import os |
import numpy as np |
import pickle |
import time |
from agents.orderenforcingwrapper import OrderEnforcingAgent |
from citylearn.citylearn import CityLearnEnv |
""" |
This file is used to generate offline data for a decision transformer. |
Data is saved as pickle file. |
Data structure: |
list( |
dict( |
"observations": nparray(nparray(np.float32)), |
"next_observations": nparray(nparray(np.float32)), |
"actions": nparray(nparray(np.float32)), |
"rewards": nparray(np.oat32), |
"terminals": nparray(np.bool_) |
) |
) |
""" |
class Constants: |
file_to_save = "non.pkl" |
sequence_length = 720 |
episodes = 1 |
state_dim = 28 |
action_dim = 1 |
schema_path = './data/citylearn_challenge_2022_phase_1/schema.json' |
def action_space_to_dict(aspace): |
""" Only for box space """ |
return {"high": aspace.high, |
"low": aspace.low, |
"shape": aspace.shape, |
"dtype": str(aspace.dtype) |
} |
def env_reset(env): |
observations = env.reset() |
action_space = env.action_space |
observation_space = env.observation_space |
building_info = env.get_building_information() |
building_info = list(building_info.values()) |
action_space_dicts = [action_space_to_dict(asp) for asp in action_space] |
observation_space_dicts = [action_space_to_dict(osp) for osp in observation_space] |
obs_dict = {"action_space": action_space_dicts, |
"observation_space": observation_space_dicts, |
"building_info": building_info, |
"observation": observations} |
return obs_dict |
def generate_data(): |
print("========================= Start Data Collection ========================") |
env = CityLearnEnv(schema=Constants.schema_path) |
agent = OrderEnforcingAgent() |
dataset = [] |
observation_data = [] |
next_observation_data = [] |
action_data = [] |
reward_data = [] |
done_data = [] |
obs_dict = env_reset(env) |
observations = obs_dict["observation"] |
agent_time_elapsed = 0 |
step_start = time.perf_counter() |
actions = agent.register_reset(obs_dict) |
agent_time_elapsed += time.perf_counter() - step_start |
episodes_completed = 0 |
sequences_completed = 0 |
current_step_total = 0 |
current_step_in_sequence = 0 |
interrupted = False |
episode_metrics = [] |
try: |
while True: |
current_step_in_sequence += 1 |
current_step_total += 1 |
next_observations, reward, done, info = env.step(actions) |
observation_data.append(observations) |
next_observation_data.append(next_observations) |
action_data.append(actions) |
reward_data.append(reward) |
done_data.append(False) |
observations = next_observations |
if current_step_in_sequence >= Constants.sequence_length: |
current_step_in_sequence = 0 |
sequences_completed += 1 |
for bi in range(len(env.buildings)): |
obs_building_i = np.zeros((Constants.sequence_length, Constants.state_dim), dtype=np.float32) |
n_obs_building_i = np.zeros((Constants.sequence_length, Constants.state_dim), dtype=np.float32) |
acts_building_i = np.zeros((Constants.sequence_length, Constants.action_dim), dtype=np.float32) |
rwds_building_i = np.zeros(Constants.sequence_length, dtype=np.float32) |
dones_building_i = np.zeros(Constants.sequence_length, dtype=np.bool_) |
for ti in range(Constants.sequence_length): |
obs_building_i[ti] = np.array(observation_data[ti][bi]) |
n_obs_building_i[ti] = np.array(next_observation_data[ti][bi]) |
acts_building_i[ti] = np.array(action_data[ti][bi]) |
rwds_building_i[ti] = reward_data[ti][bi] |
dones_building_i[ti] = done_data[ti] |
dict_building_i = { |
"observations": obs_building_i, |
"next_observations": n_obs_building_i, |
"actions": acts_building_i, |
"rewards": rwds_building_i, |
"terminals": dones_building_i |
} |
dataset.append(dict_building_i) |
observation_data = [] |
next_observation_data = [] |
action_data = [] |
reward_data = [] |
done_data = [] |
print("Sequence completed:", sequences_completed) |
if done: |
episodes_completed += 1 |
metrics_t = env.evaluate() |
metrics = {"price_cost": metrics_t[0], "emmision_cost": metrics_t[1], "grid_cost": metrics_t[2]} |
if np.any(np.isnan(metrics_t)): |
raise ValueError("Episode metrics are nan, please contant organizers") |
episode_metrics.append(metrics) |
print(f"Episode complete: {episodes_completed} | Latest episode metrics: {metrics}", ) |
obs_dict = env_reset(env) |
observations = obs_dict["observation"] |
step_start = time.perf_counter() |
actions = agent.register_reset(obs_dict) |
agent_time_elapsed += time.perf_counter() - step_start |
else: |
step_start = time.perf_counter() |
actions = agent.compute_action(next_observations) |
agent_time_elapsed += time.perf_counter() - step_start |
if current_step_total % 1000 == 0: |
print(f"Num Steps: {current_step_total}, Num episodes: {episodes_completed}") |
if episodes_completed >= Constants.episodes: |
break |
except KeyboardInterrupt: |
print("========================= Stopping Generation ==========================") |
interrupted = True |
if not interrupted: |
print("========================= Generation Completed =========================") |
if len(episode_metrics) > 0: |
print("Agent Performance:") |
print("Average Price Cost:", np.mean([e['price_cost'] for e in episode_metrics])) |
print("Average Emission Cost:", np.mean([e['emmision_cost'] for e in episode_metrics])) |
print("Average Grid Cost:", np.mean([e['grid_cost'] for e in episode_metrics])) |
print(f"Total time taken by agent: {agent_time_elapsed}s") |
print("========================= Writing Data File ============================") |
length = 0 |
for data in dataset: |
if len(data["observations"]) > length: |
length = len(data["observations"]) |
print("Amount Of Sequences: ", len(dataset)) |
print("Longest Sequence: ", length) |
total_values = (2 * Constants.state_dim + Constants.action_dim + 2) * length * len(dataset) |
print("Total values to store: ", total_values) |
with open(Constants.file_to_save, "wb") as f: |
pickle.dump(dataset, f) |
print("========================= Writing Completed ============================") |
file_size = os.stat(Constants.file_to_save).st_size |
if file_size > 1e+6: |
string_byte = "(" + str(round(file_size / 1e+6)) + " MB)" |
else: |
string_byte = "(" + str(round(file_size / 1e+3)) + " kB)" |
print("==> Data saved in", Constants.file_to_save, string_byte) |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
generate_data() |