diff --git "a/dataset_10k_eval.jsonl" "b/dataset_10k_eval.jsonl" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/dataset_10k_eval.jsonl" @@ -0,0 +1,2000 @@ +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a girl is standing in a garden with pink flowers ### Assistant: Est-ce que la saison des fleurs pourrait durer toute l'ann\u00e9e s'il vous pla\u00eet? \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\udf38\ud83c\udf38\ud83c\udf38 #springshere #flowerseason"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is cutting a cake on a table ### Assistant: Caf\u00e9 d'aprem extra cozy \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc6f #coffeetime"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a bowl of food with a spoon ### Assistant: Pause d\u00eener sant\u00e9 chez @fluide_barajus avec nos bols trop instagramables \ud83d\ude0b\ud83c\udf43#tremblant #smoothiegoals #oncompensepournotresouperdhier"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls are looking at their cell phones ### Assistant: Notre petit coin pr\u00e9f dans le Village de Tremblant \ud83d\udc6f! Avec @milataillefer derri\u00e8re la cam\u00e9ra pour immortaliser tout \u00e7a \ud83e\udd17\ud83d\udc95#monttremblant"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bench looking out at the ocean ### Assistant: Allooo la belle vue \ud83d\udc40\ud83d\ude0d\ud83c\udf33#monttremblant"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a man are standing outside ### Assistant: Qui reconna\u00eet ces outfits?! On est pr\u00eates pour l'\u00e9t\u00e9 gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 @amazon \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc6f\ud83c\udf1e"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting at a picnic table eating a hot dog ### Assistant: Bien concentr\u00e9e sur cette queue de castor juste avant de la manger \ud83d\udc40\ud83d\udc40\ud83d\udc40\ud83d\ude0f #queuedecastor #monttremblant"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a lush green field with a bunch of flowers ### Assistant: Notre premi\u00e8re visite chez @maisonlavande et on capoooote \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc6f! #maisonlavande #quebecoriginal"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting at a table with flowers in a vase ### Assistant: Pas le choix de s'arr\u00eater pour un latte glac\u00e9 quand on croise un si beau caf\u00e9 sur notre chemin \ud83d\ude0f\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\udf43#lattetime"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women are sitting on a bench in a park ### Assistant: Juste avant le spectacle de @__geoffroy au @festivaleteqc \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc6f On se remet tranquillement de nos \u00e9motions de ce weekend de fou! #feq50"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a sidewalk next to a building ### Assistant: Promenade de sant\u00e9 entre 2 averses \u270c\ud83c\udffb#\u00e9t\u00e92017ontattendtoujours"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a man standing next to each other ### Assistant: Premi\u00e8re journ\u00e9e du @ohmyfest_ termin\u00e9e et on capote!! Merci \u00e0 tout le monde qu'on a rencontr\u00e9 aujourd'hui, vous \u00eates malades! \ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc6f\ud83c\udf08 #ohmyfest"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a cupcake with frosting on it ### Assistant: Des cornets de cr\u00e8me glac\u00e9e insane comme r\u00e9compense du dimanche soir \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc40\ud83c\udf66#icecreamtime"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls standing next to each other on a wall ### Assistant: M\u00eame photo que l'an dernier, version 2017 hihi \ud83d\udc6f! On est encore sur un petit nuage de notre weekend au @ohmyfest_, on est TROP contentes de tous vous avoir rencontr\u00e9s! \u2764\ud83c\udf08\ud83c\udf89#ohmyfest"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a bench with umbrellas ### Assistant: Premier arr\u00eat de notre roadtrip au @drakedevonshire (ou l'endroit le plus Pinterest de l'univers!) \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83c\udf08 #drakedevonshire"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bench in front of a window ### Assistant: Plus bel h\u00f4tel EVER! La d\u00e9co est juste on point\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude0d #drakedevonshire"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: three women sitting on a couch with a laptop ### Assistant: Ce soir on c\u00e9l\u00e8bre l'anniversaire de Marianne, nos 50 000 abonn\u00e9s sur Youtube et un full nice roadtrip de gang! \ud83c\udf7e\ud83d\udc95\ud83c\udf89 #merciiiii #cestleparty #airbnb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a pink and white doughnut ### Assistant: Toujours \u00e0 la recherche de beaux caf\u00e9s et de cute beignes peu importe o\u00f9 on va \ud83d\ude0f\ud83d\udc40\ud83c\udf69 #donuttime"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bed in a room ### Assistant: M\u00e9ga coup de coeur pour le @marmorainn full champ\u00eatre pis toute! \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb #marmorainn"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women and a man standing next to each other ### Assistant: Full beau weekend \u00e0 @osheaga qui a pass\u00e9 beaucoup trop vite! On a d\u00e9j\u00e0 h\u00e2te \u00e0 l'an prochain \ud83e\udd17\ud83c\udf89 #osheaga #osheaga2017 #cestdejafini"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls standing in front of a sign ### Assistant: Sauble Beach et son boardwalk extra instagrammable \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc6f @saublebeachon #saublebeach"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a bottle of water and a bottle of water ### Assistant: Un @airbnb le plus Pinterest du monde et du bon vin = la recette du bonheur \ud83d\ude0b\ud83c\udf77#sandbankswinery #wasagabeach #wineoclock"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a tray of food with a tray of food ### Assistant: Apr\u00e8s tous vos commentaires, on s'est finalement arr\u00eat\u00e9es manger une poutine de Chez Ashton \ud83c\udf5f\ud83e\udd24! Notre verdict: 5/5 \ud83d\ude0f\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb #chezashton #poutinelove #bondansyeule"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a drink and a cup ### Assistant: Pause smoothie & beau plancher chez @vert_u \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude0d\ud83c\udf53#planchergoals"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a couple standing next to each other on a sidewalk ### Assistant: Derni\u00e8re de notre voyage parce que ts\u00e9 on veut d\u00e9j\u00e0 y retourner \ud83d\udc6f\ud83c\udf1e\ud83d\udc95#faitbeaufaitchaud"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a bowl of food in their hand ### Assistant: De la p\u00e2te \u00e0 biscuit mangeable, oui oui \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83e\udd24 #giveusmoreplease #dix30baby"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: three women sitting on a couch with a large flower arrangement ### Assistant: On vit nos r\u00eaves Instagram dans le plus beau d\u00e9cor du monde au @thejunemotel \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\udf3f#thejune"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a brick wall next to a pink door ### Assistant: Hommage aux plus belles portes d'entr\u00e9e qu'on ait jamais vues \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb #thejune"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a fake face on a bed ### Assistant: On est en mode swag du futur avec nos masques @neutrogena \u270c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude0e D\u00e9finitivement la mani\u00e8re la plus badass d\u2019avoir une belle peau lisse et des pores bien resserr\u00e9s\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb#PEAUssibilit\u00e9s #ad #mondayfunday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting at a table with plates of food ### Assistant: La plus belle table du plus beau resto @drakedevonshire \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude0b\ud83c\udf74#drakedevonshire"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"happy birthday\" on a tree ### Assistant: Notre genre de mood du dimanche \u270c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc95\ud83c\udf77#wordsofwisdom"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women walking down a path with a skateboard ### Assistant: Premi\u00e8re promenade d'automne et c'est juste trop beau! \ud83d\udc6f\ud83c\udf41#bellesfeuilleseverywhere"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a bench in front of a house ### Assistant: 2 peaux au chalet \ud83d\udc6f\ud83c\udf41\ud83d\udc9b#fullautomnal"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls are posing for a picture together ### Assistant: Deux wild cactus dans leur habitat naturel \u263a\ufe0f\ud83c\udf35\ud83d\udc6f #attentiononpique #halloween2017"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bed with balloons ### Assistant: Encore sur un nuage du party d'anniversaire surprise pour les 25 ans de Gab! \ud83d\udc95\ud83c\udf89 Merci \u00e0 tous nos besties qui ont pass\u00e9 la soir\u00e9e avec nous, vous \u00eates hot \ud83d\udc97#jamaisassezdeballons"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person is eating a meal with a fork ### Assistant: Smoothie bowl o'clock chez @barley \ud83e\udd5d\ud83d\ude0b#alldayeveryday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a doll with a pink flower in a pink cup ### Assistant: Les plus beaux biscuits du monde par la best des best @johanie.creative \ud83d\udc95\ud83c\udf6a! #tropdetalentici"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bench in a store ### Assistant: Latte d'automne chez @campanellishop \ud83d\ude0b\u2615\ufe0f#lattetime"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red jacket and a red jacket standing outside a building ### Assistant: Just chillin \u270c\ud83c\udffb#\u00e7apara\u00eetpasmaisilfaisaitfrette"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a sidewalk next to a door ### Assistant: Caf\u00e9s sur un coin de rue cute \u2615\ufe0f\ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f #jamaissansnoscaf\u00e9stogo"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women standing next to each other in front of a wall ### Assistant: On brave le froid juste pour vous montrer nos incroyables sweatshirts @manners_apparel \ud83d\ude0f\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb #teamgossipgirl #teamfriends"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black jacket and a white skirt walking down a sidewalk ### Assistant: Matcher avec le building derri\u00e8re\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls sitting on a bench with a flower ### Assistant: 2 peaux vous souhaitent un hyper beau No\u00ebl aujourd\u2019hui! \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\udc95 Notre swap de cadeaux de No\u00ebl est sur notre cha\u00eene si vous ne l\u2019aviez pas encore vu! \u263a\ufe0f\ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\udf81"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a chair with a bunch of balloons ### Assistant: Les folles aux ballons font un retour en force pour 2018 hihi \ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\udf88Bonne ann\u00e9e! \ud83e\udd17\ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman talking on a cell phone outside a building ### Assistant: Le caf\u00e9 le plus r\u00e9confortant du monde de chez @cafelali \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude0b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a pink umbrella in front of a building ### Assistant: Spotted: cute d\u00e9panneur \u00e0 St-Henri \ud83d\udc40\ud83d\udc83\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a chair talking on a cell phone ### Assistant: Vous n\u2019hallucinez pas, il y avait bien un mur d\u2019escalade dans notre chalet \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb #zoobox #levertendre"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two young people walking down a snow covered street ### Assistant: Le chalet @levertendre n.85 = the place to be\u261d\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\u2744\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women standing next to each other in front of a door . two girls in a pink dress and a pink and white wall ### Assistant: On s\u2019habille comme nos bitmojis dans notre derni\u00e8re vid\u00e9o pis vous voulez pas manquer \u00e7a! (Swipe la photo pour voir le r\u00e9sultat final)\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f #bitmoji"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red jacket standing in front of a building ### Assistant: Pop de rose pour se rappeler que le printemps n\u2019est plus si loin que \u00e7a \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\udf38"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table topped with plates of food and a drink ### Assistant: Pause grilled cheese au @cafe_lesoubliettes \ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udd6a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red jacket and a red coat standing in the snow ### Assistant: Quand je vois Gab arriver avec des cha\u00ef latte \ud83d\ude0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person sitting on a couch with a laptop ### Assistant: Meilleur rem\u00e8de contre le mois de f\u00e9vrier: les gels douche @lepetitmarseillaisca! #ad #lepetitmarseillais \ud83e\udd17\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb Disponible chez @pjcjeancoutu #jeancoutu"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bench in a restaurant ### Assistant: S\u2019il y a un n\u00e9on accroch\u00e9 au mur, on est fans \ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udd29 @cafenomademtl"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a hot dog with toppings ### Assistant: Notre healthy snack du jour \ud83d\ude02 C\u2019est @eatdirtydogs qui est responsable de toute cette awesomeness \ud83e\udd24"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a bunch of plants ### Assistant: \u00c0 quoi le paradis ressemble vraiment \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\udf35#uncactuspouremportersvp Merci Chrystine @2fillesordinaires pour la photo \ud83d\udcf8\ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a book with a picture of a person holding a cell phone ### Assistant: Polaroid inception \ud83d\udc40 Si vous aimez autant Stranger Things que nous, vous voulez pas manquer la vid\u00e9o d\u2019aujourd\u2019hui!! \ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udd29 #pr\u00eates\u00e0chasserundemogorgon #justiceforbarb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a paper with a kite on it ### Assistant: Des barres de chocolat aux Lucky Charms WHAT\ud83e\udd24?! La chose la plus instagrammable du monde\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb @compartes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is sitting on a ledge talking on a cell phone ### Assistant: Chiller sur les escaliers des voisins #since2014\u270c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black jacket standing in front of a wall . a man in a suit and tie standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: Merci @audreyrivet de m\u2019avoir inspir\u00e9e pour ce look \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f (Swipe \u00e0 gauche pour voir l\u2019original!) Il faut aller voir notre derni\u00e8re vid\u00e9o pour tout comprendre! \ud83d\ude0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bench with a cup of coffee ### Assistant: Nouveau caf\u00e9 pr\u00e9f: le @cafeosmo! \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb Avec ses puits de lumi\u00e8re beaucoup trop hypnotisants \ud83d\udc40 #mtlcoffeecrawl"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table with a plate of food and a drink ### Assistant: Fancy brunch du mardi chez @restaurant.melisse \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women standing next to each other in front of a door ### Assistant: Costco fashion mesdames et messieurs \ud83d\ude0f\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb On s\u2019habille seulement chez @costco dans notre derni\u00e8re vid\u00e9o et c\u2019est juste parfait!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing outside of a building with a red umbrella ### Assistant: La cheville \u00e0 l\u2019air dans le Vieux-Qu\u00e9bec \ud83d\udc83\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a couch with a remote ### Assistant: \u00c0 quoi on ressemble apr\u00e8s avoir laiss\u00e9 Siri choisir notre maquillage \u00e0 notre place \ud83e\udd14\ud83d\ude02 Qui a vu notre derni\u00e8re vid\u00e9o?!\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting at a table with a plate of food ### Assistant: Le paradis de la tartine par-ici\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb @cafesfouf"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a piece of cake with a rainbow colored icing ### Assistant: Premi\u00e8re cr\u00e8me glac\u00e9e de l\u2019ann\u00e9e @mllecatherinemontreal \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83e\udd24 (et surtout pas la derni\u00e8re \ud83d\ude0f)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink dress standing next to a door ### Assistant: Spotted: cute hall d\u2019entr\u00e9e dans le Vieux-Montr\u00e9al \ud83d\udc40\ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink dress standing by a door ### Assistant: C\u2019\u00e9tait m\u00eame pas voulu \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f #matchparfait"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a stone wall with a stone wall behind them ### Assistant: Un classique pour commencer notre vir\u00e9e de girls \u00e0 New York! \ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udffb #centralpark"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a door with a bag ### Assistant: Traverser New York avec un @chachamatcha \u00e0 la main \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude0b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a sidewalk with a bag ### Assistant: Pause d\u00e9jeuner au gros soleil, entre la 5e et la 6e avenue dans le plus cutie parc de NY @bryantparknyc \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table with a variety of food items ### Assistant: Le plus beau/meilleur resto de tacos ever \ud83e\udd24\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb @tacombi (juste avant d\u2019en renverser partout sur nos v\u00eatements \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman walking down a street with a red umbrella ### Assistant: All the feels devant l\u2019appartement de Friends \ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a couch smiling ### Assistant: 2 peaux \u00e0 lunettes \ud83e\udd13\ud83d\udc95Qui a vu notre derni\u00e8re vid\u00e9o o\u00f9 on change de lunettes pendant une semaine!? Merci @bonlook pour les montures de feu \ud83d\udd25#bonlook #ad"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a brick wall with a black skirt ### Assistant: Quand tu te fais photobomb dans le reflet de tes lunettes \u270c\ud83c\udffb#salutgab"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls sitting at a table with a sign ### Assistant: 2 folles aux poutines in the building \u270c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2642\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: people sitting on a bench . a family posing for a picture in front of a house ### Assistant: Then vs. Now \ud83d\udc95 Avec nos meilleurs amis, la gang ins\u00e9parable depuis 2012! Swipe pour voir la photo originale d\u2019il y a 6 ans \ud83e\udd17"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink dress standing by a door ### Assistant: 2 minutes \u00e0 Qu\u00e9bec et d\u00e9j\u00e0 spott\u00e9 les portes roses \ud83d\udc40\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a wall with a bag ### Assistant: \u00c7a nous a pris 2 minutes de plus \u00e0 Qu\u00e9bec pour spotter les portes jaunes \ud83d\udc40\ud83d\ude2c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women are posing for a picture together ### Assistant: \u00c7a c\u2019\u00e9tait nous au @festivaleteqc apr\u00e8s avoir cri\u00e9 nos vies au spectacle de Lorde!\ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\u270c\ud83c\udffbPas le choix de s\u2019acheter des matching t-shirts de la tourn\u00e9e \ud83d\ude2c Merci @bell_francais pour l\u2019invitation! #feq #bellcoeur"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls are sitting on the curb with their skateboards ### Assistant: Tchin-tchin! \ud83d\udc6f\ud83d\ude0b On a transform\u00e9 notre classique gin-tonic avec le LEMON LEMON concombre et menthe \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f C\u2019est devenu notre drink pr\u00e9f\u00e9r\u00e9 pour l\u2019\u00e9t\u00e9! #\ud83c\udf4b\ud83c\udf4b #pub"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women standing next to each other in front of a house ### Assistant: Trop belle journ\u00e9e au @justepourados! \ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0fDans nos robes de princesses @stinegoyastudio \ud83d\udc95C\u2019\u00e9tait trop l\u2019fun de vous voir!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a man standing together ### Assistant: Osheaga jour 1 apr\u00e8s s\u2019\u00eatre fait arros\u00e9es x 1000\u270c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f #osheaga2018 \ud83d\udcf8 @cassandra.bouchard"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a bench with their legs crossed ### Assistant: Osheaga jour 2, pr\u00e9 show de Loud quand on avait encore de l\u2019\u00e9nergie \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffbOn est pr\u00eates pour la derni\u00e8re \ud83d\ude0f #osheaga2018 #experienceosheaga"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women standing next to each other on a beach ### Assistant: Le plus cool weekend de l\u2019\u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9j\u00e0 termin\u00e9 \u270c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f #osheaga2018 \ud83d\udcf8 @jessibouu"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a park bench with a cake ### Assistant: Une peau qui f\u00eate son anniversaire \ud83d\ude2c\ud83c\udf88"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a girl sitting on a bench with a pink flower ### Assistant: Les retrouvailles apr\u00e8s nos vacances devant le plus beau mur du monde \ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table with a bunch of different things on it ### Assistant: \u00c9pique brunch au @barley avec notre latte multicolor whaaat \ud83d\ude0d\ud83e\udd24"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a couch with a plant ### Assistant: Portrait de famille avec notre nouveau b\u00e9b\u00e9 \ud83d\ude01\ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83d\udc69\u200d\ud83d\udc66 Merci tout le monde et @youtube pour la plaque des 100k \ud83c\udf89\ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing outside of a building talking on a cell phone ### Assistant: MTL lovers jusque sur nos sacs \ud83e\udd29@vetementsbrod \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a red umbrella standing next to a wall ### Assistant: Les vrais connaissent l\u2019histoire derri\u00e8re cette robe \ud83d\ude0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women in pink shirts and a black and white t-shirt ### Assistant: Jamais sans nos buckets au @piknicmtl h\u00e9h\u00e9 \ud83d\ude0f\ud83e\udd42"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a pair of scissors next to a person with a toothbrush ### Assistant: Les meilleurs poke bowls \u00e0 Montr\u00e9al \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb au @kamemtl \ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting at a table with food ### Assistant: Est-ce que la saison des terrasses peut ne jamais finir svp \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude2c\ud83e\udd42"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a bench with their phones ### Assistant: Twinning durant ce premier weekend de sweater weather au chalet \ud83e\udd17\ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing next to a building with a sign ### Assistant: Non seulement cette maison est trop magnifique mais en plus, \u00e0 l\u2019int\u00e9rieur, on y retrouve une boutique qui vend uniquement des accessoires \u00e0 cocktails \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb Le paradis existe \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83e\udd42"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a girl sitting on a red carpet with a pink and white striped towel ### Assistant: La vie est belle dans un monde de lego roses \ud83d\ude0a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bench in front of a green wall ### Assistant: Du bonbon pour les yeux et en plus le caf\u00e9 \u00e9tait bon \ud83e\udd24 @orettatoronto"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bench in front of a mural ### Assistant: Bien tranquille sur le toit du @thedrake \u270c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls sitting on a couch with a bag ### Assistant: Wait... WHAT?! \ud83d\ude02 On vous pr\u00e9sente les nouvelles Marianne & Gabrielle \ud83d\ude0f\ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f On se transforme l\u2019une en l\u2019autre dans notre derni\u00e8re vid\u00e9o et le r\u00e9sultat est hilarant! (et un peu creepy) \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a skirt and a black dress is walking down the street ### Assistant: Les deux pieds dans l\u2019automne \u263a\ufe0f\ud83d\udc83\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\udf42"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is talking on her cell phone ### Assistant: Fortement inspir\u00e9e par le dessin sur ce mur \ud83d\ude42"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls sitting at a table eating food ### Assistant: Head Bitches in Charge \ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\u270c\ud83c\udffbSeulement deux cheerleaders des River Vixens en train de boire un milkshake chez Pop\u2019s\ud83d\udd25 Une vid\u00e9o Riverdale sera sur notre cha\u00eene ce vendredi!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a couch with a blue blanket ### Assistant: Une peau d\u2019anniversaire avec son cactus de f\u00eate \ud83d\ude2c\ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf81\ud83c\udf88"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young woman sitting on a brick wall with a blue and white flower ### Assistant: Passion sapin de No\u00ebl jusque dans les v\u00eatements \ud83c\udf32\ud83d\udc9a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a blue and white sign with a blue background . two girls sitting on a blue chair with blue umbrellas ### Assistant: Cette semaine, on s\u2019est subtilement inspir\u00e9es de la couleur Pantone de l\u2019ann\u00e9e: L\u2019Ultra Violet \ud83d\ude08\ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udc9c Nouvelle vid\u00e9o bient\u00f4t en ligne! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women in a room with a couch . a woman in a black shirt holding a black and white checkered shirt ### Assistant: Mon jacket c\u2019t\u2019un Officiel \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f Et le show de Loud \u00e9tait insane \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting at a table with a plate of food ### Assistant: Les yeux qui brillent apr\u00e8s ma premi\u00e8re gorg\u00e9e de caf\u00e9 de la journ\u00e9e \ud83e\udd29"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a bed with a stuffed animal ### Assistant: On vous laisse deviner ce qu\u2019il y avait vraiment dans nos tasses \u00e0 caf\u00e9 \ud83e\udd2b\ud83e\udd42"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a cat in her arms ### Assistant: Les grands d\u00e9buts d\u2019Olive sur Instagram \ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a girl are standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: Notre porte d\u2019entr\u00e9e de No\u00ebl d\u00e9cor\u00e9e en toute subtilit\u00e9 \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb Aujourd\u2019hui on vous montre plein de d\u00e9co trendy hyper faciles \u00e0 faire si vous \u00eates de derni\u00e8re minute comme nous! \ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women in a room with a flower arrangement . a family sitting around a table eating food ### Assistant: En mode party de No\u00ebl entour\u00e9es de nos merveilleuses amies! \ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f Swipe pour voir la girl gang de feu \ud83d\udd25\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a couch with a bag ### Assistant: Tu sais que tu es pr\u00eate pour ton party de bureau quand ta face est recouverte de makeup de No\u00ebl \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0fOn se pr\u00e9pare avec vous dans notre vid\u00e9o d\u2019aujourd\u2019hui! \ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a small computer with a picture of a person holding a cell phone ### Assistant: On est d\u00e9termin\u00e9es \u00e0 ramener le Lite Brite \u00e0 la mode en 2019 \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: three women sitting on a couch with a christmas tree ### Assistant: Portrait de famille avec nos girls @2fillesordinaires \ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f On a fait ces magnifiques chandails dans la vid\u00e9o d\u2019aujourd\u2019hui!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table full of food including a plate of food ### Assistant: On a pr\u00e9par\u00e9 un festin de No\u00ebl extr\u00eame 100% millennials et on est pas d\u00e9\u00e7ues \ud83d\udd25\ud83e\udd24"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two young women sitting on a red carpet ### Assistant: 2 peaux devant le sapin qui vous souhaitent Joyeux No\u00ebl! \ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\udf84"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and two girls are standing in front of a bunch of balloons ### Assistant: Deux partners in crime qui commencent 2019 en grand \ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: three people sitting on a beach with a surfboard ### Assistant: Le 5 fantastiques r\u00e9unis sous le soleil \ud83c\udf1e"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is sitting on a bench with a toothbrush ### Assistant: Quand tu pars en vacances avec ta meilleure amie sans la consulter sur ton choix de maillot \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc6f\u200d\u2640\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on the beach with a hot dog ### Assistant: 100% pr\u00e9visible qu\u2019on allait choisir les drinks servis dans un ananas et une noix de coco \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a couch with a plate of food . a woman sitting on a couch with a plate of food ### Assistant: Avant vs. apr\u00e8s que le caf\u00e9 fasse effet \ud83d\ude1b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a stairway with a skateboard ### Assistant: Notre tentative de descendre les escaliers de fa\u00e7on \u00e9l\u00e9gante \ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is holding a colorful kite in a room ### Assistant: La journ\u00e9e o\u00f9 j\u2019ai d\u00e9cid\u00e9 de m\u2019embarquer dans un tutoriel de peinture de Bob Ross, pis que j\u2019ai eu de la mis\u00e8re \u00e0 garder mon zen \ud83d\ude43 Qui a vu notre derni\u00e8re vid\u00e9o?!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a book with a cat on it sitting on a rug ### Assistant: Bonjour les folles cartes de St-Valentin \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc98 Et vous pouvez aller les t\u00e9l\u00e9charger sur le awesome site de @le.club.social, yaaasss \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a couch with a bottle of wine ### Assistant: On Wednesdays we wear pink \u270c\ud83c\udffbOn a tellement regard\u00e9 Mean Girls qu\u2019on a d\u00e9cid\u00e9 de mettre en pratique les r\u00e8gles de Regina George dans la vraie vie \ud83d\ude02 #sofetch"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink shirt is standing in front of a truck ### Assistant: Les papillons sont sortis, c\u2019est le temps de la lavande \ud83d\ude08"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person sitting at a table with a plate of food ### Assistant: 2 peaux qui bouffent comme des reines ce matin *mention sp\u00e9ciale au pain dor\u00e9 frit du @passecomposemtl digne des dieux \ud83d\udc51"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls in pink and black outfits holding pink umbrellas ### Assistant: La taille de nos barbes \u00e0 papa est proportionnelle \u00e0 notre bonheur d\u2019\u00eatre arriv\u00e9es \u00e0 Tokyo \u2764\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table with plates of food and a bowl of food ### Assistant: Le repas le plus \u00e9trange qu\u2019on a mang\u00e9 de notre vie \ud83d\ude02 Des p\u00e2tes multicolores servies dans une palette de peinture accompagn\u00e9 d\u2019un riz bleu radioactif \u26a0\ufe0f C\u2019\u00e9tait plus beau que bon on va vous dire \ud83d\ude05\ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing next to a wall with a sign . a woman in a pink shirt and blue pants is walking ### Assistant: Ce mur de barils de sake qui nous a hypnotis\u00e9 pendant un bon moment \ud83d\ude0d #meijishrine"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a cupcake with a stuffed animal on it ### Assistant: Il n\u2019y a pas d\u2019\u00e2ge pour appr\u00e9cier une cr\u00e8me glac\u00e9e en forme de cochon et de lapin \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc37\ud83d\udc30"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women standing next to each other in a store ### Assistant: Quand toi et ta meilleure amie avez chacune votre propre machine distributrice \ud83d\ude0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink dress standing in front of a store ### Assistant: Harajuku girl \u00e0 la recherche de son rainbow grilled cheese \ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing outside of a building talking on a cell phone ### Assistant: Le secret d\u2019une bonne journ\u00e9e: trouver un mur de la m\u00eame couleur que ta veste en jeans \ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a girl sitting on a sidewalk holding a cup ### Assistant: Comme mon t-shirt mais avec un cornet\ud83c\udf66"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting at a table eating a sandwich ### Assistant: Oblig\u00e9e d\u2019immortaliser le premier caf\u00e9 glac\u00e9 de 2019 \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink dress is standing on a sidewalk ### Assistant: Quand tu trouves enfin un panier de basket de la bonne hauteur \ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man holding a flag with a blue and white kite ### Assistant: Conciertazo de @chinoynacho.. Nunca hab\u00eda visto tantos venezolan@s juntos \ud83d\ude02 (son tremendas buenas personas), qu\u00e9 gozadera!! Pr\u00f3ximo destino \ud83d\udc49 #gentedezona"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two men standing next to each other in a room ### Assistant: #lp #de #party #fl #cuban #tampa #bro #brother #uglyasf #nohaymasna"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a cell phone standing in front of a building ### Assistant: #downtowntampa #loveit #campitomio \ud83d\ude2d #dreamscometrue \u27a1 #813 #superlatepost #uglyasf"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a beach with a surfboard ### Assistant: En el mar la vida es m\u00e1s sabrosa!!\ud83d\ude02 #monster #beach #clearwaterbeach #bro #view #uglyaf #dreamscometrue"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting at a table with a laptop ### Assistant: My view \ud83d\ude02 #beach #night #beachlife #clearwaterbeach #friends #tampa #miami #uglyaf #dreamscometrue \ud83d\udd1c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing in front of a building holding a skateboard ### Assistant: Jueves de #tbt \ud83d\ude33 #throwbackthursday #cuba #labenny #benny #missyou #serius #uglyaf #dreamscometrue"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a sidewalk with a tree ### Assistant: Normal is boring \ud83d\ude1c #superlatepost #dreamscometrue #behappy #livethelife #tampa #miami \ud83d\udc4b\ud83d\udc4b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a crowd of people standing around a man ### Assistant: Ayer de rumba!! #latepost #party #photofarandula #tampa #friends #miami #cuban"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a blurry photo of a man with a lit cigarette ### Assistant: Pienso en ti , luego fumo...\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0c #justaquote #artificial #cigar\nAqu\u00ed aprendiendo de grandes maestros !! #thanks #smokephotography #ignorenmicara \ud83d\ude33 #nikond7200 #bestoftheday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"no parking\" on it ### Assistant: #cuba #straightouttacuba #bored #asf #cuban"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing in front of a building with a sign ### Assistant: Bad decisions make good stories \ud83d\udc4a #mytshirt \ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude02 dice ella q Why so serious? #cuz #medalagana \ud83d\udc4b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing in front of a large city at night ### Assistant: Todo me dice que estoy a punto de cometer la decisi\u00f3n incorrecta\ud83d\ude0c, pero cometer errores es parte de la vida\ud83d\ude09. #pablocoelho #nightlife #nikond7200 #nikon #nikond7200 #dreamscometrue #cuban"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two men in suits standing next to each other ### Assistant: #buscandolaluz Tremendo honor aprender junto a este maestrazo, un gran talento mexicano #jesuspadilla #dreamscometrue #ignoremyface"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a car with a sticker on his head ### Assistant: Morning!! #420 #beach #clearwaterbeach #Miami #tampa #uglyaf #dreamscometrue"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large group of people standing in front of a sign ### Assistant: Proud to be part of this team! #model #buscandolaluz #jesuspadilla #tampa #photooftheday #photography #M\u00e9xico"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman with a hat on ### Assistant: Cuando te levantas con deseos de tomar CRISTAL!! ( #beer ) \ud83d\ude2d y lo \u00fanico que puedes hacer es ver fotos\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02 #missingcuba #lapreferidadecuba #cuba #uglyaf #butitsokay \ud83d\ude02\u270b #primita \ud83d\ude33"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a helmet holding a surfboard ### Assistant: Hazlo ahora\u263a A veces \u201cdespu\u00e9s\u201d se convierte en \u201cnunca\u201d \ud83d\udc4c #uglyaf #behindthescenes #pic #dreamscometrue #rayban #followme"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is standing on a lawn with a skateboard ### Assistant: My #tbt #cuba \ud83d\ude2d #missingcuba \ud83d\ude02 #cosa #mala #uglyaf #dreamscometrue #medalagana #followme"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a man are sitting at a table ### Assistant: #mom Pura m\u00eda \ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0d #happymothersday \nFelicidades a todas las madres de mi #instagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman standing next to each other ### Assistant: Abuela mine \u2764 #grandma #cuba \ud83d\udc4b #happymothersday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing in front of a wall with a flying kite ### Assistant: Realism \ud83d\ude01 and art \ud83d\ude0d can't live together ... #art #artislife #dreamscometrue \ud83d\udc49 #followme"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a beard is holding a book ### Assistant: Art is life \ud83d\udcf7\ud83c\udfb6 \ud83c\udfa8 \ud83d\ude0d #art #bestoftheday #uglyaf #butitsokay #dreamscometrue \u27a1"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a beard and a tie ### Assistant: Everything you can imagine is real\ud83d\ude33 #literally\n #picasso #justartspiration #dreamscometrue #uglyaf #np #tbt #lp #followme"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing next to a suitcase in a garage ### Assistant: Bye bye Tampa \ud83d\ude2d #campitomio \ud83d\ude02. A cojer civilizaci\u00f3n ahora\ud83d\udc4b\ud83d\udc4b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing in front of a display of food ### Assistant: #miamibeach #vacations #enjoylife"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: people sitting at a table with a tv ### Assistant: We don't remember days, we remember moments. #latepost #lp #enjoythemoment #yolo #chilling #cuban"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a black shirt and jeans sitting on a bench ### Assistant: No creas todo lo que piensas!\ud83d\ude33 #latepost #hialeah \ud83d\ude02 #vacations #nohaymasna \ud83d\udc4b #dreamscometrue"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing in front of a city street ### Assistant: The trick is to enjoy life\ud83d\udc4c #porahi #snapchat #followme #miami #dreamscometrue \ud83d\udc4b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is sitting on a sidewalk with a cell phone ### Assistant: Dear stress, let's break up \ud83d\ude0c #relax #unwind #chillout #lp #dreamscometrue #enjoy \ud83d\udc4b\ud83d\udc4b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a white shirt and black shorts standing on a sidewalk ### Assistant: Cuando te agarran tir\u00e1ndote un selfie \ud83d\ude33\u270b\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude0e\n#followme #followmeback #selfie #cuban #miami #dreamscometrue \ud83d\udc4b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large group of people standing around a building ### Assistant: About last night \ud83d\udc4c #thekennedy #cuban \nPhoto by @photofarandula"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young man is skateboarding on the street ### Assistant: Tiempo de patinar\ud83d\udc4c #followme #bored #canillas \ud83d\ude02\u270b #\ud83d\ude33"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large group of people standing around a bar ### Assistant: #lp #friends #kennedy \ud83d\ude0e #followme #nightlife \nPhoto by @photofarandula"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a kitchen with a blender ### Assistant: #lp #miamilife #dreamscometrue #cuban #uglyaf #followme #followmeback"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two men standing next to each other ### Assistant: Puritooooo mine. Love u puro\ud83d\ude1c Felicidades a to' los padres de mi IG. #happyfathersday #papi #dad #reallove"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man taking a picture of himself in a mirror ### Assistant: #nikon photo by M\u00e1ximo Toribio \ud83d\udc4c #nikond7200photography #videoproduction #videography #dreamscometrue"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is drinking from a glass ### Assistant: \ud83c\udfb6 ...hay mentiras que vale la pena \nseguirles el juego, porque dan el placer de minutos sabor a verdad..\ud83c\udfb6 \ud83c\udfa7 \ud83c\udfb6 \ud83d\ude0e \ud83d\ude1c \ud83d\ude0d \n#buenafe #premoniciones #cuban #cuba #dreamscometrue #best2gram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sunset with a sunset view of a sunset ### Assistant: My day \ud83c\udf07 \u2600 (ignoren el pelo\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02) #best2gram\n#july4th #sunset #sky #clearwaterflorida #fourthofjuly #celebrate #tampa #dreamscometrue"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a beard is standing in front of a green wall ### Assistant: Qu\u00e9 cara de \ud83d\udca9! \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02 #pic #project #tampa #dreamscometrue #uglyaf #butitsokay \u270b #sameshit #followme"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing in front of a building with a red umbrella ### Assistant: #cuba #superlatepost #cuban #cienfuegos #loveit #parquejosemarti #cubita \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man on a skateboard is in front of a large mountain ### Assistant: #superlatepost #hp #harrypotterworld #potter #uglyaf #me"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of people in a room ### Assistant: \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 My #tbt #Cuba \nSe acuerdan de esto?\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d #lmao"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting on a beach with a surfboard ### Assistant: Una vez q pruebas la libertad ya no soportas la rutina \ud83d\ude33\ud83d\ude01\n#justaquote #selfie #beachlife #tampa #clearwater"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a street corner with a fire hydrant ### Assistant: Believe u can and you're halfway there..\ud83d\ude09\ud83d\udc4c\n#youcandoit #followme #tampa #clearwater #welivehere #clearwaterfl #beachlife #dreamscometrue \ud83d\udd1c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a sidewalk holding a tennis racket ### Assistant: #cuba \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa #ignore #my #pose #lol #miami #miamifl #cuban #havana"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a grassy hill in front of a city ### Assistant: La vida trata de momentos, no los esperes, cr\u00e9alos...\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\udc4c\n#instagram #miamifl #sky #miami #dreamscometrue #ig #nicepic"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a room with a bunch of wires ### Assistant: Deambulando por ah\u00ed!! \ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\ude0c\n#allways #vacations #miami #livethelifeyoulove #almostsepia #tampa"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a beard and a cigarette in his mouth ### Assistant: Mi #tbt , desahuciado de la vida...\n\ud83d\ude10\ud83d\ude33\n#tabaco #tobacco #sepia #uglyasf #justaquote #cuba #habanos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman sitting in front of a window ### Assistant: Aqu\u00ed, dando una terapia filos\u00f3fica...\n#bestteacherever"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a stairway talking on a cell phone ### Assistant: Analizando la cima!! Es dif\u00edcil pero no imposible llegar a ella\ud83d\ude10\n\n#lp #ybor #henrybplantmuseum #tampafl #cuban #exito #dreamscometrue \u27a1"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman are walking along a wooden bridge ### Assistant: Tenemos mucho tiempo por delante para crear los sue\u00f1os que a\u00fan ni siquiera imaginamos so\u00f1ar. \n#stevenspielberg"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a red shirt and tie standing by a brick wall ### Assistant: It was a great experience at this haunted hotel !! #kcmedia\u00a9"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is holding a cell phone in his hand ### Assistant: Happy bday to me\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude2d ya 22 a\u00f1os \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude2d oh shit \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude02 #birthdayweek #mybirthday #1994"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing in front of a brick wall ### Assistant: Y sigo aqu\u00ed....I'm another year older \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02, wiser and more grateful.. #mybirthday #cuban #dreamscometrue #birthdayboy #tampabay #tampa"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person sitting on a bench in a body of water ### Assistant: A second chance is rare. If u get one, make the most of it \ud83d\udc4c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a crowd of people standing around a stage with a large crowd of people ### Assistant: I'll never forget #LICorlando \nI can't wait for #licmiami \ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude4c #latepost #licorlando2016 #lifeincolor #sevenlions #lictour"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two men standing next to each other in a room ### Assistant: Qu\u00e9 pas\u00f3? \ud83d\ude10 #lol #bored \u270b\n#tampa #tampabay #tampafl"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is holding a skateboard with a picture of a man on it ### Assistant: Ayudando a un amigo en una producci\u00f3n, y como q me doy cuenta\ud83d\ude12 q cantar no es lo m\u00edo\ud83d\ude02\u270b #itlookseasy #butno"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing next to a mural of a man ### Assistant: Art everywhere \ud83d\ude33\n\n#tbt #art #tampafl #tampa #yborcity #miami #havatampa #urbanphotography #urbanart #arteurbano"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a black shirt and a white shirt ### Assistant: Voy caminado por la vida...\ud83d\ude01\nPhoto by #kcmedia\u00a9 \ud83d\ude0a\n#photobomb \ud83d\ude12"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting in front of a mirror with a camera ### Assistant: \ud83d\ude33Weird is a side-effect of awesome \ud83d\ude0e\n#do #whatever #be #weird\n#itsok \ud83d\ude0c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman dressed in a costume ### Assistant: El misterio de \"La Catrina\" cautiva, esa mescla de la MUERTE con el ARTE\ud83d\udc4c \ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfd \ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfd\n#Mexico #lacatrina #Tampa #calavera #makeup #halloween #diadelosmuertos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a suit and tie standing next to a tree ### Assistant: Relax your mind. Relax your soul.\ud83d\ude0c\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\udc4c #tampa #shotting #photoshoot\n#clearwaterbeach #uglyasf\n#buthappy Photo by @josecheitophotos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a black shirt and tie ### Assistant: Nothing happens unless first we dream. #dreamscometrue Photo by @josecheitophotos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting on a bench next to a body of water ### Assistant: Your thoughts become your reality \ud83d\ude01 \n#throughbackthursday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man walking down a street with a skateboard ### Assistant: \u270ccaminado por ah\u00ed \u270c\n\n#Miami #lp #americanairlinesarena #downtownmiami #photography #latepost #miamifl #gn #followme"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man holding a giraffe statue in front of a wall ### Assistant: Cuando entras a un bar y est\u00e1 lleno de \"arte\" hasta en los ba\u00f1os\ud83d\ude01 \ud83c\udfa8"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red dress is holding a cell phone ### Assistant: #Repost \nHavana Jewelers\ud83d\udc8e#mannequinchallenge coming soon! #tampajewelry \n#jewelers"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a fence ### Assistant: You are the only one that creates your reality.\ud83d\ude01\ud83d\ude0e"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a railing near a body of water ### Assistant: Morning ppl!!!! Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man holding a camera and a dog ### Assistant: #latepost Filming \ud83d\udcf9 \ud83c\udfa5 \ud83d\udcfa \n#azul #nighttv"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is sitting on a balcony looking at a camera ### Assistant: We all know that our time here is limited so lets start focusing on our passions \ud83d\udcf9 \ud83c\udfac. #Believe in yourself and all that you are. \ud83d\udcf7 \ud83c\udfa5 \n#Tampa \ud83d\ude0e #tvd"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman dressed up in costumes ### Assistant: Merry Christmas to all of you!! #latepost With this beautiful model!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a fence next to a fence ### Assistant: NOW is the only time we have, and the only time we have any control over\ud83d\udc4c. #doitnow \ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\udc4d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man taking a picture of himself in a mirror ### Assistant: \"Primer\" selfie del a\u00f1o\ud83d\ude02 \nEspero que este #2017 venga cargado de nuevos proyectos, experiencias \u00fanicas y lleno de locuras \"razonables\". \ud83d\udcf9 \ud83c\udfa5 \u2665\u2708 \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa \ud83d\udcf7 \ud83c\udf7b \u270a\ud83d\udc4a\ud83d\ude48\ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udf81\ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udfb6\ud83c\udfac\ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udcb5\ud83d\udc4b\ud83d\udcc6"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting on a wooden bench in front of a lake ### Assistant: Are your thoughts worthy of you? \ud83e\udd14 If not \ud83d\ude12 NOW is the time to change them.\ud83d\ude4c You can begin right were you are right now.\ud83d\udcaa Nothing matters but this moment and what you are focusing your attention on.\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\ude09"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a green shirt and a tree ### Assistant: \ud83d\ude01 Remember that everything that is happening around you\ud83c\udf0e, good or bad \ud83d\udc4e\ud83d\udc4d, is in some way conspiring to help you.\ud83d\udc4c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man kneeling down on a bike in the dirt ### Assistant: It's good for me to do things outside my comfort zone and push myself \ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\ude01"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman sitting at a table with drinks ### Assistant: #Repost @lacabanatampa with @repostapp\n\u30fb\u30fb\u30fb\nDisfruta en familia y amigos del sabor de la comida Colombiana en @lacabanatampa #colombianfood #tampa #lacaba\u00f1a #lacaba\u00f1atv"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man walking down a street with a city skyline ### Assistant: Where everything started...\n\ud83c\udf06 \ud83d\ude0e \ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udcf7"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is standing on a stone wall with a large rock ### Assistant: Recorriendo esta ciudad tan antigua\ud83d\ude01 #StAugustine. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\uddea\ud83c\uddf8 Photo by #KCMEDIA media"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a hat and sunglasses is standing outside ### Assistant: My favorite things to do is to go where I've never been.\ud83d\ude0e\ud83d\ude4c\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udcf7 #sombrerito \ud83d\ude02\n#latepost\n#kcmedia"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing next to a woman on a cell phone . a large neon sign on a city street . a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red carpeted area with a red. a crowd of people standing around a tent . a crowd of people standing around a large building ### Assistant: #Giff2017 Film Festival, opening \ud83c\udfa5 \ud83c\udfad \ud83d\udcf7 \ud83c\udfac\n#latespost \ud83d\ude01\n#ignoremyface \ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a car with sunglasses on ### Assistant: Sigue tu camino, que sin ti me va mejor...\ud83c\udfb6\ud83d\ude09\ud83c\udfa5"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two men in a room with a camera ### Assistant: #latepost Interview with this huge DJ... #borgeous\n...\n#borgeousarmy\n...\n#azulnight"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing next to a man in a room ### Assistant: What a night! \ud83c\udf89 \ud83c\udf7b \nOye que miren a la c\u00e1mara \ud83d\ude12\ud83d\ude02 #me"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: people standing around a room with a projector ### Assistant: Jueves de #tbt \ud83c\udfa5 \ud83c\udfac\n #2016 ..\n#behindthescenes\n... #colombiantalent"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting on a couch with a laptop ### Assistant: ...so I still waiting!? \ud83d\ude0e\n.. #minivacations"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman standing next to each other ### Assistant: Qu\u00e9 caras!\ud83d\ude02 Con esta #miss \ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfd \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa\n#trajetipico\n...\n#photoshoot\nModel: @jaelhynm"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman are posing for a picture ### Assistant: Cuando te robas a la novia\n\ud83d\udc70\ud83d\ude0f\ud83d\ude1a \ud83c\udded\ud83c\uddf3 \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa\n... #latepost\n...\n#photoshoot"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is holding a plate of food on a ledge ### Assistant: Nuevos comienzos son dif\u00edciles \ud83d\ude10 \n#latepost ...\n#dreamscometrue \ud83d\ude2c\n...\n#nevergiveup"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bride and groom are posing for a picture ### Assistant: \u00a1BONITA!\n\ud83d\ude0c\nConexi\u00f3n...\n\ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf4 \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa\n@queen_loren27"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing at a bar with a drink ### Assistant: It's time to start living...\n\ud83d\udcf7 \ud83c\udf03 \n#latepost\n....\n#yborcity"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is playing a video game on a tv ### Assistant: #tbt \ud83d\ude33\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\udc80 ....\nUsing the #chromakey \ud83c\udfa5\ud83c\udfac"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting on a stone wall with a stone wall ### Assistant: Just take a moment to relax and enjoy the view \ud83d\ude2c \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\uddf7\n#lp \nPhoto by @nomar_serrot"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man taking a picture of a painting on a wall ### Assistant: A piece of Poseidon's beard through the lens. \ud83c\udf0a\ud83d\udc51 #Poseidon ..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting at a table with a book ### Assistant: \u00a1Cat\u00e1logo! ..alcohol en camino.\n\ud83d\ude0e \ud83c\udfe9 \n#phonephotography"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large decorative wooden sculpture of a mannequin on a street ### Assistant: Power! Glory!\n\n#wynwoodwalls .... \ud83c\udfa8 \n@cleonpeterson \n@es_osmany_mb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a ledge with a rock ### Assistant: Georgia, Atlanta, Stone Mountain was amazing!!\n\ud83d\ude0f\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\ude1a\nShort video in Bio\ud83d\ude0a\n. ...\n#traveler\n...\n#uglyaf\n....\n#Georgia\n...\n#EU"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing next to a truck with a group of people ### Assistant: With this beautiful TV host..\n\ud83d\udcf7 \ud83d\ude0f\ud83d\ude0e\n#hercar\n...\n#Orlandofl"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing in front of a house ### Assistant: House of Blues! \n#latepost ...\n#Fl ...\n#uglyaf"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: people are gathered around a large stone building ### Assistant: Rodeado de expertos... \ud83c\udfa5 \ud83d\udcf7 \ud83c\udfac \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa \ud83c\udde9\ud83c\uddf4 \ud83c\uddfb\ud83c\uddea \ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfd \ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf7 \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddf4"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a black shirt and jeans standing in front of a stone wall ### Assistant: #tbt I didn't catch or see any ghost \ud83d\udc7b, but I really enjoyed the tour... #ghosttour ....\n#walking"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is sitting on a ledge looking at his cell phone ### Assistant: #Selfie at the #Lake \ud83d\ude2c ...\n#superlatepost ...\n#notmyclothes \ud83d\ude0c\n#uglyaf \ud83d\ude12"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a suit and tie is taking a picture of a woman ### Assistant: \ud83d\udc4aIf you give up, it means you never wanted it \ud83d\ude4c\n...\n#fightforyourdreams \ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udcf9 \ud83c\udfac \ud83d\udcf7 \n#dreamscometrue \ud83d\udd1c\n....\n#behindthescenes \ud83d\ude0e \ud83c\udfa5"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man holding a knife and a baseball bat ### Assistant: ...pero quer\u00eda o\u00edr el grito de la escena de Psicosis. #Hitchcock \ud83c\udfa5 \ud83c\udfac #1960s\n#Psycho\n...\ud83d\ude33\n#Psicosis\n......\n@es_osmany_mb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing next to a stone wall with a stone wall ### Assistant: Dicen que se parece a #garitadeldiablo en Puerto Rico \ud83c\uddf5\ud83c\uddf7 !?\ud83d\ude33 ...\n#superlatepost ...\n#sombrerito \ud83d\ude06"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cake with a lot of sprinkles on it . a person is holding a piece of yellow and orange sand . a man in a red costume standing in front of a wall . a painting of a man in a red shirt and a painting of a woman in a blue shirt . a man standing in front of a large statue of a man . a statue of a person wearing a mask . a man standing next to a tree with a giant stuffed animal ### Assistant: \u00a1Mira que hay talentos en este mundo! \ud83d\ude33\ud83c\udf0d #artwork: @nathansawaya \ud83d\udc4c \n#thebrickartist"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a beach flying a kite ### Assistant: \u26f1 \u2744 \ud83d\udcf7 \nBe yourself, people don't have to like you\ud83d\udc4a, but you don't have to care \u270b. #tbt"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a hillside with a view of the mountains ### Assistant: ...wanting change is step one, but step two is taking it.\n\ud83d\ude09 \n#photobymyphone"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a suit and tie standing by a brick wall ### Assistant: \ud83d\ude2cAsk yourself if what you're doing today will get you closer to where you want to be tomorrow\ud83d\ude09\ud83d\udc4d\n#superlatepost\n #yearago\n#KCMEDIA"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a bench with a soccer ball ### Assistant: #latespost ...\n#friends \ud83d\udcaa\n #vip \n#soccer \u26bd \n#beer \ud83c\udf7b \u00a1Buena liga!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a large body of water ### Assistant: #superlatepost \nFoto rara. Cuando le robas los espejuelos a tu amiga... \ud83d\ude4c #nerd \ud83d\ude02\n #Orlando"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a beard and a black shirt ### Assistant: So grateful for so much \ud83d\ude4f\n\ud83d\udcf7 \nBlack & White Photography \ud83d\ude2c\n#icant #postit #complete \ud83d\ude12"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man holding a green frisbee in his hand ### Assistant: \ud83c\udfa5 \ud83c\udfa5 \ud83d\udcfa \nTo do what you love can sometimes be stressful \ud83d\ude2c\n....\n#summervibes\n.....\n\ud83d\udcf7"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a suit and tie holding a cell phone . a man and a woman holding a baseball bat . a woman in a black dress and a man in a black dress . a man with a mask on holding a gun . a man dressed in a costume holding a gun . two men in costume standing next to each other . a man in a suit with a backpack . a man holding a knife and a woman holding a skateboard . a man in a black hat and a group of people . a person in a costume is jumping on a floor ### Assistant: Fueron tres d\u00edas incre\u00edbles en el Tampa Comic Con! \ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc4c\n....\n...\n..\n.\n#Tampabaycomiccon ...\n#TBCC \ud83d\udcf7 \ud83d\ude0e"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing in front of a wall with a sign ### Assistant: Sometimes you have to stand alone just to make sure you still can \ud83d\udcaa\ud83d\udc4c\n..\n#lp\n...\n#wynwood ..\n#nothingtopost\n...\nFollow: \n@2ebphoto\n@photobyeric_ \ud83d\udcf7"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing in front of a door with a door open ### Assistant: I think if you just look at life in a positive way, positive things will happen... \ud83d\ude09\n. .\n.\n.\nUnexpected Drone Photography lol \ud83d\ude2c\n.\n.\n@yare.alanis.photographer"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is skateboarding on a log in the woods ### Assistant: When you find a natural mirror (charquito) \ud83d\ude44in the middle of nowhere \ud83d\ude10 \u2614 .\n.\n.\n#me\n.\n\n#nothingtopost\n.\n\n#lol \ud83d\ude06"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman are walking down the street ### Assistant: Behind the scenes \ud83d\udcf7 \nMy face like \ud83d\ude44terminen de posar \ud83d\ude4f \nWith these beautiful girls \ud83d\ude18\n.\n.\n.\n#photoshoot .\n.\n#photographerlife \ud83d\udcf7"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is talking on a cell phone while holding a cell phone ### Assistant: Two different worlds. One is full of dreams, and the other is a reality masked \ud83d\ude0c\n.\n.\n#nothingtopost \ud83d\ude29 .\n.\n#justsaying\n.\n.\n\n#superlatepost .\n\ud83d\udcf7"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a beard is holding a cell phone ### Assistant: Stop waiting for Fridays, and stop waiting for someone to fall in love with you \ud83d\ude12. All of these things will happen, \u270cbut in the mean time, enjoy right now. \ud83d\udc4c\n.\n.\n.\n#notthebestpic .\n#butitsok \ud83d\ude2c\n. .\n\ud83d\udcf7"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a gorilla costume is holding a stuffed animal ### Assistant: Aqu\u00ed, casual; con mi amigo de Legoland\ud83d\ude4c\n\n#superlatepost .\n.\n#nothingtopost \ud83d\ude10\n.\n.\n#ignoremyface \ud83d\ude12"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman dressed in costume and posing for a picture ### Assistant: #tbt on the set \ud83c\udfa5 \ud83c\udfac \nZombie apocalypse \ud83d\ude44\n.\n#throughbackthursday .\n#ignoreme \ud83d\ude2d\n.\n#nothingtopost \ud83d\ude0c\ud83d\ude4c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting on a sidewalk near a tall building ### Assistant: Don't let how you feel make you forget what you deserve \ud83c\udf06 \ud83d\ude0c\n.\n.\n.\n.\n#superlatepost \ud83d\ude2c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a red shirt and a blue tie ### Assistant: #Tbt Don't ever try and be like anybody else and don't be afraid to take risks\ud83d\ude0e\n.\n.\n\nPhotography: @josecheitophotos\n.\n.\n#ignoretheface \ud83d\ude44"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman wearing hats and a mask ### Assistant: So yeah, October is here \ud83c\udf41 Halloween season is here \ud83c\udf83. I can't wait to go to @horrornightsorl \ud83d\udc7b \ud83d\udc79 and @howloscream \ud83d\ude08\n.\n.\n#ignoreme \ud83d\ude12\n.\n.\n#lookather \ud83d\ude0a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man wearing a hat and sunglasses ### Assistant: Super #TBT \ud83d\ude2b\ud83e\udd23\nLlevaba c\u00f3mo dos d\u00edas sin dormir, mucha fiesta mezclada con trabajo \ud83c\udfa5 \ud83d\udcf7\ud83c\udf89 .\nQu\u00e9 tiempos! \ud83d\ude44\n#selfie .\n.\n#Destruido \ud83d\ude05"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a hat standing at a counter ### Assistant: Don't wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to enjoy your life. \ud83d\ude0c\n.\n#oldpic .\n.\n#motivationalquotes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a red shirt and a white shirt ### Assistant: \ud83d\ude44De vez en cuando hay que entrar al mundo nerd \ud83e\udd13\n.\n#welcome \ud83d\ude2c\n.\n#throwback \ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting at a table with a lit candle ### Assistant: #TBT \ud83c\udfa5 \"Realidad ficticia\" .\nMissing those times \ud83d\ude0c\ud83d\ude02\n.\n#supertbt \n#ignoremypose \ud83d\ude12\n.\nCan you see something in the other seat? \ud83d\ude28"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is brushing his teeth while a woman watches ### Assistant: Tremendous product! \ud83d\ude03#got2brockinhair .\n.\nThanks @got2busa \nBuen\u00edsimo! .\n.\nPhoto : @lens_vibes95\n@2ebphoto"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man walking down the street with a backpack ### Assistant: I\u2019m nicer when I like my outfit \ud83e\udd17 \ud83d\ude01\n\n#porah\u00ed \ud83d\ude2c\n\n#hm \n@lens_vibes95\n@2ebphoto"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting on a stage with a guitar . a man standing next to a woman in a dark room . a large building with a clock on it . a man and woman are sitting on a couch ### Assistant: Happy Halloween \ud83c\udf83 \ud83d\udc7b\n.\nNo custome this year \ud83d\ude2c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a beach near the ocean ### Assistant: Thank you Universe!! \ud83e\udd17\nI know what is coming is better than what is gone\n\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude00"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman standing next to each other ### Assistant: Failure doesn't mean the GAME IS OVER, it means try again with EXPERIENCE... Thanks guys!! @legnayeny @osmany_95 @lens_vibes95 @2ebphoto We did a great job... \ud83c\udfa5 \ud83d\udcf7 \nNext time it will be better \ud83d\ude0a\n#tvd"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man holding a baseball bat in his right hand ### Assistant: My biggest fear is to live a normal common, boring life \ud83d\ude29\ud83d\ude12"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a hat and a backpack walking down a sidewalk ### Assistant: Nothing happens until you move \ud83d\udc4a\ud83d\udcaa"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting on a rock near a body of water ### Assistant: People change, stories end, things pass, and life goes on\ud83e\udd17\ud83d\udc4c\n....\n.\n.\n\nBe careful who you push away... Some of us don\u2019t come back \ud83d\udc4a\n\n#cellphotography \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing in a forest with trees ### Assistant: Haters welcome!!\ud83e\udd23\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\n.\n.\n #ignoremyface \ud83d\ude44\n\nIt\u2019s better to have an enemy who honestly say he hates you than to have a friend who\u2019s putting you down \ud83d\ude12\n\n#tienesqueparal \ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting in a tree with a cell phone ### Assistant: Sometimes all you have to do is forget what you feel and remember what you deserve... \ud83e\udd2b\ud83d\ude0c .\n.\n.\n.\n\nBrincando la cerca de un museo \ud83e\udd2d\ud83d\udea8para sacar una foto\ud83d\ude2d, aunque no cubri\u00f3 mis expectativas \ud83d\ude29\ud83d\udd2b\ud83e\udd23"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a dock in the water ### Assistant: Let\u2019s wander where the WiFi is weak \ud83e\udd2a\n.\n.\n\nThere\u2019s no TIME to be bored in a world as beautiful as this. \ud83c\udf0d \ud83c\udf41"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a dock with a boat ### Assistant: A year changes you a lot! \ud83d\ude0c\n.\n.\n#thankful. \ud83e\udd29\n.\n.\n\u201cYou\u2019re going to be happy,\u201d said life \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\n\u201cbut first I\u2019ll make you strong\u201d \ud83d\ude00"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a black shirt and jeans walking down a street ### Assistant: No one can wear a mask for very long \ud83d\ude0c\n.\n.\n#lifestyle .\nSometimes you have to unfollow people in REAL LIFE \ud83e\udd2b\n.\n.\n#thisislife"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a black jacket holding a camera ### Assistant: Explore your limits! \ud83d\ude0f .\n.\nGo out of your confort zone\ud83d\ude05"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing in a forest with trees ### Assistant: Be an adventurer \ud83d\ude08 Call a friend who is just as spontaneous as you are & don\u2019t plan too much except the end destination & just goooooooo \ud83d\udc4a\ud83d\ude0e\n.\n.\nStart where you are.\nUse what you have.\nDo what you can \ud83e\udd29\ud83e\udd20"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person walking down a street with a bicycle ### Assistant: Just me out here. Love the quiet. Feels like I have the whole city to myself. \ud83d\ude2c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a street sign next to a lake . a man holding a smart phone in his hand . a man standing on a train track next to a train ### Assistant: Juan de los muertos! \ud83d\ude02 \nKeep Calm and Kill Zombie \ud83e\udddf\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83e\udddf\u200d\u2640\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a backpack and a hat walking down a street ### Assistant: \ud83d\ude0fWhen you least expect it, something great will come along \ud83d\ude0c. Something better than you ever planned for \ud83e\udd2b. Be patient. Be smart. Stay focused\ud83d\udc4c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing next to a wall with a painting of a woman . a man standing in the water with a phone ### Assistant: Incre\u00edble este lugar \ud83d\ude33 .\n.\n.\nYou weren\u2019t born to just pay bills and day \ud83d\ude12. EXPLORE \ud83d\ude2c\ud83d\udc4a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man wearing a hat and sunglasses standing next to a tree ### Assistant: Super Late post \ud83d\ude44\n...\nRemember who was there for you when no one else was... \ud83d\ude0c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a suit standing in front of a building ### Assistant: I wonder if I\u2019m on your mind as much as you\u2019re on mine \ud83d\ude4c\ud83d\ude2c\ud83d\ude05"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a black shirt talking on a cell phone ### Assistant: If you don\u2019t take a step forward, you\u2019re always in the same place \ud83d\udeb6\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\n________________\nmiamilifestyle .\n.\nBehind every status there is a secret message for someone. \ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude08"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is on a phone while standing on a sidewalk ### Assistant: Don\u2019t stop until you are proud of yourself... \ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\n_______________\nSometimes change is good. \n#Miami \ud83d\ude00"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting on a stairway with a cell phone ### Assistant: One day the people that didn\u2019t believe in you will tell everyone how they met you. \ud83e\udd2b\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\n_______________________\nPhoto: @ccnucc"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a train track next to a street ### Assistant: They told me I couldn\u2019t, that\u2019s why I did \ud83d\udc4a\nPhoto by : @nomar_serrot\n. \u2014\u2014\u2014 .\nWaiting for the right time is a prime example of wasting time \ud83e\udd2b\n__________________"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man wearing a tie standing next to a fence ### Assistant: Photoshoot day\nWill this be the ending scene? Cause I\u2019m not ready to let you go... ___________\n\ud83d\ude02Sorry, la pose era obligada \ud83d\ude11\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\n___________\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large colorful fountain with people standing around it ### Assistant: Nop \ud83d\udc4a never wait, life goes faster than you think \ud83d\ude80 \n___________\nAsere do more things instead of doing nothing \ud83d\ude09 Don\u2019t hold things back \ud83e\udd2b\ud83d\udc4c\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n________________"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting on a bench with a wooden bench ### Assistant: Why so serious? \ud83d\ude44 \n_____________\n.\nMan en serio follow your heart\ud83d\ude0c, \ud83d\udc42\ud83c\udffblisten to your inner voice, stop caring about what other thinks \ud83d\uded1 \u270b\ud83c\udffb\n______________\n.\n.\n.\n."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man walking down the street with an umbrella ### Assistant: Behind the scenes \ud83d\udcf7 \ud83d\ude45\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\nlatepost \ud83d\ude2c\nDo it for the people who want to see you Gail \ud83e\udd2b\n______________\n.\n.\n."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing next to a wall with a skateboard ### Assistant: \ud83c\udfb6 \ud83c\udfb5 Movimiento naranja, el futuro est\u00e1 en tus manos, movimiento naranja, \ud83c\udfbc movimiento ciudadanooo\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude29 \ud83c\udfb5 \n___________"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a stairway with a clock on it ### Assistant: \ud83d\udcad I\u2019m always thinking about my next move. No rest \ud83e\udd2b\ud83d\ude0c\n.\n.\nhindu temple \n________________"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a sidewalk with a hat on ### Assistant: \ud83d\ude44Walking... \ud83d\udeb6 \nI have no idea where I took this picture, I just found it on my phone\ud83d\ude10\n\n_____________"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a train platform next to a train ### Assistant: tbt \ud83d\ude11\ud83d\ude1d\n.\nNo bad vibes \ud83d\ude0c\n___________\nJust because my path is different doesn\u2019t mean I\u2019m lost \ud83d\ude4c\ud83d\ude05\n.\n.\n.\n.\n_________________"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing in front of a wall with a statue ### Assistant: \u2753\u2754 \ud83d\udcad \nDo you ever think about going somewhere where nobody knows you and staring a new life ??? \ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd2b\ud83d\udd25 .\n.\n.\n________________________"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman standing next to each other ### Assistant: \ud83d\udc4cThe world is going to judge you no matter what you do, so live your life the way you want to, y ya eh!! \ud83d\udc4a .\n.\nbehind the scenes \n_________"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a beard is looking at something ### Assistant: Maybe, it\u2019s now time to turn the page \ud83d\udcd6 \ud83e\udd2b\n_____________\nI didn\u2019t change. I just learned \ud83d\ude0f .\n\ud83d\ude44\n.\n_____________________"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman standing next to each other ### Assistant: Absolutely excited about what\u2019s coming \ud83c\udfa5 \ud83d\udd25\n.\n.\n.\n______________"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a fence holding a cell phone ### Assistant: Physically I\u2019m here \ud83d\ude4c\nMentally I\u2019m far, far away \ud83d\ude0f\n____________\n\natMDD \ud83d\udccd\n__________________"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a suit talking on a cell phone ### Assistant: \ud83e\udd2bI\u2019m gonna make the rest of my life, the best of my life \ud83d\udc4c\ud83e\udd29\n.\n_________________"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a beard standing in front of a building ### Assistant: #tbt \ud83d\ude33 \ud83d\ude29\nIt\u2019s difficult to follow your dream. It\u2019s a tragedy not to...\ud83d\udc4a\ud83e\udd28\n... _________________"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting on a chair reading a book ### Assistant: Dando una vuelta por Telemundo en la promoci\u00f3n de La hora del micro. \ud83c\udfad\ud83c\udfac\ud83e\udd41 .\n.\n.\n_________________"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two people are walking on a train platform ### Assistant: Salgo a caminar pues no aprend\u00ed a dormir... \ud83d\ude05\nVoy a llenar mi espalda con tus miedos, tu culpa, \ud83e\udd2b Para que te liberes de todos sus misterios.. \ud83d\ude0c\n.\n.\n.\n_____________________"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a platform with a train ### Assistant: Let it all go, see what stays...\ud83d\udc4c\n.\n.\n. .\n.\n.\n_________________"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a hat is standing on a brick wall ### Assistant: Old ways won\u2019t open new doors. \ud83d\ude4c\n.\n.\n.\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting on a concrete wall with a skateboard ### Assistant: \ud83d\ude0cOverly focused, far from trying to rest now\ud83e\udd2b\ud83d\udc4c\n.\n.\n.\n\nWhy so serious !?\ud83d\ude44\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014-"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a black shirt and jeans standing in front of a building ### Assistant: No one is you. That\u2019s your power \ud83d\udca5 \ud83d\udca3\n.\n.\n."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a black jacket holding a remote . a blue flower in a blue purse ### Assistant: Mom\u2019s day is around the corner \ud83d\ude4c check out this gorgeous 24k gold rose @defaith_24k_gold_rose \ud83d\ude45\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\udd25\nThis is a perfect gift for a special mom \ud83d\ude0a\n.\n.\n.\n#ad"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man holding a red and white frisbee ### Assistant: Dear self, stay strong...\n\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\u2014\nT\u00fa NO siempre necesitas un plan, aveces solo necesitas respirar, confiar en ti e irte bien lejos a ver qu\u00e9 pasa ! \ud83d\ude0c\n.\n.\n."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a sidewalk with a graffiti covered wall ### Assistant: .\nThink like a Proton \ud83d\ude05 always positive \ud83d\ude1d\n.\n."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a suit and tie standing on a sidewalk ### Assistant: \ud83e\udd2bLo mejor est\u00e1 por venir, se paciente...\ud83d\ude4c\n_________\n.\n.\nAccept the situation and move on."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man walking on a sidewalk with a skateboard ### Assistant: Keep going... \ud83d\ude0f\n.\n.\n.\n_______________\n\nSi no sabes a d\u00f3nde ir, empieza por alejarte de donde no quieres estar.\ud83d\udc86\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a beard is brushing his teeth ### Assistant: Don\u2019t confuse my personality with my attitude.\ud83e\udd28\nMy personality is who I am.\ud83d\ude0c\nMy attitude depends on who you are. \ud83d\ude09\n______________\n.\n.\nTus recientes emojis describir\u00e1n esta cara m\u00eda \ud83d\ude44\ud83d\ude2d\ud83d\ude02\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a black shirt and jeans standing on a sidewalk ### Assistant: Someday it\u2019s gonna make sense... \ud83e\udd2b\n.\n.\n.\n#filmmaking #photographerlife #actorslife #model"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a cell phone standing on a ledge ### Assistant: Fav emoji // emojis favoritos \ud83c\udf55 \ud83d\ude08 \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude44 \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f \ud83c\udde8\ud83c\uddfa \ud83d\ude0e .\n.\n.\n.\n#miami #miamilife #tampa #filmmaking #actorslife #theater #emoji #influencer #photographerlife #menmodel #filmmaker"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man jumping up into the air while holding a skateboard ### Assistant: then I jumped \ud83d\ude2c\ud83e\udd1e\ud83c\udffb\n.\n.\n.\nPhoto: @fotografos_tampa_bay .\n.\n.\n#orlando #orlandoflorida #filmmaking #actorslife #theater #filmphotography #influencer #photographerlife #menmodel #filmmaker"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a sidewalk next to a street sign ### Assistant: You have to die a few times before you actually live \ud83e\udd28\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4a\n.\n.\n.\n\n#tampa #filmmaking #actorslife #theater #influencer #photographerlife #filmmaker #tampamodel #tampaphotographer #fashionmodel #shortfilm"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is holding a cell phone in his hand ### Assistant: #TBT \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\n.\n\ud83d\ude29 I need a phone with 500% battery \ud83d\ude2c\n.\n.\n.\n#miamilifestyle #filmmaking #shortfilm #modeling #photographerlife #teatro #actorslife #filmmaker #tampa #tampamodel #orlando #cuban"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing next to an airplane with a suitcase ### Assistant: Late post \ud83d\ude2c\n.\n.\n.\n#photoshoot #airplanes #tampa #miami #travelblogger #travelphotography #influencer #shortfilm #filmmaking #filmmaker #tampamodel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a black jacket and sunglasses holding a camera ### Assistant: #tbt \ud83d\udcf7 m\u00fasico, poeta y loco \ud83d\ude02\n\u00bf vivir sin alg\u00fan arte? Imposible \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udcf7 \ud83c\udfa5 \ud83c\udfad \ud83e\udddb\u200d\u2642\ufe0f\n\u2022\n\u2022\n\u2022\n\u2022\n\u2022\n#cuban #photographer #urbanstyle #filmmaking #theatre #actorslife #cuba #shortfilm #teatro #ericbecerra"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collection of items including a cell phone, a remote control, a book, and a camera ### Assistant: \ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf89 Enfi re\u00e7u mon colis de chez @elfcosmetics \ud83d\ude03 Mes produits pr\u00e9fs et quelques nouveaut\u00e9s \u00e0 essayer. Vous voulez un review des produits pour la peau?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a glass jar filled with liquid ### Assistant: Mon chocolat chaud est tout brillant!! \ud83d\udd25\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\ude3b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with glasses and a black hat ### Assistant: J'ai un examen final ce PM... Besoin de votre appui!!! \ud83d\udcda\ud83d\udcdd\ud83e\udd13 #iiiiish #vivement17h #cerveaumou"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a christmas tree with a christmas tree decoration ### Assistant: \u00c0 qui appartient ce sapin?! \ud83c\udf85\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\udf84 Indice: remarquez la boule de poils qui s'en donne d\u00e9j\u00e0 \u00e0 coeur joie \ud83d\udc31 #Christmas #xmastree #sapindenoel #noel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign with a picture of a person with a book ### Assistant: Ann\u00e9e apr\u00e8s ann\u00e9e, mes must pour faire le sapin! \ud83c\udf84\ud83c\udf85\ud83c\udffb\u2615\ufe0f\ud83c\udfb6 Et toi? Quelles sont tes traditions? #bingcrosby #chocolatchaud #noel #Christmas"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a wooden table topped with a toothbrush and a book ### Assistant: On les a finalement essay\u00e9es! \ud83d\udc40\ud83c\udfa8 Est-ce que ces palettes Mariposa \u00e0 3$ en valent la peine? Rendez-vous sur la cha\u00eene! #dollarama #beaut\u00e9cass\u00e9e #mariposa #maquillage #mariposacosmetics"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young boy and girl eating a cake ### Assistant: #TBT qui repr\u00e9sente ma face \u00e0 l'id\u00e9e d'un No\u00ebl sans neige! \u2744\ufe0f\ud83d\ude2d\ud83c\udf85\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\udf84 #throwback #minivanessa #noel #santa #vieuxfou"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with glasses and a scarf ### Assistant: On pratique nos faces rock confus pour le show de Jean Leloup ce soir... C'est bien \u00e7a son style, le rock confus? #paradiscity #rockconfus"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with glasses and a black shirt ### Assistant: Nouvelles lunettes \ud83e\udd13\ud83d\udc40 Vous en pensez quoi??? @zennioptical"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl holding a stuffed animal in her hand ### Assistant: Prenons un moment pour savourer ceci! \ud83c\udf84\ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\ude02 pssst Nouvelle vid\u00e9o sur la cha\u00eene! #lookdenfer #finalnet #b\u00e9b\u00e9matante #no\u00ebl"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with glasses and a scarf is holding a paper ### Assistant: Joyeux No\u00ebl de notre famille \u00e0 la v\u00f4tre! Oui, on donne de dr\u00f4les de cadeaux \ud83d\ude02\ud83c\udf84\ud83c\udf85\ud83c\udffb #christmas #noel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a box of fruit sitting on top of a counter ### Assistant: Avoir une belle-soeur qui travaille au @lushcosmetics c'est recevoir les meilleurs cadeaux de la part des beaux-parents \ud83d\ude4a\ud83d\ude4a\ud83d\ude4a vous avez re\u00e7u quoi vous?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with meat, potatoes, and other food items ### Assistant: \u00c0 votre sant\u00e9! Bonne ann\u00e9e tout le monde! \ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf89 Merci de nous suivre dans nos folies! On vous adore \ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a birthday cake with candles on top of it ### Assistant: Ce soir, on c\u00e9l\u00e8bre \u00e0 l'avance l'anniversaire de Vanessa!! 26 going on 72 \ud83d\udc75\ud83c\udffd Bonne f\u00eate ma soeur!! On t'aime \u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\ud83c\udf89"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with meat, potatoes, and other foods ### Assistant: J'ai forc\u00e9 mon b\u00e9b\u00e9 soeur \u00e0 sortir dans le froid pour un d\u00eener de c\u00e9l\u00e9bration. Bonne f\u00eate \ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf89\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18 @vricard"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a newspaper with a picture of a person and a box of oranges ### Assistant: Dans notre derni\u00e8re vid\u00e9o, on a abord\u00e9 les d\u00e9lais de livraison de notre commande Elf. Et bien voici ce qu'il y avait dans la bo\u00eete aux lettres aujourd'hui! C'est appr\u00e9ci\u00e9, bien jou\u00e9 @elfcosmetics \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb\u263a\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a red hair brush in her right hand ### Assistant: Amour infini pour cette chose! \u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udc8b\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udc8b Pssst.. On vous pr\u00e9pare un tuto! #katvondbeauty #everlastingliquidlipstick #outlaw @katvondbeauty"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pair of blue jeans and a pair of green and white ties ### Assistant: Mes petites trouvailles de la soir\u00e9e au @winners \ud83d\ude0d Vous aimez? #winners #leopard #shoes #purse #mintgreen #menthe"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a tie on and a man with a hat on ### Assistant: Est-ce que Mariposa nous charm\u00e9 avec son quatuor de rouges \u00e0 l\u00e8vres? \ud83d\udc84\ud83d\udc8b Nouvelle vid\u00e9o en ligne \ud83d\udda5 #dollarama #rougealevres #beaut\u00e9cass\u00e9e"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bottle of soap on a bed ### Assistant: Mes deux petits chouchous du moment pour ma peau qui veut me quitter. \ud83d\udc96 Qui d'autre a ce probl\u00e8me cet hiver? Merci @puressentiel et @vichycanada @bicom_rp"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a hat and a mask on ### Assistant: Pas convaincue du look Miley? \ud83d\ude1c \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 #katvondbeauty #echo"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with long hair and a blue shirt ### Assistant: Routine maquillage de Chrystine en version romantique! Vid\u00e9o en ligne maintenant \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18 #maquillage #cosm\u00e9tiques #katvond #tarte #beauty #makeupgeekcosmetics"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a wooden pole with a small dog on it ### Assistant: Awwww \ud83d\udc9e \ud83d\udc9e Ce petit Bambi! Merci \u00e0 notre amie @genlwatson, elle vient d'ouvrir sa boutique Etsy qui s'appelle Hope is a waking dream. \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb Allez la voir! #hopeisawakingdream @hopeisawakingdreametsy"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cup of coffee sitting on top of a table ### Assistant: Ce samedi pm gris ne pourrait pas \u00eatre plus cozy \u2744\ufe0f \ud83c\udf6b\u2615\ufe0f #fabcrep @lafabriquecrepue @tassequilfaut"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is holding a woman's hand while she brushes her teeth ### Assistant: Gros indice sur une prochaine vid\u00e9o \ud83d\ude4a\ud83d\udc9e\ud83d\udc9c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is talking on a cell phone ### Assistant: #dollarama ne cessera jamais de nous surprendre! \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 #beaut\u00e9cass\u00e9e #meme"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a pair of scissors in her hands ### Assistant: C'est temp\u00eate! \ud83c\udf28\u2744\ufe0f Reste chez toi et \u00e9coute notre nouvelle vid\u00e9o! (Ben si tu veux l\u00e0... \ud83d\ude07) #beaut\u00e9cass\u00e9e #mariposa #vernis #dollarama"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman eating a plate of food with a fork ### Assistant: Amour et Poutine. #poutineweekquebec"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sandwich with a side of french fries and a cup of coffee ### Assistant: Derni\u00e8re photo de Poutine, promis! \ud83d\ude1b #poutine #poutineweek #frits #poutineweekquebec"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cup of coffee and a bowl of food ### Assistant: Soir\u00e9e parfaite avec des filles parfaites et des cookies trop mign! \ud83d\ude0d regram @valefillion"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a crowd of people standing around a snow covered building ### Assistant: Une soir\u00e9e au @snowjamboree ! C'est pas la plus chaude \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 merci @valefillion d'avoir risqu\u00e9 de perdre des doigts pour prendre la photo LOL #jamboree #jamboree2016 #igloofest #temperatureclubmed"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with glasses and a scarf ### Assistant: Parfois, j'ai le rouge \u00e0 l\u00e8vres plus sage! \ud83d\ude07 Vous aimez? FYI, c'est le Rouge magistral perfection 03 Tendre de @jouviance \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women wearing hats and holding up doughnuts ### Assistant: Bon matin! Voici un aper\u00e7u de la nouvelle video.. \ud83d\udec1\ud83d\ude4a\ud83d\ude02 en ligne d\u00e8s 8h!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a snowy landscape with trees and snow covered ground ### Assistant: C'est beau! Avec un peu de chance, ce sera la derni\u00e8re bord\u00e9e \u2744\ufe0f #nature #sttroudeperdu #snow"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is taking a picture of her flowers ### Assistant: Ces couleurs de la nouvelle collection de @cndcanada \ud83d\udc98\ud83d\udc98\ud83d\udc98 Pour oublier qu'il fait -15 ici encore huhuhu #spring #vinylux #nails #lovecnd #CNDcanada #CNDvinylux"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of different colored signs on a white background ### Assistant: Essayer de cr\u00e9er de belles photos pour Instagram quand tu es #2fillesordinaires ... \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 #smokeandmirrors #doitfortheinsta #doitforthegram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table with a lot of different items on it ### Assistant: On te parle de ces belles choses-l\u00e0 dans notre nouvelle video ce matin! \ud83d\ude4a\ud83c\udf89\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb #haul @wetnwildbeauty #makeup #maquillage"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a variety of vegetables ### Assistant: Samedi gris + sushis : Bon app\u00e9tit \u263a\ufe0f\ud83c\udf63\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb #sushi #montreal #justeat @justeat_mtl"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a woman eating food ### Assistant: Programme double en ce vendredi : DEUX vid\u00e9os avec notre pr\u00e9f @jeanfrancoiscd \ud83c\udf89\ud83d\ude0d As-tu vu \u00e7a? Direction notre cha\u00eene et celle de JF! #wootwoot"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a comb and a pair of scissors on a table ### Assistant: Wow, les nouvelles couleurs de @hardcandylife! M\u00eame le packaging est rock\ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc84 On vous laisse deviner c'est \u00e0 qui de nous deux! \ud83d\ude4a #lipsticks #wootwoot"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't stop believing\" ### Assistant: Notre force c'est d'\u00eatre solidaires! \ud83d\udc6d Bonne journ\u00e9e de la femme \u00e0 toutes! Sachez que vous \u00eates belles, fortes et aim\u00e9es! \ud83d\udc78\ud83c\udffb #journeedelafemme #womensday #internationalwomensday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a variety of items are displayed on a table ### Assistant: Les petits nouveaux \ud83d\ude3b#nyxcosmetics #lisewatier #alexlw #personnelle #pjc #pjcjeancoutu"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a pink and black toy and a red and white toy ### Assistant: 1. Nouvelle video en ligne ce matin! \ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf89 2. C'est vendredi! \ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf89"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women in black outfits with glasses ### Assistant: En amour avec mes nouvelles lunettes! \ud83d\udc99\ud83e\udd13 PS. Mes petits yeux sont une gracieuset\u00e9 du lancement de la belle Cynthia hier \ud83d\ude4a #zennioptical #lunettes #glasses"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large group of people sitting around a table ### Assistant: Squad goals reached! #YouTubeMtl #YouTubeLove"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a variety of colored and colored objects on a table ### Assistant: Je suis dans une rage de vernis color\u00e9s et je capote sur ceux-ci!! That orange tho \ud83d\ude31 Merci Quo \ud83d\ude3b #quocosmetics #colorampd #quobyorly #ongle #nailpolish"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a girl is eating a piece of cake ### Assistant: Mood d'apr\u00e8s-lunch cette semaine \ud83d\ude46\ud83c\udffc \ud83c\udf6b#hangoverdeP\u00e2ques #mood #throwback"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women are posing for a picture with a stuffed animal ### Assistant: As-tu vu notre collab \"5 en d'sour de 5\" avec @evemartel sur notre cha\u00eene? On a aussi relev\u00e9 un challenge piquant sur sa chaine! \ud83c\udf36\ud83c\udf36\ud83c\udf36"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women standing next to each other ### Assistant: Un aller-retour \u00e0 Mtl qui en aura valu la peine ce matin. Avec la belle @elieduq \ud83d\ude3b\ud83d\ude18 #StudioB"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cat laying on a blanket on a bed ### Assistant: Bonne nuit l\u00e0 \ud83d\ude3b #cat #catsofinstagram #crazycatlady #chat"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collection of bottles of various colors ### Assistant: Pssst.. Y'a un petit concours pour toi sur notre page Facebook \ud83d\ude4a #BioOil #concours #passionhuile"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women in a bikini with a toothbrush ### Assistant: Quand Chrystine est Vanessa et Vanessa est Chrystine! \ud83d\ude02 Nouvelle video est ligne si tu veux voir cet \u00e9change de looks et notre FAQ! Bon vendredi tout le monde \ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman smile while holding a cell phone ### Assistant: Hier, c'\u00e9tait l'anniversaire du #PapaOrdinaire! \ud83c\udf82\ud83c\udf81 Qui aimerait qu'il participe \u00e0 une video prochainement? #moyendepression PS, nouvelle video sur la chaine! \ud83c\udf89\ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a black and white photo of a man wearing a white hat ### Assistant: Noir et blanc... et pizza! \ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf55 #pizza #plusdepizza #ootd"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cake with a bunch of snowflakes on it ### Assistant: Oupss, we did it again \ud83d\ude4a Recettes Correctes / Pop-Tarts arc-en-ciel \ud83c\udf08\ud83d\udc9c Maintenant en ligne \ud83d\udda5 #recettescorrectes #food #poptarts #rainbow #rainbowfood #bouffe"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting at a table with a plate of food ### Assistant: Bonne f\u00eate des m\u00e8res \ud83d\udc90 On vous pr\u00e9sente notre belle #mamanordinaire \ud83d\udc96\ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc95 Merci pour tout ce que tu as fait et fais encore, et aussi pour tes bons g\u00e8nes. On t'aimeeee \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a paper cup with a box of doughnuts ### Assistant: Un vendredi 13 pluvieux: parfaite excuse pour un marathon de films!!! \ud83d\udc80\ud83d\udd2a\ud83c\udfac #movienight #popcorn #fridaythe13th #vendredi13"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cup of coffee on a white plate ### Assistant: Un petit caf\u00e9 cubain ce matin \ud83c\udf1e\u2615\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a variety of brushes and a bottle of liquid ### Assistant: Tant de couleurs pour l'arriv\u00e9e du beau temps! \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc96Aper\u00e7u de notre video de demain \ud83d\ude4a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a fire hydrant in a garden with a statue of a cat ### Assistant: \ud83c\udf3f \ud83d\udc9a Une terrasse comme salle d'attente, OUI! \ud83d\udc9a\ud83c\udf3f. Chrystine est chez Skins ce matin pour un suivi pour le traitement de la rosac\u00e9e, update bient\u00f4t! #discipledeJenny"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a toothbrush and a woman with a toothbrush ### Assistant: ENFIN une nouvelle vid\u00e9o! Beaut\u00e9 Cass\u00e9e sur le papier transfert, c'est ce matin que \u00e7a se passe \ud83c\udf89\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\udf89"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a man are posing for a picture ### Assistant: Est-ce que votre semaine est aussi longue que la n\u00f4tre? \ud83d\ude34"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table with a knife, scissors, and a bottle of water ### Assistant: \u2693\ufe0f \ud83d\udc99 Quelques favoris beaut\u00e9 du moment \ud83d\udc99 \u2693\ufe0f pour les favoris \u00e9tranges, c'est en ligne sur notre cha\u00eene!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women in a blue dress and a black and white photo ### Assistant: Samedi de tournage \ud83c\udfa5 Belle excuse pour fuir le soleil et ne pas trop suer du pinch!\ud83d\udc68\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udca6"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a restaurant with a table and chairs ### Assistant: Cet endroit \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb Si vous passez \u00e0 Qu\u00e9bec et avez envie de manger la meilleure pizza, c'est ici que \u00e7a se passe!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bag of fruit and a bottle of water ### Assistant: Pr\u00eates \u00e0 affronter la canicule! \u2600\u26f1 #\u00e9t\u00e9 #summer #summeressentials"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two pairs of shoes are on a sidewalk ### Assistant: Pas de video aujourd'hui! On fait rel\u00e2che cette semaine, mais on se revoit tr\u00e8s bient\u00f4t, promis ! \ud83d\ude18 D'ici l\u00e0, bon week-end et bon @ohmyfest_ \u00e0 tout le monde!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a long hair and a blue top ### Assistant: As-tu vu la mont\u00e9e de lait de Vanessa sur le #indoorbashing? \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 C'est (ENFIN) en ligne sur la chaine! #teamEnDedans"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a palm tree lined beach with palm trees ### Assistant: Paysage californien typique \u270c\ud83c\udffb\ufe0f Chrystine y passe quelques jours en vacances, si tu veux un aper\u00e7u du voyage, c'est sur Snapchat que \u00e7a se passe! \ud83d\udc7b deux.fillesordi"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a red fire truck parked in front of a building ### Assistant: Cute Newport Beach being cute \u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udc99\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a book with a picture of a girl on it ### Assistant: 12 ao\u00fbt, j'ach\u00e8te un (vieux) livre qu\u00e9b\u00e9cois! \ud83d\udcd6 On a feuillet\u00e9 ce bijou et r\u00e9pertori\u00e9 les extraits les plus savoureux! \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb Va voir \u00e7a sur la chaine si le coeur t'en dit!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table topped with a knife, scissors, and a flower ### Assistant: Les p'tits nouveaux de @joefresh \u00e0 essayer! On va se le dire, les couleurs de cette palette sont juste parfaites \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cat sitting in the pool of a swimming pool ### Assistant: Alice l'aventuri\u00e8re \u00e0 l'eau! \ud83d\ude3b (okay, elle n'a pas vraiment aim\u00e9 son exp\u00e9rience..) #cat #catsofinstagram #chatmarin"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a desk with a lot of different things on it ### Assistant: Nouveaut\u00e9s trop mignonnes de la part de Quo \ud83d\ude4a\ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women in a room with a flower in their hair ### Assistant: Niaiseries du mercredi \ud83d\ude1b\ud83c\udfa5 et puis votre rentr\u00e9e?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a lake with a sunset and a beach ### Assistant: #tb \u00e0 ce coucher de soleil magnifique en Gr\u00e8ce pour vous rappeler que la deuxi\u00e8me partie de la FAQ mariage est en ligne sur Youtube. Merci pour vos nombreuses questions et vos commentaires si doux!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table with a laptop, cell phone, and other items ### Assistant: Encore de belles nouveaut\u00e9s automnales \u00e0 essayer! \u263a\ufe0f\ud83d\udc84\ud83d\udc9c Disponibles au @pjcjeancoutu!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a tree with a lot of leaves on it ### Assistant: Cet arbre-l\u00e0, d\u00e9j\u00e0 tout rouge, c'est nous! Pr\u00eates pour l'automne avant tout le monde \ud83c\udf42\ud83c\udf41 \ud83c\udf83\ud83d\udc7b#mostwonderfultimeoftheyear"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a wooden bench sitting in front of a building ### Assistant: Vanessa a fait un aller-retour \u00e0 MTL juste pour assister aux ateliers @nyxcosmetics_canada avec @pjcjeancoutu \ud83d\ude4a Allez voir la story Snap \ud83d\udc7bdeux.fillesordi #nyxcosmetics #nyxcosmeticscanada"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table with a bunch of different types of items ### Assistant: Ces pinceaux-l\u00e0 \ud83d\ude3b et des couleurs douces comme un matin d'automne."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collection of colorful stuffed animals on a wall ### Assistant: On \u00e9tait \u00e0 l'ouverture de la @boutiquezazz hier soir et on a trouv\u00e9 quelques solutions pour les cheveux d\u00e9c\u00e9d\u00e9s de Vanessa, dont ce choix de perruques folles \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a variety of items are laid out on a table ### Assistant: Cette collection de @goshcopenhagen \ud83d\ude3bEnfin des couleurs froides \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb nos prefs jusqu'\u00e0 maintenant: la palette yeux, le gel \u00e0 sourcils et le rouge \u00e0 l\u00e8vres parfait nude froid"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white teddy bear laying on a white cloth ### Assistant: On se pr\u00e9pare tranquillement pour l'arriv\u00e9e de #B\u00e9b\u00e9ordinaire \ud83d\ude4aEt oui, ce sera un petit gar\u00e7on, et il sera avec nous dans 2 mois!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person laying on a bed with a book ### Assistant: Mamie Vanessa est encore au repos pour quelque temps \ud83d\udc75\ud83c\udffb Avez-vous des id\u00e9es de divertissement pour moi? \ud83d\ude07"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a small dog is laying on a blanket ### Assistant: Internet, je te pr\u00e9sente B\u00e9b\u00e9 Slash! \ud83d\ude0d Un tout petit chihuahua de 1 mois et demi qui r\u00e9side maintenant chez Vanessa! \ud83d\udc36 #dog #dogsofinsta #chihuahua"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair and a blue eye ### Assistant: Parfois, je me prends pour Chrystine \ud83d\ude4a #morphexkathleenlights sur mes yeux \ud83d\udc40 et #makeuprevolution sur mes l\u00e8vres \ud83d\udc44"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a city at night with a large building ### Assistant: Chrystine passe quelques jours \u00e0 Toronto avec cette vue correcte \ud83d\udc99 On en profite pour vous dire qu'une nouvelle vid\u00e9o Beaut\u00e9 Cass\u00e9e vient de sortir!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a display of various types of vases and flowers ### Assistant: No\u00ebl est arriv\u00e9 dans notre d\u00e9cor en m\u00eame temps que notre nouvelle vid\u00e9o \u2728\ud83c\udf84 On te parle d'un No\u00ebl sans b\u00e9belles, ou comment f\u00eater autrement!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pile of flowers sitting on top of a table ### Assistant: Des rouges \u00e0 l\u00e8vres et du rose gold, qu'est-ce que tu veux de plus?! \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udc9d Tu peux voir les swatches en instastory! #quocosmetics"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is standing in front of a christmas tree ### Assistant: Tu peux maintenant suivre B\u00e9b\u00e9 Slash sur Instagram @1chienordinaire \u30fb\u30fb\u30fb\nPassez un bon temps des f\u00eates avec vos amis et famille! \ud83d\udc36\ud83c\udf85\ud83c\udffb\ud83e\udd36\ud83c\udffb #1chienordinaire"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young girl and a young girl with a bow tie ### Assistant: Bonne f\u00eate \u00e0 mon b\u00e9b\u00e9 soeur \ud83d\udda4\ud83d\udda4\ud83d\udda4 Pour moi, tu auras toujours cette belle petite binette de chevreuil apeur\u00e9/ femme d\u00e9cid\u00e9e, m\u00eame \u00e0 80 ans \ud83d\udc75\ud83c\udffc Je t'aime xxxx"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pizza sitting on top of a table next to a candle ### Assistant: \ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf31\ud83c\udf55 La solution \u00e0 ce froid de fou"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is sitting in front of a box of tissues ### Assistant: C'est plut\u00f4t rare qu'on aime une collection compl\u00e8te mais celle-ci est \ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25 Swatches en story! @annabellecosmetics"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman kissing each other on the cheek ### Assistant: Doux avait une envie irr\u00e9sistible de faire un grand retour sur la cha\u00eene, il a accept\u00e9 de faire le husband tag! Aviez-vous des questions pour lui? \ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a man are sitting on a bed ### Assistant: 2017, c'est le d\u00e9but d'une grande histoire d'amour pour nous deux... \u00c0 chacun son b\u00e9b\u00e9! Bienvenue \u00e0 Paul dans la famille ordinaire! \u2764 @lavieenrose #laVieenLove"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is posing with a toy on a table ### Assistant: Hop, on se motive \u00e0 faire de la physio \u00e0 la maison. Bonne nouvelle, mon dos semble prendre du mieux \ud83e\udd1e\ud83c\udffbD\u00e9sol\u00e9e pour le d\u00e9collet\u00e9 peu discret, c'est la faute de @lavieenrose \ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair and a black top ### Assistant: \"Ugh, As if!\"\ud83d\udc97 (ts\u00e9 comme dans Clueless l\u00e0...) BTW, les faux-cils en faux vison de @kissproducts sont juste parrrrfaits! \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb#likeminkonlybetter #fauxmink #kisslashes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a skirt and a hat is on a rail . a woman in a red dress standing on a snow covered slope . a woman in a skirt walking down a street . a woman in a black jacket and black pants is on a snowboard ### Assistant: Casually pretending que j'ai pas de pics de cl\u00f4ture qui me rentrent dans le derri\u00e8re \ud83d\ude02 (psst... Si tu swipes, tu vas d\u00e9couvrir l'envers d'une photo #OOTD ordinaire) ps. Bonne journ\u00e9e de la femme \u270c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\udeba"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of vegetables and rice on a table ### Assistant: Bon, on a succomb\u00e9 \u00e0 la mode des #pokebowl. On capote! \ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude2c Bon app\u00e9tit! PS. Y'a une nouvelle vid\u00e9o Beaut\u00e9 Cass\u00e9e en ligne!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a snow covered slope ### Assistant: Moi qui cherche le printemps \ud83d\udd75\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f. .\n.\n.\n.\n.\n.\n. #ootd #lookdujour #plussize #lookdusac"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is looking at her purse and other items ### Assistant: Tout \u00e7a pour notre grosse face \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb La couvrance et le fini du fond de teint =\ud83d\udd1d #quocosmetics"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress is holding a cell phone ### Assistant: Dites-le pas \u00e0 ma m\u00e8re, mais j'ai pris cette photo dehors pendant que j'avais la grippe \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffb #yolo #ootd #lookdujour #lookdusac #plussize"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is laying on a blanket ### Assistant: Vous avez dit #nationalpuppyday ? Slash le petit poseur \ud83d\ude3b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman wearing a black skirt and black boots ### Assistant: Je trouvais que mes bottes avaient trop de classe faque j'ai mis des bas de gamine \ud83d\udc62\ud83c\udf35#ootd #saksoff5th #boots #o5xcanada"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table with a vase with flowers and a sign ### Assistant: Disons que la nouvelle collection de @maripiermorin chez @bonlook n'aide pas \u00e0 calmer notre obsession de lunettes \ud83e\udd13"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a book shelf filled with books and a pair of scissors ### Assistant: On vous laisse deviner quel c\u00f4t\u00e9 est \u00e0 qui? \ud83d\ude05\ud83d\udc84\ud83d\udc6f\n.\n.\n.\n#nyx #nyxcosmeticscanada #liquidlipstick #liquidsuede #lipstick #makeup #makeuplover #makeupjunkie #nyxcosmetics #nyxprofessionalmakeup"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a display of various types of books on a shelf ### Assistant: Salut l'entr\u00e9e du paradis! aka le @maccosmetics au c\u0153ur de Times Square! \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\udfd9\ud83d\uddfd .\n.\n.\n#nyc #maccosmetics #lipstick #makeup #makeuplover #timessquare #newyork #newyorkcity #maclipstick #mactimessquare"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman walking down a street with a sign ### Assistant: Chrystine est de retour de NYC! \ud83d\uddfd\ud83c\udfd9\u2764\ufe0f Juste \u00e0 temps pour te pr\u00e9senter ses rouges \u00e0 l\u00e8vres neutres pr\u00e9fs! C'est en ligne d\u00e8s maintenant \ud83e\udd17\n.\n.\n.\n#nyc #newyork #newyorkcity #timessquare"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a baby is laying on a bed with stuffed animals ### Assistant: Paul et ses besties \ud83e\udd8a@crochetbyhiboutique"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a small white object in their hands ### Assistant: On peut-tu juste s'aimer?! \ud83d\udc94\ud83d\ude15 .\n.\n#manchester #peace"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman are standing together in the grass ### Assistant: FAQ \ud83d\udce2 Oy\u00e9 oy\u00e9! J'ai convaincu mon amoureux de filmer une vid\u00e9o FAQ avec moi! Bombardez-nous de questions, GO! \ud83e\udd17 - V"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman walking down a walkway with a dog ### Assistant: Ce n'est pas la C\u00f4te d'Azur, mais au moins j'ai un beau sac! \ud83d\ude05 \nMerci @bibouziboutique @bibouzi \ud83d\udc99\n#ootd #bibouzi #dog #dogsofinstgram #gianttiger #lookdujour #lookdusac #pinkhair #quebeccity"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a black and white photo of a black and white cat ### Assistant: Quand j'ai un p'tit kit neuf qui fit, j'ai l'impression d'avoir r\u00e9ussi ma vie! \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffb Merci \u00e0 la plus grande boutique @lavieenrose au Canada (!) \u00e0 @laurierquebec! -V"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink dress is standing in front of a mirror ### Assistant: La luminoth\u00e9rapie rose c'est COOL \u270c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a variety of brushes are sitting on a table ### Assistant: 50 shades of pink \ud83d\udc95\n... ben mettons 5! \ud83e\udd17"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini sitting on a balcony ### Assistant: Pet me and gimme food. #latergram #regardverslavenir #penser\u00e0dlapizz \nPS y'a notre vlog de juin en ligne \ud83d\udcbb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls laying on a bed smiling ### Assistant: Why so serious?\n\nHonn\u00eatement on s'assume jamais s\u00e9rieuses comme \u00e7a, et on a r\u00e9ussi juste parce qu'on en pouvait plus des moustiques \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f L'\u00e9t\u00e9 au Qu\u00e9bec hein."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman standing next to each other ### Assistant: Jour 2 du @ohmyfest_ \ud83d\udc99 Merci pour la dose d'amour! #ohmyfest #myboohoostyle"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a beach with a blue and white surfboard ### Assistant: Les vacances \ud83c\udf24\ud83c\udf0a just kidding, c'est juste l'effet de la @baiebeauport \ud83e\udd17 #baiedebeauport"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a woman holding a camera ### Assistant: Partners in crime since '90 \ud83d\udc6f #nationalsisterday #sisterday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is sitting on a window ledge ### Assistant: Quand j'attends patiemment le livreur de Doritos au d\u00e9p\u23f1\ud83d\ude05\n.\n.\n#ootd #tutu #lookdusac #look #outfitoftheday #whatiwore #societyplus #lookdujour @societyplus"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is eating a meal with a knife and fork ### Assistant: Cheers \u00e0 Louisville, KY qui nous a offert les meilleures wings de notre vie! \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\ud83c\udf57\n...\n#louisvillelove #kentucky #roadtrip #instatravel #travel #food #wings"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a building with a sign ### Assistant: Hello Nashville! \u270c\ud83c\udffb\n...\n#musiccity #nashville #visitmusiccity #roadtrip #travel #instatravel #ibelieveinnashville"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing next to a wall with graffiti on it ### Assistant: Bye Nashville, t'es ben blood! Destination Memphis, babyyy! \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8\u270c\ud83c\udffb ...\n#visitmusiccity #musiccity #nashville #roadtrip #travel #instatravel #alternativecurves"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing next to a wall with a large elephant statue ### Assistant: Memphis, le berceau du Rock N Roll \ud83c\udfb5\ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udffbje coche pas mal d'affaires sur ma bucket list depuis 2 semaines! \ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb\n..\n#memphis #visitmemphis #ilovememphis #memphistravel #bealestreet #roadtrip #travel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women standing next to each other on a road ### Assistant: \u00c7a, c'\u00e9tait avant la premi\u00e8re neige et le changement d'heure, en ce moment on a plut\u00f4t l'air de \ud83d\udc79\ud83d\udc79"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black jacket and black boots standing on a sidewalk ### Assistant: \u00c0 quel \u00e2ge on arr\u00eate \"d'emprunter\" (aka jamais remettre) les trucs de sa soeur? \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f Merci ma s\u0153ur pour les petites bottes festives \ud83d\ude4a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women smiling and posing for a picture ### Assistant: Si on vendait des maisons, ce serait probablement notre pancarte #2courti\u00e8resordinaires"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is sitting on a couch ### Assistant: Maman, est-ce que tu dois vraiment aller travailler? \ud83d\udc36\ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red jacket standing in front of a building ### Assistant: No\u00ebl est dans 4 jours et je me fais croire que je ma\u00eetrise la situation \ud83d\ude2c\ud83d\ude05\n...\n#ootd #lookdujour #quebeccity #outfitoftheday #currentlywearing #whatiwore"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a man hugging in front of a christmas tree . a cake with a lot of frosting on it ### Assistant: Mais, qu'est-ce qu'on voit \u00e0 l'horizon? Serait-ce le pain sandwich au fromage? \ud83d\ude05 Que tu le passes seule, en famille ou entre amis, on te souhaite de treat yo self ce No\u00ebl! Merci d'\u00eatre l\u00e0, on t'aime \ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is holding a cell phone in her hand . a couple is hugging each other in the snow ### Assistant: Histoire courte : J'ai dit oui! \ud83d\udc8d\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\udc70\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is sitting on a couch with a remote ### Assistant: On dirait que je fais la baboune mais en fait je r\u00eave \u00e0 ma prochaine sieste. \ud83d\ude34"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a blue scarf and a blue headband ### Assistant: L'accord cheveux/maquillage/manteau, c'est bien connu non?! \ud83d\ude05"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress with a black skirt ### Assistant: \ud83d\udda4\ud83d\udc99\nNouvelle chevelure de Vanessa sign\u00e9e @carolabelleetlatete! PS nouvelle vid\u00e9o en ligne! \ud83d\udda5"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black jacket talking on a cell phone ### Assistant: Je feelais mon col de Calinours! \ud83d\udc95 #d\u00e9fi2filles\n\ud83d\udcf8 : @andre.beaupre"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man laying on a bed with a pizza ### Assistant: \ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf55 Honn\u00eatement, apr\u00e8s cette photo, on a retir\u00e9 nos jeans pour mettre des leggings parce que qui mange de la pizza en jeans ts\u00e9? Pas nous!\n\ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf55"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a door with a blue shirt ### Assistant: Pause de cuisses qui frottent \ud83d\ude05 Si tu veux suivre le voyage en Nouvelle-Orl\u00e9ans de Vanessa, \u00e7a se passe en InstaStory! \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc0a\ud83d\udc51 .\n\ud83d\udcf7 : @andre.beaupre"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman wearing a red jacket and a red scarf ### Assistant: Si tu zooms ben fort, tu verras qu\u2019on est les deux dans cette photo \ud83d\udc40\ud83d\ude05"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a stone wall with a railing ### Assistant: Le swag de la canne > ou < le swag des bas?! \ud83e\udd14\ud83d\ude05"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a sign in front of a fence ### Assistant: Vaness from the block \u270c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude0e\nMessage pour mon amoureux : si tu cherchais ta chemise de collection, elle est l\u00e0! \ud83d\ude05"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a stone wall with a toothbrush . two women are holding toothbrushes in their hands ### Assistant: Notre but c\u2019\u00e9tait de manger un popsicle bleu (parce qu\u2019on se cachera pas que ce sont les meilleurs hein!) de fa\u00e7on cute pour la photo, mais un brain freeze est si vite arriv\u00e9 \u2744\ufe0f\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude48"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young boy sleeping on a bed with a cat ### Assistant: Une chance que j'ai mon infirmier priv\u00e9! \ud83d\udc36\u2764\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a sidewalk with a surfboard . a woman in a pink dress standing by a fence ### Assistant: Quand tu trouves une maison qui match 100% avec tes pantalons, tu prends la pose ts\u00e9. \ud83c\udf3f\ud83c\udf3a\ud83c\udf31J\u2019aurais aussi pu appeler cette photo Jungle Urbaine si j\u2019\u00e9tais une bonne instagrammeuse."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a brick wall with a cell phone . a woman standing on a brick wall with a pink shirt ### Assistant: J'attends ma carte de membre du Club des babysitters! \u270c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini is in the water ### Assistant: Moi floating away sachant que mon p\u00e8re me d\u00e9fend des haters \u270c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude05 Si tu veux tout comprendre, va voir la nouvelle vid\u00e9o en ligne!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a building with a sign ### Assistant: La seule journ\u00e9e de l\u2019ann\u00e9e o\u00f9 j\u2019ai r\u00e9ussi \u00e0 porter un chandail blanc sans me salir. Il est o\u00f9 mon m\u00e9ritas?\ud83c\udfc5\ud83c\udfc6\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb #maladroitelife #momlife"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bench next to a red wall ### Assistant: Y\u2019a de ces endroits o\u00f9 tu vas, non pas pour la bouffe, mais parce que les couleurs fittent dans ta instagrid. Doin\u2019 it for the gram, comme on dit! \u270c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude05"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a frisbee in front of a blue door . a woman wearing a hat and holding a hat ### Assistant: Je me suis un peu \u00e9gar\u00e9e en cherchant les champs de tournesols... \ud83d\ude05\ud83c\udf3b Joke, j\u2019ai juste pos\u00e9 devant cette porte parce qu\u2019elle \u00e9tait bleue et magnifique \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a pier with a large body of water ### Assistant: 90s vibe\u270c\ud83c\udffc\ud83c\udfa1\nPetit souvenir de notre passage \u00e0 @lagranderouedemontreal"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with glasses and a scarf on ### Assistant: Le pinch enfin sec! \u00d4 Sweater Weather, comme je me suis ennuy\u00e9e! \ud83c\udf89\ud83d\udc4f\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women standing next to each other in front of a red brick building . two women standing next to each other in front of a red door ### Assistant: La lumi\u00e8re \u00e0 ce temps-ci de l\u2019ann\u00e9e \ud83d\ude0d\u2728 Pour une rare fois, on essayait d\u2019\u00eatre s\u00e9rieuses sur une photo, mais Vanessa a \u00e9t\u00e9 distraite par le petit t\u00e9ton sur mon b\u00e9ret. \u00c0 jamais 8 ans dans sa t\u00eate \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\ude05"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red dress is standing outside . a woman in a red dress standing on a sidewalk ### Assistant: Inspiration Spice Girl \u00e0 la retraite! \u270c\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7 Confession : j\u2019ai d\u00e9j\u00e0 incarn\u00e9 Baby Spice (et ma s\u0153ur Sporty Spice!) dans un concours amateur \ud83d\ude05. #2\u00e9picesordinaires"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two people walking down a street with a dog ### Assistant: Pas mal la derni\u00e8re fois de l\u2019ann\u00e9e o\u00f9 on peut sortir les petits jambonneaux \u00e0 l\u2019air. \ud83c\udf56\ud83c\udf56\ud83d\ude4a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a man sitting on a bench ### Assistant: On a engag\u00e9 un nouveau photographe b\u00e9n\u00e9vole du nom de Papa \ud83d\ude05\ud83d\udc99 Est-ce qu\u2019on continue ce contrat avec lui? PS on a une nouvelle vid\u00e9o en ligne, un Beaut\u00e9 Cass\u00e9e \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a chair in a room ### Assistant: Quand tu joues \u00e0 la boss mais que tes pieds touchent \u00e0 peine par terre \ud83d\ude43\n\n#CRbabe"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bench in the woods . a woman sitting on a bench in the woods ### Assistant: Je me sentais inspir\u00e9e comme Marilou au grand vent, mais \u00e0 peu pr\u00e8s 3 sec apr\u00e8s, ma face ordinaire est revenue au grand galop! \ud83d\ude05"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red sweater holding a christmas tree ### Assistant: Vous pouvez m\u2019appeler M\u00e8re No\u00ebl \ud83e\udd36\ud83c\udffb\ud83c\udf32"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a blue jacket and a snowboard . a young girl in a blue jacket is holding a snowboard . a person with a backpack and a camera ### Assistant: Faire des anges dans la neige \u00e9tait beaucoup plus romantique dans ma t\u00eate \ud83d\ude05\ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f Swipe pour voir la r\u00e9alit\u00e9!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman standing outside of a building ### Assistant: Y\u2019a que ceux qui ont vu notre derni\u00e8re vid\u00e9o qui peuvent comprendre ces looks \ud83d\ude05 #d\u00e9fi2filles \nSinon, essaie de trouver l\u2019item qui vient du Dollarama!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman wearing a red jacket and a pink hat ### Assistant: Moi qui sais toujours pas me g\u00e9rer l\u2019attitude quand je porte ces lunettes \ud83d\ude0e\ud83e\udd28\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\uddd0\ud83e\udd13\ud83d\ude44\ud83e\udd74\ud83e\udd20\ud83d\udc79"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two children are sitting on a bed with a box ### Assistant: 2 petits capricornes avec les caract\u00e8res les plus incroyables de la Terre! \ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude05\u2651\ufe0f Bonne f\u00eate \u00e0 mon neveu! Le plus beau, le plus fin, le plus obstineux, le plus curieux, le plus fascinant! \ud83d\udc93 Je t\u2019aime!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red jacket and hat smiles ### Assistant: Constat: Je dois mettre ce petit casque du bonheur plus souvent, il me spark joy \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f #mariekondoducasque\n\n#crbabe"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a wall with a painting ### Assistant: Ma face quand je vois la lumi\u00e8re au bout de ce long tunnel qu\u2019est l\u2019hiver qu\u00e9b\u00e9cois \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red dress sitting on a couch ### Assistant: Ma face quand tu me sers le brunch \ud83d\ude0d\ud83e\udd70\ud83d\udc9a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a man standing in a room ### Assistant: On cherchait une classique petite blague \u00e0 \u00e9crire dans la l\u00e9gende, mais honn\u00eatement crime on se trouve pas pire cute dessus pis on est ben contentes de \u00e7a \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb\ud83d\ude05 Merci \u00e0 @capslockmanny pour \u00e7a! \ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a stop sign ### Assistant: Je pourrais vous pondre une r\u00e9flexion super profonde \u00e0 propos de cette pancarte, mais je peux aussi dire : Est-ce que je me prends un 3e caf\u00e9 glac\u00e9 aujourd\u2019hui? C\u2019est ma d\u00e9cision! \ud83d\ude05\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a beach ### Assistant: I\u2019ll be back \ud83e\udd20\ud83c\udf35\u2600\ufe0f #visitcalifornia #joshuatree #californiadesert #desertvibes #views"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a boy eating food together ### Assistant: On trouvait que \u00e7a manquait de couchers de soleil sur notre fil Insta\ud83d\ude05\ud83c\udf05 honn\u00eatement les plus beaux, m\u00eame avec un ciel nuageux \ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a wall with a pink wall ### Assistant: \ud83c\udf69\ud83c\udf69\ud83c\udf69On vous souhaite une beigne fin de semaine \ud83c\udf69\ud83c\udf69\ud83c\udf69 Qui est en cong\u00e9? Allez-vous c\u00e9l\u00e9brer? De notre c\u00f4t\u00e9, on se pr\u00e9voit du temps en famille et on est ben heureuses de \u00e7a \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a couch with a remote ### Assistant: Neon Dreams \ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udca1\ud83e\udde1 Aussi, cette photo nous fait rire \u00e0 tout coup parce qu\u2019une fois que tu le vois, tu ne vois plus autre chose \ud83d\ude0f\ud83c\udf46\ud83d\ude05\ud83c\udf51"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is holding a cigarette in her mouth ### Assistant: Yes please @younique_corporate #younique #NationalVanillaMilkshakeDay"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't miss this\" ### Assistant: I have joined @theguestlistpr an exciting new PR agency bridging the gap between influencers and Australian businesses, social events, products and marketing! Head to @theguestlistpr for more details"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a wooden table topped with a flower pot and a stuffed animal ### Assistant: Some new pretties from @chubby_precious_accessories \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two little girls playing with a toy on the beach ### Assistant: And our winner of 1 (big) Bilibo and 1 Bilibo Game Box is ........ \ud83e\udd41 \ud83e\udd41 \ud83e\udd41@leahs_adventure. Congratulations!! Pls DM me \ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95 #bilibo #winner #prize #sunset #beach #sisters #baby #kids #love"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls are standing on the beach with their surfboards ### Assistant: The girls are ready to shop up a storm for some awesome travel deals on offer on @click_frenzy travel tonight, are you ready?! #travelfrenzy #ad"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't miss the holidays\" ### Assistant: \u2022\u2022\u2022 C L O S E D \u2022\u2022\u2022 winners announced 10/9/18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a dog laying on a blanket ### Assistant: Happiness is wet noses, sloppy kisses, and wagging tails!\n.\nWhat\u2019s your happy place?\n#PajamaPartyWithFurConfetti"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a pillow with its head on a pillow ### Assistant: And visions of sugarplums danced in their heads...\n.\nOnly 5 more sleeps \u2018til Christmas! Do you have all you shopping done?\n.\nFaux Fur blanket from @spirithoods"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a bunch of horns in its mouth ### Assistant: Do you believe?\n#TheMagicOfChristmas\n.\n#WHPMagical"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying in a pile of flowers ### Assistant: All is calm, all is bright!\nWho\u2019s excited for Christmas?\n#PleaseBeOnTheNiceList\n.\nIt\u2019s the calm before the chaos of family, friends, food, and fun!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is standing in a yard with a christmas tree ### Assistant: Don\u2019t get your tinsel in a tangle...we\u2019re decking the halls!\nWho\u2019s house is next? Tag a friend!\n#NowWhyTheHeckAreTheyBlinking"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog and a cat are sitting together ### Assistant: Although it\u2019s been said, many times, many ways \u2026 Merry Christmas to you!\n.\nHave a wonderful holiday with family, friends, food, and fun! Now rip into those gifts already! \ud83d\ude09"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a black and white collar ### Assistant: Smile!\nIt is the key that fits the lock of everybody\u2019s heart!\n#FindAReasonToSmileToday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two white and black dogs sitting on a sidewalk ### Assistant: Best in snow! \u2744\ufe0f\n.\nIt\u2019s #ThankfulThursday!\nWe are so thankful to have three healthy, happy dogs!\nWhat are you thankful for?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a small toy animal with a face painted on it ### Assistant: Happiness is a snow globe...especially one with Husky snow!\n.\nWhat\u2019s your favorite thing to do in winter?\n#LetItSnow"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog sitting in a basket with a cake ### Assistant: When you\u2019ve got brunch on the brain...\n#SaucersOfSyrupySweetness\n.\nName your favorite brunch food...and GO! \ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a bunch of flowers in its mouth ### Assistant: Who wore it better?\nNika (left) or Kira (right)?\n.\nFlower crowns: @freyasfloralco"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs standing next to each other on a road ### Assistant: When you don\u2019t know which way that squirrel went...\nLeft or right?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are standing in the snow ### Assistant: Discover the beauty of winter!\nAdventure with us?\n#TwoSnowflakesInTheSnow\n.\nNika & Kira love the cold weather and will sit outside for hours. They don\u2019t want to come in. Anyone else\u2019s pups do this?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog and a cat sitting in a bowl ### Assistant: If an egg can get over 42 million likes, what happens if you add two EGGsquisite Huskies? Think we can CRACK the internet? Let\u2019s BEAT IT!\n@world_record_egg\n#BreakTheInternet"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a long neck and a hat ### Assistant: Friends bring happiness into your life. Best friends bring treats! Now who wants to be my best friend?\n#BetterTheTreatsTheBetterTheFriend"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog and a dog sled in the snow ### Assistant: You\u2019ve heard of the circle of trust...well this our circle! Who wants to join?\n#CircleOfPlay\n.\nIt\u2019s snowing #withachanceofmc"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is standing in the snow with its tongue out ### Assistant: Friday...my second favorite F word! \nWatch out weekend! We\u2019re coming for ya...and so is the snow! We\u2019ve got 2-5\u201d in the forecast today/tonight! What\u2019s the weather like by you?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog standing on top of a snow covered ground ### Assistant: If you could have one super power, what would it be? Ours would be to fly!\n#IBelieveICanFly"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a white fur and a black and white stripe ### Assistant: Good morning! This will only take a moment, but it\u2019s very important! So listen closely...\nI love you!\n.\nTag someone you love below! \ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffb\n#FeelingAllTheFurryFeels"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs standing in the snow with their heads down ### Assistant: It\u2019s PAWsitively chilly and we\u2019re up to SNOW good! \u2744\ufe0f Ask us a question! Anything you want to know! Gear, editing, the dogs, props, photos ideas, and we\u2019ll respond to them below!\n#SnowIsOurWhiteDrug"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog sitting in front of a window ### Assistant: Whenever you feel sad, just remember that someone in this world is pulling a door that says \u201cPUSH!\u201d Admit it...you\u2019ve done that before! \ud83d\ude02\n#LaughAwayTheMondays"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a toothbrush in its mouth ### Assistant: I spy with my big, blue eye a ________!\nFill in the blank!\n#LifeMagnified"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog wearing a bow tie and a scarf ### Assistant: Friendship is knowing someone\u2019s got your back...and the end of the blanket! Who wants to snuggle?\n#SnugglesWithYourBestie\n#whpcolorwheel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a pizza on its face ### Assistant: Super bowl...the day all diets die. What #10daychallenge?! We\u2019re into fitness...fitness that whole pizza in our mouth! What\u2019s your favorite Super Bowl food?\n\ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf54\ud83c\udf57\ud83e\udd68\ud83c\udf2d\ud83c\udf2e\ud83c\udf5f\ud83c\udf69\ud83c\udf7f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a tag on its face ### Assistant: There is an easy way to tell if i would like a belly rub...it\u2019s that I always do. Who doesn\u2019t love this smile?\n#OhMyHeart"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a picture of a woman on it ### Assistant: We may not hold this sign forever, but we\u2019ll hold your heart! Let\u2019s hear your cheesiest pick up lines! \ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffb\n#LoveIsAFourLeggedWord"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog and a cat are dressed in costumes ### Assistant: All you need is love...but a treat now and then doesn\u2019t hurt! Would you like a kiss from Nika (left) or Kira (right)?\n#HuskyValentines\n#whp\u2764\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a funny face on it's face ### Assistant: I sharez my heart treat! I woof you! Can I get a Valentine boop?\n#ValentineBoopPleaze\n#whp\u2764\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is standing in the snow ### Assistant: I don\u2019t always want to come inside, but when I do, I want to go right back out...can anyone relate?\n#FluffyWithASideOfSass"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are standing on a snowy surface ### Assistant: When nothing goes right, go left instead...at least you get our good side then! What\u2019s your good side?\n.\nWhat\u2019s a snowman\u2019s temper tantrum called?\nA MELTDOWN!\n#HappyTrioTuesday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog wearing a red and white coat ### Assistant: Do you want to build a snowman?\n#CantSayNoToTheseEyes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a bed with a blanket ### Assistant: Of course itz Monday...does dis look like my Friday face?\n.\nI hope your hiding spot is better then ours! Monday found us!\n#StayCaffenatedMyFriends"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are standing in the snow together ### Assistant: Everyone is thinking about sunny, warm, skies of spring and we\u2019re over here like...\n#ColdSnowyDaysOfWinter\n.\n#whpsplitscreen"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are standing in the snow with their coats pulled back ### Assistant: We do a thing called what we want! And what we want is to not look at the camera! Now which way to the weekend?\n#DisIsOurModelPose\n.\nFollow our hashtag #2Husketeers and never miss a post! \ud83d\udca1"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a blanket in the snow ### Assistant: I\u2019ll keep you warm, you keep me wild...when you can\u2019t decide if you want to snuggle or adventure! Which do you prefer?\n#AdventureSnuggling"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog standing in the snow with a sled ### Assistant: Who wants a ride? Where to?\n#RunningAwayFromMonday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog standing on top of a snow covered field . a dog standing on top of a snow covered field ### Assistant: Hooman won\u2019t give you a treat? Have you tried going outside and coming back in? \ud83e\udd14\n#TricksOfTheHusky"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is in the snow with a reflection of a snowboard ### Assistant: Henlo? China, iz that youz? Did we finally digz to China? Oh, wait...there\u2019s my bone I haven\u2019t seen since fall!\nAnyone else love to dig? \ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\n#WeFoundTheWeekendAtleast\n#ReturnOfTheMudComingSoon"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are standing in the snow together ### Assistant: So this is what early spring looks like?! \ud83e\udd14I think it\u2019s time the groundhog gets fired! Think we should apply? \u2744\ufe0f\n#MoreLike6MoreMonthsOfWinter\n#MondayMood"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a bunch of donuts on it ### Assistant: Resting brunch face \ud83e\udd5e...there has never been a sadness that can\u2019t be cured by breakfast food! Agree or disagree? Happy #NationalPancakeDay! Now who\u2019s bringing the bacon? \ud83e\udd53\n#LetThemEatPanCAKES"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog wearing a hat and a scarf ### Assistant: Kiss me I\u2019m Husky\u2026.and a sassy little lassie! \ud83c\udf40Who else gets sassy?\n.\nWhat do you call a Cubic Zirconia in Ireland?\nA SHAM ROCK!\n#ShamrocksAndShenanigans"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are standing in the snow with their heads down ### Assistant: To infinity and the snow pile...\nYeah, it\u2019s Monday again. But who said Mondays have to suck? Be a rebel and have a great day! Now who wants to join us on our snow pile?\n#RebelsWithACause...Treats"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman wearing a blue dress and a blue hat ### Assistant: happiness or sadness is in your eyes...\n\u062d\u0627\u0644\u0627 \u0634\u0645\u0627 \u0627\u0632 \u0686\u0634\u0645\u0627\u0646 \u0645\u0646 \u0686\u064a \u062f\u0633\u062a\u06af\u064a\u0631\u062a\u0648\u0646 \u0645\u064a\u0634\u0647\u061f!!\ud83e\udd14\ud83e\udd14\ud83d\ude05\n#blogger #fashionblogger #modeling #fashion #style\nphoto by: @leilazanganee"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person's feet are tied to a pair of shoes ### Assistant: detail describe my #style.\nbag: @sheensaad_collection \nshoes: @bershkacollection \n#model #modeling #models #fashion blogger #fashionblogger"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a suit is eating a sandwich ### Assistant: #mirrorselfie time ***\n#model #modeling #models #fashion #fashionblogger"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman wearing a scarf and a scarf ### Assistant: \u0642\u0648\u064a \u0643\u0633\u064a \u0627\u0633\u062a \u0643\u0647 \u0646\u0647 \u0645\u0646\u062a\u0638\u0631 \u0645\u064a \u0645\u0627\u0646\u062f \u062e\u0648\u0634\u0628\u062e\u062a\u0634 \u0643\u0646\u0646\u062f \u0648 \u0646\u0647 \u0627\u062c\u0627\u0632\u0647 \u0645\u064a \u062f\u0647\u062f \u0628\u062f\u0628\u062e\u062a\u0634 \u0643\u0646\u0646\u062f\n.\n.\n.\n#fashion #style #fashionblogger #model"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is holding a cup and a bag ### Assistant: \u062f\u0631\u062f\u0645 \u0627\u0632 \u0627\u064a\u0646 \u0627\u0633\u062a \u0643\u0647 \u0645\u0646 \u0628\u064a \u062a\u0648 \u062f\u06af\u0631 \u0627\u0632 \u062c\u0647\u0627\u0646 \u062f\u0648\u0631\u0645 \u0648 \u0628\u064a \u062e\u0648\u064a\u0634\u062a\u0646\u0645...\n.\n.\n.\n#ootd #fashion #fashionblogger #style #2khtstylish #blogger #iran #tehran"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is talking on a cell phone while standing on a balcony ### Assistant: colors, speak in your style...\n.\n#fashion #style #summer #blogger #fashionblogger"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a cell phone in her hand ### Assistant: \u0643\u067e\u0634\u0646 \u0628\u0627 \u0634\u0645\u0627\ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffc\n\u0628\u0647\u062a\u0631\u064a\u0646\u0634\u0648 \u0641\u0631\u062f\u0627 \u0627\u0646\u062a\u062e\u0627\u0628 \u0645\u064a\u0643\u0646\u0645 \u0645\u064a\u0630\u0627\u0631\u0645\ud83d\udc9d\n.\nnail by : @saharnail65 \n#fashion #style #blogger #fashionblogger #tehran #iran #eyes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person is typing on a laptop computer ### Assistant: commitment is a choice...\n\u062a\u0639\u0647\u062f\u0627\u0632 \u062f\u064a\u062f \u0634\u0645\u0627 \u0686\u064a\u0633\u062a\u061f!\n\u0634\u0646\u0627\u0633\u0646\u0627\u0645\u0647\u061f! \u064a\u0647 \u062d\u0644\u0642\u0647\u061f! \u062f\u0644\u061f! \u064a\u0627 \u0686\u064a!!\n#commitment #fashion #fashionblogger #style #blogger"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a costume is standing in front of a truck ### Assistant: when sun is here...\ud83c\udf1e\ud83c\udf1e\n.\n\u0645\u062d\u0631\u0645 \u062e\u0648\u062f \u0631\u0627 \u0686\u06af\u0648\u0646\u0647 \u062e\u0648\u0627\u0647\u064a\u062f \u06af\u0630\u0631\u0627\u0646\u062f\u061f!\n.\n.\n#sun #fashion #styls #mode #blogger #fashionblogger #outfit #ootd"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman wearing a pink dress and a black tie ### Assistant: \u0627\u0648\u0644\u064a\u0646 \u0631\u0648\u0632 \u0641\u0635\u0644 \u062a\u0648\u0644\u062f\u0645 \u0645\u0628\u0627\u0631\u0643 \u062e\u0648\u062f\u0645 \u0648 \u0634\u0645\u0627\ud83d\ude48\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\n\u067e\u0627\u064a\u064a\u0632\u064a\u0627 \u0643\u064a\u0627\u0646\u061f! \u0686\u0647 \u0645\u0627\u0647\u064a \u0647\u0633\u062a\u064a\u062f\u061f! \u062f\u0633\u062a\u0627 \u0628\u0627\u0644\u0627\u061f! \ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\ude05\n.\n\u0628\u0646\u062f\u0639\u064a\u0646\u0643: @nazzin_design .\n#\u067e\u0627\u064a\u064a\u0632 #\u062a\u0648\u0644\u062f #autumn #pink #blogger #fashion #style #fashionblogger #\u0628\u0644\u0627\u06af\u0631"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair and a blue tie ### Assistant: makeup by: @makeupbypary \nanyone fashion makeup lover?!\n.\n.\n.\n#fashion #style #tehran#iran#makeup #blogger #fashionblogger #\u0628\u0644\u0627\u06af\u0631 #\u0645\u062f\u0648\u0641\u0634\u0646 #\u0627\u0633\u062a\u0627\u064a\u0644 #tagsforlikesapp"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man dressed in a suit and tie and a woman dressed in a costume ### Assistant: @nilmoti event\n.\nif loving fashion is a crime, we plead guilty...\n.\n.\n.\n#fashion #style #blogger #fashionblogger #ootd #outfit #tagsforlikesapp #trend"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a salad and a glass of water ### Assistant: have a nice friday\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f\n\u062f\u0639\u0627 \u0645\u064a\u0643\u0646\u0645 \u0647\u0631\u062c\u0627 \u0647\u0633\u062a\u064a\u062f \u0627\u0648\u0646 \u0643\u0633\u064a \u0643\u0647 \u0628\u0627\u064a\u062f \u0643\u0646\u0627\u0631\u062a\u0648\u0646 \u0628\u0627\u0634\u0647\u060c \u0628\u0627\u0634\u0647...\n\u0634\u0645\u0627\u0645 \u064a\u0647 \u0622\u0631\u0632\u0648\u064a \u0642\u0634\u0646\u06af \u0628\u0631\u0627\u0645 \u0643\u0646\u064a\u062f\ud83d\ude48\ud83e\udd70\n.\n.\n#niceday #friday #luxurylifestyle #luxury #bali #baliisland #blogger #fashionblogger"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a pier with a board ### Assistant: daily comfort look...\n.\nrain coat: @muniamasion .\n.\n.\n#fashion #ootd #outfit #tagsforlikesapp #lifestyle #style #blogger #iran #tehran #tagsomeone #sea"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black jacket and a black hat walking through a field ### Assistant: \u0627\u06af\u0631 \u062c\u0627\u064a\u064a \u0632\u0646\u062f\u06af\u064a \u0645\u064a\u0643\u0631\u062f\u0645 \u0643\u0647 \u0645\u0627\u0646\u062a\u0648 \u067e\u0648\u0634\u064a\u062f\u0646 \u0627\u062c\u0628\u0627\u0631\u064a \u0646\u0628\u0648\u062f \u0628\u0647 \u062d\u062a\u0645 \u0627\u0643\u062b\u0631 \u0627\u0633\u062a\u0627\u064a\u0644\u0647\u0627\u064a \u0628\u064a\u0631\u0648\u0646\u064a\u0645 \u062a\u0648\u064a \u067e\u0627\u064a\u064a\u0632 \u0648 \u0632\u0645\u0633\u062a\u0648\u0646 \u0628\u0627 \u0643\u062a \u0643\u0648\u062a\u0627\u0647 \u0686\u0631\u0645 \u0645\u064a \u0628\u0648\u062f.\n\u0627\u0646\u0642\u062f\u0631 \u064a\u0647 \u0627\u064a\u062a\u0645 \u0644\u0628\u0627\u0633 \u0643\u064a\u0648\u062a \u0627\u062e\u0647!!\ud83d\ude48\ud83e\udd70\n.\n.\n#style #fashion #blogger #tagsforlikesapp"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little boy holding a dog in his arms ### Assistant: I'm not sure who makes who happier #HugDay #TrollsHugDay #boysbestfriend #dogsofinstagram #dogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cupcake with sprinkles and a spoon ### Assistant: Looking for a sweet treat for your valentine? This conversation heart strawberry hot chocolate is sure to hit their sweet spot! #ontheblog\n\n#beverages #drinks #foodporn #food #instagood #instayum"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a box of food and a bag of candy ### Assistant: Do your kids take their lunch to school? Find out how a little humor and some great choices make our lunches better. Plus get 101+ free printable lunchbox jokes for your kids #ontheblog #linkinbio #ad"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog eating a piece of pizza from a box ### Assistant: Find out about the #dog that stole our heart and helped us heal and how we're helping her stay happy and healthy w/ #Luvsome #ad #linkinbio #ontheblog"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man reading a book in front of a bookcase ### Assistant: How our kids saved $500 and Make Your Kids a Money Genius Even When You're Not @bkobliner #moneygenius #ad #ontheblog #linkinbio"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a red rose in a red rose bush ### Assistant: Great #valentines day being spoiled. Hope your day was happy! \n#flowers #roses"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a glass of orange juice sitting on top of a table ### Assistant: Need a cheerful pick me up on a gloomy winter day? Try out this orange sunrise #cocktail #ontheblog and also learn how you could win $1000! #ad #linkinbio #7UPUpgrade\n#sweeps #contest #drinks"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a piece of chocolate cake with a bite taken out ### Assistant: Make these cute basketball OREO #cookies and learn how you could win a VIP trip of a lifetime & $2000. #OREODunkChallenge #ad #ontheblog #linkinbio\n\n#sweeps #sweepstakes #contest"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a box of donuts and a soda ### Assistant: Get 2 free movie nights with Tyson and Redbox. Details #ontheblog #TysonFreeMovieNight #ad"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"no parking\" on a street ### Assistant: Looking forward to a few days of fun and excitement about the new #BeautyandtheBeast movie and more in #LosAngeles. Stay tuned for cast interviews, photos and more! #BeOurGuestEvent"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a stuffed animal with a red face on it ### Assistant: Lumiere says follow #BeOurGuestEvent this weekend for #BeautyandtheBeast fun, inside scoop, cast interviews and more!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bouquet of flowers in a vase on a table ### Assistant: The enchanted rose! #BeautyandtheBeast #BeOurGuestEvent \n#Movies #BeOurGuest"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person wearing a costume standing in front of a light ### Assistant: Bell's amazing yellow dress from #BeautyandtheBeast. \n#BeOurGuestEvent #Movies #BeOurGuest #Fashion #Costumes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table with a vase with flowers on it ### Assistant: I SO want my own Mrs. Potts and Chip tea set from #BeautyandtheBeast!\n\n#Movies #BeOurGuestEvent #tea"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person dressed up in a costume ### Assistant: The Beast's costume from the ballroom scene from #BeautyandtheBeast #BeOurGuestEvent #BeOurGuest #Movies #Costumes #Fashion"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a blue and yellow pot with a blue and yellow flower in it ### Assistant: So excited to be a guest at @WilliamsSonoma #BeverlyHills and check out the new @lecreuset #BeautyandtheBeast cookware. #BeOurGuestEvent #MyWilliamsSonoma"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sandwich with a lot of fruit on it ### Assistant: #BeautyandtheBeast inspired recipes too pretty to eat. Almost! LOL #MyWilliamsSonoma @WilliamsSonoma #BeOurGuestEvent\n\n#food #foodporn #foodporn #instayum #instagood #instayum"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a note with a knife and a ribbon on it ### Assistant: Getting ready to learn how to make paper roses at @WilliamsSonoma. #MyWilliamsSonoma #BeOurGuestEvent"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is smiling while holding a white object ### Assistant: Love @sonyawalgerofficial as Margot on #TheCatch. If you're not watching this show, you should! So smart and sexy! #TGIT #ABCTVEvent \n#BeOurGuestEvent #TV"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large wooden boat with a large flag on it ### Assistant: Love this life size replica of the boat from #Moana . Look for Moana on DVD and Blu-ray starting 3/7. #MoanaBluray #BeOurGuestEvent"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a suit and tie is talking on a cell phone ### Assistant: What surprises are in store for season 6 of #BabyDaddy? We chatted with the cast and have inside scoop! Interview #ontheblog #linkinbio \n#BeOurGuestEvent #TahjMowry #TV"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman sitting at a table with a laptop ### Assistant: What do #DanStevens and #EmmaWatson have to say about #BeautyandtheBeast? We have the inside scoop! Interview #ontheblog #linkinbio \n#BeOurGuestEvent #Movies #celebrities"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a tall building with a clock on it ### Assistant: Sunny day in #NYC. Looking forward to seeing a few sights before our events tomorrow! \n#travel #NewYork #familytravel #picoftheday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a red and white clock on a pole ### Assistant: We could all use a little more #hope in the world.\n\n#NYC #NewYork #travel #familytravel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large building with a sign on it ### Assistant: I'd love to see a show there someday, but for now I have to settle for a photo of the outside. Someday!! #NYC #NewYork #travel #familytravel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a crowded street with many signs and people ### Assistant: #BeautyandtheBeast was lighting up #TimesSquare. Be sure to check it out in theaters. It's now showing everywhere! Review is #ontheblog. \n#BeOurGuestEvent #NYC #NewYork"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a statue of a woman in a dress is on display ### Assistant: It's not #NYC without the #StatueofLiberty. Hoping next visit I'll have enough time to see the real thing.\n\n#NewYork #travel #familytravel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a red and white sculpture of a man in a red hat ### Assistant: Sending some love from my trip to #NYC. Pass some along today to those you care about. \n#NewYork #travel #familytravel #picoftheday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cupcake with sprinkles and a donut on a plate ### Assistant: Looking for a girl scout cookie recipe just for grown ups? These Samoa cookie #cocktail shooters are sure to be a hit at your next party. #Recipe #ontheblog #linkinbio."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bottle of soap and a bag of chips ### Assistant: My secret #johnsonsbeautyhack? Beat a migraine w/ some hot tea, Bedtime Baby Lotion, essential oils on a diffuser and a few moments of dark & quiet. @Walmart #ad http://bit.ly/2nO1WjJ"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a computer keyboard and a toy mouse ### Assistant: Looking for the perfect #Easter treat that balances sour and sweet? These Peeps bunny kabobs can't be beat. #Recipe #ontheblog at Twokidsandacoupon.com."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair and a blue tie ### Assistant: Headed out to see #TheZookeepersWife this weekend? Check out our interview with actress Jessica Chastain and Director Niki Caro #ontheblog at Twokidsandacoupon.com \n#Movies #celebrity #celebrities"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing in a room with a remote ### Assistant: Find out why I love Jenna Elfman's new show #ImaginaryMary #ontheblog at Twokidsandacoupon.com. New episode tonight on ABC!\n\n#BeOurGuestEvent #ABCTVEvent #TV #celebrity #celebrities #interview"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a small white dog with a pink collar ### Assistant: When it's the first ice cream of the season, even a boy's best friend deserves a lick. \n#dogsofinstagram #dogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bowl of assorted food items in a plastic container ### Assistant: Want an easy #recipe to put some of that leftover Easter candy to good use? Check out our spring #snack mix #ontheblog at Twokidsandacoupon.com #linkinbio \n#instagood #instayum #food"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large tree with a pink flower in it ### Assistant: Our favorite part of our yard in #spring. What do you have blooming right now?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table topped with colorful cupcakes and colorful cups ### Assistant: Looking to celebrate #nationalsuperheroday with your favorite little super hero? Check out our tips to do it #pjmasks style and get some free printable too #ontheblog at twokidsandacoupon.com. #ad"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a glass of red liquid with a strawberry in it ### Assistant: Looking for the perfect #cocktail #recipe for weekend entertaining? Check out our long island iced recipe #ontheblog at twokidsandacoupon.com.\n\n#drinks #cocktails #beverages"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a stuffed animal with a red face on it ### Assistant: Thank you @pbskids for a great week at the #PBSAm! We had a blast learning about all the upcoming new shows and can't wait to share more details! #PBSKids #hosted"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large green and yellow colored roller coaster ### Assistant: View of The Monster at #adventureland #Iowa.\n\n#themeparks #familytravel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young boy wearing a helmet and a helmet ### Assistant: Turning 8 is extra awesome when you get to take a fire engine to school."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a red rose in a flower pot ### Assistant: Despite the heatwave, my #roses are blooming like crazy. What's growing in your #garden right now?\n\n#flowers"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a jar of honey and a bottle of liquid ### Assistant: Looking for the secret for perfect iced tea? Check out our tips #ontheblog at twokidsandacoupon.com and also save with a 30% off Cartwheel coupon at #Target. #PartyWithPureLeaf #ad"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a giraffe is eating a piece of wood ### Assistant: Now that's a tongue! #giraffe #zoo #blankparkzoo #desmoines #iowa"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a yellow swimsuit is in the water ### Assistant: Had a blast finding the Lost Island Waterpark."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a crowd of people standing around a stage with a man in a black shirt ### Assistant: Best seats in the house. \n#music #concert #concerts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a container of food with a spoon in it ### Assistant: Looking to mix up your summer snacking? Be sure to check out new #YoplaitMixIns from @Walmart. Review #ontheblog at twokidsandacoupon.com #CreamyCrunchyYoplait #ad \n#yogurt"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a crowd of people watching a baseball game ### Assistant: Beautiful day for a race at the @IowaSpeedway for the @UsCellular 250. It's always great when companies sponsor events in our local communities! #USCellular250 #hosted .\n.\n.\n#racing\n#Iowa"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bowl of vegetables is sitting on a table ### Assistant: Looking for a new summer salad that's ready in minutes? This caprese cauliflower salad bowl is super easy and just 3 ingredients! #Recipe #ontheblog at twokidsandacoupon.com #ad"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large gray and white polar bear standing next to a wall ### Assistant: I'm not sure what all the #penguins were doing, but whatever it was, this guy was in charge of it. .\n.\n.\n.\n#Omaha #Zoo #Travel #Penguin #Animals #FamilyTravel #Travel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cake with fruit on it ### Assistant: Cook up some fun with your favorite #cupcake fan with these campfire #cupcakes #ontheblog at twokidsandacoupon.com .\n.\n#Recipe #recipes #food #baking #dessert #desserts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cupcake with sprinkles on top of it ### Assistant: Looking for a delicious grab and go breakfast for busy school mornings? Check out this lemon chia muffin #recipe #ontheblog at twokidsandacoupon.com."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collection of jewelry and accessories on a table ### Assistant: Wear your cutest #shoes in comfort and save on\u00a0#DrScholls\u00a0w/ this Target Cartwheel #coupon!\u00a0#BorntoMove\u00a0#ad\u00a0http://bit.ly/2eXHTZl"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a red shirt holding a microphone ### Assistant: The @ginblossomsaz rocked out Adventureland Oktoberfest today. Thanks for a great show! #ginblossoms #DesMoines #Iowa #music #Concerts #catchdsm #desmoinesiowa"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white cupcake with sprinkles on it ### Assistant: Looking for a protein packed snack that's good for you and the planet? Check out @planetariansnet for a healthy snacking option. #PlanetariansVIP #ad"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a child wearing a red hat and a red scarf ### Assistant: Looking for ginormous savings on diapers for your little monkey? Right now you can get $3 off AND free shipping on\u00a0@Luvs\u00a0diapers when you order online!\u00a0#LUVSsavestheday\u00a0#Deal\u00a0#ad\u00a0https://goo.gl/b3djeZ"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large brown and white striped animal with a blue stripe ### Assistant: We hit the #zoo this lazy Sunday. What did you do? Family time? Chores? Just #lion around?\n\n#DesMoines #Iowa #Travel #Animals #cats #catsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young girl standing next to a truck with a bunch of tomatoes ### Assistant: They might even actually like each other, although they will never admit it.\n\n#siblings #pumpkinpatch #pumpkins"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person wearing a mask and a helmet ### Assistant: And the #LEGO obsession at our house has escalated to a whole new level.\n\nHappy Halloween everyone!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a fork and a spoon ### Assistant: #ad\u00a0Lots of hearty goodness on a budget! Plus save 50 cents w/ an Ibotta coupon at Walmart! #BanquetHangry\u00a0\u00a0http://bit.ly/2AhWV5I\n\nwww.morefoodyoulove.com"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a hot dog in a bun ### Assistant: Do you say \"no\" a little too often? What if you said \"yes\" a little more? Check out our day of fun and saying yes #ontheblog at twokidsandacoupon.com #ad #Yessie #walmartcaprisun"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a neon sign that is on top of a building ### Assistant: An amazing night on the #PixarCoco red carpet. See this family movie in theaters this Thanksgiving. You won't want to miss it! #PixarCocoEvent \n#movies #Hollywood #cocopremiere"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a small toy elephant is in a vase with flowers ### Assistant: Seeing #PixarCoco makes me want visit #Mexico again and share this beautiful country with my family. Such a touching tribute! #PixarCocoEvent \n#Movies"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a cake on it ### Assistant: Do you want to bake a #snowman? Our latest #recipe is #ontheblog at twokidsandacoupon.com. Check it out! #linkinbio \n#cupcakes #cupcake"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink dress standing next to a man in a pink dress ### Assistant: Great show tonight at the @iaeventscenter for #DisneyonIce #DreamBig. See it in #DesMoines #Iowa all this weekend! #sponsored"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a box of candy and a cupcake ### Assistant: Great gift idea! Save $10 off the Amope Extra Course Electronic Foot File and $15 off the Amope Wet & Dry Rechargeable Foot File at Walgreens or CVS!\u00a0#AD\u00a0#Coupon\u00a0#CouponCommunity http://bit.ly/2kDHh1j"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a piece of cake with sprinkles ### Assistant: Who says Santa wants cookies? Check out the #recipe for these #candycane #marshmallow pops #ontheblog at twokidsandacoupon.com #linkinbio \n#food #foodporn #candy #christmas"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a display of colorful kites in a room ### Assistant: Happy and Safe New Year to all. No matter where you are! #happynewyear #newyearseve #newyear #balloons #DesMoines"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cupcake with sprinkles and a toothbrush ### Assistant: Looking for the perfect treat to make for your favorite little Valentine? Try out our conversation hearts strawberry hot cocoa. #Recipe #ontheblog at twokidsandacoupon.com. #linkinbio"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a glass container filled with a green liquid ### Assistant: Looking for a great cocktail #recipe for your #gameday\ud83c\udfc8 party? Check out our touchdown cocktail #ontheblog #linkinbio \n#beverages #cocktails #tailgating"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a piece of cake ### Assistant: Want a \"lucky\" treat to serve for your favorite Valentine or little leprechaun for St. Patrick's Day? Try our Lucky Charms Pudding Pie #recipe #ontheblog at twokidsandacoupon.com. #linkinbio #pie"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a couch with a pillow ### Assistant: My blogging assistant is not particularly motivated. Plus she snores. \n#dog #dogsofinstagram #dogs #picoftheday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a city street with a bridge and a bridge over it ### Assistant: Downtown #DesMoines #Iowa on the river. #desmoinesiowa"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young boy wearing a tie and a scarf ### Assistant: #AD - Does your kid need a break? Visit @chuckecheeses and get 50 free tickets with any $5 purchase when you tell the cashier \"I need a fun break!\". #SocialSpotters #CECFunBreak"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a basketball jersey with a basketball on it ### Assistant: Great show by the @harlemglobetrotters at the @iaeventscenter tonight in #DesMoines. #partner #harlemglobetrotters"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a palm tree in the middle of a palm tree covered beach ### Assistant: A little more #California #sunshine before I head back to the winter that won't end in Iowa. Thank you, #LosAngeles, you're lovely as always."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a penguin costume on ### Assistant: We had a SUPER time at @pjmasks LIVE! last night! Look for them coming soon to a city near you! #PJMasks #PJMasksLive #partner"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting at a table with a red tray ### Assistant: That time @odouglass11 and I flew the #millenniumfalcon. #StarWars #HanSolo #HanSoloEvent #StarWarsPartner #HanSolo #starwarsfan #starwarsmovie #starwarssolo #hansolomovie"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a red and white ferry on a body of water ### Assistant: Had a great time on the #LaCrosseQueen. It's a great way to see the river when you #ExploreLaCrosse. @explorelacrosse #Sponsored #Travel #Wisconsin #LaCrosse #FamilyTravel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a row of surfboards with different colors ### Assistant: AD - Love all the fun, family outdoor things to do at the @driftlesssports today in #Onalaska #Wisconsin. These #paddleboards are amazing! #Driftlesssportsconvergence #driftlesssports"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a green tractor is parked in a field ### Assistant: You know you live in #Iowa when #FathersDay brunch also includes a #tractor display. #johndeere #DesMoines #thisisiowa"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a dog are laying on a bed ### Assistant: Best friends. #boyandhisdog #dogsofinstagram #dogs #dogslife"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a blender with a red and white frosting on it ### Assistant: Enter the @ReeseSpecialtyFoods Step Out of Your Comfort Food Sweepstakes for a chance to win a Kitchenaid Mixer! Enter now bit.ly/2Ntz8Fl #stepoutofyourcomfortfood #ad"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large bridge with a bunch of lights on it ### Assistant: Night time #rollercoaster fun at @adventurelandresort in #Iowa\n\n#Travel #FamilyTravel #nightout #themepark"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young woman wearing a helmet and goggles ### Assistant: A weekend of #waterparks = happy kids. @schlitterbahnwaterparks #kansascity #FamilyTravel #travel #family #familyfun"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young boy is playing in the pool with a frisbee ### Assistant: We made a splash in #kansascity today despite overcast weather at @schlitterbahn #waterpark. What are you doing this weekend? #bahnlove #familyfun #FamilyTravel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a wooden table topped with a wooden box ### Assistant: AD- So much family fun all in one location at @greatwolflodge #KANSASCITY! #tailsfromgreatwolf #greatwolflodge #greatwolflodgepartner #greatwolflodgekc #greatwolflodgekansascity #FamilyTravel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bowl of water and a bowl of candy ### Assistant: Me want #cookies...and #popcorn! Check out our fun Cookie Monster Popcorn #recipe #ontheblog at twokidsandacoupon.com. Get #linkinbio. #instagood #instagood #cookies #cookies\ud83c\udf6a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pasta dish with broccoli and pasta ### Assistant: #ad Love this super easy Broccoli Chicken Alfredo from @kyleecooks as a great kid-friendly meal for busy school nights! #linkinbio #recipe #pasta #food #foodporn"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a book and a pen on a table ### Assistant: Some magic arrived in our mailbox today from @housewithaclock. Our family can't wait for this film! See it in theaters Sept. 21! #partner #FindYourMagic #movies"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a box of candy for kids ### Assistant: #ad Need #diapers? Look for the P&G brandSAVER\u00ae #coupon in the 9/30 Sunday paper for $2 off two bags or one box of @luvs at @Walmart #LuvSavingMoney #couponcommunity"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a lot of vegetables ### Assistant: #AD - These tasty nachos from @askchefdennis really are the ultimate! w/ @missionfoodsus. Check the #recipe online. #linkinbio #linkinbio\ud83d\udc49\ud83d\udcbb #recipe #food #foodporn #instagood"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a brown and white striped animal with a large head ### Assistant: I can't tell if he likes me, or he wanted to have me for lunch. LOL What's your vote? #tiger #tigers #tiger\ud83d\udc2f #zoo #DesMoines #Iowa #familytravel #zoos #blankparkzoo"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a chair with a black leather jacket ### Assistant: Boss Lady!! Throw back to our stay in London at Christmas. How is everyone?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a narrow alleyway with a building and a clock ### Assistant: More colours from Italy! Who else loves this place?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a yellow and blue bus is on a city street ### Assistant: Rarely do cities look so scenic"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a view from a window of a building ### Assistant: Inside looking out - looking for that weekend!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a white shirt and black pants is standing in front of a door ### Assistant: Guys, it\u2019s Friday!!! Tell us what your weekend plans are in the comments!?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a harbor with boats docked and a city ### Assistant: We spoke about favourite places earlier in this week. This is likely mine (Ian) good ol Monaco!! What is your favourite destination??"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a city with a large body of water ### Assistant: Anyone fancy Monaco? We\u2019re open to running away if anyone can fund it? \ud83d\ude02 We searched for ages for this view!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a rocky cliff overlooking a beach with a sunset ### Assistant: View from a little cave we found in Cape Verde \ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a scenic view of a scenic mountain range ### Assistant: From the sunny shores of our last post back to the simply stunning views of the Swiss Alps. We loved our road trip and we have promised ourselves to do it again in a supercar one day! \ud83d\ude02 \ud83d\ude97"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plane is on the runway at an airport ### Assistant: Not long now until we board a plane and head off on our next mini adventure! Who\u2019s travelling soon?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a row of boats on a beach near a pier ### Assistant: We feel pretty fortunate to live by the water, occasionally though, it gets stormy! Boy do you notice the wind!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman walking down a street with a bus ### Assistant: Naomi leading the way and following her stomach \ud83d\ude0b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting at a table with food ### Assistant: She\u2019s so happy when she finds food!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a building with a balcony and a clock on it ### Assistant: So travel fans, who knows where and what this is...?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a car parked in front of a building with a fire hydrant ### Assistant: Just ya typical lambo valet parked at @hoteldeparismc - being petrol heads in Monaco is rather good fun!! What would you park here?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large building with a clock tower ### Assistant: Yup... it really is on the wonk! We stopped off in Pisa literally just to see this as we where passing relatively close by. How is it still standing!?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a store window with a bottle of wine ### Assistant: Naomi - \u2018Ian wait, another sweet shop!\u2019\u2019 Ian - \ud83d\ude44"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a balcony looking out at the water ### Assistant: Naomi (AKA Nomes) surveying her territory wearing an XL bath robe on an XS body \ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large building with a large window ### Assistant: Sunset on our last day at work before Vienna!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a white bikini in a pool ### Assistant: Girl time in the pool back in Cape Verde last Summer. We need to get something booked up for this summer, give us ideas?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large building with a large clock on it ### Assistant: This is the inside of that amazing church we posted a day or so ago from Lille. It was immense!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress is standing on a wooden floor ### Assistant: We are off to bed! Early start tomorrow to go catch our flight! \u2708\ufe0f\ud83d\ude2c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a building with a large clock on it ### Assistant: This is Hofburg Palace, it holds a library... and it\u2019s like the biggest library we\u2019ve ever see! \ud83d\udcda\ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a street scene with a tree and a street light ### Assistant: Whilst it\u2019s been freezing, the snow has made Vienna so picturesque!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person walking down a street with a clock on it ### Assistant: Just couldn\u2019t help herself could she..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman walking down a sidewalk with a snowboard ### Assistant: Snowball incoming!! Thankfully she missed! Who else forgets they are meant to be adults when it snows?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man walking down a street with a large building ### Assistant: The Opera House... it\u2019s huge!! Everyone ready for your weekends? Any travelling happening?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bench next to a fence ### Assistant: We need your help to settle a debate! Hawaii or Dominican Republic??? \ud83e\udd14"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large building with a clock on it ### Assistant: Another epic sized building in Vienna, this one houses a museum. Had to stand so far back to get it in shot!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman walking down a street with a suitcase ### Assistant: We are looking forward to a chilled Sunday evening... maybe not as chilled as in this pic though..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large building with a large clock on it ### Assistant: This is a Bank... such a grand old building! Can\u2019t imagine what the inside must be like??"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large building with a clock on the front of it ### Assistant: Everywhere you look in Vienna a building has a dome on the roof! It\u2019s up there with the prettiest cities we have seen!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person on a skateboard on a stairway ### Assistant: The Stairway to the Albertina Terrace, the location of our Opera House shot as recommended by @andreastravelss - check our story, seems the snow followed us!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large building with a clock on it ### Assistant: Incredible cathedral in Vienna! Sadly we didn\u2019t get a chance to go inside, has anyone seen it?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a window sill looking out a window ### Assistant: Watching the sun go down on one of our snowy Vienna days! Any of our UK friends snowed in this week?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large window with a large window on it ### Assistant: This is the scene from the lobby in our building... my only wish is that they would lay it out in my OCD fashion so that photos looks perfectly symmetrical"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a harbor filled with lots of boats and a pier ### Assistant: Our little marina has been battered by one of the coldest and harshest storms I can remember in the UK all week! Can not wait for the warm weather and clear views to return! How have your weeks been?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini standing on a train platform ### Assistant: We have booked our next bikini worthy trip and we can not wait!!! Where do you think we are off to?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a blue shirt and jeans is standing in a kitchen ### Assistant: Sunday brunch! Who else takes full advantage of sitting on the kitchen units since they got their own place and parents stopped telling them off? \ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large window with a view of a city ### Assistant: The weekends fly by don\u2019t they? We where talking today about doing something with your adult that you enjoy so that you don\u2019t dread Mondays! Who agrees?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a bridge with a train ### Assistant: Swinging into the week like..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman talking on a cell phone while wearing a black jacket ### Assistant: All cosy and snug... spring has started here in the U.K. the only problem is, no one told spring!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a ledge with a blue shirt ### Assistant: Throw back to chillin\u2019 on balconies in Florence! Anyone else already shopping summer clothes?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is sitting on a railing near the water ### Assistant: Our favourite spot to see the best of Sorrento. Who\u2019s been here?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is looking at her phone while she is on the ground ### Assistant: Tend to follow her wherever she goes... we don\u2019t always know where!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a city street with a large building ### Assistant: Monaco... if you haven\u2019t been, go, it\u2019s a different world!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large stone building with a lighthouse ### Assistant: The Italian coast line is littered with beauty but seeing it from a boat is a whole different story!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is looking at her phone while standing on a pier ### Assistant: Watching the sunset over yachts in Monaco... Glamour personified??"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a sidewalk near a fence ### Assistant: Missing Monaco strolls!! Where are you all this weekend?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman sitting on a couch playing a video game ### Assistant: Business meeting in full swing... .\n.\nAgenda item 1 - Where next?\nAgenda item 2 - What\u2019s for dinner?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a desk with a computer ### Assistant: Who else is dreaming off being in the sky!? \u2708\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting in a window looking at her cell phone ### Assistant: Our bucket list destinations:\nHawaii\nBali\nSingapore \nThailand\nLa (roadtrip)\nNewyork \nCan you guys recommend anymore to add to the list??"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a stone walled building with a clock tower ### Assistant: Ok guys, let\u2019s see who knows where this is?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large body of water with a city ### Assistant: All things blue \ud83d\udc99 who else could just stare at this forever!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a row of bicycles parked on a sidewalk ### Assistant: Italian sunshine.... not sure we will see any this year as we are heading further afield for our sunshine trip! Do love it though!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a cell phone in her hand ### Assistant: Travel buddies for life! Tag your travel partner!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a balcony looking at the ocean ### Assistant: Given the story I posted earlier, chillin\u2019 on the balcony like this seems a long way away, but I can\u2019t wait!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing on a balcony in front of a pool ### Assistant: If there\u2019s a rooftop pool we\u2019ll find it!! Anyone know any good pools?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table with a large mirror and a large clock ### Assistant: When we got out the lift to the hotel restaurant in Vienna, we were presented with this table full of cake! Quite the welcome!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large building with a large clock tower ### Assistant: Florence... ain\u2019t she pretty!!?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cityscape of a town with a river and mountains ### Assistant: We would like to be back here today, looking out over the hills near Sorrento! Where would you be if you could?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a city with many buildings and a clock tower ### Assistant: Italy never fails to amaze us! Always a new way to look at things!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a harbor with a row of boats parked on it ### Assistant: Probably the most peaceful place we have been! Look at all that blue \ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a city skyline with a sky background ### Assistant: Storm clouds rolling in over the French Riviera. Love the South of France, who\u2019s been??"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large building with a clock tower ### Assistant: Another of that view in France! \ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large body of water with a boat in it ### Assistant: Last of the riviera memories. Can\u2019t wait to create new ones on our next trip!! Who\u2019s travelling over Easter?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing on a wall with a skateboard ### Assistant: Anyone else live with a monkey? Rocking @tommyhilfiger and @gigihadid -\n-\n\n#tommyhilfiger #fashion #fashionphotography"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a laptop computer sitting on top of a wooden floor ### Assistant: Ian\u2019s \u2018do not travel without\u2019 essentials! What can\u2019t you go anywhere without?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini standing on a white motorcycle ### Assistant: Checking out the classics today at @mercedesbenzuk World! We do like our cars!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a wooden platform with a backpack ### Assistant: Fierce!! We hope everyone has had a great Easter and is enjoying the extra Monday off work! How are you spending it?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bath tub with a white bath tub ### Assistant: The long weekend was time to relax... for about 20 minutes then it was manic \ud83d\ude02 How was everyone\u2019s Easter?! \ud83d\udc23"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a store with a lot of shelves full of different types of food ### Assistant: So this may look like Naomi has lost her temper doing our food shop but, look closer, each item is encrusted with @swarovski Crystals! This was their display in the Vienna store!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a white dress sitting on a couch ### Assistant: Spa days - A day to relax, recharge and day dream of the next adventure!! Had an amazing time at @brandshatchplace yesterday, very well looked after!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a rock with a book ### Assistant: The Sun is out in the U.K. today and we are craving seaside town fish and chips!! Roll on summer!!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a harbor filled with lots of boats and a large body of water ### Assistant: Suns out today which, if you\u2019re in the U.K. you will know, is for the first weekend this year!! The marina is quite picturesque in Spring!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a city with a lot of buildings and a river ### Assistant: Who would like to live in one of these riverside homes?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a harbor filled with lots of boats and a dock ### Assistant: Marina days! Unfortunately today is nowhere near as sunny! Luckily we are off to a family party today and it\u2019s indoors, how are you all spending your Sunday?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a couch with a coffee cup ### Assistant: When she\u2019s not planning her next trip she\u2019s planning her next outfit... who else can\u2019t wait to open their summer wardrobe?! \ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\n\u2022\n\u2022\n\u2022\n#vogue #fashion #outfit #summer"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a beach with a surfboard ### Assistant: We took this last summer in Cape Verde but decided to re-touch and re-tone it. We think it works, do you?\n\u2022\n\u2022\n\u2022\n#capeverde #beach #bikini #summer #sea"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on the floor drinking a cup of coffee ### Assistant: So a lot of you guys that follow us travel, we are keen to know where everyone\u2019s heading on their next trip?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a beach with a surfboard ### Assistant: The most important thing we have learnt is not to worry about what other people think! Just be you and do what makes you happy \ud83d\ude03 \u2022\n\u2022\n\u2022\n#beyoudoyou #livelovelaugh #behappy #skipintofriday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman walking on the beach with a surfboard ### Assistant: Wandering into the weekend like...\n\u2022\n\u2022\n\u2022\n#feelgoodfriday #beach #wander #sea"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a view from a window of a harbor with a view of a city ### Assistant: Pastel skies and a lonely sail boat, we are always thankful for our view at home. What are you guys thankful for?\n\u2022\n\u2022\n\u2022\n#thankful #view #bethankful #grateful #pastel #sky"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a couch in front of a window ### Assistant: Everyone we follow appears to be at #coachella are any of you guys there? Is it worth a Trans Atlantic trip?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a balcony looking at the water ### Assistant: Duvet, candles, fairy lights and a view, what more could a girl want? \u2022\n\u2022\n\u2022\n#view #cosey #candle #fairylights #girl #cute"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: people walking down a street with umbrellas ### Assistant: Does anyone know a more extravagant shopping mall than the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II in Milan? It\u2019s incredible!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini standing on a beach ### Assistant: Dancing into spring today!! Is anywhere else having the lush weather that we are?? \u2600\ufe0f \u2600\ufe0f \u2600\ufe0f \u2022\n\u2022\n\u2022\n#spring #summer #sunshine #dancing #sunset"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a ledge looking at a clock ### Assistant: After having to bail a few weeks ago we are hearing back into London over the weekend to enjoy some sunshine and food!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large swimming pool with a large balcony ### Assistant: Rooftop pools and sunshine - Yes please!!! This weekend we will have to do without the pool but we are hoping for some sun!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink dress standing next to a pile of flowers ### Assistant: Spent the weekend exploring London and found the cutest cafe! Covered from head to toe is beautiful flowers \ud83c\udf38 @elan_cafe"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a ledge with a child ### Assistant: \u201cI want this one\u201d \ud83d\ude2c \u2022\n\u2022\n\u2022\n#london #pinkdoor #pink #starbucks"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bench near a body of water ### Assistant: Sunny weekend spent admiring Hyde parks views \u2600\ufe0f\u2764\ufe0f who else has that summer feeling!?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a ledge with a blue dress ### Assistant: Feeling blue? Get out and do something you love! What will you do? \ud83e\udd17\n\u2022\n\u2022\n\u2022\n#blue #house #bluehouse #dress"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is walking down the street with a book ### Assistant: \u2018Julia Roberts was here Ian!\u2019 Fan girl excitement!! \ud83e\udd2a\n\u2022\n\u2022\n\u2022\n@nottinghillbookshop #nottinghill #nottinghillbookshop #london #fangirl #girl"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young woman is standing by a river looking at her phone ### Assistant: The only time you should ever look back is to see how far you have come \ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffc"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a sidewalk talking on a cell phone ### Assistant: No outfit is complete without the shades \ud83d\udd76 who agrees \ud83d\ude0e\n\u2022\n\u2022\n\u2022\n#rayban #fashion #summer #capeverde"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a beach with a bunch of rocks and a beach chair ### Assistant: We are much missing the beach life right now!! It\u2019s a gloomy Sunday here in the UK which feels a million miles away from the beach we found in Cape Verde last summer!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini sitting on a surfboard ### Assistant: Who else loves picking their holiday inflatable? \ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\nI pick Swan every time! \ud83d\ude2c\nWho\u2019s been your holiday friend?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is sitting on a bench with a cup of coffee ### Assistant: Tea time! New fascination for fruit tea\u2019s! What\u2019s your favourite hot drink? \u2615\ufe0f \u2022\n\u2022\n\u2022\n#tea #teatime #teafortwo #london"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting at a table with a wine glass ### Assistant: Alfresco dining on warm evenings in London... pretty damn good! But... where is your favourite place to dine?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is holding a glass of orange juice ### Assistant: Putting her foot down \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 such a sweet tooth!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing on a ledge near a river ### Assistant: When a storm is coming, face into it, that way you will never be blindsided!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man holding a white toilet in front of a stone wall ### Assistant: Following her to the top of Portofino for the best views \ud83d\ude0d tag who you would follow!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: boats docked in a marina ### Assistant: Sitting at home watching boats go by in the sunset reminiscing of when the harbour was a little quainter and a lot more Italian..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is holding a guitar in her hand ### Assistant: It feels like it\u2019s been too long since we\u2019ve been on a plane!! Still a long way off but boy are we looking forward to our next proper trip! Bring on The Dominican! Where are you going next?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large building with a clock on it ### Assistant: One of the most breathtaking buildings we have ever seen in person. It\u2019s HUGE!!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a couch in a room ### Assistant: Summer nights in Italy \ud83d\ude0d\n\u2022\nHelp us out, we have a week off soon, we are staying in the U.K. where should we go shoot?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a boat is docked in the water near a large house ### Assistant: Views for daysssss..... The beautiful Portofino \ud83d\ude0d when we decided to do a road trip this was one of the top destinations on our list and boy it did NOT disappoint!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a cup and a glass ### Assistant: Leave her alone for one day and she goes and gets Burger and a Shake without me!? \ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini standing on a beach ### Assistant: Same shoot different pose... we have a week off next week and are thinking about heading to the Lake District. Have any of you guys been? Can you recommend any spots?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini on a beach ### Assistant: Looking for the weekend like..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a swimming pool with a large pool and a large building ### Assistant: Sorry guys we had a couple of days off finishing up the day jobs for a week off! Time to party!! Preferably in a pool!!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing in front of a large swimming pool ### Assistant: Tomorrow we head to the Lake District for some R&R... a bit different to Florence but we have heard amazing things and can\u2019t wait to go and explore!! Stay tuned..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a field with a mountain range and trees ### Assistant: Feeling like I\u2019m in the sound of music \ud83d\ude0d who else has been here?!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing in the grass with a bird in her hand ### Assistant: Sometimes in life you can\u2019t help which way you fall... even when it\u2019s into long grass!! Check out the view though!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is sitting in the grass with a flower in her hand ### Assistant: This field was so picturesque it\u2019s unreal! Could have sat here all day!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing on a beach looking at her phone ### Assistant: Checking out views wearing a new @riverdeanwatches"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person on a dock with a wooden board . a woman is sitting on a wooden dock near a pier . a man sitting on a dock near a pier ### Assistant: Sitting on the perfect boardwalk stretching into Windermere Lake. Peaceful! \ud83d\ude0d\n\nCould not decide on which pic here so we are sharing all 3 let us know which you prefer, 1, 2 or 3?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman walking down a path with a backpack ### Assistant: My little Dora the Explorer is at it again! Anyone recognise this bridge?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a hill looking at the water ### Assistant: Paradise is not a place it\u2019s what you feel, and I feel like I\u2019m in paradise everyday I\u2019m with you \u2764\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is climbing a waterfall in a forest ### Assistant: This rock and stream could be in any forest in the world, crazy to think it\u2019s just north west England!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a grassy area next to a tree ### Assistant: Sunday\u2019s in the sun \u2600\ufe0f how are you spending yours?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bench in a park ### Assistant: Secret hideouts \ud83e\udd2b the Lake District was full of them can\u2019t wait for our next trip to discover some more!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a lake with a bunch of animals on it ### Assistant: A Lake in the Lakes... fairly pretty aren\u2019t they?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a couch with a fire place ### Assistant: Do you ever just look at someone and think \u201cwow they are just perfect\u201d. Well in my eyes this is my perfection. \nTag your perfect someone \u2728"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is eating a sandwich in a field ### Assistant: Today we visited #chiltonmanorfarm to pick some strawberries\n\ud83c\udf53 \nWhat\u2019s your favourite fruit?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a box of tomatoes in a field ### Assistant: Tonight Eton Mess shall be made from yesterday strawberries!! Yum!!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a herd of sheep grazing on a lush green hillside ### Assistant: Love this shot... of a sheep... mainly cos Naomi took it rather than me for once and I\u2019m super proud of her for framing it so well considering it\u2019s from the car window!! \ud83d\udc11"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a river with a bridge and a waterfall ### Assistant: Yet another pretty little picture of British scenery... it was almost too easy to find in The Lakes!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting in a field with a bunch of green plants ### Assistant: We ran out of strawberries and need more!! Will have to go again!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a fence with a blue umbrella ### Assistant: The older you get the better you get \ud83d\ude09 unless your a banana.... \ud83e\udd14 Less than a month till my birthday!! Can I start counting down yet?!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bench next to a body of water ### Assistant: Who else finds water extremely calming? I\u2019m sure there is some science in there somewhere but we just love being near it!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a glass of wine in her left hand ### Assistant: The smiles from living a childhood dream..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a couch with a remote ### Assistant: We only need coffee on days ending with \u2018Y\u2019"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is eating a doughnut and drinking a beverage ### Assistant: This milkshake was amazing!! What\u2019s your favourite flavour?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a cup of coffee and a knife ### Assistant: We haven\u2019t been a foodie kinda page in the past, but when Eggy Bread is presented in bed by Ian, how could I not share it? \ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini standing on a beach ### Assistant: Just 8 weeks u till our next big adventure and another beautiful beach!! Can\u2019t wait! Who else has plans over the summer?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink dress and a plate of food ### Assistant: Life is hectic but there is always time for tea and cake isn\u2019t there?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a wooden bench near a boat ### Assistant: Evening chills at river side bars..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a hat and sunglasses holding a plate of food ### Assistant: When brunch involves pancakes and ice cream you know it\u2019s going to be a good day right??"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting in a car with a red seat belt ### Assistant: Life is too short to drive boring cars \ud83d\ude97 giving my Gigi Hadid outfit a trial run before festival of Speed at the weekend"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a white fence ### Assistant: Today was spent at @goodwoodfestivalofspeed enjoying our joint love of cars \ud83d\ude98 just look at these two beauties \u2764\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a living room with a couch, chairs, and a table ### Assistant: We found the cutest little spot for lunch. Who else has been here?! \ud83d\ude0b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting at a table with a plate of food ### Assistant: \u2018Desert menu madam?\u2019 - \u2018Do bears poop in the woods sir?\u2019"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting at a table with a plate of food ### Assistant: Throw back to Vienna when it was extremely cold!! We\u2019re 4 weeks away from our next trip and can\u2019t wait! Considering creating a highlights video to post when we are back... what do you think?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on the floor looking out a window ### Assistant: Waiting for our September adventure like..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress standing on a wooden floor ### Assistant: Let the countdown till beach time begin \u2600\ufe0f Does anyone have and long haul flight tips?!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a sidewalk with a surfboard ### Assistant: Palms and Pools, our kind of place this!! \ud83c\udf34"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is sitting on a beach with a parasol ### Assistant: We\u2019ll just be hanging around over here... Naomi just jumps in like a natural, Ian got half in and the thing spins over and he ends up in the sand \ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in a garden with flowers ### Assistant: We are pretty much on the beach here but there is still so much green! Tomorrow we\u2019re off to adventure through the jungle in Buggy\u2019s... Ian\u2019s a bit excited"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person in the water with a frisbee ### Assistant: Auditioning for the next Bond girl..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman are standing next to a small truck ### Assistant: Yesterday we got to take this @polarisorv for a trip a beautiful beach! The fact that we get to go on adventures like this together is everything!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a beach next to a palm tree ### Assistant: Today we get to meet Dolphins... and that\u2019s not something we get to say often! \ud83d\udc2c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a child are on the beach ### Assistant: Find someone who won\u2019t let life escape you and drives you towards your dreams. Someone you can get lost in the world with \ud83c\udf0e \ud83d\udc6b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini sitting on a yellow raft ### Assistant: Meant to be going to dinner but she just couldn\u2019t resist..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in a room with a pink wall ### Assistant: We\u2019ve been back a day and a half... We miss free ice cream, waffles and shakes!! But who wouldn\u2019t..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini standing on a beach ### Assistant: Beach breezes among the palm trees \ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bench in front of a pool ### Assistant: Take us back to the pool... please?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a beach with a beach chair and umbrellas ### Assistant: We think views like this should be mandatory in life! Anyone agree?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large green lawn with a large blue building ### Assistant: Take us back to paradise now please?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young girl is on a balcony on a sunny day ### Assistant: Day dreaming about the next adventure!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a sidewalk near a beach ### Assistant: Wherever you wonder I\u2019ll follow..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a pool of water ### Assistant: We tackle days like today to enjoy days like these in new places whenever possible! Work hard play hard people!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bakery filled with lots of breads and pastries ### Assistant: England, take note - This is a breakfast spread"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a beach with a surfboard ### Assistant: Well you all voted sunsets as your preference earlier in the week but sharing a sunrise does feel very special. There\u2019s something about knowing you haven\u2019t missed a single minute of the day..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sunset on a beach with a sunset ### Assistant: Where is your happy place? This is ours..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a beach with palm trees and palm trees ### Assistant: Life is better with palm trees \ud83c\udf34"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini is in the water ### Assistant: Yes, that is a dress and heels... some scenes are created for your entertainment (and Ian\u2019s)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a park bench with a flower pot ### Assistant: You are looking at 2018 Punta Cana crazy golf champion everybody!! Not that I\u2019m a bad winner or anything \ud83d\ude1c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a couch with a shoe on ### Assistant: Ok it\u2019s time for teddy bear jumpers now! Loved this little find in @topshop at @bluewatershopping"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two people sitting at a window looking at a clock ### Assistant: Florence wow\u2019d us when we visited! What city has surprised you?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a forest filled with trees and bushes ### Assistant: Can\u2019t help but feel the Autumnal vibes at the moment! What\u2019s your favourite season? \ud83c\udf42"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a living room with a couch and a lamp ### Assistant: Our layout has changed at home since this picture was taken but we can not wait for the cosey vibes again! Who else loves their home in the cooler seasons?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man walking down a street with a red suitcase ### Assistant: Let\u2019s go explore... would you go in?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black jacket and hat on a street ### Assistant: We felt the chill today, who\u2019s looking forward to the snowy season?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a white dress is standing in a kitchen ### Assistant: Pretending like I\u2018m a morning person because I really wish I was! This was definitely taken midday.... \ud83d\ude48\ud83d\ude1d Anyone else have this problem?? \ud83d\ude34"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black jacket and black pants walking down a sidewalk ### Assistant: Strolling into our weekend like... Anyone else relieved it\u2019s here?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a chair with a guitar ### Assistant: Food brings out Naomi\u2019s brightest smile \ud83d\ude2c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red dress standing on a sidewalk ### Assistant: Today we were tourists in our own city. Greatest city in the world? What do we think?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large building with a large clock on top ### Assistant: The view from the top... 10 points to whoever can tell us where this was taken..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black jacket standing in front of a brick wall ### Assistant: Hoods up, Hands in - It\u2019s that time of year here in the U.K. \ud83c\uddec\ud83c\udde7"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a stone wall ### Assistant: Playing hide and seek in a castle - clearly she was hiding well as a member of staff walked right round the corner into her just before this \ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a girl in a red dress holding a christmas tree ### Assistant: Ok ok it\u2019s only half way through November but we are feeling the festive season this year! We\u2019re going to make it a good one! Anyone else excited already?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a candle is lit on a table ### Assistant: We\u2019re starting to feel a bit festive, been planning the apartment\u2019s seasonal decor a little today \ud83d\ude48 This pic was last year when Ian was just messing about with his new lens on the camera \ud83d\udcf7"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a building with a large window and a man walking by ### Assistant: The best thing about London is that you can find magic just around the corner \ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign with various colored balloons and other items ### Assistant: Throwback to our first trip together... anyone know where this is?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a christmas tree with a cell phone ### Assistant: It\u2019s that time of year... we haven\u2019t put it up yet but it\u2019s coming!! This is last year..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a christmas tree in a living room ### Assistant: Christmas corner is back... Hoping to bring you some seasonal content over the coming weeks!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is laying on a bed with a sky background ### Assistant: Throwback to when we had some light in the evenings... now dark and wet! That\u2019s the U.K. for you!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a christmas tree with a christmas tree in the corner ### Assistant: We love out festive setup this year! How is everyone else\u2019s seasonal decor going? \ud83c\udf84"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is working on a small truck . a man in a motorcycle suit is driving a motorcycle . a train on a track with a sky background . a car is driving down a road with a large building . a red and white racing motorcycle with a red and white stripe ### Assistant: Slightly different post for us... if Ian could do this full time and take photos whilst he does it he would be a happy lad!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing in front of a christmas tree ### Assistant: Waiting for snow \u2744\ufe0f the most wonderful time of the year. What\u2019s your favourite time?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a park bench in front of a building ### Assistant: The 5 year old me still gets excited over snow \u2744\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a living room with a couch, coffee table and a tv ### Assistant: Such a cute little hotel setup that we discovered in Florence"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a bottle of wine and a stuffed animal ### Assistant: It\u2019s party season! Who else is ready for it?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a stuffed animal in her hands ### Assistant: Always snap when they least expect it... how are everyone\u2019s festive preparations coming along? Ian still has presents to get \ud83d\ude02 \ud83c\udf81"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman are kissing on the cheek ### Assistant: Wishing Ian a very happy birthday today. Life with you is my favourite story and I love every minute of it! I have never laughed so much and it\u2019s all because of you \ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a wall with a sign ### Assistant: Happy Christmas to all our followers and friends! It\u2019s nearly here!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini is standing on a rail ### Assistant: Let\u2019s take a look back at the 9 posts you guys liked and engaged with most during 2018.\n\u2022\n\u2022\n1/9 - Bikini clad as we were planning our Dominican trip!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bed in front of a beach ### Assistant: Let\u2019s take a look back at the 9 posts you guys liked and engaged with most during 2018.\n\u2022\n\u2022\n2/9 sunrise on a Dominican Beach \ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a harbor filled with lots of boats and a pier ### Assistant: Let\u2019s take a look back at the 9 posts you guys liked and engaged with most during 2018.\n\u2022\n\u2022\n3/9 The sunrise over our Marina view at home, we do feel lucky to be here!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large building with a clock tower ### Assistant: Let\u2019s take a look back at the 9 posts you guys liked and engaged with most during 2018.\n\u2022\n\u2022\n5/9 Sunset over the South of France! \ud83c\udf05"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large building with a clock on it ### Assistant: Let\u2019s take a look back at the 9 posts you guys liked and engaged with most during 2018.\n\u2022\n\u2022\n6/9 Vienna... again, this time the cathedral. This place was full of stunning architecture!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person walking down a street with a clock on it ### Assistant: Let\u2019s take a look back at the 9 posts you guys liked and engaged with most during 2018.\n\u2022\n\u2022\n7/9 Vienna again again! (You guys liked this trip obviously.) Naomi loves swinging from lampposts \ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing in the water with her surfboard ### Assistant: Let\u2019s take a look back at the 9 posts you guys liked and engaged with most during 2018.\n\u2022\n\u2022\n8/9 It\u2019s one of Ian\u2019s all time favourites, sitting on the dock in Portofino - Bliss"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a book with a picture of a bird on it ### Assistant: Key goods for 2019! Grateful! Let\u2019s have a good year shall we!?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bath tub with a white tub ### Assistant: New Years resolution is to stress about things less! And this starts with relaxing baths like this \ud83d\ude0d what\u2019s your New Years resolution?!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress standing on a sidewalk ### Assistant: Anyone else got the January Blues?? Not helped by the fact I (Naomi) have to have an operation on my jaw on Thursday... not ideal!! No worries though, positivity is \ud83d\udd11 people!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a lake ### Assistant: When I look into your eyes it\u2019s very easy to get lost!! - Getting Naomi to look straight down the camera is a challenge, but when she does... this happens \ud83d\udc40"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large building with statues of people and horses ### Assistant: This place was epic! First how... how did they build it!? Second... how... how is it still standing!? And a why... Why did they think what went on here was ok!?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table topped with a bunch of different types of drinks ### Assistant: We got a present from Naomi\u2019s Dad, we love coffee!! @nespresso.uk do know what they\u2019re doing you know!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is sitting on a bed with a cup of coffee ### Assistant: This is basically where you will find Naomi 90% of the time at the moment bless her! Hope you all had a productive Monday?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a city with a large building and a clock tower ### Assistant: We love our city! Lucky to have this on our doorstep (the city, not the view, sadly!)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman walking down a street with an umbrella ### Assistant: We are staying at Village Nature Paris for our visit to @disneylandparis and it\u2019s amazing. So much to do and the perfect setting to relax!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large clock on a display in a plaza ### Assistant: \u201cHow lovely would it be if I could live in my fantasy\u201d - Cinderella"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a ledge with a flower in her hand ### Assistant: Spring appears to have arrived! What\u2019s your favourite season? Ours is definitely Summer \ud83d\ude02"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting in a chair in front of a fireplace ### Assistant: When in France \ud83c\uddeb\ud83c\uddf7 stuff ya face with pastries \ud83e\udd24 how cute is this little farm shop cafe?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing by a fence looking at a fence ### Assistant: Where shall I lead him this year??? \ud83d\udc40looking for travel recommendations for the summer.... okay.... thanks \ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress standing in front of a door ### Assistant: When life gives you lemons \ud83c\udf4b throw them back and ask for Chocolate \ud83c\udf6b Happy Easter one and all, it\u2019s great weather here in the U.K. so we hope you\u2019re enjoying it!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a couch holding a cup ### Assistant: Maybe she\u2019s born with it..... Maybe it\u2019s caffeine \ud83d\ude0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink dress is sitting on a pink and white striped floor ### Assistant: I'm convinced these are the best leggings because they've got a lot of life! #lularoe #twomarriedgeeks #extralife"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a baby sitting on a chair with a stuffed animal ### Assistant: This girl climbed into her car seat and is relaxing while watching Sophia the first. Not sure if she wants to go somewhere or just likes hanging out in it ha ha #twomarriedgeeks #msmarvel #babymarvel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a chair with a sign ### Assistant: Finally got to see Deadpool today! #deadpool #date #twomarriedgeeks"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young boy wearing a hat and holding a baby ### Assistant: We found this cute Captain America hat at Target today for Ms. Marvel! @styledbymarvel #msmarvel #babymarvel #twomarriedgeeks"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young girl laying on a bed with a stuffed animal ### Assistant: Yesterday Ms. Marvel turned 10 months old! It's getting harder and harder to get her to hold still because she just wants to MOVE! #msmarvel #babymarvel #twomarriedgeeks #babiesofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cartoon character with a gun and a sign ### Assistant: #Repost @gentle_parenting with @repostapp.\n\u30fb\u30fb\u30fb\n#internationalwomensday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a beard and glasses smiles while holding a child ### Assistant: I'm in love with this photo of @collecsean wearing our daughter Ms. Marvel to pick up the car from the mechanic. #babywearingdad #twomarriedgeeks #msmarvel #babymarvel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl sitting in a seat with a blue seat belt ### Assistant: Marvel loves her new car seat! Mommy doesn't love the less leg room I get but better she's safe! @disneybaby #minniemouse #msmarvel #babymarvel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a child is taking a picture of himself in a mirror ### Assistant: Ms. Marvel had fun with mommy's phone today! #babymarvel #msmarvel #twomarriedgeeks #babiesofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a child wearing hats ### Assistant: I'm so in love with this happy baby girl! Ms. Marvel is the light of my life! Thank you @rileyleephotography for capturing her personality! #twomarriedgeeks #babymarvel #msmarvel #babiesofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pair of sunglasses on a black surface ### Assistant: Sneak peek for one of Ms. Marvel's cosplays for FanX. Can you guess what it is? #saltlakecomiccon #fanx #cosplay"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a black shirt and a woman in a white shirt ### Assistant: On our way to #fanx in our #harrypotter cosplays! #epic #twomarriedgeeks"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a baby in a crib with a toothbrush in it's mouth ### Assistant: That's not how you use a wand... #fanx #harrypotter #twomarriedgeeks #msmarvel #babymarvel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: people standing around a store ### Assistant: I was excited to find these guys! @netflix is the best! #findnetflixcs #fanx #epic"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a baby wearing a tie ### Assistant: #tbt to earlier today when Marvel and I were paling around at @saltlakecomiccon"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young child dressed in a costume and holding a knife ### Assistant: Our little Ms. Marvel has turned into Rey. #fanx16 #epic @saltlakecomiccon #starwars"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a white shirt holding a white bow ### Assistant: My new Merida bow from #ivoryforge the details are amazing! #epic #fanx16 #brave"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman in a store with a large stuffed animal ### Assistant: Family photo perhaps? (Luke, Han, Leia, and Rey) #fanx16 #epic #starwars"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a baby in a room ### Assistant: Past @heruniverse #fangirloftheday Jessica and Marvel hanging out at salt lake comic con FanX"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a baby wearing a hat and holding a piece of cloth ### Assistant: Isn't she the cutest little Rey ever? People are so loving little Ms. Marvel! Past #fangirloftheday @heruniverse"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman wearing a scarf and a tie ### Assistant: We have the best wrap! #mommymonroe #courage #natibaby"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman are standing together in a room ### Assistant: Crazy eyes! #findnetflixcs @netflixcs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man holding a baby in his arms ### Assistant: Ms. Marvel hasn't been feeling well but she sure is playful right now. (Mommy doesn't feel well either). It's Kidscare for us to make sure she's alright."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman smiling for the camera ### Assistant: Face painting day for Thumbtack CS 2nd Anniversary #thumbtacklife @brethefox"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a baby is laying on the ground with a stuffed animal ### Assistant: I can't believe how big Ms. Marvel is getting! Plus she's so squirmy! #msmarvel #babymarvel #babiesofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a baby holding a tie in its mouth ### Assistant: Even when you can't see her mouth, you know she's smiling #msmarvel #babymarvel #babiesofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a baby is sitting on a couch with a picture of a cat ### Assistant: I just love the cute faces this girl makes. She was loving her vanilla puffs. #msmarvel #babymarvel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a book with a picture of a woman on it ### Assistant: My first ever handwoven by @prettypaisleybabe it's not a carrier but a beautiful scarf ala the 4th doctor! Can't wait to wear this around! #prettypaisleyproductions #jellybabies #scarves"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a tv sitting on top of a wooden stand ### Assistant: Watching this amazing @newgirlonfox episode with #prince #ripprince"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white toilet sitting on top of a table ### Assistant: My Cricut Explore Air makes invitation making a breeze! Thank you @officialcricut for such a fun machine!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pan of food on a stove top ### Assistant: Mmmm Fajitas #glutenfreelife #yummy"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a book with a bottle of wine and a sign ### Assistant: Thank you to @getawaytoday for tracking me down for this amazing prize! I'm so excited to also be an affiliate for your great company! #harrypotter #butterbeer"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pair of shoes with a pair of shoes on them ### Assistant: I desperately needed new flip flops and I got the coolest ones! #starwars #darkside #havaianas"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a giant teddy bear in a costume ### Assistant: May the Fourth be with you! Had such a great Star Wars Day at work! #thumbtacklife #starwars"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is reading a newspaper in front of a window ### Assistant: My work even themed the bathroom! #starwars"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a small child sitting on a table with a toy ### Assistant: Even though she's not going to the movie Ms. Marvel is #teamcap"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a broken bird laying on the ground ### Assistant: I saw this cute little snail earlier when I was getting the mail. Even though he moves slowly, that doesn't stop him. I've got to remember to have patience like this snail. #patience #snail"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman pose for a picture with a kite ### Assistant: Had so much fun celebrating the 10th anniversary for @officialcricut with the family! #cricutlovesmarvel Ms. Marvel and I are #teamcap"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman dressed up as zombies ### Assistant: Since @collecsean is #teamironman we got a photo with Mr. Stark himself! Such a fun time with @officialcricut and the crew! #cricutlovesmarvel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large white building with a large white roof ### Assistant: Summer can officially start now that the drive in is open! Finally seeing Zootopia! #driveintheater #summerfun"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a boy is laying on a bed with a red blanket ### Assistant: My big brother @barney_says loved me so much as a kid!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a baby sitting on a couch holding a toy ### Assistant: This is a week late but my baby is a year old! I'm so proud of my crazy little Ms. Marvel! #msmarvel #babymarvel #babiesofinstagram #kidsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman laying on a carpet with a blue and white striped blanket ### Assistant: I call these my Hawkeye leggings \u27b5\u2764\ufe0f\ud83d\ude0d #lularoeleggings #hawkeye"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a child are sitting on a tree ### Assistant: She's great for tolerating her daddy's beard kisses #tbt #cinemooddaddy"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman are holding up a sign ### Assistant: I can't wait! Are any of you room friends like @collecsean and I?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a skateboard with a sticker on it ### Assistant: We had so much fun last night at the drive in seeing Finding Dory! Look at this cute popcorn box I made with my @officialcricut #cricutsummer"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a bottle of beer ### Assistant: I needed a reminder to keep myself hydrated this Summer! #cricutsummer"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a blue and white school bus with a picture of a dog on it ### Assistant: This song by @justintimberlake is my summer jam! I couldn't help but make this cute summer notebook to take along with me on our family summer adventures! #cricutsummer #summerplaylist"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a black and white striped crochet hook with a flower ### Assistant: Shark week has just begun but seriously look how cute this headband I made for little Ms. Marvel is? I can't wait for her to try it on when she's not asleep! #cricutsummer #sharkweek #headband"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a fire hydrant with a bunch of candles on it ### Assistant: Had to do a test run with my fireworks bucket I made! Seriously so much fun! #cricutsummer #fireworks #sparklers"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with glasses holding a child ### Assistant: Loving creeper Sean while we get ready to go catch some Pokemon! I'm absolutely loving this wrap too! It's visiting me for the week and absolutely cushy and soft and wish I could keep it!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with glasses and a black shirt and black pants ### Assistant: I love how she smiles now with cameras! Her toothy grin is the best! #msmarvel #babymarvel #babywearing #handwovenwrap"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man holding a stuffed animal in his hand ### Assistant: A wild ratticate appeared by our car! #pokemongo #pokemon"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a beard and a tie ### Assistant: HACKED: French Stewart impersonation"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a child smiling for the camera ### Assistant: Me and my little Ms. Marvel. She's growing up to be quite the amazing girl. #msmarvel #babymarvel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two little boys are drinking from a cup ### Assistant: Ms. Marvel had her 15 month check up and shots today. So tonight when I bought myself an icee and she stole it, I couldn't get mad because she was so happy! #babymarvel #msmarvel #kidsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a child wearing hats ### Assistant: Ms. Marvel and I at The Lantern Fest #lanternfest #momlife #msmarvel #babymarvelous"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women and a child posing for a picture ### Assistant: Ms. Marvel with her fellow princesses! #msmarvel #babymarvel #lanternfest"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman wearing glasses and a scarf ### Assistant: I decided to wear my Mei Hairpin as a test run. #overwatch #overwatchmei #costest"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a child eating a banana together ### Assistant: Waiting for the mark hamill panel. #slcc16 #itshamilltime #utahsickday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman posing for a picture ### Assistant: We met the Man who waited, the last centurion, Rory Williams! (Aka Arthur Darvill!) he was impressed with Ms. Marvel apparently lol! #msmarvel #doctorwho #slcc16 #utahsickday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman dressed in a costume is on a stage ### Assistant: I found Ana. I practically ran her down yelling for her in excitement. #slcc16 #overwatch #overwatchcosplay"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a t-shirt and a bear costume ### Assistant: Action figure Mei, coming to a store near you! #slcc16 #overwatch #overwatchcosplay"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person with a tattoo on their arm ### Assistant: My Overwatch glitter tattoo :) #overwatch #slcc16"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman holding a sign ### Assistant: J. Jonah Jameson found Spider-Man at last! #slcc16"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl is sitting on a bed with a flower ### Assistant: #tbt to the renaissance fair and my darling sleeping beauty. I can't get enough of this sweet girl. #stopgrowingup #msmarvel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman wearing a blue shirt and a blue helmet ### Assistant: Simply a-MEI-zing! Photo credit @mloertscher at #slcc16 #overwatch #overwatchcosplay #overwatchmei"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a child sitting in a car ### Assistant: Me and Ms. Marvel taking a selfie together #msmarvel #utahstatefair2016"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"the moon is rising\" ### Assistant: My favorite from Women's Conference. #ldsconf #mormon #faith #ldsquotes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a decorative patterned cloth with a flower on it ### Assistant: Winter is coming #housestark #adultcoloringbook #gameofthrones"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't eat the red\" ### Assistant: I'm excited to attend @pinnersconf again this year! Who else is joining me here in Utah? It's a month away! Nov 4-5! Save the date!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"no cows allowed\" ### Assistant: I'm excited to announce that I've been selected to be a part of the @chickfila Mom Panel 16-17! #chickfilamoms"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young girl wearing a hat and sunglasses ### Assistant: Ms. Marvel is the Hulk! #msmarvel #babymarvel #kidsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress holding a baby in a basket ### Assistant: #tbt to when we went to the Renaissance Fair and Ms. Marvel and I got beautiful flower crowns and felt like the princess and queen we are!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a baby in a bed ### Assistant: I rarely get time like this where Marvel will cuddle with me. She and I are loving spending time watching Sesame Street while we wait for my mom to get here. #dayoff #halloween #momtime"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman sitting on a couch ### Assistant: We had such a fun Halloween as Tinker Bell, Peter Pan, and Peter Pan's shadow! #halloween #msmarvel #babymarvel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large group of stuffed animals on a table ### Assistant: Lots of cute piggies!!! #macupinners @mountainamericacu"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a purse and a camera on a bed ### Assistant: Love the gift I got from Chick-Fil-A!!! I think my favorite is the bag since it's insulated to keep my chicken warm! #chickfilamoms"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a doughnut and a cup of coffee on a table ### Assistant: Nothing better than a Missionary drink from Swig and a sugar cookie. Thanks @pinnersconf for letting me attend VIP night!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a book with a bunch of different foods on it ### Assistant: Thanks to HP for this awesome gift! Can't wait to give it a try! #hpmillennials #hpsprocket"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a baby sleeping in a bed with a blanket ### Assistant: This girl has had a long day! Im so glad she's getting some well deserved sleep! She may not be a little baby anymore but I could still watch her sleep like I did back then! #babymarvel #msmarvel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman posing for a picture ### Assistant: I finally have a photo up of my family at work :) #hpsprocket #hpmillennials"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman smile as they hug ### Assistant: Me and my mini \ud83d\ude0d#msmarvel #babymarvel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black shirt holding a white object ### Assistant: I love dressing up my nerdy shirts to make them more feminine and fun! @styledbymarvel #lularoe #fashion #hawkeye #lularoeconsultant"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bowl of food with some vegetables in it ### Assistant: First time trying the Chicken Tortilla soup from @chickfila it was SO good! #chickfilamoms"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: three young boys are posing for a picture ### Assistant: Marvel got a hold of one of a chocolate truffle. She had a making a chocolate \"mud\" mask. #momlife #toddlersofinstagram #msmarvel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a little girl smiling for the camera ### Assistant: Happy birthday Mickey Mouse! You were the best boss! #happybirthdaymickey #disneysmmc #mickeymouse"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little boy with a hat and a hat on ### Assistant: Ms. Marvel loved playing in the leaves yesterday! #msmarvel #autumn #leaves"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: three women are standing on a street with their skateboards ### Assistant: Ms. Marvel loves being on the top of the world aka her daddy's shoulders. #msmarvel #autumn #daddyslittlegirl"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress is standing in front of a mirror ### Assistant: We went to go see @fantasticbeastsmovie yesterday! See the link to my spoiler free review in the comments! #harrypotter #moviereview #fantasticbeasts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a child holding a small child ### Assistant: Happy thanksgiving from the Two Married Geeks and Ms. Marvel #thanksgiving"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of various appliances ### Assistant: Do you need ideas on what to get that special geek in your life? Check out my Geek Gift Guide! Link in the comments #geek #giftguide #christmas #holidays"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cake with a large chocolate frosting on top ### Assistant: Happy birthday to me! My amazing friend @randallsweetcakes made me this awesome cake! I'm very lucky! #happybirthday #29yearsold #gettingold"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a car with a remote in her hand ### Assistant: Sean and I earlier starting out our Las Vegas road trip! #anniversary #vacation #vivalasvegas"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with glasses and a black shirt is standing in front of a building ### Assistant: We made it! Our hotel is so beautiful and we are SO high up! #vegas #vacation"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman eating a donut together ### Assistant: We went to Serendipity 3 at Caesars Palace to try the Frozen Hot Chocolate and their large onion rings. It was better than I imagined it would be! #frozenhotchocolate #vegas"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with glasses standing in front of a large building ### Assistant: The Flamingo sign just screams \"VEGAS\" is to me! #vegas"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman smiling for the camera ### Assistant: Sean is pretty jazzed if you couldn't tell #vegas"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a piece of paper with a card on it ### Assistant: Reunited and it feels so good! I'm so glad to have Earl of Sandwich after so many years! Though it was my first time eating the holiday turkey sand which. It was really good! #earlofsandwich #yummy"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a black dog jumping up into the air with a frisbee ### Assistant: My a-Mei-zing Christmas present from @brethefox #overwatch #mei #art"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of people and animals ### Assistant: This hasn't been such a bad year after all! #2016bestnine"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table topped with plates of food ### Assistant: I got a kitchen aid for Christmas and finally got to use it today to make cookies \ud83d\ude0d\ud83c\udf6a #baking #domesticlife #cookies #kitchenaid"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a black case with a white cover ### Assistant: It looks like I'm winning like I usually do. Does that make me a horrible person? #cardsagainsthumanity #newyearseve"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman wearing hats and glasses ### Assistant: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! #newyear2017 #2017"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a book with a pen and a pencil on it ### Assistant: Got my writing on tonight with some prompts. #amwriting #writingprompts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white paper with a picture of a person ### Assistant: A little late night reading #amreading #starwars #rogueone #catalyst"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two stuffed animals are on a red chair ### Assistant: I can only imagine how entertaining a conversation between these two would be. \ud83d\ude02#starwars #k2so #c3po #citycreekcenter #cccphotocontest #bybc2017"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman wearing a red dress and a red hat ### Assistant: Paying my respects to my princess and general. #starWars #citycreekcenter #cccphotocontest #bybc2017"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a refrigerator with magnets and stickers on it ### Assistant: Apparently Ms. Marvel has figured out sorting the colors herself. #proudmom #twomarriedgeeks #toddlersofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman holding a baby ### Assistant: This Valentine's Day I'm so happy to have the two loves of my life, @collecsean and little Ms. Marvel. They make me smile and laugh. I love my forever family. #valentinesday #geekfamily #geeklove"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women smiling and smiling in a room ### Assistant: #tbt to #bybc2017 with my blog twin @2dorksinlove #geekbloggers #geekgirls #geekparents"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a little boy sitting on a couch ### Assistant: My brother @barney_bro showing Ms Marvel the ways of Snapchat. She wasn't so sure about being an old man! #family #brother #uncle"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bird sitting on a plant with a bunch of flowers ### Assistant: Welcome to Jurassic Park #plantnite #dinogeek #geek"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man holding a baby while she eats a sandwich . a man holding a knife to a man's face ### Assistant: Ms. Marvel loved checking out the turtle at Wizarding Dayz over the weekend that her uncle @barney_stud showed her #msmarvel #turtle #wizardingdayz"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a stuffed animal with a red hat on top of it ### Assistant: It's a Team Cap and Team Iron Man stand off! These two fellas keep me safe at work. Do you collect any pop vinyls? Which do you collect? Let me know in the comments! #popvinyls #Marvel #geek"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a girl holding a toothbrush ### Assistant: Hey friends! Check out my latest blog post where I show you how to make cosplay accessories with a @officialcricut machine using faux leather and craft foam! Link in bio #cosplay #ad #crafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a black hand holding a black object . a large piece of food is laying on a pile of rocks . a black and white object with a black handle ### Assistant: Finally opened up my chocolate dragon egg from @thetrufflecottage swipe through to see what I found inside! #chocolate #geekchocolate"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman smile while holding a baby . a woman and a child are smiling at the camera . a woman and a child are smiling at the camera ### Assistant: I love getting pictures and making faces with my little Ms. Marvel! She is all about having fun and being funny! #geeks #geekmom #twomarriedgeeks"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl is playing with a toy in the grass ### Assistant: It was a Happy Easter for the Two Married Geeks! Our little Ms. Marvel was so cute with our little Easter egg hunt! #twomarriedgeeks #msmarvel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of various items ### Assistant: I love these Mickey Mouse birthday invites I made using my @officialcricut for my little Ms. Marvel's birthday! She loves them too! #ad #disney #birthdaydiy Link in my profile!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a baseball bat and a sign ### Assistant: May the 4th be with you! Us Star Wars fans take this day seriously! My friend @jackieosofab looks galactic! #starwars #geekgirls #geekpreneur"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little boy sitting on a wooden floor next to a computer keyboard ### Assistant: I have the cutest and best helper when crafting! She wants to be like her mommy. #geekmom #cricut #crafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"the love of the arts\" ### Assistant: I'm in love with this framed quote I made on my @officialcricut it was so easy! I put the link to my post on how to make it in the comments #cricutmade #ad #cricut #unicorn"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl standing in a field with flowers ### Assistant: I got emotional yesterday at my cousin Kristen's grave site. I thought about how we could have been friends and Marvel would have loved her! #memorialday #cousins"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a colorful umbrella is sitting on a red blanket ### Assistant: This little dragon guy is seriously my favorite! And he was so fun to make too! Link to make in comments. @officialcricut #cricutmade #ad #dragon"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't eat the white\" ### Assistant: Love this quote so much I made a vinyl version for my wall! @officialcricut #cricutmade #ad #toystory"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl is looking at a mirror in a room ### Assistant: #tbt to when we took Marvel to the Disney Store for her birthday! She LOVED the magic mirror! #twomarriedgeeks #geektoddler"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman wearing a hat and glasses ### Assistant: I made this fun floral crown with my @officialcricut and it was so easy! #cricut #cricutmade #ad link to make in comments!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a child wearing hats and holding a stuffed animal ### Assistant: Surprise! We are at Salt Lake Gaming Con! It's been a blast so far! #twomarriedgeeks #geekfamily #geekparenting"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman are talking on a cell phone ### Assistant: @thegongshowabc airs on a special night...tonight! At 10/9c! #ad #thegongshow #gongmonday You can test your gong skills here: http://www.fyitrack.com/?02DE3D20"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl standing in a yard with a garden hose ### Assistant: Summer may be ending but there's still raspberries on the vine ripe for picking. Ms. Marvel is a pro at picking them off and putting them straight in her mouth. #summerdays #twomarriedgeeks #msmarvel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a toy elephant is sitting on a table ### Assistant: If only this model was life size so I could fly away to a galaxy far far away to fight with the Rebels and become the Jedi Knight I'm meant to be. #hotwheels #starwars #milleniumfalcon"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl is sitting on the ground with a kite ### Assistant: Marvel picked out her own bow today from @littlepoppyco Don't forget I'm giving away a FREE 3 month subscription on my previous post! Make sure you check it out! #hairbows #toddlersofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman dressed in costumes ### Assistant: It's not every day you meet a legend! This once in a lifetime opportunity was what dreams are made of! If you could meet anyone, who would you meet? #disneylegend #dickvandyke #slcc2017"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little boy standing in front of a door ### Assistant: Ms. Marvel was a little unsure of the giant blue box. She checked out the inside and found it wasn't bigger on the inside like on TV. #doctorwho #tardis #whovian #geekgirl"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl sitting on a tree limb with a stuffed animal ### Assistant: Ms. Marvel is the perfect queen to rule the 7 kingdoms. She would only demand marshpillows, fruit snacks, and apple juice. #ironthrone #gameofthrones #toddlersofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women are smiling and posing for a picture ### Assistant: At comic con I got to hang out with my blog twin @2dorksinlove for a bit! We had fun resting our feet in KidCon and catching up! #geekblogger #geekmom #geekgirls"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman are posing for a picture ### Assistant: All kids recognize Pikachu and Ms. Marvel is no exception! Every time we saw him she said she wanted to go see him. #pikachu #pokemon #geekfamily"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl playing with a wii controller ### Assistant: A child\u2019s imagination is so fascinating and watching Ms. Marvel\u2019s grow has been one of my favorite things of being a parent. #geekkids #toddlersofinstagram #imagination"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl standing in a field with a bunch of bananas ### Assistant: I\u2019m almost tempted to grow corn just because it makes a beautiful backdrop for photos. It doesn\u2019t help either that this cute face loves it too! #corn #cornmaze #toddlersofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a little boy wearing hats ### Assistant: If you want to know where Ms. Marvel gets her cheesy grin, it\u2019s from her dad @collecsean \ud83d\ude02 #geekdad #geekfamily #pumpkinpatch"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl in a white shirt and a white truck ### Assistant: At Old Navy yesterday we saw this adorable cutout of a fire truck promoting safety! Marvel made sure I took her picture! .\n.\n.\n#safetyfirst #safety #besafe #firefighter #futurefirefighter"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl with a pink ponytail ### Assistant: The look of pure wonder! I will never forget Marvel being so patient as she got her face painted and seeing the final result! .\n.\n.\n#gerberphotosearch2018"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl smiling while standing in front of a fence ### Assistant: Such a beautiful Saturday \u2764\ufe0f #gerberphotosearch2018"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl wearing a pink dress and a blue tie ### Assistant: A quick \u201chey yes we are still alive and having fun on our social media break!\u201d #gerberphotosearch2018"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl in a pink shirt holding a kite ### Assistant: Happy Halloween from the most adorable butterfly ever!!! @msmarveljessica .\n.\n.\n#butterflycostume #halloweencostume #happyhalloween"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a vase filled with flowers sitting on a couch ### Assistant: Those afternoon shadows when the sun hits our window \ud83d\ude0d #lamp #bed #freshsheets #flowers #indoorplants #bedhead #candles #glasses #oscarwylee #pillow #cushion"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a jar of honey and a bottle of water ### Assistant: When coffee is life \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb #forahappybody #TheGoodSortAU @thegoodsortofficial #coffee #capuccino #latte #coffeebeans #milkshake #smoothie"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a boy sitting on a bench with a book ### Assistant: Our gorgeous little bookworm wanted to take his book outside to read \"in the sunlight.\" \ud83d\udc93 He's a fan of #Goosebumps like his mum and dad were. \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb 7 years old and already smashing through novels!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young girl standing next to a young boy ### Assistant: Those new shoe feelings \ud83d\ude0d it's nearly back to school time, so that means shoe shopping \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb #skechers"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a platform with a large piece of luggage ### Assistant: Motivation. Determination. Perspiration \ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a young girl are smiling ### Assistant: This babe is probably my longest running friendship. We've known each other since we were babies \ud83d\udc93 I don't know what I'd do without you @stace_mummaof2 \ud83d\udc93"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl with a ponytail and a tie ### Assistant: I love you \ud83d\udc93 #daughter #eyes #love #sweetheart #hair #blackandwhite #portrait #samsungs9 #children #photo #family"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young boy spraying water on a hose ### Assistant: Summer daze. #hot #backyard #sprinkler #candidchildhood #magicofchildhood #hose #water #waterplay #son #playtime #happiness #pool #beach #yard #grass #playground #kids #lifestyle #mumlife"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a pink frosted cupcake ### Assistant: What better way to spend a rainy day, than with a watermelon cupcake \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a white cloth with a black and white pattern ### Assistant: I'll always hold your hand through it all. And we'll always hold Charlie in our hearts. That's something no one can take from any of us. \u2764\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bride and groom pose for a picture ### Assistant: Happy wedding anniversary to my stunning sister and awesome brother-in-law \u2764\ufe0f love you guys so much \u2764\ufe0f #wedding #bride #groom #love #weddingdress"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two little girls walking down a sidewalk with their legs crossed ### Assistant: Cutest little bestie shadows \ud83e\udd70 #shadows #friends #cuties #dresses #dancing"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress taking a selfie ### Assistant: Take me back \u2764\ufe0f #nightout #skirt #dress #makeup #selfie"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini sitting on a body of water ### Assistant: Still working on me \u2764\ufe0f #beach #photography #summer #throwback #hair #sand #blonde #bikini #tattoos #girlswithink"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cup of coffee with a spoon on a table ### Assistant: A much needed coffee date \u2764\ufe0f #coffee #cupcakes #latte #turmericlatte #cap #coffeeshops #cafe #coffeedate #almondmilk #morning"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress is standing in front of a wall . two girls smiling and posing for a picture . two women smile as they pose for a picture . two girls smiling and posing for a picture . two women dressed in costumes and posing for a picture . two girls smiling and posing for a picture . a woman and a man are smiling together . a man and a woman are holding a remote . a woman and a man are posing for a picture . two women standing next to each other in a restaurant ### Assistant: Happy birthday to my amazing sister @stephree14 \nYour strength inspires me. I love you so much and I am so proud to call you my sister, and my friend. #birthday #sister #love #family \u2764\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair is looking at a book ### Assistant: How sweet is this Easter bow by @clip_pa_dee_clip \ud83e\udd70 Elsa is obsessed #bow #hair #bunny #easter #easterbow #cute #toddlerhairstyles #hairoftheday #longhair"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is laying on a bed with a cup of coffee ### Assistant: Is there anything better? #coffee #uggboots #kmart #mug #cappuccino #almondmilk #morning #holidays #easter #dressinggown #relax #health #tired #mumlife #espresso"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a child posing for a picture ### Assistant: Babies \u2764\ufe0f #easter #batman #kids #babies #instagood #goodfriday #love #happy #cute"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman standing next to each other ### Assistant: Corporate hangs at the footy \ud83d\udc4c\ud83c\udffb #football #afl #footy #corporatebox #mcg #husband #fun #sport #drinks #weekend #date #datenight #ootd #footyfield #oval #instahair #instagood"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl and a little girl standing next to each other ### Assistant: I love you \ud83d\udc9e #daughter #family #beautiful #love #dress #dance #skirt #motherdaughter #motherhood #momlife #heels #lookoftheday #instababy #longhair #brunette #extensions #lbd #ootd"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red shirt and jeans standing by a brick wall ### Assistant: Carn the dons \ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffb #essendonfc #bombers #essendon"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini is kneeling on a rock ### Assistant: Mumbod \ud83d\udcaa\ud83c\udffbbrought to you by gym, vodka and pizza."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a little girl wearing a pink dress and a pink tie ### Assistant: Currently (actually always) bow obsessed \ud83d\ude0d thank you @clip_pa_dee_clip \ud83e\udd70 Elsa is in love!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a bathroom taking a selfie in the mirror ### Assistant: Feeling so refreshed and strong after an awesome session this morning. 80kg PB, some hardio, and a whole lotta squats and lunges. Getting that passion back \u2764\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young girl with a white hair and a black neckline ### Assistant: This little possum \ud83d\ude0d #blackandwhitephoto #portrait #longhair #cutekidsclub #daughter #babygirl #loveyou"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini with a sign ### Assistant: #ericamena #babymommagenes #puertorico"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't eat the rainbow\" . a woman wearing glasses and a scarf . a man with glasses sitting in front of a laptop . a man in a black shirt talking on a cell phone . a large screen tv with a bunch of numbers on it . a woman is sitting on a bench with a dog . a man and a child are standing together . a large model of a toy truck on a table . a old truck with a lot of parts on it . a truck with a large tire on it ### Assistant: #kerihilson #meng #meng #meng #howwedo - #jayz #freeway #beaniesigel #gocrazy - #jayz #kronos #jasonpowers #desertpatrolvehicle #seals #k9 #charlieseals #maclaaguilera"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a soldier in a uniform is holding a rifle ### Assistant: #HDmilitarypics #spetsnaz #specialforces"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman standing on a beach ### Assistant: #ericamena #puertorico #babymommagenes #safarai #multiplewomen #nickiminaj #dritadavanzo #mariahlynnboss"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"no smoking\" on it . a man and a woman dressed up for a party ### Assistant: #wwerollins #shield #trishstratus #liliangarcia #coffeetable"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a costume holding a giant hammer ### Assistant: #puregeek #revan #thefallenorder #starwarsthefallenorder #chrisavellone #knightsoftheoldrepublic"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is sitting in a chair with a picture of a man on his phone . a white and blue sign with a picture of a person . a woman with a black hair and a blue tie ### Assistant: #whoavicky #zone6 #brea #education #worldstar #jobs #rappers #ig #youtube #doctor #nurse #accounting #degree"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a white dress and black pants . a clock is shown on a street sign ### Assistant: #babyblue805 #onlyclassy #margotrobbie credit"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a suit and tie holding a remote ### Assistant: #taylormomsen #thegrinch #takemedown - #theprettyreckless"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red dress is sitting on a couch ### Assistant: #whatyouobsessyoumanifest #shotclock - #ellamai"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man holding a red and white sign ### Assistant: #giveittome - #jayz - #ijustwanttoloveya #neptunes #khloekardashian #khloekardashian #khloeglasses"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a picture of a man on it ### Assistant: #kingmeme7272 #cardib #trinidad #dominicanrepublic"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a dog and a cat ### Assistant: #theheatmagazine #babymomma #7"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a car with a picture of a dog ### Assistant: ? #hoodratchetv #nottoopretty #queen #england #mall #starbucks #mocha #javachip #caramel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a child standing on a beach ### Assistant: #sinspinner #father #babydaddy #babydaddydrama"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a book with a picture of a man ### Assistant: #ashleymlands #badatlove - #halsey"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is taking a picture of a woman's face ### Assistant: #amandabynes #sydneywhite #fraternitybrother #standin"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a pink flower on her head ### Assistant: #ruthybellamy #babymomma #whoa #puertorico #black"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is jumping up and down on a skateboard ### Assistant: #Blackgirlmagic #fighting\ud83d\udcaa #for #dick #rhinaqueenzee #badgalriri #chrisbrown"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with glasses looking at a camera ### Assistant: #jiujitsutimes #jiujitsuafterdark credit"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't eat the white\" ### Assistant: #bigdummys2savagememes #canthandleme #facebook"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos showing a person holding a cell phone ### Assistant: #finestinventions #shelovesme #allthatmatters #heartbeat #english #french #humannature #chinese"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man holding a sign with a picture of a man ### Assistant: #instafunny credit #zacari #love #kendricklamar #loveme"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a swimsuit is sitting on a pool ### Assistant: #quietstormv #realkkvsh\ud83d\ude29\ud83c\udf51\ud83d\udca6 #getthosecheeks"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini standing on a beach . a woman in a bikini standing on a beach ### Assistant: #quietstormv #cherokeedass_african_fan_page"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a painting of a man in a hat . a collage of photos of a woman in a bikini . a man holding a toothbrush in his mouth . a man is laying on a bed with a picture of a woman . a man holding a sign that says \"no to drugs\" . a pair of skis with a mask on them . a woman in a dress and a man in a hat . a vintage truck with a surfboard on top of it . a large truck with a large flat bed . a man and woman smiling for the camera ### Assistant: #hahadavis #guard #sprayground #h1 #k10 #custom #queennaija - #medicine #looking #learning #quick #warriorgoddesstraining #sprayground #spraygrounduk #burgerking"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman talking on a cell phone while sitting in a car ### Assistant: #Wordsworthbillions #rideordiebitch - #lox #expectsmore #deservesmore #spoil #cook #clean #pay #romantic #hustlers #spoil #eve - #rrwhat #stylesp"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing next to a man in a crowd ### Assistant: #marlene #mehlene #bbgirls #belabelenf #anthonycortes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a colorful wall with a colorful kite ### Assistant: #airforce #marlene #mehlene #bbgirls #40"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls in a room with a wall ### Assistant: #bhabiestories credit #bhadbhabie"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a baseball uniform is holding a sign ### Assistant: #1234marinecorps - #usmarimes credit #nightwalkerzero"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a pink flower on her head ### Assistant: #ruthybellamy #babymomma #puertorico #black #florida"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini with a stuffed animal ### Assistant: #shooteverythingtv #katstacks #trinidadcarnival #venezuela #miami #florida"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a blue shirt and blue jeans is on a bench ### Assistant: #ericamena #babymommagenes #puertorico #runit - #chrisbrown #video #features"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red dress is posing for a picture ### Assistant: #meetjoya #katstacks #trinidad #venezuela #queenworldstar"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a pink flower on her head ### Assistant: #ruthybellamy #america #usa #unitedairlines #deltaairlines #floridahome #vacationhome #babymomma #puertorico #black #bathroom #bathroomdesign"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a soldier holding a gun in a photo . a man is climbing up a mountain with a camera ### Assistant: #haha #sas #loadout #aramid #again #manchester #bombing #england #glock #m4 #556 #9mm #phone #jammer #wifi #bluetooth #flashsticks"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman smiling while posing for a picture ### Assistant: #ruthybellamy #babymomma #puertorico #black"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cartoon character with a cat on a chair ### Assistant: #bhadlilbhabiee #ickylettuce #spongebob"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink dress standing on a red carpet . a man and a woman standing next to each other . people sitting around a table eating . a man and a woman standing next to each other . a woman in a red dress standing next to a man . a man and a woman standing next to each other . a woman in a red dress talking on a microphone . a woman in a red dress is talking on a cell phone . a woman in a red dress with a red bow tie . two women standing next to each other in front of a sign ### Assistant: #vincemcmahon #torriewilson #undertaker #tripleh #stephaniemcmahon #michellemccool"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a yellow dress and a dog . a woman laying on a beach with a towel ### Assistant: #himynamestee #snowthaproduct #mexico #usa #wildnout #lovethatshow #ohman"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't eat the ketchup\" ### Assistant: Credit #chelseahandler #cousins #sip #breakfast"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini standing next to a motorcycle ### Assistant: #violetbenson #harleydavidson #bikes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress holding a glass ### Assistant: #hildasingh #alive #well #stories #babymomma #mother #babymommagenes #puertorico #grandmother"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a red and white sign with a picture of a person ### Assistant: #lazyeye - #googoodolls #batmanandrobin #netflixandchill #umathurman #babynumbertwo #well #whereareyou #anotherariel #anotherarieladventure"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"no parking\" on it ### Assistant: ! #djkayslay credit #ruthybellamy #babymomma #black #puertorico #ghb"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair and a red tie ### Assistant: #yo #adorablebhabie #bhadbabie"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"no parking\" ### Assistant: #boythundernyc #nipsey #crazy #coverage #streetname #change"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is on a skateboard with a man ### Assistant: #chrisbrown #badgalriri credit"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white computer keyboard with a black arrow ### Assistant: #jasonpowers #bitethebullet #bitethebulletstories #regrouping #powermoves"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a green and white striped blanket with a pattern of dots ### Assistant: #money #daughter #house #babymomma #igotyou credit #loyal"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a beard and a hat ### Assistant: #nigga #friday #friday1 #smokey #christucker"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large number of numbers on a white keyboard ### Assistant: #jasonpowers #florida #fight #selfdefense"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a black shirt and a blue tie ### Assistant: #anuel - #tekashi69 #quierebeber"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a picture of a man on it ### Assistant: #offset #metroboomin #ricflairdrip"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man riding a skateboard on top of a building ### Assistant: #aboogiewitdahoodie - #lookbackatit"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man riding a skateboard on top of a building ### Assistant: #swervin - #tekashi69 #aboogiewitdahoodie"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a fake toothbrush in her mouth ### Assistant: #puritysmiles #katatacks #trinidad #venezuela #queenworldstar"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a baseball player ### Assistant: #louiedaja #life #death #isolation #fightback #social"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a painting of a cow with a face painted on it . a man in a car with a camera in his hand . a toy elephant with a cartoon character on it . a skull mask with a cartoon character on it . a blue and white sign with a picture of a person . a red and white sign that says \"no parking\" . a painting of a woman with a cat on her head . a close up of a picture of a red and white checkered flag . a cartoon character with a hat and a red scarf . a red and white striped fabric with a red and white stripe ### Assistant: #jasonpowers #peeweesquad #pac #spongebobmemes #supreme"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a picture of a cat on her face ### Assistant: #yayithequeen #puertorico #rr #ruffryders"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a car with sunglasses on . a man with glasses and a scarf on . a man in a car with sunglasses on . a man in a car with a headset on . a man in a car with a toothbrush in his mouth . a man in a car with a camera in his hand . a man in a car with a camera in his hand . a man with glasses talking on a cell phone . a blue bag with a blue handle and a black and white purse . a man wearing glasses and a hat ### Assistant: #jasonpowers #babymomma #sleep #peeweesquad"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a blue dress holding a blue and yellow umbrella . a crowd of people standing around a stage with a large neon sign ### Assistant: #tasteofcardib #cardib #belcalisalmanzar #trinidad #dominicanrepublic #migos #kulture"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman riding a red motorcycle on a road ### Assistant: #yayithequeen #puertorico #ruffryders #rr #intherwetrust"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a suit holding a baseball bat ### Assistant: #matthew_william_guerra #banksy #frontlines"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini is on a red carpet ### Assistant: #jlovers #jlo #puertorico #babymommagenes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is jumping in the air while another woman watches ### Assistant: #welove_dragonball_z #dbz #tournamentofpower #vegetta"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink dress is standing near a cake . a man and a woman are standing on a beach . a woman in a pink dress is posing for a picture . a woman in a pink dress standing in front of a wall . a girl in a bikini posing for a picture . a woman in a pink dress standing on a ledge . a man and a woman are standing on a beach ### Assistant: #ericamena #babymommagenes #puertorico #motorhead - #brotherhoodofmen #lemmykilmister"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman smile as they pose for a picture . a woman in a black dress and a black skirt . a man in a suit and tie posing for a picture . a man in a black shirt and a black and white background . a man with a beard and a beard looking at the camera ### Assistant: #tigerwoods #mistermorris #lindseyvonn"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cat is standing on a piece of paper ### Assistant: #brokemodel #kermitmemes #sleep #howitfeelstochew5gum #howidoit"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cat is holding a sign that says \"the world is a better place\" ### Assistant: #hollywoodunlocked \ud83d\udd2b\ud83d\udd2b\ud83d\udd2b #liloandstitch #disney #themepark"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a blue cup with a picture of a person . a man wearing glasses and a hat . a man wearing glasses and glasses talking on a cell phone . a stuffed animal is sitting on a table . a blue and white striped blanket with a picture of a person ### Assistant: #jasonpowers #babymommasecured"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman are posing for a picture . a man and woman are posing for a picture ### Assistant: #sharinahudson #wendywilliams #noalcohol #kevinhunter #theshaderoom credit"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a suit is on a skateboard ### Assistant: #itsruffryders #whatif - #jadakiss"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large screen tv screen with a bunch of numbers . a large number of different colored and numbered signs on a white surface ### Assistant: #jasonpowers #thanks #itechrepair #king #wil #biz"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white screen with a black and white image ### Assistant: #hm #jasonpowers #bias #lesbian #versus #straight #male #versus #woman #racism"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white computer keyboard with a black arrow ### Assistant: #circlesback #goesback #jasonpowers #crazy #tossedwhat"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of a number of different signs ### Assistant: #jesus #working #d #partymember"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a close up of a cell phone with a number ### Assistant: #yo #d #partymember #jasonpowers #allentown #pa"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black shirt and a black tie ### Assistant: #yo #hilda #babymomma #grandmother #puertorico #babymommagenes #hildasingh #mother"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"no parking\" ### Assistant: #aminahwiliams #letthemcome #understands #father credit"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a car with a camera . a car dashboard with a steering wheel and a radio . a car dashboard with a person sitting in it . a car is driving down the road with a truck behind it . a man in a car with a red tie . a man in a car with a reflection of himself in the mirror . a black and white photo of a black and white car . a man in a hat and sunglasses is looking at the camera . a car driving down a road with a bunch of cars behind it . a man in a car with a camera in his hand ### Assistant: #jasonpowers #volvo #2000 #s40 #turbo #boost #whoosh #custom"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress is sitting on a balcony ### Assistant: Waiting for my chocolate covered strawberries like... \ud83c\udf53 in my @noleiboutique dress #birthdayweekend #lasvegas #arialv #slayinn\u00f4lei \ud83c\udf03 #asep407 #djasep"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a car with a camera . a man in a military uniform is holding a gun . a man in a car with a beard and a tie . a man in a helmet and tie is smiling . a man in a blue shirt and a blue tie . a man in a car looking at his phone . a man in a blue shirt is looking at a cell phone ### Assistant: #jasonpowers #funkflex #faithevans"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is holding a toothbrush and a picture of a man . a small dog is sniffing a bottle of soda . a black and white fire hydrant with a pair of black gloves . a man in a suit and tie . a man wearing a tie and a shirt with a picture of a cat . a woman in a red dress holding a red and white sign . a woman with a black eye and a black nose . a man holding a nintendo wii game controller . a black and white cat laying on a floor . a stuffed bear sitting on a wall next to a painting ### Assistant: #newarknj #aggyabby #draco #sticktalk - #future #tapout / #nickiminaj #shaq #yikes #illsue #ratpatrol #fight #lurkin - #plies #wakaflocka #birdman #mackmaine #lilwayne"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman wearing a black jacket and sunglasses . a woman with a smile on her face . a woman is laying on a bed with a white blanket . a white keyboard with numbers on it . a white screen with a number of numbers on it . a cartoon character is standing in front of a wall . a man in a car with a camera . a man and woman wearing suits and ties . a woman in a bikini is reading a magazine ### Assistant: #lilkimteam #lilkim credit #JASONpowers #newark #_oshun_leti_ #aggyabby #blackout #nohavingit #hadbetter #malutrevejo #thenorkprojectv"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a wooden fence with a train on top of it ### Assistant: #camoflagedworld #osprey #flying #mv22"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young girl is holding a camera and smiling ### Assistant: #imwoahvicky #zone6 #libertycity #squad"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"no writing\" on it ### Assistant: #spamembi #gayassbitch #bitchyquotes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a suit and tie is reading a newspaper ### Assistant: #dr.boney_bawscow_petermoe #davechappelle360 #charmilisaps"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a black shirt and sunglasses talking on a cell phone . a man in a car wearing glasses and a tie . a man in a car wearing a tie . a man in a car with a beard . a man in a car with a smile on his face ### Assistant: #djenvy #jasonpowers #cthagod #angelayee"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a car smiling while holding a cell phone . a man wearing a blue shirt and a blue tie . a man in a white shirt and black pants is looking at the camera . a man in a car wearing glasses and a tie . a man in a white shirt and black pants is holding a white cell phone ### Assistant: #djenvy #jasonpowers #cthagod #angelayee"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a car with a smile on his face . a man in a car with a beard . a man in a black shirt and sunglasses talking on a cell phone . a man in a car wearing glasses and a tie . a man in a car wearing a tie ### Assistant: #djenvy #jasonpowers #cthagod #angelayee"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini on a motorcycle ### Assistant: #yayithequeen #puertorico #puma"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink shirt and a pink bow tie . a man in a green shirt and a yellow tie . a black and gold purse with a blue stripe . a woman in a skirt and a scarf . a man holding a bag with a flower on it . a pile of luggage sitting on top of a wall . a pile of luggage sitting on a wooden floor ### Assistant: #sprayground #spraygrounduk #tasteofcardib #belcalis #trinidad #dominicanrepublic #christinakhalil #migos #naruto #hennessycarolina"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini sitting on a chair . a young woman in a black dress is looking at her cell phone . a woman in a red dress is sitting on a bench . a car with a lot of chrome on it . a woman sitting on a bench with a red skirt . a woman with a red headband and a white face . a woman wearing a hat and a skirt ### Assistant: #1951 #ford #coupe #cardib #cardibvisuals #malutheangel #malutrevejo #korinakova #faithevans #bhadbhabie #woahvicky #zone6 #glasshair #blackdress #dress - #pjharvey #yee hahhaha !"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a display of food items on a table ### Assistant: Yo! #d #partymember #auntieannes #jasonpowers"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"the american flag\" ### Assistant: #yes #911police #likethat #addy2v0"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a woman in a black dress ### Assistant: The Best \u2728\n#gracielapalacios #vinoelamor #teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a woman in a dress ### Assistant: Mi super villana \ud83d\udc9c\n#gracielapalacios #vinoelamor #teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini sitting on a toilet ### Assistant: No s\u00e9 pueden perder esta noche #premiolonuestro por @univisionnow \u2728\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman smiling while holding a bowl of food ### Assistant: La mejor sonrisa se\u00f1ores esta noche no se vallan a perder #premiolonuestro por @univisionnow \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\u2764\ud83d\ude0a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a girl with a smile on her face posing for a picture ### Assistant: A solo horas para verte en #premiolonuestro Mi Reyna @kimberlydosramos\n\u2022\n\u2022\nNo s\u00e9 lo pueden perder por @univisionnow \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman smiling for the camera ### Assistant: Esta noche no pueden dejar de ver a mi @kimberlydosramos como presentadora de #premiolonuestro \u2764\u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink dress standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: Mori que belleza \ud83d\ude31\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\n@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women are smiling while holding up their cell phones ### Assistant: Besitos #premiolonuestro \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a man are posing for a picture ### Assistant: Kim & anitta \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\ude0d@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a white dress standing next to a wall ### Assistant: La m\u00e1s bonita mi @kimberlydosramos #premiolonuestro \u2728\u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress is holding a white purse ### Assistant: Guap\u00edsima mi Reyna \ud83d\udc97\ud83d\udc8b#premiolonuestro @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman standing in front of a tv ### Assistant: Mi super estrella bien acompa\u00f1ada en #premiolonuestro \u2728\ud83d\ude0a@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a tv screen ### Assistant: Mi princesa #premiolonuestro \ud83d\ude1a\ud83d\ude1a\ud83d\ude0d@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress standing next to a table ### Assistant: M\u00e1s fotos de anoche en la #alfombramagenta de #premiolonuestro @kimberlydosramos \ud83e\udd17\ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress with a magazine ### Assistant: Fotito de anoche \nQuedaste divina mi mu\u00f1eca\n#premiolonuestro #alfombramagenta \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing in a mirror with a pair of scissors ### Assistant: Toda una Pr\u00edncesa \ud83d\ude0d\n#premiolonuestro \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\ude0d@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a suit is standing on a counter ### Assistant: Qu\u00e9 belleza \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\n#premiolonuestro @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman posing for a picture with a cake ### Assistant: La Reyna de #premiolonuestro \n#alfombramagenta \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress and tie ### Assistant: Mi super estrella la mas Hermosa de anoche en #premiolonuestro @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a white dress is smiling ### Assistant: Kisses to my princess \ud83d\udc8b\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\n#premiolonuestro #alfombramagenta @kimberlydosramos \u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress standing next to a table ### Assistant: Imposible Ser mas Linda \nAnoche en #premiolonuestro #alfombramagenta \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress is talking on a cell phone ### Assistant: Mi Princesa de cuentos de Hadas anoche en #premiolonuestro #alfombramagenta \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc57\ud83d\udc60@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress standing in front of a table ### Assistant: Toda una Reyna anoche en #premiolonuestro #alfombramagenta \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a white dress standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: Pura belleza anoche \nEn #premiolonuestro #alfombramagenta @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red dress standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: Quedaste bellisima Al top \n#premiolonuestro #alfombramagenta @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress with a bow tie ### Assistant: Te ame de pies a cabeza quedaste hermosisima \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\udc57\ud83d\udc60#premiolonuestro @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini with a man in a dress ### Assistant: Divinaaaaaas en #premiolonuestro #alfombramagenta \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is sitting on a couch with a man ### Assistant: La mas Bonita mi @kimberlydosramos en la #alfombramagenta de #premiolonuestro \u2764\u2764\u2764@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress and a man in a dress ### Assistant: No puedo dejar de capturar hermosos momentos que see vuelven recuerdos \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\nLa mas Bella de todas en #premiolonuestro #alfombramagenta @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress holding a glass ### Assistant: Bellisima en la noche de #premiolonuestro #alfombramagenta @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: Eres tan Hermosa\n te ame de pies a cabeza \ud83d\ude31\ud83d\ude0d\nEn #premiolonuestro #alfombramagenta @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9c\u2728\ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress standing in front of a wall . a woman in a dress standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: Amo esa Dulce y Bella sonrisa en #premiolonuestro #alfombramagenta @kimberlydosramos \u2764\u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a black hair and a white shirt . a woman in a black dress is holding a cell phone ### Assistant: Besos\ud83d\udc8b\ud83d\udc8b\ud83d\udc8b\n#premiolonuestro #alfombramagenta @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9b\ud83d\udc9b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini with a picture of a dog ### Assistant: Lo m\u00e1s hermoso en #premiolonuestro #alfombramagenta @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress holding a knife ### Assistant: My Qu\u00eb\u00ebn en #premiolonuestro @kimberlydosramos \u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress with a bow tie ### Assistant: Te Amoooo tanto \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\nLa m\u00e1s bonita en #premiolonuestro @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman are looking at a cell phone ### Assistant: La m\u00e1s hermosa y la Reyna de #premiolonuestro @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red dress with a red bow ### Assistant: Mi super villana \ud83d\udc9c\n#gracielapalacios #vinoelamor #teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a black hair and a black tie ### Assistant: G r a c i e l a \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\n#vinoelamor #teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos \u2764\ud83c\udf38"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair and a black tie ### Assistant: Mi Grace \ud83c\udf77\ud83c\udf47\u2665#teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\ude0a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black shirt and a black tie ### Assistant: The Most Pretty \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\nlove you @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a young girl are sitting on a couch ### Assistant: Ellos \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\ude18\n#gracielapalacios #vinoelamor #teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos \u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress is looking at a picture ### Assistant: Sus caras \u2764\u2764\n#gracielapalacios #vinoelamor #teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a girl and a boy ### Assistant: Personaje que me encanto \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udca5\n\u2022\u2022\u2022\n#gracielapalacios #vinoelamor #teamgraciela \ud83d\udc99@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a painting of a man in a suit and tie . a man and woman posing for a picture ### Assistant: Nuevo p\u00f3ster de #PorAmarSinLey2 @kimberlydosramos \u2764\u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black shirt and a white dress ### Assistant: Yo contando los d\u00edas para verte \nMi Sofi #PorAmarSinLey2 @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing on a carpet holding a skateboard . a woman in a bikini standing on a wooden floor ### Assistant: My Princess en el programa #kimberlyenhoy @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99\ud83c\udf89By:@fc_kimberly2ramos_italy"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a wall with a microphone ### Assistant: The Most Beautiful #kimberlyenhoy @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udcf7:@fc_kimberly2ramos_italy \u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing next to a man on a table ### Assistant: Ella super divertida en el programa #kimberlyenhoy @kimberlydosramos By:@fc_kimberly2ramos_italy \u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing next to a man on a stage . a woman standing next to a man in front of a microphone . a woman standing next to a man in front of a giant clock . a woman and a man standing next to each other ### Assistant: Jaja ella y sus cosas \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude18\n#kimberlyenhoy @kimberlydosramos\nBy:@fc_kimberly2ramos_italy"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a man standing next to each other ### Assistant: Jajaja ella y sus caras \ud83d\ude0d#kimberlyenhoy @kimberlydosramos By:@fc_kimberly2ramos_italy"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: Mi Kim En el super programa #kimberlyenhoy@kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99\nBy:@fc_kimberly2ramos_italy"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women standing on a tennis court holding tennis racquets ### Assistant: Despachitas.\ud83d\udcdaGirls @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman are posing for a picture ### Assistant: Despachitos team #PorAmarSinLey2 #sofiaalcocer \u2764\u2764\u2764@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a crowd of people standing around a group of people ### Assistant: Despachitos Team \ud83d\udc99\n#PorAmarSinLey2 #sofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos \u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman posing for a picture ### Assistant: Miercoleeees de promoci\u00f3n @kimberlydosramos @juliangil @javierpoza #PorAmarSinLey2"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is watching a television show on a tv screen ### Assistant: Lista para verte este domingo\nMi Sofi #PorAmarSinLey2 @kimberlydosramos \u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large group of people sitting around a table ### Assistant: Primer cap\u00edtulo en cine #PorAmarSinLey2 #sofiaalcocer #teamsofia #despachitosteam @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude0a\u2764\u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a man smiling for the camera ### Assistant: La m\u00e1s bella mi @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women smiling and posing for a picture ### Assistant: Divinaaas \u2764 @kimberlydosramos @magdaproducer"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress with a picture of a man ### Assistant: A pocos d\u00edas para disfrutar de nuevos casos la pasi\u00f3n es un delito #PorAmarSinLey2 #sofiaalcocer #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udcda\u2764\u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress with a red bow tie ### Assistant: A pocos d\u00edas para al fin verte \ud83d\udc4f\n#sofiaalcocer #PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing in front of a sign ### Assistant: Mi Sof\u00eda casi lista Para verte \n#PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos \u2764\u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a clock in her left hand ### Assistant: #sofiaalcocer #PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a knife and a knife in her right hand ### Assistant: Mi super abogada \ud83d\udcda#sofiaalcocer #PorAmarSinLey2 @kimberlydosramos #teamsofia"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting at a table with a glass of wine ### Assistant: The Most Beautiful \u2764\u2764\u2764\n#sofiaalcocer #PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman are sitting at a table with wine glasses ### Assistant: Despachitos \u2764\u2764\u2764\n#PorAmarSinLey2 @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large group of people are gathered around a table ### Assistant: The Best team \ud83d\udc99\n#despachitos #PorAmarSinLey2 @kimberlydosramos \u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman sitting at a table with wine glasses ### Assistant: Sof\u00eda Alcocer & Roberto Morelli\n#PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos @josemariatorreh :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black shirt and a white tie ### Assistant: #tbt \nThe Best Smile\n Of My super villain \ud83d\ude0a#gracielapalacios #vinoelamor #teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos \u2764\u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a glass of wine ### Assistant: G r a c i e l a \u2764\n#vinoelamor #teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos #tbt \ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign with a picture of a person holding a knife ### Assistant: A solo 3 d\u00edas para el estreno de #PorAmarSinLey2 \ud83d\udcda por @lasestrellas #sofiaalcocer #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress talking to a man in a suit ### Assistant: Mi Sof\u00eda \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d#PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos \u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young woman sitting in front of a television ### Assistant: Sofiii\ud83c\udf89\u2764\ud83d\ude0a#PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a couch with a remote ### Assistant: Sofi & Ale \u2764#PorAmarSinLey2 #sofiaalcocer #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a girl in a dress standing next to a fence ### Assistant: Mi Sofia tan Bonita \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\n#PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos \u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman wearing a hat and a bow tie ### Assistant: Bienvenidos Marzo \u2022\u2022\u2022\nQue Este nuevo mes sea de mucha salud Paz alegria bendiciones y miles de exitos para ti mi Princesa \ud83c\udf43\ud83c\udf3a\ud83c\udf3b\ud83c\udf3c\ud83c\udf37\ud83c\udf38\ud83c\udff5\ud83c\udf39@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women are smiling while standing next to each other ### Assistant: Sofi & Kim Las mas Bellas \u2764\u2764\u2764@kimberlydosramos @sofia_96castro"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"no smoking\" on it ### Assistant: En la presentacion de la segunda temporada de #PorAmarSinLey2 @kimberlydosramos \u2764\u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: people standing around a room with a projector ### Assistant: A solo dos dias del estreno de #PorAmarSinLey2 que alegria #losbeb\u00e9s \u2764\u2764\u2764@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large group of people posing for a picture . a large group of people posing for a picture . a crowd of people standing around a man in a suit . a large group of people standing around a room . a large group of people standing around a room . a crowd of people standing around a sign . a crowd of people standing around a man in a suit . a crowd of people standing around a man in a suit ### Assistant: Despachitos A\"Solo Dos Dias \nPara El Gran estreno Presentacion de #PorAmarSinLey2 deslizen para que vean mas fotos :) @kimberlydosramos \u2764\u2764\u2764\ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women in a room with a wall ### Assistant: Mommy and daughter \u2764\ufe0f\nCamila & Sofia #PorAmarSinLey2 @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls in dresses are posing for a picture ### Assistant: Mi vida lindaaa \u2764\u2764\u2764@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a girl is playing a video game with a remote ### Assistant: Mi Sofia \u2764\u2764\u2764#PorAmarSinLey2 @kimberlydosramos \u2764\ud83d\ude4f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is holding a magazine and a sign ### Assistant: Los despachitos \u2764\u2764\u2764\n#PorAmarSinLey2 @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini holding a cell phone ### Assistant: Mi Princesa de ojos Bonitos \ud83d\udc9f\n@kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink dress with a pink bow ### Assistant: La m\u00e1s bella Mi @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\udc9f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: people are sitting at a restaurant . a crowd of people standing around a podium ### Assistant: Presentaci\u00f3n de #PorAmarSinLey2 dovonooos @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress standing in front of a counter . a woman in a dress standing in front of a counter . a woman in a dress standing in front of a wooden wall ### Assistant: WOW Que Bellezaaaaaa\nEstabas tan bellaaaaa :-)\ud83d\ude4f\ud83d\ude18\nMi @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: Mi Sof\u00eda \ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf89\ud83d\udcda\u2764\n#PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two pictures of a woman in a dress ### Assistant: Mi sofiii Linda :-)\ud83c\udf89\ud83c\udf89\ud83d\ude1d\ud83d\udc9f#PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a suit and tie standing next to a man ### Assistant: Mi sofiaaaa \ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\udc9f\n@kimberlydosramos #PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a white dress holding a white towel . a woman in a white shirt and a white towel . a woman in a bikini with a towel on her head . a woman in a white shirt and black pants ### Assistant: Deslizen \ud83d\udc49 Para Que vean Est\u00e1 bellezaaaaaaa Que Hermosura @kimberlydosramos \u2764\ud83d\ude09"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is talking on a cell phone . a woman in a white dress with a black bow tie ### Assistant: Mi Kim Hermosa\nAme T\u00fa Look :-)@kimberlydosramos \ud83c\udf89\ud83d\ude1d\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a woman in a dress ### Assistant: Mi Super Abogada \ud83d\udcda\n#sofiaalcocer #PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia :):)\ud83d\ude1d\ud83c\udf89\ud83d\udc9f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress standing in front of a table ### Assistant: Mi sonrisa preferida \ud83d\udc9f\ud83c\udf89\ud83d\ude09@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a black and white face ### Assistant: Sof\u00eda Alcocer #PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia \ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\ude18@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two photos of a woman in a dress ### Assistant: Las caritas de mi sofiii \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d#PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos \u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a white dress with a black bow ### Assistant: Happy Sunday \u2600 My Love :)\ud83c\udf89@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a glass in her hand ### Assistant: Mi Sofiii Linda \ud83d\ude18\ud83c\udf89\u2764#PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\udc9f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a game controller in a room ### Assistant: A Solo horas para el gran estreno de #PorAmarSinLey2 #sofiaalcocer #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos \u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a woman with a hair brush ### Assistant: Sofiaaaa\":-)\ud83d\ude18\ud83c\udf89\u2764#PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman standing next to each other . a man and woman standing next to each other ### Assistant: Divinossssss \ud83c\udf89\ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\ude09\ud83d\ude0a\n@kimberlydosramos @davidzepeda1"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: people are posing for a picture . a large group of people posing for a picture ### Assistant: Anoche en el super estreno televisivo\n de #PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia\n @kimberlydosramos \ud83c\udf89\ud83d\udcab\ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women sitting on a chair in a room ### Assistant: Semana de promoci\u00f3n @kimberlydosramos @essenzabymauri :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women are posing for a picture ### Assistant: Mi Sof\u00eda \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\n#PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude0a\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a crowd of people standing around a stage ### Assistant: Los Despachitos Guap\u00edsimos :-)\n@kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude09\ud83d\udc9f\ud83c\udf89"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a woman in a black and white photo ### Assistant: Amo a mi Sof\u00eda \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\n#PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9f\ud83c\udf89"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women are posing for a picture together ### Assistant: \ud83d\udc9fS o f i a \ud83d\udc9f a l c o c e r ...\ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\udcda\n#PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos \u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair and a black shirt ### Assistant: S o f i \u2764\u2764\u2764\n#PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos :)\ud83d\udcab\ud83d\ude09"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women in a room with a wall ### Assistant: Mi super abogada :-)...\ud83d\udcda\n\u2022\n\u2022\nS o f i a a l c o c e r #PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udcab\ud83d\udc9f\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women in a room with a wall of pictures ### Assistant: S o f i \u2764\u2764\u2764\ud83c\udf89#PorAmarSinLey2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is holding a banana in her hand ### Assistant: Y como no Ser feliz Beb\u00e8eee\nSi tu alegra mis dias con esta dulce y hermosa sonrisa :)\u2764\ud83e\udd17mi @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman dressed in formal attire ### Assistant: Bebeeeeeeee\u00e9s \u2764\u2764\u2764@kimberlydosramos @davidzepeda1 :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a man and woman ### Assistant: \u2764\u2764\u2764\u2764\n@kimberlydosramos @davidzepeda1"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman are talking on a cell phone . a man and a woman are looking at a picture ### Assistant: Los beb\u00e8ees \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d@kimberlydosramos :)\ud83d\ude0a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink dress with a smile . a woman in a bikini with a banana in her mouth . a woman in a pink dress smiling and holding a phone . a woman in a pink dress with a sign . a woman in a pink dress smiling and holding a cell phone ### Assistant: Deslizen para que vean \nestA bellezaaaaaaaaa :)\ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\udc9f Verte sonreir es algo tan hermoso\nTe Amooooo Mi Beb\u00e8e\ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude18@kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women are talking on their cell phones ### Assistant: Mi Graciela \u2764\ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\ude0d\n#vinoelamor #teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black and white photo ### Assistant: \ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\udc9f\n#gracielapalacios #vinoelamor #teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two pictures of a woman in a bikini ### Assistant: Ame este personaje \u2764 \u2764\n#gracielapalacios #vinoelamor #teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a black and white face and a black and white face ### Assistant: Mi Sofi \ud83d\udcda\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude18\n#poramarsinley2 #teamsofia @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9f\ud83d\udc9f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a black hair and a blue tie ### Assistant: S o f i \ud83d\udcda\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\ude0d\n#poramarsinley2\n #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is posing for a picture with a suitcase . a woman is taking a picture of herself in a mirror ### Assistant: Dia de promocion :)\n#poramarsinley2 @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women standing in front of a large display of suitcases . a family posing for a picture in a room ### Assistant: Promocionando #poramarsinley2 \nQue see estrenara El 12 de marzo por @univision @kimberlydosramos \u2728\ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two photos of a woman in a bikini and a man in a white shirt ### Assistant: Ame tu look la mas \ud83d\udd1d\u2728\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9c@kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a suit and tie is cutting a picture ### Assistant: Dia de promocionEllos \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\n@kimberlydosramos @josemariatorreh"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman posing for a picture ### Assistant: D i v i n o s Dia De Promocion\n#poramarsinley2 @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress and a man in a white dress ### Assistant: My beautiful Doll \nDia de promocion #poramarsinley2 @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls in a dress with a bow tie . a collage of photos of a woman in a bikini ### Assistant: Que bellezaaaaaaaaa \ud83d\udc9f\nDia de promo #poramarsinley2 @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a woman in a dress ### Assistant: Despachitos dia de promo #poramarsinley2 @kimberlydosramos \u2b50"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red shirt and black pants posing for a picture ### Assistant: Love you my baby \ud83d\ude18\n@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman posing for a picture ### Assistant: Los beb\u00e8eees El Domingo no se pierdan \n@mecaigoderisaof por @univision a Las 8:00pm 7/c @kimberlydosramos @davidzepeda1 \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls are posing for a picture together ### Assistant: Mi Sofia \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\ude18\n#poramarsinley2 #TeamSofiaAlcocer @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large group of people sitting on a stage . a collage of photos of people in a group ### Assistant: Fotito de Ayer despachitos promocionando #poramarsinley2 en \n@univisionlosangeles @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of people in a room ### Assistant: Fotito de Ayer promocionando\n#poramarsinley2 despachitos @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udd1d\ud83d\ude09"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing in a hallway with a bunch of stickers on her arms ### Assistant: Los beb\u00e8ees \ud83d\ude18\nDespachitos #poramarsinley2 @kimberlydosramos \u263a\ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman posing for a picture . a group of people posing for a picture . a man standing next to a sign with a kite . a man and woman standing next to each other . a group of people posing for a picture . a crowd of people standing around a tent . a group of people standing around a group of people . a crowd of people standing around a tent . a woman holding a cell phone in front of a group of people ### Assistant: Fotitos de Ayer deslizen....2d\u00f3 dia de promocion\nEn los Angeles #feriadesalud @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of people and a man ### Assistant: Esta noche un super programa divertido \nCargado de risas @mecaigoderisaof a Las 8:00pm 7/c por @univision @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of people with cats ### Assistant: Un programaso que no se Pueden perder con mi mu\u00f1e @kimberlydosramos\nHoy a Las 8:00pm 7/c por @univision :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red shirt and black pants posing for a picture . a woman in a black dress standing in front of a street sign . a woman with a black shirt and a black tie . a woman is smiling while talking on a cell phone . a woman in a red dress standing in front of a building . a woman is smiling while she brushes her hair . a woman with a black and white striped shirt . a woman smiles while holding a cell phone . a woman in a black dress standing in front of a building . a woman in a black dress smiling ### Assistant: Deslizen para que vean esta bellezaaaaaaaaa...\nMi Dulce angel\nCon la mas Bonita sonrisa \nTe Amooooo Mi Kim \u263a\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude09\ud83d\udc99@kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress with a white hat ### Assistant: Su carita hermosa :)\n\ud83d\ude0d@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing next to a man in a room . a woman standing next to a table with a cake . a man and woman are standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: Ame el super programazo \nMi princesa \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\ude18@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is holding a tv screen in front of a picture . a woman and a man are looking at a tv screen ### Assistant: La m\u00e1s top \nen el super programazo ayer en @mecaigoderisaof \n@kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress talking on a cell phone . a woman standing in front of a stage with a microphone . a woman in a red dress is talking on a microphone ### Assistant: Beb\u00e8eeee \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\nAnoche en @mecaigoderisaof @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red dress is talking on a microphone ### Assistant: Love This Smile \ud83d\ude0a\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\nLove You @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing in front of a table with a man . a man and woman are playing a game with a microphone ### Assistant: Fotito de anoche ....los detectives estuvieron al \ud83d\udd25 dando pistas ...@mecaigoderisaof @kimberlydosramos :)\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman are kissing on a stage ### Assistant: Estaba tan divertido el programa \nQu\u00e9 no pare de re\u00edr \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d@mecaigoderisaof @kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing next to a man on a stage ### Assistant: La m\u00e1s \ud83d\udd1d\ud83d\udd25de anoche en @mecaigoderisaof @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude09\ud83d\udc45"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: people standing around a stage . a man and woman standing next to each other ### Assistant: E q u i p a z o en el programa \ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9c @mecaigoderisaof @kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a white dress smiling at the camera . a woman in a suit talking on a cell phone . a woman in a pink dress smiling and holding a pink flower . a woman is looking at a picture of a man . a woman is talking on a cell phone . a woman in a dress talking on a cell phone . a woman in a dress talking on a cell phone . a woman in a black dress talking on a cell phone ### Assistant: Love your faces My Doll \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\udc9c@kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a painting of a woman with a picture of a man ### Assistant: Mi Sofi \n#poramarsinley2 #TeamSofiaAlcocer @kimberlydosramos \ud83c\udf38\ud83d\udcab"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women standing in a lobby at an airport . a crowd of people standing around a stage . a group of people standing in a room ### Assistant: Fotito de ayer promoci\u00f3n de #poramarsinley2 en los estudios de @primerimpacto @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman posing for a picture ### Assistant: Foto de ayer promocionando #poramarsinley2 en el estudio @eljangueoshow @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udcab"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a crowd of people standing around a woman posing for a picture . people sitting on a couch ### Assistant: Super elencazo de #poramarsinley2 en @despiertamerica d\u00eda de promo @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc4f\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women are posing for a picture together ### Assistant: Divinas las beb\u00e8eeees \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\ude0d\nEn @despiertamerica martes de promoci\u00f3n @altairjarabo @kimberlydosramos :)\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude09"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman sitting on a chair ### Assistant: Bebesitos d\u00eda de promo #poramarsinley2 \n@kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman standing next to each other . a man and woman standing next to each other . a man and woman standing next to each other . a man and a woman posing for a picture ### Assistant: El mejor grupo los beb\u00e8eeees promocionando #poramarsinley2 @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udcab"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair and a red tie ### Assistant: Por siempre #teamsofiaalcocer \n#PorAmarSinLey2 @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress smiling and holding a cell phone ### Assistant: Ela \u00e8 meu Princesa \ud83c\udf1f\ud83d\ude4f @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women in black outfits standing next to each other ### Assistant: S o f i a \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c\n#poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is holding a remote control in her hand ### Assistant: feliz quinta-feira\nbom dia \u2600com essa beleza\ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a woman in a bikini ### Assistant: \ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9c\n#tbt #gracielapalacios #vinoelamor \n#teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman are drinking wine ### Assistant: Un Brindis ...\ud83c\udf77 Por esos errores \nQue nos dejan grandes lecciones \n#tbt #perifer #eukim @kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two pictures of a woman in a dress ### Assistant: Mi super villana \ud83d\udc9c\n#gracielapalacios #vinoelamor \n#teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos #tbt :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a man standing next to each other ### Assistant: #tbt \nCon los beb\u00e8eeees \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\udc9a@kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing in a room with a remote ### Assistant: #tbt \nMi sofiiii \ud83d\udc9c\ud83e\udd17\ud83d\udc8b#poramarsinley2 #TeamSofiaAlcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair holding a cell phone ### Assistant: #tbt \nMi Mati \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc8b@kimberlydosramos\nBy:@clubkimyspain"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red dress with flowers ### Assistant: Mi beb\u00e9 \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0dLove You\n#tbt @kimberlydosramos\nBy:@clubkimyspain"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a pink shirt talking on a cell phone . a woman in a pink dress is looking at a camera . a woman in a pink shirt holding a pink comb ### Assistant: #tbt \nMi brujita M\u00e1s hermosa:)\n@kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red tie and a black and white photo ### Assistant: G r a c e #tbt #vinoelamor\n #teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a baby sitting on a bed with a toy ### Assistant: Awww\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\ude0d\ud83e\udd17my baby how I love you \n#tbt @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a man are standing in a room ### Assistant: #tbt \ud83e\udd17\nT\u00eda y sobrinos \n#gracielapalacios #vinoelamor #teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress and tie standing in front of a bookcase ### Assistant: #tbt \nSof\u00eda Alcocer \ud83d\udcda\n#poramarsinley2 #TeamSofiaAlcocer \n@kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udc9c\ud83d\ude0a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress with a picture of a man ### Assistant: Mi Sofi linda \ud83d\ude0d\n#poramarsinley2 #TeamSofiaAlcocer @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udcda"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a black and white face and a black and white face ### Assistant: Friday with Grace \ud83c\udf77\ud83c\udf47\u2665\n#teamgraciela @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a girl with a red hair and a red tie ### Assistant: Sof\u00eda Alcocer \ud83d\udcda\ud83c\udf89\ud83d\udcd6\n#poramarsinley2 #TeamSofiaAlcocer @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc99\ud83e\udd17\ud83d\ude42"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman standing next to each other ### Assistant: Belloooos los beb\u00e8eeees \ud83e\udd17\ud83d\ude18\n@kimberlydosramos @davidzepeda1 :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair and a blue dress ### Assistant: Te Quiero Tanto! Mi Princesa \ud83c\udf1f\ud83d\udc51\ud83d\ude0d@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman wearing a hat and a hat hat ### Assistant: Felizzzz Sabadiiiin Mi Beb\u00e9 \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9c\u2600@kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is reading a book while sitting on a bench ### Assistant: La mejor abogada \ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udcda\n#sofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is sitting on a couch while holding a remote ### Assistant: Mi beb\u00e9 \ud83d\udc99\n\u2022\n\u2022\n#Repost @kimberlydosramos (@get_repost)\n\u30fb\u30fb\u30fb\n\u2022~> \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb Sabadin \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffb<~\u2022.\n*_Relaxed \ud83d\ude0e\u2714\ufe0f.\n*_\ud83c\udd93\u2714\ufe0f..\n*_\ud83d\udc71\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83e\udd33Selfie \ud83d\ude1c.\n\u2022~>Qu\u00e9 tal su s\u00e1bado bebe\u00e9ssss??"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women in a dress standing next to each other ### Assistant: Sofi \ud83c\udf89\u2764\ud83e\udd17#poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer \ud83d\udc8b@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a woman in a dress . two photos of a woman talking on a cell phone . a classroom with a bunch of students using computers ### Assistant: Captures del CAP 9 #poramarsinley2 #SofiaAlcocer #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udcd1\ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udcda"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a desk with a laptop ### Assistant: Captures del CAP 9 #poramarsinley2 #sofiaalcocer #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udcd6\ud83c\udf89"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of people in a room . a woman in a black shirt is looking at her phone ### Assistant: Captures del CAP 10 #poramarsinley2 \ud83d\udcd6#sofiaalcocer #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos :)\u2764\u2764\u2728"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress holding a black object . a woman in a black shirt and a black tie . a woman in a black dress holding a nintendo wii controller . a woman with a black and white face . a woman in a black shirt and a black and white photo ### Assistant: Captures del CAP 10 #sofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 \ud83d\udcda\u2728#teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos \u2764\ud83d\udc9c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is smiling while holding a cell phone ### Assistant: Mi super abogada \ud83d\ude42\u2764\ud83c\udf89\n#sofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is looking at her phone while she is on the phone ### Assistant: Amo este personaje...\n#sofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer \u2764\ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udcda@kimberlydosramos ..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman smiling while sitting in front of a wall ### Assistant: Sof\u00eda Alcocer \ud83d\udcda\ud83c\udf89\u2764\n#poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a man are posing for a picture . two girls are playing a video game together ### Assistant: Las verdaderas amigas \"son las que nunca tienen excusas... y siempre tienen tiempo\nDani & Fer #quienesquien :) @kimberlydosramos @pitizion \u2764\u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is smiling while laying in bed ### Assistant: Mi sonrisa preferida \ud83d\ude42\u2764\ud83c\udf89\nMi Bb @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a woman in a dress . a woman is looking at her phone while a man is looking at his reflection in a mirror . two pictures of a woman in a window . a woman standing in a room with a bunch of luggage ### Assistant: Captures del CAP 10 \ud83d\udcd1\ud83d\udcda\ud83d\udcd6#poramarsinley2 #sofiaalcocer #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two pictures of a woman in a dress ### Assistant: Mi Sofi \ud83d\udcd1\u2764\nCaptures del CAP 10 #poramarsinley2 #sofiaalcocer #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos \u2764\u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with long hair standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: S o f i a \u2764\u2764\u2764\n#poramarsinley2 #sofiaalcocer #teamsofiaalcocer \ud83c\udf89"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini and a man in a dress ### Assistant: Always Beautiful My Baby \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc45\ud83d\udc44@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is looking at a man's face ### Assistant: La paz comienza comienza \nCon una sonrisa #goodmorning \nMi Fer @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude17\ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a black hair and a white face ### Assistant: Mi Sof\u00eda \ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udcda....\n#teamsofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udcab\ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red dress with a red tie ### Assistant: Team Sof\u00eda \ud83d\udcda\ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udc99\n#poramarsinley2 #sofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress with a black bow tie ### Assistant: La mejor .... mi Sofi \ud83d\udcd1\u2764\ud83c\udf89\n#poramarsinley2 #sofiaalcocer #TeamSofiaAlcocer @kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair and a black dress ### Assistant: Licenciada Alcocer \ud83d\udcda\ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udc99\n#sofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress with a red tie ### Assistant: S o f i a \ud83c\udf89\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udcda\n#poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: Tan bonita...\u2764\u2764\u2764\nMi Sof\u00eda \ud83d\udcd6 #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress with a red tie ### Assistant: Mi Sof\u00eda linda \ud83d\ude0d\n#poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos \ud83c\udf37"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress and a black jacket ### Assistant: Team Sof\u00eda \ud83c\udf38\n#poramarsinley2 #sofiaalcocer #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair and a blue neck tie ### Assistant: Sof\u00eda \ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a\n#poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos \ud83c\udf38"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women posing for a picture with a flower ### Assistant: Con estas par de guapas hermosas \n@drbbaum @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress is smiling ### Assistant: I Love your Makeup My Pretty \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9a\ud83c\udf89@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a child are smiling and talking ### Assistant: #TBT always Pretty My Baby \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc8b\ud83d\udc9e\n@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: Sof\u00eda tan hermosa valiente y sin miedo a enfrentarse a nada \u2764\u2764#poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: Mi vida linda \u2764\u2764\u2764\n@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting at a table with a cup of coffee ### Assistant: \u2615 y Feliz viernes #sofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udcda\u2764\ud83d\udc9a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young girl is smiling while holding a pink frisbee ### Assistant: Mi Sofi \ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udcda\u2764#poramarsinley2 @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black shirt and a black tie ### Assistant: The Best ...\ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9e#sofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress is talking on a cell phone ### Assistant: Team Sof\u00eda \ud83d\udcda\ud83c\udf89\u2764#poramarsinley2 @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9e"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a woman in a dress ### Assistant: Enamorada de este personaje \ud83d\udc95\nMi Sof\u00eda #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a blue shirt and a blue tie ### Assistant: La mejor sonrisa de mi Sofi \ud83d\ude42\ud83d\udc95\n#poramarsinley2 #sofiaalcocer #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red hair and a red face ### Assistant: Good NIGHT \ud83c\udf1b\ud83c\udf1c\u2b50\ud83c\udf20 Kisses My Pr\u00edncess:) \ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a black shirt and a white tie . a woman with a black hair and a black tank top . a woman in a black dress smiling and holding a phone . a woman in a black dress smiling ### Assistant: Yo s\u00faper contenta de apollar un d\u00eda m\u00e1s a esta hermosura feliz sabadin beb\u00e9 @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is looking at her cell phone . a woman is looking at her phone while she is brushing her hair . a woman is looking at a picture of a girl ### Assistant: La mas bonita Mi Princesa \ud83c\udf1f\n@kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman and a man smiling for the camera . two girls posing for a picture with a toothbrush . a woman and a man are posing for a picture . a woman is holding a picture of a cat ### Assistant: Siempre tan linda con todos \nMi princesa @kimberlydosramos :)\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95\n#teletonusa \ud83d\udc9e"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: people sitting around a table ### Assistant: La foto tirada por mam\u00e1 \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc9e\n@kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man dressed up as a clown and a woman dressed up as a clown ### Assistant: Me encantaron Divinas ...Thal\u00eda & Lali \ud83d\udc4f\u2764 @kimberlydosramos @franciscalachapel :) #teletonusa #univision"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: people standing around a room ### Assistant: Los mejores ...#teletonusa #univision @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a crowd of people watching a woman perform a trick ### Assistant: La batalla de doblaje anoche \n#teletonusa #univision @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9a\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a hat and a hat on a table . a woman wearing a hat and a scarf . a girl wearing a hat and a scarf ### Assistant: La Thal\u00eda m\u00e1s hermosa \u2764\nEn la batalla de doblaje anoche #teletonusa #univision @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women in dresses standing next to each other . a woman in a pink dress and a man in a pink dress . two girls dressed in costumes and one dressed in a dress ### Assistant: Las divas de anoche en la batalla de doblaje Thal\u00eda & Lali @kimberlydosramos @franciscalachapel #teletonusa #univision \ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a woman in a bikini ### Assistant: Captures del cap 15\ud83d\udcda\ud83d\udcd6\u2764#poramarsinley2 #sofiaalcocer #teamsofiaalcocer :)\ud83d\udc9a@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women dressed in costumes and holding up pink umbrellas ### Assistant: Minsuoer thalia en ka batalla de doblaje\nLa mas hermosa #teletonusa #univision @kimberlydosramos \u2764\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls in a costume standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: Mi beb\u00e8ee anoche en la batalla de doblaje\n#teletonusa #univision @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of women in a room . a woman is eating a cake with a knife ### Assistant: Captures del cap 16 \ud83d\udcda\ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udc9a\nMadre e hija #sofiaalcocer #camilabalcazar #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is cutting a cake with a knife . a woman is shown with a picture of herself . a woman standing in front of a mirror ### Assistant: Captures del cap 16 \ud83d\udcd6\u2764\n#sofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a woman in a dress ### Assistant: Sus caritas tan hermosa \u2764\u2764\n#sofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer \ud83d\udcda\ud83d\udcda\ud83d\udc95@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress is on a ledge ### Assistant: Love you baby \ud83d\ude18\n\u2022\n\u2022\n#Repost @kimberlydosramos (@get_repost)\n\u30fb\u30fb\u30fb\n\ud83d\udca1...Hell\u00f6 M\u00f6ndaY...\ud83d\udca1.\n\u2022-> Te gustan los LUNES ??? \ud83d\ude48\ud83d\ude1c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is holding a cell phone in her hand ### Assistant: Mi Sof\u00eda \ud83d\ude0d\n#poramarsinley2 #sofiaalcocer #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a black and white face and a black and white tie ### Assistant: Sof\u00eda \ud83d\udc9a\n#sofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer \ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udc95@kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress with a black bow tie ### Assistant: Sof\u00eda Alcocer \ud83d\udcda\ud83c\udf89\u2764\n#poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a black and white face ### Assistant: Good NIGHT \ud83c\udf1b\ud83c\udf1c\u2b50 My baby Love You\n@kimberlydosramos \ud83d\ude18\ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man laying on a bed with a remote control ### Assistant: Buen d\u00eda Con este par \ud83d\udc91\u2764\u2764\n#perifer #eukim @kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress and tie posing for a picture ### Assistant: Those Eyes Green \ud83d\udc9a\n\u2022\n\u2022\n#sofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a girl is holding a toothbrush in her mouth ### Assistant: No importa lo dif\u00edcil que parezca\" siempre hay un camino cuando la fuerza\n viene del coraz\u00f3n \u2764\ud83d\ude4f\ud83c\udf3b#fernandamanrique #quienesquien @kimberlydosramos ... fersita \ud83c\udf53"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women in a kitchen with a sink ### Assistant: Una madre siempre est\u00e1 \nen todo momento #madreehija #sofiaalcocer #camilabalcazar #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 \ud83d\udcd6\ud83c\udf3b@kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a white dress smiling ### Assistant: No todos lloramos\" de la misma manera hay sonrisas que esconden miles de l\u00e1grimas mi Fer :) \u2764\u2764\u2764#quienesquien @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc9a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red shirt is looking at her phone ### Assistant: S o f i \u2764\ud83d\udcd6\ud83c\udf3b\ud83d\udc9a\n#poramarsinley2 #sofiaalcocer #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women in a room with a bunch of bottles ### Assistant: Mi Sofi y sus caritas \ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udcd6\n#sofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls are looking at a magazine ### Assistant: Capture del CAP 17 \ud83d\udcd6\u2764\u2764\n#sofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two young women are standing in a store . a woman and a young girl are sitting in a room . a woman and a young girl are looking at a book ### Assistant: Capture del CAP 17 #sofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a black shirt and a black tie ### Assistant: Te amo Sof\u00eda \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\udc95\n#poramarsinley2 #sofiaalcocer #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting at a desk with a book ### Assistant: Escribir \ud83d\udcd6 es la manera m\u00e1s profunda\nDe leer la vida ...\ud83d\udcab\ud83d\ude4f #sofiaalcocer #poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: three girls are looking at their cell phones ### Assistant: La m\u00e1s bella Mi Sofi \ud83d\udcd1\ud83d\udcd6\n#poramarsinley2 #sofiaalcocer #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress shirt and tie sitting in a car ### Assistant: La m\u00e1s bonita \ud83d\udcab\ud83d\udc95Mi Beb\u00e9 \ud83d\udc99\n@kimberlydosramos :)..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a suit and tie ### Assistant: Mi\u00e9rcoles con la mejor ...Sof\u00eda Alcocer\n#poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udcd6\ud83d\ude18\ud83d\udc9a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a woman in a black dress ### Assistant: The faces Of Sofi \ud83d\udcd1\ud83d\udcd6\n#poramarsinley2 #sofiaalcocer #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress with a red tie ### Assistant: The red Is You color My Baby \ud83d\udc95\n\u2022\n\u2022\n\n#Repost @kimberlydosramos (@get_repost)\n\u30fb\u30fb\u30fb\n\u26ab\ufe0fDots, rebel hair and red lips \ud83d\udc8b ... I don\u2019t care \ud83d\ude0f\ud83d\ude1c.\n\u2022~.\n\u2022~.\n\u2022~.\n\u2022~.\n\u2022~\u201cLif\u00ea is better in red LiPsT\u00efCk\u201d\ud83d\udc84."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two pictures of a woman in a dress ### Assistant: Sof\u00eda \ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udcda\n#poramarsinley2 #teamsofiaalcocer @kimberlydosramos"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is laying down on a bed ### Assistant: My Life Happy NIGHT \ud83c\udf1b\ud83c\udf1c\u2b50\n@kimberlydosramos \u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a cake with a man standing next to her ### Assistant: #tbt Cumplea\u00f1os Del Beb\u00e9\n@kimberlydosramos \ud83d\udcab\ud83e\udd17\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a skirt and a hat holding a flower ### Assistant: Don't ask her why she needs to be free. She'll tell you it's the only way to be-Rolling Stones Model: @snazzyazzie Stylist: @styledbyhannahmoon Boutique: @midnightramblerboutique"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing in front of a lake with a camera ### Assistant: Stoked to explore Portland for the first time with @mikeygraef @kent_johns and @callleee . Stay tuned for some awesome adventures!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman walking on a dirt road with a backpack ### Assistant: Perhaps, we should love ourselves so fiercely, that when others see us they know exactly how it should be done-Rudy Francisco. Model: @egkey"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a lake with a mountain range and a mountain range ### Assistant: Who are you when no one is watching?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with a sky background ### Assistant: Today was awesome. I am loving Oregon and all the rad people who call this place home \ud83e\udd18\ud83c\udf32"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is sitting on the beach looking at the camera ### Assistant: She woke up every morning with the option of being anyone she wished. How beautiful it was that she always chose herself. -Tyler Kent White Model: @paytonobill"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large body of water with a cliff ### Assistant: Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a river with mountains and a mountain range ### Assistant: Rivers and roads 'til I reach you."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a road with a tree and some bushes ### Assistant: In memory of many, in honor of all. Thank you veterans."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman walking down a hill with a backpack ### Assistant: Missing these Montana hikes with good friends, insanely blue lakes, tangled hair and my @mhmgear pack. Thanks for the capture, @mikeygraef \ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a rocky cliff overlooking a body of water ### Assistant: Some people feel the rain, others just get wet-Bob Marley"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is laying down in the woods ### Assistant: She is vulnerable, as all open hearts are, but she is wild and free and can handle a few scars-a.r.asher // Model: @joellefriend"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with mountains ### Assistant: Guys, this hot weather we have been experiencing in Colorado has been great and all but.... can it just snow already?!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman wearing a hat and a scarf ### Assistant: Dreams unwind, loves a state of mind. Model: @wanderlust_jess // Stylist: @styledbyhannahmoon // Boutique: @midnightramblerboutique"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a view from a boat of a mountain range ### Assistant: @styledbyhannahmoon and I were driving back from Montana a few months back and witnessed this incredible sunset. It was one for the books! #lostfam"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a small cabin with a snow covered cabin ### Assistant: Don't mind me, I'm just going to hibernate here for the next few months \u270c\ufe0f\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a beach with a large body of water ### Assistant: Packed my bag, made a playlist and hit the road. Life is beautiful."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person on a rock climbing a cliff ### Assistant: All you have to do is think one happy thought...\u2728\n(Anyone else love the movie Hook? It's one of my favorites!)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a river with trees and snow covered ground ### Assistant: Take me to your river\nI wanna go"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a rock looking at the sky ### Assistant: I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions-A.B. Thanks for the capture, @mikeygraef \ud83d\udc99"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a waterfall in the middle of a forest ### Assistant: So thankful for all the incredible people I have met this year the beautiful places I have been fortunate enough to explore! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a fish out in the water ### Assistant: She's impulsive but deliberate. She loves like she means it."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a boat is in the water near a forest ### Assistant: It's the simple things like quiet mornings spent in the woods that make my heart feel whole."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a wooden walkway leading to a wooded area ### Assistant: Ask her what she craved and she would get a little frantic about things like books, the woods, music. Plants and the seasons.\n\nAlso freedom."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a wooden cabin with a wooden roof and a wooden fence ### Assistant: This cabin was so cozy and fun. I am excited for more tiny cabin adventures this coming week!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a road with a road sign on it ### Assistant: Nothing to do, nowhere to be. A simple little kind of free."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a city with tall buildings and a clock tower ### Assistant: Chicago, I might not be a city girl but I just can't help but love you."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing in front of a tree ### Assistant: I try to maintain a healthy dose of daydreaming to remain sane- f.w."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a fire hydrant spraying water into the air ### Assistant: Talk with people who make you see the world differently."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with a mountain range ### Assistant: What's comin' will come and we'll meet it when it does-Hagrid"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a leaf in her hand ### Assistant: Land Before Time vibes with my girl @callleee"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a snowy road with a road sign on it ### Assistant: And I could see for miles, miles, miles."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on top of a rock with a backpack ### Assistant: I've been having an awesome time in California with this dude. Go give @ryanresatka a follow. Honestly one of the most genuine people I've met \ud83e\udd18"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a snowy landscape with a lake and a snow covered park ### Assistant: May your days be merry and bright \u2764\ufe0f\u2744\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a flower in her hair ### Assistant: Snow White // Model: @emma_powell21"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress standing in a field ### Assistant: I'm gonna find me a life, baby, way out west. Captured by: @ryanresatka #fpme"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a lake with a mountain range and mountains ### Assistant: It's the heart, afraid of breaking\nThat never learns to dance\nIt's the dream, afraid of waking\nThat never takes the chance-Janis Joplin"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a road with a road sign on it ### Assistant: \"The quickest way to get to where you want to be is to be at peace with where you are at\". A good friend told me this and it's really stuck with me. Working on that every day \ud83d\ude0a\u270c\ufe0f\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing in a field with a rock ### Assistant: Not a bad place to watch the sun go down. PC @ryanresatka"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a small house with a tree in the back ### Assistant: Couldn't ask for a cozier cabin! So grateful to @doubleeagleresort for hosting us a few weeks ago. Can't wait to go back to California next month and explore the coast and Yosemite!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a small hut with a few animals on it ### Assistant: I always find beauty in things that are odd or imperfect. They are much more interesting- Marc Jacobs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a red scarf is looking at the camera ### Assistant: Your mission: be so busy loving your life that you have no time for hate, regret or fear."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign on a wooden post in the snow ### Assistant: It's 5 degrees today and I just want to lay in bed all day reading a book and drinking hot cocoa. Alas, I must head outside and shovel the driveway instead :("} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a rock looking at the sky ### Assistant: And I will go if you ask me to\nI will stay if you dare\nAnd if I go I\u2019m goin shameless\nI\u2019ll let my hunger take me there PC: @mikeygraef"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with a mountain range ### Assistant: \"What we don't need in the midst of struggle is shame for being human\"-Brene Brown"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a rock wall with a waterfall in the distance ### Assistant: I could have watched the waves crash here for hours."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a river with a waterfall and a waterfall ### Assistant: Just a picture of a place no one has ever photographed before \ud83d\udc81"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a rocky cliff with a body of water ### Assistant: Hiking up to this glacier was one of the most beautiful hikes of my life. I can't wait to get back to Glacier National Park and explore again!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a lake with a mountain range and a house ### Assistant: There comes a day when you realize turning the page is the best feeling in the world."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a hat standing in the grass ### Assistant: When you are ready for fireworks instead of sparklers, I will come for you. PC: @cole.mgkra"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with mountains and mountains ### Assistant: Currently on my way to LA! Going to drive up the coast and hopefully capture some lovely views. Can't wait to share with you guys! \ud83d\udc99\ud83c\udf0a"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large brown bull standing in a grassy field ### Assistant: What did the Buffalo say to his kid as he was leaving for school? He said \"byeeeee son!!!\" Get it?! Bison?! I'm really good at telling jokes."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bird flying over a mountain range ### Assistant: Sometimes you stumble upon something incredible without even looking for it."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a road with a mountain range and trees ### Assistant: When we drove into Yosemite and saw this view my heart almost stopped beating! This is a road shot of El Capitan. Isn't he majestic?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a snowy landscape with trees and a lake ### Assistant: Had a wonderful day yesterday at Point Reyes and San Fransisco. The weather was a little crazy but I'm glad to have met some really rad people. Thankful for new friends \u270c\ufe0f\ufe0f\ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person walking down a road with a bush ### Assistant: Life is just more fun if you let the wind carry you."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a snowy mountain with a mountain range ### Assistant: Been wanting to have a Lord of the Rings marathon for weeks now. This weekend it's happening. What are some of your favorite movie marathons?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress with a black headband ### Assistant: She is too full of life to be half loved."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with a mountain range ### Assistant: I've spent a life chasing stories to tell when I'm old."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person standing on a beach near the ocean ### Assistant: Every place I go, I take another place with me."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a view from a boat of a mountain range ### Assistant: When nature looks like a painting."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bridge over a body of water ### Assistant: I'm just a soul whose intentions are good. Oh Lord, please don't let me be misunderstood."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a rock near a lake ### Assistant: Don't stop until you're proud."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a rocky shoreline with a few small rocks ### Assistant: And in the middle of my chaos, there was you."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a pool of water with a boogie board ### Assistant: I need to get back to some hot springs soon!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a small clock on a beach ### Assistant: Just keep me where the light is."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a beach with a body of water and a lighthouse ### Assistant: Remind yourself that you cannot fail at being yourself."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is holding a white object in her hands ### Assistant: Some women fear the fire. Some simply become it."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man walking on a beach next to a river ### Assistant: Grab the guitar and let's go explore."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a small house with a boat in the distance ### Assistant: To the ends of the earth would you follow me?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a lake with mountains and mountains ### Assistant: I miss summer sunrises like this one."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a snowy road with a mountain range ### Assistant: Heading in the right direction."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with a waterfall and a mountain ### Assistant: Telluride! Featuring my pops in the corner taking an iPhone shot of the falls."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cabin with a wooden cabin and a tree ### Assistant: Just a tiny little hut I found on a ranch in the Colorado Rockies."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person sitting on a blanket in the sun ### Assistant: Who else misses watching the start of a new summer day?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with mountains and mountains ### Assistant: Ready for summer hikes in Montana."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a lake with a view of a river and trees ### Assistant: I've got a peaceful, easy feelin'"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a road with a mountain range and mountains ### Assistant: Life is full of twists and turns..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a river with a bunch of trees and a snow covered mountain ### Assistant: I'm heading to Iceland tomorrow and I couldn't be more excited! Stay tuned for some chilly, snow-filled adventures with my friend @nateinthewild and me!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a boat on a lake with a mountain ### Assistant: Would you guys rather canoe or kayak? I'm definitely more of a kayak girl but every once in awhile it is definitely super relaxing to take a canoe for a spin."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a small house with a lighthouse on the side of it ### Assistant: So far Iceland has been cold, windy and very wet. That might seem awful but i'm honestly feeling like a kid on Christmas morning \u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a painting of a lake with a bird perched on top ### Assistant: Words can't describe the feeling I had watching the Aurora Borealis whip around the Icelandic sky. Truly a life changing moment."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with a mountain range ### Assistant: Those Icelandic reflections have me feelin' some sort of way \ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person standing on a rock with a pair of legs ### Assistant: It's been an insane experience watching the waves roll over the volcanic black sands of Iceland. No matter where your beach is, @olukai can help take you there. #anywherealoha"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sunset over a lake with a mountain ### Assistant: When earth puts on a show for you."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a river with a mountain range and a mountain range ### Assistant: Already missing Iceland. I am still shocked at how beautiful this country is. I can't wait to go back in the summer time \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf8"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person standing on a rock near a body of water ### Assistant: Iceland is an adventurers paradise. Where are some recent places you went that brought out the adventurer in you? #anywherealoha @olukai"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a rocky shoreline with a view of a body of water ### Assistant: We listened to Sigur R\u00f3s as we drove along the coast of Iceland. It was perfect."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a waterfall with a rock wall and a rock wall ### Assistant: One of the coolest waterfalls I've ever seen! Do you see a face in this photo? Also, shout out to @nateinthewild for letting me use his lens so I could capture this amazing place."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a road with a mountain range and a road sign ### Assistant: Take me where the wheels take me, far away."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large rock with a sky background ### Assistant: This world is amazing. Happy Earth Day friends \ud83c\udf0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a brown and white dog with a black face ### Assistant: He was such a frisky little fox! @arcticfoxcentre"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with a mountain range ### Assistant: Planning a trip abroad for my birthday this summer and can't decide between Ireland/Scotland or Italy. Where would you guys go?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large amount of snow on a mountain ### Assistant: I was mesmerized by this perspective."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a lake with a mountain ### Assistant: Missing summer trips like this one! My bestie @styledbyhannahmoon and I drove up to Montana and had the best road trip ever. Can't wait to get back to Glacier National Park!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with a mountain range ### Assistant: She is something to behold. Elegant and bold."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black dress with a knife ### Assistant: It's Friday ya all! Cheers to getting through that work week \ud83c\udf7b\u2728"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a rock formation with a mountain range ### Assistant: Moody mornings at the Alabama Hills."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a rock walled cliff with a mountain range ### Assistant: It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live \ud83d\udc53 \u26a1\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a small hut with a boat on the water ### Assistant: Hope the people that own this house don't mind me moving in \ud83d\ude4b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a lone person walking on a beach near the ocean ### Assistant: Happy Mother's Day to all those rad moms out there! \ud83e\udd18\ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a river with rocks and a waterfall ### Assistant: Monday's aren't so bad when your whole family is back in Colorado! Stoked to have my brother and Oma in town \ud83d\ude0a\u2764"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a river with a bunch of rocks and a waterfall ### Assistant: I felt like I was going back in time when I first saw this place."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with a mountain range ### Assistant: Missing the Tetons and their cotton candy sunsets"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person standing on a hill with a mountain ### Assistant: What do you picture when you think of an adventure?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is sitting on a rock by the water ### Assistant: The beautiful and talented @fitqueenirene"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a road with a mountain range and mountains ### Assistant: Brilliant sunrise at the Alabama Hills. I need to get back to California soon!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a snow covered mountain with a snowboard on top ### Assistant: Come fly with me, let's fly let's fly away"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person walking on the street with a skateboard ### Assistant: What path are you heading down? #anywherealoha"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting on a rock looking at the camera ### Assistant: This engaged couple was incredibly fun, happy and so in love. Moments like this are so precious and beautiful."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a scarf on her head ### Assistant: Be such a good soul that people crave your vibes."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a zebra is flying through the air ### Assistant: Just watched a TED talk about simplifying your life and getting rid of the clutter, both metaphorically and literally. Sometimes simple really is better, don't you think?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a truck parked on a dirt road with a sky background ### Assistant: Evening drives are my favorite."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a dress standing in front of a building ### Assistant: Do not fall in love, darling. Rise in love."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man walking across a rock covered in rocks ### Assistant: This one time @ryanresatka and I made a voyage towards Mordor."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bird is standing in the grass near a tree ### Assistant: Summertime, and the livin' is easy."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a bikini standing in the water ### Assistant: Let your rebellious heart die a thousand deaths if it means discovering a fierce love worth coming to life for."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with mountains and a river ### Assistant: Summer in Colorado is beautiful, but fall is by far my favorite season. I can't wait for cooler weather, colorful aspens and cozy sweaters. What's your favorite time of year?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a river with a waterfall and mountains ### Assistant: Classic Icelandic mornings... miss this place"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: horses grazing in a field with trees ### Assistant: A very special sunrise in @rockynps shared with a baby elk and its family. Summer doesn't get much better!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a pair of scissors on a beach ### Assistant: Love has no labels. Love has no gender. Love has no race. Love has no disability. Love has no religion. Love is love and this world could use a little more of it."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a forest filled with trees and a couple of trees ### Assistant: Is it fall yet?! I can't wait for the leaves to start changing!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with trees and a mountain ### Assistant: Watching the sunrise in Rocky Mountain National Park is an experience worth repeating."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman kissing on a white and black background ### Assistant: Find someone and live in awe of them -Atticus"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a river with a mountain range and a mountain range ### Assistant: A truly surreal and beautiful place."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large body of water with a mountain range ### Assistant: Sometimes one day in a different place gives you more than ten years of life at home."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a lake with a mountain range and a mountain range ### Assistant: It's fall and I am currently sipping coffee with my very best friends while we watch the yellow aspens sway outside the kitchen window. Life is wonderful this time of year."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing on a rock with a paddle ### Assistant: So blessed to live in this wonderful state with this goofball. Always make time for adventures with your loved ones \ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with a mountain range ### Assistant: Missing old adventures in Montana today! Such a beautiful place."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a red and white kayak paddling through a lake ### Assistant: So excited to be heading back to Montana next week, I've missed this place and all its beauty!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a hat standing in the woods ### Assistant: Autumn, the years last, loveliest smile -WCB"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman are standing on a beach ### Assistant: She knew she loved him when 'home' went from being a place to being a person-E.L."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with mountains and mountains ### Assistant: One of my all time favorite hikes in one of the most beautiful places on earth. I miss Montana!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a road with a mountain range and trees ### Assistant: This place, this view \ud83d\ude0d Anyone else love Yosemite in the winter?!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a small hut with a boat on the water ### Assistant: This Icelandic home is tucked away from all the hustle and bustle of life. Would you live here?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with a lake and mountains ### Assistant: Getting excited for this weekend! Going to head up to the mountains and ski as much as possible since it seems we FINALLY might be getting some snow! \u2744\ufe0f What are your weekend plans?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person standing on a rock near a river ### Assistant: It's Monday and I'm dreaming of days spent exploring hidden waterfalls. #anywherealoha"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large wooden cabin with a snowboard on top ### Assistant: I'd take a morning like this over a morning in the city any day."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a rock wall with a waterfall and a rock cliff ### Assistant: To the ends of the earth will you follow me?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sunset over a body of water with a lighthouse ### Assistant: One of those beautiful moments that leave you speechless."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a view from a boat of a mountain range ### Assistant: Like in a dream.... #wayfarecollective"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is sitting on a bed looking at her phone ### Assistant: Waiting on the world to change"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a lake with a couple of trees and a couple of houses ### Assistant: The perfect place to cozy up under the stars. #wayfarecollective"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a snowy road with a mountain range ### Assistant: Colorado mountain drives. #wayfarecollective"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a black jacket is sitting on a tree ### Assistant: The people who think you\u2019re weak have not yet noticed the wolf hiding behind your eyes, nor the flames inside your soul."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a river with a waterfall and mountains ### Assistant: Peaceful sunrise before the swarm of tourists arrived \ud83d\ude4c"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a pool of water with a rock ### Assistant: Happy Valentines Day to all you lovers out there \ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a boat on a lake with a mountain ### Assistant: What\u2019s your ideal morning? Mine is being on the lake, surrounded by mountains and the sound of silence. #wayfarecollective"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person is standing on a hillside with a trail ### Assistant: Anyone else get really car sick? I definitely do. Roads like this are beautiful to look at, but if I\u2019m the passenger while driving on this road expect me to turn as green as the surrounding mountains \ud83e\udd22"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with a mountain range ### Assistant: If you have never been to @canyonlandsnps , I would highly recommend the trip. The views are endless and otherworldly. The campgrounds are also awesome, especially when the weather warms up!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with a mountain range ### Assistant: Slept in our car and woke up at 4am to catch this incredible sunrise. Worth every hour of lost sleep."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man sitting on a rock looking at the mountains ### Assistant: This day was really crazy; it hailed, snowed, the sun came out, then it snowed again. Even though it was very cold, the dynamic weather made for some incredible views!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a river with a bunch of trees and a snow covered mountain ### Assistant: Foggy, snowy days at @yosemitenps . This place is pure magic. Looking forward to hopefully visiting this summer! #wayfarecollective"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a baby bear laying in hay with a stuffed animal ### Assistant: Mondays, am I right?! #wayfarecollective"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person on a road with a truck ### Assistant: \u201cI\u2019m pretty tired, I think I\u2019ll go home now\u201d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large bird flying over a large body of water ### Assistant: Trying to save up some money this month so I can travel to some amazing places soon. Anyone have any suggestions on cheap, beautiful international destinations? \ud83d\ude0a\u270c\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman in a white shirt is holding a white object ### Assistant: It\u2019s 80 degrees today here in Colorado. It is getting me so excited for summer adventures in the mountains!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person walking on a dirt road near a forest ### Assistant: Missing the west coast. I need to head back here soon!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person walking down a path with a red umbrella ### Assistant: Moody mornings on the west coast."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a girl jumping up into the air to catch a frisbee ### Assistant: Living in the past and future will hurt you, will haunt you, and trap you in a process of overthinking. True bliss is learning how to live in the moments, how to live in the present. - s. mcnutt"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with mountains and a river ### Assistant: The leaves are definitely starting to put on a show up here in colorful Colorado. Fall is by far my favorite season, what\u2019s yours?! \ud83c\udf41 \ud83c\udf83 \ud83c\udf42\ud83c\udf3e\ud83c\udf3b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a river with a waterfall and mountains ### Assistant: Montana has been on my mind lately. I miss this part of the world."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a river with rocks and a waterfall ### Assistant: Brrrrrrr!!! It\u2019s feeling a lot like Iceland in Colorado right now. Happy to be heading to San Diego soon to spend time with some of my favorite humans \u2764\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a mountain range with a mountain range ### Assistant: Wyoming sunsets in the snow are a sight to behold! Truly breathtaking."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a small cabin with a tree and a snowboard ### Assistant: I want to buy a place just like this where I can ski all day and walk right back to my cozy cabin to make hot cocoa, sit by a roaring fire and read a good book *sigh* sounds so perfect."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sunset over a lake with a mountain ### Assistant: Looking back on this night, it seems like it was almost a dream. Mountains, northern lights and endless beauty."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cat laying on a bed with a blanket ### Assistant: When it\u2019s so cold your aunt wraps you up like a burrito. \ud83c\udf2f \ud83c\udf2f #2travelingdogs #livingmybestlife #wednesdaywisdom"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog sitting in the back seat of a car ### Assistant: It\u2019s always good to go home. Even if your house is on wheels. \ud83d\ude99 #2travelingdogs #wednesdaywisdom #home #rv"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog standing next to a fence with a dog ### Assistant: Our rainy day faces. #herecomesabigone #2travelingdogs #mondaymood #onfriday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is holding a bottle of wine ### Assistant: This is Digby. I like to sit with my unmentionables exactly where the persons do. #DirtyDigby #cheers"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is looking at a camera while standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: Sometimes...you\u2019ve had enough picture taking \ud83d\udcf8 #Dayoff #startsnow #2travelingdogs #sundayfunday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog sitting in a car seat looking out the window ### Assistant: Hello, Monday. We meet again. #2travelingdogs #livingmybestlife #adoptdontshop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are laying on a bench ### Assistant: When you get to go to Gandma\u2019s house and sit on the porch in the sunshiney, it\u2019s a good day. #2travelingdogs #livingmybestlife #family"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are sitting on a rug in a living room ### Assistant: Can someone tell us why Gandma\u2019s house is so fancy? Time to dirty it up. #fancyschmancy #2travelingdogs #family"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog looking out of a window ### Assistant: The first morning light and one of the lights of my life. #2travelingdogs #rv #campingwithdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on the ground with a blanket ### Assistant: The art of doing nothing is a very unappreciated form of expression. #master #2travelingdogs #campingwithdogs #seniordog"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is sitting in the grass with a brush ### Assistant: When you\u2019re just so happy that you can\u2019t contain yourself. #butthenyoucan #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on the ground with its head on a tree ### Assistant: Good day, \u2600\ufe0f sunshiney.\n.\n.\n.\n#2travelingdogs #seniordogsofinstagram #seniordog #foxhound #rv #camping"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on the floor with a man ### Assistant: It\u2019s going to be a long day in the storm. #Florida #2travelingdogs #sendhelp #rv"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a bed with a stuffed animal ### Assistant: When you\u2019ve had a hard day, there\u2019s always friends. And there\u2019s always sleepovers. Less sleep. More sleepovers. \ud83d\udc36 \ud83d\udc36 #2travelingdogs #livingmybestlife #rv #bff"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is being petted by a woman ### Assistant: Sometimes, you just have to call it a day at 10 a.m. #week #out #2travelingdogs #itsamazingoutthere @weatherchannel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog and a person wearing sunglasses ### Assistant: Everyone thinks they have the best dog. And no one is wrong. #2travelingdogs #livingmybestlife #family .\n.\n.\n#dogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #seniordogsofinstagram #friday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog and a cat laying on a hillside ### Assistant: That song \ud83c\udfb5 says the \ud83c\udf1e sun will come out tomorrow. But it came out today. And also yesterday. #illtakeit #sunshine #annie #sundayfunday #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a collar on ### Assistant: Be good and you shall always see good in everything and everyone. Even in yourself. #mondaymotivation #2travelingdogs #dogsofinstagram #dogsarefamily"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large tree is in the middle of a park ### Assistant: When you have so much to do that you do nothin. #weekendmood #onmonday #whoisatwork #noone"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a brown dog standing in a field with a plant ### Assistant: The future always looks better when you look at it with a friend. #dogsarefamily #2travelingdogs #dogsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on the ground next to a car ### Assistant: From our little family and house on wheels \ud83d\ude99, we thank you for a memorable 2018! Since we are camping by a dump, there is nowhere to go than up from here! #2019 #herewecome #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is sitting in the back of a car with her dog ### Assistant: Our only true hope for 2019 is to end the year with the ones we start with. #myheart #everything #allthereis #2travelingdogs #2019goals"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a blanket on the grass ### Assistant: Oh. You haven\u2019t wore real pants\ud83d\udc56in two weeks? Put some on and go to work. #vacationisover #backtowork #dogsofinstagram #2travelingdogs #todayfanphoto"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a leash laying on the ground ### Assistant: This is Digby Pancake. All you need is love. Except you also need pancakes. #allyoucaneatpancakes #whoelseishungry #letsshare #exceptilleatthemall @ihop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog wearing a collar and a hat ### Assistant: If you light a lamp for someone, it will also brighten your path. Try that today. #bebetter #beyou #encourage #honesty #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are standing in the grass near a sign ### Assistant: Smile and the world smiles with you. Or be like Brickle and just think about smiling. #thatworks #happyface #adoptdontshop #dogsofinstagram #hiking"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog and a man are walking through the woods ### Assistant: \u201cYou have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.\u201d #drseuss .\n.\n.\n#2travelingdogs #dogsofinstagram #swamp #florida #adventure #hiking"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog and a cat sitting on a bench ### Assistant: Do you smell that? It\u2019s the scent of a great day! #morningdog .\n.\n.\n#2travelingdogs #dogsofinstagram #morningperson #thursday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on the ground with a ball in its mouth ### Assistant: Solar power is amazing. #2travelingdogs #dogsofinstagram .\n.\n.\n.\n#dogsofinstagram #adventure #rv #rvwithdogs #camping #campingwithdogs #solar #solarpower"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying in the grass next to a truck ### Assistant: Early to bed, early to rise and then take a nap. #fridaymood #tired #letired \ud83d\udca4 ..\n.\n.\n.\n#2travelingdogs #camping #dogsofinstagram #rv #rvwithdogs #nap"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a beach with a large rock ### Assistant: When your customers could care less for the daily special. #takeitback #whatisthis .\n.\n.\n#2travelingdogs #wherewillyougotoday #dogsofinstagram #campingfood"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog sitting in the back of a car ### Assistant: Invitation to a slumber pawty? Don\u2019t mind if we do! #saturday #friends #slumberparty #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on the floor next to a couch . a dog laying on a couch with a cat ### Assistant: Scroll \u27a1\ufe0f to see what happens when you RSVPee to the most happening dog pawty around. #2travelingdogs #dogsofinstagram #slumberpawty #nopantsrequired"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a couch with a person ### Assistant: This is Digby. Slumber pawties are all about pizza and no pants. We have the no pants thing covered. But where\u2019s the pizza? @pizzahut \n#2travelingdogs #pizza #slumberpawty #pizzahutcan"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is sitting on the back of a car ### Assistant: Going away is fun. But there\u2019s no place like home. #sundayfunday #goinghome #seniordogsofinstagram #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is standing on a fence with a leash ### Assistant: Someone hand me my sunglasses \ud83d\udd76! #thefuturessobright #igottawearshades .\n.\n.\n.\n#monday #mondaymood #sunshine #2travelingdogs #adoptdontshop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog standing next to a tree with a frisbee ### Assistant: Monday Funday. It\u2019s a thing. #travelblogger #getoutthere #nomatterwhatdayitis .\n.\n.\n.\n#2travelingdogs #rv #camping #dogsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is drinking from a glass of wine ### Assistant: Some things get better with age. Like his stink eye. #workit #youearnedit .\n.\n.\n.\n#seniordogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #coppolawine"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a brown and white dog with a black collar ### Assistant: This is Brickle. I am that smooth operator that Sade talked about. #letsclearthatup #coasttocoast #latochicago\n.\n.\n.\n#2travelingdogs #sade #seniordogsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a long nose and a green collar ### Assistant: I mustache you a question. Is there something on my face? #besideshandsome #ifeellikemaybethereis\n.\n.\n.\n#2travelingdogs #seniordogsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #todayfanphoto"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a collar and a tag on ### Assistant: If you think my breath smells like pancakes, you\u2019re wrong. But give me a kiss \ud83d\udc8b anyway. #seniordogsofinstagram #2travelingdogs .\n.\n.\n#adoptdontshop #dogsofinstagram #todayfanphoto"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog sitting on a bench with a dog ### Assistant: Camp pawtrol reporting for duty. #notimeoff #lawenforcement.\n.\n.\n\n#2travelingdogs #seniordogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #dogsofinstagram #dogsthathike #dogsthatcamp"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog eating a donut with a cup of coffee ### Assistant: The Big Game is coming up! Do have have your dog\u2019s pawty snacks planned out? Link in bio for the start of our #BigGame series! .\n.\n.\n#recipes #BigGame #Football #snacks #SuperBowl"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bowl of food with a soccer ball and a bowl of chips ### Assistant: Getting those Big Game snacks ready...for the dogs! Yes, you can share! Link in our bio! #BigGame #SuperBowl #snacks\n.\n.\n.\n.\n#chipsanddip #2travelingdogs #football #dogsofinstagram #pawty #puppybowl"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white dog sitting in a white dish on a white table ### Assistant: When you specifically ask for no spinach and you get all the spinach. #bedandbarkfest #monday .\n.\n.\n#dogsofinstagram #2travelingdogs #rv #rvlife #breakfast #todayfanphoto"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on the ground next to a tree ### Assistant: Now for my scheduled afternoon nap. #sunshineyfordays #camplife\n.\n.\n. .\n#dogsofinstagram #2travelingdogs #seniordogsofinstagram #dogsthatcamp #camp #rv #adoptdontshop #florida"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is holding a bottle of wine ### Assistant: All you need is love and a dog. Ok. And wine. \ud83c\udf77 And more dogs. . .\n#adoptdontshop #seniordogsofinstagram #todayfanphoto #wednesdaywisdom #wine #dogs #ilovewine"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a log in the woods ### Assistant: This is my dirt pile and I\u2019m going to keep it forever. #dirtydog #kingofthehill #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog and a dog dog are sitting in the woods ### Assistant: When it rains it pours! \ud83c\udf27 \u2614\ufe0f Sunshiney, sunshiney, come out wherever you are! \u2600\ufe0f #sunday #dogsofinstagram #florida #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog and a bowl of food on a table . a woman and a dog are hugging each other . a brown and white dog standing on a carpet . a woman and a dog are laying down together ### Assistant: Meet Chance. He is adoptable through @animalluvrs. He was our taste tester on @daytimetvshow today! Stay tuned for air times! #nbc #biggame #snacks #adoptdontshop #boxer #seniordogsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog sitting on a tree stump with a plant ### Assistant: This is Digby. So do you ever feel like your roof is caving in? What if it caves in? Yep. #currentsituation #rv #rvlife #sendhelp"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a collar on standing next to a person ### Assistant: The boys are back in town. #pawtrol #dutycalls .\n.\n.\n#hikingwithdogs #2travelingdogs #adoptdontshop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a tag on its face ### Assistant: It\u2019s a brand new day. Just think of the possibilities. #wednesdaywisdom #livelikeadog #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a brown and white dog sitting in the woods ### Assistant: \u201cYou light up my life. You give me hope. To carry on\u201d \ud83c\udfb6 #2travelingdogs #dogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is looking at a dog in the woods ### Assistant: When you feel like someone always has your back. #2travelingdogs #adoptdontshop #brothers #family"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a couch with a red blanket ### Assistant: It\u2019s hard to be a senior boy in the cold. More blankets please. #also #pancakes #wrapmeuplikeapupparito #butwithpancakes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a bed with a person ### Assistant: Is anyone else feeling a bit rickety with this cold weather? Time for dog snuggles and wine snuggles \ud83e\udd23 #dogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #winter #polarvortex @leesefitchwines"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a blanket next to a tree ### Assistant: Oh, we found our sunshiney again! \ud83c\udf1e #mondayfunday #itsathing\n.\n.\n.\n.\n#florida #2travelingdogs #seniordogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #dogsofinstagram #camping"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a large mouth standing in the grass ### Assistant: Is there any such thing as too happy or too sunshiney or too smoochy? \ud83d\ude18 #2travelingdogs #pancakebreath \n#adoptdontshop #florida #heatwave #LoveFl"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white and black truck parked in a field ### Assistant: Another day. Another campsite. This is not an actual campsite though. Some parks have fields for overflow when all is booked. So we took it! #happyweekend #gnats #thedump #rv #rvlife #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a large mouth looking at something ### Assistant: This is Digby Pancake. I\u2019m in the mood for pancakes with a side of pizza. Or pizza with a side of pancakes. @ihop? Can you do that? #PANCIZZA #NationalPizzaDay"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a cat in her hand ### Assistant: There are so many things in life that make it sweet. #wine #dogs #love .\n.\n.\n#2travelingdogs #dogsofinstagram #winelover #wineofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on the grass with its head on the ground ### Assistant: Never underestimate the need for a nap. \ud83d\udca4 #9to5 #whatawaytomakealiving .\n.\n.\n#2travelingdogs #dogblog #animalrescue #travel #travelwithdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are standing in the grass ### Assistant: Every day is Friday to your dog. #happyFriday on Wednesday. #2travelingdogs #livelife .\n.\n. .\n#dogsofinstagram #seniordogs #seniordogsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog sitting on a leash in a field ### Assistant: There is nothing better than watching a dog be a dog. #wednesdaywisdom #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a bed next to a window ### Assistant: Therapy to us is dogs. Camping. Repeat. #rvlife #lifeisgood #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a collar on sitting in a field ### Assistant: Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows. #2travelingdogs #sunshine\n.\n.\n.\n#dogsofinstagram #hiking #camping #rv #seniordog"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs laying on a blanket on a beach ### Assistant: Families and mutts are the perfect mixture of love. #brothers #family #adoptdontshop\n.\n.\n.\n.\n#2travelingdogs #dogsofinstagram #senior #mutts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a blanket on a blanket ### Assistant: New campsite. Took us a long time to get here. About five spaces over...#rv #rvlife .\n.\n#2travelingdogs #dogblog #animalrescue #camping"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog standing next to a tree in a field ### Assistant: Start your day with a good attitude and just see where you can go! #hikingwithdogs #2travelingdogs #weekendvibes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying in the grass next to a truck ### Assistant: This is Digby. When the going gets tough, the tough take a nap. #weekendvibes #naptime #allthetime\n.\n.\n.\n.\n#2travelingdogs #saturday #dogsbeingbasic #camping #rv"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sheep with a tag on its head ### Assistant: We can\u2019t help every dog. We know that. But we nose we can try. #adoptdontshop #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are standing in the grass near a tree ### Assistant: That one friend who can never take a picture. #smile #comeon\n.\n.\n.\n.\n#2travelingdogs #sundayfunday #sundaymorning #dogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man laying on a bed with a towel around his neck ### Assistant: Please everyone. We need your good thoughts for our baby boy Digby. We don\u2019t know what\u2019s wrong. We will keep you updated as we can."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a blanket on the ground ### Assistant: Sunshiney never looked so good. We love you all so much. Your good vibes helped. Thank you. #2travelingdogs #seniordogsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying in the grass with a sky background ### Assistant: Blue skies are smiling at us today. We have a long road ahead for recovery. But the grass will do today. #seniordogsofinstagram #pancreatitis"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are laying on a couch ### Assistant: It\u2019s #LoveYourPetDay! Well. I\u2019m not sure I like the word pet. How about #LoveYourFamilyDay. #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is looking out of the window ### Assistant: Peekaboo. I see you. #2travelingdogs #seniordogsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on the ground next to a person ### Assistant: Sometimes, words between friends aren\u2019t needed. #lotsoflove #splendorinthegrass #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on the ground next to a blanket ### Assistant: When your brother lets you lean on him. #bff #adoptdontshop #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is standing in the grass with its tongue out ### Assistant: Friday never felt so good. #2travelingdogs #adoptdontshop #pancreatitis #seniordogsrule"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a blanket on a rug ### Assistant: It might be hot outside in this Florida place. But it\u2019s nice and cool in Gandma\u2019s house! #2travelingdogs #seniordogsrule #lutz #travel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a dog in a hat ### Assistant: On the road again! Bye, Tampa, Florida. #onthemove #homeforever #2travelingdogs #rv"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a rug next to a couch ### Assistant: It\u2019s not where you go. It\u2019s who you go with. #2travelingdogs #seniordogsrule #rv #camping"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman with a dog in a hat ### Assistant: So happy we still have our Digby. #seniordogsrule #adoptdontshop #2travelingdogs #pancreatitis #rv #campingwithdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a bed with a window ### Assistant: Good morning, world. Snuggle? #2travelingdogs #digbypancake #sundayfunday #adoptdontshop #travelingwithdogs #travel #rv #"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog and a cat standing in a yard ### Assistant: It\u2019s a great day to be down by the river. #2travelingdogs #LoveFl #seniordogsrule .\n.\n.\n#traveling #travel #rv #camping #adoptdontshop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog standing on a porch next to a wooden fence ### Assistant: Just call us Florida crackers. #2travelingdogs #travelingwithdogs #campingwithdogs #rv"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large number of books on a white surface ### Assistant: It\u2019s time to look at our reflection. #2travelingdogs #travel #travelingwithdogs #travelquotes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog and a dog tied to a leash ### Assistant: Believe you can and you are halfway there. #2travelingdogs .\n.\n.\n#seniordogsrule #beachtime #LoveFl #Jacksonville #beach #dogsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are laying on the beach ### Assistant: The beach is sooooo relaxing. \ud83d\udca4 \ud83c\udfd6 #Florida #2travelingdogs #beachday .\n.\n.\n#jacksonville #travelblogger #travelingwithdogs #camping #campingwithdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a toothbrush in its mouth ### Assistant: Digby...you have something right there. \ud83e\udd23\u2764\ufe0f #2travelingdogs #adoptdontshop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is sitting in the back seat of a car ### Assistant: Rain, rain, go away. #comeagainnever #2travelingdogs #Florida .\n.\n.\n#travel #travelingwithdogs #camping #campingwithdogs #rv #rvwithdogs #jacksonville"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are sitting on the beach with their owners ### Assistant: Captains of the sea. \ud83c\udf0a #2travelingdogs #beachdogs\n.\n.\n.\n.\n#camping #rv #travel #travelblogger"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog sitting on a chair next to a plate of food ### Assistant: When you\u2019re on a diet on Pancake Day and you hold the butter \ud83e\udd5e #tragedy #pancakeday #ihop #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog standing next to a sign on a building ### Assistant: Rainy days are no excuse. Get out there and see the world! #2travelingdogs #jacksonville #LoveFl"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is sniffing a bottle of water ### Assistant: What in the world day is it? A coconut shell in butternut squash soup tonight may or may not have shattered a tooth. @mccormickspice really?! #dentistplease #forpeople #notdogs #help"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs sitting on a bench near a fence ### Assistant: It might be cold outside and cloudy. But they always warm my heart. #2travelingdogs #family\n.\n.\n.\n#travel #travelblogger #animalrescue #florida #LoveFl #nps"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a bed next to a bottle of beer ### Assistant: Spicy. Smooth. Aged. #perfection .\n.\n.\n.\n#2travelingdogs #traderjoes #port #iloveport #wine #dogs #dogsofinstagram #rv #camping"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are laying on the sand near a beach ### Assistant: Just a few beach bums. #2travelingdogs #adoptdontshop #weekendvibes #LoveFl #Florida #jacksonville"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog wearing a collar and a hat ### Assistant: Sun on your face. Sand on your nose. It\u2019s going to be a good day, I\u2019d say. #saturday #beachday #2travelingdogs #travelingwithdogs #dogsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog chewing on a stick with a toothbrush in its mouth ### Assistant: Can dogs smile? You decide. #2travelingdogs #beachlife #happyface #smile #sundayfunday #dogsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a blanket on a field ### Assistant: Shhhh. It\u2019s #nationalnappingday \n#2travelingdogs #mondaymotivation"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a leash on its head ### Assistant: When you\u2019re trying to understand how the time change is still kicking your booty. #givemebackthehour #sendcoffee #ornot #imadog\n.\n.\n.\n.#2travelingdogs #dogsofinstagram #time #tuesday #travel #rv"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog standing next to a tree with a flower in it's mouth ### Assistant: A rose by another name wouldn\u2019t smell as sweet. But this is a bougainvillea. #wednesdaywisdom #2travelingdogs .\n.\n.\n.#dogsofinstagram #flowers #adoptdontshop #LoveFl"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a long nose looking at the camera ### Assistant: This is Brickle. I don\u2019t think of my skin as saggy. I think of it as a relaxed fit. #seniordog #2travelingdogs .\n.\n.\n#adoptdontshop #beachdog #travel #rv #camping"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs standing on a dirt road next to a forest ### Assistant: It feels good to be lost in the right direction. #Fridayfeeling #2travelingdogs .\n.\n.\n#LoveFl #dogsofinstagram #hikingwithdogs #adoptdontshop #dogsthathike #preserve"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a collar and a tag ### Assistant: This is Digby. This is my \u201ctreats please\u201d face. Is it working? #2travelingdogs .\n.\n.\n#dogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #fridaymood #treats #todayfanphoto"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on the beach with a towel around its neck ### Assistant: When the week gets ya. #headtothebeach #springbreak #2travelingdogs .\n.\n.\n#dogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #beach #rv"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a bed with a blanket ### Assistant: Live your life with adventures. Not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show. #2travelingdogs #dogsofinstagram #travel #rv"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are standing on the beach with their tails crossed ### Assistant: \u202aThe flower that follows the sun does so even on cloudy days. Beach? A little rain couldn\u2019t keep us away. \u202c#sundayfunday #2travelingdogs #dogsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"the mountain\" ### Assistant: It\u2019s a goal. #2travelingdogs #adoptdontshop .\n.\n.\n.\n#dogsofinstagram #sundayfunday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't eat the white\" ### Assistant: On today\u2019s blog, we talk about how Brickle always wants to go into a store! What does your dog do that is so like a person?!\n#2travelingdogs #dogblog #dogsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and woman walking a dog on a beach . a man and a woman walking a dog on a beach . a man and a dog walking on a beach . a man and a woman walking a dog on a beach . a woman and her dog are walking on the beach ### Assistant: Trying to get a picture today with Gandma was impossible. \ud83e\udd23 #wind #crazies #2travelingdogs #family"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cow standing next to a red truck ### Assistant: Where\u2019s Waldo? In Waldo, Florida. #wefoundhim #whereswaldo #2travelingdogs .\n.\n.\n#train #traincar #waldo #travelwithdogs #rv #adoptdontshop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog and a person on a trail ### Assistant: Find somewhere beautiful to go today. #2travelingdogs #woods #hiking #preserve"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is eating a bowl of broccoli ### Assistant: Breakfast? Brunch? Lunch? Anytime is good for eggies! #2travelingdogs #brunch #petsitter #adoptdontshop #dogsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on the beach next to a bird ### Assistant: That moment when you see an old friend and you can\u2019t believe your eyes. #2travelingdogs #beachlife\n\n___________________\n\n#2travelingdogs #dogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #shark"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person riding a motorcycle on a sunny day ### Assistant: Because they will always be puppies to us. #nationalpuppyday! \n_____________\n\n#2travelingdogs #puppyday #todayfanphoto #seniordogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog and a dog laying on the ground ### Assistant: Who\u2019s ready for the weekend? We\u2019ve already started! Let\u2019s do this!\n________\n#2travelingdogs #weekend"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is sitting on the ground with its tongue out ### Assistant: When life gets you down, go pet a puppy. Look at the sun. And feel the warmth of happiness! #nationalpuppyday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is sniffing a bottle of wine ### Assistant: The perfect Saturday night. #wine #dogs #thatsit\n________\n#2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a collar on ### Assistant: This is Brickle. I\u2019m real excited about the day. I swear. #sundayfunday \n_____________\n\n#myfacecantlie #asoptdontshop #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on the ground with a blanket ### Assistant: When the going gets tough, the tough takes a nap. \ud83d\udca4 #sundayvibes \n_________\n#2travelingdogs #nap #snooze #todayfanphoto"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on the ground next to a snow covered slope ### Assistant: Life is a beach when you\u2019re at the beach. #duh\n\n_______________\n#2travelingdogs #todayfanphoto #sundayvibes #beach #adoptdontshop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a bed with a blanket ### Assistant: Digby Pancake. Being inappropriate since 2009.\n\n_________\n\n#2travelingdogs #sundayvibes #senior #adoptdontshop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are standing next to each other on the beach ### Assistant: Hey guys? Smile for the camera! \ud83d\udcf7 \ud83c\udf1e \n________\n\n#2travelingdogs #adoptdontshop #beachday #beacheveryday #florida"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are standing next to each other on a beach ### Assistant: Never give up. Because that is just the place the tide may turn. \n_________\n\n#2travelingdogs #adoptdontshop #tuesdaythoughts #todayfanphoto #believe #happiness #dogsofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a hat on ### Assistant: Don\u2019t hide who you are. Embrace it. Show it. Accentuate it. #adoptdontshop #proudtobearescue @rayban"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are standing on a hillside ### Assistant: This is Digby. Maybe these guys should have smiled. #ThrowbackThursday #MountRushmore\n\n____________\n#adoptdontshop #travel #dogsofinstagram #tbt #todayfanphoto #travelchannel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog and a man are walking down a trail ### Assistant: When you dig in the dirt, you can bury almost all your problems! #takeahike #dirty #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are standing in the woods ### Assistant: These aren\u2019t just our Friday faces! Live every day like it\u2019s special! Because it is...and you are. #2travelingdogs #fridayfeeling"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog wearing a collar and a hat ### Assistant: This is Brickle. Today is Saturday, which means that today I will be multi-slacking instead of multi-tasking. #weekendvibes #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are sitting on the beach with a surfboard ### Assistant: The beach is waiting. Where are you? \ud83c\udfdd #spring #dogsofinstagram #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on the ground with a frisbee ### Assistant: This is Brickle. I\u2019m too busy working on my own grass to notice if yours is greener. #sundayfunday #2travelingdogs \n______\n\n#seniordogsofinstagram #seniordog #dogsofinstagram #grass #green #spring"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog is standing in the grass with its tongue out ### Assistant: Rainy days and Monday\u2019s get you down? \u2614\ufe0f Channel your inner \ud83c\udf1e sunshiney! #mondaymood #2travelingdogs"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are standing on a wooden fence ### Assistant: There\u2019s always room to stand up and be better. #beabetterperson #kindness #goals\n\n_______\n#2travelingdogs #travel #weekendvibes #todayfanphoto #dogsofinstagram #muttsofinstagram #adoptdontshop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog with a long nose and a black spot ### Assistant: This is Brickle. Being handsome isn\u2019t much of a burden. It works for me. \n_____\n#2travelingdogs #senior #seniordog #dogsofinstagram #adoptdontshop #brindle #catahoula"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a brown and white dog sitting on the ground ### Assistant: When you realize the weekend is about over. #canwedoitagain #2travelingdogs #weekendvibes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two dogs are standing on the beach near the water ### Assistant: Who did you make smile today? \ud83d\ude03 #2travelingdogs .\n.\n.\n#dogsofinstagram #dog #muttsofinstagram #beach #rv #camping #adoptdontshop #smile"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a bed with a pillow ### Assistant: This blissful moment in a storm brought to you by @petreleaf \ud83e\udd23 #sponsored #thankyouthankyouthankyou #thankyouverymuch #cbd\nUse coupon code 2TD to save 10% at www.petreleaf.com"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"no smoking\" on it ### Assistant: And the destinations make it all worth it...\n#30daysblogquotes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a door is open to a small garden ### Assistant: I'm trying to convince Josh why a Dutch door should happen at the new house. He doesn't get it. What do you think? Do you have a Dutch door? \nLove this gray one from @kellynuttdesign. \ud83d\udda4"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a shelf filled with lots of different types of food ### Assistant: Our pantry in the new house will be about the same size as the one we have now..but I'm dreaming about it being a lot more organized. \nIn love with this one from @thehomeedit. Isn't it awesome?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a fence with a sign that says \"no trespassing\" ### Assistant: For those who have given and those who continue to give... grateful today! \u2764\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a room with a bed, a shelf and a window ### Assistant: While our house plans are put on hold, I'm still going to dream about fun spaces like this. \nBuilt in bunk beds need to happen someday.l! Love these from @chadjamesgroup. \ud83d\udcf7: @alyssarosenheck"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a wall with pictures of various paintings on it ### Assistant: What photo wall dreams are made of. \nShiplap + black and white= \u2764\ufe0f\nDo you have a photo wall? \nFrom @kellynuttdesign."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large group of people posing for a picture ### Assistant: On today's to do list- eat good food \u2714\ufe0f, hang out with awesome people \u2714\ufe0f, laugh a lot \u2714\ufe0f. Thanks @yoplaitusa for showing us a great time in the Windy City."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign on a wall with a sign for a barber shop . a woman sitting on a cement block with a bucket . a man and woman standing next to each other on a dirt road . a sunset with a kite flying over a body of water . three men standing on a bench in front of a building . a man in a boat with a ladder ### Assistant: Louisiana has been on my list since meeting my BFF in college who is from there. It might have taken 20+ years, but baseball finally brought me here. \n#30daysblogtravel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bowl of bowls on a shelf ### Assistant: When the kids put the dishes away.\n(They are teeter tottering in there..)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a shelf with a pair of shoes on it ### Assistant: Hoping that cat folders and a paper sorter will help my sophomore keep up with her demanding schedule this year."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a living room with a fireplace and a book shelf ### Assistant: Only a couple weeks until it's officially fall... but I won't be able to hold off on adding pumpkins everywhere. \ud83c\udf83 \nWho's with me?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white cabinet with a white shelf and a white shelf with a white shelf ### Assistant: I've been collecting home ideas forever. And even though we didn't end up moving into the new house (boo!), I'm keeping my collection. Like this built in from @emilyley. \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffc Someday..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cake on a table with a sign . a living room with a fireplace and a christmas tree ### Assistant: I already switched the mantel up. And the pumpkins are multiplying. Can't help it! (Swipe left to see where the other cute sign ended up with more pumpkins)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white and black photo of a sign for a magazine ### Assistant: So true. And seemed very fitting for my week on sea. \ud83d\udea2\ud83c\udf0e\n#30daysblogquotes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pile of books on a shelf ### Assistant: It was torture not being able to buy these books at a local antique shop. I'm a sucker for a good spine."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white dessert with a white frosting on it ### Assistant: I'm definitely more of a vanilla and caramel girl than a chocolate girl. But I'll take nougat gelato from the Ruby Princess any day, all day. Pure bliss.\n#30daysblogtravel #ComeBackNew #ad"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a fork and knife ### Assistant: Ummm.. want pumpkin cheesecake that'll blow your mind? \ud83d\ude0bHere ya go----> http://www.thirtyhandmadedays.com/pumpkin-cheesecake/\n#30daysblogrecipes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a kitchen counter with a picture of a cat on it ### Assistant: I'm not huge into Halloween but I'm 100% into this set up from @makeanddostudio. \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffc So bright and fun. And CANDY."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a living room with a fireplace and a couch ### Assistant: Mom win: Drew (my 11 yr old) cleaned up our downstairs without being asked. Happy Friday to me! \nHope your weekend is starting off just right. \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffc\n#30dayshouse"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a glass bowl filled with different colored bowls . a person holding a bowl filled with a green substance ### Assistant: When FB ads completely get you. Good job targeting me Pyrex. You win! \nCheck out the football one in the next pic. I only wish they had baseball too. \n#30dayspyrexcollection"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pile of different colored umbrellas on a beach ### Assistant: It\u2019s the Mondayest Monday ever\u2014 but these pretty pumpkins from @inspirelovely are cheering me up. \nSo cute Debee!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a spoon and a dessert ### Assistant: I\u2019m starving at the moment and all I can think about is how much a cinnamon roll from @disneyland would hit the spot right about now. \nOr anything that I don\u2019t have to make... #30daysblogtravel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a kitchen with a sink, a shelf, and a shelf of food ### Assistant: I might actually want to do laundry if my laundry room looked this one from @erin_sunnysideup. \nProbably not. I\u2019d still have to put all the clothes away... \ud83d\ude1d\nBut it sure is dreamy!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of colorful and colorful items ### Assistant: Did not need one more office supply. Already have about 187674 binders, pens, and tape. But given how cute they were... I couldn\u2019t resist. And don\u2019t regret it. \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffc"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a dog laying on a bed with a blanket ### Assistant: Shortcake is just trying to living her best life. \nSaturday goals right there. \ud83d\udc4a\ud83c\udffc\n#30dayshouse"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a red and white fire hydrant sitting on top of a kitchen counter ### Assistant: It\u2019s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. \u2764\ufe0f\n(Love the Joy to the World print that @kikicomin made and shared on 30days last year!) #30dayshouse"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two pairs of shoes with blue and white socks ### Assistant: Christmas stressing and wishing I was on this carefree trip to Alaska right about now. Sigh... \ud83d\udea2\n\n#30daysblogtravel #comebacknew"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a christmas tree with a bunch of stuffed animals ### Assistant: This pretty much sums up what brings me the most joy. \u2665\ufe0f Also- it\u2019s a Christmas miracle. My presents are wrapped! \u2714\ufe0f #30dayshouse"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a family posing for a picture together ### Assistant: The best gift\nThat I ever got\nDidn't really weigh a lot\nIt didn't have a ribbon 'round.... My 3 best gifts. Merry Christmas Eve! \u2665\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pile of different colored pencils on a table ### Assistant: A new year. A fresh start. Infinite possibilities. \nHappy \nSPARKLY\nDO-OVER\nSHINY\nBLANK CANVAS\nFULL OF PROMISE\nHOPEFUL\nBRAND SPANKIN\u2019\nNew Year! \u2764\ufe0f xo Mique"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't miss the holidays\" ### Assistant: Already checked one thing off my list. \u2714\ufe0f\nAnd if \u201cdress to impress\u201d means wearing the most comfy pajamas, I\u2019ve got that covered too. Let\u2019s go Monday! #30daysblogquotes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a room with a chair, a table and a window ### Assistant: Someday I will have aqua lockers. Swoon! \ud83d\udcf7: @everythingsolovely \u2665\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large building with a clock on the front ### Assistant: When in Texas... \u2665\ufe0f\n#30daysblogtravel"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a kitchen with a sign that says \"no food\" ### Assistant: Because happiness is homemade. \nFrom one of my favorite corners in the Silos. Give me a little jadeite, some tea towels, cake stands, mix in white tile and good fonts...I\u2019m in heaven."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a refrigerator filled with lots of food and condiments ### Assistant: The bad news: moths attacked our pantry and we had to throw out a ton of food. \ud83e\udd22\nThe good news: I got to organize the new stuff and pretty up some containers."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't miss the holidays\" ### Assistant: Hey at least they listened.. \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\n#30daysblogquotes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bowl of fruit with strawberries and apples ### Assistant: Give me alllll the red. Strawberries, cherries, nail polish. \u2665\ufe0f\nWhat\u2019s your favorite color? I used to always say red when people asked. Not so much anymore but I\u2019m still drawn to it. #30daysnails"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a flag with a flag on it sitting on a pole ### Assistant: \u201cI believe in America because we have great dreams, and because we have the opportunity to make those dreams come true.\u201d \u2014 Wendell Wilkie \nHappy Birthday America! I love you so. \ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't drink\" ### Assistant: Take a wild guess which mood I\u2019m usually in.\nBut it\u2019s Friday the 13th... so YOLO! \n#30daysblogquotes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"no smoking\" on it ### Assistant: About as rebellious as I get. \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffc #30daysblogquotes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a red and white staircase leading to a stair case ### Assistant: I wish I could show you.... {Inspiration is everywhere. Including a bookstore in Paris. \u2665\ufe0f}\n...\n#30daysblogquotes #30daysblogtravel #comebacknew #parisiloveyou #paristourisme"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with meat and vegetables ### Assistant: We have waited almost 2 years for these poke bowls. And they were worth the wait. \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffc\n.\n.\n#30daysblogtravel #kauaihawaii #instatravel #traveltheworld #igtravel #travelblog #instago #travelingram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"no smoking\" on it ### Assistant: The older I get, the more I appreciate this\u2026\nI\u2019m what you\u2019d call an introverted extrovert. \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\nWhat about you?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"no smoking\" ### Assistant: If there was a problem, yo I\u2019ll solve it.\n\u2022\n#30daysblogquotes #funnyquotes #quotestagram #quotesofinstagram"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a street sign with a bunch of stickers on it ### Assistant: Who knew this girls camp theme would not only be perfect for camp but also months later while watching the World Series!?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't eat the white\" ### Assistant: For reals tho. \ud83e\udd26\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f Happy Halloween!\n.\n#30daysblogquotes #halloween\ud83c\udf83 #halloween"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman posing for a picture . a woman and a man are posing for a picture . a man and a woman wearing ties ### Assistant: My gift came early. Christmas Sunday pictures of my favorite people. With minimal yelling.\nI bought my boys matching ties in Scotland and they finally made their debut. \u2665\ufe0f\ud83c\udff4\udb40\udc67\udb40\udc62\udb40\udc73\udb40\udc63\udb40\udc74\udb40\udc7f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't eat the white\" ### Assistant: Stick with love! \u2665\ufe0f\nMy gratitude overflows for Dr. King and the bravery he showed, the example he set and the changes he made.\n.\n.\n.\n#30daysblogquotes #mlkday #mlkquotes #drmartinlutherkingjr"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young boy is reading a newspaper while holding a stuffed animal ### Assistant: He is not the only one excited to see photos from my phone come out of the printer! Link to the new printer in profile. #escapedigital #myprintlymoms #neverrunout"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a boy and girl are holding up a little boy and girl ### Assistant: If dirt is a measure of how much fun they had at the pumpkin patch, then these two had a blast!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a poster with a bunch of different colored balloons ### Assistant: A photo printed right from my phone to my @hp printer, and the @shoplaurakelly square card making kit makes for the fastest thank you note ever! #cubscoutmom #myprintlymoms #shoplaurakelly"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't miss\" ### Assistant: My friend @countrychiccottage wrote an awesome ornament e-book, and she's giving one away! Head over to her feed to enter."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a grocery store shelf filled with lots of different types of food ### Assistant: Scented glue sticks!? Where have these been all my life?? Thanks, @adtech! :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing next to a sign with a picture of a girl ### Assistant: I'm going to @sizzix DIY Day this Saturday! Will you be there? Click over to the @sizzix feed for details."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young boy standing in front of a parked car ### Assistant: Let the kiddo pick which car we're renting for the day! Thanks to Matt at the SD Airport Alamo for taking good care of us!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a pair of scissors ### Assistant: Hanging out at @sizzix DIY day... my kiddo loves his glitter tattoo... cut using the eclips2! #sizzix #eclips2"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of various types of items ### Assistant: Each of these holiday projects can be made in 15 minutes or less! Link in profile. Click on post for photo credit. #craftlightning #craftlightningholidayedition #30minutecrafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a suitcase with a sticker on it ### Assistant: A little die cut creativity going on with my sizzix 1 3/4\" hexie #cmcretreat @sizzix #fabi"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of different types of items ### Assistant: A third day full of fast holiday crafts! Link in profile, tap photo for image credit. #craftlightning #craftlightningholidayedition #30minutecrafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cupcake with a picture of a dog on it ### Assistant: A personalized mug and my very own peep @expressionery notepad! Feeling very spoiled at the #cmcretreat ... getting some great crafting in, too! I'll share more soon..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a knife is being used to cut a cake ### Assistant: Simple snowman ornament: air dry @sculpey_polyform clay over an inexpensive plastic ornament, then paint when dry. #sculpeyclay #cmcretreat #30minutecrafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pair of scissors sitting on top of a counter ### Assistant: Super simple cuff bracelet with @impressart metal stamps! #cmcretreat"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a drawing of a butterfly on a table ### Assistant: Felt + @sizzix die + hot glue = fun custom bag! #cmcretreat"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of various foods ### Assistant: Went on a #cmcsouthlands scavenger hunt at the @shopsouthlands @worldmarket with my #cmcretreat gals! What is your fave?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a book shelf filled with books and a box of books ### Assistant: Doing my favorite kind of Christmas shopping for my little readers at @shopsouthlands @barnesandnoble #cmcsouthlands #cmcretreat"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sandwich with meat, cheese, and vegetables on a table ### Assistant: Y'all. @baddaddysburger is speaking my love language... #cmcretreat"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: people sitting around a table eating ### Assistant: Hanging out with my #cmcretreat gals, teaching them English paper piecing with @dritz_sewing supplies."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pink and yellow birthday cake with a red and blue stripe ### Assistant: These herringbone trees were crazy easy to make! #cmcretreat"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table with a lot of different colored items ### Assistant: Mischief managed. ;) #cmcretreat"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man dressed in a red costume and holding a red umbrella ### Assistant: When you wake up to discover that a real live elf on the shelf flew down from the North Pole last night... #elfontheshelf #cmcretreat"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pile of fabric with writing on it ### Assistant: Reposting from @adtech! Head over to their site to see how I made this fun crayon notebook. Perfect for keeping kids busy... or for yourself!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a toy train is on a table with a cartoon character ### Assistant: Thanks @barnesandnoble for the build your own minion book. Perfect entertainment for my boys... especially on a trip to the doctor's office..."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person in a car with a remote control ### Assistant: I am missing the @toyotausa van we had for our #cmcretreat. It was so handy, and had all the bells & whistles this mama would want! #letsgoplaces"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a black and white photo of a black and white clock ### Assistant: Number of steps in a happy dance. In case you were wondering. #vaguegram #happydance"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table with a couple of different types of items ### Assistant: Bring on the holidays! Got my @expressionery holiday stamps in, so now I'm all set! Love the custom Elf stamp, our new gift tag stamp, and a special return address stamp just for the holidays! :)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a wooden box with a piece of paper on top of it ### Assistant: I think this will be one of my most popular posts (among moms) and least popular posts (among kids)! Link in profile... scroll down a few posts."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a christmas card with a bear and a sign ### Assistant: On the blog today... I talk about these adorable stamps from @expressionery and show you how to make these simple boxes! # 30minutecrafts #elfontheshelf"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a red cup with a piece of cake in it ### Assistant: No time to make gingerbread houses this year? These are quick and easy! Printable or cut with your silhouette. #glutenfree #dairyfree"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bag of candy on a white cloth ### Assistant: Gifting cookies today with a little help from @bakerspartyshop #cmcretreat"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a wooden box with a wooden bird on top of it ### Assistant: Any #magictreehouse fans in your life? They will love this Magic Treehouse model made out of paper! Templates available - link in profile. #papercraft #kidcraft #30minutecrafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a green and white toy is on a wooden table ### Assistant: This modern looking paper tree takes just 10 minutes to make, and I love the way it pops in our 1950s bungalow. #30minutecrafts #papercraft #christmastree"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white table topped with a white and blue vase ### Assistant: I spy some of my #cmcretreat friends on this bracelet made with @expressionery notepads with @laurakellydesigns \"Me and my Peeps\" on them! #diyjewelry #30minutecrafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a toilet with a cartoon character on it ### Assistant: My boys *might* be fighting about who gets to keep their snacks in this BB8 inspired tin. Easy to make - link in profile. #30minutecrafts #starwarscrafts #bb8"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plastic container filled with lots of different colored beads ### Assistant: Doing some crafting. Pulling out my jar of googly eyes. Totally normal, right? #googleeyes #googleeyecraft"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a toy train bed with a pillow and a box ### Assistant: 30 minutes left on the first day of the CHA megashow! Plenty of time to make one of these adorable notebooks at the @adtech booth!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is holding a bottle of water ### Assistant: Caption this. #chashow #princessesofanaheim"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is walking with a group of people ### Assistant: The crazy awesome that is the FaveCrafts event. This isn't even half the room!! #bloggernetworking16 #blognetworking16"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of people in a room ### Assistant: Wearing a tiara at #bloggernetworking16 ... it is a thing. #chashow #cha #blognetworking16"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bedroom with a bed, a desk, and a bed with a picture of a cat on it ### Assistant: Hanging out with @eileenhull and Scotty #likeyoudo #papertrail"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a variety of items are arranged on a table ### Assistant: Super excited about this gift basket I won at #chashow from @craftfoxes with goodies @lumi @beadaholique @stencil1 and more! #happyday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a group of women posing for a picture ### Assistant: We're all mad here... @repeatcrafterme @1dogwoof @happyhrprojects @tannerbell1023 @aunt_peaches @courtchamb #favecraftshouse #chashow"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: three photos of a woman eating food ### Assistant: Food, laughs, and lots of shenanigans going on at the #favecraftshouse tonight... #chashow #thatjusthappened #periscope"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls posing for a picture together ### Assistant: Hanging out in the @lionbrandyarn booth with @craftyplanner #likeyoudo #chashow"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos showing different types of items ### Assistant: It is Craft Lightning time again! All these Valentine's projects can be made in 15 minutes or less! #craftlightning #30minutecrafts "} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a series of photos showing different types of cakes ### Assistant: Lots of hearts in today's #craftlightning features #valentinecrafts #30minutecrafts "} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a small plastic object is on a table ### Assistant: All you need is... #metalstamping #impressart "} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pink purse with a purple ribbon around it ### Assistant: Surprise someone sweet with this Valentine's door hanger you can fill with their favorite treats! Details on the site today! #valentinecrafts #30minutecrafts "} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man in a suit and tie standing next to a bush ### Assistant: Found one! #thelegomovie4d #allhailme #EvilSecretPlot #LordRisky"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a woman are posing for a picture ### Assistant: Ready to hang with #wildstyle and the gang! #LordRisky #EvilSecretPlot #thelegomovie4d #allhailme"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two girls standing next to a toy fire hydrant ### Assistant: Oh, just hanging out with Unikitty #likeyoudo #thelegomovie4d #LordRisky #EvilSecretPlot #allhailme #legolandca"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a cell phone in front of a wall ### Assistant: Why yes, that is a lego mirror bathroom selfie while wearing my DIY lego earrings at Legoland yesterday! #allhailme #LordRisky #legolandca"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a paper bag with a sticker on it ### Assistant: It makes my son so happy to find a drawing on his lunch sack... taking these two minutes in the morning is always worth it! #legomom #boymom #unikitty"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white plate with a red and white fork and a white plate with a white and red flower ### Assistant: Happy Valentine's Day! #boymom #legomom"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a chocolate covered donut sitting on top of a keyboard ### Assistant: Hoping I get this candy incorporated into my project before I eat it all... #craftproblems #nom #eastercandy"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos showing a variety of items ### Assistant: Beer, food, crafts, and science... what is not to love at the #thinkdrinkscience event #lovestemsd16 #ballastpoint"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women holding up glasses and a toothbrush ### Assistant: In 4 hours I'm going head-to-head in a LIVE craft battle on Periscope with Simone of @favecrafts! Be sure to watch... I plan on BRINGING the crafty!! #craftchallenge #braggingrights"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a rotten looking piece of paper on the ground ### Assistant: Only a half dozen projects going on at once... so excited to bring SPRING on the site! #springcrafts #30minutecrafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women posing for a picture with a flower ### Assistant: Hanging out with @raegunramblings at the @thermoweb booth at #snapconf #decofoilatsnap"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a display case with a pink and white stuffed animal ### Assistant: . @lindt_chocolate + cute packaging = awesomeness! Flamingo Lindt holder will be a free cut file on the site soon (pinkie swear!). #beextraordinary"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting at a table with a laptop ### Assistant: It is HOPPIN' at the Michael's booth here at #snapconf!! Watercolor resist and more awesomeness! #madewithmichaels"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a piece of cake with a knife on it ### Assistant: Tiaras, a @swignsweets cookie and hanging out with friends... perfection. #snapconf"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: people sitting at a table ### Assistant: An end-of-SNAp dinner with these awesome ladies: @kara_mineforthemaking @jgoodedesigns @mmscrapshoppe @mrsgreeneblog @aglimpseinsideblog \n@onethriftychick #snapconf"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table topped with a bunch of different colored pencils ### Assistant: Time for a little coloring on the flight home... #daricesnap16 #snapconf #madeithome #sandiego"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a lamp is lit up in a dark room ### Assistant: You'll never believe what this Alien Spaceship reading light is made of! (Link in profile) #30minutecrafts #ufo #alien #kids"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pair of scissors and a flashlight ### Assistant: It is crazy easy to add a little sparkle to your workspace with this blinded stapler. Link in profile will take you to the easy video tutorial! #video #officesupplies #30minutecrafts #sparkle #bling"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a clock with a picture of a person on it ### Assistant: Marquee lights are awesome, but you can also make your own starlight letters!! Link in profile. #monogram #30minutecrafts #twinklelights #nightlight"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two small pots of flowers sitting on a table ### Assistant: Add some spring to your crafting with these cute seed packet pots! Details on the site! #30minutecrafts #springcrafts #gardencraft"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a row of colorful umbrellas are lined up on a display ### Assistant: Squee!! Super excited to see @impressart in my local @michaelsstores!! Seriously the BEST metal stamping supplies... the blanks stamp beautifully every single time!! #brandsilove #notsponsored"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a box of food sitting on top of a box ### Assistant: Squee!! It might be my son's birthday, but I got to unwrap the best present!! Check out the unboxing video over on Periscope! #cricutexplore #cricutlife #happymail @officialcricut"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: people standing around a building ### Assistant: Sneak peek of the new @legolandcalifornia #ninjagoworld ... ready to try our ninja skills!! #spinjitzu #ninjago"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a store with a sign ### Assistant: Made a special Sensei Wu shirt to wear to the sneak peek of #ninjagoworld at #legolandca today... long flowing beard and all! #30minutecrafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two pictures of a man and a woman with a skateboard ### Assistant: I didn't just make myself a #ninjago shirt (see previous pic), I also made shirts for the boys. The little guy is Kai DX, and my oldest is Pythor. #legolandca #ninjagoworld #30minutecrafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a red and white sign that says \"don't drink\" ### Assistant: Teacher appreciation week at my son's school, so I whipped up a quick pop-up card! #teacherappreciation #teacherappreciationweek #30minutecrafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a black and white photo of a man with a tattoo ### Assistant: Sharing my #senseiwu shirt DIY on the site today! #legofan #legoninjago #30minutecrafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't eat the dog\" ### Assistant: Setting up my new @officialcricut, and just finished the little intro project that comes with the machine! I'm feeling pretty accomplished!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of various items ### Assistant: Lots of fun 15 Minute Father's Day Crafts being shared on the site today, and all week long! #craftlightning #fathersday #30minutecrafts (link in profile)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a piece of paper with a liquid inside of it ### Assistant: Not sure how I did this... but somehow I exploded a pom pom! #craftfail #yikes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large wooden plaque with a picture of a man on it ### Assistant: Disneyland today. Rode back on the Monorail. Got to tell the kiddos that their grandpa (my FIL) used to be a monorail conductor at Disney!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a piece of paper with a note on it ### Assistant: Did you see the clipboards I made last week using a pre-cut piece of wood I stained with @plaidcrafts new dyes? #30minutecrafts #simplecraft"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't drink the water\" ### Assistant: One of those times my kids are more excited about my job than I am... and I'm pretty excited! #legolandblogger #legolandspecialist"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man standing next to a pile of plastic toys ### Assistant: Hanging out at @legolandca today... love these little build areas around the park. Kids get some downtime and play between other attractions! #legoland #legomom #legoinsider"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a boy standing in front of a display of toys ### Assistant: This guy doesn't like rides much... so we're playing in giant buckets of legos while we wait for big brother to get off his favorite ride (Ninjago). #legoninjago #legolandca"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white and black striped and decorated christmas tree ### Assistant: Do big bows stress you out? A simple double-knot with the ends trimmed at an angle is a simple and elegant solution! #holidaytip #knots #bows #simplecraft #30minutecrafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pair of red and white ties sitting on a table ### Assistant: Deck the halls with boughs of holly... and garlands made of @theduckbrand Duck Tape!! Fun, cheap, and easy to make! #30minutecrafts #christmascraft #holidaydecorating"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green and white green ### Assistant: This easy-to-make paper tree is one of my favorite holiday crafts - easy to make, and great graphic touch! #30minutecrafts #holidaycraft #papertree"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing next to a christmas tree ### Assistant: Someone is super excited to see this giant tree lit up! This Lego Christmas tree is made with HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of @lego Duplo bricks! #legolandca\n#legochristmas #legochristmastree"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a green and blue drawing of a green and blue green and blue ### Assistant: These DIY gift card holders are a free Silhouette cut file on the site... but I'm thinking of converting them into other formats... what cutting machine do you use?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pair of scissors with a face on them ### Assistant: I love adding earring wires to random objects. These were metal tags in the gift wrap section. In seconds, I transformed them into earrings!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two red roses are hanging from a pair of red ties ### Assistant: These little wreath ornaments become earrings in seconds. No tools needed.\n..\n.. #christmascraft #holidaycraft #wreath #earrings #jewelry #diyjewelry #diyholidaygift"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large number of colorful and colorful designs on a table ### Assistant: Squee!! My friend @jgoodedesigns released her new coloring book!! \ud83d\ude0d\u2764\ud83d\ude0d\u2764\ud83d\ude0d\u2764 Pop over to her profile for all the details, and the amazon link!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman smiles as she stands in front of a store ### Assistant: So much fun! Drove up to Lake Forest to go to @sizzix DIY Day! They had TONS of dies at crazy low prices... and some awesome demos, too! If you're in the area, it is still going on today and tomorrow!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a black leather purse with a black bow tie ### Assistant: This eyelash sleep mask is a quick no-sew project made with @kuningroupfelt! A fun group Craft project, gift idea, or Craft to make for yourself! #30minutecrafts #diyholidaygift #nosew"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pair of pink and white toy ponies on a table ### Assistant: Three supplies to make this super fabulous @lego earrings. Link innprofile. Search \"earrings\".\n..\n..\n#legomom #legocraft #earrings #diyholidaygift #giftidea #legojewelry #diyjewelry #lovelego"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pair of scissors on a beach ### Assistant: A little bent wire and a bead, and you've got these fun Christmas Tree earrings!\n..\n..\n#30minutecrafts #holidaycraft #christmastree #christmasearrings #diyjewelry #diyearrings #wirebending"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a large piece of art with a clock on it ### Assistant: When decorating our tree, I love putting on the ornaments. So many have special meaning... like this sparkly tree that was a gift from my friend @petscribbles"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collage of photos of a woman in a red dress ### Assistant: Finished Grinch cupcakes for the 3rd grade's Grinch party tomorrow...#momlife #grinch #grinchmas #cupcakes #holidaytreats"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a display of various types of toys and decorations ### Assistant: This packaging slays me!! (Spotted at @michaelsstores) #washi #washitape #cute #cutecrafting #packagingwin #foundatmichaels"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is standing in front of a wall with a sign ### Assistant: Super excited to be a #CHAInfluencer! Do you think it is time to update my headshot? #chashow #creativation"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a counter with a variety of food items ### Assistant: Found a complimentary candy cart in the lobby! Thanks @sheratonhotels!! #creativation #chashow #gummybearsaremylovelanguage \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bottle of water sitting on top of a table ### Assistant: MARGARITA! Now that I have your attention... that card is my Hotel Key Card... but when I take it home, it will be 10% off at @officedepot! Thanks #CHAShow!! #creativation #chaperks"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man eating a piece of cake with a knife ### Assistant: Such fun crafting with the #phoenixfridas in the Artisan Plaza at #creativation #CHAShow"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman smiles as she stands in front of a table full of papers ### Assistant: I'm working on my top secret Fashion Fusion Challenge project over in the Maker Space for the next hour! Come hang out with me and take a peek!! #creativation #CHAShow"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a family sitting around a table eating pizza ### Assistant: Just hanging in the hotel lobby with @madincrafts @countrychiccottage and @thecraftblog while making some shoes #likeyoudo #creativation #CHAShow"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a picture of a group of people ### Assistant: Tonight the @favecrafts party was THE place to be! Food, drinks, and some of the best people you'll find! #partywithprime2017 #ilovefavecrafts #CHAShow #creativation"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pair of scissors on a table ### Assistant: Finishing this garment at the maker space! Due at 3pm... but I'm teaching a class at 1:45... #makeitwork #CHAShow #creativation"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a cell phone in her hand ### Assistant: Sneak Peek at my fashion fusion challenge! Thanks to the awesome sponsors of this event! #CHAShow #creativation"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman smiling while standing in front of a wall ### Assistant: Catch me at the maker space RIGHT NOW talking English Paper Piecing! #CHAShow #creativation"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman brushing her teeth with a man ### Assistant: Getting glammed up for tonight's fashion show by the incomperable @madincrafts! #glamgirl #CHAShow #creativation"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a crowd of people posing for a picture ### Assistant: Hanging out at the #Creativation afterparty with Project Runway superstar @yellowcakeshop and getting photobombed Ellen Show style! \ud83d\ude02 #CHAShow #fashionfusion"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't eat the red\" ### Assistant: Will I be seeing you at #Creativation next year? (Ps... how cool is this sign made out of yarn?? \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d) #CHAShow #afcishow"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bag of cookies and a bag of peanut butter ### Assistant: Punny valentines with chocolate are the best! #nutella #nutellavalentine #valentineschocolate #valentinesday #valentine #30minutecrafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a book with a picture of a person on it ### Assistant: One of the easiest, most inexpensive Valentines. Print, and add a single crayon. Printable on the site, link in profile. #valentine #crayon #30minutecrafts #freeprintable"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't drink\" on it ### Assistant: These tiny Tabasco bottles make the perfect Valentine!\n..\n..\n#30minutecrafts #tabasco #valentine #hotvalentine #freeprintable #printablevalentines"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white shirt with a red bow tie ### Assistant: Super simple Valentine's shirt idea... great for a boy or girl! #valentinesday #valentine #heart #rocket #shirt #30minutecrafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a variety of stickers on a white surface ### Assistant: I love making \"boy\" Valentines!\n#printablevalentines #freeprintable #dinosaur #classroomvalentine #valentinesday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a variety of colored and decorated items on a table ### Assistant: I love making non-candy Valentines! #classroomvalentine #valentinesday #valentine #printablevalentines #freeprintable #30minutecrafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table topped with lots of different types of cakes ### Assistant: All the tiny stitches!!\n..\n..\n#crafts #crossstitch #jewelry #crossstitchjewelry #embroidery #sewing #smallcraft #simple #small #easy #quick #quickcraft #easycraft #30minutecrafts"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman smiles as she stands in front of a food court ### Assistant: Leaving Cleveland! So bummed I didn't get a chance to visit my friends at @theduckbrand! This visit was too short! Hopefully next time! #cleveland #crafty #ducktape"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a poster of a stuffed animal and a toy ### Assistant: Kids love these printable face valentines... just add a lip whistle and googly eyes!\n..\n..\n.. #freeprintable #classroomvalentine #valentine #valentinesday #googleeyes #candyfreevalentines"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a row of colorful colorful kites on a white background ### Assistant: You can DIY Doilies! #doily #paperdoily #valentinedecor"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a book with a picture of a woman on it ### Assistant: #giveaway Who loves to color?? #shareasalelookbook @shareasale ..\n..\n#coloring #coloringbook #coloredpencils #stressrelief"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two people wearing masks standing next to each other ### Assistant: Lego Batman days at @legolandcalifornia this weekend and next. Weather cleared up in SoCal today... it is a great day! #legobatman #legobatmanmovie #legolandca #legomom #legoland #hosted"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a boy holding a toy bird in his hands ### Assistant: He built his own Batmobile at @legolandcalifornia ... then tried it on the test track! #legolandca #legolandcalifornia #legobatmanmovie #batmobile #masterbuilderintraining #hosted"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man and a boy are standing in a store ### Assistant: Everybody say, \"Ironman Sucks!\" \ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02\ud83d\ude02 #watchyourlanguage #legobatman #legobatmanmovie #legolandblogger #legolandspecialist #legolandca #legolandcalifornia"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a collection of scissors and beads on a table ### Assistant: You won't believe how easy these earrings are to make. Link in profile."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a sandwich and a cup of coffee ### Assistant: Feeling spoiled this morning. Can I wake up to breakfast and presents EVERY day?? #snapconf #snapsecretsister"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman wearing a pink wig and a pink bow tie ### Assistant: When your arms are barely long enough to fit your whole horn in the photo... #unicornproblems #snapconf #centsofstyle"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman standing in front of a wall with a clock ### Assistant: Do you think the @teamspellbinders spellbinders team would notice if I slipped this giant cactus into my suitcase?? #snapconf #spellbinders"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pair of scissors sitting on top of a newspaper ### Assistant: Anybody else like to dress up packages before sending them? These were done with some clear @theduckbrand tape and a permanent marker!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pile of books on top of a table ### Assistant: Squee!! Check out the awesome goodies that showed up in my mailbox today!! Thanks @shopannwilliams ... I can't wait to play with these!! \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bottle of orange juice and a jar of oranges ### Assistant: Mod Podge turns 50 today!! Not the Mod Podge in my craft room, though! I use too much for it to ever hang around that long! \ud83d\ude02 @plaidcrafts #modpodge #plaidcrafts #crafts #crafting"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person is holding a skateboard in their hand ### Assistant: Thanks @legolandcalifornia for treating us to an early taste of summer at the Legoland water park! #hosted #splashouttosummer #legolandblogger #legomom #legolandca #legolandwaterpark"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a poster of a movie with a fire truck ### Assistant: If you're in the San Diego area this week, you could hang out with the \"faster than fast, quicker than quick\", 4-time Piston Cup Winner Lightning McQueen! \n#lighningmcqueen #carsmovie #sandiego #socal"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man is playing with a toy boat in the water ### Assistant: #hosted Having the PERFECT day hanging out at Legoland Water Park! Thanks @legolandcalifornia ... we can't wait to see the new Surfer's Cove addition!! #legolandca #legolandwaterpark"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a box of cookies and a bag of nuts ### Assistant: Thanks @amberproducts for sponsoring lunch at #swaysocial today! And thanks for the awesome goodie bag!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a book with a picture of a person and a knife ### Assistant: Squee! Lookie what the awesome folks at @officialcricut sent me! Watch my story to see the project I whipped up with it! \u2764 #brightpad #cricutbrightpad #cricutcreations"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table topped with a box of paper and a box of scissors ### Assistant: The new Cricut Maker has been announced! Can't wait to play with it!! \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\nWatch my stories for updates...\n#cricutcreates #cricut #cricutmaker"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: two women smile as they pose for a picture ### Assistant: Who has two thumbs and got \"Cricut Expert\" Status today?? Thanks, Karley!! #cricutmaker #cricutmade #cricut"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bed with a sheet of paper on top of it ### Assistant: 30 Minutes until I share the coolest new way to perfectly cut fabric over on Facebook! Tune in for my Facebook Live at 9:30 PST! #cricutmaker #cricut #cricutmakes"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a box of books and a box of scissors ### Assistant: Was sent this fun surprise package by @IKEA_SanDiego this morning. What would you do with this fun stuff? Other than eat up that chocolate (obv). \ud83d\ude0d\ud83c\udf6b\n#nom #makeroomforlife #ikeacatalog #brandsilove"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young girl and a young boy smiling ### Assistant: Hanging out with the Master Builders at @legolandcalifornia as we prepare to see the new #Ninjago movie tonight!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting on a bench with a flower in her hand ### Assistant: Good morning, Phoenix! Can't wait to hang out with you and @officialcricut today!! #makesomethingyoulove #cricutmakes #cricutmaker"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cake with candles on it ### Assistant: This simple candle mat will get you in the Halloween spirit! Make one from two sheets of felt... link in profile."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white refrigerator with a black and white floor ### Assistant: There is a lot of buzz about this new machine. Today I'm sharing everything you ever wanted to know about the Cricut Maker. (Sponsored Post) Link in profile. #cricutmaker #cricutmade @officialcricut"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a colorful kite hanging from a wall . a man is holding a pair of scissors in front of a group of people . a room filled with lots of colorful umbrellas ### Assistant: Fall art project with the Kindergarten class today! \u2764 #artdocent #artintheclassroom #parentvolunteer"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pink and white sheet of paper with a pink flower ### Assistant: This cute card designed by @jgoodedesigns and drawn and cut on my @officialcricut is my go-to when needing a sweet card for a friend! \u2764 #cardmaking #carepackage"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cake with a picture of a train on it ### Assistant: Love how this felt and foil holiday ornament turned out! #cricutmade #cricutornamentexchange2017 #diyornament #christmasornament"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a colorful patterned paper with a picture of a man on it ### Assistant: How cute is this ornament that @everydaypartymagazine made for me? And sent it packed up with some sweet treats! Thanks for the #cricutornamentexchange2017 @albiongould!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman sitting at a table with a bunch of papers ### Assistant: I'm about to go LIVE from my Facebook page to show you how to glitter this crown! #facebooklive #creativation2018"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a box of donuts with a chocolate frosting on top ### Assistant: Mini chocolate boxes are easy to make and perfect for gift-giving (with chocolate inside, of course). #30minutecrafts #chocolatelover #valentineschocolate #valentinesday"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pink tie with a pink flower on it ### Assistant: I love how these locked heart cards turned out! \u2764\n#30minutecrafts #valentinecards #valentinesday #valentinesdaycard #cardmaking"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white and black suit case with a white umbrella ### Assistant: Is it possible to have too many glue guns? I certainly don't think so! \u2764 #craftaddict #gluegunhoarder"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a table with a cell phone, a book, and a pen ### Assistant: OMG. This ink pad from @ctmhofficial is so well designed! Magnetic closure, the label is on the bottom so it stores ink-down, nice juicy pad... I'm crazy in love!! \ud83d\ude0d #snapconf"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a drawing of a bunch of colorful flowers on a white board ### Assistant: Teaching kids to draw super simple flower shapes to fill in with watercolor... #artdocent #artinschools"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a toothbrush in her hand ### Assistant: Another day, another trip to @joann_stores! What are you making today?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a book with a picture of a cat on it ### Assistant: True story.\n#letterboard #craftaddict #favoritethings"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a shelf filled with lots of different colored knick knacks ### Assistant: Craft Hoarder Level: Expert.\nWhat craft supplies do you love to hoard?\n#crafthoarder #honestcraftroom #ribbon #ribbonstorage"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a wii remote in their hand ### Assistant: Playing with the @officialcricut EasyPress for some super simple projects!! \u2764 #cricutmakes #easypress"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a white cloth with a blue ribbon ### Assistant: Using my @officialcricut EasyPress in today's video to share 3 super quick custom projects ... link in profile! #cricutironondesigns #cricutmade #cricut #ad"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a man with a blue shirt and a blue tie ### Assistant: Never tell me the odds. @officialcricut #cricutmade #Maythe4th #MaytheFourth #nevertellmetheodds"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young boy standing in front of a fence ### Assistant: Raise your hand if R2 is your favorite! \ud83d\ude4b\u200d\u2640\ufe0f @officialcricut #cricutmade #CricutStarWars #Maythe4th #MaytheFourth #R2D2 #droidlove"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white shirt and a black and white striped shirt ### Assistant: #teamprincess #Maythe4th\n..\n..\n..\n@officialcricut #MaytheFourth #cricutmade #CricutStarWars"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young boy holding a red and white striped shirt ### Assistant: Nobody does grumpy like this kiddo does grumpy. Love my mini storm trooper. \ud83d\ude0d\n@officialcricut #cricutmade #CricutStarWars #Maythe4th #MaytheFourth"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a green and white polka dot polka dot umbrella ### Assistant: Love the way @officialcricut patterned iron-on adds dimension to this simple design. \u2764\n#cricutmade #CricutStarWars #MaytheFourth #maythe4th"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a young boy standing in front of a green wall ### Assistant: We LOVE Iron-on, but sometimes cutting a stencil is the perfect way to make a design pop! @officialcricut #cricutmade #maythe4th #MaytheFourth #CricutStarWars"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a colorful striped knit blanket with a blue ribbon . a colorful blanket with a flag on it ### Assistant: Wishing you all a safe and SWEET 4th!\n@hersheycompany\n@makeitfuncrafts #independenceday #4thofjuly #4thofjulycrafts #floracraftkisses"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pile of dirty clothes on a carpet ### Assistant: Nobody has ever accused me of being a tidy crafter... raise your hand if you're a craftastrophe, too! \u2764\ud83e\udd23"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a blue and white clock on a christmas tree ### Assistant: I have an ornament for each of the 12 days of Christmas that I am sharing between now and December 25th! #cricut #cricutholiday #12daysofchristmas #averymerrycricut"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sign that says \"don't eat the white cake\" ### Assistant: Oh hey there 2019. I'm ready to rock you.\nWhat plans do you have for 2019?"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a wooden wall with a sign that says \"no parking\" ### Assistant: Just in case no one told you...\n(Photo taken @jillibeansoup booth #creativation19)\n#letterboard #quote #inspirational #goodmorning #nicebutt"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a cup of coffee ### Assistant: Agave latte w cinnamon & chocolate! \u2615\ufe0f\ud83c\udf6f\ud83c\udf6b | \ud83d\udccdLakeview"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a doughnut in their hand ### Assistant: \ud83c\udf40New guide!!\ud83c\udf40 Looking for the best St. Pat\u2019s desserts in Chicago? I\u2019ve made a list of 14. See \u2018em all via 312food.com! \ud83c\udf40\ud83c\udf70\ud83c\udf6a\ud83c\udf69\ud83c\udf75\ud83c\udf66\ud83c\udf40"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cake with a slice cut out of it ### Assistant: If this photo made your jaw drop (like mine!!), type OMFG \ud83d\ude31 in the comments below. \ud83d\ude0d | photo: @jdmoto | matcha honey toast | \ud83d\udccdBridgeport"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cake with a person holding a knife ### Assistant: It\u2019s a BIRTHDAY STAYCATION for @everythingerica at the beautiful @wachicago!!! What a perfect night with amazing friends \ud83d\udc9c\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udde1\ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9b"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white plate with a white plate with a person holding a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a white plate with a ### Assistant: EGGS ON HIGH \ud83c\udf73\ud83d\ude31\ud83d\udd1d The most delicious croque madame room service 26 stories up | @wachicago | \ud83d\udccdGold Coast"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a chocolate cake with a knife sticking out of it ### Assistant: When you can\u2019t decide between a cookie and a giant PB cup \ud83d\udc49\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\udc49\ud83c\udffc @big.fat.cookie \ud83c\udf6a\ud83c\udf6a\ud83c\udf6a | \ud83d\udccdLakeview"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a plate of food with a knife ### Assistant: The cutest little \ud83d\ude08\ud83d\ude08\ud83d\ude08ed eggs | \ud83d\udccdLakeview"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bowl of food with vegetables and a spoon ### Assistant: Delish new lunch spot in the Loop! \ud83c\udf5c\ud83e\udd57\ud83c\udf73 | zucchini noodle bowl from @hgminigrow | \ud83d\udccdLoop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a cake with a frosting on it ### Assistant: Why eat a regular macaron when you can eat a GIANT macaron? \ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffc\u200d\u2640\ufe0f"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a piece of cake with a bite taken out of it ### Assistant: On a bit of a dessert kick this week. \ud83d\ude2c\ud83d\ude2c but also \ud83d\ude0d\ud83c\udf6a\ud83c\udf69\ud83c\udf6b | \ud83d\udccdLakeview"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a plate of food on a table ### Assistant: Got stressed out cheering for Michigan sooo here are some brunch oysters instead. YUM. (P.S. #goblue \ud83d\udc99\ud83d\udc9b)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a glass of water ### Assistant: It\u2019s FRIDAY!!! And it\u2019s cold up here, but so beautiful. I \ud83d\udc99 you, Chicago \u2744\ufe0f\ud83e\udd42\u2744\ufe0f | \ud83d\udccdLoop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with broccoli and meat ### Assistant: Nooooo, I said send NOODS. \ud83c\udf5c\ud83c\udf5c\ud83c\udf5c Obsessing over this pic of spicy noodles by @chicityfoodie! YUM. \ud83d\ude0d\ud83e\udd29 | \ud83d\udccdRiver North"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a train station with a train on the tracks ### Assistant: Made a liiiittle edit \u2014 what do you guys think? \u2744\ufe0f\ud83c\udfd9\ud83d\ude1c P.S. BRRR. Chicago, get with it!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pizza with cheese and tomatoes on a table ### Assistant: TRUFFLE \u2018SHROOM PIZZA in the air at the brand new @ogschicago!! \ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf55AND it\u2019s gonna be 60+ degrees for the next 3 days. I\u2019m so excited. \u2600\ufe0f\ud83d\ude0d |\ud83d\udccdLincoln Park (in the old Barn & Co space). #OGsPartner"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a wine glass in front of a city ### Assistant: ROS\u00c9 WEATHER!!\ud83c\udf77\ud83c\udf39\u2600\ufe0f\ud83e\udd42\ud83e\udd29\u2728 (For the next few days, at least.) Cheers, friends! \ud83d\udc95"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman is making a cake with a knife ### Assistant: Making my own bloody with endless toppings at brunch this morning \ud83c\udf79\ud83e\udd53\ud83c\udf36\ud83e\udd52\ud83e\uddc0\ud83d\ude0d | @baptistechicago | \ud83d\udccdRiver North (20th floor of the Conrad)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bowl of soup with meat and vegetables ### Assistant: \u2744\ufe0f\u2744\ufe0f\u2744\ufe0f\ud83d\udd1c\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25 | shoyu ramen from @little_wok | \ud83d\udccdLakeview"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a sandwich and a fork ### Assistant: I may eat a lot of avocado toast, but AT LEAST I don\u2019t eat Tide Pods, am I right \ud83d\udca0\ud83c\udf65\ud83c\udf00\ud83d\udd2e\ud83e\udd51| gorgeous shot by @thechicagomunch - thanks for tagging @312food! \ud83d\udc95 |\ud83d\udccdWest Loop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person sitting at a table with a plate of food ### Assistant: Biscuits & gravy & friends \ud83c\udfc6\ud83c\udfc6\ud83c\udfc6 | @baptistechicago | \ud83d\udccdRiver North"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a piece of bread with a fork on a plate ### Assistant: Easy like Sunday morning \ud83c\udf00\ud83c\udf00 | \ud83d\udccdLakeview"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a sandwich in their hand ### Assistant: STACKED.\ud83d\udd1d\ud83d\udd1d Fried chicken sandwich with pimento cheese, bacon, and sea salt chips. YUM!! \ud83d\ude0d | Pimento Crunch sandwich at the new @pdqfreshfood | \ud83d\udccdSchaumburg. #pdqfreshfood #ad"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bowl of food with broccoli and meat ### Assistant: Tastes like SPRING! \ud83c\udf31\ud83d\udc9a Loved it so much that we ordered a second one. \ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f | asparagus risotto at @emachicago | \ud83d\udccdRiver North"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a cupcake with a person holding it ### Assistant: Underneath this cookie is a latte - but not just any latte. A BOOZY latte. \ud83c\udf6a\ud83e\udd5b\u2615\ufe0f\ud83c\udf7e | adult milk & cookies - on the happy hr menu at Pierrot Gourmet. Tag a friend who loves \u2615\ufe0f and \ud83e\udd42! | \ud83d\udccdRiver North"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a sandwich in their hand ### Assistant: For the BEST Chicago food \u2014 follow @312food! \ud83c\udf54\ud83c\udf54\ud83c\udf54"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pan of food on a table ### Assistant: Had THE most legit brunch buffet today at @mapleandash. Have you tried it? The bottomless mimosas are \ud83e\udd42\ud83e\udd42\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25 | @mapleandash | \ud83d\udccdGold Coast"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a sandwich in their hand ### Assistant: The Roost, the Roost, the Roost is on \ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25 | fried chicken breakfast sandwich from @theroostcarolinakitchen | \ud83d\udccdLoop (no geotag - Van Buren & Financial)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a piece of pizza in their hands ### Assistant: I shared this with a friend because I make bad decisions. \ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\ude2d Don\u2019t share - get your own! It\u2019s a bacon grilled cheese on house-made rosemary focaccia \ud83e\udd29 | \ud83d\udccdLogan Square"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a sandwich in their hand ### Assistant: This burger \ud83e\udd29\ud83e\udd29\ud83e\udd29 It\u2019s 25% roasted shiitake mushrooms! \ud83c\udf44\ud83c\udf54\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffc | @littlegoatdiner #blendedburgerproject - a sustainability initiative \ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\ude4c\ud83c\udffc | \ud83d\udccdWest Loop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a sandwich and a hot dog ### Assistant: His & hers arepas. \ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25 | \ud83d\udccdLakeview"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pizza with meat and cheese on a wooden board ### Assistant: Pizza x4. \ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf55 My favorite was the nduja and mint, far right. The others were:\n1. Black pepper & lemon peel\n2. Prosciutto & artichoke\n3. Ricotta, sopresatta, olives, and parsley | \ud83d\udccdWicker Park"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a fork and spoon ### Assistant: Happy Mother\u2019s Day to my mom, my Nana, my MIL, and all my amazing mom friends!! \ud83d\udc97\ud83d\udc97\ud83d\udc97 | pasta: house-made truffle angliotti at @mapleandash brunch | \ud83d\udccdGold Coast"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a pizza with cheese, tomatoes, and olives ### Assistant: Omgggg at this Ricotta Be Kidding Me pizza (lol) \ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf55\ud83c\udf55 Awesome photo by @cleanplateclubchi - thanks for tagging me! \ud83d\udc95 | @pauliegeeslogansquare \ud83c\udf55 | \ud83d\udccdLogan Square"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with meat and vegetables ### Assistant: Yes or no, would you fly to Mexico for these mole enchiladas? \ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\u2708\ufe0f\ud83c\udf3a\ud83c\udf2f\ud83c\uddf2\ud83c\uddfd (I would. Obviously. \ud83d\ude0e) | @cuish.cocina.boutique | \ud83d\udccdMorelia, Mexico. #chicagotakesmexico"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a piece of cake with sprinkles ### Assistant: Chicago, I missed you \ud83d\udc97\ud83d\udc97\ud83d\udc97\ud83d\udc97\ud83d\udc97 | \ud83d\udccdChicago"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a wine glass in front of a building ### Assistant: Wanted: warm weather and white wine (ok, it\u2019s champagne). \ud83e\udd42\u2600\ufe0f\ud83d\ude0d\ud83c\udf7e | \ud83d\udccdLoop!!"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a sandwich with meat and lettuce on a wooden table ### Assistant: This burger is stacked. \ud83c\udf54\ud83c\udf54\ud83c\udf54 Wagyu beef, pork belly, kimchi, fried egg aioli, & cheese. 21 stories up! \u2b06\ufe0f\u2b06\ufe0f | @noyanechicago | \ud83d\udccdRiver North."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a boat is traveling down the river in the city ### Assistant: An absolutely incredible day in Chicago. Have a great weekend, friends!! \u2600\ufe0f\ud83d\udc99\ud83c\uddfa\ud83c\uddf8"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a white plate topped with a sandwich and vegetables ### Assistant: Eggs benedict w BURRATA & prosciutto \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d | brunch at @formentoschi - Sundays only | \ud83d\udccdWest Loop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bowl of food with a spoon in it ### Assistant: Call me crazy, but the salads are my favorite thing at Big Star. \ud83c\udf2e\ud83e\udd57\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f (Well, and the guac \ud83e\udd51). (And the booze\ud83c\udf79). | \ud83d\udccdWicker Park"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person is eating a meal with a cup of coffee ### Assistant: An afternoon pick-me-up! \u2615\ufe0f\ud83c\udf39 | lattes & friends with @lavazzaUSA coffee \u2764\ufe0f | \ud83d\udccdLoop (but feels like Italy \ud83c\uddee\ud83c\uddf9). #VivaLavazza #LavazzaPartner"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a plate of food with a sandwich ### Assistant: Happy Friday from this sandwich to your FACE. \ud83d\ude0d\u2764\ufe0f\ud83e\udd29 | Korean BBQ fried chicken sandwich from @heavenonseven | \ud83d\udccdLoop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a salad on it ### Assistant: Avocado toast-ada. \ud83e\udd51\ud83e\udd51\ud83e\udd51\ud83e\udd51 Made with Michoac\u00e1n avocados! \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\udc9a | @cruzblancachi | \ud83d\udccdWest Loop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with bacon and eggs ### Assistant: Spring burrata bowl \ud83c\udf38 with Italian speck, sage butter, leek, citrus powder, & homemade bread. YUM!! \ud83e\udd29 | @eduardosenoteca | \ud83d\udccdGold Coast"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a salad and a salad dressing on a counter ### Assistant: Poke poke \ud83d\udc1f\ud83d\udc1f\ud83e\udd62\ud83e\udd62 | @pokepokechi | \ud83d\udccdLakeview"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a piece of cake ### Assistant: NEW GUIDE on 312food.com - the best avocado toast in Chicago. 31 spots. Hope you love it! \ud83e\udd51\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd51\ud83d\udc9a\ud83e\udd51 (link in bio)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person is eating a meal of vegetables and meat ### Assistant: Fried-day spread. \ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25 Fried chicken, elote, zucchini fries, and ALLLLL of the homemade sauces \ud83d\ude0d | @pdqfreshfood | \ud83d\udccdSchaumburg, IL. #PDQFreshFood #PDQPartner"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a piece of cake with sprinkles ### Assistant: Dreaming of sunnier Saturdays. \ud83c\udf66\ud83c\udf67\u2600\ufe0f Awesome shot by @alexandrarovetto! Thanks for tagging @312food \ud83d\udc97\ud83d\udc97 | \ud83d\udccdPilsen"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a variety of foods ### Assistant: Brunch of my DREAMS. \u2728\u2728 Obsessing over this photo by @supervicky55! \ud83d\udc97 | @coldstoragechicago | \ud83d\udccdWest Loop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a breakfast of eggs, toast, and bacon on a white plate ### Assistant: The calm before the cut. \ud83c\udf73\ud83d\udd2a\u2702\ufe0f\ud83d\ude0d | \ud83d\udccdGold Coast"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a box of pizza with toppings on a table ### Assistant: Every pizza is a personal pizza if you believe in yourself. \ud83c\udf55\ud83d\udc81\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f | \ud83d\udccdLoop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a bowl of fruit in front of a bowl of vegetables ### Assistant: #ad My kind of breakfast. \ud83c\udf53\ud83e\udd5c\ud83d\ude0d | panzanella at the @nutellacafechicago. Yogurt and berries drizzled in Nutella. Yum!! | \ud83d\udccdLoop. #nutellacafechicago #nutella #nutellacafe #chicago #chicagoeats #sponsored"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a doughnut in their hand ### Assistant: Brioche donut holes - add your own toppings!! (I picked espresso and salted caramel) \ud83c\udf69\ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83c\udf69 | Reid Bar | \ud83d\udccdRiver North (it\u2019s new, no geotag - right next to @riverroastchi)"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a fork ### Assistant: California roll nachos!! Yummmm \ud83e\udd80\ud83c\udf63\ud83d\udc40 | \ud83d\udccdRiver North"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a grill with a bunch of hot dogs on it ### Assistant: This is PEAK Chicago \u2600\ufe0f\ud83c\udf0a\ud83c\udf7b\ud83e\udd69 | the patio at @riverroastchi w the most beautiful view \ud83c\udf3a | \ud83d\udccdRiver North"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a cup of coffee ### Assistant: #ad Gotta love a liege waffle topped with warm apple compote and Nutella. Omgomg. \ud83e\udd5e\ud83d\ude0d | @nutellacafechicago |\ud83d\udccdLoop. #nutellacafechicago #nutella #nutellacafe #chicago #chicagoeats"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a sandwich in their hand ### Assistant: Opening Wednesday, and I\u2019ll be FIRST in line. \ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f | @piggiesmallsgyroshop | \ud83d\udccdLoop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a piece of food in their hand ### Assistant: Hey Chicago, you\u2019re making it v difficult to know if I should be on a patio or not \ud83d\udd25\u2600\ufe0f\u2744\ufe0f | cargo wings at @barcargochi | \ud83d\udccdRiver North"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a glass of wine in their hand ### Assistant: It\u2019s the first day of summer!!! \u2614\ufe0f\u2744\ufe0f\ud83c\udf2a\u2603\ufe0f\ud83d\udca7\ud83c\udf0a\ud83d\ude30 Photo by @chicityfoodie from a sunnier day at the new @zbarchicago - thanks for tagging @312food! \ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95 | \ud83d\udccdRiver North"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a person holding a fork ### Assistant: Living my BEST life in California this wknd. We replicated @antoni\u2019s avo & grapefruit dish from Queer Eye! California avocados are so freaking delicious. \ud83e\udd51\ud83e\udd51\ud83e\udd51\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d | \ud83d\udccdSan Luis Obispo, CA."} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a colorful kite with a heart shaped balloon ### Assistant: LOVING these summer beers & awesome cans from @gooseisland!! \u2600\ufe0f\ud83c\udf7b\u26f1 | Summer Session 15-pack | \ud83d\udccdChicago. #GooseIsland #GooseIslandPartner"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with a fried egg on it ### Assistant: Brunch \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d | the JLT at @thepigchicago | \ud83d\udccdRiver North"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a green and yellow beverage ### Assistant: MIDWAY through the work week!! Cheers, friends. \ud83c\udf7b\ud83d\udc9a | @gooseisland Midway IPA beer | \ud83d\udccdChicago. #GooseIslandBeer #GooseIslandPartner"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a piece of food in their hands ### Assistant: Avo toast with ricotta \ud83d\udc9a\ud83d\udc9a Did you guys read my avocado toast guide yet \u2014 and if so, have you been to any new spots? Or added any to your list? Let me know!! \ud83d\udc47\ud83c\udffc\ud83d\ude4b\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\udc97 | \ud83d\udccdLoop"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a bowl of food in her hand ### Assistant: Never met a poke bowl I didn\u2019t like. \ud83e\udd62\ud83e\udd62 | @sundanewasian | \ud83d\udccdRiver North"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a bowl of fruit with a person holding a cup ### Assistant: Today\u2019s crazy hot temps call for 1000 ice creams \ud83c\udf66\ud83c\udf66\ud83c\udf66 Thanks @misabatad (\ud83d\udcf7) for tagging @312food! \ud83d\udc95\ud83d\udc95 | @joyyeenoodle | \ud83d\udccdChinatown"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a tray of food ### Assistant: We made the most fun dinner this wknd!!! \ud83d\udd25\ud83d\udd25 It\u2019s a flamin\u2019 hot MAC N CHEETOS meal kit from @peapoddelivers. Tag a friend who needs this!!! \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d | @peapoddelivers | \ud83d\udccdChicago. #Peapod #PeapodPartner #sponsored"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a plate of food with a salad ### Assistant: Brazilian steak bowl! The mango sauce is suuuper yummy \ud83d\ude0b\ud83d\ude0b | \ud83d\udccdLakeview"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a woman holding a cup filled with pink frosting ### Assistant: Illegal ice cream move!! TOO TALL.\ud83c\udf66\ud83c\udf53\ud83e\udd37\ud83c\udffb\u200d\u2640\ufe0f\ud83d\uded1\ud83d\ude02 | strawberry rhubarb soft-serve from @thepigchicago | \ud83d\udccdRiver North"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a plate of food with fruit on it ### Assistant: One of my fav brunches! \ud83c\udf73\ud83c\udf73\ud83c\udf73 | sassy eggs | \ud83d\udccdRavenswood"} +{"text": "### Human: Write a social media photo caption based on this photo description: a person holding a sandwich in their hand ### Assistant: Stop what you\u2019re doing and go get this PORK GYRO for lunch!!! \ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d\ud83d\ude0d | @piggiesmallsgyroshop | \ud83d\udccdLoop"}