--- annotations_creators: [] language: en size_categories: - 1K ``` Key annotation features: - Bounding box coordinates (normalized) - Object class labels - Occlusion and truncation flags - Group, depiction, and inside flags ## Your Task Your challenge is to curate a subset of this dataset that: 1. Reduces the overall size of the dataset 2. Maintains or improves the performance of an object detection model (YOLOv8m) Remember, the goal is to find the optimal balance between dataset size and model performance, as measured by our evaluation metric: Score = (mAP * log(N)) / N Where mAP is the Mean Average Precision on our hidden test set, and N is the number of images in your curated dataset. ## Additional Notes - Ensure you comply with all dataset usage terms and conditions - Do not use external data sources for this challenge Good luck, and happy curating! ## Citations The Open Images v4 paper can be found [here](https://arxiv.org/abs/1811.00982) ```bibtex @article{OpenImages, author = {Alina Kuznetsova and Hassan Rom and Neil Alldrin and Jasper Uijlings and Ivan Krasin and Jordi Pont-Tuset and Shahab Kamali and Stefan Popov and Matteo Malloci and Alexander Kolesnikov and Tom Duerig and Vittorio Ferrari}, title = {Open Images Dataset V6: A Large-Scale Dataset for Object Detection in the Wild.}, {Open Images Dataset V7: A Large-Scale Dataset for Object Detection in the Wild.} year = {2020}, journal = {IJCV} } ```