Benjamin Aw
Add updated pkl file v3
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"abstract": "IJCNLP2011, where Anna(s) meet the king(s) for sharing knowledge in natural language IJCNLP2011 is held in Chiang Mai. It is a historic city situated in the northern part of Thailand. Organizing the conference in this part of Asia made us think of the classic movie \"The King and I\" (1956), where King Mongkut of Siam invited Anna Leonowens an Anglo-Indian school teacher to Siam to teach his family English. Similar to the movie, IJCNLP2011 brings together scientists and practitioners from the East and West in pursuit of the knowledge of natural language processing (NLP). Virach, Hitoshi and I compiled this passage collaboratively online using our own iPads. Despite us being physically apart, in Thailand, Japan and Hong Kong respectively, our collaborative editorial work went smoothly with virtually no distance. The increasing popularity of smart handheld devices, such as iPhones and iPads has practically made the world flat. The hurdles and boundaries between people have effectively been lifted enabling friends and relatives over the globe to keep in close contact with each other. We use email, blog, facebook and twitter regularly and ubiquitously for communications. Nontraditional they may be, the languages for communication over these channels are natural as they are used by the netizens (human) for information exchange. Processing of these natural languages is inevitably unconventional and the task is challenging, which requires much innovation. For this reason, NLP is a key research area both in the industry and in universities worldwide. Therefore, it is not surprising that we have received over 500 submissions from different countries around the world in this year's IJCNLP. This number is in fact the largest in the history of the conference series. Organizing a conference of the scale of IJCNLP2011 (with over 300 participants) is never easy. We worked closely as a team in the past ten months. It is really not easy for us to express our gratitude to any one individual. The names of the hard working conference officers, the track chairs, the workshop chairs, the tutors as well as the reviewers are enlisted in the proceedings. We owe everyone a billion. Without their hard work IJCNLP2011 would never have reached this stage. So please help me praise and thank them when you meet them in the conference. Chiang Mai is a cultural city full of history and traditions, with many famous attractions such as its melodious colloquial language, Lanna style of clothing, mellow taste of food, etc. During the conference period, we will experience the \"Loi Krathong Festival\" where people float krathong (floating basket) on a river to pay respect to the spirit of the waters. IJCNLP2011 in November Chiang Mai is unique. It coincides with the unforgettable Lanna Festival. Locally known as \"Yi Peng\", the festival will bring to you a memorable cultural experience. You will witness a multitude of Lanna-style sky lanterns (khom loi, literally \"floating lanterns\") gently rising in the air. These lanterns resemble large flocks of giant fluorescent jellyfish gracefully floating by through the sky. Honestly, these attractions are just too good to be missed. Dear friends and colleagues of the world NLP communities, honorable guests of Chiang Mai, we are glad to see you in IJCNLP2011. We hope you find the technical program useful to your research and can discover something insightful at the end. And before closing, as one often said \"seeing is believing\", we urge you to spare some time after the conference to explore and to enjoy the city.",
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"text": "IJCNLP2011, where Anna(s) meet the king(s) for sharing knowledge in natural language IJCNLP2011 is held in Chiang Mai. It is a historic city situated in the northern part of Thailand. Organizing the conference in this part of Asia made us think of the classic movie \"The King and I\" (1956), where King Mongkut of Siam invited Anna Leonowens an Anglo-Indian school teacher to Siam to teach his family English. Similar to the movie, IJCNLP2011 brings together scientists and practitioners from the East and West in pursuit of the knowledge of natural language processing (NLP). Virach, Hitoshi and I compiled this passage collaboratively online using our own iPads. Despite us being physically apart, in Thailand, Japan and Hong Kong respectively, our collaborative editorial work went smoothly with virtually no distance. The increasing popularity of smart handheld devices, such as iPhones and iPads has practically made the world flat. The hurdles and boundaries between people have effectively been lifted enabling friends and relatives over the globe to keep in close contact with each other. We use email, blog, facebook and twitter regularly and ubiquitously for communications. Nontraditional they may be, the languages for communication over these channels are natural as they are used by the netizens (human) for information exchange. Processing of these natural languages is inevitably unconventional and the task is challenging, which requires much innovation. For this reason, NLP is a key research area both in the industry and in universities worldwide. Therefore, it is not surprising that we have received over 500 submissions from different countries around the world in this year's IJCNLP. This number is in fact the largest in the history of the conference series. Organizing a conference of the scale of IJCNLP2011 (with over 300 participants) is never easy. We worked closely as a team in the past ten months. It is really not easy for us to express our gratitude to any one individual. The names of the hard working conference officers, the track chairs, the workshop chairs, the tutors as well as the reviewers are enlisted in the proceedings. We owe everyone a billion. Without their hard work IJCNLP2011 would never have reached this stage. So please help me praise and thank them when you meet them in the conference. Chiang Mai is a cultural city full of history and traditions, with many famous attractions such as its melodious colloquial language, Lanna style of clothing, mellow taste of food, etc. During the conference period, we will experience the \"Loi Krathong Festival\" where people float krathong (floating basket) on a river to pay respect to the spirit of the waters. IJCNLP2011 in November Chiang Mai is unique. It coincides with the unforgettable Lanna Festival. Locally known as \"Yi Peng\", the festival will bring to you a memorable cultural experience. You will witness a multitude of Lanna-style sky lanterns (khom loi, literally \"floating lanterns\") gently rising in the air. These lanterns resemble large flocks of giant fluorescent jellyfish gracefully floating by through the sky. Honestly, these attractions are just too good to be missed. Dear friends and colleagues of the world NLP communities, honorable guests of Chiang Mai, we are glad to see you in IJCNLP2011. We hope you find the technical program useful to your research and can discover something insightful at the end. And before closing, as one often said \"seeing is believing\", we urge you to spare some time after the conference to explore and to enjoy the city.",
"cite_spans": [],
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"section": "Abstract",
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"body_text": [
"text": "As the flagship conference of the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing (AFNLP), IJCNLP has now rapidly grown into a renowned international event. IJCNLP 2011 covers a broad spectrum of technical areas related to natural language processing. The conference includes full papers, short papers, demonstrations, a student research workshop, as well as pre-and post-conference tutorials and workshops.",
"cite_spans": [],
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"section": "PREFACE",
"sec_num": null
"text": "This year, we received a record 478 valid paper submissions, which is well beyond our initial expectations. This represents an increasing interest of research on NLP and the growing reputation of IJCNLP as an international event. The 478 submissions include 385 full-paper submissions and 93 short-paper submissions from more than 40 countries. Specifically, approximately 61% of the papers are from 16 countries and areas in Asia Pacific, 22% from 16 countries in Europe, 14% from the United States and Canada; we also have 2% of the papers from the Middle East and Africa, and 1% from South America.",
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"section": "PREFACE",
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"text": "We would like to thank all the authors for submitting papers to IJCNLP 2011. The significant increase in the number of submissions and the wide range of demographic areas represent a rapid growth of our field. We would also like to thank the 22 area chairs and 474 program committee members for writing over 1400 reviews and meta-reviews and for paving the way for the final paper selection. Of all 478 submissions, a total of 176 papers were accepted, representing a healthy 36% acceptance rate. The accepted papers are comprised of 149 full papers (8+ pages), of which 107 are presented orally and 42 as posters, and 27 short papers (4+ pages) where 25 are presented orally and 2 as posters. We are extremely grateful to the area chairs and program committee members for all their hard work, without which the preparation of this program would not be possible.",
"cite_spans": [],
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"section": "PREFACE",
"sec_num": null
"text": "We are delighted to have invited three strategic keynote speakers addressing different application aspects of NLP for the Web in IJCNLP2011. Mathew Lease will talk about \"crowdsourcing\", which is a trendy and effective means to perform a task that requires hundreds/thousands of people, such as corpus tagging. Wai Lam will present the latest techniques for information extraction, which is essential for today's Internet business. And last but not the least, Mengqiu Wang, Vice President of Baidu, the largest Internet search company in China, will share with us the recent trends in search and social network technologies and how NLP techniques can be applied to improve performance in the real world. These speeches will surely be informative and enlightening to the audience leading to many innovative research ideas. We are excited about it and are looking forward to them. Best paper awards will be announced in the last session of the conference as well. ",
"cite_spans": [],
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"eq_spans": [],
"section": "PREFACE",
"sec_num": null
"back_matter": [
"text": "We thank General Chair Kam-Fai Wong, the Local Arrangements Committee headed by Virach Sornlertlamvanich and Hitoshi Isahara, and the AFNLP Conference Coordination Committee chaired by Yuji Matsumoto, for their help and advice. Thanks to Min Zhang and Sudeshria Sarkar, the Publication Co-Chairs for putting the proceedings together, and all the other committee chairs for their work.We hope that you enjoy the conference! Haifeng Wang, Baidu David Yarowsky, Johns Hopkins University November 7, 2011x",
"cite_spans": [],
"ref_spans": [],
"eq_spans": [],
"section": "acknowledgement",
"sec_num": null
"text": "A Graph-based Method for Entity Linking Yuhang Guo, Wanxiang Che, Ting Liu and Sheng Li",
"cite_spans": [],
"ref_spans": [],
"eq_spans": [],
"section": "Information Extraction",
"sec_num": null
"bib_entries": {
"BIBREF0": {
"ref_id": "b0",
"title": ":35) Morphology / Named-Entity Recognition A Named Entity Recognition Method based on Decomposition and Concatenation of Word Chunks Tomoya Iwakura, Hiroya Takamura and Manabu Okumura Extract Chinese Unknown Words from a Large-scale Corpus Using Morphological and Distributional Evidences Kaixu Zhang, Ruining Wang, Ping Xue and Maosong Sun Entity Disambiguation Using a Markov-Logic Network",
"authors": [
"first": "Shiqi",
"middle": [],
"last": "Zhang",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Tiejun",
"middle": [],
"last": "Zhao",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Haitao",
"middle": [],
"last": "Zhao",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Zhi",
"middle": [],
"last": "Zheng",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Bowen",
"middle": [],
"last": "Zhong",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Dong",
"middle": [],
"last": "Zhou",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Guodong",
"middle": [],
"last": "Zhou",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Qiang",
"middle": [],
"last": "Zhou",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Yu",
"middle": [],
"last": "Zhou",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Muhua",
"middle": [],
"last": "Zhou",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Xiaodan",
"middle": [],
"last": "Zhu",
"suffix": ""
"first": "",
"middle": [],
"last": "Zhu",
"suffix": ""
"year": null,
"venue": "Named Entity Recognition in Chinese News Comments on the Web Xiaojun Wan, Liang Zong, Xiaojiang Huang, Tengfei Ma, Houping Jia, Yuqian Wu and Jianguo Xiao Clustering Semantically Equivalent Words into Cognate Sets in Multilingual Lists Bradley Hauer and Grzegorz Kondrak",
"volume": "13",
"issue": "",
"pages": "30--45",
"other_ids": {},
"num": null,
"urls": [],
"raw_text": "Zhang, Shiqi Zhao, Tiejun Zhao, Haitao Zheng, Zhi Zhong, Bowen Zhou, Dong Zhou, GuoDong Zhou, Qiang Zhou, Yu Zhou, Muhua Zhu, Xiaodan Zhu, Chengqing Zong November 11 (continued) (13:30-15:35) Morphology / Named-Entity Recognition A Named Entity Recognition Method based on Decomposition and Concatenation of Word Chunks Tomoya Iwakura, Hiroya Takamura and Manabu Okumura Extract Chinese Unknown Words from a Large-scale Corpus Using Morphological and Distributional Evidences Kaixu Zhang, Ruining Wang, Ping Xue and Maosong Sun Entity Disambiguation Using a Markov-Logic Network Hong-Jie Dai, Richard Tzong-Han Tsai and Wen-Lian Hsu Named Entity Recognition in Chinese News Comments on the Web Xiaojun Wan, Liang Zong, Xiaojiang Huang, Tengfei Ma, Houping Jia, Yuqian Wu and Jianguo Xiao Clustering Semantically Equivalent Words into Cognate Sets in Multilingual Lists Bradley Hauer and Grzegorz Kondrak (13:30-15:35) Resources",
"links": null
"BIBREF1": {
"ref_id": "b1",
"title": "Stijn De Saeger and Takuya Kawada What Psycholinguists Know About Chemistry: Aligning Wiktionary and WordNet for Increased Domain Coverage Christian M. Meyer and Iryna Gurevych From News to Comment: Resources and Benchmarks for Parsing the Language of Web",
"authors": [
"first": "Jong-Hoon",
"middle": [],
"last": "Oh",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Chikara",
"middle": [],
"last": "Hashimoto",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Kentaro",
"middle": [],
"last": "Torisawa",
"suffix": ""
"first": "'",
"middle": [],
"last": "Jun",
"suffix": ""
"first": "",
"middle": [],
"last": "Kazama",
"suffix": ""
"year": null,
"venue": "",
"volume": "",
"issue": "",
"pages": "",
"other_ids": {},
"num": null,
"urls": [],
"raw_text": "Extending WordNet with Hypernyms and Siblings Acquired from Wikipedia Ichiro Yamada, Jong-Hoon Oh, Chikara Hashimoto, Kentaro Torisawa, Jun'ichi Kazama, Stijn De Saeger and Takuya Kawada What Psycholinguists Know About Chemistry: Aligning Wiktionary and WordNet for In- creased Domain Coverage Christian M. Meyer and Iryna Gurevych From News to Comment: Resources and Benchmarks for Parsing the Language of Web 2.0",
"links": null
"BIBREF2": {
"ref_id": "b2",
"title": "Chikara Hashimoto and Hayato Ohwada Fleshing it out: A Supervised Approach to MWE-token and MWE-type Classification Richard Fothergill and Timothy Baldwin November 11 (continued) (13:30-15:35) Question Answering Identification of relations between answers with global constraints for Community-based Question Answering services Hikaru Yokono, Takaaki Hasegawa, Genichiro Kikui and Manabu Okumura Automatically Generating Questions from Queries for Community-based Question Answering Shiqi Zhao",
"authors": [
"first": "Jennifer",
"middle": [],
"last": "Foster",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Ozlem",
"middle": [],
"last": "Cetinoglu",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Joachim",
"middle": [],
"last": "Wagner",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Joseph",
"middle": [
"last": "Roux",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Joakim",
"middle": [],
"last": "Nivre",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Deirdre",
"middle": [],
"last": "Hogan",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Josef",
"middle": [],
"last": "Van Genabith ; Kentaro Torisawa",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Stijn",
"middle": [
"last": "Saeger",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Jong",
"middle": [
"last": "Oh",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Jun'ichi Kazama ; Haifeng",
"middle": [],
"last": "Wang",
"suffix": ""
"first": "Chao",
"middle": [],
"last": "Li",
"suffix": ""
"year": null,
"venue": "Toward Finding Semantic Relations not Written in a Single Sentence: An Inference Method using Auto-Discovered Rules Masaaki Tsuchida",
"volume": "15",
"issue": "",
"pages": "0--21",
"other_ids": {},
"num": null,
"urls": [],
"raw_text": "Jennifer Foster, Ozlem Cetinoglu, Joachim Wagner, Joseph Le Roux, Joakim Nivre, Deirdre Hogan and Josef van Genabith Toward Finding Semantic Relations not Written in a Single Sentence: An Inference Method using Auto-Discovered Rules Masaaki Tsuchida, Kentaro Torisawa, Stijn De Saeger, Jong Hoon Oh, Jun'ichi Kazama, Chikara Hashimoto and Hayato Ohwada Fleshing it out: A Supervised Approach to MWE-token and MWE-type Classification Richard Fothergill and Timothy Baldwin November 11 (continued) (13:30-15:35) Question Answering Identification of relations between answers with global constraints for Community-based Question Answering services Hikaru Yokono, Takaaki Hasegawa, Genichiro Kikui and Manabu Okumura Automatically Generating Questions from Queries for Community-based Question An- swering Shiqi Zhao, Haifeng Wang, Chao Li, Ting Liu and Yi Guan Question classification based on an extended class sequential rule model Zijing Hui, Juan Liu and Lumei Ouyang K2Q: Generating Natural Language Questions from Keywords with User Refinements Zhicheng Zheng, Xiance Si, Edward Chang and Xiaoyan Zhu Answering Complex Questions via Exploiting Social Q&A Collection Youzheng Wu, Chiori Hori, Hisashi Kawai and Hideki Kashioka (15:35-16:05) Coffee Break (16:05-17:15) Best paper session (2 plenary papers announced during this session) (17:15-17:25) Presentation of Future Conferences (including ACL/IJCNLP 2012) (17:25-17:35) Closing Ceremony November 9 (18:00-21:00) Poster Session Text Mining Safety Information Mining -What can NLP do in a disaster- Graham Neubig, Yuichiroh Matsubayashi, Masato Hagiwara and Koji Murakami A Character-Level Machine Translation Approach for Normalization of SMS Abbrevia- tions Deana Pennell and Yang Liu Using Text Reviews for Product Entity Completion Mrinmaya Sachan, Tanveer Faruquie, L. V. Subramaniam and Mukesh Mohania Mining bilingual topic hierarchies from unaligned text Sumit Negi Efficient Near-Duplicate Detection for Q&A Forum Yan Wu, Qi Zhang and Xuanjing Huang",
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"text": "Part A: Full Papers Analyzing the Dynamics of Research by Extracting Key Aspects of Scientific Papers Sonal Gupta and Christopher Manning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Dependency-directed Tree Kernel-based Protein-Protein Interaction Extraction from Biomedical Literature Longhua Qian and Guodong Zhou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10",
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