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\ufa01 \uf9ba \ufa01 \uf978 \uf9d0 \uf906 \uf906 \uf9d0 \uf906 syllable word \uf906 3 \uf967 \uf967 \ufa08 \uf9ba \ufa01 \ufa01 \uf97e \uf967 \uf906 \uf96b\uf969 \uf967 \uf9b5\uf92d\uf96f (A). \uf9b5 \uf977 \uf970 \uf9ba \uf94a (44.3ms) \uf977 (65.3ms) \uf9b5 \uf967 \uf978 \uf967 (B). \uf9b5 \uf9e8 \uf9ba (39.1ms) \uf92d \uf9ba (28ms) \uf9b5 \uf967 \uf967 \uf978 \ufa01 \uf9dd \uf961 \uf906 probabilistic syntactic parser \uf906 \uf9fa \uf9ba 4 1.) \uf967 2.)\uf9dd \uf9fa 3.) \uf97e \ufa01 3 \uf9d0 \uf906 4 \uf9b5 3.2 \uf961 \uf92d \uf9e4 \uf906 \uf9f7 \uf9fa \uf9dd \uf961 \uf906 PCFG , Probabilistic Context Free Grammar \uf92d \uf906 \ufa08 [5] \uf961 \uf906 \uf906 CFG, Context Free Grammar \uf92d \uf961 \uf92d \uf901 \uf906 CFG \uf961 \uf961 \uf906 \uf901 \ufa01\ufa09 \uf961 \uf906 \uf9a3 \uf9fc \uf9a3\uf9d0 \uf974 G 0 N \uf905 \uf99c 1, 1 2 , T W w w w T = \uf961 * 1, | T P S W G \u239b \u21d2 \u239c \u239d \u23a0 \u239e \u239f (5) * \uf937 \uf961 \uf961 \uf996 \uf9be \u21d2 A \u03b1 \u2192 \uf961 ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 | m j j i P A G C A C A \u03b1 \u03b1 = \u23a1 \u23a1 \u23a4 \u2192 = \u2192 \u2192 \u23a3 \u23a6 \u23a3 \u23a6 \u2211 i \u03b1 \u23a4 (6) \uf969 ( ) C i m i \u03b1 A \uf92d \uf969 Tree-Bank \uf961 PCFG Chomsky Normal Form \uf96f PCFG \uf9ea\uf97e \uf978 terminal term \uf961 1 i j N N N \u2192 + k l i N w \u2192 ( ) ( ) , | i j k i l j k l P N N N G P N w G \u2192 + \u2192 \u2211 \u2211 | 1 = (7) G 5 0 N \uf905 \uf99c 1, 1 2 , T W w w w T = \uf961 * * * 0 1 2 , 0 1 , 1 1 , | | T i m n m i n i P N w w w G P N W G P N W NW G \u2212 + \u239b \u239e \u239b \u239e \u239b \u239e\u239b \u21d2 = \u21d2 \u21d2 \u239c \u239f \u239c \u239f\u239c \u239c \u239f \u239d \u23a0 \u239d \u23a0\u239d \u239d \u23a0 \u2211 | T \u239e \u239f \u23a0 \u239e \u239f (8) (8) \uf961 Inside Probability \uf99c \uf961 \uf961 * , | i mn P N W G \u239b \u21d2 \u239c \u239d \u23a0 i N , m n m n W w w = ( ) , | i m n G \u03b2 Chomsky Normal Form \uf978 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 * * * , , 1 , 1 , | , | | | | , | 1 , | n i mn i i j k j md k d n j k d m n i j k j k j k d m P N W G m n G P N N N G P N W G P N W G P N N N G m d G d n G \u03b2 \u03b2 \u03b2 \u2212 + = \u2212 = \u239b \u239e \u239b \u239e \u239b \u21d2 = = \u2192 \u21d2 \u21d2 \u239c \u239f \u239c \u239f \u239c \u239d \u23a0 \u239d \u23a0 \u239d = \u2192 + \u2211 \u2211 \u2211 \u2211 , | \u239e \u239f \u23a0 (9) 5 \uf961 \uf906 6 \uf961 \uf9f7 \uf9fa \uf969 \uf9fa \uf969 \uf961 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) max max max , , 1 , , , | | max | | |m ax | , | 1, | i i m n i j k j m d k d j k m d n i j k j k j k m d n m n G P N W G P N N N G P N W G P N W G P N N N G m d G d n G \u03b2 \u03b2 \u03b2 + \u2264 < \u2264 < \u239b \u239e \u239b \u239e \u239b \u239e \u239b = \u21d2 = \u2192 \u00d7 \u21d2 \u21d2 \u239c \u239f \u239c \u239f \u239c \u239c \u239f \u239d \u23a0 \u239d \u23a0 \u239d \u239d \u23a0 = \u2192 + , n \u239e \u239f \u23a0 \u239e \u239f w (10) (8) \uf961 Outside Probability \uf99c \uf978 \uf99c * 0 1 , 1 1 , | m j n T P N W N W G \u2212 + \u239b \u21d2 \u239c \u239d \u23a0 0 N 1, 1 1 1 m m W w w \u2212 \u2212 = 1, 1 n T n T W w + + = j N \uf961 \uf961 ( , | j m n G \u03b1 ) j N \uf961 i N ( ) ( ) ( ) * 0 1 , 1 1 , * 0 1, 1 1, 1, 1 1 * * , , 1 0 1, 1 1, 1 | , | | | | | q m j n T j T i j k m j d T k n d d n m i k i k j k dm d j n T d i j P N W N W G m n G P N N N G P N W N W G P N W P N N N G P N W P N W N W G P N N N \u03b1 \u2212 + \u2212 + + = + \u2212 \u2212 \u2212 + = \u239b \u239e \u21d2 = \u239c \u239f \u239d \u23a0 \u239b \u239e \u239b \u239e \u239b \u239e\u239b \u2192 \u00d7 \u21d2 \u21d2 \u239c \u239f \u239c \u239f\u239c \u239c \u239f \u239d \u23a0\u239d \u239d \u23a0 \u239c \u239f = \u239c \u239f \u239b \u239e \u239b \u239e \u239b \u239c \u239f + \u2192 \u00d7 \u21d2 \u21d2 \u239c \u239f \u239c \u239c \u239f \u239c \u239f \u239d \u23a0 \u239d \u239d \u23a0 \u239d \u23a0 \u2192 = \u2211 \u2211 \u2211 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 1 , 1 | , | 1 , | | , 1| , | q T k i k d n m i k i k j k i d G m d G n d G P N N N G d m G d n G \u03b1 \u03b2 \u03b2 \u03b1 = + \u2212 = \u239b \u239e + \u239c \u239f \u239c \u239f \u239c \u239f + \u2192 \u2212 \u239c \u239f \u239d \u23a0 \u2211 \u2211 \u2211 * \u239e \u239f \u23a0 \u239e \u239f \u23a0 ) \u239e \u239f ) ) ) , +", |
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"back_matter": [], |
"bib_entries": { |
"BIBREF0": { |
"ref_id": "b0", |
"title": "The AT&T Next-Generation TTS System", |
"authors": [ |
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"first": "M", |
"middle": [], |
"last": "Beutnagel", |
"suffix": "" |
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"first": "A", |
"middle": [], |
"last": "Conkie", |
"suffix": "" |
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"first": "J", |
"middle": [], |
"last": "Schroeter", |
"suffix": "" |
}, |
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"first": "Y", |
"middle": [], |
"last": "Stylianou", |
"suffix": "" |
}, |
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"first": "A", |
"middle": [], |
"last": "Syrdal", |
"suffix": "" |
} |
], |
"year": 1998, |
"venue": "Proc. of ICSLP'98", |
"volume": "", |
"issue": "", |
"pages": "931--934", |
"other_ids": {}, |
"num": null, |
"urls": [], |
"raw_text": "M. Beutnagel, A. Conkie, J. Schroeter, Y. Stylianou, and A. Syrdal, \"The AT&T Next-Generation TTS System,\" in Proc. of ICSLP'98, Sydney, Australia, pp. 931-934,1998", |
"links": null |
}, |
"BIBREF1": { |
"ref_id": "b1", |
"title": "Corpus-Based Unit Selection for Natural-Sounding Speech Synthesis", |
"authors": [ |
{ |
"first": "Jon Rong Wei", |
"middle": [], |
"last": "Yi", |
"suffix": "" |
} |
], |
"year": 2003, |
"venue": "", |
"volume": "", |
"issue": "", |
"pages": "", |
"other_ids": {}, |
"num": null, |
"urls": [], |
"raw_text": "Jon Rong Wei Yi, Corpus-Based Unit Selection for Natural-Sounding Speech Synthesis, Ph.D. thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2003", |
"links": null |
}, |
"BIBREF2": { |
"ref_id": "b2", |
"title": "An Introduction to Text-to-Speech Synthesis", |
"authors": [ |
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"first": "T", |
"middle": [], |
"last": "Dutoit", |
"suffix": "" |
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], |
"year": 1997, |
"venue": "Text, Speech and Language Technology", |
"volume": "3", |
"issue": "", |
"pages": "", |
"other_ids": {}, |
"num": null, |
"urls": [], |
"raw_text": "T. Dutoit, Text, Speech and Language Technology. vol.3: An Introduction to Text-to-Speech Synthesis., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1997", |
"links": null |
}, |
"BIBREF3": { |
"ref_id": "b3", |
"title": "Tree-based Unit Selection for English Speech Synthesis", |
"authors": [ |
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"first": "W", |
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"J" |
], |
"last": "Wang", |
"suffix": "" |
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"N" |
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"last": "Campbell", |
"suffix": "" |
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"first": "N", |
"middle": [], |
"last": "Iwahashi", |
"suffix": "" |
}, |
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"first": "Y", |
"middle": [], |
"last": "Sagisaka", |
"suffix": "" |
} |
], |
"year": 1993, |
"venue": "Proc. of ICASSP'93", |
"volume": "2", |
"issue": "", |
"pages": "191--194", |
"other_ids": {}, |
"num": null, |
"urls": [], |
"raw_text": "W. J. Wang, W. N. Campbell, N. Iwahashi and Y. Sagisaka, \"Tree-based Unit Selection for English Speech Synthesis,\" in Proc. of ICASSP'93, Minneapolis, MN, vol.2, pp. 191-194, Apr. 1993", |
"links": null |
}, |
"BIBREF4": { |
"ref_id": "b4", |
"title": "Spoken Language Processing", |
"authors": [ |
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"first": "X", |
"middle": [], |
"last": "Huang", |
"suffix": "" |
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"first": "A", |
"middle": [], |
"last": "Acero", |
"suffix": "" |
}, |
{ |
"first": "H", |
"middle": [ |
"W" |
], |
"last": "Hon", |
"suffix": "" |
} |
], |
"year": 2001, |
"venue": "", |
"volume": "", |
"issue": "", |
"pages": "133--190", |
"other_ids": {}, |
"num": null, |
"urls": [], |
"raw_text": "X. Huang, A. Acero and H. W. Hon, Spoken Language Processing, pp. 133-190, Prentice Hall, 2001", |
"links": null |
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"raw_text": "C. C. Kuo, C. S. Kuo, J. H. Chen and S. C. Chang, \"Automatic Speech Segmentation and Verification for Concatenative Synthesis,\" in Proc. of Eurospeech'03, Geneva, Switzerland, 2003", |
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"raw_text": "M. Chu, H. Peng, H. Y. Yang and E. Chang, \"Selecting Non-uniform Units from a Very Large Corpus for Concatenative Speech Synthesizer,\" in Proc. of ICASSP'01, vol. 2, pp.785-788, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A., 2001", |
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"num": null, |
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"raw_text": "C. H. Wu and J. H. Chen, \"Automatic Generation of Synthesis Units and Prosodic Information for Chinese Concatenative Synthesis,\" Speech Communication, vol.35, pp.219-237, 2001", |
"links": null |
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"ref_entries": {} |
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