{ "paper_id": "O04-1023", "header": { "generated_with": "S2ORC 1.0.0", "date_generated": "2023-01-19T08:00:18.342625Z" }, "title": "Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Mandarin Speech Recognition over Bluetooth Communication Environments", "authors": [], "year": "", "venue": null, "identifiers": {}, "abstract": "", "pdf_parse": { "paper_id": "O04-1023", "_pdf_hash": "", "abstract": [], "body_text": [ { "text": "\uf99a \uf9be TCC-300 \uf9be USB \uf923 \uf923 \uf9dd USB \uf9be \uf93f \uf923 \uf9be \uf93f \uf9dd \uf937 TCP/IP \uf93f \uf93f \uf937 \uf93f \"\uf93f \" \uf93f \uf9be \uf9be\uf93f \uf93f \"\uf93f \" \uf93f TCC-300 \uf9be \uf93f 0 4 \uf928 50 \uf923 \uf9be \uf93f \uf96b \uf93f A1~A3 3. \uf9f7\uf923 \uf9be \uf93f 3.3 \uf923 \uf9be \uf9f7 4 \uf923 \uf923 (Interpolator) \uf961 8", "cite_spans": [], "ref_spans": [], "eq_spans": [], "section": "", "sec_num": null } ], "back_matter": [], "bib_entries": { "BIBREF0": { "ref_id": "b0", "title": "Towards Improving ASR Robustness for PSN and GSM Telephone Applications", "authors": [ { "first": "C", "middle": [], "last": "Mokbel", "suffix": "" } ], "year": 1997, "venue": "Speech Communication", "volume": "", "issue": "", "pages": "141--159", "other_ids": {}, "num": null, "urls": [], "raw_text": "C. 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Bluetooth SIG 2003 \uf98e 11Bluetooth 1.2 1. SCO \uf923\uf9be\ufa08 1.1 \uf9f71.2
\uf9ba \ufa09 eSCO Type Payload Header [9] TCC-300 \uf98e 12 (Bytes) 3.1 TCC-300 HV1 NA TCC-300User Payload \uf9be (Bytes) \uf923 \uf9d0 \uf9be 10 \uf929\uf95a \uf9be1 Adaptive Frequency Hopping, AFH 1 2 \uf98a FEC CRC Time Slot Interval \uf9be \uf923 \uf9d3 1/3 No 22\uf9beExtended SCO(eSCO) Symmetric 1.2 \uf9be TCC-300 2004 Max. Rate(KB/s) \uf96f \uf92d[4] \uf969 64.0 100
\uf9f7 \uf923 (Bluetooth) \uf963 HTK \uf9fc \uf923 \uf996 55.82% 53.54% TCC-300 \uf9be E-mail\uf941 \uf9fc \uf923 \uf928 50 \uf9fc\uf961 \uf92d TCC-300 \uf9be \uf9e4 \ufa08 69.25% \ufa08 \uf974 42.74% \uf99c TCC-300 \uf9be (Speaker Independent) 1 2 \uf9be \uf9be \uf9ea 0 4 \uf9fc\uf961 \uf9ea \uf9fc\uf961 \uf967 \uf941 4 \uf92d Access Code Header \ufa09 \uf9be \uf9f7 \uf923 \ufa08 \uf9fc \uf941 \uf923 TCC-300 \uf9be \uf923 LSB 72 bits 54 bits MSB \uf923 \uf9fc \uf996 \uf923 \uf996 \uf923 \uf9fc Access Code \uf93f \uf923 \uf923 \uf9fc\uf961 \ufa08 \uf923 \uf93f \uf9be LSB 72 bits MSB Deltamodulation, CVSD) \uf9fc [8] \uf978 \uf923 \uf9fc \ufa17 \uf9fc \ufa26 GSM 50 0 \uf9fc\uf961\uf901 \ufa08 \uf9fc \uf923 HV2 NA 20 2/3 No 4 64.0 \uf9be \uf969 300 \uf969 332,708 \uf961 16 KHz \uf97e \ufa01 16 bits [5, 6] \uf923 \uf9fc Bawab \uf9dd HV3 NA 30 No No 6 64.0 \uf923 \uf961 16 KHz \ufa09 8 KHz \uf9fc(Distributed Speech Recognition, DSR) \uf923 ACL DV 1 D* 10+(0 ~ 9) D* 2/3 D* Yes D* V** 64.0+57.6 D* 3.2 \uf923 \uf9be \uf96b\uf969 (Interpolation)\uf92d \uf9fc\uf961[7] Nour-Eldin \uf9dd \uf923 SCO 802.11 \uf923 \uf9fc \uf923 CVSD(Continuous Variable Slope : * \uf969 \uf9dd 3 \uf93f \uf93f \uf923 \uf9be \uf923 \uf967 (Channel ** Coding) HV3 CSR \uf923 Casira[10] BlueChat \uf9f7 Audio Type SCO
\ufa01\uf904 LSB\uf941 72 bits\uf9fc54 bits\ufa08 \uf9230-2745 bitsMSB\uf941
\uf9fc\uf923 \uf923 \uf923 \uf923\uf97e\uf923 \uf923 \uf967 (\uf9b5 Access Code \uf98a \uf9fc\uf961 \uf99a \uf961(1 mW ~ 100 mW) \uf996 \uf996 \uf923 1. \uf923 ) Header\uf996 \uf923 \uf9fc\uf961 \uf923 \uf9ea(10 m \uff5e 100 m) \uf923 Payload \uf93f \uf923 0 Master \uf9fc \uf937(Personal Area Network, PAN) \uf996 5.18% (55.82% -Slave \uf996 \uf923
50.64%) 4 \uf923 \uf923 \uf9fc \ufa00 LSB 79 \uf923 SCO \uf99a (Synchronous Connection-Oriented Link) 5.6%(53.54% -47.94%) 50 14.22% (42.74% -28.52%) \ufa08 ISM(Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) 2.402 \uff5e 2.480 GHz \uf9fc \uf9a8\uf969\uf97e \uf9fc\uf961 \uf941 \uf923 1 MHz \uf961 1600 72 bits 54 bits 240 bits MSB \uf923 \uf98a SCO \uf99a \uf937 Access Code Header PayloadISM
SCO64 Kbit/s\uf9f7 SCOMaster SlaveSCO
\uf9b5\uf98e \uf923 CRC \ufa08\uf967\uf9fc Access Code Header \uf941 \uf99a SCO \uf99a\uf92d[1-3] Payload Whitening 1HV3\uf9d0 \uf967 \uf9ba \uf9d0 HV \uf99c DV
1998 \uf98e 5 Interest Group, Bluetooth SIG) Intel Ericsson Nokia IBM 1 Payload Data Toshiba \uf99c \uf961 \uf92d \uf923 2.4 GHz (2.402~2.480 GHz) \uf923 \uf967 \ufa09 \uf9e4 PDA (Asynchronous Connection-Less) SCO (Synchronous Connection-Oriented) \uf9f7\uf923 \uf997 (Bluetooth Special \uf9ea \uf9dd \uf923 \uf969 \uf9be \uf961 8 KBytes/sec ACL 2 SCO HV3 Payload Data Whitening Payload 240 bits (Line of Sight, LOS) \uf99a 3. \uf974 Header 2. HV3 Packet Access Code \uf9b5 ID Packet (Frequency Hopping) 2. \uf974\uf967 \uf9be Access Code Header \uf978 \uf923 1. \uf974 \uf9be Access Code Header Payload LSB 240 bits MSB
", "text": ": thtan@ntut.edu.tw; whm@iis.sinica.edu.tw; wesley@iis.sinica.edu.tw", "num": null, "html": null, "type_str": "table" } } } }