of benign lesion with chemical cauterization", "Curettement of benign lesion with chemical cauterisation", "用化学烧灼法刮除良性病变" ], "315059002": [ "Laparoscopic salpingectomy", "腹腔镜输卵管切除术" ], "233139006": [ "Norwood type operation", "诺伍德式手术" ], "489801000119103": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain without contrast", "MRI of brain without contrast", "脑部 MRI 无造影", "无造影剂脑部磁共振成像" ], "16551241000119104": [ "Needle puncture and aspiration of lesion of left lower leg using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided needle puncture and aspiration of lesion of left lower leg", "CT 引导下左小腿病变穿刺抽吸", "使用计算机断层扫描引导对左小腿病变进行针刺和抽吸" ], "16319561000119105": [ "Plain X-ray orthopantogram", "普通X射线正畸全景片" ], "395144002": [ "B12/folate level", "B12/叶酸水平" ], "392521000119107": [ "Screening mammography of right breast", "Screening mammogram of right breast", "右侧乳房筛查乳房 X 线摄影", "右侧乳房筛查乳房 X 光检查" ], "413001000119107": [ "MRI of cervical and lumbar spine without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of cervical and lumbar spine without contrast", "颈椎和腰椎无造影 MRI", "无造影剂的颈椎和腰椎磁共振成像" ], "231304005": [ "Scalp infiltration with local anesthetic", "Scalp infiltration with local anaesthetic", "头皮局部麻醉浸润", "头皮局部浸润麻醉" ], "395081000119108": [ "Computed tomography of chest without contrast", "CT of chest without contrast", "胸部平扫 CT", "无造影剂胸部计算机断层扫描" ], "18312004": [ "Fresh frozen plasma preparation", "新鲜冰冻血浆制备" ], "180317000": [ "Application of Zimmer splint", "Zimmer 夹板的应用" ], "49245001": [ "Bypass gastrojejunostomy", "Gastrojejunostomy", "Anastomosis of stomach to jejunum", "胃空肠吻合术", "旁路胃空肠造口术" ], "229469009": [ "Non-surgical manipulation of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节的非手术治疗" ], "112946002": [ "Hypogastric plexectomy", "下腹部丛切除术" ], "80178005": [ "Mediastinotomy with drainage by transthoracic approach", "经胸入路纵隔切开引流术" ], "391474006": [ "Blood (WBC) screen for Tay Sachs disease", "Blood screen for Tay Sachs disease", "血液(白细胞)筛查 Tay Sachs 病", "泰萨克斯病血液筛查" ], "440626008": [ "Procedure related to breastfeeding", "与母乳喂养相关的程序" ], "178482009": [ "Osteotomy of mandible and retrusion of mandible", "下颌骨截骨术及下颌骨后缩术" ], "438791002": [ "Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of tumour of bone using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of tumor of bone using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of tumor of bone", "CT guided percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of tumour of bone", "CT引导下经皮骨肿瘤射频消融术", "CT引导下经皮射频消融治疗骨肿瘤", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行经皮射频消融骨肿瘤", "计算机断层扫描引导下经皮射频消融骨肿瘤" ], "307719001": [ "Hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy", "宫腔镜检查和子宫内膜活检" ], "12807004": [ "Destruction of lesion of testis", "睾丸损伤破坏" ], "176647008": [ "Biopsy from female perineum", "女性会阴活检" ], "76508002": [ "Rhytidoplasty of eyelid", "Blepharoplasty", "Tarsoplasty", "眼睑除皱术", "跗骨成形术", "眼睑整形术" ], "25521001": [ "Relaxation of scar contracture of skin", "Release of scar tissue of skin", "皮肤疤痕组织的去除", "皮肤瘢痕挛缩松弛" ], "385969003": [ "Bladder training management", "Manage bladder training", "Management of urinary bladder training", "管理膀胱训练", "膀胱训练的管理", "膀胱训练管理" ], "9137006": [ "Discission of membranous cataract, secondary", "Discission of after cataract", "后发性白内障的探讨", "膜性白内障继发性" ], "1285254001": [ "Administration via subcutaneous route", "皮下给药" ], "171142002": [ "Leishmaniasis screening", "利什曼病筛查" ], "121990006": [ "Dengue virus 3 antibody assay", "Measurement of Dengue virus 3 antibody", "登革热病毒 3 型抗体测量", "登革热病毒 3 型抗体检测" ], "447835000": [ "Removal of wound pack from trunk", "从躯干取出伤口包" ], "234843000": [ "Placement of orthodontic band", "Band tooth", "Band fixed appliance to tooth", "Cement orthodontic band", "将带状固定装置固定到牙齿上", "带齿", "水泥矫正带", "放置矫正带" ], "709979004": [ "Doppler ultrasound of artery", "Doppler ultrasound scan of artery", "Doppler ultrasonography of artery", "动脉多普勒超声扫描", "动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "169307005": [ "Fast-electron therapy", "快电子疗法" ], "87387006": [ "Fiberoptic bronchoscopy with biopsy of bronchus", "Fibreoptic bronchoscopy with biopsy of bronchus", "纤维支气管镜检查及支气管活检" ], "120155006": [ "Thorax repair", "胸腔修复" ], "103771005": [ "Peripheral vein renin stimulation panel", "外周静脉肾素刺激小组" ], "185691009": [ "Adult immunisation - third recall", "Adult immunization - third recall", "成人免疫接种 - 第三次召回" ], "183856001": [ "Referral to hypertension clinic", "转诊至高血压门诊" ], "431451009": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of common femoral artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of common femoral artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "股总动脉造影及支架置入术", "用造影剂插入支架进行股总动脉荧光镜动脉造影" ], "429616001": [ "Aortopulmonary reconstruction with right ventricle to pulmonary arterial valveless conduit", "右心室至肺动脉无瓣导管主肺动脉重建" ], "233008006": [ "Relief of coronary sinus obstruction", "缓解冠状窦阻塞" ], "446000007": [ "Assessment using modified checklist for autism in toddlers", "使用改良的检查表对幼儿自闭症进行评估" ], "50949001": [ "Handling of microbiologic test report", "微生物检测报告的处理" ], "265776009": [ "Harvest of full thickness skin from postauricular region", "从耳后区域获取全层皮肤" ], "444165004": [ "Excision of part of colon and excision of terminal ileum with ileocolic anastomosis", "Partial resection of colon and resection of terminal ileum with ileocolic anastomosis", "切除部分结肠及切除末端回肠并进行回结肠吻合术", "结肠部分切除术及回肠末端切除术及回结肠吻合术" ], "231173008": [ "Common peroneal nerve block", "Local anaesthetic common peroneal nerve block", "Local anesthetic common peroneal nerve block", "腓总神经阻滞", "局部麻醉腓总神经阻滞" ], "112815000": [ "Implantation of heart valve", "心脏瓣膜植入" ], "425946008": [ "Denervation of nerve of eyelid", "眼睑神经支配" ], "229338009": [ "Physiological mobilisation of the glenohumeral joint", "Physiological mobilization of the glenohumeral joint", "肩关节的生理活动" ], "30895001": [ "Dopamine measurement, blood", "血液多巴胺测量" ], "358575006": [ "Gastroduodenostomy", "胃十二指肠吻合术" ], "47279007": [ "Flail extremity rehabilitation", "连枷肢体康复" ], "1290628000": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of thigh", "大腿软组织 X 光检查" ], "407727009": [ "Malaria antigen test", "疟疾抗原检测" ], "440495009": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of testis", "睾丸多普勒超声检查" ], "129199006": [ "Procedure on rib", "肋骨手术" ], "307588004": [ "Rectal pack procedure", "直肠填塞手术" ], "176516005": [ "Excision of male periurethral tissue", "男性尿道周围组织切除术" ], "29060001": [ "Fungus serologic study, paired samples", "真菌血清学研究,配对样本" ], "225668003": [ "Insertion of Guedel airway", "插入 Gudel 气道" ], "10841000": [ "Osteotomy of iliac bone with femoral osteotomy", "髂骨截骨术及股骨截骨术" ], "1256025001": [ "Reinforcement of education on use of wheeled walker", "加强使用助行器的教育" ], "387673001": [ "Nonstress test", "无应激测试" ], "830041003": [ "Insertion of endovascular stent into artery of lower limb", "Endovascular insertion of stent into artery of lower limb", "下肢动脉血管内支架植入术", "下肢动脉血管内支架置入术" ], "174681004": [ "Percutaneous cholangiogram", "Percutaneous cholangiography", "经皮胆管造影" ], "59993005": [ "Galactose measurement, urine", "Urine galactose", "Urine galactose level", "尿液半乳糖", "尿液半乳糖水平", "尿液半乳糖测量" ], "76377007": [ "Anesthesia for total ankle replacement", "Anaesthesia for total ankle replacement", "全踝关节置换术的麻醉" ], "385838001": [ "Stool specimen care", "粪便标本护理" ], "303918003": [ "US male genital system", "Ultrasound of male genital system", "Ultrasonography of male genital system", "男性生殖系统超声检查", "美国男性生殖系统" ], "713518008": [ "Mycophenolate therapy", "霉酚酸酯治疗" ], "433155002": [ "X-ray cystometrogram", "X 射线膀胱内压图" ], "251096000": [ "Unroofing of cyst of kidney", "Deroofing of cyst of kidney", "肾囊肿去顶术" ], "7171009": [ "Shortening of round ligament of uterus", "Alexander operation for shortening of round ligaments", "子宫圆韧带缩短", "亚历山大手术治疗圆韧带缩短" ], "121859008": [ "Sulfhydryl measurement", "Sulphydryl measurement", "巯基测量" ], "447704003": [ "Single dose stereotactic radiosurgery using linear accelerator system", "使用直线加速器系统进行单剂量立体定向放射外科手术" ], "234712004": [ "Root canal obturation", "RCF - Root canal filling", "Root canal filling", "Condense root filling", "RF - Root filling", "浓缩根充填物", "根管充填", "RF - 根管填充", "RCF - 根管填充", "根管填充" ], "120024003": [ "Scrotum reconstruction", "Scrotal reconstruction", "Scrotoplasty", "阴囊成形术", "阴囊重建" ], "38104006": [ "Teleradiotherapy by linear accelerator", "Linear accelerator X-ray therapy", "LINNAC - Linear accelerator X-ray therapy", "External beam radiation therapy by linear accelerator", "直线加速器X射线治疗", "LINNAC - 直线加速器 X 射线治疗", "直线加速器外束放射治疗", "直线加速器远程放射治疗" ], "185560006": [ "Child immunisation - second call", "Child immunization - second call", "儿童免疫接种 - 第二次呼叫" ], "232877009": [ "Repair of implanted pulmonary paravalvular leak", "Repair of implanted pulmonary paravalvar leak", "PVL - Repair of pulmonary paravalvular leak", "PPVL - Repair of pulmonary prosthetic paravalvular leak", "植入性肺瓣周漏的修补", "PPVL - 肺瓣周漏修复", "PVL - 肺瓣周漏修复" ], "771714004": [ "Open repair of inguinal hernia using synthetic mesh", "Open inguinal hernioplasty using synthetic mesh", "使用合成网片进行开放式腹股沟疝修补术", "使用合成网片进行腹股沟疝开放式修补术" ], "444034006": [ "Bidirectional Glenn shunt procedure of right superior vena cava", "右上腔静脉双向格伦分流术" ], "231042007": [ "Neurostimulation of spinal nerve root", "脊神经根的神经刺激" ], "180055000": [ "Anterior exenteration of pelvis", "骨盆前廓清术" ], "442199000": [ "Measurement of gentamicin trough concentration", "庆大霉素谷浓度的测量" ], "229207006": [ "Hydrotherapy class", "水疗课程" ], "81751006": [ "Excision of intra-abdominal mass", "Excision of intra-abdominal tumor, simple", "Excision of intra-abdominal tumour, simple", "腹腔内肿瘤切除术,简单", "腹腔肿块切除术" ], "391212000": [ "Mental health addiction programmes - 1-3 contacts/month", "Mental health addiction programs - 1-3 contacts/month", "心理健康成瘾项目 - 每月 1-3 次联系" ], "294743008": [ "Closure of ureterovisceral fistula", "Closure of intestinoureteral fistula", "输尿管内脏瘘缝合", "肠输尿管瘘闭合" ], "440364001": [ "Repositioning of gastric feeding tube via duodenum", "经十二指肠重新定位胃饲管" ], "178220001": [ "Distant muscle microvascular free flap", "Muscle free flap", "Microvascular free tissue transfer of flap of muscle", "肌肉游离皮瓣", "远处肌肉微血管游离皮瓣", "显微血管游离组织肌瓣移植" ], "243756007": [ "Provision of penile tension band device", "提供阴茎张力带装置" ], "438529005": [ "Ablation of liver using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided ablation of liver", "MRI 引导下肝脏消融", "使用磁共振成像引导进行肝脏消融" ], "28929008": [ "Gaenslen's test", "Gaenslen test", "Gaenslen 测试" ], "174550003": [ "Excision of lesion of bile ducts", "Excision of lesion of bile duct", "胆管病变切除术" ], "76246008": [ "Prophylactic treatment of radius AND ulna with methyl methacrylate", "使用甲基丙烯酸甲酯对桡骨和尺骨进行预防性治疗" ], "238251003": [ "Umbilical cord stump cauterization", "Umbilical cord stump cauterisation", "脐带残端烧灼术" ], "303787006": [ "Contrast procedure of head", "头部对比程序" ], "713387007": [ "Supervision of high risk pregnancy with family history of diabetes mellitus", "有糖尿病家族史的高危妊娠监护" ], "385707008": [ "Faecal disimpaction education", "Fecal disimpaction education", "Teach disimpaction", "教导解除嵌塞", "粪便疏通教育", "粪便堵住教育" ], "285568003": [ "Trimming of amputated tip of terminal phalanx", "末节指骨末端切断的修整" ], "121728004": [ "Turpentine measurement", "松节油测量" ], "252800004": [ "Autonomic function studies", "Autonomic reflex screen", "自主神经反射筛查", "自主神经功能研究" ], "711552004": [ "Attention to prosthetic ear bone anchor pin", "假耳骨锚针注意事项" ], "88960003": [ "Chromosome analysis", "染色体分析" ], "7040003": [ "Lysis of adhesions of nerve ganglion", "神经节粘连松解术" ], "433024005": [ "Gastrojejunostomy using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下胃空肠造口术" ], "105344005": [ "Toluene measurement", "甲苯测量" ], "54357003": [ "Partial excision of small intestine", "Segmental resection of small intestine", "Segmental excision of small intestine", "Enterectomy", "小肠分段切除术", "肠切除术", "小肠节段切除术", "小肠部分切除术" ], "169045004": [ "Cineradiography - heart", "电影放射摄影 - 心脏" ], "1119317007": [ "Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy of left kidney", "Laparoscopic excision of part of left kidney", "腹腔镜切除部分左肾", "腹腔镜左肾部分切除术" ], "412970000": [ "Urine citrulline measurement", "Urine citrulline level", "尿液瓜氨酸测量", "尿液瓜氨酸水平" ], "119893009": [ "Large intestine reconstruction", "大肠重建" ], "232746002": [ "Mitral annulus enlargement", "二尖瓣环扩大" ], "85290004": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of iliac vein by abdominal incision", "腹部切口髂静脉置管取栓术" ], "118058006": [ "HIV 1 p64 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p64 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 64 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p64 抗体检测", "HIV 1 p64 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 64 抗体的测量" ], "167210007": [ "Nitrogen balance test", "氮平衡测试" ], "34303000": [ "Repair of fascia of hand by graft of tendon", "肌腱移植修复手部筋膜" ], "771583002": [ "Incision and drainage of deep abscess of head", "头部深部脓肿切开引流术" ], "312831006": [ "Arterial cannula procedure", "动脉插管手术" ], "50687007": [ "Digestive tract consultation and report", "消化道问诊及报告" ], "230911008": [ "Stereotactic radiosurgery of lesion of intracranial vasculature", "颅内血管损伤的立体定向放射外科治疗" ], "196308007": [ "Biopsy of eyelid", "眼睑活检" ], "229076008": [ "Closed kinetic chain exercises", "Kinetic chain exercises", "动力链练习", "闭链运动练习" ], "16084009": [ "Change in bone length of radius", "桡骨长度变化" ], "866217008": [ "CT guided injection of spinal nerve root", "Injection of spinal nerve root using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行脊神经根注射", "CT引导下脊神经根注射" ], "178089008": [ "Pressure study fascial compartment", "筋膜间隙压力研究" ], "258174001": [ "Imaging guidance", "Imaging guidance procedure", "影像引导程序", "影像引导" ], "77950003": [ "Repair of retina for retinal detachment by cryotherapy", "Reattachment of retina by cryotherapy", "Cryoretinopexy reattachment", "冷冻疗法修复视网膜脱离", "通过冷冻疗法使视网膜复位", "冷冻视网膜固定术" ], "225406008": [ "Level 5 observation", "5级观察" ], "76115003": [ "Ophthalmologic education", "眼科教育" ], "57896008": [ "Removal of penile prosthesis", "阴茎假体移除" ], "56061001": [ "Construction of ear meatus, osseous, skin-lined", "Reconstruction of meatus of ear, osseous, skin-lined", "耳道重建,骨质,皮肤衬里", "耳道结构,骨质,皮肤衬里" ], "88829002": [ "Costoclavicular maneuver", "Costoclavicular manoeuvre", "肋锁关节手法" ], "711421003": [ "Fluoroscopic contrast enema", "荧光造影灌肠" ], "6909004": [ "Excisional biopsy of peripheral nerve ganglion", "周围神经节切除活检" ], "105213004": [ "Imipramine measurement", "Imipramine level", "丙咪嗪测量", "丙咪嗪浓度" ], "236285006": [ "Two stage reconstruction by urethra-terminalizing operation", "Two stage reconstruction by urethra-terminalising operation", "尿道末端重建术" ], "121597004": [ "Hydralazine measurement", "肼屈嗪测量" ], "252669004": [ "C14 urea breath test", "C14尿素呼气试验" ], "119762001": [ "Cardiovascular system transplantation", "心血管系统移植" ], "709586002": [ "Computed tomography angiography of pelvic artery with contrast", "CT angiography of pelvic artery with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of pelvic artery with contrast", "CT arteriography of pelvic artery with contrast", "CT arteriogram of pelvic artery with contrast", "盆腔动脉增强 CT 造影", "盆腔动脉增强 CT 血管造影", "盆腔动脉造影计算机断层扫描" ], "447442008": [ "Debridement of nail bed", "甲床清创" ], "52391000": [ "Hemolysin detection", "Haemolysin detection", "溶血素检测" ], "396455004": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only Borrelia burgdorferi antigen", "Administration of Lyme disease vaccine", "Lyme disease vaccination", "Lyme disease immunization", "Lyme disease immunisation", "莱姆病免疫", "莱姆病疫苗接种", "接种仅含伯氏疏螺旋体抗原的疫苗产品" ], "232615005": [ "Exploration of tracheostomy", "气管切开术探查" ], "363687006": [ "Endoscopic procedure", "内窥镜检查" ], "36007006": [ "Neuroplasty of major peripheral nerve of lumbar plexus", "腰丛主要周围神经成形术" ], "117927005": [ "Phosphatidylethanolamine antibody assay", "Measurement of phosphatidylethanolamine antibody", "磷脂酰乙醇胺抗体测定" ], "429223009": [ "Percutaneous photodynamic therapy of lesion of bile duct", "经皮胆管病变光动力治疗" ], "773287007": [ "Open repair of recurrent incisional hernia of anterior abdominal wall using synthetic mesh with anterior component separation", "用合成网片分离前部组件开放式修补复发性腹前壁切口疝" ], "183463008": [ "Trauma emergency hospital admission", "创伤急诊入院" ], "83324001": [ "Chart review by physician, update", "Progress note by physician", "医生审查图表并更新", "医生的进展记录" ], "412839007": [ "Urine nitrogen measurement", "Urine nitrogen level", "尿氮水平", "尿氮测量" ], "1230204009": [ "Positioning subject in sitting position", "Positioning for sitting", "将受试者置于坐姿", "坐姿" ], "179793003": [ "Primary extra-articular xenograft augmentation intra-articular ligament", "原发性关节外异种移植增强关节内韧带" ], "310865004": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of patella and fixation with tension band wiring", "髌骨骨折一期切开复位张力带钢丝固定" ], "30502000": [ "Repair of omphalocele", "Closure of exomphalos", "Omphalocele repair", "Closure of omphalocele", "脐膨出修复", "脐膨出的修补", "脐膨出缝合" ], "440102005": [ "Ablation using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided ablation", "使用磁共振成像引导进行消融", "MRI 引导消融" ], "718630007": [ "Training to manage personal hygiene", "个人卫生管理培训" ], "176123000": [ "Clam ileocystoplasty", "蛤式回肠膀胱成形术" ], "241659001": [ "Cine MRI of joint movement - wrist", "Cine magnetic resonance imaging of joint movement - wrist", "Cine magnetic resonance imaging of wrist joint movement", "腕关节运动的电影磁共振成像", "关节运动的电影磁共振成像-腕部", "关节运动的电影 MRI - 腕部" ], "307195003": [ "Laparoscopic gastroenterostomy", "腹腔镜胃肠造口术" ], "274427005": [ "Therapeutic bursa aspiration", "治疗性滑囊抽吸" ], "225275006": [ "Clamping urethral catheter", "夹闭式尿道导管" ], "26832000": [ "Alpha-galactosidase measurement, fibroblasts", "α-半乳糖苷酶测量,成纤维细胞" ], "174288000": [ "Perianal plication of levator ani muscles and anal sphincters", "肛提肌及肛门括约肌肛周折叠术" ], "223440005": [ "Advice to undertake activity", "Recommendation to undertake activity", "建议开展活动", "开展活动的建议" ], "305360007": [ "Admission to respiratory medicine department", "Admission to thoracic medicine department", "Admission to pulmonary medicine department", "Admission to chest medicine department", "肺内科入院", "胸外科入院", "胸科医学科入院", "呼吸内科入院" ], "90533000": [ "Platelet factor 3 release test", "PF 3 release test", "血小板 3 因子释放试验", "PF 3 释放测试" ], "8613002": [ "Operation on appendix", "Appendix operation", "阑尾手术", "附录操作" ], "121466000": [ "Bromodiphenhydramine measurement", "溴苯海拉明测量" ], "88698000": [ "Cytotoxicity assay for endothelial/monocyte antigen", "内皮细胞/单核细胞抗原的细胞毒性试验" ], "23162002": [ "Electroencephalogram awake and asleep with stimulation", "清醒和睡眠状态下的脑电图" ], "6778001": [ "Stereotactic biopsy of lesion of spinal cord", "脊髓损伤立体定向活检" ], "449146005": [ "Replacement of root of aorta with reimplantation of coronary arteries using button technique", "用纽扣技术进行主动脉根部置换和冠状动脉再植" ], "252538005": [ "Heaf test", "举重试验" ], "1268346007": [ "Laparoscopic dissection of para-aortic lymph node group", "Laparoscopic dissection of para-aortic lymph nodes", "腹腔镜主动脉旁淋巴结清扫术", "腹腔镜腹主动脉旁淋巴结清扫术" ], "236154005": [ "Nephroscopic resection of lesion in renal pelvis", "Percutaneous resection of lesion in renal pelvis", "肾镜肾盂病变切除术", "经皮肾盂病变切除术" ], "72314008": [ "Full thickness graft of skin to mouth", "口腔全层皮肤移植" ], "447311002": [ "Urethroscopic destruction of lesion of urethra", "尿道镜尿道损伤破坏术" ], "105082008": [ "Benzfetamine measurement", "苯丙胺测量" ], "54095004": [ "Myotomy of oblique or rectus muscle of eye", "眼斜肌或眼直肌切开术" ], "709455005": [ "Reconstruction of breast using pedicle fasciocutaneous flap", "带蒂筋膜皮瓣乳房再造术" ], "168783002": [ "Contrast radiography excluding cardiovascular system", "不包括心血管系统的对比X光检查" ], "119631007": [ "Shoulder closure", "肩部闭合" ], "70479004": [ "Anesthesia for decortication of pleura", "Anaesthesia for decortication of pleura", "胸膜剥脱术的麻醉" ], "117796001": [ "Echovirus 14 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human echovirus 14 antibody", "人类埃可病毒 14 型抗体的测量", "埃可病毒 14 型抗体检测" ], "234319005": [ "Splenectomy", "Excision of spleen tissue", "切除脾组织", "脾切除术" ], "773156003": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent epigastric hernia using biological mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using biological mesh with fascial closure for recurrent epigastric hernia", "腹腔镜疝修补术应用生物网片结合筋膜闭合治疗复发性上腹疝", "腹腔镜下应用生物网片结合筋膜闭合术修复复发性上腹疝" ], "1217359004": [ "Thoracoscopy of mediastinal space", "胸腔镜纵隔检查" ], "725839008": [ "MRI guided ablation of uterine fibroid", "Ablation of uterine fibroid using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI 引导下子宫肌瘤消融术", "使用磁共振成像引导消融子宫肌瘤" ], "429092001": [ "Percutaneous transhepatic sampling of portal venous blood", "经皮经肝门静脉血采样" ], "609316007": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of urine specimen", "尿液样本的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "85028008": [ "Application of clamp to cerebral aneurysm, Crutchfield or Silverstone", "Clamping of cerebral aneurysm", "Clipping of cerebral aneurysm", "Intracerebral aneurysm clipped", "Clipping of aneurysm of cerebral artery", "脑动脉瘤夹、Crutchfield 或 Silverstone 夹的应用", "脑动脉瘤夹闭术", "脑动脉瘤夹闭", "脑内动脉瘤夹闭" ], "52260009": [ "Nasogastric tube maintenance", "Caring for nasogastric tube", "鼻胃管的护理", "鼻胃管维护" ], "66809000": [ "Chlordiazepoxide measurement, blood", "氯氮卓测量,血液" ], "232484009": [ "Excision of concha bullosa", "Resection of concha bullosa", "大疱切除术" ], "15822000": [ "Ocular prosthetic service", "Prescribing and fitting of ocular prosthesis", "眼部假体的处方和安装", "义眼服务" ], "443641009": [ "Surgical procedure on skin of chest", "胸部皮肤外科手术" ], "427257009": [ "Laparoscopic ultrasound examination of bile duct", "腹腔镜胆管超声检查" ], "359886007": [ "McBride operation", "麦克布莱德行动" ], "736718008": [ "Repair of recurrent right inguinal hernia", "复发性右腹股沟疝修补术" ], "390819005": [ "Perinatal mental health care", "围产期心理健康护理" ], "1259171006": [ "Assessment of restorability of tooth", "Tooth restorability assessment", "Evaluation of restorability of tooth", "牙齿可修复性评估", "牙齿可修复性的评估" ], "177827009": [ "Introduction of cytotoxic substance into pleural cavity", "将细胞毒性物质引入胸腔" ], "1290104003": [ "Suture of ruptured collateral ligament of ankle", "踝部侧副韧带断裂缝合" ], "12152003": [ "Immediate isogeneic transplantation, living donor", "立即同基因移植,活体供体" ], "77688004": [ "Cauterization of larynx", "Cauterisation of larynx", "喉部烧灼" ], "307064007": [ "Admission by clinical haematologist", "Admission by clinical hematologist", "临床血液科医师入院", "临床血液科医生入院" ], "225144007": [ "Dressing of pressure sore", "Application of dressing to pressure injury", "压疮敷料", "敷料在压疮中的应用" ], "239693001": [ "Application of triangular sling", "BAS - Application of broad arm sling", "BAS - 宽臂吊带的应用", "三角吊带的应用" ], "305229005": [ "Admission by radiotherapist", "放射治疗师入院" ], "172322000": [ "Recession of bilateral lateral rectus muscles", "Recession of both lateral rectus muscles", "双侧外直肌萎缩" ], "1157197009": [ "Second dose of inactivated whole COVID-19 antigen immunisation", "Second dose of inactivated whole SARS-CoV-2 antigen vaccination", "Second dose of inactivated whole 2019-nCoV antigen immunization", "Second dose of inactivated whole 2019 novel coronavirus antigen immunization", "Second dose of inactivated whole 2019 novel coronavirus antigen immunisation", "Second dose of inactivated whole COVID-19 antigen vaccination", "Second dose of inactivated whole 2019-nCoV antigen vaccination", "Second dose of inactivated whole 2019 novel coronavirus antigen vaccination", "Second dose of inactivated whole SARS-CoV-2 antigen immunization", "Second dose of inactivated whole 2019-nCoV antigen immunisation", "Second dose of inactivated whole COVID-19 antigen immunization", "Administration of second dose of inactivated whole SARS-CoV-2 antigen vaccine", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only inactivated whole severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antigen", "Second dose of inactivated whole severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antigen vaccination", "第二剂灭活全2019新型冠状病毒抗原疫苗", "第二剂灭活全 COVID-19 抗原免疫", "接种第二剂灭活全 SARS-CoV-2 抗原疫苗", "第二剂灭活全 SARS-CoV-2 抗原免疫", "第二剂灭活全 2019-nCoV 抗原免疫", "第二剂灭活全2019新型冠状病毒抗原免疫", "接种第二剂仅含灭活全严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 抗原的疫苗产品", "第二剂灭活全新冠病毒抗原疫苗", "第二剂灭活全 COVID-19 抗原疫苗", "第二剂灭活全严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 抗原疫苗接种", "第二剂灭活全新冠病毒抗原免疫", "第二剂灭活全 SARS-CoV-2 抗原疫苗接种" ], "303394007": [ "Electrocoagulation of gastric lesion", "Coagulation of gastric lesion using electrical energy", "胃部病变电凝术", "利用电能凝固胃部病变" ], "432631000": [ "Removal of stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopic guidance for removal of stent", "透视引导下移除支架", "在荧光透视引导下移除支架" ], "712994008": [ "Robot assisted laparoscopic uretero-ureterostomy", "Laparoscopic uretero-ureterostomy using robotic assistance", "Laparoscopic ureteroureterostomy using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助腹腔镜输尿管造口术", "使用机器人辅助的腹腔镜输尿管造口术" ], "104951003": [ "Sulfite oxidase measurement", "Sulphite oxidase measurement", "亚硫酸盐氧化酶测量" ], "121335005": [ "Carbohydrate identification", "碳水化合物识别" ], "252407006": [ "TPI - Treponema pallidum immobilisation test", "Treponema pallidum immobilisation test", "TPI - Treponema pallidum immobilization test", "Treponema pallidum immobilization test", "TPI-- 梅毒螺旋体固定试验", "梅毒螺旋体固定试验" ], "2977001": [ "Thrombectomy of lower limb vein", "Removal of thrombus of lower limb vein", "下肢静脉血栓清除术", "下肢静脉血栓切除术" ], "117665001": [ "Oxipurinol measurement", "奥昔嘌呤醇测量" ], "250572009": [ "Hydrogen ion activity", "Hydrogen ion activity measurement", "氢离子活度测量", "氢离子活度" ], "265121005": [ "Stripping of intrinsic muscle origin from os calcis", "从跟骨剥离内在肌起点" ], "183201005": [ "Repair of appliance", "家电维修" ], "771190002": [ "Lysis of adhesions of trigeminal nerve", "Division of adhesions of trigeminal nerve", "Freeing of adhesions of trigeminal nerve", "松解三叉神经粘连", "三叉神经粘连的分离", "三叉神经粘连松解术" ], "50294004": [ "Mononuclear cell neopterin production assay", "单核细胞新蝶呤生成试验" ], "443510004": [ "Assessment using Bristol stool form scale", "使用布里斯托大便形态量表进行评估" ], "408907000": [ "Immunological care management", "Manage immunological care", "免疫护理管理", "管理免疫护理" ], "392523003": [ "Seminal fluid specific IgE antibody measurement", "o70 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Seminal fluid specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "精液特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "o70 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "精液特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "310603006": [ "Digital evacuation of retained products of conception", "妊娠残留物的手指清除" ], "718368004": [ "Assessment of urostomy irrigation", "尿路造口冲洗的评估" ], "46624004": [ "Reconstruction of radial head with implant", "植入物重建桡骨头" ], "28405008": [ "Removal of foreign body from spinal cord", "脊髓异物取出" ], "698314001": [ "Consultation for treatment", "治疗咨询" ], "239562005": [ "Excision of vertebra", "脊椎切除术" ], "172191005": [ "Operation on eyebrow", "眉毛手术" ], "416116000": [ "Referral to home registered dietitian", "转介至家庭注册营养师" ], "170356000": [ "Poliomyelitis booster vaccination", "Poliomyelitis booster immunization", "Administration of booster dose of poliomyelitis vaccine", "Poliomyelitis booster immunisation", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Human poliovirus antigen", "脊髓灰质炎加强疫苗接种", "脊髓灰质炎加强免疫", "接种脊髓灰质炎疫苗加强剂", "注射仅含人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量" ], "711028002": [ "Counselling about tobacco use", "Counseling about tobacco use", "关于烟草使用的咨询" ], "252276003": [ "Blood cell analysis", "血细胞分析" ], "22900004": [ "Combined therapy", "Group co-therapy", "Cooperative therapy", "Multiple therapy", "Dual leadership therapy", "Three cornered therapy", "双重领导疗法", "团体联合治疗", "三角疗法", "联合治疗", "合作治疗", "多重治疗" ], "448884005": [ "Injection of interferon", "干扰素注射" ], "432500003": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of tibial artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of tibial artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of tibial artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of tibial artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮胫动脉造影栓塞术", "用荧光造影剂引导经皮胫动脉栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮胫动脉栓塞术" ], "301428006": [ "Aspiration of pancreas", "胰腺抽吸" ], "104820006": [ "Microalbumin measurement, urine, semi-quantitative", "尿液微量白蛋白测量,半定量" ], "168521000": [ "Radiotherapy for haemopoietic irradiation", "Radiotherapy for hemopoietic irradiation", "造血放射治疗" ], "709193007": [ "Excision of sinus of sweat gland", "汗腺窦切除术" ], "447049008": [ "Incision and drainage of abscess of shin", "胫骨脓肿切开引流术" ], "183070000": [ "Vegetarian diet education", "素食教育" ], "21065008": [ "Music therapy", "音乐治疗" ], "51998003": [ "Therapeutic exercise", "治疗性运动" ], "428830000": [ "Pretransplant evaluation of kidney recipient", "肾移植受体的移植前评估" ], "133918004": [ "Comfort measures", "Comfort care", "舒适护理", "舒适措施" ], "264990007": [ "Transfer of intrinsic muscle of foot", "足内在肌移植" ], "17395000": [ "Language therapy", "语言治疗" ], "66547004": [ "Restoration, gold foil, three surfaces", "修复、金箔、三面" ], "441544000": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of axillary vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "透视引导下经皮腋静脉血栓溶解术" ], "228552002": [ "Problem solving training", "Decision making training", "决策培训", "问题解决培训" ], "310472007": [ "Suturing of defect of mitral leaflet", "二尖瓣缺损缝合术" ], "31944008": [ "Chemocauterization of corneal epithelium", "Chemocauterisation of corneal epithelium", "角膜上皮化学烧灼" ], "243101001": [ "Stoma training", "造口训练" ], "718237001": [ "Assessment using Revised Child Impact of Events Scale 8", "Assessment using CRIES-8 (Child Revised Impact of Event Scale 8)", "使用修订的儿童事件影响量表 8 进行评估", "使用 CRIES-8(儿童修订事件影响量表 8)进行评估" ], "439709003": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of head for planning of stereotactic radiotherapy", "MRI of head for planning of stereotactic radiotherapy", "头部 MRI 用于立体定向放射治疗计划", "头部磁共振成像用于立体定向放射治疗计划" ], "406941003": [ "Titan yellow stain method", "Titan yellow stain", "泰坦黄染色", "泰坦黄染色法" ], "177565006": [ "Removal of suture from skin of head or neck", "拆除头部或颈部皮肤的缝线" ], "128413008": [ "Biopsy of male genital system", "男性生殖系统活检" ], "306802002": [ "Referral to stroke service", "转诊至中风服务中心" ], "388722004": [ "Rf271 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pimpinella anisum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Anise specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pimpinella anisum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf271特异性IgE抗体测量", "茴芹特异性IgE抗体测定", "茴芹特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "茴香特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "175730007": [ "Revision of reconstruction involving aorta", "涉及主动脉的重建修复" ], "173895006": [ "Total jejunectomy and anastomosis of stomach to ileum", "全空肠切除及胃回肠吻合术" ], "712732000": [ "CT guided biopsy of scapula", "Biopsy of scapula using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下肩胛骨活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肩胛骨活检" ], "239431009": [ "Reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint", "膝关节前交叉韧带重建" ], "1156935009": [ "Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of whole body", "MRS (magnetic resonance spectroscopy) of whole body", "MR spectroscopy of whole body", "全身磁共振波谱分析" ], "761884004": [ "Assessment using EuroSCORE (European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation)", "Assessment using European System for Cardiac Operative Risk Evaluation", "使用 EuroSCORE(欧洲心脏手术风险评估系统)进行评估", "使用欧洲心脏手术风险评估系统进行评估" ], "450588007": [ "Curettage of lesion of skin of head", "头部皮肤病变刮除术" ], "6385000": [ "Exploration of disc space", "Exploration of intervertebral disc", "椎间盘空间探索", "椎间盘探查" ], "448753000": [ "Endoscopic destruction of lesion of trachea using rigid bronchoscope", "Rigid bronchoscopic destruction of lesion of trachea", "硬质支气管镜气管病变破坏术", "硬质支气管镜内镜气管病变破坏术" ], "39153002": [ "Reconstruction of conjunctival cul-de-sac", "结膜穹窿重建" ], "252145002": [ "SMAC analysis", "Sequential Multiple Analysis - Computer", "SMAC分析", "序贯多重分析 - 计算机" ], "432369004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of abdomen with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of abdomen with contrast", "MRI of abdomen with contrast", "腹部增强磁共振成像 (MRI)", "腹部增强磁共振成像", "腹部增强 MRI" ], "170225005": [ "Referral of child to school medical officer", "将孩子转介给学校医务人员" ], "710897005": [ "Education about water supply", "供水教育" ], "266694003": [ "Heat therapy", "Therapeutic heat application", "Hyperthermia therapy", "Therapy by heating", "热疗应用", "热疗", "加热疗法" ], "20934006": [ "Gas endarterectomy with patch graft", "气体动脉内膜切除术联合补片移植" ], "789147006": [ "Implantation of dental prosthesis into jaw", "将假牙植入颌骨" ], "84635008": [ "Disease process or condition education", "Teaching: disease process", "Advice about disorder", "教学:疾病过程", "疾病过程或病情教育", "关于疾病的建议" ], "31813000": [ "Vascular oscillometry", "Oscillometry", "Oscillotonometry", "示波张力测定法", "血管振荡测定法", "示波法" ], "164720008": [ "Tendon reflex time recording", "腱反射时间记录" ], "162885005": [ "Full respiratory system examination", "全面呼吸系统检查" ], "177434000": [ "Local advancement flap, myocutaneous", "局部推进皮瓣,肌皮" ], "406810000": [ "Auramine O stain method", "Auramine O stain", "金胺O染色法", "金胺O染色" ], "29978008": [ "Destructive procedure of liver", "肝脏破坏性手术" ], "11759002": [ "Rhinoplasty augmentation with synthetic implant", "Augmentation rhinoplasty with prosthetic material", "使用合成植入物进行隆鼻术", "使用假体材料进行隆鼻术" ], "388591004": [ "Rf331 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Crocus sativus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Saffron specific IgE antibody measurement", "Crocus sativus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "藏红花特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "藏红花特异性IgE抗体测定", "藏红花特异性IgE抗体测量", "Rf331 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "306671005": [ "Discharge from plastic surgery service", "整形外科服务出院" ], "241135007": [ "Internal mammary lymphangiogram", "乳内淋巴管造影" ], "108228000": [ "Respiratory tract rehabilitation procedure", "呼吸道康复程序" ], "26308001": [ "Deep fine needle aspiration biopsy under radiologic guidance", "放射学引导下的深部细针穿刺活检" ], "419524003": [ "Angioplasty of aorta using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of aorta with contrast", "荧光透视引导下主动脉造影血管成形术", "使用荧光造影剂引导进行主动脉血管成形术" ], "239300003": [ "Le Fort II osteotomy", "Le Fort II 截骨术" ], "173764008": [ "Reconstruction of gastrostomy", "胃造口重建" ], "432238000": [ "Aspiration of neck using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Aspiration of neck using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下颈部穿刺", "超声引导下颈部抽吸" ], "22638002": [ "Photochemotherapy with tar and petrolatum", "焦油和凡士林光化学疗法" ], "710766003": [ "Implementation of immunization regime", "Implementation of immunisation regime", "免疫接种制度的实施" ], "104558003": [ "Biotin measurement", "生物素测量" ], "708931003": [ "Maintenance hemodialysis", "Maintenance haemodialysis", "维持性血液透析" ], "250179005": [ "Human leukocyte antigen B genotype", "Human leukocyte antigen B genotype determination", "Human leucocyte antigen B genotype", "Human leucocyte antigen B genotype determination", "HLA-B - Human leucocyte antigen B genotype", "HLA-B - Human leukocyte antigen B genotype", "人类白细胞抗原 B 基因型", "人类白细胞抗原B基因型", "HLA-B - 人类白细胞抗原 B 基因型", "人类白细胞抗原B基因型测定" ], "430403008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of transplanted renal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮肾动脉移植腔内血管成形术" ], "608792002": [ "Laparoscopic repair of strangulated femoral hernia", "腹腔镜嵌顿性股疝修补术" ], "428568006": [ "Division of aberrant aortic arch", "异常主动脉弓分离" ], "66285000": [ "Sphenoid endoscopy with removal of mucous membrane", "蝶窦内镜切除黏膜" ], "313880009": [ "60 minute serum TSH measurement", "60 minute serum TSH level", "Measurement of serum thyroid stimulating hormone concentration 60 minutes after challenge", "60 分钟血清 TSH 水平", "60 分钟血清 TSH 测量", "激发后 60 分钟测量血清促甲状腺激素浓度" ], "426733001": [ "Attachment of bone anchored hearing prosthesis", "骨锚式听力假体的安装" ], "197357002": [ "Kutler amputation", "库特勒截肢术" ], "410349005": [ "Nursing care/supplementary case management", "护理/补充病例管理" ], "179138003": [ "Primary closed reduction and external fixation of proximal femoral fracture", "股骨近端骨折一期闭合复位外固定" ], "1260482004": [ "Insertion of stent into colon using colonoscope", "Colonoscopic stent insertion", "Colonoscopy with insertion of colonic stent", "Endoscopic insertion of stent into colon using colonoscope", "使用结肠镜将支架插入结肠", "结肠镜支架插入", "结肠镜检查及结肠支架插入" ], "392130003": [ "Swedish interactive thresholding algorithm automated static perimetry", "SITA ASP", "西达ASP", "瑞典交互式阈值算法自动静态视野检查" ], "275607008": [ "Temporary resident registration", "临时居民登记" ], "439447009": [ "Reimplantation of visceral artery into infrarenal aortic prosthesis", "内脏动脉再植入肾下主动脉假体" ], "716140000": [ "Assessment using Checklist of Communication Competencies", "Assessment using Triple C", "使用 3C 进行评估", "使用沟通能力检查表进行评估" ], "241004004": [ "Winograd partial excision of nail plate", "Winograd 甲板部分切除术" ], "388460007": [ "Mould and yeast specific IgE antibody measurement", "Mold and yeast specific IgE antibody measurement", "Mold and yeast specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Mould and yeast specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "霉菌和酵母特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "霉菌和酵母特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "306540009": [ "Discharge by dietitian", "营养师出院" ], "1287745001": [ "Transfer of tendon of foot", "足部肌腱移位术" ], "386625001": [ "Nonobstetric trachelotomy", "非产科宫颈切开术" ], "401174001": [ "Depression management programme", "Depression management program", "抑郁症管理计划" ], "712470002": [ "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography", "荧光透视引导下内镜逆行胰胆管造影术" ], "40726004": [ "Morphometric analysis, muscle", "肌肉形态分析" ], "235499000": [ "Excision of pancreatic fistula", "胰瘘切除术" ], "171798009": [ "Partial sacrifice of peripheral nerve", "部分周围神经牺牲" ], "104427002": [ "Paper chromatography measurement, 2-dimensional", "纸色谱测量,二维" ], "432107006": [ "Aspiration of hand using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Aspiration of hand using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下手部抽吸" ], "430272004": [ "Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography with contrast", "Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) with contrast", "磁共振胰胆管造影 (MRCP)", "磁共振胆胰管造影" ], "708800006": [ "Extraction of stone of biliary tract", "Extraction of calculus of biliary tract", "胆道结石取出术", "胆道结石摘除术" ], "395669003": [ "Specialist palliative care treatment", "专科姑息治疗" ], "313749008": [ "Serum threonine level", "Serum threonine measurement", "血清苏氨酸测量", "血清苏氨酸水平" ], "444821009": [ "Assessment of chest pain", "胸痛评估" ], "180842002": [ "Harvest of composite of skin and cartilage from ear", "从耳朵获取皮肤和软骨复合材料" ], "49770002": [ "Mammoplasty with pedicle graft", "Pedicle graft to breast", "Skin pedicle graft to breast", "带蒂移植至乳房", "带蒂移植乳房成形术", "皮肤蒂移植至乳房" ], "410218002": [ "Personal care education", "Teach personal care", "教授个人护理", "个人护理教育" ], "618007": [ "Frontal sinusectomy", "额窦切除术" ], "47935000": [ "Cordectomy of vocal cord", "声带切除术" ], "179007001": [ "First part Papineau procedure", "第一部分 Papineau 手术" ], "391999003": [ "Confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy", "共焦扫描激光检眼镜" ], "408383005": [ "Referral for cataract extraction", "转诊进行白内障摘除术" ], "80703007": [ "Removal of surgically implanted material from posterior segment of eye", "从眼后节取出手术植入的物质" ], "306409000": [ "Discharge by blood transfusion doctor", "输血医生出院" ], "716009005": [ "Percutaneous ablation of neoplasm", "Percutaneous tumor ablation", "Percutaneous tumour ablation", "经皮肿瘤消融术", "经皮肿瘤消融" ], "175337007": [ "Plastic repair of aorta", "主动脉整形修复" ], "386494000": [ "Visitation facilitation", "探访便利" ], "26046004": [ "Cardiovascular stress test using bicycle ergometer", "Stress test ECG - bicycle", "压力测试心电图 - 自行车", "使用自行车测功仪进行心血管压力测试" ], "173502007": [ "Biopsy of lesion of salivary gland", "涎腺病变活检" ], "171667000": [ "Maintenance of neurostimulator in cranial nerve", "脑神经刺激器的维护" ], "401043001": [ "Serum oxazepam level", "血清奥沙西泮水平" ], "288190009": [ "Induce labor - IV drip", "Induce labour - IV drip", "Induce labor - intravenous drip", "Induction of labour by intravenous drip", "Induction of labor by intravenous drip", "静脉滴注引产", "引产-静脉滴注" ], "11401000087101": [ "Ultrasonography of chest and right axilla", "Ultrasound of chest and right axilla", "Ultrasound scan of chest and right axilla", "胸部和右腋窝超声扫描", "胸部和右腋窝超声检查" ], "12681000087102": [ "CT arthrography of bilateral upper extremities", "Computed tomography arthrography of bilateral upper extremities", "Computed tomography arthrography of bilateral upper limbs", "CT arthrogram of bilateral upper extremities", "CT arthrogram of both upper limbs", "CT arthrography of both upper limbs", "双侧上肢 CT 关节造影", "双侧上肢CT关节造影", "双上肢CT关节造影", "双侧上肢计算机断层关节造影" ], "6281000087103": [ "Doppler ultrasonography flow mapping of vein of right lower extremity", "Doppler ultrasonography flow mapping of vein of right lower limb", "右下肢静脉多普勒超声血流图" ], "15241000087104": [ "CT of right rib", "Computed tomography of right rib", "右肋骨计算机断层扫描", "右肋骨 CT" ], "710504000": [ "Categorizing surgical wound", "Categorising surgical wound", "手术伤口分类" ], "2441000087106": [ "MRI of left upper arm with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left upper arm with contrast", "左上臂对比磁共振成像", "左上臂 MRI 增强扫描" ], "20361000087107": [ "Aspiration of left axilla using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of left axilla", "超声引导下左腋窝穿刺" ], "3721000087104": [ "Plain X-ray of left sacroiliac joint", "左骶髂关节普通X光" ], "5001000087109": [ "CT of right hand with contrast", "Computed tomography of right hand with contrast", "右手增强 CT 扫描", "右手增强计算机断层扫描" ], "1161000087107": [ "Ultrasonography of left knee region", "Ultrasound of left knee region", "Ultrasound scan of left knee region", "左膝区域超声波扫描", "左膝区域超声检查", "左膝部超声检查" ], "399208008": [ "Plain chest X-ray", "Plain X-ray of chest", "Plain X-ray of thorax", "Plain CXR (chest X-ray)", "普通胸部X光检查", "胸部 X 光检查" ], "448360009": [ "Sigmoidoscopic argon plasma coagulation of lesion of rectum", "乙状结肠镜直肠病变氩离子凝固术" ], "300904009": [ "Drainage of ovarian cyst", "卵巢囊肿引流" ], "5992009": [ "Midtarsal arthrodesis, multiple", "跗骨中关节融合术,多发性" ], "53309004": [ "Skin test", "皮肤测试" ], "233533002": [ "Central venous cannula insertion via umbilical vein", "经脐静脉插入中心静脉插管" ], "20541009": [ "Patient on pass", "患者通过" ], "86077009": [ "Operation for glaucoma", "Intraocular release of pressure", "Glaucoma surgery", "青光眼手术", "眼压释放" ], "118845009": [ "Procedure on perianal tissue", "肛周组织手术" ], "117010004": [ "Urine culture", "Microbial urine culture", "尿液微生物培养", "尿培养" ], "2322003": [ "Suture of recent wound of eyelid, direct closure, full-thickness", "眼睑近期伤口缝合,直接闭合,全层" ], "18706007": [ "C>6< complement assay", "Complement sixth component", "C>6< 补体测定", "补第六个分量" ], "231698008": [ "Inferior oblique Faden", "斜下渐淡" ], "166162008": [ "Neutrophil function test", "NFT - Neutrophil function test", "NFT-- 中性粒细胞功能测试", "中性粒细胞功能检查" ], "410087008": [ "Physical rehabilitation therapy assessment", "Assess rehabilitation exercise", "物理康复治疗评估", "评估康复锻炼" ], "47804005": [ "Modification of contact lens", "隐形眼镜的改造" ], "15036006": [ "Implantation of prosthesis or prosthetic device of acetabulum of hip joint, Aufranc-Turner", "Insertion of prosthesis or prosthetic device of acetabulum of hip joint, Aufranc-Turner", "髋关节髋臼假体或假体装置植入术,Aufranc-Turner", "髋关节髋臼假体或假体装置插入,Aufranc-Turner" ], "308113006": [ "Self-monitoring of blood glucose", "自我监测血糖" ], "306278007": [ "Referral to endocrinologist", "转诊至内分泌科" ], "173371000": [ "Commissurectomy of tongue", "舌连合切除术" ], "175206009": [ "Application of band to persistent truncus arteriosus", "永存动脉干带的应用" ], "715878008": [ "Assessment using Minnesota Test for Differential Diagnosis of Aphasia", "Assessment using MTDDA (Minnesota Test for Differential Diagnosis of Aphasia)", "使用明尼苏达测试对失语症进行鉴别诊断", "使用 MTDDA(明尼苏达失语症鉴别诊断测试)进行评估" ], "386363001": [ "Medication administration: vaginal", "Administration of drug or medicament via vaginal route", "通过阴道途径给药", "给药方式:阴道" ], "75067006": [ "Manual muscle-testing of hand", "Grip strength testing", "Grip/pinch test", "握力/捏力测试", "手部肌肉测试", "握力测试" ], "304443007": [ "Interferential to neck", "颈部干扰" ], "42299007": [ "Fascial sling of tongue", "舌筋膜吊带" ], "40464001": [ "Epikeratophakia", "Epikeratoplasty", "EKP - Epikeratophakia", "表层角膜移植术", "EKP-- 表层角膜镜片术", "表角膜镜片症" ], "73232001": [ "Incision and exploration of sinus tract", "窦道切开探查" ], "433680003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of common femoral artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of common femoral artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "股总动脉荧光造影及支架植入术", "股总动脉造影及支架植入术" ], "288059009": [ "Operation for multiple fractures", "多发性骨折手术" ], "122384004": [ "Mycobacterium tuberculosis DNA assay", "Mycobacterium tuberculosis deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "结核分枝杆菌脱氧核糖核酸测定", "结核分枝杆菌 DNA 检测" ], "1285648007": [ "Insertion of upper removable orthodontic appliance", "插入上颌可拆卸矫正器" ], "104165000": [ "Nucleic acid probe method", "核酸探针法" ], "38629001": [ "Operative procedure on the arteries of the thorax and abdomen", "胸腹部动脉手术" ], "235237002": [ "Heater probe treatment of gastric lesion", "胃部病变热探针治疗" ], "284389000": [ "Examination of second toe", "第二脚趾的检查" ], "431845006": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for change of biliary drain", "Replacement of biliary drain using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下更换胆道引流管", "透视引导胆道引流管更换" ], "118714000": [ "Procedure on lower leg", "小腿手术" ], "233402001": [ "Procedure on arterial intraluminal device", "动脉管腔内装置操作程序" ], "53178003": [ "Esophagoscopy for insertion of wire to guide dilation", "Oesophagoscopy for insertion of wire to guide dilation", "食管镜检查用于插入导丝引导扩张", "食管镜插入导丝引导扩张" ], "85946004": [ "Lobectomy of liver", "Total resection of lobe of liver", "Hepatic lobectomy", "Liver lobectomy", "肝叶切除术", "肝叶全切除术" ], "397242005": [ "Suture of liver laceration", "肝裂伤缝合" ], "315322008": [ "Transverse colectomy with anastomosis", "横结肠切除术及吻合术" ], "67727001": [ "Repair of artery with suture", "Angiorrhaphy of artery", "Arteriorrhaphy", "Suture of artery", "Simple suture repair of artery", "缝合修复动脉", "动脉血管缝合术", "动脉简单缝合修复", "动脉缝合术", "动脉缝合" ], "231567002": [ "Cryotherapy to lesion of medial canthus", "内眦损伤的冷冻治疗" ], "313487001": [ "Hepatitis C IgG measurement", "Hepatitis C IgG level", "Hepatitis C immunoglobulin G measurement", "丙型肝炎免疫球蛋白 G 测量", "丙型肝炎 IgG 检测", "丙型肝炎 IgG 水平" ], "444559005": [ "Drainage of abscess of salivary gland", "涎腺脓肿引流" ], "772239005": [ "Laparoscopic spigelian hernioplasty using synthetic mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic repair of spigelian hernia using synthetic mesh with fascial closure", "使用合成网片和筋膜闭合进行腹腔镜疝修补术", "腹腔镜下使用合成网片和筋膜闭合术修复疝气" ], "426340003": [ "Creation of graft fistula for dialysis", "建立透析用移植瘘管" ], "311652004": [ "Therapy to reduce fronting", "减少正面化的治疗" ], "442724006": [ "Evaluation of nonsurgical biopsy specimen", "非手术活检标本的评估" ], "669251000168104": [ "Defence force post-deployment medical examination", "Defense force post-deployment medical examination", "国防部队部署后体检" ], "424505000": [ "Adult rehabilitation continuous assessment", "Continuous rehabilitation assessment adult", "Adult rehabilitation ongoing assessment", "成人康复持续评估", "持续康复评估成人" ], "178745004": [ "Revision to open reduction spinal fracture and internal fixation with internal fixator", "脊柱骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "29454005": [ "Surgical occlusion of aorta", "主动脉闭塞手术" ], "13070009": [ "Hepatitis A virus antibody, IgG type", "Hepatitis A virus antibody, immunoglobulin G type", "甲型肝炎病毒抗体 IgG 型", "甲肝病毒抗体、免疫球蛋白G型" ], "306147004": [ "Referral to general pathology service", "转诊至普通病理学服务" ], "224227005": [ "Removal of subconjunctival foreign body", "去除结膜下异物" ], "713912000": [ "CT of trunk for assessment for solid organ injury", "Computed tomography of trunk for assessment for solid organ injury", "CT for solid organ injury", "躯干计算机断层扫描评估实体器官损伤", "躯干CT扫描评估实体器官损伤", "CT检查实体器官损伤" ], "206008000": [ "Lengthening of extraocular muscle", "眼外肌延长" ], "1303736002": [ "Non-emergency transportation request", "Non-urgent transportation request", "非紧急交通请求" ], "386232002": [ "Cerebral oedema control", "Cerebral edema control", "Cerebral oedema management", "Cerebral edema management", "脑水肿控制", "脑水肿治疗" ], "438241000124103": [ "Decreased thiamine diet", "Decreased thiamin diet", "减少硫胺素饮食" ], "435681000124103": [ "Dietary liquid consistency diet", "液体稠度饮食" ], "302477001": [ "Osteotomy of maxilla", "上颌骨截骨术" ], "444641000124106": [ "Adaptive eating device management", "自适应饮食设备管理" ], "436961000124107": [ "Decreased trans fat diet", "减少反式脂肪饮食" ], "122253004": [ "Campylobacter culture", "弯曲杆菌培养" ], "171405001": [ "Examination for suspected cardiovascular disease", "疑似心血管疾病检查" ], "236941004": [ "Ampullosalpingoscopy", "壶腹部输卵管镜检查" ], "431714002": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of face with contrast", "Computed tomography of face with contrast", "CT of face with contrast", "面部增强计算机断层扫描", "面部增强 CT 扫描", "面部增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "710242005": [ "Consulting with home care service", "居家护理服务咨询" ], "104034007": [ "H blood group antibody identification", "H血型抗体鉴定" ], "85815002": [ "Hypotonic duodenography", "Hypotonic duodenogram", "十二指肠张力减退造影", "十二指肠张力减退图" ], "315191003": [ "Serum teicoplanin level", "血清替考拉宁水平" ], "233271009": [ "Percutaneous angioplasty of coeliac artery", "Percutaneous angioplasty of celiac artery", "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of celiac artery", "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of coeliac artery", "经皮腹腔动脉球囊成形术", "经皮腹腔动脉成形术" ], "3895009": [ "Application of dressing", "Dressing", "Dressing of skin or wound", "敷料的应用", "敷料皮肤或伤口", "敷料" ], "229601001": [ "Weight-bearing gait re-education on stairs", "Weight-bearing gait training on stairs", "楼梯负重步态训练", "楼梯负重步态再教育" ], "113078001": [ "Iodine, urine free measurement", "Measurement of iodide in urine specimen", "尿液标本中碘的测定", "尿碘自由测量" ], "276918003": [ "Subcostal incision", "Kocher's incision", "Kocher 切口", "肋下切口" ], "719286006": [ "Gluteal herniorrhaphy", "Repair of gluteal hernia using surgical sutures", "臀疝修补术", "使用手术缝合线修复臀疝" ], "31158009": [ "Enterectomy with double-barrel enterostomy", "肠切除术及双管肠造口术" ], "406155005": [ "Removal of all drains", "All drains removed", "已拆除所有排水管", "拆除所有排水管" ], "174944001": [ "Allograft pulmonary valve replacement", "Homograft pulmonary valve replacement", "同种异体肺动脉瓣置换术" ], "306016008": [ "Referral from neurosurgeon", "Referral by neurosurgeon", "神经外科医生转诊", "神经外科医生的推荐" ], "43872009": [ "Antibody to centromere measurement", "着丝粒抗体测量" ], "42037002": [ "Dye dilution studies, indicator dye curves", "染料稀释研究,指示染料曲线" ], "371552008": [ "Procedure on neoplasm of ocular adnexa", "眼附属器肿瘤手术" ], "271413004": [ "Plastic operation on penis", "阴茎整形手术" ], "25653001": [ "Partial ostectomy of femur", "Partial excision of femur", "股骨部分切除", "股骨部分截骨术" ], "1303605002": [ "Right patellar tendon repair", "Repair of right patellar tendon", "Repair of right patellar ligament", "右髌韧带修复", "右髌腱修复" ], "122122006": [ "Strongyloides species antibody assay", "Measurement of Strongyloides species antibody", "圆线虫抗体的测量", "类圆线虫抗体检测" ], "742879000": [ "Management of isolation for infection control", "感染控制隔离管理" ], "103903001": [ "Kp^b^ blood group typing", "Kp^b^血型分型" ], "23818008": [ "Scanning or imaging, perfusion study, gaseous", "扫描或成像,灌注研究,气体" ], "447967003": [ "Internal fixation of ulna using plate", "尺骨钢板内固定" ], "169439004": [ "US therapy - inner ear", "Ultrasound therapy - inner ear", "超声波治疗-内耳", "超声治疗-内耳" ], "118452000": [ "Enlargement", "Enlargement procedure", "扩大手术", "放大" ], "315060007": [ "Open salpingectomy", "开放式输卵管切除术" ], "233140008": [ "Direct aorta to pulmonary artery anastomosis with fenestrated baffle", "带孔挡板的直接主动脉至肺动脉吻合术" ], "395145001": [ "Free prostate specific antigen level", "游离前列腺特异抗原水平" ], "51081001": [ "Cauterization of superficial pannus", "Cauterisation of superficial pannus", "浅表血管翳烧灼术", "烧灼浅表血管翳" ], "34697004": [ "Incision of pterygopalatine fossa", "翼腭窝切开术" ], "231305006": [ "Skin infiltration", "皮肤浸润" ], "229470005": [ "Prophylactic stretching", "预防性拉伸" ], "180318005": [ "Application of Futura splint", "Futura 夹板的应用" ], "47411002": [ "Implantation of penile prosthesis", "阴茎假体植入" ], "178483004": [ "Osteotomy of alveolar segment of mandible", "下颌骨牙槽段截骨术" ], "394531000119101": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of abdomen without contrast", "MRI of abdomen without contrast", "无造影剂腹部磁共振成像", "腹部 MRI 无造影" ], "440627004": [ "Closed manual reduction of fracture of distal lateral condyle of femur", "股骨远端外髁骨折闭合手法复位" ], "391475007": [ "Coeliac disease screen", "Celiac disease screen", "Screening for celiac disease", "Screening for coeliac disease", "乳糜泻筛查" ], "112947006": [ "Splanchnicectomy", "Resection of splanchnic nerve", "Peet operation", "Splanchnic surgical sympathectomy", "内脏交感神经切除术", "内脏神经切除术", "皮特手术" ], "388131000119100": [ "Computed tomography of mastoid without contrast", "CT of mastoid without contrast", "乳突 CT 无增强扫描", "乳突无造影 CT 检查" ], "307720007": [ "Primary laser excision of lumbar intervertebral disc", "腰椎间盘初次激光切除术" ], "385970002": [ "Dialysis care assessment", "Assess dialysis care", "透析护理评估", "评估透析护理" ], "418738003": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of subclavian artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of subclavian artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下锁骨下动脉造影成形术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行锁骨下动脉血管成形术" ], "271282002": [ "Corrected fructosamine level", "Corrected fructosamine measurement", "校正的果糖胺水平", "校正的果糖胺测量" ], "238514005": [ "Chalazion removal", "霰粒肿切除" ], "25522008": [ "Sequestrectomy of patella", "髌骨死骨切除术" ], "121991005": [ "Aspergillus fumigatus 3 antibody assay", "烟曲霉 3 抗体测定" ], "171143007": [ "Trypanosomiasis screening", "锥虫病筛查" ], "709980001": [ "Procedure on fallopian tube using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided procedure on fallopian tube", "输卵管透视引导手术", "荧光透视引导下输卵管手术" ], "431452002": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of tibial artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of tibial artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "胫动脉造影荧光镜动脉造影术及支架置入术", "胫动脉造影荧光血管造影术及支架置入" ], "447836004": [ "Removal of external fixation device from radius", "从桡骨移除外固定装置" ], "234844006": [ "Placement of orthodontic bracket", "Insertion of orthodontic bracket", "插入正畸托槽", "正畸托槽的放置" ], "120156007": [ "Chest wall destructive procedure", "胸壁破坏性手术" ], "233009003": [ "Atrial operation", "心房手术" ], "52785004": [ "Destruction of lesion of kidney", "肾脏病变破坏" ], "183857005": [ "Referral to developmental clinic", "转诊至发育诊所" ], "446001006": [ "Assessment using modified health assessment questionnaire", "使用改良的健康评估问卷进行评估" ], "429617005": [ "Primary percutaneous intradiscal thermocoagulation of lumbar intervertebral disc using radiofrequency probe", "经皮射频探头腰椎间盘原发性热凝术" ], "231174002": [ "Local anesthetic saphenous nerve block", "Local anaesthetic saphenous nerve block", "Saphenous nerve block", "隐神经阻滞", "局部麻醉隐神经阻滞" ], "229339001": [ "Physiological mobilization of the acromioclavicular joint", "Physiological mobilisation of the acromioclavicular joint", "肩锁关节的生理活动" ], "360411008": [ "Capsulotomy of lens with removal of foreign body", "晶状体囊切开术及异物取出" ], "407728004": [ "Haemoglobin D Iran level", "Hemoglobin D Iran level", "Haemoglobin D Iran measurement", "Hemoglobin D Iran measurement", "血红蛋白D伊朗水平", "伊朗血红蛋白 D 测量", "血红蛋白 D 伊朗水平", "血红蛋白 D 伊朗测量" ], "309424005": [ "Dermis graft to nasolabial fold", "Graft of skin to skin of nasolabial fold", "皮肤移植至鼻唇沟皮肤", "真皮移植至鼻唇沟" ], "440496005": [ "Whole body DXA scan", "Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of whole body", "全身双能X射线吸收测定法", "全身 DXA 扫描" ], "61829000": [ "Curettage of muscle", "肌肉刮除术" ], "129200009": [ "Procedure on sacrum", "骶骨手术" ], "225669006": [ "Pharyngeal icing", "咽部冰敷" ], "307589007": [ "Phenol injection of hemorrhoid", "Phenol injection of haemorrhoid", "痔疮苯酚注射液" ], "1256026000": [ "Reinforcement of education on use of walking frame", "加强助行架使用教育" ], "830042005": [ "Insertion of endovascular stent into intracranial vascular structure", "Endovascular insertion of stent into intracranial vascular structure", "血管内支架插入颅内血管结构", "将血管内支架插入颅内血管结构" ], "174682006": [ "T tube cholangiography", "T tube cholangiogram", "T 管胆管造影" ], "713519000": [ "Partial lobectomy of liver", "肝部分叶切除术" ], "303919006": [ "US scan of musculoskeletal system", "Ultrasound scan of musculoskeletal system", "Ultrasound examination of musculoskeletal system", "肌肉骨骼系统超声扫描", "肌肉骨骼系统超声波扫描", "肌肉骨骼系统超声检查" ], "252932000": [ "Postcoital urine test", "性交后尿液检查" ], "433156001": [ "Intraoperative epiaortic ultrasonography", "Intraoperative epiaortic ultrasonography (US)", "术中主动脉瓣超声检查(美国)", "术中主动脉上壁超声检查" ], "171012002": [ "Pre-pregnancy education", "Pre-conception education", "孕前教育" ], "72708003": [ "Division of varicose vein", "静脉曲张的切除" ], "385839009": [ "Stool specimen care education", "Teach stool specimen care", "粪便标本护理教育", "教导粪便标本护理" ], "121860003": [ "Sulfide measurement", "Sulphide measurement", "硫化物测量" ], "120025002": [ "Seminal vesicle reconstruction", "精囊重建" ], "431321004": [ "Radioisotope imaging dopamine receptor site of brain", "大脑多巴胺受体部位的放射性同位素成像" ], "5337005": [ "Trocar biopsy", "套管针活检" ], "169177004": [ "Hormone radioimmunoassay", "激素放射免疫分析法" ], "185561005": [ "Child immunization - third call", "Child immunisation - third call", "儿童免疫接种 - 第三次呼吁", "儿童免疫接种 - 第三次呼叫" ], "234713009": [ "FS - Application of fissure sealant to tooth", "Application of fissure sealant to tooth", "Fissure seal tooth", "FS - 牙齿窝沟封闭剂的应用", "窝沟封闭牙", "牙齿窝沟封闭剂的应用" ], "232878004": [ "PVRR - Pulmonary valve re-replacement", "Replacement of implanted pulmonary valve", "植入式肺动脉瓣置换术", "PVRR - 肺动脉瓣置换术" ], "231043002": [ "Spinal nerve root block", "Local anaesthetic block on spinal nerve root", "Local anesthetic block on spinal nerve root", "脊神经根局部麻醉阻滞", "脊神经根阻滞" ], "771715003": [ "Open inguinal hernioplasty using biological mesh", "Open repair of inguinal hernia using biological mesh", "使用生物网片进行腹股沟疝开放式修补术", "使用生物网片进行开放式腹股沟疝修补术" ], "444035007": [ "Minithoracotomy and biopsy of pleura", "Limited thoracotomy and biopsy of pleura", "有限的开胸手术和胸膜活检", "小切口胸膜切开术和胸膜活检" ], "394883009": [ "Collagen/epinephrine platelet function test", "胶原蛋白/肾上腺素血小板功能测试" ], "116355009": [ "Reduction of open fracture without manipulation", "无需手法复位开放性骨折" ], "442200002": [ "Measurement of gentamicin peak concentration", "庆大霉素峰浓度测定" ], "180056004": [ "Posterior exenteration of pelvis", "骨盆后廓清术" ], "425816006": [ "Ultrasonic evaluation of retina", "视网膜超声评估" ], "440365000": [ "Excision of epiphyseal bar with autogenous soft tissue graft", "切除骨骺杆并移植自体软组织" ], "868184008": [ "Telemedicine consultation with provider", "与医疗服务提供商进行远程医疗咨询" ], "178221002": [ "Local muscle transposition flap", "局部肌肉转位皮瓣" ], "243757003": [ "Provision of incontinence appliance", "提供失禁器具" ], "391213005": [ "Mental health addiction programmes - <1 contact/month", "Mental health addiction programs - <1 contact/month", "心理健康成瘾计划 - <1 次联系/月", "心理健康成瘾计划 - <1 次接触/月" ], "702509005": [ "Computed tomography of thyroid with contrast", "CT of thyroid with contrast", "甲状腺增强计算机断层扫描", "甲状腺增强 CT" ], "14381006": [ "Injection of hip joint", "Injection of coxofemoral joint", "髋股关节注射", "髋关节注射" ], "718893008": [ "Assessment using Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale 5 Patient Version (1 week recall period)", "Assessment using IPOS-5 (Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale 5) Patient Version (1 week recall period)", "使用综合姑息治疗结果量表 5 患者版本进行评估(1 周回忆期)", "使用 IPOS-5(综合姑息治疗结果量表 5)患者版本进行评估(1 周回忆期)" ], "438530000": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of coronary artery bypass graft", "MR angiography of coronary artery bypass graft", "MR arteriography of coronary artery bypass graft", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of coronary artery bypass graft", "冠状动脉搭桥术磁共振血管造影", "冠状动脉搭桥术磁共振动脉造影", "冠状动脉搭桥术的磁共振动脉造影", "冠状动脉搭桥术的磁共振血管造影" ], "79917009": [ "Implantation of pulmonary valve prosthesis or synthetic device", "肺动脉瓣假体或合成装置植入" ], "45314005": [ "Repair of cholecystogastric fistula", "Closure of cholecystogastric fistula", "胆囊胃瘘闭合", "胆囊胃瘘修复术" ], "174551004": [ "Destruction lesion of bile duct", "胆管破坏性损伤" ], "1173975006": [ "Removal of McDonald's cervical cerclage", "Removal of McDonald cerclage from cervix", "从宫颈移除麦当劳环扎带", "麦当劳宫颈环扎带拆除术" ], "303788001": [ "Upper limb contrast procedure", "上肢造影程序" ], "385708003": [ "Management of faecal disimpaction", "Management of fecal disimpaction", "Manage disimpaction", "粪便嵌塞的处理", "粪便嵌塞的治疗", "处理堵塞解除" ], "8876004": [ "Aortocoronary artery bypass graft with prosthesis", "带假体的主动脉冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "252801000": [ "Ophthalmological test", "眼科检查" ], "1155756009": [ "Liaising with multidisciplinary team on wound care", "与多学科团队联络,进行伤口护理" ], "88961004": [ "Excision of lesion of nasopharynx", "鼻咽病损切除术" ], "23425005": [ "Amputation of arm through elbow", "Amputation of elbow", "Disarticulation of elbow", "Disarticulation of the elbow joint", "TEA - Through elbow amputation", "TEA-- 肘部截肢术", "肘关节脱位", "肘部截肢" ], "433025006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of superior mesenteric artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of superior mesenteric artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "肠系膜上动脉造影及支架置入术" ], "121729007": [ "Tybamate measurement", "酪氨酯测量" ], "105345006": [ "Tranylcypromine measurement", "反苯环丙胺测量" ], "431190000": [ "Respiratory and electrocardiography gated cardiac computed tomography of heart", "呼吸和心电图门控心脏计算机断层扫描" ], "72577009": [ "Excision of nipple", "Amputation of teat", "乳头切断", "乳头切除术" ], "119894003": [ "Anus excision", "Excision of anus", "肛门切除" ], "1119318002": [ "Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy of right kidney", "Laparoscopic excision of part of right kidney", "腹腔镜切除部分右肾", "腹腔镜右肾部分切除术" ], "169046003": [ "Cineradiography of great blood vessel", "大血管电影放射摄影" ], "85291000": [ "Sickle cell identification, slide method", "镰状细胞识别,载玻片法" ], "412971001": [ "Urine homocitrulline measurement", "Urine homocitrulline level", "尿液同型瓜氨酸测定", "尿液同型瓜氨酸水平" ], "118059003": [ "HIV 1 p65 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p65 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 65 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p65 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 65 抗体的测量", "HIV 1 p65 抗体检测" ], "232747006": [ "Operation on mitral papillary muscle", "二尖瓣乳头肌手术" ], "183595007": [ "Refer for terminal care", "转诊至终末期护理" ], "167211006": [ "Body water test", "体水测试" ], "198144000": [ "Hepaticodochotomy", "肝总管切开术" ], "50688002": [ "Anesthesia for pectus excavatum", "Anaesthesia for pectus excavatum", "胸腔麻醉" ], "230912001": [ "Stereotactic radiosurgery of intracranial arteriovenous malformation", "颅内动静脉畸形的立体定向放射外科治疗" ], "312832004": [ "Venous cannula procedure", "静脉插管手术" ], "134443008": [ "Aspergillus fumigatus 2 antibody level", "烟曲霉 2 抗体水平" ], "229077004": [ "Open kinetic chain exercises", "开放动力链练习" ], "179925005": [ "Distension of joint", "关节扩张" ], "14250000": [ "Excision of ureterocele", "Ureterocelectomy", "输尿管切除术", "输尿管囊肿切除术" ], "866218003": [ "CT guided aspiration of bone", "Aspiration of bone using computed tomography guidance", "CT 引导下骨穿刺", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行骨骼抽吸" ], "178090004": [ "Exploration fascial compartment", "探查筋膜间隙" ], "423850004": [ "Pediatric continuous physical assessment", "Paediatric continuous physical assessment", "Pediatric ongoing physical assessment", "Paediatric ongoing physical assessment", "儿科持续体格评估" ], "225407004": [ "Level 4 observation", "4级观察" ], "12415007": [ "Endoscopic destruction of lesion of duodenum", "内镜十二指肠病变破坏术" ], "76116002": [ "Implantation of prosthesis or prosthetic device of acetabulum of hip joint", "髋关节髋臼假体或假体装置植入术" ], "90665009": [ "Antibody to epidermal antigen measurement", "表皮抗原抗体测量" ], "252670003": [ "String test", "Entero string test", "字符串测试", "肠线试验" ], "105214005": [ "Indium measurement", "铟测量" ], "711422005": [ "Intravenous pyelogram using X-ray guidance", "使用 X 射线引导进行静脉肾盂造影" ], "236286007": [ "Turner-Warwick hypospadias repair - first stage", "Byars hypospadias repair - first stage", "Bretville hypospadias repair - first stage", "First stage urethra terminalising operation using prepucial skin flap", "First stage urethra terminalizing operation using prepucial skin flap", "Turner-Warwick 尿道下裂修复术 - 第一阶段", "包皮瓣一期尿道终末成形术", "一期包皮瓣尿道终末成形术", "拜尔斯尿道下裂修复术 - 第一阶段", "布雷特维尔尿道下裂修复术 - 第一阶段" ], "56062008": [ "Repair of sliding inguinal hernia", "滑动性腹股沟疝的修补术" ], "398291001": [ "Replacement of pyelostomy tube", "肾盂造口管更换" ], "121598009": [ "Hydrastine measurement", "黄连碱测量" ], "119763006": [ "Cardiovascular system transposition procedure", "心血管系统移位手术" ], "117928000": [ "Phosphatidylglycerol antibody assay", "Measurement of phosphatidylglycerol antibody", "磷脂酰甘油抗体的测量", "磷脂酰甘油抗体测定" ], "363688001": [ "Administration of antineoplastic agent", "抗肿瘤药物的使用" ], "183464002": [ "Ophthalmological emergency hospital admission", "眼科急诊入院" ], "396456003": [ "Administration of diphtheria and hepatitis B and inactivated poliomyelitis and acellular pertussis vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only acellular Bordetella pertussis and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Hepatitis B virus and inactivated whole Human poliovirus antigens", "Diphtheria and hepatitis B and inactivated poliomyelitis and acellular pertussis vaccination", "Diphtheria and hepatitis B and inactivated poliomyelitis and acellular pertussis immunization", "Diphtheria and hepatitis B and inactivated poliomyelitis and acellular pertussis immunisation", "白喉、乙肝、灭活脊髓灰质炎和无细胞百日咳免疫", "白喉、乙肝、灭活脊髓灰质炎和无细胞百日咳免疫接种", "接种白喉、乙肝、灭活脊髓灰质炎和无细胞百日咳疫苗", "注射仅含有无细胞百日咳杆菌、白喉棒状杆菌、乙肝病毒和灭活全人类脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "白喉、乙肝、灭活脊髓灰质炎和无细胞百日咳疫苗接种" ], "773288002": [ "Open repair of recurrent incisional hernia of anterior abdominal wall using biological mesh with anterior component separation", "生物网片分离前部结构修补术治疗复发性腹前壁切口疝" ], "265384005": [ "Creation of defunctioning ileostomy", "建立功能性回肠造口术" ], "232616006": [ "Tracheostomy toilet", "气管切开术马桶" ], "445608008": [ "Assessment using Marks and Mathews fear questionnaire", "使用 Marks 和 Mathews 恐惧问卷进行评估" ], "412840009": [ "Serum anti-ganglioside T1b IgG measurement", "Serum anti-ganglioside T1b IgG level", "Serum anti-ganglioside T1b immunoglobulin G measurement", "血清抗神经节苷脂 T1b 免疫球蛋白 G 测定", "血清抗神经节苷脂 T1b IgG 测定", "血清抗神经节苷脂 T1b IgG 水平" ], "427389003": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic removal of gastrostomy tube", "Fiberoptic endoscopic removal of gastrostomy tube", "纤维内镜胃造口管移除术" ], "443773007": [ "Measurement of cancer antigen 72-4", "癌抗原72-4的测定" ], "425554000": [ "Removal of dental crown from tooth", "拔除牙冠" ], "771453009": [ "Repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm with insertion of stent", "腹主动脉瘤支架植入修复术" ], "310866003": [ "Informing patient", "告知患者" ], "179794009": [ "Revision extra-articular prosthetic augmentation intra-articular ligament", "翻修关节外假体增强关节内韧带" ], "735015005": [ "Complete excision of left lung", "Left total pneumonectomy", "左全肺切除术", "左肺完全切除" ], "274428000": [ "Therapeutic aspiration of kidney", "肾脏治疗性穿刺" ], "14119008": [ "Braxton Hicks obstetrical version with extraction", "带拔牙功能的 Braxton Hicks 产科版本" ], "307196002": [ "Excision of pancreatic cyst", "Resection of pancreatic cyst", "Excision of cyst of pancreas", "胰腺囊肿切除术" ], "45052000": [ "Abdominouterotomy", "腹部子宫切开术" ], "241660006": [ "Cine MRI of joint movement - hip", "Cine magnetic resonance imaging of joint movement - hip", "Cine magnetic resonance imaging of hip joint movement", "关节运动的电影 MRI - 髋部", "关节运动的电影磁共振成像-髋部", "髋关节运动的电影磁共振成像" ], "77820007": [ "Red blood cell indices determination", "RBC indices determination", "红细胞指标测定", "红细胞指数测定" ], "59601001": [ "Dermabrasion of face", "面部磨皮" ], "61436009": [ "Psychoanalysis", "精神分析" ], "389116009": [ "Heat exposure treatment", "Treatment of heat exposure", "热暴露治疗", "热暴露处理" ], "75985002": [ "Serial tonometry-tonography with evaluation", "连续眼压测量-眼压测量及评估" ], "305361006": [ "Admission to clinical immunology department", "临床免疫学系入学" ], "174289008": [ "Insertion of supralevator sling", "插入提肌上吊带" ], "24998001": [ "Radionuclide ablation of thyroid gland", "Radionuclide therapy for thyroid suppression", "放射性核素治疗抑制甲状腺", "甲状腺放射性核素消融术" ], "418214001": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of thoracic aorta with contrast", "Thoracic aorta angiogram with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of thoracic aorta with contrast", "胸主动脉造影荧光血管造影", "胸主动脉造影" ], "223441009": [ "Advice to take things gently", "Recommendation to take things gently", "建议温和地处理事情", "建议温和地对待事情" ], "713126005": [ "Coordination of case conference", "案件会议的协调" ], "449147001": [ "Infracoccygeal hysteropexy", "Infracoccygeal uteropexy", "尾骨下子宫固定术" ], "252539002": [ "Leishmania skin test", "Skin test for leishmania", "利什曼原虫皮肤试验", "利什曼原虫皮肤测试" ], "55931003": [ "Lysis of anterior adhesions of iris", "Synechiotomy of anterior iris", "虹膜前粘连切开术", "虹膜前粘连松解术" ], "1268347003": [ "Ablation of pelvic endometriosis", "Ablation of endometriosis of pelvis", "盆腔子宫内膜异位症消融", "盆腔子宫内膜异位症消融术" ], "105083003": [ "Benzoylecgonine measurement", "苯甲酰爱康宁测定" ], "203387005": [ "Primary open repair of ruptured Achilles tendon with graft", "一期开放移植修复跟腱断裂" ], "23163007": [ "Injection of skin of extremities", "四肢皮肤注射" ], "236155006": [ "Percutaneous endobrst dilatation of pelviureteric junction", "Percutaneous endobrst dilation of pelviureteric junction", "Percutaneous endoluminal balloon rupture of stenosis of pelviureteric junction", "经皮肾盂输尿管连接处内镜扩张术", "经皮腔内球囊破裂治疗肾盂输尿管连接处狭窄" ], "121467009": [ "Bromoform measurement", "溴仿测量" ], "70480001": [ "Repair of claw toe", "Total correction of claw toe", "爪形趾全面矫正", "爪形趾修复" ], "6779009": [ "Open treatment of slipped femoral epiphysis", "股骨骨骺滑脱的开放治疗" ], "86864004": [ "Delayed insertion of breast prosthesis", "乳房假体植入延迟" ], "234320004": [ "Procedures for splenic lesions", "脾脏病变的治疗程序" ], "1217360009": [ "Thoracoscopy of pericardial sac", "胸腔镜心包囊检查" ], "609317003": [ "Angioplasty of penile artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of penile artery with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行阴茎动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下阴茎动脉造影血管成形术" ], "117797005": [ "Echovirus 16 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human echovirus 16 antibody", "人类埃可病毒 16 型抗体测定", "埃可病毒 16 型抗体检测" ], "232485005": [ "Chemical cautery to internal nose", "鼻内化学烧灼" ], "773157007": [ "Laparoscopic epigastric hernioplasty using synthetic mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic repair of epigastric hernia using synthetic mesh with fascial closure", "腹腔镜下使用合成网片和筋膜闭合术修补上腹疝", "使用合成网片和筋膜闭合进行腹腔镜上腹部疝修补术" ], "265253005": [ "Percutaneous biopsy of breast lesion", "乳腺病变经皮穿刺活检" ], "412709009": [ "Revision of metacarpophalangeal arthroplasty", "掌指关节置换术的修订" ], "68645009": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of aortoiliac artery by abdominal incision", "经腹切口主髂动脉导管取栓术" ], "427258004": [ "Injection of hormone into subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织注射激素" ], "50426005": [ "Excision of lesion of uvula with local flap closure", "切除悬雍垂病变并局部皮瓣缝合" ], "736719000": [ "Repair of left inguinal hernia", "左腹股沟疝修补术" ], "32207000": [ "Evaluation of facial expression", "面部表情评估" ], "359887003": [ "Nissen fundoplication", "Nissen operation, fundoplication of stomach", "尼森胃底折叠术", "尼森手术、胃底折叠术" ], "179663004": [ "Secondary open reduction of fracture dislocation of joint and fixation of joint", "关节骨折脱位二次切开复位及关节固定" ], "439972004": [ "Epiphysiodesis of distal femur and proximal and distal tibia and fibula", "股骨远端及胫骨和腓骨近端和远端骨骺固定术" ], "390820004": [ "Care for mentally disordered offenders", "照顾精神错乱的罪犯" ], "61305000": [ "Revision of mastoid antrum", "乳突窦修复术" ], "175993001": [ "Secondary ureterectomy", "二次输尿管切除术" ], "1290105002": [ "Suture of rupture of bilateral collateral ligaments of ankle", "Suture of rupture of calcaneofibular ligament and talofibular ligament", "跟腓韧带及距腓韧带断裂缝合", "双侧踝部副韧带断裂缝合术" ], "241529003": [ "CT of salivary glands", "Computed tomography of salivary glands", "唾液腺计算机断层扫描", "唾液腺 CT" ], "28537006": [ "Decompression of internal auditory canal", "内耳道减压术" ], "405369007": [ "Revision of abdominal vascular prosthesis", "腹部血管假体的修复" ], "305230000": [ "Admission by GP", "Admission by general practitioner", "全科医生入场", "全科医生承认" ], "174158000": [ "Open colonoscopy", "开放式结肠镜检查" ], "225145008": [ "Covering burnt skin with plastic bag", "用塑料袋覆盖烧伤的皮肤" ], "288846002": [ "CSF shunt removal", "Cerebrospinal fluid shunt removal", "脑脊液分流术移除", "脑脊液分流管移除术" ], "239694007": [ "C & C - Application of collar and cuff sling", "Application of collar and cuff sling", "领口和袖口吊带的应用", "C&C - 领口和袖口吊带的应用" ], "303395008": [ "Electrocoagulation of duodenal lesion", "Coagulation of duodenal lesion using electrical energy", "十二指肠病变电凝术", "电能凝固十二指肠病变" ], "41251009": [ "Excision of tumor of soft tissue of flank", "Excision of tumour of soft tissue of flank", "腰部软组织肿瘤切除术" ], "712995009": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and closure of fistula of esophagus", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and closure of fistula of oesophagus", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及食管瘘缝合术" ], "252408001": [ "Monospot test", "单点测试" ], "104952005": [ "Superoxide dismutase measurement", "超氧化物歧化酶测定" ], "55800006": [ "Graft of vermilion border of lip", "Grafting of vermilion border of lip", "唇红缘移植" ], "432632007": [ "Fluoroscopic cardiac valvuloplasty", "Repair of heart valve using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光镜心脏瓣膜成形术", "透视引导下修复心脏瓣膜" ], "121336006": [ "Chlorinated hydrocarbon identification", "氯化烃鉴别" ], "250573004": [ "Hydrogen ion concentration measurement", "Hydrogen ion concentration", "Hydrogen ion concentration - observation", "氢离子浓度", "氢离子浓度测量", "氢离子浓度-观察" ], "135885005": [ "Advice about impotence", "Impotence education", "关于阳痿的建议", "阳痿教育" ], "37581007": [ "Implantation of epikeratoprosthesis", "表层角膜假体植入" ], "117666000": [ "Oxyphenisatin measurement", "氧苯那敏测量" ], "68514001": [ "Tympanoplasty type IV with air pocket over round window", "Wullstein type 4 tympanoplasty", "Tympanoplasty with round window protection", "Type 4 tympanoplasty", "带圆窗保护的鼓室成形术", "圆窗上方有气囊的鼓室成形术 IV 型", "4 型鼓室成形术", "Wullstein 4 型鼓室成形术" ], "609186007": [ "Percutaneous drainage of lesion of abdominal cavity using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮腹腔病变穿刺引流" ], "164983003": [ "Sarcoid skin test", "Sarcoid testing - Kveim", "Kveim-Siltzbach test", "Kveim test", "克维姆试验", "结节病皮肤测试", "Kveim-Siltzbach 检验", "结节病测试 - Kveim" ], "64844000": [ "Transection of cranial nerve", "Cutting of cranial nerve", "Section of cranial nerve", "Division of cranial nerve", "脑神经切面", "脑神经的划分", "脑神经切断" ], "228684001": [ "Iridium 192 brachytherapy", "铱 192 近距离放射治疗" ], "310604000": [ "Suction evacuation of retained products of conception", "妊娠残留物吸除" ], "441676000": [ "Occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus using embolisation coil", "Occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus using embolization coil", "使用栓塞线圈封堵动脉导管未闭" ], "81228005": [ "ABO and Rho(D) typing", "Blood group typing, ABO and Rho(D)", "血型分型,ABO 和 Rho(D)", "ABO 和 Rho(D) 分型" ], "408908005": [ "Immunological care education", "Teach immunological care", "教授免疫护理", "免疫保健教育" ], "392524009": [ "Staphylococcal enterotoxin A specific IgE antibody measurement", "m80 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Staphylococcal enterotoxin A specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "葡萄球菌肠毒素A特异性IgE抗体测定", "m80 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "葡萄球菌肠毒素A特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "439841004": [ "Division of radius and ulna", "桡骨和尺骨的划分" ], "718369007": [ "Assessment using Mount Wilga High Level Language Test", "使用 Mount Wilga 高级语言测试进行评估" ], "77558004": [ "Repair of aneurysm with graft of popliteal artery", "腘动脉移植修复动脉瘤" ], "306934005": [ "Referral to vascular surgery service", "转介至血管外科服务" ], "405238006": [ "Excision of lesion of labia", "阴唇病变切除术" ], "239563000": [ "Excision of vertebral body", "椎体切除" ], "61174009": [ "Transposition of ovary", "Reimplantation of ovary", "卵巢移位", "卵巢再植" ], "174027003": [ "Barium enema for radiological reduction of intussusception of ileum", "Radiological reduction of intussusception of ileum using barium enema", "钡灌肠用于回肠套叠的放射复位", "钡灌肠放射复位回肠套叠" ], "305099007": [ "Therapeutic lower limb stretching", "治疗性下肢伸展" ], "10187009": [ "Ketone bodies measurement, qualitative", "Nitroprusside reaction, blood", "酮体测量,定性", "硝普钠反应,血液" ], "172192003": [ "Hair bearing skin flap to eyebrow", "带有毛发的皮瓣至眉毛" ], "41120008": [ "Pandy test", "熊猫测试" ], "88437002": [ "Apexification/recalcification, initial visit", "根尖成形/再钙化,初次就诊" ], "301429003": [ "Angioplasty of axillary artery", "腋动脉成形术" ], "432501004": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of gastroduodenal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of gastroduodenal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮胃十二指肠动脉栓塞术" ], "711029005": [ "Counseling about breastfeeding", "Counselling about breastfeeding", "母乳喂养咨询" ], "55669006": [ "Repair of obstetrical laceration of perineum", "Perineorrhaphy for obstetrical laceration", "Episioperineorrhaphy for obstetrical laceration", "会阴缝合术治疗产科裂伤", "产科会阴裂伤的修补", "产科裂伤的会阴缝合术" ], "252277007": [ "Copper sulfate screening test", "Copper sulphate screening test", "硫酸铜筛选试验" ], "104821005": [ "Mucoprotein measurement", "粘蛋白测量" ], "399733007": [ "Excision of retroperitoneal lymph node", "腹膜后淋巴结切除" ], "102986000": [ "Straight line walking", "Straight line walking test", "直线步行测试", "直线行走" ], "39285009": [ "Restoration, gold foil, two surfaces", "修复,金箔,两面" ], "168522007": [ "Radiotherapy for lymphatic irradiation", "淋巴放射治疗" ], "183071001": [ "Vegan diet education", "纯素饮食教育" ], "428831001": [ "Radiotherapy to perineum", "会阴放射治疗" ], "266826009": [ "Incontinence control", "失禁控制" ], "84767004": [ "Insertion of tissue mandril of artery of extremity", "肢体动脉组织芯棒插入" ], "264991006": [ "Transfer of peroneus brevis", "腓骨短肌移位" ], "2847006": [ "Cervical myelography", "Cervical myelogram", "颈椎造影" ], "133919007": [ "Communication of alternative technique", "替代技术的交流" ], "443380007": [ "Percutaneous embolization of coronary arteriovenous fistula using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of coronary arteriovenous fistula using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮冠状动脉动静脉瘘栓塞术" ], "310473002": [ "Patching of defect of mitral leaflet", "二尖瓣缺损修补术" ], "81097003": [ "Internal fetal monitor removal", "移除内置胎儿监护仪" ], "359625006": [ "Replacement of Barton tongs of skull", "Removal of Barton tongs with synchronous replacement", "巴顿钳的拆除与同步替换", "更换巴顿头骨钳" ], "228553007": [ "Cognitive therapy approach", "Cognitive approach", "Cognitive therapy", "认知方法", "认知疗法", "认知治疗方法" ], "128414002": [ "Biopsy of female genital system", "女性生殖系统活检" ], "406942005": [ "Tropaeolin O stain method", "Tropaeolin O stain", "金莲花素 O 染色法", "金合欢素O染色" ], "718238006": [ "Assessment using Renfrew Action Picture Test Revised Edition", "使用 Renfrew 动作图片测试修订版进行评估" ], "439710008": [ "Reduction of craniomegalic skull", "颅骨增大症的缩小" ], "274035004": [ "Urinary calculus removal", "Removal of urinary calculus", "泌尿系统结石清除" ], "175731006": [ "Revision of reconstruction involving iliac artery", "髂动脉重建术" ], "306803007": [ "Admission to stroke unit", "中风病房入院" ], "28275007": [ "Total body plethysmography", "全身体积描记法" ], "239432002": [ "PCL - Reconstruction of posterior cruciate ligament", "Reconstruction of posterior cruciate ligament of knee joint", "膝关节后交叉韧带重建", "PCL - 后交叉韧带重建" ], "1288008002": [ "OGD (oesophagogastroduodenoscopy) with insertion of endosponge into stomach", "EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) with insertion of endosponge into stomach", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and insertion of endosponge into stomach", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with insertion of endosponge into stomach", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and insertion of endosponge into stomach", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with insertion of endosponge into stomach", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and intraluminal insertion of sponge into stomach", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and intraluminal insertion of sponge into stomach", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and endoluminal vacuum therapy in stomach", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and endoluminal vacuum therapy in stomach", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及胃腔内真空治疗", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及胃腔内海绵插入术", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查(OGD)将胃海绵插入胃内", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及胃内海绵插入术", "食管胃十二指肠镜及胃腔内真空治疗", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查(将内海绵插入胃内)", "EGD(食管胃十二指肠镜检查)将内海绵插入胃内" ], "173896007": [ "Total jejunectomy and anastomosis of duodenum to ileum", "全空肠切除及十二指肠回肠吻合术" ], "172061002": [ "Reconstruction of breast with expander or prosthesis", "使用扩张器或假体进行乳房重建" ], "761885003": [ "Assessment using Insomnia Severity Index", "Assessment using ISI (Insomnia Severity Index)", "使用 ISI(失眠严重程度指数)进行评估", "使用失眠严重程度指数进行评估" ], "450589004": [ "Excision of recurrent sebaceous cyst", "复发性皮脂囊肿切除术" ], "301298001": [ "Dilatation of small intestine", "Surgical dilatation of small intestine", "Surgical dilation of small intestine", "小肠扩张手术", "小肠扩张" ], "104690002": [ "Glucose measurement, post glucose dose", "服用葡萄糖后测量血糖" ], "432370003": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "Computed tomography of abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "CT of abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "腹部和盆腔增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "腹部和盆腔增强计算机断层扫描", "腹部和盆腔增强 CT 检查" ], "252146001": [ "Apolipoprotein E phenotyping", "载脂蛋白 E 表型" ], "448754006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of inferior mesenteric artery", "经皮肠系膜下动脉腔内成形术" ], "268530007": [ "Menopause monitoring", "更年期监测" ], "266695002": [ "Induction of hypothermia with hypotension", "诱导低体温和低血压" ], "709063003": [ "Admission to same day surgery center", "Admission to same day surgery centre", "Admission to day surgery", "日间手术入院", "入住当日手术中心", "入住同日手术中心" ], "68252001": [ "Anesthesia for pelvic exenteration", "Anaesthesia for pelvic exenteration", "盆腔廓清术的麻醉" ], "314012003": [ "Serum LDL/HDL ratio measurement", "Serum LDL/HDL ratio", "Serum low density lipoprotein/high density lipoprotein ratio measurement", "血清 LDL/HDL 比率", "血清 LDL/HDL 比率测量", "血清低密度脂蛋白/高密度脂蛋白比率测量" ], "443249000": [ "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography of heart for cardiac viability using fluorodeoxyglucose", "使用氟脱氧葡萄糖进行正电子发射断层扫描和心脏计算机断层扫描以检测心脏活力" ], "2716009": [ "Dermal-fat-fascia graft", "真皮脂肪筋膜移植" ], "84636009": [ "Rinne test", "Rinne tuning fork test", "Rinne's test", "Rinne 试验", "林纳试验", "林纳音叉试验" ], "33649007": [ "Fixation of large intestine to abdominal wall", "大肠固定于腹壁" ], "82801007": [ "Removal of arteriovenous shunt device", "Take-down of arteriovenous shunt", "Removal of arteriovenous shunt", "移除动静脉分流器", "移除动静脉分流装置", "动静脉分流术拆除" ], "881009": [ "Cyclodialysis", "Heine operation", "Separation of ciliary body", "环渗析", "睫状体分离", "海涅手术" ], "179270005": [ "Therapeutic puncture of bone", "骨治疗穿刺" ], "406811001": [ "Azure A stain method", "Azur A stain", "Azure A stain", "Azur A 染色", "天青A染色法", "天青 A 染色" ], "177435004": [ "Reconstruction with local osteomyocutaneous advancement flap", "Reconstruction using local osteomyocutaneous advancement flap", "Reconstruction using local osseomyocutaneous advancement flap", "局部骨肌皮瓣重建", "使用局部骨肌皮瓣进行重建" ], "308507008": [ "Geriatric monitoring call", "老年监护呼叫" ], "306672003": [ "Discharge from transplant surgery service", "移植手术服务出院" ], "11760007": [ "Fluoroscopy during operation", "手术期间透视检查" ], "241136008": [ "Transrectal lymphangiogram", "经直肠淋巴管造影" ], "75461000": [ "Infant care education", "Teach infant care", "婴幼儿保育教育", "教导婴儿护理" ], "304837002": [ "Removal of ventriculopleural shunt", "脑室胸膜分流术移除术" ], "1255109002": [ "Periodontal regeneration procedure with grafting of xenograft of bone to alveolar process", "Periodontal regeneration procedure with grafting of xenograft of bone to alveolar ridge", "异种骨移植至牙槽嵴的牙周再生手术", "异种骨移植至牙槽突的牙周再生手术" ], "59077004": [ "Canthotomy", "眼角切开术" ], "239301004": [ "Maxillary anterior segmental osteotomy", "上颌前部节段截骨术" ], "173765009": [ "Attention to gastrostomy tube", "注意胃造口管" ], "57242004": [ "Cytopathology, screening of smear, routine, genital source, by cytotechnologist", "细胞病理学,涂片筛查,常规,生殖器来源,由细胞技术员进行" ], "40858004": [ "Incision of cranial nerve", "Cranial neurotomy", "脑神经切断术", "脑神经切开术" ], "90010006": [ "Ligation of blood vessel", "血管结扎" ], "401306006": [ "Phakoemulsification of lens and insertion of prosthetic replacement", "Phacoemulsification of lens and insertion of prosthetic replacement", "Phacoemulsification with intraocular lens implantation", "Phacoemulsification of lens and insertion of intraocular lens", "晶状体乳化术及人工晶状体植入术", "晶状体超声乳化术及人工晶状体植入术", "晶状体超声乳化术及人工晶状体植入", "白内障超声乳化吸除术及人工晶状体植入术" ], "55407004": [ "Excision of cusp of heart valve", "心脏瓣膜瓣尖切除术" ], "448623004": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture and skeletal traction", "骨折一期闭合复位及骨牵引" ], "6591000179103": [ "Laparoscopic biopsy of transplanted pancreas", "腹腔镜移植胰腺活检" ], "710767007": [ "Implementation of physical restraint regime", "实施身体约束制度" ], "432239008": [ "Endoscopic ultrasonography of esophagus", "Endoscopic ultrasonography of oesophagus", "Endoscopic ultrasonography (US) of oesophagus", "食管内镜超声检查" ], "397636002": [ "Fibrinogen titre", "Fibrinogen titer", "纤维蛋白原滴度", "纤维蛋白原标题" ], "708932005": [ "Emergency hemodialysis", "Emergency haemodialysis", "紧急血液透析" ], "4420006": [ "Incision and drainage of parapharyngeal abscess by external approach", "咽旁脓肿外切开引流术" ], "250180008": [ "Human leucocyte antigen C genotype", "Human leukocyte antigen C genotype determination", "Human leukocyte antigen C genotype", "Human leucocyte antigen C genotype determination", "HLA-C - Human leucocyte antigen C genotype", "HLA-C - Human leukocyte antigen C genotype", "人类白细胞抗原 C 基因型", "人类白细胞抗原 C 基因型测定", "人类白细胞抗原C基因型测定", "HLA-C - 人类白细胞抗原 C 基因型", "人类白细胞抗原C基因型" ], "37188009": [ "Selenium measurement", "硒测量" ], "428569003": [ "Forearm DXA scan", "Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of forearm", "前臂 DXA 扫描", "前臂双能X射线吸收测定法" ], "68121006": [ "Measurement of interstitial fluid pressure in muscle compartment", "肌肉间质液体压力的测量" ], "608793007": [ "Laparoscopic repair of obstructed femoral hernia", "腹腔镜修补阻塞性股疝" ], "313881008": [ "90 minute serum TSH level", "90 minute serum TSH measurement", "Measurement of serum thyroid stimulating hormone concentration 90 minutes after challenge", "90 分钟血清 TSH 水平", "激发后 90 分钟测量血清促甲状腺激素浓度", "90 分钟血清 TSH 测量" ], "182809008": [ "Renal function monitoring", "Kidney function monitoring", "肾功能监测" ], "410350005": [ "Nutritionist case management", "Nutritionist care management", "营养师护理管理", "营养师病例管理" ], "426734007": [ "Injection of triamcinolone", "注射曲安奈德" ], "179139006": [ "Revision to closed reduction and external fixation of proximal femoral fracture", "股骨近端骨折闭合复位外固定术" ], "359363006": [ "Evacuation of hematoma in obstetric incision", "Evacuation of haematoma in obstetric incision", "产科切口血肿清除术" ], "1293251008": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of upper abdomen", "上腹部软组织普通 X 光检查" ], "31683008": [ "Retroperitoneal echography, B-scan, complete", "腹膜后超声检查,B 超,完整" ], "275608003": [ "Emergency treatment registration", "急救救治登记" ], "767128005": [ "Lymphangiography of left upper limb", "Lymphangiogram of left upper limb", "Lymphangiogram of left upper extremity", "Lymphangiography of left upper extremity", "左上肢淋巴管造影" ], "716141001": [ "Assessment using Boston Naming Test", "使用波士顿命名测试进行评估" ], "765293002": [ "Radionuclide imaging using technetium (99m-Tc) human serum albumin with cerebral blood flow", "使用锝(99m-Tc)人血清白蛋白对脑血流进行放射性核素显像" ], "1142125005": [ "Decreased linoleic acid diet", "减少亚油酸饮食" ], "388461006": [ "Occupational allergen specific IgE antibody measurement", "Occupational allergen specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "职业过敏原特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "职业过敏原特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "306541008": [ "Discharge by hospital-based dietitian", "Discharge by hospital dietitian", "医院营养师出院" ], "1287746000": [ "Transfer of tendon of ankle", "踝部肌腱移位术" ], "44397008": [ "Suture of fallopian tube", "Salpingorrhaphy", "输卵管缝合", "输卵管缝合术" ], "419394006": [ "CT of abdomen and pelvis", "Computed tomography of abdomen and pelvis", "腹部和盆腔 CT", "腹部和骨盆的计算机断层扫描" ], "171799001": [ "Denervation of joint", "关节神经支配" ], "450327003": [ "Assessment of suitability of footwear", "鞋类适合性的评估" ], "417559005": [ "Child health 7 months review", "儿童健康 7个月回顾" ], "88044000": [ "Repair of perforating laceration of sclera not involving uveal tissue", "未累及葡萄膜组织的巩膜穿透性裂伤的修复" ], "432108001": [ "Embolisation of ovarian vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Embolization of ovarian vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolization of ovarian vein with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolisation of ovarian vein with contrast", "透视引导下卵巢静脉造影栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下卵巢静脉栓塞术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行卵巢静脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下卵巢静脉造影栓塞术" ], "71660004": [ "Repair of muscle of hand", "手部肌肉修复" ], "708801005": [ "Adjustment of urethral catheter", "尿道导管的调整" ], "182678001": [ "Allergen immunotherapy", "Desensitization to allergens", "Desensitizing immunotherapy", "Hyposensitisation to allergens", "Desensitisation to allergens", "Desensitising immunotherapy", "Hyposensitization to allergens", "脱敏过敏原", "脱敏免疫治疗", "脱敏免疫疗法", "脱敏对过敏原", "过敏原免疫治疗", "过敏原脱敏" ], "395670002": [ "Specialist palliative care treatment - inpatient", "专科姑息治疗 - 住院" ], "444822002": [ "Screening for malignant neoplasm of prostate", "前列腺恶性肿瘤筛查" ], "264598005": [ "Oximetry", "血氧测定" ], "84374006": [ "Mast cell degranulation test", "Basophil degranulation test", "肥大细胞脱颗粒试验", "嗜碱性粒细胞脱颗粒试验" ], "313750008": [ "Serum tyrosine measurement", "Serum tyrosine level", "血清酪氨酸水平", "血清酪氨酸测量" ], "115307000": [ "Organism count", "生物体计数" ], "49771003": [ "Incision and drainage of deep infected bursa of knee region", "膝关节深部感染滑囊切开引流术" ], "737899003": [ "Management of counselling for change in body image", "Management of counseling for change in body image", "身体形象改变的咨询管理" ], "410219005": [ "Personal care management", "Personal care case management", "Manage personal care", "个人护理案例管理", "个人护理管理", "管理个人护理" ], "180843007": [ "Harvest of graft of skin and nail bed", "皮肤和指甲床移植物采集" ], "442987008": [ "Curettage of benign neoplasm of phalanx of finger with autograft", "手指指骨良性肿瘤刮除术及自体移植" ], "1293120007": [ "Plain X-ray of salivary gland", "唾液腺普通X光检查" ], "392000009": [ "Hysterotomy for retained placenta", "子宫切开术治疗胎盘滞留" ], "62485001": [ "Evaluation of cardiac catheterization data and report", "Evaluation of cardiac catheterisation data and report", "心导管插入术数据和报告的评估", "心导管数据和报告的评估" ], "177173009": [ "High vacuum delivery", "高真空输送" ], "175338002": [ "Plastic repair of aorta and end-to-end anastomosis of aorta", "主动脉整形修复及主动脉端端吻合术" ], "406549009": [ "Risk behaviour assessment", "Risk behavior assessment", "危险行为评估" ], "1141994004": [ "Rituximab, cyclophosphamide, etoposide, vincristine, prednisone antineoplastic chemotherapy regimen", "R-CEOP (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, etoposide, vincristine, prednisone) antineoplastic chemotherapy", "RCEOP (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, etoposide, vincristine, prednisone) antineoplastic chemotherapy", "R-CEOP(利妥昔单抗、环磷酰胺、依托泊苷、长春新碱、泼尼松)抗肿瘤化疗", "利妥昔单抗、环磷酰胺、依托泊苷、长春新碱、泼尼松抗肿瘤化疗方案", "RCEOP(利妥昔单抗、环磷酰胺、依托泊苷、长春新碱、泼尼松)抗肿瘤化疗" ], "306410005": [ "Discharge by chemical pathologist", "Discharge by clinical biochemist", "临床生物化学家出院", "化学病理学家出院" ], "386495004": [ "Vomiting management", "Vomiting care", "呕吐管理", "呕吐护理" ], "42431005": [ "Nitro Blue tetrazolium assay", "NBT assay", "Nitroblue tetrazolium dye test", "NBT - Nitroblue tetrazolium test", "硝基蓝四唑测定", "硝基蓝四唑染料试验", "NBT - 硝基蓝四唑试验", "NBT 检测" ], "288191008": [ "Induce labour - intra-arm injection", "Induce labor - intra-arm injection", "Induction of labour by injection into upper limb", "Induction of labor by injection into upper limb", "上肢注射引产", "引产-臂内注射", "催产-臂内注射" ], "26047008": [ "Aspirin tolerance test", "ASA tolerance test", "Bleeding time, aspirin tolerance test", "出血时间、阿司匹林耐受性试验", "ASA 耐受性测试", "阿司匹林耐受性测试" ], "171668005": [ "Removal of neurostimulator from cranial nerve", "从脑神经中移除神经刺激器" ], "399209000": [ "Displacement of breast implant", "乳房植入物移位" ], "300905005": [ "Drainage of ovary", "卵巢引流" ], "104297007": [ "Yersinia antibody assay", "Serologic test for Yersinia", "Measurement of Yersinia species antibody", "耶尔森氏菌抗体检测", "耶尔森菌血清学检测", "耶尔森氏菌抗体的测量" ], "448361008": [ "Harvesting of mandible", "下颌骨摘除" ], "235369008": [ "Anal myectomy", "Anorectal myectomy", "肛门肌切除术", "肛门直肠肌切除术" ], "86078004": [ "Medical evaluation, quality of care", "Quality of care procedure", "护理质量程序", "医疗评估、护理质量" ], "118846005": [ "Procedure on peritoneum", "Peritoneal procedure", "腹膜手术" ], "117011000": [ "Quantitative urine culture", "Quantitative microbial urine culture", "尿液定量培养", "尿液微生物定量培养" ], "446526009": [ "Debulking of neoplasm of ovary", "卵巢肿瘤减瘤术" ], "53310009": [ "Anoscopy with coagulation for control of hemorrhage of mucosal lesion", "Anoscopy with coagulation for control of haemorrhage of mucosal lesion", "肛门镜检查及电凝止血治疗黏膜病变出血" ], "313619003": [ "Urine uroporphyrin level", "Urine uroporphyrin measurement", "尿液尿卟啉测量", "尿液尿卟啉水平" ], "233534008": [ "Central venous cannula insertion via femoral vein", "经股静脉插入中心静脉插管" ], "166163003": [ "Estimation of lymphocyte proliferative ability", "淋巴细胞增殖能力评估" ], "611000087102": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of left lower extremity", "Injection of left lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "左下肢X光透视引导注射", "荧光透视引导下左下肢注射" ], "4451000087100": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of left temporomandibular joint", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of left temporomandibular joint", "左颞下颌关节X线透视造影", "左颞下颌关节X线透视关节造影" ], "3171000087104": [ "MRI of bilateral wrists with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral wrists with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both wrists with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right wrist with contrast", "双侧腕部增强磁共振成像", "左、右手腕对比磁共振成像", "双侧腕部增强 MRI 检查", "双腕部对比磁共振成像" ], "1891000087105": [ "CT of right lower extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography of right lower limb with contrast", "Computed tomography of right lower extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography of right leg with contrast", "CT of right lower limb with contrast", "CT of right leg with contrast", "右腿增强 CT", "右腿增强计算机断层扫描", "右下肢增强 CT", "右下肢增强计算机断层扫描" ], "14691000087105": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of bilateral lower extremity blood vessels", "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of bilateral lower limbs", "Doppler ultrasound of vascular structure of bilateral lower limbs", "双下肢血管结构多普勒超声检查", "双下肢血管多普勒超声检查" ], "410088003": [ "Physical rehabilitation therapy education", "Teach rehabilitation exercise", "教导康复锻炼", "物理康复治疗教育" ], "35171000087106": [ "7 day ambulatory ECG (electrocardiographic) monitoring", "7 day ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring", "7天动态心电图监测", "7 天动态心电图 (ECG) 监测" ], "12131000087109": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of breast and axilla", "Biopsy of breast and axilla using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下乳腺及腋窝活检", "使用超声引导进行乳房和腋窝活检" ], "178877005": [ "Release of medial soft tissue of hindfoot and excision of lateral wedge of os calcis and fusion of os calcis", "后足内侧软组织松解及跟骨外侧楔形切除及跟骨融合" ], "47805006": [ "Psychoanalysis of ego", "Ego analysis", "自我分析", "自我的心理分析" ], "78738000": [ "Tracheobronchial catheter aspiration with fiberscope, bedside", "床边用纤维镜进行气管支气管导管抽吸" ], "80573008": [ "alpha-L-Iduronidase measurement, fibroblasts", "α-L-艾杜糖醛酸酶测量,成纤维细胞" ], "308114000": [ "Self-monitoring of urine glucose", "尿糖自我监测" ], "29586003": [ "Proctosigmoidoscopy by transabdominal approach", "经腹部直肠乙状结肠镜检查" ], "177042008": [ "Transvaginal oocyte recovery", "经阴道卵母细胞回收" ], "175207000": [ "Repair of hemitruncus arteriosus", "动脉半干修复" ], "715879000": [ "Provision of written information about diabetes and high cholesterol", "提供有关糖尿病和高胆固醇的书面信息" ], "306279004": [ "Referral to clinical geneticist", "转诊至临床遗传学家" ], "60519005": [ "Turbidity test, quantitative", "浊度测试,定量" ], "107836000": [ "Cardiovascular system incision", "心血管系统切开术" ], "304444001": [ "Interferential to trunk", "对躯干的干扰" ], "1254716000": [ "Provision of disability aid", "Provision of aid for disability", "提供残疾援助" ], "419132001": [ "Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass", "MIDCAB - Minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass", "微创直接冠状动脉搭桥术", "MIDCAB - 微创直接冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "42300004": [ "Fixation of tendon", "Tenodesis", "肌腱固定术", "肌腱固定" ], "288060004": [ "Separated epiphysis - closed reduction", "Closed reduction of separated epiphysis", "骨骺分离 - 闭合复位", "骨骺分离闭合复位" ], "173372007": [ "Release of transfixion of tongue", "Undo glossopexy", "撤消舌固定术", "舌固定解除" ], "386364007": [ "Medication administration: ventricular reservoir", "Administration of drug or medicament via ventricular reservoir", "通过心室储液器注射药物或药剂", "药物管理:心室储液器" ], "122385003": [ "Toxoplasma culture", "弓形虫培养" ], "433681004": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of tibial artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of tibial artery using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "胫动脉荧光造影及支架植入术", "胫动脉荧光血管造影术及植入支架" ], "1285649004": [ "Fitting of lower removable orthodontic appliance", "下颌可拆卸矫正器的安装" ], "417297006": [ "Removal of viscoelastic from anterior chamber", "从前房中取出粘弹剂" ], "399078000": [ "Physiatric manipulation of nuchal region", "Physiatric cervical manipulation", "颈椎理疗", "颈部物理治疗" ], "104166004": [ "Nucleic acid molecular isolation or extraction method", "核酸分子分离或提取方法" ], "431846007": [ "Replacement of permanent cardiac pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下更换永久性心脏起搏器" ], "235238007": [ "Application of hemoclips onto gastric lesion", "Application of haemoclips onto gastric lesion", "胃部病变处止血夹的应用" ], "397243000": [ "Suture of renal laceration", "肾裂伤缝合" ], "4027001": [ "Implantation of electronic stimulator into phrenic nerve", "膈神经电子刺激器植入术" ], "22246009": [ "Bunionectomy with soft tissue correction and arthrodesis", "拇囊切除术及软组织矫正和关节融合术" ], "284390009": [ "Examination of third toe", "第三趾检查" ], "118715004": [ "Procedure on ankle", "脚踝手术" ], "233403006": [ "Insertion of arterial intraluminal device", "动脉腔内装置插入" ], "85947008": [ "Decompression of cranial nerve", "Release of cranial nerve", "Cranial nerve decompression", "脑神经减压", "脑神经释放", "脑神经减压术" ], "231568007": [ "Radiotherapy to lesion of medial canthus", "内眦病变放射治疗" ], "772240007": [ "Laparoscopic spigelian hernioplasty using biological mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic repair of spigelian hernia using biological mesh with fascial closure", "腹腔镜下使用生物网片结合筋膜闭合术修补疝气", "使用生物网片和筋膜闭合进行腹腔镜疝修补术" ], "49509003": [ "Operation on lymphatic structure", "Lymphatic tissue operation", "Lymphatic operations", "Lymphatic system surgical procedure", "淋巴系统外科手术", "淋巴组织手术", "淋巴结构手术", "淋巴手术" ], "311653009": [ "Therapy to promote fronting", "促进正面化的疗法" ], "80442006": [ "Repair of wound of extraocular muscle", "眼外肌损伤修复" ], "275215001": [ "LIMA single anastomosis", "Left internal mammary artery (LIMA) single anastomosis", "Left internal mammary artery single anastomosis", "LIMA 单吻合术", "左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 单吻合术", "左乳内动脉单吻合术" ], "307983002": [ "Removal of normal pituitary gland", "切除正常垂体" ], "439055008": [ "Insertion of temporary stent into prostatic urethra", "将临时支架插入前列腺尿道" ], "733967009": [ "Local anesthetic thoracic paravertebral nerve block", "Local anaesthetic thoracic paravertebral nerve block", "局部麻醉胸椎旁神经阻滞" ], "44004000": [ "Staphylococcus vaccination", "Staphylococcus immunization", "Staphylococcus immunisation", "葡萄球菌疫苗接种", "葡萄球菌免疫" ], "91321000": [ "Immediate allogeneic transplantation, cadaver donor", "立即同种异体移植,尸体供体" ], "11236009": [ "Near-total pancreatectomy with preservation of duodenum", "保留十二指肠的近全胰腺切除术" ], "306148009": [ "Referral to hematology service", "Referral to haematology service", "转诊至血液科服务" ], "1199901000168108": [ "Memory assessment", "Assessment of memory", "记忆评估" ], "1303737006": [ "Endoscopic CFR (craniofacial resection) of nasal cavity", "Endoscopic craniofacial resection of nasal cavity", "鼻腔内镜颅面切除术" ], "58553007": [ "Arylsulfatase B measurement, fibroblasts", "Arylsulphatase B measurement, fibroblasts", "芳基硫酸酯酶 B 测量,成纤维细胞" ], "386233007": [ "Cerebral perfusion promotion", "Care of patient with inadequate cerebral perfusion", "促进脑灌注", "脑灌注不足患者的护理" ], "122254005": [ "Chlamydia trachomatis culture", "沙眼衣原体培养" ], "302478006": [ "Prosthetic replacement of temporomandibular joint", "Arthroplasty of temporomandibular joint with prosthetic joint replacement", "颞下颌关节置换术及人工关节置换术", "颞下颌关节假体置换术" ], "236942006": [ "Microhysteroscopy", "显微宫腔镜检查" ], "431715001": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of external iliac artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of external iliac artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "支架置入造影剂进行髂外动脉荧光镜造影", "髂外动脉造影及支架置入术" ], "397112000": [ "Simple excision of pterygium", "Removal of pterygium", "Excision of pterygium", "Pterygium excision", "Excision of pterygium without graft", "Resection of pterygium", "翼状胬肉单纯切除术", "不进行移植的翼状胬肉切除术", "翼状胬肉切除术" ], "104035008": [ "Bombay blood group antibody identification", "孟买血型抗体鉴定" ], "233272002": [ "SMA - Balloon angioplasty of the superior mesenteric artery", "Angioplasty of superior mesenteric artery", "SMA-肠系膜上动脉球囊成形术", "肠系膜上动脉成形术" ], "5731009": [ "Hemosiderin, quantitative measurement", "Haemosiderin, quantitative measurement", "含铁血黄素,定量测量" ], "315192005": [ "Streptococcal anti DNAse B titer", "Streptococcal anti DNAse B titre", "Streptococcal anti-deoxyribonuclease B titer", "链球菌抗脱氧核糖核酸酶B滴度", "链球菌抗 DNAse B 滴度" ], "438971000124101": [ "Selenium supplement therapy", "补硒疗法" ], "437691000124105": [ "Decreased glutamine diet", "减少谷氨酰胺饮食" ], "311522002": [ "Process training", "流程培训" ], "229602008": [ "Weight-bearing gait re-education", "Weight-bearing gait training", "负重步态再教育", "负重步态训练" ], "719287002": [ "Repair of femoral hernia using surgical sutures", "使用手术缝合线修复股疝" ], "178615006": [ "Revisional foraminotomy of lumbar spine", "腰椎椎间孔切开术" ], "62092000": [ "Isotachyphoresis measurement", "等速电泳测量" ], "113079009": [ "Low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement", "LDL cholesterol measurement", "LDLC - Low density lipoprotein cholesterol level", "LDL - Low density lipoprotein cholesterol level", "Low density lipoprotein cholesterol level", "LDLC - 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平", "低密度脂蛋白胆固醇测量", "LDL-低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平", "低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平" ], "174945000": [ "Xenograft pulmonary valve replacement", "Pericardial pulmonary valve replacement", "异种移植肺动脉瓣置换术", "心包肺动脉瓣置换术" ], "371553003": [ "Procedure on bony orbit", "骨性眼眶手术" ], "306017004": [ "Referral by ophthalmologist", "Referral from ophthalmologist", "眼科医生转诊" ], "271414005": [ "Fallopian tube prosthesis operation", "输卵管假体手术" ], "89355001": [ "Discectomy for intervertebral herniated disc, nucleus pulposus", "Excision of disc for intervertebral herniated disc, nucleus pulposus", "椎间盘突出症、髓核切除术" ], "122123001": [ "Strongyloides stercoralis antibody assay", "Measurement of Strongyloides stercoralis antibody", "粪类圆线虫抗体检测", "粪类圆线虫抗体测定" ], "72971003": [ "Gastrojejunostomy with vagotomy", "胃空肠吻合术及迷走神经切断术" ], "40203007": [ "Removal of foreign body from ethmoid sinus", "筛窦异物取出" ], "710112000": [ "Transfer of care from hospital", "医院转诊" ], "103904007": [ "K blood group typing", "K血型分型" ], "118453005": [ "Dewebbing", "Dewebbing procedure", "Surgical destruction of web", "解开网状结构", "外科手术式破坏网络", "脱织带程序" ], "233141007": [ "Placement of stent in ductus arteriosus and banding of both pulmonary arteries", "在动脉导管内放置支架并束带双侧肺动脉" ], "395146000": [ "Free:total prostate specific antigen ratio", "游离:总前列腺特异抗原比率" ], "771978000": [ "Open repair of recurrent incisional hernia using synthetic mesh", "Open hernioplasty using synthetic mesh for recurrent incisional hernia", "使用合成网片开放式修补复发性切口疝", "使用合成网片进行开放式疝修补术治疗复发性切口疝" ], "52917009": [ "Repair of diaphragmatic hernia by abdominal approach", "Repair of esophageal hiatal hernia by abdominal approach", "Repair of oesophageal hiatal hernia by abdominal approach", "经腹部入路膈疝修补术", "经腹入路食管裂孔疝修补术" ], "67466005": [ "Oxacillin screen plate susceptibility test", "苯唑西林平板药敏试验" ], "231306007": [ "Skin infiltration of local anesthetic", "Skin infiltration of local anaesthetic", "局部麻醉药皮肤浸润" ], "280458007": [ "Spinothalamic cordotomy", "脊髓丘脑脊髓切断术" ], "180319002": [ "Application of mallet splint", "槌状夹板的应用" ], "737375007": [ "Group counselling", "Group counseling", "团体辅导" ], "309556000": [ "YAG laser posterior capsulotomy", "Yttrium-aluminum-garnet (YAG) laser posterior capsulotomy", "Yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser posterior capsulotomy", "YAG 激光后囊切开术", "钇铝石榴石激光后囊切开术", "钇铝石榴石 (YAG) 激光后囊切开术" ], "229471009": [ "Neck stretching", "颈部伸展" ], "112948001": [ "Injection of optic nerve", "视神经注射" ], "178484005": [ "Premaxillary osteotomy", "上颌前骨切开术" ], "391476008": [ "Plasma free carnitine level", "血浆游离肉碱水平" ], "440628009": [ "Open tenotomy of upper arm", "Open division of tendon of upper arm", "上臂开放性肌腱切断术", "上臂肌腱切开术" ], "12809001": [ "Implant of non-inflatable penile prosthesis", "Implantation of non-inflatable penile prosthesis", "非充气式阴茎假体植入术", "非充气式阴茎假体植入" ], "47412009": [ "Packed RBC preparation", "Preparation of packed red blood cells", "浓缩红细胞的制备", "浓缩红细胞制备" ], "307721006": [ "Primary laser excision of cervical intervertebral disc", "颈椎间盘初次激光切除术" ], "29193008": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of foot", "足脱位闭合复位术" ], "76510000": [ "Ligation of artery of head and neck", "头颈部动脉结扎" ], "174814003": [ "Repair of tetralogy of Fallot", "Correction of tetralogy of Fallot", "TOF - Repair of tetralogy of Fallot", "Repair of Fallot's tetralogy", "Correction of Fallot's tetralogy", "法洛四联症的修复", "法洛四联症的矫正", "法洛四联症修复术", "TOF - 法洛四联症修复术" ], "385971003": [ "Dialysis care", "透析护理" ], "449672000": [ "Excision of upper arm", "上臂切除术" ], "171144001": [ "Mycotic infection screening", "霉菌感染筛查" ], "187528002": [ "Fasciodesis", "筋膜切除术" ], "121992003": [ "Dengue virus 4 antibody assay", "Measurement of Dengue virus 4 antibody", "登革热病毒 4 型抗体检测", "登革热病毒 4 型抗体测量" ], "7304009": [ "Lysis of adhesions of vagina", "Vaginal adhesiolysis", "Excision of vaginal adhesions", "Freeing of vaginal adhesions", "Freeing of adhesions of vagina", "阴道粘连松解术", "解除阴道粘连", "阴道粘连切除术" ], "709981002": [ "Coronary artery atherectomy using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided coronary artery atherectomy with contrast", "荧光造影引导冠状动脉粥样硬化切除术", "使用荧光造影剂引导进行冠状动脉粥样硬化切除术" ], "54621003": [ "Plastic repair with reduction", "Plastic repair with diminution", "塑料修复与减损", "塑料修复减量" ], "120157003": [ "Thorax destructive procedure", "胸腔破坏性手术" ], "415069007": [ "Percutaneous atherectomy of artery", "经皮动脉粥样硬化斑块切除术" ], "447837008": [ "Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation", "无创正压通气" ], "183858000": [ "Referral to varicose vein clinic", "转诊至静脉曲张诊所" ], "71005007": [ "Partial resection of vertebral component, spinous process of thoracic region", "椎体、胸椎棘突部分切除术" ], "234845007": [ "Placement of orthodontic lip bumper", "放置正畸唇垫" ], "446002004": [ "Assessment using sensory integration inventory revised for individuals with developmental disabilities", "使用针对发育障碍人士修订的感觉统合量表进行评估" ], "169309008": [ "Linear accelerator electrons", "直线加速器电子" ], "429618000": [ "Manual securing of endotracheal tube", "手动固定气管插管" ], "85554007": [ "Copper measurement, serum", "血清铜测量" ], "265778005": [ "Local anesthetic nerve block", "Local anaesthetic nerve block", "Nerve block anaesthesia", "神经阻滞麻醉", "局部麻醉神经阻滞" ], "233010008": [ "Right atrial operation", "RA - Right atrial operation", "右心房手术", "RA - 右心房手术" ], "231175001": [ "Ankle block", "Local anaesthetic ankle block", "Local anesthetic ankle block", "局部麻醉踝关节阻滞", "踝关节阻滞" ], "395015001": [ "Percentage hypochromic cells", "低色素细胞百分比" ], "18183009": [ "Fixed prosthodontic procedure", "固定修复手术" ], "229340004": [ "Physiological mobilisation of the sternoclavicular joint", "Physiological mobilization of the sternoclavicular joint", "胸锁关节的生理活动" ], "49116006": [ "Division of vein head and neck", "静脉头颈的划分" ], "425948009": [ "Percutaneous angioplasty of pulmonary artery", "经皮肺动脉血管成形术" ], "14513002": [ "Arthroscopy of ankle with removal of foreign body", "踝关节镜检查及异物取出" ], "391345003": [ "Serum topiramate level", "血清托吡酯水平" ], "112817008": [ "Resuture of heart valve prosthesis, poppet", "心脏瓣膜假体、瓣膜瓣的再缝合" ], "129201008": [ "Procedure on tibia", "胫骨手术" ], "1290630003": [ "Immobilisation of spine using spine board", "Immobilization of spine using spine board", "Spinal immobilisation using spine board", "Spinal immobilization using spine board", "使用脊柱板进行脊柱固定", "使用脊柱板固定脊柱" ], "307590003": [ "Removal of liver pack", "移除肝包" ], "176518006": [ "Biopsy of male perineum", "男性会阴活检" ], "225670007": [ "Examination of ear", "Clinical examination of ear", "耳朵检查", "耳部临床检查" ], "830043000": [ "Insertion of endovascular stent into vein of thorax", "Endovascular insertion of stent into vein of thorax", "胸腔静脉内支架置入", "胸腔静脉内支架置入术" ], "27227004": [ "Excision of descending aorta", "Arteriectomy of descending aorta", "降主动脉切除术" ], "1256027009": [ "Instruction in use of walking frame", "Education on use of walking frame", "助行架使用说明", "助行架使用教育" ], "25392002": [ "Repair of omphalocele with staged closure of prosthesis", "分期缝合假体修复脐膨出" ], "172848003": [ "Rhinoplasty for cleft lip nasal deformity", "唇裂鼻畸形的鼻整形手术" ], "385840006": [ "Stool specimen care management", "Manage stool specimen care", "管理粪便标本护理", "粪便标本护理管理" ], "74544009": [ "Percutaneous core needle biopsy of pleura", "经皮胸膜芯针活检" ], "121861004": [ "Tetradecadienoylcarnitine measurement", "十四碳二烯酰肉碱测量" ], "433157005": [ "Dilatation of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "Dilation of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经颈静脉肝内门体分流术支架扩张术", "透视引导下经颈静脉肝内门体分流术支架扩张术" ], "252933005": [ "Split ejaculation examination", "分裂射精检查" ], "416773006": [ "Injection of viscoelastic in anterior chamber of eye", "眼前房注射粘弹剂" ], "5338000": [ "Nicotine measurement", "尼古丁测量" ], "120026001": [ "Seminal vesicle repair", "精囊修复" ], "234714003": [ "Dental pack procedure", "牙科包程序" ], "54490004": [ "Vaginal hysterectomy with repair of enterocele", "阴道子宫切除术及肠膨出修补术" ], "431322006": [ "Hydrodistention of glenohumeral joint using fluoroscopic guidance", "Hydrodilatation of glenohumeral joint using fluoroscopic guidance", "Hydrodistension of glenohumeral joint using fluoroscopic guidance", "Hydrodilation of glenohumeral joint using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下肩关节水扩张术", "透视引导下盂肱关节水扩张术" ], "87258008": [ "Ureteropexy", "输尿管固定术" ], "232879007": [ "Atrioventricular (non-mitral, non-tricuspid) valve operation", "AV - Atrioventricular valve operation", "AV-- 房室瓣手术", "房室(非二尖瓣、非三尖瓣)瓣膜手术" ], "708015008": [ "Plucking of hair for microscopy and culture", "拔除毛发进行显微镜检查和培养" ], "771716002": [ "Open hernioplasty using synthetic mesh for recurrent inguinal hernia", "Open repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using synthetic mesh", "使用合成网片进行开放式疝修补术治疗复发性腹股沟疝", "使用合成网片开放式修补复发性腹股沟疝" ], "394884003": [ "Plasma factor VIII inhibitor human and porcine screen", "血浆因子 VIII 抑制剂人类和猪的筛查" ], "83588004": [ "Ureteroneocystostomy with bladder flap", "Replacement of ureter with bladder flap", "Boari operation with bladder flap", "Boari flap anastomosis of ureter to bladder", "Ureteroneocystostomy with urinary bladder flap", "膀胱瓣置换输尿管", "输尿管膀胱Boari瓣吻合术", "输尿管膀胱造口术", "膀胱瓣Boari手术" ], "231044008": [ "Local anesthetic block on spinal nerve ganglion", "Local anaesthetic block on spinal nerve ganglion", "Spinal nerve ganglion block", "Dorsal root ganglion block", "DRGB - dorsal root ganglion block", "背根神经节阻滞", "脊神经节阻滞", "DRGB-- 背根神经节阻滞", "脊神经节局部麻醉阻滞" ], "65369003": [ "Endoscopic biopsy of pancreatic duct", "内镜胰管活检" ], "442201003": [ "Insertion of transobturator tape for female urinary incontinence", "经闭孔带置入术治疗女性尿失禁" ], "868185009": [ "CBT-I - cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia", "Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia", "Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia", "CBT-I - cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia", "失眠的认知行为疗法", "CBT-I——失眠认知行为疗法" ], "63534003": [ "Division of cartilage of elbow", "Division of joint cartilage of elbow", "肘软骨分割", "肘关节软骨的分割" ], "243758008": [ "Provision of foot orthosis - custom-made with leather uppers", "Provision of foot orthosis - bespoke with leather uppers", "Provision of custom made foot orthosis with leather uppers", "提供足部矫形器 - 定制皮革鞋面", "提供定制的皮革鞋面足部矫形器" ], "178222009": [ "Local muscle rotation flap", "局部肌肉旋转皮瓣" ], "438531001": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of iliac artery", "MR angiography of iliac artery", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of iliac artery", "MR arteriography of iliac artery", "髂动脉磁共振血管造影", "髂动脉磁共振动脉造影" ], "45315006": [ "Osteoarticular thermography", "Thermography - bones/joints", "热成像——骨骼/关节", "骨关节热成像" ], "1255896000": [ "Insertion of spacer into tendon sheath", "将间隔器插入肌腱鞘" ], "43480007": [ "Eloesser operation, thoracoplasty", "Eloesser 手术、胸廓成形术" ], "1155757000": [ "Liaising with pharmacist on medication procurement", "与药剂师联络药品采购" ], "25261001": [ "Insertion of nasal septal prosthesis", "鼻中隔假体植入" ], "74413002": [ "Barium measurement", "钡测量" ], "385709006": [ "Enema administration assessment", "Assess enema administration", "评估灌肠效果", "灌肠给药评估" ], "58029008": [ "Special cytopathology procedure, liquefaction of sputum and smear", "特殊细胞病理学程序、痰液液化和涂片" ], "303789009": [ "Lower limb contrast procedure", "下肢造影程序" ], "121730002": [ "Venlafaxine measurement", "文拉法辛测量" ], "711554003": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of pelvic vascular structure", "Doppler ultrasound of pelvic vascular structure", "盆腔血管结构的多普勒超声检查" ], "39810004": [ "Injection of tonsil", "扁桃体注射" ], "23426006": [ "Measurement of respiratory function", "Pulmonary function test", "Lung function tests", "PFT - pulmonary function test", "RFT - respiratory function test", "肺功能检查", "呼吸功能测量", "PFT-- 肺功能测试", "RFT-- 呼吸功能测试" ], "285570007": [ "Taking of swab", "取拭子" ], "433026007": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of popliteal vein using contrast with insertion of stent", "支架置入造影剂行腘静脉荧光镜造影" ], "105346007": [ "Triamterene measurement", "氨苯蝶啶测量" ], "431191001": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) indium 111 leucocyte study", "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) indium 111 leukocyte study", "Single photon emission computed tomography indium 111 leukocyte study", "Single photon emission computed tomography indium 111 leucocyte study", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT) 铟 111 白细胞研究", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描铟 111 白细胞研究" ], "1119319005": [ "Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy of left kidney via retroperitoneal approach", "Laparoscopic excision of part of left kidney via retroperitoneal approach", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路切除左肾部分", "经腹膜后入路腹腔镜左肾部分切除术" ], "169047007": [ "Cineradiography - respiratory tract", "电影放射摄影-呼吸道" ], "232748001": [ "Shortening operation on mitral papillary muscle", "二尖瓣乳头肌缩短术" ], "445740002": [ "Fluoroscopy of thumb", "拇指透视检查" ], "134444002": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi IgM level", "Borrelia burgdorferi immunoglobulin M level", "伯氏疏螺旋体 IgM 水平", "伯氏疏螺旋体免疫球蛋白 M 水平" ], "265516003": [ "Reconstruction of iliac artery", "髂动脉重建" ], "167212004": [ "Tetracosactrin test", "Synacthen test", "Tetracosactide test", "联会试验", "四十二碳肽试验", "四十二烷基硫酸盐试验" ], "118060008": [ "HIV 1 p66 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p66 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 66 antibody", "HIV 1 p66 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p66 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 66 抗体的测量" ], "412972008": [ "Measurement of cystathionine in urine specimen", "尿液标本中胱硫醚的测定" ], "50689005": [ "Fitting of spectacles, multifocal", "Fitting of eyeglasses, multifocal", "配戴多焦点眼镜" ], "230913006": [ "Stereotactic radiosurgery of intracranial venous malformation", "颅内静脉畸形的立体定向放射外科治疗" ], "178091000": [ "Drainage of fascial compartment", "筋膜腔引流" ], "866219006": [ "CT guided aspiration of spine", "Aspiration of spine using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行脊柱抽吸", "CT 引导下脊柱穿刺" ], "440235008": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of cerebral artery using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮脑动脉血栓溶解术" ], "307328003": [ "Endoscopic transaxillary cervical sympathectomy", "Endoscopic cervical sympathectomy using transaxillary approach", "经腋窝颈交感神经切除术", "经腋窝入路内镜颈交感神经切除术" ], "258176004": [ "Computerised tomography guidance", "CT - Computerised tomography guidance", "CT - Computerized tomography guidance", "Computerized tomography guidance", "Computed tomography guidance", "计算机断层扫描引导", "CT - 计算机断层扫描引导" ], "225408009": [ "Level 3 observation", "三级观察" ], "172586003": [ "Panretinal photocoagulation for glaucoma", "全视网膜光凝治疗青光眼" ], "303658003": [ "CT of extracranial soft tissues of the head", "Computed tomography of extracranial soft tissues of the head", "头部颅外软组织CT", "头部颅外软组织计算机断层扫描" ], "711423000": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular graft", "血管移植的多普勒超声检查" ], "434730009": [ "Care of subject following nerve block", "神经阻滞后患者的护理" ], "121599001": [ "Hydroflumethiazide measurement", "氢氟噻嗪的测量" ], "236287003": [ "First stage urethra terminalizing operation using skin graft", "First stage urethra terminalising operation using skin graft", "Nicolle hypospadias repair - first stage", "Cloutier hypospadias repair - first stage", "Bracka hypospadias repair - first stage", "Cloutier 尿道下裂修复术 - 第一阶段", "一期尿道植皮终末成形术", "Nicolle 尿道下裂修复术 - 第一阶段", "一期尿道末端植皮手术", "Bracka 尿道下裂修复术 - 第一阶段" ], "252671004": [ "Einhorn string test", "艾因霍恩弦测试" ], "105215006": [ "Indomethacin measurement", "吲哚美辛测量" ], "709588001": [ "Radiofrequency ablation using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided radiofrequency ablation", "荧光透视引导下的射频消融", "荧光透视引导射频消融" ], "398292008": [ "Positive end-expiratory pressure monitoring", "呼气末正压监测" ], "281769000": [ "Procedure on origin of tendon", "肌腱起源手术" ], "232617002": [ "Insertion of tracheo-oesophageal catheter", "Insertion of tracheo-esophageal catheter", "Insertion of tracheoesophageal catheter", "Insertion of tracheooesophageal catheter", "气管食管导管插入", "插入气管食管导管" ], "183465001": [ "Rheumatology emergency hospital admission", "风湿病科急诊入院" ], "3241008": [ "Correction of chordee with mobilization of urethra", "Correction of chordee with mobilisation of urethra", "尿道活动矫正阴茎下弯" ], "117929008": [ "Phosphatidylinositol antibody assay", "Measurement of phosphatidylinositol antibody", "磷脂酰肌醇抗体测定" ], "412841008": [ "Blood coproporphyrin measurement", "Blood coproporphyrin level", "血粪卟啉测量", "血液粪卟啉水平" ], "50558002": [ "Division of intracranial artery", "颅内动脉分离" ], "443774001": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of neoplasm", "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of tumor", "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of tumour", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描与肿瘤计算机断层扫描" ], "179795005": [ "Revision extra-articular allograft augmentation intra-articular ligament", "翻修关节外同种异体移植增强关节内韧带" ], "310867007": [ "Informing patient of diagnosis", "告知患者诊断结果" ], "15955009": [ "Intrauterine biopsy of fetus", "Intrauterine fetal biopsy", "Intrauterine foetal biopsy", "Intrauterine biopsy of foetus", "胎儿宫内活检", "宫内胎儿活检" ], "735016006": [ "Complete excision of right lung", "Right total pneumonectomy", "右全肺切除术", "右肺完全切除" ], "440104006": [ "Insertion of peripancreatic drain with gastrostomy", "胃造口术及胰周引流管插入" ], "177960006": [ "Destruction of lesion of omentum", "网膜损伤破坏" ], "12285001": [ "Therapeutic mechanical traction", "治疗性机械牵引" ], "225277003": [ "Checking for looping of urinary catheter tubing", "检查导尿管是否成环" ], "241661005": [ "Cine MRI of joint movement - knee", "Cine magnetic resonance imaging of joint movement - knee", "Cine magnetic resonance imaging of knee joint movement", "关节运动的电影磁共振成像-膝盖", "膝关节运动的电影磁共振成像", "关节运动的电影磁共振成像 - 膝盖" ], "716797006": [ "Assessment using Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities", "Assessment using ITPA (Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities)", "使用 ITPA(伊利诺伊心理语言能力测试)进行评估", "使用伊利诺斯心理语言能力测试进行评估" ], "77821006": [ "Partial excision of metacarpal bone", "Partial ostectomy of metacarpal bone", "掌骨部分截骨术", "掌骨部分切除" ], "307197006": [ "Excision of common hepatic duct", "肝总管切除术" ], "700413007": [ "Carcinoembryonic antigen monitoring", "癌胚抗原监测" ], "75986001": [ "Open reduction of dislocation with internal fixation", "脱位切开复位内固定" ], "305362004": [ "Admission to clinical neurophysiology department", "临床神经生理学系入学" ], "174290004": [ "Removal of encircling suture from around perianal sphincter", "拆除肛周括约肌周围的缝合线" ], "713127001": [ "Assessment of alcohol use", "酒精使用情况评估" ], "121468004": [ "Buspirone measurement", "丁螺环酮测量" ], "72316005": [ "Platelet concentrate, pooling", "血小板浓缩物、汇集" ], "449148006": [ "Sacrohysteropexy", "Sacrouteropexy", "骶子宫固定术" ], "236156007": [ "Percutaneous puncture of renal collecting system", "经皮肾集合系统穿刺" ], "234321000": [ "Splenic cystogastrostomy", "脾囊胃造口术" ], "70481002": [ "Aspiration of hematoma in obstetric incision", "Aspiration of haematoma in obstetric incision", "产科切口血肿抽吸" ], "119633005": [ "Shoulder reconstruction", "肩关节重建" ], "1332049005": [ "Laparoscopic exploration of retroperitoneum", "腹腔镜腹膜后探查" ], "117798000": [ "Echovirus 18 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human echovirus 18 antibody", "埃可病毒 18 抗体检测", "人类埃可病毒 18 抗体的测量" ], "1217361008": [ "Nasendoscopy", "Endoscopy of nose, pharynx and larynx", "和内窥镜检查", "鼻咽喉内窥镜检查" ], "773158002": [ "Laparoscopic TEP (totally extraperitoneal) repair of femoral hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic TEP (totally extraperitoneal) femoral hernioplasty using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal repair of femoral hernia using synthetic mesh", "腹腔镜全腹膜外手术(TEP)使用合成网片修复股疝", "使用合成网片进行腹腔镜 TEP(完全腹膜外)股疝修补术", "腹腔镜全腹膜外合成网片修补股疝" ], "707622003": [ "Assessment using gross motor function classification system for cerebral palsy", "脑瘫粗大运动功能分类系统评估" ], "429094000": [ "Dietary education for type I diabetes mellitus", "Dietary education for type 1 diabetes mellitus", "1 型糖尿病饮食教育", "一型糖尿病饮食教育" ], "265254004": [ "Biopsy of lesion of nipple", "乳头病变活检" ], "232486006": [ "Electrocautery to internal nose", "Cauterization of internal nose using electrical energy", "Cauterisation of internal nose using electrical energy", "鼻内电灼", "使用电能烧灼鼻内脏" ], "609318008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of penile artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of penile artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "阴茎动脉荧光血管造影及支架置入", "阴茎动脉荧光造影及支架置入术" ], "34043003": [ "Dental consultation and report", "Dental examination", "牙科检查", "牙科咨询及报告" ], "427259007": [ "Measurement of cardiovascular autonomic nervous system", "心血管自主神经系统测量" ], "179664005": [ "Revision to closed reduction of dislocation and cast immobilization", "Revision to closed reduction of dislocation and cast immobilisation", "复位至闭合复位脱位及石膏固定", "脱位闭合复位及石膏固定的修订" ], "736720006": [ "Repair of right inguinal hernia", "右腹股沟疝修补术" ], "390821000": [ "Mental health addiction programmes", "Mental health addiction programs", "心理健康成瘾计划" ], "425424008": [ "Drainage of subretinal fluid through retina", "通过视网膜排出视网膜下液体" ], "359888008": [ "Pulmonary surfactant test", "肺表面活性物质检测" ], "423589000": [ "Newborn continuous physical assessment", "Newborn ongoing physical assessment", "新生儿持续身体评估" ], "30373005": [ "Grafting of bone of clavicle", "锁骨骨移植" ], "439973009": [ "Construction of custom ear prosthesis", "定制耳假体的构建" ], "405370008": [ "Upper limb vascular prosthesis thrombectomy", "Removal of thrombus from vascular prosthesis of upper limb", "上肢血管假体血栓切除术", "上肢血管假体血栓清除术" ], "305231001": [ "Admission by own GP", "Admission by own general practitioner", "由自己的全科医生入院", "由自己的全科医生诊治" ], "700282009": [ "Referral for anesthesia management", "Referral for anaesthesia management", "麻醉管理转诊" ], "241530008": [ "CT parotid gland", "Computed tomography parotid gland", "腮腺 CT", "计算机断层扫描腮腺" ], "225146009": [ "Scrubbing skin", "擦洗皮肤" ], "172324004": [ "Resection of both lateral rectus muscles", "Resection of bilateral lateral rectus muscles", "切除两侧外直肌", "双侧外直肌切除术" ], "104953000": [ "Sulfhemoglobin assay, qualitative", "Sulphaemoglobin assay, qualitative", "磺胺血红蛋白测定,定性", "硫血红蛋白测定,定性" ], "449017001": [ "Autologous transfusion of blood components", "自体血液成分输注" ], "432633002": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of liver and biliary tract with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of liver and biliary tract with contrast", "Hepatobiliary magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with contrast", "MRI of liver and biliary tract with contrast", "肝脏及胆道增强 MRI", "肝脏及胆道的磁共振成像对比", "肝胆增强磁共振成像 (MRI)", "肝脏和胆道的磁共振成像(MRI)对比" ], "121337002": [ "Cresol identification", "甲酚鉴别" ], "72185009": [ "Adductor transfer to ischium", "内收肌转移至坐骨" ], "252409009": [ "Rubella antibody screening", "风疹抗体筛查" ], "398030006": [ "Tracheobronchial lavage via tracheostomy", "经气管切开术进行气管支气管灌洗" ], "68515000": [ "Methyprylon measurement", "甲基吡咯烷酮测量" ], "430798009": [ "Stapled transanal rectal resection", "Transanal resection of rectum and anastomosis using staples", "经肛门直肠切除及缝合吻合术", "吻合器经肛门直肠切除术" ], "609187003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon dilation of interposition tube prosthesis between pulmonary artery and aorta", "Percutaneous transluminal balloon dilatation of interposition tube prosthesis between pulmonary artery and aorta", "经皮腔内球囊扩张术在肺动脉和主动脉之间置入导管假体" ], "84899003": [ "Antibody to mitochondrial antigen measurement", "线粒体抗原抗体测量" ], "428963006": [ "FRT - Functional reach test", "Functional reach test", "FRT - 功能伸展测试", "功能伸展测试" ], "1231779006": [ "Implantation of leadless cardiac pacemaker", "Implantation of leadless pacemaker of heart", "无导线心脏起搏器植入术", "心脏无导线起搏器植入术" ], "117667009": [ "Oxytriphylline measurement", "氧化茶碱测量" ], "443512007": [ "Assessment using Braden pressure sore risk scale", "Assessment using Braden pressure ulcer risk scale", "Assessment using Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk", "Assessment using Braden Scale", "Assessment of pressure injury risk using Braden scale", "使用 Braden 量表预测压疮风险的评估", "使用 Braden 压疮风险量表进行评估", "使用 Braden 量表评估压力损伤风险", "使用 Braden 量表进行评估" ], "228685000": [ "Gammamed brachytherapy", "伽玛刀近距离放射治疗" ], "408909002": [ "Enteral feeding management", "Manage enteral feeding", "肠内喂养管理", "管理肠内喂养" ], "277837003": [ "Detrusor myotomy", "逼尿肌切开术" ], "81229002": [ "Ligation of spermatic cord", "精索结扎" ], "392525005": [ "Staphylococcal enterotoxin B specific IgE antibody measurement", "m81 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Staphylococcal enterotoxin B specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "葡萄球菌肠毒素B特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "m81 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "葡萄球菌肠毒素B特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "32077007": [ "Phlebectomy with anastomosis", "静脉切除及吻合术" ], "441677009": [ "Imaging of lung", "肺部成像" ], "243234005": [ "Repair of tendon of hand by transfer or transplantation", "转移或移植修复手部肌腱" ], "439842006": [ "Screening for tricyclic antidepressant in serum", "血清中三环类抗抑郁药的筛查" ], "718370008": [ "Assessment using Children's Health Locus of Control Scale", "使用儿童健康控制点量表进行评估" ], "79394008": [ "Ligation of spermatic veins for varicocele with hernia repair", "精索静脉结扎术治疗精索静脉曲张并疝修补术" ], "700151002": [ "Temporary implantation of LVAD (left ventricular assist device)", "Temporary implantation of left cardiac ventricular assist device", "左心室辅助装置临时植入", "暂时植入 LVAD(左心室辅助装置)" ], "405239003": [ "Local excision of lesion of vulva", "外阴病变局部切除术" ], "175863008": [ "Open cannulation of vein", "开放静脉插管" ], "305100004": [ "Therapeutic shoulder stretching", "治疗性肩部伸展" ], "239564006": [ "Excision of odontoid peg", "齿状突桩切除术" ], "24737001": [ "Echography of scrotum and contents", "Ultrasound scan of scrotum and contents", "Ultrasonography of scrotum and contents", "阴囊及内容物的超声检查", "阴囊及其内容物的超声波扫描" ], "90273005": [ "Talectomy for foot stabilization", "Whitman operation for foot stabilization", "Talectomy for foot stabilisation", "Whitman operation for foot stabilisation", "惠特曼足部稳定手术", "足部切除术用于足部稳定" ], "8353007": [ "Excision of lesion of lower limb vein", "Excision of lesion of vein of lower limb", "下肢静脉病变切除术" ], "711030000": [ "Counseling about level of hope", "Counselling about level of hope", "希望程度咨询" ], "172193008": [ "Incision of lesion of eyebrow", "眉毛病变切开术" ], "252278002": [ "Coagulation pathway screening", "凝血通路筛查" ], "104822003": [ "N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase measurement", "N-乙酰-β-氨基葡萄糖苷酶测量" ], "432502006": [ "Percutaneous embolization of popliteal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of popliteal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of popliteal vein with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of popliteal vein with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮腘静脉造影栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮腘静脉栓塞术" ], "55670007": [ "Endodontic procedure", "Pulp treatment", "Pulp therapy", "根管治疗", "牙髓治疗", "纸浆处理" ], "301430008": [ "Angioplasty of vertebral artery", "椎动脉血管成形术" ], "168523002": [ "Preoperative course of radiotherapy", "Radiotherapy - preoperative control", "Neoadjuvant radiation therapy", "Neoadjuvant radiotherapy", "放射治疗-术前控制", "新辅助放疗", "新辅助放射治疗", "术前放射治疗过程" ], "52000000": [ "Nicola operation for recurrent dislocation of shoulder", "尼古拉手术治疗复发性肩关节脱位" ], "414283008": [ "Follow up substance misuse assessment", "跟进药物滥用评估" ], "133920001": [ "Decision making encouragement", "Decision making support", "决策支持", "决策鼓励" ], "443381006": [ "Percutaneous sclerotherapy of lymphatic malformation using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮淋巴管硬化治疗" ], "1162442001": [ "Laparoscopic excision of cyst of liver", "Laparoscopic excision of hepatic cyst", "Laparoscopic hepatic cystectomy", "腹腔镜肝囊肿切除术" ], "179402001": [ "Cemented unicompartmental knee replacement", "骨水泥型单髁膝关节置换术" ], "228554001": [ "Personal construct therapy", "个人建构治疗" ], "310474008": [ "Suturing of defect of tricuspid valve leaflet", "三尖瓣缺损缝合术" ], "406943000": [ "Tropaeolin OO stain method", "Tropaeolin OO stain", "Tropaeolin OO 染色", "金莲花素 OO 染色法" ], "243103003": [ "Changing stoma bag education", "更换造口袋教育" ], "1258911006": [ "Choledochoscopic EHL (electrohydraulic lithotripsy) of calculus of biliary tract", "Choledochoscopic EHL (electrohydraulic lithotripsy) of stone of biliary tract", "Choledochoscopic electrohydraulic lithotripsy of calculus of biliary tract", "Choledochoscopic electrohydraulic lithotripsy of stone of biliary tract", "胆道镜胆道结石电液碎石术", "胆道镜胆道结石液电碎石术" ], "439711007": [ "Electrical impedance imaging of bilateral breasts", "Electrical impedance imaging of both breasts", "双侧乳房电阻抗成像" ], "306804001": [ "Admission to young disabled unit", "青年残疾人单位入驻" ], "11892002": [ "Computerized tomography, sagittal", "Computerised tomography, sagittal", "Computed tomography sagittal", "计算机断层扫描,矢状面", "计算机断层扫描矢状" ], "388724003": [ "Pinus edulis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pine nut specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf253 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pignoles specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pinus edulis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "毛松特异性IgE抗体测定", "松子特异性IgE抗体测定", "Pignoles 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Rf253特异性IgE抗体测量", "毛松特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "175732004": [ "Revision of reconstruction involving femoral artery", "涉及股动脉的重建术" ], "241268006": [ "Leg venogram - ascending", "腿部静脉造影 - 上升" ], "1156937001": [ "Magnetic resonance phosphorus spectroscopy of whole body", "MR phosphorus spectroscopy of whole body", "全身磁共振磷波谱", "全身磁共振磷波谱分析" ], "173897003": [ "Total jejunectomy and anastomosis of duodenum to colon", "全空肠切除及十二指肠至结肠吻合术" ], "42825003": [ "Cannulation", "Insertion of cannula", "插管", "插入套管" ], "1288009005": [ "OGD (oesophagogastroduodenoscopy) with insertion of endosponge into oesophagus", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and intraluminal insertion of sponge into oesophagus", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and intraluminal insertion of sponge into esophagus", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with insertion of endosponge into esophagus", "EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) with insertion of endosponge into esophagus", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and insertion of endosponge into esophagus", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and insertion of endosponge into oesophagus", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with insertion of endosponge into oesophagus", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and endoluminal vacuum therapy in esophagus", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and endoluminal vacuum therapy in oesophagus", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及食管腔内真空治疗", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查,将内海绵插入食管", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及食管海绵插入术", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查(EGD),将内镜海绵插入食管", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查(OGD)将内镜海绵插入食管", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及食管腔内海绵插入术" ], "239433007": [ "Reconstruction of medial collateral ligament of knee joint", "膝关节内侧副韧带重建" ], "59209009": [ "Toxicology testing for insecticide", "杀虫剂毒理学测试" ], "450590008": [ "Excision of recurrent lipoma of subcutaneous tissue", "复发性皮下组织脂肪瘤切除术" ], "172062009": [ "Reconstruction of breast with local muscle flap", "局部肌瓣乳房再造" ], "104691003": [ "Glucose-6-phosphatase measurement", "葡萄糖-6-磷酸酶测量" ], "432371004": [ "Biopsy of bone using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Biopsy of bone using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided biopsy of bone", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行骨活检", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行骨活检", "CT 引导下骨活检" ], "252147005": [ "Barbiturate screening", "巴比妥类药物筛查" ], "710899008": [ "Education about adaptation technique", "适应技术教育" ], "39155009": [ "Hypertension education", "高血压教育" ], "446920006": [ "Transvaginal ultrasonography to determine the estimated date of confinement", "Transvaginal dating obstetric ultrasonography", "经阴道产科超声检查", "经阴道超声检查确定预产期" ], "84637000": [ "Atticoantrostomy of ear", "Atticoantrotomy of ear", "Atticoantrostomy", "耳上颌窦造口术", "上颌窦吻合术", "耳上颌窦切开术" ], "314013008": [ "Plasma LDL/HDL ratio", "Plasma LDL/HDL ratio measurement", "Plasma low density lipoprotein/high density lipoprotein ratio measurement", "血浆 LDL/HDL 比率", "血浆 LDL/HDL 比率测量", "血浆低密度脂蛋白/高密度脂蛋白比率测量" ], "426866005": [ "Physical activity tolerance evaluation", "Determination of physical activity tolerance", "确定身体活动耐受力", "体力活动耐受力评估" ], "719943000": [ "Provision of written information about diabetes and high hemoglobin A1c level", "Provision of written information about diabetes and high haemoglobin A1c level", "提供有关糖尿病和高糖化血红蛋白水平的书面信息" ], "406812008": [ "Azure B stain method", "Azur B stain", "Azure B stain", "天青B染色法", "Azur B 染色", "Azure B 染色" ], "716273001": [ "Assessment using Gesell Developmental Observation Revised", "Assessment using GDO-R (Gesell Developmental Observation Revised)", "使用 GDO-R(Gesell 发展观察修订版)进行评估", "使用 Gesell 发展观察法修订版进行评估" ], "275740009": [ "Serum uric acid", "Serum uric acid measurement", "血清尿酸", "血清尿酸测量" ], "241137004": [ "Lymphadenogram", "淋巴结造影" ], "306673008": [ "Discharge from trauma service", "创伤护理出院" ], "419526001": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of aorta with contrast and insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of aorta with contrast and insertion of stent", "主动脉荧光血管造影及支架置入", "主动脉荧光造影及支架置入术" ], "1304262002": [ "Implantation of prosthetic intraocular lens into both eyes", "Implantation of prosthetic intraocular lens into bilateral eyes", "Bilateral prosthetic intraocular lens implants", "双侧人工晶状体植入", "双眼植入人工晶状体" ], "239302006": [ "Maxillary posterior segmental osteotomy", "上颌后部节段截骨术" ], "24475000": [ "Restoration, inlay, metallic, two surfaces", "修复,镶嵌,金属,双面" ], "401307002": [ "Functional endoscopic sinus surgery - polypectomy of nasal sinus", "FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) polypectomy of nasal sinus", "功能性内窥镜鼻窦手术(FESS)鼻窦息肉切除术", "功能性内镜鼻窦手术-鼻窦息肉切除术" ], "104560001": [ "Bradykinin measurement", "缓激肽测量" ], "710768002": [ "Implementation of seizure management regime", "实施扣押管理制度" ], "268400002": [ "12 lead ECG", "12 lead electrocardiogram", "Standard ECG (electrocardiogram)", "Standard electrocardiogram", "标准心电图", "12 导联心电图", "12导联心电图" ], "432240005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of foot with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of foot with contrast", "MRI of foot with contrast", "足部增强 MRI 检查", "足部增强磁共振成像 (MRI)", "足部对比磁共振成像" ], "399472007": [ "Resection of extrahepatic bile duct", "Excision of extrahepatic bile duct", "肝外胆管切除术" ], "708933000": [ "Emergency haemodiafiltration", "Emergency hemodiafiltration", "紧急血液透析滤过" ], "20805001": [ "Rhinoseptoplasty", "Septorhinoplasty", "鼻中隔整形术" ], "446789002": [ "Assessment using ages and stages questionnaire second edition", "使用年龄和阶段问卷第二版进行评估" ], "69957006": [ "Resorption rate measurement", "吸收率测量" ], "250181007": [ "Human leukocyte antigen DRB1 genotype", "Human leukocyte antigen DRB1 genotype determination", "Human leucocyte antigen DRB1 genotype", "Human leucocyte antigen DRB1 genotype determination", "Human leucocyte antigen DRB1genotype", "HLA-DRB1 - Human leucocyte antigen DRB1 genotype", "HLA-DRB1 - Human leukocyte antigen DRB1 genotype", "Human leukocyte antigen DRB1genotype", "DR beta 1 chain", "人类白细胞抗原DRB1基因型测定", "DR β1 链", "HLA-DRB1 - 人类白细胞抗原 DRB1 基因型", "人类白细胞抗原DRB1基因型", "人类白细胞抗原 DRB1 基因型" ], "608794001": [ "Laparoscopic repair of obstructed inguinal hernia", "腹腔镜修补阻塞性腹股沟疝" ], "313882001": [ "150 minute serum TSH measurement", "150 minute serum TSH level", "Measurement of serum thyroid stimulating hormone concentration 150 minutes after challenge", "150 分钟血清 TSH 测量", "150 分钟血清 TSH 水平", "激发后 150 分钟测量血清促甲状腺激素浓度" ], "182810003": [ "Intensive care monitoring", "重症监护" ], "49903007": [ "Anesthesia for thoracoscopy", "Anaesthesia for thoracoscopy", "胸腔镜检查麻醉" ], "312047007": [ "Referral to cosmetic camouflage service", "转介至美容伪装服务" ], "410351009": [ "Relaxation/breathing techniques case management", "放松/呼吸技巧案例管理" ], "443119008": [ "Behavioral activation therapy", "Behavioural activation therapy", "Behavioral activation", "Behavioural activation", "行为激活疗法", "行为激活" ], "441284005": [ "Multidirectional X-ray tomography", "多向X射线断层扫描" ], "392132006": [ "FASTPAC automated standard perimetry", "FACTPAC ASP", "联邦快递", "FASTPAC 自动标准视野检查" ], "179140008": [ "Primary functional bracing of fracture", "骨折的初级功能支撑" ], "29849006": [ "Warfarin measurement", "华法林测量" ], "77166000": [ "Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty of aortic valve", "经皮主动脉瓣球囊成形术" ], "306542001": [ "Discharge by community dietitian", "Discharge by community-based dietitian", "社区营养师出院" ], "1142126006": [ "Increased linoleic acid diet", "增加亚油酸饮食" ], "765294008": [ "Radionuclide imaging using radioisotope with cerebral blood flow", "使用放射性同位素对脑血流进行放射性核素成像" ], "372078009": [ "Adrenal radioisotope scan", "肾上腺放射性同位素扫描" ], "763459002": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of axillary vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "Fluoroscopic venogram of axillary vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "金属支架植入后荧光造影腋静脉造影", "用金属支架植入进行腋静脉荧光造影" ], "173635005": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic destruction of lesion of oesophagus", "Fibreoptic endoscopic extirpation of lesion of oesophagus", "Fiberoptic endoscopic destruction of lesion of esophagus", "Fiberoptic endoscopic extirpation of lesion of esophagus", "纤维内镜食管病变破坏术", "纤维内镜食管病变摘除术" ], "71661000": [ "Cover slip preparation", "盖玻片制备" ], "301037004": [ "Arthroscopic removal of loose body from joint", "关节镜下取出关节游离体" ], "6125005": [ "Change of gastrostomy tube", "Replacement of gastrostomy tube", "Replacement of feeding gastrostomy", "更换喂养胃造口术", "更换胃造口管" ], "88045004": [ "Replacement of pulmonary valve", "PVR - Pulmonary valve replacement", "肺动脉瓣置换术", "PVR-- 肺动脉瓣置换术" ], "235501008": [ "Occlusion of pancreatic fistula", "胰瘘封堵术" ], "432109009": [ "Fine needle aspiration of breast using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided fine needle aspiration of breast", "FNA (fine needle aspiration) of breast using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "Fine needle aspiration of breast using MRI guidance", "MRI guided fine needle aspiration biopsy of breast", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of breast using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "使用磁共振成像引导进行乳房细针穿刺", "MRI 引导下乳腺细针穿刺活检", "使用 MRI 引导进行乳房细针穿刺", "MRI 引导下乳腺细针穿刺", "使用磁共振成像引导进行乳房细针穿刺 (FNA)", "使用磁共振成像引导进行乳房细针穿刺活检" ], "53442002": [ "Gastrectomy", "Excision of stomach structure", "胃切除术", "切除胃结构" ], "11411000087104": [ "MRI of left upper extremity joint", "Magnetic resonance imaging of joint of left upper extremity", "左上肢关节磁共振成像", "左上肢关节MRI" ], "708802003": [ "Excision of scalp mass", "Excision of mass of scalp", "头皮肿块切除术" ], "67991000": [ "Extracapsular extraction of lens by linear extraction technique", "线性摘除技术进行晶状体囊外摘除术" ], "51607004": [ "Total ureterectomy", "Total excision of ureter", "Total resection of ureter", "全输尿管切除术", "输尿管全切除术" ], "313751007": [ "Serum tryptophan level", "Serum tryptophan measurement", "血清色氨酸测量", "血清色氨酸水平" ], "428439008": [ "T cell gene rearrangement analysis", "T 细胞基因重排分析" ], "2455009": [ "Revision of lumbosubarachnoid shunt", "腰椎蛛网膜下腔分流术修复" ], "410220004": [ "Positioning therapy assessment", "Assess positioning therapy", "评估定位治疗", "定位治疗评估" ], "64321006": [ "Grafting of phalanges of hand", "手指骨移植" ], "1293121006": [ "Plain X-ray of bilateral salivary glands", "双侧唾液腺普通 X 光检查" ], "736065007": [ "Injection of botulinum toxin into peripheral nerve", "向周围神经注射肉毒杆菌毒素" ], "177174003": [ "Low vacuum delivery", "低真空输送" ], "44267002": [ "Insertion of drainage tube into kidney pelvis", "Insertion of drainage tube into renal pelvis", "将引流管插入肾盂" ], "175339005": [ "Repair of aorta with subclavian flap", "Hamilton repair of coarctation of aorta using subclavian flap", "Hamilton subclavian flap operation", "锁骨下皮瓣修复主动脉", "锁骨下皮瓣修复主动脉缩窄", "汉密尔顿锁骨下皮瓣手术" ], "306411009": [ "Discharge by general pathologist", "普通病理学家出院" ], "386496003": [ "Closed drainage wound care", "Wound care: Closed drainage", "闭式引流伤口护理", "伤口护理:闭式引流" ], "763328003": [ "Repair of left cleft lip with triangular flap", "三角瓣修复左唇裂" ], "417429003": [ "HLA (Human leukocyte antigen) B27 phenotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen B27 antigen phenotyping", "HLA (Human leucocyte antigen) B27 phenotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen B27 antigen phenotyping", "人类白细胞抗原 B27 抗原表型", "HLA(人类白细胞抗原)B27 表型" ], "40597003": [ "Urine specimen collection, 12 hours", "尿液样本采集,12 小时" ], "448362001": [ "Removal of vascular graft", "移除血管移植" ], "71530002": [ "Alpha-1-antitrypsin measurement", "α-1-抗胰蛋白酶测量" ], "104298002": [ "Cryptococcus antibody assay", "Serologic test for Cryptococcus", "Measurement of Cryptococcus species antibody", "隐球菌抗体的测量", "隐球菌抗体检测", "隐球菌血清学检测" ], "399210005": [ "Neurological investigation", "Neurological diagnostic procedure", "神经系统检查", "神经系统诊断程序" ], "446527000": [ "Evacuation of blood clot of skin of trunk", "躯干皮肤血凝块清除" ], "118847001": [ "Procedure on mesentery", "肠系膜手术" ], "235370009": [ "Correction of congenital anorectal malformation", "先天性肛门直肠畸形的矫正" ], "36927005": [ "Bile esculin test", "胆汁七叶甙试验" ], "20543007": [ "Stain for fungus", "Fungus stain method", "Fungi stain methods", "Stain for fungi", "真菌染色法", "真菌染色", "真菌染色方法" ], "430143007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of urinary bladder for radiotherapy planning", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of urinary bladder for radiotherapy planning", "MRI of urinary bladder for radiotherapy planning", "膀胱 MRI 用于放射治疗计划", "膀胱磁共振成像(MRI)用于放射治疗计划", "膀胱磁共振成像用于放射治疗计划" ], "233535009": [ "Central venous cannula insertion via long saphenous vein", "经长隐静脉插入中心静脉插管" ], "182548004": [ "Chiropraxy", "Chiropractic", "脊椎按摩疗法" ], "231700004": [ "Plication of eye muscle", "Folding of eye muscle", "Pleating of eye muscle", "Tucking of eye muscle", "眼肌折叠术", "眼部肌肉褶皱", "眼肌折叠", "眼部肌肉收缩" ], "117012007": [ "Quantitative urine culture, 1:10 dilution", "Quantitative microbial urine culture at 1:10 dilution", "定量尿液培养,1:10 稀释", "1:10 稀释定量微生物尿液培养" ], "311785000": [ "Semantic facilitation", "语义促进" ], "313620009": [ "Plasma adrenaline measurement", "Plasma adrenaline level", "Plasma epinephrine measurement", "Plasma epinephrine level", "Measurement of plasma epinephrine", "Measurement of plasma adrenaline", "血浆肾上腺素的测量", "血浆肾上腺素测量", "血浆肾上腺素水平", "血浆肾上腺素测定" ], "297236007": [ "Removal of object", "移除物体" ], "49641003": [ "Myelin basic protein measurement, spinal fluid", "MBP assay, spinal fluid", "CSF myelin basic protein measurement", "髓鞘碱性蛋白测量,脊髓液", "MBP 测定,脊髓液", "脑脊液髓鞘碱性蛋白测定" ], "67860007": [ "Salpingo-oophorotomy", "输卵管卵巢切开术" ], "166164009": [ "Antibody studies", "抗体研究" ], "410089006": [ "Physical rehabilitation therapy management", "Manage rehabilitation exercise", "物理康复治疗管理", "管理康复锻炼" ], "489004": [ "Ferritin measurement", "Ferritin level", "Serum Ferritin measurement", "血清铁蛋白测量", "铁蛋白水平", "铁蛋白测量" ], "178878000": [ "Intra-articular arthrodesis subtalar joint", "距下关节内融合术" ], "277182002": [ "Resection of pulmonary artery", "肺动脉切除术" ], "408254005": [ "Total glycosylated haemoglobin level", "Total glycosylated hemoglobin level", "Total glycosylated haemoglobin measurement", "Total glycosylated hemoglobin measurement", "总糖化血红蛋白测量", "总糖化血红蛋白水平" ], "47806007": [ "Bronchoscopy with drainage of lung abscess", "支气管镜检查并引流肺脓肿" ], "308115004": [ "Self-monitoring of blood and urine glucose", "自我监测血糖和尿糖" ], "5181000087103": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of bilateral breasts", "Biopsy of bilateral breasts using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided biopsy of both breasts", "Ultrasound guided biopsy of left and right breast", "超声引导下左、右乳房活检", "超声引导下双侧乳房活检", "使用超声引导进行双侧乳房活检" ], "78739008": [ "Surgical occlusion of abdominal artery", "腹部动脉闭塞手术" ], "306280001": [ "Referral to clinical cytogeneticist", "转诊至临床细胞遗传学家" ], "61000087103": [ "Right fluoroscopic bronchography", "Fluoroscopic bronchography of right bronchus", "右侧荧光支气管造影", "右支气管荧光支气管造影" ], "14141000087107": [ "Mammography of bilateral breast specimens", "双侧乳腺标本的乳房 X 线摄影" ], "6461000087108": [ "Biopsy of right kidney using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of right kidney", "荧光透视引导下右肾活检", "在荧光透视引导下进行右肾活检" ], "11581000087109": [ "Ultrasonography of left kidney", "Ultrasound of left kidney", "Ultrasound scan of left kidney", "左肾超声检查", "左肾超声扫描" ], "1341000087108": [ "CT of left hip with contrast", "Computed tomography of left hip with contrast", "左髋关节增强计算机断层扫描", "左髋部增强 CT" ], "20541000087104": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right humerus with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral humeri with contrast", "MRI of bilateral humeri with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both humeri with contrast", "左、右肱骨对比磁共振成像", "双侧肱骨增强磁共振成像", "双侧肱骨增强 MRI 检查", "双侧肱骨磁共振成像对比" ], "304445000": [ "Interferential to lower limb", "下肢干扰" ], "42301000": [ "Temporary tube ileostomy", "暂时回肠造口术" ], "173373002": [ "Reconstruction of tongue with local flap", "局部皮瓣舌修复术" ], "12861000087107": [ "CT guided biopsy of left upper limb", "Biopsy of left upper extremity using computed tomography guidance", "Biopsy of left upper limb using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行左上肢活检", "CT引导下左上肢活检" ], "288061000": [ "Open reduction of separation of epiphysis", "切开复位骨骺分离术" ], "58685000": [ "Repair of cholecystocolic fistula", "Closure of cholecystocolic fistula", "胆囊结肠瘘闭合", "胆囊结肠瘘修复" ], "91453008": [ "Echography of chest, A-mode", "胸部超声心动图,A 型" ], "107837009": [ "Cardiovascular system excision", "心血管系统切除术" ], "1254717009": [ "Provision of severe disability aid", "Provision of aid for severe disability", "为严重残疾提供援助", "提供严重残疾援助" ], "386365008": [ "Meditation facilitation", "冥想促进" ], "1285650004": [ "Insertion of lower removable orthodontic appliance", "插入下颌可拆卸矫正器" ], "122386002": [ "Mycoplasma hominis culture", "Metamycoplasma hominis culture", "人型支原体培养", "人类培养中的后支原体" ], "433682006": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of renal vein using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "植入支架进行肾静脉造影透视静脉造影" ], "431847003": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for lithotripsy of bile duct", "Lithotripsy of bile duct using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导胆管碎石术", "荧光透视引导下胆管碎石术" ], "235239004": [ "Local application of hemostyptics onto gastric lesion", "Local application of haemostyptics onto gastric lesion", "胃部病变局部应用止血药" ], "169703006": [ "Antenatal blood group screening", "产前血型筛查" ], "233404000": [ "Insertion of arterial stent", "Arterial stenting procedure", "动脉支架置入", "动脉支架植入术" ], "104167008": [ "Nucleic acid reverse transcription method", "核酸逆转录法" ], "284391008": [ "Examination of fourth toe", "第四趾检查" ], "413628001": [ "Anti BPI antibody level", "Bactericidal permeability-increasing protein antibody measurement", "杀菌通透性增加蛋白抗体测量", "抗 BPI 抗体水平" ], "85948003": [ "Reduction of sacroiliac dislocation with anesthesia and with manipulation", "Reduction of sacroiliac dislocation with anaesthesia and with manipulation", "Manual reduction of dislocation of sacroiliac joint under anaesthesia", "Manual reduction of dislocation of sacroiliac joint under anesthesia", "用麻醉和手法复位骶髂关节脱位", "麻醉下骶髂关节脱位手法复位" ], "118716003": [ "Procedure on foot", "步行程序" ], "4028006": [ "Epiplopexy", "颞骨固定术" ], "397244006": [ "Repair of renal laceration", "肾裂伤修复" ], "315324009": [ "Left hemicolectomy with anastomosis", "左半结肠切除及吻合术" ], "231569004": [ "Correction of epicanthus by Y to V plasty", "通过 Y 到 V 整形术矫正内眦赘皮" ], "2193006": [ "Repair of ruptured aneurysm with graft of celiac artery", "Repair of ruptured aneurysm with graft of coeliac artery", "腹腔动脉移植修复破裂的动脉瘤" ], "311654003": [ "Therapy to improve articulation placement", "改善关节位置的治疗" ], "16742006": [ "Indirect Coombs test", "Indirect antiglobulin test", "IAT - Indirect antiglobulin test", "IAGT - Indirect antiglobulin test", "间接抗球蛋白试验", "间接 Coombs 试验", "IAT-- 间接抗球蛋白试验", "IAGT-- 间接抗球蛋白测试" ], "80443001": [ "Excision of lesion of diaphragm", "Resection of lesion of diaphragm", "膈肌病变切除术" ], "277051004": [ "Percutaneous fragmentation of bile duct stone", "Percutaneous lithotripsy of bile duct stone", "经皮胆管结石碎裂术", "经皮胆管结石碎石术" ], "275216000": [ "RIMA single anastomosis", "Right internal mammary artery (RIMA) single anastomosis", "Right internal mammary artery single anastomosis", "RIMA单吻合术", "右乳内动脉单吻合术", "右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 单吻合术" ], "13072001": [ "Antibody identification, RBC, albumin", "Antibody identification, red blood cell, albumin", "抗体鉴定,红细胞,白蛋白", "抗体鉴定、红细胞、白蛋白" ], "783120005": [ "Hair bearing punch graft of skin to skin of scalp", "带毛发的皮肤穿刺移植至头皮皮肤" ], "439056009": [ "Percutaneous balloon assisted coil embolisation of cerebral aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous balloon assisted coil embolization of cerebral aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous balloon assisted coil embolisation of cerebral aneurysm with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous balloon assisted coil embolization of cerebral aneurysm with contrast", "经皮球囊辅助线圈栓塞术治疗脑动脉瘤(荧光造影引导)", "经皮球囊辅助线圈栓塞治疗脑动脉瘤(荧光造影引导)", "荧光透视引导下经皮球囊辅助线圈栓塞治疗脑动脉瘤" ], "306149001": [ "Referral to medical microbiology service", "转诊至医学微生物学服务" ], "27621006": [ "Acetylsalicylic acid measurement, qualitative", "乙酰水杨酸测量,定性" ], "386234001": [ "Caesarean section care", "Cesarean section care", "剖腹产护理", "剖宫产护理" ], "236943001": [ "Microcolpohysteroscopy", "显微阴道宫腔镜检查" ], "122255006": [ "Flavivirus culture", "黄病毒培养" ], "431716000": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of splenic artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of splenic artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "脾动脉造影及支架置入术", "用造影剂插入支架进行脾动脉荧光镜造影" ], "169572002": [ "Antenatal care categorised by gravida number", "Antenatal care categorized by gravida number", "按孕数分类的产前护理" ], "315193000": [ "Strongyloides antibody level", "钩虫抗体水平" ], "708409001": [ "Home nebuliser therapy", "Home nebulizer therapy", "家庭雾化治疗" ], "104036009": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Kx system (ISBT 019)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Kx system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 019)", "从 Kx 系统 (ISBT 019) 中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体", "从 Kx 系统中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 019)" ], "85817005": [ "Flow cytometry, DNA analysis", "Flow cytometry, ploidy analysis", "DNA ploidy pattern analysis", "Flow cytometry, deoxyribonucleic acid analysis", "DNA倍性模式分析", "流式细胞术、DNA 分析", "流式细胞术、倍性分析", "流式细胞术、脱氧核糖核酸分析" ], "233273007": [ "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of superior mesenteric artery", "Percutaneous angioplasty of the superior mesenteric artery", "经皮肠系膜上动脉血管成形术", "经皮肠系膜上动脉球囊成形术" ], "67598001": [ "Retropubic prostatectomy", "Millin retropubic prostatectomy", "RPP - Retropubic prostatectomy", "耻骨后前列腺切除术", "米林耻骨后前列腺切除术", "RPP-- 耻骨后前列腺切除术" ], "229603003": [ "Touch weight-bearing gait re-education", "Eggshell gait re-education", "Touch weight-bearing gait training", "触摸负重步态再教育", "触摸负重步态训练", "蛋壳步态再教育" ], "311523007": [ "Strategy training", "策略培训" ], "14776004": [ "Diverticulectomy of kidney", "肾憩室切除术" ], "309688004": [ "Massage of body region", "身体部位按摩" ], "31160006": [ "Tenosuspension of hand", "手腱悬吊术" ], "113080007": [ "Oxygen saturation measurement, arterial", "SaO2 - Arterial oxygen saturation", "Arterial oxygen saturation", "SaO2 - 动脉血氧饱和度", "动脉血氧饱和度测量", "动脉血氧饱和度" ], "719288007": [ "Femoral hernioplasty", "Repair of femoral hernia using surgical mesh", "Repair of crural hernia using surgical mesh", "股疝修补术", "使用外科网片修补股疝" ], "437141000124108": [ "Fluoride modified diet", "氟化物改良饮食" ], "174946004": [ "Mechanical prosthetic pulmonary valve replacement", "Replacement of pulmonary valve with prosthesis", "机械人工肺动脉瓣置换术", "人工肺动脉瓣置换术" ], "27490005": [ "Irrigation of renal pyelostomy", "肾盂造口冲洗" ], "11106008": [ "Aspiration of breast", "乳房抽吸" ], "173111001": [ "Endoscopic laser destruction of lesion below trachea using rigid bronchoscope", "Rigid bronchoscopic laser destruction of lesion below trachea", "使用硬质支气管镜进行内镜激光破坏气管下方病变", "硬质支气管镜激光毁损气管下病变" ], "699234008": [ "Conversion to prosthetic replacement of head of radius", "桡骨头假体置换术" ], "1156151000": [ "Endoscopic gastrocnemius muscle recession", "内窥镜腓肠肌萎缩术" ], "306018009": [ "Referral from oral surgeon", "Referral by maxillofacial surgeon", "Referral from maxillofacial surgeon", "Referral by oral surgeon", "颌面外科医生推荐", "颌面外科医生转诊", "口腔外科医生转诊", "口腔外科医生推荐" ], "371554009": [ "Procedure on orbit proper", "轨道正确程序" ], "271415006": [ "Removal of products of conception from fallopian tube", "从输卵管中取出妊娠产物" ], "122124007": [ "Taenia saginata antibody assay", "Measurement of Taenia saginata antibody", "牛带绦虫抗体检测", "牛带绦虫抗体测定" ], "447969000": [ "Hamstring release procedure", "腿筋松解手术" ], "417036008": [ "Liquid based cervical cytology screening", "液基宫颈细胞学筛查" ], "710113005": [ "Repair of rupture of urethra", "尿道破裂修复" ], "431585007": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of vascular graft of upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下上肢血管移植血栓溶解术" ], "233142000": [ "Cardiac conduit operation", "心脏导管手术" ], "103905008": [ "Little k blood group typing", "小k血型分型" ], "446134005": [ "Exploration and decompression of spinal canal", "椎管探查减压" ], "165771000": [ "Coombs test - anti-human globulin", "库姆斯试验 - 抗人球蛋白" ], "231307003": [ "Skin infiltration of local anaesthetic and steroid", "Skin infiltration of local anesthetic and steroid", "局部麻醉剂和类固醇的皮肤浸润" ], "395147009": [ "IgG nuclear staining pattern", "Immunoglobulin G nuclear staining pattern", "IgG 核染色模式", "免疫球蛋白 G 核染色模式" ], "229472002": [ "Upper limb stretching", "上肢伸展" ], "426080002": [ "Repair of left ventricular aneurysm", "左心室动脉瘤修复" ], "1163360005": [ "Surgical procedure on skeletal system", "骨骼系统外科手术" ], "180320008": [ "Removal of mallet splint", "拆除锤状夹板" ], "440629001": [ "Reduction of fracture of shaft of humerus with intramedullary fixation", "髓内固定复位肱骨干骨折" ], "391477004": [ "Cow's milk specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Cow milk specific IgE antibody measurement", "牛奶特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "牛奶特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "178485006": [ "Sagittal split mandibular osteotomy", "Sag - Sagittal split mandibular osteotomy", "SS - Sagittal split mandibular osteotomy", "下颌矢状劈开截骨术", "SS - 下颌矢状劈开截骨术", "Sag - 矢状劈开下颌骨截骨术" ], "244021007": [ "Irrigation of lacrimal punctum", "泪点冲洗" ], "12810006": [ "Cell mediated lympholysis assay", "CML assay", "细胞介导淋巴溶解试验", "CML 检测" ], "174815002": [ "Correction of tetralogy of Fallot using valved right ventricular outflow conduit", "应用带瓣右心室流出道矫正法洛四联症" ], "271284001": [ "Blood zinc measurement", "Blood zinc level", "血锌测量", "血锌水平" ], "385972005": [ "Dialysis care education", "Teach dialysis care", "教授透析护理", "透析护理教育" ], "287668008": [ "Ritual nasal septum piercing", "仪式性鼻中隔穿刺" ], "418740008": [ "MRI of lymphatic system", "Magnetic resonance imaging of lymphatic system", "淋巴系统磁共振成像", "淋巴系统 MRI" ], "171145000": [ "Schistosomiasis screening", "血吸虫病筛查" ], "40073002": [ "Penetrating keratoplasty in pseudophakia", "穿透性角膜移植术治疗假晶状体眼" ], "449673005": [ "Injection of upper limb", "上肢注射" ], "416905006": [ "Potential acuity meter testing", "PAM - Potential acuity meter testing", "电位敏锐度计测试", "PAM - 电位敏锐度计测试" ], "72841005": [ "Nasal endoscopy with partial ethmoidectomy", "鼻内镜及部分筛窦切除术" ], "121993008": [ "Dengue virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Dengue virus antibody", "登革热病毒抗体测定", "登革病毒抗体检测" ], "87390000": [ "Radiation therapy, central axis depth dose computation", "放射治疗,中心轴深度剂量计算" ], "431454001": [ "Aspiration of hip using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下髋关节穿刺" ], "103774002": [ "Glucagon tolerance test", "胰高血糖素耐受试验" ], "169310003": [ "Betatron electron therapy", "Betatron 电子治疗" ], "120158008": [ "Thorax transplantation", "胸腔移植" ], "709982009": [ "Radionuclide arthrography of hip", "Radioisotope scan of joint of hip", "Radionuclide scan of joint of hip", "髋关节放射性核素造影", "髋关节放射性核素扫描", "髋关节放射性同位素扫描" ], "20019002": [ "Rolling of conjunctiva", "结膜滚动" ], "415070008": [ "Percutaneous coronary intervention", "PCI - Percutaneous coronary intervention", "PCI-经皮冠状动脉介入治疗", "经皮冠状动脉介入治疗" ], "234846008": [ "Placement of orthodontic palatal arch", "正畸腭弓的放置" ], "69171004": [ "Excision of radial head", "Resection of radial head", "桡骨头切除术" ], "233011007": [ "Excision of right atrial lesion", "右心房病变切除术" ], "183859008": [ "Referral to mammography clinic", "转诊至乳房 X 线摄影诊所" ], "446003009": [ "Assessment using occupational case analysis interview and rating scale", "采用职业案例分析访谈和评分量表进行评估" ], "231176000": [ "Local anesthetic deep peroneal nerve block", "Local anaesthetic deep peroneal nerve block", "Deep peroneal nerve block", "局部麻醉腓深神经阻滞", "腓深神经阻滞" ], "16549591000119109": [ "CT guided percutaneous biopsy of right lung", "Percutaneous biopsy of right lung using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行右肺经皮活检", "CT引导下右肺经皮穿刺活检" ], "229341000": [ "Physiological scapulothoracic mobilization", "Physiological scapulothoracic mobilisation", "生理性肩胛胸廓活动" ], "442333005": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 antigen", "Influenza H1N1 immunisation", "Influenza H1N1 immunization", "Influenza H1N1 vaccination", "Administration of Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 antigen only vaccine product", "甲型 H1N1 流感疫苗接种", "H1N1 流感疫苗接种", "接种仅含甲型流感病毒亚型 H1N1 抗原的疫苗产品" ], "32733009": [ "Ventriculocisternostomy, third ventricle, stereotactic method", "脑室胸骨造口术、第三脑室、立体定向方法" ], "391346002": [ "Urine bisacodyl level", "尿液比沙可啶浓度" ], "112818003": [ "Division of descending aorta", "降主动脉分离" ], "129202001": [ "Procedure on fibula", "腓骨手术" ], "63666004": [ "Lead measurement, quantitative, urine", "尿液铅含量测定" ], "440498006": [ "Percutaneous aspiration of thyroid using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous aspiration of thyroid", "Percutaneous needle puncture and aspiration of thyroid using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行甲状腺经皮穿刺", "CT引导下经皮甲状腺穿刺", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行甲状腺经皮穿刺抽吸" ], "80050006": [ "Endoscopic biopsy of large intestine", "内镜大肠活检" ], "1145010001": [ "Endoscopic procedure of lower extremity", "Endoscopic procedure of lower limb", "下肢内窥镜手术" ], "45447002": [ "Amalgam restoration, four or more surfaces, primary", "汞合金修复,四个或更多表面,初级" ], "29063004": [ "Incision of cerebrum", "大脑切开术" ], "225671006": [ "Removal of ear plug", "取下耳塞" ], "698972004": [ "Insertion of etonogestrel radiopaque contraceptive implant", "植入依托孕烯不透射线避孕埋植剂" ], "1256028004": [ "Instruction in use of wheeled walker", "Education on use of wheeled walker", "轮式助行器使用说明", "使用轮式助行器的教育" ], "385841005": [ "Urine specimen care assessment", "Assess urine specimen care", "评估尿液样本护理", "尿液样本护理评估" ], "172849006": [ "Septorhinoplasty for cleft lip nasal deformity", "唇裂鼻畸形的鼻中隔整形术" ], "433158000": [ "Reduction of intestinal intussusception using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下肠套叠复位" ], "72710001": [ "Scleroplasty", "Repair of sclera", "巩膜成形术", "巩膜修复" ], "7174001": [ "Ultrasound peripheral imaging, B-scan", "超声周边成像、B 超" ], "171014001": [ "Medical counselling", "Medical counseling", "医疗咨询" ], "56326001": [ "Thromboplastin generation test with substitution", "凝血活酶生成试验及替代疗法" ], "252934004": [ "Percoll gradient centrifugation", "Percoll 梯度离心" ], "121862006": [ "Tetradecenoylcarnitine measurement", "十四碳烯酰肉碱测量" ], "1332443000": [ "Sequestrectomy of bone of thorax", "Excision of sequestrum of bone of thorax", "胸骨死骨切除术" ], "39942009": [ "Chart review by physician, complete", "医生审核图表,已完成" ], "169179001": [ "Hormone radioassay - pituitary", "激素放射测定 - 垂体" ], "234715002": [ "Insertion of dental pack", "插入牙科包" ], "431323001": [ "Doppler ultrasonography (US) of artery of lower limb", "Doppler ultrasonography of artery of lower limb", "下肢动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "120027005": [ "Scrotum destructive procedure", "Destruction of tissue of scrotum", "阴囊破坏性手术", "阴囊组织破坏" ], "185563008": [ "Child immunisation - first default recall", "Child immunization - first default recall", "儿童免疫接种——首次默认召回", "儿童免疫接种——首次违约召回" ], "709851009": [ "Drainage of lumbar region using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of lumbar region", "透视引导腰椎引流", "透视引导下腰椎引流" ], "232880005": [ "Inspection of atrioventricular valve", "房室瓣检查" ], "1669000": [ "Making occupied bed", "整理被占用的床铺" ], "444037004": [ "Computed tomography with contrast for measurement of brain volume", "CT with contrast for measurement of brain volume", "增强 CT 测量脑容量", "对比计算机断层扫描测量脑容量" ], "771717006": [ "Open repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using sutures", "用缝合线进行开放式修复复发性腹股沟疝" ], "312965008": [ "Laser assisted in situ keratomileusis", "LASIK - laser assisted in situ keratomileusis", "准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术", "LASIK-- 准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术" ], "231045009": [ "Decompression of spinal nerve root", "脊神经根减压" ], "32602003": [ "Local excision of lesion of joint of hand", "手关节病变局部切除术" ], "229210004": [ "Hippotherapy", "Riding therapy", "马术治疗", "骑马疗法" ], "868186005": [ "Assessment using Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology - Adolescent", "Assessment using QIDS-A (Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology - Adolescent)", "使用抑郁症状快速清单进行评估 - 青少年", "使用 QIDS-A(青少年抑郁症状快速清单)进行评估" ], "48986007": [ "Cholecystocholangiogram", "胆囊胆管造影" ], "243759000": [ "Provision of addition to foot orthosis", "提供足部矫形器附加装置" ], "718895001": [ "Assessment using Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale Staff Version (1 week recall period)", "Assessment using IPOS (Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale) Staff Version (1 week recall period)", "使用综合姑息治疗结果量表工作人员版本进行评估(1 周回忆期)", "使用 IPOS(综合姑息治疗结果量表)员工版本进行评估(1 周回忆期)" ], "178223004": [ "Local muscle advancement flap", "局部肌肉推进皮瓣" ], "79919007": [ "Repair or plastic operation on bone, except facial bones", "Reconstruction of bone, except facial", "骨骼修复或整形手术(面部骨骼除外)", "骨骼重建(面部除外)" ], "176388000": [ "Drainage of paravesical abscess", "膀胱旁脓肿引流" ], "45316007": [ "Radionuclide localization of tumor", "Radionuclide localisation of tumour", "肿瘤放射性核素定位" ], "438532008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of pulmonary vein", "MRI of pulmonary vein", "肺静脉 MRI", "肺静脉磁共振成像" ], "303790000": [ "Abdominal contrast procedure", "腹部造影检查" ], "385710001": [ "Teach enema administration", "Enema administration education", "教授灌肠方法", "灌肠管理教育" ], "58030003": [ "Exploration of lacrimal sac", "泪囊探查" ], "90798005": [ "Minor crossmatch", "小剂量交叉配血" ], "1155758005": [ "Liaising with physiotherapist", "与物理治疗师联络" ], "56195000": [ "Excision of bone from facial bones", "Excision of facial bone", "Facial ostectomy", "Resection of bone of face", "面部骨骼切除", "面部骨切除术" ], "74414008": [ "Hallux valgus correction by phalanx osteotomy", "Osteotomy of proximal phalanx of hallux", "拇趾近节指骨截骨术", "通过指骨截骨术矫正拇外翻" ], "252803002": [ "Applanation tonometry", "AT- Applanation tonometry", "压平眼压计", "AT-压平眼压计" ], "121731003": [ "Zinc phosphide measurement", "磷化锌测量" ], "7043001": [ "Repair of inguinal hernia with spermatocelectomy", "精囊切除术修补腹股沟疝" ], "105347003": [ "Triazolam measurement", "三唑仑测量" ], "433027003": [ "Radionuclide defecating proctography", "Radionuclide defaecating proctography", "放射性核素排便直肠造影" ], "170883007": [ "Intermittent self-catheterize", "Intermittent self-catheterise", "间歇性自我导尿" ], "169048002": [ "Cineradiography - gastrointestinal tract", "电影放射摄影-胃肠道" ], "1119320004": [ "Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy of right kidney via retroperitoneal approach", "Laparoscopic excision of part of right kidney via retroperitoneal approach", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路切除部分右肾", "经腹膜后入路腹腔镜右肾部分切除术" ], "431192008": [ "Insertion of stent graft into transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "使用荧光造影剂引导将支架移植物插入经颈静脉肝内门体分流术" ], "412973003": [ "Urine beta-alanine measurement", "Urine beta-alanine level", "尿液 β-丙氨酸测量", "尿液 β-丙氨酸水平" ], "183597004": [ "Refer for colposcopy", "转诊阴道镜检查" ], "118061007": [ "HIV 1 p68 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 1 p68 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 protein 68 antibody", "HIV 1 p68 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 1 p68 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 蛋白 68 抗体的测量" ], "265517007": [ "Endarterectomy of iliac artery and patch repair of iliac artery", "Iliac endarterectomy and patch", "髂动脉内膜切除术及髂动脉补片修复术", "髂动脉内膜切除术和补片" ], "230914000": [ "Stereotactic radiosurgery of intracranial cavernous angioma", "颅内海绵状血管瘤的立体定向放射外科治疗" ], "232749009": [ "Lengthening operation on mitral papillary muscle", "Sliding plasty of mitral papillary muscle", "二尖瓣乳头肌延长术", "二尖瓣乳头肌滑动成形术" ], "312834003": [ "Maintenance of ventricular shunt", "脑室分流术的维护" ], "116226004": [ "Excisional biopsy of lesion of esophagus", "Excisional biopsy of lesion of oesophagus", "食管病变切除活检" ], "1230338004": [ "Referral to charitable organization", "Referral to charitable organisation", "转介至慈善组织" ], "443906008": [ "Bypass of stomach with short limb Roux-en-Y gastroenterostomy", "短肢 Roux-en-Y 胃肠造口术进行胃旁路手术" ], "48855000": [ "Incision and exploration of ileum", "回肠切开探查" ], "229079001": [ "McKenzie exercises", "麦肯基练习" ], "65239007": [ "Endometrectomy of urinary bladder", "膀胱子宫内膜切除术" ], "866220000": [ "CT arthrography of temporomandibular joint with contrast", "Computed tomography arthrography of temporomandibular joint with contrast", "颞下颌关节造影计算机断层扫描", "颞下颌关节增强 CT 造影" ], "391084000": [ "Serum ionised calcium level", "Serum ionized calcium level", "Serum ionised calcium measurement", "Serum ionized calcium measurement", "Calcium, serum, ionised measurement", "Calcium, serum, ionized measurement", "Measurement of serum ionised calcium", "Measurement of serum ionized calcium", "血清离子钙水平", "血清离子钙的测量", "血清钙离子水平", "血清钙离子测量", "血清离子钙测定", "钙、血清、离子测量", "血清离子钙测量" ], "47020004": [ "Ventriculoperitoneal shunt", "Creation of ventriculo-peritoneal shunt", "Ventriculoperitoneostomy", "Creation of VP shunt", "Insertion ventriculoperitoneal shunt", "插入脑室腹腔分流术", "建立 VP 分流术", "脑室腹腔分流术", "建立脑室腹腔分流术", "脑室腹腔造口术" ], "440236009": [ "Percutaneous venous embolisation of cerebral arteriovenous malformation using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous venous embolization of cerebral arteriovenous malformation using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮静脉栓塞治疗脑动静脉畸形" ], "225409001": [ "Level 2 observation", "2级观察" ], "307329006": [ "Tonsil and peritonsillar operations", "扁桃体及扁桃体周围手术" ], "258177008": [ "MRI - Magnetic resonance guidance", "Magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI - 磁共振引导", "磁共振成像引导" ], "43350001": [ "History and physical examination, license", "History and physical examination, licence", "病史和体格检查、执照" ], "287275000": [ "Pericardial hematoma evacuation", "Pericardial haematoma evacuation", "心包血肿清除术" ], "41515001": [ "Coagulation of lesion of retina using electrical energy", "Electrocoagulation of lesion of retina", "视网膜损伤电凝术", "利用电能凝固视网膜病变" ], "59734008": [ "Biopsy of eyeball and orbit", "眼球和眼眶活检" ], "25131004": [ "Wedge osteotomy of calcaneus", "跟骨楔形截骨术" ], "74283005": [ "Electroencephalogram for monitoring at surgery", "Intraoperative EEG", "术中脑电图", "手术时监测脑电图" ], "418347008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of femorofemoral crossover bypass with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of femorofemoral crossover bypass with contrast", "股股交叉搭桥术荧光镜动脉造影", "股股交叉旁路血管造影" ], "121600003": [ "Hydroquinone measurement", "对苯二酚测量" ], "711424006": [ "Ultrasonography guided cholecystostomy", "Ultrasound guided cholecystostomy", "Cholecystostomy using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下胆囊造口术" ], "105216007": [ "Insulin renal clearance measurement", "胰岛素肾清除率测量" ], "236288008": [ "Bretville hypospadias repair - final stage", "Cloutier hypospadias repair - final stage", "Final stage terminalising-urethra buried strip operation", "Final stage terminalizing-urethra buried strip operation", "布雷特维尔尿道下裂修复术 - 最后阶段", "Cloutier 尿道下裂修复术 - 最后阶段", "终末期终末尿道埋藏剥离术" ], "168917004": [ "Sacroiliac joint arthrogram", "骶髂关节造影" ], "119765004": [ "Heart closure", "心脏闭合" ], "167082000": [ "Plasma triglyceride measurement", "Plasma triglyceride level", "血浆甘油三酯测量", "血浆甘油三酯水平" ], "183466000": [ "Dermatology emergency hospital admission", "皮肤科急诊入院" ], "709589009": [ "Ultrasound guided injection of salivary gland", "Ultrasonography guided injection of salivary gland", "Injection of salivary gland using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下唾液腺注射" ], "412842001": [ "Serum anti-ganglioside T1b IgM measurement", "Serum anti-ganglioside T1b IgM level", "Serum anti-ganglioside T1b immunoglobulin M measurement", "血清抗神经节苷脂 T1b IgM 测定", "血清抗神经节苷脂 T1b 免疫球蛋白 M 测量", "血清抗神经节苷脂 T1b IgM 水平" ], "117930003": [ "Phosphatidylserine antibody assay", "Measurement of phosphatidylserine antibody", "磷脂酰丝氨酸抗体测定", "磷脂酰丝氨酸抗体测量" ], "85162006": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of innominate artery by thoracic incision", "经胸腔切口置管取栓术" ], "232618007": [ "Insertion of tracheo-esophageal valve", "Insertion of tracheo-oesophageal valve", "Insertion of tracheoesophageal valve", "气管食管瓣插入术" ], "1230207002": [ "Skin care during radiation therapy", "放射治疗期间的皮肤护理" ], "66943005": [ "Ureterectomy with bladder cuff", "Ureterectomy with urinary bladder cuff", "输尿管切除术和膀胱袖状带", "输尿管切除术及膀胱袖状切除术" ], "427391006": [ "Secretion clearance", "Clearance of secretions of respiratory tract", "分泌物清除", "清除呼吸道分泌物" ], "1407007": [ "Application of long leg cast, brace type", "长腿石膏、支具类型的应用" ], "310868002": [ "Informing patient of prognosis", "告知患者预后" ], "179796006": [ "Revision extra-articular xenograft augmentation intra-articular ligament", "翻修关节外异种移植增强关节内韧带" ], "735017002": [ "Repair of left ureter", "左侧输尿管修复" ], "390953005": [ "Faecal elastase 1 level", "Fecal elastase 1 level", "粪便弹性蛋白酶1级" ], "177961005": [ "Biopsy of lesion of omentum", "大网膜病变活检" ], "440105007": [ "Construction of corset", "紧身胸衣的构造" ], "700414001": [ "Education about diabetes and driving", "关于糖尿病和驾驶的教育" ], "241662003": [ "Cine MRI of joint movement - ankle", "Cine magnetic resonance imaging of joint movement - ankle", "Cine magnetic resonance imaging of ankle joint movement", "踝关节运动的电影磁共振成像", "关节运动的电影磁共振成像-踝关节", "关节运动的电影磁共振成像 - 踝关节" ], "225278008": [ "Checking for kinking of urinary catheter tubing", "检查导尿管是否扭结" ], "176126008": [ "Colonic bladder replacement", "Colonic urinary bladder replacement", "结肠膀胱置换术" ], "223443007": [ "Advice to rest a body part", "Recommendation to rest a body part", "让身体某个部位休息的建议", "建议休息身体某个部位" ], "305363009": [ "Admission to clinical pharmacology department", "临床药理学系录取" ], "8616005": [ "Rhinocheiloplasty repair for cleft lip", "唇裂鼻整形修复" ], "713128006": [ "Assessment of body image", "身体形象评估" ], "252541001": [ "Calorimetry", "量热法" ], "268925001": [ "Examination of respiratory system", "呼吸系统检查" ], "72317001": [ "Penrose maintenance", "彭罗斯维护" ], "236157003": [ "Endoscopic removal of foreign body from stomach", "内镜胃异物取出" ], "105085005": [ "Benzthiazide measurement", "苯并噻嗪的测量" ], "121469007": [ "Busulfan measurement", "Busulphan measurement", "白消安测量" ], "432765008": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of axillary vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of axillary vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮腋静脉栓塞术" ], "1217362001": [ "Plication of anterior rectus sheath", "腹直肌前鞘折叠术" ], "398162007": [ "Admission to high dependency unit", "入住高赡养病房" ], "609319000": [ "Revision of dacryocystorhinostomy", "泪囊鼻腔吻合术修复" ], "412711000": [ "Repair of hepatic artery aneurysm", "Repair of aneurysm of hepatic artery", "肝动脉瘤修复术", "肝动脉瘤修补术" ], "234322007": [ "Splenic cystojejunostomy", "脾囊空肠吻合术" ], "68647001": [ "Excision of tumor of upper arm, deep, intramuscular", "Excision of tumour of upper arm, deep, intramuscular", "上臂深部肌内肿瘤切除术", "上臂深部肌肉内肿瘤切除术" ], "414630008": [ "Lysosomal enzyme level", "Lysosomal enzyme measurement", "溶酶体酶测量", "溶酶体酶水平" ], "773159005": [ "Laparoscopic TEP (totally extraperitoneal) inguinal hernioplasty using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal repair of inguinal hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic TEP (totally extraperitoneal) repair of inguinal hernia using synthetic mesh", "腹腔镜全腹膜外合成网片修补腹股沟疝", "腹腔镜全腹膜外疝修补术(TEP)使用合成网片修补腹股沟疝", "使用合成网片进行腹腔镜 TEP(完全腹膜外)腹股沟疝修补术" ], "183335005": [ "Postnatal exercises", "产后运动" ], "232487002": [ "Transantral ligation of maxillary artery", "经上颌动脉结扎术" ], "117799008": [ "Echovirus 19 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human echovirus 19 antibody", "埃可病毒 19 抗体检测", "人类埃可病毒 19 抗体的测量" ], "265255003": [ "Subareolar excision of mammillary duct", "Excision of major mammillary duct system", "乳晕下乳头导管切除术", "乳头导管主要切除术" ], "429095004": [ "Dietary education for weight gain", "增重饮食教育" ], "261585000": [ "Forward sliding genioplasty", "前向滑动颏成形术" ], "359889000": [ "Bunionectomy with soft tissue correction", "拇囊切除术及软组织矫正" ], "34044009": [ "Repair of papillary muscle of heart", "心脏乳头肌修复" ], "179665006": [ "Revision to closed reduction of dislocation and functional bracing", "脱位闭合复位及功能性支撑的修订" ], "79526003": [ "Excisional biopsy of bone of radius", "桡骨切除活检" ], "439974003": [ "Measurement of amoxapine and metabolite in serum", "血清中阿莫沙平及其代谢物的测定" ], "30374004": [ "Excision of uvula", "Uvulectomy", "切除悬雍垂", "悬雍垂切除术" ], "390822007": [ "Psychological therapies", "心理治疗" ], "225147000": [ "Soaking skin", "浸泡皮肤" ], "12155001": [ "Total ostectomy of humerus", "肱骨全截骨术" ], "405371007": [ "Lower limb vascular prosthesis thrombectomy", "Removal of thrombus from vascular prosthesis of lower limb", "下肢血管假体血栓切除术", "下肢血管假体血栓清除术" ], "241531007": [ "CT submandibular gland", "Computed tomography submandibular gland", "计算机断层扫描颌下腺", "颌下腺CT检查" ], "61307008": [ "Drainage of palm", "手掌排水" ], "305232008": [ "Admission by GP partner", "Admission by general practitioner partner", "GP 合伙人入场", "全科医生合伙人的认可" ], "239696009": [ "Adjustment of plaster cast", "Adjustment of POP (plaster of Paris)", "调整 POP(熟石膏)", "石膏固定调整" ], "712997001": [ "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and closure of fistula of stomach", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and closure of fistula of stomach", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及胃瘘缝合术" ], "90405002": [ "Complete meniscectomy of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节半月板全切除术" ], "252410004": [ "Cytomegalovirus antibody screening", "CMV - Cytomegalovirus antibody screening", "巨细胞病毒抗体筛查", "CMV - 巨细胞病毒抗体筛查" ], "104954006": [ "Taurine measurement", "牛磺酸测量" ], "449018006": [ "Transurethral injection of periureteral tissue", "经尿道输尿管周围组织注射" ], "4815000": [ "Antibody identification, RBC antibody panel, enzyme, 2 stage technique including anti-human globulin", "Antibody identification, red blood cell antibody panel, enzyme, 2 stage technique including anti-human globulin", "抗体鉴定、红细胞抗体组、酶、包括抗人球蛋白在内的 2 阶段技术", "抗体鉴定、红细胞抗体组、酶、包括抗人球蛋白在内的两阶段技术" ], "430799001": [ "Transjugular biopsy of liver", "经颈静脉肝活检" ], "432634008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of breast with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of breast with contrast", "MRI of breast with contrast", "乳房磁共振成像(MRI)对比", "乳腺磁共振成像对比", "乳房增强 MRI 检查" ], "1217231003": [ "Direct laryngoscopy with operating microscope", "手术显微镜直接喉镜检查" ], "6650009": [ "Radionuclide lacrimal flow study", "Radionuclide dacryocystography", "Radionuclide lacrimal study", "Nuclear dacryocystography", "Dacryoscintigraphy", "泪液闪烁显像", "放射性核素泪液流动研究", "放射性核素泪液检查", "放射性核素泪囊造影", "核泪囊造影" ], "398031005": [ "Enucleation of eyeball with insertion of orbital implant", "Insertion of ocular implant with synchronous enucleation", "Removal of eyeball with implant", "眼球摘除术及眼眶植入物植入", "同步眼球摘除术植入眼球", "摘除带植入物的眼球" ], "121338007": [ "Diuretic identification", "利尿剂的鉴别" ], "447183004": [ "Surgical procedure using stereotactic ultrasound guidance", "使用立体定向超声引导的手术程序" ], "265124002": [ "Excision of bony protuberance", "骨性隆起切除术" ], "52132003": [ "Replacement of cochlear prosthesis, single channel", "人工耳蜗更换,单通道" ], "117668004": [ "Amyl ether measurement", "戊醚测定" ], "445348007": [ "Drainage of furuncle of external ear", "外耳疖引流" ], "609188008": [ "Endoscopic destruction of tissue of anus", "内镜肛门组织毁损术" ], "281508008": [ "Cuirasse ventilation", "通风胸甲" ], "66681002": [ "Subdural-peritoneal shunt with valve", "带阀硬膜下腹膜分流术" ], "443513002": [ "Angioplasty of brachiocephalic artery using radiologic guidance", "使用放射学引导进行头臂动脉血管成形术" ], "392526006": [ "Staphylococcal enterotoxin C specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rm223 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Staphylococcal enterotoxin C specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "葡萄球菌肠毒素C特异性IgE抗体测定", "葡萄球菌肠毒素C特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rm223 特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "408910007": [ "Enteral feeding education", "Teach enteral feeding", "教导肠内喂养", "肠内喂养教育" ], "15694008": [ "Repair of spigelian hernia", "Spigelian hernioplasty", "斯皮格利亚疝修补术", "斯皮盖利亚疝修补术" ], "439843001": [ "Measurement of electrolytes in dialysate", "透析液中电解质的测量" ], "718371007": [ "Assessment using Office of Population Census and Surveys communication disability scale", "Assessment using OPCS communication disability scale", "使用 OPCS 沟通障碍量表进行评估", "使用人口普查和调查办公室沟通障碍量表进行评估" ], "192248003": [ "Dilation of lacrimal punctum without irrigation", "无需冲洗的泪点扩张术" ], "716536003": [ "Assessment using Modified Mini-Mental State Examination", "Assessment using the 3MS (Modified Mini-Mental State) Examination", "使用 3MS(改良简易精神状态检查)进行评估", "采用改良简易精神状态检查法进行评估" ], "241400003": [ "Radiolabelled insulin study", "Radiolabeled insulin study", "放射性标记胰岛素研究" ], "305101000": [ "Therapeutic elbow stretching", "治疗性肘部伸展" ], "700152009": [ "Human papilloma virus screening", "Human papillomavirus screening", "人乳头瘤病毒筛查" ], "42957001": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid flow imaging for CSF leakage detection and localization", "Cerebrospinal fluid leakage study", "Cerebrospinal fluid flow imaging for CSF leakage detection and localisation", "Imaging of cerebrospinal fluid flow for cerebrospinal fluid leakage detection and localization", "Imaging of cerebrospinal fluid flow for cerebrospinal fluid leakage detection and localisation", "脑脊液流动成像用于脑脊液泄漏检测和定位", "脑脊液漏研究", "脑脊液流动成像用于脑脊液漏的检测和定位" ], "239565007": [ "Excision of posterior elements of vertebra", "椎骨后部切除术" ], "26573008": [ "Implant of inflatable penile prosthesis", "Implantation of inflatable penile prosthesis", "可膨胀阴茎假体植入", "可膨胀阴茎假体植入术" ], "41122000": [ "Manipulation of artery of upper extremity", "上肢动脉操作" ], "711031001": [ "Contracting for adherence", "签订合同以遵守规定" ], "432503001": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of tibial vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of tibial vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮胫静脉栓塞术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行胫静脉经皮栓塞术" ], "72055001": [ "Cardiac catheterization, right heart and retrograde left", "Cardiac catheterisation, right heart and retrograde left", "心导管插入术,右心和逆行左心", "心脏导管插入术,右心和逆行左心" ], "6519001": [ "Operation on multiple extraocular muscles with temporary detachment from globe", "多处眼外肌手术及暂时性眼球脱离" ], "252279005": [ "Correction study", "校正研究" ], "301431007": [ "Embolization of portal vein", "Embolisation of portal vein", "门静脉栓塞" ], "104823008": [ "N-acetyl-d-glucosaminidase measurement", "N-乙酰-d-葡萄糖胺酶测量" ], "348748006": [ "Repair of cornea with conjunctival flap", "结膜瓣修复角膜" ], "168524008": [ "Radiotherapy - intraoperative control", "放射治疗-术中控制" ], "133921002": [ "Emotional support", "Psychological support", "心理支持", "情感支持" ], "68385007": [ "Osteotomy of phalanges of foot", "Osteotomy of phalanx of foot", "足趾骨截骨术" ], "789281008": [ "Cholinesterase phenotype determination", "Butyrylcholinesterase phenotype determination", "胆碱酯酶表型测定", "丁酰胆碱酯酶表型测定" ], "264993009": [ "Transfer of wrist muscle", "腕部肌肉转移" ], "33782002": [ "Incisional biopsy of cranial nerve", "脑神经切开活检" ], "443382004": [ "Percutaneous sclerotherapy of venous malformation using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "透视引导下经皮静脉畸形硬化治疗" ], "81099000": [ "Cervical arthrodesis", "Cervical spinal fusion", "颈椎关节融合术", "颈椎融合术" ], "736459001": [ "Administration of prophylactic agent after sexual exposure", "性接触后使用预防药物" ], "410614008": [ "Construction", "建造" ], "228555000": [ "Rational emotive therapy", "RET - Rational emotive therapy", "RET - 理性情绪疗法", "理性情绪疗法" ], "408779007": [ "Psychoprophylaxis", "心理预防" ], "439712000": [ "Cholecystectomy with exploration of common bile duct and choledochoenterostomy", "胆囊切除术及胆总管探查和胆总管肠吻合术" ], "310475009": [ "Patching of defect of tricuspid valve leaflet", "三尖瓣瓣叶缺损修补术" ], "1258912004": [ "Percutaneous injection of ethanol into neoplasm of liver", "经皮肝肿瘤注射乙醇" ], "13728005": [ "Gastric analysis", "胃部分析" ], "406944006": [ "Trypan blue stain method", "Trypan blue stain", "台盼蓝染色", "台盼蓝染色法" ], "306805000": [ "Advice to continue with treatment", "Advice to continue with therapy", "Recommendation to continue with treatment", "建议继续治疗", "继续治疗的建议" ], "243104009": [ "Parastomal skin care education", "造口旁皮肤护理教育" ], "388725002": [ "Piper nigrum (unripe seed) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf263 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Green pepper specific IgE antibody measurement", "Piper nigrum (unripe seed) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf263 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "黑胡椒(未成熟种子)特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "黑胡椒(未成熟种子)特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测定", "青椒特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "241269003": [ "Leg venogram - descending", "腿部静脉造影 - 下降" ], "274037007": [ "Transurethral resection of bladder papilloma", "Transurethral excision of papilloma of urinary bladder", "经尿道膀胱乳头状瘤切除术" ], "1288010000": [ "EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) with insertion of endosponge in small intestine", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and intraluminal insertion of sponge into small intestine", "OGD (oesophagogastroduodenoscopy) with insertion of endosponge into small intestine", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with insertion of endosponge in small intestine", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and insertion of endosponge into small intestine", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and intraluminal insertion of sponge into small intestine", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and insertion of endosponge into small intestine", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and endoluminal vacuum therapy in small intestine", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and endoluminal vacuum therapy in small intestine", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及内镜海绵插入小肠", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查(OGD)将内镜海绵插入小肠", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及小肠腔内海绵插入术", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及内镜海绵体插入小肠", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及小肠腔内真空治疗", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及小肠内海绵插入术", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查(EGD)将内镜海绵插入小肠" ], "239434001": [ "Reconstruction of lateral collateral ligament of knee joint", "膝关节外侧副韧带重建" ], "175733009": [ "Revision of reconstruction of popliteal artery", "腘动脉重建术" ], "42826002": [ "Systemic arterial pressure monitoring", "Monitoring of systemic arterial pressure", "Monitoring of arterial pressure", "Arterial pressure monitoring", "监测全身动脉压", "全身动脉压监测", "动脉压监测" ], "419658002": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of pelvis with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of pelvic vascular structure with contrast", "Pelvic vascular structure angiogram with contrast", "盆腔血管结构造影", "盆腔血管结构荧光血管造影", "骨盆荧光血管造影" ], "1156938006": [ "MR proton spectroscopy of whole body", "Magnetic resonance proton spectroscopy of whole body", "全身磁共振质子波谱分析", "全身磁共振质子波谱检查" ], "173898008": [ "Partial jejunectomy and anastomosis of jejunum to ileum", "部分空肠切除及空肠回肠吻合术" ], "8223002": [ "Labyrinthectomy, osseous", "Osseous labyrinthectomy", "骨迷路切除术", "迷路切除术,骨性" ], "73759005": [ "Duodenectomy", "十二指肠切除术" ], "761887006": [ "LSVT (Lee Silverman Voice Treatment) LOUD", "Lee Silverman Voice Treatment LOUD", "LSVT (Lee Silverman 声音处理) 大声", "Lee Silverman 声音治疗 LOUD" ], "450591007": [ "Excision of lesion of anterior abdominal wall", "腹前壁病变切除术" ], "1220639008": [ "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography guided biopsy of lesion of bile duct with contrast", "Biopsy of lesion of bile duct using endoscopic retrograde cholangiography guidance with contrast", "Biopsy of lesion of bile duct using ERC (endoscopic retrograde cholangiography) guidance with contrast", "内镜逆行胆管造影引导下胆管病变活检", "内镜逆行胆管造影引导下胆管病变穿刺活检", "使用 ERC(内镜逆行胆管造影)引导进行胆管病变活检" ], "301300001": [ "Injection into sternoclavicular joint", "胸锁关节注射" ], "88308000": [ "Blood cell count", "血细胞计数" ], "6388003": [ "TdT stain", "Terminal transferase stain", "Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase stain method, blood or bone marrow", "Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase stain", "末端转移酶染色", "末端脱氧核苷酸转移酶染色", "TdT 染色", "末端脱氧核苷酸转移酶染色法,血液或骨髓" ], "252148000": [ "Calcium profile", "钙质状况" ], "1251572005": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy with control of esophageal hemorrhage by injection", "EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) with control of esophageal hemorrhage by injection", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy with control of oesophageal haemorrhage by injection", "OGD (oesophagogastroduodenoscopy) with control of oesophageal haemorrhage by injection", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查 (OGD),通过注射控制食管出血", "通过注射控制食管出血的 EGD(食管胃十二指肠镜检查)", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及注射止血" ], "104692005": [ "Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase measurement", "葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶测量" ], "432372006": [ "Ultrasonography of coccyx", "Ultrasonography (US) of coccyx", "尾骨超声检查(美国)", "尾骨超声检查" ], "397769005": [ "Unexpected admission to high dependency unit", "Unexpected HDU admission", "Unanticipated admission to high dependency", "Unanticipated admission to HDU", "意外被 HDU 录取", "意外入住重症监护病房", "意外承认高度依赖" ], "446921005": [ "Laparoscopic pyelolithotomy", "Laparoscopic removal of calculus from renal pelvis by incision", "腹腔镜切开取石术", "腹腔镜肾盂取石术" ], "250313005": [ "Platelet distribution width measurement", "Platelet distribution width", "PDW - Platelet distribution width", "血小板分布宽度", "PDW-血小板分布宽度", "血小板分布宽度测量" ], "70089008": [ "Removal of foreign body from supraclavicular fossa", "锁骨上窝异物取出" ], "51870000": [ "Excision of lesion of kidney with partial nephrectomy", "肾脏病损切除术及肾部分切除术" ], "53705008": [ "Endoscopy of testis", "睾丸内镜检查" ], "33651006": [ "Removal of foreign body from cranial nerve", "脑神经异物取出" ], "179272002": [ "Introduction of destructive substance into bone", "将破坏性物质引入骨骼" ], "64584004": [ "Removal of impacted tooth, completely bony, with unusual surgical complications", "拔除完全骨性的阻生牙,手术并发症罕见" ], "406813003": [ "Azure C stain method", "Azure C stain", "Azur C stain", "天青C染色法", "Azure C 染色", "Azur C 染色" ], "308509006": [ "Stress monitoring call", "压力监测电话" ], "306674002": [ "Discharge from urology service", "泌尿科出院" ], "239303001": [ "Maxillary multisegmental osteotomy", "上颌骨多段截骨术" ], "437746009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal septal myocardial ablation", "Alcohol septal ablation", "Percutaneous transluminal chemical mediated septal ablation", "酒精消融室间隔", "经皮腔内室间隔心肌消融术", "经皮腔内化学介导室间隔消融术" ], "241138009": [ "Lymphangiogram follow through", "淋巴管造影检查" ], "108231004": [ "Analysis of electronic device used in cardiovascular system", "心血管系统用电子设备分析" ], "450460004": [ "Nephrostomy using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行肾造口术" ], "104561002": [ "Calciferol binding proteins measurement", "钙化醇结合蛋白测量" ], "88177004": [ "Sphenoid sinusectomy", "Sphenoidectomy", "蝶窦切除术" ], "710769005": [ "Implementation of safety regime", "安全制度的实施" ], "250182000": [ "Human leucocyte antigen DRB3 genotype", "Human leukocyte antigen DRB3 genotype determination", "Human leukocyte antigen DRB3 genotype", "Human leucocyte antigen DRB3 genotype determination", "HLA-DRB3 - Human leucocyte antigen DRB3 genotype", "HLA-DRB3 - Human leukocyte antigen DRB3 genotype", "DR beta 3 chain", "人类白细胞抗原 DRB3 基因型", "DR β3 链", "人类白细胞抗原DRB3基因型测定", "HLA-DRB3 - 人类白细胞抗原 DRB3 基因型" ], "432241009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of coccyx", "Magnetic resonance imaging of coccyx", "MRI of coccyx", "Magnetic resonance imaging of coccygeal spine", "MRI of coccygeal spine", "尾骨磁共振成像(MRI)", "尾椎 MRI", "尾椎磁共振成像", "尾骨 MRI", "尾骨磁共振成像" ], "708934006": [ "Maintenance hemofiltration", "Maintenance haemofiltration", "维持性血液滤过" ], "446790006": [ "Assessment using brief pain inventory", "使用简明疼痛量表进行评估" ], "608795000": [ "Laparoscopic repair of strangulated inguinal hernia", "腹腔镜修补术治疗绞窄性腹股沟疝" ], "428571003": [ "Mastectomy of left breast", "Excision of left breast", "左乳房切除术" ], "313883006": [ "60 minute plasma TSH level", "60 minute plasma TSH measurement", "Measurement of plasma thyroid stimulating hormone concentration 60 minutes after challenge", "60 分钟血浆 TSH 测量", "激发后 60 分钟测量血浆促甲状腺激素浓度", "60 分钟血浆 TSH 水平" ], "312048002": [ "Family case conference", "家庭案件会议" ], "410352002": [ "Rest/sleep case management", "休息/睡眠病例管理" ], "15301000": [ "Consultation in chemotherapy", "化疗咨询" ], "426736009": [ "Patch angioplasty of renal artery", "肾动脉补片成形术" ], "179141007": [ "Primary external fixation of fracture", "骨折的初次外固定" ], "372079001": [ "Adrenal imaging", "肾上腺成像" ], "1142127002": [ "Omega 3 fatty acid modified diet", "N-3 fatty acid modified diet", "N-3脂肪酸改良饮食", "Omega 3 脂肪酸改良饮食" ], "716143003": [ "Insertion of segmental instrumentation to spine for spinal arthrodesis", "Segmental implant for spinal fusion", "将分段式器械插入脊柱以进行脊柱关节融合术", "脊柱融合节段植入物" ], "306543006": [ "Discharge by occupational therapist", "职业治疗师出院" ], "241007006": [ "Total ablation of nail matrix", "指甲基质完全切除" ], "765295009": [ "Radionuclide imaging using technetium (99m-Tc) exametazime with cerebral blood flow", "使用锝(99m-Tc)依沙美他嗪对脑血流进行放射性核素显像" ], "75332002": [ "Clostridium difficile toxin assay", "Clostridium difficile cytotoxicity assay in feces", "Clostridium difficile cytotoxicity assay in faeces", "Clostridium difficile toxin level", "艰难梭菌毒素测定", "艰难梭菌毒素水平", "粪便中艰难梭菌细胞毒性测定" ], "388463009": [ "Parasite specific IgE antibody measurement", "Parasite specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "寄生虫特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "寄生虫特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "173636006": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic snare resection of lesion of esophagus", "Fibreoptic oesophagoscopy and snare resection", "Fibreoptic endoscopic snare resection of lesion of oesophagus", "Fiberoptic esophagoscopy and snare resection", "纤维食管镜检查及圈套切除术", "纤维光导食管镜检查及圈套切除术", "纤维内镜食管病变圈套切除术" ], "450329000": [ "Assessment of tunnelled central venous catheter entry site", "Assessment of tunneled central venous catheter entry site", "隧道式中心静脉导管入口位置的评估", "隧道式中心静脉导管插入部位的评估" ], "57113004": [ "Pulmonary ventilation study", "Radionuclide lung ventilation study", "Radionuclide particle ventilation study", "肺通气研究", "放射性核素肺通气研究", "放射性核素粒子通气研究" ], "73497006": [ "Release of Volkmann's contracture by muscle transplantation", "Release of Volkmann contracture by muscle transplantation", "通过肌肉移植缓解福尔克曼挛缩" ], "22510001": [ "Osteotomy of femoral neck", "股骨颈截骨术" ], "432110004": [ "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with insertion of biliary metal stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with insertion of biliary metal stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下进行内镜逆行胰胆管造影 (ERCP) 并插入胆道金属支架", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影术及荧光透视引导下胆道金属支架置入术" ], "6126006": [ "Fitzgerald factor assay", "High molecular weight kininogen assay", "HMW kininogen assay", "Williams-Fitzgerald Flaujeac factor assay", "HMW 激肽原测定", "高分子量激肽原测定", "Williams-Fitzgerald Flaujeac 因子分析", "菲茨杰拉德因子分析" ], "55278008": [ "Repair of mitral valve with tissue graft", "组织移植修复二尖瓣" ], "301038009": [ "Arthroscopic removal of foreign body from joint", "关节镜下取出关节异物" ], "708803008": [ "Wedge resection of ingrowing toenail", "Wedge resection of ingrown toenail", "嵌甲楔形切除术" ], "313752000": [ "Plasma proline measurement", "Plasma proline level", "血浆脯氨酸测量", "血浆脯氨酸水平" ], "18840000": [ "Virus identification by tissue culture inoculation and observation", "通过组织培养接种和观察进行病毒鉴定" ], "428440005": [ "Grafting of bone using autogenous muscle pedicle graft", "采用自体肌蒂移植骨" ], "180845000": [ "Harvest of flap of skin and nail bed", "皮瓣及甲床切取" ], "410221000": [ "Positioning therapy education", "Teach positioning therapy", "定位治疗教育", "教授定位疗法" ], "442989006": [ "Nerve block with injection of lumbar spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下腰椎神经阻滞注射" ], "426605009": [ "Biopsy of lesion of canthus", "眼角病变活检" ], "33389009": [ "Transfusion of whole blood", "Whole blood transfusion", "全血输血", "输全血" ], "392002001": [ "Endoscopy of vagina", "Vaginoscopy", "Endoscopic exploration of vagina", "阴道镜检查", "阴道内窥镜检查", "阴道内镜探查" ], "179010008": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of bone and intramedullary fixation", "Primary open reduction of fracture and intramedullary nail fixation", "骨折一期切开复位髓内固定", "一期骨折切开复位髓内钉固定" ], "816151001": [ "Administration of consolidation antineoplastic agent", "Consolidation antineoplastic chemotherapy", "巩固抗肿瘤化疗", "巩固抗肿瘤药物的给药" ], "177175002": [ "Vacuum delivery before full dilation of cervix", "宫颈未完全扩张前进行真空分娩" ], "439319006": [ "Screening for phenothiazine in serum", "血清中的吩噻嗪筛查" ], "406551008": [ "Social assessment", "社会评估" ], "306412002": [ "Discharge by hematologist", "Discharge by haematologist", "血液科医生出院", "血液科医师出院" ], "175340007": [ "Patch angioplasty of artery", "Plastic repair of aorta using patch graft", "Patch repair of aorta", "主动脉补片修复", "动脉补片成形术", "使用补片移植进行主动脉整形修复" ], "304577004": [ "Humidified oxygen", "Humidified oxygen therapy", "湿化氧气", "湿化氧疗" ], "288193006": [ "Supervision - normal delivery", "监管-正常交付" ], "386497007": [ "Child abuse prevention", "Abuse protection support: child", "预防虐待儿童", "虐待保护支持:儿童" ], "763329006": [ "Repair of right cleft lip with triangular flap", "三角瓣修复右唇裂" ], "173505009": [ "Meatoplasty of salivary duct orifice", "涎管口成形术" ], "24214008": [ "Determinative histochemistry for chemicals", "Detection of chemical constituents", "化学成分检测", "化学物质的确定性组织化学" ], "1202027002": [ "Oesophageal sponge cytology", "Esophageal sponge cytology", "Collection of oesophageal cells via swallowable cell collection sponge in capsule", "Collection of esophageal cells via swallowable cell collection sponge in capsule", "通过胶囊内可吞咽细胞收集海绵收集食管细胞", "通过胶囊内可吞咽的细胞收集海绵收集食管细胞", "食管海绵细胞学检查" ], "104299005": [ "Histoplasma antibody assay", "Serologic test for Histoplasma", "Measurement of Histoplasma species antibody", "组织胞浆菌抗体的测量", "组织胞浆菌抗体检测", "组织胞浆菌血清学检测" ], "448363006": [ "Excision of sequestrum of phalanx", "Sequestrectomy of phalanx", "指骨死骨切除术" ], "431979006": [ "Injection of hip using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Injection of hip using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行臀部注射", "使用超声引导进行髋关节注射" ], "5995006": [ "Gas liquid chromatography, flame photometric type", "气相液相色谱法,火焰光度法" ], "36928000": [ "Operative procedure on pituitary gland", "Operative procedure on hypophysis", "Operation on pituitary gland", "Pituitary gland operation", "垂体手术" ], "235371008": [ "Abdominosacroperineal pull-through", "腹骶髂关节拉通术" ], "446528005": [ "Incision and drainage of cyst of ovary", "卵巢囊肿切开引流术" ], "118848006": [ "Procedure on omentum", "大网膜手术" ], "233536005": [ "Pulmonary artery catheter insertion via jugular vein", "经颈静脉插入肺动脉导管" ], "231701000": [ "Botulinum toxin injection into eye muscle", "Injection of botulinum toxin into eye muscle", "眼部肌肉注射肉毒杆菌毒素" ], "117013002": [ "Quantitative urine culture, 1:100 dilution", "Quantitative microbial urine culture at 1:100 dilution", "定量尿液培养,1:100 稀释", "1:100 稀释定量微生物尿液培养" ], "182549007": [ "Osteopathy", "整骨疗法" ], "313621008": [ "Plasma alanine measurement", "Plasma alanine level", "血浆丙氨酸水平", "血浆丙氨酸测量" ], "410090002": [ "Ostomy care assessment", "Assess ostomy care", "评估造口护理", "造口护理评估" ], "311786004": [ "Control of saliva technique", "唾液控制技术" ], "15039004": [ "Suction assisted lipectomy of trunk", "Liposuction of trunk", "躯干抽脂术", "躯干负压吸引抽脂术" ], "31423004": [ "Warm agglutinin measurement", "温凝集素测定" ], "408255006": [ "Factor V(306) Cambridge mutation test", "Ⅴ因子(306)剑桥突变检测" ], "178879008": [ "Extra-articular arthrodesis subtalar joint", "距下关节外融合术" ], "308116003": [ "Antihypertensive therapy", "抗高血压治疗" ], "699497002": [ "Reconstruction of cranial defect with skull plate", "颅骨板修复颅骨缺损" ], "306281002": [ "Referral to clinical molecular geneticist", "转诊至临床分子遗传学家" ], "11369006": [ "Vestibuloplasty", "Oral vestibuloplasty", "Oral sulcoplasty", "Oral sulcus deepening", "口腔前庭成形术", "口腔龈沟成形术", "口沟加深", "前庭成形术" ], "304446004": [ "Interferential to shoulder", "干扰肩部" ], "173374008": [ "Reconstruction of tongue with distant flap", "远端皮瓣舌重建术" ], "433683001": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of internal carotid artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of internal carotid artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "颈内动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "用造影剂插入药物洗脱支架进行颈内动脉荧光镜动脉造影" ], "1303870009": [ "Percutaneous implantation of pressure sensor into pulmonary artery", "经皮肺动脉植入压力传感器" ], "386366009": [ "Mood management", "情绪管理" ], "12311000087102": [ "MRI of pelvis and bilateral hips", "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis and bilateral hips", "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis and both hips", "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis and left and right hip", "骨盆和双侧髋部磁共振成像", "骨盆和左右臀部的磁共振成像", "骨盆和双侧臀部的 MRI 检查", "骨盆和双侧髋部的磁共振成像" ], "122387006": [ "Neisseria meningitidis culture", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌培养" ], "791000087104": [ "Angioplasty of arteries of bilateral lower limbs using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Angioplasty of arteries of both lower limbs using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Angioplasty of arteries of left and right lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of arteries of bilateral lower limbs with contrast", "荧光造影引导下左、右下肢动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下双下肢动脉造影成形术", "荧光造影引导下双下肢动脉血管成形术" ], "284392001": [ "Examination of fifth toe", "Examination of little toe", "小脚趾检查", "第五趾检查" ], "4631000087106": [ "Angiography of left brachial artery", "Arteriography of left brachial artery", "左肱动脉造影" ], "14871000087107": [ "Computed tomography angiography of abdomen, pelvis and lumbar spine with contrast", "CT angiography of abdomen, pelvis and lumbar spine with contrast", "腹部、骨盆和腰椎增强 CT 血管造影", "腹部、骨盆和腰椎增强计算机断层血管造影" ], "50711000087108": [ "Injection assisted endoscopic piecemeal mucosal resection of gastrointestinal tract", "Injection assisted piecemeal EMR (endoscopic mucosal resection) of gastrointestinal tract", "注射辅助分次内镜胃肠道黏膜切除术", "注射辅助内镜胃肠道黏膜分块切除术" ], "9751000087109": [ "Plain X-ray of bilateral upper limbs", "Plain X-ray of both upper limbs", "Plain X-ray of left and right upper limb", "双上肢普通 X 光检查", "双侧上肢X线平片", "左、右上肢普通 X 光检查" ], "2071000087109": [ "MRI of right ankle", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right ankle", "右脚踝 MRI", "右脚踝磁共振成像" ], "104168003": [ "Nucleic acid enzymatic digestion method", "核酸酶消化法" ], "431848008": [ "Barbotage of joint using ultrasound guidance", "Barbotage of joint using ultrasound (US) guidance", "使用超声(美国)引导进行关节压疮治疗", "超声引导下进行关节压平术" ], "235240002": [ "Gastric prosthesis procedure", "Stomach prosthesis procedure", "Procedure using anti-obesity gastric balloon", "胃假体手术", "抗肥胖胃内水球手术" ], "46871000087109": [ "Recommendation to continue proton pump inhibitor therapy", "Recommendation to continue PPI (proton pump inhibitor) therapy", "建议继续 PPI(质子泵抑制剂)治疗", "建议继续质子泵抑制剂治疗" ], "233405004": [ "Insertion of carotid artery stent", "颈动脉支架置入术" ], "315325005": [ "Left hemicolectomy with stoma", "Left colectomy with stoma", "左结肠切除术及造口术", "左半结肠切除术及造口术" ], "118717007": [ "Procedure on organ", "器官手术" ], "231570003": [ "Correction of epicanthus by Mustarde procedure", "通过 Mustarde 手术矫正内眦赘皮" ], "772242004": [ "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using synthetic mesh with fascial closure for recurrent spigelian hernia", "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent spigelian hernia using synthetic mesh with fascial closure", "腹腔镜下使用合成网片和筋膜闭合术修复复发性疝", "腹腔镜疝修补术使用合成网片结合筋膜闭合治疗复发性疝" ], "51346007": [ "Ileectomy", "Resection of ileum", "Ileal resection", "Excision of ileum", "回肠切除术" ], "444562008": [ "Preoperative pulmonary examination", "术前肺部检查" ], "313490007": [ "24 hour urine cystine output measurement", "24 hour urine cystine output", "Cystine measurement, 24H urine", "24 小时尿胱氨酸排出量测定", "胱氨酸测量,24小时尿液", "24小时尿胱氨酸排出量" ], "311655002": [ "Therapy to improve articulatory manner", "改善发音方式的疗法" ], "65895009": [ "Simple uroflowmetry", "简易尿流率测定" ], "719420004": [ "Fluoroscopic arteriography of peroneal artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic angiography of peroneal artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "用造影剂插入支架进行腓动脉荧光镜动脉造影", "用造影剂插入支架对腓动脉进行荧光血管造影" ], "80444007": [ "Stapling of gastric varices", "胃静脉曲张缝合术" ], "439057000": [ "Education about sexually transmitted disease prevention", "性传播疾病预防教育" ], "62225001": [ "Arthrotomy of elbow with joint exploration and with biopsy", "Excisional biopsy of joint structure of elbow", "Biopsy of joint structure of elbow", "肘关节结构切除活检", "肘关节切开术并进行关节探查和活检", "肘关节结构活检" ], "226065005": [ "Weight transfer practice", "重心转移练习" ], "275217009": [ "Ligation of sinus of Valsalva", "Ligation of sinus of Valsalva fistula", "瓦尔萨尔瓦窦瘘结扎术", "瓦尔萨尔瓦窦结扎术" ], "306150001": [ "Referral to neuropathology service", "转诊至神经病理学服务" ], "386235000": [ "Childbirth preparation", "分娩准备" ], "287931008": [ "Fallopian tube cornual resection", "输卵管角切除术" ], "171408004": [ "Medicolegal examination", "法医检查" ], "122256007": [ "Rabies virus culture", "狂犬病毒培养" ], "104037000": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Gerbich system (ISBT 020)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Gerbich system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 020)", "从 Gerbich 系统 (国际输血协会 020) 中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体", "用 Gerbich 系统 (ISBT 020) 鉴别红细胞抗原抗体" ], "448101002": [ "Excision of part of tarsal bone", "Partial ostectomy of tarsal bone", "跗骨部分截骨术", "切除部分跗骨" ], "54885007": [ "Extraction of cataract", "Excision of cataract", "Cataract extraction", "CE - Cataract extraction", "CE - 白内障摘除术", "白内障摘除术", "白内障切除术" ], "5733007": [ "Fluorescent identification of anti-nuclear antibody", "抗核抗体荧光鉴定" ], "169573007": [ "Antenatal care: primigravida", "Antenatal care of primigravida", "初产妇的产前护理", "产前护理:初产妇" ], "431717009": [ "Injection of marker into breast using ultrasound guidance", "Injection of marker into breast using ultrasound (US) guidance", "在超声引导下将标记物注射到乳房中", "使用超声波引导将标记物注射到乳房中" ], "429882005": [ "Biopsy of bursa", "滑囊活检" ], "315194006": [ "Syphilis IgG level", "Syphilis immunoglobulin G level", "梅毒 IgG 水平", "梅毒免疫球蛋白 G 水平" ], "772111002": [ "Laparoscopic spigelian hernioplasty using biological mesh", "Laparoscopic repair of spigelian hernia using biological mesh", "腹腔镜下生物网片修补疝", "使用生物网片进行腹腔镜疝修补术" ], "311524001": [ "Functional skills training", "功能技能培训" ], "1280015009": [ "Removal of piercing from external ear", "去除外耳穿孔" ], "276921001": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of intracranial artery", "经皮颅内动脉内膜切除术" ], "229604009": [ "Shadow walking gait re-education", "Shadow walking gait training", "影子步行步态训练", "影子步行步态再教育" ], "719289004": [ "Umbilical herniorrhaphy using surgical sutures", "Repair of umbilical hernia using surgical sutures", "Mayo operation, herniorrhaphy", "使用手术缝合线进行脐疝修补术", "使用手术缝合线修复脐疝", "梅奥手术、疝修补术" ], "31161005": [ "Methadone measurement", "美沙酮测量" ], "113081006": [ "Parathyroid hormone measurement, functional N-terminal", "甲状旁腺激素测量,功能性 N 端" ], "47545007": [ "Continuous positive airway pressure ventilation treatment", "CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) therapy", "CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) treatment", "CPAP(持续气道正压通气)治疗", "持续气道正压通气治疗" ], "406158007": [ "Referral to oral surgeon", "转诊至口腔外科医生" ], "306019001": [ "Referral from orthopedic surgeon", "Referral from orthopaedic surgeon", "Referral by orthopedic surgeon", "Referral by orthopaedic surgeon", "骨科医生转诊", "骨科医生推荐" ], "371555005": [ "Procedure on neoplasm of bony orbit", "骨性眼眶肿瘤手术" ], "287800000": [ "Anal tag removal", "肛门标签去除" ], "27491009": [ "Medial canthoplasty", "内眼角整形术" ], "451951000124100": [ "Amputation of thumb of right hand", "右手拇指截肢" ], "444271000124100": [ "Menu selection assistance", "菜单选择协助" ], "271416007": [ "Reconstruction of cranial defect", "颅骨缺损修复" ], "25656009": [ "Physical examination, complete", "Full general examination", "全面检查", "身体检查,完整" ], "510831000124107": [ "Amputation of right ankle through joint", "Disarticulation of right ankle", "右踝关节脱位", "右踝关节经关节截肢" ], "428911000124108": [ "Comprehensive medication therapy review", "综合药物治疗回顾" ], "454511000124109": [ "Augmentation of maxillary sinus", "上颌窦增高术" ], "437871000124108": [ "Decreased valine diet", "减少缬氨酸饮食" ], "122125008": [ "Taenia solium antibody assay", "Measurement of Taenia solium antibody", "猪带绦虫抗体检测", "猪带绦虫抗体测定" ], "103906009": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from Lewis system (ISBT 007)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Lewis system (ISBT 007)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Lewis system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 007)", "血型、Lewis 系统的红细胞抗原(ISBT 007)", "血型、Lewis 系统的红细胞抗原(国际输血协会 007)", "血型、Lewis 系统的红细胞抗原 (ISBT 007)" ], "118455003": [ "Exploration of joint", "探索联合" ], "233143005": [ "Construction of a cardiac conduit", "心脏导管的构建" ], "69303005": [ "Epstein-Barr VCA antibody measurement", "Epstein-Barr Viral Capsid antibody assay", "Epstein-Barr viral capsid antibody measurement", "Epstein-Barr 病毒衣壳抗体检测", "Epstein-Barr VCA 抗体测量", "Epstein-Barr 病毒衣壳抗体测量" ], "446135006": [ "Amnioinfusion using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下羊膜灌注" ], "52919007": [ "Reduction of closed tarsal bone dislocation", "闭合性跗骨脱位复位" ], "1052343009": [ "Excision of bilateral ovotestis", "双侧卵睾切除术" ], "395148004": [ "Cardiac event recording", "心脏事件记录" ], "771980006": [ "Reanastomosis of common bile duct", "Reanastomosis of main bile duct", "胆管再吻合术", "胆管主干吻合术" ], "1148812007": [ "Assessment of progress toward goals to achieve housing security", "住房保障目标进展评估" ], "231308008": [ "Skin infiltration of steroid", "类固醇皮肤浸润" ], "280460009": [ "Revision of hip arthroplasty", "Hip reoperations", "髋关节置换术修复", "髋关节再次手术" ], "16481005": [ "Free soft dentoalveolar tissue graft procedure, including donor site", "Free gingival graft", "自由软牙槽组织移植手术,包括供体部位", "游离龈移植" ], "229473007": [ "Shoulder stretching", "肩部伸展" ], "14646004": [ "Drainage of ovarian cyst by vaginal approach", "Transvaginal drainage of ovarian cyst", "卵巢囊肿经阴道引流", "经阴道引流卵巢囊肿" ], "178486007": [ "VSS - Vertical sub-sigmoid split mandibular osteotomy", "Vertical sub-sigmoid mandibular osteotomy", "垂直下乙状窦下颌骨截骨术", "VSS - 垂直下乙状窦劈开下颌骨截骨术" ], "274955000": [ "Primary repair of inguinal hernia using sutures", "使用缝合线进行腹股沟疝的初次修复" ], "112950009": [ "Implantation of nerve end into muscle", "将神经末梢植入肌肉" ], "78347005": [ "Adson's test", "Adson's maneuver", "Adson's manoeuvre", "Adson test", "阿德森的机动", "Adson 测试", "Adson 动作" ], "307723009": [ "Nasal septal polypectomy", "Nasal septum polypectomy", "Excision of polyp of nasal septum", "鼻中隔息肉切除术" ], "45579009": [ "Construction of canthorrhaphy", "Canthorrhaphy", "眼角缝合术的构建", "眼角缝合术" ], "60128004": [ "Complicated scrotoplasty", "复杂的阴囊成形术" ], "699104007": [ "Injection of iodine 131", "注射碘131" ], "385973000": [ "Dialysis care management", "Manage dialysis care", "管理透析护理", "透析护理管理" ], "271285000": [ "Blood magnesium level", "Blood magnesium measurement", "血镁水平", "血镁测量" ], "172981003": [ "Drainage of retropharyngeal abscess", "咽后脓肿引流" ], "121994002": [ "Dinoflagellate identification", "甲藻的鉴定" ], "23690002": [ "Heimlich maneuver", "Heimlich manoeuvre", "Abdominal thrust", "腹部推力", "暗中机动" ], "449674004": [ "Injection of upper arm", "上臂注射" ], "72842003": [ "Debridement of forefoot", "前足清创" ], "89226006": [ "Fibrinogen inhibitor assay", "纤维蛋白原抑制剂测定" ], "171146004": [ "Filariasis screening", "丝虫病筛查" ], "120159000": [ "Transposition of tissue of thorax", "胸腔组织移位" ], "7306006": [ "Partial ostectomy of tibia and fibula", "胫骨及腓骨部分截骨术" ], "431455000": [ "Biopsy of femur using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下进行股骨活检" ], "40074008": [ "Ligation and crushing of both fallopian tubes", "Ligation and crushing of bilateral fallopian tubes", "双侧输卵管结扎及压碎", "结扎并压碎两侧输卵管" ], "709983004": [ "Fluoroscopy guided pleurodesis", "Pleurodesis using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导胸膜固定术", "在荧光透视引导下进行胸膜固定术" ], "71007004": [ "Thrombectomy of venous graft", "Vein graft thrombectomy", "静脉移植血栓切除术" ], "169311004": [ "Positron therapy", "正电子治疗" ], "415071007": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy", "经皮动脉内膜切除术" ], "234847004": [ "Placement of orthodontic lingual arch", "正畸舌弓的放置" ], "429620002": [ "Construction of left ventricle to aorta tunnel with right ventricle to pulmonary artery valved conduit", "左心室至主动脉隧道及右心室至肺动脉带瓣管道的构建" ], "183860003": [ "Referral to antenatal clinic", "转诊至产前诊所" ], "446004003": [ "Assessment using occupational therapy functional assessment compilation tool", "使用职业治疗功能评估汇编工具进行评估" ], "1801001": [ "Endoscopic biopsy of duodenum", "Duodenoscopy and biopsy", "十二指肠内镜活检", "十二指肠镜检查和活检" ], "231177009": [ "Superficial peroneal nerve block", "Local anaesthetic superficial peroneal nerve block", "Local anesthetic superficial peroneal nerve block", "腓浅神经阻滞", "局部麻醉腓浅神经阻滞" ], "442334004": [ "Evaluation of airway equipment condition", "气道设备状况评估" ], "229342007": [ "Mobilisation of the elbow", "Mobilization of the elbow", "肘部活动" ], "440499003": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of lesion of kidney using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下肾脏病变射频消融术" ], "112819006": [ "Arteriectomy with graft replacement of thoracoabdominal aorta", "Excision with graft replacement of thoracoabdominal aorta", "Angiectomy with graft replacement of thoracoabdominal aorta", "胸腹主动脉切除术及移植置换术", "胸腹主动脉切除及移植置换术", "胸腹主动脉血管切除术及移植置换术" ], "391347006": [ "Urine cyclizine level", "尿液环嗪酮水平" ], "702643008": [ "Removal of pilonidal cyst", "切除藏毛囊肿" ], "78216001": [ "Corneoscleral suture with conjunctival flap", "角巩膜缝合术及结膜瓣" ], "14515009": [ "Transurethral fulguration of bladder", "Transurethral cystoscopic fulguration of bladder", "Transurethral cystoscopic fulguration of urinary bladder", "Transurethral fulguration of urinary bladder", "经尿道膀胱镜膀胱电灼术", "经尿道膀胱电灼术" ], "16520881000119102": [ "Fluoroscopic angiogram of bilateral internal mammary arteries with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriogram of bilateral internal mammary arteries with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of bilateral internal mammary arteries with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of bilateral internal mammary arteries with contrast", "双侧乳内动脉造影", "双侧乳内动脉造影荧光血管造影" ], "409521000119108": [ "CT of right tibia and fibula without contrast", "Computed tomography of right tibia and fibula without contrast", "右胫骨和腓骨无造影计算机断层扫描", "右胫骨和腓骨 CT 无造影" ], "129203006": [ "Procedure on patella", "髌骨手术" ], "1290632006": [ "Immobilization of spine using scoop stretcher", "Immobilisation of spine using scoop stretcher", "使用铲式担架固定脊柱" ], "61832002": [ "Echocardiography for determining mitral, aortic and tricuspid valve motion", "超声心动图用于确定二尖瓣、主动脉瓣和三尖瓣运动" ], "572081000119108": [ "CT of thoracic spine without contrast", "Computed tomography of thoracic spine without contrast", "胸椎 CT 无造影", "无造影剂胸椎计算机断层扫描" ], "29064005": [ "Chart opening", "图表开盘" ], "225672004": [ "Turning off hearing aid", "关闭助听器" ], "76381007": [ "HIV-1 indirect immunofluorescence assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV) indirect immunofluorescence assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus-1 indirect immunofluorescence assay", "人类免疫缺陷病毒-1间接免疫荧光试验", "HIV-1间接免疫荧光试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒-1(HIV)间接免疫荧光试验" ], "698973009": [ "Creation of programmable cystoperitoneal shunt of brain", "Insertion of programmable cystoperitoneal shunt of brain", "插入可编程脑囊腹腔分流器", "建立可编程的脑膀胱腹腔分流术" ], "713522003": [ "Total hip resurfacing arthroplasty", "全髋关节表面置换术" ], "189234004": [ "Tubal sterilisation", "Tubal occlusion", "Tubal sterilization", "TO - Tubal occlusion", "TO-输卵管阻塞", "输卵管绝育", "输卵管阻塞" ], "385842003": [ "Urine specimen care", "尿液标本护理" ], "172850006": [ "Septoplasty for cleft lip nasal deformity", "唇裂鼻畸形的鼻中隔成形术" ], "74546006": [ "Fluoroscopy for foreign body localization", "Fluoroscopy for foreign body localisation", "荧光透视检查异物定位" ], "41778007": [ "Patch test", "PT - Patch test", "Epicutaneous test", "PT - 斑贴试验", "表皮试验", "斑贴试验" ], "303922008": [ "US shoulder region", "Ultrasound of shoulder region", "美国肩部区域", "肩部超声检查" ], "287538006": [ "Non-surgical skin biopsy", "非手术皮肤活检" ], "121863001": [ "Tetrahydroaldosterone measurement", "四氢醛固酮测量" ], "252935003": [ "Kibrick gelatin agglutination test", "基布里克明胶凝集试验" ], "120028000": [ "Seminal vesicle destructive procedure", "精囊破坏术" ], "234716001": [ "Placement of periodontal pack", "放置牙周包" ], "185564002": [ "Child immunization - second default recall", "Child immunisation - second default recall", "儿童免疫接种——第二次违约召回" ], "169180003": [ "Hormone radioassay - thyroid", "Radiobioassay - thyroid hormones", "放射性生物测定-甲状腺激素", "激素放射测定-甲状腺" ], "87260005": [ "Closure of esophageal fistula by cervical approach", "Closure of oesophageal fistula by cervical approach", "经颈部入路闭合食管瘘" ], "1332444006": [ "Sequestrectomy of rib", "Excision of sequestrum of rib", "肋骨死骨切除术" ], "431324007": [ "Doppler ultrasonography (US) of artery of upper limb", "Doppler ultrasonography of artery of upper limb", "上肢动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "265649002": [ "Microscopically controlled excision of skin lesion", "显微镜下切除皮肤病变" ], "232881009": [ "Inspection of implanted atrioventricular valve", "植入式房室瓣检查" ], "34438002": [ "Suture of periosteum of tibia", "胫骨骨膜缝合" ], "771718001": [ "Open epigastric hernioplasty using synthetic mesh", "Open repair of epigastric hernia using synthetic mesh", "使用合成网片进行开放式上腹部疝修补术", "使用合成网片进行开放式上腹疝修补术" ], "231046005": [ "Bony decompression of spinal nerve root", "脊神经根骨性减压术" ], "229211000": [ "Rebound therapy", "反弹疗法" ], "442203000": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of perfusion of lung", "肺灌注单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "312966009": [ "Excision of granulation tissue of vagina", "阴道肉芽组织切除术" ], "868187001": [ "Assessment using Car, Relax, Alone, Forget, Friends, Trouble Screening Test", "Assessment using CRAFFT (Car, Relax, Alone, Forget, Friends, Trouble) Screening Test", "使用汽车、放松、独处、忘记、朋友、麻烦筛选测试进行评估", "使用 CRAFFT(汽车、放松、独处、忘记、朋友、麻烦)筛查测试进行评估" ], "180059006": [ "Excision of ovotestis", "卵睾切除术" ], "243760005": [ "Provision of foot orthosis - patients own", "提供足部矫形器 - 患者自备" ], "702512008": [ "Computed tomography of wrist with contrast", "CT of wrist with contrast", "腕部增强计算机断层扫描", "腕部增强 CT 扫描" ], "438533003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty cutting balloon angioplasty of vein with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内血管成形术 造影剂切割球囊静脉成形术", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术(荧光造影引导)" ], "59866006": [ "Excision of lesion of peripheral nerve", "周围神经损伤切除术" ], "303791001": [ "Pelvic girdle joint arthrogram", "骨盆带关节造影" ], "385711002": [ "Enema administration management", "Manage enema administration", "管理灌肠给药", "灌肠给药管理" ], "418479003": [ "Community education", "社区教育" ], "1155759002": [ "Counselling about sexual behaviour", "Counseling about sexual behavior", "性行为咨询" ], "172719004": [ "Tympanotomy using mastoid approach", "采用乳突入路进行鼓室切开术" ], "8879006": [ "Creatinine measurement, 24 hour urine", "肌酐测量,24 小时尿液" ], "238255007": [ "Second look laparotomy", "二次剖腹手术" ], "74415009": [ "Repair of aneurysm with graft of artery", "动脉移植修复动脉瘤" ], "170884001": [ "Trial without catheter", "TWOC - Trial without catheter", "Catheter trial", "无需导管的试验", "TWOC - 无导管试验", "导管试验" ], "121732005": [ "Zomepirac measurement", "佐美酸测量" ], "72580005": [ "Excision of lesion of phalanges of hand", "手指骨损伤切除术" ], "252804008": [ "Pneumatic tonometry", "Pneumotonometry", "气压眼压计", "气压眼压测定" ], "21593001": [ "Ophthalmodynamography", "眼球动力描记法" ], "105348008": [ "Trichloroethanol measurement", "三氯乙醇的测量" ], "433028008": [ "Radionuclide sentinel lymph node study", "放射性核素哨兵淋巴结研究" ], "169049005": [ "Cineradiography - GUT", "Cineradiography of genitourinary tract", "泌尿生殖道电影放射摄影", "电影放射摄影 - GUT" ], "118062000": [ "HIV 2 gp105 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 gp105 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 glycoprotein 105 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 2 gp105 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型糖蛋白 105 抗体的测量", "HIV 2 gp105 抗体检测" ], "134446000": [ "Candida antibody level", "Serologic test for Candida", "念珠菌血清学检测", "念珠菌抗体水平" ], "67075000": [ "Transplantation of tissue of stomach", "胃组织移植" ], "232750009": [ "Reimplantation of mitral papillary muscle", "二尖瓣乳头肌再植术" ], "50691002": [ "Setback of ear", "Pinning of ear", "耳朵固定", "耳朵后退" ], "247299004": [ "General appraisal of hearing", "听力总体评估" ], "17923005": [ "Incision and exploration of urethra", "Urethrotomy with exploration", "尿道切开探查术", "尿道切开探查" ], "230915004": [ "Endovascular obliteration of lesion of intracranial vasculature", "颅内血管损伤的血管内封堵术" ], "1230339007": [ "Referral to job center", "Referral to employment center", "Referral to employment centre", "Referral to job centre", "转介至就业中心" ], "116227008": [ "Incisional biopsy of stomach", "胃切开活检" ], "442072000": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture dislocation of joint and internal fixation of joint", "关节骨折脱位一期闭合复位及关节内固定" ], "229080003": [ "Exercise regime", "锻炼制度" ], "65240009": [ "Obstetrical version", "产科版" ], "391085004": [ "Activated partial thromboplastin time ratio", "活化部分凝血活酶时间比率" ], "79789005": [ "Open repair of major bronchial fistula", "Open repair of fistula of bronchus", "Closure of fistula of bronchus", "支气管瘘闭合", "大支气管瘘的开放式修复", "支气管瘘开放式修补术" ], "63405007": [ "Trocar biopsy of bone", "套管针骨活检" ], "307330001": [ "Esophagectomy and interposition reconstruction", "Oesophagectomy and interposition reconstruction", "食管切除术和中间重建" ], "225410006": [ "Level 1 observation", "一级观察" ], "176258007": [ "Open prostatectomy", "Open excision prostate", "开放性前列腺切除术", "开放式前列腺切除术" ], "12418009": [ "Intermediate transfer of pedicle flap", "带蒂皮瓣中间转移" ], "1208450009": [ "Sinoscopy of maxillary sinus via canine fossa", "Antroscopy of maxillary sinus via canine fossa", "经犬齿窝上颌窦镜检查" ], "74284004": [ "Diverticulectomy of esophagus", "Dahlman operation, excision of esophageal diverticulum", "Excision of diverticulum of esophagus", "Excision of diverticulum of oesophagus", "Diverticulectomy of oesophagus", "Dahlman operation, excision of oesophageal diverticulum", "达尔曼手术,切除食管憩室", "Dahlman 手术,切除食管憩室", "食管憩室切除术" ], "57900006": [ "Costotransversectomy", "肋横突切除术" ], "236289000": [ "Final stage terminalizing-urethra tube operation", "Final stage terminalising-urethra tube operation", "Nicolle hypospadias repair - second stage", "Byars hypospadias repair - second stage", "Bracka hypospadias repair - second stage", "Nicolle 尿道下裂修复术 - 第二阶段", "Byars 尿道下裂修复术 - 第二阶段", "终末尿道管手术", "Bracka 尿道下裂修复术 - 第二阶段" ], "252673001": [ "Small intestine permeability study", "小肠通透性研究" ], "367361003": [ "Patch repair of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘的补片修复" ], "105217003": [ "Isopropanol measurement", "Isopropyl alcohol measurement", "异丙醇测量" ], "121601004": [ "Hydroxybupropion measurement", "羟基安非他酮测量" ], "711425007": [ "CT of sinus of abdomen and pelvis", "Computed tomography of sinus of abdomen and pelvis", "腹部和盆腔窦的计算机断层扫描", "腹部及盆腔窦 CT" ], "709590000": [ "Ultrasound scan of perineum", "Ultrasonography of perineum", "Ultrasound of perineum", "会阴超声扫描", "会阴超声检查" ], "23297007": [ "Catalase test", "过氧化氢酶检测" ], "119766003": [ "Heart reconstruction", "心脏重建" ], "168918009": [ "Hip arthrogram", "Arthrogram of coxofemoral joint", "髋关节造影", "髋股关节造影" ], "773291002": [ "Biopsy of abdomen using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of abdomen", "透视引导下腹部活检", "使用荧光透视引导进行腹部活检" ], "117931004": [ "Purkinje cells antibody assay", "Measurement of Purkinje cell antibody", "浦肯野细胞抗体测定", "浦肯野细胞抗体的测量" ], "167083005": [ "Plasma random triglyceride level", "Plasma random triglyceride measurement", "血浆随机甘油三酯测量", "血浆随机甘油三酯水平" ], "412843006": [ "Blood cystatin C measurement", "Blood cystatin C level", "血液胱抑素C测量", "血液胱抑素C水平" ], "183467009": [ "Neurology emergency hospital admission", "神经内科急诊入院" ], "52395009": [ "Ligation of splenic artery", "脾动脉结扎" ], "445611009": [ "Assessment of peripheral cannula site", "Assessment of peripheral intravenous catheter site", "外周静脉导管部位评估", "外周插管部位评估" ], "83328003": [ "Biopsy of umbilicus", "脐活检" ], "1017216005": [ "Laparoscopic total excision of right kidney", "Laparoscopic total nephrectomy of right kidney", "腹腔镜右肾全切除术" ], "1230208007": [ "Tru-cut needle biopsy of thyroid", "甲状腺穿刺活检" ], "32341006": [ "Removal of skull tongs", "移除颅骨钳" ], "704085007": [ "Laparoscopic repair of strangulated ventral hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下修补嵌顿性腹壁疝" ], "177962003": [ "Creation of omental flap", "Omentoplasty", "网膜瓣的建立", "网膜成形术" ], "390954004": [ "CSF: angiotensin-converting enzyme level", "Cerebrospinal fluid: angiotensin-converting enzyme level", "脑脊液:血管紧张素转换酶水平" ], "833322005": [ "Pedicle vascularized bone graft to carpal bone", "Pedicle vascularised bone graft to carpal bone", "带蒂血管化骨移植至腕骨" ], "735018007": [ "Repair of right ureter", "修复右侧输尿管" ], "225279000": [ "Multiple bone marrow aspiration", "多次骨髓穿刺" ], "700415000": [ "Pediatric surgery care management", "Paediatric surgery care management", "小儿外科护理管理" ], "61439002": [ "Incision of congenital septum of uterus", "先天性子宫中隔切开术" ], "274431004": [ "Therapeutic aspiration of spermatocele", "精液囊肿的治疗性抽吸" ], "241663008": [ "Vascular MRI", "Vascular magnetic resonance imaging", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of vessels", "Magnetic resonance imaging of vessels", "Magnetic resonance angiography", "磁共振血管造影", "血管磁共振成像", "血管磁共振成像(MRI)" ], "716799009": [ "Assessment using Face Arm Speech Test", "Assessment using FAST (Face Arm Speech Test)", "使用 FAST(面臂言语测试)进行评估", "使用面臂言语测试进行评估" ], "223444001": [ "Advice to seek attention", "Recommendation to seek attention", "建议寻求关注", "寻求关注的建议" ], "1255636001": [ "Midwife consultation", "Consultation with midwife", "助产士咨询", "咨询助产士" ], "305364003": [ "Admission to clinical physiology department", "临床生理学系入学" ], "420052009": [ "US scan of lower abdomen", "Ultrasound scan of lower abdomen", "下腹部超声扫描", "下腹部超声波扫描" ], "385449002": [ "Procedure on tonsils", "Procedure on tonsil", "扁桃体手术" ], "88702001": [ "Suture of infrapatellar tendon, primary", "髌下肌腱缝合,主要" ], "449150003": [ "Endoscopic destruction of lesion of bile duct", "内镜胆管病变毁损术" ], "6782004": [ "Methylene blue plating test", "亚甲蓝电镀试验" ], "105086006": [ "Bolasterone measurement", "勃拉斯特酮测量" ], "252542008": [ "Direct calorimetry", "直接量热法" ], "121470008": [ "Butyl alcohol measurement", "丁醇测量" ], "21331002": [ "Arthrotomy of knee with joint exploration and biopsy", "膝关节切开术及关节探查和活检" ], "236158008": [ "Percutaneous puncture of kidney for upper tract urodynamics", "经皮肾穿刺上尿路动力学检查" ], "250707004": [ "Globulin measurement", "球蛋白测量" ], "432766009": [ "Percutaneous embolization of hepatic vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of hepatic vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮肝静脉栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮肝静脉栓塞术" ], "234323002": [ "External drainage of splenic lesion", "脾脏病变外引流" ], "70483004": [ "Excision of tumor from shoulder area, deep, subfascial", "Excision of tumour from shoulder area, deep, subfascial", "切除肩部、深部、筋膜下肿瘤", "切除肩部深层筋膜下肿瘤" ], "773160000": [ "Laparoscopic TEP (totally extraperitoneal) hernioplasty using synthetic mesh for recurrent femoral hernia", "Laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal repair of recurrent femoral hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic TEP (totally extraperitoneal) repair of recurrent femoral hernia using synthetic mesh", "腹腔镜全腹膜外合成网片修补复发性股疝", "腹腔镜全腹膜外手术 (TEP) 使用合成网片修复复发性股疝", "腹腔镜 TEP(完全腹膜外)疝修补术,使用合成网片治疗复发性股疝" ], "35880001": [ "Antibody elution, ether", "抗体洗脱,乙醚" ], "609320006": [ "Education about probiotic therapy", "益生菌治疗教育" ], "412712007": [ "Referral to sexually transmitted infections clinic", "Referral to STD clinic", "转诊至性传播感染诊所", "转诊至性病诊所" ], "117800007": [ "Echovirus 3 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human echovirus 3 antibody", "人类埃可病毒 3 型抗体测量", "埃可病毒 3 型抗体检测" ], "3112006": [ "Restraint removal", "解除束缚" ], "232488007": [ "Packing procedures to nose and nasopharynx", "鼻腔和鼻咽填塞手术" ], "179666007": [ "Revision to closed reduction of dislocation and skin traction", "脱位闭合复位及皮肤牵引术的修订" ], "64978007": [ "Radionuclide therapy for hyperthyroidism", "甲状腺功能亢进的放射性核素治疗" ], "359890009": [ "Fundoplication", "胃底折叠术" ], "439975002": [ "Taking an impression for creation of custom surgical obturator prosthesis", "取模以制作定制手术闭孔假体" ], "390823002": [ "Mental health functional therapies", "心理健康功能疗法" ], "13991004": [ "Repair of ileovesical fistula", "回膀胱瘘的修复" ], "79527007": [ "Fitting of prosthesis above knee", "Fitting of prosthesis or prosthetic device above knee", "膝盖以上安装假肢", "膝上假肢或假肢装置的安装" ], "405372000": [ "Revision of upper limb vascular prosthesis", "上肢血管假体的修复" ], "241532000": [ "CT sialogram", "Computed tomography sialogram", "计算机断层扫描唾液腺造影", "CT唾液腺造影" ], "782204001": [ "Superficial radiation therapy", "SRT - superficial radiation therapy", "SRT-- 浅表放射治疗", "浅表放射治疗" ], "225148005": [ "Surgical debridement of wound", "手术清创伤口" ], "388988006": [ "Resection of elbow joint", "Arthrectomy of elbow", "Excision of elbow joint", "肘关节切除术" ], "239697000": [ "Trimming of plaster cast", "修整石膏模型" ], "418086000": [ "Contrast sensitivity perimetry", "对比敏感度视野检查" ], "24870003": [ "Extension of mandibular ridge", "下颌骨嵴延伸" ], "303398005": [ "Electrocoagulation of lesion - small intestine", "Coagulation of lesion of small intestine using electrical energy", "Electrocoagulation of lesion of small intestine", "电能凝固小肠病变", "病变电凝术-小肠", "小肠损伤电凝治疗" ], "712998006": [ "Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy using robotic assistance", "Robot assisted laparoscopic radical nephrectomy", "机器人辅助腹腔镜根治性肾切除术", "使用机器人辅助的腹腔镜根治性肾切除术" ], "252411000": [ "Anti-staphylococcus titer test", "Anti-staphylococcus titre test", "抗葡萄球菌滴度试验" ], "121339004": [ "Endotoxin identification", "内毒素鉴定" ], "104955007": [ "Terminal deoxyribonucleotidyl transferase measurement", "Tdt - Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase level", "Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase level", "Tdt-末端脱氧核苷酸转移酶水平", "末端脱氧核苷酸转移酶水平", "末端脱氧核糖核苷酸转移酶测量" ], "432635009": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of axilla", "Ultrasonography of axilla", "腋窝超声检查" ], "1217232005": [ "Endoscopy of sphenoid sinus", "蝶窦内窥镜检查" ], "609189000": [ "Endoscopic destruction of tissue of pancreatic duct", "内镜胰管组织破坏术" ], "84901007": [ "Anesthesia for any procedure on thyroid", "Anaesthesia for any procedure on thyroid", "任何甲状腺手术的麻醉" ], "117669007": [ "Benzylhydrazine measurement", "苄肼测量" ], "392527002": [ "Staphylococcal enterotoxin D specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rm224 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Staphylococcal enterotoxin D specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "葡萄球菌肠毒素D特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rm224 特异性IgE抗体测量", "葡萄球菌肠毒素D特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "408911006": [ "Enteral feeding assessment", "Assess enteral feeding", "评估肠内喂养", "肠内喂养评估" ], "718372000": [ "Assessment using Clinical Dementia Rating", "Assessment using CDR (Clinical Dementia Rating)", "使用临床痴呆症评分进行评估", "使用 CDR(临床痴呆症评分)进行评估" ], "46628001": [ "Incision and exploration of breast", "乳房切开探查" ], "15695009": [ "Stimulation test", "刺激试验" ], "439844007": [ "Reduction and reconstruction of craniomegalic skull with incision of bone of cranium", "Reduction and reconstruction of craniomegalic skull with craniotomy", "颅骨切开术治疗巨颅症", "开颅手术对巨颅进行复位重建" ], "175865001": [ "Microsurgical repair vein", "显微外科修复静脉" ], "241401004": [ "Radionuclide bone study first pass", "放射性核素骨研究首次通过" ], "44793005": [ "Excision of lesion of fallopian tube", "输卵管病变切除术" ], "1222606000": [ "Continuous mandatory ventilation", "CMV- continuous mandatory ventilation", "CMV-- 持续指令通气", "持续指令通气" ], "10190003": [ "Aortocoronary bypass of four or more coronary arteries", "Cardiac revascularization with bypass aortocoronary anastomosis of four coronary vessels", "Cardiac revascularisation with bypass aortocoronary anastomosis of four coronary vessels", "心脏血运重建术及四条冠状动脉旁路主动脉冠状动脉吻合术", "四条冠状动脉旁路主动脉冠状动脉吻合术心脏血运重建", "四条或更多冠状动脉的主动脉冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "174030005": [ "Gastrocnemius recession", "腓肠肌萎缩" ], "305102007": [ "Therapeutic wrist stretching", "治疗性腕部伸展" ], "239566008": [ "Excision of pedicle of vertebra", "椎弓根切除术" ], "170360002": [ "Second smallpox vaccination", "Second smallpox immunization", "Second smallpox immunisation", "Administration of second dose of smallpox vaccine", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Vaccinia virus antigen", "注射第二剂仅含痘苗病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第二次天花疫苗接种", "接种第二剂天花疫苗", "第二次天花免疫" ], "104824002": [ "N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfatase measurement", "N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulphatase measurement", "N-乙酰半乳糖胺-6-硫酸酶测量", "N-乙酰半乳糖胺-6-硫酸酯酶测量" ], "711032008": [ "Maintaining use of raised edge mattress", "保持使用凸边床垫" ], "1004109000": [ "Assessment of goals to achieve food security", "实现粮食安全的目标评估" ], "252280008": [ "Intrinsic coagulation pathway screening", "Intrinsic coagulation system screening", "内在凝血系统筛查", "内在凝血途径筛查" ], "86605003": [ "Microbial growth rate, moderate", "微生物生长速度,中等" ], "397901004": [ "Pre-existing line accessed", "In situ line accessed", "已访问现有线路", "现场线路访问" ], "447053005": [ "Oxaliplatin desensitisation therapy", "Oxaliplatin desensitization therapy", "奥沙利铂脱敏治疗" ], "102989007": [ "Eyes closed straight line walking", "Eyes closed straight line walking test", "闭眼直线步行试验", "闭眼直线行走" ], "709197008": [ "Endoscopic insertion of stent into bile duct", "内窥镜胆管支架置入" ], "168525009": [ "Postoperative course of radiotherapy", "术后放射治疗过程" ], "789282001": [ "Cholinesterase genotype determination", "Butyrylcholinesterase genotype determination", "胆碱酯酶基因型测定", "丁酰胆碱酯酶基因型测定" ], "68386008": [ "Removal of foreign body of trunk", "躯干异物取出" ], "183074009": [ "Advice to rest in bed", "Recommendation to rest in bed", "Recommendation to stay in bed", "Advice to stay in bed", "建议卧床休息" ], "133922009": [ "Grieving support", "悲伤支持" ], "312311004": [ "Replacement of ascending aorta", "升主动脉置换术" ], "179404000": [ "Conversion to cemented unicompartmental knee replacement", "转换为骨水泥型单髁膝关节置换术" ], "443383009": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography using radiolabeled octreotide", "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography using radiolabelled octreotide", "SPECT CT using radiolabeled octreotide", "SPECT CT using radiolabelled octreotide", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描与放射性标记奥曲肽的计算机断层扫描", "使用放射性标记奥曲肽进行 SPECT CT", "使用放射性标记奥曲肽的 SPECT CT", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描与使用放射性标记奥曲肽的计算机断层扫描" ], "228556004": [ "Room management technique", "客房管理技巧" ], "310476005": [ "Suturing of tricuspid valve", "Oversewing of tricuspid valve", "三尖瓣缝合术" ], "62881002": [ "Removal of cardiac pacemaker", "Removal of permanent pacemaker", "Removal of pacemaker device", "移除心脏起搏器", "移除永久性心脏起搏器", "移除起搏器装置" ], "439713005": [ "Suture of nerve with mobilisation", "Suture of nerve with mobilization", "神经缝合及活动", "缝合神经并进行活动" ], "243105005": [ "Continent urinary diversion care education", "大陆尿流改道护理教育" ], "406945007": [ "Vital new red stain method", "Vital new red stain", "维特新红染色法", "活力新红斑" ], "30113009": [ "Removal of foreign body of anterior chamber of eye by incision", "切开法取出眼前房异物" ], "274038002": [ "Repair of hydrocele", "鞘膜积液修复" ], "241270002": [ "Peripheral graft arteriogram", "Peripheral graft patency study", "Arteriography of peripheral artery graft", "Angiography of peripheral artery graft", "外周移植动脉造影", "外周动脉移植造影", "外周移植通畅性研究", "外周动脉移植血管造影" ], "44662004": [ "Femoral-femoral artery vascular bypass", "股-股动脉血管搭桥术" ], "306806004": [ "Advice to continue with drug treatment", "Advice to continue taking drug", "Advice to continue taking medication", "Recommendation to continue with drug treatment", "建议继续服药", "继续药物治疗的建议", "建议继续药物治疗", "继续服药的建议" ], "388726001": [ "Piper nigrum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Black pepper specific IgE antibody measurement", "f280 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Piper nigrum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "黑胡椒特异性IgE抗体测定", "黑胡椒特异性IgE抗体测量", "f280特异性IgE抗体测量", "黑胡椒特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "173899000": [ "Partial jejunectomy and anastomosis of duodenum to colon", "部分空肠切除及十二指肠至结肠吻合术" ], "1288011001": [ "Endoluminal gastroplication for gastroesophageal reflux disease", "ELGP (endoluminal gastroplication) for GORD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)", "ELGP (endoluminal gastroplication) for GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)", "Endoluminal gastroplication for gastro-oesophageal reflux disease", "ELGP (endoluminal gastroplication) for GERD (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease)", "ELGP (endoluminal gastroplication) for GORD (gastro-oesophageal reflux disease)", "ELGP(腔内胃折叠术)治疗 GERD(胃食管反流病)", "ELGP(腔内胃折叠术)治疗胃食管反流病(GORD)", "腔内胃折叠术治疗胃食管反流病" ], "239435000": [ "Decompression of joint", "关节减压" ], "1156939003": [ "MR sodium spectroscopy of whole body", "Magnetic resonance sodium spectroscopy of whole body", "全身磁共振钠波谱分析" ], "450592000": [ "Excision of lesion of wall of heart", "Excision of lesion of cardiac wall", "心壁病变切除术" ], "761888001": [ "PACT (Parents and Children Together) phonological intervention", "Parents and Children Together phonological intervention", "PACT(父母与孩子共同参与)语音干预", "父母与孩子一起进行语音干预" ], "303136004": [ "Ligation of testicular vein", "睾丸静脉结扎" ], "1220640005": [ "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography guided biopsy of lesion of ampulla of Vater with contrast", "Biopsy of lesion of ampulla of Vater using endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography guidance with contrast", "Biopsy of lesion of ampulla of Vater using ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) guidance with contrast", "使用 ERCP(内镜逆行胰胆管造影术)引导对壶腹部病变进行活检", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影引导下壶腹部病变穿刺活检", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影引导下Vater壶腹部病变活检" ], "8224008": [ "Surgical occlusion of intracranial artery", "Cerebral artery operative occlusion", "颅内动脉闭塞手术", "脑动脉闭塞手术" ], "432373001": [ "Biopsy of hip using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Biopsy of hip using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行髋关节活检" ], "301301002": [ "Flexible cystoscopy", "Fibreoptic cystoscopy", "Fiberoptic cystoscopy", "纤维膀胱镜检查", "柔性膀胱镜检查" ], "104693000": [ "Glucosylceramidase measurement", "葡萄糖神经酰胺酶测量" ], "170229004": [ "Referral of child to school nurse", "将孩子转介给学校护士" ], "448757004": [ "Angulation osteotomy of diaphysis and external fixation", "骨干成角截骨术及外固定" ], "71925008": [ "Lingual thyroidectomy by submental route", "经颏下入路舌侧甲状腺切除术" ], "268533009": [ "Sterilization education", "Sterilisation education", "消毒教育", "绝育教育" ], "88309008": [ "Repair of blood vessel with tissue patch graft of vein, autogenous or homograft", "Grafting of blood vessel with tissue patch of vein, autogenous or homograft", "用自体或同种静脉组织片移植血管", "使用自体或同种静脉组织补片移植修复血管" ], "22773009": [ "Open curettage of bladder", "Open curettage of urinary bladder", "膀胱切开刮除术" ], "446922003": [ "Endoscopic excision of lesion of internal nose", "Endoscopic excision of intranasal lesion", "内镜切除鼻内病变", "内镜鼻内病变切除术" ], "250314004": [ "Platelet haematocrit", "Platelet hematocrit measurement", "Platelet hematocrit", "Pct - Platelet haematocrit", "Pct - Platelet hematocrit", "Plateletcrit", "Plateletcrit measurement", "血小板压积", "血小板比容测定", "Pct-血小板比容", "血小板比容", "血小板压积测定", "Pct - 血小板比容" ], "430538008": [ "Tamponade of anterior nasal bleeding using urinary catheter", "使用导尿管填塞前鼻出血" ], "182943003": [ "Iodine-goiter prophylaxis", "Iodine-goitre prophylaxis", "Prophylaxis for goiter due to iodine deficiency", "Prophylaxis for goitre due to iodine deficiency", "Administration of prophylactic iodine for iodine deficiency goitre", "Administration of prophylactic iodine for iodine deficiency goiter", "预防性碘治疗缺碘性甲状腺肿", "预防因碘缺乏引起的甲状腺肿", "碘甲状腺肿预防" ], "68255004": [ "Open heart valvuloplasty of tricuspid valve without replacement", "无需置换的三尖瓣开胸瓣膜成形术" ], "426868006": [ "Removal of transobturator tape", "移除经闭孔胶带" ], "443252008": [ "Measurement of Bunyaviridae antibody", "Measurement of bunyavirus antibody", "布尼亚病毒抗体测定" ], "179273007": [ "Removal of implanted substance from bone", "从骨骼中取出植入物" ], "306675001": [ "Discharge from vascular surgery service", "血管外科手术出院" ], "241139001": [ "Gastrointestinal tract contrast procedure", "胃肠道造影检查" ], "406814009": [ "Benzo fast scarlet stain method", "Benzo fast scarlet stain", "苯并快速猩红染色法", "苯并猩红染色" ], "716275008": [ "Screening for adolescent health", "Adolescent health screen", "青少年健康筛查" ], "419528000": [ "US scan and drainage of upper abdomen", "Ultrasound scan and drainage of upper abdomen", "上腹部超声扫描和引流", "上腹部超声波扫描及引流" ], "386760001": [ "Topical local anaesthetic", "Topical local anesthetic", "Application of local anaesthetic", "Application of local anesthetic", "Local anesthesia, surface", "Local anaesthesia, surface", "局部麻醉的应用", "局部麻醉", "局部麻醉药", "局部麻醉,表面", "局部麻醉剂的应用" ], "239304007": [ "Osteotomy for correction of bony deformity", "截骨术矫正骨骼畸形" ], "450461000": [ "Subtotal excision of colon and creation of colonic pouch", "结肠次全切除及结肠袋建立" ], "8093000": [ "Transureteroureterostomy", "Crossed ureteroureterostomy", "Transuretero-ureterostomy", "TUU - Transuretero-ureterostomy", "输尿管交叉造口术", "TUU-- 输尿管造口术", "输尿管造口术" ], "57245002": [ "Pylorostomy", "幽门造口术" ], "401309004": [ "Plasma antithrombin III antigen level", "血浆抗凝血酶III抗原水平" ], "432242002": [ "Endoscopy of ureter using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下输尿管内窥镜检查" ], "22642004": [ "Bacterial bacteriophage typing", "Phage typing", "噬菌体分型", "细菌噬菌体分型" ], "710770006": [ "Identification of risk of haemorrhage", "Identification of risk of hemorrhage", "识别出血风险" ], "71794007": [ "Marsupialization of splenic cyst", "Marsupialisation of splenic cyst", "脾囊肿袋形成形术" ], "104562009": [ "Calcitonin challenge tests", "Calcitonin stimulation panel", "降钙素激发试验", "降钙素刺激小组" ], "446791005": [ "Debridement of ankle region", "踝部清创术" ], "250183005": [ "Human leukocyte antigen DRB4 genotype determination", "Human leucocyte antigen DRB4 genotype", "Human leukocyte antigen DRB4 genotype", "Human leucocyte antigen DRB4 genotype determination", "HLA-DRB4 - Human leucocyte antigen DRB4 genotype", "HLA-DRB4 - Human leukocyte antigen DRB4 genotype", "DR beta 4 chain", "DR beta 4 链", "人类白细胞抗原DRB4基因型测定", "HLA-DRB4 - 人类白细胞抗原 DRB4 基因型", "人类白细胞抗原 DRB4 基因型" ], "1231388000": [ "Assessment of knowledge of complementary therapy", "Assessing knowledge of complementary therapy", "评估补充疗法的知识", "补充疗法知识评估" ], "18972001": [ "Formation of artificial anus", "人工肛门的形成" ], "313884000": [ "120 minute plasma TSH measurement", "120 minute plasma TSH level", "Measurement of plasma thyroid stimulating hormone concentration 120 minutes after challenge", "120 分钟血浆 TSH 水平", "120 分钟血浆 TSH 测量", "激发后 120 分钟测量血浆促甲状腺激素浓度" ], "51740003": [ "Sphenoid sinusotomy with removal of polyp", "蝶窦切开术切除息肉" ], "608796004": [ "Open repair of femoral hernia", "股疝开放式修补术" ], "37191009": [ "Wedge osteotomy of radius", "桡骨楔形截骨术" ], "69959009": [ "Anesthesia for colporrhaphy", "Anaesthesia for colporrhaphy", "阴道缝合术麻醉" ], "397639009": [ "Fish specific IgE antibody measurement", "Fish specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鱼类特异性 IgE 抗体测定", "鱼类特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "35356006": [ "Biopsy of soft tissue of upper arm, superficial", "上臂浅表软组织活检" ], "426737000": [ "Endoscopic serial drainage of amniotic fluid for twin-twin transfusion syndrome", "内镜连续羊水引流治疗双胎输血综合征" ], "753006": [ "Manipulation of ankle AND foot", "踝部和足部的矫正" ], "410353007": [ "Safety case management", "安全案例管理" ], "1293254000": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of trunk", "躯干软组织普通X光检查" ], "392134007": [ "Care regimes management", "Manage health care", "护理制度管理", "管理医疗保健" ], "768966009": [ "Collection of device tip", "Collection of tip of device", "收集设备提示", "装置尖端的收集" ], "79003003": [ "Suture of ligament", "韧带缝合" ], "306544000": [ "Discharge by community-based occupational therapist", "Discharge by community occupational therapist", "社区职业治疗师出院" ], "241008001": [ "Partial ablation of nail matrix", "部分切除指甲基质" ], "781680002": [ "Assessment using Medical Outcomes Study 20-item Short Form Health Survey", "Assessment using MOS SF-20 (Medical Outcomes Study 20-Item Short Form) Health Survey", "使用 MOS SF-20(医学结果研究 20 项简表)健康调查进行评估", "使用医疗结果研究 20 项简明健康调查表进行评估" ], "372080003": [ "Radioisotope scan of parathyroid", "甲状旁腺放射性同位素扫描" ], "388464003": [ "Tree pollen specific IgE antibody measurement", "Tree pollen specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "树木花粉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "树木花粉特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "1142128007": [ "Medium chain triglyceride modified diet", "中链甘油三酯改良饮食" ], "175472009": [ "Branches of abdominal aorta operations", "腹主动脉手术分支" ], "173637002": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic laser destruction of lesion of oesophagus", "Fiberoptic endoscopic laser destruction of lesion of esophagus", "纤维内镜激光毁损食管病变" ], "108101003": [ "Obstetrics incision", "产科切口" ], "763461006": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of basilic vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "Fluoroscopic venogram of basilic vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "贵要静脉造影及金属支架植入术", "贵要静脉造影术及金属支架植入术" ], "7962001": [ "Ethosuximide measurement", "乙琥胺测量" ], "171802005": [ "Enucleation of peripheral nerve", "周围神经剜除术" ], "450330005": [ "Removal of tunnelled central venous catheter", "Removal of tunneled central venous catheter", "移除隧道式中心静脉导管", "隧道式中心静脉导管移除" ], "432111000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of ankle with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of ankle with contrast", "MRI of ankle with contrast", "踝关节磁共振成像(MRI)对比", "踝关节增强 MRI", "踝关节磁共振成像对比" ], "301039001": [ "Primary open wire fixation of fracture", "骨折一期开放钢丝固定" ], "708804002": [ "Insertion of totally implantable infusion pump", "完全植入式输液泵的插入" ], "168132005": [ "Microscopy, culture and sensitivities", "Microscopy, culture and susceptibility", "MC&S - Microscopy, culture and sensitivities", "显微镜检查、培养和敏感性", "MC&S - 显微镜检查、培养和敏感性", "显微镜检查、培养和易感性" ], "69828006": [ "Organic acid screen, quantitative", "有机酸筛查,定量" ], "444825000": [ "Repair of partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection by direct anomalous vein anastomosis to right atrium and insertion of baffle to direct pulmonary venous flow to left atrium", "通过直接异位静脉吻合术修复部分异位肺静脉连接,使其与右心房相连,并插入挡板将肺静脉血流引导至左心房" ], "2457001": [ "Blind rehabilitation therapy", "Blind and partially sighted rehabilitation - vocational training", "Blind rehabilitation", "盲人康复", "盲人康复治疗", "盲人和视力不佳者康复 - 职业培训" ], "51609001": [ "Construction of artificial pharyngeal valve", "人工咽瓣的构建" ], "313753005": [ "Plasma threonine level", "Plasma threonine measurement", "血浆苏氨酸测量", "血浆苏氨酸水平" ], "428441009": [ "Insertion of spacer into lumbar interspinous process", "将垫块插入腰椎棘突间" ], "17006003": [ "Replacement of urinary catheter", "更换导尿管" ], "180846004": [ "Harvest digit", "收获数字" ], "410222007": [ "Positioning therapy management", "Manage positioning therapy", "Positioning case management", "定位治疗管理", "管理定位治疗", "定位案例管理" ], "768835002": [ "Depression care management", "抑郁症护理管理" ], "392003006": [ "Colposcopy", "阴道镜检查" ], "439320000": [ "Screening for drug of abuse in meconium", "筛查胎粪中的药物滥用" ], "177176001": [ "Trial of vacuum delivery", "真空分娩试验" ], "259096003": [ "Scalp pH measurement", "Scalp pH", "头皮酸碱度", "头皮 pH 值测量" ], "373784005": [ "Dispensing medication", "配药" ], "44269004": [ "Curette evacuation of lens", "刮除晶状体" ], "175341006": [ "Release of vascular ring of aorta", "主动脉血管环释放" ], "306413007": [ "Discharge by immunopathologist", "免疫病理学家出院" ], "288194000": [ "Routine episiotomy and repair", "常规会阴切开术和修复" ], "763330001": [ "Repair of left cleft lip with rotation advancement flap", "旋转推进皮瓣修复左唇裂" ], "386498002": [ "Domestic partner abuse prevention", "Abuse protection support: domestic partner", "预防家庭伴侣虐待", "虐待保护支持:同居伴侣" ], "173506005": [ "Percutaneous biopsy of major salivary gland", "Percutaneous biopsy of salivary gland", "经皮涎腺活检", "经皮大涎腺活检" ], "26050006": [ "Suture of old obstetrical laceration of vagina", "Repair of old obstetrical pelvic floor laceration", "陈旧性产科阴道裂伤缝合术", "陈旧性产科盆底裂伤的修复" ], "9666005": [ "Esophagocolic anastomosis, antesternal or antethoracic", "Esophagocolostomy, antesternal or antethoracic", "Oesophagus to colon anastomosis, antesternal or antethoracic", "Anastomosis of esophagus, antesternal or antethoracic, with interposition of colon", "Esophagus to colon anastomosis, antesternal or antethoracic", "Oesophagocolic anastomosis, antesternal or antethoracic", "Oesophagocolostomy, antesternal or antethoracic", "Anastomosis of oesophagus, antesternal or antethoracic, with interposition of colon", "食管至结肠吻合术,胸骨前或胸骨前", "食管结肠造口术,胸骨前或胸骨前", "食管结肠吻合术,胸骨前或胸骨前", "食管吻合术,胸骨前或胸骨前,中间插入结肠" ], "58818008": [ "Excision of lesion from abdominal artery", "腹部动脉病变切除术" ], "1304002009": [ "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and full thickness resection of duodenum", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and full thickness resection of duodenum", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及十二指肠全层切除术" ], "304578009": [ "ADL - Supervision whilst performing activity of daily living", "ADL - Supervision while performing activity of daily living", "Supervision while performing activity of daily living", "Supervision whilst performing activity of daily living", "进行日常生活活动时的监督", "ADL - 进行日常生活活动时的监督" ], "171671002": [ "Exploration of optic nerve (II)", "视神经探查(二)" ], "417431007": [ "Ligamentous articular strain technique", "Ligamentous articular strain treatment method", "LAS (ligamentous articular strain) technique", "韧带关节拉伤技术", "LAS(韧带关节拉伤)技术", "韧带关节劳损治疗方法" ], "448364000": [ "Harvesting of metacarpal bone", "掌骨采集" ], "235372001": [ "Rehbein procedure", "雷拜因手术" ], "38764003": [ "Embolectomy of aorta", "Removal of embolus of aorta", "主动脉栓塞清除术", "主动脉栓塞切除术" ], "430145000": [ "Education about infant stimulation at 5-8 months", "5-8个月婴儿刺激教育" ], "431980009": [ "Injection of knee using ultrasound guidance", "Injection of knee using ultrasound (US) guidance", "使用超声引导进行膝盖注射", "使用超声(US)引导进行膝盖注射" ], "233537001": [ "Pulmonary artery catheter insertion via subclavian vein", "经锁骨下静脉插入肺动脉导管" ], "118849003": [ "Procedure on retroperitoneum", "腹膜后手术" ], "69697006": [ "Reduction of open coccygeal fracture", "尾骨开放性骨折复位" ], "313622001": [ "Urine alanine level", "Urine alanine measurement", "尿液丙氨酸水平", "尿液丙氨酸测量" ], "84246003": [ "Injection of thyroid", "甲状腺注射" ], "182550007": [ "Physiotherapy manipulation", "物理治疗手法" ], "117014008": [ "Quantitative urine culture, 1:1000 dilution", "Quantitative microbial urine culture at 1:1000 dilution", "1:1000 稀释定量微生物尿液培养", "定量尿液培养,1:1000 稀释" ], "231702007": [ "Biopsy of extraocular muscle", "Biopsy of eye muscle", "眼外肌活检", "眼肌活检" ], "410091003": [ "Ostomy care education", "Teach ostomy care", "Stoma care education", "造口护理教育", "教授造口护理" ], "426475004": [ "Insertion of iris retractors", "Insertion of iris hooks", "插入虹膜牵开器", "插入虹膜钩" ], "180715005": [ "Harvest of split skin for graft", "切取裂皮用于移植" ], "311787008": [ "Management of choking", "窒息管理" ], "408256007": [ "Porcine inhibitor activity", "猪抑制剂活性" ], "47808008": [ "Z-plasty of hypopharynx", "下咽部 Z 形成形术" ], "10361000132103": [ "Endoscopic cauterization of polyp of colon", "Endoscopic cauterisation of polyp of colon", "Hot biopsy", "热活检", "内镜结肠息肉烧灼术" ], "308117007": [ "Antianginal therapy", "抗心绞痛治疗" ], "13205008": [ "Transvaginal echography", "Transvaginal ultrasound scan", "经阴道超声扫描", "经阴道超声检查" ], "78741009": [ "Antibody to Crithidia luciliae measurement", "绿蝇短膜虫抗体测定" ], "699498007": [ "Destruction of tissue of skin", "皮肤组织破坏" ], "386367000": [ "Mutual goal setting", "共同设定目标" ], "306282009": [ "Referral to sexually transmittable diseases physician", "Referral to genitourinary physician", "转诊至泌尿生殖科医生", "转诊至性传播疾病医生" ], "76906009": [ "History and physical examination, known or suspected contact", "病史和体格检查,已知或疑似接触" ], "288063002": [ "Joint capsule excision", "关节囊切除" ], "107839007": [ "Cardiovascular system endoscopy", "心血管系统内窥镜检查" ], "304447008": [ "Interferential to elbow", "肘部干扰" ], "173375009": [ "Reconstruction of tongue with microvascular transferred flap", "Reconstruction of tongue with free flap", "显微血管转移瓣舌修复术", "游离皮瓣舌重建术" ], "122388001": [ "Herpes simplex virus 1 culture", "单纯疱疹病毒 1 型培养" ], "171540003": [ "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of ventricle of brain", "内镜脑室病变摘除术" ], "433684007": [ "Fluoroscopic transfemoral hepatic venography with contrast", "Fluoroscopic transfemoral venography of hepatic vein with contrast", "经股静脉肝静脉造影", "荧光透视经股动脉肝静脉造影" ], "302612008": [ "Pharyngeal reconstruction with distant flap", "远端皮瓣咽部重建术" ], "431849000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of brachial plexus with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brachial plexus with contrast", "MRI of brachial plexus with contrast", "臂丛神经增强磁共振成像", "臂丛神经增强 MRI", "臂丛神经增强磁共振成像 (MRI)" ], "87785000": [ "Retrograde pyelography of both renal pelvises", "Retrograde pyelography of bilateral renal pelvises", "双侧肾盂逆行肾盂造影" ], "235241003": [ "Insertion of prosthesis into stomach", "将假体插入胃内" ], "5865004": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of toe", "趾关节脱位切开复位术" ], "104169006": [ "Nucleic acid separation method", "核酸分离方法" ], "284393006": [ "Examination of joint", "关节检查" ], "118718002": [ "Procedure on skin", "皮肤手术" ], "233406003": [ "Insertion of thoracic aorta stent", "胸主动脉支架置入术" ], "315326006": [ "Sigmoid colectomy with anastomosis", "乙状结肠切除及吻合术" ], "231571004": [ "Correction of telecanthus by Z-plasty", "通过 Z 形整形术矫正眼外眦" ], "38641000087100": [ "Repair of hallux valgus of left foot", "左足拇外翻矫正术" ], "428179006": [ "Replacement of aortic root", "主动脉根部置换术" ], "14321000087100": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of left lower extremity blood vessel", "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of left lower limb", "Doppler ultrasound of vascular structure of left lower limb", "左下肢血管结构多普勒超声检查", "左下肢血管多普勒超声检查" ], "36081000087104": [ "Repair of multiple tears of right rotator cuff", "Repair of multiple tears of rotator cuff of right shoulder", "右肩袖多处撕裂的修复" ], "2801000087105": [ "MRI of bilateral brachial plexuses", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral brachial plexuses", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both brachial plexuses", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right brachial plexus", "左、右臂丛磁共振成像", "双侧臂丛磁共振成像", "双侧臂丛 MRI" ], "9201000087101": [ "Plain X-ray of left upper limb", "左上肢普通X光检查" ], "313491006": [ "Serum arginine level", "Serum arginine measurement", "血清精氨酸测量", "血清精氨酸水平" ], "772243009": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent spigelian hernia using biological mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using biological mesh with fascial closure for recurrent spigelian hernia", "腹腔镜疝修补术使用生物网片结合筋膜闭合治疗复发性疝", "腹腔镜下使用生物网片结合筋膜闭合术修复复发性疝" ], "13041000087109": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of aorta and femoral artery", "Doppler ultrasound scan of aorta and femoral artery", "Doppler ultrasound of aorta and femoral artery", "主动脉和股动脉多普勒超声扫描", "主动脉和股动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "1521000087105": [ "CT of right shoulder with contrast", "Computed tomography of right shoulder with contrast", "右肩增强 CT", "右肩增强计算机断层扫描" ], "426344007": [ "Imaging guided transluminal occlusion of colorectal fistula", "影像引导下结肠直肠瘘腔内封堵术" ], "719421000": [ "Fluoroscopic arteriography of posterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic angiography of posterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic angiogram of posterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriogram of posterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "胫后动脉造影及支架置入荧光血管造影", "胫后动脉造影及支架置入术", "用造影剂插入支架进行胫后动脉荧光造影" ], "64061001": [ "Capsulectomy of wrist", "腕关节囊切除术" ], "311656001": [ "Facilitation of speech", "促进言语" ], "178749005": [ "Correction of spinal deformity and instrumentation", "脊柱畸形矫正及内固定" ], "45842000": [ "Repair of retroperitoneal tissue", "腹膜后组织修复" ], "176914002": [ "Right salpingo-oophorectomy", "RSO - Right salpingo-oophorectomy", "RSO-- 右侧输卵管卵巢切除术", "右侧输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "275218004": [ "Pyeloscopy", "肾盂镜检查" ], "307986005": [ "Surgical biopsy of parathyroid", "甲状旁腺手术活检" ], "226066006": [ "Work analysis", "Task analysis", "任务分析", "工作分析" ], "439058005": [ "Home visit for care and maintenance of urinary catheter", "导尿管护理及维护上门服务" ], "306151002": [ "Referral to public health service", "Referral to community medicine service", "Refer to public health", "转介至社区医疗服务", "参考公共卫生", "转诊至公共卫生服务" ], "287932001": [ "Endoscopic crushing of both fallopian tubes", "Endoscopic crushing of bilateral fallopian tubes", "内镜下双侧输卵管挤压术" ], "386236004": [ "Circulatory care: arterial insufficiency", "循环系统护理:动脉功能不全" ], "302481001": [ "Excision of thoracic intervertebral disc", "Thoracic discectomy", "胸椎间盘切除术" ], "40337001": [ "Crushing of sympathetic nerve", "Sympatheticotripsy", "交感神经受到挤压", "交感神经阻断术" ], "122257003": [ "Rotavirus culture", "轮状病毒培养" ], "271548009": [ "Alkaline phosphatase liver isoenzyme measurement", "Alkaline phosphatase liver isoenzyme level", "碱性磷酸酶肝同工酶测定", "肝脏碱性磷酸酶同工酶水平" ], "171409007": [ "Individual health examination", "个人健康检查" ], "56721008": [ "Epidural lumbar injection of blood patch", "Injection of autologous whole blood into lumbar spinal epidural space", "自体全血注射入腰椎硬膜外腔", "腰椎硬膜外注射血液补丁" ], "169574001": [ "Antenatal care: 2nd pregnancy", "Antenatal care of 2nd pregnancy", "Antenatal care of second pregnancy", "第二次怀孕的产前护理", "二胎产前护理", "产前护理:第二次怀孕" ], "236945008": [ "Antepartum obstetric procedure", "产前产科手术" ], "431718004": [ "Injection of thrombin using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Injection of thrombin using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下注射凝血酶", "在超声引导下注射凝血酶" ], "38502004": [ "Intracranial aneurysmectomy with anastomosis", "颅内动脉瘤切除吻合术" ], "104038005": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Cromer system (ISBT 021)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Cromer system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 021)", "克罗默系统红细胞抗原抗体的鉴定(国际输血协会 021)", "鉴定克罗默系统红细胞抗原抗体 (ISBT 021)" ], "710246008": [ "Encouragement to perform positive affirmation", "Encouraging positive affirmation", "鼓励做出积极肯定", "鼓励积极肯定" ], "233275000": [ "Angioplasty of common iliac artery", "CIA - Balloon angioplasty of the common iliac artery", "髂总动脉成形术", "CIA-髂总动脉球囊血管成形术" ], "429883000": [ "Biopsy of cartilage", "软骨活检" ], "53051003": [ "Manual arts therapy", "手法艺术治疗" ], "315195007": [ "Taenia thalophilus antibody level", "嗜绦虫抗体水平" ], "32997000": [ "Excisional biopsy of joint structure of foot and toe", "Biopsy of joint structure of foot and toe", "足趾关节结构活检", "足趾关节结构切除活检" ], "772112009": [ "Laparoscopic spigelian hernioplasty using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic repair of spigelian hernia using synthetic mesh", "使用合成网片进行腹腔镜疝修补术", "腹腔镜下合成网片修补疝" ], "229605005": [ "Non-weight-bearing gait re-education on stairs", "Non-weight-bearing gait training on stairs", "楼梯非负重步态训练", "楼梯非负重步态再教育" ], "63930002": [ "Replacement of prosthesis of fallopian tube", "输卵管假体置换术" ], "309690003": [ "Injection of triamcinolone into nail bed", "将曲安奈德注射到指甲床中" ], "113082004": [ "Porphobilinogen measurement, qualitative, urine", "Watson-Schwartz test", "尿液胆色素原定性测量", "沃森-施瓦茨检验" ], "178618008": [ "Primary lumbar discectomy", "Primary removal of lumbar intervertebral disc", "Primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc", "原发性腰椎间盘切除术", "腰椎间盘初次摘除术", "腰椎间盘初次切除术" ], "276922008": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of subclavian artery", "经皮锁骨下动脉内膜切除术" ], "80314008": [ "Sensory testing", "感官测试" ], "719290008": [ "Repair of umbilical hernia using surgical mesh", "Umbilical hernioplasty", "使用外科网片修补脐疝", "脐疝修补术" ], "406159004": [ "Referral to maxillofacial surgeon", "转诊至颌面外科医生" ], "373391005": [ "Surgical ocular refractive procedure", "Refractive surgery", "眼部屈光手术", "屈光手术" ], "27492002": [ "Full thickness graft of skin to skin of lip", "唇部全层皮肤移植" ], "306020007": [ "Referral by paediatric surgeon", "Referral by pediatric surgeon", "Referral from paediatric surgeon", "Referral from pediatric surgeon", "儿科医生转诊" ], "205881001": [ "Arthrotomy with removal of foreign body of metatarsophalangeal joint", "跖趾关节切开术及异物取出术" ], "42041003": [ "Percutaneous extraction of kidney stone with fragmentation procedure", "Percutaneous removal of kidney calculus with ultrasound fragmentation", "Percutaneous nephrolithotomy with disintegration of calculus", "经皮超声碎石取石术", "经皮肾结石碎裂取出术", "经皮肾镜碎石术" ], "173113003": [ "Endoscopic aspiration below trachea using rigid bronchoscope", "Bronchial suction via rigid bronchoscope", "Rigid bronchoscopic aspiration below trachea using rigid bronchoscope", "使用硬质支气管镜进行气管下方硬质支气管镜抽吸", "使用硬质支气管镜进行气管下方内镜抽吸", "经硬质支气管镜进行支气管抽吸" ], "271417003": [ "Open operations on semilunar cartilage", "Open operation on knee meniscus", "膝关节半月板开放手术", "半月软骨开放手术" ], "91193004": [ "Hearing therapy", "Communication enhancement: hearing deficit", "沟通增强:听力障碍", "听力治疗" ], "58425005": [ "Surgical closure of tracheostomy with plastic repair", "气管切开术整形修复手术" ], "1187086002": [ "Robotic assisted endoscopic transaxillary esophageal diverticulectomy with myotomy", "Robotic assisted endoscopic transaxillary oesophageal diverticulectomy with myotomy", "Transaxillary endoscopic diverticulectomy of esophagus with myotomy using robotic assistance", "Transaxillary endoscopic diverticulectomy of oesophagus with myotomy using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助内镜腋窝食管憩室切除术及肌切开术", "机器人辅助腋窝内镜食管憩室切除术及肌切开术" ], "302350006": [ "Repositioning of salivary duct", "Diversion of salivary duct", "Transposition of salivary duct", "涎管转位", "涎管复位", "涎管改道术" ], "169443000": [ "Preventive procedure", "Prophylaxis", "Preventative treatment", "Preventive treatment", "Prophylactic treatment", "Prevention", "预防", "预防性治疗", "预防程序" ], "103907000": [ "Le^a^ blood group typing", "Le^a^血型分型" ], "447971000": [ "Removal of external fixation device from mandible", "移除下颌骨外固定装置" ], "417038009": [ "Referral for dialysis", "转诊进行透析" ], "431587004": [ "Cementoplasty of glenoid using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下进行关节盂骨水泥成形术" ], "122126009": [ "Thermoactinomyces candidus antibody assay", "Measurement of Thermoactinomyces candidus antibody", "嗜热放线菌抗体测定", "白炽嗜热放线菌抗体测定" ], "54755008": [ "Destruction of lesion of eye", "眼部损伤破坏" ], "52920001": [ "Bilateral blepharoplasty of lower eyelids", "Blepharoplasty of bilateral lower eyelids", "Blepharoplasty of both lower eyelids", "双下眼睑整形术", "双下眼睑成形术", "双侧下眼睑整形术" ], "118456002": [ "Subcutaneous tenotomy", "皮下肌腱切断术" ], "233144004": [ "Construction of conduit - pulmonary trunk to right pulmonary artery", "导管建设 - 肺动脉干至右肺动脉" ], "437321000124104": [ "Decreased iodine diet", "减少碘饮食" ], "231309000": [ "Skin infiltration of neurolytic substance", "神经溶解物质皮肤浸润" ], "1148813002": [ "Assessment of barriers in inadequate housing care plan", "评估住房护理计划不充分的障碍" ], "67469003": [ "Testing of internal jugular-subclavian venous reflux", "颈内-锁骨下静脉回流检测" ], "229474001": [ "Elbow stretching", "肘部伸展" ], "391479001": [ "Plasma renin level", "血浆肾素水平" ], "14647008": [ "Excision of trochanteric lipomatosis", "股骨转子脂肪瘤切除术" ], "112951008": [ "Removal of peripheral neurostimulator receiver", "移除外周神经刺激器接收器" ], "176652003": [ "Incision of introitus of vagina", "阴道介入的切口" ], "717324004": [ "Assessment using Attributional Style Questionnaire", "Assessment using ASQ (Attributional Style Questionnaire)", "使用归因风格问卷进行评估", "使用 ASQ(归因风格问卷)进行评估" ], "174817005": [ "Correction of tetralogy of Fallot using right ventricular outflow patch", "右心室流出道补片矫正法洛四联症" ], "10977006": [ "Endocervical biopsy", "宫颈管活检" ], "271286004": [ "Serum neurotensin measurement", "Serum neurotensin level", "血清神经降压素水平", "血清神经降压素测量" ], "172982005": [ "Haemostasis of pharynx", "Hemostasis of pharynx", "咽部止血" ], "385974006": [ "Equipment safety management", "Manage equipment safety", "设备安全管理", "管理设备安全" ], "121995001": [ "Ebola virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Ebolavirus antibody", "埃博拉病毒抗体测量", "埃博拉病毒抗体检测" ], "449675003": [ "Closure of upper limb", "上肢闭合" ], "415072000": [ "Percutaneous thromboendarterectomy", "经皮动脉血栓内膜切除术" ], "171147008": [ "Screening for intestinal helminthiasis", "肠道蠕虫病筛查" ], "120160005": [ "Thorax manipulation", "胸部调整" ], "234848009": [ "Placement of orthodontic archwire", "正畸弓丝的放置" ], "446005002": [ "Assessment using large Allen cognitive level screen", "使用大型 Allen 认知水平屏幕进行评估" ], "183861004": [ "Referral to postnatal clinic", "转诊至产后诊所" ], "233013005": [ "Excision of right atrial myxoma", "右心房粘液瘤切除术" ], "1052213009": [ "Cystourethroscopy with left ureteral meatotomy", "膀胱尿道镜检查及左侧输尿管口切开术" ], "67338003": [ "Cardiac catheterization, left heart, transseptal", "Cardiac catheterisation, left heart, transseptal", "心导管插入术,左心,经房间隔" ], "231178004": [ "Local anesthetic posterior tibial nerve block", "Local anaesthetic posterior tibial nerve block", "Posterior tibial nerve block", "局部麻醉胫后神经阻滞", "胫后神经阻滞" ], "16351001": [ "Synovectomy of carpometacarpal joint", "Excision of carpometacarpal joint synovium", "腕掌关节滑膜切除术" ], "180191005": [ "Injection of gamma globulin", "注射丙种球蛋白" ], "129204000": [ "Procedure on tarsal bone", "跗骨手术" ], "391348001": [ "Urine EDDP level", "Urine 2-ethylidene-1,5-dimethyl-3,3-diphenylpyrrolidine level", "尿液 EDDP 水平", "尿液 2-亚乙基-1,5-二甲基-3,3-二苯基吡咯烷水平" ], "63668003": [ "Prophylactic treatment of clavicle with methyl methacrylate", "甲基丙烯酸甲酯预防性治疗锁骨" ], "1290633001": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of lower limb", "下肢骨普通X光检查" ], "78217005": [ "Dorsolumbar spinal fusion with Harrington rod", "Insertion of Harrington rod for dorsolumbar fusion", "Insertion of Harrington rod for thoracolumbar fusion", "Thoracolumbar spinal fusion with Harrington rod", "插入哈灵顿杆进行背腰椎融合", "哈灵顿棒背腰椎融合术", "胸腰椎融合术(采用哈灵顿棒)", "插入哈灵顿杆进行胸腰椎融合术" ], "29065006": [ "Sigmoidotomy", "乙状结肠切开术" ], "717193008": [ "Cone beam computed tomography", "Cone beam CT", "锥形束计算机断层扫描", "锥形束CT" ], "225673009": [ "Listening for feedback whistle of hearing aid", "聆听助听器的反馈啸叫" ], "698974003": [ "Insertion of single incision mid-urethral mini-sling", "插入单切口中段尿道微型吊带" ], "387678005": [ "External obstetrical version", "External version to assist delivery", "External version of fetus", "External version of foetus", "外部版本协助交付", "外部产科版本", "胎儿外部版本" ], "303923003": [ "US scan of soft tissues of arm", "Ultrasound scan of soft tissues of arm", "手臂软组织超声扫描", "手臂软组织超声波扫描" ], "287539003": [ "Excision of skin lesion for histology", "切除皮肤病变进行组织学检查" ], "9011005": [ "Haptoglobin measurement, electrophoresis", "结合珠蛋白测量,电泳" ], "396171000119100": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of thoracic spine without contrast", "MRI of thoracic spine without contrast", "无造影剂胸椎磁共振成像", "胸椎 MRI 无造影" ], "16440971000119103": [ "Deep fine needle aspiration biopsy using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided deep fine needle aspiration biopsy", "超声引导下深部细针穿刺活检" ], "90931006": [ "Introduction of catheter into carotid artery", "将导管插入颈动脉" ], "385843008": [ "Urine specimen care education", "Teach urine specimen care", "尿液标本护理教育", "教导尿液标本护理" ], "252936002": [ "Investigations for female infertility", "Investigations for female fertility", "女性不孕症检查", "女性生育能力检查" ], "383371000119108": [ "Computed tomography of head without contrast", "CT of head without contrast", "头部 CT 无增强扫描", "头部无造影计算机断层扫描" ], "121864007": [ "Tetrahydrocorticosterone measurement", "四氢皮质酮测量" ], "72712009": [ "Internal fixation of tibia and fibula without fracture reduction", "胫腓骨骨折未复位内固定" ], "185565001": [ "Child immunisation - third default recall", "Child immunization - third default recall", "儿童免疫接种——第三次违约召回", "儿童免疫接种 - 第三次违约召回" ], "169181004": [ "Hormone radioassay - parathyroid", "激素放射测定-甲状旁腺" ], "234717005": [ "Application of subgingival dressing", "龈下敷料的应用" ], "70877005": [ "Urethral augmentation", "尿道扩张" ], "1332445007": [ "Excision of sequestrum of bone of sternum", "Sequestrectomy of sternum", "胸骨死骨切除术" ], "431325008": [ "Reduction of corticosteroid dosage", "Reducing dose of steroid", "减少皮质类固醇剂量", "减少类固醇剂量" ], "120029008": [ "Vas deferens destructive procedure", "输精管破坏性手术" ], "265650002": [ "Frozen section microscopically controlled excision of lesion of skin of head or neck", "头部或颈部皮肤病变的冰冻切片显微切除术" ], "232882002": [ "Repair of atrioventricular valve", "房室瓣修复" ], "708018005": [ "Assessment using congestive heart failure, hypertension, age 2, diabetes mellitus, stroke 2 - vascular disease, age, sex category score", "评估采用充血性心力衰竭、高血压、年龄 2、糖尿病、中风 2 - 血管疾病、年龄、性别类别评分" ], "312967000": [ "Excision biopsy of lesion of skin of head or neck", "头部或颈部皮肤病变切除活检" ], "231047001": [ "Connective tissue decompression of spinal nerve root", "脊神经根结缔组织减压术" ], "165511009": [ "Differential white blood cell count procedure", "Differential white blood cell count", "白细胞分类计数", "白细胞分类计数程序" ], "771719009": [ "Open repair of epigastric hernia using sutures", "使用缝合线进行开放式上腹疝修补术" ], "442204006": [ "Radionuclide study of nasal mucociliary clearance", "鼻黏膜纤毛清除的放射性核素研究" ], "229212007": [ "Creative dance therapy", "创意舞蹈治疗" ], "868188006": [ "Assessment using Children's Global Assessment Scale", "Assessment using CGAS (Children's Global Assessment Scale)", "使用儿童总体评估量表进行评估", "使用 CGAS(儿童总体评估量表)进行评估" ], "112689000": [ "Hospital admission, elective, with complete pre-admission work-up", "选择性住院,并进行完整的入院前检查" ], "702513003": [ "Computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and lumbar spine", "CT of abdomen, pelvis and lumbar spine", "腹部、骨盆和腰椎 CT", "腹部、骨盆和腰椎的计算机断层扫描" ], "178225006": [ "Local muscle subcutaneous pedicle island flap", "局部肌肉皮下带蒂岛状皮瓣" ], "440369006": [ "Evaluation of oral stage deglutition and pharyngeal stage deglutition", "Evaluation of oral stage swallowing and pharyngeal stage swallowing", "口期吞咽和咽期吞咽的评估" ], "243761009": [ "Provision for addition to foot orthosis", "提供足部矫形器的附加功能" ], "78086002": [ "Holding patient", "抱抱病人" ], "61702004": [ "Repair of vulva", "外阴修复" ], "176390004": [ "Panendoscopy of urinary tract", "全泌尿道内镜检查" ], "1290502005": [ "Immobilization of spine using vacuum mattress", "Immobilisation of spine using vacuum mattress", "Vacuum mattress spinal immobilization", "Vacuum mattress spinal immobilisation", "真空床垫脊柱固定", "使用真空床垫固定脊柱" ], "27099004": [ "Repair of retroperitoneal hernia", "腹膜后疝修补术" ], "10715004": [ "Arthroplasty of distal radius with prosthetic replacement", "桡骨远端关节置换术及假体置换" ], "172720005": [ "Tympanotomy using permeatal approach", "经耳道入路鼓室切开术" ], "1155760007": [ "Care of wound due to malignant neoplastic disease", "Care of malignant wound", "恶性伤口的护理", "恶性肿瘤伤口的护理" ], "121733000": [ "2-Methoxyethanol measurement", "2-甲氧基乙醇测量" ], "385712009": [ "Ostomy care", "Ostomy care treatments and procedures", "造口护理治疗和程序", "造口护理" ], "433029000": [ "Nephrostomy using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Nephrostomy using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided nephrostomy", "CT引导下肾造口术", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行肾造口术", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肾造口术" ], "238256008": [ "Re-exploration of abdomen", "Re-exploration intra-abdominal operation site", "Reexploration of abdomen", "Reexploration intra-abdominal operation site", "重新探索腹腔内手术部位", "腹部再探查", "再次探查腹腔内手术部位", "腹部再次探查" ], "105349000": [ "Trimeperidine measurement", "三甲利定测量" ], "303792008": [ "Thoracic contrast procedure", "胸腔造影术" ], "119898000": [ "Rectum injection", "直肠注射" ], "88965008": [ "Muscular endurance development exercise", "Endurance exercises", "肌肉耐力发展练习", "耐力练习" ], "54362002": [ "Removal of intraocular foreign body from anterior segment of eye", "眼前节异物取出术" ], "169050005": [ "Cineradiography - joints", "电影放射摄影 - 关节" ], "87130007": [ "Total facial nerve repair", "全面神经修复" ], "429359000": [ "Revision of plastic repair of truncal valve", "动脉瓣整形修复术" ], "36143002": [ "Myectomy", "Excision of muscle", "Resection of muscle", "肌肉切除", "肌切除术" ], "68911004": [ "Duodenojejunostomy", "Anastomosis of duodenum to jejunum", "十二指肠空肠吻合术" ], "118063005": [ "HIV 2 gp120 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 gp120 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 glycoprotein 120 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型糖蛋白 120 抗体的测量", "HIV 2 gp120 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 2 gp120 抗体检测" ], "52527007": [ "Intelligence test/S-B", "Stanford-Binet test", "斯坦福-比奈测验", "智力测试/S-B" ], "232751008": [ "Operation on mitral chordae tendinae", "Operation on mitral chords", "Operation on mitral cords", "二尖瓣手术" ], "134447009": [ "Hantavirus IgG level", "Hantavirus immunoglobulin G level", "汉坦病毒免疫球蛋白 G 水平", "汉坦病毒 IgG 水平" ], "116228003": [ "Excisional biopsy of lesion of stomach", "胃部病变切除活检" ], "17924004": [ "Percutaneous implantation of neurostimulator electrodes into autonomic nerve", "经皮植入神经刺激器电极至自主神经" ], "230916003": [ "Endovascular obliteration of intracranial aneurysm", "颅内动脉瘤的血管内封堵术" ], "443908009": [ "Excision of part of rectum by perineal approach", "Partial proctectomy by perineal approach", "经会阴入路切除部分直肠", "经会阴入路直肠部分切除术" ], "179929004": [ "Examination of joint under image intensifier", "影像增强器下关节检查" ], "229081004": [ "Belfast regime", "贝尔法斯特政权" ], "736985008": [ "Removal of internal spinal fixation system", "拆除脊柱内固定系统" ], "391086003": [ "Serum M2 antibody level", "血清 M2 抗体水平" ], "440238005": [ "Laparoscopic repair of paravaginal defect", "腹腔镜修补阴道旁缺损" ], "866222008": [ "Computed tomography arthrography of bilateral temporomandibular joints", "CT arthrography of bilateral temporomandibular joints", "双侧颞下颌关节CT造影", "双侧颞下颌关节计算机断层扫描" ], "307331002": [ "Oesophagectomy and jejunal interposition", "Esophagectomy and jejunal interposition", "食管切除术和空肠插入术" ], "225411005": [ "Levels of observation", "观察层次" ], "287277008": [ "Indirect heart revascularisation", "Indirect heart revascularization", "间接心脏血运重建" ], "88834003": [ "Surgical construction of shunt", "Fistulization", "Bypass", "Construction of shunt", "Fistulisation", "Shunt construction", "Diversion", "分流管的外科构建", "分流器的构造", "导流", "瘘管", "瘘管形成", "旁路", "分流结构" ], "121602006": [ "Hydroxyethylflurazepam measurement", "羟乙基氟西泮测量" ], "432898007": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of thoracic spine", "Ultrasonography of thoracic spine", "胸椎超声检查" ], "105218008": [ "Isotretinoin measurement", "异维甲酸测量" ], "236290009": [ "Revision of hypospadias repair", "尿道下裂修复术" ], "168919001": [ "Double contrast arthrography", "双重对比关节造影" ], "1284866007": [ "Counseling about relaxation technique", "Counselling about relaxation technique", "放松技巧咨询" ], "252674007": [ "Radionuclide small intestine permeability study", "放射性核素小肠通透性研究" ], "711426008": [ "Localization of lesion of breast and axilla using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided localisation of lesion of breast and axilla", "Ultrasonography guided localisation of lesion of breast and axilla", "Ultrasonography guided localization of lesion of breast and axilla", "Ultrasound guided localization of lesion of breast and axilla", "Localisation of lesion of breast and axilla using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下乳房及腋窝病变定位", "超声引导下乳房及腋窝病变的定位", "超声引导下乳腺及腋窝病变的定位" ], "709591001": [ "Drainage of liver using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of liver", "透视引导下肝脏引流", "在荧光透视引导下进行肝脏引流" ], "119767007": [ "Heart valve injection", "心脏瓣膜注射" ], "412844000": [ "Urine free catecholamine measurement", "Urine free catecholamine level", "尿液游离儿茶酚胺测定", "尿液游离儿茶酚胺水平" ], "167084004": [ "Plasma fasting triglyceride measurement", "Plasma fasting triglyceride level", "血浆空腹甘油三酯测量", "血浆空腹甘油三酯水平" ], "232620005": [ "Construction of neoglottis", "Staffieri technique", "斯塔菲尔技术", "新声门的构造" ], "183468004": [ "Urology emergency hospital admission", "泌尿外科急诊入院" ], "117932006": [ "Pyruvate dehydrogenase antibody assay", "Measurement of pyruvate dehydrogenase antibody", "丙酮酸脱氢酶抗体测定", "丙酮酸脱氢酶抗体检测" ], "1017217001": [ "Laparoscopic total excision of left kidney", "Laparoscopic total nephrectomy of left kidney", "腹腔镜左肾全切除术" ], "773292009": [ "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of stent into trachea", "Insertion of stent into trachea using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下将支架插入气管", "在荧光透视引导下将支架插入气管" ], "312705004": [ "Removal of retained lens matter", "清除晶状体残留物" ], "1230209004": [ "Revision of THR (total hip replacement) with allograft of bone", "Revision of total replacement of hip joint with allograft of bone", "Revision of THA (total hip arthroplasty) with allogeneic bone graft", "Revision of total arthroplasty of hip joint with allogeneic bone graft", "Revision of THR (total hip replacement) with allogeneic bone graft", "Revision of total arthroplasty of hip joint with allograft of bone", "Revision of THA (total hip arthroplasty) with allograft of bone", "Revision of total replacement of hip joint with allogeneic bone graft", "利用同种异体骨移植进行全髋关节置换术 (THR) 翻修", "采用同种异体骨移植进行全髋关节置换术 (THA) 翻修", "同种异体骨移植全髋关节置换术", "利用同种异体骨移植修复全髋关节置换术 (THR)", "采用同种异体骨移植进行全髋关节置换术 (THA) 的修复" ], "1197441007": [ "Ultrasound scan of kidney with contrast", "Ultrasound of kidney with contrast", "Ultrasonography of kidney with contrast", "肾脏超声造影扫描", "肾脏造影超声检查" ], "704086008": [ "Laparoscopic repair of strangulated ventral hernia", "腹腔镜修补术治疗绞窄性腹疝" ], "718635002": [ "Assessment using Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation Learning Disabilities", "Assessment using CORE - LD (Clinical Outcomes in Routine Evaluation - Learning Disabilities)", "使用 CORE - LD(常规评估中的临床结果 - 学习障碍)进行评估", "使用临床结果进行常规评估学习障碍的评估" ], "390955003": [ "Plasma albumin level", "血浆白蛋白水平" ], "735019004": [ "Reimplantation of left ureter", "左侧输尿管再植术" ], "405504004": [ "Femoro-tibio-peroneal artery bypass for repair of aneurysm using vein", "股骨胫腓动脉搭桥术利用静脉修复动脉瘤" ], "700416004": [ "Pediatric care", "Paediatric care", "儿科护理" ], "274432006": [ "Therapeutic aspiration of ovary", "卵巢治疗性穿刺" ], "223445000": [ "Advice to come to unit", "Recommendation to come to unit", "建议前往单位", "建议来单位" ], "305365002": [ "Admission to dermatology department", "皮肤科入院" ], "1255637005": [ "Group consultation with midwife", "与助产士进行团体会诊" ], "385450002": [ "Operation on tonsils", "Operation on tonsil", "Tonsil operation", "扁桃体手术" ], "713130008": [ "Assessment of diabetic foot ulcer", "糖尿病足溃疡的评估" ], "236159000": [ "Endoscopic operation on ureteric orifice", "输尿管口内镜手术" ], "432767000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of adrenal gland with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of adrenal gland with contrast", "MRI of adrenal gland with contrast", "肾上腺增强磁共振成像(MRI)", "肾上腺增强 MRI", "肾上腺磁共振成像对比" ], "252543003": [ "Indirect calorimetry", "间接量热法" ], "449151004": [ "Endoscopic excision of lesion of bile duct", "内镜胆管病变切除术" ], "105087002": [ "Boldenone measurement", "宝丹酮测量" ], "121471007": [ "Butorphanol measurement", "布托啡诺测定" ], "23167008": [ "Esophagotomy by thoracic approach", "Oesophagotomy by thoracic approach", "经胸入路食管切开术" ], "86868001": [ "Aortoiliofemoral vascular bypass", "Aortoiliofemoral shunt", "Aorta-iliac-femoral vascular bypass", "主动脉-髂动脉-股动脉血管搭桥术", "主动脉髂股分流术", "主动脉髂股血管旁路术" ], "170623007": [ "Excisional biopsy of nerve", "神经切除活检" ], "1217364000": [ "Plication of linea alba", "白线皱褶" ], "725844001": [ "Assessment using PDAQ-15 (Penn Parkinson's Daily Activities Questionnaire-15)", "Assessment using Penn Parkinson's Daily Activities Questionnaire-15", "使用 PDAQ-15(宾夕法尼亚大学帕金森日常活动问卷-15)进行评估", "使用宾夕法尼亚大学帕金森日常活动问卷-15 进行评估" ], "134185000": [ "Accident prevention", "预防意外" ], "773161001": [ "Laparoscopic TEP (totally extraperitoneal) hernioplasty using synthetic mesh for recurrent inguinal hernia", "Laparoscopic TEP (totally extraperitoneal) repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic totally extraperitoneal repair of recurrent inguinal hernia using synthetic mesh", "腹腔镜全腹膜外合成网片修补复发性腹股沟疝", "腹腔镜 TEP(完全腹膜外)疝修补术,使用合成网片治疗复发性腹股沟疝", "腹腔镜全腹膜外手术(TEP)使用合成网片修复复发性腹股沟疝" ], "234324008": [ "Fine needle aspiration of lesion of spleen", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of lesion of spleen", "FNA (fine needle aspiration) of lesion of spleen", "脾脏病变细针穿刺 (FNA)", "脾脏病变细针穿刺", "脾脏病变细针穿刺活检" ], "35881002": [ "Anesthesia for arthroscopic procedure of elbow joint", "Anaesthesia for arthroscopic procedure of elbow joint", "肘关节镜手术麻醉" ], "232489004": [ "Packing of nasal cavity and nasopharynx", "鼻腔及鼻咽填塞" ], "609321005": [ "Endoscopic bilateral occlusion of fallopian tubes using intrafallopian implants", "Hysteroscopic sterilisation by tubal cannulation and placement of intrafallopian implants", "Hysteroscopic sterilization by tubal cannulation and placement of intrafallopian implants", "宫腔镜输卵管绝育术及输卵管内植入物植入", "内镜下输卵管内植入物双侧输卵管阻塞术" ], "117801006": [ "Echovirus 30 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human echovirus 30 antibody", "埃可病毒 30 抗体检测", "人类埃可病毒 30 抗体的测量" ], "166953005": [ "Serum ethosuximide measurement", "Serum ethosuximide level", "血清乙琥胺水平", "血清乙琥胺测量" ], "1278003": [ "Open reduction of closed shoulder dislocation with fracture of greater tuberosity", "闭合性肩关节脱位合并大结节骨折的切开复位治疗" ], "17662004": [ "Filleting", "切片" ], "427262005": [ "Incision of tissue in atria", "心房组织切开术" ], "1179091002": [ "Nipple-sparing mastectomy via lateral radial incision and reconstruction of breast", "NSM (nipple-sparing mastectomy) via LR (lateral radial) incision and reconstruction of breast", "Nipple-sparing excision of breast via lateral radial incision and reconstruction of breast", "经侧放射状切口保留乳头的乳房切除术及乳房重建", "经侧放射状切口行保留乳头的乳房切除术及乳房重建", "通过 LR(侧放射状)切口进行 NSM(保留乳头的乳房切除术)并重建乳房" ], "179667003": [ "Revision to closed reduction of dislocation and skeletal traction", "脱位闭合复位及骨牵引术" ], "48595005": [ "Cytopathology procedure, filtering of smear, nongenital source", "细胞病理学检查,涂片过滤,非生殖器来源" ], "245203008": [ "Total excision of mandible", "Total mandibulectomy", "下颌骨全切除", "全下颌骨切除术" ], "439976001": [ "Measurement of recirculation in haemodialysis vascular access", "Measurement of recirculation in hemodialysis vascular access", "血液透析血管通路再循环的测量" ], "359891008": [ "Amniotic fluid pulmonary surfactant test", "羊水肺表面活性物质检测" ], "177832005": [ "Percutaneous biopsy of lesion of pleura", "经皮胸膜病变活检" ], "390824008": [ "Mental health support groups - staff facilitated", "心理健康支持小组 - 工作人员协助" ], "225149002": [ "Debridement of wound with topical agent", "使用外用药物清创伤口" ], "388989003": [ "Chondrectomy of elbow", "肘部软骨切除术" ], "110461004": [ "Adjunctive care", "Adjunctive care procedure", "辅助护理", "辅助护理程序" ], "405373005": [ "Abdominal vascular prosthesis thrombectomy", "腹部血管假体血栓切除术" ], "241533005": [ "CT parotid sialogram", "Computed tomography parotid sialogram", "CT腮腺造影", "计算机断层扫描腮腺涎液造影" ], "370770001": [ "Acting as individual patient advocate", "Patient advocacy", "Advocating for individual patient", "Acts as a patient advocate", "患者权益", "倡导个体患者", "充当患者代言人", "担任个人患者代言人" ], "59474001": [ "Reduction of open mandibular fracture with manipulation and with external fixation", "Manual reduction of open fracture of mandible with external fixation", "用手法和外固定复位开放性下颌骨骨折", "下颌骨开放性骨折手法复位外固定" ], "239698005": [ "Repair of plaster cast", "石膏修复" ], "174162006": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of colon", "结肠病变开放活检" ], "419922007": [ "Examination of depth of respiration", "呼吸深度检查" ], "74023000": [ "Teleradiotherapy of 1 to 25 MEV protons", "Teleradiotherapy of 1 to 25 mega electronvolt protons", "External beam radiation therapy of 1 to 25 mega electronvolt protons", "External beam radiation therapy of 1 to 25 MEV (mega electronvolt) protons", "1 至 25 兆电子伏特质子的远程放射治疗", "1 至 25 MEV(兆电子伏)质子的外部放射治疗", "1 至 25 MEV 质子的远程放射治疗", "1 至 25 兆电子伏特质子的外束放射治疗" ], "57639000": [ "Resection of lesion of bladder", "Excision of lesion of urinary bladder", "膀胱病变切除术" ], "712999003": [ "Palliative debulking of tumor for symptom relief", "Palliative debulking of tumour for symptom relief", "Palliative debulking of neoplasm for symptom relief", "姑息性肿瘤减瘤手术以缓解症状" ], "90407005": [ "Evaluation of psychiatric state of patient", "患者精神状态评估" ], "88572002": [ "Injection of alcohol into nerve", "将酒精注射到神经中" ], "55804002": [ "History and physical examination, administrative", "病史和体格检查,行政" ], "121340002": [ "Fluorocarbon identification", "氟碳鉴别" ], "432636005": [ "Administration of measles and mumps and rubella and varicella virus vaccine", "Measles and mumps and rubella and varicella virus immunisation", "Measles and mumps and rubella and varicella virus vaccination", "Measles and mumps and rubella and varicella virus immunization", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Human alphaherpesvirus 3 and Measles morbillivirus and Mumps orthorubulavirus and Rubella virus antigens", "接种仅含有人类疱疹病毒 3 型、麻疹病毒、腮腺炎病毒和风疹病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘病毒免疫", "麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘病毒免疫接种", "接种麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘病毒疫苗", "麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘病毒疫苗接种" ], "252412007": [ "Dairy food test", "乳制品检测" ], "23036009": [ "Open reduction of fracture of radius and ulna", "桡骨及尺骨骨折切开复位术" ], "265126000": [ "Osteotomy of first metatarsal neck", "第一跖骨颈截骨术" ], "70353009": [ "Transplantation of ureter", "输尿管移植" ], "183206000": [ "Colostomy aid education", "结肠造口辅助教育" ], "117670008": [ "Dechlorane measurement", "脱氯烷测量" ], "609190009": [ "Endoscopic destruction of tissue of urethra", "内镜尿道组织破坏术" ], "228688003": [ "Californium 252 brachytherapy", "锎252近距离放射治疗" ], "81232004": [ "Radical cystoprostatectomy", "根治性膀胱前列腺切除术" ], "408912004": [ "Parenteral feeding assessment", "Assess parenteral feeding", "肠外喂养评估", "评估肠外喂养" ], "392528007": [ "Rm226 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome enterotoxin specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Staphylococcal enterotoxin TSST (toxic shock syndrome toxin) specific IgE antibody measurement", "葡萄球菌肠毒素 TSST(中毒性休克综合征毒素)特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "葡萄球菌中毒性休克综合征肠毒素特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rm226 特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "261456008": [ "Transverse palmar incision", "横掌切口" ], "13861005": [ "Biopsy of bone", "骨活检" ], "175866000": [ "Reconstruction vein using vein graft", "使用静脉移植重建静脉" ], "44794004": [ "Incision of atrium of heart", "Atriotomy", "心房切开术" ], "419791000": [ "US scan and aspiration of pelvis", "Ultrasound scan and aspiration of pelvis", "骨盆超声扫描和穿刺", "超声扫描和骨盆穿刺" ], "305103002": [ "Therapeutic hand stretching", "治疗性手部伸展" ], "712868000": [ "Abdominal paracentesis using ultrasonographic guidance", "Puncture and aspiration of abdomen using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided paracentesis of abdomen", "Ultrasonography guided puncture and aspiration of abdomen", "超声引导下腹腔穿刺", "超声引导下腹部穿刺抽吸", "超声引导下腹部穿刺术" ], "172196000": [ "Excision of lesion of canthus", "眼角病变切除术" ], "1222607009": [ "Continuous mandatory ventilation with sigh", "CMV (continuous mandatory ventilation) + sigh", "持续指令通气并叹气", "CMV(持续指令通气)+叹气" ], "448889000": [ "Excision of vascular graft of abdomen", "腹部血管移植切除术" ], "104825001": [ "N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase measurement", "N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulphatase measurement", "N-乙酰葡萄糖胺-6-硫酸酶测定", "N-乙酰葡萄糖胺-6-硫酸酯酶测定" ], "711033003": [ "Reinforcement of adherence to treatment regimen", "加强对治疗方案的依从性" ], "170361003": [ "Third smallpox vaccination", "Administration of third dose of smallpox vaccine", "Third smallpox immunization", "Third smallpox immunisation", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Vaccinia virus antigen", "第三次天花免疫", "注射第三剂仅含痘苗病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "接种第三剂天花疫苗", "第三次天花疫苗接种" ], "6521006": [ "Polytomography", "多断层扫描" ], "252281007": [ "Extrinsic coagulation system screening", "Extrinsic coagulation pathway screening", "外源性凝血系统筛查", "外源性凝血途径筛查" ], "1004110005": [ "Coordination of resources to address food insecurity", "协调资源解决粮食不安全问题" ], "168526005": [ "Radiotherapy for analgesia", "放射治疗镇痛" ], "264995002": [ "Repair of peroneal tendon", "Plastic repair of peroneal tendon", "腓骨肌腱修复", "腓骨肌腱整形修复" ], "133923004": [ "Social interaction encouragement", "社交互动鼓励" ], "183075005": [ "Advice to mobilise part", "Advice to mobilize part", "Recommendation to mobilize part", "Recommendation to mobilise part", "建议动员部分" ], "19235006": [ "Tractotomy of brain", "脑束切开术" ], "35619007": [ "Insertion of intravascular device in femoral vein, complete", "股静脉血管内装置插入,已完成" ], "2851008": [ "Arthrotomy for synovectomy of sternoclavicular joint", "胸锁关节滑膜切除术" ], "609059009": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of cerebrospinal fluid specimen prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备的脑脊液标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "33784001": [ "Tympanoplasty with mastoidectomy, radical, with ossicular chain reconstruction", "根治性乳突切除鼓室成形术及听小骨链重建" ], "443384003": [ "Measurement of monoclonal protein concentration", "Monoclonal protein concentration", "单克隆蛋白浓度", "单克隆蛋白浓度的测量" ], "82936005": [ "Introduction of catheter into pulmonary artery", "将导管插入肺动脉" ], "310477001": [ "Patching of tricuspid valve", "三尖瓣修补术" ], "179405004": [ "Revision cemented unicompartmental knee replacement", "Revision of cemented unicompartmental prosthetic replacement of knee joint", "骨水泥型单髁膝关节假体置换术", "翻修型单髁膝关节置换术" ], "228557008": [ "Cognitive and behavioral therapy", "Cognitive and behavioural therapy", "Cognitive-behaviour therapy", "CBT - cognitive and behavioural therapy", "Cognitive-behavior therapy", "CBT - cognitive and behavioral therapy", "认知和行为疗法", "CBT-认知和行为疗法", "认知行为疗法" ], "439714004": [ "Transmyocardial closure of ventricular septal defect using catheter with implant and cardiopulmonary bypass", "使用植入导管和体外循环进行室间隔缺损的心肌封堵" ], "243106006": [ "Catheterization of continent urinary stoma education", "Catheterisation of continent urinary stoma education", "大陆性尿道造口导管插入术教育", "尿道造口导尿教育" ], "11895000": [ "Tracer study of eye", "眼部示踪研究" ], "406946008": [ "Water soluble aniline blue stain method", "Water soluble aniline blue stain", "水溶性苯胺蓝染色剂", "水溶性苯胺蓝染色法" ], "241271003": [ "Axillofemoral graft arteriogram", "Arteriography of axillofemoral graft", "Angiography of axillofemoral graft", "腋股动脉移植造影", "腋股移植物血管造影", "腋股动脉移植动脉造影" ], "388727005": [ "Pistacia vera specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pistachio specific IgE antibody measurement", "f203 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pistacia vera specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "开心果特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "黄连木特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f203 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "黄连木特异性 IgE 抗体测定" ], "306807008": [ "Advice to start taking medication", "Advice to start drug treatment", "Recommendation to start drug treatment", "开始药物治疗的建议", "建议开始药物治疗", "开始服药的建议" ], "42828001": [ "Clot retraction, screen", "血凝块回缩、筛查" ], "75596002": [ "Destructive procedure on adrenal gland", "Destruction of adrenal gland", "肾上腺破坏性手术", "肾上腺受损" ], "419660000": [ "Angioplasty of upper limb artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of upper limb artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下上肢动脉造影成形术", "荧光造影引导下上肢动脉血管成形术" ], "73761001": [ "Colonoscopy", "Endoscopy of colon", "Endoscopic examination of colon", "结肠内镜检查", "结肠镜检查" ], "450593005": [ "Operation on pulmonary vein great vessel", "肺静脉大血管手术" ], "55542002": [ "Laparoscopic biopsy of uterus", "腹腔镜子宫活检" ], "268534003": [ "Fertility education", "生育教育" ], "88310003": [ "Replantation of skin of scalp", "Replantation of scalp", "头皮再植" ], "104694006": [ "Glutamate dehydrogenase measurement", "谷氨酸脱氢酶测量" ], "432374007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) arthrography of facet joint", "Magnetic resonance imaging arthrography of facet joint", "MRI arthrography of facet joint", "小关节磁共振成像关节造影", "小关节 MRI 关节造影", "小关节磁共振成像(MRI)关节造影" ], "53707000": [ "Resection of orbicularis oculi muscle", "Orbicularis muscle stripping", "眼轮匝肌剥离", "眼轮匝肌切除术" ], "170230009": [ "Referral of child to child guidance", "Refer to child guidance", "参考儿童指导", "儿童对儿童指导的推荐" ], "301302009": [ "Rigid cystoscopy", "硬质膀胱镜检查" ], "252150008": [ "Fasting lipid profile", "FLP - Fasting lipid profile", "空腹血脂水平", "FLP-- 空腹血脂状况" ], "20939001": [ "Quinine measurement", "奎宁测量" ], "448758009": [ "Patency capsule examination", "Evaluation of bowel patency using dissolvable capsule", "使用可溶解胶囊评估肠道通畅程度", "通畅胶囊检查" ], "266699008": [ "Functional electrical skeletal muscle stimulation procedures", "功能性电骨骼肌刺激程序" ], "608928003": [ "Microscopic examination of lymph fluid specimen", "淋巴液标本显微镜检查" ], "182944009": [ "Use of iodised salt", "Use of iodized salt", "Administration of iodised salt", "Administration of iodized salt", "使用碘盐", "碘盐管理" ], "426869003": [ "Repair of interrupted aortic arch", "主动脉弓中断修复" ], "50037004": [ "Incision and exploration of fallopian tube", "输卵管切开探查" ], "66421005": [ "Special back care", "Back care", "特别背部护理", "背部护理" ], "48202001": [ "Arthrotomy of wrist joint for synovectomy", "腕关节切开术用于滑膜切除术" ], "80970002": [ "Medical evaluation, quality of care, review of exception case", "医疗评估、护理质量、例外案例审查" ], "408650007": [ "Serum cystatin C measurement", "血清胱抑素 C 测量" ], "308511002": [ "Smoking monitoring call", "吸烟监控电话" ], "62751003": [ "Microbial wet smear for fungus", "真菌微生物湿涂片" ], "439583002": [ "Exploration of penetrating wound of back", "背部贯通伤探查" ], "177439005": [ "Local subcutaneous pedicle island flap, fasciocutaneous, to head or neck", "头部或颈部局部皮下带蒂岛状皮瓣,筋膜皮瓣" ], "406815005": [ "Beta-glucuronidase stain method", "Beta-glucuronidase stain", "β-葡萄糖醛酸酶染色法", "β-葡萄糖醛酸酶染色" ], "306676000": [ "Discharge from hospice", "临终关怀出院" ], "28148006": [ "Reexploration of parathyroid gland", "Re-exploration of parathyroid gland", "甲状旁腺的再探索", "甲状旁腺再探查" ], "108233001": [ "Skin examination procedure AND/OR treatment", "皮肤检查程序和/或治疗" ], "386761002": [ "Local anaesthesia", "Local anesthesia", "Local anaesthetic", "Local anaesthetic technique", "Local anesthetic", "Local anesthetic technique", "局部麻醉技术", "局部麻醉" ], "26313002": [ "Delivery by vacuum extraction with episiotomy", "Vacuum extraction of fetal head with episiotomy", "Vacuum extraction of foetal head with episiotomy", "会阴切开术真空吸引胎头", "会阴切开术真空提取胎头", "会阴切开真空抽吸分娩" ], "59081004": [ "Ossiculectomy with tympanoplasty", "听小骨切除术及鼓室成形术" ], "239305008": [ "Osteotomy for alteration of bone length", "截骨术改变骨长度" ], "40862005": [ "Local excision of skin and subcutaneous tissue", "局部切除皮肤和皮下组织" ], "450462007": [ "Subtotal excision of colon and rectum and creation of colonic pouch", "结肠和直肠次全切除术及结肠袋建立" ], "401310009": [ "APTT 80:20 mix", "Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) 80:20 mix", "Activated partial thromboplastin time 80:20 mix", "活化部分凝血活酶时间 80:20 混合物", "APTT 80:20 混合", "活化部分凝血活酶时间 (APTT) 80:20 混合物" ], "170099002": [ "Child examination - birth", "儿童检查-出生" ], "104563004": [ "Calcium challenge tests", "Calcium measurement after calcium infusion", "钙输注后钙测量", "钙激发试验" ], "710771005": [ "Identification of preoperative cardiac status", "术前心脏状态识别" ], "432243007": [ "Conversion of biliary external drainage to internal and external drainage using fluoroscopic guidance", "Biliary external to internal and external drain conversion", "Fluoroscopic guidance for conversion of biliary external drainage to internal and external drainage", "胆道外引流转为内引流和外引流", "透视引导胆道外引流转为内外引流", "在荧光透视引导下将胆道外引流转为内引流和外引流" ], "1251443007": [ "Construction of stoma of thorax", "Thoracostomy", "胸腔造口术" ], "39027008": [ "Pantaloon operation, revision of gastric anastomosis", "Pantaloon 手术,胃吻合口修复术" ], "4424002": [ "Making orthopedic bed", "Making orthopaedic bed", "制作矫形床" ], "446792003": [ "Assessment using career interest test", "采用职业兴趣测试进行评估" ], "250184004": [ "Human leukocyte antigen DRB5 genotype", "Human leucocyte antigen DRB5 genotype", "Human leukocyte antigen DRB5 genotype determination", "Human leucocyte antigen DRB5 genotype determination", "HLA-DRB5 - Human leucocyte antigen DRB5 genotype", "HLA-DRB5 - Human leukocyte antigen DRB5 genotype", "DR beta 5 chain", "HLA-DRB5 - 人类白细胞抗原 DRB5 基因型", "人类白细胞抗原 DRB5 基因型", "人类白细胞抗原DRB5基因型测定", "DR beta 5 链" ], "53576008": [ "DNA analysis, antenatal, amniotic fluid", "Deoxyribonucleic acid analysis, antenatal, amniotic fluid", "脱氧核糖核酸分析、产前、羊水", "DNA 分析、产前、羊水" ], "428573000": [ "Referral to diagnostic nuclear medicine service", "转诊至诊断核医学服务" ], "313885004": [ "150 minute plasma TSH level", "150 minute plasma TSH measurement", "Measurement of plasma thyroid stimulating hormone concentration 150 minutes after challenge", "激发后 150 分钟测量血浆促甲状腺激素浓度", "150 分钟血浆 TSH 水平", "150 分钟血浆 TSH 测量" ], "608797008": [ "Open repair of inguinal hernia", "腹股沟疝开放式修补术" ], "1296925008": [ "Insertion of stent", "插入支架" ], "410354001": [ "Screening case management", "Screening procedure case management", "筛查程序案例管理", "筛查病例管理" ], "1231389008": [ "Assessment of use of complementary therapy", "Assessing use of complementary therapy", "评估补充疗法的使用情况", "补充疗法的使用评估" ], "754000": [ "Total urethrectomy", "全尿道切除术" ], "312050005": [ "Liaising with agency", "与代理机构联络" ], "426738005": [ "Duodenal switch", "十二指肠转位术" ], "310215000": [ "Occlusal analysis", "咬合分析" ], "179143005": [ "Revision to functional bracing of fracture", "骨折功能支具的修订" ], "277447009": [ "Manipulation of acid-base balance", "调节酸碱平衡" ], "31687009": [ "Multiphasic screening procedure", "多相筛查程序" ], "388465002": [ "Venom specific IgE antibody measurement", "Venom specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "毒液特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "毒液特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "306545004": [ "Discharge by SSD occupational therapist", "Discharge by social services department occupational therapist", "社会服务部门职业治疗师出院", "SSD 职业治疗师出院" ], "372081004": [ "Parathyroid imaging", "甲状旁腺成像" ], "1142129004": [ "Decreased N-3 fatty acid diet", "Decreased omega 3 fatty acid diet", "减少 omega 3 脂肪酸饮食", "减少 N-3 脂肪酸饮食" ], "241009009": [ "Drainage of the nail bed", "甲床引流" ], "108102005": [ "Obstetrics excision", "产科切除术" ], "1287750007": [ "Reconstruction of head using distant pedicle skin flap", "远端带蒂皮瓣修复头部畸形" ], "171803000": [ "Injection of neurolytic substance to peripheral nerve", "向周围神经注射神经溶解物质" ], "173638007": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic cauterisation of lesion of oesophagus", "Fiberoptic esophagoscopy and cauterization", "Fiberoptic endoscopic cauterization of lesion of esophagus", "Fibreoptic oesophagoscopy and cauterisation", "纤维光导食管镜检查和烧灼术", "纤维内镜食管病变烧灼术", "纤维光导食管镜检查及烧灼术" ], "235504000": [ "Operative pancreatography", "On table pancreatography", "Open pancreatography", "桌上型胰腺造影术", "手术胰腺造影", "开放式胰腺造影" ], "73499009": [ "Atticotomy of ear", "耳廓切开术" ], "104432001": [ "Osmolar gap measurement, urine", "尿液渗透压间隙测量" ], "301040004": [ "Primary closed wire fixation of fracture", "骨折一期闭合钢丝固定" ], "432112007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of scapula", "Magnetic resonance imaging of scapula", "MRI of scapula", "肩胛骨 MRI", "肩胛骨磁共振成像 (MRI)", "肩胛骨磁共振成像" ], "4293000": [ "Reduction of intussusception by laparotomy", "开腹手术复位肠套叠" ], "448496009": [ "Wedge osteotomy of femur", "股骨楔形截骨术" ], "430277005": [ "Aspiration using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopic guidance for aspiration", "透视引导下抽吸", "荧光透视引导下进行抽吸" ], "35226000": [ "Phonocardiogram", "心音图" ], "182682004": [ "Emergency laryngeal intubation", "紧急喉插管" ], "313754004": [ "Plasma tyrosine measurement", "Plasma tyrosine level", "血浆酪氨酸水平", "血浆酪氨酸测量" ], "2458006": [ "Educational therapy", "教育治疗" ], "264602007": [ "Tetanic burst stimulation", "强直爆发刺激" ], "84378009": [ "Microbial culture, aerobic, screen", "微生物培养、需氧、筛选" ], "410223002": [ "Mental health care assessment", "Assess mental health care", "评估心理健康护理", "心理健康护理评估" ], "439321001": [ "Measurement of expired gas using infrared analyser", "Measurement of expired gas using infrared analyzer", "使用红外分析仪测量呼出气体" ], "13337007": [ "Injection of costochondral junction", "肋软骨连接处注射" ], "306414001": [ "Discharge by medical microbiologist", "医学微生物学家出院" ], "44270003": [ "Repair of fracture with osteotomy and correction of alignment", "截骨修复骨折并矫正对位" ], "175342004": [ "Revision of plastic repair of aorta", "主动脉整形修复术" ], "60654006": [ "Radiologic examination of abdomen", "X-ray of abdomen", "Radiologic procedure on abdomen", "Diagnostic radiography of abdomen", "AXR - Abdominal X-ray", "腹部放射学检查", "腹部放射检查", "AXR - 腹部 X 光检查", "腹部 X 光检查", "腹部诊断性放射线照相" ], "9667001": [ "Surgical evulsion", "Surgical avulsion", "手术撕脱" ], "763331002": [ "Repair of right cleft lip with rotation advancement flap", "旋转推进皮瓣修复右唇裂" ], "173507001": [ "Drainage of submandibular gland abscess", "颌下腺脓肿引流" ], "1304003004": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and submucosal dissection of pharynx", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and submucosal dissection of pharynx", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及咽黏膜下层剥离术" ], "386499005": [ "Abuse protection support: Elder", "Elder abuse prevention", "预防虐待老人", "虐待保护支持:长者" ], "304579001": [ "Supervision whilst performing procedure", "Supervision while performing procedure", "手术过程中的监督" ], "714179009": [ "Viscosupplementation", "粘液补充疗法" ], "433816001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of common iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行髂总动脉" ], "401048005": [ "Hypertension six month review", "高血压六个月复查" ], "55149002": [ "Procurement of patient informed consent, investigational study", "获取患者知情同意、研究性研究" ], "5997003": [ "Drainage of cerebral subarachnoid space by aspiration", "Aspiration of cerebral subarachnoid space", "脑蛛网膜下腔抽吸引流", "脑蛛网膜下腔抽吸" ], "104301003": [ "Helminth antibody assay", "Serologic test for Helminth", "Measurement of helminth antibody", "蠕虫血清学检测", "蠕虫抗体测量", "蠕虫抗体检测" ], "87917005": [ "Exploratory cardiotomy", "探查性心脏切开术" ], "235373006": [ "Sacroperineal pull-through", "骶会阴牵引术" ], "168002000": [ "Identification of organism on gram stain of sputum", "Sputum: organism on gram stain", "痰:革兰氏染色显示有微生物", "痰液革兰氏染色法进行病原菌鉴定" ], "118850003": [ "Procedure on umbilicus", "脐部手术" ], "430146004": [ "Education about infant nutrition at 4-6 months", "4-6个月婴儿营养教育" ], "233538006": [ "Pulmonary artery catheter insertion via femoral vein", "经股静脉插入肺动脉导管" ], "231703002": [ "Radial conjunctival incision", "放射状结膜切口" ], "313623006": [ "Serum alanine measurement", "Serum alanine level", "血清丙氨酸水平", "血清丙氨酸测量" ], "428311008": [ "Non-invasive ventilation", "NIV - non-invasive ventilation", "NIV-- 无创通气", "无创通气" ], "117015009": [ "Throat culture", "咽拭子培养" ], "410092005": [ "Ostomy care management", "Ostomy care case management", "Manage ostomy care", "造口护理病例管理", "造口护理管理", "管理造口护理" ], "1260225002": [ "Removal of subgingival deposit from teeth using dental scaler", "Subgingival scaling of teeth", "Removal of subgingival accretion from teeth using dental scaler", "龈下洁治", "使用洁牙机去除牙齿龈下沉积物" ], "408257003": [ "Salicylate specific IgE antibody measurement", "Salicylate specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "水杨酸特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "水杨酸特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测量" ], "178881005": [ "Posterior release for acquired deformity of foot", "后天性足畸形的后路松解术" ], "31425006": [ "Uroporphyrinogendecarboxylase measurement, erythrocytes", "尿卟啉原脱羧酶测量,红细胞" ], "308118002": [ "Cardiac failure therapy", "心力衰竭治疗" ], "177046006": [ "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of ovary", "内镜卵巢病变摘除术" ], "27755001": [ "Operation on vessels of heart", "心脏血管手术" ], "60523002": [ "Closure of cecostomy", "Take-down of cecostomy", "Closure of caecostomy", "Take-down of caecostomy", "盲肠造口术拆除", "盲肠造口术", "盲肠造口术的关闭" ], "175211006": [ "Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus", "Open correction of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)", "动脉导管未闭开放矫正术", "动脉导管未闭 (PDA) 的开放式矫正" ], "304448003": [ "Interferential to wrist", "腕部干扰" ], "173376005": [ "Freeing of adhesion of tongue with Z-plasty", "舌粘连 Z 形成形术松解" ], "386368005": [ "Nausea care", "Nausea management", "恶心管理", "恶心护理" ], "417301002": [ "Continence reassessment", "重新评估排便能力" ], "302613003": [ "Adjustment of implanted antireflux prosthesis", "植入式抗反流假体的调整" ], "400917006": [ "Cover test", "Eye screen test", "CT - Cover test", "CT - 覆盖测试", "覆盖测试", "眼部检查" ], "433685008": [ "Fine needle aspiration and core needle biopsy of breast using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance", "Fine needle aspiration and core needle biopsy of breast using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided fine needle aspiration and core needle biopsy of breast", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy and core needle biopsy of breast using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI 引导下乳腺细针穿刺及芯针活检", "使用磁共振成像 (MRI) 引导进行乳房细针穿刺和芯针活检", "使用磁共振成像引导进行乳房细针穿刺和芯针活检", "使用磁共振成像引导进行乳腺细针穿刺活检和芯针活检" ], "431850000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of prostate for radiotherapy planning", "Magnetic resonance imaging of prostate for radiotherapy planning", "MRI of prostate for radiotherapy planning", "前列腺 MRI 用于放射治疗计划", "前列腺磁共振成像用于放射治疗计划", "前列腺磁共振成像(MRI)用于放射治疗计划" ], "284394000": [ "Examination of spine", "脊柱检查" ], "122389009": [ "Borrelia hermsii culture", "赫氏疏螺旋体培养" ], "235242005": [ "Replacement of prosthesis in stomach", "胃内假体置换术" ], "448234006": [ "Laminectomy and discectomy", "Excision of lamina of vertebra and intervertebral disc", "椎板切除术和椎间盘切除术", "椎板及椎间盘切除术" ], "104170007": [ "Microbial identification by nucleic acid probe, with amplification (PCR)", "Microbial identification by nucleic acid probe, with amplification (polymerase chain reaction)", "通过核酸探针进行微生物鉴定并进行扩增(聚合酶链反应)", "通过核酸探针进行微生物鉴定,并进行扩增(PCR)" ], "1300202008": [ "Administration of prophylactic magnesium sulfate", "Administration of prophylactic magnesium sulphate", "预防性使用硫酸镁" ], "315327002": [ "Sigmoid colectomy with stoma", "乙状结肠切除术及造口术" ], "118719005": [ "Procedure on skin of head", "头部皮肤手术" ], "233407007": [ "Insertion of abdominal aorta stent", "腹主动脉支架置入术" ], "2196003": [ "Gas liquid chromatography, electron capture type", "气相液相色谱法,电子捕获型" ], "313492004": [ "24 hour urine calcium output measurement", "24 hour urine calcium output", "24小时尿钙排出量", "24 小时尿钙排出量测量" ], "231572006": [ "Correction of telecanthus by Y to V plasty", "通过 Y 到 V 整形术矫正眼外眦肥大" ], "51348008": [ "Application of prosthesis for missing ear", "Prosthetic replacement of ear", "耳部假体置换术", "耳缺损修复术的应用" ], "229737001": [ "Repair of stoma of urethra", "尿道造口修复" ], "444564009": [ "Recession of muscle", "肌肉萎缩" ], "311657005": [ "Pacing of speech", "说话节奏" ], "426345008": [ "Complex lung function testing", "Complex lung function test", "复杂肺功能检查", "复杂肺功能测试" ], "719422007": [ "Fluoroscopic arteriography of posterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic angiography of posterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic angiogram of posterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriogram of posterior tibial artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "胫后动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "胫后动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入", "胫后动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术" ], "176915001": [ "LSO - Left salpingo-oophorectomy", "Left salpingo-oophorectomy", "左侧输卵管卵巢切除术", "LSO-- 左侧输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "226067002": [ "Food hygiene advice", "Food hygiene education", "食品卫生教育", "食品卫生建议" ], "307987001": [ "Surgical biopsy of adrenal gland", "肾上腺手术活检" ], "971000087100": [ "Ultrasonography of pathological specimen of left breast", "左乳腺病理标本超声检查" ], "78611003": [ "Z-plasty of epicanthus", "Correction of epicanthus by Z-plasty", "内眦赘皮 Z 形成形术", "通过 Z 形整形术矫正内眦赘皮" ], "20171000087101": [ "Magnetic resonance arthrography of left wrist", "Magnetic resonance arthrogram of left wrist", "MR arthrography of left wrist", "左腕关节磁共振造影" ], "4811000087102": [ "CT of right clavicle with contrast", "Computed tomography of right clavicle with contrast", "右锁骨增强计算机断层扫描", "右锁骨增强 CT" ], "275219007": [ "Duckett hypospadias repair", "Duckett 尿道下裂修复术" ], "2251000087105": [ "MRI of right femur", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right femur", "右股骨 MRI", "右股骨磁共振成像" ], "3531000087108": [ "Plain X-ray of right elbow", "右肘部 X 光检查" ], "17611000087109": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of left and right upper limbs", "Aspiration of bilateral upper extremities using ultrasonographic guidance", "Aspiration of left and right upper limbs using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of bilateral upper extremities", "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of bilateral upper limbs", "Aspiration of bilateral upper limbs using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下双侧上肢抽吸", "超声引导下双侧上肢穿刺", "超声引导下左、右上肢穿刺" ], "271549001": [ "Asymptomatic bacteriuria screening", "无症状菌尿筛查" ], "173245001": [ "Synchronous bilateral cleft lip repair", "同步双侧唇裂修复" ], "306152009": [ "Referral to occupational health service", "Referral to occupational health department", "转介至职业健康服务", "转介至职业健康部门" ], "25789004": [ "Lumbosacral arthrodesis", "Lumbosacral fusion", "Lumbosacral spinal fusion", "腰骶关节融合术", "腰骶融合", "腰骶脊柱融合术" ], "386237008": [ "Circulatory care: mechanical assist device", "循环护理:机械辅助装置" ], "171410002": [ "Individual general health examination", "个人一般健康检查" ], "122258008": [ "Rubella virus culture", "风疹病毒培养" ], "302482008": [ "Spinal osteotomy", "Osteotomy of spine", "Osteotomy of vertebra", "脊柱截骨术", "脊椎截骨术" ], "87655002": [ "Manual reduction of hernia", "Manual repair of hernia", "Manipulative reduction of hernia", "疝气手法复位", "疝气手法修补术" ], "236946009": [ "McDonald operation for encirclement suture of cervix", "Purse-string cervical cerclage", "McDonald cervical cerclage", "McDonald 宫颈环切缝合术", "McDonald 宫颈环扎术", "宫颈环扎术" ], "104039002": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Knops system (ISBT 022)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Knops system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 022)", "从 Knops 系统 (ISBT 022) 中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体", "从 Knops 系统 (国际输血协会 022) 中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体" ], "726631002": [ "Computed tomography angiography with contrast for transcatheter aortic valve implantation planning", "CT angiography with contrast for TAVI (transcatheter aortic valve implantation) planning", "CT angiography with contrast for TAVI (transcatheter aortic valve implantation) workup", "增强 CT 血管造影用于 TAVI(经导管主动脉瓣植入)规划", "用于 TAVI(经导管主动脉瓣植入术)检查的增强 CT 血管造影", "对比剂计算机断层扫描血管造影术用于经导管主动脉瓣植入计划" ], "169575000": [ "Antenatal care: 3rd pregnancy", "Antenatal care of 3rd pregnancy", "Antenatal care of third pregnancy", "第三次怀孕的产前护理", "产前护理:第三次怀孕" ], "431719007": [ "Referral to domestic violence advocate", "转介给家庭暴力辩护律师" ], "38503009": [ "Selenium measurement, blood", "血液硒测量" ], "233276004": [ "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of common iliac artery", "Percutaneous angioplasty of common iliac artery", "PTA - Percutaneous angioplasty of common iliac artery", "经皮髂总动脉球囊成形术", "经皮髂总动脉血管成形术", "PTA-- 经皮髂总动脉血管成形术" ], "20284006": [ "Sceptor system test", "受体系统测试" ], "429884006": [ "Intraoperative echocardiography", "术中超声心动图" ], "315196008": [ "Taenia vulgaris antibody level", "寻常型带绦虫抗体水平" ], "772113004": [ "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using biological mesh for recurrent spigelian hernia", "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent spigelian hernia using biological mesh", "腹腔镜下生物网片修补复发性疝", "腹腔镜下生物网片疝修补术治疗复发性疝" ], "1103661000000108": [ "Radioligand therapy using lutetium (177-Lu) labeled somatostatin analog", "Radioligand therapy using lutetium (177-Lu) labelled somatostatin analogue", "Lutetium (177-Lu) labeled somatostatin analog therapy", "Lutetium (177-Lu) labelled somatostatin analogue therapy", "使用镥(177-Lu)标记的生长抑素类似物的放射性配体治疗", "镥(177-Lu)标记的生长抑素类似物疗法", "镥(177-Lu)标记的生长抑素类似物治疗" ], "83985009": [ "Resection of stomach with gastrojejunal anastomosis", "Billroth II operation", "B2 - Billroth II partial gastrectomy", "Billroth II partial gastrectomy", "B2 - Billroth II 部分胃切除术", "Billroth II 型手术", "Billroth II 型部分胃切除术", "胃切除及胃空肠吻合术" ], "16614002": [ "Creatine kinase isoenzymes measurement", "CPK isoenzymes measurement", "CK isoenzymes measurement", "Creatine kinase isoforms measurement", "Creatine kinase isoenzyme level", "肌酸激酶同工酶测定", "CK同工酶测定", "CPK 同工酶测定", "肌酸激酶同工酶水平", "肌酸激酶同工酶测量" ], "32998005": [ "Latzko operation on vagina", "拉兹科阴道手术" ], "229606006": [ "Partial weight-bearing gait re-education on stairs", "Partial weight-bearing gait training on stairs", "楼梯部分负重步态训练", "楼梯部分负重步态再教育" ], "178619000": [ "Primary laminectomy excision of lumbar intervertebral disc", "原发性腰椎间盘椎板切除术" ], "230009": [ "Miller operation, urethrovesical suspension", "米勒手术、尿道膀胱悬吊术" ], "276923003": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of brachial artery", "经皮肱动脉内膜切除术" ], "47547004": [ "Culp-Scardino operation, ureteral flap pyeloplasty", "Culp-Scardino 手术、输尿管瓣肾盂成形术" ], "309691004": [ "Injection of triamcinolone into keloid scar", "瘢痕疙瘩内注射曲安奈德" ], "719291007": [ "Repair of epigastric hernia using surgical mesh", "Epigastric hernioplasty", "使用外科网片修补上腹疝", "上腹疝修补术" ], "113083009": [ "Prolactin measurement", "催乳素测量" ], "373392003": [ "Vascular surgery procedure on abdominal region", "腹部血管外科手术" ], "306021006": [ "Referral by pancreatic surgeon", "Referral from pancreatic surgeon", "胰腺外科医生推荐", "胰腺外科医生转诊" ], "27493007": [ "Peripheral nerve graft", "Graft to peripheral nerve", "周围神经移植" ], "9274004": [ "Removal of intra-aortic balloon with repair of aorta with graft", "移除主动脉内球囊并用移植物修复主动脉" ], "271418008": [ "Chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis catheter procedure", "慢性非卧床腹膜透析导管操作" ], "173114009": [ "Rigid bronchoscopic removal of foreign body", "Rigid bronchoscopy to remove foreign body", "硬质支气管镜检查去除异物", "硬质支气管镜异物取出" ], "287802008": [ "Haemorrhoidectomy - crushing", "Hemorrhoidectomy - crushing", "痔疮切除术 - 粉碎" ], "122127000": [ "Thermoactinomyces sacchari antibody assay", "Measurement of Thermoactinomyces sacchari antibody", "蔗糖嗜热放线菌抗体测定" ], "302351005": [ "Ligation of salivary duct", "涎管结扎术" ], "23823008": [ "Avulsion of nerve", "Neurexeresis", "神经撕脱", "神经切断术" ], "103908005": [ "Le^b^ blood group typing", "Le^b^血型分型" ], "71140006": [ "Release of median arcuate ligament", "释放正中弓状韧带" ], "447972007": [ "Medical termination of pregnancy using prostaglandin", "使用前列腺素终止妊娠" ], "890340008": [ "Angiography of artery of right upper limb", "Arteriography of artery of right upper limb", "Angiography of artery of right upper extremity", "Arteriography of artery of right arm", "Arteriography of artery of right upper extremity", "Angiography of artery of right arm", "右上肢动脉造影", "右臂动脉造影" ], "431588009": [ "Radionuclide iodine 131 therapy for thyrotoxicosis", "放射性核素碘131治疗甲状腺机能亢进症" ], "20153000": [ "Removal of foreign body from pharynx by pharyngotomy", "Open removal of foreign body from pharynx", "通过咽切开术取出咽部异物", "切开咽部取出异物" ], "233145003": [ "Construction of conduit - pulmonary trunk to left pulmonary artery", "导管建设 - 肺动脉干至左肺动脉" ], "315065002": [ "Open salpingotomy", "开放输卵管切开术" ], "118457006": [ "Closed subcutaneous tenotomy", "闭式皮下肌腱切开术" ], "280462001": [ "Revision of knee arthroplasty", "Knee reoperations", "膝关节再次手术", "膝关节置换术修复" ], "231310005": [ "Scar infiltration of local anesthetic", "Scar infiltration of local anaesthetic", "局部麻醉药疤痕浸润" ], "229475000": [ "Wrist stretching", "腕部伸展" ], "1148814008": [ "Assessment of goals to achieve housing security", "住房保障目标实现情况评估" ], "65635008": [ "Reconstruction of head and neck using myocutaneous flap", "Myocutaneous flap reconstruction of head and neck", "Reconstruction of head and neck with myocutaneous flap", "头颈部肌皮瓣重建", "肌皮瓣重建头颈部", "肌皮瓣修复头颈部" ], "391480003": [ "Urine clinitest", "尿液临床测试" ], "440611000124102": [ "Management of plant stanol ester intake", "植物甾烷醇酯摄入量的管理" ], "31032007": [ "Core needle biopsy of penis", "阴茎芯针活检" ], "438051000124105": [ "Thiamine modified diet", "Thiamin modified diet", "硫胺素改良饮食" ], "717325003": [ "Assessment using Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment", "使用 Frenchay 构音障碍评估法进行评估" ], "61965006": [ "Incision of cranial sinus", "颅窦切开术" ], "274957008": [ "Radical mastectomy including axillary lymph nodes", "根治性乳房切除术,包括腋窝淋巴结切除" ], "176653008": [ "Schuchardt non-obstetric episiotomy", "Schuchardt's incision", "Schuchardt incision", "Non-obstetric episiotomy", "非产科会阴切开术", "舒查特切口", "Schuchardt 非产科会阴切开术", "Schuchardt 切口" ], "174818000": [ "Revision of correction of tetralogy of Fallot", "法洛四联症矫正术" ], "287671000": [ "Condyloma acuminata cautery", "Cauterization of condyloma acuminata", "Cauterisation of condyloma acuminata", "尖锐湿疣烧灼术" ], "699106009": [ "Injection of phosphorus 32", "磷32注射液" ], "385975007": [ "Bowel care management", "Manage bowel care", "Bowel care case management", "肠道护理管理", "管理肠道护理", "肠道护理案例管理" ], "121996000": [ "Echinococcus species antibody assay", "Measurement of Echinococcus species antibody", "棘球绦虫抗体测定", "棘球绦虫抗体的测量" ], "271287008": [ "Blood copper level", "Blood copper measurement", "血铜测量", "血铜水平" ], "449676002": [ "Closure of upper arm", "上臂闭合" ], "302220000": [ "Asthma control steps", "哮喘控制步骤" ], "234849001": [ "Placement of orthodontic archwire auxiliary", "正畸弓丝辅助装置的放置" ], "431457008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of celiac artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic angiography of coeliac artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of celiac artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of coeliac artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "腹腔动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "腹腔动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "用对比剂插入药物洗脱支架进行腹腔动脉荧光镜造影" ], "446006001": [ "Assessment using Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment", "使用 Loewenstein 职业治疗认知评估进行评估" ], "1052214003": [ "Cystourethroscopy with right ureteral meatotomy", "膀胱尿道镜检查及右输尿管口切开术" ], "233014004": [ "Excision of right atrial vegetations", "右心房赘生物切除术" ], "85558005": [ "Skin test for leprosy", "Lepromin skin test", "Skin test leprosy", "麻风病皮肤测试", "皮肤测试麻风病", "麻风毒素皮肤试验" ], "183862006": [ "Referral to fertility clinic", "转诊至生育诊所" ], "444171005": [ "Collection of biliary drainage by gravity", "通过重力收集胆汁引流" ], "231179007": [ "Sural nerve block", "Local anaesthetic sural nerve block", "Local anesthetic sural nerve block", "局部麻醉腓肠神经阻滞", "腓肠神经阻滞" ], "47285000": [ "Anterior ethmoidectomy by intranasal approach", "Intranasal anterior ethmoidectomy", "经鼻入路前筛窦切除术", "经鼻前筛窦切除术" ], "112821001": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of aortoiliac artery by leg incision", "经小腿切口主髂动脉导管取栓术" ], "229344008": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the elbow", "Accessory mobilization of the elbow", "肘部辅助活动" ], "1179616009": [ "Localisation of sentinel lymph node using methylthioninium chloride", "Localization of sentinel lymph node using methylthioninium chloride", "Localization of sentinel lymph node using methylene blue", "Localisation of sentinel lymph node using methylene blue", "使用亚甲蓝定位哨兵淋巴结" ], "129205004": [ "Procedure on metatarsal", "跖骨手术" ], "78218000": [ "Closed excisional biopsy of nerve", "神经闭合切除活检" ], "391349009": [ "Urine ketoacid level", "尿酮酸水平" ], "225674003": [ "Checking ear mould and tubing", "Checking ear mold and tubing", "检查耳模和耳管" ], "12682005": [ "Maintenance of newborn thoracic drain", "新生儿胸腔引流管的维护" ], "10847001": [ "Bronchoscopy", "Endoscopy of bronchus", "By - Bronchoscopy", "Tracheobronchial endoscopy", "Bronchial endoscopy", "通过 - 支气管镜检查", "支气管内镜检查", "支气管镜检查", "气管支气管内镜检查" ], "387679002": [ "Manual conversion of position", "手动转换位置" ], "1256031003": [ "Fluoroscopy guided local anesthetic and corticosteroid atlantoaxial joint nerve block", "Local anesthetic and corticosteroid atlantoaxial joint nerve block using fluoroscopic guidance", "Local anaesthetic and corticosteroid atlantoaxial joint nerve block using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided local anaesthetic and corticosteroid atlantoaxial joint nerve block", "Local anesthetic and corticosteroid C1-C2 facet joint nerve block using fluoroscopic guidance", "Local anaesthetic and corticosteroid C1-C2 facet joint nerve block using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下进行局部麻醉和皮质类固醇寰枢关节神经阻滞", "荧光透视引导局部麻醉和皮质类固醇寰枢关节神经阻滞", "在荧光透视引导下进行局部麻醉和皮质类固醇 C1-C2 小关节神经阻滞" ], "41780001": [ "External fetal monitor removal", "External foetal monitor removal", "Removal of external fetal monitor", "移除外部胎儿监护仪" ], "287540001": [ "Surgical biopsy of male genital structure", "男性生殖器结构手术活检" ], "385844002": [ "Urine specimen care management", "Manage urine specimen care", "管理尿液样本护理", "尿液标本护理管理" ], "303924009": [ "US scan of hand", "Ultrasound scan of hand", "美国手部扫描", "手部超声波扫描" ], "72713004": [ "Incision of conjunctiva", "结膜切开术" ], "252937006": [ "Ovulation assessment", "排卵评估" ], "7177008": [ "Horizontal osteotomy of mandible", "下颌骨水平截骨术" ], "234718000": [ "Removal of dental pack", "P/R - Removal of dental pack", "P/R - 移除牙包", "去除牙包" ], "5342002": [ "Prophylactic treatment of tibia with methyl methacrylate", "使用甲基丙烯酸甲酯对胫骨进行预防性治疗" ], "70878000": [ "Electrocardiogram, rhythm", "心电图、节律" ], "121865008": [ "Thiosulfate measurement", "Thiosulphate measurement", "硫代硫酸盐测量" ], "169182006": [ "Hormone radioassay - adrenal", "激素放射测定 - 肾上腺" ], "431326009": [ "Computed tomography of neck with contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of neck with contrast", "CT of neck with contrast", "颈部增强计算机断层扫描", "颈部增强 CT", "颈部增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "708019002": [ "Displacement of vocal cord with non-biological graft", "使用非生物移植物进行声带移位" ], "16545381000119101": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of myocardial perfusion with computed tomography", "SPECT of myocardial perfusion with computed tomography", "用单光子发射计算机断层扫描检查心肌灌注", "用计算机断层扫描进行心肌灌注 SPECT" ], "413107006": [ "Hepatitis C screening", "丙型肝炎筛查" ], "232883007": [ "Repair of Ebstein's anomaly of atrioventricular valve", "Repair of Ebstein anomaly of atrioventricular valve", "房室瓣Ebstein畸形的修补术", "埃布斯坦氏房室瓣畸形的修补术" ], "50824001": [ "Resection of hepatic ducts", "肝管切除术" ], "572261000119106": [ "Administration of human tetanus immune globulin", "注射人破伤风免疫球蛋白" ], "771720003": [ "Open repair of epigastric hernia using biological mesh", "Open epigastric hernioplasty using biological mesh", "生物网片开放式修补上腹疝", "使用生物网片进行开放式上腹部疝修补术" ], "312968005": [ "Excision biopsy of skin lesion", "皮肤病变切除活检" ], "67208006": [ "Suture of ligament of foot and toes", "足趾韧带缝合" ], "231048006": [ "Spinal cord cerebrospinal fluid pathway operation", "脊髓脑脊液通路手术" ], "34440007": [ "Agglutinin measurement", "凝集素测量" ], "409701000119109": [ "CT of left ankle with contrast", "Computed tomography of left ankle with contrast", "左踝部增强 CT 扫描", "左踝部增强计算机断层扫描" ], "229213002": [ "Wheelchair dancing therapy", "轮椅舞蹈治疗" ], "116360008": [ "Arterial bypass graft", "Creation of arterioarterial bypass", "Creation of arterial vascular bypass", "Bypass/graft of artery", "Creation of arterial bypass", "Creation of arterioarterial shunt", "动脉搭桥/移植", "建立动脉动脉搭桥术", "建立动脉血管旁路", "建立动脉旁路", "动脉旁路移植术", "建立动脉间分流术" ], "718898004": [ "Assessment using Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale 5 Patient Version (3 day recall period)", "Assessment using IPOS-5 (Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale 5) Patient Version (3 day recall period)", "使用 IPOS-5(综合姑息治疗结果量表 5)患者版本进行评估(3 天回忆期)", "使用综合姑息治疗结果量表 5 患者版本进行评估(3 天回忆期)" ], "178226007": [ "Local muscle subcutaneous V-Y flap", "局部肌肉皮下V-Y皮瓣" ], "440370007": [ "Analysis of expired gas for carbon monoxide", "呼出气体中一氧化碳的分析" ], "112690009": [ "Hospital admission, boarder, for social reasons", "因社会原因住院" ], "702514009": [ "Computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and lumbar spine with contrast", "CT of abdomen, pelvis and lumbar spine with contrast", "腹部、骨盆和腰椎增强 CT 扫描", "腹部、骨盆和腰椎增强计算机断层扫描" ], "717063004": [ "Education about perioperative injury", "Perioperative injury education", "Peri-operative injury education", "围手术期损伤教育" ], "59868007": [ "Mammoplasty with split-thickness graft", "Mammoplasty with split thickness graft of skin", "乳房成形术及皮肤分层移植", "分层移植乳房成形术" ], "385713004": [ "Ostomy irrigation", "造口冲洗" ], "287409005": [ "Cartilage graft - prominent ear", "软骨移植 - 招风耳" ], "238257004": [ "Peritoneal drainage procedure", "腹腔引流手术" ], "1155761006": [ "Positioning of pillow", "枕头的定位" ], "105350000": [ "Trimethoprim measurement", "Trimethoprim level", "甲氧苄啶水平", "甲氧苄啶测量" ], "172721009": [ "Tympanotomy using combined approach", "联合入路鼓室切开术" ], "170886004": [ "ENT disorder monitoring", "Ear, nose and throat disorder monitoring", "耳鼻喉疾病监测" ], "252806005": [ "Humphrey perimeter plot", "Humphrey visual field", "HVF - Humphrey visual field", "汉弗莱视野", "汉弗莱周长图", "HVF-- 汉弗莱视野" ], "121734006": [ "Acetylene measurement", "乙炔测量" ], "433030005": [ "Replacement of pulmonary artery catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided replacement of pulmonary artery catheter with contrast", "荧光透视引导下置换肺动脉造影导管", "荧光造影引导下肺动脉导管置换术" ], "88966009": [ "Destruction of intervertebral disc by injection", "Discolysis by injection", "Injection of intervertebral space for herniated disc", "椎间盘突出症椎间隙注射", "注射破坏椎间盘", "注射椎间盘松解术" ], "87131006": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of facial bones", "面部骨折闭合复位" ], "119899008": [ "Anus injection", "Injection of anus", "肛门注射" ], "232752001": [ "Repair of rupture of mitral chordae tendinae", "二尖瓣腱索断裂的修补" ], "118064004": [ "HIV 2 gp125 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 gp125 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 glycoprotein 125 antibody", "HIV 2 gp125 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 2 gp125 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型糖蛋白 125 抗体的测量" ], "871728006": [ "Administration of live attenuated Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi antigen only vaccine product via oral route", "Live attenuated typhoid immunization via oral route", "Live attenuated typhoid vaccination via oral route", "Administration of vaccine product containing only live attenuated Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi antigen in oral dose form", "Live attenuated typhoid immunisation via oral route", "口服减毒活伤寒免疫", "通过口服途径给予减毒活体伤寒沙门氏菌亚种血清型仅含抗原的疫苗产品", "以口服剂型形式注射仅含有减毒活体伤寒沙门氏菌抗原的疫苗产品", "口服减毒活伤寒疫苗", "口服减毒活伤寒疫苗免疫" ], "443909001": [ "Excision of part of colon with mobilisation of splenic flexure", "Excision of part of colon with mobilization of splenic flexure", "切除部分结肠并游离脾曲" ], "34309001": [ "Drainage of tonsil", "扁桃体引流" ], "116229006": [ "Incisional biopsy of large intestine", "大肠切开活检" ], "230917007": [ "Endovascular obliteration of intracranial arteriovenous malformation", "颅内动静脉畸形的血管内封堵术" ], "48858003": [ "Lymphangiography of lower extremity", "Lymphangiogram of lower extremity", "Lymphangiography lower limb", "下肢淋巴管造影" ], "229082006": [ "Buergers exercises", "汉堡练习" ], "736986009": [ "Removal of external spinal fixation system", "拆除外部脊柱固定系统" ], "79791002": [ "Anesthesia for transurethral resection of prostate", "Anaesthesia for transurethral resection of prostate", "经尿道前列腺电切术的麻醉" ], "866223003": [ "Referral to lactation consultant", "转介哺乳顾问" ], "440239002": [ "Destruction of malignant neoplasm of breast using microwave phased array thermoprobe", "微波相控阵热探头毁损乳腺恶性肿瘤" ], "179930009": [ "EUA - Examination of joint under anaesthetic", "EUA - Examination of joint under anesthetic", "Examination of joint under anesthetic", "Examination of joint under anaesthetic", "EUA - 麻醉下关节检查", "麻醉下检查关节" ], "63407004": [ "Episioproctotomy", "外阴直肠切开术" ], "391087007": [ "Partial thromboplastin time ratio", "部分凝血活酶时间比值" ], "178095009": [ "Excision of ganglion of wrist", "Ganglionectomy of tendon sheath of wrist", "Excision of ganglion cyst of wrist", "腕部腱鞘囊肿切除术", "腕关节神经节切除术", "腕部腱鞘神经节切除术" ], "1208452001": [ "Reconstruction of hand using free muscle flap with microvascular anastomosis", "吻合显微血管的游离肌瓣修复手部缺损" ], "28804003": [ "HIV-1 antibody assay", "Serologic test for HIV-1", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV-1 抗体检测", "HIV-1血清学检测", "HIV-1 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型抗体测量" ], "225412003": [ "Remaining aware of patient's whereabouts at all times", "随时了解患者的行踪" ], "176260009": [ "Transvesical two stage prostatectomy", "Freyer two stage transvesical prostatectomy", "经膀胱两阶段前列腺切除术", "Freyer 二期经膀胱前列腺切除术" ], "307332009": [ "Esophagectomy and colonic interposition", "Oesophagectomy and colonic interposition", "食管切除术和结肠插入术" ], "174425003": [ "Orthotopic liver transplant", "原位肝移植" ], "287278003": [ "Pericardial cyst excision", "Excision of cyst of pericardium", "Excision of pericardial cyst", "心包囊肿切除", "心包囊肿切除术" ], "57902003": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of temporomandibular joint", "MRI of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节磁共振成像" ], "270894005": [ "Urine dipstick for blood", "尿液试纸检测血液" ], "8750008": [ "Avulsion of pudendal nerve", "阴部神经撕脱" ], "105219000": [ "Ketamine measurement", "氯胺酮测量" ], "303662009": [ "CT of intrathoracic structures", "Computed tomography of intrathoracic structures", "胸内结构 CT", "胸内结构计算机断层扫描" ], "1284867003": [ "Education about relaxation technique", "放松技巧教育" ], "6915004": [ "Brunschwig operation, temporary gastrostomy", "布伦施维格手术、临时胃造口术" ], "121603001": [ "Hydroxytriazolam measurement", "羟基三唑仑测量" ], "711427004": [ "Ultrasound of central venous catheter", "Ultrasound scan of central venous catheter", "Ultrasonography of central venous catheter", "中心静脉导管超声扫描", "中心静脉导管超声检查" ], "236291008": [ "Repair of ruptured posterior urethra", "修复破裂的后尿道" ], "252675008": [ "Mannitol/cellobiose ratio small intestine permeability study", "甘露醇/纤维二糖比率小肠通透性研究" ], "37848002": [ "Suture of tendon sheath", "腱鞘缝合" ], "119768002": [ "Heart valve closure", "心脏瓣膜关闭" ], "168920007": [ "Pneumoarthrography", "气关节造影" ], "117933001": [ "Ribosomal P protein antibody assay", "Measurement of ribosomal P protein antibody", "核糖体 P 蛋白抗体测定", "核糖体P蛋白抗体的测量" ], "19629004": [ "Reconstruction of eyelid, partial-thickness, involving lid margin", "眼睑重建,部分厚度,涉及眼睑边缘" ], "412845004": [ "Serum dopamine measurement", "Serum dopamine level", "血清多巴胺测量", "血清多巴胺水平" ], "183469007": [ "Radiotherapy emergency hospital admission", "放射治疗急诊入院" ], "1410000": [ "Anesthesia for tympanotomy", "Anaesthesia for tympanotomy", "鼓室切开术麻醉" ], "232621009": [ "Open resection of carinal lesion", "Open excision of carinal lesion", "隆突病变开放切除术" ], "66946002": [ "Anesthesia for mastectomy with internal mammary node dissection", "Anaesthesia for mastectomy with internal mammary node dissection", "乳房切除术及内乳淋巴结清扫术的麻醉" ], "427394003": [ "Graft of skin and fat to eyelid", "Grafting of skin and fat to eyelid", "皮肤和脂肪移植到眼睑" ], "312706003": [ "Removal of retained lens nucleus", "去除残留的晶状体核" ], "443778003": [ "Quantitative measurement of histamine in urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration ratio of histamine to creatinine in urine specimen", "尿液标本中组胺的定量测定", "尿液标本中组胺与肌酐质量浓度比的定量测定" ], "1017218006": [ "Laparoscopic total excision of left kidney via retroperitoneal approach", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路左肾全切除术" ], "65111004": [ "Pelvic exenteration, male", "Male pelvic clearance", "男性盆腔廓清术", "男性骨盆间隙" ], "425559005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of bone", "MRI of bone", "骨磁共振成像", "骨骼 MRI" ], "390956002": [ "Plasma total cholesterol level", "血浆总胆固醇水平" ], "735020005": [ "Reimplantation of right ureter", "右侧输尿管再植术" ], "833324006": [ "Yttrium aluminum garnet laser vitreolysis", "YAG (yttrium aluminum garnet) laser vitreolysis", "YAG(钇铝石榴石)激光玻璃体溶解术", "钇铝石榴石激光玻璃溶解术" ], "440108009": [ "Bronchoscopy and insertion of intracavitary radioactive isotope using catheter", "支气管镜检查及用导管插入腔内放射性同位素" ], "77825002": [ "Division of cartilage of wrist", "Division of joint cartilage of wrist", "腕关节软骨的分割", "腕关节软骨分割" ], "225281003": [ "Reversing hemodialysis lines", "Reversing haemodialysis lines", "逆转血液透析管线" ], "405505003": [ "Femoro-distal popliteal graft for repair of aneurysm using vein", "股骨远端腘窝移植用于利用静脉修复动脉瘤" ], "241665001": [ "MRI of neck vessels", "Magnetic resonance imaging of neck vessels", "颈部血管 MRI", "颈部血管磁共振成像" ], "716801007": [ "Assessment using Discourse Abilities Profile", "使用话语能力档案进行评估" ], "700417008": [ "Excision of pterygium with amniotic membrane graft", "羊膜移植切除翼状胬肉" ], "305366001": [ "Admission to endocrinology department", "内分泌科入院" ], "1255638000": [ "Individual consultation with midwife", "与助产士进行个人咨询" ], "223446004": [ "Advice to return", "Recommendation to return", "建议返回", "返回建议" ], "43222004": [ "Test kit method", "检测试剂盒方法" ], "418219006": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of knee", "膝关节荧光镜造影" ], "713131007": [ "Assessment of dizziness", "头晕评估" ], "121472000": [ "Butriptyline measurement", "布替林测量" ], "432768005": [ "Repair of fracture of hip by nailing using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下髓内钉修复髋部骨折" ], "236160005": [ "Excision of ureter to upper moiety of duplex kidney", "Upper moiety ureterectomy", "切除复肾上半部分的输尿管", "输尿管上段切除术" ], "105088007": [ "Bromazepam measurement", "溴西泮测量" ], "250709001": [ "Total immunoglobulin level", "Total immunoglobulin", "Total immunoglobulin measurement", "Gamma globulin level", "总免疫球蛋白水平", "丙种球蛋白水平", "总免疫球蛋白测量", "总免疫球蛋白" ], "252544009": [ "Ear - special tests", "Special investigations on ear", "Ear - special testing", "耳朵的特殊检查", "耳朵 - 特殊测试" ], "185173003": [ "Implant of inert material into vocal cords", "将惰性材料植入声带" ], "447317003": [ "Measurement of fractional excretion of amylase", "Measurement of fractional excretion of amylase using urine specimen and serum or plasma specimen", "使用尿液样本和血清或血浆样本测定淀粉酶排泄分数", "淀粉酶排泄分数的测量" ], "1217365004": [ "Plication of rectus abdominis muscle", "腹直肌折叠术" ], "119637006": [ "Shoulder destructive procedure", "Destructive procedure of shoulder", "肩关节破坏性手术" ], "70485006": [ "Repair of blepharoptosis by conjunctivo-tarso-levator resection, Fasanella-Servat type", "Tarsomullerectomy", "跗腱切除术", "结膜睑板腺提肌切除术修复 Fasanella-Servat 型上睑下垂" ], "709461008": [ "Scarf osteotomy of first metatarsal", "第一跖骨Scarf截骨术" ], "234325009": [ "Suture of spleen", "Suturing of spleen", "脾脏缝合" ], "117802004": [ "Echovirus 4 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human echovirus 4 antibody", "埃可病毒 4 型抗体检测", "人类埃可病毒 4 型抗体的测量" ], "134186004": [ "Over 75 health check", "75岁以上的健康检查" ], "232490008": [ "Removal of packing from nose or nasopharynx", "取出鼻腔或鼻咽部的填塞物" ], "165119001": [ "Non-surgical biopsy - administration", "非手术活检 - 管理" ], "443647008": [ "Revision of percutaneous transluminal coil embolisation of cerebral aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Revision of percutaneous transluminal coil embolization of cerebral aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮腔内线圈栓塞术修复脑动脉瘤", "荧光造影引导下脑动脉瘤经皮腔内线圈栓塞术的修订" ], "64980001": [ "Drainage of hematoma of dentoalveolar structures", "Drainage of haematoma of dentoalveolar structures", "牙槽结构血肿引流" ], "179668008": [ "Revision to closed reduction of dislocation and fixation by wire(s)", "修订闭合复位脱位并用钢丝固定术" ], "441812009": [ "Imaging of biliary tract", "胆道成像" ], "1179092009": [ "Skin reducing excision of breast via vertical incision and reconstruction of breast", "Vertical pattern skin reducing mastectomy and reconstruction of breast", "经纵切口乳房皮肤切除术及乳房重建术", "垂直型皮肤缩胸术及乳房重建" ], "63145008": [ "Repair of nasal septal perforation", "Closure of nasal septal perforation", "鼻中隔穿孔缝合", "鼻中隔穿孔修补术" ], "61310001": [ "Nutrition education", "Health education - nutrition", "Nutritional education", "健康教育-营养", "营养教育" ], "390825009": [ "Mental health carers' respite", "Mental health caregivers' respite", "心理健康护理人员的休息" ], "28542003": [ "Wigand-Martin maneuver", "Wigand-Martin manoeuvre", "维甘德-马丁手法", "维甘德-马丁机动" ], "12158004": [ "Ostectomy for graft of mandible", "下颌骨切除术" ], "405374004": [ "Repair of tibioperoneal artery", "Repair of tibio-peroneal artery", "胫腓动脉修复" ], "241534004": [ "CT submandibular sialogram", "Computed tomography submandibular sialogram", "CT 颌下涎液造影", "计算机断层扫描下颌下涎液造影" ], "77694007": [ "Irrigation of muscle", "肌肉灌溉" ], "110462006": [ "Health technology assessment procedure", "卫生技术评估程序" ], "716670009": [ "Diversional care assessment", "Assessment of diversional care need", "转移护理需求评估", "转移性护理评估" ], "239699002": [ "Application of walking heel", "Application of cast walking heel", "步行鞋跟的应用", "石膏步行跟的应用" ], "370771002": [ "Maintenance of invasive device", "Care of invasive device", "Administers care to invasive device sites", "侵入式设备的维护", "侵入性设备的护理", "对侵入性设备部位进行护理" ], "26707008": [ "Suture of bursa of hand", "手部滑囊缝合" ], "713000002": [ "Endoscopic submucosal dissection of rectum using sigmoidoscope", "乙状结肠镜直肠内镜黏膜下剥离术" ], "434472006": [ "Sectioning of tissue block", "组织块切片" ], "432637001": [ "Vertebroplasty of cervical spine using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Vertebroplasty of cervical spine using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided vertebroplasty of cervical spine", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行颈椎椎体成形术", "CT引导下颈椎椎体成形术", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行颈椎椎体成形术" ], "711165002": [ "Closure of cutaneous vesicostomy", "膀胱皮肤造口术的闭合" ], "252413002": [ "Brucella ring test", "布鲁氏菌环试验" ], "104957004": [ "Testosterone measurement", "Testosterone level", "睾酮测量", "睾酮水平" ], "121341003": [ "Hallucinogen identification", "致幻剂鉴别" ], "37586002": [ "Counterimmunoelectrophoresis measurement", "CIE measurement", "对流免疫电泳测定", "CIE 测量" ], "1231783006": [ "Percutaneous closure of prosthetic cardiac paravalvular leak using device", "Percutaneous closure of prosthetic cardiac PVL (paravalvular leak) using device", "经皮封堵人工心脏瓣周漏", "使用装置经皮封堵人工心脏瓣膜漏 (PVL)" ], "117671007": [ "Desalkylhalazepam measurement", "去烷基哈拉西泮测量" ], "609191008": [ "Endoscopic excision of tissue of anus", "内镜肛门组织切除术" ], "265127009": [ "Osteotomy of first metatarsal base", "第一跖骨基底截骨术" ], "183207009": [ "Colostomy bag fitting", "结肠造口袋配件" ], "443516005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of subthalamic nucleus", "MRI of subthalamic nucleus", "丘脑底核磁共振成像" ], "179537001": [ "Excision arthroplasty", "Excision reconstruction of joint", "Resection arthroplasty of joint", "Excisional arthroplasty of joint", "关节切除成形术", "切除关节置换术", "关节切除重建" ], "392529004": [ "Mealworm specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ro211 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Tenebrio mollitor specific IgE antibody measurement", "Tenebrio mollitor specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "黄粉虫特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Ro211特异性IgE抗体测量", "黄粉虫特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "228689006": [ "Gold 198 brachytherapy", "Gold 198 近距离放射治疗" ], "32081007": [ "Excision of tooth from nasal sinus", "Removal of tooth from maxillary antrum", "拔除上颌窦牙", "从鼻窦切除牙齿" ], "408913009": [ "Parenteral feeding education", "Teach parenteral feeding", "教授肠外喂养", "肠外喂养教育" ], "30246007": [ "Injection of liquid in anterior chamber of eye", "眼前房注射液体" ], "241403001": [ "Delayed phase radionuclide bone study", "延迟期放射性核素骨研究" ], "257787004": [ "Custom fitting", "定制配件" ], "698320000": [ "Endoscopic clipping for control of duodenal bleeding", "Endenoscopic clipping for control of duodenal haemorrhage", "Endoscopic clipping for control of duodenal hemorrhage", "内镜夹闭十二指肠出血控制", "内镜夹闭术治疗十二指肠出血" ], "175867009": [ "Reconstruction vein using prosthetic graft", "使用假体移植重建静脉" ], "305104008": [ "Therapeutic hip stretching", "治疗性髋部伸展" ], "239568009": [ "Excision of transverse process of vertebra", "椎骨横突切除术" ], "1237157002": [ "Waxing up of teeth on study model", "Wax-up of teeth on study model", "研究模型上的牙齿蜡型", "在研究模型上对牙齿进行打蜡" ], "42960008": [ "Suture of joint capsule", "关节囊缝合" ], "252282000": [ "Fibrinogen screening", "纤维蛋白原筛查" ], "104826000": [ "NADH dehydrogenase measurement", "Reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase measurement", "NADH 脱氢酶测量", "还原烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸脱氢酶测量" ], "448890009": [ "Debridement of open fracture of patella", "髌骨开放性骨折清创术" ], "416122009": [ "Klapping", "鼓掌" ], "447055003": [ "Marsupialisation of cyst of uterine cervix", "Marsupialization of cyst of uterine cervix", "宫颈囊肿袋形成形术" ], "711034009": [ "Reinforcement of personal identity", "强化个人身份" ], "168527001": [ "Radiotherapy for inflammation", "放射治疗炎症" ], "709199006": [ "Recommendation for pelvic rest", "骨盆休息建议" ], "37455005": [ "Lymphocyte blast cell transformation assay", "Lymphocyte transformation assay", "淋巴细胞转化试验", "淋巴细胞母细胞转化试验" ], "396068002": [ "Behaviour care assessment", "Behavior care assessment", "Assess behaviour care", "Assess behavior care", "行为护理评估", "评估行为护理" ], "428836006": [ "Primary repair of umbilical hernia using suture", "脐疝缝合一期修补术" ], "410617001": [ "Adjustment", "调整" ], "443385002": [ "Incision and drainage of haematoma", "Incision and drainage of hematoma", "血肿切开引流" ], "68388009": [ "Immunoglobulin D measurement", "Immunoglobulin D level", "免疫球蛋白 D 测量", "免疫球蛋白 D 水平" ], "427001005": [ "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of lesion of penis", "阴茎病变体外冲击波碎石术" ], "179406003": [ "Conversion from cemented unicompartmental knee replacement", "骨水泥型单髁膝关节置换术" ], "1162446003": [ "Assessment using Crohn's Disease Activity Index", "Assessment using CDAI (Crohn's Disease Activity Index)", "使用克罗恩病活动指数进行评估", "使用 CDAI(克罗恩病活动指数)进行评估" ], "441550005": [ "Urinalysis with reflex to microscopy and culture", "尿液分析结合显微镜检查和培养" ], "310478006": [ "Patch repair of pulmonary artery", "Repair of pulmonary artery using patch", "Patch arterioplasty of pulmonary artery", "使用补片修复肺动脉", "肺动脉补片修复", "肺动脉补片成形术" ], "392398003": [ "Bovine serum albumin specific IgE antibody measurement", "Re204 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bovine serum albumin specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "牛血清白蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定", "Re204 特异性IgE抗体测量", "牛血清白蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "177571000": [ "Removal of metal from skin of head or neck", "去除头部或颈部皮肤上的金属" ], "228558003": [ "Psychosocial intervention strategy", "心理社会干预策略" ], "243107002": [ "Artificial urinary sphincter education", "人工尿道括约肌教育" ], "439715003": [ "Neurectomy of intrinsic muscle of foot", "足内在肌神经切除术" ], "406947004": [ "Water soluble nigrosine stain method", "Water soluble nigrosine stain", "水溶性苯胺黑染色法", "水溶性苯胺黑染色剂" ], "388728000": [ "Pea specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pisum sativum specific IgE antibody measurement", "f12 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pisum sativum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f12 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "豌豆特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "豌豆特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "豌豆特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "306808003": [ "Discharge from stroke service", "中风服务出院" ], "241272005": [ "Femoral-femoral crossover arteriogram", "Angiography of femoral-femoral artery crossover graft", "Arteriography of femoral-femoral crossover graft", "股-股交叉动脉造影", "股-股动脉交叉移植血管造影", "股骨-股骨交叉移植动脉造影" ], "1156941002": [ "Double-blind clinical trial", "双盲临床试验" ], "763725002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty using drug eluting balloon catheter", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of coronary artery using drug eluting balloon catheter", "使用药物洗脱球囊导管进行经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术", "经皮冠状动脉腔内药物洗脱球囊成形术" ], "1288013003": [ "Harvesting of stem cells with cryopreservation", "采集并冷冻保存干细胞" ], "59213002": [ "Repair of ruptured supraspinatus tendon, acute", "急性冈上肌腱断裂修复" ], "239437008": [ "Stabilization of shoulder joint", "Surgery for recurrent dislocation of shoulder", "Stabilisation of shoulder joint", "复发性肩关节脱位的手术治疗", "肩关节稳定" ], "761890000": [ "Phoneme Factory Sound Sorter program", "Phoneme Factory Sound Sorter programme", "音素工厂声音分类器程序" ], "1220642002": [ "Replacement of intrathecal implantable infusion pump", "鞘内植入式输液泵的更换" ], "90146000": [ "Injection of salivary gland", "唾液腺注射" ], "712738001": [ "Computed tomography of scapula with contrast", "CT of scapula with contrast", "肩胛骨增强 CT", "肩胛骨增强计算机断层扫描" ], "1204258007": [ "Reconstruction of skin with local subcutaneous pedicle island skin flap", "Local subcutaneous pedicle island skin flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction of skin using local subcutaneous pedicle island skin flap", "局部皮下带蒂岛状皮瓣修复皮肤", "局部皮下带蒂岛状皮瓣修复" ], "57378007": [ "Urine protein level", "Measurement of protein in urine", "Urine protein measurement", "尿蛋白水平", "尿液蛋白质测定", "尿蛋白测量" ], "448759001": [ "Mapping of cerebral cortex", "大脑皮层映射" ], "104695007": [ "Glutamate dehydrogenase NAD measurement", "Glutamate dehydrogenase nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide measurement", "谷氨酸脱氢酶烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸测量", "谷氨酸脱氢酶 NAD 测量" ], "432375008": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for insertion of intra-aortic balloon pump with contrast", "Insertion of intra-aortic balloon pump using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下置入造影剂主动脉内球囊泵", "在荧光造影引导下插入主动脉内球囊泵" ], "252151007": [ "Fat absorption test", "脂肪吸收测试" ], "709068007": [ "More Than Words programme", "More Than Words program", "不止文字计划" ], "266700009": [ "Assisted breathing", "Lung ventilation", "Assisted ventilation therapy", "Ventilation assistance", "辅助呼吸", "辅助通气治疗", "通气辅助", "肺通气" ], "445089003": [ "Closure of patent ductus arteriosus using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下动脉导管未闭封堵术" ], "772769004": [ "Reconstruction of mandible using osteocutaneous flap", "下颌骨骨皮瓣修复" ], "608929006": [ "Microscopic examination of specimen from seminal vesicle", "精囊标本的显微镜检查" ], "68257007": [ "Repair of ruptured aneurysm with graft of splenic artery", "脾动脉移植修复破裂动脉瘤" ], "426870002": [ "Removal of suture from lip", "拆除唇部缝线" ], "33654003": [ "Repair of old obstetric laceration of bladder", "Repair of old obstetric laceration of urinary bladder", "陈旧性产科膀胱裂伤的修复" ], "179275000": [ "Therapeutic percutaneous puncture of bone", "经皮骨穿刺治疗" ], "15435001": [ "Inhalation bronchial challenge testing", "吸入支气管激发试验" ], "392267002": [ "Bentgrass specific IgE antibody measurement", "g9 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Agrostis stolonifera specific IgE antibody measurement", "Redtop specific IgE antibody measurement", "Agrostis stolonifera specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "匍匐翦股颖特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "匍匐翦股颖特异性IgE抗体测定", "g9特异性IgE抗体测量", "本特草特异性IgE抗体测定", "Redtop 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "64587006": [ "Emergency endodontic procedure", "紧急根管治疗" ], "406816006": [ "Biebrich scarlet stain method", "Biebrich scarlet stain", "Biebrich 猩红染色法", "Biebrich 猩红染色" ], "439584008": [ "Exploration of penetrating wound of chest", "胸部穿透伤的探查" ], "241141000": [ "Double contrast barium swallow", "双重对比钡餐检查" ], "306677009": [ "Discharge from day hospital", "日间医院出院" ], "239306009": [ "Osteotomy of glenoid", "关节盂截骨术" ], "450463002": [ "Removal of artificial sphincter of anus", "人工肛门括约肌切除术" ], "8095007": [ "Aspiration curettage of uterus after abortion", "流产后子宫刮除术" ], "432244001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) myelography of thoracic spine with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging myelography of thoracic spine with contrast", "MRI myelography of thoracic spine with contrast", "胸椎磁共振成像脊髓造影", "胸椎磁共振成像 (MRI) 脊髓造影", "胸椎 MRI 脊髓造影" ], "22644003": [ "Low density lipoprotein measurement", "低密度脂蛋白测量" ], "710772003": [ "Identification of preoperative endocrine status", "术前内分泌状态的识别" ], "104564005": [ "Calcium/phosphate parathyroid challenge test", "钙/磷酸盐甲状旁腺激发试验" ], "250185003": [ "Human leukocyte antigen DQA1 genotype determination", "Human leucocyte antigen DQA1 genotype", "Human leukocyte antigen DQA1 genotype", "Human leucocyte antigen DQA1 genotype determination", "HLA-DQA1 - Human leucocyte antigen DQA1 genotype", "HLA-DQA1 - Human leukocyte antigen DQA1 genotype", "DQ alpha chain", "人类白细胞抗原 DQA1 基因型", "人类白细胞抗原 DQA1 基因型测定", "HLA-DQA1 - 人类白细胞抗原 DQA1 基因型", "DQ α链" ], "166430001": [ "Placental function test", "胎盘功能检查" ], "608798003": [ "Open repair of obstructed femoral hernia", "阻塞性股疝的开放式修补术" ], "313886003": [ "60 minute serum prolactin measurement", "60 minute serum prolactin level", "60 分钟血清催乳素水平", "60 分钟血清催乳素测量" ], "84510006": [ "Temporary gastrostomy", "暂时胃造口术" ], "182814007": [ "Emergency dressing", "紧急敷料" ], "410355000": [ "Sickness/injury care case management", "疾病/伤害护理案例管理" ], "428574006": [ "Referral to enuresis clinic", "转诊至遗尿门诊" ], "35358007": [ "Token economy therapy", "Token economy technique", "代币经济疗法", "代币经济技术" ], "312051009": [ "Referral to charitable service", "转介至慈善服务" ], "310216004": [ "Collection of sample from mouth", "口腔样本采集" ], "179144004": [ "Revision to external fixation of fracture", "骨折外固定修复" ], "768968005": [ "Radionuclide imaging of kidney using technetium (99m-Tc) pentetic acid", "Tc99m-DTPA (diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid) renogram", "使用锝(99m-Tc)喷替酸对肾脏进行放射性核素显像", "Tc99m-DTPA(二乙烯三胺五乙酸)肾图" ], "277448004": [ "Acidification regime", "酸化状况" ], "388466001": [ "Weed pollen specific IgE antibody measurement", "Weed pollen specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "杂草花粉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "杂草花粉特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "306546003": [ "Discharge by hospital-based occupational therapist", "Discharge by hospital occupational therapist", "医院职业治疗师出院" ], "241010004": [ "Drainage of subungual haematoma with hot wire", "Drainage of subungual hematoma with hot wire", "热丝引流甲下血肿" ], "175474005": [ "Reconstruction of renal artery", "肾动脉重建" ], "372082006": [ "Radioisotope scan of spleen", "Spleen isotope studies", "Radionuclide spleen studies", "放射性核素脾脏研究", "脾脏同位素研究", "脾脏放射性同位素扫描" ], "716146006": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of vascular structure of lower limb with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiogram of vascular structure of lower limb with contrast", "MR angiography of vascular structure of lower limb with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of lower extremity with contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiography of leg with contrast", "MR angiography of vascular structure of lower extremity with contrast", "MR angiography of vascular structure of leg with contrast", "下肢血管结构磁共振血管造影对比", "下肢血管结构磁共振血管造影", "腿部血管结构磁共振血管造影对比", "下肢增强磁共振血管造影", "腿部磁共振血管造影" ], "77170008": [ "Psychiatric catharsis method", "精神宣泄法" ], "386631003": [ "Moschowitz enterocele repair", "Moschowitz repair of enterocele", "Moschowitz 肠膨出修补术", "莫肖维茨肠膨出修补术" ], "173639004": [ "Fibreoptic oesophagoscopy and injection sclerotherapy of varices", "Fiberoptic endoscopic injection sclerotherapy to esophageal varices", "Fiberoptic esophagoscopy and injection sclerotherapy of varices", "Fibreoptic endoscopic injection sclerotherapy to oesophageal varices", "纤维内镜食管静脉曲张注射硬化剂治疗", "纤维光导食管镜检查及静脉曲张注射硬化剂治疗", "纤维光学食管镜检查及静脉曲张注射硬化剂治疗" ], "58951003": [ "Pelvic echography, B-scan, limited", "盆腔超声检查,B 超,有限" ], "763463009": [ "Fluoroscopic venogram of brachial vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "Fluoroscopic venography of brachial vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "用造影剂插入金属支架进行肱静脉荧光镜静脉造影", "植入金属支架进行肱静脉荧光造影" ], "450332002": [ "Assessment of eligibility for clinical trial", "临床试验资格评估" ], "171804006": [ "Radiofrequency destruction of peripheral nerve", "Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of peripheral nerve", "周围神经射频热凝", "射频毁损周围神经" ], "301041000": [ "Revision open wire fixation of fracture", "骨折开丝固定术" ], "432113002": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for insertion of temporary cardiac pacemaker", "Insertion of temporary cardiac pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下植入临时心脏起搏器", "在荧光透视引导下植入临时心脏起搏器" ], "55281003": [ "Electrocoagulation of uterosacral ligament", "Coagulation of uterosacral ligament using electrical energy", "子宫骶韧带电凝术", "利用电能凝固子宫骶韧带" ], "235505004": [ "Retrograde operative pancreatography", "逆行胰腺造影术" ], "104433006": [ "Osmolar gap measurement, serum", "血清渗透压间隙测量" ], "430278000": [ "Biopsy using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopic guidance for biopsy", "在荧光透视引导下进行活检", "荧光透视引导活检" ], "84379001": [ "Insertion of intravascular device in common iliac vein, partial", "髂总静脉内插入血管内装置,部分" ], "264603002": [ "Transcranial magnetic stimulation", "Transcranial magnetic stimulation of brain", "经颅磁刺激", "经颅磁刺激大脑" ], "2459003": [ "Destructive procedure of artery of upper extremity", "上肢动脉破坏性手术" ], "18843003": [ "Mass spectrometry, chemical ionization type", "Mass spectrometry, chemical ionisation type", "化学电离型质谱法", "质谱法,化学电离型" ], "313755003": [ "Plasma 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 level", "Plasma 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 measurement", "血浆 1,25-二羟基维生素 D3 测量", "血浆 1,25-二羟基维生素 D3 水平" ], "428443007": [ "Partial removal of tension free vaginal tape", "无张力阴道带部分移除" ], "35227009": [ "Spinal salpingothecal shunt with valve", "Spinal salpingothecal anastomosis with valve", "脊柱输卵管鞘吻合术", "带瓣膜的脊髓输卵管鞘分流术" ], "442992005": [ "Percutaneous drainage of abscess of retroperitoneum using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous drainage of abscess of retroperitoneum", "计算机断层扫描引导下经皮腹膜后脓肿引流", "CT引导下经皮腹膜后脓肿穿刺引流" ], "426608006": [ "Cuneiform osteotomy of proximal phalanx with resection of head of first metatarsal", "近节指骨楔骨截骨术及第一跖骨头切除术" ], "410224008": [ "Mental health care education", "Teach mental health care", "教授心理健康护理", "心理健康保健教育" ], "392005004": [ "Scanning laser polarimetry", "扫描激光偏振测定法" ], "29722002": [ "Photochemotherapy with petrolatum and ultraviolet B", "使用凡士林和紫外线 B 的光化学疗法" ], "308250002": [ "Referral to complementary therapy service", "转介至补充治疗服务" ], "78874004": [ "Salivary gland function study", "唾液腺功能研究" ], "306415000": [ "Discharge by neuropathologist", "神经病理学家出院" ], "439322008": [ "Open arteriovenous anastomosis by transposition of basilic vein of upper arm", "上臂贵要静脉移位开颅动​​静脉吻合术" ], "44271004": [ "Ocular photography for medical evaluation and documentation, goniophotography", "Goniophotography of eye", "用于医学评估和记录的眼部摄影、房角摄影", "眼部房角摄影" ], "386500001": [ "Religious exploitation prevention", "Religious exploitation abuse prevention", "Abuse protection support: religious", "保护虐待的支持:宗教", "预防宗教剥削", "预防宗教剥削虐待" ], "208111009": [ "Ureteroplasty", "输尿管成形术" ], "26052003": [ "Manganese measurement", "锰测量" ], "304580003": [ "Supervision while exercising", "Supervision whilst exercising", "运动时的监督" ], "1304004005": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and repair of esophagus using suture", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and repair of oesophagus using suture", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及缝合修复食管" ], "73369001": [ "Phlebectomy with graft replacement of head and neck", "静脉切除术及头颈移植物置换术" ], "7833003": [ "Endoscopic excision of lesion of pancreatic duct", "内镜胰管病变切除术" ], "1269401004": [ "Adrenergic receptor agonist therapy", "Administration of adrenergic receptor agonist", "给予肾上腺素受体激动剂", "肾上腺素受体激动剂治疗" ], "171673004": [ "Exploration of oculomotor nerve (III)", "动眼神经探查(三)" ], "433817005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of brachial artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of brachial artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊肱动脉成形术", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行肱动脉" ], "235374000": [ "Posterior sagittal anorectoplasty", "PSARP - Posterior sagittal anorectoplasty", "PSARP-- 后矢状肛门直肠成形术", "后矢状肛门成形术" ], "431982001": [ "Biopsy of humerus using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Biopsy of humerus using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行肱骨活检" ], "448366003": [ "Harvesting of metatarsal bone", "跖骨采集" ], "104302005": [ "Serologic test for Giardia lamblia", "Giardia Lamblia antibody assay", "Measurement of Giardia lamblia antibody", "贾第鞭毛虫血清学检测", "蓝氏贾第鞭毛虫抗体检测", "贾第鞭毛虫抗体测量" ], "5998008": [ "Radical dissection of groin", "Block dissection of groin", "Radical lymph node dissection of groin", "腹股沟根治性切除术", "腹股沟区块解剖", "腹股沟根治性淋巴结清扫术" ], "233539003": [ "Portal venous system cannula insertion", "门静脉系统插管" ], "118851004": [ "Procedure on kidney", "肾脏手术" ], "313624000": [ "150 minute blood glucose level", "150 minute blood glucose measurement", "150分钟血糖测量", "150 分钟血糖水平" ], "430147008": [ "Fluid balance monitoring", "液体平衡监测" ], "428312001": [ "Revision of prosthetic hybrid replacement of shoulder joint using cemented glenoid component", "使用骨水泥型关节盂组件进行肩关节假体混合置换术" ], "67864003": [ "Trephination of cranium", "Burr holes", "Trephine of cranium", "Burr hole", "Cranial trephine", "颅骨钻孔术", "钻孔", "颅骨环钻" ], "410093000": [ "Ostomy irrigation assessment", "Assess ostomy irrigation", "造口冲洗评估", "评估造口冲洗" ], "770541001": [ "Assessment using Trauma Screening Questionnaire", "Assessment using TSQ (Trauma Screening Questionnaire)", "使用 TSQ(创伤筛查问卷)进行评估", "使用创伤筛查问卷进行评估" ], "16877002": [ "Attachment of pedicle graft to lip", "将带蒂移植物连接至唇部" ], "231704008": [ "Surgical superficial keratectomy", "手术浅层角膜切除术" ], "493005": [ "Urobilinogen measurement, 48-hour, feces", "Urobilinogen measurement, 48-hour, faeces", "48 小时粪便尿胆原测量", "尿胆原测量,48 小时,粪便" ], "49645007": [ "Hemorrhoidectomy with anoplasty", "Haemorrhoidectomy with anoplasty", "痔切除及肛门整形术", "痔疮切除术及肛门整形术" ], "442861009": [ "Drainage of abscess of lymph node using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided drainage of abscess of lymph node", "计算机断层扫描引导下淋巴结脓肿引流", "CT引导下淋巴结脓肿引流" ], "1260226001": [ "Removal of subgingival deposit from tooth using dental scaler", "Removal of subgingival accretion from tooth using dental scaler", "Subgingival scaling of tooth", "使用洁牙机清除牙齿龈下沉积物", "龈下刮治" ], "178882003": [ "Posteriomedial release for acquired deformity of foot", "后内侧松解术治疗后天性足畸形" ], "13207000": [ "Biopsy of soft tissue of elbow area, deep", "肘部深部软组织活检" ], "408258008": [ "Plasma pro-brain natriuretic peptide level", "Plasma pro-brain natriuretic peptide measurement", "血浆脑钠肽前体测量", "血浆脑钠肽前体水平" ], "177047002": [ "Endoscopic freeing of adhesions of ovary", "内镜下卵巢粘连松解术" ], "62359004": [ "Pulmonary artery wedge pressure determination", "肺动脉楔压测定" ], "373655009": [ "Medical service", "医疗服务" ], "175212004": [ "Ligation of ductus arteriosus", "Ligation of patent ductus arteriosus", "动脉导管未闭结扎术", "动脉导管结扎术" ], "306284005": [ "Referral to infectious diseases physician", "转诊至传染病医生" ], "386369002": [ "Newborn monitoring", "新生儿监测" ], "304449006": [ "Interferential to hand", "干扰手" ], "58689006": [ "Magnet extraction of foreign body from lens", "Removal of foreign body from lens with use of magnet", "Magnet extraction of foreign body from lens without extraction of lens", "用磁铁从镜头中取出异物", "使用磁铁去除镜头中的异物", "无需取出镜片,即可用磁铁从镜片中取出异物" ], "107841008": [ "Cardiovascular system destructive procedure", "心血管系统破坏性手术" ], "400918001": [ "Cover uncover test", "Cover-uncover test", "遮盖揭开测试", "覆盖-揭开测试" ], "122390000": [ "Corynebacterium diphtheriae culture", "白喉棒状杆菌培养" ], "91457009": [ "Colpocleisis, Le Fort type", "Le Fort operation on vagina", "阴道Le Fort手术", "阴道闭锁,Le Fort 型" ], "89622002": [ "Removal of blood clot from anterior segment of eye", "清除眼前节的血凝块" ], "235243000": [ "Attention to prosthesis within stomach", "注意胃内假体" ], "433686009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of common femoral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of common femoral artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊股总动脉成形术", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行股总动脉" ], "302614009": [ "Removal of implanted antireflux prosthesis", "移除植入的抗反流假体" ], "431851001": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of brachial plexus with contrast", "Computed tomography of brachial plexus with contrast", "CT of brachial plexus with contrast", "臂丛增强 CT", "臂丛神经增强计算机断层扫描", "臂丛增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "284395004": [ "Examination of temporomandibular joint", "Examination of TMJ (temporomandibular joint)", "颞下颌关节检查", "TMJ(颞下颌关节)检查" ], "169707007": [ "Antenatal sickle cell screening", "产前镰状细胞筛查" ], "448235007": [ "Modified rapid sequence induction", "改良快速序列诱导法" ], "233408002": [ "Insertion common iliac artery stent", "CIA - Insertion of stent into common iliac artery", "CIA - 将支架插入髂总动脉", "插入髂总动脉支架" ], "118720004": [ "Procedure on skin of neck", "颈部皮肤手术" ], "315328007": [ "Anterior resection of rectum with anastomosis", "直肠前切除吻合术" ], "51349000": [ "Anesthesia for radical perineal procedure", "Anaesthesia for radical perineal procedure", "会阴根治术麻醉", "根治性会阴手术的麻醉" ], "231573001": [ "Correction of telecanthus by Mustarde procedure", "通过 Mustarde 手术矫正眼角过长" ], "444565005": [ "Advancement of muscle", "肌肉发育" ], "360810000": [ "Laser urethrotomy", "激光尿道切开术" ], "311658000": [ "Phrasing of speech", "言语措辞" ], "64063003": [ "Radical cystectomy", "根治性膀胱切除术" ], "176916000": [ "Right salpingectomy", "右侧输卵管切除术" ], "275220001": [ "Asopa hypospadias repair", "Asopa 尿道下裂修复术" ], "439060007": [ "Esophageal barostat", "Oesophageal barostat", "Oesophageal balloon distension provocation study", "Esophageal balloon distension provocation study", "食管球囊扩张激发研究", "食管球囊扩张激发试验", "食管压力调节器" ], "306153004": [ "Referral to professional allied to medicine service", "转介至专业医疗服务机构" ], "173246000": [ "Asynchronous bilateral cleft lip repair", "异步双侧唇裂修复" ], "76777009": [ "Electrophrenic respiration", "Artificial respiration by electrophrenic stimulation", "膈电刺激人工呼吸", "膈电呼吸" ], "386238003": [ "Circulatory care for venous insufficiency", "静脉功能不全的循环护理" ], "122259000": [ "Vibrio culture", "弧菌培养" ], "236947000": [ "Insertion of Shirodkar's cervical suture", "Shirodkar operation on cervix", "Shirodkar's cervical cerclage", "Shirodkar cervical cerclage", "Shirodkar 宫颈手术", "插入 Shirodkar 宫颈缝合线", "Shirodkar 宫颈环扎术" ], "302483003": [ "Surgical spinal manipulation", "脊柱外科手术" ], "6821000087100": [ "Computed tomography guided biopsy of right lower limb", "CT guided biopsy of right lower limb", "Computed tomography and biopsy of right lower limb", "Biopsy of right lower limb using computed tomography guidance", "右下肢计算机断层扫描和活检", "CT引导下右下肢活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行右下肢活检", "计算机断层扫描引导下右下肢活检" ], "417171005": [ "Anterior superior iliac spine compression test", "ASIS compression test", "Ilial compression test", "Ilial rocking test", "髂前上棘压缩试验", "ASIS 压缩测试", "髂骨摇摆试验", "髂骨压缩试验" ], "4261000087101": [ "CT of left foot", "Computed tomography of left foot", "左脚CT", "左脚计算机断层扫描" ], "171411003": [ "Individual sight examination", "个人视力检查" ], "5541000087103": [ "CT of bilateral ankles with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral ankles with contrast", "Computed tomography of both ankles with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right ankle with contrast", "双踝部增强计算机断层扫描", "左、右踝关节增强计算机断层扫描", "双踝部增强 CT 检查", "双侧踝关节增强计算机断层扫描" ], "104040000": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Indian system (ISBT 023)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Indian system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 023)", "从印度系统鉴定红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 023)", "印度体系红细胞抗原抗体的鉴定 (ISBT 023)" ], "431720001": [ "Biopsy of jejunum using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下进行空肠活检" ], "13221000087107": [ "Ultrasonography of inguinal region and scrotum", "Ultrasonography of groin and scrotum", "Ultrasound scan of groin and scrotum", "Ultrasound of groin and scrotum", "腹股沟区及阴囊超声检查", "腹股沟和阴囊超声波扫描", "腹股沟和阴囊超声检查" ], "19621000087108": [ "Magnetic resonance arthrography of left hip", "Magnetic resonance arthrogram of left hip", "MR arthrography of left hip", "左髋关节磁共振关节造影" ], "1701000087109": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral thumbs", "Ultrasonography of left and right thumb", "Ultrasound of both thumbs", "Ultrasound scan of both thumbs", "左、右拇指超声检查", "双侧拇指超声检查", "双拇指超声检查", "双拇指超声波扫描" ], "398952004": [ "Sectoral photocoagulation", "分区光凝术" ], "2981000087107": [ "MRI of bilateral upper arms with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral upper arms with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both upper arms with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right upper arm with contrast", "双侧上臂增强磁共振成像", "双上臂对比磁共振成像", "左、右上臂对比磁共振成像", "双侧上臂 MRI 增强扫描" ], "169576004": [ "Antenatal care: multip", "Antenatal care of multipara", "产前护理:多项", "经产妇产前护理" ], "315197004": [ "Tetanus IgG level", "Tetanus immunoglobulin G level", "破伤风 IgG 水平", "破伤风免疫球蛋白 G 水平" ], "397117006": [ "Amputation of lower limb", "Amputation of leg", "Hind limb amputation", "Lower limb amputation", "Amputation of the lower limb", "下肢截肢", "后肢截肢", "截肢" ], "1281853006": [ "Education about career fairs", "关于职业博览会的教育" ], "233277008": [ "Balloon angioplasty of internal iliac artery", "Angioplasty of internal iliac artery", "髂内动脉球囊成形术", "髂内动脉血管成形术" ], "428050002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into ductus arteriosus", "Endovascular insertion of stent into ductus arteriosus", "血管内支架置入动脉导管", "经皮腔内动脉导管支架置入术" ], "772114005": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent spigelian hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using synthetic mesh for recurrent spigelian hernia", "腹腔镜下合成网片修补复发性疝", "使用合成网片进行腹腔镜疝修补术治疗复发性疝" ], "229607002": [ "Full weight-bearing gait re-education on stairs", "Full weight-bearing gait training on stairs", "楼梯全负重步态训练", "楼梯上完全负重步态的再教育" ], "113084003": [ "Chloramphenicol measurement", "Chloramphenicol level", "氯霉素浓度", "氯霉素测定" ], "178620006": [ "Primary fenestration excision of lumbar disc", "Primary fenestration of lumbar intervertebral disc", "原发性腰椎间盘开窗术", "一期腰椎间盘开窗切除术" ], "45713001": [ "Posterior vestibuloplasty, bilateral", "双侧后前庭成形术" ], "176785004": [ "Non-obstetric encircling suture of cervical os", "非产科宫颈口环切缝合术" ], "307857006": [ "Excision of cyst of vulva", "外阴囊肿切除术" ], "275089008": [ "Incision of boil of skin of head or neck", "头颈部皮疮切开术" ], "373393008": [ "Procedure on blood vessel of lower extremity", "下肢血管手术" ], "27494001": [ "HIV-2 antibody assay", "Serologic test for HIV-2", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-2 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 antibody", "HIV-2 血清学检测", "HIV-2 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型抗体测量", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV-2 抗体检测" ], "306022004": [ "Referral from plastic surgeon", "Referral by plastic surgeon", "整形外科医生推荐" ], "58427002": [ "Antibiotic measurement", "Antimicrobial measurement", "Antimicrobial assay", "Antibiotic drug level", "抗生素药物浓度", "抗菌检测", "抗生素测量", "抗菌测量" ], "122128005": [ "Thermoactinomyces species antibody assay", "Measurement of Thermoactinomyces species antibody", "嗜热放线菌抗体的测量", "嗜热放线菌抗体测定" ], "431589001": [ "Fluoroscopic intravenous digital subtraction angiography of inferior vena cava with contrast", "Fluoroscopic intravenous DSA (digital subtraction angiography) of inferior vena cava with contrast", "Fluoroscopic intravenous digital subtraction venography of inferior vena cava with contrast", "荧光透视下腔静脉数字减影造影", "荧光透视下腔静脉数字减影血管造影", "下腔静脉造影荧光透视静脉 DSA(数字减影血管造影)" ], "103909002": [ "Le^ab^ blood group typing", "Le^ab^ 血型分型" ], "447973002": [ "Measurement of temperature using forehead thermometer", "使用额温计测量体温" ], "890341007": [ "Angiography of artery of right lower limb", "Arteriography of artery of right lower limb", "Angiography of artery of right leg", "Arteriography of artery of right leg", "Arteriography of artery of right lower extremity", "Angiography of artery of right lower extremity", "右下肢动脉造影", "右腿动脉造影" ], "3770000": [ "Ward urine dip stick testing", "病房尿液试纸检测" ], "118458001": [ "Open subcutaneous tenotomy", "开放皮下肌腱切开术" ], "233146002": [ "Construction of conduit - right pulmonary artery to left pulmonary artery", "导管建设-右肺动脉至左肺动脉" ], "315066001": [ "Laparoscopic salpingotomy", "腹腔镜输卵管切开术" ], "446138008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain stem", "MRI of brain stem", "脑干磁共振成像", "脑干 MRI" ], "51087002": [ "Repair of ostium primum defect with tissue graft", "组织移植修复原发孔缺损" ], "83855003": [ "DNA analysis, antenatal", "Deoxyribonucleic acid analysis, antenatal", "产前 DNA 分析", "产前脱氧核糖核酸分析" ], "395151006": [ "Multi-layer hand sewn intestinal anastomosis", "多层手工缝合肠吻合术" ], "231311009": [ "Scar infiltration of local anaesthetic and steroid", "Scar infiltration of local anesthetic and steroid", "局部麻醉剂和类固醇的疤痕浸润", "局部麻醉药和类固醇的疤痕浸润" ], "1148815009": [ "Assessment of goals to achieve adequate housing", "评估实现适足住房的目标" ], "229476004": [ "Trunk stretching", "躯干伸展" ], "442468009": [ "Urinalysis with reflex to microscopy", "尿液显微镜检查" ], "391481004": [ "Urine rhein level", "尿液大黄酸水平" ], "274958003": [ "Clagett closure of fenestration of chest", "Clagett 胸窗闭合术" ], "61966007": [ "Antidiuretic hormone measurement", "Arginine vasopressin measurement", "抗利尿激素测量", "精氨酸加压素测量" ], "764643003": [ "Fluoroscopy guided removal of nephrostomy tube from transplanted kidney", "Removal of nephrostomy tube from transplanted kidney using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下从移植肾中取出肾造口管", "荧光透视引导下从移植肾中取出肾造瘘管" ], "76515005": [ "Repair of fistula of thorax", "Closure of fistula of thorax", "胸腔瘘管闭合", "胸腔瘘修补术" ], "438781000124100": [ "Vitamin B6 supplement therapy", "维生素B6补充疗法" ], "172984006": [ "Cryosurgery to pharyngeal lymphatic tissue", "咽部淋巴组织冷冻手术" ], "25528007": [ "Microbial identification kit, Enterotube II method", "微生物鉴定试剂盒,肠管 II 法" ], "441341000124103": [ "Counselling about nutrition using relapse prevention strategy", "Counseling about nutrition using relapse prevention strategy", "使用复发预防策略进行营养咨询" ], "385976008": [ "Bowel training", "排便训练" ], "437501000124104": [ "Glutamine modified diet", "谷氨酰胺改良饮食" ], "472061000124107": [ "Evaluation of eligibility for programme", "Evaluation of eligibility for program", "评估计划资格", "计划资格评估" ], "72845001": [ "Histocompatibility crossmatch", "Histocompatibility crossmatch testing", "HLA - Human leucocyte antigen cross-match", "Human leucocyte antigen cross-match", "HLA - Human leukocyte antigen cross-match", "Human leukocyte antigen cross-match", "Lymphocytotoxic cross-match", "Tissue cross-match", "Organ cross-match", "Histocompatibility cross-matching", "人类白细胞抗原交叉配血", "组织交叉配血", "HLA - 人类白细胞抗原交叉配型", "组织相容性交叉配型检测", "淋巴细胞毒性交叉配血", "组织相容性交叉配型", "器官交叉配型" ], "449677006": [ "Reconstruction of upper limb", "上肢重建" ], "171149006": [ "Cervical neoplasia screening", "Cervical cytology screening", "Screening for malignant neoplasm of cervix", "宫颈恶性肿瘤筛查", "宫颈肿瘤筛查", "宫颈细胞学筛查" ], "447842000": [ "Replacement of enterostomy device of large intestine", "大肠造口装置更换术" ], "234850001": [ "Placement of orthodontic coil spring", "正畸螺旋弹簧的放置" ], "431458003": [ "Injection of sacroiliac joint using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下骶髂关节注射" ], "71010006": [ "Insertion of filling material under skin for filling of defect", "将填充材料插入皮下以填补缺损" ], "169314007": [ "Proton therapy", "质子治疗" ], "429623000": [ "Endoscopic transilluminated excision of varicose vein of leg", "Transilluminated powered phlebectomy for varicose vein of leg", "内镜下小腿静脉曲张切除术", "透照式动力静脉切除术治疗小腿静脉曲张" ], "183863001": [ "Referral to well woman clinic", "转诊至妇女保健诊所" ], "233015003": [ "Removal of right atrial thrombus", "Right atrial thrombectomy", "右心房血栓切除术", "右心房血栓去除" ], "446007005": [ "Assessment using occupational self assessment version 2.2", "使用职业自我评估 2.2 版进行评估" ], "18188000": [ "Ophthalmoscopy under general anesthesia", "Ophthalmoscopy under general anaesthesia", "全身麻醉下进行眼底镜检查" ], "231180005": [ "Ring block in foot", "脚部环形块" ], "1179617000": [ "Localization of sentinel lymph node", "Localisation of sentinel lymph node", "哨兵淋巴结定位" ], "313100009": [ "Component of vascular procedure", "血管手术组成部分" ], "442337006": [ "Monitoring of intraocular pressure during vitrectomy", "玻璃体切除术期间的眼压监测" ], "229345009": [ "Accessory mobilization of the humeroulnar joint", "Accessory mobilisation of the humeroulnar joint", "肱尺关节的辅助活动" ], "129206003": [ "Procedure on phalanx of foot", "足指骨手术" ], "735414004": [ "Insertion of catheter into peripheral vein", "将导管插入外周静脉" ], "309430005": [ "Excision of skin tag", "皮赘切除" ], "63670007": [ "Myocardial imaging for infarct, planar technique", "心肌梗塞成像,平面技术" ], "391350009": [ "Urine methaemoglobin level", "Urine methemoglobin level", "尿液高铁血红蛋白水平" ], "225675002": [ "Putting on hearing aid", "佩戴助听器" ], "698976001": [ "Local myocutaneous flap to neck", "颈部局部肌皮瓣" ], "10848006": [ "Removal of peritoneal dialysis catheter", "Removal of ambulatory peritoneal catheter", "腹膜透析导管移除", "移除门诊腹膜导管" ], "385845001": [ "Blood pressure taking assessment", "Assess blood pressure taking", "评估血压", "血压测量评估" ], "418613003": [ "Tracheal intubation through a laryngeal mask airway", "Tracheal intubation through LMA (laryngeal mask airway)", "Endotracheal intubation through laryngeal mask airway", "通过喉罩 (LMA) 进行气管插管", "通过喉罩气管插管", "经喉罩气管插管" ], "303925005": [ "US of tendon", "Ultrasound of tendon", "肌腱超声检查" ], "252938001": [ "Ovulation hormone assay", "排卵激素检测" ], "431327000": [ "Peroral insertion of gastrostomy tube using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下经口插入胃造口管" ], "169183001": [ "Hormone radioassay - pancreas", "激素放射测定-胰腺" ], "709855000": [ "Finger brachial pressure index", "手指肱压指数" ], "121866009": [ "Thyrotropin beta subunit measurement", "促甲状腺激素β亚基测量" ], "21727005": [ "Audiometric test", "Audiometry", "听力检查" ], "234719008": [ "Removal of periodontal pack", "去除牙周包" ], "232884001": [ "Annuloplasty of atrioventricular valve", "房室瓣成形术" ], "54495009": [ "Antibody to TSH receptor measurement", "Antibody to thyroid stimulating hormone receptor measurement", "TSH 受体抗体测量", "促甲状腺激素受体抗体测量" ], "52660002": [ "Induced abortion following intra-amniotic injection with hysterotomy", "Induced termination of pregnancy following intra-amniotic injection with hysterotomy", "羊膜腔内注射联合子宫切开术终止妊娠", "羊膜腔内注射联合子宫切开术引产" ], "231049003": [ "Creation of connection from spinal subarachnoid space", "从脊髓蛛网膜下腔建立连接" ], "771721004": [ "Open hernioplasty using synthetic mesh for recurrent epigastric hernia", "Open repair of recurrent epigastric hernia using synthetic mesh", "使用合成网片进行开放式疝修补术治疗复发性上腹疝", "使用合成网片进行复发性上腹疝的开放式修补" ], "1148553005": [ "Post-mortem organ harvest", "Post-mortem organ donation", "Removal of organ from cadaver", "Post-mortem organ retrieval", "死后器官提取", "死后器官摘取", "从尸体中取出器官", "死后器官捐献" ], "116361007": [ "Creation of venovenous bypass", "Venous shunt", "Bypass / graft of vein", "静脉搭桥/静脉移植", "静脉分流术", "建立静脉静脉旁路" ], "32606000": [ "Marsupialization of cyst of brain", "Marsupialisation of cyst of brain", "脑囊肿袋形成形术" ], "16222003": [ "Excision of excessive skin and subcutaneous tissue of leg", "切除腿部多余的皮肤和皮下组织" ], "229214008": [ "Music and movement therapy", "音乐与运动疗法" ], "180062009": [ "Combined operations to separate conjoined twins", "连体双胞胎分离联合手术" ], "178227003": [ "Distant muscle subcutaneous pedicle flap", "远端肌肉皮下蒂皮瓣" ], "16384831000119100": [ "MRI of cervicothoracic spine without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of cervicothoracic spine without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of cervical and thoracic spine without contrast", "MRI of cervical and thoracic spine without contrast", "无造影剂的颈椎和胸椎磁共振成像", "无造影剂颈胸椎磁共振成像", "颈胸椎非造影 MRI", "颈椎和胸椎无造影 MRI" ], "16457791000119101": [ "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous injection of pseudoaneurysm of left limb", "Percutaneous injection of pseudoaneurysm of left limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下左肢假性动脉瘤经皮注射", "超声引导下左肢假性动脉瘤经皮穿刺注射" ], "14387005": [ "Reconstruction of eyelid with mucous membrane flap", "粘膜瓣眼睑再造术" ], "718899007": [ "Assessment using Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale Patient Version (3 day recall period)", "Assessment using IPOS (Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale) Patient Version (3 day recall period)", "使用 IPOS(综合姑息治疗结果量表)患者版本进行评估(3 天回忆期)", "使用综合姑息治疗结果量表患者版本进行评估(3 天回忆期)" ], "589631000119102": [ "Intravenous radioimmunotherapy using monoclonal antibodies", "使用单克隆抗体的静脉放射免疫治疗" ], "243763007": [ "Venous sampling catheter procedure", "Venous sampling catheter", "静脉取样导管操作", "静脉取样导管" ], "440371006": [ "Measurement of airway closing volume", "气道闭合容积的测量" ], "405768001": [ "Autotransplantation of heart", "自体心脏移植" ], "702515005": [ "Computed tomography of cervical and lumbar spine", "CT of cervical and lumbar spine", "颈椎、腰椎CT", "颈椎和腰椎的计算机断层扫描" ], "16444991000119109": [ "CT of kidney-ureter-bladder without contrast", "Computed tomography of kidney, ureter and urinary bladder without contrast", "Computed tomography of KUB (kidney, ureter, bladder) without contrast", "无造影剂腹部平片(肾脏、输尿管、膀胱)计算机断层扫描", "肾脏-输尿管-膀胱平扫 CT", "肾脏、输尿管和膀胱的无造影计算机断层扫描" ], "12552005": [ "Fine needle biopsy of larynx", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of larynx", "喉部细针穿刺活检", "喉部细针活检" ], "174557000": [ "Revision of anastomosis of hepatic duct", "肝管吻合术" ], "1173981003": [ "Uterine compression suturing", "Compression suture of uterus for postpartum hemorrhage", "Compression suture of uterus for postpartum haemorrhage", "子宫压迫缝合", "子宫压迫缝合术治疗产后出血" ], "1255901003": [ "Revision of repair of tendon", "肌腱修复的修订" ], "1155762004": [ "Preparation of subject for exercise", "练习对象的准备" ], "385714005": [ "Cardiac care assessment", "Assess cardiac care", "评估心脏护理", "心脏护理评估" ], "271026005": [ "Hemoglobin estimation level", "Hemoglobin level estimation", "Haemoglobin estimation level", "Haemoglobin level estimation", "Hb estimation", "血红蛋白估算", "血红蛋白估计水平", "血红蛋白水平评估" ], "88967000": [ "L-pyrrolidonyl-beta-naphthylamide test", "PYR test", "PYR测试", "L-吡咯烷酮基-β-萘酰胺试验" ], "252807001": [ "Goldmann perimeter plot", "Goldmann visual field", "GVF - Goldmann visual field", "GVF-- 戈德曼视野", "Goldmann 视野", "戈德曼周长图" ], "238258009": [ "Drainage of intra-abdominal collection", "Drainage of peritoneal collection", "腹腔积液引流", "腹腔内积液引流" ], "105351001": [ "Trimipramine measurement", "曲米帕明测量" ], "121735007": [ "Aconitate measurement", "附子酸测定" ], "72583007": [ "Repair of diaphragmatic hernia by thoracic approach", "Repair of diaphragmatic hernia by transpleural approach", "Repair of diaphragmatic hernia by transthoracic approach", "经胸入路膈疝修补术", "经胸腔入路膈疝修补术", "经胸膜入路修补膈疝" ], "5212002": [ "Excision of lesion of lacrimal gland by frontal approach", "经额入路泪腺病损切除术" ], "119900003": [ "Anus closure", "肛门闭合" ], "726108003": [ "Total excision of left parotid gland", "Complete left parotidectomy", "Total left parotidectomy", "左腮腺全切除术" ], "265521000": [ "Open embolectomy of iliac artery", "髂动脉开放栓塞切除术" ], "21596009": [ "Repair of uveal hernia", "Reposition of uveal tissue", "葡萄膜疝修补术", "葡萄膜组织复位" ], "118065003": [ "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 protein 15 antibody", "HIV 2 p15 antibody assay", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型蛋白 15 抗体的测量", "HIV 2 p15 抗体检测" ], "167217005": [ "Urine examination", "尿液检查" ], "232753006": [ "Prosthetic replacement of mitral chordae tendinae", "二尖瓣修复术" ], "134449007": [ "Hantavirus IgM level", "Hantavirus immunoglobulin M level", "汉坦病毒免疫球蛋白 M 水平", "汉坦病毒 IgM 水平" ], "116230001": [ "Open biopsy of esophagus", "Open biopsy of oesophagus", "食管开放活检" ], "230918002": [ "Obliteration of intracranial arteriovenous fistula", "颅内动静脉瘘封堵术" ], "12101000202101": [ "Assistance with getting out of bed", "协助起床" ], "229083001": [ "Cooksey Cawthorne exercises", "库克西考索恩演习" ], "48859006": [ "Creation of esophagogastric sphincteric competence", "Restoration of cardioesophageal angle", "Creation of oesophagogastric sphincteric competence", "Restoration of cardio-oesophageal angle", "贲门食管角复位", "建立食管胃括约肌能力", "贲门食管角重建" ], "65243006": [ "Delivery by midwife", "助产士接生" ], "440240000": [ "Aromatherapy massage", "芳香疗法按摩" ], "391088002": [ "Serum gabapentin level", "血清加巴喷丁浓度" ], "45189000": [ "Destruction of lesion of stomach", "Destruction of gastric lesion", "胃部病变破坏" ], "28805002": [ "Carotene measurement", "胡萝卜素测量" ], "12421006": [ "Closure of esophagostomy by thoracic approach", "Closure of oesophagostomy by thoracic approach", "经胸腔入路关闭食管造口" ], "1208453006": [ "Reconstruction of hand using local fasciocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction of hand with local fasciocutaneous flap", "Local fasciocutaneous flap reconstruction of hand", "局部筋膜皮瓣修复手部缺损", "手部局部筋膜皮瓣修复" ], "176261008": [ "Radical prostatectomy without pelvic node excision", "根治性前列腺切除术(不切除盆腔淋巴结)" ], "225413008": [ "Nominal observation", "名义观察" ], "174426002": [ "Heterotopic liver transplant", "Auxiliary liver transplant", "Piggy-back liver transplant", "辅助肝移植", "异位肝移植", "背驮式肝移植" ], "26970002": [ "Hexosaminidase A and total hexosaminidase measurement, serum and leukocytes", "Hexosaminidase A and total hexosaminidase measurement, serum and leucocytes", "己糖胺酶 A 和总己糖胺酶测量,血清和白细胞" ], "303663004": [ "CT of thoracic skeleton", "Computed tomography of thoracic skeleton", "胸骨计算机断层扫描", "胸椎CT" ], "74287006": [ "Transfusion of coagulation factors", "Transfusion of coagulation factor", "输注凝血因子" ], "287279006": [ "Heart - aortic branch implant", "心脏 - 主动脉分支植入物" ], "236292001": [ "Repair of ruptured bulbar urethra", "尿道球部破裂的修复" ], "105220006": [ "Ketobemidone measurement", "酮米酮测量" ], "121604007": [ "Hyoscyamine measurement", "莨菪碱测量" ], "432900009": [ "Aspiration of knee using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下膝盖抽吸术" ], "709593003": [ "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of neck", "Aspiration of neck using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下颈部抽吸", "荧光透视引导下颈部抽吸" ], "119769005": [ "Heart valve reconstruction", "心脏瓣膜重建" ], "232622002": [ "Open procedure to bronchus", "支气管开放手术" ], "167086002": [ "Serum random glucose level", "Serum random glucose measurement", "血清随机血糖测量", "血清随机血糖水平" ], "412846003": [ "Urine heptaporphyrin concentration measurement", "Urine heptaporphyrin concentration", "尿液七卟啉浓度", "尿液七卟啉浓度测量" ], "117934007": [ "RNA antibody assay", "Ribonucleic acid antibody assay", "Measurement of ribonucleic acid antibody", "RNA抗体检测", "核糖核酸抗体测定" ], "183470008": [ "Hematology emergency hospital admission", "Haematology emergency hospital admission", "血液科急诊入院" ], "1411001": [ "Operation on papillary muscle of heart", "Operation on papillary muscle", "心脏乳头肌手术", "乳头肌手术" ], "1017219003": [ "Laparoscopic total excision of right kidney via retroperitoneal approach", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路右肾全切除术" ], "443779006": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration ratio of excretion of histamine to excretion of creatinine in 24 hour urine", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration ratio of excretion of histamine to excretion of creatinine in 24 hour urine specimen", "24小时尿液组胺排泄量与肌酐排泄量质量浓度比值的定量测定", "24小时尿液标本中组胺排泄量与肌酐排泄量质量浓度比值的定量测定" ], "312707007": [ "Removal of soft lens matter", "去除晶状体软物质" ], "179800000": [ "Revision open intra-articular prosthetic augmentation intra-articular ligament", "翻修开放关节内假体增强关节内韧带" ], "32344003": [ "Avulsion of peripheral nerve", "Surgical avulsion of peripheral nerve", "周围神经撕脱手术", "周围神经撕脱" ], "310872003": [ "Gastric drainage procedure", "胃引流手术" ], "46893003": [ "Chiropractic adjustment of single thoracic spine subluxation", "单侧胸椎半脱位的整脊治疗" ], "79661003": [ "Open reduction of separated epiphysis of humerus", "肱骨骨骺分离切开复位" ], "390957006": [ "Plasma iron level", "血浆铁水平" ], "241666000": [ "MRI of thoracic aorta", "Magnetic resonance imaging of thoracic aorta", "胸主动脉 MRI", "胸主动脉磁共振成像" ], "405506002": [ "Femoro-distal popliteal graft for repair of aneurysm using prosthesis", "股骨远端腘窝移植用于使用假体修复动脉瘤" ], "700418003": [ "Hand-assisted laparoscopic repair of aneurysm of abdominal aorta", "手助腹腔镜腹主动脉瘤修补术" ], "225282005": [ "Washing back through haemodialysis lines", "Washing back through hemodialysis lines", "通过血液透析管路进行冲洗" ], "274434007": [ "Therapeutic aspiration of lung", "肺穿刺治疗" ], "59607002": [ "Removal of foreign body from frontal sinus", "额窦异物取出" ], "10455003": [ "Removal of ectopic cervical pregnancy by evacuation", "宫颈异位妊娠清除术" ], "305367005": [ "Admission to gastroenterology department", "消化内科入院" ], "418220000": [ "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolisation of hepatic artery", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolization of hepatic artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolisation of hepatic artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolization of hepatic artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolization of hepatic artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolisation of hepatic artery", "肝动脉造影及栓塞荧光血管造影", "肝动脉造影及栓塞术", "肝动脉荧光造影及栓塞术", "肝动脉造影透视及栓塞术", "肝动脉荧光血管造影及栓塞术", "肝动脉造影荧光透视及栓塞术" ], "713132000": [ "Assessment of drug use", "药物使用评估" ], "223447008": [ "Advice to document signs and symptoms", "Recommendation to document signs and symptoms", "记录体征和症状的建议" ], "172460005": [ "Incision of sclera", "Sclerotomy", "巩膜切开术" ], "432769002": [ "Plain X-ray of chest using mobile image intensifier", "Plain X-ray of thorax using mobile image intensifier", "使用移动影像增强器进行胸部 X 光检查", "使用移动影像增强器进行胸部X光检查" ], "88705004": [ "Insulin C-peptide measurement", "Proinsulin C-peptide measurement", "C-peptide measurement", "Connecting peptide insulin measurement", "C-peptide level", "连接肽胰岛素测量", "胰岛素原C肽测量", "C肽测量", "C肽水平", "胰岛素 C 肽测量" ], "121473005": [ "Butyl nitrate measurement", "硝酸丁酯测量" ], "252545005": [ "Stenger's test - tuning fork", "Stenger test - tuning fork", "Stenger 测试 - 音叉" ], "105089004": [ "Boron measurement", "硼测量" ], "119638001": [ "Arm destructive procedure", "Upper arm destructive procedure", "手臂破坏性手术", "上臂破坏性手术" ], "840534001": [ "2019-nCoV antigen immunisation", "SARS-CoV-2 antigen immunization", "2019-nCoV antigen immunization", "COVID-19 antigen immunisation", "2019 novel coronavirus antigen immunisation", "2019 novel coronavirus antigen immunization", "COVID-19 antigen immunization", "Administration of SARS-CoV-2 antigen vaccine", "2019 novel coronavirus antigen vaccination", "2019-nCoV antigen vaccination", "COVID-19 antigen vaccination", "SARS-CoV-2 antigen vaccination", "Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antigen vaccination", "Administration of vaccine product containing only severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antigen", "接种仅含严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 抗原的疫苗产品", "SARS-CoV-2 抗原疫苗接种", "COVID-19 抗原免疫", "COVID-19抗原疫苗接种", "2019新型冠状病毒抗原疫苗", "2019-nCoV 抗原免疫", "严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 抗原疫苗接种", "SARS-CoV-2 抗原免疫", "2019-nCoV 抗原疫苗", "2019新型冠状病毒抗原免疫", "SARS-CoV-2 抗原疫苗的接种" ], "236161009": [ "Lower moiety ureterectomy", "Excision of ureter to lower moiety of duplex kidney", "下段输尿管切除术", "切除复肾下半部分的输尿管" ], "234326005": [ "Bone marrow biopsy", "Bone marrow sampling", "骨髓取样", "骨髓活检" ], "1184598006": [ "Open reconstruction of articular cartilage of knee joint", "Open chondroplasty of articular cartilage of knee joint", "膝关节软骨开放成形术", "膝关节关节软骨开放重建" ], "183339004": [ "Educational rehabilitation", "教育康复" ], "232491007": [ "Insertion of intranasal splints", "插入鼻内夹板" ], "134187008": [ "Child protection procedure", "儿童保护程序" ], "66816004": [ "Implantation of cardiac temporary transvenous pacemaker system during and immediately following cardiac surgery", "Implantation of electrode for cardiac temporary transvenous pacemaker system during and immediately following cardiac surgery", "Insertion of electrode of heart for temporary transvenous pacemaker system during and immediately following cardiac surgery", "Insertion of cardiac pacemaker during and immediately following cardiac surgery", "Insertion of cardiac temporary transvenous pacemaker system during and immediately following cardiac surgery", "Insertion of pacemaker during and immediately following cardiac surgery", "心脏手术期间和手术后立即植入心脏临时经静脉起搏器系统的电极", "心脏手术期间和手术后立即植入心脏临时经静脉起搏器系统", "在心脏手术期间和手术后立即植入心脏起搏器", "在心脏手术期间和手术后立即插入心脏临时静脉起搏器系统", "心脏手术期间和手术后立即植入起搏器", "在心脏手术期间和手术后立即插入心脏电极以安装临时静脉起搏器系统" ], "179669000": [ "Revision to closed reduction of dislocation and external fixation", "脱位闭合复位及外固定术" ], "441813004": [ "Evaluation of peritoneal fluid", "腹腔液评估" ], "1179093004": [ "Skin reducing excision of breast via inverted T incision and reconstruction of breast", "Wise pattern skin reducing mastectomy and reconstruction of breast", "WISE 型乳房皮肤缩小术及乳房重建术", "倒T形切口乳房皮肤切除及乳房重建术" ], "359893006": [ "Total fundoplication", "TFP - Total fundoplication", "全胃底折叠术", "TFP-- 全胃底折叠术" ], "390826005": [ "Mental health carers' support", "Mental health caregiver's support", "Mental health caregiver support", "Mental health carer support", "心理健康护理人员支持", "心理健康护理者支持", "心理健康护理人员的支持" ], "865962006": [ "Assessment using mSWAT (modified Severity Weighted Assessment Tool)", "Assessment using modified Severity Weighted Assessment Tool", "使用改进的严重程度加权评估工具进行评估", "使用 mSWAT(改良严重程度加权评估工具)进行评估" ], "110463001": [ "Therapeutic evaluation", "治疗评估" ], "405375003": [ "Repair of popliteal artery", "腘动脉修复" ], "241535003": [ "CT of soft tissues of neck", "Computed tomography of soft tissues of neck", "颈部软组织计算机断层扫描", "颈部软组织CT" ], "225151003": [ "Removal of adhesive skin closures", "Removal of steristrips", "移除 Steristrips", "去除粘性皮肤闭合" ], "44927006": [ "Measurement of coronary blood flow", "冠状动脉血流测量" ], "239700001": [ "Adjustment of cast brace", "调整石膏支架" ], "59476004": [ "Repair of nasal fistula", "Closure of oronasal fistula", "口鼻瘘管闭合", "鼻瘘修复" ], "174164007": [ "Enterorrhaphy of colon", "结肠肠缝合术" ], "303401008": [ "Parks panproctocolectomy, anastomosis of ileum to anus and creation of pouch", "Parks 全直肠结肠切除术、回肠肛门吻合术及袋形成术" ], "711166001": [ "Removal of implantable cardiac pacemaker", "移除植入式心脏起搏器" ], "449022001": [ "Prescription of contact lens", "隐形眼镜处方" ], "121342005": [ "Halogenated hydrocarbon identification", "卤代烃鉴别" ], "432638006": [ "Barbotage of tendon using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Barbotage of tendon using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下肌腱切开术", "使用超声(美国)引导进行肌腱压扎术" ], "252414008": [ "Methylene blue test", "Methylthioninium chloride test", "亚甲蓝试验" ], "104958009": [ "Testosterone challenge tests", "睾酮激发试验" ], "70355002": [ "Excision of lesion of anus, extensive", "肛门广泛病变切除术" ], "117672000": [ "Desmethylmethsuximide measurement", "去甲基甲砜基胺测量" ], "609192001": [ "Endoscopic excision of tissue of pancreatic duct", "内镜胰管组织切除术" ], "183208004": [ "Colostomy bag adjustment", "结肠造口袋调整" ], "443517001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of trigeminal nerve", "MRI of trigeminal nerve", "三叉神经 MRI", "三叉神经磁共振成像" ], "83069002": [ "Permanent gastrostomy with construction of gastric tube", "永久性胃造口术及胃管建造" ], "427133003": [ "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography and collection of bile", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影和胆汁收集" ], "410749008": [ "Excision of lesion of ear", "耳部病变切除术" ], "722045009": [ "Warfarin therapy", "华法林治疗" ], "228690002": [ "Iodine 125 brachytherapy", "碘125近距离放射治疗" ], "408914003": [ "Parenteral feeding management", "Manage parenteral feeding", "管理肠外喂养", "肠外喂养管理" ], "277842006": [ "Neurolytic autonomic nerve block", "神经溶解性自主神经阻滞" ], "439847000": [ "Application of clubfoot cast", "马蹄足石膏的应用" ], "392530009": [ "Tetramin, fish feed specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ro203 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Tetramin, fish feed specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Tetramin、鱼饲料特异性IgE抗体测定", "Ro203特异性IgE抗体测量", "Tetramin、鱼饲料特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "241404007": [ "Radionuclide two-phase bone study", "放射性核素双相骨研究" ], "239569001": [ "Percutaneous spinal facet joint denervation", "经皮脊柱小关节去神经支配术" ], "90278001": [ "Secluding patient", "Seclusion", "隔离患者", "隔离" ], "305105009": [ "Therapeutic hip adductor stretching", "髋部内收肌拉伸治疗" ], "172198004": [ "Destruction of lesion of canthus", "眼角病变毁损术" ], "745638006": [ "Injection of anaesthetic agent", "Injection of anesthetic agent", "注射麻醉剂" ], "417958008": [ "US scan and drainage of liver", "Ultrasound scan and drainage of liver", "肝脏超声扫描及引流" ], "24742009": [ "Closure of fistula of middle ear", "中耳瘘管闭合" ], "432507000": [ "Biopsy of humerus using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下肱骨活检" ], "301435003": [ "Repair of tendon of trunk", "躯干肌腱修复" ], "711035005": [ "Reinforcement of impulse control", "强化冲动控制" ], "448891008": [ "Debridement of open fracture of tarsal bone", "跗骨开放性骨折清创术" ], "219515009": [ "Watson-Jones operation", "沃森-琼斯手术" ], "104827009": [ "NADH-methemoglobin reductase measurement", "NADH-methaemoglobin reductase measurement", "Reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)-methemoglobin reductase measurement", "Reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-methemoglobin reductase measurement", "还原烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸-高铁血红蛋白还原酶测量", "还原烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸 (NADH)-高铁血红蛋白还原酶测量", "NADH-高铁血红蛋白还原酶测量" ], "234064002": [ "Marsupialisation of cerebral lesion", "Marsupialization of cerebral lesion", "脑病损袋形化术", "脑损伤袋形化术" ], "168528006": [ "Palliative course of radiotherapy", "Radiotherapy for tumor palliation", "Radiotherapy for tumour palliation", "放射治疗缓解肿瘤", "放射治疗以缓解肿瘤", "放射治疗的姑息疗程" ], "35621002": [ "Cardiac blood pool imaging", "心脏血池显像" ], "52005005": [ "Thromboendarterectomy with graft, combined aortoiliac", "血栓内膜切除术及移植,联合主动脉髂动脉" ], "396069005": [ "Behaviour care education", "Behavior care education", "Teach behaviour care", "Teach behavior care", "教导行为关怀", "行为护理教育" ], "133925006": [ "Cleaning of penis", "阴茎清洁" ], "445221009": [ "Assessment of sleep pattern", "睡眠模式评估" ], "443386001": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of ventilation of lung", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和肺通气计算机断层扫描" ], "31951004": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of knee", "膝关节脱位切开复位术" ], "392399006": [ "e77 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Budgerigar droppings specific IgE antibody measurement", "Budgerigar droppings specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "虎皮鹦鹉粪便特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "e77 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "虎皮鹦鹉粪便特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "179407007": [ "Uncemented unicompartmental knee replacement", "非骨水泥单髁膝关节置换术" ], "228559006": [ "Social skills training", "SST - Social skills training", "社交技能培训", "SST - 社交技能培训" ], "243108007": [ "Gastrointestinal stoma training", "胃肠造口培训" ], "406948009": [ "Water soluble anthracene brown stain method", "Water soluble anthracene brown stain", "水溶性蒽棕染色", "水溶性蒽棕染法" ], "306809006": [ "Discharge from young disabled service", "解除青年残疾人服务" ], "61049008": [ "Endoscopic removal of stones from pancreatic duct", "内镜胰管结石取出" ], "388729008": [ "Pleuronectes platessa specific IgE antibody measurement", "Plaice specific IgE antibody measurement", "f254 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pleuronectes platessa specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f254 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "鲽鱼特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "鲽鱼特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Pleuronectes Platessa 特异性 IgE 抗体测定" ], "173902002": [ "Extirpation of lesion of jejunum", "空肠病变切除术" ], "239438003": [ "Posterior stabilisation of shoulder joint", "Posterior stabilization of shoulder joint", "肩关节后部稳定", "肩关节后部固定" ], "40995000": [ "Pancreaticocystojejunostomy", "Pancreatic cystojejunostomy", "胰腺囊空肠吻合术", "胰胆管空肠吻合术" ], "1156942009": [ "Double-blind clinical drug trial", "双盲临床药物试验" ], "761891001": [ "Repair of right inguinal hernia, direct and indirect", "Repair of right direct and indirect inguinal hernia", "右侧腹股沟直疝及斜疝修补术", "右腹股沟疝(直接疝和间接疝)的修复" ], "172067003": [ "Breast prosthesis operation", "乳房假体手术" ], "59214008": [ "Reduction mammaplasty", "Reduction mammoplasty", "McKissock operation, breast reduction", "Breast reduction", "缩乳术", "乳房缩小", "乳房缩小术", "麦基索克手术,乳房缩小术" ], "26446009": [ "Preliminary incision", "Preparatory incision", "准备切口", "初步切口" ], "1204259004": [ "Reconstruction of skin with local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y skin flap", "Local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y skin flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction of skin using local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y skin flap", "局部皮下带蒂V-Y皮瓣重建", "局部皮下带蒂V-Y皮瓣修复皮肤" ], "24611008": [ "Suture of larynx", "Laryngorrhaphy", "Repair of laceration of larynx", "Suture of laceration of larynx", "喉缝合术", "喉裂伤修复", "喉缝合", "喉裂伤缝合" ], "252152000": [ "GAG - Glycosaminoglycan screening", "Mucopolysaccharide screening", "Glycosaminoglycan screening", "GAG - 糖胺聚糖筛选", "粘多糖筛选", "糖胺聚糖筛选" ], "88312006": [ "Amputation of leg through tibia and fibula", "Amputation of leg below knee", "Amputation below-knee", "BK amputation", "Trans-tibiofibular amputation of lower leg", "BKA - Below knee amputation", "BKA-- 膝下截肢", "膝下截肢", "小腿胫腓骨截肢术", "胫骨和腓骨截肢术", "BK 截肢", "膝盖以下截肢" ], "448760006": [ "Computed tomography of head and neck and thorax and abdomen with contrast", "CT of head and neck and thorax and abdomen with contrast", "头颈部及胸腹部增强 CT 检查", "头颈部、胸部和腹部增强计算机断层扫描" ], "104696008": [ "Glutamate dehydrogenase NADP measurement", "Glutamate dehydrogenase nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate measurement", "谷氨酸脱氢酶烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸测定", "谷氨酸脱氢酶 NADP 测量" ], "432376009": [ "Percutaneous embolization of inferior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of inferior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of inferior vena cava with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of inferior vena cava with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮下腔静脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下腔静脉经皮造影栓塞术" ], "70093002": [ "Lysis of adhesions of mediastinum", "纵隔粘连松解术" ], "86477000": [ "Total hysterectomy with removal of both tubes and ovaries", "Bilateral hysterosalpingo-ovariectomy", "双侧子宫输卵管卵巢切除术", "全子宫切除术,切除输卵管和卵巢" ], "709069004": [ "Learning Language and Loving It programme", "Learning Language and Loving It program", "学习语言并热爱它计划" ], "2722000": [ "IL-3 assay", "Interleukin-3 assay", "白细胞介素-3测定", "IL-3 测定" ], "266701008": [ "Lung collapse prevention", "预防肺塌陷" ], "723618002": [ "Assessment using ASQ:SE-2 (Ages and Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional second edition)", "Assessment using Ages and Stages Questionnaires Social-Emotional second edition", "使用 ASQ:SE-2(年龄和阶段问卷:社会情感第二版)进行评估", "使用年龄和阶段问卷进行评估社会情感第二版" ], "19106006": [ "Repair of bronchocutaneous fistula", "Closure of bronchocutaneous fistula", "支气管皮肤瘘的修复", "支气管皮肤瘘闭合" ], "410487001": [ "Occlusion therapy", "Occlusion therapy for amblyopia", "闭塞疗法", "弱视遮盖疗法" ], "17271004": [ "Open reduction of fracture of tibia and fibula", "胫腓骨骨折切开复位术" ], "82807006": [ "Car transfer training", "汽车调动培训" ], "48204000": [ "Spontaneous unassisted delivery, medical personnel present", "自然分娩,无需协助,有医务人员在场" ], "408652004": [ "13C urea breath test", "C13 urea breath test", "C13尿素呼气试验", "13C尿素呼气试验" ], "392268007": [ "Alopercurus pratensis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Meadow foxtail specific IgE antibody measurement", "g16 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Alopercurus pratensis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "草地贪夜蛾特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "草地鹬特异性IgE抗体测定", "g16特异性IgE抗体测量", "草地狐尾草特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "423201001": [ "Instructions from the pharmacy", "药房的指示" ], "406817002": [ "Bismark brown R stain method", "Bismark brown R stain", "俾斯麦棕 R 染色", "俾斯麦棕R染色法" ], "28150003": [ "Biofeedback procedure", "Biofeedback technique", "Biofeedback therapy", "生物反馈技术", "生物反馈程序", "生物反馈疗法" ], "306678004": [ "Discharge from psychiatry day hospital", "精神病日间医院出院" ], "241142007": [ "Single contrast barium swallow", "单次造影钡餐检查" ], "239307000": [ "Osteotomy of proximal humerus", "肱骨近端截骨术" ], "1255115002": [ "Behavioral counseling about risk factor for periodontitis", "Behavioural counselling about risk factor for periodontitis", "关于牙周炎危险因素的行为咨询" ], "42699003": [ "Incision of brain", "Intracerebral incision", "脑切开术", "脑内切口" ], "173771003": [ "Radioisotope scan of intestine", "Radioisotope scan of bowel", "肠道放射性同位素扫描" ], "450464008": [ "Angulation osteotomy of diaphysis", "Angulation diaphyseal osteotomy", "成角骨干截骨术", "骨干成角截骨术" ], "8096008": [ "Capsulotomy of midfoot with tendon lengthening", "中足关节囊切开术及肌腱延长术" ], "73632009": [ "Laparoscopy", "Celioscopy", "Peritoneoscopy", "Coelioscopy", "腹腔镜检查", "体腔镜检查" ], "432245000": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of plantar fascia", "Ultrasonography of plantar fascia", "足底筋膜超声检查" ], "39029006": [ "Electromyogram examination of eye", "Oculoelectromyography with medical evaluation", "Ocular electromyography", "眼肌电图检查", "眼肌电图检查及医学评估", "眼肌电图" ], "104565006": [ "Carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase measurement", "氨基甲酰磷酸合成酶测量" ], "710773008": [ "Identification of preoperative gastrointestinal status", "术前胃肠道状态的识别" ], "250186002": [ "Human leukocyte antigen DQB1 genotype", "Human leucocyte antigen DQB1 genotype", "Human leukocyte antigen DQB1 genotype determination", "Human leucocyte antigen DQB1 genotype determination", "HLA-DQB1 - Human leucocyte antigen DQB1 genotype", "HLA-DQB1 - Human leukocyte antigen DQB1 genotype", "DQ beta chain", "人类白细胞抗原 DQB1 基因型", "人类白细胞抗原DQB1基因型测定", "人类白细胞抗原 DQB1 基因型测定", "DQβ链", "HLA-DQB1 - 人类白细胞抗原 DQB1 基因型" ], "168266005": [ "Serology: bacteria identified", "血清学:已鉴定细菌" ], "69962007": [ "Repair of fistula of mouth", "Closure of fistula of mouth", "Fistulectomy of mouth", "口腔瘘管切除术", "口腔瘘修补术", "口腔瘘管闭合" ], "84511005": [ "Electrocorticogram during surgery", "手术期间的皮层脑电图" ], "608799006": [ "Open repair of obstructed inguinal hernia", "阻塞性腹股沟疝的开放式修补术" ], "313887007": [ "90 minute serum prolactin level", "90 minute serum prolactin measurement", "90 分钟血清催乳素测量", "90 分钟血清催乳素水平" ], "312052002": [ "Placement procedure", "安置程序" ], "410356004": [ "Signs/symptoms-mental/emotional case management", "体征/症状-精神/情绪病例管理" ], "277449007": [ "Alkalinization regime", "Alkalinisation regime", "碱化方案" ], "310217008": [ "Collection of gingival crevicular fluid sample", "收集龈沟液样本" ], "241011000": [ "Drainage of subungual hematoma with drill", "Drainage of subungual haematoma with drill", "用钻头引流甲下血肿" ], "372083001": [ "Spleen imaging", "脾脏成像" ], "716147002": [ "Assessment using Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living Scale", "Assessment using NEADL (Nottingham Extended Activities of Daily Living) Scale", "使用诺丁汉扩展日常生活活动量表进行评估", "使用诺丁汉大学日常生活能力拓展量表 (NEADL) 进行评估" ], "388467005": [ "Adrenocorticotrophic hormone specific IgE antibody measurement", "Adrenocorticotrophic hormone specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "ACTH (Adrenocorticotrophic hormone) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rc206 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rc206 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "促肾上腺皮质激素特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "促肾上腺皮质激素特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "ACTH(促肾上腺皮质激素)特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "175475006": [ "Plastic repair of renal artery and end-to-end anastomosis of renal artery", "肾动脉整形修复及肾动脉端端吻合术" ], "306547007": [ "Discharge by optometrist", "Discharge by optician", "验光师出院", "配镜师放电" ], "77171007": [ "Insertion of testicular prosthesis", "睾丸假体植入" ], "1142131008": [ "Increased omega 3 fatty acid diet", "Increased N-3 fatty acid diet", "增加 omega 3 脂肪酸饮食", "增加 N-3 脂肪酸饮食" ], "763464003": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of cephalic vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "Fluoroscopic venogram of cephalic vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "头静脉荧光造影并植入金属支架", "植入金属支架进行头静脉荧光造影" ], "1287752004": [ "Reconstruction of neck using distant pedicle skin flap", "利用远端带蒂皮瓣进行颈部重建" ], "386632005": [ "Repair of enterocele by abdominal approach", "Abdominal repair of enterocele", "腹部肠膨出修补术", "经腹修补肠膨出" ], "108104006": [ "Obstetrics endoscopy", "产科内窥镜检查" ], "24349003": [ "Destruction of lesion of abdominal wall or umbilicus", "腹壁或脐部病变破坏" ], "171805007": [ "Cryotherapy to peripheral nerve", "周围神经冷冻治疗" ], "104434000": [ "Gastrointestinal occult blood test", "胃肠道潜血检查" ], "450333007": [ "Attention to ventriculoperitoneal shunt", "脑室腹腔分流术注意事项" ], "778013008": [ "Securing of catheter", "导管固定" ], "235506003": [ "Ambigrade operative pancreatography", "Direct duct injection pancreatography", "直接导管注射胰管造影", "双向手术胰管造影" ], "301042007": [ "Revision closed wire fixation of fracture", "骨折闭合钢丝固定术" ], "432114008": [ "Closure of atrial septal defect using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopic guidance for closure of atrial septal defect", "荧光透视引导房间隔缺损封堵术", "荧光透视引导下房间隔缺损封堵术" ], "6130009": [ "Surgical exposure of impacted or unerupted tooth to aid eruption", "通过手术暴露阻生牙或未萌出的牙齿以帮助萌出" ], "708807009": [ "Incision and drainage of skin and subcutaneous tissue", "皮肤及皮下组织切开引流" ], "313756002": [ "Plasma 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 measurement", "Plasma 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 level", "血浆 25-羟基维生素 D3 测量", "血浆 25-羟基维生素 D3 水平" ], "84380003": [ "Suture of posterior tibial nerve", "胫后神经缝合" ], "625000": [ "Removal of supernumerary digit", "Correction of polydactyly", "删除多余数字", "多指畸形矫正" ], "442993000": [ "Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of lesion of liver using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下经皮肝病灶射频消融术" ], "410225009": [ "Mental health care management", "Manage mental health care", "心理健康护理管理", "管理心理健康护理" ], "31558004": [ "Metyrapone test", "Metyrapone panel", "Metyrapone stimulation test", "Metopirone stimulation test", "甲托吡酮兴奋试验", "甲吡酮兴奋试验", "甲吡酮面板", "美替酮试验" ], "179014004": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of small bone and fixation using screw", "小骨骨折一期切开复位螺钉固定" ], "308251003": [ "Admission to clinical oncology department", "临床肿瘤科入院" ], "439323003": [ "Percutaneous skeletal fixation of distal phalangeal fracture of finger", "经皮骨固定治疗手指远端指骨骨折" ], "177179008": [ "Cephalic vaginal delivery with abnormal presentation of head at delivery without instrument", "头位阴道分娩,不使用器械分娩时头先露异常" ], "306416004": [ "Discharge by physician", "医生出院" ], "765168005": [ "Doppler ultrasound compression venography of upper limb", "Doppler ultrasonography compression venography of upper limb", "Doppler ultrasound scan compression venography of upper limb", "上肢多普勒超声加压静脉造影", "多普勒超声上肢加压静脉造影", "上肢多普勒超声扫描加压静脉造影" ], "44272006": [ "Cordopexy of vocal cord", "Cordopexy", "Plication of anterior commissure of vocal cords", "脊柱固定术", "声带固定术", "声带前联合折叠术" ], "60656008": [ "Corneal transplant", "Grafting of cornea", "Corneal graft", "角膜移植" ], "386501002": [ "Acid-base balance regulation", "Acid-base management", "酸碱平衡调节", "酸碱管理" ], "58821005": [ "Probing of salivary duct", "Salivary duct probing", "涎管探查" ], "1304005006": [ "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and full thickness resection of small intestine", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and full thickness resection of small intestine", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及小肠全层切除术" ], "89754000": [ "RBC antibody detection", "Antibody screen, RBC, each serum", "RBC agglutinin detection", "Red blood cell antibody detection", "抗体筛查,红细胞,各血清", "红细胞抗体检测", "红细胞凝集素检测" ], "433818000": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of superficial femoral vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of superficial femoral vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of superficial femoral vein with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of superficial femoral vein with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮股浅静脉造影栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮股浅静脉栓塞术" ], "171674005": [ "Exploration of trochlear nerve (IV)", "滑车神经探查(IV)" ], "24218006": [ "Care of patient's personal effects", "照顾病人的个人物品" ], "104303000": [ "Leishmania antibody assay", "Serologic test for Leishmania", "Measurement of Leishmania species antibody", "利什曼原虫抗体检测", "利什曼原虫抗体的测量", "利什曼原虫血清学检测" ], "235375004": [ "V-Y anoplasty", "V-Y成形术" ], "38767005": [ "Repair of defect of radius AND ulna with autograft", "自体移植修复桡骨和尺骨缺损" ], "431983006": [ "Aspiration of shoulder using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Aspiration of shoulder using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下肩关节穿刺" ], "448367007": [ "Harvesting of tarsal bone", "跗骨采集" ], "7131000179105": [ "Resection of tumor of pleura", "Resection of tumour of pleura", "Excision of neoplasm of pleura", "胸膜肿瘤切除术" ], "233540001": [ "Portal vein cannula insertion", "门静脉插管" ], "430148003": [ "Education about infant nutrition at 7-9 months", "7-9个月婴儿营养教育" ], "118852006": [ "Procedure on perirenal tissue", "肾周组织手术" ], "117017001": [ "Modified Gomori-Wheatley trichrome stain method", "Gomori-Wheatley trichrome stain", "Gomori-Wheatly trichrome stain method", "Gomori-Wheatly trichrome stain", "Gomori-Wheatly 三色染色", "Gomori-Wheatley 三色染色", "改良的Gomori-Wheatley三色染色法", "Gomori-Wheatly三色染色法" ], "313625004": [ "30 minute plasma glucose measurement", "30 minute plasma glucose level", "30 分钟血糖测量", "30 分钟血糖水平" ], "51481005": [ "Antibody identification, RBC", "Blood group antibody, identification", "Blood group antibody identification", "Antibody identification, red blood cell", "血型抗体、鉴定", "抗体鉴定,红细胞", "血型抗体鉴定" ], "428313006": [ "Mandible DXA scan", "Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of mandible", "下颌骨 DXA 扫描", "下颌骨双能X射线吸收测定" ], "231705009": [ "Laser superficial keratectomy", "激光浅层角膜切削术" ], "494004": [ "Excision of lesion of tonsil", "扁桃体病变切除术" ], "410094006": [ "Ostomy irrigation education", "Teach ostomy irrigation", "教导造口冲洗", "造口冲洗教育" ], "180718007": [ "Harvest of flap of skin and fascia", "Harvest of fasciocutaneous (FC) flap", "Harvest of fasciocutaneous flap", "皮瓣和筋膜的获取", "筋膜皮瓣 (FC) 的采集", "筋膜皮瓣的采集" ], "15043000": [ "Adjustable suture technique during strabismus surgery", "斜视手术中的可调节缝合技术" ], "408259000": [ "Serum pro-brain natriuretic peptide level", "血清脑钠肽前体水平" ], "1260227005": [ "Supragingival scaling of tooth", "Removal of supragingival accretion from tooth using dental scaler", "Removal of supragingival deposit from tooth using dental scaler", "龈上洁治", "使用洁牙机清除牙齿龈上增生物", "使用洁牙机清除牙齿龈上沉积物" ], "178883008": [ "Release of medial soft tissue of hindfoot and excision of lateral wedge of os calcis", "释放后足内侧软组织并切除跟骨外侧楔" ], "47811009": [ "Incision and exploration of perivesical tissue", "Exploration of retropubic space", "切开并探查膀胱周围组织", "耻骨后间隙探查" ], "717720005": [ "X-ray tomography of hip", "髋部 X 射线断层扫描" ], "422808006": [ "Prenatal supplemental visit", "Supplemental prenatal visit", "Antepartum supplemental visit", "Prenatal continuous visit", "产前补充访视", "产前持续访视", "产前补充检查", "补充产前检查" ], "62360009": [ "Repair of male urethrocutaneous fistula", "Closure of male urethrocutaneous fistula", "男性尿道皮瘘的缝合", "男性尿道皮瘘的修补" ], "306285006": [ "Referral to medical ophthalmologist", "转诊至眼科医生" ], "386370001": [ "Provision of non-nutritive sucking", "Non-nutritive sucking", "提供非营养性吸吮", "非营养性吸吮" ], "91458004": [ "Cystine measurement, qualitative", "胱氨酸测量,定性" ], "304450006": [ "Interferential to back", "干扰背部" ], "122391001": [ "Retrovirus culture", "逆转录病毒培养" ], "302615005": [ "Abdominal sacrocolpopexy", "Colposacropexy", "Abdominal suspension of vaginal vault", "阴道穹窿腹部悬吊术", "腹部骶骨阴道固定术", "阴道骶骨固定术" ], "400919009": [ "Alternate cover test", "替代覆盖测试" ], "284396003": [ "Examination of shoulder joint", "肩关节检查" ], "104172004": [ "Organism specific culture", "生物体特异性培养" ], "235244006": [ "Removal of prosthesis from stomach", "从胃中取出假体" ], "431852008": [ "Paediatric echocardiography", "Pediatric echocardiography", "儿科超声心动图" ], "118721000": [ "Procedure on skin of trunk", "躯干皮肤手术" ], "413633002": [ "Balloon dacryoplasty", "球囊泪道成形术" ], "446401003": [ "Drainage of abscess of head", "头部脓肿引流" ], "315329004": [ "Partial excision of bone of lower limb", "下肢骨部分切除术" ], "233409005": [ "EIA - Insertion of stent into external iliac artery", "Insertion of external iliac artery stent", "髂外动脉支架置入术", "EIA - 将支架插入髂外动脉" ], "53185004": [ "Physical examination under general anesthesia", "Physical examination under general anaesthesia", "全身麻醉下的身体检查" ], "428182001": [ "Replacement of aortic root using homograft", "同种异体移植主动脉根部置换术" ], "444566006": [ "Replacement of cardiac pacemaker", "更换心脏起搏器" ], "231574007": [ "Correction of telecanthus by transnasal wire", "经鼻导线矫正外眦畸形" ], "426347000": [ "Thrombolytic therapy", "溶栓治疗" ], "16747000": [ "Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram", "Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography", "PTC - Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiogram", "PTC-- 经皮肝穿刺胆管造影", "经皮肝穿刺胆管造影" ], "33131006": [ "Closure of nephrocutaneous fistula", "肾皮瘘闭合" ], "311659008": [ "Stimulation of speech", "言语刺激" ], "178752002": [ "Removal correctional spinal instrumentation", "移除矫正脊椎器械" ], "703040004": [ "Agreeing on diabetes care plan", "同意糖尿病护理计划" ], "719424008": [ "Percutaneous liquid polymer embolization of arteriovenous malformation using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous liquid polymer embolization of arteriovenous malformation with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous liquid polymer embolisation of arteriovenous malformation with contrast", "Percutaneous liquid polymer embolisation of arteriovenous malformation using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮液体聚合物栓塞治疗动静脉畸形(荧光造影引导)", "透视引导下经皮穿刺液体聚合物造影栓塞治疗动静脉畸形", "荧光透视引导下经皮液体聚合物造影栓塞治疗动静脉畸形" ], "783125000": [ "Hair bearing strip graft of skin to skin of scalp", "带毛皮肤条移植至头皮皮肤" ], "275221002": [ "Harris hypospadias repair", "Harris 尿道下裂修复术" ], "226069004": [ "Dietary history assessment using recall", "Review of current diet", "通过回忆来评估饮食史", "审查当前饮食" ], "439061006": [ "Excision of lesion of dentoalveolar structure", "牙槽结构损伤切除术" ], "176917009": [ "Left salpingectomy", "左侧输卵管切除术" ], "306154005": [ "Referral to arts therapy services", "Referral to art therapy service", "转介艺术治疗服务" ], "11242008": [ "Aneurysmectomy with graft replacement of thoracic artery", "胸主动脉瘤切除及移植置换术" ], "763071002": [ "Assessment using HAM-D (Hamilton Depression Rating Scale)", "Assessment using HRSD (Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression)", "Assessment using HAM-D (Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression)", "Assessment using Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression", "使用 HAM-D(汉密尔顿抑郁量表)进行评估", "使用汉密尔顿抑郁量表进行评估", "使用 HRSD(汉密尔顿抑郁量表)进行评估" ], "287935004": [ "Bilateral partial fallopian removal", "Partial excision of bilateral fallopian tubes", "Partial excision of both fallopian tubes", "双侧输卵管部分切除术" ], "9407005": [ "Insertion of pin-retained palatal prosthesis", "插入针状固定腭假体" ], "386239006": [ "Circulatory precautions", "循环系统预防措施" ], "74943008": [ "Operation on trunk", "中继线上的操作" ], "122260005": [ "Calymmatobacterium granulomatis culture", "肉芽肿杆菌培养" ], "236948005": [ "Repositioning of retroverted uterus", "子宫后倾复位" ], "302484009": [ "Complex reconstruction of soft tissue of hand", "手部软组织复杂重建" ], "431721002": [ "Biopsy of lung using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下进行肺活检" ], "38505002": [ "Repair of muscle of hand by graft or implant of fascia", "通过筋膜移植或植入修复手部肌肉" ], "104041001": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Cost collection (ISBT 205)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Cost collection (International Society of Blood Transfusion 205)", "从 Cost 收集中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 205)", "从成本收集中识别红细胞抗原抗体(ISBT 205)" ], "71273005": [ "Partial hepatectomy", "Partial excision of liver", "Subtotal hepatectomy", "PH - Partial hepatectomy", "PH-部分肝切除术", "肝脏部分切除术", "肝次全切除术", "部分肝切除术" ], "249662000": [ "Eagleton operation", "伊格尔顿手术" ], "1281854000": [ "Education about vocational rehabilitation programme", "Education about vocational rehabilitation program", "职业康复计划教育" ], "167742002": [ "CSF chloride measurement", "CSF: chloride level", "Cerebrospinal fluid chloride measurement", "脑脊液:氯化物水平", "脑脊液氯化物测量" ], "233278003": [ "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of internal iliac artery", "Percutaneous angioplasty of internal iliac artery", "经皮髂内动脉血管成形术", "经皮髂内动脉球囊成形术" ], "315198009": [ "Toxoplasma (immunosorbent agglutination assay) IgM level", "Toxoplasma (immunosorbent agglutination assay) immunoglobulin M level", "弓形虫(免疫吸附凝集试验)免疫球蛋白 M 水平", "弓形虫(免疫吸附凝集试验)IgM 水平" ], "2067001": [ "Implantation of electromagnetic hearing aid", "Implantation of electromagnetic hearing device", "电磁助听器植入", "电磁听力装置植入" ], "2431000087100": [ "MRI of left upper arm", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left upper arm", "左上臂磁共振成像", "左上臂 MRI" ], "4991000087100": [ "CT of left hand with contrast", "Computed tomography of left hand with contrast", "左手增强 CT 扫描", "左手增强计算机断层扫描" ], "15231000087105": [ "CT of pelvis and left hip", "Computed tomography of pelvis and left hip", "骨盆和左髋的计算机断层扫描", "骨盆和左髋部 CT" ], "67603009": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of maxilla with dental wiring", "牙线闭合复位上颌骨骨折" ], "20351000087109": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of right axilla", "Aspiration of right axilla using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下右腋窝穿刺" ], "1151000087109": [ "Biopsy of right kidney using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of right kidney", "超声引导下右肾活检" ], "82152007": [ "Cauterization of mammary gland", "Cauterisation of mammary gland", "乳腺烧灼", "乳腺烧灼术" ], "229608007": [ "Gait re-education on stairs", "Gait training on stairs", "楼梯步态训练", "楼梯步态再教育" ], "80317001": [ "Removal of Barton's tongs from skull", "Removal of Barton tongs from skull", "从头骨中取出巴顿钳" ], "113085002": [ "Desipramine measurement", "地昔帕明测量" ], "63933000": [ "Ventriculostomy", "Anastomosis of cerebral ventricle", "脑室造口术", "脑室吻合术" ], "276925005": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of abdominal aorta", "经皮腹主动脉内膜切除术" ], "406162001": [ "Asthma management", "Asthma care", "哮喘护理", "哮喘管理" ], "373394002": [ "Procedure on lymph nodes of lower extremity", "下肢淋巴结手术" ], "176786003": [ "Colposcopy of cervix", "宫颈阴道镜检查" ], "275090004": [ "Removal of toenail", "拔除脚趾甲" ], "27495000": [ "Repair of uterus and supporting structures", "修复子宫和支撑结构" ], "715623000": [ "Imaging of peripheral nerve", "周围神经成像" ], "60263002": [ "Destructive procedure of blood vessel", "Angiotripsy", "血管碎裂术", "血管破坏性手术" ], "699239003": [ "Combined synchronous percutaneous antegrade fluoroscopic and retrograde ureteroscopic bypass of ureteric occlusion and insertion of ureteric stent", "Rendezvous bypass of ureteric occlusion and insertion of ureteric stent", "联合同步经皮顺行荧光镜及逆行输尿管镜输尿管阻塞旁路手术及输尿管支架置入术", "输尿管阻塞交会旁路术及输尿管支架置入术" ], "418876000": [ "Fluoroscopic bronchography", "荧光支气管造影" ], "306023009": [ "Referral from transplant surgeon", "Referral by transplant surgeon", "移植外科医生推荐", "移植外科医生的推荐" ], "58428007": [ "Febrile agglutinins panel typhoid O & H, paratyphoid A & B, Brucella and Proteus OX-19", "Febrile agglutinins panel typhoid O and H, paratyphoid A and B, Brucella and Proteus OX-19", "热凝集素组伤寒O和H,副伤寒A和B,布鲁氏菌和变形杆菌OX-19", "发热凝集素组伤寒O和H,副伤寒A和B,布鲁氏菌和变形杆菌OX-19" ], "122129002": [ "Thermoactinomyces vulgaris antibody assay", "Measurement of Thermoactinomyces vulgaris antibody", "普通嗜热放线菌抗体测定" ], "890342000": [ "Angiography of artery of left upper limb", "Arteriography of artery of left upper limb", "Angiography of artery of left arm", "Arteriography of artery of left arm", "Arteriography of artery of left upper extremity", "Angiography of artery of left upper extremity", "左臂动脉造影", "左上肢动脉造影" ], "302353008": [ "Attention to jejunostomy", "空肠造口术注意事项" ], "431590005": [ "Radionuclide imaging using ioflupane", "使用碘氟烷进行放射性核素成像" ], "185830005": [ "Well adult monitoring first letter", "成人监测首字母" ], "103910007": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from Duffy system (ISBT 008)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Duffy system (ISBT 008)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Duffy system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 008)", "血型、Duffy 系统红细胞抗原(国际输血协会 008)", "血型、Duffy 系统红细胞抗原 (ISBT 008)" ], "447974008": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of sentinel lymph node", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和哨兵淋巴结计算机断层扫描" ], "773819005": [ "Amputation of right forefoot", "右前脚截肢" ], "85691005": [ "Diverticulopexy of hypopharynx with myotomy", "下咽憩室固定术及肌切开术" ], "315067005": [ "Amebic antibody level", "Amoebic antibody level", "阿米巴抗体水平" ], "280464000": [ "Shoulder reoperations", "Revision of shoulder arthroplasty", "肩关节置换术修复", "肩部再次手术" ], "231312002": [ "Scar infiltration of steroid", "疤痕类固醇浸润" ], "395152004": [ "Single layer hand sewn intestinal anastomosis", "单层手工缝合肠吻合术" ], "1148816005": [ "Assessment for inadequate housing", "住房不足评估" ], "442469001": [ "Measurement of aldosterone in body fluid specimen", "体液标本中醛固酮的测定" ], "180325003": [ "Electrical cardioversion", "Direct current cardioversion", "电复律", "直流电复律" ], "229477008": [ "Lower limb stretching", "下肢伸展" ], "702778004": [ "Offering of child and adolescent mental health service choice appointment", "Offering of CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) choice appointment", "提供 CAMHS(儿童和青少年心理健康服务)选择预约", "提供儿童青少年心理健康服务选择预约" ], "391482006": [ "24 hour urine lead output", "24小时尿铅排出量" ], "1259834006": [ "Irrigation of ventricular intracranial catheter", "脑室颅内导管灌洗" ], "47418008": [ "Dilation of nasolacrimal duct with insertion of tube or stent", "插入管子或支架扩张鼻泪管" ], "176655001": [ "Non-obstetric anterior episiotomy", "非产科前会阴切开术" ], "1290767004": [ "Drainage of tunica vaginalis", "鞘膜引流" ], "274959006": [ "Morison omentopexy", "莫里森大网膜固定术" ], "43748006": [ "Removal of bladder catheter", "Removal of urinary bladder catheter", "拔除膀胱导尿管", "移除膀胱导管" ], "404196006": [ "Extraction of single deciduous tooth", "单颗乳牙拔除" ], "764644009": [ "PET CT of whole body using 18F FMISO (fluoromisonidazole)", "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography of whole body using fluoromisonidazole (18-F)", "PET CT of whole body using fluoromisonidazole (18-F)", "使用氟米索硝唑(18-F)进行全身正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描", "使用 18F FMISO(氟米索硝唑)进行全身 PET CT 检查", "氟米索硝唑(18-F)全身 PET CT 检查" ], "287673002": [ "Perianal cauterisation", "Perianal cauterization", "肛周烧灼" ], "41913002": [ "Ultrasound of inner ear", "内耳超声检查" ], "385977004": [ "Bowel training management", "Manage bowel training", "管理排便训练", "排便训练管理" ], "1287097003": [ "UBESS - unilateral biportal endoscopic spinal surgery", "Unilateral biportal endoscopic spinal surgery", "Unilateral biportal endoscopic operation on spine", "单侧双孔内镜脊柱手术", "UBESS-- 单侧双孔内窥镜脊柱手术" ], "271289006": [ "Urine ethanol measurement", "Urine ethanol level", "尿乙醇测量", "尿液乙醇水平" ], "172985007": [ "Removal of foreign body from pyriform fossa", "梨状窝异物取出" ], "449678001": [ "Reconstruction of upper arm", "上臂重建" ], "762809009": [ "Partial left salpingectomy", "左侧输卵管部分切除术" ], "121998004": [ "Ehrlichia phagocytophila antibody assay", "Measurement of Ehrlichia phagocytophila antibody", "吞噬细胞埃里克体抗体的测量", "吞噬细胞埃里克体抗体测定" ], "89230009": [ "Closure of ureterovesical fistula", "输尿管膀胱瘘闭合" ], "234851002": [ "Placement of orthodontic elastic thread", "放置矫正弹力线" ], "431459006": [ "Injection of shoulder using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下肩部注射" ], "120163007": [ "Mediastinum injection", "纵隔注射" ], "446008000": [ "Assessment using occupational circumstances assessment interview and rating scale version 4.0 for forensic mental health", "使用职业环境评估访谈和评分量表 4.0 版进行法医心理健康评估" ], "169315008": [ "Deuteron therapy", "氘核疗法" ], "233016002": [ "Open removal of foreign body from right atrium", "右心房异物切除术" ], "444631000124101": [ "Feeding position management", "喂料位置管理" ], "413240005": [ "Chromoscopy", "色相学" ], "183864007": [ "Referral to family planning clinic", "转诊至计划生育诊所" ], "435671000124101": [ "Cholesterol modified diet", "胆固醇改良饮食" ], "436951000124105": [ "Decreased saturated fat diet", "减少饱和脂肪饮食" ], "438231000124108": [ "Increased thiamine diet", "Increased thiamin diet", "增加硫胺素饮食" ], "1805005": [ "Surgical closure of stoma", "Take-down of stoma", "造口手术关闭", "造口拆除" ], "313101008": [ "Placement of vein cuff", "静脉袖状带的放置" ], "442338001": [ "Bypass of stomach", "Gastric bypass", "胃绕道手术", "胃绕道" ], "231181009": [ "Ring block of great toe", "大脚趾环块" ], "229346005": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the superior radioulnar joint", "Accessory mobilization of the superior radioulnar joint", "上桡尺关节的辅助活动" ], "425954005": [ "D-lactic acid measurement", "D-lactate measurement", "D-乳酸测量" ], "1179618005": [ "Localization of sentinel lymph node using patent blue V", "Localisation of sentinel lymph node using patent blue V", "使用专利蓝 V 定位哨兵淋巴结" ], "112823003": [ "Creation of aorta-carotid-brachial vascular bypass", "建立主动脉-颈动脉-肱动脉血管搭桥术" ], "63671006": [ "Bankhart capsulorrhaphy for recurrent anterior dislocation of upper extremity", "Bankart type operation", "Bankart capsulorrhaphy", "Bankart 型操作", "Bankart囊缝合术", "Bankhart关节囊缝合术治疗复发性上肢前脱位" ], "129207007": [ "Procedure on bone of foot", "足骨手术" ], "176524000": [ "Total amputation of penis", "Complete amputation of penis", "阴茎全切除", "阴茎完全切除" ], "309431009": [ "Arthroscopy of knee", "Arthroscopy of knee joint", "Arthroscopic procedure of knee joint", "膝关节镜检查", "膝关节镜手术" ], "702647009": [ "Computed tomography of hand with contrast", "CT of hand with contrast", "手部增强 CT 扫描" ], "391351008": [ "Urine nickel level", "尿液镍水平" ], "225676001": [ "Switching on hearing aid", "打开助听器" ], "61836004": [ "Beta lactamase susceptibility test", "β-内酰胺酶敏感性试验" ], "29068008": [ "Therapeutic pneumothorax", "Therapeutic pneumothorax with intrapleural injection of air", "Therapeutic collapse of lung", "Artificial pneumothorax", "Lung collapse production", "Intentional temporary lung collapse", "AP - Artificial pneumothorax", "Intentional lung collapse", "Lung collapse therapy", "Controlled atelectasis", "故意暂时性肺塌陷", "AP-人工气胸", "治疗性气胸", "控制性肺不张", "人工气胸", "肺塌陷治疗", "故意肺塌陷", "胸膜内注气治疗气胸", "肺塌陷产生" ], "10849003": [ "Removal of foreign body", "去除异物" ], "780897004": [ "Construction of interposition anastomosis using tissue engineered blood vessel", "组织工程血管介入吻合术的构建" ], "698977005": [ "Local myocutaneous flap to head", "头部局部肌皮瓣" ], "385846000": [ "Manage blood pressure", "Blood pressure taking management", "Manage blood pressure taking", "控制血压", "血压测量管理", "管理血压测量" ], "303926006": [ "US scan of soft tissues of leg", "Ultrasound scan of soft tissues of leg", "腿部软组织超声波扫描", "腿部软组织超声扫描" ], "121867000": [ "Tiglylglycine measurement", "甘氨酸测量" ], "287542009": [ "Non-surgical joint biopsy", "非手术关节活检" ], "56331004": [ "Arthrodesis of interphalangeal joint of finger with internal fixation", "手指指间关节融合内固定术" ], "252939009": [ "Follicle monitoring US scan", "Ultrasound scan for follicle monitoring", "超声波扫描监测卵泡", "卵泡监测超声扫描" ], "234720002": [ "Removal of pack from tooth socket", "从牙槽中取出牙包" ], "709856004": [ "Wrist brachial pressure index", "腕肱压指数" ], "431328005": [ "Percutaneous cervical vertebroplasty using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮颈椎椎体成形术" ], "54496005": [ "Construction of intermarginal adhesions", "边缘粘合的构建" ], "169184007": [ "Hormone radioassay - kidney", "激素放射测定-肾脏" ], "232885000": [ "Atrioventricular valve annuloplasty using ring", "使用环进行房室瓣成形术" ], "3509001": [ "Streptococcus vaccination", "Streptococcus immunization", "Streptococcus immunisation", "链球菌疫苗接种", "链球菌免疫" ], "398560008": [ "Dengue nucleic acid assay", "Dengue nucleic acid detection", "登革热核酸检测" ], "120032006": [ "Vulva closure", "外阴缝合" ], "36277004": [ "Chin to chest distance", "下巴到胸部的距离" ], "167349008": [ "Urine microscopy for cells", "Urine microscopy: cells", "尿液显微镜检查细胞", "尿液显微镜检查:细胞" ], "231050003": [ "Creation of thecopleural shunt", "建立胸膜分流术" ], "771722006": [ "Open repair of recurrent epigastric hernia using biological mesh", "Open hernioplasty using biological mesh for recurrent epigastric hernia", "生物网片开放式修补复发性上腹疝", "使用生物网片进行开放式疝修补术治疗复发性上腹疝" ], "442207004": [ "Remanipulation of fracture of short bone and fixation using screw", "短骨骨折的再治疗及螺钉固定" ], "32607009": [ "Reduction of closed sesamoid fracture", "闭合性籽骨骨折复位" ], "229215009": [ "Games for therapy", "治疗游戏" ], "243764001": [ "Petrosal sinus sampling catheter", "Petrosal venous sampling", "Inferior petrosal sinus sampling", "Petrosal sinus sampling catheter procedure", "岩窦取样导管操作", "岩窦取样导管", "岩静脉取样", "岩下窦取样" ], "112692001": [ "First stage of staged operation", "第一阶段分阶段行动" ], "440372004": [ "Infusion of stem cells into cerebral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导将干细胞注入脑动脉" ], "702516006": [ "Computed tomography of cervical and lumbar spine with contrast", "CT of cervical and lumbar spine with contrast", "颈椎和腰椎增强 CT 检查", "颈椎和腰椎增强计算机断层扫描" ], "717065006": [ "Assessment using Aston Index", "使用阿斯顿指数进行评估" ], "1290505007": [ "Plain X-ray of carpus", "Plain X-ray of carpal bone", "腕骨普通 X 光检查" ], "733449008": [ "Qi Gong", "Qigong", "Qigong", "Qi Gong" ], "78089009": [ "Transfer training", "转移培训" ], "174558005": [ "Open dilation of anastomosis of hepatic duct", "肝管吻合口开放扩张术" ], "287411001": [ "Permanent eyelid closure", "永久性眼睑闭合" ], "25267002": [ "Insertion of intracardiac pacemaker", "植入心内起搏器" ], "238259001": [ "Drainage of peritoneal abscess", "Drainage of intra-abdominal abscess", "腹膜脓肿引流", "腹腔内脓肿引流" ], "271027001": [ "Serum TIBC measurement", "Serum TIBC", "Serum total iron binding capacity measurement", "血清总铁结合力测定", "血清总铁结合力测量", "血清TIBC" ], "385715006": [ "Cardiac care", "Cardiac care treatments and procedures", "心脏护理治疗和程序", "心脏护理" ], "1155763009": [ "Referral for respiratory therapy", "转诊呼吸治疗" ], "433032002": [ "Removal of gastrostomy tube using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下移除胃造口管" ], "170888003": [ "ENT: initial assessment", "Ear, nose and throat: initial assessment", "耳鼻喉:初步评估", "耳鼻喉科:初步评估" ], "252808006": [ "Lister perimeter plot", "利斯特周长图" ], "121736008": [ "Acrylamide measurement", "丙烯酰胺测量" ], "105352008": [ "Tripelennamine measurement", "曲吡嗪测量" ], "119901004": [ "Rectum closure", "Closure of rectum", "直肠闭合" ], "447581006": [ "Laparoscopic suturing of laceration of ureter by retroperitoneal approach", "Retroperitoneoscopic suturing of laceration of ureter", "腹腔镜下经腹膜后入路输尿管裂伤缝合术", "腹腔镜输尿管裂伤缝合术" ], "726109006": [ "Total excision of right parotid gland", "Complete right parotidectomy", "Total right parotidectomy", "右侧腮腺全切除术", "右腮腺全切除术" ], "232754000": [ "Fenestration operation on mitral chordae tendinae", "二尖瓣腱索开窗术" ], "118066002": [ "HIV 2 gp34 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 gp34 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 glycoprotein 34 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 2 gp34 抗体检测", "HIV 2 gp34 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型糖蛋白 34 抗体的测量" ], "412978007": [ "Percentage CD103 count", "CD103 计数百分比" ], "445746008": [ "Craniotomy and removal of haematoma from extradural space", "Craniotomy and removal of hematoma from extradural space", "开颅手术及硬膜外血肿清除" ], "265522007": [ "Transluminal operations on iliac artery", "髂动脉腔内手术" ], "116231002": [ "Open biopsy of spleen", "脾脏开放活检" ], "230919005": [ "Anastomosis of intracranial artery", "颅内动脉吻合术" ], "736988005": [ "Application of elastic compression device for compression of lymphedema", "Application of elastic compression device for compression of lymphoedema", "Lymphedema elastic therapeutic taping", "Lymphoedema elastic therapeutic taping", "淋巴水肿弹性治疗贴", "弹性压迫装置在淋巴水肿压迫中的应用" ], "178097001": [ "Excision of ganglion of knee", "Excision of ganglion cyst of knee", "膝关节神经节切除术", "膝关节腱鞘囊肿切除术" ], "14257002": [ "Repair of hypoplastic left heart syndrome", "Hypoplastic left heart operation", "HLH - Hypoplastic left heart operation", "HLH-- 左心发育不全手术", "左心发育不全手术", "左心发育不全综合征的修复" ], "440241001": [ "Construction of custom nasal prosthesis", "定制鼻假体的构建" ], "866225005": [ "MRI of bone of ankle and foot", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bone of ankle and foot", "踝部及足部骨骼 MRI", "踝部及足部骨骼磁共振成像" ], "391089005": [ "Urine deoxypyridinoline/creatinine ratio", "尿脱氧吡啶/肌酐比值" ], "1208454000": [ "Reconstruction of hand using free fasciocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis", "吻合显微血管的游离筋膜皮瓣修复手部缺损" ], "176262001": [ "Radical prostatectomy with pelvic node sampling", "根治性前列腺切除术及盆腔淋巴结取样" ], "28806001": [ "Angiocardiography by serialography, multi-plane", "通过序列成像进行多平面心血管造影" ], "225414002": [ "General observation", "一般观察" ], "10587002": [ "Fulguration of Skene's glands", "Fulguration of Skene glands", "斯基恩氏腺电灼术" ], "207195004": [ "History and physical examination with evaluation and management of nursing facility patient", "Nursing facility patient evaluation and management", "护理机构患者评估和管理", "护理机构患者的病史和体格检查以及评估和管理" ], "174427006": [ "Replacement of previous liver transplant", "更换先前的肝移植" ], "57904002": [ "Drainage of cerebral subdural space by aspiration", "脑硬膜下腔穿刺引流" ], "303664005": [ "Special CT procedures of the thoracic region", "Special computed tomography procedure of thoracic region", "胸部特殊计算机断层扫描程序", "胸部特殊 CT 检查" ], "172592009": [ "Wedge resection of auricle", "Wedge excision of pinna", "Wedge excision of external ear", "Wedge resection of pinna", "耳廓楔形切除术", "外耳楔形切除术" ], "711429001": [ "Transplantation of autologous progenitor cell", "Autologous HPCT", "自体祖细胞移植", "自体HPCT" ], "105221005": [ "Labetalol measurement", "拉贝洛尔测量" ], "236293006": [ "Urethroscopic operation", "尿道镜手术" ], "367365007": [ "Anastomosis main bile duct to small intestine", "胆管主干与小肠吻合" ], "432901008": [ "Injection of cervical zygapophyseal joint using computed tomography guidance", "Injection of cervical zygapophyseal joint using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "CT guided injection of cervical zygapophyseal joint", "使用计算机断层扫描(CT)引导进行颈椎关节突关节注射", "计算机断层扫描引导下颈椎关节突关节注射", "CT引导下颈椎关节突关节注射" ], "170757007": [ "Fundoscopy - diabetic check", "眼底镜检查 - 糖尿病检查" ], "121605008": [ "Imipenem measurement", "亚胺培南测量" ], "431066004": [ "Biopsy of vocal cord", "声带活检" ], "168922004": [ "Interstitial contrast radiology", "间质对比放射学" ], "70618008": [ "Cauterization of turbinates, intramural", "Cauterisation of turbinates, intramural", "鼻甲烧灼,壁内" ], "445615000": [ "Assessment using Harris hip score", "使用 Harris 髋关节评分进行评估" ], "363695005": [ "Actinotherapy with ultraviolet light", "U-V light therapy", "Ultraviolet light phototherapy", "Ultraviolet light therapy", "紫外线放射治疗", "紫外线治疗", "紫外线光疗" ], "167087006": [ "Serum fasting glucose measurement", "Serum fasting glucose level", "血清空腹血糖水平", "血清空腹血糖测量" ], "232623007": [ "Open biopsy of bronchial lesion", "Bx - Open biopsy of bronchial lesion", "Bx-支气管病变开放活检", "支气管病变开放活检" ], "183471007": [ "Plastic surgery emergency hospital admission", "整形外科急诊入院" ], "427396001": [ "Excision of accessory ossicle", "副听小骨切除术" ], "36015009": [ "Insufflation of eustachian tube", "Inflation of eustachian tube", "耳咽管充气", "耳咽管膨胀" ], "117935008": [ "RNA polymerase I, II, AND III antibody assay", "Ribonucleic acid polymerase I, II, AND III antibody assay", "Measurement of antibody to ribonucleic acid polymerase I, II, and III", "RNA 聚合酶 I、II 和 III 抗体检测", "核糖核酸聚合酶 I、II 和 III 抗体测定", "核糖核酸聚合酶 I、II 和 III 抗体的测量" ], "312708002": [ "Drainage of subretinal fluid through sclera using suture needle", "使用缝合针通过巩膜引流视网膜下液体" ], "179801001": [ "Revision open intra-articular allograft augmentation intra-articular ligament", "翻修开放关节内同种异体移植增强关节内韧带" ], "32345002": [ "Gastrointestinal isotope fat absorption study", "胃肠道同位素脂肪吸收研究" ], "443780009": [ "Quantitative measurement of glucose in serum or plasma specimen 120 minutes after 75 gram oral glucose challenge", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of glucose in serum or plasma specimen 120 minutes after 75 gram oral glucose challenge", "口服 75 克葡萄糖后 120 分钟对血清或血浆样本中的葡萄糖进行定量测量", "口服75克葡萄糖后120分钟定量测量血清或血浆样本中的葡萄糖质量浓度" ], "736857005": [ "Provision of diaphragm contraception leaflet", "提供阴道避孕说明书" ], "718638000": [ "Assessment using Mothers' Object Relations Scale Short Form", "Assessment using MORS-SF (Mothers' Object Relations Scale - Short Form)", "使用母亲客体关系量表简版进行评估", "使用 MORS-SF (母亲客体关系量表-简表) 进行评估" ], "390958001": [ "Plasma sodium level", "Plasma sodium measurement", "血浆钠浓度测量", "血浆钠水平" ], "177966000": [ "Operations on mesentery of small intestine", "小肠系膜手术" ], "225283000": [ "Priming hemodialysis lines", "Priming haemodialysis lines", "启动血液透析管路" ], "61443003": [ "Excision of lesion of lacrimal sac", "泪囊病变切除术" ], "12291004": [ "Revision of gastrojejunal anastomosis with reconstruction with bowel resection", "胃空肠吻合口修复及肠切除重建" ], "716803005": [ "Assessment using Pre-speech Assessment Scale", "Assessment using PSAS (Pre-Speech Assessment Scale)", "使用 PSAS(演讲前评估量表)进行评估", "使用言语前评估量表进行评估" ], "405507006": [ "Femoro-distal popliteal graft for repair of aneurysm", "股骨远端腘窝移植修复动脉瘤" ], "305368000": [ "Admission to general medical department", "普通内科入院" ], "241667009": [ "MRI of abdominal vessels", "Magnetic resonance imaging of abdominal vessels", "腹部血管磁共振成像", "腹部血管 MRI" ], "45059009": [ "Anaerobic bacterial fluorescence test", "厌氧菌荧光检测" ], "223448003": [ "Advice to read information", "Recommendation to read information", "建议阅读信息" ], "174296005": [ "Manual removal of foreign body from rectum", "手动取出直肠异物" ], "59608007": [ "Diagnostic radiologic examination with fluoroscopy of chest", "胸部透视诊断性放射学检查" ], "75992007": [ "Urinary cystotomy with drainage", "Open drainage of bladder", "膀胱开放引流", "膀胱切开引流术" ], "713133005": [ "Assessment following possible exposure to contagion", "可能接触传染病后的评估" ], "8621008": [ "Aspiration of hydrocele of tunica vaginalis", "鞘膜积液抽吸术" ], "172461009": [ "Drainage of lesion of sclera", "巩膜病变引流" ], "432770001": [ "Plain X-ray of thoracic spine using mobile image intensifier", "Plain X-ray of thoracic vertebral column using mobile image intensifier", "使用移动影像增强器进行胸椎普通 X 光检查", "使用移动影像增强器进行胸椎X光检查" ], "121474004": [ "Camphor measurement", "樟脑测量" ], "252546006": [ "Test for endolymphatic hydrops", "Test for Meniere's disease", "内淋巴积水检测", "梅尼埃病检测" ], "23170007": [ "Phosphofructokinase measurement, erythrocytes", "磷酸果糖激酶测量,红细胞" ], "301698008": [ "Snare resection of lesion - large intestine", "大肠病变圈套切除术" ], "234327001": [ "Iliac crest aspiration", "髂嵴抽吸术" ], "105090008": [ "Brompheniramine measurement", "溴苯那敏测量" ], "1184599003": [ "Reconstruction of articular cartilage of knee joint", "Chondroplasty of articular cartilage of knee joint", "膝关节软骨成形术", "膝关节软骨重建" ], "21335006": [ "Repair of choanal atresia by intranasal approach", "经鼻内入路修补后鼻孔闭锁" ], "232492000": [ "Removal of intranasal splints", "拆除鼻内夹板" ], "86871009": [ "Incision and drainage of infected bursa of pelvis", "感染性骨盆滑囊切开引流" ], "183340002": [ "Patient higher education", "患者高等教育" ], "609324002": [ "Revision of appendicovesicostomy", "Revision of Mitrofanoff appendicovesicostomy", "米特罗法诺夫阑尾膀胱造口术的修订", "阑尾膀胱造口术修复" ], "117804003": [ "Echovirus 6 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human echovirus 6 antibody", "人类埃可病毒 6 型抗体测量", "埃可病毒 6 型抗体检测" ], "197889000": [ "Laminectomy with excision of intraspinal lesion", "椎板切除术及椎管内病变切除术" ], "3116009": [ "Blood coagulation panel", "Blood coagulation screen", "Clotting screening", "Coagulation system screening", "Clotting screen", "血液凝固筛查", "凝血系统筛查", "凝血筛查", "血液凝固检查" ], "771329004": [ "Procedure on body region", "身体部位手术" ], "443649006": [ "Insertion of mouth protector", "Insertion of sports bite guard", "Insertion of sports mouth guard", "Insertion of sports tooth guard", "Insertion of gum shield", "插入运动护齿器", "插入口腔保护器", "插入运动咬合护具", "插入牙龈保护罩", "佩戴运动护齿" ], "427265007": [ "Closure of aorto-left ventricular tunnel", "主动脉-左心室隧道关闭" ], "359894000": [ "IgG anti-IgA assay", "Immunoglobulin G anti-IgA assay", "Immunoglobulin G anti-immunoglobulin A assay", "IgG 抗 IgA 测定", "免疫球蛋白G抗IgA检测", "免疫球蛋白G抗免疫球蛋白A试验" ], "32214003": [ "Digital palpation of pharynx", "咽部触诊" ], "1162710006": [ "Hawkins-Kennedy test", "霍金斯-肯尼迪检验" ], "177835007": [ "Repair of rupture of the diaphragm", "膈肌破裂的修复" ], "439979008": [ "Isolation of subject emitting radiation", "隔离辐射源" ], "13995008": [ "Amputation of arm through shoulder", "Amputation at shoulder", "Disarticulation at shoulder", "Through shoulder amputation of upper limb", "Disarticulation of the shoulder", "肩关节脱位", "手臂及肩部截肢", "上肢肩部截肢", "肩部截肢" ], "405376002": [ "Repair of profunda femoris artery", "Profundoplasty", "Profundaplasty", "深部成形术", "股深动脉修复" ], "241536002": [ "CT of larynx", "Computed tomography of larynx", "喉部计算机断层扫描", "喉部 CT" ], "225152005": [ "Removal of alternate clips from skin", "从皮肤上取下备用夹子" ], "307072009": [ "Microsuction clearance of external auditory canal", "外耳道微吸清理术" ], "239701002": [ "Trimming of cast brace", "修整石膏支架" ], "174165008": [ "Open removal of foreign body from colon", "结肠异物切除术" ], "419925009": [ "CT arthrography of subtalar joint", "CT arthrogram of subtalar joint", "Computed tomography arthrography of subtalar joint", "距下关节CT造影", "距下关节计算机断层扫描关节造影" ], "41258003": [ "Construction of median tarsorrhaphy with transposition of tarsal plate", "睑板移位正中睑板缝合术" ], "172330004": [ "Superior rectus recession", "上直肌退缩" ], "90410003": [ "Wedge resection of stomach", "胃楔形切除术" ], "418090003": [ "US obstetric doppler", "Ultrasound obstetric doppler", "产科超声多普勒", "美国产科多普勒" ], "434474007": [ "Surface recutting of tissue block", "组织块表面再切割" ], "121343000": [ "Lysosomal enzyme identification", "Lysosomal enzyme screen", "Leucocyte lysosomal enzyme screen", "Leukocyte lysosomal enzyme screen", "溶酶体酶鉴定", "白细胞溶酶体酶筛选", "溶酶体酶筛选" ], "104959001": [ "Tetrahydrocortisol measurement", "四氢皮质醇测量" ], "432639003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of inferior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行下腔静脉" ], "72191006": [ "Glucose measurement, plasma", "Plasma glucose", "血浆葡萄糖测量", "血糖" ], "4820000": [ "Incision of labial frenum", "Labial frenotomy", "Incision of labial fraenum", "唇系带切开术" ], "135892000": [ "Antenatal education", "Prenatal education", "产前教育", "胎教" ], "252415009": [ "Phosphatase test", "磷酸酶检测" ], "35753000": [ "Repair of perineorectal fistula", "Closure of perineorectal fistula", "会阴直肠瘘的修复", "会阴直肠瘘的闭合" ], "68521001": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into lumbar region", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into lumbar region", "腰部注射麻醉剂" ], "1231785004": [ "Carotid-axillary artery bypass", "CAB - carotid-axillary artery bypass", "Carotid artery to axillary artery bypass", "CAB-- 颈动脉腋动脉搭桥术", "颈动脉-腋动脉搭桥术", "颈动脉至腋动脉搭桥术" ], "117673005": [ "Dichlorophenoxyacetate measurement", "二氯苯氧乙酸酯的测定" ], "609193006": [ "Endoscopic excision of tissue of urethra", "内镜尿道组织切除术" ], "443518006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of trigeminal nerve with contrast", "MRI of trigeminal nerve with contrast", "三叉神经增强 MRI", "三叉神经增强磁共振成像" ], "410750008": [ "Excision of lesion of vas deferens", "输精管病变切除术" ], "408915002": [ "Sputum specimen care", "痰液标本的护理" ], "228691003": [ "Phosphorus 32 brachytherapy", "磷32近距离放射治疗" ], "392531008": [ "Tobacco leaf specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ro201 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Tobacco leaf specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "烟草叶片特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Ro201特异性IgE抗体测量", "烟叶特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "63016009": [ "Complete cystectomy", "Total resection of bladder", "Total cystectomy", "Total excision of bladder", "Total resection of urinary bladder", "膀胱全切除术", "全膀胱切除术" ], "405245006": [ "Fibular head transposition", "腓骨头移位" ], "77565007": [ "General afternoon and evening care of child", "下午和晚上的儿童一般护理" ], "239570000": [ "Manipulation of cervical spine under anaesthetic", "Manipulation of cervical spine under anesthetic", "麻醉下颈椎手术" ], "241405008": [ "Radionuclide three-phase bone study", "放射性核素三相骨研究" ], "26578004": [ "Hysterotomy with removal of hydatidiform mole", "子宫切开术切除葡萄胎" ], "305106005": [ "Therapeutic knee stretching", "治疗性膝关节伸展" ], "698322008": [ "Endoscopic control of gastric bleeding using thermocoagulation", "Endoscopic thermocoagulation of gastric hemorrhage", "Endoscopic thermocoagulation of gastric haemorrhage", "内镜热凝术控制胃出血", "内镜热凝术治疗胃出血" ], "450727001": [ "Assessment using impact of event scale revised", "修订后的事件影响量表评估方法" ], "73895007": [ "Total claviculectomy", "Total excision of clavicle", "Total ostectomy of clavicle", "锁骨全截骨术", "全锁骨切除术", "锁骨全切除术" ], "712871008": [ "Antenatal thalassaemia screening", "Antenatal thalassemia screening", "产前地中海贫血筛查" ], "448892001": [ "Division of femur", "股骨分割" ], "104828004": [ "Neurophysin measurement", "神经垂体素测量" ], "432508005": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of lower leg with carbon dioxide negative contrast", "二氧化碳负对比剂小腿荧光血管造影" ], "88444006": [ "Partial excision of fibula", "Partial ostectomy of fibula", "腓骨部分切除术", "腓骨部分截骨术" ], "711036006": [ "Transfer technique using lifting apparatus", "Moving patient using transfer technique with lifting apparatus", "使用起重装置的转移技术移动病人", "利用起重装置的转移技术" ], "170364006": [ "Measles vaccination plus immunoglobulin", "麻疹疫苗加免疫球蛋白" ], "184913001": [ "Elderly driver's insurance medical", "老年司机保险医疗" ], "53841003": [ "Debridement of skin, partial thickness", "皮肤部分厚度清创" ], "709201008": [ "Compression suturing of uterus for atonic postpartum hemorrhage", "Compression suturing of uterus for atonic postpartum haemorrhage", "子宫压迫缝合术治疗产后无力性出血" ], "2854000": [ "Bursectomy of hand", "Excision of bursa of hand", "Resection of bursa of hand", "手部滑囊切除术" ], "264998000": [ "Elongation of tendo achilles", "ETA - Elongation of tendo achilles", "Lengthening of tendo achilles", "Lengthening of Achilles tendon", "Lengthening of heel cord", "ETA - 跟腱伸长", "跟腱伸长", "跟腱延长" ], "397905008": [ "Patient controlled epidural analgesia", "患者自控硬膜外镇痛" ], "52006006": [ "Injection of semicircular canals for destruction", "Destruction of semicircular canals by injection", "注射破坏半规管" ], "609062007": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of specimen from bone marrow prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏技术制备的骨髓标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "396070006": [ "Assessment of provision of Patient Bill of Rights", "Assess Patient Bill of Rights", "评估患者权利法案", "患者权利法案的实施评估" ], "133926007": [ "Cleaning of prepuce of penis", "阴茎包皮清洗" ], "410619003": [ "Application", "应用" ], "50171005": [ "Replacement of electronic ureteral stimulator", "更换电子输尿管刺激器" ], "443387005": [ "Injection of both knee joints", "Injection of bilateral knee joints", "双膝关节注射", "双侧膝关节注射" ], "1019009": [ "Removal of corneal epithelium", "去除角膜上皮" ], "441552002": [ "Incision of vein using ultrasound guidance", "Venesection using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下放血", "超声引导下静脉切开术" ], "359632002": [ "Tenectomy of levator palpebrae", "提睑肌腱切除术" ], "228560001": [ "AMT - Anxiety management training", "Anxiety management training", "焦虑管理培训", "AMT - 焦虑管理培训" ], "392400004": [ "e79 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Budgerigar serum proteins specific IgE antibody measurement", "Budgerigar serum proteins specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "虎皮鹦鹉血清蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "虎皮鹦鹉血清蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定", "e79 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "406949001": [ "Waxoline blue stain method", "Waxoline blue stain", "蜡线蓝染色法", "蜡线蓝染色" ], "177573002": [ "Removal of glass from skin of head or neck", "除去头部或颈部皮肤上的玻璃" ], "243109004": [ "Teaching clean intermittent self-catheterization", "CIS - Instruction in clean intermittent self-catheterization", "Instruction in clean intermittent self-catheterization", "Instruction in clean intermittent self-catheterisation", "CIS - Instruction in clean intermittent self-catheterisation", "Teaching clean intermittent self-catheterisation", "Clean intermittent self-catheterization education", "Clean intermittent self-catheterisation education", "清洁间歇性自我导尿教育", "CIS - 清洁间歇性自我导尿指导", "教授清洁间歇性自我导尿", "清洁间歇性自我导尿指导" ], "388730003": [ "f237 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Prunus armeniaca specific IgE antibody measurement", "Apricot specific IgE antibody measurement", "Prunus armeniaca specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "山杏特异性IgE抗体测定", "山杏特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "杏子特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "f237 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "274042004": [ "Transvaginal removal of coil", "Coil - vaginal removal", "经阴道取出线圈", "阴道环切除术" ], "241274006": [ "Operative arteriogram", "Operative angiography of artery", "Operative arteriography of artery", "动脉手术造影", "手术动脉造影" ], "26447000": [ "Revision of cutaneous ureteroileostomy", "皮肤输尿管回肠造口术修复" ], "1156943004": [ "Randomised clinical trial", "Randomized clinical trial", "随机临床试验" ], "1288015005": [ "Decompressive craniectomy", "减压开颅术" ], "239439006": [ "Stabilization of radiocarpal joint", "Stabilisation of radiocarpal joint", "桡腕关节的稳定", "桡腕关节稳定" ], "173903007": [ "Excision of lesion of jejunum", "空肠病变切除术" ], "432377000": [ "Percutaneous embolization of splenic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of splenic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "透视引导下经皮脾动脉栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮脾动脉造影栓塞术" ], "73764009": [ "Acetabuloplasty", "Repair of acetabulum", "髋臼成形术", "髋臼修复" ], "761892008": [ "Education about artificial airway", "人工气道教育" ], "55545000": [ "Partial claviculectomy", "Partial excision of bone of clavicle", "Partial ostectomy of clavicle", "锁骨部分截骨术", "锁骨部分切除术", "部分锁骨切除术" ], "104697004": [ "Glutamate measurement", "谷氨酸测量" ], "268537005": [ "Advice on rubella status", "Rubella status education", "风疹状况教育", "风疹状况建议" ], "1204260009": [ "Local subcutaneous pedicle axial pattern skin flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction of skin with local subcutaneous pedicle axial pattern skin flap", "Reconstruction of skin using local subcutaneous pedicle axial pattern skin flap", "局部皮下带蒂轴型皮瓣修复皮肤", "局部皮下带蒂轴型皮瓣修复" ], "252153005": [ "Gut hormone profile", "Gastrointestinal hormone profile", "良好的激素水平", "胃肠激素概况" ], "448761005": [ "Intracardiac three dimensional echocardiography", "Intracardiac three dimensional ultrasonography of heart", "心内三维超声心动图", "心脏内三维超声检查" ], "37326001": [ "Transplantation of tissue of chest wall", "胸壁组织移植" ], "266702001": [ "Oxygen enrichment therapy", "富氧治疗" ], "250318001": [ "Evaluation of platelet metabolism", "Platelet metabolism", "血小板代谢评估", "血小板代谢" ], "414158004": [ "Excisional biopsy of pancreas", "胰腺切除活检" ], "4558008": [ "Anterior resection of rectum", "直肠前切除术" ], "70094008": [ "Superficial needle biopsy of bone", "骨浅表针吸活检" ], "182947002": [ "Iron supplement in pregnancy", "Administration of prophylactic iron during pregnancy", "孕期补铁", "妊娠期间预防性补铁" ], "723619005": [ "Behavioural couple psychotherapy", "Behavioral couple psychotherapy", "行为夫妻心理治疗" ], "1231523006": [ "Reconstruction of lip using free myocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis", "吻合显微血管的游离肌皮瓣唇修复术" ], "445091006": [ "Revision of hybrid knee replacement", "混合膝关节置换术的翻修" ], "82808001": [ "Sleep apnea monitoring with alarm", "Sleep apnoea monitoring with alarm", "Apnea alarm monitoring", "Apnoea alarm monitoring", "睡眠呼吸暂停监测并报警", "睡眠呼吸暂停监测及报警", "呼吸暂停警报监测", "呼吸暂停报警监测" ], "66424002": [ "Manual reduction of closed fracture of acetabulum and skeletal traction", "髋臼闭合性骨折手法复位及骨牵引" ], "410488006": [ "Full-time occlusion therapy", "Full-time occlusion therapy for amblyopia", "Full time occlusion therapy for amblyopia", "FTO - Full time occlusion", "Full time occlusion", "弱视的全程遮盖治疗", "全程闭塞治疗", "全时遮挡", "FTO-全时闭塞" ], "177442004": [ "Local transposition flap, fasciocutaneous", "局部转位皮瓣,筋膜皮瓣" ], "308514005": [ "Well woman monitoring call", "健康女人监控呼叫" ], "406818007": [ "Bismark brown Y stain method", "Bismark brown Y stain", "俾斯麦棕 Y 染色", "俾斯麦棕Y染色法" ], "241143002": [ "Water soluble contrast swallow", "水溶性造影剂吞咽" ], "306679007": [ "Discharge from psychogeriatric day hospital", "Discharge from elderly mentally ill day hospital", "Discharge from old age psychiatry day hospital", "老年精神病日间医院出院", "长者精神病日间医院出院" ], "239308005": [ "Triple osteotomy of pelvis", "骨盆三处截骨术" ], "73633004": [ "Uterine contraction monitor maintenance", "宫缩监测仪保养" ], "450465009": [ "Rotational osteotomy of diaphysis", "Rotation diaphyseal osteotomy", "骨干旋转截骨术", "旋转骨干截骨术" ], "710774002": [ "Identification of preoperative genitourinary status", "术前泌尿生殖系统状况的识别" ], "432246004": [ "Transvaginal obstetric doppler ultrasonography", "Transvaginal obstetric doppler ultrasonography (US)", "经阴道产科多普勒超声检查", "经阴道产科多普勒超声检查(美国)" ], "104566007": [ "Carbonate dehydratase measurement", "碳酸盐脱水酶测定" ], "446795001": [ "Transection of dorsal spinal nerve root at entry zone", "Transection of dorsal root entry zone", "进入区处脊神经根背侧横断", "背根入口区横断面" ], "20811003": [ "Quantitative photoplethysmography, vascular", "定量光电容积描记法,血管" ], "250187006": [ "Human leukocyte antigen DPA1 genotype determination", "Human leucocyte antigen DPA1 genotype", "Human leukocyte antigen DPA1 genotype", "Human leucocyte antigen DPA1 genotype determination", "HLA-DPA1 - Human leucocyte antigen DPA1 genotype", "HLA-DPA1 - Human leukocyte antigen DPA1 genotype", "DP alpha chain", "DP α链", "人类白细胞抗原 DPA1 基因型", "HLA-DPA1 - 人类白细胞抗原 DPA1 基因型", "人类白细胞抗原DPA1基因型测定" ], "313888002": [ "30 minute serum prolactin measurement", "30 minute serum prolactin level", "30 分钟血清催乳素测量", "30 分钟血清催乳素水平" ], "608800005": [ "Open repair of strangulated femoral hernia", "绞窄性股疝的开放式修补术" ], "248352005": [ "Permanent continent ileostomy", "永久性回肠造口术" ], "312053007": [ "Placement for rehabilitation", "康复安置" ], "410357008": [ "Signs/symptoms-physical case management", "体征/症状-身体病例管理" ], "179146002": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture and functional bracing", "骨折一期闭合复位及功能支撑" ], "310218003": [ "Assess tooth mobility", "评估牙齿松动程度" ], "1260490004": [ "Endoscopic transurethral removal of tension free vaginal tape from urethra", "Endoscopic transurethral removal of TVT (tension free vaginal tape) from urethra", "经尿道内镜下取出尿道无张力阴道吊带", "经尿道内镜下切除尿道 TVT(无张力阴道带)" ], "15306005": [ "Electrocoagulation of ovary", "Coagulation of ovary using electrical energy", "利用电能凝固卵巢", "卵巢电凝术" ], "898207002": [ "Fluoroscopic arteriography of right upper limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of artery of right upper limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiogram of artery of right upper limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriogram of right upper limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of artery of right upper limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of artery of right upper extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of artery of right upper extremity with contrast", "右上肢动脉荧光造影", "右上肢荧光动脉造影", "右上肢荧光血管造影", "右上肢动脉荧光血管造影" ], "388468000": [ "c6 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Amoxicilloyl specific IgE antibody measurement", "Amoxicilloyl specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "阿莫西林特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测量", "c6 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "阿莫西林特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "1142132001": [ "Decreased medium chain triglyceride diet", "降低中链甘油三酯饮食" ], "306548002": [ "Discharge by orthoptist", "视轴矫正师出院" ], "241012007": [ "Drainage of paronychia", "甲沟炎引流" ], "175476007": [ "Reimplantation of renal artery", "肾动脉再植" ], "372084007": [ "Radioisotope scan of bone marrow", "骨髓放射性同位素扫描" ], "763465002": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of common femoral vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "Fluoroscopic venogram of common femoral vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "植入金属支架进行股静脉荧光造影", "股总静脉荧光造影术及金属支架植入术" ], "173641003": [ "Fibreoptic oesophagoscopy and banding of oesophageal varices", "Fiberoptic endoscopic banding of esophageal varices", "Fibreoptic endoscopic banding of oesophageal varices", "Fiberoptic esophagoscopy and banding of esophageal varices", "纤维食管镜检查及食管静脉曲张套扎术", "纤维光学食管镜检查及食管静脉曲张套扎术", "纤维内镜食管静脉曲张套扎术" ], "716148007": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of arteriovenous graft", "Doppler ultrasound scan of arteriovenous graft", "Doppler ultrasound of arteriovenous graft", "动静脉移植的多普勒超声扫描", "动静脉移植的多普勒超声检查" ], "58953000": [ "Nystagmus test", "眼球震颤测试" ], "419401007": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of ankle", "踝关节荧光镜造影" ], "75337008": [ "Incision and drainage of hindfoot", "后足切开引流" ], "1287753009": [ "Final inset of flap of skin to head", "皮瓣最终插入头部" ], "401182001": [ "Asthma monitoring by nurse", "护士监测哮喘" ], "450334001": [ "Attention to ventriculopleural shunt", "脑室胸膜分流术注意事项" ], "55283000": [ "C>7< complement assay", "Complement seventh component", "C>7< 补体测定", "补集第七部分" ], "301043002": [ "Primary fixation of fracture using screws", "使用螺钉对骨折进行初步固定" ], "104435004": [ "Screening for occult blood in feces", "Screening for occult blood in faeces", "Faecal occult blood screen", "Faecal occult blood screening", "FOB - Faecal occult blood screening", "Fecal occult blood screening", "FOB - Fecal occult blood screening", "Fecal occult blood screen", "FOB - 粪便潜血筛查", "粪便潜血筛查" ], "415731005": [ "Toric photorefractive keratectomy", "Astigmatic photorefractive keratectomy", "Toric PRK-photorefractive keratectomy", "PARK-Photoastigmatic refractive keratectomy", "PARK-光散光性角膜屈光切除术", "角膜曲率 PRK 光屈光性角膜切削术", "散光性屈光性角膜切削术" ], "235507007": [ "Pancreatic operative cystography", "胰腺手术膀胱造影" ], "432115009": [ "Radionuclide ventriculography at cardiac rest", "心脏静息时放射性核素心室造影" ], "430280006": [ "Fluoroscopy guided dilatation", "Dilatation using fluoroscopic guidance", "Dilation using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导进行扩张", "透视引导扩张", "在荧光透视引导下进行扩张" ], "723357000": [ "Chapman reflex treatment method", "查普曼反射治疗方法" ], "67997001": [ "Removal of foreign body from esophagus by incision", "Removal of foreign body from oesophagus by incision", "Open removal of foreign body from oesophagus", "Open removal of foreign body from esophagus", "食管切开取出异物", "食管异物切开取出", "切开食管取出异物" ], "1296797000": [ "Neonatal partial exchange transfusion", "新生儿部分换血" ], "395677004": [ "Alphavirus antibody level", "甲病毒抗体水平" ], "313757006": [ "Serum 25-Hydroxy vitamin D3 level", "Serum 25-Hydroxy vitamin D3 measurement", "血清 25-羟基维生素 D3 水平", "血清 25-羟基维生素 D3 测量" ], "410226005": [ "Mental health promotion assessment", "Assess mental health promotion", "评估心理健康促进", "心理健康促进评估" ], "180850006": [ "Harvest of omentum", "网膜采集" ], "442994006": [ "Open reduction of fracture of proximal fibula with internal fixation", "腓骨近端骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "33394009": [ "Occlusion analysis, mounted case", "咬合分析,安装盒" ], "705138009": [ "Laparoscopic repair of obstructed hernia of anterior abdominal wall with prosthesis", "Laparoscopic repair of obstructed ventral hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜下修补阻塞性腹壁疝", "腹腔镜下腹前壁疝修补术" ], "15175004": [ "HIV-1 dot blot immunobinding assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 dot blot immunobinding assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 dot blot immunobinding assay", "HIV-1 斑点印迹免疫结合试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV-1 斑点印迹免疫结合试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型斑点印迹免疫结合试验" ], "64327005": [ "Acid fast stain, fluorochrome method", "Acid fast fluorochrome stain method", "抗酸荧光染色法", "抗酸染色、荧光染料法" ], "47943005": [ "Administration of anti-infective agent", "使用抗感染药物" ], "46108001": [ "Multi-plane radionuclide tomography", "多平面放射性核素断层扫描" ], "308252005": [ "Admission to radiotherapy department", "放射治疗科入院" ], "422940006": [ "Removal of pulmonary artery catheter", "Pulmonary artery catheter removal", "Discontinue pulmonary artery catheter", "肺动脉导管移除", "移除肺动脉导管", "停用肺动脉导管" ], "177180006": [ "Manipulative cephalic vaginal delivery with abnormal presentation of head at delivery without instrument", "不使用器械进行头位阴道分娩,分娩时头先露异常" ], "13340007": [ "Reconstruction of tendon pulley with graft or local tissue", "用移植物或局部组织重建肌腱滑车" ], "439324009": [ "Mammogram in compression view", "压缩视图中的乳房 X 光检查" ], "306417008": [ "Discharge by clinical allergist", "临床过敏症专科医生出院" ], "26054002": [ "Incision and drainage of deep abscess of soft tissues of thorax", "胸部软组织深部脓肿切开引流术" ], "1304006007": [ "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and full thickness resection of stomach", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and full thickness resection of stomach", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及胃全层切除术" ], "173510008": [ "Open operations on parotid duct", "腮腺管开放手术" ], "1269403001": [ "Assistance with completing documentation for legal guardianship", "协助完成法定监护文件" ], "386502009": [ "Acid-base regulation: metabolic acidosis", "Acid-base management: metabolic acidosis", "酸碱调节:代谢性酸中毒", "酸碱管理:代谢性酸中毒" ], "56987003": [ "BSP clearance study", "Sulphobromophthalein clearance", "Bromsulphthalein excretion test", "BSP - Bromsulphthalein excretion test", "Bromsulfthalein excretion test", "BSP - Bromsulfthalein excretion test", "Sulfobromophthalein clearance", "Sulfobromophthalein (BSP) clearance study", "Sulphobromophthalein (BSP) clearance study", "Sulfobromophthalein clearance study", "溴磺酞排泄试验", "磺溴酞清除率", "磺溴酞(BSP)清除率研究", "BSP-溴磺酞排泄试验", "磺溴酞 (BSP) 清除率研究", "磺溴酞清除率研究", "BSP 清除研究" ], "171675006": [ "Exploration of abducens nerve", "Exploration of cranial nerve VI", "外展神经探查", "第六脑神经探查" ], "431984000": [ "Endoscopic removal of esophageal stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopic guidance for endoscopic removal of oesophageal stent", "Endoscopic removal of oesophageal stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下内镜取出食管支架" ], "448368002": [ "Suturing of laceration of trachea by intrathoracic approach", "胸内入路气管裂伤缝合术" ], "235376003": [ "Anterior fixation of rectum", "直肠前固定" ], "104304006": [ "Serologic test for Plasmodium", "Plasmodium Species antibody assay", "Measurement of Plasmodium species antibody", "疟原虫抗体检测", "疟原虫血清学检测", "疟原虫抗体测量" ], "118853001": [ "Procedure on urachus", "脐尿管手术" ], "233541002": [ "Splenic vein cannula insertion", "脾静脉插管" ], "4165006": [ "Delayed hypersensitivity skin test for staphage lysate", "葡萄球菌裂解物迟发型超敏反应皮肤试验" ], "313626003": [ "60 minute plasma glucose level", "60 minute plasma glucose measurement", "60 分钟血糖测量", "60 分钟血糖水平" ], "117018006": [ "Masson trichrome stain method", "Masson trichrome stain", "Masson 三色染色法", "Masson 三色染色" ], "311791003": [ "Information gathering", "信息收集" ], "410095007": [ "Ostomy irrigation management", "Manage ostomy irrigation", "造口冲洗管理", "管理造口冲洗" ], "1260228000": [ "Removal of supragingival deposits from teeth using dental scaler", "Removal of supragingival accretion from teeth using dental scaler", "Supragingival scaling of teeth", "龈上洁治", "使用洁牙机去除牙齿上的龈上沉积物", "使用洁牙机清除牙齿龈上沉积物" ], "408260005": [ "Plasma 18-Hydroxycortisol level", "Plasma 18-Hydroxycortisol measurement", "血浆 18-羟基皮质醇测量", "血浆 18-羟基皮质醇水平" ], "15044006": [ "Repair of bladder exstrophy", "Closure of exstrophy of bladder", "Repair of exstrophy of urinary bladder", "膀胱外翻缝合术", "膀胱外翻修复术", "膀胱外翻修复" ], "373657001": [ "Nasal sinus procedure", "鼻窦手术" ], "699502000": [ "Repair of myelomeningocele greater than 5 centimeters in diameter", "Repair of myelomeningocele greater than 5 centimetres in diameter", "修复直径大于 5 厘米的脊髓脊膜膨出" ], "175214003": [ "Revision of correction of patent ductus arteriosus", "动脉导管未闭矫正术" ], "306286007": [ "Referral to nephrologist", "转诊至肾病科医师" ], "42307001": [ "Antibody elution, heat", "抗体洗脱,加热" ], "126062009": [ "Angioplasty of narrowed blood vessel lumen", "狭窄血管腔的血管成形术" ], "173379003": [ "Removal of lesion of palate", "Extirpation of lesion of palate", "腭部病变摘除术", "切除腭部病变" ], "386371002": [ "Normalisation promotion", "Normalization promotion", "规范化推广" ], "304451005": [ "Interferential to pelvis", "对骨盆有干扰" ], "419139005": [ "Renal transplant angiogram with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of renal transplant with contrast", "肾移植荧光血管造影", "肾移植血管造影" ], "400920003": [ "Prism and cover test", "PACT - Prism and alternate cover test", "Prism and alternate cover test", "APCT - Alternate prism and cover test", "棱镜及盖板测试", "PACT - 棱镜和替代覆盖测试", "棱镜和替代覆盖测试", "APCT - 交替棱镜和遮盖试验" ], "433688005": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of transplanted renal artery using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮移植肾动脉血栓溶解术" ], "24088005": [ "Coronary artery atherectomy", "Coronary atherectomy", "冠状动脉粥样硬化切除术" ], "122392008": [ "Salmonella culture", "沙门氏菌培养" ], "399085001": [ "Partial excision of turbinate", "Trimming of nasal turbinate", "Trimming of turbinate of nose", "Partial turbinectomy", "部分鼻甲切除术", "鼻甲部分切除术", "鼻甲修剪" ], "448237004": [ "Ligation of arteriovenous fistula of extremity", "肢体动静脉瘘结扎术" ], "235245007": [ "Stapling of stomach", "Gastric stapling", "胃缝合术" ], "233410000": [ "Insertion of superficial femoral artery stent", "股浅动脉支架置入术" ], "104173009": [ "Microbial culture of sputum", "痰液微生物培养" ], "284397007": [ "Examination of elbow joint", "肘关节检查" ], "36802004": [ "Endolymphatic-subarachnoid shunt", "内淋巴-蛛网膜下腔分流术" ], "4034004": [ "Closed reduction of facial fracture, except mandible", "面部骨折闭合复位(下颌骨除外)" ], "20418004": [ "Wedge excision", "Wedge resection", "V excision", "Wedge incision", "V 切除术", "楔形切口", "楔形切除术", "楔形切除" ], "118722007": [ "Procedure on skin of upper extremity", "上肢皮肤手术" ], "315330009": [ "Excision of whole bone of lower limb", "下肢全骨切除术" ], "444567002": [ "Irrigation of tendon sheath of hand", "手部腱鞘冲洗" ], "2199005": [ "Excision of lesion of cul-de-sac", "Excision of lesion of pouch of Douglas", "切除直肠凹陷病变", "道格拉斯囊病变切除术" ], "772247005": [ "Computed tomography venography of vein of lower limb with contrast", "CT venography of vein of lower limb with contrast", "CT venogram of vein of lower limb with contrast", "CT venography of vein of lower extremity with contrast", "下肢静脉增强 CT 静脉造影", "下肢静脉增强 CT 造影", "下肢静脉增强CT静脉造影" ], "1263767006": [ "HRA (high resolution anoscopy) and ablation of lesion of anal region", "High resolution anoscopic ablation of lesion of anal region", "肛门镜下高分辨率消融术", "高分辨率肛门镜检查 (HRA) 和肛门区域病变消融" ], "231575008": [ "Correction of telecanthus by transnasal suture", "经鼻缝合矫正外眦赘皮" ], "34967009": [ "Removable appliance therapy for interceptive orthodontic treatment", "可拆卸器械疗法用于阻断性正畸治疗" ], "442732003": [ "Circumferential lipectomy", "环周脂肪切除术" ], "311660003": [ "Cueing for speech", "演讲提示" ], "770412007": [ "Pre-retirement general health medical examination", "退休前全面健康体检" ], "178753007": [ "Correction of spinal deformity and instrumentation with posterior rod(s)", "脊柱畸形矫正及后置杆固定" ], "226070003": [ "Dietary history assessment using written intake record", "使用书面摄入记录进行饮食史评估" ], "422678005": [ "Newborn activity of daily living needs assessment", "Activities of daily living needs assessment newborn", "新生儿日常生活活动需求评估" ], "78614006": [ "Trichinella extract skin test", "Skin test for trichinella infection", "旋毛虫提取物皮肤试验", "旋毛虫感染皮肤试验" ], "275222009": [ "Transcervical aspiration of chorionic villus", "Transcervical biopsy of chorionic villus", "TVCVB - Transvaginal chorionic villus biopsy", "TVCVS - Transvaginal chorionic villus sampling", "Endoscopic chorionic villus sampling", "Transcervical sampling of chorionic villus", "TVCVS-- 经阴道绒毛取样", "TVCVB-- 经阴道绒毛活检", "经宫颈绒毛抽吸术", "经宫颈绒毛取样", "内镜绒毛取样", "绒毛经宫颈活检" ], "44011001": [ "Transection of mental nerve", "颏神经切断" ], "764907006": [ "Hypogastric plexus block using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下腹下丛阻滞" ], "1287360000": [ "Epidural analgesia during labor", "Epidural analgesia during labour", "Injection of epidural anesthesia during maternal intrapartum period", "Injection of epidural anaesthesia during maternal intrapartum period", "产妇分娩期硬膜外麻醉注射", "分娩期间硬膜外镇痛" ], "287936003": [ "Fallopian tube lesion destruction", "输卵管病变破坏" ], "386240008": [ "Cardiopulmonary resuscitation management", "Code management", "Management of cardiorespiratory arrest", "代码管理", "心肺复苏管理", "心肺骤停的治疗" ], "171413000": [ "Health examination of sub-group", "亚群健康检查" ], "763072009": [ "Assessment using CLASP (Cardiovascular Limitations and Symptoms Profile)", "Assessment using Cardiovascular Limitations and Symptoms Profile", "使用心血管限制和症状概况进行评估", "使用 CLASP(心血管局限性和症状概况)进行评估" ], "236949002": [ "Operation on placenta", "胎盘手术" ], "302485005": [ "Excision of head of metatarsal", "跖骨头切除术" ], "73109006": [ "Removal of peripheral neurostimulator electrodes", "Removal of neurostimulator electrode from peripheral nerve", "Removal of electronic stimulator electrode from peripheral nerve", "从周围神经移除电子刺激器电极", "从周围神经移除神经刺激器电极", "移除外周神经刺激器电极" ], "122261009": [ "Haemophilus culture", "嗜血杆菌培养" ], "38506001": [ "Thoracoscopic pleurodesis", "Endoscopic pleurodesis", "胸腔镜胸膜固定术", "内镜胸膜固定术" ], "5738003": [ "Biopsy of cul-de-sac", "死腔活检" ], "448106007": [ "Valgus osteotomy of proximal femur", "股骨近端外翻截骨术" ], "22122007": [ "Transplantation of urethral tissue", "尿道组织移植" ], "315199001": [ "Toxoplasma IgG level", "Toxoplasma immunoglobulin G level", "弓形虫 IgG 水平", "弓形虫免疫球蛋白 G 水平" ], "104042008": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Ii collection (ISBT 207)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Ii collection (International Society of Blood Transfusion 207)", "从 Ii 收集物中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 207)", "从 Ii 集合中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体 (ISBT 207)" ], "431722009": [ "Insertion of nasojejunal feeding tube using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of nasojejunal feeding tube", "透视引导下插入鼻空肠营养管", "在荧光透视引导下插入鼻空肠饲管" ], "20287004": [ "Excision of exostosis of facial bone", "面部骨疣切除术" ], "1281855004": [ "Education about safety plan for victim of abuse", "对受虐待受害者进行安全计划教育" ], "233279006": [ "EIA - Balloon angioplasty of the external iliac artery", "Balloon angioplasty of the external iliac artery", "Angioplasty of external iliac artery", "髂外动脉球囊血管成形术", "髂外动脉血管成形术", "EIA-髂外动脉球囊血管成形术" ], "51220006": [ "Anesthesia for laparoscopic procedure on abdomen", "Anaesthesia for laparoscopic procedure on abdomen", "腹部腹腔镜手术麻醉" ], "229609004": [ "Wheelchair education", "轮椅教育" ], "113086001": [ "Flecainide measurement", "氟卡尼测量" ], "719294004": [ "Chest drain care education", "胸腔引流护理教育" ], "276926006": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of renal artery", "经皮肾动脉内膜切除术" ], "406163006": [ "Bioterrorism preparedness", "生物恐怖主义防范" ], "13401000087102": [ "Right nephrostomy using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided right nephrostomy", "超声引导下右肾造瘘术", "超声引导下右肾造口术" ], "601000087104": [ "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of right lower limb", "Biopsy of right lower extremity using fluoroscopic guidance", "Biopsy of right lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of right lower extremity", "荧光透视引导下右下肢活检" ], "176787007": [ "Colposcopic biopsy of cervix", "阴道镜宫颈活检" ], "35161000087102": [ "14 day ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring", "14 day ambulatory ECG (electrocardiographic) monitoring", "14天动态心电图监测", "14 天动态心电图 (ECG) 监测" ], "306024003": [ "Referral by trauma surgeon", "Referral from trauma surgeon", "创伤外科医生的推荐", "创伤外科医生转诊" ], "3161000087108": [ "MRI of bilateral wrists", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral wrists", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both wrists", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right wrist", "左、右手腕磁共振成像", "双侧腕部磁共振成像", "双侧腕部 MRI 检查", "双腕部磁共振成像" ], "4441000087103": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of right shoulder", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of right shoulder", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of joint of right shoulder region", "右肩X光透视关节造影", "右肩关节荧光透视关节造影", "右肩关节X线透视造影" ], "27496004": [ "Delayed hypersensitivity skin test", "Test of type 4 hypersensitivity", "DTH (delayed-type hypersensitivity) test", "DHST - delayed hypersensitivity skin test", "Type 4 hypersensitivity skin test", "DHST-- 延迟性超敏反应皮肤试验", "迟发型超敏反应皮肤试验", "4型超敏反应测试", "DTH(迟发型超敏反应)试验", "4 型超敏反应皮肤试验" ], "1881000087108": [ "CT of left lower extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography of left leg with contrast", "Computed tomography of left lower extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography of left lower limb with contrast", "CT of left leg with contrast", "CT of left lower limb with contrast", "左下肢增强计算机断层扫描", "左腿增强计算机断层扫描", "左下肢增强 CT", "左腿增强 CT 扫描" ], "371560009": [ "Procedure on visual system", "视觉系统程序" ], "173117002": [ "Endoscopic snare resection of lesion below trachea using rigid bronchoscope", "Rigid bronchoscopy and snare resection of lesion below trachea", "硬质支气管镜检查及气管下病变圈套切除术", "硬质支气管镜下气管下病变内镜圈套切除术" ], "271421005": [ "Vibration - treatment", "振动治疗" ], "302354002": [ "Stricturoplasty small intestine", "Small intestinal strictureplasty", "小肠狭窄成形术" ], "122130007": [ "Toxic mushroom identification", "有毒蘑菇的鉴别" ], "72978009": [ "Crushing of cranial nerve", "脑神经被挤压" ], "38375002": [ "Sinusotomy, multiple", "多个鼻窦切开术" ], "890343005": [ "Angiography of artery of left lower limb", "Arteriography of artery of left lower limb", "Arteriography of artery of left leg", "Arteriography of artery of left lower extremity", "Angiography of artery of left lower extremity", "Angiography of artery of left leg", "左下肢动脉造影", "左腿动脉造影", "左小腿动脉造影" ], "103911006": [ "Fy^a^ blood group typing", "Fy^a^ 血型分型" ], "21991006": [ "Belsey operation, esophagogastric sphincter", "Belsey operation, oesophagogastric sphincter", "Partial fundoplication using thoracic approach", "Belsey Mark IV fundoplication", "Belsey 手术,食管胃括约肌", "Belsey Mark IV 胃底折叠术", "采用胸腔入路进行部分胃底折叠术" ], "315068000": [ "Aspergillus fumigatus 1 precipitin level", "烟曲霉 1 沉淀素水平" ], "233148001": [ "Replacement of conduit", "更换导管" ], "185831009": [ "Well adult monitoring second letter", "成人健康监测第二封信" ], "447975009": [ "Sleeve resection of bronchus and anastomosis", "支气管袖状切除及吻合术" ], "741052001": [ "Education about prevention of cot death", "预防婴儿猝死症的教育" ], "118460004": [ "Reduction of fracture-dislocation", "骨折脱位复位" ], "20156008": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on great vessels of chest with pump oxygenator", "Anaesthesia for procedure on great vessels of chest with pump oxygenator", "泵氧合器胸部大血管手术麻醉" ], "1148817001": [ "Assessment of barriers in housing insecurity care plan", "住房不安全护理计划中的障碍评估" ], "313233005": [ "Red cell haemoglobin S estimation", "Red cell hemoglobin S estimation", "红细胞血红蛋白 S 估计" ], "83857006": [ "Gastroduodenectomy", "胃十二指肠切除术" ], "231313007": [ "Scar infiltration of neurolytic substance", "神经溶解物质的瘢痕浸润" ], "444305006": [ "Measurement of Hepatitis B surface antigen and Hepatitis C antibody", "乙肝表面抗原和丙肝抗体的测定" ], "395153009": [ "Pre-treatment serum cholesterol level", "治疗前血清胆固醇水平" ], "442470000": [ "Measurement of bicarbonate in venous blood specimen", "静脉血标本中碳酸氢盐的测定" ], "229478003": [ "Hip stretching", "臀部伸展" ], "1163366004": [ "ART - accelerated resolution therapy", "Accelerated resolution therapy", "加速缓解治疗", "ART-加速缓解疗法" ], "391483001": [ "Microscopy (acid fast bacilli)", "显微镜检查(抗酸杆菌)" ], "440635001": [ "Education about prevention of recurrence of urinary tract calculi", "泌尿道结石复发预防教育" ], "112955004": [ "Incision of eyelid margin", "眼睑边缘切开术" ], "274960001": [ "Talma omentopexy", "塔尔马大网膜固定术" ], "45584003": [ "Repair of gallbladder", "胆囊修复" ], "60133000": [ "Color vision examination, extended", "Colour vision examination, extended", "色觉检查,扩展" ], "404197002": [ "Extraction of multiple deciduous teeth", "拔除多颗乳牙" ], "76517002": [ "Endoscopy of ear", "Otoscopy", "耳镜检查", "耳内窥镜检查" ], "762810004": [ "Partial right salpingectomy", "右侧输卵管部分切除术" ], "1303482006": [ "Cauterisation of lesion of perineum", "Cauterization of lesion of perineum", "会阴损伤烧灼术" ], "287674008": [ "Nevi diathermy", "Naevi diathermy", "痣透热疗法" ], "385978009": [ "Cardiac rehabilitation assessment", "Assess cardiac rehabilitation", "心脏康复评估", "评估心脏康复" ], "1287098008": [ "Replacement of neurostimulator battery", "Replacement of battery of neurostimulator", "更换神经刺激器电池", "神经刺激器电池更换" ], "56463006": [ "Diverticulectomy of esophagus with myotomy", "Diverticulectomy of oesophagus with myotomy", "食管憩室切除术及肌切开术" ], "121999007": [ "Ehrlichia species antibody assay", "Measurement of Ehrlichia species antibody", "埃里克体抗体的测量", "埃里克体抗体测定" ], "449679009": [ "Manipulation of upper arm", "上臂操纵" ], "120164001": [ "Mediastinum closure", "纵隔缝合" ], "431460001": [ "Sampling of blood of hepatic vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided sampling of blood of hepatic vein with contrast", "用造影剂荧光透视引导进行肝静脉血液采样", "透视引导下肝静脉造影采血" ], "447844004": [ "Wedge excision of cervix uteri and suturing of surgical wound", "宫颈楔形切除及手术伤口缝合" ], "234852009": [ "Placement of orthodontic elastic chain", "正畸弹力链的放置" ], "314937005": [ "Presence of virus", "存在病毒" ], "233017006": [ "Suture of right atrium", "右心房缝合" ], "446009008": [ "Assessment using McGill pain questionnaire", "使用 McGill 疼痛问卷进行评估" ], "444174002": [ "Self-administered manual lymphatic drainage", "自我管理手动淋巴引流" ], "231182002": [ "Ring block of 2nd toe", "Ring block of second toe", "第二趾环块" ], "34574008": [ "Endoscopic destruction of lesion of sphincter of Oddi", "内镜奥迪括约肌损伤破坏术" ], "229347001": [ "Physiological mobilization of the elbow", "Physiological mobilisation of the elbow", "肘部的生理活动" ], "1179619002": [ "Localisation of sentinel lymph node using indocyanine green", "Localization of sentinel lymph node using indocyanine green", "使用吲哚菁绿定位哨兵淋巴结", "吲哚菁绿定位哨兵淋巴结" ], "442339009": [ "Measurement of pH in vaginal fluid specimen using nitrazine yellow for detection of rupture of amniotic membrane", "用硝嗪黄测定阴道液标本pH值以判断羊膜破裂" ], "391352001": [ "Urine orotic acid level", "尿液乳清酸水平" ], "440504003": [ "Arthroscopy of hip with removal of loose body", "髋关节镜检查及游离体取出" ], "702648004": [ "Drainage using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下引流" ], "129208002": [ "Procedure on bone of hand", "手骨手术" ], "441521000124100": [ "Management of intravenous feeding fluids", "静脉营养液的管理" ], "30904006": [ "Vascular surgery procedure", "Operation on vessels", "Blood vessel operations", "船上作业", "血管外科手术程序", "血管手术" ], "447921000124104": [ "Management of nutrition-related prescription medication", "营养相关处方药的管理" ], "1290637000": [ "Plain X-ray of atlantoaxial joint", "Plain X-ray of C1/C2 lateral facet joint", "寰枢关节普通 X 光检查", "C1/C2 侧关节面的普通 X 光检查" ], "437681000124107": [ "Increased glutamine diet", "增加谷氨酰胺饮食" ], "438961000124108": [ "Potassium supplement therapy", "钾补充疗法" ], "698978000": [ "Local fasciocutaneous flap to neck", "颈部局部筋膜皮瓣" ], "27234002": [ "Bathing patient with alcohol sponge", "用酒精海绵给患者洗澡" ], "1256034006": [ "EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) and closure of duodenal fistula", "EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) and closure of fistula of duodenum", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and closure of duodenal fistula", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and closure of fistula of duodenum", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and closure of fistula of duodenum", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and closure of duodenal fistula", "OGD (oesophagogastroduodenoscopy) and closure of fistula of duodenum", "OGD (oesophagogastroduodenoscopy) and closure of duodenal fistula", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查 (OGD) 和十二指肠瘘闭合", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及十二指肠瘘缝合", "EGD(食管胃十二指肠镜检查)和十二指肠瘘闭合", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及十二指肠瘘缝合术" ], "172855001": [ "Operations on maxillary antrum using sublabial approach", "唇下入路上颌窦手术" ], "780898009": [ "Construction of interposition anastomosis of femoro-popliteal artery graft using tissue engineered blood vessel", "利用组织工程血管构建股腘动脉移植中间吻合口" ], "762679005": [ "Perioperative induction of hypothermia", "围手术期低温诱导" ], "385847009": [ "Assess respiration measurement", "Respiratory rate measurement assessment", "Assess respiratory rate taking", "Respiratory rate taking assessment", "呼吸频率测量评估", "评估呼吸测量", "评估呼吸频率", "呼吸频率评估" ], "449548004": [ "Revision of prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not using cement", "Revision of prosthetic replacement of joint not using cement", "Revision of uncemented prosthetic replacement of joint", "不使用骨水泥的骨关节假体置换术", "未使用骨水泥的关节假体置换术", "非骨水泥假体置换术" ], "121868005": [ "Total cholesterol measurement", "总胆固醇测量" ], "252940006": [ "Sperm-cervical mucus interaction test", "Spermatozoa cervical mucus interaction test", "精子宫颈粘液相互作用试验", "精子-宫颈粘液相互作用试验" ], "72716007": [ "Computerized tomography for guidance-localization", "Computerised tomography for guidance-localisation", "Computed tomography guided localization", "Computed tomography guided localisation", "CT guided localization", "CT guided localisation", "CT引导定位", "用于引导定位的计算机断层扫描", "计算机断层扫描引导定位" ], "87265000": [ "Closed treatment of fracture of sternum", "Closed reduction of fracture of sternum", "胸骨骨折闭合复位", "胸骨骨折闭合治疗" ], "447713001": [ "Excision of extra finger", "Excision of supernumerary finger", "多余手指切除术", "切除多余手指" ], "120033001": [ "Vulva reconstruction", "Reconstruction of vulva", "外阴重建" ], "234721003": [ "Application of dental medication", "Placing of dental medication", "牙科药物的应用", "放置牙科药物" ], "185569007": [ "Child development check - first call", "儿童发育检查-首次呼叫" ], "169185008": [ "Hormone radioassay - sex/placenta", "激素放射测定 - 性别/胎盘" ], "709857008": [ "Repair of aortic aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided aortic aneurysm repair with contrast", "Repair of aneurysm of aorta using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下主动脉瘤修复术", "用荧光造影剂引导修复主动脉瘤" ], "232886004": [ "Plication annuloplasty of atrioventricular valve", "房室瓣折叠成形术" ], "771723001": [ "Repair of recurrent epigastric hernia", "复发性上腹疝的修补术" ], "444043002": [ "Measurement of blood gases in arterial cord blood", "Measurement of blood gases in arterial cord blood specimen", "Measurement of blood gases in specimen from umbilical artery", "脐动脉标本血气测定", "脐动脉血气测定", "脐血标本血气测定" ], "231051004": [ "Creation of connection from spinal syrinx", "通过脊髓空洞建立连接" ], "16224002": [ "Repair of hepatic duct fistula", "Closure of hepatic duct fistula", "肝管瘘闭合术", "肝管瘘修补术" ], "229216005": [ "Minor group games for therapy", "用于治疗的小型团体游戏" ], "243765000": [ "BSIPSS - Bilateral simultaneous inferior petrosal sinus sampling", "Simultaneous sampling of both inferior petrosal sinuses", "Simultaneous sampling of bilateral inferior petrosal sinuses", "BSIPSS - 双侧同时岩下窦取样", "双侧岩下窦同时取样", "同时对两侧岩下窦进行取样" ], "442208009": [ "Revisional posterior fusion of atlantoaxial joint using pedicle screw", "Revision of posterior fusion of atlantoaxial joint using pedicle screw", "寰枢关节后路椎弓根螺钉固定修复" ], "702517002": [ "Computed tomography of facial bones and neck", "CT of facial bones and neck", "面骨及颈部CT扫描", "面部骨骼和颈部的计算机断层扫描" ], "718901003": [ "Assessment using Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale 5 Staff Version (1 week recall period)", "Assessment using IPOS-5 (Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale 5) Staff Version (1 week recall period)", "使用综合姑息治疗结果量表 5 员工版进行评估(1 周回忆期)", "使用 IPOS-5(综合姑息治疗结果量表 5)员工版本进行评估(1 周回忆期)" ], "112693006": [ "Slitting", "纵剪" ], "440373009": [ "Arthroscopy of wrist with lavage and drainage", "腕关节镜检查及冲洗引流" ], "45322003": [ "Decompression of brain", "Intracranial decompression", "Cranial decompression", "Bony decompression of brain", "脑骨减压术", "脑减压", "颅骨减压", "颅内减压" ], "717066007": [ "Assessment of perioperative injury", "Perioperative injury assessment", "Peri-operative injury assessment", "围手术期损伤评估" ], "1255903000": [ "Diagnostic LEEP (loop electrosurgical excision procedure)", "Diagnostic loop electrosurgical excision procedure", "诊断性 LEEP (环电外科切除术)", "诊断性环电外科切除术" ], "1290506008": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of wrist region", "腕部骨骼的普通 X 光检查" ], "715231004": [ "Rigid rhinoscopy", "硬性鼻镜检查" ], "10719005": [ "Excision of xanthoma site", "切除黄瘤部位" ], "238260006": [ "Drainage of intraperitoneal abscess", "腹腔脓肿引流" ], "385716007": [ "Cardiac care education", "Teach cardiac care", "心脏护理教育", "教授心脏护理" ], "58036009": [ "Partial anterovertical laryngectomy", "部分前垂直喉切除术" ], "252809003": [ "Bjerrum screen plot", "比耶鲁姆屏幕图" ], "121737004": [ "Adipoylcarnitine measurement", "己二酰肉碱测量" ], "105353003": [ "Uranium measurement", "铀测量" ], "170889006": [ "ENT: follow-up assessment", "Follow-up ear, nose and throat assessment", "耳鼻喉后续评估", "耳鼻喉科:后续评估" ], "433033007": [ "Ultrasonography of cardiac ventricle for resynchronisation", "Ultrasonography of cardiac ventricle for resynchronization", "心室超声检查以进行再同步" ], "447582004": [ "Laparoscopic closure of fistula of ureter by retroperitoneal approach", "Retroperitoneoscopic closure of fistula of ureter", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路输尿管瘘缝合术", "腹腔镜输尿管瘘缝合术" ], "185438005": [ "Communication from:", "通信来自:" ], "119902006": [ "Anus reconstruction", "肛门重建" ], "431198007": [ "Kyphoplasty of fracture of lumbar spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下腰椎骨折后凸成形术" ], "36147001": [ "Shampoo of hair in bed", "在床上洗头" ], "265523002": [ "Iliac arteriography", "Arteriography of iliac artery", "Angiography of iliac artery", "髂动脉造影" ], "412979004": [ "Hairy cell marker test", "毛细胞标记检测" ], "16451571000119101": [ "Ultrasonography guided needle biopsy of right kidney", "Needle biopsy of right kidney using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下右肾穿刺活检" ], "118067006": [ "HIV 2 gp36 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 gp36 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 glycoprotein 36 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 2 gp36 抗体检测", "HIV 2 gp36 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型糖蛋白 36 抗体的测量" ], "19763007": [ "Ligation of thoracic varicose vein", "胸椎曲张静脉结扎术" ], "232755004": [ "Shortening plasty to mitral chordae tendinae", "二尖瓣腱索缩短成形术" ], "134451006": [ "Varicella-zoster antibody level", "水痘-带状疱疹抗体水平" ], "230920004": [ "Intracranial to intracranial arterial anastomosis", "颅内至颅内动脉吻合术" ], "571891000119109": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of cervical spine without contrast", "MRI of cervical spine without contrast", "无造影剂颈椎磁共振成像", "颈椎 MRI 无造影" ], "722440006": [ "Management of central venous catheter", "Management of central venous line", "中心静脉导管的管理" ], "116232009": [ "Open biopsy of bile duct", "胆管开放活检" ], "32477003": [ "Heart-lung transplant with recipient cardiectomy-pneumonectomy", "HLTx - Heart lung transplant", "Heart and lung transplant", "HLTx-心肺移植", "心脏和肺移植", "接受心脏切除术-全肺切除术的心肺移植" ], "229085008": [ "Duran regime", "杜兰政权" ], "391090001": [ "Urine normetadrenaline/creatinine ratio", "尿液中正肾上腺素/肌酐比值" ], "702386002": [ "Serotherapy", "Serum therapy", "血清疗法" ], "79794005": [ "High level aminoglycoside resistance test", "HLAR test", "HLAR 测试", "高浓度氨基糖苷类耐药试验" ], "178098006": [ "Excision of ganglion of foot", "Excision of ganglion cyst of foot", "足部神经节切除术", "足部腱鞘囊肿切除术" ], "866226006": [ "Administration of third dose of diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccine", "Third diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus immunisation", "Third diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus immunization", "Third diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus vaccination", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Bordetella pertussis and Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigens", "注射第三剂仅含百日咳杆菌、破伤风梭菌和白喉棒状杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "第三次白喉、百日咳和破伤风免疫", "接种第三剂白喉、百日咳和破伤风疫苗", "第三次白喉、百日咳和破伤风免疫接种", "第三次白喉、百日咳和破伤风疫苗接种" ], "440242008": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of acromioclavicular joint", "肩锁关节脱位闭合复位术" ], "225415001": [ "Close observation", "Close watch", "密切关注", "密切观察" ], "77959002": [ "Suture of large intestine with colostomy", "大肠缝合术及结肠造口术" ], "1208455004": [ "Reconstruction of hand using free myocutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis", "吻合显微血管的游离肌皮瓣修复手部缺损" ], "176263006": [ "Radical prostatectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy", "根治性前列腺切除术及盆腔淋巴结清扫术" ], "303665006": [ "CT of aortic arch and great vessels", "Computed tomography of aortic arch and great vessels", "主动脉弓及大血管 CT", "主动脉弓和大血管的计算机断层扫描" ], "432902001": [ "Injection of elbow using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下肘部注射" ], "39686002": [ "Small intestinal endoscopy with biopsy", "小肠内镜活检" ], "105222003": [ "Lamotrigine measurement", "Lamotrigine level", "拉莫三嗪浓度", "拉莫三嗪测量" ], "711430006": [ "Drainage of vertebral column using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided drainage of vertebral column", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行脊柱引流", "CT引导下脊柱引流" ], "121606009": [ "Inorganic arsenic measurement", "无机砷测量" ], "709595005": [ "Biopsy of spleen using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of spleen", "透视引导下脾脏活检", "使用荧光透视引导进行脾脏活检" ], "789680000": [ "Diagnostic intravenous injection of edrophonium", "诊断性静脉注射依酚氯铵" ], "37851009": [ "Radical perineal prostatectomy with bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy", "根治性会阴前列腺切除术及双侧盆腔淋巴结清扫术" ], "232624001": [ "Open excision of bronchial lesion", "Open resection of lesion of bronchus", "支气管病变切除术", "支气管病变开放切除术" ], "167088001": [ "Serum 2-hr post-prandial glucose level", "Serum 2-hr post-prandial glucose measurement", "Serum 2-hr postprandial glucose measurement", "Serum 2-hr postprandial glucose level", "餐后 2 小时血清血糖水平", "餐后 2 小时血清血糖测量" ], "183472000": [ "Diabetic emergency hospital admission", "糖尿病急诊入院" ], "412848002": [ "Urine hexaporphyrin level", "Urine hexaporphyrin measurement", "尿液六卟啉测量", "尿液六卟啉水平" ], "117936009": [ "Ganglioside GQ1a antibody assay", "Measurement of ganglioside GQ1a antibody", "神经节苷脂 GQ1a 抗体检测", "神经节苷脂 GQ1a 抗体测量" ], "1413003": [ "Penetrating keratoplasty with homograft", "同种异体穿透性角膜移植术" ], "83333004": [ "Creation of cardiac pacemaker pocket new site in subcutaneous tissue", "Formation of cardiac pacemaker pocket new site in subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织中心脏起搏器囊袋新位点的形成", "在皮下组织中建立心脏起搏器口袋新位置" ], "312709005": [ "Drainage of subretinal fluid through sclera using laser", "使用激光通过巩膜排出视网膜下液体" ], "15962000": [ "Drainage of hematoma of nasal septum", "Drainage of haematoma of nasal septum", "Drainage of nasal septal haematoma", "Drainage of nasal septal hematoma", "鼻中隔血肿引流" ], "736858000": [ "Provision of toileting aid", "提供如厕协助" ], "443781008": [ "Assessment of lifestyle", "生活方式评估" ], "79663000": [ "Lysis of adhesions of peripheral nerve ganglion", "周围神经节粘连松解术" ], "179802008": [ "Revision open intra-articular xenograft augmentation intra-articular ligament", "翻修开放关节内异种移植增强关节内韧带" ], "46895005": [ "Suture of cerebral dura mater", "Simple suture of dura mater of brain", "脑硬膜简单缝合", "硬脑膜缝合" ], "440111005": [ "Laparoscopic transection of trunk of vagus nerve", "腹腔镜迷走神经干切断术" ], "735023007": [ "Fixation of left testis", "Left orchidopexy", "左侧睾丸固定术", "左侧睾丸固定" ], "700420000": [ "Pediatric inpatient care management", "Paediatric inpatient care management", "儿科住院护理管理" ], "177967009": [ "Excision of lesion of mesentery of small intestine", "小肠系膜病变切除术" ], "405508001": [ "Femoro-proximal popliteal artery bypass for repair of aneurysm with vein", "股动脉近端腘动脉旁路移植术修复动脉瘤和静脉" ], "176132003": [ "Repair of rupture of bladder", "Repair of rupture of urinary bladder", "膀胱破裂修复" ], "241668004": [ "MRI of abdominal aorta", "Magnetic resonance imaging of abdominal aorta", "腹主动脉磁共振成像", "腹主动脉 MRI" ], "225284006": [ "Transfusing whole blood under pressure", "在压力下输注全血" ], "274436009": [ "Syringing to evacuate", "用注射器抽吸" ], "174297001": [ "Manual removal of impacted faeces from rectum", "Manual removal of impacted feces from rectum", "手动清除直肠内堵塞的粪便", "手动清除直肠内嵌塞的粪便" ], "223449006": [ "Advice to inform someone", "Recommendation to inform someone", "建议通知某人", "通知某人的建议" ], "305369008": [ "Admission to genetics department", "遗传学系入学" ], "172462002": [ "Drainage of subretinal fluid through sclera", "通过巩膜引流视网膜下液体" ], "713134004": [ "Assessment of peripheral neurovascular function", "周围神经血管功能评估" ], "301699000": [ "Snare resection of lesion of colon", "结肠病变圈套切除术" ], "252547002": [ "Glycerol dehydration test", "甘油脱水试验" ], "121475003": [ "Capreomycin measurement", "卷曲霉素测定" ], "432771002": [ "Computed tomography sinogram with contrast", "CT sinogram with contrast", "增强计算机断层扫描正弦图", "CT 正弦图对比" ], "711299007": [ "Radiotherapy to thorax", "胸部放射治疗" ], "449155008": [ "Intraluminal brachytherapy of esophagus", "Intraluminal brachytherapy of oesophagus", "食管腔内近距离放射治疗" ], "105091007": [ "Bufotenine measurement", "蟾毒色胺测定" ], "1184600000": [ "Excisional biopsy of intra-articular lipoma of knee joint", "Excisional biopsy of lipoma of knee joint", "膝关节脂肪瘤切除活检", "膝关节内脂肪瘤切除活检" ], "250712003": [ "Sugar chromatography pattern", "Sugar chromatography pattern measurement", "糖色谱图谱测定", "糖色谱图" ], "119640006": [ "Transplantation of tissue of shoulder", "肩部组织移植" ], "234328006": [ "Bone marrow trephine", "骨髓穿刺器" ], "412717001": [ "Referral to osteoporosis clinic", "转诊至骨质疏松症诊所" ], "117805002": [ "Echovirus 7 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human echovirus 7 antibody", "人类埃可病毒 7 型抗体的测量", "埃可病毒 7 型抗体检测" ], "232493005": [ "Operation for lesion of internal nose", "鼻内病变手术" ], "247042001": [ "Holth iridencleisis", "虹膜萎缩症" ], "83202004": [ "Repair of ciliary body", "睫状体修复" ], "50434004": [ "Excision of lesion of aorta", "主动脉病变切除术" ], "771330009": [ "Procedure on uvula", "悬雍垂手术" ], "359895004": [ "Radiocarpal fusion", "Carporadial arthrodesis", "Carporadial fusion", "腕桡关节融合术", "腕桡骨融合", "桡腕融合" ], "1162711005": [ "Administration of sotrovimab", "索曲维单抗的给药" ], "1179095006": [ "Nipple-sparing mastectomy via inframammary fold incision and reconstruction of breast", "NSM (nipple-sparing mastectomy) via IMF (inframammary fold) incision and reconstruction of breast", "Nipple-sparing excision of breast via inframammary fold incision and reconstruction of breast", "Nipple-sparing mastectomy via inferior mammary fold incision and reconstruction of breast", "经乳房下皱襞切开术保留乳头的乳房切除术及乳房重建术", "通过 IMF(乳房下皱襞)切开和乳房重建进行 NSM(保留乳头的乳房切除术)", "经下乳房皱襞切开术及乳房重建术行保留乳头的乳房切除术", "经乳房下皱襞切开术及乳房重建术行保留乳头的乳房切除术" ], "425431007": [ "Injection of steroid into posterior segment of eye", "眼后节注射类固醇" ], "718508001": [ "Urostomy care management coordination", "尿道造口术护理管理协调" ], "865964007": [ "Assessment using PRISM (Psychiatric Research Interview for Substance and Mental Disorders)", "Assessment using Psychiatric Research Interview for Substance and Mental Disorders", "使用 PRISM(物质和精神障碍精神病学研究访谈)进行评估", "使用精神病学研究访谈对物质和精神障碍进行评估" ], "77697000": [ "Cryothalamectomy", "冷冻丘脑切除术" ], "177836008": [ "Repair of traumatic rupture of the diaphragm", "创伤性膈肌破裂的修复" ], "225153000": [ "Application of adhesive skin closure", "Application of steristrip", "粘性皮肤闭合的应用", "steristrip 的应用" ], "405377006": [ "Repair of profunda femoris vein", "股深静脉修复" ], "241537006": [ "CT of thyroid", "Computed tomography of thyroid", "甲状腺计算机断层扫描", "甲状腺CT" ], "110465008": [ "Clinical trial", "临床试验" ], "59478003": [ "Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide measurement", "VIP measurement", "VIP - vasoactive intestinal polypeptide level", "VIP-血管活性肠肽水平", "VIP 测量", "血管活性肠肽测定" ], "1255510004": [ "Education about personal emergency response system", "Education about medical alert system", "个人应急响应系统教育", "关于医疗警报系统的教育" ], "10326007": [ "Coronary artery bypass with autogenous graft, three grafts", "自体移植冠状动脉搭桥术,三处移植血管" ], "172331000": [ "Inferior rectus recession", "下直肌退缩" ], "239702009": [ "Repair of cast brace", "修复石膏支架" ], "434475008": [ "Step sectioning of tissue block", "组织块分步切片" ], "432640001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of superficial femoral vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮股浅静脉腔内血管成形术" ], "6656003": [ "Acoustic stimulation test", "听觉刺激试验" ], "416256005": [ "Mobilization with impulse technique", "Mobilisation with impulse technique", "利用脉冲技术进行动员" ], "104960006": [ "Tetrahydrodeoxycortisol measurement", "四氢脱氧皮质醇测量" ], "252416005": [ "Histopathology test", "组织病理学检查" ], "121344006": [ "Mushroom identification procedure", "蘑菇识别程序" ], "185045002": [ "Child into care medical examination", "Child into care examination", "儿童接受照护体检", "儿童接受照护检查" ], "609194000": [ "Endoscopic laser surgery on duodenum", "Endoscopic surgical procedure on duodenum using laser", "Endoscopic laser therapy of duodenum", "十二指肠内窥镜激光手术", "十二指肠内镜激光治疗", "十二指肠内镜激光手术" ], "53973008": [ "Genetic investigation procedure", "Genetic treatments and procedures", "基因调查程序", "基因治疗和程序" ], "183210002": [ "Ileostomy aid training", "Ileostomy aid education", "回肠造口辅助训练", "回肠造口术辅助教育" ], "117674004": [ "Diethylcarbamazepine measurement", "乙卡马西平测量" ], "445354008": [ "Measurement of Ara h 2 immunoglobulin E", "Ara h 2 免疫球蛋白 E 的测量" ], "722047001": [ "Calcium channel blocker therapy", "钙通道阻滞剂治疗" ], "443519003": [ "Measurement of alloisoleucine", "异亮氨酸的测量" ], "410751007": [ "Procedure on ganglion cyst", "腱鞘囊肿手术" ], "392532001": [ "Mosquito specific IgE antibody measurement", "i71 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Aedes communis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Aedes communis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "蚊子特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "i71 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "伊蚊特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "伊蚊特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "179540001": [ "Revision of excision arthroplasty", "切除关节置换术的修订" ], "408916001": [ "Sputum specimen care assessment", "Assess sputum specimen care", "评估痰标本护理", "痰液标本护理评估" ], "228692005": [ "Radon 222 brachytherapy", "氡222近距离放射治疗" ], "716542004": [ "Asthma action care planning", "哮喘行动护理计划" ], "174035000": [ "Lower gastrointestinal procedure", "Lower digestive tract operations", "Lower gastrointestinal operation", "下消化道手术" ], "239571001": [ "Manipulation of thoracic spine under anesthetic", "Manipulation of thoracic spine under anaesthetic", "麻醉下胸椎操作" ], "305107001": [ "Therapeutic quadriceps stretching", "治疗性股四头肌拉伸" ], "241406009": [ "Radionuclide study for quantitation of sacroiliac uptake", "放射性核素研究定量骶髂关节的摄取" ], "419795009": [ "Jones dye test II", "琼斯染料试验 II" ], "763859009": [ "Radionuclide imaging using Indium (111-In) labeled mixed leukocyte", "Radionuclide imaging using Indium (111-In) labelled mixed leukocyte", "使用铟(111-In)标记的混合白细胞进行放射性核素成像" ], "303272002": [ "Jatene procedure", "Jatene 手术" ], "711037002": [ "Use of de-escalation technique", "使用降级技术" ], "432509002": [ "Insertion of dialysis catheter using Doppler ultrasound guidance", "使用多普勒超声引导插入透析导管" ], "448893006": [ "Lengthening of humerus", "肱骨延长" ], "170365007": [ "First rabies vaccination", "Administration of first dose of rabies vaccine", "First rabies immunization", "First rabies immunisation", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Rabies lyssavirus antigen", "注射第一剂仅含狂犬病病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "注射第一剂狂犬病疫苗", "第一次狂犬病疫苗接种", "首次狂犬病免疫接种" ], "104829007": [ "Neurotensin measurement", "神经降压素测量" ], "609063002": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of retroperitoneal specimen prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "Microscopic examination of specimen from retroperitoneum prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "Microscopic examination of specimen from retroperitoneal space prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "使用巴氏技术制备的腹膜后腔标本的显微镜检查", "使用巴氏技术制备的腹膜后标本的显微镜检查", "采用巴氏技术制备的腹膜后标本涂片的显微镜细胞学检查" ], "396071005": [ "Informing patient regarding Patient Bill of Rights", "Patient Bill of Rights education", "Teach Patient Bill of Rights", "Patient education regarding Patient Bill of Rights", "教导病人权利法案", "告知患者有关《患者权利法案》的信息", "关于《患者权利法案》的患者教育", "患者权利法案教育" ], "445223007": [ "Harvesting of stem cells for allotransplant", "采集干细胞用于同种异体移植" ], "443388000": [ "Measurement of Barmah Forest virus antibody", "巴马森林病毒抗体测定" ], "264999008": [ "Distal recession of gastrocnemius", "腓肠肌远端退缩" ], "50172003": [ "Lumbar spinal fusion", "Hibbs operation", "Fusion of lumbar spine", "希布斯手术", "腰椎融合术" ], "392401000": [ "e201 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Canary bird feathers specific IgE antibody measurement", "Canary bird feathers specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "e201 特异性IgE抗体测量", "金丝雀羽毛特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "金丝雀羽毛特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "736465001": [ "Excision of basal cell carcinoma from right postauricular region with closure", "切除右耳后区域基底细胞癌并缝合" ], "312316009": [ "Direct anastomosis of right ventricle to pulmonary trunk", "右心室与肺动脉干直接吻合术" ], "410620009": [ "Well child visit", "健康儿童探访" ], "228561002": [ "Laura Mitchell technique", "劳拉·米切尔技术" ], "179409005": [ "Conversion to uncemented unicompartmental knee replacement", "转换为非骨水泥型单髁膝关节置换术" ], "425169005": [ "Ammonia measurement following N-carbamoyl-L-glutamic acid loading test", "N-氨基甲酰-L-谷氨酸负荷试验后的氨测量" ], "308646001": [ "Death certification", "死亡证明" ], "406950001": [ "Xylene cyanol FF stain method", "Xylene cyanol FF stain", "二甲苯蓝FF染色", "二甲苯蓝FF染色法" ], "243110009": [ "Braille training", "点字培训" ], "388731004": [ "Cherry specific IgE antibody measurement", "f242 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Prunus avium specific IgE antibody measurement", "Prunus avium specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f242特异性IgE抗体测量", "樱桃特异性IgE抗体测量", "樱桃特异性IgE抗体测定", "樱桃特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "241275007": [ "Vascular fistulogram with contrast", "Vascular fistulography with contrast", "血管瘘造影" ], "173904001": [ "Open destruction of lesion of jejunum", "空肠损伤开放性毁损术" ], "239440008": [ "Stabilization of scapholunate joint", "Stabilisation of scapholunate joint", "舟月关节的稳定" ], "419664009": [ "Fluoroscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract", "上消化道荧光透视检查" ], "40997008": [ "Trephine sclerectomy with implant", "环钻巩膜切除术及植入物" ], "268538000": [ "Advice on donor status", "Donor status education", "Health ed. - donor status", "关于捐助者身份的建议", "捐助者身份教育", "健康版 - 捐赠者状况" ], "22778000": [ "Venipuncture", "Introduction of needle into vein", "Puncture of vein", "Performs venipuncture", "将针头插入静脉", "静脉穿刺", "进行静脉穿刺" ], "448762003": [ "Closed reduction of traumatic injury of epiphyseal plate and skeletal traction", "骨骺板创伤闭合复位及骨牵引" ], "252154004": [ "Laxative screening", "泻药筛查" ], "432378005": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of brachiocephalic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of brachiocephalic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of brachiocephalic artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of brachiocephalic artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮头臂动脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮头臂动脉造影栓塞术" ], "88314007": [ "Wookey operation", "Wookey excision of oesophagus with radical neck dissection", "Wookey excision of esophagus with radical neck dissection", "伍基行动", "Wookey 食管切除术及根治性颈淋巴清扫术", "Wookey 食管切除术及根治性颈清扫术" ], "104698009": [ "Glutamine measurement", "谷氨酰胺测量" ], "772772006": [ "Sphincter pharyngoplasty and pharyngeal flap", "Hynes pharyngoplasty", "Plastic operation on palatopharyngeal sphincter with reconstruction using pharyngeal flap", "腭咽括约肌整形手术及咽瓣重建", "Hynes咽成形术", "咽括约肌成形术和咽瓣" ], "182948007": [ "Vitamin supplement in pregnancy", "Administration of prophylactic vitamin during pregnancy", "孕期补充维生素", "妊娠期间预防性服用维生素" ], "410489003": [ "Part-time occlusion therapy", "Part-time occlusion therapy for amblyopia", "部分时间闭塞治疗", "部分时间遮盖治疗弱视" ], "164729009": [ "Tonometry", "眼压测量" ], "392270003": [ "Rg204 specific IgE antibody measurement", "False oat grass specific IgE antibody measurement", "Arrhenatherum elatius specific IgE antibody measurement", "Arrhenatherum elatius specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rg204特异性IgE抗体测量", "野胡萝卜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "野胡萝卜特异性IgE抗体测定", "假燕麦特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "15438004": [ "Suture of facial nerve, extracranial", "面神经、颅外缝合" ], "439587001": [ "Harvesting of small intestine from cadaver donor", "Open enterectomy from cadaver donor", "尸体捐献者的开放式肠切除术", "从尸体捐献者体内获取小肠" ], "406819004": [ "Blue shade eosin stain method", "Blue shade eosin stain", "蓝色伊红染色", "蓝色伊红染色法" ], "62755007": [ "Esophagotomy with removal of foreign body by cervical approach", "Oesophagotomy with removal of foreign body by cervical approach", "经颈部入路食管切开取异物术", "食管切开术及颈部入路异物取出术" ], "177443009": [ "Reconstruction with local osteofasciocutaneous transposition flap", "Reconstruction using local osteofasciocutaneous transposition flap", "Reconstruction using local osseofasciocutaneous transposition flap", "局部骨筋膜皮瓣转位修复" ], "306680005": [ "Discharge from geriatric day hospital", "Discharge from care of the elderly day hospital", "出院", "离开长者日间医院" ], "241144008": [ "Solid barium swallow", "固体钡剂吞咽" ], "239309002": [ "Schanz operation", "Proximal femoral osteotomy", "Upper femoral osteotomy", "Osteotomy of proximal femur", "股骨上部截骨术", "股骨近端截骨术", "尚茨手术" ], "75469003": [ "TORCH antibody panel measurement", "TORCH screening", "Toxoplasmosis, other infections, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus (TORCH) antibody panel measurement", "Toxoplasmosis, other infections, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex virus antibody panel measurement", "TORCH 抗体组测量", "弓形虫病、其他感染、风疹、巨细胞病毒和单纯疱疹病毒抗体组测量", "TORCH 筛查", "弓形虫病、其他感染、风疹、巨细胞病毒和单纯疱疹病毒 (TORCH) 抗体组测量" ], "386765006": [ "Operation on mediastinum", "Mediastinum operations", "Mediastinum operation", "纵隔手术" ], "59085008": [ "Modified radical dissection of both sides of neck", "Modified radical dissection of bilateral sides of neck", "改良双侧颈部根治性切除术", "改良根治性双侧颈部解剖术" ], "450466005": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic dilation of oesophagus", "Fiberoptic endoscopic dilation of esophagus", "纤维内镜食管扩张术" ], "55415001": [ "Culp-Deweerd operation, spiral flap pyeloplasty", "Culp pyeloplasty", "Culp-Deweerd 手术、螺旋瓣肾盂成形术", "肾盂成形术" ], "710775001": [ "Identification of preoperative musculoskeletal status", "识别术前肌肉骨骼状态" ], "104567003": [ "Carbonic acid measurement", "Carbonate level", "碳酸盐水平", "碳酸测量" ], "22647005": [ "Repair of blepharoptosis by orbicularis oculi muscle sling", "眼轮匝肌吊带修复上睑下垂" ], "250188001": [ "Human leukocyte antigen DPB1 genotype", "Human leucocyte antigen DPB1 genotype", "Human leukocyte antigen DPB1 genotype determination", "Human leucocyte antigen DPB1 genotype determination", "HLA-DPB1 - Human leucocyte antigen DPB1 genotype", "HLA-DPB1 - Human leukocyte antigen DPB1 genotype", "DP beta chain", "人类白细胞抗原DPB1基因型测定", "HLA-DPB1 - 人类白细胞抗原 DPB1 基因型", "DP β链", "人类白细胞抗原 DPB1 基因型" ], "53580003": [ "Marsupialization of cyst of larynx", "Marsupialisation of cyst of larynx", "Marsupialisation of laryngeal cyst", "Marsupialization of laryngeal cyst", "喉囊肿袋形成形术" ], "168268006": [ "Serology: virus identified", "血清学:已鉴定出病毒" ], "69964008": [ "Debridement of carpus region", "腕部清创术" ], "313889005": [ "150 minute serum prolactin level", "150 minute serum prolactin measurement", "150 分钟血清催乳素水平", "150 分钟血清催乳素测量" ], "608801009": [ "Open repair of strangulated inguinal hernia", "嵌顿性腹股沟疝的开放式修补术" ], "82678002": [ "Incision of cerebral epidural space", "Incision of cerebral extradural space", "脑硬膜外腔切开术" ], "33526004": [ "Laboratory reporting, electronic", "Laboratory reporting, computer", "实验室报告,计算机", "实验室报告,电子版" ], "836342006": [ "Girdlestone arthroplasty", "Girdlestone operation on femoral head and neck", "Girdlestone procedure of hip", "Girdlestone resection arthroplasty of hip", "髋关节Gardlestone手术", "股骨头颈Gardlestone手术", "髋关节Girdlestone切除置换术", "带石关节置换术" ], "1260491000": [ "Endoscopic transurethral removal of TVT (tension free vaginal tape) from bladder", "Endoscopic transurethral removal of tension free vaginal tape from bladder", "Endoscopic transurethral removal of tension free vaginal tape from urinary bladder", "经尿道内镜膀胱无张力阴道吊带移除术", "经尿道内镜膀胱无张力阴道吊带取出术", "经尿道内镜膀胱无张力阴道吊带 (TVT) 移除术" ], "392139002": [ "Incision of aorta", "Aortotomy", "Arteriotomy of aorta", "Angiotomy of aorta", "主动脉切开术", "主动脉切开" ], "179147006": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture and external fixation", "骨折一期闭合复位及外固定" ], "310219006": [ "Division of constricting band on limb", "肢体收缩带的分离" ], "277451006": [ "Part organ pancreatic transplant", "部分器官胰腺移植" ], "177312003": [ "Curettage and cauterization of lesion of skin head or neck", "Curettage and cauterisation of lesion of skin head or neck", "头颈部皮肤损伤刮除术及烧灼术", "头颈部皮肤损伤刮除术和烧灼术" ], "241013002": [ "Drainage of nail fold infection", "甲襞感染引流" ], "175477003": [ "Endarterectomy of the renal artery", "Endarterectomy of renal artery", "肾动脉内膜切除术" ], "306549005": [ "Discharge by orthotist", "矫形师出院" ], "1142133006": [ "Increased medium chain triglyceride diet", "增加中链甘油三酯饮食" ], "372085008": [ "Bone marrow imaging", "骨髓成像" ], "763466001": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of superficial forearm vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "Fluoroscopic venogram of superficial forearm vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "植入金属支架进行前臂浅静脉荧光造影", "用造影剂插入金属支架进行前臂浅静脉荧光镜静脉造影" ], "388469008": [ "c5 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ampicilloyl specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ampicilloyl specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "c5 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "氨苄噻吩特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "氨苄噻吩特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "1287754003": [ "Final inset of flap of skin to neck", "皮瓣最终插入颈部" ], "386634006": [ "Bilateral orchidectomy", "Bilateral removal of testes", "Surgical male castration", "Excision of bilateral testes", "Excision of both testes", "双侧睾丸切除术", "双侧睾丸切除", "男性手术阉割", "切除双侧睾丸" ], "108106008": [ "Obstetrics destructive procedure", "产科破坏性手术" ], "450335000": [ "Attention to cerebroventricular shunt", "脑室分流术注意事项" ], "417567002": [ "Bilirubin, neonatal measurement", "胆红素,新生儿测量" ], "401183006": [ "Asthma monitoring by doctor", "医生监测哮喘" ], "89887008": [ "Incomplete sentence test", "不完整句子测试" ], "235508002": [ "Pancreatic operative loopography", "胰腺手术环路造影" ], "104436003": [ "1,4-alpha-Glucan branching enzyme measurement", "1,4-α-葡聚糖分支酶测量" ], "415732003": [ "Total treponema antibody level", "Total treponema antibody measurement", "总梅毒螺旋体抗体水平", "总梅毒螺旋体抗体测量" ], "432116005": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of tumour", "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of tumour", "Single photon emission computed tomography of tumor", "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of tumor", "肿瘤单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)", "肿瘤单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "55284006": [ "Chemical method", "Chemical technique", "Chemical methodology", "Chemistry method", "化学方法学", "化学法", "化学方法", "化学工艺" ], "301044008": [ "Revision fixation of fracture using screws", "使用螺钉修复骨折" ], "53449006": [ "Arthrotomy with biopsy of sacroiliac joint", "骶髂关节切开术及活检" ], "182686001": [ "Endotracheal respiratory assistance", "气管内呼吸辅助" ], "428446004": [ "Upper limb tension test (ULTT) with radial nerve bias", "Upper limb tension test with radial nerve bias", "上肢张力试验与桡神经偏压", "上肢张力试验(ULTT)伴有桡神经偏压" ], "705139001": [ "Physical health assessment", "Assessment of physical health", "身体健康评估" ], "410227001": [ "Mental health promotion education", "Teach mental health promotion", "教授心理健康促进", "心理健康促进教育" ], "180851005": [ "Harvest of cartilage", "软骨采集" ], "31560002": [ "Correction of trichiasis by epilation with electrosurgery", "Correction of trichiasis by epilation with electrolysis", "电外科拔毛矫正倒睫", "通过电解脱毛矫正倒睫" ], "308253000": [ "Admission to diabetic department", "入住糖尿病科" ], "62493001": [ "Anesthesia for vitrectomy", "Anaesthesia for vitrectomy", "玻璃体切除术麻醉" ], "439325005": [ "Escort to toilet", "Escorting subject to toilet", "陪同去厕所", "陪同对象上厕所" ], "13341006": [ "Reduction of volvulus by laparotomy", "开腹手术复位肠扭转" ], "177181005": [ "Non-manipulative cephalic vaginal delivery with abnormal presentation of head at delivery without instrument", "不使用器械进行头位阴道分娩,分娩时头先露异常" ], "175346001": [ "Endarterectomy of aorta and patch repair of aorta", "主动脉内膜切除术和主动脉补片修复术" ], "306418003": [ "Discharge by cardiologist", "心脏科医生出院" ], "290034004": [ "Arthrodesis of hindfoot joint", "后足关节融合术" ], "26055001": [ "Evoked stimulus response testing", "诱发刺激反应测试" ], "304583001": [ "Extended right hemicolectomy and ileostomy", "Extended right colectomy and ileostomy", "扩大右结肠切除术和回肠造口术", "扩大右半结肠切除术和回肠造口术" ], "1304007003": [ "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and repair of stomach using suture", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and repair of stomach using suture", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及胃缝合修复术", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及胃缝合修复" ], "386503004": [ "Acid-base management: metabolic alkalosis", "Acid-base regulation: metabolic alkalosis", "酸碱管理:代谢性碱中毒", "酸碱调节:代谢性碱中毒" ], "173511007": [ "Open extraction of calculus from parotid duct", "开放性腮腺管结石摘除术" ], "302748001": [ "Narcotherapy", "麻醉疗法" ], "1269404007": [ "Adjustment of clinical plan to accommodate social risk", "调整临床计划以适应社会风险" ], "171676007": [ "Exploration of trigeminal nerve (V)", "三叉神经探查(V)" ], "431985004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of spine with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of spine with contrast", "MRI of spine with contrast", "脊柱对比磁共振成像", "脊柱增强 MRI", "脊柱对比磁共振成像(MRI)" ], "448369005": [ "Pharyngolaryngoesophagectomy and radical neck dissection", "Pharyngolaryngo-oesophagectomy and radical neck dissection", "咽喉食管切除术和根治性颈淋巴清扫术" ], "1202033006": [ "Harvest of flap", "Creation of flap", "皮瓣制作", "皮瓣采集" ], "235377007": [ "Posterior fixation of rectum", "Sacral rectopexy", "骶直肠固定术", "直肠后固定" ], "708678000": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of vulva using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮外阴细针穿刺活检" ], "104305007": [ "Toxoplasma antibody assay", "Serologic test for Toxoplasma", "Measurement of Toxoplasma species antibody", "弓形虫抗体检测", "弓形虫血清学检测", "弓形虫抗体测量" ], "399217008": [ "Cardioassist by aortic balloon pump", "IABP - Intra-aortic balloon pumping", "主动脉球囊泵心脏辅助", "IABP-主动脉内球囊泵" ], "86086004": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid flow imaging, tomographic", "脑脊液流动成像,断层扫描" ], "233542009": [ "Pancreatic vein cannula insertion", "胰静脉插管" ], "182555002": [ "Application of bandage", "Bandaging for support", "Bandaging", "绷带的使用", "包扎", "绷带支撑" ], "117019003": [ "Modified Masson trichrome stain method", "Modified Masson trichrome stain", "改良 Masson 三色染色法" ], "313627007": [ "120 minute plasma glucose measurement", "120 minute plasma glucose level", "120 分钟血糖测量", "120 分钟血糖水平" ], "84251009": [ "Comprehensive consultation", "全面咨询" ], "33264001": [ "Protoporphyrin measurement", "原卟啉测量" ], "410096008": [ "Pacemaker care assessment", "Assess pacemaker care", "起搏器护理评估", "评估起搏器护理" ], "735941002": [ "Endoscopic right hemithyroidectomy", "Endoscopic excision of right lobe of thyroid gland", "内镜甲状腺右叶切除术", "内镜右半甲状腺切除术" ], "717722002": [ "Intermittent intravenous infusion of iron", "间歇性静脉输注铁剂" ], "78746004": [ "Neurostimulation procedure", "Neurostimulation", "Nerve stimulation test", "神经刺激试验", "神经刺激", "神经刺激程序" ], "306287003": [ "Referral to nuclear medicine physician", "转诊至核医学医师" ], "126063004": [ "Maxillary sinus endoscopy", "上颌窦内窥镜检查" ], "173380000": [ "Excision of lesion of palate", "腭部病变切除术" ], "304452003": [ "Interferential to abdomen", "对腹部有干扰" ], "9540004": [ "Laparoscopy with lysis of adhesions", "Laparoscopic adhesiolysis", "Laparoscopic lysis of adhesions", "腹腔镜粘连松解术" ], "386372009": [ "Nutrition management", "营养管理" ], "302617002": [ "Application of external fixator system", "外固定系统的应用" ], "433689002": [ "Intraoperative fluoroscopic angiography of thoracic aorta with contrast with insertion of branched stent graft", "Intraoperative fluoroscopic arteriography of thoracic aorta with contrast with insertion of branched stent graft", "术中胸主动脉荧光造影及插入分支支架移植物", "术中胸主动脉荧光血管造影及插入分支支架移植物" ], "400921004": [ "Corneal light reflex test", "Pupil light reflex", "角膜光反射检查", "瞳孔对光反射" ], "122393003": [ "Shigella culture", "志贺氏菌培养" ], "55022000": [ "Partial urethrectomy", "部分尿道切除术" ], "40473009": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into vagus nerve", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into vagus nerve", "Local anaesthetic vagus nerve block", "Local anesthetic vagus nerve block", "Vagus nerve block", "局部麻醉迷走神经阻滞", "迷走神经阻滞", "迷走神经注射麻醉剂" ], "56857008": [ "Serum neutralization test", "SN test", "Serum neutralisation test", "SN 测试", "血清中和试验" ], "104174003": [ "Microbial culture, CSF", "Microbial culture of cerebrospinal fluid", "脑脊液微生物培养", "微生物培养,脑脊液" ], "87790002": [ "Follow-up inpatient consultation visit", "住院随访咨询" ], "284398002": [ "Examination of wrist joint", "腕关节检查" ], "5870006": [ "Tertiary closure of abdominal wall", "腹壁三级缝合" ], "446403000": [ "Incision and drainage of abscess of skin", "皮肤脓肿切开引流" ], "233411001": [ "Insertion of popliteal artery stent", "腘动脉支架置入" ], "118723002": [ "Procedure on skin of lower extremity", "下肢皮肤手术" ], "4035003": [ "Restoration, resin, two surfaces, posterior, permanent", "修复,树脂,双面,后部,永久" ], "69571005": [ "Isoelectric focusing measurement", "Electrofocusing measurement", "IEF - Isoelectric focusing", "Isoelectric focusing", "等电聚焦测量", "IEF-- 等电聚焦", "等电聚焦", "电聚焦测量" ], "53187007": [ "Repair of vaginoperineal fistula", "Closure of vaginoperineal fistula", "阴道会阴瘘的缝合", "阴道会阴瘘的修补" ], "315331008": [ "Harvest of bone graft from lower limb", "下肢骨移植采集" ], "1263768001": [ "Fitting of RPD (removable partial denture) with cobalt chrome framework", "Fitting of removable partial denture with cobalt chrome framework", "Fitting of removable partial denture with cobalt chromium framework", "钴铬合金支架可摘局部义齿的安装", "安装带有钴铬框架的 RPD(可摘局部义齿)" ], "215192006": [ "Uterine evacuation and curettage of hydatidiform mole", "葡萄胎清宫术及刮宫术" ], "84120008": [ "Major reconstruction of chest wall", "胸壁大型重建" ], "231576009": [ "Repair of medial canthus", "内眼角修复" ], "426349002": [ "Desiccation of lesion of skin of head and/or neck using electrical energy", "Electrodesiccation of lesion of skin of head and/or neck", "头部和/或颈部皮肤损伤电干燥术", "使用电能干燥头部和/或颈部皮肤病变" ], "16749002": [ "Repair of both direct and indirect inguinal hernias with prosthesis or graft", "Repair of bilateral direct and indirect inguinal hernias with prosthesis or graft", "使用假体或移植物修复双侧直接和间接腹股沟疝", "使用假体或移植物修复直接和间接腹股沟疝" ], "770413002": [ "Medical examination for retirement on medical grounds", "Medical examination for retirement for ill health", "因健康不佳而退休的体检", "因健康原因退休体检" ], "311661004": [ "Verbal cueing for speech", "言语提示" ], "178754001": [ "Correction of spinal deformity and instrumentation with posterior rods and segmental wiring", "脊柱畸形的矫正及后置杆和分段钢丝固定" ], "14914002": [ "Anesthesia for open procedure involving sacroiliac joint", "Anaesthesia for open procedure involving sacroiliac joint", "骶髂关节开放手术的麻醉" ], "424514005": [ "Speech and language therapy case management", "言语和语言治疗案例管理" ], "226071004": [ "Dietary intake assessment using food models", "使用食物模型评估膳食摄入量" ], "275223004": [ "Transabdominal chorionic villus biopsy", "Transabdominal aspiration of chorionic villus", "TACVB - Transabdominal chorionic villus biopsy", "TACVS - Transabdominal chorionic villus sampling", "TACVB-- 经腹绒毛活检", "TACVS-- 经腹绒毛取样", "经腹绒毛抽吸术", "经腹绒毛活检" ], "45847006": [ "Removal of foreign body of lacrimal canaliculi by incision", "泪小管切开取异物术" ], "307991006": [ "Revision of mastectomy scar", "乳房切除术疤痕修复" ], "764908001": [ "Ganglion impar block using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下奇神经节阻滞" ], "306156007": [ "Referral to dance therapy service", "转介舞蹈治疗服务" ], "1303745001": [ "Optical coherence tomography of anterior segment of eye", "OCT (optical coherence tomography) of anterior segment of eye", "眼前节 OCT(光学相干断层扫描)", "眼前节光学相干断层扫描" ], "715756009": [ "Lifestyle adjustment training", "生活方式调整训练" ], "1287361001": [ "Intrapartum injection of dexamethasone", "Injection of dexamethasone in labor", "Injection of dexamethasone in labour", "Injection of dexamethasone during maternal intrapartum period", "分娩期注射地塞米松", "产妇产期注射地塞米松", "分娩时注射地塞米松" ], "386241007": [ "Cognitive stimulation", "认知刺激" ], "9409008": [ "Incisional biopsy of pancreas", "胰腺切开活检" ], "744854002": [ "Left lobectomy of thyroid gland", "Left hemithyroidectomy", "Excision of left lobe of thyroid gland", "甲状腺左叶切除术", "左半甲状腺切除术" ], "122262002": [ "Influenza virus culture", "流感病毒培养" ], "236950002": [ "Laser ablation of anastomosing vessels in placenta", "胎盘吻合血管激光消融" ], "22123002": [ "Operative procedure on lower respiratory tract", "Operation on lower respiratory tract", "下呼吸道手术" ], "448107003": [ "Varus osteotomy of proximal femur", "股骨近端内翻截骨术" ], "104043003": [ "I blood group antibody identification", "I血型抗体鉴定" ], "38507005": [ "Cholecystopexy", "胆囊固定术" ], "726635006": [ "Arthroplasty of left ankle", "左踝关节置换术" ], "87659008": [ "Incision and drainage of duodenum", "十二指肠切开引流" ], "54891009": [ "Removal of foreign body from cerebral meninges", "脑膜异物取出" ], "233280009": [ "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of external iliac artery", "Percutaneous angioplasty of external iliac artery", "PTA - Percutaneous angioplasty of external iliac artery", "经皮髂外动脉成形术", "PTA-- 经皮髂外动脉血管成形术", "经皮髂外动脉球囊成形术" ], "2069003": [ "Dental subperiosteal implant", "Subperiosteal implantation into jaw", "Implantation of dental subperiosteal implant", "牙骨膜下植入", "颌骨骨膜下植入", "牙骨膜下种植体植入" ], "34837004": [ "Process audit", "流程审核" ], "444437006": [ "Insertion of transvenous electrode of dual chamber pacing cardioverter defibrillator pulse generator", "双腔起搏心脏复律除颤器脉冲发生器经静脉电极插入术" ], "229610009": [ "Wheelchair use training", "轮椅使用培训" ], "276927002": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of hepatic artery", "经皮肝动脉内膜切除术" ], "80319003": [ "Cholecystojejunostomy", "胆囊空肠吻合术" ], "719295003": [ "Assessment using Centor criteria", "使用 Centor 标准进行评估" ], "113087005": [ "Primidone measurement", "扑米酮测量" ], "178623008": [ "Primary anterior excision of lumbar disc and posterior fusion", "原发性腰椎间盘前路切除及后路融合" ], "309695008": [ "Excision of congenital pigmented naevus of head or neck", "Excision of congenital pigmented nevus of head or neck", "头部或颈部先天性色素痣切除术", "头颈部先天性色素痣切除术" ], "406164000": [ "Chemical restraint", "化学约束" ], "1259967009": [ "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - Thin Level 0 drinks", "IDDSI (International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative) Framework - Thin Level 0 drinks", "International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative Framework - TN0 (Thin Level 0) drinks", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - 瘦身 0 级饮料", "IDDSI(国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议)框架 - Thin Level 0 饮料", "国际吞咽困难饮食标准化倡议框架 - TN0(薄层 0)饮料" ], "306025002": [ "Referral from urologist", "Referral by urologist", "泌尿科医生转诊" ], "25662004": [ "Elliptical excision of skin lesion", "皮肤病变椭圆形切除术" ], "287806006": [ "External closure - rectal fistula", "外部封闭 - 直肠瘘" ], "1303614007": [ "Release of right trigger thumb", "松开右扳机拇指" ], "5171000087100": [ "Bilateral fluoroscopic nephrostography", "Fluoroscopic bilateral nephrostography", "双侧荧光透视肾造影", "荧光透视双侧肾造影" ], "51000087101": [ "Left fluoroscopic bronchography", "Fluoroscopic bronchography of left bronchus", "左侧透视支气管造影", "左支气管荧光支气管造影" ], "1331000087102": [ "CT of left hip", "Computed tomography of left hip", "左髋部计算机断层扫描", "左髋部 CT" ], "7443007": [ "Insertion of oropharyngeal airway", "Oropharyngeal airway insertion", "Oral airway insertion", "口腔气道插入", "口咽通气道插入", "口咽气道插入" ], "122131006": [ "Toxic plant identification", "有毒植物鉴定" ], "6451000087105": [ "Biopsy of left kidney using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of left kidney", "左肾荧光透视引导活检", "在荧光透视引导下进行左肾活检" ], "431592002": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for insertion of permanent superior vena cava filter with contrast", "Insertion of permanent superior vena cava filter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下插入永久性上腔静脉滤器", "荧光透视引导下插入永久性上腔静脉滤器" ], "5608002": [ "Excretion measurement", "排泄量测量" ], "103912004": [ "Fy^b^ blood group typing", "Fy^b^血型分型" ], "71144002": [ "Ballistospore test for molds", "Ballistospore test for moulds", "霉菌弹孢子测试" ], "890344004": [ "Angiography of artery of extremity with serialography", "Arteriography of artery of extremity with serialography", "肢体动脉造影及序列造影" ], "20531000087105": [ "MRI of bilateral calves", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral calves", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both calves", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right calf", "双侧小腿的磁共振成像", "双侧小腿 MRI 检查", "双侧小腿磁共振成像", "左、右小腿磁共振成像" ], "185832002": [ "Well adult monitoring third letter", "成人健康监测第三封信" ], "710120003": [ "Promoting walking using device", "Promotion of walking using mobility aid", "提倡使用助行器行走", "推广使用步行设备" ], "2611000087108": [ "MRI of right shoulder with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right shoulder with contrast", "右肩增强 MRI 检查", "右肩对比磁共振成像" ], "447976005": [ "Removal of cardiac biventricular permanent pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下移除心脏双心室永久起搏器" ], "773821000": [ "Amputation of left forefoot", "左前脚截肢" ], "118461000": [ "Reduction of fracture with uncomplicated soft tissue closure", "通过简单的软组织闭合来复位骨折" ], "20157004": [ "Incision of pineal gland", "Pinealotomy", "松果体切开术" ], "741053006": [ "Education about family support", "家庭支持教育" ], "315069008": [ "Aspergillus fumigatus 2 precipitin level", "烟曲霉 2 沉淀素水平" ], "233149009": [ "Removal of conduit", "拆除导管" ], "231314001": [ "Infiltration of local anaesthetic into trigger point", "Infiltration of local anesthetic into trigger point", "局部麻醉药浸润至触发点" ], "395154003": [ "Tumour marker monitoring", "Tumor marker monitoring", "肿瘤标志物监测" ], "1148818006": [ "Coordination of services to assist with maintaining housing security", "协调服务以协助维护住房安全" ], "444306007": [ "Measurement of immunoglobulin G and M classes of antibody to Ehrlichia chaffeensis in serum or plasma specimen", "Measurement of antibody to Erlichia chaffeensis, IgG and IgM in serum or plasma specimen", "血清或血浆样本中查菲埃里希体免疫球蛋白G和M类抗体的测量", "血清或血浆样本中查菲埃利希氏体抗体 IgG 和 IgM 的测定" ], "442471001": [ "Quantitative measurement of cannabinoids", "大麻素的定量测量" ], "229479006": [ "Knee stretching", "膝盖伸展" ], "180327006": [ "Internal electrode cardioversion", "Internal cardioversion", "内部电极心脏复律", "内部心脏复律" ], "440636000": [ "Endoscopy of nasal sinus with decompression of inferior orbital wall", "鼻窦内窥镜下眶壁减压术" ], "178492001": [ "Genioplasty", "颏成形术" ], "112956003": [ "Extensive blepharoplasty", "大面积眼睑整形术" ], "424252005": [ "Prescription of premedication", "术前用药处方" ], "702780005": [ "Multisystemic therapy", "多系统治疗" ], "391484007": [ "Percentage CD25 count", "CD25 计数百分比" ], "1290769001": [ "Drainage of tendon", "肌腱引流" ], "274961002": [ "Release of fascia of abdomen", "腹部筋膜释放" ], "842901000000108": [ "Multidisciplinary case management", "多学科病例管理" ], "78353005": [ "Revision of distal catheter in shunt system", "分流系统中远端导管的修订" ], "43750003": [ "Endoscopic excision of lesion of duodenum", "内镜十二指肠病变切除术" ], "174822005": [ "Senning operation", "Atrial inversion operation using atrial wall", "利用心房壁进行心房翻倒手术", "森宁操作" ], "764646006": [ "PET CT of whole body using 18F FLT (fluorothymidine)", "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography of whole body using fluorothymidine (18-F)", "PET CT of whole body using fluorothymidine (18-F)", "使用 18F FLT(氟胸苷)进行全身 PET CT 检查", "使用氟胸苷 (18-F) 进行全身正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描", "使用氟胸苷(18-F)进行全身 PET CT 检查" ], "404198007": [ "Extraction of submerged tooth", "拔除埋伏牙" ], "715494008": [ "Computed tomography of thorax with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "CT of thorax with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "CT of chest with contrast for radiotherapy planning", "胸部增强 CT 检查以制定放射治疗计划", "胸部对比计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "385979001": [ "Cardiac rehabilitation education", "Teach cardiac rehabilitation", "心脏康复教育", "教授心脏康复" ], "76518007": [ "Reinsertion of ureteral stent with ureterotomy", "输尿管切开术重新插入输尿管支架" ], "271291003": [ "Temporary implant radiotherapy", "暂时植入放射治疗" ], "122000001": [ "Entamoeba histolytica antibody assay", "Measurement of Entamoeba histolytica antibody", "溶组织内阿米巴抗体检测", "溶组织内阿米巴抗体测定" ], "72848004": [ "Interposition arthroplasty of intercarpal joints", "腕骨间关节置换术" ], "449680007": [ "Elevation of upper limb", "上肢抬高" ], "120165000": [ "Mediastinum reconstruction", "纵隔重建" ], "54629001": [ "Permanent magnetic colostomy", "永磁结肠造口术" ], "169317000": [ "Neutron capture therapy", "中子俘获治疗" ], "431461002": [ "Sampling of blood of ovarian vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用造影剂荧光透视引导进行卵巢静脉血液采样" ], "234853004": [ "Placement of fixed rapid maxillary expansion appliance", "Placement of fixed RME (rapid maxillary expansion) appliance", "固定快速上颌扩张器的放置", "放置固定 RME(快速上颌扩张)装置" ], "233018001": [ "Plication of right atrial wall", "右心房壁折叠" ], "444175001": [ "Guided self-help cognitive behavioral therapy", "Guided self-help cognitive behavioural therapy", "引导式自助认知行为疗法" ], "183866009": [ "Referral to emergency clinic", "转诊至急诊诊所" ], "1148687006": [ "Advice about cessation of vaping", "Education about cessation of vaping", "Education about cessation of electronic cigarette use", "Education about cessation of e-cigarette use", "Advice about cessation of e-cigarette use", "关于戒除电子烟的教育", "关于停止吸电子烟的建议", "关于停止使用电子烟的教育", "关于停止使用电子烟的建议" ], "231183007": [ "Ring block of third toe", "Ring block of 3rd toe", "第 3 脚趾环块", "第三趾环块" ], "278500000": [ "Surgical transposition of stomach", "胃移位手术" ], "229348006": [ "Physiological mobilisation of the humeroulnar joint", "Physiological mobilization of the humeroulnar joint", "肱尺关节的生理活动" ], "719033000": [ "Evaluation of kidney biopsy specimen", "肾活检标本的评估" ], "1179620008": [ "Localisation of sentinel lymph node using magnetic nanoparticle tracer", "Localization of sentinel lymph node using magnetic nanoparticle tracer", "使用磁性纳米粒子示踪剂定位前哨淋巴结", "使用磁性纳米粒子示踪剂定位哨兵淋巴结" ], "178361004": [ "Cranioplasty using prosthesis", "使用假体进行颅骨成形术" ], "112825005": [ "Intracranial arteriectomy with anastomosis", "Resection of intracranial artery with anastomosis", "Intracranial angiectomy of artery with anastomosis", "颅内动脉切除吻合术" ], "129209005": [ "Procedure on clavicle", "锁骨手术" ], "702649007": [ "Cardiac catheterization using fluoroscopic guidance", "Cardiac catheterisation using fluoroscopic guidance", "Insertion of catheter into heart using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下将导管插入心脏", "使用荧光透视引导进行心导管插入术" ], "309433007": [ "Patient warming therapy", "患者加温疗法" ], "391353006": [ "Urine phenolphthalein level", "Measurement of phenolphthalein in urine specimen", "尿液酚酞水平", "尿液标本中酚酞的测定" ], "225678000": [ "Checking hearing aid", "检查助听器" ], "63673009": [ "Plication of urethra", "尿道折叠术" ], "1290638005": [ "Plain X-ray of odontoid process of axis", "枢椎齿状突的普通 X 射线" ], "387683002": [ "Transcarpal amputation", "Amputation of arm through carpals", "通过腕骨截肢", "经腕截肢" ], "174691005": [ "Transplantation of pancreas and duodenum", "胰腺及十二指肠移植" ], "172856000": [ "Ligation of maxillary artery using sublabial approach", "经唇下入路结扎上颌动脉" ], "698979008": [ "Local fasciocutaneous flap to head", "头部局部筋膜皮瓣" ], "385848004": [ "Breathing exercise assessment", "Assess breathing exercises", "评估呼吸练习", "呼吸运动评估" ], "287544005": [ "Non-surgical bone biopsy", "非手术骨活检" ], "437131000124103": [ "Copper modified diet", "铜改良饮食" ], "56333001": [ "Nerve block", "神经阻滞" ], "121869002": [ "Trihydroxy bile acid measurement", "三羟基胆酸测定" ], "449549007": [ "Bilateral bidirectional superior cavopulmonary anastomoses", "双侧双向上腔静脉肺动脉吻合术" ], "709858003": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of joint", "Aspiration of joint using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided aspiration of joint", "超声引导下关节穿刺", "超声引导下进行关节穿刺" ], "234722005": [ "Topical application of tooth medicament", "牙齿局部用药" ], "447714007": [ "Insertion of bone growth stimulator into tibia", "将骨生长刺激器插入胫骨" ], "185570008": [ "Child development check - second call", "儿童发育检查-第二次呼叫" ], "413111000": [ "Removal of exostosis from tibia", "去除胫骨外生骨疣" ], "67212000": [ "Ileocystoplasty", "Replacement of bladder with ileal loop", "Reconstruction of bladder with ileum", "Bladder to ileum anastomosis", "Ileal loop bladder procedure", "Ileal augmentation of bladder", "Ileal bladder replacement", "回肠袢置换膀胱", "膀胱回肠吻合术", "回肠重建膀胱", "回肠袢膀胱手术", "回肠膀胱成形术", "回肠膀胱扩大术", "回肠膀胱置换术" ], "232887008": [ "Operation on atrioventricular papillary muscle", "房室乳头肌手术" ], "34444003": [ "Repair of ostium secundum defect", "根据缺陷修复门" ], "231052006": [ "Creation of syringopleural shunt", "建立胸腔分流术" ], "771724007": [ "Laparoscopic epigastric hernioplasty using biological mesh", "Laparoscopic repair of epigastric hernia using biological mesh", "使用生物网片的腹腔镜上腹疝修补术", "腹腔镜下生物网片修补上腹疝" ], "425825000": [ "Bilateral coblation tonsillectomy", "Plasma mediated ablation of bilateral tonsils", "Plasma mediated ablation of both tonsils", "双侧扁桃体等离子消融术", "双侧低温消融扁桃体切除术" ], "229217001": [ "Minor team games for therapy", "用于治疗的小型团队游戏" ], "442209001": [ "Circumferential abdominoplasty", "腹部整形术" ], "112694000": [ "Saucerization", "Saucerisation", "碟形化" ], "440374003": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of head of radius", "桡骨头骨折闭合复位" ], "243766004": [ "Jugular vein sampling catheter", "Jugular vein sampling catheter procedure", "颈静脉取样导管操作", "颈静脉取样导管" ], "178230005": [ "WLE - Wide local excision of muscle", "Wide excision of muscle tissue", "WLE-- 广泛局部肌肉切除术", "广泛切除肌肉组织" ], "702518007": [ "Computed tomography of facial bones and neck with contrast", "CT of facial bones and neck with contrast", "面部骨骼和颈部增强 CT 检查", "面部骨骼和颈部的增强计算机断层扫描" ], "28939002": [ "Endoscopic polypectomy of large intestine", "内镜大肠息肉切除术" ], "1290507004": [ "Plain X-ray of wrist, carpal tunnel view", "腕部普通 X 光检查、腕管视图" ], "27104003": [ "Fistulization of labyrinth for decompression", "Fistulisation of labyrinth for decompression", "迷路造瘘减压术" ], "715232006": [ "Flexible fiberoptic rhinoscopy", "Flexible fibreoptic rhinoscopy", "柔性纤维鼻镜检查", "柔性光纤鼻镜检查" ], "1255904006": [ "Palliative antineoplastic chemotherapy", "Administration of palliative antineoplastic chemotherapy", "Administration of palliative antineoplastic agent", "姑息抗肿瘤化疗", "姑息抗肿瘤药物的给药", "姑息抗肿瘤化疗的管理" ], "76256007": [ "Removal of foreign body of vas deferens", "输精管异物取出术" ], "41653002": [ "Sexual psychotherapy, group, all male", "性心理治疗,团体,全部为男性" ], "287413003": [ "Orbital implant insertion", "眼眶植入物插入" ], "385717003": [ "Cardiac care management", "Manage cardiac care", "Cardiac care case management", "心脏护理管理", "心脏护理病例管理", "管理心脏护理" ], "418485005": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of superior vena cava with contrast and insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopy of superior vena cava with contrast and stent", "上腔静脉荧光造影及支架置入", "上腔静脉造影及支架透视检查" ], "238261005": [ "Drainage of subphrenic abscess", "膈下脓肿引流" ], "433034001": [ "Vertebroplasty of thoracic spine using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Vertebroplasty of thoracic spine using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided vertebroplasty of thoracic spine", "CT引导下胸椎椎体成形术", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行胸椎椎体成形术", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行胸椎椎体成形术" ], "252810008": [ "Friedmann screener plot", "弗里德曼筛选图" ], "119903001": [ "Rectum reconstruction", "直肠重建" ], "121738009": [ "alpha-Aminoisobutyrate measurement", "α-氨基异丁酸测量" ], "105354009": [ "Vanadium measurement", "钒测量" ], "37983004": [ "Cranial nerve graft", "脑神经移植" ], "431199004": [ "Fluoroscopic intravenous digital subtraction angiography of iliac and femoral arteries with contrast", "Fluoroscopic intravenous DSA (digital subtraction angiography) of iliac and femoral arteries with contrast", "Fluoroscopic intravenous digital subtraction arteriography of iliac and femoral arteries with contrast", "髂动脉及股动脉荧光静脉数字减影血管造影", "荧光透视静脉数字减影动脉造影", "髂动脉和股动脉造影荧光静脉 DSA(数字减影血管造影)" ], "609588000": [ "Total knee arthroplasty", "Total knee replacement", "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of knee joint", "全膝关节置换术", "膝关节假体全置换术" ], "412980001": [ "Pemphigus/pemphigoid screening", "天疱疮/类天疱疮筛查" ], "118068001": [ "HIV 2 gp80 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 gp80 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 glycoprotein 80 antibody", "HIV 2 gp80 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型糖蛋白 80 抗体的测量", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 2 gp80 抗体检测" ], "70751009": [ "Ligation", "结扎" ], "232756003": [ "Operation on mitral leaflet", "Operation on mitral cusp", "二尖瓣手术" ], "134452004": [ "Trypanosomal (South American) antibody level", "锥虫(南美)抗体水平" ], "230921000": [ "Revascularisation of brain tissue", "Revascularization of brain tissue", "脑组织血管重建" ], "50697003": [ "General anesthesia", "General anaesthesia", "General anaesthetic", "GA - General anaesthetic", "GA - General anesthetic", "General anesthetic", "Administration of general anesthetic", "Administration of general anaesthetic", "全身麻醉", "GA——全身麻醉" ], "116233004": [ "Open biopsy of uterine ligament", "子宫韧带开放活检" ], "425694005": [ "Reconstruction of vagina using pelvic peritoneal graft", "利用盆腔腹膜移植重建阴道" ], "341939001": [ "Extracorporeal haemofiltration", "Extracorporeal hemofiltration", "体外血液滤过" ], "866227002": [ "Administration of booster dose of diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus vaccine", "Diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus booster vaccination", "Diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus booster immunisation", "Diphtheria, poliomyelitis, and tetanus booster immunization", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani and Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Human poliovirus antigens", "注射仅含破伤风梭菌、白喉棒状杆菌和人脊髓灰质炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量", "白喉、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风加强免疫", "白喉、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风加强疫苗接种", "注射加强剂量的白喉、脊髓灰质炎和破伤风疫苗" ], "178099003": [ "Excision of ganglion of ankle", "Excision of ganglion cyst of ankle", "踝部腱鞘囊肿切除术", "踝关节神经节切除术" ], "14259004": [ "Endarterectomy of descending aorta", "Thromboendarterectomy of descending aorta", "Intimectomy of descending aorta", "降主动脉内膜切除术", "降主动脉血栓内膜切除术", "降主动脉内切除术" ], "229086009": [ "Frenkels exercises", "弗兰克尔斯练习" ], "391091002": [ "Urine metadrenaline/creatinine ratio", "尿液中肾上腺素/肌酐比值" ], "63411005": [ "Ouabain measurement", "乌巴因测量" ], "225416000": [ "Quick check observation method", "Regular checks", "Checking patient regularly", "定期检查病人", "定期检查", "快速检查观察法" ], "16558541000119106": [ "Needle aspiration of bursa of left ankle using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided needle aspiration of bursa of left ankle", "Needle puncture and aspiration of bursa of left ankle using computed tomography guidance", "CT 引导下左踝关节滑囊针吸术", "使用计算机断层扫描引导对左踝关节滑囊进行针刺和抽吸", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行左踝关节滑囊针吸" ], "1208456003": [ "Reconstruction of hand using pedicle fascial flap", "Reconstruction of hand with pedicle fascial flap", "Pedicle fascial flap reconstruction of hand", "带蒂筋膜瓣修复手部缺损", "带蒂筋膜瓣修复手部" ], "426701000119108": [ "Ultrasonography of abdomen, right upper quadrant and epigastrium", "Ultrasound scan of abdomen, right upper quadrant and epigastrium", "Ultrasound of abdomen, right upper quadrant and epigastrium", "腹部、右上腹及上腹部超声波扫描", "腹部、右上腹及上腹部超声检查" ], "74290000": [ "Fracturing-refracturing", "压裂-重复压裂" ], "57906000": [ "Bacterial serotyping", "细菌血清分型" ], "418354002": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of kidney", "Doppler ultrasound scan of kidney", "Doppler ultrasound of kidney", "肾脏多普勒超声检查", "肾脏多普勒超声扫描" ], "303666007": [ "Computed tomography of aortic aneurysm with contrast", "CT of aortic aneurysm with contrast", "主动脉瘤的增强 CT 扫描", "主动脉瘤增强 CT 检查" ], "1284871000": [ "Assessment using Bromage Scale", "使用 Bromage 量表进行评估" ], "449287000": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of medial branch of cervical nerve using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下颈神经内侧支射频消融术" ], "121607000": [ "Isopentyl alcohol measurement", "异戊醇测定" ], "252679002": [ "Colloid study for bleeding", "Radiolabelled plasma tracers to identify site of GI haemorrhage", "Radiolabeled plasma tracers to identify site of GI hemorrhage", "胶体出血研究", "放射性标记血浆示踪剂用于识别胃肠道出血部位" ], "711431005": [ "Repatriation by road", "陆路遣返" ], "432903006": [ "Kyphoplasty of fracture of thoracic spine using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Kyphoplasty of fracture of thoracic spine using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided kyphoplasty of fracture of thoracic spine", "CT 引导下胸椎骨折后凸成形术", "计算机断层扫描引导下胸椎骨折后凸成形术", "CT引导下胸椎骨折后凸成形术" ], "105223008": [ "Lead measurement", "Lead level", "铅测量", "领先水平" ], "119772003": [ "Coronary artery closure", "冠状动脉闭合" ], "232625000": [ "Repair of bronchial rupture", "Repair of ruptured bronchus", "修复破裂的支气管", "支气管破裂修复" ], "36017001": [ "Dimethadione measurement", "二甲二酮测量" ], "117937000": [ "Silicone antibody assay", "Measurement of silicone antibody", "硅胶抗体的测量", "硅胶抗体测定" ], "3249005": [ "Surgical construction of filtration bleb", "Creation of filtering bleb", "Trabeculectomy", "Ocular trabeculectomy", "小梁切除术", "眼小梁切除术", "形成过滤泡", "滤过泡的手术构建" ], "183473005": [ "Oral surgical emergency hospital admission", "口腔外科急诊入院" ], "412849005": [ "Serum hydroxyproline measurement", "Serum hydroxyproline level", "血清羟脯氨酸水平", "血清羟脯氨酸测量" ], "312710000": [ "Drainage of subretinal fluid through sclera by cutdown", "切开巩膜引流视网膜下液" ], "443782001": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of albumin in serum or plasma specimen using bromcresol green", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of albumin in serum or plasma specimen using bromcresol green technique", "溴甲酚绿法定量测定血清或血浆标本中白蛋白的质量浓度", "溴甲酚绿定量测定血清或血浆标本中白蛋白的质量浓度" ], "66950009": [ "Destruction of lesion of sympathetic nerve", "交感神经损伤破坏" ], "1414009": [ "Angiography of arteriovenous shunt", "Vascular shuntogram", "动静脉分流血管造影", "血管分流图" ], "425563003": [ "Graft of cord blood to bone marrow", "Grafting of cord blood to bone marrow", "脐带血移植至骨髓" ], "48731001": [ "Anesthesia for posterior cervical laminectomy in sitting position", "Anaesthesia for posterior cervical laminectomy in sitting position", "坐位颈后路椎板切除术的麻醉" ], "18131000202106": [ "Liaising with legal guardian", "与法定监护人联络" ], "735024001": [ "Fixation of right testis", "Right orchidopexy", "右侧睾丸固定", "右侧睾丸固定术" ], "276272002": [ "Catheter procedure", "导管手术" ], "440112003": [ "Defecating proctogram using magnetic resonance imaging", "Defaecating proctogram using magnetic resonance imaging", "使用磁共振成像进行排便直肠造影" ], "390960004": [ "Plasma amylase level", "血浆淀粉酶水平" ], "718640005": [ "Recommendation regarding personal motor vehicle requirement", "关于个人机动车要求的建议" ], "177968004": [ "Destruction of lesion of mesentery of small intestine", "小肠系膜损伤破坏术" ], "46896006": [ "Excision of synovium of joint of hand", "Synovectomy of hand joint", "手关节滑膜切除术" ], "274437000": [ "Insufflation to evacuate", "充气以排出" ], "225285007": [ "Giving oral fluid", "Oral fluid therapy", "Offering drink", "给予口服液体", "口服液体疗法", "供奉饮料" ], "241669007": [ "MRI of pelvic vessels", "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvic vessels", "盆腔血管 MRI", "盆腔血管磁共振成像" ], "10458001": [ "Evacuation of intracerebral hematoma", "Evacuation of intracerebral haematoma", "脑内血肿清除术" ], "405509009": [ "Ilio-distal popliteal graft for repair of aneurysm using vein", "髂骨远端腘窝移植用于修复动脉瘤" ], "174298006": [ "Examination of rectum under anesthesia", "EUA - Exam under anaes rectum", "Examination of rectum under anaesthesia", "EUA - Exam under anes rectum", "麻醉下直肠检查", "EUA - 考试在正确的鸭子下", "EUA - 正确的考试" ], "305370009": [ "Admission to clinical genetics department", "临床遗传学系入学" ], "90543002": [ "Replacement of electronic heart device, transvenous electrode", "更换电子心脏装置、经静脉电极" ], "713135003": [ "Assessment of peripheral tissue perfusion", "外周组织灌注评估" ], "105092000": [ "Bumetanide measurement", "布美他尼测量" ], "121476002": [ "Captopril measurement", "卡托普利测量" ], "88708002": [ "Chemical test, quantitative", "化学试验,定量" ], "301700004": [ "Snare resection of lesion of rectum", "直肠病变圈套切除术" ], "252548007": [ "Acetazolamide test", "乙酰唑胺试验" ], "1184601001": [ "Revision of transcatheter aortic valve replacement", "Revision of TAVR (transcatheter aortic valve replacement)", "Valve-in-valve TAVI (transcatheter aortic valve implantation)", "Revision of transcatheter aortic valve implantation", "TAVR(经导管主动脉瓣置换术)修订", "经导管主动脉瓣置换术的修订", "经导管主动脉瓣植入术的修订", "瓣中瓣 TAVI(经导管主动脉瓣植入术)" ], "234329003": [ "Sternal trephine", "胸骨环钻" ], "117806001": [ "Echovirus 9 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human echovirus 9 antibody", "埃可病毒 9 型抗体检测", "人类埃可病毒 9 抗体的测量" ], "85038003": [ "Tracing of carotid pulse with ECG lead", "Tracing of carotid pulse with electrocardiogram lead", "使用心电图导联追踪颈动脉脉搏", "用心电图导联追踪颈动脉脉搏" ], "232494004": [ "Excision of lesion of internal nose", "Excision of intranasal lesion of nose", "鼻内病变切除术" ], "314414007": [ "First meningitis C vaccination", "First meningitis C immunization", "Administration of first dose of meningitis C vaccine", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C antigen", "First meningitis C immunisation", "第一次脑膜炎 C 疫苗接种", "首次丙型脑膜炎免疫接种", "接种第一剂仅含 C 群脑膜炎奈瑟菌抗原的疫苗产品", "接种第一剂丙型脑膜炎疫苗" ], "66819006": [ "Mononuclear cell growth inhibitor assay", "单核细胞生长抑制剂测定" ], "771331008": [ "Procedure on perivesical tissue", "膀胱周围组织手术" ], "1162712003": [ "Administration of casirivimab", "casirivimab 的给药" ], "359896003": [ "Suture of laceration of breast", "乳房裂伤缝合" ], "179672007": [ "Revision to open reduction of dislocation and cast immobilization", "Revision to open reduction of dislocation and cast immobilisation", "脱位切开复位及石膏固定" ], "177837004": [ "Repair of postoperative rupture of the diaphragm", "膈肌术后破裂的修复" ], "30381006": [ "Bleeding precautions", "出血预防措施" ], "405378001": [ "Repair of superficial femoral artery", "股浅动脉修复" ], "241538001": [ "CT of parathyroid", "Computed tomography of parathyroid", "甲状旁腺 CT", "甲状旁腺计算机断层扫描" ], "225154006": [ "Hyfrecation of skin lesion", "皮肤损害湿化" ], "1255511000": [ "Referral for personal emergency response system", "Referral for medical alert system", "医疗警报系统转介", "个人应急响应系统推荐" ], "110466009": [ "Pre-surgery evaluation", "Pre-operative evaluation", "Pre-op evaluation", "术前评估" ], "305239004": [ "Admission by family planning doctor", "计划生育医生入院" ], "239703004": [ "Remoulding of cast brace", "Remolding of cast brace", "铸造支架重塑" ], "370775006": [ "Application of safety device", "Applies safety devices", "安全装置应用", "应用安全装置" ], "172332007": [ "Superior oblique recession", "上斜肌后退" ], "252417001": [ "24 Hour ECG", "24 hour Holter tape", "24 Hour electrocardiogram", "24 小时动态心电图", "24 小时心电图" ], "432641002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of superior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of superior vena cava with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行上腔静脉", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊造影上腔静脉成形术" ], "104961005": [ "Tetrahydrofolate measurement", "四氢叶酸测量" ], "170497006": [ "Quarantine", "Isolation because of infection", "因感染而被隔离", "隔离" ], "6657007": [ "Maintenance drug therapy for mental disorder", "精神障碍的维持药物治疗" ], "711169008": [ "Closure of appendicovesicostomy", "阑尾膀胱造口术" ], "72193009": [ "Cardiosplenopexy", "心脏脾固定术" ], "250582005": [ "Diazoxide blood measurement", "Diazoxide: blood level", "二氮嗪血液测量", "二氮嗪:血药浓度" ], "265131003": [ "Traction lengthening of diaphysis of bone", "骨干牵引延长术" ], "183211003": [ "Ileostomy bag fitting", "回肠造口袋配件" ], "1264555004": [ "Imaging guided core needle biopsy of breast", "Core needle biopsy of breast using imaging guidance", "使用影像引导进行乳房芯针活检", "乳腺影像引导下芯针活检" ], "609195004": [ "Endoscopic laser therapy of esophageal lesion", "Endoscopic laser therapy of oesophageal lesion", "Endoscopic laser surgery on lesion of oesophagus", "Endoscopic surgical procedure on lesion of oesophagus using laser", "Endoscopic surgical procedure on lesion of esophagus using laser", "Endoscopic laser surgery on lesion of esophagus", "食管病变的内镜激光治疗", "内镜激光食管病变手术", "内镜激光治疗食管病变" ], "35755007": [ "Chiropractic interpretation of x-rays", "脊椎矫正术对 X 射线的解读" ], "117675003": [ "Ethion measurement", "乙硫磷测量" ], "1231787007": [ "fTEVAR - fenestrated thoracic endovascular aortic repair", "Fenestrated thoracic endovascular aortic repair", "Endovascular repair of thoracic aorta using fenestrated stent graft", "开窗胸主动脉腔内修复术", "使用有孔支架移植物进行胸主动脉腔内修复", "fTEVAR-- 开窗胸主动脉血管内修复术" ], "410752000": [ "Sinusotomy by intranasal approach", "Intranasal sinusotomy", "经鼻内路鼻窦切开术", "鼻内鼻窦切开术" ], "722048006": [ "Diuretic therapy", "利尿治疗" ], "228693000": [ "Ruthenium 106 brachytherapy", "钌106近距离放射治疗" ], "179541002": [ "Conversion to excision arthroplasty", "转为切除关节置换术" ], "408917005": [ "Sputum specimen care education", "Teach sputum specimen care", "痰液标本护理教育", "教导痰标本护理" ], "392533006": [ "German cockroach specific IgE antibody measurement", "i6 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Blatella germanica specific IgE antibody measurement", "Blatella germanica specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "德国小蠊特异性IgE抗体测定", "i6 特异性IgE抗体测量", "德国小蠊特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "64853007": [ "Williams-Richardson operation for construction of vagina", "Williams vulvovaginoplasty", "Williams 外阴阴道成形术", "威廉斯-理查森阴道重建手术" ], "718378001": [ "Assessment using GHQ-20 (General Health Questionnaire 20)", "Assessment using 20 item General Health Questionnaire", "使用 GHQ-20(一般健康问卷 20)进行评估", "使用 20 项一般健康问卷进行评估" ], "439850002": [ "Excision of pressure injury of greater femoral trochanteric region with excision of bone of proximal femur", "Excision of trochanteric pressure injury with ostectomy", "股骨大转子区压力性损伤切除术及股骨近端骨切除术", "股骨转子压伤切除术" ], "46634008": [ "Repositioning of cardioverter/defibrillator leads", "Revision of automatic implantable cardioverter/defibrillator pads and electrodes", "重新定位心脏复律器/除颤器导线", "自动植入式心脏复律器/除颤器垫片和电极的修订" ], "175871007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of vein", "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of vein", "经皮腔内静脉栓塞术" ], "75732000": [ "Vitrectomy", "Excision of vitreous opacity", "玻璃体切除术", "玻璃体混浊切除术" ], "174036004": [ "Emergency excision of appendix", "Emergency appendicectomy", "Emergency appendectomy", "紧急阑尾切除术", "阑尾紧急切除术" ], "1222612005": [ "Revision of total arthroplasty of hip joint using mesh", "Revision of total replacement of hip joint using mesh", "Revision of THA (total hip arthroplasty) using mesh", "Revision of THR (total hip replacement) using mesh", "使用网片修复全髋关节置换术 (THR)", "使用网片修复全髋关节置换术 (THA)", "髋关节全置换术中网片修复", "使用网片进行全髋关节置换术" ], "305108006": [ "Therapeutic hamstring stretching", "治疗性腿筋拉伸" ], "239572008": [ "Manipulation of lumbar spine under anaesthetic", "Manipulation of lumbar spine under anesthetic", "麻醉下腰椎手术" ], "712873006": [ "MR arthrography of wrist with contrast", "Magnetic resonance arthrography of wrist with contrast", "Magnetic resonance arthrogram of wrist with contrast", "腕关节磁共振造影" ], "303273007": [ "Foster care procedures", "寄养程序" ], "448894000": [ "Lengthening of metacarpal bone", "掌骨延长" ], "252286002": [ "Factor VIIIc inhibitor screening", "因子 VIIIc 抑制剂筛选" ], "104830002": [ "Niacin measurement", "烟酸测量" ], "72062005": [ "Suture of laceration of testis", "Orchidorrhaphy", "Suture of testis", "睾丸裂伤缝合术", "睾丸缝合", "睾丸缝合术" ], "432510007": [ "Insertion of iridium wire via T-tube into biliary tract using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下通过 T 管将铱丝插入胆道" ], "170366008": [ "Second rabies vaccination", "Second rabies immunization", "Second rabies immunisation", "Administration of second dose of rabies vaccine", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Rabies lyssavirus antigen", "第二次狂犬病疫苗接种", "第二次狂犬病免疫", "注射第二剂仅含狂犬病病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "注射第二剂狂犬病疫苗" ], "711038007": [ "Promotion of conception", "促进受孕" ], "4691008": [ "Identification of rotavirus antigen in feces", "Identification of rotavirus antigen in faeces", "粪便中轮状病毒抗原的鉴定" ], "445224001": [ "Removal of extraperitoneal foreign body", "腹膜外异物取出" ], "428840002": [ "Percutaneous endoscopic colostomy of sigmoid", "Percutaneous endoscopic sigmoidostomy", "经皮内镜乙状结肠造口术" ], "396072003": [ "Management of Patient Bill of Rights policy", "Manage Patient Bill of Rights", "患者权利法案政策的管理", "管理患者权利法案" ], "82941002": [ "Nasopharyngoscopy", "Examination of nasopharynx", "Examination of postnasal space", "EUAPNS - Examination under anesthesia of postnasal space", "EUAPNS - Examination under anaesthesia of postnasal space", "鼻咽检查", "鼻后间隙检查", "鼻咽镜检查", "EUAPNS - 麻醉下鼻后间隙检查" ], "1021004": [ "Repair of scrotum", "阴囊修复" ], "179410000": [ "Revision uncemented unicompartmental knee replacement", "非骨水泥型单髁膝关节置换术" ], "443389008": [ "Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection of intracardiac type", "完全性心内型肺静脉异位引流的修复" ], "410621008": [ "Well child visit, newborn", "健康儿童访问,新生儿" ], "64722001": [ "Epinephrine measurement", "Adrenaline level", "Adrenaline measurement", "Epinephrine level", "肾上腺素测量", "肾上腺素水平" ], "392402007": [ "e1 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cat dander specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cat dander specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "e1 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "猫皮屑特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "猫皮屑特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "703698008": [ "Transcervical sterilisation", "Transcervical sterilization", "宫颈绝育术" ], "228562009": [ "Jacobson technique", "Progressive muscular technique", "Tension release technique", "Progressive muscle relaxation", "张力释放技术", "Jacobson 技术", "渐进式肌肉技术", "渐进式肌肉放松" ], "128423004": [ "Chemocauterization", "Chemocautery", "Chemocauterisation", "化学烧灼", "化学烧灼术" ], "243111008": [ "Moon training", "月球训练" ], "439719009": [ "Pasteurization", "Pasteurisation", "巴氏灭菌" ], "11900001": [ "Semen analysis", "Seminal examination", "Semen examination", "SA - Semen analysis", "精液分析", "SA - 精液分析", "精液检查" ], "61052000": [ "Laryngoplasty with open reduction of fracture", "喉成形术及骨折切开复位术" ], "388732006": [ "Prunus domestica specific IgE antibody measurement", "Plum specific IgE antibody measurement", "f255 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Prunus domestica specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "梅子特异性IgE抗体测定", "欧洲李特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "欧洲李特异性IgE抗体测定", "f255特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "241276008": [ "Injection of indwelling catheter", "留置导尿管注射" ], "306812009": [ "Thrombectomy of vascular graft", "血管移植物血栓切除术" ], "1156945006": [ "Randomised clinical drug trial", "Randomized clinical drug trial", "随机临床药物试验" ], "75601006": [ "Excision of choroid plexus", "Choroid plexectomy", "脉络丛切除术" ], "239441007": [ "Stabilisation of joint of hand", "Stabilization of joint of hand", "手部关节稳定" ], "172070004": [ "Insertion of right breast prosthesis", "右乳房假体植入" ], "270374008": [ "Public serv vehic driver exam", "Public service vehicle driver examination", "公务车辆驾驶员考试", "公共服务车辆驾驶员考试" ], "761894009": [ "Provision of specialist static seating", "提供专业的静态座椅" ], "432379002": [ "Percutaneous embolization of innominate vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of innominate vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮无名静脉栓塞术" ], "104699001": [ "Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase measurement", "Glutaryl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase measurement", "戊二酰辅酶 A 脱氢酶测定", "戊二酰辅酶 A 脱氢酶测量" ], "252155003": [ "Neonatal hypothyroid screening", "新生儿甲状腺功能低下筛查" ], "71931006": [ "Epiphyseal arrest by stapling of ulna", "Stapling of epiphyseal plate of ulna", "通过尺骨钉固定术阻止骨骺断裂", "尺骨骨骺板缝合术" ], "266704000": [ "Fluid/electrolyte balance regulation", "Fluid/electrolyte management", "液体/电解质管理", "液体/电解质平衡调节" ], "88315008": [ "Destruction of lesion of dentoalveolar structures", "牙槽结构损伤破坏" ], "448763008": [ "Closed reduction of traumatic injury of epiphyseal plate with internal fixation", "闭合复位内固定治疗骨骺板外伤" ], "250320003": [ "Platelet release reaction", "Platelet release reaction test", "血小板释放反应检查", "血小板释放反应" ], "86480004": [ "Open reduction of fracture", "骨折切开复位" ], "68261001": [ "Incision and removal of foreign body from anus", "肛门异物切开取出" ], "772773001": [ "Laparoscopic lumbar hernioplasty using synthetic mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic repair of lumbar hernia using synthetic mesh with fascial closure", "使用合成网片和筋膜闭合进行腹腔镜腰椎疝修补术", "腹腔镜下使用合成网片和筋膜闭合术修复腰疝" ], "443258007": [ "Complete excision of head of first metatarsal", "Excision of entire head of first metatarsal", "切除整个第一跖骨头", "第一跖骨头完全切除" ], "410490007": [ "Optical penalisation therapy", "Optical penalization therapy", "Optical penalisation therapy for amblyopia", "Optical penalization therapy for amblyopia", "光学惩罚疗法", "弱视的光学惩罚疗法" ], "277583002": [ "Percutaneous magnetic resonance guided aspiration", "经皮磁共振引导下穿刺" ], "392271004": [ "g11 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bromus inermis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Brome grass specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bromus inermis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "无芒雀麦特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "雀麦草特异性IgE抗体测定", "无溴特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "g11特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "177444003": [ "Local rotation flap, fasciocutaneous", "局部旋转皮瓣,筋膜皮瓣" ], "406820005": [ "Brazilin stain method", "Brazilin stain", "巴西林染色法", "巴西雷氏斑" ], "439588006": [ "Anoscopy with anorectal dilation", "肛门镜检查及肛门直肠扩张" ], "308516007": [ "Well adult monitoring call", "成人监护呼叫" ], "62756008": [ "Radiologic examination of pharynx and cervical esophagus", "Radiologic examination of pharynx and cervical oesophagus", "咽部和颈部食管的放射学检查" ], "423204009": [ "Orthopaedic assessment", "Orthopedic assessment", "骨科评估" ], "60921006": [ "Local destruction of lesion of joint of foot and toe", "足趾关节病变局部破坏" ], "306681009": [ "Discharge from hospice day hospital", "临终关怀日间医院出院" ], "241145009": [ "Air contrast swallow", "空气对比吞咽" ], "417699000": [ "Referral to drug treatment center", "Referral to drug treatment centre", "转诊至戒毒治疗中心", "转介至戒毒治疗中心" ], "304846008": [ "External subdural drain procedure", "外部硬膜下引流术" ], "55416000": [ "Reduction of palatal fractures, open treatment, Lefort I type", "腭骨折复位,开放治疗,Lefort I 型" ], "22648000": [ "Suture of lumbar plexus", "腰丛缝合术" ], "710776000": [ "Identification of preoperative physiological status", "术前生理状态识别" ], "50080191000188103": [ "External beam radiation therapy of bone", "骨外照射放射治疗" ], "104568008": [ "Carbonyl hemoglobin measurement", "Carbonyl haemoglobin measurement", "羰基血红蛋白测量" ], "268408009": [ "Vaginal smear biopsy", "阴道涂片活检" ], "168269003": [ "Serology: fungus identified", "血清学:已鉴定真菌" ], "313890001": [ "60 minute plasma prolactin measurement", "60 minute plasma prolactin level", "60 分钟血浆催乳素水平", "60 分钟血浆催乳素测量" ], "608802002": [ "Open reduction of fracture of metatarsal bone with internal fixation", "跖骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "250189009": [ "Detection of immunoglobulin", "免疫球蛋白检测" ], "723490001": [ "Facilitating maintenance of physical capabilities through occupational engagement", "通过职业参与促进身体机能的维持" ], "166434005": [ "Serum pregnancy test (B-HCG)", "Serum pregnancy test (B-human chorionic gonadotropin)", "血清妊娠试验(B-人绒毛膜促性腺激素)", "血清妊娠试验 (B-HCG)" ], "819959001": [ "Assessment using HEI (Healthy Eating Index) 2015", "Assessment using Healthy Eating Index 2015", "使用 HEI (健康饮食指数) 2015 进行评估", "使用 2015 年健康饮食指数进行评估" ], "443127004": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography using thallium with computed tomography of brain", "使用铊进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描和脑部计算机断层扫描" ], "759005": [ "Intracerebral electroencephalogram", "Depth EEG", "Intracerebral EEG", "深度脑电图", "脑内脑电图" ], "410359006": [ "Specimen collection case management", "标本采集案例管理" ], "310220000": [ "Spiral binding of limb for constricting band", "肢体螺旋绑扎用于束带" ], "179148001": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture and functional bracing", "骨折闭合复位及功能性支具的修订" ], "33527008": [ "Ultrasonic guidance for aspiration of cyst", "Aspiration of cyst using ultrasonic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of cyst", "超声引导下囊肿抽吸" ], "1260492007": [ "Endoscopic transurethral removal of transobturator tape from urethra", "Endoscopic transurethral removal of TOT (transobturator tape) from urethra", "Endoscopic transurethral removal of TVT-O (tension free vaginal tape - obturator) from urethra", "经尿道内镜下经闭孔尿道带取出术", "经尿道内镜下切除尿道 TVT-O(无张力阴道吊带 - 闭孔器)", "经尿道内镜下切除尿道 TOT(经闭孔带)" ], "768972009": [ "Radionuclide imaging of brain using technetium (99m-Tc) pentetic acid", "Tc99m-DTPA (diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid) brain study", "Tc99m-DTPA(二乙烯三胺五乙酸)脑研究", "使用锝(99m-Tc)喷替酸进行脑放射性核素显像" ], "439457005": [ "Percutaneous polymer embolisation of cerebral venous sinus using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous polymer embolization of cerebral venous sinus using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous polymer embolisation of cerebral venous sinus using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous polymer embolization of cerebral venous sinus with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮脑静脉窦聚合物栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮脑静脉窦造影聚合物栓塞术" ], "716150004": [ "Doppler ultrasound scan measurement of segmental blood pressure of artery of limb", "Measurement of segmental blood pressure of artery of limb using Doppler ultrasonography", "多普勒超声测量肢体动脉节段血压", "肢体动脉节段血压的多普勒超声扫描测量" ], "306550005": [ "Discharge by surgical fitter", "手术装配工出院" ], "372086009": [ "Procedure on endocrine pancreas", "胰腺内分泌手术" ], "1287755002": [ "Local sensory skin flap to head", "头部局部感觉皮瓣" ], "26187001": [ "Kader operation, temporary gastrostomy", "Kader 手术、临时胃造口术" ], "388470009": [ "Cefaclor specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rc7 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cefaclor specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "头孢克洛特异性IgE抗体测定", "头孢克洛特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rc7 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "763467005": [ "Fluoroscopic venogram of iliac vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "Fluoroscopic venography of iliac vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "植入金属支架进行髂静脉荧光造影" ], "401184000": [ "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease monitoring by nurse", "护士监测慢性阻塞性肺病" ], "89888003": [ "Bisection of stapes footplate", "镫骨足板二等分" ], "417568007": [ "Epilepsy monitoring call", "癫痫监测呼叫" ], "432117001": [ "Fluoroscopy guidance for insertion of temporary superior vena cava filter with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of temporary superior vena cava filter with contrast", "Insertion of temporary superior vena cava filter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下插入临时上腔静脉滤器", "荧光透视引导下置入临时上腔静脉滤器" ], "171808009": [ "Cryotherapy to lesion of peripheral nerve", "周围神经损伤的冷冻治疗" ], "235509005": [ "Triple bypass of pancreas", "胰腺三重搭桥手术" ], "6133006": [ "Lymphokine assay", "淋巴因子检测" ], "104437007": [ "1-Methylhistidine measurement", "1-甲基组氨酸测量" ], "301045009": [ "Primary screw fixation of fracture without reduction", "未复位骨折一期螺钉固定" ], "708810002": [ "Endovascular retrieval of foreign body from aorta", "主动脉内异物取出" ], "430282003": [ "Imaging of brain using ioflupane", "Radionuclide imaging of brain using ioflupane (123-I)", "使用碘氟烷进行脑成像", "使用碘氟烷(123-I)进行脑放射性核素显像" ], "69834004": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation of finger", "手指脱位闭合复位" ], "428447008": [ "Newborn blood spot screening", "新生儿血斑筛查" ], "313759009": [ "Serum noradrenaline measurement", "Serum noradrenaline level", "Serum norepinephrine measurement", "Serum norepinephrine level", "Measurement of serum norepinephrine", "Measurement of serum noradrenaline", "血清去甲肾上腺素的测量", "血清去甲肾上腺素测量", "血清去甲肾上腺素的测定", "血清去甲肾上腺素水平" ], "628003": [ "Steinman test", "Steinman 检验" ], "49780003": [ "Heminephrectomy", "半肾切除术" ], "410228006": [ "Mental health promotion management", "Manage mental health promotion", "心理健康促进管理", "管理心理健康促进" ], "1293129008": [ "Plain X-ray of gallbladder", "胆囊普通 X 光检查" ], "78878001": [ "Radical vulvectomy with inguinofemoral, iliac and pelvic lymphadenectomy", "根治性外阴切除术及腹股沟、髂骨和盆腔淋巴结清扫术" ], "717854002": [ "Aspirin therapy", "阿司匹林治疗" ], "439326006": [ "Checking of special footwear", "特殊鞋类检查" ], "60659001": [ "Physiatric manipulation of thoracic region", "Physiatric thoracic manipulation", "Manipulation of the thoracic spine", "Manipulation of the thoracic spine - non-surgical", "胸部物理治疗", "胸椎操作 - 非手术", "物理治疗胸部推拿", "胸椎操纵" ], "290035003": [ "Injection into shoulder joint", "肩关节注射" ], "306419006": [ "Discharge by chest physician", "胸科医师出院" ], "44275008": [ "Manipulation of spine", "Manipulation of vertebral column", "Manipulation of the vertebrae", "脊柱操纵", "脊柱调整", "脊椎操作" ], "91592003": [ "Repair of fistula of sinus of Valsalva", "Closure of sinus of Valsalva fistula", "Closure of fistula of sinus of Valsalva", "瓦尔萨尔瓦窦瘘的修补术", "瓦尔萨尔瓦窦瘘闭合术" ], "386504005": [ "Acid-base management: respiratory acidosis", "Acid-base regulation: respiratory acidosis", "酸碱管理:呼吸性酸中毒", "酸碱调节:呼吸性酸中毒" ], "304584007": [ "Colonic pouch operations", "结肠袋手术" ], "7837002": [ "Mercury measurement, hair", "头发汞含量测量" ], "171677003": [ "Exploration of facial nerve (VII)", "面神经探查(VII)" ], "73373003": [ "Specimen centrifugation", "标本离心" ], "24221008": [ "Repair of rectovesical fistula with colostomy", "Closure of rectovesical fistula with colostomy", "结肠造口术闭合直肠膀胱瘘", "结肠造口术修复直肠膀胱瘘" ], "235378002": [ "Mesh rectopexy", "网片直肠固定术" ], "431986003": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of sternoclavicular joint", "Magnetic resonance imaging of sternoclavicular joint", "MRI of sternoclavicular joint", "胸锁关节磁共振成像", "胸锁关节磁共振成像(MRI)", "胸锁关节 MRI" ], "87922005": [ "Suture of pelvic floor", "盆底缝合" ], "104306008": [ "Toxoplasma IgM antibody assay", "Serologic test for Toxoplasma, IgM", "Toxoplasma IgM level", "Measurement of Toxoplasma species IgM antibody", "Measurement of Toxoplasma species immunoglobulin M antibody", "弓形虫免疫球蛋白M抗体的测量", "弓形虫血清学检测,IgM", "弓形虫 IgM 抗体检测", "弓形虫 IgM 抗体测量", "弓形虫 IgM 水平" ], "233543004": [ "Superior mesenteric vein cannula insertion", "肠系膜上静脉插管" ], "168007006": [ "Ascitic fluid examination", "腹水检查" ], "708679008": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of kidney", "Percutaneous drainage of kidney using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮肾脏穿刺引流", "影像引导下经皮肾脏引流" ], "182556001": [ "Pelvic sling", "骨盆吊带" ], "313628002": [ "150 minute plasma glucose level", "150 minute plasma glucose measurement", "150 分钟血糖测量", "150 分钟血糖水平" ], "51484002": [ "Family therapy", "家庭治疗" ], "444700004": [ "Surgical procedure on primary malignant neoplasm of breast", "乳腺原发性恶性肿瘤的外科治疗" ], "118855008": [ "Procedure on bladder", "Procedure on urinary bladder", "膀胱手术" ], "36935008": [ "Repair of urethroperineovesical fistula", "Closure of urethroperineovesical fistula", "尿道膀胱瘘的修补", "尿道膀胱瘘的缝合" ], "231708006": [ "Correction of astigmatism", "Surgical correction of astigmatism", "散光手术矫正", "矫正散光" ], "442865000": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下甲状腺细针穿刺活检" ], "117020009": [ "Modified trichrome stain method", "Modified trichrome stain", "改良三色染色法" ], "16881002": [ "Obliteration of caliceal diverticulum", "肾盏憩室闭塞" ], "410097004": [ "Pacemaker care education", "Teach pacemaker care", "教授起搏器护理", "起搏器护理教育" ], "82417006": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of subclavian artery by thoracic incision", "经胸腔切口锁骨下动脉置管取栓术" ], "497006": [ "Replacement of cochlear prosthesis, multiple channels", "更换人工耳蜗,多通道" ], "178886000": [ "Prosthetic replacement of bone", "Surgical insertion of endoprosthetic replacement of bone", "骨假体置换", "手术植入内置假体替代骨" ], "408262002": [ "Serum alpha-1-antichymotrypsin level", "Serum alpha-1-antichymotrypsin measurement", "血清α-1抗糜蛋白酶测定", "血清α1抗糜蛋白酶水平" ], "735942009": [ "Endoscopic excision of left lobe of thyroid gland", "Endoscopic left hemithyroidectomy", "内镜甲状腺左叶切除术", "内镜左半甲状腺切除术" ], "373659003": [ "Open total meniscectomy of knee", "开放全膝半月板切除术" ], "13211006": [ "Removal of prosthesis of joint structures of hand", "Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis of hand", "关节切开术移除手部假体", "手部关节结构假体移除" ], "226203006": [ "Tendon graft", "Grafting of tendon", "肌腱移植" ], "306288008": [ "Referral to palliative care physician", "转诊至姑息治疗医生" ], "173381001": [ "Destruction of lesion of palate", "腭部损伤破坏" ], "25925003": [ "Concentration for ova and cysts", "卵子和囊肿的浓度" ], "386373004": [ "Nutrition therapy", "Nutrition care", "Nutrition treatments and procedures", "营养治疗", "营养护理", "营养治疗和程序" ], "304453008": [ "Interferential to hip", "干扰髋关节" ], "433690006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of external carotid artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of external carotid artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "用造影剂插入药物洗脱支架进行颈外动脉荧光镜动脉造影", "用造影剂插入药物洗脱支架进行颈外动脉荧光血管造影" ], "302618007": [ "Change of splint", "更换夹板" ], "400922006": [ "Bruckner test", "布鲁克纳试验" ], "169711001": [ "Antenatal booking examination", "产前预约检查" ], "104175002": [ "Chlamydia culture", "衣原体培养" ], "253466006": [ "Transection of pedicle graft", "蒂移植横断面" ], "235247004": [ "Balloon tamponade of stomach", "Balloon tamponade of stomach using Linton-Nachlas tube", "Balloon tamponade of gastric varices", "使用 Linton-Nachlas 管进行胃球囊填塞", "胃底静脉曲张球囊填塞术", "胃球囊填塞" ], "417306007": [ "Counterstrain technique", "Jones technique", "Jones counterstrain", "对抗压力技术", "琼斯反击", "琼斯技术" ], "448239001": [ "Endoscopic destruction of lesion of lower bowel using fiberoptic sigmoidoscope", "Endoscopic destruction of lesion of lower bowel using fibreoptic sigmoidoscope", "纤维乙状结肠镜下肠镜下破坏下段肠道病变", "用纤维乙状结肠镜进行内镜下肠道病变破坏" ], "122394009": [ "Ureaplasma urealyticum culture", "解脲支原体培养" ], "284399005": [ "Examination of sacroiliac joint", "骶髂关节检查" ], "4036002": [ "Arthroscopy of elbow with extensive debridement", "肘关节镜检查及大面积清创" ], "69572003": [ "Glossopharyngeal neurotomy", "Division of glossopharyngeal nerve", "舌咽神经切断术", "舌咽神经的分支" ], "446404006": [ "Drainage of abscess of neck", "颈部脓肿引流" ], "231577000": [ "Medial canthal technique for ectropion", "内眦外翻手术" ], "233412008": [ "Removal of arterial intraluminal device", "移除动脉管腔内装置" ], "118724008": [ "Procedure on fingernail", "指甲上的手术" ], "51353003": [ "Application of pressure binder", "压力粘合剂的应用" ], "18585006": [ "Bristow operation for dislocation of shoulder", "肩关节脱位的 Bristow 手术" ], "34969007": [ "Operation on retroperitoneum", "腹膜后手术" ], "311662006": [ "Physical cueing for speech", "言语的肢体提示" ], "178755000": [ "Correction of spinal deformity and instrumentation with pedicular fixation system", "脊柱畸形的矫正及椎弓根内固定系统治疗" ], "703043002": [ "Parakeet droppings specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "e197 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Parakeet droppings specific IgE antibody measurement", "长尾小鹦鹉粪便特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "e197 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "长尾小鹦鹉粪便特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "45848001": [ "Tumor antibody measurement", "Tumour antibody measurement", "Anti-tumor antibody measurement", "Immunoassay for tumor antibody measurement", "Anti-tumour antibody measurement", "Immunoassay for tumour antibody measurement", "肿瘤抗体测量免疫分析", "肿瘤抗体测量的免疫分析", "抗肿瘤抗体测量", "肿瘤抗体测量" ], "766744003": [ "Incision and exploration of adrenal gland", "肾上腺切开探查" ], "226072006": [ "Weighed dietary intake assessment", "称重膳食摄入量评估" ], "175085003": [ "Replacement of coronary arteries using multiple methods", "使用多种方法更换冠状动脉" ], "306157003": [ "Referral to drama therapy service", "转介戏剧治疗服务" ], "11245005": [ "Initial dilation of female urethra", "女性尿道初始扩张" ], "386242000": [ "Communicable disease management", "传染病管理" ], "1303746000": [ "Optical coherence tomography of posterior segment of eye", "OCT (optical coherence tomography) of posterior segment of eye", "眼后节 OCT(光学相干断层扫描)", "眼后节光学相干断层扫描" ], "74946000": [ "Operation on eustachian tube", "Operation on eustachian canal", "Operation on auditory tube", "听觉管手术", "耳咽管手术" ], "764909009": [ "Thoracic sympathetic plexus block using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopic guided thoracic sympathetic plexus block", "Injection of local anesthetic into thoracic portion of sympathetic nervous system using fluoroscopic guidance", "Injection of local anaesthetic into thoracic portion of sympathetic nervous system using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下胸交感神经丛阻滞", "在荧光透视引导下将局部麻醉剂注射到胸腔交感神经系统", "荧光透视引导下胸交感神经丛阻滞" ], "173250007": [ "Reconstruction of lip with tongue flap", "舌瓣唇再造术" ], "1287362008": [ "Injection of dexamethasone in pregnancy", "Injection of dexamethasone during maternal pregnancy period", "妊娠期注射地塞米松", "孕期注射地塞米松" ], "744855001": [ "Right lobectomy of thyroid gland", "Right hemithyroidectomy", "Excision of right lobe of thyroid gland", "右半甲状腺切除术", "甲状腺右叶切除术" ], "302487002": [ "Osteotomy of first metatarsal", "第一跖骨截骨术" ], "89495003": [ "Destructive procedure on uterus and supporting structures", "对子宫和支持结构造成破坏的手术" ], "236951003": [ "Operation on amniotic cavity", "羊膜腔手术" ], "122263007": [ "Listeria culture", "李斯特菌培养" ], "726636007": [ "Prophylactic bilateral mastectomy", "Risk reducing bilateral mastectomy", "降低双侧乳房切除术的风险", "预防性双侧乳房切除术" ], "448108008": [ "Extension abduction osteotomy of proximal femur", "股骨近端延长外展截骨术" ], "429889001": [ "Biopsy of fascia", "筋膜活检" ], "104044009": [ "Little i blood group antibody identification", "小i血型抗体鉴定" ], "315201004": [ "Treponema pallidum IgG level", "Treponema pallidum immunoglobulin G level", "梅毒螺旋体 IgG 水平", "梅毒螺旋体免疫球蛋白 G 水平" ], "36673005": [ "Intradermal injection", "皮内注射" ], "85825007": [ "Therapeutic application of vasopneumatic device", "Physical medicine treatment to one area with vasopneumatic device", "血管充气装置的治疗应用", "使用血管充气装置对一个区域进行物理医学治疗" ], "233281008": [ "Balloon angioplasty of the common femoral artery", "CFA - Balloon angioplasty of common femoral artery", "Angioplasty of common femoral artery", "股总动脉血管成形术", "CFA-股总动脉球囊血管成形术", "股总动脉球囊成形术" ], "870422002": [ "Assessment of self management of diabetes mellitus", "糖尿病自我管理评估" ], "313366007": [ "Alkaline phosphatase - bile isoenzyme measurement", "Alkaline phosphatase - bile isoenzyme level", "碱性磷酸酶-胆汁同工酶水平", "碱性磷酸酶-胆汁同工酶测定" ], "229611008": [ "Pneumatic post-amputation mobility aid education", "气动截肢后行动辅助器教育" ], "82155009": [ "Extracapsular extraction of cataract by emulsification with aspiration", "Extracapsular extraction of cataract by phacoemulsification with aspiration", "乳化抽吸白内障囊外摘除术", "超声乳化吸出术" ], "178624002": [ "Primary anterior excision of lumbar disc and posterior instrumentation", "腰椎间盘原发性前路切除及后路固定" ], "31168004": [ "Operation on pleural cavity", "Pleural operations", "Pleural procedure", "胸膜腔手术", "胸膜手术" ], "276928007": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of celiac artery", "Percutaneous endarterectomy of coeliac artery", "经皮腹腔动脉内膜切除术" ], "275093002": [ "Internal fixation of fracture of spine", "脊柱骨折内固定术" ], "406165004": [ "Dementia management: bathing", "痴呆症管理:洗澡" ], "306026001": [ "Referral by vascular surgeon", "Referral from vascular surgeon", "血管外科医生转诊", "血管外科医生的转诊" ], "27498003": [ "Bilateral bronchography", "Radiography of bilateral bronchi with contrast", "双侧支气管造影 X 线摄影", "双侧支气管造影" ], "43882005": [ "Operative procedure on parathyroid gland", "Operation on parathyroid gland", "Parathyroid gland operation", "Parathyroid operation", "甲状旁腺手术" ], "699242009": [ "Closure of cerebrospinal fluid leak from spinal cord", "脊髓脑脊液漏的封堵" ], "287807002": [ "Internal closure - rectal fistula", "内缝合-直肠瘘" ], "72980003": [ "Cryopreservation technique with glycerol", "甘油冷冻保存技术" ], "122132004": [ "Toxocara canis antibody assay", "Measurement of Toxocara canis antibody", "犬弓首蛔虫抗体检测", "犬弓首蛔虫抗体测定" ], "23828004": [ "Immunodiffusion, qualitative by Ouchterlony technique", "免疫扩散,采用 Ouchterlony 技术定性" ], "71145001": [ "Suture of esophagus", "Esophagorrhaphy", "Oesophagorrhaphy", "Suture of oesophagus", "食管缝合术", "食管缝合" ], "447977001": [ "Colonoscopic argon plasma coagulation of lesion of rectum", "结肠镜下直肠病变氩离子凝固术" ], "890345003": [ "Imaging of artery of extremity", "Angiography of artery of extremity", "Arteriography of limb", "Angiography of artery of limb", "Arteriography of artery of extremity", "肢体动脉造影", "肢体动脉成像", "四肢动脉造影" ], "710121004": [ "Promotion of ability to self transfer", "Promoting ability to self transfer", "提升自我迁移能力", "提升自我转移能力" ], "87529006": [ "Membrane diffusion capacity", "膜扩散能力" ], "431593007": [ "Care of ileal conduit", "回肠导管的护理" ], "185833007": [ "Well adult monitoring verbal invite", "健康成人监测口头邀请" ], "103913009": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from Kidd system (ISBT 009)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Kidd system (ISBT 009)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Kidd system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 009)", "血型、红细胞抗原来自 Kidd 系统(国际输血协会 009)", "血型、Kidd 系统红细胞抗原 (ISBT 009)", "血型、Kidd 系统的红细胞抗原 (ISBT 009)" ], "741054000": [ "Education about child health surveillance", "儿童健康监测教育" ], "36542003": [ "Fibrinogen assay, thrombin time dilution", "纤维蛋白原测定、凝血酶时间稀释" ], "85694002": [ "Application of dressing, soft cast", "敷料、软石膏的应用" ], "118462007": [ "Bone positioning", "Bone positioning procedure", "骨骼定位", "骨定位程序" ], "1052350008": [ "Reversal of vasectomy of left vas deferens", "Reversal of left vasectomy", "左侧输精管切除术逆转术", "左侧输精管结扎复通术" ], "233150009": [ "Patch enlargement of conduit", "导管补片扩大" ], "231315000": [ "Trigger point infiltration of local anesthetic and steroid", "Trigger point infiltration of local anaesthetic and steroid", "Infiltration of local anesthetic and steroid into trigger point", "Infiltration of local anaesthetic and steroid into trigger point", "局部麻醉剂和类固醇渗入触发点", "局部麻醉剂和类固醇的触发点浸润" ], "395155002": [ "Prostate-specific antigen monitoring", "前列腺特异性抗原监测" ], "2061000087100": [ "MRI of left ankle with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left ankle with contrast", "左踝关节磁共振成像对比", "左踝部增强 MRI 检查" ], "315070009": [ "Avian precipitin test", "禽类沉淀素试验" ], "444307003": [ "Detection of ordinal level of free immunoglobulin light chain in serum or plasma specimen", "Detection of ordinal level of free immunoglobulin light chain in serum or plasma", "血清或血浆中游离免疫球蛋白轻链的顺序水平检测", "血清或血浆标本中游离免疫球蛋白轻链的顺序水平检测" ], "46861000087100": [ "Recommendation to continue current diet", "建议继续目前的饮食" ], "781000087101": [ "Fluoroscopic venogram of both lower limbs with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venography of left and right lower limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venography of bilateral lower limbs with contrast", "左、右下肢荧光静脉造影", "双下肢荧光静脉造影" ], "104001": [ "Excision of lesion of patella", "Local excision of lesion or tissue of patella", "髌骨病变切除术", "髌骨病变或组织局部切除" ], "180328001": [ "Electrical sinus rhythm conversion", "电窦性心律转复" ], "16488004": [ "Laboratory reporting", "实验室报告" ], "229480009": [ "Hip adductor stretching", "髋部内收肌拉伸" ], "178493006": [ "Alveolar bone graft", "牙槽骨移植" ], "112957007": [ "Conjunctival flap, partial", "部分结膜瓣" ], "391485008": [ "Cardiac markers", "心脏标志物" ], "14653008": [ "Repair of aneurysm with graft of mesenteric artery", "肠系膜动脉移植修复动脉瘤" ], "45586001": [ "Bile disk test", "胆汁盘检查" ], "385980003": [ "Cardiac rehabilitation management", "Manage cardiac rehabilitation", "管理心脏康复", "心脏康复管理" ], "287676005": [ "Facial wrinkle removal", "面部除皱" ], "304060006": [ "Anastomosis of esophagus to transposed jejunum", "Anastomosis of oesophagus to transposed jejunum", "食管与转位空肠吻合术" ], "40081001": [ "Excision of lesion of descending aorta", "降主动脉病变切除术" ], "122001002": [ "Aspergillus fumigatus antigen assay", "烟曲霉抗原测定" ], "449681006": [ "Elevation of upper arm", "上臂抬高" ], "1285265006": [ "Injection into subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织注射" ], "120166004": [ "Mediastinum repair", "纵隔修复" ], "169318005": [ "Fast neutron therapy", "快中子治疗" ], "87398007": [ "Transposition of penis", "阴茎移位" ], "183867000": [ "Referred to acute chest pain clinic", "转诊至急性胸痛门诊" ], "709990009": [ "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of breast", "Aspiration of breast using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下乳房穿刺", "在荧光透视引导下进行乳房抽吸" ], "21862007": [ "Visual field examination and evaluation, limited", "视野检查和评估,有限" ], "431462009": [ "Therapeutic water soluble enema and fluoroscopy of colon", "治疗性水溶性灌肠及结肠透视检查" ], "446011004": [ "Endoscopic ultrasonography of colon", "结肠内镜超声检查" ], "69179002": [ "Percutaneous arterial cutdown", "Arterial cut-down", "动脉切断", "经皮动脉切开术" ], "444176000": [ "Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection by unroofing and closure of coronary sinus and interatrial communication", "去顶闭合冠状窦及心房间通道修复完全性肺静脉异位引流" ], "85563009": [ "Excision of benign lesion of trunk", "躯干良性病变切除术" ], "1148688001": [ "Bipolar transurethral enucleation of prostate", "经尿道双极前列腺剜除术" ], "231184001": [ "Ring block of 4th toe", "Ring block of fourth toe", "第四趾环块" ], "233019009": [ "Eustachian valve operation", "耳咽瓣手术" ], "49125000": [ "Excision of vesicovaginal septum", "膀胱阴道隔切除术" ], "771856008": [ "Repair of incisional hernia using surgical mesh", "使用外科网片修补切口疝" ], "229349003": [ "Physiological mobilization of the superior radioulnar joint", "Physiological mobilisation of the superior radioulnar joint", "上桡尺关节的生理活动" ], "1179621007": [ "Localization of sentinel lymph node using diagnostic dye", "Localisation of sentinel lymph node using diagnostic dye", "使用诊断染料定位哨兵淋巴结" ], "391354000": [ "Urine xanthine level", "尿液黄嘌呤水平" ], "129210000": [ "Procedure on scapula", "肩胛骨手术" ], "112826006": [ "Excision of intracranial artery", "Intracranial arteriectomy", "颅内动脉切除术" ], "176527007": [ "Cauterisation of lesion of penis", "Cauterization of lesion of penis", "阴茎损伤烧灼术" ], "174692003": [ "Whole organ pancreatic transplant", "Transplantation of whole pancreas", "全器官胰腺移植", "全胰腺移植" ], "698980006": [ "Local flap of skin to neck", "颈部局部皮瓣" ], "387684008": [ "Transmetacarpal amputation", "Metacarpal amputation", "经掌骨截肢术", "掌骨截肢" ], "58169006": [ "Biofeedback, thermal", "生物反馈、热" ], "385849007": [ "Breathing exercise education", "Teach breathing exercises", "呼吸锻炼教育", "教呼吸练习" ], "172857009": [ "Irrigation of maxillary antrum using sublabial approach", "采用唇下入路冲洗上颌窦" ], "121870001": [ "Troponin I measurement", "肌钙蛋白 I 测量" ], "252942003": [ "Sperm-cervical mucus slide test", "Spermatozoa cervical mucus slide test", "精子宫颈粘液切片试验", "精子宫颈粘液切片检查" ], "449550007": [ "Central aortopulmonary anastomosis", "中央主动脉肺动脉吻合术" ], "234723000": [ "Topical application of fluoride - tooth", "Topical application of tooth medicament - fluoride", "局部应用牙齿药物-氟化物", "局部应用氟化物 - 牙齿" ], "433166009": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for endoscopic oesophageal dilatation", "Endoscopic oesophageal dilatation using fluoroscopic guidance", "Endoscopic esophageal dilatation using fluoroscopic guidance", "Endoscopic oesophageal dilation using fluoroscopic guidance", "Endoscopic esophageal dilation using fluoroscopic guidance", "内镜食管扩张术的荧光透视引导", "荧光透视引导下内镜食管扩张术" ], "171022008": [ "Psychological counselling", "Psychological counseling", "心理咨询" ], "1332451002": [ "Harvesting of bone graft from sternum", "从胸骨获取骨移植" ], "709859006": [ "Radioisotope scan of joint of knee", "Radionuclide arthrography of knee", "Radionuclide scan of joint of knee", "膝关节放射性核素造影", "膝关节放射性同位素扫描", "膝关节放射性核素扫描" ], "185571007": [ "Child development check - third call", "儿童发育检查-第三次呼叫" ], "120035008": [ "Vagina injection", "阴道注射" ], "87267008": [ "Anti-human globulin test, drug sensitization and identification", "Anti-human globulin test, drug sensitisation and identification", "抗人球蛋白试验、药物致敏及鉴定", "抗人球蛋白试验、药物致敏及鉴别" ], "232888003": [ "Shortening operation on atrioventricular valve papillary muscle", "房室瓣乳头肌缩短术" ], "429496005": [ "Examination of live donor after kidney transplant", "肾移植后活体捐献者的检查" ], "437861000124101": [ "Increased valine diet", "增加缬氨酸饮食" ], "265656008": [ "Photodestruction of skin lesion", "皮肤损伤光破坏" ], "231053001": [ "Creation of syringosubarachnoid shunt", "建立脊髓空洞蛛网膜下腔分流术" ], "1677001": [ "Haagensen test", "哈根氏试验" ], "34445002": [ "Beta-glucuronidase measurement, fibroblasts", "β-葡萄糖醛酸酶测量,成纤维细胞" ], "663141000124105": [ "Referral to vocational education programme", "Referral to vocational education program", "转介职业教育计划" ], "312973004": [ "Stegman procedure", "Viscocanalostomy", "粘液小管造口术", "Stegman手术" ], "427661008": [ "Transurethral radiofrequency needle ablation of prostate", "经尿道前列腺射频针消融术" ], "771725008": [ "Laparoscopic repair of epigastric hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic epigastric hernioplasty using synthetic mesh", "腹腔镜下合成网片修补上腹疝", "使用合成网片进行腹腔镜上腹疝修补术" ], "16226000": [ "Laparoscopic sterilization", "Laparoscopic sterilisation", "Laparoscopic female sterilisation", "Laparoscopic female sterilization", "腹腔镜绝育", "腹腔镜消毒", "腹腔镜女性绝育术" ], "229218006": [ "Team games for therapy", "团队游戏治疗" ], "81762006": [ "Double valve replacement", "双瓣膜置换术" ], "718903000": [ "Assessment using Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale 5 Staff Version (3 day recall period)", "Assessment using IPOS-5 (Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale 5) Staff Version (3 day recall period)", "使用综合姑息治疗结果量表 5 员工版进行评估(3 天回忆期)", "使用 IPOS-5(综合姑息治疗结果量表 5)员工版本进行评估(3 天回忆期)" ], "391223001": [ "Mental health support groups staff facilitated - 1-2 contacts/week", "心理健康支持小组工作人员协助 - 每周 1-2 次联系" ], "65378009": [ "Delayed repair of episiotomy", "会阴切开术延迟修复" ], "440375002": [ "Open reduction of fracture of rib", "肋骨骨折切开复位" ], "112695004": [ "Closure", "Surgical closure", "Reparative closure", "修复性闭合", "关闭", "手术缝合" ], "702519004": [ "Computed tomography of head and facial bones", "CT of head and facial bones", "头部及面部骨骼 CT", "头部和面部骨骼的计算机断层扫描" ], "47159006": [ "Repair of aneurysm with graft of subclavian artery by thoracic incision", "经胸切口锁骨下动脉移植修复动脉瘤" ], "63543007": [ "Bladder stone analysis", "Analysis of calculus of urinary bladder", "膀胱结石分析" ], "243767008": [ "Portal venous sampling catheter", "Portal venous sampling catheter procedure", "门静脉取样导管操作", "门静脉取样导管" ], "178231009": [ "Excision of whole muscle group", "切除整个肌肉群" ], "78092008": [ "Drug rehabilitation", "戒毒" ], "1290508009": [ "Plain X-ray of wrist, anteroposterior and lateral views", "腕部普通 X 光检查、前后位和侧位照片" ], "174561006": [ "Anastomosis main bile duct to duodenum", "Anastomosis of common bile duct to duodenum", "胆总管十二指肠吻合术", "胆管主干至十二指肠吻合术" ], "74422001": [ "Fasciectomy", "Excision of fascia", "Resection of fascia", "筋膜切除", "筋膜切除术" ], "238262003": [ "Extraperitoneal drainage of subphrenic abscess", "膈下脓肿腹膜外引流" ], "418486006": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of mesenteric artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of mesenteric artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行肠系膜动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下肠系膜动脉造影成形术" ], "1303222006": [ "Pretransplant evaluation of recipient", "移植前接受者的评估" ], "385718008": [ "Patient counselling assessment", "Patient counseling assessment", "Assess counselling service", "Assess counseling service", "患者咨询评估", "评估辅导服务" ], "121739001": [ "Azelate measurement", "壬二酸酯测量" ], "88971002": [ "Embolization of artery of upper limb", "Embolisation of artery of upper limb", "上肢动脉栓塞术" ], "271030008": [ "Iron clearance measurement", "Iron clearance level", "铁清除水平", "铁间隙测量" ], "433035000": [ "Bathing with assistance of hoist", "借助吊具洗澡" ], "105355005": [ "Volatile drug screen", "挥发性药物筛查" ], "252811007": [ "Henson screener plot", "亨森筛选图" ], "431200001": [ "Radionuclide iodine 131 therapy to thyroid", "放射性核素碘131治疗甲状腺" ], "70752002": [ "Removal of spinal electronic stimulator with synchronous replacement", "Replacement of spinal neurostimulator", "Removal of spinal neurostimulator with synchronous replacement", "脊髓神经刺激器移除术与同步置换术", "脊髓神经刺激器更换", "脊髓电子刺激器移除术与同步置换术" ], "54368003": [ "Superficial inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy including Cloquet's node", "Superficial inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy including Cloquet node", "浅表腹股沟淋巴结清扫术(包括 Cloquet 淋巴结)" ], "5216004": [ "Three dimensional ultrasound imaging of heart", "Three dimensional echocardiography", "心脏三维超声成像", "三维超声心动图" ], "119904007": [ "Anus destructive procedure", "肛门破坏性手术" ], "429365000": [ "Referral to paediatric gastroenterologist", "Referral to pediatric gastroenterologist", "转诊至儿科胃肠病专家" ], "445749001": [ "Trabeculectomy using releasable sutures", "使用可松解缝线进行小梁切除术" ], "412981002": [ "Percentage CD7 count", "CD7 计数百分比" ], "232757007": [ "Repair of defect of mitral leaflet", "二尖瓣缺损的修复" ], "118069009": [ "HIV 2 p26 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 p26 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 protein 26 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型蛋白 26 抗体的测量", "HIV 2 p26 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 2 p26 抗体检测" ], "134453009": [ "Trypanosomal (African) antibody level", "锥虫病(非洲)抗体水平" ], "722442003": [ "Education about rights as patient", "Explanation of patient's rights", "患者权利解释", "关于患者权利的教育" ], "116234005": [ "Open biopsy of mediastinum", "纵隔开放活检" ], "427530006": [ "Repair of fracture of penis", "阴茎骨折修复术" ], "230922007": [ "Balloon angioplasty of intracranial artery", "Angioplasty of intracranial artery", "颅内动脉成形术", "颅内动脉球囊成形术" ], "229087000": [ "Klapps crawls exercises", "克拉普斯爬行练习" ], "442079009": [ "Monitoring of esophageal impedance", "Monitoring of oesophageal impedance", "食管阻抗监测" ], "702388001": [ "Tobacco use cessation education", "戒烟教育" ], "178100006": [ "Aspiration of ganglion", "神经节抽吸" ], "423860008": [ "Recreational therapy care case management", "Recreational therapy case management", "娱乐治疗案例管理", "娱乐治疗护理案例管理" ], "438409006": [ "Application of short arm cast", "短臂石膏的应用" ], "225417009": [ "Intermittent observation", "间歇性观察" ], "174430004": [ "Resection of segment of liver", "Liver segmentectomy", "肝段切除术" ], "26974006": [ "Epiphyseal arrest by epiphysiodesis of distal fibula", "腓骨远端骨骺固定术阻断骨骺" ], "270899000": [ "Gastric drainage -stomach pump", "Stomach pumped out", "Gastric drainage by stomach pump", "Stomach pump", "胃引流-胃泵", "胃泵引流胃液", "胃被抽空", "胃泵" ], "10590008": [ "Fulguration of lesion of large intestine", "大肠病变电灼术" ], "418355001": [ "Fluoroscopic urinary tract loopogram", "透视尿路造影" ], "16545191000119100": [ "Radionuclide myocardial perfusion stress study", "Radioisotope myocardial perfusion stress study", "放射性核素心肌灌注压力研究", "放射性同位素心肌灌注压力研究" ], "409511000119101": [ "CT of left tibia and fibula with contrast", "Computed tomography of left tibia and fibula with contrast", "左胫骨和腓骨增强 CT", "左胫骨和腓骨增强计算机断层扫描" ], "172595006": [ "Extirpation of lesion of external ear", "外耳病变摘除术" ], "432904000": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of head for cranioplasty planning", "Computed tomography of head for cranioplasty planning", "CT of head for cranioplasty planning", "头部 CT 扫描用于颅骨成形术规划", "头部计算机断层扫描用于颅骨成形术规划", "头部计算机断层扫描 (CT) 用于颅骨成形术规划" ], "16323751000119105": [ "Computed tomography of sella turcica without contrast", "CT of sella turcica without contrast", "鞍区无造影 CT 检查", "鞍区非造影 CT" ], "400136002": [ "Amputation of upper limb", "上肢截肢" ], "105224002": [ "Levomeprazine measurement", "左美拉嗪测量" ], "252680004": [ "Radionuclide study for localisation of tumour or inflammatory disease", "Radionuclide study for localization of tumor or inflammatory disease", "肿瘤或炎症疾病定位的放射性核素研究" ], "88840005": [ "Freeing of anterior synechiae with injection of air or liquid", "Lysis of anterior synechiae with injection of air or liquid", "Freeing of anterior synechiae of iris by injection of air or liquid", "通过注入空气或液体来释放前粘连", "注射空气或液体松解前粘连", "通过注入空气或液体来释放虹膜前粘连" ], "23304006": [ "Operation on vas deferens", "Vas deferens operations", "输精管手术" ], "56072006": [ "Ophthalmoscopy with medical evaluation, extended, for retinal detachment mapping", "带有医学评估的眼底镜检查,扩展,用于视网膜脱离映射" ], "72456008": [ "Dermatoplasty", "Repair of skin", "皮肤成形术", "修复皮肤" ], "416520008": [ "Consultation for unaccompanied minor", "无人陪伴儿童咨询" ], "121608005": [ "Isobutane measurement", "异丁烷测量" ], "711432003": [ "Repatriation by air travel", "航空遣返" ], "37853007": [ "Stripping of abdominal varicose vein", "腹部静脉曲张剥脱术" ], "119773008": [ "Coronary artery reconstruction", "冠状动脉重建" ], "232626004": [ "Open repair of bronchopleural fistula", "BPF - Open repair of bronchopleural fistula", "支气管胸膜瘘的开放式修补", "BPF-- 支气管胸膜瘘的开放式修复" ], "183474004": [ "Psychogeriatric emergency hospital admission", "老年精神病急诊入院" ], "117938005": [ "Smith extractable nuclear antibody AND ribonucleoprotein extractable nuclear antibody assay", "Smith 可提取核抗体和核糖核蛋白可提取核抗体测定" ], "429234007": [ "Measurement of chromium/creatinine ratio", "铬/肌酐比值的测量" ], "412850005": [ "Urine ketamine measurement", "Urine ketamine level", "尿液氯胺酮测量", "尿液氯胺酮水平" ], "773298008": [ "Trauma dental consultation and report", "Dental trauma examination", "Dental trauma consultation and report", "Dental trauma assessment", "创伤牙科咨询和报告", "牙科创伤评估", "牙科创伤咨询和报告", "牙齿外伤检查" ], "83335006": [ "Removal of internal fixation device from scapula", "拆除肩胛骨内固定装置" ], "443783006": [ "Quantitative measurement of 7-aminonitrazepam in saliva specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of 7-aminonitrazepam in saliva specimen", "唾液标本中7-氨基硝西泮质量浓度的定量测定", "唾液样本中7-氨基硝西泮的定量测定" ], "66951008": [ "Carotid endarterectomy", "Carotid thromboendarterectomy", "CEA - Carotid endarterectomy", "颈动脉血栓内膜切除术", "颈动脉内膜切除术", "CEA-- 颈动脉内膜切除术" ], "736860003": [ "Provision of intrauterine system contraception leaflet", "提供宫内节育系统避孕单张" ], "441948005": [ "Measurement of protein and glucose in urine specimen using reagent test strip", "试剂试纸条测定尿液标本中的蛋白质和葡萄糖" ], "390961000": [ "Plasma alanine aminotransferase level", "血浆丙氨酸氨基转移酶水平" ], "735025000": [ "Excision of right epididymis", "Right epididymectomy", "右侧附睾切除术" ], "14129001": [ "History and physical examination, follow-up for emotional or mental disease", "病史和体格检查,情绪或精神疾病的随访" ], "46897002": [ "Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty of pulmonary valve", "经皮肺动脉瓣球囊成形术" ], "177969007": [ "Biopsy of lesion of mesentery of small intestine", "小肠系膜病变活检" ], "440113008": [ "Excision of nerve of posterior thigh muscle", "股后肌神经切除术" ], "405510004": [ "Ilio-distal popliteal graft for repair of aneurysm with prosthesis", "髂骨远端腘窝移植用于修复动脉瘤" ], "225286008": [ "Alternating the patient's position", "改变患者体位" ], "241670008": [ "MRI of peripheral vessels", "Magnetic resonance imaging of peripheral vessels", "外周血管磁共振成像", "外周血管 MRI" ], "174299003": [ "Massage of rectum", "直肠按摩" ], "223451005": [ "Advice to report signs and symptoms", "Recommendation to report signs and symptoms", "报告体征和症状的建议", "建议报告体征和症状" ], "305371008": [ "Admission to clinical cytogenetics department", "临床细胞遗传学科入院" ], "8624000": [ "Drainage of infratemporal fossa", "颞下窝引流" ], "713136002": [ "Assessment of risk of violence", "暴力风险评估" ], "449157000": [ "Interstitial brachytherapy using iridium wire", "使用铱丝进行组织间近距离放射治疗" ], "236165000": [ "Anastomosis of ureter to bladder with psoas hitch", "Anastomosis of ureter to urinary bladder with psoas hitch", "腰肌腱索输尿管膀胱吻合术", "腰肌腱索膀胱输尿管吻合术" ], "252549004": [ "Isosorbide test", "异山梨醇试验" ], "105093005": [ "Bupivacaine measurement", "布比卡因测量" ], "121477006": [ "Carbamate pesticide assay", "氨基甲酸酯类农药测定" ], "86874001": [ "Rhythm strip monitoring", "节奏带监测" ], "119642003": [ "Transposition of tissue of shoulder", "肩部组织移位术" ], "21338008": [ "Cystourethroplasty with bilateral ureteroneocystostomy", "膀胱尿道成形术及双侧输尿管膀胱造口术" ], "183343000": [ "Occupational need assessment", "职业需求评估" ], "54106008": [ "Vocational training", "职业培训" ], "412719003": [ "Lowering of upper eyelid", "Upper lid lowering", "上眼睑下垂" ], "234330008": [ "Iliac crest trephine", "髂嵴环钻" ], "117807005": [ "Echovirus antibody assay", "Measurement of Human echovirus antibody", "埃可病毒抗体检测", "人类埃可病毒抗体的测定" ], "429103000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into portal vein", "Endovascular insertion of stent into portal vein", "门静脉内支架置入", "经皮腔内门静脉支架置入术" ], "35887003": [ "Excision of lesion of ovary", "卵巢病损切除术" ], "314415008": [ "Second meningitis C vaccination", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C antigen", "Second meningitis C immunisation", "Second meningitis C immunization", "Administration of second dose of meningitis C vaccine", "接种第二剂丙型脑膜炎疫苗", "第二次丙型脑膜炎免疫接种", "接种第二剂仅含脑膜炎奈瑟菌血清群 C 抗原的疫苗产品", "第二次丙型脑膜炎疫苗接种", "第二次丙型脑膜炎免疫" ], "232495003": [ "Biopsy of lesion of internal nose", "鼻内病变活检" ], "34052007": [ "Debridement of joint of forefoot", "前足关节清创术" ], "179673002": [ "Revision to open reduction of dislocation and functional bracing", "脱位切开复位修复及功能性支撑" ], "441817003": [ "Evaluation of biopsy specimen", "活检标本的评估" ], "359897007": [ "Anti-IgA assay", "IgA antibody level", "IgA antibody measurement", "Anti-immunoglobulin A assay", "IgA 抗体测量", "抗 IgA 测定", "IgA 抗体水平", "抗免疫球蛋白A试验" ], "1162713008": [ "Administration of imdevimab", "伊维单抗的给药" ], "243374001": [ "Ventricular shunt to mastoid", "脑室分流至乳突" ], "63150002": [ "Body claimed by anatomic board", "尸体已被解剖委员会认领" ], "1144494006": [ "Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of lesion of thyroid", "经皮射频消融治疗甲状腺病变" ], "12163000": [ "Needling of secondary cataract", "继发性白内障针刺治疗" ], "110467000": [ "Pre-surgery testing", "术前检查" ], "225155007": [ "Desiccation of skin lesion", "皮肤病变干燥" ], "698456001": [ "Antidepressant therapy", "抗抑郁治疗" ], "305240002": [ "Admission by intensive care specialist", "Admission by ITU specialist", "国际电信联盟专家批准", "重症监护专家入院" ], "405379009": [ "Repair of internal carotid artery", "颈内动脉修复" ], "43096003": [ "Insertion of laminaria into vagina", "将海带插入阴道" ], "241539009": [ "CT of breast", "Computed tomography of breast", "乳腺CT", "乳房计算机断层扫描" ], "239704005": [ "Conversion of static cast brace to functional cast brace", "静态石膏支架转换为功能性石膏支架" ], "370776007": [ "Assessment of history of substance abuse", "Assesses for history of substance abuse", "评估药物滥用史", "药物滥用史评估" ], "1255512007": [ "Education about substance use disorder treatment program", "Education about substance use disorder treatment programme", "关于物质使用障碍治疗计划的教育" ], "172333002": [ "Inferior oblique recession", "下斜肌萎缩" ], "6658002": [ "Removal of foreign body from alveolus", "清除肺泡内的异物" ], "72194003": [ "Mazzotti reaction test", "Mazzotti 反应测试" ], "104962003": [ "Thiamine measurement", "Vitamin B-1 measurement", "硫胺素测量", "维生素 B-1 测量" ], "55810002": [ "Electrocoagulation of nose for epistaxis", "Coagulation of nose for epistaxis using electrical energy", "鼻电凝术治疗鼻出血", "电凝鼻凝术治疗鼻出血" ], "449026003": [ "Percutaneous insertion of tubal prosthesis into hepatic duct", "经皮肝管插入管状假体" ], "121346008": [ "Sulfonyluric hypoglycemic identification", "Sulphonyluric hypoglycaemic identification", "磺脲类降糖药鉴别" ], "37591001": [ "Cauterization of lacrimal gland", "Cauterisation of lacrimal gland", "泪腺烧灼术" ], "432642009": [ "Computed tomography (CT) arthrography of midtarsal joint", "Computed tomography arthrography of midtarsal joint", "CT arthrography of midtarsal joint", "跗骨中关节计算机断层扫描关节造影", "跗骨中关节计算机断层扫描 (CT) 关节造影", "跗骨中关节CT造影" ], "711170009": [ "Reinforcement of adherence to physical therapy regimen", "加强对物理治疗方案的坚持" ], "168663008": [ "Plain X-ray of head of femur", "股骨头普通 X 光检查" ], "86743009": [ "Local excision", "Local resection", "局部切除" ], "1231788002": [ "Balloon atrial septostomy with implantation of atrial flow regulator", "BAS (balloon atrial septostomy) with implantation of AFR (atrial flow regulator)", "BAS(球囊房间隔造口术)植入 AFR(心房流量调节器)", "球囊房间隔造口术及心房流量调节器植入术" ], "1264556003": [ "Vacuum assisted biopsy of breast using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided vacuum assisted biopsy of breast", "影像引导下乳腺真空辅助活检", "使用影像引导进行乳房真空辅助活检" ], "609196003": [ "Endoscopic laser therapy of rectum", "Endoscopic laser surgery on rectum", "Endoscopic surgical procedure on rectum using laser", "直肠内镜激光手术", "直肠内镜激光治疗", "内窥镜直肠激光手术" ], "265132005": [ "Primary open reduction and internal fixation of proximal femoral fracture with screw/nail and plate device", "股骨近端骨折一期切开复位内固定(螺钉/钉和钢板固定)" ], "183212005": [ "Ileostomy bag adjustment", "回肠造口袋调整" ], "314284003": [ "Campbell operation on anterior cruciate ligament", "前交叉韧带 Campbell 手术" ], "66689000": [ "Cannabinoids measurement", "Hashish measurement", "Marihuana measurement", "Marijuana measurement", "Tetracannabinol measurement", "大麻素测量", "四大麻酚测量", "大麻测量" ], "117676002": [ "Ethylamphetamine measurement", "乙基苯丙胺测量" ], "17537007": [ "Resection of spinal cord", "脊髓切除" ], "392534000": [ "Oriental cockroach specific IgE antibody measurement", "Blatta orientalis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ri207 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Blatta orientalis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "东方蜚蠊特异性IgE抗体测定", "东方小蠊特异性IgE抗体测定", "东方蜚蠊特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Ri207 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "64854001": [ "Aspiration of lens", "镜片吸除" ], "443521008": [ "Direct laryngoscopy with stripping of epiglottis using operating microscope", "手术显微镜下直接喉镜检查及会厌剥离术" ], "408918000": [ "Sputum specimen care management", "Manage sputum specimen care", "管理痰标本护理", "痰液标本护理管理" ], "228694006": [ "Strontium 90 brachytherapy", "锶90近距离放射治疗" ], "194091003": [ "Operative endoscopy of biliary tract", "Intraoperative endoscopy of biliary tract", "胆道术中内镜检查", "胆道内镜手术" ], "439851003": [ "Administration of radiopharmaceutical agent via intravenous route", "通过静脉途径给予放射性药剂" ], "175872000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cannulation of vein", "经皮腔内静脉插管" ], "44800008": [ "Revision of anastomosis of vein", "静脉吻合术" ], "10197000": [ "Psychiatric interview and evaluation", "精神科访谈和评估" ], "42965003": [ "Chart completion by medical records", "按病历填写图表" ], "337877003": [ "Thoracotomy for excision of emphysematous bleb of lung", "开胸手术切除肺气肿大泡" ], "305109003": [ "Therapeutic ankle stretching", "踝关节伸展治疗" ], "712874000": [ "Computed tomography of sinus of abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "CT of sinus of abdomen and pelvis with contrast", "腹部及盆腔窦增强 CT 检查", "腹部和盆腔窦增强计算机断层扫描" ], "172202002": [ "Cryosurgical destruction of lesion of canthus", "Cryotherapy of lesion of canthus", "眼角病变冷冻治疗", "眼角病变冷冻手术破坏" ], "450730008": [ "Assessment using World Health Organization surgical safety checklist first edition", "使用世界卫生组织手术安全检查表第一版进行评估" ], "72063000": [ "Precision attachment", "精密附件" ], "104831003": [ "Nitrite measurement", "亚硝酸盐测量" ], "448895004": [ "Sampling for smear", "Taking a smear", "取样涂片", "取涂片" ], "88447004": [ "Removal of internal fixation device from tarsals and metatarsals", "从跗骨和跖骨拆除内固定装置" ], "170367004": [ "Third rabies vaccination", "Administration of third dose of rabies vaccine", "Third rabies immunization", "Third rabies immunisation", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Rabies lyssavirus antigen", "注射第三剂狂犬病疫苗", "第三次狂犬病免疫", "第三次狂犬病疫苗接种", "注射第三剂仅含狂犬病病毒抗原的疫苗产品" ], "6527005": [ "Uchida fimbriectomy with tubal ligation by endoscopy", "Uchida operation on fallopian tube", "内镜下 Uchida 输卵管伞端切除术及输卵管结扎术", "输卵管 Uchida 手术" ], "447060004": [ "Radiofrequency thermal ablation of maxillary division of trigeminal nerve", "Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of maxillary nerve", "上颌神经射频热凝", "三叉神经上颌支射频热消融术" ], "840276005": [ "Nerve hydrodissection", "Hydrodissection of nerve", "神经水分离术" ], "53844006": [ "Laminectomy with excision of herniated intervertebral disc, nucleus pulposus", "椎板切除术切除突出的椎间盘和髓核" ], "37460009": [ "Extensive clitoridectomy", "广泛阴蒂切除术" ], "2857007": [ "Complete pinealectomy", "Complete excision of pineal gland", "完全松果体切除术", "松果体完全切除" ], "396073008": [ "Medication administration assessment", "Assess medication administration", "Assess medication treatment", "药物管理评估", "评估药物管理", "评估药物治疗" ], "410622001": [ "Child examination - 2 weeks", "儿童检查 - 2周" ], "359635000": [ "Replacement of caliper tongs of skull", "Removal of caliper tongs with synchronous replacement", "同步更换卡钳的拆卸", "更换头骨卡钳" ], "82942009": [ "Hospital admission, blood donor", "入院、献血" ], "179411001": [ "Conversion from uncemented unicompartmental knee replacement", "非骨水泥单髁膝关节置换术" ], "392403002": [ "Re220 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cat serum albumin specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cat serum albumin specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "猫血清白蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "猫血清白蛋白特异性IgE抗体测量", "Re220特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "228563004": [ "Simonton technique", "Visualisation technique", "Visualization technique", "Simonton 技术", "可视化技术", "技术可视化" ], "64723006": [ "Injection of recurrent laryngeal nerve", "喉返神经注射" ], "31955008": [ "Forefoot adduction correction test", "前足内收矫正试验" ], "243112001": [ "Educational placement for visually impaired child", "视障儿童的教育安置" ], "30120002": [ "Excision of lesion of soft palate", "软腭病变切除术" ], "128424005": [ "Laser cautery", "Cauterization with laser", "Cauterisation with laser", "Cauterisation using laser", "Cauterization using laser", "激光烧灼", "使用激光烧灼" ], "46504007": [ "Arthrodesis of metacarpophalangeal joint", "掌指关节融合术" ], "388733001": [ "f95 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Prunus persica specific IgE antibody measurement", "Peach specific IgE antibody measurement", "Prunus persica specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "桃特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f95 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "桃树特异性IgE抗体测定", "桃子特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "306813004": [ "Thrombolysis of vascular graft", "血管移植物血栓溶解术" ], "239442000": [ "Stabilization of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb", "Stabilisation of metacarpophalangeal joint of thumb", "拇指掌指关节固定术", "拇指掌指关节的稳定" ], "1255250000": [ "Restoration of tooth using all ceramic crown", "Restoration of tooth using ceramic dental crown", "全瓷冠修复牙齿", "使用陶瓷牙冠修复牙齿" ], "59218006": [ "Temporary transcutaneous pacing", "暂时经皮起搏" ], "172071000": [ "Insertion of left breast prosthesis", "左乳房假体植入" ], "1204263006": [ "Reconstruction of skin using local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y axial pattern skin flap", "Reconstruction of skin with local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y axial pattern skin flap", "Local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y axial pattern skin flap reconstruction", "局部皮下带蒂V-Y轴型皮瓣修复", "局部皮下带蒂V-Y轴型皮瓣修复皮肤" ], "104700000": [ "Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase measurement, quantitative", "G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity", "Red cell glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase level", "Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity", "红细胞葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶水平", "葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶测量,定量", "葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶活性", "G6PD--葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶活性" ], "252156002": [ "Occult blood screening", "OB - Occult blood screening", "产科 – 潜血筛查", "潜血筛查" ], "448764002": [ "Ultrasound elastography", "超声弹性成像" ], "432380004": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of subclavian artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of subclavian artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮锁骨下动脉栓塞术", "用荧光造影剂引导经皮锁骨下动脉栓塞术" ], "55548003": [ "Prothrombin consumption time, substituted", "Serum prothrombin time, substituted", "凝血酶原消耗时间,取代", "血清凝血酶原时间,替代" ], "710908005": [ "Referral to self help service", "转介自助服务" ], "6396008": [ "Galactokinase measurement", "半乳糖激酶测量" ], "86481000": [ "Laparotomy", "Celiotomy", "Coeliotomy", "Opening of peritoneum", "Opening of abdomen", "Opening of peritoneal cavity", "腹膜切开", "剖腹手术", "腹腔开口", "腹部开口", "腹腔切开术" ], "250321004": [ "5-Hydroxytryptamine uptake measurement", "5-Hydroxytryptamine uptake", "5-羟色胺摄取测量", "5-羟色胺摄取" ], "772774007": [ "Laparoscopic lumbar hernioplasty using biological mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic repair of lumbar hernia using biological mesh with fascial closure", "腹腔镜下应用生物网片结合筋膜闭合术修补腰疝", "使用筋膜闭合生物网片进行腹腔镜腰椎疝修补术" ], "19110009": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on cervical esophagus", "Anaesthesia for procedure on cervical oesophagus", "颈段食管手术麻醉", "颈部食管手术麻醉" ], "410491006": [ "Penalization therapy", "Penalisation therapy", "Penalization therapy for amblyopia", "Penalisation therapy for amblyopia", "弱视惩罚疗法", "惩罚疗法" ], "392272006": [ "Cynodon dactylon specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bermuda grass specific IgE antibody measurement", "g2 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cynodon dactylon specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "g2 特异性IgE抗体测量", "狗牙根特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "百慕大草特异性IgE抗体测定", "狗牙根特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "277584008": [ "Percutaneous computed tomography guided therapeutic drainage", "CT guided percutaneous therapeutic drainage", "经皮计算机断层扫描引导治疗引流", "CT引导下经皮治疗引流" ], "15440009": [ "Disarticulation", "Disarticulating amputation", "断肢截肢", "脱臼" ], "177445002": [ "Reconstruction using local osteofasciocutaneous rotation flap", "Reconstruction using local osseofasciocutaneous rotation flap", "Reconstruction with local osteofasciocutaneous rotation flap", "局部骨筋膜皮瓣旋转修复" ], "308517003": [ "Well man monitoring call", "健康人监测电话" ], "406821009": [ "Brilliant cresyl blue stain method", "Brilliant cresyl blue stain", "亮甲酚蓝染色", "亮甲酚蓝染色法" ], "306682002": [ "Discharge from ward", "出院" ], "241146005": [ "Tracheo-oesophageal fistula X-ray study", "Tracheo-esophageal fistula X-ray study", "Tracheoesophageal fistula X-ray study", "气管食管瘘X 射线检查" ], "9935002": [ "Local anesthesia, surface, by refrigerant", "Cryoanesthesia", "Refrigeration anesthesia", "Frost anesthesia", "Cryoanaesthesia", "Local anaesthesia, surface, by refrigerant", "Refrigeration anaesthesia", "Frost anaesthesia", "局部麻醉,表面,通过冷冻", "冷冻麻醉", "冷藏麻醉", "弗罗斯特麻醉" ], "386767003": [ "Division of peripheral nerve", "Surgical division of peripheral nerve", "周围神经外科分科", "周围神经的划分" ], "304847004": [ "Repair of cerebrospinal fluid otorrhea", "Repair of cerebrospinal fluid otorrhoea", "脑脊液耳漏的修复", "脑脊液耳漏的修补" ], "239311006": [ "Osteotomy of distal femur", "Distal femoral osteotomy", "股骨远端截骨术" ], "419535008": [ "MRI perfusion study of heart", "Magnetic resonance imaging perfusion study of heart", "心脏磁共振成像灌注研究", "心脏磁共振灌注研究" ], "415865000": [ "Yogurt specific IgE antibody measurement", "Yogurt specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "酸奶特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "酸奶特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "104569000": [ "Carboxyhemoglobin measurement, quantitative", "Carboxyhaemoglobin measurement, quantitative", "碳氧血红蛋白测量,定量" ], "250190000": [ "Immunoglobulin G/immunoglobulin G4 level", "Immunoglobulin G/immunoglobulin G4 measurement", "免疫球蛋白 G/免疫球蛋白 G4 水平", "免疫球蛋白 G/免疫球蛋白 G4 测量" ], "710777009": [ "Identification of preoperative respiratory status", "术前呼吸状态识别" ], "397646000": [ "Whitefish specific IgE antibody measurement", "Whitefish specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "白鱼特异性IgE抗体测定", "白鱼特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "168270002": [ "Serology: parasite identified", "血清学检查:已鉴定寄生虫" ], "446798004": [ "Biopsy of bony palate", "骨腭活检" ], "313891002": [ "90 minute plasma prolactin level", "90 minute plasma prolactin measurement", "90 分钟血浆催乳素测量", "90 分钟血浆催乳素水平" ], "608803007": [ "Open reduction of fracture of talus with internal fixation", "距骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "1231395009": [ "Arthroplasty of joint using robotic assistance", "Repair of joint using robotic assistance", "利用机器人辅助修复关节", "使用机器人辅助进行关节置换术" ], "410360001": [ "Spiritual care case management", "心灵关怀个案管理" ], "770808006": [ "SPECT CT of entire bony skeleton", "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of entire bony skeleton", "整个骨骼 SPECT CT", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和整个骨骼的计算机断层扫描" ], "310221001": [ "Chemical inactivation of non-adherent skin contaminant", "非粘附性皮肤污染物的化学灭活" ], "1260493002": [ "Endoscopic transurethral removal of transobturator tape from bladder", "Endoscopic transurethral removal of TOT (transobturator tape) from bladder", "Endoscopic transurethral removal of TVT-O (tension free vaginal tape - obturator) from bladder", "Endoscopic transurethral removal of transobturator tape from urinary bladder", "经尿道内镜膀胱无张力阴道吊带术(TVT-O)移除术", "经尿道内镜下膀胱经闭孔带移除术", "经尿道内镜膀胱经闭孔带移除术" ], "15309003": [ "Coating of aneurysm of brain", "脑动脉瘤涂层" ], "443128009": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of femur", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和股骨计算机断层扫描" ], "426744009": [ "Endoscopic insertion of expanding metal stent into sigmoid colon using rigid sigmoidoscope", "使用硬质乙状结肠镜在内镜下将膨胀金属支架插入乙状结肠" ], "64461008": [ "Seizure precautions", "癫痫预防措施" ], "179149009": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture and external fixation", "骨折闭合复位及外固定术" ], "277453009": [ "Intrinsic coagulation factor assay", "内在凝血因子测定" ], "29858004": [ "Excision of artery", "Arteriectomy", "Arterectomy", "动脉切除术", "动脉切除" ], "421239004": [ "Transillumination of eye", "眼睛透照" ], "763468000": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of innominate vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "Fluoroscopic venogram of innominate vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "植入金属支架进行无名静脉荧光造影" ], "306551009": [ "Discharge by physiotherapist", "物理治疗师出院" ], "241015009": [ "Reconstruction of nail bed with nail bed graft", "利用甲床移植重建甲床" ], "1287756001": [ "Local sensory skin flap to neck", "颈部局部感觉皮瓣" ], "388471008": [ "Rc209 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chymopapain specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chymopapain specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rc209特异性IgE抗体测量", "木瓜凝乳蛋白酶特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "木瓜凝乳蛋白酶特异性 IgE 抗体测定" ], "419404004": [ "Deep lamellar keratoplasty", "DLKP - Deep lamellar keratoplasty", "DLKP-深板层角膜移植术", "深板层角膜移植术" ], "108108009": [ "Obstetrics manipulation", "产科手法" ], "171809001": [ "Radiotherapy to lesion of peripheral nerve", "周围神经损伤的放射治疗" ], "270113003": [ "Cremation certification", "火葬证明" ], "401185004": [ "Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease monitoring by doctor", "医生监测慢性阻塞性肺病" ], "235510000": [ "Stapling of pancreas", "胰腺缝合术" ], "448502003": [ "Arthroscopy of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节镜检查" ], "301046005": [ "Revision screw fixation of fracture without reduction", "未复位骨折的翻修螺钉固定" ], "55286008": [ "Janeway operation, permanent gastrostomy", "Janeway 手术、永久性胃造口术" ], "708811003": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of pleura", "Percutaneous drainage of pleura using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮胸膜引流", "影像引导下经皮胸膜穿刺引流" ], "413899004": [ "Compression bandaging", "加压包扎" ], "313760004": [ "Plasma noradrenaline level", "Plasma noradrenaline measurement", "Plasma norepinephrine measurement", "Plasma norepinephrine level", "Measurement of plasma noradrenaline", "Measurement of plasma norepinephrine", "血浆去甲肾上腺素的测量", "血浆去甲肾上腺素的测定", "血浆去甲肾上腺素水平", "血浆去甲肾上腺素测量" ], "18848007": [ "Echography of chest, B-scan with image documentation", "胸部超声检查、B 超扫描及图像记录" ], "770677000": [ "Referral to hyperbaric medicine service", "转诊至高压氧医学服务" ], "68000009": [ "Tenodesis for rupture of long tendon of biceps", "肌腱固定术治疗肱二头肌长腱断裂" ], "33397002": [ "Reattachment of choroid and retina by diathermy", "通过透热疗法将脉络膜和视网膜复位" ], "410229003": [ "Mental health screening assessment", "Assess mental health screening", "心理健康筛查评估", "评估心理健康筛查" ], "442997004": [ "Open reduction of closed fracture of shaft of radius with external fixation", "桡骨干闭合性骨折切开复位外固定" ], "629006": [ "Lysis of adhesions of urethra", "Urethrolysis", "尿道粘连松解术", "尿道松解术" ], "66165006": [ "Trendelenburg test", "特伦德伦堡试验" ], "392010000": [ "Optical coherence tomography", "OCT - Optical coherence tomography", "OCT——光学相干断层扫描", "光学相干断层扫描" ], "179018001": [ "Primary open reduction and internal fixation of proximal femoral fracture with screw/nail and intramedullary device", "股骨近端骨折一期切开复位螺钉/钉及髓内装置内固定" ], "15178002": [ "Lysis of adhesions of cortical meninges", "皮质脑膜粘连松解术" ], "717855001": [ "Amiodarone therapy", "胺碘酮治疗" ], "306420000": [ "Discharge by thoracic physician", "胸科医生出院" ], "175348000": [ "Open embolectomy of bifurcation of aorta", "主动脉分叉处开放栓塞切除术" ], "290036002": [ "Attention to hearing aid", "Hearing aid care", "注意助听器", "助听器护理" ], "60660006": [ "Caldwell-Luc operation with removal of membrane lining", "Sublabial excision of antral mucosa", "Caldwell Luc excision of antral mucosa", "Caldwell-Luc operation", "阴唇下窦黏膜切除术", "Caldwell-Luc 手术", "Caldwell-Luc 手术及膜衬去除术", "Caldwell Luc 胃窦粘膜切除术" ], "27892007": [ "Closure of fecal fistula", "Closure of faecal fistula", "粪瘘闭合" ], "58825001": [ "Closed reduction of dislocation", "Manual reduction of dislocation", "Closed reduction of dislocated joint", "手法复位脱位", "脱位闭合复位", "脱臼关节闭合复位" ], "765172009": [ "Doppler ultrasound", "多普勒超声" ], "386505006": [ "Acid-base management: respiratory alkalosis", "Acid-base regulation: respiratory alkalosis", "酸碱调节:呼吸性碱中毒", "酸碱管理:呼吸性碱中毒" ], "304585008": [ "Creation of colonic pouch", "结肠袋的建立" ], "24222001": [ "Direct repair of artery of neck", "直接修复颈动脉" ], "89758002": [ "Partial phalangectomy", "部分指骨切除术" ], "42441008": [ "Immunoglobulin measurement", "免疫球蛋白测量" ], "171678008": [ "Exploration of acoustic nerve (VIII)", "听神经探查(VIII)" ], "1269406009": [ "Fitting of veneer to tooth", "将贴面安装到牙齿上" ], "71539001": [ "Suture of fascia", "Fasciorrhaphy", "Suture of lacerated fascia", "筋膜缝合", "筋膜缝合术", "缝合撕裂的筋膜" ], "104307004": [ "Trichinella antibody assay", "Serologic test for Trichinella", "Measurement of Trichinella species antibody", "旋毛虫抗体的测量", "旋毛虫抗体测定", "旋毛虫血清学检测" ], "235379005": [ "Lateral ligament suspension", "Rectopexy using sutures", "外侧韧带悬吊术", "缝合直肠固定术" ], "431987007": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for insertion of apheresis catheter with contrast", "Insertion of apheresis catheter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of apheresis catheter with contrast", "荧光透视引导下插入造影剂血液分离导管", "在荧光造影引导下插入血液分离导管" ], "86088003": [ "Centesis", "Paracentesis", "Puncture and aspiration", "Puncture and drainage", "Needling and drainage", "Tap", "穿刺和抽吸", "针刺引流", "穿刺术", "轻敲", "穿刺引流", "腹腔穿刺术" ], "20552003": [ "Plethysmography", "Plethysmogram", "体积描记法", "体积描记图" ], "413768005": [ "Anti cartilage antibody level", "Cartilage antibody measurement", "抗软骨抗体水平", "软骨抗体测量" ], "708680006": [ "Percutaneous drainage of peritoneum using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of peritoneum", "影像引导下经皮腹膜引流", "影像引导下经皮腹膜穿刺引流" ], "233544005": [ "Inferior mesenteric vein cannula insertion", "下肠系膜静脉插管" ], "118856009": [ "Procedure on urethra", "尿道手术" ], "36936009": [ "Major thoracotomy with cardiac massage", "大型开胸手术及心脏按摩" ], "182557005": [ "Immobilization by bandaging", "Immobilisation by bandaging", "绷带固定" ], "313629005": [ "30 minute serum glucose measurement", "30 minute serum glucose level", "30 分钟血糖测量", "30 分钟血糖水平" ], "117021008": [ "Test strip method", "试纸法" ], "426482000": [ "Prevention of dental caries", "预防龋齿" ], "442866004": [ "Replacement of nonbiodegradable drug delivery implant", "替代不可生物降解的药物输送植入物" ], "47815000": [ "Lymphocyte storage", "淋巴细胞储存" ], "410098009": [ "Pacemaker care management", "Manage pacemaker care", "起搏器护理管理", "管理起搏器护理" ], "408263007": [ "GM1 IgG level", "GM1 IgG level measurement", "GM1 immunoglobulin G measurement", "GM1 免疫球蛋白 G 测量", "GM1 IgG 水平测量", "GM1 IgG 水平" ], "178887009": [ "Articulated prosthetic replacement of bone", "关节假体置换骨" ], "783260003": [ "Child 15 year examination", "儿童 15 岁检查" ], "177052007": [ "Endoscopic biopsy of lesion of ovary", "卵巢病变内镜活检" ], "306289000": [ "Referral to rehabilitation physician", "转诊至康复医生" ], "27761003": [ "Amphotericin measurement", "Fungizone measurement", "两性霉素B测定", "两性霉素测量" ], "11377005": [ "Direct laryngoscopy with excision of tumor", "Direct laryngoscopy with excision of tumour", "直接喉镜检查及肿瘤切除" ], "175217005": [ "Transluminal operations on abnormality of great vessel", "大血管畸形的腔内手术" ], "765041007": [ "Angiogram of left pulmonary artery", "Angiography of left pulmonary artery", "Arteriography of left pulmonary artery", "左肺动脉血管造影", "左肺动脉造影" ], "304454002": [ "Interferential to knee", "膝关节干扰" ], "107846003": [ "Heart manipulation", "心脏操控" ], "75078003": [ "Repair of ventricular septal defect in total repair of tetralogy of Fallot", "法洛四联症全修复术中室间隔缺损的修复" ], "91462005": [ "Injection of testis", "睾丸注射" ], "386374005": [ "Nutritional monitoring", "营养监测" ], "173382008": [ "Cryotherapy to lesion of palate", "Cryosurgery for destruction of lesion of palate", "冷冻手术治疗腭部病变", "腭部损伤的冷冻治疗" ], "400923001": [ "Dissimilar image test", "不相似图像测试" ], "302619004": [ "Cholecystectomy and exploration of bile duct", "胆囊切除及胆管探查" ], "433691005": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of splenic artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of splenic artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "脾动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "脾动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术" ], "122395005": [ "Yeast culture", "酵母培养物" ], "71408000": [ "Repair of ectropion", "Ectropion correction", "Correction of ectropion", "Repair of eyelid ectropion", "眼睑外翻修复", "眼睑外翻矫正" ], "269851009": [ "Fetoplacental hormone measurement", "Fetoplacental hormone level", "胎盘激素水平", "胎盘激素测量" ], "73243009": [ "Propranolol measurement", "普萘洛尔测量" ], "104176001": [ "Mycoplasma culture", "支原体培养" ], "284400003": [ "Examination of hip joint", "髋关节检查" ], "448240004": [ "Fusion of joint of lumbar spine with internal fixation by posterior approach", "后入路腰椎关节融合内固定术" ], "169712008": [ "Antenatal 12 weeks examination", "产前12周检查" ], "235248009": [ "Aspiration of stomach contents", "胃内容物吸入" ], "430021001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) myelography of cervical spine", "Magnetic resonance imaging myelography of cervical spine", "MRI myelography of cervical spine", "颈椎 MRI 脊髓造影", "颈椎磁共振成像(MRI)脊髓造影", "颈椎磁共振成像脊髓造影" ], "233413003": [ "Removal of arterial stent", "移除动脉支架" ], "4037006": [ "Removal of vascular graft or prosthesis", "移除血管移植物或假体" ], "446405007": [ "Incision of abscess of shin", "胫骨脓肿切开术" ], "67738001": [ "Clotting factor XIII assay", "Factor XIII assay", "Fibrinoligase assay", "Laki-Lorand factor assay", "Fibrin stabilizing factor assay", "Factor XIII activity", "Fibrin stabilising factor assay", "Factor XIII level", "凝血因子 XIII 检测", "因子 XIII 检测", "因子 XIII 水平", "纤维蛋白稳定因子测定", "因子 XIII 活性", "Laki-Lorand 因子分析", "纤维蛋白连接酶测定" ], "85957009": [ "Body fluid protein electrophoresis", "体液蛋白电泳" ], "118725009": [ "Procedure on toenail", "脚趾甲手术" ], "444570003": [ "Drainage of pelvirectal tissue", "盆腔直肠组织引流" ], "231578005": [ "Posterior fixation of medial canthal tendon", "内眦肌腱后固定术" ], "82287001": [ "Excisional biopsy of bone of vertebra", "脊椎骨切除活检" ], "311663001": [ "Self-cueing for speech", "自我提示讲话" ], "226073001": [ "Dietary intake assessment using food diary", "使用食物日记评估饮食摄入量" ], "766745002": [ "Exploration of left adrenal gland", "左肾上腺探查" ], "439065002": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of abdominal and pelvic arteries", "腹部和盆腔动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "764910004": [ "Antacid therapy", "抗酸治疗" ], "306158008": [ "Referral to music therapy service", "转介音乐治疗服务" ], "1287363003": [ "Injection of tocolytic in labor", "Injection of tocolytic during maternal intrapartum period", "Injection of tocolytic in labour", "产妇分娩期间注射宫缩抑制剂", "分娩时注射宫缩抑制剂" ], "58563004": [ "Endoscopy of heart valve", "心脏瓣膜内窥镜检查" ], "386243005": [ "Vision therapy", "Communication enhancement: visual deficit", "Vision care", "沟通增强:视觉缺陷", "视力保健", "视觉治疗" ], "9411004": [ "Incision of postzygomatic space", "颧后间隙切开术" ], "1303747009": [ "Intravenous fragmentation of atherosclerotic plaque of artery", "Intravascular lithotripsy of atherosclerotic plaque of artery", "IVL (intravenous lithotripsy) of arterial plaque", "Intravenous shockwave lithotripsy of atherosclerotic plaque of artery", "静脉冲击波碎石治疗动脉粥样硬化斑块", "动脉粥样硬化斑块静脉碎裂", "动脉斑块静脉碎石术", "动脉粥样硬化斑块血管内碎石术" ], "122264001": [ "Genital Mycoplasma species, culture", "生殖器支原体种类及培养" ], "236952005": [ "Therapeutic drainage of amniotic fluid by single aspiration", "单次羊水穿刺引流治疗" ], "302488007": [ "Application of traction system", "Application of traction using a traction device", "牵引系统的应用", "使用牵引装置施加牵引力" ], "448109000": [ "Bimaxillary advancement", "Osteotomy and advancement of mandible and maxilla", "双颌前移", "下颌骨及上颌骨截骨及前移术" ], "171416008": [ "Student health examination", "学生健康体检" ], "7576008": [ "Spinal angiography, selective", "Selective angiography of blood vessel of spine", "脊髓血管造影,选择性", "脊柱血管选择性血管造影" ], "104045005": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from Er collection (ISBT 208)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from Er collection (International Society of Blood Transfusion 208)", "从 Er 集合中鉴定 RBC 抗原抗体 (ISBT 208)", "从红细胞收集物中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 208)" ], "233282001": [ "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of common femoral artery", "PTA - Percutaneous angioplasty of common femoral artery", "Percutaneous angioplasty of common femoral artery", "PTA-- 经皮股总动脉血管成形术", "经皮股总动脉球囊成形术", "经皮股总动脉血管成形术" ], "315202006": [ "Treponema pallidum IgM level", "Treponema pallidum immunoglobulin M level", "梅毒螺旋体 IgM 水平", "梅毒螺旋体免疫球蛋白 M 水平" ], "18455004": [ "Repair of bronchovisceral fistula", "Closure of bronchovisceral fistula", "支气管内脏瘘的修复", "支气管内脏瘘闭合" ], "870423007": [ "Endoscopic full thickness resection", "内镜全层切除术" ], "16620001": [ "Kidney stone analysis", "肾结石分析" ], "229612001": [ "Care of stump technique", "树桩护理技术" ], "309697000": [ "Continuous infusion of streptokinase", "持续输注链激酶" ], "178625001": [ "Primary lumbar microdiscectomy", "初次腰椎显微椎间盘切除术" ], "426220008": [ "External ventricular defibrillation", "体外心室除颤" ], "276929004": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of superior mesenteric artery", "经皮肠系膜上动脉内膜切除术" ], "113089008": [ "Tocainide measurement", "妥卡尼测量" ], "406166003": [ "Legal testimony", "法律证词" ], "422550004": [ "Anger management surveillance", "愤怒管理监控" ], "45718005": [ "Vaginal delivery with forceps including postpartum care", "使用产钳进行阴道分娩,包括产后护理" ], "275094008": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of foot with internal fixation", "足部骨折闭合复位内固定" ], "60267001": [ "Carcinoembryonic antigen measurement", "CEA measurement", "CEA 测量", "癌胚抗原检测" ], "699243004": [ "Latarjet-Bristow procedure", "Bristow-Latarjet procedure", "Stabilization of shoulder by transfer of coracoid process to anterior glenoid", "Stabilisation of shoulder by transfer of coracoid process to anterior glenoid", "Latarjet-Bristow 手术", "通过将喙突移至前关节盂来稳定肩部", "Bristow-Latarjet 手术" ], "306027005": [ "Referral from clinical nurse specialist", "Referral by clinical nurse specialist", "临床护理专家推荐", "临床护理专家转诊" ], "125803009": [ "Complete excision of turbinate", "完全切除鼻甲" ], "1172544001": [ "Anastomosis of common bile duct to common bile duct", "Choledochocholedochostomy", "胆总管胆总管吻合术", "胆总管至胆总管吻合术" ], "13580001000004101": [ "Excision of tumour of liver", "Excision of hepatic neoplasm", "Excision of tumor of liver", "肝肿瘤切除术" ], "418880005": [ "Fluoroscopy of hip", "髋关节荧光透视检查" ], "9280007": [ "Proctoplasty for stenosis", "直肠成形术治疗狭窄" ], "287808007": [ "Rectum cautery", "直肠烧灼" ], "40213004": [ "CR type 4 receptor measurement", "Complement receptor (CR) type 4 receptor measurement", "Complement receptor type 4 receptor measurement", "CR 4 型受体测量", "补体受体 (CR) 4 型受体测量", "补体受体 4 型受体测量" ], "38378000": [ "Lysis of perirectal adhesions", "直肠粘连松解术" ], "431594001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of cephalic vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行头静脉" ], "302357009": [ "Subfascial venous ligation", "筋膜下静脉结扎" ], "103914003": [ "Jk^a^ blood group typing", "Jk^a^血型分型" ], "185834001": [ "Well adult monitoring telephone invite", "好成人监测电话邀请" ], "122133009": [ "Toxoplasma species detection", "弓形虫种类检测" ], "447978006": [ "Argon plasma coagulation of lesion of bile duct", "胆管病变氩离子凝固术" ], "710122006": [ "Promoting physical mobility", "Promotion of physical mobility", "促进身体活动" ], "741055004": [ "Education about child immunization", "Education about child immunisation", "儿童免疫接种教育" ], "1052351007": [ "Reversal of vasectomy of right vas deferens", "Reversal of right vasectomy", "右侧输精管切除术逆转术", "右侧输精管结扎复通术" ], "233151008": [ "Patch enlargement of conduit anastomosis", "导管吻合口补片扩大" ], "395156001": [ "Heinz body screen", "亨氏体屏" ], "315071008": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi IgG level", "Borrelia burgdorferi immunoglobulin G level", "伯氏疏螺旋体 IgG 水平", "伯氏疏螺旋体免疫球蛋白 G 水平" ], "231316004": [ "Trigger point infiltration of steroid", "Infiltration of steroid into trigger point", "触发点类固醇浸润", "类固醇渗入触发点" ], "771988004": [ "Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty", "DALK - deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty", "DALK-- 深前板层角膜移植术", "深前板层角膜移植术" ], "67476008": [ "Repair of inguinal hernia with orchiectomy", "睾丸切除术治疗腹股沟疝" ], "65641001": [ "Incision and deep exploration of breast", "Mastotomy with deep exploration", "乳房切开及深部探查", "乳房切开术及深部探查" ], "444308008": [ "Detection of ordinal level of haemoglobin F in amniotic fluid", "Detection of ordinal level of haemoglobin F in amniotic fluid specimen", "Detection of ordinal level of hemoglobin F in amniotic fluid", "Detection of ordinal level of hemoglobin F in amniotic fluid specimen", "羊水中血红蛋白F的定量检测" ], "311401005": [ "Patient education", "患者教育" ], "229481008": [ "Quadriceps stretching", "股四头肌拉伸" ], "178494000": [ "Manipulation of mandible", "下颌骨手术" ], "180329009": [ "Electrical operative cardiac stimulation", "电刺激手术心脏" ], "112958002": [ "Repair of blepharoptosis by superior rectus tendon transplant", "Correction of ptosis using superior rectus technique", "利用上直肌技术矫正眼睑下垂", "上直肌腱移植修复上睑下垂" ], "440638004": [ "Education about seatbelt use during pregnancy", "关于怀孕期间使用安全带的教育" ], "274963004": [ "Zancolli transfer of biceps brachii tendon", "Zancolli 肱二头肌腱移植" ], "36071000087101": [ "Repair of multiple tears of left rotator cuff", "Repair of multiple tears of rotator cuff of left shoulder", "左肩袖多处撕裂的修复" ], "4071000087100": [ "Plain X-ray of left and right patella", "Plain X-ray of both patellae", "Plain X-ray of bilateral patellae", "双侧髌骨X光检查", "双侧髌骨的普通 X 光检查", "左、右髌骨的普通 X 光检查" ], "29203007": [ "Electroencephalographic biofeedback", "EEG biofeedback", "脑电生物反馈" ], "1511000087102": [ "CT of right shoulder", "Computed tomography of right shoulder", "右肩计算机断层扫描", "右肩CT" ], "9191000087103": [ "Plain X-ray of right upper limb", "右上肢普通X光检查" ], "38631000087106": [ "Extraction of cataract and implantation of intraocular lens in right eye", "右眼白内障摘除及人工晶状体植入" ], "2791000087106": [ "MRI of bilateral ankles with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral ankles with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both ankles with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right ankle with contrast", "双踝关节磁共振成像对比", "左、右踝关节磁共振成像对比", "双侧踝部增强 MRI 检查", "双侧踝关节磁共振成像对比" ], "6631000087104": [ "CT of left tibia and fibula", "Computed tomography of left tibia and fibula", "左胫骨和腓骨的计算机断层扫描", "左胫骨和腓骨 CT" ], "699112004": [ "Grafting of tendon of wrist", "腕部肌腱移植" ], "385981004": [ "Safety education", "Advice about maintaining safety", "安全教育", "关于维护安全的建议" ], "89234000": [ "Microbial smear, dark field examination", "微生物涂片、暗视野检查" ], "1285266007": [ "Bilateral amputation of thumbs", "Amputation of both thumbs", "Amputation of bilateral thumbs", "Amputation of first digit of bilateral hands", "双手第一指截肢", "双侧拇指截肢", "双拇指截肢" ], "122002009": [ "Escherichia coli detection", "大肠杆菌检测" ], "71015001": [ "Injection of superior laryngeal nerve", "喉上神经注射" ], "5479003": [ "Select picture audiometry", "选择图片听力检查" ], "431463004": [ "Administration of aspirin", "服用阿司匹林" ], "234855006": [ "Fitting of fixed orthodontic retainer", "固定矫正保持器的安装" ], "120167008": [ "Diaphragm closure", "隔膜关闭" ], "1052220002": [ "Cystourethroscopy with ureteral meatotomy", "膀胱尿道镜检查及输尿管口切开术" ], "233020003": [ "Construction of conduit - right atrium to right ventricle", "导管的构建——右心房至右心室" ], "36412004": [ "Manipulation of thymus", "胸腺操作" ], "183868005": [ "Referral to back pain clinic", "转诊至背痛诊所" ], "231185000": [ "Ring block of fifth toe", "Ring block of 5th toe", "第五趾环块" ], "196681000000107": [ "Bathing assessment", "沐浴评估" ], "313105004": [ "Action therapy", "行动疗法" ], "83729008": [ "Vitamin D measurement", "维生素 D 测量" ], "1179622000": [ "Localization of sentinel lymph node using patent blue V and radioactive isotope", "Localisation of sentinel lymph node using patent blue V and radioactive isotope", "使用专利蓝 V 和放射性同位素定位哨兵淋巴结" ], "1148689009": [ "Bipolar transurethral resection of prostate", "经尿道双极前列腺切除术" ], "229350003": [ "Physiological mobilisation of the radiohumeral joint", "Physiological mobilization of the radiohumeral joint", "桡肱关节的生理活动" ], "180198004": [ "Intravenous cholecystography", "静脉胆囊造影" ], "129211001": [ "Procedure on smooth muscle", "平滑肌手术" ], "112827002": [ "Excision of lower limb artery", "Arteriectomy of lower limb", "下肢动脉切除术" ], "63675002": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on arteries of upper arm and elbow", "Anaesthesia for procedure on arteries of upper arm and elbow", "上臂及肘部动脉手术麻醉" ], "391355004": [ "Fluid sample calcium level", "液体样本钙水平" ], "473275008": [ "Endoscopic control of haemorrhage of pharynx", "Endoscopic control of hemorrhage of pharynx", "内镜治疗咽部出血" ], "1290640000": [ "Plain X-ray of vertebral column region", "Plain X-ray of spinal column", "Plain X-ray of spine", "脊柱区域普通 X 光检查", "脊柱普通 X 光检查" ], "78224006": [ "Laryngocentesis", "Puncture of larynx", "喉穿刺术", "喉穿刺" ], "265252000": [ "Left reduction mammoplasty", "左侧乳房缩小术" ], "225680006": [ "Hearing aid procedure", "助听器程序" ], "698981005": [ "Local flap of skin to head", "头部局部皮瓣" ], "174693008": [ "Transplantation of tail of pancreas", "胰尾移植" ], "387685009": [ "Surgical manipulation of shoulder joint", "Manipulation of shoulder joint under anaesthetic", "Manipulation of shoulder joint under anesthetic", "麻醉下肩关节手术", "肩关节手术操作" ], "172858004": [ "Transantral neurectomy of vidian nerve using sublabial approach", "经唇下入路经上颌窦切除翼管神经" ], "385850007": [ "Breathing exercises management", "Manage breathing exercises", "呼吸练习管理", "管理呼吸练习" ], "433167000": [ "Biopsy of radius and ulna using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Biopsy of radius and ulna using ultrasound guidance", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of radius and ulna", "Biopsy of radius and ulna using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下桡骨和尺骨活检", "使用超声引导进行桡骨和尺骨活检" ], "418618007": [ "CT of sacroiliac joints", "Computed tomography of sacroiliac joints", "骶髂关节计算机断层扫描", "骶髂关节CT" ], "121871002": [ "Troponin T measurement", "肌钙蛋白T测量" ], "171023003": [ "Psychosexual counselling", "Psychosexual counseling", "性心理咨询" ], "23567003": [ "Biotinidase measurement", "生物素酶测量" ], "252943008": [ "Sperm-cervical mucus contact test", "Spermatozoa cervical mucus contact test", "精子宫颈粘液接触试验" ], "709860001": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of superior vena cava with contrast", "Angioplasty of superior vena cava using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下上腔静脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下上腔静脉造影血管成形术" ], "431332004": [ "Care of ureterostomy", "输尿管造口术的护理" ], "169188005": [ "Alpha-fetoprotein radioimmunoassay", "AFP radioimmunoassay", "甲胎蛋白放射免疫分析" ], "234724006": [ "Prep - Tooth or teeth preparation", "Tooth prep - Tooth or teeth preparation", "Tooth or teeth preparation", "牙齿准备", "准备 - 牙齿准备", "牙齿准备 - 牙齿准备" ], "1332452009": [ "Harvesting of bone graft from thorax", "从胸腔获取骨移植" ], "447716009": [ "Division of muscle of foot", "Myotomy of foot", "足部肌切开术", "足部肌肉的划分" ], "120036009": [ "Vagina closure", "阴道闭合" ], "445881001": [ "Measurement of fractional excretion of magnesium", "Measurement of fractional excretion of magnesium using urine specimen and serum or plasma specimen", "镁排泄分数的测定", "使用尿液样本和血清或血浆样本测量镁的排泄分数" ], "232889006": [ "Lengthening operation on atrioventricular valve papillary muscle", "Sliding plasty of atrioventricular valve papillary muscle", "房室瓣乳头肌滑动成形术", "房室瓣乳头肌延长术" ], "231054007": [ "Creation of syringosubdural shunt", "建立脊髓空洞硬膜下分流术" ], "394894008": [ "Pre-operative chemotherapy", "术前化疗" ], "771726009": [ "Laparoscopic repair of epigastric hernia", "腹腔镜上腹疝修补术" ], "229219003": [ "Relay games for therapy", "接力游戏治疗" ], "48995004": [ "Postoperative fluoroscopy", "术后透视" ], "63544001": [ "Arthroplasty of finger", "Finger arthroplasty", "Arthroplasty of joint of finger", "手指关节置换术", "手指关节成形术" ], "440376001": [ "Closed reduction of peritrochanteric fracture of femur", "股骨转子周围骨折闭合复位" ], "16227009": [ "Plastic repair with shortening", "Cinching", "用起酥油修复塑料", "收紧" ], "243768003": [ "Hepatic vein sampling catheter", "Hepatic vein sampling catheter procedure", "肝静脉取样导管", "肝静脉取样导管操作" ], "112696003": [ "Manual reduction", "Taxis", "手动复位", "出租车" ], "718904006": [ "Assessment using Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale Patient Version (1 week recall period)", "Assessment using IPOS (Integrated Palliative care Outcome Scale) Patient Version (1 week recall period)", "使用综合姑息治疗结果量表患者版进行评估(1 周回忆期)", "使用 IPOS(综合姑息治疗结果量表)患者版本进行评估(1 周回忆期)" ], "391224007": [ "Mental health support groups staff facilitated - 1-3 contacts/month", "心理健康支持小组工作人员协助 - 每月 1-3 次联系" ], "702520005": [ "Computed tomography of head and facial bones with contrast", "CT of head and facial bones with contrast", "头部和面部骨骼的增强计算机断层扫描", "头部及面部骨骼增强 CT 检查" ], "14392007": [ "Cauterization of lacrimal canaliculi", "Cauterisation of lacrimal canaliculi", "泪小管烧灼术" ], "1290509001": [ "Consultation for acute disease", "Consultation for acute disorder", "急性病症咨询", "急症咨询" ], "437311000124107": [ "Increased iodine diet", "增加碘饮食" ], "176397001": [ "Scrotum and testicle operation", "Scrotum and testis operations", "阴囊及睾丸手术", "阴囊和睾丸手术" ], "27106001": [ "Reconstruction of tendon pulley of hand", "Reconstruction of tendon pulley for opponensplasty of hand", "手部指掌成形术中肌腱滑车重建", "手部肌腱滑车重建" ], "698850002": [ "Insertion of brachytherapy device", "插入近距离放射治疗装置" ], "174562004": [ "Roux-en-y choledochoenterostomy", "Anastomosis of common bile duct to transposed jejunum", "胆总管与转位空肠吻合术", "Roux-en-y胆管肠吻合术" ], "90807000": [ "Biopsy of lymphatic structure", "淋巴结构活检" ], "385719000": [ "Patient counselling education", "Patient counseling education", "Teach counselling service", "Teach counseling service", "患者咨询教育", "教学辅导服务" ], "764386009": [ "Removal of joint prosthesis due to infection", "Removal of joint prosthesis for periprosthetic joint infection", "因感染而移除关节假体", "因假体周围感染而移除关节假体" ], "287415005": [ "Curettage of lesion of pinna", "External ear lesion curetted", "耳廓病变刮除术", "外耳病变刮除术" ], "271031007": [ "Iron utilization measurement", "Iron utilization level", "Iron utilisation level", "Iron utilisation measurement", "铁利用率测量", "铁利用率", "铁利用水平" ], "252812000": [ "Psychophysical tests", "心理物理测试" ], "56204000": [ "Ophthalmodynamometry", "ODM - Ophthalmodynamometry", "眼力测量", "ODM-- 眼科测力仪" ], "172727008": [ "Graft to eustachian tube", "耳咽管移植" ], "238263008": [ "Transperitoneal drainage of subphrenic abscess", "膈下脓肿腹腔引流" ], "121740004": [ "Benzonatate measurement", "苯佐那酯测定" ], "72588003": [ "Reduction of closed radial and ulnar shaft fractures with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of shaft of radius and closed fracture of shaft of ulna", "桡骨干闭合性骨折及尺骨干闭合性骨折的手法复位", "闭合性桡骨干和尺骨干骨折的复位方法" ], "105356006": [ "Xylene measurement", "二甲苯测量" ], "431201002": [ "Ultrasonography of artery", "Ultrasound angiography of artery", "Ultrasound arteriography of artery", "US angiography of artery", "US arteriography of artery", "动脉造影", "动脉超声血管造影", "动脉超声造影", "动脉超声检查" ], "87137005": [ "Hallux valgus correction with sesamoidectomy and metatarsal osteotomy", "拇外翻矫正术:籽骨切除术和跖骨截骨术" ], "119905008": [ "Rectum destructive procedure", "Destructive procedure of rectum", "直肠毁损手术", "直肠破坏性手术" ], "445750001": [ "Endoscopic removal of neoplasm from cranium", "内窥镜颅骨肿瘤切除术" ], "232758002": [ "Resection of mitral leaflet", "Excision of mitral leaflet", "二尖瓣切除术" ], "36150003": [ "Expiratory flow rate measurement", "呼气流量测量" ], "118070005": [ "HIV 2 p31 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 p31 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 protein 31 antibody", "HIV 2 p31 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型蛋白 31 抗体的测量", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 2 p31 抗体检测" ], "50699000": [ "Hospital admission, short-term", "Admission for short-term care", "短期住院", "短期护理入院" ], "52534009": [ "Lateral retinacula release of knee", "Lateral retinacular release", "Lateral release of knee", "Lateral parapatellar release", "外侧支持带释放", "外侧髌旁松解术", "膝关节外侧支持带松解术", "膝关节外侧释放" ], "183606009": [ "Referral for counseling for termination of pregnancy", "Referral for counselling for termination of pregnancy", "转介终止妊娠咨询" ], "412982009": [ "Monomeric/total prolactin ratio measurement", "单体/总催乳素比率测量" ], "443915001": [ "Measurement of total cholesterol and triglycerides", "总胆固醇和甘油三酯的测量" ], "83467005": [ "Repair of supracristal defect with tissue graft", "组织移植修复股骨上部缺损" ], "116235006": [ "Incisional biopsy of uterus", "子宫切开活检" ], "230923002": [ "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of intracranial artery", "Percutaneous angioplasty of intracranial artery", "PTA - Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of intracranial artery", "PTA-- 经皮颅内动脉腔内血管成形术", "经皮颅内动脉血管成形术", "经皮颅内动脉球囊成形术" ], "229088005": [ "Kleinert regime", "克莱纳特政权" ], "425696007": [ "Respiratory assist, manual, using bag-valve-mask", "Manual respiratory assistance using bag and mask", "Bag valve mask ventilation", "使用气囊和面罩进行手动呼吸辅助", "呼吸辅助,手动,使用气囊面罩", "气囊面罩通气" ], "47029003": [ "Complicated sialodochoplasty", "复杂的涎管成形术" ], "178101005": [ "Drainage of ganglion", "神经节引流" ], "423861007": [ "Consultation for restraint debriefing", "约束汇报咨询" ], "438410001": [ "Percutaneous embolization of common hepatic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of common hepatic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "透视引导下经皮肝总动脉栓塞术", "经皮肝总动脉造影剂荧光透视引导栓塞术" ], "1208458002": [ "Sinoscopy of maxillary sinus via inferior meatus", "Antroscopy of maxillary sinus via inferior meatus", "经下鼻道上颌窦镜检查" ], "225418004": [ "Surveillance of condition", "病情监测" ], "174431000": [ "Wedge excision of liver", "Wedge resection of liver", "肝楔形切除术" ], "25140000": [ "Revision of fenestration of inner ear", "内耳开窗术修复" ], "860724003": [ "Antepartum therapeutic administration of corticosteroid", "Antenatal therapeutic administration of corticosteroid", "产前皮质类固醇治疗" ], "270900005": [ "Electrical nerve stimulation procedure", "电神经刺激程序" ], "303668008": [ "CT of intrathoracic respiratory structures", "Computed tomography of intrathoracic respiratory structures", "胸内呼吸结构的计算机断层扫描", "胸内呼吸结构 CT" ], "105225001": [ "Levorphanol measurement", "左吗啡醇测量" ], "121609002": [ "Isobutyl alcohol measurement", "异丁醇测量" ], "432905004": [ "Computed tomography of liver and portal vein with contrast", "CT of liver and portal vein with contrast", "肝脏和门静脉增强计算机断层扫描", "肝脏及门静脉增强 CT" ], "416521007": [ "Mesenteric release technique", "Mesenteric lift", "Mesenteric lift technique", "肠系膜释放技术", "肠系膜提升", "肠系膜提升技术" ], "117939002": [ "Sulfatide antibody assay", "Sulphatide antibody assay", "Sulphatide antibody level", "Sulfatide antibody level", "Measurement of sulfatide antibody", "Measurement of sulphatide antibody", "硫苷脂抗体测定", "硫脂抗体测定", "硫苷脂抗体水平", "硫脂抗体水平", "硫脂抗体测量" ], "36019003": [ "Incision of carotid body", "颈动脉体切开术" ], "183475003": [ "Renal medicine emergency hospital admission", "肾内科急诊入院" ], "232627008": [ "Open repair of acquired broncho-esophageal fistula", "Open repair of acquired broncho-oesophageal fistula", "Open repair of acquired bronchoesophageal fistula", "获得性支气管食管瘘的开放式修补", "获得性支气管食管瘘的开放式修复" ], "412851009": [ "Urine pholcodine measurement", "Urine pholcodine level", "尿液福尔可定浓度", "尿液福尔可定测定" ], "396161000119106": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis without contrast", "MRI of pelvis without contrast", "无造影剂骨盆磁共振成像", "骨盆非造影 MRI" ], "1230216003": [ "Positioning of subject in nest position", "Nest positioning", "将受试者定位在嵌套位置", "巢穴定位" ], "16551041000119108": [ "CT guided needle puncture and aspiration of lesion of right lower leg", "Needle puncture and aspiration of lesion of right lower leg using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导对右小腿病变进行针刺和抽吸", "CT 引导下右小腿病变穿刺抽吸" ], "16558721000119108": [ "Needle aspiration of bursa of right hip using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided needle aspiration of bursa of right hip", "CT 引导下右髋关节滑囊针吸", "使用计算机断层扫描引导对右髋关节滑囊进行针吸" ], "65117000": [ "Fluorescent identification of anti-nuclear antibody titration", "抗核抗体滴定荧光鉴定" ], "261725001": [ "Suturing of tendon using Bunnell suture technique", "采用 Bunnell 缝合技术缝合肌腱" ], "312712008": [ "Removal of internal limiting membrane", "去除内界膜" ], "441949002": [ "Measurement of sulfonylurea in urine specimen by screening method", "Measurement of sulphonylurea in urine specimen by screening method", "尿液标本中磺酰脲类药物的筛查法测定", "尿液标本中磺脲类药物的筛查测定" ], "736861004": [ "Systemic psychotherapy", "系统心理治疗" ], "735026004": [ "Excision of left epididymis", "Left epididymectomy", "左侧附睾切除术" ], "390962007": [ "Plasma alkaline phosphatase level", "血浆碱性磷酸酶水平" ], "46898007": [ "Serologic test for herpes simplex", "Herpes simplex virus antibody assay", "Serologic test for Herpes simplex virus", "单纯疱疹病毒抗体检测", "单纯疱疹病毒血清学检测", "单纯疱疹血清学检测" ], "405511000": [ "Ilio-distal popliteal graft for repair of aneurysm", "髂骨远端腘窝移植修复动脉瘤" ], "176135001": [ "Perineal urethrostomy", "会阴尿道造口术" ], "177970008": [ "Repair of mesentery of small intestine", "小肠系膜修复" ], "225287004": [ "Procedures relating to positioning and support", "与定位和支撑相关的程序" ], "241671007": [ "Magnetic resonance spectroscopy", "MRS - magnetic resonance spectroscopy", "MR spectroscopy", "磁共振波谱", "MRS-磁共振波谱" ], "878812000": [ "Computed tomography angiography of peripheral artery with contrast", "CT angiography of peripheral artery with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of peripheral artery with contrast", "CT arteriography of peripheral artery with contrast", "CT arteriogram of peripheral artery with contrast", "外周动脉造影计算机断层扫描", "外周动脉增强 CT 造影", "外周动脉增强 CT 血管造影", "外周动脉增强计算机断层血管造影" ], "305372001": [ "Admission to clinical molecular genetics department", "临床分子遗传学系入学" ], "223452003": [ "Reminding", "提醒" ], "10460004": [ "Phlebectomy with graft replacement", "静脉切除术及移植物置换术" ], "420060005": [ "Silicone intubation of nasolacrimal system", "鼻泪管硅胶插管" ], "352689002": [ "Femoral angiography", "Angiography of femoral blood vessel", "股血管造影", "股动脉造影" ], "713137006": [ "Assessment of stress level", "压力水平评估" ], "41393008": [ "Excision of cyst of fallopian tube", "Excision of hydatid of Morgagni", "莫尔根包虫切除术", "输卵管囊肿切除术" ], "39558001": [ "Debridement of open fracture of phalanges of hand", "手指骨开放性骨折清创术" ], "252550004": [ "Special investigations on nose and sinuses", "鼻子和鼻窦的特殊检查" ], "236166004": [ "Anastomotic repair of ureter", "输尿管吻合口修复" ], "105094004": [ "Buprenorphine measurement", "丁丙诺啡测量" ], "398171003": [ "Hearing examination", "HT - Hearing test", "Clinical test of hearing", "Individual hearing examination", "Hearing test", "Auditory testing", "HT——听力测试", "听力检查", "个人听力检查", "听觉测试", "听力临床测试", "听力测试" ], "709467007": [ "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with replacement of bile duct stent", "ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) with replacement of biliary stent", "ERCP(内镜逆行胰胆管造影术)及胆道支架置换术", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影及胆管支架置换术" ], "234331007": [ "Syngeneic bone marrow transplant", "Twin bone marrow transplant", "Syngeneic bone marrow graft", "同基因骨髓移植", "双胞胎骨髓移植" ], "232496002": [ "Operation on maxillary antrum", "Surgical procedure on maxillary sinus", "上颌窦手术" ], "281648006": [ "Drainage of boil of skin", "Lancing boil", "皮肤脓肿引流", "刺破性沸腾" ], "183344006": [ "Domestic tasks therapy", "Housing activities training", "Homemaking activities training", "Homemaking treatments and procedures", "Housekeeping treatments and procedures", "家庭治疗和程序", "家政活动培训", "住房活动培训", "家政处理和程序", "家务任务治疗" ], "35888008": [ "Endarterectomy of head and neck artery", "Thromboendarterectomy of head and neck artery", "Intimectomy of head and neck artery", "头颈动脉血栓内膜切除术", "头颈动脉内切除术", "头颈动脉内膜切除术" ], "412720009": [ "Lowering of upper eyelid with adjustable suture", "Upper lid lowering with adjustable suture", "用可调节缝线降低上眼睑", "上眼睑降低,采用可调节缝线" ], "314416009": [ "Third meningitis C vaccination", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C antigen", "Administration of third dose of meningitis C vaccine", "Third meningitis C immunisation", "Third meningitis C immunization", "第三次丙型脑膜炎免疫接种", "第三次丙型脑膜炎疫苗接种", "接种第三剂丙型脑膜炎疫苗", "接种第三剂仅含脑膜炎奈瑟菌血清群 C 抗原的疫苗产品" ], "68656009": [ "Mediastinotomy with exploration by cervical approach", "纵隔切开术及颈部探查" ], "17669008": [ "Removal of skull plate", "Removal of prosthetic plate of skull", "移除颅骨板", "拆除颅骨假体板" ], "32218000": [ "Biopsy of esophagus", "Biopsy of oesophagus", "OB - Oesophageal biopsy", "Oesophageal biopsy", "OB - Esophageal biopsy", "Esophageal biopsy", "OB-食管活检", "产科 - 食管活检", "食管活检" ], "1162714002": [ "Administration of casirivimab and imdevimab", "casirivimab 和 imdevimab 的给药" ], "212442006": [ "Lisfranc foot amputation", "Lisfranc 足截肢术" ], "46767000": [ "Core needle biopsy of gallbladder", "胆囊穿刺活检" ], "179674008": [ "Revision to open reduction of dislocation and skin traction", "脱位切开复位及皮肤牵引术" ], "865967000": [ "Early psychological support for critically ill", "危重病人的早期心理支持" ], "110468005": [ "Ambulatory surgery", "门诊手术" ], "241540006": [ "CT of lungs", "Computed tomography of lungs", "肺部计算机断层扫描", "肺部 CT" ], "405380007": [ "Thrombectomy of tibioperoneal artery", "Thrombectomy of tibio-peroneal artery", "胫腓动脉血栓切除术" ], "225156008": [ "Milking chest drain", "挤奶胸腔引流管" ], "176004009": [ "Construction of continent ileal conduit", "回肠导管的建造" ], "1255513002": [ "Evaluation of eligibility for substance use disorder treatment program", "Evaluation of eligibility for substance use disorder treatment programme", "评估物质使用障碍治疗计划的资格" ], "305241003": [ "Admit by adult ITU specialist", "Admission by adult intensive care specialist", "成人重症监护专家入院", "由成人 ITU 专家接诊" ], "370777003": [ "Assessment of pre-existing conditions that predispose to inadequate tissue perfusion", "Assesses for pre-existing conditions that predispose to inadequate tissue perfusion", "评估导致组织灌注不足的先前存在的状况", "评估可能导致组织灌注不足的先前存在的状况" ], "419929003": [ "Radionuclide venography of lower limb", "下肢放射性核素静脉造影" ], "24878005": [ "Intersex surgery", "Gender assignment surgery", "双性人手术", "性别重置手术" ], "172334008": [ "Recession of combination of muscles of eye", "眼部肌肉萎缩" ], "432643004": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of axillary vein using contrast with insertion of stent", "用造影剂插入支架进行腋静脉荧光镜静脉造影" ], "121347004": [ "Sympathomimetic identification", "拟交感神经药识别" ], "104963008": [ "Thiamine pyrophosphate measurement", "硫胺素焦磷酸测定" ], "170499009": [ "Isolation of infection contact", "Isolation after contact with infectious disease", "Contact isolation", "接触隔离", "接触传染病后隔离", "隔离感染接触者" ], "168664002": [ "Plain X-ray of neck of femur", "股骨颈 X 光检查" ], "53976000": [ "Arthrodesis by anterior interbody technique of cervical region below C2 with bone graft", "采用前路椎体间融合技术对 C2 以下颈椎进行骨移植" ], "250584006": [ "Aminophylline: blood level", "Aminophylline blood measurement", "氨茶碱:血药浓度", "氨茶碱血药浓度测定" ], "37592008": [ "Excision of lesion of aortic arch", "主动脉弓病变切除术" ], "35757004": [ "Echocardiography for determining ventricular contraction", "超声心动图检查确定心室收缩" ], "396205005": [ "Computerised axial tomography of brain without radiopaque contrast", "Computerized axial tomography of brain without radiopaque contrast", "CT of brain without contrast", "CT brain without contrast", "Computed tomography of brain without radiopaque contrast", "脑部无造影 CT", "无造影剂的脑部计算机断层扫描", "脑部 CT 无造影", "无造影剂的脑部计算机轴向断层扫描", "无不透X线造影剂的脑部计算机轴向断层扫描" ], "248749004": [ "Grafting of temporalis muscle to orbit with exenteration of orbit", "Exenteration of orbit with temporalis muscle transplant", "眶隔切除术及颞肌移植", "颞肌肌移植至眼眶并眶外摘除术" ], "117677006": [ "Gallotannin measurement", "棓单宁测定" ], "609197007": [ "Endoscopic laser therapy of colon", "Endoscopic laser surgery on colon", "Endoscopic surgical procedure on colon using laser", "结肠内镜激光手术", "结肠内镜激光治疗", "内窥镜激光结肠手术" ], "1264557007": [ "Education about continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis", "Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis training", "Continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis education", "持续性不卧床腹膜透析教育", "持续性非卧床腹膜透析教育", "持续性非卧床腹膜透析培训" ], "443522001": [ "Excision of entire head of metatarsal", "Total excision of head of metatarsal", "切除整个跖骨头", "跖骨头全切除术" ], "410754004": [ "Maxillary sinusotomy by Caldwell-Luc approach", "Maxillary sinusotomy by sublabial approach", "采用 Caldwell-Luc 入路进行上颌窦切开术", "经唇下入路上颌窦切开术" ], "427138007": [ "Repair of anomalous pulmonary artery origin from ascending aorta", "肺动脉异常起源于升主动脉的修复" ], "392535004": [ "Bumblebee specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bombus terrestris specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ri205 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bombus terrestris specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "大黄蜂特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "熊蜂特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "熊蜂特异性IgE抗体测定", "Ri205 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "310615005": [ "Patching of left ventricle", "左心室修补术" ], "228695007": [ "Tantalum 182 brachytherapy", "钽182近距离放射治疗" ], "408919008": [ "Psychosocial care", "Psychosocial analysis", "社会心理分析", "心理社会护理" ], "439852005": [ "Administration of radiopharmaceutical agent via intracavitary route", "通过腔内途径给予放射性药剂" ], "718380007": [ "Assessment using Multilevel Informal Language Inventory", "Assessment using MILI (Multilevel Informal Language Inventory)", "使用多级非正式语言清单进行评估", "使用 MILI(多级非正式语言清单)进行评估" ], "30252008": [ "Fitting and dispensing of spectacles", "Fitting and dispensing of eyeglasses", "眼镜配戴与配镜", "眼镜配戴及配镜" ], "405249000": [ "Amputation of crown of tooth with root retention", "Coronectomy", "保留牙根的牙冠切除术", "冠切除术" ], "175873005": [ "Declotting of thigh vein loop", "大腿静脉环清除凝块" ], "75734004": [ "Removal of foreign body from choroid by incision", "切开术取出脉络膜异物" ], "419798006": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of portal vein with contrast", "Portal venogram with contrast", "门静脉造影" ], "239574009": [ "Amputation of thumb and trapezium", "拇指及多角骨截除术" ], "8363004": [ "Operative procedure on forearm", "前臂手术流程" ], "104832005": [ "Nitrogen measurement", "氮测量" ], "396074002": [ "Medication administration education", "Teach medication administration", "Teach medication treatment", "药物管理教育", "教授药物管理", "教导药物治疗" ], "363306006": [ "Sexual stimulation procedure", "性刺激程序" ], "84778007": [ "Radiation therapy simulator aided field setting", "放射治疗模拟器辅助野外设置" ], "443391000": [ "Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection by insertion of interatrial baffle with reconnection of superior caval vein to right atrial appendage", "经心房间挡板插入术及上腔静脉与右心耳再连接术修复完全性肺静脉异位引流" ], "82943004": [ "Phenolphthalein measurement, feces", "Phenolphthalein measurement, faeces", "酚酞测定,粪便", "酚酞测量,粪便" ], "410623006": [ "Well child visit, 2 week", "儿童健康检查,2 周" ], "81108001": [ "Excision of lesion of eyelid, major, full-thickness", "Full thickness excision of eyelid", "眼睑全层切除术", "眼睑全层病变切除术" ], "228564005": [ "Guided fantasy technique", "引导幻想技术" ], "179412008": [ "Hybrid unicompartmental knee replacement", "混合型单髁膝关节置换术" ], "392404008": [ "Re218 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chicken droppings specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chicken droppings specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鸡粪特异性IgE抗体测定", "鸡粪特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Re218特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "62889000": [ "Hepatitis B virus measurement", "乙肝病毒检测" ], "243113006": [ "Blind and partially sighted rehabilitation - employment placement", "盲人和视力不佳者康复 - 就业安置" ], "274046001": [ "Excision of vulval polyp", "Vulval polypectomy", "外阴息肉切除术" ], "61054004": [ "Regional plethysmography", "局部体积描记法" ], "306814005": [ "Advice about investigation results", "Investigation results education", "调查结果教育", "调查结果建议" ], "388734007": [ "Psidium guajava specific IgE antibody measurement", "Guava specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf292 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Psidium guajava specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "番石榴特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf292特异性IgE抗体测量", "番石榴特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "1255251001": [ "Restoration of tooth using metal ceramic crown", "Restoration of tooth using metal dental crown with ceramic coating", "金属烤瓷牙冠修复", "使用带有陶瓷涂层的金属牙冠修复牙齿" ], "59219003": [ "Imbrication of joint", "关节叠覆" ], "239443005": [ "Stabilisation of interphalangeal joint of thumb", "Stabilization of interphalangeal joint of thumb", "拇指指间关节固定", "拇指指间关节固定术" ], "304979007": [ "Advice regarding seeking help", "Recommendation regarding seeking help", "关于寻求帮助的建议" ], "1204264000": [ "Reconstruction of skin using local subcutaneous pedicle island axial pattern skin flap", "Reconstruction of skin with local subcutaneous pedicle island axial pattern skin flap", "Local subcutaneous pedicle island axial pattern skin flap reconstruction", "局部皮下带蒂岛状轴型皮瓣修复", "局部皮下带蒂岛状轴型皮瓣修复皮肤" ], "75603009": [ "Fulguration of scrotum", "Removal or destruction of superficial scrotal lesion", "切除或破坏浅表阴囊病变", "阴囊电灼" ], "712744002": [ "Evaluation of care plan", "护理计划评估" ], "761896006": [ "Provision of night time positioning aid", "提供夜间定位援助" ], "450600007": [ "Biopsy of lesion of cerebellum", "小脑病变活检" ], "104701001": [ "Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase measurement, screen", "葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶测量、筛查" ], "710909002": [ "Referral to religious service", "Referral to chaplaincy service", "转介至牧师服务", "转介宗教服务" ], "6397004": [ "Muscular strength development exercise", "Strengthening activity", "Strengthening exercises", "加强活动", "强化练习", "肌肉力量发展锻炼" ], "22781005": [ "Anal cerclage", "肛门捆扎" ], "268541009": [ "Advice on back problems", "Back problems education", "Health education - back problems", "关于背部问题的建议", "健康教育-背部问题", "背部问题教育" ], "37330003": [ "Incision of buccal space", "颊腔切开术" ], "266706003": [ "Continuous ECG monitoring", "Continuous electrocardiogram monitoring", "持续心电图监测" ], "250322006": [ "5-Hydroxytryptamine release", "5-Hydroxytryptamine release measurement", "5-羟色胺释放", "5-羟色胺释放测量" ], "86482007": [ "Fine needle biopsy of testis", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of testis", "睾丸细针穿刺活检", "睾丸细针活检" ], "772775008": [ "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using biological mesh with fascial closure for recurrent lumbar hernia", "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent lumbar hernia using biological mesh with fascial closure", "腹腔镜疝修补术应用生物网片结合筋膜闭合治疗复发性腰疝", "腹腔镜下应用生物网片结合筋膜闭合术修复复发性腰疝" ], "410492004": [ "Pharmacologic penalisation therapy", "Pharmacologic penalization therapy", "Pharmacologic penalisation therapy for amblyopia", "Pharmacologic penalization therapy for amblyopia", "弱视的药物惩罚疗法", "药物惩罚疗法" ], "1196924006": [ "Computed tomography of head, neck and thorax", "CT of head, neck and thorax", "头部、颈部和胸部的计算机断层扫描", "头部、颈部和胸部 CT" ], "426876008": [ "Repair of right ventricular aneurysm", "右心室动脉瘤修复" ], "50044008": [ "Urinalysis, acetoacetic acid-diacetic acid measurement", "Acetoacetic acid measurement, urine", "尿液乙酰乙酸测量", "尿液分析,乙酰乙酸-二乙酸测量" ], "310353008": [ "Referral for 24 hour blood pressure recording", "推荐进行 24 小时血压记录" ], "277585009": [ "Percutaneous magnetic resonance guided therapeutic drainage", "经皮磁共振引导治疗引流" ], "177446001": [ "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle island osteofasciocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle island osseofasciocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction with local subcutaneous pedicle island osteofasciocutaneous flap", "局部皮下带蒂岛状骨筋膜皮瓣修复" ], "406822002": [ "Brilliant crocein stain method", "Brilliant crocein stain", "亮丽的藏红花色素染色", "亮藏红花素染色法" ], "241147001": [ "Tube esophagram", "Tube oesophagram", "管状食管造影" ], "306683007": [ "Discharge from day ward", "出院" ], "11771008": [ "Repair of non-inflatable penile prosthesis", "非可膨胀阴茎假体的修复" ], "60923009": [ "Cell count of synovial fluid", "滑液细胞计数" ], "239312004": [ "Osteotomy of proximal tibia", "Proximal tibial osteotomy", "Upper tibial osteotomy", "HTO - High tibial osteotomy", "胫骨近端截骨术", "HTO - 胫骨高位截骨术", "胫骨上部截骨术" ], "42704006": [ "Endoscopic destruction of lesion of pancreatic duct", "内镜胰管病变破坏术" ], "386768008": [ "Transection of peripheral nerve", "Section of peripheral nerve", "Cutting of peripheral nerve", "周围神经切面", "周围神经切断" ], "304848009": [ "Division of corpus callosum", "Callosotomy", "胼胝体分裂", "胼胝体切开术" ], "90021002": [ "Esophagoduodenostomy", "Esophagoduodenal anastomosis", "Oesophagoduodenostomy", "Oesophagoduodenal anastomosis", "Anastomosis of oesophagus to duodenum", "Anastomosis of esophagus to duodenum", "食管十二指肠吻合术" ], "24485004": [ "Trochanterplasty", "股骨转子成形术" ], "710778004": [ "Identification of preoperative tissue perfusion", "术前组织灌注的识别" ], "104570004": [ "Carboxyhemoglobin measurement, qualitative", "Carboxyhaemoglobin measurement, qualitative", "碳氧血红蛋白测量,定性" ], "250191001": [ "Precipitating antibody measurement", "Precipitating antibody level", "沉淀抗体水平", "沉淀抗体测量" ], "37199006": [ "Thoracic endarterectomy", "Endarterectomy of thoracic artery", "Intimectomy of thoracic artery", "胸主动脉内膜切除术", "胸主动脉内切除术", "胸动脉内膜切除术" ], "446799007": [ "Wedge biopsy of tongue", "舌楔活检" ], "608804001": [ "Open reduction of fracture of tarsal bone with internal fixation", "跗骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "1231396005": [ "Arthroplasty of knee joint using robotic assistance", "Repair of joint of knee using robotic assistance", "利用机器人辅助修复膝关节", "使用机器人辅助进行膝关节置换术" ], "51748005": [ "Insertion of drainage tube into kidney", "将引流管插入肾脏" ], "18980008": [ "RBC antibody detection with saline", "Red blood cell antibody detection with saline", "用盐水检测红细胞抗体", "生理盐水检测红细胞抗体" ], "313892009": [ "120 minute plasma prolactin measurement", "120 minute plasma prolactin level", "120 分钟血浆催乳素水平", "120 分钟血浆催乳素测量" ], "49913004": [ "Ultrashort wave diathermy", "超短波透热疗法" ], "819961005": [ "Physical activity guidance", "体能活动指导" ], "82681007": [ "Androstenedione measurement", "雄烯二酮测量" ], "31694007": [ "Fenestration of intervertebral disc", "椎间盘开窗术" ], "310222008": [ "Washing to remove non-adherent skin contaminant", "清洗以去除未粘附的皮肤污染物" ], "13475006": [ "Aspiration of diverticulum of pharynx", "咽憩室抽吸术" ], "79011008": [ "IL-4 assay", "Interleukin-4 assay", "IL-4 测定", "白细胞介素-4 检测" ], "388472001": [ "Gelatin (bovine) specific IgE antibody measurement", "c74 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Gelatin (bovine) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "c74 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "明胶(牛)特异性IgE抗体测量", "明胶(牛)特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "306552002": [ "Discharge by community-based physiotherapist", "Discharge by community physiotherapist", "社区物理治疗师出院" ], "241016005": [ "Reconstruction of nail bed with skin graft", "皮肤移植重建指甲床" ], "716152007": [ "Doppler ultrasound scan measurement of segmental blood pressure of artery of lower limb", "Measurement of segmental blood pressure of artery of lower limb using Doppler ultrasonography", "多普勒超声测量下肢动脉节段血压", "下肢动脉多普勒超声扫描测量节段血压" ], "1156685003": [ "Facilitation of rest", "促进休息" ], "386637004": [ "Obstetric procedure", "产科手术" ], "1287757005": [ "Neurovascular island sensory skin flap to head", "头部血管神经岛状感觉皮瓣" ], "173645007": [ "Fibreoptic oesophagoscopy and removal of foreign body", "Fiberoptic endoscopic removal of foreign body from esophagus", "Fiberoptic esophagoscopy and removal of foreign body", "Fibreoptic endoscopic removal of foreign body from oesophagus", "纤维光导食管镜检查及异物取出", "纤维内镜食管异物取出术", "纤维内镜取出食管异物", "纤维食管镜检查及异物取出" ], "763469008": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of mesenteric vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "Fluoroscopic venogram of mesenteric vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "肠系膜静脉造影及金属支架植入术", "肠系膜静脉荧光造影术及金属支架植入术" ], "401186003": [ "Deep vein thrombosis screening", "深静脉血栓筛查" ], "450338003": [ "Primary decompression of peripheral nerve", "周围神经原发性减压" ], "301047001": [ "Primary fixation of fracture with plate", "骨折一期固定钢板" ], "235511001": [ "Banding of pancreas", "胰腺束带" ], "38903004": [ "Tube feeding by syringe method", "注射器管饲法" ], "104439005": [ "11-Deoxy/11-oxysteroids measurement", "11-脱氧/11-氧类固醇测量" ], "282828000": [ "Recirculation of the dialysis machine", "透析机的再循环" ], "430284002": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous laser ablation of short saphenous vein with contrast", "Percutaneous laser ablation of short saphenous vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮短隐静脉激光消融术", "荧光造影引导下经皮激光消融短隐静脉" ], "708812005": [ "Percutaneous drainage of lung using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of lung", "使用影像引导进行经皮肺引流", "影像引导下经皮肺穿刺引流" ], "397516006": [ "Photorefractive keratoplasty", "Photorefractive keratectomy", "Excimer photorefractive keratectomy", "PRK - photorefractive keratectomy", "准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术", "屈光性角膜移植术", "屈光性角膜切削术", "PRK-- 光屈光性角膜切削术" ], "33398007": [ "Surgical sequestration", "手术隔离" ], "410230008": [ "Mental health screening education", "Teach mental health screening", "教授心理健康筛查", "心理健康筛查教育" ], "392011001": [ "Operation on skin", "Dermatological operation", "Skin operation", "皮肤手术", "皮肤科手术" ], "80715006": [ "Incision and drainage of hematoma of shoulder area", "Incision and drainage of haematoma of shoulder area", "肩部血肿切开引流术" ], "717856000": [ "Sulfasalazine therapy", "Sulphasalazine therapy", "柳氮磺胺吡啶治疗", "柳氮磺吡啶治疗" ], "179019009": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture and locked reamed intramedullary nail fixation", "一期切开复位骨折并锁定扩髓髓内钉固定" ], "177184002": [ "Normal delivery procedure", "Normal delivery", "ND - Normal delivery", "ND-正常分娩", "正常配送", "正常分娩程序" ], "29728003": [ "Arthrectomy of finger", "Excision of joint of finger", "手指关节切除术" ], "78880007": [ "Lysozyme measurement, urine", "Muramidase measurement", "尿液溶菌酶测量", "胞壁质酶测定" ], "765173004": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of blood vessel", "Doppler ultrasound of blood vessel", "Doppler ultrasound scan of blood vessel", "血管多普勒超声扫描", "血管多普勒超声", "血管多普勒超声检查" ], "290037006": [ "Take ear impression", "取耳印" ], "26058004": [ "Thoracoscopy with biopsy", "Thoracoscopic biopsy", "Thoracoscopy and biopsy", "胸腔镜活检", "胸腔镜检查和活检" ], "386506007": [ "Acid-base balance monitoring", "酸碱平衡监测" ], "1269407000": [ "Insertion of veneer onto tooth", "将贴面插入牙齿上" ], "171679000": [ "Exploration of glossopharyngeal nerve (IX)", "舌咽神经探查(IX)" ], "304586009": [ "Revision of colonic pouch", "结肠袋修复术" ], "89759005": [ "Secondary repair of ruptured Achilles tendon", "跟腱断裂的二次修复" ], "24223006": [ "Excision of lesion of lymph structure", "淋巴结构损伤切除术" ], "401055007": [ "Self monitoring urine ketones", "自我监测尿酮体" ], "284532000": [ "Myringotomy and insertion of grommet", "Tympanotomy with intubation", "Myringotomy and insertion of tympanic ventilation tube", "鼓膜切开术和插入鼓膜通气管", "鼓室切开插管术", "鼓膜切开术及鼓室通气管插入术" ], "417439009": [ "Springing technique", "弹跳技术" ], "56991008": [ "Discission", "讨论" ], "38772001": [ "Open condylotomy of mandible", "下颌骨开放髁切开术" ], "431988002": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of transplanted kidney", "Doppler ultrasound scan of transplanted kidney", "Doppler ultrasound of transplanted kidney", "移植肾的多普勒超声检查", "移植肾的多普勒超声扫描" ], "118857000": [ "Procedure on periurethral tissue", "尿道周围组织手术" ], "104308009": [ "Serologic test for Toxoplasma gondii", "弓形虫血清学检测" ], "708681005": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of retroperitoneum", "Percutaneous drainage of retroperitoneum using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮腹膜后引流" ], "233545006": [ "Hysteroscopy", "Endoscopy of uterus", "子宫内窥镜检查", "宫腔镜检查" ], "182558000": [ "Immobilisation by sling", "Immobilization by sling", "吊带固定" ], "51486000": [ "Insertion of pack into sella turcica", "Packing of sella turcica", "将填充物插入鞍区", "鞍带包装" ], "313630000": [ "60 minute serum glucose level", "60 minute serum glucose measurement", "60 分钟血糖测量", "60 分钟血糖水平" ], "117022001": [ "MacNeal's tetrachrome blood stain method", "MacNeal's tetrachrome blood stain", "MacNeal tetrachrome blood stain method", "麦克尼尔四色血迹", "麦克尼尔四色血染法", "MacNeal四色血染法" ], "231710008": [ "Keratomileusis", "角膜磨镶术" ], "410099001": [ "Reality orientation assessment", "Assess reality orientation", "评估现实取向", "现实取向评估" ], "49651002": [ "Complex surgical repair of eyelids, nose, ears and lips", "眼睑、鼻子、耳朵和嘴唇的复杂手术修复" ], "16883004": [ "Endotracheal intubation, emergency procedure", "气管插管,紧急程序" ], "408264001": [ "GM1 IgM level", "GM1 IgM measurement", "GM1 immunoglobulin M measurement", "GM1 immunoglobulin M level measurement", "GM1 IgM 水平", "GM1 免疫球蛋白 M 水平测量", "GM1 免疫球蛋白 M 测量", "GM1 IgM 测量" ], "31432002": [ "Functional endoscopic sinus surgery, total", "FESS (functional endoscopic sinus surgery) total", "FESS(功能性内窥镜鼻窦手术)总计", "功能性内镜鼻窦手术,全" ], "277192005": [ "Coronary artery graft placement", "冠状动脉移植术" ], "816029007": [ "Corneal collagen cross-linking", "CXL - Corneal collagen cross linking", "Corneal collagen crosslinking", "Corneal collagen cross linking", "CXL - 角膜胶原交联", "角膜胶原交联" ], "175218000": [ "Transluminal closure of ductus arteriosus with prosthesis", "Transluminal closure of ductus arteriosus with device", "Percutaneous transluminal prosthetic occlusion of patent ductus arteriosus", "TL - Transluminal closure of ductus arteriosus with prosthesis", "Transluminal prosthetic closure of ductus arteriosus", "Percutaneous prosthetic closure of ductus arteriosus", "动脉导管腔内假体封堵术", "动脉导管腔内封堵术", "动脉导管假体腔内封堵术", "经皮动脉导管人工闭合术", "经皮腔内动脉导管未闭假体封堵术", "TL - 动脉导管假体腔内闭合术" ], "765042000": [ "Angiography of right pulmonary artery", "Angiogram of right pulmonary artery", "Arteriography of right pulmonary artery", "右肺动脉造影", "右肺动脉血管造影" ], "715890005": [ "Assessment using Bangor Dyslexia Test", "使用班戈阅读障碍测试进行评估" ], "304455001": [ "Interferential to ankle", "踝关节干扰" ], "306290009": [ "Referral to rheumatologist", "转诊至风湿病科医师" ], "173383003": [ "Cauterisation of lesion of palate", "Cauterization of lesion of palate", "腭部损伤烧灼术" ], "386375006": [ "Oral health maintenance", "口腔健康维护" ], "42311007": [ "Radial artery puncture for laboratory test", "Radial stab", "Radial artery blood sampling", "桡动脉采血", "桡动脉穿刺进行实验室检查", "放射状刺" ], "25927006": [ "Incision of thoracic artery", "Thoracic angiotomy of artery", "Thoracic arteriotomy", "胸动脉切开术", "胸主动脉切开术" ], "433692003": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of superficial forearm vein using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "前臂浅静脉荧光造影及植入支架" ], "122396006": [ "Gardnerella vaginalis culture", "阴道加德纳菌培养" ], "400924007": [ "Red filter test", "红色滤镜测试" ], "448241000": [ "Fusion of sacroiliac joint with internal fixation by posterior approach", "后入路骶髂关节融合内固定" ], "235249001": [ "Gastric lavage with water", "用水洗胃" ], "1269276008": [ "Injection of substance into amniotic cavity", "Intra-amniotic injection", "羊膜腔内注射", "将物质注入羊膜腔" ], "169713003": [ "Antenatal 16 week examination", "产前16周检查" ], "284401004": [ "Examination of knee joint", "膝关节检查" ], "104177005": [ "Blood culture for bacteria, including anaerobic screen", "血液细菌培养,包括厌氧菌筛查" ], "71409008": [ "Reattachment of hand at wrist", "Reattachment of wrist", "手腕处重新接上手", "腕关节再植" ], "118726005": [ "Procedure on subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织手术" ], "233414009": [ "Adjustment of arterial intraluminal device", "动脉管腔内装置的调整" ], "231579002": [ "Curettage of lesion of medial canthus", "内眦病变刮除术" ], "444571004": [ "Drainage of muscle of hand", "手部肌肉引流" ], "313499008": [ "Plasma androstenedione measurement", "Plasma androstenedione level", "血浆雄烯二酮测量", "血浆雄烯二酮水平" ], "311664007": [ "Speech exercises", "演讲练习" ], "766746001": [ "Exploration of right adrenal gland", "右肾上腺探查" ], "703045009": [ "e198 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Parakeet serum proteins specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Parakeet serum proteins specific IgE antibody measurement", "长尾小鹦鹉血清蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定", "长尾小鹦鹉血清蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "e198 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "29466004": [ "Blood group typing A>2<", "A>2< blood group typing", "血型类型A>2<", "A>2< 血型分型" ], "226074007": [ "Dietary intake assessment using food frequency questionnaire", "使用食物频率问卷评估饮食摄入量" ], "764911000": [ "Stellate ganglion block using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下星状神经节阻滞" ], "306159000": [ "Referral to play therapy service", "转介游戏治疗服务" ], "715759002": [ "Provision of written information about diabetes and hypertension", "提供有关糖尿病和高血压的书面信息" ], "386244004": [ "Community disaster preparedness", "社区防灾" ], "173252004": [ "Reconstruction of lip with fan flap", "带扇形瓣的唇部重建" ], "74948004": [ "Magnet extraction of foreign body from retina", "Removal of foreign body from retina with use of magnet", "使用磁铁去除视网膜异物", "视网膜异物磁铁取出术" ], "122265000": [ "Respiratory Mycoplasma species, culture", "呼吸道支原体种类、培养" ], "236953000": [ "Therapeutic drainage of amniotic fluid by indwelling catheter", "留置导尿管引流羊水治疗" ], "1287364009": [ "Injection of tocolytic in pregnancy", "Injection of tocolytic during maternal pregnancy period", "孕妇注射宫缩抑制剂", "妊娠期注射宫缩抑制剂" ], "302489004": [ "Removal of complete external fixator", "拆除全部外固定器" ], "171417004": [ "Pre-school child health examination", "学龄前儿童健康检查" ], "40345006": [ "Retinaculotomy", "韧带切开术" ], "448110005": [ "Triple ligation of femoral arteries", "Ligation of common and superficial and deep femoral arteries", "股总动脉、股浅动脉和股深动脉结扎", "股动脉三重结扎术" ], "104046006": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from GLOBO collection (ISBT 209)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from GLOBO collection (International Society of Blood Transfusion 209)", "从 GLOBO 集合中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体 (ISBT 209)", "从 GLOBO 收集物中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 209)" ], "431726007": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt stent using contrast", "经颈静脉肝内门体静脉分流术支架的荧光造影" ], "282435000": [ "Excision of maxilla", "Maxillectomy", "上颌骨切除术" ], "53059001": [ "Replacement of mitral valve", "Excision and replacement of mitral valve", "MVR - Mitral valve replacement", "MVR-- 二尖瓣置换术", "二尖瓣置换术", "二尖瓣切除及置换术" ], "315203001": [ "Trypanosomal antibody level", "锥虫抗体水平" ], "69443001": [ "Tru-cut needle biopsy of testis", "睾丸穿刺活检" ], "85827004": [ "Total ethmoidectomy by intranasal approach", "经鼻入路全筛窦切除术" ], "1281859005": [ "Education about breathing techniques for relaxation", "关于放松呼吸技巧的教育" ], "233283006": [ "Balloon angioplasty of the superficial femoral artery", "SFA - Balloon angioplasty of superficial femoral artery", "Angioplasty of superficial femoral artery", "股浅动脉球囊成形术", "股浅动脉血管成形术", "SFA-股浅动脉球囊成形术" ], "3907006": [ "Incision and drainage of retroperitoneal abscess", "腹膜后脓肿切开引流" ], "870424001": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy gastric outlet reduction", "Endoscopic gastric outlet revision", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy gastric outlet reduction", "EGD (esophagogastroduodenoscopy) gastric outlet reduction", "Endoscopic transoral outlet revision", "TORe - transoral outlet reduction endoscopy", "OGD (oesophagogastroduodenoscopy) gastric outlet reduction", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查胃出口缩小术", "食管胃十二指肠镜胃出口缩小术", "EGD(食管胃十二指肠镜检查)胃出口缩小术", "TORe-- 经口出口缩减内镜检查", "OGD(食管胃十二指肠镜检查)胃出口缩小术", "内镜经口出口修复术", "内镜胃出口修复术" ], "429891009": [ "Closed manipulation of dislocation of prosthetic hip", "人工髋关节脱位的闭合手术" ], "428056008": [ "Medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD) screening test", "Medium-chain acyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase deficiency screening test", "中链酰基辅酶 A 脱氢酶缺乏症 (MCADD) 筛查试验", "中链酰基辅酶 A 脱氢酶缺乏症筛查试验" ], "229613006": [ "Control of phantom sensation technique", "幻觉控制技术" ], "178626000": [ "Primary posterior excision of lumbar disc", "腰椎间盘原发性后路切除术" ], "113090004": [ "Computerized tomography with IV contrast", "Computerised tomography with IV contrast", "Computerised tomography with intravenous contrast", "Computerized tomography with intravenous contrast", "CT with intravenous contrast", "Computed tomography with intravenous contrast", "静脉造影计算机断层扫描", "静脉注射造影剂 CT", "静脉注射造影剂的计算机断层扫描" ], "309698005": [ "Continuous infusion of chemotherapy", "持续输注化疗" ], "276930009": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of common iliac artery", "经皮髂总动脉内膜切除术" ], "406167007": [ "Legal deposition", "法律证词" ], "11116000": [ "Incision of ingrown nail", "嵌甲切开术" ], "275095009": [ "Syme through ankle amputation", "Syme 通过踝关节截肢" ], "12951009": [ "Implantation of electrode into cardiac atrium, replacement", "Insertion of electrode into heart atrium, replacement", "心房电极植入、更换", "将电极插入心房,更换" ], "306028000": [ "Referral by breast care nurse", "Referral from breast care nurse", "乳房护理护士的推荐", "乳房护理护士转诊" ], "27500002": [ "Aortoiliac to popliteal vascular bypass", "主髂动脉至腘动脉血管旁路手术" ], "699244005": [ "Latarjet procedure", "Latarjet 手术" ], "1303617000": [ "Release of left trigger thumb", "松开左扳机拇指" ], "91201003": [ "Closed excisional biopsy of nerve ganglion", "神经节闭式切除活检" ], "287809004": [ "Total gastroduodenectomy", "Complete gastroduodenectomy", "完全胃十二指肠切除术", "全胃十二指肠切除术" ], "74817006": [ "Aluminum measurement, urine", "Aluminium measurement, urine", "尿液铝测量", "尿液中铝含量测量" ], "173121009": [ "Rigid endoscopic examination and biopsy below trachea using rigid bronchoscope", "Bronchoscopy and biopsy below trachea using rigid bronchoscope", "使用硬质支气管镜进行支气管镜检查和气管下活检", "硬式内镜检查及使用硬式支气管镜进行气管下活检" ], "418881009": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of lower limb with contrast", "下肢荧光静脉造影" ], "122134003": [ "Toxoplasma species identification", "弓形虫种类鉴定" ], "302358004": [ "Vascular cannula adjustment", "血管插管调整" ], "56598007": [ "Open reduction of closed greater tuberosity fracture", "闭合性大结节骨折切开复位" ], "431595000": [ "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of superior mesenteric artery with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of superior mesenteric artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮肠系膜上动脉腔内血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下经皮肠系膜上动脉血管成形术" ], "710123001": [ "Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding", "Promoting exclusive breastfeeding", "提倡纯母乳喂养" ], "103915002": [ "Jk^b^ blood group typing", "Jk^b^血型分型" ], "447979003": [ "Argon plasma coagulation of lesion of rectum", "直肠病变氩离子凝固术" ], "1052352000": [ "Application of skin traction to left lower limb", "左下肢皮牵引的应用" ], "233152001": [ "Balloon dilatation of conduit", "Angioplasty of conduit", "Balloon dilation of conduit", "导管球囊扩张术", "导管成形术" ], "741056003": [ "Education about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease", "COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) education", "COPD(慢性阻塞性肺病)教育", "慢性阻塞性肺病教育" ], "52928008": [ "Reduction of closed humeral medial epicondylar fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus", "肱骨内上髁闭合性骨折手法复位", "闭合性肱骨内上髁骨折的复位手法治疗" ], "118464008": [ "Reduction of open fracture with uncomplicated soft tissue closure", "开放性骨折复位,软组织缝合无并发症" ], "444309000": [ "Determination of karyotype from blood specimen", "血液样本的核型测定" ], "395157005": [ "Gene studies", "基因研究" ], "280469005": [ "Revision of elbow arthroplasty", "Elbow reoperations", "肘关节再次手术", "肘关节置换术修复" ], "18325007": [ "Give urinal, remove and clean", "给小便器,取下并清洗" ], "231317008": [ "Trigger point infiltration of neurolytic substance", "Infiltration of neurolytic substance into trigger point", "神经溶解物质在触发点的浸润", "神经溶解物质渗入触发点" ], "229482001": [ "Hamstring stretching", "腿筋拉伸" ], "311402003": [ "Staff education", "员工教育" ], "180330004": [ "Electrical carotid sinus stimulation", "颈动脉窦电刺激" ], "227647000": [ "Replacement of skull tongs", "更换颅骨钳" ], "178495004": [ "Prosthesis to mandible", "下颌假体" ], "112959005": [ "Reconstruction of eyelid with tarsoconjunctival flap from opposing lid", "利用对侧眼睑的睑结膜瓣重建眼睑" ], "45588000": [ "Liver function study with serial images", "通过序列图像进行肝功能研究" ], "176660002": [ "Repair of hymen", "Hymenorrhaphy", "Hymenoplasty", "处女膜缝合术", "处女膜修复", "处女膜成形术" ], "274964005": [ "Zancolli reconstruction stage 1", "Zancolli 重建第一阶段" ], "10985002": [ "Gallbladder to intestine anastomosis", "Winiwarter operation, cholecystoenterostomy", "Winiwarter operation, cholecystenterostomy", "Winiwarter 手术、胆囊肠造口术", "Winiwarter 手术、胆囊肠吻合术", "胆囊肠吻合术" ], "404201002": [ "Ligation of aneurysm of iliac artery", "髂动脉瘤结扎术" ], "58302005": [ "Division of vein of upper limb", "上肢静脉划分" ], "385982006": [ "Bronchial hygiene", "Bronchial hygiene treatments and procedures", "支气管卫生治疗和程序", "支气管卫生" ], "713662007": [ "Discussion about advance care planning", "关于提前护理计划的讨论" ], "122003004": [ "Hydatid cyst identification", "包虫囊肿鉴别" ], "4801000087104": [ "CT of left clavicle with contrast", "Computed tomography of left clavicle with contrast", "左锁骨增强计算机断层扫描", "左锁骨增强 CT" ], "3521000087106": [ "Plain X-ray of left elbow", "左肘部普通 X 光检查" ], "120168003": [ "Diaphragm transposition", "膈肌移位" ], "21441000087108": [ "Ultrasonography of finger of left hand", "Ultrasound of finger of left hand", "Ultrasound scan of finger of left hand", "Ultrasonography of left finger", "左手手指超声检查", "左手手指超声波扫描", "左手指超声检查" ], "961000087109": [ "Ultrasonography of right breast", "Ultrasound of right breast", "Ultrasound scan of right breast", "右乳房超声检查", "右乳房超声波扫描" ], "17601000087107": [ "Angioplasty of right renal artery and insertion of stent using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of right renal artery and insertion of stent with contrast", "荧光透视引导下右肾动脉血管成形术及造影剂支架置入", "用造影剂荧光透视引导进行右肾动脉血管成形术及支架置入" ], "2241000087107": [ "MRI of left femur with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left femur with contrast", "左股骨增强磁共振成像", "左股骨增强 MRI 检查" ], "446013001": [ "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and dilation of cardiac sphincter", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and dilation of cardiac sphincter", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and dilation of cardiac sphincter", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及贲门括约肌扩张术", "上消化道内镜检查及贲门括约肌扩张术" ], "233021004": [ "Construction of conduit from right atrium to rudimentary ventricle", "Fontan operation with conduit from right atrium to rudimentary ventricle", "从右心房到残心室的管道建设", "丰坦手术,通过右心房至残心室的导管" ], "1148690000": [ "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft from aorta to ramus intermedius artery", "Anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from aorta to ramus intermedius branch of left main coronary artery", "Anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from aorta to RI (ramus intermedius) branch of LMCA (left main coronary artery)", "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft from aorta to intermediate artery", "游离右乳内动脉从主动脉至左冠状动脉主干中间升支的吻合", "将游离的 RIMA(右内乳动脉)从主动脉吻合至 LMCA(左主冠状动脉)的 RI(中间升支)分支", "使用从主动脉到中间升支动脉的游离右胸内动脉移植进行冠状动脉搭桥术", "使用从主动脉到中间动脉的游离右胸内动脉移植进行冠状动脉搭桥术" ], "313106003": [ "Emergency contraception advice", "Emergency contraception education", "紧急避孕教育", "紧急避孕建议" ], "444178004": [ "Left Glenn shunt procedure", "左侧格伦分流术" ], "231186004": [ "Digital nerve block in foot", "Local anaesthetic digital nerve block in foot", "Local anesthetic digital nerve block in foot", "足部局部麻醉数字神经阻滞", "足部局部麻醉指神经阻滞", "足部数字神经阻滞" ], "395026007": [ "Keratin antibody level", "角蛋白抗体水平" ], "229351004": [ "Mobilization of the wrist", "Mobilisation of the wrist", "腕部活动" ], "65511005": [ "Crushing of vas deferens", "输精管粉碎" ], "1179623005": [ "Localization of sentinel lymph node using radioactive isotope", "Localisation of sentinel lymph node using radioactive isotope", "使用放射性同位素定位哨兵淋巴结" ], "49127008": [ "Excision of lesion of forefoot", "切除前足病变" ], "442343008": [ "Excision of lesion of breast using wire guidance", "导丝引导下切除乳房病变" ], "391356003": [ "24 hour urine androstenedione output", "24小时尿雄烯二酮排出量" ], "702652004": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of upper limb joint", "上肢关节X线透视关节造影" ], "178364007": [ "Removal of prosthesis from cranium", "从颅骨中取出假体" ], "112828007": [ "Femoral-popliteal artery bypass graft", "Femoral-popliteal artery vascular bypass", "Creation of femoropopliteal shunt", "FPB - Femoropopliteal bypass", "Femoropopliteal bypass", "AK - Above knee femoral popliteal bypass graft", "Femoropopliteal bypass graft", "建立股腘动脉分流术", "股腘动脉旁路手术", "股腘动脉血管搭桥术", "FPB-- 股腘动脉旁路手术", "AK - 膝上股腘动脉旁路移植术", "股腘动脉旁路移植术" ], "473276009": [ "Suture plication of artery for control of rectal haemorrhage", "Suture plication of artery for control of rectal hemorrhage", "动脉缝合折叠术控制直肠出血" ], "129212008": [ "Grafting procedure of heart", "心脏移植手术" ], "719036008": [ "Assessment using SCAN-A Test for Auditory Processing Disorders in Adolescents and Adults", "使用 SCAN-A 测试评估青少年和成年人的听觉处理障碍" ], "225681005": [ "Cleaning of eye socket", "清洁眼窝" ], "78225007": [ "Osteotomy for angular correction of proximal phalanx of first toe", "截骨术矫正第一趾近节指骨角度" ], "420454001": [ "Consultation for chronic pain", "Chronic pain consultation", "慢性疼痛咨询" ], "174694002": [ "Renewal of transplanted pancreatic tissue", "移植胰腺组织的更新" ], "698982003": [ "Local sensory skin flap", "局部感觉皮瓣" ], "60006002": [ "Intrathoracic phlebography", "胸内静脉造影" ], "780902003": [ "Harvest of bone graft from tibia and fibula", "从胫骨和腓骨获取骨移植" ], "27238004": [ "Anesthesia for open procedure on radius, ulna, wrist or hand bones", "Anaesthesia for open procedure on radius, ulna, wrist or hand bones", "桡骨、尺骨、腕骨或手骨开放手术的麻醉" ], "387686005": [ "Manipulation of shoulder joint", "肩关节手术" ], "1256038009": [ "Open creation of jejunostomy", "开放式空肠造口术" ], "385851006": [ "Chest physiotherapy assessment", "Assess chest physiotherapy", "评估胸部物理治疗", "胸部物理治疗评估" ], "172859007": [ "Bowel imaging", "肠道成像" ], "303931008": [ "Plain X-ray of lung", "肺部普通 X 光检查" ], "90939008": [ "Transplantation of penis", "阴茎移植" ], "252944002": [ "Crossover test", "交叉测试" ], "433168005": [ "Biopsy of elbow using ultrasound guidance", "Biopsy of elbow using ultrasound (US) guidance", "使用超声引导进行肘部活检" ], "447717000": [ "Division of tendon of foot", "Tenotomy of foot", "足部肌腱切断术", "足部肌腱分割" ], "121872009": [ "Tryptamine measurement", "色胺测量" ], "169189002": [ "Immunoglob. radioimmunoassay", "Immunoglobulin radioimmunoassay", "免疫球蛋白放射免疫分析法" ], "709861002": [ "Angioplasty of abdominal aorta using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of abdominal aorta with contrast", "荧光透视引导下腹主动脉造影成形术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行腹主动脉血管成形术" ], "185573005": [ "Child development - first default recall", "儿童发展 - 首次默认召回" ], "234725007": [ "Recontour tooth", "Odontoplasty", "Reshape tooth", "重塑牙齿", "牙齿整形术" ], "431333009": [ "Insertion of soft palate implant", "Insertion of implant into soft palate", "软腭植入物插入", "将植入物插入软腭" ], "232890002": [ "Reimplantation of atrioventricular valve papillary muscle", "房室瓣乳头肌再植术" ], "167354004": [ "Urine microscopy: epithelial cells", "尿液显微镜检查:上皮细胞" ], "771727000": [ "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using biological mesh for recurrent epigastric hernia", "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent epigastric hernia using biological mesh", "腹腔镜下生物网片修补复发性上腹疝", "腹腔镜下生物网片疝修补术治疗复发性上腹疝" ], "413114008": [ "Autologous chondrocyte implantation", "自体软骨细胞植入" ], "83599002": [ "Incision of duodenum", "Duodenotomy", "十二指肠切开术" ], "18063006": [ "Legal court testimony concerning aspects of patient's problem or condition", "有关患者问题或病情的法庭证词" ], "231055008": [ "Revision of spinal subarachnoid shunt", "脊髓蛛网膜下腔分流术的修订" ], "394895009": [ "Postoperative chemotherapy", "术后化疗" ], "48996003": [ "Echography of abdomen, B-scan, limited", "腹部超声检查、B 超、有限" ], "229220009": [ "Pair activity games for therapy", "用于治疗的配对活动游戏" ], "407609002": [ "Endometrial thermal ablation", "子宫内膜热消融" ], "14393002": [ "Wedge pressure determination", "楔压测定" ], "1144889004": [ "Anastomosis of right internal mammary artery to ramus intermedius branch of left main coronary artery", "Anastomosis of right internal thoracic artery to ramus intermedius artery", "Anastomosis of RIMA (right internal mammary artery) to RI (ramus intermedius) branch of LMCA (left main coronary artery)", "Anastomosis of right internal thoracic artery to intermediate artery", "将 RIMA (右内乳动脉) 与 LMCA (左主冠状动脉) 的 RI (中间升支) 分支吻合", "右胸廓内动脉与中间升动脉吻合术", "右胸廓内动脉与中间动脉吻合术", "右乳内动脉与左冠状动脉主干中间升支吻合术" ], "243769006": [ "Adrenal vein sampling catheter procedure", "Adrenal vein sampling catheter", "Adrenal venous sampling", "肾上腺静脉取样", "肾上腺静脉取样导管", "肾上腺静脉取样导管手术" ], "112697007": [ "Operation on musculoskeletal system", "Musculoskeletal procedure", "肌肉骨骼系统手术", "肌肉骨骼手术" ], "391225008": [ "Mental health support groups staff facilitated - <1 contact/month", "心理健康支持小组工作人员协助 - <1 次联系/月" ], "702521009": [ "Computed tomography of lumbar spine and pelvis", "CT of lumbar spine and pelvis", "腰椎及骨盆 CT", "腰椎和骨盆的计算机断层扫描" ], "61710003": [ "Partial excision of bone of scapula", "Partial ostectomy of scapula", "Partial scapulectomy", "肩胛骨部分截骨术", "部分肩胛骨切除术", "肩胛骨部分切除术" ], "176398006": [ "Cryosurgical destruction of lesion of scrotum", "阴囊损伤冷冻手术破坏" ], "12558009": [ "Dilation of intestinal stoma", "Dilation of enterostomy stoma", "肠造口扩张术" ], "27107005": [ "Osmotic fragility, immediate", "渗透脆性,即时" ], "59875008": [ "Open reduction of open sternoclavicular dislocation, acute", "急性开放性胸锁关节脱位切开复位" ], "271032000": [ "Whole blood folate measurement", "Whole blood folate level", "全血叶酸测量", "全血叶酸水平" ], "8888002": [ "Symphysiectomy of bone", "骨联合切除术" ], "238264002": [ "Drainage of pelvic abscess", "盆腔脓肿引流" ], "440601000124100": [ "Management of bioactive substance intake", "生物活性物质摄入管理" ], "287416006": [ "Pharyngeal atresia correction", "咽闭锁矫正术" ], "385720006": [ "Patient counselling management", "Patient counseling management", "Manage counselling service", "Manage counseling service", "管理咨询服务", "患者咨询管理", "病人咨询管理" ], "713400007": [ "Referral to medical emergency team", "Referral to medical rapid response team", "转诊至医疗急救小组", "转介至医疗快速反应小组" ], "121741000": [ "Benzoylcarnitine measurement", "苯甲酰肉碱测量" ], "418488007": [ "Inservice", "在职" ], "7053000": [ "Puncture and drainage of spleen", "脾脏穿刺引流" ], "438041000124108": [ "Riboflavin modified diet", "核黄素改良饮食" ], "252813005": [ "Photostress test", "Macular photostress test", "光应力测试", "黄斑光应力测试" ], "1285005000": [ "Fitting of dental bridge to tooth", "安装牙桥到牙齿" ], "105357002": [ "Zimelidine measurement", "Zimeldine measurement", "Zimeldine 测量", "齐美利定测量" ], "119906009": [ "Anus transplantation", "肛门移植" ], "445751002": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of temporal artery", "颞动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "431202009": [ "Gastrojejunostomy conversion from gastrostomy using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下将胃造口术转为胃空肠造口术" ], "412983004": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid net bilirubin absorbance", "CSF net bilirubin absorbance", "脑脊液净胆红素吸光度" ], "232759005": [ "Excision of nodule from mitral leaflet", "Excision of fibrous thickening from mitral leaflet", "Excision of lesion from mitral leaflet", "二尖瓣结节切除术", "切除二尖瓣病变", "切除二尖瓣纤维增厚" ], "443916000": [ "Grafting of aortic valve prosthesis using transluminal approach", "Transluminal implantation of aortic valve", "Grafting of aortic valve prosthesis by transluminal approach", "经腔内途径主动脉瓣人工瓣膜移植", "主动脉瓣腔内植入术" ], "118071009": [ "HIV 2 p41 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 p41 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 protein 41 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型蛋白 41 抗体的测量", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 2 p41 抗体检测", "HIV 2 p41 抗体检测" ], "116236007": [ "Excisional biopsy of lesion of large intestine", "大肠病变切除活检" ], "230924008": [ "Angioscopy of intracranial vessel", "颅内血管镜检查" ], "81633002": [ "Intraperitoneal injection", "Injection into peritoneal cavity", "腹腔注射" ], "63414002": [ "Immunoglobulin G subclass, G3 measurement", "免疫球蛋白 G 亚类、G3 测量" ], "178102003": [ "Aspiration of ganglion - wrist", "腕部神经节抽吸术" ], "866230009": [ "Fluoroscopy guided extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of calculus of ureter", "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of calculus of ureter using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下体外冲击波碎石治疗输尿管结石", "荧光透视引导下体外冲击波碎石治疗输尿管结石" ], "438411002": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of spinal artery aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of spinal artery aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of spinal artery aneurysm with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of spinal artery aneurysm with contrast", "透视引导下脊髓动脉瘤经皮造影栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮脊髓动脉瘤栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮脊髓动脉瘤造影栓塞术" ], "45195004": [ "Core needle biopsy of uterine ligament", "子宫韧带芯针活检" ], "28811004": [ "Arsenic measurement, hair", "头发中的砷含量测量" ], "176267007": [ "Open excision of prostatic lesion", "前列腺病变切除术" ], "225419007": [ "Surveillance", "监视" ], "61579009": [ "Drainage of cyst of dentoalveolar structures", "牙槽结构囊肿引流" ], "174432007": [ "Marsupialisation of liver lesion", "Marsupialization of liver lesion", "肝囊肿病变", "肝病灶袋形化" ], "303669000": [ "CT of intrathoracic cardiovascular structures", "Computed tomography of intrathoracic cardiovascular structures", "胸内心血管结构的计算机断层扫描", "胸内心血管结构 CT" ], "172597003": [ "Removal of granulation tissue from external ear", "去除外耳肉芽组织" ], "1303093004": [ "Education about adult day care programme", "Education about adult day care program", "关于成人日托计划的教育" ], "105226000": [ "Lorazepam measurement", "劳拉西泮测量" ], "88842002": [ "Arthrotomy of ankle with joint exploration and removal of foreign body", "踝关节切开术,探查关节并取出异物" ], "432906003": [ "Plain X-ray of lower limb using mobile image intensifier", "使用移动影像增强器进行下肢普通 X 光检查" ], "449290006": [ "Megavoltage radiation therapy using photons and electrons", "使用光子和电子的兆伏放射治疗" ], "121610007": [ "Isobutyl acetate measurement", "乙酸异丁酯的测量" ], "170762008": [ "Conversion to insulin", "转换为胰岛素" ], "252682007": [ "Protein-losing enteropathy study using radiolabelled chromium chloride", "Protein-losing enteropathy study using radiolabeled chromium chloride", "使用放射性标记的氯化铬进行蛋白质丢失性肠病研究" ], "87007003": [ "Indirect laryngoscopy with biopsy", "间接喉镜检查及活检" ], "117940000": [ "Ganglioside GQ1b antibody assay", "Ganglioside GQ1b antibody level", "Measurement of ganglioside GQ1b antibody", "神经节苷脂 GQ1b 抗体测量", "神经节苷脂 GQ1b 抗体检测", "神经节苷脂 GQ1b 抗体水平" ], "183476002": [ "Neurosurgical emergency hospital admission", "神经外科急诊入院" ], "232628003": [ "Open biopsy of lung", "肺开放活检" ], "412852002": [ "Urine pentaporphyrin concentration measurement", "Urine pentaporphyrin concentration", "尿液五卟啉浓度", "尿液五卟啉浓度测量" ], "34185001": [ "Soluble CD8 T-cell antigen assay", "SCD8 T-cell assay", "SCD8 T 细胞检测", "可溶性 CD8 T 细胞抗原检测" ], "1417002": [ "Operation on face", "面部手术" ], "312713003": [ "Panretinal photocoagulation", "Scatter retinal photocoagulation", "Panretinal laser photocoagulation", "Scatter retinal laser photocoagulation", "PRP - panretinal photocoagulation", "散射视网膜激光光凝术", "PRP-- 全视网膜光凝术", "全视网膜激光光凝术", "全视网膜光凝", "散射视网膜光凝术" ], "360030002": [ "Application of device", "装置应用" ], "32350008": [ "Intermediate delay of small flap at scalp", "头皮小皮瓣中间延迟" ], "440115001": [ "Endoscopy of nasal sinus with decompression of medial orbital wall", "鼻窦内窥镜眶内壁减压术" ], "390963002": [ "Plasma calcium level", "血浆钙水平" ], "718643007": [ "Assessment using STOPP (Screening Tool of Older Person's Prescriptions)", "Assessment using Screening Tool of Older Person's Prescriptions", "老年人处方筛查工具评估", "使用 STOPP(老年人处方筛查工具)进行评估" ], "16555611000119103": [ "Fluoroscopy guided therapeutic injection of left shoulder", "Therapeutic injection of left shoulder using fluoroscopic guidance", "左肩透视引导治疗注射", "左肩荧光透视引导治疗性注射" ], "176136000": [ "Cystostomy and insertion of suprapubic catheter", "Cystostomy and insertion of suprapubic tube", "膀胱造口术和耻骨上导管插入", "膀胱造口术和耻骨上管插入术" ], "395611000119106": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of brain and brain stem with contrast", "MRI of brain and brain stem with contrast", "脑部及脑干 MRI 对比", "脑和脑干的对比磁共振成像" ], "735027008": [ "Excision of left testis", "Left orchidectomy", "左睾丸切除术", "左侧睾丸切除术" ], "241672000": [ "Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of head", "MR spectroscopy of head", "头部磁共振波谱分析" ], "384091000119108": [ "Fluoroscopic barium enema via colostomy", "经结肠造口术进行荧光透视钡灌肠" ], "28680007": [ "Cryopreservation for genetic studies", "用于基因研究的冷冻保存" ], "405512007": [ "Ilio-profunda artery bypass for repair of aneurysm with vein", "髂深动脉搭桥术修复动脉瘤和静脉" ], "225288009": [ "Environmental care procedure", "Environment treatments and procedures", "Environmental management", "环境保护程序", "环境管理", "环境处理和程序" ], "878813005": [ "Computed tomography venography of peripheral vein with contrast", "CT venography of peripheral vein with contrast", "CT venogram of peripheral vein with contrast", "外周静脉增强 CT 静脉造影", "增强外周静脉计算机断层静脉造影" ], "223453008": [ "Assisting with therapy", "Helping with therapy", "协助治疗", "帮助治疗" ], "713138001": [ "Assistance with mobility in bed", "协助床上活动" ], "252551000": [ "Nasal airway assessment", "鼻腔气道评估" ], "711303002": [ "Removal of implanted intrathecal pump", "移除植入的鞘内泵" ], "23175002": [ "Incision of bursa", "Bursotomy", "滑囊切开术" ], "105095003": [ "Bupropion measurement", "安非他酮测量" ], "432775006": [ "Excision of cyst of male perineum", "男性会阴囊肿切除术" ], "236167008": [ "Urinary undiversion", "尿流改道" ], "121479009": [ "Carbaryl measurement", "西维因测量" ], "119644002": [ "Shoulder manipulation", "肩部调整" ], "709468002": [ "Procedure on neck of urinary bladder", "膀胱颈手术" ], "39559009": [ "Excision of malignant lesion of scalp and neck", "头颈部恶性病变切除术" ], "234332000": [ "T-cell depleted allogeneic bone marrow graft", "T 细胞耗竭的同种异体骨髓移植" ], "314417000": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A and C antigens", "Meningitis A and C immunization", "Meningitis A and C immunisation", "Administration of meningitis A and C vaccine", "Meningitis A and C vaccination", "脑膜炎 A 和 C 疫苗接种", "脑膜炎 A 和 C 免疫接种", "接种仅含 A 群和 C 群脑膜炎奈瑟菌抗原的疫苗产品", "接种甲型脑膜炎和丙型脑膜炎疫苗" ], "19505000": [ "Immunoglobulin typing, immunoglobulin M", "免疫球蛋白分型,免疫球蛋白 M" ], "35889000": [ "Topical application of fluoride excluding prophylaxis, child", "局部应用氟化物(不包括预防性用药),儿童" ], "232497006": [ "Reconstruction of maxillary antrum", "上颌窦重建" ], "85041007": [ "Formation of conduit of right ventricle and pulmonary artery in repair of pulmonary artery atresia in truncus arteriosus", "Repair of common arterial trunk using right ventricle to pulmonary trunk conduit", "右心室及肺动脉管道的形成在动脉干肺动脉闭锁修复术中的应用", "利用右心室至肺动脉干导管修复总动脉干" ], "412721008": [ "Three wall orbital decompression", "三壁眼眶减压术" ], "117809008": [ "Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus antibody assay", "Epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus antibody", "Measurement of Epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus antibody", "流行性出血热病毒抗体测定", "流行性出血热病毒抗体检测" ], "83206001": [ "Microbial identification, rapid NH method", "Microbial identification, rapid Neisseria and Haemophilus species identification method", "微生物鉴定,快速NH法", "微生物鉴定、奈瑟菌和嗜血杆菌种属快速鉴定方法" ], "183345007": [ "Daily living activity therapy", "Activity of daily living techniques", "Activities of daily living therapy", "日常生活活动技术", "日常生活活动治疗" ], "427270000": [ "Median drainage of frontal sinus", "额窦正中引流" ], "441819000": [ "Measurement of triple marker in late gestation serum specimen", "妊娠晚期血清标本三重标志物的测定" ], "425435003": [ "Implantation of cardioverter defibrillator with one electrode lead", "植入单电极导线心脏复律除颤器" ], "359899005": [ "Mastorrhaphy", "Suture of skin of breast", "乳房皮肤缝合", "乳房缝合术" ], "390832000": [ "Mental health support - no facilitation", "心理健康支持 - 无需协助" ], "179675009": [ "Revision to open reduction of dislocation and skeletal traction", "脱位切开复位及骨牵引术" ], "785883009": [ "Removal of surgically implanted extraocular implant from posterior segment of eye", "Removal of surgically implanted eyeball jewellery from posterior segment of eye", "Removal of surgically implanted eyeball jewelry from posterior segment of eye", "从眼后节取出手术植入的眼球首饰", "从眼后节取出手术植入的眼外植入物" ], "79536006": [ "Physical medicine, initial examination, evaluation and treatment program planning", "Physiatric initial examination, evaluation and treatment planning", "Physical medicine, initial examination, evaluation and treatment programme planning", "物理医学、初步检查、评估及治疗方案制定", "物理初步检查、评估和治疗计划" ], "1144496008": [ "Resection of lesion of chest wall and reconstruction with prosthesis", "Excision of lesion of chest wall and reconstruction with prosthesis", "胸壁损伤切除及假体重建", "胸壁病变切除及假体重建" ], "257925000": [ "Bronchoscopic sampling of secretions using trap", "使用支气管镜采集分泌物样本" ], "110469002": [ "Cone biopsy", "锥形活检" ], "225157004": [ "Intraosseous injection", "骨内注射" ], "241541005": [ "High resolution CT of lungs", "HRCT - High resolution computed tomography", "High resolution computed tomography of lungs", "肺部高分辨率计算机断层扫描", "肺部高分辨率 CT", "HRCT-高分辨率计算机断层扫描" ], "405381006": [ "Embolectomy of posterior tibial artery", "胫后动脉栓塞切除术" ], "388997005": [ "Axillary-femoral arterial bypass", "Axillofemoral bypass graft", "Axillary-femoral vascular bypass", "Axillary-femoral shunt", "腋动脉-股动脉血管搭桥术", "腋股动脉旁路移植术", "腋股分流术", "腋动脉-股动脉搭桥术" ], "716677007": [ "Evacuation of blood from pleural cavity", "排出胸腔内的血液" ], "305242005": [ "Admission by pediatric ITU specialist", "Admission by paediatric ITU specialist", "Admission by pediatric intensive care specialist", "Admission by paediatric intensive care specialist", "儿科 ITU 专家入院", "儿科重症监护专家入院" ], "10330005": [ "Destructive procedure on artery of head and neck", "头颈部动脉破坏性手术" ], "239706007": [ "Removal of strapping", "拆除捆扎带" ], "370778008": [ "Assessment of pain control", "Assesses pain control", "疼痛控制评估", "评估疼痛控制" ], "206938009": [ "Shortening procedure on one extraocular muscle", "一侧眼外肌缩短术" ], "434479002": [ "Core sampling of tissue block", "组织块取芯" ], "170500000": [ "Isolation of infection carrier", "隔离感染携带者" ], "418095008": [ "Procedure on oculomotor nerve", "Procedure on cranial nerve III", "Procedure on third cranial nerve", "动眼神经手术", "III 型脑神经手术", "第三脑神经手术" ], "104964002": [ "Thiosulfate renal clearance measurement", "Thiosulphate renal clearance measurement", "硫代硫酸盐肾清除率测定" ], "450863009": [ "Adjustment to extraocular muscle", "眼外肌的调节" ], "449028002": [ "Remanipulation of fracture of bone and external fixation", "骨折再治疗及外固定" ], "432644005": [ "Computed tomography of floor of mouth with contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of floor of mouth with contrast", "CT of floor of mouth with contrast", "口底增强 CT 检查", "口底增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "口底增强 CT 扫描" ], "168665001": [ "Plain X-ray shaft of femur", "股骨干 X 射线平片" ], "23044009": [ "Patient transfer to skilled nursing facility for level 1 care", "患者转至专业护理机构接受 1 级护理" ], "37593003": [ "Total ileectomy", "全回肠切除术" ], "121348009": [ "1,1,1-Trichloroethane measurement", "1,1,1-三氯乙烷测量" ], "252420009": [ "Intravascular echocardiography", "血管内超声心动图" ], "447193006": [ "Biopsy of ulcer of penis", "阴茎溃疡活检" ], "398041008": [ "Cervical spine immobilisation", "Cervical spine immobilization", "颈椎固定" ], "117678001": [ "Hydroxyitraconazole measurement", "羟基曲康唑测量" ], "428974002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of aneurysm using liquid polymer", "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of aneurysm using liquid polymer", "使用液体聚合物进行经皮动脉瘤腔内栓塞", "经皮腔内液体聚合物动脉瘤栓塞术" ], "1264558002": [ "Extravesical reimplantation of ureter", "膀胱外输尿管再植术" ], "609198002": [ "Endoscopic thermocoagulation of duodenum for control of hemorrhage", "Endoscopic thermocoagulation of duodenum for control of haemorrhage", "Endoscopic control of duodenal bleeding using thermocoagulation", "内镜热凝术治疗十二指肠出血", "内镜十二指肠热凝术控制出血" ], "68526006": [ "Removal of device from abdomen", "从腹部取出装置" ], "265134006": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of long bone and fixation using flexible nail", "长骨骨折一期切开复位弹性钉固定" ], "33923000": [ "Routine stain, blood or bone marrow", "常规染色、血液或骨髓" ], "410755003": [ "Maxillary sinusotomy", "上颌窦切开术" ], "17539005": [ "Remobilization", "Remobilisation", "再动员", "重新动员" ], "443523006": [ "Insertion of permanent transvenous electrode of dual chamber pulse generator", "双腔脉冲发生器永久静脉电极插入术" ], "408920002": [ "Psychosocial analysis assessment", "Assess psychosocial care", "Assess psychosocial analysis", "心理社会分析评估", "评估社会心理分析", "评估心理社会护理" ], "392536003": [ "Threshold automated static perimetry, central 24 degrees", "Threshold automated static perimetry of central 24 degrees", "中央 24 度阈值自动静态视野检查", "阈值自动静态视野检查,中央 24 度" ], "81240005": [ "Bunionectomy with arthrodesis", "拇囊切除术及关节融合术" ], "228696008": [ "Yttrium 90 brachytherapy", "钇90近距离放射治疗" ], "30253003": [ "Dilation of urethra", "Dilation and stretching of urethra", "Dilatation of urethra", "尿道扩张和拉伸", "尿道扩张" ], "718381006": [ "Assessment using Measurement of Cognitive Linguistic Ability", "Assessment using MCLA (Measurement of Cognitive Linguistic Ability)", "使用认知语言能力测量法进行评估", "使用 MCLA(认知语言能力测量)进行评估" ], "77570000": [ "Major thoracotomy with removal of intrapleural foreign body", "大型开胸手术取出胸膜内异物" ], "257794001": [ "TURFT - Transurethral radiofrequency thermotherapy", "Transurethral radiofrequency thermotherapy", "TURFT-- 经尿道射频热疗", "经尿道射频热疗" ], "405250000": [ "Retrograde pyelogram", "Retrograde ureteropyelography", "RPG - Retrograde pyelogram", "Retrograde pyelography", "Retrograde urogram", "Retrograde urography", "逆行尿路造影", "逆行输尿管肾盂造影", "逆行肾盂造影", "RPG-逆行肾盂造影" ], "61186007": [ "Injection of middle ear", "中耳注射" ], "241410007": [ "Indium-111 granulocyte study", "铟-111粒细胞研究" ], "10199002": [ "Phonocardiogram with ECG lead", "Phonocardiogram with electrocardiogram lead", "心音图及心电图导联" ], "239575005": [ "Amputation of thumb through carpometacarpal joint", "经腕掌关节处拇指截肢" ], "174039006": [ "Emergency excision of normal appendix", "紧急切除正常阑尾" ], "305111007": [ "Therapeutic foot stretching", "足部伸展治疗" ], "450732000": [ "Assessment using Rockall score", "使用 Rockall 评分进行评估" ], "172204001": [ "Curettage of lesion of canthus", "眼角病变刮除术" ], "90284003": [ "Attachment of orbicularis oculi to eyebrow", "眼轮匝肌与眉毛的附着处" ], "712876003": [ "MRI of upper limb with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of upper limb with contrast", "上肢增强磁共振成像", "上肢增强 MRI" ], "8364005": [ "Phosphorus measurement", "磷测量" ], "104833000": [ "Non-protein nitrogen measurement", "非蛋白氮测定" ], "711041003": [ "Assessment of skin integrity", "Pressure area assessment", "皮肤完整性评估", "压力区域评估" ], "4694000": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of muscle", "经皮肌肉穿刺活检" ], "252289009": [ "Sickle test", "Sickling test", "镰状细胞试验" ], "447062007": [ "Anterior transposition of ulnar nerve", "尺神经前移位术" ], "19243001": [ "Destruction of lesion of Bartholin's gland by marsupialization", "Marsupialization of Bartholin's gland cyst", "Destruction of lesion of Bartholin's gland by marsupialisation", "Marsupialisation of Bartholin's gland cyst", "Marsupialisation of Bartholin's cyst", "Marsupialization of Bartholin's cyst", "Destruction of lesion of Bartholin gland by marsupialization", "Destruction of lesion of Bartholin gland by marsupialisation", "袋形术破坏巴氏腺病变", "巴氏腺囊肿袋形成形术", "通过袋形术破坏巴氏腺病变" ], "396075001": [ "Medication monitoring education", "Teach medication monitoring", "Teach medication actions", "药物监测教育", "教导用药动作", "教导药物监测" ], "35627003": [ "Grafting to skin of extremity", "四肢皮肤移植" ], "410624000": [ "Well child visit, 2 month", "2 个月儿童健康检查" ], "82944005": [ "Direct thrombectomy of vena cava by abdominal and leg incision", "经腹部及腿部切口直接切除下腔静脉血栓" ], "64725004": [ "Division of Skene's gland", "Incision of Skene's gland", "Incision of Skene gland", "Incision of paraurethral gland", "尿道旁腺切开术", "斯基恩氏腺切开术", "斯基恩腺切开术", "斯基恩氏腺的分区" ], "310485005": [ "Limb exsanguination by mechanical exsanguinator", "使用机械放血器进行肢体放血" ], "228565006": [ "Imagery technique", "Guided imagery technique", "意象技术", "引导意象技术" ], "243114000": [ "Support", "Supportive care", "支持", "支持治疗" ], "359637008": [ "Repair of blepharoptosis by resection or advancement of levator muscle or aponeurosis", "Berke operation", "Blascovic operation", "Sling operation on eyelid levator muscle", "布拉斯科维奇手术", "提睑肌吊带术", "通过切除或推进提上睑肌或腱膜来修复上睑下垂", "伯克行动" ], "392405009": [ "Chicken serum proteins specific IgE antibody measurement", "Re219 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chicken serum proteins specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鸡血清蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "鸡血清蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定", "Re219特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "30122005": [ "Restoration, resin, one surface, anterior", "修复体,树脂,单面,前牙" ], "128426007": [ "Arthrotomy of hip for exploration", "Arthrotomy of hip joint with exploration", "髋关节切开术及探查", "髋关节切开术探查" ], "241279001": [ "Ventricular shuntogram", "Angiography of ventricular shunt", "脑室分流图", "脑室分流血管造影" ], "274047005": [ "Reduction of fracture of orbital bones", "Orbital fracture reduction", "眼眶骨骨折复位", "眼眶骨折复位" ], "306815006": [ "Low power laser therapy to upper limb", "上肢低功率激光治疗" ], "388735008": [ "Pyrus communis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pear specific IgE antibody measurement", "f94 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pyrus communis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "梨特异性IgE抗体测定", "f94 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "梨特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "173908003": [ "Revision of jejunostomy", "Refashioning of jejunostomy", "空肠造口术修复", "空肠造口术的改造" ], "239444004": [ "Stabilization of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger", "Stabilisation of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger", "手指掌指关节固定术" ], "26452005": [ "Total gastrectomy", "Schlatter operation, total gastrectomy", "Complete gastrectomy", "Schlatter 手术、全胃切除术", "胃全切除术", "全胃切除术" ], "712745001": [ "Evaluation of breastfeeding plan", "母乳喂养计划评估" ], "1204265004": [ "Local subcutaneous pedicle random pattern skin flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction of skin with local subcutaneous pedicle random pattern skin flap", "Reconstruction of skin using local subcutaneous pedicle random pattern skin flap", "局部皮下带蒂随意皮瓣修复皮肤", "局部皮下带蒂随意皮瓣修复" ], "1220649006": [ "Transoral partial excision of tongue using robotic assistance", "Transoral partial glossectomy using robotic assistance", "Partial glossectomy using TORS (transoral robotic surgery)", "Robot assisted transoral partial excision of tongue", "Transoral partial excision of tongue using robot assistance", "使用机器人辅助经口舌部分切除术", "机器人辅助经口舌部分切除术", "使用机器人辅助进行经口部分舌切除术", "使用 TORS(经口机器人手术)进行部分舌切除术" ], "450601006": [ "Biopsy of lesion of brainstem", "脑干病变活检" ], "57385006": [ "Internal fetal monitor maintenance", "Internal foetal monitor maintenance", "胎儿监护仪内部维护", "内置胎儿监护仪维护" ], "448766000": [ "CT angiography of pulmonary artery, abdominal artery and pelvic artery with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of pulmonary artery, abdominal artery and pelvic artery with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of pulmonary artery, abdominal artery and pelvic artery with contrast", "CT arteriogram of pulmonary artery, abdominal artery and pelvic artery with contrast", "CT arteriography of pulmonary artery, abdominal and pelvic artery with contrast", "肺动脉、腹部动脉和盆腔动脉的计算机断层造影", "肺动脉、腹部动脉和盆腔动脉的增强 CT 血管造影", "肺动脉、腹部动脉和盆腔动脉增强 CT 血管造影", "肺动脉、腹部动脉和盆腔动脉的 CT 动脉造影", "肺动脉、腹腔动脉和盆腔动脉的 CT 动脉造影" ], "39166002": [ "Closure of duodenal fistula", "Repair of duodenal fistula", "十二指肠瘘修复", "十二指肠瘘闭合" ], "252158001": [ "Opioid screening", "阿片类药物筛查" ], "55550006": [ "Radioisotope study of central nervous system", "Radionuclide study of central nervous system", "中枢神经系统放射性核素研究", "中枢神经系统放射性同位素研究" ], "710910007": [ "Referral to legal service", "转介法律服务" ], "104702008": [ "Glutathione peroxidase measurement", "谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶测量" ], "266707007": [ "Drug addiction therapy", "药物成瘾治疗" ], "893000": [ "Tumor antigen measurement", "Immunoassay for tumor antigen", "Tumour antigen measurement", "Immunoassay for tumour antigen", "肿瘤抗原测定", "肿瘤抗原免疫测定", "肿瘤抗原测量" ], "772776009": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent lumbar hernia using synthetic mesh with fascial closure", "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using synthetic mesh with fascial closure for recurrent lumbar hernia", "使用合成网片结合筋膜闭合的腹腔镜疝修补术治疗复发性腰疝", "腹腔镜下使用合成网片结合筋膜闭合修复复发性腰疝" ], "426877004": [ "Removal of releasable suture following glaucoma surgery", "青光眼手术后拆除可松开的缝线" ], "33661004": [ "Sexual psychotherapy, group, all female", "性心理治疗,团体,全女性" ], "1196925007": [ "CT of head, neck and thorax with contrast", "Computed tomography of head, neck and thorax with contrast", "头部、颈部和胸部增强 CT 检查", "头部、颈部和胸部的增强计算机断层扫描" ], "410493009": [ "Atropine penalisation therapy", "Atropine penalization therapy", "Atropine penalisation therapy for amblyopia", "Atropine penalization therapy for amblyopia", "Atropinization", "阿托品压抑疗法", "阿托品化", "阿托品压抑疗法治疗弱视" ], "310354002": [ "Referral for 24 hour ECG", "Referral for 24 hour electrocardiogram", "转诊进行 24 小时心电图检查" ], "277586005": [ "Imaging guided removal of foreign body", "FB - Imaging guided removal of foreign body", "FB - 影像引导下异物取出", "影像引导下异物取出" ], "1162322006": [ "Videocapillaroscopy of nailfold", "Videocapillaroscopy of periungual skin", "Nailfold videocapillaroscopy", "NVC - nailfold videocapillaroscopy", "NVC-- 甲襞视频毛细血管镜检查", "甲周皮肤毛细血管镜检查", "甲襞视频毛细血管镜检查", "甲襞毛细血管镜检查" ], "392274007": [ "g3 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cocksfoot specific IgE antibody measurement", "Dactylis glomerata specific IgE antibody measurement", "Dactylis glomerata specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Dactylis glomerata (orchardgrass) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Dactylis glomerata (orchard grass) specific IgE antibody measurement", "g3特异性IgE抗体测量", "鸡爪特异性IgE抗体测定", "鸭茅特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "鸭茅特异性IgE抗体测定", "鸭茅(果园草)特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "鸭茅(鸭茅草)特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "177447005": [ "Local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y flap, fasciocutaneous", "局部皮下带蒂V-Y皮瓣、筋膜皮瓣" ], "406823007": [ "Brilliant orange stain method", "Brilliant orange stain", "鲜艳的橙色污渍", "亮橙染色法" ], "306684001": [ "Case closure by social services department", "社会服务部门结案" ], "13607009": [ "Manual examination of breast", "乳房检查" ], "175612005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of iliac artery", "经皮髂动脉腔内成形术" ], "419537000": [ "Penile venogram with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venography of penis with contrast", "阴茎静脉造影", "阴茎荧光镜静脉造影" ], "108241001": [ "Dialysis procedure", "透析程序" ], "304849001": [ "Subpial transection of cortex", "皮质下横断" ], "42705007": [ "Pneumography of retroperitoneum", "Pneumoperitoneum, air contrast", "气腹,空气造影剂", "腹膜后气道造影" ], "26321008": [ "Manipulation of bladder", "Manipulation of urinary bladder", "膀胱操作" ], "8102001": [ "Aneurysmectomy of aorta", "主动脉瘤切除术" ], "237478002": [ "Sublabial hypophysectomy", "唇下垂体切除术" ], "239313009": [ "Distal tibial osteotomy", "Osteotomy of distal tibia", "胫骨远端截骨术" ], "88187000": [ "Collis-Nissen operation for hiatal hernia repair with esophagogastroplasty", "Collis-Nissen operation for hiatal hernia repair with oesophagogastroplasty", "Collis-Nissen procedure", "Longitudinal gastroplasty with total fundoplication", "Collis-Nissen 手术", "Collis-Nissen 手术联合食管胃成形术修复食管裂孔疝", "纵向胃成形术及全胃底折叠术" ], "104571000": [ "Cardiolipins measurement", "心磷脂测量" ], "73638008": [ "11-deoxycortisol measurement", "11-脱氧皮质醇测量" ], "170107008": [ "Child examination - 10 days", "儿童检查 - 10 天" ], "608805000": [ "Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy with repair of cystocele", "Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy with repair of cystocoele", "腹腔镜辅助阴道子宫切除术及膀胱膨出修补术" ], "1231397001": [ "Arthroplasty of hip joint using robotic assistance", "Repair of joint of hip using robotic assistance", "使用机器人辅助进行髋关节置换术", "利用机器人辅助修复髋关节" ], "20816008": [ "Esophageal manometry", "Oesophageal manometry", "OM - Oesophageal manometry", "OM - Esophageal manometry", "OM-食管测压", "食管测压" ], "250192008": [ "Detection of fibrinogen", "纤维蛋白原检测" ], "313893004": [ "90 minute serum LH level", "90 minute serum LH measurement", "90 minute serum luteinizing hormone measurement", "90 minute serum luteinising hormone measurement", "90 分钟血清 LH 测量", "90 分钟血清 LH 水平", "90 分钟血清促黄体激素测量" ], "428581004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal ablation of accessory pathway", "经皮腔内旁路消融术" ], "33530001": [ "Modified Schober test", "Schober's test", "改良 Schober 试验", "肖伯氏试验" ], "49914005": [ "HIV-1 radioimmunoprecipitation assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 radioimmunoprecipitation assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 radioimmunoprecipitation assay", "HIV-1放射免疫沉淀试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型放射免疫沉淀试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒HIV-1放射免疫沉淀试验" ], "17146006": [ "Arterial pressure monitoring, non-invasive method", "Non-invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring", "BP - Non-invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring", "NIBP - Non-invasive blood pressure monitoring", "BP——无创动脉血压监测", "NIBP——无创血压监测", "无创动脉血压监测", "动脉压监测,非侵入性方法" ], "762008": [ "Computerized axial tomography of cervical spine with contrast", "Computerised axial tomography of cervical spine with contrast", "CT of cervical spine with contrast", "Computed tomography of cervical spine with contrast", "颈椎增强计算机断层扫描", "颈椎增强 CT 扫描", "颈椎增强计算机轴向断层扫描", "颈椎计算机轴向断层扫描" ], "310223003": [ "Repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia using sutures", "缝合修复先天性膈疝" ], "392143003": [ "Exploration of aorta", "主动脉探查" ], "423076000": [ "Medication prescription education, guidance and counseling", "Medication prescription education, guidance and counselling", "Medication prescription teaching, guidance and counselling", "Medication prescription teaching, guidance and counseling", "药物处方教育、指导和咨询", "药物处方教学、指导和咨询" ], "31695008": [ "Hypotension, induction and maintenance", "低血压的诱导和维持" ], "241017001": [ "Reconstruction of nail bed with free flap", "游离皮瓣重建甲床" ], "765305001": [ "Static radionuclide imaging of spleen using technetium (99m-Tc)", "使用锝(99m-Tc)对脾脏进行静态放射性核素成像" ], "388473006": [ "c71 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Insulin (bovine) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Insulin (bovine) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "c71 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "胰岛素(牛)特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "胰岛素(牛)特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "306553007": [ "Discharge by hospital physiotherapist", "Discharge by hospital-based physiotherapist", "医院理疗师出院", "医院物理治疗师出院" ], "1287758000": [ "Neurovascular island sensory skin flap to neck", "颈部血管神经岛状感觉皮瓣" ], "173646008": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic balloon dilation of oesophagus", "Fiberoptic esophagoscopy and balloon dilatation", "Fiberoptic endoscopic balloon dilation of esophagus", "Fibreoptic oesophagoscopy and balloon dilatation", "纤维内镜食管球囊扩张术", "纤维食管镜检查和球囊扩张术", "纤维光导食管镜检查和球囊扩张术" ], "763470009": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of popliteal vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "Fluoroscopic venogram of popliteal vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "用造影剂插入金属支架进行腘静脉荧光镜静脉造影", "植入金属支架进行腘静脉荧光造影" ], "386638009": [ "Obstetric operation", "Childbirth operation", "Obstetric operations", "Pregnancy operation", "产科手术", "分娩手术", "妊娠手术" ], "450339006": [ "Secondary decompression of peripheral nerve", "周围神经二次减压" ], "24355008": [ "Thromboendarterectomy of coronary artery by open chest approach", "Endarterectomy of coronary artery by open chest approach", "Removal of coronary artery obstruction by open chest approach", "Open coronary artery endarterectomy", "开胸入路冠状动脉血栓内膜切除术", "开放式冠状动脉内膜切除术", "开胸手术去除冠状动脉阻塞", "开胸入路冠状动脉内膜切除术" ], "448504002": [ "External fixation of scapula", "肩胛骨外固定" ], "88056004": [ "Arthroplasty of knee with constrained prosthesis", "Arthroplasty of knee with constrained prosthesis, Walldius type", "限制性假体膝关节置换术", "限制性假体膝关节置换术,Walldius 型" ], "38904005": [ "Removal of urinary system device", "泌尿系统装置移除" ], "301048006": [ "Revision fixation of fracture of vertebra with plate", "脊椎骨折翻修钢板固定术" ], "104440007": [ "11-hydroxyandrostenedione measurement", "11-羟基雄烯二酮测量" ], "235512008": [ "Direct measurement of pancreatic parenchymal pressure", "直接测量胰腺实质压力" ], "430285001": [ "Aspiration of intracranial substance", "颅内物质吸入" ], "397517002": [ "Conductive keratoplasty", "CK - conductive keratoplasty", "传导性角膜移植术", "CK-- 传导性角膜移植术" ], "708813000": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of lung", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of lung using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮肺细针穿刺活检", "使用影像引导进行经皮肺细针穿刺活检" ], "413901008": [ "CT of elbow, left", "Computerized axial tomography of elbow, left", "Computerised axial tomography of elbow, left", "Computed tomography of left elbow", "左肘部 CT", "左肘部计算机轴向断层扫描", "左肘部计算机断层扫描" ], "410231007": [ "Mental health screening management", "Manage mental health screening", "心理健康筛查管理", "管理心理健康筛查" ], "179020003": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture and locked unreamed intramedullary nail fixation", "一期切开复位骨折并锁定非扩髓髓内钉固定" ], "1293132006": [ "Plain X-ray of musculoskeletal system", "肌肉骨骼系统普通 X 光检查" ], "80716007": [ "Removal of implant from finger", "从手指上取出植入物" ], "15180008": [ "Reduction of closed humeral supracondylar fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed supracondylar fracture of humerus", "闭合性肱骨髁上骨折手法复位", "闭合性肱骨髁上骨折的复位手法治疗" ], "177185001": [ "Water birth delivery", "水中分娩" ], "13345002": [ "Take-down of arterial bypass", "动脉搭桥手术" ], "439329004": [ "Excision of epiphyseal bar", "骨骺条切除术" ], "290038001": [ "Fit ear mould", "Fit ear mold", "适合耳模" ], "11510003": [ "Recement crown", "重新冠" ], "44278005": [ "Puncture aspiration of cyst of skin", "皮肤囊肿穿刺抽吸" ], "306422008": [ "Discharge by clinical hematologist", "Discharge by clinical haematologist", "临床血液科医师出院", "临床血液科医生出院" ], "304587000": [ "Excision of colonic pouch", "结肠袋切除术" ], "386507003": [ "Active listening", "积极倾听" ], "419275004": [ "MRI of urinary tract", "Magnetic resonance imaging of urinary tract", "Magnetic resonance imaging urography", "MRI urography", "泌尿道磁共振成像", "磁共振成像尿路造影", "MRI 尿路造影" ], "26059007": [ "Injection of inner ear for destruction", "Ablation of inner ear by injection of substance", "Destruction of inner ear by injection", "注射内耳进行破坏", "注射破坏内耳", "通过注射物质进行内耳消融" ], "171680002": [ "Exploration of vagus nerve (X)", "迷走神经探查(X)" ], "1269408005": [ "Fixation of veneer onto tooth using dental cement", "Cementation of veneer onto tooth", "使用牙科水泥将贴面固定到牙齿上", "将贴面粘合到牙齿上" ], "104309001": [ "Cytomegalovirus IgM antibody assay", "Serologic test for Cytomegalovirus, IgM", "Cytomegalovirus immunoglobulin M antibody assay", "巨细胞病毒免疫球蛋白M抗体检测", "巨细胞病毒 IgM 血清学检测", "巨细胞病毒 IgM 抗体检测" ], "235381007": [ "Repair of anal sphincter", "肛门括约肌修复" ], "6005008": [ "Transplantation of vitreous by anterior approach", "前入路玻璃体移植" ], "708682003": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of pelvic cavity", "Percutaneous drainage of pelvic cavity using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮盆腔穿刺引流", "影像引导下经皮盆腔引流" ], "69706004": [ "Respiratory flow volume loop measurement", "呼吸流量容积环测量" ], "118858005": [ "Procedure on vulva", "外阴手术" ], "36938005": [ "Tattooing of skin", "Pigmenting of skin", "皮肤纹身", "皮肤色素沉着" ], "233546007": [ "Needling", "Cannulation of vascular fistula, graft or prosthetic device", "血管瘘管、移植物或假体装置的插管", "针刺" ], "313631001": [ "120 minute serum glucose measurement", "120 minute serum glucose level", "120分钟血糖测量", "120 分钟血糖水平" ], "444703002": [ "Core needle biopsy using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided core needle biopsy", "MRI 引导下芯针活检", "使用磁共振成像引导的芯针活检" ], "723231001": [ "Osteopathic cranial manipulative medicine", "Osteopathic cranial technique", "整骨颅骨技术", "整骨颅骨手法医学" ], "117023006": [ "Thick film peripheral blood smear", "厚膜外周血涂片" ], "408265000": [ "CM1 IgG level", "CM1 IgG measurement", "Centrocyte marker 1 immunoglobulin G measurement", "中心细胞标志物 1 免疫球蛋白 G 测量", "CM1 IgG 水平", "CM1 IgG 测量" ], "410100009": [ "Reality orientation education", "Teach reality orientation", "教授现实导向", "现实导向教育" ], "64201008": [ "Release of urethral stricture", "尿道狭窄的松解" ], "765043005": [ "Angiography of left suprarenal artery", "Angiogram of left adrenal artery", "Angiography of left adrenal artery", "Angiogram of left suprarenal artery", "Arteriography of left adrenal artery", "Arteriography of left suprarenal artery", "左肾上腺动脉造影", "左肾上动脉血管造影", "左肾上动脉造影", "左肾上腺动脉血管造影" ], "304456000": [ "Interferential to foot", "对足部有干扰" ], "306291008": [ "Referral to child and adolescent psychiatrist", "Referral to child psychiatrist", "转诊至儿童精神科医生", "转诊至儿童和青少年精神科医生" ], "715891009": [ "Ultrasonography guided injection of facet joint", "Injection of facet joint using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下小关节注射", "使用超声引导进行小关节注射" ], "25928001": [ "Physical medicine initial examination for prosthetic program", "Physical medicine initial examination for prosthetic programme", "假肢项目的物理医学初步检查" ], "386376007": [ "Oral health promotion", "促进口腔健康" ], "7709002": [ "Transfer of finger to opposite hand with amputation", "Transplant of finger to opposite hand with amputation", "将手指移植到截肢的另一只手", "截肢后将手指移至另一只手" ], "171549002": [ "Ventriculography of brain", "Cerebral ventriculography", "脑室造影" ], "122397002": [ "Parainfluenza virus culture", "副流感病毒培养" ], "433693008": [ "Active warming of subject using peritoneal dialysis fluid", "使用腹膜透析液对受试者进行主动加温" ], "235250001": [ "Gastric lavage with instillation of therapeutic substance", "洗胃并滴注治疗物质" ], "302621009": [ "Closed tricuspid commissurotomy", "闭式三尖瓣分离术" ], "400925008": [ "Dissimilar target test", "异种目标测试" ], "104178000": [ "Bacterial culture", "Culture for bacteria", "细菌培养" ], "24093008": [ "Correction of inverted nipples", "Eversion of nipple", "乳头内陷的矫正", "乳头外翻" ], "284402006": [ "Examination of ankle joint", "踝关节检查" ], "448242007": [ "Repositioning of cardiac pacemaker lead using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导重新定位心脏起搏器导线" ], "169714009": [ "Antenatal 20 week examination", "产前20周检查" ], "315335004": [ "Administration of booster dose of Japanese encephalitis vaccine", "Japanese encephalitis booster vaccination", "Japanese encephalitis booster immunization", "Japanese encephalitis booster immunisation", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Japanese encephalitis virus antigen", "日本脑炎加强免疫", "日本脑炎疫苗加强针注射", "仅含日本脑炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量接种", "日本脑炎加强疫苗接种" ], "233415005": [ "Adjustment of arterial stent", "动脉支架的调整" ], "774087005": [ "Assessment using ABCD2 (Age, Blood pressure, Clinical features, Duration, Diabetes) score", "Assessment using Age, Blood pressure, Clinical features, Duration, Diabetes 2 score", "Assessment using ABCD2 (Age, Blood pressure, Clinical features, Duration, Diabetes) stroke risk score", "使用 ABCD2(年龄、血压、临床特征、持续时间、糖尿病)评分进行评估", "根据年龄、血压、临床特征、病程、糖尿病 2 评分进行评估", "使用 ABCD2(年龄、血压、临床特征、持续时间、糖尿病)中风风险评分进行评估" ], "1263772002": [ "Restoration of tooth using composite resin crown", "Restoration of tooth using resin composite crown", "使用复合树脂冠修复牙齿", "用树脂复合冠修复牙齿" ], "231580004": [ "Operations on lateral canthus", "外眼角手术" ], "313500004": [ "Urine protein/creatinine ratio measurement", "Urine protein/creatinine ratio", "尿蛋白/肌酐比率测量", "尿蛋白/肌酐比率" ], "444572006": [ "Drainage of fascia", "筋膜引流" ], "329884007": [ "Incision and exploration of common bile duct for relief of obstruction", "切开并探查胆管以解除梗阻" ], "311665008": [ "Self-cueing exercises", "自我提示练习" ], "442737009": [ "Appendicovesicostomy", "Mitrofanoff appendicovesicostomy", "Mitrofanoff construction of continent urinary reservoir", "米特罗法诺夫建造大陆尿库", "米特罗法诺夫阑尾膀胱造口术", "阑尾膀胱造口术" ], "258843000": [ "Cohen reimplantation of ureter", "科恩输尿管再植术" ], "307995002": [ "Excision of lesion of mastectomy scar", "乳房切除术后疤痕病变切除术" ], "275227003": [ "Myocardial revascularisation", "Myocardial revascularization", "心肌血运重建" ], "1209115004": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to first and third obtuse marginal branches of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to first and third obtuse marginal branches of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to first and third obtuse marginal branches of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to first and third obtuse marginal branches of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支第一、三钝缘支的顺序吻合", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支第一和第三钝缘支", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支第一和第三钝缘支", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支第一、三钝缘支的序贯吻合术" ], "439067005": [ "Secondary repair of extensor tendon of lower limb", "下肢伸肌腱二期修复" ], "766747005": [ "Exploration of bilateral adrenal glands", "双侧肾上腺探查" ], "226075008": [ "Dietary intake assessment using food photographs", "使用食物照片评估饮食摄入量" ], "306160005": [ "Referral to podiatry service", "Referral to chiropody service", "Refer to podiatry", "转介至足病治疗服务", "参考足病科" ], "715760007": [ "Facilitation of development of supportive relationship", "促进支持关系的发展" ], "420848008": [ "Antimalarial prophylaxis", "Malarial prophylaxis", "Anti-malarial prophylaxis", "Antimalarial drug prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic antimalarial", "预防性抗疟药物的使用", "抗疟药物预防", "疟疾预防", "抗疟预防" ], "764912007": [ "Obturator nerve block using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下闭孔神经阻滞" ], "386245003": [ "Community health development", "社区卫生发展" ], "91333005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of thoracic spine with contrast", "MRI of thoracic spine with contrast", "胸椎增强磁共振成像", "胸椎增强 MRI" ], "287941006": [ "Salpingotomy - drainage", "输卵管切开术 - 引流" ], "42181007": [ "Excision of tumor of soft tissue of back", "Excision of tumour of soft tissue of back", "背部软组织肿瘤切除术" ], "173253009": [ "Reconstruction of lip using rotation advancement flap", "Reconstruction of lip with rotation advancement flap", "旋转推进皮瓣修复唇部缺损", "旋转推进皮瓣唇部重建术" ], "744858004": [ "Tobramycin desensitization therapy", "Tobramycin desensitisation therapy", "妥布霉素脱敏疗法" ], "122266004": [ "Neisseria gonorrhoeae culture", "淋病奈瑟菌培养" ], "73114005": [ "Preparation of sensitized RBC for complement fixation", "Preparation of sensitised RBC for complement fixation", "Preparation of sensitized red blood cells for complement fixation", "Preparation of sensitised red blood cells for complement fixation", "致敏红细胞的制备用于补体固定" ], "236954006": [ "Diagnostic amniocentesis with fluid replacement", "诊断性羊膜穿刺术及补液" ], "302490008": [ "Endoscopic meniscectomy operations", "Arthroscopic meniscectomy", "关节镜半月板切除术", "内窥镜半月板切除手术" ], "22127001": [ "Extraction of secondary membrane by mechanical fragmentation", "Extraction of secondary membrane by phacofragmentation", "Extraction of after cataract by mechanical fragmentation", "Extraction of after cataract by phacofragmentation", "通过晶状体碎裂法提取次级膜", "机械碎裂法摘除后发性白内障", "晶状体碎裂术摘除后发性白内障", "通过机械破碎提取次级膜" ], "87663001": [ "External fetal monitor surveillance during multiple pregnancy", "External foetal monitor surveillance during multiple pregnancy", "多胎妊娠期间的外部胎儿监护" ], "171418009": [ "Examination of research control", "研究控制审查" ], "104047002": [ "P blood group antibody identification", "P 血型抗体鉴定" ], "431727003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of graft using contrast with insertion of stent", "植入支架后进行造影剂荧光血管造影" ], "233284000": [ "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of superior femoral artery", "Percutaneous angioplasty of superficial femoral artery", "PTA - Percutaneous angioplasty of superficial femoral artery", "经皮股上动脉球囊成形术", "经皮股浅动脉血管成形术", "PTA-- 经皮股浅动脉血管成形术" ], "448111009": [ "Suturing of ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint", "掌指关节韧带缝合" ], "1281860000": [ "Counseling about breathing techniques for relaxation", "Counselling about breathing techniques for relaxation", "关于放松呼吸技巧的咨询" ], "315204007": [ "VDRL titer", "VDRL titre", "Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) titer", "Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) titre", "Venereal Disease Research Laboratory titer", "病毒滴度", "VDRL 标题", "性病研究实验室滴度", "性病研究实验室 (VDRL) 滴度" ], "870425000": [ "qEEG - quantitative electroencephalogram", "Quantitative electroencephalogram", "定量脑电图", "qEEG-定量脑电图" ], "215065003": [ "Chondrectomy of foot and toe", "足及趾软骨切除术" ], "428057004": [ "Insertion of stent into aorta", "将支架插入主动脉" ], "444441005": [ "Radionuclide imaging with computed tomography attenuation correction and diagnostic study", "放射性核素成像与计算机断层扫描衰减校正及诊断研究" ], "426222000": [ "Fitting of dental crown to tooth", "将牙冠安装到牙齿上" ], "229614000": [ "Protection of stump technique", "保护树桩技术" ], "82158006": [ "Petrous apicectomy including radical mastoidectomy", "岩尖切除术,包括根治性乳突切除术" ], "113091000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging", "MRI", "MR - Magnetic resonance", "MRI - Magnetic resonance imaging", "NMR - Nuclear magnetic resonance", "Magnetic resonance study", "MRI - 磁共振成像", "磁共振研究", "NMR - 核磁共振", "磁共振成像", "MR - 磁共振" ], "63939001": [ "Repair of uterine ligaments by plication", "折叠术修复子宫韧带" ], "309699002": [ "Intramuscular injection of methotrexate", "肌内注射甲氨蝶呤" ], "276931008": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of internal iliac artery", "经皮髂内动脉内膜切除术" ], "406168002": [ "Dialysis access maintenance", "Dialysis access site care", "透析通路部位护理", "透析通路维护" ], "45720008": [ "Implantation of electrode into cardiac ventricle, replacement", "Insertion of electrode into heart ventricle, replacement", "将电极插入心室,更换", "心室内植入电极、更换" ], "78488009": [ "Incision of pleura", "Incision of pleural membrane", "胸膜切开术" ], "699245006": [ "Emergency hospital admission for ischemic heart disease", "Emergency hospital admission for ischaemic heart disease", "缺血性心脏病紧急入院" ], "306029008": [ "Referral from cardiac rehabilitation nurse", "Referral by cardiac rehabilitation nurse", "心脏康复护士转诊" ], "42050001": [ "Cricoidectomy", "环状软骨切除术" ], "1172546004": [ "Administration of prophylactic drug or medicament for gastrointestinal disorder", "给予预防性药物或治疗胃肠道疾病的药物" ], "417047001": [ "Prolotherapy", "增殖疗法" ], "287810009": [ "Gastric anastomosis revision", "胃吻合口修复" ], "122135002": [ "Trichinella spiralis antibody assay", "Measurement of Trichinella spiralis antibody", "旋毛虫抗体测定" ], "56599004": [ "Sesamoidectomy of first toe", "第一趾籽骨切除术" ], "89367004": [ "Correction of bunionette", "小拇趾外翻矫正" ], "302359007": [ "Ligation of penile veins", "阴茎静脉结扎" ], "7447008": [ "Immunosuppressive therapy for transplant", "Transplant immunosuppression", "移植的免疫抑制治疗", "移植免疫抑制" ], "103916001": [ "Jk3 blood group typing", "Jk3血型分型" ], "447980000": [ "Excision of joint of foot", "Arthrectomy of foot", "足关节切除术" ], "236823008": [ "Female genital and obstetric procedures", "女性生殖器和产科手术" ], "431596004": [ "Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of pulmonary artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮肺动脉机械血栓切除术(荧光造影引导)" ], "710124007": [ "Promoting use of progressive muscle relaxation technique", "Promotion of use of progressive muscle relaxation technique", "推广使用渐进式肌肉放松技术" ], "87532009": [ "Serotonin release assay for platelet antibody", "血小板抗体血清素释放试验" ], "1052353005": [ "Application of skin traction to right lower limb", "皮牵引在右下肢的应用" ], "233153006": [ "Resection of conduit aneurysm", "导管动脉瘤切除术" ], "429761006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal closure of defect of interatrial septum using prosthesis", "经皮腔内人工房间隔缺损封堵术" ], "395158000": [ "Prothrombin gene (20210) screen", "凝血酶原基因(20210)筛查" ], "315073006": [ "Bordetella pertussis antibody level", "百日咳杆菌抗体水平" ], "118465009": [ "Reduction of closed fracture without manipulation", "无需手法复位闭合性骨折" ], "231318003": [ "Wound infiltration", "伤口浸润" ], "444310005": [ "Gene tracking", "基因追踪" ], "280470006": [ "Ankle reoperations", "Revision of ankle arthroplasty", "踝关节再次手术", "踝关节置换术修复" ], "165782008": [ "Wassermann's test", "WR - Wassermann reaction", "Wassermann reaction", "水瓶座的考验", "Wassermann反应", "WR - 瓦瑟曼反应" ], "229483006": [ "Ankle stretching", "脚踝伸展" ], "82027008": [ "Iridectomy with filtering operation for glaucoma", "虹膜切除术及滤过手术治疗青光眼" ], "112960000": [ "Reconstruction of conjunctival cul-de-sac with graft", "结膜穹窿重建术" ], "178496003": [ "Traction for fracture of jaw", "颌骨骨折牵引治疗" ], "29205000": [ "Proctopexy for prolapse by perineal approach", "经会阴入路直肠固定术治疗脱垂" ], "309568009": [ "Delayed discharge - social services", "延迟出院 - 社会服务" ], "176661003": [ "Stretching of hymen", "处女膜拉伸" ], "274965006": [ "Zancolli reconstruction stage 2", "Zancolli 重建第二阶段" ], "45589008": [ "Operation on thymus", "Thymus gland operation", "Thymus operation", "胸腺手术" ], "699114003": [ "Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行腹主动脉瘤的血管内修复" ], "125674004": [ "Scapula excision", "肩胛骨切除术" ], "58303000": [ "Anastomosis of gallbladder to hepatic ducts", "胆囊与肝管吻合术" ], "385983001": [ "Employment related procedures", "Employment treatments and procedures", "就业待遇和程序", "就业相关程序" ], "174826008": [ "Arterial switch operation", "Repositioning of transposed great vessels", "大血管移位复位", "动脉调转手术" ], "404202009": [ "Ligation of aneurysm of femoral artery", "股动脉瘤结扎术" ], "172991009": [ "Laryngofissure and chordectomy of vocal chord", "Laryngofissure and cordectomy of vocal cord", "喉裂及声带切除术", "喉裂伤及声带切除术" ], "449684003": [ "Debridement of open fracture of lower limb", "下肢开放性骨折清创术" ], "7316003": [ "Bone marrow aspiration procedure, tibia", "胫骨骨髓穿刺术" ], "40084009": [ "Colony forming unit assay", "Hematopoietic growth factor assay", "CFU assay", "Haematopoietic growth factor assay", "造血生长因子测定", "菌落形成单位测定", "CFU 检测" ], "38249004": [ "Repair with vein graft of intra-abdominal artery", "腹腔内动脉静脉移植修复" ], "431465006": [ "Administration of substance via nasogastric route", "通过鼻胃管给药" ], "233022006": [ "Fontan operation with conduit from right atrium to pulmonary artery", "Construction of conduit - right atrium to pulmonary trunk", "Creation of shunt of right atrium and pulmonary artery", "导管建设-右心房至肺动脉干", "建立右心房与肺动脉分流术", "用导管从右心房至肺动脉进行 Fontan 手术" ], "446014007": [ "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and dilation of oesophageal stricture", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and dilation of esophageal stricture", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and dilation of oesophageal stricture", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and dilation of esophageal stricture", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及食管狭窄扩张术", "上消化道内镜检查及食管狭窄扩张术" ], "1148691001": [ "Coronary artery bypass grafting using free right internal thoracic artery graft from aorta to posterior descending artery", "Anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from aorta to PDA (posterior descending artery)", "Anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from aorta to posterior descending artery", "使用从主动脉到后降支的游离右胸内动脉移植进行冠状动脉搭桥术", "将游离的 RIMA(右内乳动脉)从主动脉吻合至 PDA(后降支动脉)", "游离右乳内动脉从主动脉至后降支动脉的吻合术" ], "83731004": [ "Incision of aponeurosis", "Aponeurotomy", "腱膜切开术", "腱膜切开" ], "11931000087101": [ "Biopsy of left adrenal gland using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of left adrenal gland", "超声引导下左肾上腺活检" ], "313107007": [ "Folic acid advice - pre-pregnancy", "Pre-pregnancy folic acid education", "叶酸建议 - 怀孕前", "孕前叶酸教育" ], "444179007": [ "Insertion of dual chamber cardiac pacemaker pulse generator", "插入双腔心脏起搏器脉冲发生器" ], "1811008": [ "Aspiration of bursa of hand", "Bursocentesis of hand", "Drainage of bursa of hand by aspiration", "手部滑囊抽吸引流", "手部滑囊穿刺术", "手部滑囊抽吸术" ], "231187008": [ "Local anesthetic common digital nerve block in the foot", "Local anaesthetic common digital nerve block in the foot", "Metatarsal nerve block", "Common digital nerve block in the foot", "足部常见数字神经阻滞", "局部麻醉常用脚部神经阻滞", "跖骨神经阻滞", "局部麻醉常用足部指神经阻滞" ], "34971000087107": [ "Referral for organ donation", "器官捐赠转介" ], "6811000087108": [ "Computed tomography guided biopsy of left lower limb", "Computed tomography and biopsy of left lower limb", "Biopsy of left lower limb using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided biopsy of left lower limb", "左下肢 CT 引导下活检", "左下肢计算机断层扫描和活检", "CT引导下左下肢活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行左下肢活检" ], "1691000087109": [ "Ultrasonography of both thighs", "Ultrasound of left and right thigh", "Ultrasound scan of left and right thigh", "Ultrasonography of bilateral thighs", "双腿超声检查", "左、右大腿超声波扫描", "双侧大腿超声检查", "左右大腿超声检查" ], "2971000087105": [ "MRI of bilateral upper arms", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral upper arms", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both upper arms", "双侧上臂磁共振成像", "双侧上臂 MRI", "双上臂磁共振成像" ], "1179624004": [ "Localization of sentinel lymph node using ultrasonographic guidance with microbubble contrast", "Localisation of sentinel lymph node using ultrasonographic guidance with microbubble contrast", "Ultrasonography guided localisation of sentinel lymph node with microbubble contrast", "Ultrasonography guided localization of sentinel lymph node with microbubble contrast", "超声引导微泡造影定位前哨淋巴结", "使用超声引导微泡造影定位前哨淋巴结", "超声引导下微泡造影定位哨兵淋巴结" ], "473277000": [ "Laparoscopic excision of hydrosalpinx", "腹腔镜输卵管积水切除术" ], "229352006": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the wrist", "Accessory mobilization of the wrist", "腕关节辅助活动" ], "112829004": [ "Exploration of vein of head and neck", "头颈部静脉探查" ], "391357007": [ "24 hour urine arsenic output", "24小时尿砷排出量" ], "702653009": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of lower limb joint", "下肢关节X线透视关节造影" ], "225682003": [ "Bathing area around eye", "眼睛周围沐浴区域" ], "76391001": [ "Excision of lesion of capsule of foot", "Excision of lesion of fibrous sheath of foot", "足部关节囊病变切除术", "足部纤维鞘病变切除术" ], "1256039001": [ "Restoration of tooth using metal overlay", "使用金属覆盖物修复牙齿" ], "387687001": [ "Surgical manipulation of joint", "MUA - Manipulation of joint under anaesthetic", "MUA - Manipulation of joint under anesthetic", "关节手术", "MUA - 麻醉下关节操作" ], "698983008": [ "Neurovascular island sensory skin flap", "血管神经岛状感觉皮瓣" ], "10855008": [ "Bypass graft with artificial transplant", "人工移植旁路移植术" ], "780903008": [ "Harvest of bone graft from tarsal bone and metatarsal bone", "从跗骨和跖骨获取骨移植" ], "715367008": [ "Assessment using Stocker Probe Technique", "使用 Stocker 探测技术进行评估" ], "385852004": [ "Chest physiotherapy education", "Teach chest physiotherapy", "教授胸部物理治疗", "胸部物理治疗教育" ], "74556005": [ "Thromboendarterectomy", "TEA - Thromboendarterectomy", "TEA-- 血栓内膜切除术", "血栓动脉内膜切除术" ], "287548008": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of spleen", "经皮脾脏穿刺活检" ], "252945001": [ "Sperm-cervical mucus capillary tube test", "Spermatozoa cervical mucus capillary tube test", "精子宫颈粘液毛细管试验", "精子宫颈粘液毛细管检查" ], "433169002": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of clavicular region", "Ultrasonography of clavicular region", "锁骨区超声检查", "锁骨区超声检查(美国)" ], "121873004": [ "Tryptase measurement", "类胰蛋白酶测量" ], "431334003": [ "Radionuclide imaging of small intestine for Meckel diverticulum", "小肠放射性核素显像诊断梅克尔憩室" ], "185574004": [ "Child development - second default recall", "儿童发展-第二次违约召回" ], "120038005": [ "Cervix excision", "Excision of cervix", "Excision of cervix uteri", "宫颈切除术" ], "169190006": [ "Enzyme radioimmunoassay", "酶放射免疫分析法" ], "234726008": [ "Occlusal adjustment", "咬合调整" ], "3515001": [ "Replacement of electronic heart device, pulse generator", "Replacement of pacemaker pulse generator", "更换起搏器脉冲发生器", "更换电子心脏装置、脉冲发生器" ], "265659001": [ "Distant myocutaneous flap", "Distant flap of skin and muscle", "远处皮肤和肌肉瓣", "远端肌皮瓣" ], "232891003": [ "Operation on atrioventricular valve chordae tendinae", "Operation on atrioventricular valve cords", "Operation on atrioventricular valve chords", "房室瓣膜手术", "房室瓣腱索手术" ], "429499003": [ "Placement of stent in circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "左冠状动脉回旋支支架置入术" ], "69051005": [ "Repair of pulmonary heart valve with prosthesis in total repair of tetralogy of Fallot", "Replacement of pulmonary heart valve in total repair of tetralogy of Fallot", "法洛四联症全修复术中肺心瓣置换术", "法洛四联症全修复术中人工肺心瓣修复" ], "709862009": [ "Angioplasty of arteriovenous fistula using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of arteriovenous fistula with contrast", "荧光造影引导下动静脉瘘血管成形术" ], "282043004": [ "Drainage of dental abscess", "Drain tooth abscess", "牙脓肿引流", "引流牙齿脓肿" ], "1680000": [ "Secondary chemoprophylaxis", "二级化学预防" ], "34448000": [ "Serologic test for respiratory syncytial virus", "Respiratory syncytial virus antibody assay", "呼吸道合胞病毒抗体测定", "呼吸道合胞病毒血清学检测" ], "52667004": [ "Sigmoidosigmoidostomy", "乙状结肠造口术" ], "413115009": [ "Laparoscopic pelvic lymph biopsy", "腹腔镜盆腔淋巴活检" ], "85435009": [ "Suture of intestine", "Enterorrhaphy", "肠缝合术", "肠道缝合" ], "771728005": [ "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using synthetic mesh for recurrent epigastric hernia", "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent epigastric hernia using synthetic mesh", "腹腔镜下合成网片修补复发性上腹疝", "使用合成网片进行腹腔镜疝修补术治疗复发性上腹疝" ], "427664000": [ "IVF - In vitro fertilisation using donor sperm", "IVF - In vitro fertilization using donor sperm", "In vitro fertilisation using donor sperm", "In vitro fertilization using donor sperm", "In vitro fertilisation using donor spermatozoa", "In vitro fertilization using donor spermatozoa", "IVF-使用捐献者精子进行体外受精", "使用捐献精子进行体外受精", "使用供体精子进行体外受精", "IVF——使用捐献者精子进行体外受精" ], "231056009": [ "Revision of shunt in spinal syrinx", "脊髓空洞分流术修复" ], "65381004": [ "Intra-articular radionuclide therapy", "关节内放射性核素治疗" ], "48997007": [ "Quantitative microbial culture, droplet method", "定量微生物培养,液滴法" ], "229221008": [ "Group trust experience games", "团体信任体验游戏" ], "112698002": [ "Operation on joint", "Operation on joint structures", "Joint operation", "关节手术", "联合结构上的操作", "联合行动" ], "30778003": [ "Exploration of fascia", "筋膜探查" ], "702522002": [ "Computed tomography of lumbar spine and pelvis with contrast", "CT of lumbar spine and pelvis with contrast", "腰椎和骨盆增强计算机断层扫描", "腰椎和骨盆增强 CT 检查" ], "243770007": [ "Gonadal vein sampling catheter", "Gonadal vein sampling catheter procedure", "性腺静脉取样导管", "性腺静脉取样导管手术" ], "1144890008": [ "Anastomosis of right internal thoracic artery to posterior descending artery", "Anastomosis of right internal mammary artery to posterior descending artery", "Anastomosis of RIMA (right internal mammary artery) to PDA (posterior descending artery)", "右乳内动脉与乳后降支吻合术", "右胸廓内动脉与后降支动脉吻合术", "RIMA(右内乳动脉)与 PDA(后降支动脉)吻合" ], "391226009": [ "Mental health support no facilitation - 1-2 contacts/week", "心理健康支持无需协助 - 每周 1-2 次联系" ], "407610007": [ "Endometrial microwave ablation", "子宫内膜微波消融术" ], "766223002": [ "Radionuclide imaging of parathyroid using technetium (99m-Tc) and thallium-201", "使用锝(99m-Tc)和铊-201对甲状旁腺进行放射性核素显像" ], "176399003": [ "Cauterisation of lesion of scrotum", "Cauterization of lesion of scrotum", "阴囊损伤烧灼术" ], "1290511005": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of elbow joint region", "肘关节区骨骼的普通 X 光检查" ], "174564003": [ "Revision of anastomosis of common bile duct", "胆总管吻合口修复术" ], "76260005": [ "Physiatric hyperextension of joint", "关节物理性过伸" ], "698852005": [ "Repair of pseudoaneurysm of femoral artery", "股动脉假性动脉瘤修补术" ], "10724008": [ "Microsurgery", "Microsurgical procedure", "显微外科", "显微外科手术" ], "238265001": [ "Drainage of diverticular abscess", "Drainage of peridiverticular abscess", "憩室周围脓肿引流", "憩室脓肿引流" ], "287417002": [ "External maxillary antrostomy", "上颌外部造口术" ], "385721005": [ "Coping support assessment", "Assess coping support", "评估应对支持", "应对支持评估" ], "8889005": [ "Excisional biopsy", "切除活检" ], "271033005": [ "Plasma volume level", "Plasma volume measurement", "血浆体积测量", "等离子音量" ], "56206003": [ "Hemimaxillectomy with bone graft or with prosthesis", "半上颌骨切除术加骨移植或假体植入" ], "252814004": [ "Electrodiagnostic test", "电诊断测试" ], "449422005": [ "Endoscopic removal of calculus from biliary tract", "内镜胆道结石取出术" ], "88974005": [ "Repair of cisterna chyli", "乳糜池修复" ], "121742007": [ "Beta-2-transferrin measurement", "β-2-转铁蛋白测量" ], "119907000": [ "Anus manipulation", "肛门操作" ], "105358007": [ "Zirconium measurement", "锆测量" ], "21603002": [ "Plasma radioiron turnover rate", "Plasma radioiron disappearance rate", "Plasma radioiron clearance", "Ferrokinetics", "Radionuclide iron turnover studies", "Iron turnover studies", "血浆放射性铁周转率", "血浆放射性铁清除率", "放射性核素铁周转研究", "血浆放射性铁消失率", "铁周转研究", "铁动力学" ], "70755000": [ "Hospital admission, by legal authority (commitment)", "依法入院(承诺)" ], "431203004": [ "Injection of tendon using ultrasound guidance", "Injection of tendon using ultrasound (US) guidance", "使用超声引导进行肌腱注射" ], "232760000": [ "Closure of true mitral cleft", "真性二尖瓣裂隙闭合" ], "118072002": [ "HIV 2 p53 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 p53 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 protein 53 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型蛋白 53 抗体的测定", "HIV 2 p53 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 2 p53 抗体检测" ], "183608005": [ "Refer to acupuncture", "参考针灸" ], "52536006": [ "Mediastinal tracheostomy", "纵隔气管切开术" ], "438771000124103": [ "Vitamin B12 supplement therapy", "维生素B12补充疗法" ], "412984005": [ "Serum C1-esterase activity", "血清 C1-酯酶活性" ], "265528006": [ "Reconstruction of femoral artery or popliteal artery", "股动脉或腘动脉重建" ], "116237003": [ "Excisional biopsy of lesion of rectum by transanal approach", "经肛门直肠病变切除活检" ], "441331000124108": [ "Counselling about nutrition using cognitive restructuring strategy", "Counseling about nutrition using cognitive restructuring strategy", "使用认知重构策略进行营养咨询" ], "1230349005": [ "Assessment using World Health Organization performance status scale", "Assessment using WHO performance status scale", "使用世界卫生组织体能状态量表进行评估", "采用 WHO 体能状态量表进行评估" ], "437491000124107": [ "Arginine modified diet", "精氨酸改良饮食" ], "67085004": [ "Excision of glomus jugulare tumor", "Glomectomy jugulare", "Excision of glomus jugulare tumour", "Excision of glomus jugulare", "颈静脉球切除术", "颈静脉球瘤切除术", "颈静脉肾切除术" ], "443917009": [ "Pharmacological challenge with Class l antiarrhythmic drug to unmask ST elevation", "使用 I 类抗心律失常药物进行药理学挑战以揭示 ST 段抬高" ], "230925009": [ "Angioscopy of intracranial artery", "颅内动脉血管镜检查" ], "229090006": [ "McConnells exercises", "麦康奈尔的演习" ], "341943002": [ "Atrioventriculostomy", "房室造口术" ], "866231008": [ "Injection into vertebral region of back using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided spinal injection", "CT guided injection into vertebral region of back", "CT引导脊柱注射", "CT 引导下背部椎骨区域注射", "使用计算机断层扫描引导向背部椎骨区域注射" ], "178103008": [ "Aspiration of ganglion - hand", "手部神经节抽吸术" ], "176268002": [ "Open biopsy of prostate", "前列腺开放活检" ], "225420001": [ "Application of anti-embolic stockings", "TED - Application of TED support stockings", "Application of antithromboembolic stockings", "Anti-embolism compression stockings (TED) application", "抗血栓栓塞袜的应用", "抗血栓压力袜(TED)的应用", "TED - TED 弹力袜的应用", "抗栓塞袜的应用" ], "28812006": [ "Hemodialysis training", "Haemodialysis training", "Hemodialysis education", "Haemodialysis education", "血液透析培训", "血液透析教育" ], "438412009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of vertebral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内血管成形术在荧光造影引导下进行椎动脉" ], "26977004": [ "Repair of mitral valve with prosthesis", "人工二尖瓣修复术" ], "287286003": [ "Pericardial decortication", "心包剥脱术" ], "418358004": [ "US scan and aspiration of prostate", "Ultrasound scan and aspiration of prostate", "前列腺超声波扫描及抽吸", "前列腺超声扫描和穿刺" ], "1303094005": [ "Evaluation of eligibility for adult day care program", "Evaluation of eligibility for adult day care programme", "成人日托计划资格评估" ], "172598008": [ "Cryosurgical destruction of lesion of pinna", "耳廓损伤的冷冻手术破坏" ], "449291005": [ "Chemodectomy", "Excision of extraadrenal paraganglioma", "肾上腺外副神经节瘤切除术", "化学切除术" ], "121611006": [ "Isocarboxazid measurement", "异卡波肼测量" ], "432907007": [ "Administration of substance via urethral route", "通过尿道给药" ], "119776000": [ "Aorta closure", "主动脉关闭" ], "105227009": [ "Lormetazepam measurement", "氯甲西泮测量" ], "87008008": [ "Excision of lesion of knee joint", "膝关节病变切除术" ], "724149001": [ "Fragile X chromosome screening test", "脆性X染色体筛查测试" ], "117941001": [ "Thyrotropin blocking antibody assay", "促甲状腺激素阻断抗体试验" ], "232629006": [ "Procedure for lung lesion", "肺部病变的治疗程序" ], "183477006": [ "Cardiothoracic emergency hospital admission", "心胸外科急诊入院" ], "412853007": [ "Urine pentaporphyrin excretion measurement", "Urine pentaporphyrin excretion", "尿液五卟啉排泄测定", "尿液五卟啉排泄量" ], "704095000": [ "Referral to heart failure exercise programme", "Referral to heart failure exercise program", "转诊至心力衰竭锻炼计划" ], "427402009": [ "Internal tamponade of retina using liquid", "用液体对视网膜进行内部填塞" ], "81503001": [ "Excision of lesion of uvula with simple primary closure", "切除悬雍垂病变并进行简单的一期缝合" ], "312714009": [ "Relocation of intraocular lens from vitreous cavity", "将人工晶状体从玻璃体腔移出" ], "736863001": [ "Ultrasonography Doppler pressure of left peroneal artery", "Left peroneal artery Doppler pressure", "左腓动脉多普勒压力", "超声检查左腓动脉多普勒压力" ], "48735005": [ "Thoracic aortography, positive contrast", "胸主动脉造影,阳性对比剂" ], "440116000": [ "Excision of pressure injury of ischial region with excision of ischium", "Excision of ischial pressure injury with ostectomy", "坐骨切除术治疗坐骨区压力性损伤", "坐骨压力损伤切除术" ], "735028003": [ "Excision of right testis", "Right orchidectomy", "右侧睾丸切除术", "右侧睾丸切除" ], "390964008": [ "Plasma potassium level", "血浆钾水平" ], "225289001": [ "Planning structured activities", "规划结构化活动" ], "274441001": [ "Suction drainage", "吸排水" ], "405513002": [ "Ilio-profunda artery bypass for repair of aneurysm with prosthesis", "髂深动脉搭桥术修复动脉瘤" ], "241673005": [ "MR phosphorus spectroscopy of head", "Magnetic resonance phosphorus spectroscopy of head", "头部磁共振磷光谱", "头部磁共振磷波谱分析" ], "305374000": [ "Admission to genitourinary medicine department", "Admission to STD department", "Admission to GU medicine department", "Admission to sexually transmittable diseases department", "性传播疾病科室入院", "GU 医学部入学", "泌尿生殖医学科入院", "性病科入院" ], "716809009": [ "Assessment using Hundred Pictures Naming Test", "Assessment using HPNT (Hundred Pictures Naming Test)", "使用百图命名测试进行评估", "使用 HPNT(百图命名测试)进行评估" ], "223454002": [ "Helping with activity", "Assisting with activity", "帮助活动", "协助活动" ], "16558901000119101": [ "CT guided needle aspiration of bursa of right shoulder", "Needle aspiration of bursa of right shoulder using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行右肩滑囊针吸", "CT 引导下右肩滑囊针吸术" ], "1335731006": [ "Posterior interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine", "腰椎后路椎间融合术" ], "16464181000119103": [ "Fluoroscopic angiogram of arteries of bilateral extremities with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of arteries of bilateral extremities with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriogram of bilateral extremities with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of arteries of bilateral extremities with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of arteries of both extremities with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of arteries of both extremities with contrast", "双侧肢体动脉荧光血管造影", "双侧肢体荧光血管造影", "双肢动脉荧光造影", "双肢动脉荧光血管造影", "双侧肢体动脉造影荧光血管造影" ], "713139009": [ "Assessment of risk of adverse drug interaction", "药物不良相互作用风险评估" ], "105096002": [ "Canrenone measurement", "坎利酮测量" ], "236168003": [ "Exploration of ureter", "输尿管探查" ], "427061000119108": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of right breast without contrast", "MRI of right breast without contrast", "右侧乳房无造影磁共振成像", "右乳 MRI 无造影" ], "16333621000119107": [ "Magnetic resonance angiography of pelvis without contrast", "MR angiography of pelvis without contrast", "Magnetic resonance angiogram of pelvis without contrast", "无造影剂骨盆磁共振血管造影" ], "121480007": [ "Carbidopa measurement", "卡比多巴测量" ], "711304008": [ "MRI proctography", "Magnetic resonance imaging proctography", "MRI proctogram", "MRI 直肠造影", "磁共振成像直肠造影", "MRI直肠造影" ], "119645001": [ "Wrist incision", "腕部切口" ], "54109001": [ "Repair of ostium secundum defect with tissue graft", "组织移植修复继发孔缺损" ], "252552007": [ "Cottle's test", "Cottle test", "科特尔试验", "Cottle 试验" ], "301704008": [ "Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy", "Anastomosis of hepatic duct to Roux loop of jejunum", "Hepatico-docho-jejunostomy en Y", "Y 肝管空肠吻合术", "肝管与空肠 Roux 袢吻合术", "Roux-en-Y肝空肠吻合术" ], "234333005": [ "Imperfect T-cell depleted allogeneic bone marrow graft", "不完美T细胞耗竭同种异体骨髓移植" ], "4957007": [ "Cervical spinal fusion for pseudoarthrosis", "颈椎融合术治疗假关节" ], "773170003": [ "Local excision of lesion of thorax", "胸部病​​变局部切除术" ], "443655001": [ "Excision of lesion of breast without wire guidance", "无导丝引导乳腺病灶切除术" ], "165127005": [ "Surgical biopsy - admin", "Surgical biopsy - administration", "手术活检 - admin", "手术活检 - 管理" ], "722183007": [ "Embolization of hepatic artery using selective internal radiation therapy", "Embolisation of hepatic artery using selective internal radiation therapy", "选择性内放射治疗肝动脉栓塞术" ], "17671008": [ "Laparoscopic-assisted anterior resection of rectum with colostomy", "腹腔镜辅助直肠前切除术及结肠造口术" ], "359900000": [ "Ea rosette test", "Ea玫瑰花结试验" ], "179676005": [ "Revision to open reduction of dislocation and fixation by wire", "脱位切开复位及钢丝固定术" ], "441820006": [ "Laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy", "腹腔镜辅助阴式子宫切除术及双侧输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "81372006": [ "Curettage of bone", "Shaving of bone", "骨刮除术", "骨刮削" ], "177841000": [ "Insertion of prosthesis for repair of diaphragm", "插入假体修复膈肌" ], "14001001": [ "Destructive procedure on parathyroid", "Destructive procedure on parathyroid gland", "Destruction of parathyroid gland", "甲状旁腺破坏性手术", "甲状旁腺受损" ], "79537002": [ "Operative procedure on endocrine system", "Operation on endocrine system", "Endocrine operations", "内分泌系统手术", "内分泌手术" ], "865969002": [ "Assessment using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents", "Assessment using MINI-KID (Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for Children and Adolescents)", "使用儿童和青少年简易国际神经精神病学访谈进行评估", "使用 MINI-KID(针对儿童和青少年的微型国际神经精神病学访谈)进行评估" ], "110470001": [ "Amputation above-knee, mid-thigh", "Amputation mid-thigh", "Mid thigh amputation", "MTA - Mid thigh amputation", "大腿中部截肢", "MTA-- 大腿中部截肢术", "膝盖以上、大腿中部截肢" ], "274310001": [ "Sensory mapping", "感官映射" ], "241542003": [ "CT of lungs with diagnostic pneumothorax", "Computed tomography of lungs with diagnostic pneumothorax", "肺部 CT 诊断性气胸", "诊断性气胸的肺部计算机断层扫描" ], "405382004": [ "Embolectomy of anterior tibial artery", "胫前动脉栓塞切除术" ], "176006006": [ "Construction of colonic conduit", "Ureterocolon conduit including bowel anastomosis", "结肠导管的建造", "输尿管结肠导管(包括肠吻合术)" ], "305243000": [ "Admission by pediatrician", "Admission by paediatrician", "儿科医生入院" ], "370779000": [ "Assessment of psychosocial issues specific to patient medication management", "Assesses psychosocial issues specific to patient medication management", "评估患者药物管理特有的社会心理问题" ], "174171002": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic snare resection of lesion of colon", "Fibreoptic endoscopic snare resection of lesion of colon", "纤维内镜结肠病变切除术", "纤维内镜下结肠病变圈套切除术" ], "239707003": [ "Removal of cast brace", "拆除石膏支架" ], "12091000202106": [ "Assistance with bedtime routine", "协助睡前安排" ], "61318008": [ "Anesthesia for radical orchiectomy, inguinal", "Anaesthesia for radical orchiectomy, inguinal", "根治性睾丸切除术、腹股沟麻醉", "根治性睾丸切除术、腹股沟手术的麻醉" ], "225158009": [ "Auscultation of the fetal heart", "Auscultation of the foetal heart", "胎儿心脏听诊" ], "6661001": [ "King-Steelquist hindquarter operation", "King-Steelquist 后肢手术" ], "104965001": [ "Threonine measurement", "苏氨酸测量" ], "121349001": [ "1,1-Dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane measurement", "Tetrachlorodiphenylethane measurement", "四氯二苯乙烷测量", "1,1-二氯-2,2-双(对氯苯基)乙烷测量" ], "432645006": [ "Radionuclide imaging of thyroid using iodine (123-I) percholorate", "使用碘(123-I)高氯酸盐对甲状腺进行放射性核素显像" ], "252421008": [ "Intracavitary echocardiography", "腔内超声心动图" ], "21210003": [ "Cryopreservation technique with DMSO", "Cryopreservation technique with dimethyl sulfoxide", "Cryopreservation technique with dimethyl sulphoxide", "DMSO 冷冻保存技术", "二甲基亚砜冷冻保存技术" ], "1299162005": [ "Destruction of lesion of large intestine using laser", "Photocoagulation of lesion of large intestine", "Laser ablation of lesion of large intestine", "激光破坏大肠病变", "大肠病变光凝治疗", "大肠病变激光消融术" ], "428975001": [ "Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C immunization", "Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C immunisation", "Administration of Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C vaccine", "Haemophilus influenzae type b and meningitis C vaccination", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Haemophilus influenzae type b and Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C antigens", "B 型流感嗜血杆菌和 C 型脑膜炎疫苗接种", "接种仅含有 B 型流感嗜血杆菌和 C 群脑膜炎奈瑟菌抗原的疫苗产品", "接种乙型流感嗜血杆菌和丙型脑膜炎疫苗", "B 型流感嗜血杆菌和 C 型脑膜炎免疫", "B 型流感嗜血杆菌和 C 型脑膜炎免疫接种" ], "396207002": [ "Computerised axial tomography of brain with radiopaque contrast", "Computerized axial tomography of brain with radiopaque contrast", "CT brain with contrast", "CT of brain with contrast", "Computed tomography of brain with radiopaque contrast", "脑部不透射线造影剂计算机断层扫描", "脑部增强 CT 扫描", "脑部计算机轴向断层扫描与不透射线对比", "不透射线脑部计算机轴向断层扫描" ], "1264559005": [ "Extravesical reimplantation of both ureters", "Extravesical reimplantation of bilateral ureters", "双侧输尿管膀胱外再植术" ], "265135007": [ "Primary open reduction of fragment of bone and fixation using screw", "骨折块初次切开复位并用螺钉固定" ], "183215007": [ "Gastrostomy aid training", "Gastrostomy aid education", "胃造口术辅助教育", "胃造口辅助训练" ], "66692001": [ "Repair of ruptured supraspinatus tendon, chronic", "慢性冈上肌腱断裂修复" ], "117679009": [ "Lorcainide measurement", "洛卡尼测量" ], "312452009": [ "Aspirin prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic aspirin", "阿司匹林预防", "预防性使用阿司匹林" ], "408921003": [ "Family process analysis", "家庭过程分析" ], "228697004": [ "Yr90 therapy", "Yttrium 90 therapy", "钇90疗法", "Yr90 疗法" ], "736601004": [ "Demonstration of inhaler technique", "吸入器技术演示" ], "441689006": [ "Measurement of total haemoglobin concentration", "Measurement of total hemoglobin concentration", "总血红蛋白浓度的测量" ], "392537007": [ "Threshold automated static perimetry, central 30 degrees", "Threshold automated static perimetry of central 30 degrees", "阈值自动静态视野检查,中央 30 度", "中央 30 度阈值自动静态视野检查" ], "308782003": [ "Suture of labia", "Suture of vulva", "外阴缝合", "阴唇缝合" ], "439854006": [ "Change of urinary catheter bag", "更换导尿袋" ], "405251001": [ "Retrograde urography without KUB", "Retrograde urography without kidney,ureter and bladder", "不包含肾脏、输尿管和膀胱的逆行尿路造影", "不包含腹部平片的逆行尿路造影" ], "421635003": [ "Stereo fly testing", "立体飞行测试" ], "716547005": [ "Assessment using Callier-Azusa Scale", "使用 Callier-Azusa 量表进行评估" ], "241411006": [ "Tc99m white blood cell scan", "Tc99m mixed leucocyte study", "Tc99m mixed leukocyte study", "Tc99m白细胞扫描", "Tc99m混合白细胞研究" ], "305112000": [ "Therapeutic tendo achilles stretching", "治疗性跟腱拉伸" ], "239576006": [ "Amputation of thumb through metacarpal", "拇指至掌骨截肢术" ], "172205000": [ "Repair of canthus with local skin flap", "局部皮瓣修复眼角" ], "252290000": [ "Thalassemia screening", "Thalassaemia screening", "地中海贫血筛查" ], "88450001": [ "Embolization of artery of head", "Embolisation of artery of head", "头部动脉栓塞", "头部动脉栓塞术" ], "170370000": [ "First hepatitis B vaccination", "Administration of first dose of hepatitis B vaccine", "First hepatitis B immunisation", "First hepatitis B immunization", "Administration of first dose of vaccine product containing only Hepatitis B virus antigen", "第一次乙肝疫苗接种", "接种第一剂乙肝疫苗", "首次乙肝免疫接种", "接种首剂仅含乙肝病毒抗原的疫苗产品" ], "22914004": [ "Ligation of dermal appendage", "Ligation of skin tag", "皮肤附属物结扎术", "皮赘结扎术" ], "104834006": [ "Norepinephrine, challenge tests", "Noradrenaline, challenge tests", "去甲肾上腺素,激发试验" ], "840279003": [ "Fusion of lateral lumbar interbody", "Lateral lumbar interbody fusion", "LLIF - lateral lumbar interbody fusion", "DLIF - direct lateral interbody fusion", "XLIF - extreme lateral lumbar interbody fusion", "LLIF-- 侧腰椎椎间融合术", "DLIF-- 直接侧向椎间融合术", "侧腰椎椎间融合术", "XLIF-- 极外侧腰椎椎间融合术" ], "396076000": [ "Medication prefill preparation assessment", "Assess medication prefill preparation", "评估药物预填充准备情况", "药物预填充准备评估" ], "265004004": [ "Cervical lymph nodes sampling", "颈部淋巴结取样" ], "609068006": [ "Microscopic cytologic examination of smear of sputum specimen prepared using Papanicolaou technique", "采用巴氏涂片技术制备痰标本进行显微镜细胞学检查" ], "363308007": [ "Site specific lymphatic system surgical procedure", "特定部位淋巴系统手术" ], "410625004": [ "Child 4 month examination", "孩子4个月检查" ], "31958005": [ "Assessment and interpretation of higher cerebral function, developmental testing", "Developmental testing and assessment", "高级大脑功能的评估和解释、发育测试", "发展测试和评估" ], "310486006": [ "Limb exsanguination by gravity", "Limb exsanguination by elevation", "重力导致肢体失血", "抬高肢体导致失血" ], "30123000": [ "Repair of atrial septal defect with prosthesis by closed heart technique", "Percutaneous prosthetic closure of atrial septal defect", "Transluminal prosthetic closure of atrial septal defect", "房间隔缺损的腔内人工瓣膜封堵术", "闭式心脏技术修复房间隔缺损", "经皮房间隔缺损修补术" ], "439723001": [ "Percutaneous measurement of cerebral venous sinus pressure using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous measurement of cerebral venous sinus pressure with contrast", "透视引导下经皮脑静脉窦压力对比测量", "荧光造影引导下经皮测量脑静脉窦压力" ], "179414009": [ "Conversion to hybrid unicompartmental knee replacement", "转换为混合单髁膝关节置换术" ], "243115004": [ "Family support", "家庭支持" ], "192128002": [ "Diverticulectomy of hypopharynx with myotomy by cervical approach", "经颈部入路下咽憩室切除术及肌切开术" ], "306816007": [ "Low power laser therapy to face", "低功率激光治疗" ], "42837001": [ "Excision of aortic arch", "Arteriectomy of aortic arch", "主动脉弓切除术", "主动脉弓动脉切除术" ], "388736009": [ "Red currant specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf322 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ribes sylvestre specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ribes sylvestre specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "茶藨子特异性IgE抗体测定", "红醋栗特异性IgE抗体测定", "茶藨子特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf322 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "239445003": [ "Stabilisation of interphalangeal joint of finger", "Stabilization of interphalangeal joint of finger", "手指指间关节固定术", "手指指间关节固定" ], "712746000": [ "Total body electron beam therapy", "全身电子束治疗" ], "304981009": [ "Advice regarding contacting someone", "Recommendation regarding contacting someone", "关于联系某人的建议" ], "1204266003": [ "Local subcutaneous pedicle island random pattern skin flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction of skin with local subcutaneous pedicle island random pattern skin flap", "Reconstruction of skin using local subcutaneous pedicle island random pattern skin flap", "局部皮下带蒂岛状随意皮瓣修复", "局部皮下带蒂岛状随意皮瓣修复皮肤" ], "6399001": [ "Division of arteriovenous fistula with ligation", "Repair of arteriovenous fistula by ligation", "动静脉瘘分离及结扎术", "结扎修复动静脉瘘" ], "104703003": [ "Glutathione reductase measurement", "谷胱甘肽还原酶测量" ], "710911006": [ "Referral to housing service", "转介住房服务" ], "22783008": [ "Construction of anus for congenital absence with repair of urinary fistula", "先天性缺肛及尿瘘修补术" ], "448767009": [ "Transcatheter embolisation of intracranial vessel", "Transcatheter embolization of intracranial vessel", "颅内血管导管栓塞术", "颅内血管经导管栓塞术" ], "252159009": [ "Porphyrin screening", "卟啉筛选" ], "37332006": [ "Magnet extraction of foreign body from sclera", "Removal of foreign body of sclera with use of magnet", "用磁铁从巩膜中取出异物", "用磁铁去除巩膜异物" ], "35497000": [ "Restraint maintenance", "约束维护" ], "68265005": [ "Operation on the ear", "耳朵手术" ], "443262001": [ "Removal of insulin pump", "移除胰岛素泵" ], "1196926008": [ "CT triple phase study of pancreas", "Computed tomography triple phase study of pancreas", "胰腺CT三期研究", "胰腺 CT 三期研究" ], "310355001": [ "Referral for exercise ECG", "Referral for exercise electrocardiogram", "转诊进行运动心电图检查" ], "441427002": [ "Culture of embryo with coculture of oocytes", "胚胎与卵母细胞共培养" ], "392275008": [ "Distichlis spicata specific IgE antibody measurement", "Salt grass specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rg203 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Distichlis spicata specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "穗花双穗草特异性IgE抗体测定", "穗花双穗草特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rg203特异性IgE抗体测量", "盐草特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "177448000": [ "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y osseofasciocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y osteofasciocutaneous flap", "Reconstruction with local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y osteofasciocutaneous flap", "局部皮下带蒂V-Y骨筋膜皮瓣修复" ], "406824001": [ "Brilliant yellow stain method", "Brilliant yellow stain", "亮黄色污渍", "亮黄染色法" ], "308520006": [ "Clinic monitoring call", "诊所监控呼叫" ], "306685000": [ "Discharge to establishment", "解除原职" ], "175613000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of iliac artery", "经皮髂动脉腔内栓塞切除术" ], "241149003": [ "Videofluoroscopy swallow", "Swallowing assessment using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导进行吞咽评估", "电视透视吞咽" ], "9938000": [ "Repair of stoma of ureter", "Revision of stoma of ureter", "Revision of ureterostomy stoma", "Repair AND revision of stoma of ureter", "输尿管造口修复术", "输尿管造口修复", "输尿管造口修复及修订" ], "716285009": [ "Assessment using Denver Development Screening Test", "Assessment using DDST (Denver Development Screening Test)", "使用丹佛发展筛选测试进行评估", "使用 DDST(丹佛发展筛选测试)进行评估" ], "239314003": [ "Osteotomy of lesser metatarsal", "小跖骨截骨术" ], "386770004": [ "Dissection of vascular bundle", "Dissection of artery-vein-nerve bundle", "维管束解剖", "动脉-静脉-神经束解剖" ], "173778009": [ "Gastrotomy and ligation of bleeding point of stomach", "胃切开术及胃出血点结扎术" ], "237479005": [ "Selective transsphenoidal pituitary adenomectomy", "选择性经蝶窦垂体腺瘤切除术" ], "104572007": [ "Carnitine acetyltransferase measurement", "肉碱乙酰转移酶测量" ], "168273000": [ "Mycoplasma titres", "Mycoplasma antibody titer measurement", "Mycoplasma titers", "Mycoplasma antibody titre measurement", "支原体滴度", "支原体抗体滴度测定" ], "20817004": [ "Wedge pressure determination of hepatic vein", "肝静脉楔压测定" ], "446801005": [ "Transposition of peripheral nerve", "周围神经移位" ], "397649007": [ "Penicillin specific IgE antibody measurement", "Penicillin specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "青霉素特异性IgE抗体测定", "青霉素特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "53585008": [ "Radioisotope study of gastrointestinal system", "Radioisotope scan of gastrointestinal system", "Radionuclide study of gastrointestinal tract", "Radionuclide study of digestive system", "Nuclear medicine diagnostic procedure on gastrointestinal system", "胃肠系统放射性同位素扫描", "胃肠系统放射性同位素研究", "胃肠道放射性核素研究", "消化系统放射性核素研究", "胃肠系统核医学诊断程序" ], "608806004": [ "Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy with repair of rectocoele", "Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy with repair of rectocele", "腹腔镜辅助阴式子宫切除术及直肠膨出修补术" ], "313894005": [ "120 minute serum LH measurement", "120 minute serum LH level", "120 minute serum luteinizing hormone measurement", "120 minute serum luteinising hormone measurement", "120 分钟血清促黄体生成素测量", "120 分钟血清 LH 水平", "120 分钟血清促黄体激素测量", "120 分钟血清 LH 测量" ], "1231398006": [ "Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty using robotic assistance", "Prosthetic unicompartmental arthroplasty of knee using robotic assistance", "使用机器人辅助进行膝关节假体单髁置换术", "使用机器人辅助进行单髁膝关节置换术" ], "2598006": [ "Open heart surgery", "心脏直视手术" ], "363046009": [ "Contrast radiology study by site", "各部位对比放射学研究" ], "410363004": [ "Support group case management", "支持小组案件管理" ], "443131005": [ "Provision of personal alarm device with link to provider service", "提供与提供商服务相关的个人报警装置" ], "770811007": [ "Referral to hospital diabetes antenatal clinic", "转诊至医院糖尿病产前门诊" ], "48080004": [ "Replacement of electronic stimulator into bladder", "Replacement of electronic stimulator into urinary bladder", "将电子刺激器放入膀胱", "将电子刺激器置入膀胱" ], "768976007": [ "Endoscopic insertion of pH monitoring capsule into oesophagus", "Endoscopic insertion of pH monitoring capsule into esophagus", "经内镜将 pH 监测胶囊插入食管", "经内镜将 pH 监测胶囊插入食道" ], "310224009": [ "Repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia using patch", "用补片修补先天性膈疝" ], "29861003": [ "Circulating inhibitor assay, factor II", "Factor II inhibitor assay", "循环抑制因子测定,II 因子", "因子 II 抑制剂检测" ], "765306000": [ "Dynamic radionuclide imaging of spleen using technetium (99m-Tc)", "使用锝(99m-Tc)对脾脏进行动态放射性核素显像" ], "306554001": [ "Discharge by radiographer", "放射技师出院" ], "388474000": [ "c73 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Insulin (human) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Insulin (human) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "胰岛素(人)特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "胰岛素(人)特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "c73 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "175482005": [ "Open embolectomy of renal artery", "肾动脉开放栓塞切除术" ], "44410008": [ "Incision and expression of conjunctival follicles", "结膜滤泡的切开和表达" ], "386639001": [ "Termination of pregnancy", "TOP - Termination of pregnancy", "Abortion", "流产", "终止妊娠", "顶部 - 终止妊娠" ], "1156687006": [ "Facilitation of adequate sleep", "促进充足睡眠" ], "419407006": [ "Fluoroscopic ileal conduitography", "Ileal conduitogram", "Fluoroscopic loopogram", "荧光回肠导管造影", "荧光透视血管造影", "回肠电导图" ], "1287759008": [ "Reconstruction of skin of head", "头部皮肤重建" ], "763471008": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of renal vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "Fluoroscopic venogram of renal vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "植入金属支架进行肾静脉荧光造影" ], "417572006": [ "Total bilirubin, neonatal measurement", "总胆红素,新生儿测量" ], "450340008": [ "Destruction of perivascular sympathetic nerve", "血管周围交感神经破坏" ], "448505001": [ "External fixation of sternum", "胸骨外固定" ], "235513003": [ "Palliative procedure for pancreatic pain relief", "缓解胰腺疼痛的姑息手术" ], "301049003": [ "Arthroscopic irrigation of joint", "关节镜下关节冲洗" ], "104441006": [ "11-hydroxyandrosterone measurement", "11-羟基雄酮测量" ], "430286000": [ "Percutaneous fenestration of aorta using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮主动脉开窗术" ], "315598000": [ "Lipid disorder monitoring", "脂质紊乱监测" ], "413902001": [ "CT of elbow, right", "Computerized axial tomography of elbow, right", "Computerised axial tomography of elbow, right", "Computed tomography of right elbow", "右肘部计算机断层扫描", "右肘部计算机轴向断层扫描", "右肘部 CT" ], "708814006": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of salivary gland using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of salivary gland", "影像引导下经皮涎腺细针穿刺活检", "影像引导下经皮唾液腺细针穿刺活检" ], "313763002": [ "Plasma apolipoprotein A-II measurement", "Plasma apolipoprotein A-II level", "血浆载脂蛋白 A-II 测量", "血浆载脂蛋白 A-II 水平" ], "444835006": [ "Assessment of understanding of medication", "药物理解评估" ], "51619007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging with contrast", "MRI with contrast", "增强 MRI", "对比磁共振成像" ], "82552000": [ "5-Hydroxyindoleacetic acid measurement, quantitative, urine", "5-HIAA quantitative, urine", "Urine 5-OH indole acetic acid", "Urine 5-OH indole acetic acid level", "尿液 5-OH 吲哚乙酸水平", "5-羟基吲哚乙酸测量,定量,尿液", "尿液5-OH吲哚乙酸", "5-HIAA 定量,尿液" ], "410232000": [ "Mental health treatment assessment", "Assess mental health treatment", "心理健康治疗评估", "评估心理健康治疗" ], "80717003": [ "Antibody to CA 15-3 measurement", "CA 15-3 抗体测量" ], "179021004": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture and unlocked reamed intramedullary nail fixation", "一期切开复位骨折及解锁扩髓髓内钉固定" ], "29730001": [ "In vivo immunologic procedure", "体内免疫学程序" ], "13346001": [ "Operative procedure on anterior chamber of eye", "Anterior chamber of eye operation", "眼前房手术", "前房手术" ], "78882004": [ "Clotting factor IX assay", "Plasma thromboplastin component assay", "Hemophilia B assay", "Christmas disease factor assay", "Factor IX assay", "Haemophilia B assay", "Factor IX level", "血友病 B 检测", "圣诞病因子测定", "血浆凝血活酶成分测定", "IX 因子检测", "凝血因子 IX 检测", "IX 因子水平" ], "439330009": [ "Covert sensitisation", "Covert sensitization", "隐性敏感化", "隐性敏化" ], "306423003": [ "Discharge by clinical immunologist", "临床免疫学家出院" ], "273655005": [ "Nuffield dyspraxia program", "Nuffield dyspraxia programme", "纳菲尔德运动障碍项目" ], "91596000": [ "Complete excision of lung with mediastinal dissection", "Mediastinotomy with pneumonectomy", "肺完整切除并进行纵隔解剖", "纵隔切开术及全肺切除术" ], "290039009": [ "Fit ear mold for existing hearing aid", "Fit ear mould for existing hearing aid", "为现有助听器安装耳模" ], "75212000": [ "Indican measurement, urine", "Urine indican level", "尿液指标水平", "尿液指标测量" ], "58828004": [ "Application of dressing, sterile", "Sterile dressing applied", "敷料的应用,无菌", "使用无菌敷料" ], "304588005": [ "Trial dissection of rectum", "直肠试行解剖" ], "386508008": [ "Airway insertion and stabilisation", "Airway insertion and stabilization", "气道插入和稳定" ], "1269409002": [ "Fixation of indirect resin veneer onto labial surface of tooth", "将间接树脂贴面固定于牙齿唇面" ], "171681003": [ "Exploration of accessory nerve (XI)", "Exploration of accessory nerve", "副神经探查(XI)", "副神经探查" ], "56993006": [ "Vaginal irrigation", "阴道冲洗" ], "235382000": [ "Thiersch procedure", "Thiersch operation, anus", "Insertion of Thiersch wire around anal sphincter", "Thiersch 手术,肛门", "Thiersch 手术", "在肛门括约肌周围插入 Thiersch 丝" ], "104310006": [ "Influenzavirus antibody assay", "Serologic test for Influenza virus", "流感病毒血清学检测", "流感病毒抗体测定" ], "118859002": [ "Procedure on labia", "阴唇手术" ], "36939002": [ "Open reduction of fracture of femur", "股骨骨折切开复位" ], "233547003": [ "Cannulation of arteriovenous dialysis fistula", "动静脉透析瘘插管" ], "708683008": [ "Percutaneous drainage of pancreas using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of pancreas", "影像引导下经皮胰腺引流", "影像引导下经皮胰腺穿刺引流" ], "117024000": [ "Thin film peripheral blood smear method", "薄膜外周血涂片法" ], "231712000": [ "Intracorneal insertion of lens", "角膜内植入晶状体" ], "67872001": [ "Debridement of open fracture of tibia and fibula", "胫腓骨开放性骨折清创术" ], "444704008": [ "Core needle biopsy using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行芯针活检" ], "313632008": [ "Pneumococcal antibody level", "Pneumococcal antibody measurement", "肺炎球菌抗体水平", "肺炎球菌抗体测量" ], "426485003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal thrombolysis of artery", "经皮动脉腔内血栓溶解术" ], "82421004": [ "Excisional biopsy of pituitary gland by transsphenoidal approach", "经蝶窦入路垂体切除活检" ], "442869006": [ "Needle localisation using ultrasound guidance and mammography", "Needle localization using ultrasound guidance and mammography", "使用超声引导和乳房X光检查进行针头定位" ], "410101008": [ "Reality orientation management", "Manage reality orientation", "现实导向管理", "管理现实导向" ], "15050001": [ "Laparoscopic biopsy of liver", "腹腔镜肝活检" ], "31434001": [ "Removal of penetrating foreign body from cervix", "取出宫颈穿透性异物" ], "47818003": [ "Removal of prosthesis of joint structures of elbow", "Arthrotomy of elbow for removal of prosthesis", "肘关节切开术取出假体", "肘关节结构假体移除术" ], "408266004": [ "GD1a IgM level", "GD1a IgM level measurement", "GD1a immunoglobulin M level measurement", "GD1a 免疫球蛋白 M 水平测量", "GD1a IgM 水平", "GD1a IgM 水平测量" ], "719562008": [ "Weil osteotomy", "Weil 截骨术" ], "177055009": [ "Excision of lesion of broad ligament of uterus", "Excision of lesion of broad ligament", "子宫阔韧带病变切除术", "阔韧带损伤切除术" ], "306292001": [ "Referral to forensic psychiatrist", "转诊给法医精神病学家" ], "44148007": [ "Repair of enterostomy", "Revision of enterostomy", "Revision of intestinal stoma", "Revision of stoma of intestine", "肠造口修复术", "肠造口术修复", "肠造口修复" ], "386377003": [ "Oral health restoration", "口腔健康恢复" ], "42313005": [ "Plasma recalcification time", "Plasma recalcification time - observation", "血浆复钙时间-观察", "血浆复钙时间" ], "269854001": [ "Pituitary/adrenal hormone levels", "Pituitary/adrenal hormone measurement", "垂体/肾上腺激素测量", "垂体/肾上腺激素水平" ], "433694002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of celiac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of coeliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of coeliac artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of celiac artery with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下进行腹腔动脉", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行腹腔动脉", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术" ], "171550002": [ "Monitoring of pressure in ventricle of brain", "Manometry ventricle of brain", "脑室测压", "脑室压力监测" ], "122398007": [ "Chlamydia pneumoniae culture", "Chlamydophila pneumoniae culture", "肺炎衣原体培养" ], "400926009": [ "AC/A ratio measurement", "Measurement of ratio of accommodative convergence to accommodation", "AC/A 比率测量", "测量调节会聚与调节的比率" ], "56862009": [ "Open biopsy of sacrococcygeal region", "骶尾部开放活检" ], "448243002": [ "External fixation of femur", "股骨外固定" ], "284403001": [ "Examination of joint of foot", "足部关节检查" ], "169715005": [ "Antenatal 24 week examination", "产前24周检查" ], "87795007": [ "Complete transurethral resection of prostate, including control of postoperative bleeding", "完全经尿道前列腺切除术,包括控制术后出血" ], "104179008": [ "Bacterial culture, screening", "细菌培养、筛选" ], "774088000": [ "Assessment using American Society of Anesthesiologists Physical Status Classification System", "使用美国麻醉医师协会身体状况分类系统进行评估" ], "315336003": [ "Partial excision of bone of upper limb", "上肢骨部分切除术" ], "233416006": [ "Exploration of artery with inspection only", "仅通过检查即可探查动脉" ], "118728006": [ "Procedure on bone marrow", "骨髓手术" ], "231581000": [ "Excision of lesion of lateral canthus", "外眦病变切除术" ], "313501000": [ "Serum 17-oxosteroid level", "Serum 17-oxosteroid measurement", "血清17-氧代类固醇水平", "血清 17-氧代类固醇测量" ], "446408009": [ "Laparoscopic excision of part of spleen", "Laparoscopic partial splenectomy", "腹腔镜脾脏部分切除术", "腹腔镜部分脾切除术" ], "282568009": [ "Ring annuloplasty", "环瓣成形术" ], "84125003": [ "Removal of foreign body from pericardium", "心包异物取出" ], "49522006": [ "Suture of uterus", "Suture of laceration of uterus", "Hysterorrhaphy", "子宫缝合", "子宫裂伤缝合术", "子宫缝合术" ], "31303001": [ "Electrocardiogram with sub-maximal exercise test", "亚极量运动试验心电图" ], "703047001": [ "Parakeet feathers specific IgE antibody measurement", "e196 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Parakeet feathers specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "长尾小鹦鹉羽毛特异性IgE抗体测定", "长尾小鹦鹉羽毛特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "e196 特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "311666009": [ "Pacing of speech exercises", "Speed of speech exercises", "说话节奏练习", "语速练习" ], "47687003": [ "Incision of tendon sheath", "Tenovaginotomy", "腱鞘切开", "腱鞘切开术" ], "439068000": [ "Secondary repair of flexor tendon of lower limb", "下肢屈肌腱二期修复" ], "307996001": [ "Excisional biopsy of lymph node", "淋巴结切除活检" ], "766748000": [ "Insertion of silicone breast implant into left breast", "左乳房植入硅胶乳房植入物" ], "13084004": [ "Removal of arterial graft or prosthesis", "移除动脉移植物或假体" ], "62236008": [ "Delimiting keratotomy", "Gifford keratotomy", "Saemisch operation", "吉福德角膜切开术", "界定角膜切开术", "萨米施手术" ], "226076009": [ "Chemical analysis of nutrient intake", "营养摄入的化学分析" ], "275228008": [ "Clipping of vein", "静脉夹闭" ], "764913002": [ "Lumbar sympathetic plexus block using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下腰交感神经丛阻滞" ], "715761006": [ "Reopening of chest and re-exploration of intrathoracic operation site", "Reopening of chest and re-exploration of intra thoracic operation site", "重新开胸并重新探查胸内手术部位", "重新打开胸腔并重新探查胸内手术部位" ], "25798001": [ "Subcutaneous injection of filling material", "Subcutaneous injection of filler", "皮下注射填充剂", "皮下注射填充材料" ], "386246002": [ "Establishing client relationship", "建立客户关系" ], "419014003": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of internal carotid artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of internal carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下颈内动脉造影血管成形术", "荧光造影引导下颈内动脉血管成形术" ], "306161009": [ "Referral to community podiatry service", "Referral to community chiropody service", "Referral to community-based podiatry service", "转介至社区足病治疗服务" ], "173254003": [ "Reconstruction of lip with McGregor flap", "麦格雷戈瓣唇再造术" ], "763078008": [ "Assessment using ACQ (Asthma Control Questionnaire)", "Assessment using Asthma Control Questionnaire", "使用 ACQ(哮喘控制问卷)进行评估", "使用哮喘控制问卷进行评估" ], "171419001": [ "Examination for population survey", "人口普查考试" ], "302491007": [ "Soft tissue release of metatarsophalangeal joint of hallux", "拇趾跖趾关节软组织松解术" ], "122267008": [ "Yersinia culture", "耶尔森氏菌培养" ], "236955007": [ "Hyperalimentation of fetus through amniotic cavity", "Hyperalimentation of foetus through amniotic cavity", "通过羊膜腔对胎儿进行高营养", "通过羊膜腔对胎儿进行营养补充" ], "448112002": [ "Suturing of ligament of interphalangeal joint of hand", "手指间关节韧带缝合术" ], "22128006": [ "Stapes mobilization", "Stapes mobilisation", "镫骨活动" ], "38512006": [ "Resection of cerebral meninges", "Excision of tissue of cerebral meninges", "脑膜切除术", "脑膜组织切除" ], "104048007": [ "P^k^ blood group antibody identification", "P^k^血型抗体鉴定" ], "233285004": [ "Balloon angioplasty of the profunda femoris", "PFA - Balloon angioplasty of profunda femoris artery", "Angioplasty of profunda femoris artery", "股深动脉成形术", "PFA - 股深动脉球囊成形术", "股深肌球囊成形术" ], "429893007": [ "Biopsy of ligament", "韧带活检" ], "315205008": [ "Bank holiday home visit", "银行假日回家探亲" ], "116762002": [ "Administration of blood product", "Blood products administration", "血液制品的管理", "血液制品管理" ], "83994003": [ "Apexification/recalcification, final visit", "根尖成形/再钙化,最后一次就诊" ], "870426004": [ "Angioplasty using paclitaxel coated balloon catheter", "使用紫杉醇涂层球囊导管进行血管成形术" ], "229615004": [ "Prosthetic gait re-education", "Prosthetic gait training", "假肢步态训练", "假肢步态再教育" ], "1259972000": [ "Positioning of testicles", "Positioning of bilateral testes", "Positioning of both testes", "两侧睾丸的定位", "睾丸的定位", "双侧睾丸的定位" ], "276932001": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of external iliac artery", "经皮髂外动脉内膜切除术" ], "309700001": [ "Intravenous injection of methotrexate", "甲氨蝶呤静脉注射" ], "14788002": [ "Antimicrobial susceptibility test", "Sensitivity", "Sensitivities", "灵敏度", "敏感度", "抗菌药物敏感性试验" ], "733849003": [ "Provision of quiet environment", "提供安静的环境" ], "406169005": [ "Care of patient undergoing electroconvulsive therapy", "Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) management", "Electroconvulsive therapy care", "电休克治疗护理", "接受电休克治疗的病人的护理", "电休克疗法 (ECT) 管理" ], "225945009": [ "Supervision whilst performing functional activity", "Supervision while performing functional activity", "执行功能活动时的监督" ], "60270002": [ "Replace broken teeth, per tooth, partial denture", "更换断牙、每颗牙齿、部分假牙" ], "371566003": [ "Closed reduction of fracture and external fixation", "骨折闭合复位外固定" ], "76654003": [ "Lysis of adhesions of cranial nerve ganglion", "脑神经节粘连松解术" ], "306030003": [ "Referral by contact tracing nurse", "Referral from contact tracing nurse", "接触追踪护士的转诊", "接触者追踪护士转诊" ], "287811008": [ "Perforated peptic ulcer closure", "消化性溃疡穿孔封堵术" ], "122136001": [ "Trypanosoma brucei antibody assay", "Measurement of Trypanosoma brucei antibody", "布氏锥虫抗体检测", "布氏锥虫抗体测定" ], "236824002": [ "Marsupialisation of Bartholin's abscess", "Marsupialization of Bartholin's abscess", "Marsupialization of Bartholin abscess", "Marsupialisation of Bartholin abscess", "巴氏腺脓肿袋形缝合术", "巴托林脓肿袋形成形术", "巴托林脓肿袋形缝合术" ], "447981001": [ "Allotransplantation of islets of Langerhans", "胰岛异体移植" ], "103917005": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from Diego system (ISBT 010)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Diego system (ISBT 010)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Diego system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 010)", "血型、Diego 系统红细胞抗原 (ISBT 010)", "血型、Diego 系统 (ISBT 010) 的红细胞抗原", "血型、红细胞抗原来自Diego系统(国际输血协会010)" ], "431597008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of right side of heart with contrast for oxygen saturation measurement", "右侧心脏荧光血管造影造影以测量血氧饱和度" ], "233154000": [ "Procedure for arrhythmia", "心律失常的治疗程序" ], "315074000": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi blot test", "伯氏疏螺旋体印迹试验" ], "710125008": [ "Promoting use of memory technique", "Promotion of use of memory skills", "促进记忆技巧的使用", "促进记忆技能的使用" ], "52930005": [ "Closure of ventricular septal defect", "VSD - Closure of ventricular septal defect", "Closure of defect of interventricular septum", "VSD - 室间隔缺损封堵术", "室间隔缺损缝合", "室间隔缺损封堵术" ], "3778007": [ "Manipulation of scrotal tissue", "Scrotum manipulation", "阴囊组织的操作", "阴囊操作" ], "18327004": [ "Excisional biopsy of fascia", "筋膜切除活检" ], "231319006": [ "Local anesthetic dental infiltration", "Dental infiltrations", "Local anaesthetic dental infiltration", "局部麻醉牙科浸润", "牙齿浸润" ], "1148823006": [ "Assessment of progress toward goals to achieve adequate housing", "评估实现适足住房目标的进展情况" ], "229484000": [ "Foot stretching", "足部伸展" ], "346007006": [ "Angioplasty of renal artery", "肾动脉血管成形术" ], "426092002": [ "Insertion of diagnostic substance into skin", "将诊断物质插入皮肤" ], "444311009": [ "Measurement of alpha fetoprotein and analysis of chromosomes in amniotic fluid specimen", "羊水中甲胎蛋白的测定及染色体的分析" ], "112961001": [ "Cryosurgical epilation of eyelid", "眼睑冷冻脱毛" ], "391489002": [ "Red cell vitamin B2 level", "红细胞维生素 B2 水平" ], "424257004": [ "Genetics evaluation surveillance", "遗传学评估监测" ], "719169005": [ "Ultrasonography of oral cavity", "Ultrasound scan of oral cavity", "Ultrasound of oral cavity", "Intraoral ultrasonography", "口腔超声检查", "口内超声检查", "口腔超声波扫描" ], "178497007": [ "Biopsy of lesion of mandible", "下颌骨病变活检" ], "440641008": [ "Secondary repair of extensor tendon of foot with free graft", "游离移植二期修复足伸肌腱" ], "45590004": [ "Microalbuminuria measurement, 24-hour collection, urine", "微量白蛋白尿测量,24 小时收集,尿液" ], "176662005": [ "Enlargement of introitus of vagina", "Dilatation of introitus", "Dilation of introitus", "阴道口扩大", "阴道口扩张" ], "60139001": [ "Operative esophagogastroduodenoscopy", "Operative oesophagogastroduodenoscopy", "食管胃十二指肠镜手术" ], "699115002": [ "Endovascular repair of thoracic aortic aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided endovascular repair of thoracic aortic aneurysm with contrast", "荧光透视引导下胸主动脉瘤腔内修复术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行胸主动脉瘤的血管内修复" ], "125675003": [ "Patella excision", "髌骨切除" ], "223979007": [ "Surgical reanastomosis of vas deferens", "输精管外科吻合术" ], "74688006": [ "Canthoplasty", "Repair of canthus", "眼角整形", "眼角修复" ], "385984007": [ "Growth and development treatments and procedures", "Growth and development care", "Growth and development care treatments and procedures", "生长和发育治疗和程序", "生长发育护理治疗和程序", "成长发育护理" ], "41920009": [ "Patient referral for socioeconomic factors", "基于社会经济因素的患者转诊" ], "449685002": [ "Debridement of open fracture of lower leg", "小腿开放性骨折清创术" ], "56469005": [ "Moving a patient", "移动病人" ], "284010004": [ "Oral sedation", "口服镇静剂" ], "120170007": [ "Abdomen injection", "腹部注射" ], "233023001": [ "Direct insertion of right atrial catheter", "Open insertion of right atrial catheter", "右心房导管插入术", "直接插入右心房导管" ], "446015008": [ "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and excision of mucosa of duodenum", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and mucosectomy of duodenum", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and mucosectomy of duodenum", "Endoscopic excision of mucosa of duodenum", "内镜十二指肠粘膜切除术", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及十二指肠黏膜切除术", "上消化道内镜检查及十二指肠粘膜切除术" ], "50964001": [ "Abdominal aortography with bilateral iliofemoral arteries with serialography", "腹主动脉造影及双侧髂股动脉序列造影" ], "231188003": [ "Digital nerve block of great toe", "Local anaesthetic digital nerve block of great toe", "Local anesthetic digital nerve block of great toe", "大脚趾神经阻滞", "大脚趾局麻神经阻滞", "大脚趾局部麻醉神经阻滞" ], "32745000": [ "Removal of implant of middle ear", "移除中耳植入物" ], "229353001": [ "Accessory mobilization of the inferior radioulnar joint", "Accessory mobilisation of the inferior radioulnar joint", "下桡尺关节的辅助活动" ], "1148692008": [ "Consolidation radiation therapy", "Consolidation radiotherapy", "Radiation therapy after chemotherapy", "Radiation therapy following chemotherapy", "Radiotherapy after chemotherapy", "巩固放射治疗", "化疗后放疗", "化疗后放射治疗" ], "278505005": [ "Application of padding", "填充的应用" ], "16361008": [ "Autopsy, gross and microscopic examination, stillborn or newborn", "尸检、大体和显微镜检查、死产或新生儿" ], "65513008": [ "Removal of calculus of lacrimal sac by incision", "泪囊切开取石术" ], "63678000": [ "Antibody titration, enzyme", "抗体滴定,酶" ], "309438003": [ "Arthroscopic debridement of knee joint", "关节镜下膝关节清创术" ], "440510003": [ "Adjustment of special footwear", "特殊鞋履的调整" ], "473278005": [ "Intercarpal fusion for scapholunate advanced collapse", "腕骨间融合术治疗舟月骨严重塌陷" ], "702654003": [ "Surveillance of subcutaneous contraceptive implant", "皮下避孕埋植剂的监测" ], "391358002": [ "24 hour urine nickel output", "24小时尿镍排出量" ], "178366009": [ "Cranioplasty using alloplastic material", "Cranioplasty using acrylic material", "异体材料颅骨成形术", "使用丙烯酸材料进行颅骨成形术" ], "112830009": [ "Division of varicose vein of lower limb", "Varicotomy of peripheral veins of lower limb", "Transection of varicose vein of lower limb", "下肢静脉曲张切断术", "下肢周围静脉曲张切除术", "下肢静脉曲张的分型" ], "11381000087101": [ "MRI of joint of left lower extremity", "Magnetic resonance imaging of joint of left lower extremity", "左下肢关节磁共振成像", "左下肢关节MRI" ], "2421000087102": [ "MRI of right hip with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right hip with contrast", "右髋部增强 MRI 检查", "右髋部增强磁共振成像" ], "4981000087102": [ "CT of bilateral hands with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral hands with contrast", "Computed tomography of both hands with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right hand with contrast", "左手和右手对比计算机断层扫描", "双手增强计算机断层扫描", "双手增强 CT 检查" ], "225683008": [ "Bathing eye", "洗眼" ], "29075009": [ "Femoral-anterior tibial artery bypass graft with vein", "Femoral-anterior tibial artery in-situ vein bypass", "带静脉的股骨前胫动脉旁路移植术", "股骨胫前动脉原位静脉旁路术" ], "698984002": [ "Above knee femoral-popliteal artery bypass using autogenous vein graft", "Femoral-popliteal artery bypass using autogenous vein graft", "使用自体静脉移植进行股腘动脉搭桥术", "使用自体静脉移植进行膝上股腘动脉搭桥术" ], "20341000087106": [ "Magnetic resonance arthrography of bilateral hips", "Magnetic resonance arthrogram of bilateral hips", "MR arthrography of bilateral hips", "双侧髋关节磁共振关节造影", "双侧髋关节 MR 关节造影" ], "1256040004": [ "Percutaneous endoscopic creation of jejunostomy", "经皮内镜空肠造口术" ], "15221000087108": [ "CT of pelvis and right hip", "Computed tomography of pelvis and right hip", "骨盆和右髋部 CT", "骨盆和右髋的计算机断层扫描" ], "1141000087106": [ "Biopsy of left kidney using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of left kidney", "超声引导下左肾活检" ], "780904002": [ "Harvest of bone graft from patella", "从髌骨获取骨移植" ], "715368003": [ "Assessment using Peter and the Cat Narrative Assessment", "使用《彼得与猫》叙述评估法进行评估" ], "6261000087109": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of artery of right upper extremity", "Doppler ultrasonography of artery of right upper limb", "Doppler ultrasound of artery of right upper limb", "右上肢动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "387688006": [ "Manipulation of joint", "关节操纵" ], "287549000": [ "Percutaneous needle lymphatic biopsy", "经皮穿刺淋巴活检" ], "252946000": [ "Fetal kick chart", "Foetal kick chart", "胎儿踢动图", "胎动图" ], "433170001": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of forefoot", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of forefoot", "MRI of forefoot", "前足 MRI", "前足磁共振成像 (MRI)", "前足磁共振成像" ], "25405009": [ "Drainage of postzygomatic space", "颧骨后间隙引流" ], "90941009": [ "Aspiration of nasal sinus", "Suction clearance of nasal sinus", "鼻窦抽吸", "鼻窦吸除" ], "385853009": [ "Chest physiotherapy management", "Manage chest physiotherapy", "胸部物理治疗管理", "管理胸部物理治疗" ], "89106004": [ "Harvesting of tendon", "Harvest of tendon", "肌腱采集" ], "418621009": [ "US venography of saphenous vein", "Ultrasound venography of saphenous vein", "隐静脉超声造影", "隐静脉造影" ], "121874005": [ "Uracil measurement", "尿嘧啶测量" ], "185575003": [ "Child development - third default recall", "儿童发展-第三次默认召回" ], "234727004": [ "Occlusal rehabilitation", "咬合修复" ], "169191005": [ "Folic acid radioimmunoassay", "叶酸放射免疫分析" ], "709863004": [ "Angioplasty of abdominal vascular structure", "Angioplasty of abdominal vessel", "腹部血管成形术", "腹部血管结构成形术" ], "232892005": [ "Repair of rupture of atrioventricular valve chordae tendinae", "房室瓣腱索断裂的修补术" ], "265660006": [ "Distant flap of skin and fascia", "Distant fasciocutaneous flap", "远处皮肤和筋膜瓣", "远端筋膜皮瓣" ], "429500007": [ "Monophasic defibrillation", "单相除颤" ], "231057000": [ "Renewal of spinal subarachnoid shunt", "脊髓蛛网膜下腔分流术的更新" ], "854231000000104": [ "Immediate reconstruction of breast with local muscle flap", "局部肌瓣即时乳房重建" ], "445884009": [ "Wedge resection of colon", "结肠楔形切除术" ], "306391000000108": [ "Prone stereotactic X-ray guided wire localization of breast lesion", "Prone wire localization of lesion of breast using stereotactic X-ray guidance", "Prone wire localisation of lesion of breast using stereotactic X-ray guidance", "Prone stereotactic X-ray guided wire localisation of breast lesion", "俯卧位立体定向X线导丝定位乳腺病变", "乳腺病灶立体定向X线引导俯卧位导丝定位", "立体定向X射线引导下乳腺病变俯卧位导丝定位", "俯卧位立体定向X射线导丝定位乳腺病变" ], "229222001": [ "Informal warm-up for therapy", "非正式的治疗热身活动" ], "180070004": [ "Correction of congenital deformity of forearm", "前臂先天畸形矫正" ], "391227000": [ "Psychological therapies - 24 hour not intensive", "心理治疗 - 24 小时非密集治疗" ], "112699005": [ "Incision of fascia", "Fasciotomy", "筋膜切开术" ], "243771006": [ "Parathyroid sampling catheter procedure", "Parathyroid venous sampling", "Parathyroid sampling catheter", "甲状旁腺静脉取样", "甲状旁腺取样导管手术", "甲状旁腺取样导管" ], "407611006": [ "Medication change to generic", "药物改为通用药物" ], "63547008": [ "Caloric vestibular test with recording", "带记录的热量前庭测试" ], "702523007": [ "Computed tomography of lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints", "CT of lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints", "腰椎和骶髂关节的计算机断层扫描", "腰椎及骶髂关节CT" ], "79931009": [ "Destruction of lesion of spinal meninges", "脊髓脊膜损伤破坏" ], "1290512003": [ "Plain X-ray of elbow, anteroposterior and lateral views", "肘部普通 X 光检查、前后位和侧位" ], "438544006": [ "Adjustment of cochlear implant processor", "人工耳蜗处理器的调整" ], "78096006": [ "Suture of tendon of hand to skeletal attachment", "Tenorrhaphy to skeletal attachment of hand", "Tenosuture to skeletal attachment of hand", "手部骨骼附着处的肌腱缝合术", "手部肌腱与骨骼附着处的缝合", "手部骨骼附着处腱缝合术" ], "698853000": [ "Plastic operation on pharynx", "咽部整形手术" ], "43493002": [ "Open reduction of closed scapular fracture, juxta-articular", "肩胛骨闭合性骨折近关节切开复位" ], "174565002": [ "Open dilation of anastomosis of common bile duct", "胆总管吻合口开放扩张术" ], "238266000": [ "Drainage of abscess between intestinal loops", "肠袢间脓肿引流" ], "8890001": [ "Heavy metal screen on urine", "尿液重金属筛查" ], "385722003": [ "Coping support", "Coping enhancement", "应对支持", "应对能力增强" ], "90810007": [ "Removal of embolus of bovine graft", "Embolectomy of bovine graft", "牛移植栓塞的清除", "牛移植栓塞切除术" ], "121743002": [ "beta-gamma-Tocopherol measurement", "β-γ-生育酚测量" ], "105359004": [ "Zolpidem measurement", "唑吡坦测量" ], "433039006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta and iliac artery using contrast with insertion of unilateral aorto-iliac stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta and iliac artery using contrast with insertion of unilateral aorto-iliac stent graft", "腹主动脉及髂动脉荧光血管造影及单侧主动脉-髂动脉支架植入", "腹主动脉及髂动脉荧光造影及单侧主动脉-髂动脉支架植入" ], "56207007": [ "Microbial identification kit, API staph-ident method", "微生物鉴定试剂盒,API Staph-ident 法" ], "431204005": [ "Radionuclide single phase bone study of whole body", "全身放射性核素单相骨研究" ], "37988008": [ "Microcytotoxicity crossmatch, B cell type", "微细胞毒性交叉配型,B 细胞型" ], "250980009": [ "Conversion of cardiac rhythm", "Cardioversion", "心脏复律", "心律转复" ], "232761001": [ "Excision of vegetations from mitral valve", "二尖瓣赘生物切除术" ], "445753004": [ "Incision and drainage of scrotum", "阴囊切开引流" ], "412985006": [ "Apolipoprotein E genotype determination", "载脂蛋白 E 基因型测定" ], "118073007": [ "HIV 2 p55 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 p55 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 protein 55 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型蛋白 55 抗体的测量", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 2 p55 抗体检测", "HIV 2 p55 抗体检测" ], "1550000": [ "Amikacin measurement", "Amikacin level", "阿米卡星测定", "阿米卡星浓度" ], "67086003": [ "Excision of lesion of muscle", "肌肉病变切除术" ], "443918004": [ "Local excision of malignant neoplasm of stomach", "Local excision of malignant tumor of stomach", "Local excision of malignant tumour of stomach", "胃恶性肿瘤局部切除术" ], "230926005": [ "Angioscopy of intracranial vein", "颅内静脉血管镜检查" ], "116238008": [ "Excisional biopsy of lesion of rectum, fragmented, by transanal approach", "经肛门入路对直肠病变进行切除活检" ], "32483000": [ "Angiectomy with anastomosis of thoracic artery", "Arteriectomy with anastomosis of thoracic artery", "Resection of thoracic artery with anastomosis", "胸主动脉切除吻合术" ], "229091005": [ "McQueen exercises", "麦昆练习" ], "866232001": [ "Core needle biopsy of multiple lesions of breast using mammography guidance", "Mammography guided core needle biopsy of multiple lesions of breast", "乳腺钼靶X线摄影引导下乳腺多发病变芯针活检", "乳腺多发病变的乳腺钼靶X线引导芯针活检" ], "16099009": [ "Northern blot assay", "北方印迹试验" ], "1144760005": [ "Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging", "mpMRI - multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging", "mpMRI-多参数磁共振成像", "多参数磁共振成像" ], "128952006": [ "Catheterization of both left and right heart with graft", "Catheterisation of both left and right heart with graft", "左、右心脏导管插入术及移植" ], "444621000124104": [ "Meal set-up management", "餐食安排管理" ], "28813001": [ "Maxillary antrotomy by external approach", "外入路上颌窦切开术" ], "77965002": [ "Consultation in brachytherapy", "近距离放射治疗咨询" ], "438221000124105": [ "Decreased riboflavin diet", "减少核黄素饮食" ], "438413004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon test occlusion of carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal balloon test occlusion of carotid artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内球囊造影颈动脉闭塞试验", "经皮腔内球囊阻断颈动脉试验(荧光造影引导)" ], "436941000124108": [ "Decreased polyunsaturated fat diet", "减少多不饱和脂肪饮食" ], "225421002": [ "Change in body image counselling", "Change in body image counseling", "Counselling for change in body image", "Counseling for change in body image", "身体形象改变咨询", "改变身体形象咨询" ], "435661000124108": [ "Galactose modified diet", "半乳糖改良饮食" ], "12429008": [ "Granulocyte migration inhibitor factor assay", "粒细胞移动抑制因子测定" ], "43362002": [ "Fitting of hearing aid", "助听器安装" ], "10594004": [ "Excision of hydrocele from bilateral sides of scrotum", "Excision of hydrocele from both sides of scrotum", "阴囊两侧鞘膜积液切除术", "阴囊双侧鞘膜积液切除术" ], "172599000": [ "Cauterisation of lesion of pinna", "Cauterization of lesion of pinna", "耳廓损伤烧灼术" ], "303671000": [ "CT of abdominal vascular structure with contrast", "Computed tomography of abdominal vascular structure with contrast", "腹部血管结构增强 CT", "腹部血管结构增强计算机断层扫描" ], "26978009": [ "Myotomy of intestine", "肠肌切开术" ], "1303095006": [ "Assistance with application for adult day care program", "Assistance with application for adult day care programme", "协助申请成人日托计划" ], "105228004": [ "Loxapine measurement", "洛沙平测量" ], "1284876005": [ "Fitting of indirect restoration to tooth", "牙齿间接修复" ], "121612004": [ "Isoflurane measurement", "异氟烷测量" ], "39692008": [ "Excision of lesion of penis sheath", "阴茎鞘病变切除术" ], "70625001": [ "Excision of wart of eyelid", "Excision of verruca of eyelid", "眼睑疣切除术" ], "398305002": [ "Transoesophageal echocardiographic ventricular function monitoring", "Transesophageal echocardiographic ventricular function monitoring", "经食管超声心动图心室功能监测" ], "252684008": [ "Perfusion study - large intestine", "灌注研究-大肠" ], "54241001": [ "Anastomosis of lymphatic", "淋巴管吻合术" ], "183478001": [ "Emergency hospital admission for asthma", "哮喘急诊入院" ], "119777009": [ "Aorta reconstruction", "主动脉重建" ], "412854001": [ "Urine glycine measurement", "Urine glycine level", "尿液甘氨酸测量", "尿液甘氨酸水平" ], "52406004": [ "Excision and reimplantation of organ for extracorporeal surgery", "Bench surgery procedure", "体外手术器官切除及再植入", "手术台手术流程" ], "117942008": [ "Thyroxine antibody assay", "Measurement of thyroxine antibody", "甲状腺素抗体检测", "甲状腺素抗体测量" ], "1017227007": [ "Sequential anastomosis of left internal mammary artery from second diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to left anterior descending artery", "Sequential anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) from D2 (second diagonal) branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to LAD (left anterior descending) artery", "Sequential anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) from D2 (second diagonal) branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to LAD (left anterior descending) artery", "Sequential anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery from second diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to left anterior descending artery", "将左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 从左冠状动脉前降支的 D2 (第二对角线) 分支依次吻合至左前降支 (LAD) 动脉", "左乳内动脉由左冠状动脉前降支第二对角支至左乳内动脉前降支序贯吻合术", "左胸廓内动脉左冠状动脉前降支第二对角支至左前降支序贯吻合术", "左冠状动脉前降支 D2(第二对角线)分支至左前降支(左内胸动脉)的 LITA(左内胸动脉)顺序吻合术" ], "32352000": [ "Jackson Pratt maintenance", "杰克逊普拉特维护" ], "718645000": [ "Assessment using Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale Revised", "Assessment using ALSFRS-R (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale-Revised)", "使用肌萎缩侧索硬化症功能评定量表修订版进行评估", "使用 ALSFRS-R(肌萎缩侧索硬化症功能评定量表修订版)进行评估" ], "177973005": [ "Operations on mesentery of colon", "结肠系膜手术" ], "423733006": [ "Continuous passive motion device monitoring", "CPM (continuous passive mobilisation device) monitoring", "CPM (continuous passive mobilization device) monitoring", "持续被动运动装置监测", "CPM(持续被动活动装置)监测" ], "14133008": [ "Closure by wire", "Wiring", "电线闭合", "接线" ], "390965009": [ "Respiratory syncytial virus antibody level", "呼吸道合胞病毒抗体水平" ], "241674004": [ "Operative endoscopy of rectum", "直肠内镜手术" ], "225290005": [ "Planning the day", "Structuring of day", "规划一天", "一天的结构" ], "274442008": [ "Skin blemish removal", "去除皮肤瑕疵" ], "223455001": [ "Assisting with procedure", "Helping with procedure", "协助办理手续" ], "258058009": [ "Open spirometry", "开放式肺量计" ], "878815003": [ "Computed tomography angiography of cerebral artery and neck artery with contrast", "CT angiography of cerebral artery and neck artery with contrast", "CT arteriography of cerebral artery and neck artery with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of cerebral artery and neck artery with contrast", "CT arteriogram of cerebral artery and neck artery with contrast", "脑动脉及颈动脉增强 CT 血管造影", "脑动脉及颈动脉增强 CT 动脉造影", "脑动脉和颈动脉的计算机断层血管造影", "脑动脉及颈动脉增强 CT 造影", "脑动脉及颈动脉的计算机断层造影" ], "59615004": [ "Laboratory test order by laboratory initiative", "实验室主动安排实验室测试" ], "405514008": [ "Femoro-distal popliteal graft for repair of aneurysm with in-situ vein", "股骨远端腘窝移植物修复原位静脉动脉瘤" ], "305375004": [ "Admission to care of the elderly department", "Admission to geriatric medicine department", "入住养老院", "老年医学科入院" ], "41396000": [ "Excision of lesion of tendon sheath of forearm", "前臂腱鞘病变切除术" ], "174303008": [ "Radiological reduction of intussusception of rectum using barium enema", "直肠套叠的放射复位术" ], "172468003": [ "Biopsy of lesion of sclera", "巩膜病变活检" ], "1335732004": [ "Anterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc and interbody fusion of joint of cervical spine", "Anterior interbody fusion of joint of cervical spine", "颈椎前路椎间融合术", "颈椎前路椎间盘切除及颈椎椎间关节融合术" ], "57780004": [ "Radioiodohippurate sodium renogram, serial imaging", "放射性碘马尿酸钠肾图,连续成像" ], "713140006": [ "Management of dehydration", "脱水治疗" ], "416393001": [ "Procedure time out", "程序超时" ], "252553002": [ "Rhinomanometry", "鼻压测量" ], "88713003": [ "Transection of lingual nerve", "舌神经切断术" ], "268937004": [ "Examination of digestive system", "Examination of GIT", "消化系统检查", "胃肠道检查" ], "121481006": [ "Carbinoxamine measurement", "卡比沙明测量" ], "105097006": [ "Carbenicillin measurement", "羧苄青霉素测量" ], "447326000": [ "Endoscopic incision of ethmoid sinus", "Endoscopic ethmoidotomy", "内镜筛窦切开术" ], "711305009": [ "Removal of implanted neurostimulator", "移除植入的神经刺激器" ], "119646000": [ "Hand incision", "手部切口" ], "840542000": [ "Measurement of controlled attenuation parameter", "受控衰减参数的测量" ], "236169006": [ "Percutaneous nephroscopic operation on ureter", "经皮肾镜输尿管手术" ], "70494000": [ "Fibrin split products, staphylococcal clumping", "纤维蛋白裂解产物、葡萄球菌凝集" ], "709470006": [ "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and dilatation of duodenum", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and dilatation of duodenum", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and dilatation of duodenum", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and dilation of duodenum", "上消化道内镜检查及十二指肠扩张术", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及十二指肠扩张术" ], "234334004": [ "Allogeneic related bone marrow transplant", "Live related bone marrow transplant", "Allogeneic related bone marrow graft", "活体骨髓移植", "同种异体骨髓移植" ], "773171004": [ "Local excision of lesion of bone of rib", "肋骨损伤局部切除术" ], "281651004": [ "Drainage of blister", "水泡引流" ], "412723006": [ "Arthroscopic capsular release of shoulder joint", "关节镜下肩关节囊松解术" ], "16554511000119103": [ "SPECT using gallium radiolabeled white blood cells for localization of inflammation", "Single photon emission computed tomography using gallium radiolabeled white blood cells for localization of inflammation", "SPECT using gallium radiolabelled white blood cells for localisation of inflammation", "Single photon emission computed tomography using gallium radiolabelled white blood cells for localisation of inflammation", "SPECT 使用镓放射性标记的白细胞来定位炎症", "使用镓放射性标记的白细胞进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描以定位炎症", "使用镓放射性标记白细胞的单光子发射计算机断层扫描来定位炎症", "使用镓放射性标记的白细胞进行 SPECT 来定位炎症" ], "19507008": [ "Anti DNase C test", "Measurement of deoxyribonuclease C antibody", "Anti-deoxyribonuclease C test", "抗脱氧核糖核酸酶C检测", "脱氧核糖核酸酶C抗体的测量", "抗 DNase C 检测" ], "572431000119104": [ "Administration of typhoid VI capsular polysaccharide vaccine via intramuscular route", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi capsular polysaccharide Vi antigen via intramuscular route", "Intramuscular typhoid Vi capsular polysaccharide immunization", "Intramuscular typhoid Vi capsular polysaccharide vaccination", "Intramuscular typhoid Vi capsular polysaccharide immunisation", "肌肉注射伤寒 VI 荚膜多糖疫苗", "肌肉注射伤寒Vi荚膜多糖免疫", "肌肉注射伤寒Vi荚膜多糖疫苗", "通过肌肉注射途径注射仅含有伤寒沙门氏菌肠亚种荚膜多糖 Vi 抗原的疫苗产品" ], "394511000119106": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of lower limb joint without contrast", "MRI of lower limb joint without contrast", "下肢关节非造影 MRI", "下肢关节无造影磁共振成像" ], "409871000119107": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of pancreas without contrast", "MRI of pancreas without contrast", "无造影剂胰腺磁共振成像", "胰腺 MRI 无造影" ], "232499009": [ "Inferior meatal antrostomy", "IMA - Inferior meatal antrostomy", "下鼻道上窦造口术", "IMA-- 下鼻道上颌窦造口术" ], "722184001": [ "Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty", "DSAEK - Descemet's stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty", "Descemet 剥离式自动内皮角膜移植术", "DSAEK - Descemet 剥离式自动内皮角膜移植术" ], "16446991000119104": [ "Ultrasound scan of soft tissue mass of limb", "Ultrasonography of soft tissue mass of limb", "四肢软组织肿块的超声检查", "四肢软组织肿块超声扫描" ], "411151000119106": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of orbit, face and neck with contrast", "MRI of orbit, face and neck with contrast", "眼眶、面部和颈部的对比磁共振成像", "眼眶、面部和颈部的 MRI 对比" ], "427272008": [ "Recommendation to physician", "Advice to physician", "对医生的建议", "向医生的建议" ], "179677001": [ "Revision to open reduction of dislocation and external fixation", "脱位切开复位外固定术" ], "359901001": [ "Neuroplasty and transposition of median nerve at carpal tunnel", "腕管处正中神经成形术及移位术" ], "261597004": [ "Dye test of fallopian tube", "Dye test for tubal patency", "输卵管染色检查", "输卵管通畅性染料检测" ], "425437006": [ "Ligation of pulmonary artery", "肺动脉结扎" ], "439986000": [ "Determination of acetylation rate", "乙酰化率的测定" ], "423602000": [ "Occupational therapy surveillance", "Occupational therapy care surveillance", "职业治疗护理监测", "职业治疗监测" ], "79538007": [ "Decompression of thoracic outlet by tenotomy", "Tenotomy of pectoralis minor tendon for decompression of thoracic outlet", "肌腱切断术减压胸廓出口", "胸小肌腱切断术减压胸廓出口" ], "61319000": [ "Tellurite reduction test", "亚碲酸盐还原试验" ], "225159001": [ "Application of Bennett's plaster cast", "Application of Bennett plaster cast", "Bennett 石膏模型的应用" ], "274311002": [ "Diagnostic catheterisation of urinary bladder", "Diagnostic catheterization of urinary bladder", "膀胱诊断性导尿" ], "110471002": [ "Declotting of shunt", "Removal of blood clot from shunt", "清除分流管中的血凝块", "分流管除凝" ], "176007002": [ "Endoscopy of intestinal conduit", "肠道内窥镜检查" ], "716679005": [ "Plain X-ray of pelvis and lower limb", "Plain X-ray of pelvis and lower extremity", "骨盆和下肢的普通 X 光检查" ], "241543008": [ "CT of mediastinum", "Computed tomography of mediastinum", "纵隔计算机断层扫描", "纵隔CT" ], "405383009": [ "Embolectomy of external iliac artery", "髂外动脉栓塞切除术" ], "370780002": [ "Assessment of psychosocial issues specific to patient nutritional status", "Assesses psychosocial issues specific to patient nutritional status", "评估患者营养状况特有的社会心理问题", "评估与患者营养状况相关的社会心理问题" ], "305244006": [ "Admission by community paediatrician", "Admission by community pediatrician", "社区儿科医生入院" ], "239708008": [ "Removal of constricting band from limb", "拆除肢体上的束缚带" ], "174172009": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic cauterisation of lesion of colon", "Fiberoptic endoscopic cauterization of lesion of colon", "纤维内镜结肠病变烧灼术" ], "90417000": [ "Cervical spinal fusion by posterior technique", "Cervical arthrodesis by posterior technique", "后路颈椎融合术", "后路颈椎关节融合术" ], "450865002": [ "Insertion of nontunneled haemodialysis catheter", "Insertion of nontunneled hemodialysis catheter", "非隧道式血液透析导管插入" ], "104966000": [ "Thromboxane A>2< measurement", "Thromboxane A2 level", "血栓素 A>2< 测量", "血栓素 A2 水平" ], "449030000": [ "Eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing therapy", "Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy", "眼动脱敏与再加工疗法" ], "121350001": [ "1,2-Dichlorobenzene measurement", "1,2-二氯苯测量" ], "432646007": [ "Care of deceased patient", "遗体护理" ], "170502008": [ "Infection surveillance", "感染监测" ], "4827002": [ "Shower hydrotherapy", "Douche hydrotherapy", "淋浴水疗", "灌洗水疗" ], "250587004": [ "Carbamazepine blood measurement", "Carbamazepine: blood level", "卡马西平:血药浓度", "卡马西平血液测量" ], "166832000": [ "Serum HDL cholesterol measurement", "Serum HDL cholesterol level", "Serum high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement", "血清高密度脂蛋白胆固醇测量", "血清高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平" ], "52144000": [ "Removal of bone growth stimulator", "Removal of electronic bone stimulator", "移除骨骼生长刺激器", "移除电子骨刺激器" ], "117680007": [ "Metasystox measurement", "Metasysox 测量" ], "265136008": [ "Primary open reduction of fragment of bone and fixation using wire system", "骨折块初次切开复位并用钢丝系统固定" ], "183216008": [ "Gastrostomy bag fitting", "胃造口袋配件" ], "609200008": [ "Endoscopic procedure on small intestine for control of haemorrhage", "Endoscopic procedure on small intestine for control of hemorrhage", "内镜小肠止血手术", "内镜小肠手术控制出血" ], "443525004": [ "Measurement of Leptospira interrogans serovar Grippotyphosa antibody", "钩端螺旋体血清型流感伤寒抗体检测" ], "33925007": [ "Probing of lacrimal punctum", "泪点探查" ], "32090000": [ "Injection of larynx", "Injection into larynx", "喉部注射" ], "310618007": [ "Patch repair of popliteal artery", "腘动脉补片修复" ], "228698009": [ "Iodine 131 therapy", "I131 therapy", "I131治疗", "碘131治疗" ], "276015003": [ "Plain X-ray of forefoot", "前足 X 光检查" ], "28420002": [ "Excision of muscle of hand for graft", "Myectomy of hand for graft", "Resection of muscle of hand for graft", "手部肌肉切除术", "切除手部肌肉进行移植", "手部肌切除术用于移植" ], "44804004": [ "Perfusion of upper limb", "上肢灌注" ], "241412004": [ "Tc99m granulocyte (phagocytosis) study", "Tc99m 粒细胞(吞噬作用)研究" ], "419801000": [ "Angioplasty of abdominal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of abdominal artery with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行腹部动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下腹部动脉造影血管成形术" ], "26585000": [ "Repair of female perineum", "女性会阴修复术" ], "239577002": [ "Amputation of thumb through metacarpophalangeal joint", "经掌指关节拇指截肢术" ], "305113005": [ "Ocular infiltration of local anesthetic", "Ocular infiltration of local anaesthetic", "眼部局部麻醉药浸润", "局部麻醉药眼部浸润" ], "174041007": [ "Laparoscopic emergency appendicectomy", "Endoscopic emergency appendicectomy", "Laparoscopic emergency appendectomy", "Endoscopic emergency appendectomy", "腹腔镜急诊阑尾切除术", "内镜急诊阑尾切除术" ], "42969009": [ "Cauterization of skin", "Fulguration of subcutaneous tissue", "Cauterisation of skin", "皮肤烧灼", "皮下组织电灼" ], "303278003": [ "Manipulation of radioulnar joint", "Manipulation of radioulnar joint - non-surgical", "桡尺关节操作 - 非手术", "桡尺关节操作" ], "172206004": [ "Repair of canthus with mucosal graft", "用粘膜移植修复眼角" ], "8366007": [ "Operation on nipple", "乳头手术" ], "711043000": [ "Personal care assessment", "Assessment of self-care", "自我护理评估", "个人护理评估" ], "252291001": [ "Hemoglobin Barts identification", "Haemoglobin Barts identification", "血红蛋白 Barts 鉴定" ], "170371001": [ "Second hepatitis B vaccination", "Second hepatitis B immunization", "Second hepatitis B immunisation", "Administration of second dose of hepatitis B vaccine", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Hepatitis B virus antigen", "注射第二剂仅含乙肝病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "接种第二剂乙肝疫苗", "第二次乙肝免疫接种", "第二次乙肝疫苗接种", "第二次乙肝免疫" ], "104835007": [ "Normetanephrine measurement", "Normetadrenaline measurement", "去甲肾上腺素测量", "正甲肾上腺素测量" ], "840280000": [ "Osteocutaneous fibular free flap reconstruction", "FOFF (fibula osteocutaneous free flap) reconstruction", "Osteocutaneous fibula free flap reconstruction", "Fibula osteocutaneous free flap reconstruction", "FOFF(腓骨骨皮瓣)重建", "腓骨游离骨皮瓣重建", "骨皮瓣游离腓骨重建", "骨皮腓骨游离皮瓣重建" ], "39299008": [ "Fistulization of orbit", "Fistulisation of orbit", "眼眶造瘘术" ], "265005003": [ "Sampling of supraclavicular lymph nodes", "锁骨上淋巴结取样" ], "363309004": [ "Soft tissue closure", "软组织闭合" ], "428845007": [ "Intramedullary fixation with cementing of bone", "骨水泥髓内固定" ], "396077009": [ "Medication prefill education", "Teach medication prefill preparation", "教授药物预填充准备", "药物预灌注教育" ], "410626003": [ "Well child visit, 4 month", "4 个月儿童健康检查" ], "392407001": [ "Re208 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chinchilla epithelium specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chinchilla epithelium specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "南美栗鼠上皮特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Re208 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "南美栗鼠上皮特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "310487002": [ "Limb exsanguination by pressure on artery", "动脉受压导致肢体失血" ], "48343003": [ "Removal of intracranial neurostimulator receiver", "移除颅内神经刺激器接收器" ], "228567003": [ "Benson technique", "Benson 技术" ], "179415005": [ "Revision hybrid unicompartmental knee replacement", "翻修混合单髁膝关节置换术" ], "177580000": [ "Removal of dirt from skin of head or neck", "清除头部或颈部皮肤上的污垢" ], "243116003": [ "Parental support", "Support for parent", "父母支持" ], "1258924006": [ "Education about workforce transition program", "Education about workforce transition programme", "劳动力转型计划教育", "关于劳动力转型计划的教育" ], "175745000": [ "Microsurgical repair artery", "显微外科修复动脉" ], "306817003": [ "Low power laser therapy to neck", "颈部低功率激光治疗" ], "11905006": [ "Pasco system test", "Pasco 系统测试" ], "239446002": [ "Stabilization of patellofemoral joint", "Stabilisation of patellofemoral joint", "髌股关节的稳定", "髌股关节稳定" ], "1255254009": [ "Application of dental resin infiltration material to lesion of tooth", "牙科树脂渗透材料在牙周病损修复中的应用" ], "90155002": [ "Curettage of corneal epithelium with chemocauterization", "Abrasion of corneal epithelium with chemocauterization", "Curettage of corneal epithelium with chemocauterisation", "Abrasion of corneal epithelium with chemocauterisation", "角膜上皮刮除术及化学烧灼术", "化学烧灼导致角膜上皮磨损" ], "24619005": [ "Skin scraping for examination", "皮肤刮片检查" ], "1204267007": [ "Local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y random pattern skin flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction of skin using local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y random pattern skin flap", "Reconstruction of skin with local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y random pattern skin flap", "局部皮下带蒂V-Y型随意皮瓣修复", "局部皮下带蒂V-Y型随意皮瓣修复皮肤" ], "71936001": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on upper arm", "Anaesthesia for procedure on upper arm", "上臂手术麻醉" ], "450603009": [ "Biopsy of lesion of temporal lobe", "颞叶病变活检" ], "710912004": [ "Referral to funeral service", "转介殡葬服务" ], "252160004": [ "Standard pregnancy test", "标准妊娠试验" ], "709077000": [ "Angioplasty of peripheral blood vessel", "周围血管成形术" ], "104704009": [ "Glutathione S-transferase measurement", "谷胱甘肽 S-转移酶测量" ], "397781009": [ "Mode of ventilation monitoring", "通气监测模式" ], "281258002": [ "Laparoscopic dye test of fallopian tube", "LAP DYE - laparoscopic dye test of fallopian tube", "LAP DYE - 腹腔镜输卵管染色检查", "腹腔镜输卵管染色检查" ], "1297066004": [ "Trial insertion of spinal cord stimulator electrode", "Epidural insertion of temporary spinal cord stimulator electrode", "Percutaneous insertion of temporary spinal cord stimulator electrode into epidural space of spine", "经皮将临时脊髓刺激器电极插入脊柱硬膜外腔", "硬膜外插入临时脊髓刺激器电极", "脊髓刺激器电极试插入" ], "166570006": [ "Serum amylase (pancreatic) measurement", "Serum amylase (pancreatic)", "血清淀粉酶(胰腺)", "血清淀粉酶(胰腺)测量" ], "426879001": [ "Microvascular lymphatic vessel anastomosis", "显微血管淋巴管吻合术" ], "1196927004": [ "CT triple phase study of abdomen with contrast", "Computed tomography triple phase study of abdomen with contrast", "腹部增强CT三期扫描", "腹部增强 CT 三期扫描研究" ], "443263006": [ "Insertion of insulin pump", "插入胰岛素泵" ], "441428007": [ "Keeping call bell by patient", "Position call light near subject", "病人保管呼叫铃", "靠近拍摄对象的位置呼叫灯" ], "46377000": [ "Cardiac tomography", "心脏断层扫描" ], "392276009": [ "Elymus triticoides specific IgE antibody measurement", "g70 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Wild rye grass specific IgE antibody measurement", "Elymus triticoides specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "g70特异性IgE抗体测量", "野黑麦草特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "小麦草特异性IgE抗体测定", "小麦披碱草特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "406825000": [ "Carminic acid stain method", "Carminic acid stain", "胭脂红酸染色法", "胭脂红酸染色" ], "308521005": [ "Clinic A monitoring call", "诊所A监控电话" ], "29993007": [ "Arthroscopy of wrist with excision of triangular fibrocartilage", "腕关节镜检查及三角纤维软骨切除术" ], "177449008": [ "Local advancement flap, fasciocutaneous", "局部推进皮瓣,筋膜皮瓣" ], "241150003": [ "Videoswallow", "视频吞咽" ], "306686004": [ "Correction of congenital claw toes", "先天性爪形趾的矫正" ], "1287891001": [ "Repair of retinal tear", "视网膜裂孔修复" ], "419539002": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of iliac artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and stent iliac artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of iliac artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "髂动脉荧光造影及支架置入术", "髂动脉荧光血管造影及支架置入", "对比剂荧光透视检查及髂动脉支架" ], "239315002": [ "Osteotomy of lesser metatarsal base", "小跖骨基底截骨术" ], "304851002": [ "Specific task orientated psychotherapy", "特定任务导向心理治疗" ], "42707004": [ "Excision of pressure injury of greater femoral trochanteric region with flap reconstruction using bipedicle flap", "Excision of trochanteric pressure injury with bipedicle flap closure", "双蒂皮瓣闭合切除股骨转子压力损伤", "双蒂皮瓣切除重建股骨大转子区压力性损伤" ], "171944000": [ "Transethmoidal hypophysectomy", "经筛窦垂体切除术" ], "40872008": [ "Excisional debridement of burn", "烧伤切除清创术" ], "104573002": [ "Carnitine/creatinine ratio measurement", "肉碱/肌酐比率测量" ], "268413008": [ "Surgical biopsy of eyelid", "Surgical biopsy - eyelid", "手术活检-眼睑", "眼睑手术活检" ], "446802003": [ "Excision of lipoma of shoulder", "肩部脂肪瘤切除术" ], "397650007": [ "Helminthosporium halodes specific IgE antibody measurement", "m8 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Setomelanomma rostrata specific IgE antibody measurement", "Exserohilum rostratum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Exserohilum rostratum specific IgE antibody measurement", "喙尖脐血吸虫特异性IgE抗体测定", "喙黑线虫特异性IgE抗体测定", "喙突脐菌特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "m8特异性IgE抗体测量", "长蠕孢菌特异性 IgE 抗体测定" ], "250194009": [ "Cell phenotype determination", "Cell phenotype", "细胞表型", "细胞表型测定" ], "313895006": [ "150 minute serum LH level", "150 minute serum LH measurement", "150 minute serum luteinizing hormone measurement", "150 minute serum luteinising hormone measurement", "150 分钟血清 LH 水平", "150 分钟血清 LH 测量", "150 分钟血清促黄体激素测量" ], "608807008": [ "Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy with repair of cystocele and rectocele", "Laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy with repair of cystocoele and rectocoele", "腹腔镜辅助阴道子宫切除术及膀胱膨出和直肠膨出的修补术" ], "410364005": [ "Support system case management", "支持系统案例管理" ], "31697000": [ "Osteotomy of ulna", "Incision of bone of ulna", "尺骨切开术", "尺骨截骨术" ], "66300009": [ "Biopsy of thymus", "胸腺活检" ], "764009": [ "Arthrodesis of interphalangeal joint of great toe", "Arthrodesis of interphalangeal joint of hallux", "大脚趾指间关节融合术", "拇趾间关节融合术" ], "1293265005": [ "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of joint using cement", "Cemented prosthetic total arthroplasty of joint", "骨水泥型假体全关节置换术", "采用骨水泥进行人工全关节置换术" ], "310225005": [ "Suture repair of systemic venous pathway", "全身静脉通路缝合修复" ], "306555000": [ "Discharge by diagnostic radiographer", "诊断放射技师出院" ], "175483000": [ "Ligation of renal artery", "肾动脉结扎" ], "13478008": [ "Electrocardiogram, intracardiac, His bundle recording", "心电图、心内、希氏束记录" ], "241019003": [ "Packing of wound", "伤口包扎" ], "388475004": [ "c70 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Insulin (porcine) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Insulin (porcine) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "胰岛素(猪)特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "c70 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "胰岛素(猪)特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "1156688001": [ "Facilitation of grieving process", "Facilitation of grief work", "促进悲伤工作", "促进悲伤过程" ], "763472001": [ "Fluoroscopic venogram of subclavian vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "Fluoroscopic venography of subclavian vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "锁骨下静脉造影术及金属支架植入术", "锁骨下静脉造影及金属支架植入术" ], "1287760003": [ "Reconstruction of skin of neck", "颈部皮肤重建" ], "108112003": [ "Brain endoscopy", "Endoscopy of brain", "脑内窥镜检查" ], "42576007": [ "Release of trigeminal nerve", "释放三叉神经" ], "1254992009": [ "Caffeine free diet", "无咖啡因饮食" ], "73509004": [ "Partial colectomy with skin level colostomy", "部分结肠切除术及皮肤水平结肠造口术" ], "450341007": [ "Destruction of splanchnic sympathetic nerve", "内脏交感神经破坏" ], "448506000": [ "External fixation of tarsal bone", "跗骨外固定" ], "301050003": [ "Primary closed reduction of fracture dislocation", "骨折脱位一期闭合复位" ], "88058003": [ "Perfusion", "灌注" ], "235514009": [ "Splanchnic nerve procedure", "内脏神经手术" ], "708815007": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of adrenal gland using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of adrenal gland", "影像引导下肾上腺经皮细针穿刺活检" ], "430287009": [ "Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of long saphenous vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of long saphenous vein with contrast", "透视引导下经皮长隐静脉造影射频消融术", "荧光造影引导下经皮长隐静脉射频消融术" ], "84388005": [ "Equalization of leg by epiphyseal stapling of tibia", "Stapling of epiphyseal plate of tibia", "Equalisation of leg by epiphyseal stapling of tibia", "通过胫骨骨骺缝合术使腿部平衡", "胫骨骨骺板缝合术" ], "182692007": [ "Nasopharyngeal airway insertion", "Nasal airway insertion", "NP - Nasopharyngeal airway insertion", "鼻咽气道插入", "鼻腔气道插入", "NP-- 鼻咽气道插入" ], "313764008": [ "Porphobilinogen/creatinine ratio measurement", "Porphobilinogen/creatinine ratio", "胆色素原/肌酐比率", "胆色素原/肌酐比率测量" ], "633004": [ "Chart review by physician", "医生审查图表" ], "410233005": [ "Mental health treatment education", "Teach mental health treatment", "教授心理健康治疗", "心理健康治疗教育" ], "426617006": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic insertion of expanding metal stent into colon", "Fiberoptic endoscopic insertion of expanding metal stent into colon", "纤维内镜将膨胀金属支架插入结肠", "纤维内窥镜将膨胀金属支架插入结肠" ], "49785008": [ "Osteotomy of scapula", "Incision of bone of scapula", "肩胛骨截骨术", "肩胛骨切开术" ], "179022006": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture and unlocked unreamed intramedullary nail fixation", "一期切开复位骨折及解锁非扩髓髓内钉固定" ], "62499002": [ "Excision of ligament of joint", "Resection of ligament of joint", "关节韧带切除术" ], "13347005": [ "Destruction of intra-abdominal tumor, extensive", "Destruction of intra-abdominal tumour, extensive", "腹腔内肿瘤广泛破坏" ], "439331008": [ "Repair of wound of heart with cardiopulmonary bypass", "体外循环下心脏伤口的修复" ], "60664002": [ "Control of oropharyngeal hemorrhage", "Control of oropharyngeal haemorrhage", "控制口咽出血" ], "290040006": [ "Fit ear mould for swim plug", "Fit ear mold for swim plug", "适合游泳塞的耳模" ], "386509000": [ "Airway management", "气道管理" ], "306424009": [ "Discharge by clinical neurophysiologist", "临床神经生理学家出院" ], "173517006": [ "Manipulative removal of calculus from parotid duct", "腮腺管结石手法取出术" ], "419277007": [ "CT arteriogram of upper limb artery with contrast", "CT arteriography of artery of upper extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of artery of upper limb with contrast", "CT angiography of artery of upper limb with contrast", "CT arteriography of artery of upper limb with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of artery of upper limb with contrast", "CT angiography of artery of upper extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of artery of upper extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of artery of upper extremity with contrast", "上肢动脉增强 CT 动脉造影", "上肢动脉增强CT血管造影", "上肢动脉增强 CT 造影", "上肢动脉增强 CT 血管造影" ], "56994000": [ "Dorsal spinal fusion for pseudoarthrosis", "背部脊柱融合术治疗假关节" ], "91597009": [ "Excisional biopsy of joint structure of wrist", "Biopsy of joint structure of wrist", "腕关节结构活检", "腕关节结构切除活检" ], "171682005": [ "Exploration of hypoglossal nerve (XII)", "舌下神经探查(XII)" ], "1269410007": [ "Insertion of direct composite veneer onto labial surface of tooth", "将直接复合贴面插入牙齿唇面" ], "6007000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of chest", "MRI of thorax", "MRI of chest", "胸部 MRI", "胸部磁共振成像" ], "448375001": [ "Incision of intrathoracic vascular structure", "Incision of intrathoracic vessel", "胸内血管结构切开", "胸内血管切开" ], "71543002": [ "Fenestration of aorta", "主动脉开窗术" ], "710519004": [ "Education about transfer technique", "转移技术教育" ], "235383005": [ "Insertion of prosthetic material around anal sphincter", "在肛门括约肌周围插入假体材料" ], "104311005": [ "Adenovirus antibody assay", "Serologic test for Adenovirus", "Measurement of adenovirus antibody", "腺病毒血清学检测", "腺病毒抗体检测", "腺病毒抗体测定" ], "708684002": [ "Percutaneous drainage of gallbladder using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous drainage of gallbladder", "影像引导下经皮胆囊穿刺引流", "影像引导下经皮胆囊引流" ], "118860007": [ "Procedure on clitoris", "阴蒂手术" ], "53324008": [ "Time resolved fluorescence immunoassay", "时间分辨荧光免疫分析" ], "413772009": [ "Anti cathepsin G antibody level", "Cathepsin G antibody measurement", "抗蛋白酶 G 抗体水平", "组织蛋白酶 G 抗体测量" ], "18721001": [ "Cosyntropin test", "Cortisol response to cosyntropin test", "Rapid ACTH test", "促肾上腺皮质激素试验", "快速促肾上腺皮质激素 (ACTH) 检测", "皮质醇对促皮质素试验的反应" ], "233548008": [ "Cannulation of arteriovenous interposition graft", "动静脉间置管" ], "182561004": [ "Immobilization of wound", "Immobilisation of wound", "伤口固定" ], "117025004": [ "Thioflavine S stain method", "Thioflavine-S stain", "Thioflavine S stain", "硫黄素-S染色", "硫黄素S染色", "硫黄素S染色法" ], "2337004": [ "Adductor tenotomy of hip", "Division of adductor tendon of hip", "Adductor tenotomy", "Tenotomy of adductor muscle of thigh", "髋部收肌腱分离", "大腿收肌腱切断术", "收肌腱切断术", "髋部收肌腱切断术" ], "231713005": [ "Intracorneal insertion of ring", "角膜内插入环" ], "84257008": [ "Open biopsy of ileum", "回肠开放活检" ], "410102001": [ "Stress control assessment", "Stress management assessment", "Assess stress control", "压力控制评估", "压力管理评估", "评估压力控制" ], "705014008": [ "Conversion from total prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint", "肩关节全假体置换术" ], "15051002": [ "Repair of pancreas", "胰腺修复" ], "408267008": [ "GD1a IgG level", "GD1a IgG level measurement", "GD1a immunoglobulin G level measurement", "GD1a 免疫球蛋白 G 水平测量", "GD1a IgG 水平", "GD1a IgG 水平测量" ], "177056005": [ "Destruction of lesion of broad ligament of uterus", "子宫阔韧带损伤破坏术" ], "175221003": [ "Construction of central aortopulmonary interposition shunt", "中央主动脉肺动脉插管术的建立" ], "306293006": [ "Referral to liaison psychiatrist", "转介至联络精神科医生" ], "715893007": [ "Assessment using Buffalo III Voice Profile", "使用 Buffalo III 语音配置文件进行评估" ], "419146001": [ "US scan and aspiration of breast", "Ultrasound scan and aspiration of breast", "乳房超声扫描和穿刺", "乳房超声波扫描及抽吸" ], "304458004": [ "Interrupted direct current to upper limb", "中断上肢直流电" ], "269855000": [ "Enzyme/specific protein level measurement", "Enzymes/specific protein levels", "酶/特定蛋白质水平测量", "酶/特定蛋白质水平" ], "433695001": [ "Warming subject using infusion of warm intravenous fluid", "通过输注温热静脉液来为受试者保暖" ], "386378008": [ "Order transcription", "订购转录" ], "122399004": [ "Aspergillus culture", "曲霉培养" ], "417311009": [ "Referral to pediatric cardiology service", "Referral to paediatric cardiology service", "转诊至儿科心脏病科", "转诊至儿科心脏病科服务" ], "251636002": [ "Evoked magnetic fields", "诱发磁场" ], "169716006": [ "Antenatal 28 week examination", "产前28周检查" ], "22260006": [ "C1q solid phase assay", "C1q 固相分析" ], "284404007": [ "Examination of joint of hand", "手部关节检查" ], "431860009": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of superficial femoral vein using contrast with insertion of stent", "用造影剂插入支架进行股浅静脉荧光镜静脉造影" ], "233417002": [ "Exploration of artery with arteriotomy", "动脉切开术探查动脉" ], "448244008": [ "External fixation of fibula", "腓骨外固定" ], "118729003": [ "Procedure on bone of skull", "颅骨手术" ], "315337007": [ "Harvest of bone graft from upper limb", "上肢骨移植采集" ], "84126002": [ "Repair of vulvorectal fistula", "Closure of vulvorectal fistula", "Closure of rectovulvar fistula", "Repair of rectolabial fistula", "Closure of rectolabial fistula", "直肠唇瘘闭合", "直肠外阴瘘的缝合", "外阴直肠瘘的修复", "直肠唇瘘的修复", "外阴直肠瘘闭合" ], "231582007": [ "Destruction of lesion of lateral canthus", "外眦病变毁损术" ], "313502007": [ "24 hour urine albumin output measurement", "24 hour urine albumin output", "24小时尿白蛋白排出量", "24 小时尿白蛋白排出量测量" ], "311667000": [ "Speech fluency exercises", "言语流畅性练习" ], "18590009": [ "Cardiac pacing", "Electrical cardiac pacing", "心脏起搏", "电心脏起搏" ], "82291006": [ "Excision of urethral prolapse", "Excision of prolapsed urethral mucosa", "尿道脱垂切除术", "脱垂尿道黏膜切除术" ], "33139008": [ "Spectrophotometric measurement", "分光光度测量" ], "178760001": [ "Reduction of rib hump", "Costoplasty", "肋骨隆起减少", "肋骨整形术" ], "424520006": [ "Subglottic space suctioning", "Subglottic suctioning", "声门下吸痰", "声门下间隙吸痰" ], "1209117007": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to first and second obtuse marginal branches of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to first and second obtuse marginal branches of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to first and second obtuse marginal branches of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to first and second obtuse marginal branches of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支第一、二支钝缘支", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支第一、二钝缘支的序贯吻合术", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支第一、二个钝缘支", "游离右乳内动脉自左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支第一、二钝缘支序贯吻合" ], "766749008": [ "Insertion of silicone breast implant into right breast", "将硅胶乳房植入物插入右乳房" ], "422685009": [ "Cardiovascular stress test using the dipyridamole stress test protocol", "使用双嘧达莫压力测试方案进行心血管压力测试" ], "207858002": [ "Excisional biopsy of nerve ganglion", "神经节切除活检" ], "306162002": [ "Referral to hospital-based podiatry service", "Referral to hospital chiropody service", "Referral to hospital podiatry service", "转诊至医院足病治疗服务", "转介至医院足病治疗服务" ], "173255002": [ "Reconstruction of lip with Karapandzic flap", "卡拉潘季克皮瓣唇部重建" ], "386247006": [ "Conflict mediation", "冲突调解" ], "25799009": [ "Excision of lesion of perivesical tissue", "Excisional biopsy of perivesical tissue", "膀胱周围组织切除活检", "膀胱周围组织病变切除" ], "287943009": [ "Insufflation of fallopian tube using saline", "用盐水充气输卵管" ], "122268003": [ "Adenovirus culture", "腺病毒培养" ], "171420007": [ "Examination of refugee", "难民审查" ], "236956008": [ "Amnioinfusion", "羊膜腔灌注" ], "431729000": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of kidney using dimercaptosuccinic acid", "Single photon emission computed tomography of kidney using dimercaptosuccinic acid", "SPECT of kidney using dimercaptosuccinic acid", "使用二巯基丁二酸进行肾脏 SPECT 检查", "使用二巯基丁二酸进行肾脏单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "使用二巯基丁二酸对肾脏进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)" ], "5745003": [ "Excision ampulla of Vater with reimplantation of common duct", "切除壶腹部并重新植入总管" ], "104049004": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens from 210 collection (ISBT 210)", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens from 210 collection (International Society of Blood Transfusion 210)", "从 210 个样本中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体 (ISBT 210)", "从 210 个样本中鉴定红细胞抗原抗体(国际输血协会 210)" ], "20294001": [ "Excision of lesion of artery of lower limb", "下肢动脉病变切除术" ], "429894001": [ "Biopsy of ureter", "输尿管活检" ], "233286003": [ "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of profunda femoris", "Percutaneous angioplasty of profunda femoris", "PTA - Percutaneous angioplasty of profunda femoris", "经皮股深动脉球囊成形术", "经皮股深动脉血管成形术", "PTA-- 经皮股深血管成形术" ], "85830006": [ "Cardiac valvuloplasty", "Repair of heart valve", "Heart valve repair", "心脏瓣膜成形术", "心脏瓣膜修复" ], "69446009": [ "Skeletal traction", "骨牵引" ], "34843002": [ "Rebase of lower partial denture", "下部局部义齿的重新基托" ], "229616003": [ "Re-education lower limb amputee lock knee gait", "Lower limb amputee lock knee gait training", "再教育下肢截肢锁膝步态", "下肢截肢锁膝步态训练" ], "309701002": [ "Subcutaneous injection of hydrocortisone acetate", "皮下注射醋酸氢化可的松" ], "1259973005": [ "Positioning of testicle", "Positioning of testis", "睾丸的定位", "睾丸定位" ], "276933006": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of common femoral artery", "经皮股总动脉内膜切除术" ], "275098006": [ "Primary correction of clubfoot", "马蹄足的初级矫正" ], "406170006": [ "Family presence facilitation", "家庭在场协助" ], "306031004": [ "Referral from continence nurse", "Referral by continence nurse", "控尿护士推荐", "控尿护士转诊" ], "6571000179102": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of transplanted pancreas", "移植胰腺经皮穿刺活检" ], "371567007": [ "Open reduction of fracture and external fixation", "骨折切开复位外固定" ], "174959007": [ "Revision of plastic repair of valve of heart", "心脏瓣膜整形修复术" ], "191343007": [ "Dilatation of outlet of female bladder", "Dilation of outlet of female bladder", "Dilation of outlet of female urinary bladder", "女性膀胱出口扩张术" ], "1303620008": [ "Release of trigger finger of right hand", "松开右手扳机指" ], "236825001": [ "Drainage of Bartholin's abscess", "Drainage of Bartholin abscess", "巴氏腺脓肿引流", "巴托林脓肿引流" ], "302361003": [ "Cystoscopic extraction of ureteric calculus without disintegration", "Dormia basket extraction of ureteric calculus", "膀胱镜下输尿管结石不碎取术", "多米亚网篮取石术" ], "122137005": [ "Trypanosoma cruzi antibody assay", "Measurement of Trypanosoma cruzi antibody", "克氏锥虫抗体检测", "克氏锥虫抗体测量" ], "72985008": [ "Injection into skin of trunk", "躯干皮肤注射" ], "103918000": [ "Di^a^ blood group typing", "Di^a^血型分型" ], "54766001": [ "Conjunctival flap, total", "Gundersen flap", "Gundersen 皮瓣", "全结膜瓣" ], "447982008": [ "Low anterior resection of rectum with colostomy", "直肠低位前切除术及结肠造口术" ], "118467001": [ "Bone shortening", "Bone shortening procedure", "骨缩短手术", "骨缩短" ], "710126009": [ "Promotion of use of eye glasses", "Promoting use of glasses", "Promotion of use of spectacles", "推广使用眼镜", "提倡使用眼镜" ], "233155004": [ "Transection operation for arrhythmia", "心律失常的切断手术" ], "315075004": [ "Bartonella antibody level", "巴尔通体抗体水平" ], "1148824000": [ "Biacuplasty of intervertebral disc using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided intradiscal biacuplasty", "透视引导下椎间盘双腔成形术", "荧光透视引导椎间盘双针成形术" ], "231320000": [ "Buccal infiltration of local anaesthetic", "BI - Buccal infiltration", "Buccal infiltration of local anesthetic", "BI - 颊侧浸润", "局部麻醉药颊部浸润", "颊部局部麻醉药浸润" ], "34712001": [ "Local destruction of lesion of joint of hand", "手关节局部毁损" ], "395160003": [ "Hepatitis immunity test", "肝炎免疫测试" ], "16493001": [ "Platelet aggregation with ADP test", "Platelet aggregation with adenosine diphosphate test", "血小板聚集与 ADP 检测", "用二磷酸腺苷检测血小板聚集情况" ], "442477002": [ "Monitoring of cardiac output using pulse contour analysis", "使用脉搏轮廓分析监测心输出量" ], "180333002": [ "Body temperature modification and control", "Thermoregulation measures", "Temperature regulation", "体温调节措施", "体温调节和控制", "温度调节" ], "229485004": [ "Tendo achilles stretching", "天童跟腱拉伸" ], "426093007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into femoral artery", "Endovascular insertion of stent into femoral artery", "经皮腔内股动脉支架植入术", "股动脉血管内植入支架" ], "440642001": [ "Secondary repair of flexor tendon of foot with free graft", "游离移植修复足屈肌腱二期" ], "391490006": [ "Blood porphyrin DNA analysis", "Blood porphyrin deoxyribonucleic acid analysis", "血液卟啉 DNA 分析", "血卟啉脱氧核糖核酸分析" ], "112962008": [ "Repair of perforating laceration of cornea not involving uveal tissue", "未累及葡萄膜组织的角膜穿孔裂伤的修复" ], "10988000": [ "Open reduction of lunate dislocation", "月骨脱位切开复位" ], "76524001": [ "Closed reduction of fracture without internal fixation", "骨折闭合复位,无需内固定" ], "387820003": [ "Reduction of spinal deformity", "减少脊柱畸形" ], "27372005": [ "Regional anesthesia", "Local anesthetic regional block", "Local anaesthetic regional block", "Regional anaesthesia", "Regional blockade", "区域封锁", "局部麻醉", "局部麻醉区域阻滞" ], "91073005": [ "Repair of intrinsic muscles of hand", "手内在肌肉的修复" ], "385985008": [ "Housing related procedures", "Housing treatments and procedures", "Home related procedures", "住房处理和程序", "居家相关手续", "住房相关手续" ], "449686001": [ "Incision and drainage of deep abscess of lower limb", "下肢深部脓肿切开引流术" ], "9153009": [ "Newborn care service", "新生儿护理服务" ], "234859000": [ "Adjust fixed orthodontic appliance", "调整固定矫正器" ], "302230009": [ "Generic cognitive behavioral therapy", "Generic cognitive behavioural therapy", "一般认知行为疗法" ], "120171006": [ "Abdomen closure", "Closure of abdomen", "Closure of abdominal wall", "腹部缝合", "腹壁缝合" ], "233024007": [ "LA - Left atrial operation", "Left atrial operation", "LA - 左心房手术", "左心房手术" ], "50965000": [ "Destructive procedure on pineal gland", "松果体破坏性手术" ], "83733001": [ "Repair of uvula", "修复悬雍垂" ], "446016009": [ "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and excision of mucosa of stomach", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and mucosectomy of stomach", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and mucosectomy of stomach", "Endoscopic excision of mucosa of stomach", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及胃黏膜切除术", "内镜胃粘膜切除术", "上消化道内镜检查及胃粘膜切除术" ], "395029000": [ "Skin biopsy IgA level", "Skin biopsy immunoglobulin A level", "皮肤活检免疫球蛋白 A 水平", "皮肤活检 IgA 水平" ], "1813006": [ "Cryotherapy of genital warts", "生殖器疣的冷冻治疗" ], "444181009": [ "Hendra virus nucleic acid assay", "亨德拉病毒核酸检测" ], "180202002": [ "Neonatal exchange transfusion", "Neonatal exchange blood transfusion", "新生儿换血" ], "32746004": [ "Direct fluorescent antibody test for syphilis", "DFA-TP test", "梅毒直接荧光抗体检测", "DFA-TP测试" ], "229354007": [ "Accessory mobilization of the wrist joint", "Accessory mobilisation of the wrist joint", "腕关节的辅助活动" ], "178367000": [ "Reconstruction of cranial defect with local flap", "局部皮瓣修复颅骨缺损" ], "80063000": [ "Anesthesia for needle biopsy of thyroid", "Anaesthesia for needle biopsy of thyroid", "甲状腺穿刺活检麻醉", "甲状腺穿刺活检的麻醉" ], "473279002": [ "Photodynamic therapy of chorioretinal lesion", "脉络膜视网膜病变的光动力治疗" ], "702655002": [ "Surveillance of depot contraception", "长效避孕药的监测" ], "440511004": [ "Dietary education for failure to thrive", "针对发育不良的饮食教育" ], "391359005": [ "24 hour urine porphobilinogen output", "24小时尿胆色素原排出量" ], "112831008": [ "Anastomosis of veins", "Venovenostomy", "Phlebophlebostomy", "静脉吻合术", "静脉穿刺术" ], "225684002": [ "Cleaning eye", "清洁眼睛" ], "782740003": [ "Acellular processed cadaver allograft of peripheral nerve to peripheral nerve", "脱细胞尸体同种异体周围神经移植至周围神经" ], "61844004": [ "Cauterization of external ear", "Cauterisation of external ear", "外耳烧灼" ], "176532008": [ "Construction of penis", "阴茎的构造" ], "45460008": [ "Intrauterine transfusion", "Fetal transfusion", "IUT - Intrauterine transfusion", "Percutaneous fetal transfusion", "Percutaneous foetal transfusion", "Foetal transfusion", "IUT-- 宫内输血", "胎儿输血", "宫内输血", "经皮胎儿输血" ], "1256041000": [ "Restoration of tooth using metal dental crown", "使用金属牙冠修复牙齿" ], "1290644009": [ "Plain X-ray of cervicothoracic junction of vertebral column", "颈胸椎交界处X光检查" ], "780905001": [ "Harvest of bone graft from femur", "Harvesting of bone graft from femur", "从股骨获取骨移植" ], "387689003": [ "Surgical manipulation of elbow joint", "Manipulation of elbow joint under anaesthetic", "Manipulation of elbow joint under anesthetic", "肘关节手术操作", "麻醉下肘关节手术" ], "287550000": [ "Non-surgical bone marrow biopsy", "非手术骨髓活检" ], "174697009": [ "Total pancreatectomy and excision of surrounding tissue", "全胰腺切除术和周围组织切除术" ], "418622002": [ "Taking oral swab", "采集口腔拭子" ], "385854003": [ "Inhalation therapy assessment", "Assess inhalation therapy", "吸入治疗评估", "评估吸入疗法" ], "25406005": [ "Radical excision of bursa of synovia of flexors of wrist", "腕屈肌滑囊根治切除术" ], "713534006": [ "Injection of normal human immunoglobulin", "注射正常人体免疫球蛋白" ], "433171002": [ "Radionuclide bone imaging of pelvis", "骨盆放射性核素骨显像" ], "171027002": [ "Contraceptive implant education", "避孕植入教育" ], "13391000087100": [ "Ultrasonography guided left nephrostomy", "Left nephrostomy using ultrasonographic guidance", "使用超声引导进行左肾造口术", "超声引导左肾造瘘术" ], "121875006": [ "2-Hexanol measurement", "2-己醇测量" ], "19791000087102": [ "Magnetic resonance arthrography of right elbow", "Magnetic resonance arthrogram of right elbow", "MR arthrography of right elbow", "右肘关节磁共振造影", "右肘磁共振关节造影" ], "12111000087104": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal and pelvic vascular structure with contrast", "腹部和盆腔血管结构的荧光血管造影" ], "398568001": [ "Cytomegalovirus nucleic acid assay", "Cytomegalovirus nucleic acid detection", "巨细胞病毒核酸检测" ], "3151000087105": [ "MRI of right upper extremity with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right upper limb with contrast", "右上肢增强 MRI 扫描", "右上肢增强磁共振成像" ], "591000087107": [ "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of left lower limb", "Biopsy of left lower extremity using fluoroscopic guidance", "Biopsy of left lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of left lower extremity", "左下肢X光透视引导下活检", "荧光透视引导下左下肢活检", "左下肢荧光透视引导活检" ], "169192003": [ "Hepatitis antibody radioimmunoassay", "肝炎抗体放射免疫分析法" ], "14671000087106": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of bilateral lower limbs", "Biopsy of bilateral lower extremities using ultrasonographic guidance", "Biopsy of bilateral lower limbs using ultrasonographic guidance", "Biopsy of left and right lower limbs using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下左、右下肢活检", "超声引导下双下肢活检" ], "1871000087106": [ "CT of bilateral lower limbs with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral lower limbs with contrast", "Computed tomography of both lower limbs with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right lower limb with contrast", "左、右下肢增强计算机断层扫描", "双下肢增强计算机断层扫描", "双下肢增强 CT" ], "4431000087109": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of left shoulder", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of left shoulder", "Fluoroscopic arthrography of joint of left shoulder region", "左肩关节X线透视造影", "左肩关节荧光透视关节造影" ], "232893000": [ "Prosthetic replacement of atrioventricular valve chordae tendinae", "房室瓣腱索人工置换术" ], "234728009": [ "Occlusal equilibration", "咬合平衡" ], "709864005": [ "Assessment using Vanderbilt Assessment Scale", "Assessment using Vanderbilt ADHD Diagnostic Rating Scale", "使用范德比尔特注意力缺陷多动障碍诊断评定量表进行评估", "使用范德比尔特评估量表进行评估" ], "282045006": [ "Surgical investigation of tooth root", "Surgical exploration of tooth root", "牙根手术探查", "牙根手术检查" ], "36285008": [ "Fenestration of vestibule with graft", "前庭开窗术及移植物" ], "3517009": [ "Removal of foreign body of pelvis from subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织骨盆异物取出术" ], "231058005": [ "Renewal of shunt in spinal syrinx", "脊髓空洞分流术的更新" ], "180071000": [ "Excision of anlage of radius", "桡骨原基切除术" ], "229223006": [ "Participation in Tai Chi", "参加太极拳" ], "702524001": [ "Computed tomography guided biopsy of spine", "Biopsy of spine using computed tomography guidance", "Biopsy of spine using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "CT guided biopsy of spine", "计算机断层扫描引导下脊柱活检", "CT 引导下脊柱活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行脊柱活检", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行脊柱活检" ], "178236004": [ "Extirpation of lesion of muscle", "肌肉病变摘除术" ], "391228005": [ "Psychological therapies - Full day : day care", "心理治疗 - 全天:日间护理" ], "423996006": [ "Personal hygiene education, guidance, and counseling", "Personal hygiene education, guidance, and counselling", "Personal hygiene teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Personal hygiene teaching, guidance, and counselling", "个人卫生教育、指导和咨询" ], "243772004": [ "Thumb-prick sampling", "拇指刺破取样" ], "112700006": [ "Aspiration of fascia", "筋膜抽吸" ], "47164005": [ "Microbial identification, Gonochek-II method", "微生物鉴定,Gonochek-II 方法" ], "1290513008": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of elbow joint region and bone of forearm", "Plain X-ray of bone of elbow and bone of forearm", "肘骨和前臂骨的普通 X 射线", "肘关节区骨及前臂骨的普通X光检查" ], "10726005": [ "Extensive excision of nasal polyps", "广泛切除鼻息肉" ], "8891002": [ "Partial removal of vitreous by anterior approach", "前入路部分摘除玻璃体" ], "172731002": [ "Operation on cochlea", "耳蜗手术" ], "287419004": [ "Pharyngeal diverticular aspiration", "咽部憩室抽吸" ], "271035003": [ "Neutrophil percent differential count", "Percentage neutrophil count", "中性粒细胞分类计数百分比", "中性粒细胞计数百分比" ], "418491007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and thrombolysis of intracranial artery", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and thrombolysis of intracranial artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and thrombolysis of intracranial artery", "颅内动脉造影透视及溶栓治疗", "颅内动脉荧光造影及溶栓治疗", "颅内动脉荧光血管造影及溶栓治疗" ], "385723008": [ "Coping support education", "Teach coping support", "教导应对支持", "应对支持教育" ], "39824000": [ "Plication of multiple eye muscles", "Tucking of multiple eye muscles", "Folding of multiple eye muscles", "Pleating of multiple eye muscles", "多处眼部肌肉褶皱", "多处眼部肌肉折叠", "收缩多个眼部肌肉" ], "238267009": [ "Drainage of pericecal abscess", "Drainage of pericaecal abscess", "盲肠周围脓肿引流" ], "449424006": [ "Excision of arteriovenous malformation of upper limb", "上肢动静脉畸形切除术" ], "121744008": [ "Bombesin measurement", "蛙皮素测量" ], "433040008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of hepatic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of hepatic artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮肝动脉腔内血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下经皮肝动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "119909002": [ "Salivary gland closure", "唾液腺闭合" ], "37989000": [ "T-tube clamping", "T 型管夹" ], "105360009": [ "Urinalysis, reagent strip with microscopy", "尿液分析,带显微镜的试剂条" ], "170896008": [ "Occupation risk monitoring", "职业风险监测" ], "1119333005": [ "Endoscopic occlusion of left fallopian tube using fallopian tube occlusion insert", "使用输卵管闭塞插入物进行内镜左侧输卵管闭塞" ], "118074001": [ "HIV 2 p56 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 p56 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 protein 56 antibody", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型蛋白 56 抗体的测定", "HIV 2 p56 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 2 p56 抗体检测" ], "773434005": [ "Excision of varicocele with repair of inguinal hernia", "精索静脉曲张切除术及腹股沟疝修补术" ], "412986007": [ "Plasma B-mannosidase level", "Plasma beta-mannosidase measurement", "血浆B-甘露糖苷酶水平", "血浆β-甘露糖苷酶测定" ], "738831000": [ "Left hemiglossectomy", "Excision of left half of tongue", "左半舌切除术", "切除左半舌头" ], "116239000": [ "Excisional biopsy of lesion of rectum, intact, by transanal approach", "经肛门途径对直肠病变进行完整切除活检" ], "429370007": [ "Repair of cicatricial entropion", "瘢痕性眼睑内翻的修复" ], "232762008": [ "Excision of vegetations from implanted mitral valve", "植入二尖瓣赘生物切除术" ], "167226008": [ "Urine dipstick test", "尿液试纸检测" ], "230927001": [ "Intracranial intravascular ultrasound", "颅内血管内超声" ], "265530008": [ "Transluminal operations on femoral artery or popliteal artery", "股动脉或腘动脉腔内手术" ], "83471008": [ "Laminectomy for implantation of neurostimulator electrodes, endodural", "椎板切除术用于植入神经刺激器电极、硬膜内" ], "229092003": [ "Delorme and Watkins exercises", "德洛姆和沃特金斯演习" ], "32484006": [ "Destructive procedure of vein", "静脉破坏性手术" ], "178105001": [ "Aspiration of ganglion - knee", "膝关节腱鞘囊肿抽吸术" ], "128953001": [ "Catheterization of both left and right heart without graft", "Catheterisation of both left and right heart without graft", "无需移植的左、右心脏导管插入术", "无需移植即可进行左、右心脏导管插入术" ], "14265004": [ "Revision of exenteration of eye cavity with secondary graft", "Secondary graft after exenteration of eye cavity", "眼腔摘除术及二次移植术", "眼腔摘除术后二次移植" ], "77966001": [ "Incision and drainage of supramylohyoid space by extraoral approach", "经口外入路切开引流颌骨上间隙" ], "63417009": [ "Marsupialization of spinal cyst", "Marsupialisation of spinal cyst", "Marsupialization of cyst of spinal meninges", "Marsupialisation of cyst of spinal meninges", "脊髓脊膜囊肿袋形成形术", "脊柱囊肿袋形成形术", "脊髓膜囊肿袋形成形术" ], "438414005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal temporary balloon occlusion of internal iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal temporary balloon occlusion of internal iliac artery with contrast", "经皮腔内暂时球囊阻断髂内动脉(荧光造影引导)", "透视引导下经皮腔内暂时球囊阻断髂内动脉" ], "176270006": [ "Aspiration of prostatic abscess", "前列腺脓肿抽吸" ], "1208462008": [ "Sinoscopy of maxillary sinus via middle meatus", "Antroscopy of maxillary sinus via middle meatus", "经中鼻道上颌窦镜检查" ], "172600002": [ "Shave excision of lesion of external ear", "外耳病损刮除术" ], "8760004": [ "Thrombectomy with catheter of subclavian artery by arm incision", "手臂切口锁骨下动脉置管取栓术" ], "762424007": [ "Injection of triamcinolone hexacetonide into ankle joint", "踝关节注射曲安奈德" ], "445351000124103": [ "Modification of schedule of oral intake", "改变进食时间表" ], "1284877001": [ "Cementation of crown to tooth", "Fixation of crown to tooth using dental cement", "使用牙科水泥将牙冠固定到牙齿上", "将牙冠粘接到牙齿上" ], "1303096007": [ "Assessment for homelessness", "无家可归者评估" ], "438951000124106": [ "Phosphorus supplement therapy", "磷补充疗法" ], "441511000124108": [ "Management of parenteral nutrition site care", "肠外营养部位护理管理" ], "437671000124109": [ "Decreased arginine diet", "减少精氨酸饮食" ], "105229007": [ "Malathion measurement", "马拉硫磷测量" ], "398306001": [ "Stallard operation", "标准操作" ], "711437009": [ "Apprehension test of shoulder", "肩部恐惧试验" ], "121613009": [ "Isopropyl ether measurement", "异丙醚测量" ], "252685009": [ "Nardi test", "Morphine-prostigmine test for stenosis of sphincter of oddi", "双陆棋测试", "吗啡-前列斯的明试验检测​​奥狄氏括约肌狭窄" ], "412855000": [ "Urine histidine measurement", "Urine histidine level", "尿液组氨酸测量", "尿液组氨酸水平" ], "789687002": [ "Scleral depression", "巩膜凹陷" ], "232631002": [ "Enucleation of lung lesion", "肺病灶摘除术" ], "167095005": [ "Plasma random glucose measurement", "Plasma random glucose level", "血浆随机血糖水平", "血浆随机血糖测量" ], "19639005": [ "Sigmoidopexy", "Moschowitz sigmoidopexy", "乙状结肠固定术", "莫绍维茨乙状结肠固定术" ], "68791007": [ "Fiberoptic ileoscopy through stoma", "Fibreoptic ileoscopy through stoma", "经造口纤维回肠镜检查" ], "85175006": [ "Partial cystectomy, complicated", "部分膀胱切除术,复杂" ], "1017228002": [ "Sequential anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) from D1 (first diagonal) branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to LAD (left anterior descending) artery", "Sequential anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) from D1 (first diagonal) branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to LAD (left anterior descending) artery", "Sequential anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery from first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to left anterior descending artery", "Sequential anastomosis of left internal mammary artery from first diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to left anterior descending artery", "左冠状动脉前降支 D1(第一对角支)分支至左前降支(左内胸动脉)LITA(左内胸动脉)的顺序吻合", "左乳内动脉从左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支至左前降支的序贯吻合术", "将左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 从左冠状动脉前降支的 D1 (第一对角) 分支依次吻合至左前降支 (LAD) 动脉", "左胸廓内动脉左冠状动脉前降支第一对角支至左前降支序贯吻合术" ], "83340003": [ "Excision of lesion of intracranial vein", "颅内静脉病变切除术" ], "17804004": [ "Replacement of Mulligan hood of fallopian tube", "输卵管 Mulligan 罩置换术" ], "50572006": [ "Anesthesia for reconstructive procedure on breast", "Anaesthesia for reconstructive procedure on breast", "乳房重建手术麻醉", "乳房重建手术的麻醉" ], "65121007": [ "Anesthesia for angioplasty", "Anaesthesia for angioplasty", "血管成形术麻醉" ], "79670000": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of tibia and fibula with internal fixation", "胫腓骨骨折闭合复位内固定" ], "177974004": [ "Excision of lesion of mesentery of colon", "结肠系膜病变切除术" ], "390966005": [ "Plasma corrected calcium level", "血浆校正钙水平" ], "440118004": [ "Laparoscopic insertion of gastrostomy tube", "腹腔镜胃造口管插入" ], "309046007": [ "Private referral to surgeon", "向外科医生进行私人转诊" ], "12299002": [ "Osteotomy of phalanges of hand", "手指骨截骨术" ], "241675003": [ "MR proton spectroscopy of head", "Magnetic resonance proton spectroscopy of head", "头部磁共振质子波谱检查", "头部磁共振质子波谱" ], "223456000": [ "Provision of a special diet", "提供特殊饮食" ], "225291009": [ "Identifying workable intervention", "确定可行的干预措施" ], "405515009": [ "Femoro-proximal popliteal artery bypass for repair of aneurysm with in-situ vein", "股动脉近端腘动脉搭桥术修复原位静脉动脉瘤" ], "174304002": [ "Hydrostatic reduction of intussusception of rectum", "直肠套叠水压复位术" ], "305376003": [ "Admission to infectious diseases department", "传染病科入院" ], "43232006": [ "Extrapleural pneumonectomy with empyemectomy", "胸膜外全肺切除术及脓胸切除术" ], "172469006": [ "Suture of sclera", "巩膜缝合" ], "1335733009": [ "Posterior fusion of thoracic spine", "胸椎后路融合术" ], "105098001": [ "Carbon disulfide measurement", "Carbon disulphide measurement", "二硫化碳测量" ], "121482004": [ "Carbofuran measurement", "克百威测量" ], "711306005": [ "Ultrasound of body cavity", "Ultrasound scan of body cavity structure", "Ultrasonography of body cavity structure", "Intracavitary ultrasonography", "体腔结构超声检查", "腔内超声检查", "体腔超声检查", "体腔结构超声扫描" ], "39562007": [ "Vermilionectomy", "Vermilionectomy with mucosal advancement", "唇红切除术和黏膜推进术", "唇红切除术" ], "252554008": [ "Active anterior rhinomanometry", "主动前鼻压测量" ], "6794008": [ "Biopsy of soft tissue of wrist, superficial", "腕部浅表软组织活检" ], "236170007": [ "Antegrade ureteroscopy", "顺行输尿管镜检查" ], "432778008": [ "Plain X-ray of abdomen using mobile image intensifier", "使用移动影像增强器进行腹部普通 X 光检查" ], "234335003": [ "Allogeneic unrelated bone marrow graft", "MUD - Matched unrelated donor bone marrow transplant", "Allogeneic unrelated bone marrow transplant", "MUD-- 匹配的无关供体骨髓移植", "同种异体无关骨髓移植" ], "70495004": [ "Limited consultation", "有限咨询" ], "232500000": [ "MMA - Middle meatal antrostomy", "Middle meatal antrostomy", "MMA-- 中鼻道上颌窦造口术", "中鼻道上颌造口术" ], "119647009": [ "Hand excision", "Excision of hand structure", "手部结构切除", "手部切除" ], "447327009": [ "Endoscopic dilation of pharynx", "内镜咽扩张术" ], "35892001": [ "Oversewing of perforated duodenal ulcer", "Oversewing perforated duodenal ulcer", "十二指肠溃疡穿孔缝合术", "十二指肠溃疡穿孔" ], "773172006": [ "Local excision of lesion of sternum", "胸骨病变局部切除术" ], "281652006": [ "Aspiration of blister", "水泡抽吸" ], "117812006": [ "Escherichia coli 987P detection", "大肠杆菌987P检测" ], "68660007": [ "Punch biopsy", "穿刺活检" ], "722185000": [ "Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty", "DMEK - Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty", "Descemet 膜内皮角膜移植术", "DMEK - Descemet 膜内皮角膜移植术" ], "427273003": [ "Dispensing of blood product", "血液制品的分配" ], "165129008": [ "Surgical biopsy taken", "已进行手术活检" ], "359902008": [ "Repair of abdominal sinus", "腹腔窦修复" ], "46771002": [ "Phenylalanine deamination test", "苯丙氨酸脱氨试验" ], "16324841000119100": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of face without contrast", "MRI of face without contrast", "面部 MRI 无造影", "无造影面部磁共振成像" ], "16520681000119101": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of thrombin into pseudoaneurysm of extremity", "Injection of thrombin into pseudoaneurysm of extremity using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下向肢体假性动脉瘤内注射凝血酶", "荧光透视引导下肢体假性动脉瘤内注射凝血酶" ], "16559081000119104": [ "CT guided cryoablation of lesion of lung", "Cryoablation of lesion of lung using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下肺部病变冷冻消融", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肺部病变冷冻消融" ], "408041000119104": [ "CT guided percutaneous needle biopsy of pleura", "Percutaneous needle biopsy of pleura using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下经皮胸膜穿刺活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行经皮胸膜穿刺活检" ], "405481000119105": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of liver with vascular flow", "SPECT of liver with vascular flow", "肝脏 SPECT 血管血流", "肝脏血管流单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "405384003": [ "Exploration of peroneal artery", "腓动脉探查" ], "16553961000119107": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of whole body for localization of abscess", "SPECT of whole body for localization of abscess", "Single photon emission computed tomography of whole body for localisation of abscess", "SPECT of whole body for localisation of abscess", "全身单光子发射计算机断层扫描用于脓肿定位", "全身 SPECT 定位脓肿" ], "395241000119107": [ "Fluoroscopic angiogram of abdominal aorta with serialography with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta with serialography with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta with serialography with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriogram of abdominal aorta with serialography with contrast", "腹主动脉荧光透视造影及造影增强检查", "腹主动脉荧光透视造影及增强序列造影", "腹主动脉荧光血管造影及造影增强检查" ], "241544002": [ "CT of axilla", "Computed tomography of axilla", "腋窝 CT", "腋窝计算机断层扫描" ], "176008007": [ "Insertion of subcutaneous urinary diversion stent", "皮下尿流改道支架置入术" ], "225160006": [ "Reinforcement of behavior", "Reinforcement of behaviour", "强化行为" ], "274312009": [ "Non-surgical biopsy", "非手术活检" ], "110472009": [ "Maintenance of vascular shunt", "血管分流器的维护" ], "370781003": [ "Assessment of readiness to learn", "Assesses readiness to learn", "评估学习准备情况", "学习准备情况评估" ], "174173004": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic laser destruction of lesion of colon", "Fibreoptic endoscopic laser destruction of lesion of colon", "Fiberoptic endoscopic destruction of lesion of colon using laser", "Fibreoptic endoscopic destruction of lesion of colon using laser", "纤维内镜激光毁损结肠病变" ], "305245007": [ "Admission by neonatologist", "新生儿科医生入院" ], "876850004": [ "Alexander technique", "亚历山大技术" ], "24882007": [ "Medical consultation on hospital inpatient", "住院医疗咨询" ], "121351002": [ "1,2-Dimethylbenzene measurement", "1,2-二甲基苯测量" ], "170503003": [ "Surveillance of contact", "接触者监测" ], "432647003": [ "Biopsy of elbow using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下肘部活检" ], "72199008": [ "Removal of foreign body from vitreous by incision", "Removal of foreign body from vitreous cavity", "FB - Removal of foreign body from vitreous", "IOFB - Removal of foreign body from vitreous cavity", "玻璃体腔异物取出", "切开玻璃体取出异物", "FB - 玻璃体异物去除", "IOFB - 玻璃体腔异物取出" ], "398044000": [ "Low dose epidural", "Mobile epidural", "移动式硬膜外麻醉", "低剂量硬膜外麻醉" ], "104967009": [ "Thromboxane B>2< measurement", "血栓素B>2<测量" ], "37596006": [ "Debridement of open fracture of ulna", "尺骨开放性骨折清创术" ], "183217004": [ "Gastrostomy bag adjustment", "胃造口袋调整" ], "166833005": [ "Serum LDL cholesterol level", "Serum LDL cholesterol measurement", "Serum low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement", "血清 LDL 胆固醇水平", "血清低密度脂蛋白胆固醇测量", "血清 LDL 胆固醇测量" ], "117681006": [ "Phosphide measurement", "磷化物测量" ], "408923000": [ "Family process analysis education", "Teach family process analysis", "家庭过程分析教育", "教授家庭过程分析" ], "32091001": [ "Repair of large intestine", "Repair of large bowel", "大肠修复" ], "228699001": [ "P32 therapy", "Phosphorus 32 therapy", "磷32疗法", "P32治疗" ], "441691003": [ "Measurement of heavy metal in blood specimen", "血液样本中重金属的测定" ], "310619004": [ "Patch repair of vertebral artery", "椎动脉补片修复" ], "392539005": [ "i8 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bombyx mori (moth) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bombyx mori (moth) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Silk moth specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "家蚕(蛾)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "蚕蛾特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "家蚕(蛾)特异性IgE抗体测定", "i8 特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "177712001": [ "Removal of inserted substance from subcutaneous tissue", "从皮下组织取出插入的物质" ], "79408003": [ "Incision and drainage of deep retrorectal abscess", "直肠后深部脓肿切开引流术" ], "1255386001": [ "Decreased oxalate diet", "减少草酸盐饮食" ], "26586004": [ "Closure of gastrostomy", "Surgical closure of gastrostomy", "Closure of stoma of stomach", "Take-down of stoma of stomach", "胃造口术关闭", "胃造口拆除", "胃造口手术关闭", "胃造口缝合" ], "305114004": [ "Retrobulbar infiltration of local anaesthetic", "Retrobulbar infiltration of local anesthetic", "Retrobulbar block", "球后局部麻醉药浸润", "球后阻滞", "局部麻醉药球后浸润" ], "419802007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of aorta with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of aorta with contrast", "主动脉造影荧光血管造影", "主动脉造影" ], "239578007": [ "Amputation of thumb through proximal phalanx", "拇指至近节指骨截肢术" ], "8367003": [ "Clipping nails of patient", "Cutting of a nail", "剪指甲", "剪病人的指甲" ], "90287005": [ "Thalamectomy", "Chemical destruction of part of thalamus", "丘脑部分化学破坏", "丘脑切除术" ], "448900000": [ "Drainage of abscess of pelvis by transrectal approach", "经直肠入路盆腔脓肿引流术" ], "172207008": [ "Medial canthopexy", "内眼角固定术" ], "711044006": [ "Liaising with prescribing provider to initiate nurse controlled analgesia", "Collaboration in initiating nurse controlled analgesia", "与处方提供者联络,启动护士控制镇痛", "合作启动护士控制镇痛" ], "252292008": [ "Haemoglobin H identification", "Hemoglobin H identification", "血红蛋白 H 鉴定" ], "170372008": [ "Third hepatitis B vaccination", "Third hepatitis B immunization", "Third hepatitis B immunisation", "Administration of third dose of hepatitis B vaccine", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Hepatitis B virus antigen", "第三次乙肝免疫接种", "接种第三剂乙肝疫苗", "注射第三剂仅含乙肝病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第三次乙肝疫苗接种" ], "104836008": [ "Octopamine measurement", "章鱼胺测量" ], "168537006": [ "Plain film", "Plain radiography", "Plain X-ray", "普通 X 线摄影", "普通胶片", "普通X光" ], "397913009": [ "Percutaneous insertion of inferior vena cava filter", "经皮下腔静脉滤器置入术" ], "838446004": [ "Endoscopic balloon sphincteroplasty of duodenal papilla", "Endoscopic balloon dilation of duodenal papilla", "内镜十二指肠乳头球囊扩张术" ], "396078004": [ "Medication prefill preparation management", "Manage medication prefill preparation", "管理药物预填充准备", "药品预填充制剂管理" ], "19246009": [ "Partial scrotectomy", "Excision of tissue of scrotum", "Reduction of elephantiasis of scrotum", "阴囊组织切除术", "阴囊象皮病的减少", "部分阴囊切除术" ], "410627007": [ "Well child visit, 6 month", "6 个月儿童健康检查" ], "179416006": [ "Conversion from hybrid unicompartmental knee replacement", "混合单髁膝关节置换术" ], "310488007": [ "Vasectomy using silicon plug", "Male sterilisation using silicon plug", "Male sterilization using silicon plug", "使用硅胶塞进行男性绝育", "使用硅胶塞进行输精管切除术" ], "392408006": [ "e4 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cow dander specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cow dander specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "牛皮屑特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "e4 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "牛皮屑特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "48344009": [ "Osteoplasty of scapula", "Repair or plastic operation on scapula", "Repair of scapula", "肩胛骨修复", "肩胛骨修复或整形手术", "肩胛骨整形术" ], "308653005": [ "Extrafascial ligation of perforating vein", "穿通静脉筋膜外结扎" ], "1258925007": [ "Evaluation of eligibility for workforce transition program", "Evaluation of eligibility for workforce transition programme", "劳动力转型计划资格评估" ], "77442000": [ "Removal of subarachnoid-peritoneal shunt", "移除蛛网膜下腔-腹膜分流器" ], "243117007": [ "Sibling support", "兄弟姐妹的支持" ], "388738005": [ "Blackberry specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rubus fruticosus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf211 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rubus fruticosus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "黑莓特异性IgE抗体测量", "红树莓特异性IgE抗体测定", "悬钩子特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf211特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "306818008": [ "Low power laser therapy to trunk", "躯干低功率激光治疗" ], "274050008": [ "Osteotomy for hallux valgus", "拇外翻截骨术" ], "173911002": [ "Bypass of jejunum", "空肠绕道手术" ], "42839003": [ "Repair of myelomeningocele", "Repair of spinal myelomeningocele", "Repair of meninges in spinal myelomeningocele", "Closure of myelomeningocele", "Meningeorrhaphy for myelomeningocele", "Closure of spinal myelomeningocele", "脊髓脊膜膨出的闭合", "脊髓脊膜膨出闭合", "脊髓脊膜膨出的修复", "脊髓脊膜膨出的脑膜缝合术", "脊髓脊膜膨出的脊膜修复" ], "1255255005": [ "Evaluation of risk for dental caries", "Assessment of risk for dental caries", "龋齿风险评估" ], "239447006": [ "Release of volar plate", "掌板释放术" ], "41004001": [ "Incision and exploration of pituitary gland", "Incision and exploration of pituitary fossa", "Incision and exploration of hypophysis", "垂体窝切开探查", "垂体切开探查" ], "8236002": [ "Replacement of Crutchfield tongs of skull", "Removal of Crutchfield tongs with synchronous replacement", "更换克拉奇菲尔德头骨钳", "用同步替换法拆除 Crutchfield 钳" ], "10071009": [ "Anti-streptokinase assay", "抗链激酶试验" ], "434220004": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of subclavian vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of subclavian vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of subclavian vein with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of subclavian vein with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导经皮锁骨下静脉栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮锁骨下静脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮锁骨下静脉造影栓塞术" ], "450604003": [ "Biopsy of lesion of occipital lobe", "枕叶病变活检" ], "57388008": [ "Subarachnoid hemorrhage precautions", "Subarachnoid haemorrhage precautions", "蛛网膜下腔出血的预防措施" ], "252161000": [ "Sensitive pregnancy test", "灵敏的妊娠试验" ], "71937005": [ "Physiatric manipulation", "Forcible correction of musculoskeletal deformity", "强制矫正肌肉骨骼畸形", "物理治疗" ], "104705005": [ "Glutathione synthase measurement", "谷胱甘肽合酶测量" ], "448769007": [ "Microtherapeutic endoscopic excision of lesion of larynx", "内镜微创喉病变切除术" ], "710913009": [ "Referral to financial service", "转介至金融服务" ], "397782002": [ "Rigid bronchoscopy", "硬质支气管镜检查" ], "86486005": [ "Replacement of non-inflatable penile prosthesis", "非充气式阴茎假体的更换" ], "2731000": [ "Serologic test for Influenza A virus", "甲型流感病毒血清学检测" ], "250326009": [ "Platelet aggregation ratio", "Platelet aggregation ratio measurement", "血小板聚集率测定", "血小板聚集率" ], "281259005": [ "Retrobulbar injection of botulinum toxin", "球后注射肉毒杆菌毒素" ], "445099008": [ "Assessment of wound drain device", "伤口引流装置的评估" ], "17280004": [ "Freeing of entrapped extraocular muscle", "释放受困的眼外肌" ], "392277000": [ "g4 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Festuca elatior specific IgE antibody measurement", "Meadow fescue specific IgE antibody measurement", "Festuca elatior specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "g4特异性IgE抗体测量", "草地羊茅特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "高羊茅特异性IgE抗体测定", "高羊茅特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "64597002": [ "Destruction", "Destructive procedure", "Ablation", "消融", "破坏性手术", "毁灭" ], "275754001": [ "Sensitivity-bacteriology", "Sensitivity-bacteriology test", "敏感性细菌学", "药敏细菌学检测" ], "406826004": [ "Carmoisine A stain method", "Carmoisine A stain", "胭脂红A染色法", "胭脂红 A 染色" ], "46378005": [ "Bankart type operation with stapling", "Bankart 式缝合手术" ], "177450008": [ "Reconstruction using local osteofasciocutaneous advancement flap", "Reconstruction with local osteofasciocutaneous advancement flap", "Reconstruction using local osseofasciocutaneous advancement flap", "局部骨筋膜皮瓣重建", "使用局部骨筋膜皮瓣进行重建" ], "388607001": [ "Cucumis melo spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "Melon specific IgE antibody measurement", "f87 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cucumis melo spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "甜瓜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f87 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "甜瓜特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "241151004": [ "Cineswallow", "电影燕子" ], "175615007": [ "Insertion of iliac artery stent", "髂动脉支架置入术" ], "239316001": [ "Osteotomy of lesser metatarsal neck", "小跖骨颈截骨术" ], "59092003": [ "Monitoring of cardiac ventricular pressure", "心室压力监测" ], "9940005": [ "Excision of lesion of muscle of hand", "手部肌肉病变切除术" ], "386772007": [ "Lysis of adhesions of artery-vein-nerve bundle", "Freeing of vascular bundle", "Freeing of artery-vein-nerve bundle", "维管束游离", "游离动脉-静脉-神经束", "动脉-静脉-神经束粘连松解术" ], "1287892008": [ "Repair of retinal defect", "视网膜缺损修复" ], "42708009": [ "Closed reduction of separated epiphysis of femur", "股骨骨骺分离闭合复位" ], "237481007": [ "Injection of neurolytic substance into pituitary gland", "向垂体注射神经溶解物质" ], "53587000": [ "Irrigation of indwelling urinary catheter", "留置导尿管冲洗" ], "104574008": [ "Carnosine measurement", "肌肽测量" ], "430419001": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of zygapophyseal joint of cervical spine with contrast", "颈椎关节突关节X线造影" ], "446803008": [ "Insertion of catheter into brachial plexus", "将导管插入臂丛" ], "608808003": [ "Open reduction of fracture of pelvic bone with internal fixation", "Open reduction of fracture of bone of pelvis with internal fixation", "骨盆骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "444968003": [ "Computed tomography arteriography of abdominal aorta with contrast", "CT arteriography of abdominal aorta with contrast", "CT arteriogram of abdominal aorta with contrast", "CT angiography of abdominal aorta with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of abdominal aorta with contrast", "腹主动脉造影计算机断层扫描", "腹主动脉增强 CT 动脉造影", "腹主动脉增强 CT 血管造影", "腹主动脉 CT 造影" ], "313896007": [ "120 minute plasma LH measurement", "120 minute plasma LH level", "120 minute plasma luteinizing hormone measurement", "120 minute plasma luteinising hormone measurement", "120 分钟血浆促黄体生成素测量", "120 分钟血浆 LH 测量", "120 分钟血浆促黄体激素测量", "120 分钟血浆 LH 水平" ], "82685003": [ "Myringotomy with tubes discharge education", "鼓膜切开置管出院教育" ], "33533004": [ "Removal of nephrostomy tube", "移除肾造瘘管" ], "246525005": [ "Insertion of atrial septal umbrella", "房间隔伞插入术" ], "410365006": [ "Transportation case management", "运输案件管理" ], "277458000": [ "Single energy X-ray photon absorptiometry", "单能X射线光子吸收法" ], "310226006": [ "Patch repair of systemic venous pathway", "全身静脉通路的补片修复" ], "80850007": [ "Excision of bone of mandible with arthrodesis", "下颌骨切除及关节融合术" ], "439463001": [ "Thermography of lower limb", "下肢热成像" ], "423079007": [ "Interpreter/translator services case management", "口译/笔译服务案例管理" ], "717991009": [ "Biopsy using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "Cone beam CT guided biopsy", "使用锥形束 CT 引导进行活检", "锥形束 CT 引导活检" ], "388476003": [ "Penicilloyl G specific IgE antibody measurement", "c1 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Penicilloyl G specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "青霉酰 G 特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "青霉酰G特异性IgE抗体测定", "c1特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "306556004": [ "Discharge by therapeutic radiographer", "放射治疗技师出院" ], "765308004": [ "Static radionuclide imaging of liver and spleen using technetium (99m-Tc)", "使用锝(99m-Tc)对肝脏和脾脏进行静态放射性核素成像" ], "175484006": [ "Open embolisation of renal artery", "Open embolization of renal artery", "肾动脉开放栓塞术" ], "77180007": [ "Denis-Browne splint strapping", "Denis-Browne 夹板绑带" ], "386641000": [ "Therapeutic abortion procedure", "Therapeutic abortion", "Therapeutic termination of pregnancy procedure", "治疗性流产", "治疗性终止妊娠手术", "治疗性流产手术" ], "241020009": [ "Change of wound pack", "Repacking wound", "更换伤口包扎", "重新包扎伤口" ], "173649001": [ "Enlargement of stoma of small intestine", "小肠造口扩大" ], "1287761004": [ "Arsenic therapy", "砷疗法" ], "1254993004": [ "Lupin free diet", "无羽扇豆饮食" ], "763473006": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of superficial femoral vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "Fluoroscopic venogram of superficial femoral vein using contrast with insertion of metallic stent graft", "用造影剂插入金属支架进行股浅静脉荧光镜静脉造影", "植入金属支架进行股浅静脉荧光造影" ], "450342000": [ "Destruction of sympathetic nerve", "交感神经被破坏" ], "1156689009": [ "Facilitation of compliance to regime", "Facilitation of compliance to regimen", "Facilitation of adherence to regime", "促进遵守制度", "促进遵守治疗方案" ], "171814002": [ "Microsurgical repair of peripheral nerve", "周围神经显微外科修复" ], "40742006": [ "Tarsometatarsal arthrodesis, transverse, with osteotomy as for flatfoot correction", "横向跗跖关节融合术,结合截骨术矫正扁平足" ], "301051004": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture dislocation", "骨折脱位闭合复位修复" ], "235515005": [ "Ablation of splanchnic nerves", "内脏神经消融" ], "4304000": [ "Excision of cusp of tricuspid valve", "三尖瓣切除术" ], "104443009": [ "11-ketoandrosterone measurement", "11-酮雄酮测量" ], "22523008": [ "Vasectomy", "Male surgical sterilisation procedure", "Male surgical sterilization procedure", "Contraceptive method vasectomy", "Vasectomy for contraception", "输精管切除术避孕", "避孕方法 输精管切除术", "男性绝育手术", "输精管切除术" ], "448507009": [ "Excision of head of ulna", "尺骨头切除术" ], "20688004": [ "Antibody detection, RBC, saline, high protein and anti-human globulin technique", "Antibody detection, red blood cell, saline, high protein and anti-human globulin technique", "抗体检测、红细胞、盐水、高蛋白和抗人球蛋白技术" ], "397520005": [ "Optical pachymetry", "光学角膜厚度测量" ], "315600006": [ "Stress counselling", "Stress counseling", "Counselling for stress", "Counseling for stress", "压力咨询" ], "708816008": [ "Robot assisted laparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy", "Laparoscopic bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助腹腔镜双侧输卵管卵巢切除术", "使用机器人辅助进行腹腔镜双侧输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "428453008": [ "Liaising with police regarding subject", "就此事与警方联络" ], "426618001": [ "Prosthetic hybrid total replacement of hip joint using cemented femoral component", "采用骨水泥型股骨假体进行髋关节假体混合全置换术" ], "313765009": [ "Dopamine/creatinine ratio", "Dopamine/creatinine ratio measurement", "多巴胺/肌酐比率", "多巴胺/肌酐比率测量" ], "66170004": [ "Resection of descending aorta with anastomosis", "降主动脉切除吻合术" ], "410234004": [ "Management of mental health treatment", "心理健康治疗管理" ], "705146005": [ "Referral to transient ischemic attack clinic", "Referral to transient ischaemic attack clinic", "转诊至短暂性脑缺血发作诊所" ], "179023001": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture and internal fixation with K-wire", "一期切开复位骨折并用克氏针内固定" ], "392015005": [ "Blue on yellow perimetry", "Blue/yellow perimetry", "Short wavelength automated perimetry", "SWAP - Short wavelength automated perimetry", "蓝黄视野检查", "蓝/黄视野检查", "短波长自动视野检查", "SWAP - 短波长自动视野检查" ], "15183005": [ "Aneurysmectomy of lower limb vein", "下肢静脉动脉瘤切除术" ], "64335008": [ "Fecal trypsin, quantitative", "Faecal trypsin, quantitative", "粪便胰蛋白酶,定量" ], "768847008": [ "Revision of one component of total prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement", "人工髋关节置换术中用骨水泥固定一个部件的翻修" ], "439332001": [ "Promotion of lactation", "促进泌乳" ], "46116005": [ "Excision of malignant tumor of breast", "Excision of malignant tumour of breast", "乳腺恶性肿瘤切除术" ], "290041005": [ "Fit ear mold for hearing protection", "Fit ear mould for hearing protection", "适合耳模以保护听力" ], "781561005": [ "MRI of both external auditory canal with contrast", "MRI of both external auditory meatuses with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral external auditory meatuses with contrast", "MRI of bilateral external auditory canal with contrast", "双侧外耳道 MRI 增强检查", "双侧外耳道增强 MRI 检查", "双侧外耳道 MRI 对比检查", "双侧外耳道磁共振成像对比" ], "306425005": [ "Discharge by clinical pharmacologist", "临床药理学家出院" ], "386510005": [ "Amputation care", "截肢护理" ], "107982009": [ "Endocrine system incision", "内分泌系统切开术" ], "40611005": [ "Chemosurgery of lesion of esophagus", "Chemosurgery of lesion of oesophagus", "食管病变化疗手术" ], "1269411006": [ "Fixation of porcelain veneer onto labial surface of tooth", "将瓷贴面固定于牙齿唇面" ], "104312003": [ "California encephalitis virus antibody assay", "Serologic test for California encephalitis virus", "Measurement of California encephalitis virus antibody", "加州脑炎病毒血清学检测", "加州脑炎病毒抗体测定", "加州脑炎病毒抗体检测" ], "235384004": [ "Gracilis sling operation", "Graciloplasty", "股薄肌吊带手术", "股薄肌成形术" ], "233549000": [ "Cannulation of arterial graft", "动脉移植物插管" ], "399224009": [ "Partial excision of inferior turbinate", "TIT - Trimming of inferior turbinate", "TIT - 下鼻甲修剪", "下鼻甲部分切除术" ], "118861006": [ "Procedure on hymen", "处女膜手术" ], "446541009": [ "External drainage of cerebrospinal fluid from lumbar subarachnoid space", "腰椎蛛网膜下腔脑脊液外引流" ], "84258003": [ "Debridement of open fracture of bone, except facial bones", "除面部骨骼外的开放性骨折清创" ], "117026003": [ "Steiner silver stain method", "Steiner silver stain method for bacteria", "Steiner & Steiner stain", "Steiner and Steiner stain", "Steiner silver stain", "斯坦纳银染色法", "细菌斯坦纳银染色法", "斯坦纳银染", "斯坦纳染色", "斯坦纳和斯坦纳染色" ], "231714004": [ "Wedge excision of cornea", "角膜楔形切除术" ], "313634009": [ "Serum ethanol measurement", "Serum ethanol level", "血清乙醇测量", "血清乙醇水平" ], "410103006": [ "Stress control education", "Stress management education", "Teach stress control", "压力控制教育", "压力管理教育", "教导压力控制" ], "705015009": [ "Endovascular insertion of stent graft into aneurysm of bifurcation of aorta", "Endovascular repair of aneurysm of bifurcation of aorta using endovascular stent graft", "主动脉分叉处动脉瘤的血管内支架修复", "主动脉分叉处动脉瘤血管内植入支架移植物" ], "408268003": [ "24 hour Bence-Jones screening test", "24 小时本周筛查测试" ], "373665003": [ "Removal of accretion from teeth using dental polishing brush", "Polishing of teeth", "Removal of deposits from teeth using dental polishing brush", "使用牙科抛光刷去除牙齿上的沉积物", "牙齿抛光" ], "715894001": [ "Provision of written information about diabetes mellitus", "提供有关糖尿病的书面信息" ], "386379000": [ "Organ procurement facilitation", "Organ procurement", "器官获取便利", "器官采购" ], "419147005": [ "US scan and drainage of salivary glands", "Ultrasound scan and drainage of salivary glands", "唾液腺超声扫描和引流", "超声波扫描和唾液腺引流" ], "304459007": [ "Interrupted direct current to face", "中断直流电流面对" ], "269856004": [ "Liver enzyme levels", "Measurement of liver enzyme", "肝酶水平", "肝酶测定" ], "400928005": [ "Stereotests - Titmus", "Titmus stereo test", "立体测试 - Titmus", "泰特马斯立体声测试" ], "122400006": [ "Bifidobacterium culture", "双歧杆菌培养" ], "1201909000": [ "En bloc excision of neoplasm of rib", "En bloc resection of tumour of rib", "En bloc resection of tumor of rib", "肋骨肿瘤整块切除术" ], "71413001": [ "17-Ketosteroids measurement, fractionation, urine", "17-KS measurement, fractionation", "17-KS 测量、分馏", "17-酮类固醇测量、分馏、尿液" ], "169717002": [ "Antenatal 30 week examination", "产前30周检查" ], "235253004": [ "Excision of duodenal cyst", "Excision of cyst of duodenum", "十二指肠囊肿切除术" ], "251637006": [ "Visual evoked magnetic fields", "视觉诱发磁场" ], "431861008": [ "Biopsy of hip using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下进行髋关节活检" ], "282570000": [ "Enlargement annuloplasty", "扩大瓣环成形术" ], "448245009": [ "External fixation of humerus", "肱骨外固定" ], "315338002": [ "Osteotomy of bone of upper extremity", "Osteotomy of bone of upper limb", "上肢骨截骨术", "上肢骨切开术" ], "55029009": [ "Injection into fascia of hand", "手部筋膜注射" ], "284405008": [ "Examination of cervical spine", "颈椎检查" ], "774090004": [ "Assessment using AUDIT-PC (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test for Primary Care)", "Assessment using Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test for Primary Care", "Assessment using Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test Piccinelli Consumption", "使用 AUDIT-PC(初级保健酒精使用障碍识别测试)进行评估", "使用酒精使用障碍识别测试进行初级保健评估", "使用酒精使用障碍识别测试 Piccinelli 消费情况进行评估" ], "233418007": [ "Exploration of aneurysm", "动脉瘤探查" ], "118730008": [ "Procedure on temporal bone", "颞骨手术" ], "788639001": [ "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided insertion of fiducial marker into pancreas", "Insertion of fiducial marker into pancreas using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasound guided fiducial marker insertion into pancreas", "EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) insertion of fiducial marker into pancreas", "内镜超声引导基准标记插入胰腺", "使用内镜超声引导将基准标记插入胰腺", "通过 EUS(内窥镜超声检查)将基准标记插入胰腺", "内镜超声引导将基准标记插入胰腺" ], "231583002": [ "Cautery to lesion of lateral canthus", "外眦病变烧灼" ], "34975003": [ "Catheterization of both left and right heart", "Cardiac catheterization, combined right and left heart", "Cardiac catheterisation, combined right and left heart", "Catheterisation of both left and right heart", "心脏导管插入术,联合左心和右心", "左、右心脏导管插入术" ], "413642009": [ "Beta carotene level", "Beta-carotene measurement", "β-胡萝卜素水平", "β-胡萝卜素测量" ], "313503002": [ "Serum 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone level", "Serum 5-alpha-dihydrotestosterone measurement", "血清 5-α-双氢睾酮测量", "血清 5-α-双氢睾酮水平" ], "84127006": [ "Indicator dilution flow measurement", "指示剂稀释流量测量" ], "82292004": [ "Facial-phrenic anastomosis", "面膈吻合术" ], "360820005": [ "Incision of urethral stricture with laser", "尿道狭窄激光切开术" ], "311668005": [ "Smooth speech exercises", "流畅的言语练习" ], "426356008": [ "Orthotopic transplantation of whole liver", "原位全肝移植" ], "277065002": [ "C mandibular osteotomy", "C 下颌骨截骨术" ], "178761002": [ "Spinal epiphysiodesis", "脊柱骨骺固定术" ], "307998000": [ "Excision of pigmented skin lesion", "色素性皮肤病变切除" ], "275230005": [ "Repair of duodenum", "十二指肠修复" ], "306163007": [ "Referral to dietetics service", "转介至营养服务" ], "386248001": [ "Contact lens care", "隐形眼镜护理" ], "173256001": [ "Reconstruction of lip with nasolabial flap", "鼻唇瓣唇部重建术" ], "287944003": [ "Insufflation of fallopian tube using gas", "输卵管充气术" ], "58568008": [ "Goldthwaite operation for ankle stabilization", "Goldthwaite operation for ankle stabilisation", "Goldthwaite 踝关节固定手术", "Goldthwaite 手术固定踝关节" ], "23965001": [ "Excision of knee fat pad", "膝盖脂肪垫切除术" ], "302493005": [ "Biopsy of lesion within joint cavity", "关节腔内病变活检" ], "122269006": [ "Actinomycetes culture", "放线菌培养" ], "1201778002": [ "Bone graft of metacarpal bone", "Grafting of metacarpal bone", "掌骨骨移植", "掌骨移植" ], "104050004": [ "Identification of antibody to RBC antigens, not in systems or collections classified by ISBT 1995", "Identification of antibody to red blood cell antigens, not in systems or collections classified by International Society of Blood Transfusion 1995", "鉴定红细胞抗原抗体,不在国际输血协会 1995 年分类的系统或集合中", "识别红细胞抗原抗体,不在 ISBT 1995 分类的系统或集合中" ], "446279000": [ "Destruction of pterygium using laser", "使用激光破坏翼状胬肉" ], "3911000": [ "Muscle transplantation", "Transplantation of muscle", "Muscle flap", "肌瓣", "肌肉移植" ], "233287007": [ "Balloon angioplasty of popliteal artery", "Angioplasty of popliteal artery", "腘动脉血管成形术", "腘动脉球囊成形术" ], "36679009": [ "Vaginal cone irradiation", "阴道锥形照射" ], "772124002": [ "Laparoscopic repair of recurrent incisional hernia using synthetic mesh", "Laparoscopic hernioplasty using synthetic mesh for recurrent incisional hernia", "使用合成网片进行腹腔镜疝修补术治疗复发性切口疝", "腹腔镜下使用合成网片修补复发性切口疝" ], "229617007": [ "Re-education lower limb amputee free knee gait", "Lower limb amputee free knee gait training", "下肢截肢者自由膝关节步态训练", "再教育下肢截肢者自由膝步态" ], "276934000": [ "Injection of anaesthetic agent into peripheral nerve for analgesia", "Injection of anesthetic agent into peripheral nerve for analgesia", "将麻醉剂注入周围神经进行镇痛", "将麻醉剂注射到周围神经以达到镇痛效果" ], "1259974004": [ "Mucous fistula refeeding", "MFR - mucous fistula refeeding", "粘液瘘再喂养", "MFR-- 粘液瘘再喂养" ], "309702009": [ "Primary percutaneous intradiscal lumbar discectomy", "初次经皮椎间盘内腰椎间盘切除术" ], "225947001": [ "Providing sputum carton", "提供痰液纸盒" ], "62107003": [ "Bisection of stapes footplate with incus replacement", "镫骨足板二切术及砧骨置换术" ], "406171005": [ "Lower extremity monitoring", "下肢监测" ], "176795006": [ "Subtotal abdominal hysterectomy", "腹部次全子宫切除术" ], "174960002": [ "Revision of plastic repair of mitral valve", "二尖瓣整形修复术" ], "306032006": [ "Referral by diabetic liaison nurse", "Referral from diabetic liaison nurse", "糖尿病联络护士转诊", "糖尿病联络护士的转诊" ], "1303621007": [ "Release of trigger finger of left hand", "松开左手扳机指" ], "236826000": [ "Radical total vulvectomy", "根治性全外阴切除术" ], "89370000": [ "Transplantation of hair follicles of eyelid", "眼睑毛囊移植" ], "122138000": [ "Trypanosoma species antibody assay", "Measurement of Trypanosoma species antibody", "锥虫种抗体的测量", "锥虫种抗体测定" ], "302362005": [ "Cystoscopic indwelling catheterization of ureter", "Cystoscopic indwelling catheterisation of ureter", "Cystoscopic insertion of indwelling catheter of ureter", "膀胱镜输尿管留置导管插入", "膀胱镜输尿管留置导管" ], "710127000": [ "Promotion of spiritual support", "Promoting spiritual support", "促进精神支持" ], "447983003": [ "Excision of Reinke's edema", "Excision of Reinke's oedema", "Excision of Reinke edema", "Excision of Reinke oedema", "切除 Reinke 水肿", "雷因克水肿切除术", "切除任克氏水肿" ], "431599006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of adrenal artery using contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of adrenal artery using contrast", "肾上腺动脉造影荧光血管造影", "肾上腺动脉造影荧光镜造影" ], "87535006": [ "Gastrin measurement", "Gastrin level", "胃泌素测量", "胃泌素水平" ], "103919008": [ "Di^b^ blood group typing", "Di^b^血型分型" ], "3780001": [ "Routine patient disposition, no follow-up planned", "常规患者处置,无后续计划" ], "741060000": [ "Education about home heating", "家庭供暖教育" ], "233156003": [ "Excision operation for arrhythmia", "心律失常切除手术" ], "52932002": [ "Ligation of fallopian tubes by vaginal approach", "阴道输卵管结扎术" ], "118468006": [ "Open reduction of fracture with fixation", "Open reduction and fixation of fracture", "骨折切开复位固定" ], "822980007": [ "Pedicle vascularised bone graft to fibula", "Pedicle vascularized bone graft to fibula", "带蒂血管化骨移植至腓骨", "带蒂血管化腓骨骨移植" ], "231321001": [ "Lingual infiltration of local anesthetic", "Lingual infiltration of local anaesthetic", "舌侧局部麻醉药浸润" ], "18329001": [ "Fine needle biopsy of large intestine", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of large intestine", "大肠细针活检", "大肠细针穿刺活检" ], "427929006": [ "Thermal ablation of multiple lesions of liver", "肝脏多发病灶热消融" ], "229486003": [ "Stroking massage", "抚摸按摩" ], "409710009": [ "Cardiorrhaphy", "Suturing of heart muscle", "心脏缝合术", "心肌缝合" ], "112963003": [ "Aspiration of cataract", "白内障抽吸术" ], "391491005": [ "Percentage LAMBDA cells count", "LAMBDA 细胞计数百分比" ], "422424000": [ "Scheduling instructions", "调度说明" ], "274968008": [ "Howarth's operation", "Howarth operation", "霍华德手术" ], "387821004": [ "Spinal deformity correction", "Correction of spinal deformity", "脊椎变形矫正", "矫正脊柱畸形" ], "699117005": [ "Provision of leaflet", "提供单张" ], "404205006": [ "Removal of mesh from wound", "从伤口处取出网片" ], "713666005": [ "Ganz osteotomy of pelvic bone", "Periacetabular osteotomy of pelvic bone", "Ganz 骨盆骨切开术", "髋臼周围骨盆骨切开术" ], "385986009": [ "Organising medicines for self-administration", "Organizing medicines for self-administration", "Medication set-up treatments and procedures", "组织药物供自行使用", "组织自行服用的药物", "药物治疗和程序" ], "271298009": [ "Organ retrieval operation", "Organ procurement operation", "Organ harvest operation", "Organ donation operation", "器官摘取行动", "器官采购行动", "器官捐献手术", "器官摘取手术" ], "449687005": [ "Incision and drainage of deep abscess of lower leg", "小腿深部脓肿切开引流术" ], "54636000": [ "Cardiomyopexy", "心肌固定术" ], "71020001": [ "Plastic operation on hand with graft of fascia", "Repair of hand with graft or implant of fascia", "手部整形手术及筋膜移植", "用筋膜移植或植入物修复手部" ], "87404002": [ "Excision of meniscus of jaw bone", "Meniscectomy of temporomandibular joint", "Excision of meniscus of temporomandibular joint", "Temporomandibular meniscectomy", "颞下颌半月板切除术", "颌骨半月板切除术", "颞下颌关节半月板切除术" ], "709996003": [ "Ultrasound scan of pseudoaneurysm", "Ultrasound of pseudoaneurysm", "Ultrasonography of pseudoaneurysm", "假性动脉瘤的超声扫描", "假性动脉瘤的超声检查" ], "120172004": [ "Abdomen reconstruction", "腹部重建" ], "234860005": [ "Adjust orthodontic archwire", "调整正畸弓丝" ], "38252007": [ "REA of chromosomal DNA", "Radioenzymatic assay (REA) of chromosomal deoxyribonucleic acid", "Radioenzymatic assay of chromosomal deoxyribonucleic acid", "染色体脱氧核糖核酸的放射酶测定(REA)", "染色体脱氧核糖核酸的放射酶测定", "染色体 DNA 的 REA" ], "446017000": [ "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and excision of polyp of duodenum", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and polypectomy of duodenum", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and polypectomy of duodenum", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及十二指肠息肉切除术", "上消化道内镜检查及十二指肠息肉切除术" ], "233025008": [ "Excision of left atrial lesion", "左心房病变切除术" ], "444182002": [ "Excision of benign neoplasm of mandible with partial excision of mandible by extraoral approach", "经口外入路下颌骨部分切除术切除下颌骨良性肿瘤" ], "231190002": [ "Local anaesthetic digital nerve block of 2nd toe", "Dig nerve block of 2nd toe", "Local anaesthetic digital nerve block of second toe", "Local anesthetic digital nerve block of 2nd toe", "Local anesthetic digital nerve block of second toe", "第二趾局部麻醉神经阻滞", "第二脚趾局部麻醉神经阻滞", "第二趾挖掘神经阻滞" ], "395030005": [ "Skin biopsy C3 level", "皮肤活检 C3 级" ], "65515001": [ "Beta-galactosidase measurement, leukocytes", "Beta-galactosidase measurement, leucocytes", "β-半乳糖苷酶测量,白细胞" ], "278507002": [ "Corn and callus procedures", "鸡眼和老茧治疗方法" ], "81899004": [ "Biopsy of fallopian tube", "输卵管活检" ], "229355008": [ "Physiological mobilisation of the wrist", "Physiological mobilization of the wrist", "腕部的生理活动" ], "112832001": [ "Incision and exploration of skin", "皮肤切开和探查" ], "702656001": [ "Surveillance of intrauterine device contraception", "宫内节育器避孕监测" ], "473280004": [ "Incision of bile duct for obstruction", "Incision of bile duct for relief of obstruction", "胆管梗阻切开术", "切开胆管以解除梗阻" ], "178368005": [ "Reconstruction of cranial defect with distant flap", "远端皮瓣修复颅骨缺损" ], "440512006": [ "Biopsy of transplanted kidney using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下移植肾活检" ], "424128006": [ "Decompression", "减压" ], "47296008": [ "Suture of joint capsule with arthroplasty of upper extremity", "上肢关节置换术中关节囊缝合术" ], "225685001": [ "First postoperative examination and eye dressing", "首次术后检查和眼部敷料" ], "176533003": [ "Nesbit's operation on penis", "Plication of corpora of penis", "Nesbit operation on penis", "阴茎内斯比特手术", "内斯比特阴茎手术", "阴茎体褶皱术" ], "1290645005": [ "Plain X-ray of spine with flexion and extension", "Plain X-ray of vertebral column region with flexion and extension", "脊柱区域屈曲和伸展的普通 X 射线", "脊柱屈曲和伸展的普通 X 光检查" ], "698986000": [ "Femoro-distal popliteal artery bypass with autogenous vein graft", "Below knee femoro-popliteal artery bypass with autogenous vein graft", "膝下股腘动脉搭桥术及自体静脉移植", "股动脉远端腘动脉搭桥术及自体静脉移植" ], "1256042007": [ "Restoration of tooth with full cuspal coverage using dental filling material", "Restoration of tooth with coverage of all cusps using dental filling material", "使用牙科填充材料修复全牙尖覆盖的牙齿", "使用牙科填充材料修复牙齿并覆盖所有牙尖" ], "715370007": [ "Assessment using Rutter B2 Scale", "使用 Rutter B2 量表进行评估" ], "287551001": [ "Non-surgical vascular biopsy", "非手术血管活检" ], "385855002": [ "Inhalation therapy education", "Teach inhalation therapy", "教授吸入疗法", "吸入治疗教育" ], "418623007": [ "Fluoroscopic vasography", "荧光血管造影" ], "252948004": [ "Antepartum cardiotochogram", "Electronic fetal monitoring: antepartum", "产前胎心宫缩图", "电子胎儿监护:产前" ], "121876007": [ "2-Hydroxy-3-methylvalerate measurement", "2-羟基-3-甲基戊酸酯测量" ], "23572007": [ "Transmission bone density study", "Transmission bone imaging", "透射骨成像", "传输骨密度研究" ], "433172009": [ "Cardiac ablation using fluoroscopy guidance", "Fluoroscopic guidance for cardiac ablation", "使用荧光透视引导进行心脏消融", "心脏消融的荧光透视引导" ], "234729001": [ "Interdental stripping", "Interdental reduction", "Aproximal stripping of tooth", "Interproximal stripping of tooth", "牙齿邻面剥离", "牙齿近端剥离", "牙间减少", "牙间剥离" ], "120041001": [ "Cervix injection", "宫颈注射" ], "431337005": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of vascular graft of lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下肢血管移植经皮血栓溶解术" ], "169193008": [ "Drug radioimmunoassay", "药物放射免疫分析法" ], "3518004": [ "Aversive psychotherapy", "厌恶心理治疗" ], "232894006": [ "Division/resection of atrioventricular valve chordae tendinae", "房室瓣腱索切断/切除" ], "36286009": [ "Creation of aortorenal shunt", "Creation of aortorenal vascular bypass", "建立主动脉肾血管旁路", "建立主动脉肾分流术" ], "231059002": [ "Removal of spinal subarachnoid shunt", "移除脊髓蛛网膜下腔分流器" ], "1683003": [ "Direct closure of laceration of conjunctiva", "结膜裂伤直接缝合" ], "444051004": [ "Prosthetic arthroplasty of bilateral hips", "Replacement of both hip joints", "Replacement of bilateral hip joints", "双侧髋关节假体置换术", "双侧髋关节置换", "双侧髋关节置换术" ], "17961000087102": [ "Doppler ultrasound of vascular structure of pelvis and veins of both lower limbs", "Doppler ultrasound of vascular structure of pelvis and veins of left and right lower limb", "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of pelvis and veins of bilateral lower limbs", "盆腔血管结构及左右下肢静脉多普勒超声检查", "盆腔血管结构及双下肢静脉多普勒超声检查" ], "1179496000": [ "2019-nCoV virus-like particle antigen immunization", "SARS-CoV-2 virus-like particle antigen vaccination", "Administration of SARS-CoV-2 virus-like particle antigen vaccine", "2019 novel coronavirus virus-like particle antigen vaccination", "2019-nCoV virus-like particle antigen vaccination", "Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virus-like particle antigen vaccination", "COVID-19 virus-like particle antigen vaccination", "2019 novel coronavirus virus-like particle antigen immunization", "2019-nCoV virus-like particle antigen immunisation", "COVID-19 virus-like particle antigen immunization", "SARS-CoV-2 virus-like particle antigen immunization", "COVID-19 virus-like particle antigen immunisation", "2019 novel coronavirus virus-like particle antigen immunisation", "Administration of vaccine product containing only severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virus-like particle antigen", "接种仅含严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 病毒样颗粒抗原的疫苗产品", "2019-nCoV病毒样颗粒抗原免疫", "SARS-CoV-2 病毒样颗粒抗原免疫", "COVID-19病毒样颗粒抗原疫苗", "SARS-CoV-2 病毒样颗粒抗原疫苗", "SARS-CoV-2 病毒样颗粒抗原疫苗的接种", "2019-nCoV病毒样颗粒抗原疫苗", "严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒2病毒样颗粒抗原疫苗", "2019-nCoV 病毒样颗粒抗原免疫", "COVID-19 病毒样颗粒抗原免疫", "2019新型冠状病毒样颗粒抗原疫苗", "2019新型冠状病毒样颗粒抗原免疫" ], "229224000": [ "Participation in yoga", "参加瑜伽" ], "41000087104": [ "Fluoroscopy of bilateral lower limbs", "Fluoroscopy of bilateral lower extremities", "Fluoroscopy of both lower limbs", "Fluoroscopy of left and right lower limb", "双下肢透视检查", "双下肢X线透视检查", "左、右下肢透视检查" ], "6441000087107": [ "MRI of right acromioclavicular joint", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right acromioclavicular joint", "右肩锁关节磁共振成像", "右侧肩锁关节 MRI" ], "116371009": [ "Autogenous bone graft", "Autograft of bone", "自体骨移植" ], "2601000087106": [ "MRI of right shoulder", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right shoulder", "右肩 MRI", "右肩磁共振成像" ], "20521000087108": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right humerus", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral humeri", "MRI of bilateral humeri", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both humeri", "左、右肱骨磁共振成像", "双侧肱骨磁共振成像", "双侧肱骨 MRI 检查" ], "5161000087109": [ "Fluoroscopy guided lithotripsy of left and right kidney", "Fluoroscopy guided lithotripsy of both kidneys", "Fluoroscopy guided lithotripsy of bilateral kidneys", "Lithotripsy of bilateral kidneys using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下双肾碎石术", "透视引导下左、右肾碎石术", "荧光透视引导下双侧肾脏碎石术" ], "180072007": [ "Excision of anlage of ulna", "尺骨原基切除术" ], "702525000": [ "Biopsy of upper limb using computed tomography guidance", "Computed tomography guided biopsy of upper limb", "CT guided biopsy of upper limb", "计算机断层扫描引导下上肢活检", "CT引导下上肢活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行上肢活检" ], "391229002": [ "Psychological therapies - Part day : day care", "心理治疗 - 日间部分:日间护理" ], "112701005": [ "Local excision of bone", "局部骨切除" ], "63549006": [ "Lysis of adhesions of thorax", "胸腔粘连松解术" ], "47165006": [ "Anesthesia for partial rib resection", "Anaesthesia for partial rib resection", "部分肋骨切除术的麻醉" ], "243773009": [ "FBS - Fetal blood sampling", "Fetal blood sampling", "FBS - Foetal blood sampling", "Foetal blood sampling", "FBS - 胎儿血液采样", "胎儿血液采样" ], "45330002": [ "Restoration, inlay, metallic", "修复、镶嵌、金属" ], "438546008": [ "Ligation of arteriovenous dialysis fistula", "动静脉透析瘘结扎术" ], "59879002": [ "Repair of aneurysm with graft of vertebral artery", "椎动脉移植修复动脉瘤" ], "76263007": [ "Excision of lesion of middle ear", "中耳病变切除术" ], "43495009": [ "Patient transfer to skilled nursing facility for level 3 care", "患者转至专业护理机构接受 3 级护理" ], "385724002": [ "Coping support management", "Manage coping support", "应对支持管理", "管理应对支持" ], "271036002": [ "Percentage lymphocyte count", "Lymphocyte percent differential count", "淋巴细胞计数百分比", "淋巴细胞百分分化计数" ], "238268004": [ "Drainage of omental abscess", "大网膜脓肿引流" ], "25276009": [ "Wedge osteotomy of tibia", "Coventry operation", "考文垂行动", "胫骨楔形截骨术" ], "172732009": [ "Implantation of intracochlear prosthesis", "Implantation of cochlear implant, intracochlear", "耳蜗内假体植入", "人工耳蜗植入、耳蜗内植入" ], "170897004": [ "Environment risk monitoring", "环境风险监测" ], "433041007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of abdominal aorta with contrast and insertion of branched unilateral aorto-iliac stent graft", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of abdominal aorta with contrast and insertion of branched unilateral aorto-iliac stent graft", "腹主动脉荧光造影及单侧分支主动脉髂动脉支架植入术", "腹主动脉荧光血管造影及单侧分支主动脉髂动脉支架植入术" ], "105361008": [ "Urinalysis, automated, with microscopy", "尿液分析,自动化,带显微镜" ], "1119334004": [ "Endoscopic occlusion of right fallopian tube using fallopian tube occlusion insert", "使用输卵管阻塞插入物进行内镜右侧输卵管阻塞" ], "119910007": [ "Salivary gland reconstruction", "唾液腺重建" ], "118075000": [ "HIV 2 p58 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 p58 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 protein 58 antibody", "HIV 2 p58 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 2 p58 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型蛋白 58 抗体的测定" ], "431206007": [ "Percutaneous sacral vertebroplasty using fluoroscopic guidance", "Percutaneous sacroplasty using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮骶椎成形术", "透视引导下经皮骶骨成形术" ], "37990009": [ "Tarsometatarsal arthrodesis, transverse", "跗跖关节融合术,横向" ], "412987003": [ "Plasma B-hexosaminidase measurement", "Plasma B-hexosaminidase level", "Plasma beta-N-acetylhexosaminidase measurement", "血浆B-己糖胺酶水平", "血浆β-N-乙酰己糖胺酶测定", "血浆B-己糖胺酶测定" ], "232763003": [ "Removal of thrombus from mitral valve", "Removal of clot from mitral valve", "Declotting of mitral valve", "Mitral valve thrombectomy", "去除二尖瓣血凝块", "二尖瓣清除凝块", "二尖瓣血栓切除术", "去除二尖瓣血栓" ], "68923005": [ "Autocontrol procedure for crossmatch", "交叉配血的自动控制程序" ], "265531007": [ "Femoral arteriography", "Femoral arteriography-general", "Arteriography of femoral artery", "Angiography of femoral artery", "股动脉造影-一般", "股动脉造影" ], "427536000": [ "Endoscopic destruction of urethral valve", "内镜尿道瓣膜破坏术" ], "116240003": [ "Incisional biopsy of ampulla of Vater", "壶腹部切开活检" ], "738832007": [ "Right hemiglossectomy", "Excision of right half of tongue", "右半舌切除术", "切除右半舌" ], "50704008": [ "Open reduction of slipped femoral epiphysis with bone graft", "滑脱的股骨骨骺切开复位及骨移植" ], "32485007": [ "Hospital admission", "Admission to hospital", "住院", "入院" ], "178106000": [ "Aspiration of ganglion - ankle", "踝部神经节抽吸术" ], "866234000": [ "Mammography of breast implant", "乳房植入物乳房 X 线摄影" ], "229093008": [ "Zinovieff exercises", "Oxford exercises", "齐诺维耶夫演习", "牛津练习" ], "1208463003": [ "Cystoscopy and biopsy of bladder lesion using flexible cystoscope", "Flexible cystoscopy and biopsy of lesion of bladder", "Flexible cystoscopy and biopsy of bladder lesion", "Flexible cystoscopy and biopsy of lesion of urinary bladder", "Flexible cystoscopy and biopsy of urinary bladder lesion", "膀胱软镜检查及膀胱病变活检", "膀胱镜检查及膀胱病变活检", "膀胱病变柔性膀胱镜检查及活检", "使用柔性膀胱镜进行膀胱镜检查和膀胱病变活检" ], "225423004": [ "Complementary therapy", "Alternative medicine therapy", "补充疗法", "替代医学疗法" ], "77967005": [ "Fistulization of ranula", "Fistulisation of ranula", "Fistulization of ranula of salivary gland", "Fistulisation of ranula of salivary gland", "舌下囊瘘", "咽囊造瘘术", "涎腺囊肿造瘘术" ], "176271005": [ "Open haemostasis of prostate", "Open hemostasis of prostate", "前列腺开放止血" ], "438415006": [ "Trans-arterial hepatic radioembolization using yttrium-90 microspheres", "Trans-arterial hepatic radioembolisation using yttrium-90 microspheres", "使用钇-90 微球进行肝动脉放射栓塞" ], "61583009": [ "Sequestrectomy of tarsals or metatarsals", "跗骨或跖骨死骨切除术" ], "303673002": [ "CT of pelvic organs", "Computed tomography of pelvic organs", "盆腔器官计算机断层扫描", "盆腔器官 CT" ], "843491000168106": [ "Nasal culture for bacteria", "Nose culture for bacteria", "鼻腔细菌培养" ], "1303097003": [ "Coordination of resources to address homelessness", "协调资源解决无家可归问题" ], "90681004": [ "Suture of spinal dura mater", "硬脊膜缝合" ], "287289005": [ "Ruptured heart aneurysm repair", "心脏动脉瘤破裂修复" ], "762425008": [ "Injection of triamcinolone hexacetonide into shoulder joint", "肩关节注射曲安奈德" ], "105230002": [ "Medazepam measurement", "美达西泮测量" ], "121614003": [ "Itraconazole measurement", "伊曲康唑测量" ], "711438004": [ "Apprehension test of knee", "膝关节恐惧试验" ], "56078005": [ "Endoscopic excision of lesion of sphincter of Oddi", "内镜奥迪括约肌病变切除术" ], "1284878006": [ "Fitting of post core to tooth", "将桩核安装到牙齿上" ], "252686005": [ "Clinical genitourinary medicine test", "临床泌尿生殖医学检验" ], "5091004": [ "Peripheral vascular disease study", "外周血管疾病研究" ], "37859006": [ "Pulmonary ventilation perfusion study", "Pulmonary quantitative differential function study", "Pulmonary ventilation-perfusion study by radionuclide gas", "Ventilation-perfusion scan", "VQ (ventilation perfusion) scan", "肺通气灌注研究", "通气灌注扫描", "放射性核素气体肺通气灌注研究", "VQ(通气灌注)扫描", "肺定量分化功能研究" ], "119779007": [ "Head artery incision", "头部动脉切开" ], "68792000": [ "Wardill operation, cleft palate repair", "沃迪尔手术、腭裂修复" ], "70627009": [ "Myocardial resection", "Resection of myocardium", "心肌切除术" ], "3256004": [ "Cervical lymphangiogram", "颈部淋巴管造影" ], "412856004": [ "Urine isoleucine measurement", "Urine isoleucine level", "尿异亮氨酸测量", "尿异亮氨酸水平" ], "167096006": [ "Plasma fasting glucose level", "Plasma fasting glucose measurement", "血浆空腹血糖测量", "血浆空腹血糖水平" ], "437121000124101": [ "Cobalt modified diet", "钴改良饮食" ], "457601000124102": [ "Examination of neck", "Neck examination", "颈部检查" ], "232632009": [ "Wedge excision of lung", "肺楔形切除术" ], "281784009": [ "Compartment syndrome decompression of upper limb", "Fascial release of upper limb", "Decompression fasciotomy of compartment of upper limb", "上肢筋膜松解术", "上肢筋膜减压切开术", "上肢筋膜室综合征减压术" ], "1017229005": [ "Sequential anastomosis of left internal mammary artery from proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) from proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery from proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) from proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "左内乳动脉从左冠状动脉前降支近端至左冠状动脉前降支中段序贯吻合术", "左内乳动脉 (LIMA) 从左冠状动脉前降支近端至左冠状动脉前降支中段进行顺序吻合", "左内胸动脉 (LITA) 从左冠状动脉前降支近端至左冠状动脉前降支中段的顺序吻合术", "左胸廓内动脉左冠状动脉前降支近端至左冠状动脉前降支中段序贯吻合术" ], "464001000124109": [ "Referral to case manager", "转介给案件经理" ], "310882002": [ "Exercise on prescription", "按处方锻炼" ], "14135001": [ "Labyrinthectomy with mastoidectomy", "迷路切除术及乳突切除术" ], "81506009": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of shoulder", "Reduction of open shoulder dislocation with uncomplicated soft tissue closure", "肩关节脱位切开复位术", "通过简单的软组织闭合复位开放性肩关节脱位" ], "177975003": [ "Destruction of lesion of mesentery of colon", "结肠系膜损伤破坏术" ], "46903006": [ "Hydrotherapy", "Therapeutic bath", "治疗浴", "水疗" ], "440119007": [ "Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography of intracranial artery with study of vasoreactivity", "经颅多普勒超声检查颅内动脉及血管反应性研究" ], "1306636000": [ "Plain X-ray of soft tissue of face", "面部软组织普通 X 光检查" ], "718647008": [ "Assessment using figure drawing test", "使用图形绘画测试进行评估" ], "225292002": [ "Developing a treatment plan", "Devising intervention strategy", "制定治疗计划", "制定干预策略" ], "241676002": [ "MR sodium spectroscopy of head", "Magnetic resonance sodium spectroscopy of head", "头部磁共振钠波谱检查", "头部磁共振钠波谱分析" ], "405516005": [ "Repair of aneurysm of lower limb artery", "Repair of aneurysm of lower extremity artery", "下肢动脉瘤修补术" ], "274444009": [ "Supernumerary digit ligation", "多余手指结扎术" ], "174305001": [ "Intubation of rectum for pressure manometry", "直肠插管进行压力测压" ], "714977007": [ "Iodine 123 MIBG (meta-iodobenzylguanidine) SPECT CT of thorax", "Single photon emission computed tomography using iodine 123 meta-iodobenzylguanidine with computed tomography of thorax", "Iodine 123 meta-iodobenzylguanidine SPECT CT of thorax", "碘 123 MIBG(间碘苄胍) SPECT 胸部 CT", "使用碘 123 间碘苄胍进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描,并进行胸部计算机断层扫描", "碘 123 间碘苄胍 ​​SPECT 胸部 CT" ], "305377007": [ "Admission to medical ophthalmology department", "医学眼科入院" ], "223457009": [ "Providing material", "提供材料" ], "1335734003": [ "Fusion of joint and internal fixation", "关节融合及内固定" ], "432779000": [ "Computed tomography (CT) dacryocystography of lacrimal canaliculus", "Computed tomography dacryocystography of lacrimal canaliculus", "CT dacryocystography of lacrimal canaliculus", "泪小管 CT 泪囊造影", "泪小管计算机断层扫描 (CT) 泪囊造影", "泪小管计算机断层泪囊造影" ], "711307001": [ "Colonoscopy using X-ray guidance", "使用 X 射线引导的结肠镜检查" ], "55947001": [ "Physical medicine initial examination and planning for rehabilitation program", "Physical medicine initial examination and planning for rehabilitation programme", "物理医学初步检查及康复计划规划" ], "236171006": [ "Nephroscopic extraction of ureteric calculus without disintegration", "肾镜输尿管结石不碎取术" ], "121483009": [ "Carbon tetrachloride measurement", "四氯化碳测量" ], "250720001": [ "Pepsin output measurement", "Pepsin output", "胃蛋白酶输出量测量", "胃蛋白酶产量" ], "252555009": [ "Active posterior rhinomanometry", "主动后鼻测压" ], "447328004": [ "Endoscopic incision of sphenoid sinus", "Endoscopic sphenoidotomy", "内镜蝶窦切开术" ], "119648004": [ "Wrist excision", "腕关节切除术" ], "105099009": [ "Carboxy tetrahydrocannabinol measurement", "羧基四氢大麻酚测量" ], "21344007": [ "Vascular bypass of renal artery with graft", "Bypass/graft of renal artery", "肾动脉血管搭桥术", "肾动脉搭桥/移植" ], "234336002": [ "Hemopoietic stem cell transplant", "Haemopoietic stem cell transplant", "Transfusion of stem cells", "造血干细胞移植", "干细胞输注" ], "773173001": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of thoracic artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of thoracic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下胸主动脉造影成形术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行胸动脉血管成形术" ], "86880009": [ "Excision of lesion of tendon sheath of hand", "手部腱鞘病变切除术" ], "117813001": [ "Escherichia coli F41 detection", "大肠杆菌F41检测" ], "183349001": [ "Work-oriented specific training", "工作导向的专项培训" ], "281653001": [ "Pricking blister", "刺破水泡" ], "232501001": [ "Reconstruction of maxilla", "上颌骨重建" ], "1230090002": [ "Cleaning of tube insertion site with maintenance of tube and change of dressing", "清洁插管部位并维护插管和更换敷料" ], "165130003": [ "Surgical biopsy not taken", "未进行手术活检" ], "722186004": [ "Descemet's membrane automated endothelial keratoplasty", "DMAEK - Descemet's membrane automated endothelial keratoplasty", "Descemet 膜自动内皮角膜移植术", "DMAEK - Descemet 膜自动内皮角膜移植术" ], "359903003": [ "Detection of erythrocyte IgG antibody complex binding", "Detection of erythrocyte immunoglobulin G antibody complex binding", "红细胞免疫球蛋白G抗体复合物结合检测", "检测红细胞 IgG 抗体复合物结合" ], "81375008": [ "Physical assessment", "身体评估" ], "441823008": [ "Quantitative measurement of amino acid in cerebrospinal fluid specimen", "脑脊液标本中氨基酸的定量测定" ], "79540002": [ "Prescribing, fitting and supervision of ocular prosthesis", "眼部假体的处方、安装和监督" ], "703967008": [ "Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome care", "卵巢过度刺激综合征的护理" ], "439988004": [ "Closed manual reduction of fracture of phalanx of foot", "足趾骨骨折闭合手法复位术" ], "30388000": [ "Neuroleptic drug screen", "抗精神病药物筛选" ], "718516005": [ "Assessment using Bristol Language Assessment Scales", "Assessment using BLADES (Bristol Language Assessment Scale)", "使用 BLADES(布里斯托语言评估量表)进行评估", "使用布里斯托语言评估量表进行评估" ], "63156008": [ "Transection of obturator nerve, extrapelvic, with adductor tenotomy", "闭孔神经横断、骨盆外切断及闭孔肌腱切断术" ], "241545001": [ "CT of brachial plexus", "Computed tomography of brachial plexus", "臂丛神经 CT", "臂丛神经计算机断层扫描" ], "405385002": [ "Exploration of tibioperoneal artery", "胫腓动脉探查" ], "110473004": [ "Cataract surgery", "白内障手术" ], "419934004": [ "MRI venography of superior vena cava", "Magnetic resonance imaging venography of superior vena cava", "上腔静脉 MRI 静脉造影", "上腔静脉磁共振成像静脉造影" ], "43102005": [ "Acromionectomy", "肩峰切除术" ], "370782005": [ "Assessment of susceptibility for infection", "Assesses susceptibility for infection", "Infection risk assessment", "感染易感性评估", "评估感染易感性", "感染风险评估" ], "305246008": [ "Admission by pediatric neurologist", "Admission by paediatric neurologist", "儿科神经科医生入院", "儿科神经科医生的入院" ], "75870009": [ "Iridocystectomy", "虹膜囊肿切除术" ], "24883002": [ "Biliopancreatic bypass to ileum with partial gastrectomy", "Scopinaro operation for morbid obesity", "胆胰旁路至回肠及部分胃切除术", "斯科皮纳罗手术治疗病态肥胖" ], "418099002": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of ovarian artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of ovarian artery with contrast", "卵巢动脉造影荧光镜检查", "卵巢动脉造影荧光血管造影" ], "422851000119101": [ "Two dimensional echocardiography of fetus", "Echocardiogram (2D) of fetus", "胎儿二维超声心动图", "胎儿超声心动图(2D)" ], "16523971000119102": [ "CT guided needle puncture and aspiration of abscess of abdomen", "Needle puncture and aspiration of abscess of abdomen using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行腹部脓肿针穿刺抽吸", "CT引导下腹部脓肿穿刺抽吸" ], "16298691000119102": [ "Administration of vaccine product containing only Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A, C, W135 and Y capsular oligosaccharide conjugated antigens", "Administration of meningococcus A, C, W135 and Y capsular oligosaccharide conjugated vaccine", "Meningococcus A, C, W135 and Y capsular oligosaccharide conjugated immunization", "Meningococcus A, C, W135 and Y capsular oligosaccharide conjugated immunisation", "Meningococcus A, C, W135 and Y capsular oligosaccharide conjugated vaccination", "脑膜炎球菌 A、C、W135 和 Y 荚膜寡糖结合免疫", "接种脑膜炎球菌 A、C、W135 和 Y 荚膜寡糖结合疫苗", "脑膜炎球菌 A、C、W135 和 Y 荚膜寡糖结合疫苗", "接种仅含有脑膜炎奈瑟菌血清群 A、C、W135 和 Y 荚膜寡糖结合抗原的疫苗产品" ], "16522691000119102": [ "CT for bone length measurement", "Computed tomography for bone length measurement", "CT 骨长度测量", "计算机断层扫描测量骨长度" ], "385731000119105": [ "X-ray of excised tissue specimen", "Plain X-ray of excised tissue specimen", "切除的组织标本的 X 射线", "切除的组织标本的普通 X 射线" ], "713011005": [ "Assessment using Manchester Triage System", "Assessment using MTS (Manchester Triage System)", "使用曼彻斯特分诊系统进行评估", "使用 MTS(曼彻斯特分诊系统)进行评估" ], "88584000": [ "Evacuation of subungual hematoma", "Drainage of subungual hematoma", "Evacuation of subungual haematoma", "Drainage of subungual haematoma", "甲下血肿清除术", "清除甲下血肿", "甲下血肿引流" ], "104968004": [ "Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation test", "Thyrotropin releasing hormone stimulation test", "促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH)刺激试验", "促甲状腺激素释放激素刺激试验" ], "711176003": [ "Provision of orthopedic stretcher", "Provision of orthopaedic stretcher", "提供骨科担架" ], "432648008": [ "Removal of intravascular foreign body using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided removal of intravascular foreign body with contrast", "透视引导下血管内异物取出术", "用荧光造影剂引导去除血管内异物" ], "170504009": [ "Surveillance of carrier", "携带者监控" ], "37597002": [ "Lithotripsy of bladder calculus with ultrasonic fragmentation", "Lithotripsy of calculus of urinary bladder using ultrasonic fragmentation", "超声碎石术治疗膀胱结石" ], "21213001": [ "Mediastinotomy with drainage by cervical approach", "经颈部入路纵隔切开引流术" ], "4829004": [ "Excision of small intestine for interposition", "Resection of small intestine for interposition", "切除小肠进行插入" ], "398045004": [ "Estimation of regional perfusion", "区域灌注评估" ], "121352009": [ "1,3-Dichlorobenzene measurement", "Metadichlorobenzene measurement", "1,3-二氯苯测量", "间二氯苯的测定" ], "168669007": [ "Plain X-ray of patella", "髌骨普通 X 光检查" ], "250589001": [ "Digoxin blood measurement", "Digoxin: blood level", "地高辛:血药浓度", "地高辛血液测量" ], "86749008": [ "Stripping and ligation", "剥离和结扎" ], "445362000": [ "Measurement of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antibody", "N-甲基-D-天冬氨酸受体抗体的测量" ], "609202000": [ "Endoscopic procedure on pancreatic duct for control of hemorrhage", "Endoscopic procedure on pancreatic duct for control of haemorrhage", "内镜胰管止血手术", "内镜胰管手术控制出血" ], "166834004": [ "Serum VLDL cholesterol measurement", "Serum VLDL cholesterol level", "Serum very low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement", "血清极低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平", "血清 VLDL 胆固醇测量", "血清极低密度脂蛋白胆固醇测量" ], "117682004": [ "Picloram measurement", "百草定测量" ], "1231794005": [ "Revision of root canal treatment of canine tooth", "Revision of root canal therapy of canine tooth", "Root canal retreatment of canine tooth", "Revision of endodontic treatment of canine tooth", "Revision of treatment of root canal of canine tooth", "尖牙根管治疗的修正", "犬齿根管再治疗", "尖牙根管修复治疗" ], "427143000": [ "Patient controlled analgesia device provision management", "患者自控镇痛设备供应管理" ], "265138009": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of elbow and fixation with Hook fixation plate", "肘部骨折一期切开复位钩形固定板固定" ], "1295495002": [ "Plain X-ray of orbit with contrast", "眼眶造影 X 光检查" ], "312455006": [ "Reversibility trial by steroids", "Steroid reversibility test", "类固醇可逆性测试", "类固醇可逆性试验" ], "228700000": [ "Iodine 131 meta-iodobenzylguanidine therapy", "I131 MIBG therapy", "碘131间碘苄胍治疗", "I131 MIBG 治疗" ], "64860001": [ "Collection of sweat test", "汗液检测的采集" ], "359772000": [ "Glucose monitoring at home", "家庭血糖监测" ], "441692005": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of adipose tissue", "脂肪组织细针穿刺活检" ], "310620005": [ "Patch repair of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉补片修复" ], "408924006": [ "Family process analysis management", "Manage family process analysis", "管理家庭过程分析", "家庭过程分析管理" ], "179548008": [ "Revision of resurfacing arthroplasty", "表面置换术的修订" ], "46641002": [ "Application of eye pad", "Applying eye pad", "眼垫的应用", "敷上眼垫" ], "177713006": [ "Removal of pack from subcutaneous tissue", "从皮下组织中取出包扎物" ], "276017006": [ "Gastrografin swallow", "胃泛影葡胺吞服" ], "12038002": [ "Incision of endocardium", "心内膜切开术" ], "732934003": [ "Partial amputation of toe of right foot", "Partial amputation of right toe", "右脚趾部分截肢" ], "241414003": [ "Radiolabelled human immunoglobulin study", "Radiolabelled IgG study", "Radiolabeled human immunoglobulin study", "放射性标记人类免疫球蛋白研究", "放射性标记 IgG 研究" ], "419803002": [ "US scan and drainage of breast", "Ultrasound scan and drainage of breast", "乳房超声扫描和引流", "乳房超声波扫描及引流" ], "206811003": [ "Arthrotomy with removal of loose body of metatarsophalangeal joint", "关节切开术切除跖趾关节游离体" ], "239579004": [ "Amputation of thumb through interphalangeal joint", "经指间关节切除拇指" ], "305115003": [ "Peribulbar infiltration of local anesthetic", "Peribulbar infiltration of local anaesthetic", "Peribulbar block", "局部麻醉药球周浸润", "球周阻滞" ], "1255387005": [ "Low microbial diet", "低微生物饮食" ], "18121000202109": [ "Assessment of need of legal guardian", "法定监护人需求评估" ], "59355008": [ "Irrigation by cannulation of maxillary sinus", "上颌窦插管冲洗" ], "417968003": [ "US scan of peripheral veins", "Ultrasound scan of peripheral veins", "外周静脉超声扫描" ], "57520004": [ "Nursing service audit", "护理服务审计" ], "712880008": [ "Laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy", "Excision of proximal stomach using laparoscope", "腹腔镜近端胃切除术" ], "448901001": [ "Excision of ganglion cyst of finger", "手指腱鞘囊肿切除术" ], "745648008": [ "Injection of cytotoxic substance", "注射细胞毒性物质" ], "252293003": [ "Hemoglobin Constant Spring identification", "Haemoglobin Constant Spring identification", "血红蛋白恒定弹簧识别" ], "39301001": [ "Partial dermabrasion", "Superficial dermabrasion", "局部磨皮", "浅表磨皮" ], "170373003": [ "Administration of booster dose of hepatitis B vaccine", "Hepatitis B booster immunisation", "Hepatitis B booster vaccination", "Hepatitis B booster immunization", "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Hepatitis B virus antigen", "乙肝加强疫苗接种", "注射乙肝疫苗加强针", "乙肝加强免疫", "仅含乙肝病毒抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量接种" ], "104837004": [ "Oleate measurement", "油酸测量" ], "416133007": [ "Subconjunctival autologous blood injection", "结膜下自体血注射" ], "711045007": [ "Assessment of school health service", "学校卫生服务评估" ], "1217114001": [ "Endoscopic examination of ileoanal pouch and biopsy of ileoanal pouch", "回肠肛袋内镜检查及回肠肛袋活检" ], "397914003": [ "Uncomplicated intravascular line insertion", "血管内导管插入操作简单" ], "19247000": [ "Endoscopy of tonsil", "扁桃体内窥镜检查" ], "265007006": [ "Excision of lymphoedematous tissue of arm", "Excision of lymphedematous tissue of arm", "手臂淋巴水肿组织切除术" ], "396079007": [ "Assessment of adverse drug reactions", "Assess adverse drug reactions", "评估药物不良反应", "药物不良反应评估" ], "35631009": [ "Laser surgery", "Laser surgical technique", "Surgical procedure using laser", "激光手术技术", "使用激光进行手术", "激光手术" ], "410628002": [ "Well child visit, 9 month", "9 个月儿童健康检查" ], "443396005": [ "Pneumonostomy with open drainage of abscess of lung using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided pneumonostomy with open drainage of abscess of lung", "计算机断层扫描引导下肺脓肿开胸引流术", "CT 引导下肺脓肿肺造口开腹引流术" ], "427012005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent into cerebral artery", "Endovascular insertion of stent into cerebral artery", "血管内植入支架至脑动脉", "经皮脑动脉腔内支架植入术" ], "82948008": [ "Destruction of chorioretinal lesion by diathermy", "通过透热疗法破坏脉络膜视网膜病变" ], "1197060009": [ "Distant skin flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction using distant cutaneous flap", "Reconstruction with distant skin flap", "Reconstruction using distant skin flap", "使用远端皮瓣进行重建", "远端皮瓣重建", "远处皮瓣重建" ], "441561002": [ "Endobronchial ultrasound examination of mediastinum", "纵隔支气管内超声检查" ], "228569000": [ "Music exercise", "音乐练习" ], "310489004": [ "Care of hemodialysis equipment", "Care of haemodialysis equipment", "血液透析设备的保养" ], "195801001": [ "Cystourethroscopy with biopsy of ureter", "膀胱尿道镜检查及输尿管活检" ], "392409003": [ "Re216 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Deer epithelium specific IgE antibody measurement", "Deer epithelium specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "鹿上皮特异性IgE抗体测定", "Re216特异性IgE抗体测量", "鹿上皮特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "359641007": [ "Transplant of tissue of anus", "肛门组织移植" ], "62894000": [ "Electrocochleography", "ECoG - Electrocochleography", "ECochG - Electrocochleography", "ECochG-- 耳蜗电图", "ECoG-耳蜗电图", "耳蜗电图" ], "243118002": [ "Professional reassurance", "专业保障" ], "79278004": [ "Incision of lacrimal punctum", "Snip incision of lacrimal punctum", "Slitting of lacrimal papilla", "泪点剪断", "泪点切开术", "泪乳头切开术" ], "783790006": [ "Repair of canthus with graft of skin", "Repair of canthus with skin graft", "皮肤移植修复眼角" ], "306819000": [ "Low power laser therapy to lower limb", "下肢低功率激光治疗" ], "241283001": [ "Skull isotope studies", "头骨同位素研究" ], "388739002": [ "Ruditapes spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "Clam specific IgE antibody measurement", "f207 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ruditapes spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "蛤蜊特异性IgE抗体测定", "蛤仔属特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "蛤仔属特异性IgE抗体测定", "f207 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "274051007": [ "Surgical reduction of fracture", "手术复位骨折" ], "239448001": [ "Soft tissue release of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe", "小趾跖趾关节软组织松解术" ], "10072002": [ "Fluorescent antibody measurement", "荧光抗体测量" ], "24621000": [ "Interpretation of results of psychiatric examinations and data", "精神病检查结果和数据的解释" ], "450605002": [ "Biopsy of lesion of parietal lobe", "顶叶病变活检" ], "712749007": [ "Magnetic resonance arthrography of elbow with contrast", "MR arthrography of elbow with contrast", "Magnetic resonance arthrogram of elbow with contrast", "肘关节磁共振造影" ], "6402000": [ "Excision of common bile duct", "Choledochectomy", "胆管切除术", "胆总管切除术" ], "88322000": [ "Arthrolysis by stretching or manipulation", "Physiatric manipulation of joint adhesions", "Brisement forcé", "Physiatric manual rupture of joint adhesions", "Lysis of adhesions of cartilage of joint by stretching or manipulation", "Brisement force", "通过拉伸或手法松解关节软骨的粘连", "通过拉伸或手法进行关节松解术", "强制断裂", "关节粘连的物理治疗", "物理治疗手动破除关节粘连", "冲击力" ], "710914003": [ "Referral to family therapy", "转介家庭治疗" ], "268546004": [ "Respiratory neoplasm screening", "Screening for malignant neoplasm of respiratory tract", "呼吸道恶性肿瘤筛查", "呼吸道肿瘤筛查" ], "104706006": [ "Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase measurement", "3-磷酸​​甘油醛脱氢酶测定" ], "252162007": [ "Globulins - electrophoresis", "球蛋白-电泳" ], "448770008": [ "Computed tomography of mandible and maxilla", "CT of mandible and maxilla", "下颌骨和上颌骨的计算机断层扫描", "上颌骨 CT" ], "430551003": [ "Measurement of 14-3-3 protein concentration in cerebrospinal fluid", "脑脊液中14-3-3蛋白浓度的测量" ], "19116003": [ "Methemoglobin reductase measurement", "Cytochrome b>5< reductase measurement", "Methaemoglobin reductase measurement", "Cytochrome b5 reductase measurement", "高铁血红蛋白还原酶测定", "细胞色素 b5 还原酶测量", "细胞色素b>5<还原酶测量" ], "51884005": [ "Division of trabeculae carneae cordis", "心脏肉小梁的划分" ], "2732007": [ "Recession of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱萎缩" ], "68268007": [ "Intra-arterial infusion", "动脉内灌注" ], "84652007": [ "Lepromin A skin test", "Lepromin armadillo skin test", "Lepromin 犰狳皮肤试验", "麻风毒素 A 皮肤试验" ], "1196929001": [ "CT abdomen double phase study with contrast", "Computed tomography dual phase study of abdomen with contrast", "腹部 CT 双期增强扫描", "腹部增强 CT 双期扫描研究" ], "50049003": [ "Urostomy management and care", "Stoma management and care of urinary tract", "尿道造口术的管理和护理", "尿道造口管理及护理" ], "897004": [ "Radical maxillary antrotomy", "根治性上颌窦切开术" ], "33665008": [ "Excision of heterotopic bone from muscle of hand", "Excision of myositis ossificans of hand", "手部肌肉异位骨切除术", "手部骨化性肌炎切除术" ], "310358004": [ "Counselling about serious diagnosis", "Serious diagnosis counselling", "Counseling about serious diagnosis", "Serious diagnosis counseling", "严重诊断咨询" ], "392278005": [ "Holcus lanatus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Velvet grass specific IgE antibody measurement", "g13 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Holcus lanatus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "毛地黄特异性IgE抗体测定", "茸草特异性IgE抗体测定", "毛地黄特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "g13特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "80982006": [ "Psychologic test, Wechsler memory scale", "心理测试,韦氏记忆量表" ], "277590007": [ "Imaging guided biopsy", "影像引导活检" ], "275755000": [ "VDRL titer measurement", "VDRL (syphilis) titer", "VDRL (syphilis) titre", "VDRL titre measurement", "Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) titer measurement", "Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) titre measurement", "Venereal Disease Research Laboratory titer measurement", "VDRL(梅毒)滴度", "VDRL 滴度测定", "VDRL(梅毒)标题", "性病研究实验室滴度测定", "VDRL 滴度测量", "性病研究实验室 (VDRL) 滴度测定" ], "46379002": [ "Intercarpal fusion", "腕骨间融合" ], "439595002": [ "Exploration of penetrating wound of extremity", "四肢穿透伤的探查" ], "79147007": [ "Filleting of hammer toe", "锤状趾修整" ], "406827008": [ "Coelestine blue B stain method", "Celestine blue B stain method", "Coelestine blue B stain", "Celestine blue B stain", "天青蓝B染色法", "天青蓝 B 染色" ], "241152006": [ "Digital fluoroscopy swallow", "数字透视吞咽" ], "28160007": [ "Pelvic lymphangiography, bilateral", "双侧盆腔淋巴管造影" ], "1287893003": [ "Repair of retinal tear by diathermy", "透热疗法修复视网膜裂孔" ], "239317005": [ "Osteotomy of phalanx of lesser toe", "小趾指骨截骨术" ], "237482000": [ "Radiofrequency destruction of pituitary gland", "射频毁损垂体" ], "171946003": [ "Transseptal hypophysectomy", "经隔脑垂体切除术" ], "88191005": [ "HLA class II serotyping", "Human leucocyte antigen (HLA) class II serotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II serotyping", "Human leukocyte antigen class II serotyping", "人类白细胞抗原 (HLA) II 类血清分型", "人类白细胞抗原 II 类血清分型", "HLA II 类血清分型" ], "448639006": [ "Ligation and stripping of varicose vein of head and/or neck", "头部和/或颈部静脉曲张结扎及剥脱术" ], "6271008": [ "Echography, immersion B-scan", "超声心动图、浸没式 B 扫描" ], "104575009": [ "Catalase measurement", "过氧化氢酶测量" ], "446804002": [ "Hysteroscopic excision of leiomyoma of uterus", "Hysteroscopic myomectomy", "宫腔镜子宫平滑肌瘤切除术", "宫腔镜子宫肌瘤切除术" ], "69972005": [ "Injection into perineum", "会阴注射" ], "250196006": [ "Bacterial killing", "Bacterial killing test", "Neutrophil bactericidal activity", "中性粒细胞杀菌活性", "杀菌", "细菌杀灭试验" ], "20820007": [ "Arthrodesis by anterior transoral technique, clivus-C1-C2, with bone graft and excision of odontoid process", "采用前口入路技术进行关节融合,斜坡-C1-C2,进行骨移植和齿状突切除" ], "430420007": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of zygapophyseal joint of lumbar spine with contrast", "腰椎关节突关节X线造影" ], "4436008": [ "MCP receptor measurement", "Methylatable chemotaxis protein (MCP) receptor measurement", "Methylatable chemotaxis protein receptor measurement", "甲基化趋化蛋白受体测量", "MCP 受体测量", "甲基化趋化蛋白 (MCP) 受体测量" ], "2601001": [ "Removal of bone flap of skull", "颅骨骨瓣切除术" ], "313897003": [ "150 minute plasma LH level", "150 minute plasma LH measurement", "150 minute plasma luteinizing hormone measurement", "150 minute plasma luteinising hormone measurement", "150 分钟血浆促黄体生成素测量", "150 分钟血浆 LH 测量", "150 分钟血浆促黄体激素测量", "150 分钟血浆 LH 水平" ], "363049002": [ "Death notification", "死亡通知" ], "608809006": [ "Open reduction of fracture of acetabulum with internal fixation", "髋臼骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "444969006": [ "Computed tomography arteriography of entire aorta with contrast", "CT arteriography of entire aorta with contrast", "CT arteriogram of entire aorta with contrast", "CT angiography of entire aorta with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of entire aorta with contrast", "主动脉增强 CT 动脉造影", "主动脉全层增强 CT 动脉造影", "增强 CT 主动脉造影", "主动脉全层增强 CT 血管造影" ], "428585008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of stent graft into hepatic artery", "Endovascular insertion of stent graft into hepatic artery", "经皮肝动脉腔内植入支架移植物", "肝动脉内植入支架移植物" ], "66302001": [ "Internal neurolysis with operating microscope", "手术显微镜内神经松解术" ], "410366007": [ "Wellness case management", "健康案例管理" ], "1293267002": [ "Hybrid total prosthetic arthroplasty of joint", "Hybrid total replacement of joint", "Hybrid prosthetic total arthroplasty of joint", "混合型假体全关节置换术", "混合型全关节置换术", "混合型全关节假体置换术" ], "392147002": [ "Excision of lesion of jaw bone", "颌骨病变切除术" ], "64467007": [ "Operation with graft for slipping patella", "滑脱髌骨移植手术" ], "177320001": [ "Laser destruction of lesion of skin of head or neck", "Destruction of lesion of skin of head or neck using laser", "使用激光破坏头部或颈部皮肤损伤", "激光毁坏头部或颈部皮肤损伤" ], "717992002": [ "Cone beam CT guided biopsy of neck", "Biopsy of neck using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "锥形束 CT 引导下颈部活检", "使用锥形束 CT 引导进行颈部活检" ], "439464007": [ "Injection into facet joint of lumbar spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下腰椎小关节注射" ], "77181006": [ "Implantation of mitral valve prosthesis or synthetic device", "二尖瓣假体或合成装置植入" ], "175485007": [ "Operation on aneurysm of renal artery", "肾动脉瘤手术" ], "306557008": [ "Discharge by speech and language therapist", "由言语治疗师出院" ], "1156690000": [ "Coordination of preparation for caesarean section", "Coordination of preparation for cesarean section", "协调剖宫产准备", "协调剖腹产准备工作" ], "388477007": [ "c2 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Penicilloyl V specific IgE antibody measurement", "Penicilloyl V specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "c2 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "青霉酰 V 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "青霉酰 V 特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "241021008": [ "Procedure for wound collection", "伤口收集程序" ], "1254994005": [ "Mammalian meat free diet", "哺乳动物无肉饮食" ], "1287762006": [ "Arsenic compound therapy", "砷化合物疗法" ], "9810007": [ "Embolization of arteriovenous fistula", "Embolisation of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘栓塞术" ], "171815001": [ "Primary microsurgical graft to peripheral nerve", "初次显微外科移植周围神经" ], "401191002": [ "Diabetic foot examination", "糖尿病足检查" ], "40743001": [ "Angiotensin converting enzyme measurement", "ACE measurement", "Angiotensin-I-converting enzyme measurement", "血管紧张素转换酶 (ACE) 测量", "血管紧张素转换酶测定" ], "450343005": [ "Destruction of lacrimal gland", "泪腺破坏" ], "417575008": [ "Indirect myofascial release", "间接肌筋膜松解" ], "104444003": [ "11-ketoetiocholanolone measurement", "11-酮乙胆烷醇酮测量" ], "448508004": [ "Excision of manubrium", "胸骨柄切除术" ], "301052006": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture dislocation", "骨折脱位切开复位修复" ], "37073001": [ "Decompression of labyrinth", "迷路减压" ], "708817004": [ "Open excision of ureteric stricture", "Open excision of stricture of ureter", "Open resection of ureteric stricture", "Open excision of ureteral stricture", "Open resection of ureteral stricture", "输尿管狭窄开放切除术", "输尿管狭窄切除术", "输尿管狭窄切开术" ], "315601005": [ "Ambulatory chemotherapy", "门诊化疗" ], "397521009": [ "Ultrasonic biomicroscopy", "Ultrasound biomicroscopy", "Ultrasound biomicroscopy of anterior segment of eyeball", "UBM - ultrasound biomicroscopy", "眼球前节超声生物显微镜检查", "超声生物显微镜", "UBM-- 超声生物显微镜" ], "53457009": [ "Echocardiography for determining prosthetic valve motion", "超声心动图用于确定人工瓣膜运动" ], "313766005": [ "Urine thiosulfate/creatinine ratio measurement", "Urine thiosulphate/creatinine ratio", "Urine thiosulfate/creatinine ratio", "Urine thiosulphate/creatinine ratio measurement", "尿液硫代硫酸盐/肌酐比率测量", "尿液硫代硫酸盐/肌酐比率" ], "1264038009": [ "Insertion of fixed orthodontic appliance onto maxillary teeth", "Insertion of fixed orthodontic appliance onto upper teeth", "将固定矫正器插入上牙", "将固定矫正器插入上颌牙齿" ], "443003003": [ "Open reduction of fracture of metacarpal with external fixation", "掌骨骨折切开复位外固定" ], "410235003": [ "Violence control assessment", "Assess violence control", "Assess violence prevention", "评估暴力控制", "暴力控制评估", "评估暴力预防" ], "768848003": [ "Revision of total prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint not using cement", "Revision of uncemented total shoulder replacement", "非骨水泥型全肩关节置换术的翻修", "不使用骨水泥的肩关节全假体置换术" ], "392016006": [ "High-pass resolution perimetry", "高通分辨率视野检查" ], "439333006": [ "Sampling of female genital tract for smear", "取样女性生殖道进行涂片检查" ], "290042003": [ "Fit tinnitus masker", "适合耳鸣掩蔽器" ], "175354004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of aorta", "经皮腔内主动脉球囊成形术" ], "306426006": [ "Discharge by clinical physiologist", "临床生理学家出院" ], "763343001": [ "Intraoperative insertion of cardiac pacemaker", "术中植入心脏起搏器" ], "107983004": [ "Endocrine system excision", "内分泌系统切除" ], "419279005": [ "Jones dye test", "琼斯染料试验" ], "384676001": [ "Operation on mouth", "Mouth operation", "Operative procedure on mouth region", "口部手术", "口腔手术", "口腔手术流程" ], "386511009": [ "Intraspinal analgesic administration", "Analgesic administration: intraspinal", "镇痛给药:椎管内", "椎管内镇痛给药" ], "73380001": [ "Suture of bladder", "Simple cystorrhaphy", "Repair of laceration of bladder", "Cystorrhaphy", "Repair of laceration of urinary bladder by suture", "Suture of urinary bladder", "膀胱裂伤缝合修复术", "膀胱裂伤修复", "单纯膀胱缝合术", "膀胱缝合术", "膀胱缝合" ], "1234809001": [ "Bathing of skin of hand", "Hand bath", "手浴", "手部皮肤沐浴" ], "235385003": [ "Construction of neosphincter - anus", "Construction of anal neosphincter", "肛门括约肌的构建", "肛门新括约肌的构建" ], "55161005": [ "Stripping of fascia", "筋膜剥离" ], "233550000": [ "Cannulation of subcutaneous reservoir", "皮下储液器插管" ], "104313008": [ "Eastern equine encephalitis virus antibody assay", "Serologic test for Eastern equine encephalitis virus", "Measurement of Eastern equine encephalitis virus antibody", "东部马脑炎病毒血清学检测", "东部马脑炎病毒抗体测定" ], "446542002": [ "Endoscopic neurolysis of coeliac plexus using ultrasound guidance", "Endoscopic destruction of celiac plexus using ultrasound guidance", "Endoscopic destruction of coeliac plexus using ultrasound guidance", "Endoscopic neurolysis of celiac plexus using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下内镜腹腔神经丛破坏术", "超声引导下内镜腹腔神经丛神经松解术", "超声引导下内镜腹腔神经丛松解术" ], "118862004": [ "Procedure on vagina", "阴道手术" ], "430158004": [ "Education about infant safety at 10-12 months", "10-12个月婴儿安全教育" ], "36942008": [ "Microbial identification, API rapid E method", "微生物鉴定,API快速E法" ], "18723003": [ "Demand pacing", "需求节奏" ], "231715003": [ "Relieving incision of cornea", "缓解角膜切开术" ], "35107003": [ "Antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity assay", "ADCC assay", "ADCC 检测", "抗体依赖性细胞毒性试验" ], "117027007": [ "Sterile body fluid culture", "Microbial culture, body fluid", "微生物培养,体液", "无菌体液培养" ], "410104000": [ "Spiritual comfort assessment", "Assess spiritual comfort", "精神舒适度评估", "评估精神舒适度" ], "50080181000188101": [ "Brachytherapy of bone", "骨近距离放射治疗" ], "424653005": [ "Neurovascular assessment of lower limb", "Neurovascular assessment of lower extremity", "下肢神经血管评估" ], "439202006": [ "Monitoring of international normalised ratio (INR)", "Monitoring of international normalized ratio (INR)", "Monitoring of international normalized ratio", "Monitoring of international normalised ratio", "监测国际标准化比率", "国际标准化比率监测", "监测国际标准化比率(INR)" ], "175223000": [ "Creation of shunt from ascending aorta to right pulmonary artery using interposition tube prosthesis", "使用插入管假体建立从升主动脉至右肺动脉的分流" ], "715895000": [ "Assessment using Therapy Outcome Measure carer wellbeing scale", "Assessment using TOM (Therapy Outcome Measure) carer wellbeing scale", "使用治疗结果测量护理者健康量表进行评估", "使用 TOM(治疗结果测量)护理者健康量表进行评估" ], "306295004": [ "Referral to rehabilitation psychiatrist", "转诊至康复精神科医生" ], "304460002": [ "Interrupted direct current to neck", "颈部直流电流中断" ], "42316002": [ "Excision of lesion of maxillary sinus by Caldwell-Luc approach", "经 Caldwell-Luc 入路切除上颌窦病变" ], "386380002": [ "Parent education: adolescent", "家长教育:青少年" ], "173388007": [ "Revision of repair of cleft palate", "腭裂修复术" ], "171553000": [ "Operation on subarachnoid space of brain", "脑蛛网膜下腔手术" ], "400929002": [ "Forced duction test", "Forced ductions", "强制牵引试验", "强制引产" ], "122401005": [ "Chlamydia psittaci culture", "Chlamydophila psittaci culture", "鹦鹉热衣原体培养" ], "251638001": [ "Visual evoked magnetic fields - flash", "视觉诱发磁场 - 闪光" ], "38646003": [ "Transposition of pterygium with graft", "翼状胬肉移位术" ], "104182003": [ "Culture, acid-fast bacilli, concentration and isolation", "培养、抗酸杆菌、浓缩和分离" ], "235254005": [ "Excision of duodenal atresia", "十二指肠闭锁切除术" ], "448246005": [ "Plication of medial patellar retinaculum", "髌骨内侧支持带折叠术" ], "169718007": [ "Antenatal 32 week examination", "产前32周检查" ], "85963000": [ "Replacement of cerebral ventricular valve", "Renewal of valve of cerebroventricular shunt", "脑室瓣膜置换术", "脑室分流术瓣膜更新" ], "284406009": [ "Examination of thoracic spine", "胸椎检查" ], "774091000": [ "Assessment using ADS (Alcohol Dependence Scale)", "Assessment using Alcohol Dependence Scale", "使用 ADS(酒精依赖量表)进行评估", "使用酒精依赖量表进行评估" ], "233419004": [ "Application of direct pressure to artery", "对动脉直接施压" ], "36811004": [ "Suture of extraocular muscle", "眼外肌缝合" ], "315339005": [ "Excision of whole bone of upper limb", "上肢全骨切除术" ], "69579007": [ "Closed transventricular pulmonary valve commissurotomy", "Closed valvotomy of pulmonary valve by transventricular approach", "闭式经心室肺动脉瓣分离术", "经心室入路肺动脉瓣闭合性切开术" ], "118731007": [ "Procedure on facial bone", "面部骨骼手术" ], "18592001": [ "Reduction of closed ulnar shaft fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of shaft of ulna", "闭合性尺骨干骨折的复位手法治疗", "尺骨干闭合性骨折手法复位" ], "84128001": [ "Automated microtiter identification and susceptibility test", "Automated microtitre identification and susceptibility test", "自动微量滴定识别和敏感性测试", "自动微量滴定鉴定和敏感性测试" ], "231584008": [ "Cryotherapy to lesion of lateral canthus", "外眦损伤的冷冻治疗" ], "313504008": [ "Serum androsterone measurement", "Serum androsterone level", "血清雄酮水平", "血清雄酮测量" ], "311669002": [ "Syllabic speech exercises", "音节语音练习" ], "82293009": [ "Repair of esophageal stricture", "Thal operation, repair of esophageal stricture", "Thal operation, repair of oesophageal stricture", "Repair of stricture of esophagus", "Repair of oesophageal stricture", "Repair of stricture of oesophagus", "食管狭窄的修复", "塔尔手术,修复食管狭窄", "食管狭窄修复", "食管狭窄修复术" ], "1209119005": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to ramus intermedius artery and third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to intermediate artery and third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to ramus intermedius artery and third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to ramus intermedius artery and third obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至中间升支及左冠状动脉回旋支第三钝缘支的顺序吻合", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至中间升支动脉和左冠状动脉回旋支第三钝缘支", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至中间升支动脉和左冠状动脉回旋支第三钝缘支", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至中间动脉及左冠状动脉回旋支第三钝缘支的顺序吻合" ], "439071008": [ "Complete removal of allograft of intestine", "完全切除同种异体肠道" ], "306164001": [ "Referral to community-based dietetics service", "Referral to community dietetics service", "转介至社区营养服务" ], "275231009": [ "Incision and drainage of anorectal abscess", "肛门直肠脓肿切开引流" ], "307999008": [ "Diathermy of skin lesion", "Diathermy of lesion of skin", "皮肤损伤透热疗法", "皮肤病变透热疗法" ], "287945002": [ "Resection of bilateral fallopian tubes", "Resection of both fallopian tubes", "双侧输卵管切除术" ], "173257005": [ "Reconstruction of lip with Abbe flap", "Abbe 瓣唇再造术" ], "894153007": [ "Repair of congenital malformation of heart valve", "先天性心脏瓣膜畸形的修复" ], "386249009": [ "Controlled substance checking", "管制物质检查" ], "74953009": [ "Excision of lesion of salivary gland, en bloc", "涎腺病变整块切除" ], "1285534001": [ "Procedure on gum and supporting structure of tooth", "Procedure on gingiva and supporting structure of tooth", "Periodontal procedure", "牙龈和牙齿支持结构的手术", "牙周治疗", "牙龈和牙齿支持结构手术" ], "122270007": [ "Borrelia burgdorferi culture", "伯氏疏螺旋体培养" ], "104051000": [ "Bg^a^ blood group antibody identification", "Bg^a^血型抗体鉴定" ], "236958009": [ "IOL - Induction of labour", "Induction of labour", "IOL - Induction of labor", "Induction of labor", "Labour Induction", "Labor Induction", "IOL - 引产", "IOL-引产", "引产" ], "54899006": [ "Stereotactic excisional biopsy of intracranial lesion", "颅内病变立体定向切除活检" ], "431731009": [ "Fluoroscopy guided extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of calculus of kidney", "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of calculus of kidney using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下体外冲击波碎石治疗肾结石", "荧光透视引导下体外冲击波碎石治疗肾结石" ], "233288002": [ "Angioplasty of crural artery", "Balloon angioplasty of the infrapopliteal artery", "Balloon angioplasty of the crural artery", "股动脉球囊成形术", "股动脉成形术", "膝下动脉球囊血管成形术" ], "67613001": [ "Anesthesia for colpectomy", "Anaesthesia for colpectomy", "阴道切除术麻醉" ], "229618002": [ "Operation of knee lock mechanism of lower limb prosthesis", "下肢假肢膝关节锁定机构的操作" ], "178631003": [ "Revisional lumbar discectomy", "Revisional excision of lumbar intervertebral disc", "Revisional removal of lumbar intervertebral disc", "腰椎间盘切除术" ], "309703004": [ "Arthroscopic debridement of patella", "关节镜下髌骨清创术" ], "1259975003": [ "Care of dental prosthesis", "假牙的护理" ], "719303004": [ "Assessment of pregnancy status prior to imaging", "影像检查前妊娠状况评估" ], "406172003": [ "Medication administration: nasal", "Administration of drug or medicament via nasal route", "给药方式:鼻腔", "通过鼻腔途径给药" ], "225948006": [ "Administration of aperient", "Administration of laxative", "服用泻药", "通便剂的施用" ], "306033001": [ "Referral by genitourinary nurse", "Referral from genitourinary nurse", "泌尿生殖科护士转诊" ], "174961003": [ "Revision of plastic repair of aortic valve", "主动脉瓣整形修复术" ], "1303622000": [ "Left carpal tunnel release", "Decompression of left median nerve", "左正中神经减压术", "左侧腕管松解术" ], "40219000": [ "Delivery by Malstrom's extraction with episiotomy", "Delivery by Malstrom extraction with episiotomy", "通过 Malstrom 拔除术和会阴切开术分娩" ], "302363000": [ "Open operation on prostatic (and adjacent) tissue", "前列腺(及邻近)组织开放手术" ], "56603004": [ "Tattooing of skin of nose", "鼻部皮肤纹身" ], "23835007": [ "Electroconvulsive therapy", "EST therapy", "ECT therapy", "Electroshock therapy", "ECT - Electroconvulsive therapy", "Electroshock treatment", "Electroplexy", "Electroconvulsive treatment", "EST - Electroshock treatment", "电击治疗", "EST 治疗", "EST-电击治疗", "电击疗法", "电凝疗法", "ECT 治疗", "ECT-电休克治疗", "电休克治疗" ], "122139008": [ "Trypanosoma species identification", "锥虫种属鉴定" ], "103920002": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from Yt system (ISBT 011)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Yt system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 011)", "血型,Yt 系统的红细胞抗原 (ISBT 011)", "血型、Yt 系统的红细胞抗原(国际输血协会 011)" ], "710128005": [ "Promoting use of hip protector", "Promotion of use of hip protector", "提倡使用护臀垫", "推广使用护臀垫" ], "5616006": [ "Osteoplasty of tibia", "胫骨成形术" ], "431600009": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of internal iliac artery with contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of internal iliac artery with contrast with insertion of stent", "髂内动脉荧光血管造影及支架置入", "髂内动脉荧光造影及支架置入" ], "447984009": [ "Excision of cyst of vallecula of epiglottis using laser", "激光切除会厌谷囊肿" ], "233157007": [ "Exclusion operation for arrhythmia", "心律失常排除手术" ], "315077007": [ "Bartonella henselae IgG level", "Bartonella henselae immunoglobulin G level", "汉赛巴尔通体免疫球蛋白G水平", "汉赛巴尔通体 IgG 水平" ], "395162006": [ "Derived fibrinogen level", "衍生纤维蛋白原水平" ], "231322008": [ "Palatal infiltration of local anaesthetic", "Palatal infiltration of local anesthetic", "腭部局部麻醉药浸润" ], "229487007": [ "Manual lymphatic drainage", "手动淋巴引流" ], "440644000": [ "Holistic massage therapy", "整体按摩疗法" ], "178500001": [ "Exploration of mandible", "下颌骨探查" ], "274969000": [ "Anterior tracheostomy", "前气管切开术" ], "112964009": [ "Extraction of cataract by rotoextraction with aspiration", "旋转吸出式白内障摘除术" ], "438809000": [ "Measurement of collagen N-telopeptide fragment concentration in serum", "血清胶原N端肽片段浓度的测定" ], "699118000": [ "Provision of ear care information leaflet", "提供耳部护理资讯单张" ], "27374006": [ "Closure of lacrimal punctum", "泪点关闭" ], "174830006": [ "Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection", "Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous return", "TAVPR - Total anomalous pulmonary venous return operation", "TAPVC - Total anomalous pulmonary venous connection operation", "Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage", "TAVVD - Total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage operation", "TAVPR - 完全性肺静脉异位回流手术", "TAVVD - 完全性肺静脉异位引流手术", "TAPVC--完全性肺静脉异位连接手术", "完全性肺静脉异位引流的修复" ], "385987000": [ "Sickness/injury care", "Sickness/injury treatments and procedures", "疾病/受伤治疗和程序", "疾病/受伤护理" ], "713667001": [ "Ex vivo cultured limbal epithelial cell autograft to ocular surface", "离体培养的角膜缘上皮细胞自体移植至眼表" ], "72856001": [ "Carbohydrate fermentation test", "碳水化合物发酵试验" ], "89240007": [ "Blood vessel thermography", "Thermography of blood vessel", "血管热成像" ], "284013002": [ "Evoked potentials monitoring", "Evoked potential procedures", "Evoked potential recording", "诱发电位监测", "诱发电位记录", "诱发电位检查" ], "447853006": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of neck using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下颈部细针穿刺活检" ], "120173009": [ "Abdomen repair", "腹部修复" ], "234861009": [ "Change of orthodontic archwire", "Replacement of orthodontic archwire", "正畸弓丝更换", "正畸弓丝的更换" ], "446018005": [ "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and removal of foreign body from oesophagus", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and removal of foreign body from esophagus", "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and removal of foreign body from oesophagus", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and removal of foreign body from esophagus", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查及食管异物取出", "上消化道内镜检查及食管异物取出", "上消化道内镜检查及食道异物取出" ], "183874005": [ "Referral for bronchoscopy", "转诊进行支气管镜检查" ], "233026009": [ "Excision of left atrial myxoma", "左心房粘液瘤切除术" ], "18199003": [ "Removal of foreign body of testis", "FB - Removal of foreign body from testis", "FB - 睾丸异物去除", "睾丸异物取出术" ], "231191003": [ "Local anesthetic digital nerve block of third toe", "Local anesthetic digital nerve block of 3rd toe", "Local anaesthetic digital nerve block of third toe", "Digital nerve block of 3rd toe", "Local anaesthetic digital nerve block of 3rd toe", "第三脚趾神经阻滞", "局部麻醉第三趾神经阻滞", "第三趾局部麻醉神经阻滞" ], "427799006": [ "Internal browlift", "内部提眉术" ], "16364000": [ "Excision of penile wart", "Excision of penile warts", "阴茎疣切除术" ], "83735008": [ "Insertion of biliary stent by ERCP", "Insertion of biliary stent by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography", "经 ERCP 置入胆道支架", "经内镜逆行胰胆管造影术置入胆道支架" ], "425964001": [ "Endoscopic retrograde lithotripsy of calculus of bile duct", "内镜逆行碎石治疗胆管结石" ], "440513001": [ "Computed tomography angiography of subclavian artery with contrast", "CT angiography of subclavian artery with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of subclavian artery with contrast", "CT arteriography of subclavian artery with contrast", "CT arteriogram of subclavian artery with contrast", "锁骨下动脉增强 CT 造影", "锁骨下动脉增强 CT 血管造影", "锁骨下动脉增强 CT 动脉造影" ], "178369002": [ "Reconstruction of cranial defect with free flap", "Reconstruction of cranial defect with microvascular transfer flap", "微血管移植皮瓣修复颅骨缺损", "游离皮瓣修复颅骨缺损" ], "229356009": [ "Physiological mobilization of the inferior radioulnar joint", "Physiological mobilisation of the inferior radioulnar joint", "下桡尺关节的生理活动" ], "129217002": [ "Grafting of tarsal bone", "跗骨移植" ], "391361001": [ "Acid fast bacilli culture", "抗酸杆菌培养" ], "112833006": [ "Release of web contracture of skin", "Relaxation of web contracture of skin", "皮肤网状挛缩的松弛", "皮肤网状挛缩松解术" ], "80065007": [ "Local destruction of lesion of ankle joint", "踝关节损伤局部破坏" ], "1290646006": [ "Plain X-ray of thoracic and lumbar spine, supine and erect", "胸椎和腰椎的普通 X 光检查(仰卧和直立)" ], "29078006": [ "Operation on cul-de-sac", "Pouch of Douglas operation", "道格拉斯袋手术", "死胡同操作" ], "176534009": [ "Frenuloplasty of penis", "阴茎系带成形术" ], "174699007": [ "Excision of transplanted pancreas", "Transplanted pancreas pancreatectomy", "切除移植胰腺", "移植胰腺 胰腺切除术" ], "385856001": [ "Inhalation therapy management", "Manage inhalation therapy", "吸入治疗管理", "管理吸入疗法" ], "1286976009": [ "Laparoscopic exenteration of pelvis", "腹腔镜骨盆廓清术" ], "121877003": [ "2-Hydroxyadipate measurement", "2-羟基己二酸测量" ], "433173004": [ "Insertion of permanent inferior vena cava filter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of permanent inferior vena cava filter with contrast", "荧光透视引导下永久性下腔静脉滤器植入术", "在荧光造影引导下插入永久性下腔静脉滤器" ], "7189005": [ "Injection of skin", "皮肤注射" ], "449557005": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of ankle and complex extramedullary fixation", "踝部骨折一期切开复位及复杂髓外固定" ], "252949007": [ "Fetal stimulation test", "Foetal stimulation test", "胎儿刺激试验" ], "431338000": [ "Kyphoplasty of fracture of cervical spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下颈椎骨折后凸成形术" ], "447722000": [ "Division of tendon of upper arm", "Tenotomy of upper arm", "上臂肌腱分离", "上臂肌腱切断术" ], "234730006": [ "Controlled tissue removal of discoloured tooth", "Micro-abrasion of tooth enamel", "Controlled tissue removal of discolored tooth", "Abrasion of tooth enamel", "牙釉质微磨损", "牙釉质磨损", "控制去除变色牙齿的组织" ], "120042008": [ "Uterine cervix endoscopy", "宫颈内镜检查" ], "232895007": [ "Fenestration operation to atrioventricular valve chordae tendinae", "房室瓣腱索开窗术" ], "265663008": [ "Distant subcutaneous pedicle flap, axial pattern, to head or neck", "远端皮下带蒂皮瓣,轴向,至头部或颈部" ], "167359009": [ "Urine Microscopy: white cells", "尿液显微镜检查:白细胞" ], "116372002": [ "Allogeneic bone graft", "Allograft of bone", "同种异体骨移植" ], "231060007": [ "Removal of shunt from spinal syrinx", "脊髓空洞分流器移除术" ], "180073002": [ "Centralization of carpus for correction of congenital deformity of forearm", "Centralisation of carpus for correction of congenital deformity of forearm", "腕骨集中术矫正前臂先天畸形" ], "229225004": [ "Sport participated in as part of therapy", "作为治疗的一部分参与体育运动" ], "1179497009": [ "Second dose of COVID-19 virus-like particle antigen immunization", "Second dose of 2019-nCoV virus-like particle antigen immunisation", "Second dose of 2019 novel coronavirus virus-like particle antigen vaccination", "Second dose of 2019-nCoV virus-like particle antigen immunization", "Second dose of COVID-19 virus-like particle antigen immunisation", "Administration of second dose of SARS-CoV-2 virus-like particle antigen vaccine", "Second dose of COVID-19 virus-like particle antigen vaccination", "Second dose of SARS-CoV-2 virus-like particle antigen immunization", "Second dose of 2019 novel coronavirus virus-like particle antigen immunisation", "Second dose of 2019 novel coronavirus virus-like particle antigen immunization", "Second dose of SARS-CoV-2 virus-like particle antigen vaccination", "Second dose of 2019-nCoV virus-like particle antigen vaccination", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virus-like particle antigen", "Second dose of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virus-like particle antigen vaccination", "第二剂2019新型冠状病毒样颗粒抗原疫苗", "第二剂 2019-nCoV 病毒样颗粒抗原免疫", "第二剂2019新型冠状病毒样颗粒抗原免疫", "第二剂 2019-nCoV 病毒样颗粒抗原疫苗", "第二剂 SARS-CoV-2 病毒样颗粒抗原免疫", "第二剂新冠病毒样颗粒抗原疫苗", "接种第二剂仅含严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 病毒样颗粒抗原的疫苗产品", "第二剂 SARS-CoV-2 病毒样颗粒抗原疫苗", "2019新型冠状病毒样病毒颗粒抗原第二剂免疫", "第二剂严重急性呼吸综合征冠状病毒 2 病毒样颗粒抗原疫苗", "第二剂 COVID-19 病毒样颗粒抗原免疫", "接种第二剂 SARS-CoV-2 病毒样颗粒抗原疫苗" ], "112702003": [ "Curettage of tendon sheath", "腱鞘刮除术" ], "243774003": [ "Transvaginal fetal blood sampling", "Transvaginal foetal blood sampling", "经阴道胎儿血液采样" ], "178238003": [ "Destruction of lesion of muscle", "肌肉损伤破坏" ], "438547004": [ "Postoperative physical examination", "术后体格检查" ], "2051000087103": [ "MRI of left ankle", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left ankle", "左脚踝磁共振成像", "左脚踝 MRI" ], "19971000087103": [ "Magnetic resonance arthrography of right ankle", "Magnetic resonance arthrogram of right ankle", "MR arthrography of right ankle", "右踝关节 MR 关节造影", "右踝关节磁共振关节造影" ], "771000087103": [ "Angioplasty of arteries of left and right upper limb using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Angioplasty of arteries of both upper limbs using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Angioplasty of arteries of bilateral upper limbs using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of arteries of bilateral upper limbs with contrast", "荧光透视引导下双侧上肢动脉造影成形术", "荧光造影引导下双侧上肢动脉血管成形术", "荧光造影引导下左、右上肢动脉血管成形术", "荧光造影引导下双上肢动脉血管成形术" ], "17411000087106": [ "MRI of right clavicle with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right clavicle with contrast", "右锁骨增强磁共振成像", "右锁骨增强 MRI 检查" ], "43496005": [ "Expression of bladder by manipulation", "Expression of urinary bladder by manipulation", "通过手法表达膀胱", "通过手法表现膀胱" ], "698856008": [ "Plastic operation on salivary duct", "涎管整形手术" ], "385725001": [ "Emotional support assessment", "Assess emotional support", "评估情感支持", "情感支持评估" ], "172733004": [ "Implantation of cochlear implant, extracochlear", "Implantation of extracochlear prosthesis", "耳蜗外假体植入", "耳蜗植入、耳蜗外植入" ], "271037006": [ "Monocyte percent differential count", "Percentage monocyte count", "单核细胞百分比分类计数", "单核细胞计数百分比" ], "238269007": [ "Drainage of mesenteric abscess", "肠系膜脓肿引流" ], "285586000": [ "Chlamydia swab", "衣原体拭子" ], "287421009": [ "Pharyngeal web division", "咽网状部" ], "433042000": [ "Incision and drainage of abscess of genital labium", "生殖阴唇脓肿切开引流术" ], "105362001": [ "Urinalysis, automated, without microscopy", "自动化尿液分析,无需显微镜" ], "121746005": [ "n-Butyrate measurement", "正丁酸盐测量" ], "72594006": [ "Orthotic check-out readjustment", "Adjustment of appliance", "器具的调整", "矫正检查调整" ], "170898009": [ "Ostomy monitoring", "造口监测" ], "431207003": [ "Continuous lateral rotational therapy", "Continuous postural oscillation", "Kinetic bed therapy", "Rotational therapy", "持续姿势震荡", "动力床疗法", "持续侧向旋转疗法", "旋转疗法" ], "119911006": [ "Salivary gland transplantation", "唾液腺移植" ], "118076004": [ "HIV 2 p68 antibody assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 2 p68 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human immunodeficiency virus 2 protein 68 antibody", "HIV 2 p68 抗体检测", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 2 型蛋白 68 抗体的测定", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 (HIV) 2 p68 抗体检测" ], "1106021000000101": [ "Stereotactic mammography guided insertion of magnetic marker into breast", "Insertion of magnetic marker into breast using stereotactic mammography guidance", "Insertion of magnetic seed into breast using stereotactic mammography guidance", "使用立体定向乳房 X 线摄影引导将磁性种子植入乳房", "立体定向乳房 X 线摄影引导将磁性标记插入乳房", "使用立体定向乳房 X 线摄影引导将磁性标记插入乳房" ], "412988008": [ "Plasma N4-(beta-N-acetylglucosaminyl)-L-asparaginase measurement", "Plasma glycoasparaginase level", "血浆糖门冬酰胺酶水平", "血浆 N4-(β-N-乙酰葡萄糖胺基)-L-天冬酰胺酶测量" ], "232764009": [ "Removal of thrombus from implanted mitral valve", "植入二尖瓣血栓清除" ], "738833002": [ "Left vulvectomy", "Excision of left side of vulva", "左侧外阴切除术", "左外阴切除术" ], "443921002": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of oxcarbazepine in serum or plasma specimen", "Quantitative measurement of oxcarbazepine in serum or plasma specimen", "血清或血浆标本中奥卡西平质量浓度的定量测定", "血清或血浆样本中奥卡西平的定量测定" ], "116241004": [ "Pancreaticoduodenectomy", "Whipple operation", "Whipple procedure", "Whipple operation, proximal pancreatectomy", "Whipple 手术", "惠普尔手术、近端胰腺切除术", "胰十二指肠切除术" ], "34321002": [ "Tenotomy of eye", "Eye muscle tenotomy", "Tenotomy of extraocular eye muscle", "Extraocular muscle tenotomy", "眼外肌腱切断术", "眼肌腱切断术" ], "312849006": [ "Biopsy of bronchus", "支气管活检" ], "230929003": [ "FB - Removal of intracranial intravascular foreign body", "Removal of intracranial intravascular foreign body", "颅内血管内异物取出术", "FB - 颅内血管内异物取出术" ], "866235004": [ "Mammography of bilateral breast implants", "Mammography of both breast implants", "双侧乳房植入物的乳房 X 线摄影" ], "63419007": [ "Puncture of anterior fontanel", "前囟穿刺" ], "178107009": [ "Aspiration of ganglion - foot", "足部神经节抽吸术" ], "225424005": [ "Protection procedure", "保护程序" ], "438416007": [ "Ultrasonography of abdomen and urinary system", "腹部及泌尿系统超声检查" ], "1208464009": [ "Administration of bebtelovimab", "贝贝特洛维单抗的给药" ], "26981004": [ "O-nitrophenyl-beta-o-galactopyranoside test", "O-硝基苯基-β-o-半乳糖苷试验" ], "287290001": [ "Heart suturing", "心脏缝合" ], "41530005": [ "Ossiculectomy with stapedectomy", "听小骨切除术和镫骨切除术" ], "252687001": [ "Two glass urine test - first glass", "两杯尿液测试 - 第一杯" ], "121615002": [ "Ketoconazole measurement", "酮康唑测量" ], "1284879003": [ "Insertion of post core to tooth", "将桩核插入牙齿" ], "105231003": [ "Mefenorex measurement", "美芬雷司测量" ], "398308000": [ "Bronchial suction via endobronchial tube", "通过支气管内导管进行支气管抽吸" ], "1268495008": [ "X-ray of excised tissue of breast", "Plain X-ray of excised tissue specimen of breast", "Plain X-ray of excised tissue of breast", "乳房切除组织标本的普通X光检查", "乳房切除组织的普通 X 光检查", "乳房切除组织 X 光检查" ], "119780005": [ "Neck artery incision", "颈动脉切开" ], "300004007": [ "Screening for osteoporosis", "骨质疏松症筛查" ], "1544381000168104": [ "Assistance with general house cleaning", "协助一般房屋清洁" ], "429241001": [ "Injection of collagen", "注射胶原蛋白" ], "167097002": [ "Plasma 2-hr post-prandial glucose measurement", "Plasma 2-hr post-prandial glucose level", "Plasma 2-hr postprandial glucose level", "Plasma 2-hr postprandial glucose measurement", "餐后 2 小时血浆血糖水平", "餐后 2 小时血浆血糖测量" ], "185316007": [ "Indirect encounter", "间接遭遇" ], "724153004": [ "Mercaptopurine therapy", "巯基嘌呤治疗" ], "232633004": [ "Single wedge excision of lung", "肺单楔切除术" ], "265401004": [ "Drainage of colon", "结肠引流" ], "68793005": [ "Serologic test", "血清学检测" ], "3257008": [ "Empty and measure peritoneal dialysis fluid", "排空并测量腹膜透析液" ], "281785005": [ "Fascial release of lower limb", "Compartment syndrome decompression of lower limb", "Decompression fasciotomy of compartment of lower limb", "下肢筋膜减压切开术", "下肢筋膜室综合征减压术", "下肢筋膜松解术" ], "183481006": [ "Non-urgent hospital admission", "非紧急住院" ], "117945005": [ "Bovine coronavirus antigen assay", "牛冠状病毒抗原检测" ], "412857008": [ "Osmolality urine / serum ratio measurement", "Urine/serum osmolality ratio", "Urine / serum osmolality ratio measurement", "尿液/血清渗透压比", "尿液/血清渗透压比测量" ], "17806002": [ "Epiphyseal arrest by epiphysiodesis of distal tibia and fibula", "通过远端胫骨和腓骨骨骺固定术来阻止骨骺" ], "427406007": [ "Monitoring of lochia by sanitary pad count", "通过卫生巾计数监测恶露" ], "704099006": [ "Tunneled central venous catheter care education", "Tunnelled central venous catheter care education", "隧道式中心静脉导管护理宣教" ], "210744000": [ "Excisional biopsy of vein", "静脉切除活检" ], "440120001": [ "Delayed suture of nerve", "Delayed neurorrhaphy", "神经延迟缝合", "延迟神经缝合" ], "177976002": [ "Biopsy of lesion of mesentery of colon", "结肠系膜病变活检" ], "423736003": [ "Colour Doppler flow", "Color Doppler ultrasound", "Colour Doppler ultrasound", "Colour ultrasonic Doppler", "Color ultrasonic Doppler", "Color Doppler flow", "彩色多普勒超声", "彩色超声多普勒", "彩色多普勒血流" ], "437851000124103": [ "Decreased tyrosine diet", "减少酪氨酸饮食" ], "77837000": [ "Medical evaluation of speech, language and hearing problem", "言语、语言和听力问题的医学评估" ], "405517001": [ "Ilio-proximal popliteal graft for repair of aneurysm using vein", "髂骨近端腘窝移植术利用静脉修复动脉瘤" ], "431451000124107": [ "Repair of lipomeningocele", "脂肪脊膜膨出的修复" ], "439131000124109": [ "Medical food supplement therapy", "医疗食品补充疗法" ], "305378002": [ "Admission to nephrology department", "肾病科入院" ], "223458004": [ "Reporting", "Giving information", "Informing", "告知", "提供资讯", "报告" ], "1222882004": [ "Injection of human rho(D) immunoglobulin", "Injection of human anti-D (rh) immunoglobulin", "Injection of human anti-D immunoglobulin", "注射人抗 D(rh)免疫球蛋白", "注射人抗D免疫球蛋白", "注射人rho(D)免疫球蛋白" ], "90551004": [ "Excisional biopsy of bone of ulna", "尺骨切除活检" ], "713143008": [ "Collection of arterial blood specimen", "动脉血标本采集" ], "418231008": [ "US angiography of renal artery", "Ultrasound angiography of renal artery", "US arteriography of renal artery", "Ultrasound arteriography of renal artery", "肾动脉超声血管造影", "肾动脉超声造影" ], "105100001": [ "Carisoprodol measurement", "卡立普多测量" ], "121484003": [ "Carbophenothion measurement", "碳硫磷测定" ], "432780002": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of superficial forearm vein using contrast with insertion of stent", "用造影剂插入支架进行前臂浅静脉荧光镜造影" ], "252556005": [ "Passive rhinomanometry", "被动鼻压测量" ], "711308006": [ "Ultrasonography guided puncture of cyst of kidney", "Renal cyst puncture using ultrasonographic guidance", "Puncture of cyst of kidney using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided puncture of cyst of kidney", "超声引导下肾囊肿穿刺", "超声引导下肾囊肿穿刺术" ], "236172004": [ "Nephroscopic lithotripsy of ureteric calculus", "肾镜输尿管结石碎石术" ], "250721002": [ "Maximal gastric acid output", "Maximal gastric acid output measurement", "最大胃酸输出量", "最大胃酸排出量测量" ], "1184609004": [ "Four dimensional ultrasonography", "4D (four dimensional) ultrasonography", "4D (four dimensional) ultrasound", "4D (four dimensional) ultrasound scan", "4D(四维)超声波扫描", "4D 超声检查", "4D(四维)超声", "四维超声检查" ], "37729005": [ "Patient transfer, in-hospital", "患者转院、住院" ], "86881008": [ "Revision of heart procedure", "心脏手术的修订" ], "85046002": [ "Strapping of elbow", "Elbow strapping", "肘部绑带" ], "117814007": [ "Escherichia coli K88 detection", "大肠杆菌K88检测" ], "232502008": [ "Operation via maxillary antrum", "经上颌窦手术" ], "66827002": [ "Avulsion of obturator nerve, extrapelvic, with adductor tenotomy", "闭孔神经撕脱,骨盆外,伴有收肌腱切断术" ], "1230091003": [ "Changing urinal", "Change of urine bottle", "Changing urine bottle", "更换尿瓶", "更换小便池" ], "83211004": [ "Repair of postcataract wound dehiscence with conjunctival flap", "结膜瓣修复白内障术后伤口裂开" ], "115979005": [ "Stabilization", "Stabilisation", "稳定" ], "179680000": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture dislocation and cast immobilisation", "Revision to closed reduction of fracture dislocation and cast immobilization", "骨折脱位闭合复位及石膏固定的修订", "骨折脱位闭合复位及石膏固定" ], "1162720001": [ "Grain modified diet", "Modified grain diet", "谷物改良饮食", "改良谷物饮食" ], "703968003": [ "Monitoring of fluid output from drain", "Monitoring of drainage fluid", "监测排水管的液体输出量", "引流液监测" ], "409056005": [ "Verification of surgical site and laterality", "Verifies surgical site and laterality", "验证手术部位和侧向性", "手术部位和侧位的验证" ], "425440006": [ "Endurance shuttle walk test", "耐力穿梭步行测试" ], "359904009": [ "Transposition of median nerve at carpal tunnel", "腕管正中神经移位" ], "734901004": [ "Contralateral axillary ultrasound", "Contralateral ultrasonography of axilla", "对侧腋窝超声检查" ], "439989007": [ "Closed manual reduction of fracture of neck of radius", "桡骨颈骨折闭合手法复位术" ], "241546000": [ "CT of thoracic inlet", "Computed tomography of thoracic inlet", "胸腔入口计算机断层扫描", "胸腔入口 CT" ], "405386001": [ "Exploration of profunda femoris artery", "股深动脉探查" ], "257930001": [ "Soft tissue slinging", "软组织吊带" ], "61322003": [ "Strapping of shoulder, Velpeau type", "肩带,Velpeau 类型" ], "225162003": [ "Examination of abdomen", "腹部检查" ], "274314005": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy", "经皮穿刺活检" ], "110474005": [ "Whole body hyperbaric oxygen therapy", "全身高压氧治疗" ], "43103000": [ "Losee's test", "Losee test", "失败测试", "洛西试验" ], "256095000": [ "Upper third open ureterolithotomy", "输尿管上段1/3开放取石术" ], "305247004": [ "Admission by paediatric oncologist", "Admission by pediatric oncologist", "儿科肿瘤科医生的入院" ], "74036000": [ "Pregnancy detection examination", "Pregnancy test", "PT - Pregnancy test", "妊娠检测检查", "怀孕测试", "PT - 妊娠试验" ], "713012003": [ "Assessment using Emergency Severity Index", "Assessment using ESI (Emergency Severity Index)", "使用紧急严重程度指数进行评估", "使用 ESI(紧急严重程度指数)进行评估" ], "8500004": [ "Tenotomy of adductor of hip, subcutaneous, closed", "髋部收肌腱切断术,皮下,闭合" ], "876852007": [ "Phonosurgery", "语音外科" ], "432649000": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for lithotripsy of pancreas", "Lithotripsy of pancreas using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导胰腺碎石术", "透视引导下胰腺碎石术" ], "449033003": [ "Balloon dilatation of cardiac conduit", "Balloon dilation of cardiac conduit", "心脏导管球囊扩张术", "心导管球囊扩张术" ], "23049004": [ "Partial excision of proximal fibula", "腓骨近端部分切除术" ], "121353004": [ "1,3-Dimethylbenzene measurement", "1,3-二甲基苯测量" ], "252425004": [ "Cardiac electrophysiology", "Cardiac electrophysiological study", "心脏电生理学", "心脏电生理研究" ], "104969007": [ "Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation panel, one hour", "Thyrotropin releasing hormone stimulation panel, one hour", "促甲状腺激素释放激素刺激面板,一小时", "促甲状腺激素释放激素 (TRH) 刺激组,一小时" ], "265139001": [ "Primary fixation of fragment of chondral cartilage of intra-articular fracture of bone", "关节内骨折软骨碎片的初次固定" ], "16559261000119101": [ "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of pseudocyst of pancreas using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pseudocyst of pancreas using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pseudocyst of pancreas", "计算机断层扫描引导下胰腺假性囊肿细针穿刺活检", "计算机断层扫描引导下经皮胰腺假性囊肿细针穿刺活检", "CT引导下胰腺假性囊肿经皮细针穿刺活检" ], "19379006": [ "Partial denture, including adjustments", "部分假牙,包括调整" ], "609203005": [ "Revision of neuroplasty of major peripheral nerve", "Revision of repair of major peripheral nerve", "主要周围神经成形术的修复", "主要周围神经修复的修订" ], "572061000119104": [ "Computed tomography of cervical spine without contrast", "CT cervical spine without contrast", "颈椎CT无造影", "无造影剂颈椎计算机断层扫描" ], "117683009": [ "Sasapyrine measurement", "萨沙吡林测量" ], "1295496001": [ "Plain X-ray of drain with contrast", "Plain X-ray tubogram", "普通X射线管造影", "引流管造影剂普通 X 光检查" ], "443528002": [ "Quantitation of BCR-ABL t(9;22) translocation", "Quantitation of BCR-ABL translocation", "BCR-ABL 易位的定量", "BCR-ABL t(9;22) 易位的定量分析" ], "179549000": [ "Reconstruction of joint with free flap", "游离皮瓣重建关节" ], "33928009": [ "Anesthesia for placement of Harrington rod", "Anaesthesia for placement of Harrington rod", "哈灵顿杆置入麻醉" ], "64861002": [ "Talma-Morison operation, omentopexy", "Talma-Morison 手术、大网膜固定术" ], "228701001": [ "Sr89 therapy", "Strontium 89 therapy", "Sr89治疗", "锶89疗法" ], "441693000": [ "Measurement of heavy metal in urine specimen", "尿液标本重金属测定" ], "81245000": [ "Manganese measurement, serum", "Blood manganese level", "血清锰测定", "血锰水平" ], "392541006": [ "Bloodworm specific IgE antibody measurement", "i73 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chironomus thummi specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chironomus thummi specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "红虫特异性IgE抗体测定", "i73 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "摇蚊特异性IgE抗体测定", "摇蚊特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "408925007": [ "Sexual behaviour analysis", "Sexual behavior analysis", "性行为分析" ], "177714000": [ "Liposuction removal of hematoma", "Liposuction removal of haematoma", "抽脂去除血肿", "抽脂术去除血肿" ], "310621009": [ "Patch repair of femoral artery", "股动脉补片修复" ], "276018001": [ "Gastrografin meal", "泛影葡胺餐" ], "439858009": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of heart tissue", "心脏组织多普勒超声检查" ], "241415002": [ "Metabolic studies", "Radionuclide metabolic studies", "放射性核素代谢研究", "代谢研究" ], "405255005": [ "Euthanasia", "安乐死" ], "1255388000": [ "Bean and pea modified diet", "豆类和豌豆改良饮食" ], "239580001": [ "Amputation of thumb through distal phalanx", "拇指经远端指骨截肢术" ], "26588003": [ "Clearance ratio measurement", "清除率测量" ], "24753003": [ "Sex hormone binding globulin measurement", "SHBG measurement", "Sex hormone binding globulin level", "SHBG 测量", "性激素结合球蛋白水平", "性激素结合球蛋白测量" ], "450737006": [ "Assessment using thirty second chair stand test", "Assessment using 30-second sit-to-stand test", "使用三十秒椅子站立测试进行评估", "采用 30 秒坐站测试进行评估" ], "303281008": [ "Manipulation of the tibiofibular joint - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the tibiofibular joint", "胫腓关节手术——非手术", "胫腓关节的操作" ], "448902008": [ "Fitting of spectacles", "眼镜配戴" ], "447067001": [ "Partial excision of neoplasm of spinal cord", "脊髓肿瘤部分切除术" ], "252294009": [ "Red blood cell test", "红细胞检查" ], "1217115000": [ "Endoscopic examination of sigmoid colon and biopsy of lesion of sigmoid colon using rigid sigmoidoscope", "用硬式乙状结肠镜进行乙状结肠内镜检查及对乙状结肠病变进行活检" ], "399750009": [ "Excision of thymus", "Thymectomy", "胸腺切除", "胸腺切除术" ], "170374009": [ "Fourth hepatitis B vaccination", "Fourth hepatitis B immunisation", "Administration of fourth dose of hepatitis B vaccine", "Fourth hepatitis B immunization", "Administration of fourth dose of vaccine product containing only Hepatitis B virus antigen", "注射第四剂乙肝疫苗", "注射第四剂仅含乙肝病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第四次乙肝免疫接种", "第四次乙肝疫苗接种" ], "104838009": [ "Organic acids measurement", "有机酸测定" ], "4699005": [ "Alpha naphthyl butyrate stain method, blood or bone marrow", "Alpha naphthyl butyrate stain", "α-萘基丁酸酯染色", "α-萘基丁酸酯染色法,血液或骨髓" ], "725595006": [ "Percutaneous endoscopic transforaminal lumbar discectomy", "Percutaneous endoscopic transforaminal excision of lumbar intervertebral disc", "经皮内镜腰椎间盘切除术", "经皮内镜椎间孔腰椎间盘切除术" ], "84784005": [ "Excision of muscle of hand", "Myectomy of hand", "Resection of muscle of hand", "手部肌切除术", "手部肌肉切除术" ], "396080005": [ "Medication side effects education", "Teach medication side effects", "Advice about drug side effects", "Advice about medication side effects", "Advice about side effects of drug treatment", "关于药物治疗副作用的建议", "教导药物副作用", "关于药物副作用的建议", "药物副作用教育" ], "445232009": [ "Boost radiation therapy", "加强放射治疗" ], "1029002": [ "Fetoscopy", "Foetoscopy", "足底镜检查", "胎儿镜检查" ], "410629005": [ "Well child visit, 12 month", "12 个月儿童健康检查" ], "31962004": [ "Pulmonary perfusion imaging, particulate", "肺灌注成像,颗粒" ], "310490008": [ "Division of coronary arteriovenous fistula", "冠状动脉动静脉瘘的分离" ], "392410008": [ "e78 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Budgerigar feathers specific IgE antibody measurement", "Budgerigar feathers specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "虎皮鹦鹉羽毛特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "e78 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "虎皮鹦鹉羽毛特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "1258927004": [ "Cleaning of denture", "假牙清洁" ], "783791005": [ "Repair of canthus with full thickness graft of skin", "Repair of canthus with full thickness skin graft", "全层皮肤移植修复眼角" ], "46511006": [ "Chloride measurement", "氯化物测量" ], "13743007": [ "Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis of knee", "Removal of prosthesis of joint structures of knee", "关节切开术取出膝关节假体", "膝关节结构假体移除" ], "274052000": [ "Surgical dislocation reduction", "手术复位脱位" ], "388740000": [ "f45 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Saccaromyces cerevisiae specific IgE antibody measurement", "Yeast specific IgE antibody measurement", "Saccaromyces cerevisiae specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "酿酒酵母特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "酿酒酵母特异性IgE抗体测定", "f45 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "酵母特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "61060004": [ "Osteotomy of humerus", "Incision of bone of humerus", "肱骨切开术", "肱骨截骨术" ], "306820006": [ "Low power laser therapy to shoulder", "低功率肩部激光治疗" ], "1288025000": [ "Prosthetic arthroplasty of joint", "关节假体置换术" ], "863876009": [ "MRA abdominal visceral artery", "MRI angiography of abdominal visceral artery", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of abdominal visceral artery", "Magnetic resonance angiography of abdominal visceral artery", "MR angiography of abdominal visceral artery", "MR arteriography of abdominal visceral artery", "腹部内脏动脉磁共振血管造影", "腹部内脏动脉 MRI 血管造影", "腹部内脏动脉磁共振动脉造影", "腹部内脏动脉 MRA" ], "419673001": [ "CT of facial bones", "Computed tomography of facial bones", "面部骨骼计算机断层扫描", "面部骨骼CT" ], "173913004": [ "Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to ileum", "空肠回肠吻合术" ], "239449009": [ "Surgical manipulation of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节手术" ], "8238001": [ "Insertion of intravascular device in femoral vein, partial", "股静脉内血管内装置插入,部分" ], "450606001": [ "Biopsy of lesion of spinal cord", "脊髓损伤活检" ], "24622007": [ "Repair of sigmoidovaginal fistula", "Closure of sigmoidovaginal fistula", "乙状结肠阴道瘘的修复", "乙状结肠阴道瘘闭合" ], "104707002": [ "Glycated albumin measurement", "糖化白蛋白测量" ], "710915002": [ "Referral to community service", "转介社区服务" ], "252163002": [ "Salicylate/paracetamol screening", "水杨酸盐/对乙酰氨基酚筛查" ], "6403005": [ "Lengthening of muscle of hand", "手部肌肉延长" ], "268547008": [ "Breast neoplasm screening", "Screening for malignant neoplasm of breast", "Breast cancer screening", "Screening for breast cancer", "乳腺肿瘤筛查", "乳腺癌筛查", "乳腺恶性肿瘤筛查" ], "119256007": [ "Carinal resection", "Excision of carina", "Resection of tracheal carina", "Resection of carina of trachea", "隆突切除术", "气管隆突切除术" ], "414168009": [ "Extraocular muscle posterior fixation suture", "Faden operation", "Faden procedure", "Posterior fixation suture", "错误的程序", "线程操作", "眼外肌后固定缝合", "后固定缝合" ], "1297069006": [ "Fractionated dose radiotherapy", "Radiotherapy treatment fraction", "Fractionated dose radiation therapy", "放射治疗治疗分数", "分次剂量放射治疗" ], "443266003": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of ventilation and perfusion of lung", "肺通气和灌注的单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "1196930006": [ "Computed tomography dual phase study of kidney", "CT dual phase study of kidney", "肾脏CT双期研究", "肾脏计算机断层扫描双期研究" ], "80983001": [ "Bone graft", "Transplantation of bone", "骨移植" ], "392279002": [ "Cultivated oat (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Avena sativa (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "g14 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Avena sativa (pollen) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "燕麦(花粉)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "燕麦(花粉)特异性IgE抗体测定", "g14特异性IgE抗体测量", "栽培燕麦(花粉)特异性 IgE 抗体测定" ], "277591006": [ "Computed tomography guided biopsy", "CT guided biopsy", "CT引导活检", "计算机断层扫描引导活检" ], "310359007": [ "Counselling about prognosis", "Prognosis counselling", "Prognosis counseling", "Counseling about prognosis", "预后咨询" ], "423212001": [ "Trendelenburg positioning", "特伦德伦伯卧位" ], "308524002": [ "Clinic B monitoring call", "诊所 B 监控呼叫" ], "406828003": [ "Chloroacetate esterase stain method", "Chloroacetate esterase stain", "Specific esterase stain", "Specific esterase stain method", "Napthol AS-D chloroacetate esterase stain", "氯乙酸酯酶染色法", "特异性酯酶染色", "氯乙酸酯酶染色", "萘酚 AS-D 氯乙酸酯酶染色剂", "特异性酯酶染色法" ], "241153001": [ "Barium meal", "BA - Barium meal", "钡餐", "BA - 钡餐" ], "306689006": [ "Discharge to home", "出院回家" ], "239318000": [ "Osteotomy for callotasis", "胼胝体切开术" ], "173782006": [ "Open biopsy of lesion of stomach", "胃部病变开放活检" ], "1287894009": [ "Repair of retinal defect by diathermy", "透热疗法修复视网膜缺损" ], "237483005": [ "Operation on lesion of pituitary gland", "垂体损伤手术" ], "40875005": [ "Anastomosis of common bile duct", "Main bile duct anastomosis", "胆管吻合术", "主胆管吻合术" ], "171947007": [ "Transcranial hypophysectomy", "经颅垂体切除术" ], "22656002": [ "Closure of ureterorectal fistula", "输尿管直肠瘘闭合" ], "104576005": [ "Catecholamines, fractionated, challenge tests", "儿茶酚胺分馏激发试验" ], "448640008": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of peripheral nerve using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下射频消融周围神经" ], "446805001": [ "Exploration using laparoscope", "Laparoscopic exploration", "腹腔镜探查" ], "250197002": [ "Fungal killing test", "Fungal killing", "真菌杀灭试验", "杀灭真菌" ], "430421006": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of zygapophyseal joint of thoracic spine with contrast", "胸椎关节突关节X线造影及造影" ], "608810001": [ "Open reduction of fracture of wall of acetabulum with internal fixation", "髋臼壁骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "363050002": [ "Decompression of ear structure", "耳部结构减压" ], "444970007": [ "Computed tomography arteriography of thoracic aorta with contrast", "CT arteriography of thoracic aorta with contrast", "CT arteriogram of thoracic aorta with contrast", "CT angiography of thoracic aorta with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of thoracic aorta with contrast", "胸主动脉增强 CT 血管造影", "胸主动脉造影计算机断层扫描", "胸主动脉增强 CT 动脉造影", "胸主动脉 CT 造影" ], "313898008": [ "30 minute plasma FSH measurement", "30 minute plasma FSH level", "30 minute plasma follicle stimulating hormone measurement", "30 分钟血浆 FSH 测量", "30 分钟血浆 FSH 水平", "30 分钟血浆促卵泡激素测量" ], "49919000": [ "Home safety education", "居家安全教育" ], "426751000": [ "Repair of pulmonary vein stenosis", "肺静脉狭窄的修复" ], "410367003": [ "Anatomy/physiology surveillance", "解剖学/生理学监测" ], "767002": [ "White blood cell count", "WBC count", "WCC - White blood cell count", "WBC - White blood cell count", "White blood cell count - observation", "白细胞计数-观察", "WBC-- 白细胞计数", "WCC-- 白细胞计数", "白细胞计数" ], "441300002": [ "Increase temperature of infant incubator", "提高婴儿培养箱的温度" ], "46249006": [ "Artificial insemination, heterologous", "异体人工授精" ], "717993007": [ "Cone beam CT guided biopsy of head", "Biopsy of head using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "锥形束 CT 引导下头部活检", "使用锥形束 CT 引导进行头部活检" ], "439465008": [ "Injection into facet joint of thoracic spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下胸椎小关节注射" ], "241022001": [ "Percutaneous evacuation of wound haematoma", "Percutaneous evacuation of wound hematoma", "经皮伤口血肿清除术" ], "29865007": [ "Excisional biopsy of testis", "睾丸切除活检" ], "306558003": [ "Discharge by community-based speech and language therapist", "Discharge by community speech and language therapist", "由社区言语治疗师出院" ], "44414004": [ "Aspiration of Bartholin's cyst", "Aspiration of Bartholin cyst", "巴氏腺囊肿抽吸术" ], "388478002": [ "Protamine specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rc207 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Protamine specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rc207特异性IgE抗体测量", "鱼精蛋白特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "鱼精蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "42579000": [ "Incision and exploration of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织切开探查" ], "1287763001": [ "Fixation of tendon of foot", "足部肌腱固定" ], "108115001": [ "Brain manipulation", "大脑操纵" ], "9811006": [ "Destruction of tissue of tongue", "Destructive procedure of tongue", "Tongue destructive procedure", "舌头组织破坏", "舌头毁损手术", "舌部破坏性手术" ], "1254995006": [ "Egg free diet", "无蛋饮食" ], "171816000": [ "Secondary microsurgical graft to peripheral nerve", "二次显微外科移植周围神经" ], "73512001": [ "Electron microscopic study", "EM - electron microscopy", "EM-电子显微镜", "电子显微镜研究" ], "1304147008": [ "Replacement of SCJ (sternoclavicular joint) with prosthesis", "Replacement of sternoclavicular joint with prosthesis", "Prosthetic arthroplasty of sternoclavicular joint", "用假体更换胸锁关节 (SCJ)", "胸锁关节假体置换术" ], "450344004": [ "Excision of lesion of nasal turbinate", "鼻甲病变切除术" ], "57128004": [ "Incision and drainage of pelvis for deep abscess", "盆腔深部脓肿切开引流术" ], "301053001": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture dislocation", "骨折脱位的初次切开复位" ], "235517002": [ "Ablation of celiac plexus", "Ablation of coeliac plexus", "腹腔神经丛消融术" ], "401192009": [ "Disease modifying antirheumatic drug monitoring", "改善病情的抗风湿药物监测" ], "104445002": [ "11-ketopregnanetriol measurement", "11-酮孕三醇测量" ], "88061002": [ "Vesiculography", "Vesiculogram of seminal vesicles", "Seminal vesiculogram", "Seminal vesiculography", "Vesiculogram", "膀胱造影", "精囊造影", "囊泡造影" ], "219133008": [ "Arthrostomy", "关节造口术" ], "430290003": [ "Percutaneous laser ablation of long saphenous vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮激光消融长隐静脉" ], "315602003": [ "Removal of eye suture", "拆除眼部缝线" ], "708818009": [ "Robot assisted laparoscopic wedge resection of liver", "Laparoscopic wedge resection of liver using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助腹腔镜肝楔形切除术" ], "1264039001": [ "Insertion of fixed orthodontic appliance onto mandibular teeth", "Insertion of fixed orthodontic appliance onto lower teeth", "将固定矫正器插入下颌牙齿", "将固定矫正器插入下牙" ], "313767001": [ "Plasma apolipoprotein A-I measurement", "Plasma apolipoprotein A-I level", "血浆载脂蛋白 A-I 水平", "血浆载脂蛋白 A-I 测量" ], "84391005": [ "Intubation of colon", "Insertion of colonic tube", "结肠插管", "插入结肠管" ], "410236002": [ "Violence control education", "Teach violence control", "Teach violence prevention", "暴力控制教育", "教导控制暴力", "教授预防暴力" ], "426620003": [ "Endoscopic renewal of tubal prosthesis into ureter", "内镜下输尿管假体重新置入输尿管" ], "443004009": [ "Augmentation of mandible using bone graft", "利用骨移植增大下颌骨" ], "392017002": [ "Frequency doubling perimetry", "FDT - Frequency doubling technology perimetry", "Frequency doubling technology perimetry", "倍频视野检查", "FDT - 倍频技术视野检查", "倍频技术视野检查" ], "736081002": [ "Referral for complex wound care", "复杂伤口护理转诊" ], "47953006": [ "Excision of urethral polyps", "尿道息肉切除术" ], "439334000": [ "Extracorporeal shock wave therapy for plantar fasciitis using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下的体外冲击波治疗足底筋膜炎" ], "13350008": [ "Operation on skin of upper extremity", "上肢皮肤手术" ], "306427002": [ "Discharge by dermatologist", "皮肤科医生的分泌物" ], "290043008": [ "Self-care practice", "自我护理实践" ], "386512002": [ "Anaphylaxis management", "过敏反应管理" ], "173520003": [ "Open operations on submandibular duct", "颌下管开放手术" ], "91600005": [ "Open reduction of closed coccygeal fracture", "闭合性尾骨骨折切开复位" ], "419280008": [ "US scan of iliac vessels", "Ultrasound scan of iliac vessels", "髂血管超声扫描" ], "417445001": [ "Implantation of sacral nerve stimulator", "骶神经刺激器植入术" ], "24229005": [ "Esophagoscopy for removal of polypoid lesion", "Oesophagoscopy for removal of polypoid lesion", "食管镜切除息肉样病变" ], "384677005": [ "Reimplantation of coronary artery", "冠状动脉再植术" ], "401061005": [ "Mental health review", "Psychological review", "心理健康审查", "心理回顾" ], "235386002": [ "Repair of rectourinary fistula", "直肠尿瘘修复" ], "55162003": [ "Tooth extraction", "Exodontia procedure", "Extract tooth", "Xtn - Extraction of tooth", "Extn - Extraction of tooth", "Removal of tooth", "Exodontia", "X - Extraction of tooth", "拔牙术", "X - 拔牙", "拔牙", "Xtn - 拔牙" ], "104314002": [ "St. Louis encephalitis virus antibody assay", "Serologic test for St. Louis encephalitis virus", "Measurement of Saint Louis encephalitis virus antibody", "Measurement of St. Louis encephalitis virus antibody", "圣路易斯脑炎病毒抗体检测", "圣路易斯脑炎病毒血清学检测", "圣路易斯脑炎病毒抗体测定" ], "22394005": [ "Operation on Bartholin's gland", "Bartholin's gland operation", "Operation on Bartholin gland", "巴氏腺手术" ], "1234810006": [ "Transferring patient to therapeutic bed", "将患者转至治疗床" ], "399226006": [ "Breast rolled medially", "Medial rolling of breast", "乳房向内侧滚动", "乳房内翻" ], "233551001": [ "Vascular cannula unblockage", "血管插管疏通" ], "69711002": [ "Dance therapy", "舞蹈治疗" ], "708687009": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pelvic cavity using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pelvic cavity", "影像引导下经皮盆腔细针穿刺活检" ], "117028002": [ "Stool culture", "Microbial stool culture", "Faeces culture", "Feces culture", "粪便培养", "微生物粪便培养" ], "118863009": [ "Procedure on cervix", "宫颈手术" ], "231716002": [ "Insertion of corneal tension suture", "插入角膜张力缝线" ], "444708006": [ "Computed tomography of head and thorax", "CT of head and thorax", "头部和胸部 CT", "头部和胸部计算机断层扫描" ], "428324008": [ "Piercing of tongue", "Tongue piercing", "舌头穿孔" ], "35108008": [ "Transfusion of leukocytes", "Transfusion of leucocytes", "输注白细胞" ], "770553002": [ "Assessment using GAS-Light (Goal Attainment Scaling-Light)", "Assessment using Goal Attainment Scaling-Light", "使用目标达成量表进行评估", "使用 GAS-Light (目标达成缩放-Light) 进行评估" ], "410105004": [ "Spiritual comfort education", "Teach spiritual comfort", "心灵慰藉教育", "教导精神安慰" ], "82425008": [ "Reduction of intussusception of intestine", "Manual reduction of intussusception", "Manual reduction of bowel intussusception", "肠套叠复位", "肠套叠手法复位" ], "178894007": [ "Total excision of bone and prosthetic replacement for bone", "完全切除骨骼并用假体替代骨骼" ], "306296003": [ "Referral to public health physician", "Referral to community physician", "转诊至公共卫生医生", "转诊至社区医生" ], "715896004": [ "Assessment using Therapy Outcome Measure wellbeing scale", "Assessment using TOM (Therapy Outcome Measure) wellbeing scale", "使用治疗结果测量幸福感量表进行评估", "使用 TOM(治疗结果测量)健康量表进行评估" ], "175224006": [ "Creation of shunt from ascending aorta to left pulmonary artery using interposition tube prosthesis", "使用插入管假体建立从升主动脉至左肺动脉的分流" ], "304461003": [ "Interrupted direct current to trunk", "中断直流电至主干" ], "75085004": [ "Open reduction of fracture of tarsals and metatarsals", "跗骨及跖骨骨折切开复位" ], "386381003": [ "Parent education: childrearing family", "家长教育:育儿家庭" ], "419149008": [ "Fluoroscopy of esophagus and dilatation", "Fluoroscopy of oesophagus and dilatation", "Fluoroscopy and esophageal dilatation", "Fluoroscopy and oesophageal dilatation", "Fluoroscopy of esophagus and dilation", "Fluoroscopy of oesophagus and dilation", "食管透视检查及扩张", "透视检查和食管扩张", "食管荧光透视及扩张" ], "269858003": [ "Blood urea/renal function", "Biochemical evaluation of blood urea/renal function", "血尿素/肾功能生化评估", "血尿素/肾功能" ], "89634005": [ "Microbial identification kit, rapid strep method", "Streptococcus screening test, direct", "链球菌筛查试验,直接", "微生物鉴定试剂盒,快速链球菌法" ], "171554006": [ "Drainage of subarachnoid space of brain", "脑蛛网膜下腔引流" ], "400930007": [ "Active force generation test", "主动力产生测试" ], "284407000": [ "Examination of lumbar spine", "腰椎检查" ], "169719004": [ "Antenatal 34 week examination", "产前34周检查" ], "235255006": [ "Excision of duodenal atresia with tapering", "十二指肠闭锁切除术及锥形切除术" ], "431863006": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of coeliac artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic angiography of celiac artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of celiac artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of coeliac artery with contrast and insertion of stent", "腹腔动脉荧光造影及支架置入术", "腹腔动脉荧光血管造影及支架置入" ], "104183008": [ "Blood culture for MAC", "Blood culture for Mycobacterium avium complex", "血培养检查MAC", "鸟分枝杆菌复合体血培养" ], "118732000": [ "Procedure on mandible", "下颌骨手术" ], "4044002": [ "Permanent colostomy", "Construction of permanent colostomy", "Creation of permanent colostomy", "建立永久性结肠造口术", "永久性结肠造口术" ], "251639009": [ "Visual evoked magnetic fields - full field pattern reversal", "视觉诱发磁场 - 全场模式反转" ], "446412003": [ "Electrocauterisation of urinary bladder", "Electrocauterization of urinary bladder", "Cauterisation of urinary bladder using electrical energy", "Cauterization of urinary bladder using electrical energy", "膀胱电灼术", "使用电能烧灼膀胱" ], "69580005": [ "Open reduction of open sternoclavicular dislocation, chronic", "开放性胸锁关节脱位的切开复位,慢性" ], "36812006": [ "Iridectomy", "Corectomy", "Ziegler operation", "Excision of iris", "直肠切除术", "虹膜切除术", "齐格勒手术" ], "85964006": [ "Anesthesia for radical resection of bones of lower leg, ankle and foot", "Anaesthesia for radical resection of bones of lower leg, ankle and foot", "小腿、踝部及足部骨根治切除术的麻醉" ], "788641000": [ "EUS FNA (endoscopic ultrasonography fine needle aspiration) of pancreatic lesion", "Fine needle aspiration of lesion of pancreas using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Endoscopic ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration of pancreatic lesion", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided fine needle aspiration of pancreatic lesion", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of lesion of pancreas using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "胰腺病变的 EUS FNA(内镜超声细针穿刺)", "内镜超声引导下胰腺病变细针穿刺", "内镜超声引导下胰腺病变细针穿刺活检" ], "231585009": [ "Radiotherapy to lesion of lateral canthus", "外眦病变放射治疗" ], "313505009": [ "CD34 stem cell count", "CD34 stem cell count procedure", "CD34 干细胞计数", "CD34 干细胞计数程序" ], "311670001": [ "Prolonged speech exercises", "长时间的演讲练习" ], "278902003": [ "Resisted functional activity", "抵抗功能活动" ], "374009": [ "Costosternoplasty for pectus excavatum repair", "Chondrosternoplasty for pectus excavatum repair", "肋胸骨成形术修复漏斗胸", "胸骨软骨成形术修复漏斗胸" ], "14923004": [ "Plication of fascia of hand", "手部筋膜褶皱" ], "13088001": [ "Corpora cavernosography", "Corpus cavernosogram", "Cavernosogram", "海绵体造影", "阴茎海绵体造影", "身体海绵体造影" ], "308000002": [ "Surgical biopsy of skin", "皮肤手术活检" ], "275232002": [ "Benchekroun construction of continent urinary reservoir", "大陆尿路蓄水池的Benchekroun建设" ], "1209120004": [ "Sequential anastomosis of free RITA (right internal thoracic artery) from LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery and posterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free RIMA (right internal mammary artery) from LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery and posterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal mammary artery from left internal mammary artery to first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery and posterior descending coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of free right internal thoracic artery from left internal thoracic artery to first obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of left coronary artery and posterior descending coronary artery", "将游离右乳内动脉 (RIMA) 从左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支第一钝缘支及冠状动脉后降支", "游离右胸廓内动脉从左胸廓内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支第一钝缘支及冠状动脉后降支的序贯吻合术", "游离右乳内动脉从左乳内动脉至左冠状动脉回旋支第一钝缘支及冠状动脉后降支的顺序吻合", "将游离右胸廓内动脉 (RITA) 从左胸廓内动脉 (LITA) 依次吻合至左冠状动脉回旋支第一钝缘支及冠状动脉后降支" ], "176928008": [ "Excision of ectopic ovarian pregnancy", "卵巢异位妊娠切除术" ], "306165000": [ "Referral to hospital dietetics service", "Referral to hospital-based dietetics service", "转诊至医院营养服务" ], "715765002": [ "Resection of ascending thoracic aorta using prosthetic graft with cardiopulmonary bypass", "体外循环下使用人工移植物切除升主动脉" ], "173258000": [ "Reconstruction of lip with Abbe-Estlander flap", "Abbe-Estlander 瓣唇再造术" ], "91338001": [ "Infusion of intra-arterial thrombolytic agent with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, single vessel", "动脉内输注溶栓剂联合经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术,单支血管" ], "287946001": [ "Fallopian tube repair - graft", "输卵管修复 - 移植" ], "763082005": [ "Assessment using Bristol Foot Score", "使用布里斯托足评分进行评估" ], "1285535000": [ "Adjunctive procedure on gingiva and supporting structure of tooth", "Adjunctive periodontal procedure", "牙龈和牙齿支持结构的辅助治疗", "辅助牙周治疗" ], "386250009": [ "Cost containment", "成本控制" ], "236959001": [ "Cervical priming procedure", "Cervical ripening procedure", "宫颈成熟程序", "宫颈灌注程序" ], "302495003": [ "Joint incision", "Incision of joint structures", "Arthrotomy", "关节结构切开", "关节切开术", "关节切开" ], "122271006": [ "Bacillus anthracis culture", "炭疽杆菌培养" ], "22132000": [ "Chemexfoliation of face", "Chemical peel of face", "面部化学换肤", "面部化学去角质" ], "171423009": [ "Mental Health Act examination", "精神健康法检查" ], "431732002": [ "Fine needle aspiration and core needle biopsy of axilla using ultrasound guidance", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy and core needle biopsy of axilla using US (ultrasound) guidance", "Ultrasonography guided fine needle aspiration biopsy and core needle biopsy of axilla", "超声引导下腋窝细针穿刺和芯针活检", "在超声引导下进行腋窝细针穿刺活检和芯针活检", "超声引导下腋窝细针穿刺活检和芯针活检" ], "104052007": [ "Iint blood group antibody identification", "Iint 血型抗体鉴定" ], "446281003": [ "Verification of surgical device count", "手术器械数量验证" ], "233289005": [ "Percutaneous angioplasty of crural artery", "PTA - Percutaneous angioplasty of crural artery", "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of crural artery", "PTA-- 经皮股动脉血管成形术", "经皮股动脉球囊成形术", "经皮股动脉血管成形术" ], "36681006": [ "Operation on adenoids", "Adenoid operation", "Operations on adenoid", "腺样体手术" ], "167753008": [ "CSF: electrophoresis", "Cerebrospinal fluid: electrophoresis", "脑脊液:电泳" ], "51230002": [ "Repair of bronchopleuromediastinal fistula", "Closure of bronchopleuromediastinal fistula", "支气管胸膜纵隔瘘的修复", "支气管胸膜纵隔瘘闭合" ], "428062003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty with insertion of stent into aorta", "经皮腔内球囊血管成形术及主动脉支架置入" ], "2078009": [ "Puncture of bursa of hand", "手部滑囊穿刺" ], "229619005": [ "Wheelchair transfer practice", "轮椅转移练习" ], "243009": [ "Replacement of cerebral ventricular tube", "脑室管更换术" ], "178632005": [ "Revisional laminectomy excision of lumbar intervertebral disc", "腰椎间盘切除术" ], "309704005": [ "Injection of hydrocortisone acetate into shoulder joint", "肩关节注射醋酸氢化可的松" ], "113096005": [ "Translumbar aortogram", "TLA - Translumbar aortogram", "Translumbar angiography of aorta", "Translumbar arteriography of aorta", "腰主动脉造影", "经腰椎主动脉造影", "TLA-- 经腰主动脉造影" ], "62109000": [ "Excision of lesion of epididymis", "附睾病变切除术" ], "14792009": [ "Tattooing", "纹身" ], "78493007": [ "Psychoanalysis of transference", "移情的心理分析" ], "406173008": [ "Phlebotomy: cannulated vessel", "Collection of blood specimen via vascular catheter", "静脉穿刺:插管血管", "通过血管导管采集血液样本" ], "174962005": [ "Revision of plastic repair of tricuspid valve", "三尖瓣整形修复术" ], "74823001": [ "Direct repair of aneurysm with graft of subclavian artery by neck incision", "经颈切开锁骨下动脉移植直接修补动脉瘤" ], "287815004": [ "Excision of excess colostomy mucosa", "切除多余的结肠造口黏膜" ], "1303623005": [ "Right carpal tunnel release", "Decompression of right median nerve", "右腕管松解术", "右侧正中神经减压术" ], "236828004": [ "Wide local excision of vulva", "外阴局部广泛切除术" ], "72988005": [ "Direct thrombectomy of femoropopliteal vein by leg incision", "经小腿切口直接切除股腘静脉血栓" ], "302364006": [ "Repair of male urethra", "男性尿道修复" ], "122140005": [ "Vaccinia virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Vaccinia virus antibody", "痘苗病毒抗体测定", "痘苗病毒抗体检测" ], "710129002": [ "Fluoroscopy guided neurolysis of splanchnic nerve", "Neurolysis of splanchnic nerve using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下内脏神经松解术" ], "103921003": [ "Yt^a^ blood group typing", "Yt^a^ 血型分型" ], "447985005": [ "Excision of lesion of larynx using laser", "激光切除喉部病变" ], "431601008": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of superficial femoral artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of superficial femoral artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "用造影剂插入支架进行股浅动脉荧光镜造影", "股浅动脉造影及支架置入荧光血管造影" ], "71153009": [ "Anesthesia for iridectomy", "Anaesthesia for iridectomy", "虹膜切除术麻醉" ], "233158002": [ "Ligation operation for arrhythmia", "心律失常结扎手术" ], "118470002": [ "Internal skeletal fixation", "Internal fixation of bone", "IF - Internal fixation", "Internal fixation", "Internal fixation using internal fixator system", "Osteosynthesis", "骨内固定", "骨接合术", "内骨固定", "IF-内固定", "内固定", "采用内固定系统进行内固定" ], "315078002": [ "Bartonella henselae IgM level", "Bartonella henselae immunoglobulin M level", "汉赛巴尔通体 IgM 水平", "汉赛巴尔通体免疫球蛋白M水平" ], "346011000": [ "Cardioversion by intracardiac catheter", "心内导管心脏复律" ], "231323003": [ "Interpapillary infiltration of local anesthetic", "Interpapillary infiltration of local anaesthetic", "局部麻醉药浸润乳头间" ], "1163376001": [ "Management of infant feeding", "婴儿喂养管理" ], "229488002": [ "Lymphoedema massage", "Lymphedema massage", "淋巴水肿按摩" ], "49264007": [ "Excision of lesion of anus", "Excision of anal lesion", "肛门病损切除术", "肛门病变切除术" ], "16496009": [ "Spinal fusion of atlas-axis", "Atlantoaxial fusion", "寰椎脊柱融合术", "寰枢椎融合" ], "440645004": [ "Cryopreservation of oocyte", "卵母细胞冷冻保存" ], "80197005": [ "Arylsulfatase A measurement, urine", "Arylsulphatase A measurement, urine", "尿液芳基硫酸酯酶 A 测定" ], "702789006": [ "Detection of lymphocytes positive for CD8 antigen", "检测 CD8 抗原阳性淋巴细胞" ], "274970004": [ "Lateral tracheostomy", "侧气管切开术" ], "438810005": [ "Adjustment of arm sling", "臂吊带的调整" ], "12826007": [ "Dorrance operation, push-back operation for cleft palate", "Dorrance 手术,腭裂后推手术" ], "78362007": [ "Removal of foreign body from conjunctiva", "FB - Removal of foreign body from conjunctiva", "FB - 去除结膜异物", "去除结膜异物" ], "387823001": [ "Spinal fusion with reduction of spinal deformity", "脊柱融合术可减少脊柱畸形" ], "60143002": [ "Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase measurement", "半乳糖-1-磷酸尿苷转移酶测量" ], "176666008": [ "Marsupialization of lesion of vagina", "Marsupialisation of lesion of vagina", "阴道病变袋形成形术" ], "174831005": [ "Correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to supracardiac vessel", "Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to supracardiac vessel", "完全性肺静脉异位引流至心上血管的修复", "完全性肺静脉异位引流至心上血管的矫正" ], "27375007": [ "Gallstone analysis", "胆结石分析" ], "699119008": [ "Repair of deltoid ligament", "Repair of medial ligament of talocrural joint", "三角韧带修复", "距小腿关节内侧韧带修复" ], "172996004": [ "Open extirpation of lesion of larynx", "喉部病变切开摘除术" ], "385988005": [ "Spiritual care", "Spiritual care treatments and procedures", "精神护理治疗和程序", "精神关怀" ], "74692004": [ "Manipulation of liver", "肝脏操作" ], "234862002": [ "Activate orthodontic archwire", "激活正畸弓丝" ], "120174003": [ "Incision of mesentery", "肠系膜切开术" ], "431470004": [ "Caecostomy using fluoroscopic guidance", "Cecostomy using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下进行盲肠造口术" ], "5486006": [ "Delayed suture of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱延迟缝合" ], "284014008": [ "Visual evoked potentials monitoring", "视觉诱发电位监测" ], "233027000": [ "Excision of left atrial vegetations", "左心房赘生物切除术" ], "3651000": [ "Morphometric analysis, nerve", "形态测量分析,神经" ], "1052227004": [ "Separation of conjoined twins", "连体双胞胎分离" ], "183875006": [ "Referral for colonoscopy", "转诊进行结肠镜检查" ], "395032002": [ "Skin biopsy IgG level", "Skin biopsy immunoglobulin G level", "皮肤活检免疫球蛋白 G 水平", "皮肤活检 IgG 水平" ], "427800005": [ "Removal of foreign body of lung by incision", "肺切开取异物" ], "231192005": [ "Local anaesthetic digital nerve block of 4th toe", "Dig nerve block of 4th toe", "Local anaesthetic digital nerve block of fourth toe", "Local anesthetic digital nerve block of 4th toe", "Local anesthetic digital nerve block of fourth toe", "第四趾局部麻醉神经阻滞", "第四趾挖掘神经阻滞" ], "229357000": [ "Physiological mobilisation of the wrist joint", "Physiological mobilization of the wrist joint", "腕关节的生理活动" ], "409581001": [ "Enteric precautions", "肠道注意事项" ], "34584009": [ "Tooth extraction, complete lower", "Extraction of all mandibular teeth", "Lower dental clearance", "拔除所有下颌牙齿", "拔牙,全下颌", "降低牙齿间隙" ], "1163245005": [ "Laparoscopic excision of leiomyoma of uterus using robotic assistance", "Laparoscopic excision of uterine leiomyoma using robotic assistance", "Laparoscopic myomectomy of uterus using robotic assistance", "Laparoscopic uterine myomectomy using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助腹腔镜子宫平滑肌瘤切除术", "使用机器人辅助的腹腔镜子宫肌瘤切除术" ], "440514007": [ "Computed tomography dual phase study of pancreas", "CT dual phase study of pancreas", "胰腺计算机断层扫描双期研究", "胰腺CT双期研究" ], "129218007": [ "Grafting of metatarsal", "Bone graft of metatarsal", "跖骨骨移植", "跖骨移植" ], "47298009": [ "Biopsy of uvula and soft palate", "悬雍垂和软腭活检" ], "1290647002": [ "Plain X-ray of lumbar spine, combined anteroposterior and lateral", "腰椎普通 X 光检查,前后位和侧位综合检查" ], "176535005": [ "Reconstruction of penis with local flap", "局部皮瓣重建阴茎" ], "733591007": [ "Reverse total left shoulder replacement", "Reverse prosthetic total arthroplasty of left shoulder", "逆向全左肩关节置换术", "左肩关节逆向假体全置换术" ], "225687009": [ "Observing eye during eye care", "眼部护理期间观察眼睛" ], "715372004": [ "Assessment using Revised Token Test", "Assessment using RTT (Revised Token Test)", "使用 RTT(修订版令牌测试)进行评估", "使用修订的令牌测试进行评估" ], "43628009": [ "Introduction of needle into carotid artery", "Insertion of needle into carotid artery", "将针头插入颈动脉" ], "287553003": [ "Non-surgical breast biopsy", "非手术乳房活检" ], "385857005": [ "Ventilator care and adjustment", "呼吸机的保养和调整" ], "172865007": [ "Biopsy of lesion of maxillary antrum", "上颌窦病变活检" ], "72726000": [ "Fenestration of semicircular canals with graft", "半规管开窗术及移植物" ], "7190001": [ "Mandibular condylectomy", "Excision of condyle of mandible", "Condylectomy of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节髁切除术", "下颌髁切除术", "下颌骨髁突切除术" ], "416790000": [ "Referral for home physical therapy", "Refer to domiciliary physiotherapy", "请参阅家庭物理治疗", "转介家庭物理治疗" ], "433174005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of femur with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of femur with contrast", "MRI of femur with contrast", "股骨增强磁共振成像(MRI)", "股骨增强 MRI 检查", "股骨增强磁共振成像" ], "252950007": [ "Fetal physical stimulation test", "Foetal physical stimulation test", "胎儿物理刺激试验" ], "56342008": [ "Temperature taking", "测量体温" ], "121878008": [ "2-Hydroxybutyrate measurement", "2-羟基丁酸酯测量" ], "120043003": [ "Uterine cervix closure", "宫颈闭合" ], "234731005": [ "Tooth furcation plasty", "牙根分叉成形术" ], "447723005": [ "Excision of sequestrum of metarsal bone", "Excision of sequestrum of metatarsal bone", "Sequestrectomy of metatarsal bone", "跖骨死骨切除术" ], "431339008": [ "Mechanical prosthetic mitral valve replacement", "机械人工二尖瓣置换术" ], "429504003": [ "Education about haemoglobinopathy", "Education about hemoglobinopathy", "Haemoglobinopathy education", "Hemoglobinopathy education", "血红蛋白病教育", "关于血红蛋白病的教育" ], "36288005": [ "Antithrombin III assay", "抗凝血酶 III 测定" ], "232896008": [ "Shortening plasty to atrioventricular valve chordae tendinae", "房室瓣腱索缩短成形术" ], "52672008": [ "Excision of lesion of abdominal aorta with end-to-end anastomosis", "腹主动脉病变切除及端端吻合术" ], "282048008": [ "Application of dentine adhesive to tooth", "牙本质粘合剂在牙齿上的应用" ], "427669005": [ "Airway toilet using rigid catheter", "使用硬导管进行气道清洁" ], "231061006": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid collection", "脑脊液采集" ], "81770001": [ "Radioimmunosorbent test IGE, quantitative", "RIST test, quantitative", "放射免疫吸附试验 IGE,定量", "RIST 测试,定量" ], "180074008": [ "Revision release radius- correction for congenital deformity of forearm", "桡骨松解术-矫正前臂先天畸形" ], "243775002": [ "Construction of cutaneous ureteroileostomy", "Bricker ileoureterostomy", "Bricker's operation, ureteroileostomy", "皮肤输尿管造口术的建立", "Bricker 回肠输尿管吻合术", "布里克手术、输尿管造口术" ], "63551005": [ "Hospital admission, from remote area, by means of special transportation", "从偏远地区通过特殊交通工具入院" ], "30783006": [ "Closure of nephrostomy", "Closure of artificial opening of kidney", "Closure of stoma of kidney", "Take-down of stoma of kidney", "肾脏造口切除术", "肾脏人工切口缝合", "肾造口缝合", "肾造口术关闭" ], "440383008": [ "Radical trachelectomy with bilateral total pelvic lymphadenectomy and paraaortic lymph node biopsy", "Radical amputation of cervix with bilateral total pelvic lymphadenectomy and paraaortic lymph node biopsy", "宫颈根治性切除术及双侧全盆腔淋巴结清扫术和主动脉旁淋巴结活检", "根治性宫颈切除术及双侧全盆腔淋巴结清扫术和主动脉旁淋巴结活检" ], "112703008": [ "Superficial biopsy of muscle", "肌肉浅表活检" ], "176404001": [ "Biopsy of scrotal lesion", "阴囊病变活检" ], "438548009": [ "Ligation of arteriovenous dialysis graft", "动静脉透析移植物结扎术" ], "405780009": [ "Dialectical behaviour therapy", "Dialectical behavior therapy", "辩证行为疗法" ], "698857004": [ "Plastic operation on salivary gland", "涎腺整形手术" ], "385726000": [ "Emotional support education", "Teach emotional support", "教导情感支持", "情感支持教育" ], "174569008": [ "Open insertion of tubal prosthesis into both hepatic ducts and common bile duct", "将输卵管假体开放式插入肝管和胆总管" ], "271038001": [ "Percentage basophil count", "Basophil percent differential count", "嗜碱性粒细胞百分比分类计数", "嗜碱性粒细胞计数百分比" ], "303806006": [ "Assessment of levels of burns", "Assessment of burn injuries", "烧伤评估", "烧伤程度评估" ], "238270008": [ "Drainage of retroperitoneal abscess", "腹膜后脓肿引流" ], "121747001": [ "Butyrylcarnitine measurement", "丁酰肉碱测量" ], "170899001": [ "Initial ostomy assessment", "初步造口评估" ], "1137555003": [ "Destruction of chorioretinal lesion", "脉络膜视网膜病变的破坏" ], "9181000087100": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of bilateral iliac vessels", "Doppler ultrasonography of left and right iliac vessel", "Doppler ultrasound of both iliac vessels", "左、右髂血管多普勒超声检查", "双侧髂血管多普勒超声检查" ], "433043005": [ "Insertion of drain into abdomen using ultrasound guidance", "Insertion of drain into abdomen using ultrasound (US) guidance", "在超声引导下将引流管插入腹部" ], "39827007": [ "Ventricular shunt to intracerebral site", "脑室分流至脑内部位" ], "1501000087104": [ "CT of left shoulder with contrast", "Computed tomography of left shoulder with contrast", "左肩增强计算机断层扫描", "左肩增强 CT" ], "36061000087105": [ "Repair of left middle ear", "左中耳修复" ], "252819009": [ "B scan ultrasound - with Doppler studies", "B 超扫描 - 带多普勒研究" ], "14301000087106": [ "Ultrasonography guided drainage of right lower limb", "Drainage of right lower extremity using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided drainage of right lower extremity", "Drainage of right lower limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下右下肢引流" ], "38621000087109": [ "Extraction of cataract and implantation of intraocular lens in left eye", "左眼白内障摘除及人工晶状体植入" ], "21608006": [ "Destruction of cyst of iris", "虹膜囊肿破坏" ], "2781000087109": [ "MRI of bilateral ankles", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral ankles", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both ankles", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right ankle", "双侧踝关节 MRI 检查", "左、右脚踝磁共振成像", "双侧踝关节磁共振成像", "双踝关节磁共振成像" ], "412989000": [ "Serum long chain fatty acid measurement", "Serum long chain fatty acid level", "血清长链脂肪酸测定", "血清长链脂肪酸水平" ], "4061000087109": [ "Plain X-ray of both humeri", "Plain X-ray of bilateral humeri", "Plain X-ray of left and right humerus", "双侧肱骨普通 X 光检查", "双侧肱骨的普通 X 光检查", "左、右肱骨普通 X 光检查" ], "431208008": [ "Active core warming of subject", "主体主动核心升温" ], "445757003": [ "Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation without purging", "无需清除的异基因骨髓移植" ], "232765005": [ "Excision of supramitral valve ring", "Excision of supravalvar left atrial ring", "左心房瓣上环切除术", "二尖瓣上瓣环切除术" ], "118077008": [ "HTLV 1 AND 2 gp46 antibody assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 AND 2 gp46 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 glycoprotein 46 antibody and Human T-lymphotropic virus 2 glycoprotein 46 antibody", "人类 T 细胞淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 和 2 gp46 抗体检测", "HTLV 1 和 2 gp46 抗体检测", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒1型糖蛋白46抗体和人类T淋巴细胞病毒2型糖蛋白46抗体的测量" ], "83474000": [ "Psychiatric commitment procedure", "精神病收容程序" ], "429373009": [ "Heel DEXA scan", "Heel DXA scan", "Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of heel", "足跟双能X射线吸收测定法", "足跟 DXA 扫描", "足跟 DEXA 扫描" ], "116242006": [ "Pylorus-sparing pancreaticoduodenectomy", "Pylorus-sparing Whipple operation", "保留幽门的胰十二指肠切除术", "保留幽门的惠普尔手术" ], "738834008": [ "Right vulvectomy", "Excision of right side of vulva", "右外阴切除术", "右侧外阴切除术" ], "443922009": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of opiate agonist in serum or plasma specimen using gas chromatography mass spectrometry technique", "Quantitative measurement of opiate agonist in serum or plasma using GC-MS", "使用 GC-MS 定量测量血清或血浆中的阿片类激动剂", "气相色谱质谱技术定量测定血清或血浆样本中阿片类激动剂的质量浓度" ], "230930008": [ "Removal of foreign body from intracranial artery", "FB - Removal of intravascular foreign body from intracranial artery", "颅内动脉异物取出", "FB-- 颅内动脉血管内异物取出术" ], "229095001": [ "Exercise class", "运动课" ], "425703002": [ "Plain X-ray of bilateral ankles", "双侧踝部 X 光检查" ], "442087005": [ "Closure of ventricular septal defect using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下室间隔缺损封堵术" ], "32487004": [ "Gallium measurement", "镓测量" ], "866236003": [ "Mammography of left breast implant", "左乳房植入物的乳房 X 线摄影" ], "178108004": [ "Injection sclerotherapy of ganglion", "Injection of sclerosing agent into ganglion cyst", "神经节注射硬化剂治疗", "向腱鞘囊肿注射硬化剂" ], "702396006": [ "Childbirth education", "Childbirth instruction", "分娩指导", "分娩教育" ], "440252007": [ "Administration of radiopharmaceutical", "放射性药物的管理" ], "225425006": [ "Self-administration of medication", "自行用药" ], "77969008": [ "Reconstructive repair of pectus excavatum", "PE - Correction of pectus excavatum", "Correction of pectus excavatum", "漏斗胸的重建修复", "修复挖掘出的箱子", "PE - 修复挖出的箱子" ], "287291002": [ "Heart ligation", "心脏结扎" ], "1284880000": [ "Fixation of post core to tooth using dental cement", "Cementation of post core to tooth", "将桩核粘接到牙齿上", "使用牙科水泥将桩核固定到牙齿上" ], "303675009": [ "Special CT procedures of pelvic region", "Special computed tomography procedure of pelvic region", "盆腔区域特殊计算机断层扫描程序", "盆腔特殊CT检查" ], "449296000": [ "Ligation and stripping of varicose vein of abdomen", "腹部静脉曲张结扎剥脱术" ], "121616001": [ "Ketoprofen measurement", "酮洛芬测量" ], "88848003": [ "Psychiatric follow-up", "精神病学随访" ], "105232005": [ "Mersalyl measurement", "Mersalyl 测量" ], "252688006": [ "Two glass urine test - second glass", "两杯尿液测试-第二杯" ], "185317003": [ "Telephone encounter", "电话邂逅" ], "300005008": [ "Screening for mental disorders", "精神障碍筛查" ], "119781009": [ "Neck artery excision", "颈动脉切除术" ], "3258003": [ "Arteriography of cerebral arteries", "Angiography of intracranial vessels", "Cerebral arteriogram", "Cerebral arteriography", "Angiography of cerebral arteries", "Arteriography of intracranial vessels", "脑动脉血管造影", "颅内血管造影", "脑动脉造影" ], "412858003": [ "Urine leucine measurement", "Urine leucine level", "尿液亮氨酸测量", "尿液亮氨酸水平" ], "232634005": [ "Multiple wedge excisions of lung", "肺多发楔形切除术" ], "265402006": [ "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of colon", "内镜结肠病灶切除术" ], "443791002": [ "Excision of cyst of maxilla with partial excision of maxilla by extraoral approach", "Excision of cyst of maxilla, including partial excision of maxilla, by extraoral approach", "Excision of cyst of maxilla with partial maxillectomy", "通过口外入路切除上颌骨囊肿,包括部分切除上颌骨", "经口外入路切除上颌骨囊肿及部分切除上颌骨", "上颌骨囊肿切除术及上颌骨部分切除术" ], "310884001": [ "Urine microscopy: red cells", "尿液显微镜检查:红细胞" ], "704100003": [ "Endoscopic extraction of calculus of urinary tract proper", "内镜下泌尿道固有结石摘除术" ], "46905004": [ "Osteoplasty of femur", "Repair of femur", "股骨修复", "股骨成形术" ], "718649006": [ "Assessment using Goodenough Draw A Man Test", "使用 Goodenough Draw A Man 测试进行评估" ], "177977006": [ "Repair of mesentery of colon", "结肠系膜修复" ], "30521008": [ "Antibody to gastric parietal cell measurement", "Parietal cell autoantibodies", "壁细胞自身抗体", "胃壁细胞抗体测量" ], "225294001": [ "Identifying goals", "Setting objectives", "Planning objectives", "Planning goals", "确定目标", "设定目标", "规划目标" ], "28686001": [ "Nephrotomogram", "Nephrotomography", "Tomography of kidney", "肾脏断层扫描" ], "405518006": [ "Ilio-proximal popliteal graft for repair of aneurysm with prosthesis", "髂骨近端腘窝移植用于修复动脉瘤" ], "274446006": [ "Renal lithotripsy", "Lithotripsy of kidney", "肾碎石术", "肾脏碎石术" ], "700430009": [ "Dietary education for preparation of bowel for procedure", "饮食教育,为手术前的肠道准备" ], "59619005": [ "Evacuation of pelvic blood clot by culdoscopy", "通过后穹窿镜清除盆腔血凝块" ], "305379005": [ "Admission to neurology department", "神经内科入院" ], "223459007": [ "Informing of accident", "事故通知" ], "713144002": [ "Motivational interviewing technique", "动机访谈技术" ], "90552006": [ "Subtrochanteric osteotomy with internal fixation and cast", "股骨转子下截骨内固定及石膏固定" ], "74168006": [ "Restorations resin, four or more surfaces or involving anterior incisal angle", "修复树脂,四个或更多表面或涉及前切角" ], "252557001": [ "Acoustic rhinometry", "鼻声测量" ], "88717002": [ "Removal of foreign body of tunica vaginalis", "鞘膜异物去除术" ], "55949003": [ "Methaqualone measurement", "甲喹酮测量" ], "121485002": [ "Cefaclor measurement", "头孢克洛测定" ], "437301000124109": [ "Decreased copper diet", "减少铜饮食" ], "711309003": [ "CT of sinus of abdomen", "Computed tomography of sinus of abdomen", "腹部窦部计算机断层扫描", "腹部窦 CT" ], "105101002": [ "Cathine measurement", "凯西测量" ], "301709003": [ "Incision and drainage of rectus sheath abscess", "腹直肌鞘脓肿切开引流" ], "236173009": [ "Nephroscopic ultrasound fragmentation of ureteric calculus", "肾镜超声碎裂输尿管结石" ], "54114002": [ "Curettage of skin lesion under local anesthesia", "Curettage of skin lesion under local anaesthesia", "局部麻醉下刮除皮肤病变" ], "709474002": [ "Assessment of fatigue", "疲劳评估" ], "119650007": [ "Hand injection", "Injection of hand", "手部注射", "手注射" ], "250722009": [ "Evaluation of hypoglycemic response", "Hypoglycaemic response", "Hypoglycemic response", "Evaluation of hypoglycaemic response", "降血糖反应评估", "低血糖反应" ], "265271003": [ "Insertion of prosthetic replacement for eyeball", "Insertion of artificial eye", "Insertion of ocular prosthesis", "植入眼球假体", "植入义眼" ], "117815008": [ "HTLV 1 rgp21 antibody assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 rgp21 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 recombinant glycoprotein 21 antibody", "人类 T 细胞淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 rgp21 抗体检测", "HTLV 1 rgp21 抗体检测", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒1型重组糖蛋白21抗体的测定" ], "443660002": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of knee with internal fixation and repair of ligament", "膝关节脱位切开复位内固定及韧带修复" ], "1230092005": [ "Partial bed bath", "Giving a partial bed bath", "Bathing skin of part of body of subject in bed", "Performing a partial body bath in bed", "在床上进行局部身体沐浴", "进行局部床上沐浴", "在床上清洗受试者身体部分皮肤", "部分床上沐浴" ], "83212006": [ "Milgram test", "米尔格拉姆测试" ], "115980008": [ "Fixation by staple", "用钉书钉固定" ], "179681001": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture dislocation and functional bracing", "骨折脱位闭合复位及功能性支具的修订" ], "1162721002": [ "Vegetable modified diet", "Modified vegetable diet", "蔬菜改良饮食", "改良的蔬菜饮食" ], "441825001": [ "Measurement of alpha fetoprotein as marker for malignant neoplasm", "检测甲胎蛋白作为恶性肿瘤的标志" ], "736737004": [ "Debulking of scapular flap of foot", "足部肩胛骨皮瓣减瘤术" ], "409057001": [ "Care regimes surveillance", "护理制度监测" ], "1292009": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of urinary bladder", "MRI of bladder", "MRI of urinary bladder", "膀胱磁共振成像", "膀胱 MRI" ], "359905005": [ "Repair of abdominal fistula", "腹腔瘘的修复" ], "784054000": [ "Counseling for congenital polycystic kidney disease", "Counselling for congenital polycystic kidney disease", "先天性多囊肾病咨询" ], "423606002": [ "End of life education, guidance and counseling", "End of life education, guidance and counselling", "End of life teaching, guidance and counselling", "End of life teaching, guidance and counseling", "临终教育、指导和咨询" ], "177846005": [ "Destruction of lesion of diaphragm", "膈肌损伤破坏" ], "718518006": [ "Assessment using Preschool Language Scale Fourth Edition", "Assessment using PLS-4 (Preschool Language Scale Fourth Edition)", "使用学前语言量表第四版进行评估", "使用 PLS-4(学前语言量表第四版)进行评估" ], "28555002": [ "Partial excision of radius", "Partial ostectomy of radius", "桡骨部分切除", "桡骨部分截骨术" ], "77707003": [ "Reconstruction of thumb with bone graft and skin graft", "Reconstruction of thumb using bone graft and skin flap", "骨移植和皮肤移植重建拇指", "使用骨移植和皮瓣进行拇指重建" ], "405387005": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of profunda femoris artery with vein", "股深动脉带静脉内膜切除及血管成形术" ], "274315006": [ "Biopsy by superficial smear", "表面涂片活检" ], "61323008": [ "Drainage of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱引流" ], "241547009": [ "Cardiac CT", "CT of heart", "Computed tomography of heart", "心脏计算机断层扫描", "心脏CT" ], "225163008": [ "Examination for injuries", "损伤检查" ], "370784006": [ "Collaborating in fluid and electrolyte management", "合作进行液体和电解质管理" ], "305248009": [ "Admission by pain management specialist", "疼痛管理专家入院" ], "172341002": [ "Superior rectus resection", "上直肌切除术" ], "432650000": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for lithotripsy of penis", "Lithotripsy of penis using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下阴茎碎石术" ], "74037009": [ "Excision of tumor from forearm area, deep, subfascial", "Excision of tumour from forearm area, deep, subfascial", "切除前臂深部筋膜下肿瘤", "切除前臂深层筋膜下肿瘤" ], "72202003": [ "Lavage of nasal sinus through natural ostium", "经自然口冲洗鼻窦" ], "39434003": [ "Endoscopic dilation of pylorus", "Endoscopic dilation of pyloric sphincter", "内镜幽门扩张术", "内镜幽门括约肌扩张术" ], "252426003": [ "Cardiac ventriculography", "心室造影" ], "170506006": [ "Remove potential infection source", "去除潜在的感染源" ], "121354005": [ "1,4-Dichlorobenzene measurement", "1,4-二氯苯测量" ], "104970008": [ "Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation panel, two hour", "Thyrotropin releasing hormone stimulation panel, two hour", "促甲状腺激素释放激素刺激板,两小时", "促甲状腺激素释放激素 (TRH) 刺激组,两小时" ], "166836002": [ "Serum cholesterol studies", "血清胆固醇研究" ], "117684003": [ "Sulindac sulfide metabolite measurement", "Sulindac sulphide metabolite measurement", "Measurement of sulindac sulfide", "Measurement of sulindac sulphide", "舒林酸硫化物代谢物测量", "舒林酸硫化物的测定" ], "1231796007": [ "Root canal retreatment of premolar tooth", "Revision of root canal treatment of premolar tooth", "Revision of root canal therapy of premolar tooth", "Revision of root canal treatment of bicuspid tooth", "Revision of treatment of root canal of premolar tooth", "Revision of endodontic treatment of premolar tooth", "前磨牙根管治疗的修正", "前磨牙根管再治疗", "前磨牙根管修复治疗", "双尖牙根管治疗的修正" ], "83081003": [ "Closed reduction of separated epiphysis of tibia and fibula", "胫腓骨骨骺分离闭合复位" ], "443529005": [ "Detection of chromosomal aneuploidy in prenatal amniotic fluid specimen using FISH screening technique", "Detection of chromosomal aneuploidy in prenatal amniotic fluid specimen using fluorescence in situ hybridization screening technique", "Detection of chromosomal aneuploidy in prenatal amniotic fluid specimen using fluorescence in situ hybridisation screening technique", "荧光原位杂交筛查技术检测产前羊水中的染色体非整倍体", "应用FISH筛查技术检测产前羊水中的染色体非整倍体" ], "1295497005": [ "Plain X-ray of bile duct with contrast", "胆管造影 X 光检查" ], "50313007": [ "Phonocardiogram with apex cardiogram", "心音图及心尖心动图" ], "310622002": [ "Patch repair of iliac artery", "髂动脉补片修复" ], "392542004": [ "Green nimitti specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cladotanytarsus Lewisi specific IgE antibody measurement", "i72 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cladotanytarsus Lewisi specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "赤蝽特异性IgE抗体测定", "i72 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "绿尼米蒂特异性IgE抗体测量", "赤蝽特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "228702008": [ "Gold 198 therapy", "Au198 therapy", "Au198治疗", "黄金198疗法" ], "408926008": [ "Sexual behaviour analysis assessment", "Sexual behavior analysis assessment", "Assess sexual behaviour analysis", "Assess sexual behavior analysis", "性行为分析评估", "评估性行为分析" ], "421751000119100": [ "DEXA of axial and appendicular skeleton", "DXA of axial and appendicular skeleton", "Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of axial and appendicular skeleton", "中轴及四肢骨骼 DEXA", "中轴及四肢骨骼的双能X射线吸收测定法", "中轴及附肢骨骼 DXA" ], "16433271000119101": [ "Ultrasonography guided puncture and aspiration of skin", "Puncture and aspiration of skin using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided paracentesis of skin", "超声引导下皮肤穿刺抽吸", "在超声引导下进行皮肤穿刺和抽吸", "超声引导下皮肤穿刺" ], "571511000119102": [ "Administration of adult hepatitis A vaccine", "Adult hepatitis A immunisation", "Adult hepatitis A immunization", "Adult hepatitis A vaccination", "Administration of adult vaccine product containing only Hepatitis A virus antigen", "成人甲型肝炎疫苗接种", "成人甲型肝炎免疫接种", "接种仅含甲型肝炎病毒抗原的成人疫苗产品" ], "63027006": [ "Exploration of tympanum by transtympanic route", "Transtympanic exploration of middle ear", "Exploration of middle ear", "Tympanotomy and exploration of middle ear", "Exploration of tympanic cavity by transtympanic route", "鼓室切开术和中耳探查术", "经鼓室途径探查鼓室", "中耳探查", "经鼓室探查中耳" ], "16410231000119101": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of cerebrospinal fluid flow without contrast", "MRI of cerebrospinal fluid flow without contrast", "无造影剂脑脊液流动 MRI", "无造影剂脑脊液流动磁共振成像" ], "61192001": [ "Closure of aorticopulmonary fistula or fenestration", "Obliteration of aortopulmonary septal defect", "Aorticopulmonary window operation", "Repair of aorticopulmonary window", "APW - Closure of aortopulmonary window", "Closure of aortopulmonary window", "主动脉肺动脉窗手术", "主动脉肺动脉窗修复", "主动脉肺动脉瘘或开窗术的闭合", "主动脉肺动脉窗关闭", "主动脉肺动脉间隔缺损封堵术", "APW-- 主动脉肺动脉窗关闭" ], "16384631000119104": [ "Computed tomography three dimensional reconstruction of bilateral lower limbs without contrast", "CT three dimensional reconstruction of bilateral lower limbs without contrast", "双下肢无造影CT三维重建" ], "423475008": [ "Heart failure education", "心力衰竭教育" ], "46643004": [ "HLAR disk agar diffusion test", "High-level aminoglycoside resistance (HLAR) disk agar diffusion test", "High-level aminoglycoside resistance disk agar diffusion test", "高浓度氨基糖苷类抗生素耐药纸片琼脂扩散试验", "HLAR 纸片琼脂扩散试验", "高水平氨基糖苷类药物耐药性(HLAR)纸片琼脂扩散试验" ], "241416001": [ "Total exchangeable sodium measurement", "总交换性钠测量" ], "276019009": [ "Gastrografin enema", "泛影葡胺灌肠剂" ], "239581002": [ "Amputation of thumb tip", "拇指尖截除" ], "174045003": [ "Interval appendicectomy", "Interval appendectomy", "间隔阑尾切除术", "间歇性阑尾切除术" ], "26589006": [ "Antibody identification, leukocyte antibody", "Antibody identification, leucocyte antibody", "抗体鉴定,白细胞抗体" ], "1255389008": [ "Starchy vegetable modified diet", "淀粉类蔬菜改良饮食" ], "417970007": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of lower limb artery with contrast", "Angioplasty of lower limb artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下肢动脉造影成形术", "荧光造影引导下肢动脉血管成形术" ], "104839001": [ "Organochloride measurement", "有机氯测量" ], "39303003": [ "Physiatric manipulation of wrist", "Manipulation of the wrist joint - non-surgical", "Manipulation of the wrist joint", "腕关节操作——非手术", "腕部理疗", "腕关节的操纵" ], "711047004": [ "Assessment of preoperative neurological status", "术前神经系统状态评估" ], "252295005": [ "Intrinsic factor antibody screening", "Intrinsic factor antibody screen", "内在因子抗体筛查", "内在因子抗体筛选" ], "170375005": [ "Fifth hepatitis B vaccination", "Administration of fifth dose of hepatitis B vaccine", "Fifth hepatitis B immunisation", "Fifth hepatitis B immunization", "Administration of fifth dose of vaccine product containing only Hepatitis B virus antigen", "第五次乙肝免疫接种", "接种第五剂乙肝疫苗", "接种第五剂仅含乙肝病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第五次乙肝疫苗接种" ], "6535008": [ "Excision of cyst of hand", "手部囊肿切除术" ], "1217116004": [ "Endoscopic examination of ileoanal pouch", "回肠肛门袋内镜检查" ], "86620009": [ "Inversion of diverticulum of stomach", "Invagination of diverticulum of stomach", "胃憩室套叠", "胃憩室内翻" ], "363313006": [ "Stimulation procedure by device", "通过设备进行刺激" ], "410630000": [ "Child 15 month examination", "儿童15个月检查" ], "396081009": [ "Adverse drug reaction prevention management", "Manage medication side effects", "药品不良反应预防管理", "管理药物副作用" ], "443398006": [ "Surgical removal of prosthetic implant from abdominal wall", "手术从腹壁取出假体植入物" ], "228571000": [ "Disassociation technique", "分离技术" ], "33798009": [ "Open biopsy of endometrium", "子宫内膜开放活检" ], "179419004": [ "Shoulder joint operations", "Operation on shoulder joint", "肩关节手术" ], "392411007": [ "Dog dander specific IgE antibody measurement", "e5 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Dog dander specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "e5 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "狗皮屑特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "狗皮屑特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "101000087107": [ "Right fluoroscopic retrograde pyelography", "Fluoroscopic retrograde pyelography of right renal pelvis", "右侧荧光镜逆行肾盂造影", "右肾盂荧光镜逆行肾盂造影" ], "783792003": [ "Reconstruction of nipple with full thickness graft of skin", "全层皮肤移植重建乳头" ], "243120004": [ "Regimes and therapies", "治疗方案和疗法" ], "439728005": [ "Administration of radiopharmaceutical agent via intraarterial route", "通过动脉内途径给予放射性药剂" ], "863877000": [ "MRI angiography of renal and visceral artery", "MRA renal and visceral artery", "Magnetic resonance angiography of renal and abdominal visceral artery", "Magnetic resonance arteriography of renal and abdominal visceral artery", "MR angiography of renal and abdominal visceral artery", "MR arteriography of renal and abdominal visceral artery", "肾及腹部内脏动脉磁共振动脉造影", "MRA 肾动脉和内脏动脉", "肾及腹部内脏动脉磁共振血管造影", "肾动脉及内脏动脉 MRI 血管造影" ], "11909000": [ "Immunoprecipitin test, quantitative", "免疫沉淀素检测,定量" ], "61061000": [ "Colony forming unit-granulocyte/macrophage assay", "CFU-GM assay", "菌落形成单位-粒细胞分析", "集落形成单位-粒细胞/巨噬细胞测定" ], "77445003": [ "Thromboendarterectomy with graft of common femoral artery", "血栓内膜切除术及股总动脉移植术" ], "306821005": [ "Low power laser therapy to elbow", "肘部低功率激光治疗" ], "419674007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of tibial artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of tibial artery with contrast", "胫动脉造影荧光镜检查", "胫动脉造影荧光血管造影" ], "239450009": [ "Examination of shoulder joint under anesthetic", "EUA - Examination of shoulder joint under anaesthetic", "Examination of shoulder joint under anaesthetic", "EUA - Examination of shoulder joint under anesthetic", "EUA - 麻醉下肩关节检查", "麻醉下检查肩关节" ], "24623002": [ "Screening mammography", "Mammography - screening", "Mammogram - screening", "乳房 X 线摄影 - 筛查", "乳房 X 光检查", "乳房 X 线摄影筛查" ], "172079003": [ "Bilateral augmentation mammoplasty", "Augmentation of bilateral breasts", "Augmentation of both breasts", "双侧隆胸术", "双侧乳房增大", "双侧乳房增大术" ], "450607005": [ "Biopsy of lesion of frontal lobe", "额叶病变活检" ], "710916001": [ "Referral to breastfeeding education class during prenatal period", "产前母乳喂养教育班" ], "268548003": [ "Large bowel neoplasm screening", "Screening for malignant neoplasm of large intestine", "大肠肿瘤筛查", "大肠恶性肿瘤筛查" ], "104708007": [ "Glycerate measurement", "甘油酸测量" ], "725465000": [ "Cone beam CT guided cryoablation of lesion", "Cryoablation of lesion using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "使用锥形束 CT 引导对病变进行冷冻消融", "锥形束 CT 引导下病变冷冻消融" ], "266713003": [ "Long-term drug therapy", "长期药物治疗" ], "53721003": [ "Bolus design and fabrication", "Making of bolus block for radiotherapy", "丸剂设计和制造", "放射治疗用团块的制作" ], "446937004": [ "Suturing of scalp", "缝合头皮" ], "82819003": [ "Manipulation of eyeball", "眼球操作" ], "443267007": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography using dimercaptosuccinic acid with computed tomography of kidney", "SPECT CT of kidney using dimercaptosuccinic acid", "使用二巯基丁二酸进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描,并进行肾脏计算机断层扫描", "使用二巯基丁二酸进行肾脏 SPECT CT 检查" ], "277592004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging guided biopsy", "MRI guided biopsy", "磁共振成像引导活检", "MRI 引导活检" ], "736344006": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into ganglion impar", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into ganglion impar", "向奇神经节注射麻醉剂", "向神经节注射麻醉剂" ], "13613000": [ "Zancolli operation capsuloplasty", "Zancolli 手术囊膜成形术" ], "46381000": [ "Truncal vagotomy with pyloroplasty", "V&P - Vagotomy and pyloroplasty", "V+P - Vagotomy and pyloroplasty", "V+P - 迷走神经切断术和幽门成形术", "V&P - 迷走神经切断术和幽门成形术", "迷走神经干切断术及幽门成形术" ], "406829006": [ "Chrome azurol S stain method", "Chrome azurol S stain", "铬天青S染色", "铬天青S染色法" ], "306690002": [ "Discharge to relative's home", "出院回亲属家" ], "60930003": [ "Use of pulley apparatus", "滑轮装置的使用" ], "388610008": [ "Cucumis sativus specific IgE antibody measurement", "f244 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cucumber specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cucumis sativus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "黄瓜特异性IgE抗体测定", "黄瓜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f244 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "173783001": [ "Open insertion of prosthesis into stomach", "将假体开放式插入胃内" ], "75479001": [ "Transplantation of tissue of diaphragm", "膈肌组织移植" ], "108247002": [ "Visual correction training AND/OR re-education procedure", "视觉矫正训练和/或再教育程序" ], "239319008": [ "Osteotomy for callotasis prior to segmental bone transport", "节段骨转运前进行骨切开术" ], "171948002": [ "Transsphenoidal hypophysectomy", "经蝶窦垂体切除术" ], "237484004": [ "Repair of CSF leak from pituitary fossa", "Repair of cerebrospinal fluid leak from pituitary fossa", "垂体窝脑脊液漏的修补", "垂体窝脑脊液漏的修复" ], "417708006": [ "Referral to long term care service", "转介至长期护理服务" ], "710785000": [ "Laparoscopic repair of hernia", "Laparoscopic hernioplasty", "腹腔镜疝修补术" ], "401324008": [ "Urinary microscopy, culture and sensitivities", "尿液显微镜检查、培养和敏感性" ], "104577001": [ "Catecholamines, total measurement", "儿茶酚胺总量" ], "448641007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of thoracic and lumbar spine with contrast", "MRI of thoracic and lumbar spine with contrast", "胸椎和腰椎增强 MRI 检查", "胸椎和腰椎的对比磁共振成像" ], "446806000": [ "Evacuation of blood clot of skin of limb", "四肢皮肤血栓清除术" ], "432257009": [ "Measurement of undercarboxylated osteocalcin", "低羧化骨钙素的测量" ], "397654003": [ "Referral by consultant - domiciliary visit", "顾问转介 - 上门拜访" ], "250198007": [ "Candidacidal activity", "Candidacidal activity measurement", "Neutrophil candidacidal activity", "念珠菌酸活性测定", "中性粒细胞念珠菌酸化活性", "杀灭念珠菌活性" ], "313899000": [ "60 minute serum FSH level", "60 minute serum FSH measurement", "60 minute serum follicle stimulating hormone measurement", "60 分钟血清 FSH 测量", "60 分钟血清 FSH 水平", "60 分钟血清促卵泡激素测量" ], "4438009": [ "Venography of vena cava", "下腔静脉造影" ], "608811002": [ "Open reduction of transverse fracture of acetabulum with internal fixation", "髋臼横形骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "363051003": [ "Decompressive fasciotomy", "Compartment syndrome decompression", "Release fasciotomy", "筋膜室综合征减压", "减压筋膜切开术", "释放筋膜切开术" ], "84523004": [ "Division of otosclerotic process of middle ear", "中耳耳硬化突的划分" ], "281131004": [ "Conservative therapy", "Conservative management", "保守管理", "保守治疗" ], "35371005": [ "Lysis of adhesions of pharynx", "咽部粘连松解术" ], "66304000": [ "Biopsy of vas deferens", "输精管活检" ], "82688001": [ "Removal of ectopic fetus", "Termination of ectopic pregnancy", "Removal of ectopic foetus", "宫外胎儿移除", "宫外胎儿切除", "终止宫外孕" ], "33536007": [ "Use of tilt table", "倾斜台的使用" ], "410368008": [ "Behaviour modification surveillance", "Behavior modification surveillance", "行为矫正监测", "行为改变监测" ], "1293269004": [ "Biopsy of transplanted kidney", "移植肾活检" ], "717994001": [ "Cone beam CT guided biopsy of chest", "Biopsy of chest using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "锥形束 CT 引导下胸部活检", "使用锥形束 CT 引导进行胸部活检" ], "62634001": [ "Aneurysmectomy with anastomosis of abdominal artery", "腹主动脉瘤切除吻合术" ], "439466009": [ "Percutaneous transjugular embolisation of varices of stomach using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transjugular embolization of varices of stomach using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮颈静脉胃底静脉曲张栓塞术", "经皮颈静脉造影剂引导下胃静脉曲张栓塞术" ], "765311003": [ "Radionuclide imaging of oesophagus using technetium (99m-Tc) sucralfate", "Radionuclide imaging of esophagus using technetium (99m-Tc) sucralfate", "使用锝(99m-Tc)硫酸铝进行食管放射性核素显像" ], "716159003": [ "Assessment using Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery", "Assessment using LNNB (Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery)", "使用 LNNB(卢里亚-内布拉斯加神经心理学测试)进行评估", "使用 Luria-Nebraska 神经心理测试进行评估" ], "388479005": [ "Rc202 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Succinylcholine specific IgE antibody measurement", "Suxamethonium specific IgE antibody measurement", "Succinylcholine specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "琥珀胆碱特异性IgE抗体测量", "Rc202特异性IgE抗体测量", "琥珀胆碱特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "306559006": [ "Discharge by hospital speech and language therapist", "Discharge by hospital-based speech and language therapist", "医院言语治疗师出院" ], "241023006": [ "Percutaneous evacuation of wound seroma", "经皮伤口血清肿清除术" ], "108116000": [ "Spinal cord excision", "脊髓切除" ], "60799008": [ "Antibody to skin antigen measurement by immunofluorescence", "免疫荧光法测量皮肤抗原抗体" ], "26196001": [ "Reduction of closed tarsometatarsal joint dislocation with anesthesia", "Reduction of closed tarsometatarsal joint dislocation with anaesthesia", "麻醉下闭合性跖跖关节脱位复位" ], "1304148003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal construction of deep vein arteriovenous fistula with insertion of stent", "Endovascular construction of deep vein arteriovenous fistula with insertion of stent", "Percutaneous transluminal DVA (deep venous arterialisation) with insertion of stent", "Percutaneous transluminal DVA (deep venous arterialization) with insertion of stent", "经皮腔内 DVA(深静脉动脉化)并插入支架", "经皮腔内深静脉动静脉瘘构建及支架置入", "深静脉动静脉瘘的血管内构建及支架置入" ], "9812004": [ "Injection of lens", "镜片注射" ], "1254996007": [ "Tree nut free diet", "无坚果饮食" ], "1156692008": [ "Attention to feeding tube", "注意喂食管" ], "173652009": [ "Fibreoptic oesophagoscopy and biopsy", "Fiberoptic esophagoscopy and biopsy", "Fiberoptic endoscopic examination of esophagus and biopsy of lesion of esophagus", "Fibreoptic endoscopic examination of oesophagus and biopsy of lesion of oesophagus", "纤维食管镜检查和活检", "食管纤维内镜检查及食管病变活检" ], "417577000": [ "Refer to early pregnancy unit", "转诊至早孕科" ], "1269545001": [ "Supervision of administration of insulin", "胰岛素给药的监督" ], "712489002": [ "Administration of sedative via rectal route", "直肠给药镇静剂" ], "450345003": [ "Biopsy of lesion of nasal sinus", "鼻窦病变活检" ], "235518007": [ "Cholecystectomy and operative cholangiogram", "胆囊切除术和手术胆管造影" ], "168147001": [ "Fluid sample analysis", "流体样本分析" ], "708819001": [ "Laparoscopic omentectomy", "腹腔镜大网膜切除术" ], "88062009": [ "Hysterotracheloplasty", "Plastic repair of uterine cervix", "子宫气管成形术", "宫颈整形修复" ], "430291004": [ "Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of short saphenous vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮短隐静脉射频消融术" ], "397523007": [ "Keratoscopy", "角膜镜检查" ], "723368000": [ "Teaching of compensatory strategies", "Education about compensatory techniques", "补偿策略教学", "补偿技术教育" ], "315603008": [ "Removal of surgical material and sutures", "去除手术材料和缝线" ], "282835008": [ "Physiological mobilisation of the sacroiliac joint", "Physiological mobilization of the sacroiliac joint", "骶髂关节的生理活动" ], "18856005": [ "Arthroscopy of shoulder with extensive debridement", "肩关节镜检查及大面积清创" ], "313768006": [ "Serum apolipoprotein A-I level", "Serum apolipoprotein A-I measurement", "血清载脂蛋白 A-I 水平", "血清载脂蛋白 A-I 测量" ], "166312007": [ "Blood chemistry", "血液化学" ], "49789002": [ "Injection of air in anterior chamber of eye", "眼前房内注入空气" ], "637003": [ "Lysis of adhesions of nose", "Lysis of intranasal synechia", "鼻粘连松解术", "鼻内粘连松解术" ], "443005005": [ "Diagnostic amniocentesis using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行诊断性羊膜穿刺术" ], "410237006": [ "Violence control management", "Manage violence control", "Manage violence prevention", "管理暴力控制", "管理暴力预防", "暴力控制管理" ], "703314001": [ "Non-stimulant drug therapy for ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)", "Non-stimulant drug therapy for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder", "ADHD(注意力缺陷多动障碍)的非兴奋剂药物治疗", "注意力缺陷多动障碍的非兴奋剂药物治疗" ], "392018007": [ "Cold knife cone biopsy of cervix", "Knife cone biopsy of cervix uteri", "宫颈刀锥形活检", "宫颈冷刀锥形活检" ], "736082009": [ "Referral for semen analysis", "转诊进行精液分析" ], "290044002": [ "Dressing practice", "穿衣练习" ], "175356002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of bifurcation of aorta", "Percutaneous embolectomy of aortoiliac segment", "经皮主动脉分叉处腔内栓塞切除术", "经皮主动脉髂动脉栓塞切除术" ], "765180002": [ "Computer assisted speech and language therapy", "Computer aided speech and language therapy", "计算机辅助言语和语言治疗" ], "306428007": [ "Discharge by endocrinologist", "内分泌科医生出院" ], "11516009": [ "Aneurysmectomy with graft replacement of abdominal aorta", "腹主动脉瘤切除及移植置换术" ], "173521004": [ "Transposition of submandibular duct", "Diversion of submandibular duct", "颌下导管移位", "颌下导管改道术" ], "107985006": [ "Endocrine system endoscopy", "内分泌系统内镜检查" ], "386513007": [ "Anaesthesia management", "Anesthesia management", "麻醉管理" ], "384678000": [ "Transposition of coronary artery", "冠状动脉转位" ], "401062003": [ "Epilepsy medication review", "癫痫药物评论" ], "104315001": [ "Western equine encephalitis virus antibody assay", "Serologic test for Western equine encephalitis virus", "Measurement of Western equine encephalitis virus antibody", "西方马脑炎病毒抗体的测定", "西方马脑炎病毒血清学检测", "西方马脑炎病毒抗体测定" ], "1234811005": [ "Provision of therapeutic bed", "提供治疗床" ], "431995006": [ "Kyphoplasty of fracture of spine using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下脊柱骨折后凸成形术" ], "235387006": [ "Repair of prostatorectal fistula", "前列腺直肠瘘修复" ], "446544001": [ "Laparoscopic closure of fistula of ureter", "腹腔镜输尿管瘘缝合术" ], "118864003": [ "Procedure on uterus", "子宫手术" ], "708688004": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of kidney", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of kidney using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮肾脏细针穿刺活检" ], "53328006": [ "Repair of urethra", "尿道修复" ], "233552008": [ "Vascular cannula replacement", "血管插管更换" ], "84261002": [ "Splint removal", "拆除夹板" ], "313637002": [ "30 minute blood glucose measurement", "30 minute blood glucose level", "30分钟血糖测量", "30 分钟血糖水平" ], "444709003": [ "Computed tomography of head and thorax with contrast", "CT of head and thorax with contrast", "头部和胸部增强 CT", "头部和胸部增强计算机断层扫描" ], "117029005": [ "Sudan III stain method", "Sudan III stain", "苏丹III型", "苏丹III染色法" ], "231717006": [ "Cautery sclerostomy", "Cautery sclerotomy", "Scheie's cautery sclerotomy", "Scheie sclerostomy", "烧灼性硬化造口术", "烧灼巩膜切开术", "Scheie 烧灼巩膜切开术", "施行巩膜切开术" ], "410106003": [ "Spiritual comfort management", "Manage spiritual comfort", "管理精神安慰", "心灵慰藉管理" ], "49658008": [ "Chlorinated hydrocarbon screen", "氯化烃筛选" ], "16890009": [ "Insulin measurement", "Insulin level", "胰岛素水平", "胰岛素测量" ], "719567002": [ "Review of new housing development", "审查新住房开发" ], "47823003": [ "Excision of lingual tonsil", "Lingual tonsillectomy", "舌扁桃体切除术" ], "439204007": [ "Extracorporeal shock wave therapy of musculoskeletal system", "肌肉骨骼系统体外冲击波治疗" ], "306297007": [ "Referral to obstetrician and gynecologist", "Referral to obstetrician and gynaecologist", "转诊至妇产科医生" ], "715897008": [ "Assessment using Story Completion Test", "使用故事完成测试进行评估" ], "765049009": [ "Angiography of right adrenal artery", "Angiogram of right suprarenal artery", "Angiography of right suprarenal artery", "Angiogram of right adrenal artery", "Arteriography of right suprarenal artery", "Arteriography of right adrenal artery", "右肾上腺动脉血管造影", "右肾上腺动脉造影", "右肾上动脉血管造影", "右肾上动脉造影" ], "1303886002": [ "Incision and drainage of abscess of nasal septum", "鼻中隔脓肿切开引流" ], "304462005": [ "Interrupted direct current to lower limb", "中断下肢直流电" ], "386382005": [ "Parent education: infant", "家长教育:婴儿" ], "419150008": [ "MRI of abdomen and pelvis", "Magnetic resonance imaging of abdomen and pelvis", "腹部和骨盆 MRI", "腹部和骨盆磁共振成像" ], "288078009": [ "Tendon transposition", "Transposition of tendon", "肌腱移位", "肌腱转位" ], "400931006": [ "Saccadic velocity test", "扫视速度测试" ], "431864000": [ "Injection using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Injection using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided injection", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行注射", "CT引导注射", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行注射" ], "104184002": [ "Sputum culture for mycobacterium", "痰液培养检查分枝杆菌" ], "5880005": [ "Clinical examination", "Physical examination procedure", "Physical examination", "Examination of patient", "PE - Physical examination", "患者检查", "临床检查", "体格检查程序", "PE-体格检查", "体格检查" ], "169720005": [ "Antenatal 35 week examination", "产前35周检查" ], "235256007": [ "Duodenostomy operation", "十二指肠造口术" ], "251640006": [ "Visual evoked magnetic fields - partial field pattern reversal", "视觉诱发磁场 - 部分场模式反转" ], "4045001": [ "Drainage of cerebral ventricle by incision", "脑室切开引流术" ], "118733005": [ "Procedure on femur", "股骨手术" ], "84130004": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid protein", "CSF protein", "Protein, CSF", "Protein, spinal fluid", "Measurement of protein in cerebrospinal fluid specimen", "脑脊液蛋白", "脑脊液标本蛋白质测定", "蛋白质,脑脊液", "蛋白质、脊髓液" ], "231586005": [ "Repair of lateral canthus", "外眼角修复" ], "313506005": [ "Duodenal fluid chymotrypsin measurement", "Duodenal fluid chymotrypsin level", "十二指肠液糜蛋白酶水平", "十二指肠液糜蛋白酶测定" ], "65911000": [ "Hepatitis B surface antibody measurement", "HBsAb measurement", "HBsAb 测量", "乙肝表面抗体检测" ], "1209121000": [ "Proctoscopy and biopsy of lesion of rectum", "直肠镜检查及直肠病变活检" ], "127777001": [ "Provider-specific procedure", "特定于提供商的程序" ], "176929000": [ "Excision of ruptured ectopic tubal pregnancy", "输卵管妊娠破裂切除术" ], "1141750000": [ "Physiological delivery of placenta", "胎盘生理分娩" ], "715766001": [ "Assessment using Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice", "Assessment using CAPE-V (Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice)", "使用一致的听觉感知语音评估进行评估", "使用 CAPE-V(语音共识听觉感知评估)进行评估" ], "44022002": [ "Antrectomy of mastoid", "乳突窦切除术" ], "76790002": [ "Insertion of tissue expander", "插入组织扩张器" ], "306166004": [ "Referral to occupational therapy service", "转介至职业治疗服务" ], "175094009": [ "Open operations on conducting system of heart", "心脏传导系统开放手术" ], "287947005": [ "Insufflation of fallopian tube using air", "输卵管充气术" ], "42187006": [ "Injection into chest wall", "胸壁注射" ], "271563007": [ "Repair of defect of palate", "腭部缺损修复" ], "386251008": [ "Critical path development", "关键路径开发" ], "173259008": [ "Reconstruction of lip with distant flap", "远端皮瓣唇部重建" ], "302496002": [ "Reattachment of finger", "Replantation of finger", "手指再植", "手指再接" ], "171424003": [ "Section examination - patient's GP", "Section examination - patient's GP", "科室检查-患者的全科医生" ], "23968004": [ "Colectomy", "Excision of colon", "结肠切除术" ], "122272004": [ "Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus culture", "耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌培养" ], "236960006": [ "Sweeping of membrane", "Stripping of membrane", "Surgical induction of labor by stripping of membranes", "Surgical induction of labour by stripping of membranes", "膜的清扫", "膜剥离", "手术引产" ], "104053002": [ "Le^x^ blood group antibody identification", "Le^x^血型抗体鉴定" ], "415349007": [ "Rose bengal staining of eye", "玫瑰红眼染色" ], "431733007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of inferior mesenteric artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of inferior mesenteric artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "用造影剂插入药物洗脱支架进行下肠系膜动脉荧光镜造影", "肠系膜下动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术" ], "233290001": [ "Angioplasty of arterial graft", "Balloon angioplasty of arterial graft", "动脉移植血管成形术", "动脉移植物球囊成形术" ], "413514003": [ "Ammonium phosphate level", "Ammonium phosphate measurement", "磷酸铵测量", "磷酸铵水平" ], "315210007": [ "Paediatric feeding management", "Pediatric feeding management", "儿科喂养管理" ], "2079001": [ "Reimplantation of anomalous pulmonary artery", "异常肺动脉再植术" ], "34847001": [ "Home oxygen therapy education", "家庭氧疗教育" ], "18463003": [ "Use of ergometer bicycle", "测功自行车的使用" ], "180468003": [ "Continuous suction drainage of organ", "器官持续负压吸引引流" ], "178633000": [ "Revisional fenestration excision of lumbar intervertebral disc", "腰椎间盘开窗切除术" ], "80329005": [ "Platelet function test", "血小板功能检测" ], "1259977006": [ "Assistance with application for microenterprise development programme", "Assistance with application for microenterprise development program", "协助申请微型企业发展计划" ], "276937007": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of superficial femoral artery", "经皮股浅动脉内膜切除术" ], "309705006": [ "Injection of hydrocortisone acetate into ankle joint", "踝关节注射氢化可的松" ], "406174002": [ "Phototherapy: mood regulation", "光疗:情绪调节" ], "45726002": [ "Laryngologic examination under general anesthesia", "Laryngologic examination under general anaesthesia", "全身麻醉下喉科检查" ], "225950003": [ "Planned voiding two hourly", "每两小时计划排尿一次" ], "174963000": [ "Revision of plastic repair of pulmonary valve", "肺动脉瓣整形修复术" ], "306035008": [ "Referral by Marie Curie nurse", "Referral from Marie Curie nurse", "居里夫人护士推荐" ], "287816003": [ "Radical gastrectomy", "根治性胃切除术" ], "1303624004": [ "Decompression of both median nerves", "Bilateral carpal tunnel release", "Decompression of bilateral median nerves", "双侧正中神经减压术", "两侧正中神经减压", "双侧腕管松解术" ], "236829007": [ "Skinning vulvectomy", "外阴剥皮切除术" ], "431602001": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of hepatic vein with contrast and insertion of stent graft", "肝静脉荧光镜造影及支架植入术" ], "103922005": [ "Yt^b^ blood group typing", "Yt^b^血型分型" ], "447986006": [ "Acute normovolemic haemodilution", "Acute normovolemic hemodilution", "急性等容血液稀释" ], "710130007": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of vena cava with contrast", "增强型下腔静脉荧光镜静脉造影" ], "233159005": [ "Ablation operation for arrhythmia", "心律失常消融手术" ], "315079005": [ "Bartonella quintana IgG level", "Bartonella quintana immunoglobulin G level", "巴尔通体免疫球蛋白 G 水平", "五日巴尔通体 IgG 水平" ], "83868006": [ "Iridocapsulectomy", "虹膜囊切除术" ], "67484007": [ "Osteotomy of facial bone", "Osteotomy of bone of face", "Incision of facial bone", "面骨截骨术", "面骨切开术", "面部截骨术" ], "395164007": [ "Carbamazepine 10,11 epoxide level", "Carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide measurement", "卡马西平-10,11-环氧物的测定", "卡马西平 10,11 环氧物水平" ], "231324009": [ "Intraligamental periodontal anesthesia", "Intraligamental periodontal anaesthesia", "牙周韧带内麻醉" ], "82033004": [ "Provision of diagnostic radioisotope", "Provision of diagnostic radionuclide", "提供诊断放射性同位素", "提供诊断放射性核素" ], "229489005": [ "Oedema massage", "Edema massage", "水肿按摩" ], "1163377005": [ "Breast milk feeding management", "母乳喂养管理" ], "80198000": [ "Avulsion of cranial nerve, extradural", "脑神经撕脱,硬膜外" ], "440646003": [ "Educational psychotherapy", "教育心理治疗" ], "112966006": [ "Operation on vitreous", "Vitreous operation", "Operations on vitreous body", "玻璃体手术" ], "29211002": [ "Lysis of adhesions of hand", "手部粘连松解术" ], "12827003": [ "Partial proctectomy", "Partial resection of rectum", "Excision of part of rectum", "部分直肠切除术", "直肠部分切除术", "部分直肠切除" ], "438811009": [ "Excision of lipoma of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织脂肪瘤切除术" ], "45595009": [ "Laparoscopic cholecystectomy", "Endoscopic cholecystectomy", "腹腔镜胆囊切除术", "内镜胆囊切除术" ], "699120002": [ "Arthroscopic repair of rotator cuff", "关节镜下肩袖修复" ], "174832003": [ "Correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to coronary sinus", "Repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to coronary sinus", "完全性肺静脉异位引流至冠状窦的矫正术", "完全性肺静脉异位引流至冠状窦的修复" ], "387824007": [ "Incision and drainage of subdiaphragmatic abscess", "Incision and drainage of subphrenic abscess", "膈下脓肿切开引流" ], "385989002": [ "Substance use therapy", "Substance use treatment", "Substance use treatments and procedures", "药物滥用治疗", "药物滥用治疗和程序" ], "713669003": [ "Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of lumbar intervertebral disc", "腰椎间盘射频热凝治疗" ], "1156037003": [ "Injection of botulinum toxin to facial muscle", "Injection of botulinum toxin into muscle of face", "面部肌肉注射肉毒杆菌毒素" ], "41925004": [ "Ventriculocisternostomy, third ventricle", "脑室胸骨造口术,第三脑室" ], "9157005": [ "Bone marrow aspiration procedure, spine", "脊柱骨髓穿刺术" ], "172997008": [ "Excision of lesion of larynx using thyrotomy as approach", "经甲状腺切开术切除喉部病变" ], "302234000": [ "Beck's cognitive therapy", "Beck cognitive therapy", "贝克的认知疗法", "贝克认知疗法" ], "449690004": [ "Fitting of prosthesis of lower leg", "安装小腿假肢" ], "431471000": [ "Destruction of intervertebral disc by injection using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下注射破坏椎间盘" ], "120175002": [ "Excision from retroperitoneum", "腹膜后切除术" ], "447855004": [ "Manipulation of enterostomy stoma", "肠造口术造口操作" ], "169327006": [ "Radium contact therapy", "镭接触疗法" ], "54639007": [ "Repair of aneurysm with graft of axillary-brachial artery of arm by incision", "腋肱动脉切开移植修复上臂动脉瘤" ], "234863007": [ "Reposition orthodontic bracket", "重新定位牙齿矫正托槽" ], "85572001": [ "Debridement of open fracture, carpal or metacarpal", "腕骨或掌骨开放性骨折清创" ], "87407009": [ "Serologic test for Aspergillus", "Aspergillus antibody assay", "曲霉菌抗体测定", "曲霉菌血清学检测" ], "284015009": [ "Auditory evoked potentials monitoring", "听觉诱发电位监测" ], "38255009": [ "Local destruction of lesion of elbow joint", "肘关节损伤局部破坏" ], "233028005": [ "Removal of left atrial thrombus", "Left atrial thrombectomy", "左心房血栓切除术", "左心房血栓去除" ], "69188006": [ "Excision of lesion of salivary duct", "涎管病变切除术" ], "183876007": [ "Referral for sigmoidoscopy", "转诊进行乙状结肠镜检查" ], "231193000": [ "Local anesthetic digital nerve block of fifth toe", "Local anesthetic digital nerve block of 5th toe", "Local anaesthetic digital nerve block of fifth toe", "Digital nerve block of 5th toe", "Local anaesthetic digital nerve block of 5th toe", "第五趾局部麻醉神经阻滞", "第五趾神经阻滞" ], "1052228009": [ "Right inguinal herniotomy", "右腹股沟疝切开术" ], "34585005": [ "Stripping of intracranial varicose veins", "颅内静脉曲张剥脱术" ], "395033007": [ "Skin biopsy IgM level", "Skin biopsy immunoglobulin M level", "皮肤活检免疫球蛋白 M 水平", "皮肤活检 IgM 水平" ], "180206004": [ "Intra-arterial blood transfusion", "动脉输血" ], "229358005": [ "Mobilization of the hand", "Mobilisation of the hand", "手部活动" ], "32750006": [ "Inspection", "Visual observation", "Visual examination", "视觉检查", "视觉观察", "检查" ], "391363003": [ "Dark ground microscopy", "暗底显微镜" ], "80067004": [ "Excision of lesion of vocal cord", "声带病变切除术" ], "129219004": [ "Expression of comedones and milia", "粉刺和粟丘疹的表现" ], "733592000": [ "Reverse prosthetic total arthroplasty of right shoulder", "Reverse total right shoulder replacement", "逆向全右肩关节置换术", "右肩关节逆向假体全置换术" ], "45464004": [ "Excision of lesion of ampulla of Vater", "壶腹部病变切除术" ], "176536006": [ "Reconstruction of penis with distant flap", "远端皮瓣重建阴茎" ], "1290648007": [ "Plain X-ray of thoracic and lumbar spine, standing", "站立位胸椎和腰椎普通 X 光检查" ], "27245004": [ "Local excision of lesion of wrist joint", "腕关节病变局部切除术" ], "385858000": [ "Tracheostomy care", "Trach care", "气管切开术护理", "气管护理" ], "715373009": [ "Assessment using Rutter A Scale", "使用 Rutter A 量表进行评估" ], "303938002": [ "Plain film of neck", "Plain X-ray of neck", "颈部 X 光检查", "颈部平片" ], "25410008": [ "Surgical occlusion of lower limb artery", "下肢动脉闭塞手术" ], "287554009": [ "Non-surgical introitus biopsy", "非手术阴道口活检" ], "121879000": [ "2-Hydroxyglutarate measurement", "2-羟基戊二酸测量" ], "1285143004": [ "Reconstruction of annular ligament for stabilisation of radioulnar joint", "Reconstruction of annular ligament for stabilization of radioulnar joint", "重建环状韧带以稳定桡尺关节", "环状韧带重建对桡尺关节的稳定作用" ], "433175006": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of thyroid and parathyroid", "Ultrasonography of thyroid and parathyroid", "甲状腺和甲状旁腺的超声检查" ], "252951006": [ "Fetal acoustic stimulation test", "Fetal vibroacoustic stimulation test", "FAST - Fetal acoustic stimulation test", "FAST - Foetal acoustic stimulation test", "Foetal acoustic stimulation test", "Foetal vibroacoustic stimulation test", "FAST - 胎儿听觉刺激测试", "胎儿振动声刺激试验", "FAST - 胎儿听觉刺激试验", "胎儿听觉刺激试验" ], "169196000": [ "Radiobioassay - corticosterone", "放射性生物测定-皮质酮" ], "23575009": [ "Local destruction of ovary", "卵巢局部破坏" ], "234732003": [ "Adjust tooth restoration", "Ease contact points of tooth restoration", "Trim tooth restoration", "Recontour tooth restoration", "缓解牙齿修复的接触点", "调整牙齿修复", "牙齿修整修复", "重塑牙齿修复" ], "447724004": [ "Biopsy of bone of pelvis", "骨盆骨活检" ], "431340005": [ "Referral to breast feeding peer support service", "转介至母乳喂养同伴支持服务" ], "265665001": [ "Sensory skin flap", "感觉皮瓣" ], "120044009": [ "Uterus closure", "子宫闭合" ], "232897004": [ "Operation on atrioventricular valve leaflet", "Operation on atrioventricular valve cusp", "房室瓣尖手术", "房室瓣手术" ], "394902000": [ "High dose brachytherapy", "高剂量近距离放射治疗" ], "231062004": [ "Lumbar puncture to lower intracranial pressure", "腰椎穿刺降低颅内压" ], "34454004": [ "Osteoplasty of mandibular body", "Osteoplasty of body of mandible", "下颌骨体成形术", "下颌骨体整形术" ], "229227007": [ "Tactile awareness work", "触觉意识工作" ], "243776001": [ "Blood sampling from extracorporeal blood circuit", "体外血液回路血液采样" ], "112704002": [ "Removal of foreign body from bursa", "FB - Removal of foreign body from bursa", "取出滑囊异物", "FB-从滑囊中取出异物" ], "180075009": [ "Revision release ulna- correction for congenital deformity of forearm", "尺骨松解术-矫正前臂先天畸形" ], "391232004": [ "Psychological therapies - Daily intensive", "心理治疗 - 每日强化" ], "14400005": [ "Lysis of adhesions of vitreous by anterior approach", "前入路玻璃体粘连松解术" ], "61717000": [ "Exploration of vein of upper limb", "上肢静脉探查" ], "176405000": [ "Drainage of scrotum", "Evacuation of scrotum", "阴囊清空术", "阴囊引流" ], "14030001000004108": [ "Dialysis catheter inserted in groin", "Insertion of dialysis catheter into femoral vein", "将透析导管插入股静脉", "腹股沟插入透析导管" ], "1290517009": [ "Plain X-ray of shaft of tibia and shaft of fibula", "胫骨干和腓骨干的普通 X 光检查" ], "174570009": [ "Open insertion of tubal prosthesis into one hepatic duct and common bile duct", "将输卵管假体开放式插入单侧肝管和胆总管" ], "25279002": [ "Removal of Abrams bar from chest wall", "从胸壁移除艾布拉姆斯杆" ], "713407005": [ "Education about amino acid-based infant formula", "关于氨基酸婴儿配方奶粉的教育" ], "172735006": [ "Neurectomy of cochlea", "Cochlear neurectomy", "耳蜗神经切除术" ], "287423007": [ "Palate reconstruction", "Plastic repair of palate", "Palatoplasty", "Reconstruction of palate", "腭部整形修复", "腭部重建", "腭成形术" ], "238271007": [ "Drainage of psoas abscess", "Drainage of iliopsoas abscess", "髂腰脓肿引流", "腰大肌脓肿引流" ], "385727009": [ "Emotional support management", "Manage emotional support", "情感支持管理", "管理情感支持" ], "416660001": [ "Muscle paralysis", "肌肉麻痹" ], "252820003": [ "Fluorescence imaging", "荧光成像" ], "105364000": [ "Two glass urine test (Thompson's test)", "TGUT - Two glass urine test", "Two glass urine test", "Two glass urine test observation", "Two glass urine test (Thompson test)", "两杯尿液检测(汤普森检测)", "两杯尿液测试观察", "TGUT-- 两杯尿液检测", "两杯尿液检测" ], "271039009": [ "Metamyelocyte percent differential count", "Percentage metamyelocyte count", "晚幼粒细胞百分分化计数", "幼稚细胞计数百分比" ], "121748006": [ "Cerebroside-sulfatase A measurement", "Cerebroside-sulphatase A measurement", "脑苷硫酸酶A测定", "脑苷硫酸酶 A 测定" ], "170900006": [ "Follow-up ostomy assessment", "造口术后评估" ], "431209000": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮静脉栓塞术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行经皮静脉栓塞术" ], "72596008": [ "Biofeedback, pulse wave velocity", "生物反馈、脉搏波速度" ], "185449004": [ "Outgoing mail processing", "外发邮件处理" ], "54377005": [ "Superficial biopsy of soft tissue of back", "背部软组织浅表活检" ], "1119337006": [ "Segmental excision and ligation of left vas deferens", "Segmental vasectomy with ligation of left vas deferens", "左侧输精管分段切除及结扎术", "输精管分段切除术及左侧输精管结扎术" ], "119913009": [ "Liver closure", "肝脏闭合" ], "118078003": [ "HTLV 1 AND 2 p19 antibody assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 AND 2 p19 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 protein 19 antibody and Human T-lymphotropic virus 2 protein 19 antibody", "HTLV 1 和 2 p19 抗体检测", "人类 T 细胞淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 和 2 p19 抗体检测", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒1蛋白19抗体和人类T淋巴细胞病毒2蛋白19抗体的测量" ], "3390006": [ "Verification routine", "Verification procedure", "验证程序" ], "232766006": [ "Decalcification of mitral valve", "二尖瓣脱钙" ], "445758008": [ "Balloon compression of trigeminal ganglion", "三叉神经节球囊压迫" ], "116243001": [ "Incisional biopsy of kidney", "肾脏切开活检" ], "412990009": [ "Haematology battery test", "Hematology battery test", "Haematology test battery", "Hematology test battery", "血液学测试组合", "血液学电池测试" ], "167230006": [ "Urine inspection", "尿液检查" ], "443923004": [ "Quantitative measurement of glucose in pericardial fluid specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of glucose in pericardial fluid specimen", "心包液标本中葡萄糖的定量测定", "心包液标本葡萄糖质量浓度的定量测定" ], "312851005": [ "Screening for disorder", "筛查疾病" ], "12471000087101": [ "Ultrasonography guided injection of left upper limb", "Injection of left upper extremity using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided injection of left upper extremity", "Injection of left upper limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下左上肢注射" ], "3511000087103": [ "Plain X-ray of right clavicle", "右锁骨普通 X 光检查" ], "2231000087101": [ "MRI of left femur", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left femur", "左股骨磁共振成像", "左股骨 MRI" ], "230931007": [ "FB - Removal intravenous foreign body from intracranial vein", "Removal of foreign body from intracranial vein", "FB - 从颅内静脉取出静脉异物", "颅内静脉异物取出" ], "951000087106": [ "Ultrasonography of left breast", "Ultrasound of left breast", "Ultrasound scan of left breast", "左乳房超声检查", "左乳房超声波扫描" ], "17591000087104": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of left renal artery and insertion of stent with contrast", "Angioplasty of left renal artery and insertion of stent using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下左肾动脉血管成形术及造影剂支架置入", "用造影剂荧光透视引导进行左肾动脉血管成形术及支架置入" ], "427539007": [ "Median nerve block mid-humeral", "Local anaesthetic median nerve block in upper arm", "Local anesthetic median nerve block in upper arm", "Median nerve block in upper arm", "上臂局部麻醉正中神经阻滞", "肱骨中部正中神经阻滞", "上臂正中神经阻滞" ], "4791000087103": [ "CT of bilateral clavicles with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral clavicles with contrast", "Computed tomography of both clavicles with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right clavicle with contrast", "双侧锁骨增强 CT 扫描", "左、右锁骨增强计算机断层扫描", "双侧锁骨增强计算机断层扫描", "双侧锁骨增强 CT 检查" ], "1555005": [ "Brief group psychotherapy", "简短团体心理治疗" ], "229096000": [ "Upper limb class", "上肢类" ], "63421002": [ "Insertion of cannula for hemodialysis", "Insertion of cannula for haemodialysis", "Insertion of haemodialysis shunt", "Insertion of hemodialysis shunt", "插入血液透析套管", "血液透析分流管插入" ], "866237007": [ "Mammography of right breast implant", "右侧乳房植入物的乳房 X 线摄影" ], "391101007": [ "Reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament using hamstring graft", "使用腘绳肌腱移植重建前交叉韧带" ], "61586001": [ "Delivery by vacuum extraction", "Vacuum extraction of fetus", "Ventouse extraction", "Vacuum extraction", "Vacuum extraction of foetus", "真空抽吸", "胎儿真空提取", "吸盘提取", "真空抽吸输送" ], "405650006": [ "Neuraxial nerve block", "Central neuraxial block", "Neuraxial block", "Nerve block around spinal cord meninges", "中枢神经阻滞", "神经轴阻滞", "脊髓脑膜周围神经阻滞" ], "1208466006": [ "Arthroscopic operation on semilunar cartilage", "Arthroscopy on cartilage of knee", "关节镜半月软骨手术", "膝关节软骨关节镜检查" ], "76135002": [ "Repair of conjunctiva", "Conjunctivoplasty", "结膜修复", "结膜成形术" ], "174439003": [ "Removal of lacerated fragment of liver", "切除肝脏撕裂部分" ], "303676005": [ "CT of female pelvic organs", "Computed tomography of female pelvic organs", "女性盆腔器官CT", "女性盆腔器官的计算机断层扫描" ], "105233000": [ "Mesoridazine measurement", "甲索利达嗪测量" ], "287292009": [ "Infarct myocardiectomy", "Myocardiectomy of infarcted area", "梗塞区心肌切除术", "梗塞心肌切除术" ], "39697002": [ "Transcendental meditation therapy", "超然冥想疗法" ], "252689003": [ "Acetic acid test", "Vinegar test", "Visual inspection of cervix with acetic acid", "用醋酸目视检查宫颈", "醋试验", "乙酸试验" ], "983321000000109": [ "Assessment of outdoor mobility", "户外活动能力评估" ], "88849006": [ "Oesophagoesophagostomy", "Intrathoracic oesophagoesophageal anastomosis", "Anastomosis of esophagus to esophagus", "Esophago-esophagostomy", "Intrathoracic esophagesophageal anastomosis", "Esophagesophagostomy", "Oesophago-oesophagostomy", "Anastomosis of oesophagus to oesophagus", "食管食管造口术", "食管吻合术", "胸内食管吻合术" ], "121617005": [ "Ketorolac measurement", "酮咯酸测量" ], "119782002": [ "Head artery excision", "头部动脉切除术" ], "54246006": [ "Implantation of electrode into peripheral nerve", "Insertion of electrode into peripheral nerve", "将电极插入周围神经", "电极植入周围神经" ], "85179000": [ "Insertion of laminaria into cervix", "Cervical ripening with laminaria", "将海带插入宫颈", "利用海带促进宫颈成熟" ], "37862009": [ "Deep incision with opening of bone cortex of wrist", "腕部骨皮质开口深切口" ], "185318008": [ "Third party encounter", "第三者遭遇" ], "68795003": [ "Microcytotoxicity crossmatch", "微细胞毒性交叉配血" ], "281787002": [ "Spinal decompression without discectomy", "无需椎间盘切除的脊柱减压术" ], "445627002": [ "Assessment using adult early warning scoring system", "使用成人预警评分系统进行评估" ], "232635006": [ "Excision of segment of right upper lobe", "右上叶部分切除术" ], "36027007": [ "Porphyrin measurement, 24-hours, feces", "Porphyrin measurement, 24-hours, faeces", "卟啉测量,24 小时,粪便" ], "66960000": [ "Suture of corneal laceration", "角膜裂伤缝合" ], "412859006": [ "Dialysis fluid examination", "透析液检查" ], "183483009": [ "Night hospital care", "夜间医院护理" ], "1017232008": [ "Sequential anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) from proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) from proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of left internal mammary artery from proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery from proximal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "左胸廓内动脉左冠状动脉前降支近端至左冠状动脉前降支远端序贯吻合术", "左内乳动脉从左冠状动脉前降支近端至左冠状动脉前降支远端的顺序吻合术", "左内胸动脉 (LITA) 从左冠状动脉前降支近端至左冠状动脉前降支远端的顺序吻合术", "左内乳动脉 (LIMA) 从左冠状动脉前降支近端至左冠状动脉前降支远端的顺序吻合术" ], "425573001": [ "Provision of chairside foot orthosis", "提供椅旁足部矫形器" ], "50576009": [ "Specimen collection by drainage", "引流标本采集" ], "390970002": [ "Plasma total iron binding capacity", "血浆总铁结合力" ], "225295000": [ "Prioritizing problems", "Focusing on priority need", "Focusing on one problem", "Prioritising problems", "关注优先需求", "专注于一个问题", "确定问题的优先次序", "确定问题的优先顺序" ], "274447002": [ "Ureteric lithotripsy", "输尿管碎石术" ], "405519003": [ "Ilio-proximal popliteal graft for repair of aneurysm", "髂骨近端腘窝移植修复动脉瘤" ], "28687005": [ "Transcatheter therapy by infusion with angiography", "血管造影灌注治疗" ], "176143006": [ "Open removal of bladder lesion", "Open excision of lesion of urinary bladder", "膀胱病变开放切除术" ], "700431008": [ "Multidisciplinary assessment of care needs", "护理需求的多学科评估" ], "716815009": [ "Assessment using TSA (Test of Syntactic Abilities)", "Assessment using Test of Syntactic Abilities", "句法能力测试评估", "使用 TSA(句法能力测试)进行评估" ], "223460002": [ "Informing of incident", "事件通报" ], "698596001": [ "Peripheral venous catheter care education", "外周静脉导管护理宣教" ], "59620004": [ "Mastectomy for gynecomastia", "Excision of gynaecomastia", "Excision of gynecomastia", "Mastectomy for gynaecomastia", "乳房切除术治疗男性乳房发育症", "男性乳房发育症切除术" ], "174308004": [ "Exploration of rectum", "直肠探查" ], "305380008": [ "Admission to nuclear medicine department", "核医学科入院" ], "713145001": [ "Education about immobilisation", "Education about immobilization", "关于固定的教育" ], "121486001": [ "Cefadroxil measurement", "头孢羟氨苄测量" ], "236174003": [ "Percutaneous removal of ureteric stent", "Nephroscopic removal of ureteric stent", "经皮输尿管支架取出术", "肾镜下输尿管支架取出术" ], "711310008": [ "Computed tomography of sinus of abdomen with contrast", "CT of sinus of abdomen with contrast", "腹部窦部增强 CT", "腹部窦部增强计算机断层扫描" ], "709475001": [ "Assessment of fear", "恐惧评估" ], "105102009": [ "Cefamandole measurement", "头孢孟多测量" ], "250723004": [ "Down's biochemical marker level", "Down's biochemical marker measurement", "Down biochemical marker measurement", "唐氏生化标志物水平", "羽绒生化标志物测量", "唐氏生化指标测量" ], "119651006": [ "Wrist injection", "腕部注射" ], "840547006": [ "Assessment using Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale", "Assessment using C-SSRS (Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale)", "使用 C-SSRS(哥伦比亚自杀严重程度评定量表)进行评估", "使用哥伦比亚自杀严重程度评定量表进行评估" ], "35896003": [ "Plastic operation on hand with graft of muscle", "Repair of hand with graft or implant of muscle", "肌肉移植或植入修复手部", "手部整形手术及肌肉移植" ], "314424004": [ "Introduction of tension free vaginal tape", "无张力阴道吊带简介" ], "68664003": [ "Glasgow coma testing and evaluation", "格拉斯哥昏迷测试和评估" ], "438031000124103": [ "Pantothenic acid modified diet", "泛酸改良饮食" ], "1230093000": [ "Changing sanitary napkin", "Changing sanitary pad", "Change of sanitary pad", "更换卫生巾" ], "50445001": [ "Mastoidectomy", "Excision of mastoid", "乳突切除术" ], "453391000124106": [ "Disarticulation of left knee", "Disarticulation at left knee", "Left through knee amputation", "左膝截肢", "左膝关节脱位" ], "281656009": [ "Hearing aid provision", "Auditory aid provision", "提供助听器", "提供听觉辅助" ], "117816009": [ "HTLV 2 gp46 antibody assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 2 gp46 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 2 glycoprotein 46 antibody", "人类 T 细胞淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 2 gp46 抗体检测", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒2型糖蛋白46抗体的测定", "HTLV 2 gp46 抗体检测" ], "443661003": [ "Hydrogen breath test using lactose", "使用乳糖进行氢呼气试验" ], "232504009": [ "Operation on frontoethmoidal sinuses", "额筛窦手术" ], "115981007": [ "Fusion by stapling", "缝合融合" ], "427277002": [ "Application of gauze swab", "纱布拭子的应用" ], "722189006": [ "Abatacept therapy", "阿巴西普治疗" ], "81378005": [ "Anesthesia for any procedure on larynx", "Anaesthesia for any procedure on larynx", "任何喉部手术的麻醉" ], "409058006": [ "Medication action/side effects care", "Medication action/side effects treatments and procedures", "药物作用/副作用护理", "药物作用/副作用治疗和程序" ], "703970007": [ "Celiac disease monitoring", "Coeliac disease monitoring", "乳糜泻监测" ], "179682008": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture dislocation and skin traction", "骨折脱位闭合复位及皮肤牵引术" ], "177847001": [ "Drainage of diaphragm", "横膈膜引流" ], "1162722009": [ "Protein food modified diet", "Modified protein food diet", "改良蛋白质食物饮食", "蛋白质食物改良饮食" ], "359906006": [ "Eac rosette test", "Eac玫瑰花结试验" ], "439991004": [ "Closed reduction of articular fracture of interphalangeal joint", "指间关节骨折闭合复位术" ], "30391000": [ "Meatotomy of urethra", "Meatotomy of urethra, except infant", "Urethral meatotomy", "Meatotomy of urethral orifice", "尿道口切开术", "尿道口切开术(婴儿除外)" ], "784055004": [ "Counselling for acquired polycystic kidney disease", "Counseling for acquired polycystic kidney disease", "获得性多囊肾病的咨询" ], "405388000": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of profunda femoris artery with prosthesis", "股深动脉内膜切除及假体成形术" ], "176012001": [ "Reimplantation of both ureters", "Reimplantation of bilateral ureters", "双侧输尿管再植术", "双侧输尿管再植" ], "225164002": [ "Removal of ligature", "拆除结扎线" ], "61324002": [ "Labor and delivery educational tour", "Labour and delivery educational tour", "分娩教育之旅" ], "274316007": [ "Non-surgical eye biopsy", "非手术眼活检" ], "305249001": [ "Admission by obstetrician and gynaecologist", "Admission by obstetrician and gynecologist", "妇产科医生入院" ], "370785007": [ "Collaborating in initiating patient controlled analgesia initiation", "合作启动患者自控镇痛" ], "1255521008": [ "Application of compress", "压缩的应用" ], "8502007": [ "Radiation physics consultation with therapeutic radiologist", "与治疗放射科医生进行放射物理咨询" ], "23051000": [ "Closure of stoma of ureter", "Take-down of stoma of ureter", "Closure of ureterostomy", "输尿管造口术", "输尿管造口缝合", "输尿管造口切除术" ], "172342009": [ "Inferior rectus resection", "下直肌切除术" ], "170507002": [ "Prophylactic dental extraction", "Prophylactic extraction of tooth", "预防性拔牙" ], "432651001": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of lumbar spine", "Ultrasonography of lumbar spine", "腰椎超声检查" ], "1153547001": [ "Promotion of activity therapy", "推广活动疗法" ], "121355006": [ "1,4-Dimethylbenzene measurement", "1,4-二甲基苯测量" ], "104971007": [ "Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation panel, for hyperprolactinemia", "Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) stimulation panel, for hyperprolactinaemia", "Thyrotropin releasing hormone stimulation panel, for hyperprolactinemia", "促甲状腺激素释放激素刺激组,用于治疗高催乳素血症", "促甲状腺激素释放激素 (TRH) 刺激组,用于治疗高催乳素血症" ], "252427007": [ "Coronary bypass graft angiography", "Angiography of coronary artery bypass graft", "Arteriography of coronary artery bypass graft", "冠状动脉搭桥术血管造影", "冠状动脉搭桥术动脉造影", "冠状动脉搭桥血管造影" ], "250592002": [ "Ethosuximide blood measurement", "Ethosuccimide: blood level", "乙琥胺血液测量", "乙磺酰亚胺:血药浓度" ], "21216009": [ "Core needle biopsy of small intestine", "小肠芯针活检" ], "609205003": [ "Revision of decompression of posterior fossa and upper cervical spinal cord", "后颅窝及上颈髓减压术修复" ], "445365003": [ "Measurement of Influenza A virus subtype H1N1 antibody", "甲型流感病毒 H1N1 亚型抗体测定" ], "52149005": [ "Partial ureterectomy", "Excision of segment of ureter", "Partial excision of ureter", "输尿管部分切除术", "部分输尿管切除术", "输尿管段切除术" ], "1231797003": [ "Root canal retreatment of incisor tooth", "Revision of root canal therapy of incisor tooth", "Revision of root canal treatment of incisor tooth", "Revision of treatment of root canal of incisor tooth", "Revision of endodontic treatment of incisor tooth", "切牙根管修复治疗", "切牙根管治疗的修正", "切牙根管再治疗", "门牙根管治疗的修正" ], "443530000": [ "Cystic fibrosis 29 common mutation test", "Screen for 29 common genetic mutations of cystic fibrosis using amplification refractory mutation system polymerase chain reaction assay technique", "囊性纤维化 29 种常见突变检测", "使用扩增阻滞突变系统聚合酶链反应检测技术筛查囊性纤维化的 29 种常见基因突变" ], "165002001": [ "Skin testing: metals", "皮肤测试:金属" ], "736607000": [ "Resurfacing hemiarthroplasty of head of humerus not using cement", "Uncemented resurfacing hemiarthroplasty of head of humerus", "不使用骨水泥的肱骨头半关节置换术", "肱骨头非骨水泥表面置换半关节置换术" ], "228703003": [ "RTP - Radiotherapy planning", "Radiotherapy planning", "RTP——放射治疗计划", "放射治疗计划" ], "408927004": [ "Sexual behaviour analysis education", "Sexual behavior analysis education", "Teach sexual behaviour analysis", "Teach sexual behavior analysis", "教授性行为分析", "性行为分析教育" ], "15711005": [ "Regular psychiatric visit, routine, established patient", "定期精神病检查,常规,已确诊患者" ], "310623007": [ "Patch repair of common iliac artery", "髂总动脉补片修复" ], "718388000": [ "Assessment using Standard Reading Tests", "使用标准阅读测试进行评估" ], "392543009": [ "Mediterranean flour moth specific IgE antibody measurement", "Anagasta kuehniella specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ri203 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ephestia kuehniella specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ephestia kuehniella specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Ri203 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Anagasta kuehniella 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "大鳞螟特异性IgE抗体测定", "大鳞螟特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "地中海粉螟特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "439860006": [ "Determination of corneal hysteresis using air impulse stimulation", "使用空气脉冲刺激测定角膜滞后" ], "241417005": [ "Total exchangeable potassium measurement", "总交换性钾测定" ], "61193006": [ "Exploration of external auditory canal", "外耳道探查" ], "175881006": [ "Revascularization for impotence", "Revascularisation for impotence", "阳痿血管重建", "血运重建治疗阳痿" ], "1289993008": [ "Laparoscopic radical excision of kidney by retroperitoneal approach", "Retroperitoneoscopic radical nephrectomy", "Retroperitoneoscopic radical excision of kidney", "RRN - retroperitoneoscopic radical nephrectomy", "后腹腔镜根治性肾切除术", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路肾根治术", "后腹腔镜肾根治术", "RRN-- 腹腔镜根治性肾切除术" ], "419806005": [ "Angioplasty using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angioplasty with contrast", "荧光造影血管成形术", "荧光造影引导下血管成形术", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导进行血管成形术" ], "239582009": [ "Amputation of finger through carpometacarpal joint", "经腕掌关节截肢术" ], "57523002": [ "Division of vein with ligation", "Transection of vein with ligation", "静脉横断并结扎", "静脉分离及结扎" ], "172211002": [ "Extirpation of lesion of eyelid", "眼睑病损摘除术" ], "24755005": [ "Open reduction of dislocation of hand", "手部脱位切开复位术" ], "16547921000119107": [ "Needle aspiration of cyst of right kidney using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided needle aspiration of cyst of right kidney", "CT引导下右肾囊肿穿刺抽吸", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行右肾囊肿针吸" ], "104840004": [ "Ornithine carbamoyltransferase measurement", "鸟氨酸氨基甲酰转移酶测量" ], "252296006": [ "dU - Deoxyuridine suppression", "Deoxyuridine suppression test", "脱氧尿苷抑制试验", "dU - 脱氧尿苷抑制" ], "448904009": [ "Instillation of substance into digestive tract", "将物质滴入消化道" ], "711048009": [ "Assessment of oral hygiene pattern", "口腔卫生模式评估" ], "6536009": [ "Implantation of tricuspid valve with tissue graft", "组织移植物植入三尖瓣" ], "53853004": [ "Urinalysis, reagent strip without microscopy", "尿液分析,无需显微镜的试剂条" ], "840285005": [ "Vestibular evoked myogenic potential test", "VEMP (vestibular evoked myogenic potential) test", "VsEP (vestibular evoked potential) test", "VsEP(前庭诱发电位)测试", "前庭诱发肌源性电位测试", "VEMP(前庭诱发肌源性电位)测试" ], "39304009": [ "HIV-1 Western blot assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus HIV-1 Western blot assay", "Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Western blot assay", "HIV-1 蛋白质印迹试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 型蛋白质印迹试验", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 HIV-1 蛋白质印迹试验" ], "4701005": [ "Colony forming unit-granulocyte-monocyte-erythroid-megakaryocyte assay", "CFU-GEMM assay", "集落形成单位-粒细胞-单核细胞-红细胞-巨核细胞测定", "菌落形成单位-GEMM检测" ], "1217117008": [ "Endoscopic examination of lower bowel and sampling for bacterial overgrowth", "下肠道内窥镜检查及细菌过度生长取样" ], "35634001": [ "Craniectomy with excision of bone lesion of skull", "开颅术及颅骨病变切除术" ], "2866006": [ "Obliteration of lymphatic structure", "淋巴结构消失" ], "410631001": [ "Well child visit, 15 month", "15 个月儿童健康检查" ], "443399003": [ "Measurement of betamethasone", "倍他米松的测定" ], "50183007": [ "Flow cytometry, cell marker analysis", "流式细胞术、细胞标志物分析" ], "427015007": [ "Injection of hormone", "注射激素" ], "359644004": [ "Replacement of Vinke tongs of skull", "Removal of Vinke tongs with synchronous replacement", "同步更换 Vinke 钳的拆卸", "更换 Vinke 头骨钳" ], "228572007": [ "Time management training", "时间管理培训" ], "243121000": [ "Medical therapy", "药物治疗" ], "13745000": [ "Dermographia test", "Artificial urticaria test", "皮肤划痕检查", "人工荨麻疹试验" ], "30129001": [ "Revision of anastomosis of artery", "动脉吻合口修复" ], "44678002": [ "Manipulation of tissue of mouth", "Mouth manipulation", "Manipulation of mouth", "口腔组织操作", "嘴部操控", "嘴部操作" ], "306822003": [ "Low power laser therapy to wrist", "腕部低功率激光治疗" ], "10075000": [ "Photochemotherapy with tar and ultraviolet B", "Goeckerman regimen", "Goeckerman treatment, photochemotherapy", "Goeckerman 治疗、光化学疗法", "Goeckerman方案", "焦油和紫外线 B 光化学疗法" ], "241286009": [ "Radionuclide brain study dynamic", "Radionuclide brain study first pass", "放射性核素脑研究首次通过", "放射性核素脑研究动态" ], "388742008": [ "f41 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Salmon specific IgE antibody measurement", "Salmo salar specific IgE antibody measurement", "Salmo salar specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f41特异性IgE抗体测量", "鲑鱼特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "鲑鱼特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "鲑鱼特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "42843004": [ "Laparoscopic adrenalectomy", "腹腔镜肾上腺切除术" ], "172080000": [ "Right augmentation mammoplasty", "右侧隆胸手术" ], "239451008": [ "EUA - Examination of knee joint under anesthetic", "Examination of knee joint under anaesthetic", "EUA - Examination of knee joint under anaesthetic", "Examination of knee joint under anesthetic", "麻醉下检查膝关节", "EUA - 麻醉下膝关节检查" ], "450608000": [ "Destruction of lesion of lung", "肺损伤破坏" ], "73776009": [ "Repair of oroantral fistula", "Closure of oroantral fistula", "Closure of fistula between maxillary antrum and mouth", "Closure of oromaxillary fistula", "Repair of oromaxillary fistula", "口腔上颌窦瘘的修复", "上颌窦与口腔之间瘘管的缝合", "口腔颌面瘘管闭合", "颌窦瘘的修复", "口腔上颌窦瘘缝合术" ], "170245002": [ "Child examination: school screening", "儿童检查:学校筛查" ], "104709004": [ "Glycerol measurement", "甘油测量" ], "448773005": [ "Conversion to prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone", "Conversion to prosthetic replacement of joint", "骨关节假体置换术", "转换为关节假体置换" ], "268549006": [ "Endocrine/metabolic screening", "内分泌/代谢筛查" ], "710917005": [ "Provision of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation device", "提供经皮电神经刺激装置" ], "414170000": [ "Extraocular muscle resection", "眼外肌切除术" ], "252165009": [ "Sugar chromatography screening", "糖色谱筛选" ], "725466004": [ "Irreversible electroporation ablation of neoplasm of pancreas", "胰腺肿瘤不可逆电穿孔消融术" ], "4570007": [ "Chemopallidectomy", "化疗苍白球切除术" ], "709082007": [ "Endothelial keratoplasty", "内皮角膜移植术" ], "250330007": [ "Intrinsic coagulation pathway factor measurement", "Intrinsic coagulation pathway factor level", "Intrinsic coagulation system factor level", "内源性凝血系统因子水平", "内源性凝血途径因子测量", "内源性凝血途径因子水平" ], "446938009": [ "Biopsy of eye proper", "眼部活检" ], "164740001": [ "Ocular muscle balance testing", "眼肌平衡测试" ], "1196932003": [ "Computed tomography venography of vein of upper limb with contrast", "CT venography of vein of upper limb with contrast", "CT venogram of vein of upper limb with contrast", "CT venography of vein of upper extremity with contrast", "上肢静脉增强 CT 造影", "上肢静脉增强 CT 静脉造影" ], "836484004": [ "Assessment using Patient Experience with Treatment and Self-management questionnaire", "Assessment using the PETS (Patient Experience with Treatment and Self-management) questionnaire", "使用患者治疗体验和自我管理问卷进行评估", "使用 PETS(患者治疗体验和自我管理)问卷进行评估" ], "50052006": [ "Cold pressor test", "Hines and Brown test", "Cold pressor", "冷加压", "冷加压试验", "海因斯和布朗检验" ], "392281000": [ "g201 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Barley (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Hordeum vulgare (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Hordeum vulgare (pollen) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "g201特异性IgE抗体测量", "大麦(花粉)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "大麦(花粉)特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "310361003": [ "Non-urgent cardiological admission", "非紧急心脏病入院" ], "15449005": [ "Glenoplasty for recurrent dislocation of shoulder", "肩关节复发性脱位的盂唇成形术" ], "736345007": [ "Injection of nerve root of sacral spine", "Sacral nerve root injection", "骶棘神经根注射", "骶神经根注射" ], "308526000": [ "Clinic C monitoring call", "诊所C监控电话" ], "406830001": [ "Chromotrope 2R stain method", "Chromotrope 2R stain", "变色性 2R 染色剂", "变色素2R染色法" ], "306691003": [ "Discharge to residential home", "出院后送往养老院" ], "388611007": [ "Cucurbita pepo specific IgE antibody measurement", "f225 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Pumpkin specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cucurbita pepo specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "南瓜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f225特异性IgE抗体测量", "南瓜特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "59096000": [ "Fecal urobilin, quantitative", "Faecal urobilin, quantitative", "粪便尿胆素,定量" ], "28163009": [ "Skin test for tuberculosis, Tine test", "结核病皮肤试验、Tine 试验" ], "241155008": [ "Single contrast barium meal", "SCBM - Single contrast barium meal", "SCBM - 单一对比钡餐", "单一对比钡餐" ], "239320002": [ "Osteotomy for callotasis prior to correction of bony deformity", "矫正骨畸形前进行骨切开术治疗胼胝体" ], "75480003": [ "Planning audit", "策划审计" ], "173784007": [ "Open insertion of feeding tube into stomach", "将饲管开口插入胃内" ], "417709003": [ "Sutured posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation", "缝合后房型人工晶状体植入术" ], "237485003": [ "Chiasmopexy", "视交叉固定术" ], "448642000": [ "Fitting of contact lens", "配戴隐形眼镜" ], "6274000": [ "Excision of aural glomus tumor, extended, extratemporal", "Excision of aural glomus tumour, extended, extratemporal", "颞外扩展性耳球肿瘤切除术" ], "401325009": [ "Fluid microscopy, culture and sensitivities", "流体显微镜、培养和敏感性" ], "432258004": [ "Excision of neoplasm of central nervous system", "中枢神经系统肿瘤切除术" ], "170114005": [ "Child examination - 6 weeks", "Infant screening at 6 weeks", "儿童检查 - 6 周", "6 周婴儿筛查" ], "104578006": [ "Catecholamines, total measurement, blood", "儿茶酚胺,总测量值,血液" ], "71810007": [ "Closure of skin wound by tape", "用胶带封闭皮肤伤口" ], "414039005": [ "Distraction", "分心" ], "313900005": [ "150 minute serum FSH measurement", "150 minute serum FSH level", "150 minute serum follicle stimulating hormone measurement", "150 分钟血清 FSH 水平", "150 分钟血清促卵泡激素测量", "150 分钟血清 FSH 测量" ], "363052005": [ "Decompressive incision of musculoskeletal system", "肌肉骨骼系统减压切开术" ], "51756008": [ "Charnley operation for hip fusion", "Charnley 髋关节融合手术" ], "608812009": [ "Open reduction of fracture of column of acetabulum with internal fixation", "髋臼柱骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "410369000": [ "Bladder care surveillance", "Urinary bladder care surveillance", "膀胱护理监测" ], "49921005": [ "Excision and storage of tissue, organ or cells", "组织、器官或细胞的切除及保存" ], "82689009": [ "Transection of isthmus of thyroid", "Division of isthmus of thyroid", "甲状腺峡部横断", "甲状腺峡部分割" ], "392150004": [ "Excision of lesion of mandible", "下颌骨病损切除术" ], "439467000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of cerebral artery", "经皮脑动脉腔内球囊成形术" ], "717995000": [ "Cone beam CT guided biopsy of abdomen", "Biopsy of abdomen using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "锥形束 CT 引导下腹部活检", "使用锥形束 CT 引导进行腹部活检" ], "29867004": [ "Ligation of vein of upper limb", "上肢静脉结扎术" ], "241024000": [ "Percutaneous evacuation of wound abscess", "经皮伤口脓肿清除术" ], "306560001": [ "Self-discharge", "Taking own discharge", "自放电", "自行出院" ], "767147008": [ "Identification of arsenic and/or arsenic compound", "砷和/或砷化合物的鉴别" ], "77184003": [ "Cauterization of conjunctiva", "Cauterisation of conjunctiva", "结膜烧灼" ], "60800007": [ "Bladder retraining", "Urinary bladder retraining", "膀胱再训练" ], "388480008": [ "Rc208 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Tetanus toxoid specific IgE antibody measurement", "Tetanus toxoid specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "破伤风类毒素特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "Rc208特异性IgE抗体测量", "破伤风类毒素特异性 IgE 抗体检测" ], "716160008": [ "Assessment using Stuttering Prediction Instrument for Young Children", "Assessment using SPI (Stuttering Prediction Instrument) for Young Children", "使用 SPI(口吃预测工具)对幼儿进行评估", "幼儿口吃预测工具评估" ], "419413002": [ "Fluoroscopy of biliary tract", "胆道透视检查" ], "1254997003": [ "Augmentation of alveolar ridge using bone xenograft", "Augmentation of alveolar process using bone xenograft", "利用异种骨移植增强牙槽突", "利用异种骨移植增强牙槽嵴" ], "42581003": [ "Excision of lesion of tendon of foot", "足部肌腱损伤切除术" ], "1156693003": [ "Attention to heel protector", "注意脚跟保护" ], "1304149006": [ "Focal resurfacing of periarticular bone of knee joint with implantation of prosthesis", "膝关节周围骨局部置换及假体植入" ], "1287765008": [ "Fixation of tendon of ankle", "踝部肌腱固定" ], "384810002": [ "Immunization/vaccination management", "免疫/疫苗接种管理" ], "712490006": [ "Facilitating forgiveness", "促进宽恕" ], "89898009": [ "Tensing of orbicularis oculi muscle", "眼轮匝肌紧张" ], "448511003": [ "Excisional biopsy of ganglion cyst of hand", "手部腱鞘囊肿切除活检" ], "235519004": [ "Thorek partial cholecystectomy", "托雷克胆囊部分切除术" ], "104447005": [ "17-Hydroxypregnenolone measurement", "17-羟基孕烯醇酮测量" ], "415743006": [ "Transferrin glycoforms level", "Transferrin glycoforms measurement", "转铁蛋白糖基化水平", "转铁蛋白糖基化测定" ], "301055008": [ "Revision to open reduction of traumatic dislocation", "创伤性脱位切开复位修复" ], "397524001": [ "Retinoscopy", "Skiascopy", "RET - Retinoscopy", "滑雪拷贝", "视网膜检影", "RET - 视网膜检影法" ], "6143009": [ "Diabetic education", "Diabetes mellitus education", "Education about diabetes", "糖尿病教育" ], "168148006": [ "Fluid sample volume measurement", "Fluid sample volume", "Volume of sample", "样品量", "流体样品体积测量", "流体样本量" ], "86228006": [ "Uric acid measurement", "Urate measurement", "尿酸测量" ], "35241000": [ "Cholecystostomy", "胆囊造口术" ], "37076009": [ "Insulin antibody measurement", "胰岛素抗体测量" ], "708820007": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pleura", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pleura using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮胸膜细针穿刺活检", "使用影像引导进行经皮胸膜细针穿刺活检" ], "282836009": [ "Passive neck flexion test", "被动颈部屈曲试验" ], "313769003": [ "Serum apolipoprotein A-II measurement", "Serum apolipoprotein A-II level", "血清载脂蛋白 A-II 测量", "血清载脂蛋白 A-II 水平" ], "180862005": [ "Temporary operation", "临时运营" ], "49790006": [ "Blood group typing A", "A blood group typing", "血型分型", "血型类型A" ], "179027000": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of bone and extramedullary fixation", "骨折一期切开复位髓外固定" ], "392019004": [ "Excision of cervix by cryoconisation", "Excision of cervix by cryoconization", "Cervical cryoconisation", "Sturmdorf conisation of cervix uteri", "Cervical cryoconization", "Sturmdorf conization of cervix uteri", "施图姆多夫宫颈锥切术", "冷冻切除宫颈", "宫颈冷冻切除术", "宫颈冷冻消融术" ], "47955004": [ "Suture of thymus", "胸腺缝合" ], "736083004": [ "Referral to liver unit", "转诊至肝病科" ], "78888000": [ "Osmolality measurement, urine", "Osmolality - urine", "渗透压 - 尿液", "尿液渗透压测量" ], "439336003": [ "Brush biopsy", "刷检" ], "422952004": [ "Cardiac telemetry", "心脏遥测" ], "290045001": [ "Kitchen practice", "厨房实践" ], "306429004": [ "Discharge by gastroenterologist", "胃肠病专家出院" ], "175357006": [ "Transesophageal aortography", "Transoesophageal aortography", "Transesophageal angiography of aorta", "Transoesophageal angiography of aorta", "Transesophageal arteriography of aorta", "Transoesophageal arteriography of aorta", "经食管主动脉造影" ], "386514001": [ "Anger control assistance", "控制愤怒的援助" ], "91602002": [ "Thoracentesis", "Pleurocentesis", "Pleural tap", "Thoracic paracentesis", "Pleural cavity tap", "Pleural aspiration", "Thoracocentesis", "Chest aspiration", "胸腔吸入", "胸膜穿刺术", "胸腔穿刺", "胸腔穿刺术" ], "173522006": [ "Open extraction of calculus from submandibular duct", "颌下管结石切开取出术" ], "171687004": [ "Biopsy of cranial nerve lesion", "脑神经损伤活检" ], "104316000": [ "Enterovirus antibody assay", "Serologic test for Enterovirus", "Measurement of enterovirus antibody", "肠道病毒血清学检测", "肠道病毒抗体检测" ], "417447009": [ "Muscle energy technique", "Muscle energy treatment method", "肌肉能量技术", "肌肉能量治疗方法" ], "235388001": [ "Haemorrhoid operation", "Hemorrhoid operation", "痔疮手术" ], "1234812003": [ "Shaving of hair", "剃毛" ], "87932003": [ "Ultrasound peripheral vascular flow study, arterial and venous", "超声外周血管血流研究,动脉和静脉" ], "448380005": [ "Replacement of enterostomy device of small intestine", "小肠造口装置更换术" ], "401063008": [ "Hepatitis D nucleic acid detection", "丁型肝炎核酸检测" ], "431996007": [ "Laser decompression of spinal disc using computed tomography guidance", "Laser decompression of spinal disc using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "CT guided laser decompression of spinal disc", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行椎间盘激光减压术", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行椎间盘激光减压术", "CT引导下激光椎间盘减压术" ], "446545000": [ "Ureteroscopic dilation of stricture of ureter using balloon catheter", "输尿管镜球囊导管扩张术治疗输尿管狭窄" ], "118865002": [ "Procedure on round ligament", "圆韧带手术" ], "413777003": [ "CD10/CD19 count", "CD10+CD19+ count", "Count of cells positive for both CD10 antigen and CD19 antigen", "CD10/CD19 计数", "CD10 抗原和 CD19 抗原均呈阳性的细胞计数", "CD10+CD19+ 计数" ], "233553003": [ "Vascular cannula removal", "Removal of drip needle", "Decannulation", "Vascular catheter removal", "血管插管移除", "拔除滴针", "拔管", "血管导管移除" ], "708689007": [ "Removal of loose suture in eye", "拆除眼内松动的缝线" ], "117030000": [ "Sudan IV stain method", "Sudan IV stain", "苏丹IV染色法", "苏丹IV型" ], "231718001": [ "Laser sclerotomy", "Laser sclerostomy", "激光巩膜切开术" ], "313638007": [ "Plasma xylose level", "Plasma xylose measurement", "血浆木糖水平", "血浆木糖测量" ], "311803000": [ "Resettlement assessment", "移民安置评估" ], "84262009": [ "Scott operation, intestinal bypass for obesity", "斯科特手术,肥胖症的肠绕道手术" ], "444710008": [ "Quantitative measurement of bacteria using dipslide culture method", "使用载玻片培养法定量测量细菌" ], "426491001": [ "Transvaginal ultrasound examination of female genital tract", "女性生殖道经阴道超声检查" ], "410107007": [ "Venous catheter care assessment", "Assess venous catheter care", "静脉导管护理评估", "评估静脉导管护理" ], "64208002": [ "Grafting of bone of ulna", "尺骨移植" ], "408272004": [ "Urine 18-hydroxycortisol level", "尿液 18-羟基皮质醇水平" ], "719568007": [ "Review of new housing development architectural plan", "审查新住宅开发建筑计划" ], "439205008": [ "Percutaneous embolisation of cerebral neoplasm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolization of cerebral neoplasm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮脑肿瘤栓塞术" ], "60538001": [ "Removal of internal fixation device of tibia", "胫骨内固定装置拆除" ], "306298002": [ "Referral to occupational health physician", "转诊至职业健康医生" ], "304463000": [ "Interrupted direct current to shoulder", "肩膀直流电流中断" ], "386383000": [ "Parenting promotion", "育儿推广" ], "75087007": [ "Repair of aneurysm", "动脉瘤修复" ], "25935009": [ "Cauterization of palate", "Cauterisation of palate", "腭部烧灼术", "腭部烧灼" ], "122404002": [ "Mycobacterium paratuberculosis culture", "副结核分枝杆菌培养" ], "400932004": [ "Binocular perimetry", "Binocular field of fixation test", "双眼视野检查", "双眼注视视野检查" ], "399097000": [ "Administration of anaesthesia", "Administration of anesthesia", "Anaesthesia procedure", "Anesthesia procedure", "麻醉程序", "麻醉管理" ], "104185001": [ "Mycobacteria culture, with definitive identification", "分枝杆菌培养并明确鉴定" ], "56868008": [ "Measuring output", "测量输出" ], "448249003": [ "McBride procedure and arthrodesis of first tarsometatarsal joint", "McBride 手术及第一跗跖关节融合术" ], "431865004": [ "Injection using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下注射" ], "251641005": [ "Auditory evoked magnetic fields", "听觉诱发磁场" ], "1201913007": [ "Revision of joint replacement of patellofemoral joint", "Revision of PFR (patellofemoral joint replacement)", "Revision of prosthetic replacement of patellofemoral joint", "Revision of prosthetic arthroplasty of patellofemoral joint", "髌股关节置换术 (PFR) 的修订", "髌股关节假体置换术的翻修", "髌股关节假体置换术", "髌股关节置换术" ], "169721009": [ "Antenatal 36 week examination", "产前36周检查" ], "233422002": [ "Thrombectomy of intracranial vein", "颅内静脉血栓切除术" ], "446414002": [ "Sigmoidoscopy and tattooing", "乙状结肠镜检查和纹身" ], "315342004": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of lower limb artery", "下肢动脉经皮血栓溶解术" ], "118734004": [ "Procedure on humerus", "肱骨手术" ], "231587001": [ "Lateral canthal tendon technique for ectropion", "外眦腱技术治疗眼睑外翻" ], "18595004": [ "Change of dressing, minor", "轻微换药" ], "49528005": [ "Local destruction of lesion of lung", "肺损伤局部破坏" ], "424525001": [ "Antenatal care", "Prenatal care", "Pregnancy care", "产前护理", "孕期护理" ], "311672009": [ "Phrasing exercises", "措辞练习" ], "178765006": [ "Injection into paraspinal area", "椎旁区域注射" ], "275234001": [ "Male castration", "男性阉割" ], "45858002": [ "Amputation of forearm through radius AND ulna, reamputation", "前臂桡骨及尺骨截肢、再截肢" ], "29474003": [ "Take-down of systemic-pulmonary artery anastomosis in total repair of tetralogy of Fallot", "法洛四联症全修复术中体肺动脉吻合口拆除" ], "127778006": [ "Positive expiratory pressure mask physiotherapy", "PEP mask therapy", "呼气正压面罩物理治疗", "PEP 面罩治疗" ], "764919003": [ "Open repair of ventral hernia", "腹疝开放式修补术" ], "175095005": [ "Open ablation of atrioventricular node", "房室结开放消融术" ], "107724000": [ "Patient transfer", "Transfer of patient", "Transfer of patient procedure", "Transfer care", "病人转运程序", "转移护理", "病人转运" ], "386252001": [ "Culture brokerage", "文化经纪" ], "306167008": [ "Referral to community-based occupational therapy service", "Referral to community occupational therapy service", "转介至社区职业治疗服务" ], "271564001": [ "Total fundoplication using thoracic approach", "采用胸腔入路进行全胃底折叠术" ], "173260003": [ "Reconstruction of lip with microvascular transferred flap", "Reconstruction of lip with free flap", "微血管移植瓣唇再造术", "游离皮瓣唇再造术" ], "763084006": [ "Creation of mould for custom made foot orthosis", "Creation of mold for custom made foot orthosis", "创建定制足部矫形器的模具" ], "171425002": [ "Section examination - approved doctor", "Section examination - approved doctor", "科室检查-认可医生" ], "236961005": [ "Breast stimulation", "乳房刺激" ], "302497006": [ "Hemodialysis procedure", "HD - Hemodialysis", "HD - Haemodialysis", "Haemodialysis procedure", "Haemodialysis", "Extracorporeal hemodialysis", "Extracorporeal haemodialysis", "Hemodialysis", "体外血液透析", "血液透析程序", "HD-血液透析", "血液透析" ], "122273009": [ "Mumps virus culture", "腮腺炎病毒培养" ], "104054008": [ "i-1 blood group antibody identification", "i-1 血型抗体鉴定" ], "233291002": [ "Percutaneous angioplasty of arterial graft", "PTA - Percutaneous angioplasty of arterial graft", "Percutaneous balloon angioplasty of arterial graft", "PTA-- 经皮动脉移植血管成形术", "经皮动脉移植球囊成形术", "经皮动脉移植血管成形术" ], "20299006": [ "Intermittent manual traction", "间歇性手动牵引" ], "315211006": [ "Re-introduction of fiber", "Re-introduction of fibre", "重新引入纤维" ], "3915009": [ "Excision of artery of thorax and abdomen", "胸腹部动脉切除术" ], "2080003": [ "Angiectomy with anastomosis of lower limb artery", "Arteriectomy with anastomosis of lower limb", "Resection of lower limb artery with anastomosis", "下肢动脉切除吻合术" ], "870432009": [ "Artesunate therapy", "青蒿琥酯疗法" ], "245002": [ "Division of nerve ganglion", "神经节的划分" ], "65781002": [ "Porteus mazes", "波特斯迷宫" ], "442613004": [ "Quantitative measurement of acylcarnitine in plasma specimen", "血浆样本中酰基肉碱的定量测定" ], "178634006": [ "Revisional anterior excision of lumbar disc and fusion", "腰椎间盘前路切除融合术" ], "309706007": [ "Injection of hydrocortisone acetate into knee joint", "膝关节注射醋酸氢化可的松" ], "406175001": [ "Phototherapy: sleep regulation", "光疗:睡眠调节" ], "225951004": [ "Maintaining client participation", "保持客户参与" ], "12959006": [ "Creation of subcutaneous tunnel with esophageal anastomosis", "Creation of subcutaneous tunnel with oesophageal anastomosis", "建立皮下隧道并进行食管吻合" ], "371572003": [ "Nuclear medicine procedure", "Nuclear medicine", "NM - Nuclear medicine", "核医学", "NM-核医学", "核医学程序" ], "306036009": [ "Referral from lymphoedema care nurse", "Referral by lymphedema care nurse", "Referral from lymphedema care nurse", "Referral by lymphoedema care nurse", "淋巴水肿护理护士转诊", "淋巴水肿护理护士的转诊" ], "1303625003": [ "Excision of adenoma of prostate", "Prostate adenoma excision", "前列腺腺瘤切除术", "前列腺腺瘤切除" ], "418889006": [ "US scan of diaphragm", "Ultrasound scan of diaphragm", "超声膈肌扫描", "膈肌超声扫描" ], "236830002": [ "Excision of vulval lesion", "Excision of lesion of vulva", "Vulvar lesion excision", "外阴病变切除术", "外阴病变切除" ], "122142002": [ "Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus antibody", "委内瑞拉马脑脊髓炎病毒抗体检测", "委内瑞拉马脑炎病毒抗体测定" ], "56606007": [ "Repair of pleurocutaneous fistula", "Closure of pleurocutaneous fistula", "胸膜皮瘘闭合", "胸膜皮瘘的修复" ], "302366008": [ "IDT - Excision of imperfectly descended testis", "UDT - Excision of undescended testis", "Excision of intra-abdominal testis", "IDT-- 切除不全睾丸", "腹腔内睾丸切除术", "UDT-- 隐睾切除术" ], "103923000": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from Xg system (ISBT 012)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Xg system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 012)", "血型,Xg 系统的红细胞抗原 (ISBT 012)", "血型、Xg 系统的红细胞抗原(国际输血协会 012)" ], "87539000": [ "Cryotherapy of eyelid", "眼睑冷冻治疗" ], "431603006": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of iliac vein using contrast with insertion of stent", "支架置入造影剂行髂静脉荧光镜静脉造影" ], "710131006": [ "Embolisation of artery of limb using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolisation of artery of extremity with contrast", "Embolization of artery of limb using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolization of artery of extremity with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行肢体动脉栓塞", "荧光造影引导下肢体动脉栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下肢体动脉造影剂栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下肢体动脉造影栓塞术" ], "233160000": [ "Diathermy ablation operation for arrhythmia", "Ablation operation for arrhythmia by diathermy", "心律失常透热消融术" ], "36552004": [ "Fine needle biopsy of adrenal gland", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of adrenal gland", "肾上腺细针穿刺活检", "肾上腺细针活检" ], "3784005": [ "Delayed hypersensitivity skin test for SK-SD", "Delayed hypersensitivity skin test for streptokinase-streptodornase", "链激酶-链道酶延迟性超敏反应皮肤试验", "SK-SD 延迟性超敏反应皮肤试验" ], "85704004": [ "Open osteotomy of mandibular ramus", "下颌升支开放截骨术" ], "315080008": [ "Bartonella quintana IgM level", "Bartonella quintana immunoglobulin M level", "巴尔通体免疫球蛋白 M 水平", "五日巴尔通体 IgM 水平" ], "313245001": [ "Non-surgical biopsy of nerve", "神经非手术活检" ], "741064009": [ "Repair of epispadias using double faced onlay patch", "双面补片修补尿道上裂" ], "165789004": [ "Rubella antibody titer", "Rubella antibody titer measurement", "Rubella antibody titre", "Rubella antibody titre measurement", "风疹抗体滴度测定", "风疹抗体滴度", "风疹抗体滴度测量" ], "231325005": [ "Intraosseous anaesthesia for dental surgery", "Intraosseous anesthesia for dental surgery", "牙科手术骨内麻醉" ], "395165008": [ "Re-excision of breast for clearance of tumour margins", "Re-excision of breast for clearance of tumor margins", "再次切除乳房以清除肿瘤边缘" ], "229490001": [ "Kneading", "Petrissage", "揉捏法", "揉捏" ], "1163378000": [ "Management of breast milk feeding attempts in 24 hours", "24 小时内母乳喂养尝试的管理" ], "426098003": [ "Harvest of cartilage from ear", "从耳朵获取软骨" ], "14663000": [ "Chloride measurement, urine", "尿液氯化物测量" ], "49266009": [ "Hydrocelectomy", "Hydrocelectomy of tunica vaginalis", "Radical excision of hydrocoele", "Excision of hydrocele sac", "Radical excision of hydrocele", "Excision of hydrocoele sac", "Excision of hydrocele", "鞘膜积液囊切除术", "鞘膜积液根治切除术", "鞘膜积液切除术" ], "112967002": [ "Incision of posterior segment of eye", "眼后节切开术" ], "702791003": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of hip joint", "髋关节荧光镜关节造影" ], "178503004": [ "Intra-articular arthroplasty of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节内置换术" ], "717340001": [ "Cone beam CT guided aspiration", "Aspiration using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "使用锥形束 CT 引导进行抽吸", "锥形束 CT 引导下穿刺" ], "438812002": [ "Aspiration of thorax using fluoroscopic guidance", "Thoracentesis using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下胸腔穿刺", "透视引导下的胸腔穿刺术" ], "274972007": [ "Dilatation of cervix and curettage of retained products of conception", "宫颈扩张术和残留妊娠产物刮除术" ], "174833008": [ "Correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to infradiaphragmatic vessel", "Correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to infracardiac vessel", "完全性肺静脉异位引流至膈下血管的矫正术", "完全性肺静脉异位引流至心下血管的矫正" ], "1303494002": [ "Pupillometry", "瞳孔测量法" ], "172998003": [ "Excision of lesion of larynx using lateral pharyngotomy as approach", "经咽侧切开术切除喉部病变" ], "385990006": [ "Support system interventions", "Support system treatments and procedures", "支持系统治疗和程序", "支持系统干预" ], "416923003": [ "Sixth hepatitis B vaccination", "Administration of sixth dose of hepatitis B vaccine", "Sixth hepatitis B immunisation", "Sixth hepatitis B immunization", "Administration of sixth dose of vaccine product containing only Hepatitis B virus antigen", "第六次乙肝免疫接种", "第六次乙肝免疫", "注射第六剂仅含乙肝病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "注射第六剂乙肝疫苗", "第六次乙肝疫苗接种" ], "302235004": [ "Explorative psychotherapy", "Psychoanalytical - psychodynamic therapy", "Psychoanalytic and psychodynamic therapy", "精神分析和心理动力疗法", "精神分析-心理动力疗法", "探索性心理治疗" ], "120176001": [ "Excision from mesentery", "肠系膜切除术" ], "433307009": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for biliary external drainage", "Insertion of external drain into biliary tract using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导胆道外引流", "在荧光透视引导下将外引流管插入胆道" ], "447856003": [ "Arthrotomy and removal of prosthesis of shoulder", "Incision of glenohumeral joint and removal of prosthesis", "肩关节切开术及肩关节假体移除", "盂肱关节切开及假体移除" ], "234864001": [ "Convert orthodontic buccal tube", "转换正畸颊面管" ], "284016005": [ "Neuromuscular blockade monitoring", "神经肌肉阻滞监测" ], "169328001": [ "Beta source contact therapy", "β源接触疗法" ], "38256005": [ "Social network therapy", "Personal network therapy", "个人网络治疗", "社会网络治疗" ], "431472007": [ "Fluoroscopic intravenous digital subtraction angiography of intracerebral vessel with contrast", "Fluoroscopic intravenous DSA (digital subtraction angiography) of intracerebral vessel with contrast", "用造影剂对脑内血管进行荧光透视静脉 DSA(数字减影血管造影)", "荧光透视静脉数字减影血管造影术" ], "54640009": [ "Aortography", "Arteriography of aorta", "Angiography of aorta", "主动脉造影" ], "1052229001": [ "Left inguinal herniotomy", "左腹股沟疝切开术" ], "183877003": [ "Private referral", "私人推荐" ], "233029002": [ "Open removal of foreign body from left atrium", "左心房异物切取术" ], "36421003": [ "Carbon monoxide diffusing capacity measurement", "一氧化碳弥散量测定" ], "52805006": [ "Core build up for retainer, including any pins", "固定器的核心构建,包括任何销钉" ], "167493007": [ "Urine codeine screening", "Urine codeine screening test", "尿液可待因筛查", "尿液可待因筛查试验" ], "67354000": [ "Removal of lumbosubarachnoid shunt", "腰椎蛛网膜下腔分流术移除术" ], "231194006": [ "LA - Local anaesthetic intrapleural block", "Intrapleural block", "Local anaesthetic intrapleural block", "LA - Local anesthetic intrapleural block", "Local anesthetic intrapleural block", "胸膜内阻滞", "LA - 局部麻醉胸膜内阻滞", "局部麻醉胸膜内阻滞" ], "1163247002": [ "Insertion of swallowable gastric balloon", "Insertion of swallowable gastric balloon in capsule", "将可吞咽的胃球放入胶囊内", "插入可吞咽胃球" ], "409583003": [ "Transmission-based precautions", "基于传播的预防措施" ], "229359002": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the hand", "Accessory mobilization of the hand", "手部辅助活动" ], "180207008": [ "Intravenous blood transfusion of packed cells", "静脉输注浓缩红细胞" ], "30916000": [ "Therapeutic manual traction", "治疗性手动牵引" ], "784580008": [ "Estimated creatinine clearance", "Estimation of creatinine clearance", "肌酐清除率估算值", "肌酐清除率的估计" ], "440516009": [ "Active core warming of subject using heated inspired gases", "使用加热的吸入气体对受试者进行主动核心加热" ], "176537002": [ "Reconstruction of penis with microvascular transferred flap", "Reconstruction of penis with free flap", "游离皮瓣重建阴茎", "显微血管移植皮瓣重建阴茎" ], "391364009": [ "Toxoplasma screening test", "弓形虫筛查检测" ], "1290649004": [ "Plain X-ray of lumbar spine and sacroiliac joint", "腰椎及骶髂关节的普通X光检查" ], "225689007": [ "Applying dark glasses", "戴墨镜" ], "174702000": [ "Proximal pancreatectomy", "Excision of head of pancreas", "近端胰腺切除术", "胰头切除术" ], "78233008": [ "Suture of peritoneum", "腹膜缝合" ], "387694003": [ "Manipulation of elbow joint", "肘关节操纵" ], "172867004": [ "Removal of antrochoanal polyp", "切除上颌窦后鼻孔息肉" ], "303939005": [ "Fluoroscopy of regions", "区域透视检查" ], "287555005": [ "Non-surgical vaginal biopsy", "非手术阴道活检" ], "25411007": [ "Hysterogram", "Hysterography", "宫腔造影", "子宫造影" ], "385859008": [ "Psychosocial analysis education", "Teach psychosocial analysis", "Teach psychosocial care", "心理社会分析教育", "教授社会心理分析", "教授心理社会护理" ], "121880002": [ "2-Hydroxyisocaproate measurement", "2-羟基异己酸测量" ], "252952004": [ "Child development test", "儿童发育测试" ], "23576005": [ "Plant identification procedure", "Plant identification", "植物识别", "植物识别程序" ], "433176007": [ "Aspiration of ovarian cyst using ultrasound guidance", "Aspiration of ovarian cyst using ultrasound (US) guidance", "在超声引导下进行卵巢囊肿抽吸", "超声引导下卵巢囊肿抽吸术" ], "21741001": [ "Tenolysis of flexor tendon of wrist", "腕屈肌腱松解术" ], "447725003": [ "Removal of loose body from toe joint", "去除趾关节中的游离体" ], "890093004": [ "Multi-agent systemic chemotherapy", "Administration of multiple antineoplastic agents", "使用多种抗肿瘤药物", "多药全身化疗" ], "120045005": [ "Uterine cervix reconstruction", "Reconstruction of cervix", "宫颈重建" ], "265666000": [ "Local myocutaneous flap", "Local flap of skin and muscle", "局部肌皮瓣", "局部皮肤和肌肉瓣" ], "431341009": [ "Removal of nephrostomy tube using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下移除肾造瘘管" ], "169197009": [ "Radiobioassay - cortisone", "放射性生物测定-可的松" ], "5357009": [ "Leukocyte poor blood preparation", "Leucocyte poor blood preparation", "白细胞稀少的血液准备", "白细胞缺乏血液准备" ], "69058004": [ "Conversion of rectal position", "直肠位置转换" ], "234733008": [ "Polish or finish of tooth restoration", "牙齿修复的抛光或完成" ], "871874000": [ "Administration of meningitis A, C, W135 and Y vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Neisseria meningitidis serogroup A, C, W135 and Y antigens", "Meningitis A, C, W135 and Y vaccination", "Meningitis A, C, W135 and Y immunisation", "Meningitis A, C, W135 and Y immunization", "脑膜炎 A、C、W135 和 Y 免疫接种", "接种仅含有脑膜炎奈瑟菌血清群 A、C、W135 和 Y 抗原的疫苗产品", "接种脑膜炎 A、C、W135 和 Y 疫苗", "脑膜炎 A、C、W135 和 Y 疫苗接种" ], "232898009": [ "Repair of defect of atrioventricular valve leaflet", "房室瓣缺损的修复" ], "83607001": [ "Gynecologic examination", "Gynaecologic examination", "Examination of female genitals", "Female genital examination", "妇科检查", "女性生殖器检查" ], "34455003": [ "Electrocardiogram monitoring, 10 hour portrait", "心电图监测,10小时画像" ], "231063009": [ "Intrathecal injection of antibiotic", "鞘内注射抗生素" ], "229228002": [ "Vestibular awareness work", "前庭意识工作" ], "442220001": [ "Progesterone challenge test", "Progesterone withdrawal test", "孕酮激发试验", "孕酮戒断试验" ], "65388005": [ "Ultrasonic guidance for amniocentesis", "超声引导羊膜穿刺术" ], "112705001": [ "Musculoskeletal system amputation", "肌肉骨骼系统截肢" ], "30785004": [ "Debridement of skin, full thickness", "全层皮肤清创" ], "243777005": [ "Blood sampling from haemodialysis circuit", "Blood sampling from hemodialysis circuit", "从血液透析回路采集血液样本" ], "12566000": [ "Consultation in computer dosimetry and isodose chart, teletherapy", "Consultation in computer dosimetry and isodose chart, external beam radiation therapy", "计算机剂量测定和等剂量图咨询、外照射放射治疗", "计算机剂量测定和等剂量图咨询、远程治疗" ], "391233009": [ "Psychological therapies - 3-5 contacts/week", "心理治疗——每周 3-5 次" ], "405782001": [ "Relapse prevention", "预防复发" ], "1290518004": [ "Assessment using Modified Tardieu Scale", "Assessment using MTS (Modified Tardieu Scale)", "使用改良 Tardieu 量表进行评估", "使用 MTS(改良 Tardieu 量表)进行评估" ], "61718005": [ "Image analysis, karyometry", "图像分析、核型分析" ], "45334006": [ "Mediastinoscopy with biopsy", "Mediastinoscopy and biopsy", "纵隔镜检查及活检", "纵隔镜检查和活检" ], "1255915001": [ "Implantation of osseointegrated implant into bone of jaw", "将骨整合植入物植入颌骨" ], "23381000175103": [ "Pre-visit planning", "参观前规划" ], "27115008": [ "Microsomal thyroid antibody measurement", "微粒体甲状腺抗体测量" ], "174571008": [ "Open renewal of bile duct stent", "Open renewal of tubal prosthesis in bile duct", "胆管内管状假体的开放式更新", "胆管支架开放更新" ], "385728004": [ "Spiritual comfort", "精神慰藉" ], "271040006": [ "Percentage blast cell count", "Blast cell percent differential count", "原始细胞计数百分比", "原始细胞百分比分化计数" ], "172736007": [ "Transtympanic electrocochleography", "ECochG - Transtympanic electrocochleography", "经鼓室耳蜗电图", "ECochG-- 经鼓室耳蜗电图" ], "8896007": [ "Osteotomy of acetabular bone", "髋臼截骨术" ], "121749003": [ "Cerebroside-sulfatase B measurement", "Cerebroside-sulphatase B measurement", "脑苷硫酸酶B测定", "脑苷硫酸酯酶B测定" ], "252821004": [ "Anterior segment fluorescein angiography", "Angiography of anterior segment fluorescein", "眼前节荧光血管造影", "前节荧光血管造影" ], "367509004": [ "Incision of hepatic ducts", "Hepaticotomy", "肝切开术", "肝管切开术" ], "105365004": [ "Three glass urine test", "三杯尿液检测" ], "285589007": [ "ECS - Endocervical swab", "Endocervical swab", "ECS-宫颈内拭子", "宫颈管拭子" ], "1119338001": [ "Segmental excision and ligation of right vas deferens", "Segmental vasectomy with ligation of right vas deferens", "输精管分段切除术及右侧输精管结扎术", "右侧输精管分段切除及结扎" ], "119914003": [ "Liver reconstruction", "肝脏重建" ], "431210005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of radial artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮腔内桡动脉血管成形术" ], "169066007": [ "CT of skull", "Computed tomography of skull", "颅骨计算机断层扫描", "头颅CT" ], "447594008": [ "Complete excision of meningioma by supratentorial approach", "Total excision of meningioma by supratentorial approach", "经幕上入路完整切除脑膜瘤", "幕上入路全切除脑膜瘤" ], "232767002": [ "Decalcification of implanted mitral valve", "植入二尖瓣的脱钙" ], "85311003": [ "ELISA by peroxidase-antiperoxidase method", "Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) by peroxidase-antiperoxidase method", "Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay by peroxidase-antiperoxidase method", "过氧化物酶-抗过氧化物酶法酶联免疫吸附测定", "过氧化物酶-抗过氧化物酶法 ELISA", "采用过氧化物酶-抗过氧化物酶法进行酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)" ], "118079006": [ "HTLV 1 AND 2 p24 antibody assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 AND 2 p24 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 protein 24 antibody and Human T-lymphotropic virus 2 protein 24 antibody", "人类 T 细胞淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 和 2 p24 抗体检测", "HTLV 1 和 2 p24 抗体检测", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒1蛋白24抗体和人类T淋巴细胞病毒2蛋白24抗体的测量" ], "412991008": [ "White cell and plasma lysosomal enzyme measurement", "White cell and plasma lysosomal enzyme level", "White cell AND/OR plasma lysosomal enzyme measurement", "白细胞和血浆溶酶体酶测量", "白细胞和/或血浆溶酶体酶测量", "白细胞和血浆溶酶体酶水平" ], "230932000": [ "Laser recanalisation of intracranial vessel", "Laser recanalization of intracranial vessel", "颅内血管激光再通术" ], "312852003": [ "Screening at times of life", "人生各个阶段的筛查" ], "443924005": [ "Quantitative measurement of glucose in 1 hour postprandial urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of glucose in 1 hour postprandial urine specimen", "餐后1小时尿液样本葡萄糖定量测定", "餐后1小时尿液标本葡萄糖质量浓度的定量测定" ], "116244007": [ "Enucleation of prostate", "前列腺剜除术" ], "32489001": [ "Obstetric transplantation", "产科移植" ], "737001009": [ "Insertion of male retropubic continence sling device", "插入男性耻骨后控尿吊带装置" ], "425705009": [ "Determination of acuity level", "Determination of acuity", "视力测定", "敏锐度的确定" ], "229097009": [ "Shoulder class", "肩部类" ], "176275001": [ "Open resection of male bladder neck", "Open resection of male urinary bladder neck", "男性膀胱颈开放切除术" ], "1208467002": [ "Cystoscopy and biopsy of bladder lesion using rigid cystoscope", "Rigid cystoscopy and biopsy of bladder lesion", "Rigid cystoscopy and biopsy of lesion of bladder", "Rigid cystoscopy and biopsy of lesion of urinary bladder", "Rigid cystoscopy and biopsy of urinary bladder lesion", "硬性膀胱镜检查及膀胱病变活检", "使用硬式膀胱镜进行膀胱镜检查和膀胱病变活检", "膀胱硬镜检查及膀胱病变活检" ], "225427003": [ "Procedures to aid continence", "帮助控制排尿的程序" ], "2961000087101": [ "MRI of bilateral hips with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral hips with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both hips with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right hip with contrast", "双侧髋关节 MRI 增强扫描", "双侧髋关节磁共振成像对比", "左、右髋关节磁共振成像对比", "双髋关节磁共振成像对比" ], "401000087102": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of right lower limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venogram of right lower extremity with contrast", "右下肢荧光静脉造影" ], "174440001": [ "Packing of liver laceration", "肝裂伤填塞" ], "6801000087106": [ "MRI of bilateral acromioclavicular joints", "Magnetic resonance imaging of bilateral acromioclavicular joints", "Magnetic resonance imaging of both acromioclavicular joints", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left and right acromioclavicular joint", "双侧肩锁关节磁共振成像", "双侧肩锁关节的磁共振成像", "左、右肩锁关节磁共振成像", "双侧肩锁关节 MRI 检查" ], "1681000087107": [ "Ultrasonography of bilateral shoulders", "Ultrasound scan of both shoulders", "Ultrasound scan of left and right shoulder", "左、右肩部超声波扫描", "双肩超声波扫描", "双肩超声检查" ], "10600007": [ "Endoscopic brush biopsy of stomach", "Gastroesophageal brush biopsy", "Gastro-oesophageal brush biopsy", "胃内镜刷检", "胃食管刷检" ], "303677001": [ "CT of male pelvic organs", "Computed tomography of male pelvic organs", "男性盆腔器官 CT", "男性盆腔器官的计算机断层扫描" ], "172605007": [ "Reconstruction of external ear using graft", "使用移植物重建外耳" ], "121618000": [ "Levo-methamphetamine measurement", "左旋甲基苯丙胺测量" ], "301842006": [ "IV - Intraven blood transfusn", "Intravenous blood transfusion", "静脉输血", "IV - 静脉输血" ], "105234006": [ "Mesterolone measurement", "美睾酮测量" ], "300007000": [ "Screening for cardiovascular system disease", "心血管系统疾病筛查" ], "252690007": [ "Potassium hydroxide test", "Amine test", "Whiff test", "氢氧化钾试验", "胺测试", "嗅探测试" ], "56082007": [ "Separation of unequal conjoined twins", "不等连体双胞胎分离" ], "412860001": [ "Urine lysine measurement", "Urine lysine level", "尿液赖氨酸水平", "尿液赖氨酸测量" ], "68796002": [ "Radioisotope study of musculoskeletal system", "Radionuclide study of skeletal system", "骨骼系统的放射性核素研究", "肌肉骨骼系统的放射性同位素研究" ], "19644003": [ "Repair of inverted uterus", "子宫内翻修复术" ], "183484003": [ "Day hospital care", "日间医院护理" ], "265404007": [ "Colonoscopic extirpation of lesion of lower bowel", "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of lower bowel using fibreoptic sigmoidoscope", "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of lower bowel using fiberoptic sigmoidoscope", "纤维乙状结肠镜下切除下段肠道病变", "结肠镜下肠病变切除术", "纤维乙状结肠镜下肠镜切除下段肠道病变" ], "232636007": [ "Excision of segment of middle lobe of right lung", "右肺中叶段切除术" ], "34193001": [ "Closed drainage of chest", "Closed drainage of thorax", "胸腔闭式引流" ], "66961001": [ "Natural childbirth class education", "自然分娩课程教育" ], "1017233003": [ "Sequential anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) from mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of left internal mammary artery from mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) from mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Sequential anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery from mid portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery to distal portion of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "左内乳动脉从左冠状动脉前降支中段至左冠状动脉前降支远段序贯吻合术", "左胸廓内动脉左冠状动脉前降支中段至左冠状动脉前降支远段序贯吻合术", "左内胸动脉 (LITA) 从左冠状动脉前降支中段至左冠状动脉前降支远端的顺序吻合术", "左内乳动脉 (LIMA) 从左冠状动脉前降支中段至左冠状动脉前降支远端的顺序吻合术" ], "281788007": [ "Spinal decompression with discectomy", "脊柱减压及椎间盘切除术" ], "117948007": [ "Bovine herpesvirus 1 antigen assay", "牛疱疹病毒 1 型抗原测定" ], "445628007": [ "Assessment using alcohol withdrawal scale", "使用酒精戒断量表进行评估" ], "179814000": [ "Biopsy of lesion of ligament", "韧带损伤活检" ], "1230225009": [ "Performing a complete bed bath", "Bathing skin of full body of subject in bed", "Complete bed bath", "Giving a complete bed bath", "Performing a complete body bath in bed", "Full-body bed bath", "彻底洗净床铺", "受试者在床上全身沐浴皮肤", "进行彻底的床上沐浴", "完成床浴", "全身床浴", "在床上进行全身沐浴" ], "441958009": [ "Imaging of musculoskeletal system", "肌肉骨骼系统成像" ], "390971003": [ "Serum theophylline level", "血清茶碱水平" ], "440123004": [ "Arthroscopy of shoulder with excision of distal clavicle", "肩关节镜检查及远端锁骨切除术" ], "718651005": [ "Assessment using DIALOG patient rated outcome measure", "使用 DIALOG 患者评价结果测量进行评估" ], "176144000": [ "Creation of vesicovaginal fistula", "膀胱阴道瘘的形成" ], "700432001": [ "Referral to haematuria clinic", "Referral to hematuria clinic", "转诊至血尿门诊", "转诊至血尿诊所" ], "225296004": [ "Identifying problems", "识别问题" ], "274448007": [ "Biliary lithotripsy", "胆道碎石术" ], "405520009": [ "Aorto-profunda graft for repair of aneurysm", "主动脉深部移植用于修复动脉瘤" ], "223461003": [ "Informing about what is happening", "告知正在发生的事情" ], "76005006": [ "Nephrolithotomy for removal of staghorn calculus", "肾结石切除术" ], "305381007": [ "Admission to palliative care department", "入住姑息治疗科" ], "713146000": [ "Referral to health aide service", "转介至健康助理服务" ], "418234000": [ "Radionuclide liver and spleen study", "Radionuclide liver and spleen imaging procedure", "放射性核素肝脏和脾脏显像程序", "放射性核素肝脏和脾脏研究" ], "90554007": [ "Removal of foreign body from muscle of hand", "手部肌肉异物取出" ], "860602007": [ "Postpartum hysterectomy", "Postpartum excision of uterus", "产后子宫切除术" ], "432783000": [ "Aspiration of foot using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下足部抽吸" ], "416399002": [ "Procollagen type I amino-terminal propeptide level", "Procollagen type I amino-terminal propeptide measurement", "I 型前胶原氨基末端前肽水平", "I 型前胶原氨基末端前肽测量" ], "252559003": [ "Olfaction test", "嗅觉测试" ], "236175002": [ "Nephroscopic adjustment of ureteric stent", "Percutaneous adjustment of ureteric stent", "肾镜输尿管支架调整", "经皮输尿管支架调整" ], "121487005": [ "Cefixime measurement", "头孢克肟测量" ], "711311007": [ "Computed tomography of sinus of pelvis", "CT of sinus of pelvis", "盆腔窦 CT", "骨盆窦计算机断层扫描" ], "23183008": [ "Excision of lingual torus", "Excision of torus mandibularis", "下颌隆突切除术", "舌隆突切除术" ], "709476000": [ "Assessment of fear about being a burden to others", "评估对成为他人负担的恐惧" ], "840548001": [ "Assessment using Smell Identification Test", "Assessment using University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test", "Assessment using UPSIT (University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test)", "使用气味识别测试进行评估", "使用宾夕法尼亚大学嗅觉识别测试进行评估", "使用 UPSIT(宾夕法尼亚大学气味识别测试)进行评估" ], "398180003": [ "Reversal of anaesthesia using a specific drug reversal agent", "Reversal of anesthesia using a specific drug reversal agent", "使用特定药物逆转剂逆转麻醉" ], "119652004": [ "Wrist closure", "腕部闭合" ], "250724005": [ "Tumor marker measurement", "Tumour marker level", "Tumor marker level", "Tumour marker measurement", "肿瘤标志物水平", "肿瘤标志物测量" ], "117817000": [ "Measurement of Influenza A virus antibody and Influenza B virus antibody", "Influenza A virus AND B antibody assay", "甲型流感病毒抗体和乙型流感病毒抗体的测量", "甲型流感病毒和乙型流感病毒抗体检测" ], "183353004": [ "Vocational resettlement", "职业安置" ], "232505005": [ "Transorbital ethmoidectomy", "Patterson's operation", "经眶筛窦切除术", "帕特森手术" ], "429113008": [ "Percutaneous transluminal closure of patent oval foramen using prosthesis", "经皮腔内假体闭合术" ], "34062000": [ "Microbial culture, routine", "微生物培养,常规" ], "1230094006": [ "Dressing training", "Training for dressing activity", "穿衣培训", "穿衣活动训练" ], "427278007": [ "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of calculus of tendon", "体外冲击波碎石术治疗腱结石" ], "736739001": [ "Reconstruction using deltopectoral pedicle flap", "三角肌胸大肌蒂皮瓣重建" ], "359907002": [ "Excision of synovium of foot", "足部滑膜切除术" ], "179683003": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture dislocation and skeletal traction", "骨折脱位闭合复位及骨牵引术" ], "409059003": [ "Safety teaching, guidance, and counselling", "Safety teaching, guidance, and counseling", "Safety education, guidance, and counseling", "Safety education, guidance, and counselling", "安全教育、指导和咨询", "安全教学、指导和咨询" ], "441827009": [ "Graded exercise therapy", "分级运动疗法" ], "79544006": [ "Complete axillary lymphadenectomy", "Radical excision of axillary lymph nodes", "Axillary lymph nodes clearance", "Block dissection of axillary lymph nodes", "腋窝淋巴结完全清扫", "腋窝淋巴结清扫", "腋窝淋巴结清扫术", "腋窝淋巴结根治切除术" ], "439992006": [ "Closed reduction of articular fracture of metacarpophalangeal joint", "掌指关节骨折闭合复位术" ], "46776007": [ "Anesthesia for burr holes for ventriculography", "Anaesthesia for burr holes for ventriculography", "脑室造影钻孔麻醉" ], "441321000124105": [ "Counselling about nutrition using stimulus control strategy", "Counseling about nutrition using stimulus control strategy", "使用刺激控制策略进行营养咨询" ], "438761000124105": [ "Vitamin A supplement therapy", "维生素A补充疗法" ], "274317003": [ "Laryngoscopic biopsy larynx", "Endoscopic biopsy of larynx", "喉镜喉活检", "喉内镜活检" ], "77709000": [ "Quantitative microbial culture and measurement", "定量微生物培养与测量" ], "30392007": [ "Laparoscopy with excision of lesion", "腹腔镜手术切除病变" ], "225165001": [ "Removal of leeches", "清除水蛭" ], "241549007": [ "CT of liver", "Computed tomography of liver", "肝脏计算机断层扫描", "肝脏CT" ], "405389008": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of profunda femoris artery", "股深动脉内膜切除及血管成形术" ], "305250001": [ "Admission by gynaecologist", "Admission by gynecologist", "妇科医生入院" ], "718520009": [ "Intravenous infusion of iron", "静脉输注铁剂" ], "437481000124109": [ "Amino acid modified diet", "氨基酸改良饮食" ], "370786008": [ "Confirming patient identity before operative/invasive procedure", "Verifying patient identity prior to start of operative procedure", "在手术/侵入​​性操作前确认患者身份", "手术开始前核实患者身份" ], "713015001": [ "Computed tomography angiography of vascular structure of limb with contrast", "CT angiography of vascular structure of limb with contrast", "CT angiography of vascular structure of extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of vascular structure of extremity with contrast", "肢体血管结构增强 CT 血管造影", "肢体血管结构增强计算机断层扫描血管造影", "四肢血管结构增强 CT 血管造影" ], "8503002": [ "Diagnostic radiography with contrast media, bilateral", "使用造影剂的诊断性放射线照相术,双侧" ], "172343004": [ "Resection of superior oblique muscle of eye", "眼球上斜肌切除术" ], "90423005": [ "Removal of electrodes from peripheral nerve with synchronous replacement", "同步置换法从周围神经移除电极" ], "57655007": [ "Ureterosigmoidostomy", "USS - Ureterosigmoidostomy", "USS - 输尿管乙状结肠造口术", "输尿管乙状结肠造口术" ], "104972000": [ "Thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins measurement", "促甲状腺免疫球蛋白测量" ], "450871008": [ "Attention to colostomy", "注意结肠造口术" ], "1153548006": [ "Promotion of cognitive therapy", "推广认知疗法" ], "6668007": [ "Fibrinogen assay, quantitative", "纤维蛋白原测定,定量" ], "432652008": [ "Biopsy of lung using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Biopsy of lung using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行肺活检" ], "121356007": [ "1-Naphthol measurement", "1-萘酚测量" ], "21217000": [ "Collection of pinworm specimen", "蛲虫标本采集" ], "86753005": [ "Excision of fistula of lacrimal sac", "Fistulectomy of lacrimal sac", "泪囊瘘切除术", "泪囊瘘管切除术" ], "166838001": [ "Serum fasting HDL cholesterol measurement", "Serum fasting HDL cholesterol level", "Serum fasting high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement", "血清空腹高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平", "血清空腹高密度脂蛋白胆固醇测量" ], "117686001": [ "Trichlorophenoxyacetate measurement", "三氯苯氧乙酸酯的测定" ], "609206002": [ "Revision of anterolateral excision of thoracic intervertebral disc and graft", "Revision of anterolateral excision of thoracic intervertebral disc with insertion of graft", "胸椎间盘前外侧切除术及植入移植物修复术", "胸椎前路椎间盘切除及植骨手术修复" ], "52150005": [ "Lysis of goniosynechiae", "Goniosynechiolysis", "房角粘连松解术", "房角粘连分离" ], "312459000": [ "Hemoglobin S genotype determination", "Hemoglobin S genotype", "Haemoglobin S genotype", "Haemoglobin S genotype determination", "血红蛋白 S 基因型", "血红蛋白 S 基因型测定" ], "443531001": [ "Percutaneous insertion of stent into coarctation of aorta using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下经皮将支架置入主动脉缩窄处" ], "1231798008": [ "Revision of root canal therapy of anterior tooth", "Revision of root canal treatment of anterior tooth", "Root canal retreatment of anterior tooth", "Revision of treatment of root canal of anterior tooth", "Revision of endodontic treatment of anterior tooth", "前牙根管再治疗", "前牙根管治疗的修正", "前牙根管修复治疗" ], "1163003": [ "Ureteroenterostomy", "Transplant of ureter to intestine", "Anastomosis of ureter to intestine", "输尿管肠吻合术", "输尿管移植至肠道" ], "165003006": [ "Echinococcus extract skin test", "Skin test for echinococcus infection", "Casoni skin test", "包虫病皮肤试验", "卡索尼皮肤测试", "棘球蚴提取物皮肤试验" ], "310624001": [ "Patch repair of axillary artery", "腋动脉补片修复" ], "359776002": [ "Glucose measurement by monitoring device", "通过监测设备测量血糖" ], "441696008": [ "Insertion of transobturator tape for male urinary incontinence", "经闭孔带置入术治疗男性尿失禁" ], "228704009": [ "Radiotherapy planning using a free set up", "使用自由设置的放射治疗计划" ], "408928009": [ "Sexual behaviour analysis management", "Sexual behavior analysis management", "Manage sexual behaviour analysis", "Manage sexual behavior analysis", "管理性行为分析", "性行为分析管理" ], "276021004": [ "Ultrasonography of carotid artery", "Ultrasound scan of carotid artery", "Ultrasound of carotid artery", "颈动脉超声扫描", "颈动脉超声检查" ], "439861005": [ "Arthroscopy of shoulder with biceps tenodesis", "肩关节镜检查及肱二头肌肌腱固定术" ], "46645006": [ "Replacement of electroencephalographic receiver in brain", "Removal of electroencephalographic receiver from brain with synchronous replacement", "脑内脑电图接收器更换", "脑电图接收器从脑中移除并同步置换" ], "61194000": [ "Reattachment of choroid and retina by electrocoagulation", "Reattachment of choroid and retina by coagulation using electrical energy", "电凝术使脉络膜和视网膜复位", "利用电能凝固脉络膜和视网膜" ], "716554004": [ "Ultrasonography guided removal of tunneled peritoneal drain from peritoneal cavity", "Removal of tunneled peritoneal drain from peritoneal cavity using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided removal of tunnelled peritoneal drain from peritoneal cavity", "Removal of tunnelled peritoneal drain from peritoneal cavity using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下从腹腔中取出隧道式腹腔引流管", "使用超声引导从腹腔中移除隧道式腹腔引流管" ], "175882004": [ "Peroperative angioplasty", "围手术期血管成形术" ], "239583004": [ "Amputation of finger through metacarpal", "经掌骨切断手指" ], "75743008": [ "Partial resection of vertebral component, spinous process of lumbar region", "椎体、腰椎棘突部分切除术" ], "1222623009": [ "Penetrating keratoplasty with implantation of posterior chamber intraocular lens", "穿透性角膜移植联合后房型人工晶状体植入术" ], "417972004": [ "Angioplasty of hepatic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of hepatic artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下肝动脉造影血管成形术", "荧光造影引导下肝动脉血管成形术" ], "104841000": [ "Ornithine measurement", "鸟氨酸测量" ], "711049001": [ "Assessment of physiological status", "生理状态评估" ], "172212009": [ "Excision of lesion of eyelid", "眼睑病变切除术" ], "39305005": [ "Oral contrast cholangiography", "口服造影胆管造影" ], "184926002": [ "PSV exam for patient", "Public service vehicle examination for patient", "公务车病人检查", "患者 PSV 检查" ], "1217118003": [ "Endoscopic examination of lower bowel and biopsy of lesion of lower bowel", "下肠道内镜检查及下肠道病变活检" ], "840286006": [ "Zero echo time imaging", "ZTE (zero echo time) imaging", "ZTE(零回波时间)成像", "零回波时间成像" ], "37470006": [ "Removal of foreign body from head", "取出头部异物" ], "265011000": [ "Excision of cystic hygroma", "囊性水瘤切除术" ], "250462009": [ "Number of ova cysts and parasites", "Count of ova cysts and parasites", "卵囊和寄生虫计数", "卵囊和寄生虫的数量" ], "84787003": [ "Modified proportion agar dilution test for slow growing Mycobacteria", "慢生长分枝杆菌改良比例琼脂稀释试验" ], "363315004": [ "Surgical implantation to cardiovascular system", "心血管系统外科植入" ], "406571000119104": [ "MRI of paranasal sinuses without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of paranasal sinuses without contrast", "无造影剂的鼻旁窦磁共振成像", "鼻旁窦非造影 MRI" ], "392491000119105": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of right limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venogram of right extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venography of right extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venogram of right limb with contrast", "右肢荧光静脉造影" ], "16334891000119106": [ "Low dose computed tomography of chest without contrast", "Low dose CT of chest without contrast", "低剂量胸部无造影计算机断层扫描", "低剂量胸部无造影 CT" ], "566571000119105": [ "Mammography of right breast", "Mammogram of right breast", "右乳乳房 X 线摄影", "右乳房乳房 X 光检查" ], "1032004": [ "Enucleation of parotid gland cyst", "腮腺囊肿摘除术" ], "410632008": [ "Well child visit, 18 month", "儿童健康检查,18 个月" ], "31965002": [ "Prosthetic evaluation for artificial limb fitting", "假肢适配评估" ], "228573002": [ "Activity scheduling", "活动安排" ], "392413005": [ "Dog epithelium specific IgE antibody measurement", "e2 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Dog epithelium specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "犬上皮特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "e2 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "犬上皮特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "783794002": [ "Reconstruction of areola with full thickness graft of skin", "全层皮肤移植重建乳晕" ], "1258930006": [ "PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) on middle portion of LMCA (left main coronary artery)", "PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) on mid portion of LMCA (left main coronary artery)", "Percutaneous coronary intervention on middle part of left main coronary artery", "Percutaneous coronary intervention on mid-segment of left main coronary artery", "对 LMCA(左主冠状动脉)中段进行 PCI(经皮冠状动脉介入治疗)", "左冠状动脉主干中段经皮冠状动脉介入治疗" ], "439730007": [ "Removal of halo device of pelvis", "骨盆光环装置移除术" ], "61063002": [ "Ureterostomy", "输尿管造口术" ], "306823008": [ "Low power laser therapy to hand", "低功率激光治疗手" ], "172081001": [ "Left augmentation mammoplasty", "左侧隆胸手术" ], "90161004": [ "Arteriectomy with anastomosis", "动脉切除吻合术" ], "710918000": [ "Provision of safety device", "提供安全装置" ], "170246001": [ "School screening for verrucae", "学校疣筛查" ], "434225009": [ "Percutaneous embolization of cephalic vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of cephalic vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行头静脉经皮栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮头静脉栓塞术" ], "39174001": [ "Electrocoagulation with curettage", "电凝刮除术" ], "712753009": [ "Administration of chemotherapeutic agent into bladder via intravesical route", "Administration of chemotherapeutic agent into urinary bladder via intravesical route", "通过膀胱内途径将化疗药物注入膀胱" ], "24625009": [ "Ely's test", "Ely test", "伊利试验", "Ely 的测试" ], "104710009": [ "Glycine measurement", "甘氨酸测量" ], "709083002": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of soft palate", "软腭射频消融术" ], "266715005": [ "Steroid prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic steroid", "类固醇预防", "预防性使用类固醇" ], "1216987008": [ "EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) guided choledochoduodenostomy", "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided choledochoduodenostomy", "Choledochoduodenostomy using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "EUS(内镜超声)引导胆总管十二指肠吻合术", "内镜超声引导下胆总管十二指肠吻合术", "超声内镜引导胆总管十二指肠吻合术" ], "397787008": [ "Drainage of abscess of dentoalveolar structures", "牙槽结构脓肿引流" ], "70107009": [ "Repair of ocular lens", "Lens repair", "目镜修复", "镜头维修" ], "50053001": [ "Delayed allogeneic transplantation, living donor", "延迟同种异体移植,活体供体" ], "164741002": [ "Eye curvature measurement", "眼球曲率测量" ], "443269005": [ "Percutaneous transluminal stent assisted coil embolisation of cerebral aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal stent assisted coil embolization of cerebral aneurysm using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal stent assisted coil embolization of cerebral aneurysm with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal stent assisted coil embolisation of cerebral aneurysm with contrast", "经皮腔内支架辅助线圈栓塞脑动脉瘤(使用荧光造影剂引导)", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内支架辅助线圈栓塞治疗脑动脉瘤", "经皮腔内支架辅助线圈栓塞治疗脑动脉瘤(荧光造影引导)" ], "719962002": [ "Advance care planning decisions shared with out of hours service", "与非工作时间服务共享提前护理计划决策" ], "392282007": [ "Lolium perenne specific IgE antibody measurement", "g5 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rye grass specific IgE antibody measurement", "Lolium perenne specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "黑麦草特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "g5特异性IgE抗体测量", "黑麦草特异性IgE抗体测定", "黑麦草多年生特异性 IgE 抗体测定" ], "736346008": [ "Laparoscopic drainage of pelvic abscess", "腹腔镜盆腔脓肿引流" ], "128303001": [ "Surgical removal", "SR - Surgical removal", "SR - 手术切除", "手术切除" ], "80986009": [ "Drainage of perirenal abscess", "Drainage of perinephric abscess", "肾周脓肿引流" ], "46383002": [ "Uroporphyrinogen-I-synthase measurement, erythrocyte", "Erythrocyte PBG-deaminase measurement", "红细胞 PBG 脱氨酶测量", "尿卟啉原-I-合酶测量,红细胞" ], "423215004": [ "Provision of continuity of care", "Providing continuity of care", "提供连续的护理", "提供持续护理" ], "406831002": [ "Chrysoidine R stain method", "Chrysoidine R stain", "Chrysoidine R染色法", "Chrysoidine R 染色" ], "275759006": [ "Serum ferritin/TIBC measurement", "Serum ferritin/TIBC", "Serum ferritin/Total iron binding capacity measurement", "血清铁蛋白/TIBC 测量", "血清铁蛋白/总铁结合力测量", "血清铁蛋白/TIBC" ], "439599008": [ "Collection of specimen by device", "通过设备采集样本" ], "77316001": [ "Tween 80 hydrolysis test", "吐温80水解试验" ], "306692005": [ "Discharge to private residential home", "送往私人安老院" ], "175620007": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using prosthesis", "紧急用假体吻合股动脉至腘动脉以置换动脉瘤性股动脉" ], "241156009": [ "Water soluble contrast meal", "水溶性造影剂" ], "1287897002": [ "Radical trachelectomy", "Radical amputation of cervix uteri", "宫颈根治术", "根治性宫颈切除术" ], "239321003": [ "Operation on epiphysis of bone", "骨骺手术" ], "108249004": [ "Audiologic AND/OR audiometric test including vestibular function", "听力学和/或听力测试,包括前庭功能" ], "419545005": [ "Computed tomography angiography of coronary artery with contrast", "CT angiography of coronary artery with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of coronary artery with contrast", "CT arteriography of coronary artery with contrast", "CT arteriogram of coronary artery with contrast", "冠状动脉 CT 造影", "冠状动脉增强 CT 血管造影", "冠状动脉增强 CT 造影", "冠状动脉造影计算机断层血管造影", "冠状动脉造影计算机断层扫描" ], "8110000": [ "Strapping of Unna boot", "绑扎 Unna 靴" ], "237486002": [ "Total thyroidectomy with cervical lymph node dissection", "全甲状腺切除术及颈部淋巴结清扫术" ], "401326005": [ "Escherichia coli O157 screening test", "大肠杆菌O157筛查试验" ], "57262007": [ "Manipulation of pineal gland", "松果体操作" ], "104579003": [ "Catecholamines, total measurement, urine", "尿液儿茶酚胺总量" ], "250200001": [ "Complement activation measurement", "Complement activation level", "Complement activation assay", "补体活化测量", "补体活化试验", "补体活化水平" ], "37208002": [ "Removal of internal fixation device from radius AND ulna", "从桡骨和尺骨移除内固定装置" ], "446808004": [ "Total excision of maxilla and excision of nasal turbinate", "Total maxillectomy and turbinectomy", "上颌骨全切除术及鼻甲切除术", "全上颌骨切除术和鼻甲切除术" ], "363053000": [ "Decompressive incision of nervous system", "神经系统减压切开术" ], "68141001": [ "Plication of mesentery", "Mesenteriplication", "肠系膜皱襞", "肠系膜折叠术" ], "428589002": [ "Removal of obstruction of left ventricular outflow tract", "解除左心室流出道梗阻" ], "608813004": [ "Open reduction of fracture of iliac spine of pelvis with internal fixation", "Open reduction of fracture of iliac spine with internal fixation", "髂骨棘骨折切开复位内固定术", "骨盆髂棘骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "444973009": [ "Biopsy of lesion of penis", "阴茎病变活检" ], "313901009": [ "150 minute plasma FSH level", "150 minute plasma FSH measurement", "150 minute plasma follicle stimulating hormone measurement", "150 分钟血浆促卵泡激素测量", "150 分钟血浆 FSH 水平", "150 分钟血浆 FSH 测量" ], "410370004": [ "Bonding surveillance", "Bonding / attachment surveillance", "粘合/附着监测", "粘合监控" ], "361218008": [ "Pure tone audiometry, extended, sensitivity index", "纯音听力检查,扩展,敏感度指数" ], "80855002": [ "Amputation of penis", "Penectomy", "Resection of penis", "阴茎切除术" ], "179159005": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of hip", "髋部骨折闭合复位" ], "717996004": [ "Cone beam CT guided biopsy of pelvis", "Biopsy of pelvis using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "使用锥形束 CT 引导进行骨盆活检", "锥形束 CT 引导下盆腔活检" ], "765313000": [ "Radionuclide imaging of kidney using technetium (99m-Tc) pentavalent succimer for renal neoplasm", "使用锝(99m-Tc)五价二丁二酸进行肾脏放射性核素显像以检测肾脏肿瘤" ], "175489001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolectomy of renal artery", "经皮肾动脉腔内取栓术" ], "306561002": [ "Discharge from establishment", "解除机构职务" ], "28033003": [ "Fluoroscopic localization for needle biopsy in chest", "Fluoroscopic localisation for needle biopsy in chest", "Needle biopsy of chest with fluoroscopy guided localization", "Needle biopsy of chest with fluoroscopy guided localisation", "胸部穿刺活检及荧光透视引导定位", "胸部穿刺活检的荧光透视定位", "胸部穿刺活检及荧光透视定位" ], "241025004": [ "Removal of alternate sutures", "拆除替代缝线" ], "1240449006": [ "Construction of open window stoma of thorax", "Open window thoracostomy", "OWT - open window thoracostomy", "胸腔开窗造口术", "OWT-- 开窗胸腔造口术", "开窗胸腔造口术" ], "1254998008": [ "Sesame free diet", "无芝麻饮食" ], "1287766009": [ "ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) with insertion of ENBD (endoscopic nasobiliary drainage) tube", "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with insertion of nasobiliary drainage tube", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影术及鼻胆管引流管插入术", "ERCP(内镜逆行胰胆管造影)并插入 ENBD(内镜鼻胆管引流)管" ], "827179001": [ "Dengue vaccination", "Administration of dengue vaccine", "Dengue immunization", "Dengue immunisation", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Dengue virus antigen", "接种仅含登革热病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "接种登革热疫苗", "登革热免疫", "登革热疫苗接种" ], "89899001": [ "Repair of inguinal hernia with prosthesis or graft, indirect", "用假体或移植物间接修复腹股沟疝" ], "384811003": [ "Meals on wheels programme management", "Meals on wheels program management", "Manage meals-on-wheels", "流动餐食计划管理", "管理送餐上门服务" ], "712491005": [ "Completion of learning disabilities health action plan", "完成学习障碍健康行动计划" ], "450347006": [ "Aspiration of bronchus", "支气管吸入" ], "104448000": [ "2-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase measurement", "2-羟基丁酸脱氢酶测量" ], "235520005": [ "Closure of cholecystogastrostomy", "胆囊胃造口术" ], "448512005": [ "Excision of lesion of tendon sheath of digit of hand", "Excision of lesion of tendon sheath of finger", "手手指腱鞘病变切除术", "手指腱鞘病变切除术" ], "301056009": [ "Secondary closed reduction of traumatic dislocation", "创伤性脱位的二次闭合复位" ], "315605001": [ "Scraping of corn", "玉米刮削" ], "446677005": [ "Laparoscopic excision of adrenal gland by retroperitoneal approach", "腹腔镜经腹膜后入路肾上腺切除术" ], "708821006": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of mediastinum using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of mediastinum", "影像引导下经皮纵隔细针穿刺活检" ], "2474001": [ "Repair of malunion of metatarsal bones", "跖骨畸形愈合的修复" ], "281002001": [ "Buccal fraenectomy", "Buccal frenectomy", "颊侧系带切除术", "颊系带切除术" ], "84394002": [ "Drainage of bursa of hand", "手部滑囊引流" ], "313770002": [ "Serum apolipoprotein B level", "Serum apolipoprotein B measurement", "血清载脂蛋白 B 测量", "血清载脂蛋白 B 水平" ], "395690006": [ "Serum procollagen type III peptide level", "Serum procoll type III pept lev", "血清 III 型前胶原肽水平", "血清 procoll 型 III 肽水平" ], "706986008": [ "Education about complication of treatment", "关于治疗并发症的教育" ], "426623001": [ "Anaesthesia care monitoring", "Anesthesia care monitoring", "MAC - monitored anaesthesia care", "MAC - monitored anesthesia care", "MAC-- 监控麻醉护理", "麻醉护理监测" ], "64340000": [ "Removal of foreign body from retina without use of magnet", "无需使用磁铁即可从视网膜中取出异物" ], "66175009": [ "Manipulation of adenoid", "腺样体操作" ], "410239009": [ "Pain control education", "Teach pain control", "疼痛控制教育", "教导疼痛控制" ], "80724002": [ "Circumcision by surgical excision on newborn", "新生儿包皮环切手术" ], "47956003": [ "Replacement of drain of vagina", "更换阴道引流管" ], "392020005": [ "Peripherally inserted central catheter care", "Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) care", "PICC line care", "经外周插入中心静脉导管 (PICC) 护理", "外周插入中心静脉导管护理", "PICC 导管护理" ], "736084005": [ "Referral to ureterostomy nurse", "转诊至输尿管造口术护士" ], "29737003": [ "Nephrolithotomy by secondary operation", "二次手术肾结石取石术" ], "898089006": [ "Excision of Couinaud hepatic segment V and Couinaud hepatic segment VIII", "Right anterior sectionectomy of liver", "右肝前段切除术", "切除 Couinaud 肝段 V 和 Couinaud 肝段 VIII" ], "290046000": [ "Toilet practice", "如厕练习" ], "386515000": [ "Animal-assisted therapy", "动物辅助治疗" ], "306430009": [ "Discharge by general physician", "全科医生出院" ], "173523001": [ "Ligation of submandibular duct", "颌下导管结扎术" ], "107987003": [ "Endocrine system destructive procedure", "内分泌系统破坏性手术" ], "384680006": [ "Patch enlargement of coronary artery", "冠状动脉斑块扩大" ], "55165001": [ "Antibody identification, RBC antibody panel, cold", "Antibody identification, red blood cell antibody panel, cold", "抗体鉴定,红细胞抗体组,冷", "抗体鉴定,红细胞抗体组,感冒" ], "431997003": [ "Computed tomography of larynx with contrast", "Computed tomography (CT) of larynx with contrast", "CT of larynx with contrast", "喉部增强 CT", "喉部增强计算机断层扫描", "喉部增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)" ], "448381009": [ "Removal of suture from neck", "拆除颈部缝线" ], "118866001": [ "Procedure on broad ligament", "阔韧带手术" ], "708690003": [ "Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of spine", "DEXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) of spine", "脊柱双能 X 射线吸收仪 (DEXA)", "脊柱双能X射线吸收测定法" ], "446546004": [ "Cystoscopy and lithotripsy of calculus of bladder using laser", "膀胱镜检查及激光碎石术" ], "235389009": [ "Open hemorrhoidectomy", "Open haemorrhoidectomy", "Ligation and excision of hemorrhoids", "Milligan and Morgan hemorrhoidectomy", "Milligan and Morgan haemorrhoidectomy", "Ligation and excision of haemorrhoids", "开放式痔疮切除术", "痔疮结扎及切除", "开放式痔切除术", "米利根和摩根痔疮切除术" ], "104317009": [ "HTLV I antibody assay", "Serologic test for Human T-lymphotropic virus, type I", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) I antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 antibody", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 antibody level", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus 1 antibody level", "人类 T 淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 抗体水平", "HTLV I 抗体检测", "人类T细胞淋巴细胞病毒1型抗体水平", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒1型抗体的测量", "人类 T 淋巴细胞病毒 I 型血清学检测", "人类T细胞淋巴细胞病毒(HTLV)I抗体检测" ], "36946006": [ "Epididymectomy", "Excision of epididymis", "附睾切除术" ], "413778008": [ "CD103 count", "CD103计数" ], "86098009": [ "Special potency disk identification, kanamycin test", "特殊效价纸片鉴定、卡那霉素试验" ], "117031001": [ "Supravital stain method", "Supravital stain", "Supravital staining method", "活体染色法", "活体染色" ], "313639004": [ "Reticulocyte percent count", "Percentage reticulocyte count", "网织红细胞计数百分比", "网织红细胞百分比计数" ], "67879005": [ "History and physical examination, limited", "病史和体格检查,有限" ], "444711007": [ "Measurement of total human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 using reverse phase protein microarray technique", "Total Her2 by RPMA", "RPMA 的 Total Her2", "用反相蛋白质微阵列技术测定人类表皮生长因子受体2总量" ], "442876001": [ "Percutaneous drainage of retroperitoneal abscess using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下经皮腹膜后脓肿引流" ], "410108002": [ "Venous catheter care education", "Teach venous catheter care", "教授静脉导管护理", "静脉导管护理教育" ], "33276001": [ "Drainage of fascial compartments of neck", "颈部筋膜腔引流" ], "180732009": [ "Endometrial biopsy by suction", "子宫内膜抽吸活检" ], "735953003": [ "Insertion of temporary neurostimulator into peripheral nerve", "将临时神经刺激器插入周围神经" ], "15057003": [ "Range of motion measurements and report for hand", "手部运动范围测量及报告" ], "719569004": [ "Site visit review of new housing development", "新住房开发项目的现场考察审查" ], "408273009": [ "TSH binding site inhibitor globulin level", "TSH binding site inhibitor globulin measurement", "Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) binding site inhibitor globulin level", "Thyroid stimulating hormone binding site inhibitor globulin level", "TSH 结合位点抑制剂球蛋白测量", "促甲状腺激素结合位点抑制球蛋白水平", "促甲状腺激素 (TSH) 结合位点抑制球蛋白水平", "TSH 结合位点抑制球蛋白水平" ], "373670005": [ "Removal of thyroid adenoma", "切除甲状腺腺瘤" ], "439206009": [ "Measurement of oxycodone in urine", "尿液中羟可酮的测定" ], "306299005": [ "Referral to radiologist", "转诊至放射科医生" ], "173392000": [ "Repair of anterior cleft palate with local flap", "局部皮瓣修复前腭裂" ], "60539009": [ "Echography of thyroid, B-scan", "甲状腺超声检查、B 超" ], "25936005": [ "Ureterolithotomy, middle one-third of ureter", "Middle third ureterolithotomy", "输尿管切开取石术,输尿管中段 1/3", "输尿管中段切开取石术" ], "304464006": [ "Interrupted direct current to elbow", "肘部直流电流中断" ], "9552006": [ "Transposition of tissue of tongue", "舌组织移位" ], "222544006": [ "Tenectomy of tendon sheath", "腱鞘切除术" ], "386384006": [ "Pass facilitation", "通行证便利化" ], "269861002": [ "Electrophoresis: gamma globulin", "电泳:丙种球蛋白" ], "58704009": [ "Removal of foreign body of foot, deep", "足部深部异物取出" ], "400933009": [ "Three step test for cyclovertical muscle palsies", "Three step test", "三步测试", "旋转垂直肌麻痹的三步测试" ], "169722002": [ "Antenatal 37 week examination", "产前37周检查" ], "431866003": [ "Sampling of blood of parathyroid vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行甲状旁腺静脉血液采样" ], "251642003": [ "Brainstem auditory evoked magnetic fields", "脑干听觉诱发磁场" ], "235258008": [ "Attention to duodenostomy", "十二指肠造口术注意事项" ], "55034008": [ "Ward laboratory procedure, screening", "病房实验室程序、筛查" ], "446415001": [ "Endoscopy of large intestine by transabdominal approach", "经腹部大肠内镜检查" ], "85967004": [ "Anesthesia for intracranial procedure", "Anaesthesia for intracranial procedure", "颅内手术麻醉" ], "233423007": [ "Thrombectomy of iliofemoral vein", "Iliofemoral venous thrombectomy", "髂股静脉血栓切除术" ], "1149092001": [ "Positive pressure ventilation", "PPV - positive pressure ventilation", "Positive pressure airway ventilation", "PPV-- 正压通气", "正压气道通气", "正压通气" ], "315343009": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of iliac artery", "经皮髂动脉血栓溶解术" ], "774095009": [ "Assessment using GDS (Global Deterioration Scale)", "Assessment using Global Deterioration Scale", "使用整体恶化量表进行评估", "使用 GDS(全球恶化量表)进行评估" ], "231588006": [ "Curettage of lesion of lateral canthus", "外眦病变刮除术" ], "65913002": [ "Cardiac shunt detection", "心脏分流检测" ], "311673004": [ "Speech festination control exercises", "言语慌张控制练习" ], "409977006": [ "Scabies prep", "Microscopic examination for scabies", "疥疮的显微镜检查", "疥疮准备" ], "178766007": [ "Injection around apophyseal facet of vertebra", "椎骨骨突周围注射" ], "275235000": [ "Incision and drainage of breast abscess", "乳房脓肿切开引流" ], "13091001": [ "Dilation and curettage", "扩张和刮除术" ], "226083002": [ "Excision of joint", "Arthrectomy", "关节切除", "关节切除术" ], "62243002": [ "Debridement of patella", "髌骨清创" ], "127779003": [ "Oscillating positive expiratory pressure (flutter) physiotherapy", "振荡呼气正压(扑动)物理治疗" ], "306168003": [ "Referral to hospital occupational therapy service", "Referral to hospital-based occupational therapy service", "转介至医院职业治疗服务" ], "60408005": [ "Osteoclasis of scapula", "肩胛骨骨折" ], "175096006": [ "Epicardial excision of rhythmogenic focus", "心外膜节律病灶切除术" ], "271565000": [ "Anastomosis of divided bile duct", "胆管分离吻合术" ], "764920009": [ "Open repair of obstructed ventral hernia", "阻塞性腹疝的开放式修补术" ], "386253006": [ "Cutaneous stimulation", "皮肤刺激" ], "9421007": [ "Bougienage", "布吉纳吉" ], "171426001": [ "Section examination - social worker", "Section examination - social worker", "科目考试-社会工作者" ], "122274003": [ "Respiratory syncytial virus culture", "呼吸道合胞病毒培养" ], "236962003": [ "Cervical ripening with Foley catheter", "使用 Foley 导尿管促进宫颈成熟" ], "23970008": [ "Enlargement of atrial septal defect in repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection", "完全性肺静脉异位引流术中房间隔缺损扩大" ], "104055009": [ "i-2 blood group antibody identification", "i-2 血型抗体鉴定" ], "51233000": [ "Sigmoidostomy", "Colostomy of sigmoid", "Construction of sigmoid colostomy", "乙状结肠造口术" ], "428065001": [ "Insertion of stent into subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉置入支架" ], "233292009": [ "Angioscopy of artery", "动脉血管镜检查" ], "80331001": [ "Incision of coronary artery", "冠状动脉切开术" ], "63947001": [ "Spirometry for bronchospasm with prolonged evaluation after antigen exposure", "抗原暴露后进行肺量计检查以评估支气管痉挛" ], "113099003": [ "Phlebography of veins of head and neck", "头部和颈部静脉造影" ], "719307003": [ "Assessment using Denver Developmental Screening Test Second Edition", "Assessment using DDST-II (Denver Developmental Screening Test Second Edition)", "使用 DDST-II(丹佛发育筛查测试第二版)进行评估", "使用丹佛发育筛查测试第二版进行评估" ], "276939005": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of profunda femoris", "经皮股深动脉内膜切除术" ], "406176000": [ "Skin care: donor site", "皮肤护理:供体部位" ], "12960001": [ "Aneurysmectomy of abdominal vein", "腹腔静脉动脉瘤切除术" ], "1259979009": [ "Evaluation of eligibility for microenterprise development programme", "Evaluation of eligibility for microenterprise development program", "评估微型企业发展计划的资格", "微型企业发展计划资格评估" ], "225952006": [ "Preparation of patient for investigation", "患者接受检查前的准备" ], "306037000": [ "Referral by nurse behavioural therapist", "Referral from nurse behavioral therapist", "Referral by nurse behavioral therapist", "Referral from nurse behavioural therapist", "护士行为治疗师转介", "护士行为治疗师的推荐" ], "699253003": [ "Surgical manipulation of joint of knee", "膝关节手术操作" ], "287818002": [ "Partial gastroduodenectomy", "部分胃十二指肠切除术" ], "1303626002": [ "Excision of fibroadenoma of right breast", "Fibroadenoma excision of right breast", "右乳房纤维腺瘤切除术" ], "236831003": [ "Excision biopsy of vulval lesion", "外阴病变切除活检" ], "302367004": [ "Repair of ruptured testis", "睾丸破裂修复" ], "122143007": [ "Verotoxin 1 assay", "Verotoxin 1 检测" ], "431604000": [ "Transjugular biopsy of liver using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经颈静脉肝活检" ], "710132004": [ "Arterial catheterisation using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Insertion of catheter into artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of catheter into artery with contrast", "Arterial catheterization using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "使用对比剂荧光透视引导进行动脉导管插入术", "使用造影剂荧光透视引导进行动脉导管插入术", "在荧光造影引导下将导管插入动脉", "荧光透视引导下将造影导管插入动脉" ], "103924006": [ "Xg^a^ blood group typing", "Xg^a^血型分型" ], "118473000": [ "Treatment of complex fracture", "复杂骨折的治疗" ], "233161001": [ "Cryoablation operation for arrhythmia", "心律失常冷冻消融手术" ], "315081007": [ "Blastomyces antibody level", "Serologic test for Blastomyces", "芽生菌血清学检测", "芽生菌抗体水平" ], "429769008": [ "Spinal fusion for kyphosis", "脊柱融合治疗脊柱后凸" ], "264094001": [ "Maternal hormone treatment", "母体激素治疗" ], "280478004": [ "Gastrointestinal and digestive anastomosis", "胃肠及消化道吻合术" ], "231326006": [ "Intrapulpal anesthesia", "Intrapulpal anaesthesia", "牙髓内麻醉" ], "1950008": [ "Drainage of abscess of nasal septum", "Drainage of nasal septal abscess", "鼻中隔脓肿引流" ], "395166009": [ "Breast reconstruction with latissimus dorsi mini-flap", "背阔肌微创皮瓣乳房重建" ], "65651000": [ "Ligation of thoracic duct", "Ligation of the thoracic duct", "胸导管结扎" ], "737395001": [ "Assessment of need for bed rail use", "评估床栏使用需求" ], "426099006": [ "Computed tomography of cerebral vessels", "CT of cerebral vessels", "脑血管CT", "脑血管计算机断层扫描" ], "115006": [ "Removable appliance therapy", "可拆卸器械治疗" ], "82035006": [ "Resection of polyp", "Polypectomy", "息肉切除", "息肉切除术" ], "1163379008": [ "Management of volume of breast milk", "母乳量管理" ], "440648002": [ "Low frequency noncontact and nonthermal ultrasound therapy", "低频非接触非热超声波治疗" ], "47432005": [ "Implantation of heart valve prosthesis or synthetic device", "心脏瓣膜假体或合成装置植入" ], "80200006": [ "Transposition of biliary fistulous tract into stomach", "胆道瘘管移位至胃" ], "63816008": [ "Hepatectomy, total left lobectomy", "Left hepatic lobectomy", "Left hemihepatectomy", "肝切除术、全左叶切除术", "左肝叶切除术", "左半肝切除术" ], "31048008": [ "Gastrotomy with suture repair of esophagogastric laceration", "Gastrotomy with suture repair of oesophagogastric laceration", "胃切开缝合修复食管胃裂伤" ], "717341002": [ "Cone beam CT guided aspiration of neck", "Aspiration of neck using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "锥形束 CT 引导下颈部穿刺", "锥形束 CT 引导下进行颈部抽吸" ], "274973002": [ "Dilation of cervix uteri and curettage for termination of pregnancy", "Induction of abortion by dilation and curettage", "Dilation and curettage for termination of pregnancy", "Dilatation and evacuation termination of pregnancy", "刮宫引产", "宫口扩张及清宫终止妊娠", "宫颈扩张及刮宫终止妊娠", "终止妊娠的扩张和刮除术" ], "438813007": [ "Biopsy of kidney using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行肾脏活检" ], "76530001": [ "Phosphatidylglycerol measurement", "磷脂酰甘油测量" ], "43762004": [ "Repair of ruptured aneurysm with graft of hepatic artery", "肝动脉移植修复破裂动脉瘤" ], "699122005": [ "Vascular surgery emergency hospital admission", "血管外科急诊入院" ], "387826009": [ "Incision and drainage of subphrenic space", "膈下间隙切开引流" ], "385991005": [ "Wellness promotion", "Wellness treatments and procedures", "健康促进", "健康治疗和程序" ], "172999006": [ "Open destruction of lesion of larynx", "喉部病变开放性毁损术" ], "41927007": [ "Open reduction of fracture of carpals and metacarpals", "腕骨及掌骨骨折切开复位" ], "271303006": [ "Examination of skin", "皮肤检查" ], "302236003": [ "Long-term exploratory psychotherapy", "长期探索性心理治疗" ], "234865000": [ "Adjust palatal arch", "调整腭弓" ], "284017001": [ "Respiratory rate monitoring", "R - Respiratory rate monitoring", "呼吸频率监测", "R - 呼吸频率监测" ], "431473002": [ "Radionuclide cerebral perfusion stress study", "放射性核素脑灌注压力研究" ], "71025006": [ "Dilation procedure", "扩张手术" ], "447857007": [ "Biopsy of joint of finger", "手指关节活检" ], "415089008": [ "Phacoemulsification of cataract with intraocular lens implantation", "白内障超声乳化吸除联合人工晶状体植入术" ], "169329009": [ "Mold technique gamma/beta", "Mould technique gamma/beta", "模具技术 gamma/beta" ], "233030007": [ "Suture of left atrium", "左心房缝合" ], "183878008": [ "Private referral to general surgeon", "向普通外科医生进行私人转诊" ], "3654008": [ "Lingulectomy of lung", "Excision of lingula", "Lingulectomy", "舌叶切除", "舌骨切除术", "肺舌切除术" ], "395035000": [ "Immune complex IgG level", "Immune complex immunoglobulin G level", "免疫复合物免疫球蛋白G水平", "免疫复合物 IgG 水平" ], "34587002": [ "Suture of tongue", "Glossorrhaphy", "舌缝合术", "舌缝合" ], "50971006": [ "Repair of aneurysm by suture", "Aneurysmorrhaphy by suture", "Aneurysmorrhaphy", "缝合修复动脉瘤", "动脉瘤缝合术" ], "231195007": [ "Local anesthetic intercostal nerve block", "LA - Local anesthetic intercostal nerve block", "Local anaesthetic intercostal nerve block", "Intercostal nerve block", "LA - Local anaesthetic intercostal nerve block", "LA - 局部麻醉肋间神经阻滞", "肋间神经阻滞", "局部麻醉肋间神经阻滞" ], "180208003": [ "Intravenous blood transfusion of platelets", "静脉输注血小板" ], "704496006": [ "Radionuclide yttrium 90 somatostatin analog scan", "Radionuclide yttrium 90 somatostatin analogue scan", "Radionuclide imaging using yttrium (90-Y) labelled somatostatin analogue", "Radionuclide imaging using yttrium (90-Y) somatostatin analog", "Radionuclide imaging using yttrium (90-Y) labeled somatostatin analog", "使用钇(90-Y)生长抑素类似物进行放射性核素成像", "放射性核素钇90生长抑素类似物扫描", "使用钇(90-Y)标记的生长抑素类似物进行放射性核素成像" ], "229360007": [ "Accessory mobilization of the intercarpal joints", "Accessory mobilisation of the intercarpal joints", "腕骨间关节的辅助活动" ], "440517000": [ "Embolization of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Embolisation of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "用荧光造影剂引导进行经颈静脉肝内门体静脉分流术栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经颈静脉肝内门体静脉分流术栓塞术" ], "178373004": [ "Exploratory craniotomy", "Exploratory open craniotomy", "开颅探查术" ], "391365005": [ "Epstein Barr virus viral capsid antigen IgM level", "Epstein Barr virus viral capsid antigen immunoglobulin M level", "Epstein Barr 病毒衣壳抗原 IgM 水平", "EB病毒病毒衣壳抗原免疫球蛋白M水平" ], "225690003": [ "Applying pressure eye pad", "施加压力眼垫" ], "1290650004": [ "Plain X-ray of lumbar spine and left sacroiliac joint", "腰椎及左骶髂关节普通 X 光检查" ], "176538007": [ "Reconstruction of penis with skin graft", "皮肤移植重建阴茎" ], "385860003": [ "Psychosocial analysis management", "Manage psychosocial analysis", "Manage psychosocial care", "心理社会分析管理", "管理社会心理分析", "管理心理社会护理" ], "287556006": [ "Non-surgical abdominal wall biopsy", "非手术腹壁活检" ], "303940007": [ "Fluoroscopy of head", "头部透视检查" ], "9028008": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on upper leg", "Anaesthesia for procedure on upper leg", "大腿手术麻醉" ], "433177003": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of scapula", "Ultrasonography of scapula", "肩胛骨超声检查" ], "121881003": [ "2-Hydroxyisovalerate measurement", "2-羟基异戊酸测量" ], "89113004": [ "Pregnanediol measurement", "孕二醇测量" ], "252953009": [ "Prader orchidometer assessment", "Prader 睾丸测量仪评估" ], "234734002": [ "Cavity preparation of tooth", "Cavity prep of tooth", "Cut cavity in tooth", "牙洞预备", "切开牙齿上的蛀牙" ], "431342002": [ "Radiolabelled technetium 99m depreotide scan of thorax", "Radiolabeled technetium 99m depreotide scan of thorax", "胸部放射性标记锝99m 德普利特扫描" ], "169198004": [ "Radiobioassay - hydrocortisone", "放射性生物测定-氢化可的松" ], "120046006": [ "Uterus reconstruction", "子宫重建" ], "21742008": [ "Nursing care management session", "护理管理会议" ], "232899001": [ "Resection of atrioventricular valve leaflet", "Excision of atrioventricular valve leaflet", "房室瓣切除术" ], "445891007": [ "Suturing of laceration of small intestine", "小肠裂伤缝合" ], "265667009": [ "Local flap of skin and fascia", "Local fasciocutaneous flap", "局部筋膜皮瓣", "局部皮肤和筋膜瓣" ], "1279640002": [ "Excision of left nipple", "左乳头切除术" ], "34456002": [ "Fine needle biopsy of nasal sinus", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of nasal sinus", "鼻窦细针活检", "鼻窦细针穿刺活检" ], "229229005": [ "Neurological functional rehabilitation", "神经功能康复" ], "243778000": [ "Arterial port blood sampling during hemodialysis", "Arterial port blood sampling during haemodialysis", "血液透析期间动脉端口血液采样" ], "178242000": [ "Plastic repair of rotator cuff of shoulder", "肩袖整形修复" ], "112706000": [ "Revision of internal fixation device, broken or displaced", "修复内固定装置,断裂或移位" ], "405783006": [ "Psychological assessment", "心理评估" ], "1290519007": [ "Plain X-ray of tibia, combined anteroposterior and lateral", "胫骨普通 X 光检查,前后位和侧位" ], "176407008": [ "Reconstruction of scrotum with skin graft", "Reconstruction of scrotum with graft of skin", "皮肤移植重建阴囊" ], "174572001": [ "Open removal of tubal prosthesis from bile duct", "Open removal of bile duct stent", "开放性移除胆管支架", "从胆管中开放性取出输卵管假体" ], "287425000": [ "Palate excision", "腭切除术" ], "895468008": [ "Bilateral prosthetic total arthroplasty of shoulders", "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of bilateral shoulders", "Prosthetic total arthroplasty of both shoulders", "双肩假体全关节置换术", "双侧肩关节假体全置换术", "双肩关节假体全置换术" ], "172737003": [ "Cochleotomy", "Cochleostomy", "耳蜗切开术", "耳蜗造口术" ], "90817005": [ "Home care by visiting nurse", "Nursing care at home by visiting nurse", "上门护士的家庭护理", "上门护士的居家护理" ], "271041005": [ "Smear cell percent differential count", "Percentage smear cell count", "涂片细胞分类计数百分比", "涂片细胞计数百分比" ], "385729007": [ "Terminal care assessment", "Assess terminal care", "评估临终关怀", "临终护理评估" ], "121750003": [ "Chlorine measurement", "氯测量" ], "105366003": [ "Urinalysis, pyuria screen", "Urinalysis, WBC esterase method", "尿液分析,白细胞酯酶法", "尿液分析、脓尿筛查" ], "1285014005": [ "Fitting of orthodontic band to tooth", "将矫正带安装到牙齿上" ], "252822006": [ "Posterior segment fluorescein angiography", "Retinal angiography", "Retinal fluorescein angiography", "Fundus fluorescein angiography", "Angiography of posterior segment of eye using fluorescein", "FFA - fundus fluorescein angiography", "视网膜血管造影", "用荧光素进行眼后节血管造影", "眼后节荧光血管造影", "视网膜荧光血管造影", "眼底荧光血管造影", "FFA-眼底荧光血管造影" ], "1332331000": [ "Assessment using interviewer led Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire", "Assessment using CRQ-IL (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire interviewer led)", "Assessment using interviewer led CRQ (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire)", "使用 CRQ-IL(慢性呼吸道问卷调查员主导)进行评估", "使用面试官主导的 CRQ(慢性呼吸道问卷)进行评估", "使用访谈员主导的慢性呼吸道问卷进行评估" ], "398443000": [ "Herpes simplex nucleic acid assay", "Herpes simplex nucleic acid detection", "单纯疱疹核酸检测" ], "119915002": [ "Biliary tract incision", "胆道切开" ], "72598009": [ "Autopsy, gross examination, limited", "尸检、大体检查、有限" ], "169067003": [ "CT of face", "Computed tomography of face", "面部CT检查", "面部计算机断层扫描" ], "70763004": [ "Injection of ligament", "韧带注射" ], "87147008": [ "Arthroscopy of knee with medial and lateral meniscus repair", "膝关节镜检查及内外半月板修复" ], "447595009": [ "Insertion of implantable epidural access system into thoracic epidural space", "将植入式硬膜外通路系统插入胸段硬膜外腔" ], "412992001": [ "Blood B-glucuronidase measurement", "Blood B-glucuronidase level", "Blood beta-glucuronidase measurement", "血液B-葡萄糖醛酸酶测定", "血液 B-葡萄糖醛酸酶水平", "血液β-葡萄糖醛酸酶测量" ], "431211009": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of internal iliac artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮髂内动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "429376001": [ "Selective denervation of peripheral nerve", "选择性去除周围神经支配" ], "232768007": [ "Closure of mitral valve", "Oversewing of mitral valve", "二尖瓣关闭", "二尖瓣缝合术" ], "118080009": [ "HTLV 1 AND 2 p26 antibody assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 AND 2 p26 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 protein 26 antibody and Human T-lymphotropic virus 2 protein 26 antibody", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒1蛋白26抗体和人类T淋巴细胞病毒2蛋白26抗体的测量", "人类 T 细胞淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 和 2 p26 抗体检测", "HTLV 1 和 2 p26 抗体检测" ], "230933005": [ "Laser recanalization of intracranial artery", "Laser recanalisation of intracranial artery", "颅内动脉激光再通术" ], "443925006": [ "Quantitative measurement of dihydrocodeine in saliva specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of dihydrocodeine in saliva specimen", "唾液标本中二氢可待因质量浓度的定量测定", "唾液样本中二氢可待因的定量测定" ], "312853008": [ "Medical records review", "医疗记录审查" ], "116245008": [ "Incisional biopsy of vagina", "阴道切开活检" ], "427541008": [ "Risk of fall education", "Education for risk of fall", "Education about risk of fall", "跌倒风险教育" ], "442090004": [ "Measurement of oxcarbazepine metabolite", "奥卡西平代谢物的测定" ], "229098004": [ "Elbow class", "弯头类" ], "178111003": [ "Re-excision of ganglion", "Reexcision of ganglion cyst", "腱鞘囊肿再次切除术", "神经节再次切除" ], "176276000": [ "Insertion of prosthetic collar around male bladder neck", "Insertion of prosthetic collar around neck of male urinary bladder", "在男性膀胱颈周围插入假体颈圈", "在男性膀胱颈周围植入假体颈圈" ], "1144767008": [ "Consultation in external beam radiation therapy", "Consultation in teletherapy", "远程治疗咨询", "外部放射治疗咨询" ], "1290388005": [ "Systemic corticosteroid therapy", "全身性皮质类固醇治疗" ], "1208468007": [ "Rigid cystoscopy and biopsy of lesion of prostate", "Endoscopic examination of bladder and biopsy of lesion of prostate using rigid cystoscope", "硬性膀胱镜检查及前列腺病变活检", "膀胱内镜检查及前列腺病变活检" ], "225428008": [ "Bathing procedures", "沐浴程序" ], "26985008": [ "Intubation of small intestine", "小肠插管" ], "746046001": [ "Endovascular insertion of branched stent graft", "血管内插入分支覆膜支架" ], "25150004": [ "Excision of lesion of nerve", "神经损伤切除术" ], "287294005": [ "Atrial appendage excision", "心耳切除术" ], "90686009": [ "Angiography of arteries of bilateral extremities", "Angiography of arteries of both extremities", "Arteriography of arteries of both extremities", "Arteriography of arteries of bilateral extremities", "双肢动脉造影", "双侧肢体动脉造影" ], "20331000087100": [ "CT of bilateral scapulae", "Computed tomography of bilateral scapulae", "Computed tomography of both scapulae", "Computed tomography of left and right scapulae", "双侧肩胛骨计算机断层扫描", "左、右肩胛骨计算机断层扫描", "双侧肩胛骨CT" ], "1131000087100": [ "Ultrasonography of right hand", "Ultrasound of right hand", "Ultrasound scan of right hand", "右手超声检查", "右手超声波扫描" ], "88851005": [ "Cerebral ventricular to thoracic cavity shunt", "脑室至胸腔分流术" ], "105235007": [ "Metandienone measurement", "甲二烯酮测定" ], "4971000087104": [ "CT of bilateral hands", "Computed tomography of bilateral hands", "Computed tomography of both hands", "Computed tomography of left and right hand", "左手和右手的计算机断层扫描", "双手CT检查", "双手计算机断层扫描" ], "12651000087105": [ "Drainage of bilateral breasts using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided drainage of bilateral breasts", "使用超声引导进行双侧乳房引流", "超声引导下双侧乳房引流" ], "2411000087105": [ "MRI of right hip", "Magnetic resonance imaging of right hip", "右髋部 MRI", "右髋部磁共振成像" ], "22891000087107": [ "Computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and right lower limb with contrast", "Computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and right lower extremity with contrast", "CT of abdomen, pelvis and right lower limb with contrast", "腹部、骨盆及右下肢增强 CT", "腹部、骨盆和右下肢增强计算机断层扫描" ], "252691006": [ "Test of the spine", "脊柱测试" ], "300008005": [ "Screening for rheumatoid conditions", "类风湿病筛查" ], "121619008": [ "Loperamide measurement", "洛哌丁胺测量" ], "3691000087105": [ "Plain X-ray of right patella", "右髌骨普通 X 光检查" ], "6251000087106": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of artery of left upper extremity", "Doppler ultrasonography of artery of left upper limb", "Doppler ultrasound of artery of left upper limb", "左上肢动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "185320006": [ "Encounter by computer link", "通过电脑链接相遇" ], "412861002": [ "Dialysis fluid urea measurement", "Dialysis fluid urea level", "Measurement of urea in dialysate", "透析液中尿素的测量", "透析液尿素水平", "透析液尿素测量" ], "232637003": [ "Excision of segment of right lower lobe", "右下叶部分切除术" ], "183485002": [ "Psychiatric day care", "精神病日间护理" ], "281789004": [ "Antibiotic therapy", "抗生素治疗" ], "48743000": [ "Removal of foreign body from male perineum", "男性会阴异物取出" ], "441959001": [ "Anastomosis of pulmonary artery to subclavian artery", "肺动脉与锁骨下动脉吻合术" ], "30524000": [ "Incision of thymus", "胸腺切开术" ], "32359009": [ "Chandler operation for hip fusion", "钱德勒髋关节融合手术" ], "390972005": [ "Urine total porphyrin level", "尿液总卟啉水平" ], "440124005": [ "Synovectomy of metatarsophalangeal joint", "Excision of synovium of metatarsophalangeal joint", "跖趾关节滑膜切除术" ], "854221000000101": [ "Delayed reconstruction of breast with local muscle flap", "局部肌瓣延迟乳房重建" ], "177980007": [ "Operations on posterior peritoneum", "后腹膜手术" ], "79676006": [ "Aldolase measurement", "醛缩酶测定" ], "931021000000101": [ "MRI of heart for myocardial viability assessment", "Magnetic resonance imaging of heart for assessment of myocardial viability", "心脏 MRI 评估心肌活力", "心脏磁共振成像评估心肌活力" ], "306381000000106": [ "Prone core needle biopsy of breast using stereotactic X-ray guidance", "Prone stereotactic X-ray guided core needle biopsy of breast", "立体定向X射线引导下乳腺俯卧位芯针活检", "俯卧位立体定向X射线引导下乳腺芯针活检" ], "12305000": [ "Microbial identification, quadFERM and method", "微生物鉴定、quadFERM 和方法" ], "274449004": [ "Dislocation reduction - upper limb", "脱位复位-上肢" ], "176145004": [ "Open transection of bladder", "Open transection of urinary bladder", "膀胱切开术" ], "225297008": [ "Care planning and problem solving actions", "护理计划和解决问题的行动" ], "305382000": [ "Admission to rehabilitation department", "康复科入院" ], "405521008": [ "Aorto-profunda bifurcation graft for repair of aneurysm", "主动脉深部分叉移植物修复动脉瘤" ], "1222886001": [ "Intramuscular injection of human anti-D immunoglobulin", "Intramuscular injection of human anti-D (rh) immunoglobulin", "Intramuscular injection of human rho(D) immunoglobulin", "肌肉注射人抗D免疫球蛋白", "肌肉注射人抗D(rh)免疫球蛋白", "肌肉注射人rho(D)免疫球蛋白" ], "174310002": [ "Closure of proctostomy", "直肠造口闭合" ], "223462005": [ "Support whilst performing a procedure", "Support while performing a procedure", "执行程序时的支持" ], "10470002": [ "Electronarcosis", "电麻醉" ], "43238005": [ "Application of plaster, Velpeau type", "石膏的应用,Velpeau 类型" ], "25019004": [ "Reposition of iris", "Repositioning of iris", "虹膜复位", "虹膜重新定位" ], "121488000": [ "Cephradine measurement", "头孢拉定测定" ], "711312000": [ "MRI of sacrococcygeal spine", "Magnetic resonance imaging of sacrococcygeal region of spine", "Magnetic resonance imaging of sacrum and coccyx", "骶尾椎 MRI", "骶骨和尾骨的磁共振成像", "脊柱骶尾部磁共振成像" ], "713147009": [ "Application of hemostatic agent", "Application of haemostatic agent", "止血剂的应用" ], "385467009": [ "Vascular procedure on axilla", "Vascular procedures on axilla", "腋窝血管手术" ], "236176001": [ "Nephroscopic replacement of ureteric stent", "Percutaneous replacement of ureteric stent", "经皮输尿管支架置换术", "肾镜输尿管支架置换术" ], "105104005": [ "Cefazolin measurement", "头孢唑林测定" ], "432784006": [ "Aspiration of shoulder using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下肩关节穿刺" ], "72336006": [ "Spot test", "抽查" ], "252560008": [ "Smell bottle olfaction test", "嗅瓶嗅觉测试" ], "86885004": [ "Repair of pacemaker electrodes", "Repair of cardiac pacemaker electrode", "起搏器电极的修复", "心脏起搏器电极的修复" ], "250725006": [ "Fractional excretion of sodium", "Measurement of fractional excretion of sodium", "钠排泄分数的测量", "钠排泄分数" ], "119653009": [ "Hand closure", "手闭合" ], "54117009": [ "Serologic test for Rickettsia prowazekii", "普氏立克次体血清学检测" ], "709477009": [ "Assessment of fear about death", "死亡恐惧评估" ], "3130004": [ "Monitoring of cardiac output by ECG", "Monitoring of cardiac output by electrocardiogram", "心电图监测心输出量" ], "281658005": [ "Tick-borne encephalitis vaccination", "Administration of tick-borne encephalitis vaccine", "Tick-borne encephalitis immunisation", "Tick-borne encephalitis immunization", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Tick-borne encephalitis virus antigen", "接种仅含蜱传脑炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "蜱传脑炎疫苗接种", "蜱传脑炎免疫", "接种蜱传脑炎疫苗" ], "117818005": [ "Lamellar bodies count", "层状体计数" ], "232506006": [ "External frontoethmosphenoidectomy", "外额筛蝶窦切除术" ], "17679005": [ "Injection of cardiovascular system", "心血管系统注射" ], "1230095007": [ "Eating and drinking training", "Training for eating and drinking", "进食和饮水训练", "饮食训练" ], "50447009": [ "Aortic-superior mesenteric vascular bypass", "Aorta to superior mesenteric artery bypass graft", "主动脉-肠系膜上血管旁路术", "主动脉至肠系膜上动脉旁路移植术" ], "771343009": [ "Measurement of periodontal pocket depth-six areas per tooth exam", "测量牙周袋深度——每颗牙齿检查六个区域" ], "277988004": [ "Percutaneous removal of foreign body from artery", "经皮动脉异物取出术" ], "1162724005": [ "Egg modified diet", "Modified egg diet", "改良鸡蛋饮食", "鸡蛋改良饮食" ], "81380004": [ "Electron microscopy study, scanning, with X-ray analysis, examination and report", "电子显微镜研究,扫描,X射线分析,检查和报告" ], "736740004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of female pelvis for radiotherapy planning", "MRI of female pelvis for radiotherapy planning", "女性骨盆磁共振成像用于放射治疗计划", "女性骨盆 MRI 用于放射治疗规划" ], "409060008": [ "Evaluation for signs and symptoms of physical health problems", "Signs/symptoms-physical treatments and procedures", "评估身体健康问题的体征和症状", "体征/症状-物理治疗和程序" ], "439993001": [ "Prevention of deep vein thrombosis", "预防深静脉血栓形成" ], "179684009": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture dislocation and fixation with wire(s)", "修订闭合复位骨折脱位并用钢丝固定" ], "359908007": [ "Repair of paraesophageal diaphragmatic hernia", "Repair of paraoesophageal diaphragmatic hernia", "食管旁膈疝修补术" ], "30393002": [ "Semicircular-subarachnoid shunt", "半环蛛网膜下腔分流术" ], "390841005": [ "Referral to retinal screener", "转诊至视网膜筛查机构" ], "176014000": [ "Ureteric reimplantation after urinary diversion", "Ureteric reimplantation post urinary diversion", "尿流改道术后输尿管再植" ], "61326000": [ "Hepatectomy, total right lobectomy", "Right hepatic lobectomy", "Right hemihepatectomy", "右半肝切除术", "肝切除术、全右叶切除术", "右肝叶切除术" ], "225166000": [ "Application of leeches", "水蛭的应用" ], "718521008": [ "Writing skills training", "写作技巧培训" ], "405390004": [ "Exploration of superficial femoral artery", "股浅动脉探查" ], "241550007": [ "CT of adrenals", "Computed tomography of adrenals", "肾上腺计算机断层扫描", "肾上腺 CT" ], "274318008": [ "Endoscopic bronchus biopsy", "Bronchoscopy and biopsy of bronchus", "支气管镜检查和支气管活检", "内镜支气管活检" ], "174179000": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic dilation of colon", "Fiberoptic endoscopic dilation of colon", "纤维内镜结肠扩张术" ], "305251002": [ "Admission by obstetrician", "产科医生入院" ], "370787004": [ "Perioperative continuity of care", "围手术期护理连续性" ], "713016000": [ "Computed tomography angiography of vascular structure of lumbar spine with contrast", "CT angiography of vascular structure of lumbar spine with contrast", "腰椎血管结构增强 CT 血管造影" ], "172344005": [ "Inferior oblique myectomy", "下斜肌切除术" ], "438211000124102": [ "Increased riboflavin diet", "增加核黄素饮食" ], "436931000124103": [ "Increased polyunsaturated fat diet", "增加多不饱和脂肪饮食" ], "74040009": [ "Protein measurement", "蛋白质测量" ], "435651000124106": [ "Consistent carbohydrate diet", "持续碳水化合物饮食" ], "1153549003": [ "Colostomy irrigation", "Irrigation of colon via colostomy", "结肠造口冲洗", "通过结肠造口术灌洗结肠" ], "170509004": [ "Control of vectors", "媒介控制" ], "444611000124107": [ "Feeding environment lighting management", "饲养环境光照管理" ], "432653003": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of calcaneus", "Magnetic resonance imaging of calcaneus", "MRI of calcaneus", "跟骨 MRI", "跟骨磁共振成像", "跟骨磁共振成像 (MRI)" ], "104973005": [ "Thyrotropin binding inhibitory immunoglobulins measurement", "促甲状腺激素结合抑制免疫球蛋白测量" ], "121357003": [ "2-Butanol measurement", "2-丁醇测量" ], "252429005": [ "Radionuclide study of heart", "心脏放射性核素研究" ], "711181007": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of upper limb", "Aspiration of upper limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided aspiration of upper limb", "超声引导下上肢穿刺" ], "416269009": [ "Manual medicine", "手工医学" ], "265143002": [ "Permanent cross-union epiphysiodesis", "永久性骨骺融合术" ], "117687005": [ "Trichlorothiazide measurement", "三氯噻嗪的测量" ], "609207006": [ "Revision gastrectomy", "胃切除修复术" ], "428983007": [ "Stent assisted percutaneous transluminal embolisation of aneurysm using liquid polymer", "Stent assisted percutaneous transluminal embolization of aneurysm using liquid polymer", "支架辅助经皮腔内液体聚合物动脉瘤栓塞术", "使用液体聚合物进行支架辅助经皮腔内动脉瘤栓塞" ], "166839009": [ "Serum random HDL cholesterol level", "Serum random HDL cholesterol measurement", "Serum random high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement", "血清随机高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平", "血清随机高密度脂蛋白胆固醇测定", "血清随机高密度脂蛋白胆固醇测量" ], "52151009": [ "Glossectomy", "Resection of tongue", "Tongue excision", "Excision of tongue", "舌切除术", "舌切除" ], "33932003": [ "Replacement of artificial heart", "人工心脏更换" ], "312460005": [ "Homozygous SS genotype", "Homozygous SS genotype determination", "纯合 SS 基因型测定", "纯合 SS 基因型" ], "443532008": [ "Percutaneous insertion of stent into right ventricular outflow tract using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下经皮将支架插入右心室流出道" ], "1178977001": [ "Duplex ultrasonography of left carotid artery", "Duplex ultrasound of left carotid artery", "Duplex ultrasound scan of left carotid artery", "左颈动脉双重超声扫描", "左颈动脉双功能超声检查" ], "392545002": [ "Horse bot fly specific IgE antibody measurement", "Gasterophilus intestinalis specific IgE antibody measurement", "i201 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Gasterophilus intestinalis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "胃蝇特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "i201 特异性IgE抗体测量", "马蝇特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "胃蝇特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "310625000": [ "Patch repair of adrenal artery", "肾上腺动脉补片修复" ], "408929001": [ "Social network analysis", "社会网络分析" ], "228705005": [ "Radiotherapy planning using a simulator", "使用模拟器进行放射治疗计划" ], "30262001": [ "Removal of embolus of head and neck artery", "Embolectomy of head and neck artery", "头颈动脉栓塞切除术", "头颈动脉栓塞取出术" ], "48481009": [ "Excision of hymenal tag", "处女膜赘生物切除术" ], "46646007": [ "Exploration of eyelid", "眼睑探查" ], "77579004": [ "Prefabricated stainless steel crown, primary tooth", "预制不锈钢牙冠,乳牙" ], "241419008": [ "Total body water measurement", "体内水分总量测量" ], "175883009": [ "Isolated limb perfusion", "孤立肢体灌注" ], "42976004": [ "Doppler flow mapping of thorax", "胸部多普勒血流图" ], "239584005": [ "Amputation of finger through metacarpophalangeal joint", "经掌指关节截肢术" ], "59360007": [ "Anesthesia for partial hepatectomy", "Anaesthesia for partial hepatectomy", "部分肝切除术的麻醉" ], "41141002": [ "Operative procedure on large intestine", "Large intestine operation", "大肠手术" ], "172213004": [ "Cauterisation of lesion of eyelid", "Cauterization of lesion of eyelid", "眼睑损伤烧灼术" ], "57525009": [ "Subtotal perineal prostatectomy", "会阴前列腺次全切除术" ], "417973009": [ "CT of acromioclavicular joint", "CT AC joint", "Computed tomography of acromioclavicular joint", "CT AC 关节", "肩锁关节计算机断层扫描", "肩锁关节CT" ], "711050001": [ "Assessment of radiation injury", "放射损伤评估" ], "252298007": [ "Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency spot test", "G6PD - Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency spot test", "G6PD - 葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶缺乏症斑点测试", "葡萄糖-6-磷酸脱氢酶缺乏症斑点试验" ], "170378007": [ "Administration of first dose of paediatric vaccine product containing only Hepatitis A virus antigen", "Administration of first dose of paediatric hepatitis A vaccine", "Administration of first dose of pediatric hepatitis A vaccine", "Administration of first dose of pediatric vaccine product containing only Hepatitis A virus antigen", "First paediatric hepatitis A vaccination", "First pediatric hepatitis A vaccination", "First pediatric hepatitis A immunization", "First paediatric hepatitis A immunisation", "首例儿童甲型肝炎疫苗接种", "首例儿童甲肝疫苗接种", "注射第一剂仅含甲型肝炎病毒抗原的儿童疫苗产品", "首次儿童甲型肝炎免疫接种", "儿童第一剂甲型肝炎疫苗接种", "儿童第一剂甲肝疫苗接种", "注射第一剂仅含甲型肝炎病毒抗原的儿科疫苗产品" ], "104842007": [ "Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase measurement", "乳清酸磷酸核糖基转移酶测量" ], "250463004": [ "Detection of virus particle", "病毒颗粒检测" ], "184927006": [ "PSV exam for bus company", "Public service vehicle examination for bus company", "巴士公司公共服务车辆检验", "公交公司 PSV 考试" ], "397919008": [ "Pressure point protection by inspection and turning of patient", "通过检查和翻身保护患者压力点" ], "363316003": [ "Surgical implantation to lymphatic system", "手术植入淋巴系统" ], "166708003": [ "Corrected serum calcium measurement", "Corrected serum calcium level", "校正血清钙水平", "校正血清钙测量值" ], "19252005": [ "Isotope study for gastrointestinal blood loss", "Gastrointestinal blood loss study", "Radionuclide gastrointestinal bleeding study", "放射性核素胃肠道出血研究", "胃肠道失血研究", "胃肠道失血的同位素研究" ], "410633003": [ "Well child visit, 2 years", "2 岁儿童健康检查" ], "769246001": [ "Closed renal biopsy", "Closed biopsy of kidney", "闭式肾活检", "肾脏闭式活检" ], "179422002": [ "Conversion to cemented hemiarthroplasty of shoulder", "转换为肩关节骨水泥固定半关节置换术" ], "392414004": [ "Re221 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Dog serum albumin specific IgE antibody measurement", "Dog serum albumin specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "狗血清白蛋白特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Re221特异性IgE抗体测量", "狗血清白蛋白特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "228574008": [ "Assertiveness training", "自信训练" ], "783795001": [ "Reconstruction of nipple and areola with full thickness graft of skin", "全层皮肤移植重建乳头和乳晕" ], "243123002": [ "Ablative hormone therapy", "消融性激素治疗" ], "502021000119101": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of hip joint", "Injection of hip joint using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下髋关节注射" ], "1258931005": [ "PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) on distal portion of LMCA (left main coronary artery)", "Percutaneous coronary intervention on distal portion of left main coronary artery", "Percutaneous coronary intervention on distal segment of left main coronary artery", "对 LMCA(左主冠状动脉)远端进行 PCI(经皮冠状动脉介入治疗)", "左冠状动脉主干远端段经皮冠状动脉介入治疗", "左冠状动脉主干远端经皮冠状动脉介入治疗" ], "11912002": [ "Scraping of trachoma follicles", "刮除沙眼毛囊" ], "274056002": [ "Fusion of knee", "Knee arthrodesis", "Arthrodesis of knee", "膝关节融合术", "膝关节融合" ], "306824002": [ "Low power laser therapy to back", "低功率激光治疗背部" ], "394501000119108": [ "Magnetic resonance arthrography of upper limb without contrast", "Magnetic resonance arthrogram of upper limb without contrast", "MR arthrography of upper limb without contrast", "无造影剂上肢磁共振关节造影", "无造影剂上肢 MR 关节造影", "上肢无造影磁共振关节造影" ], "16559621000119108": [ "CT guided biopsy of neck", "Biopsy of neck using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行颈部活检", "CT 引导下颈部活检" ], "239453006": [ "Debridement of joint cavity", "关节腔清创" ], "10077008": [ "Endoscopic biopsy of stomach", "内镜胃活检" ], "450610003": [ "Insertion of orthodontic appliance", "插入矫正器具" ], "252167001": [ "UE - Urea and electrolytes", "U&E - Urea and electrolytes", "Urea and electrolytes", "Measurement of urea and electrolytes", "UE-尿素和电解质", "尿素和电解质的测量", "尿素和电解质", "U&E - 尿素和电解质" ], "22791004": [ "Plain X-ray of lumbosacral spine", "Plain X-ray of lumbar and sacral spine", "腰椎和骶椎的普通 X 光检查", "腰骶椎普通X光检查" ], "268551005": [ "Obesity screening", "肥胖筛查" ], "170247005": [ "School screening for pediculosis", "Nit screen - school", "学校虱病筛查", "尼特筛查 - 学校" ], "432391006": [ "Endoscopic insertion of drain into biliary tract using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopic guidance for endoscopic biliary drainage", "透视引导下进行内镜胆道引流", "在荧光透视引导下通过内镜将引流管插入胆道" ], "104711008": [ "Glycogen synthase measurement", "糖原合酶测量" ], "710919008": [ "Provision of privacy for spiritual behavior", "Provision of privacy for spiritual behaviour", "为精神行为提供隐私" ], "266716006": [ "Salicylate prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic salicylate", "预防性使用水杨酸盐", "水杨酸盐预防" ], "709084008": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of lesion of bone", "骨病损射频消融" ], "2737001": [ "Exploratory craniotomy, infratentorial", "Exploratory craniectomy, infratentorial", "脑幕下开颅探查术" ], "84657001": [ "Repair of oval and round windows", "椭圆形和圆形窗户的维修" ], "608945008": [ "Microscopic examination of vomit specimen", "Microscopic examination of vomitus specimen", "呕吐物标本的显微镜检查" ], "1295238001": [ "Plain X-ray of cardioesophageal junction with contrast", "Plain X-ray of cardio-oesophageal junction with contrast", "贲门食管连接处造影 X 光检查" ], "17286005": [ "Revision of spinal neurostimulator electrodes", "脊髓神经刺激器电极的修订" ], "50054007": [ "Lengthening of bone for reconstruction of thumb", "Reconstruction of thumb using bone lengthening procedure", "延长骨骼以重建拇指", "利用骨延长术重建拇指" ], "164742009": [ "Schirmer's test", "Dry eye test", "Lacrimal test", "Schirmer tear test", "Schirmer test", "席默试验", "Schirmer 泪液测试", "泪液检查", "席默氏试验", "干眼测试" ], "392283002": [ "Paspalum notatum specific IgE antibody measurement", "g17 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Bahia grass specific IgE antibody measurement", "Paspalum notatum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "g17特异性IgE抗体测量", "百喜草特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Paspal 注意到特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "巴伊亚草特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "64603004": [ "Osteotomy of acetabular bone with open reduction of hip", "髋臼截骨术及髋关节切开复位术" ], "48219004": [ "Excision of lesion of soft tissue", "软组织病变切除" ], "275760001": [ "Adrenal hormone - serum", "Adrenal hormone - serum measurement", "肾上腺激素 - 血清", "肾上腺激素-血清测量" ], "423216003": [ "End-of-life surveillance", "生命末期监测" ], "308528004": [ "Clinic D monitoring call", "诊所 D 监控呼叫" ], "128304007": [ "Surgical extraction", "手术拔除" ], "306693000": [ "Discharge to part III residential home", "出院后入住第 III 部分住宅" ], "241157000": [ "Upper gastrointestinal tract series", "Barium study of oesophagus stomach and duodenum", "Barium study of esophagus stomach and duodenum", "食管胃十二指肠钡剂检查", "上消化道系列" ], "406832009": [ "Chrysoidine Y stain method", "Chrysoidine Y stain", "Chrysoidine Y染色法", "Chrysoidine Y 染色" ], "175621006": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal popliteal artery by anastomosis of popliteal artery to popliteal artery using prosthesis", "紧急用假体吻合腘动脉至腘动脉以置换动脉瘤" ], "698074000": [ "SLED - Sustained low-efficiency dialysis", "Sustained low-efficiency dialysis", "持续低效透析", "SLED——持续低效透析" ], "108250004": [ "Hearing therapy AND/OR auditory rehabilitation", "听力治疗和/或听觉康复" ], "239322005": [ "Phemister epiphysiodesis", "菲米斯特骨骺固定术" ], "1287898007": [ "Ultrasonography of urinary male system", "男性泌尿系统超声检查" ], "401327001": [ "RBC malaria parasitaemia count", "RBC malaria parasitemia count", "Red blood cell malaria parasitemia count", "红细胞疟原虫血症计数" ], "104580000": [ "Cathepsin-D measurement", "组织蛋白酶-D 测量" ], "171951009": [ "Pituitary cryoablation", "Cryodestruction of pituitary", "Cryotherapy to pituitary gland", "垂体冷冻消融术", "垂体冷冻治疗", "垂体冷冻破坏" ], "710788003": [ "Biopsy of pericardium by subxiphoid approach", "经剑突下入路进行心包活检" ], "708953001": [ "Insertion of bone growth stimulator into ulna", "将骨生长刺激器插入尺骨" ], "37209005": [ "C>11< inhibitor assay", "C>1< inactivator assay", "C1-esterase inhibitor assay", "C1-esterase inhibitor activity test", "Complement C1 esterase inhibitor, functional measurement", "C1 inhibitor function", "C>11< 抑制剂测定", "C1-酯酶抑制剂测定", "C>1< 灭活剂测定" ], "313902002": [ "180 minute plasma GH measurement", "180 minute plasma GH level", "180 minute plasma growth hormone measurement", "180 分钟血浆生长激素测量", "180 分钟血浆 GH 水平", "180 分钟血浆 GH 测量" ], "150062003": [ "Osteotomy", "Incision of bone", "截骨术", "骨切开" ], "444974003": [ "Detection of Measles virus using polymerase chain reaction technique", "利用聚合酶链反应技术检测麻疹病毒" ], "608814005": [ "Laparoscopic repair of femoral hernia with prosthesis", "腹腔镜股疝修补术" ], "428590006": [ "Direct browlift", "直接提眉术" ], "410371000": [ "Bowel care surveillance", "肠道护理监测" ], "361219000": [ "Pure tone audiometry, extended, impedance testing", "纯音听力检查、扩展、阻抗测试" ], "443139007": [ "Replantation of forearm between wrist and elbow after complete amputation", "完全截肢后腕肘间前臂再植" ], "179160000": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of knee", "膝关节骨折闭合复位" ], "308397003": [ "Patient call procedure", "病人呼叫程序" ], "767149006": [ "Lymphangiogram of right upper limb", "Lymphangiogram of right upper extremity", "Lymphangiography of right upper limb", "Lymphangiography of right upper extremity", "右上肢淋巴管造影" ], "717997008": [ "Cone beam CT guided biopsy of upper limb", "Biopsy of upper limb using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "锥形束CT引导下上肢活检", "使用锥形束 CT 引导进行上肢活检" ], "241026003": [ "Procedures to drains", "排水管道程序" ], "175490005": [ "Percutaneous embolization of renal artery", "Percutaneous embolisation of renal artery", "经皮肾动脉栓塞术" ], "765314006": [ "Radionuclide imaging of haematopoietic system using iron radioisotope", "Radionuclide imaging of hematopoietic system using iron radioisotope", "利用铁放射性同位素对造血系统进行放射性核素显像", "使用铁放射性同位素对造血系统进行放射性核素显像" ], "1240450006": [ "Closure of open window stoma of thorax", "Closure of OWT (open window thoracostomy)", "Closure of open window thoracostomy", "胸腔开窗造口关闭术", "开窗胸腔造口术", "OWT 关闭术(开窗胸腔造口术)" ], "1254999000": [ "Fish free diet", "无鱼饮食" ], "306562009": [ "Discharge from service", "解除职务" ], "1287767000": [ "Operative angiography of head", "头部手术血管造影" ], "28034009": [ "Follow-up examination of nose and throat", "Rhinolaryngologic follow-up evaluation", "鼻子和喉咙的后续检查", "鼻咽喉科随访评估" ], "1156695005": [ "Monitoring of insomnia", "失眠监测" ], "108119007": [ "Spinal cord destructive procedure", "Creation of lesion of spinal cord by any modality", "Destruction of spinal cord tissue", "脊髓破坏性手术", "脊髓组织破坏", "通过任何方式造成脊髓损伤" ], "419415009": [ "Angioplasty of superficial femoral artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of superficial femoral artery with contrast", "荧光造影引导下股浅动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下股浅动脉造影成形术" ], "450348001": [ "Biopsy of lesion of lung", "肺病变活检" ], "712492003": [ "Assessment of dressing, personal grooming AND/OR personal hygiene", "评估着装、个人仪容和/或个人卫生" ], "7980005": [ "Cauterization of subcutaneous tissue", "Cauterisation of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织烧灼" ], "89900006": [ "Porphyrin measurement, feces, quantitative", "Fecal porphyrins", "Faecal porphyrins", "Faecal porphyrin level", "Fecal porphyrin level", "Porphyrin measurement, faeces, quantitative", "粪便卟啉", "卟啉测量,粪便,定量", "粪便卟啉水平" ], "401196007": [ "Get up and go test", "站起来去测试" ], "448513000": [ "Fusion of joint of thoracic spine by anterior approach", "前入路胸椎关节融合术" ], "415745004": [ "Transverse keratotomy", "横向角膜切开术" ], "88065006": [ "Intracranial arteriectomy with graft replacement", "Intracranial angiectomy of artery with graft replacement", "Resection of intracranial artery with replacement", "颅内动脉切除术及移植物置换术", "颅内动脉切除及置换术" ], "22529007": [ "Removal of foreign body from groin region", "取出腹股沟区域的异物" ], "104449008": [ "20-Hydroxyprogesterone measurement", "20-羟孕酮测量" ], "235521009": [ "Closure of cholecystoduodenostomy", "胆囊十二指肠吻合口闭合" ], "413910000": [ "Contact lens assisted pharmacologically induced keratosteepening", "CLAPIKS-contact lens assisted pharmacologically induced keratosteepening", "CLAPIKS-隐形眼镜辅助药物诱导角膜硬化", "隐形眼镜辅助药物诱导角膜陡化" ], "446678000": [ "Laparoscopic high ligation of spermatic vein", "Laparoscopic high ligation of testicular vein", "腹腔镜睾丸静脉高位结扎术", "腹腔镜精索静脉高位结扎术" ], "430294007": [ "Reposition of permanent cardiac pacemaker using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下重新定位永久性心脏起搏器" ], "2475000": [ "Urine specimen collection, 24 hours", "24 hour urine specimen collection", "Twenty-four hour collection of urine", "Collection of 24-hour urine specimen for laboratory", "收集24小时尿液样本送至实验室", "24小时尿液样本采集", "尿液样本采集,24 小时", "二十四小时尿液收集" ], "68011001": [ "Clitoridotomy", "阴蒂切开术" ], "313771003": [ "Measurement of weight of calculus", "Weight of calculus", "微积分的重量", "结石重量的测量" ], "395691005": [ "Child examination: gait development", "Child exam: gait development", "儿童检查:步态发育" ], "770688006": [ "Fluoroscopy guided biopsy of pelvis", "Biopsy of pelvis using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下骨盆活检", "在荧光透视引导下进行骨盆活检" ], "705152006": [ "Laparoscopic repair of obstructed hernia of anterior abdominal wall", "Laparoscopic repair of obstructed ventral hernia", "腹腔镜下腹前壁阻塞性疝修补术", "腹腔镜修补阻塞性腹疝" ], "410240006": [ "Pain control management", "Manage pain control", "疼痛控制管理", "管理疼痛控制" ], "179029002": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of long bone and fixation using Parham circlage band", "Primary open reduction of fracture of long bone and extramedullary fixation using circlage", "Primary open reduction of fracture and internal fixation with cerclage wiring", "一期切开复位骨折并用钢丝环扎固定", "长骨骨折一期切开复位及 Parham 环带固定", "长骨骨折一期切开复位及环扎髓外固定" ], "31573003": [ "Anastomosis of carotid-subclavian artery", "颈动脉-锁骨下动脉吻合术" ], "703317008": [ "Verification of postoperative vaginal blood loss within expected range", "确认术后阴道出血量在预期范围内" ], "392021009": [ "Lumpectomy of breast", "Tylectomy of breast", "Excision of breast lump", "Breast lumpectomy", "乳房肿块切除", "乳房切除术", "乳房肿瘤切除术" ], "898090002": [ "Laparoscopic right anterior sectionectomy of liver", "Laparoscopic excision of Couinaud hepatic segment V and Couinaud hepatic segment VIII", "腹腔镜切除 Couinaud 肝段 V 和 Couinaud 肝段 VIII", "腹腔镜右前肝切除术" ], "177194007": [ "Manual dilatation of cervix", "Manual dilation of cervix", "手动扩张宫颈" ], "765183000": [ "Fluoroscopy guided removal of implantable venous access device", "Removal of implantable venous access port using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下移除植入式静脉通路装置", "在荧光透视引导下移除植入式静脉通路" ], "11519002": [ "Repair of bronchoesophageal fistula", "Repair of bronchesophageal fistula", "Repair of broncho-oesophageal fistula", "Closure of bronchoesophageal fistula", "Closure of broncho-oesophageal fistula", "支气管食管瘘闭合", "支气管食管瘘修复" ], "77055005": [ "Revision of scars of face", "面部疤痕修复" ], "306431008": [ "Discharge by geneticist", "遗传学家出院" ], "290047009": [ "Bathing practice", "沐浴练习" ], "386516004": [ "Anticipatory guidance", "预期指导" ], "302761001": [ "Walking exercise test", "步行运动测试" ], "384681005": [ "Patch repair of coronary artery", "冠状动脉补片修复" ], "235390000": [ "Closed haemorrhoidectomy", "Closed hemorrhoidectomy", "Ferguson haemorrhoidectomy", "Ferguson hemorrhoidectomy", "闭式痔切除术", "弗格森痔疮切除术" ], "38782000": [ "Insertion of Thomas shunt", "托马斯分流术" ], "1234814002": [ "Return of subjects valuables and belongings", "归还对象贵重物品和财物" ], "40617009": [ "Artificial respiration", "Artificial ventilation", "人工通气", "人工呼吸" ], "71550003": [ "Closure of cystostomy", "Take-down of stoma of bladder", "Closure of stoma of bladder", "Closure of vesicostomy", "膀胱造口闭合", "膀胱造口术关闭", "膀胱造口切除术" ], "104318004": [ "HTLV II antibody assay", "Serologic test for Human T-lymphotropic virus, type II", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) II antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 2 antibody", "HTLV II 抗体检测", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒2型抗体的测量", "人类 T 淋巴细胞病毒 II 型血清学检测", "人类T细胞淋巴细胞病毒(HTLV)II抗体检测" ], "413779000": [ "CD38/CD19 count", "CD19+CD38 count", "Count of cells positive for both CD19 antigen and CD38 antigen", "CD38/CD19 计数", "CD19 抗原和 CD38 抗原均呈阳性的细胞计数", "CD19+CD38计数" ], "20563000": [ "Estriol measurement, serum", "Oestriol measurement, serum", "雌三醇测量,血清", "血清雌三醇测量" ], "431998008": [ "Injection of intermetatarsal bursa using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下跖骨间滑囊注射" ], "399230009": [ "Constant observation", "Constant watching", "Remaining with patient at all times", "持续观察", "始终陪伴患者" ], "708691004": [ "Somatosensory evoked potential study", "体感诱发电位研究" ], "118867005": [ "Procedure on uterine ligament", "子宫韧带手术" ], "168019003": [ "Ascitic fluid microscopy", "腹水显微镜检查" ], "397395005": [ "Irrigation of bronchus", "Lavage of bronchus", "Bronchial washing", "支气管灌洗", "支气管冲洗" ], "233555005": [ "Random blood donation", "Allogeneic blood donation", "随机献血", "异体献血" ], "313640002": [ "Serum bile salt level", "Serum bile salt measurement", "血清胆汁盐测量", "血清胆汁盐水平" ], "231720003": [ "Insertion of Molteno tube into anterior chamber", "Molteno procedure", "将 Molteno 管插入前房", "手续很多" ], "18728007": [ "Open reduction of open depressed frontal sinus fracture", "开放性凹陷性额窦骨折切开复位" ], "117032008": [ "Spun specimen", "Spun specimen appearance", "纺丝标本外观", "纺丝标本" ], "770557001": [ "Insertion of peripherally inserted central catheter using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided insertion of PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter)", "Ultrasound guided insertion of peripherally inserted central catheter", "超声引导下经外周插入中心静脉导管", "超声引导下插入 PICC(外周插入中心静脉导管)" ], "2344008": [ "Complicated cystorrhaphy", "复杂膀胱缝合术" ], "66045001": [ "Nasolacrimal anastomosis", "West operation", "Fistulization of lacrimal sac into nasal cavity", "Canaliculorhinostomy", "Johanson operation", "Jones operation", "Summerskill operation", "Toti operation", "Fistulisation of lacrimal sac into nasal cavity", "鼻小管吻合术", "鼻泪管吻合术", "约翰逊手术", "西部行动", "托蒂行动", "夏季技能行动", "琼斯行动", "泪囊造瘘至鼻腔" ], "442877005": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of lung using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下经皮肺穿刺活检" ], "410109005": [ "Venous catheter care management", "Manage venous catheter care", "静脉导管护理管理", "管理静脉导管护理" ], "31442000": [ "Debridement of peripheral nerve", "周围神经清创" ], "64210000": [ "Division of papillary muscle of heart", "心脏乳头肌的划分" ], "408274003": [ "Exner kaolin clotting time test", "Exner KCT test", "埃克斯纳 KCT 测试", "埃克斯纳高岭土凝固时间试验" ], "719570003": [ "Provision of diabetes identity card", "提供糖尿病身份证" ], "439207000": [ "Measurement of carisoprodol in urine", "尿液中卡立普多的测定" ], "177063005": [ "Laparoscopic ventrosuspension", "Laparoscopic suspension of uterus", "腹腔镜子宫悬吊术", "腹腔镜腹腔悬吊术" ], "373671009": [ "Specific ultrasound studies", "具体的超声检查" ], "306300002": [ "Referral to breast surgeon", "转诊至乳腺外科医生" ], "765052001": [ "Hindu diet", "印度饮食" ], "44156005": [ "Alveolectomy, including sequestrectomy", "肺泡切除术,包括死骨切除术" ], "175228009": [ "Construction of aortopulmonary window", "APW - Construction of aortopulmonary window", "APW - 主动脉肺动脉窗的构建", "主动脉肺动脉窗的构建" ], "173393005": [ "Repair of anterior cleft palate with vomerine flap", "犁骨瓣修复前腭裂" ], "58705005": [ "Bracht maneuver", "Bracht manoeuvre", "带来了演习", "带来机动性" ], "304465007": [ "Interrupted direct current to wrist", "手腕处直流电流中断" ], "386385007": [ "Patient contracting", "患者签约" ], "122406000": [ "Staphylococcus culture", "葡萄球菌培养" ], "400934003": [ "Bielschowsky head tilt test", "Bielschowsky头部倾斜试验" ], "56870004": [ "Avulsion of supraorbital nerve", "眶上神经撕脱" ], "1285670005": [ "Removal of prosthesis of joint of left hip", "左髋关节假体拆除" ], "235259000": [ "Closure of perforated duodenum", "十二指肠穿孔缝合" ], "269862009": [ "Measurement of serum amino acid level", "Serum amino acid levels", "Serum amino acids", "血清氨基酸", "血清氨基酸水平测量", "血清氨基酸水平" ], "431867007": [ "Sampling of blood of renal vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided sampling of blood from renal vein with contrast", "用造影剂荧光透视引导进行肾静脉血液采样", "荧光透视引导下从肾静脉进行造影血液采样" ], "169723007": [ "Antenatal 38 week examination", "产前38周检查" ], "233424001": [ "Embolization of vein", "Embolisation of vein", "静脉栓塞" ], "104187009": [ "Fungal culture, with definitive identification", "真菌培养并明确鉴定" ], "446416000": [ "Endoscopy of small intestine by transabdominal approach", "经腹部小肠内镜检查" ], "251643008": [ "Somatosensory evoked magnetic fields", "体感诱发磁场" ], "118736002": [ "Procedure on vertebra", "脊椎手术" ], "315344003": [ "Upper limb artery cannula insertion", "上肢动脉插管" ], "1003472007": [ "Referral to patient navigation service", "转介至患者导航服务" ], "413648008": [ "Biological treatment", "生物处理" ], "231589003": [ "Elevation of lateral canthus", "外眦抬高" ], "313509003": [ "Mandelic acid/creatinine ratio measurement", "Mandelic acid/creatinine ratio", "甘醇酸/肌酐比率", "甘醇酸/肌酐比率测量" ], "67749007": [ "Total excision of pituitary gland by transfrontal approach", "Ablation of pituitary gland by transfrontal approach", "经额入路垂体消融术", "经额入路全切除垂体" ], "278906000": [ "Nutritional support", "营养支持" ], "409978001": [ "Self-examination", "自我检查" ], "311674005": [ "Block modification of speech exercises", "语音练习的分块修改" ], "127780000": [ "High frequency chest compression vest physiotherapy", "高频胸部压缩背心理疗" ], "78628000": [ "Injection of neurolytic substance, subarachnoid", "注射神经溶解物质,蛛网膜下腔" ], "275236004": [ "Incision and drainage of breast haematoma", "Incision and drainage of breast hematoma", "乳房血肿切开引流", "乳腺血肿切开引流术" ], "76793000": [ "Trimming of amputation stump", "截肢残端修剪" ], "27641001": [ "Lateral fasciotomy with partial ostectomy of upper extremity", "侧筋膜切开术及上肢部分骨切除术" ], "175097002": [ "Endocardial excision of rhythmogenic focus", "心内膜切除节律性病灶" ], "699385002": [ "Repair of dissection of proximal thoracic aorta", "Repair of type A aortic dissection", "A 型主动脉夹层修复", "近端胸主动脉夹层修复" ], "306169006": [ "Referral to medical physics service", "转诊至医学物理服务" ], "764921008": [ "Open repair of obstructed ventral hernia with prosthesis", "开放式修复阻塞性腹疝并植入假体" ], "386254000": [ "Delegation", "代表团" ], "25806002": [ "Incision of eyebrow", "眉毛切开术" ], "107726003": [ "Patient disposition", "患者处置" ], "271566004": [ "Interposition of vein", "静脉插入" ], "353486009": [ "Pneumonolysis for collapse of lung", "肺塌陷肺溶解术" ], "122275002": [ "Nocardia culture", "诺卡氏菌培养" ], "417187008": [ "Random urine protein level", "随机尿蛋白水平" ], "236963008": [ "Cervical ripening with tents", "宫颈成熟" ], "104056005": [ "LW blood group antibody identification", "LW血型抗体鉴定" ], "3917001": [ "Excisional biopsy of phalanges of foot", "足指骨切除活检" ], "282445003": [ "Removal of conjunctival lesion", "Removal of lesion of conjunctiva", "结膜病变切除", "切除结膜病变" ], "233293004": [ "Removal of intravascular foreign body from artery", "动脉内异物取出" ], "444450007": [ "Quantitative measurement of concentration of glucose in peritoneal dialysis fluid at 4 hours postperitoneal dialysis", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of glucose in peritoneal dialysis fluid specimen at 4 hours postperitoneal dialysis", "腹膜透析后4小时腹膜透析液葡萄糖浓度的定量测定", "腹膜透析后4小时腹膜透析液标本葡萄糖质量浓度的定量测定" ], "426231000": [ "Graft of cartilage to eyelid", "Grafting of cartilage to eyelid", "眼睑软骨移植" ], "33015000": [ "Laparoscopy with fulguration of fallopian tube using electrical energy", "腹腔镜电灼输卵管手术" ], "113100006": [ "Pelvic lymphangiogram", "Lymphangiography pelvis", "盆腔淋巴管造影" ], "1259980007": [ "Administration of substance via nasojejunal route", "通过鼻空肠途径给药" ], "80332008": [ "Phleborheography", "静脉血流造影" ], "225953001": [ "Evaluating response to treatment", "Treatment response determination", "评估治疗反应", "治疗反应确定" ], "438945003": [ "Insertion of endovascular stent into aortobiiliac aneurysm", "Endovascular insertion of stent into aortobiiliac aneurysm", "主动脉胆管瘤内支架置入术", "主动脉胆管瘤血管内植入支架" ], "406177009": [ "Skin care: graft site", "皮肤护理:移植部位" ], "306038005": [ "Referral from nurse psychotherapist", "Referral by nurse psychotherapist", "护士心理治疗师转诊", "护士心理治疗师的推荐" ], "174966008": [ "Open cardiac valvotomy", "Open heart valvotomy", "Open incision of heart valve", "开放式心脏瓣膜切开术", "心脏瓣膜切开术" ], "60278009": [ "Removal of foreign body from femur", "股骨异物取出" ], "173131002": [ "Tracheo-esophageal puncture procedure", "Tracheo-oesophageal puncture procedure", "Tracheoesophageal puncture procedure", "Tracheooesophageal puncture procedure", "气管食管穿刺手术", "气管食管穿刺术", "气管食管穿刺操作" ], "418891003": [ "CT of chest and abdomen", "Computed tomography of chest and abdomen", "胸部和腹部计算机断层扫描", "胸腹部 CT" ], "25675004": [ "Patient transfer to skilled nursing facility (SNF)", "Patient transfer to skilled nursing facility", "患者转至专业护理机构 (SNF)", "患者转至专业护理机构" ], "287819005": [ "Pylorectomy", "幽门切除术" ], "1303627006": [ "Fibroadenoma excision of left breast", "Excision of fibroadenoma of left breast", "左乳房纤维腺瘤切除术" ], "122144001": [ "Verotoxin 2 assay", "Verotoxin 2 测定" ], "236832005": [ "Excision of labial cyst", "Excision of cyst of labia", "唇囊肿切除术", "阴唇囊肿切除术" ], "431605004": [ "Transrectal biopsy of prostate using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Transrectal biopsy of prostate using ultrasound guidance", "在超声引导下进行经直肠前列腺活检", "超声引导下经直肠前列腺活检" ], "267765006": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of upper limb", "Closed reduction of fracture of arm", "上肢骨折闭合复位", "手臂骨折闭合复位" ], "103925007": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from Scianna system (ISBT 013)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Scianna system (ISBT 013)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Scianna system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 013)", "血型、红细胞抗原来自 Scianna 系统(国际输血协会 013)", "血型、Scianna 系统 (ISBT 013) 的红细胞抗原", "血型、Scianna 系统红细胞抗原 (ISBT 013)" ], "54773006": [ "Patient transfer, to another health care facility, temporary", "患者临时转移至另一家医疗机构" ], "315082000": [ "Brucella complement fixation test", "布鲁氏菌补体结合试验" ], "710133009": [ "Ultrasound scan of thoracic outlet", "Ultrasonography of thoracic outlet", "Ultrasound of thoracic outlet", "胸廓出口超声检查", "胸廓出口超声扫描" ], "413386005": [ "Absolute CD103 count", "绝对 CD103 计数" ], "118474006": [ "Correction of alignment of bone", "Realignment of bone", "骨骼重新排列", "骨骼排列矫正" ], "3786007": [ "Excision of lesion of pharynx", "咽部病变切除术" ], "395167000": [ "Breast reconstruction with deep inferior epigastric perforator skin flap", "Breast reconstruction with DIEP (deep inferior epigastric perforator) skin flap", "下腹壁深穿支皮瓣乳房重建", "利用 DIEP(深下腹壁穿支)皮瓣进行乳房重建" ], "233162008": [ "Laser ablation operation for arrhythmia", "心律失常激光消融手术" ], "231327002": [ "Ophthalmological infiltrations", "Ocular infiltration", "眼部浸润", "眼科浸润" ], "67487000": [ "Delta base, blood", "Actual base excess", "Base excess", "BE - Base excess", "Base excess - observation", "实际碱过剩", "血碱过剩 - 观察", "基础过剩", "德尔塔基地,鲜血", "BE-碱过剩" ], "737396000": [ "Assessment of risk from bed rail use", "床栏使用风险评估" ], "313247009": [ "Subcutaneous injection of hormone antagonist", "Subcutaneous injection of substance with hormone receptor antagonist mechanism of action", "皮下注射激素拮抗剂", "皮下注射具有激素受体拮抗剂作用机制的物质" ], "426100003": [ "Ultrasound scan of left hip", "US scan of left hip", "左髋部超声波扫描", "左髋关节超声扫描" ], "1163380006": [ "Management of concentration of breast milk", "母乳浓度管理" ], "82036007": [ "Injection of posterior segment of eye", "眼后节注射" ], "702793000": [ "Ultrasound guided drainage of pelvis", "Drainage of pelvis using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided drainage of pelvis", "使用超声引导进行盆腔引流", "超声引导下盆腔引流" ], "424265001": [ "Maintenance of temporary cardiac pacemaker system", "Temporary pacemaker care", "临时心脏起搏器系统的维护", "临时起搏器护理" ], "229492009": [ "Percussion therapy", "打击疗法" ], "63817004": [ "Amphetamine measurement", "Amphetamine level", "Amfetamine level", "安非他明水平", "安非他明测量" ], "440649005": [ "Cystourethroscopy with creation of percutaneous nephrostomy", "Cystourethroscopy with percutaneous insertion of nephrostomy tube", "膀胱尿道镜检查及经皮肾造瘘管插入术", "膀胱尿道镜检查及经皮肾造口术" ], "178505006": [ "Total prosthetic replacement of temporomandibular joint", "颞下颌关节全假体置换术" ], "438814001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal embolisation of branch of iliac vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous transluminal embolization of branch of iliac vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal embolisation of branch of iliac vein with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal embolization of branch of iliac vein with contrast", "经皮腔内造影引导髂静脉分支栓塞术", "经皮腔内造影荧光镜引导下髂静脉分支栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内造影髂静脉分支栓塞术", "透视引导下经皮腔内造影髂静脉分支栓塞术" ], "420595000": [ "West Nile virus antibody measurement", "西尼罗河病毒抗体测量" ], "717342009": [ "Cone beam CT guided aspiration of upper limb", "Aspiration of upper limb using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "锥形束 CT 引导下进行上肢抽吸", "锥形束 CT 引导下上肢穿刺" ], "61982008": [ "Echocardiography for determining pericardial effusion", "超声心动图检查确定心包积液" ], "274974008": [ "Endoscopic endometrial polypectomy", "Transcervical resection of endometrial polyp", "子宫内膜息肉经宫颈切除术", "内镜子宫内膜息肉切除术" ], "699123000": [ "Removal of single-chamber cardiac pacemaker with replacement by dual-chamber cardiac pacemaker", "移除单腔心脏起搏器并更换为双腔心脏起搏器" ], "271304000": [ "Special CVS procedures", "Special cardiovascular system procedure", "特殊 CVS 程序", "特殊心血管系统手术" ], "385992003": [ "Discipline promotion", "Discipline treatments and procedures", "学科提升", "纪律处分和程序" ], "9160003": [ "Intraperitoneal drainage for hematoma", "Intraperitoneal drainage for haematoma", "Intraperitoneal drainage of haematoma", "Intraperitoneal drainage of hematoma", "腹腔内血肿引流", "腹腔内引流治疗血肿" ], "713672005": [ "Patellar apprehension test", "髌骨恐惧试验" ], "173000007": [ "Removal of granulation tissue from larynx", "去除喉部肉芽组织" ], "449693002": [ "Implantation of prosthetic device of lower limb", "下肢假肢装置植入" ], "89245002": [ "Cauterization of lesion of vagina", "Cauterisation of lesion of vagina", "阴道损伤烧灼术" ], "40093005": [ "Hepatitis A virus measurement", "甲型肝炎病毒检测" ], "122013007": [ "Measurement of Influenza C virus antibody", "Influenza C virus antibody assay", "丙型流感病毒抗体检测", "丙型流感病毒抗体测量" ], "447858002": [ "Biopsy of joint of foot", "足关节活检" ], "234866004": [ "Adjust lingual arch", "调整舌弓" ], "284018006": [ "Respiratory volume monitoring", "呼吸量监测" ], "183879000": [ "Private referral to ophthalmologist", "眼科医生的私人转诊" ], "431474008": [ "Magnetic resonance venography (MRV) of abdomen and pelvis", "Magnetic resonance venography of abdomen and pelvis", "腹部和盆腔磁共振静脉造影 (MRV)", "腹部和盆腔磁共振静脉造影" ], "233031006": [ "Plication of left atrial wall", "左心房壁折叠" ], "429639007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty with insertion of stent into coronary artery", "经皮腔内球囊血管成形术及冠状动脉支架植入术" ], "69191006": [ "Incision of intestine", "Enterotomy", "肠切开术", "肠道切开术" ], "444188003": [ "Thoracoscopic wedge resection of lung", "胸腔镜肺楔形切除术" ], "1148700003": [ "CT of thorax, abdomen and pelvis with intravenous contrast", "Computed tomography of thorax, abdomen and pelvis with intravenous contrast", "胸部、腹部和盆腔静脉造影 CT 检查", "胸部、腹部和骨盆的静脉注射造影剂计算机断层扫描" ], "1820004": [ "Alcohol measurement, breath", "Ethanol measurement, breath", "乙醇测量,呼吸", "酒精测量、呼吸" ], "395036004": [ "Immune complex IgM level", "Immune complex immunoglobulin M level", "免疫复合物免疫球蛋白M水平", "免疫复合物 IgM 水平" ], "231196008": [ "LA - Local anaesthetic field block of abdomen", "Field block of abdomen", "Local anaesthetic field block of abdomen", "LA - Local anesthetic field block of abdomen", "Local anesthetic field block of abdomen", "腹部局部麻醉野阻滞", "LA - 腹部局部麻醉区域阻滞", "腹部区域块", "腹部局部麻醉区域阻滞", "LA - 腹部局部麻醉阻滞" ], "18204009": [ "Reduction of closed humeral fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed fracture of humerus", "肱骨闭合性骨折手法复位", "闭合性肱骨骨折的复位方法" ], "49137003": [ "Bacterial serologic study, paired samples", "细菌血清学研究,配对样本" ], "1163249004": [ "Medical food supplement therapy for inadequate intake of energy", "能量摄入不足的医疗食品补充疗法" ], "229361006": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the carpometacarpal joints", "Accessory mobilization of the carpometacarpal joints", "腕掌关节的辅助活动" ], "80070000": [ "Transfer of iliopsoas muscle", "Sharrard operation", "Transposition of iliopsoas muscle", "髂腰肌移植", "莎拉德行动", "髂腰肌移位" ], "47302001": [ "Ileotomy", "回肠切开术" ], "63686000": [ "Prescribing, fitting and supply of ocular prosthesis", "眼部假体的处方、安装和供应" ], "424134004": [ "Tangent screen testing", "切线屏幕测试" ], "440518005": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of carotid artery by direct puncture with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of carotid artery by direct puncture with contrast", "直接穿刺颈动脉荧光造影", "颈动脉直接穿刺荧光血管造影术" ], "30918004": [ "Radionuclide venous thrombosis study", "放射性核素静脉血栓形成研究" ], "391366006": [ "Treponema screening test", "梅毒螺旋体筛查检测" ], "1290651000": [ "Plain X-ray of lumbar spine and right sacroiliac joint", "腰椎及右骶髂关节普通 X 光检查" ], "225691004": [ "Applying eye pad and shield", "使用眼垫和护罩" ], "45467006": [ "Grafting of skin and dermal-fat for breast augmentation", "皮肤和真皮脂肪移植隆胸" ], "698992006": [ "Emergency repair of ruptured infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm", "肾下腹主动脉瘤破裂的紧急修复" ], "764528008": [ "Assessment using Salford Rheumatoid Arthritis Foot Evaluation Instrument", "Assessment using SAFE (Salford Rheumatoid Arthritis Foot Evaluation) Instrument", "使用 Salford 类风湿关节炎足部评估仪进行评估", "使用 SAFE(索尔福德类风湿关节炎足部评估)仪器进行评估" ], "172869001": [ "Direct closure of defect of maxilla", "上颌骨缺损直接缝合" ], "713541000": [ "Removal of entire genital organ", "切除整个生殖器官" ], "287557002": [ "Surgical biopsy of external auditory canal", "外耳道手术活检" ], "47161000052108": [ "Fluorescence cystoscopy", "荧光膀胱镜检查" ], "385861004": [ "Home situation analysis education", "Teach home situation analysis", "教导家庭情况分析", "家庭状况分析教育" ], "303941006": [ "Fluoroscopy of abdomen", "腹部透视检查" ], "252954003": [ "Skeletal maturity survey", "Bone age assessment", "骨龄评估", "骨骼成熟度调查" ], "121882005": [ "2-Methyl,3-hydroxybutyrate measurement", "2-甲基,3-羟基丁酸酯测定" ], "449562006": [ "Revision of prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone using cement", "Revision of prosthetic replacement of joint using cement", "骨水泥假体置换骨关节的修复", "用水泥修复假体关节" ], "234735001": [ "OD - Open drainage of abscess via tooth", "Place tooth on open drainage", "Open drainage of alveolar abscess via tooth", "OD - 通过牙齿开放脓肿引流", "经牙开放引流牙槽脓肿", "将牙齿置于开放的引流管上" ], "169199007": [ "Radiobioassay - progesterone", "放射生物测定-孕酮" ], "431343007": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of myocardium for tissue strain rate", "Ultrasonography of myocardium for tissue strain rate", "心肌超声检查组织应变率", "心肌超声检查(US)检测组织应变率" ], "87279008": [ "Excision of lesion of colon", "结肠病变切除术" ], "69060002": [ "Quantitative non-RBC antibody measurement", "Quantitative non-red blood cell antibody measurement", "非红细胞抗体定量测量" ], "445892000": [ "Sigmoidoscopic excision of lesion of large intestine", "乙状结肠镜大肠病变切除术" ], "6561000179108": [ "Open nephrectomy from live donor", "Live donor open nephrectomy", "活体供体开放性肾切除术", "活体捐献者开放性肾切除术" ], "265668004": [ "Reconstruction of skin using local subcutaneous pedicle skin flap", "Local subcutaneous pedicle skin flap reconstruction", "Reconstruction of skin with local subcutaneous pedicle skin flap", "局部皮下带蒂皮瓣修复皮肤", "局部皮下带蒂皮瓣重建" ], "232900006": [ "Excision of nodule from atrioventricular valve leaflet", "Excision of fibrous thickening from atrioventricular valve leaflet", "Excision of lesion from atrioventricular valve leaflet", "房室瓣膜纤维增厚切除术", "房室瓣病变切除术", "房室瓣结节切除术" ], "231065002": [ "Intrathecal injection of radiological dye", "鞘内注射放射性染料" ], "1689004": [ "Local excision of ovary", "卵巢局部切除术" ], "229230000": [ "Joint control work", "联合控制工作" ], "49006001": [ "Removal of foreign body from bladder by incision", "Open removal of foreign body from bladder", "Removal of foreign body from urinary bladder by incision", "切开膀胱取出异物", "膀胱异物切开取出" ], "180078006": [ "Radialization correction for radial club hand", "Radialisation correction for radial club hand", "桡骨畸形手的放射状矫正" ], "47171000": [ "Hysteroscopy with biopsy", "宫腔镜活检" ], "178243005": [ "Plastic repair of long head of biceps brachii", "肱二头肌长头的整形修复" ], "14403007": [ "Ileotransversostomy", "Anastomosis of ileum to transverse colon", "Ileo-transverse anastomosis", "回肠横吻合术", "回肠横肠造口术", "回肠至横结肠吻合术" ], "243779008": [ "Venous port blood sampling during haemodialysis", "Venous port blood sampling during hemodialysis", "血液透析期间静脉端口血液采样" ], "405784000": [ "Pharmacological assessment", "药理学评估" ], "1290520001": [ "Plain X-ray of fibula", "腓骨普通 X 光检查" ], "176408003": [ "Reconstruction of scrotum with local flap", "局部皮瓣重建阴囊" ], "715245005": [ "CT of head and neck for radiotherapy planning", "Computed tomography of head and neck for radiotherapy planning", "头部和颈部 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划", "头部和颈部的计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "1255917009": [ "Perinatal care of mother", "Maternal perinatal care", "Maternity care", "母亲围产期护理", "产妇围产期护理", "产妇护理" ], "385730002": [ "Terminal care education", "Teach terminal care", "临终关怀教育", "教授临终关怀" ], "271042003": [ "Percentage granulocyte count", "Granulocyte percent differential count", "粒细胞百分率分类计数", "粒细胞计数百分比" ], "287426004": [ "Palate incision - drainage", "腭切开引流" ], "252823001": [ "Indocyanine green angiography", "ICG (indocyanine green) angiography", "Angiography using indocyanine green", "吲哚菁绿血管造影", "ICG(吲哚菁绿)血管造影" ], "72599001": [ "Sequestrectomy of bone of radius", "桡骨死骨切除术" ], "303810009": [ "Angiography of endocrine system", "内分泌系统血管造影" ], "121751004": [ "Cholesterol sulfate measurement", "Cholesterol sulphate measurement", "胆固醇硫酸盐测量" ], "119916001": [ "Biliary tract excision", "胆道切除术" ], "431212002": [ "Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty of ulnar artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮尺动脉腔内血管成形术" ], "37996003": [ "Total scapulectomy", "全肩胛骨切除术" ], "1332332007": [ "Assessment using self-reported CRQ (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire)", "Assessment using self-reported Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire", "Assessment using CRQ-SR (Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire self-reported)", "使用 CRQ-SR(慢性呼吸道问卷自我报告)进行评估", "使用自我报告的慢性呼吸道问卷进行评估", "使用自我报告的 CRQ(慢性呼吸道问卷)进行评估" ], "169068008": [ "CT of neck", "Computed tomography of neck", "颈部CT", "颈部计算机断层扫描" ], "429377005": [ "Excision of lamina of lumbar vertebra", "腰椎椎板切除术" ], "412993006": [ "Blood B-glucosidase measurement", "Blood beta-glucosidase measurement", "Blood B-glucosidase level", "血液 B-葡萄糖苷酶水平", "血液β-葡萄糖苷酶测定", "血液 B-葡萄糖苷酶测量" ], "265537006": [ "Excision of congenital arteriovenous malformation", "先天性动静脉畸形切除术" ], "118081008": [ "HTLV 1 AND 2 p28 antibody assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 AND 2 p28 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 protein 28 antibody and Human T-lymphotropic virus 2 protein 28 antibody", "HTLV 1 和 2 p28 抗体检测", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒1蛋白28抗体和人类T淋巴细胞病毒2蛋白28抗体的测量", "人类 T 淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 和 2 p28 抗体检测" ], "312854002": [ "Patient review of medical records", "患者查阅医疗记录" ], "83478002": [ "Incision and exploration of kidney pelvis", "Pyelotomy with exploration of kidney", "肾盂切开探查", "肾盂切开术及肾脏探查" ], "230934004": [ "Thrombolysis of intracranial vessel", "颅内血管血栓溶解" ], "443926007": [ "Quantitative measurement of diazepam in saliva specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of diazepam in saliva specimen", "唾液标本中地西泮质量浓度的定量测定", "唾液样本中地西泮的定量测定" ], "442091000": [ "Measurement of ethanol using gas chromatography", "用气相色谱法测定乙醇" ], "116246009": [ "Excisional biopsy of lesion of vagina", "Excision biopsy of vaginal lesion", "阴道病变切除活检" ], "425707001": [ "Serial drainage of amniotic fluid", "连续引流羊水" ], "81643004": [ "Induction and maintenance of regional hypothermia", "诱导和维持区域低温" ], "179947005": [ "Elbow joint operations", "肘关节手术" ], "229099007": [ "Wrist class", "腕錶類" ], "391104004": [ "Referral to soft tissue injury clinic", "转诊至软组织损伤门诊" ], "178112005": [ "Re-excision of ganglion of wrist", "Reexcision of ganglion cyst of wrist", "腕部腱鞘囊肿再切除术", "腕部神经节再次切除术" ], "389269000": [ "Surgical precautions", "手术注意事项" ], "225429000": [ "Personal hygiene interventions", "Personal hygiene treatments and procedures", "个人卫生干预", "个人卫生治疗和程序" ], "45205003": [ "Excision of labial frenulum", "Frenectomy of lip", "唇系带切除术" ], "1208469004": [ "Cystoscopy and biopsy of bladder", "Endoscopic bladder biopsy", "Cystoscopy and bladder biopsy", "Cystoscopy and transurethral biopsy of bladder", "Cystourethroscopy with biopsy of bladder", "Cystoscopy and biopsy of urinary bladder", "内镜膀胱活检", "膀胱镜检查及经尿道膀胱活检", "膀胱镜检查和膀胱活检", "膀胱尿道镜检查及膀胱活检" ], "77973006": [ "Doppler flow mapping of head and neck", "头部和颈部的多普勒血流图" ], "61589008": [ "Incision and exploration of frontonasal duct", "额鼻管切开探查" ], "422037009": [ "Provider medication administration instructions", "提供者药物管理说明" ], "43370007": [ "Impedance phlebography", "阻抗静脉造影" ], "41535000": [ "Maxillary sinus endoscopy with removal of mucous membrane", "上颌窦内窥镜切除黏膜" ], "57919001": [ "Intercarpal fusion with autograft", "自体移植腕骨间融合" ], "420202009": [ "Fluoroscopic myelogram", "脊髓透视造影" ], "23316000": [ "Periosteal suture of scapula", "Suture of periosteum of scapula", "肩胛骨骨膜缝合" ], "74303009": [ "Personality assessment", "性格评估" ], "711444000": [ "First stage attachment of fixture for nasal prosthesis", "鼻假体固定装置第一阶段安装" ], "39700003": [ "Free thyroxine index", "Free thyroxine index level", "FTI - free thyroxine index", "FT4 (free thyroxine) index", "FT4I - free thyroxine index", "FTI-- 游离甲状腺素指数", "游离甲状腺素指数水平", "FT4(游离甲状腺素)指数", "FT4I-游离甲状腺素指数", "游离甲状腺素指数" ], "121620002": [ "Malaoxon measurement", "马拉氧磷测定" ], "449300004": [ "Biopsy of lesion of eyebrow", "眉毛病变活检" ], "252692004": [ "Spondylometry", "脊椎测量学" ], "105236008": [ "Metaproterenol measurement", "甲羟孕酮测量" ], "119785000": [ "Neck artery injection", "颈动脉注射" ], "300009002": [ "Removal of acoustic neuroma", "Removal of vestibular schwannoma", "切除前庭神经鞘瘤", "听神经瘤切除术" ], "185321005": [ "Letter encounter to patient", "写给病人的一封信" ], "117950004": [ "Bovine herpesvirus 4 antigen assay", "牛疱疹病毒 4 型抗原测定" ], "724158008": [ "Postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy", "绝经后激素替代疗法" ], "232638008": [ "Excision of segment of left upper lobe", "左上叶部分切除术" ], "281790008": [ "Intravenous antibiotic therapy", "静脉抗生素治疗" ], "1230227001": [ "Preparation of clothing", "Preparation of clothing for subject", "准备拍摄对象的服装", "服装准备" ], "412862009": [ "Urine methionine measurement", "Urine methionine level", "尿液蛋氨酸水平", "尿液蛋氨酸测量" ], "1861000087102": [ "CT of bilateral lower limbs", "Computed tomography of bilateral lower limbs", "Computed tomography of both lower limbs", "Computed tomography of left and right lower limb", "双下肢CT", "双下肢计算机断层扫描", "左、右下肢计算机断层扫描" ], "17221000087104": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of right lower limb", "Aspiration of right lower extremity using ultrasonographic guidance", "Aspiration of right lower limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of right lower extremity", "超声引导下右下肢抽吸术", "超声引导下右下肢穿刺" ], "581000087105": [ "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of right lower limb", "Aspiration of right lower extremity using fluoroscopic guidance", "Aspiration of right lower limb using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of right lower extremity", "荧光透视引导下右下肢抽吸术", "透视引导下右下肢穿刺", "荧光透视引导下右下肢穿刺" ], "65128001": [ "Repair of stoma of larynx", "Revision of stoma of larynx", "Repair of laryngostomy", "Laryngostomy revision", "喉造口修复", "喉造口修复术", "喉造口术修复" ], "3141000087107": [ "MRI of left upper extremity with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left upper limb with contrast", "左上肢增强磁共振成像", "左上肢增强 MRI 扫描" ], "5701000087106": [ "Fluoroscopic antegrade pyelography of bilateral renal pelvis", "Bilateral fluoroscopic antegrade pyelography", "双侧荧光镜前行肾盂造影", "双侧肾盂荧光顺行肾盂造影" ], "179816003": [ "Revision open repair intra-articular ligament", "翻修开放修复关节内韧带" ], "4421000087107": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of right knee", "Fluoroscopic arthrogram of right knee", "右膝关节X线透视造影", "右膝荧光透视关节造影" ], "390973000": [ "Urine normetadrenaline level", "Urine normetanephrine level", "尿甲肾上腺素水平正常", "尿液去甲肾上腺素水平" ], "177981006": [ "Excision of lesion of posterior peritoneum", "腹膜后部病变切除术" ], "63293007": [ "Fine needle biopsy of seminal vesicle", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of seminal vesicle", "精囊细针活检", "精囊细针穿刺活检" ], "440125006": [ "Construction of special footwear", "特殊鞋类的制造" ], "14141008": [ "Incision and drainage of ischiorectal abscess", "坐骨直肠脓肿切开引流" ], "405522001": [ "Aorto-femoral bifurcation graft for repair of aneurysm", "主动脉-股动脉分叉移植物修复动脉瘤" ], "225298003": [ "Changing equipment", "更换设备" ], "176146003": [ "Open biopsy of bladder", "Open biopsy of urinary bladder", "膀胱开放活检" ], "274450004": [ "Dislocated shoulder reduction", "肩关节脱臼复位" ], "716818006": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of subclavian artery", "Doppler ultrasound of subclavian artery", "Doppler ultrasound scan of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉多普勒超声检查", "锁骨下动脉多普勒超声扫描" ], "241682004": [ "Thermography of scrotum", "阴囊热成像" ], "45074006": [ "Arsenic measurement, blood", "血液中的砷含量测定" ], "305383005": [ "Admission to rheumatology department", "风湿病科入院" ], "420071006": [ "Epikeratome laser assisted keratomileusis", "Epi-LASIK - epikeratome laser assisted keratomileusis", "Epi-LASIK--表层角膜刀激光辅助角膜磨镶术", "角膜刀表面刀激光辅助角膜磨镶术" ], "1222887005": [ "Intravenous infusion of human anti-D (rh) immunoglobulin", "Intravenous infusion of human anti-D immunoglobulin", "Intravascular infusion human rho(D) immunoglobulin", "静脉输注人抗D免疫球蛋白", "静脉输注人抗D(rh)免疫球蛋白", "血管内输注人rho(D)免疫球蛋白" ], "698599008": [ "Private referral to breast surgeon", "乳腺外科医生的私人转诊" ], "385468004": [ "CEIOL - cataract extraction and implantation of intraocular lens", "Cataract extraction and IOL (implantation of intraocular lens)", "Cataract extraction and implantation of intraocular lens", "CEIOL——白内障摘除及人工晶状体植入", "白内障摘除术和人工晶状体植入术", "白内障摘除及人工晶状体植入" ], "713148004": [ "Symptom management", "症状管理" ], "451004008": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging chemical shift imaging", "磁共振成像化学位移成像" ], "6801000": [ "Resection of mesentery", "Mesenterectomy", "肠系膜切除术" ], "39569003": [ "Comprehensive orthodontic treatment, permanent dentition, for class III malocclusion", "综合正畸治疗,恒牙,针对 III 类错颌畸形" ], "711313005": [ "MRI of sacrococcygeal region of spine with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of sacrococcygeal region of spine with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of sacrum and coccyx with contrast", "骶骨和尾骨的增强磁共振成像", "脊柱骶尾部增强 MRI 检查", "脊柱骶尾部增强磁共振成像" ], "105105006": [ "Cefonicid measurement", "头孢尼西测量" ], "252561007": [ "Evoked response olfactometry", "诱发反应嗅觉测量" ], "121489008": [ "Cephaeline measurement", "Cephaelin measurement", "头孢他林测量", "头孢菌素测定" ], "432785007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of common carotid artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of common carotid artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "用造影剂插入药物洗脱支架进行颈总动脉荧光镜动脉造影", "颈总动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术" ], "268945009": [ "GU - Examination of genitourinary system", "Examination of genitourinary system", "泌尿生殖系统检查", "GU - 泌尿生殖系统检查" ], "119654003": [ "Hand reconstruction", "手部重建" ], "709478004": [ "Assessment of food supply", "粮食供应评估" ], "447334006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of temporal lobe", "MRI of temporal lobe", "颞叶 MRI", "颞叶磁共振成像" ], "250726007": [ "Microalbumin excretion rate measurement", "Microalbumin excretion rate", "微量白蛋白排泄率测定", "微量白蛋白排泄率" ], "4966006": [ "Extracorporeal perfusion", "体外灌注" ], "871483001": [ "Pretransplant evaluation of lung recipient", "肺受体移植前评估" ], "117819002": [ "Legionella longbeachae 1 AND 2 antibody assay", "Measurement of Legionella longbeachae serogroup 1 and serogroup 2 antibody", "长滩军团菌 1 和 2 抗体检测", "长滩军团菌 1 型和 2 型抗体的测量" ], "281659002": [ "Subconjunct. challenge", "次要的挑战" ], "398182006": [ "Insertion of inferior vena caval filter", "IVC - Insertion of inferior vena caval filter", "Insertion of caval filter", "Insertion of antiembolic filter into vena cava", "IVC - 插入下腔静脉滤器", "插入腔静脉过滤器", "将抗栓塞过滤器插入腔静脉", "下腔静脉滤器插入" ], "70502009": [ "Pollicization of a digit", "Pollicization with carry over of nerves and blood supply", "Pollicisation of a digit", "Pollicisation with carry over of nerves and blood supply", "Reconstruction of thumb from existing digit", "拇指化并延续神经和血液供应", "数字政治化", "从现有手指重建拇指", "数字的政体化", "带有神经和血液供应的拇指化" ], "183355006": [ "Social rehabilitation", "社会康复" ], "166971003": [ "Serum amiodarone level", "Serum amiodarone measurement", "血清胺碘酮水平", "血清胺碘酮测定" ], "68667005": [ "Insertion of permanent transvenous electrodes", "Insertion of permanent endocardial cardiac pacemaker system", "永久静脉电极插入", "植入永久性心内膜心脏起搏器系统" ], "265275007": [ "Cauterisation of lesion of canthus", "Cauterization of lesion of canthus", "眼角病变烧灼术" ], "427280001": [ "Repair of traumatic injury of heart", "心脏外伤修复" ], "736741000": [ "Intraoperative ultrasonography", "Intraoperative ultrasound", "Intraoperative ultrasound scan", "术中超声扫描", "术中超声", "术中超声检查" ], "359909004": [ "Detection of erythrocyte antibody complement complex binding", "红细胞抗体补体复合物结合检测" ], "179685005": [ "Revision to closed reduction of fracture dislocation and external fixation", "骨折脱位闭合复位外固定术" ], "1162725006": [ "Raw egg free diet", "无生鸡蛋饮食" ], "277989007": [ "Percutaneous removal of foreign body from vein", "经皮静脉异物取出术" ], "441829007": [ "Assessment for risk of cardiovascular disease", "心血管疾病风险评估" ], "409061007": [ "Caretaking/parenting skills treatments and procedures", "照顾/育儿技能治疗和程序" ], "439994007": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of shaft of radius with closed reduction of dislocation of distal radioulnar joint", "桡骨干骨折闭合复位及远桡尺关节脱位闭合复位" ], "274319000": [ "Needle biopsy of lung", "Lung - needle biopsy", "肺穿刺活检" ], "405391000": [ "Exploration of common femoral artery", "股总动脉探查" ], "176015004": [ "Intravesical bilateral ureteric reimplantation", "Cohen bilateral ureteric reimplantation", "膀胱内双侧输尿管再植术", "Cohen 双侧输尿管再植术" ], "12175005": [ "Repair of blood vessel with suture", "Suture of blood vessel", "Angiorrhaphy", "血管缝合", "血管缝合术", "缝合修复血管" ], "44943004": [ "Vocational schooling", "职业教育" ], "241551006": [ "CT of pancreas", "Computed tomography of pancreas", "胰腺计算机断层扫描", "胰腺 CT" ], "389007008": [ "Superficial axillofemoral vascular bypass", "浅表腋股血管旁路术" ], "61327009": [ "Puncture and drainage of craniopharyngioma", "颅咽管瘤穿刺引流" ], "174180002": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic coagulation of blood vessel of colon", "Fibreoptic endoscopic coagulation of blood vessel of colon", "纤维内镜结肠血管电凝术" ], "225167009": [ "Procedure using leeches", "Leech therapy", "使用水蛭的程序", "水蛭疗法" ], "1544191000168103": [ "Assistance with food preparation", "协助准备食物" ], "418105000": [ "US scan of inguinal region", "Ultrasound scan of inguinal region", "Ultrasonography of inguinal region", "腹股沟区超声检查", "腹股沟区超声扫描" ], "305252009": [ "Admission by occupational health physician", "职业健康医师承认" ], "370788009": [ "Determination of knowledge level", "Determines knowledge level", "确定知识水平", "知识水平的确定" ], "172345006": [ "Resection of combination of muscles of eye", "眼肌联合切除术" ], "450873006": [ "Plication of emphysematous bleb of lung", "肺气肿大泡折叠术" ], "74041008": [ "Repair of tricuspid atresia", "三尖瓣闭锁修复" ], "8505009": [ "Neurolysis of peripheral nerve", "Lysis of adhesions of peripheral nerve", "周围神经粘连松解术", "周围神经松解术" ], "711182000": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of lower limb", "Aspiration of lower limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasound guided aspiration of lower limb", "超声引导下肢穿刺" ], "6670003": [ "Closure of external fistula of trachea", "气管外瘘缝合术" ], "104974004": [ "Thyrotropin, long acting measurement", "促甲状腺激素,长效测量" ], "23054008": [ "Maxillary sinus endoscopy with removal of foreign body", "上颌窦内窥镜检查及异物取出" ], "170510009": [ "Control of flies", "控制苍蝇" ], "432654009": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for insertion of peritoneal dialysis catheter", "Insertion of peritoneal dialysis catheter using fluoroscopy guidance", "透视引导下插入腹膜透析导管" ], "121358008": [ "Acetate measurement", "醋酸盐测量" ], "250595000": [ "Lithium: blood level", "Lithium blood measurement", "锂血测量", "锂:血液浓度" ], "86755003": [ "Excisional biopsy of bone, superficial", "浅表骨切除活检" ], "53987008": [ "Deep incision with opening of bone cortex of hand", "手部骨皮质开口深切口" ], "117688000": [ "Acetylcarnitine measurement", "乙酰肉碱测量" ], "1231800001": [ "Revision of root canal therapy of molar tooth", "Revision of root canal treatment of molar tooth", "Root canal retreatment of molar tooth", "Revision of endodontic treatment of molar tooth", "Revision of treatment of root canal of molar tooth", "磨牙根管再治疗", "磨牙根管治疗的修正", "磨牙根管修复治疗" ], "445341000124100": [ "Modification of nutritional regime", "改变营养方案" ], "437661000124102": [ "Increased arginine diet", "增加精氨酸饮食" ], "166840006": [ "Serum fasting LDL cholesterol measurement", "Serum fasting LDL cholesterol level", "Serum fasting low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement", "血清空腹 LDL 胆固醇水平", "血清空腹 LDL 胆固醇测量", "血清空腹低密度脂蛋白胆固醇测量" ], "265144008": [ "Insertion of staple into epiphysis", "将钉书钉插入骨骺" ], "443533003": [ "Irrigation and suction of endotracheal tube", "气管插管冲洗及抽吸" ], "447901000124109": [ "Management of nutrition-related complementary and/or alternative medicine", "营养相关补充和/或替代药物的管理" ], "438941000124109": [ "Molybdenum supplement therapy", "钼补充疗法" ], "392546001": [ "American cockroach specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ri206 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Periplaneta americana specific IgE antibody measurement", "Periplaneta americana specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Ri206 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "美洲大蠊特异性IgE抗体测定", "美洲大蠊特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "312461009": [ "Heterozygous SS genotype determination", "Heterozygous SS genotype", "杂合 SS 基因型", "杂合子SS基因型测定" ], "1178978006": [ "Duplex ultrasound of right carotid artery", "Duplex ultrasound scan of right carotid artery", "Duplex ultrasonography of right carotid artery", "右颈动脉双重超声扫描", "右颈动脉双功能超声检查" ], "228706006": [ "Radiotherapy planning using simulator screening", "Radiotherapy planning using simulator fluoroscopy", "使用模拟透视进行放射治疗计划", "使用模拟器筛选进行放射治疗计划" ], "718391000": [ "Assessment using Voice Impact Profile", "Assessment using VIP (Voice Impact Profile)", "使用语音影响概况进行评估", "使用 VIP(语音影响概况)进行评估" ], "81250006": [ "Partial excision of skin lesion", "皮肤病变部分切除" ], "423479002": [ "Pediatric admission assessment", "Paediatric admission assessment", "Admission assessment paediatric", "Admission assessment pediatric", "儿科入院评估", "入院评估儿科" ], "408930006": [ "Social network analysis assessment", "Assess social network analysis", "社会网络分析评估", "评估社交网络分析" ], "277858009": [ "One stage urethroplasty for stricture", "一期尿道成形术治疗狭窄" ], "46647003": [ "Excision of lesion of perirenal tissue", "肾周组织病变切除" ], "1289996000": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of finger", "MRI of finger", "手指 MRI", "手指磁共振成像" ], "439863008": [ "Termination of therapeutic relationship", "终止治疗关系" ], "241420002": [ "Labelled serum amyloid protein study", "Labeled serum amyloid protein study", "标记血清淀粉样蛋白研究" ], "12044003": [ "Operation on lacrimal system", "Lacrimal apparatus operation", "泪器手术", "泪道系统手术" ], "44812007": [ "Inhalation anesthesia, machine system, closed, no rebreathing of primary agent", "Inhalation anaesthesia, machine system, closed, no rebreathing of primary agent", "吸入麻醉,机器系统,封闭,不重复吸入主要药剂", "吸入麻醉,机器系统,封闭,不重复吸入主要麻醉药剂" ], "75745001": [ "Dacryocystotomy", "Incision of lacrimal sac", "Dacryocystostomy", "Ammon's operation", "阿蒙的行动", "泪囊造口术", "泪囊切开术" ], "239585006": [ "Amputation of finger through proximal phalanx", "近节指骨截肢术" ], "73910002": [ "Incision and exploration of subdiaphragmatic space", "膈下间隙切开探查" ], "417974003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of inferior mesenteric artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of inferior mesenteric artery with contrast", "肠系膜下动脉造影" ], "450742003": [ "Assessment using National Institutes of Health stroke scale", "使用美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表进行评估" ], "57526005": [ "Coproporphyrin measurement", "粪卟啉测量" ], "172214005": [ "Cryotherapy to lesion of eyelid", "眼睑损伤冷冻治疗" ], "88459000": [ "Manipulation of ureteral calculus by catheter", "导管处理输尿管结石" ], "22923001": [ "Factor D complement assay", "因子 D 补体测定" ], "711051002": [ "Assessment of readiness for discharge", "出院准备情况评估" ], "39307002": [ "Removal of suture of thorax", "拆除胸腔缝线" ], "252299004": [ "PK - Pyruvate kinase screening test", "Pyruvate kinase deficiency spot test", "Pyruvate kinase screening test", "PK - 丙酮酸激酶筛选试验", "丙酮酸激酶缺乏症斑点试验", "丙酮酸激酶筛选试验" ], "104843002": [ "Orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase measurement", "乳清酸苷-5'-磷酸脱羧酶测定" ], "170379004": [ "Second hepatitis A vaccination", "Administration of second dose of hepatitis A vaccine", "Second hepatitis A immunization", "Second hepatitis A immunisation", "Administration of second dose of vaccine product containing only Hepatitis A virus antigen", "第二次甲肝疫苗接种", "第二次甲肝免疫", "接种第二剂甲型肝炎疫苗", "第二次甲型肝炎免疫接种", "注射第二剂仅含甲型肝炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品" ], "399755004": [ "RGm27 specific IgG antibody measurement", "Penicillium spp specific IgG antibody measurement", "Penicillium spp specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "青霉菌特异性 IgG 抗体测量", "青霉菌特异性免疫球蛋白 G 抗体测量", "RGm27 特异性 IgG 抗体测量" ], "72075005": [ "Photoplethysmography", "PPG - Photoplethysmography", "PPG——光电容积描记法", "光电容积描记法" ], "184928001": [ "Public service vehicle examination for local authority", "PSV exam for local authority", "地方政府公务车辆检查", "地方当局的 PSV 考试" ], "250464005": [ "Organism growth", "Determination of organism growth", "生物体生长", "生物体生长的测定" ], "430688009": [ "Prosthetic arthroplasty of left hip", "左髋关节假体置换术" ], "363317007": [ "Surgical manipulation procedure", "手术操作程序" ], "35637008": [ "Alcohol rehabilitation", "酒精康复" ], "443402002": [ "Lifestyle education regarding hypertension", "高血压生活方式教育" ], "277727000": [ "Release of contracture of intrinsic muscle of hand", "手内在肌挛缩松解术" ], "410634009": [ "Well child visit, 3 years", "3 岁儿童健康检查" ], "179423007": [ "Revision cemented hemiarthroplasty of shoulder", "肩关节半关节置换术" ], "228575009": [ "Reward technique", "獎勵手法" ], "243124008": [ "Non-ablative hormone therapy", "非消融性激素治疗" ], "306825001": [ "Low power laser therapy to pelvis", "低功率激光治疗骨盆" ], "700041001": [ "Induced termination of pregnancy under unsafe conditions", "在不安全条件下终止妊娠" ], "274057006": [ "Arthroplasty (excluding hip)", "关节置换术(不包括髋关节)" ], "11913007": [ "Mephenytoin measurement", "美芬妥英测量" ], "239454000": [ "Excision of osteophyte", "Excision of osteophytes", "骨赘切除", "切除骨赘" ], "1288030001": [ "Laparoscopic ileal interposition of ureter", "Laparoscopic ileal replacement of ureter", "腹腔镜回肠输尿管置换术", "腹腔镜回肠输尿管插入术" ], "1255262001": [ "Insertion of non-setting calcium hydroxide paste to root canal of tooth", "将不固化的氢氧化钙糊剂插入牙齿根管内" ], "59230000": [ "Removal of valve of vas deferens", "输精管瓣膜切除术" ], "28297009": [ "Galactosylceramide beta-galactosidase measurement, fibroblasts", "半乳糖神经酰胺 β-半乳糖苷酶测量,成纤维细胞" ], "61065009": [ "Molybdenum measurement", "钼测量" ], "1156958007": [ "Promotion of food and nutrient intake to support target weight and body mass", "促进食物和营养摄入以支持目标体重和体质" ], "173918008": [ "Open jejunoscopy", "开放式空肠镜检查" ], "712755002": [ "Endoscopic incision of ureterocele", "Endoscopic incision of ureterocoele", "输尿管囊肿内镜切开术" ], "395231000119103": [ "Insertion of catheter into biliary duct using fluoroscopy guided ERCP", "Fluoroscopy guided endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for insertion of catheter into biliary duct", "Fluoroscopy guided ERCP for insertion of catheter into biliary duct", "Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography with insertion of catheter into biliary duct using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导 ERCP 将导管插入胆管", "荧光透视引导下 ERCP 将导管插入胆管", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影术,在荧光透视引导下将导管插入胆管", "荧光透视引导下内镜逆行胰胆管造影术将导管插入胆管" ], "8243008": [ "Measurement of interstitial fluid pressure", "间质液压测量" ], "104712001": [ "Glycolate measurement", "乙醇酸测量" ], "710920002": [ "Provision of privacy", "提供隐私" ], "268552003": [ "Hyperlipidaemia screening", "Hyperlipidemia screening", "高脂血症筛查" ], "408031000119108": [ "CT guided percutaneous needle biopsy of pancreas", "Percutaneous needle biopsy of pancreas using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下胰腺经皮穿刺活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行胰腺经皮穿刺活检" ], "432392004": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography of bone of lower leg", "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of bone of lower leg", "小腿骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "小腿骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)" ], "391391000119107": [ "Radionuclide scan of whole body using indium 111 for localization of abscess", "Radioisotope scan of whole body using indium 111 for localization of abscess", "Radioisotope scan of whole body using indium 111 for localisation of abscess", "Radionuclide scan of whole body using indium 111 for localisation of abscess", "使用铟 111 进行全身放射性核素扫描以定位脓肿", "使用铟 111 进行全身放射性同位素扫描以定位脓肿" ], "252168006": [ "Urine reducing substance screening", "尿液还原物质筛查" ], "446941000": [ "Transrectal high intensity focused ultrasound ablation of prostate", "经直肠高强度聚焦超声前列腺消融术" ], "266717002": [ "Hormone replacement therapy", "HRT - Hormone replacement therapy", "HRT-- 激素替代疗法", "激素替代疗法" ], "70109007": [ "Fixed appliance therapy for tooth guidance", "固定矫治器治疗牙齿引导" ], "709085009": [ "Repair of retina for retinal detachment using diode laser", "使用二极管激光修复视网膜脱离" ], "314034001": [ "Psychodynamic psychotherapy", "Psychotherapy - psychodynamic", "心理治疗 - 心理动力", "心理动力心理治疗" ], "426887000": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic insertion of expanding metal stent into oesophagus", "Fiberoptic endoscopic insertion of expanding metal stent into esophagus", "纤维内镜将膨胀金属支架置入食管", "经纤维内窥镜将膨胀金属支架置入食管" ], "17287001": [ "Direct repair of artery of lower extremity", "下肢动脉直接修复" ], "443271005": [ "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography using fluorodeoxyglucose (18-F)", "PET CT using fluorodeoxyglucose (18-F)", "使用氟脱氧葡萄糖 (18-F) 进行正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描", "使用氟脱氧葡萄糖 (18-F) 的 PET CT" ], "82823006": [ "Autopsy, gross examination with brain", "尸检,脑大体检查" ], "50055008": [ "Percutaneous denervation of facet", "经皮小关节神经切除术" ], "115591008": [ "Bacteria/HPF", "Bacteria per high power field", "细菌/HPF", "高倍视野细菌数" ], "275761002": [ "Pituitary hormone - serum measurement", "Pituitary hormone-serum", "垂体激素血清", "垂体激素-血清测量" ], "175622004": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using vein graft", "紧急用静脉移植将股动脉吻合至腘动脉以置换动脉瘤性股动脉" ], "241158005": [ "Barium meal and follow through", "钡餐检查及后续治疗" ], "306694006": [ "Discharge to nursing home", "出院转入疗养院" ], "239323000": [ "Epiphysiodesis for slipped upper femoral epiphysis", "SUFE - Epiphysiodesis for slipped upper femoral epiphysis", "SUFE - 股骨上端骨骺滑脱固定术", "股骨上段骨骺滑脱固定术" ], "698075004": [ "Syngeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation", "同基因外周血干细胞移植" ], "286640000": [ "Reimplantation of splenic fragments", "Reimplantation of fragments of spleen", "脾脏碎片再植" ], "237488001": [ "Operation on lesion of thyroid gland", "甲状腺损伤手术" ], "171952002": [ "Implantation of radioactive substance into pituitary gland", "将放射性物质植入脑垂体" ], "401328006": [ "Cryoglobulin screening test", "冷球蛋白筛查试验" ], "24496007": [ "Hemorrhoidectomy", "Haemorrhoidectomy", "Excision of haemorrhoid(s)", "Excision of hemorrhoid(s)", "Excision of pile", "切除痔疮", "痔疮切除术", "痔疮切除" ], "104581001": [ "Chenodeoxycholic acid measurement", "鹅去氧胆酸测定" ], "37210000": [ "Ligation of parotid duct", "腮腺管结扎术" ], "741722001": [ "Excision of left submandibular gland", "Left submandibular sialoadenectomy", "Excision of left submaxillary gland", "左下颌下涎腺切除术", "左颌下腺切除术" ], "88197009": [ "Anesthesia for repair of arteriovenous fistula", "Anaesthesia for repair of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘修复的麻醉", "动静脉瘘修复术的麻醉" ], "446810002": [ "Ultrasonography of multiple pregnancy for fetal nuchal translucency", "Ultrasonography of multiple pregnancy for foetal nuchal translucency", "多胎妊娠的超声检查对胎儿颈部透明带的影响", "多胎妊娠的超声检查以检测胎儿颈部透明带" ], "708954007": [ "Insertion of bone growth stimulator into metatarsal", "将骨生长刺激器插入跖骨" ], "250202009": [ "Circulating immune complexes activity measurement", "Circulating immune complexes activity", "循环免疫复合物活性测量", "循环免疫复合物活性" ], "444975002": [ "Detection of Treponema pallidum using polymerase chain reaction technique", "利用聚合酶链反应技术检测梅毒螺旋体" ], "2607002": [ "Operation on uterus supporting structures", "Operation of supporting structures of uterus", "子宫支持结构手术" ], "68143003": [ "Cone biopsy of cervix with dilation, curettage and with repair", "宫颈锥形活检及扩张、刮除和修复" ], "608815006": [ "Open reduction of fracture of bone of anterior ring of pelvis with internal fixation", "骨盆前环骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "313903007": [ "210 minute plasma GH level", "210 minute plasma GH measurement", "210 minute plasma growth hormone measurement", "210 分钟血浆 GH 水平", "210 分钟血浆生长激素测量", "210 分钟血浆 GH 测量" ], "49924002": [ "Perineal colostomy", "会阴结肠造口术" ], "361220006": [ "Episioperineoplasty", "会阴成形术" ], "410372007": [ "Bronchial hygiene surveillance", "支气管卫生监测" ], "82692008": [ "Dilation of rectal stricture under nonlocal anesthesia", "Dilation of rectal stricture under nonlocal anaesthesia", "非局部麻醉下直肠狭窄扩张术" ], "392153002": [ "Oesophagogastroscopy", "Esophagogastroscopy", "食管胃镜检查" ], "31705006": [ "Extraction of cataract by rotoextraction with aspiration by posterior route", "经后路旋转吸出白内障术" ], "717998003": [ "Cone beam CT guided biopsy of lower limb", "Biopsy of lower limb using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "锥形束CT引导下肢活检", "使用锥形束 CT 引导进行下肢活检" ], "306563004": [ "Discharge from casualty service", "Discharge from Accident and Emergency service", "Discharge from A & E service", "退出伤亡服务", "急诊科出院", "出院" ], "77187005": [ "Reduction of closed pubic fracture", "闭合性耻骨骨折复位" ], "1240451005": [ "Removal of intrathecal catheter", "Removal of microspinal catheter", "移除鞘内导管", "移除微脊椎导管" ], "241027007": [ "Shortening of drain", "缩短排水管" ], "716163005": [ "Assessment using Merrill-Palmer-Revised Scales of Development", "Assessment using M-P-R (Merrill-Palmer-Revised Scales of Development)", "使用 Merrill-Palmer 修订版发展量表进行评估", "使用 M-P-R(Merrill-Palmer 修订发展量表)进行评估" ], "11651009": [ "Proximal phalangectomy for hammer toe", "Ruiz-Mora operation", "鲁伊斯-莫拉行动", "锤状趾近端指骨切除术" ], "58968004": [ "Partial excision of salivary gland", "Partial sialoadenectomy", "部分涎腺切除术", "涎腺部分切除术" ], "1287768005": [ "Operative angiography of neck", "颈部手术血管造影" ], "419416005": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of coronary artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of coronary artery with contrast", "冠状动脉造影荧光镜造影", "冠状动脉造影荧光血管造影" ], "173656007": [ "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of esophagus using rigid esophagoscope", "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of oesophagus using rigid oesophagoscope", "硬式食管镜内镜切除食管病变", "硬质食管镜内镜切除食管病变" ], "763480008": [ "Hormone replacement therapy monitoring", "Monitoring of hormone replacement therapy", "激素替代疗法的监测", "激素替代疗法监测" ], "714328009": [ "Assessment using Everyday Cognition questionnaire", "使用日常认知问卷进行评估" ], "24365002": [ "Drainage of liver by aspiration", "Percutaneous aspiration of liver", "肝脏穿刺引流", "经皮肝穿刺" ], "89901005": [ "Operative procedure on head", "头部手术过程" ], "6146001": [ "Repair of heart septum with prosthesis", "Repair of septal defect of heart with prosthesis", "心脏隔膜修复术", "心脏间隔缺损的人工修复" ], "235522002": [ "Closure of cholecystojejunostomy", "Closure of cholecystenterostomy", "Closure of cholecystoenterostomy", "胆囊空肠吻合口闭合", "胆囊肠造口术", "胆囊肠吻合口闭合" ], "450349009": [ "Reconstruction of lip with skin flap", "皮瓣唇再造术" ], "22530002": [ "Arthrography of hip with positive contrast", "髋关节造影阳性对照" ], "448514006": [ "Fusion of joint of lumbar spine by anterior approach", "前入路腰椎关节融合术" ], "104450008": [ "3-alpha-androstanediol glucuronide measurement", "3-α-雄烷二醇葡萄糖醛酸苷测量" ], "446679008": [ "Total laparoscopic excision of uterus by abdominal approach", "经腹腔镜全子宫切除术" ], "182700002": [ "Excision of nail", "指甲切除" ], "313772005": [ "Plasma estradiol measurement", "Plasma oestradiol level", "Plasma estradiol level", "Plasma oestradiol measurement", "血浆雌二醇测量", "血浆雌二醇水平" ], "51628008": [ "Repair of entropion, extensive", "大面积眼睑内翻修复" ], "770689003": [ "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of abdomen", "Drainage of abdomen using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下进行腹部引流", "透视引导下腹部引流" ], "410241005": [ "Ear wax removal assessment", "Assess wax removal", "耳垢清除评估", "评估蜡去除效果" ], "392022002": [ "Tylectomy", "Lumpectomy", "Excision of mass", "肿块切除", "乳房肿瘤切除术", "切除术" ], "179030007": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture of long bone and extramedullary fixation using suture", "长骨骨折一期切开复位缝合髓外固定" ], "78891000": [ "Surgical repair and revision of window", "手术修复和窗户修订" ], "736086007": [ "Referral to respiratory clinic", "转诊至呼吸科门诊" ], "306432001": [ "Discharge by clinical geneticist", "临床遗传学家出院" ], "27904004": [ "Antibody to SS-B measurement", "Antibody to lupus La protein measurement", "SS-B 抗体测量", "狼疮 La 抗体蛋白测量" ], "290048004": [ "Transfer practice", "转学实践" ], "77056006": [ "Atomic absorption, flameless type", "Atomic absorption, cold vapor type", "Atomic absorption, cold vapour type", "原子吸收,冷蒸汽型", "原子吸收,无火焰型" ], "107989000": [ "Endocrine system manipulation", "内分泌系统调节" ], "58837004": [ "Drainage of temporal pouches", "颞袋引流" ], "75221004": [ "Ligation of varicose vein", "静脉曲张结扎术" ], "386517008": [ "Area restriction", "区域限制" ], "1269418000": [ "Upadacitinib therapy", "乌帕替尼治疗" ], "384682003": [ "Multidisciplinary care conference", "多学科护理会议" ], "89770003": [ "Anal sphincterotomy", "肛门括约肌切开术" ], "431999000": [ "Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging of brain", "Diffusion weighted MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) of brain", "脑部弥散加权 MRI(磁共振成像)", "脑弥散加权磁共振成像" ], "1234815001": [ "Replacement of incontinence appliance", "Changing incontinence appliance", "更换失禁器具" ], "235391001": [ "Submucosal hemorrhoidectomy", "Submucosal haemorrhoidectomy", "Park's hemorrhoidectomy", "Park's haemorrhoidectomy", "粘膜下痔切除术", "帕克痔疮切除术" ], "104319007": [ "Confirmatory test for HTLV antibody", "HTLV 抗体确认试验" ], "118868000": [ "Procedure on cul-de-sac", "死胡同的程序" ], "413780002": [ "CD19/Kappa count", "CD19+kappa+ count", "Count of cells positive for both CD19 antigen and kappa immunoglobulin light chain", "CD19/Kappa 计数", "CD19+kappa+ 计数", "CD19 抗原和 κ 免疫球蛋白轻链均呈阳性的细胞计数" ], "446548003": [ "Extraction of cataract and trabeculectomy", "白内障摘除术和小梁切除术" ], "708692006": [ "Intraoperative brainstem auditory evoked potential test", "术中脑干听觉诱发电位检查" ], "397396006": [ "Aspiration of bronchus with lavage", "支气管抽吸并灌洗" ], "430164006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of neck for radiotherapy planning", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of neck for radiotherapy planning", "MRI of neck for radiotherapy planning", "颈部磁共振成像用于放射治疗计划", "颈部 MRI 检查以制定放射治疗计划", "颈部磁共振成像(MRI)用于放射治疗计划" ], "313641003": [ "Toxocara antibody measurement", "Toxocara antibody level", "弓首蛔虫抗体测定", "弓首蛔虫抗体水平" ], "117033003": [ "Aerobic microbial culture", "需氧微生物培养" ], "444713005": [ "Assessment of cannula entry site", "Assessment of catheter entry site", "导管插入部位的评估", "套管插入部位的评估" ], "231721004": [ "Insertion of Schocket tube into anterior chamber", "Schocket procedure", "将 Schocket 管插入前房", "Schocket 手术" ], "410110000": [ "Compliance care assessment", "Assess compliance care", "Assessment of adherence to care regime", "护理方案依从性的评估", "依从性护理评估", "评估依从性护理" ], "705022001": [ "Percutaneous embolization of lesion of kidney using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolisation of lesion of kidney with contrast", "Percutaneous embolisation of lesion of kidney using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous embolization of lesion of kidney with contrast", "透视引导下经皮肾脏病变造影栓塞术", "荧光透视引导下经皮肾脏病变造影栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮肾脏病变栓塞术" ], "49662002": [ "Repair of wound of extraocular tendon", "眼外肌腱损伤的修复" ], "426494009": [ "Ultrasound scan of calcaneum", "跟骨超声扫描" ], "408275002": [ "von Willebrand factor antigen level", "von Willebrand factor antigen level measurement", "von Willebrand factor antigen (VWF:Ag) level", "血管性血友病因子抗原水平", "血管性血友病因子抗原 (VWF:Ag) 水平", "血管性血友病因子抗原水平测量" ], "719571004": [ "Review of major housing adaptation", "审查重大住房改造" ], "373672002": [ "Thermocoagulation of Gasserian ganglion", "TCGG - thermocoagulation of Gasserian ganglion", "TCGG-- 半月神经节热凝固", "半月神经节热凝固" ], "177064004": [ "Diathermy lesion uterosacral ligament", "Diathermy of lesion of uterosacral ligament", "子宫骶韧带损伤透热治疗", "透热疗法损伤子宫骶韧带" ], "439208005": [ "Measurement of short and intermediate acting barbiturate", "短效和中效巴比妥酸盐的测定" ], "699517001": [ "Local anaesthetic fascia iliac block", "Local anesthetic fascia iliac block", "Injection of local anaesthetic into iliac fascia", "Injection of local anesthetic into iliac fascia", "局部麻醉髂筋膜阻滞", "向髂筋膜注射局部麻醉剂", "向髂筋膜注射局部麻醉药" ], "306301003": [ "Referral to thoracic surgeon", "转诊至胸外科医生" ], "765053006": [ "Low fructose diet", "低果糖饮食" ], "173394004": [ "Repair of cleft soft palate with intra-velar veloplasty", "Plastic repair palate mucosal graft", "腭内软腭成形术修复软腭裂", "整形修复腭黏膜移植" ], "419154004": [ "Orthoptic treatment -prism in spectacles", "Prism in glasses", "Prism in spectacles", "眼镜中的棱镜", "视轴矫正治疗-眼镜中的棱镜" ], "288082006": [ "Exploration of skin or subcutaneous tissue", "Skin/subcutaneous tissue exploration", "皮肤/皮下组织探查", "皮肤或皮下组织探查" ], "9554007": [ "Removal of neuropacemaker from peripheral nerve with synchronous replacement", "同步置换法从周围神经移除神经起搏器" ], "304466008": [ "Interrupted direct current to hand", "直流电流中断" ], "386386008": [ "Patient rights protection", "患者权益保障" ], "24103002": [ "Endoscopy of skin of head", "头部皮肤内窥镜检查" ], "1285671009": [ "Removal of prosthesis of joint of right hip", "右髋关节假体拆除" ], "169724001": [ "Antenatal 39 week examination", "产前39周检查" ], "431868002": [ "Initiation of breastfeeding", "开始母乳喂养" ], "104188004": [ "Fungal culture, blood, with isolation", "真菌培养,血液,分离" ], "235260005": [ "Closure of perforated duodenum using omental patch", "使用网膜补片缝合十二指肠穿孔" ], "36817000": [ "Deep incision and drainage of penis", "阴茎深切开引流术" ], "233425000": [ "Embolisation of intracranial vein", "Embolization of intracranial vein", "颅内静脉栓塞" ], "413649000": [ "Biopsy of lesion of nose", "鼻部病变活检" ], "774097001": [ "Assessment using Apnea Hypopnea Index", "Assessment using AHI (Apnea Hypopnea Index)", "使用呼吸暂停低通气指数进行评估", "使用 AHI(呼吸暂停低通气指数)进行评估" ], "118737006": [ "Procedure on bone of ankle", "踝骨手术" ], "231590007": [ "Lateral canthal sling", "外眼角吊带" ], "2214008": [ "Curette test of skin", "皮肤刮除试验" ], "428198008": [ "Hepatocyte transplantation", "Transplantation of hepatocytes", "Transplantation of liver cells", "肝细胞移植" ], "313510008": [ "Parathyroid antibody measurement", "Parathyroid antibody level", "甲状旁腺抗体检测", "甲状旁腺抗体水平" ], "49531006": [ "Anesthesia for radical intraoral surgery", "Anaesthesia for radical intraoral surgery", "口腔内根治手术的麻醉", "根治性口腔内手术的麻醉" ], "311675006": [ "Soft speech onset exercises", "Gentle speech onset exercises", "轻声说话练习", "温和的言语开始练习" ], "409979009": [ "Breast self-examination", "乳房自我检查" ], "47696003": [ "Anastomosis of intestine, large-to-anus", "Anastomosis of colon to anal canal", "结肠肛管吻合术", "大肠至肛门吻合术" ], "29477005": [ "Repair of fracture with sequestrectomy", "死骨切除术修复骨折" ], "176933007": [ "Revision of prosthesis in fallopian tube", "输卵管假体修复术" ], "275237008": [ "Incision and drainage of breast seroma", "乳腺血清肿切开引流" ], "764922001": [ "Open repair of strangulated ventral hernia", "腹壁绞窄性疝的开放式修补术" ], "699386001": [ "Repair of dissection of distal thoracic aorta", "远端胸主动脉夹层修复" ], "175098007": [ "Open division of accessory pathway within heart", "心脏内旁路的开放" ], "306170007": [ "Referral to physiotherapy service", "转介至物理治疗服务" ], "42191001": [ "Excisional biopsy of brain", "脑切除活检" ], "386255004": [ "Delirium management", "谵妄管理" ], "107727007": [ "Chart related administrative procedure", "Medical records administrative procedure", "医疗记录行政程序", "图表相关行政程序" ], "171428000": [ "Private medical examination", "私人体检" ], "122276001": [ "Amoeba identification", "Ameba identification", "变形虫识别", "阿米巴原虫识别" ], "236964002": [ "Cervical ripening with synthetic tent", "使用合成帐篷促进宫颈成熟" ], "104057001": [ "M1 blood group antibody identification", "M1血型抗体鉴定" ], "87673004": [ "Regional IV administration of local anesthetic agent, extremity", "Regional IV administration of local anaesthetic agent, extremity", "局部麻醉剂区域静脉注射,四肢", "局部麻醉剂区域静脉注射,肢体" ], "233294005": [ "Removal of foreign body from arterial graft", "动脉移植物异物取出" ], "3918006": [ "Plastic repair with lengthening", "带延长的整形修复" ], "446286008": [ "Excision of root of single-rooted tooth", "单根牙根切除术" ], "442616007": [ "Extirpation of lesion of meninges of clivus of skull", "颅骨斜坡脑膜损伤摘除术" ], "178637004": [ "Revisional anterior excision of lumbar disc and posterior instrumentation", "腰椎间盘前路切除及后路固定术" ], "406178004": [ "Toilet training education", "Teaching: toilet training", "如厕训练教育", "教学:如厕训练" ], "371575001": [ "Tomographic imaging", "Tomographic imaging procedure", "断层成像程序", "断层成像" ], "306039002": [ "Referral by pain management nurse", "Referral from pain management nurse", "疼痛管理护士转诊", "疼痛管理护士的转诊" ], "11127003": [ "Esophagogastrostomy, antesternal or antethoracic", "Formation of reversed gastric tube, antesternal or antethoracic", "Esophagogastric anastomosis, antesternal or antethoracic", "Oesophagogastrostomy, antesternal or antethoracic", "Oesophagogastric anastomosis, antesternal or antethoracic", "Gastric bypass operation", "胃绕道手术", "形成逆胃管、胸骨前或胸廓前", "食管胃吻合术,胸骨前或胸骨前" ], "174967004": [ "OMV - Open mitral valvotomy", "OMVy - Open mitral valvotomy", "Open mitral valvotomy", "OMVy-开放式二尖瓣切开术", "OMV-- 开放式二尖瓣切开术", "开放式二尖瓣切开术" ], "1303628001": [ "Excision of cyst of vocal cord", "声带囊肿切除术" ], "91212003": [ "Excision of tumor of wrist area, deep, subfascial", "Excision of tumour of wrist area, deep, subfascial", "腕部深部筋膜下肿瘤切除术" ], "25676003": [ "Construction of artificial vagina", "人造阴道的构建" ], "9292007": [ "Esophageal hiatus hernia repair", "Oesophageal hiatus hernia repair", "Hiatal herniorrhaphy", "Hiatus hernia repair", "Repair of diaphragmatic hiatal hernia", "膈裂孔疝修补术", "食管裂孔疝修补术" ], "236833000": [ "Laser vaporisation of vulval wart", "Laser destruction of vulval wart", "Laser vaporization of vulval wart", "激光毁除外阴疣", "激光汽化治疗外阴疣" ], "302369001": [ "Clitoridectomy", "Resection of clitoris", "Amputation of clitoris", "阴蒂切除", "阴蒂切除术" ], "433441002": [ "Measurement of substance in specimen", "标本中物质的测量" ], "122145000": [ "Vibrio cholera antibody assay", "Measurement of Vibrio cholerae antibody", "霍乱弧菌抗体测定", "霍乱弧菌抗体检测" ], "103926008": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from Dombrock system (ISBT 014)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Dombrock system (ISBT 014)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Dombrock system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 014)", "血型、Dombrock 系统红细胞抗原 (ISBT 014)", "血型、红细胞抗原来自 Dombrock 系统(国际输血协会 014)" ], "3787003": [ "Ultrasonic guidance for needle biopsy", "Ultrasonography guided needle biopsy", "Needle biopsy using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下针吸活检" ], "233163003": [ "Radiofrequency ablation operation for arrhythmia", "心律失常射频消融手术" ], "315083005": [ "Brucella IgG level", "Brucella immunoglobulin G level", "布鲁氏杆菌 IgG 水平", "布鲁氏杆菌免疫球蛋白G水平" ], "118475007": [ "Bone block", "Bone block procedure", "骨块", "骨块手术" ], "65653002": [ "Pulse taking", "测量脉搏" ], "229493004": [ "Chest percussion therapy", "胸部叩击疗法" ], "1163381005": [ "Management of modular carbohydrate formula component in breastmilk", "母乳中模块化碳水化合物配方成分的管理" ], "112970003": [ "Destruction of lesion of choroid by xenon arc photocoagulation", "氙弧光凝术毁损脉络膜" ], "391498004": [ "Serum apolipoprotein E level", "血清载脂蛋白 E 水平" ], "719178004": [ "Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging of prostate", "Multiparametric MRI of prostate", "前列腺多参数磁共振成像" ], "440650005": [ "Arthroscopic reduction of bicondylar fracture of proximal tibia with internal fixation", "关节镜下胫骨近端双髁骨折复位内固定" ], "438815000": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of lesion of liver using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下肝病灶射频消融" ], "63818009": [ "Cardiotachometer monitoring", "心率监测" ], "61983003": [ "Anesthesia for radical procedure on breast", "Anaesthesia for radical procedure on breast", "乳腺根治术麻醉" ], "717343004": [ "Cone beam CT guided aspiration of chest", "Aspiration of chest using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "使用锥形束 CT 引导进行胸部穿刺", "锥形束 CT 引导下胸部穿刺" ], "174836000": [ "Repair of atrioventricular canal defect", "Repair of endocardial cushion defect", "Repair of defect of atrioventricular septum", "AVSD (atrioventricular septal defect) repair", "房室管缺损修复", "房室隔缺损的修补", "心内膜垫缺损的修复", "AVSD(房室间隔缺损)修复" ], "274975009": [ "Open ringing of both fallopian tubes", "Open ringing of bilateral fallopian tubes", "双侧输卵管开放", "双侧输卵管开放性环管炎" ], "387828005": [ "Myocardial biopsy", "心肌活检" ], "10996005": [ "Adjust complete denture, lower", "调整全口义齿,下" ], "699124006": [ "Admission to substance misuse detoxification centre", "Admission to substance misuse detoxification center", "进入药物滥用戒毒中心" ], "764660008": [ "PET brain glucose metabolism study", "Positron emission tomography of brain using fluorodeoxyglucose (18-F)", "使用氟脱氧葡萄糖 (18-F) 进行脑正电子发射断层扫描", "PET 脑葡萄糖代谢研究" ], "9161004": [ "Excision of olecranon bursa", "鹰嘴滑囊切除术" ], "89246001": [ "Tympanoplasty type V with fenestra in semicircular canal", "Fenestration of middle ear", "Type 5 tympanoplasty", "Fenestration operation ear", "Wullstein type 5 tympanoplasty", "中耳开窗术", "半规管开窗鼓室成形术 V 型", "开窗手术耳", "5 型鼓室成形术", "Wullstein 5 型鼓室成形术" ], "122014001": [ "Isospora belli detection", "Cystoisospora belli detection", "贝氏等孢球虫检测", "贝氏囊等孢虫病检测" ], "302238002": [ "Jungian-based therapy", "荣格疗法" ], "1285278006": [ "Occupational health promotion program", "Occupational health promotion programme", "职业健康促进计划" ], "449694008": [ "Implantation of prosthetic device of lower leg", "小腿假肢植入术" ], "169331000": [ "Combined radiotherapy", "联合放疗" ], "284019003": [ "Airway pressure monitoring", "气道压力监测" ], "447859005": [ "Biopsy of joint of hand", "手关节活检" ], "234867008": [ "Adjust rapid maxillary expansion appliance", "RME - Adjust rapid maxillary expansion appliance", "RME - 调整快速上颌扩张器", "调整快速上颌扩张器" ], "773704001": [ "Assessment using Oxford Shoulder Score", "Assessment using OSS (Oxford Shoulder Score)", "使用牛津肩部评分进行评估", "使用 OSS(牛津肩部评分)进行评估" ], "183880002": [ "Private referral to ENT surgeon", "Private referral to ear, nose and throat surgeon", "耳鼻喉科医师的私人转诊" ], "431475009": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of lesion of liver using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Radiofrequency ablation of lesion of liver using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided radiofrequency ablation of lesion of liver", "CT引导下肝病灶射频消融术", "计算机断层扫描引导下射频消融肝脏病变", "CT 引导下射频消融肝脏病变" ], "446024004": [ "Endoscopic excision of polyp of small intestine", "内镜小肠息肉切除术" ], "233032004": [ "Plication of left atrial appendage", "LAA - Plication of left atrial appendage", "左心耳折叠术", "LAA-- 左心耳折叠术" ], "52808008": [ "Removal of neuropacemaker of brain", "Removal of intracranial electronic stimulator", "Removal of neurostimulator of brain", "Removal of intracranial neuropacemaker", "Removal of intracranial neurostimulator", "移除颅内神经刺激器", "移除颅内神经起搏器", "移除脑神经起搏器", "移除颅内电子刺激器", "移除脑神经刺激器" ], "231197004": [ "Local anesthetic block of ilioinguinal nerve", "LA - Local anesthetic block of ilioinguinal nerve", "Local anaesthetic block of ilioinguinal nerve", "Ilioinguinal nerve block", "LA - Local anaesthetic block of ilioinguinal nerve", "LA - 髂腹股沟神经局部麻醉阻滞", "髂腹股沟神经阻滞", "髂腹股沟神经局麻阻滞" ], "1148701004": [ "CT of abdomen and pelvis with intravenous contrast", "Computed tomography of abdomen and pelvis with intravenous contrast", "腹部和盆腔静脉注射造影剂进行计算机断层扫描", "腹部和盆腔静脉造影 CT 检查" ], "67357007": [ "Esophageal motility study with acid perfusion studies", "Oesophageal motility study with acid perfusion studies", "食管动力研究与酸灌注研究" ], "395037008": [ "Thyroid stimulating antibody level", "甲状腺刺激抗体水平" ], "81906003": [ "Electrocorticogram", "ECoG", "ECoG - Electrocorticography", "Electrocorticography", "ECoG-- 皮层脑电图", "皮层电图", "皮层脑电图", "皮质电图" ], "1163250004": [ "Medical food supplement therapy for inadequate intake of protein and protein derivative", "蛋白质及蛋白质衍生物摄入不足的医疗食品补充疗法" ], "229362004": [ "Intermetacarpal accessory mobilization", "Intermetacarpal accessory mobilisation", "掌骨间附件活动", "掌骨间附属物活动" ], "80071001": [ "Retainers inlay, metallic, three or more surfaces", "保持器嵌体,金属,三个或更多表面" ], "440519002": [ "Radionuclide imaging of perfusion of myocardium under exercise stress", "运动应激下心肌灌注的放射性核素显像" ], "456903003": [ "Extended radical mastectomy of both breasts", "Extended radical mastectomy of bilateral breasts", "双侧乳房扩大根治性切除术", "双侧乳房扩大根治术" ], "112839005": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from artificial stoma without incision", "无需切开人工造口取出腔内异物" ], "178375006": [ "Exploratory burrhole of cranium", "颅骨探查钻孔" ], "30919007": [ "Flexorplasty of elbow with extensor advancement", "伸肌前移式肘屈肌成形术" ], "225692006": [ "Applying eye pad and bandage", "使用眼垫和绷带" ], "1290652007": [ "Plain X-ray of lumbar spine and bilateral sacroiliac joints", "Plain X-ray of lumbar spine and both sacroiliac joints", "Plain X-ray of lumbar spine and left and right sacroiliac joints", "腰椎和两侧骶髂关节的普通 X 光检查", "腰椎及双侧骶髂关节的普通X光检查", "腰椎及左右骶髂关节的普通X光检查" ], "12700007": [ "Meat inspection for toxicology", "肉类毒理学检验" ], "387697005": [ "Manipulation of wrist joint", "Wrist manipulation", "腕部按摩", "腕关节操纵" ], "172870000": [ "Reconstruction of defect of maxilla with skin graft", "上颌骨缺损植皮修复" ], "303942004": [ "Fluoroscopy of systems", "系统荧光透视" ], "385862006": [ "Home situation analysis management", "Manage home situation analysis", "管理家居状况分析", "家庭状况分析管理" ], "287558007": [ "Surgical biopsy of diaphragm", "膈肌手术活检" ], "121883000": [ "tert-Butyl alcohol measurement", "叔丁醇测量" ], "252955002": [ "Tanner bone age assessment", "Tanner 骨龄评估" ], "72731003": [ "Fine needle biopsy of penis", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of penis", "阴茎细针穿刺活检", "阴茎细针活检" ], "234736000": [ "Cavity preparation of tooth - plastic restoration", "牙洞预备-整形修复" ], "431344001": [ "Injection of tendon sheath using ultrasound guidance", "Injection of tendon sheath using ultrasound (US) guidance", "使用超声引导注射腱鞘", "超声引导下肌腱鞘注射" ], "185584003": [ "Rubella antibody screening - first call", "风疹抗体筛查 - 首次呼叫" ], "169200005": [ "Radiobioassay - testosterone", "放射生物测定 - 睾酮" ], "120048007": [ "Uterus destructive procedure", "Destructive procedure on uterus", "子宫破坏性手术" ], "21744009": [ "Incision and resuture of wound", "伤口切开及缝合" ], "413125004": [ "Referral to voluntary service", "转介志愿服务" ], "232901005": [ "Closure of true atrioventricular valve cleft", "真性房室瓣裂闭合" ], "445893005": [ "Measurement of renal pelvis and bladder pressure differential using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下测量肾盂及膀胱压力差" ], "231066001": [ "Transplantation of tissue into nervous system", "组织移植到神经系统" ], "67226009": [ "Oxygen uptake by expired gas analysis at rest", "静息状态下呼气分析的氧气摄取量" ], "229231001": [ "Upper limb control work", "上肢控制工作" ], "718916000": [ "Assessment using CAARMS (Comprehensive Assessment of At-Risk Mental States)", "Assessment using Comprehensive Assessment of At-risk Mental States", "使用 CAARMS(危险心理状态综合评估)进行评估", "使用危险心理状态综合评估进行评估" ], "391236001": [ "Enteric culture screening test", "肠培养筛查测试" ], "30788002": [ "Diagnostic radiography with measurements", "诊断放射线照相术与测量" ], "32623009": [ "Immunodiffusion measurement", "ID measurement", "Immunodiffusion", "免疫扩散测量", "内径测量", "免疫扩散" ], "14404001": [ "Thymopexy", "胸腺固定术" ], "178244004": [ "Plastic repair of radial insertion of biceps brachii", "肱二头肌桡侧止点的整形修复" ], "243780006": [ "Blood sampling from cardiopulmonary bypass circuit", "体外循环回路血液采样" ], "45337004": [ "Utilization of mannitol test", "Utilisation of mannitol test", "甘露醇检测的应用" ], "176409006": [ "Reconstruction of scrotum with distant flap", "远端皮瓣重建阴囊" ], "1208601007": [ "FNA (fine needle aspiration) of lesion of mastectomy scar", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of lesion of mastectomy scar", "乳房切除术后瘢痕病变细针穿刺活检", "乳房切除术疤痕病变的细针穿刺 (FNA)" ], "12569007": [ "Biofeedback, regulation of blood pressure", "生物反馈、血压调节" ], "895470004": [ "Amputation of bilateral upper limbs", "Bilateral amputation of upper limbs", "Amputation of both upper limbs", "双上肢截肢" ], "715246006": [ "Computed tomography of axilla for radiotherapy planning", "CT of axilla for radiotherapy planning", "腋窝 CT 用于放射治疗计划", "腋窝计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "385731003": [ "Terminal care management", "Manage terminal care", "管理临终关怀", "临终护理管理" ], "238275003": [ "Drainage of peritoneal cyst", "腹膜囊肿引流" ], "105368002": [ "Intra-arterial digital subtraction angiography", "Intra-arterial DSA (digital subtraction angiography)", "动脉内 DSA(数字减影血管造影)", "动脉内数字减影血管造影" ], "449432003": [ "Excision of Reinke edema using laser", "Excision of Reinke oedema using laser", "Excision of Reinke's edema using laser", "Excision of Reinke's oedema using laser", "使用激光切除 Reinke 水肿" ], "72600003": [ "Alternative communication technique education", "替代沟通技术教育" ], "56216006": [ "Radionuclide localization of tumor, whole body", "Radionuclide localisation of tumour, whole body", "肿瘤放射性核素定位,全身" ], "252824007": [ "Oral fluorescence imaging", "口腔荧光成像" ], "169069000": [ "CT of chest", "CT of thorax", "Chest CT", "Computed tomography of chest", "胸部CT", "胸部计算机断层扫描", "胸部 CT" ], "431213007": [ "Replacement of gastrostomy tube using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下更换胃造口管" ], "412994000": [ "Blood B-galactocerebrosidase measurement", "Blood B-galactocerebrosidase level", "Blood beta-galactocerebrosidase measurement", "血液 β-半乳糖脑苷脂酶测量", "血液 B-半乳糖脑苷脂酶水平", "血液 B-半乳糖脑苷脂酶测定" ], "118082001": [ "HTLV 1 AND 2 p32 antibody assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 AND 2 p32 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 protein 32 antibody and Human T-lymphotropic virus 2 protein 32 antibody", "HTLV 1 和 2 p32 抗体检测", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒1蛋白32抗体和人类T淋巴细胞病毒2蛋白32抗体的测量", "人类 T 淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 和 2 p32 抗体检测" ], "445762002": [ "Evacuation of blood clot of subcutaneous tissue", "清除皮下组织血凝块" ], "429378000": [ "Primary repair of umbilical hernia using prosthetic material", "使用假体材料进行脐疝的初次修复" ], "265538001": [ "Repair of acquired arteriovenous fistula", "后天动静脉瘘的修复" ], "232770003": [ "Balloon dilatation of implanted mitral valve", "Balloon dilation of implanted mitral valve", "植入式二尖瓣球囊扩张术" ], "116247000": [ "Incisional biopsy of uterine cervix", "宫颈切开活检" ], "312855001": [ "Taking conjunctival swab", "取结膜拭子" ], "443927003": [ "Quantitative measurement of concentration of follitropin in baseline serum or plasma specimen", "Quantitative measurement of follicle stimulating hormone in baseline serum or plasma specimen", "基线血清或血浆样本中促卵泡激素的定量测量", "定量测量基线血清或血浆样本中的促卵泡激素浓度" ], "230935003": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of intracranial artery", "经皮颅内动脉血栓溶解术" ], "1559004": [ "IL-2 assay", "Interleukin (IL)-2 assay", "Interleukin-2 assay", "IL-2 测定", "白细胞介素-2 测定", "白细胞介素 (IL)-2 测定" ], "427543006": [ "Recanalization of fallopian tube", "Recanalisation of fallopian tube", "输卵管再通术" ], "67095006": [ "Motility test", "运动测试" ], "179948000": [ "Prosthetic cemented total elbow replacement", "Cemented prosthetic total arthroplasty of elbow joint", "骨水泥型人工全肘关节置换术", "人工骨水泥固定全肘关节置换术" ], "32492002": [ "Excision of accessory navicular bone", "Kidner operation", "副舟骨切除术", "肾病手术" ], "229100004": [ "Hand class", "手部类" ], "47041005": [ "Incision and exploration of pancreas", "胰腺切开探查" ], "14273008": [ "Injection of contrast media for radiography by catheter", "通过导管注射造影剂进行放射线摄影" ], "77974000": [ "Biopsy of supraglottic mass", "声门上肿块活检" ], "1208470003": [ "Cystoscopy and biopsy of lesion of bladder", "Cystoscopy and biopsy of lesion of urinary bladder", "膀胱镜检查及膀胱病变活检" ], "176278004": [ "Removal of prosthetic collar from male bladder neck", "Removal of prosthetic collar from male urinary bladder neck", "移除男性膀胱颈假体颈托", "移除男性膀胱颈的假体颈托" ], "389270004": [ "Wandering precautions", "Wandering control", "游荡注意事项", "游走控制" ], "225430005": [ "Procedures relating to mobility", "与流动有关的程序" ], "174443004": [ "Open drainage of liver", "肝脏开放引流" ], "43371006": [ "Aneurysmectomy of ventricle of heart", "Ventricular aneurysmectomy", "脑室动脉瘤切除术", "心室动脉瘤切除术" ], "1255787007": [ "Removal of double-J stent from grafted ureter", "Removal of JJ stent from grafted ureter", "从移植输尿管中取出 JJ 支架", "从移植的输尿管中取出双 J 支架" ], "303680000": [ "CT of cardiovascular system", "Computed tomography of cardiovascular system", "心血管系统CT", "心血管系统计算机断层扫描" ], "14051000175103": [ "Dietary education for cardiovascular disorder", "心血管疾病饮食教育" ], "41536004": [ "Revision of anastomosis of small intestine", "小肠吻合口修复术" ], "8768006": [ "Division of aponeurosis", "腱膜的划分" ], "287296007": [ "Dilatation of bronchus", "Dilation of bronchus", "支气管扩张" ], "172608009": [ "Meatoplasty of ear", "Meatoplasty of external ear", "外耳道成形术", "耳廓成形术" ], "418368009": [ "Intranasal intubation of lacrimal drainage system for tear drainage", "经鼻插管泪道引流系统引流泪液" ], "121621003": [ "Mazindol measurement", "马吲哚测量" ], "105237004": [ "Metaraminol measurement", "间羟胺测定" ], "711445004": [ "Second stage attachment of fixture for nasal prosthesis", "鼻假体固定装置二期安装" ], "88853008": [ "Removal of blood clot from ureter by incision", "切开输尿管去除血凝块" ], "21482000": [ "Closure of enterovesical fistula with bowel resection", "肠膀胱瘘切除术" ], "119786004": [ "Head artery injection", "头部动脉注射" ], "1119210006": [ "Fluoroscopic fistulography of vascular fistula of upper limb with contrast", "上肢血管瘘的荧光透视造影" ], "300010007": [ "Decompression of radial nerve", "桡神经减压" ], "724159000": [ "Rituximab therapy", "利妥昔单抗治疗" ], "232639000": [ "Excision of segment of left lower lobe", "左下叶部分切除术" ], "265407000": [ "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of sigmoid colon using rigid sigmoidoscope", "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of colon using rigid sigmoidoscope", "Endoscopic extirpation of lesion of rectum using rigid sigmoidoscope", "硬式乙状结肠镜结肠病灶切除术", "硬性乙状结肠镜直肠病变切除术", "硬式乙状结肠镜内镜切除乙状结肠病变" ], "773311000": [ "Open repair of incisional hernia of anterior abdominal wall using synthetic mesh with posterior component separation", "用合成网片和后部分离术治疗腹前壁切口疝" ], "412863004": [ "Dialysis fluid creatinine measurement", "Dialysis fluid creatinine level", "透析液肌酐水平", "透析液肌酐测量" ], "183487005": [ "Non-urgent medical admission", "非紧急医疗入院" ], "19647005": [ "Therapeutic plasmapheresis using plasma as the major replacement fluid", "使用血浆作为主要置换液的治疗性血浆置换术" ], "281791007": [ "Oral antibiotic therapy", "口服抗生素治疗" ], "68799009": [ "Deep incision with opening of bone cortex of ankle", "踝部骨皮质深切口" ], "312724001": [ "Duplex scan of lower limb arteries", "Duplex ultrasonography of artery of leg", "Duplex ultrasonography of artery of lower extremity", "Duplex ultrasound scan of artery of lower extremity", "Duplex ultrasound scan of artery of leg", "Duplex ultrasound of artery of lower limb", "Duplex ultrasound of artery of leg", "Duplex ultrasonography of artery of lower limb", "Duplex ultrasound scan of artery of lower limb", "Duplex ultrasound of artery of lower extremity", "Duplex ultrasound angiography of artery of lower extremity", "Duplex ultrasound angiography of artery of lower limb", "Duplex ultrasound angiography of artery of leg", "下肢动脉双功超声扫描", "下肢动脉双重扫描", "下肢动脉双重超声扫描", "小腿动脉双功能超声血管造影", "下肢动脉双功能超声血管造影", "腿部动脉双重超声扫描", "小腿动脉双功能超声检查", "下肢动脉双功能超声检查" ], "1230228006": [ "Maintenance of isolation room", "Maintenance of hospital isolation room", "隔离室维护", "医院隔离室维护" ], "443796007": [ "Corrected measurement of calcium", "钙的校正测量" ], "425577000": [ "Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy of calculus of pancreas", "胰腺结石体外冲击波碎石术" ], "17812007": [ "Special chromosome analysis, explain by report", "特殊染色体分析,报告解释" ], "179817007": [ "Primary repair extra-articular ligament", "一期修复关节外韧带" ], "48745007": [ "Western blot assay", "蛋白质印迹试验" ], "177982004": [ "Destruction of lesion of posterior peritoneum", "后腹膜损伤破坏术" ], "390974006": [ "Urine growth hormone level", "尿液生长激素水平" ], "274451000": [ "Dislocated finger reduction", "脱臼手指复位" ], "20511000087100": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of bilateral axillae", "Aspiration of bilateral axillae using ultrasonographic guidance", "Aspiration of both axilla using ultrasonographic guidance", "Aspiration of left and right axilla using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下双侧腋窝抽吸术", "使用超声引导进行双侧腋窝穿刺", "使用超声引导进行左、右腋窝穿刺", "超声引导下双侧腋窝穿刺" ], "6431000087101": [ "MRI of left acromioclavicular joint", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left acromioclavicular joint", "左肩锁关节磁共振成像", "左肩锁关节 MRI" ], "225299006": [ "Equipment-related procedure", "设备相关流程" ], "12831000087100": [ "Mammography of right breast specimen", "右侧乳房标本的乳房 X 线摄影" ], "49951000087104": [ "RFA (radiofrequency ablation) of lesion of large intestine", "Ablation of lesion of large intestine by radiofrequency", "Radiofrequency ablation of lesion of large intestine", "Destruction of lesion of large intestine by radiofrequency", "射频毁损大肠病变", "大肠病变射频消融术" ], "1290259006": [ "Coagulation of lesion of middle ear", "中耳病变电凝术" ], "405523006": [ "Ilio-profunda graft for repair of aneurysm", "髂深动脉移植修复动脉瘤" ], "1311000087107": [ "Ultrasonography of right wrist", "Ultrasound of right wrist", "Ultrasound scan of right wrist", "右腕部超声检查", "右手腕超声波扫描" ], "176147007": [ "Exploration of bladder", "Exploration of urinary bladder", "膀胱探查" ], "15391000087101": [ "Computed tomography angiography of abdomen, pelvis and lower limb with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of abdomen, pelvis and lower extremity with contrast", "CT angiography of abdomen, pelvis and lower limb with contrast", "Computed tomography angiography of abdomen, pelvis and leg with contrast", "CT angiography of abdomen, pelvis and lower extremity with contrast", "CT angiography of abdomen, pelvis and leg with contrast", "腹部、骨盆和腿部的计算机断层血管造影", "腹部、骨盆和下肢增强计算机断层血管造影", "腹部、骨盆和下肢增强 CT 血管造影", "腹部、骨盆和腿部增强 CT 血管造影" ], "223464006": [ "Teaching how to perform procedure", "Procedure education", "Advice about procedure", "Teach activity care", "教导活动关怀", "教导如何执行程序", "程序教育", "程序建议" ], "2591000087103": [ "MRI of left shoulder with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left shoulder with contrast", "左肩增强 MRI 检查", "左肩对比磁共振成像" ], "241683009": [ "Thermography of joint", "关节热成像" ], "305384004": [ "Admission to obstetrics and gynecology department", "Admission to obstetrics and gynaecology department", "妇产科入院" ], "174312005": [ "Reversal of Hartmann's procedure", "Reversal of Hartmann procedure", "逆转 Hartmann 手术" ], "172477005": [ "Fixation of iris", "虹膜固定" ], "713149007": [ "Facilitating ability to perform role", "促进履行角色的能力" ], "252562000": [ "Subjective evoked response olfactometry", "主观诱发反应嗅觉测量" ], "451005009": [ "Application of elastic support bandage", "弹力支撑绷带的应用" ], "88722002": [ "Initial implantation of electrode into cardiac atrium", "Initial insertion of transvenous lead electrode into atrium", "首次将电极植入心房", "首次将静脉导线电极插入心房" ], "236178000": [ "Therapeutic ureteroscopic operation on ureter", "输尿管镜输尿管治疗术" ], "121490004": [ "Cephaloridine measurement", "头孢噻啶测定" ], "711314004": [ "Ultrasonography of soft tissues of back", "Ultrasound scan of soft tissues of back", "背部软组织超声检查", "背部软组织超声波扫描" ], "39570002": [ "Local destruction of lesion of hip joint", "髋关节局部破坏性损伤" ], "105106007": [ "Cefoperazone measurement", "头孢哌酮测量" ], "432786008": [ "Fluoroscopy guided sampling of blood of vein with contrast", "Sampling of blood of vein using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "在荧光造影引导下进行静脉血液采样", "荧光透视引导下进行造影静脉血采样" ], "398183001": [ "Pulmonary artery catheter floated to wedge position", "肺动脉导管漂浮至楔形位置" ], "119655002": [ "Wrist reconstruction", "腕关节重建" ], "250727003": [ "Tubular maximal reabsorptive capacity", "Tubular maximal reabsorptive capacity measurement", "肾小管最大重吸收能力", "肾小管最大重吸收能力测量" ], "709479007": [ "Assessment of fetal gestational age", "Assessment of foetal gestational age", "胎儿胎龄评估" ], "414567009": [ "Anti lactoferrin antibody level", "Lactoferrin antibody measurement", "乳铁蛋白抗体测量", "抗乳铁蛋白抗体水平" ], "281660007": [ "Basal body temperature measurement for detection of ovulation", "测量基础体温以检测排卵" ], "117820008": [ "Legionella pneumophila, atypical, antibody assay", "Measurement of nontypeable Legionella pneumophila antibody", "嗜肺军团菌,非典型,抗体检测", "非典型嗜肺军团菌抗体的测量" ], "183356007": [ "Domestic task rehabilitation", "家务任务康复" ], "232508007": [ "Intranasal frontal recess dissection", "鼻内额叶切除术" ], "115985003": [ "Sweat collection by iontophoresis procedure", "通过离子电渗疗法收集汗液" ], "34065003": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on male external genitalia", "Anaesthesia for procedure on male external genitalia", "男性外生殖器手术麻醉" ], "443665007": [ "Transanal disk excision of rectum", "Transanal disc excision of rectum", "经肛门直肠椎间盘切除术", "经肛门直肠切除术" ], "50449007": [ "Revision of peritoneal-venous shunt", "腹腔静脉分流术修复" ], "409062000": [ "Coping skills treatments and procedures", "应对技巧治疗和程序" ], "703974003": [ "Private referral to colorectal surgeon", "结直肠外科医生的私人转诊" ], "736742007": [ "Closure of amputation stump of right below knee amputation", "右膝下截肢残端闭合" ], "46779000": [ "Peripheral neuroplasty", "Repair of peripheral nerve", "Approximation of peripheral nerve", "周围神经成形术", "周围神经接近", "周围神经修复" ], "1162726007": [ "Fruit modified diet", "Modified fruit diet", "改良的水果饮食", "水果改良饮食" ], "439995008": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of greater trochanter of femur", "Closed reduction of fracture of greater trochanter", "大转子骨折闭合复位", "股骨大转子骨折闭合复位" ], "259771008": [ "Obliteration of cerebrospinal fistula", "脑脊瘘闭塞术" ], "389008003": [ "Autogenic therapy", "Autogenic technique", "Autogenic training", "自生疗法", "自主训练", "自生技术" ], "241552004": [ "CT of spleen", "Computed tomography of spleen", "脾脏计算机断层扫描", "脾脏 CT" ], "225168004": [ "Application of hot wax", "热蜡的应用" ], "274320006": [ "Non-surgical pleural biopsy", "非手术胸膜活检" ], "405392007": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of common femoral artery", "股总动脉内膜切除及血管成形术" ], "61328004": [ "Gastroduodenoscopy", "胃十二指肠镜检查" ], "370789001": [ "Development of individualized plan of care", "Develops individualized plan of care", "制定个性化护理计划" ], "26725001": [ "Quadricepsplasty, Bennett type", "股四头肌成形术,Bennett 型" ], "174181003": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic removal of foreign body from colon", "Fibreoptic endoscopic removal of foreign body from colon", "纤维内镜结肠异物取出术" ], "305253004": [ "Admission by pathologist", "病理学家承认" ], "59493004": [ "Removal of foreign body of lacrimal sac by incision", "泪囊切开取异物术" ], "450874000": [ "Collection of first stream urine specimen", "Collection of first void urine specimen", "采集第一流尿液标本", "第一次尿液样本的采集" ], "8506005": [ "Application of plaster figure of eight, hand and lower forearm", "Application of plaster figure of eight, gauntlet", "手部和前臂下部石膏 8 字形固定", "石膏八字形、手套的应用" ], "121359000": [ "Acetophenazine measurement", "乙酰吩嗪测量" ], "252431001": [ "Radionuclide cardiac shunt study", "放射性核素心脏分流术研究" ], "104975003": [ "Thyrotropin releasing factor measurement", "Thyrotropin releasing hormone measurement", "促甲状腺激素释放激素测量", "促甲状腺激素释放因子测量" ], "449039004": [ "Conversion to total prosthetic replacement of hip joint", "转换为全髋关节假体置换术" ], "711183005": [ "Fluoroscopy guided intrathecal injection with contrast", "Intrathecal injection using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "透视引导鞘内注射造影剂", "在荧光透视引导下进行鞘内注射造影剂" ], "170511008": [ "Control of mosquitoes", "控制蚊子" ], "430820001": [ "Procedure on tissue specimen", "组织标本处理程序" ], "447204004": [ "Curettage of abscess cavity of skin", "皮肤脓腔刮除术" ], "428985000": [ "Umbilical piercing", "Piercing of umbilicus", "脐穿孔", "脐穿刺" ], "414436009": [ "Hyperopic astigmatic photorefractive keratectomy", "Hyperopic astigmatic PRK-photorefractive keratectomy", "远视散光屈光性角膜切削术", "远视散光 PRK 准分子激光角膜切削术" ], "166841005": [ "Serum random LDL cholesterol level", "Serum random LDL cholesterol measurement", "Serum random low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement", "血清随机低密度脂蛋白胆固醇测定", "血清随机低密度脂蛋白胆固醇测量", "血清随机低密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平" ], "52153007": [ "Decompression fasciotomy of wrist", "腕部减压筋膜切开术" ], "117689008": [ "Beta lipoprotein subparticle measurement", "β脂蛋白亚颗粒测量" ], "427150001": [ "Harvest of composite of skin and fat", "皮肤和脂肪复合物的采集" ], "3001009": [ "Total lobectomy with bronchoplasty", "全肺叶切除术及支气管成形术" ], "265145009": [ "Hip pin for fixation of epiphysis", "髋钉用于固定骨骺" ], "312462002": [ "Treponema pallidum particle inhibition test", "梅毒螺旋体颗粒抑制试验" ], "425315000": [ "Cardiac assessment", "心脏评估" ], "277859001": [ "Two stage urethroplasty for stricture", "两期尿道成形术治疗尿道狭窄" ], "228707002": [ "Radiotherapy planning using a simulator X-ray film", "Radiotherapy simulator X-ray film", "使用模拟 X 射线胶片进行放射治疗计划", "放射治疗模拟器X射线胶片" ], "1178979003": [ "Duplex ultrasound scan of bilateral carotid arteries", "Duplex ultrasound of bilateral carotid arteries", "Duplex ultrasonography of bilateral carotid arteries", "Duplex ultrasonography of both carotid arteries", "双侧颈动脉的双重超声检查", "双侧颈动脉双重超声扫描", "双侧颈动脉双功能超声检查" ], "443534009": [ "Positron emission tomography using fluorodeoxyglucose with computed tomography myocardial rest imaging", "使用氟脱氧葡萄糖进行正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层心肌静息成像" ], "392547005": [ "Grain weevil specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sitophilus granarius specific IgE antibody measurement", "Ri202 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sitophilus granarius specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Ri202 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "谷象特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "谷象特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "408931005": [ "Social network analysis management", "Manage social network analysis", "社会网络分析管理", "管理社交网络分析" ], "48483007": [ "Neutrophil staphylocidal assay", "中性粒细胞杀葡萄球菌试验" ], "359779009": [ "Antistreptococcal hyaluronidase titer", "Antistreptococcal hyaluronidase titre", "抗链球菌透明质酸酶滴度" ], "439864002": [ "Focused assessment with sonography for trauma (FAST)", "Focused assessment with ultrasonography for trauma", "创伤超声重点评估", "创伤超声重点评估 (FAST)" ], "28429001": [ "Binocular microscopy, otolaryngologic", "双目显微镜检查,耳鼻喉科" ], "241421003": [ "Whole body counting of radioactivity", "全身放射性计数" ], "437111000124109": [ "Chromium modified diet", "铬改良饮食" ], "1289997009": [ "MRI of all fingers", "Magnetic resonance imaging of all fingers", "所有手指的磁共振成像", "所有手指的 MRI 检查" ], "239586007": [ "Amputation of finger through proximal interphalangeal joint", "经近端指间关节截肢术" ], "24759004": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on lower posterior abdominal wall", "Anaesthesia for procedure on lower posterior abdominal wall", "下腹后壁手术麻醉" ], "434359006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of abdominal aorta using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of abdominal aorta using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下进行腹主动脉", "透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊成形术治疗腹主动脉" ], "170380001": [ "Third hepatitis A vaccination", "Third hepatitis A immunization", "Administration of third dose of hepatitis A vaccine", "Third hepatitis A immunisation", "Administration of third dose of vaccine product containing only Hepatitis A virus antigen", "接种第三剂甲型肝炎疫苗", "注射第三剂仅含甲型肝炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "第三次甲肝疫苗接种", "第三次甲肝免疫接种", "第三次甲型肝炎免疫接种" ], "252300007": [ "Schumm's test", "Schumm test", "舒姆测试", "羞耻测试" ], "104844008": [ "Osteocalcin measurement", "Bone g1a protein measurement", "骨钙素测量", "骨 g1a 蛋白测量" ], "21089001": [ "Laminectomy for implantation of neurostimulator electrodes, subdural", "椎板切除术用于植入神经刺激器电极、硬膜下" ], "709217002": [ "Excision of lamina of thoracic vertebra", "Thoracic laminectomy", "胸椎椎板切除术" ], "711052009": [ "Assessment of response to education", "教育反应评估" ], "1217121001": [ "Reconstruction of bilateral breasts using pedicle TRAM (transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous) flap", "Reconstruction of bilateral breasts using pedicle transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap", "带蒂横行腹直肌肌皮瓣重建双侧乳房", "带蒂TRAM(横腹直肌肌皮瓣)皮瓣重建双侧乳房" ], "183094000": [ "TLC - tender loving care", "Tender loving care", "TLC-- 温柔关爱", "温柔呵护" ], "363318002": [ "Surgical removal of skin", "手术切除皮肤" ], "84790009": [ "Chiropractic adjustment of multiple lumbar spine subluxations", "多处腰椎半脱位的脊椎矫正" ], "1035002": [ "Minimum bactericidal concentration test, microdilution method", "最低杀菌浓度试验,微量稀释法" ], "410635005": [ "Child 4 year examination", "儿童4岁检查" ], "179424001": [ "Conversion from cemented hemiarthroplasty of shoulder", "肩关节骨水泥固定半关节置换术的转换" ], "392416002": [ "e86 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Duck feathers specific IgE antibody measurement", "Duck feathers specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "e86 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "鸭毛特异性IgE抗体测定", "鸭毛特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "228576005": [ "Behaviour rehearsal technique", "Behavior rehearsal technique", "行为排演技术", "行为排练技术" ], "15584006": [ "Hospital admission, elective, with partial pre-admission work-up", "选择性住院,包括部分入院前检查" ], "79285000": [ "Prophylactic treatment of radius with methyl methacrylate", "使用甲基丙烯酸甲酯进行桡骨预防性治疗" ], "13749006": [ "Bathing patient in tub", "浴缸中为患者洗澡" ], "306826000": [ "Low power laser therapy to abdomen", "腹部低功率激光治疗" ], "243125009": [ "Oestrogen hormone therapy", "Estrogen hormone therapy", "雌激素治疗" ], "439733009": [ "Education about toxoplasmosis precautions during pregnancy", "妊娠期间预防弓形虫病的教育" ], "241290006": [ "Radionuclide study of neural receptors", "神经受体的放射性核素研究" ], "388746006": [ "Curry specific IgE antibody measurement", "Santa Maria specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf281 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Santa Maria specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "咖喱特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "圣玛丽亚特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Rf281特异性IgE抗体测量", "圣玛丽亚特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量" ], "700042008": [ "Transcatheter embolisation of gastric artery for control of gastric bleeding", "Transcatheter embolization of gastric artery for control of gastric bleeding", "经导管胃动脉栓塞术治疗胃出血", "经导管胃动脉栓塞治疗胃出血" ], "1288031002": [ "Conversion to total prosthetic replacement of joint", "转为全关节假体置换" ], "304991003": [ "Take mouth swab", "取口腔拭子" ], "239455004": [ "Remodelling of periarticular surface", "Cheilectomy", "Remodeling of periarticular surface", "关节周围表面重塑", "唇切除术" ], "1156959004": [ "Coordination of adapted housing", "Organization of housing adapted to meet physical needs", "Organisation of housing adapted to meet physical needs", "协调改造住房", "适应身体需要的住房组织", "住房安排以满足身体需求" ], "1255263006": [ "Root canal post removal from tooth", "Removal of root canal post from tooth", "从牙齿上拔除根管桩", "拔除牙齿根管桩" ], "712756001": [ "Vasoreactivity test", "血管反应性试验" ], "8244002": [ "Alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes measurement", "碱性磷酸酶同工酶测定" ], "90164007": [ "Trabeculodialysis", "小梁透析" ], "22793001": [ "Anterior spinal instrumentation", "前路脊柱内固定" ], "710921003": [ "Provision of health promotion service for child development", "提供促进儿童发展的健康服务" ], "252169003": [ "Fecal reducing substance screening", "Stool reducing substance screening", "Faecal reducing substance screening", "粪便减量物质筛查", "粪便还原物质筛查" ], "104713006": [ "Glycoproteins measurement", "糖蛋白测量" ], "121097007": [ "Tilt tube reptilase induced coagulation method", "倾斜管凝血酶诱导法" ], "432393009": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of bone of femur", "Single photon emission computed tomography of bone of femur", "股骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)", "股骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "1216990002": [ "Urethroscopy and biopsy", "Endoscopic examination of urethra and biopsy", "尿道内镜检查及活检", "尿道镜检查和活检" ], "70110002": [ "Plication of small intestine", "小肠折叠" ], "86494003": [ "de Grandmont operation", "de Grandmont tarsectomy", "格兰蒙特跗骨切除术", "格兰蒙特运营" ], "709086005": [ "Reconstruction of floor of mouth", "口底重建" ], "446942007": [ "Laparoscopic incision and drainage of cyst of ovary with conversion to laparotomy", "腹腔镜卵巢囊肿切开引流术中转开腹手术" ], "608947000": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of joint fluid specimen", "关节液标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "314035000": [ "Plasma HDL cholesterol measurement", "Plasma HDL cholesterol level", "Plasma high density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement", "血浆高密度脂蛋白胆固醇测量", "血浆高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平" ], "772787001": [ "Assessment for risk of delirium", "谵妄风险评估" ], "789171004": [ "Endoscopic browlift", "Endoscopic forehead and brow lift", "内窥镜提眉术", "内窥镜额头和眉毛提升术" ], "1231539004": [ "O'Brien active compression test", "Active compression test of shoulder", "Active compression test", "O'Brien主动压缩测试", "肩部主动压缩试验", "主动压缩测试" ], "16534201000119102": [ "Radionuclide esophageal motility study", "Radioisotope esophageal motility study", "Radioisotope oesophageal motility study", "Radionuclide oesophageal motility study", "放射性同位素食管运动研究", "放射性核素食管运动研究", "放射性同位素食管动力研究" ], "16559801000119103": [ "CT guided aspiration of cyst of spinal synovium", "Aspiration of cyst of spinal synovium using computed tomography guidance", "CT引导下脊椎滑膜囊肿穿刺抽吸", "计算机断层扫描引导下脊椎滑膜囊肿抽吸术" ], "363187007": [ "Limb operation", "肢体手术" ], "68275008": [ "Temporary suture of anus", "肛门暂时缝合" ], "16439481000119102": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging for cardiac morphology and function without contrast", "MRI for cardiac morphology and function without contrast", "无造影 MRI 检查心脏形态和功能", "无造影磁共振成像检查心脏形态和功能" ], "394681000119101": [ "Echoencephalography, A and B-mode", "Echoencephalography A and B-mode", "脑回波图,A 型和 B 型", "脑回波图 A 和 B 模式" ], "82824000": [ "Total ostectomy of tibia and fibula", "胫腓骨全截骨术" ], "115592001": [ "Bacteria/LPF", "Bacteria per low power field", "低倍视野细菌数", "细菌/LPF" ], "443272003": [ "Puncture of peripheral vein using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下外周静脉穿刺" ], "16433081000119109": [ "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous needle biopsy of muscle of neck", "Percutaneous needle biopsy of muscle of neck using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下经皮颈部肌肉穿刺活检", "超声引导下颈部肌肉经皮穿刺活检" ], "31837000": [ "Irrigating can enema", "灌肠罐" ], "80989002": [ "Excision of lesion of pericardium", "Excision of pericardial lesion", "Resection of pericardial lesion", "心包病变切除术" ], "392285009": [ "Canary grass specific IgE antibody measurement", "Phalaris arundinacea specific IgE antibody measurement", "g71 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Phalaris arundinacea specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "山竹特异性 IgE 抗体测定", "金丝雀草特异性IgE抗体测量", "g71特异性IgE抗体测量", "山竹特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "406834005": [ "Coriphosphine stain method", "Coriphosphine stain", "科立膦染色", "科立膦染色法" ], "388615003": [ "Cyamposis tetragonolobus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Guar gum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf246 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Cyamposis tetragonolobus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "四棱锥虫特异性IgE抗体测定", "瓜尔胶特异性IgE抗体测定", "四棱蝽特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Rf246 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "306695007": [ "Discharge to private nursing home", "出院转入私人疗养院" ], "175623009": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal popliteal artery by anastomosis of popliteal artery to popliteal artery using vein graft", "紧急用静脉移植将腘动脉吻合至腘动脉以置换动脉瘤" ], "59100004": [ "Segmental osteoplasty of maxilla", "上颌骨分段骨成形术" ], "173788005": [ "Pyloromyotomy", "幽门肌切开术" ], "239324006": [ "Epiphysiodesis for correction of angular deformity", "骨骺固定术矫正角畸形" ], "108252007": [ "Laboratory procedure", "Laboratory procedures", "实验室程序" ], "401329003": [ "Anti-beta2 glycoprotein 1 antibody level", "抗β2糖蛋白1抗体水平" ], "450481004": [ "Partial excision of oesophagus and interposition of colon", "Partial excision of esophagus and interposition of colon", "食管部分切除术及结肠插入术" ], "434097004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) arthrography of subtalar joint", "Magnetic resonance imaging arthrography of subtalar joint", "MRI arthrography of subtalar joint", "距下关节MRI造影", "距下关节磁共振成像关节造影", "距下关节磁共振成像(MRI)关节造影" ], "90033007": [ "Ligation of middle meningeal artery", "脑膜中动脉结扎" ], "237489009": [ "Reoperation for excision of thyroglossal tissue", "再次手术切除甲状舌骨组织" ], "710790002": [ "Ultrasonography guided puncture and aspiration", "Ultrasound guided puncture and aspiration", "Paracentesis using ultrasonographic guidance", "Puncture and aspiration using ultrasonographic guidance", "使用超声引导进行腹腔穿刺术", "超声引导下穿刺和抽吸", "使用超声引导进行穿刺和抽吸" ], "104582008": [ "Chenodeoxycholylglycine measurement", "鹅去氧胆酸甘氨酸测量" ], "39046009": [ "Electron microscopy transmission technique, complete", "电子显微镜透射技术,完整" ], "4443002": [ "Decortication of ovary", "Capsulectomy of ovary", "子房去皮", "卵巢囊切除术" ], "708955008": [ "Insertion of bone growth stimulator into tarsus", "Insertion of bone growth stimulator into tarsal bone", "将骨生长刺激器插入跗骨" ], "313904001": [ "210 minute serum GH measurement", "210 minute serum GH level", "210 minute serum growth hormone measurement", "210 分钟血清生长激素测量", "210 分钟血清 GH 水平", "210 分钟血清 GH 测量" ], "1231408003": [ "Revision of THA (total hip arthroplasty) with autogenous bone graft", "Revision of total arthroplasty of hip joint with bone autograft", "Revision of total replacement of hip joint with autogenous bone graft", "Revision of total replacement of hip joint with bone autograft", "Revision of THR (total hip replacement) with autogenous bone graft", "Revision of total replacement of hip joint with autograft of bone", "Revision of THR (total hip replacement) with bone autograft", "Revision of total arthroplasty of hip joint with autogenous bone graft", "Revision of THA (total hip arthroplasty) with bone autograft", "自体骨移植全髋关节置换术", "采用自体骨移植进行全髋关节置换术 (THA) 翻修", "利用自体骨移植修复全髋关节置换术 (THR)" ], "166448005": [ "Serum oestradiol level", "Serum estradiol level", "Serum estradiol measurement", "Serum oestradiol measurement", "血清雌二醇水平", "血清雌二醇测量" ], "608816007": [ "Open reduction of fracture of bone of posterior ring of pelvis with internal fixation", "骨盆后环骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "182832007": [ "Drug administration", "Management of drug regimen", "Medication actions", "Medication management", "Procedure related to management of drug administration", "Manage medication administration", "Manage medication treatment", "Medication administration case management", "药物治疗方案管理", "用药措施", "药物管理案例管理", "管理药物治疗", "药品管理相关程序", "药物管理", "管理药物管理" ], "410373002": [ "Cardiac care surveillance", "心脏监护" ], "361221005": [ "Episioperineorrhaphy", "会阴缝合术" ], "443141008": [ "Augmentation osteoplasty of facial bone using allogeneic bone graft", "Repair and augmentation of bone of face using allogeneic bone graft", "同种异体骨移植修复及增强面部骨", "同种异体骨移植面部骨增强术" ], "179162008": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of ankle", "踝部骨折闭合复位" ], "79023002": [ "Excision of ganglion cyst of wrist, recurrent", "Excision of recurrent ganglion cyst of wrist", "腕部复发性腱鞘囊肿切除术" ], "177327003": [ "Cauterisation of lesion of skin of head or neck", "Cauterized destruction of lesion of skin of head or neck", "Cauterization of lesion of skin of head or neck", "Cauterised destruction of lesion of skin of head or neck", "头部或颈部皮肤损伤烧灼", "头部或颈部皮肤损伤烧灼性破坏" ], "717999006": [ "Cone beam CT guided biopsy of spine", "Biopsy of spine using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "使用锥形束 CT 引导进行脊柱活检", "锥形束 CT 引导下脊柱活检" ], "241028002": [ "Clamping of drain", "排水管夹紧" ], "388484004": [ "Acacia spp. specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf297 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Gum arabic specific IgE antibody measurement", "Acacia spp. specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "金合欢属特异性免疫球蛋白 E 抗体测量", "金合欢属特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "Rf297 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "阿拉伯胶特异性 IgE 抗体测定" ], "306564005": [ "Discharge from anesthetic service", "Discharge from anaesthetic service", "麻醉服务出院", "麻醉科出院" ], "28036006": [ "High density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement", "HDL cholesterol measurement", "HDLC - High density lipoprotein cholesterol level", "HDL - High density lipoprotein cholesterol level", "HDL-高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平", "高密度脂蛋白胆固醇测量", "HDLC-高密度脂蛋白胆固醇水平" ], "765316008": [ "SeHCAT study", "Radionuclide imaging of gastrointestinal tract using tauroselcholic acid (75-Se)", "SeHCAT 研究", "使用牛磺胆酸 (75-Se) 对胃肠道进行放射性核素显像" ], "1255001001": [ "Soy free diet", "无大豆饮食" ], "108121002": [ "Nerve excision", "神经切除" ], "173657003": [ "Rigid esophagoscopy and snare resection", "Endoscopic snare resection of lesion of oesophagus using rigid oesophagoscope", "Rigid oesophagoscopy and snare resection", "Endoscopic snare resection of lesion of esophagus using rigid esophagoscope", "硬质食管镜检查及圈套切除术", "硬质食管镜内镜圈套器切除食管病变" ], "1287769002": [ "Operative procedure on upper arm", "上臂手术流程" ], "1156697002": [ "Coordination of medication regime", "用药方案协调" ], "386649003": [ "Partial hip replacement by prosthesis", "Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of the hip", "髋关节假体半关节置换术", "部分髋关节假体置换术" ], "1187630003": [ "Vaginal subtotal hysterectomy", "Subtotal excision of uterus via vaginal approach", "Vaginal subtotal excision of uterus", "Subtotal colpohysterectomy", "Subtotal hysterectomy via vaginal approach", "Supracervical hysterectomy via vaginal approach", "Vaginal supracervical hysterectomy", "经阴道次全子宫切除术", "经阴道宫颈上子宫切除术", "阴道次全子宫切除术", "阴道宫颈上子宫切除术", "阴道子宫次全切除术", "经阴道子宫次全切除术" ], "38915000": [ "Radionuclide therapy for gland ablation", "放射性核素治疗腺体消融" ], "450350009": [ "Primary repair of cleft palate", "腭裂的初次修复" ], "22531003": [ "Anesthesia for plastic repair of cleft lip", "Anaesthesia for plastic repair of cleft lip", "唇裂整形修复术的麻醉" ], "235523007": [ "FNA - Fine needle aspiration of gallbladder", "Fine needle aspiration of gallbladder", "Fine needle biopsy of gallbladder", "FNA-胆囊细针抽吸", "胆囊细针穿刺", "胆囊细针活检" ], "448515007": [ "Fusion of joint of cervical spine with internal fixation by posterior approach", "后入路颈椎关节融合内固定术" ], "313773000": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid albumin measurement", "Cerebrospinal fluid albumin level", "脑脊液白蛋白测定", "脑脊液白蛋白水平" ], "430296009": [ "Reduction of dislocation of wrist", "腕关节脱位复位" ], "84397009": [ "Removal of intraluminal foreign body from vagina without incision", "无需切开阴道取出阴道腔内异物" ], "410242003": [ "Ear wax removal education", "Teach wax removal", "教你如何去除蜡质", "耳垢清除教育" ], "17026004": [ "Radionuclide tissue clearance study", "放射性核素组织清除研究" ], "642006": [ "Cerebral thermography", "Cephalic thermogram", "脑热成像", "头颅热像图" ], "64343003": [ "Microbial identification kit, r/b ferm tube method", "微生物鉴定试剂盒,r/b发酵管法" ], "392023007": [ "Excision of lesion of breast", "乳房病灶切除术" ], "62508004": [ "Mid forceps delivery", "Application of or delivery by mid forceps", "Mid forceps operation", "Mid-cavity forceps delivery", "中段产钳手术", "中段产钳分娩", "使用中产钳进行分娩", "中腔产钳分娩" ], "78892007": [ "Postoperative needle aspiration for drainage of thyroid", "甲状腺术后针吸引流" ], "716033004": [ "Ultrasonography guided aspiration of cyst of thyroid", "Aspiration of cyst of thyroid using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下甲状腺囊肿穿刺抽吸", "超声引导下甲状腺囊肿抽吸术" ], "306433006": [ "Discharge by clinical cytogeneticist", "临床细胞遗传学家出院" ], "290049007": [ "Feeding practice", "喂养实践" ], "386518003": [ "Artificial airway management", "人工气道管理" ], "302763003": [ "Hemoglobin variant test", "Haemoglobin variant test", "Haemoglobin variant observation", "Hemoglobin variant observation", "血红蛋白变异检测", "血红蛋白变异观察" ], "1269419008": [ "Telaprevir therapy", "特拉匹韦治疗" ], "384683008": [ "Replacement of cardiac pacemaker device with dual-chamber device", "Replacement of any type of pacemaker device with dual-chamber device", "使用双腔装置替换心脏起搏器装置", "使用双腔装置替换任何类型的起搏器装置" ], "1234816000": [ "Cleaning of sutured wound with replacement of dressing", "Cleaning of sutured wound with change of dressing", "清洁缝合伤口并更换敷料" ], "87936000": [ "Wedge osteotomy of scapula", "肩胛骨楔形截骨术" ], "104320001": [ "Hepatitis delta agent antibody assay", "Serologic test for Hepatitis delta agent", "Measurement of Hepatitis delta virus antibody", "丁型肝炎病毒抗体测定", "丁型肝炎病毒血清学检测", "丁型肝炎病毒抗体检测" ], "432000006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of hand with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of hand with contrast", "MRI of hand with contrast", "手部对比磁共振成像 (MRI)", "手部对比磁共振成像", "手部增强 MRI 检查" ], "22400007": [ "Computerized tomography, 3 dimensional reconstruction", "Computerised tomography, 3 dimensional reconstruction", "CT, 3 dimensional reconstruction", "CT, three-dimensional reconstruction", "Computed tomography 3 dimensional reconstruction", "计算机断层扫描、三维重建", "CT、三维重建", "计算机断层扫描三维重建" ], "235392008": [ "Laying open of fistula in ano", "Laying open of anal fistula", "肛瘘切开术" ], "708693001": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of abdominal wall", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of abdominal wall using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮腹壁细针穿刺活检" ], "397397002": [ "Bronchoscopy and bronchoalveolar lavage", "Bronchoscopy with cell washing", "BAL (bronchoalveolar lavage) using bronchoscope", "Bronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage", "支气管镜检查和支气管肺泡灌洗", "支气管镜检查及细胞清洗", "支气管镜支气管肺泡灌洗", "使用支气管镜进行 BAL(支气管肺泡灌洗)" ], "413781003": [ "CD19/Lambda count", "CD19+lambda+ count", "Count of cells positive for both CD19 antigen and lambda immunoglobulin light chain", "CD19+lambda+ 计数", "CD19 抗原和 λ 免疫球蛋白轻链均呈阳性的细胞计数", "CD19/Lambda 计数" ], "69717003": [ "Incision and drainage of submandibular space by intraoral approach", "经口内入路切开颌下腔引流" ], "20565007": [ "Bathing patient in shower", "淋浴间为患者洗澡" ], "86101008": [ "Postpartum transection of fallopian tube by abdominal approach", "产后经腹输卵管切断术" ], "118869008": [ "Procedure on fallopian tube", "输卵管手术" ], "430165007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of orbit for radiotherapy planning", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of orbit for radiotherapy planning", "MRI of orbit for radiotherapy planning", "轨道磁共振成像(MRI)用于放射治疗计划", "轨道磁共振成像用于放射治疗计划", "眼眶 MRI 用于放射治疗规划" ], "444714004": [ "Assessment of consciousness level", "意识水平评估" ], "84266007": [ "Cadmium measurement", "镉测量" ], "117034009": [ "Anaerobic microbial culture", "厌氧微生物培养" ], "410111001": [ "Compliance care education", "Teach compliance care", "教导合规护理", "依从性护理教育" ], "408276001": [ "Rheumatoid arthritis particle agglutination test", "类风湿关节炎颗粒凝集试验" ], "719572006": [ "Review of major housing adaptation plan", "审查重大住房改造计划" ], "178900007": [ "Excision of ectopic bone", "异位骨切除术" ], "391892008": [ "Goal directed therapy", "目标导向治疗" ], "439209002": [ "Measurement of gold in 24 hour urine specimen", "24 小时尿液样本中金含量的测定" ], "45993005": [ "Cholecystectomy with exploration of common duct", "胆囊切除术及胆总管探查" ], "371838001": [ "Cardiac output measurement by thermal bath method", "热浴法测量心输出量" ], "11390003": [ "Retroperitoneal echography, B-scan, limited", "US Retroperitoneum, limited", "Retroperitoneal US, limited", "Ultrasound retroperitoneum limited", "腹膜后超声检查,B 超,有限", "腹膜后超声检查,有限", "美国腹膜后,有限", "腹膜后超声检查受限" ], "306302005": [ "Referral to cardiac surgeon", "转诊至心脏外科医生" ], "289918007": [ "Irrigation of renal pelvis and ureter", "肾盂和输尿管冲洗" ], "288083001": [ "Hair follicle undercutting", "Incision of hair follicles", "毛囊切割", "切开毛囊" ], "58707002": [ "Oral hygiene instruction", "OHI - Oral hygiene instruction", "Oral hygiene education", "口腔卫生指导", "口腔卫生教育", "OHI-- 口腔卫生指导" ], "419155003": [ "Advice to change diet", "Recommendation to change diet", "建议改变饮食", "改变饮食的建议" ], "304467004": [ "Interrupted direct current to back", "断路直流电流返回" ], "386387004": [ "Peer review", "同行评审" ], "9555008": [ "Incision of chalazion", "霰粒肿切开术" ], "122408004": [ "Acanthamoeba species identification", "棘阿米巴种属鉴定" ], "171560006": [ "Cranial nerve procedure", "Procedure on cranial nerve", "脑神经手术" ], "56872007": [ "Core needle biopsy of salivary gland", "唾液腺芯针活检" ], "169725000": [ "Antenatal 40 week examination", "产前40周检查" ], "431869005": [ "Radionuclide imaging of parathyroid using metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG)", "Radionuclide imaging of parathyroid using metaiodobenzylguanidine", "使用甲状旁腺放射性核素显像(MIBG)", "使用甲碘苄胍进行甲状旁腺放射性核素显像" ], "38653007": [ "Neurolysis of cranial nerve", "Lysis of adhesions of cranial nerve", "脑神经松解术", "脑神经粘连松解术" ], "104189007": [ "Fungal culture, skin, with isolation", "皮肤真菌培养,分离" ], "235261009": [ "Biopsy of duodenum", "Duodenal biopsy", "十二指肠活检" ], "413650000": [ "Biopsy of nose", "Nasal biopsy", "鼻腔活检", "鼻部活检" ], "315346001": [ "Lower limb artery cannula insertion", "下肢动脉插管" ], "233426004": [ "Embolization of cavernous sinus", "Embolisation of cavernous sinus", "海绵窦栓塞术", "海绵窦栓塞" ], "118738001": [ "Procedure on soft tissue", "软组织手术" ], "446418004": [ "Endoscopy of upper gastrointestinal tract and tattooing", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and tattooing", "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy and tattooing", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查和纹身", "上消化道内镜检查及纹身" ], "184274007": [ "Hospital death discharge notification", "医院死亡出院通知" ], "231591006": [ "Lateral canthotomy", "外眼角切开术" ], "67751006": [ "Removal of back brace", "拆除背部支架" ], "870567007": [ "Eucapneic voluntary hyperpnoea", "Eucapnic voluntary hyperventilation challenge", "Eucapneic voluntary hyperpnea", "Eucapneic voluntary hyperventilation challenge", "正常二氧化碳自主性呼吸过度", "自愿性正碳酸过度换气试验", "正常呼吸状态自愿过度换气试验", "正常二氧化碳自主呼吸" ], "33148003": [ "Arthrography", "Arthrogram", "Joint X-ray study", "关节造影", "联合X射线研究" ], "409980007": [ "Skin self-examination", "皮肤自我检查" ], "311676007": [ "Easy speech exercises", "简单的演讲练习" ], "719441005": [ "One stage orchidopexy using Fowler-Stephens technique", "One step Fowler-Stephens procedure", "采用 Fowler-Stephens 技术的一期睾丸固定术", "一步式 Fowler-Stephens 手术" ], "275238003": [ "Bassini repair of inguinal hernia", "巴西尼腹股沟疝修补术" ], "127782008": [ "Autogenic pulmonary drainage", "Autogenic drainage", "AD - Autogenic drainage", "自生引流", "自生肺引流", "AD - 自生引流" ], "764923006": [ "Open repair of strangulated ventral hernia with prosthesis", "开放式假体修复绞窄性腹疝" ], "306171006": [ "Referral to community-based physiotherapy service", "Referral to community physiotherapy service", "转介至社区物理治疗服务" ], "287952000": [ "Intrauterine fetal defect correction", "Intrauterine foetal defect correction", "宫内胎儿缺陷矫正" ], "107728002": [ "Chart evaluation by healthcare professional", "Chart review", "图表回顾", "医疗保健专业人员的图表评估" ], "386256003": [ "Delusion management", "妄想管理" ], "173264007": [ "Excision of excess mucosa from lip", "切除唇部多余粘膜" ], "236965001": [ "Cervical ripening with drug", "药物促宫颈成熟" ], "40357002": [ "Echocardiography for determining mitral and tricuspid valve motion", "超声心动图确定二尖瓣和三尖瓣运动" ], "122277005": [ "Astrovirus identification", "星状病毒鉴定" ], "415354003": [ "Rotavirus vaccination", "Administration of rotavirus vaccine", "Rotavirus immunization", "Rotavirus immunisation", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Rotavirus antigen", "轮状病毒免疫", "接种仅含轮状病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "轮状病毒疫苗接种", "接种轮状病毒疫苗" ], "71290004": [ "Hospital admission, limited to designated procedures", "入院限制,仅限指定程序" ], "87674005": [ "Pulmonary ventilation study, total", "总体肺通气研究" ], "104058006": [ "P2 blood group antibody identification", "P2血型抗体鉴定" ], "448122008": [ "Bypass of segment of abdominal aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta", "腹主动脉段搭桥术" ], "446287004": [ "Thoracic epidural catheterisation", "Insertion of catheter into thoracic epidural space", "Thoracic epidural catheterization", "将导管插入胸腔硬膜外腔", "胸腔硬膜外导管插入术", "胸腔硬膜外插管" ], "53071007": [ "Embolectomy with catheter of subclavian artery by neck incision", "经颈切开锁骨下动脉导管取栓术" ], "69455007": [ "Repair of diaphragm", "隔膜修复" ], "167759007": [ "Semen examination - general", "精液检查-一般" ], "428068004": [ "Percutaneous transluminal thrombolysis and reconstruction of artery", "经皮腔内血栓溶解及动脉重建" ], "49401003": [ "Bone marrow aspiration procedure", "Bone marrow tap", "Bone marrow aspiration", "骨髓穿刺", "骨髓穿刺程序" ], "276942004": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of popliteal artery", "经皮腘动脉内膜切除术" ], "1259982004": [ "Anchoring of aortic endovascular stent graft to vessel wall using endovascular stent graft anchoring system", "使用血管内支架移植物锚固系统将主动脉血管内支架移植物锚固到血管壁上" ], "47566004": [ "Protein A test", "Staphaurex method", "蛋白质A检测", "Staphaurex 方法" ], "45731000": [ "Cytotoxicity assay for autoantibody to HLA antigens", "HLA 抗原自身抗体细胞毒性试验" ], "178638009": [ "Revisional lumbar microdiscectomy", "腰椎微创椎间盘切除术" ], "29347003": [ "Repair of tunica vaginalis", "鞘膜修复" ], "406179007": [ "Premenstrual syndrome management", "PMS management", "PMS care", "Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) management", "Premenstrual syndrome care", "经前综合症管理", "PMS 管理", "经前综合症(PMS)管理", "经前综合症护理" ], "306040000": [ "Referral from paediatric nurse", "Referral by pediatric nurse", "Referral from pediatric nurse", "Referral by paediatric nurse", "儿科护士转诊" ], "371576000": [ "Video imaging", "Video imaging procedure", "视频成像程序", "视频成像" ], "225955008": [ "Positioning accessible commode", "无障碍马桶的定位" ], "287821000": [ "Cardiectomy", "心脏切除术" ], "174968009": [ "Open aortic valvotomy", "开放式主动脉瓣切开术" ], "173133004": [ "Changing of tracheo-esophageal valve", "Replacement of tracheo-oesophageal valve", "Changing of tracheo-oesophageal valve", "Replacement of tracheo-esophageal valve", "Changing of tracheoesophageal valve", "Changing of tracheooesophageal valve", "气管食管瓣更换", "气管食管瓣膜置换术", "气管食管瓣膜更换" ], "302370000": [ "Female perineotomy", "Incision of female perineum", "女性会阴切开术" ], "1187106001": [ "Doppler ultrasonography", "Doppler ultrasound scan", "多普勒超声扫描", "多普勒超声检查" ], "1172557009": [ "Donor lymphocyte apheresis", "捐献者淋巴细胞分离术" ], "1303629009": [ "Excision of subcutaneous rheumatoid nodule", "皮下类风湿结节切除术" ], "122146004": [ "Wuchereria bancrofti antibody assay", "Measurement of Wuchereria bancrofti antibody", "班克罗夫武氏菌抗体测定", "班氏乌策菌抗体的测定" ], "236834006": [ "Cryotherapy of vulval wart", "外阴疣的冷冻治疗" ], "710135002": [ "Promotion", "晋升" ], "103927004": [ "Do^a^ blood group typing", "Do^a^ 血型分型" ], "415223004": [ "Pyridoxal 5 phosphate level", "Pyridoxal 5-phosphate measurement", "吡哆醛 5-磷酸测定", "吡哆醛 5 磷酸水平" ], "431607007": [ "Percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy of dialysis fistula using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下经皮透析瘘机械血栓切除术" ], "429772001": [ "Operative procedure on hip", "髋关节手术" ], "315084004": [ "Brucella IgM level", "Brucella immunoglobulin M level", "布鲁氏杆菌免疫球蛋白M水平", "布鲁氏菌 IgM 水平" ], "118476008": [ "Interposition arthroplasty", "介入关节置换术" ], "233164009": [ "Atrioventricular disconnection operation", "AV - Atrioventricular disconnection operation", "AV - 房室分离手术", "房室分离手术" ], "395169002": [ "Superior mediastinal lymph nodes neck dissection", "上纵隔淋巴结颈清扫术" ], "231329004": [ "Peribulbar infiltration", "球周浸润" ], "1163382003": [ "Management of human milk fortifier in breastmilk", "母乳中母乳强化剂的管理" ], "229494005": [ "Physiotherapeutic frictions", "Frictions", "摩擦", "物理治疗摩擦" ], "14667004": [ "Rhytidectomy of glabellar frown lines", "眉间皱纹去除术" ], "112971004": [ "Excision of external ear, complete amputation", "Complete excision of external ear", "Amputation of external ear", "Auriculectomy", "Total excision of external ear", "Total excision of auricle", "Total excision of pinna", "外耳全切除术", "外耳切除", "切除外耳,完全截肢", "耳廓切除术", "外耳完全切除", "耳廓全切除", "耳廓全切除术" ], "719179007": [ "Removal of conjunctival concretion", "去除结膜结石" ], "391499007": [ "Serum netilmicin level", "血清奈替米星浓度" ], "47435007": [ "Measles vaccination", "Measles immunization", "Rubeola vaccination", "Measles immunisation", "Administration of measles vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Measles morbillivirus antigen", "风疹疫苗", "麻疹疫苗接种", "接种仅含麻疹病毒抗原的疫苗产品", "麻疹免疫接种", "接种麻疹疫苗", "麻疹免疫" ], "438816004": [ "Radiolabelled technetium 99m antibody therapy", "Radiolabelled Tc99m antibody therapy", "Radiolabeled technetium 99m antibody therapy", "放射性标记Tc99m抗体治疗", "放射性标记锝99m抗体治疗" ], "717344005": [ "Cone beam CT guided aspiration of abdomen", "Aspiration of abdomen using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "锥形束 CT 引导下腹部穿刺", "使用锥形束 CT 引导进行腹部抽吸" ], "29216007": [ "Talectomy", "Astragalectomy", "角膜切除术", "黄芪切除术" ], "10997001": [ "Psychiatric evaluation of patient for testimentary capacity with report", "Assessment of fitness to testify", "作证能力评估", "对患者进行精神科评估以确定其是否具备作证能力并提交报告" ], "387829002": [ "Endomyocardial biopsy", "EMB - Endomyocardial biopsy", "EMB-- 心内膜心肌活检", "心内膜心肌活检" ], "27381004": [ "Fulguration of adenoid fossa", "腺样窝电灼术" ], "699125007": [ "Insertion of programmable cardiac pacemaker", "植入可编程心脏起搏器" ], "174837009": [ "Closure of defect of atrioventricular septum using dual prosthetic patches", "双瓣膜修补房室间隔缺损" ], "9162006": [ "Transplantation of scrotal tissue", "阴囊组织移植" ], "122015000": [ "Japanese encephalitis virus antibody assay", "Measurement of Japanese encephalitis virus antibody", "日本脑炎病毒抗体检测", "日本脑炎病毒抗体测定" ], "418762008": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of penis", "Doppler ultrasound scan of penis", "阴茎多普勒超声检查", "阴茎多普勒超声扫描" ], "1285279003": [ "School health programme", "School health program", "学校健康计划" ], "302239005": [ "Generic Jungian-based therapy", "通用荣格疗法" ], "449695009": [ "Elevation of lower limb", "下肢抬高" ], "234868003": [ "Adjust fixed functional appliance", "调整固定功能器具" ], "431476005": [ "Fluoroscopic colostomy enema with water soluble contrast", "荧光透视结肠造口灌肠剂用水溶性造影剂" ], "415092007": [ "Photorefractive keratectomy enhancement", "PRK enhancement-photorefractive keratectomy enhancement", "屈光性角膜切削术增强", "PRK 增强-准分子激光角膜切削术增强" ], "169332007": [ "External beam with internal radiotherapy", "External beam radiation therapy with internal radiotherapy", "外照射放射治疗与内照射放射治疗", "外照射与内照射联合治疗" ], "284020009": [ "ECG ST segment monitoring", "EKG ST segment monitoring", "Electrocardiographic ST segment monitoring", "心电图 ST 段监测", "心电图ST段监测" ], "20041002": [ "Peripheral neuroanastomosis", "Anastomosis of peripheral nerve", "周围神经吻合术" ], "183881003": [ "Private referral to orthopedic surgeon", "Private referral to orthopaedic surgeon", "私下转诊给骨科医生" ], "446025003": [ "Arthrography using contrast", "对比剂关节造影" ], "38260008": [ "Thromboendarterectomy of abdominal artery", "腹部动脉血栓内膜切除术" ], "413257009": [ "Pancreatic sphincterotomy by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography", "Pancreatic sphincterotomy by ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)", "ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography) with sphincterotomy", "内镜逆行胰胆管造影术行胰腺括约肌切开术", "通过 ERCP(内镜逆行胰胆管造影术)进行胰腺括约肌切开术", "ERCP(内镜逆行胰胆管造影术)联合括约肌切开术" ], "444190002": [ "Quantitative measurement of IgA in 24 hour urine specimen", "Quantitative measurement of substance rate of excretion of immunoglobulin A in 24 hour urine specimen", "24小时尿液标本免疫球蛋白A物质排泄率的定量测定", "24小时尿液样本中IgA的定量测定" ], "233033009": [ "Repair of cor triatrium", "三心室修复" ], "67358002": [ "Thrombectomy of lower limb artery", "Removal of thrombus of lower limb artery", "下肢动脉血栓清除术", "下肢动脉血栓切除术" ], "395038003": [ "Total anticardiolipin antibody level", "总抗心磷脂抗体水平" ], "231198009": [ "LA - Local anaesthetic block of iliohypogastric nerve", "Iliohypogastric nerve block", "Local anaesthetic block of iliohypogastric nerve", "LA - Local anesthetic block of iliohypogastric nerve", "Local anesthetic block of iliohypogastric nerve", "LA - 髂腹下神经局部麻醉阻滞", "髂腹下神经阻滞", "髂腹下神经局麻阻滞" ], "704499004": [ "Non-imaging sentinel lymph node study", "Non-imaging isotope study of sentinel lymph node", "哨兵淋巴结的非成像同位素研究", "非影像学哨兵淋巴结研究" ], "425971006": [ "Referral to pediatric pulmonologist", "Referral to pediatric chest physician", "Referral to paediatric pulmonologist", "Referral to paediatric chest physician", "转诊至儿科胸科医生", "转诊至儿科肺科医生" ], "309448001": [ "Hormone manipulation", "激素控制" ], "229363009": [ "Accessory mobilisation of the metacarpophalangeal joints", "Accessory mobilization of the metacarpophalangeal joints", "掌指关节的辅助活动" ], "178376007": [ "Reopening of cranium and re-exploration of intracranial operation site and surgical arrest of postoperative bleeding", "开颅再探查颅内手术部位及术后止血" ], "112840007": [ "Dermodesis", "皮肤病学" ], "440520008": [ "Refashioning of arteriovenous fistula", "动静脉瘘的改造" ], "1290653002": [ "Plain X-ray of thoracic spine, anteroposterior and lateral", "胸椎前后位和侧位普通 X 光检查" ], "225693001": [ "Applying double eye pad", "敷双眼垫" ], "387698000": [ "Surgical manipulation of wrist joint", "腕关节手术操作" ], "698994007": [ "Emergency repair of ruptured suprarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm", "肾上腹主动脉瘤破裂的紧急修补" ], "172871001": [ "Reconstruction of maxilla with local flap", "局部皮瓣修复上颌骨" ], "385863001": [ "Interpersonal dynamics analysis", "人际动态分析" ], "287559004": [ "Surgical biopsy of small intestine", "小肠手术活检" ], "23580000": [ "Hemisection of tooth", "牙齿半切术" ], "303943009": [ "Digestive system fluoroscopy", "消化系统透视检查" ], "252956001": [ "Greulich and Pyle bone age assessment", "Greulich 和 Pyle 骨龄评估" ], "72732005": [ "Triple sugar iron test", "三糖铁测试" ], "121884006": [ "2-methylcitrate measurement", "2-甲基柠檬酸测量" ], "89116007": [ "Schilling test with intrinsic factor", "Vitamin B>12< absorption study with intrinsic factor", "含内在因素的 Schilling 检验", "维生素B>12<吸收与内在因素研究" ], "431345000": [ "Hydrodistension of glenohumeral joint using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Hydrodistension of glenohumeral joint using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下盂肱关节水扩张术", "使用超声 (US) 引导进行肩关节水扩张" ], "70897000": [ "Reduction of closed distal radioulnar dislocation with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed dislocation of distal radioulnar joint", "远侧桡尺关节闭合性脱位手法复位", "闭合性远端桡尺脱位的复位手法治疗" ], "54513001": [ "Ophthalmic mucous membrane test", "Conjunctival provocation test", "Conjunctival challenge", "眼科黏膜检查", "结膜激发试验", "结膜挑战" ], "185585002": [ "Rubella antibody screening - second call", "风疹抗体筛查 - 第二次呼叫" ], "120049004": [ "Uterine cervix destructive procedure", "Destructive procedure on uterine cervix", "宫颈破坏性手术" ], "234737009": [ "Tunnel preparation of tooth", "Tunnel prep tooth", "隧道预备牙", "牙隧道预备" ], "36294002": [ "Removal of inflatable penile prosthesis", "取出可膨胀阴茎假体" ], "429510003": [ "Multiple subpial transections of cerebral cortex", "大脑皮层多处软脑膜下横断" ], "232902003": [ "Operation to atrioventricular valve bridging leaflet", "房室瓣桥接手术" ], "169201009": [ "Radiobioassay - folic acid", "放射生物测定-叶酸" ], "413126003": [ "Learning disabilities health assessment", "学习障碍健康评估" ], "445894004": [ "Excision of neoplasm of intradural intramedullary spinal cord", "脊髓硬膜内髓内肿瘤切除术" ], "265670008": [ "Local transposition flap, random pattern, to head or neck", "局部转位皮瓣,随机型,至头部或颈部" ], "427675001": [ "Admission from establishment", "机构准入" ], "50843001": [ "Fixation of pendulous breast", "Mastopexy", "乳房固定术", "下垂乳房固定术" ], "231067005": [ "Transplantation of tissue into brain", "组织移植到脑内" ], "1691007": [ "Drainage of abscess of tonsil", "扁桃体脓肿引流" ], "83611007": [ "Radiologic guidance for dilation of nephrostomy", "肾造口扩张的放射学指导" ], "65392003": [ "Stapling of artery", "动脉缝合" ], "81776007": [ "Metal coping", "金属顶盖" ], "229232008": [ "Lower limb control work", "下肢控制工作" ], "391237005": [ "Psychological therapies - 1-2 contacts/week", "心理治疗——每周 1-2 次" ], "243781005": [ "Blood sampling from ECMO circuit", "Blood sampling from extracorporeal membrane oxygenation circuit", "从 ECMO 回路采集血液样本", "体外膜氧合回路血液采样" ], "112709007": [ "Reattachment of tendon to tendon", "肌腱与肌腱重新连接" ], "176410001": [ "Reconstruction of scrotum with free flap", "游离皮瓣重建阴囊" ], "438554005": [ "Reconstruction of forehead using autograft", "使用自体移植重建额头" ], "895471000": [ "Bilateral amputation of forearms through radius and ulna", "Bilateral below elbow amputation", "Amputation of bilateral forearms through radius and ulna", "Amputation of both forearms through radius and ulna", "通过桡骨和尺骨对双侧前臂进行截肢", "双侧肘下截肢", "通过桡骨和尺骨截断双前臂", "通过桡骨和尺骨进行双前臂截肢术" ], "715247002": [ "Computed tomography of thoracic spine for radiotherapy planning", "CT of thoracic spine for radiotherapy planning", "胸椎计算机断层扫描用于放射治疗计划", "胸椎 CT 扫描用于放射治疗计划" ], "1255919007": [ "Dilute bleach bath", "Therapeutic dilute bleach bath", "Dilute bleach bath therapy", "Diluted bleach bath therapy", "治疗性稀释漂白剂浴", "稀释漂白剂浴", "稀释漂白剂沐浴疗法" ], "698863008": [ "Replacement of pulse generator of automatic cardioverter/defibrillator", "自动心脏复律除颤器脉冲发生器的更换" ], "1303236001": [ "Delayed clamping of umbilical cord", "Delayed umbilical cord clamping", "脐带延迟结扎", "延迟脐带结扎" ], "90820002": [ "Psychiatric drug therapy", "精神科药物治疗" ], "41668001": [ "17 Hydroxyprogesterone measurement, serum", "17 血清羟孕酮测量" ], "238276002": [ "Peritoneal cyst external drainage", "腹膜囊肿外引流" ], "385732005": [ "Bereavement support assessment", "Assess bereavement support", "评估丧亲支持", "丧亲支持评估" ], "172740003": [ "Operation on vestibular apparatus", "前庭器官手术" ], "271044002": [ "Serum endomysium antibody measurement", "Serum endomysium antibody level", "血清肌内膜抗体水平", "血清肌内膜抗体测定" ], "25284008": [ "Carbon dioxide measurement, partial pressure", "PaCO2 measurement", "PaCO2 测量", "二氧化碳测量,分压" ], "121753001": [ "2-Aminobutyrate measurement", "2-氨基丁酸测量" ], "285593001": [ "Steering wheelchair training", "转向轮椅训练" ], "72601004": [ "Application of patellar tendon bearing cast", "Application of Sarmiento plaster cast", "髌腱轴承石膏的应用", "萨米恩托石膏模型的应用" ], "105369005": [ "Intravenous digital subtraction angiography", "Intravenous DSA (digital subtraction angiography)", "静脉数字减影血管造影", "静脉 DSA(数字减影血管造影)" ], "252825008": [ "Lacrimal syringing", "Syringing of lacrimal duct or sac", "Lacrimal irrigation", "泪道冲洗", "冲洗泪管或泪囊" ], "431214001": [ "Computed tomography (CT) enteroclysis", "Computed tomography enteroclysis", "CT enteroclysis", "CT小肠灌注", "计算机断层小肠灌洗", "计算机断层扫描 (CT) 肠灌洗" ], "169070004": [ "CT of abdomen", "Computed tomography of abdomen", "腹部 CT", "腹部计算机断层扫描" ], "87150006": [ "Enterostomy", "肠造口术" ], "412995004": [ "Blood B-galactosidase measurement", "Blood beta-galactosidase measurement", "Blood B-galactosidase level", "血液 B-半乳苷酶水平", "血液 β-半乳苷酶测定", "血液 B-半乳苷酶测定" ], "232771004": [ "Transluminal radiofrequency mitral valvotomy", "经腔内射频二尖瓣切开术" ], "118083006": [ "HTLV 1 AND 2 p36 antibody assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 AND 2 p36 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 protein 36 antibody and Human T-lymphotropic virus 2 protein 36 antibody", "HTLV 1 和 2 p36 抗体检测", "人类 T 细胞淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 和 2 p36 抗体检测", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒1蛋白36抗体和人类T淋巴细胞病毒2蛋白36抗体的测量" ], "445763007": [ "Drainage of abscess of shin", "胫骨脓肿引流" ], "312856000": [ "Referral to diabetes nurse", "转诊至糖尿病护士" ], "50712000": [ "Tube feeding by Barron pump", "通过 Barron 泵进行管饲" ], "230936002": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of intracranial vein", "经皮颅内静脉血栓溶解术" ], "116248005": [ "Excisional biopsy of lesion of fallopian tube", "输卵管病变切除活检" ], "229101000": [ "Colles class", "科勒斯级" ], "442093002": [ "Measurement of zonisamide", "唑尼沙胺的测量" ], "81645006": [ "Anesthesia for gastrocnemius recession", "Anaesthesia for gastrocnemius recession", "腓肠肌萎缩的麻醉" ], "128962004": [ "Hemodynamic physiologic challenge", "Haemodynamic physiologic challenge", "血流动力学生理挑战" ], "178114006": [ "Re-excision of ganglion of knee", "Reexcision of ganglion cyst of knee", "膝关节神经节再次切除术", "膝关节腱鞘囊肿再切除术" ], "440258006": [ "Excision of skin", "切除皮肤" ], "176279007": [ "Implantation of prosthetic sphincter around male bladder neck or urethra", "男性膀胱颈或尿道周围植入假体括约肌" ], "43372004": [ "Specimen dispatch and referral, routine", "常规标本派送和转诊" ], "174444005": [ "Open removal of calculus from liver", "切开肝脏取出结石" ], "172609001": [ "Reconstruction of external ear with rim advancement flap", "外耳缘推进皮瓣重建" ], "303681001": [ "CT of limb regions", "Computed tomography of limb regions", "肢体区域 CT", "肢体区域计算机断层扫描" ], "90689002": [ "Sideroblast stain", "Siderocyte stain", "Iron stain method, blood or bone marrow", "Iron stain", "铁染色法,血液或骨髓", "铁红细胞染色", "铁锈", "铁粒幼细胞染色" ], "270913004": [ "Neuroelectrophysiology test", "神经电生理学测试" ], "713281006": [ "Consultation for palliative care", "姑息治疗咨询" ], "711446003": [ "Transplantation of kidney regime", "Interventions associated with transplantation of kidney", "肾脏移植相关干预", "肾移植方案" ], "121622005": [ "Meclizine measurement", "美克洛嗪测量" ], "105238009": [ "Methenolone measurement", "美替诺龙测量" ], "300011006": [ "Decompression of lateral popliteal nerve", "腘窝侧神经减压术" ], "183488000": [ "Non-urgent surgical admission", "非紧急手术入院" ], "119787008": [ "Neck artery endoscopy", "颈动脉内镜检查" ], "232640003": [ "Lobectomy with bronchoplastic procedure", "肺叶切除术及支气管成形术" ], "724160005": [ "Tacrolimus therapy", "他克莫司治疗" ], "412864005": [ "Urine ornithine measurement", "Urine ornithine level", "尿液鸟氨酸测定", "尿液鸟氨酸水平" ], "429248007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal replacement of pulmonary valve", "经皮肺动脉瓣置换术" ], "68800008": [ "Creation of conduit of right ventricle and pulmonary artery in repair of transposition of great vessels", "Creation of shunt of right ventricle and pulmonary artery in repair of transposition of great vessels", "大血管转位修复术中右心室与肺动脉分流术的建立", "大血管转位修复术中右心室及肺动脉导管的建立" ], "773312007": [ "Open repair of recurrent incisional hernia of anterior abdominal wall using synthetic mesh with posterior component separation", "用合成网片和后部分离术治疗复发性腹前壁切口疝" ], "312725000": [ "Duplex scan of lower limb veins", "Duplex ultrasonography of veins of lower limb", "Duplex ultrasound of veins of lower limb", "Duplex ultrasound scan of veins of lower limb", "下肢静脉双功超声扫描", "下肢静脉双功能超声检查", "下肢静脉双工扫描" ], "1230229003": [ "Performing search for missing subject of care", "寻找失踪的护理对象" ], "179818002": [ "Revision repair extra-articular ligament", "关节外韧带修复" ], "310890002": [ "Application of cast brace", "石膏支架的应用" ], "63295000": [ "Dewebbing of syndactyly of fingers", "Dewebbing of congenital syndactyly of fingers", "并指畸形的脱蹼", "先天性并指畸形的脱蹼术" ], "390975007": [ "Urine homovanillic acid/creatinine ratio", "尿液高香草酸/肌酐比率" ], "405524000": [ "Aorto-Iliac graft for repair of aneurysm", "主动脉髂动脉移植修复动脉瘤" ], "784191009": [ "Classic intrafascial supracervical hysterectomy", "Classic SEMM laparoscopic hysterectomy", "CISH - classic intrafascial supracervical hysterectomy", "经典 SEMM 腹腔镜子宫切除术", "经典筋膜内宫颈上子宫切除术", "CISH-- 经典筋膜内宫颈上子宫切除术" ], "1290260001": [ "Electrocoagulation of lesion of middle ear", "Coagulation of lesion of middle ear using electrical energy", "中耳病变电凝治疗", "电能凝固中耳病变" ], "177983009": [ "Biopsy of lesion of posterior peritoneum", "腹膜后部病变活检" ], "241684003": [ "Diaphanography of breast", "乳房透视造影" ], "274452007": [ "Dislocated thumb reduction", "拇指脱臼复位" ], "76009000": [ "Esophagogastroduodenoscopy", "Oesophagogastroduodenoscopy", "Upper gastrointestinal endoscopy", "Endoscopic examination of upper gastrointestinal tract", "Upper GI (gastrointestinal) endoscopy", "OGD - oesophagogastroduodenoscopy", "EGD - esophagogastroduodenoscopy", "上消化道内窥镜检查", "OGD-- 食管胃十二指肠镜检查", "上消化道内镜检查", "EGD-- 食管胃十二指肠镜检查", "食管胃十二指肠镜检查" ], "764137001": [ "Radionuclide imaging using technetium (99m-Tc) labelled erythrocytes", "Radionuclide imaging using technetium (99m-Tc) labeled erythrocytes", "Tc99m-RBC study", "Tc99m-红细胞研究", "使用锝(99m-Tc)标记的红细胞进行放射性核素成像" ], "45076008": [ "Masters' stress test, two-step", "Testing of cardiac stress, Masters' two-step", "Master step test", "心脏压力测试,Masters 两步法", "硕士压力测试,两步", "掌握步骤测试" ], "305385003": [ "Admission to gynaecology department", "Admission to gynecology department", "妇科入院" ], "420073009": [ "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolization of cerebral artery", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolisation of cerebral artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolization of cerebral artery", "Fluoroscopic angiography with contrast and embolisation of cerebral artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolization of cerebral artery", "Fluoroscopic arteriography with contrast and embolisation of cerebral artery", "脑动脉造影及栓塞术", "脑动脉造影及栓塞", "脑动脉造影荧光透视及栓塞术", "脑动脉造影及栓塞检查", "荧光透视动脉造影及脑动脉栓塞" ], "1335742002": [ "Open repair of strangulated umbilical hernia", "脐疝绞窄性开放修补术" ], "25022002": [ "Closure of enteroenteric fistula", "肠肠瘘闭合" ], "451006005": [ "Enucleation of dental cyst of upper jaw", "上颌骨牙囊肿摘除术" ], "41406006": [ "Excision of tracheal stenosis and anastomosis by cervicothoracic approach", "颈胸入路气管狭窄切除及吻合术" ], "713150007": [ "Diabetic foot ulcer prevention", "糖尿病足溃疡预防" ], "121491000": [ "Cephapirin measurement", "头孢匹林测定" ], "8638007": [ "Cytopathology procedure, preparation of smear, nongenital source", "细胞病理学程序,涂片制备,非生殖器来源" ], "105107003": [ "Cefotaxime measurement", "头孢噻肟测量" ], "432787004": [ "Transvaginal ultrasonography for follicle monitoring", "经阴道超声检查用于卵泡监测" ], "252563005": [ "Threshold evoked response olfactometry", "Quantitative evoked response olfactometry", "定量诱发反应嗅觉测量法", "阈值诱发反应嗅觉测量" ], "236179008": [ "Ureteroscopic fragmentation of ureteric calculus", "Ureteroscopic lithotripsy of ureteric calculus", "输尿管镜碎石术治疗输尿管结石", "输尿管镜碎石术" ], "119656001": [ "Wrist repair", "腕部修复" ], "86888002": [ "Anal fistulectomy", "Excision of anal fistula", "Excision of fistula in ano", "肛瘘切除术" ], "1217384001": [ "Insertion of nasal stent", "插入鼻支架" ], "761000087107": [ "Fluoroscopic venogram of both renal veins with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venography of bilateral renal veins with contrast", "Fluoroscopic venogram of left and right renal vein with contrast", "左、右肾静脉荧光造影", "双侧肾静脉荧光造影" ], "709480005": [ "Assessment of hyperalgesia", "痛觉过敏的评估" ], "17401000087109": [ "MRI of left clavicle with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left clavicle with contrast", "左锁骨增强磁共振成像", "左锁骨增强 MRI 扫描" ], "16121000087108": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of right inguinal region", "Biopsy of right inguinal region using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下右腹股沟区活检" ], "447336008": [ "Drainage of cerebrospinal fluid", "脑脊液引流" ], "250728008": [ "Urea clearance measurement", "Urea clearance", "尿素清除率", "尿素清除率测量" ], "3133002": [ "Patient discharge, deceased, autopsy", "患者出院、死亡、尸检" ], "412733003": [ "Transcleral diode laser cycloablation", "经巩膜二极管激光环切术" ], "183357003": [ "Domestic responsibility rehabilitation", "家庭责任康复" ], "232509004": [ "Intranasal frontoethmoidectomy", "鼻内额筛窦切除术" ], "85053006": [ "Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty, multiple vessels", "Balloon angioplasty of coronary artery, multiple vessels", "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty of multiple coronary arteries", "经皮腔内冠状动脉成形术,多条血管", "冠状动脉球囊成形术,多条血管", "经皮腔内球囊血管成形术治疗多条冠状动脉" ], "117821007": [ "Leptospira bratislava antibody assay", "Measurement of Leptospira interrogans serovar Bratislava antibody", "钩端螺旋体布拉迪斯拉发血清型抗体检测", "布拉迪斯拉发钩端螺旋体抗体测定" ], "427282009": [ "Throat washing", "Pharyngeal irrigation", "Irrigation of pharynx", "咽部冲洗", "洗喉" ], "736743002": [ "Closure of amputation stump of left below knee amputation", "左膝下截肢残端闭合" ], "703975002": [ "Private referral to podiatrist", "足病医生的私人转诊" ], "409063005": [ "Counselling", "Counseling", "Counselling service", "辅导服务", "咨询" ], "359911008": [ "Repair of parahiatal diaphragmatic hernia", "膈疝修补术" ], "718524000": [ "Referral to discharge planning team", "转介至出院计划团队" ], "390844002": [ "Overnight albumin excretion rate", "夜间白蛋白排泄率" ], "79548009": [ "Mediate percussion", "中频打击乐" ], "405393002": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of common femoral artery with vein", "股总动脉带静脉内膜切除及血管成形术" ], "44945006": [ "Harvesting of muscle", "肌肉采集" ], "225169007": [ "Getting patient to bite on hemostatic swab", "Getting patient to bite on haemostatic swab", "让患者咬住止血拭子", "让患者咬止血拭子" ], "241553009": [ "CT of abdominal aorta", "Computed tomography of abdominal aorta", "腹主动脉计算机断层扫描", "腹主动脉 CT" ], "305254005": [ "Admission by blood transfusion doctor", "输血医生确认" ], "370790005": [ "Elicits perceptions of surgery", "引发对手术的认知" ], "450875004": [ "Laryngotracheal separation", "喉气管分离" ], "170512001": [ "Control of bedbugs", "臭虫防治" ], "104976002": [ "Thyroxine uptake measurement", "甲状腺素摄取测量" ], "72208004": [ "Operative procedure on cornea", "Operation on cornea", "角膜手术程序", "角膜手术" ], "711184004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of head and cervical spine", "MRI of head and cervical spine", "头部和颈椎 MRI", "头部和颈椎的磁共振成像" ], "121360005": [ "Acrolein measurement", "丙烯醛测量" ], "414437000": [ "Hyperopic photorefractive keratectomy", "Hyperopic PRK-photorefractive keratectomy", "远视性 PRK 准分子激光角膜切削术", "远视性屈光性角膜切削术" ], "88592009": [ "Gill operation for arthrodesis of shoulder", "肩关节融合术" ], "252432008": [ "Radionuclide myocardial perfusion study", "Myocardial perfusion scan", "放射性核素心肌灌注研究", "心肌灌注扫描" ], "398053007": [ "Pressure point protection", "压力点保护" ], "21221007": [ "Blood group typing B", "B blood group typing", "B型血型", "血型类型B" ], "1297338000": [ "Transurethral operation on urinary bladder", "经尿道膀胱手术" ], "68538002": [ "Graft of nasal septum", "Grafting of nasal septum", "鼻中隔移植术" ], "166842003": [ "Total cholesterol:HDL ratio measurement", "Total cholesterol:HDL ratio", "Total cholesterol:high density lipoprotein ratio measurement", "总胆固醇:HDL 比率", "总胆固醇:HDL 比率测量", "总胆固醇:高密度脂蛋白比率测量" ], "250597008": [ "Paracetamol blood measurement", "Paracetamol: blood level", "Acetaminophen blood measurement", "对乙酰氨基酚:血药浓度", "对乙酰氨基酚血液测量" ], "609210004": [ "Revision of amputation stump of ankle", "踝关节截肢残端修复术" ], "445370005": [ "Repair of partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection by baffle redirection to left atrium with attachment of systemic vein to atrial appendage", "通过将体静脉连接到心耳并将挡板重新定向至左心房来修复部分异常肺静脉连接" ], "117690004": [ "Corticotropin, big fragment measurement", "促皮质素,大片段测量" ], "1295503002": [ "Plain X-ray of liver with contrast", "肝脏造影 X 光检查" ], "443535005": [ "Positron emission tomography using nitrogen 13 ammonia with computed tomography myocardial rest study", "正电子发射断层扫描利用氮 13 氨与计算机断层扫描心肌静息研究" ], "392548000": [ "i70 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Solenopsis invicta specific IgE antibody measurement", "Fire ant specific IgE antibody measurement", "Solenopsis invicta specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "火蚁特异性IgE抗体测定", "i70 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "红火蚁特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "红火蚁特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "1178980000": [ "Duplex ultrasound scan of carotid artery", "Duplex ultrasonography of carotid artery", "Duplex ultrasound of carotid artery", "颈动脉双功能超声检查", "颈动脉双重超声扫描" ], "441700000": [ "Measurement of rifampin in serum specimen using high performance liquid chromatography", "高效液相色谱法测定血清标本中的利福平" ], "310628003": [ "Urine cocaine metabolite screening", "尿液可卡因代谢物筛查" ], "736612004": [ "Open trigeminal rhizotomy", "Open rhizotomy of trigeminal nerve", "三叉神经开放性切断术", "开放式三叉神经根切断术" ], "408932003": [ "Social network analysis education", "Teach social network analysis", "教授社交网络分析", "社会网络分析教育" ], "277860006": [ "Revision of first stage urethroplasty", "一期尿道成形术修复" ], "228708007": [ "Radiotherapy planning X-ray film", "Radiotherapy planning using diagnostic radiology", "放射治疗计划X光片", "使用诊断放射学进行放射治疗计划" ], "439865001": [ "Taking an impression for creation of custom definitive obturator prosthesis", "取模以制作定制的最终闭孔假体" ], "276025008": [ "Electrolyte regulation", "Electrolyte management", "电解质调节", "电解质管理" ], "716558001": [ "Insertion of tunneled peritoneal drain into peritoneal cavity using ultrasonographic guidance", "Insertion of tunnelled peritoneal drain into peritoneal cavity using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided insertion of tunneled peritoneal drain into peritoneal cavity", "Ultrasonography guided insertion of tunnelled peritoneal drain into peritoneal cavity", "超声引导下将隧道式腹腔引流管插入腹腔", "使用超声引导将隧道式腹腔引流管插入腹腔", "在超声引导下将隧道式腹腔引流管插入腹腔" ], "175886001": [ "Ligation of penile veins for impotence", "阴茎静脉结扎治疗阳痿" ], "405262001": [ "Point of care testing", "Point-of-care-testing", "POCT - Point of care testing", "POCT-- 即时检验", "即时诊断测试", "即时检验" ], "1289998004": [ "Education about depot contraception", "关于长效避孕药的教育" ], "241422005": [ "Whole body I131 counting", "全身I131计数" ], "239587003": [ "Amputation of finger through middle phalanx", "中节指骨截肢术" ], "75747009": [ "Revision of orbital implant outside muscle cone", "肌锥外眼眶植入物修复" ], "437841000124100": [ "Increased tyrosine diet", "增加酪氨酸饮食" ], "172216007": [ "Curettage of lesion of eyelid", "眼睑病变刮除术" ], "663121000124103": [ "Referral to community arts programme", "Referral to community arts program", "转介社区艺术项目", "推荐社区艺术项目" ], "55693001": [ "Lacrimal apparatus intubation for dilation", "泪道插管扩张术" ], "439121000124106": [ "Pureed diet", "糊状饮食" ], "170381002": [ "Administration of booster dose of vaccine product containing only Hepatitis A virus antigen", "Administration of booster dose of hepatitis A vaccine", "Hepatitis A booster immunization", "Hepatitis A booster immunisation", "Hepatitis A booster vaccination", "甲型肝炎加强疫苗接种", "甲型肝炎加强免疫", "仅含甲型肝炎病毒抗原的疫苗产品加强剂量接种", "甲型肝炎疫苗加强剂量注射" ], "711053004": [ "Assessment of risk for apnoea", "Assessment of risk for apnea", "呼吸暂停风险评估" ], "39309004": [ "Hemilaryngectomy", "半喉切除术" ], "252301006": [ "Urinary haemosiderin detection", "Urinary hemosiderin detection", "尿含铁血黄素检测" ], "104845009": [ "Osteonectin measurement", "骨粘连蛋白测量" ], "447074006": [ "Evacuation of haematoma of skin", "Evacuation of hematoma of skin", "皮肤血肿清除术" ], "250466007": [ "Viable colony count", "Viable colony count procedure", "活菌落计数", "活菌落计数程序" ], "53858008": [ "Biopsy of oropharynx", "口咽活检" ], "1217122008": [ "Reconstruction of bilateral breasts using bipedicle TRAM (transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous) flap", "Reconstruction of bilateral breasts using bipedicle transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap", "应用双蒂腹直肌肌皮瓣重建双侧乳房", "双蒂横型腹直肌肌皮瓣重建双侧乳房" ], "363319005": [ "Surgical repair of upper extremity", "Upper extremity surgical repair", "上肢手术修复" ], "1264439009": [ "Endoscopic ultrasonography guided cholecystoduodenostomy and insertion of stent", "Endoscopic ultrasound cholecystoduodenostomy and insertion of stent", "Cholecystoduodenostomy and insertion of stent using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) guided cholecystoduodenostomy and insertion of stent", "Anastomosis of gallbladder to duodenum and insertion of stent using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance", "Cholecystoduodenostomy using endoscopic ultrasonography guidance with stent insertion", "内镜超声引导胆囊十二指肠吻合术及支架置入术", "EUS(内镜超声)引导胆囊十二指肠造口术及支架插入术", "内镜超声引导下胆囊十二指肠吻合术及支架置入", "内镜超声胆囊十二指肠吻合术及支架置入术", "内镜超声引导下胆囊十二指肠吻合术及支架置入术", "内镜超声引导下胆囊十二指肠吻合及支架置入" ], "1036001": [ "Insertion of intravascular device in common iliac vein, complete", "髂总静脉内血管内装置插入,完成" ], "771084004": [ "Selective salpingography using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided selective salpingography", "荧光透视引导下进行选择性输卵管造影", "荧光透视引导下选择性输卵管造影术" ], "410636006": [ "Well child visit, 4 years", "4 岁儿童健康检查" ], "312332007": [ "Operation on the atrial septum", "房间隔手术" ], "228577001": [ "Role modelling technique", "Role modeling technique", "角色建模技术" ], "48353002": [ "Nursery gown technique", "婴儿服技术" ], "46518000": [ "Incision of hematoma of external ear", "Incision of haematoma of external ear", "外耳血肿切开术" ], "243126005": [ "Progestogen hormone therapy", "Progesterone therapy", "孕激素治疗", "孕酮治疗" ], "308662007": [ "Porcine mitral valve replacement", "猪二尖瓣置换术" ], "175755001": [ "Open exploration of artery", "动脉开放探查" ], "44683005": [ "Repair of malunion of metatarsal with bone graft", "骨移植修复跖骨畸形愈合" ], "241291005": [ "Radionuclide brain study with inhaled gases", "通过吸入气体进行放射性核素脑研究" ], "274059009": [ "Hand tendon operation", "手部肌腱手术" ], "306827009": [ "Low power laser therapy to hip", "髋关节低功率激光治疗" ], "239456003": [ "Division of intra-articular plica", "关节内皱襞分离" ], "26464002": [ "Orthotic bracing", "矫形支具" ], "304992005": [ "Application to periodontal pocket", "应用于牙周袋" ], "419680004": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of hepatic vein with contrast", "肝静脉荧光造影" ], "104714000": [ "Glycosaminoglycans measurement", "Glycosaminoglycans level", "糖胺聚糖水平", "糖胺聚糖测量" ], "252170002": [ "Volatile substance screening", "挥发性物质筛选" ], "432394003": [ "Repair of mitral valve using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下修复二尖瓣" ], "121098002": [ "Transparent tape method for fungal identification", "Transparent tape direct examination method for fungal identification", "透明胶带法真菌鉴定", "透明胶带直接检查真菌鉴定法" ], "170250008": [ "Child 3 month examination", "Infant screening at 3 months", "儿童3个月检查", "3 个月婴儿筛查" ], "709087001": [ "Drainage of floor of mouth", "口底引流" ], "446943002": [ "Measurement of Influenza A virus A/Port Chalmers/1/73 (H3N2) antibody", "甲型流感病毒 A/Port Chalmers/1/73 (H3N2) 抗体测量" ], "397791003": [ "Drainage of alveolar tooth abscess", "Drainage of dentoalveolar tooth abscess", "Drainage of apical abscess", "牙槽脓肿引流", "根尖脓肿引流" ], "266719004": [ "Oral chemotherapy", "口服化疗" ], "1231540002": [ "Load and shift test", "Load and shift test of shoulder", "负载和移位测试", "肩部负荷及移位试验" ], "314036004": [ "Plasma LDL cholesterol level", "Plasma LDL cholesterol measurement", "Plasma low density lipoprotein cholesterol measurement", "血浆低密度脂蛋白胆固醇测量", "血浆 LDL 胆固醇测量", "血浆 LDL 胆固醇水平" ], "166580005": [ "Serum haptoglobin measurement", "Serum haptoglobin level", "血清结合珠蛋白水平", "血清结合珠蛋白测量" ], "789172006": [ "Ultrasonography guided erector spinae plane block", "Erector spinae plane block using ultrasound guidance", "Erector spinae plane block using ultrasonography guidance", "Ultrasound guided erector spinae plane block", "ESP (erector spinae plane block) using ultrasound guidance", "Ultrasound guided local anesthetic erector spinae plane block", "Ultrasound guided local anaesthetic erector spinae plane block", "超声引导下的 ESP(竖脊肌平面阻滞)", "超声引导下局部麻醉竖脊肌平面阻滞", "超声引导下竖脊肌平面阻滞" ], "264884007": [ "Urinary cystotomy with fragmentation of ureteral calculus", "输尿管膀胱切开术治疗输尿管结石" ], "182964004": [ "Terminal care", "Caring for the dying", "End stage management", "末期管理", "照顾临终者", "临终护理" ], "772788006": [ "Assessment of risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus", "Assessment of risk of type II diabetes mellitus", "二型糖尿病风险评估", "2 型糖尿病风险评估" ], "426889002": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic submucosal resection of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "Fiberoptic endoscopic submucosal resection of lesion of upper gastrointestinal tract", "纤维内镜黏膜下切除术治疗上消化道病变" ], "443273008": [ "Measurement of vincristine", "长春新碱的测量" ], "48222002": [ "Closure of rectovaginal fistula by vaginal approach", "经阴道方法关闭直肠阴道瘘" ], "179294005": [ "Conversion to cemented total hip replacement", "转换为骨水泥全髋关节置换术" ], "13619001": [ "Thyroidectomy", "Thyroid gland excision", "Excision of thyroid gland", "甲状腺切除术" ], "308531003": [ "New patient screening call", "新患者筛查电话" ], "406835006": [ "Crystal ponceau stain method", "Crystal ponceau stain", "结晶丽春红染色法", "水晶丽春红染色" ], "177459009": [ "Reconstruction with local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y random pattern flap", "Reconstruction using local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y random pattern flap", "Local subcutaneous pedicle V-Y random pattern flap reconstruction", "局部皮下带蒂V-Y型随意瓣修复" ], "409491000119106": [ "CT of left tibia and fibula without contrast", "Computed tomography of left tibia and fibula without contrast", "左胫骨和腓骨无造影计算机断层扫描", "左胫骨和腓骨 CT 无造影" ], "175624003": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using prosthesis", "紧急用假体吻合股动脉至胫动脉以置换动脉瘤性股动脉" ], "16547731000119108": [ "Fluoroscopy guided diagnostic lumbar puncture", "Diagnostic lumbar puncture using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导进行诊断性腰椎穿刺", "透视引导诊断性腰椎穿刺" ], "16561811000119107": [ "MRI of internal auditory meatus without contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of internal auditory meatus without contrast", "内耳道非造影 MRI", "内耳道无造影磁共振成像" ], "241160007": [ "Small bowel meal", "SBM - Small bowel meal", "小肠餐", "SBM-- 小肠餐" ], "306696008": [ "Discharge to part III accommodation", "解除第三部分住宿" ], "239325007": [ "Harvest of bone graft from proximal femur", "Harvesting of bone graft from proximal femur", "从股骨近端获取骨移植" ], "237490000": [ "Mediastinoscopic thymectomy", "纵隔镜胸腺切除术" ], "73650002": [ "Transposition of vocal cords", "声带移位" ], "450482006": [ "Bypass of esophagus by interposition of jejunum", "Bypass of oesophagus by interposition of jejunum", "空肠介入食管绕道术" ], "71815002": [ "Removal of embolus", "Embolectomy", "栓塞切除术", "清除栓子" ], "710791003": [ "CT guided puncture and aspiration", "Puncture and aspiration using computed tomography guidance", "Paracentesis using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous computed tomography guided aspiration", "Aspiration using computed tomography guidance", "Needle puncture and aspiration using computed tomography guidance", "Percutaneous needle puncture and aspiration using computed tomography guidance", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行针刺和抽吸", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行抽吸", "CT 引导下穿刺抽吸", "经皮计算机断层扫描引导抽吸", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行穿刺和抽吸", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行腹腔穿刺", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行经皮穿刺和抽吸" ], "104583003": [ "HDL/total cholesterol ratio measurement", "HDL : total cholesterol ratio", "High density lipoprotein (HDL)/total cholesterol ratio measurement", "High density lipoprotein/total cholesterol ratio measurement", "HDL:总胆固醇比率", "高密度脂蛋白/总胆固醇比率测量", "高密度脂蛋白(HDL)/总胆固醇比率测量", "HDL/总胆固醇比率测量" ], "741724000": [ "Excision of right submaxillary gland", "Excision of right submandibular gland", "Right submandibular sialoadenectomy", "右下颌下涎腺切除术", "右颌下腺切除术" ], "53596000": [ "Debridement of spinal meninges", "脊髓膜清创术" ], "250204005": [ "T-lymphocyte precursor frequency", "T-lymphocyte precursor frequency measurement", "T淋巴细胞前体频率测量", "T淋巴细胞前体频率" ], "313905000": [ "240 minute serum GH level", "240 minute serum GH measurement", "240 minute serum growth hormone measurement", "240 分钟血清 GH 水平", "240 分钟血清生长激素测量", "240 分钟血清 GH 测量" ], "708956009": [ "Insertion of bone growth stimulator into fibula", "将骨生长刺激器插入腓骨" ], "37212008": [ "Trocar biopsy of bone, superficial", "浅表骨套管活检" ], "1231409006": [ "Revision of THA (total hip arthroplasty) using impaction bone graft", "Revision of THR (total hip replacement) using impaction bone graft", "Revision of total replacement of hip joint using impaction bone graft", "Revision of total arthroplasty of hip joint using impaction bone graft", "使用压入骨移植修复全髋关节置换术 (THR)", "使用压入骨移植修复全髋关节置换术 (THA)", "压入骨移植全髋关节置换术" ], "117297009": [ "Measurement of ratio of analyte fraction to total of fractions of same analyte", "测量分析物馏分与相同分析物馏分总量的比率" ], "361222003": [ "Wertheim-Meigs abdominal hysterectomy", "韦特海姆-梅格斯腹式子宫切除术" ], "1196806008": [ "Arthrotomy for infection with exploration and drainage of metacarpophalangeal joint", "关节切开术治疗感染并探查和引流掌指关节" ], "410374008": [ "Caretaking/parenting skills surveillance", "看护/育儿技能监测" ], "179163003": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of metatarsus", "跖骨骨折闭合复位" ], "46256000": [ "Reconstruction of toe for macrodactyly with bone resection", "巨指症骨切除重建术" ], "80859008": [ "Repair of fascia of hand by graft", "手部筋膜移植修复" ], "718000000": [ "Cone beam computed tomography of spine", "Cone beam CT of spine", "脊柱锥形束 CT", "脊柱锥形束计算机断层扫描" ], "392155009": [ "Care regimes education", "Teach health care", "教授医疗保健", "护理制度教育" ], "308400007": [ "Patient recall procedure", "病人回忆程序" ], "177328008": [ "Cryotherapy to lesion of skin of head or neck", "头部或颈部皮肤损伤的冷冻治疗" ], "439472009": [ "Passive cooling of patient", "患者的被动降温" ], "29872008": [ "Fine needle biopsy of thyroid", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of thyroid", "甲状腺细针活检", "甲状腺细针穿刺活检" ], "388485003": [ "Kiwi specific IgE antibody measurement", "Actinidia chinenesis specific IgE antibody measurement", "f84 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Actinidia chinenesis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "猕猴桃特异性IgE抗体测定", "猕猴桃特异性IgE抗体测量", "f84 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "猕猴桃特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "44421004": [ "Reduction of closed tarsal bone dislocation with percutaneous skeletal fixation", "经皮骨固定术治疗闭合性跗骨脱位" ], "241029005": [ "Recharging suction device on drain", "给排水管上的吸力装置充电" ], "306565006": [ "Discharge from clinical oncology service", "临床肿瘤科出院" ], "763482000": [ "Monitoring for stress", "压力监测" ], "1287770001": [ "Closure of subcutaneous tissue by suture", "缝合皮下组织" ], "697946005": [ "Puncture of liver", "肝脏穿刺" ], "1156698007": [ "Review of current supply of medication", "审查当前药品供应情况" ], "173658008": [ "Endoscopic laser destruction of lesion of oesophagus using rigid oesophagoscope", "Rigid esophagoscopy and laser", "Endoscopic laser destruction of lesion of esophagus using rigid esophagoscope", "Rigid oesophagoscopy and laser", "硬食管镜和激光", "硬食管镜内镜激光毁损术", "硬食管镜检查和激光", "硬式食管镜内镜激光毁损食管病变" ], "1255002008": [ "Shellfish free diet", "无贝类饮食" ], "6148000": [ "Chondrectomy of semilunar cartilage of knee", "Arthrectomy of knee for semilunar cartilage excision", "Excision of semilunar cartilage of knee", "Excision of meniscus of knee", "Meniscectomy of knee", "Meniscectomy", "膝半月软骨切除术", "半月板切除术", "膝关节半月板切除术", "膝关节半月软骨切除术" ], "104452000": [ "3-hydroxyisovalerate measurement", "3-羟基异戊酸测量" ], "235524001": [ "Gallbladder calculus procedure", "胆囊结石手术" ], "450351008": [ "Insertion of tube into duodenum", "Intubation of duodenum", "十二指肠插管", "将管插入十二指肠" ], "778031009": [ "Synovectomy of joint", "Excision of synovium of joint", "关节滑膜切除", "关节滑膜切除术" ], "22532005": [ "Training in Braille or Moon", "Embossed literature training", "盲文或月亮文培训", "浮雕文学培训" ], "88068008": [ "Alpha-fucosidase measurement", "α-岩藻糖苷酶测量" ], "53465007": [ "Microbial identification, automated and semiautomated methods", "微生物鉴定,自动化和半自动化方法" ], "250073009": [ "Suture of broad ligament of uterus", "子宫阔韧带缝合术" ], "395694002": [ "Specialist palliative care treatment - daycare", "专科姑息治疗 - 日托" ], "313774006": [ "Plasma lipoprotein A level", "Plasma lipoprotein A measurement", "血浆脂蛋白 A 测量", "血浆脂蛋白 A 水平" ], "49795001": [ "Pneumonectomy", "Total pneumonectomy", "全肺切除术", "肺切除术" ], "66179003": [ "Superficial biopsy of soft tissue of flank", "腰部软组织浅表活检" ], "115331005": [ "ANAE score", "Alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase stain method", "Naphthol AS D esterase", "Naphthol AS D chloroacetate esterase", "Alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase stain", "萘酚AS D酯酶", "α-萘乙酸酯酶染色法", "萘酚AS D氯乙酸酯酶", "α-萘乙酸酯酶染色", "ANAE 评分" ], "443011008": [ "Closure of superficial wound dehiscence", "缝合表皮伤口裂开" ], "410243008": [ "Ear wax removal management", "Manage wax removal", "耳垢清除管理", "管理蜡的去除" ], "277336003": [ "Stenger test using audiometer", "使用听力计进行 Stenger 测试" ], "13357006": [ "Injection of urethra", "尿道注射" ], "306434000": [ "Discharge by clinical molecular geneticist", "临床分子遗传学家出院" ], "27906002": [ "Reconstruction of ossicles by graft or prosthesis", "通过移植物或假体重建听小骨" ], "290050007": [ "Eating practice", "饮食习惯" ], "173527000": [ "Manipulative removal of calculus from submandibular duct", "手法去除颌下管结石" ], "765186008": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of vascular structure of hand", "Doppler ultrasound of vascular structure of hand", "Doppler ultrasound scan of vascular structure of hand", "手部血管结构的多普勒超声检查", "手部血管结构的多普勒超声扫描" ], "386519006": [ "Aspiration precautions", "吸入预防措施" ], "384684002": [ "Removal of cardiac pacemaker with replacement by single-chamber device, rate-responsive", "Replacement of any type of pacemaker device with single-chamber device, rate-responsive", "用单腔装置、频率反应型起搏器装置替换任何类型的起搏器装置", "移除心脏起搏器并用频率反应型单腔装置代替" ], "171692002": [ "Removal of lesion of brain meninges", "Extirpation of lesion of meninges of brain", "脑膜损伤切除术", "脑膜损伤摘除术" ], "57004004": [ "Beta lactamase induction susceptibility test", "β-内酰胺酶诱导药敏试验" ], "448385000": [ "Megavoltage radiation therapy using photons", "使用光子的兆伏放射治疗" ], "104321002": [ "Herpes simplex type 1 antibody assay", "Serologic test for Herpes simplex virus type I", "Measurement of Human herpesvirus 1 antibody", "人类疱疹病毒 1 型抗体测量", "单纯疱疹病毒 I 型血清学检测", "1型单纯疱疹抗体检测" ], "235393003": [ "Drainage of anorectal abscess", "Drainage of rectoanal abscess", "直肠肛门脓肿引流", "肛门直肠脓肿引流" ], "432001005": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of buttock", "Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of buttock", "MRI of buttock", "臀部磁共振成像 (MRI)", "臀部磁共振成像", "臀部 MRI" ], "22401006": [ "Bone graft to nose", "鼻骨移植" ], "1234817009": [ "Changing of drainage bag", "Replacement of drainage bag", "更换引流袋" ], "413782005": [ "CD1a count", "CD1a 计数" ], "708694007": [ "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of bone marrow using imaging guidance", "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of bone marrow", "使用影像引导进行经皮骨髓细针穿刺活检", "影像引导下经皮骨髓细针穿刺活检" ], "313643000": [ "Epstein-Barr virus IgM antibody level", "Epstein-Barr virus IgM antibody measurement", "Epstein-Barr virus immunoglobulin M antibody measurement", "EB病毒免疫球蛋白M抗体测定", "EB 病毒 IgM 抗体测量", "EB 病毒 IgM 抗体水平" ], "118870009": [ "Procedure on ovary", "卵巢手术" ], "397398007": [ "Catheterisation of bronchus with lavage", "Catheterization of bronchus with lavage", "支气管插管灌洗" ], "84267003": [ "Hysterotomy with removal of foreign body", "子宫切开术去除异物" ], "233558007": [ "Dilutional exchange transfusion", "稀释性换血" ], "428331007": [ "European beech specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Fagus sylvatica specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Fagus sylvatica specific IgE antibody measurement", "European beech specific IgE antibody measurement", "水青冈特异性IgE抗体测定", "水青冈特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "欧洲山毛榉特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "欧洲山毛榉特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "442880006": [ "Insertion of catheter with venous sampling", "插入静脉取样导管" ], "410112008": [ "Compliance care management", "Manage compliance care", "管理合规护理", "合规护理管理" ], "719573001": [ "Stereotactic X-ray guided vacuum assisted excision of lesion of breast", "Vacuum assisted excision of lesion of breast using stereotactic X-ray guidance", "立体定向X线引导下乳腺病灶真空辅助切除术", "立体定向X线引导下乳腺病灶真空切除术" ], "391893003": [ "Manipulation of oxygen dynamics", "操控氧气动力学" ], "408277005": [ "APTT inhibitor screening test", "Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) inhibitor screening test", "Activated partial thromboplastin time inhibitor screening test", "APTT 抑制剂筛选试验", "活化部分凝血活酶时间 (APTT) 抑制剂筛查试验", "活化部分凝血活酶时间抑制剂筛选试验" ], "178901006": [ "Excision of cross-union of bone", "骨交叉融合切除术" ], "439210007": [ "Measurement of gentamicin in random specimen", "随机样本庆大霉素测定" ], "306303000": [ "Referral to dental surgeon", "转诊至牙科医生" ], "717738008": [ "Peritoneal dialysis care assessment", "腹膜透析护理评估" ], "765055004": [ "Implantation of intracardiac electrode", "心内电极植入" ], "76927004": [ "Radioisotope study of genitourinary system", "Radionuclide study of genitourinary system", "泌尿生殖系统放射性同位素研究", "泌尿生殖系统放射性核素研究" ], "1287508005": [ "Removal of foreign body from alveolar bone", "Removal of foreign body from alveolar process", "去除牙槽突异物", "去除牙槽骨中的异物" ], "288084007": [ "Infected tissue surgical toilet", "感染组织手术厕所" ], "304468009": [ "Interrupted direct current to pelvis", "骨盆直流电流中断" ], "386388009": [ "Peripheral sensation management", "周围感觉管理" ], "73257006": [ "Peritoneal dialysis catheter maintenance", "腹膜透析导管维护" ], "269865006": [ "Serum aminophylline measurement", "Serum aminophylline level", "血清氨茶碱测定", "血清氨茶碱水平" ], "122409007": [ "Mycobacterium tuberculosis rRNA assay", "Mycobacterium tuberculosis ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "结核分枝杆菌核糖体核糖核酸测定", "结核分枝杆菌 rRNA 检测" ], "235262002": [ "FB - Removal duodenal foreign body", "Removal of foreign body from duodenum", "十二指肠异物取出", "FB - 十二指肠异物取出" ], "104190003": [ "Source specific culture", "特定源文化" ], "169726004": [ "Antenatal 41 week examination", "产前41周检查" ], "431870006": [ "Fluoroscopy of neck", "颈部透视检查" ], "53203000": [ "Electroencephalographic biofeedback, alpha wave", "EEG biofeedback, alpha wave", "脑电生物反馈,α波" ], "413651001": [ "Bioptics", "生物光学" ], "315347005": [ "Cystoscopic injection of bupivacaine into ureter", "膀胱镜输尿管注射布比卡因" ], "233427008": [ "Embolisation of vein of Galen", "Embolization of vein of Galen", "盖伦静脉栓塞术" ], "184275008": [ "Death notification from hospital", "医院的死亡通知" ], "1263784000": [ "Radioligand therapy using lutetium (177-Lu) labeled prostate specific membrane antigen-617", "Radioligand therapy using lutetium (177-Lu) labelled prostate specific membrane antigen-617", "Radioligand therapy using lutetium (177-Lu) vipivotide tetraxetan", "Radioligand therapy using lutetium (Lu-177) vipivotide tetraxetan", "使用镥(Lu-177)vipivotide tetraxetan 的放射性配体治疗", "使用镥(177-Lu)标记的前列腺特异性膜抗原-617 进行放射性配体治疗", "使用镥(177-Lu)vipivotide tetraxetan 的放射性配体治疗" ], "34984003": [ "Incisional biopsy of rectum", "直肠切开活检" ], "231592004": [ "Lateral canthoplasty", "外眼角整形术" ], "313512000": [ "Wasp venom IgG level", "Wasp venom IgG measurement", "Wasp venom immunoglobulin G measurement", "黄蜂毒液免疫球蛋白G测量", "黄蜂毒液 IgG 测量", "黄蜂毒液 IgG 水平" ], "118739009": [ "Procedure on muscle", "肌肉手术" ], "16765001": [ "Excision of lesion of auricle of ear, radical", "Excision of lesion of pinna, radical", "耳廓病变切除术、根治性", "耳廓病变切除术,根治性" ], "311677003": [ "Swallowing promotion therapy", "Swallowing therapy", "吞咽促进疗法", "吞咽治疗" ], "33149006": [ "Pancreatectomy", "Pancreas excision", "Excision of pancreas", "胰腺切除术" ], "178770004": [ "Exploration of soft tissue of hand", "手部软组织探查" ], "14930005": [ "Interposition operation for uterine suspension", "子宫悬吊术" ], "127783003": [ "Spirometry", "肺量测定" ], "275239006": [ "Shouldice repair of inguinal hernia", "腹股沟疝修补术" ], "699388000": [ "Euthanasia education, guidance and counselling", "Euthanasia education, guidance and counseling", "安乐死教育、指导和咨询" ], "306172004": [ "Referral to hospital physiotherapy service", "Referral to hospital-based physiotherapy service", "转介至医院物理治疗服务" ], "386257007": [ "Dementia management", "痴呆症管理" ], "122278000": [ "Calicivirus identification", "杯状病毒鉴定" ], "236966000": [ "Cervical ripening with Prostaglandin E2", "前列腺素 E2 促进宫颈成熟" ], "56742005": [ "Irrigation of pancreatic tube", "胰管灌洗" ], "448123003": [ "Bypass of popliteal artery by anastomosis of popliteal artery to tibial artery using prosthesis", "腘动脉旁路移植术:利用假体将腘动脉吻合至胫动脉" ], "726651003": [ "Amputation of bilateral great toes", "双侧大脚趾截肢" ], "104059003": [ "PP>112<) measurement", "5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (reduced flavin adenine dinucleotide) measurement", "5,10-亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶 (FADH>2<) 测量", "5,10-亚甲基四氢叶酸还原酶(还原黄素腺嘌呤二核苷酸)测量" ], "301063009": [ "Hair bearing graft of skin to skin", "带毛发的皮肤至皮肤移植" ], "446684002": [ "Biopsy of orbit proper", "眼眶活检" ], "86236002": [ "Circulating anticoagulant assay", "Clotting factor inhibitor assay", "Circulating inhibitor assay", "Coagulation inhibitor test", "循环抗凝测定", "凝血抑制剂检测", "凝血因子抑制剂检测", "循环抑制剂测定" ], "69852004": [ "Manipulation of salivary duct", "涎管操作" ], "397532009": [ "Driving visual field examination", "Driver visual field examination", "Visual field examination for driving", "驾驶视野检查", "驾驶员视野检查" ], "35249003": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of face", "MRI of face", "面部 MRI", "面部磁共振成像" ], "18865003": [ "Closed reduction of malar and zygomatic fracture", "颧骨颧骨骨折闭合复位" ], "313777004": [ "Serum beta-carotene level", "Serum beta-carotene measurement", "血清β-胡萝卜素测量", "血清β-胡萝卜素水平" ], "182705007": [ "Tension pneumothorax relief", "张力性气胸缓解" ], "443014000": [ "Lengthening of tendon of ankle", "踝部肌腱延长" ], "395697009": [ "Cardiac rehabilitation - phase 2", "Cardiac rehabilitation-phase 2", "心脏康复-2 期", "心脏康复-第二阶段" ], "410246000": [ "Skin breakdown control assessment", "Assess skin breakdown control", "皮肤破损控制评估", "评估皮肤破损控制" ], "770694003": [ "Drainage of pelvis using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of pelvis", "透视引导下盆腔引流", "在荧光透视引导下进行骨盆引流" ], "179035002": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture and internal fixation with screw(s)", "一期切开复位骨折并用螺钉固定" ], "80731003": [ "Culture of semen", "精液培养" ], "392027008": [ "Anal fissurectomy", "Excision of anal fissure", "Excision of fissure of anus", "肛裂切除术" ], "439344003": [ "Cluster of differentiation antigen 38 (CD38) percentage count procedure", "Cluster of differentiation antigen 38 percentage count procedure", "分化抗原簇 38 百分比计数程序", "分化抗原簇 38 (CD38) 百分比计数程序" ], "177200004": [ "Instrumental removal of products of conception from delivered uterus", "使用器械从分娩子宫中取出妊娠产物" ], "716037003": [ "Task adaptation", "任务适应" ], "306437007": [ "Discharge by infectious diseases physician", "传染病医生出院" ], "107994000": [ "Operative procedure on hematopoietic system", "Operative procedure on haematopoietic system", "造血系统手术" ], "175365009": [ "Intracranial bypass to carotid artery", "颈动脉颅内搭桥术" ], "1304026006": [ "Endoscopic suturing of pharynx", "内镜咽部缝合术" ], "1172954007": [ "Evaluation of infant formula feeding", "婴儿配方奶粉喂养评价" ], "386522008": [ "Overactivity/inattention behaviour management", "Overactivity/inattention behavior management", "Behaviour management: overactivity/inattention", "Behavior management: overactivity/inattention", "行为管理:过度活跃/注意力不集中", "过度活跃/注意力不集中行为管理" ], "171695000": [ "Extirpation of lesion of meninges of subfrontal region of brain", "脑额下区脑膜损伤摘除术" ], "827055000": [ "Fluorescence imaging of eye", "眼睛荧光成像" ], "40623004": [ "Methsuximide measurement", "甲砜胺测量" ], "55172000": [ "Visual training", "Visual re-education", "视觉再教育", "视觉训练" ], "432004002": [ "Ultrasonography of scalp", "Ultrasonography (US) of scalp", "头皮超声检查" ], "104324005": [ "Parvovirus antibody assay", "Serologic test for Parvovirus", "Measurement of Parvovirus antibody", "细小病毒血清学检测", "细小病毒抗体测定", "细小病毒抗体检测" ], "235396006": [ "Excision of condylomata acuminatum", "Excision of condyloma acuminatum", "尖锐湿疣切除术" ], "708697000": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of liver", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of liver using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮肝脏细针穿刺活检" ], "331865000": [ "Suture of common bile duct", "胆总管缝合" ], "118873006": [ "Procedure on epididymis", "附睾手术" ], "413785007": [ "CD3/CD4/CD8 count", "CD3+CD4+CD8+ count", "Count of cells positive for CD3 antigen and CD4 antigen and CD8 antigen", "CD3/CD4/CD8 计数", "CD3+CD4+CD8+ 计数", "CD3 抗原、CD4 抗原和 CD8 抗原阳性细胞计数" ], "18734000": [ "Local destruction of lesion of joint", "Destruction of lesion of joint", "关节病变局部破坏", "关节病变破坏" ], "446553008": [ "Determination of susceptibility of Human immunodeficiency virus 1 to panel of antiretroviral drugs using phenotypic technique", "HIV 1 phenotyping", "Human immunodeficiency virus 1 phenotyping", "使用表型技术确定人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 对抗逆转录病毒药物的敏感性", "HIV 1 表型", "人类免疫缺陷病毒 1 表型" ], "233561008": [ "Percutaneous intravascular fetal blood transfusion", "Percutaneous intravascular foetal blood transfusion", "经皮血管内胎儿输血" ], "410115005": [ "Management of dietary compliance", "Manage compliance with diet", "管理饮食合规性", "饮食依从性管理" ], "705027007": [ "Assessment using stroke impact scale version 3.0", "使用中风影响量表 3.0 版进行评估" ], "442883008": [ "Postoperative percutaneous removal of stone of bile duct using radiologic guidance", "放射学引导下胆管术后经皮取石术" ], "391896006": [ "Therapeutic abortion by aspiration curettage", "Therapeutic termination of pregnancy by aspiration curettage", "吸宫术终止妊娠治疗", "吸宫术治疗性流产" ], "44162000": [ "Excision of bronchial lymph nodes", "支气管淋巴结切除术" ], "29613008": [ "Delivery by double application of forceps", "双产钳分娩" ], "62381009": [ "Water load test", "Water loading test", "水负荷试验" ], "76930006": [ "Ophthalmic echography, immersion B-scan", "眼科超声心动图、浸没式 B 扫描" ], "306306008": [ "Referral to restorative dentist", "转诊至修复牙医" ], "304471001": [ "Interrupted direct current to knee", "中断膝盖直流电" ], "288087000": [ "Resuture wound", "缝合伤口" ], "1254743005": [ "Robotic assisted bronchoscopy", "Bronchoscopy using robotic assistance", "Bronchoscopy with robot assistance", "机器人辅助支气管镜检查", "使用机器人辅助进行支气管镜检查" ], "173399009": [ "Repair of defect of palate with flap of palate", "腭瓣修复腭部缺损" ], "386391009": [ "Preceptoring: employee", "Preceptor: employee", "指导:员工", "导师:员工" ], "122412005": [ "Mycoplasma synoviae DNA assay", "Mycoplasma synoviae deoxyribonucleic acid assay", "滑液支原体脱氧核糖核酸检测", "滑液支原体 DNA 检测" ], "56876005": [ "Drug rehabilitation and detoxification", "戒毒和戒毒" ], "235265000": [ "Snare resection of duodenum", "十二指肠圈套切除术" ], "269868008": [ "Serum sodium valproate measurement", "Serum sodium valproate level", "血清丙戊酸钠水平", "血清丙戊酸钠测定" ], "104193001": [ "Bacterial culture, urine, with colony count", "尿液细菌培养及菌落计数" ], "55041002": [ "Removal of foreign body from nerve", "去除神经中的异物" ], "233430001": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of axillary vein", "经皮腋静脉血栓溶解术" ], "118742003": [ "Procedure on bursa", "滑囊手术" ], "446422009": [ "Measurement of Influenza A virus A/Bangkok/1/79 (H3N2) antibody", "甲型流感病毒 A/Bangkok/1/79 (H3N2) 抗体测量" ], "231595002": [ "Laser therapy to lesion of eyelid", "眼睑损伤的激光治疗" ], "313515003": [ "24 hour urine amylase output measurement", "24 hour urine amylase output", "24 小时尿淀粉酶测定", "24小时尿淀粉酶排出量" ], "18603005": [ "Time kill assay test", "时间杀灭试验" ], "311680002": [ "Facilitating initiation of swallowing exercises", "促进开始吞咽练习" ], "178773002": [ "Exploratory thoracic laminectomy", "探查性胸椎椎板切除术" ], "80469007": [ "Arthroplasty of shoulder for recurrent dislocation", "Repair of recurrent dislocation of shoulder", "复发性肩关节脱位的修复", "复发性肩关节脱位的关节置换术" ], "275242000": [ "Lotheissen repair of femoral hernia", "洛特森股疝修补术" ], "127786006": [ "Tetanus vaccination", "Tetanus immunization", "Tetanus immunisation", "Administration of tetanus vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Clostridium tetani antigen", "注射破伤风疫苗", "接种仅含破伤风梭菌抗原的疫苗产品", "破伤风疫苗接种", "破伤风免疫" ], "306175002": [ "Referral to hospital speech and language therapy service", "Referral to hospital-based speech and language therapy service", "转介至医院言语及语言治疗服务" ], "273407003": [ "RST - Rapid screening test", "Rapid screening test", "RST - 快速筛查测试", "快速筛查检测" ], "764927007": [ "Revision of posterior fusion of atlantoaxial joint", "寰枢关节后路融合术" ], "386260000": [ "Diarrhoea care", "Diarrhea care", "Diarrhoea management", "Diarrhea management", "腹泻管理", "腹泻护理" ], "175103009": [ "Inspection of valve of heart", "心脏瓣膜检查" ], "763092002": [ "Closure of urethral fistula with preputial flap", "Closure of urethral fistula using preputial flap", "包皮瓣缝合尿道瘘" ], "417193000": [ "Magnesium ammonium phosphate level", "Magnesium ammonium phosphate measurement", "磷酸镁铵测量", "磷酸镁铵级" ], "744873003": [ "Colistin desensitisation therapy", "Colistin desensitization therapy", "粘菌素脱敏疗法", "粘菌素脱敏治疗" ], "122281005": [ "Enterovirus identification", "肠道病毒鉴定" ], "236969007": [ "Acupuncture for induction of labour", "Acupuncture for induction of labor", "针灸催产" ], "431742000": [ "Percutaneous nephrolithotomy using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮肾镜取石术" ], "104062000": [ "Direct antiglobulin test, polyspecific reagent", "直接抗球蛋白试验,多特异性试剂" ], "38526002": [ "Vaginoscopy with biopsy of cervix", "阴道镜检查及宫颈活检" ], "36691000": [ "Labyrinthotomy, membranous", "迷路切开术,膜状" ], "233299000": [ "Endarterectomy of brachial artery", "肱动脉内膜切除术" ], "84008003": [ "Beta lactamase, iodometric susceptibility test", "β-内酰胺酶碘量药敏试验" ], "276946001": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of crural artery", "经皮股动脉内膜切除术" ], "719314001": [ "Assessment using National Adult Reading Test", "Assessment using NART (National Adult Reading Test)", "使用国家成人阅读测试进行评估", "使用 NART(全国成人阅读测试)进行评估" ], "897703001": [ "Laparoscopic extended right hemihepatectomy", "Laparoscopic extended right hepatectomy", "腹腔镜扩大右半肝切除术", "腹腔镜扩大右肝切除术" ], "225959002": [ "Checking position of urinary catheter", "检查导尿管位置" ], "12967003": [ "Nursing ward administrative procedure", "护理病房行政程序" ], "373415004": [ "Implantation of posterior chamber intraocular lens", "Posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation", "后房型人工晶状体植入术" ], "406183007": [ "Self-hypnosis facilitation", "自我催眠促进" ], "27516000": [ "Division of tendon of hand", "Incision of tendon of hand with division", "Transection of tendon of hand", "手部肌腱分割", "手部肌腱横断", "手部肌腱切开术" ], "733863009": [ "Assessment of readiness for self-management", "评估自我管理的准备情况" ], "76668005": [ "Diphtheria immunization", "Diphtheria vaccination", "Diphtheria immunisation", "Administration of diphtheria vaccine", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Corynebacterium diphtheriae antigen", "白喉疫苗接种", "接种仅含白喉棒状杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "白喉免疫" ], "371580005": [ "Assessment of past history", "既往病史评估" ], "60284007": [ "Immunoreactive insulin measurement", "免疫反应性胰岛素测量" ], "306044009": [ "Referral by stoma nurse", "Referral from stoma nurse", "Referral by stomatherapist", "Referral from stomatherapist", "造口护士转诊", "口腔治疗师转诊", "口腔治疗师推荐" ], "1303633002": [ "Excision of aneurysmal bone cyst", "动脉瘤性骨囊肿切除术" ], "56614001": [ "Repair of fistula involving bladder and intestine", "Repair of enterovesical fistula", "Repair of intestinovesical fistula", "Repair of vesicoenteric fistula", "Closure of enterovesical fistula", "Repair of fistula involving urinary bladder and intestine", "膀胱和肠道瘘的修复", "肠膀胱瘘管缝合", "膀胱及肠道瘘的修复", "肠膀胱瘘的修复", "膀胱肠瘘修复" ], "171302002": [ "Adult screening", "成人筛查" ], "122150006": [ "Yersinia enterocolitica 08 antibody assay", "Measurement of Yersinia enterocolitica type O:8 antibody", "小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌 08 抗体检测", "小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌O:8型抗体的测定" ], "431611001": [ "Embolisation using computed tomography guidance", "Embolization using computed tomography guidance", "Embolization using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Embolisation using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "CT guided embolization", "CT guided embolisation", "CT引导下栓塞", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行栓塞", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行栓塞" ], "236838009": [ "Drainage of vulval abscess", "外阴脓肿引流" ], "71163001": [ "Echography of abdomen, B-scan, complete", "腹部超声检查,B 超,完整" ], "447995003": [ "Removal of prostatic stent", "移除前列腺支架" ], "103931005": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from Chido/Rodgers system (ISBT 017)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Chido/Rodgers system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 017)", "血型、红细胞抗原来自 Chido/Rodgers 系统 (ISBT 017)", "血型、红细胞抗原来自 Chido/Rodgers 系统(国际输血协会 017)" ], "710139008": [ "Promoting bladder routine", "Promotion of bladder routine", "Promotion of urinary bladder routine", "促进排尿习惯", "促进排尿常规", "促进膀胱常规" ], "20176002": [ "Binnie operation, hepatopexy", "Binnie 手术、肝固定术" ], "429776003": [ "Replacement of lateral canthal tendon using periosteal strip", "骨膜条置换外眦肌腱" ], "118480003": [ "Application of cast", "石膏的应用" ], "446160006": [ "Excisional biopsy of lipoma of knee", "膝关节脂肪瘤切除活检" ], "233168007": [ "Corridor operation", "走廊运营" ], "83877004": [ "Phlebogoniostomy", "静脉造口术" ], "231333006": [ "Subconjunctival infiltration", "结膜下浸润" ], "1163386000": [ "Management of modular plant fibre formula component in breastmilk", "Management of modular plant fiber formula component in breastmilk", "母乳中模块化植物纤维配方成分的管理" ], "229498008": [ "Superficial frictions", "表面摩擦" ], "391503001": [ "Urine immunofixation", "尿液免疫固定试验" ], "442490009": [ "Removal of etonogestrel implant", "依托孕烯植入物的移除" ], "14671001": [ "Thoracoscopy", "Transpleural thoracoscopy", "经胸膜胸腔镜检查", "胸腔镜检查" ], "438820000": [ "Biopsy of kidney using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided biopsy of kidney", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行肾脏活检", "CT引导下肾脏活检" ], "112975008": [ "Operation on the inner ear", "Inner ear procedure", "Inner ear operation", "内耳手术" ], "274980000": [ "Open ringing of left fallopian tube", "左侧输卵管环开放" ], "12836004": [ "Autobac series II system test", "Autobac 系列 II 系统测试" ], "717348008": [ "Cone beam CT guided aspiration of lower limb", "Aspiration of lower limb using cone beam computed tomography guidance", "锥形束CT引导下肢穿刺", "锥形束 CT 引导下进行下肢穿刺" ], "1290788008": [ "Plain X-ray of condyle of mandible, posteroanterior", "Plain X-ray of condyloid process of mandible, posteroanterior", "下颌骨髁、后前位的普通 X 光检查", "下颌骨髁突、后前位的普通 X 光检查" ], "830201002": [ "Connectomic imaging", "连接组学成像" ], "764665003": [ "PET CT of brain using fluorodexoxyglucose (18-F)", "Positron emission tomography with computed tomography of brain using fluorodeoxyglucose (18-F)", "使用氟脱氧葡萄糖进行脑部 PET CT 检查 (18-F)", "使用氟脱氧葡萄糖 (18-F) 进行脑正电子发射断层扫描和计算机断层扫描" ], "174841008": [ "Revision of closure of defect of atrioventricular septum", "房室隔缺损修复术" ], "173006001": [ "Implantation of artificial voicebox into larynx", "将人工声带植入喉部" ], "305913009": [ "Referral from audiologist", "Referral by audiologist", "听力学家转诊", "听力学家推荐" ], "58318004": [ "Bile solubility test", "胆汁溶解度试验" ], "418766006": [ "Fluoroscopic retrograde pyelography", "荧光逆行肾盂造影" ], "9166009": [ "Injection of anaesthetic substance, diagnostic, subarachnoid, continuous", "Injection of anesthetic substance, diagnostic, subarachnoid, continuous", "注射麻醉物质,诊断性,蛛网膜下腔,连续" ], "122019006": [ "Legionella longbeachae 2 antibody assay", "Measurement of Legionella longbeachae serogroup 2 antibody", "长滩军团菌 2 型抗体检测", "长滩军团菌 2 抗体检测" ], "56483007": [ "Bassett operation for vulvectomy with inguinal lymph node dissection", "巴塞特手术,即外阴切除术和腹股沟淋巴结清扫术" ], "284024000": [ "Continuous auscultation monitoring", "Heart tone monitoring", "Breath sound monitoring", "呼吸音监测", "心音监测", "持续听诊监测" ], "302243009": [ "Humanistic and integrative therapy", "人文主义和整合疗法" ], "54648002": [ "Manipulation of skin of upper extremity", "上肢皮肤处理" ], "120184002": [ "Mesentery closure", "肠系膜闭合" ], "103800002": [ "Coagulation factor assay", "Coagulation pathway factor assay", "Coagulation system factor assay", "凝血因子测定", "凝血系统因子测定", "凝血途径因子检测" ], "234872004": [ "Adjust orthodontic screw", "调整矫正螺丝" ], "169336005": [ "External beam with chemotherapy", "External beam radiation therapy with chemotherapy", "外照射联合化疗", "外照射放射治疗与化疗" ], "185720008": [ "Hypertension monitoring second letter", "高血压监测第二封信" ], "447864009": [ "Radionuclide whole body scan using thallium Tl^201^", "Whole body scan using thallium Tl^201^", "使用铊 Tl^201^ 进行全身扫描", "使用铊 Tl^201^ 进行放射性核素全身扫描" ], "429645004": [ "One stage insertion of fixture for bone anchored hearing aid", "一次性插入骨锚式助听器固定装置" ], "233037005": [ "Operation to close an interatrial communication", "关闭心房间通讯的手术" ], "183885007": [ "Private referral to obstetrician", "产科医生的私人转诊" ], "395042000": [ "Serum nortriptyline level", "血清去甲替林水平" ], "313122002": [ "Provision of Piedro shoes", "提供 Piedro 鞋" ], "231202006": [ "Local anesthetic ring block of penis", "Local anaesthetic ring block of penis", "LA - Local anesthetic ring block of penis", "Ring block of penis", "LA - Local anaesthetic ring block of penis", "LA - 阴茎局部麻醉环阻滞", "阴茎局麻环阻滞", "阴茎局部麻醉环阻滞", "阴茎环块" ], "16375001": [ "Ligation of venous connection between anomalous vein and left innominate vein", "异常静脉与左无名静脉间静脉连接结扎术" ], "1148706009": [ "Transsphenoidal partial excision of tumor of pituitary gland", "Transsphenoidal partial excision of tumour of pituitary gland", "Transsphenoidal partial excision of neoplasm of pituitary gland", "经蝶窦入路垂体肿瘤部分切除术", "经蝶窦垂体肿瘤部分切除术" ], "229367005": [ "Physiological mobilization of the intercarpal joints", "Physiological mobilisation of the intercarpal joints", "腕骨间关节的生理活动" ], "1163255009": [ "Medical food supplement therapy for inadequate intake of plant fiber", "Medical food supplement therapy for inadequate intake of plant fibre", "植物纤维摄入不足的医疗食品补充疗法" ], "440524004": [ "Oscillating tracking test with recording", "带记录的振荡跟踪测试" ], "391372006": [ "24 hour urine homovanillylmandelic acid output", "24小时尿液高香草基扁桃酸排出量" ], "225697000": [ "Covering eye", "Protecting eye", "保护眼睛", "遮住眼睛" ], "174710004": [ "Left pancreatectomy and drainage of pancreatic duct", "左胰腺切除及胰管引流" ], "698998005": [ "Lymphedema follow up assessment", "Lymphoedema follow up assessment", "淋巴水肿随访评估" ], "1010294005": [ "Open occlusion of right fallopian tube", "右侧输卵管开放性阻塞" ], "385867000": [ "Emergency treatment education", "Teach emergency care", "教授紧急护理", "急救处理教育" ], "10870009": [ "Repair of atrial septal defect in total repair of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection", "全肺静脉异位引流术中房间隔缺损的修复" ], "713547001": [ "Angioplasty of peroneal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of peroneal artery with contrast", "荧光透视引导下腓动脉造影血管成形术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行腓动脉血管成形术" ], "287563006": [ "Surgical biopsy of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织手术活检" ], "252960003": [ "McCormick toy test", "MTT - McCormick toy test", "MTT——McCormick 玩具测试", "McCormick 玩具测试" ], "1137696006": [ "Chemoprevention", "化学预防" ], "171040007": [ "Health education on cervical cytology", "Cervical cytology education", "Advice on cervical cytology", "宫颈细胞学健康教育", "宫颈细胞学教育", "宫颈细胞学检查建议" ], "72736008": [ "Musculoskeletal exercise, passive", "被动肌肉骨骼锻炼" ], "121888009": [ "2-Oxoisovalerate measurement", "2-氧代异戊酸测量" ], "120053002": [ "Fallopian tube excision", "Salpingectomy", "输卵管切除", "输卵管切除术" ], "447733002": [ "Epiphysiodesis of tibia", "Arrest of bone growth of tibia", "胫骨骨骺固定术", "胫骨骨骼生长停止" ], "431349006": [ "Marking of skin using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Marking of skin using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声波(美国)引导标记皮肤", "使用超声波引导标记皮肤" ], "70901006": [ "Creatinine measurement", "肌酐测量" ], "234741008": [ "Veneer preparation of tooth", "Vprep - Veneer preparation of tooth", "Vprep - 牙齿贴面准备", "牙齿贴面准备" ], "232906000": [ "Excision of vegetations from atrioventricular valve", "房室瓣赘生物切除术" ], "185589008": [ "Rubella injection - first call", "风疹注射 - 首次呼叫" ], "118218001": [ "Cell count", "细胞计数" ], "265674004": [ "Hair bearing graft of skin to skin of scalp", "带毛发的皮肤移植至头皮皮肤" ], "413130000": [ "Alcohol disorder monitoring", "酒精紊乱监测" ], "394911000": [ "Wire guided wide local excision of breast lump under radiological control", "放射线控制下导丝引导乳腺肿块局部扩大切除术" ], "231071008": [ "Decompression of anterior interosseous nerve in forearm", "前臂骨间前神经减压术" ], "868212005": [ "CT of chest and upper abdomen", "Computed tomography of chest and upper abdomen", "胸部和上腹部 CT", "胸部和上腹部计算机断层扫描" ], "229236006": [ "Knee control work", "膝盖控制工作" ], "180084009": [ "Correction of syndactyly of fingers using skin graft", "皮肤移植矫正手指并指畸形" ], "440393001": [ "Application of halo device to femur", "晕圈装置在股骨中的应用" ], "79945003": [ "Intrathecal injection", "Injection of spinal canal", "Injection of agent into spinal canal", "椎管内注射药剂", "鞘内注射", "椎管注射" ], "78110003": [ "Destruction of lesion of choroid by implantation of radiation source", "植入放射源破坏脉络膜损伤" ], "1290526007": [ "Plain X-ray of bone of lower leg", "小腿骨普通 X 光检查" ], "438558008": [ "Direct current atrial defibrillation", "直流电心房除颤" ], "1255923004": [ "Central pancreatectomy", "Middle pancreatectomy", "Medial pancreatectomy", "中段胰腺切除术", "中央胰腺切除术", "内侧胰腺切除术" ], "10739009": [ "Excision of lesion of bone of thorax", "胸骨病变切除术" ], "238280007": [ "Drainage of peritoneal pseudocyst", "腹膜假性囊肿引流" ], "121757000": [ "Oncotic pressure measurement", "胶体渗透压测量" ], "385736008": [ "Dying care", "Dying/death measures", "Activities relating to death and dying", "End-of-life care treatments and procedures", "与死亡和临终有关的活动", "死亡措施", "临终关怀", "临终关怀治疗和程序" ], "252829002": [ "Corneal specular microscopy", "角膜镜检查" ], "711581003": [ "Fluoroscopic percutaneous angiography of heart with contrast for congenital anomaly", "先天性畸形的荧光经皮心脏血管造影" ], "105373008": [ "Percutaneous insertion of intravascular filter", "经皮血管内滤器插入术" ], "56221009": [ "Introduction of catheter, retrograde, brachial artery", "导管、逆行、肱动脉引入" ], "431218003": [ "Ultrasound Doppler flow mapping of vein of lower limb", "下肢静脉超声多普勒血流图" ], "119922005": [ "Biliary tract endoscopy", "胆道内镜检查" ], "447602008": [ "Laparoscopic incision of ureter and removal of calculus by retroperitoneal approach", "Retroperitoneoscopic ureterolithotomy", "腹腔后镜输尿管切开取石术", "腹腔镜输尿管切开取石术" ], "412999005": [ "Plasma corrected magnesium measurement", "Plasma adjusted magnesium measurement", "Plasma corrected magnesium level", "血浆校正镁水平", "血浆调节镁测量", "等离子校正镁测量" ], "118087007": [ "HTLV 1 AND 2 rgp46-2 antibody assay", "Human T-cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV) 1 AND 2 rgp46-2 antibody assay", "Measurement of Human T-lymphotropic virus 1 recombinant glycoprotein 46-2 antibody and Human T-lymphotropic virus 2 recombinant glycoprotein 46-2 antibody", "人类 T 细胞淋巴细胞病毒 (HTLV) 1 和 2 rgp46-2 抗体检测", "人类T淋巴细胞病毒1型重组糖蛋白46-2抗体和人类T淋巴细胞病毒2型重组糖蛋白46-2抗体的测定", "HTLV 1 和 2 rgp46-2 抗体检测" ], "3399007": [ "Reduction of torsion of omentum", "减少网膜扭转" ], "232775008": [ "Rotation of implanted mitral valve", "植入二尖瓣的旋转" ], "443932002": [ "Puncture and aspiration of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织穿刺和抽吸" ], "265543008": [ "Ligation of perforating varicose vein of leg", "小腿穿通性静脉曲张结扎术" ], "429383008": [ "Attention to hearing implant in middle ear", "注意中耳听力植入" ], "1230364005": [ "Correction of congenital anomaly of hand", "手部先天畸形矫正" ], "787996005": [ "Digitalising tissue section", "Digitalizing tissue section", "Digitalisation of tissue section", "Digitalization of tissue section", "组织切片数字化", "数字化组织切片" ], "230940006": [ "Introduction of intracranial pressure catheter", "Insertion of intracranial pressure catheter", "插入颅内压导管", "颅内压导管简介" ], "81649000": [ "Neuroplasty of old injury", "Repair of old injury of nerve", "神经陈旧性损伤的修复", "陈旧性损伤神经成形术" ], "179953005": [ "Conversion from cemented total elbow replacement", "骨水泥全肘关节置换术" ], "278257006": [ "Peripheral blood stem cell graft", "PBSC - Peripheral blood stem cell graft", "Peripheral blood stem cell rescue", "Second stage peripheral stem cell infusion", "Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation", "外周血干细胞移植", "外周血干细胞拯救", "PBSC-外周血干细胞移植", "第二阶段外周干细胞输注" ], "425713005": [ "Laser therapy of internal nose", "鼻内激光治疗" ], "128966001": [ "Negative lower body pressure", "Negative lower body pressure physiologic challenge", "下半身负压", "负下体压生理挑战" ], "229105009": [ "Ankle class", "踝关节类" ], "391110004": [ "Salbutamol reversibility", "沙丁胺醇可逆性" ], "30662005": [ "Fluorescent immunoassay", "IMF assay", "Immunofluorescence assay", "IMF - Immunofluorescence", "IMF-免疫荧光", "免疫荧光试验", "荧光免疫分析", "IMF 测定" ], "45211000": [ "Catheterization", "Insertion of catheter", "Catheterisation", "导管插入", "插入导管" ], "76144001": [ "Radical resection for infection of pelvis", "盆腔感染根治性切除术" ], "8773000": [ "Transplantation of large intestine", "大肠移植" ], "713285002": [ "Prophylactic oophorectomy", "预防性卵巢切除术" ], "172613008": [ "Total reconstruction of external ear with cartilage graft and skin flap", "软骨移植和皮瓣全外耳重建" ], "252698000": [ "Test of the hip", "髋部检查" ], "170778005": [ "Annual diabetic blood test", "每年进行糖尿病血液检测" ], "711450005": [ "Language Steps programme", "Language Steps program", "语言步骤计划" ], "105242007": [ "Methyldopa measurement", "甲基多巴测量" ], "709615000": [ "Injection of lower limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided injection of lower limb", "Ultrasound guided injection of lower limb", "超声引导下肢注射" ], "39706009": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of humerus", "肱骨骨折闭合复位" ], "300015002": [ "Excision of retinal neoplasm", "视网膜肿瘤切除术" ], "23322009": [ "Removal of coronary artery obstruction, percutaneous transluminal, multiple vessels", "经皮腔内多血管冠状动脉阻塞切除术" ], "121626008": [ "Mephentermine measurement", "甲基芬特明测量" ], "21487006": [ "Sulfadiazine measurement", "Sulphadiazine measurement", "磺胺嘧啶测量" ], "724164001": [ "Tocilizumab therapy", "托珠单抗治疗" ], "281796002": [ "Automated percutaneous lumbar discectomy", "APLD - Automated percutaneous lumbar discectomy", "自动经皮腰椎间盘切除术", "APLD - 自动经皮腰椎间盘切除术" ], "265412004": [ "Rectosigmoidectomy and rectopexy", "直肠乙状结肠切除术和直肠固定术" ], "36036006": [ "Direct thrombectomy of axillary vein by arm incision", "手臂切口直接腋静脉血栓切除术" ], "232644007": [ "Extrapleural pneumonectomy", "胸膜外全肺切除术" ], "396484008": [ "Supraclavicular lymph node biopsy", "锁骨上淋巴结活检" ], "3268008": [ "Transplantation of tissue of pelvic region", "盆腔组织移植" ], "183492007": [ "Non-urgent pediatric admission", "Non-urgent paediatric admission", "非紧急儿科入院" ], "412868008": [ "Urine serine measurement", "Urine serine level", "尿液丝氨酸水平", "尿液丝氨酸测量" ], "85188009": [ "Antithrombin III assay, immunologic", "Antithrombin III assay, antigenic", "抗凝血酶 III 测定,免疫学", "抗凝血酶 III 测定,抗原" ], "443801002": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of hydrocortisone in p.m. serum or plasma specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of hydrocortisone in p.m. serum or plasma", "定量测定下午血清或血浆中氢化可的松的质量浓度", "下午血清或血浆标本中氢化可的松质量浓度的定量测定" ], "1230233005": [ "Connection of irrigation solution container to irrigation tube", "灌溉溶液容器与灌溉管的连接" ], "427417008": [ "Closed reduction of dislocated total prosthetic replacement of hip joint", "髋关节脱位全假体置换术闭合复位" ], "50585009": [ "Tooth extraction, multiple", "拔牙,多颗" ], "390979001": [ "Serum alkaline phosphatase electrophoresis", "血清碱性磷酸酶电泳" ], "241688000": [ "Intravenous induction of general anaesthesia", "IV - Intravenous induction", "Intravenous induction of general anesthesia", "IV - 静脉注射", "静脉诱导全身麻醉" ], "405528002": [ "Ilio-femoral bypass for repair of aneurysm with prosthesis", "髂股动脉旁路移植术修复动脉瘤" ], "45080003": [ "Gingival flap procedure, including root planing, per quadrant", "龈瓣手术,包括根面平整术,按象限进行" ], "28696005": [ "Open reduction of fracture of ulna with internal fixation", "尺骨骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "274456005": [ "Dislocated patella reduction", "Reduction of dislocation of patella", "髌骨脱位复位" ], "225304007": [ "Following the program plan", "Implementing proposed interventions", "Following the programme plan", "Implementation of planned interventions", "实施计划的干预措施", "实施拟议的干预措施", "按照计划" ], "223469001": [ "Discussion about activity", "活动讨论" ], "698605001": [ "Education about asthma self management", "哮喘自我管理教育" ], "59629003": [ "Destructive procedure of ankle and foot", "踝部及足部破坏性手术" ], "305389009": [ "Admission to paediatric neurology department", "Admission to pediatric neurology department", "小儿神经内科入院", "儿科神经内科入院" ], "713154003": [ "Endoscopic submucosal dissection of rectum using colonoscope", "结肠镜直肠内镜黏膜下剥离术" ], "8642005": [ "Beryllium measurement", "铍测量" ], "451010008": [ "Enucleation of dentigerous cyst of upper jaw", "上颌含牙囊肿摘除术" ], "252567006": [ "Sleep latency test", "睡眠潜伏期测试" ], "236183008": [ "Ureteroscopic pyelolysis", "Ureteroscopic pyelotomy", "输尿管镜肾盂切开术", "输尿管镜肾盂松解术" ], "709484001": [ "Assessment of knowledge of environmental safety", "环境安全知识评估" ], "121495009": [ "Chlordecone measurement", "十氯酮测量" ], "119660003": [ "Transplantation of tissue of wrist", "腕部组织移植" ], "250732002": [ "Hydroxyproline/creatinine ratio measurement", "Hydroxyproline/creatinine ratio", "羟脯氨酸/肌酐比率测量", "羟脯氨酸/肌酐比率" ], "105111009": [ "Ceftazidime measurement", "头孢他啶测量" ], "168812006": [ "Selective bronchography", "选择性支气管造影" ], "725868009": [ "Transcutaneous electrical stimulation of supraorbital nerve", "眶上神经经皮电刺激" ], "412737002": [ "Stapling of haemorrhoid", "Stapling of hemorrhoid", "痔疮缝合术" ], "117825003": [ "Leptospira hardjo antibody assay", "Measurement of Leptospira interrogans serovar Hardjo antibody", "哈乔钩端螺旋体抗体测定", "钩端螺旋体哈德焦血清型抗体检测" ], "3137001": [ "Reimplantation", "再植入" ], "265281004": [ "Canaliculodacryocystorhinostomy", "CDCR - Canaliculodacryocystorhinostomy", "泪小管鼻腔吻合术", "CDCR-- 泪小管鼻腔吻合术" ], "232513006": [ "Obliteration of frontal sinus", "额窦闭塞" ], "298049006": [ "Upper thigh amputation", "大腿上部截肢" ], "1230102001": [ "Transferring to standing position", "Mobilising to standing position", "Mobilizing to standing position", "Transferring subject to standing position", "Moving subject to standing position", "转移至站立位置", "以站立姿势为准移动", "转为站立姿势", "动员至站立姿势" ], "359915004": [ "Johanson operation on peroneal tendon", "腓骨肌腱约翰逊手术" ], "179691007": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture dislocation and fixation with wire(s)", "骨折脱位切开复位修复并用钢丝固定" ], "277995008": [ "Percutaneous removal of foreign body from arterial graft", "经皮动脉移植物异物取出术" ], "1179115009": [ "Nipple-sparing mastectomy via periareolar incision and reconstruction of breast", "Nipple-sparing excision of breast via periareolar incision and reconstruction of breast", "NSM (nipple-sparing mastectomy) via periareolar incision and reconstruction of breast", "经乳晕周围切口进行保留乳头的乳房切除术 (NSM) 和乳房重建", "经乳晕周围切口行保留乳头的乳房切除术及乳房重建" ], "718528002": [ "Metolazone prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic metolazone", "美托拉宗预防", "预防性使用美托拉宗" ], "1259200004": [ "Neoadjuvant antineoplastic chemotherapy", "NACT - neoadjuvant chemotherapy", "NACT-- 新辅助化疗", "新辅助抗肿瘤化疗" ], "440000004": [ "Delayed insertion of distal extension prosthesis of descending thoracic aorta", "延迟插入降主动脉远端延长假体" ], "405397001": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of aorta", "主动脉内膜切除术和血管成形术" ], "274325001": [ "Percutaneous liver biopsy", "经皮肝活检" ], "257941004": [ "Tubulation", "Repair of peripheral nerve by tubulation", "管状化", "管状修复周围神经" ], "241557005": [ "CT prostate", "Computed tomography prostate", "前列腺计算机断层扫描", "前列腺CT" ], "225173005": [ "Washing stoma with clean lukewarm water", "用干净的温水清洗造口" ], "75882000": [ "Extraoral sialolithotomy of parotid gland", "口外腮腺取石术" ], "370794001": [ "Evaluation for signs and symptoms of electrical injury", "Evaluates for signs and symptoms of electrical injury", "评估电击伤的体征和症状", "电击伤的体征和症状评估" ], "77717008": [ "Angiography of cervical vertebral and intracranial arteries", "Arteriography of cervical vertebral and intracranial arteries", "颈椎及颅内动脉造影" ], "419946000": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of penile artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of penile artery with contrast", "阴茎动脉造影荧光血管造影", "阴茎动脉造影荧光镜造影" ], "305258008": [ "Admission by medical microbiologist", "医学微生物学家承认" ], "172351001": [ "Tenotomy of lateral rectus muscle of eye", "眼外直肌腱切断术" ], "385343000": [ "Incision of cyst", "囊肿切开术" ], "713023004": [ "Plain X-ray of upper limb", "上肢普通X光检查" ], "170516003": [ "Notification of disease", "疾病通报" ], "104980007": [ "Transcobalamin I measurement", "转钴胺素 I 测量" ], "86761000": [ "Acetylcholinesterase measurement", "True cholinesterase measurement", "乙酰胆碱酯酶测量", "真正的胆碱酯酶测量" ], "432660009": [ "Endoscopic guided enteric stent", "Fluoroscopic guidance for endoscopic insertion of bowel stent", "Endoscopic insertion of bowel stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "在荧光透视引导下内镜插入肠道支架", "透视引导下内镜插入肠道支架", "内镜引导肠支架" ], "414441001": [ "Hypothyroidism monitoring second letter", "甲状腺功能减退症监测第二封信" ], "70377003": [ "Closure of gastrojejunostomy", "Take-down of gastrojejunostomy", "胃空肠造口术拆除", "胃空肠吻合口闭合" ], "430825006": [ "Radionuclide two-phase bone imaging of ankle and foot", "踝部放射性核素双相骨成像" ], "250601008": [ "Phenytoin: blood level", "Phenytoin blood measurement", "苯妥英:血药浓度", "苯妥英血药浓度测量" ], "19390001": [ "Partial breech delivery with forceps to aftercoming head", "用产钳夹住胎儿头部进行臀位分娩" ], "428990002": [ "Measurement of quetiapine", "喹硫平的测量" ], "35774004": [ "Complete blood count with white cell differential, manual", "CBC with manual differential", "带手动分类器的 CBC", "全血细胞计数及白细胞分类,手动" ], "396222007": [ "Strip craniectomy with opening of cranial suture", "Linear craniectomy with opening of cranial suture", "开颅条带术及颅缝切开术", "线性开颅术及颅缝打开术" ], "609214008": [ "Revision of amputation stump of hand", "手部截肢残端修复术" ], "165011001": [ "Bronchial allergy challenge", "Bronchial challenge", "BPT - Bronchial provocation test", "Bronchial provocation test", "支气管刺激", "支气管激发试验", "BPT-- 支气管激发试验", "支气管过敏挑战" ], "117694008": [ "Leptin measurement", "瘦素测量" ], "50323003": [ "Repair of ruptured aneurysm with graft of common femoral artery", "股总动脉移植修复破裂动脉瘤" ], "20321000087102": [ "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of bilateral tibial arteries with contrast", "Angioplasty of bilateral tibial arteries using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Angioplasty of left and right tibial artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Angioplasty of both tibial arteries using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "使用荧光造影剂引导对双侧胫动脉进行血管成形术", "使用荧光造影剂引导进行左、右胫动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下双侧胫动脉造影血管成形术", "使用荧光造影剂引导进行双侧胫动脉血管成形术" ], "33939007": [ "Maxillary sinusotomy by intranasal approach", "Maxillary antrotomy by intranasal approach", "Sinusotomy of maxillary sinus by intranasal approach", "Intranasal antrostomy", "Intranasal antrotomy", "INA - Intranasal antrostomy", "INA-- 鼻内上颌窦造口术", "经鼻入路上颌窦切开术", "经鼻内路上颌窦切开术", "鼻内上颌窦切开术", "鼻内上颌窦造口术" ], "392552000": [ "Potato specific IgE antibody measurement", "Solanum tuberosum specific IgE antibody measurement", "f35 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Solanum tuberosum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "马铃薯特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "马铃薯特异性IgE抗体测定", "f35 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "22881000087105": [ "CT of abdomen, pelvis and lower limb with contrast", "Computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and lower extremity with contrast", "Computed tomography of abdomen, pelvis and lower limb with contrast", "腹部、骨盆和下肢增强 CT", "腹部、骨盆和下肢增强计算机断层扫描" ], "1121000087102": [ "Ultrasonography of left hand", "Ultrasound of left hand", "Ultrasound scan of left hand", "左手超声检查", "左手超声波扫描" ], "12641000087107": [ "Ultrasonography of right breast and right axilla", "Ultrasound of right breast and right axilla", "Ultrasound scan of right breast and right axilla", "右乳房和右腋窝的超声波扫描", "右乳房和右腋窝超声检查" ], "2401000087108": [ "MRI of left hip with contrast", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left hip with contrast", "左髋关节磁共振成像对比", "左髋部增强 MRI 检查" ], "4961000087108": [ "CT of bilateral forearms with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral forearms with contrast", "Computed tomography of both forearms with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right forearm with contrast", "左、右前臂增强计算机断层扫描", "双侧前臂增强 CT 检查", "双前臂增强计算机断层扫描", "双侧前臂增强 CT 扫描" ], "408936000": [ "Substance abuse prevention management", "Manage substance abuse prevention", "Manage substance abuse control", "管理药物滥用控制", "管理药物滥用预防", "药物滥用预防管理" ], "736616001": [ "Local destruction of lesion of kidney", "Local destruction of renal lesion", "肾脏病变局部破坏" ], "312467008": [ "Urine cannabinoid level", "Urine cannabinoid measurement", "尿液大麻素测量", "尿液大麻素水平" ], "11361000087107": [ "MRI of joint of right lower extremity", "Magnetic resonance imaging of joint of right lower extremity", "右下肢关节MRI", "右下肢关节磁共振成像" ], "6241000087108": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of artery of right lower extremity", "Doppler ultrasonography of artery of right lower limb", "Doppler ultrasound of artery of right lower limb", "右下肢动脉多普勒超声检查" ], "128573003": [ "Dual catheter method", "Haemodynamic measurement via dual catheter method", "Hemodynamic measurement via dual catheter method", "通过双导管法测量血流动力学", "双导管法" ], "3681000087108": [ "Plain X-ray of left patella", "左髌骨普通 X 光检查" ], "310632009": [ "Excision or biopsy of obturator lymph node", "闭孔淋巴结切除或活检" ], "13885002": [ "Division of fascia", "Incision of fascia with division", "Division fasciotomy", "切开筋膜并分开", "筋膜分割", "筋膜切开术" ], "439869007": [ "Percutaneous skeletal fixation of dislocation of metatarsophalangeal joint with manipulation", "经皮骨固定术治疗跖趾关节脱位" ], "175890004": [ "Operation on vascular graft", "血管移植手术" ], "716562007": [ "Removal of tunneled peritoneal drain from peritoneal cavity using fluoroscopic guidance", "Removal of tunnelled peritoneal drain from peritoneal cavity using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided removal of tunneled peritoneal drain from peritoneal cavity", "Fluoroscopy guided removal of tunnelled peritoneal drain from peritoneal cavity", "在荧光透视引导下从腹腔中取出隧道式腹腔引流管", "透视引导下从腹腔取出隧道式腹腔引流管", "透视引导下从腹腔中取出隧道式腹腔引流管" ], "241426008": [ "Extracellular fluid volume measurement", "细胞外液量测量" ], "26599001": [ "Insertion of pack into rectum", "Rectal packing", "Insertion of rectal pack", "直肠填塞物插入", "直肠填塞", "将包裹物插入直肠" ], "1255399003": [ "Insertion of resorbable membrane into periodontal tissue", "将可吸收膜插入牙周组织" ], "57532000": [ "Anesthesia for intrathoracic procedure", "Anaesthesia for intrathoracic procedure", "胸内手术麻醉" ], "239591008": [ "Midfoot amputation", "中足截肢" ], "450748004": [ "Assessment using Saint George's respiratory questionnaire", "Assessment using St. George's respiratory questionnaire", "使用圣乔治呼吸问卷进行评估" ], "434364005": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of brachial artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of brachial artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "用造影剂插入支架进行肱动脉荧光镜造影", "用造影剂插入支架进行肱动脉荧光血管造影" ], "252305002": [ "White blood cell test", "白细胞检查" ], "104849003": [ "Oxytocin measurement", "催产素测量" ], "414310001": [ "GD3 antibody level", "Ganglioside GD3 antibody measurement", "GD3 抗体水平", "神经节苷脂 GD3 抗体测量" ], "430694001": [ "Prosthetic arthroplasty of right hip", "右髋关节假体置换术" ], "250470004": [ "Organism type determination", "Organism type", "生物类型", "生物类型鉴定" ], "184934008": [ "Heavy goods vehicle driver examination for local authority", "HGV exam for local authority", "地方当局的 HGV 考试", "地方当局重型货车驾驶员考试" ], "447078009": [ "Laparoscopic excision of testis", "腹腔镜睾丸切除术" ], "397926008": [ "Myringotomy and drainage of middle ear", "鼓膜切开引流术" ], "363323002": [ "Surgical repair procedure by method", "手术修复方法" ], "84795004": [ "Enucleation of cyst of skin", "皮肤囊肿摘除术" ], "410640002": [ "Well child visit, 8 years", "8 岁儿童健康检查" ], "443408003": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of bone", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和骨计算机断层扫描" ], "427024003": [ "Percutaneous insertion of plastic ureteric stent", "经皮插入塑料输尿管支架" ], "50192005": [ "Operation on clitoris", "Clitoris operation", "阴蒂手术" ], "17424007": [ "Intracarotid amobarbital test", "Wada test", "颈动脉内异戊巴比妥试验", "和田试验" ], "15589001": [ "Ligation of major artery of neck", "颈部主要动脉结扎" ], "736485002": [ "Open destruction of tissue of bladder", "Open destruction of tissue of urinary bladder", "膀胱组织开放性破坏" ], "33808009": [ "Repair of hepatopleural fistula", "Closure of hepatopleural fistula", "肝胸膜瘘缝合", "肝胸膜瘘的修复" ], "179429006": [ "Conversion to uncemented hemiarthroplasty of shoulder", "转换为非骨水泥型肩关节半置换术" ], "408805007": [ "Intermittent fetal heart monitoring during labour", "Intermittent fetal heart monitoring during labor", "Intermittent foetal heart monitoring during labour", "分娩期间间歇性胎儿心脏监测" ], "439738000": [ "Weaning from breast feeding", "断奶" ], "177594004": [ "Piercing of ear lobe", "Ear lobe piercing", "耳垂穿孔" ], "308666005": [ "Porcine pulmonary valve replacement", "猪肺动脉瓣置换术" ], "1258938004": [ "Laparoscopic salpingoneostomy", "Laparoscopic salpingostomy", "腹腔镜输卵管造口术" ], "243130008": [ "Humidification therapy", "加湿疗法" ], "241295001": [ "Lung perfusion study with Krypton 81m", "使用氪气进行肺灌注研究 81 分钟" ], "306831003": [ "Combination therapy to upper limb", "上肢联合治疗" ], "239460000": [ "Drainage of joint cavity", "关节腔引流" ], "173924002": [ "Open intubation of jejunum", "空肠开放插管" ], "304996008": [ "Replacement of periodontal flap with osseous surgery", "牙周瓣置换术" ], "303161001": [ "Patch repair of carotid artery", "颈动脉补片修复" ], "90169002": [ "Removal of foreign body from perivesical tissue", "去除膀胱周围组织中的异物" ], "41017003": [ "Thoracic phlebectomy with graft replacement", "胸腔静脉切除术及移植物置换术" ], "1237049003": [ "Assessment of risk factors for periodontal disease", "Evaluation of risk factors for periodontal disease", "牙周病危险因素评估" ], "270393005": [ "Drug addiction notification", "吸毒成瘾通知" ], "57401004": [ "Mammoplasty with full-thickness graft", "Full-thickness graft to breast", "Mammoplasty with full thickness graft of skin", "全层乳房移植", "全层移植乳房成形术", "全层皮肤移植隆胸术" ], "24633005": [ "Removal of foreign body from fascia of hand", "Hand fascia foreign body removed", "手部筋膜异物取出" ], "432398000": [ "Biopsy of foot using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Biopsy of foot using ultrasound guidance", "使用超声引导进行足部活检" ], "104718002": [ "Hemoglobin, free measurement", "Haemoglobin, free measurement", "血红蛋白,免费测量" ], "268558004": [ "Vaccination status screening", "Immunisation status screening", "Immunization status screening", "免疫状况筛查", "疫苗接种状况筛查" ], "170254004": [ "Child 1 year examination", "儿童1岁检查" ], "121102005": [ "Bacterial subtyping", "细菌亚型" ], "252174006": [ "Aldosterone stimulation test", "醛固酮刺激试验" ], "709091006": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of nasal turbinate", "鼻甲射频消融术" ], "70115007": [ "Pulmonary compliance study", "Lung compliance study", "肺顺应性研究" ], "182968001": [ "Homoeopathy", "Homeopathic therapy", "Homoeopathic therapy", "Homeopathy", "顺势疗法" ], "51896003": [ "Repair of internal os of cervix", "宫颈内口修复" ], "68280004": [ "Replacement of percutaneous drainage catheter with contrast monitoring", "造影监测下经皮引流导管更换术" ], "721081000124101": [ "External beam radiotherapy with abdominal compression", "腹部压迫外照射放射治疗" ], "436921000124101": [ "Decreased monounsaturated fat diet", "减少单不饱和脂肪饮食" ], "35512005": [ "Repair of resin saddle or base, partial denture", "树脂鞍座或基座、局部义齿的修复" ], "438201000124100": [ "Decreased pantothenic acid diet", "减少泛酸饮食" ], "363192009": [ "Lymphatic system observation", "淋巴系统观察" ], "608952005": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of seminal fluid specimen", "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of semen specimen specimen", "精液标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "33677003": [ "Isotope study of blood volume", "血容量同位素研究" ], "1231544006": [ "Yocum's test", "Yocum test", "Yocum shoulder impingement test", "Yocum 肩部撞击试验", "Yocum 测试" ], "444601000124109": [ "Feeding environment odour management", "Feeding environment odor management", "饲养环境气味管理" ], "435641000124109": [ "Mineral supplement therapy", "矿物质补充疗法" ], "115597007": [ "Description of specimen character", "标本性状描述" ], "17293009": [ "Bilateral segmental vasectomy and ligation", "Bilateral vasectomy for contraception", "Segmental excision and ligation of both vas deferens", "Segmental excision and ligation of bilateral vas deferens", "双侧输精管分段切除及结扎", "双侧输精管节段切除及结扎术", "双侧输精管切除术避孕" ], "443277009": [ "Positron emission tomography using nitrogen 13 ammonia with computed tomography electrocardiography gated myocardial rest study", "正电子发射断层扫描应用氮13氨与计算机断层扫描心电图门控心肌静息研究" ], "425058005": [ "Taking orthostatic vital signs", "测量直立性生命体征" ], "392290007": [ "g8 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Poa pratensis specific IgE antibody measurement", "Meadow grass specific IgE antibody measurement", "Poa pratensis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "g8特异性IgE抗体测量", "草地早熟禾特异性IgE抗体测定", "草地早熟禾特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "草地草特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "406839000": [ "Erie garnet stain method", "Erie garnet stain", "伊利石榴石染色", "伊利石榴石染色法" ], "128311006": [ "Procedure on serous sac", "浆膜囊手术" ], "79159006": [ "Total ostectomy of facial bone", "Total ostectomy of facial bone, except mandible", "Total excision of facial bone", "面部全骨切除术", "除下颌骨外面部骨全切除术", "面部骨骼全切除" ], "308535007": [ "Screening call", "筛选电话" ], "421388001": [ "Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula antibody assay", "Measurement of Saccharopolyspora rectivirgula antibody", "直叶糖多孢菌抗体测定", "直叶糖多孢菌抗体的测定" ], "306700000": [ "Discharge to long stay hospital", "出院转至长期住院医院" ], "388620003": [ "Daucus carota specific IgE antibody measurement", "Carrot specific IgE antibody measurement", "f31 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Daucus carota specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f31 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "胡萝卜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "胡萝卜特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "175628000": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using prosthesis", "紧急用假体吻合股动脉至腓动脉以置换动脉瘤性股动脉" ], "13623009": [ "Pyeloureterovesical anastomosis", "肾盂输尿管膀胱吻合术" ], "241164003": [ "DCBE - Double contrast barium enema", "Double contrast barium enema", "Air contrast barium enema", "空气造影钡灌肠", "双重对比钡灌肠", "DCBE-- 双重对比钡灌肠" ], "239329001": [ "Excision of bone", "Ostectomy", "截骨术", "骨切除" ], "26337002": [ "Exploratory thoracotomy", "开胸探查术" ], "419553002": [ "US scan of pelvic vessels", "Ultrasound scan of pelvic vessels", "盆腔血管超声扫描" ], "75489002": [ "Blepharoplasty of both eyelids", "Blepharoplasty of bilateral upper and lower eyelids", "Blepharoplasty of both upper and lower eyelids", "双眼睑整形术", "上下眼睑整形术", "双侧上下眼睑成形术" ], "386785005": [ "Balloon dilatation of oesophagus", "Balloon dilatation of esophagus", "Balloon dilation of oesophagus", "Balloon dilation of esophagus", "食管球囊扩张术" ], "108257001": [ "Anatomic pathology procedure", "解剖病理学程序" ], "173793008": [ "Closure of pyloroplasty", "幽门成形术" ], "24502001": [ "Change in bone length of fibula", "腓骨长度变化" ], "59105009": [ "Bowel imaging for ectopic gastric mucosa", "Radionuclide ectopic gastric mucosa study", "异位胃粘膜的肠道成像", "放射性核素异位胃粘膜研究" ], "171958003": [ "Biopsy of lesion of pituitary gland", "垂体病变活检" ], "450486009": [ "Antegrade colonic enema through appendicostomy", "经阑尾造口术进行顺行结肠灌肠" ], "104587002": [ "Cholic acid measurement", "胆酸测量" ], "170123008": [ "Child 8-9 month examination", "儿童8-9个月检查" ], "71819008": [ "Coagulation time, Lee White", "Lee White coagulation time", "Whole blood coagulation time", "Blood coagulation time", "全血凝固时间", "李怀特凝固时间", "凝血时间", "凝血时间,Lee White" ], "53600005": [ "Injection of adenoid", "腺样体注射" ], "430432006": [ "Computed tomography (CT) of thigh with contrast", "Computed tomography of thigh with contrast", "CT of thigh with contrast", "大腿增强 CT", "大腿增强计算机断层扫描 (CT)", "大腿增强计算机断层扫描" ], "708960007": [ "Incision of carpus", "Incision of carpal bone", "Osteotomy of carpal bone", "Osteotomy of carpus", "腕骨切开术", "腕骨截骨术" ], "446816008": [ "Craniotomy and evacuation of traumatic haematoma", "Craniotomy and evacuation of traumatic hematoma", "开颅手术及外伤性血肿清除术" ], "86368008": [ "Removal of foreign body of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织异物去除" ], "182837001": [ "Restart of medication", "Recommencement of medication", "Medication recommenced", "Medication restarted", "重新开始用药" ], "250208008": [ "Blood hematinic activity", "Blood haematinic activity", "Blood hematinic activity measurement", "Blood haematinic activity measurement", "血液中血红素活性的测定", "血液中促红细胞生成素活性", "血液补血活性" ], "1231413004": [ "Total replacement of hip joint using bone allograft", "THR (total hip replacement) using bone allograft", "THA (total hip arthroplasty) using bone allograft", "Total replacement of hip joint using allograft of bone", "Total arthroplasty of hip joint using bone allograft", "采用骨同种异体移植进行全髋关节置换术 (THA)", "同种异体骨全髋关节置换术", "同种异体骨移植全髋关节置换术", "采用骨同种异体移植进行全髋关节置换术 (THR)" ], "608821005": [ "Open reduction of epiphyseal fracture of femur with internal fixation", "股骨骨骺骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "313909006": [ "240 minute plasma cortisol level", "240 minute plasma cortisol measurement", "240 分钟血浆皮质醇测量", "240 分钟血浆皮质醇水平" ], "443146003": [ "Measurement of immunoglobulin E antibody to omega-5 gliadin", "Omega-5 gliadin IgE (immunoglobulin E) level", "Omega-5 gliadin IgE level", "Omega-5 麦胶蛋白 IgE 水平", "Omega-5 麦胶蛋白 IgE(免疫球蛋白 E)水平", "抗 omega-5 麦胶蛋白免疫球蛋白 E 抗体的测量" ], "312074008": [ "Placement for residential accommodation", "住宿安排" ], "33546009": [ "Reduction of closed trans-scaphoperilunar type of fracture dislocation with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed trans-scaphoperilunar fracture dislocation", "闭合性舟月骨折脱位手法复位", "闭合性舟月关节骨折脱位手法复位" ], "179167002": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of shoulder", "肩部骨折闭合复位" ], "46260002": [ "Division of joint capsule of hand", "手关节囊的划分" ], "439476007": [ "Drainage of thorax using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided drainage of thorax", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行胸腔引流", "CT引导下胸腔引流" ], "306569000": [ "Discharge from adult intensive care service", "Discharge from adult ITU service", "成人重症监护室出院", "解除成人 ITU 服务" ], "718004009": [ "Cone beam computed tomography of head", "Cone beam CT of head", "头部锥形束计算机断层扫描", "头部锥形束CT" ], "241033003": [ "Movement radiography", "运动射线照相术" ], "60809008": [ "Biopsy of clitoris", "阴蒂活检" ], "388489009": [ "Allium sativum specific IgE antibody measurement", "f47 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Garlic specific IgE antibody measurement", "Allium sativum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "大蒜特异性IgE抗体测定", "大蒜特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f47 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "1287774005": [ "Attention to anastomosis", "注意吻合" ], "1156702006": [ "Consulting with healthcare provider about medication side effects", "向医疗保健提供者咨询药物副作用" ], "417587001": [ "Retinal thickness analyzer scanning", "Integrated ray-trace triangulation acquisition laser scanning with conventional fundus imaging", "Retinal thickness analyser scanning", "视网膜厚度分析仪扫描", "集成光线追踪三角测量采集激光扫描与传统眼底成像" ], "57139001": [ "Physical medicine service to one body area", "针对身体某一部位的物理医学服务" ], "171827003": [ "Woven prosthetic graft to peripheral nerve", "编织假体移植物至周围神经" ], "394491000119101": [ "Computed tomography of upper limb without contrast", "CT of upper limb without contrast", "上肢无造影计算机断层扫描", "上肢非造影 CT" ], "16329211000119102": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of ankle joint without contrast", "MRI of ankle joint without contrast", "踝关节 MRI 无造影", "无造影剂踝关节磁共振成像" ], "712499007": [ "Application of focused rigidity cast", "重点刚性石膏固定的应用" ], "104456002": [ "5-methyltetrahydrofolate homocysteine methyltransferase measurement", "5-甲基四氢叶酸同型半胱氨酸甲基转移酶测量" ], "235528003": [ "Anastomosis main bile duct to stomach", "Choledocho-gastrostomy", "胆总管胃造口术", "胆管主干吻合至胃" ], "395771000119107": [ "CT of pelvis without contrast", "Computed tomography of pelvis without contrast", "盆腔平扫 CT", "无造影剂骨盆计算机断层扫描" ], "55304007": [ "Red blood cell histogram evaluation", "红细胞直方图评估" ], "446685001": [ "Cystoscopy and electrohydraulic lithotripsy of calculus of bladder", "膀胱镜及液电碎石术治疗膀胱结石" ], "20701002": [ "Open reduction of fracture with internal fixation", "Open reduction and internal fixation of fracture", "ORIF - Open reduction and internal fixation of fracture", "ORIF - 骨折切开复位内固定", "骨折切开复位内固定" ], "397533004": [ "Driving-related eye examination", "Driver eye examination", "Eye examination for driving", "驾驶员视力检查", "驾驶相关眼科检查", "驾驶视力检查" ], "200925005": [ "Revision of repair of mallet finger", "锤状指修复术" ], "281010000": [ "Child development checks", "Paediatric surveillance checks", "Pediatric surveillance checks", "儿科监测检查", "儿童发育检查" ], "395698004": [ "Cardiac rehabilitation - phase 3", "Cardiac rehabilitation-phase 3", "心脏康复-第 3 阶段", "心脏康复-3 期" ], "647000": [ "Excision of cervix by electroconization", "Excision of cervix by electroconisation", "Excision of cervix by conization using electrical energy", "Excision of cervix by conisation using electrical energy", "利用电能进行宫颈锥切术", "宫颈电切术" ], "313778009": [ "Serum 11-deoxycortisol measurement", "Serum 11-deoxycortisol level", "血清11-脱氧皮质醇测量", "血清11-脱氧皮质醇水平" ], "770695002": [ "Referral to spinal surgery service", "转诊至脊柱外科服务" ], "443015004": [ "Percutaneous drainage of abscess of perineum using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous drainage of abscess of perineum", "计算机断层扫描引导下经皮会阴脓肿引流", "CT引导下经皮会阴脓肿穿刺引流" ], "162652000": [ "Brief examination of patient", "患者简单检查" ], "179036001": [ "Primary open reduction of fracture and internal fixation with multiple implant types", "一期切开复位骨折,采用多种植入物进行内固定" ], "410247009": [ "Skin breakdown control education", "Teach skin breakdown control", "皮肤破损控制教育", "教导皮肤破损控制" ], "392028003": [ "Selective laser trabeculoplasty", "SLT - selective laser trabeculoplasty", "选择性激光小梁成形术", "SLT-- 选择性激光小梁成形术" ], "439345002": [ "Screening for barbiturate in urine", "尿液中巴比妥类药物的筛查" ], "77062001": [ "Partial ostectomy of tarsals and metatarsals", "跗骨及跖骨部分截骨术" ], "306438002": [ "Discharge by medical ophthalmologist", "眼科医生出具的出院证明" ], "716038008": [ "Fluoroscopy guided injection of subtalar joint", "Injection of subtalar joint using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下距下关节注射", "荧光透视引导下距下关节注射" ], "75227000": [ "Excision and prosthetic replacement of lens", "晶状体切除及假体置换" ], "386523003": [ "Self-harm behaviour management", "Self-harm behavior management", "Behaviour management: self-harm", "Behavior management: self-harm", "自残行为管理", "行为管理:自残" ], "107995004": [ "Lymphatic system incision", "Incision of lymphatic system structure", "淋巴系统结构切开术", "淋巴系统切开术" ], "763355007": [ "Cr51 EDTA clearance study", "Chromium 51 labelled ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid clearance study", "Chromium 51 labeled ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid clearance study", "铬 51 标记乙二胺四乙酸清除率研究", "Cr51 EDTA 清除率研究" ], "1172955008": [ "Evaluation of infant formula feeding plan", "婴儿配方奶粉喂养方案评估" ], "73392001": [ "Urinalysis, bacteriuria screen", "Urine nitrite test", "Bacteriuria screening", "尿液亚硝酸盐检测", "尿液分析、菌尿筛查", "菌尿筛查" ], "171696004": [ "Extirpation of lesion of meninges of parasagittal region of brain", "脑矢状区脑膜损伤摘除术" ], "235397002": [ "Manual procedures on the intestine", "肠道手动操作" ], "448389006": [ "Provision of pedometer", "提供计步器" ], "104325006": [ "Rubeola virus antibody assay", "Serologic test for Rubeola virus", "Measurement of Measles virus antibody", "麻疹病毒抗体检测", "风疹病毒抗体检测", "风疹病毒血清学检测" ], "118874000": [ "Procedure on spermatic cord", "精索手术" ], "233562001": [ "Intra-osseous infusion", "骨内灌注" ], "86106003": [ "Reinsertion of ocular implant with attachment of muscles to implant", "Reinsertion of orbital implant with attachment of muscles to implant", "重新植入眼眶植入物并将肌肉附着于植入物", "重新植入眼部植入物并将肌肉附着于植入物" ], "168026003": [ "Ascitic fluid chemistry test", "Ascitic fluid chemistry", "腹水化学检查", "腹水化学" ], "708698005": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pancreas", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of pancreas using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮胰腺细针穿刺活检" ], "413786008": [ "CD3/CD56 count", "CD3+CD56+ count", "Count of cells positive for both CD3 antigen and CD56 antigen", "CD3+CD56+ 计数", "CD3 抗原和 CD56 抗原均阳性的细胞计数", "CD3/CD56 计数" ], "231727000": [ "Sector iridectomy", "Broad iridectomy", "广泛虹膜切除术", "扇形虹膜切除术" ], "117039004": [ "Alkaline denaturation method for fetal hemoglobin determination", "Alkaline denaturation method for fetal haemoglobin determination", "Apt-Downey test", "Alkaline denaturation method for foetal haemoglobin determination", "Apt-Downey 测试", "碱性变性法测定胎儿血红蛋白" ], "16900000": [ "Replacement of ventricular shunt", "Renewal of ventricular shunt", "Renewal of cerebroventricular shunt", "脑室分流术更新", "脑室分流管置换术" ], "705028002": [ "Assessment using Leeds revised acne grading system", "使用利兹修订痤疮分级系统进行评估" ], "33284002": [ "Check artificial pacemaker for amperage threshold", "检查人工起搏器的安培阈值" ], "410116006": [ "Assessment of fluid volume compliance", "Assess compliance with fluid volume", "Assessment of adherence with fluid volume", "通过液体量评估依从性", "评估液体量的依从性", "液体量依从性的评估" ], "391897002": [ "Aspiration curettage of uterus for termination of pregnancy", "Suction evacuation of pregnancy", "Suction curettage of uterus for termination of pregnancy", "VAT - vacuum aspiration termination of pregnancy", "VTOP - vacuum termination of pregnancy", "STOP - suction termination of pregnancy", "子宫吸刮术终止妊娠", "子宫吸除术终止妊娠", "妊娠吸宫术", "VTOP-- 真空终止妊娠", "VAT-- 真空吸引终止妊娠", "STOP-- 吸宫终止妊娠" ], "47833006": [ "Open reduction of fracture of radius", "桡骨骨折切开复位" ], "768729006": [ "Advice about drug dosage", "Advice about medication dosage", "Drug dosage education", "关于药物剂量的建议", "药物剂量教育" ], "373678003": [ "Arthroscopic synovial biopsy of knee joint", "膝关节镜滑膜活检" ], "78766008": [ "Insertion of nasogastric tube for intestinal decompression", "插入鼻胃管进行肠减压" ], "306307004": [ "Referral to endocrine surgeon", "转诊至内分泌外科医生" ], "765059005": [ "Assessment for crisis intervention", "危机干预评估" ], "27779004": [ "Sternotomy", "Incision of sternum", "胸骨切开术" ], "371843008": [ "Cardiac output measurement by thermal inline method", "通过热内联法测量心输出量" ], "91480001": [ "Iontophoresis procedure", "Iontophoresis", "离子电渗疗法" ], "173400002": [ "Repair of defect of palate with skin flap", "皮瓣修复腭部缺损" ], "386392002": [ "Preceptoring: student", "Preceptor: student", "指导老师:学生", "导师: 学生" ], "1254744004": [ "Thoracoscopic thymectomy with robot assistance", "Thoracoscopic thymectomy using robotic assistance", "Robotic assisted thoracoscopic thymectomy", "Thoracoscopic excision of thymus using robotic assistance", "机器人辅助胸腔镜胸腺切除术", "使用机器人辅助的胸腔镜胸腺切除术", "使用机器人辅助进行胸腔镜胸腺切除术" ], "288088005": [ "Wound repair skin-plasty", "伤口修复皮肤整形术" ], "304472008": [ "Interrupted direct current to ankle", "脚踝处直流电流中断" ], "269869000": [ "Serum carbamazepine level", "Serum carbamazepine measurement", "血清卡马西平水平", "血清卡马西平测定" ], "122413000": [ "Neisseria gonorrhoeae rRNA assay", "Neisseria gonorrhoeae ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "淋病奈瑟菌 rRNA 检测", "淋病奈瑟菌核糖体核糖核酸测定" ], "235266004": [ "Cauterisation of duodenal lesion", "Cauterization of duodenal lesion", "十二指肠病变烧灼术" ], "104194007": [ "Bacterial culture, urine, with organism identification", "尿液细菌培养及生物体鉴定" ], "233431002": [ "Percutaneous thrombolysis of iliofemoral vein", "经皮髂股静脉血栓溶解术" ], "446423004": [ "Measurement of Influenza A virus A/Texas/1/77 (H3N2) antibody", "甲型流感病毒 A/Texas/1/77 (H3N2) 抗体测量" ], "118743008": [ "Procedure on tendon", "肌腱手术" ], "231596001": [ "Radiotherapy to lesion of eyelid", "眼睑病变放射治疗" ], "1263788002": [ "Chemical neurolytic block of ganglion impar", "Ganglion impar block with chemical neurolysis", "奇神经节化学神经阻滞", "奇神经节阻滞联合化学神经松解术" ], "313516002": [ "24 hour urine cortisol output", "24 hour urine cortisol output measurement", "24小时尿皮质醇排出量", "24 小时尿液皮质醇排出量测量" ], "870572003": [ "Cryopreservation of sperm", "Cryopreservation of spermatozoa", "精子冷冻保存", "精子的冷冻保存" ], "428204006": [ "Revision of laser foraminoplasty of thoracic spine", "胸椎激光椎间孔成形术的修订" ], "444588006": [ "Endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm", "腹主动脉瘤的腔内修复" ], "2220009": [ "Complement component assay", "补体成分测定" ], "311681003": [ "Chewing exercises", "咀嚼练习" ], "49537005": [ "Anesthesia for thoracotomy procedure involving diaphragm", "Anaesthesia for thoracotomy procedure involving diaphragm", "涉及膈肌的开胸手术麻醉" ], "82305005": [ "Artificial graft", "Synthetic graft", "合成移植物", "人工移植物" ], "65921008": [ "Intestinal function education", "肠道功能教育" ], "178774008": [ "Exploratory lumbar laminectomy", "探查性腰椎椎板切除术" ], "127787002": [ "Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccination", "Administration of Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine", "Haemophilus influenzae type b immunization", "Administration of vaccine product containing only Haemophilus influenzae type b antigen", "Haemophilus influenzae type b immunisation", "B 型流感嗜血杆菌免疫", "B 型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗接种", "接种仅含 b 型流感嗜血杆菌抗原的疫苗产品", "接种 B 型流感嗜血杆菌疫苗" ], "439083005": [ "Ablation of kidney using magnetic resonance imaging guidance", "MRI guided ablation of kidney", "MRI 引导下肾脏消融", "使用磁共振成像引导进行肾脏消融" ], "275243005": [ "McEvedy repair of femoral hernia", "McEvedy 股疝修复术" ], "78635008": [ "Repositioning of aberrant renal vessels", "异常肾血管的重新定位" ], "306176001": [ "Referral to orthoptics service", "转诊至视轴矫正服务" ], "764928002": [ "Collection of fluid specimen", "液体样本采集" ], "1010688007": [ "Anastomosis of left internal thoracic artery to diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LITA (left internal thoracic artery) to diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of LIMA (left internal mammary artery) to diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "Anastomosis of left internal mammary artery to diagonal branch of anterior descending branch of left coronary artery", "左胸廓内动脉与左冠状动脉前降支对角支吻合术", "左乳内动脉与左冠状动脉前降支对角支吻合术", "左乳内动脉 (LIMA) 与左冠状动脉前降支对角支的吻合术", "左胸内动脉 (LITA) 与左冠状动脉前降支对角支吻合术" ], "386261001": [ "Diet staging", "Progressive diet strategy", "Provision of progressive diet", "饮食分期", "提供渐进式饮食", "渐进式饮食策略" ], "173269002": [ "Division of adhesions of lip", "唇粘连分离" ], "107733003": [ "Introduction procedure", "引入程序" ], "304341005": [ "Awake intubation", "清醒插管" ], "763093007": [ "Repair of epispadias urethroplasty using glanular flap", "尿道乳头瓣修复尿道上裂" ], "40362001": [ "Neuroplasty of major peripheral nerve of leg", "小腿主要周围神经成形术" ], "1285546002": [ "Hemiarthroplasty of both shoulders", "Partial replacement of joint of both shoulders", "Partial replacement of joint of bilateral shoulders", "双肩关节部分置换", "双肩关节部分置换术", "双肩半关节置换术" ], "122282003": [ "Fungus identification", "真菌鉴定" ], "9429009": [ "Gastroplasty", "GP - Gastroplasty", "Plastic repair with reconstruction of stomach", "Stomach reconstruction", "全科医生-胃成形术", "胃成形术", "胃重建", "胃整形修复重建" ], "171434007": [ "Health promotion", "Health stimulation/nurturance treatments and procedures", "健康刺激/养育治疗和程序", "促进健康" ], "448127002": [ "Division of tendon of forearm", "Tenotomy of forearm", "前臂肌腱分离", "前臂肌腱切断术" ], "431743005": [ "Yttrium 90 somatostatin analog therapy", "Yttrium 90 somatostatin analogue therapy", "钇90生长抑素类似物治疗" ], "38527006": [ "Grafting of bone of humerus", "肱骨移植" ], "20308005": [ "C>119< complement assay", "C>9< 补体测定" ], "184935009": [ "HGV exam for govt department", "Heavy goods vehicle driver examination for government department", "政府部门 HGV 考试", "政府部门重型货车司机考试" ], "84796003": [ "Tyrosine measurement", "酪氨酸测量" ], "445244007": [ "Drainage of fascia of hand", "手部筋膜引流" ], "363324008": [ "Surgical repair procedure by morphology", "根据形态进行手术修复" ], "410641003": [ "Well child visit, 9 years", "9 岁儿童健康检查" ], "443409006": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography with computed tomography of bone of ankle and foot", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描和踝部骨骼计算机断层扫描" ], "736486001": [ "Local excision of lesion of urethra", "尿道病变局部切除术" ], "179430001": [ "Revision uncemented hemiarthroplasty of shoulder", "非骨水泥型肩关节半置换术" ], "1041009": [ "Debridement of open fracture of phalanges of foot", "足指骨开放性骨折清创术" ], "15590005": [ "Operation on single extraocular muscle", "单侧眼外肌手术" ], "392422006": [ "Re210 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Fox epithelium specific IgE antibody measurement", "Fox epithelium specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Re210特异性IgE抗体测量", "狐上皮特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "狐狸上皮特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "408806008": [ "Fetal heart monitoring using hand held Doppler", "使用手持多普勒仪监测胎儿心脏" ], "308667001": [ "Biological atrioventricular valve replacement", "Bioprosthetic atrioventricular valve replacement", "Tissue atrioventricular valve replacement", "组织房室瓣置换术", "生物房室瓣置换术", "生物人工房室瓣置换术" ], "228582008": [ "Errorless learning technique", "无错学习技术" ], "243131007": [ "Helium inhalation therapy", "氦气吸入疗法" ], "439739008": [ "Laparoscopic partial excision of kidney", "Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy", "腹腔镜肾部分切除术" ], "30139007": [ "Resorption rate measurement, gastrointestinal", "胃肠道吸收率测量" ], "306832005": [ "Combination therapy to face", "联合治疗" ], "388752007": [ "Japanese sardine specific IgE antibody measurement", "f61 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Japanese pilchard specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sardinops melanosticta specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sardinops melanosticta specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f61特异性IgE抗体测量", "黑点沙丁鱼特异性IgE抗体测定", "日本沙丁鱼特异性IgE抗体测定", "黑点沙丁鱼特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "28304008": [ "Incisional biopsy of cerebral meninges", "脑膜切开活检" ], "239461001": [ "Irrigation of joint cavity", "Washout of joint", "关节冲洗", "关节腔冲洗" ], "304997004": [ "Apically repositioned periodontal flap with osseous surgery", "牙周瓣根尖复位及骨手术" ], "303812001": [ "Urogenital system angiography", "Angiography of urogenital system", "泌尿生殖系统血管造影" ], "172090008": [ "Transposition of nipple", "乳头移位" ], "104719005": [ "Hemoglobin, thermolabile measurement", "Haemoglobin, thermolabile measurement", "血红蛋白,不耐热测量" ], "252175007": [ "Arginine stimulation test", "Arginine infusion test", "精氨酸刺激试验", "精氨酸输注试验" ], "432399008": [ "Radionuclide bone imaging of thorax", "Radionuclide imaging of chest", "胸部放射性核素骨显像", "胸部放射性核素显像" ], "266724001": [ "Dietary advice for weight reduction", "Weight-reducing diet education", "减肥饮食建议", "减肥饮食教育" ], "53732003": [ "Open reduction of alveolar ridge fracture", "Open reduction of alveolar process fracture", "牙槽突骨折切开复位", "牙槽嵴骨折切开复位" ], "709092004": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of root of tongue", "Radiofrequency ablation of base of tongue", "舌根射频消融术" ], "119268003": [ "Inflation", "通货膨胀" ], "250340005": [ "Extrinsic coagulation pathway factor measurement", "Extrinsic coagulation pathway factor level", "Extrinsic coagulation system factor level", "外源性凝血途径因子水平", "外源性凝血途径因子测量", "外源性凝血系统因子水平" ], "37348007": [ "Diagnostic radiography with contrast media by injection, positive contrast", "采用注射造影剂进行诊断放射摄影,阳性对比" ], "1216996008": [ "Endoscopic examination of colonic pouch and biopsy of colonic pouch", "结肠袋内镜检查及结肠袋活检" ], "166585000": [ "Serum sex hormone binding globulin measurement", "Serum sex hormone binding globulin level", "血清性激素结合球蛋白水平", "血清性激素结合球蛋白测定" ], "397796008": [ "Electroencephalographic monitoring regime", "Electroencephalographic monitoring", "脑电图监测方案", "脑电图监测" ], "608953000": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of specimen from seminal vesicle", "精囊标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "363193004": [ "Lymphatic system physical examination", "淋巴系统体格检查" ], "723641005": [ "Assessment using Historical Clinical Risk management-20 violence risk assessment scheme version 3", "Assessment using HCR-20 V3 (Historical Clinical Risk management-20 version 3)", "使用 HCR-20 V3(历史临床风险管理-20 第 3 版)进行评估", "使用历史临床风险管理-20 暴力风险评估方案第 3 版进行评估" ], "2745006": [ "Omentopexy", "大网膜固定术" ], "707257007": [ "Remanipulation of fracture of long bone with flexible internal fixation", "弹性内固定技术再治疗长骨骨折" ], "182969009": [ "Dependent drug detoxification", "依赖性药物戒毒" ], "910002": [ "MHPG measurement, urine", "3-Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol measurement, urine", "3-Methoxy-4-hydroxphenylglycol (MHPG) measurement, urine", "3-Methoxy-4-hydroxphenylglycol measurement, urine", "3-甲氧基-4-羟基苯乙二醇测量,尿液", "3-甲氧基-4-羟基苯乙二醇 (MHPG) 测量,尿液", "MHPG 测量,尿液" ], "17294003": [ "Patient referral for special education", "特殊教育病人转诊" ], "443278004": [ "Measurement of Hendra virus antibody", "亨德拉病毒抗体测定" ], "406840003": [ "Eriochrome blue black SE stain method", "Eriochrome blue black SE stain", "铬蓝黑SE染色法", "铬蓝黑SE染色" ], "128312004": [ "Procedure on female genital organ", "女性生殖器手术" ], "441491000124102": [ "Management of route of parenteral nutrition", "肠外营养途径管理" ], "437651000124104": [ "Gluten free diet", "无麸质饮食" ], "60941001": [ "Excision of vein", "Phlebectomy", "Venectomy", "静脉切除术", "静脉切除" ], "445331000124105": [ "Nutrition-related laboratory result interpretation education", "营养相关实验室结果解释教育" ], "308536008": [ "Monitoring call", "监控通话" ], "306701001": [ "Discharge to community hospital", "出院转至社区医院" ], "662931000124109": [ "Referral to intimate partner violence service", "转介至亲密伴侣暴力服务机构" ], "438931000124104": [ "Manganese supplement therapy", "锰补充疗法" ], "177464008": [ "Local transposition flap, axial pattern, to head or neck", "局部转位皮瓣,轴向,头部或颈部" ], "241165002": [ "Single contrast barium enema", "SCBE - Single contrast barium enema", "单一造影钡灌肠", "SCBE-- 单对比钡灌肠" ], "175629008": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal popliteal artery by anastomosis of popliteal artery to peroneal artery using prosthesis", "紧急用假体吻合腘动脉至腓动脉以置换动脉瘤" ], "173794002": [ "Pyloromyotomy and wedge resection", "幽门环肌切开术和楔形切除术" ], "1287906003": [ "Liver contrast procedure", "Imaging of liver with contrast", "肝脏造影", "肝脏造影程序" ], "9954002": [ "Serologic test for rubella", "Serologic test for Rubella virus", "Rubella Virus antibody assay", "风疹病毒抗体检测", "风疹血清学检测", "风疹病毒血清学检测" ], "386786006": [ "Balloon dilatation of oesophageal stricture", "Balloon dilatation of esophageal stricture", "Pneumatic dilatation of oesophageal stricture", "Pneumatic dilatation of esophageal stricture", "Balloon dilation of oesophageal stricture", "Balloon dilation of esophageal stricture", "食管狭窄球囊扩张术", "食管狭窄气压弹道扩张术", "食管狭窄充气扩张术" ], "239330006": [ "Debridement of fracture", "骨折清创" ], "450487000": [ "Laparoscopic excision of ovary", "Laparoscopic oophorectomy", "腹腔镜卵巢切除术" ], "419554008": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of temporomandibular joint", "Temporomandibular joint arthrogram", "颞下颌关节造影", "颞下颌关节X线造影" ], "57271003": [ "Extraperitoneal cesarean section", "Cesarean section by peritoneal exclusion", "Norton cesarean operation", "Supravesical cesarean section", "Caesarean section by peritoneal exclusion", "Extraperitoneal caesarean section", "Norton caesarean operation", "Supravesical caesarean section", "膀胱上剖宫产", "腹膜隔绝术剖宫产", "腹膜外剖宫产", "腹膜隔绝剖宫产", "诺顿剖腹产手术" ], "171959006": [ "Decompression of pituitary gland", "垂体减压" ], "73655007": [ "Injection of anesthetic agent into celiac plexus with radiologic monitoring", "Injection of anaesthetic agent into coeliac plexus with radiologic monitoring", "在放射学监测下向腹腔神经丛注射麻醉剂" ], "104588007": [ "Chondroitin sulfate measurement", "Chondroitin sulphate measurement", "硫酸软骨素测量" ], "710796008": [ "Fluoroscopy guided aspiration of cyst of kidney", "Aspiration of renal cyst using fluoroscopic guidance", "Aspiration of cyst of kidney using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下肾囊肿抽吸术", "荧光透视引导下肾囊肿抽吸术" ], "86369000": [ "Hepatotomy with drainage", "肝切开引流术" ], "268428008": [ "Erect plain X-ray of abdomen", "腹部直立X光检查" ], "430433001": [ "Injection of sacroiliac joint using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Injection of sacroiliac joint using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided injection of sacroiliac joint", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行骶髂关节注射", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行骶髂关节注射", "CT引导下骶髂关节注射" ], "4449003": [ "Manipulation of spinal meninges", "脊髓膜的操作" ], "708961006": [ "Incision of bursa of wrist", "Bursotomy of wrist", "腕关节囊切开术", "腕部滑囊切开术" ], "2614000": [ "Removal of ligature from fallopian tube", "输卵管结扎线移除" ], "313910001": [ "120 minute serum TSH measurement", "120 minute serum TSH level", "Measurement of serum thyroid stimulating hormone concentration 120 minutes after challenge", "120 分钟血清 TSH 水平", "120 分钟血清 TSH 测量", "激发后 120 分钟测量血清促甲状腺激素浓度" ], "35382002": [ "Frozen blood thawing and processing", "冷冻血液解冻及处理" ], "608822003": [ "Open reduction of epiphyseal fracture of fibula with internal fixation", "腓骨骨骺骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "1231414005": [ "Total arthroplasty of hip joint using autogenous bone graft", "THA (total hip arthroplasty) using bone autograft", "Total arthroplasty of hip joint using bone autograft", "THR (total hip replacement) using bone autograft", "THA (total hip arthroplasty) using autogenous bone graft", "Total replacement of hip joint using autogenous bone graft", "THR (total hip replacement) using autogenous bone graft", "Total replacement of hip joint using bone autograft", "采用自体骨移植进行全髋关节置换术 (THA)", "采用自体骨移植进行全髋关节置换术 (THR)", "自体骨移植全髋关节置换术", "采用自体骨移植完全置换髋关节" ], "182838006": [ "Medication changed", "Change of medication", "更换药物", "药物改变" ], "117302007": [ "Highman stain method", "Congo red solution of Highman", "海曼刚果红溶液", "Highman染色法" ], "115467002": [ "Measurement of ratio of analyte to albumin", "分析物与白蛋白比率的测量" ], "410379003": [ "Dressing change/wound care surveillance", "换药/伤口护理监测" ], "66315005": [ "Dilation of pharynx", "咽部扩张" ], "361227009": [ "Hymenoptera desensitisation therapy", "Venom desensitisation therapy", "Venom hyposensitisation therapy", "Hymenoptera desensitization therapy", "Venom desensitization therapy", "Venom hyposensitization therapy", "Hymenoptera hyposensitisation therapy", "Hymenoptera hyposensitization therapy", "膜翅目昆虫脱敏治疗", "毒液脱敏疗法", "膜翅目昆虫脱敏疗法" ], "424928005": [ "Dietary management surveillance", "饮食管理监测" ], "179168007": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of finger", "手指骨折闭合复位" ], "308405002": [ "Child development recall", "儿童发展回忆" ], "439477003": [ "Femoral neck DXA scan", "Femoral neck DEXA scan", "Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of femoral neck", "股骨颈双能X射线吸收测定", "股骨颈 DEXA 扫描", "股骨颈 DXA 扫描" ], "718005005": [ "Cone beam computed tomography of maxilla", "Cone beam CT of maxilla", "上颌骨锥形束计算机断层扫描", "上颌骨锥形束CT" ], "699786003": [ "Correction of syndactyly with skin flap", "Repair of syndactyly with skin flap", "皮瓣矫正并指畸形", "皮瓣修复并指畸形" ], "306570004": [ "Discharge from pediatric ITU", "Discharge from pediatric intensive care service", "Discharge from paediatric ITU", "Discharge from paediatric intensive care service", "儿科 ITU 出院", "出院" ], "1156703001": [ "Liaising with family on procurement of medication", "与家人联络采购药物" ], "44426009": [ "Ophthalmic service or procedure", "眼科服务或手术" ], "1287775006": [ "Attention to stoma", "注意造口" ], "88073002": [ "Ligation of vein of thyroid", "甲状腺静脉结扎术" ], "432137002": [ "Positioning baby at breast", "Putting baby to breast", "把宝宝抱到乳房", "将宝宝放在乳房上" ], "235529006": [ "Closure of main bile duct anastomosis", "胆管主吻合口闭合" ], "104457006": [ "6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase measurement, erythrocytes", "6-磷酸葡萄糖酸脱氢酶测量,红细胞" ], "315614006": [ "Coronary heart disease annual review", "冠心病年度回顾" ], "20702009": [ "Intracranial phlebectomy with graft replacement", "颅内静脉切除术及移植物置换术" ], "281011001": [ "Urinary system examination", "Examination of urinary system", "泌尿系统检查" ], "313779001": [ "Plasma isoleucine level", "Plasma isoleucine measurement", "血浆异亮氨酸测量", "血浆异亮氨酸水平" ], "16550101000119101": [ "Radiofrequency ablation of lesion of right kidney using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided radiofrequency ablation of lesion of right kidney", "计算机断层扫描引导下右肾病变射频消融术", "CT引导下右肾病变射频消融术" ], "395699007": [ "Cardiac rehabilitation - phase 4", "Cardiac rehabilitation-phase 4", "心脏康复-第 4 阶段" ], "117171008": [ "Peripheral blood buffy coat smear interpretation", "外周血白膜涂片解读" ], "770696001": [ "Drainage of thorax using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of thorax", "Fluoroscopy guided drainage of chest", "荧光透视引导下胸腔引流", "透视引导下胸腔引流" ], "443016003": [ "Percutaneous drainage of abscess of peritoneum using computed tomography guidance", "CT guided percutaneous drainage of abscess of peritoneum", "计算机断层扫描引导下经皮腹膜脓肿引流", "CT引导下经皮腹膜脓肿穿刺引流" ], "426632004": [ "Prosthetic replacement of thoracic intervertebral disc", "胸椎间盘假体置换术" ], "582101000119108": [ "Computed tomography angiography of head with contrast", "CT angiography of head with contrast", "头部增强 CT 血管造影" ], "410248004": [ "Skin breakdown control management", "Manage skin breakdown control", "皮肤破损控制管理", "管理皮肤破损控制" ], "80733000": [ "Closure of ventricular septal defect with patch", "Closure of ventricular septal defect using patch", "室间隔缺损补片封堵", "使用补片封闭室间隔缺损" ], "15197002": [ "Operation on urethra", "Urethral operation", "尿道手术" ], "46130000": [ "Removal of coronary artery obstruction by direct intracoronary artery infusion", "直接冠状动脉内灌注治疗冠状动脉阻塞" ], "439346001": [ "Division of humerus", "肱骨分离" ], "13362007": [ "Gas liquid chromatography, Hall conductivity type", "气液色谱法,霍尔电导率型" ], "175367001": [ "Endarterectomy of carotid artery and patch repair of carotid artery", "Carotid endarterectomy and patch", "颈动脉内膜切除术及颈动脉补片修复术", "颈动脉内膜切除术和补片" ], "306439005": [ "Discharge by nephrologist", "肾病科医师出院" ], "107996003": [ "Lymphatic system excision", "淋巴系统切除" ], "26076006": [ "Thromboendarterectomy of thoracic artery", "胸主动脉血栓内膜切除术" ], "1304028007": [ "Injection of corticosteroid and/or corticosteroid derivative into keloid", "Injection of corticosteroid and/or corticosteroid derivative into keloid scar", "向瘢痕疙瘩内注射皮质类固醇和/或皮质类固醇衍生物", "将皮质类固醇和/或皮质类固醇衍生物注射到瘢痕疙瘩中" ], "58844008": [ "Bypass transplantation with xenogeneic transplant", "异种移植旁路移植" ], "1172956009": [ "Evaluation of infant formula feeding behaviour", "Evaluation of infant formula feeding behavior", "婴儿配方奶粉喂养行为评估" ], "386524009": [ "Sexual behaviour management", "Sexual behavior management", "Behaviour management: sexual", "Behavior management: sexual", "性行为管理", "行为管理:性" ], "122545008": [ "Stimulation", "Stimulation procedure", "刺激程序", "刺激" ], "171697008": [ "Extirpation of lesion of falx cerebri", "大脑镰病变摘除术" ], "710534005": [ "Education about treatment regime", "Advice about treatment", "治疗建议", "治疗方案教育" ], "235398007": [ "Intra-abdominal manipulation of GIT", "Intra-abdominal manipulation of gastrointestinal tract", "腹腔内胃肠道操作" ], "104326007": [ "Measurement of Varicella-zoster virus antibody", "Varicella-zoster virus antibody assay", "水痘-带状疱疹病毒抗体检测", "水痘-带状疱疹病毒抗体测定" ], "446555001": [ "Destruction of eyelash follicle using laser", "使用激光破坏睫毛毛囊" ], "20571001": [ "Tolerance test, intravenous", "耐受性测试,静脉注射" ], "413787004": [ "CD38 count", "CD38 计数" ], "118875004": [ "Procedure on vas deferens", "输精管手术" ], "233563006": [ "Hypertransfusion", "过度输血" ], "397403008": [ "Diaphragm pacing", "膈肌起搏" ], "69723008": [ "Colony forming unit-mixed", "CFU-mixed", "混合菌落形成单位" ], "117040002": [ "Nucleic acid sequencing", "核酸测序" ], "18736003": [ "Middle ear exploration through ear canal incision", "经耳道切开术探查中耳" ], "231728005": [ "Repair of prolapsed iris", "虹膜脱垂修复术" ], "442885001": [ "Excision of flexor tendon of finger and implantation of synthetic rod", "手指屈肌腱切除及合成棒植入术" ], "313648009": [ "CD33 myeloid cell count procedure", "CD33 myeloid cell count", "CD33 髓系细胞计数程序", "CD33 髓系细胞计数" ], "410117002": [ "Fluid volume compliance education", "Teach compliance with fluid volume", "液体量合规教育", "教导遵守液体量规定" ], "66053009": [ "Radical resection of tumor of soft tissue of back", "Radical resection of tumour of soft tissue of back", "背部软组织肿瘤根治术" ], "408282003": [ "Serum 32-33 split pro-insulin level", "血清 32-33 分裂胰岛素原水平" ], "342746004": [ "Tongue graft", "Transplant of tissue of tongue", "舌组织移植", "舌移植" ], "391898007": [ "Fetal oxytocin stress test", "OCT - Oxytocin challenge test", "Oxytocin challenge test", "Foetal oxytocin stress test", "Contraction stress test", "胎儿催产素压力测试", "催产素激发试验", "10 月 - 催产素激发试验", "收缩压力试验" ], "439215002": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of medial epicondyle of humerus", "肱骨内上髁骨折闭合复位" ], "78767004": [ "Removal of foreign body from soft tissue of hand", "手部软组织异物取出" ], "175236000": [ "Creation of shunt from subclavian artery to pulmonary artery using interposition tube prosthesis", "使用插入管假体建立从锁骨下动脉至肺动脉的分流术" ], "765060000": [ "Ketogenic diet", "生酮饮食" ], "27780001": [ "Removal of foreign body from nerve root", "神经根异物取出" ], "388228001": [ "Transurethral incision of bladder neck", "Transurethral resection of bladder neck", "Transurethral resection of vesical neck", "Transurethral incision of neck of urinary bladder", "经尿道膀胱颈切开术", "经尿道膀胱颈切除术" ], "732292007": [ "Stool specimen collection, 48 hours", "粪便样本采集,48 小时" ], "306308009": [ "Referral to GI surgeon", "Referral to gastrointestinal surgeon", "转诊至胃肠道外科医生", "转诊至胃肠外科医生" ], "288089002": [ "Relaxation of scar", "疤痕松弛" ], "304473003": [ "Interrupted direct current to foot", "脚部直流电流中断" ], "173401003": [ "Repair of defect of palate with tongue flap", "舌瓣修复腭部缺损" ], "91481002": [ "Environmental intervention on a psychiatric patient's behalf with agencies", "代表精神病患者与机构进行环境干预" ], "58713006": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of musculoskeletal structures", "MRI - musculoskeletal structures", "肌肉骨骼结构的磁共振成像", "MRI-肌肉骨骼结构" ], "269870004": [ "Serum primidone measurement", "Serum primidone level", "血清扑米酮水平", "血清扑米酮测量" ], "417326006": [ "Repair of vaginal wall prolapse by Buhner method", "Buhner method", "Buhner 方法", "Buhner 法修补阴道壁脱垂" ], "122414006": [ "Neisseria meningitidis rRNA assay", "Neisseria meningitidis ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌 rRNA 检测", "脑膜炎奈瑟菌核糖体核糖核酸测定" ], "235267008": [ "Laser treatment of duodenal lesion", "Photocoagulation of duodenal lesion", "Laser ablation of duodenal lesion", "十二指肠病变激光消融术", "十二指肠病变光凝治疗", "十二指肠病变的激光治疗" ], "104195008": [ "Microbiologic smear with interpretation, wet mount with simple stain", "微生物涂片及解读,湿涂片加简单染色" ], "284419008": [ "Examination of peripheral nerve", "周围神经检查" ], "118744002": [ "Procedure on tendon sheath", "腱鞘手术" ], "184280004": [ "Death notification - non-hospital source", "死亡通知 - 非医院来源" ], "233432009": [ "Procedure on intraluminal device of vein", "静脉腔内装置操作" ], "84141002": [ "Repair of arterial graft", "动脉移植修复" ], "231597005": [ "Anterior lamellar reconstruction of eyelid", "眼睑前板层重建" ], "428205007": [ "Revision of insertion of spacer into lumbar interspinous process", "腰椎棘突间垫片插入术的修正" ], "49538000": [ "Conglutinin assay", "凝集素测定" ], "311682005": [ "Bolus retrieval exercises", "食团检索练习" ], "14935000": [ "Ligation of intracranial varicose vein", "颅内静脉曲张结扎术" ], "64087001": [ "Repair of branchial cleft fistula or cyst", "Fistulectomy of branchial cleft fistula or cyst", "Closure of branchial cleft fistula or cyst", "鳃裂瘘管或囊肿的闭合", "鳃裂瘘管或囊肿的修复", "鳃裂瘘管或囊肿切除术" ], "31319008": [ "Endoscopic destruction of lesion of anus", "内镜肛门病损毁除" ], "275244004": [ "Tru-cut biopsy of lesion of abdominal wall", "腹壁病变真切活检" ], "439084004": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of posterior fossa with contrast", "MRI of posterior fossa with contrast", "后颅窝增强 MRI 检查", "后颅窝增强磁共振成像" ], "127788007": [ "Apheresis", "Apheresis procedure", "血液成分分析", "血液成分分析程序" ], "191489004": [ "Destructive procedure of inner ear", "内耳破坏性手术" ], "764929005": [ "Collection of exhaled breath specimen", "采集呼出气样本" ], "306177005": [ "Referral to orthotics service", "转介矫形服务" ], "287958001": [ "Facial bone exploration", "面部骨骼探查" ], "763094001": [ "Repair of hypospadias urethroplasty using glanular flap", "尿道下裂修复术应用龟头瓣尿道成形术" ], "173270001": [ "Biopsy of lesion of lip", "唇部病变活检" ], "25814008": [ "Grafting of radius and ulna", "Bone graft of radius and ulna", "桡骨和尺骨骨移植", "桡骨和尺骨移植" ], "58582008": [ "Human growth hormone antibody measurement", "人类生长激素抗体测量" ], "386262008": [ "Dysreflexia management", "Dysreflexia care", "反射障碍护理", "反射障碍的治疗" ], "74966009": [ "Operation on tracheobronchial tree", "Trachea and bronchus procedure", "Trachea and bronchus operations", "气管支气管树手术", "气管和支气管手术" ], "236971007": [ "Stabilising induction", "Stabilizing induction", "稳定诱导" ], "122283008": [ "Herpes simplex virus identification", "单纯疱疹病毒鉴定" ], "23979009": [ "Pleurectomy", "Excision of pleura", "胸膜切除术" ], "22144002": [ "Aerosol or vapor inhalation for sputum induction for diagnostic purposes", "Obtaining sputum specimen by aerosol-induced technique", "Aerosol or vapor inhalation for sputum mobilization", "Aerosol or vapour inhalation for sputum mobilisation", "Aerosol or vapour inhalation for sputum induction for diagnostic purposes", "用于诊断目的的气雾剂或蒸气吸入诱导痰液", "气溶胶诱导技术获取痰液标本", "气雾剂或蒸气吸入促进痰液流动", "气雾剂或蒸气吸入促进痰液动员" ], "5760000": [ "Osteoplasty of radius and ulna, shortening", "桡骨及尺骨整形术、缩短术" ], "169600002": [ "Antenatal care: under 5ft tall", "产前护理:身高 5 英尺以下" ], "431744004": [ "Biopsy of tibia and fibula using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Biopsy of tibia and fibula using ultrasound guidance", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of tibia and fibula", "Biopsy of tibia and fibula using ultrasonographic guidance", "使用超声引导进行胫骨和腓骨活检", "超声引导下胫骨和腓骨活检" ], "266069000": [ "Thoracoscopy and biopsy of intrathoracic organ", "胸腔镜检查及胸内器官活检" ], "446293007": [ "Needle biopsy of salivary gland", "唾液腺针吸活检" ], "233301007": [ "Endarterectomy of hepatic artery", "肝动脉内膜切除术" ], "870442006": [ "Uric acid lowering therapy", "Urate lowering therapy", "降尿酸治疗" ], "406185000": [ "Trauma therapy", "创伤治疗" ], "63956009": [ "Destruction of lesion of spinal cord", "脊髓损伤破坏" ], "225961006": [ "Assisting with haircare", "协助护发" ], "373417007": [ "Implantation of posterior chamber intraocular lens in ciliary sulcus", "睫状沟内后房型人工晶状体植入术" ], "897705008": [ "Laparoscopic trisegmentectomy of left liver", "Laparoscopic trisegmentectomy of left lobe of liver", "腹腔镜肝左叶三段切除术", "腹腔镜左肝三段切除术" ], "420734001": [ "West Nile virus IgG antibody measurement", "West Nile virus immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "西尼罗河病毒免疫球蛋白 G 抗体测量", "西尼罗河病毒 IgG 抗体测量" ], "306046006": [ "Referral by community psychiatric nurse", "Referral by CPN", "Referral from CPN", "Referral from community psychiatric nurse", "CPN 推荐", "社区精神科护士转诊" ], "173139000": [ "Fibreoptic endoscopic laser destruction of lesion of trachea", "Fiberoptic endoscopic laser destruction of lesion of trachea", "Fiberoptic endoscopic destruction of lesion of trachea using laser", "Fibreoptic endoscopic destruction of lesion of trachea using laser", "纤维内镜激光毁损气管损伤", "纤维内窥镜激光毁损气管损伤" ], "1172563000": [ "Insertion of peritoneal dialysis catheter", "腹膜透析导管插入" ], "287827001": [ "Excess ileostomy mucosa excision", "Excision of redundant mucosa from ileostomy", "切除回肠造口多余的粘膜", "回肠造口多余黏膜切除" ], "9299003": [ "Coagulation of aneurysm of cerebral vessel", "Electrocoagulation of aneurysm of cerebral artery", "脑动脉瘤电凝治疗", "脑血管瘤电凝术" ], "91219007": [ "Correction of atresia of rectum", "直肠闭锁矫正术" ], "171304001": [ "Adult 25 year screening", "成人 25 岁筛查" ], "1303635009": [ "Excision of lipoma of right shoulder region", "右肩部脂肪瘤切除术" ], "122152003": [ "Yersinia enterocolitica antibody assay", "Measurement of Yersinia enterocolitica antibody", "小肠结肠炎耶尔森氏菌抗体检测", "小肠结肠炎耶尔森菌抗体测定" ], "236840004": [ "Excision of female periurethral tissue", "女性尿道周围组织切除术" ], "302376006": [ "Right oophorectomy", "右侧卵巢切除术" ], "431613003": [ "CT guided kyphoplasty of fracture of lumbar spine", "Kyphoplasty of fracture of lumbar spine using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "Kyphoplasty of fracture of lumbar spine using computed tomography guidance", "计算机断层扫描引导下腰椎骨折后凸成形术", "CT 引导下腰椎骨折后凸成形术", "CT引导下腰椎骨折后凸成形术" ], "3794000": [ "Pregnanetriol measurement", "孕三醇测量" ], "103933008": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from Kx system (ISBT 019)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Kx system (ISBT 019)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Kx system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 019)", "血型、Kx 系统的红细胞抗原 (ISBT 019)", "血型、Kx 系统的红细胞抗原(国际输血协会 019)", "血型、Kx 系统的红细胞抗原(ISBT 019)" ], "315090000": [ "Canary fecal antibody level", "Canary faecal antibody level", "金丝雀粪便抗体水平" ], "233170003": [ "Implantation of automatic cardiac defibrillator", "自动心脏除颤器植入术" ], "446162003": [ "Debridement of shin", "胫骨清创术" ], "710141009": [ "Promotion of caregiver child attachment", "促进照顾者与儿童的依恋" ], "118482006": [ "Abduction of extremity", "Procedure to abduct extremity", "肢体外展手术", "肢体外展" ], "34727001": [ "Division of intracranial varicose vein", "颅内静脉曲张的切除" ], "67495001": [ "Suture of joint capsule with arthroplasty of foot", "足关节置换术中关节囊缝合" ], "231335004": [ "Replacement of artificial bladder sphincter", "Removal of artificial bladder sphincter with replacement", "Replacement of artificial urinary bladder sphincter", "人工膀胱括约肌移除及更换", "人工膀胱括约肌置换术" ], "16508004": [ "Division of congenital web of pharynx", "先天性咽蹼分裂" ], "311420007": [ "Primary open reduction and fixation of fracture", "一期切开复位固定骨折" ], "112977000": [ "Repair of diaphragmatic hernia", "膈疝修补术" ], "229500009": [ "Connective tissue massage", "结缔组织按摩" ], "49276007": [ "Echocardiography for determining interventricular septal thickness", "超声心动图确定室间隔厚度" ], "391505008": [ "Plasma citrulline level", "血浆瓜氨酸水平" ], "29222003": [ "Posterior mitral commissurotomy", "二尖瓣后交界切开术" ], "12838003": [ "Incision and exploration of neck", "颈部切开探查" ], "438822008": [ "Percutaneous arterial and venous embolization of cerebral arteriovenous malformation using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous arterial and venous embolisation of cerebral arteriovenous malformation using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮脑动静脉畸形动脉及静脉栓塞术", "荧光造影引导下经皮脑动静脉畸形动脉和静脉栓塞术" ], "1290790009": [ "Plain X-ray of mandible, oblique lateral", "下颌骨斜侧位X光检查" ], "387835002": [ "Incision and exploration of scrotum", "阴囊切开探查" ], "305915002": [ "Referral from community doctor in audiology", "Referral by community doctor in audiology", "听力学社区医生转诊" ], "699131005": [ "Craniotomy and repair of intracranial aneurysm using intracranial approach", "Incision of bone of cranium and repair of intracranial aneurysm using intracranial approach", "经颅内入路开颅及修补颅内动脉瘤", "颅骨切开及经颅内入路修补颅内动脉瘤" ], "764667006": [ "Positron emission tomography of brain using fluorodopa (18-F)", "PET of brain using fluorodopa (18-F)", "使用氟多巴(18-F)进行脑正电子发射断层扫描", "使用氟多巴进行脑 PET 检查 (18-F)" ], "287696002": [ "Atrial overdrive pacing", "心房超速起搏" ], "713680003": [ "Computed tomography of rib", "CT of rib", "肋骨 CT", "肋骨计算机断层扫描" ], "1303504007": [ "Internal fixation of bone of left hand", "左手骨内固定术" ], "122021001": [ "Legionella pneumophila 1 antibody assay", "Measurement of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 antibody", "嗜肺军团菌 1 型抗体的测量", "嗜肺军团菌 1 抗体检测" ], "302245002": [ "Family, systemic, couple and sex therapy", "家庭、系统、夫妻和性治疗" ], "449701003": [ "Incision of varicose vein of lower leg", "小腿静脉曲张切开术" ], "185722000": [ "Hypertension monitoring verbal invite", "高血压监测口头邀请" ], "120186000": [ "Peritoneum reconstruction", "腹膜重建" ], "284026003": [ "Core temperature monitoring", "T - Core temperature monitoring", "T - 核心温度监测", "核心温度监测" ], "234874003": [ "Adjust acrylic component of orthodontic appliance", "调整牙齿矫正器丙烯酸组件" ], "103802005": [ "Kallikrein assay", "激肽释放酶测定" ], "447866006": [ "Division of tibia", "胫骨分割" ], "282191000": [ "Laminectomy for decompression and exploration", "Laminotomy for decompression and exploration", "椎板切除术减压探查", "椎板切开术减压探查" ], "446031000": [ "Arteriography of intraabdominal artery", "Angiography of intraabdominal artery", "腹腔动脉造影" ], "431482008": [ "Dietary education for competitive athlete", "竞技运动员的饮食教育" ], "183887004": [ "Private referral to plastic surgeon", "整形外科医生的私人转诊" ], "313124001": [ "Provision of removable artificial eye", "提供可摘除的义眼" ], "34596002": [ "Patient discharge, elopement", "Patient discharge following abscondment", "患者潜逃后出院", "病人出院、私奔" ], "870180004": [ "Assessment using mMRC (modified Medical Research Council) Dyspnea Scale", "Assessment using modified Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale", "使用 mMRC(改良医学研究委员会)呼吸困难量表进行评估", "使用改良医学研究委员会呼吸困难量表进行评估" ], "50980006": [ "Fine needle biopsy of bladder", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of bladder", "Fine needle biopsy of urinary bladder", "Fine needle aspiration biopsy of urinary bladder", "膀胱细针活检", "膀胱细针穿刺活检" ], "83748007": [ "Excision of sacral pressure injury with primary suture", "Excision of pressure injury of sacral region with primary closure using suture", "骶骨压伤切除及一期缝合", "骶部压疮切除缝合一期缝合" ], "231204007": [ "Local anesthetic block of dorsal nerve of penis", "Local anaesthetic block of dorsal nerve of penis", "LA - Local anesthetic block of dorsal nerve of penis", "Dorsal nerve block of penis", "LA - Local anaesthetic block of dorsal nerve of penis", "阴茎背神经阻滞", "阴茎背神经局麻阻滞", "阴茎背神经局部麻醉阻滞", "LA - 阴茎背神经局部麻醉阻滞" ], "67364009": [ "Ligation of esophageal varices", "Ligation of oesophageal varices", "食管静脉曲张结扎术" ], "81913003": [ "Plication of diaphragm", "膈肌折叠术" ], "229369008": [ "Physiological mobilization of the metacarpophalangeal joints", "Physiological mobilisation of the metacarpophalangeal joints", "掌指关节的生理活动" ], "63694007": [ "Nerve pedicle transfer, first stage", "神经蒂移植,第一阶段" ], "391374007": [ "HSV IgM level", "Herpes simplex virus (HSV) immunoglobulin M (IgM) level", "Herpes simplex virus immunoglobulin M level", "单纯疱疹病毒免疫球蛋白 M 水平", "单纯疱疹病毒 IgM 水平", "单纯疱疹病毒 (HSV) 免疫球蛋白 M (IgM) 水平" ], "225699002": [ "Applying ointment to eye", "给眼睛涂药膏" ], "1290659003": [ "Plain X-ray of lumbar and sacral spine, oblique view", "腰椎和骶椎的普通 X 光检查,斜视图" ], "176547004": [ "Prepuceplasty", "包皮成形术" ], "387704000": [ "Local anaesthetic nerve block in thorax", "Local anesthetic nerve block in thorax", "LA - Local anaesthetic nerve block in thorax", "LA - Local anesthetic nerve block in thorax", "LA - 胸部局部麻醉神经阻滞", "胸部局部麻醉神经阻滞" ], "307619009": [ "Laparoscopic biopsy of liver lesion", "Laparoscopy and biopsy of lesion of liver", "腹腔镜检查及肝病变活检", "腹腔镜肝脏病变活检" ], "10872001": [ "Manipulation of eyelid", "眼睑手术" ], "174712007": [ "Excision of tail of pancreas and drainage of pancreatic duct", "胰尾切除及胰管引流" ], "1010296007": [ "Ligation of right fallopian tube", "右侧输卵管结扎术" ], "385869002": [ "Safety precautions assessment", "Assess safety precautions", "评估安全预防措施", "安全预防措施评估" ], "713549003": [ "Etanercept therapy", "依那西普治疗" ], "252962006": [ "McCormick toy test - manual", "McCormick 玩具测试 - 手册" ], "38135000": [ "Decompression of nerve", "神经减压" ], "185591000": [ "Rubella injection - third call", "风疹注射 - 第三次呼叫" ], "234743006": [ "Bridge preparation of tooth or teeth", "Bridge prep - Bridge preparation of tooth or teeth", "Brprep - Bridge preparation of tooth or teeth", "牙齿或牙齿桥准备", "Brprep - 牙齿桥准备", "牙桥准备 - 一颗或多颗牙齿的牙桥准备" ], "447735009": [ "Suturing of capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint", "掌指关节囊缝合" ], "87287009": [ "Renin, normal salt intake measurement, recumbent, 6 hours", "肾素,正常盐摄入量测量,卧位,6 小时" ], "232908004": [ "Removal of thrombus from atrioventricular valve", "Removal of clot from atrioventricular valve", "Atrioventricular valve thrombectomy", "Declotting of atrioventricular valve", "房室瓣清除凝块", "去除房室瓣血凝块", "房室瓣血栓清除术", "房室瓣血栓切除术" ], "429516009": [ "Procedure involving suprapubic catheter", "Suprapubic catheter procedure", "耻骨上导管手术" ], "50849002": [ "Emergency room admission", "Admission to accident and emergency department", "Admission to casualty department", "Admission to A & E department", "Admission to emergency department", "进入急诊室", "进入急诊科", "急诊室入院", "急诊科入院", "入院急诊科" ], "196470000": [ "Epley manoeuvre", "Epley maneuver", "CRP - canalith repositioning procedure", "埃普利手法", "CRP-- 耳石复位手术" ], "16246005": [ "Ligation of supernumerary fingers", "多余手指结扎术" ], "180086006": [ "Amputation of duplicate thumb", "双拇指截除术" ], "425846009": [ "Repair of orthodontic appliance", "牙齿矫正器修复" ], "129099008": [ "Ramp protocol", "坡道协议" ], "178251008": [ "Release of contracture of muscle", "肌肉收缩的缓解" ], "243787009": [ "Antenatal screening", "产前筛查" ], "440395008": [ "Multisensory play", "多感官游戏" ], "438560005": [ "Percutaneous skeletal fixation of dislocation of inferior radioulnar joint structure", "Percutaneous skeletal fixation of distal dislocation of radius and ulna", "经皮骨固定治疗桡尺骨远端脱位", "经皮骨固定治疗下尺桡关节脱位" ], "176416007": [ "Bilateral total orchidectomy", "Excision of entire bilateral testes", "Total excision of bilateral testes", "Total excision of both testes", "切除整个双侧睾丸", "双侧睾丸全切除术", "双侧睾丸全切除" ], "405792009": [ "Formal psychological therapy", "正规心理治疗" ], "1255925006": [ "Endoscopic pancreatic sequestrectomy", "Endoscopic pancreatic necrosectomy", "Endoscopic necrosectomy of pancreas", "Endoscopic debridement of pancreatic and peripancreatic necrosis", "内镜胰腺坏死组织切除术", "内镜胰腺坏死切除术", "内镜清创治疗胰腺及胰周坏死" ], "698869007": [ "Laparoscopic bilateral total nephrectomy", "腹腔镜双侧全肾切除术" ], "59893009": [ "Repair of tricuspid valve with tissue graft", "组织移植修复三尖瓣" ], "303818002": [ "Gastrointestinal angiography", "Angiography of vascular structure of gastrointestinal tract", "胃肠血管造影", "胃肠道血管结构造影" ], "238282004": [ "Peritoneal pseudocyst marsupialization", "Peritoneal pseudocyst marsupialisation", "腹膜假性囊肿袋形术" ], "8906004": [ "Cecocolostomy", "Colocecostomy", "Colocaecostomy", "Caecocolostomy", "盲肠结肠造口术", "结肠造口术" ], "25290007": [ "Restoration, inlay, composite/resin, two surfaces, laboratory processed", "修复体,嵌体,复合材料/树脂,双面,实验室处理" ], "271050007": [ "Serum pseudocholinesterase level", "Serum pseudocholinesterase measurement", "血清假胆碱酯酶水平", "血清假胆碱酯酶测定" ], "385738009": [ "Dying/death measures management", "Manage dying/death measures", "End-of-life case management", "临终案例管理", "临终/死亡措施管理", "管理垂死/死亡措施" ], "121759002": [ "Cortisone measurement", "皮质酮测量" ], "105375001": [ "Hand-held-transducer ultrasonography", "手持式超声换能器" ], "252831006": [ "Lens implant power determination", "晶状体植入物度数测定" ], "56223007": [ "Removal of foreign body from spinal canal", "取出椎管内的异物" ], "431220000": [ "Cardiac septostomy using fluoroscopic guidance", "使用荧光透视引导进行心脏隔膜造口术" ], "119924006": [ "Gallbladder closure", "胆囊闭合" ], "185460008": [ "Home visit request by patient", "患者请求家访" ], "232777000": [ "MVRR - Mitral valve re-replacement", "Replacement of implanted mitral valve", "植入式二尖瓣置换术", "MVRR - 二尖瓣置换术" ], "265545001": [ "Avulsion of varicose vein of leg", "小腿静脉曲张撕脱" ], "429385001": [ "Primary foraminoplasty of lumbar spine using laser", "腰椎原发性椎间孔成形术(激光)" ], "52553004": [ "Fecal fat measurement, 24-hour collection", "Faecal fat measurement, 24-hour collection", "粪便脂肪测量,24 小时收集" ], "413001005": [ "Anti B2 glycoprotein 1 IgG antibody measurement", "beta-2 glycoprotein 1 IgG level measurement", "Anti B2 glycoprotein 1 IgG antibody level", "beta-2 glycoprotein 1 immunoglobulin G level measurement", "β-2 糖蛋白 1 IgG 水平测量", "抗 B2 糖蛋白 1 IgG 抗体测量", "抗 B2 糖蛋白 1 IgG 抗体水平", "β-2 糖蛋白 1 免疫球蛋白 G 水平测量" ], "85321006": [ "Osteotomy of innominate bone with femoral osteotomy", "无名骨截骨术及股骨截骨术" ], "118089005": [ "Influenza A and B virus antigen assay", "Influenza A virus and Influenza B virus antigen assay", "甲型流感病毒和乙型流感病毒抗原检测" ], "398452009": [ "Chlamydia trachomatis nucleic acid assay", "Chlamydia trachomatis nucleic acid detection", "沙眼衣原体核酸检测" ], "871753009": [ "Administration of third dose of paediatric hepatitis A vaccine", "Administration of third dose of pediatric hepatitis A vaccine", "Third paediatric hepatitis A immunisation", "Third paediatric hepatitis A vaccination", "Administration of third dose of paediatric vaccine product containing only Hepatitis A virus antigen", "Third pediatric hepatitis A immunization", "Third pediatric hepatitis A vaccination", "Administration of third dose of pediatric vaccine product containing only Hepatitis A virus antigen", "第三次儿童甲肝疫苗接种", "儿童接种第三剂甲肝疫苗", "第三次儿童甲型肝炎免疫接种", "儿童接种第三剂甲型肝炎疫苗", "第三次儿童甲肝免疫接种", "注射第三剂仅含甲型肝炎病毒抗原的儿科疫苗产品", "注射第三剂仅含甲型肝炎病毒抗原的儿童疫苗产品" ], "443934001": [ "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of chromium in peripheral blood specimen", "Quantitative measurement of mass concentration of chromium in peripheral blood", "外周血标本中铬质量浓度的定量测定", "外周血中铬质量浓度的定量测量" ], "67102000": [ "Patellaplasty", "Plastic operation on patella", "Osteoplasty of patella", "Repair of patella", "髌骨修复", "髌骨整形手术", "髌骨成形术" ], "230942003": [ "Attention to intracranial pressure transducer", "注意颅内压传感器" ], "1148446004": [ "Education about legal aid", "法律援助教育" ], "229107001": [ "Back class", "返回班级" ], "737011002": [ "Revision of cardiac biventricular implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided revision of cardiac biventricular implantable cardioverter defibrillator lead", "荧光透视引导下双心室植入式心脏复律除颤器导线的修复", "荧光透视引导下心脏双心室植入式心律转复除颤器导线的修订" ], "866248000": [ "Somatosensory evoked potential study of lower limb", "Somatosensory evoked potential study of lower extremity", "下肢体感诱发电位研究" ], "128968000": [ "Vagal stimulation", "Vagal stimulation physiologic challenge", "迷走神经刺激生理挑战", "迷走神经刺激" ], "391112007": [ "Ipratropium reversibility", "异丙托溴铵的可逆性" ], "423880009": [ "Medication coordination/ordering surveillance", "药物协调/订购监控" ], "45213002": [ "Chain of custody procedure", "监管链程序" ], "12445005": [ "Repair of ventricular septal defect with tissue graft", "组织移植修复室间隔缺损" ], "174450000": [ "Open insertion of cannula for perfusion of liver", "开放式插入插管进行肝脏灌注" ], "10610003": [ "Debridement of spinal cord", "脊髓清创" ], "420210005": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of azygos vein with contrast", "奇静脉荧光造影" ], "170780004": [ "Thyroid disease monitoring", "甲状腺疾病监测" ], "5105000": [ "Endoscopy of renal pelvis", "Renal pyeloscopy", "肾盂内镜检查", "肾盂镜检查" ], "105244008": [ "Methylphenidate measurement", "哌甲酯测量" ], "119793000": [ "Head artery repair", "头部动脉修复" ], "121628009": [ "Mercaptopurine measurement", "6-mercaptopurine (6MP)", "6MP", "6-mercaptopurine (6MP) level", "6-巯基嘌呤(6MP)", "6MP", "巯基嘌呤测量", "6-巯基嘌呤(6MP)水平" ], "252700009": [ "Test of the knee", "膝关节检查" ], "300017005": [ "Drainage of lung abscess", "肺脓肿引流" ], "709617008": [ "Ultrasonography guided injection of upper limb", "Ultrasound guided injection of upper limb", "Injection of upper limb using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下上肢注射" ], "281798001": [ "Oral fluid replacement", "口服补液" ], "265414003": [ "Abdominoperineal resection", "AP resection of rectum", "AP resection", "APR - Abdominoperineal resection", "Abdominoperineal proctectomy", "Abdominoperineal resection of rectum", "APR - Abdominoperineal resection of rectum and end colostomy", "腹会阴切除术", "APR - 腹会阴直肠切除术及结肠造口术", "直肠前切除术", "腹会阴直肠切除术", "前后切除术", "APR-- 腹会阴切除术" ], "724166004": [ "Thyroid hormone replacement therapy", "甲状腺激素替代疗法" ], "3270004": [ "Implantation of neurostimulator in spine", "Insertion of spinal neurostimulator", "Implantation of neuropacemaker in spine", "Implantation of spinal neuropacemaker", "脊柱内植入神经起搏器", "脊髓神经刺激器插入", "脊柱神经刺激器植入", "脊髓神经起搏器植入术" ], "412870004": [ "Urine threonine measurement", "Urine threonine level", "尿液苏氨酸水平", "尿液苏氨酸测量" ], "117958006": [ "Canarypox virus antigen assay", "金丝雀痘病毒抗原测定" ], "183494008": [ "Non-urgent obstetric admission", "非紧急产科入院" ], "232646009": [ "Completion pneumonectomy", "完成全肺切除术" ], "312731002": [ "Subclavian venography", "锁骨下静脉造影" ], "1230235003": [ "Informing of subject's social support network", "告知受试者的社会支持网络" ], "181659003": [ "Transfer of tibialis posterior tendon", "胫骨后肌腱转移" ], "443803004": [ "Puncture and aspiration of cyst", "囊肿穿刺抽吸" ], "230811007": [ "Excision of cyst of brain meninges", "脑膜囊肿切除术" ], "32368006": [ "Lysis of adhesions of larynx", "喉粘连松解术" ], "1144645002": [ "Anastomosis of right internal thoracic artery to obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of coronary artery", "Anastomosis of right internal mammary artery to obtuse marginal branch of circumflex branch of coronary artery", "Anastomosis of RIMA (right internal mammary artery) to OM (obtuse marginal) branch of LCX (left circumflex) coronary artery", "右胸廓内动脉与冠状动脉回旋支钝缘支吻合术", "将 RIMA(右内乳动脉)与 LCX(左回旋支)冠状动脉的 OM(钝缘支)分支吻合", "右乳内动脉与冠状动脉回旋支钝缘支吻合术" ], "390981004": [ "Seminal fructose level", "Fructose measurement, semen", "精液果糖水平", "精液果糖测量" ], "405530000": [ "Femoro-peroneal artery bypass with prosthesis", "股腓动脉假体旁路手术" ], "716826003": [ "Assessment using Test of Word Finding in Discourse", "Assessment using TWFD (Test of Word Finding in Discourse)", "使用话语词汇查找测试进行评估", "使用 TWFD(话语词汇查找测试)进行评估" ], "241690004": [ "Intramuscular induction of general anesthesia", "IM - Intramuscular induction", "Intramuscular induction of general anaesthesia", "IM - 肌肉注射", "肌肉注射全身麻醉诱导", "全身麻醉肌肉注射诱导" ], "12314005": [ "Repair of nonunion of humerus with iliac autograft", "自体髂骨移植修复肱骨不连" ], "274458006": [ "Dislocated foot reduction", "Reduction of dislocation of foot", "脱臼足复位", "足部脱臼复位" ], "700442004": [ "Ultrasonography of fetal ductus venosus", "Ultrasonography of foetal ductus venosus", "Ultrasound scan of fetal ductus venosus", "Ultrasound scan of foetal ductus venosus", "胎儿静脉导管超声扫描", "胎儿静脉导管超声检查" ], "223471001": [ "Discussion about disorder", "关于混乱的讨论" ], "225306009": [ "Maximum supervision", "Maximum observation", "最大观察范围", "最大程度的监督" ], "305391001": [ "Admission to pain management department", "疼痛管理科入院" ], "43247002": [ "Orotic acid measurement", "乳清酸测量" ], "438298009": [ "Control of infant incubator temperature", "婴儿培养箱温度控制" ], "451012000": [ "Enucleation of odontogenic keratocyst of upper jaw", "上颌骨牙源性角化囊肿摘除术" ], "713156001": [ "Percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty with insertion of stent into popliteal artery", "经皮腔内球囊血管成形术及腘动脉支架置入术" ], "698607009": [ "Education about head injury", "关于头部受伤的教育" ], "418244003": [ "Dilation of nasolacrimal duct", "Anel operation", "Dilation of lacrimal duct", "鼻泪管扩张", "泪管扩张术", "肛门手术" ], "25028003": [ "Dermatology consultation and report, comprehensive", "皮肤科咨询及报告,全面" ], "90564003": [ "Field block design and fabrication", "场地块设计和制造" ], "74180003": [ "Hepatectomy, trisegmentectomy", "Trisegmentectomy of liver", "肝三段切除术", "肝切除术、三段切除术" ], "121497001": [ "Chlorcyclizine measurement", "氯环利嗪测量" ], "236185001": [ "Ureteroscopic insertion of ureteric stent", "输尿管镜输尿管支架置入术" ], "187033005": [ "Hepatitis C virus measurement", "HCV measurement", "丙型肝炎病毒检测", "HCV 测量" ], "105113007": [ "Ceftriaxone measurement", "头孢曲松测量" ], "250734001": [ "Potassium/sodium ratio measurement", "Potassium/sodium ratio", "钾/钠比测量", "钾/钠比" ], "252569009": [ "Test for allergens", "过敏原检测" ], "1217390002": [ "Intermittent mandatory ventilation with synchronised-termination pressure control and assured constant airway pressure adjunct during the inflation phase", "Intermittent mandatory ventilation with synchronized-termination pressure control and assured constant airway pressure adjunct during the inflation phase", "间歇指令通气,同步终止压力控制,并在充气阶段确保恒定气道压力辅助", "充气阶段采用同步终止压力控制和保证恒定气道压力辅助的间歇指令通气" ], "414574004": [ "Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding", "腹腔镜可调节胃束带手术" ], "709486004": [ "Assessment of knowledge of physical therapy", "物理治疗知识评估" ], "119662006": [ "Transposition of tissue of wrist", "腕部组织移位术" ], "447342007": [ "Ureteroscopic ablation of stricture of ureter using laser", "输尿管镜激光消融治疗输尿管狭窄" ], "4974007": [ "Operation on liver", "Liver operation", "Hepatic operation", "肝脏手术" ], "168814007": [ "Diagnostic pneumomediastinum", "诊断性纵隔气肿" ], "265283001": [ "Operation on nasolacrimal duct", "NLD - Operation on nasolacrimal duct", "鼻泪管手术", "NLD - 鼻泪管手术" ], "232515004": [ "Reconstruction of defect of nasal sinus", "鼻窦缺损修复" ], "117827006": [ "Leptospira pomona antibody assay", "Measurement of Leptospira interrogans serovar Pomona antibody", "钩端螺旋体波莫纳血清型抗体检测", "波莫纳钩端螺旋体抗体检测" ], "312600002": [ "Oral fraenectomy", "Oral frenectomy", "口腔系带切除术", "口系带切除术" ], "104801000220102": [ "Topical application of hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent to discoloured non-vital teeth using teeth whitening tray", "Topical application of hydrogen peroxide bleaching agent to discolored non-vital teeth using teeth whitening tray", "Topical application of hydrogen peroxide to discolored non-vital teeth using teeth whitening tray", "Topical application of hydrogen peroxide to discoloured non-vital teeth using teeth whitening tray", "使用牙齿美白托盘局部应用过氧化氢漂白剂对变色的无活力牙齿进行美白", "使用牙齿美白托盘将过氧化氢局部应用于变色的无活力牙齿" ], "277997000": [ "Percutaneous removal of foreign body from pulmonary artery", "经皮肺动脉异物取出术" ], "443672008": [ "Ligation of ascending vertical vein", "升垂直静脉结扎" ], "427288008": [ "Implantation of prosthetic intraocular lens with suture fixation", "缝合固定人工晶状体植入术" ], "15853003": [ "Thromboendarterectomy with graft of femoral and popliteal arteries", "血栓内膜切除术及股动脉和腘动脉移植术" ], "81389003": [ "Reduction of closed humeral transcondylar fracture with manipulation", "Manual reduction of closed transcondylar fracture of humerus", "闭合性肱骨髁间骨折手法复位", "闭合性肱骨髁间骨折的复位手法治疗" ], "1162733007": [ "Management of volume of parenteral nutrition", "肠外营养量的管理" ], "359917007": [ "Repair of omphalocele with prosthesis", "脐膨出假体修补术" ], "718530000": [ "Xipamide prophylaxis", "Administration of prophylactic xipamide", "预防性使用希帕胺", "西帕胺预防" ], "30402002": [ "Ripstein operation, repair of prolapsed rectum", "Ripstein 手术,修复脱垂直肠" ], "46786008": [ "Fitting of prosthesis or prosthetic device of leg below knee", "Fitting of prosthesis below knee", "膝下假肢安装", "膝下腿部义肢或假肢装置的安装" ], "405399003": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of aorta with prosthesis", "主动脉内膜切除术及主动脉假体成形术" ], "225175003": [ "Emptying stoma bag", "Draining stoma bag", "排空造口袋", "引流造口袋" ], "241559008": [ "CT ovary", "Computed tomography ovary", "卵巢计算机断层扫描", "卵巢CT检查" ], "274327009": [ "Non-surgical testis biopsy", "非手术睾丸活检" ], "370796004": [ "Evaluation for signs and symptoms of physical injury to skin and tissue", "Evaluates for signs and symptoms of physical injury to skin and tissue", "评估皮肤和组织物理损伤的体征和症状" ], "305260005": [ "Admission by physician", "Admission by doctor", "医生入院" ], "26732005": [ "Esophagogastrostomy by abdominal approach", "Oesophagogastrostomy by abdominal approach", "经腹部食管胃吻合术" ], "59500009": [ "Leukocyte poor blood preparation, nylon filter", "Leucocyte poor blood preparation, nylon filter", "白细胞稀少的血液制备,尼龙过滤器", "贫白细胞血液制备,尼龙过滤器" ], "172353003": [ "Tenotomy of inferior rectus muscle of eye", "眼下直肌腱切断术" ], "713025006": [ "Plain X-ray of elbow", "肘部普通 X 光检查" ], "432662001": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) of bone of lumbar spine", "Single photon emission computed tomography of bone of lumbar spine", "腰椎骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描 (SPECT)", "腰椎骨单光子发射计算机断层扫描" ], "170518002": [ "Notification of food poisoning", "食物中毒通报" ], "416278003": [ "Osteopathic manipulation, direct method", "Osteopathic manipulation, direct technique", "整骨疗法,直接方法", "整骨疗法,直接技术" ], "104982004": [ "Transcobalamin III measurement", "转钴胺素 III 测量" ], "1153558005": [ "Education about bowel elimination", "排便教育" ], "121366004": [ "2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine measurement", "2,4-二硝基苯肼测量" ], "449046008": [ "Posterior mandibular segmental osteotomy", "Posterior segmental osteotomy of mandible", "下颌骨后段截骨术", "下颌后部分段截骨术" ], "1217259002": [ "Percutaneous cryoablation of lesion of adrenal gland", "肾上腺病变经皮冷冻消融术" ], "430827003": [ "Radionuclide two-phase bone imaging of knee", "膝关节放射性核素双相骨显像" ], "250603006": [ "Primidone blood measurement", "Primidone: blood level", "扑米酮:血药浓度", "扑米酮血液测量" ], "609216005": [ "Revision of amputation stump of wrist", "腕关节截肢残端修复术" ], "265152006": [ "Prepared graft of bone", "准备好的骨移植物" ], "183232006": [ "Provision of penile sheath", "提供阴茎鞘" ], "165013003": [ "Sublingual allergy challenge", "舌下过敏挑战" ], "443541003": [ "Dermabrasion of tattoo of extremity", "肢体纹身磨皮" ], "312469006": [ "Blood sodium level", "Blood sodium measurement", "Sodium measurement, blood", "血钠测量", "血钠水平" ], "83093007": [ "Radionuclide joint study", "Radioisotope joint imaging", "Radionuclide arthrography", "放射性同位素联合显像", "放射性核素联合研究", "放射性核素关节造影" ], "228714000": [ "Making of beam direction shell for radiotherapy", "Making of mask for radiotherapy", "Making of cut-out for radiotherapy", "制作放射治疗切口", "放射治疗面罩的制作", "放射治疗束流定向壳的制作" ], "736618000": [ "Revision of cutaneous ureterostomy", "输尿管皮肤造口术修复" ], "408938004": [ "Tobacco abuse prevention assessment", "Assess tobacco abuse prevention", "烟草滥用预防评估", "评估烟草滥用预防" ], "441706006": [ "Primary laminoplasty of cervical spine", "Primary reconstruction of lamina of cervical spine", "颈椎原发性椎板成形术", "颈椎椎板初次重建" ], "64874008": [ "Chemodenervation", "化学去神经支配" ], "128575005": [ "Pullback method", "Haemodynamic measurement via pullback method", "Hemodynamic measurement via pullback method", "通过回拉法测量血流动力学", "回拉法" ], "28436000": [ "Prospective audit", "前瞻性审计" ], "79423008": [ "Internal fixation of tarsals and metatarsals without fracture reduction", "未进行骨折复位的跗骨及跖骨内固定术" ], "405268002": [ "Total excision of external auditory canal", "外耳道全切除术" ], "239593006": [ "Partial amputation of hallux", "拇趾部分截肢" ], "434366007": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of profunda femoris artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of profunda femoris artery using contrast with insertion of drug eluting stent", "股深动脉荧光造影及药物洗脱支架置入术", "股深动脉荧光血管造影及药物洗脱支架置入术" ], "8382008": [ "Creation of pulmonary-innominate artery shunt", "Blalock operation, systemic-pulmonary anastomosis", "Anastomosis of pulmonary-innominate artery by Blalock operation", "Blalock 手术、体肺吻合术", "建立肺无名动脉分流术", "Blalock手术肺无名动脉吻合术" ], "6547002": [ "Repair with closure of non-surgical wound", "非手术伤口闭合修复" ], "2581000087100": [ "MRI of left shoulder", "Magnetic resonance imaging of left shoulder", "左肩 MRI", "左肩磁共振成像" ], "252307005": [ "White blood cell immunology", "白细胞免疫学" ], "104851004": [ "para-Aminohippurate renal clearance measurement", "Para-aminohippurate clearance test", "PAH - Para-aminohippurate load test", "Para-aminohippurate load test", "PAH - Para-aminohippurate clearance test", "对氨基马尿酸肾清除率测定", "PAH-- 对氨基马尿酸负荷试验", "对氨基马尿酸清除试验", "对氨基马尿酸负荷试验", "PAH-- 对氨基马尿酸清除试验" ], "6421000087103": [ "Right fluoroscopic antegrade pyelography", "Fluoroscopic antegrade pyelography of right renal pelvis", "右侧荧光透视前行肾盂造影", "右肾盂荧光顺行肾盂造影" ], "11541000087104": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of pelvis and right hip", "MRI of pelvis and right hip", "骨盆和右髋部 MRI", "骨盆和右髋部的磁共振成像" ], "1301000087105": [ "Ultrasonography of left wrist", "Ultrasound of left wrist", "Ultrasound scan of left wrist", "左手腕超声波扫描", "左腕部超声检查" ], "12821000087102": [ "Mammography of left breast specimen", "左乳腺标本的乳房 X 线摄影" ], "20501000087102": [ "CT of bilateral scapulae with contrast", "Computed tomography of bilateral scapulae with contrast", "Computed tomography of both scapula with contrast", "Computed tomography of left and right scapula with contrast", "双侧肩胛骨增强计算机断层扫描", "左、右肩胛骨增强计算机断层扫描", "双侧肩胛骨增强 CT 检查" ], "4712005": [ "Removal of Gardner Wells tongs from skull", "从头骨中取出加德纳·韦尔斯钳" ], "414312009": [ "Anti GM2 antibody level", "Ganglioside GM2 antibody measurement", "抗 GM2 抗体水平", "神经节苷脂 GM2 抗体测量" ], "68413005": [ "Saphenopopliteal vein anastomosis", "隐腘静脉吻合术" ], "1297213007": [ "Insertion of dental bridge with noble metal pontic onto tooth", "将带有贵金属桥体的牙桥插入牙齿上" ], "265021008": [ "Correction of cleft lip nasal tip deformity", "Cleft nose tip rhinoplasty", "鼻尖裂开整形手术", "唇裂鼻尖畸形的矫正" ], "82962001": [ "Protein electrophoresis", "PEP - Protein electrophoresis", "蛋白质电泳", "PEP-蛋白质电泳" ], "410642005": [ "Well child visit, 10 years", "儿童健康检查,10 年" ], "33810006": [ "Injection of eye", "Eye injection", "Injection of eye proper", "眼部注射" ], "1162471000": [ "CT guided biopsy of pelvis", "Biopsy of pelvis using computed tomography guidance", "CT 引导下盆腔活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行骨盆活检" ], "392423001": [ "Gerbil epithelium specific IgE antibody measurement", "Re209 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Gerbil epithelium specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Re209特异性IgE抗体测量", "沙鼠上皮特异性IgE抗体测定", "沙鼠上皮特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "179431002": [ "Conversion from uncemented hemiarthroplasty of shoulder", "非骨水泥型肩关节半关节置换术的转换" ], "228583003": [ "Motivation therapy", "动机疗法" ], "408807004": [ "Fetal heart monitoring using fetal scalp electrode", "Foetal heart monitoring using foetal scalp electrode", "使用胎儿头皮电极进行胎儿心脏监测", "使用胎儿头皮电极进行胎儿心脏监护" ], "736487005": [ "Laparoscopic anastomosis of ureter to bladder with psoas hitch", "Laparoscopic anastomosis of ureter to urinary bladder with psoas hitch", "腹腔镜腰肌束带输尿管膀胱吻合术" ], "359655004": [ "Mastoid and middle ear procedure", "乳突及中耳手术" ], "243132000": [ "Inhaled drug administration", "Medication administration: inhalation", "给药方式:吸入", "吸入给药" ], "13756000": [ "Check artificial pacemaker for electrode impedance", "检查人工起搏器的电极阻抗" ], "439740005": [ "Postoperative follow-up visit", "术后随访" ], "308668006": [ "Ball valve atrioventricular valve replacement", "球瓣房室瓣置换术" ], "306833000": [ "Combination therapy to neck", "颈部综合治疗" ], "11921001": [ "Heinz body determination, induced", "海因茨体测定,诱导" ], "388753002": [ "Scomber japonicus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Chub mackerel specific IgE antibody measurement", "f50 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Scomber japonicus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "f50 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "日本鲐鱼特异性IgE抗体测定", "日本鲐鱼特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "鲭鱼特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "274065009": [ "Prosthetic limb replacement", "假肢更换" ], "241297009": [ "Xenon ventilation study", "氙气通气研究" ], "239462008": [ "Brisement of joint", "Hydrodistension of joint", "关节活动度", "关节水扩张" ], "303163003": [ "Treatments administered under the provisions of the law", "根据法律规定实施的治疗" ], "172091007": [ "Extirpation of lesion of nipple", "乳头病变摘除术" ], "432400001": [ "Radionuclide two-phase bone imaging of head and neck", "头颈部放射性核素双相骨显像" ], "71952003": [ "Reinsertion of spinal fixation device", "重新插入脊柱固定装置" ], "104720004": [ "Hemoglobin, unstable measurement", "Haemoglobin, unstable measurement", "Unstable hemoglobin detection", "Unstable haemoglobin detection", "Unstable haemoglobin level", "Unstable hemoglobin level", "血红蛋白水平不稳定", "血红蛋白,测量不稳定", "不稳定血红蛋白检测", "血红蛋白检测不稳定" ], "22800003": [ "Removal of thrombus from arteriovenous shunt or cannula", "去除动静脉分流管或插管中的血栓" ], "266725000": [ "Lactose-free diet education", "无乳糖饮食教育" ], "252176008": [ "Bromocriptine day curve", "溴隐亭日曲线" ], "20965002": [ "Incision and drainage of ischiorectal abscess with submuscular fistulectomy", "坐骨直肠脓肿切开引流及肌下瘘管切除术" ], "70117004": [ "Percutaneous core needle biopsy of mediastinum", "经皮纵隔穿刺芯针活检" ], "4581005": [ "Coreoplasty", "Needling of pupillary membrane", "瞳孔膜针刺", "牙根成形术" ], "709093009": [ "Endoscopic ligation of sphenopalatine artery", "内镜蝶腭动脉结扎术" ], "707258002": [ "Remanipulation of fracture of long bone with rigid internal fixation", "坚固内固定再治疗长骨骨折" ], "51898002": [ "Injection of spinal epidural space", "Injection into epidural space", "脊髓硬膜外腔注射", "硬膜外腔注射" ], "182970005": [ "Pain relief", "Giving pain relief", "Relieving pain", "缓解疼痛" ], "608954006": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of cerebrospinal fluid specimen", "脑脊液标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "82831001": [ "Cerebrospinal fluid flow imaging, ventriculography", "脑脊液流动成像、脑室造影" ], "911003": [ "Removal of subarachnoid-ureteral shunt", "移除蛛网膜下腔输尿管分流管" ], "312207008": [ "Reversal of procedure for complex congenital heart disease", "复杂先天性心脏病的逆转手术" ], "15460001": [ "Paraldehyde measurement", "三聚乙醛测定" ], "275769000": [ "Testosterone titer - urine", "Testosterone titre - urine", "Measurement of urine testosterone titer", "Measurement of urine testosterone titre", "尿液睾酮滴度测量", "睾酮滴度 - 尿液", "尿液睾酮滴度测定" ], "31844009": [ "Ligation of intracranial artery", "颅内动脉结扎" ], "406841004": [ "Erythrosin B stain method", "Erythrosin B stain", "赤藓红B染色", "赤藓红B染色法" ], "62777006": [ "Gram stain", "Bacterial stain, routine", "Gram stain method", "革兰氏染色法", "革兰氏染色", "细菌染色,常规" ], "28174000": [ "Control of postoperative hemorrhage of pleural cavity", "Control of postoperative haemorrhage of pleural cavity", "术后胸腔出血的控制" ], "128313009": [ "Procedure on male genital organ", "男性生殖器手术" ], "44558001": [ "Repair of inguinal hernia", "腹股沟疝修补术" ], "241166001": [ "Distal loop enema", "远端环灌肠" ], "175630003": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using vein graft", "紧急用静脉移植将股动脉吻合至腓动脉以置换动脉瘤性股动脉" ], "388622006": [ "Rf301 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sharon specific IgE antibody measurement", "Kaki fruit specific IgE antibody measurement", "Diospyros kaki specific IgE antibody measurement", "Persimmon specific IgE antibody measurement", "Diospyros kaki specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf301 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "柿子特异性IgE抗体测定", "柿特异性IgE抗体测定", "柿特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "Sharon 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "77326008": [ "Removal of pacemaker electrode leads without replacement", "移除起搏器电极导线而不进行更换" ], "173795001": [ "Open dilatation of pylorus", "Open dilation of pylorus", "幽门扩张", "幽门开放性扩张" ], "386787002": [ "Ureterorenoscopy", "URS - Ureterorenoscopy", "URS-输尿管肾镜检查", "输尿管肾镜检查" ], "108259003": [ "Autopsy pathology procedure AND/OR service", "尸检病理程序和/或服务" ], "239331005": [ "Subungual exostectomy", "甲下外骨切除术" ], "1236920000": [ "Euthymic therapy", "情绪调节疗法" ], "171960001": [ "Exploration of pituitary gland", "垂体探查" ], "450488005": [ "Excision and retrograde filling of root of tooth", "牙根切除及根尖倒充填" ], "671341000124102": [ "Coordination of resources to address health literacy", "协调资源解决健康素养问题" ], "71821003": [ "Essential elements screen", "基本元素屏幕" ], "710797004": [ "Fluoroscopy guided intramedullary nailing of fracture of bone", "Intramedullary nailing of fracture of bone using fluoroscopic guidance", "透视引导下骨折髓内钉固定", "透视引导下髓内钉治疗骨折" ], "104589004": [ "Chloride measurement, blood", "血液氯化物测量" ], "448653006": [ "Anterior resection of rectum and total mesorectal excision with colostomy", "直肠前切除术及全直肠系膜切除术加结肠造口术" ], "4450003": [ "Application of Kirschner wire", "克氏针的应用" ], "708962004": [ "Open reduction and percutaneous K-wire fixation of fracture of hand", "Open reduction of fracture of hand and percutaneous fixation using Kirschner wire", "手部骨折切开复位经皮克氏针固定术", "手部骨折切开复位克氏针经皮固定" ], "430434007": [ "Insertion of stent using computed tomography guidance", "Insertion of stent using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "CT guided insertion of stent", "CT 引导下插入支架", "使用计算机断层扫描引导插入支架", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导插入支架" ], "313911002": [ "90 minute plasma TSH level", "90 minute plasma TSH measurement", "Measurement of plasma thyroid stimulating hormone concentration 90 minutes after challenge", "90 分钟血浆 TSH 水平", "90 分钟血浆 TSH 测量", "激发后 90 分钟测量血浆促甲状腺激素浓度" ], "117303002": [ "Holzer stain method", "Holzer stain", "Holzer染色法", "霍尔泽染色" ], "1231415006": [ "THA (total hip arthroplasty) using cage", "THR (total hip replacement) using cage", "Total replacement of hip joint using cage", "Total arthroplasty of hip joint using cage", "使用融合器的全髋关节置换术 (THA)", "使用笼子进行髋关节全置换术", "使用笼子进行全髋关节置换术", "使用笼子的全髋关节置换术 (THR)" ], "608823008": [ "Open reduction of epiphyseal fracture of tibia with internal fixation", "胫骨骨骺骨折切开复位内固定术" ], "51767009": [ "Chemodenervation of extraocular muscle", "眼外肌化学去神经支配" ], "444983008": [ "Massage using Bowen technique", "使用鲍文技术按摩" ], "410380000": [ "Durable medical equipment surveillance", "耐用医疗设备监控" ], "17164004": [ "Thyroglobulin antibody measurement", "Anti-thyroglobulin antibody measurement", "甲状腺球蛋白抗体测量", "抗甲状腺球蛋白抗体测量" ], "363063008": [ "Destruction of lesion by anatomic site", "按解剖位置破坏病变" ], "66316006": [ "Irrigation of nephrostomy", "Irrigation of kidney through nephrostomy", "肾造口冲洗", "通过肾造口术灌洗肾脏" ], "179169004": [ "Closed reduction of fracture of thumb", "拇指骨折闭合复位" ], "80865008": [ "Specimen mammography", "Specimen radiography of breast", "乳腺标本放射摄影", "乳房X光检查样本" ], "783542002": [ "Plain X-ray of thumb", "拇指普通 X 光检查" ], "718006006": [ "Cone beam computed tomography of internal auditory meatus", "Cone beam CT of internal auditory meatus", "内耳道锥形束 CT", "内耳道锥形束计算机断层扫描" ], "306571000": [ "Discharge from medical service", "出院" ], "79030008": [ "Particle agglutination test for infectious agent", "传染性病原体颗粒凝集试验" ], "388491001": [ "Amygdalus communis specific IgE antibody measurement", "f20 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Almond specific IgE antibody measurement", "Amygdalus communis specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "扁桃特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "杏仁特异性IgE抗体测定", "f20特异性IgE抗体测量", "杏仁特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "699787007": [ "Correction of syndactyly with skin flap and graft", "Repair of syndactyly with skin flap and graft", "皮瓣和移植矫正并指畸形", "皮瓣和移植修复并指畸形" ], "419424000": [ "Destructive procedure of lacrimal drainage structure", "Destructive procedure of lacrimal apparatus", "泪道引流结构破坏术", "泪器毁损术" ], "716171009": [ "Assessment using Everyday Memory Questionnaire", "Assessment using EMQ (Everyday Memory Questionnaire)", "使用 EMQ (日常记忆问卷) 进行评估", "使用日常记忆问卷进行评估" ], "1156704007": [ "Consulting with pharmacist about generic medication", "咨询药剂师有关仿制药的信息" ], "1287776007": [ "Internal fixation of bone of carpus", "Internal fixation of carpal bone", "腕骨内固定" ], "417589003": [ "Advice to GP to start patient medication", "Recommendation to General Practitioner to start patient medication", "Recommendation to GP to start patient medication", "建议全科医生开始对患者进行药物治疗", "建议全科医生开始为患者服药" ], "7989006": [ "Removal of hip prosthesis", "Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis of hip", "Removal of prosthesis of joint of hip", "髋关节假体拆除", "关节切开术取出髋关节假体", "髋关节假体移除术" ], "401205007": [ "Venous monitoring - lower limb", "静脉监测-下肢" ], "89909007": [ "Employment environmental intervention", "就业环境干预" ], "235530001": [ "Closure of choledochoduodenostomy", "胆总管十二指肠吻合术" ], "104458001": [ "8-hydroxyamoxapine measurement", "8-羟基阿莫沙平测量" ], "448522004": [ "Excision of lesion of tendon sheath of foot", "足部腱鞘病变切除术" ], "432138007": [ "Handoff communication", "切换通信" ], "4319004": [ "Rebase of complete lower denture", "全下义齿重新基托" ], "166324000": [ "Serum T3 measurement", "Serum T3 level", "血清 T3 水平", "血清 T3 测量" ], "395700008": [ "Referral to smoking cessation advisor", "转介戒烟顾问" ], "82569003": [ "Meprobamate measurement, urine", "尿液中甲丙氨酯测量" ], "770697005": [ "Insertion of stent into bile duct using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided insertion of stent into bile duct", "荧光透视引导下将支架插入胆管", "在荧光透视引导下将支架插入胆管" ], "49801005": [ "Incision of perirectal tissue", "直肠周围组织切开" ], "410249007": [ "Perineal care assessment", "Assess perineal care", "会阴护理评估", "评估会阴护理" ], "426633009": [ "Non-operative procedure on male genitalia", "男性生殖器非手术治疗" ], "277342004": [ "Kendall toy test", "KTT - Kendall toy test", "KTT-肯德尔玩具测试", "Kendall 玩具测试" ], "29747000": [ "Evisceration of ocular contents with implant into scleral shell", "Evisceration of eyeball with implant into scleral shell", "Removal of ocular contents with synchronous implant into scleral shell", "摘除眼内容物并将植入物植入巩膜壳", "同步植入巩膜壳内眼内容物取出术", "眼球摘除术及巩膜壳植入物" ], "177203002": [ "Manual removal of products of conception from delivered uterus", "手动从分娩子宫中取出妊娠产物" ], "78899003": [ "Instrumental conversion of fetal position", "Instrumental conversion of foetal position", "胎位矫正器" ], "385711000119100": [ "Ultrasound of left thorax", "Ultrasonography of left thorax", "Ultrasound scan of left thorax", "左胸部超声检查", "左胸部超声扫描" ], "439347005": [ "Division of scapula", "肩胛骨的划分" ], "411311000119108": [ "Computed tomography of sacrum and coccyx without contrast", "CT of sacrum and coccyx without contrast", "骶骨和尾骨无造影计算机断层扫描", "骶骨和尾骨平扫 CT" ], "306440007": [ "Discharge by neurologist", "神经科医生出院" ], "386525005": [ "Social skills behaviour modification", "Social skills behavior modification", "Behaviour modification: social skills", "Behavior modification: social skills", "社交技能行为矫正", "行为矫正:社交技能" ], "9693008": [ "Sequestrectomy of vertebra", "脊椎死骨切除术" ], "171698003": [ "Extirpation of lesion of tentorium cerebelli", "小脑幕损伤摘除术" ], "401074004": [ "Total B lymphocyte count", "总B淋巴细胞计数" ], "24242005": [ "Cobalt-60 therapy", "Cobalt 60 teletherapy", "Cobalt therapy", "Teleradiotherapy with cobalt-60", "钴 60 远程治疗", "钴-60远程放射治疗", "钴疗法", "钴60疗法" ], "122546009": [ "Stretching", "Stretching procedure", "伸展运动", "拉伸程序" ], "104327003": [ "Antibody to deoxyribonuclease measurement", "脱氧核糖核酸酶抗体测量" ], "235399004": [ "Manual reduction of bowel volvulus", "Manual reduction of volvulus", "肠扭转手法复位" ], "233564000": [ "Platelet apheresis using HLA matched donors", "Platelet apheresis using human leukocyte antigen matched donors", "Platelet apheresis using human leucocyte antigen matched donors", "使用人类白细胞抗原匹配的供体进行血小板单采", "使用 HLA 匹配供体的血小板采集" ], "69724002": [ "Implantation of intraocular lens", "Intraocular lens implantation", "Lens implantation", "Implantation of prosthetic intraocular lens", "人工晶状体植入", "人工晶状体植入术", "晶状体植入" ], "118876003": [ "Procedure on seminal vesicle", "精囊手术" ], "397404002": [ "Laparoscopic diaphragm pacing", "腹腔镜膈肌起搏" ], "313649001": [ "CD7 T-cells count", "CD7 T-cells count procedure", "CD7 T 细胞计数程序", "CD7 T 细胞计数" ], "413788009": [ "CD4 immune monitoring", "CD4免疫监测" ], "117041003": [ "Silver stain method", "银染法" ], "444721004": [ "Fluoroscopic percutaneous angiography of heart for complex congenital anomaly with contrast", "复杂先天畸形的荧光经皮心脏血管造影" ], "231729002": [ "Replacement of prolapsed iris", "脱垂虹膜置换术" ], "67889009": [ "Irrigation", "Lavage", "灌洗", "灌溉" ], "410118007": [ "Management of fluid volume compliance", "Manage compliance with fluid volume", "管理液体量的合规性", "液体量依从性的管理" ], "15067008": [ "Nephropexy", "Suspension of kidney", "Fixation of kidney", "肾脏悬吊", "肾固定术", "肾脏固定" ], "439216001": [ "Aspiration of cyst of thyroid", "甲状腺囊肿抽吸术" ], "177072002": [ "Examination of female genital tract under anesthetic and papanicolau smear", "Examination of female genital tract under anaesthetic and papanicolau smear", "麻醉下女性生殖道检查及巴氏涂片" ], "408283008": [ "T cell diagnostic panel test", "T 细胞诊断面板测试" ], "29616000": [ "Strapping of thorax", "胸廓束带" ], "11397000": [ "Autotransfusion of whole blood", "自体全血输血" ], "306309001": [ "Referral to general gastrointestinal surgeon", "Referral to general GI surgeon", "转诊至普通胃肠道外科医生", "转诊至普通胃肠外科医生" ], "699525004": [ "Repair of avulsion of penis", "阴茎撕脱修复术" ], "175237009": [ "Creation of shunt from right subclavian artery to right pulmonary artery using interposition tube prosthesis", "使用插入管假体建立从右锁骨下动脉至右肺动脉的分流术" ], "763226002": [ "Assessment using PEDIS (Perfusion, Extent, Depth, Infection and Sensation) scoring system", "Assessment using Perfusion, Extent, Depth, Infection and Sensation scoring system", "使用灌注、范围、深度、感染和感觉评分系统进行评估", "使用 PEDIS(灌注、范围、深度、感染和感觉)评分系统进行评估" ], "388229009": [ "Transurethral external sphincterotomy of male bladder", "Endoscopic external sphincterotomy of male bladder", "Transurethral external sphincterotomy of male urinary bladder", "内镜男性膀胱外括约肌切开术", "经尿道男性膀胱外括约肌切开术" ], "386394001": [ "Pregnancy termination care", "终止妊娠护理" ], "173402005": [ "Repair of defect of palate with skin graft", "皮肤移植修复腭部缺损" ], "107866007": [ "Artery of extremity incision", "Incision of artery of extremity", "肢体动脉切开术" ], "433711000": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of external carotid artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of external carotid artery with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行颈外动脉", "荧光透视引导下经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术" ], "304474009": [ "Direct current to upper limb", "直流电至上肢" ], "269871000": [ "Serum lithium level", "Serum lithium measurement", "血清锂水平", "血清锂测量" ], "419162007": [ "Fluoroscopic arthrography of elbow", "Elbow arthrogram", "肘关节荧光镜造影", "肘关节造影" ], "122415007": [ "Norwalk virus RNA assay", "Norwalk virus ribonucleic acid assay", "诺沃克病毒 RNA 检测", "诺沃克病毒核糖核酸检测" ], "40495008": [ "Breast tumor mucin measurement", "Breast tumour mucin measurement", "乳腺肿瘤粘蛋白测量" ], "22276002": [ "Thrombectomy of abdominal vein", "Removal of thrombus of abdominal vein", "腹腔静脉血栓清除术", "腹腔静脉血栓切除术" ], "284420002": [ "Examination of nail", "指甲检查" ], "5892005": [ "Mastoid antrotomy", "Transmastoid antrotomy", "乳突上窦切开术", "乳突窦切开术" ], "448260007": [ "Biopsy of facial bone", "面骨活检" ], "104196009": [ "Dark field examination, with specimen collection", "暗视野检查,带标本采集" ], "118745001": [ "Procedure on joint", "关节手术" ], "233433004": [ "Insertion of intraluminal device into vein", "将管腔内装置插入静脉" ], "446425006": [ "Measurement of Influenza A virus A/Victoria/3/75 (H3N2) antibody", "甲型流感病毒 A/Victoria/3/75 (H3N2) 抗体测量" ], "231598000": [ "Reconstruction of eyelid with skin flap", "皮瓣眼睑再造" ], "870574002": [ "Rate-adaptive pacing", "Adaptive-rate cardiac pacing", "自适应频率心脏起搏", "速率自适应起搏" ], "311683000": [ "Voice hygiene procedures", "声音卫生程序" ], "16771007": [ "Skin test, anergy testing", "皮肤测试、无反应测试" ], "178776005": [ "Transthoracic exploration of spine", "经胸脊柱探查" ], "309848007": [ "Urinary stoma bag fitting", "尿道造口袋配件" ], "275245003": [ "Tru-cut biopsy of lesion of peritoneal cavity", "腹腔病变真切活检" ], "127789004": [ "Laboratory procedure categorized by method", "Laboratory procedure categorised by method", "按方法分类的实验室程序" ], "439085003": [ "Magnetic resonance venography of pelvis", "盆腔磁共振静脉造影" ], "306178000": [ "Referral to surgical fitting service", "转介至手术配戴服务" ], "1303767000": [ "Education about transportation", "交通教育" ], "74967000": [ "Debridement of open fracture of radius AND ulna", "桡骨及尺骨开放性骨折清创术" ], "386263003": [ "Dysrhythmia management", "Dysrhythmia care", "心律失常管理", "心律失常护理" ], "419031005": [ "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolization of testicular vein", "Fluoroscopy with contrast and embolisation of testicular vein", "Fluoroscopic venography with contrast and embolisation of testicular vein", "Fluoroscopic venography with contrast and embolization of testicular vein", "睾丸静脉造影及栓塞术", "睾丸静脉荧光造影及栓塞术", "睾丸静脉荧光镜造影及栓塞术", "睾丸静脉造影荧光检查及栓塞术" ], "236972000": [ "Insertion of balloon catheter into uterine cavity", "将球囊导管插入宫腔" ], "287959009": [ "Facial bone - drainage", "面骨引流" ], "122284002": [ "Leishmania species identification", "利什曼原虫种类鉴定" ], "89516003": [ "Spinal injection of alcohol", "脊柱注射酒精" ], "431745003": [ "Single photon emission computed tomography technetium-99m hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime leucocyte scan", "Single photon emission computed tomography using technetium (99m-Tc) exametazine labelled leucocytes", "Single photon emission computed tomography using technetium (99m-Tc) exametazine labeled leucocytes", "使用锝(99m-Tc)依沙美他嗪标记的白细胞进行单光子发射计算机断层扫描", "单光子发射计算机断层扫描锝-99m六甲基丙胺肟白细胞扫描" ], "104065003": [ "Blood compatibility test, crossmatch by incubation technique", "血液相容性测试,通过孵育技术进行交叉配血" ], "233302000": [ "Endarterectomy of celiac artery", "Endarterectomy of coeliac artery", "腹腔动脉内膜切除术" ], "446294001": [ "Removal of nail bed", "去除甲床" ], "397142002": [ "Repair of testis", "睾丸修复" ], "3926003": [ "Lactic acid measurement", "Lactate measurement", "乳酸测量" ], "51243002": [ "Apexification/recalcification, interim visit", "根尖成形/再钙化,中期就诊" ], "80341003": [ "Primary audit", "初级审计" ], "113109007": [ "Magnetic resonance imaging of lower extremity", "MRI of lower limb", "MRI of lower extremity", "下肢磁共振成像", "下肢 MRI" ], "276949008": [ "Percutaneous endarterectomy of internal carotid artery", "经皮颈内动脉内膜切除术" ], "719317008": [ "Assessment using Phonological Awareness Test Second Edition", "Assessment using PAT-2 (Phonological Awareness Test Second Edition)", "使用语音意识测试第二版进行评估", "使用 PAT-2(语音意识测试第二版)进行评估" ], "373418002": [ "Implantation of posterior chamber intraocular lens in capsular bag", "囊袋内后房型人工晶状体植入术" ], "406186004": [ "Infant stimulation education", "Teach: infant stimulation", "婴儿刺激教育", "教导:婴儿刺激" ], "225962004": [ "Assisting with nail care", "协助指甲护理" ], "60287000": [ "Photography, microscopic", "Photomicrography", "摄影,微观", "显微摄影" ], "897706009": [ "Laparoscopic trisegmentectomy of right lobe of liver", "Laparoscopic trisegmentectomy of right liver", "腹腔镜肝右叶三段切除术", "腹腔镜右肝三段切除术" ], "306047002": [ "Referral from company nurse", "Referral by company nurse", "公司护士转介", "公司护士推荐" ], "58452000": [ "Physiotherapy training", "物理治疗培训" ], "91220001": [ "Repair of uvula with synchronous cleft palate repair", "同步腭裂修复术修复悬雍垂" ], "173140003": [ "Fiberoptic endoscopic destruction of lesion of trachea", "Fibreoptic endoscopic destruction of lesion of trachea", "纤维内镜气管损伤破坏术" ], "304212003": [ "Operative examination of joint", "关节手术检查" ], "1303636005": [ "Excision of lipoma of left shoulder region", "左肩部脂肪瘤切除术" ], "9300006": [ "Restoration, inlay, porcelain/ceramic, two surfaces", "修复,嵌体,瓷/陶瓷,双面" ], "287828006": [ "Duodenal ulcer excision", "Excision of ulcer of duodenum", "十二指肠溃疡切除术" ], "171305000": [ "Adult 30 year screening", "成人 30 岁筛查" ], "236841000": [ "Intradermal steroid injection of vulva", "外阴皮内注射类固醇" ], "302377002": [ "Left oophorectomy", "左卵巢切除术" ], "122153008": [ "Yersinia pseudotuberculosis antibody assay", "Measurement of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis antibody", "耶尔森氏假结核杆菌抗体检测", "耶尔森氏假结核杆菌抗体测定" ], "103934002": [ "Blood typing, RBC antigens from Gerbich system (ISBT 020)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Gerbich system (ISBT 020)", "Blood typing, red blood cell antigens from Gerbich system (International Society of Blood Transfusion 020)", "血型、红细胞抗原来自 Gerbich 系统(国际输血协会 020)", "血型、Gerbich 系统的红细胞抗原 (ISBT 020)" ], "710142002": [ "Promoting caregiver role", "Promotion of caregiver role", "提升护理人员的作用", "促进护理人员的作用" ], "415230005": [ "Radiofrequency somnoplasty", "射频睡眠整形术" ], "36563001": [ "Tenodesis for rupture of biceps tendon at elbow", "肘部二头肌腱断裂肌腱固定术" ], "71166009": [ "Forceps delivery with rotation of fetal head", "产钳助产并旋转胎头" ], "315091001": [ "Canary serum antibody level", "金丝雀血清抗体水平" ], "233171004": [ "Removal of automatic cardiac defibrillator", "移除自动心脏除颤器" ], "231336003": [ "Retrobulbar neurolytic injection", "Injection of neurolytic into retrobulbar space", "球后神经阻断注射", "向球后空间注射神经溶解剂" ], "34728006": [ "Anesthesia for phleborrhaphy on veins of upper arm and elbow", "Anaesthesia for phleborrhaphy on veins of upper arm and elbow", "上臂及肘静脉缝合术的麻醉" ], "444328007": [ "Insertion of catheter into artery using cutdown procedure", "使用切开术将导管插入动脉" ], "442493006": [ "Revision of reverse polarity total prosthetic replacement of shoulder joint using cement", "反极性全肩关节假体置换术" ], "229501008": [ "Ghee massage", "酥油按摩" ], "63826001": [ "Anesthesia for injection procedure for cervical myelography", "Anaesthesia for injection procedure for cervical myelography", "颈椎造影注射麻醉", "颈椎造影注射操作的麻醉" ], "112978005": [ "Incision of abdominal wall", "腹壁切开术" ], "391506009": [ "Urine dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate level", "Urine dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate level", "尿液脱氢表雄酮硫酸盐水平" ], "438823003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal insertion of metallic stent into bile duct using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下经皮胆管腔内插入金属支架" ], "176679004": [ "Laser destruction of lesion of vagina", "阴道病变激光毁损术" ], "174844000": [ "Closure of defect of interatrial septum using prosthetic patch", "使用人工补片修复房间隔缺损" ], "305916001": [ "Referral by hearing therapist", "Referral from hearing therapist", "听力治疗师转诊", "听力治疗师的推荐" ], "1290791008": [ "Plain X-ray of mandible, posteroanterior", "下颌骨、后前位的普通 X 光检查" ], "273148009": [ "Biopsy of patella", "髌骨活检" ], "58321002": [ "Osteotomy for shortening of proximal phalanx of first toe", "截骨术治疗第一趾近节指骨缩短" ], "271313003": [ "Contrast radiography of respiratory organs", "呼吸器官的对比X线摄影" ], "713681004": [ "Biopsy of axilla using ultrasonographic guidance", "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of axilla", "超声引导下腋窝活检" ], "1303505008": [ "Internal fixation of bone of right hand", "右手骨内固定术" ], "56486004": [ "Operation on uvula", "Procedure on uvula (uvula palatina)", "Uvula operation", "悬雍垂手术", "悬雍垂(腭悬雍垂)手术" ], "7334004": [ "Kinetic activities for coordination", "Kinetic activities to increase coordination", "协调运动", "增强协调性的动力活动" ], "122022008": [ "Legionella pneumophila 2 antibody assay", "Measurement of Legionella pneumophila serogroup 2 antibody", "嗜肺军团菌 2 型抗体测量", "嗜肺军团菌 2 抗体检测" ], "71035000": [ "Anesthesia for embolectomy on arteries of forearm, wrist and hand", "Anaesthesia for embolectomy on arteries of forearm, wrist and hand", "前臂、腕部及手部动脉取栓术的麻醉" ], "447867002": [ "Division of ulna", "尺骨的划分" ], "103803000": [ "Lupus anticoagulant assay, platelet neutralization method", "Lupus anticoagulant assay, platelet neutralisation method", "狼疮抗凝物测定、血小板中和法" ], "234875002": [ "Adjust functional orthodontic appliance", "调整功能性矫正器" ], "185723005": [ "Hypertension monitoring telephone invite", "高血压监测电话邀请" ], "431483003": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of hepatic artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术(荧光造影引导)" ], "284027007": [ "T - Peripheral temperature monitoring", "Peripheral temperature monitoring", "T——周边温度监测", "周边温度监控" ], "120187009": [ "Retroperitoneum reconstruction", "腹膜后重建" ], "36432003": [ "Enterocystoplasty", "Bladder to intestine anastomosis", "Anastomosis of urinary bladder to intestine", "肠膀胱成形术", "膀胱肠吻合术" ], "3664004": [ "Repair of scleral fistula", "Closure of scleral fistula", "巩膜瘘闭合", "巩膜瘘的修复" ], "233040005": [ "Atrial fenestration operation", "心房开窗手术" ], "446032007": [ "Debridement of upper limb", "上肢清创" ], "313125000": [ "Provision of nocturnal bladder warning system", "Provision of enuretic alarm", "Provision of enuresis alarm", "提供尿频报警装置", "提供夜间膀胱预警系统", "提供遗尿报警装置" ], "1263397001": [ "Colonoscopic control of rectal bleeding using electrocoagulation", "结肠镜下电凝止血" ], "183888009": [ "Private referral to oral surgeon", "口腔外科医生的私人转诊" ], "395045003": [ "Fungal precipitin level", "真菌沉淀素水平" ], "231205008": [ "Injection of abdominal cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome - ACNES", "Injection of abdominal cutaneous nerve", "Local anaesthetic injection of abdominal cutaneous nerve", "Local anesthetic injection of abdominal cutaneous nerve", "腹部皮神经注射", "腹部皮神经局麻注射", "腹部皮神经卡压综合征注射-ACNES", "腹部皮神经局麻药注射" ], "442362006": [ "Measurement of ciclosporin 2 hours after dosing", "Measurement of cyclosporine 2 hours after dosing", "服药后 2 小时测量环孢素", "给药后 2 小时测量环孢素" ], "178383000": [ "Extirpation of lesion of cranium", "颅骨损伤摘除术" ], "229370009": [ "Physiological mobilisation of hand interphalangeal joints", "Physiological mobilization of hand interphalangeal joints", "手指间关节的生理活动" ], "702671002": [ "Embolisation of spinal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Embolization of spinal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolization of spinal artery with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided embolisation of spinal artery with contrast", "透视引导下脊髓动脉造影栓塞术", "用荧光造影剂引导进行脊髓动脉栓塞术", "使用荧光造影剂引导进行脊髓动脉栓塞" ], "80079004": [ "Catheterization of lacrimonasal duct", "Catheterization of nasolacrimal duct", "Insertion of nasolacrimal tube or stent", "Catheterisation of lacrimonasal duct", "Catheterisation of nasolacrimal duct", "插入鼻泪管或支架", "泪道插管", "鼻泪管插管" ], "12708000": [ "Excision of accessory nipple", "副乳头切除术" ], "391375008": [ "Roche number", "洛希数" ], "225700001": [ "Applying medication to eyes", "在眼睛上涂药" ], "307620003": [ "Marsupialization of liver cyst", "Marsupialisation of liver cyst", "肝囊肿袋形成形术", "肝囊肿袋形化" ], "1290660008": [ "Plain X-ray of lumbar and sacral spine, bending view", "腰椎和骶椎的普通 X 光检查,弯曲视图" ], "176548009": [ "Standard circumcision", "标准包皮环切术" ], "385870001": [ "Safety precautions education", "Teach safety precautions", "安全防范教育", "教导安全预防措施" ], "713550003": [ "Cyclophosphamide therapy", "环磷酰胺治疗" ], "252963001": [ "Children's vision test", "儿童视力测试" ], "1137699004": [ "Transbronchial needle aspiration of mediastinal lymph node using endoscopic endobronchial ultrasonography guidance", "Endoscopic endobronchial ultrasonography guided transbronchial needle aspiration of mediastinal lymph node", "Endoscopic endobronchial ultrasound guided transbronchial needle aspiration of mediastinal lymph node", "Endoscopic EBUS-TBNA (endobronchial ultrasound transbronchial needle aspiration) of mediastinal lymph node", "经支气管内镜超声引导下纵隔淋巴结经支气管针吸活检", "内镜纵隔淋巴结EBUS-TBNA(支气管内超声经支气管针吸活检)", "内镜支气管内超声引导下经支气管针吸纵隔淋巴结" ], "234744000": [ "Apply liner to tooth cavity", "Insert base into tooth cavity", "Apply lining to tooth cavity", "Line prepared cavity of tooth", "将基座插入牙腔", "将衬料涂抹到牙腔内", "将衬垫涂抹到牙腔内", "牙线预备腔" ], "89123008": [ "Repair of bilateral direct and indirect inguinal hernias", "Repair of both direct and indirect inguinal hernias", "直接和间接腹股沟疝的修复", "双侧腹股沟直疝和斜疝的修补术" ], "121891009": [ "3-Aminoisobutyrate measurement", "3-氨基异丁酸测量" ], "447736005": [ "Removal of total hip prosthesis", "移除全髋关节假体" ], "52685006": [ "Administration of analgesic", "Administration of analgesic agent", "Administration of pain reliever", "Administering analgesia", "Giving analgesia", "Analgesic administration", "镇痛药的使用", "镇痛治疗", "镇痛剂给药", "给予镇痛", "镇痛给药", "服用止痛药" ], "232909007": [ "Removal of thrombus from implanted atrioventricular valve", "植入房室瓣血栓清除" ], "231074000": [ "Operation on lesion of peripheral nerve", "周围神经损伤手术" ], "34466005": [ "Bathing patient with tepid sponge", "用温水海绵给患者洗澡" ], "425847000": [ "Percutaneous balloon dilation of bile duct", "经皮胆管球囊扩张术" ], "229239004": [ "NMS - Neuromuscular stimulation", "Neuromuscular stimulation", "神经肌肉刺激", "NMS——神经肌肉刺激" ], "129100000": [ "Pepper protocol", "胡椒协议" ], "391244001": [ "Common acute lymphoblastic leukaemia antigen count", "Common acute lymphoblastic leukemia antigen count", "CD10 count", "Calla count", "常见急性淋巴细胞白血病抗原计数", "马蹄莲数量", "CD10 计数" ], "702540003": [ "Referral for spirometry reversibility test", "转诊进行肺量计可逆性测试" ], "243788004": [ "Child examination", "儿童检查" ], "30796007": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on veins of upper arm and elbow", "Anaesthesia for procedure on veins of upper arm and elbow", "上臂及肘部静脉手术麻醉" ], "112716008": [ "Excision of first rib", "第一肋骨切除术" ], "14412009": [ "Laparoscopy with fulguration of lesion", "Endoscopic destruction of lesion of peritoneum", "腹腔镜电灼术", "内镜腹膜损伤破坏术" ], "176417003": [ "Bilateral total inguinal orchidectomy", "Total inguinal excision of bilateral testes", "Total inguinal excision of both testes", "双侧睾丸全腹股沟切除术", "双侧腹股沟睾丸全切除术" ], "405793004": [ "Eclectic psychotherapy", "折衷心理治疗" ], "28961007": [ "Suture of skin wound of limb", "四肢皮肤伤口缝合" ], "174582000": [ "Open removal of calculus from bile duct and drainage of bile duct", "胆管切开取石及胆管引流" ], "438561009": [ "Percutaneous skeletal fixation of dislocation of interphalangeal joint of foot with manipulation", "经皮骨固定术治疗足指间关节脱位" ], "172747000": [ "Examination of ear under anaesthetic", "Examination of ear under anesthetic", "EUA (examination under anaesthesia) of ear", "EUA (examination under anesthesia) of ear", "耳部 EUA(麻醉下检查)", "麻醉下检查耳朵" ], "385739001": [ "Funeral arrangements assessment", "Assess funeral arrangements", "葬礼安排评估", "评估葬礼安排" ], "418507002": [ "Fluoroscopic laryngography", "Laryngogram", "透视喉造影", "喉造影" ], "58059003": [ "Washing RBC for transfusion", "Washing red blood cells for transfusion", "清洗输血用红细胞", "清洗红细胞以供输血" ], "90827004": [ "Arthroplasty of knee, condyle and plateau, medial compartment", "Prosthetic medial unicompartmental arthroplasty of the knee", "膝关节假体内侧单髁关节置换术", "膝关节置换术、髁及平台、内侧间室" ], "25291006": [ "Dissection of orbital fibrous bands", "眼眶纤维带解剖" ], "287435006": [ "Bronchoscopic electrocoagulation", "支气管镜电凝术" ], "271051006": [ "Serum conjugated/total bilirubin ratio measurement", "Serum conjugated/total bilirubin ratio", "血清结合胆红素/总胆红素比率", "血清结合胆红素/总胆红素比率测量" ], "105376000": [ "Transesophageal echocardiography", "Transoesophageal echocardiography", "TEE procedure", "TOE - Transoesophageal echocardiography", "TOE - Transesophageal echocardiography", "Transesophageal echocardiogram", "Transoesophageal echocardiogram", "TOE-- 经食管超声心动图", "经食管超声心动图", "TEE 程序" ], "238283009": [ "Peritoneal pseudocyst cystojejunostomy", "腹膜假性囊肿膀胱空肠吻合术" ], "433056003": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography of internal carotid artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic arteriography of internal carotid artery using contrast with insertion of stent", "颈内动脉造影及支架置入术" ], "252832004": [ "Intraocular pressure test", "眼压测试" ], "121760007": [ "Crotonylcarnitine measurement", "巴豆酰肉碱测量" ], "431221001": [ "Retrograde insertion of ureteric stent using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下逆行插入输尿管支架" ], "119925007": [ "Biliary tract closure", "胆道闭合" ], "265546000": [ "Open insertion of central venous catheter", "开放式中心静脉导管插入" ], "118090001": [ "Influenza A, B, and C virus antigen assay", "Influenza A virus, Influenza B virus, and Influenza C virus antigen assay", "甲型流感病毒、乙型流感病毒和丙型流感病毒抗原检测", "甲型、乙型和丙型流感病毒抗原检测" ], "429386000": [ "Photodynamic ablation of endometrium", "子宫内膜光动力消融" ], "871754003": [ "Administration of booster dose of pediatric hepatitis A vaccine", "Administration of booster dose of paediatric hepatitis A vaccine", "Administration of booster dose of paediatric vaccine product containing only Hepatitis A virus antigen", "Administration of booster dose of pediatric vaccine product containing only Hepatitis A virus antigen", "Paediatric hepatitis A booster immunisation", "Paediatric hepatitis A booster vaccination", "Pediatric hepatitis A booster immunization", "Pediatric hepatitis A booster vaccination", "儿童甲肝加强疫苗接种", "注射仅含甲型肝炎病毒抗原的儿科疫苗加强剂量", "儿童甲肝疫苗加强针注射", "儿童甲型肝炎加强免疫", "儿童甲型肝炎疫苗加强剂量接种", "注射仅含甲型肝炎病毒抗原的儿童疫苗产品加强剂量", "儿童甲型肝炎加强疫苗接种" ], "413002003": [ "Blood arylsulphatase measurement", "Blood arylsulfatase measurement", "Blood arylsulphatase level", "Blood arylsulfatase level", "血液芳基硫酸酶水平", "血液芳基硫酸酯酶水平", "血液芳基硫酸酶测定", "血液芳基硫酸酯酶测定" ], "232778005": [ "Tricuspid valve operation", "TV - Tricuspid valve operation", "TV - 三尖瓣手术", "三尖瓣手术" ], "68938006": [ "Blood bank inventory control", "血库库存控制" ], "445770007": [ "Incision of abscess of subcutaneous tissue", "皮下组织脓肿切开术" ], "443935000": [ "Excision of ruptured appendix by open approach", "开放式手术切除破裂的阑尾" ], "230943008": [ "Revision of intracranial pressure transducer", "颅内压传感器的修订" ], "1148447008": [ "Assessment for housing insecurity", "住房不安全评估" ], "179956002": [ "Conversion to uncemented total elbow replacement", "转换为非骨水泥全肘关节置换术" ], "229108006": [ "Neck class", "颈类" ], "178121006": [ "Biopsy of lesion of bursa", "滑囊病变活检" ], "128969008": [ "Held inspiration", "Held inspiration physiologic challenge", "举行灵感生理挑战", "保持灵感" ], "10611004": [ "Teleradiotherapy protons", "Proton teletherapy", "External beam radiation therapy protons", "体外放射治疗质子", "远程放射治疗质子", "质子远程治疗" ], "170781000": [ "Initial thyroid assessment", "初步甲状腺评估" ], "121629001": [ "Mescaline measurement", "麦司卡林测量" ], "23325006": [ "Repair of cardiac pacemaker", "心脏起搏器修复" ], "300018000": [ "Drainage of empyema", "脓胸引流" ], "105245009": [ "Metoprolol measurement", "美托洛尔测量" ], "709618003": [ "Ultrasound guided injection of joint", "Ultrasonography guided injection of joint", "Injection of joint using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下关节注射" ], "119794006": [ "Neck artery repair", "Repair of artery of neck", "颈动脉修复" ], "54258006": [ "Root canal therapy, comprehensive", "根管治疗,综合" ], "232647000": [ "Pneumonectomy with tracheobronchoplasty", "Sleeve resection", "袖状切除术", "肺切除术及气管支气管成形术" ], "396487001": [ "Sentinel lymph node biopsy", "Sentinel node biopsy", "前哨淋巴结活检" ], "265415002": [ "Open extirpation of lesion of rectum", "直肠病变开放切除术" ], "412871000": [ "Urine tryptophan measurement", "Urine tryptophan level", "尿液色氨酸测量", "尿液色氨酸水平" ], "230812000": [ "Evacuation of intracranial extradural abscess", "颅内硬膜外脓肿清除术" ], "183495009": [ "Non-urgent orthopedic admission", "Non-urgent orthopaedic admission", "非紧急骨科入院" ], "281799009": [ "Fixation of fracture using interfragmentary screws", "使用骨折块间螺钉固定骨折" ], "85191009": [ "Emergency oral examination", "紧急口腔检查" ], "443804005": [ "Repair of toenail", "趾甲修复" ], "83356008": [ "Excision of tissue of pharynx", "咽部组织切除" ], "312732009": [ "Debridement of leg ulcer", "腿部溃疡清创" ], "1144646001": [ "Anastomosis of right internal mammary artery to marginal branch of right coronary artery", "Anastomosis of RIMA (right internal mammary artery) to marginal branch of RCA (right coronary artery)", "Anastomosis of right internal thoracic artery to marginal branch of right coronary artery", "右乳内动脉与右冠状动脉边缘支吻合术", "右胸廓内动脉与右冠状动脉边缘支吻合术", "将 RIMA(右内乳动脉)与 RCA(右冠状动脉)边缘支吻合" ], "179825009": [ "Stabilising repair joint capsule", "Capsular shift", "Stabilizing repair joint capsule", "Stabilization of joint by repair of capsule", "Stabilisation of joint by repair of capsule", "通过修复关节囊来稳定关节", "囊膜移位", "稳定修复关节囊" ], "816966004": [ "Augmentation of labor using oxytocin", "Augmentation of labour using oxytocin", "使用催产素加速分娩" ], "390982006": [ "Red cell magnesium level", "Red cell magnesium measurement", "红细胞镁测量", "红细胞镁含量" ], "46918007": [ "Reduction of prolapse of uterus by pessary", "Reduction of prolapse of uterus by suppository", "子宫托复位子宫脱垂", "栓剂减少子宫脱垂" ], "225307000": [ "Special observation", "Special supervision", "Specialling", "特别观察", "特殊", "特别督导" ], "176155000": [ "Rigid cystoscopy and transurethral resection of bladder lesion", "Rigid cystoscopy and transurethral resection of lesion of urinary bladder", "硬性膀胱镜检查及经尿道膀胱病变切除术", "硬质膀胱镜检查及经尿道膀胱病变切除术" ], "79686007": [ "Cannulation of nasal sinus through natural ostium", "经自然口鼻窦插管" ], "241691000": [ "Rectal induction of general anaesthesia", "Rectal induction of general anesthesia", "直肠诱导全身麻醉" ], "438299001": [ "Fitting of arm sling", "臂吊带的安装" ], "59632000": [ "CPR education", "Resuscitation training", "Cardiopulmonary resuscitation education", "心肺复苏教育", "复苏培训", "心肺复苏术教育" ], "698608004": [ "Hand washing education", "洗手教育" ], "1255664006": [ "Bilateral intracapsular partial tonsillectomy", "Intracapsular partial excision of bilateral tonsils", "Intracapsular partial excision of both tonsils", "双侧扁桃体囊内部分切除术" ], "174320007": [ "Proctoscopic extirpation of lesion of rectum", "直肠镜直肠病变摘除术" ], "223472008": [ "Discussion about hygiene", "关于卫生的讨论" ], "305392008": [ "Admission to pathology department", "病理科入院" ], "90565002": [ "Repair of both indirect inguinal hernias", "Repair of bilateral indirect inguinal hernias", "双侧腹股沟斜疝修补术", "修复双侧腹股沟斜疝" ], "172485001": [ "Laser trabeculoplasty", "YAG trabeculopuncture", "LTP - laser trabeculoplasty", "LTP-- 激光小梁成形术", "YAG小梁穿刺", "激光小梁成形术" ], "451013005": [ "Enucleation of odontogenic keratocyst of lower jaw", "下颌骨牙源性角化囊肿摘除术" ], "713157005": [ "Laparoscopic resection of uterine cornua", "腹腔镜子宫角切除术" ], "8645007": [ "Aorta-coronary sinus shunt", "Beck operation for aorta-coronary sinus shunt", "贝克手术治疗主动脉冠状窦分流术", "主动脉冠状动脉窦分流术" ], "236186000": [ "Ureteroscopic removal of ureteric stent", "输尿管镜取出输尿管支架" ], "105114001": [ "Cefuroxime measurement", "头孢呋辛测量" ], "252570005": [ "Special investigations on pharynx and larynx", "咽喉特殊检查" ], "121498006": [ "Ethyl chloride measurement", "氯乙烷测量" ], "250735000": [ "Amylase/creatinine clearance ratio", "Amylase/creatinine clearance ratio measurement", "淀粉酶/肌酐清除率", "淀粉酶/肌酐清除率测量" ], "119663001": [ "Transposition of tissue of hand", "手部组织移位术" ], "447343002": [ "Ureteroscopic division of stricture of ureter", "输尿管镜输尿管狭窄切除术" ], "414575003": [ "Laparoscopic total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy", "腹腔镜全子宫切除术和双侧输卵管卵巢切除术" ], "37743000": [ "History and physical examination, monitoring", "病史和体格检查、监测" ], "39578009": [ "Excision of bone fragments of joint", "Removal of bone fragment from joint", "从关节中取出骨碎片", "切除关节骨碎片" ], "201583003": [ "Excisional biopsy of lacrimal sac", "泪囊切除活检" ], "709487008": [ "Assessment of knowledge of treatment regime", "治疗方案知识评估" ], "117828001": [ "Mycoplasma species antigen assay", "支原体抗原检测" ], "183364001": [ "Use of aids for daily life", "使用日常生活辅助工具" ], "265284007": [ "Medial rectus resection", "内直肌切除术" ], "359918002": [ "Ellis Jones operation", "埃利斯·琼斯行动" ], "179694004": [ "Revision to open reduction of fracture dislocation and fixation with screw(s)", "骨折脱位切开复位修复并用螺钉固定" ], "277998005": [ "Percutaneous removal of foreign body from intracranial vein", "经皮颅内静脉异物取出术" ], "409070005": [ "Community education: tuberculosis", "Tuberculosis community education", "社区教育:结核病", "结核病社区教育" ], "32238004": [ "Empyemectomy", "脓胸切除术" ], "718531001": [ "Fluoroscopic arteriography of tibioperoneal trunk using contrast with insertion of stent", "Fluoroscopic angiography of tibioperoneal trunk using contrast with insertion of stent", "用造影剂插入支架进行胫腓干荧光血管造影", "用造影剂插入支架进行胫腓动脉干荧光镜动脉造影" ], "14019005": [ "Diagnostic spinal drainage", "诊断性脊髓引流" ], "308931006": [ "Walking practice", "行走练习" ], "225176002": [ "Fitting stoma bag", "适配造口袋" ], "241560003": [ "Portoenterostomy", "门肠造口术" ], "274328004": [ "Skin scraping biopsy", "皮肤刮取活检" ], "405400005": [ "Endarterectomy and angioplasty of subclavian artery", "锁骨下动脉内膜切除及血管成形术" ], "1290136005": [ "Z-plasty of skin of head", "头部皮肤 Z 形成形术" ], "176024008": [ "Ureterocystostomy", "Anastomosis of ureter to bladder", "Ureter to bladder anastomosis", "Ureterovesical anastomosis", "Ureteroneocystostomy", "Anastomosis of ureter to urinary bladder", "输尿管膀胱吻合术", "输尿管膀胱造口术" ], "419949007": [ "Computed tomography angiography of intracranial artery with contrast", "CT angiography of intracranial artery with contrast", "CT arteriogram of intracranial artery with contrast", "CT arteriography of intracranial artery with contrast", "Computed tomography arteriography of intracranial artery with contrast", "颅内动脉增强 CT 造影", "颅内动脉增强计算机断层血管造影", "颅内动脉造影计算机断层扫描", "颅内动脉增强 CT 动脉造影", "颅内动脉增强 CT 血管造影" ], "370797008": [ "Evaluation for signs and symptoms of laser injury", "Evaluates for signs and symptoms of laser injury", "评估激光损伤的体征和症状", "激光损伤的体征和症状评估" ], "305261009": [ "Admission by clinical allergist", "临床过敏症专科医生确认" ], "713026007": [ "Plain X-ray of humerus", "肱骨普通 X 光检查" ], "172354009": [ "Superior oblique tenotomy", "上斜肌腱切断术" ], "1153559002": [ "Education about urinary elimination", "关于排尿的教育" ], "449047004": [ "Fusion of cervicothoracic joint by posterior approach", "后入路颈胸关节融合术" ], "432663006": [ "Ultrasonography (US) of toe", "Ultrasonography of toe", "趾部超声检查(美国)", "趾部超声检查" ], "416279006": [ "Lumbosacral spring test", "Spring test", "弹簧测试", "腰骶弹簧试验" ], "39447008": [ "Transfer of paraspinal muscle to hip", "将椎旁肌肉转移至髋部" ], "104983009": [ "Transcobalamins, total measurement", "转钴胺素,总测量值" ], "121367008": [ "2,5-Hexanedione measurement", "2,5-己二酮测量" ], "21228001": [ "Lysis of adhesions of ovary", "Ovariolysis", "Ovarian adhesions freed", "卵巢溶解症", "卵巢粘连解除", "卵巢粘连松解术" ], "430828008": [ "Radionuclide two-phase bone imaging of lower leg", "小腿放射性核素双相骨显像" ], "265153001": [ "Maintenance of electromagnetic bone stimulator", "电磁骨刺激器的保养" ], "412609000": [ "Anthoxanthum odoratum specific IgE antibody measurement", "Sweet vernal grass specific IgE antibody measurement", "Anthoxanthum odoratum specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "甜春草特异性IgE抗体测定", "玉竹特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "玉竹特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "609217001": [ "Revision of below knee amputation stump", "膝下截肢残端修复术" ], "117697001": [ "Octadecanoate measurement", "十八酸测量" ], "166849007": [ "Serum fasting triglyceride measurement", "Serum fasting triglyceride level", "血清空腹甘油三酯测量", "血清空腹甘油三酯水平" ], "396225009": [ "Sigmoidoscopy with biopsy", "Sigmoidoscopy and biopsy", "Endoscopic biopsy of sigmoid colon", "乙状结肠镜检查和活检", "乙状结肠内镜活检", "乙状结肠镜检查及活检" ], "427158008": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous occlusion of colorectal fistula", "影像引导下经皮结肠直肠瘘封堵术" ], "228715004": [ "Making of bite block for radiotherapy", "放射治疗咬合块的制作" ], "15723004": [ "Electronic analysis of internal pacemaker system", "内部起搏器系统的电子分析" ], "310635006": [ "Removal of Kirschner wire internal bone fixator", "Removal of Kirschner wire", "Removal of K-wire", "移除克氏针", "拆除克氏针内骨固定器", "拆除克氏针" ], "81259007": [ "Incision of cerebral meninges", "脑膜切开术" ], "736619008": [ "Local excision of periurethral tissue", "尿道周围组织局部切除" ], "261483009": [ "Anastomosis of both main bronchi to end of trachea", "双侧主支气管与气管末端吻合" ], "408939007": [ "Tobacco abuse prevention education", "Teach tobacco abuse control", "Teach tobacco abuse prevention", "教导控制烟草滥用", "教授预防烟草滥用的知识", "预防烟草滥用教育" ], "79424002": [ "Deep incision with opening of bone cortex of thorax", "深切口,打开胸腔骨皮质" ], "128576006": [ "Computed hemodynamic measurement method", "Computed haemodynamic measurement method", "计算机血流动力学测量方法" ], "241429001": [ "Dicopac test", "Dicopac 测试" ], "239594000": [ "Terminalisation of hallux", "Terminalization of hallux", "拇趾末端化" ], "1222634007": [ "Electromagnetic navigation guided endoscopic inspection of bronchus with biopsy of bronchus", "Endoscopic inspection of bronchus with biopsy of bronchus using electromagnetic navigation guidance", "Endoscopic biopsy of bronchus using ENB (electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy) guidance", "Bronchoscopy with biopsy of bronchus using electromagnetic navigation guidance", "Endoscopic biopsy of bronchus using electromagnetic navigation bronchoscopy guidance", "使用电磁导航引导进行支气管镜检查及支气管活检", "电磁导航支气管镜引导下内镜支气管活检", "电磁导航引导下支气管内镜检查及支气管活检", "使用 ENB(电磁导航支气管镜)引导进行内镜支气管活检" ], "434367003": [ "Fluoroscopic venography of mesenteric vein using contrast with insertion of stent graft", "肠系膜静脉造影及支架植入术" ], "450751006": [ "Assessment using conversation analysis profile for people with cognitive impairment", "使用对话分析档案对认知障碍人士进行评估" ], "252308000": [ "Lymphocyte cytoplasmic immunoglobulin identification", "淋巴细胞胞质免疫球蛋白鉴定" ], "416148001": [ "Smith and ribonucleoprotein antibody level", "Sm/RNP antibody level", "Sm/RNP抗体水平", "Smith 和核糖核蛋白抗体水平" ], "39316003": [ "Operation on sigmoid", "sigmoid 操作" ], "711060005": [ "Assessment of denial", "拒绝评估" ], "104852006": [ "para-Methyl hippurate measurement", "对马尿酸甲酯的测定" ], "4713000": [ "Endoscopy and photography", "内窥镜检查和摄影" ], "399764009": [ "Gm2 specific IgG antibody measurement", "Cladosporium herbarum specific IgG antibody measurement", "Cladosporium herbarum specific immunoglobulin G antibody measurement", "枝孢属植物特异性 IgG 抗体测量", "枝孢霉特异性免疫球蛋白G抗体测定", "Gm2 特异性 IgG 抗体测量" ], "414313004": [ "Anti GM3 antibody level", "Ganglioside GM3 antibody measurement", "抗 GM3 抗体水平", "神经节苷脂 GM3 抗体测量" ], "840297006": [ "Assessment of patient reported outcome measures", "Assessment of PROMs (patient reported outcome measures)", "患者报告结果测量的评估", "PROM(患者报告结果测量)评估" ], "1297214001": [ "Restoration of tooth with resin and noble metal crown", "树脂和贵金属冠修复牙齿" ], "35646002": [ "Excision of lesion of skin", "Excision of skin lesion", "切除皮肤病变", "皮肤病变切除" ], "19262003": [ "Repair of thoracic aortic aneurysm", "Intrathoracic aortic aneurysm repair", "胸主动脉瘤修复", "胸内主动脉瘤修复" ], "410643000": [ "Well child visit, 11 years", "11 岁儿童健康检查" ], "312339003": [ "Stereotactic injection of alcohol to Gasserian ganglion", "立体定向注射酒精至半月神经节" ], "16111000087100": [ "Ultrasonography guided biopsy of left inguinal region", "Biopsy of left inguinal region using ultrasonographic guidance", "超声引导下左腹股沟区活检" ], "21231000087103": [ "Plain X-ray of right salivary gland", "右侧涎腺普通 X 光检查" ], "736488000": [ "Closure of urethral fistula with buccal mucosal graft", "Closure of fistula of urethra with buccal mucosa graft", "颊黏膜移植闭合尿道瘘" ], "14831000087105": [ "Doppler ultrasonography of bilateral subclavian veins", "Doppler ultrasonography of left and right subclavian vein", "Doppler ultrasound of both subclavian veins", "双侧锁骨下静脉多普勒超声检查", "左、右锁骨下静脉多普勒超声检查", "双侧锁骨下静脉的多普勒超声检查" ], "2031000087107": [ "CT of right wrist", "Computed tomography of right wrist", "右腕部计算机断层扫描", "右腕部 CT" ], "751000087109": [ "Angioplasty of left and right renal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Angioplasty of bilateral renal arteries using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Angioplasty of both renal arteries using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided angioplasty of bilateral renal arteries with contrast", "使用荧光造影剂引导进行双侧肾动脉血管成形术", "荧光透视引导下双侧肾动脉造影血管成形术", "荧光造影引导下左、右肾动脉血管成形术" ], "64744006": [ "Open biopsy of jejunum", "空肠开放活检" ], "1162472007": [ "CT guided biopsy of upper abdomen", "Biopsy of upper abdomen using computed tomography guidance", "CT 引导下上腹部活检", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行上腹部活检" ], "392424007": [ "Goat epithelium specific IgE antibody measurement", "e80 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Goat epithelium specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "山羊上皮特异性IgE抗体测定", "山羊上皮特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "e80 特异性 IgE 抗体测量" ], "408808009": [ "Fetal heart monitoring using ultrasound transducer", "Foetal heart monitoring using ultrasound transducer", "使用超声换能器进行胎儿心脏监测" ], "1144253000": [ "Incision and drainage of eyelid", "眼睑切开引流" ], "308669003": [ "Disc valve atrioventricular valve replacement", "圆盘瓣膜房室瓣置换术" ], "228584009": [ "Projective therapy", "投射疗法" ], "13757009": [ "Arrest of bone growth of humerus", "肱骨骨生长停止" ], "77458002": [ "Bilateral vasotomy", "Incision of bilateral vas deferens", "Incision of both vas deferens", "切开双侧输精管", "双侧输精管切开术" ], "439741009": [ "Primal therapy", "原始治疗" ], "241298004": [ "Xenon-133 ventilation study", "氙-133通风研究" ], "274066005": [ "Subcutaneous tissue operation", "皮下组织手术" ], "306834006": [ "Combination therapy to trunk", "躯干联合治疗" ], "11922008": [ "Osteoplasty of femur, lengthening", "Lengthening of femur", "股骨成形术、延长", "股骨延长" ], "388754008": [ "f5 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rye specific IgE antibody measurement", "Secale cereale specific IgE antibody measurement", "Secale cereale specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "黑麦谷物特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "黑麦特异性IgE抗体测量", "黑麦特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "f5特异性IgE抗体测量" ], "239463003": [ "Hydrodistension of shoulder joint", "肩关节水扩张" ], "75623005": [ "Pigment production test, nonphotochromogenic", "色素生产测试,非光致变色" ], "1204284001": [ "Repair of mitral valve using robot assistance", "Repair of mitral valve using robotic assistance", "Robot assisted repair of mitral valve", "使用机器人辅助修复二尖瓣", "机器人辅助修复二尖瓣", "机器人辅助二尖瓣修复" ], "24636002": [ "Repair of colovaginal fistula", "Closure of colovaginal fistula", "结肠阴道瘘的修复", "结肠阴道瘘闭合" ], "286780001": [ "Duodenoscopy through artificial stoma", "经人工造口十二指肠镜检查" ], "104721000": [ "Hemopexin measurement", "Haemopexin measurement", "血红素结合蛋白测量" ], "432401002": [ "Fluoroscopic guidance for insertion of temporary inferior vena cava filter with contrast", "Insertion of temporary inferior vena cava filter using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "荧光透视引导下置入临时下腔静脉滤器", "在荧光造影引导下插入临时下腔静脉滤器" ], "448785002": [ "Placement of stent at site of coarctation of aorta", "主动脉缩窄部位置入支架" ], "252177004": [ "Bromocriptine suppression test", "溴隐亭抑制试验" ], "709094003": [ "Repair of congenital femoral arteriovenous fistula", "先天性股动静脉瘘的修补" ], "266726004": [ "Anatomo-physiological assistance", "解剖生理学协助" ], "119270007": [ "Management procedure", "管理程序" ], "1264315000": [ "Monterey Fluency Program", "蒙特雷流利课程" ], "397798009": [ "Creatine kinase measurement", "CK measurement", "CPK measurement", "Creatine phosphokinase measurement", "CK 测量", "肌酸激酶测量", "肌酸磷酸激酶测量", "CPK 测量" ], "707259005": [ "Continuous infusion of antithrombotic", "持续输注抗血栓药物" ], "608955007": [ "Microscopic examination of bacterial smear of sputum specimen", "痰标本细菌涂片显微镜检查" ], "166587008": [ "Serum beta 2 microglobulin measurement", "Serum beta 2 microglobulin level", "血清 β2 微球蛋白测量", "血清β2微球蛋白水平" ], "19131007": [ "Evaluation of manner and relationship to people and things", "评价与人、事物的态度和关系" ], "17296001": [ "Division of ligament of hip", "Division of joint ligament of hip", "髋韧带分离", "髋关节韧带分离术" ], "15461002": [ "Percutaneous core needle biopsy of liver", "经皮肝脏穿刺芯针活检" ], "392293009": [ "Cultivated rye (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "Secale cereale (pollen) specific IgE antibody measurement", "g12 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Secale cereale (pollen) specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "栽培黑麦(花粉)特异性 IgE 抗体测定", "黑麦(花粉)特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "g12特异性IgE抗体测量", "黑麦(花粉)特异性IgE抗体测定" ], "128314003": [ "Open reduction of developmental dislocation of hip", "Open reduction of congenital dislocation of hip", "发育性髋关节脱位切开复位术", "先天性髋关节脱位切开复位术" ], "275770004": [ "Urine cortisol titer measurement", "Cortisol titre - urine", "Cortisol titer - urine", "Urine cortisol titre measurement", "皮质醇滴度 - 尿液", "尿液皮质醇滴度测量" ], "406842006": [ "Erythrosin Y stain method", "Erythrosin Y stain", "赤藓红Y染色法", "赤藓红 Y 染色" ], "79162009": [ "Immunoglobulin typing", "免疫球蛋白分型" ], "306703003": [ "Discharge to tertiary referral centre", "Discharge to tertiary referral hospital", "Discharge to tertiary referral center", "出院转至三级转诊医院", "出院转至三级转诊中心" ], "175631004": [ "Emergency replacement of aneurysmal popliteal artery by anastomosis of popliteal artery to peroneal artery using vein graft", "紧急用静脉移植将腘动脉吻合至腓动脉以置换动脉瘤" ], "241167005": [ "Instant barium enema", "Unprepared barium enema", "速效钡灌肠剂", "无准备钡灌肠" ], "26340002": [ "Removal of rice bodies from tendon sheath", "从腱鞘中去除米粒体" ], "1287908002": [ "Infrared photocoagulation of lesion of skin of head", "头部皮肤损伤红外线光凝治疗" ], "239332003": [ "Percutaneous test for allergy", "经皮过敏测试" ], "59108006": [ "Injection", "注射" ], "386788007": [ "Transurethral ureterorenoscopy", "TURS - Transurethral ureterorenoscopy", "经尿道输尿管肾镜检查", "TURS-- 经尿道输尿管肾镜检查" ], "1255140009": [ "Application of silver diamine fluoride to tooth via topical route", "Topical application of silver diamine fluoride to tooth", "Topical application of SDF (silver diamine fluoride) to tooth", "氟化二胺银局部应用于牙齿", "氟化二胺银牙齿局部应用", "牙齿局部涂抹 SDF(氟化二胺银)" ], "450489002": [ "Sialendoscopic removal of calculus from parotid gland using wire basket", "涎腺内镜下用铁丝篮取出腮腺结石" ], "171961002": [ "Operation on pituitary stalk", "垂体柄手术" ], "86371000": [ "Partial pleurectomy", "Partial decortication of lung", "肺部分去皮", "部分胸膜切除术" ], "397667000": [ "Rubus idaeus specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rf343 specific IgE antibody measurement", "Rubus idaeus specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Common red raspberry specific IgE antibody measurement", "Western red raspberry specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "American red raspberry specific immunoglobulin E antibody measurement", "Rf343 特异性 IgE 抗体测量", "常见红树莓特异性IgE抗体测定", "西部红树莓特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "悬钩子特异性IgE抗体测定", "悬钩子特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定", "美国红树莓特异性免疫球蛋白E抗体测定" ], "104590008": [ "Chloride measurement, body fluid", "Fluid sample chloride", "Fluid sample chloride level", "体液氯化物测量", "流体样品氯化物含量", "流体样品氯化物" ], "430435008": [ "Cementoplasty of acetabulum using computed tomography guidance", "Cementoplasty of acetabulum using computed tomography (CT) guidance", "CT guided cementoplasty of acetabulum", "CT引导下髋臼骨水泥成形术", "使用计算机断层扫描引导进行髋臼骨水泥成形术", "使用计算机断层扫描 (CT) 引导进行髋臼骨水泥成形术" ], "708963009": [ "Open reduction and K-wire fixation of fracture of humerus", "Open reduction of fracture of humerus and internal fixation using Kirschner wire", "肱骨骨折切开复位克氏针固定", "肱骨骨折切开复位克氏针内固定" ], "608824002": [ "Open reduction of epiphyseal fracture of phalanx", "指骨骨骺骨折切开复位术" ], "363064002": [ "Site specific immune system surgical procedure", "特定部位免疫系统外科手术" ], "2616003": [ "Repair of bifid digit of hand", "手指分裂修复术" ], "439111000124103": [ "Mechanically altered diet", "机械改变饮食" ], "117304008": [ "Iron hematoxylin stain method", "Iron haematoxylin stain method", "铁苏木精染色法" ], "313912009": [ "120 minute serum prolactin measurement", "120 minute serum prolactin level", "120 分钟血清催乳素测量", "120 分钟血清催乳素水平" ], "410381001": [ "Education surveillance", "Education programmes surveillance", "Education programs surveillance", "教育项目监控", "教育计划监察", "教育监控" ], "437831000124105": [ "Decreased tryptophan diet", "减少色氨酸饮食" ], "787213005": [ "Partial amputation of toe of left foot", "左脚趾部分截肢" ], "361229007": [ "Structural family psychotherapy", "结构性家庭心理治疗" ], "310242004": [ "Patch repair of inferior mesenteric artery", "下肠系膜动脉补片修复" ], "373943000": [ "Care of circumcision", "Circumcision care", "包皮环切护理" ], "718007002": [ "Cone beam computed tomography of mandible", "Cone beam CT of mandible", "下颌骨锥形束CT", "下颌骨锥形束计算机断层扫描" ], "783543007": [ "Plain X-ray of shoulder", "肩部 X 光检查" ], "306572007": [ "Discharge from clinical allergy service", "临床过敏症服务出院" ], "173665000": [ "Rigid oesophagoscopy and removal of foreign body", "Endoscopic removal of foreign body from esophagus using rigid esophagoscope", "Endoscopic removal of foreign body from oesophagus using rigid oesophagoscope", "Rigid esophagoscopy and removal of foreign body", "使用硬式食管镜进行内镜食管异物取出", "硬质食管镜检查及异物取出", "使用硬食管镜进行内镜食管异物取出", "硬食管镜检查及异物取出" ], "697953001": [ "Maintenance of automatic cardiac defibrillator", "自动心脏除颤器的维护" ], "1287777003": [ "Angioplasty of transverse sinus of brain with insertion of stent", "脑横窦血管成形术及支架置入术" ], "419425004": [ "Fluoroscopic angiography and embolization of artery of lower extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography and embolization of artery of lower limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography and embolisation of artery of lower extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopic angiography and embolisation of artery of lower limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopy and embolization of artery of lower limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography and embolization of artery of lower limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography and embolisation of artery of lower limb with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography and embolisation of artery of lower extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopic arteriography and embolization of artery of lower extremity with contrast", "Fluoroscopy and embolisation of artery of lower limb with contrast", "下肢动脉荧光血管造影及造影剂栓塞术", "下肢动脉造影透视及栓塞术", "下肢动脉荧光造影及造影栓塞术", "下肢动脉荧光血管造影及造影栓塞术" ], "42593007": [ "Thrombectomy of aorta", "Removal of thrombus of aorta", "主动脉血栓清除术", "主动脉血栓切除术" ], "1156705008": [ "Ensuring continuity of care", "确保护理的连续性" ], "450358002": [ "Assessment using benign prostatic hyperplasia impact index", "使用良性前列腺增生影响指数进行评估" ], "712502006": [ "Multidimensional treatment foster care", "多维度治疗寄养" ], "235531002": [ "Closure of choledochoenterostomy", "胆总管肠吻合术" ], "38923003": [ "Sphingomyelinase measurement", "Sphingomyelinase level", "鞘磷脂酶水平", "鞘磷脂酶测定" ], "301067005": [ "Surgical removal of wisdom tooth", "Surgical removal of third molar tooth", "手术拔除第三磨牙", "手术拔除智齿" ], "104459009": [ "Acetonitrile measurement", "乙腈测量" ], "448523009": [ "Endoscopic ultrasonography of lung", "肺内镜超声检查" ], "86240006": [ "Chondrectomy of wrist", "腕部软骨切除术" ], "315616008": [ "Domino delivery", "多米诺骨牌配送" ], "182709001": [ "Laryngeal intubation for inhalation", "喉插管吸入" ], "262794006": [ "Surgical transection of esophagus", "Surgical transection of oesophagus", "食管手术横断" ], "392031002": [ "Endarterectomy", "Intimectomy", "动脉内膜切除术", "内镜切除术" ], "31583004": [ "Qualitative non-RBC antibody measurement", "Qualitative non-red blood cell antibody measurement", "定性非红细胞抗体测量" ], "439348000": [ "Removal and replacement of subcutaneous port component after open gastric restrictive procedure", "开放式胃限制手术后皮下端口组件的移除和更换" ], "179039008": [ "Primary open reduction of intra-articular fracture of bone", "关节内骨折一期切开复位" ], "277343009": [ "Speech audiometry using adult wordlists", "使用成人词汇表进行言语听力检查" ], "177204008": [ "Manual removal of placenta from delivered uterus", "从分娩子宫手动取出胎盘" ], "306441006": [ "Discharge by nuclear medicine physician", "核医学医师出院" ], "107998002": [ "Lymphatic system endoscopy", "淋巴系统内窥镜检查" ], "370142005": [ "Plain film of head", "Plain X-ray of head", "头部平片", "头部 X 光检查" ], "386526006": [ "Bibliotherapy", "读书疗法" ], "122547000": [ "Biopsy of upper aerodigestive tract", "上呼吸消化道活检" ], "401075003": [ "Urine microscopy: yeasts", "Urine microscopy for yeasts", "尿液显微镜检查:酵母菌", "尿液显微镜检查酵母菌" ], "384691004": [ "Intraluminal brachytherapy", "腔内近距离放射治疗" ], "433843006": [ "Injection of subdeltoid bursa using ultrasound (US) guidance", "Injection of subdeltoid bursa using ultrasound guidance", "超声引导下三角肌下滑囊注射", "使用超声引导进行三角肌下滑囊注射" ], "16555401000119103": [ "Therapeutic injection of left hip using fluoroscopic guidance", "Fluoroscopy guided therapeutic injection of left hip", "荧光透视引导下左髋部治疗性注射", "左髋部透视引导治疗注射" ], "16549001000119105": [ "Fluoroscopy guided therapeutic injection of right hip", "Therapeutic injection of right hip using fluoroscopic guidance", "荧光透视引导下右髋部治疗性注射", "透视引导下右髋关节治疗注射" ], "235400006": [ "Manual evacuation of feces from colostomy", "Manual evacuation of faeces from colostomy", "手动从结肠造口排出粪便" ], "38792008": [ "Mammoplasty with injection into both breasts", "双侧乳房注射隆胸术" ], "413789001": [ "CD41 count", "CD41计数" ], "708701002": [ "Imaging guided percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of peritoneum", "Percutaneous fine needle aspiration biopsy of peritoneum using imaging guidance", "影像引导下经皮腹膜细针穿刺活检" ], "104328008": [ "Antibody to mitochondria measurement", "Antimitochondrial autoantibody level", "Mitochondrial antibody level", "线粒体抗体水平", "线粒体抗体测量", "抗线粒体自身抗体水平" ], "233565004": [ "Platelet apheresis using random donors", "使用随机捐献者的血小板单采" ], "53341005": [ "Manipulation of displaced nasal septum", "Dislocated nasal septum reduction", "Manipulation of deviated nasal septum", "鼻中隔偏曲矫正术", "移位鼻中隔的治疗", "脱位鼻中隔复位" ], "118877007": [ "Procedure on prostate", "前列腺手术" ], "248114003": [ "Actions to lose weight", "减肥行动" ], "117042005": [ "Argentaffin stain method", "Argentaffin silver stain method", "Argentaffin stain", "Argentaffin silver stain", "银染", "亲和银染色法", "银染法" ], "231730007": [ "Iridoplasty", "Pupilloplasty", "Repair of iris", "瞳孔整形术", "虹膜修复", "虹膜成形术" ], "16903003": [ "Thromboendarterectomy with graft, combined aortoiliofemoral", "血栓内膜切除术及移植,联合主动脉髂股动脉" ], "410119004": [ "Assessment of compliance with medical regimen", "Assess compliance with medical regimen", "Assessment of adherence with medical regimen", "评估医疗方案的依从性", "医疗方案依从性的评估" ], "426503005": [ "Fetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion for congenital diaphragmatic hernia", "Fetendo-PLUG", "Fetoscopic tracheal occlusion for congenital diaphragmatic hernia", "Foetal endoscopic tracheal occlusion for congenital diaphragmatic hernia", "Foetoscopic tracheal occlusion for congenital diaphragmatic hernia", "菲腾多插头", "胎儿内镜气管闭塞术治疗先天性膈疝", "胎儿镜气管闭塞术治疗先天性膈疝" ], "442887009": [ "Percutaneous needle biopsy of pancreas using ultrasound guidance", "Ultrasonography guided percutaneous needle biopsy of pancreas", "超声引导下胰腺经皮穿刺活检" ], "408284002": [ "Haemoglobinopathy DNA studies", "Hemoglobinopathy DNA studies", "Hemoglobinopathy deoxyribonucleic acid studies", "Haemoglobinopathy deoxyribonucleic acid studies", "血红蛋白病 DNA 研究", "血红蛋白病脱氧核糖核酸研究" ], "15068003": [ "Incision and drainage of submaxillary abscess, intraoral", "颌下脓肿切开引流,口腔内" ], "439217005": [ "Closed manual reduction of fracture of shaft of femur and skin traction", "股骨干骨折手法闭合复位加皮肤牵引" ], "373681008": [ "US gynaecology scan", "US gynecology scan", "Ultrasound gynaecology scan", "Ultrasound gynecology scan", "美国妇科扫描", "妇科超声波扫描" ], "44166002": [ "Radical excision of skin lesion", "彻底切除皮肤病变" ], "76934002": [ "Repair of knee collateral ligaments", "膝关节侧韧带修复" ], "699526003": [ "Repair of buried penis", "埋藏阴茎修复术" ], "175238004": [ "Creation of shunt from left subclavian artery to left pulmonary artery using interposition tube prosthesis", "使用插入管假体建立从左锁骨下动脉至左肺动脉的分流术" ], "306310006": [ "Referral to upper GI surgeon", "Referral to upper gastrointestinal surgeon", "转诊至上消化道外科医生" ], "8591000202100": [ "Picking up mail", "领取邮件" ], "173403000": [ "Repair of defect of palate with mucosal flap", "黏膜瓣修复腭部缺损" ], "388230004": [ "Cystourethroscopy with resection of bladder neck", "Cystourethroscopy with resection of neck of urinary bladder", "膀胱尿道镜检查及膀胱颈切除术" ], "715910005": [ "Assessment using Bay Area Functional Performance Evaluation", "Assessment using BaFPE (Bay Area Functional Performance Evaluation)", "使用 BaFPE(湾区功能绩效评估)进行评估", "使用湾区功能绩效评估进行评估" ], "386395000": [ "Preoperative coordination", "术前协调" ], "27782009": [ "Syngeneic transplantation", "Isogeneic transplantation", "同基因移植" ], "304475005": [ "Direct current to face", "直流电流" ], "763227006": [ "Assessment using ESS (Epworth Sleepiness Scale)", "Assessment using Epworth Sleepiness Scale", "使用 Epworth 嗜睡量表进行评估", "使用 ESS(Epworth 嗜睡量表)进行评估" ], "1156443007": [ "Increased plant fiber diet", "Increased plant fibre diet", "增加植物纤维饮食" ], "58715004": [ "Moving a patient to a stretcher", "将病人移至担架上" ], "24112000": [ "Operative procedure on wrist", "腕部手术流程" ], "56880000": [ "Ferric chloride test, urine", "尿液氯化铁检测" ], "433712007": [ "Percutaneous transluminal cutting balloon angioplasty of popliteal artery using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "经皮腔内切割球囊血管成形术在荧光造影引导下行腘动脉" ], "269872007": [ "Serum digoxin measurement", "Serum digoxin level", "血清地高辛水平", "血清地高辛测定" ], "122416008": [ "Papilloma virus rRNA assay", "Papilloma virus ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "Papillomavirus ribosomal ribonucleic acid assay", "乳头瘤病毒核糖体核糖核酸测定", "乳头瘤病毒 rRNA 检测" ], "284421003": [ "Examination of fingernail", "指甲检查" ], "235269006": [ "Cryotherapy of duodenal lesion", "十二指肠病变冷冻治疗" ], "448261006": [ "Biopsy of fibula", "腓骨活检" ], "118746000": [ "Procedure on shoulder joint", "肩关节手术" ], "71429009": [ "Anesthesia for procedure on arteries of knee and popliteal area", "Anaesthesia for procedure on arteries of knee and popliteal area", "膝部及腘窝动脉手术麻醉" ], "233434005": [ "Insertion of stent into vein", "Venous stenting procedure", "静脉支架置入术", "将支架插入静脉" ], "446426007": [ "Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of ophthalmic nerve", "Radiofrequency thermal ablation of ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve", "眼神经射频热凝术", "三叉神经眼支射频热消融术" ], "85978007": [ "Hypoxanthine decomposition agar test", "次黄嘌呤分解琼脂试验" ], "231599008": [ "Posterior lamellar reconstruction of eyelid", "眼睑后板层重建" ], "33156000": [ "Incision of tendon", "Tenotomy", "Myotenotomy", "肌腱切断术", "肌腱切开术", "肌腱切开" ], "313519009": [ "Serum vigabatrin measurement", "Serum vigabatrin level", "血清氨己烯酸水平", "血清氨己烯酸测量" ], "311684006": [ "Voice monitoring", "语音监控" ], "388008": [ "Blepharorrhaphy", "Suture of palpebral fissure", "Tarsorrhaphy", "睑缘缝合术", "眼睑缝合术", "睑裂缝合术" ], "47705001": [ "Incision of rectal stricture", "Division of stricture of rectum", "直肠狭窄切开术", "直肠狭窄的分离" ], "178777001": [ "Transperitoneal exploration of spine", "经腹腔脊柱探查" ], "309849004": [ "Pericardiocentesis", "心包穿刺术" ], "14937008": [ "Operation on sublingual duct", "舌下管手术" ], "439086002": [ "Percutaneous arterial embolization of cerebral arteriovenous fistula using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Percutaneous arterial embolisation of cerebral arteriovenous fistula using fluoroscopic guidance with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous arterial embolisation of cerebral arteriovenous fistula with contrast", "Fluoroscopy guided percutaneous arterial embolization of cerebral arteriovenous fistula with contrast", "荧光造影引导下经皮动脉栓塞治疗脑动静脉瘘", "透视引导下经皮动脉造影栓塞治疗脑动静脉瘘", "荧光造影引导下经皮动脉脑动静脉瘘栓塞术" ], "27651000": [ "Incision and drainage of extraperitoneal abscess", "腹膜外脓肿切开引流" ], "127790008": [ "Staining method", "染色方法" ], "76803000": [ "Organic acid screen, qualitative", "有机酸筛选,定性" ], "764931001": [ "Revision of one component of total prosthetic replacement of knee joint not using cement", "不使用骨水泥的全膝关节假体置换术中一个部件的翻修" ], "60419008": [ "C>11