diff --git "a/spin_wave_-_abstract.csv" "b/spin_wave_-_abstract.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/spin_wave_-_abstract.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,105814 @@ +publicationDate,title,abstract,id +2018-01-11,Quantum Spin of Elastic Wave,"Unveiling intrinsic spins of propagating waves usually offers people a +fundamental understanding of the geometrical and topological properties of +waves from classical to quantum aspects. A great variety of research has shown +that transverse waves can possess non-trivial quantum spins and topology +without help of strong wave-matter interaction. However, until now we still +lack essential physical insights about the spin and topological nature of +longitudinal waves. Here, demonstrated by elastic waves we uncover unique +quantum spins for longitudinal waves and the mixed longitudinal-transverse +waves that play essential roles in topological spin-momentum locking. Based on +this quantum spin perspective, several abnormal phenomena beyond pure +transverse waves are attributed to the hybrid spin induced by mixed +longitudinal-transverse waves. The intrinsic hybrid spin reveals the complex +spin essence in elastic waves and advances our understanding about their +fundamental topological properties. We also show these spin-dependent phenomena +can be exploited to control the wave propagation, such as non-symmetric elastic +wave excitation by spin pairs, uni-directional Rayleigh wave and spin-selected +elastic wave routing. These findings are generally applicable for arbitrary +waves with longitudinal and transverse components.",1801.03907v1 +2011-12-07,Spin Pumping Driven by Bistable Exchange Spin Waves,"Spin pumping driven by bistable exchange spin waves is demonstrated in a +Pt/Y$_3$Fe$_5$O$_{12}$ film under parametric excitation. In the +Pt/Y$_3$Fe$_5$O$_{12}$ film, the spin pumping driven by parametric excitation +selectively enhances the relaxation of short-wavelength exchange spin waves, +indicating strong coupling between the exchange spin waves and spin currents at +the interface through efficient spin transfer. The parametric spin pumping, +furthermore, allows direct access to nonlinear spin wave dynamics in +combination with the inverse spin Hall effect, revealing unconventional +bistability of the exchange spin waves.",1112.1596v2 +2008-02-28,Current driven spin-wave instability triggered by the anomalous Hall effect,"We studied the effect of strong electric current on spin waves interacting +relativistically with the current. The spin-wave spectrum is calculated at +arbitrary direction of the wave vector. It is shown that the alternating Hall +current generated by the alternating magnetic moment of the spin waves, reduces +the spin-wave damping. At strong enough unpolarized dc current the damping +changes sign, and the spin-wave amplitude starts to increase exponentially fast +with time. The critical current for the spin-wave instability is determined +mainly by the anomalous Hall effect, and can be much smaller than that for the +spin-torque mechanism of instability.",0802.4150v1 +2019-06-05,Spin-Wave Optical Elements: Towards Spin-Wave Fourier Optics,"We perform micromagnetic simulations to investigate the propagation of +spin-wave beams through spin-wave optical elements. Despite spin-wave +propagation in magnetic media being strongly anisotropic, we use axicons to +excite spinwave Bessel-Gaussian beams and gradient-index lenses to focus spin +waves in analogy to conventional optics with light in isotropic media. +Moreover, we demonstrate spin-wave Fourier optics using gradient-index lenses. +These results contribute to the growing field of spin-wave optics.",1906.02301v1 +2020-04-16,Magnetic resonance imaging of spin-wave transport and interference in a magnetic insulator,"Spin waves - the elementary excitations of magnetic materials - are prime +candidate signal carriers for low dissipation information processing. Being +able to image coherent spin-wave transport is crucial for developing +interference-based spin-wave devices. We introduce a platform for probing +coherent spin waves based on magnetic resonance imaging with electron spins in +diamond. Focusing on a thin-film magnetic insulator, we quantify spin-wave +amplitudes, visualize the dispersion, and demonstrate time-domain measurements +of spin-wave packets. We use our platform to study spin-wave interference, +revealing uni-directional, autofocused spin-wave patterns with +frequency-controlled numerical apertures. A theoretical analysis explains the +patterns in terms of chiral spin-wave excitation and stray-field coupling to +the sensor spins. These results pave the way for probing spin waves in +atomically thin magnets, even when embedded between opaque materials.",2004.07746v1 +2022-03-02,Atomic-Scale Spin-Wave Polarizer Based on a Sharp Antiferromagnetic Domain Wall,"We theoretically study the scattering of spin waves from a sharp domain wall +in an antiferromagnetic spin chain. While the continuum model for an +antiferromagnetic material yields the well-known result that spin waves can +pass through a wide domain wall with no reflection, here we show that, based on +the discrete spin Hamiltonian, spin waves are generally reflected by a domain +wall with a reflection coefficient that increases as the domain-wall width +decreases. Remarkably, we find that, in the interesting case of an atomically +sharp domain wall, the reflection of spin waves exhibits strong dependence on +the state of circular polarization of the spin waves, leading to mainly +reflection for one polarization while permitting partial transmission for the +other, thus realizing an atomic-scale spin-wave polarizer. The polarization of +the transmitted spin wave depends on the orientation of the spin in the sharp +domain wall, which can be controlled by an external field or spin torque. Our +utilization of a sharp antiferromagnetic domain wall as an atomic-scale +spin-wave polarizer leads us to envision that ultra-small magnetic solitons +such as domain walls and skyrmions may enable realizations of atomic-scale +spin-wave scatterers with useful functionalities.",2203.01453v1 +2014-09-28,Spin-electron acoustic waves: The Landau damping and ion contribution in the spectrum,"Separated spin-up and spin-down quantum kinetics is derived for more detailed +research of the spin-electron acoustic waves. Kinetic theory allows to obtain +spectrum of the spin-electron acoustic waves including effects of occupation of +quantum states more accurately than quantum hydrodynamics. We apply quantum +kinetic to calculate the Landau damping of the spin-electron acoustic waves. We +have considered contribution of ions dynamics in the spin-electron acoustic +wave spectrum. We obtain contribution of ions in the Landau damping in +temperature regime of classic ions. Kinetic analysis for ion-acoustic, zero +sound, and Langmuir waves at separated spin-up and spin-down electron dynamics +is presented as well.",1409.7885v1 +2021-09-30,Spin waves in doped graphene: a time-dependent spin-density-functional approach to collective excitations in paramagnetic two-dimensional Dirac fermion gases,"In spin-polarized itinerant electron systems, collective spin-wave modes +arise from dynamical exchange and correlation (xc) effects. We here consider +spin waves in doped paramagnetic graphene with adjustable Zeeman-type band +splitting. The spin waves are described using time-dependent +spin-density-functional response theory, treating dynamical xc effects within +the Slater and Singwi-Tosi-Land-Sjolander approximations. We obtain spin-wave +dispersions and spin stiffnesses as a function of doping and spin polarization, +and discuss prospects for their experimental observation.",2110.00045v1 +1994-06-17,An Upper Bound for the Spin-Wave Spectrum of the Heisenberg Antiferromagnet,"We study the spin-wave spectrum of the Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a +bipartite lattice. The spin-wave spectrum on a N\'eel-ordered ground state is +bounded as $\varepsilon (k) \le c |k| $, where $c$ gives an upper bound for the +spin-wave velocity. In the large-$S$ limit, the upper bound $c$ coincides with +the result of the spin-wave theory.",9406077v1 +2015-12-18,Domain Walls as Spin Wave Waveguides,"We numerically demonstrate that domain walls can be used as spin wave +waveguides. We show that gapless spin waves bounded inside a domain wall can be +guided by the domain wall. For Bloch walls, we further show that the bound spin +waves can pass through Bloch lines and corners without reflection. This finding +makes domain-wall-based spin wave devices possible.",1512.05965v2 +2022-01-03,Handedness-filter and Doppler shift of spin waves in ferrimagnetic domain walls,"Excitation and propagation of spin waves inside magnetic domain walls has +received attention because of their potentials in spintronic and communication +applications. Besides wave amplitude and frequency, spin-wave has its third +character: handedness, whose manipulation is certainly of interest. We propose +in this Letter that the handedness of low energy spin-wave excitations can be +controlled by tuning the net angular momentum {\delta}s in a ferrimagnetic +(FiM) domain wall, attributing to the inequivalent magnetic sublattices. The +results indicate that the spin-wave dispersion depends on both {\delta}s and +wave handedness. For a positive (negative) {\delta}s, a gapless dispersion is +observed for the left-handed (righ-handed) spin waves, while a frequency gap +appears for the right-handed (left-handed) spin waves. Thus a FiM wall could +serve as a multifold filter of low energy spin-wave in which only spin waves +with particular handedness can propagate. Furthermore, the energy consumption +loss for spin-wave excitation in the wall is much lower than that inside the +domain, while the group velocity is much faster too, demonstrating the +advantages of domain walls serving as spin waveguides. Moreover, the +current-induced spin-wave Doppler shift in the FiM wall is also revealed, and +can be controlled by {\delta}s. This work unveils for the first time the +interesting spin-wave dynamics in FiM domain walls, benefiting future spin-wave +applications.",2201.00623v2 +2021-09-28,"Spin wave propagation in uniform waveguide: effects, modulation and its application","With the advent of the post-Moore era, researches on beyond-Complementary +Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) approaches have been attracted more and more +attention. Magnonics, or spin wave is one of the most promising technology +beyond CMOS, which magnons-quanta for spin waves-process the information +analogous to electronic charges in electronics. Information transmission by +spin waves, which uses the frequency, amplitude and (or) phase to encode +information, has a great many of advantages such as extremely low energy loss +and wide-band frequency. Moreover, using the nonlinear characteristics of spin +waves for information transmission can increase the extra degree of freedom of +information. This review provides a tutorial overview over the effects of spin +wave propagation and recent research progress in uniform spin wave waveguide. +The propagation characteristics of spin waves in uniform waveguides and some +special propagation phenomena such as spin wave beam splitting and +self-focusing are described by combining experimental phenomena and theoretical +formulas. Furthermore, we summarize methods for modulating propagation of spin +wave in uniform waveguide, and comment on the advantages and limitations of +these methods. The review may promote the development of information +transmission technology based on spin waves.",2109.13464v1 +2012-08-09,Interference-mediated intensity modulation of spin waves,"The modulation of propagating spin-wave amplitude in Ni81Fe19 (Py) films, +resulting from constructive and destructive interference of spin wave, has been +demonstrated. Spin waves were excited and detected inductively using pulse +inductive time domain measurements. Two electrical impulses were used for +launching two interfering Gaussian spin wave packets in Py films. The applied +bias magnetic field or the separation between two pulses was used for tuning +the amplitude of the resulting spin wave packets. This may thus be useful for +spin wave based low-power information transfer and processing.",1208.1848v1 +2019-08-28,Effect of inhomogeneous Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction on antiferromagnetic spin-wave propagation,"We investigate the effect of inhomogeneous Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction +(DMI) on antiferromagnetic spin-wave propagation theoretically and numerically. +We find that antiferromagnetic spin waves can be amplified at a boundary where +the DMI varies. The inhomogeneous DMI also provides a way to construct a +magnonic crystal with forbidden and allowed antiferromagnetic spin-wave bands +in terahertz frequency ranges. In contrast to ferromagnetic spin waves, +antiferromagnetic spin waves experience a polarization-dependent phase shift +when passing through the inhomogeneous DMI, offering a magnonic crystal that +also serves as a spin-wave polarizer.",1908.10650v1 +2021-12-07,Curvilinear manipulation of polarized spin wave,"Polarization, the precession direction with respect to the background +magnetization, is an intrinsic degree of freedom of spin wave. Introducing +symmetry breaking mechanisms lies in the heart of lifting the degeneracy +between polarized spin wave modes, and is essential in constructing +polarization-based magnonic devices. Here we show that polarized spin waves can +be naturally harnessed in a curved antiferromagnetic wire via tuning its +curvature and torsion. Specifically, we investigate evolution of polarized spin +wave in a spin wave rotator and a spin wave interferometer based on magnetic +circular helices, and correlate these curvilinear effects to the Berry phase +accumulated along wires.",2112.03748v1 +2011-03-24,Spin wave assisted current induced magnetic domain wall motion,"The interaction between the propagating spin waves and the current driven +motion of a transverse domain wall in magnetic nanowires is studied by +micromagnetic simulations. If the speed of domain walls due to current induced +spin transfer torque is comparable to the velocity driven by spin waves, the +speed of domain wall is improved by applying spin waves. The domain wall +velocity can be manipulated by the frequency and amplitude of spin waves. The +effect of spin waves is suppressed in the high current density regime in which +the domain wall is mostly driven by current induced spin transfer torque.",1103.4673v1 +2016-01-05,On the rich eight branch spectrum of the oblique propagating longitudinal waves in partially spin polarized electron-positron-ion plasmas,"We consider the separate spin evolution of electrons and positrons in +electron-positron and electron-positron-ion plasmas. We consider oblique +propagating longitudinal waves in this systems. We report presence of the +spin-electron acoustic waves and their dispersion dependencies. In +electron-positron plasmas, similarly to the electron-ion plasmas, we find one +spin-electron acoustic wave (SEAW) at propagation parallel or perpendicular to +the external field and two spin-electron acoustic waves at the oblique +propagation. At the parallel or perpendicular propagation of the longitudinal +waves in electron-positron-ion plasmas we find four branches: the Langmuir +wave, the positron-acoustic wave and pair of waves having spin nature, they are +the SEAW and, as we called it, spin-electron-positron acoustic wave (SEPAW). At +the oblique propagation we find eight longitudinal waves: the Langmuir wave, +Trivelpiece-Gould wave, pair of positron-acoustic waves, pair of SEAWs, and +pair of SEPAWs. Thus, for the first time, we report existence of the second +positron-acoustic wave existing at the oblique propagation and existence of +SEPAWs.",1601.00761v1 +2016-07-21,Spin wave and spin flip in hexagonal LuMnO3 single crystal,"Manipulate and control of spin wave and spin flip are crucial for future +developments of magnonic and spintronic devices. We present that the spin wave +in hexagonal LuMnO3 single crystal can be selectively excited with laser +polarization perpendicular to the c-axis of hexagonal LuMnO3 and photon energy +~ 1.8 eV. The selective excitation of spin wave also suggests that the spin +flip can be selectively controlled in hexagonal manganites. In addition, the +physical origin of spin wave correlated with spin flip in hexagonal manganites +is discussed.",1607.06212v1 +2024-03-19,Acoustoelectric non-local spin wave power detector for studying magnon-phonon coupling,"We have developed a simple detection scheme to study spin waves excited by +surface acoustic wave (SAW) in ferromagnetic thin films. Metallic antennas made +of Ta and a ferromagnetic element are placed along the SAW propagation path. +The SAW excites spin waves in the ferromagnetic element and induces +acoustoelectric current in the antennas, which are detected as a DC voltage. +The DC voltage takes an extremum at the spin wave resonance condition, which +demonstrates that the antenna acts as a non-local spin wave detector. The +antennas placed before and after the ferromagnetic element along the SAW +propagation path can probe spin wave excitation from reflected and transmitted +SAWs, respectively. Interestingly, we find characteristics of spin wave +excitations that are different for the reflected and transmitted SAWs: the +former excites spin waves with larger frequency with broader linewidth compared +to the latter. The results show that the antennas act as a non-local spin wave +power detector and can be used to map out the spin wave spectra in a unique +way, providing insights into the magnon-phonon coupling in magnetic +nanostructures fabricated on phononic SAW devices.",2403.12745v1 +2018-10-29,Manipulating spin wave polarization in synthetic antiferromagnet,"Polarization is a key ingredient of all waves, including the electromagnetic +wave, the acoustic wave, as well as the spin wave. Due to the fixed +ferromagnetic order, the spin wave in ferromagnet is limited to the right +circular polarization. The spin wave in antiferromagnet, however, is endowed +with the full polarization degree of freedom because of the two identical +magnetic sublattices. In the synthetic antiferromagnet, the two magnetic +sublattices are spatially separated into two sublayers. The circular +polarization of spin wave is partially locked to the magnetic sublattice of the +antiferromagnet, thus to the sublayer in synthetic antiferromagnet. Based on +this unique polarization-sublayer locking mechanism, we show that both the +circular spin wave polarizer and retarder (wave-plate) can be straightforwardly +realized using synthetic antiferromagnets by restructuring the sublayers, e.g. +by removing or capping a portion of a sublayer. Manipulating spin wave +polarization by geometrical engineering provides a simple yet powerful paradigm +in harnessing the spin wave polarization for spin information processing.",1810.12149v1 +2021-06-04,Imaging spin-wave damping underneath metals using electron spins in diamond,"Spin waves in magnetic insulators are low-damping signal carriers that could +enable a new generation of spintronic devices. The excitation, control, and +detection of spin waves by metal electrodes is crucial for interfacing these +devices to electrical circuits. It is therefore important to understand +metal-induced damping of spin-wave transport, but characterizing this process +requires access to the underlying magnetic films. Here we show that spins in +diamond enable imaging of spin waves that propagate underneath metals in +magnetic insulators, and then use this capability to reveal a 100-fold increase +in spin-wave damping. By analyzing spin-wave-induced currents in the metal, we +derive an effective damping parameter that matches these observations well. We +furthermore detect buried scattering centers, highlighting the technique's +power for assessing spintronic device quality. Our results open new avenues for +studying metal - spin-wave interaction and provide access to interfacial +processes such as spin-wave injection via the spin-Hall effect.",2106.02508v2 +2011-11-15,Spin waves in nanosized magnetic films,"We have studied spin excitations in nanosized magnetic films in the +Heisenberg model with magnetic dipole and exchange interactions by the spin +operator diagram technique. Dispersion relations of spin waves in thin magnetic +films (in two-dimensional magnetic monolayers and in two-layer magnetic films) +and the spin-wave resonance spectrum in N-layer structures are found. For thick +magnetic films generalized Landau-Lifshitz equations are derived from first +principles. Landau-Lifshitz equations have the integral (pseudodifferential) +form, but not differential one. Spin excitations are determined by simultaneous +solution of the Landau-Lifshitz equations and the equation for the +magnetostatic potential. For normal magnetized ferromagnetic films the spin +wave damping has been calculated in the one-loop approximation for a diagram +expansion of the Green functions at low temperature. In thick magnetic films +the magnetic dipole interaction makes a major contribution to the relaxation of +long-wavelength spin waves. Thin films have a region of low relaxation of +long-wavelength spin waves. In thin magnetic films four-spin-wave processes +take place and the exchange interaction makes a major contribution to the +damping. It is found that the damping of spin waves propagating in magnetic +monolayer is proportional to the quadratic dependence on the temperature and is +very low for spin waves with small wavevectors. Spin-wave devices on the base +of nanosized magnetic films are proposed -- tunable narrow-band spin-wave +filters with high quality at the microwave frequency range and field-effect +transistor (FET) structures contained nanosized magnetic films under the gate +electrode. Spin-wave resonances in nanosized magnetic films can be used to +construct FET structures operating in Gigahertz and Terahertz frequency bands.",1111.3532v1 +2003-12-03,Magnetostatic Spin Waves,"In general, Maxwell's equations require that a wave of magnetic field be +accompanied by a wave of electric field, and vice versa. In magnetic media it +is possible to have waves of magnetization with negligible electric field. We +discuss an example of this based on ferromagnetic spin waves.",0312026v1 +2002-01-16,Quantum Spin dynamics of the Bilayer Ferromagnet La(1.2)Sr(1.8)Mn2O7,"We construct a theory of spin wave excitations in the bilayer manganite +La(1.2)Sr(1.8)Mn2O7 based on the simplest possible double-exchange model, but +including leading quantum corrections to the spin wave dispersion and damping. +Comparison is made with recent inelastic neutron scattering experiments. We +find that quantum effects account for some part of the measured damping of spin +waves, but cannot by themselves explain the observed softening of spin waves at +the zone boundary. Furthermore a doping dependence of the total spin wave +dispersion and the optical spin wave gap is predicted.",0201269v1 +2023-03-18,Spin waves in a superconductor,"Spin waves that can propagate in normal and superconducting metals are +investigated. Unlike normal metals, the velocity of spin waves becomes +temperature-dependent in a superconductor. The low frequency spin waves survive +within the narrow region below the superconducting transition temperature. At +low temperatures the high frequency waves alone can propagate with an +additional damping due to pair-breaking.",2303.10468v1 +2015-12-17,Multi-$Q$ hexagonal spin density waves and dynamically generated spin-orbit coupling: time-reversal invariant analog of the chiral spin density wave,"We study hexagonal spin-channel (""triplet"") density waves with commensurate +$M$-point propagation vectors. We first show that the three $Q=M$ components of +the singlet charge density and charge-current density waves can be mapped to +multi-component $Q=0$ nonzero angular momentum order in three dimensions ($3D$) +with cubic crystal symmetry. This one-to-one correspondence is exploited to +define a symmetry classification for triplet $M$-point density waves using the +standard classification of spin-orbit coupled electronic liquid crystal phases +of a cubic crystal. Through this classification we naturally identify a set of +non-coplanar spin density and spin-current density waves: the chiral spin +density wave and its time-reversal invariant analog. These can be thought of as +$3D$ $L=2$ and $L=4$ spin-orbit coupled isotropic $\beta$-phase orders. In +contrast, uniaxial spin density waves are shown to correspond to +$\alpha$-phases. The non-coplanar triple-$M$ spin-current density wave realizes +a novel $2D$ semimetal state with three flavors of four-component spin-momentum +locked Dirac cones, protected by a crystal symmetry akin to non-symmorphic +symmetry, and sits at the boundary between a trivial and topological insulator. +In addition, we point out that a special class of classical spin states, +defined as classical spin states respecting all lattice symmetries up to global +spin rotation, are naturally obtained from the symmetry classification of +electronic triplet density waves. These symmetric classical spin states are the +classical long-range ordered limits of chiral spin liquids.",1512.05673v3 +2017-05-30,Communication and information processing in magnetic nanostructures with edge spin waves,"Low dissipation data processing with spins is one of the promising directions +for future information and communication technologies. Despite a signifcant +progress, the available magnonic devices are not broadband yet and have +restricted capabilities to redirect spin waves. Here we propose a breakthrough +approach to the spin wave manipulation in patterned magnetic nanostructures +with unmatched characteristics, which exploits spin waves analogous to edge +waves propagating along a water-wall boundary. Using theory, micromagnetic +simulations and experiment we investigate spin waves propagating along the +edges in magnetic structures, under an in-plane DC magnetic field inclined with +respect to the edge. The proposed edge spin waves overcome important challenges +faced by previous technologies such as the manipulation of the spin wave +propagation direction, and they substantially improve the capability of +transmitting information at frequencies exceeding 10 GHz. The concept of the +edge spin waves allows to design broad range of logic devices such as +splitters, interferometers, or edge spin wave transistors with unprecedented +characteristics and potentially strong impact on information technologies.",1705.10536v2 +2020-12-01,Towards a quantum interface between spin waves and paramagnetic spin baths,"Spin waves have risen as promising candidate information carriers for the +next generation of information technologies. Recent experimental demonstrations +of their detection using electron spins in diamond pave the way towards +studying the back-action of a controllable paramagnetic spin bath on the spin +waves. Here, we present a quantum theory describing the interaction between +spin waves and paramagnetic spins. As a case study we consider an ensemble of +nitrogen-vacancy spins in diamond in the vicinity of an Yttrium-Iron-Garnet +thin film. We show how the back-action of the ensemble results in strong and +tuneable modifications of the spin-wave spectrum and propagation properties. +These modifications include the full suppression of spin-wave propagation and, +in a different parameter regime, the enhancement of their propagation length by +$\sim 50\%$. Furthermore, we show how the spin wave thermal fluctuations induce +a measurable frequency shift of the paramagnetic spins in the bath. This shift +results in a thermal dispersion force that can be measured optically and/or +mechanically with a diamond mechanical resonator. In addition, we use our +theory to compute the spin wave-mediated interaction between the spins in the +bath. We show that all the above effects are measurable by state-of-the-art +experiments. Our results provide the theoretical foundation for describing +hybrid quantum systems of spin waves and spin baths, and establish the +potential of quantum spins as active control, sensing, and interfacing tools +for spintronics.",2012.00540v1 +2006-05-12,Spin-Wave Theory of the Multiple-Spin Exchange Model on a Triangular Lattice in a Magnetic Field : 3-Sublattice Structures,"We study the spin wave in the S=1/2 multiple-spin exchange model on a +triangular lattice in a magnetic field within the linear spin-wave theory. We +take only two-, three- and four-spin exchange interactions into account and +restrict ourselves to the region where a coplanar three-sublattice state is the +mean-field ground state. We found that the Y-shape ground state survives +quantum fluctuations and the phase transition to a phase with a 6-sublattice +structure occurs with softening of the spin wave. We estimated the quantum +corrections to the ground state sublattice magnetizations due to zero-point +spin-wave fluctuations.",0605318v1 +2018-05-09,Programmable control of spin-wave transmission in a domain-wall spin valve,"Active manipulation of spin waves is essential for the development of +magnon-based technologies. Here, we demonstrate programmable spin-wave +filtering by resetting the spin structure of a pinned 90$^\circ$ N\'{e}el +domain wall in a continuous CoFeB film with abrupt rotations of uniaxial +magnetic anisotropy. Using phase-resolved micro-focused Brillouin light +scattering and micromagnetic simulations, we show that broad 90$^\circ$ +head-to-head or tail-to-tail magnetic domain walls are transparent to spin +waves over a broad frequency range. In contrast, magnetic switching to a +90$^\circ$ head-to-tail configuration produces much narrower domain walls at +the same pinning locations. Spin waves are strongly reflected by a resonance +mode in these magnetic domain walls. Based on these results, we propose a +magnetic spin-wave valve with two parallel domain walls. Switching the +spin-wave valve from an open to a close state changes the transmission of spin +waves from nearly 100% to 0% at the resonance frequency. This active control +over spin-wave transport could be utilized in magnonic logic devices or +non-volatile memory elements.",1805.03470v1 +2021-12-23,Nutation spin waves in ferromagnets,"Magnetization dynamics and spin waves in ferromagnets are investigated using +the inertial Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. Taking inertial magnetization +dynamics into account, dispersion relations describing the propagation of +nutation spin waves in an arbitrary direction relative to the applied magnetic +field are derived via Maxwell's equations. It is found that the inertia of +magnetization causes the hybridization of electromagnetic waves and nutation +spin waves in ferromagnets, hybrid nutation spin waves emerge, and the redshift +of frequencies of precession spin waves is initiated, which transforms to +precession-nutation spin waves. These effects depend sharply on the direction +of wave propagation relative to the applied magnetic field. Moreover, the waves +propagating parallel to the applied field are circularly polarized, while the +waves propagating perpendicular to that field are elliptically polarized. The +characteristics of these spin nutation waves are also analyzed.",2112.12503v3 +2018-05-21,Tunable spinful matter wave valve,"We investigate the transport problem that a spinful matter wave is incident +on a strong localized spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate in optical +lattices, where the localization is admitted by atom interaction only existing +at one particular site, and the spin-orbit coupling arouse spatial rotation of +the spin texture. We find that tuning the spin orientation of the localized +Bose-Einstein condensate can lead to spin-nonreciprocal / spin-reciprocal +transport, meaning the transport properties are dependent on / independent of +the spin orientation of incident waves. In the former case, we obtain the +conditions to achieve transparency, beam-splitting, and blockade of the +incident wave with a given spin orientation, and furthermore the ones to +perfectly isolate incident waves of different spin orientation, while in the +latter, we obtain the condition to maximize the conversion of different spin +states. The result may be useful to develop a novel spinful matter wave valve +that integrates spin switcher, beam-splitter, isolator, and converter. The +method can also be applied to other real systems, e.g., realizing perfect +isolation of spin states in magnetism, which is otherwise rather difficult.",1805.08129v1 +2015-10-20,Evaluation of Spin Waves and Ferromagnetic Resonance Contribution to the Spin Pumping in Ta/CoFeB Structure,"The spin waves and ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) contribution to the spin +pumping signal is studied in the Ta/CoFeB interface under different excitation +bias fields. Ferromagnetic resonance is excited utilizing a coplanar waveguide +and a microwave generator. Using a narrow waveguide of about 3 {\mu}m, +magnetostatic surface spin waves with large wavevector (k) of about 0.81 +{\mu}m^-1 are excited. A large k value results in dissociation of spin waves +and FMR frequencies according to the surface spin wave dispersion relation. +Spin waves and FMR contribution to the spin pumping are calculated based on the +area under the Lorentzian curve fitting over experimental results. It is found +that the FMR over spin waves contribution is about 1 at large bias fields in +Ta/CoFeB structure. Based on our spin pumping results, we propose a method to +characterize the spin wave decay constant which is found to be about 5.5 {\mu}m +in the Ta/CoFeB structure at a bias field of 600 Oe.",1510.05745v1 +2005-11-21,Excitation of spin waves by spin polarized current,"Numerical and analytical analysis is used to explain recently observed +experimental phenomenon - excitation of spin waves in spin valves due to the +applied spin polarized current. Excited spin waves are being identified and + Lyapunov stability analysis is being used to identify different regions of +stability depending on the value of the applied current.",0511503v2 +2014-09-18,Spin-transfer torque induced spin waves in antiferromagnetic insulators,"We explore the possibility of exciting spin waves in insulating +antiferromagnetic films by injecting spin current at the surface. We analyze +both magnetically compensated and uncompensated interfaces. We find that the +spin current induced spin-transfer torque can excite spin waves in insulating +antiferromagnetic materials and that the chirality of the excited spin wave is +determined by the polarization of the injected spin current. Furthermore, the +presence of magnetic surface anisotropy can greatly increase the accessibility +of these excitations.",1409.5460v2 +2014-12-04,Spin waves in semiconductor microcavities,"We show theoretically that a weakly interacting gas of spin-polarized +exciton-polaritons in a semiconductor microcavity supports propagation of spin +waves. The spin waves are characterised by a parabolic dispersion at small +wavevectors which is governed by the polariton-polariton interaction constant. +Due to spin-anisotropy of polariton-polariton interactions the dispersion of +spin waves depends on the orientation of the total polariton spin. For the same +reason, the frequency of homogeneous spin precession/polariton spin resonance +depends on their polarization degree.",1412.1758v2 +2017-10-23,Frequency and wavenumber selective excitation of spin waves through coherent energy transfer from elastic waves,"Using spin-wave tomography (SWaT), we have investigated the excitation and +the propagation dynamics of optically-excited magnetoelastic waves, i.e. +hybridized modes of spin waves and elastic waves, in a garnet film. By using +time-resolved SWaT, we reveal the excitation dynamics of magnetoelastic waves +through coherent-energy transfer between optically-excited pure-elastic waves +and spin waves via magnetoelastic coupling. This process realizes frequency and +wavenumber selective excitation of spin waves at the crossing of the dispersion +relations of spin waves and elastic waves. Finally, we demonstrate that the +excitation mechanism of the optically-excited pure-elastic waves, which are the +source of the observed magnetoelastic waves, is dissipative in nature.",1710.08087v2 +2022-10-21,Optical spin-wave detection beyond the diffraction limit,"Spin waves are proposed as information carriers for next-generation computing +devices because of their low power consumption. Moreover, their wave-like +nature allows for novel computing paradigms. Conventional methods to detect +spin waves are based either on electrical induction, limiting the downscaling +and efficiency complicating eventual implementation, or on light scattering, +where the minimum detectable spin-wave wavelength is set by the wavelength of +the laser. In this Article we demonstrate magneto-optical detection of spin +waves beyond the diffraction limit using a metallic grating that selectively +absorbs laser light. Specifically, we demonstrate the detection of propagating +spin waves with a wavelength of 700 nm using a diffraction-limited laser spot +with a size of 10 $\mu$m in 20 nm thick Py strips. Additionally, we show that +this grating is selective to the wavelength of the spin wave, providing +wavevector-selective spin-wave detection. This should open up new avenues +towards the integration of the burgeoning fields of photonics and magnonics, +and aid in the optical detection of spin waves in the short-wavelength exchange +regime for fundamental research.",2210.12016v1 +2019-10-24,Spin waves in ferromagnetic thin films,"A spin wave is the disturbance of intrinsic spin order in magnetic materials. +In this paper, a spin wave in the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation is obtained +based on the assumption that the spin wave maintains its shape while it +propagates at a constant velocity. Our main findings include: (1) in the +absence of Gilbert damping, the spin wave propagates at a constant velocity +with the increment proportional to the strength of the magnetic field; (2) in +the absence of magnetic field, at a given time the spin wave converges +exponentially fast to its initial profile as the damping parameter goes to zero +and in the long time the relaxation dynamics of the spin wave converges +exponentially fast to the easy-axis direction with the exponent proportional to +the damping parameter; (3) in the presence of both Gilbert damping and magnetic +field, the spin wave converges to the easy-axis direction exponentially fast at +a small timescale while propagates at a constant velocity beyond that. These +provides a comprehensive understanding of spin waves in ferromagnetic +materials.",1910.11200v1 +2018-10-11,"Propagating spin waves in nanometer-thick yttrium iron garnet films: Dependence on wave vector, magnetic field strength and angle","We present a comprehensive investigation of propagating spin waves in +nanometer-thick yttrium iron garnet (YIG) films. We use broadband spin-wave +spectroscopy with integrated coplanar waveguides (CPWs) and microstrip antennas +on top of continuous and patterned YIG films to characterize spin waves with +wave vectors up to 10 rad/$\mu$m. All films are grown by pulsed laser +deposition. From spin-wave transmission spectra, parameters such as the Gilbert +damping constant, spin-wave dispersion relation, group velocity, relaxation +time, and decay length are derived and their dependence on magnetic bias field +strength and angle is systematically gauged. For a 40-nm-thick YIG film, we +obtain a damping constant of $3.5 \times 10^{-4}$ and a maximum decay length of +1.2 mm. Our experiments reveal a strong variation of spin-wave parameters with +magnetic bias field and wave vector. Spin-wave properties change considerably +up to a magnetic bias field of about 30 mT and above a field angle of +$\theta_{H} = 20^{\circ}$, where $\theta_{H} = 0^{\circ}$ corresponds to the +Damon-Eshbach configuration.",1810.04973v1 +2018-02-05,Realization of a spin wave switch based on the Spin-Transfer-Torque effect,"We investigate the amplification of externally excited spin waves via the +Spin-Transfer-Torque (STT) effect in combination with the Spin-Hall-Effect +(SHE) employing short current pulses. The results reveal that, in the case of +an overcompensation of the spin wave damping, a strong nonlinear shift of the +spin wave frequency spectrum occurs. In particular, this shift affects the spin +wave amplification using the SHE-STT effect. In contrast, this effect allows +for the realization of a spin wave switch. By determining the corresponding +working point, an efficient spin wave excitation is only possible in the +presence of the SHE-STT effect yielding an increased spin wave intensity of a +factor of 20 compared to the absence of the SHE-STT effect.",1802.01294v1 +2022-02-10,Amplifying spin waves along Néel domain wall by spin-orbit torque,"Traveling spin waves in magnonic waveguides undergo severe attenuation, which +tends to result in a finite propagation length of spin waves, even in magnetic +materials with the accessible lowest damping constant, heavily restricting the +development of magnonic devices. Compared with the spin waves in traditional +waveguides, propagating spin waves along strip domain wall are expected to +exhibit enhanced transmission. Here, we demonstrate, theoretically and through +micromagnetic simulations, that spin-orbit torque associated with a +ferromagnet/heavy metal bilayer can efficiently control the attenuation of spin +waves along a N\'eel-type strip domain wall, despite the complexity in the +ground-state magnetization configuration. The direction of the electric current +applied to the heavy-metal layer determines whether these spin waves are +amplified or further attenuated otherwise. Remarkably, our simulations reveal +that the effective current densities required to efficiently tune the decay of +such spin waves are just ~10^10 Am-2, roughly an order smaller than those +required in conventional spin waveguides. Our results will enrich the toolset +for magnonic technologies.",2202.05181v1 +2007-09-20,Spin wave resonances in La_{0.7}Sr_{0.3}MnO_{3} films: measurement of spin wave stiffness and anisotropy field,"We studied magnetic field dependent microwave absorption in epitaxial +La$_{0.7}$Sr$_{0.3}$MnO$_{3}$ films using an X-band Bruker ESR spectrometer. By +analyzing angular and temperature dependence of the ferromagnetic and spin-wave +resonances we determine spin-wave stiffness and anisotropy field. The spin-wave +stiffness as found from the spectrum of the standing spin-wave resonances in +thin films is in fair agreement with the results of inelastic neutron +scattering studies on a single crystal of the same composition [Vasiliu-Doloc +et al., J. Appl. Phys. \textbf{83}, 7343 (1998)].",0709.3204v2 +2019-10-09,Thermally controlled confinement of spin wave field in a magnonic YIG waveguide,"Methods for detecting spin waves rely on electrodynamical coupling between +the spin wave dipolar field and an inductive probe. While this coupling is +usually treated as constant, in this work, we experimentally and theoretically +show that it is indeed temperature dependent. By measuring the spin wave +magnetic field as a function of temperature of, and distance to the sample, we +demonstrate that there is both a longitudinal and transversal confinement of +the field near the YIG-Air interface. Our results are relevant for spin wave +detection, in particular in the field of spin wave caloritronics",1910.04304v1 +2021-06-08,Resonant excitation of twisted spin waves in magnetic vortices using rotating magnetic fields,"Twisted spin waves attracted research attentions lately and the orbital +angular momentum they carry may be utilized in communication and computing +technologies. In this work, we manifest by micromagnetic simulations that +twisted spin wave modes naturally exist in thick ferromagnetic disks. The +twisted spin waves can be readily stimulated using rotating magnetic field when +it is tuned to the eigenfrequency of corresponding modes. We analytically +derive dispersion relation of the twisted spin waves and the results agree well +with the numerical studies. Lastly, we demonstrate that the topological charge +of twisted spin waves can be controlled by the exciting field.",2106.04214v1 +2008-10-28,Quantization Of Spin Direction For Solitary Waves In A Uniform Magnetic Field,"It is known that there are nonlinear wave equations with localized solitary +wave solutions. Some of these solitary waves are stable (with respect to a +small perturbation of initial data) and have nonzero spin (nonzero intrinsic +angular momentum in the center of momentum frame). In this paper we consider +vector-valued solitary wave solutions to a nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation and +investigate the behavior of these spinning solitary waves under the influence +of an externally imposed uniform magnetic field. We find that the only +stationary spinning solitary wave solutions have spin parallel or anti-parallel +to the magnetic field direction.",0810.4959v2 +2020-09-28,Rolling Waves with Non-Paraxial Phonon Spins,"We demonstrate a new class of elastic waves in the bulk: When longitudinal +and transverse components propagate at the same speed, rolling waves with a +spin that is not parallel to the wave vector can emerge. First, we give a +general definition of spin for traveling waves. Then, since rolling waves +cannot exist in isotropic solids, we derive conditions for anisotropic media +and proceed to design architected materials capable of hosting rolling waves. +Numerically, we show spin manipulations by reflection. Structures reported in +this work can be fabricated using available techniques, opening new +possibilities for spin technologies in acoustics, mechanics and phononics.",2009.13014v1 +2021-12-27,Spin-electron-acoustic waves and solitons in high-density degenerate relativistic plasmas,"The spin-electron-acoustic waves (sometimes called the spin-plasmons) can be +found in degenerate electron gas if the spin-up electrons and spin down +electrons move relatively each other. Here, we suggest relativistic +hydrodynamics with the separate spin evolution which allows us to study linear +and nonlinear spin-electron-acoustic waves, including the +spin-electron-acoustic solitons. Presented hydrodynamic model is the +corresponding generalization of the relativistic hydrodynamic model with the +average reverse gamma factor evolution which consists of the equations for +evolution of the following functions the partial concentrations (for spin-up +electrons and spin down electrons), the partial velocity fields, the partial +average reverse relativistic gamma factors, and the partial flux of the reverse +relativistic gamma factors. We find that the relativistic effects decreases the +phase velocity of spin-electron-acoustic waves. Numerical analysis of the +changes of spectra of Langmuir wave, spin-electron-acoustic wave, and +ion-acoustic wave under the change of the spin polarization of electrons is +presented. It is demonstrated that spectra of Langmuir wave and +spin-electron-acoustic wave getting closer to each other in the relativistic +limit. Spin dependence of the amplitude and width of the relativistic +spin-electron-acoustic soliton is demonstrated as well. Reformation of the +bright soliton of potential of the electric field into the dark soliton under +the influence of the relativistic effects is found.",2112.13880v1 +2012-08-09,Attenuation characteristics of spin pumping signal due to travelling spin waves,"The authors have investigated the contribution of the surface spin waves to +spin pumping. A Pt/NiFe bilayer has been used for measuring spin waves and spin +pumping signals simultaneously. The theoretical framework of spin pumping +resulting from ferromagnetic resonance has been extended to incorporate spin +pumping due to spin waves. Equations for the effective area of spin pumping due +to spin waves have been derived. The amplitude of the spin pumping signal +resulting from travelling waves is shown to decrease more rapidly with +precession frequency than that resulting from standing waves and show good +agreement with the experimental data.",1208.1837v1 +2013-07-29,Current-induced spin wave excitation in Pt|YIG bilayer,"We develop a self-consistent theory for current-induced spin wave excitations +in normal metal-magnetic insulator bilayer systems, thereby establishing the +relation between spin wave excitation and the experimentally controlled +parameters. We fully take into account the complex spin wave spectrum including +dipolar interactions and surface anisotropy as well as the spin-pumping at the +interface. Our results focus on the mode-dependent power close to the critical +currents for spin wave excitation. The major findings are (a) the spin transfer +torque can excite different spin-wave modes simultaneously; (b) spin pumping +counterbalances spin-transfer torque and affects the surface modes more than +the bulk modes; (c) spin pumping inhibits high frequency spin-wave modes, +thereby redshifting the excitation spectrum. We can get agreement with +experiments on yttrium iron garnet|platinum bilayers by postulating the +existence of surface anisotropy modes.",1307.7607v2 +2008-03-29,Quantized spin waves and perpendicular standing spin waves stimulated by current in a single-layered ferromagnetic wire,"The rectifying effect of radio-frequency (RF) current is highly sensitive in +terms of the spatial spin distribution and dynamics. It emerged that an +additional spin wave mode was stimulated by the direct-current (DC) current and +that this spin wave was detectable via rectification of the RF current. A +phenomenological model to describe the time-dependent anisotropic +magnetoresistance or time-dependent planer Hall effect is proposed and found to +correlate well to the experimental results. The nonlinear spin dynamics +accompanying additional spin waves are studied as functions of the RF and DC +currents, the external magnetic field, and the applied field direction.",0803.4271v1 +2008-12-13,Spin-Transfer Torque in Helical Spin-Density Waves,"The current driven magnetisation dynamics of a helical spin-density wave is +investigated. Expressions for calculating the spin-transfer torque of real +systems from first principles density functional theory are presented. These +expressions are used for calculating the spin-transfer torque for the spin +spirals of Er and fcc Fe at two different lattice volumes. It is shown that the +calculated torque induces a rigid rotation of the order parameter with respect +to the spin spiral axis. The torque is found to depend on the wave vector of +the spin spiral and the spin-polarisation of the Fermi surface states. The +resulting dynamics of the spin spiral is also discussed.",0812.2509v1 +2006-01-25,Spin-Dynamical Analysis of Supercell Spin Configurations,"A model-independent approach capable of extracting spin-wave frequencies and +displacement vectors from ensembles of supercell spin configurations is +presented. The method is appropriate for those systems whose spin-dynamical +motion is well characterised by small-amplitude fluctuations that give harmonic +spin waves. First, the the spin-dynamical matrix is described and its +eigenvalues shown to correspond to the spin-wave mode frequencies. The +generalised spin coordinate matrix - a quantity that may be calculated from the +observed spin orientations in an ensemble of spin configurations - is then +introduced and its relationship to the spin-dynamical matrix established. Its +eigenvalues are subsequently shown to be related to the spin-wave mode +frequencies, allowing the extraction of spin-wave dispersion curves from +configurational ensembles. Finally, a quantum-mechanical derivation of the same +results is given, and the method applied as a case study to spin Monte-Carlo +configurations of a 3D Heisenberg ferromagnet.",0601559v2 +2020-05-20,Controlling the propagation of dipole-exchange spin waves using local inhomogeneity of the anisotropy,"Spin waves are promising candidates to carry, transport, and process +information. Controlling the propagation characteristics of spin waves in +magnetic materials is an essential ingredient for designing spin-wave based +computing architectures. Here, we study the influence of surface +inhomogeneities on the spin-wave signals transmitted through thin films. We use +micromagnetic simulations to study the spin-wave dynamics in an in-plane +magnetized yttrium iron garnet thin film with a thickness in the nanometre +range in the presence of surface defects in the form of locally introduced +uniaxial anisotropies. These defects are used to demonstrate that the Backward +Volume Magnetostatic Spin Waves (BVMSW) are more responsive to backscattering +in comparison to Magnetostatic Surface Spin Waves (MSSWs). For this particular +defect type, the reason for this behavior can be quantitatively related to the +difference in the magnon band structures for the two types of spin waves. To +demonstrate this, we develop a quasi-analytical theory for the scattering +process. It shows an excellent agreement with the micromagnetic simulations, +sheds light on the backscattering processes and provides a new way to analyze +the spin-wave transmission rates in the presence of surface inhomogeneities in +sufficiently thin films, for which the role of exchange energy in the spin-wave +dynamics is significant. Our study paves the way to designing magnonic logic +devices for data processing which rely on a designed control of the spin-wave +transmission.",2005.09965v2 +2023-06-16,Theory of propagating spin wave spectroscopy using inductive antennas: conditions for unidirectional energy flow,"Many recent papers report on the interest of spin waves for applications. +This paper revisits the propagating spin wave spectroscopy when using inductive +transceivers connected to a network analyzer. The spin wave conduit can be made +of a non-reciprocal material. The formalism offers a method to understand, +design and optimize devices harnessing propagating spin waves, including when a +unidirectional energy flow is desired. The concept of the mismatch of helicity +between the spin wave and the magnetic field radiated by antennas is first +clarified. Owing to the form of the susceptibility tensor reflecting the +precession ellipticity, there exists specific orientations of the wavevector +for which a perfect helicity mismatch is reached. The spin waves with this +orientation and this direction of wavevector are ""dark"" in the sense that they +do not couple with the inductive antenna. This leads to single-sided wavevector +generation, that should not to be confused with a unidirectional emission of +energy. A method to calculate the antenna-to-antenna transmission parameter is +then provided. Analytical approximations are then applied on situations that +illustrate the respective role of the direction of the spin wave wavevector +versus that of the group velocity. The often-encountered cases of spin waves +possessing either a V-shaped or a flat dispersion relation are revisited. These +reciprocal dispersion relations lead to amplitude non-reciprocity because of +the helicity mismatch phenomenon. Conversely, for spin waves with a line-shaped +dispersion relation, a quasi-unidirectional emission of spin waves occurs. This +situation can be obtained when using the acoustical spin waves of synthetic +antiferromagnets when the wavevector is close to parallel to the applied field. +We finally show that this configuration can be harnessed to design +reconfigurable frequency filters.",2306.09716v2 +2010-08-27,Enhancement of the spin pumping efficiency by spin-wave mode selection,"The spin pumping efficiency of lateral standing spin wave modes in a +rectangular YIG/Pt sample has been investigated by means of the inverse +spin-Hall effect (ISHE). The standing spin waves drive spin pumping, the +generation of spin currents from magnetization precession, into the Pt layer +which is converted into a detectable voltage due to the ISHE. We discovered +that the spin pumping efficiency is significantly higher for lateral standing +surface spin waves rather than for volume spin wave modes. The results suggest +that the use of higher-mode surface spin waves allows for the fabrication of an +efficient spin-current injector.",1008.4714v2 +2011-06-22,All-magnonic spin-transfer torque and domain wall propagation,"The spin wave transportation through a transverse magnetic domain wall (DW) +in a magnetic nanowire is studied. It is found that spin wave passes through a +DW without reflection. A magnon, the quantum of the spin wave, carries opposite +spins on the two sides of the DW. As a result, there is a spin angular momentum +transfer from the propagating magnons to the DW. This magnonic spin-transfer +torque can efficiently drive a DW to propagate in the opposite direction to +that of the spin wave.",1106.4382v2 +2013-05-07,Spin Wave Excitation in Magnetic Insulator Thin Films by Spin-Transfer Torque,"We describe excitation of dipole-exchange spin waves in insulating magnetic +thin films by spin current injection at the surface of the film. An easy-axis +magnetic surface anisotropy can induce a non-chiral surface spin wave mode with +penetration depth inversely proportional to the strength of the surface +anisotropy, which strongly reduces the critical current and enhances the +excitation power. The importance of the interface spin wave modes on the +excitation spectrum is reduced by spin pumping, which depends on the quality of +the interface as expressed by the spin mixing conductance.",1305.1364v2 +2020-12-15,Spin wave spectral probing of possible microstates in building-block of macroscopically degenerate artificial spin ice,"We have investigated the spin wave modes of strongly dipolar coupled, highly +anisotropic nanoislands forming square artificial spin ice system using +micromagnetic simulation in MUMAX3 in combination with Matlab coding. +Artificial spin ice is considered to be formed by the four square ring-type +structure of elliptical cross-section nanoislands. Our results state the direct +relation between the spin wave modes generated and the micro-states formed in +the system. We have shown that single ring type structure can alone be +adequately used to understand the spin wave modes of square artificial spin +ice.",2012.08093v1 +2006-01-17,Spin wave instabilities and field induced transitions in heavy fermions,"We study phase transitions in heavy fermion systems due to spin-wave +instabilities. One motivation is to determine the changes in the spin-wave +parameters of a magnetically ordered heavy fermion system as it approaches a +quantum critical point (QCP) by applying pressure. The other more actual is to +provide an alternative approach, based on spin-wave instabilities, for the +magnetic field induced transitions recently observed in antiferromagnetic heavy +fermion materials.",0601385v1 +2013-01-23,Characterization of magnetostatic surface spin waves in magnetic thin films: evaluation for microelectronic applications,"The authors have investigated the possibility of utilizing spin waves for +inter- and intra-chip communications, and as logic elements using both +simulations and experimental techniques. Through simulations it has been shown +that the decay lengths of magnetostatic spin waves are affected most by the +damping parameter, and least by the exchange stiffness constant. The damping +and dispersion properties of spin waves limit the attenuation length to several +tens of microns. Thus, we have ruled out the possibility of inter-chip +communications via spin waves. Experimental techniques for the extraction of +the dispersion relationship have also been demonstrated, along with +experimental demonstrations of spin wave interference for amplitude modulation. +The effectiveness of spin wave modulation through interference, along with the +capability of determining the spin wave dispersion relationships electrically +during manufacturing and testing phase of chip production may pave the way for +using spin waves in analog computing wherein the circuitry required for +performing similar functionality becomes prohibitive.",1301.5395v1 +2013-09-10,Spin wave excitation patterns generated by spin torque oscillators,"Spin torque nano oscillators (STNO) are nano-scale devices that can convert a +direct current into short wave-length spin-wave excitations in a ferromagnetic +layer. We show that arrays of STNO can be used to create directional spin-wave +radiation similar to electromagnetic antennas. Combining STNO excitations with +planar spin waves also creates interference patterns. We show that these +interference patterns are static and have information on the wavelength and +phase of the spin waves emitted from the STNO.We describe means of actively +controlling spin-wave radiation patterns with the direct current owing through +STNO, which is useful in on-chip communication and information processing and +could be a promising technique for studying short wave-length spin waves in +different materials.",1309.2436v1 +2016-10-27,Spin-wave propagation in ultra-thin YIG based waveguides,"Spin-wave propagation in an assembly of microfabricated 20 nm thick, 2.5 +{\mu}m wide Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) waveguides is studied using propagating +spin-wave spectroscopy (PSWS) and phase resolved micro-focused Brillouin Light +Scattering ({\mu}-BLS) spectroscopy. We show that spin-wave propagation in 50 +parallel waveguides is robust against microfabrication induced imperfections. +Spin-wave propagation parameters are studied in a wide range of excitation +frequencies for the Damon-Eshbach (DE) configuration. As expected from its low +damping, YIG allows the propagation of spin waves over long distances (the +attenuation lengths is 25 {\mu}m at \mu$_{0}$H = 45 mT). Direct mapping of spin +waves by {\mu}-BLS allows us to reconstruct the spin-wave dispersion relation +and to confirm the multi-mode propagation in the waveguides, glimpsed by +propagating spin-wave spectroscopy.",1610.08756v1 +2019-02-25,Nonreciprocal nano-optics with spin-waves in synthetic antiferromagnets,"Integrated optically-inspired wave-based processing is envisioned to +outperform digital architectures in specific tasks, such as image processing +and speech recognition. In this view, spin-waves represent a promising route +due to their nanoscale wavelength in the GHz frequency range and rich +phenomenology. Here, we realize a versatile optically-inspired platform using +spin-waves, demonstrating the wavefront engineering, focusing, and robust +interference of spin-waves with nanoscale wavelength. In particular, we use +magnonic nanoantennas based on tailored spin-textures for launching spatially +shaped coherent wavefronts, diffraction-limited spin-wave beams, and generating +robust multi-beam interference patterns, which spatially extend for several +times the spin-wave wavelength. Furthermore, we show that intriguing features, +such as resilience to back-reflection, naturally arise from the spin-wave +nonreciprocity in synthetic antiferromagnets, preserving the high quality of +the interference patterns from spurious counterpropagating modes. This work +represents a fundamental step towards the realization of nanoscale +optically-inspired devices based on spin-waves.",1902.09420v2 +2016-03-17,Spin-Wave Fiber,"Spin waves are collective excitations propagating in the magnetic medium with +ordered magnetizations. Magnonics, utilizing the spin wave (magnon) as +information carrier, is a promising candidate for low-dissipation computation +and communication technologies. We discover that, due to the +Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, the scattering behavior of spin wave at a +magnetic domain wall follows a generalized Snell's law, where two magnetic +domains work as two different mediums. Similar to optical total reflection that +occurs at the water-air interfaces, spin waves may experience total reflection +at magnetic domain walls when their incident angle larger than a critical +value. We design a spin wave fiber using a magnetic domain structure with two +domain walls, and demonstrate that such a spin wave fiber can transmit spin +waves over long distance by total internal reflections, in analogy to an +optical fiber. Our design of spin wave fiber opens up new possibilities in pure +magnetic information processing.",1603.05325v1 +2020-09-08,Time refraction of spin waves,"We present an experimental study of time refraction of spin waves propagating +in microscopic waveguides under the influence of time-varying magnetic fields. +Using space- and time-resolved Brillouin light scattering microscopy, we +demonstrate that the broken translational symmetry along the time coordinate +can be used to in- or decrease the energy of spin waves during their +propagation. This allows for a broadband and controllable shift of the +spin-wave frequency. Using an integrated design of spin-wave waveguide and +microscopic current line for the generation of strong, nanosecond-long, +magnetic field pulses, a conversion efficiency up to 39% of the carrier +spin-wave frequency is achieved, significantly larger compared to photonic +systems. Given the strength of the magnetic field pulses and its strong impact +on the spin-wave dispersion relation, the effect of time refraction can be +quantified on a length scale comparable to the spin-wave wavelength. +Furthermore, we utilize time refraction to excite spin-wave bursts with pulse +durations in the nanosecond range and a frequency shift depending on the pulse +polarity.",2009.03654v1 +2017-01-05,Excitation and detection of short-waved spin waves in ultrathin Ta/CoFeB/MgO-layer system suitable for spin-orbit-torque magnonics,"We report on the excitation and detection of short-waved spin waves with wave +vectors up to about $40\,\mathrm{rad}\,\mu\mathrm{m}^{-1}$ in spin-wave +waveguides made from ultrathin, in-plane magnetized Co$_{8}$Fe$_{72}$B$_{20}$ +(CoFeB). The CoFeB is incorporated in a layer stack of Ta/CoFeB/Mgo, a layer +system featuring large spin orbit torques and a large perpendicular magnetic +anisotropy constant. The short-waved spin waves are excited by nanometric +coplanar waveguides and are detected via spin rectification and microfocussed +Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy. We show that the large perpendicular +magnetic anisotropy benefits the spin-wave lifetime greatly, resulting in a +lifetime comparable to bulk systems without interfacial damping. The presented +results pave the way for the successful extension of magnonics to ultrathin +asymmetric layer stacks featuring large spin orbit torques.",1701.01399v1 +2020-06-23,An Introduction to Spin Wave Computing,"This paper provides a tutorial overview over recent vigorous efforts to +develop computing systems based on spin waves instead of charges and voltages. +Spin-wave computing can be considered as a subfield of spintronics, which uses +magnetic excitations for computation and memory applications. The tutorial +combines backgrounds in spin-wave and device physics as well as circuit +engineering to create synergies between the physics and electrical engineering +communities to advance the field towards practical spin-wave circuits. After an +introduction to magnetic interactions and spin-wave physics, all relevant basic +aspects of spin-wave computing and individual spin-wave devices are reviewed. +The focus is on spin-wave majority gates as they are the most prominently +pursued device concept. Subsequently, we discuss the current status and the +challenges to combine spin-wave gates and obtain circuits and ultimately +computing systems, considering essential aspects such as gate interconnection, +logic level restoration, input-output consistency, and fan-out achievement. We +argue that spin-wave circuits need to be embedded in conventional CMOS circuits +to obtain complete functional hybrid computing systems. The state of the art of +benchmarking such hybrid spin-wave--CMOS systems is reviewed and the current +challenges to realize such systems are discussed. The benchmark indicates that +hybrid spin-wave--CMOS systems promise ultralow-power operation and may +ultimately outperform conventional CMOS circuits in terms of the +power-delay-area product. Current challenges to achieve this goal include +low-power signal restoration in spin-wave circuits as well as efficient +spin-wave transducers.",2006.12905v3 +2021-03-14,Dispersion relation of nutation surface spin waves in ferromagnets,"Inertia effects in magnetization dynamics are theoretically shown to result +in a different type of spin waves, i.e. nutation surface spin waves, which +propagate at terahertz frequencies in in-plane magnetized ferromagnetic thin +films. Considering the magnetostatic limit, i.e. neglecting exchange coupling, +we calculate dispersion relation and group velocity, which we find to be slower +than the velocity of conventional (precession) spin waves. In addition, we find +that the nutation surface spin waves are backward spin waves. Furthermore, we +show that inertia causes a decrease of the frequency of the precession spin +waves, namely magnetostatic surface spin waves and backward volume +magnetostatic spin waves. The magnitude of the decrease depends on the magnetic +properties of the film and its geometry.",2103.07864v2 +2023-06-30,Spin Wave Driven Skyrmions in a Bipartite Antiferromagnetic Lattice,"We show that a Skyrmion in a classical bipartite antiferromagnetic lattice +can be spatially displaced in a controlled manner by externally applied spin +waves. We reveal the relation between the Skyrmion motion and the spin wave +properties. To this end, we derive a classical spin wave formalism which is +tailored to the antiferromagnetic two-dimensional square lattice. The +antiferromagnetic spin waves can be classified into two types with respect to +their polarization, with two modes each. The circularly polarized spin waves +oscillate with different amplitudes in the respective sublattices and induce a +Skyrmion Hall effect. The two modes are symmetric under sublattices exchange +and determine the overall sign of the Hall angle. Linearly polarized spin waves +oscillate elliptically, however, with the same amplitude on each sublattice. +These accelerate the Skyrmion solely into their own propagation direction. The +two modes are symmetric under component x-y exchange and impact Bloch- or +N\'eel Skyrmions differently. Our results indicate possible technical +applications of spin-wave driven Skyrmion motion. As one example we propose a +racetrack where spin waves pump Skyrmions along the track in antiferromagnets.",2306.17678v2 +2023-08-03,Hybrid Spin and Anomalous Spin-Momentum Locking in Surface Elastic Waves,"Transverse spin of surface waves is a universal phenomenon which has recently +attracted significant attention in optics and acoustics. It appears in gravity +water waves, surface plasmon-polaritons, surface acoustic waves, and exhibits +remarkable intrinsic spin-momentum locking, which has found useful applications +for efficient spin-direction couplers. Here we demonstrate, both theoretically +and experimentally, that the transverse spin of surface elastic (Rayleigh) +waves has an anomalous sign near the surface, opposite to that in the case of +electromagnetic, sound, or water surface waves. This anomalous sign appears due +to the hybrid (neither transverse nor longitudinal) nature of elastic surface +waves. Furthermore, we show that this sign anomaly can be employed for the +selective spin-controlled excitation of symmetric and antisymmetric Lamb modes +propagating in opposite directions in an elastic plate. Our results pave the +way for spin-controlled manipulation of elastic waves and can be important for +a variety of areas, from phononic spin-based devices to seismic waves.",2308.01953v1 +2018-03-13,Theory of nonreciprocal spin waves excitation in spin-Hall oscillators with Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interaction,"A two-dimensional analytical model for the description of the excitation of +nonreciprocal spin waves by spin current in spin-Hall oscillators in the +presence of the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (i-DMI) is +developed. The theory allows one to calculate the threshold current for the +excitation of spin waves, as well as the frequencies and spatial profiles of +the excited spin wave modes. It is found, that the frequency of the excited +spin waves exhibits a quadratic red shift with the i-DMI strength. At the same +time, in the range of small and moderate values of the i-DMI constant, the +averaged wave number of the excited spin waves is almost independent of the +i-DMI, which results in a rather weak dependence on the i-DMI of the threshold +current of the spin wave excitation. The obtained analytical results are +confirmed by the results of micromagnetic simulations.",1803.05061v1 +2021-02-24,SU(4) spin waves in the $ν=\pm1$ quantum Hall ferromagnet in graphene,"We study generalized spin waves in graphene under a strong magnetic field +when the Landau-level filling factor is $\nu=\pm 1$. In this case, the ground +state is a particular SU(4) quantum Hall ferromagnet, in which not only the +physical spin is fully polarized but also the pseudo-spin associated with the +valley degree of freedom. The nature of the ground state and the spin-valley +polarization depend on explicit symmetry breaking terms that are also reflected +in the generalised spin-wave spectrum. In addition to pure spin waves, one +encounters valley-pseudo-spin waves as well as more exotic entanglement waves +that have a mixed spin-valley character. Most saliently, the SU(4) +symmetry-breaking terms do not only yield gaps in the spectra, but under +certain circumstances, namely in the case of residual ground-state symmetries, +render the originally quadratic (in the wave vector) spin-wave dispersion +linear.",2102.12438v1 +2021-05-06,Spin Wave Interference Detection via Inverse Spin Hall Effect,"In this letter, we present experimental data demonstrating spin wave +interference detection using spin Hall effect (ISHE). Two coherent spin waves +are excited in a yttrium-iron garnet (YIG) waveguide by continuous microwave +signals. The initial phase difference between the spin waves is controlled by +the external phase shifter. The ISHE voltage is detected at a distance of 2 mm +and 4 mm away from the spin wave generating antennae by an attached Pt layer. +Experimental data show ISHE voltage oscillation as a function of the phase +difference between the two interfering spin waves. This experiment demonstrates +an intriguing possibility of using ISHE in spin wave logic circuit converting +spin wave phase into an electric signal",2105.02979v1 +2022-07-06,Filtering and imaging of frequency-degenerate spin waves using nanopositioning of a single-spin sensor,"Nitrogen-vacancy (NV) magnetometry is a new technique for imaging spin waves +in magnetic materials. It detects spin waves by their microwave magnetic stray +fields, which decay evanescently on the scale of the spin-wavelength. Here, we +use nanoscale control of a single-NV sensor as a wavelength filter to +characterize frequency-degenerate spin waves excited by a microstrip in a +thin-film magnetic insulator. With the NV-probe in contact with the magnet, we +observe an incoherent mixture of thermal and microwave-driven spin waves. By +retracting the tip, we progressively suppress the small-wavelength modes until +a single coherent mode emerges from the mixture. In-contact scans at low drive +power surprisingly show occupation of the entire iso-frequency contour of the +two-dimensional spin-wave dispersion despite our one-dimensional microstrip +geometry. Our distance-tunable filter sheds light on the spin-wave band +occupation under microwave excitation and opens opportunities for imaging +magnon condensates and other coherent spin-wave modes.",2207.02798v1 +2017-02-20,Parametric pumping of spin waves by acoustic waves,"The linear and nonlinear interactions between spin waves (magnons) and +acoustic waves (phonons) in magnetostrictive materials provide an exciting +opportunity for realizing novel microwave signal processing devices and +spintronic circuits. Here we demonstrate the parametric pumping of spin waves +by acoustic waves, the possibility of which has long been theoretically +anticipated but never experimentally realized. Spin waves propagating in a thin +film of yttrium iron garnet (YIG), a magnetostrictive ferrimagnet with low spin +and acoustic wave damping, are pumped using an acoustic resonator driven at +frequencies near twice the spin wave frequency. The observation of a +counter-propagating idler wave and a distinct pump threshold that increases +quadratically with frequency non-degeneracy are evidence of a nonlinear +parametric pumping process consistent with classical theory. This demonstration +of acoustic parametric pumping lays the groundwork for developing new +spintronic and microwave signal processing devices based on amplification and +manipulation of spin waves by efficient, spatially localized acoustic +transducers.",1702.06038v1 +1992-11-10,Spin-Wave Theory of the Spiral Phase of the t-J Model,"A graded H.P,realization of the SU(2|1) algebra is proposed.A spin-wave +theory with a condition that the sublattice magnetization is zero is +discussed.The long-range spiral phase is investigated.The spin-spin correlator +is calculated.",9211005v1 +2013-11-12,Quantum theory of spin waves in finite chiral spin chains,"We calculate the effect of spin waves on the properties of finite size spin +chains with a chiral spin ground state observed on bi-atomic Fe chains +deposited on Iridium(001). The system is described with a Heisenberg model +supplemented with a Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) coupling and a uniaxial single +ion anisotropy that presents a chiral spin ground state. Spin waves are studied +using the Holstein-Primakoff (HP) boson representation of spin operators. Both +the renormalized ground state and the elementary excitations are found by means +of Bogoliubov transformation, as a function of the two variables that can be +controlled experimentally, the applied magnetic field and the chain length. +Three main results are found. First, because of the non-collinear nature of the +classical ground state, there is a significant zero point reduction of the +ground state magnetization of the spin spiral. Second, the two lowest energy +spin waves are edge modes in the spin spiral state that, above a critical field +the results into a collinear ferromagnetic ground state, become confined bulk +modes. Third, in the spin spiral state, the spin wave spectrum exhibits +oscillatory behavior as function of the chain length with the same period of +the spin helix.",1311.2695v1 +2020-05-04,Spin-orbit-torque magnonics,"The field of magnonics, which utilizes propagating spin waves for nano-scale +transmission and processing of information, has been significantly advanced by +the advent of the spin-orbit torque. The latter phenomenon can allow one to +overcome two main drawbacks of magnonic devices - low energy efficiency of +conversion of electrical signals into spin wave signals, and fast spatial decay +of spin waves in thin-film waveguiding structures. At first glance, the +excitation and amplification of spin waves by spin-orbit torques can seem to be +straightforward. Recent research indicates, however, that the lack of the +mode-selectivity in the interaction of spin currents with dynamic magnetic +modes and the onset of dynamic nonlinear phenomena represent significant +obstacles. Here, we discuss the possible route to overcoming these limitations, +based on the suppression of nonlinear spin-wave interactions in magnetic +systems with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. We show that this approach +enables efficient excitation of coherent magnetization dynamics and propagating +spin waves in extended spatial regions, and is expected to enable practical +implementation of complete compensation of spin-wave propagation losses.",2005.01391v1 +1993-01-13,"Hierarchical wave function, Fock cyclic condition and spin-statistics relation in the spin-singlet fractional quantum Hall effect","We construct the hierarchical wave function of the spin-singlet fractional +quantum Hall effect, which turns out to satisfy Fock cyclic condition. The +spin-statistics relation of the quasi-particles in the spin-singlet fractional +quantum Hall effect is also discussed. Then we use particle-hole conjugation to +check the wave function.",9301015v1 +2009-07-16,Reverse Doppler effect in backward spin waves scattered on acoustic waves,"We report on the observation of reverse Doppler effect in backward spin waves +reflected off of surface acoustic waves. The spin waves are excited in a +yttrium iron garnet (YIG) film. Simultaneously, acoustic waves are also +generated. The strain induced by the acoustic waves in the magnetostrictive YIG +film results in the periodic modulation of the magnetic anisotropy in the film. +Thus, in effect, a travelling Bragg grating for the spin waves is produced. The +backward spin waves reflecting off of this grating exhibit a reverse Doppler +shift: shifting down rather than up in frequency when reflecting off of an +approaching acoustic wave. Similarly, the spin waves are shifted up in +frequency when reflecting from receding acoustic waves.",0907.2902v1 +2018-07-05,Bridging magnonics and spin-orbitronics,"The emerging field of nano-magnonics utilizes high-frequency waves of +magnetization - the spin waves - for the transmission and processing of +information on the nanoscale. The advent of spin-transfer torque has spurred +significant advances in nano-magnonics, by enabling highly efficient local +spin-wave generation in magnonic nanodevices. Furthermore, the recent emergence +of spin-orbitronics, which utilizes spin-orbit interaction as the source of +spin torque, has provided a unique ability to exert spin torque over spatially +extended areas of magnonic structures, enabling enhanced spin-wave +transmission. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that these advances can be +efficiently combined. We utilize the same spin-orbit torque mechanism for the +generation of propagating spin waves, and for the long-range enhancement of +their propagation, in a single integrated nano-magnonic device. The +demonstrated system exhibits a controllable directional asymmetry of spin wave +emission, which is highly beneficial for applications in non-reciprocal +magnonic logic and neuromorphic computing.",1807.02050v1 +2009-05-13,Observation of spin-wave propagation in permalloy microstripes,"We report on the propagation of spin waves in permalloy microstripes. By +means of scanning Kerr microscopy combined with continuous microwave +excitation, we detect the time evolution of spin-wave interference patterns in +an external magnetic field. Assuming transverse spin-wave quantization we can +directly measure the amplitude, phase velocity and damping for the +corresponding transversal wave mode numbers m. We find that the spin-wave +interference pattern is dominated by m=0 and m=2 with phase velocities v_0=71 +km/s and v_2=47 km/s, respectively.",0905.2172v1 +2019-07-21,Superradiant parametric conversion of spin waves,"Atomic-ensemble spin waves carrying single-photon Fock states exhibit +nonclassical many-body correlations in-between atoms. The same correlations are +inherently associated with single-photon superradiance, forming the basis of a +plethora of quantum light-matter interfaces. We devise a scheme allowing the +preparation of spatially-structured superradiant states in the atomic +two-photon cascade using spin-wave light storage. We thus show that long-lived +atomic ground-state spin waves can be converted to photon pairs opening the way +towards nonlinear optics of spin waves via multi-wave mixing processes.",1907.09001v2 +2005-09-15,Cubic magnets with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction at low T,"Ground state and spin-wave spectrum of cubic magnets with the +Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) such as MnSi and FeGe are studied +theoretically. The linear spin-wave theory is developed. The spin-wave spectrum +depends strongly on the magnetic field and strongly anisotropic. It is a result +of incommensurate magnetic structure when the DMI breaks the total spin +conservation law. The spin-wave spectrum is unstable at infinitesimal +perpendicular field. If the gap $\Delta$ is introduced the spectrum becomes +stable. The gap appears due to cubic anisotropy and the spin-wave interaction +considered in the Hartree-Fock approximation. Peculiar properties of the ESR +and neutron scattering in the helical magnets are considered and possibilities +of corresponding experimental studies are discussed.",0509406v1 +2011-08-30,Spin Wave Diffraction and Perfect Imaging of a Grating,"We study the diffraction of Damon-Eshbach-type spin waves incident on a +one-dimensional grating realized by micro slits in a thin permalloy film. By +means of time-resolved scanning Kerr microscopy we observe unique diffraction +patterns behind the grating which exhibit replications of the spin-wave field +at the slits. We show that these spin-wave images, with details finer than the +wavelength of the incident Damon-Eshbach spin wavelength, arise from the +strongly anisotropic spin wave dispersion.",1108.5883v1 +2014-08-15,Separated spin-up and spin-down evolution of degenerated electrons in two dimensional systems: Dispersion of longitudinal collective excitations in plane and nanotube geometry,"Applying the separated spin evolution quantum hydrodynamics to +two-dimensional electron gas in plane samples and nanotubes located in external +magnetic fields we find new kind of wave in electron gas, which is called the +spin-electron acoustic wave. Separate spin-up electrons and spin-down electrons +evolution reveals in replacement of the Langmuir wave by the couple of hybrid +waves. One of two hybrid waves is the modified Langmuir wave. Another hybrid +wave is the spin-electron acoustic wave. We study dispersion of these waves in +two dimensional structures of electrons. We also consider dependence of +dispersion properties on spin polarisation of electrons in external magnetic +field.",1408.3662v1 +2017-12-04,Phase-resolved Spin-Wave Tomography,"The propagation dynamics of spin waves are represented by their dispersion +relations. Recently, we have developed a method, called spin-wave tomography +(SWaT), to obtain dispersion relation of spin waves in the long wavelength +regime, so-called pure magnetostatic waves. In our previous studies on SWaT, +phase information of spin waves was disregarded. In this report, we demonstrate +an advanced SWaT analysis, called phase-resolved spin-wave tomography (PSWaT), +to realize the direct observation of the amplitude and the phase of spin waves. +The PSWaT spectra are obtained by separating the real and the imaginary +components of the complex Fourier transform in the SWaT analysis. We +demonstrate the PSWaT spectra of spin waves excited by the photo-induced +demagnetization in a Bi-doped garnet film, reflecting the characteristic +features of the complex dynamical susceptibility affected by magnetostatic +coupling in the film.",1712.00927v2 +2017-12-04,"Faster, farther, stronger: spin transfer torque driven high order propagating spin waves in nano-contact magnetic tunnel junctions","Short wave-length exchange-dominated propagating spin waves will enable +magnonic devices to operate at higher frequencies and higher data transmission +rates.1 While GMR based magnetic nano-contacts are highly efficient injectors +of propagating spin waves2,3, the generated wave lengths are 2.6 times the +nano-contact diameter4, and the electrical signal strength remains much too +weak for practical applications. Here we demonstrate nano-contact based spin +wave generation in magnetic tunnel junction stacks, and observe large discrete +frequency steps consistent with the hitherto ignored possibility of second and +third order propagating spin waves with wave lengths of 120 and 74 nm, i.e. +much smaller than the 150 nm nano-contact. These higher-order propagating spin +waves will not only enable magnonic devices to operate at much higher +frequencies, but also greatly increase their transmission rates and spin wave +propagating lengths, both proportional to the much higher group velocity.",1712.00954v2 +2018-01-17,Exploring Hidden Acoustic Spin Underwater,"Investigating wave propagation in fluid enables a variety of important +applications in underwater communications, object detections and unmanned robot +control. Conventionally, momentum and spin reveal fundamental physical +properties about propagating waves. Yet, vast previous research focused on the +orbital angular momentum of acoustics without thinking about the existence +possibility of spin due to the longitudinal wave nature. Here, we show that +underwater acoustic wave processes the non-trivial spin angular momentum +intrinsically, which is associated with its special spin-orbital coupling +relation for longitudinal waves. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this +intrinsic spin, although unobservable in plane wave form, can be detected by +four approaches: wave interference, Gaussian exponential decay form, boundary +evanescent wave, and waveguide mode. We further show that the strong +spin-orbital coupling can be exploited to achieve unidirectional excitation and +backscattering immune transport. We hope the present results can improve the +geometric and topological understanding about underwater acoustic wave and pave +the way on the spin-related underwater applications.",1801.05790v2 +2007-04-23,Feasibility Study of Logic Circuits with Spin Wave Bus,"We present a feasibility study of logic circuits utilizing spin waves for +information transmission and processing. As an alternative approach to the +transistor-based architecture, logic circuits with spin wave bus do not use +charge as an information carrier. In this work we describe the general concept +of logic circuits with spin wave bus and illustrate its performance by +numerical simulations based on available experimental data. Theoretical +estimates and results of numerical simulations on signal attenuation, signal +phase velocity, and the minimum spin wave energy required per bit in the spin +bus are obtained. The transport parameters are compared with ones for +conventional electronic transmission lines. Spin Wave Bus is not intended to +substitute traditional metal interconnects since it has higher signal +attenuation and lower signal propagation speed. The potential value of spin +wave bus is, however, an interface between electronic circuits and integrated +spintronics circuits. The logic circuits with spin wave bus allow us to provide +wireless read-in and read-out.",0704.2862v1 +2015-06-02,Effects of frustration and cyclic exchange on the spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet within the self-consistent spin-wave theory,"The relevance of the quasi-two-dimensional spin-1/2 frustrated quantum +antiferromagnet due to its possibility of modelling the high-temperature +superconducting parent compounds has resulted in numerous theoretical and +experimental studies. This paper presents a detailed research of the influence +of the varying exchange interactions on the model magnetic properties within +the framework of self-consistent spin-wave theory based on Dyson-Maleev +representation. Beside the nearest neighbour interaction within the plane, the +planar frustration up to the third nearest neighbours, cyclic interaction and +the interlayer coupling are taken into account. The detailed description of the +elementary spin excitations, staggered magnetization, spin-wave velocity +renormalization factor and ground-state energy is given. The results are +compared to the predictions of the linear spin-wave theory and when possible +also to the second-order perturbative spin-wave expansion results. Finally, +having at our disposal improved experimental results for the in-plane spin-wave +dispersion in high-$T_c$ copper oxide $\mbox{La}_2\mbox{CuO}_4$, the +self-consistent spin-wave theory is applied to that compound in order to +correct earlier obtained set of exchange parameters and high temperature +spin-wave dispersion.",1506.00773v1 +2019-06-20,Purely magnetic logic based on polarized spin waves,"Spin wave, the precession of magnetic order in magnetic materials, is a +collective excitation that carries spin angular momentum. Similar to the +acoustic or optical waves, the spin wave also possesses the polarization degree +of freedom. Although such polarization degrees of freedom are frozen in +ferromagnets, they are fully unlocked in antiferromagnets or ferrimagnets. Here +we introduce the concept of magnetic gating and demonstrate a spin wave analog +of the Datta-Das spin transistor in antiferromagnet. Utilizing the interplay +between polarized spin wave and the antiferromagnetic domain walls, we propose +a universal logic gate of pure magnetic nature, which realizes all Boolean +operations in one single magnetic structure. We further construct a full +functional 4-bit Arithmetic Logic Unit using only sixteen spin wave universal +logic gates, operating in a weaving fashion as a Jacquard loom machine. The +spin wave-based architecture proposed here also sets a model for the future +energy efficient non-volatile computing, the distributed processing-in-memory +computing, and the evolvable neuromorphic computing.",1906.08702v1 +2023-02-21,Amplification and frequency conversion of spin waves using acoustic waves,"We numerically study the acoustic parametric amplification of spin waves +using surface acoustic waves (SAW) in a magnetic thin film. First, we +illustrate how the process of parametric spin-wave generation using short-waved +SAWs with a fixed frequency allows to tune frequencies of the generated spin +waves by the applied magnetic field. We further present the amplification of +microwave driven spin waves using this method. The decay length and the +amplitude of the driven spin waves can be amplified up to approximately 2.5 and +10 times compared to the reference signal, respectively. More importantly, the +proposed design can be used as a frequency converter, in which a low (high) +frequency spin-wave mode stimulates the excitation of a high (low) frequency +mode. Our results pave the way in designing highly flexible and efficient +hybrid magnonic device architectures for microwave data transport and +processing.",2302.10614v1 +2021-09-10,Electrical spectroscopy of the spin-wave dispersion and bistability in gallium-doped yttrium iron garnet,"Yttrium iron garnet (YIG) is a magnetic insulator with record-low damping, +allowing spin-wave transport over macroscopic distances. Doping YIG with +gallium ions greatly reduces the demagnetizing field and introduces a +perpendicular magnetic anisotropy, which leads to an isotropic spin-wave +dispersion that facilitates spin-wave optics and spin-wave steering. Here, we +characterize the dispersion of a gallium-doped YIG (Ga:YIG) thin film using +electrical spectroscopy. We determine the magnetic anisotropy parameters from +the ferromagnetic resonance frequency and use propagating spin wave +spectroscopy in the Damon-Eshbach configuration to detect the small spin-wave +magnetic fields of this ultrathin weak magnet over a wide range of wavevectors, +enabling the extraction of the exchange constant $\alpha=1.3(2)\times10^{-12}$ +J/m. The frequencies of the spin waves shift with increasing drive power, which +eventually leads to the foldover of the spin-wave modes. Our results shed light +on isotropic spin-wave transport in Ga:YIG and highlight the potential of +electrical spectroscopy to map out the dispersion and bistability of +propagating spin waves in magnets with a low saturation magnetization.",2109.05045v1 +2017-08-19,Current induced multi-mode propagating spin waves in a spin transfer torque nano-contact with strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy,"Current induced spin wave excitations in spin transfer torque nano-contacts +are known as a promising way to generate exchange-dominated spin waves at the +nano-scale. It has been shown that when these systems are magnetized in the +film plane, broken spatial symmetry of the field around the nano-contact +induced by the Oersted field opens the possibility for spin wave mode +co-existence including a non-linear self-localized spin-wave bullet and a +propagating mode. By means of micromagnetic simulations, here we show that in +systems with strong perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) in the free layer, +two propagating spin wave modes with different frequency and spatial +distribution can be excited simultaneously. Our results indicate that in-plane +magnetized spin transfer nano-contacts in PMA materials do not host a solitonic +self-localized spin-wave bullet, which is different from previous studies for +systems with in plane magnetic anisotropy. This feature renders them +interesting for nano-scale magnonic waveguides and crystals since magnon +transport can be configured by tuning the applied current.",1708.05886v1 +2018-07-19,Spin-wave amplification and lasing driven by inhomogeneous spin transfer torques,"We show that an inhomogeneity in the spin-transfer torques in a metallic +ferromagnet under suitable conditions strongly amplifies incoming spin waves. +Moreover, at nonzero temperatures the incoming thermally occupied spin waves +will be amplified such that the region with inhomogeneous spin transfer torques +emits spin waves spontaneously, thus constituting a spin-wave laser. We +determine the spin-wave scattering amplitudes for a simplified model and +set-up, and show under which conditions the amplification and lasing occurs. +Our results are interpreted in terms of a so-called black-hole laser, and could +facilitate the field of magnonics, that aims to utilize spin waves in logic and +data-processing devices.",1807.07312v1 +2023-05-08,On the Origin of Acoustic Spin and Elastic Spin: Uncovering Hidden Wave Spin of Scalar Fields with Higher-Order Derivative Lagrangian,"Scalar field should have no spin angular momentum according to conventional +understandings in classical field theory. Yet, recent studies demonstrate the +undoubted existence of wave spin endowed by acoustic and elastic longitudinal +waves, which are of irrotational curl-free nature without vorticity and can be +described by scalar fields. Here, to solve this seeming discrepancy, we uncover +the origin of wave spin in scalar fields beyond traditional formalism by +clarifying that the presence of higher order derivatives in scalar field +Lagrangians can give rise to non-vanishing spin. For scalar fields with only +first order derivative, we can make the hidden wave spin emerge, by +constructing a latent field that leads to the original field through a time +derivative so that is of second order. We exemplify the wave spin for elastic +and acoustic fields, as well as for dissipative media, following Noether's +theorem in higher-order derivative Lagrangian. The results would prompt people +to build more comprehensive and fundamental understandings of structural wave +spin in classical fields.",2305.04939v1 +2024-03-10,Spin Waves and Spin Currents in Magnon-Phonon Composite Resonator Induced by Acoustic Waves of Various Polarizations,"In this work, we present the results of a systematic experimental study of +linear and parametric spin wave resonant excitation accompanied by spin +currents (spin pumping) in a multifrequency composite bulk acoustic wave +resonator with a ZnO-YIG-GGG-YIG/Pt structure. The features of magnetic +dynamics excitation in YIG films due to magnetoelastic coupling with acoustic +thickness modes of various polarizations are studied. Acoustic spin waves and +spin pumping are detected by simultaneous frequency-field mapping of the +inverse spin Hall effect voltage and the resonant frequencies of thickness +extensional modes. In the parametric range of frequencies and fields, acoustic +spin pumping induced by both shear and longitudinal polarization modes was +observed. Linear acoustic spin waves are excited only by shear thickness +extensional modes because longitudinal acoustic waves do not couple with the +magnetic subsystem in linear regime.",2403.06274v1 +2000-04-18,Modified spin-wave description of the nuclear spin relaxation in ferrimagnetic Heisenberg chains,"We make a modified spin-wave description of the nuclear spin relaxation in +Heisenberg alternating-spin chains with antiferromagnetic exchange coupling. In +contrast with the conventional one-dimensional antiferromagnetic spin-wave +theory, which is plagued with the divergence of the sublattice magnetization +even in the ground state, the present spin-wave description is highly +successful over a wide temperature range. The temperature dependence of the +relaxation rate $T_1^{-1}$ significantly varies with the crystalline structure, +exhibiting both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic aspects. $T_1^{-1}$ further +shows a unique dependence on the applied field, which turns out an indirect +observation of the quadratic dispersion relations.",0004297v1 +2002-08-30,Spin Waves in Random Spin Chains,"We study quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg ferromagnetic chains with dilute, random +antiferromagnetic impurity bonds with modified spin-wave theory. By describing +thermal excitations in the language of spin waves, we successfully observe a +low-temperature Curie susceptibility due to formation of large spin clusters +first predicted by the real-space renormalization-group approach, as well as a +crossover to a pure ferromagnetic spin chain behavior at intermediate and high +temperatures. We compare our results of the modified spin-wave theory to +quantum Monte Carlo simulations.",0208607v1 +2018-03-21,180-degree phase shift of magnetoelastic waves observed by phase-resolved spin-wave tomography,"We have investigated optically-excited magnetoelastic waves by phase-resolved +spin-wave tomography (PSWaT). PSWaT reconstructs dispersion relation of spin +waves together with their phase information by using time-resolved +magneto-optical imaging for spin-wave propagation followed by an analysis based +on the convolution theorem and a complex Fourier transform. In PSWaT spectra +for a Bi-doped garnet film, we found a 180 degree phase shift of magnetoelastic +waves at around the crossing of the dispersion relations of spin and elastic +waves. The result is explained by a coupling between spin waves and elastic +waves through magnetoelastic interaction. We also propose an efficient way for +phase manipulation of magnetoelastic waves by rotating the orientation of +magnetization less than 10 degree.",1803.07697v1 +2021-12-31,Spin-injection-generated shock waves and solitons in a ferromagnetic thin film: the spin piston problem,"The unsteady, nonlinear magnetization dynamics induced by spin injection in +an easy-plane ferromagnetic channel subject to an external magnetic field are +studied analytically. Leveraging a dispersive hydrodynamic description, the +Landau-Lifshitz equation is recast in terms of hydrodynamic-like variables for +the magnetization's perpendicular component (spin density) and azimuthal phase +gradient (fluid velocity). Spin injection acts as a moving piston that +generates nonlinear, dynamical spin textures in the ferromagnetic channel with +downstream quiescent spin density set by the external field. In contrast to the +classical problem of a piston accelerating a compressible gas, here, variable +spin injection and field lead to a rich variety of nonlinear wave phenomena +from oscillatory spin shocks to solitons and rarefaction waves. A full +classification of solutions is provided using nonlinear wave modulation theory +by identifying two key aspects of the fluid-like dynamics: subsonic/supersonic +conditions and convex/nonconvex hydrodynamic flux. Familiar waveforms from the +classical piston problem such as rarefaction (expansion) waves and shocks +manifest in their spin-based counterparts as smooth and highly oscillatory +transitions, respectively. The spin shock is an example of a dispersive shock +wave, which arises in many physical systems. New features without a gas +dynamics counterpart include composite wave complexes with ""contact"" spin +shocks and rarefactions. Magnetic supersonic conditions lead to two pronounced +piston edge behaviors including a stationary soliton and an oscillatory +wavetrain. These coherent wave structures have physical implications for the +generation of high frequency spin waves from pulsed injection and persistent, +stable stationary and/or propagating solitons in the presence of magnetic +damping. The analytical results are favorably compared with numerical +simulations.",2112.15301v2 +2019-09-11,Determining key spin-orbitronic parameters by means of propagating spin waves,"We characterize spin wave propagation and its modification by an electrical +current in Permalloy(Py)/Pt bilayers with Py thickness between 4 and 20 nm. +First, we analyze the frequency non-reciprocity of surface spin waves and +extract from it the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction constant +$D_s$ accounting for an additional contribution due to asymmetric surface +anisotropies. Second, we measure the spin-wave relaxation rate and deduce from +it the Py/Pt spin mixing conductance $g^{\uparrow\downarrow}_{eff}$. Last, +applying a \textit{dc} electrical current, we extract the spin Hall +conductivity $\sigma_{SH}$ from the change of spin wave relaxation rate due to +the spin-Hall spin transfer torque. We obtain a consistent picture of the spin +wave propagation data for different film thicknesses using a single set of +parameters $D_s=0.25$ pJ/m, $g^{\uparrow\downarrow}_{eff} = 3.2\times 10^{19}$ +m$^{-2}$ and $\sigma_{SH}=4\times10^{5}$ S/m.",1909.04935v1 +2020-05-14,"Modelling spin waves in noncollinear antiferromagnets: spin-flop states, spin spirals, skyrmions and antiskyrmions","Spin waves in antiferromagnetic materials have great potential for +next-generation magnonic technologies. However, their properties and their +dependence on the type of ground-state antiferromagnetic structure are still +open questions. Here, we investigate theoretically spin waves in one- and +two-dimensional model systems with a focus on noncollinear antiferromagnetic +textures such as spin spirals and skyrmions of opposite topological charges. We +address in particular the nonreciprocal spin excitations recently measured in +bulk antiferromagnet $\alpha$--$\text{Cu}_2\text{V}_2\text{O}_7$ utilizing +inelastic neutron scattering experiments [Phys.\ Rev.\ Lett.\ \textbf{119}, +047201 (2017)], where we help to characterize the nature of the detected +spin-wave modes. Furthermore, we discuss how the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya +interaction can lift the degeneracy of the spin-wave modes in antiferromagnets, +resembling the electronic Rashba splitting. We consider the spin-wave +excitations in antiferromagnetic spin-spiral and skyrmion systems and discuss +the features of their inelastic scattering spectra. We demonstrate that +antiskyrmions can be obtained with an isotropic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya +interaction in certain antiferromagnets.",2005.07250v1 +2022-03-19,Spin wave excitation and directional propagation in presence of magnetic charges in square artificial spin ice,"Artificial spin ice is a special class of engineered lattice of highly shape +anisotropic single domain magnetic nanostructures which is used as one of the +model systems to study the spin ice behavior observed in pyrochlore oxides. The +nanomagnets interact via dipolar interaction which results in correlated +magnetization dynamics exhibiting macroscopic spin configuration states. Here, +we exploit the interplay of underlying magnetic state and external bias field +orientation to study controlled spin wave propagation in square Artificial Spin +Ice (sASI) by performing detailed micromagnetic simulations. We report that +careful selection of vertices with local magnetic charges can effectively +direct the anisotropic spin wave in presence of an external field. Further, we +explore the influence of local charges due to the excited state in +even-coordinated vertices as well as uncompensated charges due to +odd-coordinated vertices on spin wave behavior. Our studies suggest that there +is no perceptible difference on spin wave dynamical behavior due to the origin +of local magnetic charge in sASI. Our results of controlled and directional +spin wave propagation in sASI system may be useful for low-power consumption +based all magnonic on-chip devices.",2203.10345v1 +2023-07-18,"Propagation of Coupled Acoustic, Electromagnetic and Spin Waves in Saturated Ferromagnetoelastic Solids","We study the propagation of plane waves in an unbounded body of a saturated +ferromagnetoelastic solid. The equations by Tiersten for small fields +superposed on finite initial fields in a saturated ferromagnetoelastic material +are employed, with their quasistatic magnetic field extended to dynamic +electric and magnetic fields for electromagnetic waves. Dispersion relations of +the plane waves are obtained. The cutoff frequencies and long wave +approximation of the dispersion curves are determined. Results show that +acoustic, electromagnetic and magnetic spin waves are coupled in such a +material. For YIG which is a cubic crystal without piezoelectric coupling, the +acoustic and electromagnetic waves are not directly coupled but they can still +interact indirectly through spin waves.",2307.09171v1 +2016-07-20,Effect of isoscalar spin-triplet pairings on spin-isospin responses in $sd-$ shell nuclei,"The spin magnetic dipole transitions and the neutron-proton spin-spin +correlations in $sd-$shell even-even nuclei with $N=Z$ are investigated using +shell model wave functions. The isoscalar spin-triplet pairing correlation +provides a substantial quenching effect on the spin magnetic dipole +transitions, especially the isovector (IV) ones. Consequently, an enhanced +isoscalar spin-triplet pairing interaction influences the proton-neutron +spin-spin correlation deduced from the difference between the isoscalar (IS) +and the IV sum rule strengths. The effect of the $\Delta$ ($\Delta_{33}$ +resonance)-hole coupling is examined in the IV spin transition and the +spin-spin correlations of the ground states.",1607.05881v2 +2009-09-17,Edge spin accumulation: spin Hall effect without bulk spin current,"Spin accumulation in a 2D electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit interaction +subject to an electric field can take place without bulk spin currents (edge +spin Hall effect). This is demonstrated for the collisional regime using the +non-equilibrium distribution function determined from the standard Boltzmann +equation. Spin accumulation originates from interference of incident and +reflected electron waves at the sample boundary.",0909.3156v1 +2018-11-03,Tunable Spin Seebeck Diode with Magnonic Spin Tunneling Junction,"We theoretically investigate the spin--wave spin current induced by the spin +Seebeck effect in magnonic spin tunneling junctions (MSTJs) for arbitrary +magnetization directions. We show that the MSTJ functions as a \textit{tunable} +spin Seebeck diode in which the tunneling spin current can be turned on and off +with high efficiency by controlling the magnetization direction.",1811.01141v1 +2017-11-19,SU($N$) spin-wave theory: Application to spin-orbital Mott insulators,"We present the application of the SU($N$) ($N>2$) spin-wave theory to +spin-orbital Mott insulators whose ground states exhibit magnetic orders. When +taking both the spin and orbital degrees of freedom into account rather than +projecting onto the Kramers doublet, the lowest spin-orbital locking energy +levels, due to the inevitable spin-orbital multipole exchange interactions, the +SU($N$) spin-wave theory should take the place of the SU($2$) one. To implement +the application, we introduce an efficient general local mean field approach +which involves all the local fluctuations into the SU($N$) linear spin-wave +theory. Our approach is tested firstly by calculating the multipolar spin-wave +spectra of the SU($4$) antiferromagnetic model. Then we apply it to +spin-orbital Mott insulators. It is revealed that the Hund's coupling would +influence the effectiveness of the isospin-$1/2$ representation when the spin +orbital coupling is not large enough. Besides, we also calculate the spin-wave +spectra based on the first principle calculations for two concrete materials, +$\alpha$-RuCl$_3$ and Sr$_2$IrO$_4$. The SU($N$) spin-wave theory appropriately +depicts the low-energy magnons and the spin-orbital excitations qualitatively.",1711.07041v1 +2021-03-10,Probing optical spin-currents using THz spin-waves in noncollinear magnetic bilayers,"Optically induced spin currents have proven to be useful in spintronics +applications, allowing for sub-ps all-optical control of magnetization. +However, the mechanism responsible for their generation is still heavily +debated. Here we use the excitation of spin-current induced THz spin-waves in +noncollinear bilayer structures to directly study optical spin-currents in the +time domain. We measure a significant laser-fluence dependence of the spin-wave +phase, which can quantitatively be explained assuming the spin current is +proportional to the time derivative of the magnetization. Measurements of the +absolute spin-wave phase, supported by theoretical calculations and +micromagnetic simulations, suggest that a simple ballistic transport picture is +sufficient to properly explain spin transport in our experiments and that the +damping-like optical STT dominates THz spin-wave generation. Our findings +suggest laser-induced demagnetization and spin-current generation share the +same microscopic origin.",2103.06029v1 +2010-01-26,Spin-wave instabilities in spin-transfer-driven magnetization dynamics,"We study the stability of magnetization precessions induced in spin-transfer +devices by the injection of spin-polarized electric currents. Instability +conditions are derived by introducing a generalized, far-from-equilibrium +interpretation of spin-waves. It is shown that instabilities are generated by +distinct groups of magnetostatically coupled spin-waves. Stability diagrams are +constructed as a function of external magnetic field and injected +spin-polarized current. These diagrams show that applying larger fields and +currents has a stabilizing effect on magnetization precessions. Analytical +results are compared with numerical simulations of spin-transfer-driven +magnetization dynamics.",1001.4806v1 +2021-06-18,Inelastic spin-wave beam scattering by edge-localized spin waves in ferromagnetic thin film,"Spin waves are promising chargeless information carriers for the future, +energetically efficient beyond-CMOS systems. Among many advantages there are +the ease of achieving nonlinearity, the variety of possible interactions, and +excitation types. Although the rapidly developing magnonic research has already +yielded impressive realizations, multi-mode nonlinear effects, particularly +with the propagating waves and their nanoscale realizations, are still an open +research problem. We study theoretically the dynamic interactions of the spin +waves confined to the edge of a thin ferromagnetic film with the spin-wave beam +incident at this edge. We found the inelastically scattered spin-wave beams at +frequencies increased and decreased by the frequency of the edge spin-wave +relative to the specularly reflected beam. We observed a strong dependence of +the angular shift of the inelastic scattered spin-wave beam on the edge-mode +frequency, which allowed us to propose a magnonic demultiplexing of the signal +encoded in spin waves propagating along the edge. Since dynamic magnetostatic +interactions, which are ubiquitous in the spin-wave dynamics, are decisive in +this process, this indicates the possibility of implementing the presented +effects, also in other configurations and their use in magnonic systems.",2106.09954v3 +2021-07-20,Spin-wave dispersion measurement by variable-gap propagating spin-wave spectroscopy,"Magnonics is seen nowadays as a candidate technology for energy-efficient +data processing in classical and quantum systems. Pronounced nonlinearity, +anisotropy of dispersion relations and phase degree of freedom of spin waves +require advanced methodology for probing spin waves at room as well as at mK +temperatures. Yet, the use of the established optical techniques like Brillouin +light scattering (BLS) or magneto optical Kerr effect (MOKE) at ultra-low +temperatures is forbiddingly complicated. By contrast, microwave spectroscopy +can be used at all temperatures but is usually lacking spatial and wavenumber +resolution. Here, we develop a variable-gap propagating spin-wave spectroscopy +(VG-PSWS) method for the deduction of the dispersion relation of spin waves in +wide frequency and wavenumber range. The method is based on the phase-resolved +analysis of the spin-wave transmission between two antennas with variable +spacing, in conjunction with theoretical data treatment. We validate the method +for the in-plane magnetized CoFeB and YIG thin films in $k\perp B$ and +$k\parallel B$ geometries by deducing the full set of material and spin-wave +parameters, including spin-wave dispersion, hybridization of the fundamental +mode with the higher-order perpendicular standing spin-wave modes and surface +spin pinning. The compatibility of microwaves with low temperatures makes this +approach attractive for cryogenic magnonics at the nanoscale.",2107.09363v1 +2023-01-16,Antiferromagnetic magnon spintronic based on non-reciprocal and non-degenerated ultra-fast spin-waves in the canted antiferromagnet α-Fe2O3,"Spin-waves in antiferromagnets hold the prospects for the development of +faster, less power-hungry electronics, as well as promising physics based on +spin-superfluids and coherent magnon-condensates. For both these perspectives, +addressing electrically coherent antiferromagnetic spin-waves is of importance, +a prerequisite that has so far been elusive, because unlike +ferromagnets,antiferromagnets couple weakly to radiofrequency fields. Here, we +demonstrate the detection of ultra-fast non-reciprocal spin-waves in the +dipolar-exchange regime of a canted antiferromagnet using both inductive and +spintronic transducers. Using time-of-flight spin-wave spectroscopy on hematite +({\alpha}-Fe2O3), we find that the magnon wave packets can propagate as fast as +20 km/s for reciprocal bulk spin-wave modes and up to 6 km/s for surface-spin +waves propagating parallel to the antiferromagnetic Neel vector. We finally +achieve efficient electrical detection of non-reciprocal spin-wave transport +using non-local inverse spin-Hall effects. The electrical detection of coherent +non-reciprocal antiferromagnetic spin waves paves the way for the development +of antiferromagnetic and altermagnet-based magnonic devices.",2301.06329v2 +2011-01-03,The building blocks of magnonics,"Novel material properties can be realized by designing waves' dispersion +relations in artificial crystals. The crystal's structural length scales may +range from nano- (light) up to centimeters (sound waves). Because of their +emergent properties these materials are called metamaterials. Different to +photonics, where the dielectric constant dominantly determines the index of +refraction, in a ferromagnet the spin-wave index of refraction can be +dramatically changed already by the magnetization direction. This allows a +different flexibility in realizing dynamic wave guides or spin-wave switches. +The present review will give an introduction into the novel functionalities of +spin-wave devices, concepts for spin-wave based computing and magnonic +crystals. The parameters of the magnetic metamaterials are adjusted to the +spin-wave k-vector such that the magnonic band structure is designed. However, +already the elementary building block of an antidot lattice, the singular hole, +owns a strongly varying internal potential determined by its magnetic dipole +field and a localization of spin-wave modes. Photo-magnonics reveal a way to +investigate the control over the interplay between localization and +delocalization of the spin-wave modes using femtosecond lasers, which is a +major focus of this review. We will discuss the crucial parameters to realize +free Bloch states and how, by contrast, a controlled localization might allow +to gradually turn on and manipulate spin-wave interactions in spin-wave based +devices in the future.",1101.0479v2 +2008-10-30,Magnetoelectric Spin Wave Amplifier for Spin Wave Logic Circuits,"We propose and analyze a spin wave amplifier aimed to enhance the amplitude +of the propagating spin wave via the magnetoelectric effect. The amplifier is a +two-layer multiferroic structure, which comprises piezoelectric and +ferromagnetic materials. By applying electric field to the piezoelectric layer, +the stress is produced. In turn, the stress changes the direction of the easy +axis in the ferromagnetic layer and the direction of the anisotropy field. The +rotation frequency of the easy axis is the same as the frequency of the spin +wave propagating through the ferromagnetic layer. As a result of this two-stage +process, the amplitude of the spin wave can be amplified depending on the angle +of the easy axis rotation. We present results of numerical simulations +illustrating the operation of the proposed amplifier. According to numerical +estimates, the amplitude of the spin wave signal can be increased by several +orders of magnitude. The energy efficiency of the electric-to-magnetic power +conversion is discussed. The proposed amplifier preserves the phase of the +initial signal, which is important for application to logic circuits based on +spin waves.",0810.5586v1 +2013-11-08,Spin wave nonreciprocity for logic device applications,"The utilization of spin waves as eigenmodes of the magnetization dynamics for +information processing and communication has been widely explored recently due +to its high operational speed with low power consumption and possible +applications for quantum computations. Previous proposals of spin wave +Mach-Zehnder devices were based on the spin wave phase, a delicate entity which +can be easily disrupted. Here, we propose a complete logic system based on the +spin wave amplitude utilizing the nonreciprocal spin wave behavior excited by +microstrip antennas. The experimental data reveal that the nonreciprocity of +magnetostatic surface spin wave can be tuned by the bias magnetic field. +Furthermore, engineering of the device structure could result in a high +nonreciprocity factor for spin wave logic applications.",1311.1881v1 +2017-05-09,Unidirectional control of optically induced spin waves,"Unidirectional control of optically induced spin waves in a rare-earth iron +garnet crystal is demonstrated. We observed the interference of two spin-wave +packets with different initial phases generated by circularly polarized light +pulses. This interference results in unidirectional propagation if the +spin-wave sources are spaced apart at 1/4 of the wavelength of the spin waves +and the initial phase difference is set to pi/2. The propagating direction of +the spin wave is switched by the polarization helicity of the light pulses. +Moreover, in a numerical simulation, applying more than two spin-wave sources +with a suitable polarization and spot shape, arbitrary manipulation of the spin +wave by the phased array method was replicated.",1705.03349v1 +2021-09-21,Chiral Surface Wave propagation with Anomalous Spin-momentum Locking,"The ability to control the directionality of surface waves by manipulating +its polarization has been of great significance for applications in spintronics +and polarization-based optics. Surface waves with evanescent tails are found to +possess an inherent in-plane transverse spin which is dependent on the +propagation direction while an out-of-plane transverse spin does not naturally +occur for surface waves and requires a specific surface design. Here, we +introduce a new type of surface waves called chiral surface wave which has two +transverse spins, an in-plane one that is inherent to any surface wave and an +out-of-plane spin which is enforced by the design due to strong x-to-y coupling +and broken rotational symmetry. The two transverse spins are locked to the +momentum. Our study opens a new direction for metasurface designs with enhanced +and controlled spin-orbit interaction by adding an extra degree of freedom to +control the propagation direction as well as the transverse spin of surface +waves.",2109.10314v1 +2023-09-29,Evanescent Electron Wave Spin,"Our study shows that an evanescent electron wave exists outside both finite +and infinite quantum wells, by solving exact solutions of the Dirac equation in +a cylindrical quantum well and maintaining wavefunction continuity at the +boundary. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the evanescent wave spins +concurrently with the wave inside the quantum well, by deriving analytical +expressions of the current density in the whole region. Our findings suggest +that it is possible to probe or eavesdrop on quantum spin information through +the evanescent wave spin without destroying the entire spin state. The wave +spin picture interprets spin as a global and deterministic property of the +electron wave that includes both the evanescent and confined wavefunctions. +This suggests that a quantum process or device based on the manipulation and +probing of the electron wave spin is deterministic in nature rather than +probabilistic.",2309.17325v3 +2023-10-20,Optical spin waves,"Chirality is inherent to a broad range of systems, including in solid-state +and wave physics. The precession (chiral motion) of electron spins in magnetic +materials, forming spin waves, has various properties and many applications in +magnetism and spintronics. We show that an optical analog of spin waves can be +generated in arrays of plasmonic nanohelices. Such optical waves arise from the +interaction between chiral helix eigenmodes carrying spin angular momentum. We +demonstrate that these optical spin waves are reflected at the interface +between successive domains of enantiomeric nanohelices, forming a heterochiral +lattice, regardless of the wave propagation direction within the lattice. +Optical spin waves may be applied in techniques involving photon spin, ranging +from data processing and storage to quantum optics.",2310.13600v2 +2024-03-22,Interference patterns of propagating spin wave in spin Hall oscillator arrays,"In this study, we discuss the observation of spin wave interference generated +by magnetic oscillators. We employ micromagnetic simulations for two coherent +spin Hall nanowire oscillators positioned nearby, horizontally or vertically. +The two nanowires produce circular waves with short wavelengths on the order of +100 nm, which interfere with each other. In the horizontal configuration, the +spin waves exhibit constructive and destructive fringes, indicating +amplification or cancellation of the amplitudes, respectively. The +synchronization of spin waves in the current geometry of the two nanowires is +facilitated by the combination of dipolar field and propagating spin waves. +Additionally, the vertical alignment results in standing spin waves +characterized by multiple antinodes and nodes. These observations are +interpreted using a wave model that incorporates the superposition principle +for each case.",2403.15060v1 +2021-07-21,Brillouin Light Scattering from Quantized Spin Waves in Nanowires with Antisymmetric Exchange Interactions,"Antisymmetric exchange interactions lead to non-reciprocal spin-wave +propagation. As a result, spin waves confined in a nanostructure are not +standing waves; they have a time-dependent phase, because counter-propagating +waves of the same frequency have different wavelengths. We report on a +Brillouin light scattering (BLS) study of confined spin waves in Co/Pt +nanowires with strong Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI). Spin-wave +quantization in narrow ($\lesssim 200$ nm width) wires dramatically reduces the +frequency shift between BLS Stokes and anti-Stokes lines associated with the +scattering of light incident transverse to the nanowires. In contrast, the BLS +frequency shift associated with the scattering of spin waves propagating along +the nanowire length is independent of nanowire width. A model that considers +the chiral nature of modes captures this physics and predicts a dramatic +reduction in frequency shift of light scattered from higher energy spin waves +in narrow wires, which is confirmed by our experiments.",2107.10303v2 +2023-08-02,Spin wave amplification through superradiance,"Superradiance is a phenomenon of multiple facets that occurs in classical and +quantum physics under extreme conditions. Here we present its manifestation in +spin waves under an easily realized condition. We show that an interface +between a current-free (normal) ferromagnetic (FM) region and a current-flow +(pumped) FM region can be a spin wave super-mirror whose reflection coefficient +is larger than 1. The super-reflection is the consequence of current-induced +spectrum inversion where phase and group velocities of spin waves are in the +opposite directions. An incident spin wave activates a backward propagating +refractive wave inside pumped FM region. The refractive spin wave re-enters the +normal FM region to constructively interfere with the reflective wave. It +appears that the pumped FM region coherently emits reflective waves, leading to +a super-reflection. The process resembles superradiance of a spinning black +hole through the Hawking radiation process, or Dicke superradiance of cavity +photons inside population inverted media.",2308.00962v1 +2015-12-30,Magnetization dynamics and spin pumping induced by standing elastic waves,"The magnetization dynamics induced by standing elastic waves excited in a +thin ferromagnetic film is described with the aid of micromagnetic simulations +taking into account the magnetoelastic coupling between spins and lattice +strains. The simulations have been performed for the 2 nm thick Fe81Ga19 film +dynamically strained by longitudinal and transverse standing waves with various +frequencies, which span a wide range around the resonance frequency nu_res of +coherent magnetization precession in unstrained Fe81Ga19 film. It is found that +standing elastic waves give rise to complex local magnetization dynamics and +spatially inhomogeneous dynamic magnetic patterns. The spatio-temporal +distributions of the magnetization oscillations in standing elastic waves have +the form of standing spin waves with the same wavelength. Remarkably, the +amplitude of magnetization precession does not go to zero at the nodes of these +spin waves, which cannot be precisely described by simple analytical formulae. +In the steady-state regime, the magnetization oscillates with the frequency of +elastic wave, except for the case of longitudinal waves with frequencies well +below nu_res, where the magnetization precesses with a variable frequency +strongly exceeding the wave frequency. The precession amplitude at the +antinodes of standing spin waves strongly increases when the frequency of +elastic wave becomes close to nu_res. The results obtained for the +magnetization dynamics driven by elastic waves are used to calculate the spin +current pumped from the dynamically strained ferromagnet into adjacent +paramagnetic metal. Importantly, the transverse charge current created by the +spin current via the inverse spin Hall effect is high enough to be measured +experimentally.",1512.09051v1 +2008-01-30,Spin waves in disordered magnetic systems,"Long-wavelength spin waves in disordered magnetic systems have been +investigated. In the framework of the Heisenberg model with magnetic dipole and +exchange interactions between spins it is found that an additional longitudinal +spin wave mode appears. This mode is characterized by variations of the value +of the magnetic moment density. In order to analyse influence of the magnetic +disorder on spin wave dispersion relations, the special case of volume and +surface spin waves in the Damon-Eshbach (DE) geometry in films with magnetic +disorder is considered. It is revealed strong influence of the magnetic +disorder on surface spin waves, which consist of two branches -- the DE mode +and the longitudinal spin wave mode. Decrease of the ordering parameters leads +to a decrease of the initial frequency and the curve slope of the DE mode +dispersion curve and to an increase of the dispersion curve slope of the +longitudinal mode. If the spin noncollinearity is high, then the DE mode +dispersion assumes a curve with the backward character. It is found that the +dispersion relation of the longitudinal mode is weak temperature dependent. The +developed model can explain the observed double-peak structure of FMR spectra +in magnetic nanocomposites.",0801.4633v1 +2016-03-24,Separated spin evolution quantum hydrodynamics of degenerated electrons with spin-orbit interaction and extraordinary wave spectrum,"To consider a contribution of the spin-orbit interaction in the extraordinary +wave spectrum we derive a generalization of the separate spin evolution quantum +hydrodynamics. Applying corresponding nonlinear Pauli equation we include Fermi +spin current contribution in the spin evolution. We find that the spectrum of +extraordinary waves consists of three branches: two of them are well-known +extraordinary waves and the third one is the spin-electron acoustic wave +(SEAW). Earlier SEAWs have been considered in the electrostatic limit. Here we +include the electromagnetic effects in their spectrum at the propagation +perpendicular to the external magnetic field. We find that the SEAW spectrum +considerably changes at the account of transverse part of electric field. We +obtain that the separate spin evolution modifies spectrum of the well-known +extraordinary waves either. A change of the extraordinary wave spectrum due to +the spin-orbit interaction is obtained as well.",1603.07506v1 +2017-10-22,Kinetic description of the oblique propagating spin-electron acoustic waves in degenerate plasmas,"Oblique propagation of the spin-electron acoustic waves in degenerate +magnetized plasmas is considered in terms of quantum kinetics with the separate +spin evolution, where the spin-up electrons and the spin-down electrons are +considered as two different species with different equilibrium distributions. +It is considered in the electrostatic limit. Corresponding dispersion equation +is derived. Analytical analysis of the dispersion equation is performed in the +long-wavelength limit to find an approximate dispersion equation describing the +spin-electron acoustic wave. The approximate dispersion equation is solved +numerically. Real and imaginary parts of the spin-electron acoustic wave +frequency are calculated for different values of the parameters describing the +system. It is found that the increase of angle between direction of wave +propagation and the external magnetic field reduces the real and imaginary +parts of spin-electron acoustic wave frequency. The increase of the spin +polarization decreases the real and imaginary parts of frequency either. The +imaginary part of frequency has nonmonotonic dependence on the wave vector +which shows a single maximum. The imaginary part of frequency is small in +compare with the real part for all parameters in the area of applicability of +the obtained dispersion equation.",1710.08040v1 +2019-05-09,Bidirectional spin-wave-driven domain wall motion in antiferromagnetically coupled ferrimagnets,"We investigate ferrimagnetic domain wall dynamics induced by circularly +polarized spin waves theoretically and numerically. We find that the direction +of domain wall motion depends on both the circular polarization of spin waves +and the sign of net spin density of ferrimagnet. Below the angular momentum +compensation point, left- (right-) circularly polarized spin waves push a +domain wall towards (away from) the spin-wave source. Above the angular +momentum compensation point, on the other hand, the direction of domain wall +motion is reversed. This bidirectional motion originates from the fact that the +sign of spin-wave-induced magnonic torque depends on the circular polarization +and the subsequent response of the domain wall to the magnonic torque is +governed by the net spin density. Our finding provides a way to utilize a spin +wave as a versatile driving force for bidirectional domain wall motion.",1905.03521v1 +2018-06-07,Magnetic domain walls as broadband spin wave and elastic magnetisation wave emitters,"We report on the direct observation of spin wave and elastic wave emission +from magnetic domain walls in ferromagnetic thin films. Driven by alternating +homogeneous magnetic fields the magnetic domain walls act as coherent +magnetisation wave sources. Directional and low damped elastic waves below and +above the ferromagnetic resonance are excited. The wave vector of the +magnetoelastically induced acoustic shear waves is linearly tuned by varying +the excitation frequency. Domain wall emitted magnetostatic surface spin waves +occur at higher frequencies, which characteristics are confirmed by +micromagnetic simulations. The distinct modes of magnetisation wave excitation +from micromagnetic objects are a general physical phenomenon relevant for +dynamic magnetisation processes in structured magnetic films. Magnetic domain +walls can act as reconfigurable antennas for spin wave and elastic wave +generation with control of the wave orientation.",1806.02646v1 +2015-06-09,Traveling surface spin-wave resonance spectroscopy using surface acoustic waves,"Coherent gigahertz-frequency surface acoustic waves (SAWs) traveling on the +surface of a piezoelectric crystal can, via the magnetoelastic interaction, +resonantly excite traveling spin waves in an adjacent thin-film ferromagnet. +These excited spin waves, traveling with a definite in-plane wave-vector q +enforced by the SAW, can be detected by measuring changes in the +electro-acoustical transmission of a SAW delay line. Here, we provide a first +demonstration that such measurements constitute a precise and quantitative +technique for spin-wave spectroscopy, providing a means to determine both +isotropic and anisotropic contributions to the spin-wave dispersion and +damping. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this spectroscopic technique by +measuring the spin-wave properties of a Ni thin film for a large range of wave +vectors,q = 2.5 x 10^4 - 8 x 10^4 cm^(-1), over which anisotropic dipolar +interactions vary from being negligible to quite significant.",1506.03056v3 +2016-11-18,Propagating spin-wave normal modes: A dynamic matrix approach using plane-wave demagnetizating tensors,"We present a finite-difference micromagnetic approach for determining the +normal modes of spin-waves propagating in extended magnetic films and strips, +which is based on the linearized Landau-Lifshitz equation and uses the dynamic +matrix method. The model takes into account both short range exchange +interactions and long range dipole-dipole interactions. The latter are +accounted for through plane-wave dynamic demagnetization factors, which depend +not only on the geometry and relative positions of the magnetic cells, as usual +demagnetization factors do, but also on the wave vector of the propagating +waves. Such a numerical model is most relevant when the spin-wave medium is +spatially inhomogeneous perpendicular to the direction of propagation, either +in its magnetic properties or in its equilibrium magnetic configuration. We +illustrate this point by studying surface spin-waves in magnetic bilayer films +and spin-waves channelized along magnetic domain walls in perpendicularly +magnetized strips. In both cases, dynamic dipolar interactions produce +non-reciprocity effects, where counter-propagative spin-waves have different +frequencies.",1611.06153v1 +2023-05-17,Spin-wave dynamics controlled by tunable ac magnonic crystal,"The magnonic crystal, which has a spatial modulation wave vector $q$, couples +the spin wave with wave vector $k$ to the one with wave vector $k-q$. For a +conventional magnonic crystal with direct current (dc) supply, the spin waves +around $q/2$ are resonantly coupled to the waves near $-q/2$, and a band gap is +opened at $k=\pm q/2$. If instead of the dc current the magnonic crystal is +supplied with an alternating current (ac), then the band gap is \emph{shifted} +to $k$ satisfying $|\omega_{s}(k)-\omega_{s}(k-q)|=\omega_{ac}$; here +$\omega_{s}(k)$ is the dispersion of the spin wave, while $\omega_{ac}$ is the +frequency of the ac modulation. The resulting gap in the case of the ac +magnonic crystal is the half of the one caused by the dc with the same +amplitude of modulation. The time evolution of the resonantly coupled spin +waves controlled by properly suited ac pulses can be well interpreted as the +motion on a Bloch sphere. The tunability of the ac magnonic crystal broadens +the perspective of spin-wave computing.",2305.09876v1 +1994-06-27,Quantum melting of the long-range antiferromagnetic order and spin-wave condensation in t-J-V model,"We consider two-dimensional t-J-V model. The wave function of the ground +state is constructed. We demonstrate that the doping by holes results in +condensation of the spin-waves, destruction of the long-range antiferromagnetic +order and formation of the gap in the spin-wave spectrum.",9406105v1 +2010-04-18,Spin Orbit Coupling and Spin Waves in Ultrathin Ferromagnets: The Spin Wave Rashba Effect,"We present theoretical studies of the influence of spin orbit coupling on the +spin wave excitations of the Fe monolayer and bilayer on the W(110) surface. +The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction is active in such films, by virtue of the +absence of reflection symmetry in the plane of the film. When the magnetization +is in plane, this leads to a linear term in the spin wave dispersion relation +for propagation across the magnetization. The dispersion relation thus assumes +a form similar to that of an energy band of an electron trapped on a +semiconductor surfaces with Rashba coupling active. We also show SPEELS +response functions that illustrate the role of spin orbit coupling in such +measurements. In addition to the modifications of the dispersion relations for +spin waves, the presence of spin orbit coupling in the W substrate leads to a +substantial increase in the linewidth of the spin wave modes. The formalism we +have developed applies to a wide range of systems, and the particular system +explored in the numerical calculations provides us with an illustration of +phenomena which will be present in other ultrathin ferromagnet/substrate +combinations.",1004.3066v1 +2014-06-24,Oblique propagation of longitudinal waves in magnetized spin-1/2 plasmas: Independent evolution of spin-up and spin-down electrons,"We consider quantum plasmas of electrons and motionless ions. We describe +separate evolution of spin-up and spin-down electrons. We present corresponding +set of quantum hydrodynamic equations. We assume that plasmas are placed in an +uniform external magnetic field. We account different occupation of spin-up and +spin-down quantum states in equilibrium degenerate plasmas. This effect is +included via equations of state for pressure of each species of electrons. We +study oblique propagation of longitudinal waves. We show that instead of two +well-known waves (the Langmuir wave and the Trivelpiece--Gould wave), plasmas +reveal four wave solutions. New solutions exist due to both the separate +consideration of spin-up and spin-down electrons \textit{and} different +occupation of spin-up and spin-down quantum states in equilibrium state of +degenerate plasmas.",1406.6252v1 +2021-10-05,Generation of Nonreciprocity of Gapless Spin Waves by Chirality Injection,"In chiral magnets with intrinsic inversion symmetry breaking, it has been +known that two spin waves moving in opposite directions can propagate at +different velocities, exhibiting a phenomenon called magnetochiral +nonreciprocity which allows for realizations of certain spin logic devices such +as a spin-wave diode. Here, we theoretically demonstrate that the spin-wave +nonreciprocity can occur without intrinsic bulk chirality in certain magnets +including easy-cone ferromagnets and easy-cone antiferromagnetic. Specifically, +we show that nonlocal injection of a spin current from proximate normal metals +to easy-cone magnets engenders a non-equilibrium chiral spin texture, on top of +which spin waves exhibit nonreciprocity proportional to the injected spin +current. One notable feature of the discovered nonreciprocal spin waves is its +gapless nature, which can lead to a large thermal rectification effect at +sufficiently low temperatures. We envision that nonlocal electric injection of +chirality into otherwise nonchiral magnets may serve as a versatile route to +realize electrically controllable magnetochiral phenomena in a wide class of +materials.",2110.01867v2 +2023-09-10,Non-zero Integral Spin of Acoustic Vortices and Spin-orbit Interaction in Longitudinal Acoustics,"Spin and orbital angular momenta (AM) are of fundamental interest in wave +physics. Acoustic wave, as a typical longitudinal wave, has been well studied +in terms of orbital AM, but still considered unable to carry non-zero integral +spin AM or spin-orbital interaction in homogeneous media due to its spin-0 +nature. Here we give the first self-consistent analytical calculations of spin, +orbital and total AM of guided vortices under different boundary conditions, +revealing that vortex field can carry non-zero integral spin AM. We also +introduce for acoustic waves the canonical-Minkowski and kinetic-Abraham AM, +which has aroused long-lasting debate in optics, and prove that only the former +is conserved with the corresponding symmetries. Furthermore, we present the +theoretical and experimental observation of the spin-orbit interaction of +vortices in longitudinal acoustics, which is thought beyond attainable in +longitudinal waves in the absence of spin degree of freedom. Our work provides +a solid platform for future studies of the spin and orbital AM of guided +acoustic waves and may open up a new dimension for acoustic vortex-based +applications such as underwater communications and object manipulations.",2309.04989v1 +2003-09-30,Recent Progress of the Low-Dimensional Spin-Wave Theory,"A modified spin-wave theory is developed and applied to low-dimensional +quantum magnets. Double-peaked specific heat for one-dimensional ferrimagnets, +nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in ferrimagnetic chains and clusters, and +thermal behavior of Haldane-gap antiferromagnets are described within the +scheme. Mentioning other bosonic and fermionic representations as well, we +demonstrate that spin waves are still effective in low dimensions.",0310004v1 +2003-03-20,Spin waves in La_2CuO_4: band structure and correlation effects,"We calculate the antiferromagnetic spin wave dispersion in the half-filled +(electronic density n=1) Hubbard model for a two-dimensional square lattice, +using the random phase approximation (RPA) in a broken symmetry (spin density +wave) ground state. Our results for the spin wave dispersion, \omega(\vec q), +are compared with high-resolution inelastic neutron scattering performed on +La_2CuO$_4. The effects of different band structures and different values of +the on-site Coulomb interaction on the spin wave spectrum is studied. +Particular attention is put on the high energy dispersion values +\omega(\pi/2,\pi/2) and \omega(0,\pi).",0303409v1 +2003-08-14,On the motion of spinning test particles in plane gravitational waves,"The Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon equations for a massive spinning test particle +in plane gravitational waves are analysed and explicit solutions constructed in +terms of solutions of certain linear ordinary differential equations. For +harmonic waves this system reduces to a single equation of Mathieu-Hill type. +In this case spinning particles may exhibit parametric excitation by +gravitational fields. For a spinning test particle scattered by a gravitational +wave pulse, the final energy-momentum of the particle may be related to the +width, height, polarisation of the wave and spin orientation of the particle.",0308042v1 +2002-03-02,Spin waves in the magnetized plasma of a supernova and its excitation by neutrino fluxes,"The spin effects on electromagnetic waves in a strongly magnetized plasma +with rare collisions is considered with the help of relativistic kinetic +equations, which takes into account the electron spin dynamics in the +selfconsistent electric and magnetic fields. It is shown that for +electromagnetic waves propagating almost perpendicular to ambient magnetic +field the spin effects become essential in the vicinity of electron +gyrofrequency and the corresponding wave dispersion and growth rate of the +electromagnetic spin waves in the presence of intense quasi monoenergetic +fluxes of neutrino is determined.",0203020v1 +2009-01-18,Generation of pulse trains by current-controlled magnetic mirrors,"The evolution of a spin-wave packet trapped between two direct +current-carrying wires placed on the surface of a ferrite film is observed by +Brillouin light scattering. The wires act as semi-transparent mirrors confining +the packet. Because the spin-wave energy partially passes through these +mirrors, trains of spin-wave packets are generated outside the trap. A +numerical model of this process is presented and applied to the case when the +current in the wires is dynamically controlled. This dynamical control of the +mirror reflectivity provides new functionalities interesting for the field of +spin-wave logic like that of a spin-wave memory cell.",0901.2704v1 +2012-11-06,Spin Wave Scattering in Ferromagnetic Cross,"Spin wave scattering in the right angle ferromagnetic cross was measured. +Shape anisotropy defined magnetization ground states at zero biasing magnetic +fields. Scattering of the spin waves in the center of ferromagnetic cross is +strongly dependent on the amplitude and angle of the biasing magnetic field. +Micromagnetic simulations indicate that low in-plane biasing magnetic fields +rotate the magnetization of the cross center while the arms stay axially +magnetized due to the shape anisotropy. We discuss effect of biasing magnetic +fields on the spin wave scattering and approaches to an effective spin wave +switch based on the fabricated structure.",1211.1259v1 +2014-08-14,Design of a spin-wave majority gate employing mode selection,"The design of a microstructured, fully functional spin-wave majority gate is +presented and studied using micromagnetic simulations. This all-magnon logic +gate consists of three-input waveguides, a spin-wave combiner and an output +waveguide. In order to ensure the functionality of the device, the output +waveguide is designed to perform spin-wave mode selection. We demonstrate that +the gate evaluates the majority of the input signals coded into the spin-wave +phase. Moreover, the all-magnon data processing device is used to perform logic +AND-, OR-, NAND- and NOR- operations.",1408.3235v1 +2016-04-29,Extraordinary waves in two dimensional electron gas with separate spin evolution and Coulomb exchange interaction,"Hydrodynamics analysis of waves in two-dimensional degenerate electron gas +with the account of separate spin evolution is presented. The transverse +electric field is included along with the longitudinal electric field. The +Coulomb exchange interaction is included in the analysis. In contrast with the +three-dimensional plasma-like mediums the contribution of the transverse +electric field is small. We show the decrease of frequency of both the +extraordinary (Langmuir) wave and the spin-electron acoustic wave due to the +exchange interaction. Moreover, spin-electron acoustic wave has negative +dispersion at the relatively large spin-polarization. Corresponding dispersion +dependencies are presented and analyzed.",1604.08902v1 +2018-03-08,First-principles study of spin-wave dispersion in Sm(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$)$_{12}$,"We present spin-wave dispersion in Sm(Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_x$)$_{12}$ calculated +based on first-principles. Anisotropy in the lowest branch of the spin-wave +dispersion around the $\Gamma$ point is discussed. Spin-waves propagate more +easily along $a^*$-axis than along $c^*$-axis, especially in SmFe$_{12}$. We +also compare values of the spin-wave stiffness with those obtained from an +experiment. The calculated values are in good agreement with the experimental +values.",1803.03165v3 +2020-04-17,Collective coordinate study of spin wave emission from dynamic domain wall,"We study theoretically the spin wave emission from a moving domain wall in a +ferromagnet. Introducing a deformation mode describing a modulation of the wall +thickness in the collective coordinate description, we show that thickness +variation couples to the spin wave linearly and induces spin wave emission. The +dominant emitted spin wave turns out to be polarized in the out-of wall plane +($\phi$)-direction. The emission contributes to the Gilbert damping parameter +proportional to $\hbar\omega_\phi/K$, the ratio of the angular frequency +$\omega_\phi$ of $\phi$ and the easy-axis anisotropy energy $K$.",2004.08082v1 +2017-06-09,Spin-wave analysis for Kagome-triangular spin system and coupled spin tubes: low-energy excitation for the cuboc order,"The coupled spin tube system, which is equivalent to a stacked +Kagome-triangular spin system, exhibits the cuboc order -- a non-coplanar spin +order with a twelve-sublattice structure accompanying spontaneous breaking of +the translational symmetry -- in the Kagome-triangular plane. On the basis of +the spin-wave theory, we analyze spin-wave excitations of the planar +Kagome-triangular spin system, where the geometric phase characteristic to the +cuboc spin structure emerges. We further investigate spin-wave excitations and +dynamical spin structure factors for the coupled spin tubes, assuming the +staggered cuboc order.",1706.02879v2 +2018-01-08,Spin-resolved inelastic electron scattering by spin waves in noncollinear magnets,"Topological non-collinear magnetic phases of matter are at the heart of many +proposals for future information nanotechnology, with novel device concepts +based on ultra-thin films and nanowires. Their operation requires understanding +and control of the underlying dynamics, including excitations such as +spin-waves. So far, no experimental technique has attempted to probe large +wave-vector spin-waves in non-collinear low-dimensional systems. In this work, +we explain how inelastic electron scattering, being suitable for investigations +of surfaces and thin films, can detect the collective spin-excitation spectra +of non-collinear magnets. To reveal the particularities of spin-waves in such +non-collinear samples, we propose the usage of spin-polarized +electron-energy-loss spectroscopy augmented with a spin-analyzer. With the +spin-analyzer detecting the polarization of the scattered electrons, four +spin-dependent scattering channels are defined, which allow to filter and +select specific spin-wave modes. We take as examples a topological non-trivial +skyrmion lattice, a spin-spiral phase and the conventional ferromagnet. Then we +demonstrate that, counter-intuitively and in contrast to the ferromagnetic +case, even non spin-flip processes can generate spin-waves in non-collinear +substrates. The measured dispersion and lifetime of the excitation modes permit +to fingerprint the magnetic nature of the substrate.",1801.02542v2 +2006-06-30,A variational coupled-cluster study of magnon-density-wave excitations in quantum antiferromagnets,"We extend recently proposed variational coupled-cluster method to describe +excitation states of quantum antiferromagnetic bipartite lattices. We reproduce +the spin-wave excitations (i.e., magnons with spin $\pm 1$). In addition, we +obtain a new, spin-zero excitation (magnon-density waves) which has been +missing in all existing spin-wave theories. Within our approximation, this +magnon-density-wave excitation has a nonzero energy gap in a cubic lattice and +is gapless in a square lattice, similar to those charge-density-wave +excitations (plasmons) in quantum electron gases.",0606813v2 +2011-03-11,Interference of coherent spin waves in micron-sized ferromagnetic waveguides,"We present experimental observations of the interference of spin-wave modes +propagating in opposite directions in micron-sized NiFe-waveguides. To monitor +the local spin-wave intensity distribution and phase of the formed interference +pattern, we use Brillouin light scattering microscopy. The two-dimensional +spin-wave intensity map can be understood by considering the interference of +several waveguide eigenmodes with different wavevectors quantized across the +width of the stripe. The phase shows a transition from linear dependence on the +space coordinate near the antennas characteristic for propagating waves to +discrete values in the center region characteristic for standing waves.",1103.2248v1 +1996-03-26,Spin Diffusion in 2D XY Ferromagnet with Dipolar Interaction,"In the ordered phase of 2D XY ferromagnet the dipolar interaction between +spins induces a strong, relevant interaction between spin-waves. We study +quasi-excitations of the interacting spin-wave 'liquid' in the long wavelength +limit. We employ the Janssen-De-Dominicis method for classical Langevin +equation to find the transformation of the spin-wave excitation into a new +soft-mode excitation in the intermediate range of wavelengths; and into an +anomalous anisotropic diffusion mode excitation at long wavelengths. The +dissipation of a spin-wave at short wavelengths is found to be highly +anisotropic.",9603160v1 +1999-09-17,Finite size Spin Wave theory of the triangular Heisenberg model,"We present a finite size spin wave calculation on the Heisenberg +antiferromagnet on the triangular lattice focusing in particular on the +low-energy part of the excitation spectrum. For s=1/2 the good agreement with +the exact diagonalization and quantum Monte Carlo results supports the +reliability of the spin wave expansion to describe the low-energy spin +excitations of the Heisenberg model even in presence of frustration. This +indicates that the spin susceptibility of the triangular antiferromagnet is +very close to the linear spin wave result.",9909268v1 +2002-04-03,Spin Waves in Disordered III-V Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors,"We propose a new scheme for numerically computing collective-mode spectra for +large-size systems, using a reformulation of the Random Phase Approximation. In +this study, we apply this method to investigate the spectrum and nature of the +spin-waves of a (III,Mn)V Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor. We use an impurity +band picture to describe the interaction of the charge carriers with the local +Mn spins. The spin-wave spectrum is shown to depend sensitively on the +positional disorder of the Mn atoms inside the host semiconductor. Both +localized and extended spin-wave modes are found. Unusual spin and charge +transport is implied.",0204092v1 +2005-01-27,Current-induced macrospin vs spin-wave excitations in spin valves,"The mode dependence of current-induced magnetic excitations in spin valves is +studied theoretically. The torque exerted on the magnetization by transverse +spin currents as well as the Gilbert damping constant are found to depend +strongly on the wave length of the excitation (spin wave). Analytic expressions +are presented for the critical currents that excite a selected spin wave. The +onset of macrospin (zero wavelength) vs finite wavelength instabilities depends +on the device parameters and the current direction, in agreement with recent +experimental findings.",0501672v3 +2007-12-17,Field-induced spin excitations in Rashba-Dresselhaus two-dimensional electron systems probed by surface acoustic waves,"A spin-rotation symmetry in spin-orbit coupled two-dimensional electron +systems gives rise to a long-lived spin excitation that is robust against +short-range impurity scattering. The influence of a constant in-plane electric +field on this persistent spin helix is studied. To probe the field-induced +eigen-modes of the spin-charge coupled system, a surface acoustic wave is +exploited that provides the wave-vector for resonant excitation. The approach +takes advantage of methods worked out in the field of space-charge waves. Sharp +resonances in the field dependence of the in-plane and out-of-plane +magnetization are identified.",0712.2647v1 +2013-03-20,Spin-pumping and Enhanced Gilbert Damping in Thin Magnetic Insulator Films,"Precessing magnetization in a thin film magnetic insulator pumps spins into +adjacent metals; however, this phenomenon is not quantitatively understood. We +present a theory for the dependence of spin-pumping on the transverse mode +number and in-plane wave vector. For long-wavelength spin waves, the enhanced +Gilbert damping for the transverse mode volume waves is twice that of the +macrospin mode, and for surface modes, the enhancement can be ten or more times +stronger. Spin-pumping is negligible for short-wavelength exchange spin waves. +We corroborate our analytical theory with numerical calculations in agreement +with recent experimental results.",1303.4922v1 +2013-07-11,Direct evidence of nuclear spin waves in Nd$_2$CuO$_4$ by high-resolution neutron-spin-echo spectroscopy,"We investigated the dispersion of nuclear spin waves in Nd$_2$CuO$_4$ by +using neutron spin-echo spectroscopy at millikelvin temperatures. Our results +show unambiguously the existence of dispersion of nuclear spin waves in +Nd$_2$CuO$_4$ at T = 30 mK. A fit of the dispersion data with the spin wave +dispersion formula gave the Suhl-Nakamura interaction range to be of the order +of 10 {\AA}.",1307.2998v1 +2021-11-24,Spin Hall response at finite wave vector in ferromagnets,"Spin Hall effect at finite wave vector in a ferromagnetic conductor is +theoretically studied by calculating the spin density as the linear response to +an applied electric field. The cases of a spin-orbit interaction due to random +impurities and a localized Rashba interaction are considered. It is shown that +the spin Hall effect has a broad response for the wave vector $q\lesssim 2\kf$ +where $\kf $ is the Fermi wave vector. This fact confirms the local nature of +the spin-charge conversion effects.",2111.12247v1 +2007-05-25,Inductively Coupled Circuits with Spin Wave Bus for Information Processing,"We describe a new approach to logic devices interconnection by the inductive +coupling via a ferromagnetic film. The information among the distant devices is +transmitted in a wireless manner via a magnetic field produced by spin waves +propagating in the ferromagnetic film, referred to as the spin wave bus. As an +alternative approach to the transistor-based architecture, logic circuits with +spin wave bus do not use charge as an information carrier. A bit of information +can be encoded into the phase or the amplitude of the spin wave signal. We +present experimental data demonstrating inductive coupling through the 100nm +thick NiFe and CoFe films at room temperature. The performance of logic +circuits with spin wave bus is illustrated by numerical modeling based on the +experimental data. Potentially, logic circuits with spin wave bus may resolve +the interconnect problem and provide ""wireless"" read-in and read-out. Another +expected benefit is in the enhanced logic functionality. A set of NOT, AND, and +OR logic gates can be realized in one device structure. The coupling between +the circuits and the spin wave bus can be controlled. We present the results of +numerical simulations showing the controllable switching of a bi-stable logic +cell inductively coupled to the spin wave bus. The shortcomings and limitations +of circuits with spin wave bus are also discussed.",0705.3864v1 +2019-01-06,Asymmetric dynamics of edge exchange spin waves in honeycomb nanoribbons with zigzag and bearded edges boundaries,"We report on the theoretical prediction of asymmetric edge spin waves, +propagating in opposite directions on the edges of honeycomb nanoribbons with +zigzag and bearded edges boundaries. The simultaneous propagation of edge spin +waves in the same direction on both edges of these nanoribbons is hence +predicted to be forbidden. These asymmetric edge exchange spin waves are +analogous to the nonreciprocal surface spin waves reported in magnetic thin +films. Their existence is related to the nontrivial symmetry underlying the +nanoribbons under study. The edge and discretized bulk exchange spin waves are +calculated in the long wavelength part of the Brillouin zone using the +classical spin wave theory approach and appropriate boundary conditions. In the +absence of an external magnetic field in our study, the asymmetric edge spin +waves propagate with equal frequencies and opposite directions, since the +energy dispersion relation is independent of the sign of the wavevector +components in the long wavelength part of the Brillouin zone. The edge spin +waves are characterized by linear dispersion relations for magnetically +isotropic nanoribbons. Introducing magnetic anisotropy in the calculation +significantly enhances the energy gap between the edge and bulk spin waves in +both types of nanoribbons. Based on our calculation, the large energy gap +allows separate excitation of bulk and edge modes as their energies are no more +overlapping.",1901.01617v1 +2016-06-23,Spin-Hall nano-oscillator with oblique magnetization and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction as generator of skyrmions and nonreciprocal spin-waves,"Spin-Hall oscillators are promising sources of spin-wave signals for +magnonics applications, and can serve as building blocks for magnonic logic in +ultralow power computation devices. Here, we analytically and micromagnetically +study magnetization dynamics excited in a Spin-Hall oscillator with oblique +magnetization when the spin-Hall effect and interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya +interaction act simultaneously. Our key results are (i) excitation of +nonreciprocal spin-waves propagating perpendicularly to the in-plane projection +of the static magnetization, (ii) skyrmions generation by pure spin-current, +(iii) excitation of a new spin-wave mode with a spiral spatial profile +originating from a gyrotropic rotation of a dynamical skyrmion. These results +demonstrate that Spin-Hall oscillators can be used as generators of magnetic +skyrmions and different types of propagating spin-waves for magnetic data +storage and signal processing applications.",1606.07280v1 +2013-01-16,Mechanical generation of spin current by spin-rotation coupling,"Spin-rotation coupling, which is responsible for angular momentum conversion +between the electron spin and rotational deformations of elastic media, is +exploited for generating spin current. This method requires neither magnetic +moments nor spin-orbit interaction. The spin current generated in nonmagnets is +calculated in presence of surface acoustic waves. We solve the spin diffusion +equation, extended to include spin-rotation coupling, and find that larger spin +currents can be obtained in materials with longer spin lifetimes. Spin +accumulation induced on the surface is predicted to be detectable by +time-resolved Kerr spectroscopy.",1301.3596v1 +2003-04-19,Spin-Wave Theory for s=1 Antiferromagnetic Isotropic Chain,"In the paper we describe the modification of spin-wave theory for +one-dimensional isotropic antiferromagnet. This theory enables to obtain the +energy of magnetic excitations of short wave length and correlation function in +agreement with numerical studies.",0304444v1 +1999-06-04,Explicit expressions of spin wave functions,"We derive the explicit expressions of the canonical and helicity wave +functions for massive particles with arbitrary spins. Properties of these wave +functions are discussed.",9906250v1 +2012-01-25,Spin current induced by the sound wave,"The kinetics of conduction electrons interacting with the field of sound +waves in a constant magnetic field is studied. It is shown that the +longitudinal sound wave propagation occurs transverse spin conductivity, which +has a resonant character.",1201.5231v1 +2019-10-09,Transverse spin dynamics of light: the generalized spin-momentum locking for structured guided modes,"Quantum spin-Hall effect, a manifestation of topological properties that +govern the behavior of surface states, was studied intensively in condensed +matter physics resulting in the discovery of topological insulators. The +quantum spin-Hall effect of light was introduced for surface plane-waves which +intrinsically carry transverse optical spin, leading to many intriguing +phenomena and applications in unidirectional waveguiding, metrology and quantum +technologies. In addition to spin, optical waves can exhibit complex +topological properties of vectorial electromagnetic fields, associated with +orbital angular momentum or nonuniform intensity variations. Here, by +considering both spin and angular momentum, we demonstrate a generalized +spin-momentum relationship that governs vectorial properties of guided +electromagnetic waves, extending optical quantum spin-Hall effect to a +two-dimensional vector field of structured guided wave. The effect results in +the appearance of the out-of-plane transverse optical spins, which vary +progressively from the 'up' state to the 'down' state around the energy flow, +and their variation is uniquely locked to the energy propagation direction. The +related spin-momentum locking in a chiral spin swirl is demonstrated with four +kinds of surface structured waves and proven both theoretically and +experimentally. The results provide understanding of the spin dynamics in +electromagnetic guided waves and show great importance in spin optics, +topological photonics and optical spin-based devices and techniques.",1910.03904v2 +2021-09-13,One-dimensional force-free numerical simulations of Alfven waves around a spinning black string,"We performed one-dimensional force-free magnetodynamic numerical simulations +of the propagation of Alfven waves along magnetic field lines around a spinning +black-hole-like object, the Banados--Teitelboim--Zanelli black string, to +investigate the dynamic process of wave propagation and energy transport with +Alfven waves. We considered axisymmetric and stationary magnetosphere and +perturbed the background magnetosphere to obtain the linear wave equation for +the Alfven wave mode. The numerical results show that the energy of Alfven +waves monotonically increases as the waves propagate outwardly along the +rotating curved magnetic field line around the ergosphere, where energy seems +not to be conserved, in the case of energy extraction from the black string by +the Blandford--Znajek mechanism. The apparent breakdown of energy conservation +suggests the existence of an additional wave induced by the Alfven wave. +Considering the additional fast magnetosonic wave induced by the Alfven wave, +the energy conservation is recovered. Similar relativistic phenomena, such as +the amplification of Alfven waves and induction of fast magnetosonic waves, are +expected around a spinning black hole.",2109.05703v1 +2015-06-07,Spin current evolution in the separated spin-up and spin-down quantum hydrodynamics,"We have developed the quantum hydrodynamic model that describes particles +with spin-up and with spin-down in separate. We have derived the equation of +the spin current evolution as a part of the set of the quantum hydrodynamics +(QHD) equations that treat particles with different projection of spin on the +preferable direction as two different species. We have studied orthogonal +propagation of waves in the external magnetic field and determined the +contribution of quantum corrections due to the Bohm potential and to +magnetization energy of particles with different projections of spin in the +spin current wave dispersion. We have analyzed the limits of weak and strong +magnetic fields.",1506.02259v1 +2001-01-30,Effect of nearest- and next-nearest neighbor interactions on the spin-wave velocity of one-dimensional quarter-filled spin-density-wave conductors,"We study spin fluctuations in quarter-filled one-dimensional +spin-density-wave systems in presence of short-range Coulomb interactions. By +applying a path integral method, the spin-wave velocity is calculated as a +function of on-site (U), nearest (V) and next-nearest (V_2) neighbor-site +interactions. With increasing V or V_2, the pure spin-density-wave state +evolves into a state with coexisting spin- and charge-density waves. The +spin-wave velocity is reduced when several density waves coexist in the ground +state, and may even vanish at large V. The effect of dimerization along the +chain is also considered.",0101450v2 +2010-08-31,Dynamics of the collective modes of an inhomogeneous spin ensemble in a cavity,"We study the excitation dynamics of an inhomogeneously broadened spin +ensemble coupled to a single cavity mode. The collective excitations of the +spin ensemble can be described in terms of generalized spin waves and, in the +absence of the cavity, the free evolution of the spin ensemble can be described +as a drift in the wave number without dispersion. In this article we show that +the dynamics in the presence of coupling to the cavity mode can be described +solely by a modified time evolution of the wave numbers. In particular, we show +that collective excitations with a well- defined wave number pass without +dispersion from negative to positive valued wave numbers without populating the +zero wave number spin wave mode. The results are relevant for multi-mode +collective quantum memories where qubits are encoded in different spin waves.",1008.5197v2 +2017-11-01,Adiabatic Control of Spin-Wave Propagation using Magnetisation Gradients,"Spin waves are of large interest as data carriers for future logic devices. +However, due to the strong anisotropic dispersion relation of dipolar +spin-waves in in-plane magnetised films the realisation of two-dimensional +information transport remains a challenge. Bending of the energy flow is +prohibited since energy and momentum of spin waves cannot be conserved while +changing the direction of wave propagation. Thus, non-linear or non-stationary +mechanisms are usually employed. Here, we propose to use reconfigurable +laser-induced magnetisation gradients to break the system's translational +symmetry. The resulting changes in the magnetisation shift the dispersion +relations locally and allow for operating with different spin-wave modes at the +same frequency. Spin-wave momentum is first transformed via refraction at the +edge of the magnetisation gradient region and then adiabatically modified +inside it. Along these lines the spin-wave propagation direction can be +controlled in a broad frequency range with high efficiency.",1711.00508v1 +2016-11-23,Creation of uni-directional spin-wave emitters by utilizing interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction,"We present an analytic and numerical study of the creation of an +uni-directional spin-wave emission in ultra-thin ferromagnetic films sandwiched +in an asymmetric layer stack. For this we extend the analytical description of +spin waves in spin-wave waveguides by the incorporation of the influence of the +interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction on the spin-wave propagation. By +exploring the model system Ni$_{81}$Fe$_{19}$/Pt we show that it is possible to +achieve an uni-directional spin-wave emission by combining wave-vector +selective excitation sources with the frequency splitting which arises from +interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. Hereby we focus on device +feature sizes and spin-wave wavelengths compatible with state-of-the art +excitation and detection schemes. We demonstrate that the optimum operation +conditions for the non-reciprocal emission can be predicted using the presented +analytical formalism",1611.07841v2 +2020-06-15,Femtosecond laser pulse driven caustic spin wave beams,"Controlling the directionality of spin waves is a key ingredient in +wave-based computing methods such as magnonics. In this paper, we demonstrate +this particular aspect by using an all-optical point-like source of continuous +spin waves based on frequency comb rapid demagnetization. The emitted spin +waves contain a range of k-vectors and by detuning the applied magnetic field +slightly off the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR), we observe X-shaped caustic +spin-wave patterns at $70^{\circ}$ propagation angles as predicted by theory. +When the harmonic of the light source approaches theFMR, the caustic pattern +gives way to uniaxial spin-wave propagation perpendicular to the in-plane +component of the applied field. This field-controlled propagation pattern and +directionality of optically emitted short-wavelength spin waves provide +additional degrees of freedom when designing magnonic devices.",2006.08219v1 +2022-07-03,Deeply nonlinear excitation of self-normalised exchange spin waves,"Spin waves are ideal candidates for wave-based computing, but the +construction of magnetic circuits is blocked by a lack of an efficient +mechanism to excite long-running exchange spin waves with normalised +amplitudes. Here, we solve the challenge by exploiting the deeply nonlinear +phenomena of forward-volume spin waves in 200 nm wide nanoscale waveguides and +validate our concept with microfocused Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy. +An unprecedented nonlinear frequency shift of >2 GHz is achieved, corresponding +to a magnetisation precession angle of 55{\deg} and enabling the excitation of +exchange spin waves with a wavelength of down to ten nanometres with an +efficiency of >80%. The amplitude of the excited spin waves is constant and +independent of the input microwave power due to the self-locking nonlinear +shift, enabling robust adjustment of the spin wave amplitudes in future on-chip +magnonic integrated circuits.",2207.01121v1 +2015-06-07,Experimental observation of the interaction of propagating spin waves with Néel domain walls in a Landau domain structure,"The interaction of propagating dipolar spin waves with magnetic domain walls +is investigated in square-shaped microstructures patterned from the Heusler +compound Co$_2$Mn$_{0.6}$Fe$_{0.4}$Si. Using magnetic force microscopy, the +reversible preparation of a Landau state with four magnetic domains separated +by N\'eel domain walls is confirmed. A local spin-wave excitation using a +microstructured antenna is realized in one of the domains. It is shown by +Brillouin light scattering microscopy (BLS) that the domain structure in the +remanence state has a strong influence on the spin-wave excitation and +propagation. The domain walls strongly reflect the spin waves and can be used +as spin-wave reflectors. A comparison with micromagnetic simulations shows that +the strong reflection is due to the long-range dipolar interaction which has +important implications for the use of these spin waves for exerting an +all-magnonic spin-transfer torque.",1506.02303v1 +2018-07-25,Left-handed polarized spin waves in ferromagnets induced by spin-transfer torque,"Polarization is a fundamental property of waves that refers to the +orientation of the oscillations. It has been widely used to encode information +in photonics and phononics. However, the polarization of spin waves is rarely +used yet in magnonics. The reason for this is that only the right-handed +polarized spin waves can be accommodated in ferromagnets. Here, we report that +stable left-handed polarized spin waves can be introduced into ferromagnets if +a spin-polarized electrical current is presented. The right-handed and +left-handed polarized spin waves coexist when the current density is larger +than a critical value while the system keeps stable. The results are confirmed +by micromagnetic simulations. This work provides new playgrounds to study spin +waves and points to new findings for future experimental studies.",1807.09456v2 +2019-03-10,Electrical generation and propagation of spin waves in antiferromagnetic thin films,"Electrical generation of THz spin waves is theoretically explored in an +antiferromangetic nanostrip via the current-induced spin-orbit torque. The +analysis based on micromagnetic simulations clearly illustrates that the +Neel-vector oscillations excited at one end of the magnetic strip can propagate +in the form of a traveling wave when the nanostrip axis aligns with the +magnetic easy-axis. A sizable threshold is observed in the driving current +density or the torque to overcome the unfavorable anisotropy as expected. The +generated spin waves are found to travel over a long distance while the angle +of rotation undergoes continuous decay in the presence of non-zero damping. The +oscillation frequency is tunable via the strength of the spin-orbit torque, +reaching the THz regime. Other key characteristics of the spin waves such as +the phase and the chirality can also be modulated actively. The simulation +results further indicate the possibility of wave-like superposition between the +excited spin oscillations, illustrating its application as an efficient source +of spin-wave signals for information processing.",1903.04068v2 +2020-03-11,Excitation and relaxation dynamics of spin-waves triggered by ultrafast photo-induced demagnetization in a ferrimagnetic insulator,"Excitation and propagation dynamics of spin waves in an iron-based garnet +film under out-of-plane magnetic field were investigated by time-resolved +magneto-optical imaging. The experimental results and the following data +analysis by phase-resolved spin-wave tomography reveal the excitation of spin +waves triggered by photo-induced demagnetization (PID) along the sample depth +direction. Moreover, the fast relaxation of PID accompanied by the spin +transfer due to spin-wave emission was observed. Possible scenarios of PID in +the garnet film are discussed. Finally, we develop a model for the spin-wave +excitation triggered by PID and explain the magnetic-field dependence in the +amplitude of the observed spin waves.",2003.05159v1 +2021-06-28,Fully Resonant Magneto-elastic Spin-wave Excitation by Surface Acoustic Waves under Conservation of Energy and Linear Momentum,"We report on the resonant excitation of spin waves in micro-structured +magnetic thin films by surface acoustic waves (SAWs). The spin waves as well as +the acoustic waves are studied by micro-focused Brillouin light scattering +spectroscopy. Besides the excitation of the ferromagnetic resonance, a process +which does not fulfill momentum conservation, also the excitation of +finite-wavelength spin waves can be observed at low magnetic fields. Using +micromagnetic simulations, we verify that during this excitation both energy +and linear momentum are conserved and fully transferred from the SAW to the +spin wave.",2106.14705v3 +2022-01-07,Control of spin waves by spatially modulated strain,"We suggest using spatially modulated strain for control of a spin wave +propagating inside a bulk magnet. The modulation with the wave vector $q=2k$, +by virtue of magnetoelasticity, mixes spin waves with wave vectors near $k$ and +$-k$. This leads to lifting the degeneracy of the symmetric and antisymmetric +eigenstate combinations of these waves. The resulting picture reminds one of a +tunneling particle in a symmetric double-well potential. Here, a moving spin +wave being subjected to the $2k$-lattice modulation after some time alters its +propagation direction to the opposite one, and so on. The effect can be +utilized for the control of the spin-wave propagation that can be useful for +spintronic and magnonic applications. The control may include a delay line +element, filtering, and waveguide of the spin waves.",2201.02691v1 +2008-12-09,Spin-Wave Relaxation in a Quantum Hall Ferromagnet,"We study spin wave relaxation in quantum Hall ferromagnet regimes. Spin-orbit +coupling is considered as a factor determining spin nonconservation, and +external random potential as a cause of energy dissipation making spin-flip +processes irreversible. We compare this relaxation mechanism with other +relaxation channels existing in a quantum Hall ferromagnet.",0812.1703v1 +1996-12-18,Spin-flip and spin-wave excitations in arbitrarily polarized quantum Hall states,"We study spin-flip and spin-wave excitations for arbitrarily polarized +quantum Hall states by employing a fermionic Chern-Simons gauge theory in the +low Zeeman energy limit. We show that the spin-flip correlation functions do +not get renormalized by the fluctuations of Chern-Simons gauge field. As a +consequence, the excitations for a given integer quantum Hall state are +identical to fractional quantum Hall states in the lowest Landau level having +the same numerator equal to the integer quantum Hall state. Fully and partially +polarized states possess only spin-wave excitations while spin-flip excitations +are possible for all states, irrespective of their polarizations.",9612163v1 +2001-09-21,Spin waves in a Bose-condensed atomic spin chain,"The spin dynamics of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates confined in a +one-dimensional optical lattice is studied. The condensates at each lattice +site behave like spin magnets that can interact with each other through both +the light-induced dipole-dipole interaction and the static magnetic +dipole-dipole interaction. We show how these site-to-site dipolar interactions +can distort the ground state spin orientations and lead to the excitation of +spin waves. The dispersion relation of the spin waves is studied and possible +detection schemes are proposed.",0109415v1 +2004-04-10,Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation in One-Dimensional Heisenberg Ferrimagnets: Three-Magnon versus Raman Processes,"Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in one-dimensional Heisenberg ferrimagnets is +studied by means of a modified spin-wave theory. We consider the second-order +process, where a nuclear spin flip induces virtual spin waves which are then +scattered thermally via the four-magnon exchange interaction, as well as the +first-order process, where a nuclear spin directly interacts with spin waves +via the hyperfine interaction. We point out a possibility of the three-magnon +relaxation process predominating over the Raman one and suggest model +experiments.",0404243v2 +2007-04-25,Quantized spin excitations in a ferromagnetic microstrip from microwave photovoltage measurements,"Quantized spin excitations in a single ferromagnetic microstrip have been +measured using the microwave photovoltage technique. Several kinds of spin wave +modes due to different contributions of the dipole-dipole and the exchange +interactions are observed. Among them are a series of distinct dipole-exchange +spin wave modes, which allow us to determine precisely the subtle spin boundary +condition. A comprehensive picture for quantized spin excitations in a +ferromagnet with finite size is thereby established. The dispersions of the +quantized spin wave modes have two different branches separated by the +saturation magnetization.",0704.3397v1 +2009-07-03,Spin correlations near the surface of a three-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet,"Nearest-neighbor spin correlations are considered near the surface of a +semi-infinite spin-$\frac12$ Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a simple cubic +lattice. In the spin-wave approximation, the excitation spectrum of this model +involves bulk modes -- standing spin waves and a quasi-two-dimensional mode of +surface spin waves. These latter excitations eject the bulk excitations from +the surface region thus dividing the antiferromagnet into two parts with +different excitations. As a result absolute values of the spin correlations +near the surface exceed the bulk value. In the surface region, the pattern of +spin correlations resembles the comb structure recently obtained for the +two-dimensional case.",0907.0532v1 +2011-07-06,Spin Seebeck Effect: Amplification of Spin Waves by Thermal Torque,"We observe amplification of spin-wave packets propagating along a film of +yttrium iron garnet (YIG) subject to a transverse temperature gradient. The +amplification is attributed to a spin-transfer thermal torque created by spin +currents generated by means of the spin Seebeck effect that acts on the +magnetization and opposes the relaxation. The experimental data are interpreted +with a simple theoretical model using spin-wave theory that gives an +amplification gain in very good agreement with measurements.",1107.1271v2 +2024-02-29,Inertial spin waves in spin spirals,"Inertial effects in spin dynamics emerge on picosecond time scales, giving +rise to nutational excitations at THz frequencies. Here, we describe a general +framework for investigating the precessional and nutational excitations in any +type of spin structure within linear spin-wave theory. We consider the +particular cases of planar and conical spin spirals in detail. We observe a +change in the sign of the curvature of the high-frequency nutational spin-wave +band as the spiral period is decreased when passing from the ferromagnetic to +the antiferromagnetic limit. We identify conditions for the interaction +parameters where the curvature changes sign and asymptotical flat bands are +formed.",2402.19141v1 +2010-09-15,Spin-wave interference patterns created by spin-torque nano-oscillators for memory and computation,"Magnetization dynamics in nanomagnets has attracted broad interest since it +was predicted that a dc-current flowing through a thin magnetic layer can +create spin-wave excitations. These excitations are due to spin-momentum +transfer, a transfer of spin angular momentum between conduction electrons and +the background magnetization, that enables new types of information processing. +Here we show how arrays of spin-torque nano-oscillators (STNO) can create +propagating spin-wave interference patterns of use for memory and computation. +Memristic transponders distributed on the thin film respond to threshold tunnel +magnetoresistance (TMR) values thereby detecting the spin-waves and creating +new excitation patterns. We show how groups of transponders create resonant +(reverberating) spin-wave interference patterns that may be used for +polychronous wave computation of arithmetic and boolean functions and +information storage.",1009.4116v1 +2013-06-03,Thermodynamics of Ferromagnetic Spin Chains in a Magnetic Field: Impact of the Spin-Wave Interaction,"The thermodynamic properties of ferromagnetic spin chains have been the +subject of many publications. Still, the problem of how the spin-wave +interaction manifest itself in these low-temperature series has been neglected. +Using the method of effective Lagrangians, we explicitly evaluate the partition +function of ferromagnetic spin chains at low temperatures and in the presence +of a magnetic field up to three loops in the perturbative expansion where the +spin-wave interaction sets in. We discuss in detail the renormalization and +numerical evaluation of a particular three-loop graph and derive the +low-temperature series for the free energy density, energy density, heat +capacity, entropy density, as well as the magnetization and the susceptibility. +In the low-temperature expansion for the free energy density, the spin-wave +interaction starts manifesting itself at order $T^{5/2}$. In the pressure, the +coefficient of the $T^{5/2}$-term is positive, indicating that the spin-wave +interaction is repulsive. While it is straightforward to go up to three-loop +order in the effective loop expansion, the analogous calculation on the basis +of conventional condensed matter methods, such as spin-wave theory, appears to +be beyond reach.",1306.0600v1 +2018-03-06,Combined Molecular and Spin Dynamics Simulation of BCC Iron with Vacancy Defects,"Utilizing an atomistic computational model which handles both translational +and spin degrees of freedom, combined molecular and spin dynamics simulations +have been performed to investigate the effect of vacancy defects on spin wave +excitations in ferromagnetic iron. Fourier transforms of space and +time-displaced correlation functions yield the dynamic structure factor, +providing characteristic frequencies and lifetimes of the spin wave modes. +Comparison of the system with a 5% vacancy concentration with pure lattice data +shows a decrease in frequency as well as a decrease in lifetime for all +transverse spin wave excitations observed. Additionally, a rugged spin wave +line shape for low-q spin waves indicates the presence of multiple localized +excitations near defect sites resulting in reduced excitation lifetimes due to +increased magnon-magnon scattering. We observe further evidence of increased +magnon-magnon scattering as the peaks in the longitudinal spin wave spectrum +become less distinct.",1803.02468v1 +2018-11-28,Rectification of Spin Current in Inversion-Asymmetric Magnets with Linearly-Polarized Electromagnetic Waves,"We theoretically propose a method of rectifying spin current with a +linearly-polarized electromagnetic wave in inversion-asymmetric magnetic +insulators. To demonstrate the proposal, we consider quantum spin chains as a +simple example; these models are mapped to fermion (spinon) models via +Jordan-Wigner transformation. Using a nonlinear response theory, we find that a +dc spin current is generated by the linearly-polarized waves. The spin current +shows rich anisotropic behavior depending on the direction of the +electromagnetic wave. This is a manifestation of the rich interplay between +spins and the waves; inverse Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya, Zeeman, and +magnetostriction couplings lead to different behaviors of the spin current. The +resultant spin current is insensitive to the relaxation time of spinons, a +property of which potentially benefits a long-distance propagation of the spin +current. An estimate of the required electromagnetic wave is given.",1811.11515v1 +2018-07-09,Spin wave dynamics in artificial anti spin-ice systems: experimental and theoretical investigations,"Reversed structures of artificial spin-ice systems, where elongated holes +with elliptical shape (antidots) are arranged into a square array with two +orthogonal sublattices, are referred to as anti-squared spin-ice. Using +Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy and plane wave method calculations, we +investigate the spin wave propagation perpendicular to the applied field +direction for two 20 nm thick Permalloy nanostructures which differ by the +presence of single and double elliptical antidots. For the spin waves +propagation along the principal antidot lattice axis, the spectrum consists of +flat bands separated by several frequency gaps which are the effect of spin +wave amplitude confinement in the regions between antidots. Contrarily, for +propagation direction at 45 degrees with respect to the antidot symmetry axis, +straight and narrow channels of propagation are formed, leading to broadening +of bands and closing of the magnonics gaps. Interestingly, in this case, extra +magnonic band gaps occur due to the additional periodicity along this +direction. The width and the position of these gaps depend on the presence of +single or double antidots. In this context, we discuss possibilities for the +tuning of spin wave spectra in anti-squared spin ice structures.",1807.03016v1 +2019-03-07,Investigating optically-excited THz standing spin waves using noncollinear magnetic bilayers,"We investigate optically excited THz standing spin waves in noncollinear +magnetic bilayers. Using femtosecond laser-pulse excitation, a spin current is +generated in the first ferromagnetic (FM) layer, and flows through a conductive +spacer layer to be injected into the second (transverse) FM layer, where it +exerts a spin-transfer torque on the magnetization and excites higher-order +standing spin waves. We show that the noncollinear magnetic bilayer is a +convenient tool that allows easy excitation of THz spin waves, and can be used +to investigate the dispersion and thereby the spin wave stiffness parameter in +the thin-film regime. This is experimentally demonstrated using wedge-shaped Co +and CoB (absorption) layers. Furthermore, the damping of these THz spin waves +is investigated, showing a strong increase of the damping with decreasing +absorption layer thickness, much stronger than expected from interface spin +pumping effects. Additionally, a previously unseen sudden decrease in the +damping for the thinnest films is observed. A model for the additional damping +contribution incorporating both these observations is proposed.",1903.02802v1 +2014-04-11,Detection and Parameter Estimation of Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Inspirals with Analytical Double-Precessing Templates,"We study the performance of various analytical frequency-domain templates for +detection and parameter estimation of gravitational waves from spin-precessing, +quasi-circular, compact binary inspirals. We begin by assessing the extent to +which non-spinning, spin-aligned, and the new (analytical, frequency-domain, +small-spin) double-precessing frequency-domain templates can be used to detect +signals from such systems. For effective, dimensionless spin values above +$0.2$, the use of non-spinning or spin-aligned templates for detection purposes +will result in a loss of up to $30%$ of all events, while in the case of the +double-precessing model, this never exceeds $6%$. Moreover, even for signals +from systems with small spins, non-spinning and spin-aligned templates +introduce large biases in the extracted masses and spins. The use of a model +that encodes spin-induced precession effects, such as the double-precessing +model, improves the mass and spin extraction by up to an order of magnitude. +The additional information encoded in the spin-orbit interaction is invaluable +if one wishes to extract the maximum amount of information from gravitational +wave signals.",1404.3180v2 +2021-09-12,"Spin excitation spectra in helimagnetic states: proper-screw, cycloid, vortex crystal, and hedgehog lattice","We investigate the spin excitation spectra in chiral and polar magnets by the +linear spin-wave theory for an effective spin model with symmetric and +antisymmetric long-range interactions. In one dimension, we obtain the analytic +form of the dynamical spin structure factor for proper-screw and cycloidal +helical spin states with uniform twists, which shows a gapless mode with strong +intensity at the helical wave number. When introducing spin anisotropy in the +symmetric interactions, we numerically show that the stable spin spirals become +elliptically anisotropic with nonuniform twists and the spin excitation is +gapped. In higher dimensions, we find that similar anisotropy stabilizes +multiple-$Q$ spin states, such as vortex crystals and hedgehog lattices. We +show that the anisotropy in these states manifests itself in the dynamical spin +structure factor: a strong intensity in the transverse components to the wave +number appears only when the helical wave vector and the corresponding easy +axis are perpendicular to each other. Our findings could be useful not only to +identify the spin structure but also to deduce the stabilization mechanism by +inelastic neutron scattering measurements.",2109.05628v2 +2020-05-12,Propagation of spin waves through a Néel domain wall,"Spin waves have the potential to be used as a new platform for data transfer +and processing as they can reach wavelengths in the nanometer range and +frequencies in the terahertz range. To realize a spin-wave device, it is +essential to be able to manipulate the amplitude as well as the phase of spin +waves. Several theoretical and recently also experimental works have shown that +the spin-wave phase can be manipulated by the transmission through a domain +wall (DW). Here, we study propagation of spin waves through a DW by means of +micro-focused Brillouin light scattering microscopy ($\mu$BLS). The acquired 2D +spin-wave intensity maps reveal that spin-wave transmission through a N\'eel DW +is influenced by a topologically enforced circular Bloch line in the DW center +and that the propagation regime depends on the spin-wave frequency. In the +first regime, two spin-wave beams propagating around the circular Bloch line +are formed, whereas in the second regime, spin waves propagate in a single +central beam through the circular Bloch line. Phase-resolved $\mu$BLS +measurements reveal a phase shift upon transmission through the domain wall for +both regimes. Micromagnetic modelling of the transmitted spin waves unveils a +distortion of their phase fronts which needs to be taken into account when +interpreting the measurements and designing potential devices. Moreover, we +show, by means of micromagnetic simulations, that an external magnetic field +can be used to move the circular Bloch line within the DW and to manipulate +spin-wave propagation.",2005.05690v2 +2020-03-25,Nonreciprocity of spin waves in noncollinear magnets due to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction,"Broken inversion symmetry in combination with the spin-orbit interaction +generates a finite Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI), which can induce +noncollinear spin textures of chiral nature. The DMI is characterized by an +interaction vector whose magnitude, direction and symmetries are crucial to +determine the stability of various spin textures, such as skyrmions and spin +spirals. The DMI can be measured from the nonreciprocity of spin waves in +ferromagnets, which can be probed via inelastic scattering experiments. In a +ferromagnet, the DMI can modify the spin-wave dispersion, moving its minimum +away from the $\Gamma$ point. Spin waves propagating with opposite wavevectors +are then characterized by different group velocities, energies and lifetimes, +defining their nonreciprocity. Here, we address the case of complex spin +textures, where the manifestation of DMI-induced chiral asymmetries remains to +be explored. We discuss such nonreciprocal effects and propose ways of +accessing the magnitude and direction of the DMI vectors in the context of +spin-polarized or spin-resolved inelastic scattering experiments. We show that +only when a periodic magnetic system has finite net magnetization, that is, +when the vector sum of all magnetic moments is nonzero, can it present a total +nonreciprocal spin-wave spectrum. However, even zero-net-magnetization systems, +such as collinear antiferromagnets and cycloidal spin spirals, can have +spin-wave modes that are individually nonreciprocal, while the total spectrum +remains reciprocal.",2003.11649v1 +2013-12-11,"Magnonic Band Structure, Complete Bandgap and Collective Spin Wave Excitation in Nanoscale Two--Dimensional Magnonic Crystals","We present the observation of a complete bandgap and collective spin wave +excitation in two-dimensional magnonic crystals comprised of arrays of +nanoscale antidots and nanodots, respectively. Considering that the frequencies +dealt with here fall in the microwave band, these findings can be used for the +development of suitable magnonic metamaterials and spin wave based signal +processing. We also present the application of a numerical procedure, to +compute the dispersion relations of spin waves for any high symmetry direction +in the first Brillouin zone. The results obtained from this procedure has been +reproduced and verified by the well established plane wave method for an +antidot lattice, when magnetization dynamics at antidot boundaries is pinned. +The micromagnetic simulation based method can also be used to obtain +iso--frequency countours of spin waves. Iso--frequency contours are analougous +of the Fermi surfaces and hence, they have the potential to radicalize our +understanding of spin wave dynamics. The physical origin of bands, partial and +full magnonic bandgaps has been explained by plotting the spatial distribution +of spin wave energy spectral density. Although, unfettered by rigid assumptions +and approximations, which afflict most analytical methods used in the study of +spin wave dynamics, micromagnetic simulations tend to be computationally +demanding. Thus, the observation of collective spin wave excitation in the case +of nanodot arrays, which can obviate the need to perform simulations may also +prove to be valuable.",1312.3044v1 +2017-07-12,X-Ray Microscopy of Spin Wave Focusing using a Fresnel Zone Plate,"Magnonics, i.e. the artificial manipulation of spin waves, is a flourishing +field of research with many potential uses in data processing within reach. +Apart from the technological applications the possibility to directly influence +and observe these types of waves is of great interest for fundamental research. +Guidance and steering of spin waves has been previously shown and lateral spin +wave confinement has been achieved. However, true spin wave focusing with both +lateral confinement and increase in amplitude has not been shown before. Here, +we show for the first time spin wave focusing by realizing a Fresnel zone plate +type lens. Using x-ray microscopy we are able to directly image the propagation +of spin waves into the nanometer sized focal spot. Furthermore, we observe that +the focal spot can be freely moved in a large area by small variations of the +bias field. Thus, this type of lens provides a steerable intense nanometer +sized spin wave source. Potentially, this could be used to selectively +illuminate magnonic devices like nano oscillators with a steerable spin wave +beam.",1707.03664v1 +2017-03-11,Magnonic crystals - prospective structures for shaping spin waves in nanoscale,"We have investigated theoretically band structure of spin waves in magnonic +crystals with periodicity in one-(1D), two- (2D) and three-dimensions (3D). We +have solved Landau-Lifshitz equation with the use of plane wave method, finite +element method in frequency domain and micromagnetic simulations in time domain +to find the dynamics of spin waves and spectrum of their eigenmodes. The spin +wave spectra were calculated in linear approximation. In this paper we show +usefulness of these methods in calculations of various types of spin waves. We +demonstrate the surface character of the Damon-Eshbach spin wave in 1D magnonic +crystals and change of its surface localization with the band number and +wavenumber in the first Brillouin zone. The surface property of the spin wave +excitation is further exploited by covering plate of the magnonic crystal with +conductor. The band structure in 2D magnonic crystals is complex due to +additional spatial inhomogeneity introduced by the demagnetizing field. This +modifies spin wave dispersion, makes the band structure of magnonic crystals +strongly dependent on shape of the inclusions and type of the lattice. The +inhomogeneity of the internal magnetic field becomes unimportant for magnonic +crystals with small lattice constant, where exchange interactions dominate. For +3D magnonic crystals, characterized by small lattice constant, wide magnonic +band gap is found. We show that the spatial distribution of different materials +in magnonic crystals can be explored for tailored effective damping of spin +waves.",1703.04012v1 +2017-05-26,Dielectric permeability tensor and linear waves in spin-1/2 quantum kinetics with non-trivial equilibrium spin-distribution functions,"A consideration of waves propagating parallel to the external magnetic field +is presented. The dielectric permeability tensor is derived from quantum +kinetic equations with non-trivial equilibrium spin-distribution functions +(NTESDF) in the linear approximation on amplitude of wave perturbations. In +general case, x- and y-projections of the SDF are nonzero which is called the +non-trivial regime. Corresponding equilibrium solution is found. Contribution +of the NTESDF appears in the dielectric permeability tensor in the additive +form. It is explicitly found here. Corresponding modification in the dispersion +equation for the transverse waves is derived. Contribution of NTESDF in the +spectrum of transverse waves is calculated numerically. It is found that the +term caused by the NTESDF can be comparable with the classic terms for the +relatively small wave vectors and frequencies above the cyclotron frequency. In +majority of regimes, the extra spin caused term dominates over the spin term +found earlier, except the small frequency regime, where their contributions in +the whistler spectrum are comparable. A decrease of the left-hand circularly +polarized wave frequency, an increase of the high-frequency right-hand +circularly polarized wave frequency, and a decrease of frequency changing by an +increase of frequency at the growth of the wave vector for the whistler are +found. A dramatic decrease of the spin wave frequency resulting in several +times larger group velocity of the spin wave is found either. Found dispersion +equations are used for obtaining of an effective quantum hydrodynamics +reproducing these results. This generalization requires the introduction of +corresponding equation of state for the thermal part of the spin current in the +spin evolution equation.",1705.09738v1 +2022-03-21,Scattering of spin waves by a Bloch domain wall: effect of the dipolar interaction,"It is known that a Bloch domain wall in an anisotropic ferromagnet is +transparent to spin waves. This result is derived by approximating the dipolar +interaction between magnetic moments by an effective anisotropy interaction. In +this paper we study the the scattering of spin waves by a domain wall taking +into account the full complexity of the dipolar interaction, treating it +perturbatively in the distorted wave Born approximation. Due to the +peculiarities of the dipolar interaction, the implementation of this +approximation is not straightforward. The difficulties are circumvented here by +realizing that the contribution of the dipolar interaction to the spin wave +operator can be split into two terms: i) an operator that commutes with the +spin wave operator in absence of dipolar interaction, and ii) a local operator +suitable to be treated as a perturbation in the distorted wave Born +approximaton. We analyze the scattering parameters obtained within this +approach. It turns out that the reflection coefficient does not vanish in +general, and that the transmitted waves suffer a lateral shift even at normal +incidence. This lateral shift can be greatlty enhanced by making the spin wave +go through an array of well separated domain walls. The outgoing spin wave will +no be attenuated by the scattering at the domain walls since the reflection +coefficient vanishes at normal incidence. This effect may be very useful to +control the spin waves in magnonic devices.",2203.11140v1 +2018-08-08,Observation of acoustic spin,"Unlike optical waves, acoustic waves in fluids are described by scalar +pressure fields, and therefore are considered spinless. Here, we demonstrate +experimentally the existence of spin in acoustics. In the interference of two +acoustic waves propagating perpendicularly to each other, we observed the spin +angular momentum in free space as a result of the rotation of local particle +velocity. We successfully measured the acoustic spin, and spin induced torque +acting on a lossy acoustic meta-atom that results from absorption of the spin +angular momentum. The acoustic spin is also observed in the evanescent field of +a guided mode traveling along a metamaterial waveguide. We found spin-momentum +locking in acoustic waves whose propagation direction is determined by the sign +of spin. The observed acoustic spin could open a new door in acoustics and +their applications for the control of wave propagation and particle rotation.",1808.03686v1 +2016-03-17,Spin wave amplification using the spin Hall effect in permalloy/platinum bilayers,"We investigate the effect of an electrical current on the attenuation length +of a 900 nm wavelength spin-wave in a permalloy/Pt bilayer using propagating +spin-wave spectroscopy. The modification of the spin-wave relaxation rate is +linear in current density, reaching up to 14% for a current density of +2.3$\times10^{11} $A/m$^2$ in Pt. This change is attributed to the spin +transfer torque induced by the spin Hall effect and corresponds to an effective +spin Hall angle of 0.13, which is among the highest values reported so far. The +spin Hall effect thus appears as an efficient way of amplifying/attenuating +propagating spin waves.",1603.05478v1 +2019-12-03,Spin-orbit torque-mediated spin-wave excitation as an alternative paradigm for femtomagnetism,"Laser-induced femtosecond demagnetization, femtomagnetism, offers a potential +route to develop faster magnetic storage devices. It is generally believed that +the traditional spin-wave theory, which is developed for thermally driven slow +demagnetization, can not explain this rapid demagnetization by design. Here we +show that this traditional spin-wave theory, once augmented by laser-induced +spin-orbit torque, provides a highly efficient paradigm for demagnetization, by +capturing low-energy spin-wave excitation that is absent in existing +mechanisms. Our paradigm is different from existing ones, but does not exclude +them. Microscopically, we find that optical spin-orbit torque generates massive +spin waves across several hundred lattice sites, collapsing the long-range +spin-spin correlation within 20 fs. Our finding does not only explain new +experiments, but also establishes an alternative paradigm for femtomagnetism. +It is expected to have far-reaching impacts on future research.",1912.01736v1 +2005-07-01,Spin-orbit coupling and spin transport,"Recent achievements in semiconductor spintronics are discussed. Special +attention is paid to spin-orbit interaction, coupling of electron spins to +external electric fields, and spin transport in media with spin-orbit coupling, +including the mechanisms of spin-Hall effect. Importance of spin-transport +parameters at spin-precession wave vector $k_{\rm so}$ is emphasized, and +existence of an universal relation between spin currents and spin accumulation +at the spatial scale of $\ell_{\rm so}\approx k_{\rm so}^{-1}$ is conjectured.",0507007v2 +2018-04-10,Measuring the properties of nearly extremal black holes with gravitational waves,"Characterizing the properties of black holes is one of the most important +science objectives for gravitational-wave observations. Astrophysical evidence +suggests that black holes that are nearly extremal (i.e. spins near the +theoretical upper limit) might exist and thus might be among the merging black +holes observed with gravitational waves. In this paper, we explore how well +current gravitational wave parameter estimation methods can measure the spins +of rapidly spinning black holes in binaries. We simulate gravitational-wave +signals using numerical-relativity waveforms for nearly-extremal, merging black +holes. For simplicity, we confine our attention to binaries with spins parallel +or antiparallel with the orbital angular momentum. We find that recovering the +holes' nearly extremal spins is challenging. When the spins are nearly extremal +and parallel to each other, the resulting parameter estimates do recover spins +that are large, though the recovered spin magnitudes are still significantly +smaller than the true spin magnitudes. When the spins are nearly extremal and +antiparallel to each other, the resulting parameter estimates recover the small +effective spin but incorrectly estimate the individual spins as nearly zero. We +study the effect of spin priors and argue that a commonly used prior (uniform +in spin magnitude and direction) hinders unbiased recovery of large black-hole +spins.",1804.03704v2 +2011-07-13,Two-Dimensional Propagation of a Photoinduced Spin Wave Packet,"We report the two-dimensional propagation of photoinduced spin wave packets +in Bi-doped rare-earth iron garnet. Spin waves were excited nonthermally and +impulsively by a circularly polarized light pulse via the inverse Faraday +effect. Space- and time resolved spin waves were detected with a +magneto-optical pump-probe technique. We investigated propagation in two +directions, parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field. Backward volume +magnetostatic waves (BVMSWs) were detected in both directions. The frequency of +BVMSWs depends on the propagation direction. The experimental results agreed +well with the dispersion relation of BVMSWs.",1107.2457v1 +2013-11-18,Antiferromagnetic Domain Wall Motion Induced by Spin Waves,"Spin waves in antiferromagnets are linearly or circularly polarized. +Depending on the polarization, traversing spin waves alter the staggered field +in a qualitatively different way. We calculate the drift velocity of a moving +domain wall as a result of spin wave mediated forces, and show that the domain +wall moves in opposite directions for linearly and circularly polarized waves. +The analytical results agree with a micromagnetics simulation of an +antiferromagnetic domain wall driven by a localized and alternating magnetic +field.",1311.4328v2 +2015-09-09,Spin wave vortex from the scattering on Bloch point solitons,"The interaction of a spin wave with a stationary Bloch point is studied. The +topological non-trivial structure of the Bloch point manifests in the +propagation of spin waves endowing them with a gauge potential that resembles +the one associated with the interaction of a magnetic monopole and an electron. +By pursuing this analogy, we are led to the conclusion that the scattering of +spin waves and Bloch points is accompanied by the creation of a magnon vortex. +Interference between such a vortex and a plane wave leads to dislocations in +the interference pattern that can be measurable by means of magnon holography.",1509.02891v1 +2021-03-15,Magnetically switchable spin wave retarder with $90^\circ$ antiferromagnetic domain wall,"Polarization, denoting the precession direction with respect to the +background magnetization, is an intrinsic degree of freedom of spin wave. Using +magnetic textures to control the spin wave polarization is fundamental and +indispensable toward reprogrammable polarization-based magnonics. Here, we show +that due to the intrinsic cubic anisotropy, a $90^\circ$ antiferromagnetic +domain wall naturally acts as a spin wave retarder (wave-plate). Moreover, for +a $90^\circ$ domain wall pair developed by introducing a second domain in a +homogenous antiferromagnetic wire, the sign of retarding effect can be flipped +by simply switching the direction of the intermediate domain.",2103.08342v2 +2021-07-12,Spin wave driven domain wall motion in easy-plane ferromagnets: a particle perspective,"In easy-plane ferromagnets, we show that the interplay between a domain wall +and a spin wave packet can be formulated as the collision of two massive +particles with a gravity-like attraction. In the presence of magnetic +dissipation, the domain wall mimics a particle subject to viscous friction, +while the spin wave packet resembles a particle of variable mass. Due to +attractive nature of the interaction, the domain wall acquires a backward +displacement as a spin wave packet penetrating the domain wall, even though +there is no change in momentum of the wave packet before and after penetration.",2107.05401v2 +2023-01-05,Universal scaling between wave speed and size enables nanoscale high-performance reservoir computing based on propagating spin-waves,"Neuromorphic computing using spin waves is promising for high-speed nanoscale +devices, but the realization of high performance has not yet been achieved. +Here we show, using micromagnetic simulations and simplified theory with +response functions, that spin-wave physical reservoir computing can achieve +miniaturization down to nanoscales keeping high computational power comparable +with other state-of-art systems. We also show the scaling of system sizes with +the propagation speed of spin waves plays a key role to achieve high +performance at nanoscales.",2301.02193v1 +2015-07-10,Fractionalized spin-wave continuum in spin liquid states on the kagome lattice,"Motivated by spin-wave continuum (SWC) observed in recent neutron scattering +experiments in Herbertsmithite, we use Gutzwiller-projected wave functions to +study dynamic spin structure factor $S(\mathbf{q},\omega)$ of spin liquid +states on the kagome lattice. Spin-1 excited states in spin liquids are +represented by Gutzwiller-projected two-spinon excited wave functions. We +investigate three different spin liquid candidates, spinon Fermi-surface spin +liquid (FSL), Dirac spin liquid (DSL) and random-flux spin liquid (RSL). FSL +and RSL have low energy peaks in $S(\mathbf{q},\omega)$ at $K$ points in the +extended magnetic Brillouin zone, in contrast to experiments where low energy +peaks are found at $M$ points. There is no obviuos contradiction between DSL +and neutron scattering measurements. Besides a fractionalized spin (i.e. +spin-1/2), spinons in DSL carry a fractionalized crystal momentum which is +potentially detectable in SWC in the neutron scattering measurements.",1507.03007v1 +2019-04-29,Unconventional spin currents in magnetic films,"A spin current - a flow of spin angular momentum - can be carried either by +spin polarised free electrons or by magnons, the quanta of a moving collective +oscillation of localised electron spins - a spin wave. Traditionally, it was +assumed, that a spin wave in a magnetic film with spin-sink-free surfaces can +transfer energy and angular momentum only along its propagation direction. In +this work, using Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy in combination with a +theory of dipole-exchange spin-wave spectra, we show that in obliquely +magnetized free magnetic films the in-plane propagation of spin waves is +accompanied by a transverse spin current along the film normal without any +corresponding transverse transport of energy.",1904.12610v1 +2002-02-14,Effects of Charge Ordering on Spin-Wave of Quarter-Filled Spin-Density-Wave States,"Spin-wave excitations of quarter-filled spin-density-wave state, which +coexists with charge ordering, have been studied for one-dimensional extended +Hubbard model with the nearest-neighbor repulsive interaction (V) and +next-nearest-neighbor one (V_2). We calculate dispersion relations for the +acoustic and optical spin-wave within the random phase approximation. Our +numerical calculation shows that energy spectrum of the acoustic branch is well +described by a simple sine function form. In the states coexisting with +charge-density-wave, the spin-wave velocity decreases with increasing V or V_2. +Our numerical result, that velocity reduces to zero in the limit of large V or +V_2, is analyzed in terms of a spin 1/2 Heisenberg model with effective +antiferromagnetic exchange interaction.",0202227v2 +2005-01-28,Spin waves in paramagnetic BCC iron: spin dynamics simulations,"Large scale computer simulations are used to elucidate a longstanding +controversy regarding the existence, or otherwise, of spin waves in +paramagnetic BCC iron. Spin dynamics simulations of the dynamic structure +factor of a Heisenberg model of Fe with first principles interactions reveal +that well defined peaks persist far above Curie temperature T_c. At large wave +vectors these peaks can be ascribed to propagating spin waves, at small wave +vectors the peaks correspond to over-damped spin waves. Paradoxically, spin +wave excitations exist despite only limited magnetic short-range order at and +above T_c.",0501713v1 +2007-10-15,"Model for a collimated spin wave beam generated by a single layer, spin torque nanocontact","A model of spin torque induced magnetization dynamics based upon +semi-classical spin diffusion theory for a single layer nanocontact is +presented. The model incorporates effects due to the current induced Oersted +field and predicts the generation of a variety of spatially dependent, +coherent, precessional magnetic wave structures. Directionally controllable +collimated spin wave beams, vortex spiral waves, and localized standing waves +are found to be excited by the interplay of the Oersted field and the +orientation of an applied field. These fields act as a spin wave ``corral'' +around the nanocontact that controls the propagation of spin waves in certain +directions.",0710.2890v3 +2008-10-30,A Three-Terminal Spin-Wave Device for Logic Applications,"We demonstrate a three-terminal spin wave-based device utilizing spin wave +interference. The device consists of three coplanar transmission lines +inductively coupled to the 100nm thick CoFe film. Two spin wave signals are +excited by microwave fields produced by electric current in two sets of lines, +and the output signal is detected by the third set. The initial phases of the +spin wave signals are controlled by the direction of the current flow in the +excitation set of lines. Experimental data show prominent output signal +modulation as a function of the relative phase (in-phase and out-of phase) of +two input signals. The micrometer scale device operates in the GHz frequency +range and at room temperature. Our experimental results show that spin-wave +devices exploiting spin wave interference may be scaled to micrometer and +nanometer scales for potential logic circuit application.",0810.5589v1 +2017-11-24,Antiferromagnetic domain wall motion driven by polarized spin waves,"The control of magnetic domain walls is essential for the magnetic-based +memory and logic applications. As an elementary excitation of magnetic order, +spin wave is capable of moving magnetic domain walls just as the conducting +electric current. Ferromagnetic spin waves can only be right-circularly +polarized. In contrast, antiferromagnetic spin waves have full polarization +degree of freedom, including both left- and right-circular polarizations, as +well as all possible linear or elliptical ones. Here we demonstrate that, due +to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, the spin wave driven domain wall +motion in antiferromagnets strongly depends on the linear polarization +direction of the injected spin waves. Steering domain wall motion by simply +tuning the polarization of spin waves offers new designing principles for +domain-wall based information processing devices.",1711.08929v1 +2017-11-28,Spin-wave propagation in the presence of inhomogeneous Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions,"We theoretically investigate spin-wave propagation through a magnetic +metamaterial with spatially modulated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. We +establish an effective Sch{\""o}dinger equation for spin-waves and derive +boundary conditions for spin-waves passing through the boundary between two +regions having different Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. Based on these +boundary conditions, we find that the spin-wave can be amplified at the +boundary and the spin-wave bandgap is tunable either by an external magnetic +field or the strength of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, which offers a +spin-wave analogue of the field-effect transistor in traditional electronics.",1711.10082v1 +2018-12-20,Unidirectional spin-wave channeling along magnetic domain walls of Bloch type,"From the pioneering work of Winter [Phys. Rev. 124, 452 (1961)], a magnetic +domain wall of Bloch type is known to host a special wall-bound spin-wave mode, +which corresponds to spin-waves being channeled along the magnetic texture. +Using micromagnetic simulations, we investigate spin-waves travelling inside +Bloch walls formed in thin magnetic media with perpendicular-to-plane magnetic +anisotropy and we show that their propagation is actually strongly +nonreciprocal, as a result of dynamic dipolar interactions. We investigate +spin-wave non-reciprocity effects in single Bloch walls, which allows us to +clearly pinpoint their origin, as well as in arrays of parallel walls in stripe +domain configurations. For such arrays, a complex domain-wall-bound spin-wave +band structure develops, some aspects of which can be understood qualitatively +from the single-wall picture by considering that a wall array consists of a +sequence of up/down and down/up walls with opposite non-reciprocities. +Circumstances are identified in which the non-reciprocity is so extreme that +spin-wave propagation inside individual walls becomes unidirectional.",1812.08741v1 +2017-06-06,Antiferromagnetic Domain Wall as Spin Wave Polarizer and Retarder,"As a collective quasiparticle excitation of the magnetic order in magnetic +materials, spin wave, or magnon when quantized, can propagate in both +conducting and insulating materials. Like the manipulation of its optical +counterpart, the ability to manipulate spin wave polarization is not only +important but also fundamental for magnonics. With only one type of magnetic +lattice, ferromagnets can only accommodate the right-handed circularly +polarized spin wave modes, which leaves no freedom for polarization +manipulation. In contrast, antiferromagnets, with two opposite magnetic +sublattices, have both left and right circular polarizations, and all linear +and elliptical polarizations. Here we demonstrate theoretically and confirm by +micromagnetic simulations that, in the presence of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya +interaction, an antiferromagnetic domain wall acts naturally as a spin wave +polarizer or a spin wave retarder (waveplate). Our findings provide extremely +simple yet flexible routes toward magnonic information processing by harnessing +the polarization degree of freedom of spin wave.",1706.01617v1 +2017-06-30,Spin-wave propagation in cubic anisotropic materials,"The information carrier of modern technologies is the electron charge whose +transport inevitably generates Joule heating. Spin-waves, the collective +precessional motion of electron spins, do not involve moving charges and thus +avoid Joule heating. In this respect, magnonic devices in which the information +is carried by spin-waves attract interest for low-power computing. However +implementation of magnonic devices for practical use suffers from low spin-wave +signal and on/off ratio. Here we demonstrate that cubic anisotropic materials +can enhance spin-wave signals by improving spin-wave amplitude as well as group +velocity and attenuation length. Furthermore, cubic anisotropic material shows +an enhanced on/off ratio through a laterally localized edge mode, which closely +mimics the gate-controlled conducting channel in traditional field-effect +transistors. These attractive features of cubic anisotropic materials will +invigorate magnonics research towards wave-based functional devices.",1706.10057v1 +2019-03-03,Goos-Hanchen Shift of a Spin-Wave Beam at the Interface Between Two Ferromagnets,"Spin waves are promising information carriers which can be used in modern +magnonic devices, characterized by higher performance and lower energy +consumption than presently used electronic circuits. However, before practical +application of spin waves, the efficient control over spin wave amplitude and +phase needs to be developed. We analyze analytically reflection and refraction +of the spin waves at the interface between two ferromagnetic materials. In the +model we consider the system consisting of two semi-infinite ferromagnetic +media, separated by the ultra-narrow interface region with the magnetic +anisotropy. We have found the Goos-Hanchen shift for spin waves in transmission +and reflection, and performed detailed investigations of its dependence on the +anisotropy at the interface and materials surrounding the interface. We have +demonstrated possibility of obtaining Goos-Hanchen shift of several wavelengths +in reflection for realistic material parameters. That proves the possibility +for change of the spin waves phase in ferromagnetic materials at subwavelength +distances, which can be regarded as a metasurface for magnonics.",1903.00861v1 +2019-04-25,Controlled interconversion of quantized spin wave modes via local magnetic fields,"In the emerging field of magnonics, spin waves are considered for information +processing and transmission at high frequencies. Towards this end, the +manipulation of propagating spin waves in nanostructured waveguides for novel +functionality has recently been attracting increasing focus of research. +Excitations with uniform magnetic fields in such waveguides favors symmetric +spin wave modes with odd quantization numbers. Interference between multiple +odd spin wave modes leads to a periodic self-focusing effect of the propagating +spin waves. Here we demonstrate, how antisymmetric spin wave modes with even +quantization numbers can be induced by local magnetic fields in a +well-controlled fashion. The resulting interference patterns are discussed +within an analytical model and experimentally demonstrated using microfocused +Brillouin light scattering ({\mu}-BLS).",1904.11613v1 +2020-05-06,Observation of evanescent spin waves in the magnetic dipole regime,"We observed spin-wave transmission through an air gap that works as a +prohibited region. The spin waves were excited by circularly polarized pump +pulses via the inverse Faraday effect, and their spatial propagation was +detected through the Faraday effect of probe pulses using a pump-probe imaging +technique. The experimentally observed spin-wave transmission was reproduced +using numerical calculations with a Green's function method and micromagnetic +simulation. We found that the amplitude of the spin waves decays exponentially +in the air gap, which indicates the existence of evanescent spin waves in the +magnetic dipole regime. This finding will pave the way for controllable +amplitudes and phases of spin waves propagating through an artificial magnonic +crystal.",2005.02559v1 +2020-07-06,Hippopede curves for modelling radial spin waves in an azimuthal graded magnonic landscape,"We propose a mathematical model for describing radially propagating spin +waves emitted from the core region in a magnetic patch with n vertices in a +magnetic vortex state. The azimuthal anisotropic propagation of surface spin +waves (SSW) into the domain, and confined spin waves (or Winter's Magnons, WM) +in domain walls increases the complexity of the magnonic landscape. In order to +understand the spin wave propagation in these systems, we first use an approach +based on geometrical curves called 'hippopedes', however it provides no insight +into the underlying physics. Analytical models rely on generalized expressions +from the dispersion relation of SSW with an arbitrary angle between +magnetization M and wavenumber k. The derived algebraic expression for the +azimuthal dispersion is found to be equivalent to that of the 'hippopede' +curves. The fitting curves from the model yield a spin wave wavelength for any +given azimuthal direction, number of patch vertices and excitation frequency, +showing a connection with fundamental physics of exchange dominated surface +spin waves. Analytical results show good agreement with micromagnetic +simulations and can be easily extrapolated to any n-corner patch geometry.",2007.02646v2 +2021-01-28,Electrical spin-wave spectroscopy in nanoscale waveguides with nonuniform magnetization,"Spin waves modes in magnetic waveguides with width down to 320 nm have been +studied by electrical propagating spin-wave spectroscopy and micromagnetic +simulations for both longitudinal and transverse magnetic bias fields. For +longitudinal bias fields, a 1.3 GHz wide spin-wave band was observed in +agreement with analytical dispersion relations for uniform magnetization. +However, transverse bias field led to several distinct bands, corresponding to +different quantized width modes, with both negative and positive slopes. +Micromagnetic simulations showed that, in this geometry, the magnetization was +nonuniform and tilted due to the strong shape anisotropy of the waveguides. +Simulations of the quantized spin-wave modes in such nonuniformly magnetized +waveguides resulted in spin wave dispersion relations in good agreement with +the experiments.",2101.11983v2 +2023-06-08,Unidirectionality of spin waves in Synthetic Antiferromagnets,"We study the frequency non-reciprocity of the spin waves in symmetric +CoFeB/Ru/CoFeB synthetic antiferromagnets stacks set in the scissors state by +in-plane applied fields. Using a combination of Brillouin Light Scattering and +propagating spin wave spectroscopy experiments, we show that the acoustical +spin waves in synthetic antiferromagnets possess a unique feature if their +wavevector is parallel to the applied field: the frequency non-reciprocity due +to layer-to-layer dipolar interactions can be so large that the acoustical spin +waves transfer energy in a unidirectional manner for a wide and bipolar +interval of wavevectors. Analytical modeling and full micromagnetic +calculations are conducted to account for the dispersion relations of the +optical and acoustical spin waves for arbitrary field orientations. Our +formalism provides a simple and direct method to understand and design devices +harnessing unidirectional propagation of spin waves in synthetic +antiferromagnets.",2306.05259v2 +2023-07-24,Unidirectional spin wave emission by travelling pair of magnetic field profiles,"We demonstrate that the spin wave Cherenkov effect can be used to design the +unidirectional spin wave emitter with tunable frequency and switchable +direction of emission. In our numerical studies, we propose to use a pair of +traveling profiles of the magnetic field which generate the spin waves, for +sufficiently large velocity of their motion. In the considered system, the spin +waves of shorter (longer) wavelengths are induced at the front (back) of the +moving profiles and interfere constructively or destructively, depending on the +velocity of the profiles. Moreover, we showed that the spin waves can be +confined between the pair of traveling profiles of the magnetic field. This +work opens the perspectives for the experimental studies in hybrid +magnonic-superconducting systems where the magnetic vortices in a +superconductor can be used as moving sources of the magnetic field driving the +spin waves in the ferromagnetic subsystem.",2307.12653v2 +1998-12-16,Elementary excitations of magnetically ordered systems with orbital degeneracy,"The Holstein-Primakoff transformation is generalized to develop a quantum +flavor wave theory for spin systems with orbital degeneracy. Elementary +excitations consist of spin, orbital, and spin-orbital waves. Spin and +spin-orbital waves couple each other due to orbital anisotropy and Hund's rule, +resulting in new modes observable by inelastic neutron scattering. In the SU(4) +limit, flavor waves are dispersionless along one or more directions, and give +rise to quantum fluctuations of reduced dimensionality.",9812289v1 +1999-09-02,Orbital Polarization and Fluctuation in Manganese Oxides,"In a form which include the mother compound, we studied the extended +Hubbard-type model with the orbital degeneracy for any doping concentration. +Meanfield phase diagram and the spin wave excitation in RPA are calculated. It +turned out that a large orbital polarization is essential to reproduce the +magnetic phases depending on the doping concentration. Base on this result, we +discuss the spin canting, the spin wave dispersion, and spin wave stiffness +from the standing point of the large orbital polarization. We also discuss the +orbital fluctuation which turned out to be important in the ferromagnetic +metallic region where the CMR is observed. Spin wave softening near the zone +boundary is also discussed in this context.",9909023v1 +2000-05-09,Spin-Waves in itinerant ferromagnets,"We introduce a novel approach for the investigation of spin-wave excitations +in itinerant ferromagnets. Our theory is based on a variational treatment of +general multi-band Hubbard models which describe elements and compounds of +transition metals. The magnon dispersion is derived approximately as the energy +of a variational spin-wave state in the limit of large spatial dimensions. A +numerical evaluation of our results is feasible for general multi-band models. +As a first application we consider a model with two degenerate orbitals per +lattice site. From our results we can conclude that spin-wave excitations in +strong itinerant ferromagnets are very similar to those in ferromagnetic spin +systems.",0005154v1 +2002-07-26,Spin Wave Response in the Dilute Quasi-one Dimensional Ising-like Antiferromagnet CsCo_{0.83}Mg_{0.17}Br_3,"Inelastic neutron scattering profiles of spin waves in the dilute +quasi-one-dimensional Ising-like antiferromagnet CsCo_{0.83}Mg_{0.17}Br_3 have +been investigated. Calculations of S^{xx}(Q,omega), based on an effective spin +Hamiltonian, accurately describe the experimental spin wave spectrum of the 2J +mode. The Q dependence of the energy of this spin wave mode follows the +analytical prediction +omega_{xx}(Q)=(2J)(1-5epsilon^{2}cos^{2}Qa+2epsilon^{2})^{1/2}, calculated by +Ishimura and Shiba using perturbation theory.",0207638v1 +2005-08-07,Circular Polarization and Quantum Spin: A Unified Real-Space Picture of Photons and Electrons,"A classical circularly polarized electromagnetic wave carries angular +momentum, and represents the classical limit of a photon, which carries +quantized spin. It is shown that a very similar picture of a circularly +polarized coherent wave can account for both the spin of an electron and its +quantum wave function, in a Lorentz-invariant fashion. The photon-electron +interaction occurs through the usual electromagnetic potentials, modulating the +frequency and wavevector (energy and momentum) of this rotating spin field. +Other quantum particles can also be represented either as rotating spin fields, +or as composites of such fields. Taken together, this picture suggests an +alternative interpretation of quantum mechanics based solely on coherent wave +packets, with no point particles present.",0508064v1 +2010-08-26,Localized collapse and revival of coherence in an ultracold Bose gas,"We study the collapse and revival of coherence induced by dipolar spin waves +in a trapped gas of Rb-87 atoms. In particular we observe spatially localized +collapse and revival of Ramsey fringe contrast and show how the pattern of +coherence depends on strength of the spin wave excitation. We find that the +spatial character of the coherence dynamics is incompatible with a simple model +based only on position-space overlap of wave functions. This phenomenon +requires a full phase-space description of the atomic spin using a quantum +Boltzmann transport equation, which highlights spin wave-induced coherent spin +currents and the ensuing dynamics they drive.",1008.4428v1 +2014-07-01,Spin waves and spin instabilities in quantum plasmas,"We describe main ideas of method of many-particle quantum hydrodynamics +allows to derive equations for description of quantum plasma evolution. We also +present definitions of collective quantum variables suitable for quantum +plasmas. We show that evolution of magnetic moments (spins) in quantum plasmas +leads to several new branches of wave dispersion: spin-electromagnetic plasma +waves and self-consistent spin waves. Propagation of neutron beams through +quantum plasmas is also considered. Instabilities appearing due to interaction +of magnetic moments of neutrons with plasma are described.",1407.0355v1 +2015-11-25,Topological spin waves in the atomic-scale magnetic skyrmion crystal,"We study the spin waves of the triangular skyrmion crystal that emerges in a +two dimensional spin lattice model as a result of the competition between +Heisenberg exchange, Dzyalonshinkii-Moriya interactions, Zeeman coupling and +uniaxial anisotropy. The calculated spin wave bands have a finite Berry +curvature that, in some cases, leads to non-zero Chern numbers, making this +system topologically distinct from conventional magnonic systems. We compute +the edge spin-waves, expected from the bulk-boundary correspondence principle, +and show that they are chiral, which makes them immune to elastic +backscattering. Our results illustrate how topological phases can occur in +self-generated emergent superlattices at the mesoscale.",1511.08244v1 +2012-09-09,Neutron Brillouin scattering with pulsed spallation neutron source - spin-wave excitations from ferromagnetic powder samples -,"Neutron Brillouin scattering (NBS) method was developed using a pulsed +spallation neutron source, and the feasibility of NBS was demonstrated by +observing ferromagnetic spin waves in La$_{0.8}$Sr$_{0.2}$MnO$_3$ and SrRuO$_3$ +powders. Gapless spin-wave excitations were observed in +La$_{0.8}$Sr$_{0.2}$MnO$_3$, which were continuously extended to the lower +scattering vector $Q$ from previous results using single crystals. The novel +result is a well-defined quadratic $Q$ dependence in the spin-wave dispersion +curve with a large energy gap in SrRuO$_3$ indicating robust spin-orbit +coupling.",1209.1780v1 +2018-12-18,Magnetic excitations in frustrated fcc type-III antiferromagnet MnS$_2$,"Spin wave dispersion in the frustrated fcc type-III antiferromagnet MnS$_2$ +has been determined by inelastic neutron scattering using a triple-axis +spectrometer. Existence of multiple spin wave branches, with significant +separation between high-energy and low-energy modes highlighting the intrinsic +magnetic frustration effect on the fcc lattice, is explained in terms of a spin +wave analysis carried out for the antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model for this +$S=5/2$ system with nearest and next-nearest-neighbor exchange interactions. +Comparison of the calculated dispersion with spin wave measurement also reveals +small suppression of magnetic frustration resulting from reduced exchange +interaction between frustrated spins, possibly arising from anisotropic +deformation of the cubic structure.",1812.07267v1 +2019-05-29,Spin wave propagation in ferrimagnetic $Gd_{x}Co_{1-x}$,"Recent advances in antiferromagnetic spin dynamics using rare-earth (RE) and +transition-metal (TM) ferrimagnets have attracted much interest for spintronic +devices with a high speed and density. In this study, the spin wave properties +in the magnetostatic backward volume mode and surface mode in RE-TM +ferrimagnetic $Gd_{x}Co_{1-x}$ films with various composition x are +investigated using spin wave spectroscopy. The obtained group velocity and +attenuation length are well explained by the ferromagnet-based spin wave theory +when the composition of $Gd_{x}Co_{1-x}$ is far from the compensation point.",1905.12771v1 +2017-01-20,Asymmetric Spin-wave Dispersion on Fe(110): Direct Evidence of Dzyaloshinskii--Moriya Interaction,"The influence of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction on the spin-wave +dispersion in an Fe double layer grown on W(110) is measured for the first +time. It is demonstrated that the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction breaks the +degeneracy of spin waves and leads to an asymmetric spin-wave dispersion +relation. An extended Heisenberg spin Hamiltonian is employed to obtain the +longitudinal component of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya vectors from the +experimentally measured energy asymmetry.",1701.05854v1 +2022-02-23,Nonlinear Coupling of Electromagnetic and Spin-Electron-Acoustic Waves in Spin-polarized Degenerate Relativistic Astrophysical Plasma,"Propagation of the finite amplitude electromagnetic wave through the +partially spin-polarized degenerate plasmas leads to the instability. The +instability happens at the interaction of the electromagnetic wave with the +small frequency longitudinal spin-electron-acoustic waves. Strongest +instability happens in the high density degenerate plasmas with the Fermi +momentum close to $m_{e}c$, where $m_{e}$ is the mass of electron, and $c$ is +the speed of light. The increase of the increment of instability with the +growth of the spin polarization of plasmas is found.",2202.11814v1 +2022-12-02,Interplay between spin wave and magnetic vortex,"In this paper, the interplay between spin wave and magnetic vortex is +studied. We find three types of magnon scatterings: skew scattering, symmetric +side deflection and back reflection, which associate with respectively magnetic +topology, energy density distribution and linear momentum transfer torque +within vortex. The vortex core exhibits two translational modes: the intrinsic +circular mode and a coercive elliptical mode, which can be excited based on +permanent and periodic magnon spin-transfer torque effects of spin wave. +Lastly, we propose a vortex-based spin wave valve in which via inhomogeneity +modulation we access arbitrary control of the phase shift.",2212.01172v1 +2008-01-31,Cosmological black hole spin evolution by mergers and accretion,"Using recent results from numerical relativity simulations of black hole +mergers, we revisit previous studies of cosmological black hole spin evolution. +We show that mergers are very unlikely to yield large spins, unless alignment +of the spins of the merging holes with the orbital angular momentum is very +efficient. We analyze the spin evolution in three specific scenarios: (1) spin +evolves only through mergers, (2) spin evolves through mergers and prolonged +accretion episodes, (3) spin evolves through mergers and short-lived (chaotic) +accretion episodes. We study how different diagnostics can distinguish between +these evolutionary scenarios, assessing the discriminating power of +gravitational-wave measurements and X-ray spectroscopy. Gravitational radiation +can produce three different types of spin measurements, yielding respectively +the spins of the two black holes in a binary inspiral prior to merger, the spin +of the merger remnant (as encoded in the ringdown waves), and the spin of +``single'' black holes during the extreme mass-ratio inspiral (EMRI) of compact +objects. The latter spin population is also accessible to iron-line +measurements. We compute and compare the spin distributions relevant for these +different observations. If iron-line measurements and gravitational-wave +observations of EMRIs only yield dimensionless spins j=J/M^2>0.9, then +prolonged accretion should be responsible for spin-up, and chaotic accretion +scenarios would be very unlikely. If only a fraction of the whole population of +low-redshift black holes spins rapidly, spin-alignment during binary mergers +(rather than prolonged accretion) could be responsible for spin-ups.",0802.0025v2 +2012-08-27,Photo-magnonics,"In the framework of magnonics all-optical femtosecond laser experiments are +used to study spin waves and their relaxation paths. Magnonic crystal +structures based on antidots allow the control over the spin-wave modes. In +these two-dimensional magnetic metamaterials with periodicities in the +wave-length range of dipolar spin waves the spin-wave bands and dispersion are +modified. Hence, a specific selection of spin-wave modes excited by laser +pulses is possible. Different to photonics, the modes depend strongly on the +strength of the magneto-static potential at around each antidot site - the +dipolar field. While this may lead to a mode localization, also for filling +fractions around or below 10%, Bloch states are found in low damping +ferromagnetic metals. In this chapter, an overview of these mechanisms is given +and the connection to spin-wave band spectra calculated from an analytical +model is established. Namely, the plane-wave method yields flattened bands as +well as band gaps at the antidot lattice Brillouin zone boundary.",1208.5383v1 +2013-08-02,Extraordinary momentum and spin in evanescent waves,"Momentum and spin represent fundamental dynamical properties of quantum +particles and fields. In particular, propagating optical waves (photons) carry +momentum and longitudinal spin determined by the wave vector and circular +polarization, respectively. Here we show that exactly the opposite can be the +case for evanescent optical waves. A single evanescent wave possesses a spin +component, which is independent of the polarization and is orthogonal to the +wave vector. Furthermore, such a wave carries a momentum component, which is +determined by the circular polarization and is also orthogonal to the wave +vector. We show that these extraordinary properties reveal a fundamental +Belinfante's spin momentum, known in field theory and unobservable in +propagating fields. We demonstrate that the transverse momentum and spin push +and twist a probe Mie particle in an evanescent field. This allows the +observation of `impossible' properties of light and of a fundamental +field-theory quantity, which was previously considered as `virtual'.",1308.0547v3 +2014-03-21,Interface boundary conditions for dynamic magnetization and spin wave dynamics in a ferromagnetic layer with the interface Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction,"In this work we derive the interface exchange boundary conditions for the +classical linear dynamics of magnetization in ferromagnetic layers with the +interface Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (IDMI). We show that IDMI leads to +pinning of dynamic magnetization at the interface. An unusual peculiarity of +the IDMI-based pinning is that its scales as the spin-wave wave number. We +incorporate these boundary conditions into an existing numerical model for the +dynamics of the Damon-Eshbach spin wave in ferromagnetic films. IDMI affects +the dispersion and the frequency non-reciprocity of the traveling Damon-Eshbach +spin wave. For a broad range of film thicknesses L and wave numbers the results +of the numerical simulations of the spin wave dispersion are in a good +agreement with a simple analytical expression which shows that the contribution +of IDMI to the dispersion scales as 1/L, similarly to the effect of other types +of interfacial anisotropy. Suggestions to experimentalists how to detect the +presence of IDMI in a spin wave experiment are given.",1403.5385v4 +2019-03-19,Broadband magnetoelastic coupling in magphonic crystals for high-frequency nanoscale spin wave generation,"Spin waves are promising candidates for information carriers in advanced +technology. The interactions between spin waves and acoustic waves in magnetic +nanostructures are of much interest because of their potential application for +spin wave generation, amplification and transduction. We investigate +numerically the dynamics of magnetoelastic excitations in a one-dimensional +magphonic crystal consisting of alternating layers of permalloy and cobalt. We +use the plane wave method and the finite element method for frequency- and +time-domain simulations, respectively. The studied structure is optimized for +hybridization of specific spin-wave and acoustic dispersion branches in the +entire Brillouin zone in a broad frequency range. We show that this type of +periodic structure can be used for efficient generation of high-frequency spin +waves.",1903.08024v1 +2021-02-24,Spin waves and high-frequency response in layered superconductors with helical magnetic structure,"We evaluate the spin-wave spectrum and dynamic susceptibility in a layered +superconductors with helical interlayer magnetic structure. We especially focus +on the structure in which the moments rotate 90$^{\circ}$ from layer to layer +realized in the iron pnictide RbEuFe$_{4}$As$_{4}$. The spin-wave spectrum in +superconductors is strongly renormalized due to the long-range electromagnetic +interactions between the oscillating magnetic moments. This leads to strong +enhancement of the frequency of the mode coupled with uniform field and this +enhancement exists only within a narrow range of the c-axis wave vectors of the +order of the inverse London penetration depth. The key feature of materials +like RbEuFe$_{4}$As$_{4}$ is that this uniform mode corresponds to the maximum +frequency of the spin-wave spectrum with respect to c-axis wave vector. As a +consequence, the high-frequency surface resistance acquires a very distinct +asymmetric feature spreading between the bare and renormalized frequencies. We +also consider excitation of spin waves with Josephson effect in a tunneling +contact between helical-magnetic and conventional superconductors and study the +interplay between the spin-wave features and geometrical cavity resonances in +the current-voltage characteristics.",2102.12445v2 +2019-01-30,Optimizing propagating spin wave spectroscopy,"The frequency difference between two oppositely propagating spin waves can be +used to probe several interesting magnetic properties, such as the +Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interaction (DMI). Propagating spin wave spectroscopy is a +technique that is very sensitive to this frequency difference. Here we show +several elements that are important to optimize devices for such a measurement. +We demonstrate that for wide magnetic strips there is a need for de-embedding. +Additionally, for these wide strips there is a large parasitic antenna-antenna +coupling that obfuscates any spin wave transmission signal, which is remedied +by moving to smaller strips. The conventional antenna design excites spin waves +with two different wave vectors. As the magnetic layers become thinner, the +resulting resonances move closer together and become very difficult to +disentangle. In the last part we therefore propose and verify a new antenna +design that excites spin waves with only one wave vector. We suggest to use +this antenna design to measure the DMI in thin magnetic layers.",1901.11108v1 +2020-12-08,Nanoscale neural network using non-linear spin-wave interference,"We demonstrate the design of a neural network, where all neuromorphic +computing functions, including signal routing and nonlinear activation are +performed by spin-wave propagation and interference. Weights and +interconnections of the network are realized by a magnetic field pattern that +is applied on the spin-wave propagating substrate and scatters the spin waves. +The interference of the scattered waves creates a mapping between the wave +sources and detectors. Training the neural network is equivalent to finding the +field pattern that realizes the desired input-output mapping. A custom-built +micromagnetic solver, based on the Pytorch machine learning framework, is used +to inverse-design the scatterer. We show that the behavior of spin waves +transitions from linear to nonlinear interference at high intensities and that +its computational power greatly increases in the nonlinear regime. We envision +small-scale, compact and low-power neural networks that perform their entire +function in the spin-wave domain.",2012.04594v1 +2016-05-10,Controlling Spin-Polarization in Graphene by Cloaking Magnetic and Spin-Orbit Scatterers,"We consider spin-dependent scatterers with large scattering cross-sections in +graphene -a Zeeman-like and an intrinsic spin-orbit coupling impurity- and show +that a gated ring around them can be engineered to produce an effcient control +of the spin dependent transport, like current spin polarization and spin Hall +angle. Our analysis is based on a spin-dependent partial-waves expansion of the +electronic wave-functions in the continuum approximation, described by the +Dirac equation.",1605.02814v2 +2009-08-04,Non-equilibrium Spin Waves in Paramagnetic Metals,"We theoretically study the effect of exchange interaction on the +non-equilibrium spin waves in disordered paramagnetic metals under the spin +injection condition. We show that the gapless spectrum of spin waves, +describing the spin precession in the absence of the applied magnetic field, +changes sign to negative on the paramagnetic side near the ferromagnet - +paramagnet phase transition. The damping of spin waves is small in the limit +when electron-electron exchange energy is larger than the inverse electron mean +free time, while in the opposite limit the propagation of spin waves is +strongly suppressed. We discuss the amplification of the electromagnetic field +by the non-equilibrium spin waves.",0908.0466v2 +2016-02-12,Internal dipolar field and soft magnons in periodic nanocomposite magnets,"We study spin wave excitations in a three-dimensional nanocomposite magnet of +exchange coupled hard (SmCo$_5$) and soft (FeCo) phases. The dipolar +interaction splits the spin wave energies into the upper and lower branches of +the spin wave manifold. When the amount of the soft phase is increased the +energy of low-lying spin excitations is considerably softened due to two +reasons: (i) the low- lying mode locked into the soft phase region with a spin +wave gap at ${\bf k}= 0$ which scales approximately proportional to the +anisotropy constant of the soft phase and (ii) the internal dipolar field which +comes from magnetic charges forming at hard-soft boundaries with normals +parallel to the magnetization displaces the spin wave manifold toward the lower +energies. With adding more soft phase the spin wave gap closes and the system +moves to another ground state characterized by the magnetization mismatch +between spins of the hard and soft phases.",1602.04111v1 +2017-12-22,Nanomagnonic waveguides based on reconfigurable spin-textures for spin computing,"Magnonics is gaining momentum as an emerging technology for information +processing. The wave character and Joule heating-free propagation of spin-waves +hold promises for highly efficient analog computing platforms, based on +integrated magnonic circuits. Miniaturization is a key issue but, so far, only +few examples of manipulation of spin-waves in nanostructures have been +demonstrated, due to the difficulty of tailoring the nanoscopic magnetic +properties with conventional fabrication techniques. In this Letter, we +demonstrate an unprecedented degree of control in the manipulation of +spin-waves at the nanoscale by using patterned reconfigurable spin-textures. By +space and time-resolved scanning transmission X-ray microscopy imaging, we +provide direct evidence for the channeling and steering of propagating +spin-waves in arbitrarily shaped nanomagnonic waveguides based on patterned +domain walls, with no need for external magnetic fields or currents. +Furthermore, we demonstrate a prototypic nanomagnonic circuit based on two +converging waveguides, allowing for the tunable spatial superposition and +interaction of confined spin-waves modes.",1712.08293v1 +2018-05-03,Sculpting the Spin-Wave Response of Artificial Spin Ice via Microstate Selection,"The spin-wave dynamics of the ferromagnetic nanoarrays termed artificial spin +ice (ASI) are known to vary depending on their magnetic microstate. However, +little work has been done to characterise this relationship. Recent advances in +control over the magnetic configuration of ASI bring designs harnessing the +interplay between spin-wave eigenmodes and the microstate within reach, +offering diverse applications including reconfigurable magnonic crystals, +microwave filters and microstate read-out probes. These designs hinge on a +strong understanding of the underlying spin wave-microstate correspondence. + Here, we analyse the effects of the magnetic microstate on spin-wave spectra +of honeycomb ASI systems via micromagnetic simulation. We find the spin-wave +spectrum to be highly-tunable via the microstate to an enhanced degree relative +to existing magnonic crystals, with mode shifting and (de)activation realised +by reversing individual nanoislands. Symmetries of ASI systems and the +chirality of magnetic defects are found to play important roles in determining +the high-frequency response.",1805.01397v3 +2020-08-07,Spin wave excitations in exchange biased IrMn/CoFe bilayers,"Using an atomistic spin model, we have simulated spin wave injection and +propagation into antiferromagnetic IrMn from an exchange coupled CoFe layer. +The spectral characteristics of the exited spin waves have a complex beating +behavior arising from the non-collinear nature of the antiferromagnetic order. +We find that the frequency response of the system depends strongly on the +strength and frequency of oscillating field excitations. We also find that the +strength of excited spin waves strongly decays away from the interfacial layer +with a frequency dependent attenuation. Our findings suggest that spin waves +generated by coupled ferromagnets are too weak to reverse IrMn in their +entirety even with resonant excitation of a coupled ferromagnet. However, +efficient spin wave injection into the antiferromagnet is possible due to the +non-collinear nature of the IrMn spin ordering.",2008.03036v1 +2021-04-21,Spin-wave driven bidirectional domain wall motion in kagome antiferromagnets,"We predict a mechanism to controllably manipulate domain walls in kagome +antiferromagnets via a single linearly polarized spin-wave source. We show by +means of atomistic spin dynamics simulations of antiferromagnets with kagome +structure that the speed and direction of the domain wall motion can be +regulated by only tuning the frequency of the applied spin-wave. Starting from +microscopics, we establish an effective action and derive the corresponding +equations of motion for the spin-wave-driven domain wall. Our analytical +calculations reveal that the coupling of two spin-wave modes inside the domain +wall explains the frequency-dependent velocity of the spin texture. Such a +highly tunable spin-wave-induced domain wall motion provides a key component +toward next-generation fast, energy-efficient, and Joule-heating-free +antiferromagnetic insulator devices.",2104.10460v2 +2006-09-11,Spin Waves in Ultrathin Ferromagnets: Intermediate Wave Vectors,"Our earlier papers explore the nature of large wave vector spin waves in +ultrathin ferromagnets, and also the properties and damping of spin waves of +zero wave vector, at the center of the two dimensional Brillouin zone, with +application to FMR studies. The present paper explores the behavior of spin +waves in such films at intermediate wave vectors, which connect the two +regimes. For the case of Fe films on Au(100), we study the wave vector +dependence of the linewidth of the lowest frequency mode, to find that it +contains a term which varies as the fourth power of the wave vector. It is +argued that this behavior is expected quite generally. We also explore the +nature of the eigenvectors of the two lowest lying modes of the film, as a +function of wave vector. Interestingly, as wave vector increases, the lowest +mode localizes onto the interface between the film and the substrate, while the +second mode evolves into a surface spin wave, localized on the outer layer. We +infer similar behavior for a Co film on Cu(100), though this evolution occurs +at rather larger wave vectors where, as we have shown previously, the modes are +heavily damped with the consequence that identification of distinct eigenmodes +is problematical.",0609236v1 +2017-06-29,Reconfigurable topological spin wave beamsplitters and interferometers,"Conventional magnonic devices use three classes of magnetostatic waves that +require detailed manipulation of magnetization structure that makes the design +and the device/circuitry scalability difficult tasks. Here, we demonstrate that +devices based on topological exchange spin waves do not suffer from the problem +with additional nice features of nano-scale wavelength and high frequency. Two +results are reported. 1) A perpendicular ferromagnet on a honeycomb lattice is +generically a topological magnetic material in the sense that topologically +protected chiral edge spin waves exist in the band gap as long as spin-orbit +induced nearest-neighbor pseudodipolar interaction (and/or next-nearest +neighbor Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction) is present. 2) As a proof of +concept, spin wave beamsplitters and spin wave interferometers are designed by +using domain walls to manipulate the propagation of topologically protected +chiral spin waves. Since magnetic domain walls can be controlled by magnetic +fields or electric current/fields, one can essentially draw, erase and redraw +different spin wave devices and circuitry on the same magnetic plate so that +the proposed devices are reconfigurable and tunable. Devices made from magnetic +topological materials are robust against both internal and external +perturbations such as the spin wave frequency variation and device geometry as +well as defects.",1706.09548v2 +2019-10-29,Multi-Layer Restricted Boltzmann Machine Representation of 1D Quantum Many-Body Wave Functions,"We consider representing two classes of 1D quantum wave functions of spin +systems, including the AKLT and CFT correlator wave functions, in terms of +multi-layer restricted Boltzmann machines. In our prescription, the AKLT wave +function can be exactly represented by a 2-layer restricted Boltzmann machine +with five hidden spins per visible spin. The construction can be generalized to +prove that any MPS wave function on $N$ unit cells with finite bond dimension +can be approximated by a 2-layer restricted Boltzmann machine with +$\mathcal{O}(N)$ hidden spins within an error which scales linearly with $N$. +The Haldane-Shastry wave function or a chiral boson CFT correlator wave +function, as any Jastrow type of wave functions, can be exactly written as a +1-layer Boltzmann machine with $\mathcal{O}(N^2)$ hidden spins and $N$ visible +spins. Applying the cumulant expansion, we further find that the chiral boson +CFT correlator wave function (with small vertex operator conformal dimension +$\alpha$, i.e., $\alpha<0.1$) can be approximated, within 99.9\% accuracy up to +22 visible spins, by a 1-layer RBM with $\mathcal{O}(N)$ hidden spins. The +cumulant expansion also leads us to a physically inspiring result in which the +hidden spins of the restricted Boltzmann machine can be interpreted as the +conformal tower of the chiral boson CFT on the cylinder.",1910.13454v1 +2021-06-21,Local non-linear excitation of sub-100 nm bulk-type spin waves by edge-localized spin waves in magnetic films,"The excitation of high-frequency short-wavelength spin waves is a challenge +limiting the application of these propagating magnetization disturbances in +information processing systems. We propose a method of local excitation of the +high-frequency spin waves using the non-linear nature of magnetization +dynamics. We demonstrate with numeric simulations that an edge-localized spin +wave can be used to excite plane waves propagating obliquely from the film's +edge at a doubled frequency and over twice shorter in wavelength. The +excitation mechanism is a direct result of the ellipticity of the magnetic +moments precession that is related to the edge-mode propagation. As a +consequence, the magnetization component tangential to the equilibrium +orientation oscillates with doubled temporal and spatial frequencies, which +leads to efficient excitation of the plane spin waves. Threshold-less +non-linear process of short-wavelength spin-wave excitation proposed in our +study is promising for integration with an inductive or point-like spin-torque +source of edge spin waves.",2106.11114v1 +2000-02-11,Coexistent State of Charge Density Wave and Spin Density Wave in One-Dimensional Quarter Filled Band Systems under Magnetic Fields,"We theoretically study how the coexistent state of the charge density wave +and the spin density wave in the one-dimensional quarter filled band is +enhanced by magnetic fields. We found that when the correlation between +electrons is strong the spin density wave state is suppressed under high +magnetic fields, whereas the charge density wave state still remains. This will +be observed in experiments such as the X-ray measurement.",0002165v3 +2021-08-11,Charge density waves in multiple-$Q$ spin states,"Coupling between spin and charge degrees of freedom in electrons is a source +of various electronic and magnetic properties of solids. We theoretically study +charge density waves induced by the spin-charge coupling in the presence of +magnetic orderings in itinerant magnets. By performing a perturbative +calculation in the weak-coupling limit of the Kondo lattice model, we derive a +useful formula for the relationship between charge and spin density waves, +which can be applied to any magnetic orderings, including noncollinear and +noncoplanar ones composed of multiple spin density waves called multiple-$Q$ +magnetic orderings. We demonstrate the predictive power for single-$Q$ and +double-$Q$ states including skyrmion and meron-antimeron crystals on a square +lattice, in comparison with the numerical calculations. Moreover, we show that +the charge density waves contain richer information than the spin density +waves, and are indeed useful in distinguishing the spin textures with similar +spin structure factors. We discuss the relation to bond modulation in terms of +the kinetic bond energy and the vector spin chirality. We also perform +numerical calculations beyond the perturbative regime and find that the charge +density waves can be enhanced when the electron filling is commensurate. +Furthermore, we investigate the effect of the spin-orbit coupling, which can +lead to additional charge density waves owing to effective anisotropic magnetic +interactions in momentum space. Our result will provide a way to identify +complex magnetic orderings and their origins from the charge modulations.",2108.04997v2 +2007-03-17,Large-amplitude coherent spin waves exited by spin-polarized current in nanoscale spin valves,"We present spectral measurements of spin-wave excitations driven by direct +spinpolarized current in the free layer of nanoscale +Ir20Mn80/Ni80Fe20/Cu/Ni80Fe20 spin valves. The measurements reveal that +large-amplitude coherent spin wave modes are excited over a wide range of bias +current. The frequency of these excitations exhibits a series of jumps as a +function of current due to transitions between different localized nonlinear +spin wave modes of the Ni80Fe20 nanomagnet. We find that micromagnetic +simulations employing the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation of motion augmented +by the Slonczewski spin torque term (LLGS) accurately describe the frequency of +the current-driven excitations including the mode transition behavior. However +LLGS simulations give qualitatively incorrect predictions for the amplitude of +excited spin waves as a function of current.",0703458v2 +2010-08-21,Dynamical Corrections to Spin Wave Excitations in Quantum Wells due to Coulomb Interactions and Magnetic Ions,"We have measured dispersions of spin-flip waves and spin-flip single-particle +excitations of a spin polarized two-dimensional electron gas in a CdMnTe +quantum well using resonant Raman scattering. We find the energy of the +spin-flip wave to be below the spin-flip single particle excitation continuum, +a contradiction to the theory of spin waves in diluted magnetic semiconductors +put forth in [Phys. Rev. B 70, 045205 (2004)]. We show that the inclusion of +terms accounting for the Coulomb interaction between carriers in the spin wave +propagator leads to an agreement with our experimental results. The dominant +Coulomb contribution leads to an overall red shift of the mixed electron-Mn +spin modes while the dynamical coupling between Mn ions results in a small blue +shift. We provide a simulated model system which shows the reverse situation +but at an extremely large magnetic field.",1008.3663v1 +2011-04-04,Electric Control of Spin Currents and Spin-Wave Logic,"Spin waves in insulating magnets are ideal carriers for spin currents with +low energy dissipation. An electric field can modify the dispersion of spin +waves, by directly affecting, via spin-orbit coupling, the electrons that +mediate the interaction between magnetic ions. Our microscopic calculations +based on the super-exchange model indicate that this effect of the electric +field is sufficiently large to be used to effectively control spin currents. We +apply these findings to the design of a spin-wave interferometric device, which +acts as a logic inverter and can be used as a building block for +room-temperature, low-dissipation logic circuits.",1104.0657v2 +2020-12-23,Topological spin-plasma waves,"The surface of a topological insulator hosts Dirac electronic states with the +spin-momentum locking, which constrains spin orientation perpendicular to +electron momentum. As a result, collective plasma excitations in the +interacting Dirac liquid manifest themselves as coupled charge- and spin-waves. +Here we demonstrate that the presence of the spin component enables effective +coupling between plasma waves and spin waves at interfaces between the surface +of a topological insulator and insulating magnet. Moreover, the helical nature +of spin-momentum locking textures provides the phase winding in the coupling +between the spin and plasma waves that makes the spectrum of hybridized +spin-plasma modes to be topologically nontrivial. We also show that such +topological modes lead to a large thermal Hall response.",2012.12632v2 +2002-03-15,Modified spin-wave study of random antiferromagnetic-ferromagnetic spin chains,"We study the thermodynamics of one-dimensional quantum spin-1/2 Heisenberg +ferromagnetic system with random antiferromagnetic impurity bonds. In the +dilute impurity limit, we generalize the modified spin-wave theory for random +spin chains, where local chemical potentials for spin-waves in ferromagnetic +spin segments are introduced to ensure zero magnetization at finite +temperature. This approach successfully describes the crossover from behavior +of pure one-dimensional ferromagnet at high temperatures to a distinct Curie +behavior due to randomness at low temperatures. We discuss the effects of +impurity bond strength and concentration on the crossover and low temperature +behavior.",0203326v1 +2003-10-20,Spin wave spectrum of a disordered double exchange model,"A double exchange model with quenched disorder for conduction electrons is +studied by field theoretical methods. By using a path integral formalism and +replica techniques based on it, an ensemble-averaged spin wave dispersion of +the localized spins is derived. It is shown that the spectrum of the spin wave +has gaps at the multiple of the Fermi wavenumber of the conduction electrons in +the presence of disorder, and hence, quenched disorder for electrons adds a +striking effect to the dynamics of the localized spins. In the strong disorder +limit, the present results suggest spin-glass like behavior due to the +frustration of the exchange coupling.",0310446v1 +2005-12-24,Modified spin-wave theory of nuclear magnetic relaxation in one-dimensional quantum ferrimagnets: Three-magnon versus Raman processes,"Nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in one-dimensional Heisenberg ferrimagnets is +studied by means of a modified spin-wave theory. Calculating beyond the +first-order mechanism, where a nuclear spin directly interacts with spin waves +through the hyperfine coupling, we demonstrate that the +exchange-scattering-enhanced three-magnon nuclear relaxation may generally +predominate over the Raman one with increasing temperature and decreasing +field. Recent proton spin-lattice relaxation-time (T_1_) measurements on the +ferrimagnetic chain compound NiCu(C_7_H_6_N_2_O_6_)(H_2_O)_3_2H_2_O suggest +that the major contribution to 1/T_1_ be made by the three-magnon scattering.",0512629v1 +2006-01-24,MnO Spin-Wave Dispersion Curves from Powder Diffraction Data,"We describe a model-independent approach for the extraction of spin-wave +dispersion curves from neutron total scattering data. The method utilises a +statistical analysis of real-space spin configurations to calculate +spin-dynamical quantities. The RMCProfile implementation of the reverse Monte +Carlo refinement process is used to generate a large ensemble of supercell spin +configurations from powder diffraction data. Our analysis of these +configurations gives spin-wave dispersion curves that agree well with those +determined independently using neutron triple-axis spectroscopic techniques.",0601558v2 +2009-01-01,Generation of GHZ and W states for stationary qubits in spin network via resonance scattering,"We propose a simple scheme to establish entanglement among stationary qubits +based on the mechanism of resonance scattering between them and a +single-spin-flip wave packet in designed spin network. It is found that through +the natural dynamical evolution of an incident single-spin-flip wave packet in +a spin network and the subsequent measurement of the output single-spin-flip +wave packet,multipartite entangled states among n stationary qubits, +Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) and W states can be generated.",0901.0161v2 +2016-05-26,Spin gravitational resonance and graviton detection,"We develop a gravitational analogue of spin magnetic resonance, called spin +gravitational resonance, whereby a gravitational wave interacts with a magnetic +field to produce a spin transition. In particular, an external magnetic field +separates the energy spin states of a spin-1/2 particle, and the presence of +the gravitational wave produces a perturbation in the components of the +magnetic field orthogonal to the gravitational wave propagation. In this +framework we test Dyson's conjecture that individual gravitons cannot be +detected. Although we find no fundamental laws preventing single gravitons +being detected with spin gravitational resonance, we show that it cannot be +used in practice, in support of Dyson's conjecture.",1605.08316v1 +2008-06-24,Spin dynamics in point contacts to single ferromagnetic films,"Excitation of magnons or spin-waves driven by nominally unpolarized transport +currents in point contacts of normal and ferromagnetic metals is probed by +irradiating the contacts with microwaves. Two characteristic dynamic effects +are observed: a rectification of off-resonance microwave current by spin-wave +nonlinearities in the point contact conductance, and a resonant stimulation of +spin-wave modes in the nano-contact core by the microwave field. These +observations provide a direct evidence that the magnetoconductance effects +observed are due to GHz spin dynamics at the ferromagnetic interface driven by +the spin transfer torque effect of the transport current.",0806.3805v1 +2024-03-20,Electron wave spin in a cavity,"Our study reveals electron spin in a cavity as a stable circulating current +density, characterized by a torus topology. This current density circulates +concentrically beyond the cavity boundary, illustrating the concept of +evanescent wave spin. While the interaction with a uniform magnetic field +aligns with established spin-field observations, our analysis of regional +contributions deviates from particle-based spin predictions. The integration of +charge and spin properties into a single Lorentz covariant entity suggests that +the electron wave constitutes the fundamental and deterministic reality of the +electron.",2403.13696v1 +1995-08-21,Standing Spin Wave Resonances in Manganite Films,"We report the first observation of spin wave resonances in 110 nm thick films +of LBMO. The spin wave stiffness follows $D$ = 47 (1 - 3 \times 10$_{-7}$ +$T^{5/2}$) meV${\AA_2}$.",9508088v1 +1997-07-29,Spin Wave Instability of Itinerant Ferromagnet,"We show variationally that instability of the ferromagnetic state in the +Hubbard model is largely controlled by softening of a long-wavelength spin-wave +excitation, except in the over-doped strong-coupling region where the +individual-particle excitation becomes unstable first. A similar conclusion is +drawn also for the double exchange ferromagnet. Generally the spin-wave +instability may be regarded as a precursor of the metal-insulator transition.",9707300v1 +2002-04-09,Spatial resolution of spin waves in an ultra-cold gas,"We present the first spatially resolved images of spin waves in a gas. The +complete longitudinal and transverse spin field as a function of time and space +is reconstructed. Frequencies and damping rates for a standing-wave mode are +extracted and compared with theory.",0204182v1 +2005-05-15,Spin Charge Recombination in Projected Wave Functions,"We find spin charge recombination is a generic feature of projected wave +functions. We find this effect is responsible for a series of differences +between mean field theory prediction and the result from projected wave +functions. We also find spin charge recombination plays an important role in +determining the dissipation of supercurrent, the quasiparticle properties and +the hole - hole correlation.",0505369v1 +2017-04-20,Coupled mode theory for the acoustic wave and spin wave interaction in the magphonic crystals: Propagating magnetoelastic waves,"We have investigated co-directional and contra-directional couplings between +spin wave and acoustic wave in one-dimensional periodic structure (magphonic +crystal). The system consists of two ferromagnetic layers alternating in space. +We have taken into consideration materials commonly used in magnonics: yttrium +iron garnet, CoFeB, permalloy, and cobalt. The coupled mode theory (CMT) +formalism have been successfully implemented to describe magnetoelastic +interaction as a periodic perturbation in the magphonic crystal. The results of +CMT calculations have been verified by more rigorous simulations by +frequency-domain plane wave method and time-domain finite element method. The +presented resonant coupling in the magphonic crystal is an active in-space +mechanism which spatially transfers energy between propagating spin and +acoustic modes, thus creating propagating magnetoelastic wave. We have shown, +that CMT analysis of the magnetoelastic coupling is an useful tool to optimize +and design a spin wave - acoustic wave transducer based on a magphonic +crystals. The effect of spin wave damping has been included to the model to +discuss the efficiency of such a device. Our model shows that it is possible to +obtain forward conversion of the acoustic wave to the spin wave in case of +co-directional coupling and backward conversion in case of contra-directional +coupling.",1704.06118v1 +2014-05-04,Separated spin-up and spin-down quantum hydrodynamics of degenerated electrons: spin-electron acoustic wave appearance,"Quantum hydrodynamic (QHD) model of charged spin-1/2 particles contains +physical quantities defined for all particles of a species including particles +with spin-up and with spin-down. Different population of states with different +spin direction is included in the spin density (magnetization). In this paper +we derive a QHD model, which separately describes spin-up electrons and +spin-down electrons. Hence we consider electrons with different projection of +spin on the preferable direction as two different species of particles. We show +that numbers of particles with different spin direction do not conserve. Hence +the continuity equations contain sources of particles. These sources are caused +by the interactions of spins with magnetic field. Terms of similar nature arise +in the Euler equation. We have that z-projection of the spin density is no +longer an independent variable. It is proportional to difference between +concentrations of electrons with spin-up and electrons with spin-down. In terms +of new model we consider propagation of waves in magnetized plasmas of +degenerate electrons and motionless ions. We show that new form of QHD +equations gives all solutions obtained from traditional form of QHD equations +with no distinguish of spin-up and spin-down states. But it also reveals a +sound-like solution we call the spin-electron acoustic wave. Coincidence of +most solutions is expected since we started derivation with the same basic +equation.",1405.0719v1 +2004-04-21,Four-Wave Mixing In BEC Systems With Multiple Spin States,"We calculate the four-wave mixing (FWM) in a Bose-Einstein condensate system +having multiple spin wave packets that are initially overlapping in physical +space, but have nonvanishing relative momentum that cause them to recede from +one another. Three receding condensate atom wave packets can result in +production of a fourth wave packet by the process of FWM due to atom-atom +interactions. We consider cases where the four final wave packets are composed +of 1, 2, 3 and 4 different internal spin components. FWM with 1- or 2-spin +state wave packets is much stronger than 3- or 4-spin state FWM, wherein two of +the coherent moving BEC wave packets form a polarization-grating that rotates +the spin projection of the third wave into that of fourth diffracted wave (as +opposed to the 1- or 2-spin state case where a regular density-grating is +responsible for the diffraction). Calculations of FWM for $^{87}$Rb and +$^{23}$Na condensate systems are presented.",0404499v1 +2000-02-14,Spin-flux phase in the Kondo lattice model with classical localized spins,"We provide numerical evidence that a spin-flux phase exists as a ground state +of the Kondo lattice model with classical local spins on a square lattice. This +state manifests itself as a double-Q magnetic order in the classical spins with +spin density at both $(0,\pi)$ and $(\pi,0)$ and further exhibits fermionic +spin currents around an elementary plaquette of the square lattice. We examine +the spin-wave spectrum of this phase. We further discus an extension to a face +centered cubic (FCC) lattice where a spin-flux phase may also exist. On the FCC +lattice the spin-flux phase manifests itself as a triple-Q magnetically ordered +state and may exist in $\gamma$-Mn alloys.",0002211v1 +2001-05-09,The Contribution of Hot Electron Spin Polarization to the Magnetotransport in a Spin-Valve Transistor at Finite Temperatures,"The effect of spin mixing due to thermal spin waves and temperature +dependence of hot electron spin polarization to the collector current in a +spin-valve transistor has been theoretically explored. We calculate the +collector current as well as the temperature dependence of magnetocurrent at +finite temperatures to investigate the relative importance of spin mixing and +hot electron spin polarization. In this study the inelastic scattering events +in ferromagnetic layers have been taken into account to explore our interests. +The theoretical calculations suggest that the temperature dependence of hot +electron spin polarization has substantial contribution to the magnetotransport +in the spin-valve transistor.",0105182v1 +2007-01-31,Coupled spin-charge drift-diffusion approach for a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling,"Based on kinetic equations for the density matrix, drift-diffusion equations +are derived for a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit coupling. +Universal results are obtained for the weak coupling case. Most interesting is +the observation that with increasing spin-orbit coupling strengths there is a +sharp transition between spin diffusion and ballistic spin transport. For +strong spin-orbit coupling, when the elastic scattering time is much larger +than the spin relaxation time, undamped spin-coherent waves are identified. The +existence of these long-lived spin-coherent states is confirmed by exact +analytical results obtained from microscopic kinetic equations valid in the +ballistic regime.",0701782v1 +2009-04-13,Semiclassical spin transport in spin-orbit-coupled systems,"This article discusses spin transport in systems with spin-orbit interactions +and how it can be understood in a semiclassical picture. I will first present a +semiclassical wave-packet description of spin transport, which explains how the +microscopic motion of carriers gives rise to a spin current. Due to spin +non-conservation the definition of the spin current has some arbitrariness. In +the second part I will briefly review the physics from a density matrix point +of view, which makes clear the relationship between spin transport and spin +precession and the important role of scattering.",0904.1999v1 +2017-08-01,Gravitational Wave Searches for Aligned-Spin Binary Neutron Stars Using Nonspinning Templates,"We study gravitational wave searches for merging binary neutron stars (NSs). +We use nonspinning template waveforms towards the signals emitted from +aligned-spin NS-NS binaries, in which the spins of the NSs are aligned with the +orbital angular momentum. We use the TaylorF2 waveform model, which can +generate inspiral waveforms emitted from aligned-spin compact binaries. We +employ the single effective spin parameter $\chi_{\rm eff}$ to represent the +effect of two component spins ($\chi_1, \chi_2$) on the wave function. For a +target system, we choose a binary consisting of the same component masses of +$1.4 M_{\odot}$ and consider the spins up to $\chi_i= 0.4$, We investigate +fitting factors of the nonspinning templates to evaluate their efficiency in +gravitational wave searches for the aligned-spin NS-NS binaries. We find that +the templates can achieve the fitting factors exceeding $0.97$ only for the +signals in the range of $-0.2 \lesssim \chi_{\rm eff} \lesssim 0$. Therefore, +we demonstrate the necessity of using aligned-spin templates not to lose the +signals outside that range. We also show how much the recovered total mass can +be biased from the true value depending on the spin of the signal.",1708.00426v1 +2016-12-13,Spin precession and spin waves in a chiral electron gas: beyond Larmor's theorem,"Larmor's theorem holds for magnetic systems that are invariant under spin +rotation. In the presence of spin-orbit coupling this invariance is lost and +Larmor's theorem is broken: for systems of interacting electrons, this gives +rise to a subtle interplay between the spin-orbit coupling acting on individual +single-particle states and Coulomb many-body effects. We consider a +quasi-two-dimensional, partially spin-polarized electron gas in a semiconductor +quantum well in the presence of Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling. +Using a linear-response approach based on time-dependent density-functional +theory, we calculate the dispersions of spin-flip waves. We obtain analytic +results for small wave vectors and up to second order in the Rashba and +Dresselhaus coupling strengths $\alpha$ and $\beta$. Comparison with +experimental data from inelastic light scattering allows us to extract $\alpha$ +and $\beta$ as well as the spin-wave stiffness very accurately. We find +significant deviations from the local density approximation for spin-dependent +electron systems.",1612.04314v1 +1997-10-09,Alternating-Spin Ladders,"We investigate a two-leg spin ladder system composed of alternating-spin +chains with two-different kind of spins. The fixed point properties are +discussed by using spin-wave analysis and non-linear sigma model techniques. +The model contains various massive phases, reflecting the interplay between the +bond-alternation and the spin-alternation.",9710082v1 +2017-02-03,Enhanced Spin Conductance of a Thin-Film Insulating Antiferromagnet,"We investigate spin transport by thermally excited spin waves in an +antiferromagnetic insulator. Starting from a stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert +phenomenology, we obtain the out-of-equilibrium spin-wave properties. In linear +response to spin biasing and a temperature gradient, we compute the spin +transport through a normal metal$|$antiferromagnet$|$normal metal +heterostructure. We show that the spin conductance diverges as one approaches +the spin-flop transition; this enhancement of the conductance should be readily +observable by sweeping the magnetic field across the spin-flop transition. The +results from such experiments may, on the one hand, enhance our understanding +of spin transport near a phase transition, and on the other be useful for +applications that require a large degree of tunability of spin currents. In +contrast, the spin Seebeck coefficient does not diverge at the spin-flop +transition. Furthermore, the spin Seebeck coefficient is finite even at zero +magnetic field, provided that the normal metal contacts break the symmetry +between the antiferromagnetic sublattices.",1702.00975v2 +2020-11-06,Acoustic spin Hall effect in strong spin-orbit metals,"We report on the observation of the acoustic spin Hall effect that +facilitates lattice motion induced spin current via spin orbit interaction +(SOI). Under excitation of surface acoustic wave (SAW), we find a spin current +flows orthogonal to the propagation direction of a surface acoustic wave (SAW) +in non-magnetic metals. The acoustic spin Hall effect manifests itself in a +field-dependent acoustic voltage in non-magnetic metal (NM)/ferromagnetic metal +(FM) bilayers. The acoustic voltage takes a maximum when the NM layer thickness +is close to its spin diffusion length, vanishes for NM layers with weak SOI and +increases linearly with the SAW frequency. To account for these results, we +find the spin current must scale with the SOI and the time derivative of the +lattice displacement. Such form of spin current can be derived from a Berry +electric field associated with time varying Berry curvature and/or an +unconventional spin-lattice interaction mediated by SOI. These results, which +imply the strong coupling of electron spins with rotating lattices via the SOI, +show the potential of lattice dynamics to supply spin current in strong spin +orbit metals.",2011.03246v2 +1999-01-14,Spin dynamics in the generalized ferromagnetic Kondo model for manganites,"Dynamical spin susceptibility is calculated for the generalized ferromagnetic +Kondo model which describes itinerant $e_{g}$ electrons interacting with +localized $t_{2g}$ electrons with antiferromagnetic coupling. The calculations +done in the mean field approximation show that the spin-wave spectrum of the +system in ferromagnetic state has two branches, acoustic and optic ones. +Self-energy corrections to the spectrum are considered and the acoustic +spin-wave damping is evaluated.",9901141v1 +2001-08-23,Filtering spin with tunnel-coupled electron wave guides,"We show how momentum-resolved tunneling between parallel electron wave guides +can be used to observe and exploit lifting of spin degeneracy due to Rashba +spin-orbit coupling. A device is proposed that achieves spin filtering without +using ferromagnets or the Zeeman effect.",0108373v2 +2000-07-04,Spin-wave spectrum of a two-dimensional itinerant electron system: Analytic results for the incommensurate spiral phase in the strong-coupling limit,"We study the zero-temperature spin fluctuations of a two-dimensional +itinerant-electron system with an incommensurate magnetic ground state +described by a single-band Hubbard Hamiltonian. We introduce the +(broken-symmetry) magnetic phase at the mean-field (Hartree-Fock) level through +a \emph{spiral spin configuration} with characteristic wave vector +$\gmathbf{Q}$ different in general from the antiferromagnetic wave vector +$\gmathbf{Q_{AF}}$, and consider spin fluctuations over and above it within the +electronic random-phase (RPA) approximation. We obtain a \emph{closed} system +of equations for the generalized wave vector and frequency dependent +susceptibilities, which are equivalent to the ones reported recently by Brenig. +We obtain, in addition, analytic results for the spin-wave dispersion relation +in the strong-coupling limit of the Hubbard Hamiltonian and find that at finite +doping the spin-wave dispersion relation has a \emph{hybrid form} between that +associated with the (localized) Heisenberg model and that associated with the +(long-range) RKKY exchange interaction. We also find an instability of the +spin-wave spectrum in a finite region about the center of the Brillouin zone, +which signals a physical instability toward a different spin- or, possibly, +charge-ordered phase, as, for example, the stripe structures observed in the +high-Tc materials. We expect, however, on physical grounds that for wave +vectors external to this region the spin-wave spectrum that we have determined +should survive consideration of more sophisticated mean-field solutions.",0007044v1 +2021-06-20,Parametric generation of spin waves in nano-scaled magnonic conduits,"The research feld of magnonics proposes a low-energy wave-logic computation +technology based on spin waves to complement the established CMOS technology +and provide a basis for emerging unconventional computation architectures. +However, magnetic damping is a limiting factor for all-magnonic logic circuits +and multi-device networks, ultimately rendering mechanisms to effciently +manipulate and amplify spin waves a necessity. In this regard, parallel pumping +is a versatile tool since it allows to selectively generate and amplify spin +waves. While extensively studied in microscopic systems, nano-scaled systems +are lacking investigation to assess the feasibility and potential future use of +parallel pumping in magnonics. Here, we investigate a longitudinally magnetized +100 nm-wide magnonic nano-conduit using space and time-resolved micro-focused +Brillouin-light-scattering spectroscopy. Employing parallel pumping to generate +spin waves, we observe that the non-resonant excitation of dipolar spin waves +is favored over the resonant excitation of short wavelength exchange spin +waves. In addition, we utilize this technique to access the effective spin-wave +relaxation time of an individual nano-conduit, observing a large relaxation +time up to (115.0 +- 7.6) ns. Despite the significant decrease of the pumping +effciency in the investigated nano-conduit, a reasonably small threshold is +found rendering parallel pumping feasible on the nano-scale.",2106.10727v2 +2007-05-29,Resonant scattering of spin waves from a region of inhomogeneous magnetic field in a ferromagnetic film,"The transmission of a dipole-dominated spin wave in a ferromagnetic film +through a localised inhomogeneity in the form of a magnetic field produced by a +dc current through a wire placed on the film surface was studied experimentally +and theoretically. It was shown that the amplitude and phase of the transmitted +wave can be simultaneously affected by the current induced field, a feature +that will be relevant for logic based on spin wave transport. + The direction of the current creates either a barrier or well for spin wave +transmission. The main observation is that the current dependence of the +amplitude of the spin wave transmitted through the well inhomogeneity is +non-monotonic. The dependence has a minimum and an additional maximum. A theory +was constructed to clarify the nature of the maximum. It shows that the +transmission of spin waves through the inhomogeneity can be considered as a +scattering process and that the additional maximum is a scattering resonance.",0705.4191v1 +2010-12-21,Non-Volatile Magnonic Logic Circuits Engineering,"We propose a concept of magnetic logic circuits engineering, which takes an +advantage of magnetization as a computational state variable and exploits spin +waves for information transmission. The circuits consist of magneto-electric +cells connected via spin wave buses. We present the result of numerical +modeling showing the magneto-electric cell switching as a function of the +amplitude as well as the phase of the spin wave. The phase-dependent switching +makes it possible to engineer logic gates by exploiting spin wave buses as +passive logic elements providing a certain phase-shift to the propagating spin +waves. We present a library of logic gates consisting of magneto-electric cells +and spin wave buses providing 0 or p phase shifts. The utilization of phases in +addition to amplitudes is a powerful tool which let us construct logic circuits +with a fewer number of elements than required for CMOS technology. As an +example, we present the design of the magnonic Full Adder Circuit comprising +only 5 magneto-electric cells. The proposed concept may provide a route to more +functional wave-based logic circuitry with capabilities far beyond the limits +of the traditional transistor-based approach.",1012.4768v1 +2010-12-25,Interaction of a nonlinear spin wave and magnetic soliton in a uniaxial anisotropic ferromagnet,"We study the interaction of a nonlinear spin-wave and magnetic soliton in a +uniaxial anisotropic ferromagnet. By means of a reasonable assumption and a +straightforward Darboux transformation one- and two-soliton solutions in a +nonlinear spin-wave background are obtained analytically, and their properties +are discussed in detail. In the background of a nonlinear spin wave the +amplitude of the envelope soliton has the spatial and temporal period, and +soliton can be trapped only in space. The amplitude and wave number of spin +wave have the different contribution to the width, velocity, and the amplitude +of soliton solutions, respectively. The envelope of solution hold the shape of +soliton, and the amplitude of each envelope soliton keeps invariability before +and after collision which shows the elastic collision of two envelope soliton +in the background of a nonlinear spin wave.",1012.5467v1 +2015-09-16,Microwave excitation of spin wave beams in thin ferromagnetic films,"We present an approach enabling generation of narrow spin wave beams in thin +homogeneous ferromagnetic films. The main idea is to match the wave vector of +the spin wave with that corresponding to the spectral maximum of the exciting +microwave magnetic field only locally, in the region of space from which the +beam should be launched. We show that this can be achieved with the aid of a +properly designed coplanar waveguide transducer generating a nonuniform +microwave magnetic field. The resulting two-dimensional spin wave beams +obtained in micromagnetic simulations propagate over distances of several +micrometers. The proposed approach requires neither inhomogeneity of the +ferromagnetic film nor nonuniformity of the biasing magnetic field, and it can +be generalized to yield multiple spin wave beams of different width at the same +frequency. Other possible excitation scenarios and applications of spin wave +beam magnonics are also discussed.",1509.05061v2 +2018-03-13,Spin wave localization and guiding by magnon band structure engineering in yttrium iron garnet,"In spintronics the propagation of spin-wave excitations in magnetically +ordered materials can also be used to transport and process information. One of +the most popular materials in this regard is the ferrimagnetic insulator +yttrium-iron-garnet due its exceptionally small spin-wave damping parameter. +While the small relaxation rate allows for large propagation length of magnetic +excitations, it also leads to non-locality of the magnetic properties. By +imaging spin waves their band structure is mapped. In doing so wave vector +selection is shown to suppress dispersion effects to a large extent allowing +for local measurements of spin relaxation. Moreover we demonstrate even higher +control of magnon propagation by employing the wave vector selectivity near an +avoided crossing of different spin-wave modes where the group velocity +approaches zero. Here local engineering of the dispersion allows constructing +magnonic waveguides and at the same time reveals the local relaxation +properties.",1803.04943v3 +2020-01-24,Propagating magnetic droplet solitons as moveable nanoscale spin-wave sources with tunable direction of emission,"Magnetic droplets are strongly nonlinear and localized spin-wave solitons +that can be formed in current-driven nanocontacts. Here, we propose a simple +way to launch droplets in an inhomogeneous nanoscopic waveguide. We use the +drift motion of a droplet and show that in a system with broken translational +symmetry, the droplet acquires a linear momentum and propagates. We find that +the droplet velocity can be tuned via the strength of the break in symmetry and +the size of the nanocontact. In addition, we demonstrate that the launched +droplet can propagate up to several micrometers in a realistic system with +reasonable damping. Finally, we demonstrate how an annihilating droplet +delivers its momentum to a highly nonreciprocal spin-wave burst with a tunable +wave vector with nanometer wavelengths. Such a propagating droplet can be used +as a moveable spin-wave source in nanoscale magnonic networks. The presented +method enables full control of the spin-wave emission direction, which can +largely extend the freedom to design integrated magnonic circuits with a single +spin-wave source.",2001.08967v1 +2020-01-30,An anomalous refraction of spin waves as a way to guide signals in curved magnonic multimode waveguides,"We present a method for efficient spin wave guiding within the magnonic +nanostructures. Our technique is based on the anomalous refraction in the +metamaterial flat slab. The gradual change of the material parameters +(saturation magnetization or magnetic anisotropy) across the slab allows +tilting the wavefronts of the transmitted spin waves and controlling the +refraction. Numerical studies of the spin wave refraction are preceded by the +analytical calculations of the phase shift acquired by the spin wave due to the +change of material parameters in a confined area. We demonstrate that our +findings can be used to guide the spin waves smoothly in curved waveguides, +even through sharp bends, without reflection and scattering between different +waveguide's modes, preserving the phase -- the quantity essential for wave +computing.",2001.11356v1 +2020-02-14,Spin-wave diode and circulator based on unidirectional coupling,"In magnonics, an emerging branch of wave physics characterized by low-energy +consumption, it is highly desirable to realize circuit elements within the +scope of spin-wave computing. Here, based on numerical simulations, we +demonstrate the functionality of the spin-wave diode and the circulator to +steer and manipulate spin waves over a wide range of frequency in the GHz +regime. They take advantage of the unidirectional coupling induced by the +interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction to transfer the spin wave between +thin ferromagnetic layers in only one direction of propagation. Using the +multilayered structure consisting of Py and Co in direct contact with Pt, we +obtain sub-micrometer-size devices of high efficiency. In the diode, the power +loss ratio between forward and reverse direction reaches 22 dB, while in the +four-port circulator, the efficiency exceeds 13 dB. Thus, our work contributes +to the emerging branch of energy-efficient magnonic logic devices, where, +thanks to short wavelength of spin waves, it is possible to realize nanoscale +devices.",2002.06096v1 +2020-07-23,Density Wave Mediated Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interactions,"We investigate the effect that density wave states have on the localized +spins of a square lattice. We find that topologically nontrivial density wave +states can induce stable Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions among the +localized spins of the lattice in the presence of an external magnetic field, +and we study the resulting spin models for both antiferromagnetic and +ferromagnetic backgrounds. While the density wave state itself can contribute +to the the thermal Hall effect, as shown by Li & Lee (arXiv:1905.04248v3), +symmetry considerations preclude the resulting spin excitations from inducing a +further thermal Hall effect. We utilize a Holstein-Primakoff (HP) substitution +about the classical mean-field ground state to calculate the magnon dispersion +for LSCO and find that the density wave induces a weak $d_{x^2-y^2}$ +anisotropy; upon calculating the non-Abelian Berry curvature for this magnon +branch we show explicitly that the magnon contribution to $\kappa_{xy}$ is +zero. Finally, we calculate corrections to the magnetic ground state energy, +spin canting angles, and the spin-wave dispersion due to the topological +density wave for ferromagnetic backgrounds. We find that terms linear in the HP +bosons can affect the critical behavior, a point previously overlooked in the +literature.",2007.11719v1 +2023-07-19,Checkerboard bubble lattice formed by octuple-period quadruple-$Q$ spin density waves,"We investigate multiple-$Q$ instability on a square lattice at particular +ordering wave vectors. We find that a superposition of quadruple-$Q$ spin +density waves, which are connected by fourfold rotational and mirror +symmetries, gives rise to a checkerboard bubble lattice with a collinear spin +texture as a result of the geometry among the constituent ordering wave vectors +in the Brillouin zone. By performing the simulated annealing for a fundamental +spin model, we show that such a checkerboard bubble lattice is stabilized under +an infinitesimally small easy-axis two-spin anisotropic interaction and +biquadratic interaction at zero field, while it is degenerate with an +anisotropic double-$Q$ state in the absence of the biquadratic interaction. The +obtained multiple-$Q$ structures have no intensities at high-harmonic wave +vectors in contrast to other multiple-$Q$ states, such as a magnetic skyrmion +lattice. We also show that the checkerboard bubble lattice accompanies the +charge density wave and exhibits a nearly flat band dispersion in the +electronic structure. Our results provide another route to realize exotic +multiple-$Q$ spin textures by focusing on the geometry and symmetry in terms of +the wave vectors in momentum space.",2307.10444v1 +2019-10-07,Chiral spin-wave velocities induced by all-garnet interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in ultrathin yttrium iron garnet films,"Spin waves can probe the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) which gives +rise to topological spin textures, such as skyrmions. However, the DMI has not +yet been reported in yttrium iron garnet (YIG) with arguably the lowest damping +for spin waves. In this work, we experimentally evidence the interfacial DMI in +a 7~nm-thick YIG film by measuring the nonreciprocal spin wave propagation in +terms of frequency, amplitude and most importantly group velocities using all +electrical spin-wave spectroscopy. The velocities of propagating spin waves +show chirality among three vectors, i.e. the film normal direction, applied +field and spin-wave wavevector. By measuring the asymmetric group velocities, +we extract a DMI constant of 16~$\mu$J/m$^{2}$ which we independently confirm +by Brillouin light scattering. Thickness-dependent measurements reveal that the +DMI originates from the oxide interface between the YIG and garnet substrate. +The interfacial DMI discovered in the ultrathin YIG films is of key importance +for functional chiral magnonics as ultra-low spin-wave damping can be achieved.",1910.02599v2 +2023-03-08,True amplification of spin waves in magnonic nano-waveguides,"Magnonic nano-devices exploit magnons -- quanta of spin waves -- to transmit +and process information within a single integrated platform that has the +potential to outperform traditional semiconductor-based electronics for low +power applications. The main missing cornerstone of this information +nanotechnology is an efficient scheme for the direct amplification of +propagating spin waves. The recent discovery of spin-orbit torque provided an +elegant mechanism for propagation losses compensation. While partial +compensation of the spin-wave damping has allowed for spin-wave signal +modulation, true amplification - the exponential increase in the spin-wave +intensity during propagation - has so far remained elusive. Here we evidence +the operating conditions to achieve unambiguous amplification using clocked +nanoseconds-long spin-orbit torque pulses in sub-micrometer wide magnonic +waveguides, where the effective magnetization has been engineered to be close +to zero to suppress the detrimental magnon-magnon scattering. As a result, we +achieve an exponential increase in the intensity of propagating spin waves up +to 500 % at a propagation distance of several micrometers. These results pave +the way towards the implementation of energy efficient, cascadable magnonic +architectures for wave-based information processing and complex on-chip +computation.",2303.04695v2 +2008-02-26,Dynamical Structure Factor and Spin-Density Separation for a Weakly-Interacting Two-Component Bose Gas,"We show that spin-density separation in a Bose gas is not restricted to 1D +but also occurs in higher dimension. The ratio ($\alpha$) of the intra-species +atom-atom interaction strength to the inter-species interaction strength, +strongly influences the dynamics of spin-density separation and the elementary +excitations. The density wave is phonon-like for all values of $\alpha$. For +$\alpha<1$, spin wave is also phonon-like. The spin waves have a quadratic +dispersion in the $\alpha=1$ coupling regime, while in the phase separated +regime ($\alpha>1$) the spin waves are found to be damped. The dynamical +structure factor (DSF) reveals two distinct peaks corresponding to the density +and spin waves for $\alpha \le 1$. For $\alpha > 1$ there is only one DSF peak +corresponding to the density wave.",0802.3818v5 +2012-02-06,High-temperature spin-wave propagation in BiFeO3: relation to the Polomska transition,"In bismuth ferrite thin films the cycloidal spiral spin structure is +suppressed, and as a result the spin-wave magnon branches of long wavelength +are reduced from a dozen to one, at \omega = 19.2 cm-1 (T=4K). This spin wave +has not been measured previously above room temperature, but in the present +work we show via Raman spectroscopy that it is an underdamped propagating wave +until 455 K. This has important room-temperature device implications. The data +show that \omega(T) follows an S=5/2 Brillouin function and hence its Fe+3 ions +are in the high-spin 5/2 state and not the low-spin S=1/2 state. The spin wave +cannot be measured as a propagating wave above 455 K. We also suggest that +since this temperature is coincident with the mysterious ""Polomska transition"" +(M. Polomska et al., Phys. Stat. Sol. A 23, 567, (1974)) at 458+/-5 K, that +this may be due to overdamping.",1202.1040v1 +2013-08-15,Spin-Wave Propagation in the Presence of Interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction,"In ferromagnetic thin films, broken inversion symmetry and spin-orbit +coupling give rise to interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. Analytic +expressions for spin-wave properties show that the interfacial +Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction leads to non-reciprocal spin-wave +propagation, i.e. different properties for spin waves propagating in opposite +directions. In favorable situations, it can increase the spin-wave attenuation +length. Comparing measured spin wave properties in ferromagnet$|$normal metal +bilayers and other artificial layered structures with these calculations can +provide a useful characterization of the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya +interactions.",1308.3341v1 +2013-11-27,Quasi-2D $J_1$-$J_2$ Antiferromagnet $Zn_2VO(PO_4)_2$ and its $Ti$-substituted Derivative - A Spin-wave Analysis,"In this study, we present non-linear spin wave analysis of a quasi 2D +spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ $J_1-J_2$ antiferromagnet at the parameter regime relevant +for the recently studied compound $Zn_2VO(PO_4)_2$. We obtain the temperature +dependence of the spin wave energy, susceptibility and magnetization using +Green's function technique and Hartree-Fock factorization or Tyablikov's +decoupling approximation. The comparison of our numerical results with the +experimental findings is discussed. Magnetic structure factor is calculated and +compared with powder neutron diffraction data. We also study the spin wave +behavior of the compound $Zn_2Ti_{0.25}V_{0.75}O(PO_4)_2$ obtained by partial +chemical substitution of $Ti$ at $V$ sites of the compound $Zn_2VO(PO_4)_2$ +(Phys. Rev. B87, 054431). Due to the superlattice structure of the spin +lattice, the substituted compound possess multiple spin wave modes. The spin +wave analysis confirms the quasi-1D nature of the substituted system.",1311.6915v1 +2014-06-27,Spin waves along the edge states,"Spin waves have been studied experimentally and by simulations in 1000 nm +side equilateral triangular Permalloy dots in the Buckle state (B, with +in-plane field along the triangle base) and the Y state (Y, with in-plane field +perpendicular to the base). The excess of exchange energy at the triangles +edges creates channels that allow effective spin wave propagation along the +edges inthe B state. These quasi one-dimensional spin waves emitted by the +vertex magnetic charges gradually transform from propagating to standing due to +interference and(as pointed out by simulations) areweakly affected by +smallvariations of the aspect ratio(from equilateral to isosceles dots) or by +interdot dipolar interaction present in our dot arrays. Spin waves excited in +the Y state have mainly a two-dimensional character.Propagation of the spin +waves along the edge states in triangular dots opens possibilities for creation +of new and versatile spintronic devices.",1406.7200v1 +2018-12-08,Directional Spin-wave Propagation in the Skyrmion Chain,"The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI), favoring a chiral spin structure +like the skyrmion, gives rise to the nonreciprocal propagation of spin waves. +We investigate the propagation of spin waves in a nanostripe with the presence +of a skyrmion chain by using micromagnetic simulations. Through applying a +microwave locally, it is found that when the interval between skyrmions is +large enough, the spin waves can be separated to the counter direction +according to different frequencies. While for the tightly arranged skyrmions, +the skyrmion chain with strong interactions between skyrmions becomes a channel +for spin waves, which is around the frequency of skyrmion breathing and exhibit +a characteristic of directional propagation. This work opens a vista for +skyrmion-based spin wave devices.",1812.03297v2 +2021-04-13,Confined dipole and exchange spin waves in a bulk chiral magnet with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction,"The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) has an impact on excited spin +waves in the chiral magnet Cu$_2$OSeO$_3$ by means of introducing asymmetry on +their dispersion relations. The confined eigenmodes of a chiral magnet are +hence no longer the conventional standing spin waves. Here we report a combined +experimental and micromagnetic modeling study by broadband microwave +spectroscopy we observe confined spin waves up to eleventh order in bulk +Cu$_2$OSeO$_3$ in the field-polarized state. In micromagnetic simulations we +find similarly rich spectra. They indicate the simultaneous excitation of both +dipole- and exchange-dominated spin waves with wavelengths down to (47.2 $\pm$ +0.05) nm attributed to the exchange interaction modulation. Our results suggest +DMI to be effective to create exchange spin waves in a bulk sample without the +challenging nanofabrication and thereby to explore their scattering with +noncollinear spin textures.",2104.06240v2 +2022-12-22,Hybrid Magnonic-Oscillator System,"We propose a hybrid magnonic-oscillator system based on the combination of a +spin transfer auto-oscillator and a magnonic waveguide to open new perspectives +for spin-wave based circuits. The system is composed of a spin transfer +oscillator based on a vortex state which is dipolarly coupled to a nanoscale +spin-wave waveguide with longitudinal magnetization. In its auto-oscillating +regime, the oscillator emits coherent spin waves with tunable and controllable +frequencies, directions and amplitudes into the waveguide. We demonstrate the +principle of this method using micromagnetic simulations and show that +reconfiguration of the system is possible by changing the chirality and +polarity of the magnetic vortex. Spin waves are emitted into the waveguide with +high non-reciprocity and the preferred direction depends on the core polarity +of the vortex. In contrast, different vortex chiralities lead to different +amplitudes of the emitted waves. Our findings open up a novel way to design an +agile spintronic device for the coherent and tunable generation of propagating +spin waves.",2212.11532v1 +2023-07-14,Observation and control of hybrid spin-wave-Meissner-current transport modes,"Superconductors are materials with zero electrical resistivity and the +ability to expel magnetic fields known as the Meissner effect. Their +dissipationless diamagnetic response is central to magnetic levitation and +circuits such as quantum interference devices. Here, we use superconducting +diamagnetism to shape the magnetic environment governing the transport of spin +waves - collective spin excitations in magnets that are promising on-chip +signal carriers - in a thin-film magnet. Using diamond-based magnetic imaging, +we observe hybridized spin-wave-Meissner-current transport modes with strongly +altered, temperature-tunable wavelengths. We extract the temperature-dependent +London penetration depth from the wavelength shifts and realize local control +of spin-wave refraction using a focused laser. Our results demonstrate the +versatility of superconductor-manipulated spin-wave transport and have +potential applications in spin-wave gratings, filters, crystals and cavities.",2307.07581v1 +2023-10-10,Spin attributes of structured vector fields constructed by Hertz potentials,"In this paper, we use the Hertz vector potential to define the +electromagnetic vector of different structured wavefields, and analyze the spin +properties of the wavefields. We show that for the single evanescent waves, the +total spin provides by the transverse spin and originates from the spatial +inhomogeneity of the momentum density of the field. However, for non-single +evanescent wave, there may be a part of the extraordinary spin component sE, +and the direction of sE is also perpendicular to the wave propagation +direction. In other words, it is transverse, but it does not originate from the +curl of the wave field momentum density. In addition, we also calculate the +spins of non-planar propagating waves, and analyze the spin characteristics of +these wave fields.",2310.06664v1 +2019-01-31,Triplet superconductivity in ferromagnets due to magnon exchange,"We consider the superconducting pairing induced by spin waves exchange in a +ferromagnet with both conduction and localized electrons, the latter being +described as spins. We use the microscopic Eliashberg theory to describe the +pairing of conducting electrons and the RPA approach to treat the localized +spins assuming an exchange coupling between the conducting electrons and spins. +In the framework of non relativistic Hamiltonian twe found that he spin wave +exchange results in equal spin electron pairing described by the two components +of the order parameter, $\Delta^{\uparrow}$ (both spins up) and +$\Delta^{\downarrow}$ (both spins down). Due to the conservation of total spin +projection on the axis of the spontaneous ferromagnetic moment, the spin wave +exchange at low temperatures includes an emission of magnons and an absorption +of thermal magnons by the conduction electrons. The absorption and emission +processes depend differently on the temperature, with the absorption being +progressively suppressed as the temperature drops. As a result, the +superconducting pairing exists only if the electron-spin wave exchange +parameter $g$ exceeds some critical value $g_c$. At $g>g_c$ pairing vanishes if +the temperature drops below the lowest point $T_{cl}$ or increases above the +upper critical point $T_{ch} \approx T_m$ (the Curie temperature) where the +spin waves cease to exist. This behavior inherent to the spin carrying glue is +in an obvious disagreement with the results of conventional BCS approach which +assumes that the effective electron-electron attraction is simply proportional +to the static magnetic susceptibility.",1901.11248v1 +2016-10-31,"Kinetic analysis of spin current contribution to spectrum of electromagnetic waves in spin-1/2 plasma, Part II: Dispersion dependencies","The dielectric permeability tensor for spin polarized plasmas derived in +terms of the spin-1/2 quantum kinetic model in six-dimensional phase space in +Part I of this work is applied for study of spectra of high-frequency +transverse and transverse-longitudinal waves propagating perpendicular to the +external magnetic field. Cyclotron waves are studied at consideration of waves +with electric field directed parallel to the external magnetic field. It is +found that the separate spin evolution modifies the spectrum of cyclotron +waves. These modifications increase with the increase of the spin polarization +and the number of the cyclotron resonance. Spin dynamics with no account of the +anomalous magnetic moment gives a considerable modification of spectra either. +The account of anomalous magnetic moment leads to a fine structure of each +cyclotron resonance. So, each cyclotron resonance splits on three waves. +Details of this spectrum and its changes with the change of spin polarization +are studied for the first and second cyclotron waves. A cyclotron resonance +existing at $\omega\approx0.001\mid\Omega_{e}\mid$ due to the anomalous +magnetic moment is also described, where $\mid\Omega_{e}\mid$ is the cyclotron +frequency. The ordinary waves does not have any considerable modification. The +electrostatic and electromagnetic Berstein modes are studied during the +analysis of waves propagating perpendicular to the external magnetic field with +the electric field perturbation directed perpendicular to the external field. A +modification of the oscillatory structure caused by the equilibrium spin +polarization is found in both regimes. Similar modification is found for the +extraordinary wave spectrum.",1611.00046v1 +2020-03-26,Magnetoelastic waves in thin films,"This paper discusses the physics of magnetoelasticity and magnetoelastic +waves as well as their mathematical description. Magnetoelastic waves occur as +a result of strong coupling between spin waves and elastic waves in +magnetostrictive ferromagnetic media. In a first part, the basic behavior of +spin waves is reviewed in both bulk ferromagnets as well as in thin films. +Next, elastic waves are discussed with a focus on thin films. Finally, the +interactions between the elastic and magnetic domains are described and it is +shown how this results in the formation of magnetoelastic waves. Based on the +description of bulk magnetoelastic waves, a theory for magnetoelastic waves in +thin films is developed and their dispersion relations are derived. It is shown +that the behavior strongly depends on the geometry of the system, especially on +the polarization of spin and elastic waves and the direction of the +magnetization of the magnetostrictive ferromagnet.",2003.12099v1 +2015-03-13,Spin-wave logic devices based on isotropic forward volume magneto-static waves,"We propose the utilization of isotropic forward volume magneto-static spin +waves in modern wave-based logic devices and suggest a concrete design for a +spin-wave majority gate operating with these waves. We demonstrate by numerical +simulations that the proposed out-of-plane magnetized majority gate overcomes +the limitations of anisotropic in-plane magnetized majority gates due to the +high spin-wave transmission through the gate, which enables a reduced energy +consumption of these devices. Moreover, the functionality of the out-of-plane +majority gate is increased due to the lack of parasitic generation of +short-wavelength exchange spin waves.",1503.04101v1 +2022-01-11,Parametric Excitation and Instabilities of Spin Waves driven by Surface Acoustic Waves,"The parametric excitation of spin waves by coherent surface acoustic waves is +demonstrated experimentally in metallic magnetic thin film structures. The +involved magnon modes are analyzed with micro-focused Brillouin light +scattering spectroscopy and complementary micromagnetic simulations combined +with analytical modelling are used to determine the origin of the spin-wave +instabilities. Depending on the experimental conditions, we observe spin-wave +instabilities originating from different phonon-magnon and magnon-magnon +scattering processes. Our results demonstrate that an efficient excitation of +high amplitude, strongly nonlinear magnons in metallic ferromagnets is possible +by surface acoustic waves, which opens novel ways to create micro-scaled +nonlinear magnonic systems for logic and data processing that can profit from +the high excitation efficiency of phonons using piezoelectricity.",2201.04033v2 +2011-08-05,Magnons and electromagnons in a spin-lattice-coupled frustrated magnet CuFeO2 as seen via inelastic neutron scattering,"We have investigated spin-wave excitations in a four-sublattice (4SL) +magnetic ground state of a frustrated magnet CuFeO2, in which `electromagnon' +(electric-field-active magnon) excitation has been discovered by recent +terahertz time-domain spectroscopy [Seki et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 097207 +(2010)]. In previous study, we have identified two spin-wave branches in the +4SL phase by means of inelastic neutron scattering measurements under applied +uniaxial pressure. [T. Nakajima et al. J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80 014714 (2011) ] In +the present study, we have performed high-energy-resolution inelastic neutron +scattering measurements in the 4SL phase, resolving fine structures of the +lower-energy spin-wave branch near the zone center. Taking account of the +spin-driven lattice distortions in the 4SL phase, we have developed a model +Hamiltonian to describe the spin-wave excitations. The determined Hamiltonian +parameters have successfully reproduced the spin-wave dispersion relations and +intensity maps obtained in the inelastic neutron scattering measurements. The +results of the spin-wave analysis have also revealed physical pictures of the +magnon and electromagnon modes in the 4SL phase, suggesting that collinear and +noncollinear characters of the two spin-wave modes are the keys to understand +the dynamical coupling between the spins and electric dipole moments in this +system.",1108.1297v1 +2013-07-22,Topological quantum phase transition in Kane-Mele-Kondo lattice model,"We systematically explore the ground-state phase diagram of the +Kane-Mele-Kondo lattice model on the honeycomb lattice, in particular, we focus +on its magnetic properties which has not been studied in the previous +publication[Feng, Dai, Chung, and Si, Phys. Rev. Lett. \textbf{111}, 016402 +(2013)]. Beside the Kondo insulator found in that paper, two kinds of +antiferromagnetic spin-density-wave phases are identified. One is the normal +antiferromagnetic spin-density-wave state and the other is a nontrivial +topological antiferromagnetic spin-density-wave state with a quantized spin +Hall conductance and a helical edge-state. The quantum spin Hall insulator is +found to be absent since it is always unstable to antiferromagnetic +spin-density-wave states at least at the mean-field level in our model. +Furthermore, the transition between the two spin-density-wave phases are +topological quantum phase transition described by the three-dimensional quantum +electrodynamics, in which conduction electrons contribute to the low-energy +Dirac fermions while the spin-wave fluctuation of local spins gives rise to an +effective dynamic U(1) gauge-field. Such nontrivial transition shows radical +critical thermodynamic, transport and single-particle behaviors, which provide +a fingerprint for this transition. Additionally, the transition of +antiferromagnetic spin-density-wave states to the Kondo insulator is found to +be first-order. The introduction of two novel magnetic phases and their +topological quantum phase transition show rich and intrinsic physics involving +in the Kane-Mele-Kondo lattice model.",1307.5627v2 +2000-01-21,Density Wave States of Non-Zero Angular Momentum,"We study the properties of states in which particle-hole pairs of non-zero +angular momentum condense. These states generalize charge- and +spin-density-wave states, in which s-wave particle-hole pairs condense. We show +that the p-wave spin-singlet state of this type has Peierls ordering, while the +d-wave spin-singlet state is the staggered flux state. We discuss model +Hamiltonians which favor p-wave and d-wave density wave order. There are +analogous orderings for pure spin models, which generalize spin-Peierls order. +The spin-triplet density wave states are accompanied by spin-1 Goldstone +bosons, but these excitations do not contribute to the spin-spin correlation +function. Hence, they must be detected with NQR or Raman scattering +experiments. Depending on the geometry and topology of the Fermi surface, these +states may admit gapless fermionic excitations. As the Fermi surface geometry +is changed, these excitations disappear at a transition which is third-order in +mean-field theory. The singlet d-wave and triplet p-wave density wave states +are separated from the corresponding superconducting states by zero-temperature +O(4)-symmetric critical points",0001303v1 +2000-10-20,"Composite Spin Waves, Quasi-Particles and Low Temperature resistivity in Double Exchange Systems","We make a quantum description of the electron low temperature properties of +double exchange materials. In these systems there is a strong coupling between +the core spin and the carriers spin. This large coupling makes the low energy +spin waves to be a combination of ion and electron density spin waves. We study +the form and dispersion of these composite spin wave excitations. We also +analyze the spin up and down spectral functions of the temperature dependent +quasi-particles of this system. Finally we obtain that the thermally activated +composite spin waves renormalize the carriers effective mass and this gives +rise to a low temperature resistivity scaling as T ^{5/2}.",0010312v1 +2009-10-09,Spin-waves in the $J_{1a}-J_{1b}-J_{2}$ orthorombic square-lattice Heisenberg models: Application to the iron pnictide materials,"Motivated by the observation of spatially anisotropic exchange constants in +the iron pnictide materials, we study the spin-wave spectra of the +$J_{1a}-J_{1b}-J_{2}$ Heisenberg models on a square-lattice with nearest +neighbor exchange $J_{1a}$ along x and $J_{1b}$ along y axis and a second +neighbor exchange $J_2$. We focus on the regime, where the spins order at +($\pi,0$), and compute the spectra by systematic expansions around the Ising +limit. We study both spin-half and spin-one Heisenberg models as well as a +range of parameters to cover various cases proposed for the iron pnictide +materials. The low-energy spectra have anisotropic spin-wave velocities and are +renormalized with respect to linear spin-wave theory by up to 20 percent, +depending on parameters. Extreme anisotropy, consisting of a ferromagnetic +$J_{1b}=- |J_F|$, is best distinguished from a weak anisotropy ($J_{1a}\approx +J_{1b}=J_1$, $J_2>J_1/2$) by the nature of the spin-waves near the wavevectors +($0,\pi$) or ($\pi,\pi$). The reported spectra for the pnictide material +CaFe$_2$As$_2$ clearly imply such an extreme anisotropy.",0910.1793v1 +2010-09-25,Micro-Structured Ferromagnetic Tubes for Spin Wave Excitation,"Micron scale ferromagnetic tubes placed on the ends of ferromagnetic CoTaZr +spin waveguides are explored in order to enhance the excitation of Backward +Volume Magnetostatic Spin Waves. The tubes produce a closed magnetic circuit +about the signal line of the coplanar waveguide and are, at the same time, +magnetically contiguous with the spin waveguide. This results in a 10 fold +increase in spin wave amplitude. However, the tube geometry distorts the +magnetic field near the spin waveguide and relatively high biasing magnetic +fields are required to establish well defined spin waves. Only the lowest +(uniform) spin wave mode is excited.",1009.4986v1 +2012-11-05,Spin Dynamics and Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering in Chromium with Commensurate Spin-Density Wave Order,"We theoretically investigate spin dynamics and $L_3$-edge resonant inelastic +X-ray scattering (RIXS) of Chromium with commensurate spin-density wave (SDW) +order, based on a multi-band Hubbard model composed of 3$d$ and 4$s$ orbitals. +Obtaining the ground state with the SDW mean-field approximation, we calculate +the dynamical transverse and longitudinal spin susceptibility by using +random-phase approximation. We find that a collective spin-wave excitation seen +in inelastic neutron scattering hardly damps up to $\sim$0.6 eV. Above the +energy, the excitation overlaps individual particle-hole excitations as +expected, leading to broad spectral weight. On the other hand, the collective +spin-wave excitation in RIXS spectra has a tendency to be masked by large +spectral weight coming from particle-hole excitations with various orbital +channels. This is in contrast with inelastic neutron scattering, where only +selected diagonal orbital channels contribute to the spectral weight. However, +it may be possible to detect the spin-wave excitation in RIXS experiments in +the future if resolution is high enough.",1211.1598v2 +2014-09-08,Dynamic control of spin wave spectra using spin-polarized currents,"We describe a method of controlling the spin wave spectra dynamically in a +uniform nanostripe waveguide through spin-polarized currents. A stable periodic +magnetization structure is observed when the current flows vertically through +the center of nanostripe waveguide. After being excited, the spin wave is +transmitted at the sides of the waveguide. Numerical simulations of spin-wave +transmission and dispersion curves reveal a single, pronounced band gap. +Moreover, the periodic magnetization structure can be turned on and off by the +spin-polarized current. The switching process from full rejection to full +transmission takes place within less than 3ns. Thus, this type magnonic +waveguide can be utilized for low-dissipation spin wave based filters.",1409.2421v2 +2014-06-14,Electric-field coupling to spin waves in a centrosymmetric ferrite,"We experimentally demonstrate that the spin-orbit interaction can be utilized +for direct electric-field tuning of the propagation of spin waves in a +single-crystal yttrium iron garnet magnonic waveguide. Magnetoelectric coupling +not due to the spin-orbit interaction, and hence an order of magnitude weaker, +leads to electric-field modification of the spin-wave velocity for waveguide +geometries where the spin-orbit interaction will not contribute. A theory of +the phase shift, validated by the experiment data, shows that, in the exchange +spin wave regime, this electric tuning can have high efficiency. Our findings +point to an important avenue for manipulating spin waves and developing +electrically tunable magnonic devices.",1406.3675v1 +2017-10-03,Spin-wave chirality and its manifestations in antiferromagnets,"As first demonstrated by Tang and Cohen in chiral optics, the asymmetry in +the rate of electromagnetic energy absorption between left and right +enantiomers is determined by an optical chirality density [1]. Here, we +demonstrate that this effect can exist in magnetic spin systems. By +constructing a formal analogy with electrodynamics, we show that in +antiferromagnets with broken chiral symmetry the asymmetry in local spin-wave +energy absorption is proportional to a spin-wave chirality density, which is a +direct counterpart of optical zilch. We propose that injection of a pure spin +current into an antiferromagnet may serve as a chiral symmetry breaking +mechanism, since its effect in the spin-wave approximation can be expressed in +terms of additional Lifshitz invariants. We use linear response theory to show +that the spin current induces a nonequilibrium spin-wave chirality density.",1710.01023v2 +2017-04-07,Spin wave propagation and spin polarized electron transport in single crystal iron films,"The technique of propagating spin wave spectroscopy is applied to a 20 nm +thick Fe/MgO (001) film. The magnetic parameters extracted from the position of +the resonance peaks are very close to those tabulated for bulk iron. From the +propagating waveforms, a group velocity of 4 km/s and an attenuation length of +about 6 micrometers are extracted for 1.6 micrometers-wavelength spin-wave at +18 GHz. From the measured current-induced spin-wave Doppler shift, we also +extract a surprisingly high degree of spin-polarization of the current of 83%. +This set of results makes single-crystalline iron a promising candidate for +building devices utilizing high frequency spin-waves and spin-polarized +currents.",1704.02217v1 +2020-05-22,Signatures of a liquid-crystal transition in spin-wave excitations of skyrmions,"Understanding the spin-wave excitations of chiral magnetic order, such as the +skyrmion crystal (SkX), is of fundamental interest to confirm such exotic +magnetic order. The SkX is realized by competing Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and +ferromagnetic-exchange interactions with a magnetic field or anisotropy. Here +we compute the dynamical spin structure factor, using Monte Carlo and spin +dynamics simulations, extracting the spin-wave spectrum in the SkX, in the +vicinity of the paramagnet to SkX transition. Inside the SkX, we find six +spin-wave modes, which are supplemented by another mode originating from the +ferromagnetic background. Above the critical temperature $T_s$ for the skyrmion +crystallization, we find a diffusive regime, reminiscent of the +liquid-to-crystal transition, revealing that topological spin texture of +skyrmionic character starts to develop above $T_s$ as the precursor of the SkX. +We discuss the opportunities for the detection of the spin waves of the SkX +using inelastic-neutron-scattering experiments in manganite-iridate +heterostructures.",2005.11399v2 +2021-06-05,Extraordinary transverse spin: Hidden vorticity of the energy flow and momentum distributions in propagating light fields,"Spatially inhomogeneous fields of electromagnetic guided modes exhibit a +complex of extraordinary dynamical properties such as the +polarization-dependent transverse momentum, helicity-independent transverse +spin, spin-associated non-reciprocity and unidirectional propagation, etc. +Recently, the remarkable relationship has been established between the spin and +propagation features of such fields, expressed through the spin-momentum +equations [Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 118 (2021) e2018816118] connecting the wave +spin with the curl of momentum. Here, the meaning, limitations and specific +forms of this correspondence are further investigated, involving the physically +transparent and consistent examples of paraxial light fields, plane-wave +superpositions and evanescent waves. The conclusion is inferred that the +spin-momentum equation is an attribute of guided waves with well defined +direction of propagation, and it unites the helicity-independent +""extraordinary"" transverse spin with the spatially-inhomogeneous longitudinal +field momentum (energy flow) density. Physical analogies with the layered +hydrodynamic flows and possible generalizations for other wave fields are +discussed. The results can be useful in optical trapping, manipulation and the +data processing techniques.",2106.02849v1 +2022-04-27,Gravitational waves from small spin-up and spin-down events of neutron stars,"It was recently reported that there exists a population of ""glitch +candidates"" and ""anti-glitch candidates"" which are effectively small spin-ups +and spin-downs of a neutron star with magnitudes smaller than those seen in +typical glitches. The physical origin of these small events is not yet +understood. In this paper, we outline a model that can account for the changes +in spin, and crucially, is independently testable with gravitational wave +observations. In brief, the model posits that small spin-up/spin-down events +are caused by the excitation and decay of non-axisymmetric $f$-modes which +radiate angular momentum away in a burst-like way as gravitational waves. The +model takes the change in spin frequency as an input and outputs the initial +mode amplitude and the signal-to-noise ratio achievable from gravitational wave +detectors. We find that the model presented here will become falsifiable once +3rd generation gravitational wave detectors, like the Einstein Telescope and +Cosmic Explorer, begin taking data.",2204.12869v3 +2022-06-23,Anisotropic magnon damping by zero-temperature quantum fluctuations in ferromagnetic CrGeTe$_3$,"Spin and lattice are two fundamental degrees of freedom in a solid, and their +fluctuations about the equilibrium values in a magnetic ordered crystalline +lattice form quasiparticles termed magnons (spin waves) and phonons (lattice +waves), respectively. In most materials with strong spin-lattice coupling +(SLC), the interaction of spin and lattice induces energy gaps in the spin wave +dispersion at the nominal intersections of magnon and phonon modes. Here we use +neutron scattering to show that in the two-dimensional (2D) van der Waals +honeycomb lattice ferromagnetic CrGeTe3, spin waves propagating within the 2D +plane exhibit an anomalous dispersion, damping, and break-down of quasiparticle +conservation, while magnons along the c axis behave as expected for a local +moment ferromagnet. These results indicate the presence of dynamical SLC +arising from the zero-temperature quantum fluctuations in CrGeTe3, suggesting +that the observed in-plane spin waves are mixed spin and lattice quasiparticles +fundamentally different from pure magnons and phonons.",2206.11962v1 +2022-09-14,"Quantum Spin-Wave Theory for non-collinear Spin Structures, a Review","In this review, we trace the evolution of the quantum spin-wave theory +treating non-collinear spin configurations. Non-collinear spin configurations +are consequences of the frustration created by competing interactions. They +include simple chiral magnets due to competing nearest-neighbor (NN) and +next-NN interactions and systems with geometry frustration such as the +triangular antiferromagnet and the Kagom\'e lattice. We review here spin-wave +results of such systems and also systems with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya +interaction. Accent is put on these non-collinear ground states which have to +be calculated before applying any spin-wave theory to determine the spectrum of +the elementary excitations from the ground states. We mostly show results +obtained by the use of a Green's function method. These results include the +spin-wave dispersion relation and the magnetizations, layer by layer, as +functions of $T$ in 2D, 3D and thin films. Some new unpublished results are +also included. Technical details and discussion on the method are shown and +discussed.",2209.06771v1 +2022-10-10,Charge distribution and spin textures in magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene,"We examine the coexisting spin and charge density waves as a possible ground +state of the magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene. When interactions are not +included, the spectrum of the material has 4 (8 if spin is taken into account) +almost flat almost degenerate bands. Interactions break down the degeneracy +forming an order parameter which is usually assumed to be a spin density wave +with a preset spin structure. Here we take into account a possible charge +density wave contribution to the order parameter, that is, inhomogeneous +distribution of the charge density within a twisted graphene supercell. We also +calculate self-consistently the spin structure of the order parameter. We find +that the density wave order is stable in the whole doping range from $-4$ to +$+4$ extra electrons per supercell. The spin texture changes from collinear at +zero doping to almost coplanar at finite doping. The density wave order shows +nematic distortion when we dope the system. We demonstrate that the local spin +magnetization is much stronger than the charge density variation, unless the +doping exceeds $3$ extra electrons or holes per supercell.",2210.04670v1 +1998-10-20,Unconventional ferromagnetic and spin-glass states of the reentrant spin glass Fe0.7Al0.3,"Spin excitations of single crystal Fe0.7Al0.3 were investigated over a wide +range in energy and reciprocal space with inelastic neutron scattering. In the +ferromagnetic phase, propagating spin wave modes become paramagnon-like +diffusive modes beyond a critical wave vector q0, indicating substantial +disorder in the long-range ordered state. In the spin glass phase, spin +dynamics is strongly q-dependent, suggesting remnant short-range spin +correlations. Quantitative model for S(energy,q) in the ``ferromagnetic'' phase +is determined.",9810265v2 +2008-11-17,Dynamics in two-leg spin ladder with a four-spin cyclic interaction,"We study two-leg Heisenberg ladder with four-spin cyclic interaction using +the (dynamical) density-matrix renormalization group method. We demonstrate the +dependence of the low-lying excitations in the spin wave, staggered dimer +order, and scalar-chirality order structure factors on the four-spin cyclic +interaction. We find that the cyclic interaction enhances spin-spin +correlations with wave vector around momentum $(q_x,q_y)=(\frac{\pi}{2},0)$. +Also, the presence of long-range order in the staggered dimer and +scalar-chirality phases is confirmed by a $\delta$-function peak contribution +of the structure factors at energy $\omega=0$.",0811.2456v1 +2011-03-20,The spin excitations of the block-antiferromagnetic K$_{0.8}$Fe$_{1.6}$Se$_2$,"We study the spin excitations of the newly discovered block-antiferromagnetic +state in K$_{0.8}$Fe$_{1.6}$Se$_2$ using an effective spin Hamiltonian +suggested in the literature. Interestingly in addition to the usual Goldstone +mode, there exists three other ""optical"" spin wave branches. These spin +excitations are the analog of ""optical phonons"" in crystals with more than one +atom per unit cell. We compute the spin wave corrected ordering moment and the +uniform spin susceptibilities.",1103.3884v1 +2015-11-26,Spin textures and spin-wave excitations in doped Dirac-Weyl semimetals,"We study correlations and magnetic textures of localized spins, doped in +three-dimensional Dirac semimetals. An effective field theory for magnetic +moments is constructed by integrating out the fermionic degrees of freedom. The +spin correlation shows a strong anisotropy, originating from spin-momentum +locking of Dirac electrons, in addition to the conventional Heisenberg-like +ferromagnetic correlation. The anisotropic spin correlation allows +topologically nontrivial magnetic excitation textures such as a transient +hedgehog state, as well as the ferromagnetic ground state. The spin-wave +dispersion in ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal also becomes anisotropic, being less +dispersed perpendicular to the magnetization.",1511.08381v1 +2015-05-12,Nonreciprocal spin wave propagation in chiral-lattice ferromagnets,"Spin current, i.e. the flow of spin angular momentum or magnetic moment, has +recently attracted much attention as the promising alternative for charge +current with better energy efficiency. Genuine spin current is generally +carried by the spin wave (propagating spin precession) in insulating +ferromagnets, and should hold the chiral symmetry when it propagates along the +spin direction. Here, we experimentally demonstrate that such a spin wave spin +current (SWSC) shows nonreciprocal propagation characters in a chiral-lattice +ferromagnet. This phenomenon originates from the interference of chirality +between the SWSC and crystal-lattice, which is mediated by the relativistic +spin-orbit interaction. The present finding enables the design of perfect spin +current diode, and highlights the importance of the chiral aspect in SWSC.",1505.02868v1 +2019-01-24,Spin-Wave Theory for the Scalar Chiral Phase in the Multiple-Spin Exchange Model on a Triangular Lattice,"We study the effects of quantum fluctuations on a non-coplanar tetrahedral +spin structure, which has a scalar chiral order, in the spin-1/2 multiple-spin +exchange model with up to the six-spin exchange interactions on a triangular +lattice. We find that, in the linear spin-wave approximation, the tetrahedral +structure survives the quantum fluctuations because spin waves do not soften in +the whole parameter region of the tetrahedral-structure phase evaluated for the +classical system. In the quantum corrections to the ground-state energy, +sublattice magnetization, and scalar chirality, the effects of the quantum +fluctuations are small for the ferromagnetic nearest-neighbor interactions and +for the strong five-spin interactions. The six-spin interactions have little +effect on the quantum corrections in the tetrahedral-structure phase. This +calculation also corrects an error in the previously reported value of scalar +chirality for the spin-1/2 multiple-spin exchange model with up to the +four-spin exchange interactions.",1901.08198v1 +2019-07-05,Theory for shift current of bosons: Photogalvanic spin current in ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic insulators,"We theoretically study the optical generation of dc spin current (i.e., a +spin-current solar cell) in ordered antiferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic +insulators, motivated by a recent study on the laser-driven spinon spin current +in noncentrosymmetric quantum spin chains [H. Ishizuka and M. Sato, Phys. Rev. +Lett. 122, 197702 (2019)]. Using a non-linear response theory for magnons, we +analyze the dc spin current generated by a linearly-polarized electromagnetic +wave (typically, terahertz or gigahertz waves). Considering noncentrosymmetric +two-sublattice magnets as an example, we find a finite dc spin current +conductivity at $T=0$, where no thermally-excited magnons exist; this is in +contrast to the case of the spinon spin current, in which the optical +transition of the Fermi degenerate spinons plays an essential role. We find +that the dc spin-current conductivity is insensitive to the Gilbert damping, +i.e., it may be viewed as a shift current carried by bosonic particles +(magnons). Our estimate shows that an electric-field intensity of +$E\sim10^4-10^6$ V/cm is sufficient for an observable spin current. Our theory +indicates that the linearly-polarized electromagnetic wave generally produces a +dc spin current in noncentrosymmetric magnetic insulators.",1907.02734v1 +2022-09-26,Imprinting spatial helicity structure of vector vortex beam on spin texture in semiconductors,"We present the transfer of the spatially variant polarization of +topologically structured light to the spatial spin texture in a semiconductor +quantum well. The electron spin texture, which is a circular pattern with +repeating spin-up and spin-down states whose repetition rate is determined by +the topological charge, is directly excited by a vector vortex beam with a +spatial helicity structure. The generated spin texture efficiently evolves into +a helical spin wave pattern owing to the spin-orbit effective magnetic fields +in the persistent spin helix state by controlling the spatial wave number of +the excited spin mode. By tuning the repetition length and azimuthal angle, we +simultaneously generate helical spin waves with opposite phases by a single +beam.",2209.12496v1 +1995-09-04,Spin-wave condensation and quantum melting of long-range antiferromagnetic order in t-J model,"Ground state wave function of two-dimensional t-J model is found at doping +close to half filling. It is shown that the condensation of Cooper pairs +(superconducting pairing of mobile holes) and the condensation of spin-waves +into spin-liquid state are closely connected. The effective spectrum of $S=1$ +excitations, spin-wave gap pseudo-gap $\Delta_M$, magnetic correlation length +$\xi_M$, and static magnetic formfactor $S_M(\bf q)$ are calculated.",9509011v1 +1995-09-13,Spin-wave excitation spectra and spectral weights in square lattice antiferromagnets,"Using a recently developed method for calculating series expansions of the +excitation spectra of quantum lattice models, we obtain the spin-wave spectra +for square lattice, $S=1/2$ Heisenberg-Ising antiferromagnets. The calculated +spin-wave spectrum for the Heisenberg model is close to but noticeably +different from a uniformly renormalized classical (large-$S$) spectrum with the +renormalization for the spin-wave velocity of approximately $1.18$. The +relative weights of the single-magnon and multi-magnon contributions to neutron +scattering spectra are obtained for wavevectors throughout the Brillouin zone.",9509077v1 +1995-11-17,The incoherent part of the spin-wave polarization operator in the t-J model,"A calculation of the spin-wave polarization operator is very important for +the analysis of the magnetic structure of high temperature superconductors. We +analyze the significance of the incoherent part of the spin-wave polarization +operator within the framework of the t-J model. This part is calculated +analytically for small doping with logarithmic accuracy. We conclude that the +incoherent part of the spin-wave polarization operator is negligible in +comparison with the coherent part.",9511087v2 +1996-02-08,Isotropic Spin Wave Theory of Short-Range Magnetic Order,"We present an isotropic spin wave (ISW) theory of short-range order in +Heisenberg magnets, and apply it to square lattice S=1/2 and S=1 +antiferromagnets. Our theory has three identical (isotropic) spin wave modes, +whereas the conventional spin wave theory has two transverse and one +longitudinal mode. We calculate temperature dependences of various +thermodynamic observables analytically and find good (several per cent) +agreement with independently obtained numerical results in a broad temperature +range.",9602044v1 +1997-12-23,The edge theory of ferromagnetic quantum Hall states,"We propose an effective low-energy theory for ferromagnetic Hall states. It +describes the charge degrees of freedom, on the edge, by a (1 + 1) dimensional +chiral boson theory, and the spin degrees of freedom by the (2 + 1)dimensional +quantum ferromagnet theory in the spin-wave approximation. The usual chiral +boson theory for spinless electrons is modified to include the charge degrees +of freedom with spin. Our total, bulk plus edge, effective action is gauge +invariant and we find a generalized ""chiral anomaly"" in this case. We describe +two, charged and neutral, sets of edge spin-wave solutions. The spreading of +these waves is much larger than the one for the charge (edge) waves and they +have linear dispersion relations.",9712279v1 +1999-07-12,"Dynamics of the Compact, Ferromagnetic ν=1 Edge","We consider the edge dynamics of a compact, fully spin polarized state at +filling factor $\nu=1$. We show that there are two sets of collective +excitations localized near the edge: the much studied, gapless, edge +magnetoplasmon but also an additional edge spin wave that splits off below the +bulk spin wave continuum. We show that both of these excitations can soften at +finite wave-vectors as the potential confining the system is softened, thereby +leading to edge reconstruction by spin texture or charge density wave +formation. We note that a commonly employed model of the edge confining +potential is non-generic in that it systematically underestimates the texturing +instability.",9907175v1 +2000-10-16,Spin waves in ultrathin ferromagnetic overlayers,"The influence of a non-magnetic metallic substrate on the spin wave +excitations in ultrathin ferromagnetic overlayers is investigated for different +crystalline orientations. We show that spin wave dumping in these systems occur +due to the tunneling of holes from the substrate into the overlayer, and that +the spin wave energies may be considerably affected by the exchange coupling +mediated by the substrate.",0010215v1 +2002-03-19,Spin-wave spectrum of copper metaborate in the commensurate phase 10K$ direction. +Peculiarities of spin wave resonance observed allow to insist on the formation +in given nanotubes of $s^+$ superconductivity at room temperature, coexisting +with uncompensated antiferromagnetic ordering.",1305.3256v1 +2014-04-29,On conformal higher spin wave operators,"We analyze free conformal higher spin actions and the corresponding wave +operators in arbitrary even dimensions and backgrounds. We show that the wave +operators do not factorize in general, and identify the Weyl tensor and its +derivatives as the obstruction to factorization. We give a manifestly +factorized form for them on (A)dS backgrounds for arbitrary spin and on +Einstein backgrounds for spin 2. We are also able to fix the conformal wave +operator in d=4 for s=3 up to linear order in the Riemann tensor on generic +Bach-flat backgrounds.",1404.7452v2 +2014-10-13,Vortex gyration mediated by spin waves driven by an out-of-plane oscillating magnetic field,"In this letter we address the vortex core dynamics involved in gyration +excitation and damping change by out-of-plane oscillating magnetic fields. When +the vortex core is at rest under the effect of in-plane bias magnetic fields, +the spin waves excited by the perpendicular magnetic field can induce obvious +vortex gyration. When simultaneously excite spin waves and vortex gyrotropic +motion, the gyration damping changes. Analysis of the system energy allows us +to explain the origin of the spin-wave-mediated vortex gyration.",1410.3230v1 +2017-05-03,Controlling Chiral Domain Walls in Antiferromagnets Using Spin-Wave Helicity,"In antiferromagnets, the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction lifts the +degeneracy of left- and right-circularly polarized spin waves. This +relativistic coupling increases the efficiency of spin-wave-induced domain wall +motion and leads to higher drift velocities. We show that in biaxial +antiferromagnets, the spin-wave helicity controls both the direction and +magnitude of the magnonic force on chiral domain walls. By contrast, in +uniaxial antiferromagnets, the magnonic force is propulsive with a helicity +dependent strength.",1705.01572v2 +2003-12-31,Excitation of Spin Waves in Superconducting Ferromagnets,"This Letter presents a theoretical analysis of propagation of spin waves in a +superconducting ferromagnet. The surface impedance was calculated for the case +when the magnetization is normal to the sample surface. We found the +frequencies at which the impedance and the power absorption have singularities +related to the spin wave propagation, and determined the form of these +singularities. With a suitable choice of parameters, there is a frequency +interval in which two propagating spin waves of the same circular polarization +are generated, one of them having a negative group velocity.",0312720v1 +2017-03-09,Spin-wave excitations in the SDW state of iron pnictides: a comparison between the roles of interaction parameters,"We investigate the role of Hund's coupling in the spin-wave excitations of +the ($\pi, 0$) ordered magnetic state within a five-orbital tight-binding model +for iron pnictides. To differentiate between the roles of intraorbital Coulomb +interaction and Hund's coupling, we focus on the self-consistently obtained +mean-field SDW state with a fixed magnetic moment obtained by using different +sets of interaction parameters. We find that the Hund's coupling is crucial for +the description of various experimentally observed characteristics of the +spin-wave excitations including the anisotropy, energy-dependent behavior, and +spin-wave spectral weight distribution.",1703.03228v2 +2020-05-06,Angular momentum conservation in counter-propagating vectorially structured light,"It is well-known that electric spin angular momentum and electric orbital +angular momentum are conserved under paraxial propagation of travelling waves +in free-space. Here we study the electric and magnetic angular momentum in +counter-propagating waves and show both theoretically and experimentally that +neither component alone is conserved except in special cases. We attribute this +non-conservation to spin-spin and orbit-orbit coupling between the electric and +magnetic fields. This work generalises previous findings based on travelling +waves, explains the apparent spin-orbit coupling in counter-propagating +paraxial light, and broadens our understanding of angular momentum conservation +in arbitrary structured light waves.",2005.02739v1 +2020-12-23,Analytic description of spin waves in dipolar/octupolar pyrochlore magnets,"We derive analytic forms for spin waves in pyrochlore magnets with +dipolar-octupolar interactions, such as ${\rm Nd}_2{\rm Zr}_2{\rm O}_7$. We +obtain full knowledge of the diagonalized magnonic Hamiltonian within the +linear spin wave approximation. We also consider the effect of a ""breathing +mode"" as a perturbation of this system. The breathing mode lifts the degeneracy +of the upper band of the spin wave dispersion along the direction $X\to W$ in +$k$-space.",2012.12500v1 +2021-03-05,Universal spin wave damping in magnetic Weyl semimetals,"We analyze the decay of spin waves into Stoner excitations in magnetic Weyl +semimetals. The lifetime of a mode is found to have a universal dependence on +its frequency and momentum, and on a few parameters that characterize the +relativistic Weyl spectrum. At the same time, Gilbert damping by Weyl electrons +is absent. The decay rate of spin waves is calculated perturbatively using the +s-d model of itinerant Weyl or Dirac electrons coupled to local moments. We +show that many details of the Weyl spectrum, such as the momentum-space +locations, dispersions and sizes of the Weyl Fermi pockets, can be deduced +indirectly by probing the spin waves of local moments using inelastic neutron +scattering.",2103.03885v1 +2021-12-29,Spin Wave Propagation through Antiferromagnet/Ferromagnet Interface,"We study the problem of controlling spin waves propagation through an +antiferromagnet/ferromagnet interface via tuning material parameters. It is +done by introducing the degree of sublattice noncompensation of antiferromagnet +(DSNA), which is a physical characteristic of finite-thickness interfaces. The +DSNA value can be varied by designing interfaces with a particular disorder or +curvilinear geometry. We describe a spin-wave propagation through any designed +antiferromagnet/ferromagnet interface considering a variable DSNA and +appropriate boundary conditions. As a result, we calculate the physical +transmittance and reflectance of the spin waves as a function of frequency and +show how to control them via the exchange parameters tuning.",2112.14583v1 +2022-03-17,Electron Wave Spin in a Quantum Well,"The particle-wave duality of the electron poses a principle question of +whether the spin is a property of the particle or the wave. In this paper, the +wave nature of the spin is studied for an electron inside a two-dimensional +quantum well. By solving the exact $4-$spinor eigen solution to the Dirac +equation, we show that a stable circulating total current density exists inside +the well with a donut shaped topography. A spin value is modified by the +confining geometry of the well. Our analysis also shows that a free electron +Gaussian wavepacket is unstable and experiences quick decoherence.",2203.09437v2 +2009-05-18,Bulk Spin-Hall Effect,"We show that a two-dimensional spin-orbit-coupled system in the presence of a +charge/spin-density wave with a wave-vector perpendicular to an applied +electric field supports bulk manifestations of the direct/inverse spin-Hall +effect. We develop a theory of this phenomenon in the framework of the spin +diffusion equation formalism and show that, due to the inhomogeneity created by +a spin-grating, an anomalous bulk charge-density wave is induced away from +sample boundaries. The optimal conditions for the observation of the effect are +determined. The main experimental manifestation of the bulk spin-Hall effect, +the induced charge/spin-density-wave, is characterized by a pi/2-phase shift +relative to the initial non-homogeneous spin/charge-polarization profile and +has a non-monotonic time-varying amplitude.",0905.2771v1 +2011-12-21,Direct detection of magnon spin transport by the inverse spin Hall effect,"Conversion of traveling magnons into an electron carried spin current is +demonstrated in a time resolved experiment using a spatially separated +inductive spin-wave source and an inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) detector. A +short spin-wave packet is excited in a yttrium-iron garnet (YIG) waveguide by a +microwave signal and is detected at a distance of 3 mm by an attached Pt layer +as a delayed ISHE voltage pulse. The delay in the detection appears due to the +finite spin-wave group velocity and proves the magnon spin transport. The +experiment suggests utilization of spin waves for the information transfer over +macroscopic distances in spintronic devices and circuits.",1112.4969v1 +2013-07-29,Generalized spin-wave theory: application to the bilinear-biquadratic model,"We present a generalized spin-wave theory (GSWT) for treating spin +Hamiltonians of arbitrary spin $S$. The generalization consists of an extension +of the traditional spin-wave theory from SU(2) to SU($N$). Low energy +excitations are waves of the local order parameter that fluctuates in the +SU($N$) space of unitary transformations of the local spin states, instead of +the SU(2) space of local spin rotations. Since the generators of the SU($N$) +group can be represented as bilinear forms in $N$-flavored bosons, the +low-energy modes of the GSWT are described with $N-1$ different bosons. The +generalization allows treating quantum spin systems whose ground state exhibit +multipolar ordering as well as detecting instabilities of magnetically ordered +states (dipolar ordering) towards higher multipolar orderings. We illustrate +these advantages by applying the GSWT to a bilinear-biquadratic model of +arbitrary spin $S$ on hypercubic lattices.",1307.7731v1 +2015-07-07,"Magnetic order, spin waves and fluctuations in the triangular antiferromagnet La2Ca2MnO7","We report magnetic susceptibility, specific heat and muon spin relaxation +(muSR) experiments on the triangular antiferromagnet La2Ca2MnO7 which develops +a genuine two-dimensional, three-sublattice \sqrt{3} \times \sqrt{3} magnetic +order below T_N = 2.8 K. From the susceptibility and specific heat data an +estimate of the exchange interaction is derived. A value for the spin-wave gap +is obtained from the latter data. The analysis of a previously reported +inelastic neutron scattering study yields values for the exchange and spin-wave +gap compatible with the results obtained from macroscopic measurements. An +appreciable entropy is still missing at 10 K that may be ascribed to intense +short-range correlations. The critical paramagnetic fluctuations extend far +above T_N, and can be partly understood in terms of two-dimensional spin-wave +excitations. While no spontaneous muSR field is observed below T_N, persistent +spin dynamics is found. Short-range correlations are detected in this +temperature range. Their relation to a possible molecular spin substructure and +the observed exotic spin fluctuations is discussed.",1507.01740v1 +2020-01-21,Nonresonant amplification of coherent spin waves through voltage-induced interface magnetoelectric effect and spin-transfer torque,"We present new mechanism for manipulation of the spin-wave amplitude through +the use of the dynamic charge-mediated magnetoelectric effect in ultrathin +multilayers composed of dielectric thin-film capacitors separated by a +ferromagnetic bilayer. Propagating spin waves can be amplified and attenuated +with rising and decreasing slopes of the oscillating voltage, respectively, +locally applied to the sample. The way the spin accumulation is generated makes +the interaction of the spin-transfer torque with the magnetization dynamics +mode-selective and restricted to some range of spin-wave frequencies, which is +in contrary to known types of the spin-transfer torque effects. The interfacial +nature of spin-dependent screening allows to reduce the thickness of the fixed +magnetization layer to a few nanometers, thus the proposed effect significantly +contributes toward realization of the magnonic devices and also miniaturization +of the spintronic devices.",2001.07474v1 +2020-12-23,Parity-controlled spin-wave excitations in synthetic antiferromagnets,"We report in this study the current-induced-torque excitation of acoustic and +optical modes in Ta/NiFe/Ru/NiFe/Ta synthetic antiferromagnet stacks grown on +SiO2/Si substrates. The two Ta layers serve as spin torque sources with the +opposite polarisations both in spin currents and Oersted fields acting on their +adjacent NiFe layers. This can create the odd symmetry of spatial spin torque +distribution across the growth direction, allowing us to observe different +spin-wave excitation efficiency from synthetic antiferromagnets excited by +homogeneous torques. We analyse the torque symmetry by in-plane angular +dependence of symmetric and anti-symmetric lineshape amplitudes for their +resonance and confirm that the parallel (perpendicular) pumping nature for the +acoustic (optical) modes in our devices, which is in stark difference from the +modes excited by spatially homogeneous torques. We also present our macrospin +model for this particular spin-torque excitation geometry, which excellently +supports our experimental observation. Our results offer capability of +controlling spin-wave excitations by local spin-torque sources and we can +explore further spin-wave control schemes based on this concept.",2012.12999v2 +2010-03-13,Motion and gravitational wave forms of eccentric compact binaries with orbital-angular-momentum-aligned spins under next-to-leading order in spin-orbit and leading order in spin(1)-spin(2) and spin-squared couplings,"A quasi-Keplerian parameterisation for the solutions of second post-Newtonian +(PN) accurate equations of motion for spinning compact binaries is obtained +including leading order spin-spin and next-to-leading order spin-orbit +interactions. Rotational deformation of the compact objects is incorporated. +For arbitrary mass ratios the spin orientations are taken to be parallel or +anti-parallel to the orbital angular momentum vector. The emitted gravitational +wave forms are given in analytic form up to 2PN point particle, 1.5PN spin +orbit and 1PN spin-spin contributions, where the spins are counted of 0PN +order.",1003.2735v4 +2016-02-12,Thermal generation of spin current in a helimagnetic multiferroic hexaferrite,"We report the experimental observation of longitudinal spin Seebeck effect in +a multiferroic helimagnet Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe12O22. Temperature gradient applied +normal to Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe12O22/Pt interface generates inverse spin Hall voltage +of spin current origin in Pt, whose magnitude was found to be proportional to +bulk magnetization of Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe12O22 even through the successive magnetic +transitions among various helimagnetic and ferrimagnetic phases. This finding +demonstrates that the helimagnetic spin wave can be an effective carrier of +spin current. By controlling the population ratio of spin-helicity domains +characterized by clockwise/counter-clockwise manner of spin rotation with use +of poling electric field in the ferroelectric helimagnetic phase, we found that +spin-helicity domain distribution does not affect the magnitude of spin current +injected into Pt. The results suggest that the spin-wave spin current is rather +robust against the spin-helicity domain wall, unlike the case with the +conventional ferromagnetic domain wall.",1602.04011v1 +2019-08-27,Inelastic light scattering in the spin cluster Mott insulator Cu$_{2}$OSeO$_{3}$,"Clusters of single spins form the relevant spin entities in the formation of +long-range magnetic order in spin cluster Mott insulators. Such type of spin +order bears resemblance to molecular crystals, and we therefore may expect a +prototypical spin wave spectrum which can be divided into low-energy external +and high-energy internal cluster spin wave modes. Here, we study high-energy +spin cluster excitations in the spin cluster Mott insulator Cu$_{2}$OSeO$_{3}$ +by means of spontaneous Raman scattering. Multiple high-energy optical magnon +modes are observed, of which the Raman-activity is shown to originate in the +Elliot-Loudon scattering mechanism. Upon crossing the long-range ordering +transition temperature the magnetic modes significantly broaden, corresponding +to scattering from localized spin excitations within the spin clusters. +Different optical phonon modes show a strong temperature dependence, evidencing +a strong magnetoelectric coupling between optical phonons and the high-energy +spin cluster excitations. Our results support the picture that +Cu$_{2}$OSeO$_{3}$ can be regarded as a solid-state molecular crystal of spin +nature.",1908.10279v1 +2007-09-21,Spin-Peierls transition in carbynoid conductors: infrared absorption study,"The results of IR-studies in quasi-1D carbynoid films produced by +dehydrohalogenation of poly(vinilidene fluoride) are in good agreement with the +assumption that carbynoid films studied are generalized spin -Peierls +conductors, the metal to insulator transition in which can be described in the +frame of t-J model. Residual atoms of fluorine, hydrogen and atoms of main +technological impurity oxygen in the form of various complexes in interchain +space are suggested to be spin - (or joint spin - and electrical) conductivity +dopants. Antiferroelectric spin wave resonance (AFESWR) being to be optical +analogue of antiferromagnetic spin wave resonance has been identified for the +first time. Electric spin-Peierls polaron lattice in C-C -bonds is proposed to +be responsible for the observed AFESWR both in starting PWDF films and in +carbynoid B-films (the samples with the least impurity content). Electric spin +moment with pure imaginary value predicted by Dirac as early as 1928 was +identified for the first time. Electric spin-Peierls polarons are proposed to +be electric spin moment carriers. It has been established that topological +solitons, earlier called spin-Peierls solitons (SPS), are simultaneously +active, unlike to topological solitons with nonzero spin in +\textit{trans}-polyacetylene, in both optical and magnetic resonance spectra.It +is explained in suggestion that SPS possess by both electric and magnetic spin +moments which can be considered as two components of complex electromagnetic +spin vector as a single whole. SPS proposed to be consisting of two coupled +domain walls in both magnetic and electric generalized spin density wave +(GSDW), produced by electromagnetic spin-Peierls transition in its generalized +form in $\pi$ - and $\sigma$ -subsystems of carbynoids.",0709.3382v2 +2021-01-25,Long-range spin-wave propagation in transversely magnetized nano-scaled conduits,"Magnonics attracts increasing attention in the view of novel low-energy +computation technologies based on spin waves. Recently, spin-wave propagation +in longitudinally magnetized nano-scaled spin-wave conduits was demonstrated, +proving the fundamental feasibility of magnonics at the sub-100 nm scale. +Transversely magnetized nano-conduits, which are of great interest in this +regard as they offer a large group velocity and a potentially chirality-based +protected transport of energy, have not yet been investigated due to their +complex internal magnetic field distribution. Here, we present a study of +propagating spin waves in a transversely magnetized nanoscopic yttrium iron +garnet conduit of 50 nm width. Space and time-resolved micro-focused +Brillouin-light-scattering spectroscopy is employed to measure the spin-wave +group velocity and decay length. A long-range spin-wave propagation is observed +with a decay length of up to (8.0+-1.5) {\mu}m and a large spin-wave lifetime +of up to (44.7+-9.1) ns. The results are supported with micromagnetic +simulations, revealing a single-mode dispersion relation in contrast to the +common formation of localized edge modes for microscopic systems. Furthermore, +a frequency non-reciprocity for counter-propagating spin waves is observed in +the simulations and the experiment, caused by the trapezoidal cross-section of +the structure. The revealed long-distance spin-wave propagation on the +nanoscale is particularly interesting for an application in spin-wave devices, +allowing for long-distance transport of information in magnonic circuits, as +well as novel low-energy device architectures.",2101.10192v1 +1998-01-15,Solitary Waves of Planar Ferromagnets and the Breakdown of the Spin-Polarized Quantum Hall Effect,"A branch of uniformly-propagating solitary waves of planar ferromagnets is +identified. The energy dispersion and structures of the solitary waves are +determined for an isotropic ferromagnet as functions of a conserved momentum. +With increasing momentum, their structure undergoes a transition from a form +ressembling a droplet of spin-waves to a Skyrmion/anti-Skyrmion pair. An +instability to the formation of these solitary waves is shown to provide a +mechanism for the electric field-induced breakdown of the spin-polarized +quantum Hall effect.",9801160v1 +2015-03-16,Stochastic Quantum Trajectories without a Wave Function,"After summarizing three versions of trajectory-based quantum mechanics, it is +argued that only the original formulation due to Bohm, which uses the +Schr\""odinger wave function to guide the particles, can be readily extended to +particles with spin. To extend the two wave function-free formulations, it is +argued that necessarily particle trajectories not only determine location, but +also spin. Since spin values are discrete, it is natural to revert to a +variation of Bohm's pilot wave formulation due originally to Bell. It is shown +that within this formulation with stochastic quantum trajectories, a wave +function free formulation can be obtained.",1503.04868v1 +2012-09-19,Asymmetry of modal profiles of dipole-exchange spin waves in thin high-magnetic moment metallic ferromagnetic films,"The asymmetry of the modal profiles for dipole-exchange spin waves +propagating in in-plane magnetized ferromagnetic films at a right angle to the +applied magnetic field has been investigated theoretically. It was found that +in the large-magnetic moment ferromagnetic metallic films with typical +thicknesses 10-60 nm the fundamental mode of the spectrum is localized at the +surface opposite to the surface of localization of the exchange-free +Damon-Eshbach surface wave. This anomalous localization of the wave does not +affect the non-reciprocity of spin wave excitation by microstrip and coplanar +transducers but may be detected in other types of experiments.",1209.4153v1 +2019-06-16,Spin and valley waves in Dirac semimetals with population imbalance,"We find an intervalley wave collective mode in two- and three-dimensional +Dirac semimetals in the presence of a valley population imbalance. The +dispersion relation of this mode is gapless, proportional to the square of the +wave vector at small frequencies, and inversely proportional to the +electron-electron exchange interaction energy. The valley wave serves as an +energy gain source for the external field, that generates the intervalley +transitions. The spin wave analog is discussed for the case of a semimetal with +nonequilibrium spin orientation.",1906.06674v2 +2014-10-23,Nanometre-scale probing of spin waves using single electron spins,"Correlated-electron systems support a wealth of magnetic excitations, ranging +from conventional spin waves to exotic fractional excitations in +low-dimensional or geometrically-frustrated spin systems. Probing such +excitations on nanometre length scales is essential for unravelling the +underlying physics and developing new spintronic nanodevices. However, no +established technique provides real-space, few-nanometre-scale probing of +correlated-electron magnetic excitations under ambient conditions. Here we +present a solution to this problem using magnetometry based on single +nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centres in diamond. We focus on spin-wave excitations in +a ferromagnetic microdisc, and demonstrate local, quantitative, and +phase-sensitive detection of the spin-wave magnetic field at ~50 nm from the +disc. We map the magnetic-field dependence of spin-wave excitations by +detecting the associated local reduction in the disc's longitudinal +magnetization. In addition, we characterize the spin-noise spectrum by NV-spin +relaxometry, finding excellent agreement with a general analytical description +of the stray fields produced by spin-spin correlations in a 2D magnetic system. +These complementary measurement modalities pave the way towards imaging the +local excitations of systems such as ferromagnets and antiferromagnets, +skyrmions, atomically assembled quantum magnets, and spin ice.",1410.6423v2 +2021-07-22,Spin-orbit torque control of spin waves in a ferromagnetic waveguide,"Spin-orbit torque (SOT) created by a spin current injected into a ferromagnet +by an adjacent heavy metal represents an efficient tool for the excitation and +manipulation of spin waves. Here we report the micromagnetic simulations +describing the influence of SOT on the propagation of spin waves in the +$\mathrm{W}/\mathrm{CoFeB}/\mathrm{MgO}$ nanostructure having +voltage-controlled magnetic anisotropy (VCMA). The simulations show that two +spin waves travelling in the opposite directions can be generated in the center +of the $\mathrm{CoFeB}$ waveguide via the modulation of VCMA induced by a +microwave voltage locally applied to the $\mathrm{MgO}$ nanolayer. The +amplitudes of these waves exponentially decrease with the propagation distance +with similar decay lengths of about 2.5 $\mu$m. In the presence of a direct +electric current injected into the $\mathrm{W}$ film beneath the waveguide +center, the decay lengths of two spin waves change in the opposite way owing to +different directions of the electric currents flowing in the underlying halves +of the $\mathrm{W}$ layer. Remarkably, above the critical current density +$J_\mathrm{W} \approx 2 \times 10^{10}$ A m$^{-2}$, SOT provides the +amplification of the spin wave propagating in one half of the waveguide and +strongly accelerates the attenuation of the wave travelling in the other half. +As a result, a long-distance spin-wave propagation takes place in a half of the +$\mathrm{CoFeB}$ waveguide only. Furthermore, by reversing the polarity of the +dc voltage applied to the heavy-metal layer one can change the propagation area +and switch the travel direction of the spin wave in the ferromagnetic +waveguide. Thus, the $\mathrm{W}/\mathrm{CoFeB}/\mathrm{MgO}$ nanostructure can +be employed as an electrically controlled magnonic device converting the +electrical input signal into a spin signal, which can be transmitted to one of +two outputs of the device.",2107.10795v2 +1996-07-25,Charge and Spin Response of the Spin--Polarized Electron Gas,"The charge and spin response of a spin--polarized electron gas is +investigated including terms beyond the random phase approximation. We evaluate +the charge response, the longitudinal and transverse spin response, and the +mixed spin--charge response self--consistently in terms of the susceptibility +functions of a non--interacting system. Exchange--correlation effects between +electrons of spin $\sigma$ and $\sigma^{'}$ are included following Kukkonen and +Overhauser, by using spin--polarization dependent generalized Hubbard local +field factors ${G_\sigma}^{\pm}$ and ${G_{\bar\sigma}}^{\pm}$. The general +condition for charge--density and spin--density--wave excitations of the system +is discussed.",9607178v1 +2007-09-21,Spin-orbit mediated anisotropic spin interaction in interacting electron systems,"We investigate interactions between spins of strongly correlated electrons +subject to the spin-orbit interaction. Our main finding is that of a novel, +spin-orbit mediated anisotropic spin-spin coupling of the van der Waals type. +Unlike the standard exchange, this interaction does not require the wave +functions to overlap. We argue that this ferromagnetic interaction is important +in the Wigner crystal state where the exchange processes are severely +suppressed. We also comment on the anisotropy of the exchange between spins +mediated by the spin-orbital coupling.",0709.3521v2 +2012-04-20,Composite Spin Liquid in Correlated Topological Insulator - Spin Liquid without Spin-Charge Separation,"In this paper, we found a new type of insulator - composite spin liquid which +can be regarded as a short range B-type topological spin-density-wave. +Composite spin liquid is topological ordered state beyond the classification of +traditional spin liquid states. The elementary excitations are the ""composite +electrons"" with both spin degree of freedom and charge degree of freedom, +together with topological spin texture. This topological state supports chiral +edge mode but no topological degeneracy.",1204.4552v1 +2021-05-27,Tunneling spin current in a system with spin degeneracy,"We study theoretically spin current generation from a band insulator with PT +symmetry, which is associated with Zener tunneling in strong dc electric +fields. Each band in this system is doubly degenerate with opposite spins, but +spin rotational symmetry is not preserved in general. We consider the condition +for spin current generation in connection with the nature of the wave function, +which ultimately depends on a geometric quantity known as the shift vector. +From an analysis of a two-band model, we find that the shift vector is +necessary for spin current generation in a PT symmetric system. We also present +zigzag chain models that have shift vectors, and confirm from numerical +calculations that a nonzero tunneling spin current occurs in spin-degenerate +systems.",2105.13162v1 +2004-07-28,"Comment on ""Exchange interaction parameters and adiabatic spin-wave spectra of ferromagnets: A 'renormalized magnetic force theorem'""","This is a comment on publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 087205 (2003): +``Exchange interaction parameters and adiabatic spin-wave spectra of +ferromagnets: A `renormalized magnetic force theorem'''",0407739v1 +2017-12-02,Coherent excitation of heterosymmetric spin waves with ultrashort wavelengths,"In the emerging field of magnonics, spin waves are foreseen as signal +carriers for future spintronic information processing and communication +devices, owing to both the very low power losses and a high device +miniaturisation potential predicted for short-wavelength spin waves. Yet, the +efficient excitation and controlled propagation of nanoscale spin waves remains +a severe challenge. Here, we report the observation of high-amplitude, +ultrashort dipole-exchange spin waves (down to 80 nm wavelength at 10 GHz +frequency) in a ferromagnetic single layer system, coherently excited by the +driven dynamics of a spin vortex core. We used time-resolved x-ray microscopy +to directly image such propagating spin waves and their excitation over a wide +range of frequencies. By further analysis, we found that these waves exhibit a +heterosymmetric mode profile, involving regions with anti-Larmor precession +sense and purely linear magnetic oscillation. In particular, this mode profile +consists of dynamic vortices with laterally alternating helicity, leading to a +partial magnetic flux closure over the film thickness, which is explained by a +strong and unexpected mode hybridisation. This spin-wave phenomenon observed is +a general effect inherent to the dynamics of sufficiently thick ferromagnetic +single layer films, independent of the specific excitation method employed.",1712.00681v3 +2014-06-11,Spin flip probability of electron due to torsional wave,"The probability of spin flip of an electron due to a torsional wave is +calculated. It is compared to the electromagnetic case, and ways to detect +torsion are discussed.",1406.2965v1 +2018-12-21,Active Control of Mode Crossover and Mode Hopping of Spin Waves in a Ferromagnetic Antidot Lattice,"Active control of spin-wave dynamics is demonstrated using broadband +ferromagnetic resonance in two-dimensional Ni80Fe20 antidot lattices arranged +in hexagonal lattice with fixed lattice constant but varying antidot diameter. +A strong modification in the spin-wave spectra is obtained with the variation +in the antidot diameter as well as with the strength and orientation of the +bias magnetic field. A broad band of modes is observed for the lattice with +higher antidot diameter which decreases systematically as the antidot diameter +is reduced. A crossover between the higher frequency branches is achieved in +lattices with higher antidot diameter. In addition, the spin-wave modes in all +lattices show a strong six-fold anisotropic behaviour due to the variation of +internal field distribution as a function of the bias-field orientation. A mode +hopping-like behavior is observed in the angular dispersions of spin-wave +spectra for samples having intermediate hole diameters. Micromagnetic +simulations qualitatively reproduce the experimentally observed spin-wave modes +and the simulated mode profiles reveal the presence of extended and quantized +standing spin-wave modes in these lattices. These observations are significant +for large tunability and anisotropic propagation of spin waves in GHz frequency +magnetic devices.",1812.08929v1 +2016-11-17,Parallel pumping for magnon spintronics: Amplification and manipulation of magnon spin currents on the micron-scale,"Magnonics and magnon spintronics aim at the utilization of spin waves and +magnons, their quanta, for the construction of wave-based logic networks via +the generation of pure all-magnon spin currents and their interfacing with +electrical charge transport. The promise of efficient parallel data processing +and low power consumption renders this field one of the most promising research +areas in spintronics. In this context, the process of parallel parametric +amplification, i.e., the conversion of microwave photons into magnons at one +half of the microwave frequency, has proven to be a versatile tool. Its +beneficial and unique properties, such as frequency and mode-selectivity, the +possibility to excite spin waves in a wide wavevector range and the creation of +phase-correlated wave pairs, render it one of the key methods of spin-wave +generation and amplification. + The application of parallel parametric amplification to micro- and +nanostructures is an important step towards the realization of magnonic +networks. This is motivated not only by the fact that amplifiers are an +important tool for the construction of any extended logic network but also by +the unique properties of parallel parametric amplification, such as a +phase-dependent amplification. Recently, the successful application of parallel +parametric amplification to metallic microstructures has been reported. It has +been demonstrated that parametric amplification provides an excellent tool to +generate and to amplify spin waves in these systems. In particular, the +amplification greatly benefits from the discreteness of the spin-wave spectra. +This opens up new, interesting routes of spin-wave amplification and +manipulation. In this Review, we give an overview over the recent developments +and achievements in this field.",1611.05893v1 +2019-01-27,Observation of band narrowing and mode conversion in two-dimensional binary magnonic crystal,"We introduce a new type of binary magnonic crystal, where Ni$_{80}$Fe$_{20}$ +nanodots of two different sizes are diagonally connected forming a unit and +those units are arranged in a square lattice. The magnetization dynamics of the +sample is measured by using time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect +microscope with varying magnitude and in-plane orientation ($\phi$) of the bias +magnetic field. Interestingly, at $\phi=0^{\circ}$, the spin-wave mode profiles +show frequency selective spatial localization of spin-wave power within the +array. With the variation of $\phi$ in the range $0^{\circ}<\phi\leq +45^{\circ}$, we observe band narrowing due to localized to extended spin-wave +mode conversion. Upon further increase of $\phi$, the spin-wave modes slowly +lose the extended nature and become fully localized again at 90$^{\circ}$. We +have extensively demonstrated the role of magnetostatic stray field +distribution on the rotational symmetries obtained for the spin-wave modes. +From micromagnetic simulations, we find that the dipole-exchange coupling +between the nano-dots leads to remarkable modifications of the spin-wave mode +profiles when compared with arrays of individual small and large dots. +Numerically, we also show that the physical connection between the nano-dots +provides more control points over the spin-wave propagation in the lattice at +different orientations of bias magnetic field. This new type of binary magnonic +crystal may find potential applications in magnonic devices such as spin-wave +waveguide, filter, coupler, and other on-chip microwave communication devices.",1901.09325v1 +2022-06-30,Experimental Demonstration of a Spin-Wave Lens Designed with Machine Learning,"We present the design and experimental realization of a device that acts like +a spin-wave lens i.e., it focuses spin waves to a specified location. The +structure of the lens does not resemble any conventional lens design, it is a +nonintuitive pattern produced by a machine learning algorithm. As a spin-wave +design tool, we used our custom micromagnetic solver ""SpinTorch"" that has +built-in automatic gradient calculation and can perform backpropagation through +time for spin-wave propagation. The training itself is performed with the +saturation magnetization of a YIG film as a variable parameter, with the goal +to guide spin waves to a predefined location. We verified the operation of the +device in the widely used mumax3 micromagnetic solver, and by experimental +realization. For the experimental implementation, we developed a technique to +create effective saturation-magnetization landscapes in YIG by direct +focused-ion-beam irradiation. This allows us to rapidly transfer the nanoscale +design patterns to the YIG medium, without patterning the material by etching. +We measured the effective saturation magnetization corresponding to the FIB +dose levels in advance and used this mapping to translate the designed +scatterer to the required dose levels. Our demonstration serves as a proof of +concept for a workflow that can be used to realize more sophisticated spin-wave +devices with complex functionality, e.g., spin-wave signal processors, or +neuromorphic devices.",2207.00055v1 +2023-11-09,Skyrmion-Excited Spin Wave Fractal Network,"Magnetic skyrmions exhibit unique, technologically relevant pseudo-particle +behaviors which arise from their topological protection, including +well-defined, three-dimensional dynamic modes that occur at microwave +frequencies. During dynamic excitation, spin waves are ejected into the +interstitial regions between skyrmions, creating the magnetic equivalent of a +turbulent sea. However, since the spin waves in these systems have a +well-defined length scale, and the skyrmions are on an ordered lattice, ordered +structures from spin wave interference can precipitate from the chaos. This +work uses small angle neutron scattering (SANS) to capture the dynamics in +hybrid skyrmions and investigate the spin wave structure. Performing +simultaneous ferromagnetic resonance and SANS, the diffraction pattern shows a +large increase in low-angle scattering intensity which is present only in the +resonance condition. This scattering pattern is best fit using a mass fractal +model, which suggests the spin waves form a long-range fractal network. The +fractal structure is constructed of fundamental units with a size that encodes +the spin wave emissions and are constrained by the skyrmion lattice. These +results offer critical insights into the nanoscale dynamics of skyrmions, +identify a new dynamic spin wave fractal structure, and demonstrates SANS as a +unique tool to probe high-speed dynamics.",2311.05469v1 +1993-12-09,Spin-Wave-Spin-Wave Interaction and the Thermodynamics of the Heisenberg Spin Chain,"The low-temperature free energy of the spin S quantum Heisenberg +ferromagnetic chain in a strong magnetic field is obtained in a two-particle +approximation by using exact solution of two-spin-wave problem. The result is +beyond the perturbation theory because it incorporates the both bound and +scattering state contributions, and the scattering effect is essential as well +as the bound state one. In particular the main temperature renormalization of +an exchange constant is found to be linear in temperature instead $T^{3/2}$ +corresponded to the perturbation theory result.",9312038v1 +1994-08-02,Composite-Fermion Picture for the Spin-Wave Excitation in the fractional quantum Hall system,"Spin-wave excitation mode from the spin-polarized ground state in the +fractional quantum Hall liquid with odd fractions ($\nu=1/3,1/5$) numerically +obtained by the exact diagonalization of finite systems is shown to be +accurately described, for wavelengths exceeding the magnetic length, in terms +of the composite-fermion mean-field approximation for the spin-wave (magnon) +theory formulated in the spherical geometry. This indicates that the composite +picture extends to excited states, and also provides the spin stiffness in +terms of peculiar exchange interactions.",9408004v1 +1997-12-01,Spin-wave series for quantum one-dimensional ferrimagnets,"Second-order spin-wave expansions are used to compute the ground-state energy +and sublattice magnetizations of the quantum one-dimensional Heisenberg +ferrimagnet with nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic interactions and two types +of alternating sublattice spins $S_1>S_2$. It is found that in the extreme +quantum cases $(S_1,S_2)=(1,1/2)$, $(3/2,1)$, and $(3/2,1/2)$, the estimates +for the ground-state energy and sublattice magnetizations differ less than +0.03% for the energy and 0.2% for the sublattice magnetizations from the +recently published density matrix renormalization group numerical calculations. + The reported results strongly suggest that the quantum Heisenberg +ferrimagnetic chains give another example of a low-dimensional quantum spin +system where the spin-wave approach demonstrates a surprising efficiency.",9712014v1 +1998-03-02,Evolution of Hole and Spin Dynamics in High Temperature Superconductors within the Small Hole Density Limit of the t-J Model,"The evolution of hole and spin dynamics in high temperature superconductors +is studied within the self-consistent noncrossing approximation of the t-J +model in the small hole density limit. As the doping concentration is +increased, long-range electron correlations disappear rapidly and the +quasiparticle energy band becomes considerably narrow. At a small hole density +long-range antiferromagnetic order is destroyed leading to the inadequacy of +spin wave basis approximation near small wave vectors. Spin excitations near +the antiferromagnetic zone boundary are strongly renormalized and damped but +they are still well described within spin wave basis approximation.",9803016v1 +1999-08-26,Magnons in real materials from density-functional theory,"We present an implementation of the adiabatic spin-wave dynamics of Niu and +Kleinman. This technique allows to decouple the spin and charge excitations of +a many-electron system using a generalization of the adiabatic approximation. +The only input for the spin-wave equations of motion are the energies and Berry +curvatures of many-electron states describing frozen spin spirals. The latter +are computed using a newly developed technique based on constrained +density-functional theory, within the local spin density approximation and the +pseudo-potential plane-wave method. Calculations for iron show an excellent +agreement with experiments.",9908386v1 +2004-02-12,Spin Dynamics of Double-Exchange Manganites with Magnetic Frustration,"This work examines the effects of magnetic frustration due to competing +ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic Heisenberg interactions on the spin +dynamics of the double-exchange model. When the local moments are non-colinear, +a charge-density wave forms because the electrons prefer to sit on lines of +sites that are coupled ferromagnetically. With increasing hopping energy, the +local spins become aligned and the average spin-wave stiffness increases. Phase +separation is found only within a narrow range of hopping energies. Results of +this work are applied to the field-induced jump in the spin-wave stiffness +observed in the manganite Pr$_{1-x}$Ca$_x$MnO$_3$ with $0.3 \le x \le 0.4$.",0402344v1 +2006-06-15,Interplay between phase defects and spin polarization in the specific heat of the spin density wave compound (TMTTF)_2Br in a magnetic field,"Equilibrium heat relaxation experiments provide evidence that the ground +state of the commensurate spin density wave (SDW) compound (TMTTF)$_2$Br after +the application of a sufficient magnetic field is different from the +conventional ground state. The experiments are interpreted on the basis of the +local model of strong pinning as the deconfinement of soliton-antisoliton pairs +triggered by the Zeeman coupling to spin degrees of freedom, resulting in a +magnetic field induced density wave glass for the spin carrying phase +configuration.",0606403v1 +2006-06-21,Quantum Dynamics of Spin Wave Propagation Through Domain Walls,"Through numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation, we +demonstrate that magnetic chains with uniaxial anisotropy support stable +structures, separating ferromagnetic domains of opposite magnetization. These +structures, domain walls in a quantum system, are shown to remain stable if +they interact with a spin wave. We find that a domain wall transmits the +longitudinal component of the spin excitations only. Our results suggests that +continuous, classical spin models described by LLG equation cannot be used to +describe spin wave-domain wall interaction in microscopic magnetic systems.",0606549v1 +2006-10-04,Spin-density induced by electromagnetic wave in two-dimensional electron gas,"We consider the magnetic response of a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) +with a spin-orbit interaction to a long-wave-length electromagnetic excitation. +We observe that the transverse electric field creates spin polarization +perpendicular to the 2DEG plane. The effect is more prominent in clean systems +with resolved spin-orbit-split subbands, and reaches maximum when the frequency +of the wave matches the subband splitting at the Fermi momentum. The relation +of this effect to the spin-Hall effect is discussed.",0610124v4 +2007-06-02,Standing Spin Waves in an Antiferromagnetic Molecular Cr6 Horseshoe,"The antiferromagnetic molecular finite chain Cr6 was studied by inelastic +neutron scattering. The observed magnetic excitations at 2.6 and 4.3 meV +correspond, due to the open boundaries of a finite chain, to standing spin +waves. The determined energy spectrum revealed an essentially classical spin +structure. Hence, various spin-wave theories were investigated in order to +assess their potential for describing the elementary excitations of finite spin +systems.",0706.0247v1 +2007-10-11,Direct current voltage induced by microwave signal in a ferromagnetic wire,"Experimental results of rectification of a constant wave radio frequency (RF) +current flowing in a single-layered ferromagnetic wire are presented. We show +that a detailed external magnetic field dependence of the RF current induced a +direct-current voltage spectrum. The mechanism of the rectification is +discussed in a term of the spin transfer torque, and the rectification is +closely related to resonant spin wave excitation with the assistant of the +spin-polarized RF current. The micromagnetic simulation taking into account the +spin transfer torque provides strong evidence which supports the generation of +spin wave excitation by the RF current.",0710.2172v1 +2009-05-20,Berry phase and topological spin transport in the chiral d-density wave state,"In this paper we demonstrate the possibility of dissipationless spin +transport in the chiral d-density wave state, by the sole application of a +uniform Zeeman field gradient. The occurrence of these spontaneous spin +currents is attributed to the parity (${\cal P}$) and time-reversal (${\cal +T}$) violation induced by the $d_{xy}+id_{x^2-y^2}$ density wave order +parameter. We calculate the spin Hall conductance and reveal its intimate +relation to the Berry phase which is generated when the Zeeman field is applied +adiabatically. Finally, we demonstrate that in the zero temperature and doping +case, the spin Hall conductance is quantized as it becomes a topological +invariant.",0905.3228v1 +2009-11-04,Spin induced nonlinearities in the electron MHD regime,"We consider the influence of the electron spin on the nonlinear propagation +of whistler waves. For this purpose a recently developed electron two-fluid +model, where the spin up- and down populations are treated as different fluids, +is adapted to the electron MHD regime. We then derive a nonlinear Schrodinger +equation for whistler waves, and compare the coefficients of nonlinearity with +and without spin effects. The relative importance of spin effects depend on the +plasma density and temperature as well as the external magnetic field strength +and the wave frequency. The significance of our results to various plasmas are +discussed.",0911.0803v1 +2010-05-14,The effect of spin magnetization in the damping of electron plasma oscillations,"The effect of spin of particles in the propagation of plasma waves is studied +using a semi-classical kinetic theory for a magnetized plasma. We focus in the +simple damping effects for the electrostatic wave modes besides Landau damping. +Without taking into account more quantum effects than spin contribution to +Vlasov's equation, we show that spin produces a new damping or instability +which is proportional to the zeroth order magnetization of the system. This +correction depends on the electromagnetic part of the wave which is coupled +with the spin vector.",1005.2573v1 +2011-02-27,Cauchy-Born rule and spin density wave for the spin-polarized Thomas-Fermi-Dirac-von Weizsacker model,"The electronic structure (electron charges and spins) of a perfect crystal +under external magnetic field is analyzed using the spin-polarized +Thomas-Fermi-Dirac-von Weizsacker model. An extension of the classical +Cauchy-Born rule for crystal lattices is established for the electronic +structure under sharp stability conditions on charge density wave and spin +density wave. A Landau-Lifschitz type micromagnetic energy functional is +derived.",1102.5545v1 +2011-03-12,Effective field theories and spin-wave excitations in helical magnets,"We consider two classes of helical magnets. The first one has magnetic +ordering close to antiferromagnet and the second one has magnetic ordering +close to ferromagnet. The first case is relevant to cuprate superconductors and +the second case is realized in FeSrO$_3$ and FeCaO$_3$. We derive the effective +field theories for these cases and calculate corresponding excitation spectra. +We demonstrate that the ""hourglass"" spin-wave dispersion observed +experimentally in cuprates is a fingerprint of the ""antiferromagnetic spin +spiral state"". We also show that quantum fluctuations are important for the +""ferromagnetic spin spiral"", they influence qualitative features of the +spin-wave dispersion.",1103.2422v1 +2011-10-18,Life times and chirality of spin-waves in antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic FeRh: time depedent density functional theory perspective,"The study of the spin excitations in antiferromagnetic (AFM) and +ferromagnetic (FM) phases of FeRh is reported. We demonstrate that although the +Fe atomic moments are well defined there is a number of important phenomena +absent in the Heisenberg description: Landau damping of spin waves, large Rh +moments induced by the AFM magnons, the formation of the optical magnons +terminated by Stoner excitations. We relate the properties of the spin-wave +damping to the features of the Stoner continuum and compare the chirality of +the spin excitations in AFM, FM and paramagnetic (PM) systems.",1110.3913v1 +2012-01-17,Spin wave excitation in magnetic insulators by spin-transfer torque,"We study the excitation of spin waves in magnetic insulators by the +current-induced spin-transfer torque. We predict preferential excitation of +surface spin waves induced by an easy-axis surface anisotropy with critical +current inversely proportional to the penetration depth and surface anisotropy. +The surface modes strongly reduce the critical current and enhance the +excitation power of the current-induced magnetization dynamics.",1201.3442v1 +2012-08-17,Spin-torque effect on spin wave modes in magnetic nanowires,"The interaction between a spin polarized dc electrical current and spin wave +modes of a cylindrical nanowire is investigated in this report. We found that +close to the critical current, the uniform mode is suppressed, while the edge +mode starts to propagate into the sample. When the current exceeds the critical +value, this phenomenon is even more accentuated. The edge mode becomes the +uniform mode of the nanowire. The higher spin wave modes are slowly pushed away +by the current until the propagating mode remains.",1208.3661v1 +2012-11-27,Short range asymptotic behavior of the wave-functions of interacting spin-half fermionic atoms with spin-orbit coupling: a model study,"We consider spin-half fermionic atoms with isotropic Rashba spin-orbit +coupling in three directions. The interatomic potential is modeled by a square +well potential. We derive the analytic form of the asymptotic wave-functions at +short range of two fermions in the subspace of zero net momentum and zero total +angular momentum. We show that the spin-orbit coupling has perturbative effects +on the short range asymptotic behavior of the wave-functions away from +resonances. We argue that our conclusion should hold generally.",1211.6221v2 +2013-10-30,Spin torque ferromagnetic resonance with magnetic field modulation,"We demonstrate a technique of broadband spin torque ferromagnetic resonance +(ST-FMR) with magnetic field modulation for measurements of spin wave +properties in magnetic nanostructures. This technique gives great improvement +in sensitivity over the conventional ST-FMR measurements, and application of +this technique to nanoscale magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) reveals a rich +spectrum of standing spin wave eigenmodes. Comparison of the ST-FMR +measurements with micromagnetic simulations of the spin wave spectrum allows us +to explain the character of low-frequency magnetic excitations in nanoscale +MTJs.",1310.7996v1 +2013-12-23,Acoustic parametric pumping of spin waves,"Recent experiments demonstrated generation of spin currents by ultrasound. We +can understand this acoustically induced spin pumping in terms of the coupling +between magnetization and lattice waves. Here we study the parametric +excitation of magnetization by longitudinal acoustic waves and calculate the +acoustic threshold power. The induced magnetization dynamics can be detected by +the spin pumping into an adjacent normal metal that displays the inverse spin +Hall effect.",1312.6499v1 +2014-04-18,Validity of spin wave theory for the quantum Heisenberg model,"Spin wave theory is a key ingredient in our comprehension of quantum spin +systems, and is used successfully for understanding a wide range of magnetic +phenomena, including magnon condensation and stability of patterns in dipolar +systems. Nevertheless, several decades of research failed to establish the +validity of spin wave theory rigorously, even for the simplest models of +quantum spins. A rigorous justification of the method for the three-dimensional +quantum Heisenberg ferromagnet at low temperatures is presented here. We derive +sharp bounds on its free energy by combining a bosonic formulation of the model +introduced by Holstein and Primakoff with probabilistic estimates and operator +inequalities.",1404.4717v1 +2016-04-04,On the distribution of stellar-sized black hole spins,"Black hole spin will have a large impact on searches for gravitational waves +with advanced detectors. While only a few stellar mass black hole spins have +been measured using X-ray techniques, gravitational wave detectors have the +capacity to greatly increase the statistics of black hole spin measurements. We +show what we might learn from these measurements and how the black hole spin +values are influenced by their formation channels.",1604.00778v1 +2018-04-27,Spin Waves in Quantum Gases --- The Quality Factor of the Identical Spin Rotation Effect,"Our recent experimental work on electron spin waves in atomic hydrogen gas +has prompted a revisit of the theory of the Identical Spin Rotation Effect +(ISRE). A key characteristic determining the properties of the spin waves is +the quality factor of ISRE. Unfortunately, calculating this quality factor +takes some toil. In this paper we summarize some results of the ISRE theory in +dilute gases. We also derive asymptotic formulae for the quality factor and +examine their accuracy for hydrogen and $^3$He.",1804.10431v1 +2015-05-16,Dynamics of a macroscopic spin qubit in spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates,"We consider a macroscopic spin qubit based on spin-orbit coupled +Bose-Einstein condensates, where, in addition to the spin-orbit coupling, spin +dynamics strongly depends on the interaction between particles. The evolution +of the spin for freely expanding, trapped, and externally driven condensates is +investigated. For condensates oscillating at the frequency corresponding to the +Zeeman splitting in the synthetic magnetic field, the spin Rabi frequency does +not depend on the interaction between the atoms since it produces only internal +forces and does not change the total momentum. However, interactions and +spin-orbit coupling bring the system into a mixed spin state, where the total +spin is inside rather than on the Bloch sphere. This greatly extends the +available spin space making it three-dimensional, but imposes limitations on +the reliable spin manipulation of such a macroscopic qubit. The spin dynamics +can be modified by introducing suitable spin-dependent initial phases, +determined by the spin-orbit coupling, in the spinor wave function.",1505.04301v1 +2014-08-19,Towards the explicit computation of Bohm velocities associated to N-electron wave-functions with arbitrary spin-orientations,"The direct solution of the many-particle Schr\""odinger equation is +computationally inaccessible for more than very few electrons. In order to +surpass this limitation, one of the authors [X. Oriols, Phys. Rev. Lett. 2007, +98 (066803)] has recently proposed a new model to study electron-electron +correlations from Bohm trajectories associated to time-dependent wave-packets +solutions of pseudo single-particle Schr\""odinger equations. In the +aforementioned paper only the orbital exchange interaction is considered +assuming that all electrons have the same spin orientation. Then, the +many-particle wave function is a complex Slater determinant of the +single-particle wave-packets. In the present work the previous formalism is +extended to study many-particle wave functions where the electrons have +different spin orientations.The main difficulty to treat N different electron +spin orientations with time-dependent wave-packets is that one must study all +the possible N!N! products of permutations among spin states. To overcome this +computationally inaccessible problem, in this article the total wave function +is treated as a separated product of two many-particle wave functions, the +first with spin up and the second with spin down. In order to numerically +justify this approximation, the Bohm velocity in different antisymmetric total +wave-function scenarios is computed. The computational results confirms the +accurate validity of our approximation under a large number of cases.",1408.4346v1 +2019-12-20,Slow-wave based magnonic diode,"Spin waves, the collective excitations of the magnetic order parameter, and +magnons, the associated quasiparticles, are envisioned as possible data +carriers in future wave-based computing architectures. On the road towards +spin-wave computing, the development of a diode-like device capable of +transmitting spin waves in only one direction, thus allowing controlled signal +routing, is an essential step. Here, we report on the design and experimental +realization of a microstructured magnonic diode in a ferromagnetic bilayer +system. Effective unidirectional propagation of spin waves is achieved by +taking advantage of nonreciprocities produced by dynamic dipolar interactions +in transversally magnetized media, which lack symmetry about their horizontal +midplane. More specifically, dipolar-induced nonreciprocities are used to +engineer the spin-wave dispersion relation of the bilayer system so that the +group velocity is reduced to very low values for one direction of propagation, +and not for the other, thus producing unidirectional slow spin waves. Brillouin +light scattering and propagating spin-wave spectroscopy are used to demonstrate +the diode-like behavior of the device, the composition of which was previously +optimized through micromagnetic simulations. simulations.",1912.09735v1 +2020-08-27,Odd-frequency pair density wave correlations in underdoped cuprates,"Pair density waves, identified by Cooper pairs with finite center-of-mass +momentum, have recently been observed in copper oxide based high T$_\textrm{c}$ +superconductors (cuprates). A charge density modulation or wave is also +ubiquitously found in underdoped cuprates. Within a general mean-field one-band +model we show that the coexistence of charge density waves and uniform +superconductivity in $d$-wave superconductors like cuprates, generates an +odd-frequency spin-singlet pair density wave, in addition to the even-frequency +counterparts. The strength of the induced odd-frequency pair density wave +depends on the modulation wave vector of the charge density wave, with the +odd-frequency pair density waves even becoming comparable to the even-frequency +ones in parts of the Brillouin zone. We show that a change in the modulation +wave vector of the charge density wave from bi-axial to uni-axial, can enhance +the odd-frequency component of the pair density waves. Such a coexistence of +superconductivity and uni-axial charge density wave has already been +experimentally verified at high magnetic fields in underdoped cuprates. We +further discuss the possibility of an odd-frequency spin-triplet pair density +wave generated in the coexistence regime of superconductivity and spin density +waves, applicable to the iron-based superconductors. Our work thus presents a +route to bulk odd-frequency superconductivity in high T$_c$ superconductors.",2008.12021v2 +2012-07-20,Thermal evolution of the full three-dimensional magnetic excitations in the multiferroic BiFeO3,"The idea of embedding and transmitting information within the fluctuations of +the magnetic moments of spins (spin waves) has been recently proposed and +experimentally tested. The coherence of spin waves, which describes how well +defined these excitations are, is of course vital to this process, and themost +significant factor that affects the spin-wave coherence is temperature. Here we +present neutron inelastic scattering measurements of the full threedimensional +spin-wave dispersion in BiFeO3, which is one of the most promising functional +multiferroic material, for temperatures from 5K to 700K. Despite the presence +of strong electromagnetic coupling, the magnetic excitations behave like +conventional magnons over all parts of the Brillouin zone. At low temperature +the spin-waves are well-defined coherent modes, described by a classical model +for a G-type antiferromagnet. A spin-wave velocity softening is already present +at room temperature, and more pronounced damping occurs as the magnetic +ordering temperature TN \sim 640K is approached. In addition, a strong +hybridization of the Fe 3d and O 2p states is found to modify the distribution +of the spin-wave spectral weight significantly, which implies that the spins +are not restricted to the Fe atomic sites as previously believed.",1207.5078v1 +2018-12-26,Discretized dynamics of exchange spin wave bulk and edge modes in honeycomb nanoribbons with armchair edge boundaries,"We develop a field theory to study the dynamics of long wavelength exchange +spin wave excitations on honeycomb nanoribbons characterized by armchair edge +boundaries and the N\'eel antiferromagnetic ordering state. Appropriate +boundary conditions are established by requiring that the bulk and edge spins +precess with the same frequency for any given spin wave eigenmode in these +systems. A set of characteristic boundary equations, common for bulk and edge +spin wave modes, are hence derived. The equations of motion for the spin +dynamics are then solved to determine the propagating and evanescent exchange +spin wave modes. We prove in general that the bulk spin wave dynamics is +discretized due to the finite width of the nanoribbon. For an isotropic +magnetic nanoribbon, the Dirac cone is reduced to a single linear dispersion +curve due to this discretization. The number and wavelengths of allowed bulk +modes for isotropic and anisotropic nanoribbons are determined from the derived +characteristic boundary equations. As witnessed by our numerical results for +different examples it is shown that the characteristics of these modes depend +on the width of the nanoribbon and its antiferromagnetic anisotropy. Further, +anisotropic nanoribbons, even those with the slightest anisotropy, present +evanescent modes with non-linear dispersion relations. The spatial variation of +the amplitudes of the evanescent exchange spin waves across the finite widths +of the nanoribbons, is found to be strongly dependent on the system magnetic +anisotropy and its width. The developed theoretical approach is general and can +be applied for nanoribbons with all types of boundary edges.",1812.10204v2 +2015-04-23,Universal spin-momentum locking of evanescent waves,"We show the existence of an inherent property of evanescent electromagnetic +waves: spin-momentum locking, where the direction of momentum fundamentally +locks the polarization of the wave. We trace the ultimate origin of this +phenomenon to complex dispersion and causality requirements on evanescent +waves. We demonstrate that every case of evanescent waves in total internal +reflection, surface states and optical fibers/waveguides possesses this +intrinsic spin-momentum locking. We also introduce a universal right-handed +triplet consisting of momentum, decay and spin for evanescent waves. We derive +the Stokes parameters for evanescent waves which reveal an intriguing result - +every fast decaying evanescent wave is inherently circularly polarized with its +handedness tied to the direction of propagation. We also show the existence of +a fundamental angle associated with total internal reflection (TIR) such that +propagating waves locally inherit perfect circular polarized characteristics +from the evanescent wave. This circular TIR condition occurs if and only if the +ratio of permittivities of the two dielectric media exceeds the golden ratio. +Our work leads to a unified understanding of this spin-momentum locking in +various nanophotonic experiments and sheds light on the electromagnetic analogy +with the quantum spin hall state for electrons.",1504.06361v2 +2024-02-29,Resonant generation of propagating second-harmonic spin waves in nano-waveguides,"Generation of second-harmonic waves is one of the universal nonlinear +phenomena that have found numerous technical applications in many modern +technologies, in particular, in photonics. This phenomenon also has great +potential in the field of magnonics, which considers the use of spin waves in +magnetic nanostructures to implement wave-based signal processing and +computing. However, due to the strong frequency dependence of the phase +velocity of spin waves, resonant phase-matched generation of second-harmonic +spin waves has not yet been achieved in practice. Here, we show experimentally +that such a process can be realized using a combination of different modes of +nano-sized spin-wave waveguides based on low-damping magnetic insulators. We +demonstrate that our approach enables efficient spatially-extended energy +transfer between interacting waves, which can be controlled by the intensity of +the initial wave and the static magnetic field. The demonstrated approach can +be used for the generation of short-wavelength spin waves that are difficult to +excite directly, as well as for the implementation of novel devices for +magnonic logic and unconventional computing.",2402.18964v1 +2022-08-02,Completely Spin-Decoupled Geometric Phase of Metasurface,"Metasurfaces have provided unprecedented degree of freedom (DOF) in +manipulating electromagnetic (EM) waves. Geometric phase can be readily +obtained by rotating the meta-atom of metasurfaces. Nevertheless, such +geometric phases are usually spin-coupled, with the same magnitude but opposite +signs for left_ and right_handed circularly polarized (LCP,RCP) waves. To +achieve independent control on LCP and RCP waves, it is crucial to obtain +spin-decoupled geometric phases. In this paper, we propose to obtain completely +spin-decoupled geometric phases by engineering surface current paths on +meta-atoms. Based on the rotational Doppler effect, the rotation manner is +firstly analyzed and it is found that the essence of generating geometric phase +lies in the rotation of surface current paths on meta-atoms. Since the induced +surface currents paths under LCP and RCP waves always start oppositely and are +mirror-symmetrical with each other, it is natural that the geometric phases be +with the same magnitude and opposite signs when the meta-atoms are rotated. To +obtain spin-decoupled geometric phases, the start point of induced surface +current under one spin should be rotated by an angle while that under the other +spin by another different angle. In this way, LCP and RCP waves can acquire +different geometric phase changes and spin-decoupled geometric phase can be +imparted by metasurfaces. Proof-of-principle prototypes were designed, +fabricated and measured. Both the simulation and experiment results verify +spin-decoupled geometric phases. This work provides a robust means of obtaining +spin-dependent geometric phase and will further adds up to the metasurface DOF +in manipulating EM waves.",2208.04143v1 +2005-11-29,Effective spin-wave action for ordered Heisenberg antiferromagnets in a magnetic field,"We derive the effective long-wavelength Euclidean action for the +antiferromagnetic spin-waves of ordered quantum antiferromagnets subject to a +uniform magnetic field. We point out that the magnetic field dependence of the +spin-wave dispersion predicted by the usual O(3)-quantum nonlinear sigma model +disagrees with spin-wave theory. We argue that the nonlinear sigma model does +not take into account all relevant spin-wave interactions and derive a modified +effective action for the long-wavelength spin-waves which contains an +additional quartic interaction. At zero temperature the corresponding vertex is +relevant in the renormalization group sense below three dimensions.",0511706v1 +2012-07-24,Interplay of superconductivity and spin density wave order in doped graphene,"We study the interplay between superconductivity and spin density wave order +in graphene doped to 3/8 or 5/8 filling (a Van Hove doping). At this doping +level, the system is known to exhibit weak coupling instabilities to both +chiral d + id superconductivity and to a uniaxial spin density wave. Right at +van Hove doping, the superconducting instability is strongest and emerges at +the highest Tc, but slightly away from van-Hove doping a spin-density-wave +likely emerges first. We investigate whether at some lower temperature +superconductivity and spin-density-waves co-exist. We derive the +Landau-Ginzburg functional describing interplay of the two order parameters. +Our calculations show that superconductivity and spin density wave order do not +co-exist and are separated by first-order transitions, either as a function of +doping or as a function of T.",1207.5802v1 +2012-11-21,Spin-wave propagation and transformation in a thermal gradient,"The influence of a thermal gradient on the propagation properties of +externally excited dipolar spin waves in a magnetic insulator waveguide is +investigated. It is shown that spin waves propagating towards a colder region +along the magnetization direction continuously reduce their wavelength. The +wavelength increase of a wave propagating into a hotter region was utilized to +realize its decomposition in the partial waveguide modes which are reflected at +different locations. This influence of temperature on spin-wave properties is +mainly caused by a change in the saturation magnetization and yields promising +opportunities for the manipulation of spin waves in spin-caloritronic +applications.",1211.5017v1 +2013-05-22,Spin-wave nonreciprocity based on interband magnonic transitions,"We theoretically demonstrate linear spin-wave nonreciprocity in a Ni80Fe20 +nanostripe waveguide, based on interband magnonic transitions induced by a +time-reversal and spatialinversion symmetry breaking magnetic field. An +analytical coupled-mode theory of spin waves, developed to describe the +transitions which are accompanied by simultaneous frequency and wavevector +shifts of the coupled spin waves, is well corroborated by numerical +simulations. Our findings could pave the way for the realization of spin-wave +isolation and the dynamic control of spin-wave propagation in nanoscale +magnonic integrated circuits via an applied magnetic field.",1305.5018v3 +2015-06-23,Chirality-dependent transmission of spin waves through domain walls,"Spin-wave technology (magnonics) has the potential to further reduce the size +and energy consumption of information processing devices. In the submicrometer +regime (exchange spin waves), topological defects such as domain walls may +constitute active elements to manipulate spin waves and perform logic +operations. We predict that spin waves that pass through a domain wall in an +ultrathin perpendicular-anisotropy film experience a phase shift that depends +on the orientation of the domain wall (chirality). The effect, which is absent +in bulk materials, originates from the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya +interaction and can be interpreted as a geometric phase. We demonstrate +analytically and by means of micromagnetic simulations that the phase shift is +strong enough to switch between constructive and destructive interference. The +two chirality states of the domain wall may serve as a memory bit or spin-wave +switch in magnonic devices.",1506.07038v2 +2015-07-06,Spin Wave Eigenmodes of Dzyaloshinskii Domain Walls,"A theory for the spin wave eigenmodes of a Dzyaloshinskii domain wall is +presented. These walls are N\'eel-type domain walls that can appear in +perpendicularly-magnetized ultrathin ferromagnets in the presence of a sizeable +Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction. The mode frequencies for spin waves +propagating parallel and perpendicular to the domain wall are computed using a +continuum approximation. In contrast to Bloch-type walls, it is found that the +spin wave potential associated with Dzyaloshinskii domain walls is not +reflectionless, which leads to a finite scattering cross-section for +interactions between spin waves and domain walls. A gap produced by the +Dzyaloshinskii interaction emerges, and consequences for spin wave driven +domain wall motion and band structures arising from periodic wall arrays are +discussed.",1507.01369v1 +2015-09-17,A spin wave diode,"A diode, a device allowing unidirectional signal transmission, is a +fundamental element of logic structures and lies in the heart of modern +information systems. Spin wave or magnon, representing a collective +quasi-particle excitation of the magnetic order in magnetic materials, is a +promising candidate of information carrier for the next generation +energy-saving technologies. Here we propose a scalable and reprogrammable pure +spin wave logic hardware architecture using domain walls and surface anisotropy +stripes as waveguides on a single magnetic wafer. We demonstrate theoretically +the design principle of the simplest logic component, a spin wave diode, +utilizing the chiral bound states in a magnetic domain wall with +Dzyaloshiskii-Moriya interaction, and confirm its performance through +micromagnetic simulations. Our findings open a new vista for realizing +different types of pure spin wave logic components and finally achieving an +energy-efficient and hardware-reprogrammable spin wave computer.",1509.05095v1 +2016-02-25,All electrical propagating spin wave spectroscopy with broadband wavevector capability,"We develop an all electrical experiment to perform the broadband +phase-resolved spectroscopy of propagating spin waves in micrometer sized thin +magnetic stripes. The magnetostatic surface spin waves are excited and detected +by scaled down to 125 nm wide inductive antennas, which award ultra broadband +wavevector capability. The wavevector selection can be done by applying an +excitation frequency above the ferromagnetic resonance. Wavevector +demultiplexing is done at the spin wave detector thanks to the rotation of the +spin wave phase upon propagation. A simple model accounts for the main features +of the apparatus transfer functions. Our approach opens an avenue for the all +electrical study of wavevector-dependent spin wave properties including +dispersion spectra or non-reciprocal propagation.",1602.08091v2 +2016-08-25,"Spin waves in the AF state of the $t$-$t'$ Hubbard model on the fcc lattice: competing interactions, frustration, and instabilities","Spin waves in the type-III ordered antiferromagnetic state of the frustrated +$t$-$t'$ Hubbard model on the fcc lattice are calculated to investigate +finite-$U$-induced competing interaction and frustration effects on magnetic +excitations and instabilities. Particularly strong competing interactions +generated due to interplay of fcc lattice geometry and magnetic order result in +significant spin wave softening. The calculated spin wave dispersion is found +to be in qualitative agreement with the measured spin wave dispersion in the +pyrite mineral $\rm Mn S_2$ obtained from inelastic neutron scattering +experiments. Instabilities to other magnetic orders (type I, type II, spiral, +non-collinear), as signalled by spin wave energies turning negative, are also +discussed.",1608.07031v1 +2016-10-22,Giant nonreciprocal emission of spin waves in Ta/Py bilayers,"Spin waves are propagating disturbances in the magnetization of magnetic +materials. One of their interesting properties is the nonreciprocity, +exhibiting that their amplitude depends on the magnetization direction. +Nonreciprocity in spin waves is of great interest in both fundamental science +and applications, as it offers an extra knob to control the flow of waves for +the technological fields of logics and switch applications. We show a high +nonreciprocity in spin waves from Ta/Py bilayer systems with out-of-plane +magnetic fields. The nonreciprocity depends on the thickness of Ta underlayer +which is found to induce an interfacial anisotropy. The origin of observed high +nonreciprocity is twofold; different polarities of the in-plane magnetization +due to different angles of canted out-of-plane anisotropy and the spin pumping +effect at the Ta/Py interface. Our findings provide an opportunity to engineer +highly efficient nonreciprocal spin wave based applications such as +nonreciprocal microwave devices, magnonic logic gates, and information +transports.",1610.07023v1 +2019-11-19,Imaging non-standing spin-waves in confined micron-sized ferromagnetic structures under uniform excitation,"A non-standing character of directly imaged spin-waves in confined +micron-sized ultrathin permalloy (Ni\textsubscript{80}Fe\textsubscript{20}) +structures is reported along with evidence of the possibility to alter the +observed state by modifications to the sample geometry. Using micromagnetic +simulations the presence of the spin-wave modes excited in the permalloy +stripes along with the quasi-uniform modes were calculated. The predicted +spin-waves were imaged in direct space using time resolved scanning +transmission X-ray microscopy, combined with a ferromagnetic resonance +excitation scheme (STXM-FMR). STXM-FMR measurements revealed a non-standing +character of the spin-waves. Also it was shown by micromagnetic simulations and +confirmed with STXM-FMR results that the observed character of the spin-waves +can be influenced by the local magnetic fields in different sample geometries.",1911.08281v1 +2017-05-05,Nano-patterned magnonic crystals based on ultrathin YIG films,"We demonstrate a microscopic magnonic-crystal waveguide produced by +nano-patterning of a 20 nm thick film of Yttrium Iron Garnet. By using the +phase-resolved micro-focus Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy, we map the +intensity and the phase of spin waves propagating in such a periodic magnetic +structure. Based on these maps, we obtain the dispersion and the attenuation +characteristics of spin waves providing detailed information about the physics +of spin-wave propagation in the magnonic crystal. We show that, in contrast to +the simplified physical picture, the maximum attenuation of spin waves is +achieved close to the edge of the magnonic band gap, which is associated with +non-trivial reflection characteristics of spin waves in non-uniform field +potentials.",1705.02267v1 +2019-02-26,A new class of nonreciprocal spin waves on the edges of 2D antiferromagnetic honeycomb nanoribbons,"Antiferromagnetic two-dimensional (2D) materials are currently under +intensive theoretical and experimental investigations in view of their +potential applications in antiferromagnet-based magnonic and spintronic +devices. Recent experimental studies revealed the importance of magnetic +anisotropy and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI) on the ordered ground +state and the magnetic excitations in these materials. Here we present a robust +classical field theory approach to analyze the effect of magnetic anisotropy +and Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMI) on the edge and bulk spin waves in +2D antiferromagnetic nanoribbons. We predict the existence of a new class of +nonreciprocal edge spin waves characterized by opposite polarizations in +opposite directions. These novel edge spin waves are induced by the DMI and are +fundamentally different from conventional nonreciprocal spin waves for which +the polarization is independent of the propagation direction. Aside this +breakthrough in the field of antiferromagnetic spin waves, the study further +analysis the effect of the edges structure on the magnetic excitations. In +particular, we show that anisotropic bearded edges nanoribbons act as magnetic +topological insulators with exceptionally interesting potentials for +applications in magnonics.",1902.09704v3 +2020-07-15,Nanochannels for Spin-Wave Manipulation in Ni80Fe20 Nanodot Arrays,"Patterned magnetic nanostructures are potential candidates for future energy +efficient, on-chip communication devices. Here, we have experimentally and +numerically studied the role of nanochannels to manipulate spin waves in +Ni80Fe20 connected nanodot arrays of varying filling fraction. Rich spin-wave +spectra are observed in these samples, where the number of spin-wave modes +decreases with increasing filling fraction due to the retrenchment of the +demagnetizing field. The nanochannels affect the spin-wave modes of the +connected dots through dipole-exchange coupling. For all modes the vertical +nanochannels couple the nanodots, except for the highest frequency modes where +all nanochannels act as coupler. This feature is further explored in the +simulation, which reveals that only the highest frequency mode can propagate +through all the nanochannels, analogues to an electronic demultiplexer. This +study will be useful to understand the role of nanochannels in patterned +magnetic nanostructures and their applications in spin-wave based communication +devices.",2007.07685v1 +2021-03-18,Cherenkov radiation of spin waves by ultra-fast moving magnetic flux quanta,"Despite theoretical predictions for a Cherenkov-type radiation of spin waves +(magnons) by various propagating magnetic perturbations, fast-enough moving +magnetic field stimuli have not been available so far. Here, we experimentally +realize the Cherenkov radiation of spin waves in a Co-Fe magnonic conduit by +fast-moving (>1 km/s) magnetic flux quanta (Abrikosov vortices) in an adjacent +Nb-C superconducting strip. The radiation is evidenced by the microwave +detection of spin waves propagating a distance of 2 micrometers from the +superconductor and it is accompanied by a magnon Shapiro step in its +current-voltage curve. The spin-wave excitation is unidirectional and +monochromatic, with sub-40 nm wavelengths determined by the period of the +vortex lattice. The phase-locking of the vortex lattice with the excited spin +wave limits the vortex velocity and reduces the dissipation in the +superconductor.",2103.10156v2 +2022-01-11,Edge spin wave transmission through a vertex domain wall in triangular dots,"Spin waves (SWs), being usually reflected by domain walls, could also be +channeled along them. Edge domain walls yield the interesting, and potentially +applicable to real devices property of broadband spin waves confinement to the +edges of the structure. Here we investigate through numerical simulations the +propagation of quasi one-dimensional spin waves in triangle-shaped amorphous +YIG ($Y_3Fe_5O_{12}$) micron sized ferromagnets as a function of the angle +aperture. The edge spin waves (ESWs) have been propagated over the corner in +triangles of 2 microns side with a fixed thickness of 85 nm. Parameters such as +superior vertex angle (in the range of 40$^\circ$-75$^\circ$) and applied +magnetic field have been optimized in order to obtain a higher transmission +coefficient of the ESWs over the triangle vertex. We observed that for a +certain aperture angle for which dominated ESW frequency coincides with one of +the localised DW modes, the transmission is maximized near one and the phase +shift drops to $\pi/2$ indicating resonant transmission of ESWs through the +upper corner. We compare the obtained results with existing theoretical models. +These results could contribute to the development of novel basic elements for +spin wave computing.",2201.04054v2 +2022-01-21,Eigenmodes of twisted spin-waves in a thick ferromagnetic nanodisk,"Magnetic vortex is topologically nontrivial and commonly found in +ferromagnetic nanodisks. So far, three classes spin-wave eigenmodes, i.e., +gyrotropic, azimuthal and radial modes, have been identified in ferromagnetic +nanodisks. Here, using micromagnetic simulation and analytical calculation, we +reveal twisted spin-wave modes in a thick permalloy (Ni0.8Fe0.2) nanodisk. The +twisted spin-waves carry topological charges, which sign depends on the core +polarity of the magnetic vortex in the nanodisk. By applying rotating magnetic +fields at one end of the sample, we observe continuous generation of twisted +spin-waves that have characteristic spiral phase front and carry topological +charge l = 1, -1, 2 and -2. The dispersion relation of twisted spin-waves is +derived analytically and the result is in good agreement with micromagnetic +numerical calculations.",2201.08621v1 +2022-11-07,Interaction of gapless spin waves and a domain wall in an easy-cone ferromagnet,"We theoretically study the interaction of spin waves and a domain wall in a +quasi-one-dimensional easy-cone ferromagnet. The gapless spin waves on top of a +domain wall are found to exhibit finite reflection in contrast to the +well-known perfect transmission of gapful spin waves in easy-axis magnets. +Based on the obtained scattering properties, we study the thermal-magnon-driven +dynamics of a domain wall subjected to a thermal bias within the +Landau-B\""uttiker formalism, where transmitted magnons are shown to exert the +magnonic torque on the domain wall and thereby drive it with the velocity +linear to the applied thermal bias. The peculiar gapless nature of spin waves +in easy-cone magnets enables the thermally-driven domain-wall motion even at +low temperatures, differing from the easy-axis case where the domain-wall +velocity is exponentially suppressed at low temperatures. Our work suggests +that easy-cone magnets can serve as a useful platform to study the interaction +of gapless spin waves and nonlinear excitations and thereby realize +low-temperature magnon-related phenomena.",2211.03331v1 +2023-02-21,Micromagnetic study of inertial spin waves in ferromagnetic nanodots,"Here we report the possibility to excite ultra-short spin waves in +ferromagnetic thin-films by using time-harmonic electromagnetic fields with +terahertz frequency. Such ultra-fast excitation requires to include inertial +effects in the description of magnetization dynamics. In this respect, we +consider the inertial Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (iLLG) equation and develop +analytical theory for exchange-dominated inertial spin waves. The theory +predicts a finite limit for inertial spin wave propagation velocity, as well as +spin wave spatial decay and lifetime as function of material parameters. Then, +guided by the theory, we perform numerical micromagnetic simulations that +demonstrate the excitation of ultra-short inertial spin waves (20 nm long) +propagating at finite speed in a confined magnetic nanodot. The results are in +agreement with the theory and provide the order of magnitude of quantities +observable in realistic ultra-fast dynamics experiments.",2302.10759v2 +2023-07-19,Zero-field spin waves in YIG nano-waveguides,"Spin-wave based transmission and processing of information is a promising +emerging nano-technology that can help overcome limitations of traditional +electronics based on the transfer of electrical charge. Among the most +important challenges for this technology is the implementation of spin-wave +devices that can operate without the need for an external bias magnetic field. +Here we experimentally demonstrate that this can be achieved using +sub-micrometer wide spin-wave waveguides fabricated from ultrathin films of +low-loss magnetic insulator - Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG). We show that these +waveguides exhibit a highly stable single-domain static magnetic configuration +at zero field and support long-range propagation of spin waves with gigahertz +frequencies. The experimental results are supported by micromagnetic +simulations, which additionally provide information for optimization of +zero-field guiding structures. Our findings create the basis for the +development of energy-efficient zero-field spin-wave devices and circuits.",2307.09805v1 +2023-09-11,Probing Spin Wave Diffraction Patterns of Curved Antennas,"We report on the dependence of curvilinear shaped coplanar waveguides on the +near-field diffraction patterns of spin waves propagating in perpendicularly +magnetized thin films. Implementing the propagating spin waves spectroscopy +techniques on either concentrically or eccentrically shaped antennas, we show +how the link budget is directly affected by the spin wave interference, in good +agreement with near-field diffraction simulations. This work demonstrates the +feasibility to inductively probe a magnon interference pattern with a +resolution down to 1$\mu$m$^2$, and provides a methodology for shaping spin +wave beams from an antenna design. This methodology is successfully implemented +in the case study of a spin wave Young's interference experiment.",2309.05532v1 +2023-11-27,Zero-field spin wave turns,"Spin-wave computing, a potential successor to CMOS-based technologies, relies +on the efficient manipulation of spin waves for information processing. While +basic logic devices like magnon transistors, gates, and adders have been +experimentally demonstrated, the challenge for complex magnonic circuits lies +in steering spin waves through sharp turns. In this study we demonstrate with +micromagnetic simulations and Brillouin light scattering microscopy +experiments, that dipolar spin waves can propagate through 90-degree turns +without distortion. The key lies in carefully designed in-plane magnetization +landscapes, addressing challenges posed by anisotropic dispersion. The +experimental realization of the required magnetization landscape is enabled by +spatial manipulation of the uniaxial anisotropy using corrugated magnonic +waveguides. The findings presented in this work should be considered in any +magnonic circuit design dealing with anisotropic dispersion and spin wave +turns.",2311.16335v1 +2023-12-13,Detection of Geometric Phases in Spin Waves using Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers,"Due to their robustness, the implementation of geometric phases provides a +reliable and controllable way to manipulate the phase of a spin wave, thereby +paving the way towards functional magnonics-based data processing devices. +Moreover, geometric phases in spin waves are interesting from a fundamental +perspective as they contain information about spin wave band structures and +play an important role in magnon Hall effects. In this paper we propose to +directly measure geometric phases in spin wave systems using the magnetic field +sensing capabilities of nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers. We demonstrate the +general principles of this method on two systems in which spin waves acquire a +geometric phase, namely a wire with a magnetic domain wall and a system with +position-dependent anisotropy axes, and explicitly show how this phase can be +deduced from the NV center signal.",2312.08137v1 +2005-07-28,Transverse spin waves in isotropic ferromagnets,"The comparison of transverse spin wave spectra and its attenuation in +Heisenberg ferromagnet and in ferromagnetic Fermi liquid as well in polarized +Fermi liquid is undertaken. The transverse spin waves frequency in polarized +paramagnetic Fermi liquid as well in a Fermi liquid with spontaneous +magnetization is found to be proportional to the square of the wave vector with +complex diffusion coefficient such that the damping has a finite value +proportional to the scattering rate of quasiparticles at T=0. + This behavior of polarized Fermi liquid contrasts with the behavior of +Heisenberg ferromagnet in hydrodynamic regime where the transverse spin wave +attenuation appears in terms proportional to the wave vector in fourth power. + The reactive part of diffusion coefficient in paramagnetic state at T=0 +proves to be inversely proportional to magnetization whereas in ferromagnetic +state it is directly proportional to magnetization. The dissipative part of +diffusion coefficient at T=0 in paramagnetic state is polarization independent, +whereas in ferromagnetic state it is proportional to square of magnetization. +Moreover, the spin wave spectrum in ferromagnetic Fermi liquid proves to be +unstable that demonstrates the difficulty of the Fermi liquid description of +itinerant ferromagnetism.",0507676v1 +2007-08-13,Total Reflection and Negative Refraction of Dipole-Exchange Spin Waves at Magnetic Interfaces: Micromagnetic Modeling Study,"We demonstrated that dipole-exchange spin waves traveling in geometrically +restricted magnetic thin films satisfy the same laws of reflection and +refraction as light waves. Moreover, we found for the first time novel wave +behaviors of dipole-exchange spin waves such as total reflection and negative +refraction. The total reflection in laterally inhomogeneous thin films composed +of two different magnetic materials is associated with the forbidden modes of +refracted dipole-exchange spin waves. The negative refraction occurs at a 90 +degree domain-wall magnetic interface that is introduced by a cubic magnetic +anisotropy in the media, through the anisotropic dispersion of dipole-exchange +spin waves.",0708.1642v1 +2010-06-27,Spin wave resonances in antiferromagnets,"Spin wave resonances with enormously large wave numbers corresponding to wave +vectors 10^5-10^6 cm^{-1} are observed in thin plates of FeBO3. The study of +spin wave resonances allows one to obtain information about the spin wave +spectrum. The temperature dependence of a non-uniform exchange constant is +determined for FeBO3. Considerable softening of the magnon spectrum resulting +from the interaction of magnons, is observed at temperatures above 1/3 of the +Neel temperature. The excitation level of spin wave resonances is found to +depend significantly on the inhomogeneous elastic distortions artificially +created in the sample. A theoretical model to describe the observed effects is +proposed.",1006.5192v1 +2014-03-11,Overcoming damping in spin wave propagation: A continuous excitation approach to determine time-dependent dispersion diagrams in 2D magnonic crystals,"We propose an alternative micromagnetic approach to determine the spin wave +dispersion relations in magnonic structures. Characteristic of the method is +that a limited area of the system is continuously excited with a spatially +uniform oscillating field, tuned at a given frequency. After a transitory time, +the regime magnetization dynamics is collected and a spatial Fourier analysis +on it determines the frequency vs wave vector relation. Combining several +simulations in any predetermined range of frequencies, at any resolution, we +investigate the dispersion relations for different kinds of magnonic crystals: +a dot array, an antidot array, and a bicomponent film. Especially compared to +traditional pulse-excitation methods this technique has many advantages. First, +the excitation power is concentrated at a single frequency, allowing the +corresponding spin waves to propagate with very low attenuation, resulting in a +higher k-space resolution. Second, the model allows to include very large wave +vector components, necessary to describe the high-frequency response of +non-quantized spin waves in quasi-continuous systems. Finally, we address some +possible experimental opportunities with respect to excitation/detection +techniques over large distances and the observation of the odd/even symmetry of +spin waves using Brillouin light scattering.",1403.2549v1 +2018-11-17,Transverse spin and surface waves in acoustic metamaterials,"We consider spin angular momentum density in inhomogeneous acoustic fields: +evanescent waves and surface waves at interfaces with negative-density +metamaterials. Despite being purely longitudinal (curl-free), acoustic waves +possess intrinsic vector properties described by the velocity field. Motivated +by the recent description and observation of the spin properties in elastic and +acoustic waves, we compare these properties with their well-known +electromagnetic counterparts. Surprisingly, both the transverse spin of +evanescent waves and the parameters of surface waves are very similar in +electromagnetism and acoustics. We also briefly analyze the important role of +dispersion in the description of the energy and spin densities in acoustic +metamaterials.",1811.07159v2 +2019-08-31,High-fidelity magnonic gates for surface spin waves,"We study the propagation of surface spin waves in two wave guides coupled +through the dipole-dipole interaction. Essential for the observations made here +is the magneto-electric coupling between the spin waves and the effective +ferroelectric polarization. This allows an external electric field to act on +spin waves and to modify the band gaps of magnonic excitations in individual +layers. By an on/off switching of the electric field and/or varying its +strength or direction with respect to the equilibrium magnetization, it is +possible to permit or ban the propagation of the spin waves in selected +waveguide. We propose experimentally feasible nanoscale device operating as a +high fidelity surface wave magnonic gate.",1909.00162v1 +2013-10-29,Wave packet dynamics and zitterbewegung of heavy holes in a quantizing magnetic field,"In this work we study wave packet dynamics and $zitterbewegung$, an +oscillatory quantum motion, of heavy holes in III-V semiconductor quantum wells +in presence of a quantizing magnetic field. It is revealed that a Gaussian +wave-packet describing a heavy hole diffuses asymmetrically along the circular +orbit while performing cyclotron motion. The wave packet splits into two peaks +with unequal amplitudes after a certain time depending on spin-orbit coupling +constant. This unequal splitting of the wave packet is attributed to the cubic +Rashba interaction for heavy holes. The difference in the peak amplitudes +disappears with time. At a certain time the two peaks diffuse almost along the +entire cyclotron orbit. Then tail and head of the diffused wave packet +interfere and as a result a completely randomized pattern of the wave packet is +observed. The diffusion rate of the wave packet increases with increase of the +spin-orbit interaction strength. Also strong spin-orbit coupling expedite the +splitting and the randomization of the wave packet. We also study the +$zitterbewegung$ in various physical observables such as position, charge +current and spin angular momentum of the heavy hole. The $zitterbewegung$ +oscillations are very much sensitive to the initial wave vector of the Gaussian +wave packet and the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit coupling.",1310.7749v2 +1994-07-28,Frustrated Bonds and Long Range Order in Quasi-2D Magnets,"We employ the Schwinger boson mean-field approach to study the effects of +arbitrary frustrated bonds and plaquettes (formed from four frustrated bonds) +in two-dimensional ferro- and antiferromagnets on the spin-wave spectrum and +the correlation length at finite temperatures. We distinguish between strongly +frustrated bonds (plaquettes), when the frustrated coupling $J^\prime$ exceeds +the spin canting threshold $J_c$, and weakly frustrated bonds (plaquettes), +with $J^\prime =1, the +(S_K^-)-(X_K^+) attraction can potentially lead to different behavior.",0206413v1 +2010-07-31,Random walk approach to spin dynamics in a two-dimensional electron gas with spin-orbit coupling,"We introduce and solve a semi-classical random walk (RW) model that describes +the dynamics of spin polarization waves in zinc-blende semiconductor quantum +wells. We derive the dispersion relations for these waves, including the +Rashba, linear and cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions, as well as the +effects of an electric field applied parallel to the spin polarization +wavevector. In agreement with fully quantum mechanical calculations [Kleinert +and Bryksin, Phys. Rev. B \textbf{76}, 205326 (2007)], the RW approach predicts +that spin waves acquire a phase velocity in the presence of the field that +crosses zero at a nonzero wavevector, $q_0$. In addition, we show that the +spin-wave decay rate is independent of field at $q_0$ but increases as +$(q-q_0)^2$ for $q\neq q_0$. These predictions can be tested experimentally by +suitable transient spin grating experiments.",1008.0132v2 +2012-12-30,Edge spin excitations and reconstructions of integer quantum Hall liquids,"We study the effect of electron-electron interaction on the charge and spin +structures at the edge of integer quantum Hall liquids, under three different +kinds of confining potentials. Our exact diagonalization calculation for small +systems indicates that the low energy excitations of \nu=1 ferromagnetic state +are bosonic edge spin waves. Instabilities of the ferromagnetic state with +altering confinement strength result from the softening of these edge spin +waves, and formation of edge spin textures. In \nu\lesssim 2 regime, exact +diagonalization on edge electron systems indicates that compact Hartree-Fock +states with different total spin always become ground states in some regions of +parameter space, and the ground states appear in between two compact states are +their edge spin waves. The initial \nu=2 instability is toward the compact +state with total spin 1. Larger systems are studied using a microscopic trial +wave functions, and some quantitative predictions on the edge instabilities for +a certain type of confining potential are reached in the thermodynamic limit.",1212.6743v2 +2014-12-09,Spin excitations in the nematic phase and the metallic stripe spin-density wave phase of iron pnictides,"We present a general study of the magnetic excitations within a weak-coupling +five-orbital model relevant to itinerant iron pnictides. As a function of +enhanced electronic correlations, the spin excitations in the symmetry broken +spin-density wave phase evolve from broad low-energy modes in the limit of weak +interactions to sharply dispersing spin wave prevailing to higher energies at +larger interaction strengths. We show how the resulting spin response at high +energies depends qualitatively on the magnitude of the interactions. We also +calculate the magnetic excitations in the nematic phase by including an orbital +splitting, and find a pronounced C_2 symmetric excitation spectrum right above +the transition to long-range magnetic order. Finally, we discuss the C_2 versus +C_4 symmetry of the spin excitations as a function of energy for both the +nematic and the spin-density wave phase.",1412.2912v1 +2017-12-01,Spin waves and stability of zigzag order in the Hubbard model with spin-dependent hopping terms - Application to the honeycomb lattice compounds ${\rm Na_2 Ir O_3}$ and ${\rm α- Ru Cl_3}$,"Spin waves in the zigzag ordered state on a honeycomb lattice are +investigated within a Hubbard model with spin-dependent hopping terms. Roles of +the emergent Kitaev, Heisenberg, Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya, and +symmetric-off-diagonal spin interactions are investigated on the stability of +the zigzag order. While the DM interactions are found to destabilize the zigzag +order, the secondary spin-dependent hopping terms (associated with structural +distortions) are shown to strongly stabilize the zigzag order and account for +magnetocrystalline anisotropy, easy axis, and spin wave gap. The calculated +spin wave dispersion and energy scale are in good agreement with inelastic +neutron scattering measurements on $\rm \alpha - RuCl_3$ and $\rm Na_2 Ir O_3$.",1712.00198v2 +2019-10-17,Optical storage for 0.53 seconds in a solid-state atomic frequency comb memory using dynamical decoupling,"Quantum memories with long storage times are key elements in long-distance +quantum networks. The atomic frequency comb (AFC) memory in particular has +shown great promise to fulfill this role, having demonstrated multimode +capacity and spin-photon quantum correlations. However, the memory storage +times have so-far been limited to about one millisecond, realized in a +Eu${}^{3+}$ doped Y${}_2$SiO${}_5$ crystal at zero applied magnetic field. +Motivated by studies showing increased spin coherence times under applied +magnetic field, we developed a AFC spin-wave memory utilizing a weak 15 mT +magnetic field in a specific direction that allows efficient optical and spin +manipulation for AFC memory operations. With this field configuration the AFC +spin-wave storage time increased to 40 ms using a simple spin-echo sequence. +Furthermore, by applying dynamical decoupling techniques the spin-wave +coherence time reaches 530 ms, a 300-fold increase with respect to previous AFC +spin-wave storage experiments. This result paves the way towards long duration +storage of quantum information in solid-state ensemble memories.",1910.08009v2 +2021-12-22,Surface Cooper pair spin waves in triplet superconductors,"We study the electrodynamics of spin triplet superconductors including +dipolar interactions, which give rise to an interplay between the collective +spin dynamics of the condensate and orbital Meissner screening currents. Within +this theory, we identify a class of spin waves that originate from the coupled +dynamics of the spin-symmetry breaking triplet order parameter and the +electromagnetic field. In particular, we study magnetostatic spin wave modes +that are localized to the sample surface. We show that these surface modes can +be excited and detected using experimental techniques such as microwave spin +wave resonance spectroscopy or nitrogen-vacancy magnetometry, and propose that +the detection of these modes offers a means for the identification of spin +triplet superconductivity.",2112.12146v2 +2023-07-25,Spin waves in bilayers of transition-metal dichalcogenides,"Van der Waals magnetic materials are currently of great interest as materials +for applications in future ultrathin nanoelectronics and nanospintronics. Due +to weak coupling between individual monolayers, these materials can be easily +obtained in the monolayer and bilayer forms. The latter are of specific +interest as they may be considered as natural two-dimensional spin valves. In +this paper, we study theoretically spin waves in bilayers of transition metal +dichalcogenides. The considerations are carried within the general spin wave +theory based on effective spin Hamiltonian and Hollstein-Primakoff-Bogolubov +transformation. The spin Hamiltonian includes intra-layer as well as +inter-layer nearest-neighbour exchange interactions, easy-plane anisotropy, and +additionally a weak in-plane easy-axis anisotropy. The bilayer systems consist +of two ferromagnetic (in-plane magnetization) monolayers that are coupled +either ferromagnetically or antiferromagnetically. In the latter case, we +analyse the spin wave spectra in all magnetic phases, i.e. in the +antiferromagnetic, spin-flop, and ferromagnetic ones.",2307.13414v2 +2023-12-28,Collective spin oscillations in a magnetized graphene sheet,"We investigate collective spin excitations of graphene electrons with +short-ranged interactions and subject to the external Zeeman magnetic field. We +find that in addition to the familiar Silin spin wave, a collective spin-flip +excitation that reduces to the uniform precession when the wave's momentum +approaches zero, the magnetized graphene supports another collective mode +visible in the transverse spin susceptibility: a collective spin-current mode. +Unlike the Silin wave, this mode is not dictated by the spin-rotational +symmetry but rather owns its existence to the pseudo-spin structure of the +graphene lattice. We find the new collective excitation to become sharply +defined in a finite interval of wave's momenta, the range of which is +determined by the interaction and the magnetization.",2312.16782v1 +2024-01-10,Electrical Non-Hermitian Control of Topological Magnon Spin Transport,"Magnonic topological phases realize chiral edge spin waves that are protected +against backscattering, potentially enabling highly efficient spin transport. +Here we show that the spin transport through these magnonic chiral edge states +can be electrically manipulated by non-Hermitian control. We consider the +paradigmatic magnon Haldane model and show that it is transformed into an +effective non-Hermitian magnon Chern insulator by including a +sublattice-dependent spin-orbit torque. In linear spin-wave theory, this +electrically induced torque causes a lasing of the chiral edge magnons along +certain edge directions, leading to an enhancement of the spin-wave amplitude. +This prediction is confirmed by numerical simulations based on the +Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. For a spin-wave transport setup, in which +magnons are excited by a microwave field and detected with a normal metal +conductor, we find that the magnon amplification is remarkably robust against +disorder, establishing non-Hermitian control as a promising avenue for +topological magnonics.",2401.04967v2 +1994-06-02,Inelastic Neutron Scattering from the Spin Ladder Compound (VO)2P2O7,"We present results from an inelastic neutron scattering experiment on the +candidate Heisenberg spin ladder vanadyl pyrophosphate, (VO)2P2O7. We find +evidence for a spin-wave excitation gap of $E_{gap} = 3.7\pm 0.2$ meV, at a +band minimum near $Q=0.8 A^{-1}$. This is consistent with expectations for +triplet spin waves in (VO)2P2O7 in the spin-ladder model, and is to our +knowledge the first confirmation in nature of a Heisenberg antiferromagnetic +spin ladder.",9406016v1 +2002-01-31,The spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a 1/7-depleted triangular lattice: Ground-state properties,"A linear spin-wave approach, a variational method and exact diagonlization +are used to investigate the magnetic long-range order (LRO) of the spin-1/2 +Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a two-dimensional 1/7-depleted triangular (maple +leaf) lattice consisting of triangles and hexagons only. This lattice has z=5 +nearest neighbors and its coordination number z is therefore between those of +the triangular (z=6) and the kagome (z=4) lattices. Calculating spin-spin +correlations, sublattice magnetization, spin stiffness, spin-wave velocity and +spin gap we find that the classical 6-sublattice LRO is strongly renormalized +by quantum fluctuations, however, remains stable also in the quantum model.",0201584v1 +2002-08-13,Spin-Wave Description of Nuclear Spin-Lattice Relaxation in Mn_{12}O_{12} Acetate,"In response to recent nuclear-magnetic-resonance (NMR) measurements on the +molecular cluster Mn_{12}O_{12} acetate, we study the nuclear spin-lattice +relaxation rate 1/T_1 developing a modified spin-wave theory. Our microscopic +new approach, which is distinct from previous macroscopic treatments of the +cluster as a rigid spin of S=10, not only excellently interprets the observed +temperature and applied-field dependences of 1/T_1 for ^{55}Mn nuclei but also +strongly supports the ^{13}C NMR evidence for spin delocalization over the +entire molecule.",0208245v1 +2004-07-06,Effect of Spin Current on Uniform Ferromagnetism: Domain Nucleation,"Large spin current applied to a uniform ferromagnet leads to a spin-wave +instability as pointed out recently. + In this paper, it is shown that such spin-wave instability is absent in a +state containing a domain wall, which indicates that nucleation of magnetic +domains occurs above a certain critical spin current. + This scenario is supported also by an explicit energy comparison of the two +states under spin current.",0407116v2 +2005-10-20,Low-energy Effective Theory for Spin Dynamics of Fluctuating Stripes,"We derive an effective Hamiltonian for spin dynamics of fluctuating smectic +stripes from the t-J model in the weak coupling limit t >> J. Besides the +modulation of spin magnitude, the high energy hopping term would induce a +low-energy anti-ferromagnetic interaction between two neighboring ``blocks of +spins"". Based on the effective Hamiltonian, we applied the linear spin-wave +theory and found that the spin-wave velocity is almost isotropic for +La_{2-x}Sr_x CuO_4 unless the structural effect is considered. The intensity of +the second harmonic mode is found to be about 10% to that of the fundamental +mode.",0510529v1 +2006-03-01,Stochastic theory of spin-transfer oscillator linewidths,"We present a stochastic theory of linewidths for magnetization oscillations +in spin-valve structures driven by spin-polarized currents. Starting from a +nonlinear oscillator model derived from spin-wave theory, we derive Langevin +equations for amplitude and phase fluctuations due to the presence of thermal +noise. We find that the spectral linewidths are inversely proportional to the +spin-wave intensities with a lower bound that is determined purely by +modulations in the oscillation frequencies. Reasonable quantitative agreement +with recent experimental results from spin-valve nanopillars is demonstrated.",0603019v1 +2007-06-12,Magnetic fingerprint in a ferromagnetic wire: Spin torque diode effect and induction of the DC voltage spectrum inherent in the wire under application for RF current,"We report the rectifying effect of a constant-wave radio frequency (RF) +current by a magnetic domain wall (DW) on a single-layered ferromagnetic wire. +A direct-current (DC) voltage is generated by the spin torque diode effect, +which is a consequence of magnetoresistance oscillation due to the resonant +spin wave excitation induced by the spin-polarized RF current. The DC voltage +spectrum strongly depends on the internal spin structure in the DW, which +corresponds to the magnetic fingerprint of the spin structure in the +ferromagnetic wire.",0706.1733v1 +2009-01-20,Role of Bound Magnon in Magnetic Domain Wall Motion,"We report on a quantum description of the domain wall (DW) motion under a +spin current. A bound magnon, which is the zero mode of DW, is found to play a +dominant role in DW dynamics. The bound magnon acquires its inertia by the hard +axis anisotropy and is a free particle even under the spin current. The full +transfer of spin angular momentum from the spin current to DW via the bound +magnon leads to the DW motion with the adiabatic velocity, decoupling of spin +waves from DW, and no Doppler shift in spin waves.",0901.3066v1 +2009-03-24,A Finite-temperature First-principles Approach to Spin Fluctuation in BaFe_2As_2,"Thermodynamic flunctuations in BaFe2As2 is addressed with a first-principles +formulation of the Helmholtz energy by accounting for the mixture of various +electronic states each distinguished by different spin orientation +distributions. We find that it is the spin exchange coupling in the inter-plane +c direction that dictates the spin density wave ordering. We quantitatively +predicted the pressure dependence of the spin density wave ordering, the +Schottky anomaly, and the temperature dependence of thermal populations of spin +structures, all in agreement with available experimental data.",0903.4094v1 +2010-05-27,Spin transport in coupled spinor Bose gases,"We report direct measurements of spin transport in a trapped, partially +condensed spinor Bose gas. Detailed analyses of spin flux in this +out-of-equilibrium quantum gas are performed by monitoring the flow of atoms in +different hyperfine spin states. The main mechanisms for motion in this system +are exchange scattering and potential energy inhomogeneity, which lead to spin +waves in the normal component and domain formation in the condensate. We find a +large discrepancy in domain formation timescales with those predicted by +potential-driven formation, indicating strong coupling of the condensate to the +normal component spin wave.",1005.5174v2 +2012-07-28,Excitations and spin correlations near the interface of two three-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnets,"Magnetic excitations and spin correlations near the interface of two +spin-$\frac12$ Heisenberg antiferromagnets are considered using the spin-wave +approximation. When the interaction between boundary spins differs essentially +from exchange constants inside the antiferromagnets, quasi-two-dimensional spin +waves appear in the near-boundary region. They eject bulk magnons from this +region, thereby dividing the antiferromagnets into areas with different +magnetic excitations. The decreased dimensionality of the near-boundary modes +leads to amplified nearest-neighbor spin correlations in the interface area.",1207.6688v1 +2012-11-16,Dependence of the Switching Current Density on the Junction Sizes in Spin Transfer Torque,"We investigate the dependence of switching current density on the junction +sizes in the spin transfer torque nanopillar structures by using micromagnetic +simulations. While the macro spin model predicts weak dependence of switching +current density on the junction sizes, we find that the switching current +density is a sensitive function of the junction sizes. It can be explained with +the complicated spin configurations and dynamics during the switching process. +The detail spin configurations and dynamics are determined by spin wave +excitation with the finite wave vector, which is related with the exchange +coupling energy and junction shape.",1211.3785v1 +2013-12-04,Excitations and quasi-one-dimensionality in field-induced nematic and spin density wave states,"We study the excitation spectrum and dynamical response functions for several +quasi-one-dimensional spin systems in magnetic fields without dipolar spin +order transverse to the field. This includes both nematic phases, which harbor +""hidden"" breaking of spin-rotation symmetry about the field and have been +argued to occur in high fields in certain frustrated chain systems with +competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions, and spin density +wave states, in which spin-rotation symmetry is truly unbroken. Using +bosonization, field theory, and exact results on the integrable sine-Gordon +model, we establish the collective mode structure of these states, and show how +they can be distinguished experimentally.",1312.0992v1 +2014-07-29,Spin-Hall Nano-oscillator: a micromagnetic study,"This letter studies the dynamical behavior of spin-Hall nanoscillators from a +micromagnetic point of view. The model parameters have been identified by +reproducing recent experimental data quantitatively. Our results indicate that +a strongly localized mode is observed for in-plane bias fields such as in the +experiments, while predict the excitation of an asymmetric propagating mode for +large enough out-of plane bias field similarly to what observed in spin-torque +nanocontact oscillators. Our findings show that spin-Hall nanoscillators can +find application as spin-wave emitters for magnonic applications where spin +waves are used for transmission and processing information on nanoscale.",1407.7655v1 +2015-08-06,"Helimagnetic thin films: surface reconstruction, surface spin-waves and magnetization","Quantum properties of a helimagnetic thin film of simple cubic lattice with +Heisenberg spin model are studied using the Green's function method. We find +that the spin configuration across the film is strongly non uniform. Using the +exactly determined spin configuration we calculate the spin-wave spectrum and +the layer magnetizations as functions of temperature T. We show the existence +of surface-localized modes which strongly affect the surface magnetization. We +also show that quantum fluctuations cause interesting spin contractions at T = +0 and give rise to a cross-over between layer magnetizations at low T .",1508.01367v1 +2015-11-10,Charge and spin density in the helical Luttinger liquid,"The weakly interacting helical Luttinger liquid, due to spin momentum +locking, is characterized by extremely peculiar local observables: we show that +the density-density correlation functions do not exhibit signatures of Friedel +and Wigner oscillations, and that spin-spin correlation functions, which are +strongly anisotropic, witness the formation of a planar spin wave. Moreover, we +demonstrate that the most relevant scattering potentials involving a localized +impurity are not able to modify the electron density, while only magnetic +impurities can pin the planar spin density wave.",1511.03157v1 +2016-07-12,Thermal spin dynamics of yttrium iron garnet,"Yttrium Iron Garnet is the prototypical material used to study pure spin +currents. It is a complex material with 20 magnetic atoms in the unit cell. +Almost all theories and experimental analysis approximates this complicated +material to a simple ferromagnet with a single spin wave mode. We use the +method of atomistic spin dynamics to study the temperature evolution of the +full 20 mode exchange spin wave spectrum. Our results show a strong frequency +dependence of the modes in quantitative agreement with neutron scattering +experiments. We find this causes in a reduction in the net spin pumping due to +the thermal occupation of optical modes with the opposite chirality to the FMR +mode.",1607.03263v1 +2017-06-15,Misaligned Spin Merging Black Holes in Modified Gravity (MOG),"A promising signature of coalescing black holes is their spin angular +distribution. We consider the aLIGO collaboration gravitational wave +measurements of the binary black hole spins and the predicted modified gravity +(MOG) preference for misaligned spins of the coalescing black holes. In MOG, +during the merger of two black holes, the enhanced strength of gravitation +reduces the effective spin parameter $\chi_{\rm eff}\sim 0$ in agreement with +the measured spin misalignment of the merging black holes observed in the +gravitational wave detections by the aLIGO collaboration.",1706.05035v1 +2018-04-10,Conversion of Heat into Charge Current by the Spin Wave Anomalous Nernst Effect,"A novel process of spin conversion from a temperature gradient to a +transverse voltage is addressed in this paper, viz. the anomalous Nernst effect +(ANE) in a ferromagnetic metal. We report that an additional voltage is +superposed on the conventional anomalous Nernst voltage in FePt crystalline +thin films. The dynamics of the local magnetization is modulated by the heat +current and excites spin waves. These generate a conduction electron spin +current via s-d coupling, which flows along the temperature gradient, and the +spin current is converted to a Nernst voltage by the inverse spin Hall effect.",1804.03751v1 +2008-06-24,Signal propagation in time-dependent spin transport,"This paper analyzes theoretically the signal propagation in spin transport by +modulating the current passing through magnetic multilayers. Using a +macroscopic description of spin transport based on the dynamical Boltzmann +equation, we show that time-dependent spin transport possesses a wave-like +character that leads to modifications of pure spin-diffusion dynamics. In +particular, the wave-like characteristics allow one to extract a finite spin +signal-propagation velocity.",0806.3843v3 +2022-12-11,Spin Excitation in Coupled Honeycomb Lattice Ni$_2$InSbO$_6$,"We performed an inelastic neutron scattering experiment on a polycrystalline +sample of a helimagnet Ni$_2$InSbO$_6$ to construct the spin Hamiltonian. +Well-defined spin-wave excitation with a band energy of 20 meV was observed +below $T_{N} = 76$ K. Using the linear spin-wave theory, the spectrum was +reasonably reproduced with honeycomb spin layers coupled along the stacking +axis (the $c$ axis). The proposed spin model reproduces the soliton lattice +induced by a magnetic field applied perpendicular to the $c$ axis.",2212.05413v1 +2023-10-26,Gravitational Spin Hall Effect of Dirac Particle and the Weak Equivalence Principle,"We present a spin-induced none-geodesic effect of Dirac wave packets in a +static uniform gravitational field. Our approach is based on the +Foldy-Wouthuysen transformation of Dirac equation in a curved spacetime, which +predicts the gravitational spin-orbit coupling. Due to this coupling, we find +that the dynamics of the free-fall Dirac wave packets with opposite spin +polarization will yield the transverse splitting in the direction perpendicular +to spin orientation and gravity, which is known as the gravitational spin Hall +effect. Even in a static uniform gravitational field, such effect suggests that +the weak equivalence principle is violated for quantum particles.",2310.17581v1 +2023-12-30,Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction Probe of Coherent Spin-state Dynamics in Molecules,"We propose an approach to probe coherent spin-state dynamics of molecules +using circularly polarized hard x-ray pulses. For the dynamically aligned +nitric oxide molecules in a coherent superposition spin-orbit coupled +electronic state that can be prepared through stimulated Raman scattering, we +demonstrate the capability of ultrafast x-ray diffraction to not only reveal +the quantum beating of the coherent spin-state wave packet, but also image the +spatial spin density of the molecule. With circularly polarized ultrafast x-ray +diffraction signal, we show that the electronic density matrix can be +retrieved. The spatio-temporal resolving power of ultrafast x-ray diffraction +paves the way for tracking transient spatial wave function in molecular +dynamics involving spin degree of freedom.",2401.00259v1 +2011-06-02,Kinetics of Spin Relaxation in Wires and Channels: Boundary Spin Echo and Tachyons,"In this paper we use a spin kinetic equation to study spin polarization +dynamics in 1D wires and 2D channels. This approach is valid in both diffusive +and ballistic spin transport regimes and, therefore, more general than the +usual spin drift-diffusion equations. In particular, we demonstrate that in +infinite 1D wires with Rashba spin-orbit interaction the exponential spin +relaxation decay can be modulated by an oscillating function. In the case of +spin relaxation in finite length 1D wires, it is shown that an initially +homogeneous spin polarization spontaneously transforms into a persistent spin +helix. An interesting sound waves echo-like behavior of initially localized +spin polarization packet is found in finite length wires. We show that a +propagating spin polarization profile reflects from a system boundary and +returns back to its initial position similarly to the reflectance of sound +waves from an obstacle. Green's function of spin kinetic equation is found for +both finite and infinite 1D systems. Moreover, we demonstrate explicitly that +the spin relaxation in 2D channels with Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit +interactions of equal strength occurs similarly to that in 1D wires of finite +length. Finally, a simple transformation mapping 1D spin kinetic equation into +the Klein-Gordon equation with an imaginary mass is found thus establishing an +interesting connection between semiconductor spintronics and relativistic +quantum mechanics.",1106.0355v1 +2000-09-15,Gravitational waves from a spinning particle scattered by a relativistic star: Axial mode case,"We study gravitational waves from a spinning test particle scattered by a +relativistic star using a perturbation method. The present analysis is +restricted to axial modes. By calculating the energy spectrum, the waveforms +and the total energy and angular momentum of gravitational waves, we analyze +the dependence of the emitted gravitational waves on a particle spin. For a +normal neutron star, the energy spectrum has one broad peak whose +characteristic frequency corresponds to the angular velocity at the turning +point (a periastron). Since the turning point is determined by the orbital +parameter, there exists the dependence of the gravitational wave on a particle +spin. We find that the total energy of $l = 2$ gravitational waves gets larger +as the spin increases in the anti-parallel direction to the orbital angular +momentum. For an ultracompact star, in addition to such an orbital +contribution, we find the quasi-normal modes exited by a scattered particle, +whose excitation rate to gravitational waves depends on the particle spin. We +also discuss the ratio of the total angular momentum to the total energy of +gravitational waves and explain its spin dependence.",0009055v1 +2014-11-12,Magnonic Holographic Memory: from Proposal to Device,"In this work, we present recent developments in magnonic holographic memory +devices exploiting spin waves for information transfer. The devices comprise a +magnetic matrix and spin wave generating/detecting elements placed on the edges +of the waveguides. The matrix consists of a grid of magnetic waveguides +connected via cross junctions. Magnetic memory elements are incorporated within +the junction while the read-in and read-out is accomplished by the spin waves +propagating through the waveguides. We present experimental data on spin wave +propagation through NiFe and YIG magnetic crosses. The obtained experimental +data show prominent spin wave signal modulation (up to 20 dB for NiFe and 35 dB +for YIG) by the external magnetic field, where both the strength and the +direction of the magnetic field define the transport between the cross arms. We +also present experimental data on the 2-bit magnonic holographic memory built +on the double cross YIG structure with micro-magnets placed on the top of each +cross. It appears possible to recognize the state of each magnet via the +interference pattern produced by the spin waves with all experiments done at +room temperature. Magnonic holographic devices aim to combine the advantages of +magnetic data storage with wave-based information transfer. We present +estimates on the spin wave holographic devices performance, including power +consumption and functional throughput. According to the estimates, magnonic +holographic devices may provide data processing rates higher than 10^18 +bits/cm2/s while consuming 0.15uW. Technological challenges and fundamental +physical limits of this approach are also discussed.",1411.3388v1 +2021-04-30,A numerical exploration of signal detector arrangement in a spin-wave reservoir computing device,"This paper studies numerically how the signal detector arrangement influences +the performance of reservoir computing using spin waves excited in a +ferrimagnetic garnet film. This investigation is essentially important since +the input information is not only conveyed but also transformed by the spin +waves into high-dimensional information space when the waves propagate in the +film in a spatially distributed manner. This spatiotemporal dynamics realizes a +rich reservoir-computational functionality. First, we simulate spin waves in a +rectangular garnet film with two input electrodes to obtain spatial +distributions of the reservoir states in response to input signals, which are +represented as spin vectors and used for a machine-learning waveform +classification task. The detected reservoir states are combined through readout +connection weights to generate a final output. We visualize the spatial +distribution of the weights after training to discuss the number and positions +of the output electrodes by arranging them at grid points, equiangularly +circular points or at random. We evaluate the classification accuracy by +changing the number of the output electrodes, and find that a high accuracy +($>$ 90\%) is achieved with only several tens of output electrodes regardless +of grid, circular or random arrangement. These results suggest that the spin +waves possess sufficiently complex and rich dynamics for this type of tasks. +Then we investigate in which area useful information is distributed more by +arranging the electrodes locally on the chip. Finally, we show that this device +has generalization ability for input wave-signal frequency in a certain +frequency range. These results will lead to practical design of spin-wave +reservoir devices for low-power intelligent computing in the near future.",2104.14915v1 +2019-01-24,Fundamentals of magnon-based computing,"A disturbance in the local magnetic order of a solid body can propagate +across a material just like a wave. This wave is named spin wave, and its +quanta are known as magnons. Recently, physicists proposed the usage of magnons +to carry and process information instead of electrons as it is the case of +electronics. This technology opens access to a new generation of computers in +which data are processed without motion of any real particles like electrons. +This leads to a sizable decrease in the accompanying heating losses and, +consequently, to lower energy consumption, which is crucial due to the ever +increasing demand for computing devices. Moreover, unique properties of spin +waves allow for the utilisation of unconventional computing concepts, giving +the vision of a significantly faster and more powerful next-generation of +information processing systems. + The current review addresses a selection of fundamental topics that form the +basis of the magnon-based computing and are of primary importance for the +further development of this concept. First, the transport of spin-wave-carried +information in one and two dimensions that is required for the realization of +logic elements and integrated magnon circuits is covered. Second, the +convertors between spin waves and electron (charge and spin) currents are +discussed. These convertors are necessary for the compatibility of magnonic +devices with modern CMOS technology. The paper starts with basics on spin waves +and the related methodology. In addition, the general ideas behind magnon-based +computing are presented. The review finishes with conclusions and an outlook on +the perspective use of spin waves.",1901.08934v1 +2019-08-07,Reconfigurable sub-micron spin-wave majority gate with electrical transducers,"Spin waves are excitations in ferromagnetic media that have been proposed as +information carriers in hybrid spintronic devices with much lower operation +power than conventional charge-based electronics. Their wave nature can be +exploited in majority gates by using interference for computation. However, a +scalable spin-wave majority gate that can be co-integrated alongside +conventional electronics is still lacking. Here, we demonstrate a sub-micron +inline spin-wave majority gate with fan-out. Time-resolved imaging of the +magnetization dynamics by scanning transmission x-ray microscopy illustrates +the device operation. All-electrical spin-wave spectroscopy further +demonstrates majority gates with sub-micron dimensions, reconfigurable input +and output ports, and frequency-division multiplexing. Challenges for hybrid +spintronic computing systems based on spin-wave majority gates are discussed.",1908.02546v3 +2019-09-10,"Twisting and tweezing the spin wave: on vortices, skyrmions, helical waves, and the magnonic spiral phase plate","Spin waves are the low-energy excitations of magnetically ordered materials. +They are key elements in the stability analysis of the ordered phase and have a +wealth of technological applications. Recently, we showed that spin waves of a +magnetic nanowire may carry a definite amount of orbital angular momentum +components along the propagation direction. This helical, in addition to the +chiral, character of the spin waves is related to the spatial modulations of +the spin wave phase across the wire. It, however, remains a challenge to +generate and control such modes with conventional magnetic fields. Here, we +make the first proposal for a \textit{magnetic} spiral phase plate by +appropriately synthesizing two magnetic materials that have different speeds of +spin waves. It is demonstrated with full-numerical micromagnetic simulations +that despite the complicated structure of demagnetization fields, a homogeneous +spin wave passing through the spiral phase plate attains the required twist and +propagates further with the desired orbital angular momentum. While excitations +from the ordered phase may have a twist, the magnetization itself can be +twisted due to internal fields and forms what is known as a magnetic vortex. We +point out the differences between both types of magnetic phenomena and discuss +their possible interaction.",1909.04457v2 +2021-11-30,Comparison of spin-wave transmission in parallel and antiparallel magnetic configurations,"Parallel (P) and antiparallel (AP) configurations are widely applied in +magnetic heterostructures and have significant impacts on the spin-wave +transmission in magnonic devices. In the present study, a theoretical +investigation was conducted into the transmission of exchange-dominated spin +waves with nanoscale wavelengths in a type of heterostructure including two +magnetic media, of which the magnetization state can be set to the P (AP) +configuration by ferromagnetic (antiferromagnetic) interfacial exchange +coupling (IEC). The boundary conditions in P and AP cases were derived, by +which the transmission and reflection coefficients of spin waves were +analytically given and numerically calculated. In the P configuration, a +critical angle $\theta_{\textrm{c}}$ always exists and has a significant +influence on the transmission. Spin waves are refracted and reflected when the +incident angle $\theta_{\textrm{i}}$ is smaller than the critical angle +($\theta_{\textrm{i}} < \theta_{\textrm{c}}$), while total reflection occurs as +$\theta_{\textrm{i}} \geq \theta_{\textrm{c}}$. In the AP configuration, the +spin-wave polarizations of medium 1 and 2 are inverse, that is, right-handed +(RH) and left-handed (LH), leading to the total reflection being independent of +$\theta_{\textrm{i}}$. As demonstrated by the difference in spin-wave +transmission properties between the P ($\theta_{\textrm{i}} < +\theta_{\textrm{c}}$) and AP cases, there is a polarization-dependent +scattering. However, as $\theta_{\textrm{i}}$ exceeds $\theta_{\textrm{c}}$, +the P ($\theta_{\textrm{i}} > \theta_{\textrm{c}}$) case exhibits similarities +with the AP case, where the transmitted waves are found to be evanescent in +medium 2 and their decay lengths are investigated.",2111.15091v2 +2016-07-04,The ubiquitous photonic wheel,"A circularly polarized electromagnetic plane wave carries an electric field +that rotates clockwise or counterclockwise around the propagation direction of +the wave. According to the handedness of this rotation, its \emph{longitudinal} +spin angular momentum density is either parallel or antiparallel to the +propagation of light. However, there are also light waves that are not simply +plane and carry an electric field that rotates around an axis perpendicular to +the propagation direction, thus yielding \emph{transverse} spin angular +momentum density. Electric field configurations of this kind have been +suggestively dubbed ""photonic wheels"". It has been recently shown that photonic +wheels are commonplace in optics as they occur in electromagnetic fields +confined by waveguides, in strongly focused beams, in plasmonic and evanescent +waves. In this work we establish a general theory of electromagnetic waves +{propagating along a well defined direction, which carry} transverse spin +angular momentum density. We show that depending on the shape of {these waves, +the} spin density may be either perpendicular to the \emph{mean} linear +momentum (globally transverse spin) or to the linear momentum \emph{density} +(locally transverse spin). We find that the latter case generically occurs only +for non-diffracting beams, such as the Bessel beams. Moreover, we introduce the +concept of \emph{meridional} Stokes parameters to operationally quantify the +transverse spin density. To illustrate our theory, we apply it to the exemplary +cases of Bessel beams and evanescent waves. These results open a new and +accessible route to the understanding, generation and manipulation of optical +beams with transverse spin angular momentum density.",1607.00792v1 +2018-07-02,Emission and Propagation of Multi-Dimensional Spin Waves with nanoscale wavelengths in Anisotropic Spin Textures,"Spin waves offer intriguing novel perspectives for computing and signal +processing, since their damping can be lower than the Ohmic losses in +conventional CMOS circuits. For controlling the spatial extent and propagation +of spin waves on the actual chip, magnetic domain walls show considerable +potential as magnonic waveguides. However, low-loss guidance of spin waves with +nanoscale wavelengths, in particular around angled tracks, remains to be shown. +Here we experimentally demonstrate that such advanced control of propagating +spin waves can be obtained using natural features of magnetic order in an +interlayer exchange-coupled, anisotropic ferromagnetic bilayer. Using Scanning +Transmission X-Ray Microscopy, we image generation of spin waves and their +propagation across distances exceeding multiple times the wavelength, in +extended planar geometries as well as along one-dimensional domain walls, which +can be straight and curved. The observed range of wavelengths is between 1 +{\mu}m and 150 nm, at corresponding excitation frequencies from 250 MHz to 3 +GHz. Our results show routes towards practical implementation of magnonic +waveguides employing domain walls in future spin wave logic and computational +circuits.",1807.00897v2 +2017-06-19,Pinned domain wall oscillator as tunable direct current spin wave emitter,"Spin waves are perturbations in the relative orientation of magnetic moments +in a continuous magnetic system, which have been proposed as a new kind of +information carrier for spin-based low power applications. For this purpose, a +major obstacle to overcome is the energy-efficient excitation of coherent short +wavelength spin waves and alternatives to excitation via the Oersted field of +an alternating current need to be explored. Here we show, by means of +micromagnetic simulations, how, in a perpendicularly magnetized thin strip, a +domain wall pinned at a geometrical constriction emits spin waves when forced +to rotate by the application of a low direct current flowing along the strip. +Spin waves propagate only in the direction of the electron's flow at the first +odd harmonic of the domain wall rotation frequency for which propagation is +allowed. Excitation is due to in-plane dipolar stray field of the rotating +domain wall and that the resulting unidirectionality is a consequence of the +domain wall displacement at the constriction. On the other hand, the +application of an external field opposing domain wall depinning breaks the +symmetry for spin wave propagation in the two domains, allowing emission in +both directions but at different frequencies. The results presented define a +new approach to produce tunable high frequency spin wave emitters of easy +fabrication and low power consumption.",1706.05873v1 +2024-02-24,Steerable current-driven emission of spin waves in magnetic vortex pairs,"The efficient excitation of spin waves is a key challenge in the realization +of magnonic devices. We demonstrate the current-driven generation of spin waves +in antiferromagnetically coupled magnetic vortices. We employ time-resolved +scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (TR-STXM) to directly image the emission +of spin waves upon the application of an alternating current flowing directly +through the magnetic stack. Micromagnetic simulations allow us to identify the +origin of the excitation to be the current-driven Oersted field, which in the +present system proves to be orders of magnitude more efficient than the +commonly used excitation via stripline antennas. Our numerical studies also +reveal that the spin-transfer torque can lead to the emission of spin waves as +well, yet only at much higher current amplitudes. By using magnetostrictive +materials, we futhermore demonstrate that the direction of the magnon +propagation can be steered by increasing the excitation amplitude, which +modifies the underlying magnetization profile through an additional anisotropy +in the magnetic layers. The demonstrated methods allow for the efficient and +tunable excitation of spin waves, marking a significant advance in the +generation and control of spin waves in magnonic devices.",2402.15831v1 +2023-03-14,Electromagnetic Waves Propagation along Tangentially Magnetised Bihyrotropic Layer (with Example of Spin Waves in Ferrite Plate),"Analytically, without magnetostatic approximation, the problem of +electromagnetic wave propagation along arbitrary direction in a tangentially +magnetized bihyrotropic layer has been solved. It is found that one can bring +the Maxwell equations for this problem to the fourth order differential +equation and the obtained biquadratic characteristic equation determines two +different wave numbers kx21 and kx22 describing the wave distribution over the +layer thickness. The dispersion equation describing wave propagation in the +bihyrotropic layer was obtained for the case of real kx21 and kx22 values. It +is shown that in a ferrite plate, which is a special case of a bihyrotropic +layer, three types of wave distribution over the plate thickness can take +place: surface-surface (when kx21 and kx22 are real numbers), volume-surface +(kx21 is imaginary and kx22 is real) and volume-volume distribution (kx21 and +kx22 are imaginary numbers). Characteristics of the surface spin wave in +ferrite plate are investigated. It is found that dependences of the wave +numbers kx21 and kx22 on the wave vector orientation are significantly +different from the similar magnetostatic dependence for a large part of the +wave spectrum.",2303.08800v1 +2023-08-07,Water-Wave Vortices and Skyrmions,"Topological wave structures -- phase vortices, skyrmions, merons, etc. -- are +attracting enormous attention in a variety of quantum and classical wave +fields. Surprisingly, these structures have never been properly explored in the +most obvious example of classical waves: water-surface (gravity-capillary) +waves. Here we fill this gap and describe: (i) water-wave vortices of different +orders carrying quantized angular momentum with orbital and spin contributions, +(ii) skyrmion lattices formed by the instantaneous displacements of the +water-surface particles in wave interference, (iii) meron (half-skyrmion) +lattices formed by the spin density vectors, as well as (iv) spatiotemporal +water-wave vortices and skyrmions. We show that all these topological entities +can be readily generated in linear water-wave interference experiments. Our +findings can find applications in microfluidics and show that water waves can +be employed as an attainable playground for emulating universal topological +wave phenomena.",2308.03520v2 +2019-03-09,Spin-wave thermodynamics of square-lattice antiferromagnets revisited,"Modifying the conventional spin-wave theory in a novel manner based on the +Wick decomposition, we present an elaborate thermodynamics of square-lattice +quantum antiferromagnets. Our scheme is no longer accompanied by the notorious +problem of an artificial transition to the paramagnetic state inherent in +modified spin waves in the Hartree-Fock approximation. In the cases of spin +$\frac{1}{2}$ and spin $1$, various modified-spin-wave findings for the +internal energy, specific heat, static uniform susceptibility, and dynamic +structure factor are not only numerically compared with quantum Monte Carlo +calculations and Lanczos exact diagonalizations but also analytically expanded +into low-temperature series. Modified spin waves interacting via the Wick +decomposition provide reliable thermodynamics over the whole temperature range +of absolute zero to infinity. Adding higher-order spin couplings such as ring +exchange interaction to the naivest Heisenberg Hamiltonian, we precisely +reproduce inelastic-neutron-scattering measurements of the +high-temperature-superconductor-parent antiferromagnet +$\mathrm{La}_2\mathrm{CuO}_4$. Modifying Dyson-Maleev bosons combined with +auxiliary pseudofermions also yields thermodynamics of square-lattice +antiferromagnets free from thermal breakdown, but it is less precise unless +temperature is sufficiently low. Applying all the schemes to layered +antiferromagnets as well, we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of +modified spin-wave and combined boson-pseudofermion representations.",1903.03769v1 +2022-03-24,Writable spin wave nanochannels in an artificial-spin-ice-mediated ferromagnetic thin film,"Magnonics, which employs spin-waves to transmit and process information, is a +promising venue for low-power data processing. One of the major challenges is +the local control of the spin-wave propagation path. Here, we introduce the +concept of writable magnonics by taking advantage of the highly flexible +reconfigurability and rewritability of artificial spin ice systems. Using +micromagnetic simulations, we show that globally switchable spin-wave +propagation and the locally writable spin-wave nanochannels can be realized in +a ferromagnetic thin film underlying an artificial pinwheel spin ice. The +rewritable magnonics enabled by reconfigurable spin wave nanochannels provides +a unique setting to design programmable magnonic circuits and logic devices for +ultra-low power applications.",2203.12812v2 +2018-09-05,Constraining black-hole spins with gravitational wave observations,"The observation of gravitational-wave signals from merging black-hole +binaries enables direct measurement of the properties of the black holes. An +individual observation allows measurement of the black-hole masses, but only +limited information about either the magnitude or orientation of the black hole +spins is available, primarily due to the degeneracy between measurements of +spin and binary mass ratio. Using the first six black-hole merger observations, +we are able to constrain the distribution of black-hole spins. We perform model +selection between a set of models with different spin population models +combined with a power-law mass distribution to make inferences about the spin +distribution. We assume a fixed power-law mass distribution on the black holes, +which is supported by the data and provides a realistic distribution of binary +mass-ratio. This allows us to accurately account for selection effects due to +variations in the signal amplitude with spin magnitude, and provides an +improved inference on the spin distribution. We conclude that the first six +LIGO and Virgo observations (Abbott et al. 2016a, 2017a,b,c) disfavour highly +spinning black holes against low spins by an odds-ratio of 15:1; thus providing +strong constraints on spin magnitudes from gravitational-wave observations. +Furthermore, we are able to rule out a population of binaries with completely +aligned spins, even when the spins of the individual black holes are low, at an +odds ratio of 22,000:1, significantly strengthening earlier evidence against +aligned spins (Farr et al. 2017). These results provide important information +that will aid in our understanding on the formation processes of black-holes.",1809.01401v2 +2014-09-03,Theory of coupled spin-charge transport due to spin-orbit interaction in inhomogeneous two-dimensional electron liquids,"Spin-orbit interactions in two-dimensional electron liquids are responsible +for many interesting transport phenomena in which particle currents are +converted to spin polarizations and spin currents and viceversa. Prime examples +are the spin Hall effect, the Edelstein effect, and their inverses. By similar +mechanisms it is also possible to partially convert an optically induced +electron-hole density wave to a spin density wave and viceversa. In this paper +we present a unified theoretical treatment of these effects based on quantum +kinetic equations that include not only the intrinsic spin-orbit coupling from +the band structure of the host material, but also the spin-orbit coupling due +to an external electric field and a random impurity potential. The +drift-diffusion equations we derive in the diffusive regime are applicable to a +broad variety of experimental situations, both homogeneous and non-homogeneous, +and include on equal footing ""skew scattering"" and ""side-jump"" from +electron-impurity collisions. As a demonstration of the strength and usefulness +of the theory we apply it to the study of several effects of current +experimental interest: the inverse Edelstein effect, the spin-current swapping +effect, and the partial conversion of an electron-hole density wave to a spin +density wave in a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba and Dresselhaus +spin-orbit couplings, subject to an electric field.",1409.1202v1 +2017-11-30,Oblique propagation of longitudinal spin-electron acoustic waves under the influence of the Coulomb exchange interaction and the quantum Bohm potential,"Influence of the exchange interaction on the properties of the spin-electron +acoustic waves at the oblique propagation of waves relatively to the external +magnetic field in the magnetically ordered metals is studied. The spectra of +the Langmuir wave and the Trivelpiece-Gould wave are also considered. It is +well-known that there are two branches of spectrum of the spin-electron +acoustic waves in this regime. Change their properties under influence of the +exchange interaction is studied. The quantum Bohm potential is included either. +The exchange interaction and quantum Bohm potential gives opposite +contributions, but they do not compensate each other since they have different +dependence on the wave vector. This competition creates a non-monotonical +behavior of the Trivelpiece-Gould wave spectrum. The concavity changes in the +monotonic spectra of the Langmuir wave and the SEAWs are found.",1711.11308v1 +2003-11-10,Long-Lived Spin Coherence States,"We study evolution of electron spin coherence having non-homogeneous +direction of spin polarization vector in semiconductor heterostructures. It is +found that the electron spin relaxation time due to the D'yakonov-Perel' +relaxation mechanism essentially depends on the initial spin polarization +distribution. This effect has its origin in the coherent spin precession of +electrons diffusing in the same direction. We predict a long spin relaxation +time of a novel structure: a spin coherence standing wave and discuss its +experimental realization.",0311223v1 +2004-10-20,Spin-Transfer Torque and Electron-Magnon Scattering,"According to the spin-torque model, current-driven magnetic dynamics in +ferromagnetic multilayers is determined by the transfer of electron spin +perpendicular to the layers' magnetizations. By separating the largest +contributions to the magnetic dynamics, we demonstrate that the dominant effect +of spin-torque is rather due to the electron spin parallel to the field. We +show that this effect can be equivalently described as stimulated +current-driven excitation of spin-waves, and discuss four specifically +quantum-mechanical aspects of spin-transfer, not described by the spin-torque.",0410520v1 +2007-01-09,Spin Supercurrent,"We review the main properties of Spin Waves condensation to a coherent +quantum state, named Homogeneously Precessing Domain (HPD). We describe the +long range coherent transport of magnetization by Spin Supercurrent in +antiferromagnetic superfluid 3He. This quantum phenomenon was discovered 20 +years ago. Since then, many magnetic extensions of superconductivity and +superfluidity have been observed: spin Josephson phenomena, spin current +vortices, spin phase slippage, long distance magnetization transport by spin +supercurrents, etc. Several new supercurrent phenomena have been discovered, +like magnetically excited coherent quantum states, NMR in the molecular Landau +field, spin-current turbulence, formation of stable non-topological solitons +etc.",0701182v1 +2007-09-13,Spin polarization in biased Rashba-Dresselhaus two-dimensional electron systems,"Based on spin-charge coupled drift-diffusion equations, which are derived +from kinetic equations for the spin-density matrix in a rigorous manner, the +electric-field-induced nonequilibrium spin polarization is treated for a +two-dimensional electron gas with both Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit +coupling. Most emphasis is put on the consideration of the field-mediated spin +dynamics for a model with equal Rashba and Dresselhaus coupling constants, in +which the spin relaxation is strongly suppressed. Weakly damped +electric-field-induced spin excitations are identified, which remind of +space-charge waves in crystals.",0709.2054v1 +2008-08-01,Electric-field driven long-lived spin excitations on a cylindrical surface with spin-orbit interaction,"Based on quantum-kinetic equations, coupled spin-charge drift-diffusion +equations are derived for a two-dimensional electron gas on a cylindrical +surface. Besides the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction, the elastic +scattering on impurities, and a constant electric field are taken into account. + From the solution of the drift-diffusion equations, a long-lived spin +excitation is identified for spins coupled to the Rashba term on a cylinder +with a given radius. The electric-field driven weakly damped spin waves are +manifest in the components of the magnetization and have the potential for +non-ballistic spin-device applications.",0808.0069v1 +2013-05-09,Spin Conductivity in Two-Dimensional Non-Collinear Antiferromagnets,"We propose a method to derive the spin current operator for non-collinear +Heisenberg antiferromagnets. We show that the spin conductivity calculated by +the spectral representation with the spin current satisfies the f-sum rule. We +also study the spin conductivity at T=0 within spin wave theory. We show how +the spin conductivity depends on the external magnetic field with changing +magnon spectrum. We also find that the spin Drude weight vanishes for any +external magnetic field at T=0.",1305.2072v3 +2015-04-30,Spin electron acoustic soliton: Separate spin evolution of electrons with exchange interaction,"Separate spin evolution quantum hydrodynamics is generalized to include the +Coulomb exchange interaction. The Coulomb exchange interaction is considered as +the interaction between the spin-down electrons being in the quantum states +occupied by one electron, giving main contribution in the equilibrium. The +generalized model is applied to study the non-linear spin-electron acoustic +waves. Existence of the spin-electron acoustic soliton is demonstrated. +Contributions of the concentration, spin polarization, and exchange interaction +in the properties of the spin electron acoustic soliton are studied.",1504.08234v2 +2000-09-27,Data Analysis of Continuous Gravitational Wave Signal: Fourier Transform,"We present the Fourier Transform of continuous gravitational wave for +arbitrary location of detector and source and for any duration of observation +time in which both rotational motion of earth about its spin axis and orbital +motion around sun has been taken into account. We also give the method to +account the spin down of continuous gravitational wave.",0009094v1 +2002-09-26,Precession of a particle with anomalous magnetic moment in electromagnetic and gravitational pp-wave fields,"We present an exact solution of the Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi (BMT) equations +for the dynamics of a spin particle in external electromagnetic and +gravitational pp-wave fields. We demonstrate that an anomalous magnetic moment +gives rise to an additional spin rotation which is modulated both by the +electromagnetic and by the gravitational wave periodicities.",0209099v1 +2003-01-30,Nuclear Wave Functions for Spin and Pseudospin Partners,"Using relations between wave functions obtained in the framework of the +relativistic mean field theory, we investigate the effects of pseudospin and +spin symmetry breaking on the single nucleon wave functions in spherical +nuclei. In our analysis, we apply both relativistic and non-relativistic +self-consistent models as well as the harmonic oscillator model.",0301098v1 +1996-03-18,Renormalization-Group Approach to Spin-Wave Theory of Quantum Heisenberg Ferromagnet,"The renormalization-group method is used to analyze the low-temperature +behaviour of a two-dimentional, spin-$s$ quantum Heisenberg ferromagnet. A set +of recursion equations is derived in an one-loop approximation. The +low-temperature asymptotics of the correlation length and the uniform +susceptibility are obtained. For small spins ($s= 1/2,1$) the results are +essentially different from those in the spin-wave theory.",9603123v1 +2004-04-22,On the theory of polarized Fermi liquid,"The transport equation for transverse vibrations of magnetization in spin +polarized Fermi liquid is derived from integral equation for the vertex +function. The dispersion law for the transverse spin waves is established. The +existance of zero-temperature spin-waves attenuation is confirmed. The problem +of similar derivation in ferromagnetic ""Fermi liquid"" is discussed.",0404539v1 +1997-10-02,Pseudo-spin Symmetry and Relativistic Single-nucleon Wave Functions,"We show that the occurrence of approximate pseudo-spin symmetry in nuclei is +connected with certain similarities in the relativistic single-nucleon wave +functions of the corresponding pseudo-spin doublets. We perform a case study in +which several examples and the systematics of this connection are explored.",9710011v1 +1998-02-17,Electromagnetic Waves in the Vacuum with Torsion and Spin,"Exact radiative wave solutions to the classical homogeneous Maxwell equations +in the vacuum have been found that are not transverse, exhibit both torsion and +spin, and for which the second Poincare invariant, E.B, is not zero. Two four +component rank 3 tensors of spin current and torsion are constructed on +topological grounds. The divergence of each pseudo vector generates the +Poincare invariants of the electromagnetic system.",9802033v1 +2009-07-09,Nuclear spin-density wave theory,"Recently [arXiv:0906.5417], we reported a quantum phase transition of 103mRh +excited by bremsstrahlung pumping. The long-lived Moessbauer excitation is +delocalized as a neutral quasiparticle carrying a spin current. This letter +gives a general theory for a nuclear spin-density wave propagating on crystals +consisting of identical nuclei with a multipolar transition.",0907.1446v2 +2003-01-23,The spin of the mesons and baryons,"It is shown that the spin of pi (0), eta, Lambda, Sigma (+,-,0), Xi (-,0), +Lambda-c (+), Sigma-c (0), Xi-c (0), and Omega-c (0) mesons and baryons can be +explained by the sum of the angular momentum vectors and spin vectors of the +electromagnetic waves which are in these particles according to the standing +wave model. The spin of the pi (+,-), K (+,-,0), D (+,-,0), and D-S (+,-) +mesons and of the neutron is the sum of the angular momentum vectors of the +oscillations and of the spin vectors of the neutrinos and the electric charges +which are in the cubic lattice of these particles. Spin 1/2 is the consequence +of the superposition of two perpendicular standing waves of equal frequencies +and amplitudes shifted in phase by pi/2. The spin of the antiparticles of the +mesons and baryons is the same as the spin of the ordinary particles.",0301060v3 +2004-09-18,Spin wave based quantum storage of electronic spin with a ring array of nuclear spins,"We propose a solid state based protocol to implement the universal quantum +storage for electronic spin qubit. The quantum memory in this scheme is the +spin wave excitation in the ring array of nuclei in a quantum dot. We show that +the quantum information carried by an arbitrary state of the electronic spin +can be coherently mapped onto the spin wave excitations or the magnon states. +With an appropriate external control, the stored quantum state in quantum +memory can be read out reversibly. We also explore in detail the quantum +decoherence mechanism due to the inhomogeneous couplings between the electronic +spin and the nuclear spins.",0409120v3 +2011-10-13,Competing Hyperfine and Spin-Orbit Couplings: Spin Relaxation in a Quantum Hall Ferromagnet,"Spin relaxation in a quantum Hall ferromagnet, where filling is $\nu=1, 1/3, +1/5,...$, can be considered in terms of spin wave annihilation/creation +processes. Hyperfine coupling with the nuclei of the GaAs matrix provides spin +non-conservation in the two-dimensional electron gas and determines spin +relaxation in the quantum Hall system. This mechanism competes with spin-orbit +coupling channels of spin-wave decay and can even dominate in a low-temperature +regime where $T$ is much smaller than the Zeeman gap. In this case the +spin-wave relaxation process occurs non-exponentially with time and does not +depend on the temperature. The competition of different relaxation channels +results in crossovers in the dominant mechanism, leading to non-monotonic +behavior of the characteristic relaxation time with the magnetic field. We +predict that the relaxation times should reach maxima at $B\simeq 18\,$T in the +$\nu=1$ Quantum Hall system and at $B\simeq 12\,$T for that of $\nu=1/3\,$. We +estimate these times as $\sim10\,-\,30\,\mu$s and $\sim2\,-\,5\,\mu$s, +respectively.",1110.3006v1 +2011-11-21,Wave-diffusion theory of spin transport in metals after ultrashort-pulse excitation,"Spin and charge-current dynamics after ultrafast spin-polarized excitation in +a normal metal are studied theoretically using a wave-diffusion theory. It is +shown analytically how this macroscopic approach correctly describes the +ballistic and diffusive properties of spin and charge transport, but also +applies to the intermediate regime between these two limits. Using the +wave-diffusion equations we numerically analyze spin and charge dynamics after +ultrafast excitation of spin polarized carriers in thin gold films. Assuming +slightly spin-dependent momentum relaxation times, we find that a unified +treatment of diffusive and ballistic transport yields robust signatures in the +spin and charge dynamics, which are in qualitative agreement with recent +experimental results [Phys. Rev. Lett 107, 076601 (2011)]. The influence of +boundary effects on the temporal signatures of spin transport is also studied.",1111.4780v1 +2016-06-05,Spin current contribution in the spectrum of collective excitations of degenerate partially polarized spin-1/2 fermions at separate dynamics of spin-up and spin-down fermions,"The spectrum of collective excitations of degenerate partially polarized +spin-1/2 fermions is considered. The spin-up fermions and the spin-down +fermions are considered as different fluids. Corresponding two-fluid +hydrodynamics consistent with a non-linear Pauli equation is suggested. An +equation of state for the spin current caused by the distribution of particles +on different energy levels is suggested for the degenerate regime, where the +spin current is caused by the Pauli blocking. Spectrum of three waves is found +as a solution of the hydrodynamic equations: two sound waves and one spin wave. +Their spectrums are calculated for two regimes: propagation parallel and +perpendicular to the direction of the equilibrium spin polarization.",1606.01562v2 +2019-11-13,Tailoring spin wave channels in a reconfigurable artificial spin ice,"Artificial spin ices are ensembles of geometrically-arranged, interacting +nanomagnets which have shown promising potential for the realization of +reconfigurable magnonic crystals. Such systems allow for the manipulation of +spin waves on the nanoscale and their potential use as information carriers. +However, there are presently two general obstacles to the realization of +artificial spin ice-based magnonic crystals: the magnetic state of artificial +spin ices is difficult to reconfigure and the magnetostatic interactions +between the nanoislands are often weak, preventing mode coupling. We +demonstrate, using micromagnetic modeling, that coupling a reconfigurable +artificial spin ice geometry made of weakly interacting nanomagnets to a soft +magnetic underlayer creates a complex system exhibiting dynamically coupled +modes. These give rise to spin wave channels in the underlayer at well-defined +frequencies, based on the artificial spin ice magnetic state, which can be +reconfigured. These findings open the door to the realization of reconfigurable +magnonic crystals with potential applications for data transport and processing +in magnonic-based logic architectures.",1911.05354v4 +2020-02-13,Dynamical spin susceptibility of spin-valley half-metal,"A few years ago we predicted theoretically that in systems with nesting of +the Fermi surface the spin-valley half-metal has lower energy than the spin +density wave state. In this paper we suggest a possible way to distinguish +these phases experimentally. We calculate dynamical spin susceptibility tensor +for both states in the framework of the Kubo formalism. Discussed phases have +different numbers of the bands: four bands in the spin-valley half-metal and +only two bands in the spin density wave. Therefore, their susceptibilities, as +functions of frequency, have different number of peaks. Besides, the +spin-valley half-metal does not have rotational symmetry, thus, in general the +off-diagonal components of susceptibility tensor are non-zero. The spin density +wave obeys robust rotational symmetry and off-diagonal components of the +susceptibility tensor are zero. These characteristic features can be observed +in experiments with inelastic neutron scattering.",2002.05504v1 +2021-03-14,Gapless spin liquid and pair density wave of the Hubbard model on three-leg triangular cylinders,"We study the ground state properties of the Hubbard model on three-leg +triangular cylinders using large-scale density-matrix renormalization group +simulations. At half-filling, we identify an intermediate gapless spin liquid +phase between a metallic phase at weak coupling and Mott insulating dimer phase +at strong interaction, which has one gapless spin mode and algebraic spin-spin +correlations but exponential decay scalar chiral-chiral correlations. Upon +light doping the gapless spin liquid, the system exhibits power-law +charge-density-wave (CDW) correlations but short-range single-particle, +spin-spin, and chiral-chiral correlations. Similar to CDW correlations, the +superconducting correlations are also quasi-long-ranged but oscillate in sign +as a function of distance, which is consistent with the striped pair-density +wave. When further doping the gapless spin liquid phase or doping the dimer +order phase, another phase takes over, which has similar CDW correlations but +all other correlations decay exponentially.",2103.07998v1 +2012-07-26,Detecting binary neutron star systems with spin in advanced gravitational-wave detectors,"The detection of gravitational waves from binary neutron stars is a major +goal of the gravitational-wave observatories Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo. +Previous searches for binary neutron stars with LIGO and Virgo neglected the +component stars' angular momentum (spin). We demonstrate that neglecting spin +in matched-filter searches causes advanced detectors to lose more than 3% of +the possible signal-to-noise ratio for 59% (6%) of sources, assuming that +neutron star dimensionless spins, $c\mathbf{J}/GM^2$, are uniformly distributed +with magnitudes between 0 and 0.4 (0.05) and that the neutron stars have +isotropically distributed spin orientations. We present a new method for +constructing template banks for gravitational wave searches for systems with +spin. We present a new metric in a parameter space in which the template +placement metric is globally flat. This new method can create template banks of +signals with non-zero spins that are (anti-)aligned with the orbital angular +momentum. We show that this search loses more than 3% of the maximium +signal-to-noise for only 9% (0.2%) of BNS sources with dimensionless spins +between 0 and 0.4 (0.05) and isotropic spin orientations. Use of this template +bank will prevent selection bias in gravitational-wave searches and allow a +more accurate exploration of the distribution of spins in binary neutron stars.",1207.6406v2 +2005-11-02,"Effects of strain, electric, and magnetic fields on lateral electron spin transport in semiconductor epilayers","We construct a spin-drift-diffusion model to describe spin-polarized electron +transport in zincblende semiconductors in the presence of magnetic fields, +electric fields, and off-diagonal strain. We present predictions of the model +for geometries that correspond to optical spin injection from the absorption of +circularly polarized light, and for geometries that correspond to electrical +spin injection from ferromagnetic contacts. Starting with the Keldysh Green's +function description for a system driven out of equilibrium, we construct a +semiclassical kinetic theory of electron spin transport in strained +semiconductors in the presence of electric and magnetic fields. From this +kinetic theory we derive spin-drift-diffusion equations for the components of +the spin density matrix for the specific case of spatially uniform fields and +uniform electron density. We solve the spin-drift-diffusion equations +numerically and compare the resulting images with scanning Kerr microscopy data +of spin-polarized conduction electrons flowing laterally in bulk epilayers of +n-type GaAs. The spin-drift-diffusion model accurately describes the +experimental observations. We contrast the properties of electron spin +precession resulting from magnetic and strain fields. Spin-strain coupling +depends linearly on electron wave vector and spin-magnetic field coupling is +independent of electron wave vector. As a result, spatial coherence of +precessing spin flows is better maintained with strain than with magnetic +fields, and the spatial period of spin precession is independent of the applied +electrical bias in strained structures whereas it is strongly bias dependent +for the case of applied magnetic fields.",0511038v1 +2011-07-06,Addressing the spin question in gravitational-wave searches: Waveform templates for inspiralling compact binaries with nonprecessing spins,"This paper presents a post-Newtonian (PN) template family of gravitational +waveforms from inspiralling compact binaries with non-precessing spins, where +the spin effects are described by a single ""reduced-spin"" parameter. This +template family, which reparametrizes all the spin-dependent PN terms in terms +of the leading-order (1.5PN) spin-orbit coupling term \emph{in an approximate +way}, has very high overlaps (fitting factor > 0.99) with non-precessing +binaries with arbitrary mass ratios and spins. We also show that this template +family is ""effectual"" for the detection of a significant fraction of generic +spinning binaries in the comparable-mass regime (m_2/m_1 <~ 10), providing an +attractive and feasible way of searching for gravitational waves (GWs) from +spinning low-mass binaries. We also show that the secular (non-oscillatory) +spin-dependent effects in the phase evolution (which are taken into account by +the non-precessing templates) are more important than the oscillatory effects +of precession in the comparable-mass (m_1 ~= m_2) regime. Hence the +effectualness of non-spinning templates is particularly poor in this case, as +compared to non-precessing-spin templates. For the case of binary neutron stars +observable by Advanced LIGO, even moderate spins (L . S/m^2 ~= 0.015 - 0.1) +will cause considerable mismatches (~ 3% - 25%) with non-spinning templates. +This is contrary to the expectation that neutron-star spins may not be relevant +for GW detection.",1107.1267v2 +2018-11-06,Spin of LIGO/VIRGO merging black holes as the result of binary evolution,"Recently discovered bursts of gravitational waves provide a good opportunity +to verify the current view on the evolution of close binary stars. Modern +population synthesis computer programs help to study this evolution from two +main sequence stars up to the formation of compact remnants. To calculate the +evolution of predecessors of black hole (BH) mergers we used the `Scenario +Machine' code. The scenario modelling allowed to describe the evolution of +systems for which the final stage is a BH+BH merger and showed the plausibility +of modern evolutionary scenarios for binary stars and population synthesis +models based on it. We discuss possible values of spins in BH mergers, and give +arguments in favour of different values of spins of BH components in BH mergers +(low spin + low spin, low spin + high spin, high spin + high spin). We predict +that $\geq 50\%$ BH mergers originated through isolated binary evolution should +possess spins of both BHs close to zero (low spin + low spin). Up to +$\approx$10\% of BH mergers are able to consist of two BHs with spins close to +one (high spin + high spin), predecessors of such binaries could be sources of +two gamma ray bursts. The BH with the spin close to one could be formed as the +result of the merger of two BHs formed via the collapse of a fast rotating star +accompanied with a long gamma ray burst and/or a gravitational wave burst with +smaller power in comparison with the merger of two BH remnants of binary +components.",1811.02294v1 +2012-11-05,"Class of variational ansaetze for the ""spin-incoherent"" ground-state of a Luttinger liquid coupled to a spin bath","Interacting one-dimensional electron systems are generally referred to as +""Luttinger liquids"", after the effective low-energy theory in which spin and +charge behave as separate degrees of freedom with independent energy scales. +The ""spin-incoherent Luttinger liquid"" describes a finite-temperature regime +that is realized when the temperature is very small relative to the Fermi +energy, but larger than the characteristic spin energy scale. Similar physics +can take place in the ground-state, when a Luttinger Liquid is coupled to a +spin bath, which effectively introduces a ""spin temperature"" through its +entanglement with the spin degree of freedom. We show that the spin-incoherent +state can be written as a factorized wave-function, with a spin wave-function +that can be described within a valence bond formalism. This enables us to +calculate exact expressions for the momentum distribution function and the +entanglement entropy. This picture holds not only for two antiferromagnetically +coupled t-J chains, but also for the t-J-Kondo chain with strongly interacting +conduction electrons. We argue that this theory is quite universal and may +describe a family of problems that could be dubbed ""spin-incoherent"".",1211.0982v1 +2017-09-20,Spin-rotation mode in a quantum Hall ferromagnet,"A spin-rotation mode emerging in a quantum Hall ferromagnet due to laser +pulse excitation is studied. This state, macroscopically representing a +rotation of the entire electron spin-system to a certain angle, is not +microscopically equivalent to a coherent turn of all spins as a single-whole +and is presented in the form of a combination of eigen quantum states +corresponding to all possible S_z spin numbers. The motion of the macroscopic +quantum state is studied microscopically by solving a non-stationary +Schroedinger equation and by means of a kinetic approach where damping of the +spin-rotation mode is related to an elementary process, namely, transformation +of a `Goldstone spin exciton' to a `spin-wave exciton'. The system exhibits a +spin stochastizationa mechanism (determined by spatial fluctuations of the +Land'e g-factor) ensuring damping, transverse spin relaxation, but irrelevant +to decay of spin-wave excitons and thus not involving longitudinal relaxation, +i.e., recovery of the S_z number to its equilibrium value.",1709.06811v2 +2013-10-10,Spin entanglement and nonlocality of multifermion systems,"Spin density matrices of the system, containing arbitrary even number N of +indistinguishable fermions with spin S = 1/2, described by antisymmetric wave +function, have been calculated. The indistinguishability and the Pauli +principles are proved to determine uniquely spin states, spin correlations and +entanglement of fermion spin states. Increase of the particle number in the +multifermion system reduces the spin correlation in any pair of fermions. The +fully entangled system of N electrons are shown to be composed by pairs with +nonentangled spin states that is the incoherent superposition of the singlet +and triplet states. Any large system of N fermions, such as electrons with spin +S = 1/2, the spin state of any particle are shown to be entangled with the +other part of the system containing N-1 particle. However, the spin state of +this electron is not entangled with any other particle, and spin state of any +electron pair is not entangled. These properties of spin states manifest in the +Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen as confirmation or violation of the Bell inequalities +indicating the presence of non-local quantum spin correlations.",1310.2863v3 +2018-01-29,Isoscalar and Isovector spin response in $sd-$ shell nuclei,"The spin magnetic dipole transitions and the neutron-proton spin-spin +correlations in $sd-$shell even-even nuclei with $N=Z$ are investigated using +shell model wave functions taking into accout enhanced isoscalar (IS) +spin-triplet pairing as well as the effective spin operators. It was shown that +the IS pairing and the effective spin operators gives a large quenching effect +on the IV spin transitions to be consistent with observed data by $(p,p')$ +experiments. On the other hand, the observed IS spin strength show much smaller +quenching effect than expected by the calculated results. The IS pairing gives +a substantial quenching effect on the spin magnetic dipole transitions, +especially on the isovector (IV) ones. Consequently, an enhanced isoscalar +spin-triplet pairing interaction enlarges the proton-neutron spin-spin +correlation deduced from the difference between the isoscalar (IS) and the IV +sum rule strengths. The beta-decay rates and the IS magnetic moments of +$sd-$shell are also examined in terms of the IS pairing as well as the +effective spin operators.",1801.10039v1 +2018-11-23,Self-stabilizing exchange-mediated spin transport,"Long-range spin transport in magnetic systems can be achieved by means of +exchange-mediated spin textures with robust topological winding -- a phenomenon +referred to as spin superfluidity. Its experimental signatures have been +discussed in antiferromagnets which are nearly free of dipolar interaction. +However, in ferromagnets, which possess non-negligible dipole fields, +realization of such spin transport has remained a challenge. Using +micromagnetic simulations, we investigate coherent exchange-mediated spin +transport in extended thin ferromagnetic films. We uncover a two-fluid state, +in which the long-range spin transport by spin textures co-exists with spin +waves, as well as a soliton-screened spin transport regime at high spin +injection biases. Both states are associated with distinct spin texture +reconstructions near the spin injection region and sustain spin transport over +large distances.",1811.09369v2 +2000-06-20,Microscopic Theory of Dipole-Exchange Spin Waves in Ferromagnetic Films: Linear and Nonlinear Processes,"The linear and nonlinear processes in ferromagnetic films at low temperatures +T<< Tc are studied in a microscopic theory. Both the long-range magnetic +dipole-dipole and the Heisenberg exchange interactions to nearest and +next-nearest neighbors are included. The results obtained for the linearized +spin-wave spectrum are compared with previous macroscopic theories. For +ultrathin films (or for large wave vectors) the microscopic theory provides +important corrections. The nonlinear dynamics of the spin waves are studied +through a finite-temperature perturbation theory based on Feynman diagrams. We +obtain explicit results for the energy shift and damping (or reciprocal +lifetime) of the dipole-exchange spin waves due to all possible three-magnon +and four-magnon processes involving combinations of the surface and quantized +bulk spin waves at low temperatures. To investigate different dipole +interaction strengths (relative to the exchange) numerical results are +presented using parameters for Fe, EuO, and GdCl3.",0006308v1 +2000-06-29,"Coexistence of charge density waves, bond order waves and spin density waves in quasi-one dimensional charge transfer salts","Charge, spin, as well as lattice instabilities are investigated in isolated +or weakly coupled chains of correlated electrons at quarter-filling. Our +analysis is based on extended Hubbard models including nearest neighbor +repulsion and Peierls coupling to lattice degrees of freedom. While treating +the electronic quantum fluctuations exactly, the lattice structure is optimized +self-consistently. We show that, generically, isolated chains undergo +instabilities towards coexisting charge density waves (CDW) and bond order +waves (BOW) insulating spin-gapped phases. The spin and charge gaps of the +BOW-CDW phase are computed. In the presence of an interchain magnetic coupling +spin density waves phases including a CDW or a BOW component are also found. +Our results are discussed in the context of insulating charge transfer salts.",0006460v2 +2006-06-09,Spin wave dynamics and the determination of intrinsic Gilbert damping in locally-excited Permalloy thin films,"Time-resolved scanning Kerr effect microscopy has been used to study +magnetization dynamics in Permalloy thin films excited by transient magnetic +pulses generated by a micrometer-scale transmission line structure. The results +are consistent with magnetostatic spin wave theory and are supported by +micromagnetic simulations. Magnetostatic volume and surface spin waves are +measured for the same specimen using different bias field orientations and can +be accurately calculated by k-space integrations over all excited plane wave +components. A single damping constant of Gilbert form is sufficient to describe +both scenarios. The nonuniform pulsed field plays a key role in the spin wave +dynamics, with its Fourier transform serving as a weighting function for the +participating modes. The intrinsic Gilbert damping parameter $\alpha$ is most +conveniently measured when the spin waves are effectively stationary.",0606235v3 +2007-01-08,Effect of spatial confinement on spin-wave spectrum: Low temperature deviation from Bloch T3/2 law in Co nanoparticles,"We present the study on Bloch T3/2 law and its applicability in ferromagnetic +cobalt nanoparticles with sizes 25 and 38 nm. Bloch has derived the T3/2 law by +assuming long wave-length spin-waves to be excited at low temperatures. But, in +nanoparticles the wavelength of the spin wave is confined by the size of the +magnetic particle leading to the gap in the spin-wave energy spectrum. The +experimental observation leads to the conclusion that Bloch law is valid at +temperatures higher than the spin-wave energy gap. However, it is not +applicable at low enough temperatures, where the energy gap becomes prominent. +We have demonstrated that a theory recently developed by us [Mandal et al., +Europhys. Lett. 75, 618 (2006)] explains the variation of magnetization with +temperature accurately. In addition, the hysteresis properties of these cobalt +nanoparticles are also presented here.",0701152v1 +2008-08-10,Formation of guided spin-wave bullets in ferrimagnetic film stripes,"The formation of quasi-2D nonlinear spin-wave eigenmodes in longitudinally +magnetized stripes of a ferrimagnetic film, so-called guided spin-wave bullets, +was experimentally observed by using time- and space-resolved Brillouin light +scattering spectroscopy and confirmed by numerical simulation. They represent +stable spin-wave packets propagating along a waveguide structure, for which +both transversal instability and interaction with the side edges of the +waveguide are important. The experiments and the numerical simulation of the +evolution of the spin-wave excitations show that the shape of the formed +packets and their behavior are strongly influenced by the confinement +conditions. The discovery of these modes demonstrates the existence of +quasi-stable nonlinear solutions in the transition regime between +one-dimensional and two-dimensional wave packet propagation.",0808.1399v1 +2009-03-21,Scattering of surface and volume spin waves in a magnonic crystal,"The operational characteristics of a magnonic crystal, which was fabricated +as an array of shallow grooves etched on a surface of a magnetic film, were +compared for magnetostatic surface spin waves and backward volume magnetostatic +spin waves. In both cases the formation of rejection frequency bands was +studied as a function of the grooves depth. It has been found that the +rejection of the volume wave is considerably larger than of the surface one. +The influences of the nonreciprocity of the surface spin waves as well as of +the scattering of the lowest volume spin-wave mode into higher thickness volume +modes on the rejection efficiency are discussed.",0903.3686v1 +2014-07-25,Transverse spin and momentum in two-wave interference,"We analyze the interference field formed by two electromagnetic plane waves +(with the same frequency but different wave vectors), and find that such field +reveals a rich and highly non-trivial structure of the local momentum and spin +densities. Despite the seemingly-planar and extensively-studied character of +the two-wave system, we find that it possesses a transverse (out-of-plane) +helicity-independent spin density, and also a transverse polarization-dependent +momentum density with unusual physical properties. The polarization-dependent +transverse momentum represents the so-called Belinfante spin momentum, which +does not exert the usual optical pressure and it is considered as `virtual' in +field theory. We perform analytical estimations and exact numerical simulations +of the interaction of the two-wave field with probe Mie particles. The results +of these calculations clearly indicate the straightforward detectability of the +unusual spin and momentum properties in the two-wave field and strongly +motivate their future experimental verifications.",1407.6786v2 +2015-03-06,Standing spin wave mode in RFIM at T=0: Patterns and nonequilibrium phases,"The dynamical responses of random field Ising model at zero temperature, +driven by standing magnetic field wave, is studied by Monte Carlo simulation in +two dimensions. The three different kinds of distribution of quenched random +field are used here, uniform, bimodal and Gaussian. In all cases, three +distinct dynamical phases were observed, namely, the pinned, structured and +random. In the pinned phase no spin flip is observed. In the structured phase +standing spin wave modes are observed. The random phase is shown no regular +pattern. For a fixed value of the amplitude of the standing magnetic field +wave, in the region of small quenched field, the system remains in a pinned +phase. In the intermediate range of values of random field, a standing spin +wave mode (structured phase) is observed. The regular pattern of this spin wave +mode disappears for higher values of random field yielding a random phase. The +comprehensive phase baundaries are drawn in all three cases. The boundary of +pinned phase are analytically calculated for uniform and bimodal types of +quenched random fields.",1503.01861v2 +2019-11-12,Parametric generation of propagating spin-waves in ultra thin yttrium iron garnet waveguides,"We present the experimental demonstration of the parallel parametric +generation of spin-waves in a microscaled yttrium iron garnet waveguide with +nanoscale thickness. Using Brillouin light scattering microscopy, we observe +the excitation of the first and second waveguide modes generated by a stripline +microwave pumping source. Micromagnetic simulations reveal the wave vector of +the parametrically generated spin-waves. Based on analytical calculations, +which are in excellent agreement with our experiments and simulations, we prove +that the spin-wave radiation losses are the determinative term of the +parametric instability threshold in this miniaturized system. The used method +enables the direct excitation and amplification of nanometer spin-waves +dominated by exchange interactions. Our results pave the way for integrated +magnonics based on insulating nano-magnets.",1911.04926v2 +2021-11-03,Efficient geometrical control of spin waves in microscopic YIG waveguides,"We study experimentally and by micromagnetic simulations the propagation of +spin waves in 100-nm thick YIG waveguides, where the width linearly decreases +from 2 to 0.5 micrometers over a transition region with varying length between +2.5 and 10 micrometers. We show that this geometry results in a down-conversion +of the wavelength, enabling efficient generation of waves with wavelengths down +to 350 nm. We also find that this geometry leads to a modification of the group +velocity, allowing for almost-dispersionless propagation of spin-wave pulses. +Moreover, we demonstrate that the influence of energy concentration outweighs +that of damping in these YIG waveguides, resulting in an overall increase of +the spin-wave intensity during propagation in the transition region. These +findings can be utilized to improve the efficiency and functionality of +magnonic devices which use spin waves as an information carrier.",2111.02236v1 +2022-08-23,Reversal of nanomagnets by propagating magnons in ferrimagnetic yttrium iron garnet enabling nonvolatile magnon memory,"Despite the unprecedented downscaling of CMOS integrated circuits, +memory-intensive machine learning and artificial intelligence applications are +limited by data conversion between memory and processor. There is a challenging +quest for novel approaches to overcome this so-called von Neumann bottleneck. +Magnons are the quanta of spin waves and transport angular momenta through +magnets. They enable power-efficient computation without charge flow and would +solve the conversion problem if spin wave amplitudes could be stored directly +in a magnetic memory cell. Here, we report the reversal of ferromagnetic +nanostripes by spin waves which propagate through an underlying spin-wave bus +made from yttrium iron garnet. Thereby, the charge-free angular momentum flow +is stored after transmission over a macroscopic distance. We show that spin +waves can reverse large arrays of ferromagnetic stripes at a strikingly small +power level of nW. Combined with the already existing wave logic, our discovery +is path-breaking for the new era of magnonics-based in-memory computation and +beyond von Neumann computer architectures.",2208.10923v1 +2022-09-14,Generation of Spin-Wave Pulses by Inverse Design,"The development of fast magnonic information processing nanodevices requires +operating with short spin-wave pulses, but, the shorter the pulses, the more +affected they are by information loss due to broadening and dispersion. The +capability of engineering spin-wave pulses and controlling their propagation +could solve this problem. Here, we provide a method to generate linear +spin-wave pulses with a desired spatial-temporal profile in magnonic waveguides +based on inverse design. As relevant examples, we theoretically predict that +both rectangular and self-compressing spin-wave pulses can be generated in +state-of-the-art waveguides with fidelities >96% using narrow stripline +antennas. The method requires minimal computational overhead and is universal, +i.e., it applies to arbitrary targeted pulse shapes, type of waves (exchange or +dipolar), waveguide materials, and waveguide geometries. It can also be +extended to more complex magnonic structures. Our results could lead to the +utilization of large-scale magnonic circuits for classical and quantum +information processing.",2209.06608v1 +2022-10-26,Nonreciprocal collective magnetostatic wave modes in geometrically asymmetric bilayer structure with nonmagnetic spacer,"Nonreciprocity, i.e. inequivalence in amplitudes and frequencies of spin +waves propagating in opposite directions, is a key property underlying +functionality in prospective magnonic devices. Here we demonstrate +experimentally and theoretically a simple approach to induce frequency +nonreciprocity in a magnetostatically coupled ferromagnetic bilayer structure +with a nonmagnetic spacer by its geometrical asymmetry. Using Brillouin light +scattering, we show the formation of two collective spin wave modes in +Fe$_{81}$Ga$_{19}$/Cu/Fe$_{81}$Ga$_{19}$ structure with different thicknesses +of ferromagnetic layers. Experimental reconstruction and theoretical modeling +of the dispersions of acoustic and optical collective spin wave modes reveal +that both possess nonreciprocity reaching several percent at the wavenumber of +$22~\cdot~10^4$ rad cm$^{-1}$. The analysis demonstrates that the shift of the +amplitudes of counter-propagating coupled modes towards either of the layers is +responsible for the nonreciprocity because of the pronounced dependence of spin +wave frequency on the layers thickness. The proposed approach enables the +design of multilayered ferromagnetic structures with a given spin wave +dispersion for magnonic logic gates.",2210.14882v2 +2023-06-28,Dissipative Spin-wave Diode and Nonreciprocal Magnonic Amplifier,"We propose an experimentally feasible dissipative spin-wave diode comprising +two magnetic layers coupled via a non-magnetic spacer. We theoretically +demonstrate that the spacer mediates not only coherent interactions but also +dissipative coupling. Interestingly, an appropriately engineered dissipation +engenders a nonreciprocal device response, facilitating the realization of a +spin-wave diode. This diode permits wave propagation in one direction alone, +given that the coherent Dzyaloshinskii- Moriya (DM) interaction is balanced +with the dissipative coupling. The polarity of the diode is determined by the +sign of the DM interaction. Furthermore, we show that when the magnetic layers +undergo incoherent pumping, the device operates as a unidirectional spin-wave +amplifier. The amplifier gain is augmented by cascading multiple magnetic +bilayers. By extending our model to a one-dimensional ring structure, we +establish a connection between the physics of spin-wave amplification and +non-Hermitian topology. Our proposal opens up a new avenue for harnessing +inherent dissipation in spintronic applications.",2306.15916v1 +1999-11-29,Spin Waves in Canted Phases: An Application to Doped Manganites,"We present the effective lagrangian for low energy and momentum spin waves in +canted phases at next to leading order in the derivative expansion. The +symmetry breaking pattern SU(2) --> 1 of the internal spin group and that of +the crystallographic space group imply that there is one ferromagnetic and one +antiferromagnetic spin wave. The interaction of the spin waves with the charge +carriers is also discussed for canted, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic +phases. All this together allows us to write the doping dependence of the +dispersion relation parameters for doped manganites. We point out that the spin +waves posses distinctive characteristics which may allow us to experimentally +differentiate canted phases from phase separation regions in doped manganites.",9911471v2 +2002-08-19,Projected BCS Wave Functions for Low Dimensional Frustrated Spin Systems,"Twenty-five years after the first proposal, the question whether the ground +state of a frustrated spin-half system is well described by a spin-liquid +Resonating Valence Bond (RVB) wave function is still controversial. A +physically transparent representation of a RVB state can be obtained in +fermionic representation with a standard BCS-type pairing wave function, +working in the subspace with fixed number of electrons and no double +occupancies. In this work, we show that, using this variational wave function +with a careful parameterization of the pairing function, it is possible to +obtain an extremely accurate {\em ansatz} for the ground state of the +Heisenberg antiferromagnet with next-nearest neighbors interactions +($J_{1}{-}J_{2}$ model) in the regime of strong frustration. Indeed, in the +spin-half realization of this model, it is known that the combined effect of +frustration and zero-point motion interferes with the mechanism of +spontaneously broken symmetry, giving rise to a non-magnetic phase of purely +quantum-mechanical nature ($J_2/J_1\simeq 0.5$). This wave function is proposed +to represent the generic spin-half RVB ground state in spin liquids.",0208371v1 +2007-05-25,"Excitation of self-localized spin-wave ""bullets"" by spin-polarized current in in-plane magnetized magnetic nano-contacts: a micromagnetic study","It was shown by micromagnetic simulation that a current-driven in-plane +magnetized magnetic nano-contact, besides a quasi-linear propagating +(""Slonczewski"") spin wave mode, can also support a nonlinear self-localized +spin wave ""bullet"" mode that exists in a much wider range of bias currents. The +frequency of the ""bullet"" mode lies below the spectrum of linear propagating +spin waves, which makes this mode evanescent and determines its spatial +localization. The threshold current for the excitation of the self-localized +""bullet"" is substantially lower than for the linear propagating mode, but +finite-amplitude initial perturbations of magnetization are necessary to +generate a ""bullet"" in our numerical simulations, where thermal fluctuations +are neglected. Consequently, in these simulations the hysteretic switching +between the propagating and localized spin wave modes is found when the bias +current is varied.",0705.3750v1 +2008-05-29,Wave packet dynamics in 2DEG with spin orbit coupling: splitting and zitterbewegung,"We study the effect of splitting and zitterbewegung of 1D and 2D electron +wave packets in the semiconductor quantum well under the influence of the +Rashba spin orbit coupling. Results of our investigations show that the spin +orbit interaction induces dramatic qualitative changes in the evolution of spin +polarized wave packet. The initial wave packet splits into two parts with +different spin polarization propagating with unequal group velocity. This +splitting appears due to the presence of two branches of electron spectrum +corresponding to the stationary states with different chirality. It is +demonstrated also that in the presence of external magnetic field B$ +perpendicular to the electron gas plane the wave packet splits into two parts +which rotates with different cyclotron frequencies. It was shown that after +some periods the electron density distributes around cyclotron orbit and the +motion acquire an irregular character. Our calculations were made for both +cases of weak and strong spin orbit coupling.",0805.4489v2 +2008-11-03,"Dispersion and spin wave ""tunneling"" in nano-structured magnetostatic spin waveguides","Magnetostatic spin wave dispersion and loss are measured in micron scale spin +wave-guides in ferromagnetic, metallic CoTaZr. Results are in good agreement +with model calculations of spin wave dispersion. The measured attenuation +lengths, of the order of 3um, are several of orders of magnitude shorter than +that predicted from eddy currents in these thin wires. Spin waves effectively +""tunnel"" through air gaps, produced by focused ion beam etching, as large as +1.5 um.",0811.0353v1 +2009-05-28,Resonant Nonlinear Damping of Quantized Spin Waves in Ferromagnetic Nanowires,"We use spin torque ferromagnetic resonance to measure the spectral properties +of dipole-exchange spin waves in permalloy nanowires. Our measurements reveal +that geometric confinement has a profound effect on the damping of spin waves +in the nanowire geometry. The damping parameter of the lowest-energy quantized +spin wave mode depends on applied magnetic field in a resonant way and exhibits +a maximum at a field that increases with decreasing nanowire width. This +enhancement of damping originates from a nonlinear resonant three-magnon +confluence process allowed at a particular bias field value determined by +quantization of the spin wave spectrum in the nanowire geometry.",0905.4699v2 +2009-07-13,A topological gauge field in nanomagnets: spin wave excitations over a slowly moving magnetization background,"We introduce a topological gauge vector potential which influences spin wave +excitations over arbitrary non-uniform, slowly moving magnetization +distribution. The time-component of the gauge potential plays a principal role +in magnetization dynamics, whereas its spatial components can be often +neglected for typical magnetic nanostructures. As an example, we consider spin +modes excited in the vortex state magnetic dots. It is shown that the vortex/ +spin wave interaction can be described as a consequence of the gauge field +arising due to non uniform moving vortex magnetization distribution. The +coupled equations of motion of the vortex and spin waves are solved within +small excitation amplitude approximation. The model yields a giant frequency +splitting of the spin wave modes having non-zero overlapping with the vortex +mode as well as a finite vortex mass of dynamical origin.",0907.2226v1 +2009-09-17,Experimental evidence of self-localized and propagating spin wave modes in obliquely magnetized current-driven nanocontacts,"Through detailed experimental studies of the angular dependence of spin wave +excitations in nanocontact-based spin-torque oscillators, we demonstrate that +two distinct spin wave modes can be excited, with different frequency, +threshold currents and frequency tuneability. Using analytical theory and +micromagnetic simulations we identify one mode as an exchange-dominated +propagating spin wave, and the other as a self-localized nonlinear spin wave +bullet. Wavelet-based analysis of the simulations indicates that the apparent +simultaneous excitation of both modes results from rapid mode hopping induced +by the Oersted field.",0909.3331v2 +2010-07-06,"Spin waves in the (0,pi) and (0,pi,pi) ordered SDW states of the t-t' Hubbard model: Application to doped iron pnictides","Spin waves in (0,pi) and (0,pi,pi) ordered spin-density-wave (SDW) states of +the t-t' Hubbard model are investigated at finite doping. In the presence of +small t', these composite ferro-antiferromagnetic (F-AF) states are found to be +strongly stabilized at finite hole doping due to enhanced carrier-induced +ferromagnetic spin couplings as in metallic ferromagnets. Anisotropic spin-wave +velocities, spin-wave energy scale of around 200meV, reduced magnetic moment, +and rapid suppression of magnetic order with electron doping x (corresponding +to F substitution of O atoms in La O_{1-x} F_x Fe As or Ni substitution of Fe +atoms in Ba Fe_{2-x} Ni_x As_2) obtained in this model are in agreement with +observed magnetic properties of doped iron pnictides.",1007.0812v1 +2011-04-27,Spin Density Waves and Domain Wall Interactions in Nanowires,"We investigated how the dynamics of a domain wall are affected by the +presence of spin density waves in a ferromagnetic wire. Domain walls and other +scattering centres can cause coherent spin density waves to propagate through a +wire when a current is applied. In some cases the spin torque due to these +scattered electrons can be enhanced such that it is on a par with the exchange +and anisotropy energies controlling the shape and dynamics of the domain wall. +In such a case we find that the spin density waves enhance the current induced +domain wall motion, allowing for domain wall motion with smaller current +pulses. Here we consider a system involving two domain walls and focus on how +the motion of the second domain wall is modified by the spin density waves +caused by the presence of the first domain wall.",1104.5175v1 +2013-10-23,Exchange-dominated Standing Spin Wave Excitations under microwave irradiation in Ni80Fe20 Thin Films,"We investigated the microwave-assisted DC voltages of ferromagnetic +resonances and exchangedominated standing spin wave excitations in two +different in-plane magnetized permalloy thin films via homodyne detection. The +line shapes of ferromagnetic resonance spectra and the dispersion curves of +ferromagnetic resonance and standing spin wave are in agreement of previous +studies, while further investigations of DC voltage spectra for these two +excitations reveal that 1. unlike ferromagnetic resonance signals, the +anti-symmetrical line shapes of standing spin wave excitations are not depend +on the electromagnetic relative phase of assisted microwave, and 2. linewidths +of their DC voltage spectra are distinct. The complicated spin dynamics of +standing spin wave is consequently discussed by applying +Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in term of exchange interaction.",1310.6108v1 +2016-08-17,Current-induced instability of domain walls in cylindrical nanowires,"We study the current-driven domain wall (DW) motion in cylindrical nanowires +using micromagnetic simulations by implementing the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert +equation with nonlocal spin-transfer torque in a finite difference +micromagnetic package. We find that in the presence of DW Gaussian wave packets +(spin waves) will be generated when the charge current is applied to the system +suddenly. And this effect is excluded when using the local spin-transfer +torque. The existence of spin waves emission indicates that transverse domain +walls can not move arbitrarily fast in cylindrical nanowires although they are +free from the Walker limit. We establish an upper-velocity limit for the DW +motion by analyzing the stability of Gaussian wave packets using the local +spin-transfer torque. Micromagnetic simulations show that the stable region +obtained by using nonlocal spin-transfer torque is smaller than that by using +its local counterpart. This limitation is essential for multiple domain walls +since the instability of Gaussian wave packets will break the structure of +multiple domain walls.",1608.04876v2 +2018-09-27,Spin wave radiation from vortices in $^3$He-B,"We consider a vortex line in the B phase of superfluid $^3$He under uniformly +precessing magnetization. The magnetization exerts torque on the vortex, +causing its order parameter to oscillate. These oscillations generate spin +waves, which is analogous to an oscillating charge generating electromagnetic +radiation. The spin waves carry energy, causing dissipation in the system. +Solving the equations of spin dynamics, we calculate the energy dissipation +caused by spin wave radiation for arbitrary tipping angles of the magnetization +and directions of the magnetic field, and for both vortex types of $^3$He-B. +For the double-core vortex we also consider the anisotropy of the radiation and +the dependence of the dissipation on twisting of the half cores. The radiated +energy is compared with experiments in the mid-temperature range $T \sim 0.5 +T_c$. The dependence of the calculated dissipation on several parameters is in +good agreement with the experiments. Combined with numerically calculated +vortex structure, the radiation theory produces the order of magnitude of the +experimental dissipation. The agreement with the experiments indicates that +spin wave radiation is the dominant dissipation mechanism for vortices in +superfluid $^3$He-B in the mid-temperature range.",1809.10484v1 +2018-07-03,Spin pinning and spin-wave dispersion in nanoscopic ferromagnetic waveguides,"Spin waves are investigated in Yttrium Iron Garnet (YIG) waveguides with a +thickness of 39 nm and widths ranging down to 50 nm, i.e., with aspect ratios +thickness over width approaching unity, using Brillouin Light Scattering +spectroscopy. The experimental results are verified by a semi-analytical theory +and micromagnetic simulations. A critical width is found, below which the +exchange interaction suppresses the dipolar pinning phenomenon. This changes +the quantization criterion for the spin-wave eigenmodes and results in a +pronounced modification of the spin-wave characteristics. The presented +semi-analytical theory allows for the calculation of spin-wave mode profiles +and dispersion relations in nano-structures.",1807.01358v3 +2017-06-06,Temperature scaling of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction in the spin wave spectrum,"The temperature scaling of the micromagnetic Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya exchange +interaction is calculated for the whole range of temperature. We use Green's +function theory to derive the finite-temperature spin wave spectrum of +ferromagnetic systems described by a classical atomistic spin model +Hamiltonian. Within this model, we find universal expressions for the +temperature scaling not only of the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction but also +of the Heisenberg exchange stiffness and the single-ion anisotropy. In the +spirit of multiscale models, we establish a clear connection between the +atomistic interactions and the temperature-dependent coefficients in the spin +wave spectrum and in the micromagnetic free energy functional. We demonstrate +that the corrections to mean-field theory or the random phase approximation for +the temperature scaling of Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya and Heisenberg exchange +interactions assume very similar forms. In the presence of thermal fluctuations +and Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction an anisotropy-like term emerges in the +spin wave spectrum which, at low temperature, increases with temperature, in +contrast to the decreasing single-ion anisotropy. We evaluate the accuracy of +the theoretical method by comparing it to the spin wave spectrum calculated +from Monte Carlo simulations.",1706.01684v1 +2021-11-29,Tailoring High-Frequency Magnonics in Monolayer Chromium Trihalides,"Monolayer chromium trihalides, the archetypal two dimensional (2D) magnetic +materials, are readily suggested as a promising platform for high frequency +magnonics. Here we detail the spin wave properties of monolayer CrBr$_3$ and +CrI$_3$, using spin dynamics simulations parametrized from the first +principles. We reveal that spin wave dispersion can be tuned in a broad range +of frequencies by strain, paving the way towards flexo magnonic applications. +We further show that ever present halide vacancies in these monolayers host +sufficiently strong Dzyaloshinskii Moriya interaction to scatter spin waves, +which promotes design of spin-wave guides by defect engineering. Finally we +discuss the spectra of spin-waves propagating across a moir\'e periodic +modulation of magnetic parameters in a van der Waals heterobilayer, and show +that the nanoscale moir\'e periodicities in such samples are ideal for +realization of a magnonic crystal in the terahertz frequency range. Recalling +the additional tunability of magnetic 2D materials by electronic gating, our +results situate these systems among the front-runners for prospective high +frequency magnonic applications.",2111.14305v1 +2022-11-20,Long-distance propagation of high-velocity antiferromagnetic spin waves,"We report on coherent propagation of antiferromagnetic (AFM) spin waves over +a long distance ($\sim$10 $\mu$m) at room temperature in a canted AFM +$\alpha$-Fe$_2$O$_3$ with the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI). +Unprecedented high group velocities (up to 22.5 km/s) are characterized by +microwave transmission using all-electrical spin wave spectroscopy. We derive +analytically AFM spin-wave dispersion in the presence of the DMI which accounts +for our experimental results. The AFM spin waves excited by nanometric coplanar +waveguides with large wavevectors enter the exchange regime and follow a +quasi-linear dispersion relation. Fitting of experimental data with our +theoretical model yields an AFM exchange stiffness length of 1.7 angstrom. Our +results provide key insights on AFM spin dynamics and demonstrate high-speed +functionality for AFM magnonics.",2211.10989v1 +2023-02-14,Spin wave Hamiltonian and anomalous scattering in NiPS$_3$,"We report a comprehensive spin wave analysis of the semiconducting honeycomb +van der Waal antiferromagnet NiPS$_3$. Using single crystal inelastic neutron +scattering, we map out the full Brillouin zone and fit the observed modes to a +spin wave model with rigorously defined uncertainty. We find that the third +neighbor exchange $J_3$ dominates the Hamiltonian, a feature which we fully +account for by ab-initio density functional theory calculations. We also +quantify the degree to which the three-fold rotation symmetry is broken and +account for the $Q=0$ excitations observed in other measurements, yielding a +spin exchange model which is consistent across multiple experimental probes. We +also identify a strongly reduced static ordered moment and reduced low-energy +intensity relative to the linear spin wave calculations, signaling unexplained +features in the magnetism which requires going beyond the linear spin wave +approximation.",2302.07242v2 +2023-04-03,Spin waves in layered antiferromagnets with honeycomb structure,"We develop a description of spin waves in a $3D$ quantum $XY$ antiferromagnet +(AFM) in terms of macroscopic variables, magnetization and N\'eel vector +densities. We consider a layered AFM with spins located on the honeycomb +lattice. In the discussed system, the spectrum of spin waves consists of four +modes, all well captured by our macroscopic description. The gapless mode of +the spin waves, i.e., magnons, is described by a system of equations, which has +a structure general for the Goldstone mode in AFMs. We demonstrate that the +parameters in the spin Hamiltonian can be evaluated by fitting the experimental +data with the results obtained for the four modes using the macroscopic +variable approach. The description of AFM in terms of macroscopic variables can +be easily extended to the case when the lattice of the magnetic substance is +deformed by an external strain or acoustic wave.",2304.00700v1 +2020-06-17,Recent Progress on Electrical Excitation and Manipulation of Spin-Waves in Spin Hall Nano-Oscillators,"Spin waves (SWs), the collective precessional motion of spins in a magnetic +system, have been proposed as a promising alternative system with low-power +consumption for encoding information. Spin Hall nano-oscillator (SHNO), a +new-type spintronic nano-device, can electrically excite and control spin waves +in both nanoscale magnetic metals and insulators with low damping by the spin +current due to spin Hall effect. Here, we will review recent progress about +spin-wave excitation and experimental parameters dependent spectrum in SHNOs. +The nanogap SHNOs based on in-plane magnetization Py/Pt exhibits a nonlinear +self-localized bullet soliton localized at the center of the gap between the +electrodes and a secondary high-frequency mode which coexists with the primary +bullet mode at higher currents. While in the nanogap SHNOs with strong +perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA), besides both nonlinear bullet soliton +and propagating spin-wave mode are achieved and controlled by varying the +external magnetic field and current, the magnetic bubble skyrmion mode also can +be excited at a low in-plane magnetic field. These SW modes show +thermal-induced mode hopping behavior at high temperature due to the coupling +between modes mediated by thermal-magnon-mediated scattering. Moreover, thanks +to PMA-induced effective field, a single coherent mode also can be achieved +without applying an external magnetic field. The strong nonlinear effect of +spin-waves makes SHNOs easy to achieve synchronization with external microwave +signals or mutual synchronization between multiple oscillators with improving +the coherence and power of oscillation modes significantly. Spin-waves in SHNOs +with an external free magnetic layer have a wide range of applications from as +a nanoscale signal source of low-power consumption magnonic devices to +spin-based neuromorphic computing systems in the field of artificial +intelligence.",2006.09737v2 +2001-12-19,Spin-phonon interaction in doped high-T$_C$ superconductors from density functional calculations,"Effects of coupling between phonon distortions and stripe-like spin waves in +the CuO plane of HgBa$_2$CuO$_4$ are studied by band calculations. Local +exchange enhancements depend sensitively on the local structure around Cu +sites. Interactions where spin waves have twice as long wave length as phonon +waves can lead to a 'dip' in the density of states (DOS) below the Fermi +energy, $E_F$. This type of interaction is compatible with several seemingly +contradictory observations among high-$T_C$ cuprates, like the isotope effect, +anti-ferromagnetic fluctuations, stripes and pseudogaps. It can also account +for a large $T_C$.",0112357v1 +1997-01-27,Massless fields in plane wave geometry,"Conformal isometry algebras of plane wave geometry are studied. Then, based +on the requirement of conformal invariance, a definition of masslessness is +introduced and gauge invariant equations of motion, subsidiary conditions, and +corresponding gauge transformations for all plane wave geometry massless spin +fields are constructed. Light cone representation for elements of conformal +algebra acting as differential operators on wavefunctions of massless higher +spin fields is also evaluated. Interrelation of plane wave geometry massless +higher spin fields with ladder representation of $u(2,2)$ algebra is +investigated.",9701141v1 +2009-01-15,Spin-Wave Instabilities and Non-Collinear Magnetic Phases of a Geometrically-Frustrated Triangular-Lattice Antiferromagnet,"This paper examines the relation between the spin-wave instabilities of +collinear magnetic phases and the resulting non-collinear phases for a +geometrically-frustrated triangular-lattice antiferromagnet in the high spin +limit. Using a combination of phenomenological and Monte-Carlo techniques, we +demonstrate that the instability wave-vector with the strongest intensity in +the collinear phase determines the wave-vector of a cycloid or the dominant +elastic peak of a more complex non-collinear phase. Our results are related to +the observed multi-ferroic phase of Al-doped CuFeO$_2$.",0901.2336v1 +2012-05-08,Quantum phases of Bose-Bose mixtures on a triangular lattice,"We investigate the zero temperature quantum phases of a Bose-Bose mixture on +a triangular lattice using Bosonic Dynamical Mean Field Theory (BDMFT). We +consider the case of total filling one where geometric frustration arises for +asymmetric hopping. We map out a rich ground state phase diagram including +xy-ferromagnetic, spin-density wave, superfluid, and supersolid phases. In +particular, we identify a stripe spin-density wave phase for highly asymmetric +hopping. On top of the spin-density wave, we find that the system generically +shows weak charge (particle) density wave order.",1205.1806v2 +2021-07-04,Spin optics for gravitational waves,"We present the geometric optics expansion for circularly polarized +gravitational waves on a curved spacetime background, to subleading order. We +call spin optics to the subleading order geometric optics expansion, which +involves modifying the standard eikonal function by including a specially +chosen helicity-dependent correction. We show that the techniques developed for +the propagation of electromagnetic waves can also be applied to gravitational +waves in the limit of spin optics. However, one needs to account for the +difference in the photon and graviton helicity, which we do here.",2107.02761v3 +2023-03-09,Full-waveform tomography reveals iron spin crossover in Earth lower mantle,"Joint interpretation of bulk and shear wave speeds constrains the chemistry +of the deep mantle. At all depths, the diversity of wave speeds cannot be +explained by an isochemical mantle. Between 1000 and 2500 km depth, +hypothetical mantle models containing an electronic spin crossover in (Mg,Fe)O +provide a significantly better fit to the wave-speed distributions, as well as +more realistic temperatures and silica contents, than models without a spin +crossover. Below 2500 km, wave speed distributions are explained by enrichment +in silica towards the core-mantle-boundary. This silica enrichment may +represent the fractionated remains of an ancient basal magma ocean.",2303.05476v1 +1998-06-25,Quantum Hall effect anomaly and collective modes in the magnetic-field-induced spin-density-wave phases of quasi-one-dimensional conductors,"We study the collective modes in the magnetic-field-induced spin-density-wave +(FISDW) phases experimentally observed in organic conductors of the Bechgaard +salts family. In phases that exhibit a sign reversal of the quantum Hall effect +(Ribault anomaly), the coexistence of two spin-density waves gives rise to +additional collective modes besides the Goldstone modes due to spontaneous +translation and rotation symmetry breaking. These modes strongly affect the +charge and spin response functions. We discuss some experimental consequences +for the Bechgaard salts.",9806311v2 +1999-09-10,Time Evolution of Spin Waves,"A rigorous derivation of macroscopic spin-wave equations is demonstrated. We +introduce a macroscopic mean-field limit and derive the so-called +Landau-Lifshitz equations for spin waves. We first discuss the ferromagnetic +Heisenberg model at T=0 and finally extend our analysis to general spin +hamiltonians for the same class of ferromagnetic ground states.",9909146v1 +2000-05-26,Spin and charge excitations in incommensurate spin density waves,"Collective excitations both for spin- and charge-channels are investigated in +incommensurate spin density wave (or stripe) states on two-dimensional Hubbard +model. By random phase approximation, the dynamical susceptibility +\chi(q,\omega) is calculated for full range of (q,\omega) with including all +higher harmonics components. An intricate landscape of the spectra in +\chi(q,\omega) is obtained. We discuss the anisotropy of the dispersion cones +for spin wave excitations, and for the phason excitation related to the motion +of the stripe line. Inelastic neutron experiments on Cr and its alloys and +stripe states of underdoped cuprates are proposed.",0005466v1 +2002-10-04,Current-induced spin-wave excitations in a single ferromagnetic layer,"A new current induced spin-torque transfer effect has been observed in a +single ferromagnetic layer without resorting to multilayers. At a specific +current density of one polarity injected from a point contact, abrupt +resistance changes due to current-induced spin wave excitations have been +observed. The critical current at the onset of spin-wave excitations depends +linearly on the external field applied perpendicular to the layer. The observed +effect is due to current-driven heterogeneity in an otherwise uniform +ferromagnetic layer.",0210116v1 +2004-11-13,Existence of the Spin-Wave Gap in a Deformed Flat-Band Hubbard Model,"We consider a deformed flat-band Hubbard model under a periodic boundary +condition in arbitrary dimensions. We show that the ground state is only +all-spin-up or -down state. We obtain upper and lower bounds of the one-magnon +spin-wave energy with an arbitrary momentum. This dispersion relation is the +same as that in the XXZ model in the certain parameter region. Therefore the +spin wave has a finite energy gap. These results suggests the our model and the +XXZ model.",0411362v1 +2004-05-11,Spin structure of spin-1/2 baryon and spinless meson production amplitudes in photo and hadronic reactions,"The most general spin structures of the spin-1/2 baryon and spinless meson +production operator for both photon and nucleon induced reactions are derived +from the partial-wave expansions of these reaction amplitudes. The present +method provides the coefficients multiplying each spin operator in terms of the +partial-wave matrix elements. The result should be useful in studies of these +reactions based on partial-wave analyses, especially, when spin observables are +considered.",0405030v4 +2004-04-20,Wave function collapses in a single spin magnetic resonance force microscopy,"We study the effects of wave function collapses in the oscillating cantilever +driven adiabatic reversals (OSCAR) magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM) +technique. The quantum dynamics of the cantilever tip (CT) and the spin is +analyzed and simulated taking into account the magnetic noise on the spin. The +deviation of the spin from the direction of the effective magnetic field causes +a measurable shift of the frequency of the CT oscillations. We show that the +experimental study of this shift can reveal the information about the average +time interval between the consecutive collapses of the wave function",0404105v1 +2006-03-07,Stimulated wave of polarization in spin chains,"Stimulated wave of polarization, triggered by a flip of a single spin, +presents a simple model of quantum amplification. Previously, it has been found +that such wave can be excited in a 1D Ising chain with nearest-neighbor +interactions, irradiated by a weak resonant transverse field. Here we explore +models with more realistic Hamiltonians, in particular, with natural +dipole-dipole interactions. Results of simulations for 1D spin chains and rings +with up to nine spins are presented.",0603049v1 +2007-01-10,Experimental demonstration of stimulated polarization wave in a chain of nuclear spins,"A stimulated wave of polarization, which implements a simple mechanism of +quantum amplification, is experimentally demonstrated in a chain of four +J-coupled nuclear spins, irradiated by a weak radio-frequency transverse field. +The ""quantum domino"" dynamics, a wave of flipped spins triggered by a flip of +the first spin, has been observed in fully $^{13}$C-labeled sodium butyrate.",0701056v1 +2007-05-02,Magneto-elastic waves in crystals of magnetic molecules,"We study magneto-elastic effects in crystals of magnetic molecules. Coupled +equations of motion for spins and sound are derived and the possibility of +strong resonant magneto-acoustic coupling is demonstrated. Dispersion laws for +interacting linear sound and spin excitations are obtained for bulk and surface +acoustic waves. We show that ultrasound can generate inverse population of spin +levels. Alternatively, the decay of the inverse population of spin levels can +generate ultrasound. Possibility of solitary waves of the magnetization +accompanied by the elastic twists is demonstrated.",0705.0371v1 +2007-08-09,Spin-wave spectra of a kagome stripe,"We study ground state degeneracy and spin-wave excitations in a 1D version of +a Kagome antiferromagnet -- a Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a Kagome stripe. We +show that for nearest-neighbor interaction, the classical ground state is +infinitely degenerate. For any spin configuration from the degenerate set, the +classical spin-wave spectrum contains, in addition to Goldstone modes, a branch +of zero energy excitations, and a zero mode in another branch. We demonstrate +that the interactions beyond nearest neighbors lift the degeneracy, eliminate a +zero mode, and give a finite dispersion to formerly zero-energy branch, leaving +only Goldstone modes as zero-energy excitations.",0708.1272v1 +2009-06-09,Spin-wave theory for dimerized ferromagnetic chains,"We describe a Peierls dimerization which occurs in ferromagnetic spin chains +at finite temperature, within the modified spin-wave theory. Usual spin-wave +theory is modified by introducing a Lagrange multiplier which enforces a +nonmagnetic state at finite temperature. It is shown that this method gives +results in excellent agreement with the density--matrix renormalization group +applied to transfer matrices for dimerized ferromagnetic chains. We study bond +correlation functions and explore the characteristic features of dimerization +in the specific heat.",0906.1758v1 +2009-12-25,Near-Boundary and Bulk Regions of a Semi-Infinite Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Antiferromagnet,"Using the spin-wave approximation elementary excitations of a semi-infinite +two-dimensional $S=\frac12$ Heisenberg antiferromagnet are considered. The +spectrum consists of bulk modes -- standing spin waves and a +quasi-one-dimensional mode of boundary spin waves. These latter excitations +eject bulk modes from two boundary rows of sites, thereby dividing the +antiferromagnet into two regions with different dominant excitations. As a +result absolute values of nearest-neighbor spin correlations on the edge exceed +the bulk value.",0912.4958v1 +2010-02-23,Planar Dirac diffusion,"We present the results of the planar diffusion of a Dirac particle by step +and barrier potentials, when the incoming wave impinges at an arbitrary angle +with the potential. Except for right-angle incidence this process is +characterized by the appearance of spin flip terms. For the step potential, +spin flip occurs for both transmitted and reflected waves. However, we find no +spin flip in the transmitted barrier result. This is surprising because the +barrier result may be derived directly from a two-step calculation. We +demonstrate that the spin flip cancellation indeed occurs for each particle +(wave packet) contribution.",1002.4324v1 +2010-08-11,"Chirality, charge and spin-density wave instabilities of a two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling","We show that a result equivalent to Overhauser's famous Hartree-Fock +instability theorem can be established for the case of a two-dimensional +electron gas in the presence of Rashba spin-obit coupling. In this case it is +the spatially homogeneous paramagnetic chiral ground state that is shown to be +differentially unstable with respect to a certain class of distortions of the +spin-density-wave and charge-density-wave type. The result holds for all +densities. Basic properties of these inhomogeneous states are analyzed.",1008.1816v1 +2010-09-15,Anomalous High-Energy Spin Excitations in La2CuO4,"Inelastic neutron scattering is used to investigate the collective magnetic +excitations of the high-temperature superconductor parent antiferromagnet +La2CuO4. We find that while the lower energy excitations are well described by +spin-wave theory, including one- and two-magnon scattering processes, the +high-energy spin waves are strongly damped near the (1/2,0) position in +reciprocal space and merge into a momentum dependent continuum. This anomalous +damping indicates the decay of spin waves into other excitations, possibly +unbound spinon pairs.",1009.2915v1 +2011-12-16,Guiding and Trapping Electron Spin Waves in Atomic Hydrogen Gas,"We present a high magnetic field study of electron spin waves in atomic +hydrogen gas compressed to high densities of 10^18 cm^-3 at temperatures +ranging from 0.26 to 0.6 K. We observed a variety of spin wave modes caused by +the identical spin rotation effect with strong dependence on the spatial +profile of the polarizing magnetic field. We demonstrate confinement of these +modes in regions of strong magnetic field and manipulate their spatial +distribution by changing the position of the field maximum.",1112.3775v3 +2014-12-11,Magnetic field induced spin-wave energy focusing,"Spin waves can transport both energy and angular momentum over long distances +as they propagate. However, due to damping, their amplitude decreases +exponentially as they move away from the source, leaving little capability for +manipulating how much energy and angular momentum is to be delivered where. +Here we show that a suitable local reduction of the effective field can lead to +a large accumulation of spin wave energy far from the source. Moreover, both +the location and the amount of energy to be delivered can be controlled +accurately with geometry and externalm magnetic fields. Thus, we put forward a +general, robust and flexible approach to convey both heat and spin in +ferromagnets, which can be directly used in spintronic devices.",1412.4129v1 +2015-05-27,Acoustic waves generated by the spin precession,"We study generation of acoustic waves by a precessing spin of a nanoparticle +deposited on the surface of a solid. Our approach elucidates macroscopic +dynamics of the Einstein - de Haas effect. It is based upon solution of +parameter-free equations of motion mandated by the conservation of the total +angular momentum: spin + mechanical. We show that the amplitude of the acoustic +waves generated by the spin precession may be sufficient for detection by a +tunneling electron microscope.",1505.07373v1 +2016-05-12,Transmission of spin waves in ordered FeRh epitaxial thin films,"We report on B2-ordering dependence of magnetostatic surface spin waves in +ferromagnetic FeRh at room temperature. Spin waves transmit over a distance +longer than 21 {\mu}m in highly ordered FeRh alloys even with relatively large +spin-orbit interaction. The long-range transmission likely arises from the +induced Rh moments of the ordered FeRh due to ferromagnetic exchange +interaction between Fe and Rh. The results indicate a potential of using FeRh +in spintronic and magnonic applications by integrating with other fascinating +magnetic characteristics of FeRh such as electric field induced magnetic phase +transition.",1605.03798v1 +2018-06-19,Scalar Tops and Perturbed Quadrupoles: Probing Fundamental Physics with Spin-Precessing Binaries,"Parity violation in the gravitational interaction has an important impact on +fundamental observables and the evolution of the universe. We here investigate +for the first time our ability to probe the parity violating nature of the +gravitational interaction using gravitational waves from spin-precessing +binaries. Focusing on dynamical Chern-Simons gravity, we derive the +spin-precession equations, calculate the gravitational waves emitted by +spin-precessing, quasi-circular black hole binaries and estimate the level to +which the theory could be constrained with future gravitational wave +observations.",1806.07425v1 +2019-08-24,Chiral Pumping of Spin Waves,"We report a theory for the coherent and incoherent chiral pumping of spin +waves into thin magnetic films through the dipolar coupling with a local +magnetic transducer, such as a nanowire. The ferromagnetic resonance of the +nanowire is broadened by the injection of unidirectional spin waves that +generate a non-equilibrium magnetization in only half of the film. A +temperature gradient between the local magnet and film leads to a +unidirectional flow of incoherent magnons, i.e., a chiral spin Seebeck effect.",1908.09141v2 +2022-07-30,Inertial spin waves in ferromagnets and antiferromagnets,"Inertial effects in spin dynamics are theoretically predicted to emerge at +ultrashort time scales, but their experimental signatures are often ambiguous. +Here, we calculate the spin-wave spectrum in ferromagnets and two-sublattice +antiferromagnets in the presence of inertial effects. It is shown how +precession and nutation spin waves hybridize with each other, leading to the +renormalization of the frequencies, the group velocities, the effective +gyromagnetic ratios and the effective damping parameters. Possible ways of +distinguishing between the signatures of inertial dynamics and similar effects +explainable within conventional models are discussed.",2208.00131v1 +2022-12-29,Localized Spin-Wave Modes and Microwave Absorption in Random-Anisotropy Ferromagnets,"The theory of localized spin-wave excitations in random-anisotropy magnets +has been developed. Starting with a pure Heisenberg ferromagnet, we study the +evolution of standing spin waves in a finite-size sample towards localized +modes on increasing the strength of random anisotropy. Profiles of the +localized modes and their phases are analyzed and visualized in a 2D sample. +Localization length is obtained by several methods and its dependence on random +anisotropy is computed. The connection between the localization of spin +excitations and the broadband nature of the absorption of microwave power by +random-anisotropy magnets is elucidated.",2212.14301v1 +2004-04-14,Spin-orbit entanglement in time evolution of radial wave packets in hydrogenic systems,"Time evolution of radial wave packets built from the eigenstates of Dirac +equation for a hydrogenic systems is considered. Radial wave packets are +constructed from the states of different $n$ quantum number and the same lowest +angular momentum. In general they exhibit a kind of breathing motion with +dispersion and (partial) revivals. Calculations show that for some particular +preparations of the wave packet one can observe interesting effects in spin +motion, coming from inherent entanglement of spin and orbital degrees of +freedom. These effects manifest themselves through some oscillations in the +mean values of spin operators and through changes of spatial probability +density carried by upper and lower components of the wave function. It is also +shown that the characteristic time scale of predicted effects (called +$T_{\mathrm{ls}}$) is for radial wave packets much smaller than in other cases, +reaching values comparable to (or even less than) the time scale for the wave +packet revival.",0404084v1 +2008-04-07,Phase reciprocity of spin-wave excitation by a microstrip antenna,"Using space-, time- and phase-resolved Brillouin light scattering +spectroscopy we investigate the difference in phase of the two +counterpropagating spin waves excited by the same microwave microstrip +transducer. These studies are performed both for backward volume magnetostatic +waves and magnetostatic surface waves in an in-plane magnetized yttrium iron +garnet film. The experiments show that for the backward volume magnetostatic +spin waves (which are reciprocal and excited symmetrically in amplitude) there +is a phase difference of $\pi$ associated with the excitation process and thus +the phase symmetry is distorted. On the contrary, for the magnetostatic surface +spin waves (which are non-reciprocal and unsymmetrical in amplitude) the phase +symmetry is preserved (there is no phase difference between the two waves +associated with the excitation). Theoretical analysis confirms this effect.",0804.1090v1 +2015-11-30,Frequency non-reciprocity of surface spin wave in Permalloy thin films,"Surface spin waves in thin Permalloy films are studied by means of +propagative spin wave spectroscopy. We observe a systematic difference of up to +several tens of MHz when comparing the frequencies of counter-propagating +waves. This frequency non-reciprocity effect is modeled using an analytical +dipole-exchange theory that considers the mutual influence of non-reciprocal +spin wave modal profiles and differences in magnetic anisotropies at the two +film surfaces. At moderate film thickness (20 nm and below), the frequency +non-reciprocity scales linearly with the wave vector and quadratically with the +thickness, whereas a more complex non-monotonic behavior is observed at larger +thickness. Our work suggests that surface wave frequency non-reciprocity can be +used as an accurate spectroscopic probe of magnetic asymmetries in thin +ferromagnetic films.",1511.09351v1 +2019-05-20,Topological characterization of classical waves: the topological origin of magnetostatic surface spin waves,"We propose a topological characterization of Hamiltonians describing +classical waves. Applying it to the magnetostatic surface spin waves that are +important in spintronics applications, we settle the speculation over their +topological origin. For a class of classical systems that includes spin waves +driven by dipole-dipole interactions, we show that the topology is +characterized by vortex lines in the Brillouin zone in such a way that the +symplectic structure of Hamiltonian mechanics plays an essential role. We +define winding numbers around these vortex lines and identify them to be the +bulk topological invariants for a class of semimetals. Exploiting the bulk-edge +correspondence appropriately reformulated for these classical waves, we predict +that surface modes appear but not in a gap of the bulk frequency spectrum. This +feature, consistent with the magnetostatic surface spin waves, indicates a +broader realm of topological phases of matter beyond spectrally gapped ones.",1905.07909v1 +2017-03-09,Overcoming thermal noise in non-volatile spin wave logic,"Spin waves are propagating disturbances in magnetically ordered materials, +analogous to lattice waves in solid systems and are often described from a +quasiparticle point of view as magnons. The attractive advantages of +Joule-heat-free transmission of information, utilization of the phase of the +wave as an additional degree of freedom and lower footprint area compared to +conventional charge-based devices have made spin waves or magnon spintronics a +promising candidate for beyond-CMOS wave-based computation. However, any +practical realization of an all-magnon based computing system must undergo the +essential steps of a careful selection of materials and demonstrate robustness +with respect to thermal noise or variability. Here, we aim at identifying +suitable materials and theoretically demonstrate the possibility of achieving +error-free clocked non-volatile spin wave logic device, even in the presence of +thermal noise and clock jitter or clock skew.",1703.03460v2 +2022-04-15,Experimental Visualization of Dispersion Characteristics of Backward Volume Spin Wave Modes,"Basing on the measurement of spatial spectra (spectra of wavenumbers), the +dispersion characteristics of the first three modes of backward volume spin +wave, propagating along the direction of a constant uniform magnetic field in a +tangentially magnetized ferrite film, were visualized firstly. The study was +carried out by microwave probing of spin waves with subsequent use of spatial +Fourier analysis of the complex wave amplitude for a series of frequencies. It +was found that every m-th mode of the backward volume spins wave can be split +into n satellite modes due to the existence of layers with similar magnetic +parameters in ferrite film. It was found that satellites of the first mode of +this wave are excited most effectively, while satellites of the third mode - +least effectively, and the effectiveness of satellites excitation decreases as +the number n increases. It is found that the theoretical dispersion +dependencies of the first three modes of the wave coincide well with the +experimental dispersion dependencies of the satellite mode that are excited +most effectively.",2204.08293v1 +2024-02-18,Double-$Q$ and quadruple-$Q$ instabilities at low-symmetric ordering wave vectors under tetragonal symmetry,"Multiple-$Q$ states are expressed as a superposition of spin density waves at +multiple ordering wave vectors, which results in unconventional complicated +spin textures, such as skyrmion, hedgehog, and vortex. We investigate the +multiple-$Q$ instability by focusing on the low-symmetric ordering wave vectors +in momentum space. By systematically performing the simulated annealing for +effective spin models with various ordering wave vectors on a two-dimensional +square lattice, we classify the magnetic phase diagram into four types +according to the position of the ordering wave vectors. Three out of four cases +lead to a plethora of isotropic multiple-$Q$ instabilities yielding collinear, +coplanar, and noncoplanar double-$Q$ and quadruple-$Q$ magnetic phases, while +the remaining case leads to an anisotropic double-$Q$ instability when the +multiple-spin interaction is introduced. Our results indicate that exotic +multiple-$Q$ phases distinct from the skyrmion crystal phase are expected when +the ordering wave vectors lie on the low-symmetric positions in the Brillouin +zone.",2402.11721v1 +2010-08-19,Gravitational Radiations from a Spinning Compact Object around a supermassive Kerr black hole in circular orbit,"The gravitational waves and energy radiations from a spinning compact object +with stellar mass in a circular orbit in the equatorial plane of a supermassive +Kerr black hole are investigated in this paper. The effect how the spin acts on +energy and angular moment fluxes is discussed in detail. The calculation +results indicate that the spin of small body should be considered in +waveform-template production for the upcoming gravitational wave detections. It +is clear that when the direction of spin axes is the same as the orbitally +angular momentum (""positive"" spin), spin can decrease the energy fluxes which +radiate to infinity. For antidirection spin (""negative""), the energy fluxes to +infinity can be enlarged. And the relations between fluxes (both infinity and +horizon) and spin look like quadratic functions. From frequency shift due to +spin, we estimate the wave-phase accumulation during the inspiraling process of +the particle. We find that the time of particle inspiral into the black hole is +longer for positive spin and shorter for negative compared with the nonspinning +particle. Especially, for extreme spin value, the energy radiation near the +horizon of the extreme Kerr black hole is much more than that for the +nonspinning one. And consequently, the maximum binging energy of the extreme +spinning particle is much larger than that of the nonspinning particle.",1008.3324v3 +2019-12-16,Spin-current manipulation of photoinduced magnetization dynamics in heavy metal / ferromagnet double layer based nanostructures,"Spin currents offer a way to control static and dynamic magnetic properties, +and therefore they are crucial for next-generation MRAM devices or spin-torque +oscillators. Manipulating the dynamics is especially interesting within the +context of photo-magnonics. In typical $3d$ transition metal ferromagnets like +CoFeB, the lifetime of light-induced magnetization dynamics is restricted to +about 1 ns, which e.g. strongly limits the opportunities to exploit the wave +nature in a magnonic crystal filtering device. Here, we investigate the +potential of spin-currents to increase the spin wave lifetime in a functional +bilayer system, consisting of a heavy metal (8 nm of $\beta$-Tantalum +(Platinum)) and 5 nm CoFeB. Due to the spin Hall effect, the heavy metal layer +generates a transverse spin current when a lateral charge current passes +through the strip. Using time-resolved all-optical pump-probe spectroscopy, we +investigate how this spin current affects the magnetization dynamics in the +adjacent CoFeB layer. We observed a linear spin current manipulation of the +effective Gilbert damping parameter for the Kittel mode from which we were able +to determine the system's spin Hall angles. Furthermore, we measured a strong +influence of the spin current on a high-frequency mode. We interpret this mode +an an exchange dominated higher order spin-wave resonance. Thus we infer a +strong dependence of the exchange constant on the spin current.",1912.07728v1 +2020-12-04,Effects of hybridization and spin-orbit coupling to induce odd frequency pairing in two-band superconductors,"The effects of spin independent hybridization potential and spin orbit +coupling on two band superconductor with equal time s-wave inter band pairing +order parameter is investigated theoretically. To study symmetry classes in two +band superconductors the Gorkov equations are solved analytically. By defining +spin singlet and spin triplet s wave order parameter due to two band degree of +freedom the symmetry classes of Cooper pair are studied. For spin singlet case +it is shown that spin independent hybridization generates Cooper pair belongs +to even frequency spin singlet even momentum even band parity (ESEE) symmetry +class for both intraband and interband pairing correlations. For spin triplet +order parameter, intraband pairing correlation generates odd frequency spin +triplet even momentum even band parity (OTEE) symmetry class whereas, interband +pairing correlation generates even frequency spin triplet even momentum odd +band parity ETEO) class. For the spin singlet, spin orbit coupling generates +pairing correlation that belongs to odd frequency spin singlet odd momentum +even band parity (OSOE) symmetry class and even frequency spin singlet even +momentum even band parity (ESEE) for intraband and interband pairing +correlation respectively. In the spin triplet case for itraband and interband +correlation, spin orbit coupling generates even-frequency spin triplet odd +momentum even band parity (ETOE) and even frequency spin triplet even momentum +odd band parity (ETEO) respectively.",2012.02810v1 +1996-09-11,Cumulant approach to weakly doped antiferromagnets,"We present a new approach to static and dynamical properties of holes and +spins in weakly doped antiferromagnets in two dimensions. The calculations are +based on a recently introduced cumulant approach to ground--state properties of +correlated electronic systems. The present method allows to evaluate hole and +spin--wave dispersion relations by considering hole or spin excitations of the +ground state. Usually, these dispersions are found from time--dependent +correlation functions. To demonstrate the ability of the approach we first +derive the dispersion relation for the lowest single hole excitation at +half--filling. However, the main purpose of this paper is to focus on the +mutual influence of mobile holes and spin waves in the weakly doped system. It +is shown that low-energy spin excitations strongly admix to the ground--state. +The coupling of spin waves and holes leads to a strong suppression of the +staggered magnetization which can not be explained by a simple rigid--band +picture for the hole quasiparticles. Also the experimentally observed doping +dependence of the spin--wave excitation energies can be understood within our +formalism.",9609098v1 +2005-02-08,Landau Damping of Spin Waves in Trapped Boltzmann Gases,"A semiclassical method is used to study Landau damping of transverse +pseudo-spin waves in harmonically trapped ultracold gases in the collisionless +Boltzmann limit. In this approach, the time evolution of a spin is calculated +numerically as it travels in a classical orbit through a spatially dependent +mean field. This method reproduces the Landau damping results for spin-waves in +unbounded systems obtained with a dielectric formalism. In trapped systems, the +simulations indicate that Landau damping occurs for a given spin-wave mode +because of resonant phase space trajectories in which spins are ""kicked out"" of +the mode (in spin space). A perturbative analysis of the resonant and nearly +resonant trajectories gives the Landau damping rate, which is calculated for +the dipole and quadrupole modes as a function of the interaction strength. The +results are compared to a numerical solution of the kinetic equation by Nikuni +et al.",0502189v1 +2005-06-21,Spin wave contribution to the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation in triplet superconductors,"We discuss collective spin wave excitations in triplet superconductors with +an easy axis anisotropy for the order parameter. Using a microscopic model for +interacting electrons we estimate the frequency of such excitations in +Bechgaard salts and ruthenate superconductors to be one and twenty GHz +respectively. We introduce an effective bosonic model to describe spin-wave +excitations and calculate their contribution to the nuclear spin lattice +relaxation rate. We find that in the experimentally relevant regime of +temperatures, this mechanism leads to the power law scaling of 1/T_1 with +temperature. For two and three dimensional systems the scaling exponents are +three and five respectively. We discuss experimental manifestations of the spin +wave mechanism of the nuclear spin lattice relaxation.",0506548v1 +2008-10-27,Anisotropic itinerant magnetism and spin fluctuations in BaFe2As2: A neutron scattering study,"Neutron scattering measurements were performed to investigate magnetic +excitations in a single-crystal sample of the ternary iron arsenide BaFe2As2, a +parent compound of a recently discovered family of Fe-based superconductors. In +the ordered state, we observe low energy spin-wave excitations with a gap +energy of 9.8(4) meV. The in-plane spin-wave velocity v_ab and out-of-plane +spin-wave velocity v_c measured at 12 meV are 280(150) and 57(7) meV A, +respectively. At high energy, we observe anisotropic scattering centered at the +antiferromagnetic wave vectors. This scattering indicates two-dimensional spin +dynamics, which possibly exist inside the Stoner continuum. At T_N=136(1) K, +the gap closes, and quasi-elastic scattering is observed above T_N, indicative +of short-range spin fluctuations. In the paramagnetic state, the scattering +intensity along the L direction becomes ""rodlike,"" characteristic of +uncorrelated out-of-plane spins, attesting to the two-dimensionality of the +system.",0810.4790v2 +2011-02-27,Multiorbital Spin Susceptibility in a Magnetically Ordered State - Orbital versus Excitonic Spin Density Wave Scenario,"We present a general theory of multiorbital spin waves in magnetically +ordered metallic systems. Motivated by the itinerant magnetism of iron-based +superconductors, we compare the magnetic excitations for two different +scenarios: when the magnetic order either sets in on the on-site orbital level; +or when it appears as an electron-hole pairing between different bands of +electron and hole character. As an example we treat the two-orbital model for +iron-based superconductors. For small magnetic moments the spin excitations +look similar in both scenarios. Going to larger interactions and larger +magnetic moments, the difference between both scenarios becomes striking. While +in the excitonic scenario the spin waves form a closed structure over the +entire Brillouin zone and the particle-hole continuum is gapped, the spin +excitations in the orbital scenario can be treated as spin waves only in a +close vicinity to the ordering momenta. The origin of this is a gapless +electronic structure with Dirac cones which is a source of large damping. We +analyze our results in connection with recent neutron scattering measurements +and show that certain features of the orbital scenario with multiple order +parameters can be observed experimentally.",1102.5532v1 +2017-05-09,Topological spin dynamics in cubic FeGe near room temperature,"Understanding spin-wave dynamics in chiral magnets is a key step for the +development of high-speed, spin-wave based spintronic devices that take +advantage of chiral and topological spin textures for their operation. Here we +present an experimental and theoretical study of spin-wave dynamics in a cubic +B20 FeGe single crystal. Using the combination of waveguide microwave +absorption spectroscopy (MAS), micromagnetic simulations, and analytical +theory, we identify the resonance dynamics in all magnetic phases (field +polarized, conical, helical, and skyrmion phases). Because the resonance +frequencies of specific chiral spin textures are unique, quantitative agreement +between our theoretical predictions and experimental findings for all resonance +frequencies and spin wave modes enables us to unambiguously identify chiral +magnetic phases and to demonstrate that MAS is a powerful tool to efficiently +extract a magnetic phase diagram. These results provide a new tool to +accelerate the integration of chiral magnetic materials into spintronic +devices.",1705.03397v1 +2012-09-07,Chiral Spin Waves in Fermi Liquids with Spin-Orbit Coupling,"We predict the existence of chiral spin waves collective modes in a +two-dimensional Fermi liquid with the Rashba or Dresselhaus spin-orbit +coupling. Starting from the phenomenological Landau theory, we show that the +long-wavelength dynamics of magnetization is governed by the Klein- Gordon +equations. The standing-wave solutions of these equations describe ""particles"" +with effective masses, whose magnitudes and signs depend on the strength of the +electron-electron interaction. The spectrum of the spin-chiral modes for +arbitrary wavelengths is determined from the Dyson equation for the interaction +vertex. We propose to observe spin-chiral modes via microwave absorption of +standing waves confined by an in-plane profile of the spin-orbit splitting.",1209.1647v1 +2016-03-30,Low-damping transmission of spin waves through YIG/Pt-based layered structures for spin-orbit-torque applications,"We show that in YIG-Pt bi-layers, which are widely used in experiments on the +spin transfer torque and spin Hall effects, the spin-wave amplitude +significantly decreases in comparison to a single YIG film due to the +excitation of microwave eddy currents in a Pt coat. By introducing a novel +excitation geometry, where the Pt layer faces the ground plane of a microstrip +line structure, we suppressed the excitation of the eddy currents in the Pt +layer and, thus, achieved a large increase in the transmission of the +Damon-Eshbach surface spin wave. At the same time, no visible influence of an +external dc current applied to the Pt layer on the spin-wave amplitude in the +YIG-Pt bi-layer was observed in our experiments with YIG films of micrometer +thickness.",1603.09201v1 +2021-08-12,Magnetic interactions and spin excitations in van der Waals ferromagnet VI$_3$,"Using a combination of density functional theory (DFT) and spin-wave theory +methods, we investigate the magnetic interactions and spin excitations in +semiconducting VI$_3$. Exchange parameters of monolayer, bilayer, and bulk +forms are evaluated by mapping the magnetic energies of various spin +configurations, calculated using DFT+$U$, onto the Heisenberg model. The +intralayer couplings remain largely unchanged in three forms of VI$_3$, while +the interlayer couplings show stronger dependence on the dimensionality of the +materials. We calculate the spin-wave spectra within a linear spin-wave theory +and discuss how various exchange parameters affect the magnon bands. The +magnon-magnon interaction is further incorporated, and the Curie temperature is +estimated using a self-consistently renormalized spin-wave theory. To +understand the roles of constituent atoms on magnetocrystalline anisotropy +energy (MAE), we resolve MAE into sublattices and find that a strong negative +V-I inter-sublattice contribution is responsible for the relatively small +easy-axis MAE in VI$_3$.",2108.05528v1 +2017-03-22,Quantum spin Hall density wave insulator of correlated fermions,"We present the theory of a new type of topological quantum order which is +driven by the spin-orbit density wave order parameter, and distinguished by +$Z_2$ topological invariant. We show that when two oppositely polarized chiral +bands [resulting from the Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling $\alpha_k$, $k$ is +crystal momentum] are significantly nested by a special wavevector ${\bf +Q}\sim(\pi,0)/(0,\pi)$, it induces a spatially modulated inversion of the +chirality ($\alpha_{k+Q}=\alpha_k^*$) between different sublattices. The +resulting quantum order parameters break translational symmetry, but preserve +time-reversal symmetry. It is inherently associated with a $Z_2$-topological +invariant along each density wave propagation direction. Hence it gives a weak +topological insulator in two dimensions, with even number of spin-polarized +boundary states. This phase is analogous to the quantum spin-Hall state, except +here the time-reversal polarization is spatially modulated, and thus it is +dubbed quantum spin-Hall density wave (QSHDW) state. This order parameter can +be realized or engineered in quantum wires, or quasi-2D systems, by tuning the +spin-orbit couping strength and chemical potential to achieve the special +nesting condition.",1703.07629v1 +2021-07-19,Damped Dirac magnon in a metallic kagome antiferromagnet FeSn,"The kagome lattice is a fertile platform to explore topological excitations +with both Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein statistics. While relativistic Dirac +Fermions and flat-bands have been discovered in the electronic structure of +kagome metals, the spin excitations have received less attention. Here we +report inelastic neutron scattering studies of the prototypical kagome magnetic +metal FeSn. The spectra display well-defined spin waves extending up to 120 +meV. Above this energy, the spin waves become progressively broadened, +reflecting interactions with the Stoner continuum. Using linear spin wave +theory, we determine an effective spin Hamiltonian that reproduces the measured +dispersion. This analysis indicates that the Dirac magnon at the K-point +remarkably occurs on the brink of a region where well-defined spin waves become +unobservable. Our results emphasize the influential role of itinerant carriers +on the topological spin excitations of metallic kagome magnets.",2107.08915v1 +2023-01-12,Towards Magnonic Logic and Neuromorphic Computing: Controlling Spin-Waves by Spin-Polarized Current,"Spin-waves (magnons) are among the prime candidates for building fast yet +energy-efficient platforms for information transport and computing. We here +demonstrate theoretically and in state-of-the-art micromagnetic simulation the +effects that strategically-injected spin-polarized current can have on +controlling magnonic transport. We reveal analytically that the Zhang-Li +spin-transfer-torque induced by applied current is analogous to the +Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction for scattering the magnons in the linear +regime, to then provide a generalized Snell's law that describes the spin-wave +propagation across regions with different current densities. We validate the +latter in numerical simulations of realistic systems, and exemplify how these +findings may help advance the design of spin-wave logic and neuromorphic +computing devices.",2301.04922v1 +2023-10-02,Breakdown of Linear Spin-Wave Theory in a Non-Hermitian Quantum Spin Chain,"We present the spin-wave theory of the excitation spectrum and quench +dynamics of the non-Hermitian transverse-field Ising model. The complex +excitation spectrum is obtained for a generic hypercubic lattice using the +linear approximation of the Holstein-Primakoff transformation together with the +complex bosonic Bogolyubov transformation. In the one-dimensional case, our +result compares very well with the exact quasiparticle dispersion relation +obtained via a fermionic representation of the problem, at least in the regime +of large dissipation and transverse field. When applied to the quench dynamics +we show however that the linear spin-wave approximation breaks down and the +bosonic theory is plagued by a divergence at finite times. We understand the +origin of this instability using a single mode approximation. While limited to +short times, we show that this approach allows us to characterize the dynamics +arising from the quench of the dissipative term and the structure of the +Lieb-Robinson light-cone of the propagation quantum correlations. Furthermore, +for the one-dimensional case, the linear spin-wave dynamics shows good +agreement with the exact fermionic solution, both for the local magnetization +and the spin-spin correlations.",2310.00985v1 +2005-02-14,1/S-expansion study of spin waves in a two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet,"We study the effects of quantum fluctuations on excitation spectra in the +two-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet by means of the 1/S expansion. We +calculate the spin-wave dispersion and the transverse dynamical structure +factor up to the second order of 1/S in comparison with inelastic neutron +scattering experiments. The spin-wave energy at momentum $(\pi,0)$ is found to +be about 2% smaller than that at $(\pi/2,\pi/2)$ due to the second-order +correction. In addition, we study the dimensional crossover from two dimensions +to one dimension by weakening exchange couplings in one direction. It is found +that the second-order correction becomes large with approaching the quasi-one +dimensional situation and makes the spin-wave energy approach to the des +Cloizeaux-Pearson boundary for $S=1/2$. The transverse dynamical structure +factor is also calculated up to the second order of 1/S. It is shown that the +intensity of spin-wave peak is strongly reduced while the intensity of +three-spin-wave continuum becomes large and exceeds that of the spin-wave peak +in the quasi-one dimensional situation.",0502318v2 +2009-07-31,Magnetic Cellular Nonlinear Network with Spin Wave Bus for Image Processing,"We describe and analyze a cellular nonlinear network based on magnetic +nanostructures for image processing. The network consists of magneto-electric +cells integrated onto a common ferromagnetic film - spin wave bus. The +magneto-electric cell is an artificial two-phase multiferroic structure +comprising piezoelectric and ferromagnetic materials. A bit of information is +assigned to the cell's magnetic polarization, which can be controlled by the +applied voltage. The information exchange among the cells is via the spin waves +propagating in the spin wave bus. Each cell changes its state as a combined +effect of two: the magneto-electric coupling and the interaction with the spin +waves. The distinct feature of the network with spin wave bus is the ability to +control the inter-cell communication by an external global parameter - magnetic +field. The latter makes possible to realize different image processing +functions on the same template without rewiring or reconfiguration. We present +the results of numerical simulations illustrating image filtering, erosion, +dilation, horizontal and vertical line detection, inversion and edge detection +accomplished on one template by the proper choice of the strength and direction +of the external magnetic field. We also present numerical assets on the major +network parameters such as cell density, power dissipation and functional +throughput, and compare them with the parameters projected for other +nano-architectures such as CMOL-CrossNet, Quantum Dot Cellular Automata, and +Quantum Dot Image Processor. Potentially, the utilization of spin waves +phenomena at the nanometer scale may provide a route to low-power consuming and +functional logic circuits for special task data processing.",0907.5453v1 +2011-02-15,Tunneling properties of Bogoliubov mode and spin wave modes in supercurrent states of a spin-1 ferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensate,"We investigate tunneling properties of collective excitations in the +ferromagnetic phase of a spin-1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). In +addition to the Bogoliubov mode, this superfluid phase has two spin +excitations, namely, the gapless transverse spin wave and the quadrupolar mode +with a finite excitation gap. In the mean-field theory at T=0, we examine how +these collective modes tunnel through a barrier potential that couples to the +local density of particles. In the presence of supercurrent with a finite +momentum $q$, while the Bogoliubov mode shows the so-called anomalous tunneling +behavior (which is characterized by perfect transmission) in the low energy +limit, the transverse spin-wave transmits perfectly only when the momentum $k$ +of this mode coincides with $\pm q$. At $k=\pm q$, the wave function of this +spin wave has the same form as the condensate wave function in the current +carrying state, so that the mechanism of this perfect transmission is found to +be the same as tunneling of supercurrent. Using this fact, the perfect +transmission of the spin wave is proved for a generic barrier potential. We +show that such perfect transmission does not occur in the quadrupolar mode. +Further, we consider the effects of potentials breaking U(1) and spin rotation +symmetries on the transmission properties of excitations. Our results would be +useful for understanding excitation properties of spinor BECs, as well as the +anomalous tunneling phenomenon in Bose superfluids.",1102.3113v1 +2019-02-11,Spin-wave phase inverter upon a single nanodefect,"Local modification of magnetic properties of nanoelements is a key to design +future-generation magnonic devices, in which information is carried and +processed via spin waves. One of the biggest challenges here is to fabricate +simple and miniature phase-controlling elements with broad tunability. Here, we +successfully realize such spin-wave phase shifter upon a single nanogroove +milled by focused ion beam in a Co-Fe microsized magnonic waveguide. By varying +the groove depth and the in-plane bias magnetic field we continuously tune the +spin-wave phase and experimentally evidence a complete phase inversion. The +microscopic mechanism of the phase shift is based on the combined action of the +nanogroove as a geometrical defect and the lower spin-wave group velocity in +the waveguide under the groove where the magnetization is reduced due to the +incorporation of Ga ions during the ion-beam milling. The proposed phase +shifter can easily be on-chip integrated with spin-wave logic gates and other +magnonic devices. Our findings are crucial for designing nano-magnonic circuits +and for the development of spin-wave nano-optics.",1902.03758v1 +2017-01-09,Spin-Wave Modes in Transition from a Thin Film to a Full Magnonic Crystal,"Spin-wave modes are studied under the gradual transition from a flat thin +film to a 'full' (one-dimensional) magnonic crystal. For this purpose, the +surface of a pre-patterned 36.8 nm thin permalloy film was sequentially ion +milled resulting in magnonic hybrid structures, referred to as +surface-modulated magnonic crystals, with increasing modulation depth. After +each etching step, ferromagnetic resonance measurements were performed yielding +the spin-wave resonance modes in backward-volume and Damon-Eshbach geometry. +The spin-wave spectra of these hybrid systems reveal an even larger variety of +spin-wave states compared to the 'full' magnonic crystal. The measurements are +corroborated by quasi-analytical theory and micromagnetic simulations in order +to study the changing spin-wave mode character employing spin-wave mode +profiles. In backward-volume geometry, a gradual transition from the uniform +mode in the film limit to a fundamental mode in the thin part of the magnonic +crystal was observed. Equivalently, the first and the second film modes are +transform into a center and an edge mode of the thick part of the magnonic +crystal. Simple transition rules from the $n^{\mathrm{th}}$ film mode to the +$m^{\mathrm{th}}$ mode in the 'full' magnonic crystal are formulated unraveling +the complex mode structure particularly in the backward-volume geometry. An +analogous analysis was performed in the Damon-Eshbach geometry.",1702.05675v3 +2021-04-09,Measuring the dispersion relations of spin wave bands using time-of-flight spectroscopy,"We develop a generic all-inductive procedure to measure the band structure of +spin waves in a magnetic thin stripe. In contrast to existing techniques, our +method works even if several spin wave branches coexist in the investigated +frequency interval, provided that the branches possess sufficiently different +group velocities. We first measure the microwave scattering matrix of a network +composed of distant antennas inductively coupled to the spin wave bath of the +magnetic film. After a mathematical transformation to the time-domain to get +the transmission impulse response, the different spin wave branches are viewed +as wavepackets that reach successively the receiving antenna after different +travel times. In analogy with time-of flight spectroscopy, the wavepackets are +then separated by time-gating. The time-gated responses are used to recalculate +the contribution of each spin wave branch to the frequency domain scattering +matrix. The dispersion relation of each branch stems from the absolute phase of +the time-gated transmission parameter. The spin wave wavevector can be +determined unambiguously if the results for several propagation distances are +combined, so as to get the dispersion relations.",2104.04262v2 +2021-04-16,Implementing a magnonic time-delay reservoir computer model,"Recently we demonstrated experimentally that microwave oscillators based on +the time delay feedback provided by traveling spin waves could operate as +reservoir computers. In the present paper, we extend this concept by adding the +feature of time multiplexing made available by the large propagation +times/distances of traveling spin waves. The system utilizes the nonlinear +behavior of propagating magnetostatic surface spin waves in a yttrium-iron +garnet thin film and the time delay inherent in the active ring configuration +to process time dependent data streams. Higher reservoir dimensionality is +obtained through the time-multiplexing method, emulating ""virtual"" neurons as +temporally separated spin-wave pulses circulating in the active ring below the +auto-oscillation threshold. To demonstrate the efficacy of the concept, the +active ring reservoir computer is evaluated on the short-term memory and parity +check benchmark tasks, and the physical system parameters are tuned to optimize +performance. By incorporating a reference line to mix the input signal directly +onto the active ring output, both the amplitude and phase nonlinearity of the +spin waves can be exploited, resulting in significant improvement on the +nonlinear parity check task. We also find that the fading memory capacity of +the system can be easily tuned by controlling the active ring gain. Finally, we +show that the addition of a second spin-wave delay line configured to transmit +backward volume spin waves can partly compensate dispersive pulse broadening +and enhance the fading memory capacity of the active ring.",2104.07879v1 +2017-03-20,Spin-Wave Dynamics in the Presence of Magnetic Vortices,"This chapter describes spin-wave excitations in nanosized dots and rings in +the presence of the vortex state. The special attention is paid to the +manifestation of the competition between exchange and dipolar interactions in +the spin-wave spectrum as well as the correlation between the spectrum and the +stability of the vortex. The calculation method uses the dynamic matrix for an +all-discrete system, the numerical diagonalization of which yields the spectrum +of frequencies and spin-wave profiles of normal modes of the dot. We study +in-plane vortices of two types: a circular magnetization in circular dots and +rings and the Landau state in square rings. We examine the influence of the +dipolar-exchange competition and the geometry of the dot on the stability of +the vortex and on the spectrum of spin waves. We show that the lowest-frequency +mode profile proves to be indicative of the dipolar-to-exchange interaction +ratio and the vortex stability is closely related to the spin-wave profile of +the soft mode. The negative dispersion relation is also shown. Our results +obtained for in-plane vortices are in qualitative agreement with results for +core-vortices obtained from experiments, micromagnetic simulations, and +analytical calculations.",1703.06668v1 +2019-01-02,Skyrmion Tubes as Magnonic Waveguides,"Various latest experiments have proven the theoretical prediction that domain +walls in planar magnetic structures can channel spin waves as outstanding +magnonic waveguides, establishing a superb platform for building magnonic +devices. Recently, three-dimensional nanomagnetism has been boosted up and +become a significant branch of magnetism, because three-dimensional magnetic +structures expose a lot of emerging physics hidden behind planar ones and will +inevitably provide broader room for device engineering. Skyrmions and +antiSkyrmions, as natural three-dimensional magnetic configurations, are not +considered yet in the context of spin-wave channeling and steering. Here, we +show that skyrmion tubes can act as nonplanar magnonic waveguides if excited +suitably. An isolated skyrmion tube in a magnetic nanoprism induces spatially +separate internal and edge channels of spin waves; the internal channel has a +narrower energy gap, compared to the edge channel, and accordingly can transmit +signals at lower frequencies. Additionally, we verify that those spin-wave +beams along magnetic nanoprism are restricted to the regions of potential +wells. Transmission of spin-wave signals in such waveguides results from the +coherent propagation of locally driven eigenmodes of skyrmions, i.e., the +breathing and rotational modes. Finally, we find that spin waves along the +internal channels are less susceptible to magnetic field than those along the +edge channels. Our work will open a new arena for spin-wave manipulation and +help bridge skyrmionics and magnonics.",1901.00253v1 +2020-06-28,Hydrodynamics of quantum corrections to the Coulomb interaction via the third rank tensor evolution equation: Application to the Langmuir waves and the spin-electron-acoustic waves,"If we study the quantum effects in plasmas in terms of traditional +hydrodynamics via the continuity and Euler equations we find the quantum Bohm +potential and the force of spin-spin interaction. However, if we extend the set +hydrodynamic equations beyond the 13-moments approximation, and include the +third rank tensor evolution equation along with the pressure evolution +equation, we obtain the quantum corrections to the Coulomb interaction. It is +found in contrast with the fact that hydrodynamic equations for the higher rank +tensors do not contain interaction in the classic plasmas studied in the +selfconsistent (meanfield) approximation. Therefore, we present the quantum +hydrodynamic model, where the quantum effects are studied beyond the quantum +Bohm potential. Developed model is considered in two regimes: all electrons in +plasmas are considered as the single fluid, and the separate spin evolution +regime, where electrons with different spin projections are considered as two +different fluids. To illustrate the fundamental meaning of found quantum +effects we demonstrate their contribution in the spectrum of the Langmuir waves +and the spin-electron-acoustic waves. It is worth to mention that the +application of the pressure evolution equation ensures that the contribution of +pressure in the Langmuir wave spectrum is proportional to $(3/5)v_{Fe}^{2}$, +unlike $(1/3)v_{Fe}^{2}$ appearing from hydrodynamics based on the continuity +and Euler equations, where $v_{Fe}$ is the Fermi velocity. Same correction +corresponds on other plasmas phenomena like the speed of sound for +spin-electron-acoustic waves. Moreover, it is found that novel quantum effects +provide the novel wave solutions.",2006.15656v1 +2023-06-27,"Three-dimensional spin-wave dynamics, localization and interference in a synthetic antiferromagnet","Spin waves are collective perturbations in the orientation of the magnetic +moments in magnetically ordered materials. Their rich phenomenology is +intrinsically three-dimensional; however, the three-dimensional imaging of spin +waves has so far not been possible. Here, we image the three-dimensional +dynamics of spin waves excited in a synthetic antiferromagnet, with nanoscale +spatial resolution and sub-ns temporal resolution, using time-resolved magnetic +laminography. In this way, we map the distribution of the spin-wave modes +throughout the volume of the structure, revealing unexpected depth-dependent +profiles originating from the interlayer dipolar interaction. We experimentally +demonstrate the existence of complex three-dimensional interference patterns +and analyze them via micromagnetic modelling. We find that these patterns are +generated by the superposition of spin waves with non-uniform amplitude +profiles, and that their features can be controlled by tuning the composition +and structure of the magnetic system. Our results open unforeseen possibilities +for the study and manipulation of complex spin-wave modes within nanostructures +and magnonic devices.",2306.15404v2 +2017-12-21,Exchange-torque-induced excitation of perpendicular standing spin waves in nanometer-thick YIG films,"Spin waves in ferrimagnetic yttrium iron garnet (YIG) films with ultralow +magnetic damping are relevant for magnon-based spintronics and low-power +wave-like computing. The excitation frequency of spin waves in YIG is rather +low in weak external magnetic fields because of its small saturation +magnetization, which limits the potential of YIG films for high-frequency +applications. Here, we demonstrate how exchange-coupling to a CoFeB film +enables efficient excitation of high-frequency perpendicular standing spin +waves (PSSWs) in nanometer-thick (80 nm and 295 nm) YIG films using uniform +microwave magnetic fields. In the 295-nm-thick YIG film, we measure intense +PSSW modes up to 10th order. Strong hybridization between the PSSW modes and +the ferromagnetic resonance mode of CoFeB leads to characteristic anti-crossing +behavior in broadband spin-wave spectra. A dynamic exchange torque at the +YIG/CoFeB interface explains the excitation of PSSWs. The localized torque +originates from exchange coupling between two dissimilar magnetization +precessions in the YIG and CoFeB layers. As a consequence, spin waves are +emitted from the YIG/CoFeB interface and PSSWs form when their wave vector +matches the perpendicular confinement condition. PSSWs are not excited when the +exchange coupling between YIG and CoFeB is suppressed by a Ta spacer layer. +Micromagnetic simulations confirm the exchange-torque mechanism.",1712.08204v1 +2020-01-30,Electrical spectroscopy of forward volume spin waves in perpendicularly magnetized materials,"We study the potential of all-electrical inductive techniques for the +spectroscopy of propagating forward volume spin waves. We develop a +one-dimensional model to account for the electrical signature of spin-wave +reflection and transmission between inductive antennas and validate it with +experiments on a perpendicularly magnetized Co/Ni multilayer. We describe the +influence of the antenna geometry and antenna-to-antenna separation, as well as +that of the material parameters on the lineshape of the inductive signals. For +a finite damping, the broadband character of the antenna emission in the wave +vector space imposes to take into account the growing decoherence of the +magnetization waves upon their spatial propagation. The transmission signal can +be viewed as resulting from two contributions: a first one from propagating +spin-waves leading to an oscillatory phase of the broadband transmission +coefficient, and another one originating from the distant induction of +ferromagnetic resonance because of the long-range stray fields of realistic +antennas. Depending on the relative importance of these two contributions, the +decay of the transmitted signal with the propagation distance may not be +exponential and the oscillatory character of the spin-wave phase upon +propagation may be hidden. Our model and its experimental validation allow to +define geometrical and material specifications to be met to enable the use of +forward volume spin waves as efficient information carriers.",2001.11483v1 +2020-10-29,Atomic spin-wave control and spin-dependent kicks with shaped subnanosecond pulses,"The absorption of traveling photons resonant with electric dipole transitions +of an atomic gas naturally leads to electric dipole spin wave excitations. For +a number of applications, it would be highly desirable to shape and coherently +control the spatial waveform of the spin waves before spontaneous emission can +occur. This paper details a recently developed optical control technique to +achieve this goal, where counter-propagating, shaped sub-nanosecond pulses +impart sub-wavelength geometric phases to the spin waves by cyclically driving +an auxiliary transition. In particular, we apply this technique to reversibly +shift the wave vector of a spin wave on the $D2$ line of laser-cooled $^{87}$Rb +atoms, by driving an auxiliary $D1$ transition with shape-optimized pulses, so +as to shut off and recall superradiance on demand. We investigate a +spin-dependent momentum transfer during the spin-wave control process, which +leads to a transient optical force as large as $\sim 1\hbar k$/ns, and study +the limitations to the achieved $70\sim 75\%$ spin wave control efficiency by +jointly characterizing the spin-wave control and matterwave acceleration. Aided +by numerical modeling, we project potential future improvements of the control +fidelity to the $99\%$ level when the atomic states are better prepared and by +equipping a faster and more powerful pulse shaper. Our technique also enables a +background-free measurement of the superradiant emission to unveil the precise +scaling of the emission intensity and decay rate with optical depth.",2010.16066v2 +2017-11-21,Eavesdropping on spin waves inside the domain-wall nanochannel via three-magnon processes,"One recent breakthrough in the field of magnonics is the experimental +realization of reconfigurable spin-wave nanochannels formed by magnetic domain +wall with a width of $10-100$ nm [Wagner \emph{et al}., Nat. Nano. \textbf{11}, +432 (2016)]. This remarkable progress enables an energy-efficient spin-wave +propagation with a well-defined wave vector along its propagating path inside +the wall. In the mentioned experiment, a micro-focus Brillouin light scattering +spectroscopy was taken in a line-scans manner to measure the frequency of the +bounded spin wave. Due to their localization nature, the confined spin waves +can hardly be detected from outside the wall channel, which guarantees the +information security to some extent. In this work, we theoretically propose a +scheme to detect/eavesdrop on the spin waves inside the domain-wall nanochannel +via nonlinear three-magnon processes. We send a spin wave in one magnetic +domain to interact with the bounded mode in the wall. Two kinds of three-magnon +processes, i.e., confluence and splitting, are expected to occur. The +confluence process is conventional. We predict a stimulated three-magnon +splitting (or ""magnon laser"") effect: the presence of a bound magnon +propagating along the domain wall channel assists the splitting of the incident +wave into two modes, one of which is identical to the bound mode in the +channel. Micromagnetic simulations confirm our theoretical analysis. These +results demonstrate that one is able to uniquely infer the spectrum of the +spin-wave in the domain-wall nanochannel once we know both the injection and +the transmitted waves.",1711.07615v2 +2012-10-30,Spin-singlet Gaffnian wave function for fractional quantum Hall systems,"We characterize in detail a wave function conceivable in fractional quantum +Hall systems where a spin or equivalent degree of freedom is present. This wave +function combines the properties of two previously proposed quantum Hall wave +functions, namely the non-Abelian spin-singlet state and the nonunitary +Gaffnian wave function. This is a spin-singlet generalization of the +spin-polarized Gaffnian, which we call the ""spin-singlet Gaffnian"" (SSG). In +this paper we present evidence demonstrating that the SSG corresponds to the +ground state of a certain local Hamiltonian, which we explicitly construct, +and, further, we provide a relatively simple analytic expression for the unique +ground-state wave functions, which we define as the zero energy eigenstates of +that local Hamiltonian. In addition, we have determined a certain nonunitary, +rational conformal field theory which provides an underlying description of the +SSG and we thus conclude that the SSG is ungapped in the thermodynamic limit. +In order to verify our construction, we implement two recently proposed +techniques for the analysis of fractional quantum Hall trial states: The ""spin +dressed squeezing algorithm"", and the ""generalized Pauli principle"".",1210.8143v3 +2021-02-13,Accumulation and control of spin waves in magnonic dielectric microresonators by a comb of ultrashort laser pulses,"Spin waves in magnetic microresonators are at the core of modern magnonics. +Here we demonstrate a new method of tunable excitation of different spin wave +modes in magnetic microdisks by using a train of laser pulses coming at a +repetition rate higher than the decay rate of spin precession. The microdisks +are etched in a transparent bismuth iron garnet film and the light pulses +influence the spins nonthermally through the inverse Faraday effect. The high +repetition rate of the laser stimulus of 10 GHz establishes an interplay +between the spin wave resonances in the frequency and momentum domains. As a +result, scanning of the focused laser spot near the disk boarder changes +interference pattern of the magnons and leads to a resonant dependence of the +spin wave amplitude on the external magnetic field. Apart from that, we +achieved a switching between volume and surface spin waves by a small variation +of the external magnetic field.",2102.07021v4 +2021-02-26,Gapless Spin Wave Transport through a Quantum Canted-Antiferromagnet,"In the Landau levels of a two-dimensional electron system or when flat bands +are present, e.g. in twisted van der Waals bilayers, strong electron-electron +interaction gives rise to quantum Hall ferromagnetism with spontaneously broken +symmetries in the spin and isospin sectors. Quantum Hall ferromagnets support a +rich variety of low-energy collective excitations that are instrumental to +understand the nature of the magnetic ground states and are also potentially +useful as carriers of quantum information. Probing such collective excitations, +especially their dispersion {\omega}(k), has been experimentally challenging +due to small sample size and measurement constraints. In this work, we +demonstrate an all-electrical approach that integrates a Fabry-P\'erot cavity +with non-equilibrium transport to achieve the excitation, wave vector selection +and detection of spin waves in graphene heterostructures. Our experiments +reveal gapless, linearly dispersed spin wave excitations in the E = 0 Landau +level of bilayer graphene, thus providing direct experimental evidence for a +predicted canted antiferromagnetic order. We show that the gapless spin wave +mode propagates with a high group velocity of several tens of km/s and +maintains phase coherence over a distance of many micrometers. Its dependence +on the magnetic field and temperature agree well with the hydrodynamic theory +of spin waves. These results lay the foundation for the quest of spin +superfluidity in this high-quality material. The resonant cavity technique we +developed offers a powerful and timely method to explore the collective +excitation of many spin and isospin-ordered many-body ground states in van der +Waals heterostructures and open the possibility of engineering magnonic +devices.",2103.00018v1 +2024-01-31,Magnetic polarons beyond linear spin-wave theory: Mesons dressed by magnons,"When a mobile hole is doped into an antiferromagnet, its movement will +distort the surrounding magnetic order and yield a magnetic polaron. The +resulting complex interplay of spin and charge degrees of freedom gives rise to +very rich physics and is widely believed to be at the heart of high-temperature +superconductivity in cuprates. In this paper, we develop a quantitative +theoretical formalism, based on the phenomenological parton description, to +describe magnetic polarons in the strong coupling regime. We construct an +effective Hamiltonian with weak coupling to the spin-wave excitations in the +background, making the use of standard polaronic methods possible. Our starting +point is a single hole doped into an AFM described by a 'geometric string' +capturing the strongly correlated hopping processes of charge and spin degrees +of freedom, beyond linear spin-wave approximation. Subsequently, we introduce +magnon excitations through a generalized 1/S expansion and derive an effective +coupling of these spin-waves to the hole plus the string (the meson) to arrive +at an effective polaron Hamiltonian with density-density type interactions. +After making a Born-Oppenheimer-type approximation, this system is solved using +the self-consistent Born approximation to extract the renormalized polaron +properties. We apply our formalism (i) to calculate beyond linear spin-wave +ARPES spectra, (ii) to reveal the interplay of ro-vibrational meson +excitations, and (ii) to analyze the pseudogap expected at low doping. +Moreover, our work paves the way for exploring magnetic polarons out-of +equilibrium or in frustrated systems, where weak-coupling approaches are +desirable and going beyond linear spin-wave theory becomes necessary.",2402.00130v1 +2015-02-26,Unsteady self-sustained detonation waves in flake aluminum dust/air mixtures,"Self-sustained detonation waves in flake aluminum dust/air mixtures have been +studied in a tube of diameter 199 mm and length 32.4 m. A pressure sensor array +of 32 sensors mounted around certain circumferences of the tube was used to +measure the shape of the detonation front in the circumferential direction and +pressure histories of the detonation wave. A two-head spin detonation wave +front was observed for the aluminum dust/air mixtures, and the cellular +structure resulting from the spinning movement of the triple point was +analyzed. The variations in velocity and overpressure of the detonation wave +with propagation distance in a cell were studied. The interactions of waves in +triple-point configurations were analyzed and the flow-field parameters were +calculated. Three types of triple-point configuration exist in the wave front +of the detonation wave of an aluminum dust/air mixture. Both strong and weak +transverse waves exist in the unstable self-sustained detonation wave.",1503.01045v1 +2022-03-03,Spin Hall effects and the localization of massless spinning particles,"The spin Hall effects of light represent a diverse class of +polarization-dependent physical phenomena involving the dynamics of +electromagnetic wave packets. In a medium with an inhomogeneous refractive +index, wave packets can be effectively described by massless spinning particles +following polarization-dependent trajectories. Similarly, in curved spacetime +the gravitational spin Hall effect of light is represented by +polarization-dependent deviations from null geodesics. In this paper, we +analyze the equations of motion describing the gravitational spin Hall effect +of light. We show that these equations are a special case of the +Mathisson-Papapetrou equations for spinning objects in general relativity. This +allows us to use several known results for the Mathisson-Papapetrou equations, +and apply them to the study of electromagnetic wave packets. We derive +conservation laws, we discuss the limits of validity of the spin Hall +equations, and we study how the energy centroids of wave packets, effectively +described as massless spinning particles, depend on the external choice of a +timelike vector field, representing a family of observers. In flat spacetime, +the relativistic Hall effect and the Wigner(-Souriau) translations are +recovered, while our equations also provide a generalization of these effects +in arbitrary spacetimes. We construct a large class of wave packets that can be +described by the spin Hall equations, but also find its limits by giving +examples of wave packets which are more general and are not described by the +spin Hall equations. Lastly, we examine the assumption that electromagnetic +wave packets are massless. While this is approximately true in many contexts, +it is not exact. We show that failing to carefully account for the limitations +of the massless approximation results in the appearance of unphysical centroids +which are nowhere near the wave packet itself.",2203.01753v2 +1996-06-04,Direct Hopf Bifurcation in Parametric Resonance of Hybridized Waves,"We study parametric resonance of interacting waves having the same wave +vector and frequency. In addition to the well-known period-doubling instability +we show that under certain conditions the instability is caused by a Hopf +bifurcation leading to quasiperiodic traveling waves. It occurs, for example, +if the group velocities of both waves have different signs and the damping is +weak. The dynamics above the threshold is briefly discussed. Examples +concerning ferromagnetic spin waves and surface waves of ferro fluids are +discussed.",9605006v1 +2004-09-26,The improvement wave equations of relativistic and non-relativistic quantum mechanics,"In this work, we follow the idea of the De Broglie's matter waves and the +analogous method that Schr\""{o}dinger founded wave equation, but we apply the +more essential Hamilton principle instead of the minimum action principle of +Jacobi which was used in setting up Schr\""{o}dinger wave equation. Thus, we +obtain a novel non-relativistic wave equation which is different from the +Schr\""{o}dinger equation, and relativistic wave equation including free and +non-free particle. In addition, we get the spin 1/2 particle wave equation in +potential field.",0409176v1 +2009-03-09,An EOM-assisted wave-vector-resolving Brillouin light scattering setup,"Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy is a powerful technique which +incorporates several extensions such as space-, time-, phase- and wave-vector +resolution. + Here, we report on the improvement of the wave-vector resolution by including +an electro-optical modulator. This provides a reference to calibrate the +position of the diaphragm hole which is used for wave-vector selection. The +accuracy of this calibration is only limited by the accuracy of the wave-vector +measurement itself. To demonstrate the validity of the approach the wave +vectors of dipole-dominated spin waves excited by a microstrip antenna were +measured.",0903.1536v1 +2021-08-16,Losses of Interface Waves in Plasmonic and Gyrotropic Structures,"The loss mechanisms of slow interface waves in the layered resonant media are +examined and illustrated by the examples of (i) surface plasmon polaritons in +an isotropic plasma layer, (ii) magnetoplasmons in magnetised plasma and (iii) +spin waves in ferrimagnetic layers. It is shown that losses of all these +interface waves grow at the same rate of Im(gamma) ~ Re(gamma^3), where gamma +is the wavenumber. These abnormal losses are caused by vortices of the power +flow of the interface waves near their resonance cut-off. The basic properties +of the slow interface waves discussed in the paper are inherent to the waves of +hyperbolic type in the layered resonant media.",2108.07180v1 +2015-12-05,Kinetic theory of spin-polarized systems in electric and magnetic fields with spin-orbit coupling: II. RPA response functions and collective modes,"The spin and density response functions in the random phase approximation +(RPA) are derived by linearizing the kinetic equation including a magnetic +field, the spin-orbit coupling, and mean fields with respect to an external +electric field. Different polarization functions appear describing various +precession motions showing Rabi satellites due to an effective Zeeman field. +The latter turns out to consist of the mean-field magnetization, the magnetic +field, and the spin-orbit vector. The collective modes for charged and neutral +systems are derived and a threefold splitting of the spin waves dependent on +the polarization and spin-orbit coupling is shown. The dielectric function +including spin-orbit coupling, polarization and magnetic fields is presented +analytically for long wave lengths and in the static limit. The dynamical +screening length as well as the long-wavelength dielectric function shows an +instability in charge modes, which are interpreted as spin segregation and +domain formation. The spin response describes a crossover from damped +oscillatory behavior to exponentially damped behavior dependent on the +polarization and collision frequency. The magnetic field causes ellipsoidal +trajectories of the spin response to an external electric field and the +spin-orbit coupling causes a rotation of the spin axes. The spin-dephasing +times are extracted and discussed in dependence on the polarization, magnetic +field, spin-orbit coupling and single-particle relaxation times.",1512.01661v1 +2003-04-17,Field-Induced Spin-Density-Wave Phases in Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductors: Theory versus Experiment,"We show that ""Quantizied Nesting"" model misses important features of the +magnetic field-induced spin-density-wave (FISDW) phase diagram. Among them are: +1) the FISDW wave vector is not strictly quantized; 2) in some compounds, the +FISDW diagram consists of two regions: a) at low temperatures, there are jumps +of the wave vector (i.e., the first order transitions between FISDW phases), b) +at high temperatures the jumps and the first order transitions disappear but +the wave vector is still a non-trivial function of a magnetic field. These are +in agreement with the experiments on (TMTSF)2PF6.",0304406v1 +2005-10-31,Coexistence of double-Q spin density wave and multi-Q pair density wave in cuprate oxide superconductors,"Spatial 4a x 4a modulations, with a the lattice constant of CuO_2 planes, or +the so called checkerboards can arise from double-Q spin density wave (SDW) +with Q_1 = (pm pi/a, pm 3 pi/4a) and Q_2 = (pm 3 pi/4a, pm pi/a). When multi-Q +pair density wave, that is, the condensation of d gamma-wave Cooper pairs with +zero total momenta, pm 2Q_1, pm 2Q_2, pm 4Q_1, pm 4Q_2, and so on is induced by +the SDW, gaps can have fine structures similar to those of the so called +zero-temperature pseudogaps.",0510829v1 +2012-04-11,Magnetostatic spin waves and magnetic-wave chaos in ferromagnetic films. II. Numerical simulations of non-linear waves,"A method and some results of numeric simulations of magnetostatic spin waves +in ferromagnetic films are exponded, in comparison with the theory earlier +presented in arXiv preprint 1204.0200. In particular, roles of films finiteness +(edges) and defects in formation of linear and non-linear magnetostatic wave +patterns, excitation and evolution of two-dimensional solitons, and chaotic +non-linear ferromagnetic resonance are considered.",1204.2423v1 +2017-01-05,Wave Packet Dynamics in the Majorana Equation,"In the Majorana equation for particles with arbitrary spin, wave packets +occur due to not only the uncertainty that affects position and momentum but +also due to infinite components with decreasing mass that form the Majorana +spinor. In this paper, we prove that such components contribute to increase the +spreading of wave packets. Moreover, Zitterbewegung takes place in both the +time propagation of Dirac wave packets and in Majorana wave packets. However, +it shows a peculiar fine structure. Finally, group velocity always remains +subluminal and contributions due to infinite components decrease progressively +as spin increases.",1701.03012v1 +2014-03-24,Spin wave imaging in atomically designed nanomagnets,"The spin dynamics of all ferromagnetic materials are governed by two types of +collective excitations: spin waves and domain walls. The fundamental processes +underlying these collective modes, such as exchange interactions and magnetic +anisotropy, all originate at the atomic scale; yet, conventional probing +techniques, based on neutron and photon scattering, provide high resolution in +reciprocal space, and thereby poor spatial resolution. Here we present direct +imaging of spin waves in individual chains of ferromagnetically coupled $S=2$ +Fe atoms, assembled one by one on a Cu$_2$N surface using a scanning tunnelling +microscope. We are able to map the spin dynamics of these designer nanomagnets +with atomic resolution, in two complementary ways. First, atom to atom +variations of the amplitude of the quantized spin wave excitations, predicted +by theory, are probed using inelastic electron tunnelling spectroscopy. Second, +we observe slow stochastic switching between two opposite magnetisation states, +whose rate varies strongly depending on the location of the tip along the +chain. Our observations, combined with model calculations, reveal that switches +of the chain are initiated by a spin wave excited state which has its antinodes +at the edges of the chain, followed by a domain wall shifting through the chain +from one end to the other. This approach opens the way towards atomic scale +imaging of other types of spin excitations, such as spinons and fractional +end-states, in engineered spin chains.",1403.5890v1 +2014-07-02,Spin Waves in Ferromagnetic Insulators Coupled via a Normal Metal,"Herein, we study the spin-wave dispersion and dissipation in a ferromagnetic +insulator--normal metal--ferromagnetic insulator system. Long-range dynamic +coupling because of spin pumping and spin transfer lead to collective magnetic +excitations in the two thin-film ferromagnets. In addition, the dynamic dipolar +field contributes to the interlayer coupling. By solving the +Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert-Slonczewski equation for macrospin excitations and the +exchange-dipole volume as well as surface spin waves, we compute the effect of +the dynamic coupling on the resonance frequencies and linewidths of the various +modes. The long-wavelength modes may couple acoustically or optically. In the +absence of spin-memory loss in the normal metal, the spin-pumping-induced +Gilbert damping enhancement of the acoustic mode vanishes, whereas the optical +mode acquires a significant Gilbert damping enhancement, comparable to that of +a system attached to a perfect spin sink. The dynamic coupling is reduced for +short-wavelength spin waves, and there is no synchronization. For intermediate +wavelengths, the coupling can be increased by the dipolar field such that the +modes in the two ferromagnetic insulators can couple despite possible small +frequency asymmetries. The surface waves induced by an easy-axis surface +anisotropy exhibit much greater Gilbert damping enhancement. These modes also +may acoustically or optically couple, but they are unaffected by thickness +asymmetries.",1407.0635v1 +2022-10-19,Improving the spin-down limits of the continuous gravitational waves emitted from rotating triaxial pulsars,"The spin-down limit of the continuous gravitational wave strain from pulsars +assumed to be triaxial stars rotating about a principal moment of inertia axis +depends upon the value of the intrinsic spin frequency derivative of the +pulsar, among other parameters. In order to get more accurate intrinsic spin +frequency derivative values, dynamical effects contributing to the measured +spin frequency derivative values must be estimated via more realistic +approaches. In this work, we calculated improved values for the spin-down limit +of the continuous gravitational wave strain (assuming that pulsars are triaxial +stars rotating about a principal moment of inertia axis) for a set of 237 +pulsars for which a targeted search for continuous gravitational waves was +recently carried out by the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA (LVK) Collaboration. We used +`GalDynPsr', a Python-based public package, to calculate more realistic values +for the intrinsic spin frequency derivatives and, consequently, we get more +realistic values of the spin-down limit. The realistic values that we obtain +for the intrinsic spin frequency derivatives can also provide a valuable +contribution to improving the sensitivity of searches for continuous +gravitational waves from known pulsars.",2210.10355v2 +2023-10-09,Mapping of Spin-Wave Transport in Thulium Iron Garnet Thin Films Using Diamond Quantum Microscopy,"Spin waves, collective dynamic magnetic excitations, offer crucial insights +into magnetic material properties. Rare-earth iron garnets offer an ideal +spin-wave (SW) platform with long propagation length, short wavelength, +gigahertz frequency, and applicability to magnon spintronic platforms. Of +particular interest, thulium iron garnet (TmIG) has attracted a huge interest +recently due to its successful growth down to a few nanometers, observed +topological Hall effect and spin orbit torque-induced switching effects. +However, there is no direct spatial measurement of its SW properties. This work +uses diamond nitrogen vacancy (NV) magnetometry in combination with SW +electrical transmission spectroscopy to study SW transport properties in TmIG +thin films. NV magnetometry allows probing spin waves at the sub-micrometer +scale, seen by the amplification of the local microwave magnetic field due to +the coupling of NV spin qubits with the stray magnetic field produced by the +microwave-excited spin waves. By monitoring the NV spin resonances, the SW +properties in TmIG thin films are measured as function of the applied magnetic +field, including their amplitude, decay length (~ 50 um), and wavelength (0.8 - +2 um). These results pave the way for studying spin qubit-magnon interactions +in rare-earth magnetic insulators, relevant to quantum magnonics applications.",2310.06188v4 +2013-12-19,Dynamics of a localized spin excitation close to the spin-helix regime,"The time evolution of a local spin excitation in a (001)-confined +two-dimensional electron gas subjected to Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit +interactions of similar strength is investigated theoretically and compared +with experimental data. Specifically, the consequences of the finite spatial +extension of the initial spin polarization is studied for non-balanced Rashba +and Dresselhaus terms and for finite cubic Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction. +We show that the initial out-of-plane spin polarization evolves into a helical +spin pattern with a wave number that gradually approaches the value $q_0$ of +the persistent spin helix mode. In addition to an exponential decay of the spin +polarization that is proportional to both the spin-orbit imbalance and the +cubic Dresselhaus term, the finite width $w$ of the spin excitation reduces the +spin polarization by a factor that approaches $\exp(-q_0^2 w^2/2)$ at longer +times.",1312.5529v1 +2015-05-13,Excitations in a spin-polarized tow-dimensional electron gas,"A remarkably long-lived spin plasmon may exist in two-dimensional electron +liquids with imbalanced spin up and spin down population. Predictions for this +interesting mode by Agarwal et al. [Phys. Rev. B 90, 155409 (2014)] are based +on the random phase approximation. We here show how to account for spin +dependent correlations from known ground state pair correlation functions and +study the consequences on the various spin dependent longitudinal response +functions. The spin plasmon dispersion relation and its critical wave vector +for Landau damping by minority spins turn out to be significantly lowered. We +further demonstrate that spin dependent effective interactions imply a rich +structure in the excitation spectrum of the partially spin-polarized system. +Most notably, we find a ""magnetic antiresonance"", where the imaginary part of +both, the spin-spin as well as the density-spin response function vanish. The +resulting minimum in the double-differential cross section is awaiting +experimental confirmation.",1505.03370v3 +2017-10-30,Spin-transfer Antiferromagnetic Resonance,"Currents can induce spin excitations in antiferromagnets, even when they are +insulating. We investigate how spin transfer can cause antiferromagnetic +resonance in bilayers and trilayers that consist of one antiferromagnetic +insulator and one or two metals. An ac voltage applied to the metal generates a +spin Hall current that drives the magnetic moments in the antiferromagnet. We +consider excitation of the macrospin mode and of transverse standing-spin-wave +modes. By solving the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation in the antiferromagnetic +insulator and the spin-diffusion equation in the normal metal, we derive +analytical expressions for the spin-Hall-magnetoresistance and spin-pumping +inverse-spin-Hall dc voltages. In bilayers, the two contributions compensate +each other and cannot easily be distinguished. We present numerical results for +a MnF$_2|$Pt bilayer. Trilayers facilitate separation of the +spin-Hall-magnetoresistance and spin-pumping voltages, thereby revealing more +information about the spin excitations. We also compute the decay of the pumped +spin current through the antiferromagnetic layer as a function of frequency and +the thickness of the antiferromagnetic layer.",1710.10909v1 +2019-09-30,Ultrathin SnTe films as a route towards all-in-one spintronics devices,"Spin transistors based on a semiconducting channel attached to ferromagnetic +electrodes suffer from fast spin decay and extremely low spin +injection/detection efficiencies. Here, we propose an alternative all-in-one +spin device whose operation principle relies on electric manipulation of the +spin lifetime in two-dimensional (2D) SnTe, in which the sizable spin Hall +effect eliminates the need for using ferromagnets. In particular, we explore +the persistent spin texture (PST) intrinsically present in the ferroelectric +phase which protects the spin from decoherence and supports extraordinarily +long spin lifetime. Our first-principles calculations followed by symmetry +arguments revealed that such a spin wave mode can be externally detuned by +perpendicular electric field, leading to spin randomization and decrease in +spin lifetime. We further extend our analysis to ultrathin SnTe films and +confirm the emergence of PST as well as a moderate enhancement of intrinsic +spin Hall conductivity. The recent room-temperature observation of the +ferroelectric phase in 2D-SnTe suggests that novel all-electric spintronics +devices are within reach.",1909.13865v2 +2000-08-23,"Two-step contribution to the spin-longitudinal and spin-transverse cross sections of the quasielastic (p,n) reactions","The two-step contribution to the spin-longitudinal and the spin-transverse +cross sections of ^{12}C,^{40}Ca(p,n) reactions at 494 MeV and 346 MeV is +calculated. We use a plane-wave approximation and evaluate the relative +contributions from the one-step and the two-step processes. We found that the +ratios of the two-step to the one-step processes are larger in the +spin-transverse cross sections than in the spin-longitudinal ones. Combining +these results with the distorted-wave impulse approximation (DWIA) results we +obtained considerable two-step contributions to the spin-longitudinal and the +spin-transverse cross sections. The two-step processes are important in +accounting for the underestimation of the DWIA results for the +spin-longitudinal and the spin-transverse cross sections.",0008045v2 +2006-05-23,All-electrical control of single ion spins in a semiconductor,"We propose a method for all-electrical initialization, control and readout of +the spin of single ions substituted into a semiconductor. Mn ions in GaAs form +a natural example. In the ion's ground state the Mn core spin magnetic moment +locks antiparallel to the spin and orbital magnetic moment of a bound valence +hole from the GaAs host. Direct electrical manipulation of the ion spin is +possible because electric fields manipulate the orbital wave function of the +hole, and through the spin-orbit coupling the spin is reoriented as well. +Coupling two or more ion spins can be achieved using electrical gates to +control the size of the valence hole wave function near the semiconductor +surface. This proposal for coherent manipulation of individual ionic spins and +controlled coupling of ionic spins via electrical gates alone may find +applications in extremely high density information storage and in scalable +coherent or quantum information processing.",0605203v2 +2008-07-14,Electric-field induced spin excitations in two-dimensional spin-orbit coupled systems,"Rigorous coupled spin-charge drift-diffusion equations are derived from +quantum-kinetic equations for the spin-density matrix that incorporate effects +due to k-linear spin-orbit interaction, an in-plane electric field, and the +elastic scattering on nonmagnetic impurities. The explicit analytical solution +for the induced magnetization exhibits a pole structure, from which the +dispersion relations of spin excitations are identified. Applications of the +general approach refer to the excitation of long-lived field-induced spin waves +by optically generated spin and charge patterns. This approach transfers +methods known in the physics of space-charge waves to the treatment of spin +eigenmodes. In addition, the amplification of an oscillating electric field by +spin injection is demonstrated.",0807.2142v1 +2012-05-10,"3D quaternionic condensations, Hopf invariants, and skyrmion lattices with synthetic spin-orbit coupling","We study the topological configurations of the two-component condensates of +bosons with the $3$D $\vec{\sigma}\cdot \vec{p}$ Weyl-type spin-orbit coupling +subject to a harmonic trapping potential. The topology of the condensate +wavefunctions manifests in the quaternionic representation. In comparison to +the $U(1)$ complex phase, the quaternionic phase manifold is $S^3$ and the spin +orientations form the $S^2$ Bloch sphere through the 1st Hopf mapping. The +spatial distributions of the quaternionic phases exhibit the 3D skyrmion +configurations, and the spin distributions possess non-trivial Hopf invariants. +Spin textures evolve from the concentric distributions at the weak spin-orbit +coupling regime to the rotation symmetry breaking patterns at the intermediate +spin-orbit coupling regime. In the strong spin-orbit coupling regime, the +single-particle spectra exhibit the Landau-level type quantization. In this +regime, the three-dimensional skyrmion lattice structures are formed when +interactions are below the energy scale of Landau level mixings. Sufficiently +strong interactions can change condensates into spin-polarized plane-wave +states, or, superpositions of two plane-waves exhibiting helical spin spirals.",1205.2162v3 +2014-10-28,A solution of the Boltzmann transport equations for spin and charge transport in a solid. Spin Proximity effect,"A solution of the modified Boltzmann transport equations is found, which +describes features of the spin and charge transport in a solid. Two +modifications of the Boltzmann transport equation were introduced. The first +modification describes the fact that a delocalized electrons can either be of +the running-wave type or the standing-wave type and electrons of different +types contribute differently to the transport. The second modification includes +the fact that the direction of the electron spin may not be conserved after +frequent electron scatterings. The origins and features of the spin proximity, +spin injection and spin detection effects are described. An enhancement of spin +detection and spin injection efficiencies in the vicinity of an interface are +predicted. The physical mechanism of an enlargement of spin accumulation due to +the conventional Hall effect is described.",1410.7511v1 +2015-03-26,Spin nematic fluctuations near a spin-density-wave phase,"We study an interacting electronic system exhibiting a spin nematic +instability. Using a phenomenological form for the spin fluctuation spectrum +near the spin-density-wave (SDW) phase, we compute the spin nematic +susceptibility in energy and momentum space as a function of temperature and +the magnetic correlation length xi. The spin nematic instability occurs when xi +reaches a critical value xi_{cr}, i.e., its transition temperature T_{SN} is +always higher than the SDW critical temperature T_{SDW}. In particular, xi_{cr} +decreases monotonically with increasing T_{SN}. Concomitantly, low-energy +nematic fluctuations are present in a wider temperature region as T_{SN} +becomes higher. Approaching the spin nematic instability, the nematic spectral +function at zero momentum exhibits a central peak as a function of energy for a +finite temperature and a soft mode at zero temperature. These properties +originate from the general feature that the imaginary part of the +spin-fluctuation bubble has a term linear in energy and its coefficient is +proportional to the square of temperature. Furthermore we find that the nematic +spectral function exhibits a diffusive peak around zero momentum and zero +energy without clear dispersive features. A possible phase diagram for the spin +nematic and SDW transitions is also discussed.",1503.07646v1 +2015-04-14,Spin dynamics in relativistic light-matter interaction,"Various spin effects are expected to become observable in light-matter +interaction at relativistic intensities. Relativistic quantum mechanics +equipped with a suitable relativistic spin operator forms the theoretical +foundation for describing these effects. Various proposals for relativistic +spin operators have been offered by different authors, which are presented in a +unified way. As a result of the operators' mathematical properties only the +Foldy-Wouthuysen operator and the Pryce operator qualify as possible proper +relativistic spin operators. The ground states of highly charged hydrogen-like +ions can be utilized to identify a legitimate relativistic spin operator +experimentally. Subsequently, the Foldy-Wothuysen spin operator is employed to +study electron-spin precession in high-intensity standing light waves with +elliptical polarization. For a correct theoretical description of the predicted +electron-spin precession relativistic effects due to the spin angular momentum +of the electromagnetic wave has to be taken into account even in the limit of +low intensities.",1504.03489v1 +2017-09-28,Spin-orbit interaction of light induced by transverse spin angular momentum engineering,"We report the first demonstration of a direct interaction between the +extraordinary transverse spin angular momentum in evanescent waves and the +intrinsic orbital angular momentum in optical vortex beams. By tapping the +evanescent wave of whispering gallery modes in a micro-ring-based optical +vortex emitter and engineering the transverse spin state carried therein, a +transverse-spin-to-orbital conversion of angular momentum is predicted in the +emitted vortex beams. Numerical and experimental investigations are presented +for the proof-of-principle demonstration of this unconventional interplay +between the spin and orbital angular momenta, which could provide new +possibilities and restrictions on the optical angular momentum manipulation +techniques on the sub-wavelength scale. This phenomenon further gives rise to +an enhanced spin-direction coupling effect in which waveguide or surface modes +are unidirectional excited by incident optical vortex, with the directionality +jointly controlled by spin-orbit states. Our results enrich the spin-orbit +interaction phenomena by identifying a previously unknown pathway between the +polarization and spatial degrees of freedom of light, and can enable a variety +of functionalities employing spin and orbital angular momenta of light in +applications such as communications and quantum information processing.",1709.09811v1 +2008-06-05,Magnetization Relaxation and Collective Spin Excitations in Correlated Double--Exchange Ferromagnets,"We study spin relaxation and dynamics of collective spin excitations in +correlated double--exchange ferromagnets. For this, we introduce an expansion +of the Green's functions equations of motion that treats non--perturbativerly +all correlations between a given number of spin and charge excitations and +becomes exact within a sub--space of states. Our method treats relaxation +beyond Fermi's Golden Rule while recovering previous variational results for +the spin--wave dispersion. We find that the momentum dependence of the +spin--wave dephasing rate changes qualitatively due to the on--site Coulomb +interaction, in a way that resembles experiment, and depends on its interplay +with the magnetic exchange interaction and itinerant spin lifetime. We show +that the collective spin relaxation and its dependence on the carrier +concentration depends sensitively on three--body correlations between a spin +excitation and a Fermi sea electron and hole. The above spin dynamics can be +controlled via the itinerant carrier population.",0806.0938v2 +2017-04-06,Spin-valley half-metal as a prospective material for spin-valley-tronics,"Half-metallicity (full spin polarization of the Fermi surface) usually occurs +in strongly correlated electron systems. We demonstrate that doping a +spin-density wave insulator in the weak-coupling regime may also stabilize +half-metallic states. The undoped spin-density wave is formed by four nested +bands [i.e., each band is characterized by charge (electron/hole) and spin +(up/down) labels]. Of these four bands only two accumulate the doped carriers, +forming a half-metallic two-valley Fermi surface. Depending on parameters, the +spin polarizations of the electron-like and hole-like valleys may be (i) +parallel or (ii) antiparallel. The Fermi surface of (i) is fully spin-polarized +(similar to usual half-metals). Case (ii), referred to as ""a spin-valley +half-metal"", corresponds to complete polarization with respect to the +spin-valley operator. The properties of these states are discussed.",1704.01727v1 +2021-01-09,Many-particle Quantum Hydrodynamics of Spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensates,"We develop a novel model of the magnetized spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate +(BEC) of neutral atoms, using the method of many-particle quantum hydrodynamic +(QHD) and propose an original derivation of the system of continual equations. +We consider bosons with a spin-spin interaction and a short range interaction +in the first order in the interaction radius, on the of basis of the +self-consistent field approximation of the QHD equations. We demonstrate that +the dynamics of the fluid velocity and magnetization is determined by a +nontrivial modification of the Euler and Landau-Lifshitz equation, and show +that a nontrivial modification of the spin density evolution equation contains +the spin torque effect that arises from the self-interactions between spins of +the bosons. The properties of the dispersion spectrum of collective excitations +are described. We obtain the new contribution of the self-interaction of spins +in the spin wave spectrum together with the influence of an external magnetic +field and spin-spin interactions between polarized particles. The anisotropic +spin wave instability is predicted.",2101.03422v1 +2021-12-02,Spin dynamics of the spin chain antiferromagnet RbFeS$_2$,"We report transport and inelastic neutron scattering studies on electronic +properties and spin dynamics of the quasi-one-dimensional spin chain +antiferromagnet RbFeS$_2$. An antiferromagnetic phase transition at +$T_N\approx195$ K and dispersive spin waves with a spin gap of 5 meV are +observed. By modeling the spin excitation spectra using linear spin wave +theory, intra and inter-chain exchange interactions are found to be +$SJ_1=100(5)$ meV and $SJ_3=0.9(3)$ meV, respectively, together with a small +single-ion anisotropy of $SD_{zz}=0.04(1)$ meV. Comparison with previous +results for other materials in the same class of Fe$^{3+}$ spin chain systems +reveals that although the magnetic order sizes show significant variation from +1.8 to 3.0$\mu_B$ within the family of materials, the exchange interactions +$SJ$ are nevertheless quite similar, analogous to the iron pnictide +superconductors where both localized and delocalized electrons contribute to +the spin dynamics.",2112.00951v3 +2022-01-04,Mechanism of antisymmetric spin polarization in centrosymmetric multiple-$Q$ magnets based on bilinear and biquadratic spin cross products,"We investigate how to engineer an antisymmetric spin-split band structure +under spin density waves with finite ordering wave vectors in centrosymmetric +systems without the relativistic spin-orbit coupling. On the basis of a +perturbative analysis for the spin-charge coupled model in centrosymmetric +itinerant magnets, we show that nonzero chiral-type bilinear and biquadratic +spin cross products in momentum space under the magnetic orderings are related +to an antisymmetric spin polarization in the electronic band structure. We +apply the derived formula to the single-$Q$ cycloidal spiral and double-$Q$ +noncoplanar states including the meron-antimeron and skyrmion crystals. Our +results present a clue to realize a giant antisymmetric spin splitting driven +by magnetic phase transitions in the centrosymmetric lattice structures without +the spin-orbit coupling.",2201.01354v1 +2024-02-11,Inferring small neutron star spins with neutron star-black hole mergers,"The precise measurement of neutron star (NS) spins can provide important +insight into the formation and evolution of compact binaries containing NS. +While traditional methods of NS spin measurement rely on pulsar observations, +gravitational wave detections offer a complementary avenue. However, +determining component spins with gravitational waves is hindered by the small +dimensionless spins of the NS and the degeneracy in the mass and spin +parameters. This degeneracy can be addressed by the inclusion of higher-order +modes in the waveform, which are important for systems with unequal masses. +This study shows the suitability of neutron star-black hole mergers, which are +naturally mass-asymmetric, for precise NS spin measurements. We explore the +effects of the black hole masses and spins, higher-mode content, inclination +angle, and detector sensitivity on the measurement of NS spin. We find that +networks with next-generation observatories like the Cosmic Explorer and the +Einstein Telescope can distinguish NS dimensionless spin of 0.04 (0.1) from +zero at $1-\sigma$ confidence for events within $\sim 350$ $(\sim 1000)$ Mpc. +Networks with A+ and A$^{\sharp}$ detectors achieve similar distinction within +$\sim 30$ $(\sim 70)$ Mpc and $\sim 50$ $(\sim 110)$ Mpc, respectively.",2402.07075v1 +1995-01-30,On the spin density wave transition in a two dimensional spin liquid,"Strongly correlated two dimensional electrons are believed to form a spin +liquid in some regimes of density and temperature. As the density is varied, +one expects a transition from this spin liquid state to a spin density wave +antiferromagnetic state. In this paper we show that it is self-consistent to +assume that this transition is second order and, on this assumption, determine +the critical behavior of the $2p_F$ susceptibility, the NMR rates $T_1$ and +$T_2$ and the uniform susceptibility. We compare our results to data on high +$T_c$ materials.",9501133v1 +1997-07-07,Spin Liquid Phases in 2D Frustrated XY Model,"In this paper we consider the $J_1-J_2-J_3$ classical and quantum 2D XY +model. Spin wave calculations show that a spin liquid phase still exists in the +quantum case as for Heisenberg models. We formulate a semiclassical approach of +these models based on spin wave action and use a variational method to study +the role played by vortices. Liquid and crystal phases of vortex could emerge +in this description. These phases seem to be directly correlated with the spin +liquid one and to its crystalline interpretation.",9707074v1 +1998-08-18,Spin-density-functional theory of circular and elliptical quantum dots,"Using spin-density-functional theory, we study the electronic states of a +two-dimensional parabolic quantum dot with up to N=58 electrons. We observe a +shell structure for the filling of the dot with electrons. Hund's rule +determines the spin configuration of the ground state, but only up to 22 +electrons. At specific N, the ground state is degenerate, and a small +elliptical deformation of the external potential induces a rotational +charge-density-wave (CDW) state. Previously identified spin-density-wave (SDW) +states are shown to be artifacts of broken spin symmetry in density-functional +theory.",9808193v1 +1999-08-16,Current-driven Magnetization Reversal and Spin Wave Excitations in Co/Cu/Co Pillars,"Using thin film pillars ~100 nm in diameter, containing two ferromagnetic Co +layers of different thicknesses separated by a paramagnetic Cu spacer, we +examine effects of torques due to spin-polarized currents flowing perpendicular +to the layers. In accordance with spin-transfer theory, spin-polarized +electrons flowing from the thin to the thick Co layer can switch the magnetic +moments of the layers antiparallel, while a reversed electron flow causes +switching to a parallel state. When large magnetic fields are applied, the +current no longer fully reverses the magnetic moment, but instead stimulates +spin-wave excitations.",9908231v1 +2000-12-10,Theory of spin wave excitations of metallic A-type antiferromagnetic manganites,"The spin dynamic of the metallic A-type antiferromagnetic manganites is +studied. An effective nearest-neighbour Heisenberg spin wave dispersion is +derived from the double exchange model taking into account the superexchange +interaction between the core spins. The result of inelastic neutron scattering +experiment on ${Nd}_{0.45}{Sr}_{0.55}{Mn} {O}_{3}$ is qualitatively reproduced. +Comparing theory with experimental data two main parameters of the model: +nearest-neighbour electron transfer amplitude and superexchange coupling +between the core spins are estimated.",0012166v2 +2002-10-10,Spin wave theory for antiferromagnetic XXZ spin model on a triangle lattice in the presence of an external magnetic field,"Spin wave theory is applied to a quantum antiferromagnetic XXZ model on a +triangle lattice in the presence of an in-plane magnetic field. The effect of +the field is found to enhance the quantum fluctuation and to reduce the +sublattice magnetization at the intermediate field strength in the anisotropic +case. The possible implication to the field driven quantum phase transition +from a spin solid to a spin liquid is discussed.",0210222v1 +2003-06-10,Correlation functions for 1d interacting fermions with spin-orbit coupling,"We compute correlation functions for one-dimensional electron systems which +spin and charge degrees of freedom are coupled through spin-orbit coupling. +Charge density waves, spin density waves, singlet- triplet- superconducting +fluctuations are studied. We show that the spin-orbit interaction modify the +exponents and the phase diagram of the system, changing the dominant +fluctuations and making new susceptibilities diverge for low temperature.",0306251v1 +2003-08-06,Exciton Spin Relaxation Time in Quantum Dots Measured by Continuous-Wave Photoluminescence Spectroscopy,"We demonstrate a new method of measuring the exciton spin relaxation time in +semiconductor nanostructures by continuous-wave photoluminescence. We find that +for self-assembled CdTe quantum dots the degree of circular polarization of +emission is larger when exciting polarized excitons into the lower energy spin +state than in the case when the excitons are excited into the higher energy +spin state. A simple rate equation model gives the exciton spin relaxation time +in CdTe quantum dots equal to 4.8+/-0.3 ns, significantly longer than the +quantum dot exciton recombination time 300 ps.",0308116v1 +2004-11-10,Maxwell Equation for the Coupled Spin-Charge Wave Propagation,"We show that the dissipationless spin current in the ground state of the +Rashba model gives rise to a reactive coupling between the spin and charge +propagation, which is formally identical to the coupling between the electric +and the magnetic fields in the 2+1 dimensional Maxwell equation. This analogy +leads to a remarkable prediction that a density packet can spontaneously split +into two counter propagation packets, each carrying the opposite spins. In a +certain parameter regime, the coupled spin and charge wave propagates like a +transverse ""photon"". We propose both optical and purely electronic experiments +to detect this effect.",0411276v1 +2005-05-18,Spin Dynamics in the Two-Dimensional Spin 1/2 Heisenberg Antiferromagnet,"We present low-temperature dynamic properties of the quantum two-dimensional +antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with spin S=1/2. The calculation of the +dynamic correlation function is performed by combining a projection operator +formalism and the modified spin-wave theory (MSW), which gives a gap in the +dispersion relation for finite temperatures. The so calculated dynamic +correlation function shows a double peak structure.We also obtain the spin-wave +damping and compare our results to experimental data and to theoretical results +obtained by other authors using different approaches.",0505458v1 +2005-07-01,Spin accumulation in ballistic Rashba bar,"We propose an analytic model to study intrinsic spin polarization effect in a +ballistic Rashba bar with two semi-infinite leads. The wave functions expanded +with plane waves in Rashba bar are required to satisfy boundary conditions at +both longitudinal and transverse interfaces. We find out-of-plane spin Hall +accumulation effect can be induced in the Rashba bar even with large dimensions +by injecting unpolarized current from the lead. The longitudinal in-plane spin +Hall effect, however, becomes obscure in large-size sample. An interesting +direction-flipping of the out-of-plane spin accumulation is predicted by +altering the Rashba coupling strength.",0507025v1 +2005-08-29,Spin-Phonon Coupling in High-T_c Copper Oxides,"Band calculations on HgBa$_2$CuO$_4$ and La$_{(2-x)}$Sr$_x$CuO$_4$ with +phonon and spin-waves within the CuO planes show that partial gaps are created +at various energies depending on wavelengths. Spin and phonon gaps appear at +different energies when the modulations are along [1,1,0], while they are at +the same energy for modulations along [1,0,0]. + It is shown that the ability to form gaps and antiferromagnetic waves is +correlated with the strength of the interaction parameter $\lambda_{sf}$ for +spin fluctuations. Many unusual properties of the high-T$_C$ oxides can be +understood from spin-phonon coupling.",0508672v1 +2006-02-23,Two-dimensional electron scattering in regions of nonuniform spin-orbit coupling,"We present a theoretical study of elastic spin-dependent electron scattering +caused by a nonuniform Rashba spin-orbit coupling strength. Using the +spin-generalized method of partial waves the scattering amplitude is exactly +derived for the case of a circular shape of scattering region. We found that +the polarization of the scattered waves are strongly anisotropic functions of +the scattering angle. This feature can be utilized to design a good +all-electric spin-polarizer. General properties of the scattering process are +also investigated in the high and low energy limits.",0602560v1 +2006-06-02,Magnetically tuned spin dynamics resonance,"We present the experimental observation of a magnetically tuned resonance +phenomenon resulting from spin mixing dynamics of ultracold atomic gases. In +particular we study the magnetic field dependence of spin conversion in F=2 +87Rb spinor condensates in the crossover from interaction dominated to +quadratic Zeeman dominated dynamics. We discuss the observed phenomenon in the +framework of spin dynamics as well as matter wave four wave mixing. Furthermore +we show that the validity range of the single mode approximation for spin +dynamics is significantly extended in the regime of high magnetic field.",0606046v1 +2006-06-02,Parametric instability of homogeneous precession of spin in the superfluid 3He-B,"Stability of homogeneous precession of spin due to parametric excitation of +spin waves is considered as the explanation of the ""catastrophic relaxation"", +that is observed in the superfluid 3He-B. It is shown, that at sufficiently low +temperatures homogeneous precession of spin becomes unstable (Suhl +instability). At zero temperature increments of growth for all spin wave modes +are found. Estimation of the temperature of transition to the unstable state is +made.",0606054v1 +2006-10-13,Efficient switching of Rashba spin splitting in wide modulation-doped quantum wells,"We demonstrate that the size of the electric-field-induced Rashba spin +splitting in an 80 nm wide modulation-doped InGaSb quantum well can depend +strongly on the spatial variation of the electric field. In a slightly +asymmetric quantum well it can be an order of magnitude stronger than for the +average uniform electric field. For even smaller asymmetry spin subbands can +have wave functions and/or expectation values of the spin direction that are +completely changed as the in-plane wave vector varies. The Dresselhaus effect +can give an anticrossing at which the spin rapidly flips.",0610371v1 +2007-02-07,Damping of antiferromagnetic spin waves by valence fluctuations in the double layer perovskite YBaFe2O5,"Inelastic neutron scattering experiments show that spin dynamics in the +charge ordered insulating ground state of the double-layer perovskite YBaFe2O5 +is well described in terms of eg superexchange interactions. Above the Verwey +transition at TV = 308 K, t2g double exchange-type conduction within +antiferromagnetic FeO2--BaO--FeO2 double layers proceeds by an electron hopping +process that requires a spin flip of the five-fold coordinated Fe ions, costing +an energy 5S^2 of approximately 0.1 eV. The hopping process disrupts +near-neighbor spin correlations, leading to massive damping of zone-boundary +spin waves.",0702181v1 +2002-07-02,Gravitational Waves from Spinning Compact Binaries,"Binary systems of rapidly spinning compact objects, such as black holes or +neutron stars, are prime targets for gravitational wave astronomers. The +dynamics of these systems can be very complicated due to spin-orbit and +spin-spin couplings. Contradictory results have been presented as to the nature +of the dynamics. Here we confirm that the dynamics - as described by the second +post-Newtonian approximation to general relativity - is chaotic, despite claims +to the contrary. When dissipation due to higher order radiation reaction terms +are included, the chaos is dampened. However, the inspiral-to-plunge transition +that occurs toward the end of the orbital evolution does retain an imprint of +the chaotic behaviour.",0207016v1 +2006-04-05,Self interaction of spins in binary systems,"Beyond point mass effects various contributions add to the radiative +evolution of compact binaries. We present all the terms up to the second +post-Newtonian order contributing to the rate of increase of gravitational wave +frequency and the number of gravitational wave cycles left until the final +coalescence for binary systems with spin, mass quadrupole and magnetic dipole +moments, moving on circular orbit. We evaluate these contributions for some +famous or typical compact binaries and show that the terms representing the +self interaction of individual spins, given for the first time here, are +commensurable with the proper spin-spin contributions for the recently +discovered double pulsar J0737-3039.",0604022v1 +2004-09-02,Spinning particle in an external linearized gravitational wave field,"We study the interaction of a scalar and a spinning particle with a coherent +linearized gravitational wave field treated as a classical spin two external +field. The spin degrees of freedom of the spinning particle are described by +skew-commuting variables. We derive the explicit expressions for the +eigenfunctions and the Green's functions of the theory. The discussion is exact +within the approximation of neglecting radiative corrections and we prove that +the result is completely determined by the semiclassical contribution.",0409027v1 +2005-07-28,Quantum entanglement dynamics and decoherence wave in spin chains at finite temperatures,"We analyze the quantum entanglement at the equilibrium in a class of exactly +solvable one-dimensional spin models at finite temperatures and identify a +region where the quantum fluctuations determine the behavior of the system. We +probe the response of the system in this region by studying the spin dynamics +after projective measurement of one local spin which leads to the appearance of +the ``decoherence wave''. We investigate time-dependent spin correlation +functions, the entanglement dynamics, and the fidelity of the quantum +information transfer after the measurement.",0507266v1 +2008-03-06,Spin inversion devices with Fano anti-resonances,"Analyzing spin transport of quasi-2D electrons gas moving through a +semiconductor wave guide subject to a sectionally homogeneous tilted magnetic +field, we found well-defined selection rules for resonant and antiresonant spin +carrier transmission. Based on these selection rules and the band shift induced +by the magnetic field strength and the tilting angles, we propose an efficient +spin inversion device. For a polarized incoming electron beam, we can determine +from our theoretical approach, physical conditions for spin-inversion +efficiency up to 80%. We visualize this mechanism in terms of conductance and +the spacial behavior of the wave function amplitude along the superlattice.",0803.0993v2 +2008-03-25,Long range order for lattice dipoles,"We consider a system of classical Heisenberg spins on a cubic lattice in +dimensions three or more, interacting via the dipole-dipole interaction. We +prove that at low enough temperature the system displays orientational long +range order, as expected by spin wave theory. The proof is based on reflection +positivity methods. In particular, we demonstrate a previously unproven +conjecture on the dispersion relation of the spin waves, first proposed by +Froehlich and Spencer, which allows one to apply infrared bounds for estimating +the long distance behavior of the spin-spin correlation functions.",0803.3576v1 +2008-09-23,The Spin Distribution of Millisecond X-ray Pulsars,"The spin frequency distribution of accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars cuts +off sharply above 730 Hz, well below the breakup spin rate for most neutron +star equations of state. I review several different ideas for explaining this +cutoff. There is currently considerable interest in the idea that gravitational +radiation from rapidly rotating pulsars might act to limit spin up by +accretion, possibly allowing eventual direct detection with gravitational wave +interferometers. I describe how long-term X-ray timing of fast accreting +millisecond pulsars like the 599 Hz source IGR J00291+5934 can test the +gravitational wave model for the spin frequency limit.",0809.4031v1 +2008-09-24,Gated combo nanodevice for sequential operations on single electron spin,"An idea for a nanodevice in which an arbitrary sequence of three basic +quantum single qubit gates - negation, Hadamard and phase shift - can be +performed on a single electron spin. The spin state is manipulated using the +spin-orbit coupling and the electron trajectory is controlled by the electron +wave function self-focusing mechanism due to the electron interaction with the +charge induced on metal gates. We present results of simulations based on +iterative solution of the time dependent Schr\""odinger equation in which the +subsequent operations on the electron spin can be followed and controlled. +Description of the moving electron wave packet requires evaluation of the +electric field within the entire nanodevice in each time step.",0809.4195v1 +2009-03-09,d-Wave Spin Density Wave phase in the Attractive Hubbard Model with Spin Polarization,"We investigate the possibility of unconventional spin density wave (SDW) in +the attractive Hubbard model with finite spin polarization. We show that +pairing and density fluctuations induce the transverse d-wave SDW near the +half-filling. This novel SDW is related to the d-wave superfluidity induced by +antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations, in the sense that they are connected with +each other through Shiba's attraction-repulsion transformation. Our results +predict the d-wave SDW in real systems, such as cold Fermi atom gases with +population imbalance and compounds involving valence skipper elements.",0903.1491v1 +2009-03-12,Simulation of a spin-wave instability from atomistic spin dynamics,"We study the spin dynamics of a Heisenberg model at finite temperature in the +presence of an external field or a uniaxial anisotropy. For the case of the +uniaxial anisotropy our simulations show that the macro moment picture breaks +down. An effect which we refer to as a spin-wave instability (SWI) results in a +non-dissipative Bloch-Bloembergen type relaxation of the macro moment where the +size of the macro moment changes, and can even be made to disappear. This +relaxation mechanism is studied in detail by means of atomistic spin dynamics +simulations.",0903.2186v1 +2010-09-13,Helical spin textures in dipolar Bose-Einstein condensates,"We numerically study elongated helical spin textures in ferromagnetic spin-1 +Bose-Einstein condensates subject to dipolar interparticle forces. Stationary +states of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation are solved and analyzed for various +values of the helical wave vector and dipolar coupling strength. We find two +helical spin textures which differ by the nature of their topological defects. +The spin structure hosting a pair of Mermin-Ho vortices with opposite mass +flows and aligned spin currents is stabilized for a nonzero value of the +helical wave vector.",1009.2372v3 +2012-04-27,Spin-dependent electron grating effect from helical magnetization in multiferroic tunnel junctions,"In multiferroic oxides with a transverse helical magnetic order, the +magnetization exchange coupling is sinusoidally space-dependent. We +theoretically investigate the spin-dependent electron grating effect in +normal-metal/helical-multiferroic/ferromagnettic heterojunctions. The spin wave +vector of the spiral can be added or subtracted from the electron spacial wave +vector inducing spin-conserved and spin-flipped diffracted transmission and +reflection. The predicted grating effect can be controlled by magnetization +exchange coupling strength, the helicity spatial period, and the magnetization +of the ferromagnetic layer.",1204.6095v1 +2012-12-24,Landau versus Spin Superfluidity in Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensates,"We consider a spin-1/2 Bose-Einstein condensate prepared initially in a +single spin projection. The two channels of excitations existing in such a +system (namely density and spin waves) are discussed and we show how pure spin +waves can be excited in the presence of local magnetic defects. We analyze the +role played by spin excitations on the Landau superfluidity criterion and +demonstrate the absence of absolute superfluidity for the antiferromagnetic +condensate. In the ferromagnetic case, we identify two critical velocities for +the breakdown of superfluidity.",1212.5894v2 +2013-07-05,Spin liquid phase due to competing classical orders in the semiclassical theory of the Heisenberg model with ring exchange on an anisotropic triangular lattice,"Linear spin wave theory shows that ring exchange induces a quantum disordered +region in the phase diagram of the title model. Spin wave spectra show that +this is a direct manifestation of competing classical orders. A spin liquid is +found in the `Goldilocks zone' of frustration, where the quantum fluctuations +are large enough to cause strong competition between different classical +orderings but not strong enough to stabilize spiral order. We note that the +spin liquid phases of $\kappa$-(BEDT-TTF)${_2}X$ and $Y$[Pd(dmit)$_2$]$_2$ are +found in this Goldilocks zone.",1307.1535v1 +2014-11-03,Inelastic-impurity-scattering-induced spin texture and topological transitions in surface electron waves,"Inelastic scattering off magnetic impurities in a spin-chiral two-dimensional +electron gas, e.g., the Rashba system, is shown to generate topological changes +in the spin texture of the electron waves emanating from the scattering center. +While elastic scattering gives rise to a purely in-plane spin texture for an +in-plane magnetic scat- tering potential, out-of-plane components emerge upon +activation of inelastic scattering processes. This property leads to a +possibility to make controlled transitions between trivial and nontrivial +topologies of the spin texture.",1411.0377v3 +2015-09-08,Anomalous Hall effect driven by dipolar spin waves in uniform ferromagnets,"A new type of anomalous Hall effect is shown to arise from the interaction of +conduction electrons with dipolar spin waves in ferromagnets. This effect +exists even in homogeneous ferromagnets without relativistic spin-orbit +coupling. The leading contribution to the Hall conductivity is proportional to +the chiral spin correlation of dynamical spin textures and is physically +understood in terms of the skew scattering by dipolar magnons.",1509.02284v1 +2016-09-15,Route toward high-speed nano-magnonics,"We study experimentally the possibility to utilize pulses of pure spin +current, produced via the nonlocal spin injection mechanism, to generate short +packets of spin waves propagating in nanoscale magnetic waveguides. The +spatially and time-resolved micro-focus Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy +measurements demonstrate that the excitation by spin current results in +extremely fast transient response, enabling efficient generation of short +spin-wave packets with duration down to a few nanoseconds. The proposed method +opens a route for the implementation of high-speed magnonic systems for +transmission and processing of information on the nanoscale.",1609.04526v1 +2012-09-27,Spin effects on gravitational waves from inspiraling compact binaries at second post-Newtonian order,"We calculate the gravitational waveform for spinning, precessing compact +binary inspirals through second post-Newtonian order in the amplitude. When +spins are collinear with the orbital angular momentum and the orbits are +quasi-circular, we further provide explicit expressions for the +gravitational-wave polarizations and the decomposition into spin-weighted +spherical-harmonic modes. Knowledge of the second post-Newtonian spin terms in +the waveform could be used to improve the physical content of analytical +templates for data analysis of compact binary inspirals and for more accurate +comparisons with numerical-relativity simulations.",1209.6349v2 +2020-08-19,Loop spin effects in intense background fields,"Radiative and non-radiative electron spin flip probabilities are analysed in +both plane wave and focussed laser backgrounds. We provide a simple and +physically transparent description of spin dynamics in plane waves, and +demonstrate that there exists a kinematic regime in which the usual leading +order perturbative hierarchy of QED is reversed, and non-radiative loop effects +dominate over radiative tree-level spin-flips. We show that while this +loop-dominance becomes suppressed in focussed laser pulses due to a high +sensitivity to field geometry, there is nevertheless a regime in which, in +principle, loop effects on spin transitions can be discerned.",2008.08578v1 +2020-11-13,Non-symmetric spin-pumping in a multiferroic heterostructure,"We present spin pumping experiments in Co/Pt bilayers grown on Al2O3(0001) +and on ferroelectric Y-cut LiNbO3 substrates. Spin pumping is triggered by +resonant ferromagnetic resonance induced by surface acoustic waves. We observe +that spin pumping efficiency varies when both the magnetization vector and the +acoustic wave vector are reversed in Pt/Co/LiNbO3. This phenomenon is not +observed in Pt/Co/Al2O3. We propose that the in-plane electric polarization of +LiNbO3 is at the origin of the observed phenomenon. These observations open up +the perspective of an electric field control of spin pumping efficiency.",2011.06872v1 +2019-03-30,Background noise pushes azimuthal instabilities away from spinning states,"Azimuthal instabilities occur in rotationally symmetric systems, either as +spinning (rotating) waves or standing waves. We make use of a novel ansatz to +derive a differential equation characterizing the state of these instabilities +in terms of their amplitude, orientation, nature (standing/spinning) and +temporal phase. For the first time we show how source terms determine +quantitatively the system preference for spinning and/or standing states. In +particular we find that, when present, background noise pushes the system away +from spinning states and towards standing states, consistently with +experiments.",1904.00213v1 +2024-01-29,Dissipative effects on the propagation of spin modes,"In relativistic hydrodynamics with spin, following de Groot--van Leeuwen--van +Weert's energy-momentum and spin tensor definitions, we analyze the propagation +of spin degrees of freedom. We deduce an analytical formula for spin wave +velocity, finding that it approaches half the speed of light in the +ultra-relativistic limit. Only transverse degrees of freedom propagate, similar +to electromagnetic waves. Additionally, we explore dissipative effects and +determine the damping coefficients for Maxwell-J\""uttner statistics.",2401.16007v1 +2004-12-20,Current induced spin injection and surface torque in ferromagnetic metallic junctions,"Joint influence of two effects, namely, nonequilibrium spin injection by +current, and current induced surface torque, on spin-valve type ferromagnetic +metallic junctions is considered theoretically. The CPP configuration is +assumed. The consideration is based on solving a coupled set of equations of +motion for the mobile electron and lattice magnetizations. Boundary conditions +are derived from the total magnetization flux continuity condition. A +dispersion relation is derived for current dependent spin-wave fluctuations. +The fluctuations become unstable under current density exceeding some threshold +value. Joint action of the longitudinal spin injection and the torque lowers +the instability threshold. The spin injection softens spin wave frequency near +the threshold and can pin magnetization at the injecting contact. The pinning +rises under the current increasing, so that the appearance of new spin-wave +resonance lines can be observed.",0412523v1 +2005-12-26,Spin waves in a band ferromagnet: spin-rotationally symmetric study with self-energy and vertex corrections,"First-order quantum corrections to the transverse spin-fluctuation propagator +are obtained within a systematic inverse-degeneracy 1/N expansion, which +provides a spin-rotationally symmetric scheme for including self-energy and +vertex corrections while preserving the Goldstone mode. An expression is +obtained for the spin-wave stiffness constant including all first-order quantum +corrections, and the dominant contribution is shown to yield a strong reduction +due to a correlation-induced enhancement in the exchange-energy gain upon spin +twisting. The quantum reduction factor U/W highlights the subtlety in the +characteristic competition in a band ferromagnet between interaction U and +bandwidth W. Quantum corrections also yield an intrinsic spin-wave damping +mechanism due to coupling between spin and charge fluctuations.",0512648v2 +2010-05-12,Spin effects in the phasing of gravitational waves from binaries on eccentric orbits,"We compute here the spin-orbit and spin-spin couplings needed for an accurate +computation of the phasing of gravitational waves emitted by comparable-mass +binaries on eccentric orbits at the second post-Newtonian (PN) order. We use a +quasi-Keplerian parametrization of the orbit free of divergencies in the zero +eccentricity limit. We find that spin-spin couplings induce a residual +eccentricity for coalescing binaries at 2PN, of the order of +$10^{-4}$-$10^{-3}$ for supermassive black hole binaries in the LISA band. +Spin-orbit precession also induces a non-trivial pattern in the evolution of +the eccentricity, which could help to reduce the errors on the determination of +the eccentricity and spins in a gravitational wave measurement.",1005.2046v1 +2012-05-10,"Multiboson spin-wave theory for Ba2CoGe2O7, a spin-3/2 easy-plane Neel antiferromagnet with strong single-ion anisotropy","We consider the square-lattice antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Hamiltonian +extended with a single-ion axial anisotropy term as a minimal model for the +multiferroic Ba2CoGe2O7. Developing a multiboson spin-wave theory, we +investigate the dispersion of the spin excitations in this spin-3/2 system. As +a consequence of a strong single-ion anisotropy, a stretching (longitudinal) +spin-mode appears in the spectrum. The inelastic neutron scattering spectra of +Zheludev et al. [Phys. Rev. B 68, 024428 (2003)] are successfully reproduced by +the low energy modes in the multiboson spin-wave theory, and we anticipate the +appearance of the spin stretching modes at 4meV that can be identified using +the calculated dynamical spin structure factors. We expect the appearance of +spin stretching modes for any S>1/2 compound where the single-ion anisotropy is +significant.",1205.2196v2 +2015-01-07,Quadratic-in-spin effects in the orbital dynamics and gravitational-wave energy flux of compact binaries at the 3PN order,"We investigate the dynamics of spinning binaries of compact objects at the +next-to-leading order in the quadratic-in-spin effects, which corresponds to +the third post-Newtonian order (3PN). Using a Dixon-type multipolar formalism +for spinning point particles endowed with spin-induced quadrupoles and +computing iteratively in harmonic coordinates the relevant pieces of the PN +metric within the near zone, we derive the post-Newtonian equations of motion +as well as the equations of spin precession. We find full equivalence with +available results. We then focus on the far-zone field produced by those +systems and obtain the previously unknown 3PN spin contributions to the +gravitational-wave energy flux by means of the multipolar post-Minkowskian +(MPM) wave generation formalism. Our results are presented in the +center-of-mass frame for generic orbits, before being further specialized to +the case of spin-aligned, circular orbits. We derive the orbital phase of the +binary based on the energy balance equation and briefly discuss the relevance +of the new terms.",1501.01529v1 +2015-08-06,Large spin-wave bullet in a ferrimagnetic insulator driven by spin Hall effect,"Due to its transverse nature, spin Hall effects (SHE) provide the possibility +to excite and detect spin currents and magnetization dynamics even in magnetic +insulators. Magnetic insulators are outstanding materials for the investigation +of nonlinear phenomena and for novel low power spintronics applications because +of their extremely low Gilbert damping. Here, we report on the direct imaging +of electrically driven spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance (ST-FMR) in the +ferrimagnetic insulator Y$_3$Fe$_5$O$_{12}$ based on the excitation and +detection by SHEs. The driven spin dynamics in Y$_3$Fe$_5$O$_{12}$ is directly +imaged by spatially-resolved microfocused Brillouin light scattering (BLS) +spectroscopy. Previously, ST-FMR experiments assumed a uniform precession +across the sample, which is not valid in our measurements. A strong spin-wave +localization in the center of the sample is observed indicating the formation +of a nonlinear, self-localized spin-wave `bullet'.",1508.01427v1 +2018-06-13,Phase-locking between different partial-waves in atom-ion spin-exchange collisions,"We present a joint experimental and theoretical study of spin dynamics of a +single $^{88}$Sr$^+$ ion colliding with an ultracold cloud of Rb atoms in +various hyperfine states. While spin-exchange between the two species occurs +after 9.1(6) Langevin collisions on average, spin-relaxation of the Sr$^+$ ion +Zeeman qubit occurs after 48(7) Langevin collisions which is significantly +slower than in previously studied systems due to a small second-order +spin-orbit coupling. Furthermore, a reduction of the endothermic spin-exchange +rate was observed as the magnetic field was increased. Interestingly, we found +that, while the phases acquired when colliding on the spin singlet and triplet +potentials vary largely between different partial waves, the singlet-triplet +phase difference, which determines the spin-exchange cross-section, remains +locked to a single value over a wide range of partial-waves which leads to +quantum interference effects.",1806.05150v2 +2019-02-08,Spin dynamics of a millisecond pulsar orbiting closely around a massive black hole,"We investigate the spin dynamics of a millisecond pulsar (MSP) in a tightly +bounded orbit around a massive black hole. These binaries are progenitors of +the extreme-mass-ratio-inspirals (EMRIs) and intermediate-mass-ratio-inspirals +(IMRIs) gravitational wave events. The Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon (MPD) +formulation is used to determine the orbital motion and spin modulation and +evolution. We show that the MSP will not be confined in a planar Keplerian +orbit and its spin will exhibit precession and nutation induced by spin-orbit +coupling and spin-curvature interaction. These spin and orbital behaviours will +manifest observationally in the temporal variations in the MSP's pulsed +emission and, with certain geometries, in the self-occultation of the pulsar's +emitting poles. Radio pulsar timing observations will be able to detect such +signatures. These extreme-mass-ratio binaries (EMRBs) and +intermediate-mass-ratio binaries (IMRBs) are also strong gravitational wave +sources. Combining radio pulsar timing and gravitational wave observations will +allow us to determine the dynamics of these systems in high precision and hence +the subtle behaviours of spinning masses in strong gravity.",1902.03146v1 +2020-03-27,Electrical detection of unconventional transverse spin-currents in obliquely magnetized thin films,"In a typical experiment in magnonics, thin films are magnetized in-plane and +spin waves only carry angular momentum along their spatial propagation +direction. Motivated by the experiments of Bozhko et al. [Phys. Rev. Research +2, 023324 (2020)], we show theoretically that for obliquely magnetized thin +films, exchange-dipolar spin waves are accompanied by a transverse +spin-current. We propose an experiment to electrically detect this transverse +spin-current with Pt strips on top of a YIG film, by comparing the induced +spin-current for spin waves with opposite momenta. We predict the relative +difference to be of the order $10^{-4}$, for magnetic fields tilted at least +$30^{\circ}$ out of plane. This transverse spin-current is the result of the +long range dipole-dipole interaction and the inversion symmetry breaking of the +interface.",2003.12520v4 +2021-02-20,Observation of Coherent Spin Waves in a Three-Dimensional Artificial Spin Ice Structure,"Harnessing high-frequency spin dynamics in three-dimensional (3D) +nanostructures may lead to paradigm-shifting, next generation devices including +high density spintronics and neuromorphic systems. Despite remarkable progress +in fabrication, the measurement and interpretation of spin dynamics in complex +3D structures remain exceptionally challenging. Here we take a first step and +measure coherent spin waves within a 3D artificial spin ice (ASI) structure +using Brillouin light scattering. The 3D-ASI was fabricated by using a +combination of two-photon lithography and thermal evaporation. Two spin-wave +modes were observed in the experiment whose frequencies showed a monotonic +variation with the applied field strength. Numerical simulations qualitatively +reproduced the observed modes. The simulated mode profiles revealed the +collective nature of the modes extending throughout the complex network of +nanowires while showing spatial quantization with varying mode quantization +numbers. The study shows a well-defined means to explore high-frequency spin +dynamics in complex 3D spintronic and magnonic structures.",2102.10270v1 +2022-04-29,All-magnonic Stern-Gerlach effect in antiferromagnets,"The Stern-Gerlach (SG) effect is well known as the spin-dependent splitting +of a beam of atoms carrying magnetic moments by a magnetic-field gradient, +leading to the concept of electron spin. Antiferromagnets can accommodate two +magnon modes with opposite spin polarizations, which is equivalent to the spin +property of electrons. Here, we propose the existence of an all-magnonic SG +effect in antiferromagnetic magnonic system, where a linearly polarized +spin-wave beam is deflected by a straight Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction +(DMI) interface into two opposite polarized spin-wave beams propagating in two +discrete directions. Moreover, we observe bi-focusing of antiferromagnetic spin +waves induced by a curved DMI interface, which can also spatially separate +thermal magnons with opposite polarizations. Our findings provide a unique +perspective to understand the rich phenomena associated with antiferromagnetic +magnon spin and would be helpful for polarization-dependent application of +antiferromagnetic spintronic devices.",2204.13942v1 +2022-11-02,Spin wave excitations in a nanowire spin-torque oscillator with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy,"Spin torque oscillators (STOs) are emerging microwave devices that can +potentially be used in spin-logic devices and the next-generation high-speed +computing architecture. Thanks to their non-linear nature, STOs are easily +tunable by the magnetic field and the dc current. Spin Hall nano-oscillators +(SHNOs) are promising types of STOs and most of the current studies focus on +localized modes that can be easily excited. Here, we study using micromagnetic +simulations, the nature of the spin-torque-induced excitations in nanowire +devices made of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) material. Our results +showed that upon including PMA the excitation of localized and propagating spin +wave modes is feasible. We study the nature of the mode excitations as a +function of the PMA strength (\text{K}$_u$), and the current. Indeed, we +estimate a critical value of \text{K}$_u$ to allow for the excitation of the +propagating spin wave. We attribute this mode selectivity between localized and +propagating modes to a switch in the sign of the nonlinearity of the system +from negative to positive at a non-zero \text{K}$_u$ which is supported by +analytical calculations. Our results provide deep insight into engineering +reconfigurable microwave devices for future magnonic and computational +applications.",2211.01078v1 +2023-02-27,Spin Hall effects in the sky,"In many areas of physics, the propagation of wave packets carrying intrinsic +angular momentum is generally influenced by spin-orbit interactions. This is +the main mechanism behind spin Hall effects, which result in wave packets +following spin-dependent trajectories. Spin Hall effects have been observed in +several experiments for electrons in condensed matter systems and for light +propagating in inhomogeneous optical media. Similar effects have also been +predicted for wave packets propagating in inhomogeneous gravitational fields. +We give a brief introduction to gravitational spin Hall effects, emphasizing +the analogies with the spin Hall effect of light in optics. Furthermore, we +review the most promising astrophysical avenues that could lead to experimental +observations of the gravitational spin Hall effect.",2302.13634v2 +2023-03-13,Coherent THz Spin Dynamics in Antiferromagnets Beyond the Approximation of the Néel vector,"Controlled generation of coherent spin waves with highest possible +frequencies and the shortest possible wavelengths is a cornerstone of +spintronics and magnonics. Here, using the Heisenberg antiferromagnet RbMF$_3$, +we demonstrate that laser-induced THz spin dynamics corresponding to pairs of +mutually coherent counter propagating spin waves with the wavevectors up to the +edge of the Brillouin zone cannot be understood in terms of magnetization and +antiferromagnetic (N\'eel) vectors, conventionally used to describe spin waves. +Instead, we propose to model such spin dynamics using the spin correlation +function. We derive a quantum-mechanical equation of motion for the latter and +emphasize that, unlike the magnetization and antiferromagnetic vectors the spin +correlations in antiferromagnets do not exhibit inertia.",2303.06996v4 +2023-06-24,Causality and stability analysis for the minimal causal spin hydrodynamics,"We perform the linear analysis of causality and stability for a minimal +extended spin hydrodynamics up to second order of the gradient expansion. The +first order spin hydrodynamics, with a rank-3 spin tensor being antisymmetric +for only the last two indices, are proved to be acausal and unstable. We then +consider the minimal causal spin hydrodynamics up to second order of the +gradient expansion. We derive the necessary causality and stability conditions +for this minimal causal spin hydrodynamics. Interestingly, the satisfaction of +the stability conditions relies on the equations of state for the spin density +and chemical potentials. Moreover, different with the conventional relativistic +dissipative hydrodynamics, the stability of the theory seems to be broken at +the finite wave-vector when the stability conditions are fulfilled at small and +large wave-vector limits. It implies that the behavior in small and large +wave-vector limits may be insufficient to determine the stability conditions +for spin hydrodynamics in linear mode analysis.",2306.13880v3 +2009-12-28,Wave-Particle Duality and the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation,"The Hamilton-Jacobi equation of relativistic quantum mechanics is revisited. +The equation is shown to permit solutions in the form of breathers +(oscillating/spinning solitons), displaying simultaneous particle-like and +wave-like behavior. The de Broglie wave thus acquires a clear deterministic +meaning of a wave-like excitation of the classical action function. The problem +of quantization in terms of the breathing action function and the double-slit +experiment are discussed.",0912.5156v1 +2016-01-05,Spinning swimming of Volvox by tangential helical wave,"The swimming of a sphere by means of tangential helical waves running along +its surface is studied on the basis of the Stokes equations. Two types of +tangential waves are found. The first of these is associated with a pressure +disturbance and leads to a higher rate of net rotation than the second one for +the same power. It is suggested that the helical waves are relevant for the +rotational swimming of Volvox.",1601.00755v1 +1997-01-15,Spin dynamics of the spin-Peierls compound CuGeO_3 under magnetic field,"The magnetic field--driven transition in the spin-Peierls system CuGeO_3 +associated with the closing of the spin gap is investigated numerically. The +field dependence of the spin dynamical structure factor (seen by inelastic +neutron scattering) and of the momentum dependent static susceptibility are +calculated. In the dimerized phase (H10) is expected according to the results of +calculations. The results of the paper deepen the knowledge about the spin-wave +propagation control in magnonic devices.",2111.15244v1 +2022-03-08,Interplay between nonlinear spectral shift and nonlinear damping of spin waves in ultrathin YIG waveguides,"We use the phase-resolved imaging to directly study the nonlinear +modification of the wavelength of spin waves propagating in 100-nm thick, +in-plane magnetized YIG waveguides. We show that, by using moderate microwave +powers, one can realize spin waves with large amplitudes corresponding to +precession angles in excess of 10 degrees and nonlinear wavelength variation of +up to 18 percent in this system. We also find that, at large precession angles, +the propagation of spin waves is strongly affected by the onset of nonlinear +damping, which results in a strong spatial dependence of the wavelength. This +effect leads to a spatially dependent controllability of the wavelength by the +microwave power. Furthermore, it leads to the saturation of nonlinear spectral +shift's effects several micrometers away from the excitation point. These +findings are important for the development of nonlinear, integrated spin-wave +signal processing devices and can be used to optimize their characteristics.",2203.04018v1 +2022-04-14,Micro magnet location using spin waves,"In this work, we present experimental data demonstrating the feasibility of +magnetic object location using spin waves. The test structure includes a +Y$_3$Fe$_2$(FeO$_4$)$_3$) (YIG) film with four micro-antennas placed on the +edges. A constant in-plane bias magnetic field is provided by NdFeB permanent +magnet. Two antennas are used for spin wave excitation while the other two are +used for the inductive voltage measurement. There are nine selected places for +the magnet on the film. The magnet was subsequently placed in all nine +positions and spin wave transmission and reflection were measured. The obtained +experimental data show the difference in the output signal amplitude depending +on the magnet position. All nine locations can be identified by the frequency +and the amplitude of the absolute minimum in the output power. All experiments +are accomplished at room temperature. Potentially, spin waves can be utilized +for remote magnetic bit read-out. The disadvantages and physical constraints of +this approach are also discussed.",2204.07238v1 +2022-07-10,Semimetallic spin-density wave state in iron pnictides,"We examine the existence of semimetallic spin-density wave states in iron +pnictides. In the experimentally observed metallic spin-density wave state, the +symmetry-protected Dirac cones are located away from the Fermi surface giving +rise to tiny pockets and there are also additional Fermi pockets such as one +around $\Gamma$. We find that the location of a pair of Dirac points with +respect to the Fermi surface exhibits significant sensitivity to the orbital +splitting between the $d_{xz}$ and $d_{yz}$ orbitals. Besides, in the presence +of orbital splitting, the Fermi pockets not associated with the Dirac cones, +can be suppressed so that a semimetallic spin-density wave state can be +realized. We explain these finding in terms of difference in the slopes and +orbital contents of the bands which form the Dirac cone, and obtain the +necessary conditions dependent on these two and other parameters for the +coexisting Dirac semimetallic and spin-density wave states. Additionally, the +topologically protected edge states are studied in the ribbon geometry when the +same are oriented either along $x$ or $y$ axes.",2207.04365v1 +2022-11-23,Anatomy of spin wave driven magnetic texture motion via magnonic torques,"The interplay between spin wave and magnetic texture represents the +information exchange between the fast and slow dynamical parts of magnetic +systems. Here we formulate a set of magnonic torques acting on background +magnetic texture, by extracting time-invariant information from the fast +precessing spin waves. Under the frame of magnonic torques, we use theoretical +formulations and micromagnetic simulations to investigate the spin wave driven +domain wall motion in two typical symmetry-breaking situations: the rotational +symmetry broken by the Dzyaloshinkii-Moriya interaction, and the translational +symmetry broken by magnetic damping. The torque-based microscopic analyses +provide compact yet quantitative tools to reinterpret the magnetic texture +dynamics induced by spin wave, beyond the conventional framework of global +momentum conservation.",2211.12958v1 +2023-02-25,Magnonic Hall Effect and Magnonic Holography of Hopfions,"Hopfions are localized and topologically non-trivial magnetic configurations +that have received considerable attention in recent years. Through a +micromagnetic approach, we analyze the scattering of spin waves by magnetic +hopfions. We show that the spin waves experience an emergent electromagnetic +field related to the topological properties of the hopfion. We find that spin +waves propagating along the hopfion symmetry axis are deflected by the magnetic +texture, which acts as a convergent or divergent lens, depending on the spin +wave propagation direction. The effect differs for spin waves propagating along +the plane perpendicular to the symmetry axis. In the last case, they respond +with a skew scattering and a closely related Aharonov-Bohm effect. This allows +probing the existence of a magnetic hopfion by magnonic holography.",2302.13190v1 +2023-04-05,High-energy spin waves in the spin-1 square-lattice antiferromagnet La$_2$NiO$_4$,"Inelastic neutron scattering is used to study the magnetic excitations of the +$S=1$ square-lattice antiferromagnet La$_2$NiO$_4$. We find that the spin waves +cannot be described by a simple classical (harmonic) Heisenberg model with only +nearest-neighbor interactions. The spin-wave dispersion measured along the +antiferromagnetic Brillouin-zone boundary shows a minimum energy at the +$(1/2,0)$ position as is observed in some $S=1/2$ square-lattice +antiferromagnets. Thus, our results suggest that the quantum dispersion +renormalization effects or longer-range exchange interactions observed in +cuprates and other $S=1/2$ square-lattice antiferromagnets are also present in +La$_2$NiO$_4$. We also find that the overall intensity of the spin-wave +excitations is suppressed relative to linear spin-wave theory indicating that +covalency is important. Two-magnon scattering is also observed.",2304.02546v2 +2023-07-04,Probing general relativistic spin-orbit coupling with gravitational waves from hierarchical triple systems,"Wave packets propagating in inhomogeneous media experience a coupling between +internal and external degrees of freedom and, as a consequence, follow +spin-dependent trajectories. These are known as spin Hall effects, which are +well known in optics and condensed matter physics. Similarly, the gravitational +spin Hall effect is expected to affect the propagation of gravitational waves +on curved spacetimes. In this general-relativistic setup, the curvature of +spacetime acts as impurities in a semiconductor or inhomogeneities in an +optical medium, leading to a frequency- and polarization-dependent propagation +of wave packets. In this letter, we study this effect for strong-field lensed +gravitational waves generated in hierarchical triple black hole systems in +which a stellar-mass binary merges near a more massive black hole. We calculate +how the gravitational spin Hall effect modifies the gravitational waveforms and +show its potential for experimental observation. If detected, these effects +will bear profound implications for astrophysics and tests of general +relativity.",2307.01903v1 +2023-08-28,Spin wave mode conversion in an in-plane magnetized microscale T-shaped YIG magnonic splitter,"As one of the fundamental magnonic devices, a magnonic splitter device has +been proposed and spin wave propagation in this device has been studied +numerically and experimentally. In the present work, we fabricated a T-shaped +magnonic splitter with 6 $\mu$m-wide three arms using a 100 nm-thick yttrium +iron garnet film and, using time-resolved magneto-optic Kerr microscopy, +observed that spin waves split into both, the vertical and the horizontal +direction at the junction. Analyzing the results, we found that spin wave modes +are converted into another during the splitting process and the splitting +efficiency is dominantly dependent on the 1st order of incoming spin waves.",2308.14327v1 +2009-07-02,Gravitational-wave detectability of equal-mass black-hole binaries with aligned spins,"Binary black-hole systems with spins aligned or anti-aligned to the orbital +angular momentum provide the natural ground to start detailed studies of the +influence of strong-field spin effects on gravitational wave observations of +coalescing binaries. Furthermore, such systems may be the preferred end-state +of the inspiral of generic supermassive binary black-hole systems. In view of +this, we have computed the inspiral and merger of a large set of binary systems +of equal-mass black holes with spins parallel to the orbital angular momentum +but otherwise arbitrary. Our attention is particularly focused on the +gravitational-wave emission so as to quantify how much spin effects contribute +to the signal-to-noise ratio, to the horizon distances, and to the relative +event rates for the representative ranges in masses and detectors. As expected, +the signal-to-noise ratio increases with the projection of the total black hole +spin in the direction of the orbital momentum. We find that equal-spin binaries +with maximum spin aligned with the orbital angular momentum are more than +""three times as loud"" as the corresponding binaries with anti-aligned spins, +thus corresponding to event rates up to 30 times larger. We also consider the +waveform mismatch between the different spinning configurations and find that, +within our numerical accuracy, binaries with opposite spins S_1=-S_2 cannot be +distinguished whereas binaries with spin S_1=S_2 have clearly distinct +gravitational-wave emissions. Finally, we derive a simple expression for the +energy radiated in gravitational waves and find that the binaries always have +efficiencies E_rad/M > 3.6%, which can become as large as E_rad/M = 10% for +maximally spinning binaries with spins aligned with the orbital angular +momentum.",0907.0462v2 +2009-09-21,Spin Waves and Switching: The Dynamics of Exchange - Biased Co Core - CoO Shell Nanoparticles,"The utility of nanoscaled ferromagnetic particles requires both stabilized +moments and maximized switching speeds. During reversal, the spatial modulation +of the nanoparticle magnetization evolves in time, and the energy differences +between each new configuration are accomodated by the absorption or emission +spin waves with different wavelengths and energy profiles. The switching speed +is limited by how quickly this spin wave energy is dissipated. We present here +the first observation of dispersing spin waves in a nanoscaled system, using +neutron scattering to detect spin waves in the CoO shells of exchange biased Co +core- CoO shell nanoparticles. Their dispersion is little affected by finite +size effects, but the spectral weight shifts to energies and wave vectors which +increase with decreasing system size. Core-shell coupling leads to a +substantial enhancement of the CoO spin wave population above its conventional +thermal level, suggesting a new mechanism for dissipating core switching +energy.",0909.3833v1 +2018-04-14,Interplay of Wave Localization and Turbulence in Spin Seebeck Effect,"One of the most important discoveries in spintronics is the spin Seebeck +effect (SSE) recently observed in both insulating and (semi-)conducting +magnets. However, the very existence of the effect in transverse configuration +is still a subject of current debates, due to conflicting results reported in +different experiments. Present understanding of the SSE is mainly based on a +particle-like picture with the local equilibrium approximation (LEA), i.e., +spatially resolved temperature-field assumed to describe the system. In this +work, we abandon the LEA to some extent and develop a wave theory to explain +the SSE, by highlighting the interplay between wave localization and +turbulence. We show that the emerging SSE with a sign change in the +high/low-temperature regions is closely related to the extendedness of the spin +wave that senses an average temperature of the system. On the one hand, +ubiquitous disorders (or magnetic field gradients) can strongly suppress the +transverse spin Seebeck effect (TSSE) due to Anderson (or Wannier-Zeeman) +spin-wave localization. On the other hand, the competing wave turbulence of +interacting magnons tends to delocalize the wave, and thus remarkably revives +the TSSE before the magnon self-trapping. Our theory provides a promising route +to resolve the heated debate on TSSE with a clear experiment scheme to test it +in future spin caloritronic devices.",1804.05157v1 +2020-09-04,Experimental observation of the curvature-induced asymmetric spin-wave dispersion in hexagonal nanotubes,"Theoretical and numerical studies on curved magnetic nano-objects predict +numerous exciting effects that can be referred to as magneto-chiral effects, +which do not originate from the intrinsic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction or +surface-induced anisotropies. The origin of these chiral effects is the +isotropic exchange or the dipole-dipole interaction present in all magnetic +materials but renormalized by the curvature. Here, we demonstrate +experimentally that curvature induced effects originating from the +dipole-dipole interaction are directly observable by measuring spin-wave +propagation in magnetic nanotubes with hexagonal cross section using time +resolved scanning transmission X-ray microscopy. We show that the dispersion +relation is asymmetric upon reversal of the wave vector when the propagation +direction is perpendicular to the static magnetization. Therefore +counter-propagating spin waves of the same frequency exhibit different +wavelenghts. Hexagonal nanotubes have a complex dispersion, resulting from +spin-wave modes localised to the flat facets or to the extremely curved regions +between the facets. The dispersion relations obtained experimentally and from +micromagnetic simulations are in good agreement. %The asymmetric spin-wave +transport is present for all modes, promoting hexagonal nanotubes for magnonic +applications. These results show that spin-wave transport is possible in 3D, +and that the dipole-dipole induced magneto-chiral effects are significant.",2009.02238v1 +2016-11-23,Magnetometer Based On Spin Wave Interferometer,"We describe magnetic field sensor based on spin wave interferometer. Its +sensing element consists of a magnetic cross junction with four micro-antennas +fabricated at the edges. Two of these antennas are used for spin wave +excitation and two others antennas are used for the detection of the inductive +voltage produced by the interfering spin waves. Two waves propagating in the +orthogonal arms of the cross may accumulate significantly different phase +shifts depending on the magnitude and the direction of the external magnetic +field. This phenomenon is utilized for magnetic field sensing. The sensitivity +has maximum at the destructive interference condition, where a small change of +the external magnetic field results in a drastic increase of the inductive +voltage as well as the change of the output phase. We report experimental data +obtained on a micrometer scale Y3Fe2(FeO4)3 cross structure. The change of the +inductive voltage near the destructive interference point exceeds 40 dB per 1 +Oe. At the same time, the phase of the output exhibit a {\pi}-phase shift +within 1 Oe. The data are collected for three different orientations of the +sensor in magnetic field at room temperature. Taking into account low thermal +noise in ferrite structures, the maximum sensitivity of spin wave magnetometer +may exceed atta Tesla. Other appealing advantages include compactness, fast +data acquisition and wide temperature operating range. The physical limits of +spin wave interferometers are also discussed.",1611.08015v1 +2014-01-29,Nonreciprocal Dispersion of Spin Waves in Ferromagnetic Thin Films Covered with a Finite-Conductivity Metal,"We study the effect of one-side metallization of a uniform ferromagnetic thin +film on its spin-wave dispersion relation in the Damon-Eshbach geometry. Due to +the finite conductivity of the metallic cover layer on the ferromagnetic film +the spin-wave dispersion relation may be nonreciprocal only in a limited +wave-vector range. We provide an approximate analytical solution for the +spin-wave frequency, discuss its validity and compare it with numerical +results. The dispersion is analyzed systematically by varying the parameters of +the ferromagnetic film, the metal cover layer and the value of the external +magnetic field. The conclusions drawn from this analysis allow us to define a +structure based on a 30 nm thick CoFeB film with an experimentally accessible +nonreciprocal dispersion relation in a relatively wide wave-vector range.",1401.7454v1 +2015-03-26,Lagrangian geometrical optics of nonadiabatic vector waves and spin particles,"Linear vector waves, both quantum and classical, experience +polarization-driven bending of ray trajectories and polarization dynamics that +can be interpreted as the precession of the ""wave spin"". Both phenomena are +governed by an effective gauge Hamiltonian, which vanishes in leading-order +geometrical optics. This gauge Hamiltonian can be recognized as a +generalization of the Stern-Gerlach Hamiltonian that is commonly known for +spin-1/2 quantum particles. The corresponding reduced Lagrangians for +continuous nondissipative waves and their geometrical-optics rays are derived +from the fundamental wave Lagrangian. The resulting Euler-Lagrange equations +can describe simultaneous interactions of $N$ resonant modes, where $N$ is +arbitrary, and lead to equations for the wave spin, which happens to be a +$(N^2-1)$-dimensional spin vector. As a special case, classical equations for a +Dirac particle $(N=2)$ are deduced formally, without introducing additional +postulates or interpretations, from the Dirac quantum Lagrangian with the Pauli +term. The model reproduces the Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi equations with added +Stern-Gerlach force.",1503.07829v1 +2018-07-31,Electrostatic Langmuir and SEAWs in spin polarized plasma double layer,"The quantum hydrodynamic model of the electrostatic waves in the two parallel +layers of two dimensional electron gases (2DEGs) is developed. It is considered +for two regimes: classic regime and quantum regime with the separate spin +evolution. Two Langmuir-like waves are found in classic case which have an +interference-like pattern in the frequency dependence on concentration +$\omega^{2}\sim(n_{01}+n_{02}\pm2\sqrt{n_{01}n_{02}})$. They appear instead of +two 2D Langmuir waves in noninteracting 2DEGs. The spectrum of four waves is +found in the quantum regime. Two extra waves are related to the separate spin +evolution and associated to the spin-electron acoustic waves. The influence of +the quantum Bohm potential is considered either.",1807.11894v1 +2018-10-09,Non-uniform spin wave softening in 2D magnonic crystals as a tool for opening omnidirectional magnonic band gaps,"By means of the plane wave method we study spin wave dynamics in +two-dimensional bi-component magnonic crystals based on a squeezed hexagonal +lattice and consist of a permalloy thin film with cobalt inclusions. We explore +the dependence of a spin wave frequency on the external magnetic field, +especially in weak fields where the mode softening takes place. For considered +structures, the mode softening proves to be highly non-uniform on both the mode +number and the wave vector. We found this effect to be responsible for the +omnidirectional band gap opening. Moreover, we show that the enhancement of the +demagnetizing field caused by the squeezing of the structure is of crucial +importance for the non-uniform mode softening. This allows us to employ this +mechanism to design magnonic gaps with different sensitivity for the tiny +change of the external field. The effects we have found should be useful in +designing and optimization of spin wave filters highly tunable by a small +external magnetic field.",1810.04005v3 +2021-08-26,Gravitational waves from spinning neutron stars as not-quite-standard sirens,"As is well known, gravitational wave detections of coalescing binaries are +standard sirens, allowing a measurement of source distance by gravitational +wave means alone. In this paper we explore the analogue of this capability for +continuous gravitational wave emission from individual spinning neutron stars, +whose spin-down is driven purely by gravitational wave emission. We show that +in this case, the distance measurement is always degenerate with one other +parameter, which can be taken to be the moment of inertia of the star. We +quantify the accuracy to which such degenerate measurements can be made. We +also discuss the practical application of this method to scenarios where one or +other of distance or moment of inertia is constrained, breaking this degeneracy +and allowing a measurement of the remaining parameter. We consider a broad +range of possible, unknown parameters, as well as we present results for the +aLIGO and Einstein Telescope sensitivities. Our results will be of use +following the eventual detection of a neutron star spinning down through such +gravitational wave emission.",2108.11710v2 +2017-03-11,Confined states in photonic-magnonic crystals with complex unit cell,"We have investigated multifunctional periodic structures in which +electromagnetic waves and spin waves can be confined in the same areas. Such +simultaneous localization of both sorts of excitations can potentially enhance +the interaction between electromagnetic waves and spin waves. The system we +considered has a form of one dimensional photonic-magnonic crystal with two +types of magnetic layers (thicker and thinner ones) separated by sections of +the dielectric photonic crystals. We focused on the electromagnetic defect +modes localized in the magnetic layers (areas where spin waves can be exited) +and decaying in the sections of conventional (nonmagnetic) photonic crystals. +We showed how the change of relative thickness of two types of the magnetic +layers can influence on the spectrum of spin waves and electromagnetic defect +modes, both localized in magnetic parts of the system.",1703.04013v1 +2021-12-29,Excitation and detection of coherent sub-terahertz magnons in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic heterostructures,"Excitation of coherent high-frequency magnons (quanta of spin waves) is +critical to the development of high-speed magnonic devices. Here we +computationally demonstrate the excitation of coherent sub-terahertz (THz) +magnons in ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AFM) thin films by a +photoinduced picosecond acoustic pulse. Analytical calculations are also +performed to reveal the magnon excitation mechanism. Through spin pumping and +spin-charge conversion, these magnons can inject sub-THz charge current into an +adjacent heavy-metal film which in turn emits electromagnetic (EM) waves. Using +a dynamical phase-field model that considers the coupled dynamics of acoustic +waves, spin waves, and EM waves, we show that the emitted EM wave retains the +spectral information of all the sub-THz magnon modes and has a sufficiently +large amplitude for near-field detection. These predictions indicate that the +excitation and detection of sub-THz magnons can be realized in rationally +designed FM or AFM thin-film heterostructures via ultrafast optical-pump +THz-emission-probe spectroscopy.",2112.14749v2 +2023-05-29,Spinning Partial Waves for Scattering Amplitudes in $d$ Dimensions,"Partial wave decomposition is one of the main tools within the modern +S-matrix studies. We present a method to compute partial waves for $2\to2$ +scattering of spinning particles in arbitrary spacetime dimension. We identify +partial waves as matrix elements of the rotation group with definite covariance +properties under a subgroup. This allows to use a variety of techniques from +harmonic analysis in order to construct a novel algebra of weight-shifting +operators. All spinning partial waves are generated by the action of these +operators on a set of known scalar seeds. The text is accompanied by a {\it +Mathematica} notebook to automatically generate partial waves. These results +pave the way to a systematic studies of spinning S-matrix bootstrap and +positivity bounds.",2305.18523v2 +2004-02-09,Spin Waves in Striped Phases,"In many antiferromagnetic, quasi-two-dimensional materials, doping with holes +leads to ""stripe"" phases, in which the holes congregate along antiphase domain +walls in the otherwise antiferromagnetic texture. Using a suitably parametrized +two-dimensional Heisenberg model on a square lattice, we study the spin wave +spectra of well-ordered spin stripes, comparing bond-centered antiphase domain +walls to site-centered antiphase domain walls for a range of spacings between +the stripes and for stripes both aligned with the lattice (""vertical"") and +oriented along the diagonals of the lattice (""diagonal""). Our results establish +that there are qualitative differences between the expected neutron scattering +responses for the bond-centered and site-centered cases. In particular, +bond-centered stripes of odd spacing generically exhibit more elastic peaks +than their site-centered counterparts. For inelastic scattering, we find that +bond-centered stripes produce more spin wave bands than site-centered stripes +of the same spacing and that bond-centered stripes produce rather isotropic low +energy spin wave cones for a large range of parameters, despite local +microscopic anisotropy. We find that extra scattering intensity due to the +crossing of spin wave modes (which may be linked to the ""resonance peak"" in the +cuprates) is more likely for diagonal stripes, whether site- or bond-centered, +whereas spin wave bands generically repel, rather than cross, when stripes are +vertical.",0402231v2 +2006-03-28,Renormalization of the spin-wave spectrum in three-dimentional ferromagnets with dipolar interaction,"Renormalization of the spin-wave spectrum is discussed in a cubic ferromagnet +with dipolar forces at $T_C\gg T\ge0$. First 1/S-corrections are considered in +detail to the bare spectrum $\epsilon_{\bf k} = \sqrt{Dk^2 (Dk^2 + +S\omega_0\sin^2\theta_{\bf k})}$, where $D$ is the spin-wave stiffness, +$\theta_{\bf k}$ is the angle between $\bf k$ and the magnetization and +$\omega_0$ is the characteristic dipolar energy. In accordance with previous +results we obtain the thermal renormalization of constants $D$ and $\omega_0$ +in the expression for the bare spectrum. Besides, a number of previously +unknown features are revealed. We observe terms which depend on azimuthal angle +of the momentum $\bf k$. It is obtained an isotropic term proportional to $k$ +which makes the spectrum linear rather than quadratic when $\sin\theta_{\bf +k}=0$ and $k \ll \omega_0/D$. In particular a spin-wave gap proportional to +$\sin\theta_{\bf k}$ is observed. Essentially, thermal contribution from the +Hartree-Fock diagram to the isotropic correction as well as to the spin-wave +gap are proportional to the demagnetizing factor in the direction of domain +magnetization. This nontrivial behavior is attributed to the long-range nature +of the dipolar interaction. It is shown that the gap screens infrared +singularities of the first 1/S-corrections to the spin-wave stiffness and +longitudinal dynamical spin susceptibility (LDSS) obtained before. We +demonstrate that higher order 1/S-corrections to these quantities are small at +$T\ll\omega_0$. However the analysis of the entire perturbation series is still +required to derive the spectrum and LDSS when $T\gg\omega_0$.",0603741v2 +2007-09-04,Spin Wave Magnetic NanoFabric: A New Approach to Spin-based Logic Circuitry,"We propose and describe a magnetic NanoFabric which provides a route to +building reconfigurable spin-based logic circuits compatible with conventional +electron-based devices. A distinctive feature of the proposed NanoFabric is +that a bit of information is encoded into the phase of the spin wave signal. It +makes possible to transmit information without the use of electric current and +utilize wave interference for useful logic functionality. The basic elements +include voltage-to-spin wave and wave-to-voltage converters, spin waveguides, a +modulator, and a magnetoelectric cell. As an example of a magnetoelectric cell, +we consider a two-phase piezoelectric-piezomagnetic system, where the spin wave +signal modulation is due to the stress-induced anisotropy caused by the applied +electric field. The performance of the basic elements is illustrated by +experimental data and results of numerical modeling. The combination of the +basic elements let us construct magnetic circuits for NOT and Majority logic +gates. Logic gates AND, OR, NAND and NOR are shown to be constructed as the +combination of NOT and a reconfigurable Majority gates. The examples of +computational architectures such as Cellular Automata, Cellular Nonlinear +Network and Field Programmable Gate Array are described. The main advantage of +the proposed NanoFabric is in the ability to realize logic gates with less +number of devices than it required for CMOS-based circuits. Potentially, the +area of the elementary reconfigurable Majority gate can be scaled down to +0.1um2. The disadvantages and limitations of the proposed NanoFabric are +discussed.",0709.0521v1 +2010-11-12,Spin-Wave Spectrum in `Single-Domain' Magnetic Ground State of Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet CuFeO2,"By means of neutron scattering measurements, we have investigated spin-wave +excitation in a collinear four-sublattice (4SL) magnetic ground state of a +triangular lattice antiferromagnet CuFeO2, which has been of recent interest as +a strongly frustrated magnet, a spin-lattice coupled system and a multiferroic. +To avoid mixing of spin-wave spectrum from magnetic domains having three +different orientations reflecting trigonal symmetry of the crystal structure, +we have applied uniaxial pressure on [1-10] direction of a single crystal +CuFeO2. By elastic neutron scattering measurements, we have found that only 10 +MPa of the uniaxial pressure results in almost 'single domain' state in the 4SL +phase. We have thus performed inelastic neutron scattering measurements using +the single domain sample, and have identified two distinct spin- wave branches. +The dispersion relation of the upper spin-wave branch cannot be explained by +the previous theoretical model [R. S. Fishman: J. Appl. Phys. 103 (2008) +07B109]. This implies the importance of the lattice degree of freedom in the +spin-wave excitation in this system, because the previous calculation neglected +the effect of the spin-driven lattice distortion in the 4SL phase. We have also +discussed relationship between the present results and the recently discovered +""electromagnon"" excitation.",1011.2859v1 +2020-06-03,Stochastic Core Spin-Up in Massive Stars -- Implications of 3D Simulations of Oxygen Shell Burning,"It has been suggested based on analytic theory that even in non-rotating +supernova progenitors stochastic spin-up by internal gravity waves (IGWs) +during the late burning stages can impart enough angular momentum to the core +to result in neutron star birth spin periods below 100ms, and a relatively firm +upper limit of 500ms for the spin period. We here investigate this process +using a 3D simulation of oxygen shell burning in a $3M_\odot$ He star. Our +model indicates that stochastic spin-up by IGWs is less efficient than +previously thought. We find that the stochastic angular momentum flux carried +by waves excited at the shell boundary is significantly smaller for a given +convective luminosity and turnover time than would be expected from simple +dimensional analysis. This can be explained by noting that the waves launched +by overshooting convective plumes contain modes of opposite angular wave number +with similar amplitudes, so that the net angular momentum of excited wave +packets almost cancels. We find that the wave-mediated angular momentum flux +from the oxygen shell follows a random walk, but again dimensional analysis +overestimates the random walk amplitudes since the correlation time is only a +fraction of the convective turnover time. Extrapolating our findings over the +entire life time of the last burning stages prior to collapse, we predict that +the core angular momentum from stochastic spin-up would translate into long +birth spin periods of several seconds for low-mass progenitors and no less than +100ms even for high-mass progenitors.",2006.02146v2 +2021-07-21,Scattering in Black Hole Backgrounds and Higher-Spin Amplitudes: Part I,"The scattering of massless waves of helicity $|h|=0,\frac{1}{2},1$ in +Schwarzschild and Kerr backgrounds is revisited in the long-wavelenght regime. +Using a novel description of such backgrounds in terms of gravitating massive +particles, we compute classical wave scattering in terms of $2\to 2$ QFT +amplitudes in flat space, to all orders in spin. The results are Newman-Penrose +amplitudes which are in direct correspondence with solutions of the +Regge-Wheeler/Teukolsky equation. By introducing a precise prescription for the +point-particle limit, in Part I of this work we show how both agree for $h=0$ +at finite values of the scattering angle and arbitrary spin orientation. + Associated classical observables such as the scattering cross sections, wave +polarizations and time delay are studied at all orders in spin. The effect of +the black hole spin on the polarization and helicity of the waves is found in +agreement with previous analysis at linear order in spin. In the particular +limit of small scattering angle, we argue that wave scattering admits a +universal, point-particle description determined by the eikonal approximation. +We show how our results recover the scattering eikonal phase with spin up to +second post-Minkowskian order, and match it to the effective action of null +geodesics in a Kerr background. Using this correspondence we derive classical +observables such as polar and equatorial scattering angles. + This study serves as a preceding analysis to Part II, where the Gravitational +Wave ($h=2$) case will be studied in detail.",2107.10179v2 +2023-07-20,"The Role of $r$-Modes in Pulsar Spindown, Pulsar Timing and Gravitational Waves","Pulsars are fast-spinning neutron stars that lose their rotational energy via +various processes such as gravitational and electromagnetic radiation, particle +acceleration, and mass loss processes. Pulsar energy dissipation can be +quantified by a spin-down equation that measures the rate of change of pulsar +rotational frequency as a function of the frequency itself. We explore the +pulsar spin-down equation and consider the spin-down term up to the seventh +order in frequency. The seventh-order spin-down term accounts for energy +carried away in the form of gravitational radiation due to a current-type +quadrupole in the pulsar induced by r-modes. We derive analytical formulae of +pulsar r-mode gravitational wave frequency in terms of pulsar compactness, +tidal deformability, r-mode amplitude, and gravitational wave amplitude. We +find solutions to the above relationships using the Lambert-Tsallis and +Lambert-W functions. We also present an analytic solution of the pulsar +rotational period from the spin-down equation and numerically verify it for the +Crab pulsar PSR B0531+21. Accurate analysis of pulsar energy loss, spin-down, +and gravitational wave emission are relevant for precise pulsar timing, +improving the knowledge of neutron star equation of state, and the search for +continuous gravitational waves with 3-rd generation ground-based and +space-based gravitational wave detectors.",2307.11270v2 +2012-04-01,Magnetostatic spin waves and magnetic-wave chaos in ferromagnetic films. I. Theory of magnetostatic waves in plates under arbitrary anisotropy and external fields,"General phenomenological theory of magnetic spin waves in ferromagnetic media +is originally reformulated and applied to analysis of magnetostatic waves in +films and plates with arbitrary nisotropy under arbitrary external field. Exact +expressions are derived for propagator of linear waves between antennae +(inductors) and mutual impedances of antennae, and exact unified dispersion +equation is obtained which describes all types of magnetostatic wave +eigen-modes. Characteristic frequencies (spectra) and some other important +properties of main modes are analytically considered and graphically +illustrated. Besides, several aspects of non-linear excitations and +magnetic-wave chaos are discussed, including two-dimensional ""non-linear +Schrodinger equations"" for magnetostatic wave packets and envelope solitons.",1204.0200v1 +1998-01-15,Obervation of non-linear stationary spin waves in superfluid 3He-B,"Due to its broken spin and orbit rotation symmetries, superfluid $^3$He plays +a unique role for testing rotational quantum properties on a macroscopic scale. +In this system the orbital momentum forms textures that provide an effective +potential well for the creation of stationary spin waves. In the limit of the +lowest temperatures presently attainable, we observe by NMR techniques a +profound change in the spin dynamics. The NMR line shape becomes asymmetric, +strongly hysteretic and displays substantial frequency shifts. This behavior, +quantitatively described by an anharmonic oscillator model, indicates that the +parameters of the potential well depend on the spin waves amplitude, and +therefore that the orbital motion is not damped in this new regime, not +considered by the standard Leggett-Takagi theory. This regime of non-linear +stationary spin waves is shown to give rise to the pulsed NMR ""Persistent +Signals"" reported recently.",9801159v1 +1999-09-14,Spin Wave Theory of Double Exchange Magnets,"An isotropic half-metallic double exchange magnet with a direct superexchange +coupling between the localized spins is studied within the spin-wave (1/S) +expansion. The momentum dependence of the spin wave spectrum (including quantum +corrections) in the ferromagnetic phase at T=0 is investigated. Based on the +calculated spin wave spectrum of the canted state, it is shown that as long as +the external magnetic field is not too strong, the double exchange -- +superexchange competition does not result in a stabilization of a +two-sublattice canted spin ordering.",9909213v3 +2005-07-28,Theory of transverse spin dynamics in a polarized Fermi liquid and an itinerant ferromagnet,"The linear equations for transverse spin dynamics in a weakly polarized +degenerate Fermi liquid with arbitrary relationship between temperature and +polarization are derived from Landau-Silin phenomenological kinetic equation +with general form of two-particle collision integral. Unlike the previous +treatment where Fermi velocity and density of states have been taken as +constants independent of polarization here we made derivation free from this +assumption. The obtained equations are applicable for description of spin +dynamics in paramagnetic Fermi liquid with finite polarization as well in an +itinerant ferromagnet. In both cases transverse spin wave frequency is found to +be proportional to the square of the wave vector with complex constant of +proportionality (diffusion coefficient) such that the damping has a finite +value at T=0. The polarization dependence of the diffusion coefficient is found +to be different for a polarized Fermi liquid and for an itinerant ferromagnet. +These conclusions are confirmed by derivation of transverse spin wave +dispersion law in frame of field theoretical methods from the integral equation +for the vortex function. It is shown that similar derivation taking into +consideration the divergency of static transverse susceptibility also leads to +the same attenuating spin wave spectrum.",0507675v1 +2005-08-19,Spin-waves in antiferromagnetic single crystal LiFePO$_4$,"Spin-wave dispersions in the antiferromagnetic state of single crystal +LiFePO$_4$ were determined by inelastic neutron scattering measurements. The +dispersion curves measured from the (010) reflection along both {\it a}$^\ast$ +and {\it b}$^\ast$ reciprocal-space directions reflect the anisotropic coupling +of the layered Fe$^{2+}$ (S = 2) spin-system. The spin-wave dispersion curves +were theoretically modeled using linear spin-wave theory by including in the +spin-Hamiltonian in-plane nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor interactions ({\it +J}$_1$ and {\it J}$_2$), inter-plane nearest-neighbor interactions ({\it +J}$_\bot$) and a single-ion anisotropy ({\it D}). A weak (010) magnetic peak +was observed in elastic neutron scattering studies of the same crystal +indicating that the ground state of the staggered iron moments is not along +(010) direction, as previously reported from polycrystalline samples studies, +but slightly rotated away from this axis.",0508480v1 +2006-03-10,Magnetic Structure and Spin Waves in the Kagomé Jarosite compound ${\bf KFe_3(SO_4)_2(OH)_6}$,"We present a detailed study of the magnetic structure and spin waves in the +Fe jarosite compound ${\rm KFe_3(SO_4)_2(OH)_6}$ for the most general +Hamiltonian involving one- and two-spin interactions which are allowed by +symmetry. We compare the calculated spin-wave spectrum with the recent neutron +scattering data of Matan {\it et al.} for various model Hamiltonians which +include, in addition to isotropic Heisenberg exchange interactions between +nearest ($J_1$) and next-nearest ($J_2$) neighbors, single ion anisotropy and +Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions. We concluded that DM interactions are +the dominant anisotropic interaction, which not only fits all the splittings in +the spin-wave spectrum but also reproduces the small canting of the spins out +of the Kagom\'e plane. A brief discussion of how representation theory +restricts the allowed magnetic structure is also given.",0603280v1 +2007-01-08,Quantum corrections to the spin-wave spectrum of La$_2$CuO$_4$ in an external magnetic field,"The effects of quantum fluctuations on the magnetic field dependence of the +spin-wave gaps in the lamellar antiferromagnet La$_2$CuO$_4$ are considered. +Nonlinear corrections to the spin-wave spectrum are calculated to leading order +in 1/S, where $S$ is the localized spin. The nearest-neighbor exchange +interactions between the Cu spins as well as the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya +interactions are taken into account. Using the experimental values of the +components of the $g$-factor tensor, we get a satisfactory agreement with the +experimental results for the field dependence of the gaps by Gozar {\it et al.} +[Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 93}, 027001 (2004)], and obtain consistent values of the +in-plane and inter-plane coupling constants. The field dependence of the +dispersion of spin waves propagating perpendicular to the CuO$_2$ planes is +also discussed.",0701143v1 +2000-03-16,Fields on the Poincare group: arbitrary spin description and relativistic wave equations,"In this paper, starting from pure group-theoretical point of view, we develop +a regular approach to describing particles with different spins in the +framework of a theory of scalar fields on the Poincare group. Such fields can +be considered as generating functions for conventional spin-tensor fields. The +cases of 2, 3, and 4 dimensions are elaborated in detail. Discrete +transformations $C,P,T$ are defined for the scalar fields as automorphisms of +the Poincare group. Doing a classification of the scalar functions, we obtain +relativistic wave equations for particles with definite spin and mass. There +exist two different types of scalar functions (which describe the same mass and +spin), one related to a finite-dimensional nonunitary representation and +another one related to an infinite-dimensional unitary representation of the +Lorentz subgroup. This allows us to derive both usual finite-component wave +equations for spin-tensor fields and positive energy infinite-component wave +equations.",0003146v2 +2008-04-09,Multiferroic materials for spin-based logic devices,"Logical devices based on spin waves offer the potential to avoid dissipation +mechanisms that limit devices based on either the charge or spin of mobile +electrons. Multiferroic magnetoelectrics, which are materials that combine +ferroelectric and magnetic order, allow direct switching of magnetic order and +thence of spin-wave properties using an applied electric field. The intrinsic +coupling between polarization and magnetic moments, generated by strong +electronic correlations in these multiferroic materials, is argued to provide +new approaches to spin-wave injection and spin-wave switching using applied +voltages with no external magnetic field. These effects are shown to arise in a +phenomenological Landau theory of coupled electronic and magnetic orders in +multiferroic BiFeO3, and found to depend subtly on differences between the +crystalline and film states of this material.",0804.1539v1 +2009-09-07,Spin excitations in the excitonic spin-density-wave state of the iron pnictides,"Motivated by the iron pnictides, we examine the spin excitations in an +itinerant antiferromagnet where a spin-density wave (SDW) originates from an +excitonic instability of nested electron-like and hole-like Fermi pockets. +Using the random phase approximation (RPA), we derive the Dyson equation for +the transverse susceptibility in the excitonic SDW state. The Dyson equation is +solved for two different two-band models, describing an antiferromagnetic +insulator and metal, respectively. We determine the collective spin-wave +dispersions and also consider the single-particle continua. The results for the +excitonic models are compared with each other and also contrasted with the +well-known SDW state of the Hubbard model. Despite the qualitatively different +SDW states in the two excitonic models, their magnetic response shows many +similarities. We conclude with a discussion of the relevance of the excitonic +SDW scenario to the iron pnictides.",0909.1222v2 +2010-01-15,Neutrino emission from spin waves in neutron spin-triplet superfluid,"The linear response of a neutron spin-triplet superfluid onto external weak +axial-vector field is studied for the case of $^{3}P_{2}$ pairing with a +projection of the total angular momentum $m_{j}=0$. The problem is considered +in the BCS approximation discarding Fermi-liquid effects. The anomalous +axial-vector vertices of neutron quasiparticles possess singularities at some +frequencies which specify existence of undamped spin-density waves in the +Cooper condensate. The spin waves are of a low excitation energy and are +kinematically able to decay into neutrino pairs through neutral weak currents. +We evaluate the neutrino emissivity from the spin wave decays in the bulk +neutron superfluid in old neutron stars. This calculation predicts significant +energy losses from within a neutron star at lowest temperatures when all other +mechanisms of neutrino emission are killed by the neutron and proton +superfluidity.",1001.2617v2 +2010-01-21,Quantized antiferromagnetic spin waves in the molecular Heisenberg ring CsFe$_8$,"We report on inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements on the molecular +spin ring CsFe$_8$, in which eight spin-5/2 Fe(III) ions are coupled by +nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic Heisenberg interaction. We have recorded INS +data on a non-deuterated powder sample up to high energies at the +time-of-flight spectrometers FOCUS at PSI and MARI at ISIS, which clearly show +the excitation of spin waves in the ring. Due to the small number of spin +sites, the spin-wave dispersion relation is not continuous but quantized. +Furthermore, the system exhibits a gap between the ground state and the first +excited state. We have modeled our data using exact diagonalization of a +Heisenberg-exchange Hamiltonian together with a small single-ion anisotropy +term. Due to the molecule's symmetry, only two parameters $J$ and $D$ are +needed to obtain excellent agreement with the data. The results can be well +described within the framework of the rotational-band model as well as +antiferromagnetic spin-wave theories.",1001.3755v1 +2010-02-26,Correlation Effects in the Stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert Equation,"We analyze the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation when the precession motion of +the magnetic moments is additionally subjected to an uniaxial anisotropy and is +driven by a multiplicative coupled stochastic field with a finite correlation +time $\tau$. The mean value for the spin wave components offers that the +spin-wave dispersion relation and its damping is strongly influenced by the +deterministic Gilbert damping parameter $\alpha$, the strength of the +stochastic forces $D$ and its temporal range $\tau$. The spin-spin-correlation +function can be calculated in the low correlation time limit by deriving an +evolution equation for the joint probability function. The stability analysis +enables us to find the phase diagram within the $\alpha-D$ plane for different +values of $\tau$ where damped spin wave solutions are stable. Even for zero +deterministic Gilbert damping the magnons offer a finite lifetime. We detect a +parameter range where the deterministic and the stochastic damping mechanism +are able to compensate each other leading to undamped spin-waves. The onset is +characterized by a critical value of the correlation time. An enhancement of +$\tau$ leads to an increase of the oscillations of the correlation function.",1002.4958v1 +2010-08-05,Influence of spin waves on transport through a quantum-dot spin valve,"We study the influence of spin waves on transport through a single-level +quantum dot weakly coupled to ferromagnetic electrodes with noncollinear +magnetizations. Side peaks appear in the differential conductance due to +emission and absorption of spin waves. We, furthermore, investigate the +nonequilibrium magnon distributions generated in the source and drain lead. In +addition, we show how magnon-assisted tunneling can generate a fullly +spin-polarized current without an applied transport voltage. We discuss the +influence of spin waves on the current noise. Finally, we show how the magnonic +contributions to the exchange field can be detected in the finite-frequency +Fano factor.",1008.0948v2 +2012-01-30,"Exchange constants and spin waves of the orbital ordered, non-collinear spinel MnV$_2$O$_4$","We study the exchange constants of MnV$_2$O$_4$ using magnetic force theorem +and local spin density approximation of density functional theory supplemented +with a correction due to on-site Hubbard interaction U. We obtain the exchanges +for three different orbital orderings of the Vanadium atoms of the spinel. We +then map the exchange constants to a Heisenberg model with single-ion +anisotropy and solve for the spin-wave excitations in the non-collinear, low +temperature phase of the spinel. The single-ion anisotropy parameters are +obtained from an atomic multiplet exact-diagonalization program, taking into +effect the crystal-field splitting and the spin-orbit coupling. We find good +agreement between the spin waves of one of our orbital ordered setups with +previously reported experimental spin waves as determined by neutron +scattering. We can therefore determine the correct orbital order from various +proposals that exist in the literature.",1201.6375v2 +2013-06-28,"The role of orbital order in the stabilization of the $(π,0)$ ordered magnetic state in a minimal two-band model for iron pnictides","Spin wave excitations and stability of the ($\pi,0$) ordered magnetic state +are investigated in a minimal two-band itinerant-electron model for iron +pnictides. Presence of hopping anisotropy generates a strong ferro-orbital +order in the $d_{xz}$ and $d_{yz}$ Fe orbitals. The orbital order sign is as +observed in experiments. The induced ferro-orbital order strongly enhances the +spin wave energy scale and stabilizes the magnetic state by optimizing the +strength of the emergent AF and F spin couplings through optimal band fillings +in the two orbitals. The calculated spin-wave dispersion is in quantitative +agreement with neutron scattering measurements. Finite inter-orbital Hund's +coupling is shown to further enhance the spin wave energies state by coupling +the two magnetic sub-systems. A more realistic two-band model with less hopping +anisotropy is also considered which yields not only the circular hole pockets, +also correct ferro-orbital order and emergent F spin coupling.",1306.6727v2 +2013-08-12,Oscillating spin-orbit interaction as a source of spin-polarized wave packets in two-terminal nanoscale devices,"Ballistic transport through nanoscale devices with time-dependent Rashba-type +spin-orbit interaction (SOI) can lead to spin-polarized wave packets that +appear even for completely unpolarized input. The SOI that oscillates in a +finite domain generates density and spin polarization fluctuations that leave +the region as propagating waves. Particularly, spin polarization has space and +time dependence even in regions without SOI. Our results are based on an +analytic solution of the time-dependent Schr\""odinger equation. The relevant +Floquet quasi-energies that are obtained appear in the energy spectrum of both +the transmitted and reflected waves.",1308.2552v2 +2014-05-09,Magnetic excitations and anomalous spin wave broadening in multiferroic FeV2O4,"We report on the different roles of two orbital-active Fe$^{2+}$ at the A +site and V$^{3+}$ at the B site in the magnetic excitations and on the +anomalous spin wave broadening in FeV$_{2}$O$_{4}$. FeV$_{2}$O$_{4}$ exhibits +three structural transitions and successive paramagnetic (PM)-collinear +ferrimagnetic (CFI)-noncollinear ferrimagnetic (NCFI) transitions. The +high-temperature tetragonal/PM -orthorhombic/CFI transition is accompanied by +the appearance of an energy gap with a high magnitude in the magnetic +excitations due to strong spin-orbit coupling induced anisotropy at the +Fe$^{2+}$ site. While there is no measurable increase in the energy gap from +the orbital ordering of V$^{3+}$ at the orthorhombic/CFI-tetragonal/NCFI +transition, anomalous spin wave broadening is observed in the orthorhombic/CFI +state due to V$^{3+}$ spin fluctuations at the B site. The spin wave broadening +is also observed at the zone boundary without softening, which is discussed in +terms of magnon-phonon coupling.",1405.2272v2 +2015-07-12,On a mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity: Spin-electron acoustic wave as a mechanism for the Cooper pair formation,"We have found the mechanism of the electron Cooper pair formation via the +electron interaction by means of the spin-electron acoustic waves. This +mechanism takes place in metals with rather high spin polarization, like +ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic and antiferromagnetic materials. The spin-electron +acoustic wave mechanism leads to transition temperatures 100 times higher than +the transition temperature allowed by the electron-phonon interaction. +Therefore, spin-electron acoustic waves give the explanation for the +high-temperature superconductivity. We find that the transition temperature has +strong dependence on the electron concentration and the spin polarization of +the electrons.",1507.03295v2 +2018-03-26,Theoretical spin-wave dispersions in the antiferromagnetic phase AF1 of MnWO$_4$ based on the polar atomistic model in P2,"The spin wave dispersions of the low temperature antiferromagnetic phase +(AF1) MnWO$_4$ have been numerically calculated based on the recently reported +non-collinear spin configuration with two different canting angles. A +Heisenberg model with competing magnetic exchange couplings and single-ion +anisotropy terms could properly describe the spin wave excitations, including +the newly observed low-lying energy excitation mode $\omega_2$=0.45 meV +appearing at the magnetic zone centre. The spin wave dispersion and intensities +are highly sensitive to two differently aligned spin-canting sublattices in the +AF1 model. Thus this study reinsures the otherwise hardly provable hidden polar +character in MnWO$_4$.",1803.09475v1 +2018-06-18,Nonreciprocal spin waves in a chiral antiferromagnet without the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction,"Non-reciprocal spin wave can facilitate the realization of spin wave logic +devices. It has been demonstrated that the non-reciprocity can emerge when an +external magnetic field is applied to chiral magnets, of which spin structures +depend crucially on an asymmetric exchange interaction, that is, the +Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI). Here we demonstrate that the +non-reciprocity can arise even without the DMI. We demonstrate this idea for +the chiral antiferromagnet Ba$_2$NbFe$_3$Si$_2$O$_{14}$, of which DMI is very +small and chiral spin structure arises mainly from the competition between +symmetric exchange interactions. We show that when an external magnetic field +is applied, asymmetric energy gap shift occurs and the spin wave becomes +non-reciprocal from the competition between symmetric exchange interactions and +the external magnetic field.",1806.06517v3 +2016-12-03,First-principles investigation of spin wave dispersions in surface-reconstructed Co thin films on W(110),"We computed spin wave dispersions of surface-reconstructed Co films on the +W(110) surface in the adiabatic approximation. The magnetic exchange +interactions are obtained via first-principles electronic structure +calculations using the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker Green function method. We analyze +the strength and oscillatory behavior of the intralayer and interlayer magnetic +interactions and investigate the resulting spin wave dispersions as a function +of the thickness of Co films. In particular, we highlight and explain the +strong impact of hybridization of the electronic states at the Co-W interface +on the magnetic exchange interactions and on the spin wave dispersions. We +compare our results to recent measurements based on electron energy loss +spectroscopy [E. Michel, H. Ibach, and C.M. Schneider, Phys. Rev. B 92, 024407 +(2015)]. Good overall agreement with experimental findings can be obtained by +considering the possible overestimation of the spin splitting, stemming from +the local spin density approximation, and adopting an appropriate correction.",1612.00910v2 +2019-04-18,Magnonic Analogue Black/White Hole Horizon in Superfluid $^3$He-B: experiment,"We provide experimental details of the first experiment made in zero +temperature limit ($\sim$ 600\,$\mu$K) studying the magnonic black/white hole +horizon analogue using absolutely pure physical system based on the spin +superfluidity in superfluid $^3$He-B. We show that spin precession waves +propagating on the background of the spin super-currents in a channel between +two Bose-Einstein condensates of magnons in form of homogeneously precessing +domains mimic the properties of the black/white horizon. Once the white hole +horizon is formed and blocks the propagation of the spin-precession waves +between two domains, we observed an amplification effect, i.e. when the energy +of the spin precession waves reflected from the horizon is higher than the +energy of the excited spin precession waves before horizon was formed. +Moreover, the estimated temperature of the spontaneous Hawking radiation in +this model system is about four orders of magnitude lower than the system's +background temperature what makes it a promising tool to study the effect of +spontaneous Hawking radiation.",1904.09183v1 +2019-09-10,Anisotropic magnetic excitations of a frustrated bilinear-biquadratic spin model -- Implications for spin waves of detwinned iron pnictides,"Elucidating the nature of spin excitations is important to understanding the +mechanism of superconductivity in the iron pnictides. Motivated by recent +inelastic neutron scattering measurements in the nearly 100% detwinned +BaFe$_{2}$As$_{2}$, we study the spin dynamics of an $S=1$ frustrated +bilinear-biquadratic Heisenberg model in the antiferromagnetic phase with +wavevector $(\pi,0)$. The biquadratic interactions are treated in a dynamical +way using a flavor-wave theory in an $SU(3)$ representation. Besides the magnon +(dipolar) excitations, the biquadratic interactions give rise to quadrupolar +excitations at high energies. We find that the quadrupolar wave significantly +influences, in an energy dependent way, the anisotropy between the spin +excitation spectra along the $(\pi,0)$ and $(0,\pi)$ directions in the wave +vector space. Our theoretical results capture the essential behavior of the +spin dynamics measured in the antiferromagnetic phase of the detwinned +BaFe$_2$As$_2$. More generally, our results underscore the importance of +electron correlation effects for the microscopic physics of the iron pnictides.",1909.04555v2 +2020-02-13,Representations of tensor rotations and the geometry of spin 1/2,"Making use of the real sl(2,R) Lie group algebra generating a spin 1/2 Lie +group allows to create an explicitly given Lorentz invariant fermion wave. As +the generators are real valued they can be interpreted as a deformation tensor +in particular as a deformation tensor of space. Therefore, it is possible to +model a heuristic purely geometric representation of spin 1/2 in Minkowski +space. However the bigger surprise is that this wave has the space-time +structure of gravitational waves, which are understood to be spin 2 waves. +Given that the uniqueness of angular momentum representations still holds, the +examination of tensor rotations reveals the existence of different +representations of tensor rotations with a different angular parameter due to +an unaccounted basic symmetry of symmetric tensors, where the spin 1/2 +representation is a specific representation of tensor rotations corresponding +to the quantum theoretical approach. The seeming contradiction is fully +resolved and allows in addition to understand the notion of different +representations of spin in tensors, again related to different representations +of the tensor.",2002.05560v1 +2021-12-15,Spin Waves and Dirac Magnons in a Honeycomb Lattice Zig-zag Antiferromagnet BaNi2(AsO4)2,"The topological properties of massive and massless fermionic quasiparticles +have been intensively investigated over the past decade in topological +materials without magnetism. Recently, the bosonic analogs of such +quasiparticles arising from spin waves have been reported in the +two-dimensional (2D) honeycomb lattice ferromagnet/antiferromagnet and the 3D +antiferromagnet. Here we use time-of-flight inelastic neutron scattering to +study spin waves of the S = 1 honeycomb lattice antiferromagnet BaNi2(AsO4)2, +which has a zig-zag antiferromagnetic (AF) ground state identical to that of +the Kitaev quantum spin liquid candidate alpha-RuCl3. We determine the magnetic +exchange interactions in the zig-zag AF ordered phase, and show that spin waves +in BaNi2(AsO4)2 have symmetry-protected Dirac points inside the Brillouin zone +boundary. These results provide a microscopic understanding of the zig-zag AF +order and associated Dirac magnons in honeycomb lattice magnets, and are also +important for establishing the magnetic interactions in Kitaev quantum spin +liquid candidates.",2112.07915v1 +2022-06-01,Exceptional spin wave dynamics in an antiferromagnetic honeycomb lattice,"We theoretically investigate possible effects of electric current on the spin +wave dynamics for the N\'{e}el-type antiferromagnetic order in a honeycomb +lattice. Based on a general vector decomposition of the spin polarization of +conduction electrons, we find that there can exist reciprocal and nonreciprocal +terms in the current-induced torque acting on the local spins in the system. +Furthermore, we show that the reciprocal terms will cause the spin wave Doppler +effect, while the nonreciprocal terms can induce rich non-Hermitian topological +phenomena in the spin wave dynamics, including exceptional points, bulk Fermi +arc, non-Hermitian skin effect, etc. Our results indicate the capability to +manipulate non-Hermitian magnons in magnetic materials by electric current, +which could be important for both fundamental physics and technology +applications.",2206.00723v1 +2022-06-21,Faraday patterns in spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensates,"We study the Faraday patterns generated by spin-orbit-coupling induced +parametric resonance in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate with repulsive +interaction. The collective elementary excitations of the Bose-Einstein +condensate, including density waves and spin waves, are coupled as the result +of the Raman-induced spin-orbit coupling and a quench of the relative phase of +two Raman lasers without the modulation of any of the system's parameters. We +observed several higher parametric resonance tongues at integer multiples of +the driving frequency and investigated the interplay between Faraday +instabilities and modulation instabilities when we quench the +spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate from zero-momentum phase to +plane-wave phase. If the detuning is equal to zero, the wave number of +combination resonance barely changes as the strength of spin-orbit coupling +increases. If the detuning is not equal to zero after a quench, a single +combination resonance tongue will split into two parts.",2206.10222v1 +1998-06-30,Structure and Spin Dynamics of La$_{0.85}$Sr$_{0.15}$MnO$_3$,"Neutron scattering has been used to study the structure and spin dynamics of +La$_{0.85}$Sr$_{0.15}$MnO$_3$. The magnetic structure of this system is +ferromagnetic below T_C = 235 K. We see anomalies in the Bragg peak intensities +and new superlattice peaks consistent with the onset of a spin-canted phase +below T_{CA} = 205 K, which appears to be associated with a gap at q = (0, 0, +0.5) in the spin-wave spectrum. Anomalies in the lattice parameters indicate a +concomitant lattice distortion. The long-wavelength magnetic excitations are +found to be conventional spin waves, with a gapless (< 0.02 meV) isotropic +dispersion relation $E = Dq^2$. The spin stiffness constant D has a $T^{5/2}$ +dependence at low T, and the damping at small q follows $q^4T^{2}$. An +anomalously strong quasielastic component, however, develops at small wave +vector above 200 K and dominates the fluctuation spectrum as T -> T_C. At +larger q, on the other hand, the magnetic excitations become heavily damped at +low temperatures, indicating that spin waves in this regime are not eigenstates +of the system, while raising the temperature dramatically increases the +damping. The strength of the spin-wave damping also depends strongly on the +symmetry direction in the crystal. These anomalous damping effects are likely +due to the itinerant character of the $e_g$ electrons.",9806381v1 +2000-09-27,Microscopic theory of the two-dimensional quantum antiferromagnet in a paramagnetic phase,"We have developed a consistent theory of the Heisenberg quantum +antiferromagnet in the disordered phase with a short range antiferromagnetic +order on the basis of the path integral for spin coherent states. We have +presented the Lagrangian of the theory in a form which is explicitly invariant +under rotations and found natural variables in terms of which one can construct +a natural perturbation theory. The short wave spin fluctuations are similar to +those in the spin wave theory and they are of the order of the parameter $1/2s$ +where $s$ is the spin magnitude. The long wave spin fluctuations are governed +by the nonlinear sigma model and are of the order of the the parameter 1/N, +where $N$ is the number of field components. We also have shown that the short +wave spin fluctuations must be evaluated accurately and the continuum limit in +time of the path integral must be performed after all summation over the +frequencies $\omega$. In the framework of our approach we have obtained the +response function for the spin fluctuations for all region of the frequency +$\omega$ and the wave vector ${\bf k}$ and have calculated the free energy of +the system. We have also reproduced the known results for the spin correlation +length in the lowest order in 1/N.",0009427v2 +2007-04-12,Temperature-driven transition from the Wigner Crystal to the Bond-Charge-Density Wave in the Quasi-One-Dimensional Quarter-Filled band,"It is known that within the interacting electron model Hamiltonian for the +one-dimensional 1/4-filled band, the singlet ground state is a Wigner crystal +only if the nearest neighbor electron-electron repulsion is larger than a +critical value. We show that this critical nearest neighbor Coulomb interaction +is different for each spin subspace, with the critical value decreasing with +increasing spin. As a consequence, with the lowering of temperature, there can +occur a transition from a Wigner crystal charge-ordered state to a spin-Peierls +state that is a Bond-Charge-Density Wave with charge occupancies different from +the Wigner crystal. This transition is possible because spin excitations from +the spin-Peierls state in the 1/4-filled band are necessarily accompanied by +changes in site charge densities. We apply our theory to the 1/4-filled band +quasi-one-dimensional organic charge-transfer solids in general and to 2:1 +tetramethyltetrathiafulvalene (TMTTF) and tetramethyltetraselenafulvalene +(TMTSF) cationic salts in particular. We believe that many recent experiments +strongly indicate the Wigner crystal to Bond-Charge-Density Wave transition in +several members of the TMTTF family. We explain the occurrence of two different +antiferromagnetic phases but a single spin-Peierls state in the generic phase +diagram for the 2:1 cationic solids. The antiferromagnetic phases can have +either the Wigner crystal or the Bond-Charge-Spin-Density Wave charge +occupancies. The spin-Peierls state is always a Bond-Charge-Density Wave.",0704.1656v2 +2011-02-18,{\it Ab initio} studies of spin-spiral waves and exchange interactions in 3{\it d} transition metal atomic chains,"The total energy of the transverse spin-spiral wave as a function of the wave +vector for all 3$d$ transition metal atomic chains has been calculated within +{\it ab initio} density functional theory with generalized gradient +approximation. It is predicted that at the equilibrium bond length, the V, Mn, +and Fe chains have a stable spin spiral structure, whilst the magnetic ground +state of the Cr, Co and Ni chains remains to be collinear. Furthermore, all the +exchange interaction parameters of the 3$d$ transition metal chains are +evaluated by using the calculated energy dispersion relations of the +spin-spiral waves. Interestingly, it is found that the magnetic couplings in +the V, Mn and Cr chains are frustrated (i.e., the second near neighbor exchange +interaction is antiferromagnetic), and this leads to the formation of the +stable spin-spiral structure in these chains. The spin-wave stiffness constant +of these 3$d$ metal chains is also evaluated and is found to be smaller than +its counterpart in bulk and monolayer systems. The upper limit (in the order of +100 Kelvins) of the possible magnetic phase transition temperature in these +atomic chains is also estimated within the mean field approximation. The +electronic band structure of the spin-spiral structures have also been +calculated. It is hoped that the interesting findings here of the stable +spin-spiral structure and frustrated magnetic interaction in the 3$d$ +transition metal chains would stimulate further theoretical and experimental +research in this field.",1102.3737v1 +2015-05-14,"First-principles calculations of exchange interactions, spin waves, and temperature dependence of magnetization in inverse-Heusler-based spin gapless semiconductors","Employing first principles electronic structure calculations in conjunction +with the frozen-magnon method we calculate exchange interactions, spin-wave +dispersion, and spin-wave stiffness constants in inverse-Heusler-based spin +gapless semiconductor (SGS) compounds Mn$_2$CoAl, Ti$_2$MnAl, Cr$_2$ZnSi, +Ti$_2$CoSi and Ti$_2$VAs. We find that their magnetic behavior is similar to +the half-metallic ferromagnetic full-Heusler alloys, i.e., the intersublattice +exchange interactions play an essential role in the formation of the magnetic +ground state and in determining the Curie temperature, $T_\mathrm{c}$. All +compounds, except Ti$_2$CoSi possess a ferrimagnetic ground state. Due to the +finite energy gap in one spin channel, the exchange interactions decay sharply +with the distance, and hence magnetism of these SGSs can be described +considering only nearest and next-nearest neighbor exchange interactions. The +calculated spin-wave dispersion curves are typical for ferrimagnets and +ferromagnets. The spin-wave stiffness constants turn out to be larger than +those of the elementary 3$d$-ferromagnets. Calculated exchange parameters are +used as input to determine the temperature dependence of the magnetization and +$T_\mathrm{c}$ of the SGSs. We find that the $T_\mathrm{c}$ of all compounds is +much above the room temperature. The calculated magnetization curve for +Mn$_2$CoAl as well as the Curie temperature are in very good agreement with +available experimental data. The present study is expected to pave the way for +a deeper understanding of the magnetic properties of the inverse-Heusler-based +SGSs and enhance the interest in these materials for application in spintronic +and magnetoelectronic devices.",1505.03632v1 +2019-11-04,Spin-helix driven insulating phase in two dimensional lattice,"Motivated by emergent $SU(2)$ symmetry in the spin orbit coupled system, we +study the spin helix driven insulating phase in two dimensional lattice. When +both Rashba and Dresselhaus spin orbit couplings are present, the perfect Fermi +surface nesting occurs at a special condition depending on the lattice +geometry. In this case, the energies of spin up at any wave vector $\vec{k}$ +are equivalent to the ones of spin down at $\vec{k}\!+\!\vec{Q}$ with so-called +the \textit{shifting wave vector} $\vec{Q}$. Thus, the system stabilizes +magnetic insulator with spiral like magnetic ordering even in the presence of +tiny electron-electron interaction where the magnetic ordering wave vector is +proportional to $\vec{Q}$. We first show the condition for existence of the +\textit{shifting wave vector} in general lattice model and emergent $SU(2)$ +symmetry in the spin orbit coupled system. Then, we exemplify this in square +lattice at half filling and discuss the insulating phase with (non-) coplanar +spin density wave and charge order. Our study emphasizes possible new types of +two dimensional magnetic materials and can be applicable to various van-der +Waals materials and their heterostructures with the control of electric field, +strain and pressure.",1911.01440v1 +2021-08-01,Directional excitation of a high-density magnon gas using coherently driven spin waves,"Controlling magnon densities in magnetic materials enables driving spin +transport in magnonic devices. We demonstrate the creation of large, +out-of-equilibrium magnon densities in a thin-film magnetic insulator via +microwave excitation of coherent spin waves and subsequent multi-magnon +scattering. We image both the coherent spin waves and the resulting incoherent +magnon gas using scanning-probe magnetometry based on electron spins in +diamond. We find that the gas extends unidirectionally over hundreds of +micrometers from the excitation stripline. Surprisingly, the gas density far +exceeds that expected for a boson system following a Bose-Einstein distribution +with a maximum value of the chemical potential. We characterize the momentum +distribution of the gas by measuring the nanoscale spatial decay of the +magnetic stray fields. Our results show that driving coherent spin waves leads +to a strong out-of-equilibrium occupation of the spin-wave band, opening new +possibilities for controlling spin transport and magnetic dynamics in target +directions.",2108.00467v1 +2017-01-09,Spin-Wave versus Joule Heating in Spin-Hall-Effect/Spin-Transfer-Torque Driven Cr/Heusler/Pt Waveguides,"We present a time-resolved study of the DC-current driven magnetization +dynamics in a microstructured Cr/Heusler/Pt waveguide by means of Brillouin +light scattering. A reduction of the effective spin-wave damping via the +spin-transfer-torque effect leads to a strong increase in the magnon density. +This is accompanied by a decrease of the spin-wave frequencies. By evaluating +the time scales of these effects, the origin of this frequency shift can be +identified. However, recently, we found that the experimental setup partially +influences the decay of the spin-wave intensity after the current pulse is +switched off. Thus, further investigations on the presented effect are needed +to allow for a more detailed analysis. For this reason, we need to withdraw the +manuscript at this point and might publish an updated version later.",1701.02094v2 +2023-05-07,Effect of random antiferromagnetic exchange on the spin waves in a three-dimensional Heisenberg ferromagnet,"Neutron scattering is used to study spin waves in the three-dimensional +Heisenberg ferromagnet YTiO$_3$, with spin-spin exchange disorder introduced +$via$ La-substitution at the Y site. No significant changes are observed in the +spin-wave dispersion up to a La concentration of 20%. However, a strong +broadening of the spectrum is found, indicative of shortened spin-wave +lifetimes. Density-functional theory calculations predict minimal changes in +exchange constants as a result of average structural changes due to La +substitution, in agreement with the data. The absence of significant changes in +the spin-wave dispersion, the considerable lifetime effect, and the reduced +ordered magnetic moment previously observed in the La-substituted system are +qualitatively captured by an isotropic, nearest-neighbor, three-dimensional +Heisenberg ferromagnet model with random antiferromagnetic exchange. We +therefore establish Y$_{1-x}$La$_x$TiO$_3$ as a model system to study the +effect of antiferromagnetic spin-exchange disorder in a three-dimensional +Heisenberg ferromagnet.",2305.04280v1 +2020-12-17,Energy-efficient spin injector into semiconductors driven by elastic waves,"Generation of spin imbalance in nonmagnetic semiconductors is crucial for the +functioning of many spintronic devices. An attractive design of spin injectors +into semiconductors is based on a spin pumping from a precessing ferromagnet, +typically excited by a microwave magnetic field leading to a high power +consumption of the device. Here we describe theoretically a spin injector with +greatly reduced energy losses, in which the magnetic dynamics is excited by an +elastic wave injected into a ferromagnet-semiconductor heterostructure. To +demonstrate the efficient functioning of such an injector, we perform +micromagnetoelastic simulations of the coupled elastic and magnetic dynamics in +Ni films and Ni/GaAs bilayers. For thick Ni films, it is shown that a +monochromatic acoustic wave generates a spin wave with the same frequency and +wavelength, which propagates over distances of several micrometers at the +excitation frequencies close to the frequency of ferromagnetic resonance. The +simulations of Ni/GaAs bilayers with Ni thicknesses comparable to the +wavelength of the injected acoustic wave demonstrate the development of a +steady-state magnetization precession at the Ni/GaAs interface. The amplitude +of such a precession has a maximum at Ni thickness amounting to three quarters +of the wavelength of the elastic wave, which is explained by an analytical +model. Using simulation data obtained for the magnetization precession at the +Ni/GaAs interface, we evaluate the spin current pumped into GaAs and calculate +the spin accumulation in it by solving the spin diffusion equation. Then the +electrical signals resulting from the spin flow and the inverse spin Hall +effect are determined via the numerical solution of the Laplace's equation. It +is shown that amplitudes of these ac signals are large enough for experimental +measurement, which indicates an efficient acoustically driven spin pumping into +GaAs.",2012.09531v1 +2003-01-31,Entanglement of Electron Spin and Orbital States in Spintronic Quantum Transport,"An electron within a mesoscopic (quantum-coherent) spintronic structure is +described by a single wave function which, in the presence of both charge +scattering and spin-orbit coupling, encodes an information about {\em +entanglement} of its spin and orbital degrees of freedom. The quantum state--an +{\em improper} mixture--of experimentally detectable spin subsystem is +elucidated by evaluating quantum information theory measures of entanglement in +the scattering states which determine {\em quantum transport} properties of +spin-polarized electrons injected into a two-dimensional disordered Rashba +spin-split conductor that is attached to the ferromagnetic source and drain +electrodes. Thus, the Landauer transmission matrix, traditionally evaluated to +obtain the spin-resolved conductances, also yields the reduced spin density +operator allowing us to extract quantum-mechanical measures of the detected +electron spin-polarization and spin-coherence, thereby pointing out how to +avoid detrimental {\em decoherence} effects on spin-encoded information +transport through semiconductor spintronic devices.",0301614v3 +2012-11-09,Interaction induced staggered spin-orbit order in two-dimensional electron gas,"We propose and formulate an interaction induced staggered spin-orbit order as +a new emergent phase of two-dimensional Fermi gases. We show that when some +form of inherent spin-splitting via Rashba-type spin-orbit coupling renders two +helical Fermi surfaces to become significantly `nested', a Fermi surface +instability arises. To lift this degeneracy, a spontaneous symmetry breaking +spin-orbit density wave develops, causing a surprisingly large quasiparticle +gapping with chiral electronic states. Since the staggered spin-orbit order is +associated with a condensation energy, quantified by the gap value, destroying +such spin-orbit interaction costs sufficiently large perturbation field or +temperature or de-phasing time. BiAg$_2$ surface state is shown to be a +representative system for realizing such novel spin-orbit interaction with +tunable and large strength, and the spin-splitting is decoupled from charge +excitations. These functional properties are relevant for spin-electronics, +spin-caloritronics, and spin-Hall effect applications.",1211.2018v1 +2013-08-20,Hole Spin Helix: Anomalous Spin Diffusion in Anisotropic Strained Hole Quantum Wells,"We obtain the spin-orbit interaction and spin-charge coupled transport +equations of a two-dimensional heavy hole gas under the influence of strain and +anisotropy. We show that a simple two-band Hamiltonian can be used to describe +the holes. In addition to the well-known cubic hole spin-orbit interaction, +anisotropy causes a Dresselhaus-like term, and strain causes a Rashba term. We +discover that strain can cause a shifting symmetry of the Fermi surfaces for +spin up and down holes. We predict an enhanced spin lifetime associated with a +spin helix standing wave similar to the Persistent Spin Helix which exists in +the two-dimensional electron gas with equal Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit +interactions. These results may be useful both for spin-based experimental +determination of the Luttinger parameters of the valence band Hamiltonian and +for creating long-lived spin excitations.",1308.4248v3 +2016-08-23,The effect of spin-orbit coupling on the effective-spin correlation in YbMgGaO4,"Motivated by the recent experiments on the triangular lattice spin liquid +YbMgGaO$_4$, we explore the effect of spin-orbit coupling on the effective-spin +correlation of the Yb local moments. We point out the anisotropic interaction +between the effective-spins on the nearest neighbor bonds is sufficient to +reproduce the spin-wave dispersion of the fully polarized state in the presence +of strong magnetic field normal to the triangular plane. We further evaluate +the effective-spin correlation within the mean-field spherical approximation. +We explicitly demonstrate that, the nearest-neighbor anisotropic effective-spin +interaction, originating from the strong spin-orbit coupling, enhances the +effective-spin correlation at the M points in the Brillouin zone. We identify +these results as the strong evidence for the anisotropic interaction and the +strong spin-orbit coupling in YbMgGaO$_4$.",1608.06445v2 +2016-08-26,RKKY oscillations in the spin relaxation rates of atomic scale nanomagnets,"Exchange interactions with itinerant electrons are known to act as a +relaxation mechanism for individual local spins. The same exchange interactions +are also known to induce the so called RKKY indirect exchange interaction +between two otherwise decoupled local spins. Here we show that both the spin +relaxation and the RKKY coupling can be seen as the dissipative and reactive +response to the coupling of the local spins with the itinerant electrons. We +thereby predict that the spin relaxation rates of magnetic nanostructures of +exchanged coupled local spins, such as as nanoengineered spin chains, have an +oscillatory dependence on $k_F d$ , where $k_F$ is the Fermi wave length and +$d$ is the inter-spin distance, very much like the celebrated oscillations in +the RKKY interaction. We demonstrate that both $T_1$ and $T_2$ can be enhanced +or suppressed, compared to the single spin limit, depending on the interplay +between the Fermi surface and the nanostructure geometrical arrangement. Our +results open a route to engineer spin relaxation and decoherence in atomically +designed spin structures.",1608.07462v2 +2019-04-24,Enhanced spin-triplet pairing in magnetic junctions with s-wave superconductors,"A common path to superconducting spintronics, Majorana fermions, and +topologically-protected quantum computing relies on spin-triplet +superconductivity. While naturally occurring spin-triplet pairing is elusive +and even common spin-triplet candidates, such as Sr$_2$RuO$_4$, support +alternative explanations, proximity effects in heterostructures can overcome +these limitations. It is expected that robust spin-triplet superconductivity in +magnetic junctions should rely on highly spin-polarized magnets or complex +magnetic multilayers. Instead, we predict that the interplay of interfacial +spin-orbit coupling and the barrier strength in simple magnetic junctions, with +only a small spin polarization and s-wave superconductors, can lead to nearly +complete spin-triplet superconducting proximity effects. This peculiar behavior +arises from an effective perfect transparency: interfacial spin-orbit coupling +counteracts the native potential barrier for states of a given spin and wave +vector. We show that the enhanced spin-triplet regime is characterized by a +huge increase in conductance magnetoanisotropy, orders of magnitude larger than +in the normal state.",1904.10773v1 +2023-01-28,Self-driven Hybrid Atomic Spin Oscillator,"A self-driven hybrid atomic spin oscillator is demonstrated in theory and +experiment with a vapor Rb-Xe dual-spin system. The raw signal of Rb spin +oscillation is amplified, phase-shifted and sent back to drive the Xe spins +coherently. By fine tuning the driving field strength and phase, a +self-sustaining spin oscillation signal with zero frequency shift is obtained. +The effective coherence time is infinitely prolonged beyond the intrinsic +coherence time of Xe spins, forming a hybrid atomic spin oscillator. Spectral +analysis indicates that a frequency resolution of 13.1 nHz is achieved, +enhancing the detection sensitivity for magnetic field. Allan deviation +analysis shows that the spin oscillator can operate in continuous wave mode +like a spin maser. The prototype spin oscillator can be easily implanted into +other hybrid spin systems and enhance the detection sensitivity of alkali +metal-noble gas comagnetometers.",2301.12121v2 +2011-01-10,Radiation of caustic beams from a collapsing bullet,"Collapse of an intense (2+1)-dimensional wave packet in a medium with cubic +nonlinearity and a two-dimensional dispersion of an order higher than parabolic +is studied both theoretically and experimentally. The carrier waves are +microwave backward volume spin waves which propagate in a stripe made from a +thin ferrimagnetic film and the packet is a spin-wave bullet. We show that +before being self-destroyed the bullet irradiates untrapped dispersive waves, +which is in agreement with a previous theoretical prediction. Since, in +addition, the ferromagnetic medium is characterized by an induced uniaxial +anisotropy, this radiation takes the form of narrow beams of continuous waves +at very specific angles to its propagation direction. Based on our theoretical +calculations we find that these beams are caustic beams and the angles are the +characteristic spin-wave caustic angles modified by the motion of the source.",1101.1696v2 +2018-05-18,Spinning Particles in Twisted Gravitational Wave Spacetimes,"Twisted gravitational waves (TGWs) are nonplanar waves with twisted rays that +move along a fixed direction in space. We study further the physical +characteristics of a recent class of Ricci-flat solutions of general relativity +representing TGWs with wave fronts that have negative Gaussian curvature. In +particular, we investigate the influence of TGWs on the polarization of test +electromagnetic waves and on the motion of classical spinning test particles in +such radiation fields. To distinguish the polarization effects of twisted waves +from plane waves, we examine the theoretical possibility of existence of +spin-twist coupling and show that this interaction is generally consistent with +our results.",1805.07080v6 +2018-06-11,Explicit inclusion of spin-orbit contribution in THSR wave function,"The Tohsaki-Horiuchi-Schuck-Roepke (THSR) wave function has been successfully +used for the studies of gas-like nature of alpha clusters in various nuclei +including the so-called Hoyle state of 12C and four alpha states of 16O. In +standard alpha cluster models, however, each alpha cluster wave function has +spin zero because of its spatial symmetry and antisymmetrization effect. Thus +the non-central interactions do not contribute, and this situation is the same +in the THSR wave function. In this work, the spin-orbit contribution, which is +found to be quite important at short alpha-alpha distances, is taken into +account in the THSR wave function by combing it with antisymmetrized quasi +cluster model (AQCM). The application to 12C is presented. The +multi-integration in the original THSR wave function is carried out by using +Monte Carlo technique, which is called Monte Carlo THSR wave function. For the +nucleon-nucleon interaction, the Tohsaki interaction, which contains +finite-range three-body terms and simultaneously reproduces the saturation +properties of nuclear systems, the alpha-alpha scattering phase shift, and the +size and binding energy of 4He, is adopted.",1806.03817v1 +2019-02-25,Driving magnetization dynamics in an on-demand magnonic crystal by magneto-elastic interaction,"Using spatial light interference of ultrafast laser pulses, we generate a +lateral modulation in the magnetization profile of an otherwise uniformly +magnetized film, whose magnetic excitation spectrum is monitored via the +coherent and resonant interaction with elastic waves. We find an unusual +dependence of the magnetoelastic coupling as the externally applied magnetic +field is angle- and field-tuned relative to the wave vector of the +magnetization modulation, which can be explained by the emergence of spatially +inhomogeneous spin-wave modes. In this regard, the spatial light interference +methodology can be seen as a user-configurable, temporally windowed, on-demand +magnonic crystal, potentially of arbitrary two-dimensional shape, which allows +control and selectivity of the spatial distribution of spin waves. Calculations +of spin waves using a variety of methods, demonstrated here using the +plane-wave method and micromagnetic simulation, can identify the spatial +distribution and associated energy scales of each excitation, which opens the +door to a number of excitation methodologies beyond our chosen elastic wave +excitation.",1902.09186v1 +2020-04-07,Nonreciprocal Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya magnetoacoustic waves,"We study the interaction of surface acoustic waves with spin waves in +ultra-thin CoFeB/Pt bilayers. Due to the interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya +interaction (DMI), the spin wave dispersion is non-degenerate for oppositely +propagating spin waves in CoFeB/Pt. In combination with the additional +nonreciprocity of the magnetoacoustic coupling itself, highly nonreciprocal +acoustic wave transmission through the magnetic film is observed. We +systematically characterize the magnetoacoustic wave propagation in a thickness +series of CoFeB($d$)/Pt samples as a function of magnetic field magnitude and +direction, and at frequencies up to 7 GHz. We quantitatively model our results +to extract the strength of the DMI and magnetoacoustic driving fields.",2004.03535v2 +2023-09-20,On spin optics for gravitational waves lensed by a rotating object,"We study gravitational lensing of gravitational waves taking into account the +spin of a graviton coupled with a dragged spacetime made by a rotating object. +We decompose the phase of gravitational waves into helicity-dependent and +independent components with spin optics, analyzing waves whose wavelengths are +shorter than the curvature radius of a lens object. We analytically confirm +that the trajectory of gravitational waves splits depending on the helicity, +generating additional time delay and elliptical polarization onto the +helicity-independent part. We exemplify monotonic gravitational waves lensed by +a Kerr black hole and derive the analytical expressions of corrections in phase +and magnification. The corrections are enhanced for longer wavelengths, +potentially providing a novel probe of rotational properties of lens objects in +low-frequency gravitational-wave observations in the future.",2309.11024v2 +2006-08-30,Spin-quadrupole ordering of spin-3/2 ultracold fermionic atoms in optical lattices in the one-band Hubbard model,"Based on a generalized one-band Hubbard model, we study magnetic properties +of Mott insulating states for ultracold spin-3/2 fermionic atoms in optical +lattices. When the \textit{s}-wave scattering lengths for the total spin +$S=2,0$ satisfy conditions $a_{2}>a_{0}>0$, we apply a functional integral +approach to the half filled case, where the spin-quadrupole fluctuations +dominate. On a 2D square lattice, the saddle point solution yields a staggered +spin-quadrupole ordering at zero temperature with symmetry breaking from SO(5) +to SO(4). Both spin and spin-quadrupole static structure factors are +calculated, displaying highly anisotropic spin antiferromagnetic fluctuations +and antiferroquadrupole long-range correlations, respectively. When Gaussian +fluctuations around the saddle point are taken into account, spin-quadrupole +density waves with a linear dispersion are derived. Compared with the spin +density waves in the half filled spin-1/2 Hubbard model, the quadrupole density +wave velocity is saturated in the strong-coupling limit, and there are no +transverse spin-quadrupole mode couplings, as required by the SO(4) invariance +of the effective action. Finally, in the strong-coupling limit of the model +Hamiltonian, we derive the effective hyperfine spin-exchange interactions for +the Mott insulating phases in the quarter filled and half filled cases, +respectively.",0608673v3 +2008-12-01,Antiferromagnet-based nuclear spin model of scalable quantum register with inhomogeneous magnetic field,"As a nuclear spin model of scalable quantum register, the one-dimensional +chain of the magnetic atoms with nuclear spins 1/2 substituting the basic atoms +in the plate of nuclear spin free easy-axis 3D antiferromagnet is considered. +It is formulated the generalized antiferromagnet Hamiltonian in spin-wave +approximation (low temperatures) considering the inhomogeneous external +magnetic field, which is directed along the easy axis normally to plane of the +plate and has a constant gradient along the nuclear spin chain. Assuming a weak +gradient, the asymptotic expression for coefficients of unitary transformations +to the diagonal form of antiferromagnet Hamiltonian is found. With this result +the expression for indirect interspin coupling, which is due to hyperfine +nuclear electron coupling in atoms and the virtual spin wave propagation in +antiferromagnet ground state, was evaluated. + It is shown that the inhomogeneous magnetic field essentially modifies the +characteristics of indirect interspin coupling. The indirect interaction +essentially grows and even oscillates in relation to the interspin distance +when the local field value in the middle point of two considered nuclear spin +is close to the critical field for quantum phase transition of spin-flop type +in bulk antiferromagnet or close to antiferromagnetic resonance. Thus, the +external magnetic field, its gradient, microwave frequency and power can play +the role of control parameters for qubit states. + Finally, the one and two qubit states decoherence and longitudinal relaxation +rate are caused by the interaction of nuclear spins with virtual spin waves in +antiferromagnet ground state are calculated.",0812.0135v1 +2015-10-12,"On equation of state for the ""thermal"" part of the spin current: Pauli principle contribution in the spin wave spectrum in cold fermion system","Spin evolution opened a large field in quantum plasma research. The spin +waves in plasmas were considered among new phenomena considered in spin-1/2 +quantum plasmas. The spin density evolution equation found by means of the +many-particle quantum hydrodynamics shows existence of the ""thermal"" part of +the spin current, which is an analog of the thermal pressure, or the Fermi +pressure for degenerate electron gas, existing in the Euler equation. However, +this term has been dropped, since there has not been found any equation of +state for the thermal part of the spin current (TPSC), like we have for the +pressure. In this paper we derive the equation of state for the TPSC and apply +it for study of spectrum of collective excitations in spin-1/2 quantum plasmas. +We focus our research on the spectrum of spin waves, since this spectrum is +affected by the thermal part of the spin current. We consider two kinds of +plasmas: electron-ion plasma with motionless ions and degenerate electrons, and +degenerate electron-positron plasmas. We also present the non-linear Pauli +equation with the spinor pressure term containing described effects. The +thermal part of the flux of spin current existing in the spin current evolution +equation is also derived. We also consider the contribution of the TPSC in the +grand generalized vorticity evolution.",1510.03468v1 +2016-05-10,New investigations on the transverse spin of structured optical fields,"Guided waves and surface waves can be taken as two typical examples of +structured optical fields with the transverse spin. Analytical derivations are +developed to demonstrate that (i) guided waves also carry the transverse spin +that depends on the mean direction of propagation, which may have important +applications in spin-dependent unidirectional optical interfaces; (ii) the +quantization form of the transverse spin is for the first time revealed, which +is not obvious and related to an ellipticity; (iii) from a unified point of +view, the transverse spin can be attributed to the presence of an effective +rest mass of structured optical fields; (iv) the transverse spin can also be +described by the spin matrix of the photon field; (v) unlike a free optical +field whose spin projection on the propagation direction is the only +observable, owing to the effective rest mass, the spin projection of structured +optical fields on other directions is also an observable, such that one can +develop an optical analogy of spintronics. A preliminary idea about the +potential applications of the transverse spin is presented, but an in-depth and +complete study will be presented in our next work.",1605.03103v2 +2017-10-30,Quantum Spin-Hall Effect of Light at Bound States in the Continuum,"The discovery of the topological nature of free-space light and its quantum +chiral behavior has recently raised large attention. This important scientific +endeavor features spin-based integrated quantum technologies. Herein, we +discuss a novel phenomenon based on a resonantly-enhanced quantum spin-Hall +transport of light observed in a dielectric resonator operating near the +bound-state-in-continuum (BIC) regime. The BIC mode is characterized by a +transverse photonic spin angular momentum density extended on a macroscopic +area. As such, the experimental excited mode in near-BIC regime generates +resonant surface waves characterized by spin-momentum locking and that +propagate along the symmetry axes of the structure. In addition, the generated +side waves are interpreted as an abrupt nonparaxial redirection of the exciting +far field light, which is responsible for the spin-to-orbital angular momentum +conversion evidenced in the spin-orbit asymmetry measured in the intensity of +the side waves. The experimental results are in excellent agreement with a +model that combines geometric parallel transport of light polarization and +spin-momentum locking. In addition, breaking the excitation symmetry leads to a +total spin-directive coupling. Our results reveal the possibility of a +BIC-enhanced macroscopic spin-directive coupling, a novel fundamental mechanism +of light-spin manipulation that will have strong impact on emerging quantum +technologies.",1710.10862v1 +2021-04-19,Experimental observation of transverse spin of plasmon polaritons in a single-crystalline silver nanowire,"We report the experimental observation of the transverse spin and associated +spin-momentum locking of surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) excited in a +plasmonic single crystalline silver nanowire (AgNW). In contrast to the SPPs +excited in metal films, the electromagnetic field components of the evanescent +SPP mode propagating along the long axis ($x$ axis) of the NW can decay along +two longitudinal planes ($x$-$y$ and $x$-$z$ planes), resulting in two +orthogonal transverse spin components ($s_z$ and $s_y$). Analysis of the +opposite circular polarization components of the decaying SPP mode signal in +the longitudinal plane ($x$-$y$) reveals spin dependent biasing of the signal +and hence the existence of transverse spin component ($s_z$). The corresponding +transverse spin density ($s_3$) in the Fourier plane reveals spin-momentum +locking, where the helicity of the spin is dictated by the wave-vector +components of the SPP evanescent wave. Further, the results are corroborated +with three-dimensional numerical calculations. The presented results showcase +how a chemically prepared plasmonic AgNW can be harnessed to study optical +spins in evanescent waves, and can be extrapolated to explore sub-wavelength +effects including directional spin coupling and optical nano-manipulation.",2104.09303v2 +2020-01-16,The Low Effective Spin of Binary Black Holes and Implications for Individual Gravitational-Wave Events,"While the Advanced LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave experiments now +regularly observe binary black hole mergers, the evolutionary origin of these +events remains a mystery. Analysis of the binary black hole spin distribution +may shed light on this mystery, offering a means of discriminating between +different binary formation channels. Using the data from Advanced LIGO and +Virgo's first and second observing runs, here we seek to carefully characterize +the distribution of effective spin among binary black holes, hierarchically +measuring the distribution's mean $\mu$ and variance $\sigma^2$ while +accounting for selection effects and degeneracies between spin and other black +hole parameters. We demonstrate that the known population of binary black holes +have spins that are both small, with $\mu \sim 0$, and very narrowly +distributed, with $\sigma^2 \leq 0.07$ at 95% credibility. We then explore what +these ensemble properties imply about the spins of individual binary black hole +mergers, re-analyzing existing gravitational-wave events with a +population-informed prior on their effective spin. The binary black hole +GW170729, which previously excluded effective spin equal to zero, is now +consistent with zero effective spin at ~10% credibility. More broadly, we find +that uninformative spin priors generally yield overestimates for the effective +spin magnitudes of compact binary mergers.",2001.06051v2 +2023-07-18,Effect of Spin Orbit Coupling in non-centrosymmetric half-Heusler alloys,"Spin-orbit coupled electronic structure of two representative non-polar +half-Heusler alloys, namely 18 electron compound CoZrBi and 8 electron compound +SiLiIn have been studied in details. An excursion through the Brillouin zone of +these alloys from one high symmetry point to the other revealed rich local +symmetry of the associated wave vectors resulting in non-trivial spin splitting +of the bands and consequent diverse spin textures in the presence of spin-orbit +coupling. Our first principles calculations supplemented with low energy +$\boldsymbol{k.p}$ model Hamiltonian revealed the presence of linear +Dresselhaus effect at the X point having $D_{2d}$ symmetry and Rashba effect +with both linear and non-linear terms at the L point with $C_{3v}$ point group +symmetry. Interestingly we have also identified non-trivial Zeeman spin +splitting at the non-time reversal invariant W point and a pair of +non-degenerate bands along the path $\Gamma$ to L displaying vanishing spin +polarization due to the non-pseudo polar point group symmetry of the wave +vectors. Further a comparative study of CoZrBi and SiLiIn suggest, in addition, +to the local symmetry of the wave vectors, important role of the participating +orbitals in deciding the nature and strength of spin splitting. Our +calculations identify half-Heusler compounds with heavy elements displaying +diverse spin textures may be ideal candidate for spin valleytronics where spin +textures can be controlled by accessing different valleys around the high +symmetry k-points.",2308.03760v2 +2024-01-11,Gravitational waves carry information beyond effective spin parameters but it is hard to extract,"Gravitational wave observations of binary black hole mergers probe their +astrophysical origins via the binary spin, namely the spin magnitudes and +directions of each component black hole, together described by six degrees of +freedom. However, the emitted signals primarily depend on two effective spin +parameters that condense the spin degrees of freedom to those parallel and +those perpendicular to the orbital plane. Given this reduction in +dimensionality between the physically relevant problem and what is typically +measurable, we revisit the question of whether information about the component +spin magnitudes and directions can successfully be recovered via +gravitational-wave observations, or if we simply extrapolate information about +the distributions of effective spin parameters.To this end, we simulate three +astrophysical populations with the same underlying effective-spin distribution +but different spin magnitude and tilt distributions, on which we conduct full +individual-event and population-level parameter estimation. We find that +parameterized population models can indeed qualitatively distinguish between +populations with different spin magnitude and tilt distributions at current +sensitivity. However, it remains challenging to either accurately recover the +true distribution or to diagnose biases due to model misspecification. We +attribute the former to practical challenges of dealing with high-dimensional +posterior distributions, and the latter to the fact that each individual event +carries very little information about the full six spin degrees of freedom.",2401.05613v1 +2016-05-18,Standing magnetic wave on Ising ferromagnet: Nonequilibrium phase transition,"The dynamical response of an Ising ferromagnet to a plane polarised standing +magnetic field wave is modelled and studied here by Monte Carlo simulation in +two dimensions. The amplitude of standing magnetic wave is modulated along the +direction x. We have detected two main dynamical phases namely, pinned and +oscillating spin clusters. Depending on the value of field amplitude the system +is found to undergo a phase transition from oscillating spin cluster to pinned +as the system is cooled down. The time averaged magnetisation over a full cycle +of magnetic field oscillations is defined as the dynamic order parameter. The +transition is detected by studying the temperature dependences of the variance +of the dynamic order parameter, the derivative of the dynamic order parameter +and the dynamic specific heat. The dependence of the transition temperature on +the magnetic field amplitude and on the wavelength of the magnetic field wave +is studied at a single frequency. A comprehensive phase boundary is drawn in +the plane described by the temperature and field amplitude for two different +wavelengths of the magnetic wave. The variation of instantaneous line +magnetisation during a period of magnetic field oscillation for standing wave +mode is compared to those for the propagating wave mode. Also the probability +that a spin at any site, flips, is calculated. The above mentioned variations +and the probability of spin flip clearly distinguish between the dynamical +phases formed by propagating magnetic wave and by standing magnetic wave in an +Ising ferromagnet.",1605.05643v2 +2024-01-04,Symmetry of the coupling between surface acoustic waves and spin waves in synthetic antiferromagnets,"Synthetic antiferromagnets host spin waves that are highly tunable. It is of +practical interest to analyze the symmetry of their coupling to surface +acoustic waves with the design of hybrid devices in view. For this we calculate +the layer-resolved susceptibility tensor of a synthetic antiferromagnet, the +effective magneto-elastic and magneto-rotation fields associated to a +travelling elastic wave, and the power irreversibly transferred by the elastic +wave to the magnetic layers. We consider Rayleigh-type surface acoustic waves: +(a) that travel in an elastically isotropic, non-piezoelectric substrate, or +(b) that propagate along the X direction at the surface of a Z-cut LiNbO$_3$ +substrate, or (c) that are guided in a thin Z-cut LiNbO$_3$ film grown on a +sapphire substrate. In particular, we show that the complementary angular +dependencies of the acoustic and optical spin wave modes in synthetic +antiferromagnets makes it possible to excite spin waves for any relative +orientation of magnetization and acoustic wavevector. In addition, we discuss +the symmetries of the driving fields and of the energy transferred to the +magnetic degree of freedom. We evidence new interaction channels coupling the +magnetization eigenmodes when elastic anisotropy and piezoelectricity of the +substrate are considered.",2401.02263v1 +2012-02-17,Spin-stretching modes in anisotropic magnets: spin-wave excitations in the multiferroic Ba2CoGe2O7,"We studied spin excitations of the multiferroic Ba2CoGe2O7 in high magnetic +fields up to 33 T. In the electron spin resonance and far infrared absorption +spectra we found several spin excitations beyond the two conventional magnon +modes expected for such a two-sublattice antiferromagnet. We show that a +multi-boson spin-wave theory can capture these unconventional modes, that +include spin-stretching modes associated with an oscillating magnetic dipole +(or only quadrupole) moment. The lack of the inversion symmetry allows these +modes to become electric dipole active. We expect that the spin-stretching +modes can be generally observed in inelastic neutron scattering and light +absorption experiments in a broad class of ordered S > 1/2 spin systems with +strong single-ion anisotropy and/or non-centrosymmetric lattice structure.",1202.3996v2 +2012-06-04,Von Neumann Entropy Spectra and Entangled Excitations in Spin-Orbital Models,"We consider the low-energy excitations of one-dimensional spin-orbital models +which consist of spin waves, orbital waves, and joint spin-orbital excitations. +Among the latter we identify strongly entangled spin-orbital bound states which +appear as peaks in the von Neumann entropy (vNE) spectral function introduced +in this work. The strong entanglement of bound states is manifested by a +universal logarithmic scaling of the vNE with system size, while the vNE of +other spin-orbital excitations saturates. We suggest that spin-orbital +entanglement can be experimentally explored by the measurement of the dynamical +spin-orbital correlations using resonant inelastic x-ray scattering, where +strong spin-orbit coupling associated with the core hole plays a role.",1206.1062v1 +2013-02-28,Number and spin densities in the ground state of a trapped mixture of two pseudospin-1/2 Bose gases with interspecies spin-exchange interaction,"We consider the ground state of a mixture of two pseudospin-$\1/2$ Bose gases +with interspecies spin exchange in a trapping potential. In the mean field +approach, the ground state can be described in terms of four wave functions +governed by a set of coupled Gross-Pitaevskii-like (GP-like) equations, which +differ from the usual GP equations in the existence of an interference term due +to spin-exchange coupling between the two species. Using these GP-like +equations, we calculate such ground state properties as chemical potentials, +density profiles and spin density profiles, which are directly observable in +experiments. We compare the cases with and without spin exchange. It is +demonstrated that the spin exchange between the two species lowers the chemical +potentials, tends to equalize the wave functions of the two pseudospin +components of each species, and thus homogenizes the spin density. The novel +features of the density and spin density profiles can serve as experimental +probes of this novel Bose system.",1302.7217v1 +2013-10-07,Simulations of electric-dipole spin resonance for spin-orbit-coupled quantum dots in Overhauser field: fractional resonances and selection rules,"We consider spin rotations in single- and two-electron quantum dots that are +driven by external AC electric field with two mechanisms that couple the +electron spatial motion and the spin degree of freedom: the spin-orbit +interaction and a random fluctuation of the Overhauser field due to nuclear +spin bath. We perform a systematic numerical simulation of the driven system +using a finite difference approach with an exact account taken for the +electron-electron correlation. The simulation demonstrates that the electron +oscillation in fluctuating nuclear field is translated into an effective +magnetic field during the electron wave packet motion. The effective magnetic +field drives the spin transitions according to the electric-dipole spin +resonance mechanism. We find distinct signatures of selection rules for direct +and higher-order transitions in terms of the spin-orbital symmetries of the +wave functions. The selection rules are violated by the random fluctuation of +the Overhauser field.",1310.1689v1 +2016-07-27,"Initial data for black hole-neutron star binaries, with rotating stars","The coalescence of a neutron star with a black hole is a primary science +target of ground-based gravitational wave detectors. Constraining or measuring +the neutron star spin directly from gravitational wave observations requires +knowledge of the dependence of the emission properties of these systems on the +neutron star spin. This paper lays foundations for this task, by developing a +numerical method to construct initial data for black hole--neutron star +binaries with arbitrary spin on the neutron star. We demonstrate the robustness +of the code by constructing initial-data sets in large regions of the parameter +space. In addition to varying the neutron star spin-magnitude and +spin-direction, we also explore neutron star compactness, mass-ratio, black +hole spin, and black hole spin-direction. Specifically, we are able to +construct initial data sets with neutron stars spinning near centrifugal +break-up, and with black hole spins as large as $S_{\rm BH}/M_{\rm BH}^2=0.99$.",1607.07962v1 +2017-12-03,Two-spinor description of massive particles and relativistic spin projection operators,"On the basis of the Wigner unitary representations of the covering group +ISL(2,C) of the Poincar\'{e} group, we obtain spin-tensor wave functions of +free massive particles with arbitrary spin. The wave functions automatically +satisfy the Dirac-Pauli-Fierz equations. In the framework of the two-spinor +formalism we construct spin-vectors of polarizations and obtain conditions that +fix the corresponding relativistic spin projection operators (Behrends-Fronsdal +projection operators). With the help of these conditions we find explicit +expressions for relativistic spin projection operators for integer spins +(Behrends-Fronsdal projection operators) and then find relativistic spin +projection operators for half integer spins. These projection operators +determine the nominators in the propagators of fields of relativistic +particles. We deduce generalizations of the Behrends-Fronsdal projection +operators for arbitrary space-time dimensions D>2.",1712.00833v2 +2019-11-11,Theory and phase-field simulations on electrical control of spin cycloids in a multiferroic,"Cycloidal spin orders are common in multiferroics. One of the prototypical +examples is BiFeO3 (BFO) which shows a large polarization and a cycloidal +antiferromagnetic order at room temperature. Here we employ Landau theory and +phase-field simulations to analyze the coupled switching dynamics of +polarization and cycloidal antiferromagnetic orders in BFO. We are able to +identify 14 types of transitional spin structures between two cycloids and 9 +electric-field-induced spin switching paths. We demonstrate the +electric-field-induced rotation of wave vectors of the cycloidal spins and +discover 2 types of cycloidal spin switching dynamics: fast local spin flips +and slow rotation of wave vectors. Also, we construct road maps to achieve the +switching between any two spin cycloids through multi-step applications of +electric fields. The work provides a theoretical framework for the +phenomenological description of spin cycloids and a fundamental understanding +of the switching mechanisms to achieve electrical control of magnetic orders.",1911.04023v2 +2017-10-12,Quasiclassical theory of spin dynamics in superfluid $^3$He: kinetic equations in the bulk and spin response of surface Majorana states,"We develop a theory based on the formalism of quasiclassical Green's +functions to study the spin dynamics in superfluid $^3$He. First, we derive +kinetic equations for the spin-dependent distribution function in the bulk +superfluid reproducing the results obtained earlier without quasiclassical +approximation. Then we consider a spin dynamics near the surface of fully +gapped $^3$He-B phase taking into account spin relaxation due to the +transitions in the spectrum of localized fermionic states. The lifetime of +longitudinal and transverse spin waves is calculate taking into account the +Fermi-liquid corrections which lead to the crucial modification of fermionic +spectrum and spin responses.",1710.04468v2 +2018-04-25,"Spinning Mellin Bootstrap: Conformal Partial Waves, Crossing Kernels and Applications","We study conformal partial waves (CPWs) in Mellin space with totally +symmetric external operators of arbitrary integer spin. The exchanged spin is +arbitrary, and includes mixed symmetry and (partially)-conserved +representations. In a basis of CPWs recently introduced in arXiv:1702.08619, we +find a remarkable factorisation of the external spin dependence in their Mellin +representation. This property allows a relatively straightforward study of +inversion formulae to extract OPE data from the Mellin representation of +spinning 4pt correlators and in particular, to extract closed-form expressions +for crossing kernels of spinning CPWs in terms of the hypergeometric function +${}_4F_3$. We consider numerous examples involving both arbitrary internal and +external spins, and for both leading and sub-leading twist operators. As an +application, working in general $d$ we extract new results for ${\cal +O}\left(1/N\right)$ anomalous dimensions of double-trace operators induced by +double-trace deformations constructed from single-trace operators of generic +twist and integer spin. In particular, we extract the anomalous dimensions of +double-trace operators $[\mathcal{O}_J\Phi]_{n,l}$ with ${\cal O}_J$ a +single-trace operator of integer spin $J$.",1804.09334v2 +2019-03-08,Intra- and inter-orbital correlated electron spin dynamics in $\rm Sr_2 Ir O_4$: spin-wave gap and spin-orbit exciton,"Transformation of Coulomb interaction terms to the pseudo-orbital basis +constituted by $J=1/2$ and $3/2$ states arising from spin-orbit coupling +provides a versatile tool. This formalism is applied to investigate magnetic +anisotropy effects on low-energy spin-wave excitations as well as high-energy +spin-orbit exciton modes in $\rm Sr_2 Ir O_4$. The Hund's coupling term +explictly yields easy-plane anisotropy, resulting in gapless (in-plane) and +gapped (out-of-plane) modes, in agreement with recent resonant inelastic x-ray +scattering (RIXS) measurements. The collective mode of inter-orbital, +spin-flip, particle-hole excitations with appropriate interaction strengths and +renormalized spin-orbit gap yields two well-defined propagating spin-orbit +exciton modes, with energy scale and dispersion in good agreement with RIXS +studies.",1903.03360v1 +2021-02-03,Spin-governed topological surfaces and broken spin-momentum locking in a gyromagnetic medium,"Topology of isofrequency surfaces plays a crucial role in characterizing the +interaction of an electromagnetic wave with a medium. Thus, engineering the +topology in complex media is leading to novel applications, ranging from +super-resolution microscopy with hyperbolic metamaterials to sub-wavelength +waveguiding structures. Here, we investigate the spin-governed nature of +isofrequency surfaces in a general gyromagnetic medium. We show that gyrotropy +also plays an important role in the topological properties of a medium, along +with the anisotropic permeability and permittivity. Even though the topology +primarily depends on permeability, gyrotropy can suppress or support the +existence of certain topological surfaces. We reveal the connection between the +gyrotropy imposed constraints and the photonic spin-profile of the topological +surfaces. The spin-profile along the isofrequency surface is locked to the +material, resulting in the non-reciprocity and breaking of the spin-momentum +locking in the gyromagnetic medium. Further, we show that the conflict between +spin-momentum locking and material locked spin leads to asymmetric mode profile +and gyrotropy-induced cutoff in guided wave structures. Our work provides +important insights into the underlying link between topology, spin, and +non-reciprocity in gyrotropic media.",2102.02027v1 +2019-01-21,"Magnonics: Spin Waves Connecting Charges, Spins and Photons","Spin waves (SW) are the excitation of the spin system in a ferromagnetic +condensed matter body. They are collective excitations of the electron system +and, from a quasi-classical point of view, can be understood as a coherent +precession of the electrons' spins. Analogous to photons, they are also +referred to as magnons indicating their quasi-particle character. The +collective nature of SWs is established by the short-range exchange interaction +as well as the non-local magnetic dipolar interaction, resulting in coherence +of SWs from mesoscopic to even macroscopic length scales. As one consequence of +this collective interaction, SWs are ""charge current free"" and, therefore, less +subject to dissipation caused by scattering with impurities on the atomic +level. This is a clear advantage over diffusive transport in spintronics that +not only uses the charge of an electron but also its spin degree of freedom. +Any (spin) current naturally involves motion and, thus, scattering of electrons +leading to excessive heating as well as losses. This renders SWs a promising +alternative to electric (spin) currents for the transport of spin information - +one of the grand challenges of condensed matter physics.",1901.07021v1 +2019-07-02,Spin-orbit interaction and snake states in graphene $p$-$n$ junctions,"We study a model of a $p$-$n$ junction in single-layer graphene in the +presence of a perpendicular magnetic field and spin-orbit interactions. By +solving the relevant quantum-mechanical problem for a potential step, we +determine the exact spectrum of spin-resolved dispersive Landau levels. Close +to zero energy, we find a pair of linearly dispersing zero modes, which possess +a wave-vector-dependent spin polarization and can be regarded as quantum +analogous of spinful snake states. We show that the Rashba spin-orbit +interaction, in particular, produces a wave vector shift between the +dispersions of these modes with observable interference effects. These effects +can in principle provide a way to detect the presence of Rashba spin-orbit +interaction and measure its strength. Our results suggest that a graphene +$p$-$n$ junction in the presence of strong spin-orbit interaction could be used +as a building block in a spin field-effect transistor.",1907.01233v2 +2019-07-17,Transverse photon spin beyond interfaces,"Photons possess spin degree of freedom, corresponding to clockwise and +counter clockwise rotating direction of the fields. Photon spin plays an +important role in various applications such as optical communications, +information processing and sensing. In conventional isotropic media, photon +spin is aligned with the propagation direction of light, obeying spin momentum +locking. Interestingly, at certain interfaces, the surface waves decaying away +from the interface possess a photon spin transverse to its propagation, opening +exciting opportunities for observation of spin dependent unidirectional +excitation in confined systems. Here we propose and realize transverse photon +spin (T-spin) in the interior of a bulk medium, without relying on the presence +of any interfaces. We show the complete mapping of the T-spin of surface modes +to that of the bulk modes by introducing the coupling between electric and +magnetic responses along orthogonal directions, i.e., the bianisotropy, into +the medium. We further discover that an interface formed by two bianisotropic +media of opposite orientations supports edge-dependent propagating modes with +tunable cutoff frequencies. Our results provide a new platform for manipulating +the spin orbit interaction of electromagnetic waves.",1907.07654v1 +2022-01-18,Spin generalizations of the Benjamin-Ono equation,"We present new soliton equations related to the $A$-type spin Calogero-Moser +(CM) systems introduced by Gibbons and Hermsen. These equations are spin +generalizations of the Benjamin-Ono (BO) equation and the recently introduced +non-chiral intermediate long-wave (ncILW) equation. We obtain multi-soliton +solutions of these spin generalizations of the BO equation and the ncILW +equation via a spin-pole ansatz where the spin-pole dynamics is governed by the +spin CM system in the rational and hyperbolic cases, respectively. We also +propose physics applications of the new equations, and we introduce a spin +generalization of the standard intermediate long-wave equation which +interpolates between the matrix Korteweg-de Vries equation, the Heisenberg +ferromagnet equation, and the spin BO equation.",2201.07269v1 +2022-02-18,Intrinsic spin-momentum dynamics of surface electromagnetic waves in complex dispersive system,"Spin-momentum locking is an intrinsic property of surface electromagnetic +fields and its study has led to the discovery of photonic spin lattices and +diverse applications. Previously, dispersion was ignored in the spin-momentum +locking, giving rise to abnormal phenomena contradictory to the physical +realities. Here, we formulate four dispersive spin-momentum equations for +surface waves, revealing universally that the transverse spin vector is locked +with the momentum. The locking property obeys the right-hand rule in the +dielectric but the left-hand rule in the dispersive metal/magnetic materials. +In addition to the dispersion, the structural features can affect the +spin-momentum locking significantly. Remarkably, an extraordinary longitudinal +spin originating from the coupling polarization ellipticity is uncovered even +for the purely polarized state. We further demonstrate the spin-momentum +locking properties with diverse photonic topological lattices by engineering +the rotating symmetry. The findings open up opportunities for designing robust +nanodevices with practical importance in chiral quantum optics.",2202.09007v1 +2022-03-26,Spin and Contextuality in Extended de Broglie-Bohm-Bell Quantum Mechanics,"This paper introduces an extension of the de Broglie-Bohm-Bell formulation of +quantum mechanics, which includes intrinsic particle degrees of freedom, such +as spin, as elements of reality. To evade constraints from the Kochen-Specker +theorem the discrete spin values refer to a specific basis -- i.e., a single +spin vector orientation for each particle; these spin orientations are, +however, not predetermined, but dynamic and guided by the (reduced, spin-only) +wave function of the system, which is conditional on the realized location +values of the particles. In this way, the unavoidable contextuality of spin is +provided by the wave function and its realized particle configuration, whereas +spin is still expressed as a local property of the individual particles. This +formulation, which furthermore features a rigorous discrete-time stochastic +dynamics, allows for numerical simulations of particle systems with entangled +spin, such as Bohm's version of the EPR experiment.",2203.14034v1 +2022-06-14,Broadband microwave detection using electron spins in a hybrid diamond-magnet sensor chip,"Quantum sensing has developed into a main branch of quantum science and +technology. It aims at measuring physical quantities with high resolution, +sensitivity, and dynamic range. Electron spins in diamond are powerful magnetic +field sensors, but their sensitivity in the microwave regime is limited to a +narrow band around their resonance frequency. Here, we realize broadband +microwave detection using spins in diamond interfaced with a thin-film magnet. +A pump field locally converts target microwave signals to the sensor-spin +frequency via the non-linear spin-wave dynamics of the magnet. Two +complementary conversion protocols enable sensing and high-fidelity spin +control over a gigahertz bandwidth, allowing characterization of the spin-wave +band at multiple gigahertz above the sensor-spin frequency. The pump-tunable, +hybrid diamond-magnet sensor chip opens the way for spin-based sensing in the +100-gigahertz regime at small magnetic bias fields.",2206.07013v1 +2023-02-20,Néel-Vector Switching and THz Spin-Wave Excitation in Mn$_2$Au due to Femtosecond Spin-Transfer Torques,"Efficient and fast manipulation of antiferromagnets has to date remained a +challenging task, hindering their application in spintronic devices. For +ultrafast operation of such devices, it is highly desirable to be able to +control the antiferromagnetic order within picoseconds - a timescale that is +difficult to achieve with electrical circuits. Here, we demonstrate that bursts +of spin-polarized hot-electron currents emerging due to laser-induced ultrafast +demagnetization are able to efficiently excite spin dynamics in +antiferromagnetic Mn$_2$Au by exerting a spin-transfer torque on femtosecond +timescales. We combine quantitative superdiffusive transport and atomistic +spin-model calculations to describe a spin-valve-type trilayer consisting of +Fe$|$Cu$|$Mn$_2$Au. Our results demonstrate that femtosecond spin-transfer +torques can switch the Mn$_2$Au layer within a few picoseconds. In addition, we +find that spin waves with high frequencies up to several THz can be excited in +Mn$_2$Au.",2302.09822v1 +2023-03-29,Asymptotic gravitational-wave fluxes from a spinning test body on generic orbits around a Kerr black hole,"This work provides gravitational wave energy and angular momentum asymptotic +fluxes from a spinning body moving on generic orbits in a Kerr spacetime up to +linear in spin approximation. To achieve this, we have developed a new +frequency domain Teukolsky equation solver that calculates asymptotic +amplitudes from generic orbits of spinning bodies with their spin aligned with +the total orbital angular momentum. However, the energy and angular momentum +fluxes from these orbits in the linear in spin approximation are appropriate +for adiabatic models of extreme mass ratio inspirals even for spins non-aligned +to the orbital angular momentum. To check the newly obtained fluxes, they were +compared with already known frequency domain results for equatorial orbits and +with results from a time domain Teukolsky equation solver called Teukode for +off-equatorial orbits. The spinning body framework of our work is based on the +Mathisson-Papapetrou-Dixon equations under the Tulczyjew-Dixon spin +supplementary condition.",2303.16798v1 +2023-08-30,Spin Rotations in a Bose-Einstein Condensate Driven by Counterflow and Spin-independent Interactions,"We observe spin rotations caused by atomic collisions in a non-equilibrium +Bose-condensed gas of $^{87}$Rb. Reflection from a pseudomagnetic barrier +creates counterflow in which forward- and backward-propagating matter waves +have partly transverse spin directions. Even though inter-atomic interaction +strengths are state-independent, the indistinguishability of parallel spins +leads to spin dynamics. A local magnetodynamic model, which captures the +salient features of the observed spin textures, highlights an essential +connection between four-wave mixing and collisional spin rotation. The observed +phenomenon has previously been thought to exist only in nondegenerate gases; +our observations and model clarify the nature of these effective-magnetic spin +rotations.",2308.16069v1 +2023-11-15,Broad-Wavevector Spin Pumping of Flat-Band Magnons,"We report the experimental observation of large spin pumping signals in +YIG/Pt system driven by broad-wavevector spin-wave spin current. 280 nm-wide +microwave inductive antennas offer broad-wavevector excitation which, in +combination with quasi-flatband of YIG, allows a large number of magnons to +participate in spin pumping at a given frequency. Through comparison with +ferromagnetic resonance spin pumping, we attribute the enhancement of the spin +current to the multichromatic magnons. The high efficiency of spin current +generation enables us to uncover nontrivial propagating properties in ultra-low +power regions. Additionally, our study achieves the spatially separated +detection of magnons, allowing the direct extraction of the decay length. The +synergistic combination of the capability of broad-wavevector excitation, +enhanced voltage signals, and nonlocal detection provides a new avenue for the +electrical exploration of spin waves dynamics.",2311.09098v1 +2018-07-11,Probing the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction via the propagation of spin waves in ferromagnetic thin films,"The Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction (DMI) has attracted considerable recent +attention owing to the intriguing physics behind and the fundamental role it +played in stabilizing magnetic solitons, such as magnetic skyrmions and chiral +domain walls. A number of experimental efforts have been devoted to probe the +DMI, among which the most popular method is the Brillouin light scattering +spectroscopy (BLS) to measure the frequency difference of spin waves with +opposite wave vectors $\pm\mathbf{k}$ perpendicular to the in-plane +magnetization $\mathbf{m}$. Such a technique, however, is not applicable for +the cases of $\mathbf{k}\parallel\mathbf{m}$, since the spin-wave reciprocity +is recovered then. For a narrow magnetic strip, it is also difficult to measure +the DMI strength using BLS because of the spatial resolution limit of lights. +To fill these gaps, we propose to probe the DMI via the propagation of spin +waves in ferromagnetic films. We show that the DMI can cause the +non-collinearity of the group velocities of spin waves with +$\pm\mathbf{k}\parallel\mathbf{m}$. In heterogeneous magnetic thin films with +different DMIs, negative refractions of spin waves emerge at the interface +under proper conditions. These findings enable us to quantify the DMI strength +by measuring the angle between the two spin-wave beams with +$\pm\mathbf{k}\parallel\mathbf{m}$ in homogeneous film and by measuring the +incident and negative refraction angles in heterogeneous films. For a narrow +magnetic strip, we propose a nonlocal scheme to determine the DMI strength via +nonlinear three-magnon processes. We implement theoretical calculations and +micromagnetic simulations to verify our ideas. The results presented here are +helpful for future measurement of the DMI and for designing novel spin-wave +spintronic devices.",1807.04025v2 +2015-06-17,Spin Casimir Effect in Non-collinear Quantum Antiferromagnets,"The Casimir effect is a general phenomenon in physics, which arises when the +vacuum fluctuation of an arbitrary field is modified by static or slowly +varying boundary. However, its spin version is rarely addressed, mainly due to +the fact that a macroscopic boundary in quantum spin systems is hard to define. +In this article, we explore the spin Casimir effect induced by the zero-point +fluctuation of spin waves in a general non-collinear ordered quantum +antiferromagnet. This spin Casimir effect results in a spin torque between +local spins and further causes various singular and divergent results in the +framework of spin-wave theory, which invalidate the standard $1/S$ expansion +procedure. To avoid this dilemma, we develop a self-consistent spin-wave +expansion approach, which preserves the spin-wave expansion away from +singularities and divergence. A detailed spin-wave analysis of the +antiferromagnetic spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on a spatially anisotropic +triangular lattice is undertaken within our approach. Our results indicate that +the spiral order is only stable in the region $0.5<\alpha<1.2$, where $\alpha$ +is the ratio of the coupling constants. In addition, the instability in the +region $1.2<\alpha<2$ is owing to the spin Casimir effect instead of the +vanishing sublattice magnetization. And this extended spiral instable region +may host some quantum disordered phases besides the quantum order by disorder +induced Neel phase. Furthermore, our method provides an efficient and +convenient tool that can estimate the correct exchange parameters and outline +the quantum phase diagrams, which can be useful for experimental fitting +processes in frustrated quantum magnets.",1506.05211v2 +2001-01-24,Effects of dipolar field in the spin dynamics of a Fermi liquid,"We study spin dynamics of a normal Fermi liquid taking into account the +demagnetizing field produced by the spin system itself. Linear solutions of the +spin dynamics equations in the form of standing spin waves in a finite volume +of liquid are found. At almost all known experimental conditions the influence +of demagnetizing field can be satisfactorily described by the first order of +perturbation theory. We carried out perturbational calculations for two +geometries of experimental cell -- spherical and finite-cylindrical. We +performed also exact numerical simulations of the spin wave spectra in a +spherical cell at an arbitrary strength of the demagnetizing field. + The obtained results are applied in particular to conditions of recent +experiment (G.Vermeulen and A.Roni, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 248 (2001)) related to +the problem of zero temperature transverse relaxation in a polarized Fermi +liquid. We found that not taking into account demagnetizing field leads to +negligible errors in the measured relaxation time, thus supporting the +conclusion of the absence of zero temperature spin wave damping.",0101368v3 +2005-07-22,Spin waves in a one-dimensional spinor Bose gas,"We study a one-dimensional (iso)spin 1/2 Bose gas with repulsive +delta-function interaction by the Bethe Ansatz method and discuss the +excitations above the polarized ground state. In addition to phonons the system +features spin waves with a quadratic dispersion. We compute analytically and +numerically the effective mass of the spin wave and show that the spin +transport is greatly suppressed in the strong coupling regime, where the +isospin-density (or ``spin-charge'') separation is maximal. Using a +hydrodynamic approach, we study spin excitations in a harmonically trapped +system and discuss prospects for future studies of two-component ultracold +atomic gases.",0507513v1 +1996-02-19,Gravitational waves from a spinning particle in circular orbits around a rotating black hole,"Using the Teukolsky and Sasaki-Nakamura formalisms for the perterbations +around a Kerr black hole, we calculate the energy flux of gravitational waves +induced by a {\it spinning} particle of mass $\mu$ and spin $S$ moving in +circular orbits near the equatorial plain of a rotating black hole of mass $M +(\gg \mu)$ and spin $Ma$. The calculations are performed by using the recently +developed post-Newtonian expansion technique of the Teukolsky equation. To +evaluate the source terms of perturbations caused by a {\it spinning} particle, +we used the equations of motion of a spinning particle derived by Papapetrou +and the energy momentum tensor of a spinning particle derived by Dixon. We +present the post-Newtonian formula of the gravitational wave luminosity up to +the order $(v/c)^5$ beyond the quadrupole formula including the linear order of +particle spin. The results obtained in this paper will be an important +guideline to the post-Newtonian calculation of the inspiral of two spinning +compact objects.",9602038v1 +1993-04-28,Semiclassical analysis of two- and three-spin antiferromagnets and anyons on a sphere,"We do a semiclassical analysis for two or three spins which are coupled +antiferromagnetically to each other. The semiclassical wave functions transform +correctly under permutations of the spins if one takes into account the +Wess-Zumino term present in the path integral for spins. The Wess-Zumino term +here is a total derivative which has no effect on the energy spectrum. The +semiclassical problem is related to that of anyons moving on a sphere with the +statistics parameter $\theta$ being $2 \pi S$ for two spins and $3 \pi S$ for +three spins. Finally, we present a novel way of deriving the semiclassical wave +functions from the spin wave functions.",9304151v1 +2008-01-21,First principles study on the spin transfer torques,"An efficient first principles method was developed to calculate spin transfer +torques in layered system with noncollinear magnetization. The complete +scattering wave function is determined by matching the wave function in the +scattering region with the Bloch states in the leads. The spin transfer torques +are obtained with aid of the scattering wave function. We applied our method to +the ferromagnetic spin valve and found that the material (Co, Ni and Ni80Fe20) +dependence of the spin transfer torques could be well understood by the Fermi +surface. Ni has much longer spin injection penetration length than Co. +Interfacial disorder is also considered. It is found that the spin transfer +torques could be enhanced by the interfacial disorder in some system.",0801.3135v1 +2008-07-23,Time-resolved and continuous-wave optical spin pumping of semiconductor quantum wells,"Experimental and theoretical studies of all-optical spin pump and probe of +resident electrons in CdTe/(Cd,Mg)Te semiconductor quantum wells are reported. +A two-color Hanle-MOKE technique (based on continuous-wave excitation) and +time-resolved Kerr rotation in the regime of resonant spin amplification (based +on pulsed excitation) provide a complementary measure of electron spin +relaxation time. Influence of electron localization on long-lived spin +coherence is examined by means of spectral and temperature dependencies. +Various scenarios of spin polarization generation (via the trion and exciton +states) are analyzed and difference between continuous-wave and pulsed +excitations is considered. Effects related to inhomogeneous distribution of +$g$-factor and anisotropic spin relaxation time on measured quantities are +discussed.",0807.3640v1 +2008-08-04,Ballistic magneto-thermal transport in a Heisenberg spin chain at low temperatures,"We study ballistic thermal transport in Heisenberg spin chain with +nearest-neighbor ferromagnetic interactions at low temperatures. Explicit +expressions for transmission coefficients are derived for thermal transport in +a periodic spin chain of arbitrary junction length by a spin-wave model. Our +analytical results agree very well with the ones from nonequilibrium Green's +function method. Our study shows that the transmission coefficient oscillates +with the frequency of thermal wave. Moreover, the thermal transmission shows +strong dependence on the intrachain coupling, the length of the spin chain, and +the external magnetic field. The results demonstrate the possibility of +manipulating spin-wave propagation and magnetothermal conductance in the +spin-chain junction by adjusting the intrachain coupling and/or the external +magnetic field.",0808.0380v2 +2009-03-13,"Spin-wave velocities, density of magnetic excitations, and NMR relaxation in ferro-pnictides","We perform an analysis of the experimentally known temperature dependence of +the staggered magnetization in the antiferromagnetic phase. This analysis +allows us to put an upper limit on the unknown value of the spin wave velocity +along the stripes of equal spin direction (spin stripes). The velocity is about +ten times smaller than the velocity perpendicular to the spin stripes. The +strongly anisotropic spin-wave dispersion implies a high density of low energy +magnetic excitations. We demonstrate that this high density strongly enhances +the $^{75}$As NMR spin-lattice relaxation via the Raman scattering of magnons. +We derive the polarization dependence of this relaxation channel and find very +good agreement with experimental data. The high density of low energy magnetic +excitations deduced from our phenomenological analysis supports the scenario +that ferro-pnictides are close to a quantum phase transition.",0903.2313v2 +2009-03-27,Dynamical magnetoelectric effects induced by the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction in multiferroics,"We study the dynamical interplay between ferroelectricity and magnetism in a +multiferroic with a helical magnetic order. We show that the dynamical +exchange-striction induces a biquadratic interaction between the spins and +transverse phonons resulting in quantum fluctuations of the spontaneous +ferroelectric polarization $\mathbf{P}$ in the ferroelectric phase. The +hybridization between the spin wave and the fluctuation of the electric +polarization leads to low-lying transverse phonon modes. Those are +perpendicular to $\mathbf{P}$ and to the helical spins at small wave vector but +then turn parallel to $\mathbf{P}$ at a wave vector close to the magnetic +modulation vector. For helical magnetic structure, the spin chirality which +determines the direction of $\mathbf{P}$, also possesses a long-range order. +Due to the dynamical Dzyaloshiskii-Moriya interaction, the spin-chirality is +strongly coupled to the spin fluctuation which implies an on-site inversion of +the spin-chirality in the ordered spin-1/2 system and results in a finite +scattering intensity of polarized neutrons from a cycloidal helimagnet.",0903.4751v1 +2009-04-16,Antiferromagnetism in the magnetoelectric effect single crystal LiMnPO$_4$,"Elastic and inelastic neutron scattering studies reveal details of the +antiferromagnetic tansition and intriguing spin-dynamics in the +magneto-electric effect single crystal LiMnPO$_4$. The elastic scattering +studies confirm the system is antiferromagnetic (AFM) below $T_N$=33.75 K with +local magnetic moments (Mn$^{2+}$; $S = 5/2$) that are aligned along the +crystallographic a-axis. The spin-wave dispersion curves propagating along the +three principal axes, determined by inelastic scattering, are adequately +modeled in the linear spin-wave framework assuming a spin-Hamiltonian that is +parameterized by inter- and in-plane nearest- and next-nearest-neighbor +interactions, and by easy-plane anisotropy. The temperature dependence of the +spin dynamics makes this an excellent model many-body spin system to address +the question of the relationship between spin-wave excitations and the order +parameter.",0904.2580v1 +2009-06-19,Overhauser's spin-density wave in exact-exchange spin density functional theory,"The spin density wave (SDW) state of the uniform electron gas is investigated +in the exact exchange approximation of noncollinear spin density functional +theory (DFT). Unlike in Hartree-Fock theory, where the uniform paramagnetic +state of the electron gas is unstable against formation of the spin density +wave for all densities, in exact-exchange spin-DFT this instability occurs only +for densities lower than a critical value. It is also shown that, although in a +suitable density range it is possible to find a non-interacting SDW ground +state Slater determinant with energy lower than the corresponding paramagnetic +state, this Slater determinant is not a self-consistent solution of the +Optimized Effective Potential (OEP) integral equations of noncollinear +spin-DFT. A selfconsistent solution of the OEP equations which gives an even +lower energy can be found using an excited-state Slater determinant where only +orbitals with single-particle energies in the lower of two bands are occupied +while orbitals in the second band remain unoccupied even if their energies are +below the Fermi energy.",0906.3721v2 +2010-08-31,"Spin-flip excitations, spin waves, and magneto-excitons in graphene Landau levels at integer filling factors","We study collective electronic excitations in graphene in the integer quantum +Hall regime, concentrating mainly on excitations with spin reversal such as +spin-flip and spin-wave excitations. We show that these excitations are +correctly accounted for in the time-dependent Hartree-Fock and strong magnetic +field approximations, in contrast to spin-conserving (magneto-exciton) modes +which involve a strong Landau-level mixing at non-zero wave vectors. The +collective excitations are discussed in view of prominent theorems, such as +Kohn's and Larmor's. Whereas the latter remains valid in graphene and yields +insight into the understanding of spin-dependent modes, Kohn's theorem does not +apply to relativistic electrons in graphene. We finally calculate the exchange +correction to the chemical potential in the weak magnetic field limit.",1008.5304v2 +2011-08-22,Acoustic spin pumping: Direct generation of spin currents from sound waves in Pt/Y3Fe5O12 hybrid structures,"Using a Pt/Y3Fe5O12 (YIG) hybrid structure attached to a piezoelectric +actuator, we demonstrate the generation of spin currents from sound waves. This +""acoustic spin pumping"" (ASP) is caused by the sound wave generated by the +piezoelectric actuator, which then modulates the distribution function of +magnons in the YIG layer and results in a pure-spin-current injection into the +Pt layer across the Pt/YIG interface. In the Pt layer, this injected spin +current is converted into an electric voltage due to the inverse spin-Hall +effect (ISHE). The ISHE voltage induced by the ASP is detected by measuring +voltage in the Pt layer at the piezoelectric resonance frequency of the +actuator coupled with the Pt/YIG system. The frequency-dependent measurements +enable us to separate the ASP-induced signals from extrinsic heating effects. +Our model calculation based on the linear response theory provides us with a +qualitative and quantitative understanding of the ASP in the Pt/YIG system.",1108.4238v1 +2011-10-06,Spin pumping with coherent elastic waves,"We show that the resonant coupling of phonons and magnons can be exploited to +generate spin currents at room temperature. Surface acoustic wave (SAW) pulses +with a frequency of 1.55 GHz and duration of 300 ns provide coherent elastic +waves in a ferromagnetic thin film/normal metal (Co/Pt) bilayer. We use the +inverse spin Hall voltage in the Pt as a measure for the spin current and +record its evolution as a function of time and external magnetic field +magnitude and orientation. Our experiments show that a spin current is +generated in the exclusive presence of a resonant elastic excitation. This +establishes acoustic spin pumping as a resonant analogue to the spin Seebeck +effect.",1110.1187v2 +2013-02-18,Engineering spin waves in a high-spin ultracold Fermi gas,"We report on the detailed study of multi-component spin-waves in an s=3/2 +Fermi gas where the high spin leads to novel tensorial degrees of freedom +compared to s = 1/2 systems. The excitations of a spin-nematic state are +investigated from the linear to the nonlinear regime, where the tensorial +character is particularly pronounced. By tuning the initial state we engineer +the tensorial spin-wave character, such that the magnitude and sign of the +counterflow spin-currents are effectively controlled. A comparison of our data +with numerical and analytical results shows excellent agreement.",1302.4323v3 +2013-08-26,Spin turbulence with small spin magnitude in spin-1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensates,"We theoretically and numerically study spin turbulence (ST) with small spin +magnitude in spin-1 spinor Bose-Einstein condensates by using the spin-1 spinor +Gross-Pitaevskii (GP)equations. This kind of ST is realized in two cases: (i) +with antiferromagnetic interaction and (ii) with ferromagnetic interaction +under a static magnetic field. The ST with small spin magnitude can exhibit two +characteristic power laws in the spectrum of the spin-dependent interaction +energy: -1 and -7/3 power laws in the low- and high-wave-number regions, +respectively. These power laws are derived from a Kolmogorov-type dimensional +scaling analysis for the equations of motion of the spin vector and nematic +tensor. To confirm these power laws, we perform a numerical calculation of the +spin-1 spinor GP equations in a two-dimensional uniform system. In case (i), +the -7/3 power law appears in the high-wave-number region, but the spectrum in +the low-wave-number region deviates from the -1 power law. In contrast, both -1 +and -7/3 power laws are found to clearly appear in case (ii).",1308.5504v1 +2015-02-11,Quantum spin Hall effect of light,"Maxwell's equations, formulated 150 years ago, ultimately describe properties +of light, from classical electromagnetism to quantum and relativistic aspects. +The latter ones result in remarkable geometric and topological phenomena +related to the spin-1 massless nature of photons. By analyzing fundamental spin +properties of Maxwell waves, we show that free-space light exhibits an +intrinsic quantum spin Hall effect, i.e., surface modes with strong +spin-momentum locking. These modes are evanescent waves that form, e.g., +surface plasmon-polaritons at vacuum-metal interfaces. Our findings illuminate +the unusual transverse spin in evanescent waves and explain recent experiments +demonstrating the transverse spin-direction locking in the excitation of +surface optical modes. This deepens our understanding of Maxwell's theory, +reveals analogies with topological insulators for electrons, and offers +applications for robust spin-directional optical interfaces.",1502.03319v3 +2015-10-21,Reconfigurable spin wave band structure of artificial square spin ice,"Artificial square spin ices are structures composed of magnetic elements +arranged on a geometrically frustrated lattice and located on the sites of a +two-dimensional square lattice, such that there are four interacting magnetic +elements at each vertex. Using a semi-analytical approach, we show that square +spin ices exhibit a rich spin wave band structure that is tunable both by +external magnetic fields and the configuration of individual elements. Internal +degrees of freedom can give rise to equilibrium states with bent magnetization +at the edges leading to characteristic excitations; in the presence of +magnetostatic interactions these form separate bands analogous to impurity +bands in semiconductors. Full-scale micromagnetic simulations corroborate our +semi-analytical approach. Our results show that artificial square spin ices can +be viewed as reconfigurable and tunable magnonic crystals that can be used as +metamaterials for spin-wave-based applications at the nanoscale.",1510.06385v2 +2016-04-18,Spin-transfer torques in antiferromagnets: efficiency and quantification method,"We formulate a theory of spin-transfer torques in antiferromagnets, which +covers the small to large limits of the exchange coupling energy relative to +the kinetic energy of the inter-sublattice electron dynamics. Our theory +suggests a natural definition of the efficiency of spin-transfer torques in +antiferromagnets in terms of well-defined material parameters, revealing that +the charge current couples predominantly to the antiferromagnetic order +parameter and the sublattice-canting moment in, respectively, the limits of +large and small exchange coupling. The effects can be quantified by analyzing +the antiferromagnetic spin-wave dispersions in the presence of charge current: +in the limit of large exchange coupling the spin-wave Doppler shift always +occurs, whereas, in the opposite limit, the only spin-wave modes to react to +the charge current are ones that carry a pronounced sublattice-canting moment. +The findings offer a framework for understanding and designing spin-transfer +torques in antiferromagnets belonging to different classes of sublattice +structures such as, e.g., bipartite and layered antiferromagnets.",1604.05277v2 +2017-11-27,Surprises from the spins: astrophysics and relativity with detections of spinning black-hole mergers,"Measurements of black-hole spins are of crucial importance to fulfill the +promise of gravitational-wave astronomy. On the astrophysics side, spins are +perhaps the cleanest indicator of black-hole evolutionary processes, thus +providing a preferred way to discriminate how LIGO's black holes form. On the +relativity side, spins are responsible for peculiar dynamical phenomena (from +precessional modulations in the long inspiral to gravitational-wave recoils at +merger) which encode precious information on the underlying astrophysical +processes. I present some examples to explore this deep and fascinating +interplay between spin dynamics (relativity) and environmental effects +(astrophysics). Black-hole spins indeed hide remarkable surprises on both +fronts: morphologies, resonances, constraints on supernova kicks, multiple +merger generations and more...",1711.10038v1 +2017-12-22,Gravitational waves from spinning binary black holes at the leading post-Newtonian orders at all orders in spin,"We determine the binding energy, the total gravitational wave energy flux, +and the gravitational wave modes for a binary of rapidly spinning black holes, +working in linearized gravity and at leading orders in the orbital velocity, +but to all orders in the black holes' spins. Though the spins are treated +nonperturbatively, surprisingly, the binding energy and the flux are given by +simple analytical expressions which are finite (respectively third- and +fifth-order) polynomials in the spins. Our final results are restricted to the +important case of quasi-circular orbits with the black holes' spins aligned +with the orbital angular momentum.",1712.08603v2 +2017-02-03,Research Note: The Expected Spins of Gravitational Wave Sources With Isolated Field Binary Progenitors,"We explore the consequences of dynamical evolution of field binaries composed +of a primary black hole (BH) and a Wolf-Rayet (WR) star in the context of +gravitational wave (GW) source progenitors. We argue, from general +considerations, that the spin of the WR-descendent BH will be maximal in a +significant number of cases due to dynamical effects. In other cases, the spin +should reflect the natal spin of the primary BH which are currently +theoretically unconstrained. We argue that the three currently published LIGO +systems (GW150914, GW151226, LVT151012) suggest that this spin is small. The +resultant effective spin distribution of gravitational wave sources should thus +be bi-model if this classic GW progenitor channel is indeed dominant. While +this is consistent with the LIGO detections thus far, it is in contrast to the +three best-measured high-mass x-ray binary (HMXB) systems. A comparison of the +spin distribution of HMXBs and GW sources should ultimately reveal whether or +not these systems arise from similar astrophysical channels.",1702.00885v1 +2020-06-15,Magnetic Droplet Solitons,"Magnetic droplet solitons are dynamical magnetic textures that form due to an +attractive interaction between spin waves in thin films with perpendicular +magnetic anisotropy. Spin currents and the spin torques associated with these +currents enable their formation as they provide a means to excite +non-equilibrium spin wave populations and compensate their decay. Recent years +have seen rapid advances in experiments that realize and study magnetic +droplets. Important advances include the first direct x-ray images of droplets, +determination of their threshold and sustaining currents, measurement of their +generation and annihilation time and evidence for drift instabilities, which +can limit their lifetime in spin-transfer nanocontacts. This article reviews +these studies and contrasts these solitons to other types of spin-current +excitations such as spin-wave bullets, and static magnetic textures, including +magnetic vortices and skyrmions. Magnetic droplet solitons can also serve as +current controlled microwave frequency oscillators with potential applications +in neuromorphic chips as nonlinear oscillators with memory.",2006.08808v2 +2022-03-10,Mass$\unicode{x2013}$spin Re-Parameterization for Rapid Parameter Estimation of Inspiral Gravitational-Wave Signals,"Estimating the source parameters of gravitational waves from compact binary +coalescence(CBC) is a key analysis task in gravitational-wave astronomy. To +deal with the increasing detection rate of CBC signals, optimizing the +parameter estimation analysis is crucial. The analysis typically employs a +stochastic sampling technique such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo(MCMC), where the +source parameter space is explored and regions of high Bayesian posterior +probability density are found. One of the bottlenecks slowing down the analysis +is the non-trivial correlation between masses and spins of colliding objects, +which makes the exploration of mass$\unicode{x2013}$spin space extremely +inefficient. We introduce a new set of mass$\unicode{x2013}$spin sampling +parameters which makes the posterior distribution to be simple in the new +parameter space, regardless of the true values of the parameters. The new +parameter combinations are obtained as the principal components of the Fisher +matrix for the restricted 1.5 post-Newtonian waveform. Our re-parameterization +improves the efficiency of MCMC by a factor of $\sim10$ for binary neutron star +with narrow-spin prior ($|\vec{\chi}|<0.05$) and $\sim100$ with broad-spin +prior ($|\vec{\chi}|<0.99$), under the assumption that the binary has spins +aligned with its orbital angular momentum.",2203.05216v1 +2014-11-06,Ising-nematic order in the bilinear-biquadratic model for the iron pnictides,"Motivated by the recent inelastic neutron scattering (INS) measurements in +the iron pnictides which show a strong anisotropy of spin excitations in +directions perpendicular and parallel to the ordering wave-vector even above +the magnetic transition temperature $T_N$, we study the frustrated Heisenberg +model with a biquadratic spin-spin exchange interaction. Using the Dyson-Maleev +(DM) representation, which proves appropriate for all temperature regimes, we +find that the spin-spin dynamical structure factors are in excellent agreement +with experiment, exhibiting breaking of the $C_4$ symmetry even into the +paramagnetic region $T_N3\times 10^7\,M_\odot$ as expected from recent structure formation models. +(3) Many accreting stellar-mass black holes in X-ray binary systems are rapidly +spinning and must have been born in this state. (4) The advent of gravitational +wave astronomy has enabled the detection of spin effects in merging binary +black holes. Most of the pre-merger black holes are found to be slowly +spinning, a notable exception being an object that may itself be a merger +product. (5) The stark difference in spins between the black hole X-ray binary +and the binary black hole populations shows that there is a diversity of +formation mechanisms. Given the array of new electromagnetic and gravitational +wave capabilities currently being planned, the future of black hole spin +studies is bright.",2011.08948v1 +2020-07-17,A new spin on LIGO-Virgo binary black holes,"Gravitational waves from binary black holes have the potential to yield +information on both of the intrinsic parameters that characterize the compact +objects: their masses and spins. While the component masses are usually +resolvable, the component spins have proven difficult to measure. This +limitation stems in great part from our choice to inquire about the spins of +the most and least massive objects in each binary, a question that becomes +ill-defined when the masses are equal. In this paper we show that one can ask a +different question of the data: what are the spins of the objects with the +highest and lowest dimensionless spins in the binary? We show that this can +significantly improve estimates of the individual spins, especially for binary +systems with comparable masses. When applying this parameterization to the +first 13 gravitational-wave events detected by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration +(LVC), we find that the highest-spinning object is constrained to have nonzero +spin for most sources and to have significant support at the Kerr limit for +GW151226 and GW170729. A joint analysis of all the confident binary black hole +detections by the LVC finds that, unlike with the traditional parametrization, +the distribution of spin magnitude for the highest-spinning object has +negligible support at zero spin. Regardless of the parameterization used, the +configuration where all of the spins in the population are aligned with the +orbital angular momentum is excluded from the 90% credible interval for the +first ten events and from the 99% credible interval for all current confident +detections.",2007.09156v2 +2022-11-11,Short wavelength electrostatic wave measurement using MMS spacecraft,"Determination of the wave mode of short-wavelength electrostatic waves along +with their generation mechanism requires reliable measurement of the wave +electric field. We investigate the reliability of the electric field +measurement for short-wavelength waves observed by MMS. We develop a method, +based on spin-plane interferometry, to reliably determine the full 3D wave +vector of the observed waves. We test the method on synthetic data and then +apply it to ion acoustic wave bursts measured in situ in the solar wind. By +studying the statistical properties of ion acoustic waves in the solar wind we +retrieve the known results that the wave propagation is predominantly +field-aligned. We also determine the wavelength of the waves. We find that the +distribution peaks at around 100 m, which when normalized to the Debye length +corresponds to scales between 10 and 20 Debye lengths.",2211.06221v1 +2023-03-30,A search technique to observe precessing compact binary mergers in the advanced detector era,"Gravitational-wave signals from compact binary coalescences are most +efficiently identified through matched filter searches, which match the data +against a pre-generated bank of gravitational-wave templates. Although +different techniques for performing the matched filter, as well as generating +the template bank, exist, currently all modelled gravitational-wave searches +use templates that restrict the component spins to be aligned (or anti-aligned) +with the orbital angular momentum. This means that current searches are less +sensitive to gravitational-wave signals generated from binaries with generic +spins (precessing), suggesting that, potentially, a significant fraction of +signals may remain undetected. In this work we introduce a matched filter +search that is sensitive to signals generated from precessing binaries and can +realistically be used during a gravitational-wave observing run. We take +advantage of the fact that a gravitational-wave signal from a precessing binary +can be decomposed into a power series of five harmonics, to show that a +generic-spin template bank, which is only $\sim 3\times$ larger than existing +aligned-spin banks, is needed to increase our sensitive volume by $\sim 100\%$ +for neutron star black hole binaries with total mass larger than $17.5\, +M_{\odot}$ and in-plane spins $>0.67$. In fact, our generic spin search +performs as well as existing aligned-spin searches for neutron star black hole +signals with insignificant in-plane spins, but improves sensitivity by +$\sim60\%$ on average across the full generic spin parameter space. We +anticipate that this improved technique will identify significantly more +gravitational-wave signals, and, ultimately, help shed light on the unknown +spin distribution of binaries in the universe.",2303.17364v1 +1999-05-16,Experimental Generation and Observation of Intrinsic Localized Spin Wave Modes in an Antiferromagnet,"By driving with a microwave pulse the lowest frequency antiferromagnetic +resonance of the quasi 1-D biaxial antiferromagnet (C_2 H_5 NH_3)_2 CuCl_4 into +an unstable region intrinsic localized spin waves have been generated and +detected in the spin wave gap. These findings are consistent with the +prediction that nonlinearity plus lattice discreteness can lead to localized +excitations with dimensions comparable to the lattice constant.",9905025v1 +1992-12-14,Spin-Wave Theory and Finite-Size Scaling for the Heisenberg Antiferromagnet,"Spin-wave perturbation theory for the Heisenberg antiferromagnet at zero +temperature is used to compute the finite-lattice corrections to the ground +state energy, the staggered magnetization and the energy gap. The dispersion +relation, the spin-wave velocity and the bulk ground state energy to order +$O(1/S^2)$ are also computed for the square lattice. The results agree very +well with the predictions of Neuberger and Ziman and Fisher.",9212020v1 +1995-02-10,The influence of structure disorder on mean atomic momentum fluctuations and a spin-wave spectrum,"The relation between atomic momenta fluctuations and density fluctuations is +obtained in frames of mean-field approximation. Using two-time temperature +Green functions within Tyablikov approximation the equations for spin +excitation energy and damping are obtained. The asymptotics of energy and +damping in the long-wave limit are investigated and the anomalous behaviour of +spin-wave stiffness constant is discussed.",9502042v1 +1996-07-24,Long Wavelength Anomalous Diffusion Mode in the 2D XY Dipole Magnet,"In 2D XY ferromagnet the dipole force induces a strong interaction between +spin-waves in the long-wavelength limit. The major effect of this interaction +is the transformation of a propagating spin-wave into a diffusion mode. We +study the anomalous dynamics of such diffusion modes. We find that the +Janssen-De Dominics functional, which governs this dynamics, approaches the +non-Gaussian fixed-point. A spin-wave propagates by an anomalous anisotropic +diffusion with the dispersion relation: $i\omega{\sim}k_{y}^{\Delta_y}$ and +$i\omega{\sim}k_{x}^{\Delta_x}$, where ${\Delta_y}=47/27$ and +${\Delta_x}=47/36$. The low-frequency response to the external magnetic field +is found.",9607168v1 +1997-03-02,On the Self-Consistent Spin-Wave Theory of Two-Dimensional Magnets With Impurities,"The self-consistent spin-wave theory is applied to investigate the +magnetization distribution around the impurity in isotropic and easy-axis +two-dimensional ferro- and antiferromagents. The temperature dependences of +host magnetization disturbance and impurity magnetization are calculated. The +short-range order in the isotropic case is investigated. Importance of dynamic +and kinematic interactions of spin waves is demonstrated.",9703010v1 +1998-12-02,Theory of Orbital Excitation and Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering in Manganites,"We study theoretically the collective orbital excitation named orbital wave +in the orbital ordered manganites.The dispersion relation of the orbital wave +is affected by the static spin structure through the coupling between spin and +orbital degrees of freedom. As a probe to detect the dispersion relation, we +propose two possible methods by utilizing resonant inelastic x-ray scattering. +The transition probability of the orbital wave scattering is formulated, and +the momentum and polarization dependences of the structure factor are +calculated in several types of the orbital and spin structures. The elastic +x-ray scattering in the L-edge case to observe the orbital ordering is also +discussed.",9812028v1 +1999-05-24,Temperature behavior of the magnon modes of the square lattice antiferromagnet,"A spin-wave theory of short-range order in the square lattice Heisenberg +antiferromagnet is formulated. With growing temperature from T=0 a gapless mode +is shown to arise simultaneously with opening a gap in the conventional +spin-wave mode. The spectral intensity is redistributed from the latter mode to +the former. For low temperatures the theory reproduces results of the modified +spin-wave theory by M.Takahashi, J.E.Hirsch et al. and without fitting +parameters gives values of observables in good agreement with Monte Carlo +results in the temperature range 0 <= T < 0.8J where J is the exchange +constant.",9905340v1 +1999-11-23,New Spin-Wave Mode in Weak Ferromagnetic Fermi Liquids,"We study a phenomenological model for weak ferromagnetic Fermi liquids and +investigate the properties of the spin waves in the model. The Landau kinetic +equation is used to derive, in addition to the known Goldstone mode, a new +spin-wave mode -- the first Silin-like ferromagnetic mode. We discuss the role +of the interaction parameter F^a_1 on the behavior of the Goldstone mode and +the first Silin-like ferromagnetic mode.",9911363v1 +2000-05-29,Orbital-ordering-induced anomalous softening of the ferromagnetic spin waves in perovskite manganites,"Spin wave excitations were measured in the ferromagnetic phase of +Nd$_{1/2}$Sr$_{1/2}$MnO$_{3}$ by neutron scattering. This compound is located +in proximity to the A-type antiferromagnetic state, and it shows a clear +anisotropy and anomalous softening of the spin wave excitations. The softening +in the ferromagnetic phase is induced by the orbital ordering.",0005497v2 +2001-07-10,Resonating Valence Bond Wave Functions for Strongly Frustrated Spin Systems,"The Resonating Valence Bond (RVB) theory for two-dimensional quantum +antiferromagnets is shown to be the correct paradigm for large enough ``quantum +frustration''. This scenario, proposed long time ago but never confirmed by +microscopic calculations, is very strongly supported by a new type of +variational wave function, which is extremely close to the exact ground state +of the $J_1{-}J_2$ Heisenberg model for $0.4 \lesssim J_2/J_1\lesssim 0.5$. +This wave function is proposed to represent the generic spin-half RVB ground +state in spin liquids.",0107204v1 +2002-10-18,Spin-Wave Description of Haldane-gap antiferromagnets,"Modifying the conventional antiferromagnetic spin-wave theory which is +plagued by the difficulty of the zero-field sublattice magnetizations diverging +in one dimension, we describe magnetic properties of Haldane-gap +antiferromagnets. The modified spin waves, constituting a grand canonical +bosonic ensemble so as to recover the sublattice symmetry, not only depict well +the ground-state correlations but also give useful information on the +finite-temperature properties.",0210399v3 +2003-03-20,About possible Phonon to Magnon alignment in 2 dimensions and theory of superconductivity in Copper-Oxide planes,"We suggest that the phonon dispersion in cuprates becomes strongly +anisotropic due to interaction with spin waves; moreover the phonon dispersion +becomes singular along $|k_x|=|k_y|$ directions. This would allow more +electrons to form Cooper pairs and increase temperature of the superconducting +transition. The interaction of phonons with spin waves is more important than +the interaction of phonons with free electrons, because spin waves do not have +the Fermi surface constrain.",0303402v5 +2003-03-22,A long-wave action of spin Hamiltonians and the inverse problem of the calculus of variations,"We suggest a method of derivation of the long-wave action of the model spin +Hamiltonians using the non-linear partial differential equations of motions of +the individual spins. According to the Vainberg's theorem the set of these +equations are (formal) potential if the symmetry analysis for the Frechet +derivatives of the system is true. The case of Heisenberg (anti)ferromagnets is +considered. It is shown the functional whose stationary points are described by +the equations coincides with the long-wave action and includes the non-trivial +topological term (Berry phase).",0303479v1 +2004-04-03,Electromagnetic analog of Rashba spin-orbit interaction in wave guides filled with ferrite,"We consider infinitely long electromagnetic wave guide filled with a ferrite. +The wave guide has arbitrary but constant cross-section $. We show that Maxwell +equations are equivalent to the Schr\""odinger equation for single electron in +the two-dimensional quantum dot of the form D with account of the Rashba +spin-orbit interaction. The spin-orbit constant is determining by components of +magnetic permeability of the ferrite. The upper component of electron spinor +function corresponds to the z-th component electric field, while the down +component $\chi$ related to the z-th component of magnetic field by relation +(30).",0404072v1 +2004-07-29,Field-induced spin density wave in (TMTSF)$_2$NO$_3$,"Interlayer magnetoresistance of the Bechgaard salt (TMTSF)$_2$NO$_3$ is +investigated up to 50 teslas under pressures of a few kilobars. This compound, +the Fermi surface of which is quasi two-dimensional at low temperature, is a +semi metal under pressure. Nevertheless, a field-induced spin density wave is +evidenced at 8.5 kbar above $\sim$ 20 T. This state is characterized by a +drastically different spectrum of the quantum oscillations compared to the low +pressure spin density wave state.",0407764v2 +2004-09-17,Solitary waves on finite-size antiferromagnetic quantum Heisenberg spin rings,"Motivated by the successful synthesis of several molecular quantum spin rings +we are investigating whether such systems can host magnetic solitary waves. The +small size of these spin systems forbids the application of a classical or +continuum limit. We therefore investigate whether the time-dependent +Schroedinger equation itself permits solitary waves. Example solutions are +obtained via complete diagonalization of the underlying Heisenberg Hamiltonian.",0409456v3 +2005-03-08,The temperature dependence of interlayer exchange coupling - spin waves vs. spacer effects,"There are different mechanisms proposed to be responsible for the temperature +dependence of the interlayer exchange coupling (IEC), namely a smearing out of +the spacer or interface Fermi surface and excitations and interactions of spin +waves. We propose a possibility to separate both effects by calculating the +excitation spectrum of an extended Heisenberg model and connecting the results +with ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) experiments. To solve the Heisenberg model +we use an approximation that was shown to yield excellent results. In this +paper the main idea of this procedure is explained and a detailed investigation +of the spin wave contribution to the temperature dependence of FMR resonance +frequencies and fields is carried out.",0503178v1 +2005-08-30,Current induced transverse spin-wave instability in thin ferromagnets: beyond linear stability analysis,"A sufficiently large unpolarized current can cause a spin-wave instability in +thin nanomagnets with asymmetric contacts. The dynamics beyond the instability +is understood in the perturbative regime of small spin-wave amplitudes, as well +as by numerically solving a discretized model. In the absence of an applied +magnetic field, our numerical simulations reveal a hierarchy of instabilities, +leading to chaotic magnetization dynamics for the largest current densities we +consider.",0508732v1 +2005-11-11,Magnonics: Experiment to Prove the Concept,"An experimental scheme for studying spin wave propagation across thin film +samples is proposed. An experiment upon a periodically layered nanowire is +numerically simulated, while the sample might equally well be a continuous film +or an array of elements (e.g. nanowires) that either have uniform composition +or are periodically layered as in a magnonic crystal. The experiments could be +extended to study domain wall induced spin wave phase shifts, and used for +creation of the spin wave magnetic logic devices.",0511290v1 +2005-11-11,Spin wave spectrum of a magnonic crystal with an isolated defect,"Real magnonic crystals - periodic magnetic media for spin wave (magnon) +propagation - may contain some defects. We report theoretical spin wave spectra +of a one dimensional magnonic crystal with an isolated defect. The latter is +modeled by insertion of an additional layer with thickness and magnetic +anisotropy values different from those of the magnonic crystal constituent +layers. The defect layer leads to appearance of several localized defect modes +within the magnonic band gaps. The frequency and the number of the defect modes +may be controlled by varying parameters of the constituent layers of the +magnonic crystal.",0511295v1 +2006-11-30,Theory of Brillouin Light Scattering from Ferromagnetic Nanospheres,"We develop the theory of Brillouin light scattering (BLS) from spin wave +modes in ferromagnetic nanospheres, within a framework that incorporates the +spatial variation of the optical fields within the sphere. Our recent theory of +exchange dipole spin wave modes of the sphere provides us with eigenvectors. +When properly normalized, these eigenvectors allow calculation of the absolute +cross section of various modes which contribute to BLS spectrum. We then +present explicit calculation of the BLS spectrum associated with the first few +dipole/exchange spin wave modes with emphasis on their relative intensity.",0611785v1 +1993-05-18,Spin Structure of the Pion in a Light-Cone Representation,"The spin structure of the pion is discussed by transforming the wave function +for the pion in the naive quark model into a light-cone representation. It is +shown that there are higher helicity ($\lambda_{1}+\lambda_{2}=\pm1$) states in +the full light-cone wave function for the pion besides the ordinary helicity +($\lambda_{1}+\lambda_{2}=0$) component wave functions as a consequence from +the Melosh rotation relating spin states in light-front dynamics and those in +instant-form dynamics. Some low energy properties of the pion, such as the +electromagnetic form factor, the charged mean square radius, and the weak decay +constant, could be interrelated in this representation with reasonable +parameters.",9305283v1 +2004-12-18,Relativistic wave equations for interacting massive particles with arbitrary half-intreger spins,"New formulation of relativistic wave equations (RWE) for massive particles +with arbitrary half-integer spins s interacting with external electromagnetic +fields are proposed. They are based on wave functions which are irreducible +tensors of rank $n ($n=s-\frac12$) antisymmetric w.r.t. n pairs of indices, +whose components are bispinors. The form of RWE is straightforward and free of +inconsistencies associated with the other approaches to equations describing +interacting higher spin particles.",0412213v1 +2006-05-16,Detection of Gravitational Wave - An Application of Relativistic Quantum Information Theory,"We show that a passing gravitational wave may influence the spin entropy and +spin negativity of a system of $N$ massive spin-1/2 particles, in a way that is +characteristic of the radiation. We establish the specific conditions under +which this effect may be nonzero. The change in spin entropy and negativity, +however, is extremely small. Here, we propose and show that this effect may be +amplified through entanglement swapping. Relativistic quantum information +theory may have a contribution towards the detection of gravitational wave.",0605135v1 +2007-11-05,Projected p-wave superconducting wave-functions for topological orders,"In this paper we develop a sysmatical theory for topological orders by the +projected p-wave superconducting (SC) wave-functions and unify the different +topological orders for spin models into the fermionic picture. We found that +the energy for the fermions at k=(0,0), (0, pi), (pi, 0), (pi, pi) acts as a +topological invariable to characterize 16 universal classes of different +topological orders for the spin models with translation invariance. Based on +the projected p-wave SC wave-functions the topological properties for the known +topological orders in the exact solved spin models are obtained. Finally new +types of topological orders are predicted.",0711.0571v1 +2007-12-07,The Hartree-Fock ground state of the three-dimensional electron gas,"In 1962, Overhauser showed that within Hartree-Fock (HF) the electron gas is +unstable to a spin density wave (SDW) instability. Determining the true HF +ground state has remained a challenge. Using numerical calculations for finite +systems and analytic techniques, we study the HF ground state of the 3D +electron gas. At high density, we find broken spin symmetry states with a +nearly constant charge density. Unlike previously discussed spin wave states, +the observed wave vector of the SDW is smaller than $2 k_F$. The +broken-symmetry state originates from pairing instabilities at the Fermi +surface, a model for which is proposed.",0712.1194v1 +2008-02-13,FMR induced Josephson Current in a Superconductor/Ferromagnet/Superconductor Junction,"We propose the phase dynamics induced by spin waves in a +superconductor/ferromagnet/superconductor (SC/FM/SC) Josephson junction. The +resistively shunted junction (RSJ) model, which describes the dynamics of +superconducting phase difference, is extended to include the spin wave +excitation by ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) using the gauge invariant phase +difference between two s-wave superconductors. The current-voltage +characteristics show step structures when the magnetization in FM is driven by +tuning the microwave frequency to FMR in the SC/FM/SC junction. The result +presents a new route to observe the spin wave excitation using the Josephson +effect.",0802.1755v2 +2008-02-21,Coherent Control of spin-orbit precession with shaped laser pulses,"Spin precession in Rubidium atoms is investigated through a pump-probe +technique. The excited wave packet corresponds to a precession of spin and +orbital angular momentum around the total angular momentum. We show that using +shaped laser pulses allows us to control this dynamics. With a Fourier +transform limited pulse, the wave packet is initially prepared in the bright +state (coupled to the initial state) whereas a pulse presenting a $\pi $ step +in the spectral phase prepares the wave packet in the dark state (uncoupled to +the initial state).",0802.2986v1 +2008-04-14,Dissipation characteristics of quantized spin waves in nano-scaled magnetic ring structures,"The spatial profiles and the dissipation characteristics of spin-wave +quasi-eigenmodes are investigated in small magnetic Ni$_{81}$Fe$_{19}$ ring +structures using Brillouin light scattering microscopy. It is found, that the +decay constant of a mode decreases with increasing mode frequency. Indications +for a contribution of three-magnon processes to the dissipation of higher-order +spin-wave quasi-eigenmodes are found.",0804.2200v1 +2008-05-27,Scattering of backward spin waves in a one-dimensional magnonic crystal,"Scattering of backward volume magnetostatic spin waves from a one-dimensional +magnonic crystal, realized by a grating of shallow grooves etched into the +surface of an yttrium-iron garnet film, was experimentally studied. Rejection +frequency bands were clearly observed. The rejection efficiency and the +frequency width of the rejection bands increase with increasing groove depth. A +theoretical model based on the analogy of a spin-wave film-waveguide with a +microwave transmission line was used to interpret the obtained experimental +results.",0805.4142v1 +2008-10-22,Probing of a parametrically pumped magnon gas with a non-resonant packet of traveling spin waves,"The magnon gas created by spatially localized longitudinal parametric pumping +in an yttrium-iron-garnet film is probed by a traveling packet of spin waves +non-resonant with the pumping field. The analysis of the influence of the +magnon gas on the amplitude and phase of the propagating spin waves allows to +determine characteristic properties of the parametrically pumped magnon gas. A +simple theoretical model is proposed from which the magnon density in the +pumping region is calculated.",0810.4033v1 +2008-11-21,Frequency-dependent reflection of spin waves from a magnetic inhomogeneity induced by a surface DC-current,"The reflectivity of a highly localized magnetic inhomogeneity is +experimentally studied. The inhomogeneity is created by a dc-current carrying +wire placed on the surface of a ferrite film. The reflection of propagating +dipole-dominated spin-wave pulses is found to be strongly dependent on the +spin-wave frequency if the current locally increases the magnetic field. In the +opposite case the frequency dependence is negligible.",0811.3491v1 +2009-01-13,Refractive index and Snell's Law for Dipolar-Exchange Spin-Waves in a Confined Planar Structure,"We derived the analytical forms of refractive index and Snell law for +dipolar-exchange spin waves of reflection and refraction at a magnetically +heterogeneous interface in a geometrically confined planer structure composed +of different magnetic thin films from a microscopic scattering approach. A +novel behavior, the optical total reflection, was demonstrated for spin waves +with a specific interface between Yttrium iron garnet (Y3Fe5O12) and Permalloy +(Ni80Fe20), by analytical and micromagnetic numerical calculations.",0901.1700v2 +2009-12-25,A linearized spin-wave theory for thermodynamics of quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice,"The thermodynamics of the quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square +lattice is revisited through a linearized spin-wave theory which is well +defined at any finite temperature. We re-examine in details the temperature +dependence of the free energy, the internal energy, the entropy and the +specific heat. Most conclusions of the thermodynamics in previous studies can +be reproduced in our linearized spin-wave theory. Specially, our calculation at +low temperature $T