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+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nLeft adrenal nodule measuring 1.2 cm, hepatic hemangioma measuring 2.5 cm, gallstone measuring 0.4 cm, mild splenomegaly with a craniocaudal dimension of 13 cm, 1.6 cm left renal cyst, mild bowel wall thickening at the terminal ileum.\n\nTemplate:\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" LOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. Hepatic hemangioma measuring 2.5 cm.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Gallstone measuring 0.4 cm. No gallbladder wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid, or fat stranding.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Mild splenomegaly with a craniocaudal dimension of 13 cm. No suspicious lesions.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Left adrenal nodule measuring 1.2 cm.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: Left renal cyst measuring 1.6 cm. No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: Mild bowel wall thickening at the terminal ileum. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nBilateral pleural effusions, moderate ascites, hepatic steatosis with multiple hypodense lesions largest measuring 3.7 cm, gallstone measuring 1.3 cm with gallbladder wall thickening and pericholecystic fluid, pancreatitis with peripancreatic fat stranding, splenic infarct measuring 2.2 cm, right adrenal nodule measuring 1.8 cm, bilateral hydronephrosis with right renal stone measuring 0.6 cm, sigmoid diverticulitis with surrounding fat stranding, moderate-sized inguinal hernia containing small bowel.\n\nTemplate:\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" LOWER THORAX: Bilateral pleural effusions. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Hepatic steatosis with multiple hypodense lesions largest measuring 3.7 cm. \nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Gallstone measuring 1.3 cm, gallbladder wall thickening, and pericholecystic fluid.\n\nPANCREAS: Pancreatitis with peripancreatic fat stranding. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Splenic infarct measuring 2.2 cm.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Right adrenal nodule measuring 1.8 cm.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: Bilateral hydronephrosis with right renal stone measuring 0.6 cm. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: Sigmoid diverticulitis with surrounding fat stranding. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: Moderate ascites.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Moderate-sized inguinal hernia containing small bowel.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nSmall bilateral pleural effusions, hepatic steatosis and multiple hypodense lesions in the liver with the largest measuring 4 cm, 1.5 cm gallstone with gallbladder wall thickening, acute pancreatitis with peripancreatic fat stranding, splenomegaly, right adrenal nodule measuring 2 cm, right renal cyst measuring 1.7 cm, mild left hydroureteronephrosis, sigmoid diverticulitis with surrounding fat stranding, moderate-sized inguinal hernia containing small bowel.\n\nTemplate:\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" LOWER THORAX: Small bilateral pleural effusions. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Hepatic steatosis with multiple hypodense lesions, largest measuring 4 cm.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Gallstone measuring 1.5 cm, gallbladder wall thickening. No pericholecystic fluid or fat stranding.\n\nPANCREAS: Acute pancreatitis with peripancreatic fat stranding. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Splenomegaly. No suspicious lesions.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Right adrenal nodule measuring 2 cm. Left adrenal gland is unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: Right renal cyst measuring 1.7 cm. Mild left hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: Sigmoid diverticulitis with surrounding fat stranding. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Moderate-sized inguinal hernia containing small bowel.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nMinimal left pleural effusion, hepatic hemangioma measuring 3.2 cm, cholelithiasis with a 1.1 cm gallstone, mild splenomegaly, left adrenal adenoma measuring 1.9 cm, left renal angiomyolipoma measuring 2.8 cm, mild right hydroureteronephrosis, small bowel wall thickening in the ileum, mild mesenteric lymphadenopathy, small umbilical hernia.\n\nTemplate\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" LOWER THORAX: Minimal left pleural effusion. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Hepatic hemangioma measuring 3.2 cm.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Cholelithiasis with a 1.1 cm gallstone. No gallbladder wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid, or fat stranding.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Mild splenomegaly. No suspicious lesions.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Left adrenal adenoma measuring 1.9 cm. Right adrenal gland is unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: Left renal angiomyolipoma measuring 2.8 cm. Mild right hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: Small bowel wall thickening in the ileum. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: Mild mesenteric lymphadenopathy. No pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Small umbilical hernia.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nTrace bilateral pleural effusions, fatty liver, 0.9 cm gallstone without signs of inflammation, pancreatic head cyst measuring 2.1 cm, left adrenal incidentaloma measuring 1.5 cm, right renal simple cyst measuring 2.3 cm, mild left hydroureteronephrosis, focal wall thickening in the ascending colon, small paraaortic lymph nodes, mild abdominal aortic atherosclerosis.\n\nTemplate:\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" LOWER THORAX: Trace bilateral pleural effusions. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Fatty liver. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Gallstone measuring 0.9 cm. No gallbladder wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid, or fat stranding.\n\nPANCREAS: Pancreatic head cyst measuring 2.1 cm. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Left adrenal incidentaloma measuring 1.5 cm. Right adrenal gland is unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: Right renal simple cyst measuring 2.3 cm. Mild left hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: Focal wall thickening in the ascending colon. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: Small paraaortic lymph nodes. No pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: Mild abdominal aortic atherosclerosis. No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nSmall bilateral pleural effusions, primary colorectal carcinoma in the sigmoid colon with adjacent fat stranding and pericolonic lymph nodes, extensive peritoneal metastasis with omental caking, multiple hepatic lesions largest measuring 5.2 cm, portal vein invasion with tumor thrombus, gallbladder wall thickening, bilateral hydronephrosis with right ureteric wall thickening, left adrenal nodule measuring 1.4 cm, small bowel wall thickening in the jejunum, moderate ascites.\n\nTemplate:\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" LOWER THORAX: Small bilateral pleural effusions. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Multiple hepatic lesions largest measuring 5.2 cm. Portal vein invasion with tumor thrombus.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Gallbladder wall thickening. No gallstone or pericholecystic fluid.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Left adrenal nodule measuring 1.4 cm. Right adrenal gland is unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: Bilateral hydronephrosis with right ureteric wall thickening. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: Primary colorectal carcinoma in the sigmoid colon with adjacent fat stranding and pericolonic lymph nodes. Small bowel wall thickening in the jejunum. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: Extensive peritoneal metastasis with omental caking. Moderate ascites.\n\nLYMPH NODES: Pericolonic lymphadenopathy. No pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nRight renal cyst measuring 2.1 cm, gallstone measuring 0.9 cm, SMA stenosis, left common iliac artery occlusion, 3.6 cm infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm, sigmoid colon mass with fat stranding, small bilateral pleural effusions, hypoattenuating hepatic lesions largest measuring 4.5 cm, splenic artery aneurysm measuring 1.2 cm, left peroneal artery occlusion, pancreatic head cyst measuring 1.8 cm.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdominal angiography with lower limb runoff\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nABDOMEN AND PELVIS:\n\nAbdominal Aorta and Branches: The celiac, SMA, and IMA are well-opacified with contrast. No stenosis, occlusions, or aneurysmal dilatation.\n\nIliac Arteries: Both common iliac, bilateral internal, and external iliac arteries are patent with no stenosis, occlusion, or aneurysmal dilatation.\n\nAbdominal Organs: Normal.\n\nPeritoneum\/Retroperitoneum: No free air or free fluid.\n\nLEFT LOWER LIMB ARTERIAL AXIS:\n\nCFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nSFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPopliteal Artery: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nINFRA POPLITEAL TREE:\n\nATA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPTA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPeroneal Artery: Absent.\nPedal Arch: Normal.\n\nRIGHT LOWER LIMB ARTERIAL AXIS:\n\nCFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nSFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPopliteal Artery: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nINFRA POPLITEAL TREE:\n\nTP Trunk: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nATA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPTA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPeroneal Artery: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPedal Arch: Normal.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdominal angiography with lower limb runoff\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nABDOMEN AND PELVIS:\n\nAbdominal Aorta and Branches: 3.6 cm infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. The celiac and IMA are well-opacified with contrast. SMA stenosis.\n\nIliac Arteries: Left common iliac artery occlusion. Right common iliac, bilateral internal, and external iliac arteries patent with no stenosis or aneurysmal dilatation.\n\nAbdominal Organs:\n- Liver: Multiple hypoattenuating hepatic lesions largest measuring 4.5 cm.\n- Gallbladder: Gallstone measuring 0.9 cm. No gallbladder wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid, or fat stranding.\n- Pancreas: Pancreatic head cyst measuring 1.8 cm. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n- Spleen: Splenic artery aneurysm measuring 1.2 cm.\n- Kidneys: Right renal cyst measuring 2.1 cm. Left kidney unremarkable.\n- Bowel: Sigmoid colon mass with fat stranding. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPeritoneum\/Retroperitoneum: Small bilateral pleural effusions. No free air or free fluid.\n\nLEFT LOWER LIMB ARTERIAL AXIS:\n- CFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- SFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- PFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- Popliteal Artery: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n\nINFRA POPLITEAL TREE:\n- ATA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- PTA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- Peroneal Artery: Occluded.\n\nPedal Arch: Normal.\n\nRIGHT LOWER LIMB ARTERIAL AXIS:\n- CFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- SFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- PFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- Popliteal Artery: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n\nINFRA POPLITEAL TREE:\n- TP Trunk: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- ATA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- PTA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- Peroneal Artery: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n\nPedal Arch: Normal. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nRight renal cyst measuring 2.8 cm, gallstone measuring 1.1 cm, SMA stenosis 70%, left common iliac artery occlusion, right external iliac artery 80% stenosis, IMA stenosis 60%, 4.2 cm infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm, sigmoid colon mass with fat stranding, small bilateral pleural effusions, hypoattenuating hepatic lesions largest measuring 5.2 cm, splenic artery aneurysm measuring 1.5 cm, left peroneal artery occlusion, left PTA stenosis 50%, pancreatic head cyst measuring 2.1 cm, right CFA 90% stenosis.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdominal angiography with lower limb runoff\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nABDOMEN AND PELVIS:\n\nAbdominal Aorta and Branches: The celiac, SMA, and IMA are well-opacified with contrast. No stenosis, occlusions, or aneurysmal dilatation.\n\nIliac Arteries: Both common iliac, bilateral internal, and external iliac arteries are patent with no stenosis, occlusion, or aneurysmal dilatation.\n\nAbdominal Organs: Normal.\n\nPeritoneum\/Retroperitoneum: No free air or free fluid.\n\nLEFT LOWER LIMB ARTERIAL AXIS:\n\nCFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nSFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPopliteal Artery: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nINFRA POPLITEAL TREE:\n\nATA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPTA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPeroneal Artery: Absent.\nPedal Arch: Normal.\n\nRIGHT LOWER LIMB ARTERIAL AXIS:\n\nCFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nSFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPopliteal Artery: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nINFRA POPLITEAL TREE:\n\nTP Trunk: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nATA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPTA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPeroneal Artery: Patent with proper contrast filling.\nPedal Arch: Normal.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdominal angiography with lower limb runoff\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nABDOMEN AND PELVIS:\n\nAbdominal Aorta and Branches: 4.2 cm infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm. The celiac is well-opacified with contrast. SMA stenosis 70%. IMA stenosis 60%.\n\nIliac Arteries: Left common iliac artery occlusion. Right common iliac artery patent. Right external iliac artery 80% stenosis. Bilateral internal iliac arteries patent with no occlusion or aneurysmal dilatation.\n\nAbdominal Organs:\n- Liver: Multiple hypoattenuating hepatic lesions largest measuring 5.2 cm.\n- Gallbladder: Gallstone measuring 1.1 cm. No gallbladder wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid, or fat stranding.\n- Pancreas: Pancreatic head cyst measuring 2.1 cm. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n- Spleen: Splenic artery aneurysm measuring 1.5 cm.\n- Kidneys: Right renal cyst measuring 2.8 cm. Left kidney unremarkable.\n- Bowel: Sigmoid colon mass with fat stranding. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPeritoneum\/Retroperitoneum: Small bilateral pleural effusions. No free air or free fluid.\n\nLEFT LOWER LIMB ARTERIAL AXIS:\n- CFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- SFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- PFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- Popliteal Artery: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n\nINFRA POPLITEAL TREE:\n- ATA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- PTA: Stenosis 50%.\n- Peroneal Artery: Occluded.\n\nPedal Arch: Normal.\n\nRIGHT LOWER LIMB ARTERIAL AXIS:\n- CFA: 90% stenosis.\n- SFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- PFA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- Popliteal Artery: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n\nINFRA POPLITEAL TREE:\n- TP Trunk: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- ATA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- PTA: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n- Peroneal Artery: Patent with proper contrast filling.\n\nPedal Arch: Normal. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nLeft frontal lobe hypoattenuating area, right parieto-occipital subdural hematoma, left temporal lobe subarachnoid hemorrhage, right lateral ventricle mild dilatation, left maxillary sinus fluid level, subtle midline shift to the right.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nPreserved grey-white matter differentiation.\nNo acute intracranial hemorrhage.\nNo space-occupying lesion, hydrocephalus or brain herniation.\nThe orbits, paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nGrey-white matter differentiation is preserved, except for a hypoattenuating area in the left frontal lobe.\n\nAcute intracranial hemorrhage is present, including a right parieto-occipital subdural hematoma and a left temporal lobe subarachnoid hemorrhage.\n\nNo space-occupying lesion is identified. There is mild dilatation of the right lateral ventricle. A subtle midline shift to the right is noted.\n\nThe orbits are unremarkable. The left maxillary sinus shows a fluid level, while the other paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nBilateral mastoid air cell opacification, right MCA territory hypodensity, left occipital calcified granuloma, right frontal epidural hematoma, trace subfalcine herniation, sphenoid sinus mucosal thickening.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nPreserved grey-white matter differentiation.\nNo acute intracranial hemorrhage.\nNo space-occupying lesion, hydrocephalus or brain herniation.\nThe orbits, paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nThere is a right MCA territory hypodensity, with the remainder of the grey-white matter differentiation preserved. A calcified granuloma is observed in the left occipital lobe.\n\nA right frontal epidural hematoma is present as an acute intracranial hemorrhage. No acute intraparenchymal or subarachnoid hemorrhage is identified.\n\nNo space-occupying lesion or hydrocephalus is observed. There is trace subfalcine herniation.\n\nThe orbits are unremarkable. Bilateral mastoid air cell opacification and sphenoid sinus mucosal thickening are noted, while the other paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nRight parietal lobe infarction, left cerebellar tonsillar herniation, mild enlargement of the third ventricle, small left frontal subdural hematoma, ethmoid and frontal sinusitis, subtle fracture of the left orbital floor.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nPreserved grey-white matter differentiation.\nNo acute intracranial hemorrhage.\nNo space-occupying lesion, hydrocephalus or brain herniation.\nThe orbits, paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nThere is a right parietal lobe infarction, with the remainder of the grey-white matter differentiation preserved. Mild enlargement of the third ventricle is noted.\n\nA small left frontal subdural hematoma is present as an acute intracranial hemorrhage. No other acute intraparenchymal or subarachnoid hemorrhage is identified.\n\nA left cerebellar tonsillar herniation is observed. No space-occupying lesion or hydrocephalus is present.\n\nThe orbits show a subtle fracture of the left orbital floor, while the remaining structures are unremarkable. Ethmoid and frontal sinusitis is noted, while the other paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nLeft temporal lobe encephalomalacia with surrounding gliosis, small right occipital intraparenchymal hemorrhage, mild ventriculomegaly, bilateral frontal lobe subcortical white matter hyperintensities, pansinusitis, and linear nondisplaced fracture of the right zygomatic arch.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nPreserved grey-white matter differentiation.\nNo acute intracranial hemorrhage.\nNo space-occupying lesion, hydrocephalus or brain herniation.\nThe orbits, paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLeft temporal lobe encephalomalacia is present with surrounding gliosis. The remainder of the grey-white matter differentiation is preserved.\n\nA small right occipital intraparenchymal hemorrhage is observed. No other acute intraparenchymal or subarachnoid hemorrhages are identified.\n\nMild ventriculomegaly is noted. No other space-occupying lesion or hydrocephalus is observed.\n\nBilateral frontal lobe subcortical white matter hyperintensities are present. \n\nThe orbits are unremarkable. A linear nondisplaced fracture of the right zygomatic arch is observed, while the remaining osseous structures are unremarkable. Pansinusitis is noted. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nBilateral periventricular white matter hypodensities, left basal ganglia calcifications, small right frontal lobe contusion, trace pneumocephalus, uncal herniation, and maxillary sinus mucosal thickening.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nPreserved grey-white matter differentiation.\nNo acute intracranial hemorrhage.\nNo space-occupying lesion, hydrocephalus or brain herniation.\nThe orbits, paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nBilateral periventricular white matter hypodensities are present. The remainder of the grey-white matter differentiation is preserved.\n\nA small right frontal lobe contusion is observed, but no other acute intraparenchymal or subarachnoid hemorrhages are identified.\n\nLeft basal ganglia calcifications are noted. No other space-occupying lesion or hydrocephalus is observed.\n\nTrace pneumocephalus is present, and uncal herniation is observed.\n\nThe orbits are unremarkable. Maxillary sinus mucosal thickening is noted, while the remaining paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nLeft posterior temporal lobe hypodensity, subarachnoid hemorrhage in the left Sylvian fissure, right cerebellar tonsillar herniation, mild dilatation of the lateral ventricles, left maxillary sinus and frontal sinus mucosal thickening, and a fracture of the right orbital floor.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nPreserved grey-white matter differentiation.\nNo acute intracranial hemorrhage.\nNo space-occupying lesion, hydrocephalus or brain herniation.\nThe orbits, paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nA hypodensity is observed in the left posterior temporal lobe, with the remainder of the grey-white matter differentiation preserved.\n\nThere is a subarachnoid hemorrhage in the left Sylvian fissure. No other acute intracranial hemorrhage is identified.\n\nA right cerebellar tonsillar herniation is present. Mild dilatation of the lateral ventricles is noted, but no other space-occupying lesion or hydrocephalus is observed.\n\nThe orbits show a fracture of the right orbital floor, while the remaining structures are unremarkable. Left maxillary sinus and frontal sinus mucosal thickening are noted, and the other paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\n62-year-old male, acute onset headache, hypertension history, compared to CT head 01-12-2021, right frontoparietal subdural hematoma, left parieto-occipital ischemic changes, mild hydrocephalus, bilateral mastoid air cell opacification.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nPreserved grey-white matter differentiation.\nNo acute intracranial hemorrhage.\nNo space-occupying lesion, hydrocephalus or brain herniation.\nThe orbits, paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n62-year-old male with a history of hypertension presenting with acute onset headache.\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON: CT head from 01-12-2021.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLeft parieto-occipital ischemic changes are observed, with the remainder of the grey-white matter differentiation preserved.\n\nA right frontoparietal subdural hematoma is present. No other acute intracranial hemorrhage is identified.\n\nMild hydrocephalus is noted, but no other space-occupying lesion or brain herniation is observed.\n\nThe orbits are unremarkable. Bilateral mastoid air cell opacification is noted, while the remaining paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\n53-year-old female, sudden dizziness, history of migraines, comparing to CT head 05-23-2020, left cerebellar infarct, trace subarachnoid hemorrhage in interhemispheric fissure, right frontal lobe encephalomalacia, sphenoid sinus mucosal thickening.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nPreserved grey-white matter differentiation.\nNo acute intracranial hemorrhage.\nNo space-occupying lesion, hydrocephalus or brain herniation.\nThe orbits, paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n53-year-old female with a history of migraines presenting with sudden dizziness.\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON: CT head from 05-23-2020.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nA left cerebellar infarct is observed, with the remainder of the grey-white matter differentiation preserved.\n\nTrace subarachnoid hemorrhage is present in the interhemispheric fissure. No other acute intracranial hemorrhage is identified.\n\nRight frontal lobe encephalomalacia is noted, but no other space-occupying lesion or brain herniation is observed.\n\nThe orbits are unremarkable. Sphenoid sinus mucosal thickening is noted, while the remaining paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\n68-year-old female, blurry vision, history of hypertension, compared CT head 02-28-2021, left occipital lobe hypodensity, right subdural hematoma, small pineal cyst, no orbital abnormalities, bilateral ethmoid sinus opacification.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nPreserved grey-white matter differentiation.\nNo acute intracranial hemorrhage.\nNo space-occupying lesion, hydrocephalus or brain herniation.\nThe orbits, paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n68-year-old female with a history of hypertension presenting with blurry vision.\n\nTECHNIQUE: Unenhanced brain CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON: CT head from 02-28-2021.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nA left occipital lobe hypodensity is observed, with the remainder of the grey-white matter differentiation preserved.\n\nA right subdural hematoma is present. No other acute intracranial hemorrhage is identified.\n\nA small pineal cyst is noted, but no other space-occupying lesion, hydrocephalus, or brain herniation is observed.\n\nThe orbits are unremarkable, with no orbital abnormalities identified. Bilateral ethmoid sinus opacification is noted, while the remaining paranasal sinuses and osseous structures are unremarkable. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\n55-year-old female, abdominal pain, CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast, compared to 12-05-2019, 3.2 cm liver lesion segment 4, mild intrahepatic bile duct dilation, 1.1 cm right renal lower pole cyst, trace ascites, no bowel dilation, left adnexal cyst 2.5 cm, no lymphadenopathy.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n55-year-old female presenting with abdominal pain.\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast.\n\nCOMPARISON: CT abdomen and pelvis from 12-05-2019.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. A 3.2 cm lesion is noted in segment 4. No other suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: Mild intrahepatic bile duct dilation. No extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: A 1.1 cm right renal lower pole cyst is present. No hydroureteronephrosis or suspicious renal mass. The left kidney is unremarkable.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: A 2.5 cm left adnexal cyst is identified. No other abnormality is noted.\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: Trace ascites is observed. No pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\n63-year-old male, weight loss, CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast, comparison 07-08-2020, pancreatic head mass 4.0 cm, dilated main pancreatic duct, peripancreatic lymphadenopathy, no liver metastases, spleen with multiple hypodensities, left renal cortical cyst 1.8 cm, sigmoid diverticulosis.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n63-year-old male presenting with weight loss.\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast.\n\nCOMPARISON: CT abdomen and pelvis from 07-08-2020.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass or liver metastases.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: A 4.0 cm mass is noted in the pancreatic head with associated main pancreatic duct dilation. No other abnormalities are observed.\n\nSPLEEN: Multiple hypodensities are present.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: A 1.8 cm left renal cortical cyst is identified. No hydroureteronephrosis or suspicious renal mass. The right kidney is unremarkable.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: Unremarkable.\n\nBOWEL: Sigmoid diverticulosis is noted. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: Peripancreatic lymphadenopathy is present. No other abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\n58-year-old female, abdominal pain, CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast, compared to 02-10-2022, 3.8 cm liver lesion in segment 6, intrahepatic bile duct dilation, gallstone 0.5 cm, no cholecystitis signs, right adrenal nodule 1.3 cm, right renal cortical cyst 2.1 cm, sigmoid colon wall thickening, no bowel obstruction, no free fluid.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n58-year-old female presenting with abdominal pain.\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast.\n\nCOMPARISON: CT abdomen and pelvis from 02-10-2022.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: A 3.8 cm lesion is noted in segment 6. Otherwise, normal in size and configuration.\n\nBILE DUCTS: Intrahepatic bile duct dilation is present. No extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: A 0.5 cm gallstone is identified. No gallbladder wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid, or fat stranding.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: A 1.3 cm right adrenal nodule is present. The left adrenal gland is unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: A 2.1 cm right renal cortical cyst is identified. No hydroureteronephrosis or suspicious renal mass. The left kidney is unremarkable.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: Unremarkable.\n\nBOWEL: Sigmoid colon wall thickening is noted. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel. No bowel obstruction.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\n64-year-old male, weight loss and abdominal discomfort, CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast, compared to 01-30-2022, 4.5 cm pancreatic head mass, main pancreatic duct dilation, intrahepatic bile duct dilation, mild ascites, small bowel wall thickening, no large bowel abnormalities, left renal angiomyolipoma 1.8 cm, right kidney unremarkable, no lymphadenopathy, small abdominal aortic aneurysm 3.2 cm.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n64-year-old male presenting with weight loss and abdominal discomfort.\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast.\n\nCOMPARISON: CT abdomen and pelvis from 01-30-2022.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass. Intrahepatic bile duct dilation is present.\n\nBILE DUCTS: Intrahepatic bile duct dilation is identified. No extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: A 4.5 cm pancreatic head mass is noted with main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: A 1.8 cm left renal angiomyolipoma is identified. No hydroureteronephrosis or suspicious renal mass. The right kidney is unremarkable.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: Unremarkable.\n\nBOWEL: Small bowel wall thickening is present. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel. The large bowel is unremarkable.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: Mild ascites is noted. No fluid collection or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: A small abdominal aortic aneurysm measuring 3.2 cm is present.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\n47-year-old female, abdominal pain, CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast, compared to 03-25-2021, 3 cm hepatocellular carcinoma in segment 5, mild intrahepatic bile duct dilation, gallstone measuring 0.6 cm, 1.3 cm hypodense lesion in the spleen, right adrenal gland nodule 1.1 cm, right renal cyst measuring 0.8 cm, normal left kidney, sigmoid colon diverticulosis, 1.5 cm inguinal lymph node.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n47-year-old female presenting with abdominal pain.\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast.\n\nCOMPARISON: CT abdomen and pelvis from 03-25-2021.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: A 3 cm hepatocellular carcinoma is noted in segment 5. Mild intrahepatic bile duct dilation is present.\n\nBILE DUCTS: Mild intrahepatic bile duct dilation is identified. No extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: A 0.6 cm gallstone is present. No gallbladder wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid, or fat stranding.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: A 1.3 cm hypodense lesion is identified.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: A 1.1 cm right adrenal gland nodule is noted. The left adrenal gland is unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: A 0.8 cm right renal cyst is present. No hydroureteronephrosis or suspicious renal mass. The left kidney is unremarkable.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: Unremarkable.\n\nBOWEL: Sigmoid colon diverticulosis is present. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: A 1.5 cm inguinal lymph node is identified. No other abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\n58-year-old male, abdominal distention, CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast, compared to 01-15-2022, 4 cm hypodense lesion in segment 3 of the liver, gallstone 0.5 cm, no intrahepatic bile duct dilation, mild atrophy of the pancreas, 0.7 cm hypodense lesion in the spleen, left renal cortical cyst 1.2 cm, 2.5 cm abdominal aortic aneurysm, mild wall thickening in the ascending colon.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n58-year-old male presenting with abdominal distention.\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast.\n\nCOMPARISON: CT abdomen and pelvis from 01-15-2022.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: A 4 cm hypodense lesion is noted in segment 3. Otherwise, the liver is normal in size and configuration. No other suspicious masses.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: A 0.5 cm gallstone is present. No gallbladder wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid, or fat stranding.\n\nPANCREAS: Mild atrophy is noted. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: A 0.7 cm hypodense lesion is identified.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: A 1.2 cm left renal cortical cyst is present. No hydroureteronephrosis or suspicious renal mass. The right kidney is unremarkable.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: Unremarkable.\n\nBOWEL: Mild wall thickening in the ascending colon is noted. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: A 2.5 cm abdominal aortic aneurysm is present.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\n- Clinical data: 55-year-old male, abdominal pain\n- Comparison: CT scan from 1 year ago\n- Right renal cyst measuring 0.3 cm\n- Gallstone measuring 0.2 cm\n- Small hypodense lesion in the liver, 1.5 cm in diameter\n- Mild splenomegaly\n\nTemplate:\n\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA: 55-year-old male presenting with abdominal pain.\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast.\n\nCOMPARISON: CT scan from 1 year ago.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: A small hypodense lesion measuring 1.5 cm in diameter is noted. Otherwise, the liver is normal in size and configuration.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: A gallstone measuring 0.2 cm is present. No gallbladder wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid, or fat stranding.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Mild splenomegaly. Otherwise, unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: A right renal cyst measuring 0.3 cm is noted. The left kidney and both ureters are unremarkable. No hydroureteronephrosis or suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: Unremarkable.\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\n- Clinical data: 67-year-old female, weight loss and abdominal discomfort\n- Comparison: None\n- Heterogeneous mass in the liver, approximately 4.5 cm in size, with arterial enhancement and washout in the portal venous phase\n- Mild intrahepatic bile duct dilation\n- Enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes, up to 1.8 cm in short axis\n- Small amount of free fluid in the pelvis\n- Focal wall thickening in the sigmoid colon, with surrounding fat stranding\n\nTemplate:\n\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA: 67-year-old female presenting with weight loss and abdominal discomfort.\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast.\n\nCOMPARISON: None.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: A heterogeneous mass measuring approximately 4.5 cm in size, with arterial enhancement and washout in the portal venous phase, is noted. Otherwise, the liver is normal in size and configuration.\n\nBILE DUCTS: Mild intrahepatic bile duct dilation. No extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: Both kidneys and ureters are unremarkable. No hydroureteronephrosis or suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: Unremarkable.\n\nBOWEL: Focal wall thickening in the sigmoid colon with surrounding fat stranding. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: A small amount of free fluid is seen in the pelvis. No pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: Enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes, up to 1.8 cm in short axis. No pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nClinical data: 55-year-old male, right upper quadrant pain\nComparison: None\nLiver is enlarged, has a 2.5 cm hypodense lesion, peripherally enhancing\nGallbladder wall is thickened, measuring 0.5 cm\nLeft adrenal nodule, 1.5 cm, indeterminate\nSigmoid diverticula\nBilateral renal cortical cysts, largest on right measuring 1.2 cm\n\nTemplate:\n\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA: 55-year-old male presenting with right upper quadrant pain.\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast.\n\nCOMPARISON: None.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: The liver is enlarged and has a 2.5 cm hypodense, peripherally enhancing lesion. No other suspicious masses.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: The gallbladder wall is thickened, measuring 0.5 cm. No pericholecystic fluid or fat stranding.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: A 1.5 cm indeterminate left adrenal nodule is present. The right adrenal gland is unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: Bilateral renal cortical cysts are noted, with the largest on the right measuring 1.2 cm. No hydroureteronephrosis or suspicious renal masses.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: Unremarkable.\n\nBOWEL: Sigmoid diverticula are present. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nClinical data: 62-year-old female, abdominal pain\nComparison: CT abdomen from 6 months ago\nPancreatic head mass, 3.5 cm, low attenuation, dilated main pancreatic duct\nLiver surface nodularity, no focal lesions\nMild intrahepatic bile duct dilation\nGallstone, 1 cm\nSplenomegaly, 14 cm\nRight adrenal mass, 4 cm, heterogeneous enhancement\nSmall amount of ascites\nMultiple enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes, largest 2 cm\n\nTemplate:\n\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA: 62-year-old female presenting with abdominal pain.\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast.\n\nCOMPARISON: CT abdomen from 6 months ago.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: The liver demonstrates surface nodularity, but no focal lesions are identified. Mild intrahepatic bile duct dilation is present.\n\nBILE DUCTS: Mild intrahepatic bile duct dilation. No extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: A 1 cm gallstone is present. No gallbladder wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid, or fat stranding.\n\nPANCREAS: A 3.5 cm low attenuation mass is seen in the head of the pancreas, associated with dilation of the main pancreatic duct. The remainder of the pancreas is unremarkable.\n\nSPLEEN: Splenomegaly is noted, with the spleen measuring 14 cm.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: A 4 cm heterogeneous enhancing mass is present in the right adrenal gland. The left adrenal gland is unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: Both kidneys and ureters are unremarkable. No hydroureteronephrosis or suspicious renal masses.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: Unremarkable.\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: A small amount of ascites is present. No pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: Multiple enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes are seen, with the largest measuring 2 cm. No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nClinical data: 50-year-old male, weight loss\nComparison: None\nLiver lesion, 4 cm, arterial enhancement, portal venous washout\nRight renal cyst, 2 cm\nGallbladder sludge\nPancreatic tail cyst, 1 cm\nMild splenomegaly, 13 cm\nSmall perisplenic fluid collection\nThickened sigmoid colon wall\nMild abdominal aortic wall calcification\n\nTemplate:\n\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA: 50-year-old male presenting with weight loss.\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast.\n\nCOMPARISON: None.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: A 4 cm lesion with arterial enhancement and portal venous washout is present. No other suspicious masses are identified.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Gallbladder sludge is present. No gallbladder wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid, or fat stranding.\n\nPANCREAS: A 1 cm cyst is seen in the tail of the pancreas. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Mild splenomegaly is noted, with the spleen measuring 13 cm. A small perisplenic fluid collection is present.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Both adrenal glands are unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: A 2 cm right renal cyst is present. The left kidney and both ureters are unremarkable. No hydroureteronephrosis or suspicious renal masses.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: Unremarkable.\n\nBOWEL: Thickened sigmoid colon wall is noted. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No ascites or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: Mild abdominal aortic wall calcification is present. No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nPrevious CT 1 year ago, nausea and vomiting, enlarged spleen 14 cm, multiple hypodense liver lesions, largest 4 cm, 1 cm periportal lymph node, left renal cyst 2 cm, small bowel wall thickening, fluid in right paracolic gutter, gas-filled cecum, no free air, left iliac crest lytic lesion\n\nTemplate:\n\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA: Patient presents with nausea and vomiting.\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast.\n\nCOMPARISON: Previous CT from 1 year ago.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Multiple hypodense lesions are present, with the largest measuring 4 cm.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Enlarged, measuring 14 cm.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: A 2 cm left renal cyst is present. The right kidney and both ureters are unremarkable. No hydroureteronephrosis or suspicious renal masses.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: Unremarkable.\n\nBOWEL: Small bowel wall thickening and gas-filled cecum are noted. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel. No free air.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: Fluid is seen in the right paracolic gutter.\n\nLYMPH NODES: A 1 cm periportal lymph node is present. No other abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: A lytic lesion is noted in the left iliac crest. No other suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nAbdominal pain, CT 3 months ago, 3 cm hypodense liver lesion, right adrenal nodule 1.5 cm, mild intrahepatic bile duct dilation, gallstone 0.5 cm, focal wall thickening in sigmoid colon, small amount of free fluid in pelvis, left renal 1.2 cm cyst, no hydronephrosis, incidental finding of 2 cm left ovarian cyst, normal cecal appendix\n\nTemplate:\n\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA: Patient presents with abdominal pain.\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast.\n\nCOMPARISON: CT from 3 months ago.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: A 3 cm hypodense lesion is present.\n\nBILE DUCTS: Mild intrahepatic bile duct dilation is noted.\n\nGALLBLADDER: A 0.5 cm gallstone is present. No gallbladder wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid, or fat stranding.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: A 1.5 cm right adrenal nodule is present. The left adrenal gland is unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: A 1.2 cm left renal cyst is present. The right kidney and both ureters are unremarkable. No hydroureteronephrosis or suspicious renal masses.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: A 2 cm left ovarian cyst is incidentally noted.\n\nBOWEL: Focal wall thickening in the sigmoid colon is present. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel. The cecal appendix is normal.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: A small amount of free fluid is seen in the pelvis.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"Your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\n- Clinical data: patient complaining of RUQ pain\n- Comparison: CT abdomen from 6 months ago\n- Right renal cyst measuring 0.3 cm\n- Gallstone measuring 0.2 cm\n- Liver lesion with peripheral enhancement, 1.5 cm\n- Small amount of free fluid in the pelvis\n- Sigmoid colon wall thickening\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA: Patient complaining of right upper quadrant pain.\n\nTECHNIQUE: CT abdomen and pelvis with IV contrast.\n\nCOMPARISON: CT abdomen from 6 months ago.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Liver lesion with peripheral enhancement measuring 1.5 cm is observed. The liver is normal in size and configuration otherwise.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Gallstone measuring 0.2 cm. No gallbladder wall thickening, pericholecystic fluid, or fat stranding.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: Right renal cyst measuring 0.3 cm. No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass. The left kidney is unremarkable.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: Not assessed.\n\nBOWEL: Sigmoid colon wall thickening. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: Small amount of free fluid in the pelvis. No pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"Your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nIV contrast-enhanced CT abdomen, mild hepatomegaly, focal hypodense lesion in the right lobe of the liver, periportal lymphadenopathy, mild left renal pelvis dilation\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: IV contrast-enhanced CT abdomen\n\nCOMPARISON: None\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Mild hepatomegaly. Focal hypodense lesion in the right lobe of the liver. No suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: Mild left renal pelvis dilation. No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: Unremarkable.\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: Periportal lymphadenopathy. No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"Your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nIV contrast-enhanced CT abdomen, mild hepatomegaly, hypodense lesion in liver segment 4, possibly benign, mild intrahepatic bile duct dilation, small pancreatic tail cyst, enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes, left renal lower pole hypodense lesion, possible cyst, mild left hydroureteronephrosis, trace pelvic free fluid\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: IV contrast-enhanced CT abdomen\n\nCOMPARISON: None\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Mild hepatomegaly with a hypodense lesion in segment 4, possibly benign.\n\nBILE DUCTS: Mild intrahepatic bile duct dilation. No extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Small pancreatic tail cyst. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: Mild left hydroureteronephrosis. Left renal lower pole hypodense lesion, possible cyst.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: Trace pelvic free fluid. No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: Enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes. No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"Your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nIV contrast-enhanced CT abdomen, clinical history of abdominal pain, lung bases clear, heart normal in size, liver mildly enlarged, hypodense lesion in liver segment 6, uncertain etiology, possible hemangioma, mild intrahepatic bile duct dilation, gallbladder unremarkable, pancreas unremarkable, hypodense lesion in spleen, likely benign, adrenal glands unremarkable, left kidney lower pole hypodense lesion, possible cyst, mild left hydroureteronephrosis, bladder unremarkable, trace pelvic free fluid, no disproportionate bowel dilation, retroperitoneal lymph nodes borderline enlarged, no abdominal aortic aneurysm, abdominal wall unremarkable, no suspicious osseous lesions\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA: Clinical history of abdominal pain.\n\nTECHNIQUE: IV contrast-enhanced CT abdomen\n\nCOMPARISON: None\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Mildly enlarged with a hypodense lesion in segment 6, uncertain etiology, possible hemangioma.\n\nBILE DUCTS: Mild intrahepatic bile duct dilation. No extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Hypodense lesion, likely benign.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: Mild left hydroureteronephrosis. Left kidney lower pole hypodense lesion, possible cyst.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: Trace pelvic free fluid. No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: Borderline enlarged retroperitoneal lymph nodes. No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"Your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nIV contrast-enhanced CT abdomen, clinical history of abdominal pain, liver mildly enlarged, hypodense lesion in liver segment 6, uncertain etiology, possible hemangioma\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\nClinical history of abdominal pain.\n\nTECHNIQUE:\nIV contrast-enhanced CT abdomen.\n\nCOMPARISON:\nNone available.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Mildly enlarged. There is a hypodense lesion in liver segment 6 with uncertain etiology, possibly a hemangioma. No other suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"Your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nIV contrast-enhanced CT abdomen, clinical history of abdominal pain, liver mildly enlarged, hypodense lesion in liver segment 6, uncertain etiology, possible hemangioma, small bowel dilation in the left lower quadrant, mild wall thickening in the sigmoid colon\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\nClinical history of abdominal pain.\n\nTECHNIQUE:\nIV contrast-enhanced CT abdomen.\n\nCOMPARISON:\nNone available.\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Mildly enlarged with a hypodense lesion in liver segment 6 of uncertain etiology and possible hemangioma.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: Small bowel dilation in the left lower quadrant. Mild wall thickening in the sigmoid colon. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nIV contrast-enhanced abdomen CT scan, enlarged right adrenal gland with heterogeneous enhancement, small hypodense lesion in segment 6 of liver, no intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation, no hydroureteronephrosis, no suspicious renal mass, small bowel wall thickening in the distal ileum, no disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel, no abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy, no abdominal aortic aneurysm, no fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE: IV contrast-enhanced abdomen CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: A small hypodense lesion is seen in segment 6. No other suspicious mass.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: The right adrenal gland is enlarged with heterogeneous enhancement. The left adrenal gland is unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: Small bowel wall thickening in the distal ileum. No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or pneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nIV contrast-enhanced abdomen CT scan, clinical history of abdominal pain, mild hepatomegaly with multiple hypodense lesions of uncertain nature, gallbladder wall thickening, enlarged pancreas with peripancreatic fat stranding, small left renal cyst, splenomegaly\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA: Clinical history of abdominal pain.\n\nTECHNIQUE: IV contrast-enhanced abdomen CT scan.\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Mild hepatomegaly with multiple hypodense lesions of uncertain nature.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Gallbladder wall thickening.\n\nPANCREAS: Enlarged pancreas with peripancreatic fat stranding. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Splenomegaly.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: Small left renal cyst. No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}
+ {"prompt":"your task is to arrange a given list of radiological findings into a given template.\n\nFindings:\nDiffuse periportal edema is again seen, Redemonstration of gallstones measuring collectively 3.0 cm with no features of acute cholecystitis. There is diffuse urothelial enhancement involving the right ureter and renal pelvis with mild right hydroureteronephrosis. Few left interpole and lower pole renal cortical hyperdense lesions, the largest measures 1.5 cm likely representing hemorrhagic cyst seen in prior MRI. Again seen a long segment measuring approximately 10 cm of severe terminal ileum wall thickening reaching 1.5 cm with luminal narrowing associated with mild upstream small bowel dilatation reaching 3.2 cm in maximum dimension, which has improved since prior study. The sigmoid colon appears tethered to the thickened terminal ileum with possible ileocolic fistula formation associated with significant adjacent fat stranding that is inseparable from the right paracolic collection. There is significant interval improvement in the previously seen right iliopsoas abscess currently presenting small collection in the right paracolic gutter measuring 2.2 x 1.3 x 3.6 cm, previously measured 3.6 x 3.5 x 8.4 cm. Drainage catheter is seen terminating within the right psoas muscle. A small 1.0 cm mesenteric fluid collection is noted adjacent to the terminal ileum which shows interval reduction in size in comparison to prior study.\n\nTemplate:\nCLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Normal in size and configuration. No suspicious mass\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: No hydroureteronephrosis. No suspicious renal mass.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: No disproportionate dilation of the small or large bowel.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: No fluid collection, ascites, or\npneumoperitoneum.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions.\n\n###\n\n","completion":" CLINICAL DATA:\n\nTECHNIQUE:\n\nCOMPARISON:\n\nFINDINGS:\n\nLOWER THORAX: The lung bases are clear. The heart is normal in size.\n\nLIVER: Diffuse periportal edema is again seen.\n\nBILE DUCTS: No intrahepatic or extrahepatic bile duct dilation.\n\nGALLBLADDER: Redemonstration of gallstones measuring collectively 3.0 cm with no features of acute cholecystitis.\n\nPANCREAS: Unremarkable. No main pancreatic duct dilation.\n\nSPLEEN: Unremarkable.\n\nADRENAL GLANDS: Unremarkable.\n\nKIDNEYS\/URETERS: Few left interpole and lower pole renal cortical hyperdense lesions, the largest measures 1.5 cm likely representing hemorrhagic cyst seen in prior MRI. Diffuse urothelial enhancement involving the right ureter and renal pelvis with mild right hydroureteronephrosis.\n\nBLADDER: Unremarkable.\n\nREPRODUCTIVE ORGANS:\n\nBOWEL: Severe terminal ileum wall thickening measuring approximately 10 cm and reaching 1.5 cm with luminal narrowing. Mild upstream small bowel dilatation reaching 3.2 cm in maximum dimension, which has improved since prior study. The sigmoid colon appears tethered to the thickened terminal ileum with possible ileocolic fistula formation.\n\nPERITONEUM\/RETROPERITONEUM: Significant adjacent fat stranding inseparable from the right paracolic collection. Interval improvement in the previously seen right iliopsoas abscess, currently presenting a small collection in the right paracolic gutter measuring 2.2 x 1.3 x 3.6 cm, previously measured 3.6 x 3.5 x 8.4 cm. Drainage catheter is seen terminating within the right psoas muscle. A small 1.0 cm mesenteric fluid collection is noted adjacent to the terminal ileum, showing interval reduction in size in comparison to prior study.\n\nLYMPH NODES: No abdominal or pelvic lymphadenopathy.\n\nVESSELS: No abdominal aortic aneurysm.\n\nABDOMINAL\/PELVIC WALL: Unremarkable.\n\nBONES: No suspicious osseous lesions. END"}