“ Anyị na - anatakwa ihe ọ bụla anyị rịọrọ n’aka ya , ” ka Jọn onyeozi dere , “ n’ihi na anyị na - edebe ihe ndị o nyere n’iwu , na - emekwa ihe ndị dị mma n’anya ya . ”
“ Whatever we ask we receive from him , ” wrote the apostle John , “ because we are observing his commandments and are doing the things that are pleasing in his eyes . ”
Ọ̀ bụ Lia kpara nkata a ka a ghọgbuo Jekọb ?
Did Leah conspire to deceive Jacob ?
Ọ bụ ezie na onye ahụ ndị mmụọ ọjọọ na - enye nsogbu kwesịrị ikpesi ekpere ike iji nwere onwe ya , ezi Ndị Kraịst ndị ọzọ pụkwara ikpere onye ahụ ji obi ya nile chọọ ijere Jehova ozi ma na - agbalịsi ike iguzogide ndị mmụọ ọjọọ ekpere .
While the one under demon attack should pray fervently for relief , other true Christians may also pray in behalf of the individual who deeply desires to serve Jehovah and who is earnestly trying to resist wicked forces .
Isiokwu ndị dị na peeji nke ise ruo na nke itoolu na magazin a i ji n’aka kwuru ihe Alaeze ahụ bụ na mgbe ọ ga - abịa .
The articles on pages 5 to 9 of this issue discuss what that Kingdom is and when it will come .
Ọ na - aza ajụjụ ndị na - esonụ : N’agbanyeghị mgbalị ndị a na - eme n’oge a ịhụ na mba na mba dị ná mma , olee ihe ndị mere na udo adịbeghị ?
It answers the following questions : What factors presently prevent diplomacy from producing peace ?
Nnukwu anụ mmiri ndị a hà na - aga nwayọọ nwayọọ n’ime mmiri ?
Are these mammoth sea monsters slow and clumsy in the water ?
Ezi onye ndụmọdụ na - enwe ọmịiko n’ahụ́ onye ọ na - adụ ọdụ , na - akwanyere ya ùgwù ma jiri obiọma na - emeso ya ihe
A good counselor shows empathy , respect , and kindness
Jehova na - ebuli mpi nile nke ndị ya elu , na - eme ka ha dị elu , ebe ọ ‘ na - ebipụ mpi nile nke ndị na - emebi iwu . ’
Jehovah raises up the horns of his people , causing them to be exalted , whereas he ‘ cuts down the horns of the wicked ones . ’
O wee ruo na mgbe chi jiwere , mgbe a chọrọ imechi ọnụ ụzọ ámá , ndị ikom ahụ pụrụ . ”
And it came about at the closing of the gate by dark that the men went out . ”
A kpọghị aha ndị ọzọ . Dị ka ihe atụ , mgbe nna Samsịn aha ya bụ Manoa jụrụ otu mmụọ ozi , sị : “ Gịnị bụ aha gị , ka ọ ga - abụ mgbe okwu gị mezuru , anyị ga - asọpụrụ gị ? ”
For instance , an angel was asked by Manoah , the father of Samson : “ What is your name , that when your word comes true we shall certainly do you honor ? ”
“ Ndị ezi omume ga - enweta ụwa , ha ga - ebikwa n’elu ya ruo mgbe ebighị ebi . ” ​ —⁠ Ọma 37 : ​ 9 , 11 , 29 .
“ The righteous will possess the earth , and they will live forever on it . ” ​ — Ps . 37 : 9 , 11 , 29 .
Ha na - emebi aha ọma ndị ọzọ .
They poison the good reputation of their victims .
Ọ bụ n’ihe dị ka narị afọ nke asatọ T.O.A . ka ndị China na - agbalị imepụta ihe ga - agbatị ndụ mmadụ kweere na a pụrụ ime ka mmadụ ghara ịnwụ anwụ ; ha kwekwaara na narị afọ nke anọ T.O.A . na a pụrụ iji ọgwụ gbatịa ndụ mmadụ .
Among Chinese alchemists , belief in physical immortality appears to date back at least to the eighth century B.C.E . , and the possibility of attaining it by means of magic potions , to the fourth century B.C.E .
Ka ọ̀ bụ n’ihi na o nwere okwukwe na Chineke ?
Was it his faith in God ?
Ndị ọkachamara na - ekwukwa na ọnụ ọgụgụ mmadụ bi n’obodo ukwu bụ́ nke na - amụba ngwa ngwa na - enwe mmetụta ọjọọ n’obodo ukwu dị iche iche gburugburu ụwa .
Experts also say that rapidly expanding city populations are having a devastating effect on cities around the world .
Mgbe anyị lọrutere , ha ji ọsọ bịa zute anyị ma bie anyị nnọọ ọma , sutụkwa anyị ọnụ .
When we arrived , they ran to meet us and gave us big hugs and kisses .
Gịnị mere ka Baịbụl nyere ndị a na ọtụtụ ndị ọzọ aka ka ha kwụsị ịkpọ ndị ọzọ asị ?
Why has the Bible been able to help these and many others to overcome deep - seated hatred and prejudice ?
Uru Kachanụ
The Best Reward
Ya mere , ndị niile nwere okwukwe na Jizọs ma na - erubere ya isi ga - enweta ihe Adam tụfuru , ya bụ , olileanya ndụ ebighị ebi . — Jọn 3 : 16 ; Ndị Rom 6 : 23 .
Thus , all who exercise faith in Jesus and obey him will receive what Adam forfeited ​ — the prospect of everlasting life . ​ — John 3 : 16 ; Romans 6 : 23 .
Ndị mmadụ na - ere ihe ndị ha nwere ma ọ bụ gaa bite ego iji zụta anụmanụ ha ga - eji chụọ àjà ma mee ememme ga - eme ka obi jụrụ ndị ikwu ha nwụrụ anwụ .
People sell possessions or go into debt to pay for animal sacrifices and ceremonies to appease dead relatives .
N’agbanyeghị na ọ bụ onyeozi , gịnị dị Pọl mkpa , gịnịkwa na - adị anyị nile mkpa site n’oge ruo n’oge ?
Despite his being an apostle , what did Paul need , and what do all of us need from time to time ?
URU NDỊ M RITERELA : Ebe m mụtara ịchịkwa iwe ọkụ m , mụ na nne m dịkwuru ná mma .
HOW I HAVE BENEFITED : Because I learned to control my explosive temper , my relationship with my mother improved .
Ka anyị tụlee ihe Jizọs kwuru gbasara ndị ga - aghọta eziokwu ahụ na ndị na - agaghị aghọta ya . — Gụọ Matiu 11 : 25 .
Let us consider what Jesus said in this regard . ​ — Read Matthew 11 : 25 .
Anyị gbara ndị nile bịaara anyị mgbaru ume ka ha gụọ ya ma nwee ike ghọta anyị nke ọma karị , ghọtakwa ụdị újú anyị ga - anọgide na - eru . ”
Perhaps you or someone you know will receive comfort from reading When Someone You Love Dies .
Dị ka ihe atụ , aka dị ọcha na - apụta ịbụ onye ikpe na - amaghị .
For example , a clean hand denotes innocence .
N’ezie , n’ala ụfọdụ , ọbụna ka Ndịàmà Jehova na - amụ isiokwu a , a ‘ na - ele ’ ikwesị ntụkwasị obi nke ezi Ndị Kraịst a nye Chineke “ ule . ” — Mkpughe 2 : 10 .
Actually , in some lands , even as Witnesses of Jehovah are studying this article , these true Christians are being “ put to the test ” regarding their integrity to God . ​ — Revelation 2 : 10 .
E nwere ike ikwu na ndị “ dara mbà ” adịghị ike .
“ Depressed souls ” are weak , in a sense , and so are discouraged ones .
Mgbe Jizọs na - ekwu banyere enyi ya nwụrụ n’oge na - adịghị anya , bụ́ Lazarọs , o ji ụra tụnyere ọnwụ .
When speaking of his recently deceased friend Lazarus , Jesus compared death to sleep .
Ha kwesịkwara ịna - egosi na ha hụrụ ibe ha n’anya otú ahụ Ebreham na Sera , Aịzik na Ribeka , nakwa Elkena na Hana mere .
Abraham and Sarah , Isaac and Rebekah , Elkanah and Hannah ​ — all expressed their love for their mate .
Olee otú e si hazie Ndịàmà Jehova taa ?
How are Jehovah’s Witnesses organized today ?
Otú e si sụgharịa ebe a na Baịbụl ụfọdụ bụ “ Gbasapụ aka nye . ”
Some Bible translations simply say : “ Give . ”
Nwaanyị nke Na - atụ Egwu Chineke na Ezigbo Nwunye
A Godly Woman and a Precious Wife
N’afọ 1991 , mụ na nwunye m gara mgbakọ mbụ anyị na Alma - Ata , dị na Kazakstan . Ihe a na - akpọ Alma - Ata ugbu a bụ Almati .
In 1991 my wife and I attended our first - ever convention in Alma - Ata , now known as Almaty , in Kazakhstan .
Kama nke ahụ , buru ụzọ jide ntutu isi gị aka , ma jiri mbọ́ bọgasịa ebe ọnụ ha ndị kekọtasịrị ibe ha .
Rather , first hold your hair and use the brush to untangle the ends .
Ihe anyị na - ekwu bụ : Ịlụ di ma ọ bụ nwaanyị bụ onyinye si n’aka Chineke .
The bottom line : Marriage is a gift from God .
( a ) Gịnị mere o ji dị mkpa ka ụmụnna nwoke na - agbalị ka ha ruo eru ịbụ ndị nlekọta n’ọgbakọ ?
( a ) What need is there for brothers to reach out for responsibilities in the organization ?
Ma , ndị mkpọrọ ahụ nweere onwe ha bọọrọ onwe ha ọ́bọ̀ .
Along with the liberation , there came cruel retribution .
Ọ bụ ezie na onye nkụzi nwere ike ọ gaghị ahụ ndị ghọrọ aghụghọ , o nwere onye na - ahụ ha .
Although a teacher may not notice those who cheat , there is someone who does .
E mere nke ahụ ugboro atọ ruo mgbe okokoro nile e gwuru n’akụkụ ebe ịchụàjà ahụ jupụtara na mmiri .
This was done three times until the trench around the altar was filled with water .
Mgbe onye ọhụrụ ghọrọ onye na - eso ụzọ , Onyeàmà Jehova ahụ chọtara ya ma nyere ya aka ịmụta ihe Bible na - akụzi abụghị nanị onye ga - aṅụrị ọṅụ .
When a new one becomes a disciple , the Witness of Jehovah who found him and helped him to learn what the Bible teaches is not the only one with reason for rejoicing .
N’ezie , afọ 57 ka agha ahụ bisịrị , ụwa ka nọ n’ọchịchịrị .
Indeed , 57 years after the end of that war , the world is still in darkness .
Ịrụ ọrụ ụlọ .
Domestic skills .
Gịnịkwa mere ndị mmadụ ji atụ ụjọ na ndị nwụrụ anwụ ga - emerụ ndị dị ndụ ahụ́ ?
And what is behind the fear that the dead can harm the living ?
Anyị kwesịrị ịgbasi mbọ ike ka anyị wee hụ ezi omume n’anya .
There are no shortcuts when it comes to learning to love righteousness with all our heart !
Mgbe anyị na - aga n’ụlọ ya , anyị si n’ụzọ kpara akpa ndị mmadụ juru , bụ́ ebe ahịa dị .
On the way to his house , we take the cramped and crowded road through the market .
Ụmụnne Josef na nna ha nọ na Kenan na - ahụsi anya n’ihi ụkọ nri .
In the surrounding lands , however , people were not so fortunate .
Ị gaghịkwa eji onyinye ahụ gwuo egwu , kama ị ga - eji ya mee ihe bara uru .
In addition , you will likely make good use of the gift , not taking it for granted .
Ọ bụ eziokwu na e kenyeghị ebo ndị Livaị ala n’Izrel , olee ebe ha ga - ebi ?
Though having no tribal share of land in Israel , where would the Levites reside ?
Ka o jiri ọnụ ya kọọrọ gị :
Well , let her tell you in her own words :
Ná nzukọ Ụlọ Ọrụ United States Maka Nnwere Onwe Okpukpe ná Mba Nile nwere na November 16 , 2000 , otu onye gara ya gosipụtara ọdịiche dị n’etiti ndị na - agbalị ịmanye ndị ọzọ ịgbanwe okpukpe ha na ọrụ Ndịàmà Jehova .
At a meeting of the United States International Religious Freedom Commission on November 16 , 2000 , a participant made a distinction between those who try to force conversions and the activity of Jehovah’s Witnesses .
Oge na - adịghị anya ka nke ahụ gasịrị amatara m James L .
Not long afterward , I met James L .
Ọ bụrụ na mmadụ ahọrọ inupụrụ Chineke isi , a gaghị ekwe ka ọ nọgide na - adị ndụ .
If a person chooses to rebel against God , he will not be allowed to continue living .
13 , 14 . ( a ) Gịnị na - akpali ụfọdụ izi ndị na - asụ asụsụ ọzọ ozi ọma ?
13 , 14 . ( a ) What motivates some to take up the ministry in another language ?
Ọ sịrị : “ Ihe na - enyere m aka ime nke a bụ na m na - ahazi ihe m na - eji ego m eme nke ọma .
“ Instead of going to malls , I seek out stores that offer better deals .
Eleghị anya ị ga - enye ahụ́ gị ihe dị ya mkpa iji lụsoo ọrịa ahụ ọgụ ma zere ndị buterela ọrịa ahụ .
You would likely build up your immune system and stay away from people who are contagious .
O nwere ike ịbụ na mgbe hanwa na - eto , ndị mụrụ ha na - abakarịrị ha mba ma ha mee ihe ọjọọ , ha anaghịkwanụ aja ha mma ma ha mee nke ọma .
They may have grown up in families where their parents emphasized mistakes rather than achievements .
“ N’oge ahụ , ndị ezi omume ga - enwu gbaa dị ka anyanwụ n’alaeze nke Nna ha . ” — MAT .
“ At that time the righteous ones will shine as brightly as the sun in the kingdom of their Father . ” ​ — MATT .
Ole ndị ka “ a nyakapụrụ ” n’osisi oliv nke ubi ahụ , oleekwa ndị a nyadoro na ya ?
Who were “ broken off ” the cultivated olive tree , and who were grafted onto it ?
Olee ihe Jehova ga - eme ndị na - aṅaghị ntị n’ịdọ aka ná ntị ya ?
What is Jehovah’s reaction to those who take no note ?
Ha gara biri n’obodo nta Kunwald , na ndagwurugwu dị n’ebe ugwu ọwụwa anyanwụ Bohemia , bụ́ ebe ha rụgasịrị obere ụlọ , kọọ ugbo , gụọ Bible ha ma kpọọ onwe ha ndị òtù okpukpe Unity of Brethren ( Òtù Ụmụnna Dị n’Otu ) , ma ọ bụ Unitas Fratrum n’asụsụ Latin .
They settled near the village of Kunwald , in a valley in northeastern Bohemia , where they built cottages , tilled the land , read their Bibles , and named themselves Unity of Brethren , or Unitas Fratrum in Latin .
Boniface : I meela .
Brian : Good . Thank you .
Ka anyị buru ụzọ tụlee ihe banyere amamihe ya , ya bụ , otú o si nwee ike iji ihe ọmụma na nghọta na - eme ihe bara uru .
First , consider his wisdom ​ — his ability to put knowledge and understanding to work in a practical way .
Otu di na nwunye na nwa ha si n’otu obodo dị nso , bụ́ Limburg , bịa .
A couple with their child came to visit from the nearby town of Limburg .
Olee ihe Onye Jehova Họọrọ ga - edi ụfụ ya ?
Just what would Jehovah’s Chosen One have to endure ?
Ndụ Devid nọ n’ihe ize ndụ mgbe nile .
David’s life was in constant danger .
Lourdes si na windo ụlọ ha na - elepụ anya n’obodo ukwu ahụ , kpuchie aka n’ọnụ ya na - ama jijiji .
Lourdes gazes at the city from her apartment window , her fingers covering her trembling mouth .
Ndị ahụ Ịlaịja na Ịlaịsha kpọlitere n’ọnwụ tupu Jizọs abịa n’ụwa adịghị ndụ ebighị ebi .
Those who were raised before Jesus , such as by Elijah and Elisha , did not live on endlessly .
Dị ka Esaf mere , Devid chọpụtara na imete Jehova enyi ka nnọọ mkpa karịa ibute ọdịmma onwe ya ụzọ ná ndụ .
Just like Asaph , David saw that having Jehovah as his Friend was far better than putting his own interests foremost in life .
Ndị Na - aga Ya : Ndị nlekọta sekit na ndị nlekọta distrikti .
Qualifications : Brother must be a circuit or a district overseer .
Otu prọfesọ nke Mahadum Cambridge kwuru na ụkpụrụ omume ọma nke ndị Babilọn , ndị Ijipt , na ndị Gris nakwa nke ndị Aborigine Australia na ndị American India gụnyere “ nkatọ nke mmegbu , igbu ọchụ , ịghọ aghụghọ na ịgha ụgha , ha nile kwuchara na e kwesịrị ịdị na - emeso ndị agadi , ụmụaka na ndị na - adịghị ike omume obiọma . ”
A Cambridge professor noted that the standards of Babylonians , Egyptians , and Greeks as well as of Australian Aborigines and Native Americans included “ denunciations of oppression , murder , treachery and falsehood , the same injunctions of kindness to the aged , the young , and the weak . ”
Akwụkwọ nsọ ndị Alakụba , bụ́ Koran , nwere otu isiakwụkwọ nke kwuru banyere mbilite n’ọnwụ .
The holy book of Islam , the Koran , devotes a whole chapter to the resurrection .
Gutenberg na Hus : Site n’akwụkwọ bụ́ The Story of Liberty , 1878
Gutenberg and Hus : From the book The Story of Liberty , 1878
□ Ì nyochaala ndụ gị nke ọma ka ị chọpụta ihe i nwere ike ime ka ịchụ ego ghara imebi mbọ ị na - agba ka gị na Chineke dịrị ná mma ?
□ Have you analyzed your life to see how you can balance your material and spiritual pursuits ?
Ndị Masai ụjọ na - anaghị atụ na - achịrị ehi ha ha na - ejighị egwu egwu gaa n’otu iyi dị ebe ahụ nke nwere ezigbo mmiri , bụ́ ebe ndị na - achịgharị ehi na - enwe mmasị ịga .
The brave Masai brought their beloved cattle to the fresh waters of a stream located there , a welcome sight for the nomadic communities .
Akwụkwọ Nsọ na - akpọkarị Jehova “ Ọkaakaa Onyenwe anyị . ”
With complete trust in him , for instance , the psalmist sang : “ In the Sovereign Lord Jehovah I have placed my refuge . ”
N’otu echiche , anyị pụrụ ikwu na nke a bụ mgbe ọrụ nkụzi Bible a na - arụ n’ụwa nile ugbu a ka na - amalite amalite .
In a sense , we might say that this was the present worldwide Bible education work in its infancy .
Ịdị nwayọọ n’obi nwere ike ime anyị obi ụtọ .
“ Happy are the mild - tempered , since they will inherit the earth . ” ​ — Matt .
Ihe ọ pụtara bụ na a malitere inwe mba ọhụrụ n’ụwa , ya bụ , Ndị Kraịst e tere mmanụ .
Zion , Jehovah’s organization of spirit beings , brought forth her spirit - anointed sons and organized them into a nation .
7 , 8 . ( a ) Gịnị mere Chineke ji ṅụọrọ Ebreham iyi ?
7 , 8 . ( a ) For what purpose did God swear to Abraham ?
Ọ na - anọchite anya eziokwu banyere Chineke na nzube ya .
It represents the truth about God and his purposes .
Ọtụtụ ndị weere ya dị ka ihe omume e nyere nwa akwụkwọ ka o mee n’ụlọ .
Many think that a schoolboy wrote the tablet as part of an exercise .
Anyị chọrọ inye ha ohere ịnụ ozi nzọpụta nke Chineke .
We want to give them an opportunity to hear God’s message of salvation .
• nwere ọmịiko . — Mak 1 : 40 , 41 .
• felt compassion . ​ — Mark 1 : 40 , 41 .
Mgbe m ghọtara onwe m , ọ bịara dị m ka m̀ nwetala ihe m chọrọ , ya bụ , ikike e ji agwọ ọrịa .
What led me to this experience , and how did it affect my life ?
N’ihi ya , ọ bụ ezie na ndị gafere ule ikpeazụ ahụ nwere ike inupụrụ Chineke isi , e bibiekwa ha , o yighị nnọọ ka ihe dị otú ahụ ọ̀ ga - eme .
Thus , although it is possible for those who pass the final test to rebel against God and hence be destroyed , it is very unlikely that such a thing will occur .
Ụmụ anyị ndị nwoke ise metụrụla okenye — Nathan , George , Daniel , John , na Harley — nakwa nwa anyị nwanyị bụ́ Rebecca — ejewo ozi n’alaka ụlọ ọrụ Ndịàmà Jehova dị na United States .
Our five older sons ​ — Nathan , George , Daniel , John , and Harley — ​ as well as our daughter Rebecca ​ — have each served at the U.S . branch office of Jehovah’s Witnesses .
Ọbụ abụ ahụ gbakwụnyere , sị : “ Ha onwe ha [ eluigwe na ụwa ] ga - ala n’iyi , ma Gị onwe gị na - eguzogide . ”
The psalmist adds : “ They [ earth and heavens ] themselves will perish , but you yourself will keep standing . ”
Ma n’ihi ndị a họọrọ , ya bụ , ndị ọ họọrọ , o mewo ka ụbọchị ndị ahụ dị mkpirikpi . ” — Mak 13 : 19 , 20 .
But on account of the chosen ones whom he has chosen he has cut short the days . ” ​ — Mark 13 : 19 , 20 .
Nke mbụ , biko kweta na ọ dị njọ ikiri ihe ndị Bible katọrọ n’ụzọ doro anya .
First , please accept that it is simply wrong to watch scenes that flaunt what the Bible clearly condemns .
Biko , lee , enwere m ụmụ ndị inyom abụọ ndị aka - amaghị ahụ́ nwoke : biko , ka m kupụtara unu ha , meekwanụ ha dị ka ọ dị mma n’anya unu : nanị unu emela ndị ikom ahụ ihe ; n’ihi na ọ bụ n’ihi nke a ka ha bịara n’okpuru ndò nke ụlọ m . ”
Then do to them as is good in your eyes . Only to these men do not do a thing , because that is why they have come under the shadow of my roof . ”
Ha niile gosiri na ha kpọrọ mkpụrụ nwaanyị ahụ asị .
All of those expressed hatred for the seed of the woman .
Mụ na Ndịàmà Jehova ji nke nta nke nta kpachiwe anya .
I gradually began to associate more closely with the Witnesses .
Obi tọrọ m ezigbo ụtọ mgbe m matara ihe Chineke bu n’obi imere ụmụ mmadụ .
I was thrilled to learn about God’s purposes .
N’ihi iwu ahụ a machibidoro ọrụ anyị , anyị bịara dịrị akọ ma na - elezi anya nke ọma mgbe anyị na - ebubata akwụkwọ anyị .
Because of the ban , we had to be careful ​ — and creative — ​ when delivering literature .
Ọzọkwa , o nwere obi aghụghọ — uche ya dị “ aghụghọ , ” nzube ya bụ “ nke aghụghọ . ”
Moreover , she is cunning of heart ​ — her mind is “ treacherous , ” her intent “ crafty . ”
Ná mba ebe Chọọchị na Ọchịchị nọọrọ onwe ha kemgbe 1905 , ọtụtụ ndị katọrọ òkè Ọchịchị na - ekere n’ihe e weere dị ka ememe okpukpe .
In a nation where Church and State have been officially separated since 1905 , many criticized the State’s participation in what they viewed as a religious commemoration .
2 , 3 . ( a ) Olee otú ihe okwu ahụ bụ́ “ Ekwensu ” pụtara si pụta ìhè nke ọma n’ihe mere Job ?
2 , 3 . ( a ) How is the meaning of the word “ Devil ” well illustrated in what happened to Job ?
ọ bụ Onye ahụ Nke na - eme ka usuu ha pụta n’ọnụ ọgụgụ : ha nile n’aha ha ka Ọ na - akpọ ; site n’ịba ụba nke ike Ya , na n’ihi na O nwere ume n’ike , ọ dịghị ihe fọdụrụ nke a na - agụghị ” !
It is the One who is bringing forth the army of them even by number , all of whom he calls even by name . Due to the abundance of dynamic energy , he also being vigorous in power , not one of them is missing ” !
Onye amụma Jehova wee malite njem .
Jehovah’s prophet began to make his way along the same road Ahab had taken .
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