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1 A Critical Analysis of the Feasibility of Pure Strain -Actuated Giant Magnetostrictive Nano scale Memories P.G. Gowtham1, G.E. Rowlands1, and R.A. Buhrman1 1Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 14853, USA Abstract Concepts for memories based on the manipulation of giant magnetostrictive nano magnets by stress pulses have garnered recent attention due to their potential for ultra -low energy operation in the high storage density limit . Here we discuss the feasibility of making such memories in light of the fact that the Gilbert damping of such materials is typically quite high. We report the results of numerical simulations for several classes of toggle precessional and non - toggle dissipative magnetoelastic switching modes. M aterial candidates for each o f the several classes are analyzed and f orms for the anisotropy energy density and range s of material parameters appropriate for each material class are employed. Our study indicates that the Gilbert damping as well as the anisotropy and demagnetization energies are all crucial for determining the feasibility of magnetoelastic toggle -mode precessional switching schemes. The role s of thermal stability and thermal fluctuations for stress -pulse switching of gia nt magnetostrictive nanomagnets are also discussed in detail and are shown to be important in the viability, design, and footprint of magnetostrictive switching schemes. 2 I. Introduction In recent years pure electric -field based control of magnetization has become a subject of very active research. It has been demonstrated in a variety of systems ranging from multiferroic single phase materials, gated dilute ferromagnetic semiconductors 1–3, ultra -thin metallic ferromagnet/oxide interfaces 4–10 and piezoelectric /magnetoelastic composites 11–15. Beyond the goal of establishing an understanding of the physics involved in each of these systems, this work has been strongly motivated by the fact that electrical -field based manipulation of magnetization could form the basis for a new generation of ultra -low power, non -volatile memories. Electric - field based magnetic devices are not necessarily limited by Ohmic losses during the write cycle (as can be the case in current based memories such as spin -torque magnetic random access memory (ST -MRAM) ) but rather by the capacitive charging/decharging energies incurred per write cycle. As the capacitance of these devices scale with area the write energies have the potential to be as low as 1 aJ per write cycle or less. One general approach to the electrical control of magnetism utilizes a magnetostrictive magnet/piezoelectric transducer hybrid as the active component of a nanoscale memory element. In this appro ach a mechanical strain is generated by an electric field within the piezoelectric substrate or film and is then transferred to a thin, nanoscale magnetostrictive magnet that is formed on top of the piezoelectric. The physical interaction driving the write cycle of these devices is the magnetoelastic interaction that describes the coupling between strain in a magnetic body and the magnetic anisotropy energy. The strain imposed upon the magnet creates an internal effective magnetic field via the magnetoelast ic interaction that can exert a direct torque on the magnetization. If successfully implemented this torque can switch the magnet from one stable configuration to another, but whether imposed stresses and strains can be used to switch a 3 magnetic element be tween two bi -stable states depend s on the strength of the magnetoelastic coupling (or the magnetostriction). Typical values of the magnetostriction ( = 0.5 -60 ppm) in most ferromagnets yield strain and stress scales that make the process of strain -induced switching inefficient or impossible. However, considerable advances have been made in synthesizing materials both in bulk and in thin film form that have magnetostrictions that are one to two orders of magnitude larger than standard transition metal ferrom agnets. These giant magnetostrictive materials allow the efficient conversion of strains into torque on the magnetization. However it is important to note that a large magnetostrictive (or magnetoelastic) effect tends to also translate into very high magnetic damping by virtue of the strong coupling between magnons and the phonon thermal bath, which has important implicati ons, both positive and negative, for piezoelectric based magnetic devices. In this paper we provide an analysis of the switching modes of several different implementations of piezoelectric/magnetostrictive devices. We discuss how the high damping that is generally associated with giant magnetoelasticity affects the feasibility of different approaches, and we also take other key material properties into consideration, including the saturation magnetization of the magnetostrictive element, and the form and magnitude of its magnetic anisotropy. Th e scope of th is work excludes device concepts and physics circumscribed by magneto -elastic mani pulation of domain walls in magnetic films, wires, and nanoparticle arrays 11,12,16. Instead we focus here on analyzing various magnetoelastic reversal modes, principally within the single domain approximation, but we do extend this work to micromagnetic modeling in cases where it is not clear that the macrospin approximation prov ides a fully successful description of the essential physics. We enumerate potential material s 4 candidates for each of the modes evaluated and discuss the various challenges inherent in constructing reliable memory cells based on each of the reversal modes t hat we consider. II. Toggle -Mode Precessional Switching Stress pulsing of a magnetoelastic element can be used to construct a toggle mode memory. The toggling mechanism between two stable states relies on transient dynamics of the magnetization that are initi ated by an abrupt change in the anisotropy energy that is of fixed and short duration. This change in the anisotropy is created by the stress pulse and under the right conditions can generate precessional dynamics about a new effective field. This effectiv e field can take the magnetization on a path such that when the pulse is turned off the magnetization will relax to the other stable state. This type of switching mode is referred to as toggle switching because the same sign of the stress pulse will take t he magnetization from one state to the other irrespective of the initial state. We can divide the consideration of the toggle switching modes into two cases; one that utilizes a high sM in-plane magnetized element, and the other that employs perpendicular magnetic anisotro py (PMA) materials with a lower sM. We make this distinction largely because of differences in the structure of the torques and stress fields required to induce a switch in these two class es of systems. The switching of in -plane giant magnetostrictive nanomagnets with sizeable out -of-plane demagnetization fields relies on the use of in-plane uniaxial stress -induced effective fields that overcome the in -plane anisotropy (~O( 102 Oe)). The mo ment will experience a torque canting the moment out of plane and causing precession about the large demagnetization field. Thus the precessional time scales for toggling between stable in -plane states will be largely determined by the d emagnetization fiel d (and thus sM ). The dynamics of this mode bears striking resemblance to the dynamics in hard -axis field 5 pulse switching of nanomagnets 17. On the other hand, the dominant energy scale in PMA giant magnetostrictive materials is the perpendicular anisotropy energy. This energy scale can vary substantially (anywhere from uK ~ 105-107 ergs/cm3) depending on the materials utilized and the details of their growth. The anisotropy energy scale in these materials can be tuned into a region where stress -induced anisotropy energies can be comparable to it. A biaxial stress -induced anisotropy energy, i n this geometry, can induce switching by cancelling and/or overcoming the perpendicular anisotropy energy. As we shall see, this fact and the low sM of these systems imply dynamical time scales that are substantially different from the case where in -plane magnetized materials are employed. A. In-Plane Magnetized Magnetostrictive Materials We first treat the macrospin switching dynamics of an in -plane magnetized magnetostrictive nanomagnet with uniaxial anisotropy under a simple rectangular uniaxial stress pulse. Giant magnetostriction in in -plane magnetized systems have been demonstrated for sputtered polycrystalline Tb 0.3Dy0.7Fe2 (Terfenol -D) 18, and more recently in quenched Co xFe1-x thin film systems 19. We assume that the uniaxial anisotropy is defined completely by the shape anisotropy of the elliptical element and that any magneto -crystalline anisotropy in the film is considerably weaker. This is a reasonabl e assumption for the materials considered here in the limit where the grain size is considerably smaller than the nanomagnet’s dimensions. The stress field is applied by voltage pulsing an anisotropic piezoelectric film that is in contact with the nanomagn et. The proper choice of the film orientation of a piezoelectric material such as <110> lead magnesium niobate -lead titanate (PMN -PT) can ensure that an effective uniaxial in -plane strain develops along a particular crystalline axis after poling the piezo in the z -direction. We 6 assume that the nanomagnet major axis lies along such a crystalline direction (the <110> - direction of PMN -PT) so that the shape anisotropy is coincident with the strain axis (see Figure 1 for the relevant geometry) . For the analysis below we use material values appropriate to sputtered, nanocrystalline Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2 18 ( sM= 600 emu/cm3, s = 670 ppm is the saturation magnetostriction). Nanocrystalline Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2 films, with a mean crystalline grain diameter graind < 10 nm, can have an extremely high magnetostriction while being relatively magnetica lly soft with coercive fields, cH ~ 50-100 Oe, results which can be achieved by thermal processing during sputter growth at T ~ 375 ºC 20. The nanomagnet dimensions were as sumed to be 80 nm (minor axis) × 135 nm (major axis) × 5 nm (thickness) yielding a shape anisotropy field 4 ( )k y x sH N N M = 323 Oe and 4 ( )demag z y sH N N M = 5.97 kOe. We use demagnetization factors that are correct for an elliptical cylinder 21. The value of the Gilbert damping parameter for the magnetostrictive element is quite important in determining its dynamical behavior during in -plane stress -induced toggle switching. Previous simulation results 22–24 used a value ( 0.1 for Terfenol -D) that, at least arguably, is consid erably lower than is reasonable since that value was extracted from spin pumping in a Ni (2 nm) /Dy(5 nm) bilayer 25. However, that bilayer material is not a good surrogate for a rare - earth transition -metal alloy (especially for 0L rare earth ions). In the latter case the loss contribution from direct magnon to short w avelength phonon conversion is important, as has been directly confirmed by studies of 0L rare earth ion doping into transition metals 26,27. For example in -plane magnetized nanocrystalline 10% Tb -doped Py shows ~ 0.8 when magnetron sputtered at 5 mtorr Ar pressure, even though the magnetostriction is small within this region of Tb doping 27. We contend that a substantial increase in the magnetoelastic interaction in alloys 7 with higher Tb content is likely to make even larger. Magnetization rotation in a highly magnetostrictive magnet will efficiently generate longer wavelength acoustic phonons as well and heat loss will be generated when these phonons thermalize. Unfortunately, measurements of the magnetic damping parameter in polycrystalline Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2 do not appear to be available in the literature. However, some results on the amo rphous Tb x[FeCo] 1-x system, achieved by using recent ultra -fast demagnetization techniques, have extracted ~ 0.5 for compositions (x ~ 0.3) that have high magnetostriction 28. We can also estimate the scale for the Gilbert damping by using a formalism that takes into account direct magnon to long wavelength phonon conversion via the magnetoelastic interaction and subsequent phonon relaxation to the thermal phonon bath29. The damping can be estimated by the following formula: 2 2236 1 1 22s sT s L s eff ex eff exMc M c M AA (1) Using sM = 600 emu/cm3, the exchange stiffness exA = 0.7x10-6 erg/cm, a mass density ρ = 8.5 g/cm3, Young’s modulus of 65 GPa 30, Poisson ratio 0.3 , and an acoustic damping time = 0.18 ps 29 the result is an estimate of ~1 . Given the uncertainties in the various parameter s determining the Gilbert damping , we examine the magnetization dynamics for values of ranging from 0.3 to 1.0. We simulate the switching dynamics of the magnetic moment of a Terfenol -D nanomagnet at T=300 K using the Landau -Lifshitz -Gilbert form of the equation describing the precession of a magnetic moment m: 8 ( ) ( )eff eff eff Langevinddttdt dt mmm H m H m (2) where eff is the gyromagnetic ratio. As Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2 is a rare earth – transition metal (RE-TM) ferrimagnet (or more accurately a speromagnet), the gyromagnetic ratio cannot simply be assumed to be the free electron value. Instead we use the value eff = 1.78 107 Hz/Oe as extracted from a spin wave resonance study in the TbFe 2 system 31 which appears appropriate since Dy and Tb are similar in magnetic moment/atom (10 B and 9 B respectively) and g factor ( ~4/3 and ~3/2 respectively). The first term in Equation (2) represents the torque on the magnetization from any applied fields, the effective stress field, and any anisotropy and demagnetization fields that might be present. The third term in the LLG represents the damping torque that acts to relax the magnetization towards the direction of the effective field and hence damp out precessional dynamics. The second term is the Gaussian -distributed Langevin field that takes into account the effect thermal fluctuations on the magnetization dynamics. From the fluctuation -dissipation theorem, 2RMS B Langevin eff skTHM V t where t is the simulation time -step 32. Thermal fluc tuations are also accounted for in our modeling by assuming that the equilibrium azimuthal and polar starting angles ( 0 and 0 /2 respectively) have a random mean fluctuation given by equipartition as 00 2 2RMS BkT EV and 0 24 ( )RMS B z y skT N N M V . A biasH of 100 Oe was 9 used for our simulations which creates two stable energy minima at 0arcsin ~ 18bias kH H and 1162 symmetric about /2 . This non -zero starting angle ensures that 00RMS . This field bias is essential as the initial torque from a stress pulse depends on the initial starting angle. This angular dependence generates much larger thermally -induced fluctu ations in the initial torque than a hard -axis field pulse. The hard axis bias field also reduces the energy barrier between the two stable states. For Hbias = 100 Oe the energy barrier between the two states is Eb = 1.2 eV yielding a room temperature /bBE k T = 49. This ensures the long term thermal stability required for a magnetic memory. To incorporate the effect of a stress pulse in Equation (2) we employ a free energy form for the effective field, ( ) /efftE Hm that expresses the effect of a stress pulse along the x - direction of our in -plane nanomagnet with a uniaxial shape anisotropy in the x -direction. The stress enters the energy as an effective in -plane anisotropy term that adds to the shape anisotropy of the magnet (first term in Equation (3) below). The sign convention here is such that 0 implies a tensile stress on the x -axis while 0 implies a compressive strain. We also include the possibility of a bias field applied along the hard axis in the final term in Equation (3). 22 223( , , ) [2 ( ) ( )]2 2 ( )x y z y x s s x z y s z bias s yE m m m N N M t m N N M m H M m (3) The geometry that we have assumed allows only for fast compressive -stress pulse based toggle mode switching. The application of a DC compressive stress along the x -axis only reduces the magnitude of the anisotropy and changes the position of the equilibriu m magnetic angles 0 10 and 10180 while keeping the potential wells associated with these states symmetric as well. Adiabatically increasing the value of the compressive stress moves the angles toward /2 until 3()2sutK but obviously can never induce a magnetic switch. Thus the magnetoelastic memory in this geometry must make use of the transient behavior of the magnetization under a stress pulse as opposed to re lying on quasistatic changes to the energy landscape. A compressive stress pulse where 3()2sutK creates a sudden change in the effective field. The resultant effective field 32ˆsu eff y bias sKmHM Hy points in the y -direction and causes a torque that brings the magnetization out of plane. At this point the magnetization rotates rapidly about the very large perpendicular demagnetization field ˆ 4demag s z Mm Hz and if the pulse is turned off at the right time will relax down to the opposite state at 1 = 163. Such a switching trajectory for our simulated nanomagnet is shown in the red curve in Figure 2. This mode of switching is set by a minimum characteristic time scale 1~ 7.54sw spsM , but the precession time will in general be longer than sw for moderate stress pulse amplitudes, ( ) 2 / 3us tK , as the magnetization then cants out of plane enough to see only a fraction of the maximum possible demagH . Larger stress pulse amplitudes result in shorter pulse duratio ns being required as the magnetization has a larger initial excursion out of plane. For pulse durations that are longer than required for a rotation (blue and green curves in Figure 2) m will exhibit damped elliptical precession about /2 . If the stress is released during the correct portion of any of these subsequent precessional cycles the magnetization 180 11 should relax down to the 1 state [blue curve in Figure 2], but otherwise it will relax down to the original state [green curve in Figure 2]. The prospect of a practical device working reliably in the long pulse regime appears to be rather poor. The high damping of giant magnetostrictive magnets and the large field scale of the demagnetization field yield very stringent pulse timing requirements and fast damping times for equilibration to /2 . The natural time scale for magnetization damping in the in -plane magnetized thin film case is 1 2d sM , which ranges from 50 ps down to 15 ps for 0.3 1 with sM = 600 emu/cm3. This high damping also results in the influence of thermal noise on the magnetization dynamics being quite strong since LangevinH . Thus large stress levels with extremely short pulse durations are required in order to rotate the magnetization around the /2 minimum within the damping time, and to keep the precession amplitude large enough that the magnetization will deterministically relax to the reversed state. Our simulation results for polycrystalline Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2 show that a high stress pulse amplitude of 85 MPa with a pulse duration ~ 65 ps is required if 0.5 (Figure 3a). However, the pulse duration window for which the magnetization will deterministically switch is extremely small in this case (<5 ps). This is due to the fact that the precession amplitude about the /2 minimum at this damping gets small enough that thermal fluctuations allow only a very small window for which switching is reliable. For the lowest damping that we consider reasonable to assume, 0.3 , reliable switching is possible between pulse ~ 30-60 ps at 85 MPa . At a larger damping 0.75 we find that the switching is non -deterministic for all pulse widths as the magnetization damps too quickly; instead very high stresses , 200 MPa are required to 1 12 generate deterministic switching of the magnetization with a pulse duration w indow pulse ~ 25- 45 ps ( Figure 3b). Given the high value of the expected damping we have also simulated the magnetization dynamics in the Landau Lifshitz (LL) form: 2(1 ) ( ( ) ( ))LL eff Langevinddttdt dt mmm H H m (4) The LL form and the LLG form are equivalent in low damping limit ( 1 ) but they predict different dynamics at higher damping values. Which of these norm -preserving forms for the dynamics has the right damping form is still a subject of debate 33–37. As one increases α in the LL form the precessional speed is kept the same while the damping is assumed to affect only the rate of decay of the precession amplitude. The damping in the LLG dynamics, on the other hand, is a viscosity term and retards the pre cessional speed. The effect of this retardation can be seen in the LLG dynamics as the precessional cycles move to longer times as a function of increasing damping. Our simulations show that the LL form (for fixed ) predicts highe r precessional speeds than the LLG and hence an even shorter pulse duration window for which switching is deterministic than the LLG, ~12 ps for LL as opposed to ~ 30 ps for LLG ( Figure 3c). The damping clearly plays a crucial role in the stress amplitude scale and pulse duration windows for which deterministic switching is possible, regardless of the form used to describe the dynamics. Even though the magnetostriction of Tb 0.3Dy0.7Fe2 is high and the stress required to entirely overcome the anisotropy energy is only 9.6 MPa, the fast damping time scale and increased thermal noise (set by the large damping and the out -of-plane demagnetization) means 13 that the stress -amplitude that is required to achieve deterministic toggle switching is 10 -20 times larger. In addition, the pulse duration for in -plane toggling must be extremely short, with typical pulse durations of 10 -50 ps with tight time windows of 20 -30 ps within which the acoustic pulse must be turned off. Given ferroelectric switching rise times on the order of ~50 ps extracted from experiment38 and considering the acoustical resonant response of the entire piezoelectric / magnetostrictive nanostructure and acoustic ringing and inertial terms in the lattice dynamics, generation of such large stresses with the strict pulse time requirem ents needed for switching in this mode is likely unfeasible. In addition, the stress scales required to successfully toggle switch the giant magnetostrictive nanomagnet in this geometry are nearly as high or even higher than that for transition metal ferromagnets such as Ni ( ~ 38 ppms with 0.045 ). For example, with a 70 nm × 130 nm elliptical Ni nanomagnet with a thickness of 6 nm and a hard axis bias field of 120 Oe we should obtain switching at stress values = +95 MPa and pulse = 0.75 ns. Therefore the use of giant magnetostrictive nanomagnets with high damping in this toggle mode scheme confers no clear advantage over the use of a more conventional transition metal ferromagnet, and in neither case does this approach appear particularly viable for t echnological implementation. B. Magneto -Elastic Materials with PMA: Toggle Mode Switching Certain amorphous sputtered RE/TM alloy films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy such as a -TbFe 2 39–42 and a - Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2 43 have properties that may make these materials feasible for use in stress -pulse toggle switching. In certain composition ranges they exhibit large magnetostriction ( s > 270 ppm for a -TbFe 2, and both s and the effective out of plane 14 anisotropy can be tuned over fairly wide ranges by varying the process gas pressure during sputter deposition, the target atom -substrate incidence angle, and the substrate temperature. We consider the energy of such an out -of-plane magnetostrictive material under the influence of a magnetic field biasH applied in the ˆx direction and a pulsed biaxial stress: 223( , , ) [ 2 ( )]2u x y z s s biaxial z s bias xE m m m K M t m M H m (5) Such a biaxial stress could be applied to the magnet if it is part of a patterned [001] -poled PZT thin film/ferromagnet bilayer. A schematic of this device geometry is depicted in Figure 4.When 0biasH , it is straightforward to see the stress pulse will not result in reliable switching since, when the tensile biaxial stress is large enough, the out of plane anisotropy becomes an easy -plane anisotropy and the equator presents a zero -torque condition on t he magnetization, resulting in a 50%, or random, probability of reversal when the pulse is removed. However, reliable switching is possible for 0biasH since that results in a finite canting of m towards the x -axis. This canting is required for the same reasons a hard -axis bias field was needed for the toggle switching of an in -plane magnetized element as discussed previously. A pulsed biaxial stress field can then in principle lead to deterministic precessional toggle switching between the +z and –z energy minima . This mode of pulsed switching is analogous to voltage pulse switching in the ultra-thin CoFeB|MgO using the voltage -controlled magnetic anisotropy effect.5,8 Previous simulation results have also di scussed this class of macrospin magnetoelast ic switc hing in the context of a Ni|Barium -Titatate multilayer44 and a zero -field, biaxial stress -pulse induced toggle switching scheme taking advantage of micromagnetic inhomogeneities has recently appeared in the literature45. Here we discuss biaxial stress -pulse switching for a broad class of giant 15 magnetostrictive PMA magnets where we argue that the monodomain limit strictly applies throughout the switching process and extend past previous macrospin modeling by systematically think ing about how pulse -timing requirements and critical write stress amplitudes are determined by the damping, the PMA strength, and sM for values reasonable for these materials. For our simulation study of stress -pulse toggle switching of a PMA magnet, we considered a Tb 33Fe67 nanomagnet with an sM = 300 emu/cm3, effK = 4.0×105 ergs/cm3 and s = 270 ppm. To estimate the appropriate value for the damping parameter we noted that ultrafast demagnetization measurements on Tb 18Fe82 have yielded 0.27 . This 18 -82 composition lies in a region where the magnetostriction is moderate ( s ~50 ppm) 43 so we assumed that the damping will be on the same order or higher for a -TbFe 2 due to its high magnetostriction. Therefore we ran simulations for the range of = 0.3 -1. For the gyromagnetic ratio we used eff = 1.78×107 s-1G-1 which is appropriate for a -TbFe 2 31. We assumed an effective exchange constant 611 10effA erg cm 46 implying an exchange length exeff no stress effAlK = 15.8 nm (in the absences of an applied str ess) and 22exeff pulse sAlM = 13.3 nm (assuming that the stress pulse amplitude is just enough to cancel the out of plane anisotropy). A monodomain crossover criterion of cd ~ ~ 56 nm (with the pulse off) and cd ~ 22ex sA M ~ 47 nm (with the pulse on) can be calculated by considering the minimum length -scale associated with supporting thermal λ/2 confined spin wave modes 47. The important point here is that the low sM of these systems ensures that the exchange length is still fairly long even during the switching process, 4ex uA K 16 which suggests that the macrospin approximation should be valid for describing the switching dynamics of this system for reasonably sized nanomagnets. We simulated a circular element with a diameter of 60 nm and a thickness of 10 nm, under an x -axis bias field, biasH = 500 Oe which creates an initial canting angle of 11 degrees from the vertical (z-axis). This starting angle is sufficient to enable deterministic toggle precessional switching between the +z and –z minima via biaxial stress pulsing. The assumed device geometry, anisotropy energy density and bias field corresponded to an energy barrier bE = 4.6 eV for thermally activated reversal, and hence a room temperature thermal stability factor = 185. We show selected results of the macrospin simulations of stress -pulse toggle switching of this modeled TbFe 2 PMA nanomagnet. Typical switching trajectories are shown in Figure 5a. The switching transition can be divided into two stages (see Figure 5b): the precessional stage that occurs when the stress field is applied, during which the dynamics of the magnetization are dominated by precession about the effective field that arises from the sum of the bias field and the easy -plane anisotropy field 3 ( ) 2eff s z stKmM , and the dissipative stage that begins when the pulse is turned off and where the large effK and the large result in a comparatively quick relaxation to the other energy minimum. Thus most of the switching process is spent in the precessional phase and the entire switching process is not much longer than the actual stress pulse duration. For pulse amplitudes a t or not too far above the critical stress for reversal, 2 / 3eff s K the two relevant timescales for the dynamics are set approximately by the precessional period 1/ 100 pssw bias H of the nanomagnet and the damping time 17 ~ 2 /d bias H . Both of these timescales are much longer than the timescales set by precession and damping about the demagnetization field in the in -plane magnetized toggle switching case. The result is that even with quite high damping one can have reliable s witching over much broader pulse width windows, 200 -450 ps . (Figure 6a,b). The relatively large pulse duration windows within which reliable switching is possible (as compared to the in -plane toggle mode) hold for both the LL and LLG damping. However, the diffe rence between the two forms is evident in the PMA case ( Figure 6c). At fixed , the LLG damping predicts a larger pulse duration window than the LL damping. Also the effective viscosity implicit within the LLG equation ensures that the switching time scales are slower than in the LL case as can also be seen in Figure 6c. An additional and important point concerns the factors that determine the critical switching amplitude. In the in -plane toggle mode switching of the previous section, it was found that the in-plane anisotropy field was not the dominant factor in determining the stress scale required to transduce a deterministic toggle switch. Instead, we found that the stress scale was almost exclusively dependent on the need to generate a high enough preces sion amplitude/precession speed during the switching trajectory so as to not be damped out to the temporary equilibrium at /2 (at least within the damping range considered). This means that the critical stress scale to transduce a deterministic switch is essentially determined by the damping. We find that the situation is fundamentally different for the PMA based toggle memories. The critical amplitude c is nearly independent of the damping from a range of 0.3 0.75 up until ~1 where the damping is sufficiently high (i.e. damping times equaling and/or exceeding the p recessional time scale) that at 85 MPa the magnetization traverses too close to the minimum at /2 , 0 . The main reason for this difference between the 18 PMA toggle based memories and the in-plane toggle based memory lies in the role that the application of stress plays in the dynamics. First, in the in -plane case, the initial elliptical amplitude and the initial out of plane excursion of the magnetization is set by the stress pulse magnitu de. Therefore the stress has to be high to generate a large enough amplitude such that the damping does not take the trajectory too close to the minimum at which point Langevin fluctuations become an appreciable part of the total effective field. This is n ot true in the PMA case where the initial precession amplitude about the bias field is large and the effective stress scale for initiating this precession about the bias field is the full cancellation of the perpendicular anisotropy. Since the minimum stre ss-pulse amplitude required to initiate a magnetic reversal in out - of-plane toggle switching scales with effK in the range of damping values considered, lowering the PMA of the nanomagnet is a straightforward way to reduce the stress and write energy requirements for this type of memory cell. Such reductions can be achieved by strain engineering through the choice of substrate, base electrode and transducer layers, by the choice of deposition parameters, and/or by post -growth annealing protocols. For example growing a TbFe 2 film with a strong tensile biaxial strain can substantially lower effK . If the P MA of such a nanomagnet can be reliably r educed to effK = 2105 ergs/cm3 our simulations indicate that this would result in reliable pulse toggle switching at ~ -50 MPa (corresponding to a strain amplitude on the TbFe 2 film of less than 0.1%) with pulse ≈ 400 ps, for 0.3 ≤ ≤ 0.75 and biasH ~ 250 Oe . Electrical actuation of this level of stress/strain in the sub -ns regime, while challenging, may be possible to achieve.48 If we again assume sM =300 emu/cm3, a diameter of 60 nm and a thickness of 10 nm, this low PMA nanomagnet would still have a high thermal stability with 92 . The challenge, 19 of course, is to consistently and uniformly control the residual strain in the magnetostrictive layer. It is important to note that no such tailoring (short of systematically lowering the damping) can exist in the in -plane toggle mode case. III. Two -State Non -Toggle Switching So far we have discussed toggle mode switching where the same polarity strain pulse is applied to reverse the magnetization between two bi -stable states. In this case the strain pulse acts to create a temporary field around which the magnetization precesse s and the pulse is timed so that the energy landscape and magnetization relax the magnetization to the new state with the termination of the pulse. Non -toggle mode magneto -elastic switching differs fundamentally from the precessional dynamics of toggle -mode switching, being an example of dissipative magnetization dynamics where a strain pulse of one sign destabilizes the original state (A) and creates a global energy minimum for the other state (B). The energy landscape and the damping torque completely de termine the trajectory of the magnetization and the magnetization effectively “rolls” down to its new global energy minimum. Reversing the sign of the strain pulse destabilizes state B and makes state A the global energy minimum – thus ensuring a switch ba ck to state A. There are some major advantages to this class of switching for magneto -elastic memories over toggle mode memories. Precise acoustic pulse timing is no longer an issue. The switching time scales, for reasonable stress values, can range from q uasi-static to nanoseconds. In addition, the large damping typical of magnetoelastic materials does not present a challenge for achieving robust switching trajectories in deterministic switching as it does in toggle -mode memories. Below we will discuss det erministic switching for magneto -elastic materials that have two different types of magnetic anisotropy. 20 C. The Case of Cubic Anisotropy We first consider magneto -elastic materials with cubic anisotropy under the influence of a uniaxial stress field pulse. T here are many epitaxial Fe -based magnetostrictive materials that exhibit a dominant cubic anisotropy when magnetron -sputter grown on oriented C u underlayers on Si or on MgO, GaAs , or PMN -PT substrates. For example, Fe 81Ga19 grown on MgO [100] or on GaAs ex hibit a cubic anisotropy 49–51. Given the low cost of these Fe -based materials compared to rare -earth alloys, it is worth investigating whether such films can be used to construct a two state memory. Fe 81Ga19 on MgO exhibits easy axes along <100>. In ad dition, epitaxial Fe 81Ga19 films have been found to have a reasonably high magnetostriction λ100=180 ppm making them suitable for stress induced switching. If we assume that the cubic magnetoelastic thin-film nanomagnet has circular cross section, that the stress field is applied by a transducer along the [100] direction , and that a bias field is applied at 4 degrees, the magnetic free energy is : 2 2 2 2 2 11 2( , ) (1 ) 2 ( ) 3( ) ( )2 2x y x y z z z s z s bias x y s xE m m K m m K m m N N M m MHm m t m (6) Equation (6) shows that, in the absence of a bias field, the anisotropy energy is 4 -fold symmetric in the film -plane. It is rather easy to see that it is im possible to make a two -state non - toggle switching with a simple cubic anisotropy energy and uniaxial stress field along [100]. Figure 7a shows the free energy landscape described by Equation (6) without stress applied. To create a two -state deterministic magnetostrictive device , biasH needs to be strong enough to eradicate the energy minima at and 3 / 2 which strictly requires that 1 0.5 /bias sH K M . 21 Finite temperature considerations can lower this minimum bias field requirement considerably. This is due to the fact that the bias field can make the lifetime to escape the energy minima in th e third quadrant and fourth qua drant small and the energy bar rier to return them from the energy minima in the first quadrant extremely large. We arbitrarily set this requirement for the bias field to correspond to a lifetime of 75 μs. The typical energy barriers to hop from back to the metastable minima in the thi rd and fourth quadrant for device volumes we will consider are on the order of several eV. The requirement for thermal stability of the two minima in the first quadrant , given a diameter d and a thickness filmt for the nanomagnet, sets an upper bound on biasH as we require / 40bbE k T at room temp erature between the two states (see Figure 7c). It is desirable that this upper bound is high enough that there is some degree of tolerance to the value of the bias field at device dimensions that are employed. This sets requirement s on the minimum volume of the cylindical nanomagnet that are dependent on 1K . For a circular element with d = 100 nm, filmt = 12.5 nm and 1K= 1.5 105 ergs/cm3, two - state non -toggle switching with the required thermal stability can only occur for biasH between 50 - 56 Oe. This is too small a range of acceptable bias fields. However , by increasing filmt to 15 nm the bias field range grows to biasH = 50 - 90 Oe wh ich is an acceptable range. For 1K = 2.0×105 erg/cm3 with d= 100 nm and filmt = 12.5 nm , there is an appreciable region of bias field (~65-120 Oe) for which /barrier BE k T > 42. For 1K = 2.5 105 ergs/cm3, the bias range goes from 90 – 190 Oe for the same volume. The main po int here is that, given the scale for the cubic anisotropy in Fe 81Ga19, careful attention must be paid to the actual values of the anisotropy 22 constants, device lateral dimensions, film thickness, and the exchange bias strength in order to ensure device stability in the sub -100 nm diameter regime . We now discuss the dynamics for a simulated case where d = 100 nm, filmt= 12.5 nm, 1K = 2.0×105 ergs/cm3, biasH = 85 Oe, and sM = 1300 emu/cm3. Two stable minima exist at =10o and = 80o. Figure 7b shows the effect of the stress pulse on the energy landscape. When a compressive stress c is applied, the potential minimum at =10o is rendered unstable and the magnetization follows the free energy gradient to = 80o (green curve). Since the stress field is applied along [100] the magnetization first switches to a minima very close to but greater than = 80o and when the stress is released it gently relaxes down to the zero stress minimum at = 80o. In order to switch from = 80o to = 10o we need to reverse the sign of the applied stress field to tensile (red curve). A memory constructed on these principles is thus non -toggle. The magnetization -switching trajectory is simple and follows the dissipative dynamics dictated by the free energy landscape (see Figure 8a). We have assumed a damping of 0.1 for the Fe 81Ga19 system, based on previous measurements52 and as confirmed by our own. Higher damping only ends up speeding up the sw itching and ri ng-down process. Figure 8b shows the simulated stress amplitude and pulse switching probability phas e diagram at room temperature. Ultimately, we must take the macrospin estimates for device parameters as only a roug h guide. The macrospin dynamics approximate the true micromagnetics less and less well as the device diameter gets larger. The mai n reason for this is the large sM of Fe 81Ga19 and the tendency of the magnetization to curl at the sample edges. Accordingly we have performed T = 0 ºK micromagnetic simulations in OOMMF.53 An exchange bias field biasH = 85 Oe was applied 23 at = 45º and we assume 1K = 2.0×105 ergs/cm3, sM = 1300 emu/cm3, and exA = 1.9 × 10-6 erg/cm. Micromagnetics show that the macrospin picture quantitatively captures the switching dynamics, the angular positions of the stables states ( 0~ 10 and 1~ 80 ) and the critical stress amplitude at ( ~ 30 MPa) when the device diameter d < 75 nm. The switching is essentially a rigid in -plane rotation of the magnetization from 0 to 1 . However, we cho se to show the switching for an element with d = 100 nm because it allowed for thermal stability of the devices in a region of thicknes s ( filmt = 12-15 nm) where biasH ~ 50-100 Oe at room temperature could be reasonably expected. The initial average magnetization angle is larger ( 0~ 19 and 1~ 71 ) than would b e predicted by macrospin for a d = 100 nm element. This is due to the magnetization c urling at the devices edges at d = 100 nm (see Figure 8c). Despite the fact that magnetization profile differs from the macrospin picture we find that there is no appreciable difference between the stress scales required for switching , or the basi c switching mechanism. The stress amplitude scale for writing the simulated Fe 81Ga19 element at ~ 30 MPa is not excessively high and there are essentially no demands on the acoustic pulse width requirements. These memories can thus be written at pulse amplitudes of ~ 30 MPa with acoustical pulse widths of ~ 10 ns. These numbers do not represent a major challenge from the acoustical transduction point of view. The drawback s to this scheme are the necessity of growing high quality single crystal thin film s of Fe 81Ga19 on a piezoelectric substrate that can generate large enough strain to switch the magnet (e.g. PMN -PT) and difficulties associated with tailoring the magnetocrystalline anisotropy 1K and ensuring thermal stability at low lateral device dimensions. 24 D. The Case of Uniaxial Anisotropy Lastly we discuss deterministic (non -toggle) switching of an in -plane giant magnetostrictive magnet with uniaxial anisotropy. In -plane magnetized polycrystalline TbDyFe patterned into ellipti cal nanomagnets could serve as a potential candidate material in such a memory scheme. To implement deterministic switching in this geometry a bias field biasH is applied along the hard axis of the nanomagnet. This generates two stable minima at 0 and 0 180 symmetric about the hard axis. The axis of the stress pulse then needs to be non - collinear with respect to the e asy axis in order to break the symmetry of the potential wells and drive the transition to the selected equilibrium position. Figure 9 below shows a schematic of the situation. When a stress pulse is applied in the direction that makes an angle with respect to the easy axis of the nanom agnet, oo0 90 , the free energy within the macrospin approximation becomes: 2 2 2 2 2( , , ) [2 ( ) 2 ( ) 3( ) (cos( ) sin( ) )2x y z y x s x z y s z bias s y s y x sE m m m N N M m N N M m H M m t m mM (7) From Equation (7) it can be seen that a sufficiently strong compressive stress pulse can switch the magnetization between 0 and o 0 180 , but only if 0 is between and . To see why this condition is necessary, we look at the magnetization dynamics in the high stress limit when 0 0 . During such a strong pulse the magnetization will s ee a hard axis appear at and hence will rotate towards the new easy axis at 90 , but when the stress pulse is o90 25 turned off the magnetization will equilibrate back to 0 . This situation is represented by the green trajectory shown in Figure 11a. But when o 090 , a sufficiently strong compressive stress pulse defines a new easy axis close to o90 and when the pulse is turned off the magnetization will relax to 0 180 (blue trajectory in Figure 11a). Similarly the possibility of switching from o180 to with a tensile strain depends on whether o o o90 180 90 . Thus o45 is the optimal situation as then the energy landscape becomes mirror symmetric about the hard axis and the amplitude of the required switching stress (voltage) are equal. This scheme is quite similar to the case of deterministic switching in biaxial anisotropy systems (with the coordinate system rotated by ). We note that a set of papers54–56 have previously proposed this particular case as a candidate for non -toggle magnetoelectric memory and have experimentally demonstrated operation of such a memory in the large feature -size (i.e. extended film ) limit .55 We argue here that in-plane giant magnetostrictive magnets operated in the non -toggle mode could be a good candidate for construct ing memories with low write stress amplitude, and nanosecond -scale write time operation. However , as we will discuss , the prospects of this type of switching mode being suitable for implementation in ultrahigh density memory appear to be rather poor. The m ain reason for this lies in the hard axis bias field requirements for maintaining low write error rates and the effect that such a hard axis bias field will have on the long term thermal stability of the element . At T = 0 ºK the requirement on biasH is only that it be strong enough that 0 > 45º. However, this is no longer sufficient at finite temperature where thermal fluctuations impl y a thermal, Gaussian distribution of the initial orientation of the magnetization o45 26 direction 0 about 0. If a significant componen t of this angular distribution falls below 45 degrees there will be a high write error rate. Thus we must ensure that biasH is high enough that the probability of < 45º is extremely low. We have selected the re quirement that < 45º is a 8 event where is the standard deviation of about 0 and is given by the relation . However, biasH must be low enough to be technologically feasible, but also must not exceed a value that compromises the energy barrier between the two potential minima – thus rendering the nanomagnet thermally unstable . These minimum and maximum requirement s on biasH puts significant constraints on the minimum size of the nanomagnet that can be used in this device approach. It also sets some rather tight requirements on the hard axis bias field, as we shall see. We first disc uss the effects of these requirements in the case of a relatively large magnetostrictive device. We assume the use of a polycrystalline Tb 0.3Dy0.7Fe2 element having sM = 600 emu/cm3 and an elliptical cross section of 400×900 nm2 and a thickness filmt = 12.5 nm. This results in a shape anisotropy field kH ≈ 260 Oe. We find that for an applied hard axis bias field biasH ~ 200 Oe, a field strength that can be reasonably engineered on -chip, the equilibrium angle of the element is 0 ≈ 51º and its root mean square (RMS) angular fluctuation amplitude is RMS ≈ 0.75º. Thus element ’s anisotropy field and the assumed hard axis biasing condition s just satisfy the assumed requirement that 08RMS > 45º (see Figure 10b). The magnetic energy barrier to thermal energy ratio for the element at biasH = 200 Oe is /bBE k T 02 2BkT EV 27 ≈ 350, which easily satisf ies the long-term thermal stability requirement (see Figure 10a), and which also provides some latitude for the use of a slightly higher biasH if desired to further reduce the write error rate . It is straightforward to see from these numbers that if the area of the magnetostrictive element is substantially reduced below 400 ×900 nm2 there must be a corresponding increase in kH and hence in biasH if the write error rate for the device is to remain acceptable. Of course an increase in the thickness of the element can partially reduce the increase in fluctuation amplitude due to the decrease in the magnetic a rea, but the feasible range of thickness variation cannot match the effect of, for example, reducing the cross -sectional area by a factor of 10 to 100, with the latter, arguably, being the minimum required for high density memory applications. While perhaps a strong shape anisotropy and an increased filmt can yield the required kH ≥ 1 kOe, the fact that in this deterministic mode of magnetostrictive switching we must also have biasH ~ kH results in a bias field requirement that is not technologically feasible. We could of course allow the write error rate to be much larger than indicated by an 8 fluctuation probability, but this would only relax the requirement on biasH marginally, which always must be such that 0 > 45o.Thus the deterministic magneto strictive device is not a viable candidate for ultra -high density memory. Instead this approach is only feasible for device s with lateral area ≥ 105 nm2 . While the requir ement of a large footprint is a limitation of the deterministic magneto strictive memory element , this device does have the significant advantage that the stress scale required to switch the memory is quite low. We have simulated T = 300 ºK macrospin switching dynamics for a 400×900 nm2 ellipse with thickness filmt = 12.5 nm with biasH = 200 Oe such that 0 ~ 51º. The Gilbert damping parameter was set to 0.5 and magnetostriction s = 28 670 ppm. The magnetization switches by simple rotation from 0 = 51º to 1129 that is driven by the stress pulse induced change in the energy landscape (see Figure 11a). Phase diagram results are provided in Figure 11b where the switching from 0 = 51º to 1 = 129 º shows a 100% switching probability for stresses as low as = - 5 MPa for pulse widths as short as 1 ns. Since the dimensions of the ellipse are large enough that t he macrospin picture is not strictly valid, we have also conducted T = 0 K micromagnetic simulations of the stress -pulse induced reversal in this geometry. We find that the trajectories are essentially well described by a quasi - coherent rotation with non-uniformities in the magnetization being more pronounced at the ellipse edges (see Figure 11c). The minimum stress pulse amplitude for swi tching is even lower than that predicted by macrospin at = - 3 MPa. This stress scale for switching is substantially lower than any of the switching mode schemes discussed before. Despite the fact that this scheme is not scalable down into the 100 -200 nm size regime, it can be appropriate for larger footprint memori es that can be written at very low write stress pulse amplitudes. IV. CONCLUSION The physical properties of giant magnetostrictive magnets (particularly of the rare -earth based TbFe 2 and Tb 0.3Dy0.7Fe2 alloys) place severe restrictions on the viability of such materials for use in fast, ultra -high density , low energy consumption data storage. We have enumerated the various potential problems that might arise from the characteristically high damping of giant magnetostrictive nanoma gnets in toggle -mode switch ing. We have also discussed the rol e that thermal fluctuation s have on the various switching modes and the challenges involved in 29 maintaining long -time device thermal stability that arise mainly from the necessity of employing hard axis bias fields . It is clear that the task of constructing a reliable memory using pure stress induced reversal of g iant magnetostrictive magnets will be , when pos sible, a question of trade -offs and careful engineering . PMA based giant magnetostrictive nanomagnets can be made extremely small ( d < 50 nm) while still maintaining thermal stability. The small diameter and low cross - sectional area of these PMA giant magnetostrictive devices could , in principle, lead to very low capacitive write energies. The counterpoint is that the stress fields required to switch the device are not necessarily small and the acoustical pulse timing requirements are demanding. However, it might be possible t o tune the magnetostriction s , K , and sM (either by adjustment of the growth conditions of the magnetostrictive magnet or by engineering the RE-TM multilayers appropriately) in order to significantly reduce the pulse amplitudes required f or switching (down into the 20-50 MPa range) and reduce th e required in -plane bias field – without compromising thermal stability of the bit . Such tuning must be carried out carefully. As we have discussed , the Gilbert dampi ng , s , K , and sM can all affect the pure stress -driven switching process and device thermal stability in ways that are certainly interlinked and not necessarily complementary. Two state non-toggle memories such as we described in Section III D could have extremely low stress write amplitudes and non-restrictive pulse requirements . However, the trade -off arises from thermal stability considerations and such a switching scheme is not scala ble down into the 100-200 nm size regime . Despite this limitation there may well be a place for durable memories with very low write stress pulse amplitudes and low write energies that operate reliably in the nanosecond regime . 30 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank R.B. van Dover, W.E. Bailey, C. Vittoria, J.T. Heron, T. Gosavi, and S. Bhave for fruitful discussions. We also thank D.C. Ralph and T. Moriyama for comments and suggestions on the manuscript. This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research and the Army Research Office. 31 REFERENCES 1 H. Ohno, D. Chiba, F. Matsukura, T. Omiya, E. Abe, T. Dietl, Y. Ohno, and K. Ohtani, Nature 408, 944 (2000). 2 D. Chiba, M. Sawicki, Y. Nishitani, Y. Nakatani, F. Matsukura, and H. Ohno, Nature 455, 515 (2008). 3 D. Chiba, M. Yamanouchi, F. Matsukura, and H. Ohno, Science 301, 943 (2003). 4 M. Weisheit, S. Fähler, A. Marty, Y. 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Here M is the magnetization vector with and being polar and azimuthal angles . For the in -plane t oggle switching case, the initial normalized magnetization 0 0 0ˆˆ cos sinm x y and is in the film plane with 0arcsin[ / ]bias kHH and ˆbias bias H Hy . Figure 2. Toggle switching trajectory for an in -plane magnetized polycrystalline Tb 0.3Dy 0.7Fe2 element with LLG = 0.3, = -120 MPa, and pulse = 50 ps (red) and 125 ps (blue) and 160 ps (green). 36 Figure 3. a) Effect of the Gilbert damping on pulse switching probability statistics for = -85 MPa. b) Effect of increasing stress pulse amplitude for high damping LLG = 0.75. Very high stress pulses ( >200 MPa) are required to allow precession to be fast enough to cause a switch before dynamics are damped out. c) Comparison of switching statistics for the LL and LLG dynamics at = -200 MPa, = 0.75. The LL dynamics exhibits faster precession than the LLG for a given torque implying shorter windows of reliability and requirements for faster pulses. Figure 4. Schematic of TbFe 2 magnetic element under biaxial stress generated by a PZT layer. Here the initial normalized magnetization 0 0 0ˆˆ cos sinm z x is predominantly out of the film plane with a cant 0arcsin[ / ]bias kHH in the x -direction provided by ˆbias bias H Hx . 37 Figure 5. a) Switching trajectories for a TbFe 2 nanomagnet under a pulsed biaxial stress = -85 MPa, pulse = 400 ps ( green ) and = -120 MPa and pulse = 300 ps (blue ) b) Switching trajectory time trace for {m x,my,mz} for = -85 MPa . The pulse is initiated at t = 500 ps. The blue region denotes when precession about biasH dominates (i.e. while the pulse is on) and the red when the dissipative dynamics rapidly damp the system down to the other equilibrium point. 38 Figure 6. a) Dependence of the simulated pulse switching probability on for = -85 MPa . b) Dependence of pulse switching probability on stress amplitude. Stress -induced switching is possible even for = 1.0. c) Comparison of pulse switching probability for LL and LLG dynamics for = -85 MPa and = 0.75. Here the difference between the LL and LLG dynamics has a significant effect on the width of the pulse window where reliable switching is predicted by the simulations ( LL = 200 ps and LLG =320 ps.) Figure 7. a) Energy (normalized to 1K ) landscape as a function of angle for various values of exchange bias energy. b) = 80º ( = 10 º) is the only stab le equilibrium for compressive ( tensi le) stress. Dissipative dynamics and the free energy landscape then dictate the non -toggle switching dynamics. c) Shows the energy barrier dependence on the [110] bias field for a d = 100 nm, filmt = 12.5 nm circular element with (curve 1) 1K = 2.5x105 ergs/cm3, (curve 2) 1K = 2.0×105 ergs/cm3, and ( curve 4) 1K =1.5×105 ergs/cm3. Curve 3 shows the energy barrier dependence for 1K=1.5x105 ergs/cm3 and d = 100 nm & filmt = 15 nm . 39 Figure 8. a) Magnetoelastic switching trajectory for Fe 81Ga19 with = -45 MPa and pulse = 3 ns. The main part of the switching occurs within 200 ps. The magnetization relaxes to the equilibrium defined when the pulse is on and then relaxes to the final equilibrium when the pulse is turned off. b) Switchin g probability phase diagram for Fe 81Ga19 with biaxial anisotropy at T = 300 ºK. c) T = 0 ºK OOMMF simulations showing the equilibrium m icromagnetic configuration for 1K = 2×105 ergs/cm3 and sM = 1300 emu/cm3. Subsequent shots show the rotational switching mode for a 45 MPa uniaxial compressive stress along [100]. Color scale is blue -white -red indicating the local projection 1xm (blue), 0xm (white), 1xm (red). 40 Figure 9. Schematic of magnetostrictive device geometry that utilizes uniaxial anisotropy to achieve deterministic switching. Polycrystalline Tb 0.3Dy 0.7Fe2 on PMN -PT with 1 axis oriented at angle with respect to the easy axis. In this geometry, M lies in the x -y plane (film -plane) with the normalized ˆˆ cos sinm x y . 41 Figure 10. a) In-plane shape anisotropy field ( kH ) and hard axis bias field ( biasH ) for a 400×900 nm2 ellipse as a function of film thickness required to ensure 0 = 51º . Thermal stability parameter plotted versus film thickness with kH , biasH such that 0 = 51º . b) Eight times the RMS angle fluctuation about three different average 0 > 45º versus film thickness for a 400×900 nm2 ellipse at T = 300 ºK. 42 Figure 11. a) Magnetization trajectories for = 45º, = -5 MPa , pulse = 3 ns, with ~ 200 Oe yielding 0 = 51º ( red) and = 45º, = -20 MPa with biasH = 120 Oe yielding 0 = 28º ( green). b) T = 300 ºK stress pulse (compressive) switching prob ability phase diagram for a 400×90 0 nm2 ellipse with filmt = 12.5 nm , = 45º, 0 = 51º c) Micromagneti c switching trajectory of a 400×90 0 nm2 ellipse under a DC compressive stress of -3 MPa transduced along 45 degrees. Color scale is blue -white -red indicating the local projection 1xm (blue), 0xm (white), 1xm (red). biasH | 2015-08-04 | Concepts for memories based on the manipulation of giant magnetostrictive
nanomagnets by stress pulses have garnered recent attention due to their
potential for ultra-low energy operation in the high storage density limit.
Here we discuss the feasibility of making such memories in light of the fact
that the Gilbert damping of such materials is typically quite high. We report
the results of numerical simulations for several classes of toggle precessional
and non-toggle dissipative magnetoelastic switching modes. Material candidates
for each of the several classes are analyzed and forms for the anisotropy
energy density and ranges of material parameters appropriate for each material
class are employed. Our study indicates that the Gilbert damping as well as the
anisotropy and demagnetization energies are all crucial for determining the
feasibility of magnetoelastic toggle-mode precessional switching schemes. The
roles of thermal stability and thermal fluctuations for stress-pulse switching
of giant magnetostrictive nanomagnets are also discussed in detail and are
shown to be important in the viability, design, and footprint of
magnetostrictive switching schemes. | A Critical Analysis of the Feasibility of Pure Strain-Actuated Giant Magnetostrictive Nanoscale Memories | 1508.00629v2 |
arXiv:1610.04598v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 19 Jan 2017Nambu mechanics for stochastic magnetization dynamics Pascal Thibaudeaua,∗, Thomas Nusslea,b, Stam Nicolisb aCEA DAM/Le Ripault, BP 16, F-37260, Monts, FRANCE bCNRS-Laboratoire de Math´ ematiques et Physique Th´ eoriqu e (UMR 7350), F´ ed´ eration de Recherche ”Denis Poisson” (FR2964), D´ epartement de Physi que, Universit´ e de Tours, Parc de Grandmont, F-37200, Tours, FRANCE Abstract The Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation describes the dynamic s of a damped magnetization vector that can be understood as a generalization o f Larmor spin precession. The LLG equation cannot be deduced from the Hamilton ian frame- work, by introducing a coupling to a usual bath, but requires the int roduction of additional constraints. It is shown that these constraints can be formulated ele- gantly and consistently in the framework of dissipative Nambu mecha nics. This has many consequences for both the variational principle and for t opological as- pects of hidden symmetries that control conserved quantities. W e particularly study how the damping terms of dissipative Nambu mechanics affect t he con- sistent interaction of magnetic systems with stochastic reservoir s and derive a master equation for the magnetization. The proposals are suppor ted by numer- ical studies using symplectic integrators that preserve the topolo gical structure of Nambu equations. These results are compared to computations performed by direct sampling of the stochastic equations and by using closure a ssumptions for the moment equations, deduced from the master equation. Keywords: Magnetization dynamics, Fokker-Planck equation, magnetic ordering ∗Corresponding author Email addresses: (Pascal Thibaudeau), (Thomas Nussle), (Stam Nicolis) Preprint submitted to Elsevier September 18, 20181. Introduction In micromagnetism, the transverse Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG ) equation (1 +α2)∂si ∂t=ǫijkωj(s)sk+α(ωi(s)sjsj−ωj(s)sjsi) (1) describes the dynamics of a magnetization vector s≡M/MswithMsthe sat- uration magnetization. This equation can be seen as a generalization of Larmor spin precession, for a collection of elementary classical magnets ev olving in an effective pulsation ω=−1 ¯hδH δs=γBand within a magnetic medium, charac- terized by a damping constant αand a gyromagnetic ratio γ[1].His here identified as a scalar functional of the magnetization vector and ca n be consis- tently generalized to include spatial derivatives of the magnetizatio n vector [2] as well. Spin-transfer torques, that are, nowadays, of particula r practical rele- vance [3, 4] can be, also, taken into account in this formalism. In the following, we shall work in units where ¯ h= 1, to simplify notation. It is well known that this equation cannot be derived from a Hamiltonia n variational principle, with the damping effects described by coupling t he magne- tization to a bath, by deforming the Poisson bracket of Hamiltonian m echanics, even though the Landau–Lifshitz equation itself is Hamiltonian. The r eason is that the damping cannot be described by a “scalar” potential, but b y a “vector” potential. This has been made manifest [5] first by an analysis of the quantum ve rsion of the Landau-Lifshitz equation for damped spin motion including arb itrary spin length, magnetic anisotropy and many interacting quantum spin s. In par- ticular, this analysis has revealed that the damped spin equation of m otion is an example of metriplectic dynamical system [6], an approach which t ries to unite symplectic, nondissipative and metric, dissipative dynamics into one com- mon mathematical framework. This dissipative system has been see n afterwards nothing but a natural combination of semimetric dynamics for the dis sipative part and Poisson dynamics for the conservative ones [7]. As a conse quence, this provided a canonical description for any constrained dissipative sy stems through 2an extension of the concept of Dirac brackets developed originally f or conserva- tive constrained Hamiltonian dynamics. Then, this has culminated rec ently by observing the underlying geometrical nature of these brackets a s certain n-ary generalizations of Lie algebras, commonly encountered in conserva tive Hamilto- nian dynamics [8]. However, despite the evident progresses obtaine d, no clear direction emerges for the case of dissipative n-ary generalizations, and even no variational principle have been formulated, to date, that incorp orates such properties. What we shall show in this paper is that it is, however, possible to de- scribe the Landau–Lifshitz–Gilbert equation by using the variationa l principle of Nambu mechanics and to describe the damping effects as the resu lt of in- troducing dissipation by suitably deforming the Nambu–instead of th e Poisson– bracket. In this way we shall find, as a bonus, that it is possible to de duce the relation between longitudinal and transverse damping of the ma gnetization, when writing the appropriate master equation for the probability de nsity. To achieve this in a Hamiltonian formalism requires additional assumptions , whose provenance can, thus, be understood as the result of the prope rties of Nambu mechanics. We focus here on the essential points; a fuller account will be pro- vided in future work. Neglecting damping effects, if one sets H1≡ −ω·sandH2≡s·s/2, eq.(1) can be recast in the form ∂si ∂t={si,H1,H2}, (2) where for any functions A,B,Cofs, {A,B,C} ≡ǫijk∂A ∂si∂B ∂sj∂C ∂sk(3) is the Nambu-Poisson (NP) bracket, or Nambu bracket, or Nambu t riple bracket, a skew-symmetric object, obeying both the Leibniz rule and the Fun damental Identity [9, 10]. One can see immediately that both H1andH2are constants of motion, because of the anti-symmetric property of the bracket. This provides the generalization of Hamiltonian mechanics to phase spaces of arbitrar y dimension; 3in particular it does not need to be even. This is a way of taking into acc ount constraints and provides a natural framework for describing the magnetization dynamics, since the magnetization vector has, in general, three co mponents. The constraints–and the symmetries–can be made manifest, by no ting that it is possible to express vectors and vector fields in, at least, two wa ys, that can be understood as special cases of Hodge decomposition. For the three–dimensional case that is of interest here, this mean s that a vector field V(s) can be expressed in the “Helmholtz representation” [11] in the following way Vi≡ǫijk∂Ak ∂sj+∂Φ ∂si(4) whereAis a vector potential and Φ a scalar potential. On the other hand, this same vector field V(s) can be decomposed according to the “Monge representation” [12] Vi≡∂C1 ∂si+C2∂C3 ∂si(5) which defines the “Clebsch-Monge potentials”, Ci. If one identifies as the Clebsch–Monge potentials, C2≡H1,C3≡H2and C1≡D, Vi=∂D ∂si+H1∂H2 ∂si, (6) and the vector field V(s)≡˙s, then one immediately finds that eq. (2) takes the form ∂s ∂t={s,H1,H2}+∇sD (7) that identifies the contribution of the dissipation in this context, as the expected generalization from usual Hamiltonian mechanics. In the absence of the Gilbert term, dissipation is absent. More generally, the evolution equation for any function, F(s) can be written as [13] ∂F ∂t={F,H1,H2}+∂D ∂si∂F ∂si(8) for a dissipation function D(s). 4The equivalence between the Helmholtz and the Monge representat ion im- plies the existence of freedom of redefinition for the potentials, CiandDand Aiand Φ. This freedom expresses the symmetry under symplectic tra nsforma- tions, that can be interpreted as diffeomorphism transformations , that leave the volume invariant. These have consequences for the equations of m otion. For instance, the dissipation described by the Gilbert term in the Lan dau– Lifshitz–Gilbert equation (1) ∂D ∂si≡α(˜ωi(s)sjsj−˜ωj(s)sjsi) (9) cannot be derived from a scalar potential, since the RHS of this expr ession is not curl–free, so the function Don the LHS is not single valued; but it does conserve the norm of the magnetization, i.e. H2. Because of the Gilbert expression, bothωandηare rescaled such as ˜ω≡ω/(1 +α2) andη→η/(1 +α2). So there are two questions: (a) Whether it can lead to stochastic e ffects, that can be described in terms of deterministic chaos and/or (b) Whethe r its effects can be described by a bath of “vector potential” excitations. The fi rst case was described, in outline in ref. [14], where the role of an external to rque was shown to be instrumental; the second will be discussed in detail in the following sections. While, in both cases, a stochastic description, in terms of a probability density on the space of states is the main tool, it is much easier to pre sent for the case of a bath, than for the case of deterministic chaos, which is much more subtle. Therefore, we shall now couple our magnetic moment to a bath of flu ctuating degrees of freedom, that will be described by a stochastic proces s. 2. Nambu dynamics in a macroscopic bath To this end, one couples linearly the deterministic system such as (8) , to a stochastic process, i.e. a noise vector, random in time, labelled ηi(t), whose law of probability is given. This leads to a system of stochastic differen tial equations, that can be written in the Langevin form ∂si ∂t={si,H1,H2}+∂D ∂si+eij(s)ηj(t) (10) 5whereeij(s) can be interpreted as the vielbein on the manifold, defined by the dynamical variables, s. It should be noted that it is the vector nature of the dynamical variables that implies that the vielbein, must, also, carry in dices. We may note that the additional noise term can be used to “renorma lize” the precession frequency and, thus, mix, non-trivially, with the Gilb ert term. This means that, in the presence of either, the other cannot be ex cluded. When this vielbein is the identity matrix, eij(s) =δij, the stochastic cou- pling to the noise is additive, whereas it is multiplicative otherwise. In th at case, if the norm of the spin vector has to remain constant in time, t hen the gradient of H2must be orthogonal to the gradient of Dandeij(s)si= 0∀j. However, it is important to realize that, while the Gilbert dissipation te rm is not a gradient, the noise term, described by the vielbein is not so co nstrained. For additive noise, indeed, it is a gradient, while for the case of multiplic ative noise studied by Brown and successors there can be an interesting interference between the two terms, that is worth studying in more detail, within N ambu mechanics, to understand, better, what are the coordinate art ifacts and what are the intrinsic features thereof. Because {s(t)}, defined by the eq.(10), becomes a stochastic process, we can define an instantaneous conditional probability distribution Pη(s,t), that depends, on the noise configuration and, also, on the magnetizatio ns0at the initial time and which satisfies a continuity equation in configuration sp ace ∂Pη(s,t) ∂t+∂( ˙siPη(s,t))) ∂si= 0. (11) An equation for /an}b∇acketle{tPη/an}b∇acket∇i}htcan be formed, which becomes an average over all the possible realizations of the noise, namely ∂/an}b∇acketle{tPη/an}b∇acket∇i}ht ∂t+∂/an}b∇acketle{t˙siPη/an}b∇acket∇i}ht ∂si= 0, (12) once the distribution law of {η(t)}is provided. It is important to stress here that this implies that the backreaction of the spin degrees of freed om on the bath can be neglected–which is by no means obvious. One way to chec k this is by showing that no “runaway solutions” appear. This, however, do es not ex- 6haust all possibilities, that can be found by working with the Langevin equation directly. For non–trivial vielbeine, however, this is quite involved, so it is useful to have an approximate solution in hand. To be specific, we consider a noise, described by the Ornstein-Uhlen beck process [15] of intensity ∆ and autocorrelation time τ, /an}b∇acketle{tηi(t)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 0 /an}b∇acketle{tηi(t)ηj(t′)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=∆ τδije−|t−t′| τ where the higher point correlation functions are deduced from Wick ’s theorem and which can be shown to become a white noise process, when τ→0. We assume that the solution to eq.(12) converges, in the sense of ave rage over-the- noise, to an equilibrium distribution, that is normalizable and, whose co rrelation functions, also, exist. While this is, of course, not at all obvious to p rove, evi- dence can be found by numerical studies, using stochastic integra tion methods that preserve the symplectic structure of the Landau–Lifshitz e quation, even under perturbations (cf. [16] for earlier work). 2.1. Additive noise Walton [17] was one of the first to consider the introduction of an ad ditive noise into an LLG equation and remarked that it may lead to a Fokker- Planck equation, without entering into details. To see this more thoroughly and to illustrate our strategy, we consider the case of additive noise, i.e. w heneij= δijin our framework. By including eq.(10) in (12) and in the limit of white noise, expressions like /an}b∇acketle{tηiPη/an}b∇acket∇i}htmust be defined and can be evaluated by either an expansion of the Shapiro-Loginov formulae of differentiation [18] an d taking the limit ofτ→0, or, directly, by applying the Furutsu-Novikov-Donsker theore m [19, 20, 21]. This leads to /an}b∇acketle{tηiPη/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=−˜∆∂/an}b∇acketle{tPη/an}b∇acket∇i}ht ∂si. (13) 7where ˜∆≡∆/(1 +α2). Using the dampened current vector Ji≡ {si,H1,H2}+ ∂D ∂si, the (averaged) probability density /an}b∇acketle{tPη/an}b∇acket∇i}htsatisfies the following equation ∂/an}b∇acketle{tPη/an}b∇acket∇i}ht ∂t+∂ ∂si(Ji/an}b∇acketle{tPη/an}b∇acket∇i}ht)−˜˜∆∂2/an}b∇acketle{tPη/an}b∇acket∇i}ht ∂si∂si= 0 (14) where˜˜∆≡∆/(1 +α2)2and which is of the Fokker-Planck form [22]. This last partial differential equation can be solved directly by several nume rical methods, including a finite-element computer code or can lead to ordinary differ ential equations for the moments of s. For example, for the average of the magnetization, one obtains th e evolution equation d/an}b∇acketle{tsi/an}b∇acket∇i}ht dt=−/integraldisplay dssi∂/an}b∇acketle{tPη(s,t)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht ∂t=/an}b∇acketle{tJi/an}b∇acket∇i}ht. (15) For the case of Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert in a uniform precession field B, we obtain the following equations, for the first and second moments, d dt/an}b∇acketle{tsi/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=ǫijk˜ωj/an}b∇acketle{tsk/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+α[˜ωi/an}b∇acketle{tsjsj/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−˜ωj/an}b∇acketle{tsjsi/an}b∇acket∇i}ht] (16) d dt/an}b∇acketle{tsisj/an}b∇acket∇i}ht= ˜ωl(ǫilk/an}b∇acketle{tsksj/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+ǫjlk/an}b∇acketle{tsksi/an}b∇acket∇i}ht) +α[˜ωi/an}b∇acketle{tslslsj/an}b∇acket∇i}ht + ˜ωj/an}b∇acketle{tslslsi/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−2˜ωl/an}b∇acketle{tslsisj/an}b∇acket∇i}ht] + 2˜˜∆δij (17) where ˜ω≡γB/(1 +α2). In order to close consistently these equations, one can truncate the hierarchy of moments; either on the second /an}b∇acketle{t/an}b∇acketle{tsisj/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 0 or third cumulants /an}b∇acketle{t/an}b∇acketle{tsisjsk/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 0, i.e. /an}b∇acketle{tsisj/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/an}b∇acketle{tsi/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tsj/an}b∇acket∇i}ht, (18) /an}b∇acketle{tsisjsk/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/an}b∇acketle{tsisj/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tsk/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+/an}b∇acketle{tsisk/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tsj/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+/an}b∇acketle{tsjsk/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tsi/an}b∇acket∇i}ht −2/an}b∇acketle{tsi/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tsj/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acketle{tsk/an}b∇acket∇i}ht. (19) Because the closure of the hierarchy is related to an expansion in po wers of ∆, for practical purposes, the validity of eqs.(16,17) is limited to low v alues of the coupling to the bath (that describes the fluctuations). For example, if one sets /an}b∇acketle{t/an}b∇acketle{tsisj/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 0, eq.(16) produces an average spin motion independent of value that ∆ may take. This is in contradiction with the numerical expe riments 8performed by the stochastic integration and noise average of eq.( 10) quoted in reference [23] and by experiments. This means that it is mandatory to keep at least eqs.(16) and (17) together in the numerical evaluation of t he thermal behavior of the dynamics of the average thermal magnetization /an}b∇acketle{ts/an}b∇acket∇i}ht. This was previously observed [24, 25] and circumvented by alternate secon d-order closure relationships, but is not supported by direct numerical experiment s. This can be illustrated by the following figure (1). For this given set of Figure 1: Magnetization dynamics of a paramagnetic spin in a constant magnetic field, connected to an additive noise. The upper graphs (a) plot som e of the first–order moments of the averaged magnetization vector over 102realizations of the noise, when the lower graphs (b) plot the associated model closed to the third-order cumu lant (eqs.(16)-(17), see text). Parameters of the simulations : {∆ = 0.13 rad.GHz; α= 0.1;ω= (0,0,18) rad.GHz; timestep ∆t= 10−4ns}. Initial conditions: s(0) = (1,0,0),/an}bracketle{tsi(0)sj(0)/an}bracketri}ht= 0 but /an}bracketle{ts1(0)s1(0)/an}bracketri}ht= 1. parameters, the agreement between the stochastic average an d the effective model is fairly decent. As expected, for a single noise realization, th e norm of the spin vector in an additive stochastic noise cannot be conserv ed during the dynamics, but, by the average-over-the-noise accumulation process, this is 9observed for very low values of ∆ and very short times. However, t his agreement with the effective equations is lost, when the temperature increase s, because of the perturbative nature of the equations (16-17). Agreement c an, however, be restored by imposing this constraint in the effective equations, for a given order in perturbation of ∆, by appropriate modifications of the hierarchic al closing relationships /an}b∇acketle{t/an}b∇acketle{tsisj/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=Bij(∆) or/an}b∇acketle{t/an}b∇acketle{tsisjsk/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=Cijk(∆). It is of some interest to study the effects of the choice of initial con ditions. In particular, how the relaxation to equilibrium is affected by choosing a c omponent of the initial magnetization along the precession axis in the effective m odel, e.g. s(0) = (1/√ 2,0,−1/√ 2) and by taking all the initial correlations, /an}b∇acketle{tsi(0)sj(0)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 1 20−1 2 0 0 0 −1 201 2 (20) The results are shown in figure (2). Both in figures (1) and (2), it is observed that the average norm of the spin vector increases over time. This can be understood with the above arguments. In general, according to eq.(10) and because Jis a transverse vector, (1 +α2)sidsi dt=eij(s)siηj(t). (21) This equation describes how the LHS depends on the noise realization ; so the average over the noise can be found by computing the averages of the RHS. The simplest case is that of the additive vielbein, eij(s) =δij. Assuming that the average-over-the noise procedure and the time derivative commu te, we have d dt/angbracketleftbig s2/angbracketrightbig =2/an}b∇acketle{tsiηi/an}b∇acket∇i}ht 1 +α2. (22) For any Gaussian stochastic process, the Furutsu-Novikov-Don sker theorem states that /an}b∇acketle{tsi(t)ηi(t)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=/integraldisplay+∞ −∞dt′/an}b∇acketle{tηi(t)ηj(t′)/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/angbracketleftbiggδsi(t) δηj(t′)/angbracketrightbigg . (23) In the most general situation, the functional derivativesδsi(t) δηj(t′)can be calculated [26], and eq.(23) admits simplifications in the white noise limit. In this limit, 10-2-1012 0 1 2 3 4 5 t (ns)-2-1012 sxsy sz(a) (b) Figure 2: Magnetization dynamics of a paramagnetic spin in a constant magnetic field, con- nected to an additive noise. The upper graphs (a) plot some of the first–order moments of the averaged magnetization vector over 103realizations of the noise, when the lower graphs (b) plot the associated model closed to the third-order cumu lant (eqs.(16)-(17), see text). Parameters of the simulations : {∆ = 0.0655 rad.GHz; α= 0.1;ω= (0,0,18) rad.GHz; timestep ∆ t= 10−4ns,s(0) =/an}bracketle{ts(0)/an}bracketri}ht= (1/√ 2,0,−1/√ 2),/an}bracketle{tsisj/an}bracketri}ht(0) = 0 except for (11)=1/2, (13)=(31)=-1/2, (33)=1/2 }. 11the integration is straightforward and we have /angbracketleftbig s2(t)/angbracketrightbig =s2(0) + 6˜˜∆t, (24) which is a conventional diffusion regime. It is also worth noticing that w hen computing the trace of (17), the only term which remains is indeed d dt/an}b∇acketle{tsisi/an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 6˜˜∆ (25) which allows our effective model to reproduce exactly the diffusion re gime. Fig- ure (3) compares the time evolution of the average of the square n orm spin vector. Numerical stochastic integration of eq.(10) is tested by in creasing the 0 1 2 3 4 5 t (ns)11,522,53 <|s|2>mean over 103 runs mean over 104 runs diffusion regime Figure 3: Mean square norm of the spin in the additive white no ise case for the following conditions: integration step of 10−4ns; ∆ = 0 .0655 rad.GHz; s(0) = (0 ,1,0);α= 0.1; ω= (0,0,18) rad.GHz compared to the expected diffusion regime (see te xt). size of the noise sampling and reveals a convergence to the predicte d linear diffusion regime. 122.2. Multiplicative noise Brown [27] was one of the first to propose a non–trivial vielbein, tha t takes the form eij(s) =ǫijksk/(1 +α2) for the LLG equation. We notice, first of all, that it is present, even if α= 0, i.e. in the absence of the Gilbert term. Also, that, since the determinant of this matrix [ e] is zero, this vielbein is not invertible. Because of its natural transverse character, this vie lbein preserves the norm of the spin for any realization of the noise, once a dissipation fu nctionD is chosen, that has this property. In the white-noise limit, the aver age over-the- noise continuity equation (12) cannot be transformed strictly to a Fokker-Planck form. This time /an}b∇acketle{tηiPη/an}b∇acket∇i}ht=−˜∆∂ ∂sj(eji/an}b∇acketle{tPη/an}b∇acket∇i}ht), (26) which is a generalization of the additive situation shown in eq.(13). The conti- nuity equation thus becomes ∂/an}b∇acketle{tPη/an}b∇acket∇i}ht ∂t+∂ ∂si(Ji/an}b∇acketle{tPη/an}b∇acket∇i}ht)−˜˜∆∂ ∂si/parenleftbigg eij∂ ∂sk(ekj/an}b∇acketle{tPη/an}b∇acket∇i}ht)/parenrightbigg = 0. (27) What deserves closer attention is, whether, in fact, this equation is invariant under diffeomeorphisms of the manifold [28] defined by the vielbein, o r whether it breaks it to a subgroup thereof. This will be presented in future w ork. In the context of magnetic thermal fluctuations, this continuity equatio n was encoun- tered several times in the literature [22, 29], but obtaining it from fir st principles is more cumbersome than our latter derivation, a remark already qu oted [18]. Moreover, our derivation presents the advantage of being easily g eneralizable to non-Markovian noise distributions [23, 30, 31], by simply keeping th e partial derivative equation on the noise with the continuity equation, and so lving them together. Consequently, the evolution equation for the average magnetizat ion is now supplemented by a term provided by a non constant vielbein and one h as d/an}b∇acketle{tsi/an}b∇acket∇i}ht dt=/an}b∇acketle{tJi/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+˜˜∆/angbracketleftbigg∂eil ∂skekl/angbracketrightbigg . (28) With the vielbein proposed by Brown and assuming a constant extern al field, 13one gets d/an}b∇acketle{tsi/an}b∇acket∇i}ht dt=ǫijk˜ωj/an}b∇acketle{tsk/an}b∇acket∇i}ht+α(˜ωi/an}b∇acketle{tsjsj/an}b∇acket∇i}ht−˜ωj/an}b∇acketle{tsjsi/an}b∇acket∇i}ht) −2∆ (1 +α2)2/an}b∇acketle{tsi/an}b∇acket∇i}ht. (29) This equation highlights both a transverse part, coming from the av erage over the probability current Jand a longitudinal part, coming from the average over the extra vielbein term. By imposing, further, the second-or der cumulant approximation /an}b∇acketle{t/an}b∇acketle{tsisj/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 0, i.e. “small” fluctuations to keep the distribution of sgaussian, a single equation can be obtained, in which a longitudinal rela xation timeτL≡(1 +α2)2/2∆ may be identified. This is illustrated by the content of figure (4). In that case, the ap proxima- Figure 4: Magnetization dynamics of a paramagnetic spin in a constant magnetic field, con- nected to a multiplicative noise. The upper graphs (a) plot s ome of the first–order moments of the averaged magnetization vector over 102realizations of the noise, when the lower graphs (b) plot the associated model closed to the third-order cumu lant (eq.(29), see text). Param- eters of the simulations : {∆ = 0.65 rad.GHz; α= 0.1;ω= (0,0,18) rad.GHz; timestep ∆t= 10−4ns}. Initial conditions: s(0) = (1,0,0),/an}bracketle{tsi(0)sj(0)/an}bracketri}ht= 0 but /an}bracketle{tsx(0)sx(0)/an}bracketri}ht= 1. 14tion/an}b∇acketle{t/an}b∇acketle{tsisjsj/an}b∇acket∇i}ht/an}b∇acket∇i}ht= 0 has been retained in order to keep two sets of equations, three for the average magnetization components and nine on the averag e second-order moments, that have been solved simultaneously using an eight-orde r Runge- Kutta algorithm with variable time-steps. This is the same numerical im ple- mentation that has been followed for the studies of the additive nois e, solving eqs.(16) and (17) simultaneously. We have observed numerically tha t, as ex- pected, the average second-order moments are symmetrical by an exchange of their component indices, both for the multiplicative and the additive n oise. In- terestingly, by keeping identical the number of random events tak en to evaluate the average of the stochastic magnetization dynamics between th e additive and multiplicative noise, we observe a greater variance in the multiplicative case. As we have done in the additive noise case, we will also investigate briefl y the behavior of this equation under different initial conditions, and in par ticular with a non vanishing component along the z-axis. This is illustrated by the c ontent of figure (5). It is observed that for both figures (4) and (5), th e average spin converges to the same final equilibrium state, which depends ultimat ely on the value of the noise amplitude, as shown by equation (27). 3. Discussion Magnetic systems describe vector degrees of freedom, whose Ha miltonian dynamics implies constraints. These constraints can be naturally ta ken into account within Nambu mechanics, that generalizes Hamiltonian mecha nics to phase spaces of odd number of dimensions. In this framework, diss ipation can be described by gradients that are not single–valued and thus do no t define scalar baths, but vector baths, that, when coupled to external torques, can lead to chaotic dynamics. The vector baths can, also, describe non-tr ivial geometries and, in that case, as we have shown by direct numerical study, the stochastic description leads to a coupling between longitudinal and transverse relaxation. This can be, intuitively, understood within Nambu mechanics, in the fo llowing way: 15-1-0.500.51 0 1 2 3 4 5 t (ns)-1-0.500.51 sxsy sz(a) (b) Figure 5: Magnetization dynamics of a paramagnetic spin in a constant magnetic field, con- nected to a multiplicative noise. The upper graphs (a) plot s ome of the first–order moments of the averaged magnetization vector over 104realizations of the noise, when the lower graphs (b) plot the associated model closed to the third-order cumu lant (eq.(29), see text). Param- eters of the simulations : {∆ = 0.65 rad.GHz; α= 0.1;ω= (0,0,18) rad.GHz; timestep ∆t= 10−4ns}. Initial conditions: s(0) =/parenleftbig 1/√ 2,0,1/√ 2/parenrightbig ,/an}bracketle{tsi(0)sj(0)/an}bracketri}ht= 0 except for /an}bracketle{ts1(0)s1(0)/an}bracketri}ht=/an}bracketle{ts1(0)s3(0)/an}bracketri}ht=/an}bracketle{ts3(0)s3(0)/an}bracketri}ht= 1/2. 16The dynamics consists in rendering one of the Hamiltonians, H1≡ω·s, stochastic, since ωbecomes a stochastic process, as it is sensitive to the noise terms–whether these are described by Gilbert dissipation or couplin g to an external bath. Through the Nambu equations, this dependence is “transferred” toH2≡ ||s||2/2. This is one way of realizing the insights the Nambu approach provides. In practice, we may summarize our numerical results as follows: When the amplitude of the noise is small, in the context of Langevin- dynamics formalism for linear systems and for the numerical modeling ofsmall thermal fluctuations in micromagnetic systems, as for a linearized s tochastic LLG equation, the rigorous method of Lyberatos, Berkov and Cha ntrell might be thought to apply [32] and be expected to be equivalent to the app roach presented here. Because this method expresses the approach t o equilibrium of every moment, separately, however, it is restricted to the limit of s mall fluctua- tions around an equilibrium state and, as expected, cannot captur e the transient regime of average magnetization dynamics, even for low temperatu re. This is a useful check. We have also investigated the behaviour of this system under differe nt sets of initial conditions as it is well-known and has been thoroughly studied in [ 1] that in the multiplicative noise case (where the norm is constant) this syst em can show strong sensitivity to initial conditions and it is possible, using ste reographic coordinates to represent the dynamics of this system in 2D. In our additive noise case however, as the norm of the spin is not conserved, it is not eas y to get long run behavior of our system and in particular equilibrium solutions. Mor eover as we no longer have only two independent components of spin, it is not p ossible to obtain a 2D representation of our system and makes it more comp licated to study maps displaying limit cycles, attractors and so on. Thus under standing the dynamics under different initial conditions would require somethin g more and, as it is beyond the scope of this work, will be done elsewhere. Therefore, we have focused on studying the effects of the prese nce of an initial longitudinal component and of additional, diagonal, correlation s. No 17differences have been observed so far. Another issue, that deserves further study, is how the probabilit y density of the initial conditions is affected by the stochastic evolution. In th e present study we have taken the initial probability density to be a δ−function; so it will be of interest to study the evolution of other initial distributions in d etail, in particular, whether the averaging procedures commute–or not. In general, we expect that they won’t. This will be reported in future work. Finally, our study can be readily generalized since any vielbein can be ex - pressed in terms of a diagonal, symmetrical and anti-symmetrical m atrices, whose elements are functions of the dynamical variable s. Because ˙sis a pseu- dovector (and we do not consider that this additional property is a cquired by the noise vector), this suggests that the anti-symmetric part of the vielbein should be the “dominant” one. Interestingly, by numerical investigations , it appears that there are no effects, that might depend on the choice of the n oise connection for the stochastic vortex dynamics in two-dimensional easy-plane ferromagnets [33], even if it is known that for Hamiltonian dynamics, multiplicative and a d- ditive noises usually modify the dynamics quite differently, a point that also deserves further study. References [1] Giorgio Bertotti, Isaak D. Mayergoyz, and Claudio Serpico. Nonlinear Magnetization Dynamics in Nanosystems . Elsevier, April 2009. Google- Books-ID: QH4ShV3mKmkC. [2] Amikam Aharoni. Introduction to the Theory of Ferromagnetism . Claren- don Press, 2000. [3] Jacques Miltat, Gon¸ calo Albuquerque, Andr´ e Thiaville, and Caro le Vouille. 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IEEE Transactions on Magnetics , 52(7):1300504, 2016. [32] Andreas Lyberatos, Dmitry V. Berkov, and Roy W. Chantrell. A method for the numerical simulation of the thermal magnetization fluctuat ions in micromagnetics. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter , 5(47):8911–8920, November 1993. 21[33] Till Kamppeter, Franz G. Mertens, Esteban Moro, Angel S´ an chez, and A. R. Bishop. Stochastic vortex dynamics in two-dimensional easy- plane ferromagnets: Multiplicative versus additive noise. Physical Review B , 59(17):11349–11357, May 1999. 22 | 2016-10-14 | The Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation describes the dynamics of a damped
magnetization vector that can be understood as a generalization of Larmor spin
precession. The LLG equation cannot be deduced from the Hamiltonian framework,
by introducing a coupling to a usual bath, but requires the introduction of
additional constraints. It is shown that these constraints can be formulated
elegantly and consistently in the framework of dissipative Nambu mechanics.
This has many consequences for both the variational principle and for
topological aspects of hidden symmetries that control conserved quantities. We
particularly study how the damping terms of dissipative Nambu mechanics affect
the consistent interaction of magnetic systems with stochastic reservoirs and
derive a master equation for the magnetization. The proposals are supported by
numerical studies using symplectic integrators that preserve the topological
structure of Nambu equations. These results are compared to computations
performed by direct sampling of the stochastic equations and by using closure
assumptions for the moment equations, deduced from the master equation. | Nambu mechanics for stochastic magnetization dynamics | 1610.04598v2 |
arXiv:1708.02008v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 31 Aug 2017Chiral damping, chiral gyromagnetism and current-induced torques in textured one-dimensional Rashba ferromagnets Frank Freimuth,∗Stefan Bl¨ ugel, and Yuriy Mokrousov Peter Gr¨ unberg Institut and Institute for Advanced Simula tion, Forschungszentrum J¨ ulich and JARA, 52425 J¨ ulich, German y (Dated: May 17, 2018) We investigate Gilbert damping, spectroscopic gyromagnet ic ratio and current-induced torques in the one-dimensional Rashba model with an additional nonc ollinear magnetic exchange field. We find that the Gilbert damping differs between left-handed and right-handed N´ eel-type magnetic domain walls due to the combination of spatial inversion asy mmetry and spin-orbit interaction (SOI), consistent with recent experimental observations o f chiral damping. Additionally, we find that also the spectroscopic gfactor differs between left-handed and right-handed N´ eel- type domain walls, which we call chiral gyromagnetism. We also investig ate the gyromagnetic ratio in the Rashba model with collinear magnetization, where we find that scatt ering corrections to the gfactor vanish for zero SOI, become important for finite spin-orbit couplin g, and tend to stabilize the gyromagnetic ratio close to its nonrelativistic value. I. INTRODUCTION In magnetic bilayer systems with structural inversion asymmetry the energies of left-handed and right-handed N´ eel-type domain walls differ due to the Dzyaloshinskii- Moriya interaction (DMI) [1–4]. DMI is a chiral interac- tion, i.e., it distinguishes between left-handed and right- handed spin-spirals. Not only the energy is sensitive to the chirality of spin-spirals. Recently, it has been re- ported that the orbital magnetic moments differ as well between left-handed and right-handed cycloidal spin spi- rals in magnetic bilayers [5, 6]. Moreover, the experi- mental observation of asymmetry in the velocity of do- main walls driven by magnetic fields suggests that also the Gilbert damping is sensitive to chirality [7, 8]. In this work we show that additionally the spectro- scopic gyromagnetic ratio γis sensitive to the chirality of spin-spirals. The spectroscopic gyromagnetic ratio γ can be defined by the equation dm dt=γT, (1) whereTis the torque that acts on the magnetic moment mand dm/dtis the resulting rate of change. γenters the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation (LLG): dˆM dt=γˆM×Heff+αGˆM×dˆM dt,(2) whereˆMis a normalized vector that points in the direc- tionofthemagnetizationandthetensor αGdescribesthe Gilbert damping. The chiralityofthe gyromagneticratio provides another mechanism for asymmetries in domain- wall motion between left-handed and right-handed do- main walls. Not only the damping and the gyromagnetic ratio exhibit chiral corrections in inversion asymmetric sys- tems but also the current-induced torques. Amongthese torques that act on domain-walls are the adia- batic and nonadiabatic spin-transfer torques [9–12] and the spin-orbit torque [13–16]. Based on phenomenologi- cal grounds additional types of torques have been sug- gested [17]. Since this large number of contributions are difficult to disentangle experimentally, current-driven domain-wall motion in inversion asymmetric systems is not yet fully understood. The two-dimensionalRashbamodel with an additional exchange splitting has been used to study spintronics effects associated with the interfaces in magnetic bi- layer systems [18–22]. Recently, interest in the role of DMI in one-dimensional magnetic chains has been trig- gered [23, 24]. For example, the magnetic moments in bi-atomic Fe chains on the Ir surface order in a 120◦ spin-spiral state due to DMI [25]. Apart from DMI, also other chiral effects, such as chiral damping and chiral gyromagnetism, are expected to be important in one- dimensional magnetic chains on heavy metal substrates. The one-dimensional Rashba model [26, 27] with an ad- ditional exchange splitting can be used to simulate spin- orbit driven effects in one-dimensional magnetic wires on substrates [28–30]. While the generalized Bloch theo- rem[31]usuallycannotbeusedtotreatspin-spiralswhen SOI is included in the calculation, the one-dimensional Rashba model has the advantage that it can be solved with the help of the generalized Bloch theorem, or with a gauge-field approach [32], when the spin-spiral is of N´ eel- type. WhenthegeneralizedBlochtheoremcannotbeem- ployed one needs to resort to a supercell approach [33], use open boundary conditions [34, 35], or apply pertur- bation theory [6, 9, 36–39] in order to study spintronics effects in noncollinear magnets with SOI. In the case of the one-dimensional Rashba model the DMI and the ex- changeparameterswerecalculatedbothdirectlybasedon agauge-fieldapproachandfromperturbationtheory[38]. The results from the two approaches were found to be in perfect agreement. Thus, the one-dimensional Rashba2 model provides also an excellent opportunity to verify expressions obtained from perturbation theory by com- parisonto the resultsfromthe generalizedBlochtheorem or from the gauge-field approach. In this work we study chiral gyromagnetism and chi- ral damping in the one-dimensional Rashba model with an additional noncollinear magnetic exchange field. The one-dimensional Rashba model is very well suited to study these SOI-driven chiral spintronics effects, because it can be solved in a very transparent way without the need for a supercell approach, open boundary conditions or perturbation theory. We describe scattering effects by the Gaussian scalar disorder model. To investigate the role of disorder for the gyromagnetic ratio in general, we studyγalso in the two-dimensional Rashba model with collinear magnetization. Additionally, we compute the current-induced torques in the one-dimensional Rashba model. This paper is structured as follows: In section IIA we introduce the one-dimensional Rashba model. In sec- tion IIB we discuss the formalism for the calculation of the Gilbert damping and of the gyromagnetic ratio. In section IIC we present the formalism used to calcu- late the current-induced torques. In sections IIIA, IIIB, and IIIC we discuss the gyromagnetic ratio, the Gilbert damping, and the current-induced torques in the one- dimensionalRashbamodel, respectively. Thispaperends with a summary in section IV. II. FORMALISM A. One-dimensional Rashba model The two-dimensional Rashba model is given by the Hamiltonian [19] H=−/planckover2pi12 2me∂2 ∂x2−/planckover2pi12 2me∂2 ∂y2+ +iαRσy∂ ∂x−iαRσx∂ ∂y+∆V 2σ·ˆM(r),(3) where the first line describes the kinetic energy, the first twotermsin thesecondline describethe RashbaSOI and the last term in the second line describes the exchange splitting. ˆM(r) is the magnetization direction, which may depend on the position r= (x,y), andσis the vector of Pauli spin matrices. By removing the terms with the y-derivatives from Eq. (3), i.e., −/planckover2pi12 2me∂2 ∂y2and −iαRσx∂ ∂y, one obtains a one-dimensional variant of the Rashba model with the Hamiltonian [38] H=−/planckover2pi12 2me∂2 ∂x2+iαRσy∂ ∂x+∆V 2σ·ˆM(x).(4) Eq. (4) is invariant under the simultaneous rotation ofσand of the magnetization ˆMaround the yaxis.Therefore, if ˆM(x) describes a flat cycloidal spin-spiral propagating into the xdirection, as given by ˆM(x) = sin(qx) 0 cos(qx) , (5) we can use the unitary transformation U(x) =/parenleftBigg cos(qx 2)−sin(qx 2) sin(qx 2) cos(qx 2)/parenrightBigg (6) in order to transform Eq. (4) into a position-independent effective Hamiltonian [38]: H=1 2m/parenleftbig px+eAeff x/parenrightbig2−m(αR)2 2/planckover2pi12+∆V 2σz,(7) wherepx=−i/planckover2pi1∂/∂xis thexcomponent of the momen- tum operator and Aeff x=−m e/planckover2pi1/parenleftbigg αR+/planckover2pi12 2mq/parenrightbigg σy (8) is thex-component of the effective magnetic vector po- tential. Eq. (8) shows that the noncollinearity described byqacts like an effective SOI in the special case of the one-dimensional Rashba model. This suggests to intro- duce the concept of effective SOI strength αR eff=αR+/planckover2pi12 2mq. (9) Based on this concept of the effective SOI strength one can obtain the q-dependence of the one-dimensional Rashba model from its αR-dependence at q= 0. That a noncollinear magnetic texture provides a nonrelativistic effective SOI has been found also in the context of the intrinsic contribution to the nonadiabatic torque in the absence of relativistic SOI, which can be interpreted as a spin-orbit torque arising from this effective SOI [40]. While the Hamiltonian in Eq. (4) depends on position xthrough the position-dependence of the magnetization ˆM(x) in Eq. (5), the effective Hamiltonian in Eq. (7) is not dependent on xand therefore easy to diagonalize. B. Gilbert damping and gyromagnetic ratio In collinear magnets damping and gyromagnetic ratio can be extracted from the tensor [16] Λij=−1 Vlim ω→0ImGR Ti,Tj(/planckover2pi1ω) /planckover2pi1ω, (10) whereVis the volume of the unit cell and GR Ti,Tj(/planckover2pi1ω) =−i∞/integraldisplay 0dteiωt/angbracketleft[Ti(t),Tj(0)]−/angbracketright(11)3 is the retarded torque-torque correlation function. Tiis thei-th component of the torque operator [16]. The dc- limitω→0 in Eq. (10) is only justified when the fre- quency of the magnetization dynamics, e.g., the ferro- magnetic resonance frequency, is smaller than the relax- ationrateoftheelectronicstates. In thin magneticlayers and monoatomicchains on substratesthis is typically the case due to the strong interfacial disorder. However, in very pure crystalline samples at low temperatures the relaxation rate may be smaller than the ferromagnetic resonance frequency and one needs to assume ω >0 in Eq. (10) [41, 42]. The tensor Λdepends on the mag- netization direction ˆMand we decompose it into the tensorS, which is even under magnetization reversal (S(ˆM) =S(−ˆM)), and the tensor A, which is odd un- der magnetization reversal ( A(ˆM) =−A(−ˆM)), such thatΛ=S+A, where Sij(ˆM) =1 2/bracketleftBig Λij(ˆM)+Λij(−ˆM)/bracketrightBig (12) and Aij(ˆM) =1 2/bracketleftBig Λij(ˆM)−Λij(−ˆM)/bracketrightBig .(13) One can show that Sis symmetric, i.e., Sij(ˆM) = Sji(ˆM), while Ais antisymmetric, i.e., Aij(ˆM) = −Aji(ˆM). The Gilbert damping may be extracted from the sym- metric component Sas follows [16]: αG ij=|γ|Sij Mµ0, (14) whereMis the magnetization. The gyromagnetic ratio γis obtained from Λ according to the equation [16] 1 γ=1 2µ0M/summationdisplay ijkǫijkΛijˆMk=1 2µ0M/summationdisplay ijkǫijkAijˆMk. (15) It is convenient to discuss the gyromagnetic ratio in terms of the dimensionless g-factor, which is related to γthrough γ=gµ0µB//planckover2pi1. Consequently, the g-factor is given by 1 g=µB 2/planckover2pi1M/summationdisplay ijkǫijkΛijˆMk=µB 2/planckover2pi1M/summationdisplay ijkǫijkAijˆMk.(16) Due to the presence of the Levi-Civita tensor ǫijkin Eq. (15) and in Eq. (16) the gyromagnetic ratio and the g-factoraredetermined solelyby the antisymmetriccom- ponentAofΛ. Various different conventions are used in the literature concerning the sign of the g-factor [43]. Here, we define the sign of the g-factor such that γ >0 forg >0 and γ <0 forg <0. According to Eq. (1) the rate of change ofthemagneticmomentisthereforeparalleltothetorqueforpositive gandantiparalleltothetorquefornegative g. While we are interested in this work in the spectroscopic g-factor, and hence in the relation between the rate of change of the magnetic moment and the torque, Ref. [43] discusses the relation between the magnetic moment m andtheangularmomentum Lthatgeneratesit, i.e., m= γstaticL. Since differentiation with respect to time and use ofT= dL/dtleads to Eq. (1) our definition of the signs ofgandγagrees essentially with the one suggested in Ref. [43], which proposes to use a positive gwhen the magnetic moment is parallel to the angular momentum generatingitandanegative gwhenthemagneticmoment is antiparallel to the angular momentum generating it. Combining Eq. (14) and Eq. (15) we can express the Gilbert damping in terms of AandSas follows: αG xx=Sxx |Axy|. (17) IntheindependentparticleapproximationEq.(10)can be written as Λij= ΛI(a) ij+ΛI(b) ij+ΛII ij, where ΛI(a) ij=1 h/integraldisplayddk (2π)dTr/angbracketleftbig TiGR k(EF)TjGA k(EF)/angbracketrightbig ΛI(b) ij=−1 h/integraldisplayddk (2π)dReTr/angbracketleftbig TiGR k(EF)TjGR k(EF)/angbracketrightbig ΛII ij=1 h/integraldisplayddk (2π)d/integraldisplayEF −∞dEReTr/angbracketleftbigg TiGR k(E)TjdGR k(E) dE − TidGR k(E) dETjGR k(E)/angbracketrightbigg .(18) Here,dis the dimension ( d= 1 ord= 2 ord= 3),GR k(E) is the retarded Green’s function and GA k(E) = [GR k(E)]†. EFis the Fermi energy. ΛI(b) ijis symmetric under the interchange of the indices iandjwhile ΛII ijis antisym- metric. The term ΛI(a) ijcontains both symmetric and antisymmetric components. Since the Gilbert damping tensor is symmetric, both ΛI(b) ijand ΛI(a) ijcontribute to it. Since the gyromagnetic tensor is antisymmetric, both ΛII ijand ΛI(a) ijcontribute to it. In order to account for disorder we use the Gaus- sian scalardisordermodel, wherethe scatteringpotential V(r) satisfies /angbracketleftV(r)/angbracketright= 0 and /angbracketleftV(r)V(r′)/angbracketright=Uδ(r−r′). This model is frequently used to calculate transport properties in disordered multiband model systems [44], but it has also been combined with ab-initio electronic structure calculations to study the anomalous Hall ef- fect [45, 46] and the anomalous Nernst effect [47] in tran- sition metals and their alloys. In the clean limit, i.e., in the limit U→0, the an- tisymmetric contribution to Eq. (18) can be written as4 Aij=Aint ij+Ascatt ij, where the intrinsic part is given by Aint ij=/planckover2pi1/integraldisplayddk (2π)d/summationdisplay n,m[fkn−fkm]ImTi knmTj kmn (Ekn−Ekm)2 = 2/planckover2pi1/integraldisplayddk (2π)d/summationdisplay n/summationdisplay ll′fknIm/bracketleftbigg∂/angbracketleftukn| ∂ˆMl∂|ukn/angbracketright ∂ˆMl′/bracketrightbigg × ×/summationdisplay mm′ǫilmǫjl′m′ˆMmˆMm′. (19) The second line in Eq. (19) expresses Aint ijin terms of the Berry curvature in magnetization space [48]. The scattering contribution is given by Ascatt ij=/planckover2pi1/summationdisplay nm/integraldisplayddk (2π)dδ(EF−Ekn)Im/braceleftBigg −/bracketleftbigg Mi knmγkmn γknnTj knn−Mj knmγkmn γknnTi knn/bracketrightbigg +/bracketleftBig Mi kmn˜Tj knm−Mj kmn˜Ti knm/bracketrightBig −/bracketleftbigg Mi knmγkmn γknn˜Tj knn−Mj knmγkmn γknn˜Ti knn/bracketrightbigg +/bracketleftBigg ˜Ti knnγknm γknn˜Tj kmn Ekn−Ekm−˜Tj knnγknm γknn˜Ti kmn Ekn−Ekm/bracketrightBigg +1 2/bracketleftbigg ˜Ti knm1 Ekn−Ekm˜Tj kmn−˜Tj knm1 Ekn−Ekm˜Ti kmn/bracketrightbigg +/bracketleftBig Tj knnγknm γknn1 Ekn−Ekm˜Ti kmn −Ti knnγknm γknn1 Ekn−Ekm˜Tj kmn/bracketrightBig/bracerightBigg . (20) Here,Ti knm=/angbracketleftukn|Ti|ukm/angbracketrightare the matrix elements of the torque operator. ˜Ti knmdenotes the vertex corrections of the torque, which solve the equation ˜Ti knm=/summationdisplay p/integraldisplaydnk′ (2π)n−1δ(EF−Ek′p) 2γk′pp× ×/angbracketleftukn|uk′p/angbracketright/bracketleftBig ˜Ti k′pp+Ti k′pp/bracketrightBig /angbracketleftuk′p|ukm/angbracketright.(21) The matrix γknmis given by γknm=−π/summationdisplay p/integraldisplayddk′ (2π)dδ(EF−Ek′p)/angbracketleftukn|uk′p/angbracketright/angbracketleftuk′p|ukm/angbracketright (22) and the Berry connection in magnetization space is de- fined as iMj knm=iTj knm Ekm−Ekn. (23) The scattering contribution Eq. (20) formally resembles the side-jump contribution to the AHE [44] as obtainedfrom the scalar disorder model: It can be obtained by replacing the velocity operators in Ref. [44] by torque operators. We find thatin collinearmagnetswithoutSOI this scattering contribution vanishes. The gyromagnetic ratio is then given purely by the intrinsic contribution Eq. (19). This is an interesting difference to the AHE: Without SOI all contributions to the AHE are zero in collinear magnets, while both the intrinsic and the side- jump contributions are generally nonzero in the presence of SOI. In the absence of SOI Eq. (19) can be expressed in terms of the magnetization [48]: Aint ij=−/planckover2pi1 2µB/summationdisplay kǫijkMk. (24) Inserting Eq. (24) into Eq. (16) yields g=−2, i.e., the expected nonrelativistic value of the g-factor. Theg-factor in the presence of SOI is usually assumed to be given by [49] g=−2Mspin+Morb Mspin=−2M Mspin,(25) whereMorbis the orbital magnetization, Mspinis the spin magnetization and M=Morb+Mspinis the total magnetization. The g-factor obtained from Eq. (25) is usually in good agreementwith experimental results [50]. When SOI is absent, the orbital magnetization is zero, Morb= 0, and consequently Eq. (25) yields g=−2 in that case. Eq. (16) can be rewritten as 1 g=Mspin MµB 2/planckover2pi1Mspin/summationdisplay ijkǫijkAijˆMk=Mspin M1 g1,(26) with 1 g1=µB 2/planckover2pi1Mspin/summationdisplay ijkǫijkAijˆMk. (27) From the comparison of Eq. (26) with Eq. (25) it follows that Eq. (25) holds exactly if g1=−2 is satisfied. How- ever, Eq. (27) usually yields g1=−2 only in collinear magnets when SOI is absent, otherwise g1/negationslash=−2. In the one-dimensionalRashbamodel the orbitalmagnetization is zero,Morb= 0, and consequently 1 g=µB 2/planckover2pi1Mspin/summationdisplay ijkǫijkAijˆMk. (28) The symmetric contribution can be written as Sij= Sint ij+SRR−vert ij+SRA−vert ij, where Sint ij=1 h/integraldisplayddk (2π)dTr/braceleftbig TiGR k(EF)Tj/bracketleftbig GA k(EF)−GR k(EF)/bracketrightbig/bracerightbig (29)5 and SRR−vert ij=−1 h/integraldisplayddk (2π)dTr/braceleftBig ˜TRR iGR k(EF)TjGR k(EF)/bracerightBig (30) and SAR−vert ij=1 h/integraldisplayddk (2π)dTr/braceleftBig ˜TAR iGR k(EF)TjGA k(EF)/bracerightBig , (31) whereGR k(EF) =/planckover2pi1[EF−Hk−ΣR k(EF)]−1is the retarded Green’s function, GA k(EF) =/bracketleftbig GR k(EF)/bracketrightbig†is the advanced Green’s function and ΣR(EF) =U /planckover2pi1/integraldisplayddk (2π)dGR k(EF) (32) is the retarded self-energy. The vertex corrections are determined by the equations ˜TAR=T+U /planckover2pi12/integraldisplayddk (2π)dGA k(EF)˜TAR kGR k(EF) (33) and ˜TRR=T+U /planckover2pi12/integraldisplayddk (2π)dGR k(EF)˜TRR kGR k(EF).(34) In contrast to the antisymmetric tensor A, which be- comes independent of the scattering strength Ufor suf- ficiently small U, i.e., in the clean limit, the symmetric tensorSdepends strongly on Uin metallic systems in the clean limit. Sint ijandSscatt ijdepend therefore on U through the self-energy and through the vertex correc- tions. In the case of the one-dimensional Rashba model, the equations Eq. (19) and Eq. (20) for the antisymmet- ric tensor Aand the equations Eq. (29), Eq. (30) and Eq. (31) for the symmetric tensor Scan be used both for the collinear magnetic state as well as for the spin- spiral of Eq. (5). To obtain the g-factor for the collinear magnetic state, we plug the eigenstates and eigenvalues of Eq. (4) (with ˆM=ˆez) into Eq. (19) and into Eq. (20). In the case of the spin-spiral of Eq. (5) we use instead the eigenstates and eigenvalues of Eq. (7). Similarly, to ob- tain the Gilbert damping in the collinear magnetic state, we evaluate Eq. (29), Eq. (30) and Eq. (31) based on the Hamiltonian in Eq. (4) and for the spin-spiral we use instead the effective Hamiltonian in Eq. (7). C. Current-induced torques The current-induced torque on the magnetization can be expressed in terms of the torkance tensor tijas [15] Ti=/summationdisplay jtijEj, (35)whereEjis thej-th component of the applied elec- tric field and Tiis thei-th component of the torque per volume [51]. tijis the sum of three terms, tij= tI(a) ij+tI(b) ij+tII ij, where [15] tI(a) ij=e h/integraldisplayddk (2π)dTr/angbracketleftbig TiGR k(EF)vjGA k(EF)/angbracketrightbig tI(b) ij=−e h/integraldisplayddk (2π)dReTr/angbracketleftbig TiGR k(EF)vjGR k(EF)/angbracketrightbig tII ij=e h/integraldisplayddk (2π)d/integraldisplayEF −∞dEReTr/angbracketleftbigg TiGR k(E)vjdGR k(E) dE − TidGR k(E) dEvjGR k(E)/angbracketrightbigg .(36) We decompose the torkance into two parts that are, respectively, even and odd with respect to magnetiza- tion reversal, i.e., te ij(ˆM) = [tij(ˆM) +tij(−ˆM)]/2 and to ij(ˆM) = [tij(ˆM)−tij(−ˆM)]/2. In the clean limit, i.e., for U→0, the even torkance can be written as te ij=te,int ij+te,scatt ij, where [15] te,int ij= 2e/planckover2pi1/integraldisplayddk (2π)d/summationdisplay n/negationslash=mfknImTi knmvj kmn (Ekn−Ekm)2(37) is the intrinsic contribution and te,scatt ij=e/planckover2pi1/summationdisplay nm/integraldisplayddk (2π)dδ(EF−Ekn)Im/braceleftBigg /bracketleftBig −Mi knmγkmn γknnvj knn+Aj knmγkmn γknnTi knn/bracketrightBig +/bracketleftBig Mi kmn˜vj knm−Aj kmn˜Ti knm/bracketrightBig −/bracketleftBig Mi knmγkmn γknn˜vj knn−Aj knmγkmn γknn˜Ti knn/bracketrightBig +/bracketleftBig ˜vj kmnγknm γknn˜Ti nn Ekn−Ekm−˜Ti kmnγknm γknn˜vj knn Ekn−Ekm/bracketrightBig +1 2/bracketleftBig ˜vj knm1 Ekn−Ekm˜Ti kmn−˜Ti knm1 Ekn−Ekm˜vj kmn/bracketrightBig +/bracketleftBig vj knnγknm γknn1 Ekn−Ekm˜Ti kmn −Ti knnγknm γknn1 Ekn−Ekm˜vj kmn/bracketrightBig/bracerightBigg . (38) is the scattering contribution. Here, iAj knm=ivj knm Ekm−Ekn=i /planckover2pi1/angbracketleftukn|∂ ∂kj|ukm/angbracketright(39) is the Berry connection in kspace and the vertex correc- tions of the velocity operator solve the equation ˜vi knm=/summationdisplay p/integraldisplaydnk′ (2π)n−1δ(EF−Ek′p) 2γk′pp× ×/angbracketleftukn|uk′p/angbracketright/bracketleftbig ˜vi k′pp+vi k′pp/bracketrightbig /angbracketleftuk′p|ukm/angbracketright.(40)6 The odd contribution can be written as to ij=to,int ij+ tRR−vert ij+tAR−vert ij, where to,int ij=e h/integraldisplayddk (2π)dTr/braceleftbig TiGR k(EF)vj/bracketleftbig GA k(EF)−GR k(EF)/bracketrightbig/bracerightbig (41) and tRR−vert ij=−e h/integraldisplayddk (2π)dTr/braceleftBig ˜TRR iGR k(EF)vjGR k(EF)/bracerightBig (42) and tAR−vert ij=e h/integraldisplayddk (2π)dTr/braceleftBig ˜TAR iGR k(EF)vjGA k(EF)/bracerightBig .(43) The vertex corrections ˜TAR iand˜TRR iof the torque op- erator are given in Eq. (33) and in Eq. (34), respectively. While the even torkance, Eq. (37) and Eq. (38), be- comes independent of the scattering strength Uin the clean limit, i.e., for U→0, the odd torkance to ijdepends strongly on Uin metallic systems in the clean limit [15]. In the case of the one-dimensional Rashba model, the equations Eq. (37) and Eq. (38) for the even torkance te ijand the equations Eq. (41), Eq. (42) and Eq. (43) for the odd torkance to ijcan be used both for the collinear magnetic state as well as for the spin-spiral of Eq. (5). To obtain the even torkance for the collinear magnetic state, we plug the eigenstates and eigenvalues of Eq. (4) (withˆM=ˆez) into Eq. (37) and into Eq. (38). In the case of the spin-spiral of Eq. (5) we use instead the eigen- states and eigenvalues of Eq. (7). Similarly, to obtain the odd torkance in the collinear magnetic state, we evaluate Eq. (41), Eq. (42) and Eq. (43) based on the Hamilto- nian in Eq. (4) and for the spin-spiral we use instead the effective Hamiltonian in Eq. (7). III. RESULTS A. Gyromagnetic ratio We first discuss the g-factor in the collinear case, i.e., whenˆM(r) =ˆez. Inthis casetheenergybandsaregiven by E=/planckover2pi12k2 x 2m±/radicalbigg 1 4(∆V)2+(αRkx)2.(44) When ∆ V/negationslash= 0 orαR/negationslash= 0 the energy Ecan become negative. The band structure of the one-dimensional Rashba model is shown in Fig. 1 for the model param- etersαR=2eV˚A and ∆ V= 0.5eV. For this choice of parameters the energy minima are not located at kx= 0 but instead at kmin x=±/radicalBig (αR)4m2−1 4/planckover2pi14(∆V)2 /planckover2pi12αR,(45)-0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 k-Point kx [Å-1]00.511.5Band energy [eV] FIG. 1: Band structure of theone-dimensional Rashbamodel. and the corresponding minimum of the energy is given by Emin=−m(αR)4+1 4/planckover2pi14 m(∆V)2 2/planckover2pi12(αR)2. (46) The inverse g-factor is shown as a function of the SOI strength αRin Fig. 2 for the exchange splitting ∆ V= 1eV and Fermi energy EF= 1.36eV. At αR= 0 the scattering contribution is zero, i.e., the g-factor is de- termined completely by the intrinsic Berry curvature ex- pression, Eq. (24). Thus, at αR= 0 it assumes the value 1/g=−0.5, which is the expected nonrelativistic value (see the discussion below Eq. (24)). With increasing SOI strength αRthe intrinsic contribution to 1 /gis more and more suppressed. However, the scattering contribution compensates this decrease such that the total 1 /gis close to its nonrelativistic value of −0.5. The neglect of the scattering corrections at large values of αRwould lead in this case to a strong underestimation of the magnitude of 1/g, i.e., a strong overestimation of the magnitude of g. However, at smaller values of the Fermi energy, the gfactor can deviate substantially from its nonrelativis- tic value of −2. To show this we plot in Fig. 3 the in- verseg-factor as a function of the Fermi energy when the exchange splitting and the SOI strength are set to ∆V= 1eV and αR=2eV˚A, respectively. As discussed in Eq. (44) the minimal Fermi energyis negativ in this case. The intrinsic contribution to 1 /gdeclines with increas- ing Fermi energy. At large values of the Fermi energy this decline is compensated by the increase of the vertex corrections and the total value of 1 /gis close to −0.5. Previous theoretical works on the g-factor have not considered the scattering contribution [52]. It is there- fore important to find out whether the compensation of the decrease of the intrinsic contribution by the in-7 00.511.52 SOI strength αR [eVÅ]-0.5-0.4-0.3-0.2-0.101/gscattering intrinsic total FIG. 2: Inverse g-factor vs. SOI strength αRin the one- dimensional Rashba model. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fermi energy [eV]-0.6-0.4-0.201/gscattering intrinsic total FIG. 3: Inverse g-factor vs. Fermi energy in the one- dimensional Rashba model. crease of the extrinsic contribution as discussed in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 is peculiar to the one-dimensional Rashba model or whether it can be found in more general cases. For this reason we evaluate g1for the two-dimensional Rashba model. In Fig. 4 we show the inverse g1-factor in the two-dimensional Rashba model as a function of SOI strength αRfor the exchange splitting ∆ V= 1eV and the Fermi energy EF= 1.36eV. Indeed for αR< 0.5eV˚A the scattering corrections tend to stabilize g1at its non-relativistic value. However, in contrast to the one-dimensional case (Fig. 2), where gdoes not deviate much from its nonrelativistic value up to αR= 2eV˚A, g1starts to be affected by SOI at smaller values of αR in the two-dimensional case. According to Eq. (26) the fullgfactor is given by g=g1(1+Morb/Mspin). There- fore, when the scattering corrections stabilize g1at its00.511.52 SOI strength αR [eVÅ]-0.5-0.4-0.3-0.2-0.101/g1 scattering intrinsic total FIG. 4: Inverse g1-factor vs. SOI strength αRin the two- dimensional Rashba model. nonrelativistic value the Eq. (25) is satisfied. In the two- dimensional Rashba model Morb= 0 when both bands are occupied. For the Fermi energy EF= 1.36eV both bands are occupied and therefore g=g1for the range of parameters used in Fig. 4. The inverse g1of the two-dimensional Rashba model is shown in Fig. 5 as a function of Fermi energy for the parameters ∆ V= 1eV and αR= 2eV˚A. The scattering correction is as large as the intrinsic contribution when EF>1eV. While the scattering correction is therefore important, it is not sufficiently large to bring g1close to its nonrelativistic value in the energy range shown in the figure, which is a major difference to the one-dimensional case illustrated in Fig. 3. According to Eq. (26) the g factor is related to g1byg=g1M/Mspin. Therefore, we show in Fig. 6 the ratio M/Mspinas a function of Fermi energy. AthighFermienergy(whenbothbandsareoccu- pied) the orbital magnetization is zeroand M/Mspin= 1. At low Fermi energy the sign of the orbital magnetiza- tionis oppositeto the signofthe spin magnetizationsuch that the magnitude of Mis smaller than the magnitude ofMspinresulting in the ratio M/Mspin<1. Next, we discuss the g-factor of the one-dimensional Rashba model in the noncollinear case. In Fig. 7 we plot the inverse g-factor and its decomposition into the intrinsic and scattering contributions as a function of the spin-spiral wave vector q, where exchange splitting, SOI strength and Fermi energy are set to ∆ V= 1eV, αR= 2eV˚A andEF= 1.36eV, respectively. Since the curves are not symmetric around q= 0, the g- factor at wave number qdiffers from the one at −q, i.e., thegyromagnetism in the Rashba model is chiral . At q=−2meαR//planckover2pi12theg-factorassumesthevalueof g=−2 and the scattering corrections are zero. Moreover, the curves are symmetric around q=−2meαR//planckover2pi12. These8 0 2 4 6 Fermi energy [eV]-0.5-0.4-0.3-0.2-0.101/g1 scattering intrinsic total FIG. 5: Inverse g1-factor 1 /g1vs. Fermi energy in the two- dimensional Rashba model. -2 0 2 4 6 Fermi energy [eV]00.511.52M/Mspin FIG. 6: Ratio of total magnetization and spin magnetization , M/Mspin, vs. Fermi energy in the two-dimensional Rashba model. observationscan be explained by the concept of the effec- tive SOI introduced in Eq. (9): At q=−2meαR//planckover2pi12the effective SOI is zero and consequently the noncollinear magnet behaves like a collinear magnet without SOI at this value of q. As we have discussed above in Fig. 2, the g-factor of collinear magnets is g=−2 when SOI is ab- sent, which explains why it is also g=−2 in noncollinear magnets with q=−2meαR//planckover2pi12. If only the intrinsic con- tribution is considered and the scattering corrections are neglected, 1 /gvaries much stronger around the point of zero effective SOI q=−2meαR//planckover2pi12, i.e., the scattering corrections stabilize gat its nonrelativistic value close to the point of zero effective SOI.-2 -1 0 1 Wave vector q [Å-1]-0.8-0.6-0.4-0.201/g scattering intrinsic total FIG. 7: Inverse g-factor 1 /gvs. wave number qin the one- dimensional Rashba model. 0 1 2 3 4 Scattering strength U [(eV)2Å]-0.4- Damping αG xx RR-Vertex AR-Vertex intrinsic total FIG. 8: Gilbert damping αG xxvs. scattering strength Uin the one-dimensional Rashba model without SOI. In this case the vertex corrections and the intrinsic contribution sum up to zero. B. Damping We first discuss the Gilbert damping in the collinear case, i.e., we set ˆM(r) =ˆezin Eq. (4). The xxcom- ponent of the Gilbert damping is shown in Fig. 8 as a function of scattering strength Ufor the following model parameters: exchange splitting ∆ V=1eV, Fermi energyEF= 2.72eV and SOI strength αR= 0. All three contributions are individually non-zero, but the contribution from the RR-vertex correction (Eq. (30)) is muchsmallerthanthe onefromthe AR-vertexcorrection (Eq. (31)) and much smaller than the intrinsic contribu- tion (Eq. (29)). However, in this case the total damping is zero, because a non-zero damping in periodic crystals with collinear magnetization is only possible when SOI is present [53].9 1 2 3 4 Scattering strength U [(eV)2Å]050100150200250300Gilbert Damping αG xx RR-Vertex AR-Vertex intrinsic total FIG. 9: Gilbert damping αG xxvs. scattering strength Uin the one-dimensional Rashba model with SOI. In Fig. 9 we show the xxcomponent of the Gilbert damping αG xxas a function of scattering strength Ufor the model parameters ∆ V= 1eV, EF= 2.72eV and αR= 2eV˚A. ThedominantcontributionistheAR-vertex correction. The damping as obtained based on Eq. (10) diverges like 1 /Uin the limit U→0, i.e., proportional to the relaxation time τ[53]. However, once the relax- ation time τis larger than the inverse frequency of the magnetization dynamics the dc-limit ω→0 in Eq. (10) is not appropriate and ω >0 needs to be used. It has beenshownthattheGilbertdampingisnotinfinite inthe ballistic limit τ→ ∞whenω >0 [41, 42]. In the one- dimensional Rashba model the effective magnetic field exerted by SOI on the electron spins points in ydirec- tion. Since a magnetic field along ydirection cannot lead toatorquein ydirectionthe yycomponentoftheGilbert damping αG yyis zero (not shown in the Figure). Next, we discuss the Gilbert damping in the non- collinear case. In Fig. 10 we plot the xxcomponent of the Gilbert damping as a function of spin spiral wave number qfor the model parameters ∆ V= 1eV, EF= 1.36eV,αR= 2eV˚A, and the scattering strength U= 0.98(eV)2˚A. The curves are symmetric around q=−2meαR//planckover2pi12, because the damping is determined by the effective SOI defined in Eq. (9). At q=−2meαR//planckover2pi12 the effective SOI is zero and therefore the total damp- ing is zero as well. The damping at wave number qdif- fers from the one at wave number −q, i.e.,the damp- ing is chiral in the Rashba model . Around the point q=−2meαR//planckover2pi12the damping is described by aquadratic parabola at first. In the regions -2 ˚A−1< q <-1.2˚A−1 and 0.2˚A−1< q <1˚A−1this trend is interrupted by a W- shape behaviour. In the quadratic parabola region the lowest energy band crosses the Fermi energy twice. As shown in Fig. 1 the lowest band has a local maximum at-2-1.5-1-0.500.51 Wave vector q [Å-1]05101520Gilbert damping αxxG RR-Vertex AR-Vertex intrinsic total FIG. 10: Gilbert damping αG xxvs. spin spiral wave number q in the one-dimensional Rashba model. q= 0. In the W-shape region this local maximum shifts upwards, approaches the Fermi level and finally passes it such that the lowest energy band crosses the Fermi level four times. This transition in the band structure leads to oscillations in the density of states, which results in the W-shape behaviour of the Gilbert damping. Since the damping is determined by the effective SOI, we can use Fig. 10 to draw conclusions about the damp- ing in the noncollinear case with αR= 0: We only need to shift all curves in Fig. 10 to the right such that they are symmetric around q= 0 and shift the Fermi energy. Thus, for αR= 0 the Gilbert damping does not vanish ifq/negationslash= 0. Since for αR= 0 angular momentum transfer from the electronic system to the lattice is not possible, the damping is purely nonlocal in this case, i.e., angular momentum is interchanged between electrons at differ- ent positions. This means that for a volume in which the magnetization of the spin-spiral in Eq. (5) performs exactly one revolution between one end of the volume and the other end the total angular momentum change associated with the damping is zero, because the angu- lar momentum is simply redistributed within this volume and there is no net change of the angular momentum. A substantial contribution of nonlocal damping has also been predicted for domain walls in permalloy [35]. In Fig. 11 we plot the yycomponent of the Gilbert damping as a function of spin spiral wave number qfor the model parameters ∆ V= 1eV,EF= 1.36eV,αR= 2eV˚A, and the scattering strength U= 0.98(eV)2˚A. The totaldampingiszerointhiscase. Thiscanbeunderstood from the symmetry properties of the one-dimensional Rashba Hamiltonian, Eq. (4): Since this Hamiltonian is invariant when both σandˆMare rotated around the yaxis, the damping coefficient αG yydoes not depend on the position within the cycloidal spin spiral of Eq. (5).10 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 Wave vector q [Å-1]-0.4- Damping αG yyRR-Vertex AR-Vertex intrinsic total FIG. 11: Gilbert damping αG yyvs. spin spiral wave number q in the one-dimensional Rashba model. Therefore, nonlocal damping is not possible in this case andαG yyhas to be zero when αR= 0. It remains to be shown that αG yy= 0 also for αR/negationslash= 0. However, this fol- lows directly from the observation that the damping is determined by the effective SOI, Eq. (9), meaning that any case with q/negationslash= 0 and αR/negationslash= 0 can always be mapped onto a case with q/negationslash= 0 and αR= 0. As an alternative argumentation we can also invoke the finding discussed abovethat αG yy= 0 in the collinearcase. Since the damp- ing is determined by the effective SOI, it follows that αG yy= 0 also in the noncollinear case. C. Current-induced torques We first discuss the yxcomponent of the torkance. In Fig. 12 we show the torkance tyxas a function of the Fermi energy EFfor the model parameters ∆ V= 1eV andαR= 2eV˚A when the magnetization is collinear and points in zdirection. We specify the torkance in units of the positive elementary charge e, which is a convenient choice for the one-dimensional Rashba model. When the torkance is multiplied with the electric field, we ob- tain the torque per length (see Eq. (35) and Ref. [51]). Since the effective magnetic field from SOI points in ydirection, it cannot give rise to a torque in ydirec- tion and consequently the total tyxis zero. Interest- ingly, the intrinsic and scattering contributions are indi- vidually nonzero. The intrinsic contribution is nonzero, because the electric field accelerates the electrons such that/planckover2pi1˙kx=−eEx. Therefore, the effective magnetic fieldBSOI y=αRkx/µBchanges as well, i.e., ˙BSOI y= αR˙kx/µB=−αRExe/(/planckover2pi1µB). Consequently, the electron spin is no longer aligned with the total effective magnetic field (the effective magnetic field resulting from both SOI-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Fermi energy [eV]-0.2- tyx [e]scattering intrinsic total FIG. 12: Torkance tyxvs. Fermi energy EFin the one- dimensional Rashba model. and from the exchange splitting ∆ V), when an electric field is applied. While the total effective magnetic field lies in the yzplane, the electron spin acquires an xcom- ponent, because it precesses around the total effective magnetic field, with which it is not aligned due to the applied electric field [54]. The xcomponent of the spin density results in a torque in ydirection, which is the reason why the intrinsic contribution to tyxis nonzero. The scattering contribution to tyxcancels the intrinsic contribution such that the total tyxis zero and angular momentum conservation is satisfied. Using the concept of effective SOI, Eq. (9), we con- clude that tyxis also zero for the noncollinear spin-spiral described by Eq. (5). Thus, both the ycomponent of the spin-orbit torque and the nonadiabatic torque are zero for the one-dimensional Rashba model. To show that tyx= 0 is a peculiarity of the one- dimensional Rashba model, we plot in Fig. 13 the torkance tyxin the two-dimensional Rashba model. The intrinsic and scattering contributions depend linearly on αRfor small values of αR, but the slopes are opposite such that the total tyxis zero for sufficiently small αR. However, for largervalues of αRthe intrinsic and scatter- ing contributions do not cancel each other and therefore the total tyxbecomes nonzero, in contrast to the one- dimensional Rashba model, where tyx= 0 even for large αR. Several previous works determined the part of tyx that is proportionalto αRin the two-dimensionalRashba model and found it to be zero [21, 22] for scalar disor- der, which is consistent with our finding that the linear slopes of the intrinsic and scattering contributions to tyx are opposite for small αR. Next, we discuss the xxcomponent of the torkance in the collinear case ( ˆM=ˆez). In Fig. 14 we plot the torkance txxvs. scattering strength Uin the one-11 00.511.52 SOI strength αR [eVÅ]-0.00500.0050.01Torkance tyx [e/Å] scattering intrinsic total FIG. 13: Nonadiabatic torkance tyxvs. SOI parameter αRin the two-dimensional Rashba model. dimensional Rashba model for the parameters ∆ V= 1eV,EF= 2.72eV and αR= 2eV˚A. The dominant con- tribution is the AR-type vertex correction (see Eq. (43)). txxdiverges like 1 /Uin the limit U→0 as expected for the odd torque in metallic systems [15]. In Fig. 15 and Fig. 16 we plot txxas a function of spin-spiral wave number qfor the model parameters ∆V= 1eV,EF= 2.72eV and U= 0.18(eV)2˚A. In Fig. 15 the case with αR= 2eV˚A is shown, while Fig. 16 illus- trates the case with αR= 0. In the case αR= 0 the torkance txxdescribes the spin-transfer torque (STT). In the case αR/negationslash= 0 the torkance txxis the sum of contribu- tions from STT and spin-orbit torque (SOT). The curves withαR= 0 andαR/negationslash= 0 are essentially related by a shift of ∆q=−2meαR//planckover2pi12, which can be understood based on the concept of the effective SOI, Eq. (9). Thus, in the special case of the one-dimensional Rashba model STT and SOT are strongly related. IV. SUMMARY We study chiral damping, chiral gyromagnetism and current-induced torques in the one-dimensional Rashba model with an additional N´ eel-type noncollinear mag- netic exchange field. In order to describe scattering ef- fects we use a Gaussian scalar disorder model. Scat- tering contributions are generally important in the one- dimensional Rashba model with the exception of the gy- romagnetic ratio in the collinear case with zero SOI, where the scattering correctionsvanish in the clean limit. In the one-dimensional Rashba model SOI and non- collinearity can be combined into an effective SOI. Us- ing the concept of effective SOI, results for the mag- netically collinear one-dimensional Rashba model can be used to predict the behaviour in the noncollinear case.1 2 3 4 Scattering strength U [(eV)2Å]-6-4-20Torkance txx [e] RR-Vertex AR-Vertex intrinsic total FIG. 14: Torkance txxvs. scattering strength Uin the one- dimensional Rashba model. -2 -1 0 1 Wave vector q [Å-1]-4-2024Torkance txx [e]RR-Vertex AR-Vertex intrinsic total FIG. 15: Torkance txxvs. wave vector qin the one- dimensional Rashba model with SOI. In the noncollinear Rashba model the Gilbert damp- ing is nonlocal and does not vanish for zero SOI. The scattering corrections tend to stabilize the gyromagnetic ratio in the one-dimensional Rashba model at its non- relativistic value. Both the Gilbert damping and the gyromagnetic ratio are chiral for nonzero SOI strength. The antidamping-like spin-orbit torque and the nonadi- abatic torque for N´ eel-type spin-spirals are zero in the one-dimensional Rashba model, while the antidamping- like spin-orbit torque is nonzero in the two-dimensional Rashba model for sufficiently large SOI-strength. ∗Corresp. author: f.freimuth@fz-juelich.de12 -1-0.500.51 Wave vector q [Å-1]-4-2024Torkance txx [e]RR-Vertex AR-Vertex intrinsic total FIG. 16: Torkance txxvs. wave vector qin the one- dimensional Rashba model without SOI. [1] T. Moriya, Phys. Rev. 120, 91 (1960). [2] I. Dzyaloshinsky, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids4, 241 (1958). [3] M. Heide, G. Bihlmayer, and S. Bl¨ ugel, Phys. Rev. B 78, 140403 (2008). [4] P. Ferriani, K. von Bergmann, E. Y. Vedmedenko, S. Heinze, M. Bode, M. 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current-induced torques in the one-dimensional Rashba model with an additional
noncollinear magnetic exchange field. We find that the Gilbert damping differs
between left-handed and right-handed N\'eel-type magnetic domain walls due to
the combination of spatial inversion asymmetry and spin-orbit interaction
(SOI), consistent with recent experimental observations of chiral damping.
Additionally, we find that also the spectroscopic $g$ factor differs between
left-handed and right-handed N\'eel-type domain walls, which we call chiral
gyromagnetism. We also investigate the gyromagnetic ratio in the Rashba model
with collinear magnetization, where we find that scattering corrections to the
$g$ factor vanish for zero SOI, become important for finite spin-orbit
coupling, and tend to stabilize the gyromagnetic ratio close to its
nonrelativistic value. | Chiral damping, chiral gyromagnetism and current-induced torques in textured one-dimensional Rashba ferromagnets | 1708.02008v2 |
arXiv:2005.12756v1 [math.AP] 24 May 2020A TRANSMISSION PROBLEM FOR THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH ONE LO CAL KELVIN-VOIGT DAMPING AND NON-SMOOTH COEFFICIENT AT THE INT ERFACE MOUHAMMAD GHADER AND ALI WEHBE LEBANESE UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF SCIENCES 1, KHAWARIZMI LAB ORATORY OF MATHEMATICS AND APPLICATIONS-KALMA, HADATH-BEIRUT. EMAILS: MHAMMADGHADER@HOTMAIL.COM AND ALI.WEHBE@UL.EDU .LB. Abstract. In this paper, we study the indirect stability of Timoshenko system with local or global Kelvin–Voigt damping, under fully Dirichlet or mixed boundary conditions. Unlike [ 43] and [ 39], in this paper, we consider the Timoshenko system with only one locally or globally distributed Kelvin-Voigt damping D(see System ( 1.1)). Indeed, we prove that the energy of the system decays polynomially of type t−1and that this decay rate is in some sense optimal. The method i s based on the frequency domain approach combining with multiplier method. MSC Classification. 35B35; 35B40; 93D20. Keywords. Timoshenko beam; Kelvin-Voigt damping; Semigroup; Stabil ity. 1.Introduction In this paper, we study the indirect stability of a one-dimen sional Timoshenko system with only one local or global Kelvin-Voigt damping. This system consists of two co upled hyperbolic equations: (1.1)ρ1utt−k1(ux+y)x= 0, (x,t)∈(0,L)×R+, ρ2ytt−(k2yx+Dyxt)x+k1(ux+y) = 0,(x,t)∈(0,L)×R+. System ( 1.1) is subject to the following initial conditions: (1.2)u(x,0) =u0(x), ut(x,0) =u1(x), x∈(0,L), y(x,0) =y0(x), yt(x,0) =y1(x), x∈(0,L), in addition to the following boundary conditions: (1.3) u(0,t) =y(0,t) =u(L,t) =y(L,t) = 0, t∈R+, or (1.4) u(0,t) =yx(0,t) =u(L,t) =yx(L,t) = 0, t∈R+. Here the coefficients ρ1, ρ2, k1, andk2are strictly positive constant numbers. The function D∈L∞(0,L), such thatD(x)≥0,∀x∈[0,L]. We assume that there exist D0>0,α, β∈R,0≤α<β≤L,such that (H) D∈C([α,β])andD(x)≥D0>0∀x∈(α,β). The hypothesis (H) means that the control Dcan be locally near the boundary (see Figures 1aand1b), or locally internal (see Figure 2a), or globally (see Figure 2b). Indeed, in the case when Dis local damping (i.e., α/ne}ationslash= 0orβ/ne}ationslash=L), we see that Dis not necessary continuous over (0,L)(see Figures 1a,1b, and 2a). The Timoshenko system is usually considered in describing t he transverse vibration of a beam and ignoring damping effects of any nature. Indeed, we have the following m odel, see in [ 40], /braceleftigg ρϕtt= (K(ϕx−ψ))x Iρψtt= (EIψx)x−K(ϕx−ψ), whereϕis the transverse displacement of the beam and ψis the rotation angle of the filament of the beam. The coefficients ρ, Iρ, E, I, andKare respectively the density (the mass per unit length), the polar moment 1STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING x 0αβ=LD(x) D(x) Figure 1ax 0 =αβLD(x) D(x) Figure 1b x 0αβLD(x)D(x) D(x) Figure 2ax 0 =αL=βD(x) Figure 2b of inertia of a cross section, Young’s modulus of elasticity , the moment of inertia of a cross section and the shear modulus respectively. The stabilization of the Timoshenko system with different ki nds of damping has been studied in number of publications. For the internal stabilization, Raposo and a l. in [ 34] showed that the Timoshenko system with two internal distributed dissipation is exponentially sta ble. Messaoudi and Mustafa in [ 27] extended the results to nonlinear feedback laws. Soufyane and Wehbe in [ 37] showed that Timoshenko system with one internal distributed dissipation law is exponentially stable if and only if the wave propagation speeds are equal (i.e., k1 ρ1=ρ2 k2), otherwise, only the strong stability holds. Indeed, Rive ra and Racke in [ 30] they improved the results of [ 37], where an exponential decay of the solution of the system ha s been established, allowing the coefficient of the feedback to be with an indefinite sign. Wehbe and Youssef in [ 41] proved that the Timoshenko system with one locally distributed viscous feedback is exp onentially stable if and only if the wave propagation speeds are equal (i.e.,k1 ρ1=ρ2 k2), otherwise, only the polynomial stability holds. Tebou in [38] showed that the Timoshenko beam with same feedback control in both equat ions is exponentially stable. The stability of the Timoshenko system with thermoelastic dissipation ha s been studied in [ 36], [12], [13], and [ 15]. The stability of Timoshenko system with memory type has been stu died in [ 3], [36], [14], [28], and [ 1]. For the boundary stabilization of the Timoshenko beam. Kim and Rena rdy in [ 19] showed that the Timoshenko beam under two boundary controls is exponentially stable. Ammar -Khodja and al. in [ 4] studied the decay rate of the energy of the nonuniform Timoshenko beam with two boun dary controls acting in the rotation-angle equation. In fact, under the equal speed wave propagation co ndition, they established exponential decay results up to an unknown finite dimensional space of initial data. In a ddition, they showed that the equal speed wave propagation condition is necessary for the exponential sta bility. However, in the case of non-equal speed, no decay rate has been discussed. This result has been recently improved by Wehbe and al. in [ 7]; i.e., the authors in [7], proved nonuniform stability and an optimal polynomial en ergy decay rate of the Timoshenko system with only one dissipation law on the boundary. For the stabil ization of the Timoshenko beam with nonlinear term, we mention [ 29], [2], [5], [27], [10], and [ 15]. Kelvin-Voigt material is a viscoelastic structure having p roperties of both elasticity and viscosity. There are a number of publications concerning the stabilization o f wave equation with global or local Kelvin-Voigt damping. For the global case, the authors in [ 16,21], proved the analyticity and the exponential stability of t he semigroup. When the Kelvin-Voigt damping is localized on an interval of the string, the regularity and stability 2STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING of the solution depend on the properties of the damping coeffic ient. Notably, the system is more effectively controlled by the local Kelvin-Voigt damping when the coeffic ient changes more smoothly near the interface (see [22,35,42,25,23]). Last but not least, in addition to the previously cited paper s, the stability of the Timoshenko system with Kelvin-Voigt damping has been studied in few papers. Zhao an d al. in [ 43] they considered the Timoshenko system with local distributed Kelvin–Voigt damping: (1.5)ρ1utt−[k1(ux+y)x+D1(uxt−yt)]x= 0, (x,t)∈(0,L)×R+, ρ2ytt−(k2yx+D2yxt)x+k1(ux+y)x+D1(uxt−yt) = 0,(x,t)∈(0,L)×R+. They proved that the energy of the System ( 1.5) subject to Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions has an exponential decay rate when coefficient functions D1, D2∈C1,1([0,L])and satisfy D1≤cD2(c >0).Tian and Zhang in [ 39] considered the Timoshenko System ( 1.5) under fully Dirichlet boundary conditions with locally or globally distributed Kelvin-Voigt damping when coefficient functions D1, D2∈C([0,L]). First, when the Kelvin-Voigt damping is globally distributed, the y showed that the Timoshenko System ( 1.5) under fully Dirichlet boundary conditions is analytic. Next, for their system with local Kelvin-Voigt damping, they analyzed the exponential and polynomial stability accordi ng to the properties of coefficient functions D1, D2. Unlike [ 43] and [ 39], in this paper, we consider the Timoshenko system with only one locally or globally distributed Kelvin-Voigt damping D(see System ( 1.1)). Indeed, in this paper, under hypothesis (H), we show that the energy of the Timoshenko System ( 1.1) subject to initial state ( 1.2) to either the boundary conditions (1.3) or (1.4) has a polynomial decay rate of type t−1and that this decay rate is in some sense optimal. This paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, first, we show that the Timoshenko System ( 1.1) subject to initial state ( 1.2) to either the boundary conditions ( 1.3) or (1.4) can reformulate into an evolution equation and we deduce the well-posedness property of the problem by t he semigroup approach. Second, using a criteria of Arendt-Batty [ 6], we show that our system is strongly stable. In Section 3, we show that the Timoshenko System ( 1.1)-(1.2) with the boundary conditions ( 1.4) is not uniformly exponentially stable. In Section 4, we prove the polynomial energy decay rate of type t−1for the System ( 1.1)-(1.2) to either the boundary conditions (1.3) or (1.4). Moreover, we prove that this decay rate is in some sense opt imal. 2.Well-Posedness and Strong Stability 2.1.Well-posedness of the problem. In this part, under condition (H), using a semigroup approac h, we establish well-posedness result for the Timoshenko System (1.1)-(1.2) to either the boundary conditions ( 1.3) or (1.4). The energy of solutions of the System ( 1.1) subject to initial state ( 1.2) to either the boundary conditions (1.3) or (1.4) is defined by: E(t) =1 2/integraldisplayL 0/parenleftig ρ1|ut|2+ρ2|yt|2+k1|ux+y|2+k2|yx|2/parenrightig dx. Let(u,y)be a regular solution for the System ( 1.1). Multiplying the first and the second equation of ( 1.1) by utandyt,respectively, then using the boundary conditions ( 1.3) or (1.4), we get E′(t) =−/integraldisplayL 0D(x)|yxt|2dx≤0. Thus System ( 1.1) subject to initial state ( 1.2) to either the boundary conditions ( 1.3) or (1.4) is dissipative in the sense that its energy is non increasing with respect to th e timet. Let us define the energy spaces H1and H2by: H1=H1 0(0,L)×L2(0,L)×H1 0(0,L)×L2(0,L) and H2=H1 0(0,L)×L2(0,L)×H1 ∗(0,L)×L2(0,L), such that H1 ∗(0,L) =/braceleftigg f∈H1(0,L)|/integraldisplayL 0fdx= 0/bracerightigg . 3STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING It is easy to check that the space H1 ∗is Hilbert spaces over Cequipped with the norm /bardblu/bardbl2 H1 ∗(0,L)=/bardblux/bardbl2, where/bardbl· /bardbldenotes the usual norm of L2(0,L). Both energy spaces H1andH2are equipped with the inner product defined by: /an}bracketle{tU,U1/an}bracketri}htHj=ρ1/integraldisplayL 0vv1dx+ρ2/integraldisplayL 0zz1dx+k1/integraldisplayL 0(ux+y)((u1)x+y1)dx+k2/integraldisplayL 0yx(y1)xdx for allU= (u,v,y,z)andU1= (u1,v1,y1,z1)inHj,j= 1,2. We use /bardblU/bardblHjto denote the corresponding norms. We now define the following unbounded linear operator sAjinHjby D(A1) =/braceleftbig U= (u,v,y,z)∈ H1|v, z∈H1 0(0,L), u∈H2(0,L),(k2yx+Dzx)x∈L2(0,L)/bracerightbig , D(A2) =/braceleftbigg U= (u,v,y,z)∈ H2|v∈H1 0(0,L), z∈H1 ∗(0,L), u∈H2(0,L), (k2yx+Dzx)x∈L2(0,L), yx(0) =yx(L) = 0/bracerightbigg and forj= 1,2, AjU=/parenleftbigg v,k1 ρ1(ux+y)x,z,1 ρ2(k2yx+Dzx)x−k1 ρ2(ux+y)/parenrightbigg ,∀U= (u,v,y,z)∈D(Aj). IfU= (u,ut,y,yt)is the state of System ( 1.1)-(1.2) to either the boundary conditions ( 1.3) or (1.4), then the Timoshenko system is transformed into a first order evolutio n equation on the Hilbert space Hj: (2.1)/braceleftigg Ut(x,t) =AjU(x,t), U(x,0) =U0(x), where U0(x) = (u0(x),u1(x),y0(x),y1(x)). Proposition 2.1. Under hypothesis (H), for j= 1,2,the unbounded linear operator Ajis m-dissipative in the energy space Hj. Proof. Letj= 1,2, forU= (u,v,y,z)∈D(Aj), one has ℜ/an}bracketle{tAjU,U/an}bracketri}htHj=−/integraldisplayL 0D(x)|zx|2dx≤0, which implies that Ajis dissipative under hypothesis (H). Here ℜis used to denote the real part of a complex number. We next prove the maximality of Aj. ForF= (f1,f2,f3,f4)∈ Hj, we prove the existence of U= (u,v,y,z)∈D(Aj), unique solution of the equation −AjU=F. Equivalently, one must consider the system given by −v=f1, (2.2) −k1(ux+y)x=ρ1f2, (2.3) −z=f3, (2.4) −(k2yx+Dzx)x+k1(ux+y) =ρ2f4, (2.5) with the boundary conditions (2.6) u(0) =u(L) =v(0) =v(L) = 0 and/braceleftigg y(0) =y(L) =z(0) =z(L) = 0,forj= 1, yx(0) =yx(L) = 0, forj= 2. Let(ϕ,ψ)∈ Vj(0,L), whereV1(0,L) =H1 0(0,L)×H1 0(0,L)andV2(0,L) =H1 0(0,L)×H1 ∗(0,L). Multiplying Equations ( 2.3) and ( 2.5) byϕandψrespectively, integrating in (0,L), taking the sum, then using Equation (2.4) and the boundary condition ( 2.6), we get (2.7)/integraldisplayL 0/parenleftig k1(ux+y)(ϕx+ψ)+k2yxψx/parenrightig dx=/integraldisplayL 0/parenleftbig ρ1f1¯ϕ+ρ2f4¯ψ+D(f3)xψx/parenrightbig dx,∀(ϕ,ψ)∈ Vj(0,L). 4STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING The left hand side of ( 2.7) is a bilinear continuous coercive form on Vj(0,L)×Vj(0,L), and the right hand side of (2.7) is a linear continuous form on Vj(0,L). Then, using Lax-Milligram theorem (see in [ 32]), we deduce that there exists (u,y)∈ Vj(0,L)unique solution of the variational Problem ( 2.7). Thus, using ( 2.2), (2.4), and classical regularity arguments, we conclude that −AjU=Fadmits a unique solution U∈D(Aj)and consequently 0∈ρ(Aj), whereρ(Aj)denotes the resolvent set of Aj. Then, Ajis closed and consequently ρ(Aj)is open set of C(see Theorem 6.7 in [ 18]). Hence, we easily get λ∈ρ(Aj)for sufficiently small λ>0. This, together with the dissipativeness of Aj, imply that D(Aj)is dense in Hjand that Ajis m-dissipative in Hj(see Theorems 4.5, 4.6 in [ 32]). Thus, the proof is complete. /square Thanks to Lumer-Phillips theorem (see [ 26,32]), we deduce that Ajgenerates a C0-semigroup of contraction etAjinHjand therefore Problem ( 2.1) is well-posed. Then, we have the following result. Theorem 2.2. Under hypothesis (H), for j= 1,2,for anyU0∈ Hj, the Problem ( 2.1) admits a unique weak solutionU(x,t) =etAjU0(x), such that U∈C(R+;Hj). Moreover, if U0∈D(Aj),then U∈C(R+;D(Aj))∩C1(R+;Hj). /square Before starting the main results of this work, we introduce h ere the notions of stability that we encounter in this work. Definition 2.3. LetA:D(A)⊂H→Hgenerate a C 0−semigroup of contractions/parenleftbig etA/parenrightbig t≥0onH. The C0-semigroup/parenleftbig etA/parenrightbig t≥0is said to be 1. strongly stable if lim t→+∞/bardbletAx0/bardblH= 0,∀x0∈H; 2. exponentially (or uniformly) stable if there exist two po sitive constants Mandǫsuch that /bardbletAx0/bardblH≤Me−ǫt/bardblx0/bardblH,∀t>0,∀x0∈H; 3. polynomially stable if there exists two positive constan tsCandαsuch that /bardbletAx0/bardblH≤Ct−α/bardblAx0/bardblH,∀t>0,∀x0∈D(A). In that case, one says that solutions of ( 2.1) decay at a rate t−α. TheC0-semigroup/parenleftbig etA/parenrightbig t≥0is said to be polynomially stable with optimal decay rate t−α(withα >0) if it is polynomially stable with decay ratet−αand, for any ε>0small enough, there exists solutions of ( 2.1) which do not decay at a ratet−(α+ε). /square We now look for necessary conditions to show the strong stabi lity of theC0-semigroup/parenleftbig etA/parenrightbig t≥0. We will rely on the following result obtained by Arendt and Batty in [ 6]. Theorem 2.4 (Arendt and Batty in [ 6]).LetA:D(A)⊂H→Hgenerate a C 0−semigroup of contractions/parenleftbig etA/parenrightbig t≥0onH. If 1.Ahas no pure imaginary eigenvalues, 2.σ(A)∩iRis countable, whereσ(A)denotes the spectrum of A, then theC0-semigroup/parenleftbig etA/parenrightbig t≥0is strongly stable. /square Our subsequent findings on polynomial stability will rely on the following result from [ 9,24,8], which gives necessary and sufficient conditions for a semigroup to be poly nomially stable. For this aim, we recall the following standard result (see [ 9,24,8] for part (i) and [ 17,33] for part (ii)). Theorem 2.5. LetA:D(A)⊂H→Hgenerate a C 0−semigroup of contractions/parenleftbig etA/parenrightbig t≥0onH. Assume thatiλ∈ρ(A),∀λ∈R. Then, the C0-semigroup/parenleftbig etA/parenrightbig t≥0is 5STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING (i) Polynomially stable of order1 ℓ(ℓ>0)if and only if lim sup λ∈R,|λ|→∞|λ|−ℓ/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble(iλI−A)−1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble L(H)<+∞. (ii) Exponentially stable if and only if lim sup λ∈R,|λ|→∞/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble(iλI−A)−1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble L(H)<+∞. /square 2.2.Strong stability. In this part, we use general criteria of Arendt-Batty in [ 6] (see Theorem 2.4) to show the strong stability of the C0-semigroup etAjassociated to the Timoshenko System ( 2.1). Our main result is the following theorem. Theorem 2.6. Assume that (H) is true. Then, for j= 1,2,theC0−semigroupetAjis strongly stable in Hj; i.e., for allU0∈ Hj, the solution of ( 2.1) satisfies lim t→+∞/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleetAjU0/vextenddouble/vextenddouble Hj= 0. The argument for Theorem 2.6relies on the subsequent lemmas. Lemma 2.7. Under hypothesis (H), for j= 1,2,one has ker(iλI−Aj) ={0},∀λ∈R. Proof. Forj= 1,2, from Proposition 2.1, we deduce that 0∈ρ(Aj). We still need to show the result for λ∈R∗. Suppose that there exists a real number λ/ne}ationslash= 0andU= (u,v,y,z)∈D(Aj)such that AjU=iλU. Equivalently, we have (2.8) v=iλu, k1(ux+y)x=iρ1λv, z=iλy, (k2yx+Dzx)x−k1(ux+y) =iρ2λz. First, a straightforward computation gives 0 =ℜ/an}bracketle{tiλU,U/an}bracketri}htHj=ℜ/an}bracketle{tAjU,U/an}bracketri}htHj=−/integraldisplayL 0D(x)|zx|2dx, using hypothesis (H), we deduce that (2.9) Dzx= 0 over(0,L)andzx= 0 over(α,β). Inserting ( 2.9) in (2.8), we get u=yx= 0,over(α,β), (2.10) k1uxx+ρ1λ2u+k1yx= 0,over(0,L), (2.11) −k1ux+k2yxx+/parenleftbig ρ2λ2−k1/parenrightbig y= 0,over(0,L), (2.12) with the following boundary conditions (2.13) u(0) =u(L) =y(0) =y(L) = 0,ifj= 1 oru(0) =u(L) =yx(0) =yx(L) = 0,ifj= 2. In fact, System ( 2.11)-(2.13) admits a unique solution (u,y)∈C2((0,L)). From ( 2.10) and by the uniqueness of solutions, we get (2.14) u=yx= 0,over(0,L). 1. Ifj= 1, from ( 2.14) and the fact that y(0) = 0,we get u=y= 0,over(0,L), hence,U= 0. In this case the proof is complete. 6STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING 2. Ifj= 2, from ( 2.14) and the fact that y∈H1 ∗(0,L)(i.e.,/integraltextL 0ydx= 0),we get u=y= 0,over(0,L), therefore,U= 0, also in this case the proof is complete. /square Lemma 2.8. Under hypothesis (H), for j= 1,2,for allλ∈R, theniλI−Ajis surjective. Proof. LetF= (f1,f2,f3,f4)∈ Hj, we look for U= (u,v,y,z)∈D(Aj)solution of (iλU−Aj)U=F. Equivalently, we have v=iλu−f1, (2.15) z=iλy−f3, (2.16) λ2u+k1 ρ1(ux+y)x=F1, (2.17) λ2y+ρ2−1[(k2+iλD)yx]x−k1 ρ2(ux+y) =F2, (2.18) with the boundary conditions (2.19) u(0) =u(L) =v(0) =v(L) = 0 and/braceleftigg y(0) =y(L) =z(0) =z(L) = 0,forj= 1, yx(0) =yx(L) = 0, forj= 2. Such that /braceleftigg F1=−f2−iλf1∈L2(0,L), F2=−f4−iλf3+ρ2−1(D(f3)x)x∈H−1(0,L). We define the operator Ljby LjU=/parenleftbigg −k1 ρ1(ux+y)x,−ρ−1 2[(k2+iλD)yx]x+k1 ρ2(ux+y)/parenrightbigg ,∀ U= (u,y)∈ Vj(0,L), where V1(0,L) =H1 0(0,L)×H1 0(0,L)andV2(0,L) =H1 0(0,L)×H1 ∗(0,L). Using Lax-Milgram theorem, it is easy to show that Ljis an isomorphism from Vj(0,L)onto(H−1(0,L))2. LetU= (u,y)andF= (−F1,−F2), then we transform System ( 2.17)-(2.18) into the following form (2.20) U −λ2L−1 jU=L−1F. Using the compactness embeddings from L2(0,L)intoH−1(0,L)and fromH1 0(0,L)intoL2(0,L), and from H1 L(0,L)intoL2(0,L), we deduce that the operator L−1 jis compact from L2(0,L)×L2(0,L)intoL2(0,L)× L2(0,L). Consequently, by Fredholm alternative, proving the exist ence ofUsolution of ( 2.20) reduces to provingker/parenleftbig I−λ2L−1 j/parenrightbig = 0. Indeed, if (ϕ,ψ)∈ker(I−λ2L−1 j), then we have λ2(ϕ,ψ)− Lj(ϕ,ψ) = 0. It follows that (2.21) λ2ϕ+k1 ρ1(ϕx+ψ)x= 0, λ2ψ+ρ2−1[(k2+iλD)ψx]x−k1 ρ2(ϕx+ψ) = 0, with the following boundary conditions (2.22) ϕ(0) =ϕ(L) =ψ(0) =ψ(L) = 0,ifj= 1 orϕ(0) =ϕ(L) =ψx(0) =ψx(L) = 0,ifj= 2. It is now easy to see that if (ϕ,ψ)is a solution of System ( 2.21)-(2.22), then the vector Vdefined by V= (ϕ,iλϕ,ψ,iλψ ) belongs toD(Aj)andiλV−AjV= 0.Therefore,V∈ker(iλI−Aj). Using Lemma 2.7, we getV= 0, and so ker(I−λ2L−1 j) ={0}. 7STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING Thanks to Fredholm alternative, the Equation ( 2.20) admits a unique solution (u,v)∈ Vj(0,L). Thus, using (2.15), (2.17) and a classical regularity arguments, we conclude that (iλ−Aj)U=Fadmits a unique solution U∈D(Aj). Thus, the proof is complete. /square We are now in a position to conclude the proof of Theorem 2.6. Proof of Theorem 2.6.Using Lemma 2.7, we directly deduce that Ajha non pure imaginary eigenvalues. According to Lemmas 2.7,2.8and with the help of the closed graph theorem of Banach, we ded uce that σ(Aj)∩iR={∅}. Thus, we get the conclusion by applying Theorem 2.4of Arendt and Batty. /square 3.Lack of exponential stability of A2 In this section, our goal is to show that the Timoshenko Syste m (1.1)-(1.2) with Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions ( 1.4) is not exponentially stable. 3.1.Lack of exponential stability of A2with global Kelvin–Voigt damping. In this part, assume that (3.1) D(x) =D0>0,∀x∈(0,L), whereD0∈R+ ∗. We prove the following theorem. Theorem 3.1. Under hypothesis ( 3.1), forǫ>0(small enough ), we cannot expect the energy decay rate t−2 2−ǫ for all initial data U0∈D(A2)and for allt>0. Proof. Following to Borichev [ 9] (see Theorem 2.4part (i)), it suffices to show the existence of sequences (λn)n⊂Rwithλn→+∞,(Un)n⊂D(A2), and(Fn)n⊂ H2such that (iλnI−A2)Un=Fnis bounded in H2andλ−2+ǫ n/bardblUn/bardbl →+∞. Set Fn=/parenleftig 0,sin/parenleftignπx L/parenrightig ,0,0/parenrightig , Un=/parenleftig Ansin/parenleftignπx L/parenrightig ,iλnAnsin/parenleftignπx L/parenrightig ,Bncos/parenleftignπx L/parenrightig ,iλnBncos/parenleftignπx L/parenrightig/parenrightig and (3.2) λn=nπ L/radicaligg k1 ρ1, An=−inπD0 k1L/radicalbiggρ1 k1+k2 k1/parenleftbiggρ2 k2−ρ1 k1/parenrightbigg −ρ1L2 k1π2n2, Bn=ρ1L k1nπ. Clearly that Un∈D(A2),andFnis bounded in H2. Let us show that (iλnI−A2)Un=Fn. Detailing (iλnI−A2)Un, we get (iλnI−A2)Un=/parenleftig 0,C1,nsin/parenleftignπx L/parenrightig ,0,C2,ncos/parenleftignπx L/parenrightig/parenrightig , where (3.3)C1,n=/parenleftbiggk1 ρ1/parenleftignπ L/parenrightig2 −λ2 n/parenrightbigg An+k1nπ ρ1LBn, C2,n=nπk1 ρ2LAn+/parenleftbigg −λ2 n+k1 ρ2+k2+iλnD0 ρ2/parenleftignπ L/parenrightig2/parenrightbigg Bn. Inserting ( 3.2) in (3.3), we get C1,n= 1 andC2,n= 0, hence we obtain (iλnI−A2)Un=/parenleftig 0,sin/parenleftignπx L/parenrightig ,0,0/parenrightig =Fn. Now, we have /bardblUn/bardbl2 H2≥ρ1/integraldisplayL 0/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleiλnAnsin/parenleftignπx L/parenrightig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 dx=ρ1Lλ2 n 2|An|2∼λ4 n. Therefore, for ǫ>0(small enough ), we have λ−2+ǫ n/bardblUn/bardblH2∼λǫ n→+∞. Finally, following to Borichev [ 9] (see Theorem 2.4part (i)) we cannot expect the energy decay rate t−2 2−ǫ./square Note that Theorem 3.1also implies that our system is non-uniformly stable. 8STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING 3.2.Lack of exponential stability of A2with local Kelvin–Voigt damping. In this part, under the equal speed wave propagation condition (i.e.,ρ1 k1=ρ2 k2), we use the classical method developed by Littman and Markus in [ 20] (see also [ 11]), to show that the Timoshenko System ( 1.1)-(1.2) with local Kelvin–Voigt damping, and with Dirichlet-Neumann boundary conditions ( 1.4) is not exponentially stable. For this aim, assume that (3.4)ρ1 k1=ρ2 k2andD(x) =/braceleftigg 0,0<x≤α, D0α<x≤L, whereD0∈R+ ∗andα∈(0,L). For simplicity and without loss of generality, in this part , we takeρ1 k1= 1, D0=k2,L= 1, andα=1 2, then hypothesis ( 3.4) becomes (3.5)ρ1 k1=ρ2 k2= 1andD(x) =/braceleftigg 0,0<x≤1 2, k21 2<x≤1. Our main result in this part is following theorem. Theorem 3.2. Under hypothesis ( 3.5). The semigroup generated by the operator A2is not exponentially stable in the energy space H2. For the proof of Theorem 3.2, we recall the following definitions: the growth bound ω0(A2)and the the spectral bounds(A2)ofA2are defined respectively as ω(A2) = lim t→∞log/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleetA2/vextenddouble/vextenddouble L(H2) tands(A2) = sup{ℜ(λ) :λ∈σ(A2)}. From the Hille-Yoside theorem (see also Theorem 2.1.6 and Le mma 2.1.11 in [ 11]), one has that s(A2)≤ω0(A2). By the previous results, one clearly has that s(A2)≤0and the theorem would follow if equality holds in the previous inequality. It therefore amounts to show the exist ence of a sequence of eigenvalues of A2whose real parts tend to zero. SinceA2is dissipative, we fix α0>0small enough and we study the asymptotic behavior of the eige nvaluesλ ofA2in the strip S={λ∈C:−α0≤ ℜ(λ)≤0}. First, we determine the characteristic equation satisfied b y the eigenvalues of A2. For this aim, let λ∈C∗be an eigenvalue of A2and letU= (u,λu,y,λy,ω )∈D(A2)be an associated eigenvector. Then the eigenvalue problem is given by λ2u−uxx−yx= 0, x∈(0,1), (3.6) c2ux+/parenleftbig λ2+c2/parenrightbig y−/parenleftbigg 1+D k2λ/parenrightbigg yxx= 0, x∈(0,1), (3.7) with the boundary conditions (3.8) u(0) =yx(0) =u(1) =yx(1) = 0, wherec=/radicalig k1k−1 2. We define /braceleftigg u−(x) :=u(x), y−(x) :=y(x), x∈(0,1/2), u+(x) :=u(x), y+(x) :=y(x), x∈[1/2,1), then System ( 3.6)-(3.8) becomes λ2u−−u− xx−y− x= 0, x∈(0,1/2), (3.9) c2u− x+/parenleftbig λ2+c2/parenrightbig y−−y− xx= 0, x∈(0,1/2), (3.10) λ2u+−u+ xx−y+ x= 0, x∈[1/2,1), (3.11) c2u+ x+/parenleftbig λ2+c2/parenrightbig y+−(1+λ)y+ xx= 0, x∈[1/2,1), (3.12) 9STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING with the boundary conditions u−(0) =y− x(0) = 0, (3.13) u+(1) =y+ x(1) = 0, (3.14) and the continuity conditions u−(1/2) =u+(1/2), (3.15) u− x(1/2) =u+ x(1/2), (3.16) y−(1/2) =y+(1/2), (3.17) y− x(1/2) = (1+λ)y+ x(1/2). (3.18) In order to proceed, we set the following notation. Here and b elow, in the case where zis a non zero non-real number, we define (and denote) by√zthe square root of z; i.e., the unique complex number with positive real part whose square is equal to z. Our aim is to study the asymptotic behavior of the large eige nvaluesλofA2 inS. By taking λlarge enough, the general solution of System ( 3.9)-(3.10) with boundary condition ( 3.13) is given by u−(x) =α1sinh(r1x)+α2sinh(r2x), y−(x) =α1λ2−r2 1 r1cosh(r1x)+α2λ2−r2 2 r2cosh(r2x), and the general solution of Equation ( 3.11)-(3.12) with boundary condition ( 3.14) is given by u+(x) =β1sinh(s1(1−x))+β2sinh(s2(1−x)), y+(x) =−β1λ2−s2 1 s1cosh(s1(1−x))−β2λ2−s2 2 s2cosh(s2(1−x)), whereα1, α2, β1, β2∈C, (3.19) r1=λ/radicalbigg 1+ic λ, r 2=λ/radicalbigg 1−ic λ and (3.20) s1=/radicaltp/radicalvertex/radicalvertex/radicalvertex/radicalbtλ+λ2 2/parenleftbigg 1+/radicalig 1−4c2 λ3−4c2 λ4/parenrightbigg 1+1 λ, s 2=/radicaltp/radicalvertex/radicalvertex/radicalvertex/radicalbtλ+λ2 2/parenleftbigg 1−/radicalig 1−4c2 λ3−4c2 λ4/parenrightbigg 1+1 λ. The boundary conditions in ( 3.15)-(3.18) can be expressed by M α1 α2 β1 β2 = 0, where M= sinh/parenleftbigr1 2/parenrightbig sinh/parenleftbigr2 2/parenrightbig −sinh/parenleftbigs1 2/parenrightbig −sinh/parenleftbigs2 2/parenrightbig r1 icλ2cosh/parenleftbigr1 2/parenrightbigr2 icλ2cosh/parenleftbigr2 2/parenrightbigs1 icλ2cosh/parenleftbigs1 2/parenrightbigs2 icλ2cosh/parenleftbigs2 2/parenrightbig r2 1sinh/parenleftbigr1 2/parenrightbig r2 2sinh/parenleftbigr2 2/parenrightbig /parenleftbig λ3−(λ+1)s2 1/parenrightbig sinh/parenleftbigs1 2/parenrightbig /parenleftbig λ3−(λ+1)s2 2/parenrightbig sinh/parenleftbigs2 2/parenrightbig r−1 1cosh/parenleftbigr1 2/parenrightbig r−1 2cosh/parenleftbigr2 2/parenrightbig s−1 1cosh/parenleftbigs1 2/parenrightbig s−1 2cosh/parenleftbigs2 2/parenrightbig . Denoting the determinant of a matrix Mbydet(M), consequently, System ( 3.9)-(3.18) admits a non trivial solution if and only if det(M) = 0. Using Gaussian elimination, det(M) = 0 is equivalent to det/parenleftig ˜M/parenrightig = 0, 10STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING where˜Mis given by ˜M= sinh/parenleftbigr1 2/parenrightbig sinh/parenleftbigr2 2/parenrightbig −sinh/parenleftbigs1 2/parenrightbig −1−e−s2 r1 icλ2cosh/parenleftbigr1 2/parenrightbigr2 icλ2cosh/parenleftbigr2 2/parenrightbigs1 icλ2cosh/parenleftbigs1 2/parenrightbigs2 icλ2(1+e−s2) r2 1sinh/parenleftbigr1 2/parenrightbig r2 2sinh/parenleftbigr2 2/parenrightbig /parenleftbig λ3−(λ+1)s2 1/parenrightbig sinh/parenleftbigs1 2/parenrightbig /parenleftbig λ3−(λ+1)s2 2/parenrightbig (1−e−s2) r−1 1cosh/parenleftbigr1 2/parenrightbig r−1 2cosh/parenleftbigr2 2/parenrightbig s−1 1cosh/parenleftbigs1 2/parenrightbig s−1 2(1+e−s2) . One gets that (3.21)det/parenleftig ˜M/parenrightig =g1cosh/parenleftigr1 2/parenrightig cosh/parenleftigr2 2/parenrightig sinh/parenleftigs1 2/parenrightig +g2sinh/parenleftigr1 2/parenrightig cosh/parenleftigr2 2/parenrightig cosh/parenleftigs1 2/parenrightig +g3cosh/parenleftigr1 2/parenrightig sinh/parenleftigr2 2/parenrightig cosh/parenleftigs1 2/parenrightig +g4sinh/parenleftigr1 2/parenrightig sinh/parenleftigr2 2/parenrightig cosh/parenleftigs1 2/parenrightig +g5cosh/parenleftigr1 2/parenrightig sinh/parenleftigr2 2/parenrightig sinh/parenleftigs1 2/parenrightig +g6sinh/parenleftigr1 2/parenrightig cosh/parenleftigr2 2/parenrightig sinh/parenleftigs1 2/parenrightig /parenleftbigg −g1cosh/parenleftigr1 2/parenrightig cosh/parenleftigr2 2/parenrightig sinh/parenleftigs1 2/parenrightig −g2sinh/parenleftigr1 2/parenrightig cosh/parenleftigr2 2/parenrightig cosh/parenleftigs1 2/parenrightig −g3cosh/parenleftigr1 2/parenrightig sinh/parenleftigr2 2/parenrightig cosh/parenleftigs1 2/parenrightig +g4sinh/parenleftigr1 2/parenrightig sinh/parenleftigr2 2/parenrightig cosh/parenleftigs1 2/parenrightig +g5cosh/parenleftigr1 2/parenrightig sinh/parenleftigr2 2/parenrightig sinh/parenleftigs1 2/parenrightig +g6sinh/parenleftigr1 2/parenrightig cosh/parenleftigr2 2/parenrightig sinh/parenleftigs1 2/parenrightig/parenrightbigg e−s2, where (3.22) g1=(λ+1)/parenleftbig r2 1−r2 2/parenrightbig/parenleftbig s2 1−s2 2/parenrightbig icr1r2λ2, g2=/parenleftbig r2 2−s2 1/parenrightbig/parenleftbig (λ+1)s2 2−λ3−r2 1/parenrightbig ics1r2λ2, g3=−/parenleftbig r2 1−s2 1/parenrightbig/parenleftbig (λ+1)s2 2−λ3−r2 2/parenrightbig icr1s1λ2, g4=/parenleftbig r2 1−r2 2/parenrightbig/parenleftbig s2 1−s2 2/parenrightbig ics1s2λ2, g5=/parenleftbig r2 1−s2 2/parenrightbig/parenleftbig (λ+1)s2 1−λ3−r2 2/parenrightbig ics2r1λ2, g6=−/parenleftbig r2 2−s2 2/parenrightbig/parenleftbig (λ+1)s2 1−λ3−r2 1/parenrightbig icr2s2λ2. Proposition 3.3. Under hypothesis ( 3.5), there exist n0∈Nsufficiently large and two sequences (λ1,n)|n|≥n0 and(λ2,n)|n|≥n0of simple roots of det(˜M)(that are also simple eigenvalues of A2) satisfying the following asymptotic behavior: Case 1. If there exist no integers κ∈Nsuch thatc= 2κπ(i.e.,sin/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig /ne}ationslash= 0andcos/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig /ne}ationslash= 0), then λ1,n= 2inπ−2(1−isign(n))sin/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig2 /parenleftbig 3+cos/parenleftbigc 2/parenrightbig/parenrightbig/radicalbig π|n|+O/parenleftbig n−1/parenrightbig , (3.23) λ2,n= 2inπ+πi+iarccos/parenleftig cos/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig/parenrightig −(1−isign(n))cos/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig2 /parenleftig 1+cos/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig2/parenrightig/radicalbig π|n|+O/parenleftbig n−1/parenrightbig . (3.24) Case 2. If there exists κ0∈Nsuch thatc= 2(2κ0+1)π, (i.e.,cos/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig = 0), then λ1,n= 2inπ−1−isign(n)/radicalbig π|n|+O/parenleftbig n−1/parenrightbig , (3.25) λ2,n= 2inπ+3πi 2+ic2 32πn−(8+i(3π−2))c2 128π2n2+O/parenleftig |n|−5/2/parenrightig . (3.26) Case 3. If there exists κ1∈Nsuch thatc= 4κ1π, (i.e.,sin/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig = 0), then λ1,n= 2inπ+ic2 32πn−c2 16π2n2+O/parenleftig |n|−5/2/parenrightig , (3.27) λ2,n= 2inπ+πi+ic2 32πn−(4+iπ)c2 64π2n2+O/parenleftig |n|−5/2/parenrightig . (3.28) Heresignis used to denote the sign function or signum function. 11STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING The argument for Proposition 3.3relies on the subsequent lemmas. Lemma 3.4. Under hypothesis ( 3.5), letλbe a large eigenvalue of A2, thenλis large root of the following asymptotic equation: (3.29) F(λ) :=f0(λ)+f1(λ) λ1/2+f2(λ) 8λ+f3(λ) 8λ3/2+f4(λ) 128λ2+f5(λ) 128λ5/2+O/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig = 0, where (3.30) f0(λ) = sinh/parenleftbigg3λ 2/parenrightbigg +sinh/parenleftbiggλ 2/parenrightbigg cos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig , f1(λ) = cosh/parenleftbigg3λ 2/parenrightbigg −cosh/parenleftbiggλ 2/parenrightbigg cos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig , f2(λ) =c2cosh/parenleftbigg3λ 2/parenrightbigg −4ccosh/parenleftbiggλ 2/parenrightbigg sin/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig , f3(λ) =c2sinh/parenleftbigg3λ 2/parenrightbigg −4cosh/parenleftbigg3λ 2/parenrightbigg +12csinh/parenleftbiggλ 2/parenrightbigg sin/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig +4cosh/parenleftbiggλ 2/parenrightbigg cos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig , f4(λ) =c2/parenleftbig c2−56/parenrightbig sinh/parenleftbigg3λ 2/parenrightbigg −32c2cosh/parenleftbigg3λ 2/parenrightbigg +8c2/parenleftig csin/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig −8cos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig +1/parenrightig sinh/parenleftbiggλ 2/parenrightbigg −32c/parenleftig 8sin/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig +ccos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig/parenrightig cos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig , f5(λ) =−40c2sinh/parenleftbigg3λ 2/parenrightbigg +/parenleftbig c4−88c2+48/parenrightbig cosh/parenleftbigg3λ 2/parenrightbigg +32c/parenleftig 5sin/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig +ccos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig/parenrightig sinh/parenleftbiggλ 2/parenrightbigg −/parenleftig 8c3sin/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig −16(4c2−3)cos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig −24c2/parenrightig cos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig . Proof. Letλbe a large eigenvalue of A2, thenλis root ofdet/parenleftig ˜M/parenrightig . In this lemma, we furnish an asymptotic development of the function det/parenleftig ˜M/parenrightig for largeλ. First, using the asymptotic expansion in ( 3.19) and ( 3.20), we get (3.31) r1=λ+ic 2+c2 8λ−ic3 16λ2+O/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig , r2=λ−ic 2+c2 8λ+ic3 16λ2+O/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig , s1=λ−c2 2λ2+O/parenleftbig λ−5/parenrightbig , s2=λ1/2−1 2λ1/2+4c2+3 8λ3/2+O/parenleftig λ−5/2/parenrightig . Inserting ( 3.31) in (3.22), we get (3.32) g1= 2−c2 λ2+O/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig , g2= 1+ic 2λ−(3c−16i)c 8λ2+O/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig , g3= 1−ic 2λ−(3c+16i)c 8λ2+O/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig , g4= 2λ1/2−1 λ3/2−4c2−3 4λ5/2+O/parenleftig λ−7/2/parenrightig , g5=λ1/2−1−3ic 2λ3/2−7c2−3−10ic 8λ5/2+O/parenleftig λ−7/2/parenrightig , g6=λ1/2−1+3ic 2λ3/2−7c2−3+10ic 8λ5/2+O/parenleftig λ−7/2/parenrightig . 12STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING Inserting ( 3.32) in (3.21), then using the fact that real λis bounded in S, we get (3.33)det/parenleftig ˜M/parenrightig = sinh(L1)+sinh(L2)cosh(L3)+cosh(L1)−cosh(L2)cosh(L3) λ1/2 +iccosh(L2)sinh(L3) 2λ−cosh(L1)−cosh(L2)cosh(L3)+3icsinh(L2)sinh(L3) 2λ3/2 −7c2sinh(L1)+8c2sinh(L2)cosh(L3)−32iccosh(L2)sinh(L3)−c2sinh(L4) 16λ3/2 −(11c2−6)cosh(L1)−(8c2−6) cosh(L2)cosh(L3)+20icsinh(L2)sinh(L3)−3c2cosh(L4) 16λ5/2 +/parenleftig sinh(L1)+sinh(L2)cosh(L3)+O/parenleftig λ−1/2/parenrightig/parenrightig e−s2+O/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig , where L1=r1+r2+s1 2, L2=s1 2, L3=r1−r2 2, L4=r1+r2−s1 2. Next, from ( 3.31) and using the fact that real λis bounded S, we get (3.34) sinh(L1) = sinh/parenleftbigg3λ 2/parenrightbigg +c2cosh/parenleftbig3λ 2/parenrightbig 8λ+c2/parenleftbig c2sinh/parenleftbig3λ 2/parenrightbig −32cosh/parenleftbig3λ 2/parenrightbig/parenrightbig 128λ2+O/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig , cosh(L1) = cosh/parenleftbigg3λ 2/parenrightbigg +c2sinh/parenleftbig3λ 2/parenrightbig 8λ+c2/parenleftbig c2cosh/parenleftbig3λ 2/parenrightbig −32sinh/parenleftbig3λ 2/parenrightbig/parenrightbig 128λ2+O/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig , sinh(L2) = sinh/parenleftbiggλ 2/parenrightbigg −c2cosh/parenleftbigλ 2/parenrightbig 4λ2+O/parenleftbig λ−4/parenrightbig , cosh(L2) = cosh/parenleftbiggλ 2/parenrightbigg −c2sinh/parenleftbigλ 2/parenrightbig 4λ2+O/parenleftbig λ−4/parenrightbig , sinh(L3) =isin/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig −ic3cos/parenleftbigc 2/parenrightbig 16λ2+O/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig , cosh(L3) = cos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig +c3cos/parenleftbigc 2/parenrightbig 16λ2+O/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig , sinh(L4) = sinh/parenleftbiggλ 2/parenrightbigg +O/parenleftbig λ−1/parenrightbig ,cosh(L4) = cosh/parenleftbiggλ 2/parenrightbigg +O/parenleftbig λ−1/parenrightbig . On the other hand, from ( 3.31) and ( 3.34), we obtain (3.35)/parenleftig sinh(L1)+sinh(L2)cosh(L3)+O/parenleftig λ−1/2/parenrightig/parenrightig e−s2=−/parenleftbigg sinh/parenleftbigg3λ 2/parenrightbigg +sinh/parenleftbiggλ 2/parenrightbigg cos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig/parenrightbigg e−√ λ. Since real part of√ λis positive, then lim |λ|→∞e−√ λ λ3= 0, hence (3.36) e−√ λ=o/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig . Therefore, from ( 3.35) and ( 3.36), we get (3.37)/parenleftig sinh(L1)+sinh(L2)cosh(L3)+O/parenleftig λ−1/2/parenrightig/parenrightig e−s2=o/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig . Finally, inserting ( 3.34) and ( 3.37) in (3.33), we getλis large root of F, whereFdefined in ( 3.29). /square Lemma 3.5. Under hypothesis ( 3.5), there exist n0∈Nsufficiently large and two sequences (λ1,n)|n|≥n0and (λ2,n)|n|≥n0of simple roots of F(that are also simple eigenvalues of A2) satisfying the following asymptotic behavior: (3.38) λ1,n= 2iπn+iπ+ǫ1,n,such that lim |n|→+∞ǫ1,n= 0 13STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING and (3.39) λ2,n= 2nπi+iπ+iarccos/parenleftig cos2/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig/parenrightig +ǫ2,n,such that lim |n|→+∞ǫ2,n= 0. Proof. First, we look at the roots of f0. From ( 3.30), we deduce that f0can be written as (3.40) f0(λ) = 2sinh/parenleftbiggλ 2/parenrightbigg/parenleftig cosh(λ)+cos2/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig/parenrightig . The roots of f0are given by µ1,n= 2nπi, n ∈Z, µ2,n= 2nπi+iπ+iarccos/parenleftig cos2/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig/parenrightig , n∈Z. Now with the help of Rouché’s theorem, we will show that the ro ots ofFare close to f0. Let us start with the first family µ1,n. LetBn=B(2nπi,rn)be the ball of centrum 2nπiand radiusrn=1 |n|1 4 andλ∈∂Bn; i.e.,λ= 2nπi+rneiθ, θ∈[0,2π). Then (3.41) sinh/parenleftbiggλ 2/parenrightbigg = (−1)nsinh/parenleftbiggrneiθ 2/parenrightbigg =(−1)nrneiθ 2+O(r2 n),cosh(λ) = cosh/parenleftbig rneiθ/parenrightbig = 1+O(r2 n). Inserting ( 3.41) in (3.40), we get f0(λ) = (−1)nrneiθ/parenleftig 1+cos2/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig/parenrightig +O(r3 n). It follows that there exists a positive constant Csuch that ∀λ∈∂Bn,|f0(λ)| ≥Crn=C |n|1 4. On the other hand, from ( 3.29), we deduce that |F(λ)−f0(λ)|=O/parenleftbigg1√ λ/parenrightbigg =O/parenleftigg 1/radicalbig |n|/parenrightigg . It follows that, for |n|large enough ∀λ∈∂Bn,|F(λ)−f0(λ)|<|f0(λ)|. Hence, with the help of Rouché’s theorem, there exists n0∈N∗large enough, such that ∀ |n| ≥n0(n∈Z∗), the first branch of roots of F, denoted by λ1,nare close to µ1,n, hence we get ( 3.38). The same procedure yields (3.39). Thus, the proof is complete. /square Remark 3.6. From Lemma 3.5, we deduce that the real part of the eigenvalues of A2tends to zero, and this is enough to get Theorem 3.2. But we look forward to knowing the real part of λ1,nandλ2,n. Since in the next section, we will use the real part of λ1,nandλ2,nfor the optimality of polynomial stability. /square We are now in a position to conclude the proof of Proposition 3.3. Proof of Proposition 3.3.The proof is divided into two steps. Step 1. Calculation of ǫ1,n. From ( 3.38), we have (3.42) cosh/parenleftbigg3λ1,n 2/parenrightbigg = (−1)ncosh/parenleftbigg3ǫ1,n 2/parenrightbigg ,sinh/parenleftbigg3λ1,n 2/parenrightbigg = (−1)nsinh/parenleftbigg3ǫ1,n 2/parenrightbigg , cosh/parenleftbiggλ1,n 2/parenrightbigg = (−1)ncosh/parenleftigǫ1,n 2/parenrightig ,sinh/parenleftbiggλ1,n 2/parenrightbigg = (−1)nsinh/parenleftigǫ1,n 2/parenrightig , 14STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING and (3.43) 1 λ1,n=−i 2πn+O/parenleftbig ǫ1,nn−2/parenrightbig +O/parenleftbig n−3/parenrightbig ,1 λ2 1,n=−1 4π2n2+O/parenleftbig n−3/parenrightbig , 1/radicalbig λ1,n=1−isign(n) 2/radicalbig π|n|+O/parenleftig ǫ1,n|n|−3/2/parenrightig +O/parenleftig |n|−5/2/parenrightig , 1/radicalig λ3 1,n=−1−isign(n) 4/radicalbig π3|n|3+O/parenleftig |n|−5/2/parenrightig ,1/radicalig λ5 1,n=O/parenleftig |n|−5/2/parenrightig . On the other hand, since lim|n|→+∞ǫ1,n= 0, we have the asymptotic expansion (3.44) cosh/parenleftbigg3ǫ1,n 2/parenrightbigg = 1+9ǫ2 1,n 8+O(ǫ4 1,n),sinh/parenleftbigg3ǫ1,n 2/parenrightbigg =3ǫ1,n 2+O(ǫ3 1,n), cosh/parenleftigǫ1,n 2/parenrightig = 1+ǫ2 1,n 8+O(ǫ4 1,n),sinh/parenleftigǫ1,n 2/parenrightig =ǫ1,n 2+O(ǫ3 1,n). Inserting ( 3.44) in (3.42), we get (3.45) cosh/parenleftbigg3λ1,n 2/parenrightbigg = (−1)n+9(−1)nǫ1,n 8+O(ǫ4 1,n),sinh/parenleftbigg3λ1,n 2/parenrightbigg =3(−1)nǫ1,n 2+O(ǫ3 1,n), cosh/parenleftbiggλ1,n 2/parenrightbigg = (−1)n+(−1)nǫ1,n 8+O(ǫ4 1,n),sinh/parenleftbiggλ1,n 2/parenrightbigg =(−1)nǫ1,n 2+O(ǫ3 1,n). Inserting ( 3.43) and ( 3.45) in (3.29), we get (3.46)ǫ1,n 2/parenleftig 3+cos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig/parenrightig +(1−isign(n))/parenleftbig 1−cos/parenleftbigc 2/parenrightbig/parenrightbig 2/radicalbig π|n|+ic/parenleftbig 4sin/parenleftbigc 2/parenrightbig −c/parenrightbig 16πn +(1+isign(n))/parenleftbig 1−cos/parenleftbigc 2/parenrightbig/parenrightbig 8/radicalbig π3|n|3+8csin/parenleftbigc 2/parenrightbig +/parenleftbig 1+cos/parenleftbigc 2/parenrightbig/parenrightbig c2 16π2n2 +O/parenleftig |n|−5/2/parenrightig +O/parenleftig ǫ1,n|n|−3/2/parenrightig +O/parenleftig ǫ2 1,n|n|−1/2/parenrightig +O/parenleftbig ǫ3 1,n/parenrightbig = 0. We distinguish two cases: Case 1. Ifsin/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig /ne}ationslash= 0,then 1−cos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig = 2sin2/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig /ne}ationslash= 0, therefore, from ( 3.46), we get ǫ1,n 2/parenleftig 3+cos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig/parenrightig +sin2/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig (1−isign(n))/radicalbig |n|π+O/parenleftbig ǫ3 1,n/parenrightbig +O/parenleftig |n|−1/2ǫ2 1,n/parenrightig +O/parenleftbig n−1/parenrightbig = 0, hence, we get (3.47) ǫ1,n=−2sin2/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig (1−isign(n))/parenleftbig 3+cos/parenleftbigc 2/parenrightbig/parenrightbig/radicalbig |n|π+O/parenleftbig n−1/parenrightbig . Inserting ( 3.47) in (3.38), we get ( 3.23) and ( 3.25). Case 2. Ifsin/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig = 0,then 1−cos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig = 2sin2/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig = 0,sin/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig = 2sin/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig cos/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig = 0, therefore, from ( 3.46), we get (3.48) 2ǫ1,n−ic2 16πn+c2 8π2n2+O/parenleftig |n|−5/2/parenrightig +O/parenleftig ǫ1,n|n|−3/2/parenrightig +O/parenleftig ǫ2 1,n|n|−1/2/parenrightig +O/parenleftbig ǫ3 1,n/parenrightbig = 0. Solving Equation ( 3.48), we get (3.49) ǫ1,n=ic2 32πn−c2 16π2n2+O/parenleftig |n|−5/2/parenrightig . 15STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING Inserting ( 3.49) in (3.38), we get ( 3.27). Step 2. Calculation of ǫ2,n. We distinguish three cases: Case 1. Ifsin/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig /ne}ationslash= 0andcos/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig /ne}ationslash= 0, then0<cos2/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig <1.Therefore ζ:= arccos/parenleftig cos2/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig/parenrightig ∈/parenleftig 0,π 2/parenrightig . From ( 3.39), we have (3.50)1/radicalbig λ2,n=1−isign(n) 2/radicalbig π|n|+O/parenleftig |n|−3/2/parenrightig and1 λ2,n=O(n−1). Inserting ( 3.39) and ( 3.50) in (3.29), we get (3.51)2sinh/parenleftbiggλ2,n 2/parenrightbigg/parenleftig cosh(λ2,n)+cos2/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig/parenrightig +cosh/parenleftig λ2,n 2/parenrightig/parenleftbig cosh(λ2,n)−cos2/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig/parenrightbig (1−isign(n)) /radicalbig π|n|+O(n−1) = 0. From ( 3.39), we obtain (3.52) cosh(λ2,n) =−cos2/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig cosh(ǫ2,n)−isin(ζ)sinh(ǫ2,n), cosh/parenleftbiggλ2,n 2/parenrightbigg = (−1)n/parenleftbigg −sin/parenleftbiggζ 2/parenrightbigg cosh/parenleftigǫ2,n 2/parenrightig +icos/parenleftbiggζ 2/parenrightbigg sinh/parenleftigǫ2,n 2/parenrightig/parenrightbigg , sinh/parenleftbiggλ2,n 2/parenrightbigg = (−1)n/parenleftbigg −sin/parenleftbiggζ 2/parenrightbigg sinh/parenleftigǫ2,n 2/parenrightig +icos/parenleftbiggζ 2/parenrightbigg cosh/parenleftigǫ2,n 2/parenrightig/parenrightbigg . Sinceζ= arccos/parenleftbig cos2/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig/parenrightbig ∈/parenleftbig 0,π 2/parenrightbig , we have (3.53) sin(ζ) =/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglesin/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/radicalbigg 1+cos2/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig ,cos/parenleftbiggζ 2/parenrightbigg =/radicalig 1+cos2/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig √ 2,sin/parenleftbiggζ 2/parenrightbigg =/vextendsingle/vextendsinglesin/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle √ 2. On the other hand, since lim|n|→+∞ǫ2,n= 0, we have the asymptotic expansion (3.54) cosh(ǫ2,n) = 1+O(ǫ2 2,n),sinh(ǫ2,n) =ǫ2,n+O(ǫ3 2,n), cosh/parenleftigǫ2,n 2/parenrightig = 1+O(ǫ2 2,n),sinh/parenleftigǫ2,n 2/parenrightig =ǫ2,n 2+O(ǫ3 2,n). Inserting ( 3.53) and ( 3.54) in (3.52), we get (3.55) cosh(λ2,n) =−cos2/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig −iǫ2,n/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglesin/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/radicalbigg 1+cos2/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig +O(ǫ2 2,n), cosh/parenleftbiggλ2,n 2/parenrightbigg =(−1)n √ 2 iǫ2,n/radicalig 1+cos2/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig 2−/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglesin/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle +O(ǫ2 2,n), sinh/parenleftbiggλ2,n 2/parenrightbigg =−(−1)n 2√ 2/parenleftbigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglesin/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleǫ2,n−2i/radicalbigg 1+cos2/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig/parenrightbigg +O(ǫ2 2,n). Inserting ( 3.55) in (3.51), we get √ 2(−1)n/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglesin/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftig 1+cos2/parenleftigc 4/parenrightig/parenrightig/parenleftigg ǫ2,n+cos2/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig (1−isign(n))/parenleftbig 1+cos2/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig/parenrightbig/radicalbig π|n|/parenrightigg +O(n−1)+O(ǫ2 2,n)+O/parenleftig |n|−1/2ǫ2,n/parenrightig = 0, 16STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING since in this case sin/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig /ne}ationslash= 0, then we get (3.56) ǫ2,n=−cos2/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig (1−isign(n))/parenleftbig 1+cos2/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig/parenrightbig/radicalbig π|n|+O(n−1). Inserting ( 3.56) in (3.46), we get ( 3.24). Case 2. Ifcos/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig = 0, then (3.57) cos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig =−1,sin/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig = 0. In this case λ2,nbecomes (3.58) λ2,n= 2inπ+3πi 2+ǫ2,n. Therefore, we have (3.59) cosh/parenleftbigg3λ2,n 2/parenrightbigg =(−1)n √ 2/parenleftbigg cosh/parenleftbigg3ǫ2,n 2/parenrightbigg +isinh/parenleftbigg3ǫ2,n 2/parenrightbigg/parenrightbigg , sinh/parenleftbigg3λ2,n 2/parenrightbigg =(−1)n √ 2/parenleftbigg icosh/parenleftbigg3ǫ2,n 2/parenrightbigg +sinh/parenleftbigg3ǫ2,n 2/parenrightbigg/parenrightbigg , cosh/parenleftbiggλ2,n 2/parenrightbigg =(−1)n √ 2/parenleftig −cosh/parenleftigǫ2,n 2/parenrightig +isinh/parenleftigǫ2,n 2/parenrightig/parenrightig , sinh/parenleftbiggλ2,n 2/parenrightbigg =(−1)n √ 2/parenleftig icosh/parenleftigǫ2,n 2/parenrightig −sinh/parenleftigǫ2,n 2/parenrightig/parenrightig . On the other hand, since lim|n|→+∞ǫ2,n= 0, we have the asymptotic expansion (3.60) cosh/parenleftbigg3ǫ2,n 2/parenrightbigg = 1+9ǫ2 2,n 8+O(ǫ4 2,n),sinh/parenleftbigg3ǫ2,n 2/parenrightbigg =3ǫ2,n 2+O(ǫ3 2,n), cosh/parenleftigǫ2,n 2/parenrightig = 1+ǫ2 2,n 8+O(ǫ4 2,n),sinh/parenleftigǫ2,n 2/parenrightig =ǫ2,n 2+O(ǫ3 2,n). Inserting ( 3.60) in (3.59), we get (3.61) cosh/parenleftbigg3λ2,n 2/parenrightbigg =(−1)n √ 2/parenleftigg 1+3iǫ2,n 2+9ǫ2 2,n 8+O(ǫ3 2,n)/parenrightigg , sinh/parenleftbigg3λ2,n 2/parenrightbigg =(−1)n √ 2/parenleftigg i+3ǫ2,n 2+9iǫ2 2,n 8+O(ǫ3 2,n)/parenrightigg , cosh/parenleftbiggλ2,n 2/parenrightbigg =(−1)n √ 2/parenleftigg −1+iǫ2,n 2−ǫ2 2,n 8+O(ǫ3 2,n)/parenrightigg , sinh/parenleftbiggλ2,n 2/parenrightbigg =(−1)n √ 2/parenleftigg i−ǫ2,n 2+iǫ2 2,n 8+O(ǫ3 2,n)/parenrightigg . Moreover, from ( 3.58), we get (3.62) 1 λ2,n=−i 2πn+3iπ 8π2n2+O/parenleftbig ǫ2,nn−2/parenrightbig +O/parenleftbig n−3/parenrightbig ,1 λ2 2,n=−1 4π2n2+O/parenleftbig n−3/parenrightbig , 1/radicalbig λ2,n=1−isign(n) 2/radicalbig π|n|+3(−sign(n)+i) 16/radicalbig π|n|3+O/parenleftig ǫ2,n|n|−3/2/parenrightig +O/parenleftig |n|−5/2/parenrightig , 1/radicalig λ3 2,n=−1−isign(n) 4/radicalbig π3|n|3+O/parenleftig |n|−5/2/parenrightig ,1/radicalig λ5 2,n=O/parenleftig |n|−5/2/parenrightig . 17STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING Inserting ( 3.57), (3.61), and ( 3.62) in (3.29), we get (3.63)iǫ2 2,n 2+/parenleftigg 1+sign(n)+i 2/radicalbig π|n|+3c2 64πn/parenrightigg ǫ2,n−ic2 32πn+(sign(n)−i)c2 64/radicalbig π3|n|3+/parenleftbig 64−i/parenleftbig c2−24π+16/parenrightbig/parenrightbig c2 1024π2n2 +O/parenleftig |n|−5/2/parenrightig +O/parenleftig ǫ2,n|n|−3/2/parenrightig +O/parenleftig ǫ2 2,n|n|−1/2/parenrightig +O/parenleftbig ǫ3 2,n/parenrightbig = 0. From ( 3.63), we get ǫ2,n−ic2 32πn+O/parenleftig ǫ2,n|n|−1/2/parenrightig +O/parenleftbig ǫ2 2,n/parenrightbig = 0, hence (3.64) ǫ2,n=ic2 32πn+ξn n,such that lim |n|→+∞ξn= 0. Inserting ( 3.64) in (3.63), we get ξn n+(8+i(3π−2))c2 128π2n2+O/parenleftig ξn|n|−3/2/parenrightig +O/parenleftig |n|−5/2/parenrightig = 0, therefore (3.65) ξn=−(8+i(3π−2))c2 128π2n+O(n−3/2). Inserting ( 3.64) in (3.65), we get (3.66) ǫ2,n=ic2 32πn−(8+i(3π−2))c2 128π2n2+O(n−5/2). Finally, inserting ( 3.66) in (3.58), we get ( 3.26). Case 3. Ifsin/parenleftbigc 4/parenrightbig = 0, then (3.67) cos/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig = 1,sin/parenleftigc 2/parenrightig = 0. In this case λ2,nbecomes (3.68) λ2,n= 2inπ+iπ+ǫ2,n. Similar to case 2, from ( 3.68) and using the fact that lim|n|→+∞ǫ2,n= 0, we have the asymptotic expansion (3.69) cosh/parenleftbigg3λ2,n 2/parenrightbigg =−3i(−1)nǫ2,n 2+O/parenleftbig ǫ3 2,n/parenrightbig ,sinh/parenleftbigg3λ2,n 2/parenrightbigg =−i(−1)n/parenleftigg 1+9ǫ2 2,n 8/parenrightigg +O(ǫ4 2,n), cosh/parenleftbigg3λ2,n 2/parenrightbigg =i(−1)nǫ2,n 2+O/parenleftbig ǫ3 2,n/parenrightbig ,sinh/parenleftbigg3λ2,n 2/parenrightbigg =i(−1)n/parenleftigg 1+ǫ2 2,n 8/parenrightigg +O(ǫ4 2,n). Moreover, from ( 3.68), we get (3.70) 1 λ2,n=−i 2πn+iπ 4π2n2+O/parenleftbig ǫ2,nn−2/parenrightbig +O/parenleftbig n−3/parenrightbig ,1 λ2 2,n=−1 4π2n2+O/parenleftbig n−3/parenrightbig , 1/radicalbig λ2,n=1−isign(n) 2/radicalbig π|n|+(1+isign(n))ǫ2,n+(−sign(n)+i)π 8/radicalbig π|n|3 +3(1−isign(n)) 64/radicalbig π|n|5+O/parenleftig ǫ2,n|n|−5/2/parenrightig +O/parenleftig |n|−7/2/parenrightig , 1/radicalig λ3 2,n=−1−isign(n) 4/radicalbig π3|n|3+3(sign(n)+i) 16/radicalbig π3|n|5+O/parenleftig ǫ2,n|n|−5/2/parenrightig +O/parenleftig |n|−7/2/parenrightig , 1/radicalig λ5 2,n=−1+isign(n) 8/radicalbig π5|n|5+O/parenleftig |n|−7/2/parenrightig ,1 λ3 2,n=O/parenleftbig n−3/parenrightbig . 18STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING Inserting ( 3.67), (3.69), and ( 3.70) in (3.29), we get (3.71)−iǫ2 2,n+/parenleftigg −sign(n)+i/radicalbig π|n|−3c2 32πn+sign(n)−i+(1+isign(n))π 4/radicalbig π3|n|3/parenrightigg ǫ2,n−(sign(n)−i)c2 32/radicalbig π3|n|3 +ic4 512π2n2−3(3(sign(n)+i)−(1−isign(n))π)c2 128/radicalbig π5|n|5 +O/parenleftbig n−3/parenrightbig +O/parenleftbig ǫ2,nn−2/parenrightbig +O/parenleftbig ǫ2 2,nn−1/parenrightbig +O/parenleftbig ǫ3 2,n/parenrightbig = 0. Similar to case 2, solving Equation ( 3.71), we get (3.72) ǫ2,n=ic2 32πn−(4+iπ)c2 64π2n2+O/parenleftig |n|−5/2/parenrightig . Finally, inserting ( 3.72) in (3.68), we get ( 3.28). Thus, the proof is complete. /square Proof of Theorem 3.2.From Proposition 3.3the operator A2has two branches of eigenvalues with eigenvalues admitting real parts tending to zero. Hence, the energy corr esponding to the first and second branch of eigenvalues has no exponential decaying. Therefore the tot al energy of the Timoshenko System ( 1.1)-(1.2) with local Kelvin–Voigt damping, and with Dirichlet-Neuma nn boundary conditions ( 1.4), has no exponential decaying in the equal speed case. /square 4.Polynomial stability In this section, we use the frequency domain approach method to show the polynomial stability of/parenleftbig etAj/parenrightbig t≥0 associated with the Timoshenko System ( 2.1). We prove the following theorem. Theorem 4.1. Under hypothesis (H), for j= 1,2,there exists C >0such that for every U0∈D(Aj), we have (4.1) E(t)≤C t/bardblU0/bardbl2 D(Aj), t>0. SinceiR⊆ρ(Aj),then for the proof of Theorem 4.1, according to Theorem 2.5, we need to prove that (H3) sup λ∈R/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble(iλI−Aj)−1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble L(Hj)=O/parenleftbig λ2/parenrightbig . We will argue by contradiction. Therefore suppose there exi sts{(λn,Un= (un,vn,yn,zn))}n≥1⊂R×D(Aj), withλn>1and (4.2) λn→+∞,/bardblUn/bardblHj= 1, such that (4.3) λ2 n(iλnUn−AjUn) = (f1,n,f2,n,f3,n,f4,n)→0inHj. Equivalently, we have iλnun−vn=λ−2 nf1,n→0inH1 0(0,L), (4.4) iλnvn−k1 ρ1((un)x+yn)x=λ−2 nf2,n→0inL2(0,L), (4.5) iλnyn−zn=λ−2 nf3,n→0inWj(0,L), (4.6) iλnzn−k2 ρ2/parenleftbigg (yn)x+D k2(zn)x/parenrightbigg x+k1 ρ2((un)x+yn) =λ−2 nf4,n→0inL2(0,L), (4.7) where Wj(0,L) =/braceleftigg H1 0(0,L),ifj= 1, H1 ∗(0,L),ifj= 2. 19STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING In the following, we will check the condition (H3) by finding a contradiction with ( 4.2) such as /bardblUn/bardblHj=o(1). For clarity, we divide the proof into several lemmas. From no w on, for simplicity, we drop the index n. Since Uis uniformly bounded in H,we get from ( 4.4) and ( 4.6) respectively that (4.8)/integraldisplayL 0|u|2dx=O/parenleftbig λ−2/parenrightbig and/integraldisplayL 0|y|2dx=O/parenleftbig λ−2/parenrightbig , Lemma 4.2. Under hypothesis (H), for j= 1,2,we have /integraldisplayL 0D(x)|zx|2dx=o/parenleftbig λ−2/parenrightbig ,/integraldisplayβ α|zx|2dx=o/parenleftbig λ−2/parenrightbig , (4.9) /integraldisplayβ α|yx|2dx=o/parenleftbig λ−4/parenrightbig . (4.10) Proof. First, taking the inner product of ( 4.3) withUinHj, then using the fact that Uis uniformly bounded inHj, we get /integraldisplayL 0D(x)|zx|2dx=−λ−2ℜ/parenleftig/angbracketleftbig λ2AjU,U/angbracketrightbig Hj/parenrightig =λ−2ℜ/parenleftig/angbracketleftbig λ2(iλU−AjU),U/angbracketrightbig Hj/parenrightig =o/parenleftbig λ−2/parenrightbig , hence, we get the first asymptotic estimate of ( 4.9). Next, using hypothesis (H) and the first asymptotic estimate of ( 4.9), we get the second asymptotic estimate of ( 4.9). Finally, from ( 4.3), (4.6), and ( 4.9), we get the asymptotic estimate of ( 4.10). /square Letg∈C1([α,β])such that g(β) =−g(α) = 1,max x∈[α,β]|g(x)|=cgandmax x∈[α,β]|g′(x)|=cg′, wherecgandcg′are strictly positive constant numbers. Remark 4.3. It is easy to see the existence of g(x). For example, we can take g(x) = cos/parenleftig (β−x)π β−α/parenrightig to get g(β) =−g(α) = 1,g∈C1([α,β]),|g(x)| ≤1and|g′(x)| ≤π β−α. Also, we can take g(x) =x2−/parenleftig β+α−2 (β−α)−1/parenrightig x+αβ−(β+α)(β−α)−1. /square Lemma 4.4. Under hypothesis (H), for j= 1,2,we have |z(β)|2+|z(α)|2≤/parenleftigg ρ2λ1 2 2k2+2cg′/parenrightigg/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx+o/parenleftig λ−5 2/parenrightig , (4.11) /vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightbigg (α)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 +/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightbigg (β)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 ≤ρ2λ3 2 2k2/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx+o/parenleftbig λ−1/parenrightbig . (4.12) Proof. The proof is divided into two steps. Step 1. In this step, we prove the asymptotic behavior estimate of ( 4.11). For this aim, first, from ( 4.6), we have (4.13) zx=iλyx−λ−2(f3)xinL2(α,β). Multiplying ( 4.13) by2gzand integrating over (α,β),then taking the real part, we get /integraldisplayβ αg(x)(|z|2)xdx=ℜ/braceleftigg 2iλ/integraldisplayβ αg(x)yxzdx/bracerightigg −ℜ/braceleftigg 2λ−2/integraldisplayβ αg(x)(f4)xzdx/bracerightigg , using by parts integration in the left hand side of above equa tion, we get /bracketleftbig g(x)|z|2/bracketrightbigβ α=/integraldisplayβ αg′(x)|z|2dx+ℜ/braceleftigg 2iλ/integraldisplayβ αg(x)yxzdx/bracerightigg −ℜ/braceleftigg 2λ−2/integraldisplayβ αg(x)(f3)xzdx/bracerightigg , 20STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING consequently, (4.14) |z(β)|2+|z(α)|2≤cg′/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx+2λcg/integraldisplayβ α|yx||z|dx+2λ−2cg/integraldisplayβ α|(f3)x||z|dx. On the other hand, we have 2λcg|yx||z| ≤ρ2λ1 2|z|2 2k2+2k2λ3 2c2 g ρ2|yx|2and2λ−2|(f3)x||z| ≤cg′|z|2+c2 gλ−4 cg′|(f3)x|2. Inserting the above equation in ( 4.14), then using ( 4.10) and the fact that (f3)x→0inL2(α,β), we get |z(β)|2+|z(α)|2≤/parenleftigg ρ2λ1 2 2k2+2cg′/parenrightigg/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx+o/parenleftig λ−5 2/parenrightig , hence, we get ( 4.11). Step 2. In this step, we prove the following asymptotic behavior est imate of ( 4.12). For this aim, first, multiplying ( 4.7) by−2ρ2 k2g/parenleftig yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightig and integrating over (α,β),then taking the real part, we get /integraldisplayβ αg(x)/parenleftigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D(x) k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2/parenrightigg xdx=2ρ2λ k2ℜ/braceleftigg i/integraldisplayβ αg(x)z/parenleftbigg yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightbigg dx/bracerightigg +2k1 k2ℜ/braceleftigg/integraldisplayβ αg(x)(ux+y)/parenleftbigg yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightbigg dx/bracerightigg −2ρ2λ−2 k2ℜ/braceleftigg/integraldisplayβ αg(x)f4/parenleftbigg yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightbigg dx/bracerightigg , using by parts integration in the left hand side of above equa tion, we get /bracketleftigg g(x)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D(x) k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2/bracketrightiggβ α=/integraldisplayβ αg′(x)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D(x) k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 dx+2ρ2λ k2ℜ/braceleftigg i/integraldisplayβ αg(x)z/parenleftbigg yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightbigg dx/bracerightigg +2k1 k2ℜ/braceleftigg/integraldisplayβ αg(x)(ux+y)/parenleftbigg yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightbigg dx/bracerightigg −2ρ2λ−2 k2ℜ/braceleftigg/integraldisplayβ αg(x)f4/parenleftbigg yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightbigg dx/bracerightigg , consequently, /vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightbigg (α)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 +/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightbigg (β)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 ≤2ρ2cgλ k2/integraldisplayβ α|z|/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D(x) k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingledx cg′/integraldisplayβ α/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D(x) k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 dx+2k1cg k2/integraldisplayβ α|ux+y|/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D(x) k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingledx+2ρ2cgλ−2 k2/integraldisplayβ α|f4|/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D(x) k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingledx. Now, using Cauchy Schwarz inequality, Equations ( 4.9)-(4.10), the fact that f5→0inL2(α,β)and the fact thatux+yis uniformly bounded in L2(α,β)in the right hand side of above equation, we get (4.15)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightbigg (α)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 +/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightbigg (β)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 ≤2ρ2cgλ k2/integraldisplayβ α|z|/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D(x) k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingledx+o/parenleftbig λ−1/parenrightbig . On the other hand, we have 2ρ2cgλ k2|z|/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D(x) k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle≤ρ2λ3 2 2k2|z|2+2ρ2λ1 2c2 g k2/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D(x) k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 . Inserting the above equation in ( 4.15), then using Equations ( 4.9)-(4.10), we get /vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightbigg (α)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 +/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightbigg (β)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 ≤ρ2λ3 2 2k2/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx+o/parenleftbig λ−1/parenrightbig , hence, we get ( 4.12). Thus, the proof is complete. /square 21STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING Lemma 4.5. Under hypothesis (H), for j= 1,2,we have |ux(α)+y(α)|2=O(1),|ux(β)+y(β)|2=O(1). (4.16) |u(α)|2=O/parenleftbig λ−2/parenrightbig ,|u(β)|2=O/parenleftbig λ−2/parenrightbig , (4.17) |v(α)|2=O(1),|v(β)|2=O(1). (4.18) Proof. Multiplying Equation ( 4.5) by−2ρ1 k1g(ux+y)and integrating over (α,β),then taking the real part and using the fact that ux+yis uniformly bounded in L2(α,β),f2→0inL2(α,β), we get (4.19)/integraldisplayβ αg(x)/parenleftig |ux+y|2/parenrightig xdx−2ρ1λ k1ℜ/braceleftigg i/integraldisplayβ αg(x)uxvdx/bracerightigg =2ρ1λ k1ℜ/braceleftigg i/integraldisplayβ αg(x)yvdx/bracerightigg +o/parenleftbig λ−2/parenrightbig . Now, we divided the proof into two steps. Step 1. In this step, we prove the asymptotic behavior estimates of ( 4.16)-(4.17). First, from ( 4.4), we have −iλv=λ2u+iλ−1f1. Inserting the above equation in the second term in left of ( 4.19), then using the fact that uxis uniformly bounded in L2(α,β)andf1→0inL2(α,β), we get /integraldisplayβ αg(x)/parenleftig |ux+y|2/parenrightig xdx+ρ1λ2 k1/integraldisplayβ αg(x)/parenleftig |u|2/parenrightig xdx=−2ρ1λ2 k1ℜ/braceleftigg/integraldisplayβ αg(x)uydx/bracerightigg +o/parenleftbig λ−1/parenrightbig . Using by parts integration and the fact that g(β) =−g(α) = 1 in the above equation, we get |ux(β)+y(β)|2+ρ1λ2 k1|u(β)|2+|ux(α)+y(α)|2+ρ1λ2 k1|u(α)|2=/integraldisplayβ αg′(x)|ux+y|2dx +ρ1λ2 k1/integraldisplayβ αg′(x)|u|2dx−2ρ1λ2 k1ℜ/braceleftigg/integraldisplayβ αg(x)uydx/bracerightigg +o/parenleftbig λ−1/parenrightbig , consequently, |ux(β)+y(β)|2+ρ1λ2 k1|u(β)|2+|ux(α)+y(α)|2+ρ1λ2 k1|u(α)|2≤cg′/integraldisplayβ α|ux+y|2dx +ρ1cg′λ2 k1/integraldisplayβ α|u|2dx+2ρ1cgλ2 k1/integraldisplayβ α|u||y|dx+o/parenleftbig λ−1/parenrightbig . Next, since λu, λy andux+yare uniformly bounded, then from the above equation, we get ( 4.16)-(4.17). Step 2. In this step, we prove the asymptotic behavior estimates of ( 4.18). First, from ( 4.4), we have −iλux=vx−λ−2(f1)x. Inserting the above equation in the second term in left of ( 4.19), then using the fact that vis uniformly bounded inL2(α,β)and(f1)x→0inL2(α,β), we get /integraldisplayβ αg(x)/parenleftig |ux+y|2/parenrightig xdx+ρ1 k1/integraldisplayβ αg(x)/parenleftig |v|2/parenrightig xdx=−2ρ1λ2 k1ℜ/braceleftigg/integraldisplayβ αg(x)uydx/bracerightigg +o/parenleftbig λ−1/parenrightbig . Similar to step 1, by using by parts integration and the fact t hatg(β) =−g(α) = 1 in the above equation, then using the fact that v, λu, λy andux+yare uniformly bounded in L2(α,β), we get ( 4.18). Thus, the proof is complete. /square Lemma 4.6. Under hypothesis (H), for j= 1,2,forλlarge enough, we have /integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx=o/parenleftig λ−5 2/parenrightig ,/integraldisplayβ α|y|2dx=o/parenleftig λ−9 2/parenrightig , (4.20) /vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightbigg (α)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 =o/parenleftbig λ−1/parenrightbig ,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D(x) k2zx/parenrightbigg (β)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 =o/parenleftbig λ−1/parenrightbig . (4.21) 22STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING Proof. The proof is divided into two steps. Step 1. In this step, we prove the following asymptotic behavior est imate (4.22)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleik1 ρ2λ/integraldisplayβ α(ux+y)zdx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle≤/parenleftbigg1 4+k2cg′ ρ2λ1 2+k1 ρ2λ2/parenrightbigg/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx+o/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig . For this aim, first, we have (4.23)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleik1 ρ2λ/integraldisplayβ α(ux+y)zdx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle≤/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleik1 ρ2λ/integraldisplayβ αyzdx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle+/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleik1 ρ2λ/integraldisplayβ αuxzdx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle. Now, from ( 4.6) and using the fact that f3→0inL2(α,β)andzis uniformly bounded in L2(α,β), we get (4.24)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleik1 ρ2λ/integraldisplayβ αyzdx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle≤k1 ρ2λ2/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx+o/parenleftbig λ−4/parenrightbig . Next, by using by parts integration, we get/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleik1 ρ2λ/integraldisplayβ αuxzdx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle=/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle−ik1 ρ2λ/integraldisplayβ αuzxdx+ik1 ρ2λu(β)z(β)−ik1 ρ2λu(α)z(α)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle, consequently, (4.25)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleik1 ρ2λ/integraldisplayβ αuxzdx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle≤k1 ρ2λ/integraldisplayβ α|u||zx|dx+k1 ρ2λ(|u(β)||z(β)|+|u(α)||z(α)|), On the other hand, we have k1 ρ2λ(|u(β)||z(β)|+|u(α)||z(α)|)≤k2 1 2k2ρ2λ3 2/parenleftig |u(α)|2+|u(β)|2/parenrightig +k2 2ρ2λ1 2/parenleftig |z(α)|2+|z(β)|2/parenrightig . Inserting ( 4.11) and ( 4.17) in the above equation, we get k1 ρ2λ(|u(β)||z(β)|+|u(α)||z(α)|)≤/parenleftbigg1 4+k2cg′ ρ2λ1 2/parenrightbigg/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx+o/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig . Inserting the above equation in ( 4.25), then using ( 4.9) and the fact that λuis bounded in L2(α,β), we get /vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleik1 ρ2λ/integraldisplayβ αuxzdx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle≤/parenleftbigg1 4+k2cg′ ρ2λ1 2/parenrightbigg/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx+o/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig . Finally, inserting the above equation and Equation ( 4.24) in (4.23), we get ( 4.22). Step 2. In this step, we prove the asymptotic behavior estimates of ( 4.20)-(4.21). For this aim, first, multiplying (4.7) by−iλ−1ρ−1 2zand integrating over (α,β),then taking the real part, we get /integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx=−k2 ρ2λℜ/braceleftigg i/integraldisplayβ α/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg xzdx/bracerightigg +k1 ρ2λℜ/braceleftigg i/integraldisplayβ α(ux+y)zdx/bracerightigg −λ−3ℜ/braceleftigg i/integraldisplayβ αf4zdx/bracerightigg , consequently, (4.26)/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx≤k2 ρ2λ/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/integraldisplayβ α/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg xzdx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle+/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleik1 ρ2λ/integraldisplayβ α(ux+y)zdx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle+λ−3/integraldisplayβ α|f4||z|dx. From the fact that zis uniformly bounded in L2(α,β)andf5→0inL2(α,β), we get (4.27) λ−3/integraldisplayβ α|f4||z|dx=o/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig . Inserting ( 4.22) and ( 4.27) in (4.26), we get (4.28)/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx≤k2 ρ2λ/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/integraldisplayβ α/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg xzdx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle+/parenleftbigg1 4+k2cg′ ρ2λ1 2+k1 ρ2λ2/parenrightbigg/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx+o/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig . 23STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING Now, using by parts integration and ( 4.9)-(4.10), we get (4.29)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/integraldisplayβ α/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg xzdx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle=/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/bracketleftbigg/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg z/bracketrightbiggβ α−/integraldisplayβ α/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg zxdx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle ≤/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (β)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle|z(β)|+/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (α)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle|z(α)|+/integraldisplayβ α/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle|zx|dx ≤/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (β)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle|z(β)|+/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (α)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle|z(α)|+o/parenleftbig λ−2/parenrightbig . Inserting ( 4.29) in (4.28), we get (4.30)/parenleftbigg3 4−k2cg′ ρ2λ1 2−k1 ρ2λ2/parenrightbigg/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx ≤k2 ρ2λ/parenleftbigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (β)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle|z(β)|+/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (α)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle|z(α)|/parenrightbigg +o/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig . Now, forζ=βorζ=α, we have k2 ρ2λ/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (ζ)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle|z(ζ)| ≤k2λ−1 2 2ρ2|z(ζ)|2+k2λ−3 2 2ρ2/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (ζ)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 . Inserting the above equation in ( 4.30), we get /parenleftbigg3 4−k2cg′ ρ2λ1 2−k1 ρ2λ2/parenrightbigg/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx≤k2λ−3 2 2ρ2/parenleftigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (α)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 +/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (β)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2/parenrightigg +k2λ−1 2 2ρ2/parenleftbig |z(α)|2+|z(β)|2/parenrightbig +o/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig . Inserting Equations ( 4.11) and ( 4.12) in the above inequality, we obtain /parenleftbigg3 4−k2cg′ ρ2λ1 2−k1 ρ2λ2/parenrightbigg/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx≤/parenleftbigg1 2+k2cg′ ρ2λ1 2/parenrightbigg/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx+o/parenleftig λ−5 2/parenrightig , consequently,/parenleftbigg1 4−2k2cg′ ρ2λ1 2−k1 ρ2λ2/parenrightbigg/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx≤o/parenleftig λ−5 2/parenrightig , sinceλ→+∞, forλlarge enough, we get 0</parenleftbigg1 4−2k2cg′ ρ2λ1 2−k1 ρ2λ2/parenrightbigg/integraldisplayβ α|z|2dx≤o/parenleftig λ−5 2/parenrightig , hence, we get the first asymptotic estimate of ( 4.20). Then, inserting the first asymptotic estimate of ( 4.20) in (4.6), we get the second asymptotic estimate of ( 4.20). Finally, inserting ( 4.20) in (4.12), we get ( 4.21). Thus, the proof is complete. /square Lemma 4.7. Under hypothesis (H), for j= 1,2,forλlarge enough, we have (4.31)/integraldisplayβ α|ux|2dx=o(1)and/integraldisplayβ α|v|2dx=o(1). Proof. The proof is divided into two steps. Step 1. In this step, we prove the first asymptotic behavior estimate of (4.31). First, multiplying Equation (4.7) byρ2 k1(ux+y)and integrating over (α,β), we get /integraldisplayβ α|ux+y|2dx−k2 k1/integraldisplayβ α/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg x(ux+y)dx=−iρ2λ k1/integraldisplayβ αz(ux+y)dx+ρ2 k1λ2/integraldisplayβ αf4(ux+y)dx, 24STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING using by parts integration in the second term in the left hand side of above equation, we get (4.32)/integraldisplayβ α|ux+y|2dx+k2 k1/integraldisplayβ α/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (ux+y)xdx=k2 k1/bracketleftbigg/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (ux+y)/bracketrightbiggβ α −iρ2λ k1/integraldisplayβ αz(ux+y)dx+ρ2 k1λ2/integraldisplayβ αf4(ux+y)dx. Next, multiplying Equation ( 4.5) byρ1k2 k2 1/parenleftig yx+D k2zx/parenrightig and integrating over (α,β), then using the fact that f2→0inL2(0,L)and Equations ( 4.9)-(4.10), we get −k2 k1/integraldisplayβ α/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (ux+y)xdx=−iρ1k2λ k2 1/integraldisplayβ αv/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg dx+ρ1k2 k2 1λ2/integraldisplayβ αf2/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg dx, consequently, (4.33)−k2 k1/integraldisplayβ α/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (ux+y)xdx=iρ1k2λ k2 1/integraldisplayβ αv/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg dx+ρ1k2 k2 1λ2/integraldisplayβ αf2/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg dx. Adding ( 4.32) and ( 4.33), we obtain /integraldisplayβ α|ux+y|2dx=−iρ2λ k1/integraldisplayβ αz(ux+y)dx+k2 k1/bracketleftbigg/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (ux+y)/bracketrightbiggβ α +iρ1k2λ k2 1/integraldisplayβ αv/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg dx+ρ2 k1λ2/integraldisplayβ αf4(ux+y)dx+ρ1k2 k2 1λ2/integraldisplayβ αf2/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg dx, therefore (4.34)/integraldisplayβ α|ux+y|2dx≤ρ2λ k1/integraldisplayβ α|z||ux+y|dx+k2 k1/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (β)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle|ux(β)+y(β)| +k2 k1/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (α)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle|ux(α)+y(α)|+ρ1k2λ k2 1/integraldisplayβ α|v|/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingledx +ρ2 k1λ2/integraldisplayβ α|f4||ux+y|dx+ρ1k2 k2 1λ2/integraldisplayβ α|f2|/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingledx. From ( 4.3), (4.9), (4.10), (4.16), (4.20), (4.21) and the fact that v, ux+yare uniformly bounded in L2(α,β), we obtain /vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (β)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle|ux(β)+y(β)|=o/parenleftig λ−1 2/parenrightig ,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/parenleftbigg yx+D k2zx/parenrightbigg (α)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle|ux(α)+y(α)|=o/parenleftig λ−1 2/parenrightig , λ/integraldisplayβ α|z||ux+y|dx=o/parenleftig λ−1 4/parenrightig , λ/integraldisplayβ α|v|/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingledx=o(1), λ−2/integraldisplayβ α|f4||ux+y|dx=o/parenleftbig λ−2/parenrightbig , λ−2/integraldisplayβ α|f2|/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingledx=o/parenleftbig λ−3/parenrightbig . Inserting the above equation in ( 4.34), we get /integraldisplayβ α|ux+y|2dx=o(1). From the above equation and ( 4.20), we get the first asymptotic estimate of ( 4.31). Step 2. In this step, we prove the second asymptotic behavior estima te of ( 4.31). Multiplying ( 4.5) by−iλ−1v and integrating over (α,β),then taking the real part, we get /integraldisplayβ α|v|2dx=−k1 ρ1λℜ/braceleftigg i/integraldisplayβ α(ux+y)xvdx/bracerightigg −λ−3ℜ/braceleftigg i/integraldisplayβ αf2vdx/bracerightigg , using by parts integration in the second term in the right han d side of above equation, we get /integraldisplayβ α|v|2dx=k1 ρ1λℜ/braceleftigg i/integraldisplayβ α(ux+y)vxdx/bracerightigg −k1 ρ1λℜ/braceleftig i[(ux+y)v]β α/bracerightig −λ−3ℜ/braceleftigg i/integraldisplayβ αf2vdx/bracerightigg . 25STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING consequently, (4.35)/integraldisplayβ α|v|2dx≤k1 ρ1λ/integraldisplayβ α|ux+y||vx|dx+k1 ρ1λ(|ux(β)+y(β)||v(β)|+|ux(α)+y(α)|v(α)|) +λ−3/integraldisplayβ α|f2||v|dx. Finally, from ( 4.16), (4.18), (4.20), the first asymptotic behavior estimate of ( 4.31), the fact that λ−1vx, vare uniformly bounded in L2(α,β)and the fact that f2→0inL2(α,β), we get the second asymptotic behavior estimate of ( 4.20). Thus, the proof is complete. /square From what precedes, under hypothesis (H), for j= 1,2,from Lemmas 4.5,4.6and4.7, we deduce that (4.36) /bardblU/bardblHj=o(1),over(α,β). Lemma 4.8. Under hypothesis (H), for j= 1,2,we have /bardblU/bardblHj=o(1),over(0,L). Proof. Letφ∈H1 0(0,L)be a given function. We proceed the proof in two steps. Step 1. Multiplying Equation ( 4.5) by2ρ1φuxand integrating over (α,β),then using the fact that uxis bounded in L2(0,L),f2→0inL2(0,L), and use Dirichlet boundary conditions to get (4.37) ℜ/braceleftigg 2iρ1λ/integraldisplayL 0φvuxdx/bracerightigg +k1/integraldisplayL 0φ′|ux|2dx−ℜ/braceleftigg 2k1/integraldisplayL 0φuxyxdx/bracerightigg =o(λ−2). From ( 4.4), we have iλux=−vx−λ−2(f1)x. Inserting the above equation in ( 4.37), then using the fact that (f1)x→0inL2(0,L)and the fact that vis bounded in L2(0,L), we get (4.38) ρ1/integraldisplayL 0φ′|v|2dx+k1/integraldisplayL 0φ′|ux|2dx−ℜ/braceleftigg 2k1/integraldisplayL 0φuxyxdx/bracerightigg =o(λ−2). Similarly, multiplying Equation ( 4.7) by2ρ2φ/parenleftig yx+D k1zx/parenrightig and integrating over (α,β),then using by parts integration and Dirichlet boundary conditions to get (4.39)ℜ/braceleftigg 2iρ2λ/integraldisplayL 0φzyxdx/bracerightigg +k2/integraldisplayL 0φ′/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 dx+ℜ/braceleftigg 2k1/integraldisplayL 0φyxuxdx/bracerightigg =−λ−1ℜ/braceleftigg 2k1/integraldisplayL 0φλyyxdx/bracerightigg −ℜ/braceleftigg 2iρ2 k1λ/integraldisplayL 0D(x)φzzxdx/bracerightigg −ℜ/braceleftigg 2/integraldisplayL 0D(x)φzxuxdx/bracerightigg −ℜ/braceleftigg 2/integraldisplayL 0D(x)φzxydx/bracerightigg +ℜ/braceleftigg 2ρ2λ−2/integraldisplayL 0φf3yxdx/bracerightigg +ℜ/braceleftigg 2ρ2 k1λ−2/integraldisplayL 0D(x)φf3zxdx/bracerightigg . For all bounded h∈L2(0,L), using Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, the first estimation of ( 4.9), and the fact that D∈L∞(0,L), to obtain (4.40) ℜ/braceleftigg/integraldisplayL 0D(x)hzxdx/bracerightigg ≤/parenleftigg sup x∈(0,L)D1/2(x)/parenrightigg/parenleftigg/integraldisplayL 0D(x)|zx|2dx/parenrightigg1/2/parenleftigg/integraldisplayL 0|h|2dx/parenrightigg1/2 =o(λ−1). From ( 4.39) and using ( 4.40), the fact that z, λy, y xare bounded in L2(0,L), the fact that f3→0inL2(0,L), we get (4.41) ℜ/braceleftigg 2iρ2λ/integraldisplayL 0φzyxdx/bracerightigg +k2/integraldisplayL 0φ′/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 dx+ℜ/braceleftigg 2k1/integraldisplayL 0φyxuxdx/bracerightigg =o(1). On the other hand, from ( 4.6), we have iλyx=−zx−λ−2(f3)x. 26STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING Inserting the above equation in ( 4.41), then using the fact that (f3)x→0inL2(0,L)and the fact that zis bounded in L2(0,L), we get (4.42) ρ2/integraldisplayL 0φ′|z|2dx+k2/integraldisplayL 0φ′/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 dx+ℜ/braceleftigg 2k1/integraldisplayL 0φyxuxdx/bracerightigg =o(1). Adding ( 4.38) and ( 4.42), we get (4.43)/integraldisplayL 0φ′/parenleftigg ρ1|v|2+ρ2|z|2+k1|ux|2+k2/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2/parenrightigg dx=o(1). Step 2. Letǫ>0such thatα+ǫ<β and define the cut-off function ς1inC1([0,L])by 0≤ς1≤1, ς1= 1on[0,α]andς1= 0on[α+ǫ,L]. Takeφ=xς1in (4.43), then use the fact that /bardblU/bardblHj=o(1)on(α,β)(i.e., ( 4.36)), the fact that α<α+ǫ<β, and (4.9)-(4.10), we get (4.44)/integraldisplayα 0/parenleftigg ρ1|v|2+ρ2|z|2+k1|ux|2+k2/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2/parenrightigg dx=o(1). Moreover, using Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, the first estim ation of ( 4.9), the fact that D∈L∞(0,L), and (4.44), we get (4.45)/integraldisplayα 0|yx|2dx≤2/integraldisplayα 0/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 dx+2 k2 2/integraldisplayα 0D(x)2|zx|2dx, ≤2/integraldisplayα 0/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleyx+D k2zx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 dx+2/parenleftig supx∈(0,α)D(x)/parenrightig k2 2/integraldisplayα 0D(x)|zx|2dx, =o(1). Using ( 4.44) and ( 4.45), we get /bardblU/bardblHj=o(1)on(0,α). Similarly, by symmetry, we can prove that /bardblU/bardblHj=o(1)on(β,L)and therefore /bardblU/bardblHj=o(1)on(0,L). Thus, the proof is complete. /square Proof of Theorem 4.1.Under hypothesis (H), for j= 1,2,from Lemma 4.8, we have /bardblU/bardblHj=o(1),over (0,L), which contradicts ( 4.2). This implies that sup λ∈R/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble(iλId−Aj)−1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble L(Hj)=O/parenleftbig λ2/parenrightbig . The result follows from Theorem 2.5part (i). /square It is very important to ask the question about the optimality of (4.1). For the optimality of ( 4.1), we first recall Theorem 3.4.1 stated in [ 31]. Theorem 4.9. LetA:D(A)⊂H→Hgenerate a C 0−semigroup of contractions/parenleftbig etA/parenrightbig t≥0onH. Assume thatiR∈ρ(A). Let(λk,n)1≤k≤k0, n≥1denote the k-th branch of eigenvalues of Aand(ek,n)1≤k≤k0, n≥1the system of normalized associated eigenvectors. Assume that for each 1≤k≤k0there exist a positive sequence µk,n→ ∞ asn→ ∞ and two positive constant αk>0,βk>0such that (4.46) ℜ(λk,n)∼ −βk µαk k,nandℑ(λk,n)∼µk,nasn→ ∞. Hereℑis used to denote the imaginary part of a complex number. Furt hermore, assume that for u0∈D(A), there exists constant M >0independent of u0such that (4.47)/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleetAu0/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 H≤M t2 ℓk/bardblu0/bardbl2 D(A), ℓk= max 1≤k≤k0αk,∀t>0. 27STABILIZATION OF THE TIMOSHENKO SYSTEM WITH KELVIN-VOIGT D AMPING Then the decay rate ( 4.47) is optimal in the sense that for any ǫ>0we cannot expect the energy decay rate t−2 ℓk−ǫ. /square In the next corollary, we show that the optimality of ( 4.1) in some cases. Corollary 4.10. For everyU0∈D(A2), we have the following two cases: 1. If condition ( 3.1) holds, then the energy decay rate in ( 4.1) is optimal. 2. If condition ( 3.4) holds and if there exists κ1∈Nsuch thatc=/radicalig k1 k2= 2κ1π, then the energy decay rate in ( 4.1) is optimal. Proof. We distinguish two cases: 1. If condition ( 3.1) holds, then from Theorem 3.1, forǫ>0(small enough ), we cannot expect the energy decay ratet−2 2−ǫfor all initial data U0∈D(A2)and for allt>0.Hence the energy decay rate in ( 4.1) is optimal. 2. If condition ( 3.4) holds, first following Theorem 4.1, for all initial data U0∈D(A2)and for all t>0, we get ( 4.47) withℓk= 2. Furthermore, from Proposition 3.3(case 2 and case 3), we remark that: Case 1. If there exists κ0∈Nsuch thatc= 2(2κ0+1)π, we have ℜ(λ1,n)∼ −1 π1/2|n|1/2,ℑ(λ1,n)∼2nπ, ℜ(λ2,n)∼ −c2 16π2n2,ℑ(λ2,n)∼/parenleftbigg 2n+3 2/parenrightbigg π, then ( 4.46) holds with α1=1 2andα2= 2. Therefore, ℓk= 2 = max( α1,α2).Then, applying Theorem 4.9, we get that the energy decay rate in ( 4.1) is optimal. Case 2. 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local or global Kelvin-Voigt damping, under fully Dirichlet or mixed boundary
conditions. Unlike the results of H. L. Zhao, K. S. Liu, and C. G. Zhang and of
X. Tian and Q. Zhang, in this paper, we consider the Timoshenko system with
only one locally or globally distributed Kelvin-Voigt damping. Indeed, we prove
that the energy of the system decays polynomially and that the obtained decay
rate is in some sense optimal. The method is based on the frequency domain
approach combining with multiplier method. | A transmission problem for the Timoshenko system with one local Kelvin-Voigt damping and non-smooth coefficient at the interface | 2005.12756v1 |
arXiv:2210.03865v1 [math.AP] 8 Oct 2022RECOVER ALL COEFFICIENTS IN SECOND-ORDER HYPERBOLIC EQUATIONS FROM FINITE SETS OF BOUNDARY MEASUREMENTS SHITAO LIU, ANTONIO PIERROTTET AND SCOTT SCRUGGS Abstract. We consider the inverse hyperbolic problem of recovering all spatial dependent coefficients, which are the wave speed, the damping coe fficient, po- tential coefficient and gradient coefficient, in a second-order hype rbolic equation defined on an open bounded domain with smooth enough boundary. W e show that by appropriately selecting finite pairs of initial conditions we can uniquely and Lipschitz stably recover all those coefficients from the corres ponding bound- ary measurements of their solutions. The proofs are based on sha rp Carleman estimate, continuous observability inequality and regularity theory for general second-order hyperbolic equations. Keywords : Inverse hyperbolic problem, finite sets of measurements, Carlem an estimates, uniqueness and stability 2010 Mathematics Subject Classifications : 35R30; 35L10 1.Introduction and Main Results Let Ω⊂Rn,n≥2, be an open bounded domain with smooth enough (e.g., C2) boundary Γ = ∂Ω =Γ0∪Γ1, where Γ 0∩Γ1=∅. We refer Γ 1as the observed part of the boundary where the measurements are taken, and Γ 0as the unobserved part of the boundary. We consider the following general second-o rder hyperbolic equation for w=w(x,t) defined on Q= Ω×[−T,T], along with initial conditions {w0,w1}and Dirichlet boundary condition hon Σ = Γ ×[−T,T] that are given in appropriate function spaces: (1) wtt−c2(x)∆w+q1(x)wt+q0(x)w+q(x)·∇w= 0 inQ w(x,0) =w0(x);wt(x,0) =w1(x) in Ω w(x,t) =h(x,t) in Σ . Here the wave speed c(x) satisfies c∈C={c∈C1(Ω) :c−1 0≤c(x)≤c0,for some c0>0} Date: October 11, 2022. 12 SHITAO LIU, ANTONIO PIERROTTET AND SCOTT SCRUGGS q1∈L∞(Ω),q0∈L∞(Ω), and q∈(L∞(Ω))nare the damping, potential, and gradient coefficients, respectively. We then consider the following inverse problem for the system (1): R ecover all together the wave speed c(x), the damping coefficient q1(x), the potential coefficient q0(x), and the gradient coefficient q(x) from measurements of Neumann boundary traces of the solution w=w(w0,w1,h,c,q 1,q0,q) over the observed part Γ 1of the boundary and over the time interval [ −T,T]. Of course here T >0 should be sufficiently large due to the finite propagation speed of the syste m (1). In addition, to make the observed part Γ 1of the boundary more precise, in this paper we assume the following standard geometrical assumptions on the d omain Ω and the unobserved part of the boundary Γ 0: (A.1) There exists a strictly convex function d:Ω→Rin the metric g= c−2(x)dx2, and of class C3(Ω), such that the following two properties hold true (through translation and rescaling if necessary): (i) The normal derivative of don the unobserved part Γ 0of the boundary is non-positive. Namely, ∂d ∂ν=/a\}⌊∇a⌋ketle{tDd(x),ν(x)/a\}⌊∇a⌋ket∇i}ht ≤0,∀x∈Γ0, whereDd=∇gdis the gradient vector field on Ω with respect to g. (ii) D2d(X,X) =/a\}⌊∇a⌋ketle{tDX(Dd),X/a\}⌊∇a⌋ket∇i}htg≥2|X|2 g,∀X∈Mx,min x∈Ωd(x) =m0>0 whereD2dis the Hessian of d(a second-order tensor) and Mxis the tangent space atx∈Ω. (A.2)d(x) has no critical point on Ω. In other words, inf x∈Ω|Dd|>0,so that we may take inf x∈Ω|Dd|2 d>4. Remark 1.1. The geometrical assumptions above permit the construction of a v ec- tor field that enables a pseudo-convex function necessary for allo wing a Carleman estimate containing no lower-order terms for the general second -order equation (1) (see Section 2). These assumptions are first formulated in [16] und er the framework of a Euclidean metric, with [22] employing them under the more genera l Riemann- ian framework. For examples and detailed illustrations of large gener al classes of domains {Ω,Γ1,Γ0}satisfying the aforementioned assumptions we refer to [22, Ap- pendix B]. One canonical example is to take d(x) =|x−x0|2, withx0being a point outsideΩ, if the wave speed csatisfies/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle∇c(x)·(x−x0) 2c(x)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle≤rc<1 for some rc∈(0,1). The classical inverse hyperbolic problems usually involve recovering a single un- known coefficient, typically the damping coefficient orthe potential c oefficient, fromRECOVER ALL COEFFICIENTS 3 asingleboundary measurement of the solution. To some extent, those se tup are ex- pectedsince theunknown coefficient, whether itisthedampingorth epotentialone, depends on nindependent variables and the corresponding boundary measurem ent also depends on nfree variables. In fact, under proper conditions it is even possible to recover both potential and damping coefficients in one shot by ju st one single boundary measurement [19]. In the case of a gradient coefficient, t he unknown function is vector-valued and containing ndifferent real-valued functions. Hence a single measurement does not seem to be sufficient to recover all of t hem, which is probably why such problem is much less studied in the literature. Neve rtheless, it is possible to recover the coefficient by properly making nsets of boundary measure- ments [8]. Last, in the case of recovering the variable unknown wave speed, since the unknown function is at the principle order level, one typically need s to rewrite the hyperbolic equation as a Riemannian wave equation so that the pr inciple part becomes constant coefficients on an appropriate Riemannian manifo ld [3, 20]. In this paper, we seek to recover all together the aformentioned coefficients in the second-order hyperbolic equation (1). To the best of our knowled ge, this is the first paper that addresses the uniqueness and stability of recovering a ll these coefficients at once through finitely many boundary measurements. Note that all together these coefficients contain a total of n+3 unknown functions, so naturally one may expect to be able to recover them by making n+3 sets of boundary measurements. This is entirely possible to do following the ideas in this paper (see Remar k (1) in Section 4). Nevertheless, in the following we will show that by appro priately choosing ⌊n+4 2⌋1pairs of initial conditions {w0,w1}and a boundary condition h, we can uniquely and Lipschitz stably recover the coefficients c,q1, q0,andqall at once from the corresponding Neumann boundary measurements of the ir solutions. The precise results are stated in Theorem 1.1 and Theorem 1.2 below. As mentioned above recovering a single coefficient from a single bound ary mea- surement isastandardformulationininversehyperbolicproblemsan dsuchproblem hasbeenstudiedextensively intheliterature. Hereweonlymentiont hemonographs and lecture notes [4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 17, 21] and refer to the substan tial lists of refer- ences therein. The standard approach for this type of inverse hy perbolic problems typically involves using Carleman-type estimates for the second-or der hyperbolic equations. To certain extent, such methods can all be seen as var iations or improve- ments of the so called Bukhgeim–Klibanov (BK) method which was origin ated in the seminal paper [5]. Our approach to solve the present inverse pr oblem also relies on a sharp Carleman estimate for general second-order hyperbo lic equations and in particular a post Carleman estimate route that was introduced by Isakov in [7, Theorem 8.2.2]. Another standard feature of the BK method is the n eed of certain positivity assumptions on the initial conditions. Of course the precis e assumption depends on what coefficient(s) one is trying to recover. 1Here⌊·⌋denotes the usual floor function.4 SHITAO LIU, ANTONIO PIERROTTET AND SCOTT SCRUGGS On the other hand, let us also mention that there is another standa rd formula- tion of inverse hyperbolic problems that usually does not require pos itivity on the initial conditions. In this formulation, one tries to recover informat ion of second- order hyperbolic equations from all possible boundary measuremen ts, which are often modeled by the Dirichlet to Neumann or Neumann to Dirichlet ope rator. In particular, in this case it is possible to recover all coefficients in syste m (1) up to natural gauge transformations [12], following the powerful Bound ary Control (BC) method developed by Belishev [1]. For more inverse hyperbolic problem s with in- finitely many measurements and the BC method, we refer to the rev iew paper [2] and the monograph [11]. Let us now state the main theorems in this paper. Theorem 1.1. Under the geometrical assumptions (A.1) and (A.2) and let (2) T > T 0= 2/radicalbigg max x∈Ωd(x). Suppose the initial and boundary conditions are in the follo wing function spaces (3) {w0,w1} ∈Hγ+1(Ω)×Hγ(Ω), h∈Hγ+1(Σ),whereγ >n 2+4 along with all compatibility conditions (trace coincidenc e) which make sense. In ad- dition, dependingon the dimension nof the space, we assume the following positivity condition: There exists r0>0such that Case I: If nis odd, i.e., n= 2m+1for some m∈N, then we choose m+2pairs of initial conditions {w(i) 0,w(i) 1},i= 1,...,m+ 2, and a boundary condition hso that they satisfy (3) and (4) |detW(x)| ≥r0, a.e. x∈Ω whereW(x)is the(n+3)×(n+3)matrix defined by (5) W(x) = w(1) 0(x)w(1) 1(x)∂x1w(1) 0(x)···∂xnw(1) 0(x) ∆w(1) 0(x) w(1) 1(x)w(1) tt(x)∂x1w(1) 1(x)···∂xnw(1) 1(x) ∆w(1) 1(x) .................. w(m+2) 0(x)w(m+2) 1(x)∂x1w(m+2) 0(x)···∂xnw(m+2) 0(x) ∆w(m+2) 0(x) w(m+2) 1(x)w(m+2) tt(x)∂x1w(m+2) 1(x)···∂xnw(m+2) 1(x) ∆w(m+2) 1(x) Case II: If nis even, i.e., n= 2mfor some m∈N, then we choose m+2pairs of initial conditions {w(i) 0,w(i) 1},i= 1,...,m+2, and a boundary condition hso thatRECOVER ALL COEFFICIENTS 5 they satisfy (3) and (6) |det/tildewiderW(x)| ≥r0, a.e. x∈Ω where/tildewiderW(x)is the(n+3)×(n+3)matrix defined by (7) /tildewiderW(x) = w(1) 0(x)w(1) 1(x)∂x1w(1) 0(x)···∂xnw(1) 0(x) ∆w(1) 0(x) w(1) 1(x)w(1) tt(x)∂x1w(1) 1(x)···∂xnw(1) 1(x) ∆w(1) 1(x) .................. w(m+1) 0(x)w(m+1) 1(x)∂x1w(m+1) 0(x)···∂xnw(m+1) 0(x) ∆w(m+1) 0(x) w(m+1) 1(x)w(m+1) tt(x)∂x1w(m+1) 1(x)···∂xnw(m+1) 1(x) ∆w(m+1) 1(x) w(m+2) 0(x)w(m+2) 1(x)∂x1w(m+2) 0(x)···∂xnw(m+2) 0(x) ∆w(m+2) 0(x) Letw(i)(c,q1,q0,q)andw(i)(˜c,p1,p0,p)be the corresponding solutions of equation (1) with different coefficients {c,q1,q0,q}and{˜c,p1,p0,p}, as well as the initial and boundary conditions {w(i) 0,w(i) 1,h},i= 1,···,m+2. If we have the same Neumann boundary traces over the observed part Γ1of the boundary and over the time interval [−T,T], i.e., for i= 1,···,m+2, (8)∂w(i)(c,q1,q0,q) ∂ν(x,t) =∂w(i)(˜c,p1,p0,p) ∂ν(x,t),(x,t)∈Γ1×[−T,T], then we must have that all the coefficients coincide, namely, (9)c(x) = ˜c(x), q1(x) =p1(x), q0(x) =p0(x),q(x) =p(x)a.e. x∈Ω. After proving the above uniqueness theorem, we may also get the f ollowing Lips- chitz stability result for recovering all coefficients {c,q1,q0,q}from the correspond- ing finite sets of boundary measurements. Theorem 1.2. Under the assumptions in Theorem 1.1, again let w(i)(c,q1,q0,q) andw(i)(˜c,p1,p0,p)denote the corresponding solutions of equation (1) with coe ffi- cients{c,q1,q0,q}and{˜c,p1,p0,p}, as well as the initial and boundary conditions {w(i) 0,w(i) 1,h},i= 1,···,m+2(eithernis odd or even). Then there exists C >0 depends on Ω,T,Γ1,c,q1,q0,q,w(i) 0,w(i) 1,hsuch that /⌊a∇d⌊lc2−˜c2/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lq1−p1/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lq0−p0/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lq−p/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω) ≤Cm+2/summationdisplay i=1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble∂w(i) tt(c,q1,q0,q) ∂ν−∂w(i) tt(˜c,p1,p0,p) ∂ν/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Σ1), (10)6 SHITAO LIU, ANTONIO PIERROTTET AND SCOTT SCRUGGS for all such coefficients c,˜c,q1,q0,p1,p0∈H1 0(Ω),q,p∈(H1 0(Ω))n, where/⌊a∇d⌊l·/⌊a∇d⌊lL2(Ω) is defined as /⌊a∇d⌊lr/⌊a∇d⌊lL2(Ω)=/parenleftBigg/integraldisplay Ωn/summationdisplay i=1|ri(x)|2dx/parenrightBigg1 2 ,forr(x) = (r1(x),···,rn(x)). Inverse source problem . The first step to solve the inverse problem above is to convert it into a corresponding inverse source problem. Indeed, if we let f2(x) =c2(x)−˜c2(x), f1(x) =p1(x)−q1(x), f0(x) =p0(x)−q0(x),f(x) =p(x)−q(x); u(x,t) =w(c,q1,q0,q)−w(˜c,p1,p0,p), R(x,t) =w(˜c,p1,p0,p)(x,t),(11) thenu=u(x,t) is readily seen to satisfy the following homogeneous mixed problem (12) utt−c2(x)∆u+q1(x)ut+q0(x)u+q(x)·∇u=S(x,t) inQ u(x,0) =ut(x,0) = 0 in Ω u(x,t) = 0 in Σ, where (13)S(x,t) =f0(x)R(x,t)+f1(x)Rt(x,t)+f(x)·∇R(x,t)+f2(x)∆R(x,t). Here we assume that c∈C,q0,q1∈L∞(Ω) and q∈(L∞(Ω))nare given fixed andR=R(x,t) is a given function that can be suitably chosen. On the other hand, the source coefficients f0,f1,f2∈L2(Ω) and f∈(L2(Ω))nare assumed to be unknown. The inverse source problem is to determine f0,f1,f2andffrom the Neumann boundary measurements of uover the observed part Γ 1of the boundary and over a sufficiently long time interval [ −T,T]. More specifically, corresponding with Theorems 1.1 and 1.2, we will prove the following uniqueness and st ability results. Theorem 1.3. Under geometrical assumptions (A.1) and (A.2) and let Tsatisfy (2). Depending on the dimension n, we assume the following regularity and posi- tivity conditions: Case I: If nis odd, i.e., n= 2m+ 1for some m∈N, then we choose m+ 2 functions R(1),···,R(m+2)such that they satisfy (14) R(i),R(i) t,R(i) tt,R(i) ttt∈W2,∞(Q), i= 1,···,m+2 and there exists r0>0such that (15) |detU(x)| ≥r0, a.e. x∈ΩRECOVER ALL COEFFICIENTS 7 whereU(x)is the(n+3)×(n+3)matrix defined by (16) U(x) = R(1)(x,0)R(1) t(x,0)∂x1R(1)(x,0)···∂xnR(1)(x,0) ∆R(1)(x,0) R(1) t(x,0)R(1) tt(x,0)∂x1R(1) t(x,0)···∂xnR(1) t(x,0) ∆R(1) t(x,0) .................. R(m+2)(x,0)R(m+2) t(x,0)∂x1R(m+2)(x,0)···∂xnR(m+2)(x,0) ∆R(m+2)(x,0) R(m+2) t(x,0)R(m+2) tt(x,0)∂x1R(m+2) t(x,0)···∂xnR(m+2) t(x,0) ∆R(m+2) t(x,0) Case II: If nis even, i.e., n= 2mfor some m∈N, then we choose m+ 2 functions R(1),···,R(m+2)such that they satisfy (14) and there exists r0>0such that (17) |det/tildewideU(x)| ≥r0, a.e. x∈Ω where/tildewideU(x)is the(n+3)×(n+3)matrix defined by (18) /tildewideU(x) = R(1)(x,0)R(1) t(x,0)∂x1R(1)(x,0)···∂xnR(1)(x,0) ∆R(1)(x,0) R(1) t(x,0)R(1) tt(x,0)∂x1R(1) t(x,0)···∂xnR(1) t(x,0) ∆R(1) t(x,0) .................. R(m+1)(x,0)R(m+1) t(x,0)∂x1R(m+1)(x,0)···∂xnR(m+1)(x,0) ∆R(m+1)(x,0) R(m+1) t(x,0)R(m+1) tt(x,0)∂x1R(m+1) t(x,0)···∂xnR(m+1) t(x,0) ∆R(m+1) t(x,0) R(m+2)(x,0)R(m+2) t(x,0)∂x1R(m+2)(x,0)···∂xnR(m+2)(x,0) ∆R(m+2)(x,0) Letu(i)(f0,f1,f2,f)be the solutions of equation (12) with the functions R(i),i= 1,···,m+2. If (19)∂u(i)(f0,f1,f2,f) ∂ν(x,t) = 0,(x,t)∈Γ1×[−T,T], i= 1,···,m+2, then we must have (20) f0(x) =f1(x) =f2(x) =f(x) = 0,a.e.x∈Ω. Theorem 1.4. Under the assumptions in Theorem 1.3, again let u(i)(f0,f1,f2,f) denote the solutions of equation (12) with the functions R(i),i= 1,···,m+2(either nis odd or even). Then there exists C >0depends on Ω,T,Γ1,c,q1,q0,q,w(i) 0, w(i) 1,hsuch that (21)/⌊a∇d⌊lf0/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lf1/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lf2/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lf/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)≤Cm+2/summationdisplay i=1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble∂u(i) tt(f0,f1,f2,f) ∂ν/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Σ1)8 SHITAO LIU, ANTONIO PIERROTTET AND SCOTT SCRUGGS for allf0,f1,f2∈H1 0(Ω)andf∈(H1 0(Ω))n. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section we recall some necessary tools to solve the inverse problem. This includes the sharp Carle- man estimate, continuous observability inequality and regularity the ory for general second-order hyperbolic equations with Dirichlet boundary conditio n. In Section 3 we provide the proofs of Theorems 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4, and in the las t section we give some examples where the positivity conditions (4), (6), (15) and (17) are satisfied and some concluding remarks. 2.Carleman Estimate, Continuous Observability Inequality a nd Regularity Theory for Second-Order Hyperbolic Equations In this section we recall some key ingredients of the proofs used in t he next sec- tion. This includes Carleman estimate, continuous observability inequ ality, as well as regularity theory for general second-order hyperbolic equat ions with Dirichlet boundary condition. For simplicity here we only state the main results and refer to [22] and [13] for greater details. To begin with, consider a Riemannian metric g(·,·) =/a\}⌊∇a⌋ketle{t·,·/a\}⌊∇a⌋ket∇i}htand squared norm |X|2=g(X,X),on a smooth finite dimensional manifold M. On the Riemannian manifold ( M,g) we define Ω as an open bounded, connected set of Mwith smooth boundary Γ = Γ0∪Γ1, where Γ 0∩Γ1=∅. Letνdenote the unit outward normal field along the boundary Γ. Furthermore, we denote by ∆ gthe Laplace–Beltrami operator on the manifold Mand byDthe Levi–Civita connection on M. Consider the following second-order hyperbolic equation with energ y level terms defined on Q= Ω×[−T,T] for some T >0: (22)wtt(x,t)−∆gw(x,t)+F(w) =G(x,t),(x,t)∈Q= Ω×[−T,T] where the forcing term G∈L2(Q) and the energy level differential term F(w) is given by F(w) =/a\}⌊∇a⌋ketle{tP(x,t),Dw/a\}⌊∇a⌋ket∇i}ht+P1(x,t)wt+P0(x,t)w. HereP0,P1arefunctionsonΩ ×[−T,T],P(x,t)isavectorfieldon Mfort∈[−T,T], and they satisfy the following estimate: there exists a constant CT>0 such that |F(w)| ≤CT[w2+w2 t+|Dw|2],∀(x,t)∈Q. Pseudo-convex function. Having chosen, on the strength of geometrical as- sumption (A.1), a strictly convex function d(x), we can define the function ϕ(x,t) : Ω×R→Rof classC3by setting ϕ(x,t) =d(x)−αt2, x∈Ω, t∈[−T,T], whereT > T 0as in (2). Moreover, α∈(0,1) is selected as follows: Let T > T 0be given, then there exists δ >0 such that T2>4max x∈Ωd(x)+4δ.RECOVER ALL COEFFICIENTS 9 For thisδ >0, there exists a constant α∈(0,1), such that αT2>4max x∈Ωd(x)+4δ. It is easy to check such function ϕ(x,t) carries the following properties: (a) For the constant δ >0 fixed above, we have ϕ(x,−T) =ϕ(x,T)≤max x∈Ωd(x)−αT2≤ −δuniformly in x∈Ω; and ϕ(x,t)≤ϕ(x,0),for anyt∈[−T,T] and any x∈Ω. (b) There are t0andt1, with−T < t0<0< t1< T, say, chosen symmetrically about 0, such that min x∈Ω,t∈[t0,t1]ϕ(x,t)≥σ,where 0< σ < m 0= min x∈Ωd(x). Moreover, let Q(σ) be the subset of Q= Ω×[−T,T] defined by (23) Q(σ) ={(x,t) :ϕ(x,t)≥σ >0,x∈Ω,−T≤t≤T}, Then we have (24) Ω ×[t0,t1]⊂Q(σ)⊂Ω×[−T,T]. Carleman estimate for general second-order hyperbolic equ ations. We now return to the equation (22), and consider solutions w(x,t) in the class (25)/braceleftBigg w∈H1,1(Q) =L2(−T,T;H1(Ω))∩H1(−T,T;L2(Ω)); wt,∂w ∂ν∈L2(−T,T;L2(Γ)). Then for these solutions with geometrical assumptions (A.1) and (A .2) on Ω, the following one-parameter family of estimates hold true, with β >0 being a suitable constant ( βis positive by virtue of (A.2)), for all τ >0 sufficiently large and ǫ >0 small: (26) BT(w)+2/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ|G|2dQ+C1,Te2τσ/integraldisplay Qw2dQ+cTτ3e−2τδ[Ew(−T)+Ew(T)] ≥C1,τ/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ[w2 t+|Dw|2]dQ+C2,τ/integraldisplay Q(σ)e2τϕw2dxdt where (27) C1,τ=τǫ(1−α)−2CT, C2,τ= 2τ3β+O(τ2)−2CT.10 SHITAO LIU, ANTONIO PIERROTTET AND SCOTT SCRUGGS Hereδ >0,σ >0 are the constants as in above, CT,cTandC1,Tare positive constants depending on T, as well as d(but not on τ). The energy function Ew(t) is defined as Ew(t) =/integraldisplay Ω[w2(x,t)+w2 t(x,t)+|Dw(x,t)|2]dΩ. In addition, BT(w) stands for boundary terms and can be explicitly calculated as BT(w) = 2τ/integraldisplay Σe2τϕ/parenleftbig w2 t−|Dw|2/parenrightbig /a\}⌊∇a⌋ketle{tDd,ν/a\}⌊∇a⌋ket∇i}htdΣ + 4τ/integraldisplay Σe2τϕ/a\}⌊∇a⌋ketle{tDd,Dw/a\}⌊∇a⌋ket∇i}ht/a\}⌊∇a⌋ketle{tDw,ν/a\}⌊∇a⌋ket∇i}htdΣ+8ατ/integraldisplay Σe2τϕtwt/a\}⌊∇a⌋ketle{tDw,ν/a\}⌊∇a⌋ket∇i}htdΣ + 4τ2/integraldisplay Σe2τϕ/bracketleftbigg |Dd|2−4α2t2+∆d−α−1 2τ/bracketrightbigg w/a\}⌊∇a⌋ketle{tDw,ν/a\}⌊∇a⌋ket∇i}htdΣ + 2τ/integraldisplay Σe2τϕ/bracketleftbig 2τ2/parenleftbig |Dd|2−4α2t2/parenrightbig +τ(3α+1)/bracketrightbig w2/a\}⌊∇a⌋ketle{tDd,ν/a\}⌊∇a⌋ket∇i}htdΣ. Clearly if we have w|Γ×[−T,T]= 0 and∂w ∂ν=/a\}⌊∇a⌋ketle{tDw,ν/a\}⌊∇a⌋ket∇i}ht= 0 on Γ 1×[−T,T], then in view of the geometrical assumption (A.1) we may compute (28) BT(w) = 2τ/integraldisplayT −T/integraldisplay Γ0e2τϕ|Dw|2/a\}⌊∇a⌋ketle{tDd,ν/a\}⌊∇a⌋ket∇i}htdΓ0dt≤0. Continuous observability inequality . As a corollary of the Carleman estimate, we also have the following continuous observability inequality (29) CTEw(0)≤/integraldisplayT −T/integraldisplay Γ1/parenleftbigg∂w ∂ν/parenrightbigg2 dΓdt+/⌊a∇d⌊lG/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Q) for the equation (22) with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditio nw|Σ= 0. HereT > T 0as in (2) and Ω satisfies the geometrical assumptions (A.1) and (A.2) . Remark 2.1. The continuous observability inequality (29) may be interpreted as follows: If the second-order hyperbolic equation equation (22) ha s homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition and nonhomogeneous forcing term G∈L2(Q), and Neumann boundary trace∂w ∂ν∈L2(Σ1), then necessarily the initial conditions {w(·,0),wt(·,0)}must lie in the natural energy space H1 0(Ω)×L2(Ω). This fact will be used in the proofs in Section 3. Regularity theory for general second-order hyperbolic equ ations with Dirichlet boundary condition . Consider the second-order hyperbolic equation (22) with initial conditions w(x,0) =w0(x),wt(x,0) =w1(x) and Dirichlet bound- ary condition w|Σ=h(x,t). Then the following interior and boundary regularityRECOVER ALL COEFFICIENTS 11 results for the solution whold true: For γ≥0 (not necessarily an integer), if the given data satisfy the following regularity assumptions /braceleftBigg G∈L1(0,T;Hγ(Ω)), ∂(γ) tG∈L1(0,T;L2(Ω)), w0∈Hγ+1(Ω), w1∈Hγ(Ω), h∈Hγ+1(Σ) with all compatibility conditions (trace coincidence) which make sense . Then, we have the following regularity for the solution w: (30)w∈C([0,T];Hγ+1(Ω)), ∂(γ+1) tw∈C([0,T];L2(Ω));∂w ∂ν∈Hγ(Σ). 3.Main Proofs In this section we give the main proofs of the uniqueness and stability results established in the first section. We focus on proving Theorems 1.3 an d 1.4 for the inverse source problem since Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 of the original inve rse problem will then follow from the relation (11) between the two problems and t he regularity theory result recalled in Section 2. Henceforth for convenience we useCto denote a generic positive constant which may depend on Ω, T,c,q1,q0,q,r0,w(i),u(i),R(i), i= 1,···,m+2, but not on the free large parameter τappearing in the Carleman estimate. Proof of Theorem 1.3 . First we consider the case when nis odd, i.e., n= 2m+1, for some m∈N. Then corresponding with the choice of R(i),i= 1,···,m+2, we havem+2 equations of the form (12) with solutions u(i)=u(i)(x,t) that satisfy (31) u(i) tt−c2(x)∆u(i)+q1(x)u(i) t+q0(x)u(i)+q(x)·∇u(i)=S(i)(x,t) inQ u(i)(x,0) =u(i) t(x,0) = 0 in Ω u(i)|Γ×[−T,T]= 0,∂u(i) ∂ν|Γ1×[−T,T]= 0 in Σ ,Σ1, whereS(i)(x,t) is defined in (13) with Rbeing replaced by R(i). Note since c∈C,q1,q0∈L∞(Ω) andq∈(L∞(Ω))n, the equation in (31) can be written as a Riemannian wave equation with respect to the metric g=c−2(x)dx2, modulo lower-order terms2 u(i) tt−∆gu(i)+“lower-order terms” = S(i)(x,t). Moreover, by the regularity assumption (14), we have that S(i)∈L2(Q) and by Cauchy–Schwarz inequality |S(i)(x,t)|2≤C/parenleftbig |f0(x)|2+|f1(x)|2+|f(x)|2+|f2(x)|2/parenrightbig . 2More precisely, we have ∆ gu=c2∆u+cn∇(c2−n)·∇u12 SHITAO LIU, ANTONIO PIERROTTET AND SCOTT SCRUGGS Thus we can apply the Carleman estimate (26) for solution u(i)in the class (25) and get the following inequality for sufficiently large τ: τ/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ[(u(i) t)2+|Du(i)|2]dQ+τ3/integraldisplay Q(σ)e2τϕ(u(i))2dxdt ≤C/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ/parenleftbig |f0(x)|2+|f1(x)|2+|f(x)|2+|f2(x)|2/parenrightbig dQ+Ce2τσ.(32) Note here we have dropped the unnecessary terms in the Carleman estimate (26) as well as the boundary terms BT(u(i)) since the homogeneous boundary data u(i)|Γ×[−T,T]=∂u(i) ∂ν|Γ1×[−T,T]= 0 imply BT(u(i))≤0, as suggested in (28). Differentiate the u(i)-system (31) in time t, we get the following u(i) t-problem (33) (u(i) t)tt−c2(x)∆u(i) t+q1(x)(u(i) t)t+q0(x)u(i) t+q(x)·∇u(i) t=S(i) t(x,t) inQ (u(i) t)(x,0) = 0,(u(i) t)t(x,0) =S(i)(x,0) in Ω u(i) t|Γ×[−T,T]= 0,∂u(i) t ∂ν|Γ1×[−T,T]= 0 in Σ ,Σ1. Note again by (14) we have S(i) t∈L2(Q) and by Cauchy–Schwarz inequality |S(i) t(x,t)|2≤C/parenleftbig |f0(x)|2+|f1(x)|2+|f(x)|2+|f2(x)|2/parenrightbig . In addition, BT(u(i) t)≤0 sinceu(i) t|Γ×[−T,T]=∂u(i) t ∂ν|Γ1×[−T,T]= 0. Thus similar to (32) we can apply Carleman estimate (26) for solutions u(i) tin the class (25) and get the following inequality for sufficiently large τ: τ/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ[(u(i) tt)2+|Du(i) t|2]dQ+τ3/integraldisplay Q(σ)e2τϕ(u(i) t)2dxdt ≤C/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ/parenleftbig |f0(x)|2+|f1(x)|2+|f(x)|2+|f2(x)|2/parenrightbig dQ+Ce2τσ.(34) Continue with this process, we differentiate (33) in ttwo more times, and get the corresponding u(i) ttandu(i) ttt-systems (35) (u(i) tt)tt−c2(x)∆u(i) tt+q1(x)(u(i) tt)t+q0(x)u(i) tt+q(x)·∇u(i) tt=S(i) tt(x,t) u(i) tt(x,0) =S(i)(x,0),(u(i) tt)t(x,0) =S(i) t(x,0)−q1(x)S(i)(x,0) u(i) tt|Γ×[−T,T]= 0,∂u(i) tt ∂ν|Γ1×[−T,T]= 0RECOVER ALL COEFFICIENTS 13 and (36) (u(i) ttt)tt−c2(x)∆u(i) ttt+q1(x)(u(i) ttt)t+q0(x)u(i) ttt+q(x)·∇u(i) ttt=S(i) ttt(x,t) (u(i) ttt)(x,0) =S(i) t(x,0)−q1(x)S(i)(x,0) (u(i) ttt)t(x,0) =S(i) tt(x,0)+c2∆S(i)(x,0)−q1S(i) t(x,0)−q0S(i)(x,0)−q·∇S(i)(x,0) u(i) ttt|Γ×[−T,T]= 0,∂u(i) ttt ∂ν|Γ1×[−T,T]= 0. Again by (14), Cauchy–Schwarz inequality and the homogeneous Dir ichlet and Neumann boundary data, we can apply Carleman estimate (26) to th e correspond- ingu(i) tt,u(i) ttt-systems above and get the following inequalities that are similar to (3 2) and (34), for τsufficiently large τ/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ[(u(i) ttt)2+|Du(i) tt|2]dQ+τ3/integraldisplay Q(σ)e2τϕ(u(i) tt)2dxdt ≤C/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ/parenleftbig |f0(x)|2+|f1(x)|2+|f(x)|2+|f2(x)|2/parenrightbig dQ+Ce2τσ.(37) τ/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ[(u(i) tttt)2+|Du(i) ttt|2]dQ+τ3/integraldisplay Q(σ)e2τϕ(u(i) ttt)2dxdt ≤C/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ/parenleftbig |f0(x)|2+|f1(x)|2+|f(x)|2+|f2(x)|2/parenrightbig dQ+Ce2τσ.(38) Add the four inequalities (32), (34), (37), (38) together, we get τ/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ[(u(i) tttt)2+(u(i) ttt)2+(u(i) tt)2+(u(i) t)2+|Du(i) ttt|2+|Du(i) tt|2+|Du(i) t|2+|Du(i)|2]dQ +τ3/integraldisplay Q(σ)e2τϕ[(u(i) ttt)2+(u(i) tt)2+(u(i) t)2+(u(i))2]dxdt ≤C/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ/parenleftbig |f0(x)|2+|f1(x)|2+|f(x)|2+|f2(x)|2/parenrightbig dQ+Ce2τσ.(39) We now analyze the integral term on the right-hand side of (39). Fir st note that by estimating the u(i)-equation in (31) and u(i) t-equation in (33) at time t= 0, we14 SHITAO LIU, ANTONIO PIERROTTET AND SCOTT SCRUGGS can get (40) u(i) tt(x,0) =S(i)(x,0) u(i) ttt(x,0) =S(i) t(x,0)−q1(x)S(i)(x,0). Note the above equations hold for any i, 1≤i≤m+2, so putting all of them together we get a ( n+3)×(n+3) linear system (41)/bracketleftBig u(1) tt(x,0),u(1) ttt(x,0),···,u(m+2) tt(x,0),u(m+2) ttt(x,0)/bracketrightBigT =Uq1(x)[f0(x),f1(x),f(x),f2(x)]T where the coefficient matrix Uq1(x) is defined as (42) Uq1(x) = R(1)(x,0)R(1) t(x,0)∂x1R(1)(x,0)···∂xnR(1)(x,0) ∆R(1)(x,0) ˜a(1)(x)˜b(1)(x) ˜ m(1) 1(x)··· ˜m(1) n(x) ˜ℓ(1)(x) .................. R(m+2)(x,0)R(m+2) t(x,0)∂x1R(m+2)(x,0)···∂xnR(m+2)(x,0) ∆R(m+2)(x,0) ˜a(m+2)(x)˜b(m+2)(x) ˜m(m+2) 1(x)···˜m(m+2) n(x)˜ℓ(m+2)(x) with (43) ˜a(i)(x) =R(i) t(x,0)−q1(x)R(i)(x,0),˜b(i)(x) =R(i) tt(x,0)−q1(x)R(i) t(x,0), ˜m(i) k(x) =∂xkR(i) t(x,0)−q1(x)∂xkR(i)(x),˜ℓ(i)(x,0) = ∆R(i) t(x,0)−q1(x)∆R(i)(x,0). Notice that from doing elementary row operations, specifically, add ingq1multiplied by an odd row to the subsequent even row, the matrix Uq1(x) andU(x) as defined in (16) have the same determinant. Thus the positivity assumption ( 15) implies that we may invert Uq1(x) in (42) to obtain |f0(x)|2+|f1(x)|2+|f2(x)|2+|f(x)|2≤Cm+2/summationdisplay i=1/parenleftBig |u(i) tt(x,0)|2+|u(i) ttt(x,0)|2/parenrightBig =C/parenleftbig |utt(x,0)|2+|uttt(x,0)|2/parenrightbig(44) wherewedenote u(x,t) = (u(1)(x,t),u(2)(x,t),···,u(m+2)(x,t)). Thusbyproperties of the pseudo-convex function ϕand the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality, we can get theRECOVER ALL COEFFICIENTS 15 following estimate /integraldisplay Qe2τϕ(x,t)/parenleftbig |f0(x)|2+|f1(x)|2+|f(x)|2+|f2(x)|2/parenrightbig dQ (45) ≤C/integraldisplay Ω/integraldisplayT −Te2τϕ(x,0)/parenleftbig |utt(x,0)|2+|uttt(x,0)|2/parenrightbig dtdΩ ≤C/parenleftbigg/integraldisplay Ω/integraldisplay0 −Td ds[e2τϕ(x,s)/parenleftbig |utt(x,s)|2+|uttt(x,s)|2/parenrightbig ]dsdΩ +/integraldisplay Ωe2τϕ(x,−T)/parenleftbig |utt(x,−T)|2+|uttt(x,−T)|2/parenrightbig dΩ/parenrightbigg ≤C/parenleftbigg τ/integraldisplay Ω/integraldisplay0 −Te2τϕ(x,s)/parenleftbig |utt(x,s)|2+|uttt(x,s)|2/parenrightbig ]dsdΩ + 2/integraldisplay Ω/integraldisplay0 −Te2τϕ(x,s)(utt·uttt+uttt·utttt)]dsdΩ +/integraldisplay Ωe2τϕ(x,−T)/parenleftbig |utt(x,−T)|2+|uttt(x,−T)|2/parenrightbig dΩ/parenrightbigg ≤C/parenleftbigg τ/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ|utt|2dQ+τ/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ|uttt|2dQ+/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ|utttt|2dQ/parenrightbigg . Taking (45) into (39), and note (39) holds for all i= 1,···m+2, thus summing overiin (39) and dropping the non-negative gradient terms on the left-h and side, we get that for τsufficiently large τ/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ/parenleftbig |utttt|2+|uttt|2+|utt|2+|ut|2/parenrightbig dQ (46) +τ3/integraldisplay Q(σ)e2τϕ/parenleftbig |uttt|2+|utt|2+|ut|2+|u|2/parenrightbig dxdt ≤Cτ/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ(|utt|2+|uttt|2)dQ+C/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ|utttt|2dQ+Ce2τσ. Sincee2τϕ< e2τσonQ\Q(σ) from the definition of Q(σ) (23), we have the following /integraldisplay Qe2τϕ/parenleftbig |utt|2+|uttt|2/parenrightbig dQ =/integraldisplay Q(σ)e2τϕ/parenleftbig |utt|2+|uttt|2/parenrightbig dxdt+/integraldisplay Q\Q(σ)e2τϕ/parenleftbig |utt|2+|uttt|2/parenrightbig dxdt ≤/integraldisplay Q(σ)e2τϕ/parenleftbig |utt|2+|uttt|2/parenrightbig dxdt+e2τσ/integraldisplay Q\Q(σ)/parenleftbig |utt|2+|uttt|2/parenrightbig dxdt16 SHITAO LIU, ANTONIO PIERROTTET AND SCOTT SCRUGGS and therefore (46) becomes τ/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ/parenleftbig |utttt|2+|uttt|2+|utt|2+|ut|2/parenrightbig dQ (47) +τ3/integraldisplay Q(σ)e2τϕ/parenleftbig |uttt|2+|utt|2+|ut|2+|u|2/parenrightbig dxdt ≤Cτ/integraldisplay Q(σ)e2τϕ/parenleftbig |utt|2+|uttt|2/parenrightbig dxdt+C/integraldisplay Qe2τϕ|utttt|2dQ+Ce2τσ. Note that in (47) the first and second terms on the right-hand side can be ab- sorbed by the corresponding terms on the left-hand side when τis taken large enough. Hence we may get the following estimate for sufficiently large τ: τ3/integraldisplay Q(σ)e2τϕ/parenleftbig |uttt|2+|utt|2+|ut|2+|u|2/parenrightbig dxdt≤Cτe2τσ. Use again the fact that ϕ(x,t)≥σonQ(σ) we hence get τ2/integraldisplay Q(σ)|uttt|2+|utt|2+|ut|2+|u|2dxdt≤C. Sinceτ >0 in a free large parameter and the constants Cdo not depend on τ, the above inequality implies we must have u=0a.e. onQ(σ). Note from (24) the subspace Q(σ) satisfies the property Ω ×[t0,t1]⊂Q(σ)⊂Qwitht0<0< t1, therefore by evaluating the uandut-systems of equations at t= 0, we get the (n+3)×(n+3) linear system (see (41)) Uq1(x)[f0(x),f1(x),f(x),f2(x)]T=0, a.e. x∈Ω. As the coefficient matrix Uq1(x) is invertible from assumption (15), we must have the desired conclusion f0(x) =f1(x) =f2(x) =f(x) = 0, a.e. x∈Ω. For the case when nis even, i.e., n= 2m,m∈N, we can basically repeat the above proof with obvious adjustments. The only difference her e is that since n= 2mis even, the linear system (41) contains an odd number ( n+3) of equations. Therefore we only need m+1 pairs of equations from (40) plus one more equationRECOVER ALL COEFFICIENTS 17 fromu(m+2) tt(x,0). Doing this yields the matrix /tildewideUq1(x), where (48) /tildewideUq1(x) = R(1)(x,0)R(1) t(x,0)∂x1R(1)(x,0)···∂xnR(1)(x,0) ∆R(1)(x,0) ˜a(1)(x)˜b(1)(x) ˜ m(1) 1(x)··· ˜m(1) n(x) ˜ℓ(1)(x) .................. R(m+1)(x,0)R(m+1) t(x,0)∂x1R(m+1)(x,0)···∂xnR(m+1)(x,0) ∆R(m+1)(x,0) ˜a(m+1)(x)˜b(m+1)(x) ˜m(m+1) 1(x)···˜m(m+1) n(x)˜ℓ(m+1)(x) R(m+2)(x,0)R(m+2) t(x,0)∂x1R(m+2)(x,0)···∂xnR(m+2)(x,0) ∆R(m+2)(x,0) with ˜a(i),˜b(i), ˜m(i) kand˜ℓ(i)defined as in (43). Again since elementary row operations do notchange thedeterminant, /tildewideUq1(x) will have thesamedeterminant asthematrix /tildewideU(x) in the assumption (17). This completes the proof of Theorem 1.3. Proof of Theorem 1.4 . After achieving the uniqueness for the inverse source problem, we now prove the corresponding stability estimate (21). T he proof below works essentially for both of the cases whether nis odd or even, the only difference is in the choices of the functions R(i),i= 1,···,m+2, as indicated in the Theorem 1.3. First we go back to the inequality (44), integrate over Ω gives (49) /⌊a∇d⌊lf0/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lf1/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lf2/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lf/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)≤Cm+2/summationdisplay i=1/parenleftBig /⌊a∇d⌊lu(i) tt(·,0)/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lu(i) ttt(·,0)/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)/parenrightBig . For each i, 1≤i≤m+2, we return to the u(i) tt-system: (50) (u(i) tt)tt−c2(x)∆u(i) tt+q1(x)(u(i) tt)t+q0(x)u(i) tt+q(x)·∇u(i) tt=S(i) tt(x,t) u(i) tt(x,0) =S(i)(x,0),(u(i) tt)t(x,0) =S(i) t(x,0)−q1(x)S(i)(x,0) u(i) tt|Γ×[−T,T]= 0 withS(i)(x,t) =f0(x)R(i)+f1(x)R(i) t+f(x)·∇R(i)+f2(x)∆R(i). Here we assume (51)c∈C, q0,q1,q2∈L∞(Ω),q∈(L∞(Ω))n,f0,f1,f2∈H1 0(Ω),f∈/parenleftbig H1 0(Ω)/parenrightbign andR(i)satisfies (14) and (15) (or (17) if nis even). By linearity, we split u(i) tt into two systems, u(i) tt=y(i)+z(i), wherey(i)=y(i)(x,t) satisfies the homogeneous18 SHITAO LIU, ANTONIO PIERROTTET AND SCOTT SCRUGGS forcing term and nonhomogeneous initial conditions (52) y(i) tt−c2(x)∆y(i)+q1(x)y(i) t+q0(x)y(i)+q(x)·∇y(i)= 0 in Q y(i)(x,0) =u(i) tt(x,0) =S(i)(x,0) in Ω y(i) t(x,0) = (u(i) tt)t(x,0) =S(i) t(x,0)−q1(x)S(i)(x,0) in Ω y(i)|Γ×[−T,T]= 0 in Σ andz(i)=z(i)(x,t) has the nonhomogeneous forcing term and homogeneous initial conditions (53) z(i) tt−c2(x)∆z(i)+q1(x)z(i) t+q0(x)z(i)+q(x)·∇z(i)=S(i) tt(x,t) inQ z(i)(x,0) =z(i) t(x,0) = 0 in Ω z(i)|Γ×[−T,T]= 0 in Σ. For they(i)-system, note by assumptions (51) and (14) we have S(i)(·,0)∈H1 0(Ω) and S(i) t(·,0)−q1(·)S(i)(·,0)∈L2(Ω). Thuswemayapplythecontinuousobservabilityinequality(29)(with g=c−2(x)dx2) to get /⌊a∇d⌊ly(i)(·,0)/⌊a∇d⌊l2 H1 0(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊ly(i) t(·,0)/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)=/⌊a∇d⌊lu(i) tt(·,0)/⌊a∇d⌊l2 H1 0(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lu(i) ttt(·,0)/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)≤C/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble∂y(i) ∂ν/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Σ1). Sum the above inequality over i, use (49) and the decomposition u(i) tt=y(i)+z(i), as well as Poincar´ e’s inequality, we have /⌊a∇d⌊lf0/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lf1/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lf2/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lf/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω) (54) ≤Cm+2/summationdisplay i=1/parenleftBig /⌊a∇d⌊lu(i) ttt(·,0)/⌊a∇d⌊l2 H1 0(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lu(i) ttt(·,0)/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)/parenrightBig ≤Cm+2/summationdisplay i=1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble∂y(i) ∂ν/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Σ1) =Cm+2/summationdisplay i=1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble∂u(i) tt ∂ν−∂z(i) ∂ν/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Σ1) ≤Cm+2/summationdisplay i=1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble∂u(i) tt ∂ν/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Σ1)+Cm+2/summationdisplay i=1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble∂z(i) ∂ν/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Σ1).RECOVER ALL COEFFICIENTS 19 Note this is the desired stability estimate (21) polluted by the z(i)terms. Next we show those terms can be absorbed through a compactness–uniqu eness argument, where the uniqueness relies on Theorem 1.3. To start, note for the z(i)-system (53), we have the following proposition. Proposition 3.1. For each i= 1,···,m+2, the operator define by Ki:L2(Ω)×L2(Ω)×L2(Ω)×/parenleftbig L2(Ω)/parenrightbign→L2(Σ1) (55) (f0,f1,f2,f)/mapsto→∂z(i) ∂ν|Σ1, is a compact operator. Proof.Note assumptions (51) and (14) imply S(i) tt∈H1(Q), thus by the regularity result (30) we have S(i) tt∈H1(Q)⇒∂z(i) ∂ν∈H1(Σ1) continuously . This then implies the map ( f0,f1,f2,f)/mapsto→Ki(f0,f1,f2,f)∈H1(Σ1) is continuous and hence ( f0,f1,f2,f)/mapsto→Ki(f0,f1,f2,f)∈L2(Σ1) is compact. /square Combine K(i),i= 1,···,m+ 2, being compact, together with the uniqueness result in Theorem 1.3, we may drop the z(i)terms in (54) to get the desired stability estimate (21). To carry this out, suppose by contradiction the st ability estimate (21) does not hold, then there exist sequences {fk 0},{fk 1},{fk 2}and{fk}, with fk 0,fk 1,fk 2∈H1 0(Ω) andfk∈(H1 0(Ω))n,∀k∈N, such that (56)/vextenddouble/vextenddoublefk 0/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Ω)+/vextenddouble/vextenddoublefk 1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Ω)+/vextenddouble/vextenddoublefk 2/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Ω)+/vextenddouble/vextenddoublefk/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Ω)= 1 and (57) lim k→∞m+2/summationdisplay i=1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble∂u(i) tt(fk 0,fk 1,fk 2,fk) ∂ν/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble L2(Σ1)= 0 whereu(i)(fk 0,fk 1,fk 2,fk) solves the system (31) with f0=fk 0,f1=fk 1,f2=fk 2and f=fk. From (56), there exist subsequences, still denoted as {fk 0},{fk 1},{fk 2}and {fk}, such that (58) fik⇀ f∗ iandfk⇀f∗weakly for some f∗ i∈L2(Ω) andf∗∈/parenleftbig L2(Ω)/parenrightbign,i= 0,1,2. Moreover, in view of the compactness of Ki,i= 1,···,m+ 2, we also have the strong convergence (59) lim k,l→∞/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleKi(fk 0,fk 1,fk 2,fk)−Ki(fl 0,fl 1,fl 2,fl)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble L2(Σ1)= 0,∀i= 1,···,m+2.20 SHITAO LIU, ANTONIO PIERROTTET AND SCOTT SCRUGGS On the other hand, since the map ( f0,f1,f2,f)/mapsto→u(i)(f0,f1,f2,f) is linear, we have from (54) that /vextenddouble/vextenddoublefk 0−fl 0/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Ω)+/vextenddouble/vextenddoublefk 1−fl 1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Ω)+/vextenddouble/vextenddoublefk 2−fl 2/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Ω)+/vextenddouble/vextenddoublefk−fl/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Ω) ≤Cm+2/summationdisplay i=1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble∂u(i) tt(fk 0,fk 1,fk 2,fk) ∂ν−∂u(i) tt(fl 0,fl 1,fl 2,fl) ∂ν/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Σ1) +Cm+2/summationdisplay i=1/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleKi(fk 0,fk 1,fk 2,fk)−Ki(fl 0,fl 1,fl 2,fl)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Σ1) ≤Cm+2/summationdisplay i=1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble∂u(i) tt(fk 0,fk 1,fk 2,fk) ∂ν/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Σ1)+Cm+2/summationdisplay i=1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble∂u(i) tt(fl 0,fl 1,fl 2,fl) ∂ν/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Σ1) +Cm+2/summationdisplay i=1/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleKi(fk 0,fk 1,fk 2,fk)−Ki(fl 0,fl 1,fl 2,fl)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Σ1) and therefore by (57) and (59) we get lim k,l→∞/vextenddouble/vextenddoublefk i−fl i/vextenddouble/vextenddouble L2(Ω)= lim k,l→∞/vextenddouble/vextenddoublefk−fl/vextenddouble/vextenddouble L2(Ω)= 0, i= 0,1,2. Namely, {fk 0},{fk 1},{fk 2}are Cauchy sequences in L2(Ω) and {fk}is a Cauchy sequence in ( L2(Ω))n. By uniqueness of limit and in view of (58), we must have {fk i}converges to f∗ istrongly, i= 0,1,2, and{fk}converges to f∗strongly. Hence we have from (56) (60) /⌊a∇d⌊lf∗ 0/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lf∗ 1/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lf∗ 2/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lf∗/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)= 1. Now again for the u(i) tt-system (50), by the regularity theory (30) we have that the map ( f0,f1,f2,f)/mapsto→∂u(i) tt(f0,f1,f2,f) ∂ν∈L2(Σ) is continuous and hence /vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble∂u(i) tt(f0,f1,f2,f) ∂ν/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Σ)≤C/parenleftBig /⌊a∇d⌊lf0/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lf1/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lf2/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lf/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)/parenrightBig . Since the map ( f0,f1,f2,f)/mapsto→u(i) tt(f0,f1,f2,f)|Σis linear, we thus have /vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble∂u(i) tt(fk 0,fk 1,fk 2,fk) ∂ν−∂u(i) tt(f∗ 0,f∗ 1,f∗ 2,f∗) ∂ν/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Σ1)(61) ≤C/parenleftBig /⌊a∇d⌊lfk 0−f∗ 0/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lfk 1−f∗ 1/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lfk 2−f∗ 2/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lfk−f∗/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)/parenrightBig .RECOVER ALL COEFFICIENTS 21 This then implies, by virtue of fk i→f∗ i,i= 0,1,2 andfk→f∗strongly, that lim k→∞/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble∂u(i) tt(fk 0,fk 1,fk 2,fk) ∂ν−∂u(i) tt(f∗ 0,f∗ 1,f∗ 2,f∗) ∂ν/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble L2(Σ1)= 0 and hence∂u(i) tt(f∗ 0,f∗ 1,f∗ 2,f∗) ∂ν= 0 inL2(Σ1) in view of (57). In other words, ∂u(i) t(f∗ 0,f∗ 1,f∗ 2,f∗) ∂νisaconstantin t∈[−T,T]. Weclaimthat∂u(i) t(f∗ 0,f∗ 1,f∗ 2,f∗) ∂ν= 0 on Σ 1. To see this, we consider the u(i) t(fk 0,fk 1,fk 2,fk)-system (62) (u(i) t)tt−c2(x)∆u(i) t+q1(x)(u(i) t)t+q0(x)u(i) t+q(x)·∇u(i) t= (S(i) k)t(x,t) inQ (u(i) t)(x,0) = 0,(u(i) t)t(x,0) =S(i) k(x,0) in Ω u(i) t|Γ×[−T,T]= 0 in Σ where for i= 1,···,m+2,R(i)=R(i)(x,t) and S(i) k(x,t) =fk 0(x)R(i)+fk 1(x)R(i) t+fk(x)·∇R(i)+fk 2(x)∆R(i). The standard regularity theory (30) and trace theory implies /vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleu(i) t(fk 0,fk 1,fk 2,fk)−u(i) t(f∗ 0,f∗ 1,f∗ 2,f∗)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 C([0,T];H1 0(Ω)) ≤C/parenleftBig /⌊a∇d⌊lfk 0−f∗ 0/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lfk 1−f∗ 1/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lfk 2−f∗ 2/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lfk−f∗/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)/parenrightBig and /vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleu(i) t(fk 0,fk 1,fk 2,fk)−u(i) t(f∗ 0,f∗ 1,f∗ 2,f∗)/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 C([0,T];H1 2(Σ) ≤C/parenleftBig /⌊a∇d⌊lfk 0−f∗ 0/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lfk 1−f∗ 1/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lfk 2−f∗ 2/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lfk−f∗/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)/parenrightBig . Noteu(i) t(fk 0,fk 1,fk 2,fk)(x,0) = 0 as well as the strong convergence of fk i→f∗ i, i= 0,1,2 andfk→f∗. Thus letting k→ ∞we getu(i) t(f∗ 0,f∗ 1,f∗ 2,f∗)(x,0) = 0 in Ω andu(i) t(f∗ 0,f∗ 1,f∗ 2,f∗)|Σ= 0. Hence∂u(i) t(f∗ 0,f∗ 1,f∗ 2,f∗) ∂ν(x,0) = 0 on Σ. Since we know∂u(i) t(f∗ 0,f∗ 1,f∗ 2,f∗) ∂νis a constant in t, we must have∂u(i) t(f∗ 0,f∗ 1,f∗ 2,f∗) ∂ν= 0 on Σ1, as desired.22 SHITAO LIU, ANTONIO PIERROTTET AND SCOTT SCRUGGS The above then implies∂u(i)(f∗ 0,f∗ 1,f∗ 2,f∗) ∂νis also a constant in t. By repeating the same argument, this time using the regularity theory for the u(i)(fk 0,fk 1,fk 2,fk)- system and taking limit k→ ∞, we finally get∂u(i)(f∗ 0,f∗ 1,f∗ 2,f∗) ∂ν= 0 on Σ 1. Hence we have that u(i)(f∗ 0,f∗ 1,f∗ 2,f∗) satisfies the following (63) u(i) tt−c2(x)∆u(i)+q1(x)u(i) t+q0(x)u(i)+q(x)·∇u(i)=S(i) ∗(x,t) inQ u(i)(x,0) =u(i) t(x,0) = 0 in Ω u(i)|Γ×[−T,T]= 0,∂u(i) ∂ν|Γ1×[−T,T]= 0 in Σ ,Σ1 with S(i) ∗(x,t) =f∗ 0(x)R(i)+f∗ 1(x)R(i) t+f∗(x)·∇R(i)+f∗ 2(x)∆R(i),i= 1,···,m+2. By the uniqueness result we proved in Theorem 1.3, this must imply f∗ 0=f∗ 1= f∗ 2=f∗= 0, which contradicts with (60). Hence we must be able to drop the z(i) terms in (54). This completes the proof of Theorem 1.4. Proof of Theorems 1.1 and 1.2 . Finally, we provide the proofs of uniqueness and stability of the original inverse problem. These results are pret ty much direct consequences of Theorems 1.3 and 1.4 given the relationship (11) be tween the orig- inal inverse problem and the inverse source problem. More precisely , we have the positivity conditions (4) and (6) imply (15) and (17). In addition, by t he regularity theory (30) the assumption (3) on the initial and boundary conditio ns{w(i) 0,w(i) 1,h} implies the solutions w(i),i= 1,···,m+2, satisfy {w(i),w(i) t,w(i) tt,w(i) ttt} ∈C/parenleftbig [−T,T];Hγ+1(Ω)×Hγ(Ω)×Hγ−1(Ω)×Hγ−2(Ω)/parenrightbig . Asγ >n 2+ 4, we have the following embedding Hγ−2(Ω)֒→W2,∞(Ω) and hence the regularity assumption (3) implies the corresponding regularity a ssumption (14) for the inverse source problem. This completes the proof of all the theorems. 4.Some Examples and Concluding Remarks In this last section we first provide some concrete examples such th at the key positivity conditions (4), (6), (15), (17) are satisfied, and then g ive some general remarks.RECOVER ALL COEFFICIENTS 23 Example 1 . Consider the following functions R(i)(x,t),x= (x1,···,xn)∈Ω, t∈[−T,T],i= 1,···,m+2, defined by R(1)(x,t) =t, R(i)(x,t) =x2i−3+tx2i−2,2≤i≤m+1, R(m+2)(x,t) =/braceleftBigg x2m+1+1 2tx2 1ifn= 2m+1 is odd 1 2x2 1 ifn= 2mis even. Then we may easily see that the matrices U(x) and/tildewideU(x) are lower triangular matrices with all 1s at the diagonal after swapping the first two colu mns. Thus the determinants of the matrices U(x) and/tildewideU(x) are both −1 and hence conditions (15), (17) are satisfied. Correspondingly, we may choose the m+2 pairs of initial conditions {w(i) 0(x),w(i) 1(x)}as w(1) 0(x) = 0, w(1) 1(x) = 1, w(i) 0(x) =x2i−3, w(i) 1(x) =x2i−2,2≤i≤m+1, w(m+2) 0(x) =/braceleftBigg x2m+1ifn= 2m+1 is odd 1 2x2 1ifn= 2mis even w(m+2) 1(x) =/braceleftBigg1 2x2 1ifn= 2m+1 is odd 0 ifn= 2mis even. Then the matrices W(x) and/tildewiderW(x) are also lower triangular matrices with all 1s at the diagonal after swapping the first two columns and hence condit ions are (4), (6) are satisfied. Example 2 . Considering the following functions R(i)(x,t),x= (x1,···,xn)∈Ω, t∈[−T,T],i= 1,···,m+2, defined by R(1)(x,t) = sin t, R(i)(x,t) = costex2i−3+sintex2i−2,2≤i≤m+1, R(m+2)(x,t) =/braceleftBigg costex2m+1+sinte−x1ifn= 2m+1 is odd coste−x1 ifn= 2mis even.24 SHITAO LIU, ANTONIO PIERROTTET AND SCOTT SCRUGGS Then the matrix U(x) becomes U(x) = 0 1 0 0 ···0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ···0 0 0 ex1ex2ex10 0 ···0ex1 ex2−ex10ex20···0ex2 ........................ exn−1−exn−20···0exn−10exn−1 exne−x10···0 0 exnexn e−x1−exn−e−x10···0 0 e−x1 (64) Notice that U(x) is not a lower triangular matrix. However, we can easily transform theitinto alower triangularmatrixbyswapping thefirst twocolumns a ndsubtract- ing the 3rd, 4th, ..., (n+2)th column from the last column. As a conseq uence we get detU(x) =−2/producttextn i=2exi. Inasimilar fashionwecanalsogetdet ˜U(x) =−2/producttextn i=2exi. As Ω is a bounded domain, we hence have the conditions (15) and (17) are satisfied. Correspondingly we may choose the m+2 pairs of initial conditions {w(i) 0,w(i) 1} as w(1) 0(x) = 0, w(1) 1(x) = 1, w(i) 0(x) =ex2i−3, w(i) 1(x) =ex2i−2,2≤i≤m+1, w(m+2) 0(x) =/braceleftBigg exnifn= 2m+1 is odd e−x1ifn= 2mis even w(m+2) 1(x) =/braceleftBigg e−x1ifn= 2m+1 is odd 0 if n= 2mis even. Then the determinants of both W(x) and/tildewiderW(x) are also −2/producttextn i=2exi, calculated in the same manner as in the case of U(x) and/tildewideU(x). Hence the conditions (4) and (6) are satisfied. Example 3 . In general if we have f(j)∈C2(Ω) with f(j)(x) =f(j)(x1,···,xj), 1≤j≤nandg,h∈C2[−T,T] that satisfies /vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle∂f(j) ∂xj/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle≥rj>0,1≤j≤n,/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle∂2f(1) ∂x2 1/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle≥˜r1>0 g(0) =h′(0) = 1, g′(0) =h(0) = 0.RECOVER ALL COEFFICIENTS 25 for some positive rj, 1≤j≤n, and ˜r1. Then we may consider the functions R(i)(x,t),x= (x1,···,xn)∈Ω,t∈[−T,T],i= 1,···,m+ 2, of the following form: R(1)(x,t) =h(t), R(i)(x,t) =f(2i−3)(x)g(t)+f(2i−2)(x)h(t),2≤i≤m+1, R(m+2)(x,t) =/braceleftBigg f(n)(x)g(t)+f(1)(ax)h(t) ifn= 2m+1 is odd f(1)(ax)g(t) if n= 2mis even. wherea <0 so that ax∈Ω. Correspondingly we may choose the m+2 pairs of initial conditions {w(i) 0,w(i) 1} as w(1) 0(x) = 0, w(1) 1(x) = 1, w(i) 0(x) =f(2i−3)(x), w(i) 1(x) =f(2i−2)(x),2≤i≤m+1, w(m+2) 0(x) =/braceleftBigg f(n)(x) ifn= 2m+1 is odd f(1)(ax) ifn= 2mis even w(m+2) 1(x) =/braceleftBigg f(1)(ax) ifn= 2m+1 is odd 0 if n= 2mis even. In this case, after swapping the first and second column, the last c olumn with the preceding ( n+2)th, (n+1)th,···, and finally the 3rd column, as well as swapping the last row with the preceding ( n+2)th, (n+1)th,···, and finally the 3rd row. We may get the determinants of the matrices U(x),/tildewideU(x),W(x) and/tildewiderW(x) are equal to /parenleftbig a∂x1f(1)(ax)∂2 x1f(1)(x)−a2∂2 x1f(1)(ax)∂x1f(1)(x)/parenrightbign/productdisplay j=2∂xjf(j)(x). Sincef(1)∈C2(Ω),|∂x1f(1)| ≥r1>0 and|∂2 x1f(1)| ≥˜r1>0,∂x1f(1)and∂2 x1f(1) do not change sign. Hence we have |/parenleftbig a∂x1f(1)(ax)∂2 x1f(1)(x)−a2∂2 x1f(1)(ax)∂x1f(1)(x)/parenrightbign/productdisplay j=2∂xjf(j)(x)| ≥(a2+|a|)˜r1n/productdisplay j=1rj. Hence the positivity conditions (4), (6), (15) and (17) are satisfie d. Finally, we end the paper with some comments and remarks. (1) We have shown in this paper that in order to recover all the coeffi cients, we need to appropriately choose ⌊n+4 2⌋pairs of initial conditions {w0,w1}and a boundary condition h, and then use their corresponding boundary measurements. As mentioned earlier, since in total there are n+3 unknown functions, it is natural26 SHITAO LIU, ANTONIO PIERROTTET AND SCOTT SCRUGGS to expect to recover them from n+3boundary measurements. Indeed, following the approach of this paper, we can also achieve the recovery by appro priately choosing n+ 3 initial positions w0with an initial velocity w1and a boundary condition h, and then use their corresponding boundary measurements. In pa rticular, in this case the positivity condition becomes det w(1) 0(x)w1(x)∂x1w(1) 0(x)···∂xnw(1) 0(x) ∆w(1) 0(x) w(2) 0(x)w1(x)∂x1w(2) 0(x)···∂xnw(2) 0(x) ∆w(2) 0(x) .................. w(n+3) 0(x)w1(x)∂x1w(n+3) 0(x)···∂xnw(n+3) 0(x) ∆w(n+3) 0(x) ≥r0>0. Note although in this case we need more measurements, an advanta ge is that we only need to differentiate the u-equation with respect to ttwice, rather than three times. We may also get a better stability estimate of the form /⌊a∇d⌊lc2−˜c2/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lq1−p1/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lq0−p0/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω)+/⌊a∇d⌊lq−p/⌊a∇d⌊l2 L2(Ω) ≤Cn+3/summationdisplay i=1/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble∂w(i) t(c,q1,q0,q) ∂ν−∂w(i) t(˜c,p1,p0,p) ∂ν/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble2 L2(Σ1) in the sense that we only need to differentiate the measurements in t ime once. (2) In our problem formulation we use the time interval [ −T,T] and regard the middlet= 0 as initial time. This is not essential since a simple change of variable t→t−Ttransforms t= 0 tot=−T. However, this present choice allows the recovery of all coefficients with fewer choices of initial condition s and hence fewer boundary measurements. This is because we may use both eq uations in (40), comparetojustoneifweassumethetimeintervalas[0 ,T]andthenextendsolutions to [−T,0]. (3) It is also possible to set up the inverse problem by assuming Neuma nn bound- ary condition∂w ∂νon Σ = Γ ×[−T,T] and making measurements of Dirichlet bound- ary traces of the solution wover Σ 1= Γ1×[−T,T], such as in [18]. This, however, would require more demanding geometrical assumption on the unobs erved portion of the boundaryΓ 0. Forexample, we may need to assume∂d ∂ν=/a\}⌊∇a⌋ketle{tDd,ν/a\}⌊∇a⌋ket∇i}ht= 0 onΓ 0in the geometrical assumption to account for the Neumann boundar y condition [22]. In addition, the more delicate regularity theory of second-order h yperbolic equation with nonhomogeneous Neumann boundary condition will also need to b e invoked [14], [15]. Nevertheless, the main ideas of solving the inverse problem r emain the same. AcknowledgementsRECOVER ALL COEFFICIENTS 27 The first author would like to thank Professor Yang Yang for many v ery useful discussions. References [1] M. 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dependent coefficients, which are the wave speed, the damping coefficient,
potential coefficient and gradient coefficient, in a second-order hyperbolic
equation defined on an open bounded domain with smooth enough boundary. We show
that by appropriately selecting finite pairs of initial conditions we can
uniquely and Lipschitz stably recover all those coefficients from the
corresponding boundary measurements of their solutions. The proofs are based on
sharp Carleman estimate, continuous observability inequality and regularity
theory for general second-order hyperbolic equations. | Recover all Coefficients in Second-Order Hyperbolic Equations from Finite Sets of Boundary Measurements | 2210.03865v1 |
Room-Temperature Intrinsic and Extrinsic Damping in Polycrystalline Fe Thin Films Shuang Wu,1David A. Smith,1Prabandha Nakarmi,2Anish Rai,2Michael Clavel,3Mantu K. Hudait,3Jing Zhao,4F. Marc Michel,4Claudia Mewes,2Tim Mewes,2and Satoru Emori1 1Department of Physics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 USA 3Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA 4Department of Geosciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA Abstract We examine room-temperature magnetic relaxation in polycrystalline Fe lms. Out-of-plane fer- romagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements reveal Gilbert damping parameters of 0.0024 for Fe lms with thicknesses of 4-25 nm, regardless of their microstructural properties. The remarkable invariance with lm microstructure strongly suggests that intrinsic Gilbert damping in polycrys- talline metals at room temperature is a local property of nanoscale crystal grains, with limited impact from grain boundaries and lm roughness. By contrast, the in-plane FMR linewidths of the Fe lms exhibit distinct nonlinear frequency dependences, indicating the presence of strong extrinsic damping. To t our in-plane FMR data, we have used a grain-to-grain two-magnon scat- tering model with two types of correlation functions aimed at describing the spatial distribution of inhomogeneities in the lm. However, neither of the two correlation functions is able to reproduce the experimental data quantitatively with physically reasonable parameters. Our ndings advance the fundamental understanding of intrinsic Gilbert damping in structurally disordered lms, while demonstrating the need for a deeper examination of how microstructural disorder governs extrinsic damping. 1arXiv:2109.03684v2 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 24 Feb 2022I. INTRODUCTION In all magnetic materials, magnetization has the tendency to relax toward an eective magnetic eld. How fast the magnetization relaxes governs the performance of a variety of magnetic devices. For example, magnetization relaxation hinders ecient precessional dynamics and should be minimized in devices such as precessional magnetic random access memories, spin-torque oscillators, and magnonic circuits1{4. From the technological perspec- tive, it is important to understand the mechanisms behind magnetic relaxation in thin-lm materials that comprise various nanomagnetic device applications. Among these materials, bcc Fe is a prototypical elemental ferromagnet with attractive properties, including high sat- uration magnetization, soft magnetism5, and large tunnel magnetoresistance6,7. Our present study is therefore motivated by the need to uncover magnetic relaxation mechanisms in Fe thin lms { particularly polycrystalline lms that can be easily grown on arbitrary substrates for diverse applications. To gain insights into the contributions to magnetic relaxation, a common approach is to examine the frequency dependence of the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) linewidth. The most often studied contribution is viscous Gilbert damping8{13, which yields a linear increase in FMR linewidth with increasing precessional frequency. In ferromagnetic metals, Gilbert damping arises predominately from \intrinsic" mechanisms14{16governed by the electronic band structure17. Indeed, a recent experimental study by Khodadadi et al.18has shown that intrinsic, band-structure-based Gilbert damping dominates magnetic relaxation in high- quality crystalline thin lms of Fe, epitaxially grown on lattice-matched substrates. However, it is yet unclear how intrinsic damping is impacted by the microstructure of polycrystalline Fe lms. Microstructural disorder in polycrystalline Fe lms can also introduce extrinsic magnetic relaxation. A well-known extrinsic relaxation mechanism is two-magnon scattering, where the uniform precession mode with zero wave vector scatters into a degenerate magnon mode with a nite wave vector19{22. Two-magnon scattering generally leads to a nonlinear fre- quency dependence of the FMR linewidth, governed by the nature of magnon scattering centers at the surfaces23,24or in the bulk of the lm25{28. While some prior experiments point to the prominent roles of extrinsic magnetic relaxation in polycrystalline ferromag- netic lms29{31, systematic studies of extrinsic relaxation (e.g., two-magnon scattering) on 2polycrystalline Fe thin lms are still lacking. Here, we investigate both the intrinsic and extrinsic contributions to magnetic relax- ation at room temperature in polycrystalline Fe lms. We have measured the frequency dependence of the FMR linewidth with (1) the lm magnetized out-of-plane (OOP), where two-magnon scattering is suppressed25such that intrinsic Gilbert damping is quantied re- liably, and (2) the lm magnetized in-plane (IP), where two-magnon scattering is generally expected to coexist with intrinsic Gilbert damping. From OOP FMR results, we nd that the intrinsic Gilbert damping of polycrystalline Fe lms at room temperature is independent of their structural properties and almost identical to that of epitaxial lms. Such insensitivity to microstructure is in contrast to disorder- sensitive Gilbert damping recently shown in epitaxial Fe at cryogenic temperature18. Our present work implies that Gilbert damping at a suciently high temperature becomes a local property of the metal, primarily governed by the structure within nanoscale crystal grains rather than grain boundaries or interfacial disorder. This implication refutes the intuitive expectation that intrinsic Gilbert damping should depend on structural disorder in polycrystalline lms. In IP FMR results, the frequency dependence of the FMR linewidth exhibits strong nonlinear trends that vary signicantly with lm microstructure. To analyze the nonlin- ear trends, we have employed the grain-to-grain two-magnon scattering model developed by McMichael and Krivosik25with two types of correlation functions for capturing inho- mogeneities in the lm. However, neither of the correlation functions yields quantitative agreement with the experimental results or physically consistent, reasonable parameters. This nding implies that a physical, quantitative understanding of extrinsic magnetic re- laxation requires further corrections of the existing two-magnon scattering model, along with much more detailed characterization of the nanoscale inhomogeneities of the magnetic lm. Our study stimulates opportunities for a deeper examination of fundamental magnetic relaxation mechanisms in structurally disordered ferromagnetic metal lms. II. FILM DEPOSITION AND STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES Polycrystalline Fe thin lms were deposited using DC magnetron sputtering at room temperature on Si substrates with a native oxide layer of SiO 2. The base pressure of the 3chamber was below 1 10 7Torr and all lms were deposited with 3 mTorr Ar pressure. Two sample series with dierent seed layers were prepared in our study: subs./Ti(3 nm)/Cu(3 nm)/Fe(2-25 nm)/Ti(3 nm) and subs./Ti(3 nm)/Ag(3 nm)/Fe(2-25 nm)/Ti(3 nm). In this paper we refer to these two sample series as Cu/Fe and Ag/Fe, respectively. The layer thicknesses are based on deposition rates derived from x-ray re
ectivity (XRR) of thick calibration lms. The Ti layer grown directly on the substrate ensures good adhesion of the lm, whereas the Cu and Ag layers yield distinct microstructural properties for Fe as described below. We note that Cu is often used as a seed layer for growing textured polycrystalline ferromagnetic metal lms32,33. Our initial motivation for selecting Ag as an alternative seed layer was that it might promote qualitatively dierent Fe lm growth34, owing to a better match in bulk lattice parameter 𝑎between Fe ( 𝑎286A) and Ag (𝑎p 2288A) compared to Fe and Cu ( 𝑎p 2255A). We performed x-ray diraction (XRD) measurements to compare the structural properties of the Cu/Fe and Ag/Fe lms. Figure 1(a,b) shows symmetric 𝜃-2𝜃XRD scan curves for several lms from both the Cu/Fe and Ag/Fe sample series. For all Cu/Fe lms, the (110) body-center-cubic (bcc) peak can be observed around 2 𝜃=44° 45°(Fig. 1(a)). This observation conrms that the Fe lms grown on Cu are polycrystalline and textured, where the crystal grains predominantly possess (110)-oriented planes that are parallel to the sample surface. For Ag/Fe (Fig. 1(b)), the (110) bcc peak is absent or extremely weak, from which one might surmise that the Fe lms grown on Ag are amorphous or only possess weak crystallographic texture. However, we nd that the Ag/Fe lms are, in fact, also polycrystalline with evidence of (110) texturing. In the following, we elaborate on our XRD results, rst for Cu/Fe and then Ag/Fe. We observe evidence for a peculiar, non-monotonic trend in the microstructural properties of the Cu/Fe lms. Specically, the height of the 𝜃-2𝜃diraction peak (Fig. 1(a)) increases with Fe lm thickness up to 10 nm but then decreases at higher Fe lm thicknesses. While we do not have a complete explanation for this peculiar nonmonotonic trend with lm thickness, a closer inspection of the XRD results (Fig. 1) provides useful insights. First, the Fe lm diraction peak shifts toward a higher 2 𝜃value with increasing lm thickness. This signies that thinner Fe lms on Cu are strained (with the Fe crystal lattice tetragonally distorted), whereas thicker Fe lms undergo structural relaxation such that the out-of-plane lattice parameter converges toward the bulk value of 2.86 A, as summarized in Fig. 1(e). 4354 04 55 05 5Ag/Fe2 nm6 nmIntensity [arb. unit] Cu/Febulk bcc Fe (110)1 0 nm15 nm25 nm8 nm( a) 4045502 θ [deg]10 nm2 5 nm 2 θ [deg]10 nm15 nm6 nm2 nm8 nm( b) 16182022242628Ag/Fe2 nm6 nmIntensity [arb. unit] Cu/Febulk bcc Fe (110)1 0 nm15 nm25 nm8 nm( c)2 5 nm θ [deg]10 nm15 nm6 nm2 nm8 nm( d) 2.842.862.882.902.922.940 5 10152025051015Bulk value 2.86 Cu/Fe Ag/FeOut-of-planel attice parameter [Å]( e)Crystallite size [nm]T hickness [nm](f)FIG. 1. (Color online) 𝜃-2𝜃X-ray diraction scan curves for (a) Cu/Fe (blue lines) and (b) Ag/Fe (red lines) sample series. The inset in (b) is the grazing-incidence XRD scan curve for 10 nm thick Ag/Fe lm. Rocking curves for (c) Cu/Fe (blue lines) and (d) Ag/Fe (red lines) sample series. (e) Out-of-plane lattice parameter estimated via Bragg's law using the 2 𝜃value at the maximum of the tallest lm diraction peak. (f) Crystallite size estimated via the Scherrer equation using the full-width-at-half-maximum of the tallest lm diraction peak. In (e) and (f), the data for the Ag/Fe lm series at a few thickness values are missing because of the absence of the bcc (110) peak in𝜃-2𝜃XRD scans. Second, as the Fe lm thickness approaches 10 nm, additional diraction peaks appear to the left of the tall primary peak. We speculate that these additional peaks may originate from Fe crystals that remain relatively strained (i.e., with an out-of-plane lattice parameter larger than the bulk value), while the primary peak arises from more relaxed Fe crystals (i.e., with a lattice parameter closer to the bulk value). The coexistence of such dierent Fe crystals appears to be consistent with the rocking curve measurements (Fig. 1(c)), which exhibit a large broad background peak in addition to a small sharp peak for Cu/Fe lms with thicknesses near 10 nm. As we describe in Sec. IV, these 10 nm thick Cu/Fe samples also show distinct behaviors in extrinsic damping (highly nonlinear frequency dependence of 5the FMR linewidth) and static magnetization reversal (enhanced coercivity), which appear to be correlated with the peculiar microstructural properties evidenced by our XRD results. On the other hand, it is worth noting that the estimated crystal grain size (Fig. 1(f)) { derived from the width of the 𝜃-2𝜃diraction peak { does not exhibit any anomaly near the lm thickness of10 nm, but rather increases monotonically with lm thickness. Unlike the Cu/Fe lms discussed above, the Ag/Fe lms do not show a strong (110) bcc peak in the 𝜃-2𝜃XRD results. However, the lack of pronounced peaks in the symmetric 𝜃-2𝜃 scans does not necessarily signify that Ag/Fe is amorphous. This is because symmetric 𝜃-2𝜃 XRD is sensitive to crystal planes that are nearly parallel to the sample surface, such that the diraction peaks capture only the crystal planes with out-of-plane orientation with a rather small range of misalignment (within 1°, dictated by incident X-ray beam divergence). In fact, from asymmetric grazing-incidence XRD scans that are sensitive to other planes, we are able to observe a clear bcc Fe (110) diraction peak even for Ag/Fe samples that lack an obvious diraction peak in 𝜃-2𝜃scans (see e.g. inset of Fig. 1(b)). Furthermore, rocking curve scans (conducted with 2 𝜃xed to the expected position of the (110) Fe lm diraction peak) provide orientation information over an angular range much wider than 1°. As shown in Fig. 1(d), a clear rocking curve peak is observed for each Ag/Fe sample, suggesting that Fe lms grown on Ag are polycrystalline and (110)-textured { albeit with the (110) crystal planes more misaligned from the sample surface compared to the Cu/Fe samples. The out- of-plane lattice parameters of Ag/Fe lms (with discernible 𝜃-2𝜃diraction lm peaks) show the trend of relaxation towards the bulk value with increasing Fe thickness, similar to the Cu/Fe series. Yet, the lattice parameters for Ag/Fe at small thicknesses are systematically closer to the bulk value, possibly because Fe is less strained (i.e., better lattice matched) on Ag than on Cu. We also nd that the estimation of the crystal grain size for Ag/Fe { although made dicult by the smallness of the diraction peak { yields a trend comparable to Cu/Fe, as shown in Fig. 1(f). We also observe a notable dierence between Cu/Fe and Ag/Fe in the properties of lm interfaces, as revealed by XRR scans in Fig. 2. The oscillation period depends inversely on the lm thickness. The faster decay of the oscillatory re
ectivity signal at high angles for the Ag/Fe lms suggests that the Ag/Fe lms may have rougher interfaces compared to the Cu/Fe lms. Another interpretation of the XRR results is that the Ag/Fe interface is more diuse than the Cu/Fe interface { i.e., due to interfacial intermixing of Ag and Fe. By nm2 5 nmReflectivity [a.u.] ( a) Cu/Fe Ag/Fe q z [Å-1](b)FIG. 2. (Color online) X-ray re
ectivity scans of 10 nm and 25 nm thick lms from (a) Cu/Fe (blue circles) and (b) Ag/Fe (red squares) sample series. Black solid curves are ts to the data. tting the XRR results35, we estimate an average roughness (or the thickness of the diuse interfacial layer) of .1 nm for the Fe layer in Cu/Fe, while it is much greater at 2-3 nm for Ag/Fe36. Our structural characterization described above thus reveals key attributes of the Cu/Fe and Ag/Fe sample series. Both lm series are polycrystalline, exhibit (110) texture, and have grain sizes of order lm thickness. Nevertheless, there are also crucial dierences between Cu/Fe and Ag/Fe. The Cu/Fe series overall exhibits stronger 𝜃-2𝜃diraction peaks than the Ag/Fe series, suggesting that the (110) bcc crystal planes of Fe grown on Cu are aligned within a tighter angular range than those grown on Ag. Moreover, Fe grown on Cu has relatively smooth or sharp interfaces compared to Fe grown on Ag. Although identifying the origin of such structural dierences is beyond the scope of this work, Cu/Fe 7and Ag/Fe constitute two qualitatively distinct series of polycrystalline Fe lms for exploring the in
uence of microstructure on magnetic relaxation. III. INTRINSIC GILBERT DAMPING PROBED BY OUT-OF-PLANE FMR Having established the dierence in structural properties between Cu/Fe and Ag/Fe, we characterize room-temperature intrinsic damping for these samples with OOP FMR mea- surements. The OOP geometry suppresses two-magnon scattering25such that the Gilbert damping parameter can be quantied in a straightforward manner. We use a W-band shorted waveguide in a superconducting magnet, which permits FMR measurements at high elds ( &4 T) that completely magnetize the Fe lms out of plane. The details of the mea- surement method are found in Refs.18,37. Figure 3(a) shows the frequency dependence of half-width-at-half-maximum (HWHM) linewidth Δ𝐻OOP for selected thicknesses from both sample series. The linewidth data of 25 nm thick epitaxial Fe lm from a previous study18 is plotted in Fig. 3 (a) as well. The intrinsic damping parameter can be extracted from the linewidth plot using Δ𝐻OOP=Δ𝐻0¸2𝜋 𝛾𝛼OOP𝑓 (1) whereΔ𝐻0is the inhomogeneous broadening38,𝛾=𝑔𝜇𝐵 ℏis the gyromagnetic ratio ( 𝛾2𝜋 2.9 MHz/Oe [Ref.39], obtained from the frequency dependence of resonance eld37), and 𝛼OOP is the measured viscous damping parameter. In general, 𝛼OOP can include not only intrinsic Gilbert damping, parameterized by 𝛼int, but also eddy-current, radiative damping, and spin pumping contributions40, which all yield a linear frequency dependence of the linewidth. Damping due to eddy current is estimated to make up less than 10% of the total measured damping parameter37and is ignored here. Since we used a shorted waveguide in our setup, the radiative damping does not apply here. Spin pumping is also negligible for most of the samples here because the materials in the seed and capping layers (i.e., Ti, Cu, and Ag) possess weak spin-orbit coupling and are hence poor spin sinks31,41,42. We therefore proceed by assuming that the measured OOP damping parameter 𝛼OOP is equivalent to the intrinsic Gilbert damping parameter. The extracted damping parameter is plotted as a function of Fe lm thickness in Fig. 3(b). The room-temperature damping parameters of all Fe lms with thicknesses of 4-25 80204060801001200306090120150180 25nm epitaxial Fe 10nm Cu/Fe 25nm Cu/Fe 10nm Ag/Fe 25nm Ag/FeΔHOOP [Oe]f [GHz](a) 05101520250.0000.0010.0020.0030.004 epitaxial Fe Cu/Fe Ag/FeαOOPT hickness [nm](b)FIG. 3. (Color online) (a) OOP FMR half-width-at-half-maximum linewidth Δ𝐻OOPas a function of resonance frequency 𝑓. Lines correspond to ts to the data. (b) Gilbert damping parameter 𝛼𝑚𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑟𝑚𝑂𝑂𝑃 extracted from OOP FMR as a function of lm thickness. The red shaded area highlights the damping value range that contains data points of all lms thicker than 4 nm. The data for the epitaxial Fe sample (25 nm thick Fe grown on MgAl 2O4) are adapted from Ref.18. nm fall in the range of 0.0024 0.0004, which is shaded in red in Fig. 3(b). This damping parameter range is quantitatively in line with the value reported for epitaxial Fe (black symbol in Fig. 3(b))18. For 2 nm thick samples, the damping parameter is larger likely due to an additional interfacial contribution43{45{ e.g., spin relaxation through interfacial Rashba spin-orbit coupling46that becomes evident only for ultrathin Fe. The results in Fig. 3(b) therefore indicate that the structural properties of the &4 nm thick polycrystalline bcc Fe lms have little in
uence on their intrinsic damping. It is remarkable that these polycrystalline Cu/Fe and Ag/Fe lms { with dierent thick- 9nesses and microstructural properties (as revealed in Sec. II) { exhibit essentially the same room-temperature intrinsic Gilbert damping parameter as single-crystalline bcc Fe. This nding is qualitatively distinct from a prior report18on intrinsic Gilbert damping in single- crystalline Fe lms at cryogenic temperature, which is sensitive to microstructural disorder. In the following, we discuss the possible dierences in the mechanisms of intrinsic damping between these temperature regimes. Intrinsic Gilbert damping in ferromagnetic metals is predominantly governed by transi- tions of spin-polarized electrons between electronic states, within a given electronic band (intraband scattering) or in dierent electronic bands (interband scattering) near the Fermi level15. For Fe, previous studies15,18,47indicate that intraband scattering tends to dominate at low temperature where the electronic scattering rate is low (e.g., 1013s 1); by contrast, interband scattering likely dominates at room temperature where the electronic scattering rate is higher (e.g., 1014s 1). According to our results (Fig. 3(b)), intrinsic damping at room temperature is evidently unaected by the variation in the structural properties of the Fe lms. Hence, the observed intrinsic damping is mostly governed by the electronic band structure within the Fe grains , such that disorder in grain boundaries or lm interfaces has minimal impact. The question remains as to why interband scattering at room temperature leads to Gilbert damping that is insensitive to microstructural disorder, in contrast to intraband scattering at low temperature yielding damping that is quite sensitive to microstructure18. This dis- tinction may be governed by what predominantly drives electronic scattering { specically, defects (e.g., grain boundaries, rough or diuse interfaces) at low temperature, as opposed to phonons at high temperature. That is, the dominance of phonon-driven scattering at room temperature may eectively diminish the roles of microstructural defects in Gilbert damping. Future experimental studies of temperature-dependent damping in polycrystalline Fe lms may provide deeper insights. Regardless of the underlying mechanisms, the robust consistency of 𝛼OOP (Fig. 3(b)) could be an indication that the intrinsic Gilbert damp- ing parameter at a suciently high temperature is a local property of the ferromagnetic metal, possibly averaged over the ferromagnetic exchange length of just a few nm48that is comparable or smaller than the grain size. In this scenario, the impact on damping from grain boundaries would be limited in comparison to the contributions to damping within the grains. 10Moreover, the misalignment of Fe grains evidently does not have much in
uence on the intrinsic damping. This is reasonable considering that intrinsic Gilbert damping is predicted to be nearly isotropic in Fe at suciently high electronic scattering rates49{ e.g.,1014s 1 at room temperature where interband scattering is expected to be dominant15,18,47. It is also worth emphasizing that 𝛼OOP remains unchanged for Fe lms of various thicknesses with dierent magnitudes of strain (tetragonal distortion, as evidenced by the variation in the out-of-plane lattice parameter in Fig. 1(e)). Strain in Fe grains is not expected to impact the intrinsic damping, as Ref.18suggests that strain in bcc Fe does not signicantly alter the band structure near the Fermi level. Thus, polycrystalline Fe lms exhibit essentially the same magnitude of room-temperature intrinsic Gilbert damping as epitaxial Fe, as long as the grains retain the bcc crystal structure. The observed invariance of intrinsic damping here is quite dierent from the recent study of polycrystalline Co 25Fe75alloy lms31, reporting a decrease in intrinsic damping with in- creasing structural disorder. This inverse correlation between intrinsic damping and disorder in Ref.31is attributed to the dominance of intraband scattering, which is inversely propor- tional to the electronic scattering rate. It remains an open challenge to understand why the room-temperature intrinsic Gilbert damping of some ferromagnetic metals might be more sensitive to structural disorder than others. IV. EXTRINSIC MAGNETIC RELAXATION PROBED BY IN-PLANE FMR Although we have shown via OOP FMR in Sec. III that intrinsic Gilbert damping is essentially independent of the structural properties of the Fe lms, it might be expected that microstructure has a pronounced impact on extrinsic magnetic relaxation driven by two-magnon scattering, which is generally present in IP FMR. IP magnetized lms are more common in device applications than OOP magnetized lms, since the shape anisotropy of thin lms tends to keep the magnetization in the lm plane. What governs the performance of such magnetic devices (e.g., quality factor50,51) may not be the intrinsic Gilbert damping parameter but the total FMR linewidth. Thus, for many magnetic device applications, it is essential to understand the contributions to the IP FMR linewidth. IP FMR measurements have been performed using a coplanar-waveguide-based spectrom- eter, as detailed in Refs.18,37. Examples of the frequency dependence of IP FMR linewidth 110501001502002500 10203040506070050100150200250Cu/FeA g/Fe 2 nm 6 nm 8 nm 10 nm 15 nm 25 nmΔHIP [Oe] 12( a) f [GHz](b)FIG. 4. (Color online) IP FMR half-width-at-half-maximum linewidth Δ𝐻IPas a function of resonance frequency 𝑓for (a) Cu/Fe and (b) Ag/Fe. The vertical dashed line at 12 GHz highlights the hump in linewidth vs frequency seen for many of the samples. are shown in Fig. 4. In contrast to the linear frequency dependence that arises from in- trinsic Gilbert damping in Fig. 3(a), a nonlinear hump is observed for most of the lms in the vicinity of 12 GHz. In some lms, e.g., 10 nm thick Cu/Fe lm, the hump is so large that its peak even exceeds the linewidth at the highest measured frequency. Similar nonlinear IP FMR linewidth behavior has been observed in Fe alloy lms52and epitaxial Heusler lms53in previous studies, where two-magnon scattering has been identied as a signicant contributor to the FMR linewidth. Therefore, in the following, we attribute the nonlinear behavior to two-magnon scattering. To gain insight into the origin of two-magnon scattering, we plot the linewidth at 12 122550751001251500 5101520250255075100125150 Cu/Fe Ag/Fe Cu/Fe Ag/FeΔHIP @ 12 GHz [Oe](a)HC [Oe]T hickness [nm](b)FIG. 5. (Color online) (a) IP FMR half-width-at-half-maximum linewidth at 12 GHz { approxi- mately where the maximum (\hump") in linewidth vs frequency is seen (see Fig. 4) { as a function of lm thickness for both Cu/Fe and Ag/Fe. (b) Coercivity 𝐻𝑐as a function of lm thickness for both Cu/Fe and Ag/Fe. The red shaded area highlights thickness region where the Cu/Fe sample series show a peak behavior in both plots. GHz { approximately where the hump is seen in Fig. 4 { against the Fe lm thickness in Fig. 5(a). We do not observe a monotonic decay in the linewidth with increasing thickness that would result from two-magnon scattering of interfacial origin54. Rather, we observe a non-monotonic thickness dependence in Fig. 5(a), which indicates that the observed two-magnon scattering originates within the bulk of the lms. We note that Ag/Fe with greater interfacial disorder (see Sec. II) exhibits weaker two-magnon scattering than Cu/Fe, particularly in the lower thickness regime ( .10 nm). This observation further corroborates 13that the two-magnon scattering here is not governed by the interfacial roughness of Fe lms. The contrast between Cu/Fe and Ag/Fe also might appear counterintuitive, since two-magnon scattering is induced by defects and hence might be expected to be stronger for more \defective" lms (i.e., Ag/Fe in this case). The counterintuitive nature of the two-magnon scattering here points to more subtle mechanisms at work. To search for a possible correlation between static magnetic properties and two-magnon scattering, we have performed vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM) measurements with a Microsense EZ9 VSM. Coercivity extracted from VSM measurements is plotted as a function of lm thickness in Fig. 5(b), which shows a remarkably close correspondence with linewidth vs thickness (Fig. 5(a)). In particular, a pronounced peak in coercivity is observed for Cu/Fe around 10 nm, corresponding to the same thickness regime where the 12 GHz FMR linewidth for Cu/Fe is maximized. Moreover, the 10 nm Cu/Fe sample (see Sec. II) exhibits a tall, narrow bcc (110) diraction peak, which suggests that its peculiar microstructure plays a possible role in the large two-magnon scattering and coercivity (e.g., via stronger domain wall pinning). While the trends shown in Fig. 5 provide some qualitative insights, we now attempt to quantitatively analyze the frequency dependence of FMR linewidth for the Cu/Fe and Ag/Fe lms. We assume that the Gilbert damping parameter for IP FMR is equal to that for OOP FMR, i.e.,𝛼IP=𝛼OOP. This assumption is physically reasonable, considering that Gilbert damping is theoretically expected to be isotropic in Fe lms near room temperature49. While a recent study has reported anisotropic Gilbert damping that scales quadratically with magnetostriction55, this eect is likely negligible in elemental Fe whose magnetostriction is several times smaller56,57than that of the Fe 07Ga03alloy in Ref.55. Thus, from the measured IP linewidth Δ𝐻IP, the extrinsic two-magnon scattering linewidthΔ𝐻TMS can be obtained by Δ𝐻TMS=Δ𝐻IP 2𝜋 𝛾𝛼IP (2) where2𝜋 𝛾𝛼IPis the Gilbert damping contribution. Figure 6 shows the obtained Δ𝐻TMSand t attempts using the \grain-to-grain" two-magnon scattering model developed by McMicheal and Krivosik25. This model captures the inhomogeneity of the eective internal magnetic eld in a lm consisting of many magnetic grains. The magnetic inhomogeneity can arise from the distribution of magnetocrystalline anisotropy eld directions associated with the 14randomly oriented crystal grains52. In this model the two-magnon scattering linewidth Δ𝐻TMS is a function of the Gilbert damping parameter 𝛼IP, the eective anisotropy eld 𝐻𝑎of the randomly oriented grain, and the correlation length 𝜉within which the eective internal magnetic eld is correlated. Further details for computing Δ𝐻TMS are provided in the Appendix and Refs.25,52,53. As we have specied above, 𝛼IPis set to the value derived from OOP FMR results (i.e., 𝛼OOP in Fig. 3(b)). This leaves 𝜉and𝐻𝑎as the only free parameters in the tting process. The modeling results are dependent on the choice of the correlation function 𝐶¹Rº, which captures how the eective internal magnetic eld is correlated as a function of lateral distance Rin the lm plane. We rst show results obtained with a simple exponentially decaying correlation function, as done in prior studies of two-magnon scattering25,52,53, i.e., 𝐶¹Rº=exp jRj 𝜉 (3) Equation 3 has the same form as the simplest correlation function used to model rough topographical surfaces (when they are assumed to be \self-ane")58. Fit results with Eq. (3) are shown in dashed blue curves in Fig. 6. For most samples, the tted curve does not reproduce the experimental data quantitatively. Moreover, the tted values of 𝜉and𝐻𝑎 often reach physically unrealistic values, e.g., with 𝐻𝑎¡104Oe and𝜉 1 nm (see Table I). These results suggest that the model does not properly capture the underlying physics of two-magnon scattering in our samples. A possible cause for the failure to t the data is that the simple correlation function (Eq. 3) is inadequate. We therefore consider an alternative correlation function by again invoking an analogy between the spatially varying height of a rough surface58and the spa- tially varying eective internal magnetic eld in a lm. Specically, we apply a correlation function (i.e., a special case of Eq. (4.3) in Ref.58where short-range roughness 𝛼=1) for the so-called \mounded surface," which incorporates the average distance 𝜆between peaks in topographical height (or, analogously, eective internal magnetic eld): 𝐶¹Rº=p 2jRj 𝜉𝐾1 p 2jRj 𝜉! 𝐽02𝜋jRj 𝜆 (4) where𝐽0and𝐾1are the Bessel function of the rst kind of order zero and the modied Bessel function of the second kind of order one, respectively. This oscillatory decaying function is chosen because its Fourier transform (see Appendix) does not contain any transcendental 15020406080100120 Experimental Self-affine MoundedΔHTMS [Oe]Cu/FeA g/Fe6 nm8 nm1 0 nm1 5 nm2 5 nm(a)( f)0 50100150ΔHTMS [Oe]( b)( g)0 50100150ΔHTMS [Oe]( c)( h)0 255075100125ΔHTMS [Oe]( d)( i)0 2 04 06 0050100150200ΔHTMS [Oe]f [GHz](e)0 2 04 06 0f [GHz](j)FIG. 6. (Color online) Extrinsic two-magnon scattering linewidth Δ𝐻TMSvs frequency 𝑓and tted curves for 6, 8, 10, 15, and 25 nm Cu/Fe and Ag/Fe lms. Black squares represent experimental FMR linewidth data. Dashed blue and solid red curves represent the tted curves using correlation functions proposed for modeling self-ane and mounded surfaces, respectively. In (d), (e), (h), (i), dashed blue curves overlap with solid red curves. 16functions, which simplies the numerical calculation. We also stress that while Eq. (4) in the original context (Ref.58) was used to model topographical roughness, we are applying Eq. (4) in an attempt to model the spatial
uctuations (\roughness") of the eective internal magnetic eld { rather than the roughness of the lm topography. The tted curves using the model with Eq. (4) are shown in solid red curves in Fig. 6. Fit results for some samples show visible improvement, although this is perhaps not surprising with the introduction of 𝜆as an additional free parameter. Nevertheless, the tted values of𝐻𝑎or𝜆still diverge to unrealistic values of ¡104Oe or¡104nm in some cases (see Table I), which means that the new correlation function (Eq. (4)) does not fully re
ect the meaningful underlying physics of our samples either. More detailed characterization of the microstructure and inhomogeneities, e.g., via synchrotron x-ray and neutron scattering, could help determine the appropriate correlation function. It is also worth pointing out that for some samples (e.g. 15 nm Cu/Fe and Ag/Fe lms), essentially identical t curves are obtained regardless of the correlation function. This is because when 𝜆𝜉, the Fourier transform of Eq. (4) has a very similar form as the Fourier transform of Eq. (3), as shown in the Appendix. In such cases, the choice of the correlation function has almost no in
uence on the behavior of the two-magnon scattering model in the tting process. V. SUMMARY We have examined room-temperature intrinsic and extrinsic damping in two series of polycrystalline Fe thin lms with distinct structural properties. Out-of-plane FMR mea- surements conrm constant intrinsic Gilbert damping of 0.0024, essentially independent of lm thickness and structural properties. This nding implies that intrinsic damping in Fe at room temperature is predominantly governed by the crystalline and electronic band structures within the grains, rather than scattering at grain boundaries or lm surfaces. The results from in-plane FMR, where extrinsic damping (i.e., two-magnon scattering) plays a signicant role, are far more nuanced. The conventional grain-to-grain two-magnon scatter- ing model fails to reproduce the in-plane FMR linewidth data with physically reasonable parameters { pointing to the need to modify the model, along with more detailed character- ization of the lm microstructure. Our experimental ndings advance the understanding of intrinsic Gilbert damping in polycrystalline Fe, while motivating further studies to uncover 17TABLE I. Summary of IP FMR linewidth t results. Note the divergence to physically unreasonable values in many of the results. Standard error is calculated using equation√︁ SSRDOFdiag¹COVº, where SSR stands for the sum of squared residuals, DOF stands for degrees of freedom, and COV stands for the covariance matrix. Self-ane Mounded Sample SeriesThickness (nm)𝜉 (nm)𝐻𝑎 (Oe)𝜉 (nm)𝐻𝑎 (Oe)𝜆 (nm) Cu/Fe6 7010 17010 8090 243 >1104 8 200100 15020 7001000 252 900100 10 14040 20020 16050 331 800200 15 92 800100 1020 10080 >1104 25 05 >11046030 >110410.410.01 Ag/Fe6 040 >110415040 >110411.70.7 8 030 >110417050 >1104124 10 61 1500300 840 200500 >1104 15 22 40003000 39 500900 >6103 25 06 >110414050 >1104156 the mechanisms of extrinsic damping in structurally disordered thin lms. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS S.W. acknowledges support by the ICTAS Junior Faculty Program. D.A.S. and S.E. acknowledge support by the National Science Foundation, Grant No. DMR-2003914. P. N. would like to acknowledge support through NASA Grant NASA CAN80NSSC18M0023. A. R. would like to acknowledge support through the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency (DARPA) program on Topological Excitations in Electronics (TEE) under Grant No. D18AP00011. This work was supported by NanoEarth, a member of National Nan- otechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI), supported by NSF (ECCS 1542100). 18Appendix A: Details of the Two-Magnon Scattering Model In the model developed by McMichael and Krivosik, the two-magnon scattering contri- butionΔ𝐻TMS to the FMR linewidth is given by25,52,53 Δ𝐻TMS=𝛾2𝐻2 𝑎 2𝜋𝑃𝐴¹𝜔º∫ Λ0𝑘𝐶𝑘¹𝜉º𝛿𝛼¹𝜔 𝜔𝑘ºd2𝑘 (A1) where𝜉is correlation length, 𝐻𝑎is the eective anisotropy eld of the randomly oriented grain.𝑃𝐴¹𝜔º=𝜕𝜔 𝜕𝐻 𝐻=𝐻FMR=√︃ 1¸¹4𝜋𝑀𝑠 2𝜔𝛾º2accounts for the conversion between the fre- quency and eld swept linewidth. Λ0𝑘represents the averaging of the anisotropy axis
uc- tuations over the sample. It also takes into account the ellipticity of the precession for both the uniform FMR mode and the spin wave mode52. The detailed expression of Λ0𝑘can be found in the Appendix of Ref.52. The coecients in the expression of Λ0𝑘depend on the type of anisotropy of the system. Here, we used rst-order cubic anisotropy for bcc Fe. 𝛿𝛼¹𝜔 𝜔𝑘ºselects all the degenerate modes, where 𝜔represents the FMR mode frequency and𝜔𝑘represents the spin wave mode frequency. The detailed expression of 𝜔𝑘can be found in Ref.25. In the ideal case where Gilbert damping is 0, 𝛿𝛼is the Dirac delta function. For a nite damping, 𝛿𝛼¹𝜔0 𝜔𝑘ºis replaced by a Lorentzian function1 𝜋¹𝛼IP𝜔𝑘𝛾º𝜕𝜔𝜕𝐻 ¹𝜔𝑘 𝜔º2¸»¹𝛼IP𝜔𝑘𝛾º𝜕𝜔𝜕𝐻¼2, which is centered at 𝜔and has the width of ¹2𝛼IP𝜔𝑘𝛾º𝜕𝜔𝜕𝐻. Finally,𝐶𝑘¹𝜉º(or𝐶𝑘¹𝜉𝜆º) is the Fourier transform of the grain-to-grain internal eld correlation function, Eq. (3) (or Eq. (4)). For the description of magnetic inhomogeneity analogous to the simple self-ane topographical surface58, the Fourier transform of the correlation function, Eq. (3), is 𝐶𝑘¹𝜉º=2𝜋𝜉2 »1¸¹𝑘𝜉º2¼3 2 (A2) as also used in Refs.25,52,53. For the description analogous to the mounded surface, the Fourier transform of the correlation function, Eq. (4), is58 𝐶𝑘¹𝜉𝜆º=8𝜋3𝜉2 1¸2𝜋2𝜉2 𝜆2¸𝜉2 2𝑘2 1¸2𝜋2𝜉2 𝜆2¸𝜉2 2𝑘22 2𝜋𝜉2 𝜆𝑘232 (A3) When𝜆𝜉, Eq. (A3) becomes 𝐶𝑘¹𝜉º8𝜋3𝜉2 1¸𝜉2 2𝑘22 (A4) 19100102104106108101010-2410-2210-2010-1810-1610-1410-1210-10 Self-affine Mounded λ = 10 nm Mounded λ = 100 nm Mounded λ = 1000 nmCk [m2]k [m-1]ξ = 100 nmFIG. 7. Fourier transform of correlation function for mounded surfaces as a function of wavenumber 𝑘for three dierent 𝜆values. Fourier transform of correlation function for self-ane surfaces as a function of 𝑘is also included for comparison purpose. 𝜉is set as 100 nm for all curves. which has a similar form as Eq. (A2). This similarity can also be demonstrated graphically. Figure 7 plots a self-ane 𝐶𝑘curve (Eq. (A2)) at 𝜉=100 nm and three mounded 𝐶𝑘curves (Eq. (A3)) at 𝜆=10, 100, 1000 nm. 𝜉in mounded 𝐶𝑘curves is set as 100 nm as well. It is clearly shown in Fig. 7 that when 𝜆=1000 nm, the peak appearing in 𝜆=10 and 100 nm mounded 𝐶𝑘curves disappears and the curve shape of mounded 𝐶𝑘resembles that of self-ane𝐶𝑘. The hump feature in Fig. 4 is governed by both 𝛿𝛼and𝐶𝑘(see Eq. A1). 𝛿𝛼has the shape of1in reciprocal space ( 𝑘space), as shown in our videos in the Supplemental Material as well as Fig. 5(b) of Ref.53and Fig 2 (b) of Ref.25. The size of the contour of the degenerated spin wave modes in 𝑘space increases as the microwave frequency 𝑓increases, which means the number of available degenerate spin wave modes increases as 𝑓increases. As shown in Fig. 7, self-ane 𝐶𝑘is nearly constant with the wavenumber 𝑘until𝑘reaches1𝜉. This suggests that the system becomes eectively more uniform (i.e. weaker inhomogeneous perturbation) when the length scale falls below the characteristic correlation length 𝜉(i.e., 𝑘 ¡1𝜉). Because inhomogeneities serve as the scattering centers of two-magnon scattering 20process, degenerate spin wave modes with 𝑘 ¡1𝜉are less likely to be scattered into. Now we consider the 𝑓dependence of the two-magnon scattering rate. When 𝑓is small, the two-magnon scattering rate increases as 𝑓increases because more degenerate spin wave modes become available as 𝑓increases. When 𝑓further increases, the wavenumber 𝑘of some degenerate spin wave modes exceeds 1 𝜉. This will decrease the overall two-magnon scattering rate because the degenerate spin wave modes with 𝑘 ¡1𝜉are less likely to be scattered into, as discussed above. Furthermore, the portion of degenerate spin wave modes with𝑘 ¡ 1𝜉increases as 𝑓continues to increase. When the impact of decreasing two- magnon scattering rate for degenerate spin wave modes with high 𝑘surpasses the impact of increasing available degenerate spin wave modes, the overall two-magnon scattering rate will start to decrease as 𝑓increases. Consequently, the nonlinear trend { i.e., a \hump" { in FMR linewidth Δ𝐻TMS vs𝑓appears in Fig. 4. However, the scenario discussed above can only happen when 𝜉is large enough, because the wavenumber 𝑘of degenerate spin wave modes saturates (i.e., reaches a limit) as 𝑓 approaches innity. If the limit value of 𝑘is smaller than 1𝜉, the two-magnon scattering rate will increase monotonically as 𝑓increases. In that case the hump feature will not appear. See our videos in the Supplemental Material that display the 𝑓dependence of Λ0𝑘, 𝛿𝛼¹𝜔 𝜔𝑘º,𝐶𝑘¹𝜉º 2𝜋𝜉2,Λ0𝑘𝐶𝑘¹𝜉º𝛿𝛼¹𝜔 𝜔𝑘º 2𝜋𝜉2 , andΔ𝐻TMS for various𝜉values. Previous discussions of the hump feature are all based on the self-ane correlation func- tion (Eq. 3). 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Out-of-plane ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements reveal Gilbert damping
parameters of $\approx$ 0.0024 for Fe films with thicknesses of 4-25 nm,
regardless of their microstructural properties. The remarkable invariance with
film microstructure strongly suggests that intrinsic Gilbert damping in
polycrystalline metals at room temperature is a local property of nanoscale
crystal grains, with limited impact from grain boundaries and film roughness.
By contrast, the in-plane FMR linewidths of the Fe films exhibit distinct
nonlinear frequency dependences, indicating the presence of strong extrinsic
damping. To fit our in-plane FMR data, we have used a grain-to-grain two-magnon
scattering model with two types of correlation functions aimed at describing
the spatial distribution of inhomogeneities in the film. However, neither of
the two correlation functions is able to reproduce the experimental data
quantitatively with physically reasonable parameters. Our findings advance the
fundamental understanding of intrinsic Gilbert damping in structurally
disordered films, while demonstrating the need for a deeper examination of how
microstructural disorder governs extrinsic damping. | Room-Temperature Intrinsic and Extrinsic Damping in Polycrystalline Fe Thin Films | 2109.03684v2 |
arXiv:0808.1373v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 9 Aug 2008Gilbert Damping in Conducting Ferromagnets I: Kohn-Sham Theory and Atomic-Scale Inhomogeneity Ion Garate and Allan MacDonald Department of Physics, The University of Texas at Austin, Au stin TX 78712 (Dated: October 27, 2018) We derive an approximate expression for the Gilbert damping coefficient αGof itinerant electron ferromagnets which is based on their description in terms of spin-density-functional-theory (SDFT) and Kohn-Sham quasiparticle orbitals. We argue for an expre ssion in which the coupling of mag- netization fluctuations to particle-hole transitions is we ighted by the spin-dependent part of the theory’s exchange-correlation potential, a quantity whic h has large spatial variations on an atomic length scale. Our SDFT result for αGis closely related to the previously proposed spin-torque correlation-function expression. PACS numbers: I. INTRODUCTION The Gilbert parameter αGcharacterizes the damping of collective magnetization dynamics1. The key role of αGin current-driven2and precessional3magnetization reversal has renewed interest in the microscopic physics of this important material parameter. It is generally accepted that in metals the damping of magnetization dynamics is dominated3by particle-hole pair excitation processes. The main ideas which arise in the theory of Gilbert damping have been in place for some time4,5. It has however been difficult to apply them to real materi- als with the precision required for confident predictions which would allow theory to play a larger role in design- ing materials with desired damping strengths. Progress has recently been achieved in various directions, both through studies6of simple models for which the damp- ing can be evaluated exactly and through analyses7of transition metal ferromagnets that are based on realis- tic electronic structure calculations. Evaluation of the torquecorrelationformula5forαGusedinthelatercalcu- lations requires knowledge only of a ferromagnet’s mean- field electronic structure and of its Bloch state lifetime, which makes this approach practical. Realistic ab initio theories normally employ spin- density-functional theory9which has a mean-field theory structure. In this article we use time-dependent spin- density functional theory to derive an explicit expression for the Gilbert damping coefficient in terms of Kohn- Sham theory eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Our final result is essentially equivalent to the torque-correlation formula5forαG, but has the advantages that its deriva- tion is fully consistent with density functional theory, that it allows for a consistent microscopic treatments of both dissipative and reactive coefficients in the Landau- Liftshitz Gilbert (LLG) equations, and that it helps establish relationships between different theoretical ap- proaches to the microscopic theory of magnetization damping. Our paper is organized as follows. In Section II we relate the Gilbert damping parameter αGof a fer- romagnet to the low-frequency limit of its transversespin response function. Since ferromagnetism is due to electron-electron interactions, theories of magnetism are always many-electron theories, and it is necessary to evaluate the many-electron response function. In time- dependent spin-density functional theory the transverse response function is calculated using a time-dependent self- consistent-field calculation in which quasiparticles respond both to external potentials and to changesin the interaction-induced effective potential. In Section III we use perturbation theory and time-dependent mean-field theory to express the coefficients which appear in the LLG equations in terms of the Kohn-Sham eigenstates and eigenvaluesof the ferromagnet’sground state. These formal expressions are valid for arbitrary spin-orbit cou- pling, arbitrary atomic length scale spin-dependent and scalarpotentials, and arbitrarydisorder. By treating dis- order approximately, in Section IV we derive and com- pare two commonly used formulas for Gilbert damping. Finally, in Section V we summarize our results. II. MANY-BODY TRANSVERSE RESPONSE FUNCTION AND THE GILBERT DAMPING PARAMETER The Gilbert damping parameter αGappears in the Landau-Liftshitz-Gilbert expression for the collective magnetization dynamics of a ferromagnet: ∂ˆΩ ∂t=ˆΩ×Heff−αGˆΩ×∂ˆΩ ∂t. (1) In Eq.( 1) Heffis an effective magnetic field which we comment on further below and ˆΩ = (Ω x,Ωy,Ωz) is the direction of the magnetization. This equation de- scribes the slow dynamics of smooth magnetization tex- tures and is formally the first term in an expansion in time-derivatives. The damping parameter αGcan be measured by per- forming ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) experiments in which the magnetization direction is driven weakly away from an easy direction (which we take to be the ˆ z- direction.). To relate this phenomenological expression2 formally to microscopic theory we consider a system in which external magnetic fields couple only11to the elec- tronic spin degree of freedom and associate the magneti- zation direction ˆΩ with the direction of the total electron spin. Forsmalldeviationsfromtheeasydirection,Eq.(1) reads Heff,x= +∂ˆΩy ∂t+αG∂ˆΩx ∂t Heff,y=−∂ˆΩx ∂t+αG∂ˆΩy ∂t. (2) The gyromagnetic ratio has been absorbed into the unitsof the field Heffso that this quantity has energy units and we set /planckover2pi1= 1 throughout. The corresponding formal linear response theory expression is an expansion of the long wavelength transverse total spin response function to first order12in frequency ω: S0ˆΩα=/summationdisplay β[χst α,β+ωχ′ α,β]Hext,β (3) whereα,β∈ {x,y},ω≡i∂tis the frequency, S0is the to- tal spin ofthe ferromagnet, Hextis the external magnetic field and χis the transverse spin-spin response function: χα,β(ω) =i/integraldisplay∞ 0dtexp(iωt)/an}bracketle{t[Sα(t),Sβ(t)]/an}bracketri}ht=/summationdisplay n/bracketleftbigg/an}bracketle{tΨ0|Sα|Ψn/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{tΨn|Sβ|Ψ0/an}bracketri}ht ωn,0−ω−iη+/an}bracketle{tΨ0|Sβ|Ψn/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{tΨn|Sα|Ψ0/an}bracketri}ht ωn,0+ω+iη/bracketrightbigg (4) Here|Ψn/an}bracketri}htis an exact eigenstate of the many-body Hamiltonian and ωn,0is the excitation energy for state n. We use this formal expression below to make some general comments abou t the microscopic theory of αG. In Eq.( 3) χst α,βis the static ( ω= 0) limit of the response function, and χ′ α,βis the first derivative with respect to ωevaluated at ω= 0. Notice that we have chosen the normalization in which χis the total spin response to a transverse field; χis therefore extensive. The keystep in obtainingthe Landau-Liftshitz-Gilbert form for the magnetization dynamics is to recognize that in the static limit the transverse magnetization responds to an external magnetic field by adjusting orientation to minimize the total energy including the internal energy Eintand the energy due to coupling with the external magnetic field, Eext=−S0ˆΩ·Hext. (5) It follows that χst α,β=S2 0/bracketleftBigg ∂2Eint ∂ˆΩαˆΩβ/bracketrightBigg−1 . (6) We obtain a formal equation for Heffcorresponding to Eq.( 2) by multiplying Eq.( 3) on the left by [ χst α,β]−1and recognizing Hint,α=−1 S0/summationdisplay β∂2Eint ∂ˆΩα∂ˆΩβˆΩβ=−1 S0∂Eint ∂ˆΩα(7) as the internal energy contribution to the effective mag- netic field Heff=Hint+Hext. With this identification Eq.( 3) can be written in the form Heff,α=/summationdisplay βLα,β∂tˆΩβ (8) where Lα,β=−S0[i(χst)−1χ′(χst)−1]α,β=iS0∂ωχ−1 α,β.(9)According to the Landau-Liftshitz Gilbert equation then Lx,y=−Ly,x= 1 and Lx,x=Ly,y=αG. (10) Explicit evaluation of the off-diagonal components of L will in general yield very small deviation from the unit result assumed by the Landau-Liftshitz-Gilbert formula. The deviation reflects mainly the fact that the magneti- zation magnitude varies slightly with orientation. We do not comment further on this point because it is of little consequence. Similarly Lx,xis not in general identical toLy,y, although the difference is rarely large or impor- tant. Eq.( 10) is the starting point we use later to derive approximate expressions for αG. In Eq.( 9) χα,β(ω) is the correlation function for an interacting electron system with arbitrary disorder and arbitrary spin-orbit coupling. In the absence of spin- orbit coupling, but still with arbitrary spin-independent periodic and disorder potentials, the ground state of a ferromagnet is coupled by the total spin-operator only to states in the same total spin multiplet. In this case it follows from Eq.( 4) that χst α,β= 2/summationdisplay nRe/an}bracketle{tΨ0|Sα|Ψn/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{tΨn|Sβ|Ψ0/an}bracketri}ht] ωn,0=δα,βS0 H0 (11) whereH0is a static external field, which is necessary in the absence of spin-orbit coupling to pin the magne- tization to the ˆ zdirection and splits the ferromagnet’s3 ground state many-body spin multiplet. Similarly χ′ α,β= 2i/summationdisplay nIm[/an}bracketle{tΨ0|Sα|Ψn/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{tΨn|Sβ|Ψ0/an}bracketri}ht] ω2 n,0=iǫα,βS0 H2 0. (12) whereǫx,x=ǫy,y= 0 and ǫx,y=−ǫy,x= 1, yielding Lx,y=−Ly,x= 1 and Lx,x=Ly,y= 0. Spin-orbit coupling is required for magnetization damping8. III. SDF-STONER THEORY EXPRESSION FOR GILBERT DAMPING Approximate formulas for αGin metals are inevitably based on on a self-consistent mean-field theory (Stoner) descriptionofthemagneticstate. Ourgoalistoderivean approximate expression for αGwhen the adiabatic local spin-densityapproximation9isused forthe exchangecor- relation potential in spin-density-functional theory. The effective Hamiltonian which describes the Kohn-Sham quasiparticle dynamics therefore has the form HKS=HP−∆(n(/vector r),|/vector s(/vector r)|)ˆΩ(/vector r)·/vector s,(13) whereHPis the Kohn-Sham Hamiltonian of a paramag- netic state in which |/vector s(/vector r)|(the local spin density) is set to zero,/vector sis the spin-operator, and ∆(n,s) =−d[nǫxc(n,s)] ds(14) is the magnitude of the spin-dependent part of the exchange-correlation potential. In Eq.( 14) ǫxc(n,s) is the exchange-correlation energy per particle in a uni- form electron gas with density nand spin-density s. We assume that the ferromagnet is described using some semi-relativistic approximation to the Dirac equa- tion like those commonly used13to describe magnetic anisotropy or XMCD, even though these approximations are not strictly consistent with spin-density-functional theory. Within this framework electrons carry only a two-componentspin-1/2degreeoffreedomandspin-orbit coupling terms are included in HP. Sincenǫxc(n,s)∼ [(n/2 +s)4/3+ (n/2−s)4/3], ∆0(n,s)∼n1/3is larger closertoatomic centersand farfrom spatiallyuniform on atomic length scales. This property figures prominently in the considerations explained below. In SDFT the transverse spin-response function is ex- pressed in terms of Kohn-Sham quasiparticle response to both external and induced magnetic fields: s0(/vector r)Ωα(/vector r) =/integraldisplayd/vectorr′ VχQP α,β(/vector r,/vectorr′) [Hext,β(/vectorr′)+∆0(/vectorr′)Ωβ(/vectorr′)]. (15) In Eq.( 15) Vis the system volume, s0(/vector r) is the magni- tude of the ground state spin density, ∆ 0(/vector r) is the mag- nitude of the spin-dependent part of the ground stateexchange-correlation potential and χQP α,β(/vector r,/vectorr′) =/summationdisplay i,jfj−fi ωi,j−ω−iη/an}bracketle{ti|/vector r/an}bracketri}htsα/an}bracketle{t/vector r|j/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{tj|/vectorr′/an}bracketri}htsβ/an}bracketle{t/vectorr′|i/an}bracketri}ht, (16) wherefiis the ground state Kohn-Sham occupation fac- tor for eigenspinor |i/an}bracketri}htandωij≡ǫi−ǫjis a Kohn- Sham eigenvalue difference. χQP(/vector r,/vectorr′) has been normal- ized so that it returns the spin-density rather than total spin. Like the Landau-Liftshitz-Gilbert equation itself, Eq.( 15) assumes that only the direction of the mag- netization, and not the magnitudes of the charge and spin-densities, varies in the course of smooth collective magnetization dynamics14. This property should hold accurately as long as magnetic anisotropies and exter- nal fields are weak compared to ∆ 0. We are able to use this property to avoid solving the position-space integral equation implied by Eq.( 15). Multiplying by ∆ 0(/vector r) on both sides and integrating over position we find15that S0Ωα=/summationdisplay β1 ¯∆0˜χQP α,β(ω)/bracketleftbig Ωβ+Hext,β ¯∆0/bracketrightbig (17) where we have taken advantage of the fact that in FMR experiments Hext,βandˆΩ are uniform. ¯∆0is a spin- density weighted average of ∆ 0(/vector r), ¯∆0=/integraltext d/vector r∆0(/vector r)s0(/vector r)/integraltext d/vector rs0(/vector r), (18) and ˜χQP α,β(ω) =/summationdisplay ijfj−fi ωij−ω−iη/an}bracketle{tj|sα∆0(/vector r)|i/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{ti|sβ∆0(/vector r)|j/an}bracketri}ht (19) is the response function of the transverse-part of the quasiparticleexchange-correlationeffective field response function, notthe transverse-part of the quasiparticle spin response function. In Eq.( 19), /an}bracketle{ti|O(/vector r)|j/an}bracketri}ht=/integraltext d/vector rO(/vector r)/an}bracketle{ti|/vector r/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{t/vector r|j/an}bracketri}htdenotes a single-particle matrix ele- ment. Solving Eq.( 17) for the many-particle transverse susceptibility (the ratio of S0ˆΩαtoHext,β) and inserting the result in Eq.( 9) yields Lα,β=iS0∂ωχ−1 α,β=−S0¯∆2 0∂ωIm[˜χQP−1 α,β].(20) Our derivation of the LLG equation has the advantage that the equation’s reactive and dissipative components are considered simultaneously. Comparing Eq.( 15) and Eq.( 7) we find that the internal anisotropy field can also be expressed in terms of ˜ χQP: Hint,α=−¯∆2 0S0/summationdisplay β/bracketleftbig ˜χQP−1 α,β(ω= 0)−δα,β S0¯∆0/bracketrightbig Ωβ.(21) Eq.( 20) and Eq.( 21) provide microscopic expressions for all ingredients that appear in the LLG equations4 linearized for small transverse excursions. It is gener- ally assumed that the damping coefficient αGis inde- pendent of orientation; if so, the present derivation is sufficient. The anisotropy-field at large transverse ex- cursions normally requires additional information about magnetic anisotropy. We remark that if the Hamiltonian does not include a spin-dependent mean-field dipole in- teraction term, as is usually the case, the above quantity will return only the magnetocrystalline anisotropy field. Since the magnetostatic contribution to anisotropy is al- ways well described by mean-field-theory it can be added separately. We conclude this section by demonstrating that the Stoner theory equations proposed here recover the exact results mentioned at the end of the previous section for the limit in which spin-orbit coupling is neglected. We consider a SDF theory ferromagnet with arbitrary scalar and spin-dependent effective potentials. Since the spin- dependent part of the exchange correlation potential is then the only spin-dependent term in the Hamiltonian it follows that [HKS,sα] =−iǫα,β∆0(/vector r)sβ (22) and hence that /an}bracketle{ti|sα∆0(/vector r)|j/an}bracketri}ht=−iǫα,βωij/an}bracketle{ti|sβ|j/an}bracketri}ht.(23) Inserting Eq.( 23) in one of the matrix elements of Eq.( 19) yields for the no-spin-orbit-scattering case ˜χQP α,β(ω= 0) =δα,βS0¯∆0. (24)The internal magnetic field Hint,αis therefore identically zero in the absence of spin-orbit coupling and only exter- nal magnetic fields will yield a finite collective precession frequency. Inserting Eq.( 23) in both matrix elements of Eq.( 19) yields ∂ωIm[˜χQP α,β] =ǫα,βS0. (25) Using both Eq.( 24) and Eq.( 25) to invert ˜ χQPwe re- cover the results proved previously for the no-spin-orbit case using a many-body argument: Lx,y=−Ly,x= 1 andLx,x=Ly,y= 0. The Stoner-theory equations de- rived here allow spin-orbit interactions, and hence mag- netic anisotropy and Gilbert damping, to be calculated consistently from the same quasiparticle response func- tion ˜χQP. IV. DISCUSSION As long as magnetic anisotropy and external magnetic fields are weak compared to the exchange-correlation splitting in the ferromagnet we can use Eq.( 24) to ap- proximate ˜ χQP α,β(ω= 0). Using this approximation and assuming that damping is isotropic we obtain the follow- ing explicit expression for temperature T→0: αG=Lx,x=−S0¯∆2 0∂ωIm[˜χQP−1 x,x] =π S0/summationdisplay ijδ(ǫj−ǫF)δ(ǫi−ǫF)/an}bracketle{tj|sx∆0(/vector r)|i/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{ti|sx∆0(/vector r)|j/an}bracketri}ht =π S0/summationdisplay ijδ(ǫj−ǫF)δ(ǫi−ǫF)/an}bracketle{tj|[HP,sy]|i/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{ti|[HP,sy]|j/an}bracketri}ht.(26) The second form for αGis equivalent to the first and follows from the observation that for m atrix elements between states that have the same energy /an}bracketle{ti|[HKS,sα]|j/an}bracketri}ht=−iǫα,β/an}bracketle{ti|∆0(/vector r)sβ|j/an}bracketri}ht+/an}bracketle{ti|[HP,sα]|j/an}bracketri}ht= 0 (for ωij= 0). (27) Eq. ( 26) is valid for any scalar and any spin-dependent potential. It is clear however that the numerical value of αG in a metal is very sensitive to the degree of disorder in its lattice. To s ee this we observe that for a perfect crystal the Kohn-Sham eigenstates are Bloch states. Since the operator ∆0(/vector r)sαhas the periodicity of the crystal its matrix elements are non-zero only between states with the same Bloch wav evector label /vectork. For the case of a perfect crystal then αG=π s0/integraldisplay BZd/vectork (2π)3/summationdisplay nn′δ(ǫ/vectorkn′−ǫF)δ(ǫ/vectorkn−ǫF)/an}bracketle{t/vectorkn′|sx∆0(/vector r)|/vectorkn/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{t/vectorkn|sx∆0(/vector r)|/vectorkn′/an}bracketri}ht =π s0/integraldisplay BZd/vectork (2π)3/summationdisplay nn′δ(ǫ/vectorkn′−ǫF)δ(ǫ/vectorkn−ǫF)/an}bracketle{t/vectorkn′|[HP,sy]|/vectorkn/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{t/vectorkn|[HP,sy]|/vectorkn′/an}bracketri}ht. (28) wherenn′are band labels and s0is the ground state spin per unit volume and the integral over /vectorkis over theBrillouin-zone (BZ).5 Clearly αGdiverges16in a perfect crystal since /an}bracketle{t/vectorkn|sx∆0(/vector r)|/vectorkn/an}bracketri}htis generically non-zero. A theory of αGmust therefore always account for disorder in a crys- tal. The easiest way to account for disorder is to replace theδ(ǫ/vectorkn−ǫF) spectral function of a Bloch state by a broadened spectral function evaluated at the Fermi en- ergyA/vectorkn(ǫF). If disorder is treated perturbatively this simpleansatzcan be augmented17by introducing impu- rity vertex corrections in Eq. ( 28). Provided that the quasiparticlelifetimeiscomputedviaFermi’sgoldenrule,these vertex corrections restore Ward identities and yield an exact treatment of disorder in the limit of dilute im- purities. Nevertheless, this approach is rarely practical outside the realm of toy models, because the sources of disorder are rarely known with sufficient precision. Although appealing in its simplicity, the δ(ǫ/vectorkn−ǫF)→ A/vectorkn(ǫF) substitution is prone to ambiguity because it gives rise to qualitatively different outcomes depending on whether it is applied to the first or second line of Eq. ( 28): α(TC) G=π s0/integraldisplay BZd/vectork (2π)3/summationdisplay nn′A/vectork,n(ǫF)A/vectork,n′(ǫF)/an}bracketle{t/vectorkn′|[HP,sy]|/vectorkn/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{t/vectorkn|[HP,sy]|/vectorkn′/an}bracketri}ht, α(SF) G=π s0/integraldisplay BZd/vectork (2π)3/summationdisplay nn′A/vectork,n(ǫF)A/vectork,n′(ǫF)/an}bracketle{t/vectorkn′|sx∆0(/vector r)|/vectorkn/an}bracketri}ht/an}bracketle{t/vectorkn|sx∆0(/vector r)|/vectorkn′/an}bracketri}ht. (29) α(TC) Gis the torque-correlation (TC) formula used in realistic electronic structure calculations7andα(SF) Gis the spin-flip (SF) formula used in certain toy model calculations18. The discrepancy between TC and SF ex- pressions stems from inter-band ( n/ne}ationslash=n′) contributions to damping, which may now connect states with dif- ferentband energies due to the disorder broadening of the spectral functions. Therefore, /an}bracketle{t/vectorkn|[HKS,sα]|/vectorkn′/an}bracketri}htno longer vanishes for n/ne}ationslash=n′and Eq. ( 27) indicates that α(TC) G≃α(SF) Gonly if the Gilbert damping is dominated by intra-band contributions and/or if the energy differ- ence between the states connected by inter-band transi- tions is small compared to ∆ 0. When α(TC) G/ne}ationslash=α(SF) G, it isa priori unclear which approach is the most accu- rate. One obvious flaw of the SF formula is that it pro- ducesaspuriousdampinginabsenceofspin-orbitinterac- tions; this unphysical contribution originates from inter- band transitions and may be cancelled out by adding the leading order impurity vertex correction19. In con- trast, [HP,sy] = 0 in absence of spin-orbit interaction andhencetheTCformulavanishesidentically, evenwith- out vertex corrections. From this analysis, TC appears to have a pragmatic edge over SF in materials with weak spin-orbitinteraction. However, insofarasit allowsinter- band transitions that connect states with ωi,j>∆0, TC is not quantitatively reliable. Furthermore, it canbe shown17that when the intrinsic spin-orbit coupling is significant (e.g. in ferromagnetic semiconductors), the advantage of TC over SF (or vice versa) is marginal, and impurity vertex corrections play a significant role. V. CONCLUSIONS Using spin-density functional theory we have derived a Stoner model expression for the Gilbert damping co- efficient in itinerant ferromagnets. This expression ac- counts for atomic scale variations of the exchange self energy, as well as for arbitrary disorder and spin-orbit interaction. By treating disorder approximately, we have derived the spin-flip and torque-correlationformulas pre- viously used in toy-model and ab-initio calculations, re- spectively. Wehavetracedthediscrepancybetweenthese equations to the treatment of inter-band transitions that connect states which are not close in energy. A better treatment of disorder, which requires the inclusion of im- purity vertex corrections, will be the ultimate judge on the relativereliabilityofeitherapproach. Whendamping is dominated by intra-band transitions, a circumstance which we believe is common, the two formulas are identi- cal and both arelikely to provide reliable estimates. This work was suported by the National Science Foundation under grant DMR-0547875. 1For a historical perspective see T.L. Gilbert, IEEE Trans. Magn.40, 3443 (2004). 2Foranintroductoryreviewsee D.C. RalphandM.D.Stiles, J. Magn. Mag. Mater. 320, 1190 (2008).3J.A.C. Bland and B. Heinrich (Eds.), Ultrathin Mag- netic Structures III: Fundamentals of Nanomagnetism (Springer-Verlag, New York, 2005). 4V. Korenman and R. E. Prange, Phys. Rev. B 6, 27696 (1972). 5V. Kambersky, Czech J. Phys. B 26, 1366 (1976). 6Y. Tserkovnyak, G.A. Fiete, and B.I. Halperin, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, 5234 (2004); E.M. Hankiewicz, G. Vig- nale and Y. Tserkovnyak, Phys. Rev. B 75, 174434 (2007); Y. Tserkovnyak et al., Phys. Rev. B 74, 144405 (2006) ; H.J. Skadsem, Y. Tserkovnyak, A. Brataas, G.E.W. Bauer, Phys. Rev. B 75, 094416 (2007); H. Kohno, G. Tatara and J. Shibata, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 75, 113706 (2006); R.A. Duine et al., Phys. Rev. B 75, 214420 (2007). Y. Tserkovnyak, A. Brataas, and G.E.W. Bauer, J. Magn. Mag. Mater. 320, 1282 (2008). 7K. Gilmore, Y.U.IdzerdaandM.D. Stiles, Phys.Rev.Lett. 99, 27204 (2007); V. Kambersky, Phys. Rev. B 76, 134416 (2007). 8For zero spin-orbit coupling αGvanishes even in presence of magnetic impurities, provided that their spins follow th e dynamics of the magnetization adiabatically. 9O. Gunnarsson, J. Phys. F 6, 587 (1976). 10Z. Qian, G. Vignale, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 056404 (2002). 11In doing so we dodge the subtle difficulties which compli- cate theories of orbital magnetism in bulk metals. See for example J. Shi, G. Vignale, D. Xiao, and Q. Niu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 197202 (2007); I. Souza and D. Vanderbilt, Phys. Rev. B 77, 054438 (2008) and work cited therein. This simplification should have little influence on the the- ory of damping because the orbital contribution to the magnetization is relatively small in systems of interest an dbecause it in any event tends to be collinear with the spin magnetization. 12For most materials the FMR frequency is by far the small- est energy scale in the problem. Expansion to linear order is almost always appropriate. 13See for example A.C. Jenkins and W.M. Temmerman, Phys. Rev. B 60, 10233 (1999) and work cited therein. 14This approximation does not preclude strong spatial varia- tions of|s0(/vector r)|and|∆0(/vector r)|at atomic lenghtscales; rather it is assumed that such spatial profiles will remain unchanged in the course of the magnetization dynamics. 15For notational simplicity we assume that all magnetic atoms are identical. Generalizations to magnetic com- pounds are straight forward. 16Eq. ( 26) is valid provided that ωτ <<1. While this con- dition is normally satisfied in cases of practical interest, it invariably breaks down as τ→ ∞. Hence the divergence of Eq. ( 26) in perfectcrystals is spurious. 17I. Garate and A.H. MacDonald (in preparation). 18J. Sinova et al., Phys. Rev. B 69, 85209 (2004). In order to get the equivalence, trade hzby ∆0and use ∆ 0=JpdS0, whereJpdis the p-d exchange coupling between GaAs va- lence band holes and Mn d-orbitals. In addition, note that our spectral function differs from theirs by a factor 2 π. 19H. Kohno, G. Tatara and J. Shibata, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 75, 113706 (2006). | 2008-08-09 | We derive an approximate expression for the Gilbert damping coefficient
\alpha_G of itinerant electron ferromagnets which is based on their description
in terms of spin-density-functional-theory (SDFT) and Kohn-Sham quasiparticle
orbitals. We argue for an expression in which the coupling of magnetization
fluctuations to particle-hole transitions is weighted by the spin-dependent
part of the theory's exchange-correlation potential, a quantity which has large
spatial variations on an atomic length scale. Our SDFT result for \alpha_G is
closely related to the previously proposed spin-torque correlation-function
expression. | Gilbert Damping in Conducting Ferromagnets I: Kohn-Sham Theory and Atomic-Scale Inhomogeneity | 0808.1373v1 |
Giant anisotropy of Gilbert damping in epitaxial CoFe lms Yi Li,1, 2Fanlong Zeng,3Steven S.-L. Zhang,2Hyeondeok Shin,4Hilal Saglam,2, 5Vedat Karakas,2, 6Ozhan Ozatay,2, 6John E. Pearson,2Olle G. Heinonen,2Yizheng Wu,3, 7,Axel Homann,2,yand Wei Zhang1, 2,z 1Department of Physics, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309, USA 2Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, USA 3State Key Laboratory of Surface Physics, Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China 4Computational Sciences Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439, USA 5Department of Physics, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago IL 60616, USA 6Department of Physics, Bogazici University, Bebek 34342, Istanbul, Turkey 7Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing 210093, China (Dated: January 8, 2019) Tailoring Gilbert damping of metallic ferromagnetic thin lms is one of the central interests in spintronics applications. Here we report a giant Gilbert damping anisotropy in epitaxial Co 50Fe50 thin lm with a maximum-minimum damping ratio of 400 %, determined by broadband spin-torque as well as inductive ferromagnetic resonance. We conclude that the origin of this damping anisotropy is the variation of the spin orbit coupling for dierent magnetization orientations in the cubic lattice, which is further corroborate from the magnitude of the anisotropic magnetoresistance in Co 50Fe50. In magnetization dynamics the energy relaxation rate is quantied by the phenomenological Gilbert damping in the Landau-Lifshits-Gilbert equation [1], which is a key parameter for emerging spintronics applications [2{ 6]. Being able to design and control the Gilbert damp- ing on demand is crucial for versatile spintronic device engineering and optimization. For example, lower damp- ing enables more energy-ecient excitations, while larger damping allows faster relaxation to equilibrium and more favorable latency. Nevertheless, despite abundant ap- proaches including interfacial damping enhancement [7{ 9], size eect [10, 11] and materials engineering [12{14], there hasn't been much progress on how to manipulate damping within the same magnetic device. The only well-studied damping manipulation is by spin torque [15{ 18], which can even fully compensate the intrinsic damp- ing [19, 20]. However the requirement of large current density narrows its applied potential. An alternative approach is to explore the intrinsic Gilbert damping anisotropy associated with the crys- talline symmetry, where the damping can be continu- ously tuned via rotating the magnetization orientation. Although there are many theoretical predictions [21{25], most early studies of damping anisotropy are disguised by two-magnon scattering and linewidth broadening due to eld-magnetization misalignment [26{29]. In addition, those reported eects are usually too weak to be consid- ered in practical applications [30, 31]. In this work, we show that a metallic ferromagnet can exhibit a giant Gilbert damping variation by a factor of four along with low minimum damping. We inves- tigated epitaxial cobalt-iron alloys, which have demon- strated new potentials in spintronics due to their ultralow dampings [32, 33]. Using spin-torque-driven and induc- tive ferromagnetic resonance (FMR), we obtain a four- fold (cubic) damping anisotropy of 400% in Co 50Fe50thin lms between their easy and hard axes. For each angle,the full-range frequency dependence of FMR linewidths can be well reproduced by a single damping parame- ter. Furthermore, from rst-principle calculations and temperature-dependent measurements, we argue that this giant damping anisotropy in Co 50Fe50is due to the variation of the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in the cu- bic lattice, which diers from the anisotropic density of state found in ultrathin Fe lm [30]. We support our conclusion by comparing the Gilbert damping with the anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) signals. Our re- sults reveal the key mechanism to engineer the Gilbert damping and may open a new pathway to develop novel functionality in spintronic devices. Co50Fe50(CoFe) lms were deposited on MgO(100) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy at room temper- ature, under a base pressure of 2 10 10Torr [34]. For spin-torque FMR measurements, i) CoFe(10 nm)/Pt(6 nm) and ii) CoFe(10 nm) samples were prepared. They were fabricated into 10 m40m bars by photolithog- raphy and ion milling. Coplanar waveguides with 100- nm thick Au were subsequently fabricated [18, 35]. For each layer structure, 14 devices with dierent orienta- tions were fabricated, as shown in Fig. 1(a). The geom- etry denes the orientation of the microwave current, I, and the orientation of the biasing eld, H, with respect to the MgO [100] axis (CoFe [1 10]).Iranges from 0 to 180with a step of 15(D1 to D14, with D7 and D8 pointing to the same direction). For each device we x H=I+ 45for maximal rectication signals. In addi- tion, we also prepared iii) CoFe(20 nm) 40 m200m bars along dierent orientations with transmission copla- nar waveguides fabricated on top for vector network an- alyzer (VNA) measurements. See the Supplemental Ma- terials for details [36]. Fig. 1(b) shows the angular-dependent spin-torque FMR lineshapes of CoFe(10 nm)/Pt devices from dif- ferent samples (D1 to D4, hard axis to easy axis) atarXiv:1901.01941v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 7 Jan 20192 FIG. 1. (a) Upper: crystalline structure, axes of bcc Co 50Fe50 lm on MgO(100) substrate and denition of HandI. Lower: device orientation with respect to the CoFe crystal axis. (b) Spin-torque FMR lineshapes of i) CoFe(10 nm)/Pt devices D1 to D4 measured. (c) Resonances of D1 and D4 from (b) for 0Hres<0. (d) Resonances of iii) CoFe(20 nm) forH= 45and 90measured by VNA FMR. In (b-d) !=2= 20 GHz and oset applies. !=2= 20 GHz. A strong magnetocrystalline anisotropy as well as a variation of resonance signals are observed. Moreover, the linewidth increases signicantly from easy axis to hard axis, which is shown in Fig. 1(c). We have also conducted rotating-eld measurements on a sec- ond CoFe(10 nm)/Pt device from a dierent deposition and the observations can be reproduced. This linewidth anisotropy is even more pronounced for the CoFe(20 nm) devices without Pt, measured by VNA FMR (Fig. 1d). For the CoFe(10 nm) devices, due to the absence of the Pt spin injector the spin-torque FMR signals are much weaker than CoFe/Pt and completely vanish when the microwave current is along the easy axes. Figs. 2(a-b) show the angular and frequency de- pendence of the resonance eld Hres. In Fig. 2(a), the Hresfor all four sample series match with each other, which demonstrates that the magnetocrystalline proper- ties of CoFe(10 nm) samples are reproducible. A slightly smallerHresfor CoFe(20 nm) is caused by a greater eec- tive magnetization when the thickness increases. A clear fourfold symmetry is observed, which is indicative of the cubic lattice due to the body-center-cubic (bcc) texture of Co 50Fe50on MgO. We note that the directions of the hard axes has switched from [100] and [010] in iron-rich alloys [33] to [110] and [1 10] in Co 50Fe50, which is con- ω/2πμ0Hres (T) μ0Hres (T) [110] [110][100][010](a) (b) CoFe(10 nm)/Pt ω/2π=2045o90 o135o 135o180o 225oCoFe(10 nm)/Pt CoFe(10 nm) CoFe(20 nm) θH: [100] [110][010]FIG. 2. (a) Resonance eld 0Hresas a function of Hat !=2= 20 GHz for dierent samples. Diamonds denote the rotating-eld measurement from the second CoFe(10 nm)/Pt device. The black curve denotes the theoretical prediction. (b)0Hresas a function of frequency for the CoFe(10 nm)/Pt devices. Solid curves denote the ts to the Kittel equation. sistent with previous reports [37, 38]. The magnetocrystalline anisotropy can be quanti- ed from the frequency dependence of 0Hres. Fig. 2(b) shows the results of CoFe(10 nm)/Pt when HB is aligned to the easy and hard axes. A small uniax- ial anisotropy is found between [1 10] (0and 180) and [110] (90) axes. By tting the data to the Kittel equa- tion!2=
2=2 0(Hres Hk)(Hres Hk+Ms), where
= 2(geff=2)28 GHz/T, we obtain geff= 2:16, 0Ms= 2:47 T,0H[100] k= 40 mT,0H[010] k= 65 mT and0H[110] k=0H[110] k= 43 mT. Taking the disper- sion functions from cubic magnetocrystalline anisotropy [39, 40], we obtain an in-plane cubic anisotropy eld 0H4jj= 48 mT and a uniaxial anisotropy eld 0H2jj= 12 mT. Fig. 2(a) shows the theoretical predictions from H4jjandH2jjin black curve, which aligns well with all 10-nm CoFe samples. With good magnetocrystalline properties, we now turn to the energy relaxation rate. Fig. 3(a) shows the full- width-half-maximum linewidths 0H1=2of the spin- torque FMR signals at !=2= 20 GHz. Again, a fourfold symmetry is observed for CoFe(10 nm)/Pt and CoFe(10 nm), with the minimal (maximal) linewidth measured when the eld lies along the easy (hard) axes. For CoFe(10 nm) devices, we did not measure any spin-torque FMR signal for HBalong the hard axes ( H= 45, 135 and 225). This is due to the absence of the Pt spin injector as well as the near-zero AMR ratio when the rf current
ows along the easy axes, which will be discussed later. For all other measurements, the linewidths of CoFe devices are smaller than for CoFe/Pt by the same con- stant, independent of orientation (upper diagram of Fig. 3a). This constant linewidth dierence is due to the spin pumping contribution to damping from the additional Pt layer [41, 42]. Thus we can deduce the intrinsic damp- ing anisotropy from CoFe(10 nm)/Pt devices, with the3 ω/2π 105, 195 deg 75, 165 deg 120, 210 deg 135, 225 deg(HA) 45, 135 deg (HA) 60, 150 deg 90, 180 deg(EA) θHCoFe(10 nm)/Pt (b) = - =- [100] [110] [110] [010](a) ω/2π=20 ω/2π θH 0, 90 deg 15, 75 deg 22.5, 67.5 deg 30, 60 deg 42.5, 50 deg 40, 52.5 deg 37.5, 55 deg CoFe(20 nm) (VNA) (c)CoFe(10 nm)/Pt CoFe(10 nm) 90 deg (EA) for CoFe FIG. 3. (a) 0H1=2as a function of Hat!=2= 20 GHz for the CoFe(10 nm) series in Fig. 2(a). Top: Addtional linewidth due to spin pumping of Pt. The green region de- notes the additional linewidth as 4 :50:7 mT. (b-c) 0H1=2 as a function of frequency for (b) CoFe(10 nm)/Pt and (c) CoFe(20 nm) samples. Solid lines and curves are the ts to the data. damping shifted from CoFe(10 nm) devices by a constant and is much easier to measure. In Fig. 3(b-c) we show the frequency dependence of 0H1=2of CoFe(10 nm)/Pt devices from spin-torque FMR and CoFe(20 nm) devices from VNA FMR. For both the easy and hard axes, linear relations are ob- tained, and the Gilbert damping can be extracted from0H1=2=0H0+ 2!=
with the ts shown as solid lines. Here 0H0is the inhomogeneous broad- ening due to the disorders in lattice structures. In Fig. 3(b) we also show the linewidths of the CoFe(10 nm) device along the easy axis ( H= 90), which has a signicant lower linewidth slope than the easy axis of CoFe(10 nm)/Pt. Their dierences yield a spin pump- ing damping contribution of sp= 0:0024. By using sp=
hg"#=(4MstM), we obtain a spin mixing con- ductance of g"#(CoFe/Pt) = 25 nm 2, which is compa- rable to similar interfaces such as NiFe/Pt [43, 44]. For Hbetween the easy and hard axes, the low-frequency linewidth broadenings are caused by the deviation of magnetization from the biasing eld direction, whereas at high frequencies the eld is sucient to saturate the magnetization. In order to nd the damping anisotropy, we t the linewidths to the angular model developed bySuhl [45, 46], using a single t parameter of and the extractedH2jjandH4jjfrom Fig. 2. The solid tting curves in Fig. 3(b) nicely reproduce the experimental points. The obtained damping anisotropy for all the samples are summarized in Fig. 4, which is the main result of the paper. For CoFe(10 nm)/Pt samples, varies from 0.0056 along the easy axis to 0.0146 along the hard axis. By subtracting the spin pumping spfrom both values, we derive a damping anisotropy of 380%. For CoFe(20 nm) samples measured by VNA FMR, varies from 0.0054 to 0.0240, which yields an anisotropy of 440% and reproduces the large anisotropy from spin-torque FMR. This giant damping anisotropy implies, technologically, nearly four times smaller critical current to switch the magnetization in a spin-torque magnetic random access memory, or to excite auto-oscillation in a spin-torque os- cillator, by simply changing the magnetization orienta- tion from the hard axis to the easy axis within the same device. In addition, we emphasize that our reported damping anisotropy is not subject to a dominant two- magnon scattering contribution, which would be mani- fested as a nonlinear linewidth softening at high frequen- cies [28, 31]. For this purpose we have extended the fre- quency of spin-torque FMR on CoFe(10 nm)/Pt up to 39 GHz, see the Supplemental Materials for details [36]. We choose CoFe(10 nm)/Pt samples because they provide the best signals at high frequencies and the additional Pt layer signicantly helps to excite the dynamics. Linear frequency dependence of linewidth persists throughout the frequency range and H0is unchanged for the two axes, with which we can exclude extrinsic eects to the linewidths. We also note that our result is substantially dierent from the recent report on damping anisotropy in Fe/GaAs [30], which is due to the interfacial SOC and disappears quickly as Fe becomes thicker. In compari- son, the Gilbert damping anisotropy in Co 50Fe50is the intrinsic property of the material, is bonded to its bulk crystalline structure, and thus holds for dierent thick- nesses in our experiments. In order to investigate the dominant mechanism for such a large Gilbert damping anisotropy, we perform temperature-dependent measurements of and the re- sistivity. Fig. 5(a) plots as a function of 1 =for the CoFe(10 nm)/Pt and CoFe(20 nm) samples and for HBalong the easy and hard axes. The dominant lin- ear dependence reveals a major role of conductivitylike damping behavior. This is described by the breathing Fermi surface model for transition-metal ferromagnets, in whichcan be expressed as [23, 24, 47{49]: N(EF)j j2 (1) whereN(EF) is the density of state at the Fermi level, is the electron relaxation time and =h[ ;Hso]iE=EF is the matrix for spin-
ip scatterings induced by the SOC Hamiltonian Hsonear the Fermi surface [48, 49]. Here 4 (b) CoFe(10 nm) CoFe(20 nm) CoFe(20 nm) CoFe(10 nm)/Pt - ∆α sp CoFe(10 nm ) 400 % 100 % FIG. 4. Renormalized damping and its anisotropy for CoFe(10 nm) and CoFe(20 nm), measured from spin-torque FMR and VNA FMR, respectively. For CoFe(20 nm)/Pt sam- ples, sphas been subtracted from the measured damping. is proportional to the conductivity (1 =) from the Drude model, with which Eq. (1) gives rise to the behaviors shown in Fig. 5(a). For the origin of damping anisotropy, we rst check the role of N(EF) by ab-initio calculations for dierent ordered cubic supercells, which is shown in the Supple- mental Materials [36]. However, a negligible anisotropy inN(EF) is found for dierent magnetization orienta- tions. This is consistent with the calculated anisotropy in Ref. [30], where less than 0.4% change of N(EF) was obtained in ultrathin Fe lms. The role of can also be excluded from the fact that the resistivity dierence be- tween the easy and hard axes is less than 2% [36]. Thus we deduce that the giant damping anisotropy of 400% is due to the change of j j2, or the SOC, at dierent crys- talline directions. In particular, unlike the single element Fe, disordered bcc Fe-Co alloy can possess atomic short- range order, which gives rise to local tetragonal crystal distortions due to the dierent lattice constants of Fe and Co [2{4]. Such local tetragonal distortions will preserve global cubic symmetry but can have large eects on the SOC. We emphasize that our CoFe samples, which did not experience annealing, preserve the random disorder. Our rst principle calculations also conrm the role of lo- cal tetragonal distortions and its enhancement on SOC, see the Supplemental Materials for details [36]. The anisotropy of the SOC in Co 50Fe50can be re
ected by its AMR variation along dierent crystalline orienta- tions. The AMR ratio can be dened as: AMR(I) =k(I) ?(I) 1 (2) wherek(I) and?(I) are measured for the biasing eld parallel and perpendicular to the current direction, respectively. The main contribution of AMR is the asym- metrics-delectron scatterings where the s-orbitals are mixed with magnetization-containing d-orbitals due toSOC [53, 54]. Since both the damping and AMR origi- nate from SOC and, more precisely, are proportional to the second order of SOC, a large damping anisotropy is expected to be accompanied by a large AMR anisotropy and vice versa. Furthermore, due to the fourfold sym- metry, the AMR should be invariant when the current direction is rotated by 90 degrees, as the AMR is a func- tion ofIas dened in Eq. (1). Thus the damping and AMR should exhibit similar angular dependence on H andI, respectively. In Fig. 5(b) we compare renormalized (H) with CoFe(20 nm) CoFe(10 nm)/Pt : (a) 300 K 8 K F(θI)/F max (b) ,10 nm 20 nm 10 nm 20 nm FIG. 5. (a) (T) as a function of 1 =(T).T= 8 K, 30 K, 70 K, 150 K and 300 K for CoFe(10 nm)/Pt and T= 8 K and 300 K for CoFe(20 nm). Dashed and dotted lines are guides to eyes. (b) Renormalized (H) and AMR( I) andF(I) for CoFe(10 nm)/Pt and CoFe(20 nm). Circles, crosses and + denote, AMR and F, respectively. AMR(I) for 10-nm and 20-nm CoFe samples, where the AMR values are measured from Hall bars with dierent I. The AMR ratio is maximized along h100iaxes and minimized alongh110iaxes, with a large anisotropy by a factor of 10. This anisotropy is also shown by the inte- grated spin-torque FMR intensity for CoFe(10 nm)/Pt, dened asF(I) = H1=2Vmax dc [17, 18] and plotted in Fig. 5(b). The large AMR anisotropy and its symme- try clearly coincide with the damping anisotropy mea- sured in the same samples, which conrms our hypoth- esis of strong SOC anisotropy in CoFe. Thus we con- clude that the damping anisotropy is dominated by the variation of SOC term in Eq. (1). In parallel, we also compare(H) and AMR( I) for epitaxial Fe(10 nm) samples grown on GaAs substrates [36]. Experimentally we nd the anisotropy less is than 30% for both damping and AMR, which helps to explain the presence of weak damping anisotropy in epitaxial Fe [30].5 We compare our results with prior theoretical works on damping anisotropy [23, 24]. First, despite their propor- tional relationship in Fig. 5(a), the giant anisotropy in is not re
ected in 1 =. This is because the s-dscatter- ing, which dominates in the anisotropic AMR, only con- tributes a small portion to the total resistivity. Second, neither the anisotropy of damping nor AMR are sensitive to temperature. This is likely because the thermal excita- tions at room temperature ( 0:025 eV) are much smaller than the spin-orbit coupling ( 0:1 eV [47]). Third, the damping tensor has been expressed as a function of M anddM=dt[24]. However in a fourfold-symmetry lat- tice and considering the large precession ellipticity, these two vectors are mostly perpendicular to each other, point towards equivalent crystalline directions, and contribute equivalently to the symmetry of damping anisotropy. In summary, we have experimentally demonstrated very large Gilbert damping anisotropy up to 400% in epitaxial Co 50Fe50thin lms which is due to their bulk, cubic crystalline anisotropy. We show that the damping anisotropy can be explained by the change of spin-orbit coupling within the breathing Fermi surface model, which can be probed by the corresponding AMR change. Our results provide new insights to the damping mechanism in metallic ferromagnets, which are important for opti- mizing dynamic properties of future magnetic devices. We are grateful for fruitful discussions with Bret Hein- rich. W.Z. acknowledges supports from the U.S. Na- tional Science Foundation under Grants DMR-1808892, Michigan Space Grant Consortium and DOE Visit- ing Faculty Program. Work at Argonne, including transport measurements and theoretical modeling, was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Of- ce of Science, Materials Science and Engineering Di- vision. Work at Fudan, including thin lm growth and fabrication, was supported by the Nat'l Key Ba- sic Research Program (2015CB921401), Nat'l Key Re- search and Development Program (2016YFA0300703), NSFC (11734006,11474066,11434003), and the Program of Shanghai Academic Research Leader (17XD1400400) of China. O.O. and V.K. acknowledge supports from Bogazici University Research Fund (17B03D3), TUBITAK 2214/A and U.S. Department of State Ful- bright Visiting Scholar Program. [1] T. L. Gilbert, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 40, 3443 (2004). [2] S. Mangin, D. Ravelosona, J. A. Katine, M. J. Carey, B. D. Terris, and E. E. Fullerton, Nature Mater. 5, 210 (2006). [3] S. I. Kiselev, J. C. Sankey, I. N. Krivorotov, N. C. Em- ley, R. J. Schoelkopf, R. A. Buhrman, and D. C. Ralph,Nature 425, 380 (2003). [4] A. Dussaux, B. Georges, J. Grollier, V. Cros, A. V. Khvalkovskiy, A. Fukushima, M. Konoto, H. Kubota, K. Yakushiji, S. Yuasa, K. A. Zvezdin, K. Ando, and A. Fert, Nat. Commun. 1, 8 (2010). [5] A. V. Chumak, V. I. Vasyuchka, A. A. Serga, and B. Hille- brands, Nature Physics 11, 453 (2015). [6] I. M. Miron, T. Moore, H. Szambolics, L. D. . Buda- Prejbeanu, S. Auret, B. Rodmacq, S. Pizzini, J. Vogel, M. . Bonm, A. Schuhl, and G. Gaudin, Nature Mater. 10, 419 (2011). [7] R. Urban, G. Woltersdorf, and B. Heinrich, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 217204 (2001). [8] S. Mizukami, Y. Ando, and T. Miyazaki, Phys. Rev. B 66, 104413 (2002). [9] Y. Tserkovnyak, A. Brataas, G. E. W. Bauer, and B. I. Halperin, Rev. Mod. Phys. 77, 1375 (2005). [10] H. T. Nembach, J. M. Shaw, C. T. Boone, and T. J. Silva, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 117201 (2013). [11] Y. Li and W. E. Bailey, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 117602 (2016). [12] F. Schreiber, J. P
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ectometry measured for the CoFe(20 nm) lm. (d) AFM scans of the CoFe(20 nm) lm. (e) Rocking curves of the CoFe(20 nm) lm for [100] and [110] rotating axes. Fig. S-1 shows the crystallographic characterization for the epitaxial CoFe samples. Re
ection high-energy electron diraction (RHEED) shows very clear and sharp patterns which shows high quality of the epitaxal lms. X-ray diraction (XRD) yields clear CoFe(002) peaks at 2 = 66:5. X-ray re
ectometry scan of the CoFe (20 nm) lm shows a good periodic pattern and the t gives a total thickness of 19.84 nm. Atomic-force microscopy (AFM) scans for 10m10m and 100 nm100 nm scales show smooth surface with a roughness of 0.1 nm. Lastly XRD rocking curves for [100] and [110] rotating axes show a consistent linewidth of 1.45, which indicates isotropic mosaicity of the CoFe lms. As a result of the crystallographic characterizations, we believe our MBE-grown CoFe samples are epitaxial, have smooth surfaces and exhibit excellent crystalline quality. Moreover, we can exclude the source of inhomogeneity from misorientation of crystallities (mosaicity) due to isotropic rocking curves. This means the inhomogeneous FMR linewidth broadening is isotropic, as is consistent with the experiments. Device geometries for Spin-torque FMR and VNA FMR measurements. Fig. S-2 shows the device geometry for Spin-torque FMR and VNA FMR measurements. For spin-torque FMR, we have prepared CoFe(10 nm)/Pt, CoFe(10 nm) and Fe(10 nm) devices. A second CoFe(10 nm)/Pt sample is also prepared for rotating-eld measurements. For VNA FMR, we have prepared CoFe(20 nm) samples. All the CoFe lms are grown on MgO(100) substrates; the Fe lm is grown on a GaAs(100) substrate. Au (100 nm) coplanar waveguides are subsequently fabricated on top of all devices. For VNA FMR samples, an additional SiO 2(100 nm) is8 FIG. S-2. (a) Spin-torque FMR devices of CoFe(10 nm)/Pt samples. (b) Illustration of the Spin-torque FMR circuit. (c) Front and (d) back view of the VNA FMR devices for CoFe(20 nm) samples. deposited between CoFe and Au for electric isolation. The CoFe(20 nm) bars is only visible from the back view in Fig. S-2(d). Spin-torque FMR lineshapes Figure S-3 shows the full lineshapes of (a) CoFe(10 nm)/Pt(6 nm), (b) CoFe(10 nm) and (c) Fe(10 nm) devices measured at !=2= 20 GHz. The Fe lms were deposited on GaAs substrates by MBE growth. (a) and (b) are used to extract the resonance elds and linewidths in Figs. 2(a) and 3(a) of the main text. (c) is used to examine the correlation between damping anisotropy and AMR anisotropy. Spin-torque FMR linewidths as a function of frequency for CoFe(10 nm) devices. Figure S-4(a) shows the spin-torque FMR linewidths for CoFe(10 nm) devices. Because there is no spin torque injection from Pt layer, the FMR signals are much weaker than CoFe(10 nm)/Pt and the extracted linewidths are more noisy. The excitation of the dynamics is due to the magnon charge pumping eect [1] or inhomogeneities of the Oersted elds. No signal is measured for the rf current
owing along the easy axis (magnetic eld along the hard axis, see Fig. S-3b), because of the negligible AMR ratio. Figure S-4(b) shows the angular dependence of the extracted Gilbert damping for CoFe(10 nm)/Pt and CoFe(10 nm). The former is extracted from Fig. 3(b) of the main text. The latter is extracted from Fig. S-4(a). The blue data points for CoFe(10 nm)/Pt are obtained from the resonances at negative biasing elds. Those data are used in Fig. 4 of the main text.9 FIG. S-3. Spin-torque FMR lineshapes of (a) CoFe(10 nm)/Pt, (b) CoFe(10 nm) and (c) Fe(10 nm) devices measured at !=2= 20 GHz. H Iis xed to 45. FIG. S-4. (a) 0H1=2as a function of frequency for CoFe(10 nm) devices. Solid lines and curves are the ts to the experiments. H Iis xed to 45. (b)as a function of Hfor CoFe(10 nm)/Pt and CoFe(10 nm) devices. Spin-torque FMR for CoFe(10 nm)/Pt up to 39 GHz. Fig. S-5 shows the spin-torque FMR lineshapes and linewidths up to 39 GHz for CoFe(10 nm)/Pt devices along the easy and hard axes ( H= 90and45). At!=2= 32:1 GHz (Fig. S-5a), the spin-torque FMR amplitude is 0.1V for the easy axis and 0.02 V for the hard axis. 10 seconds of time constant is used to obtained the signals. Throughout the frequency range, linewidths demonstrate good linear dependence on frequency as shown Fig. S-5(b). For the hard axis the signal has reached the noise bottom limit at 32.1 GHz. For the easy axis the noise bottom limit is reached at 39 GHz. The two linear ts yield = 0:0063 and0H0= 1:8 mT for the easy axis and = 0:00153 and0H0= 1:5 mT for the hard axis. The two damping parameters are close to the values obtained below 20 GHz in the main text. Also the inhomogeneous linewidth 0H0nicely match between easy and hard axes.10 FIG. S-5. High-frequency ST-FMR measurement of i) CoFe(10 nm)/Pt for the biasing eld along the easy axis ( H= 90) and hard axis (H= 45). Left: lineshapes of ST-FMR at !=2= 32:1 GHz. Right: linewidth as a function of frequency. Lines are linear ts to the data by setting both and H0as free parameters. Low-temperature FMR linewidths and dampings for CoFe(10 nm)/Pt and CoFe(20 nm). FIG. S-6. (a-b) 0H1=2as a function of frequency for CoFe(10 nm)/Pt devices at dierent temperatures. (c) Extracted damping at dierent temperatures, same as in Fig. 4 of the main text. Figure S-6 shows the frequency dependence of linewidths for extracting temperature-dependent Gilbert damping in Fig. 5(a) of the main text. For CoFe(10 nm)/Pt samples, we plot both and resistivity measured at dierent temperatures in Fig. S-6(c). The measurements of were conducted with a biasing magnetic eld of 1 Tesla parallel to the current direction, so that the AMR in
uence is excluded. Also the resistivity variation between the easy and hard axes is very small, about 1%, which is much smaller than the damping anisotropy. We have also conducted the low-temperature VNA FMR of the new CoFe(20 nm) samples at 8 K, in addition to the room-temperature measurements. The linewidths data are shown in Fig. S-6(d) for both easy and hard axes. The extracted damping are: = 0:0054 (EA, 300 K), 0.0061 (EA, 8 K), 0.0240 (HA, 300 K) and 0.0329 (HA, 8 K). Those values are used in Fig. 4(b) and Fig. 5(a) of the main text. For CoFe(10 nm) the damping anisotropy decreases from 380 % at 300 K to 273 % at 30 K by taking out the spin pumping damping enhancement (an unexpected reduction of alpha happens at 8 K for the hard axis). For CoFe(2011 nm) the damping anisotropy increases from 440 % at 300 K to 540 % at 8 K. Thus a clear variation trend of damping anisotropy in CoFe lms remains to be explored. First-principle calculation of N(EF)anisotropy for Co 50Fe50 FIG. S-7. Density of states as a function of energy. EFis the Fermi level. First-principle calculations were done using QUANTUM ESPRESSO for a cubic lattice of Co 50Fe50of CsCl, Zintl and random alloy structures. Supercells consisting of 4 44 unit cells were considered with a total of 128 atoms (64 cobalt and 64 iron atoms). The calculations were done using plane-wave basis set with a 180 Ry kinetic energy cut-o and 1440 Ry density cut-o. For both Co and Fe atoms, fully relativistic PAW pseudopotentials were used. Figure S-7 shows the density of states (DOS) of the CsCl form for dierent magnetization orientations in thexy-plane. Clearly, DOS exhibits no anisotropy ( <0:1% variation at E=EF). No anisotropy was found in the Zintl form, either. Thus, we conclude that the Gilbert damping anisotropy in Co 50Fe50cannot be caused by a variation of N(EF) with respect to magnetization direction in ideal ordered structures. SOC induced by atomic short-range order (ASRO) In our experiment, because the Co 50Fe50lms were grown by MBE at low temperatures, they do not form the ordered bcc B2 structure but instead exhibit compositional disorder. Transition metal alloys such as CoPt, NiFe, and CoFe tend to exhibit ASRO [2{4]. The ASRO in CoFe is likely to give rise to local tetragonal distortions because of the dierent lattice constants of bcc Fe and (metastable) bcc Co at 2.856 A and 2.82 A, respectively. Such local tetragonal distortions will preserve global cubic (or four-fold in-plane) symmetry, but can have large eects on the SOC, with concomitant eect on spin-orbit induced magnetization damping. For example, rst-principle calculations using the coherent-potential approximation for the substitutionally disordered system shows that a tetragonal distortion of 10% in the ratio of the tetragonal axes aandcgives rise to an magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE) density [2, 3] of about 1 MJ/m3. These results are consistent with our observed MAE in Co 50Fe50. To conrm this mechanism, we performed DFT-LDA calculations on 50:50 CoFe supercells consisting of a total of 16 atoms for CsCl, zintl, and random alloy structures; in the random alloy supercell, Co or Fe atoms randomly occupied the atomic positions in the supercell. Note that all CoFe geometries are fully relaxed, including supercell lattice vectors. 1. Structural relaxation including spin-orbit coupling (SOC) shows local tetragonal distortions for random alloy supercell. Among the three dierent CoFe phases, tetragonal c/a ratio for the supercell in optimized geometry is largest (1.003) in the random alloy supercell with SOC, which means local tetragonal distortions are more12 FIG. S-8. Density of states (DOS) for (a) CsCl, (b) Zintl, and (c) alloy form of CoFe with SOC (black solid) and without SOC (red solid). TABLE I. Relaxed atomic positions (including SOC) of the alloy structure. In the ideal CsCl or Zintl structures, the atomic positions are all multiples of 0.25 in units of the lattice vector components. Atom x-position y-position z-position Co 0.003783083 0.000000000 0.000000000 Fe -0.001339230 0.000000000 0.500000000 Fe -0.002327721 0.500000000 0.000000000 Fe 0.002079922 0.500000000 0.500000000 Fe 0.502327721 0.000000000 0.000000000 Fe 0.497920078 0.000000000 0.500000000 Co 0.496216917 0.500000000 0.000000000 Fe 0.501339230 0.500000000 0.500000000 Co 0.250000000 0.250000000 0.254117992 Fe 0.250000000 0.250000000 0.752628048 Fe 0.250000000 0.750000000 0.247371952 Co 0.250000000 0.750000000 0.745882008 Co 0.750000000 0.250000000 0.250415490 Co 0.750000000 0.250000000 0.746688258 Co 0.750000000 0.750000000 0.253311742 Co 0.750000000 0.750000000 0.749584510 dominant in random alloy compared to CsCl and Zintl structures. [c/a values : CsCl (0.999), Zintl (0.999), Alloy (1.003)]. In addition, the alloy system exhibited local distortions of Co and Fe position relative to their ideal positions. In contrast, in CsCl and Zintl structures the Co and Fe atoms exhibited almost imperceptible distortions. Table shows the relaxed atomic positions in the alloys structure in units of the lattice vectors. In the ideal (unrelaxed) system, the positions are all at multiples of 0.25; the relaxed CsCl and Zintl structures no deviations from these positions larger than 1 part in 106 2. SOC changes the density of states (DOS) at the Fermi energy, notably for the random alloy but notfor the CsCl and Zintl structures. Figure S-8 shows DOS for (a) CsCl, (b) Zintl, and (c) random alloy structure with SOC (black lines) and without it red lines). We can see signicant DOS dierence for the random alloy supercell with SOC where tetragonal distortions occurred, while almost no changes are observed in the CsCl and Zintl structures. 3. The local distortions in the alloy structure furthermore gave rise to an energy anisotropy with respect to the magnetization direction. The energy (including SOC) of the relaxed alloy structure for dierent directions of the magnetization is shown in Fig. S-9. While the supercell was rather small, because of the computational expense in relaxing the structure with SOC, so that no self-averaging can be inferred, the gure demonstrates an induced magnetic anisotropy that arises from the SOC and local distortions. No magnetic anisotropy was discernible in the CsCl and Zintl structures. As a result from the DFT calculation, we attribute the large SOC eect in damping anisotropy of Co 50Fe50to local tetragonal distortions in disordered Co and Fe alloys. These distortions give rise to SOC-induced changes of DOS at the Fermi level, as well as magnetic anisotropy energy with respect to the crystallographic axes.13 FIG. S-9. Change in total energy (per supercell) of the alloy structure as function of the magnetization direction. [1] C. Ciccarelli, K. M. D. Hals, A. Irvine, V. Novak, Y. Tserkovnyak, H. Kurebayashi, A. Brataas and A. Ferguson, Nature Nano. 10, 50 (2015) [2] S. Razee, J. Staunton, B. Ginatempo, E. Bruno, and F. Pinski, Phys. Rev. B 64, 014411 (2001). [3] Y. Kota and A. Sakuma, Appl. Phys. Express 5, 113002 (2012). [4] I. Turek, J. Kudrnovsk y, and K. Carva, Phys. Rev. B 86, 174430 (2012). | 2019-01-07 | Tailoring Gilbert damping of metallic ferromagnetic thin films is one of the
central interests in spintronics applications. Here we report a giant Gilbert
damping anisotropy in epitaxial Co$_{50}$Fe$_{50}$ thin film with a
maximum-minimum damping ratio of 400 \%, determined by broadband spin-torque as
well as inductive ferromagnetic resonance. We conclude that the origin of this
damping anisotropy is the variation of the spin orbit coupling for different
magnetization orientations in the cubic lattice, which is further corroborate
from the magnitude of the anisotropic magnetoresistance in Co$_{50}$Fe$_{50}$. | Giant anisotropy of Gilbert damping in epitaxial CoFe films | 1901.01941v1 |
arXiv:1909.08004v1 [cond-mat.supr-con] 17 Sep 2019Microwave induced tunable subharmonic steps in superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor Josephson j unction M. Nashaat,1,2,∗Yu. M. Shukrinov,2,3,†A. Irie,4A.Y. Ellithi,1and Th. M. El Sherbini1 1Department of Physics, Cairo University, Cairo, 12613, Egy pt 2BLTP, JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, 141980, Russian Federati on 3Dubna State University, Dubna, 141982, Russian Federation 4Department of Electrical and Electronic Systems Engineeri ng, Utsunomiya University, Utsunomiya, Japan. We investigate the coupling between ferromagnet and superc onducting phase dynamics in superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor Josephson j unction. The current-voltage character- istics of the junction demonstrate a pattern of subharmonic current steps which forms a devil’s staircase structure. We show that a width of the steps become s maximal at ferromagnetic reso- nance. Moreover, we demonstrate that the structure of the st eps and their widths can be tuned by changing the frequency of the external magnetic field, rat io of Josephson to magnetic energy, Gilbert damping and the junction size. This paper is submitted to LTP Journal. I. INTRODUCTION Josephson junction with ferromagnet layer (F) is widely considered to be the place where spintronics and superconductivity fields interact1. In these junctions the supercurrent induces magnetization dynamics due to the coupling between the Josephson and magnetic subsystems. The possibility of achieving electric con- trol over the magnetic properties of the magnet via Josephson current and its counterpart, i.e., achieving magnetic control over Josephson current, recently at- tracted a lot of attention1–7. The current-phase rela- tion in the superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor junction (SFS) junctions is very sensitive to the mutual orientation of the magnetizations in the F-layer8,9. In Ref.[10] the authors demonstrate a unique magnetization dynamics with a series of specific phase trajectories. The origin of these trajectories is related to a direct coupling between the magnetic moment and the Josephson oscil- lations in these junctions. External electromagnetic field can also provide a cou- pling between spin wave and Josephson phase in SFS junctions11–17. Spin waves are elementary spin excita- tions which considered to be as both spatial and time dependent variations in the magnetization18,19. The fer- romagnetic resonance(FMR) correspondsto the uniform precession of the magnetization around an external ap- plied magnetic field18. This mode can be resonantly ex- cited by ac magnetic field that couples directly to the magnetization dynamics as described by the Landau- Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation18,19. In Ref.[18] the authors show that spin wave resonance at frequency ωrin SFS implies a dissipation that is mani- fested as adepressionin the IV-characteristicofthe junc- tion when /planckover2pi1ωr= 2eV, where/planckover2pi1is the Planck’s constant, e is the electron charge and Vis the voltage across the junction. The ac Josephson current produces an oscil- lating magnetic field and when the Josephson frequencymatches the spin wave frequency, this resonantly excites the magnetization dynamics M(t)18. Due to the non- linearity of the Josephson effect, there is a rectification of current across the junction, resulting in a dip in the average dc component of the suppercurrent18. In Ref.[13] the authors neglect the effective field due to Josephson energy in LLG equation and the results re- veal that even steps appear in the IV-characteristic of SFS junction under external magnetic field. The ori- gin of these steps is due to the interaction of Cooper pairs with even number of magnons. Inside the ferro- magnet, if the Cooper pairs scattered by odd number of magnons, no Josephson current flows due to the forma- tion of spin triplet state13. However, if the Cooper pairs interact with even number of magnons, the Josephson coupling between the s-wave superconductor is achieved and the spin singlet state is formed, resulting in flows of Josephsoncurrent13. In Ref.[20]weshowthat takinginto account the effective field due to Josepshon energy and at FMR, additional subharmonic current steps appear in the IV-characteristic for overdamped SFS junction with spin wave excitations (magnons). It is found that the po- sition of the current steps in the IV-characteristics form devil’s staircase structure which follows continued frac- tion formula20. The positions of those fractional steps are given by V= N±1 n±1 m±1 p±.. Ω, (1) where Ω = ω/ωc,ωis the frequency of the external ra- diation, ωcis the is the characteristic frequency of the Josephson junction and N,n,m,pare positive integers. In this paper, we present a detailed analysis for the IV-characteristics of SFS junction under external mag- netic field, and show how we can control the position of the subharmonic steps and alter their widths. The coupling between spin wave and Josephson phase in SFS junction is achieved through the Josephson energy and gauge invariant phase difference between the S-layers. In the framework of our approach, the dynamics of the SFS2 junction isfully describedbytheresistivelyshuntedjunc- tion (RSJ) model and LLG equation. These equations are solved numerically by the 4thorder Runge-Kutta method. The appearance and position of the observed current steps depend directly on the magnetic field and junction parameters. II. MODEL AND METHODS F ss Hacxyz H0I I FIG. 1. SFS Josephson junction. The bias current is applied in x-direction, an external magnetic field with amplitude Hac and frequency ωis applied in xy-plane and an uniaxial con- stant magnetic field H0is applied in z-direction. In Fig 1 we consider a current biased SFS junction where the two superconductors are separated by ferro- magnet layer with thickness d. The area of the junction isLyLz. An uniaxial constant magnetic field H0is ap- plied in z-direction, while the magnetic field is applied in xy-plane Hac= (Haccosωt,Hacsinωt,0)withamplitude Hacand frequency ω. The magnetic field is induced in the F-layer through B(t) = 4πM(t), and the magnetic fluxes in z- and y-direction are Φ z(t) = 4πdLyMz(t), Φy(t) = 4πdLzMy(t), respectively. The gauge-invariant phase difference in the junction is given by21: ∇y,zθ(y,z,t) =−2πd Φ0B(t)×n, (2) whereθis the phase difference between superconducting electrodes, and Φ 0=h/2eis the magnetic flux quantum andnis a unit vector normal to yz-plane. The gauge- invariantphasedifference in terms ofmagnetizationcom- ponents reads as θ(y,z,t) =θ(t)−8π2dMz(t) Φ0y+8π2dMy(t) Φ0z,(3) where Φ 0=h/(2e) is the magnetic flux quantum. AccordingtoRSJ model, the currentthroughthe junc- tion is given by13: I I0c= sinθ(y,z,t)+Φ0 2πI0cRdθ(y,z,t) dt,(4) whereI0 cis the critical current, and R is the resistance in the Josephson junction. After taking into account thegaugeinvarianceincludingthemagnetizationoftheferro- magnetandintegratingoverthejunction areatheelectric current reads13: I I0c=Φ2 osin(θ(t))sin/parenleftBig 4π2dMz(t)Ly Φo/parenrightBig sin/parenleftBig 4π2dMy(t)Lz Φo/parenrightBig 16π4d2LzLyMz(t)My(t) +Φ0 2πRI0cdθ(y,z,t) dt. (5) The applied magnetic field in the xy-plane causes pre- cessionalmotionofthemagnetizationinthe F-layer. The dynamics of magnetization Min the F-layer is described by LLG equation (1+α2)dM dt=−γM×Heff−γ α |M|[M×(M×Heff)](6) The total energy of junction in the proposed model is givenby E=Es+EM+EacwhereEsistheenergystored in Josephson junction, EMis the energy of uniaxial dc magnetic field (Zeeman energy) and Eacis the energy of ac magnetic field: Es=−Φ0 2πθ(y,z,t)I+EJ[1−cos(y,z,t)], EM=−VFH0Mz(t), Eac=−VFMx(t)Haccos(ωt)−VFMy(t)Hacsin(ωt)(7) Here,EJ= Φ0I0 c/2πis the the Josephson energy, H0= ω0/γ,ω0is the FMR frequency, and VFis the volume of the ferromagnet. We neglect the anisotropy energy due to demagnetizing effect for simplicity. The effective field in LLG equation is calculated by Heff=−1 VF∇ME (8) Thus, the effective field Hmdue to microwave radiation Hacand uniaxial magnetic field H0is given by Hm=Haccos(ωt)ˆex+Hacsin(ωt)ˆey+H0ˆez.(9) while the effective field ( Hs) due to superconducting part is found from Hs=−EJ VFsin(θ(y,z,t))∇Mθ(y,z,t).(10) One should take the integration of LLG on coordinates, however, the superconducting part is the only part which depends on the coordinate so, we can integrate the ef- fective field due to the Josephson energy and insert the result into LLG equation. Then, the y- and z-component are given by Hsy=EJcos(θ(t))sin(πΦz(t)/Φ0) VFπMy(t)Φz(t)/bracketleftbigg Φ0cos(πΦy(t)/Φ0) −Φ2 0sin(πΦy(t)/Φ0) πΦy(t)/bracketrightbigg ˆey, (11) Hsz=EJcos(θ(t))sin(πΦy(t)/Φ0) VFπMz(t)Φy(t)/bracketleftbigg Φ0cos(πΦz(t)/Φ0) −Φ2 0sin(πΦz(t)/Φ0) πΦz(t)/bracketrightbigg ˆez. (12)3 As a result, the total effective field is Heff=Hm+ Hs. In the dimensionless form we use t→tωc,ωc= 2πI0 cR/Φ0is the characteristic frequency, m=M/M0, M0=∝ba∇dblM∝ba∇dbl,heff=Heff/H0,ǫJ=EJ/VFM0H0,hac= Hac/H0, Ω =ω/ωc, Ω0=ω0/ωc,φsy=4π2LydM0/Φo, φsz=4π2lzdM0/Φo. Finally, the voltage V(t) =dθ/dtis normalized to /planckover2pi1ωc/(2e). The LLG and the effective field equations take the form dm dt=−Ω0 (1+α2)/parenleftbigg m×heff+α[m×(m×heff)]/parenrightbigg (13) with heff=haccos(Ωt)ˆex+(hacsin(Ωt)+ΓijǫJcosθ)ˆey + (1+Γ jiǫJcosθ)ˆez, (14) Γij=sin(φsimj) mi(φsimj)/bracketleftbigg cos(φsjmi)−sin(φsjmi) (φsjmi)/bracketrightbigg ,(15) wherei=y,j=z. The RSJ in the dimensionless form is given by I/I0 c=sin(φsymz)sin(φszmy) (φsymz)(φszmy)sinθ+dθ dt.(16) The magnetization and phase dynamics of the SFS junction can be described by solving Eq.(16) together with Eq.(13). To solve this system of equations, we em- ploy the fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme. At each cur- rent step, we find the temporal dependence of the volt- ageV(t), phase θ(t), andmi(i=x,y,z) in the (0 ,Tmax) interval. Then the time-average voltage Vis given by V=1 Tf−Ti/integraltext V(t)dt, whereTiandTfdetermine the in- terval for the temporal averaging. The current value is increased or decreased by a small amount of δI (the bias current step) to calculate the voltage at the next point of the IV-characteristics. The phase, voltage and mag- netization components achieved at the previous current step are used as the initial conditions for the next cur- rent step. The one-loop IV-characteristic is obtained by sweeping the bias current from I= 0 toI= 3 and back down to I= 0. The initial conditions for the magnetiza- tion components are assumed to be mx= 0,my= 0.01 andmz=/radicalBig 1−m2x−m2y, while for the voltage and phase we have Vini= 0,θini=0. The numerical param- eters (if not mentioned) are taken as α= 0.1,hac= 1, φsy=φsz= 4,ǫJ= 0.2 and Ω 0= 0.5. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Itiswell-knownthatJosephsonoscillationscanbesyn- chronized by external microwave radiation which leads to Shapiro steps in the IV-characteristic22. The position of the Shapiro step is determined by relation V=n mΩ, wheren,mare integers. The steps at m= 1 are calledharmonics, otherwise we deal with synchronized subhar- monic (fractional) steps. We show below the appearance of subharmonics in our case. First we present the simulated IV-characteristics at different frequencies of the magnetic field. The IV- characteristics at three different values of Ω are shown in Fig 2(a). FIG. 2. (a) IV-characteristic at three different values of Ω. For clarity, the IV-characteristics for Ω = 0 .5 and Ω = 0 .7 have been shifted to the right, by ∆ I= 0.5 and ∆ I= 1, respectively with respect to Ω = 0 .2; (b) An enlarged part of the IV-characteristic with Ω = 0 .7. To get step voltage multiply the corresponding fraction with Ω = 0 .7. As we see, the second harmonic has the largest step width at the ferromagnetic resonance frequency Ω = Ω 0, i.e., the FMR is manifested itself by the step’s width. There are also many subharmonic current steps in the IV-characteristic. We have analyzed the steps position between V= 0 and V= 0.7 for Ω = 0 .7 and found dif- ferent level continued fractions, which follow the formula given by Eq.(1) and demonstrated in Fig.2(b). We see4 the reflection of the second level continued fractions 1 /n and 1−1/nwithN= 1. In addition to this, steps with third level continued fractions 1 /(n−1/m) withN= 1 is manifested. In the inset we demonstrate part of the fourth level continued fraction 1 −1/(n+ 1/(m+1/p)) withn= 2 and m= 2. In case of external electromagnetic field which leads to the additional electric current Iac=AsinΩt, the width of the Shapiro step is proportional to ∝Jn(A/Ω), where Jnis the Bessel function of first kind. The preliminary results (not presented here) show that the width of the Shapiro-like steps under external magnetic field has a more complex frequency dependence20. This question will be discussed in detail somewhere else. The coupling between Josephson phase and magneti- zation manifests itself in the appearance of the Shapiro steps in the IV-characteristics at fractional and odd mul- tiplies of Ω20. In Fig.3 we demonstrate the effect of the ratio of the Josephson to magnetic energy ǫJon appear- ance of the steps and their width for Ω = 0 .5 where the enlarged parts of the IV-characteristics at three differ- ent values of ǫJare shown. As it is demonstrated in the figures, at ǫJ= 0.05 only two subharmonic steps appear between V= 1 and V= 1.5 (see hollow ar- rows). An enhanced staircase structure appears by in- creasing the value of ǫJ, which can be see at ǫJ= 0.3 and 0.5. Moreover, an intense subharmonic steps appear between V= 1.75 andV= 2 forǫJ= 0.5. The posi- tions for these steps reflect third level continued fraction (N−1)+1/(n+1/m)withN=4 andn=1 [see Fig.3(b)]. Let us now demonstrate the effect of Gilbert damping on the devil’s staircase structure. The Gilbert damping αis introduced into LLG equation23?to describe the relaxation of magnetization dynamics. To reflect effect of Gilbert damping, we show an enlarged part of the IV- characteristic at three different values of αin Fig.4. Thewidthofcurrentstepat V= 2Ωisalmostthesame at different values of α(e.g., see upward inset V= 2Ω). The subharmonic current step width for V= (n/m)Ω (n is odd,mis integer) is decreasing with increasing α. In addition a horizontal shift for the current steps occurs. We see the intense current steps in the IV-characteristic for small value of α= 0.03 (see black solid arrows). With increase in Gilbert damping (see α= 0.1, 0.16 and 0 .3) the higher level subharmonic steps disappear. It is well- knownthatatlargevalueof αtheFMRlinewidthbecome more broadening and the resonance frequency is shifted from Ω 0. Accordingly, the subharmonic steps disappear at large value of α. Furthermore, using the formula pre- sented in Ref.[20] the width at Ω = Ω 0for the fractional and odd current steps is proportional to (4 α2+α4)−q/2 ×(12+3α2)−k/2, whereqandkare integers. Finally, we demonstrate the effect of the junction size on the devil’s staircase in the IV-characteristic under ex- ternalmagneticfield. Thejunction sizechangesthe value ofφsyandφsz. In Fig.5(a) we demonstrate the effect of the junction thickness by changing φsz(φsyis qualita- FIG. 3. (a) An enlarged part of the IV-characteristic at different values of ǫJin the interval between V= 1 and V= 1.5; (b)Thesameintheintervalbetween V= 1.75andV= 2. For clarity, the IV-characteristics for ǫJ= 0.3, and 0 .5 have been shifted to right, by ∆ I= 0.07, and 0 .14, respectively with respect to the case with ǫJ= 0.05. tively the same). We observe an enhanced subharmonic structure with increase of junction size or the thickness of the ferro- magnet. In Ref.[13] the authors demonstrated that the critical current and the width of the step at V= 2Ω as a function of Lz/Lyfollow Bessel function of first kind. In Fig.5(b), we can see the parts of continued fraction se- quences for subharmonic steps between V= 1 andV= 2 atφsz=φsy= 6. Current steps between V= 1 and V= 1.5 reflect the two second level continued fractions (N−1)+ 1/nandN−1/nwithN= 3 in both cases, while for the steps between V= 1.5 andV= 2 follow the second level continued fraction ( N−1) + 1/nwith N= 4. Finally, wediscussthepossibilityofexperimentallyob-5 FIG. 4. An enlarged part of IV-characteristic for four differ - ent values of Gilbert damping for Ω = 0 .5. The inset shows an enlargedpartofcurrentstepwithconstantvoltage at V= 2Ω. serving the effects presented in this paper. For junction sized= 5nm, Ly=Lz= 80nm, critical current I0 c≈ 200µA, saturation magnetization M0≈5×105A/m, H0≈40mT and gyromagnetic ratio γ= 3πMHz/T, we find the value of φsy(z)=4π2Ly(z)dM0/Φ0= 4.8 and ǫJ= 0.1. With the same junction parameters one can control the appearance of the subharmonic steps by tun- ing the strength of the constant magnetic field H0. Esti- mations showthat for H0= 10mT, the value of ǫJ= 0.4, and the fractional subharmonic steps are enhanced. In general, the subharmonic steps are sensitive to junction parameters, Gilbert damping and the frequency of the external magnetic field. IV. CONCLUSIONS In this work, we have studied the IV-characteristics of superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor Joseph- son junction under external magnetic field. We used a modified RSJ model which hosts magnetization dynam- ics in F-layer. Due to the external magnetic field, the couplingbetweenmagneticmomentandJosephsonphase is achieved through the effective field taking into account the Josephson energy and gauge invariant phase differ- ence between the superconducting electrodes. We have solvedasystemofequationswhichdescribethe dynamics of the Josephson phase by the RSJ equation and magne- tization dynamics by Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. The IV-characteristic demonstrates subharmonic current steps. The pattern of the subharmonic steps can be con- trolled by tuning the frequency of the ac magnetic field. We show that by increasing the ratio of the Josephson to magneticenergyanenhancedstaircasestructureappears. Finally, we demonstrate that Gilbert damping and junc- FIG. 5. (a) IV-characteristic at three different values of φsz= 0.7,3,6 andφsy=φsz. (b) An enlarged part of the IV- characteristic at φsz=φsy=6. The hollow arrows represent the starting point of the sequences. To get step voltage we multiply the corresponding fraction by Ω = 0 .5. tion parameters can change the subharmonic step struc- ture. The observed features might find an application in superconducting spintronics. V. ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank Dr. D. V. Kamanin and Egypt JINR col- laboration for support this work. The reported study was partially funded by the RFBR research Projects No. 18-02-00318 and No. 18-52-45011-IND. Numerical cal- culations have been made in the framework of the RSF Project No. 18-71-10095.6 REFERENCES ∗ † 1J. Linder and K. Halterman, Phys. Rev. B 90, 104502 (2014). 2Yu. M. Shukrinov, A. Mazanik, I. Rahmonov, A. Botha, and A. Buzdin, EPL122, 37001 (2018). 3Yu. M. Shukrinov, I. Rahmonov, K. Sengupta, and A. Buzdin, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 182407 (2017). 4A. Buzdin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 107005 (2008). 5A. I. Buzdin, Rev. Mod. Phys. 77, 935 (2005). 6F. Bergeret, A. F. Volkov, and K. B. Efetov, Rev. Mod. Phys.77, 1321 (2005). 7A. A. Golubov, M. Y. Kupriyanov, and E. 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changing the frequency of the external magnetic field, ratio of Josephson to
magnetic energy, Gilbert damping and the junction size. | Microwave induced tunable subharmonic steps in superconductor-ferromagnet-superconductor Josephson junction | 1909.08004v1 |
arXiv:1001.4576v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 26 Jan 2010Effect of spin-conserving scattering on Gilbert damping in f erromagnetic semiconductors K. Shen,1G. Tatara,2and M. W. Wu1,∗ 1Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at Microsc ale and Department of Physics, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui , 230026, China 2Department of Physics, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hac hioji, Tokyo 192-0397, Japan (Dated: November 12, 2018) The Gilbert damping in ferromagnetic semiconductors is the oretically investigated based on the s-dmodel. In contrast to the situation in metals, all the spin-c onserving scattering in ferromagnetic semiconductors supplies an additional spin relaxation cha nnel due to the momentum dependent effective magnetic field of the spin-orbit coupling, thereby modifies the Gilbert damping. In the presence of a pure spin current, we predict a new contributio n due to the interplay of the anisotropic spin-orbit coupling and a pure spin current. PACS numbers: 72.25.Dc, 75.60.Ch, 72.25.Rb, 71.10.-w The ferromagnetic systems have attracted much at- tention both for the abundant fundamental physics and promising applications in the past decade.1,2The study on the collective magnetization dynamics in such sys- tems has been an active field with the aim to control the magnetization. In the literature, the magnetization dynamics is usually described by the phenomenological Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation,3 ˙n=γHeff×n+αn×˙n, (1) withndenoting the direction of the magnetization. The first and second terms on the right hand side of the equa- tion represent the precession and relaxation of the mag- netization under the effective magnetic field Heff, respec- tively. The relaxation term is conventionally named as the Gilbert damping term with the damping coefficient α. The time scale of the magnetization relaxation then can be estimated by 1 /(αγHeff),4which is an important parameter for dynamic manipulations. The coefficient α is essential in determining the efficiency of the current- induced magnetizationswiching, andexperimentaldeter- mination of αhas been carried out intensively in metals5 and magnetic semiconductors.6 To date, many efforts have been made to clarify the microscopic origin of the Gilbert damping.7–12Kohno et al.8employed the standard diagrammatic pertur- bation approach to calculate the spin torque in the small-amplitude magnetization dynamics and obtained a Gilberttorquewiththedampingcoefficientinverselypro- portional to the electron spin lifetime. They showed that the electron-non-magnetic impurity scattering, a spin- conserving process, does not affect the Gilbert damping. Later, they extended the theory into the finite-amplitude dynamics by introducing an SU(2) gauge field2and ob- tained a Gilbert torque identical to that in the case of small-amplitude dynamics.9In those calculations, the electron-phonon and electron-electron scatterings were discarded. One may infer that both of them should be irrelevant to the Gilbert damping in ferromagnetic met- als, since they are independent of the electron spin re-laxation somewhat like the electron-non-magnetic impu- rity scattering. However, the situation is quite different in ferromagnetic semiconductors, where the spin-orbit coupling (SOC) due to the bulk inversion asymmetry13 and/or the structure inversion asymmetry14presents a momentum-dependent effective magnetic field (inhomo- geneous broadening15). As a result, any spin-conserving scattering, including the electron-electron Coulomb scat- tering,canresultinaspinrelaxationchanneltoaffectthe Gilbert damping. In this case, many-body effects on the Gilbert damping due to the electron-electron Coulomb scatteringshould be expected. Sinova et al.16studied the Gilbert damping in GaMnAs ferromagnetic semiconduc- tors by including the SOC to the energy band structure. In that work, the dynamics of the carrier spin coherence was missed.17The issue of the present work is to study the Gilbert damping in a coherent frame. In this Report, we apply the gauge field approach to investigate the Gilbert damping in ferromagnetic semi- conductors. In our frame, all the relevant scattering pro- cesses, even the electron-electron scattering which gives rise to many-body effects, can be included. The goal of this work is to illustrate the role of the SOC and spin-conserving scattering on Gilbert damping. We show that the spin-conserving scattering can affect the Gilbert damping due to the contribution on spin relaxation pro- cess. We also discuss the case with a pure spin current, from which we predict a new Gilbert torque due to the interplay of the SOC and the spin current. Our calculation is based on the s-dmodel with itiner- antsand localized delectrons. The collectivemagnetiza- tion arisingfrom the delectronsis denoted by M=Msn. The exchange interaction between itinerant and local- ized electrons can be written as Hsd=M/integraltext dr(n·σ), where the Pauli matrices σare spin operators of the itinerant electrons and Mis the coupling constant. In order to treat the magnetization dynamics with an ar- bitrary amplitude,9we define the temporal spinor oper- ators of the itinerant electrons a(t) = (a↑(t),a↓(t))Tin the rotation coordinate system with ↑(↓) labeling the2 spin orientation parallel (antiparallel) to n. With a uni- tary transformation matrix U(t), one can connect the operators a↑(↓)with those defined in the lattice coor- dinate system c↑(↓)bya(t) =U(t)c. Then, an SU(2) gauge field Aµ(t) =−iU(t)†(∂µU(t)) =Aµ(t)·σshould be introduced into the rotation framework to guarantee the invariance of the total Lagrangian.9In the slow and smooth precession limit, the gauge field can be treated perturbatively.9Besides, one needs a time-dependent 3×3 orthogonal rotation matrix R(t), which obeys U†σU=Rσ, to transform any vector between the two coordinate systems. More details can be found in Ref. 2. In the following, we restrict our derivation to a spa- tially homogeneous system, to obtain the Gilbert damp- ing torque. Up to the first order, the interaction Hamiltonian due to the gauge field is HA=/summationtext kA0·a† kσakand the spin- orbit couping reads Hso=1 2/summationdisplay khk·c†σc=1 2/summationdisplay k˜hk·a† kσak,(2) with˜h=Rh. Here, we take the Planck constant /planckover2pi1= 1. We start from the fully microscopic kinetic spin Bloch equations of the itinerant electrons derived from the non- equilibrium Green’s function approach,15,18 ∂tρk=∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsingle coh+∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsinglec scat+∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsinglef scat,(3)whereρkrepresenttheitinerantelectrondensitymatrices defined in the rotation coordinate system. The coherent term can be written as ∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsingle coh=−i[A·σ,ρk]−i[1 2˜hk·σ+ˆΣHF,ρk].(4) Here [,] is the commutator and A(t) =A0(t)+Mˆzwith A0andMˆzrepresenting the gauge field and effective magnetic filed due to s-dexchange interaction, respec- tively.ˆΣHFis the Coulomb Hartree-Fock term of the electron-electron interaction. ∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsinglec scatand∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsinglef scatin Eq.(3) include all the relevant spin-conserving and spin- flip scattering processes, respectively. The spin-flip term ∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsinglef scatresults in the damping ef- fect was studied in Ref. 9. Let us confirm this by considering the case of the magnetic disorder Vm imp= us/summationtext j˜Sj·a†σaδ(r−Rj). The spin-flip part then reads ∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsinglef scat=∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsinglef(0) scat+∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsinglef(1) scat, (5) with∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsinglef(i) scatstanding for the i-th order term with re- spect to the gauge field, i.e., ∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsinglef(0) scat=−πnsu2 sS2 imp 3/summationdisplay k1η1η2σαρ> k1(t)Tη1σαTη2ρ< k(t)δ(ǫk1η1−ǫkη2)−(>↔<)+H.c., (6) ∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsinglef(1) scat=i2πnsu2 sS2 imp 3εαβγAγ 0(t)/summationdisplay k1η1η2σαρ> k1(t)Tη1σβTη2ρ< k(t)d dǫk1η1δ(ǫk1η1−ǫkη2)−(>↔<)+H.c.,(7) whereTη(i,j) =δηiδηjfor the spin band η. Here ρ> k= 1−ρk,ρ< k=ρk. (>↔<) is obtained by inter- changing >and<from the first term in each equation. εijkis the Levi-Civita permutation symbol. The gauge field term, ∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsinglef(1) scat, results from the spin correlation of a single magnetic impurity at different times.9It induces a spin polarization proportional to ˆz×A⊥ 0(t) which gives a Gilbert torque. The damping coefficient is inversely proportional to the spin relaxation time τsdetemined by the spin-flip scattering ∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsinglef(0) scat. The spin-flip scattering term in Eq.(3) thus reproduces the result of Ref. 9. We now demonstrate that the Gilbert damping torque arises also from the spin-conserving scattering. For the discussion of the spin-conserving term, it is suffi- cient to approximate the spin-flip term as ∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsinglef scat= −(ρk−ρe k)/τs, withρe krepresenting the instantaneous equilibrium distribution (i.e., ρe kisρkwithout the gaugefield and Ps k). Equation(3) then reads ∂tρk=−i[A·σ,ρk]−i[1 2˜hk·σ,ρk] +∂tρk/vextendsingle/vextendsinglec scat−(ρk−ρe k)/τs+Ps k.(8) Here, we add an additional term, Ps k, to describe the source of a pure spin current due to the magnetization dynamic pumping4or electrically injection19,20in order to discuss the system with a pure spin current. We ne- glect the Coulomb Hartree-Fock effective magnetic field sinceitisapproximatelyparalleltothe s-dexchangefield, but with a smaller magnitude. By averaging density matrices over the momentum direction, one obtains the isotropic component ρi,k=/integraltextdΩk 4πρk. The anisotropic component is then expressed asρa,k=ρk−ρi,k. It is obvious that this anisotropic component does not give any spin torque in the absence of the SOC, since/summationtext kTr(σρa,k) = 0. Below, it is shown3 that this component leads to the damping when coupled to the spin-orbit interaction. By denoting the isotropic component of the equi- librium part ( ρe k) asρe i,kand representing the non- equilibrium isotropic part by δρi,k=ρi,k−ρe i,k, we write the kinetic spin Bloch equations of the non- equilibrium isotropic density matrices δρi,kand those of the anisotropic components ρa,kas ∂tρi,k=−δρi,k τs−i[A·σ,δρi,k]−i[1 2˜hk·σ,ρa,k] −i[A0·σ,ρe i,k], (9) ∂tρa,k=∂tρa,k/vextendsingle/vextendsinglec scat−i[A·σ,ρa,k]−i[1 2˜hk·σ,δρi,k] −i[1 2˜hk·σ,ρa,k]+i[1 2˜hk·σ,ρa,k]+Ps k,(10) respectively. The overline in these equations presents a angular average over the momentum space. We further define ρ(0) a,kas the anisotropic density in the absence of the gauge field, A0. As easily seen, it vanishes whenPs k= 0. The anisotropic component involving the gauge field is denoted by ρ(1) a,k=ρa,k−ρ(0) a,k. Equation (10) is expressed in terms of these components as ∂tρ(0) a,k=−i[M·σ,ρ(0) a,k]+∂tρ(0) a,k/vextendsingle/vextendsinglec scat+Ps k −i[1 2˜hk·σ,ρ(0) a,k]+i[1 2˜hk·σ,ρ(0) a,k],(11) ∂tρ(1) a,k=∂tρ(1) a,k/vextendsingle/vextendsinglec scat−i[A·σ,ρ(1) a,k]−i[1 2˜hk·σ,δρi,k] −i[1 2˜hk·σ,ρ(1) a,k]−i[A0·σ,ρ(0) a,k].(12) Within the elastic scattering approximation, the electron-phonon scattering as well as the electron-non- magnetic impurity scattering can be simply written as/summationtext l,mρ(1) a,k,lmYlm/τl, where the density matrices are ex- panded by the spherical harmonics functions Ylm, i.e., ρ(1) a,k,lm=/integraltextdΩk 4πρ(1) a,kYlm.τlis the effective momentum relaxation time. The exact calculation of the Coulomb scattering is more complicated. Nevertheless, one can still express this term in the form of ρ(1) a,k/Fk(ρ), where Fkis a function of the density matrices21and reflects many-body effects. For simplification, we just introduce a uniform momentum relaxation time τ∗ lin the following calculation. Expanding Eq.(12) by the spherical har- monics functions, one obtains ∂tρ(1) a,k,lm=−i[A·σ,ρ(1) a,k,lm]−i[1 2˜hk,lm·σ,δρi,k] −i[A0·σ,ρ(0) a,k,lm]−i[1 2˜hk·σ,ρ(1) a,k]lm−ρ(1) a,k,lm τ∗ l,(13) where the expanssion coefficient of any term fkis ex- pressed as fk,lm=/integraltextdΩk 4πfkYlm. In the strong scattering regime, i.e.,1 τ∗ l≫Mand1 τ∗ l≫ |hk|, the first and fourth terms are much smaller than the last term, hence can be discarded from the right side. By taking the fact that the time derivative is a higher order term into account, one also neglects ∂tρ(1) a,k,lm. The solution of Eq.(13) canbe written as ρ(1) a,k,lm=−iτ∗ l{[1 2˜hk,lm·σ,δρi,k]+[A0·σ,ρ(0) a,k,lm]}.(14) Substituting it into Eq.(14) and rewriting the equation in the leading order, one obtains ∂tρi,k=−i[A·σ,δρi,k]−i 2[˜hk·σ,ρ(0) a,k]−i[A0·σ,ρe i,k] −/summationdisplay lmτ∗ l 4/bracketleftBig ˜hk,lm·σ,[˜hk,lm·σ,δρi,k]/bracketrightBig −δρi,k τs.(15) The third term on the right hand side of the equation is proportional to the second order term of the SOC, which gives the spin dephasing channel due to the D’yakonov- Perel’ (DP) mechanism.22This term can be expressed byτ−1 DPδρi,kwithτ−1 DPstanding for the spin dephas- ing rate tensor, which can be written as ( τ−1 DP)i,j=/summationtext l,m/an}b∇acketle{tτ∗ l((hk,lm)2δij−hi k,lmhj k,lm)/an}b∇acket∇i}htby performingthe en- semble averaging over the electron distribution. In the following, we treat τDPas a scalar for simplification and the total spin lifetime is hence given by τr= 1/(τ−1 DP+τ−1 s). (16) Similar to the previous procedure, we discard ∂tρi,kin Eq. (15) and obtain i[A·σ,δρi,k]+δρi,k/τr=−i[1 2˜hk·σ,ρ(0) a,k]−i[A0·σ,ρe i,k]. (17) By taking δ˜si=1 2/summationtext kTr(σδρi,k),˜se i=1 2/summationtext kTr(σρe i,k) and˜s(0) a,k=1 2Tr(σρ(0) a,k), one can write the solution as δ˜si=˜v+2τrAטv+4τ2 r(˜v·A)A 1+4|A|2τ2r−˜se i,(18) where˜v=˜se i+τr/summationtext k˜hkטs(0) a,k.˜se iisjust the equilibrium spin density , which is parallel to the magnetization, i.e., ˜se i= ˜se iˆz. Now, we pick up the transverse component in theformof ˆz×A⊥ 0,δ˜s⊥, sinceonlythiscomponentresults in a Gilbert torque of the magnetization as mentioned above. We come to δ˜s⊥= 2˜vz(A⊥ 0׈z)τ2 exτr/(τ2 r+τ2 ex),(19) withτex= 1/(2M). By transforming it back to the lat- tice coordinate system with R(ˆz×A⊥ 0) =1 2∂tn,9one obtains δs⊥=−˜vz(∂tn)τ2 exτr/(τ2 r+τ2 ex),(20) This nonequilibrium spin polarization results in a spin torqueperformed on the magnetizationaccordingto T= −2Mn×δs, i.e., T= ˜vz(n×∂tn)τexτr/(τ2 r+τ2 ex).(21) Compared with Eq.(1), the modification of the Gilbert damping coefficient from this torque is α= ˜vzτexτr/(Msτ2 r+Msτ2 ex), (22)4 We fisrt discuss the case without the source term of the spin current. In this case, the anisotropic component ρ(0) a,kvanishesand ˜ vz= ˜se i. We seethat the Gilbert damp- ing then arises from 1 /τr[Eq. (16)], i.e., from both the spin-flip scattering and the DP mechanism.22Our main message is that this DP contribution is affected by the spin-conservingscattering processes such as the electron- electron interaction and phonons. The temperature de- pendenceoftheGilbertdampingandthecurrent-induced magnetization switching can thus be discussed quantita- tively by evaluating τr. We note that our result reduces to the results of previous works7,9when only the spin-flip scattering is considered. We should point out that our formalism applies also to metals, by considering the case1 τ∗ l≪M. In this case, the last term of Eq.(13) can be neglected and the effect of the spin-conserving scattering through τ∗ lbecomes ir- relevant. When the pure spin current is included, we found ad- ditional contribution due to the interplay of the spin cur- rent and the SOC, since we have ˜vz= ˜se i+/bracketleftBig R/parenleftBig τr/summationdisplay khk×s(0) a,k/parenrightBig/bracketrightBig z= ˜se i+ ˜ssc z,(23) with the spin current associated term ˜ ssc zdefined ac- cordingly. The origin of ˜ ssc zcan be understood as fol- lows. The anisotropic spin polarization s(0) a,karising from the pure spin current rotates around the SOC effective magnetic field hk, which is also anisotropic. This pre-cession finally results in an isotropic spin polarization ssc=τr/summationtext khk×s(0) a,kin the presence of spin relaxation. This term contributes to the spin polarization of the itin- erant electrons along the direction of the magnetization, i.e., ˜ssc z, thereby modifies the Gilbert damping term by ˜ssc z/˜se i. The additional Gilbert damping due to the spin cur- rent found here is different from the enhancement of the damping in the spin pumping systems, where the exis- tence of the interface is essential.4In other words, what contributes there is the divergence of the spin current, as is understood from the continuity equation for the spin, indicating that the spin damping is equal to ∇·js+ ˙s(s is the total spin density). In contrast, the damping found in the present paper arises even when the spin current is uniform if the spin-orbit interaction is there. In summary, we have shown that the spin-conserving scatterings in ferromagnetic semiconductors, such as the electron-electron, electron-phonon and electron-non- magnetic impurity scatterings, contribute to the Gilbert damping in the presence of the SOC because of the in- homogeneous broadening effect. We also predict that a Gilbert torque arises from a pure spin current when cou- pled to the spin-orbit interaction. This work wassupported by the Natural Science Foun- dation of China under Grant No. 10725417, the Na- tional Basic Research Program of China under Grant No. 2006CB922005,the KnowledgeInnovation Projectof Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kakenhi (1948027)MEXT Japan and the Hitachi Sci. Tech. Foundation. ∗Author to whom correspondence should be addressed; Electronic address: 1Y. Tserkovnyak, A. Brataas, G. E. W. Bauer, and B. I. Halperin, Rev. 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investigated based on the $s$-$d$ model. In contrast to the situation in
metals, all the spin-conserving scattering in ferromagnetic semiconductors
supplies an additional spin relaxation channel due to the momentum dependent
effective magnetic field of the spin-orbit coupling, thereby modifies the
Gilbert damping. In the presence of a pure spin current, we predict a new
contribution due to the interplay of the anisotropic spin-orbit coupling and a
pure spin current. | Effect of spin-conserving scattering on Gilbert damping in ferromagnetic semiconductors | 1001.4576v1 |
arXiv:0807.5009v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 31 Jul 2008Scattering Theory of Gilbert Damping Arne Brataas,1,∗Yaroslav Tserkovnyak,2and Gerrit E. W. Bauer3 1Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, N-7491 Trondheim, Norway 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Califor nia, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA 3Kavli Institute of NanoScience, Delft University of Techno logy, Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands The magnetization dynamics of a single domain ferromagnet i n contact with a thermal bath is studied by scattering theory. We recover the Landau-Lift shitz-Gilbert equation and express the effective fields and Gilbert damping tensor in terms of the sca ttering matrix. Dissipation of magnetic energy equals energy current pumped out of the system by the t ime-dependent magnetization, with separable spin-relaxation induced bulk and spin-pumping g enerated interface contributions. In linear response, our scattering theory for the Gilbert damp ing tensor is equivalent with the Kubo formalism. Magnetization relaxation is a collective many-body phenomenon that remains intriguing despite decades of theoretical and experimental investigations. It is im- portant in topics of current interest since it determines the magnetization dynamics and noise in magnetic mem- ory devices and state-of-the-art magnetoelectronic ex- periments on current-induced magnetization dynamics [1]. Magnetization relaxation is often described in terms of a damping torque in the phenomenological Landau- Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation 1 γdM dτ=−M×Heff+M×/bracketleftBigg˜G(M) γ2M2sdM dτ/bracketrightBigg , (1) whereMis the magnetization vector, γ=gµB//planckover2pi1is the gyromagnetic ratio in terms of the gfactor and the Bohr magnetonµB, andMs=|M|is the saturation magneti- zation. Usually, the Gilbert damping ˜G(M) is assumed to be a scalar and isotropic parameter, but in general it is a symmetric 3 ×3 tensor. The LLG equation has been derived microscopically [2] and successfully describes the measured response of ferromagnetic bulk materials and thin films in terms of a few material-specific parameters thatareaccessibletoferromagnetic-resonance(FMR) ex- periments [3]. We focus in the following on small fer- romagnets in which the spatial degrees of freedom are frozen out (macrospin model). Gilbert damping pre- dicts a striclylinear dependence ofFMR linewidts on fre- quency. This distinguishes it from inhomogenous broad- ening associated with dephasing of the global precession, which typically induces a weaker frequency dependence as well as a zero-frequency contribution. The effective magnetic field Heff=−∂F/∂Mis the derivative of the free energy Fof the magnetic system in an external magnetic field Hext, including the classi- cal magnetic dipolar field Hd. When the ferromagnet is part of an open system as in Fig. 1, −∂F/∂Mcan be expressed in terms of a scattering S-matrix, quite anal- ogous to the interlayer exchange coupling between ferro- magnetic layers [4]. The scattering matrix is defined in the space of the transport channels that connect a scat- tering region (the sample) to thermodynamic (left andleft reservoirF N Nright reservoir FIG. 1: Schematic picture of a ferromagnet (F) in contact with a thermal bath via metallic normal metal leads (N). right) reservoirs by electric contacts that are modeled by ideal leads. Scattering matrices also contain information to describe giant magnetoresistance, spin pumping and spin battery, and current-induced magnetization dynam- ics in layered normal-metal (N) |ferromagnet (F) systems [4, 5, 6]. In the following we demonstrate that scattering the- ory can be also used to compute the Gilbert damping tensor˜G(M).The energy loss rate of the scattering re- gion can be described in terms of the time-dependent S-matrix. Here, we generalize the theory of adiabatic quantum pumping to describe dissipation in a metallic ferromagnet. Our idea is to evaluate the energy pump- ingoutoftheferromagnetandtorelatethistotheenergy loss of the LLG equation. We find that the Gilbert phe- nomenology is valid beyond the linear response regime of small magnetization amplitudes. The only approxima- tion that is necessary to derive Eq. (1) including ˜G(M) is the (adiabatic) assumption that the frequency ωof the magnetization dynamics is slow compared to the relevant internal energy scales set by the exchange splitting ∆. The LLG phenomenology works so well because /planckover2pi1ω≪∆ safely holds for most ferromagnets. Gilbert damping in transition-metal ferromagnets is generally believed to stem from spin-orbit interaction in combinationwith impurityscatteringthattransfersmag- netic energy to itinerant quasiparticles [3]. The subse- quent drainage of the energy out of the electronic sys- tem, inelastic scattering via phonons, is believed to be a fast process that does not limit the overall damp- ing. Our key assumption is adiabaticiy, meaning that the precession frequency goes to zero before letting the sample size become large. The magnetization dynam- ics then heats up the entire magnetic system by a tiny2 amount that escapes via the contacts. The leakage heat current then equals the total dissipation rate. For suf- ficiently large samples, bulk heat production is insensi- tive to the contact details and can be identified as an additive contribution to the total heat current that es- capes via the contacts. The chemical potential is set by the reservoirs, which means that (in the absence of an intentional bias) the sample is then always very close to equilibrium. The S-matrix expanded to linear order in the magnetization dynamics and the Kubo linear re- sponse formalisms should give identical results, which we will explicitly demonstrate. The role of the infinitesi- mal inelastic scattering that guarantees causality in the Kubo approach is in the scattering approach taken over by the coupling to the reservoirs. Since the electron- phonon relaxation is not expected to directly impede the overall rate of magnetic energy dissipation, we do not need to explicitly include it in our treatment. The en- ergy flow supported by the leads, thus, appears in our model to be carried entirely by electrons irrespective of whethertheenergyisactuallycarriedbyphonons, incase the electrons relax by inelastic scattering before reaching the leads. So we are able to compute the magnetization damping, but not, e.g., how the sample heats up by it . According to Eq. (1), the time derivative of the energy reads ˙E=Heff·dM/dτ= (1/γ2)˙ m/bracketleftBig ˜G(m)˙ m/bracketrightBig ,(2) in terms of the magnetization direction unit vector m= M/Msand˙ m=dm/dτ. We now develop the scatter- ing theory for a ferromagnet connected to two reservoirs by normal metal leads as shown in Fig. 1. The total energy pumping into both leads I(pump) Eat low tempera- tures reads [11, 12] I(pump) E= (/planckover2pi1/4π)Tr˙S˙S†, (3) where˙S=dS/dτandSis the S-matrix at the Fermi energy: S(m) =/parenleftbiggr t′ t r′/parenrightbigg . (4) randt(r′andt′) are the reflection and transmissionma- trices spanned by the transport channels and spin states for an incoming wave from the left (right). The gener- alization to finite temperatures is possible but requires knowledge of the energy dependence of the S-matrix around the Fermi energy [12]. The S-matrix changes parametrically with the time-dependent variation of the magnetization S(τ) =S(m(τ)). We obtain the Gilbert damping tensor in terms of the S-matrix by equating the energy pumping by the magnetic system (3) with the en- ergy loss expression (2), ˙E=I(pump) E. Consequently Gij(m) =γ2/planckover2pi1 4πRe/braceleftbigg Tr/bracketleftbigg∂S ∂mi∂S† ∂mj/bracketrightbigg/bracerightbigg ,(5)which is our main result. The remainder of our paper serves three purposes. We show that (i) the S-matrix formalism expanded to linear responseis equivalentto Kubolinearresponseformalism, demonstrate that (ii) energy pumping reduces to inter- face spin pumping in the absence ofspin relaxationin the scattering region, and (iii) use a simple 2-band toy model with spin-flip scattering to explicitly show that we can identify both the disorder and interface (spin-pumping) magnetization damping as additive contributions to the Gilbert damping. Analogous to the Fisher-Lee relation between Kubo conductivity and the Landauer formula [15] we will now prove that the Gilbert damping in terms of S-matrix (5) is consistent with the conventionalderivation of the mag- netization damping by the linear response formalism. To this end we chose a generic mean-field Hamiltonian that depends on the magnetization direction m:ˆH=ˆH(m) describes the system in Fig. 1. ˆHcan describe realistic band structures as computed by density-functional the- ory including exchange-correlation effects and spin-orbit couplingaswell normaland spin-orbitinduced scattering off impurities. The energy dissipation is ˙E=/angb∇acketleftdˆH/dτ/angb∇acket∇ight, where/angb∇acketleft.../angb∇acket∇ightdenotes the expectation value for the non- equilibriumstate. Inlinearresponse,weexpandthemag- netization direction m(t) around the equilibrium magne- tization direction m0, m(τ)=m0+u(τ). (6) The Hamiltonian can be linearized as ˆH=ˆHst+ ui(τ)∂iˆH, where ˆHst≡ˆH(m0) is the static Hamilto- nian and∂iˆH≡∂uiˆH(m0), where summation over re- peated indices i=x,y,zis implied. To lowest order ˙E= ˙ui(τ)/angb∇acketleft∂iˆH/angb∇acket∇ight, where /angb∇acketleft∂iˆH/angb∇acket∇ight=/angb∇acketleft∂iˆH/angb∇acket∇ight0+/integraldisplay∞ −∞dτ′χij(τ−τ′)uj(τ′).(7) /angb∇acketleft.../angb∇acket∇ight0denotes equilibrium expectation value and the re- tarded correlation function is χij(τ−τ′) =−i /planckover2pi1θ(τ−τ′)/angbracketleftBig [∂iˆH(τ),∂jˆH(τ′)]/angbracketrightBig 0(8) in the interaction picture for the time evolution. In order to arrive at the adiabatic (Gilbert) damping the magne- tization dynamics has to be sufficiently slow such that uj(τ)≈uj(t) + (τ−t) ˙uj(t). Since m2= 1 and hence ˙ m·m= 0 [7] ˙E=i∂ωχij(ω→0)˙ui˙uj, (9) whereχij(ω) =/integraltext∞ −∞dτχij(τ)exp(iωτ). Next, we use the scattering states as the basis for expressing the correlation function (8). The Hamiltonian consists of a free-electron part and a scattering potential: ˆH= ˆH0+ˆV(m). We denote the unperturbed eigenstates of3 the free-electron Hamiltonian ˆH0=−/planckover2pi12∇2/2mat en- ergyǫby|ϕs,q(ǫ)/angb∇acket∇ight, wheres=l,rdenotes propagation direction and qtransverse quantum number. The po- tentialˆV(m) scatters the particles between these free- electron states. The outgoing (+) and incoming wave (-) eigenstates |ψ(±) s,q(ǫ)/angb∇acket∇ightof the static Hamiltonian ˆHst fulfill the completeness conditions /angb∇acketleftψ(±) s,q(ǫ)|ψ(±) s′,q′(ǫ′)/angb∇acket∇ight= δs,s′δq,q′δ(ǫ−ǫ′) [10]. These wave functions can be ex- pressed as |ψ(±) s(ǫ)/angb∇acket∇ight= [1 +ˆG(±) stˆVst]|ϕs(ǫ)/angb∇acket∇ight, where the static retarded (+) and advanced (-) Green functions are ˆG(±) st(ǫ) = (ǫ±iη−ˆHst)−1andηis a positive infinites- imal. By expanding χij(ω) in the basis of the outgo- ing wave functions |ψ(+) s/angb∇acket∇ight, the low-temperature linear re- sponse leads to the followingenergydissipation (9) in the adiabatic limit ˙E=−π/planckover2pi1˙ui˙uj/angbracketleftBig ψ(+) s,q|∂iˆH|ψ(+) s′,q′/angbracketrightBig/angbracketleftBig ψ(+) s′,q′|∂jˆH|ψ(+) s,q/angbracketrightBig , (10) with wave functions evaluated at the Fermi energy ǫF. In order to compare the linear response result, Eq. (10), withthat ofthe scatteringtheory, Eq. (5), weintro- duce the T-matrix ˆTasˆS(ǫ;m) = 1−2πiˆT(ǫ;m), where ˆT=ˆV[1 +ˆG(+)ˆT] in terms of the full Green function ˆG(+)(ǫ,m) = [ǫ+iη−ˆH(m)]−1. Although the adiabatic energy pumping (5) is valid for any magnitude of slow magnetization dynamics, in order to make connection to the linear-response formalism we should consider small magnetization changes to the equilibrium values as de- scribed by Eq. (6). We then find ∂τˆT=/bracketleftBig 1+ˆVstˆG(+) st/bracketrightBig ˙ui∂iˆH/bracketleftBig 1+ˆG(+) stˆVst/bracketrightBig .(11) into Eq. (5) and using the completeness of the scattering states, we recover Eq. (10). Our S-matrix approach generalizes the theory of (non- local) spin pumping and enhanced Gilbert damping in thin ferromagnets [5]: by conservation of the total an- gular momentum the spin current pumped into the surrounding conductors implies an additional damping torque that enhances the bulk Gilbert damping. Spin pumping is an N |F interfacial effect that becomes impor- tant in thin ferromagnetic films [14]. In the absence of spin relaxation in the scattering region, the S-matrix can be decomposed as S(m) =S↑(1+ˆσ·m)/2+S↓(1−ˆσ· m)/2, where ˆσis a vector of Pauli matrices. In this case, Tr(∂τS)(∂τS)†=Ar˙ m2, whereAr= Tr[1−ReS↑S† ↓] and the trace is over the orbital degrees of freedom only. We recover the diagonal and isotropic Gilbert damping tensor:Gij=δijGderived earlier [5], where G=γMsα=(gµB)2 4π/planckover2pi1Ar. (12) Finally, we illustrate by a model calculation that we can obtain magnetization damping by both spin- relaxationandinterfacespin-pumpingfromtheS-matrix.We consider a thin film ferromagnet in the two-band Stoner model embedded in a free-electron metal ˆH=−/planckover2pi12 2m∇2+δ(x)ˆV(ρ), (13) where the in-plane coordinate of the ferromagnet is ρ and the normal coordinate is x.The spin-dependent po- tentialˆV(ρ) consists of the mean-field exchange interac- tion oriented along the magnetization direction mand magnetic disorder in the form of magnetic impurities Si ˆV(ρ) =νˆσ·m+/summationdisplay iζiˆσ·Siδ(ρ−ρi),(14) which are randomly oriented and distributed in the film atx= 0. Impurities in combination with spin-orbit cou- pling will give similar contributions as magnetic impuri- ties to Gilbert damping. Our derivation of the S-matrix closely follows Ref. [8]. The 2-component spinor wave function can be written as Ψ( x,ρ) =/summationtext k/bardblck/bardbl(x)Φk/bardbl(ρ), where the transverse wave function is Φ k/bardbl(ρ) = exp(ik/bardbl· ρ)/√ Afor the cross-sectional area A. The effective one- dimensional equation for the longitudinal part of the wave function is then /bracketleftbiggd2 dx2+k2 ⊥/bracketrightbigg ck/bardbl(x) =/summationdisplay k′ /bardbl˜Γk/bardbl,k′ /bardblck/bardbl(0)δ(x),(15) where the matrix elements are defined by ˜Γk/bardbl,k′ /bardbl= (2m//planckover2pi12)/integraltext dρΦ∗ k/bardbl(ρ)ˆV(ρ)Φk′ /bardbl(ρ)and the longitudinal wave vector k⊥is defined by k2 ⊥= 2mǫF//planckover2pi12−k2 /bardbl. For an incoming electron from the left, the longitudinal wave function is ck/bardbls=χs√k⊥/braceleftBigg eik⊥xδk/bardbls,k′ /bardbls′+e−ik⊥xrk/bardbls,k′ /bardbls′,x<0 eik⊥xtk/bardbls,k′ /bardbls′,x>0, (16) wheres=↑,↓andχ↑= (1,0)†andχ↓= (0,1)†. Inver- sion symmetry dictates that t′=tandr=r′. Continu- ity of the wave function requires 1+ r=t. The energy pumping (3) then simplifies to I(pump) E=/planckover2pi1Tr/parenleftbig˙t˙t†/parenrightbig /π. Flux continuity gives t= (1 +iˆΓ)−1, whereˆΓk/bardbls,k′ /bardbls′= χ† sˆΓk/bardbls,k′ /bardbls′χs′(4k⊥k⊥)−1/2. In the absence of spin-flip scattering, the transmis- sion coefficient is diagonal in the transverse momentum: t(0) k/bardbl= [1−iη⊥σ·m]/(1+η2 ⊥), whereη⊥=mν/(/planckover2pi12k⊥). The nonlocal (spin-pumping) Gilbert damping is then isotropic,Gij(m) =δijG′, G′=2ν2/planckover2pi1 π/summationdisplay k/bardblη2 ⊥ (1+η2 ⊥)2. (17) It can be shown that G′is a function of the ratio be- tween the exchange splitting versus the Fermi wave vec- tor,ηF=mν/(/planckover2pi12kF).G′vanishes in the limits ηF≪14 (nonmagnetic systems) and ηF≫1 (strong ferromag- net). We include weak spin-flip scattering by expanding the transmission coefficient tto second order in the spin- orbit interaction, t≈/bracketleftbigg 1+t0iˆΓsf−/parenleftBig t0iˆΓsf/parenrightBig2/bracketrightbigg t0, which inserted into Eq. (5) leads to an in general anisotropic Gilbert damping. Ensemble averaging over all ran- dom spin configurations and positions after considerable but straightforward algebra leads to the isotropic result Gij(m) =δijG G=G(int)+G′(18) whereG′is defined in Eq. (17). The “bulk” contribution to the damping is caused by the spin-relaxation due to the magnetic disorder G(int)=NsS2ζ2ξ, (19) whereNsis the number of magnetic impurities, Sis the impurity spin, ζis the average strength of the magnetic impurity scattering, and ξ=ξ(ηF) is a complicated ex- pression that vanishes when ηFis either very small or very large. Eq. (18) proves that Eq. (5) incorporates the “bulk” contribution to the Gilbert damping, which grows with the number of spin-flip scatterers, in addition to in- terface damping. We could have derived G(int)[Eq. (19)] as well by the Kubo formula for the Gilbert damping. The Gilbert damping has been computed before based on the Kubo formalism based on first-principles elec- tronic band structures [9]. However, the ab initio appeal is somewhat reduced by additional approximations such as the relaxation time approximation and the neglect of disorder vertex corrections. An advantage of the scatter- ingtheoryofGilbertdampingisitssuitabilityformodern ab initio techniques of spin transport that do not suffer from these drawbacks [16]. When extended to include spin-orbit coupling and magnetic disorder the Gilbert damping can be obtained without additional costs ac- cording to Eq. (5). Bulk and interface contributions can be readily separated by inspection of the sample thick- ness dependence of the Gilbert damping. Phononsareimportantforthe understandingofdamp- ing at elevated temperatures, which we do not explic- itly discuss. They can be included by a temperature- dependent relaxation time [9] or, in our case, structural disorder. A microscopic treatment of phonon excitations requires extension of the formalism to inelastic scatter- ing, which is beyond the scope of the present paper. In conclusion, we hope that our alternative formal- ism of Gilbert damping will stimulate ab initio electronic structure calculations as a function of material and dis- order. By comparison with FMR studies on thin ferro- magnetic films this should lead to a better understanding of dissipation in magnetic systems.This work was supported in part by the Re- search Council of Norway, Grants Nos. 158518/143 and 158547/431, and EC Contract IST-033749 “DynaMax.” ∗Electronic address: [1] For a review, see M. D. Stiles and J. Miltat, Top. Appl. Phys.101, 225 (2006) , and references therein. [2] B. Heinrich, D. 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thermal bath is studied by scattering theory. We recover the
Landau-Liftshitz-Gilbert equation and express the effective fields and Gilbert
damping tensor in terms of the scattering matrix. Dissipation of magnetic
energy equals energy current pumped out of the system by the time-dependent
magnetization, with separable spin-relaxation induced bulk and spin-pumping
generated interface contributions. In linear response, our scattering theory
for the Gilbert damping tensor is equivalent with the Kubo formalism. | Scattering Theory of Gilbert Damping | 0807.5009v1 |
arXiv:1307.7427v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 29 Jul 20131 Theoretical Study of Spin-Torque Oscillator with Perpendicularly Magnetized Free Layer Tomohiro Taniguchi, Hiroko Arai, Hitoshi Kubota, and Hiros hi Imamura∗ Spintronics Research Center, AIST, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8 568, Japan Abstract—The magnetization dynamics of spin torque oscilla- tor (STO) consisting of a perpendicularly magnetized free l ayer and an in-plane magnetized pinned layer was studied by solvi ng the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. We derived the anal ytical formula of the relation between the current and the oscillat ion frequency of the STO by analyzing the energy balance between the work done by the spin torque and the energy dissipation du e to the damping. We also found that the field-like torque break s the energy balance, and change the oscillation frequency. Index Terms —spintronics, spin torque oscillator, perpendicu- larly magnetized free layer, the LLG equation I. INTRODUCTION SPIN torque oscillator (STO) has attracted much attention due to its potential uses for a microwave generator and a recording head of a high density hard disk drive. The self- oscillation of the STO was first discovered in an in-plane magnetized giant-magnetoresistive (GMR) system [1]. Afte r that, the self-oscillation of the STO has been observed not only in GMR systems [2]-[6] but also in magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) [7]-[11]. The different types of STO have been proposedrecently; for example,a point-contactgeome try with a confinedmagneticdomainwall [12]-[14]whichenables usto controlthe frequencyfroma few GHz to a hundredGHz. Recently, Kubota et al.experimentally developed the MgO- based MTJ consisting of a perpendicularly magnetized free layer and an in-plane magnetized pinned layer [15],[16]. Th ey also studied the self-oscillation of this type of MTJ, and observed a large power ( ∼0.5µW) with a narrow linewidth (∼50MHz) [17].These results are great advancesin realizing the STO device.However,the relationbetweenthe currentan d the oscillation frequency still remains unclear. Since a pr ecise control of the oscillation frequency of the STO by the curren t is necessary for the application, it is important to clarify the relation between the current and the oscillation frequency . In this paper, we derived the theoretical formula of the relation between the current and the oscillation frequency of the STO consisting of the perpendicularly magnetized free layer and the in-plane magnetized pinned layer. The derivation is based on the analysis of the energy balance between the work done by the spin torque and the energy dissipation due to the damping. We found that the oscillatio n frequencymonotonicallydecreases with increasing the cur rent by keeping the magnetization in one hemisphere of the free layer. The validity of the analytical solution was confirmed by numerical simulations. We also found that the field-like ∗Corresponding author. Email address: h-imamura@aist.go. jppmelectron (I>0)z xy spin torquedamping damping spin torque Fig. 1. Schematic view of the system. The directions of the sp in torque and the damping during the precession around the z-axis are indicated. torque breaks the energy balance, and change the oscillatio n frequency. The shift direction of the frequency, high or low , is determined by the sign of the field-like torque. This paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II, the current dependence of the oscillation frequency is derived by solvi ng the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation. In Sec. III, t he effect of the field-like torque on the oscillation behaviour is investigated. Section IV is devoted to the conclusions. II. LLG STUDY OF SPIN TORQUE OSCILLATION The system we consider is schematically shown in Fig. 1. We denote the unit vectors pointing in the directions of the magnetization of the free and the pinned layers as m= (sinθcosϕ,sinθsinϕ,cosθ)andp, respectively. The x-axis is parallel to pwhile the z-axis is normal to the film plane. The variable θofmis the tilted angle from the z-axis whileϕis the rotation angle from the x-axis. The current I flows along the z-axis, where the positive current corresponds to the electron flow from the free layer to the pinned layer. We assume that the magnetization dynamics is well de- scribed by the following LLG equation: dm dt=−γm×H−γHsm×(p×m)+αm×dm dt.(1) The gyromagneticration and the Gilbert damping constant ar e denotedas γandα, respectively.The magnetic field is defined byH=−∂E/∂(Mm), where the energy density Eis E=−MHapplcosθ−M(HK−4πM) 2cos2θ.(2) Here,M,Happl, andHKare the saturation magnetization,the applied field along the z-axis, and the crystalline anisotropy field along the z-axis, respectively. Because we are interested in the perpendicularly magnetized system, the crystalline anisotropy field, HK, should be larger than the demagneti- zation field, 4πM. Since the LLG equation conserves the2 I = 1.2 ~ 2.0 (mA) mz mxmy1 -1 0 -1 -1 1 100(a) current (mA)34567(b) frequency (GHz) 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 Fig. 2. (a) The trajectories of the steady state precession o f the magne- tization in the free layer with various currents. (b) The dot s represent the dependence of the oscillation frequency obtained by numeri cally solving the LLG equation. The solid line is obtained by Eqs. (8) and (9). normofthe magnetization,the magnetizationdynamicscan b e described by a trajectory on an unit sphere. The equilibrium states of the free layer correspond to m=±ez. In following, the initial state is taken to be the north pole, i.e., m=ez. It should be noted that a plane normal to the z-axis, in which θ is constant, corresponds to the constant energy surface. The spin torque strength, Hsin Eq. (1), is [18]-[20] Hs=/planckover2pi1ηI 2e(1+λmx)MSd, (3) whereSanddare the cross section area and the thickness of the free layer. Two dimensionless parameters, ηandλ (−1< λ <1), determine the magnitude of the spin polariza- tion and the angle dependence of the spin torque, respective ly. Although the relation among η,λ, and the material parameters depends on the theoretical models [20]-[22], the form of Eq. (3) is applicable to both GMR system and MTJs. In particular, the angle dependence of the spin torque characterized by λis a key to induce the self-oscillation in this system. Figure 2 (a) shows the steady state precession of the mag- netization in the free layer obtained by numerically solvin g Eq. (1). The values of the parameters are M= 1313emu/c.c., HK= 17.9kOe,Happl= 1.0kOe,S=π×50×50nm2, d= 2.0nm,γ= 17.32MHz/Oe, α= 0.005,η= 0.33, andλ= 0.38, respectively [17]. The self-oscillation was observedforthe current I≥1.2mA.Althoughthe spintorque breaks the axial symmetry of the free layer along the z-axis, the magnetization precesses around the z-axis with an almost constanttilted angle. Thetilted angle fromthe z-axisincreases with increasing the current; however, the magnetization st ays in the northsemisphere( θ < π/2). The dotsin Fig. 2 (b) show the dependence of the oscillation frequency on the current. As shown, the oscillation frequencymonotonicallydecreases with increasing the current magnitude. Let us analytically derive the relation between the current and the oscillation frequency. Since the self-oscillation occurs due to the energysupply into the free layer by the spin torque , the energy balance between the spin torque and the damping should be investigated. By using the LLG equation, the time derivative of the energy density Eis given by dE/dt=Ws+ Wα, where the work done by spin torque, Ws, and the energydissipation due to the damping, Wα, are respectively given by Ws=γMHs 1+α2[p·H−(m·p)(m·H)−αp·(m×H)], (4) Wα=−αγM 1+α2/bracketleftBig H2−(m·H)2/bracketrightBig . (5) By assuming a steady precession around the z-axis with a constant tilted angle θ, the time averages of WsandWαover one precession period are, respectively, given by Ws=γM 1+α2/planckover2pi1ηI 2eλMSd/parenleftBigg 1/radicalbig 1−λ2sin2θ−1/parenrightBigg ×[Happl+(HK−4πM)cosθ]cosθ,(6) Wα=−αγM 1+α2[Happl+(HK−4πM)cosθ]2sin2θ.(7) The magnetization can move from the initial state to a point at which dE/dt= 0. Then, the current at which a steady precession with the angle θcan be achieved is given by I(θ) =2αeλMSd /planckover2pi1ηcosθ/parenleftBigg 1/radicalbig 1−λ2sin2θ−1/parenrightBigg−1 ×[Happl+(HK−4πM)cosθ]sin2θ.(8) The corresponding oscillation frequency is given by f(θ) =γ 2π[Happl+(HK−4πM)cosθ].(9) Equations (8) and (9) are the main results in this section. The solid line in Fig. 2 (b) shows the current dependence of the oscillation frequency obtained by Eqs. (8) and (9), wher e the good agreement with the numerical results confirms the validity of the analytical solution. The critical current f or the self-oscillation, Ic= limθ→0I(θ), is given by Ic=4αeMSd /planckover2pi1ηλ(Happl+HK−4πM).(10) The value of Icestimated by using the aboveparametersis 1.2 mA, showing a good agreement with the numerical simulation shown in Fig. 2 (a). The sign of Icdepends on that of λ, and the self-oscillation occurs only for the positive (nega tive) current for the positive (negative) λ. This is because a finite energy is supplied to the free layer for λ/negationslash= 0, i.e.,Ws>0. In the case of λ= 0, the average of the work done by the spin torque is zero, and thus, the self-oscillation does not occu r. It should be noted that I(θ)→ ∞in the limit of θ→π/2. This means the magnetization cannot cross over the xy-plane, and stays in the north hemisphere ( θ < π/2). The reason is as follows. The average of the work done by spin torque becomes zero in the xy-plane (θ=π/2) because the direction of the spin torque is parallel to the constant energy surface . On the other hand, the energy dissipation due to the damping is finite in the presence of the applied field [21]. Then, dE/dt(θ=π/2) =−αγMH2 appl/(1 +α2)<0, which meansthe dampingmovesthe magnetizationto the northpole. Thus, the magnetization cannot cross over the xy-plane. The controllable range of the oscillation frequency by the curr ent isf(θ= 0)−f(θ=π/2) =γ(HK−4πM)/(2π), which is independent of the magnitude of the applied field.3 Since the spin torque breaks the axial symmetry of the free layer along the z-axis, the assumption that the tilted angle is constant used above is, in a precise sense, not valid , and thez-component of the magnetization oscillates around a certain value. Then, the magnetization can reach the xy- plane and stops its dynamics when a large current is applied. However,thevalue ofsuch currentis morethan15mA forour parameter values, which is much larger than the maximum of the experimentallyavailable current. Thus, the above form ulas work well in the experimentally conventional current regio n. Contrary to the system considered here, the oscillation be- haviour of an MTJ with an in-plane magnetized free layer and a perpendicularly magnetized pinned layer has been widely investigated [23]-[26]. The differences of the two systems are as follows. First, the oscillation frequency decreases with increasing the current in our system while it increases in the latter system. Second, the oscillation frequency in our system in the large current limit becomes independent of the z-component of the magnetization while it is dominated by mz= cosθin the latter system. The reasons are as follows. In our system, by increasing the current, the magnetization moves away from the z-axis due to which the effect of the anisotropy field on the oscillation frequency decreases, an d the frequency tends to γHappl/(2π), which is independent of the anisotropy. On the other hand, in the latter system, the magnetization moves to the out-of-plane direction, due to which the oscillation frequency is strongly affected by t he anisotropy (demagnetization field). The macrospin model developed above reproduces the ex- perimentalresultswith the freelayerof2nmthick[17],for ex- ample the current-frequency relation, quantitatively. Al though onlythezero-temperaturedynamicsisconsideredinthispa per, the macrospin LLG simulation at a finite temperature also reproduces other properties, such as the power spectrum and its linewidth, well. However, when the free layer thickness further decreases, an inhomogeneousmagnetization due to t he roughnessattheMgOinterfacesmayaffectsthemagnetizati on dynamics: for example, a broadening of the linewidth. III. EFFECT OF FIELD -LIKE TORQUE The field-like torque arises from the spin transfer from the conductionelectrons to the local magnetizations,as is the spin torque. When the momentum average of the transverse spin of theconductionelectronsrelaxesinthefreelayerveryfast ,only the spin torque acts on the free layer [19]. On the other hand, when the cancellation of the transverse spin is insufficient , the field-like torque appears. The field-like torque added to the right hand side of Eq. (1) is TFLT=−βγHsm×p, (11) where the dimensionless parameter βcharacterizes the ratio between the magnitudes of the spin torque and the field-like torque. The value and the sign of βdepend on the system parameters such as the band structure, the thickness, the impurity density, and/or the surface roughness [22],[27]- [29]. The magnitude of the field-like torque in MTJ is much larger than that in GMR system [30],[31] because the band selectionmz mxmy1 -1 0 -1 -1 1 100(a) mz mxmy1 -1 0 -1 -1 1 100(b) mz mxmy1 -1 0 -1 -1 1 100(c) (d) 0 0.2 0.1 time (μs)0 -0.5 -β=0 β=0.5 β=-0.5 β=-0.5 β=0.5β=0 Fig. 3. The magnetization dynamics from t= 0with (a) β= 0, (b) β= 0.5, andβ=−0.5. The current magnitude is 2.0mA. (d) The time evolutions of mzfor various β. duringthe tunnelingleads to an insufficient cancellation o f the transverse spin by the momentum average. It should be noted that the effective energy density, Eeff=E−βM/planckover2pi1ηI 2eλMSdlog(1+λmx),(12) satisfying −γm×H+TFLT=−γm×[−∂Eeff/(Mm)], can be introduce to describe the field-like torque. The time derivative of the effective energy, Eeff, can be obtained by replacing the magnetic field, H, in Eqs. (4) and (5) with the effective field −∂Eeff/∂(Mm) =H+βHsp. Then, the average of dEeff/dtover one precession period around the z-axis consists of Eq. (6), (7), and the following two terms: W′ s=βγM 1+α2/parenleftbigg/planckover2pi1ηI 2eλMSd/parenrightbigg2/bracketleftbigg1+λ2cos2θ (1−λ2sin2θ)3/2−1/bracketrightbigg , (13) W′ α=−αγM 1+α2/parenleftbiggβ/planckover2pi1ηI 2eλMSd/parenrightbigg2/bracketleftbigg1+λ2cos2θ (1−λ2sin2θ)3/2−1/bracketrightbigg −2αβγM 1+α2/planckover2pi1ηI 2eλMSd/parenleftBigg 1/radicalbig 1−λ2sin2θ−1/parenrightBigg ×[Happl+(HK−4πM)cosθ]cosθ. (14) The constant energy surface of Eeffshifts from the xy-plane due to a finite |β|(≃1), leading to an inaccuracy of the calculation of the time average with the constant tilted ang le assumption. Thus, Eqs. (13) and (14) are quantitatively val id for only |β| ≪1. However, predictions from Eqs. (13) and (14) qualitatively show good agreements with the numerical simulations, as shown below. For positive β,W′ sis also positive, and is finite at θ=π/2. Thus,dEeff/dt(θ=π/2)can be positive for a sufficiently large current. This means, the magnetization can cross over thexy-plane, and move to the south semisphere ( θ > π/2). On the other hand, for negative β,W′ sis also negative. Thus, theenergysupplybythespintorqueissuppressedcomparedt o4 current (mA)34567frequency (GHz) 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.02 1 0β=0 β=0.5β=-0.5 Fig. 4. The dependences of the oscillation frequency on the c urrent for β= 0(red),β= 0.5(orange), and β=−0.5(blue), respectively. thecaseof β= 0.Then,arelativelylargecurrentisrequiredto induce the self-oscillation with a certain oscillation fre quency. Also, the magnetization cannot cross over the xy-plane. We confirmed these expectations by the numerical simu- lations. Figures 3 (a), (b) and (c) show the trajectories of the magnetization dynamics with β= 0,0.5, and−0.5 respectively,while thetime evolutionsof mzareshownin Fig. 3 (d). The current value is 2.0 mA. The current dependences of the oscillation frequency are summarized in Fig. 4. In the case of β= 0.5>0, the oscillation frequency is low compared to that for β= 0because the energy supply by the spin torque is enhanced by the field-like torque, and thus, th e magnetization can largely move from the north pole. Above I= 1.9mA, the magnetizationmovesto the southhemisphere (θ > π/2), and stops near θ≃cos−1[−Happl/(HK−4πM)] in the south hemisphere, which corresponds to the zero fre- quency in Fig. 4. On the other hand, in the case of β=−0.5<0, the magnetization stays near the north pole compared to the case ofβ= 0, because the energy supply by the spin torque is suppressed by the field-like torque. The zero frequency in Fig. 4 indicates the increase of the critical current of the s elf- oscillation. Compared to the case of β= 0, the oscillation frequency shifts to the high frequency region because the magnetization stays near the north pole. IV. CONCLUSIONS In conclusion, we derived the theoretical formula of the relation between the current and the oscillation frequency of STO consisting of the perpendicularly magnetized free laye r and the in-plane magnetized pinned layer. The derivation is based on the analysis of the energy balance between the work done by the spin torque and the energy dissipation due to the damping.The validityof the analyticalsolutionwas confirm ed by numerical simulation. We also found that the field-like torque breaks the energy balance, and changes the oscillati on frequency. The shift direction of the frequency, high or low , depends on the sign of the field-like torque ( β).ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to acknowledge T. Yorozu, H. Maehara, A. Emura, M. Konoto, A. Fukushima, S. Yuasa, K. Ando, S. Okamoto, N. Kikuchi, O. Kitakami, T. Shimatsu, K. Kudo, H. Suto, T. Nagasawa, R. Sato, and K. Mizushima. REFERENCES [1] S. I. Kiselev, J. C. Sankey, I. N. Krivorotov, N. C, Emley, R. J. 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perpendicularly magnetized free layer and an in-plane magnetized pinned layer
was studied by solving the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. We derived the
analytical formula of the relation between the current and the oscillation
frequency of the STO by analyzing the energy balance between the work done by
the spin torque and the energy dissipation due to the damping. We also found
that the field-like torque breaks the energy balance, and change the
oscillation frequency. | Theoretical Study of Spin-Torque Oscillator with Perpendicularly Magnetized Free Layer | 1307.7427v1 |
arXiv:2204.10596v2 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 19 Jul 2022A short-circuited coplanar waveguide for low-temperature single-port ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy set-up to probe the magnetic proper ties of ferromagnetic thin films Sayani Pal, Soumik Aon, Subhadip Manna and Chiranjib Mitra∗ Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Kolkata , West Bengal, India A coplanar waveguide shorted in one end is proposed, designe d, and implemented successfully to measure the properties of magnetic thin films as a part of the v ector network analyser ferromag- netic resonance (VNA-FMR) spectroscopy set-up. Its simple structure, potential applications and easy installation inside the cryostat chamber made it advan tageous especially for low-temperature measurements. It provides a wide band of frequencies in the g igahertz range essential for FMR measurements. Our spectroscopy set-up with short-circuit ed coplanar waveguide has been used to extract Gilbert damping coefficient and effective magnetizat ion values for standard ferromagnetic thin films like Py and Co. The thickness and temperature depen dent studies of those magnetic parameters have also been done here for the afore mentioned m agnetic samples. INTRODUCTION In recent years, extensive research on microwave mag- netization dynamics in magnetic thin films[1–3], planar nanostructures[4–6] and multi-layers[7–9] havebeen per- formedduetotheirpotentialapplicationsinvariousfields of science and technology. Spintronics is one such emerg- ing discipline that encompasses the interplay between magnetization dynamics and spin transport. It also in- cludes fields like spin-transfer torque [10–13], direct and inversespin hall effect [14–18], spin pumping [19, 20] etc., which are crucial in industrial applications for develop- ing devices like magnetic recording head[21], magnetic tunnel junction(MTJ) sensors [22, 23], magnetic memory devices[24, 25] andspin-torquedevices[26, 27]. Thus ex- ploring more about the static and dynamic properties of magnetic materials in itself is an interesting subject. Fer- romagnetic resonance spectroscopy(FMR) is a very ba- sic and well-understood technique that is used to study the magnetization dynamics of ferromagnets[28, 29, 31]. Nowadays, most advanced FMR spectroscopy methods use a vector network analyzer (VNA)[30, 31] as the mi- crowave source and detector. We have used VNA in our set-up too. To determine the magnetic parameters of the ferromag- netic materials using the VNA-FMR spectroscopy, one needs to carry out the measurements at a wide range of frequencies. Since the microwave magnetic field in the coplanar waveguide (CPW) is parallel to the plane, it servesthepurposeofexploringthemagneticpropertiesof the concernedsystem overabroadfrequencyrangein the GHz region. The advantage of using CPW in the spec- troscopy system lies in the fact that we no longer need to remount samples at different waveguides or cavities foreveryotherfrequency measurements, which consumes ∗Corresponding lot of time and effort in an experiment[32, 33]. Re- searchers design and use different types of CPW for vari- ous other purposes like micron-sized CPW in microwave- assisted magnetic recording; two-port CPW in antenna; shorted CPW in ultra-wideband bandpass-filter and per- meability measurements [34–36]. However, in broadband FMR spectroscopy two-port CPW jigs have most com- monly been used till date. Using two-port CPW in FMR spectroscopy, one gets absorption spectra in terms of the transmissioncoefficient of scatteringparameters, and from there magnetic parameters of the samples can be determined. The use of two-port CPW in VNA-FMR can be replaced by one-port CPW where the reflection coefficient of scattering parameters of the FMR spectra can be used to determine the magnetic parameters of the sample. One port reflection geometry is a lot more convenient in terms of easy design, calibration, installa- tion, and sample loading. This is especially true when the whole CPW arrangement is kept inside the cryostat chamber for low-temperature measurements and the sys- tem becomes very sensitive to vibration and any kind of magnetic contacts, one port CPW seems very con- venient to operate rather than the two-port one. Previ- ously, manyhavedesignedandusedshort-circuitedCPW jigs for other purposes but to the best our knowledge it has not been used for low-temperature VNA-FMR spec- troscopy measurements before. In this work, we report the development of short- circuited CPW based low-temperature broadband VNA- FMR spectroscopy set-up to study the magnetic param- eters of standard ferromagnetic samples. For measure- ments, we chose the permalloy(Py) thin films as ferro- magnetic (FM) material which has greatly been used in researchfields like spintronics and industrial applications due to its interesting magnetic properties like high per- meability, large anisotropy magnetoresistance, low coer- civity, and low magnetic anisotropy. We have also con- sidered another standard magnetic thin film, Co of thick- ness 30nm as a standard for ascertaining the measure-2 ment accuracy. In our system, we swept the magnetic field keeping the frequencies constant, and got the FMR spectra for several frequencies. From there we found the variation of resonance fields and field linewidths with the resonance frequencies. We have used the linear fit for resonance frequencies vs field line-widths data to calculate the Gilbert damping coefficient( α). We fit- ted the set of resonance frequencies vs resonance fields data to the Kittel formula [59] to obtain the effec- tive magnetization(4 πMeff). Subsequently, we investi- gated the thickness and temperature-dependent studies of 4πMeffandαfor FM thin films of different thickness inthetemperaturerangeof7.5Kto300K.Tocharacterise the measurement set-up using short-circuited CPW, we compared the previous measurements in the literature with ourresults and there wasa good agreementbetween the two[36, 41]. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS A short-circuited CPW has been designed and fab- ricated as a part of our low-temperature VNA-FMR spectroscopy set-up. To make the CPW we have used Rogers AD1000, a laminated PCB substrate with copper cladding on both sides of the dielectric. The thickness of the dielectric and the copper layer are 1.5 mm and 17.5 microns respectively and the dielectric constant of the substrate is 10.7. The main concern about the design of the CPW is to match its characteristic impedance with the impedance of the microwave transmission line con- nected to it. We haveused the line calculatorto calculate the dimensions of CPW. For a CPW with a characteris- tic impedance of 50 ohms, the line calculator calculated the width of the signal line and the gap to be 900 mi- crons and 500 microns respectively. The fabrication is done using optical lithography which is described in de- tail in the literature[49]. Other components of our mea- CryostatVNA ElectromagnetSample CPWCoaxial Transmission Line FIG. 1. The schematic diagram of measurement system and the arrangement inside the cryostat with the sample on top of the CPW surement system are a)Vector Network Analyser(VNA), which is a microwave source as well as a detector, b)theelectromagnet that generates the external magnetic field, i.e., Zeemanfieldand, c)optistatdrycryogen-freecooling system from Oxford instruments which is used for low- temperature measurements. One end of the CPW signal line is shorted to the ground, and the other end is con- nected to the VNA through a SMA connector and coax- ial cable (fig 3b). On top of the CPW, thin-film samples have been placed face down after wrapping them with an insulating tape to electrically isolate them. For low- temperature measurements, the sample has been glued to the CPW using a low-temperature adhesive to ensure contact of sample and resonator at all times, in spite of the vibration caused by the cryostat unit. This whole ar- rangementis then placed inside the twopole pieces of the electromagnet as we can see from the diagram in fig 1. Therearetwostandardmethods ofgettingFMR spectra: sweeping the frequency keeping the field constant and sweeping the magnetic field while keeping the frequency constant. We have adopted the second method. We have worked in the frequency range from 2.5GHz to 5.5GHz and in the magnetic field range from 0 Oe to roughly around 500 Oe. We have used 1mW of microwave power throughout the experiment. From the FMR spectra, we havedeterminedeffectivemagnetizationanddampingco- efficient of FM thin films and studied their variation with temperature and sample thickness. SAMPLE PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION Py (Ni80Fe20) and Co thin films were fabricated by thermal evaporation technique on Si/SiO 2substrates, from commercially available pellets (99 .995%pure) at room temperature. The substrates were cleaned with acetone, IPA and DI water respectively in ultrasonica- tor and dried with a nitrogen gun. The chamber was pumped down to 1 ×10−7torr using a combination of a scroll pump and turbo pump. During the deposition, pressure reached upto 1 ×10−6torr. Thin films were fab- ricated at a rate of 1 .2˚A/swhere thickness can be con- trolled by Inficon SQM 160 crystal monitor. For our experiments a series of Py thin films of different thick- nesses were fabricated by keeping the other parameters like base pressure, deposition pressure and growth rate constant. Film thickness and morphology was measured by using atomic force microscopy technique as shown in fig 2(a). We have used Py films with thicknesses 10nm, 15nm, 34nm, 50nm, and 90nm with a surface roughness of around 1nm and one Co film of thickness 30nm. X-ray diffraction experiment confirms the polycrystalline struc- ture of the samples as shown in fig 2b and fig 2c for Py and Co respectively.3 2µm 2µm (a) /s51/s53 /s52/s48 /s52/s53 /s53/s48 /s53/s53 /s54/s48/s48/s49/s48/s48/s50/s48/s48/s51/s48/s48 /s52/s52/s46/s51/s54/s73/s110/s116/s101/s110/s115/s105/s116/s121/s32/s40/s97/s114/s98/s105/s116/s97/s114/s121/s32/s117/s110/s105/s116/s41 /s50 /s113 /s32/s40/s100/s101/s103/s114/s101/s101/s41/s80/s121/s32/s40/s49/s53/s110/s109/s41 (b) /s51/s53 /s52/s48 /s52/s53 /s53/s48 /s53/s53/s48/s50/s48/s48/s52/s48/s48/s54/s48/s48/s56/s48/s48/s73/s110/s116/s101/s110/s115/s105/s116/s121/s32/s40/s65/s114/s98/s105/s116/s97/s114/s121/s32/s117/s110/s105/s116/s41 /s50 /s113 /s32/s40/s100/s101/s103/s114/s101/s101/s41/s67/s111/s32/s40/s51/s48/s110/s109/s41 (c) FIG. 2. (a)Atomic force microscope (AFM) image of 30 nm thick Py thin film with a surface roughness of 1 nm . X-ray diffraction peak of (b)15nm thick Py film and (c)30nm Co prepared by thermal evaporation. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION We have calculated the dimensions of the short- circuited CPW using the line calculator of the CST Stu- dio Suite software as mentioned in the experimental de- tails section. Using those dimensions we have also done the full-waveelectromagneticsimulation in CST software to get the electric and magnetic field distribution of the CPW. One can see from the simulation result displayed in figure 3a that the farther it is from the gap, the weaker the intensity of the magnetic field, and the magnitude of the field in the gap area is one order of greater than that on the signal line. When placing the thin film sample on top of the CPW, the dimension of the sample shouldDielectricSampleSignal Line Gap Magnetic field lines Electric field lines a) b) c) FIG. 3. (a) Schematic diagram of the cross-sectional view of CPW. (b) Top view of the short-circuited CPW after fabri- cation. (c)Intensity distribution of microwave magnetic fi eld in the one end shorted CPW at 5GHz (top view) /s48 /s49/s48/s48 /s50/s48/s48 /s51/s48/s48 /s52/s48/s48/s45/s48/s46/s53/s45/s48/s46/s52/s45/s48/s46/s51/s45/s48/s46/s50/s45/s48/s46/s49/s48/s46/s48/s83 /s49/s49/s40/s100/s66/s41 /s72/s32/s40/s79/s101/s41/s32/s32/s32 /s102/s114/s101/s113/s117/s101/s110/s99/s121 /s32/s50/s46/s53/s71/s72/s122 /s32/s51/s46/s53/s71/s72/s122 /s32/s52/s46/s53/s71/s72/s122 /s32/s53/s46/s53/s71/s72/s122/s49/s53/s110/s109/s32/s80/s121 /s84/s61/s51/s48/s48/s75 FIG. 4. Ferromagnetic Resonance spectra of absorption at frequencies 2.5 GHz, 3.5 GHz, 4.5 GHz, 5.5 GHz for 15nm Py thin films at room temperature after background subtraction be such that it can cover the gap area on both sides of the signal line of the CPW because the magnetic field is most intense in that area. This microwave magnetic field circulatingthe signal line ofthe CPW is perpendicular to4 /s50 /s51 /s52 /s53 /s54 /s55/s50/s48/s51/s48/s52/s48/s53/s48/s54/s48 /s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s84/s61/s51/s48/s48/s75 /s32/s67/s111/s32/s40/s51/s48/s110/s109/s41 /s32/s80/s121/s32/s40/s51/s52/s110/s109/s41/s68 /s72/s32/s40/s79/s101/s41 /s102/s32/s40/s71/s72/s122/s41 (a)/s48 /s50/s48 /s52/s48 /s54/s48 /s56/s48 /s49/s48/s48/s48/s46/s48/s48/s53/s48/s46/s48/s48/s54/s48/s46/s48/s48/s55/s48/s46/s48/s48/s56/s48/s46/s48/s48/s57/s97 /s116/s32 /s80/s121 /s32/s40/s110/s109/s41/s32/s84/s61/s51/s48/s48/s75 (b) /s53/s48 /s49/s48/s48 /s49/s53/s48 /s50/s48/s48 /s50/s53/s48 /s51/s48/s48/s50/s51/s52/s53/s54/s55 /s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s84/s61/s32/s51/s48/s48/s75 /s32/s67/s111/s32/s40/s51/s48/s110/s109/s41 /s32/s80/s121/s32/s40/s51/s52/s110/s109/s41/s102/s32/s40/s71/s72/s122/s41 /s72/s32/s40/s79/s101/s41 (c)/s48/s46/s48/s48 /s48/s46/s48/s50 /s48/s46/s48/s52 /s48/s46/s48/s54 /s48/s46/s48/s56 /s48/s46/s49/s48/s56/s57/s49/s48/s49/s49/s52 /s112 /s77 /s101/s102/s102/s32/s40/s107/s71/s41 /s116/s32/s45/s49 /s32/s80/s121/s32/s40/s110/s109/s45/s49 /s41/s32/s84/s61/s51/s48/s48/s75 (d) FIG. 5. a)Field linewidth variation with resonance frequen cies at 300K for 34nm Py and 30nm Co thin films. Equation 1 has been used for fitting the curve and to determine the Gilbert da mping coefficient; b)thickness dependence of Gilbert dampin g coefficient at room temperature for Py thin films; c)resonance field variation with resonance frequencies at 300K for 34 nm P y and 30 nm Co thin films. Kittel formula (eqn-3)has been used fo r fitting the curve and to determine the effective magnetizati on; d)thickness dependence of effective magnetization for Py th in films at room temperature. the external magnetic field and both the magnetic fields are parallel to the film surface as can be seen from fig 3a and 3b. On account of the static magnetic field, the magnetic moment will undergo a precession around the static magnetic field at a frequency called the Larmor precession frequency. Absorption of electromagnetic en- ergy happens when the frequency of the transverse mag- netic field (microwave) is equal to the Larmor frequency. Fig4exhibitsthe absorptionspectrafor15nmbarePy film after subtraction of a constant background for four different frequencies, 2.5 GHz, 3.5 GHz, 4.5 GHz and 5.5 GHz at room temperature in terms of S-parameter re- flection coefficient ( S11) vs. external magnetic field. We fitted these experimental results to the Lorentz equation [56]. We extracted the field linewidth at half maxima from the FMR spectra at different frequencies and fitted them using equation 1 to obtain αas one can see from fig 5a and fig 6a. The experimental values of the absorp-tion linewidth (∆ H) contains both the effect of intrinsic Gilbert damping and the extrinsic contribution to the damping. Linewidth due to Gilbert damping is directly proportional to the resonance frequency and follows the equation: ∆H= (2π γ)αf+∆H0 (1) whereγis the gyromagneticratio, αis the Gilbert damp- ing coefficient and ∆ H0is the inhomogeneous linewidth. A number of extrinsic contributions to the damping coef- ficient like magnetic inhomogeneities, surface roughness, defects of the thin films bring about the inhomogeneous linewidth broadening [55]. αhas been determined using the above equation only. Damping coefficient values ob- tainedhereareintherangeofabout0 .005to0.009forPy samplesofthicknessescoveringthe whole thin film region i.e., 10nm to 90nm at room temperature. These values5 /s50/s46/s53 /s51/s46/s48 /s51/s46/s53 /s52/s46/s48 /s52/s46/s53 /s53/s46/s48 /s53/s46/s53 /s54/s46/s48/s51/s48/s51/s53/s52/s48/s52/s53/s53/s48/s53/s53/s54/s48 /s32/s49/s48/s110/s109/s32/s84/s61/s51/s48/s48/s75 /s32/s49/s48/s110/s109/s32/s84/s61/s52/s53/s75/s80/s121/s68 /s72/s32/s40/s79/s101/s41 /s102/s32/s40/s71/s72/s122/s41/s32/s49/s53/s110/s109/s32/s84/s61/s51/s48/s48/s75 /s32/s49/s53/s110/s109/s32/s84/s61/s52/s53/s75/s80/s121 (a)/s48 /s53/s48 /s49/s48/s48 /s49/s53/s48 /s50/s48/s48 /s50/s53/s48 /s51/s48/s48/s48/s46/s48/s48/s54/s48/s46/s48/s48/s56/s48/s46/s48/s49/s48/s48/s46/s48/s49/s50 /s84/s32/s40/s75/s41/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32 /s32/s32/s116 /s32 /s80/s121 /s32/s49/s53/s110/s109 /s32/s49/s48/s110/s109 (b) /s54/s48 /s49/s50/s48 /s49/s56/s48 /s50/s52/s48 /s51/s48/s48 /s51/s54/s48 /s52/s50/s48/s50/s46/s53/s51/s46/s48/s51/s46/s53/s52/s46/s48/s52/s46/s53/s53/s46/s48/s53/s46/s53/s54/s46/s48 /s32/s49/s53/s110/s109/s32/s84/s61/s51/s48/s48/s75 /s32/s49/s53/s110/s109/s32/s84/s61/s32/s52/s53/s75/s80/s121/s102/s32/s40/s71/s72/s122/s41 /s72/s32/s40/s79/s101/s41/s32/s49/s48/s110/s109/s32/s84/s61/s51/s48/s48/s75 /s32/s49/s48/s110/s109/s32/s84/s61/s52/s53/s75/s80/s121 (c)/s48 /s53/s48 /s49/s48/s48 /s49/s53/s48 /s50/s48/s48 /s50/s53/s48 /s51/s48/s48/s56/s46/s48/s56/s46/s50/s56/s46/s52/s56/s46/s54/s56/s46/s56/s57/s46/s48/s57/s46/s50/s57/s46/s52/s57/s46/s54/s52 /s77 /s101/s102/s102/s32/s40/s107/s71/s41 /s84/s32/s40/s75/s41/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s32 /s116/s32 /s80/s121 /s32/s49/s53/s110/s109 /s32/s49/s48/s110/s109 (d) FIG. 6. a)Field linewidth variation with resonance frequen cies at 300K and 45K for 10 nm and 15nm Py films. Equation 1 has been used for fitting the curve and to determine the Gilber t damping coefficient; b)temperature dependence of damping coefficient for 10nm and 15nm Py thin films; c)resonance field va riation with resonance frequencies at 300K and 45K for 10nm and 15nm Py thin films. Kittel formula (eqn-3) has been used fo r fitting the curve and to determine the 4 πMeff; d)temperature dependence of 4 πMefffor 10nm and 15nm Py thin films. are pretty close to the values previously reported in the literature [39–41, 43, 44]. For the Co film of thickness 30 nm we have obtained the value of αto be 0.008 ±0.0004. Baratiet al.measured the damping value of 30nm Co film to be 0.004 [37, 38]. There are other literature also where Co multilayers have been studied where damping coefficient value increasesbecause ofspin pumping effect. αis a veryinterestingparameterto investigatebecause it is used in the phenomenological LLG equation [57], [58] to describe magnetization relaxation: d/vectorM dt=−γ/vectorM×/vectorHeff+α MS/vectorM×d/vectorM dt(2) where,µBisBohrmagneton, /vectorMisthemagnetizationvec- tor,MSis the saturation magnetization and Heffis the effectve magnetic field which includes the external field, demagnetization and crystalline anisotropy field. The in-troduction of the Damping coefficient in LLG equation is phenomenological in nature and the question of whether it has a physical origin or not has not been fully under- stood till date. We have measured 4 πMeffalso from the absorption spectra. We have fitted the Kittel for- mula (equation 3) into resonance field vs. the resonance frequency ( fres) data as shown in fig 5c and fig 6c. fres= (γ 2π)[(H+4πMeff)H]1 2 (3) where,His the applied magnetic field, and Meffis the effective magnetization which contains saturation mag- netization and other anisotropic contributions. We ob- tained the 4 πMeffvalue for 30nm thick Co and 34nm Py to be 17.4 ±0.2kG and 9.6 ±0.09kG respectively at room temperature. These values also agree quite well with the literature. For a 10nm Co film, Beaujour et al.measured the value to be around 16 kG[45] and for a 30nm Py the6 value is 10 .4kGas measured by Zhao et al[41]. We tried to address here the thickness and tempera- ture dependence of αand 4πMeffusing our measure- ment set-up. The variation of the αwith thickness is shown here in figure 5b. It increases smoothly as film thickness decreases and then shows a sudden jump below 15nm. Increased surface scattering could be the reason behind this enhanced damping for thinner films. It has been previously observed [60] that damping coefficient and electrical resistivity follows a linear relation at room temperature for Py thin film. It suggests a strong corre- lation between magnetization relaxation( α) and electron scattering. Magnetization relaxation could be explained by electron scattering by phonons and magnons. In the former case, αis proportional to the electron scatter- ing rate, τ−1and in the later case, α∼τ. Theoretical predictions by Kambersky [61] suggests that at higher temperature α∼τ−1as electron scattering by phonons are predominant there. So, here in our case we can elim- inate the possibility of electron scattering by magnons as thickness dependent study has only been done at room temperature where phonon scattering is prevalent. Ing- vasson in their paper[60] also suggests that the re- laxation of magnetization is similar to bulk relaxation where phonon scattering in bulk is replaced by surface and defect scattering in thin films. Thicknessdependent studyof4 πMeffalsohasbeen done for Py thin films at room temperature. As we can see from fig 5d, Meffis linear for thinner films and becomes almost independent of thickness for thicker films. The change in Meffwith thickness mainly comes from the surface anisotropy, µ0Meff=µ0Ms−2Ks Msd(4) whereMsis the saturation magnetization and2Ks Msdis the surface anisotropy field. Surface anisotropy is higher for thinner films and the anisotropy reduces as one in- creases the film thickness. We have obtained saturation magnetization(4 πMs) value of Py to be 10 .86kGusing the linear fit (equation 4). Previously Chen et al.has re- ported the 4 πMeffvalue for a 30nm Py film to be 12 kG [54] which includes both 4 πMsand anisotropy field. Temperature dependence of αfor 15nm and 10nm Py film is represented in figure 6b. The αvalue decreases monotonically from room temperature value and reaches a minimum value at around 100K and then starts to in- crease with further decrease of temperature and reaches a maximum value at 45K. Zhao et al.have seen this kind of damping enhancement at around50Kin their low temperature experiment with Py thin films with differ- ent types of capping layers and Rio et al.observed the damping anomaly at temperature 25K when they have usedPtas a capping layer on Py thin film.[39, 41]. We did not use any capping layer on Py film in our mea- surement. So there is no question of interface effect for the enhanced damping at 45K. A possible reason for the strong enhancement of damping at 45K could be the/s48 /s53/s48 /s49/s48/s48 /s49/s53/s48 /s50/s48/s48 /s50/s53/s48 /s51/s48/s48/s52/s48/s54/s48/s56/s48/s49/s48/s48/s49/s50/s48/s49/s52/s48/s49/s54/s48/s49/s56/s48 /s32/s57/s71/s72/s122 /s32/s52/s71/s72/s122/s51/s48/s110/s109/s32/s67/s111/s68 /s72 /s32/s40/s79/s101/s41 /s84/s32/s40/s75/s41 FIG. 7. Temperature induced linewidth variation of 30nm Co thin film at two different frequencies 4GHz and 9GHz spin reorientation transition(SRT) on the Py surface at that particular temperature [41, 42]. Previously it has been established that the competition between different anisotropy energies: magnetocrystalline anisotropy, sur- face anisotropy, shape anisotropy decides the magnetiza- tion direction in magnetic films. For thin films, the vari- ation of temperature, film thickness, strain can alter the competition between shape and surface anisotropy. In our case, temperature variation could be the reason for the spin reorientation transition on Py surface at around 45K.Foradeeperunderstandingofthespinreorientation we investigated the temperature dependence of 4 πMeff for 15nm and 10nm Py film as shown in fig 6d. There Meffis showing an anomaly at around 45K, otherwise it is increasing smoothly with the decrease of temperature. Since there is no reason of sudden change in saturation magnetization at this temperature, the possible reason for the anomaly in Meffshould come from any change inmagneticanisotropy. Thatchangeofanisotropycanbe related to a spin reorientation at that particular temper- ature value. Sierra, [42], have also argued that in the temperature dependent spin re-orientation (T-SRT), the central effect of temperature on the magnetic prop- erties of Py films was to increase the in-plane uniax- ial anisotropy and to induce a surface anisotropy which orients the magnetization out of plane in the Py sur- face. They have verified this using X-Ray diffraction experiments and high resolution transmission electron microscopy images. This establishes reasonably enough that it is a spin re-orientation transition around 45K. Lastly, for a 30nm Co thin film we have studied the temperature variation of FMR linewidth(∆ H) at mi- crowave frequencies 9GHz and 4GHz. One can see from fig7 that the linewidth does not change much in the tem- perature range 100 <T<300 but below 100K, ∆ Hstarts to increase significantly. This behaviour of ∆ Hhas been7 observed previously by Bhagat et al.[62]. They sug- gested that the increase of relaxation frequency at low temp might be related to the rapid variation in the elec- tronicmeanfreepath. Thiscomparisonsuggeststhatour set-up with a single port CPW has the same sensitivity of the previously reported set-up. CONCLUSIONS Short-circuited coplanar waveguide can successfully be used for low-temperature single-port broadband FMR spectroscopy measurements. The magnetic parameters obtained here for the standard ferromagnetic materials, Py and Co are in good agreement with other experimen- tal works and theoretical predictions. Temperature de- pendentstudiesof αand4πMeffforPyfilmshereexhibit spin reorientation phenomenon at low temperatures. We believe that the findings with Py sample will help in bet- ter understanding of magnetic phenomena for other fer- romagnetic materials at low temperature. Though this setup has limitations for angle-dependent FMR measure- ments, itcanreadilybe usedforstudiesonmagnetization dynamics for multi-layered films and planar nanostruc- tures and is currently under way. In future we aim to in- tegrate electrical measurement facilities with the existing set-up thereby extending the possibilities of inverse spinhall(ISHE) measurements and spin-torque ferromagnetic resonance(ST-FMR)spectroscopyexperimentswhich are very relevant for current scientific interests. We believe the short-circuited CPW will serve its purpose conve- niently there too. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS TheauthorssincerelyacknowledgesMinistryofEduca- tion, Government of India and Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) (grant no:EMR/2016/007950) and Department of Science and Technology (grant no. DST/ICPS/Quest/2019/22) for financial sup- port. S.P. acknowledges Department of Science and Technology(DST)-INSPIRE fellowship India, S. A. ac- knowledges Ministry of Education of Government of In- dia and S.M. acknowledges Council Of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR),India for research fellowship. The authors would like to thank Dr. Partha Mitra of the Department of Physical Sciences, Indian Institute of Sci- ence Education and Research Kolkata for providing the lab facilities for sample deposition. The authors would also like to thank Mr. Subhadip Roy, IISER Kolkata for his help in fabricating the CPW structure using home- built optical lithography set-up. 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implemented successfully to measure the properties of magnetic thin films as a
part of the vector network analyzer ferromagnetic resonance (VNA-FMR)
spectroscopy set-up. Its simple structure, potential applications and easy
installation inside the cryostat chamber made it advantageous especially for
low-temperature measurements. It provides a wide band of frequencies in the
gigahertz range essential for FMR measurements. Our spectroscopy set-up with
short-circuited coplanar waveguide has been used to extract Gilbert damping
coefficient and effective magnetization values for standard ferromagnetic thin
films like Py and Co. The thickness and temperature dependent studies of those
magnetic parameters have also been done here for the afore mentioned magnetic
samples. | A short-circuited coplanar waveguide for low-temperature single-port ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy set-up to probe the magnetic properties of ferromagnetic thin films | 2204.10596v2 |
arXiv:0812.0832v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 3 Dec 2008Observationofferromagnetic resonance instrontium ruthe nate (SrRuO 3) M.C. Langner,1,2C.L.S. Kantner,1,2Y.H. Chu,3L.M. Martin,2P. Yu,1R. Ramesh,1,4and J. Orenstein1,2 1Department of Physics, University of California, Berkeley , CA 94720 2Materials Science Division, Lawrence Berkeley National La boratory, Berkeley, CA 94720 3Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, HsinChu, Taiwan, 30010 4Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 (Dated: October 26, 2018) Abstract We report the observation of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) in SrRuO 3using the time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect. The FMR oscillations in the ti me-domain appear in response to a sudden, optically induced change in the direction of easy-axis anis tropy. The high FMR frequency, 250 GHz, and large Gilbert damping parameter, α≈1, are consistent with strong spin-orbit coupling. We find th at the parameters associated with the magnetization dynamics, in cludingα, have a non-monotonic temperature dependence, suggestive of alink to theanomalous Hall effec t. PACS numbers: 76.50.+g,78.47.-p,75.30.-m 1Understanding and eventually manipulating the electron’s spin degree of freedom is a major goal of contemporary condensed matter physics. As a means to this end, considerable attention is focused on the spin-orbit (SO) interaction, which provid esa mechanism for control of spin po- larization by applied currents or electric fields [1]. Despi te this attention, many aspects of SO coupling are not fully understood, particularly in itinera nt ferromagnets where the same elec- trons are linked to both rapid current fluctuations and slow s pin dynamics. In these materials, SO coupling is responsible for spin-wave damping [2, 3], spi n-current torque [4, 5], the anoma- lous Hall effect (AHE) [6], and magnetocrystalline anisotr opy (MCA) [7]. Ongoing research is aimed toward a quantitative understanding of how bandstruc ture, disorder, and electron-electron interactionsinteracttodeterminethesizeandtemperatur edependenceoftheseSO-driveneffects. SrRuO 3(SRO) is a material well known for its dual role as a highly cor related metal and an itinerant ferromagnet with properties that reflect stron g SO interaction [8, 9, 10]. Despite its importance as a model SO-coupled system, there are no pre vious reports of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) in SRO. FMR is a powerful probe of SO coupling in ferromagnets, providing a means to measure both MCA and the damping of spin waves in the small wavevector regime [11]. HerewedescribedetectionofFMRbytime-resolvedmag netoopticmeasurementsperformed on high-quality SRO thin films. We observe a well-defined reso nance at a frequency ΩFMR= 250 GHz. This resonant frequency is an order of magnitude hig her than in the transition metal ferromagnets,which accountsforthenonobservationbycon ventionalmicrowavetechniques. 10-200nmthickSROthinfilmsweregrownviapulsedlaserdepo sitionbetween680-700◦Cin 100 mTorr oxygen. High-pressure reflection high-energy ele ctron diffraction (RHEED) was used to monitor the growth of the SRO film in-situ. By monitoring RH EED oscillations, SRO growth was determined to proceed initially in a layer-by-layer mod e before transitioning to a step-flow mode. RHEED patterns and atomic force microscopy imaging co nfirmed the presence of pristine surfaces consisting of atomically flat terraces separated b y a single unit cell step ( 3.93 ˚A). X-ray diffractionindicatedfullyepitaxialfilmsandx-rayreflec tometrywasusedtoverifyfilmthickness. Bulk magnetization measurements using a SQUID magnetomete r indicated a Curie temperature, TC, of∼150K. Sensitive detection of FMR by the time-resolved magnetoopt ic Kerr effect (TRMOKE) has been demonstrated previously [12, 13, 14]. TRMOKE is an all o ptical pump-probe technique in whichtheabsorptionofan ultrashortlaserpulseperturbst hemagnetization, M, ofaferromagnet. The subsequent time-evolutionof Mis determined from the polarization state of a normally inci - 2dent, time-delayed probe beam that is reflected from the phot oexcited region. The rotation angle of the probe polarization caused by absorption of the pump, ∆ΘK(t), is proportional to ∆Mz(t), wherezisthedirectionperpendiculartotheplaneofthefilm[15]. Figs. 1a and 1b show ∆ΘK(t)obtained on an SRO film of thickness 200 nm. Very similar results are obtained in films with thickness down to 10 nm. Two distinct types of dynamics are observed,dependingonthetemperatureregime. Thecurvesi nFig. 1aweremeasuredattempera- turesnearT C. Therelativelyslowdynamicsagreewithpreviousreportsf orthisTregime[16]and are consistent with critical slowing down in the neighborho od of the transition [17]. The ampli- tudeofthephotoinducedchangeinmagnetizationhasalocal maximumnearT=115K.Distinctly differentmagnetizationdynamicsareobservedasTisreduc edbelowabout80K,asshowninFig. 1b. The TRMOKE signal increases again, and damped oscillati ons with a period of about 4 ps becomeclearly resolved. FIG. 1: Change in Kerr rotation as a function of time delay fol lowing pulsed photoexcitation, for several temperatures below the Curie temperature of 150 K. Top Panel : Temperature range 100 K <T<150 K. Bottom panel: Temperature range 5K <T<80 K.Signal amplitude and oscillations grow with decreasin g T. In order to test if these oscillations are in fact the signatu re of FMR, as opposed to another 3photoinduced periodic phenomenon such as strain waves, we m easured the effect of magnetic field on theTRMOKE signals. Fig. 2a shows ∆ΘK(t)for several fields up to 6 T applied normal to the film plane. The frequency clearly increases with incre asing magnetic field, confirming that theoscillationsare associatedwithFMR. ThemechanismfortheappearanceofFMRinTRMOKEexperiment siswellunderstood[14]. Beforephotoexcitation, Misorientedparallelto hA. Perturbationofthesystembythepumppulse (by local heating for example) generates a sudden change in t he direction of the easy axis. In the resulting nonequilibrium state, MandhAare no longer parallel, generating a torque that induces Mto precess at the FMR frequency. In the presence of Gilbert da mping,Mspirals towards the newhA, resultingin thedamped oscillationsof Mzthat appearin theTRMOKE signal. To analyze the FMR further we Fourier transform (FT) the time -domain data and attempt to extract thereal and imaginary parts of the transversesusce ptibility,χij(ω). Themagnetization in thetime-domainisgivenby therelation, ∆Mi(t) =/integraldisplay∞ 0χij(τ)∆hj A(t−τ)dτ, (1) whereχij(τ)is the impulse response function and ∆hA(t)is the change in anisotropy field. If∆hA(t)is proportional to the δ-function, ∆Mi(t)is proportional χij(τ)and the FT of the TRMOKE signal yields χij(ω)directly. However, for laser-induced precession one expec ts that ∆hA(t)will be more like the step function than the impulse function , as photoinduced local heating can be quite rapid compared with cooling via thermal conduction from the laser-excited region. When ∆hA(t)is proportional to the step function, χij(ω)is proportionalto the FT of the timederivativeof ∆Mi(t), ratherthan ∆Mi(t)itself. Inthiscase, theobservable ωIm{∆ΘK(ω)} shouldbecloselyrelated tothereal, ordissipativepart of χij(ω). InFig. 2bweplot ωIm{∆ΘK(ω)}foreachofthecurvesshowninFig. 2a. Thespectrashown in Fig. 2b do indeed exhibit features that are expected for Re χij(ω)near the FMR frequency. A well-definedresonancepeakisevident,whosefrequencyinc reaseswithmagneticfieldasexpected forFMR.TheinsettoFig. 2bshows ΩFMRasafunctionofappliedmagneticfield. Thesolidline throughthedatapointsisafitobtainedwithparameters |hA|=7.2Tandeasyaxisdirectionequal to 22 degrees from the film normal. These parameter values agr ee well with previous estimates based onequilibriummagnetizationmeasurements[8, 10]. Although the spectra in Fig. 2b are clearly associated with F MR, the sign change at low fre- quency is not consistent with Re χij(ω), which is positive definite. We have verified that the 4FIG. 2: Top panel: Change in Kerr rotation as a function of tim e delay following pulsed photoexcitation at T=5K,forseveral valuesofappliedmagneticfieldranging up to6Tesla. Bottompanel: Fourier transforms of signals shown intop panel. Inset: FMRfrequency vs. appli ed field. negativecomponentis always present in the spectra and is no t associated with errors in assigning thet=0pointinthetime-domaindata. Theoriginofnegativecomp onentoftheFTismadeclearer by referring back to the time domain. In Fig. 3a we show typica l time-series data measured in zero field at 5 K. Forcomparison we show theresponseto a step f unction changein theeasy axis direction predicted by the Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert (LLG ) equations [18]. It is clear that, if the measured and simulated responses are constrained to be equa l at large delay times, the observed ∆ΘK(t)ismuchlarger thantheLLGpredictionat smalldelay. We have found that ∆ΘK(t)can be readily fit by LLG dynamics if we relax the assumption that∆hA(t)is a step-function, in particular by allowing the change in e asy axis direction to ”overshoot” at short times. The overshoot suggests that the easy-axis direction changes rapidly as the photoexcited electrons approach quasiequilibriumw ith the phonon and magnon degrees of freedom. The red line in Fig. 3a shows the best fit obtained by m odeling∆hA(t)byH(t)(φ0+ φ1e−t/τ), whereH(t)is the step function, φ0+φ1is the change in easy-axis direction at t= 0, andτis the time constant determining the rate of approach to the a symptotic value φ0. The fit is 5FIG. 3: Components of TRMOKE response in time (top panel) and frequency (bottom panel) domain. Blacklinesaretheobserved signals. Greenlineinthetoppa nel isthesimulated response toastepfunction change in easy-axis direction. Best fits to the ”overshoot” m odel described in the text are shown in red. Bluelines are thedifference between the measured and best- fit response. clearly much better when the possibility of overshoot dynam ics in∆hA(t)is included. The blue line shows the difference between measured and simulated re sponse. With the exception of this veryshortpulsecenterednear t=0,theobservedresponseisnowwelldescribedbyLLGdynami cs. Inprinciple,analternateexplanationforthediscrepancy withthestep-functionassumptionwould be to consider possible changes in the magnitude as well as di rection of M. However, we have found that fitting the data then requires |M(t)|to be larger at t >20ps than|M(t <0)|, a photoinducedincrease thatisunphysicalfora systemin ast ableFM phase. In Fig. 3b we compare data and simulated response in the frequ ency domain. With the al- lowance for an overshoot in ∆hA(t)the spectrum clearly resolves into two components. The peak at 250 GHz and the sign change at low frequency are the bot h part of the LLG response to ∆hA(t). The broad peak or shoulder centered near 600 GHz is the FT of t he short pulse compo- nentshowninFig. 3a. Wehavefoundthiscomponentisessenti allylinearinpumppulseintensity, 6and independent of magnetic field and temperature - observat ions that clearly distinguish it from the FMR response. Its properties are consistent with a photo induced change in reflectivity due to band-filling,whichiswell-knowntocross-coupleintotheT RMOKEsignalofferromagnets [19]. Byincludingovershootdynamicsin ∆hA(t),weareabletodistinguishstimulusfromresponse in the observed TRMOKE signals. Assuming LLG dynamics, we ca n extract the two parameters thatdescribetheresponse: ΩFMRandα;andthetwoparametersthatdescribethestimulus: φ1/φ0 andτ. In Fig. 4 we plot all four parameters as a function of tempera ture from 5 to 80 K. The T-dependence of the FMR frequency is very weak, with ΩFMRdeviating from 250 GHz by only about 5%overthe range ofthe measurement. TheGilbert damping param eterαis of order unity at all temperatures, avaluethatis approximatelyafactor 102largerthan found intransitionmetal ferromagnets. Over the same T range the decay of the easy axis overshoot varies from about 2 to 4 ps. We note that the dynamical processes that characteri ze the response all occur in strongly overlapping time scales, that is the period and damping time of the FMR, and the decay time of thehAovershoot,areeach inthe2-5ps range. WhileΩFMRisessentiallyindependentofT,theparameters α,φ1/φ0andτexhibitstructurein theirT-dependencenear40K.Thisstructureisreminiscent oftheT-dependenceoftheanomalous Hallcoefficient σxythathasbeenobservedinthinfilmsofSRO[20,21,22]. Forcom parison,Fig. 4dreproduces σxy(T)reportedinRef. [20]Thesimilaritybetween theT-dependen ceofAHEand parameters related to FMR suggests a correlation between th e two types of response functions. Recently Nagaosa and Ono [23] have discussed the possibilit y of a close connection between collective spin dynamics at zero wavevector (FMR) and the of f-diagonal conductivity (AHE). At a basic level,both effects are nonzero only in the presence o f both SO couplingand time-reversal breaking. However, the possibilityof a more quantitativec onnection is suggested by comparison of the Kubo formulas for the two corresponding functions. Th e off-diagonal conductivity can be writtenin theform [24], σxy(ω) =i/summationdisplay m,n,kJx mn(k)Jy nm(k)fmn(k) ǫmn(k)[ǫmn(k)−ω−iγ], (2) whereJi mn(k)is current matrix element between quasiparticle states wit h band indices n,mand wavevector k. The functions ǫmn(k)andfmn(k)are the energy and occupation difference, re- spectively,between such states, and γis a phenomenologicalquasiparticledamping rate. FMR is related to theimaginary part of theuniformtranverse susce ptibility,with thecorresponding Kubo 7FIG. 4: Temperature dependence of (a) FMR frequency (triang les) and damping parameter (circles), (b) overshoot decay time, (c) ratio of overshoot amplitude to st ep-response amplitude ( φ1/φ0), and (d) σxy (adapted from [20]). form, Imχxy(ω) =γ/summationdisplay m,n,kSx mn(k)Sy nm(k)fmn(k) [ǫmn(k)−ω]2+γ2, (3) whereSi mnisthematrixelementofthespinoperator. Ingeneral, σxy(ω)andχxy(ω)areunrelated, as they involvecurrent and spin matrix elements respective ly. However, it has been proposed that in several ferromagnets, including SRO, the k-space sums in Eqs. 2 and 3 are dominated by a small number of band-crossings near the Fermi surface [22, 2 5]. If the matrix elements Si mnand Ji mnvary sufficiently smoothly with k, thenσxy(ω)andχxy(ω)may be closely related, with both properties determined by thepositionofthechemical poten tialrelativeto theenergy at which the 8bandscross. Furthermore,asGilbertdampingisrelatedtot hezero-frequencylimitof χxy(ω),i.e., α=ΩFMR χxy(0)∂ ∂ωlim ω→∞Imχxy(ω), (4) and AHE is the zero-frequency limit of σxy(ω), the band-crossing picture implies a strong corre- lationbetween α(T)andσxy(T). In conclusion,we havereported the observationof FMR in the metallictransition-metaloxide SrRuO 3. Both the frequency and damping coefficient are significantl y larger than observed in transition metal ferromagnets. Correlations between FMR d ynamics and the AHE coefficient suggest that both may be linked to near Fermi surface band-cr ossings. Further study of these correlations, as Sr is replaced by Ca, or with systematic var iation in residual resistance, could be a fruitful approach to understanding the dynamics of magnet ization in the presence of strong SO interaction. Acknowledgments This research is supported by the US Department of Energy, Of fice of Science, under contract No. DE-AC02-05CH1123. 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the time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect. The FMR oscillations in the
time-domain appear in response to a sudden, optically induced change in the
direction of easy-axis anistropy. The high FMR frequency, 250 GHz, and large
Gilbert damping parameter, alpha ~ 1, are consistent with strong spin-orbit
coupling. We find that the parameters associated with the magnetization
dynamics, including alpha, have a non-monotonic temperature dependence,
suggestive of a link to the anomalous Hall effect. | Observation of ferromagnetic resonance in strontium ruthenate (SrRuO3) | 0812.0832v1 |
arXiv:2102.01137v2 [math.AP] 20 Jan 2022BLOW-UP AND LIFESPAN ESTIMATES FOR A DAMPED WAVE EQUATION IN THE EINSTEIN-DE SITTER SPACETIME WITH NONLINEARITY OF DERIVATIVE TYPE MAKRAM HAMOUDA1, MOHAMED ALI HAMZA1AND ALESSANDRO PALMIERI2,3 Abstract. Inthis article, weinvestigatethe blow-upforlocalsolutionstoasem ilinear wave equation in the generalized Einstein - de Sitter spacetime with no nlinearity of derivative type. More precisely, we consider a semilinear damped wav e equation with a time-dependent and not summable speed of propagation and with a time-dependent coefficient for the linear damping term with critical decay rate. We pr ove in this work that the results obtained in a previous work, where the damping coe fficient takes two particular values 0 or 2, can be extended for any positive damping co efficient. We show the blow-up in finite time of local in time solutions and we establish u pper bound estimates for the lifespan, provided that the exponent in the nonlin ear term is below a suitable threshold and that the Cauchydata are nonnegativeand c ompactlysupported. 1.Introduction We are interested in the semilinear damped wave equation when the sp eed of propa- gation is depending on time, namely the damped wave equations in Einst ein - de Sitter spacetime, with time derivative nonlinearity which reads as follows: (1.1)/braceleftBigg utt−t−2k∆u+µ tut=|ut|p,inRN×[1,∞), u(x,1) =εf(x), ut(x,1) =εg(x), x∈RN, wherek∈[0,1),µ≥0,p >1,N≥1 is the space dimension, ε >0 is a parameter illustrating the size of the initial data, and f,gare supposed to be positive functions. Furthermore, we consider fandgwith compact support on B(0RN,R),R>0. The problem ( 1.1) with time derivative nonlinearity being replaced by power non- linearity is well understood in terms of blow-up phenomenon. Let us fi rst recall the equation in this case. Under the usual Cauchy conditions, the semilin ear wave equation with power nonlinearity is (1.2) utt−t−2k∆u+µ tut=|u|q,inRN×[1,∞). 2010Mathematics Subject Classification. 35L15, 35L71, 35B44. Key words and phrases. Blow-up, Einsten-de Sitter spacetime, Glassey exponent, Lifespa n, Critical curve, Nonlinear wave equations, Time-derivative nonlinearity. 1The blow-up phenomenon for ( 1.2) is related to two particular exponents. The first exponent,q0(N,k), is the positive root of ((1−k)N−1)q2−((1−k)N+1+2k)q−2(1−k) = 0, and the second exponent is given by q1(N,k) = 1+2 N(1−k). Hence, the positive number max/parenleftbigg q0(N+µ 1−k,k),q1(N,k)/parenrightbigg seems to be a serious candidate for the critical power stating thus the threshold betwe en the global existence and the blow-up regions, see e.g. [ 7,22,23,27,29]. Let us go back to ( 1.1) withk=µ= 0. This case is in fact connected to the Glassey conjecture in which the critical exponent pGis given by (1.3) pG=pG(N) := 1+2 N−1. The above value pGis creating a threshold (depending on p) between the region where we have the global existence of small data solutions (for p>pG) and another where the blow-up of the solutions under suitable sign assumptions for the Cau chy data occurs (for p≤pG); see e.g. [ 14,15,17,26,32,35]. Now, fork<0 andµ= 0, it is proven in [ 20] that the solution of ( 1.1), in the subcrit- ical case (1 <p≤pG(N(1−k))), blows up in finite time giving hence a lifespan estimate of the maximal existence time. This is equivalent to say that, for 1 <p≤pG(N(1−k)), we have the nonexistence of the solution of ( 1.1). However, the aforementioned result was recently improved in [ 18] thanks to the construction of adequate test functions. The new region obtained in [ 18] gives a plausible characterization of the critical exponent, namely (1.4) p≤pT(N,k) := 1+2 (1−k)(N−1)+k. Very recently, it is proved in [ 12] with different approaches, as an application of the case of mixed nonlinearities, that results similar to the above for the problem ( 1.1) with k<0 andµ= 0 hold. We consider now the case µ>0 andk= 0 in (1.2). Hence, for a small µ, the solution of (1.2) behaves like a wave. In fact, the damping produces a shifting by µ>0 on the dimensionNfor the value of the critical power, see e.g. [ 16,24,30,31], and [5,6] for the caseµ= 2 andN= 2,3. The global existence for µ= 2 is proven in [ 5,6,21]. 2However, for µlarge, the equation ( 1.2) is of a parabolic type and the behavior is like a heat-type equation; see e.g. [ 3,4,33]. On the other hand, for the solution of ( 1.1) withµ>0 andk= 0, in [19] a blow-up result is proved for 1 <p≤pG(N+2µ) and upper bound estimates for the lifespan are given as well. Later, this result was improved in [ 25], wherepG(N+µ) is found as upper bound forµ≥2. Recently, an improvement is obtained in [ 10] stating that the critical value forpis given by pG(N+µ) for allµ >0. This should be the optimal threshold value that needs to be rigorously proved by completing the present blow-up result with a global existence one when the exponent pis beyond the critical value. We focus in this article on the blow-up of the solution of ( 1.1) fork∈[0,1). Our target is to give the upper bound, denoted here by pE=pE(N,k,µ), delimiting a new blow-up region for the Einstein - de Sitter spacetime equation ( 1.1). First, as observed for the equation ( 1.2), where the damping produces a shift in q0in the dimensional parameter of magnitudeµ 1−k, we expect that the same phenomenon holds for ( 1.1). In other words, we predict that the upper bound pE=pE(N,k,µ) satisfies (1.5) pE(N,k,µ) =pE(N+µ 1−k,k,0). Using an explicit representation formula and Zhou’s approach to pro ving the blow-up on a certain characteristic line, in [ 13], we proved that (1.6) pE(N,k,0) =pT(N,k), wherepTis defined by ( 1.4). Now, in view of ( 1.5) and (1.6), we await, for the solution of ( 1.1) withk∈[0,1) and µ>0, that (1.7) pE=pE(N,k,µ) := 1+2 (1−k)(N−1)+k+µ. As we have mentioned, in [ 13] we proved that ( 1.7) holds true under some sign assumptions for the data for µ= 0, but also for µ= 2 (cf. Theorems 1.1 and 1.2). We aim in the present work to extend this result for all µ>0, and show that the upper bound value for pis in fact given by ( 1.7). We think that pE(N,k,µ), forksmall, characterizes the limiting value between the existence and nonexist ence regions of the solution of ( 1.1). However, it is clear that this limiting exponent does not reach the optimal one in view of the very recent results in [ 28]. Finally, we recall here that the wave in ( 1.1) has a speed of propagation dependent of time. Therefore, this time-dependent speed of propagation te rm can be seen, after 3rescaling (see ( 1.9) below), as a scale-invariant damping. Let v(x,τ) =u(x,t), where (1.8) τ=φk(t) :=t1−k 1−k. Hence, we can easily see that v(x,τ) satisfies the following equation: vττ−∆v+µ−k (1−k)τ∂τv=Ck,pτµk(p−2)|∂τv|p,inRN×[1/(1−k),∞), (1.9) whereµk:=−k 1−kandCk,p= (1−k)µk(p−2). Moreover, thanks to the above transforma- tion, we can use the methods carried out in some earlier works [ 2,9,10,11,12] to build the proof of our main result. The rest of the paper is arranged as follows. First, we state in Sect ion2the weak formulation of ( 1.1) in the energy space, and then we give the main theorem. Section 3is concerned with some technical lemmas that we will use to prove the main result. Finally, Section 4is assigned to the proof of Theorem 2.2which constitutes the main result of this article. 2.Nonexistence Result First, we define in the sequel the energy solution associated with ( 1.1). Definition 2.1. Letf∈H1(RN)andg∈L2(RN). The function uis said to be an energy solution of ( 1.1) on[1,T)if /braceleftBigg u∈ C([1,T),H1(RN))∩C1([1,T),L2(RN)), ut∈Lp loc((1,T)×RN), satisfies, for all Φ∈ C∞ 0(RN×[1,T))and allt∈[1,T), the following equation: (2.1)/integraldisplay RNut(x,t)Φ(x,t)dx−ε/integraldisplay RNg(x)Φ(x,1)dx −/integraldisplayt 1/integraldisplay RNut(x,s)Φt(x,s)dxds+/integraldisplayt 1s−2k/integraldisplay RN∇u(x,s)·∇Φ(x,s)dxds +/integraldisplayt 1/integraldisplay RNµ sut(x,s)Φ(x,s)dxds=/integraldisplayt 1/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,s)|pΦ(x,s)dxds, 4and the condition u(x,1) =εf(x)is fulfilled in H1(RN). A straightforward computation shows that (2.1)is equivalent to (2.2)/integraldisplay RN/bracketleftbig ut(x,t)Φ(x,t)−u(x,t)Φt(x,t)+µ tu(x,t)Φ(x,t)/bracketrightbig dx /integraldisplayt 1/integraldisplay RNu(x,s)/bracketleftbigg Φtt(x,s)−s−2k∆Φ(x,s)−∂ ∂s/parenleftBigµ sΦ(x,s)/parenrightBig/bracketrightbigg dxds =/integraldisplayt 1/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,s)|pψ(x,s)dxds+ε/integraldisplay RN/bracketleftbig −f(x)Φt(x,1)+(µf(x)+g(x))Φ(x,1)/bracketrightbig dx. Remark 2.1.Obviously, we can choose a test function Φ which is not compactly sup - ported in view of the fact that the initial data fandgare supported on BRN(0,R). In fact, we have supp( u)⊂ {(x,t)∈RN×[1,∞) :|x| ≤φk(t)+R}. The blow-up region and the lifespan estimate of the solutions of ( 1.1) constitute the objective of our main result which is the subject of the following theo rem. Theorem 2.2. Letµ >0,p∈(1,pE(N,k,µ)],N≥1andk∈[0,1). Suppose thatf∈H1(RN)andg∈L2(RN)are functions which are non-negative, with com- pact support on B(0RN,R), and non-vanishing everywhere. Then, there exists ε0= ε0(f,g,N,R,p,k,µ )>0such that for any 0< ε≤ε0the solution uto(1.1)which satisfies supp(u)⊂ {(x,t)∈RN×[1,∞) :|x| ≤φk(t)+R}, blows up in finite time Tε, and Tε≤/braceleftBigg Cε−2(p−1) 2−((1−k)(N−1)+k+µ)(p−1)for1<p<p E(N,k,µ), exp/parenleftbig Cε−(p−1)/parenrightbig forp=pE(N,k,µ), wherepE(N,k,µ)is given by (1.7)andCis a positive constant independent of ε. Remark 2.2.The results stated in Theorem 2.2hold true for k <0 andµ >0; see [1] where a more general model with mass term is studied. Remark2.3.After completing the first version of the present manuscript, we r eceived a draft version of [ 28], where problem ( 1.1) is studied, among other things. In particular, forn+1 n+2< k <1 andµ∈[0,(n+2)k−(n+1)) the upper bound for pin the blow-up result is improved in [ 28] by proving the nonexistence of global solutions to ( 1.1) for 1<p<1+1 (1−k)n+µ. 3.Auxiliary results It is worth mentioning that the choice of the test function, that we will use in the functionals that will be introduced later on, is crucial here. Natura lly, in terms of dynamics of the solution of ( 1.1), the more accurate the choice of the test function is, 5the better lifespan estimate we obtain. This is why we choose in the fo llowing to include all the linear terms inherited from ( 1.1). First, we introduce the function ρ(t) [22] given by (3.1) ρ(t) :=t1+µ 2Kµ−1 2(1−k)/parenleftbiggt1−k 1−k/parenrightbigg ,∀t≥1, whereKν(t) is the modified Bessel function of second kind defined as (3.2) Kν(t) =/integraldisplay∞ 0exp(−tcoshζ)cosh(νζ)dζ, ν∈R. It is easy to see that ρ(t) satisfies (3.3)d2ρ(t) dt2−t−2kρ(t)−d dt/parenleftBigµ tρ(t)/parenrightBig = 0,∀t≥1. Second, we define the function ϕ(x) by (3.4) ϕ(x) := /integraldisplay SN−1ex·ωdωforN≥2, ex+e−xforN= 1; note thatϕ(x) is introduced in [ 34] and satisfies ∆ ϕ=ϕ. Hence, the function ψ(x,t) :=ϕ(x)ρ(t) verifies the following equation: (3.5) ∂2 tψ(x,t)−t−2k∆ψ(x,t)−∂ ∂t/parenleftBigµ tψ(x,t)/parenrightBig = 0. In the following we enumerate some properties of the function ρ(t) that we will use later on in the proof of our main result. Lemma 3.1. The next properties hold true for the function ρ(t). (i)The function ρ(t)is positive on [1,∞). Moreover, for all t≥1, there exists a constantC1such thatρ(t)satisfies (3.6) C−1 1tk+µ 2exp(−φk(t))≤ρ(t)≤C1tk+µ 2exp(−φk(t)), whereφk(t)is given by (1.8). (ii)We have (3.7) lim t→+∞/parenleftbiggtkρ′(t) ρ(t)/parenrightbigg =−1. Proof.First, we recall here the definition of ρ(t), as in (3.1), and (1.8) (3.8) ρ(t) =t1+µ 2Kµ−1 2(1−k)(φk(t)),∀t≥1. 6Hence, the positivity of ρ(t) is straightforward thanks to ( 3.2). On the other hand, from [8], we have the following property for the function Kµ(t): (3.9) Kµ(t) =/radicalbiggπ 2te−t(1+O(t−1)),ast→ ∞. Combining ( 3.8) and(3.9), andagainremembering thedefinition of φk(t), given by ( 1.8), and the fact that k<1, we conclude ( 3.6). The assertion (i)is thus proven. Now, to prove (ii), using (3.8) we observe that (3.10)ρ′(t) ρ(t)=µ+1 2t+t−kK′ µ−1 2(1−k)(φk(t)) Kµ−1 2(1−k)(φk(t)). Exploiting the well-known identity for the modified Bessel function, (3.11)d dzKν(z) =−Kν+1(z)+ν zKν(z), and combining ( 3.10) and (3.11) yields (3.12)ρ′(t) ρ(t)=µ t−t−kK1+µ−1 2(1−k)(φk(t)) Kµ−1 2(1−k)(φk(t)). From (3.9) and (3.12), and using the fact that k∈[0,1), we deduce ( 3.7). This ends the proof of Lemma 3.1. /square Throughout this article, the use of a generic parameter Cis designed to denote a positive constant that might be dependent on p,q,k,N,R,f,g,µ but independent of ε. The value of the constant Cmay change from line to line. Nevertheless, when it is nec- essary, we will clearly mention the expression of Cin terms of the parameters involved in our problem. A classical estimate result for the function ψ(x,t) is stated in the next lemma. Lemma 3.2 ([34]).Letr>1. Then, there exists a constant C=C(N,µ,R,p,k,r )>0 such that (3.13)/integraldisplay |x|≤φk(t)+R/parenleftBig ψ(x,t)/parenrightBigr dx≤Cρr(t)erφk(t)(1+φk(t))(2−r)(N−1) 2,∀t≥1. Letube a solution to ( 1.1) for which we introduce the following functionals: (3.14) U(t) :=/integraldisplay RNu(x,t)ψ(x,t)dx, and (3.15) V(t) :=/integraldisplay RNut(x,t)ψ(x,t)dx. 7The first lower bounds for U(t) andV(t) are respectively given by the following two lemmas where, for tlarge enough, we will prove that ε−1t−kU(t) andε−1V(t) are two bounded from below functions by positive constants. Lemma 3.3. Letube a solution of (1.1). Assume in addition that the corresponding initial data satisfythe assumptionsas in Theorem 2.2. Then, there exists T0=T0(k,µ)> 2such that (3.16) U(t)≥CUεtk,for allt≥T0, whereCUis a positive constant that may depend on f,g,N,µ,Randk, but not on ε. Proof.Lett∈(1,T). Substituting in ( 2.2) Φ(x,t) byψ(x,t), we obtain (3.17)/integraldisplay RN/bracketleftbig ut(x,t)ψ(x,t)−u(x,t)ψt(x,t)+µ tu(x,t)ψ(x,t)/bracketrightbig dx =/integraldisplayt 1/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,s)|pψ(x,s)dxds+εC(f,g), where (3.18) C(f,g) :=ρ(1)/integraldisplay RN/bracketleftbig/parenleftbig µ−ρ′(1) ρ(1)/parenrightbig f(x)+g(x)/bracketrightbig φ(x)dx. Note thatC(f,g) is positive thanks to the fact that ρ(1) andµ−ρ′(1) ρ(1)are positive as well (in view of ( 3.12)) and the sign of the initial data. Hence, recall the definition of U, as in (3.14), and (3.4), (3.17) gives (3.19) U′(t)+Γ(t)U(t) =/integraldisplayt 1/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,s)|pψ(x,s)dxds+εC(f,g), where (3.20) Γ( t) :=µ t−2ρ′(t) ρ(t). Neglecting the nonlinear term in ( 3.19), then multiplying the resulting equation from (3.19) bytµ ρ2(t)and integrating on (1 ,t), we get U(t)≥ U(1)ρ2(t) tµρ2(1)+εC(f,g)ρ2(t) tµ/integraldisplayt 1sµ ρ2(s)ds. (3.21) From (3.1), the definition of φk(t), given by ( 1.8), and using the fact that U(1)>0, the estimate ( 3.21) implies that U(t)≥εC(f,g)tK2 µ−1 2(1−k)(φk(t))/integraldisplayt t/21 sK2 µ−1 2(1−k)(φk(s))ds,∀t≥2. (3.22) 8In view of ( 3.9), we deduce the existence of T0=T0(k,µ)>2 such that φk(t)K2 µ−1 2(1−k)(φk(t))>π 4e−2φk(t)andφk(t)−1K−2 µ−1 2(1−k)(φk(t))>1 πe2φk(t),∀t≥T0/2.(3.23) Inserting ( 3.23) in (3.22) and using ( 1.8), we obtain that U(t)≥εC(f,g) 4tke−2φk(t)/integraldisplayt t/2φ′ k(s)e2φk(s)ds (3.24) ≥εC(f,g) 8tk[1−e−2(φk(t)−φk(t/2))],∀t≥T0. Thanks to ( 1.8) and the fact that k <1, we observe that t/ma√sto→1−e−2(φk(t)−φk(t/2))is an increasing function on ( T0,∞), hence, its minimum is achieved at t=T0. Therefore we deduce that U(t)≥εκC(f,g)tk,∀t≥T0, (3.25) where κ:=1 8/parenleftbigg 1−exp/parenleftbigg −(2−2k)T1−k 0 1−k/parenrightbigg/parenrightbigg . Hence, Lemma 3.3is now proved. /square The next lemma gives the lower bound of the functional V(t). Lemma 3.4. Assume that the initial data are as in Theorem 2.2. Foruan energy solution of (1.1), there exists T1=T1(k,µ)>T0such that (3.26) V(t)≥CVε,for allt≥T1, whereCVis a positive constant depending on f,g,N,µ,Randk, but not on ε. Proof.Lett∈[1,T). Recall the definitions of UandV, given respectively by ( 3.14) and (3.15), (3.4) and the identity (3.27) U′(t)−ρ′(t) ρ(t)U(t) =V(t). Hence, the equation ( 3.19) yields (3.28) V(t)+/bracketleftbiggµ t−ρ′(t) ρ(t)/bracketrightbigg U(t) =/integraldisplayt 1/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,s)|pψ(x,s)dxds+εC(f,g). A differentiation in time of the equation ( 3.28) gives V′(t)+/bracketleftbiggµ t−ρ′(t) ρ(t)/bracketrightbigg U′(t)−/parenleftbiggµ t2+ρ′′(t)ρ(t)−(ρ′(t))2 ρ2(t)/parenrightbigg U(t) =/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,t)|pψ(x,t)dx.(3.29) 9Now, thanks to ( 3.3) and (3.27), we deduce from ( 3.29) that V′(t)+/bracketleftbiggµ t−ρ′(t) ρ(t)/bracketrightbigg V(t) =t−2kU(t)+/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,t)|pψ(x,t)dx, (3.30) that we rewrite as /parenleftbigg tµV(t) ρ(t)/parenrightbigg′ =tµ ρ(t)/parenleftbigg t−2kU(t)+/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,t)|pψ(x,t)dx/parenrightbigg ,∀t≥1. (3.31) An integration of ( 3.31) over (1,t) implies that tµV(t) ρ(t)=V(1) ρ(1)+/integraldisplayt 1sµ ρ(s)/parenleftbigg s−2kU(s)+/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,s)|pψ(x,s)dx/parenrightbigg ds,∀t≥1. (3.32) Thanks to the fact that V(1)≥0,ρ(1)>0 and using the lower bound of Uas in (3.16), we infer that V(t)≥ρ(t) tµ/integraldisplayt 1sµ ρ(s)/parenleftbigg CUεs−k+/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,s)|pψ(x,s)dx/parenrightbigg ds,∀t≥T0. (3.33) Therefore the estimate ( 3.33) gives V(t)≥CUερ(t) tµ/integraldisplayt t/2s−k+µ ρ(s)ds,∀t≥2T0. (3.34) For convenience, we rewrite ( 3.23) as follows: /radicalbig φk(t)Kµ−1 2(1−k)(φk(t))>√π 2e−φk(t)and1/radicalbig φk(t)K−1 µ−1 2(1−k)(φk(t))>1√πeφk(t),∀t≥T0/2.(3.35) Using the expressions of ρ(t) andφk(t), given respectively by ( 3.1) and (1.8), we deduce that V(t)≥εCU/parenleftbigg1 2/parenrightbiggµ 2+1 e−φk(t)/integraldisplayt t/2φ′ k(s)eφk(s)ds (3.36) ≥εCU/parenleftbigg1 2/parenrightbiggµ 2+1 [1−e−(φk(t)−φk(t/2))],∀t≥2T0. Analogously as in Lemma 3.3, we have V(t)≥CVε,∀t≥T1:= 2T0, (3.37) where CV:=CU/parenleftbigg1 2/parenrightbiggµ 2+1/parenleftbigg 1−exp/parenleftbigg −(1−2k−1)(2T0)1−k 1−k/parenrightbigg/parenrightbigg . This completes the proof of Lemma 3.4. /square 104.Proof of Theorem 2.2. This section is dedicated to proving the main result in Theorem 2.2which exposes the blow-up dynamics of the solution of ( 1.1). Hence, to prove the blow-up result for (1.1) we will use ( 3.28) and (3.30). For this purpose, we multiply ( 3.28) byαρ′(t) ρ(t), and subtract the resulting equation from ( 3.30). Therefore we obtain for a certain α≥0, whose range will be fixed afterward, (4.1) V′(t)+/bracketleftbiggµ t−(1+α)ρ′(t) ρ(t)/bracketrightbigg V(t) =−εαρ′(t) ρ(t)C(f,g)+/bracketleftbigg t−2k+αρ′(t) ρ(t)/parenleftbiggµ t−ρ′(t) ρ(t)/parenrightbigg/bracketrightbigg U(t) +/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,t)|pψ(x,t)dx−αρ′(t) ρ(t)/integraldisplayt 1/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,s)|pψ(x,s)dxds,∀t≥1. Using (3.7), we can choose ˜T2≥T1(T1is given in Lemma 3.4) such that (4.2)V′(t)+/bracketleftbiggµ t−(1+α)ρ′(t) ρ(t)/bracketrightbigg V(t)≥εαt−k 2C(f,g)+(1−4α)t−2kU(t) +/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,t)|pψ(x,t)dx+αt−k 2/integraldisplayt 1/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,s)|pψ(x,s)dxds,∀t≥˜T2. From now on the parameter αis chosen in (1 /7,1/4). Thanks to ( 3.16), the estimate (4.2) leads to the following lower bound: (4.3)V′(t)+/bracketleftbiggµ t−(1+α)ρ′(t) ρ(t)/bracketrightbigg V(t)≥εαt−k 2C(f,g)+/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,t)|pψ(x,t)dx +αt−k 2/integraldisplayt 1/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,s)|pψ(x,s)dxds,∀t≥˜T2. Now, we introduce the following functional: H(t) :=C2ε+1 16/integraldisplayt ˜T3/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,s)|pψ(x,s)dxds, whereC2:= min(αC(f,g)/4(1 +α),CV) (CVis given by Lemma 3.4) and we choose ˜T3>˜T2such that (4.4)α 2C(f,g)−C2tk/parenleftbiggµ t−(1+α)ρ′(t) ρ(t)/parenrightbigg ≥0, and (4.5)α 2−1 16tk/parenleftbiggµ t−(1+α)ρ′(t) ρ(t)/parenrightbigg ≥0, for allt≥˜T3(this is possible thanks to ( 3.7), the definition of C2and the fact that α∈(1/7,1/4)). Let F(t) :=V(t)−H(t), 11which satisfies (4.6)F′(t)+/bracketleftbiggµ t−(1+α)ρ′(t) ρ(t)/bracketrightbigg F(t)≥15 16/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,t)|pψ(x,t)dx +/bracketleftbiggα 2−1 16/parenleftbiggµ t1−k−(1+α)tkρ′(t) ρ(t)/parenrightbigg/bracketrightbigg t−k/integraldisplayt ˜T3/integraldisplay RN|ut(x,s)|pψ(x,s)dxds +/bracketleftbiggα 2C(f,g)−C2/parenleftbiggµ t1−k−(1+α)tkρ′(t) ρ(t)/parenrightbigg/bracketrightbigg εt−k,∀t≥˜T3. Thanks to ( 4.4) and (4.5), we easily conclude that (4.7) F′(t)+/bracketleftbiggµ t−(1+α)ρ′(t) ρ(t)/bracketrightbigg F(t)≥0,∀t≥˜T3. Multiplying ( 4.7) bytµ ρ1+α(t)and integrating over ( ˜T3,t), we get F(t)≥ F(˜T3)˜Tµ 3ρ1+α(t) tµρ1+α(˜T3),∀t≥˜T3. (4.8) Hence, we see that F(˜T3) =V(˜T3)−C2ε≥ V(˜T3)−CVε≥0 in view of Lemma 3.4and the definition of C2implying that C2≤CV. Therefore we deduce that (4.9) V(t)≥H(t),∀t≥˜T3. Now, employing the H¨ older inequality and the estimates ( 3.13) and (3.15), we obtain (4.10)H′(t)≥1 16Vp(t)/parenleftbigg/integraldisplay |x|≤φk(t)+Rψ(x,t)dx/parenrightbigg−(p−1) ≥CVp(t)ρ−(p−1)(t)e−(p−1)φk(t)(φk(t))−(N−1)(p−1) 2. In view of ( 3.6), we see that (4.11) H′(t)≥CVp(t)t−[(N−1)(1−k)+k+µ](p−1) 2,∀t≥˜T3. From the above estimate and ( 4.9), we have (4.12) H′(t)≥CHp(t)t−[(N−1)(1−k)+k+µ](p−1) 2,∀t≥˜T3. SinceH(˜T3) =C2ε >0, we easily obtain the blow-up in finite time for the functional H(t), and consequently the one for V(t) due to ( 4.9). The proof of Theorem 2.2is now achieved. aknowledgments The authors are deeply thankful to the anonymous reviewer for t he valuable re- marks that improved the paper. A. Palmieri is supported by the Jap an Society for the 12Promotion of Science (JSPS) – JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Re search in Japan (Short-term) (PE20003). 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Pon tecorvo 5, 56127 Pisa, Italy. 3Current address: Mathematical Institute, Tohoku University, Aoba, Sendai 9 80-8578, Japan. Email address (M. Hamouda) Email address (M.A. Hamza) Email address (A. Palmieri) 15 | 2021-02-01 | In this article, we investigate the blow-up for local solutions to a
semilinear wave equation in the generalized Einstein - de Sitter spacetime with
nonlinearity of derivative type. More precisely, we consider a semilinear
damped wave equation with a time-dependent and not summable speed of
propagation and with a time-dependent coefficient for the linear damping term
with critical decay rate. We prove in this work that the results obtained in a
previous work, where the damping coefficient takes two particular values $0$ or
$2$, can be extended for any positive damping coefficient. In the blow-up case,
the upper bound of the exponent of the nonlinear term is given, and the
lifespan estimate of the global existence time is derived as well. | Blow-up and lifespan estimates for a damped wave equation in the Einstein-de Sitter spacetime with nonlinearity of derivative type | 2102.01137v2 |
uence of non-local damping on magnon properties of ferromagnets Zhiwei Lu,1,I. P. Miranda,2,Simon Streib,2Manuel Pereiro,2Erik Sj oqvist,2 Olle Eriksson,2, 3Anders Bergman,2Danny Thonig,3, 2and Anna Delin1, 4 1Department of Applied Physics, School of Engineering Sciences, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, AlbaNova University Center, SE-10691 Stockholm, Swedeny 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Box 516, SE-75120 Uppsala, Sweden 3School of Science and Technology, Orebro University, SE-701 82, Orebro, Sweden 4SeRC (Swedish e-Science Research Center), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, SE-10044 Stockholm, Sweden (Dated: November 28, 2022) We study the in
uence of non-local damping on magnon properties of Fe, Co, Ni and Fe 1 xCox (x= 30%;50%) alloys. The Gilbert damping parameter is typically considered as a local scalar both in experiment and in theoretical modelling. However, recent works have revealed that Gilbert damping is a non-local quantity that allows for energy dissipation between atomic sites. With the Gilbert damping parameters calculated from a state-of-the-art real-space electronic structure method, magnon lifetimes are evaluated from spin dynamics and linear response, where a good agreement is found between these two methods. It is found that non-local damping aects the magnon lifetimes in dierent ways depending on the system. Specically, we nd that in Fe, Co, and Ni the non-local damping decreases the magnon lifetimes, while in Fe 70Co30and Fe 50Co50an opposite, non-local damping eect is observed, and our data show that it is much stronger in the former. INTRODUCTION In recent years, there has been a growing interest in magnonics, which uses quasi-particle excitations in mag- netically ordered materials to perform information trans- port and processing on the nanoscale. Comparing to the conventional information device, the magnonics device exhibits lower energy consumption, easier integrability with complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) structure, anisotropic properties, and ecient tunability by various external stimuli to name a few [1{10]. Yttrium iron garnet (YIG) [11] as well as other iron garnets with rare-earth elements (Tm, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er) [12] are very promising candidates for magnonics device applications due to their low energy dissipation properties and, thus, long spin wave propagation distances up to tens of m. Contrary, the damping of other materials for magnonics, like CoFeB, is typically two orders of magnitude higher compared to YIG [12], leading to much shorter spin wave propagation distances. A clear distinction can be made between materials with an ultra-low damping parame- ter, like in YIG, and those with a signciantly larger, but still small, damping parameter. Materials like YIG are insulating, which hinders many of the microscopic mechanisms for damping, resulting in the low observed damping parameter. In contrast, materials like CoFeB are metallic. In research projects that utilize low damp- ing materials, YIG and similar non-metallic low damping systems are typically favored. However, metallic systems have an advantage, since magnetic textures can easily by in
uenced by electrical currents. Hence, there is good These two authors contributed equally yCorresponding author: zhiweil@kth.sereason to consider metallic systems for low damping ap- plications, even though their damping typically is larger than in YIG. One can conclude that Gilbert damping is one of the major bottlenecks for the choice of mate- rial in magnonics applications and a detailed experimen- tal as well as theoretical characterisation is fundamen- tal for this eld of research, especially for metallic sys- tems. Thus, a more advanced and detailed understand- ing of Gilbert damping is called for, in order to overcome this obstacle for further development of magnonics-based technology. Whereas most studies consider chemical modications of the materials in order to tune damping [13, 14], only a few focus on the fundamental physical properties as well as dependencies of the Gilbert damping. Often Gilbert damping is considered as a phenomenological scalar pa- rameter in the equation of motion of localized atom- istic magnetic moments, i.e. the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation [15]. However, from using the general Rayleigh dissipation function in the derivation proposed by Gilbert [16], it was theoretically found that the Gilbert damping should be anisotropic, a tensor, and non-local. Furthermore, it depends on the temperature and, thus, on underlying magnon as well as phonon congurations [17{20]. This is naturally built into the multiple theoret- ical methods developed to predict the damping parame- ter, including breathing Fermi surface model [21], torque correlation model [22], and linear response formulation [23]. For instance, the general Gilbert damping tensor as a function of the non-collinear spin conguration has been proposed in Ref. 24. Nonetheless, an experimental verication is still miss- ing due to lacking insights into the impact of the gen- eralised damping on experimental observables. In a re- cent experiment, however, the anisotropic behavior of the damping has been conrmed for Co 50Fe50thin lms andarXiv:2211.13486v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 24 Nov 20222 was measured to be of the order of 400% [25], with respect to changing the magnetization direction. Changes of Gilbert damping in a magnetic domain wall and, thus, its dependency on the magnetic conguration was measured in Ref. [26] and tted to the Landau-Lifshitz-Baryakhtar (LLBar) equation, which includes non-locality of the damping by an additional dissipation term proportional to the gradient of the magnetisation [27{29]. However, the pair-wise non-local damping ijhas not yet been measured. The most common experimental techniques of evaluat- ing damping are ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) [30] and time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr eect (TR-MOKE) [31]. In these experiments, Gilbert damping is related to the relaxation rate when (i)slightly perturbing the coherent magnetic moment out of equilibrium by an ex- ternal magnetic eld [32] or (ii)when disordered mag- netic moments remagnetise after pumping by an ultrafast laser pulse [33]. Normally, in case (i)the non-locality is suppressed due to the coherent precession of the atomic magnetic moments. However, this coherence can be per- turbed by temperature, making non-locality in principle measurable. One possible other path to link non-local damping with experiment is magnon lifetimes. Theoret- ically, the magnon properties as well as the impact of damping on these properties can be assessed from the dynamical structure factor, and atomistic spin-dynamics simulations have been demonstrated to yield magnon dis- persion relations that are in good agreement with exper- iment [34]. In experiment, neutron scattering [35] and electron scattering [36] are the most common methods for probing magnon excitations, where the linewidth broad- ening of magnon excitations is related to damping and provides a way to evaluate the magnon lifetimes [37]. It is found in ferromagnets that the magnon lifetimes is wave vector (magnon energy) dependent [38{40]. It has been reported that the magnon energy in Co lms is nearly twice as large as in Fe lms, but they have similar magnon lifetimes, which is related to the intrinsic damping mech- anism of materials [41]. However, this collective eect of damping and magnon energy on magnon lifetimes is still an open question. The study of this collective eect is of great interest for both theory and device applications. Here, we report an implementation for solving the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (SLLG) equation in- corporating the non-local damping. With the dynamical structure factor extracted from the spin dynamics sim- ulations, we investigate the collective eect of non-local damping and magnon energy on the magnon lifetimes. We propose an ecient method to evaluate magnon life- times from linear response theory and verify its validity. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. I, we give the simulation details of the spin dynamics, the adiabatic magnon spectra and dynamical structure factor, and the methodology of DFT calculations and linear response. Sec. II presents the non-local damping in real-space, non- local damping eects on the spin dynamics and magnon properties including magnon lifetimes of pure ferromag-nets (Fe, Co, Ni), and Fe 1 xCox(x= 30%;50%) alloys. In Sec. III, we give a summary and an outlook. I. THEORY A. Non-local damping in atomistic spin dynamics The dynamical properties of magnetic materials at - nite temperature have been so far simulated from atom- istic spin dynamics by means of the stochastic Landau- Lifshitz-Gilbert equation with scalar local energy dissipa- tion. Here, the time evolution of the magnetic moments mi=mieiat atom site iis well described by: @mi @t=mi
[Bi+bi(t)] + mi@mi @t ;(1) where
is the gyromagnetic ratio. The eective eld Bi acting on each magnetic moment is obtained from: Bi= @H @mi: (2) The here considered spin-Hamiltonian Hconsists of a Heisenberg spin-spin exchange: H= X i6=jJijeiej: (3) Here,Jij{ the Heisenberg exchange parameter { cou- ples the spin at site iwith the spin at site jand is cal- culated from rst principles (see Section I C). Further- more,is the scalar phenomenological Gilbert damp- ing parameter. Finite temperature Tis included in Eq. (1) via the
uctuating eld bi(t), which is modeled by uncorrelated Gaussian white noise: hbi(t)i= 0 and b i(t)b j(t0) = 2Dij(t t0), whereis the Kro- necker delta, i;jare site and ;=fx;y;zgCartesian indices. Furthermore, the
uctuation-dissipation theo- rem givesD=kBT
mi[42], with the Boltzman constant kB. A more generalized form of the SLLG equation that includes non-local tensorial damping has been reported in previous studies [20, 43, 44] and is: @mi @t=mi0 @
[Bi+bi(t)] +X jij mj@mj @t1 A;(4) which can be derived from Rayleigh dissipation func- tional in the Lagrange formalism used by Gilbert [16]. In the presence of non-local damping, the Gaussian
uc- tuating eld fullls [43, 45, 46] b i(t)b j(t0) = 2D ij(t t0); (5) withD ij= ijkBT
mi. The damping tensor ijmust be positive denite in order to be physically-dened. Along3 with spatial non-locality, the damping can also be non- local in time, as discussed in Ref. [47]. To prove the
uctuation-dissipation theorem in Eq. (5), the Fokker- Planck equation has to be analysed in the presence of non-local damping, similar to Ref. [15]. This is, however, not the purpose of this paper. Instead, we will use the approximation ij=1 3Trfiigijwithin the diusion constantD. Such an approximation is strictly valid only in the low temperature limit. To solve this SLLG equation incorporating the non- local damping, we have implemented an implicit mid- point solver in the UppASD code [48]. This iterative x-point scheme converges within an error of 10 10B, which is typically equivalent to 6 iteration steps. More details of this solver are provided in Appendix A. The initial spin conguration in the typical N= 202020 supercell with periodic boundary conditions starts from totally random state. The spin-spin exchange interac- tions and non-local damping parameters are included up to at least 30 shells of neighbors, in order to guarantee the convergence with respect to the spatial expansion of these parameters (a discussion about the convergence is given in Section II A). Observables from our simulations are typically the average magnetisation M=1 NPN imi as well as the magnon dispersion. B. Magnon dispersion Two methods to simulate the magnon spectrum are applied in this paper: i)the dynamical structure factor andii)frozen magnon approach. For the dynamical structure factor S(q;!) at nite temperature and damping [34, 49], the spatial and time correlation function between two magnetic moments iat positionrandjat positionr0as well as dierent time 0 andtis expressed as: C(r r0;t) =hm r(t)m r0(0)i hm r(t)ihm r0(0)i:(6) Herehidenotes the ensemble average and are Carte- sian components. The dynamical structure factor can be obtained from the time and space Fourier transform of the correlation function, namely: S(q;!) =1p 2NX r;r0eiq(r r0)Z1 1ei!tC(r r0;t)dt: (7) The magnon dispersion is obtained from the peak positions of S(q;!) along dierent magnon wave vectors qin the Brillouin zone and magnon energies !. It should be noted that S(q;!) is related to the scattering intensity in inelastic neutron scattering experiments [50]. The broadening of the magnon spectrum correlates to the lifetime of spin waves mediated by Gilbert damping as well as intrinsic magnon-magnon scattering processes. Good agreement between S(q;!) and experiment hasbeen found previously [34]. The second method { the frozen magnon approach { determines the magnon spectrum directly from the Fourier transform of the spin-spin exchange parameters Jij[51, 52] and non-local damping ij. At zero tempera- ture, a time-dependent external magnetic eld is consid- ered, B i(t) =1 NX qB qeiqRi i!t; (8) whereNis the total number of lattice sites and B q= Bx qiBy q. The linear response to this eld is then given by M q=(q;!)B q: (9) We obtain for the transverse dynamic magnetic suscep- tibility [53, 54] (q;!) =
Ms !!qi!q; (10) with saturation magnetization Ms, spin-wave frequency !q=E(q)=~and damping q=X j0je iq(R0 Rj): (11) We can extract the spin-wave spectrum from the imagi- nary part of the susceptibility, Im(q;!) =
Msq! [!!q]2+2q!2; (12) which is equivalent to the correlation function S(q;!) due to the
uctuation-dissipation theorem [55]. We nd that the spin-wave lifetime qis determined by the Fourier transform of the non-local damping (for q1), q= q!q: (13) The requirement of positive deniteness of the damping matrixijdirectly implies q>0, sinceijis diago- nalized by Fourier transformation due to translational invariance. Hence, q>0 is a criterion to evaluate whether the damping quantity in real-space is physically consistent and whether rst-principles calculations are well converged. If q<0 for some wave vector q, energy is pumped into the spin system through the correspon- dent magnon mode, preventing the system to fully reach the saturation magnetization at suciently low temper- atures. The eective damping 0of the FMR mode at q= 0 is determined by the sum over all components of the damping matrix, following Eqn.11, tot0=X j0j: (14) Therefore, an eective local damping should be based ontotif the full non-local damping is not taken into account.4 C. Details of the DFT calculations The electronic structure calculations, in the framework of density functional theory (DFT), were performed us- ing the fully self-consistent real-space linear mun-tin orbital in the atomic sphere approximation (RS-LMTO- ASA) [56, 57]. The RS-LMTO-ASA uses the Haydock recursion method [58] to solve the eigenvalue problem based on a Green's functions methodology directly in real-space. In the recursion method, the continued frac- tions have been truncated using the Beer-Pettifor termi- nator [59], after a number LLof recursion levels. The LMTO-ASA [60] is a linear method which gives precise results around an energy E, usually taken as the center of thes,panddbands. Therefore, as we calculate ne quantities as the non-local damping parameters, we here consider an expression accurate to ( E E)2starting from the orthogonal representation of the LMTO-ASA formalism [61]. For bcc FeCo alloys and bcc Fe we considered LL= 31, while for fcc Co and fcc Ni much higher LLvalues (51 and 47, respectively), needed to better describe the density of states and Green's functions at the Fermi level. The spin-orbit coupling (SOC) is included as a ls [60] term computed in each variational step [62]. All calculations were performed within the local spin den- sity approximation (LSDA) exchange-functional (XC) by von Barth and Hedin [63], as it gives general magnetic information with equal or better quality as, e.g., the generalized gradient approximation (GGA). Indeed, the choice of XC between LSDA and GGA [64] have a mi- nor impact on the onsite damping and the shape of the qcurves, when considering the same lattice parame- ters (data not shown). No orbital polarization [65] was considered here. Each bulk system was modelled by a big cluster containing 55000 (bcc) and696000 (fcc) atoms located in the perfect crystal positions with the re- spective lattice parameters of a= 2:87A (bcc Fe and bcc Fe1 xCox, suciently close to experimental observations [66]),a= 3:54A (fcc Co [20, 67]), and a= 3:52A (fcc Ni [68]). To account for the chemical disorder in the Fe70Co30and Fe 50Co50bulks, the electronic structure calculated within the simple virtual crystal approxima- tion (VCA), which has shown to work well for the fer- romagnetic transition metals alloys (particularly for el- ements next to each other in the Periodic Table, such as FeCo and CoNi) [69{76], and also describe in a good agreement the damping trends in both FeCo and CoNi (see Appendix C). As reported in Ref. [77], the total damping of site i, in
uenced by the interaction with neighbors j, can be decomposed in two main contributions: the onsite (fori=j), and the non-local (for i6=j). Both can be calculated, in the collinear framework, by the followingexpression, ij=CZ1 1()Tr ^T i^Aij(^T j)y^Aji dT!0K ! CTr ^T i^Aij(F+i)(^T j)y^Aji(F+i) ; (15) where we dene ^Aij(+i) =1 2i(^Gij(+i) ^Gy ji(+i)) the anti-Hermitian part of the retarded physical Green's functions in the LMTO formalism, and C=g mtia pre-factor related to the i-th site magnetization. The imaginary part, , is obtained from the terminated con- tinued fractions. Also in Eq. 15, ^T i= [ i;Hso] is the so-called torque operator [20] evaluated in each Cartesian direction;=fx;y;zgand at site i,() = @f() @is the derivative of the Fermi-Dirac distribution f() with respect to the energy ,g= 2 1 +morb mspin theg-factor (not considering here the spin-mixing parameter [78]), are the Pauli matrices, and mtiis the total magnetic moment of site i(mti=morbi+mspini). This results in a 33 tensor with terms ij. In the real-space bulk calculations performed in the present work, the ij(with i6=j) matrices contain o-diagonal terms which are can- celled by the summation of the contributions of all neigh- bors within a given shell, resulting in a purely diagonal damping tensor, as expected for symmetry reasons [15]. Therefore, as in the DFT calculations the spin quanti- zation axis is considered to be in the z([001]) direction (collinear model), we can ascribe a scalar damping value ijas the average ij=1 2(xx ij+yy ij) =xx ijfor the systems investigated here. This scalar ijis, then, used in the SLLG equation (Eq. 1). The exchange parameters Jijin the Heisenberg model were calculated by the Liechtenstein-Katsnelson- Antropov-Gubanov (LKAG) formalism [79], according to the implementation in the RS-LMTO-ASA method [61]. Hence all parameters needed for the atomistic LLG equa- tion have been evaluated from ab-initio electronic struc- ture theory. II. RESULTS A. Onsite and non-local dampings Table I shows the relevant ab-initio magnetic prop- erties of each material; the TCvalues refer to the Curie temperature calculated within the random-phase approx- imation (RPA) [80], based on the computed Jijset. De- spite the systematic totvalues found in the lower limit of available experimental results (in similar case with, e.g., Ref. [81]), in part explained by the fact that we analyze only the intrinsic damping, a good agreement between theory and experiment can be seen. When the whole VCA Fe 1 xCoxseries is considered (from x= 0% tox= 60%), the expected Slater-Pauling behavior of5 the total magnetic moment [73, 82] is obtained (data not shown). For all systems studied here, the dissipation is domi- nated by the onsite ( ii) term, while the non-local pa- rameters (ij,i6=j) exhibit values at least one order of magnitude lower; however, as it will be demonstrated in the next sections, these smaller terms still cause a non- negligible impact on the relaxation of the average magne- tization as well as magnon lifetimes. Figure 1 shows the non-local damping parameters for the investigated ferro- magnets as a function of the ( i;j) pairwise distance rij=a, together with the correspondent Fourier transforms q over the rst Brillouin Zone (BZ). The rst point to no- tice is the overall strong dependence of on the wave vectorq. The second point is the fact that, as also re- ported in Ref. [20], ijcan be an anisotropic quantity with respect to the same shell of neighbors, due to the broken symmetry imposed by a preferred spin quantiza- tion axis. This means that, in the collinear model and for a given neighboring shell, ijis isotropic only for equiva- lent sites around the magnetization as a symmetry axis. Another important feature that can be seen in Fig. 1 is the presence of negative ijvalues. Real-space neg- ative non-local damping parameters have been reported previously [20, 77, 97]. They are related to the decrease of damping at the -point, but may also increase qfrom the onsite value in specic qpoints inside the BZ; there- fore, they cannot be seen as ad hoc anti-dissipative con- tributions. In the ground-state, these negative non-local dampings originate from the overlap between the anti- Hermitian parts of the two Green's functions at the Fermi level, each associated with a spin-dependent phase factor (=";#) [20, 80]. Finally, as shown in the insets of Fig. 1, a long-range convergence can be seen for all cases investigated. An illustrative example is the bcc Fe 50Co50bulk, for which the eective damping can be 60% higher than the con- vergedtotif only the rst 7 shells of neighbors are con- sidered in Eq. 14. The non-local damping of each neigh- boring shell is found to follow a1 r2 ijtrend, as previously argued by Thonig et al. [20] and Umetsu et al. [97]. Explicitly, ij/sin(k"rij+ ") sin(k#rij+ #) jrijj2; (16) which also qualitatively justies the existence of negative ij's. Thus, the convergence in real-space is typically slower than other magnetic quantities, such as exchange interactions ( Jij/1 jrijj3) [80], and also depends on the imaginary part (see Eq. 15) [20]. The dierence in the asymptotic behaviour of the damping and the Heisenberg exchange is distinctive; the rst scales with the inverse of the square of the distance while the latter as the inverse of the cube of the distance. Although this asymptotic behaviour can be derived from similar arguments, both using the Greens function of the free electron gas, the results are dierent. The reason for this dierence issimply that the damping parameter is governed by states close to the Fermi surface, while the exchange parameter involves an integral over all occupied states [20, 79]. From bcc Fe to bcc Fe 50Co50(Fig. 1(a-f)), with in- creasing Co content, the average rst neighbors ijde- creases to a negative value, while the next-nearest neigh- bors contributions reach a minimum, and then increase again. Similar oscillations can be found in further shells. Among the interesting features in the Fe 1 xCoxsystems (x= 0%;30%;50%), we highlight the low qaround the high-symmetry point H, along the H PandH N directions, consistently lower than the FMR damping. Bothvalues are strongly in
uenced by non-local con- tributions &5 NN. Also consistent is the high qob- tained forq=H. For long wavelengths in bcc Fe, some qanisotropy is observed around , which resembles the same trait obtained for the corresponding magnon dis- persion curves [80]. This anisotropy changes to a more isotropic behavior by FeCo alloying. Far from the more noticeable high-symmetry points, qpresents an oscillatory behavior along BZ, around the onsite value. It is noteworthy, however, that these oscil- latoryqparameters exhibit variations up to 2 times ii, thus showing a pronounced non-local in
uence in specicqpoints. In turn, for fcc Co (Fig. 1(g,h)) the rst values are characterized by an oscillatory behavior around zero, which also re
ects on the damping of the FMR mode, q=0. In full agreement with Ref. [20], we compute a peak ofijcontribution at rij3:46a, which shows the long-range character that non-local damping can ex- hibit for specic materials. Despite the relatively small magnitude of ij, the multiplicity of the nearest neigh- bors shells drives a converged qdispersion with non- negligible variations from the onsite value along the BZ, specially driven by the negative third neighbors. The maximum damping is found to be in the region around the high-symmetry point X, where thus the lifetime of magnon excitations are expected to be reduced. Simi- lar situation is found for fcc Ni (Fig. 1(i,j)), where the rst neighbors ijare found to be highly negative, con- sequently resulting in a spectrum in which q> q=0 for everyq6= 0. In contrast with fcc Co, however, no notable peak contributions are found. B. Remagnetization Gilbert damping in magnetic materials determines the rate of energy that dissipates from the magnetic to other reservoirs, like phonons or electron correlations. To ex- plore what impact non-local damping has on the energy dissipation process, we performed atomistic spin dynam- ics (ASD) simulations for the aforementioned ferromag- nets: bcc Fe 1 xCox(x= 0%;30%;50%), fcc Co, and fcc Ni, for the (i)fully non-local ijand (ii)eective tot(dened in 14) dissipative case. We note that, al- though widely considered in ASD calculations, the adop-6 TABLE I. Spin ( mspin) and orbital ( morb) magnetic moments, onsite ( ii) damping, total ( tot) damping, and Curie temper- ature (TC) of the investigated systems. The theoretical TCvalue is calculated within the RPA. In turn, mtdenotes the total moments for experimental results of Ref. [82]. mspin(B)morb(B)ii(10 3) tot(10 3) TC(K) bcc Fe (theory) 2.23 0.05 2.4 2.1 919 bcc Fe (expt.) 2.13 [68] 0 :08 [68] 1:9 7:2 [33, 83{89] 1044 bcc Fe 70Co30(theory) 2.33 0.07 0.5 0.9 1667 bcc Fe 70Co30(expt.) mt= 2:457 [82] 0:5 1:7a[33, 83, 90] 1258 [92] bcc Fe 50Co50(theory) 2.23 0.08 1.5 1.6 1782 bcc Fe 50Co50(expt.) mt= 2:355 [82] 2:0 3:2b[25, 33, 83] 1242 [93] fcc Co (theory) 1.62 0 :08 7.4 1.4 1273 fcc Co (expt.) 1 :68(6) [94] 2:8(5) [33, 89] 1392 fcc Ni (theory) 0 :61 0 :05 160.1 21.6 368 fcc Ni (expt.) 0 :57 [68] 0 :05 [68] 23:6 64 [22, 83, 87{89, 95, 96] 631 aThe lower limit refers to polycrystalline Fe 75Co2510 nm-thick lms from Ref. [33]. Lee et al. [90] also found a low Gilbert damping in an analogous system, where tot<1:410 3. For the exact 30% of Co concentration, however, previous results [33, 84, 91] indicate that we should expect a slightly higher damping than in Fe 75Co25. bThe upper limit refers to the approximate minimum intrinsic value for a 10 nm-thick lm of Fe 50Co50jPt (easy magnetization axis). tion of a constant totvalue (case (ii)) is only a good ap- proximation for long wavelength magnons close to q= 0. First, we are interested on the role of non-local damp- ing in the remagnetization processes as it was already discussed by Thonig et al. [20] and as it is important for,e.g., ultrafast pump-probe experiments as well as all- optical switching. In the simulations presented here, the relaxation starts from a totally random magnetic con- guration. The results of re-magnetization simulations are shown in Figure 2. The fully non-local damping (i) in the equation of motion enhances the energy dissipa- tion process compared to the case when only the eective damping (ii)is used. This eect is found to be more pro- nounced in fcc Co and fcc Ni compared to bcc Fe and bcc Fe50Co50. Thus, the remagnetization time to 90% of the saturation magnetisation becomes 5 8 times faster for case (i)compared to the case (ii). This is due to the increase of qaway from the point in the whole spectrum for Co and Ni (see Fig. 1), where in Fe and Fe50Co50it typically oscillates around tot. For bcc Fe 70Co30, the eect of non-local damping on the dynamics is opposite to the data in Fig. 2; the re- laxation process is decelerated. In this case, almost the entireqspectrum is below q=0, which is an interest- ing result given the fact that FMR measurements of the damping parameter in this system is already considered an ultra-low value, when compared to other metallic fer- romagnets [33]. Thus, in the remagnetization process of Fe70Co30, the majority of magnon modes lifetimes is un- derestimated when a constant totis considered in the spin dynamics simulations, which leads to a faster overall relaxation rate. Although bcc Fe presents the highest Gilbert damp-ing obtained in the series of the Fe-Co alloys (see Table I) the remagnetization rate is found to be faster in bcc Fe50Co50. This can be explained by the fact that the ex- change interactions for this particular alloy are stronger (80% higher for nearest-neighbors) than in pure bcc Fe, leading to an enhanced Curie temperature (see Table I). In view of Eq. 13 and Fig. 1, the dierence in the remagnetization time between bcc Fe 50Co50and elemen- tal bcc Fe arises from qvalues that are rather close, but where the magnon spectrum of Fe 50Co50has much higher frequencies, with corresponding faster dynamics and hence shorter remagnetization times. From our calculations we nd that the sum of non-local dampingP i6=jij contributes with 13%, 81%, 87%, +80%, and +7% to the local damping in bcc Fe, fcc Co, fcc Ni, bcc Fe 70Co30, and bcc Fe 50Co50, respec- tively. The high positive ratio found in Fe 70Co30indi- cates that, in contrast to the other systems analyzed, the non-local contributions act like an anti-damping torque, diminishing the local damping torque. A similar anti- damping eect in antiferromagnetic (AFM) materials have been reported in theoretical and experimental in- vestigations ( e.g., [98, 99]), induced by electrical current. Here we nd that an anti-damping torque eect can have an intrinsic origin. To provide a deeper understanding of the anti-damping eect caused by a positive non-local contribution, we an- alytically solved the equation of motion for a two spin model system, e.g. a dimer. In the particular case when the onsite damping 11is equal to the non-local con- tribution12, we observed that the system becomes un- damped (see Appendix B). As demonstrated in Appendix B, ASD simulations of such a dimer corroborate the re-7 FIG. 1. Non-local damping ( ij) as a function of the nor- malized real-space pairwise ( i;j) distance computed for each neighboring shell, and corresponding Fourier transform q (see Eq. 11) from the onsite value ( ii) up to 136 shells of neighbors (136 NN) for: (a,b) bcc Fe; (c,d) bcc Fe 70Co30; (e,f) bcc Fe 50Co50in the virtual-crystal approximation; and up to 30 shells of neighbors (30 NN) for: (g,h) fcc Co; (i,j) fcc Ni. The insets in subgures (a,c,e,g,i) show the convergence oftotin real-space. The obtained onside damping values are shown in Table I. In the insets of the left panel, green full lines are guides for the eyes. sult of undamped dynamics. It should be further noticed that this proposed model system was used to analyse the stability of the ASD solver, verifying whether it can preserve both the spin length and total energy. Full de- tail of the analytical solution and ASD simulation of a spin-dimer and the anti-damping eect are provided inAppendix B. FIG. 2. Remagnetization process simulated with ASD, con- sidering fully non-local Gilbert damping ( ij, blue sold lines), and the eective damping ( tot, red dashed lines), for: (a) fcc Ni; (b) fcc Co; and (c) bcc Fe 1 xCox(x= 0%;30%;50%). The dashed gray lines indicate the stage of 90% of the satu- ration magnetization. C. Magnon spectra In order to demonstrate the in
uence of damping on magnon properties at nite temperatures, we have per- formed ASD simulations to obtain the excitation spectra from the dynamical structure factor introduced in Sec- tion I. Here, we consider 16 NN shells for S(q;!) calcula- tions both from simulations that include non-local damp- ing as well as the eective total damping (see Appendix D for a focused discussion). In Fig. 3, the simulated magnon spectra of the here investigated ferromagnets are shown. We note that a general good agreement can be observed between our computed magnon spectra (both from the the frozen magnon approach as well as from the dynamical structure factor) and previous theoretical as well as experimental results [34, 52, 80, 100{103], where deviations from experiments is largest for fcc Ni. This exception, however, is well known and has already been discussed elsewhere [104]. The main feature that the non-local damping causes to the magnon spectra in all systems investigated here, is in changes of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) 4q ofS(q;!). Usually,4qis determined from the super- position of thermal
uctuations and damping processes. More specically, the non-local damping broadens the FWHM compared to simulations based solely on an eec- tive damping, for most of the high-symmetry paths in all of the here analyzed ferromagnets, with the exception of Fe70Co30. The most extreme case is for fcc Ni, as qex- ceeds the 0:25 threshold for q=X, which is comparable to the damping of ultrathin magnetic lms on high-SOC metallic hosts [105]. As a comparison, the largest dier- ence of FWHM between the non-local damping process and eective damping process in bcc Fe is 2 meV, while in fcc Ni the largest dierence can reach 258 meV. In contrast, the dierence is 1 meV in Fe 70Co30and the8 largest non-local damping eect occurs around q=N and in the H Pdirection, corroborating with the dis- cussion in Section II A. At the point, which corresponds to the mode measured in FMR experiments, all spins in the system have a coherent precession. This implies that @mj @tin Eq. 4 is the same for all moments and, thus, both damping scenarios discussed here (eecive local and the one that also takes into account non-local contributions) make no dierence to the spin dynamics. As a conse- quence, only a tiny (negligible) dierence of the FWHM is found between eective and non-local damping for the FMR mode at low temperatures. The broadening of the FWHM on the magnon spec- trum is temperature dependent. Thus, the eect of non- local damping to the width near can be of great in- terest for experiments. More specically, taking bcc Fe as an example, the dierence between width in eective damping and non-local damping process increases with temperature, where the dierence can be enhanced up to one order of magnitude from T= 0:1 K toT= 25 K. Note that this enhancement might be misleading due to the limits of nite temperature assumption made here. This temperature dependent damping eect on FWHM suggests a path for the measurement of non-local damp- ing in FMR experiments. We have also compared the dierence in the imaginary part of the transverse dynamical magnetic susceptibility computed from non-local and eective damping. Dened by Eq. 12, the imaginary part of susceptibility is re- lated to the FWHM [15]. Similar to the magnon spectra shown in Fig. 3, the susceptibility dierence is signi- cant at the BZ boundaries. Taking the example of fcc Co, Im(q;!) for eective damping processes can be 11:8 times larger than in simulations that include non- local damping processes, which is consistent to the life- time peak that occurs at high the symmetry point, X, depicted in Fig. 4. In the Fe 1 xCoxalloy, and Fe 70Co30, the largest ratio is 1 :7 and 2:7 respectively. The intensity at point is zero since qis independent on the coupling vector and equivalent in both damping modes. The ef- fect of non-local damping on susceptibility coincides well with the magnon spectra from spin dynamics. Thus, this method allows us to evaluate the magnon properties in a more ecient way. D. Magnon lifetimes By tting the S(q;!) curve at each wave vector with a Lorentzian curve, the FWHF and hence the magnon lifetimes,q, can be obtained from the simple relation [15] q=2 4q: (17) Figure 4 shows the lifetimes computed in the high- symmetry lines in the BZ for all ferromagnets here in-vestigated. As expected, qis much lower at the qvec- tors far away from the zone center, being of the order of 1 ps for the Fe 1 xCoxalloys (x= 0%;30%;50%), and from0:01 1 ps in fcc Co and Ni. In view of Eq. 13, the magnon lifetime is inversely proportional to both damping and magnon frequency. In the eective damping process, qis a constant and independent of q; thus, the lifetime in the entire BZ is dictated only by !q. The situation becomes more complex in the non- local damping process, where the qis in
uenced by the combined eect of changing damping and magnon fre- quency. Taking Fe 70Co30as an example, even though theqis higher around the , the low magnon frequency compensates the damping eect, leading to an asymp- totically divergent magnon lifetime as !q!0. However, this divergence becomes nite when including e.g. mag- netocrystalline anisotropy or an external magnetic eld to the spin-Hamiltonian. In the H Npath, the magnon energy of Fe 70Co30is large, but qreaches410 4 atq= 1 4;1 4;1 2 , resulting in a magnon lifetime peak of 10 ps. This value is not found for the eective damping model. In the elemental ferromagnets, as well as for Fe 50Co50, it is found that non-local damping decreases the magnon lifetimes. This non-local damping eect is signicant in both Co and Ni, where the magnon lifetimes from the ij model dier by an order of magnitude from the eective model (see Fig. 4). In fact, considering qobtained from Eq. 13, the eective model predicts a lifetime already higher by more than 50% when the magnon frequencies are33 meV and14 meV in the K path ( i.e., near ) of Ni and Co, respectively. This dierence mainly arises, in real-space, from the strong negative contriu- tions ofijin the close neighborhood around the refer- ence site, namely the NN in Ni and third neighbors in Co. In contrast, due to the qspectrum composed of almost all dampings lower than tot, already discussed in Section II A, the opposite trend on qis observed for Fe 70Co30: the positive overall non-local contribution guide an anti- damping eect, and the lifetimes are enhanced in the non-local model. Another way to evaluate the magnon lifetimes is from the linear response theory. As introduced in Section I B, we have access to magnon lifetimes at low temperatures from the imaginary part of the susceptibility. The q calculated from Eq. 13 is also displayed in Fig. 4. Here the spin-wave frequency !qis from the frozen magnon method. The magnon lifetimes from linear response have a very good agreement with the results from the dynam- ical structure factor, showing the equivalence between both methods. Part of the small discrepancies are re- lated to magnon-magnon scattering induced by the tem- perature eect in the dynamical structure factor method. We also nd a good agreement on the magnon lifetimes of eective damping in pure Fe with previous studies [106]. They are in the similar order and decrease with the increasing magnon energy. However, their results are more diused since the simulations are performed at9 FIG. 3. Magnon spectra calculated with non-local Gilbert damping and eective Gilbert damping in: (a) bcc Fe; (b) bcc Fe70Co30; (c) bcc Fe 50Co50; (d) fcc Co; and (e) fcc Ni. The black lines denote the adiabatic magnon spectra calculated from Eq. 7. Full red and open blue points denote the peak positions of S(q;!) at each qvector fortotandijcalculations, respectively, at T= 0:1 K. The width of transparent red and blue areas corresponds to the full width half maximum (FWHM) on the energy axis tted from a Lorentzian curve, following the same color scheme. To highlight the dierence of FWHM between the two damping modes, the FWHMs shown in the magnon spectrum of Fe 1 xCox, Co, and Ni are multiplied by 20, 5, and1 2times, in this order. The triangles represent experimental results: in (a), Fe at 10 K [102] (yellow up) and Fe with 12% Si at room-temperature [101] (green down); in (d), Co(9 ML)/Cu(100) at room-temperature [103] (green down); in (e) Ni at room-temperature (green down) [100]. The standard deviation of the peaks are represented as error bars. room-temperature. III. CONCLUSION We have presented the in
uence of non-local damping on spin dynamics and magnon properties of elemental fer- romagnets (bcc Fe, fcc Co, fcc Ni) and the bcc Fe 70Co30 and bcc Fe 50Co50alloys in the virtual-crystal approxima- tion. It is found that the non-local damping has impor- tant eects on relaxation processes and magnon prop- erties. Regarding the relaxation process, the non-local damping in Fe, Co, and Ni has a negative contribution to the local (onsite) part, which accelerates the remagne- tization. Contrarily, in
uenced by the positive contribu- tion ofij(i6=j), the magnon lifetimes of Fe 70Co30and Fe50Co50are increased in the non-local model, typically at the boundaries of the BZ, decelerating the remagneti- zation. Concerning the magnon properties, the non-local damping has a signicant eect in Co and Ni. More specically, the magnon lifetimes can be overestimated by an order of magnitude in the eective model for these two materials. In real-space, this dierence arises as a result of strong negative non-local contributions in theclose neighborhood around the reference atom, namely the NN in Ni and the third neighbors in Co. Although the eect of non-local damping to the stochastic thermal eld in spin dynamics is not included in this work, we still obtain coherent magnon lifetimes comparing to the analytical solution from linear response theory. Notably, it is predicted that the magnon lifetimes at certain wave vectors are higher for the non-local damp- ing model in some materials. An example is Fe 70Co30, in which the lifetime can be 3 times higher in the H N path for the non-local model. On the other hand, we have proposed a fast method based on linear response to evaluate these lifetimes, which can be used to high- throughput computations of magnonic materials. Finally, our study provides a link on how non-local damping can be measured in FMR and neutron scat- tering experiments. Even further, it gives insight into optimising excitation of magnon modes with possible long lifetimes. This optimisation is important for any spintronics applications. As a natural consequence of any real-space ab-initio formalism, our methodology and ndings also open routes for the investigation of other materials with preferably longer lifetimes caused by non- local energy dissipation at low excitation modes. Such materials research could also include tuning the local10 FIG. 4. Magnon lifetimes qof: (a) bcc Fe; (b) bcc Fe 70Co30; (c) bcc Fe 50Co50; (d) fcc Co; and (e) fcc Ni as function of q, shown in logarithmic scale. The color scheme is the same of Fig. 3, where blue and red represents qcomputed in the eective and non-local damping models. The transparent lines and opaque points depict the lifetimes calculated with Eq. 13 and by the FWHM of S(q;!) atT= 0:1 K (see Eq. 17). The lifetime asymptotically diverges around the -point due to the absence of anisotropy eects or external magnetic eld in the spin-Hamiltonian. chemical environments by doping or defects. IV. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Financial support from Vetenskapsr adet (grant num- bers VR 2016-05980 and VR 2019-05304), and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg foundation (grant number 2018.0060) is acknowledged. Support from the Swedish Research Council (VR), the Foundation for Strategic Re-search (SSF), the Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyn- digheten), the European Research Council (854843- FASTCORR), eSSENCE and STandUP is acknowledged by O.E. . Support from the Swedish Research Coun- cil (VR) is acknowledged by D.T. and A.D. . The China Scholarship Council (CSC) is acknowledged by Z.L.. The computations/data handling were enabled by resources provided by the Swedish National Infrastruc- ture for Computing (SNIC) at the National Supercom- puting Centre (NSC, Tetralith cluster), partially funded by the Swedish Research Council through grant agree- ment No. 2016-07213. [1] A. Barman, G. Gubbiotti, S. Ladak, A. O. Adeyeye, M. Krawczyk, J. Gr afe, C. Adelmann, S. Cotofana, A. Naeemi, V. I. Vasyuchka, et al. , J. Phys. Condens. Matter 33, 413001 (2021). [2] P. Pirro, V. I. Vasyuchka, A. A. Serga, and B. Hille- brands, Nat. Rev. Mater 6, 1114 (2021). [3] B. Rana and Y. Otani, Commun. Phys 2, 1 (2019). [4] A. Mahmoud, F. Ciubotaru, F. Vanderveken, A. V. Chumak, S. Hamdioui, C. Adelmann, and S. Cotofana, J. Appl. Phys. 128, 161101 (2020). [5] A. Serga, A. Chumak, and B. Hillebrands, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43, 264002 (2010). [6] S. Lendinez and M. Jung
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We have done convergence tests on this method and nd that it preserve the energy and spin length of the system, which is demonstrated in Fig. 5 for the case of a dimer. With stable outputs, the solver allows for a relatively large time step size, typically of the order of t0:1 1 fs. Following the philosophy of an implicit midpoint method, the implemented algorithm can be described as follows. Let mt ibe the magnetic moment of site iat a given time step t. Then we can dene the quantity mmidand the time derivative of mi, respectively, as mmid=mt+1 i+mt i 2; @mi @t=mt+1 i mt i t:(A1) Using this denition in Eq. 4, the equation of motion of thei-th spin becomes: @mi @t=mmid0 @
[Bi(mmid) +bi(t)] +X jij mj@mj @t1 A: (A2) Thus, with a xed-point scheme, we can do the follow- ing iteration mt+1(k+1) i =mt i+ t0 @ mt+1(k) i +mt i 2! 0 @
" Bi mt+1(k) i +mt i 2! +bi(t)# +X jij mjmt+1(k) j mt j t1 A1 A: (A3) Ifmt+1(k+1) imt+1(k) i , the self-consistency con- verges. Typically, about 6 iteration steps are needed. This solver was implemented in the software package Up- pASD [48] for this work. Appendix B: Analytical model of anti-damping in dimers In the dimer model, there are two spins on site 1 and site 2 denoted by m1andm2, which are here supposed to be related to the same element { so that, naturally, 11=22>0. Also, let's consider a suciently low temperature so that bi(t)!0, which is a reasonable assumption, given that damping has an intrinsic origin [108]. This simple system allows us to provide explicit expressions for the Hamiltonian, the eective magnetic elds and the damping term. From the analytical solu- tion, it is found that the dimer spin system becomes an undamped system when local damping is equal to non- local damping, i.e.the eective damping of the system is zero. Following the denition given by Eq. 4 in the main text, the equation of motion for spin 1 reads: @m1 @t=m1
B1+11 m1@m1 @t+12 m2@m2 @t ;(B1) and an analogous expression can be written for spin 2. For sake of simplicity, the Zeeman term is zero and theeective eld only includes the contribution from Heisen- berg exchange interactions. Thus, we have B1= 2J12m2 andB2= 2J21m1. Withjijj 1, we can take the LL form@mi @t=
miBito approximate the time- derivative on the right-hand side of the LLG equation. Letm1=m2and12=11. SinceJ12=J21and m1m2= m2m1, then we have @m1 @t= 2
J12m1 m2+ (1 )11 m1(m1m2) : (B2) Therefore, when 12=21=11(i.e.,= 1), Eq. B1 is reduced to: @m1 @t= 2
J12m1m2; (B3) and the system becomes undamped. It is however straightforward that, for the opposite case of a strong negative non-local damping ( = 1), Eq. B2 describes a common damped dynamics. A side (and related) con- sequence of Eq. B2, but important for the discussion in Section II B, is the fact that the eective onsite damp- ing term 11= (1 )11becomes less relevant to the dynamics as the positive non-local damping increases (!1), or, in other words, as tot= (11+12) strictly increases due to the non-local contribution. Exactly the same reasoning can be made for a trimer, for instance, composed by atoms with equal moments and exchange interactions ( m1=m2=m3,J12=J13=J23), and same non-local dampings ( 13=12=11).14 The undamped behavior can be directly observed from ASD simulations of a dimer with 12=11, as shown in Fig. 5. Here the magnetic moment and the exchange are taken the same of an Fe dimer, m1= 2:23BandJ12= 1:34 mRy. Nevertheless, obviously the overall behavior depicted in Fig. 5 is not dependent on the choice of m1andJ12. Thezcomponent is constant, while the x andycomponents of m1oscillate in time, indicating a precessing movement. In a broader picture, this simple dimer case exemplies the connection between the eigenvalues of the damping matrix= (ij) and the damping behavior. The occur- rence of such undamped dynamics has been recently dis- cussed in Ref. [109], where it is shown that a dissipation- free mode can occur in a system composed of two sub- systems coupled to the same bath. 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 t(ps)0.2 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Energy(mRy)mxmymzmEnergy FIG. 5. Spin dynamics at T= 0 K of an undamped dimer in which12=21=11(see text). The vector m1is normalized and its Cartesian components are labeled in the gure asmx,myandmz. The black and grey lines indicate the length of spin and energy (in mRy), respectively. Appendix C: Eective and onsite damping in the FeCo and CoNi alloys As mentioned in Section I, the simple VCA model al- lows us to account for the disorder in 3 d-transition-metal alloys in a crude but ecient way which avoids the use of large supercells with random chemical distributions. With exactly the same purpose, the coherent potential approximation (CPA) [110] has also been employed to analyze damping in alloys ( e.g., in Refs. [84, 111, 112]), showing a very good output with respect to trends, when compared to experiments [33, 81]. In Fig. 6 we show the normalized calculated local (onsite, ii) and eec- tive damping ( tot) parameters for the zero-temperature VCA Fe 1 xCoxalloy in the bcc structure, consistent with a concentration up to x60% of Co [33]. The computed values in this work (blue, representing ii, and red points, representing tot) are compared to previous theoretical CPA results and room-temperature experimental data. The trends with VCA are reproduced in a good agree-ment with respect to experiments and CPA calculations, showing a minimal totwhen the Co concentration is x30%. This behavior is well correlated with the local density of states (LDOS) at the Fermi level, as expected by the simplied Kambersk y equation [113], and the on- site contribution. Despite the good agreement found, the values we have determined are subjected to a known error of the VCA with respect to the experimental results. This discrepancy can be partially explained by three reasons: ( i) the signicant in
uence of local environ- ments (local disorder and/or short-range order) to tot [25, 77]; ( ii) the fact that the actual electronic lifetime (i.e., the mean time between two consecutive scattering events) is subestimated by the VCA average for random- ness in the FeCo alloy, which can have a non-negligible impact in the damping parameter [22, 114]; and ( iii) the in
uence on damping of noncollinear spin congurations in nite temperature measurements [54, 115]. On top of that, it is also notorious that damping is dependent on the imaginary part of the energy (broadening) [22, 114], , which can be seen as an empirical quantity, and ac- counts for part of the dierences between theory and ex- periments. 0 0.0005 0.001 0.0015 0.002 0.0025 0.003 0.0035 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 5 10 15 20 25Damping value DOS at EF (states/Ry−atom) Co concentration (%)onsite (αii) total (αtot) Turek et al. (αtot) Mankovsky et al. [2013] (αtot) Mankovsky et al. [2018] (αtot) Schoen et al. n(EF) FIG. 6. (Color online) Left scale : Computed Gilbert eec- tive (tot, red circles) and onsite ( ii, blue squares) damping parameters as a function of Co the concentration ( x) for bcc Fe1 xCoxbinary alloy in the virtual-crystal approximation. The values are compared with previous theoretical results us- ing CPA, from Ref. [84] (gray full triangles), Ref. [54] (black open rhombus), Ref. [112] (yellow open triangles), and room- temperature experimental data [33]. Right scale : The calcu- lated density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level as a function ofx, represented by the black dashed line. In the spirit of demonstrating the eectiveness of the simple VCA to qualitatively (and also, to some extent, quantitatively) describe the properties of Gilbert damp- ing in suitable magnetic alloys, we also show in Fig. 7 the results obtained for Co xNi1 xsystems. The CoNi alloys15 are known to form in the fcc structure for a Ni concen- tration range of 10% 100%. Therefore, here we mod- eled CoxNi1 xby a big fcc cluster containing 530000 atoms in real-space with the equilibrium lattice parame- ter ofa= 3:46A. The number of recursion levels consid- ered isLL= 41. A good agreement with experimental results and previous theoretical calculations can be no- ticed. In particular, the qualitative comparison with the- ory from Refs. [81, 84] indicates the equivalence between the torque correlation and the spin correlation models for calculating the damping parameter, which was also investigated by Sakuma [116]. The onsite contribution for each Co concentration, ii, is omitted from Fig. 7 due to an absolute value 2 4 times higher than tot, but follows the same decreasing trend. Again, the over- all eective damping values are well correlated with the LDOS, and re
ect the variation of the quantity1 mtwith Co concentration (see Eq. 15). 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 10 15 20 25 30Damping value DOS at EF (states/Ry−atom) Co concentration (%)total (αtot) Mankovsky et al. [2013] (αtot) Starikov et al. (αtot) Schoen [2017] et al. n(EF) FIG. 7. (Color online) Left scale : Computed Gilbert eective (tot, red circles) damping parameters as a function of the Co concentration ( x) for fcc Co xNi1 xbinary alloy in the virtual- crystal approximation. The values are compared with previ- ous theoretical results using CPA, from Ref. [84] (gray full triangles), Ref. [81] (gold full circles), and room-temperature experimental data [89]. Right scale : The calculated density of states (DOS) at the Fermi level as a function of x, represented by the black dashed line. Appendix D: Eect of further neighbors in the magnon lifetimes When larger cuto radii ( Rcut) ofijparameters are included in ASD, Eq. A3 takes longer times to achieve a self-consistent convergence. In practical terms, to reach a sizeable computational time for the calculation of a given system,Rcutneeds to be chosen in order to preserve the main features of the magnon properties as if Rcut!1 . A good quantity to rely on is the magnon lifetime q,as it consists of both magnon frequency and q-resolved damping (Eq. 13). In Section II C, we have shown the equivalence between Eq. 13 and the inverse of FWHM on the energy axis of S(q;!) for the ferromagnets inves- tigated here. Thus, the comparison of two qspectra for dierentRcutcan be done directly and in an easier way using Eq. 13. FIG. 8. (Color online) Magnon lifetimes calculated using Eq. 13 for: (a) bcc Fe; and (b) bcc Fe 50Co50, using a reduced set of 16 NN shells (opaque lines), and the full set of 136 NN shells (transparent lines). An example is shown in Figure 8 for bcc Fe and bcc Fe50Co50. Here we choose the rst 16 NN ( Rcut3:32a) and compare the results with the full calculated set of 136 NN (Rcut= 10a). It is noticeable that the reduced set of neighbors can capture most of the features of the qspectrum for a full NN set. However, long-range in-
uences of small magnitudes, such as extra oscillations around the point q=Hin Fe, can occur. In particu- lar, these extra oscillations arise mainly due to the pres- ence of Kohn anomalies in the magnon spectrum of Fe, already reported in previous works [52, 80]. In turn, for the case of Fe 50Co50, the long-range ijreducestot, and causes the remagnetization times for non-local and eec-16 tive dampings to be very similar (see Fig. 2). For the other ferromagnets considered in the present research,comparisons of the reduced Rcutwith analogous quality were reached. | 2022-11-24 | We study the influence of non-local damping on magnon properties of Fe, Co,
Ni and Fe$_{1-x}$Co$_{x}$ ($x=30\%,50\%$) alloys. The Gilbert damping parameter
is typically considered as a local scalar both in experiment and in theoretical
modelling. However, recent works have revealed that Gilbert damping is a
non-local quantity that allows for energy dissipation between atomic sites.
With the Gilbert damping parameters calculated from a state-of-the-art
real-space electronic structure method, magnon lifetimes are evaluated from
spin dynamics and linear response, where a good agreement is found between
these two methods. It is found that non-local damping affects the magnon
lifetimes in different ways depending on the system. Specifically, we find that
in Fe, Co, and Ni the non-local damping decreases the magnon lifetimes, while
in $\rm Fe_{70}Co_{30}$ and Fe$_{50}$Co$_{50}$ an opposite, non-local damping
effect is observed, and our data show that it is much stronger in the former. | Influence of non-local damping on magnon properties of ferromagnets | 2211.13486v1 |
Turbulence damping as a measure of the
ow dimensionality M. Shats,D. Byrne, and H. Xia Research School of Physics and Engineering, The Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200, Australia (Dated: October 23, 2018) The dimensionality of turbulence in
uid layers determines their properties. We study electro- magnetically driven
ows in nite depth
uid layers and show that eddy viscosity, which appears as a result of three-dimensional motions, leads to increased bottom damping. The anomaly coecient, which characterizes the deviation of damping from the one derived using a quasi-two-dimensional model, can be used as a measure of the
ow dimensionality. Experiments in turbulent layers show that when the anomaly coecient becomes high, the turbulent inverse energy cascade is suppressed. In the opposite limit turbulence can self-organize into a coherent
ow. PACS numbers: 47.27.Rc, 47.55.Hd, 42.68.Bz Fluid layers represent a broad class of
ows whose depths are much smaller than their horizontal extents, for example, planetary atmospheres and oceans. A dis- covery of the upscale energy transfer in two-dimensional (2D) turbulence [1] gave new insight into the energy bal- ance in turbulent layers. The inverse cascade transfers energy from smaller to larger scales thus allowing for tur- bulence self-organization. This is in contrast with three- dimensional (3D) turbulence where energy is nonlinearly transferred towards small scales (direct cascade). Real physical layers dier from the ideal 2D model since they have nite depths and non-zero dissipation. The eect of the layer thickness on turbulence driven by 2D forcing has been studied in 3D numerical simulations [2, 3]. It has been shown that in \turbulence in more than two and less than three dimensions", the injected energy
ux splits into the direct and inverse parts. At ratios of the layer depth hover the forcing scale lfabove h=lf0:5 the inverse energy cascade is greatly reduced. When the inverse energy
ux is suppressed, the energy injected into the
ow is transferred towards small scales by the direct cascade, developing the Kolmogorov k 5=3 spectrum at k >k f. This result illustrates that 2D and 3D turbulence may coexist. 2D/3D eects have been studied in electromagnetically driven
ows using two main schemes to force the
uid mo- tion. In liquid metals placed in the vertical homogeneous magnetic eld the
ow is forced by applying spatially varying electric eld which generates JBforces. In such magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)
ows 2D properties are enforced by the magnetic eld and the 3D behav- ior is restricted to a very thin Hartmann layer [4]. The deviations from 2D in such
ows may be due to the - nite resistivity in very thick layers [5, 6]. Another class of experiments employs spatially periodic magnetic eld crossed with the constant horizontal electric current to produce interacting vortices [7{9]. In this case the thick- Electronic address: of the Hartmann layer exceeds the layer depth and 2D/3D eects are determined by the factors which are dierent from those in MHD
ows, for example, by a density stratication. The 3D eects are closely related to the energy dissi- pation in the layers. This connection however is not fully understood in experiments. The measured
ow damp- ing rates are often compared with those derived from a quasi-2D model [10, 11] which assumes no vertical mo- tions within the layer. In thin layers, the agreement is usually within a factor of 2 [8, 12]. However in some experiments a much better agreement with the quasi-2D model was observed [13]. This contradicts recent claims about the intrinsic three-dimensionality of the
ows in thin layers of electrolytes [14, 15]. There is a need to clarify this. Physical three-dimensionality of the
ow is determined by the amount of 3D motion in the layer. This motion may naturally develop in the layer, as in [3], but it can also be injected into the
ow by non-2D forcing or it can be generated by the shear-driven instabilities in the boundary layer. In this case, the critical layer thickness cannot be used as a practical criterion of the 2D/3D tran- sition since it will vary depending on the source of 3D motion. The transition from 2D to 3D, which marks a fundamental change in the energy transfer, needs to be characterized quantitatively, in other words, it is neces- sary to nd a measure of the
ow dimensionality which would help to predict turbulence behavior. In this Letter we show that eddy viscosity increases damping in nite-depth
uid layers compared with the quasi-2D model prediction. This increase can be used as the measure of the
ow dimensionality which allows to evaluate the likelihood of the inverse energy cascade and of turbulence self-organization. We also show that the increased degree of three-dimensionality leads to the suppression of the turbulent cascades. In these experiments turbulence is generated via the in- teraction of a large number of electromagnetically driven vortices [9, 16, 17]. The electric current
owing through a conducting
uid layer interacts with the spatially variablearXiv:1012.1371v1 [physics.flu-dyn] 7 Dec 20102 vertical magnetic eld produced by arrays of magnets placed under the bottom. In this paper we use a 30 30 array of magnetic dipoles (8 mm apart) for the turbu- lence studies requiring large statistics. For the studies of vertical motions, a 6 6 array of larger magnets (25 mm separation) is used. The
ow is visualized using seeding particles, which are suspended in the
uid, illuminated using a horizontal laser slab and lmed from above. Par- ticle image velocimetry (PIV) is used to derive turbulent velocity elds. The
ow is generated either in a single layer of electrolyte ( Na2SO4water solution), or in two immiscible layers of
uids (electrically neutral heavier liq- uid at the bottom, electrolyte on top). Shortly after the current is switched on, JBdriven vortices interact with each other forming complex turbulent motion character- ized by a broad wave number spectrum. The steady state is reached within tens of seconds. To study vertical motions in single electrolyte layers, vertical laser slabs are used to illuminate the
ow in the y zplane. Streaks of the seeding particles within the slab are lmed with the exposure time of 1 s. Quantita- tive measurements of the horizontal and vertical veloci- ties are performed using defocusing PIV technique. This technique, was rst described in [18], but had never been used in turbulence studies. It allows measurements of 3D velocity components of seeding particles using a single video camera with a multiple pinhole mask (three pin- holes constituting a triangle are used here). A schematic of the method is shown in Fig. 1. An image of a particle placed in the reference plane at z=0 (where the parti- cle is in focus) corresponds to a single dot in the image plane. As the particle moves vertically away from the reference plane, the light passes through each pinhole in the mask and reaches three dierent positions on the im- age plane. The distances between the triangle vertices in the image plane are used to decode z-positions of the particles. The xy-components of velocity are determined using a PIV/PTV hybrid algorithm to match particle pairs from frame to frame. This process is illustrated in Fig. 1. The technique allows to resolve vertical veloci- ties above<Vz>RMS0:5 mm/s. The imaged area in this experiment is 5 5 cm2. On average about 50 par- ticles (triangles) are tracked in two consecutive frames. Derived velocities are then averaged over about 100 of the frame pairs to generate converged statistics of the mean-square-root velocities <Vx;y;z>RMS. Figures 2(a-c) show particle streaks and corresponding vertical velocity proles Vz(z) for dierent layer depths. To keep forcing approximately constant, the electric cur- rent is increased proportionally to the layer thickness (constant current density). To obtain better vertical spa- tial resolution, a 6 6 array of larger magnets is used. For the layers thicknesses of up to 30 mm, a range of h=lf= 0:2 1:2 is achieved. Particle streaks show reason- ably 2D motion in a thin (5 mm) layer, Fig. 2(a). Vertical velocity is small over most of the layer thickness and is z=zImage Plane LensMask Lf Reference Plane z=0m m z=3m m z=5m mz=0 026810 0 2 4 6 81 04 x(mm)y(mm)(a) (b)FIG. 1: Schematic of the defocusing particle image velocime- try technique. close to the resolution of the technique, <Vz>RMS0:5 mm/s. As the layer thickness is increased, 3D motions develop. The corresponding vertical velocities increase up to4 mm/s, Figs. 2(b,c). Fig. 2(d) shows the ra- tio of vertical to horizontal velocities as a function of the normalized layer thickness. In single layers this ra- tio increases approximately linearly with h=lfreaching over< V z> = < V x;y>= 0:3 ath=lf= 0:8. In stratied double layers this ratio is substantially smaller, < Vz> = < V x;y>0:08 (solid squares in Fig. 2(d)), suggesting that the
ow in a double layer conguration is much closer to 2D. In the absence of 3D motions, the
ow in the layer is damped due to molecular viscosity. A decay of hori- zontal velocity Vx;y(z;t) in the quasi-2D
ow due to the bottom friction is described by the diusive type equa- tion@Vx;y=@t=@2Vx;y=@z2, which together with the boundary conditions Vx;y(z= 0;t) = 0 and @Vx;y(z= h;t)=@z= 0 gives the characteristic inverse time of the energy decay, e.g. [10]: L=2=2h2: (1) Hereis the kinematic viscosity. The onset of 3D turbulent eddies in thicker layers should lead to a vertical
ux of horizontal momentum and faster dissipation of the
ow. Such a
ux is related to the mean vertical velocity gradient @Vx;y=@z[19]: <~Vx;y~Vz>= K@Vx;y @z: (2) HereKis the eddy (turbulent) viscosity coecient. By assuming that
uctuations of vertical and horizontal ve-3 012345 0123Vz(mm s )-1h(mm)hl/ = 0.2f(a) 05101520 0123hl/ = 0.8fh(mm) Vz(mm s )-1(c) 051015 0123hl/ = 0.6f(b) Vz(mm s )-1h(mm) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5h/lf(d) V/zVx,y 01234 0 0.5 1 1.5h/lf(e) /c97/c97t/L FIG. 2: Particle streaks lmed with an exposure time of 1 s (top panels) and the distribution of the vertical velocity
uctuations (rms) over the layer thickness (bottom panels) in single layers: (a) h= 5 mm; (b) h= 15 mm; (c) h= 20 mm. (d) Ratio of rms vertical to the rms horizontal veloc- ity as a function of the normalized layer thickness h=lfin a single (open circles) and in a double (solid squares) layer congurations. (e) t=Lversush=lf. locities are well correlated, we can estimate the eddy viscosity coecient using the defocusing PIV data as K<~Vx;y>< ~Vz>(@Vx;y=@z) 1. Then the damp- ing rate can be estimated using the contribution of both molecular and the eddy viscosities, t= (+K)2=2h2. The ratio of thus calculated damping rate to the linear dampingL(1) is shown in Fig. 2(e). The damping should become anomalous ( t=L>1) above some critical layer thickness of h=lf0:3. Accord- ing to Fig. 2(e) this anomaly should increase linearly with the increase in h=lf. Direct measurements of damping were performed to test that eddy viscosity increases the dissipation above its quasi-2D value (1) in layers thicker than h=lf>0:2. The
ow is forced by a 30 30 magnet array . The bot- tom drag is derived from the energy decay of the steady
ow. After forcing is switched o, the mean
ow energy exponentially decays in time with a characteristic time constant, as shown in Fig. 3(a). We compare the en- 02468 0 5 10 15 20t(s)E0(10 m s )-4 2 -2(a) t0E=E t () e0-( t - 0)/c97t 01234567 0 0.5 1 1.5hl/fa/D=/c97/c97L(b) 012345 0 0.06 0.12hl/f(c) a/D=/c97/c97LFIG. 3: (a) Decay of the
ow energy in a single layer, h= 10 mm; (b) Energy damping rate normalized by the viscous quasi-2D damping rate aD==L, as a function of h=lf. Open circles refer to single layers, solid squares were obtained in the double layer congurations. (c) The damping anomaly coecientaDversush=lffor the case of a strong large-scale vortex (100 mm diameter, Vmax x;y = 16 mm/s). ergy damping rate measured in a single layer of dierent depths with the linear damping rate. Fig. 3(b) shows the anomaly coecient aD==Las a function of the normalized layer thickness h=lf. In the thinnest layer (h1:7 mm,h=lf0:21) the damping rate coincides with the linear damping rate (1). However for thicker layers the damping anomaly is higher, such that aDin- creases linearly with hreachingaD= 6 ath=lf= 1:25. Measurements of the damping show that the anomaly coecient aDin Fig. 3(b) agrees very well with the anomaly estimated using the eddy viscosity derived from (2), Fig. 2(e). In the double layer experiments however, aDis substantially lower, as shown by the solid squares in Fig. 3(b). This is not surprising in the light of the result of Fig. 2(d) (solid squares) which shows substantially less 3D motion in double layers. The above results are related to low forcing levels, when 3D eddies are generated due to the nite layer thickness, as in [3]. However, electromagnetic forcing, which is maximum near the bottom in the single layer experiments (magnets underneath the
uid cell), may inject 3D eddies into the
ow from the bottom bound- ary layer at higher forcing levels. Figure 3(c) shows the damping anomaly coecient aDmeasured in the
ow driven by a single strong large magnetic dipole. A single4 S3(10 m s )-7 3 -3 -1123 0 0.02 0.04 0.06l(m)h=3m m h=1 0m m FIG. 4: Third-order structure functions measured in a thin layer,h= 3 mm (solid squares), and in a thick layer h= 10 mm (open diamonds). The forcing scale lf8 mm. large-scale vortex is produced, whose diameter is about 100 mm and the maximum horizontal velocity is about 16 mm/s. As the layer thickness is increased from 2 to 10 mm (h=lf= 0:02 0:1) while keeping the current density constant, the anomaly coecient increases up to aD= 3:6 due to the increase in the vertical velocity
uc- tuations. Thus, turbulent bottom drag may occur in rel- atively thin layers at stronger forcing. Now we test if the increased three-dimensionality, as characterized by aD, leads to the suppression of the in- verse energy cascade. The inverse energy cascade can be detected by measuring the third-order structure function S3and by using the Kolmogorov
ux relation which pre- dicts linear dependence of S3on the separation distance l,S3=l. Hereis the energy
ux in k-space. It has been shown that in thin stratied layers S3is positive and it is a linear function of l, as expected for 2D turbu- lence [9]. Figure 4 shows third-order structure functions measured in a single layer of electrolyte for two layer depths,h= 3 and 10 mm. In the 3 mm layer, S3is a positive linear function of l, while in the 10 mm layer S3is much smaller, indicating very low energy
ux in the inverse energy cascade. The damping anomaly in the 3 mm layer is aD2, while for the 10 mm layer it is high,aD5. Since in this experiment, the forcing is 2D and it is relatively weak (no secondary instabilities in the boundary layer), this result is in agreement with nu- merical simulations [3] which show strong suppression of the inverse energy cascade above h=lf0:5. The 3 mm layer corresponds to h=lf0:38, while for the 10 mm layerh=lf1:25. We do not observe however any sig- natures of the direct energy cascade range, Ek/k 5=3 atk > k fin the 10 mm layer. Instead, the spectrum is much steeper than the usual k 3enstrophy range. This is probably due to the fact that the Reynolds numberin this experiment is not sucient to sustain 3D direct turbulent cascade. Summarizing, we demonstrate for the rst time that increased three-dimensionality of
ows in layers can be characterized by the anomalous damping coecient aD. We show that the increase in aDcorrelates with the sup- pression of the inverse energy cascade. On the other hand, a strong reduction in aD, which can be achieved in the double layer conguration, correlates well with the observation of the inverse energy cascade and spectral condensation of turbulence into a
ow coherent over the entire domain [7, 9, 16]. The authors are grateful to H. Punzmann and V. Stein- berg for useful discussions. This work was supported by the Australian Research Council's Discovery Projects funding scheme (DP0881544). [1] R. Kraichnan, Phys. Fluids 10, 1417 (1967). [2] L.M. Smith, J. R. Chasnov and F. Walee, Phys. Rev. Lett77, 2467 (1996). [3] A. Celani, S. Musacchio and D. Vincenzi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 184506 (2010). [4] J. Sommeria, J. Fluid Mech. 170,139 (1986) [5] A. Thess and O. Zikanov, J. Fluid Mech. 579,383 (2007) [6] R. Klein and A. Potherat, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 34502 (2010). [7] J. Paret & P. Tabeling, Phys. Fluids 10, 3126 (1998). [8] G. Boetta, A. Cenedese, S. Espa and S. Musacchio, Eu- rophys. Lett. 71, 590 (2005). [9] H. Xia, M. Shats and G. Falkovich, Phys. Fluids 21, 125101 (2009). [10] F.V. Dolzhanskii, V.A. Krymov and D.Yu. Manin, J. Fluid Mech 241, 705(1992). [11] A.E. Hansen, D. Marteau and P. Tabeling, Phys. Rev. E 58, 7261 (1998). [12] S. Danilov, F.V. Dolzhanskii, V.A. Dovzhenko and V.A. Krymov, Phys. Rev. E 65, 036316 (2002). [13] H.J.H. Clercx, G.J.F. van Heijst and M.L. Zoeteweij, Phys. Rev. E 67, 066303 (2003). [14] R. A. D. Akkermans, A. R. Cieslik, L. P. J. Kamp, R. R. Trieling, H. J. H. Clercx, and G. J. F. van Heijst, Phys. Fluids ,20, 116601(2008) [15] R. A. D. Akkermans, L. P. J. Kamp, H. J. H. Clercx, and G. J. F. van Heijst, Phys. Rev. E ,82, 026314 (2010) [16] M.G. Shats, H. Xia and H. Punzmann, Phys. Rev. E 71, 046409 (2005). [17] H. Xia, H. Punzmann, G. Falkovich and M.G. Shats, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 194504 (2008). [18] C.E. Willert and M. Gharib, Experiments in Fluids 10, 181 (1991). [19] Glossary of meteorology, ed. E. R. Huschke, Boston, American Meteorological Society, 1959. | 2010-12-07 | The dimensionality of turbulence in fluid layers determines their properties.
We study electromagnetically driven flows in finite depth fluid layers and show
that eddy viscosity, which appears as a result of three-dimensional motions,
leads to increased bottom damping. The anomaly coefficient, which characterizes
the deviation of damping from the one derived using a quasi-two-dimensional
model, can be used as a measure of the flow dimensionality. Experiments in
turbulent layers show that when the anomaly coefficient becomes high, the
turbulent inverse energy cascade is suppressed. In the opposite limit
turbulence can self-organize into a coherent flow. | Turbulence damping as a measure of the flow dimensionality | 1012.1371v1 |
Spin Pumping into Anisotropic Dirac Electrons Takumi Funato1;2, Takeo Kato3, Mamoru Matsuo2;4;5;6 1Center for Spintronics Research Network, Keio University, Yokohama 223-8522, Japan 2Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China. 3Institute for Solid State Physics, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan 4CAS Center for Excellence in Topological Quantum Computation, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 5Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, 319-1195, Japan and 6RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan (Dated: June 13, 2022) We study spin pumping into an anisotropic Dirac electron system induced by microwave irra- diation to an adjacent ferromagnetic insulator theoretically. We formulate the Gilbert damping enhancement due to the spin current
owing into the Dirac electron system using second-order perturbation with respect to the interfacial exchange coupling. As an illustration, we consider the anisotropic Dirac system realized in bismuth to show that the Gilbert damping varies according to the magnetization direction in the ferromagnetic insulator. Our results indicate that this setup can provide helpful information on the anisotropy of the Dirac electron system. I. INTRODUCTION In spintronics, spin currents are crucial in using elec- trons' charge and spin. Spin pumping, the spin current generation of conduction electrons from nonequilibrium magnetization dynamics at magnetic interfaces, is a pop- ular method for generating and manipulating spin cur- rents. In previous experimental reports on spin pumping, the enhancement of Gilbert damping in ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) was observed due to the loss of angu- lar momentum associated with the spin current injection into the nonmagnetic layer adjacent to the ferromagnetic layer1{9. Mizukami et al. measured the enhancement of the Gilbert damping associated with the adjacent non- magnetic metal. They reported that the strong spin-orbit coupling in the nonmagnetic layer strictly aected the enhancement of the Gilbert damping3{5. Consequently, electric detection by inverse spin Hall eect, in which the charge current is converted from the spin current, led to spin pumping being used as an essential technique for studying spin-related phenomena in nonmagnetic mate- rials10{24. Saitoh et al. measured electric voltage in a bilayer of Py and Pt under microwave application. They observed that charge current converted because of inverse spin Hall eect from spin current injected by spin pump- ing11. In the rst theoretical report on spin pumping, Berger predicted an increase in Gilbert damping due to the spin current
owing interface between the ferromagnetic and nonmagnetic layers25,26. Tserkovnyak et al. calculated the spin current
owing through the interface27{29based on the scattering-matrix theory and the picture of adi- abatic spin pumping30{32. They introduced a complex spin-mixing conductance that characterizes spin trans- port at the interfaces based on spin conservation and no spin loss. The spin mixing conductance can represent the spin pumping-associated phenomena and is quanti- tatively evaluated using the rst principle calculation33. Nevertheless, microscopic analysis is necessary to under-stand the detailed mechanism of spin transport at the in- terface34{44. It was claried that spin pumping depends on the anisotropy of the electron band structure and spin texture. Spin pumping is expected to be one of the probes of the electron states41{44. Bismuth has been extensively studied because of its at- tractive physical properties, such as large diamagnetism, largeg-factor, high ecient Seebeck eect, Subrikov-de Haas eect, and de Haas-van Alphen eect45,46. The electrons in the conduction and valence bands near the L-point in bismuth, which contribute mainly to the vari- ous physical phenomena, are expressed as eective Dirac electrons. Thus, electrons in bismuth are called Dirac electrons45{47. The doping antimony to bismuth is known to close the gap and makes it a topological insulator48,49. Because of its strong spin-orbit interaction, bismuth has attracted broad attention in spintronics as a high ecient charge-to-spin conversion material50{55. The spin current generation at the interface between the bismuth oxide and metal has been studied since a signicant Rashba MicrowaveDirac electron system Interfacial exchange Ferromagnetic insulator FIG. 1. Schematic illustration of a bilayer system composed of the Dirac electron system and ferromagnetic insulator. The applied microwave excited precession of the localized spin in the ferromagnetic insulator and spin current is injected into the Dirac electron system.arXiv:2206.04899v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 10 Jun 20222 spin-orbit interaction appears at the interface56. The spin injection into bismuth was observed due to spin pumping from yttrium iron garnet or permalloy57{59. Nevertheless, microscopic analysis of spin pumping into bismuth has not been performed. The dependence of the spin pumping on the crystal and band structure of bis- muth remains unclear. This study aims at a microscopic analysis of spin in- jection due to spin pumping into an anisotropic Dirac electron system, such as bismuth, and investigates the dependence of spin pumping on the band structure. We consider a bilayer system comprising an anisotropic Dirac electron system and a ferromagnetic insulator where a microwave is applied (see Fig. 1). The eect of the inter- face is treated by proximity exchange coupling between the Dirac electron spins and the localized spins of the ferromagnetic insulator34{44. We calculate the Gilbert damping enhancement due to spin pumping from the fer- romagnetic insulator into the Dirac electron system up to the second perturbation of the interfacial exchange cou- pling. For illustarion, we calculate the enhancement of the Gilbert damping for an anisotropic Dirac system in bismuth. This paper is organized as follows: Sec. II describes the model. Sec. III shows the formulation of the Gilbert damping enhancement and discuss the eect of the inter- facial randomness on spin pumping. Sec. IV summarizes the results and demonstration of the Gilbert damping enhancement in bismuth. Sec. V presents the conclu- sion. The Appendices show the details of the calcula- tion. Appendix A denes the magnetic moment of elec- trons in a Dirac electron system. Appendix B provides the detailed formulation of the Gilbert damping modu- lation, and Appendix C presents the detailed derivation of Gilbert damping modulation. II. MODEL We consider a bilayer system composed of an anisotropic Dirac electron system and a ferromagnetic insulator under a static magnetic eld. We evaluate a microscopic model whose Hamiltonian is given as ^HT=^HD+^HFI+^Hex; (1) where ^HD,^HFI, and ^Hexrepresent an anisotropic Dirac electron system, a ferromagnetic insulator, and an inter- facial exchange interaction, respectively. A. Anisotropic Dirac system The following Wol Hamiltonian models the anisotropic Dirac electron system46,47,50: ^HD=X kcy k( ~kv2+ 3)ck; (2)where 2 (6= 0) is the band gap, cy k(ck) is the electrons' four-component creation (annihilation) operator, and v is the velocity operator given by vi=P wiwith wibeing the matrix element of the velocity operator. = (x;y;z) are the Pauli matrices in the spin space and= (1;2;3) are the Pauli matrices specifying the conduction and valence bands. For this anisotropic Dirac system, the Matsubara Green function of the electrons is given by gk(in) =in+ ~~k2+ 3 (in+)2 2 k; (3) wheren= (2n+ 1)=is the fermionic Matsubara fre- quencies with nbeing integers, (>) is the chem- ical potential in the conduction band ~kis dened by ~k=~k=kv, andkis the eigenenergy given by k=p 2+ (~kiwi)2=q 2+~2~k2: (4) The density of state of the Dirac electrons per unit cell per band and spin is givcen by () =n 1 DX k;( k); (5) =jj 22~3s 2 2 3detij(jj ); (6) wherenDis the number of unit cells in the system and ij is the inverse mass tensor near the bottom of the band, which characterize the band structure of the anisotropic Dirac electron system: ij=1 ~2@2k @ki@kj k=0=1 X wiwj: (7) The spin operator can be dened as ^sq=X kcy k q=2sck+q=2; (8) si=m Mi3;(i=x;y;z ); (9) whereMiare the matrix elements of the spin magnetic moment given as50,51 Mi=
=2: (10) The detailed derivation of the spin magnetic moment can be found in Appendix A. B. Ferromagnetic insulator The bulk ferromagnetic insulator under a static mag- netic eld is described by the quantum Heisenberg model as ^HFI= 2JX hi;jiSiSj gBhdcX iSX i; (11)3 FIG. 2. Relation between the original coordinates ( x;y;z ) and the magnetization-xed coordinates ( X;Y;Z ). The direction of the ordered localized spin hSi0is xed to the the polar angle and is the azimuthal angle. whereJis an exchange interaction, gis g-factor of the electrons,Bis the Bohr magnetization, and hi;jirepre- sents the pair of nearest neighbor sites. Here, we have in- troduced a magnetization-xed coordinate ( X;Y;Z ), for which the direction of the ordered localized spin hSi0is xed to the X-axis. The localized spin operators for the magnetization-xed coordinates are related to the ones for the original coordinates ( x;y;z ) as 0 @Sx Sy Sz1 A=R(;)0 @SX SY SZ1 A; (12) whereR(;) =Rz()Ry() is the rotation matrix com- bining the polar angle rotation around the y-axisRy() and the azimuthal angle rotation around the z-axis Rz(), given by R(;) =0 @coscos sinsincos cossincossinsin sin 0 cos 1 A:(13) By applying the spin-wave approximation, the spin op- erators are written as S k=SY kiSZ k=p 2Sbk(by k) and SX k=S by kbkusing magnon creation/annihilation op- erators,by kandbk. Then, the Hamiltonian is rewritten as ^HFI=X k~!kby kbk; (14) where ~!k=Dk2+~!0withD=zJSa2being the spin stiness and zbeing the number of the nearest neighbor sites, and ~!0=gBhdcis the Zeeman energy.C. Interfacial exchange interaction The proximity exchange coupling between the electron spin in the anisotropic Dirac system and the localized spin in the ferromagnetic insulator is modeled by ^Hex=X q;k(Tq;k^s+ qS k+ h.c.); (15) whereTq;kis a matrix element for spin transfer through the interface and ^ s q= ^sY qi^sZ qare the spin ladder operators of the Dirac electrons. According to the re- lation between the original coordinate ( x;y;z ) and the magnetization-xed coordinate ( X;Y;Z ), the spin oper- ators of the Dirac electrons are expressed as 0 @sX sY sZ1 A=R 1(;)0 @sx sy sz1 A; (16) whereR 1(;) =Ry()Rz( ) is given by R 1(;) =0 @coscoscossin sin sin cos 0 sincossinsincos1 A:(17) The spin ladder operators are given by s+=m aiMi; s =m a iMi; (18) whereai(i=x;y;z ) are dened by 0 @ax ay az1 A=0 @ sin+isincos cos+isinsin icos1 A: (19) III. FORMULATION Applying a microwave to the ferromagnetic insulator includes the localized spin's precession. The Gilbert damping constant can be read from the retarded magnon Green function dened by GR k(!) = i ~Z1 0dtei(!+i)th[S+ k(t);S k]i; (20) withS+ k(t) =ei^HT=~S+ ke i^HT=~being the Heisenberg representation of the localized spin, since one can prove that the absorption rate of the microwave is proportional to ImGR k=0(!) (see also Appendix B). By considering the second-order perturbation with respect to the matrix el- ement for the spin transfer Tq;k, the magnon Green func- tion is given by34{44 GR 0(!) =2S=~ (! !0) +i(+)!: (21) Here, we introduced a term, i!, in the denominator to express the spin relaxation within a bulk FI, where4 indicates the strength of the Gilbert damping. The enhancement of the damping, , is due to the adjacent Dirac electron system, calculated by =2S ~!X qjTq;0j2ImR q(!); (22) whereR q(!) is the retarded component of the spin sus- ceptibility (dened below). We assume that the FMR peak described by Im GR k=0(!) is suciently sharp, i.e., +1. Then, the enhancement of the Gilbert damp- ing can be regarded as almost constant around the peak (!'!0), allowing us to replace !inwith!0. The retarded component of the spin susceptibility for the Dirac electrons: R q(!) =i ~Z1 1dtei(!+i)t(t)h[s+ q(t);s q]i: (23) The retarded component of the spin susceptibility is derived from the following Matsubara Green function through analytic continuation i!l!~!+i: q(i!l) =Z 0dei!lh^s+ q()^s qi; (24) where!l= 2l= is the bosonic Matsubara frequency withlbeing integers. According to Wick's theorem, the Matsubara representation of the spin susceptibility is given by q(i!l) = 1X k;intr[s+gk+q(in+i!l)s gk(in)];(25) whereP inindicates the sum with respect to the fermionic Matsubara frequency, n= (2+ 1)n=. The imaginary part of the spin susceptibility is given by ImR q(!) = F(;)X kX ;0=1 2+0 622+2 k kk+q h f(0k+q) f(k)i (~! 0k+q+k);(26) wheref() = (e( )+ 1) 1is the Fermi distribution function,=is a band index (see Fig. 3), and F(;) is the dimensionless function which depends on the di- rection of the ordered localized spin, dened by F(;) =2m 2X aiMia jMj: (27) For detailed derivation, see Appendix C. In this paper, we model the interfacial spin transfer as a combination of the clean and dirty processes. The former corresponds to the momentum-conserved spin transfer and the latter to the momentum-nonconserved one41,44. By averaging over the position of the localized spin at FIG. 3. Schematic illustration of the band structure of the anisotropic Dirac electron system. The red band represents the conduction band with = +, and the blue band repre- sents the valence band with = . The chemical potential is in the conduction band. the interface, we can derive the matrix elements of the interfacial spin-transfer process as jTq;0j2=T2 1q;0+T2 2; (28) whereT1andT2are the averaged matrix elements con- tributing to the clean and dirty processes, respectively. Then, the enhancement of the Gilbert damping is given by =2S ~!F(;)n T1Im ~R uni(!0) +T2Im ~R loc(!0)o ; (29) whereR uni(!) andR uni(!) are the local and uniform spin susceptibilities dened by ~R loc(!0) =F 1(;)X qR q(!0); (30) ~R uni(!0) =F 1(;)R 0(!0); (31) respectively. From Eq. (26), their imaginary parts are calculated as Im ~R loc(!0) = n2 DZ d()(+~!0) 1 2+22+2 6(+~!0)h f(+~!0) f()i ; (32) Im ~R uni(!0) = nD ~!0 2~2!2 0 42 3~2!2 0 h f(~!0 2) f( ~!0 2)i : (33) The enhancement of the Gilbert damping, , depends on the direction of the ordered localized spin through the5 FIG. 4. FMR frequency dependence of the (a) local and (b) uniform spin susceptibilities. The local spin sus- ceptibility is normalized by n2 D2 0and scaled by 106, and the uniform spin susceptibility is normalized by nD0with 01=22~3p detij. Note that kBis the Boltzmann con- stant. The line with kBT= = 0:001 is absent in (a) because the local spin susceptibility approaches zero at low tempera- ture. dimensionless function F(;) regardless of the interfa- cial condition. By contrast, the FMR frequency dependence of re-
ects the interfacial condition; for a clean interface, it is determined mainly by Im R uni(!0), whereas for a dirty interface, it is determined by Im R loc(!0). The FMR fre- quency dependence of the local and uniform spin sus- ceptibilities, Im R loc(!0) and ImR uni(!0), are plotted in Figs. 4 (a) and (b), respectively. The local and uniform spin susceptibilities are normalized by n2 D2 0andnD0, respectively, where 01=22~3p detijis dened. In the calculation, the ratio of the chemical potential to the energy gap was set to ='4:61, which is the value in the bismuth46. According to Fig. 4 (a), the local spin sus- ceptibility increases linearly with the frequency !in the low-frequency region. This !-linear behavior can be re- produced analytically for low temperatures and ~!: Im ~loc(!0)'~!0 2n2 D[()]2 1 +22+2 32 :(34)Fig. 4 (b) indicates a strong suppression of the uniform spin susceptibility below a spin-excitation gap ( !0<2). This feature can be checked by its analytic form at zero temperature: Im ~R uni(!0) =nD ~!0 2~2!2 0 42 3~2!2 0(~!0 2): (35) Thus, the FMR frequency dependence of the enhance- ment of the Gilbert damping depends on the interfacial condition. This indicates that the measurement of the FMR frequency dependence may provide helpful infor- mation on the randomness of the junction. IV. RESULT We consider bismuth, which is one of the anisotropic Dirac electron systems45,46,52,60,61. The crystalline struc- ture of pure bismuth is a rhombohedral lattice with the space group of R3msymmetry, see Figs. 5 (a) and (b). It is reasonable to determine the Cartesian coordinate system in the rhombohedral structure using the trigonal axis withC3symmetry, the binary axis with C2symme- try, and the bisectrix axis, which is perpendicular to the trigonal and binary axes. Hereafter, we choose the x-axis as the binary axis, the y-axis as the bisectrix axis, and thez-axis as the trigonal axis. Note that the trigonal, bi- nary, and bisectrix axes are denoted as [0001], [1 210], and [1010], respectively, where the Miller-Bravais indices are used. The bismuth's band structure around the Fermi surface consists of three electron ellipsoids at L-points and one hole ellipsoid at the T-point. It is well known that the electron ellipsoids are the dominant contribu- tion to the transport phenomena since electron's mass is much smaller than that of the hole, see Fig. 5 (c). Therefore, the present study considers only the electron systems at the L-points. The electron ellipsoids are sig- nicantly elongated, with the ratio of the major to minor axes being approximately 15 : 1. Each of the three elec- tron ellipsoids can be converted to one another with 2 =3 rotation around the trigonal axis. The electron ellipsoid along the bisectrix axis is labeled as e1, and the other two-electron ellipsoids are labeled e2 ande3. The in- verse mass tensor for the e1 electron ellipsoids is given by $ e1=0 B@10 0 024 0431 CA: (36) The inverse mass tensor of the electron ellipsoids e2 and e3 are obtained by rotating that of e1 by 2=3 rotation6 as below: $ e2;e3=1 40 BB@1+ 32p 3(1 2)2p 34 p 3(1 2) 31+2 24 2p 34 24 431 CCA: (37) Let us express the dimensionless function F(;) rep- resenting the localized spin direction dependence of the damping enhancement on the inverse mass tensors. F(;) =2m 2X h (sin2+ sin2cos2)M2 x +(cos2+ sin2sin2)M2 y + cos2(M2 z sin 2MxMy) + sin 2Mz(Mxcos+Mysin)i : (38) Here, we use the following calculations: X M2 x=2 4(yyzz 2 yz)total=2 4m2?;(39) X M2 y=2 4(zzxx 2 zx)total=2 4m2?;(40) X M2 z=2 4(xxyy 2 xy)total=2 4m2k;(41) X MiMj=2 4(ikjk ijkk)total= 0;(42) wherei;j;k are cyclic. ()totalrepresents the summa- tion of the contributions of the three electron ellipsoids, and k, ?(>0) are the total Gaussian curvature of the three electron ellipsoids normalized by the electron mass m, given by k= 3m212; (43) ?=3 2m2[(1+2)3 2 4]: (44) Hence, the dimensionless function Fis given by F() = (1 + sin2)?+ cos2k: (45) The results suggest that the variation of the damping enhancement depends only on the polar angle , which is the angle between the direction of the ordered localized spinhSi0and the trigonal axis. It is also found that the dependence of the damping enhancement originates from the anisotropy of the band structure. The dimensionless functionF() is plotted in Fig. 6 by varying the ratio of the total Gaussian curvatures x= ?=k, which cor- responds to the anisotropy of the band structure. Fig- ure 6 shows that the -dependence of the damping en- hancement decreases with smaller xand the angular de- pendence vanishes in an isotropic Dirac electron system BinaryBisectrixTrigonal e�e�e�(c) Binary(x)(a) Bisectrix(y)Trigonal(z) BinaryBisectrixTrigonal(b)FIG. 5. (a) The rhombohedral lattice structure of bismuth. Thex-axis,y-axis, andz-axis are chosen as the binary axis withC2symmetry, the bisectrix axis, and the trigonal axis withC3symmetry, respectively. The yellow lines represents the unit cell of the rhombohedral lattice. (b) The rhombohe- dral structure viewed from the trigonal axis. (c) Schematic illustration of the band structure at the Fermi surface. The three electron ellispoids at L-points are dominant contribu- tion to the spin transport. x= 1. Bismuth is known to have a strongly anisotropic band structure. The magnitude of the matrix elements of the inverse mass 1-4was experimentally determined as m1= 806,m2= 7:95,m3= 349, and m4= 37:6. The total Gaussian curvatures are evaluated as46 k'1:92104; (46) ?'4:24105: (47) The ratio of the total Gaussian curvature is estimated asx'22:1. Therefore, the damping enhancement is expected to depend strongly on the polar angle in a bi- layer system composed of single-crystalline bismuth and ferromagnetic insulator. Conversely, the -dependence of the damping enhancement is considered to be suppressed for polycrystalline bismuth. The damping enhancement is independent of the az- imuthal angle . Therefore, it is invariant even on ro- tating the spin orientation around the trigonal axis. The reason is that the azimuthal angular dependence of the damping enhancement cancels out when the contribu- tions of the three electron ellipsoids are summed over, although each contribution depends on the azimuthal an- gle. The azimuthal angular dependence of the damping enhancement is expected to remain when strain breaks the in-plane symmetry. Additionally, suppose the spin can be injected into each electron ellipsoid separately, e.g., by interfacial manipulation of the bismuth atoms. In that case, the damping enhancement depends on the azimuthal angle of the spin orientation of the ferromag- netic insulator39. This may be one of the probes of the electron ellipsoidal selective transport phenomena.7 - /2 0 /2 theta1.01.52.0damping_modulation FIG. 6. The -dependence of the damping enhancement for dierent x. The ratio of the total Gaussian curvatures x= ?=krepresents the anisotropy of the band structure. The blue line with x= 22:1 corresponds to the damping en- hancement in single-crystalline bismuth, and the other lines correspond to that in the weakly anisotropic band structure. As can be seen from the graph, the -dependence of the damp- ing enhancement decreases as the more weakly anisotropic band structure, and the angular dependence turns out to van- ish in an isotropic Dirac electron system with x= 1. It is also noteworthy that the damping enhancement varies according to the ordered localized spin direction with both clean and dirty interfaces; that is independent of whether momentum is conserved in interfacial spin transport. Conversely, it was reported that the spin ori- entation dependence of the damping enhancement due to the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction turned out to vanish by interfacial inhomogeneity42,43. V. CONCLUSION We theoretically studied spin pumping from a ferro- magnetic insulator to an anisotropic Dirac electron sys- tem. We calculated the enhancement of the Gilbert damping in the second perturbation concerning the prox- imity interfacial exchange interaction by considering the interfacial randomness. For illustration, we calcu- lated the enhancement of the Gilbert damping for an anisotropic Dirac system realized in bismuth. We showed that the Gilbert damping varies according to the polar angle between the ordered spin hSi0and the trigonal axis of the Dirac electron system whereas it is invariant in its rotation around the trigonal axis. Our results indicate that the spin pumping experiment can provide helpful in- formation on the anisotropic band structure of the Dirac electron system. The Gilbert damping is invariant in the rotation around the trigonal axis because the contributions of each electron ellipsoid depend on the in-plane direction of theordered spinhSi0. Nevertheless, the total contribution becomes independent of the rotation of the trigonal axis after summing up the contributions from the three elec- tron ellipsoids that are related to each other by the C3 symmetry of the bismuth crystalline structure. If the spin could be injected into each electron ellipsoid separately, it is expected that the in-plane direction of the ordered localized spin would in
uence the damping enhancement. This may be one of the electron ellipsoid selective spin in- jection probes. The in-plane direction's dependence will also appear when a static strain is applied. A detailed discussion of these eects is left as a future problem. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank A. Yamakage and Y. Ominato for helpful and enlightening discussions. The continued support of Y. Nozaki is greatly appreciated. We also thank H, Nakayama for the daily discussions. This work was partially supported by JST CREST Grant No. JPMJCR19J4, Japan. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI for Grants (Nos. 20H01863, 20K03831, 21H04565, 21H01800, and 21K20356). MM was sup- ported by the Priority Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grant No. XDB28000000. Appendix A: Magnetic moment of electrons in Dirac electron system In this section, we dene the spin operators in the Dirac electron systems. The Wol Hamiltonian around the L point is given by HD=3 2v, where vi=P wiwithwibeing the matrix component of the velocity vectors and =p+e cAis the momen- tum operator including the vector potential. It is rea- sonable to determine the magnetic moment of electrons in an eective Dirac system as the coecient of the Zee- man term. The Wol Hamiltonian is diagonalized by the Schrieer-Wol transformation up to v= as below: eiHDe i' +1 2(v)2 3; (A1) where=1 2vis chosen to erase the o-diagonal matrix for the particle-hole space. We can proceed cal- culation as follows: (v)2=ijwiwj(+i
); = (iwi)2+i 2
[]iijkwjwk; = +~e cMiBi ; (A2) where we used ( ) =e~ cirAandMiis dened as Mi=1 2
: (A3)8 Finally, we obtain eiHDe i' +$ 2 Bis;i; (A4) wheres;iis a magnetic moment of the Dirac electrons dened as s;i= ~e 2cMi3= ~e 2cMi 0 0 : (A5) In the main text, we dened the spin operator sas the magnetic moment sdivided by the Bohr magnetization B=~e=2mc, i.e., si= s;i B=m Mi 0 0 : (A6) For an isotropic Dirac system, the matrix component is given bywi=viand Eq. (A6) reproduces the well- known form of the spin operator s=g 2 0 0 ; (A7) whereg= 2m=mis the eective g-factor with m= =v2being eective mass. Appendix B: Linear Response Theory In this section, we brie
y explain how the microwave absorption rate is written in terms of the uniform spincorrelation function. The Hamiltonian of an external circular-polarized microwave is written as ^Hrf= gBhrf 2X i(S ie i!t+S+ iei!t) = gBhrfpnF 2(S 0e i!t+S+ 0ei!t); (B1) wherehrfis an amplitude of the magnetic eld of the microwave, S kare the Fourier transformations dened as S k=1pnFX iS ie ikRi; (B2) andRiis the position of the locazed spin i. Using the lin- ear response theory with respect to ^Hrf, the expectation value of the local spin is calculated as hS+ 0i!=GR 0(!)gBhrfpnF 2; (B3) whereGR k(!) is the spin correlation function dened in Eq. (20). Since the microwave absorption is determined by the dissipative part of the response function, it is proportional to Im GR 0(!), that reproduces a Lorentzian- type FMR lineshape. As explained in the main text, the change of the linewidth of the microwave absorption, , gives information on spin excitation in the Dirac system via the spin susceptibility as shown in Eq. (22). Appendix C: Spin susceptibility of Dirac electrons In this section, we give detailed derivation of Eq. (26). The trace part in Eq. (25) is calculated as tr[s+gk+q(in+i!l)s gk(in)] =[(in+i!l+)(in+) + 2]tr[s+s ] tr[s+~(~k+~q)s ~~k] [(in+i!l+)2 2 k+q][(in+)2 2 k]; (C1) where ( ~k+~q)= (k+q)v. Using the following relations tr[s+s ] =2m 2X aiMia jMj; (C2) tr[s+~(~k+~q)s ~~k] =2m 2X (2aiMi~~ka jMj~~k ~2~k2aiMia jMj); (C3) the spin susceptibility is given by q(i!l) = 2F(;)X k 1X in(in+i!l+)(in+) + 2+~2~k2=3 [(in+i!l+)2 2 k+q][(in+)2 2 k]; (C4) where we dropped the terms proportional to ~k~k(6=) because they vanish after the summation with respect to the wavenumber k. Here, we introduced a dimensionless function, F(;) = (2m=)2P aiMia jMj, which9 depends on the direction of the magnetization of the FI. Representing the Matsubara summation as the following contour integral, we derive q(i!l) = 2F(;)X kIdz 4itanh(z ) 2z(z+i!l) + 2+~2~k2=3 [(z+i!l)2 2 k+q][z2 2 k]; (C5) = 2F(;)X kIdz 2if(z)z(z+i!l) + 2+~2~k2=3 [(z+i!l)2 2 k+q][z2 2 k]; (C6) We note that tanh( (z )=2) has poles at z=in+and is related to the Fermi distribution function f(z) as tanh[(z )=2] = 1 2f(z). Using the following identities 1 z2 2 k=1 2kX = z k; (C7) z z2 2 k=1 2X =1 z k; (C8) the spin susceptibility is given by q(i!l) =F(;)X kIdz 2if(z)X ;0=" 1 2+(2+~2~k2=3)0 2kk+q# 1 z k1 z+i!l 0k+q; (C9) =F(;)X kX ;0=1 2+0 622+2 k kk+qf(0k+q) f(k) i!l 0k+q+k: (C10) By the analytic continuation i!l=~!+i, we derive the retarded spin susceptibility as below: R q(!) =F(;)X kX ;0=1 2+0 622+2 k kk+qf(0k+q) f(k) ~!+i 0k+q+k: (C11) The imaginary part of the spin susceptibility is given by ImR q(!) = F(;)X kX ;0=1 2+0 622+2 k kk+qh f(0k+q) f(k)i (~! 0k+q+k): (C12) From this expression, Eqs. (32) and (33) for the imaginary parts of the uniform and local spin susceptibilities can be obtained by replacing the sum with respect to kandwith an integral over the energy as follows: n 1 DX k;A(k)!Zd3~k (2)3p 3detijA(k) =Z1 1d()A(); (C13) whereAis an arbitrary function. Note that the Jacobian of the transformation from kto~kis given by det( dki=d~kj) = 1=p 3detij. 1B. Heinrich, K. B. Urquhart, A. S. 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microwave irradiation to an adjacent ferromagnetic insulator theoretically. We
formulate the Gilbert damping enhancement due to the spin current flowing into
the Dirac electron system using second-order perturbation with respect to the
interfacial exchange coupling. As an illustration, we consider the anisotropic
Dirac system realized in bismuth to show that the Gilbert damping varies
according to the magnetization direction in the ferromagnetic insulator. Our
results indicate that this setup can provide helpful information on the
anisotropy of the Dirac electron system. | Spin Pumping into Anisotropic Dirac Electrons | 2206.04899v1 |
1 Structural Phase Dependent Giant Interfacial Spin Transparency in W/CoFeB Thin Film Heterostructure Surya Narayan Panda, Sudip Majumder, Arpan Bhattacharyya, Soma Dutta, Samiran Choudhury and Anjan Barman* Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Sciences, S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Block JD, Sector-III, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700 106, India *E-mail: Keywords: (Thin Film Heterostructures, Interface Properties, Spin Pumping, Spin Transparency, Spin-Mixing Conductance, Gilbert Damping, Time-resolved Magneto-optical Kerr Effect) Abstract Pure spin current has transfigured the energy-efficient spintronic devices and it has the salient characteristic of transport of the spin angular momentum. Spin pumping is a potent method to generate pure spin current and for its increased efficiency high effective spin-mixing conductance ( Geff) and interfacial spin transparency ( T) are essential. Here, a giant T is reported in Sub/W( t)/Co20Fe60B20(d)/SiO2(2 nm) heterostructures in beta-tungsten (β-W) phase by employing all-optical time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect technique. From the variation of Gilbert damping with W and CoFeB thicknesses, the spin diffusion length of W and spin- mixing conductances are extracted. Subsequently, T is derived as 0.81 ± 0.03 for the β- W/CoFeB interface. A sharp variation of Geff and T with W thickness is observed in consonance with the thickness-dependent structural phase transition and resistivity of W. The spin memory loss and two-magnon scattering effects are found to have negligible contributions to damping modulation as opposed to spin pumping effect which is reconfirmed from the invariance of damping with Cu spacer layer thickness inserted between W and CoFeB. The observation of giant interfacial spin transparency and its strong dependence on crystal structures of W will be important for pure spin current based spin-orbitronic devices. 2 1. Introduction The rapid emergence of spintronics has promised a new paradigm of electronics based on the spin degree of freedom either associated with the charge or by itself.[1-3] This has potential advantages of non-volatility, reduced electrical power consumption, increased data processing speed, and increased integration densities as opposed to its semiconductor counterpart.[4] A major objective of modern spintronics is to harness pure spin current, which comprises of flow of spins without any net flow of charge current.[5, 6] This has the inherent benefit of reduced Joule heating and Oersted fields together with the ability to manipulate magnetization . Three major aspects of spin current are its generation, transport, and functionalization. Pure spin current can be generated by spin-Hall effect,[7,8] Rashba-Edelstein effect,[9,10] spin pumping,[11- 13] electrical injection in a lateral spin valve using a non-local geometry,[14,15] and spin caloritronic effects.[16,17] Among these, spin pumping is an efficient and extensively used method of spin injection from ferromagnet (FM) into normal metal (NM) where the precessing spins from FM transfer spin angular momentum to the conduction electrons of adjacent NM layer in NM/FM heterostructure, which gets dissipated by spin-flip scattering. The efficiency of spin pumping is characterized by spin-mixing conductance and spin diffusion length. The dissipation of spin current into the NM layer results in loss of spin angular momentum in the FM layer leading to an increase in its effective Gilbert damping parameter ( αeff). Thus, spin pumping controls the magnetization dynamics in NM/FM heterostructures, which is crucial for determining the switching efficiency of spin-torque based spintronic devices. The enhancement in αeff is more prominent in heavy metals (HM) with high spin-orbit coupling (SOC) due to stronger interaction between electron spin and lattice. Intense research in the field of spin- orbitronics has revealed that interface dependent spin transport is highly influenced by the spin transparency, which essentially determines the extent of spin current diffused through the NM/FM interface.[18,19] 3 The highly resistive β-W, which shows a distorted tetragonal phase commonly referred to as A15 structure, is well known for exhibiting large spin Hall angle (SHA) (up to ~0.50) [20] as compared to other transition metal elements such as Pt (0.08) [21] and β-Ta (0.12).[7] Besides, in W/FM heterostructures, W leads to highly stable perpendicular magnetic anisotropy[22] and interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction.[23] Another important characteristic associated with W is that it shows a thickness-dependent phase transition in the sub-10 nm thickness regime.[24,25] In general, sputter-deposited W films with thickness well below 10 nm are found to have β phase with high resistivity, whereas the films with thickness above 10 nm possess predominantly α phase (bcc structure) with low resistivity. A small to moderate SHA has been reported for the α and mixed (α + β) phase (<0.2) of W.[24] As SHA and effective spin-mixing conductance ( Geff) are correlated, one would expect that interfacial spin transparency ( T), which is also a function of Geff, should depend on the structural phase of W thin films. Furthermore, the magnitude of the spin-orbit torque (SOT) depends on the efficiency of spin current transmission (i.e. T) across the NM/FM interface. It is worth mentioning that due to high SOC strength, W is a good spin-sink material and also cost-effective in comparison with the widely used NM like Pt. On the other hand, CoFeB due to its notable properties like high spin polarization, large tunnel magnetoresistance, and low intrinsic Gilbert damping, is used as FM electrode in magnetic tunnel junctions. The presence of Boron at the NM/CoFeB interface makes this system intriguing as some recent studies suggest that a small amount of boron helps in achieving a sharp interface and increases the spin polarization, although an excess of it causes contamination of the interface. To this end, determination of T of the technologically important W/CoFeB interface and its dependence on the W-crystal phase are extremely important but still absent in the literature. Besides spin pumping, there are different mechanisms like spin memory loss (SML),[26] Rashba effect,[10] two-magnon scattering (TMS),[27] and interfacial band hybridization[28] which may also cause loss of spin angular momentum at NM/FM interface, resulting in increase of αeff and 4 decrease of the spin transmission probability. However, for improved energy efficiency, the NM/FM interface in such engineered heterostructures must possess high spin transmission probability. Consequently, it is imperative to get a deeper insight into all the mechanisms involved in generation and transfer of spin current for optimizing its efficiency. Here, we investigate the effects of spin pumping on the Gilbert damping in W/CoFeB bilayer system as a function of W-layer thickness using recently developed all-optical technique, which is free from delicate micro-fabrication and electrical excitation and detection.[29] This is a local and non-invasive method based on time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect (TR-MOKE) magnetometry. Here, the damping is directly extracted from the decaying amplitude of time- resolved magnetization precession, which is free from experimental artifacts stemming from multimodal oscillation, sample inhomogeneity, and defects. From the modulation of damping with W layer thickness, we have extracted the intrinsic spin-mixing conductance ( G↑↓) of the W/CoFeB interface which excludes the backflow of spin angular momentum and spin diffusion length(𝜆௦ௗ) of W. Furthermore, we have modeled the spin transport using both the ballistic transport model[30, 31] and the model based on spin diffusion theory[32,33]. Subsequently, Geff, which includes the backflow of spin angular momentum, is estimated from the dependence of damping on the CoFeB layer thicknesses. By using both the spin Hall magnetoresistance model[34] and spin transfer torque based model utilizing the drift-diffusion approximation[35], we have calculated the T of W/CoFeB interface. The spin Hall magnetoresistance model gives lower value of T than the drift-diffusion model, but the former is considered more reliable as the latter ignores the spin backflow. We found a giant value of T exceeding 0.8 in the β phase of W, which exhibits a sharp decrease to about 0.6 in the mixed (α+β) phase using spin Hall magnetoresistance model. We have further investigated the other possible interface effects in our W/CoFeB system, by incorporating a thin Cu spacer layer of varying thickness between the W and CoFeB layers. Negligible modulation of damping with Cu thickness confirms the 5 dominance of spin pumping generated pure spin current and its transport in the modulation of damping in our system. 2. Results and Discussion Figure 1 (a) shows the grazing incidence x-ray diffraction (GIXRD) patterns of Sub/W(t)/Co20Fe60B20(3 nm)/SiO 2(2 nm) heterostructures at the glancing angle of 2o. In these plots, the peaks corresponding to α and β phase of W are marked. The high-intensity GIXRD peak at ∼44.5° and low intensity peak at ∼64° correspond primarily to the β phase (A15 structure) of W (211) and W(222) orientation, respectively. Interestingly, we find these peaks to be present for all thicknesses of W, but when t > 5 nm, then an additional peak at ∼40.1° corresponding to α-W with (110) crystal orientation appears. Consequently, we understand that for t ≤ 5 nm, W is primarily in β-phase, while for t > 5 nm a fraction of the α phase appears, which we refer to as the mixed (α+β) phase of W. These findings are consistent with some existing literature.[24,25] Some other studies claimed that this transition thickness can be tuned by carefully tuning the deposition conditions of the W thin films.[36] The average lattice constants obtained from the β-W peak at 44.5o and α-W peak at 40.1o correspond to about 4.93 and 3.15 Å, respectively. By using the Debye-Scherrer formula, we find the average crystallite size in β and α phase of W to be about 14 and 7 nm, respectively. It is well known that the formation of β-W films is characterized by large resistivity due to its A-15 structure which is associated with strong electron-phonon scattering, while the α-W exhibits comparatively lower resistivity due to weak electron-phonon scattering. We measured the variation of resistivity of W with its thickness across the two different phases, using the four-probe method. The inverse of sheet resistance ( Rs) of the film stack as a function of W thickness is plotted in Figure 1(b). A change of the slope is observed beyond 5 nm, which indicates a change in the W resistivity. The data have been fitted using the parallel resistors model[24] (shown in Figure S1 of the Supporting Information). [37] We estimate the average 6 resistivity of W ( ρW) in β and mixed (α+β) phase to be about 287 ± 19 and 112 ± 14 µΩ.cm, respectively, while the resistivity of CoFeB (ρCoFeB) is found to be 139 ± 16 μΩ.cm. Thus, the resistivity results corroborate well with those of the XRD measurement. The AFM image of Sub/W ( t)/Co20Fe60B20 (3 nm)/SiO 2 (2 nm) (t = 1, 5 and 10 nm) samples in Figure 1(c) revealed the surface topography. We have used WSxM software to process the images.[38] The variation in the average surface roughness of the films with W thickness is listed in Table 1. The roughness varies very little when measured at various regions of space of the same sample. The surface roughness in all samples is found to be small irrespective of the crystal phase of W. Due to the small thicknesses of various layers in the heterostructures, the interfacial roughness is expected to show its imprint on the measured topographical roughness. We thus understand that the interfacial roughness in these heterostructures is very small and similar in all studied samples. Details of AFM characterization is shown in Figure S2 of the Supporting Information.[37] 2.1. Principles behind the modulation of Gilbert damping with layer thickness: In an NM/FM bilayer magnetic damping can have various additional contributions, namely two-magnon scattering, eddy current, and spin pumping in addition to intrinsic Gilbert damping. Among these, the spin pumping effect is a non-local effect, in which an external excitation induces magnetization precession in the FM layer. The magnetization precession causes a spin accumulation at the NM/FM interface. These accumulated spins carry angular momentum to the adjacent NM layer, which acts as a spin sink by absorbing the spin current by spin-flip scattering, leading to an enhancement of the Gilbert damping parameter of FM. In 2002, Tserkovnyak and Brataas theoretically demonstrated the spin pumping induced enhancement in Gilbert damping in NM/FM heterostructures using time-dependent adiabatic scattering theory where magnetization dynamics in the presence of spin pumping can be described by a modified Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation as: [11-13] 7 ௗ𝒎 ௗ௧= −𝛾(𝒎×𝑯eff)+𝛼0(𝒎×ௗ𝒎 ௗ௧)+ఊ VMೞ𝑰௦ (1) where γ is the gyromagnetic ratio, Is is the total spin current, Heff is the effective magnetic field, α0 is intrinsic Gilbert damping constant, V is the volume of ferromagnet and Ms is saturation magnetization of the ferromagnet. As shown in equation (2), Is generally consists of a direct current contribution 𝑰𝒔𝟎 which is nonexistent in our case as we do not apply any charge current, 𝑰𝒔𝒑𝒖𝒎𝒑, i.e. spin current due to pumped spins from the FM to NM and 𝑰𝒔𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌, i.e. a spin current backflow to the FM reflecting from the NM/substrate interface which is assumed to be a perfect reflector. 𝑰𝒔=𝑰𝒔𝟎+𝑰𝒔pump+𝑰𝒔back (2) Here, 𝑰𝒔𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌 is determined by the spin diffusion length of the NM layer. Its contribution to Gilbert damping for most metals with a low impurity concentration is parametrized by a backflow factor β which can be expressed as:[39] 𝛽=൭2𝜋𝐺↑↓ටఌ ଷtanhቀ௧ ఒೞቁ൱ିଵ (3) where ε is the material-dependent spin-flip probability, which is the ratio of the spin-conserved to spin-flip scattering time. It can be expressed as: [40] 𝜀= (𝜆𝜆௦ௗ⁄)ଶ3⁄ (4) where λel and λsd are the electronic mean free path and spin diffusion length of NM, respectively. The spin transport through NM/FM interface directly depends on the spin-mixing conductance, which is of two types: (a) G↑↓, which ignores the contribution of backflow of spin angular momentum, and (b) Geff, which includes the backflow contribution. Spin-mixing conductance describes the conductance property of spin channels at the interface between NM and FM. Also, spin transport across the interface affects the damping parameter giving rise to αeff of the system 8 that can be modeled by both ballistic and diffusive transport theory. In the ballistic transport model, the αeff is fitted with the following simple exponential function:[30,31,39] 𝐺eff=𝐺↑↓൬1−𝑒ିమ ഊೞ൰=ସగdM ఓಳ(𝛼eff−𝛼) (5) 𝛥𝛼=𝛼eff−𝛼=ఓಳீ↑↓൭ଵିషమ ഊೞ൱ ସdMeff (6) Here, the exponential term signifies backflow spin current contribution and a factor of 2 in the exponent signifies the distance traversed by the spins inside the NM layer due to reflection from the NM/substrate interface. In the ballistic approach, the resistivity of NM is not considered while the NM thickness is assumed to be less than the mean free path. To include the effect of the charge properties of NM on spin transport, the model based on spin diffusion theory is used to describe αeff (t). Within this model, the additional damping due to spin pumping is described as:[32,33,36] 𝐺eff=ீ↑↓ ቆଵାమഐഊೞಸ↑↓ ୡ୭୲୦ቀ௧ఒೞൗቁቇ=ସగdM ఓಳ(𝛼eff−𝛼) (7) ∆𝛼=𝛼eff−𝛼=ఓಳீ↑↓ ସగdMቆଵା మഐഊೞಸ↑↓ ୡ୭୲୦ቀ௧ఒೞൗቁቇ (8) where ρ is the electrical resistivity of the W layer. Here the term మఘఒೞீ↑↓ cothቀ𝑡𝜆௦ௗൗቁ account for the back-flow of pumped spin current into the ferromagnetic layer. The reduction of spin transmission probability implies a lack of electronic band matching, intermixing, and disorder at the interface. The spin transparency, T of an NM/FM interface takes into account all such effects that lead to the electrons being reflected from the interface instead of being transmitted during transport. Further, T depends on both intrinsic and extrinsic interfacial factors, such as band-structure mismatch, Fermi velocity, interface imperfections, etc.[19,39] According to the spin Hall magnetoresistance model, the spin current density that 9 diffuses into the NM layer is smaller than the actual spin current density generated via the spin pumping in the FM layer. This model linked T with 𝐺eff by the following relation:[34,39] 𝑇=ீeff tanh൬ మഊೞ൰ ீeff coth൬ ഊೞ൰ା మഊೞమഐ (9) The interfacial spin transparency was also calculated by Pai et al. in the light of damping-like and field-like torques utilizing the drift-diffusion approximation. Here, the effects of spin backflow are neglected as it causes a reduction in the spin torque efficiencies. Assuming t ≫ λ and a very high value of d, T can be expressed as:[35] 𝑇=ଶீ↑↓ீಿಾ⁄ ଵାଶீ↑↓ீಿಾ⁄ (10) where, 𝐺ேெ= ఘఒೞమ is the spin conductance of the NM layer. In an NM/FM heterostructure, other than spin pumping, there is a finite probability to have some losses of spin angular momentum due to interfacial depolarization and surface inhomogeneities, known as SML and TMS, respectively. In SML, loss of spin angular momentum occurs when the atomic lattice at the interface acts as a spin sink due to the magnetic proximity effect or due to the interfacial spin-orbit scattering which could transfer spin polarization to the atomic lattice.[26] The TMS arises when a uniform FMR mode is destroyed and a degenerate magnon of different wave vector is created.[27] The momentum non- conservation is accounted for by considering a pseudo-momentum derived from internal field inhomogeneities or secondary scattering. SML and TMS may contribute to the enhancement of the Gilbert damping parameter considerably. Recently TMS is found to be the dominant contribution to damping for Pt-FM heterostructures.[41] In the presence of TMS and SML effective Gilbert damping can be approximated as:[41] αeff = α0 + αSP + αSML + αTMS ∆𝛼=𝛼eff−𝛼= 𝑔𝜇ீeff ା ீೄಾಽ ସdM+𝛽்ெௌ𝑑ିଶ (11) 10 where 𝐺ௌெ is the “effective SML conductance”, and βTMS is a “coefficient of TMS” that depends on both interfacial perpendicular magnetic anisotropy field and the density of magnetic defects at the FM surfaces. 2.2. All-optical measurement of magnetization dynamics: A schematic of the spin pumping mechanism along with the experimental geometry is shown in Figure 2(a). A typical time-resolved Kerr rotation data for the Sub/Co 20Fe60B20(3 nm)/SiO 2(2 nm) sample at a bias magnetic field, H = 2.30 kOe is shown in Figure 2(b) which consists of three different temporal regimes. The first regime is called ultrafast demagnetization, where a sharp drop in the Kerr rotation (magnetization) of the sample is observed immediately after femtosecond laser excitation. The second regime corresponds to the fast remagnetization where magnetization recovers to equilibrium by spin-lattice interaction. The last regime consists of slower relaxation due to heat diffusion from the lattice to the surrounding (substrate) superposed with damped magnetization precession. The red line in Figure 2(b) denotes the bi-exponential background present in the precessional data. We are mainly interested here in the extraction of decay time from the damped sinusoidal oscillation about an effective magnetic field and its modulation with the thickness of FM and NM layers. We fit the time-resolved precessional data using a damped sinusoidal function given by: 𝑀(𝑡)=𝑀(0)𝑒ିቀ ഓቁsin(2π𝑓𝑡+𝜑) (12) where τ is the decay time, φ is the initial phase of oscillation and f is the precessional frequency. The bias field dependence of precessional frequency can be fitted using the Kittel formula given below to find the effective saturation magnetization ( Meff): 𝑓=ఊ ଶ(𝐻(𝐻+4π𝑀eff))ଵ/ଶ (13) where γ = gµB/ħ, g is the Landé g-factor and ћ is the reduced Planck’s constant. From the fit, Meff and g are determined as fitting parameters. For these film stacks, we obtained effective 11 magnetization, Meff ≈ 1200 ± 100 emu/cc, and g = 2.0 ± 0.1. The comparison between Meff obtained from the magnetization dynamics measurement and Ms from VSM measurement for various thickness series are presented systematically in Figures S3-S5 of the Supporting Information.[37] For almost all the film stacks investigated in this work, Meff is found to be close to Ms, which indicates that the interface anisotropy is small in these heterostructures. We estimate αeff using the expression: [42] 𝛼eff=1 γτ(𝐻+2π𝑀eff) (14) where τ is the decay time obtained from the fit of the precessional oscillation with equation (12). We have plotted the variation of time-resolved precessional oscillation with the bias magnetic field and the corresponding fast Fourier transform (FFT) power spectra in Figure S6 of the Supporting Information.[37] The extracted values of αeff are found to be independent of the precession frequency f. Recent studies show that in presence of extrinsic damping contributions like TMS, αeff should increase with f, while in presence of inhomogeneous anisotropy in the system αeff should decrease with f.[43] Thus, frequency-independent αeff rules out any such extrinsic contributions to damping in our system. 2.3. Modulation of the Gilbert damping parameter: In Figure 3 (a) we have presented time-resolved precessional dynamics for Sub/W(t)/Co20Fe60B20(3 nm)/SiO 2(2 nm) samples with 0 ≤ t ≤ 15 nm at H = 2.30 kOe. The value of α0 for the 3-nm-thick CoFeB layer without the W underlayer is found to be 0.006 ± 0.0005. The presence of W underlayer causes αeff to vary non monotonically over the whole thickness regime as shown by the αeff vs. t plot in Figure 3(b). In the lower thickness regime, i.e. 0 ≤ t ≤ 3 nm, Δ α increases sharply by about 90% due to spin pumping but it saturates for t ≥ 3 nm. However, for t > 5 nm, Δ α drops by about 30% which is most likely related to due to the thickness-dependent phase transition of W. At first, we have fitted our result for t ≤ 5 nm with equation (6) of the ballistic transport model and determined G↑↓ = (1.46 ± 0.01) × 1015 cm- 12 2 and λsd = 1.71 ± 0.10 nm as fitting parameters. Next, we have also fitted our results with equation (8) based on spin diffusion theory, where we have obtained G↑↓ = (2.19 ± 0.02) × 1015 cm-2 and λsd = 1.78 ± 0.10 nm. The value of G↑↓ using spin diffusion theory is about 28% higher than that of ballistic model while the value of λsd is nearly same in both models. Using values for λel (about 0.45 nm for W) from the literature[44] and λsd derived from our experimental data, we have determined the spin-flip probability parameter, ε = 2.30 × 10−2 from equation (4). To be considered as an efficient spin sink, a nonmagnetic metal must have ε ≥ 1.0 × 10-2 and hence we can infer that the W layer acts as an efficient spin sink here.[13] The backflow factor β can be extracted from equation (3). We have quantified the modulation of the backflow factor (Δ β) to be about 68% within the experimental thickness regime. To determine the value of 𝐺eff directly from the experiment, we have measured the time- resolved precessional dynamics for Sub/W (4 nm)/Co 20Fe60B20 (d)/SiO2 (2 nm) samples with 1 nm ≤ d ≤ 10 nm at H = 2.30 kOe as shown in Figure 4(a). The αeff is found to increase with the inverse of FM layer thickness ( Figure 4(b)). We have fitted our results first with equation (5), from which we have obtained 𝐺eff and 𝛼 to be (1.44 ± 0.01) × 1015 cm-2 and 0.006 ± 0.0005, respectively. By modelling the W thickness dependent modulation of damping of Figure 3(b) using equation (5), we have obtained 𝐺eff of W/CoFeB in β-phase (where ∆𝛼 ≈ 0.006) and α+β-mixed phase (where ∆𝛼 ≈ 0.004) of W to be (1.44 ± 0.01) × 1015 cm-2 and (1.07 ± 0.01) × 1015 cm-2, respectively. From these, we conclude that β-phase of W has higher conductance of spin channels in comparison to the α+β-mixed phase. The variation of 𝐺eff with W layer thickness is presented in Figure 5(a), which shows that 𝐺eff increases non monotonically and nearly saturates for t ≥ 3 nm. For t > 5 nm, 𝐺eff shows a sharp decrease in consonance with the variation of αeff. We have further fitted the variation of αeff with the inverse of FM layer thickness ( Figure 4(b)) using with equation (11) to isolate the contributions from SML, TMS and spin pumping (SP). 13 The values of 𝐺ௌெ , and βTMS are found to be (2.45 ± 0.05) × 1013 cm-2 and (1.09 ± 0.02) × 10- 18 cm2, respectively. 𝐺ௌெ is negligible in comparison with 𝐺eff which confirms the absence of SML contribution in damping. Contribution of TMS to damping modulation ( 𝛽்ெௌ𝑑ଶ) is also below 2% for all the FM thicknesses. The relative contributions are plotted in Figure 5(b). It is clear that spin pumping contribution is highly dominant over the SML and TMS for our studied samples. The value of our 𝐺eff in β-W/CoFeB is found to be much higher than that obtained for β-Ta/CoFeB[39] measured by all-optical TRMOKE technique as well as various other NM/FM heterostructures measured by conventional techniques as listed in Table 2. This provides another confirmation of W being a good spin sink material giving rise to strong spin pumping effect. We subsequently investigate the value of T for W/CoFeB interface, which is associated with the spin-mixing conductances of interface, spin diffusion length, and resistivity of NM as denoted in equations (9) and (10). T is an electronic property of a material that depends upon electronic band matching of the two materials on either side of the interface. After determining the resistivity, spin diffusion length and spin-mixing conductances experimentally, we have determined the value of T which depends strongly on the structural phase of W. Using equation (9) based on the spin-Hall magnetoresistance model, Tβ-W and T(α+β)-W are found to be 0.81 ± 0.03 and 0.60 ± 0.02, respectively. On the other hand, equation (10) of spin transfer torque based model utilizing the drift-diffusion approximation gives Tβ-W and T(α+β)-W to be 0.85 ± 0.03 and 0.63 ± 0.02, respectively, which are slightly higher than the values obtained from spin-Hall magnetoresistance model. However, we consider the values of T obtained from the spin-Hall magnetoresistance model to be more accurate as it includes the mandatory contribution of spin current backflow from W layer into the CoFeB layer. Nevertheless, our study clearly demonstrates that the value of spin transparency of the W/CoFeB interface is the highest reported among the NM/FM heterostructures as listed in Table 2. This high value of T, combined with the high spin Hall angle of β-W makes it an extremely useful material for pure 14 spin current based spintronic and spin-orbitronic devices. The structural phase dependence of T for W also provides a particularly important guideline for choosing the correct thickness and phase of W for application in the above devices. Finally, to directly examine the additional possible interfacial effects present in the W/CoFeB system, we have introduced a copper spacer layer of a few different thicknesses between the W and CoFeB layers. Copper has very small SOC and spin-flip scattering parameters and it shows a very high spin diffusion length. Thus, a thin copper spacer layer should not affect the damping of the FM layer due to the spin pumping effect but can influence the other possible interface effects. Thus, if other interface effects are substantial in our samples, the introduction of the copper spacer layer would cause a notable modulation of damping with the increase of copper spacer layer thickness ( c).[19,39] The time-resolved Kerr rotation data for the Sub/W(4 nm)/Cu(c)/Co20Fe60B20(3 nm)/SiO 2(2 nm) heterostructures with 0 ≤ c ≤ 1 nm are presented in Figure 6(a) at H = 2.30 kOe and Figure 6(b) shows the plot of αeff as a function of c. The invariance of αeff with c confirms that the interface of Cu/CoFeB is transparent for spin transport and possible additional interfacial contribution to damping is negligible, which is in agreement with our modelling as shown in Figure 5(b). 3. Conclusion In summary, we have systematically investigated the effects of thickness-dependent structural phase transition of W in W( t)/CoFeB( d) thin film heterostructures and spin pumping induced modulation of Gilbert damping by using an all-optical time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect magnetometer. The W film has exhibited structural phase transition from a pure β phase to a mixed (α + β) phase for t > 5 nm. Subsequently, β-W phase leads to larger modulation in effective damping ( αeff) than (α+β)-W. The spin diffusion length of W is found to be 1.71 ± 0.10 nm, while the spin pumping induced effective spin-mixing conductance 𝐺eff is found to be (1.44 ± 0.01) × 1015 cm-2 and (1.07 ± 0.01) × 1015 cm-2 for β and mixed (α+β) phase of W, 15 respectively. This large difference in 𝐺eff is attributed to different interface qualities leading towards different interfacial spin-orbit coupling. Furthermore, by analyzing the variation of αeff with CoFeB thickness in W (4 nm)/CoFeB (d)/SiO2 (2 nm), we have isolated the contributions of spin memory loss and two-magnon scattering from spin pumping, which divulges that spin pumping is the dominant contributor to damping. By modeling our results with the spin Hall magnetoresistance model, we have extracted the interfacial spin transparency ( T) of β- W/CoFeB and (α + β)-W/CoFeB as 0.81 ± 0.03 and 0.60 ± 0.02, respectively. This structural phase-dependent T value will offer important guidelines for the selection of material phase for spintronic applications. Within the framework of ballistic and diffusive spin transport models, the intrinsic spin-mixing conductance ( G↑↓) and spin-diffusion length ( λsd) of β-W are also calculated by studying the enhancement of αeff as a function of β-W thickness. Irrespective of the used model, the value of T for W/CoFeB interface is found to be highest among the NM/FM interfaces, including the popularly used Pt/FM heterostructures. The other possible interface effects on the modulation of Gilbert damping are found to be negligible as compared to the spin pumping effect. Thus, our study helps in developing a deep understanding of the role of W thin films in NM/FM heterostructures and the ensuing spin-orbit effects. The low intrinsic Gilbert damping parameter, high effective spin-mixing conductance combined with very high interface spin transparency and spin Hall angle can make the W/CoFeB system a key material for spin- orbit torque-based magnetization switching, spin logic and spin-wave devices. 4. Experimental Section/Methods 4.1. Sample Preparation Thin films of Sub/W( t)/Co20Fe60B20(d)/SiO2(2 nm) were deposited by using RF/DC magnetron sputtering system on Si (100) wafers coated with 285 nm-thick SiO 2. We varied the W layer thickness as t = 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 and 15 nm and CoFeB layer thickness as d = 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10 nm. The depositions were performed at an average base pressure of 1.8 × 10-7 Torr 16 and argon pressure of about 0.5 mTorr at a deposition rate of 0.2 Å/s. Very slow deposition rates were chosen for achieving a uniform thickness of the films even at a very thin regime down to sub-nm. The W and CoFeB layers were deposited using average DC voltages of 320 and 370 V, respectively, while SiO 2 was deposited using average RF power of 55 watts. All other deposition conditions were carefully optimized and kept almost identical for all samples. In another set of samples, we introduced a thin Cu spacer layer in between the CoFeB and W layers and varied its thickness from 0 nm to 1 nm. The Cu layer was deposited at a DC voltage of 350 V, argon pressure of 0.5 mTorr and deposition rate of 0.2 Ǻ/s. 4.2. Characterization Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to investigate the surface topography and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM) was used to characterize the static magnetic properties of these heterostructures. Using a standard four-probe technique the resistivity of the W films was determined and grazing incidence x-ray diffraction (GIXRD) was used for investigating the structural phase of W. To study the magnetization dynamics, we used a custom-built TR- MOKE magnetometer based on a two-color, collinear optical pump-probe technique. Here, the second harmonic laser pulse (λ = 400 nm, repetition rate = 1 kHz, pulse width >40 fs) of an amplified femtosecond laser, obtained using a regenerative amplifier system (Libra, Coherent) was used to excite the magnetization dynamics, while the fundamental laser pulse (λ = 800 nm, repetition rate = 1 kHz, pulse width ~40 fs) was used to probe the time-varying polar Kerr rotation from the samples. The pump laser beam was slightly defocused to a spot size of about 300 µm and was obliquely (approximately 30° to the normal on the sample plane) incident on the sample. The probe beam having a spot size of about 100 µm was normally incident on the sample, maintaining an excellent spatial overlap with the pump spot to avoid any spurious contribution to the Gilbert damping due to the dissipation of energy of uniform precessional mode flowing out of the probed area. A large enough magnetic field was first applied at an angle of about 25° to the sample plane to saturate its magnetization. This was followed by a 17 reduction of the magnetic field to the bias field value ( H = in-plane component of the bias field) to ensure that the magnetization remained saturated along the bias field direction. The tilt of magnetization from the sample plane ensured a finite demagnetizing field along the direction of the pump pulse, which was modified by the pump pulse to induce a precessional magnetization dynamics in the sample. The pump beam was chopped at 373 Hz frequency and the dynamic Kerr signal in the probe pulse was detected using a lock-in amplifier in a phase- sensitive manner. The pump and probe fluences were kept constant at 10 mJ/cm2 and 2 mJ/cm2, respectively, during the measurement. All the experiments were performed under ambient conditions at room temperature. Acknowledgements AB gratefully acknowledges the financial assistance from the S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences (SNBNCBS), India under Project No. SNB/AB/18-19/211. SNP, SM and SC acknowledge SNBNCBS for senior research fellowship. ArB acknowledges SNBNCBS for postdoctoral research associateship. SD acknowledges UGC, Govt of India for junior research fellowship. 18 References: [1] C. Chappert, A. Fert, F. 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(b) Experimental result of variation damping with t (symbol) fitted with theoretical models (solid and dashed lines) of spin pumping. Two different regions corresponding to W crystal phase, namely β and α+β are shown. 25 Figure 4. (a) Background subtracted time-resolved Kerr rotation data showing precessional oscillation for Sub/W (4 nm)/Co 20Fe60B20 (d)/SiO2 (2 nm) as function of Co 20Fe60B20 thickness d at an applied bias magnetic field of 2.30 kOe. (b) Experimental result of variation of damping vs 1/d (symbol) fitted with theoretical models (solid and dashed lines). 26 Figure 5. (a) Variation of effective spin-mixing conductance( 𝐺eff ) with W layer thickness t (symbol). The solid line is guide to the eye. (b) Contributions of SP, SML and TMS to the modulation of damping for different Co 20Fe60B20 layer thickness d (symbol). The solid line is guide to the eye. 0 2 4 6 8 10039095100 SP TMS SML Damping (%) d (nm) 0 2 4 8 12 Geff (1015 cm-2) t (nm)(a) (b) 27 Figure 6. (a) Background subtracted time-resolved Kerr rotation data showing precessional oscillation for Sub/W(4 nm)/Cu( c)/Co20Fe60B20(3 nm)/SiO 2(2 nm) as function of Cu layer thickness c at an applied bias magnetic field of 2.30 kOe. (b) Experimental result of variation of damping vs c. The dotted line is guide to the eye, showing very little dependence of damping on Cu layer thickness. 28 Table 1. The average surface roughness values of Sub/W ( t)/Co20Fe60B20 (3 nm)/SiO 2 (2 nm) samples obtained using AFM. Table 2. Comparison of the effective spin-mixing conductance and interfacial spin transparency of the W/CoFeB samples studied here with the important NM/FM interfaces taken from the literature. Material Interface Effective Spin-Mixing Conductance (×1015 cm-2) Interfacial Spin Transparency Pt/Py 1.52 [19] 0.25 [19] Pt/Co 3.96 [19] 0.65 [19] Pd/CoFe 1.07 [31] N.A. Pt/FM 0.6-1.2 [35] 0.34-0.67 [35] β-Ta/CoFeB 0.69 [39] 0.50 [39] β-Ta/ CFA 2.90 [40] 0.68 [40] Pd0.25Pt0.75/Co 9.11 [41] N.A. Au0.25Pt0.75/Co 10.73 [41] N.A. Pd/Co 4.03 [41] N.A. Pd0.25Pt0.75/FeCoB 3.35 [41] N.A. Au0.25Pt0.75/ FeCoB 3.64 [41] N.A. Gr/Py 5.26 [45] N.A. Ru/Py 0.24 [46] N.A. Pt/YIG 0.3-1.2 [47] N.A. MoS2/CFA 1.49 [48] 0.46 [48] Pd/Fe 0.49-1.17 [49] 0.04-0.33 [49] Pd/Py 1.40 [50] N.A. Mo/CFA 1.56 [51] N.A. MoS2/CoFeB 16.11 [52] N.A. Ta/YIG 0.54 [53] N.A. W/YIG 0.45 [53] N.A. Cu/YIG 0.16 [53] N.A. Ag/YIG 0.05 [53] N.A. Au/YIG 0.27 [53] N.A. β-W/CoFeB 1.44 (This work) 0.81 (This work) Mixed(α+β)-W/CoFeB 1.07 (This work) 0.60 (This work) ((N.A. = Not available)) t (nm) 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2 3 5 8 10 15 Roughness (nm) 0.23 0.21 0.32 0.28 0.25 0.21 0.19 0.29 0.28 0.22 29 Supporting Information Structural Phase Dependent Giant Interfacial Spin Transparency in W/CoFeB Thin Film Heterostructure Surya Narayan Panda, Sudip Majumder, Arpan Bhattacharyya, Soma Dutta, Samiran Choudhury and Anjan Barman* Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Sciences, S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Block JD, Sector-III, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700 106, India E-mail: This file includes: 1. Determination of resistivity of W and Co 20Fe60B20 layers. 2. Measurement of surface roughness of the sample using AFM. 3. Determination of saturation magnetization of the samples from static and dynamic measurements. 4. Variation of effective damping with precessional frequency. 1. Determination of resistivity of W and CoFeB layers : The variation of sheet resistance ( Rs) of the W( t)/Co20Fe60B20(3 nm) film stack with W layer thickness, t is shown in Figure S1 . The data is fitted with a parallel resistor model (Ref. 24 of the article) by the formula given in the inset of the figure. This yields the resistivity of W in its β and (α+β) phase as: 287 ± 19 µΩ.cm and 112 ± 14 µΩ.cm, respectively. On the other hand, the resistivity of Co 20Fe60B20 is found to be 139 ± 16 µΩ.cm. 30 Figure S1. Variation of sheet resistance ( Rs) of the W ( t)/ Co20Fe60B20(3 nm) film stack vs. W thickness t used for the determination of resistivity of the W and Co 20Fe60B20 layers. 2. Measurement of surface roughness of the sample using AFM: We have measured the surface topography of Sub/W ( t)/Co20Fe60B20 (3 nm)/SiO 2 (2 nm) thin films by atomic force microscopy (AFM) in dynamic tapping mode by taking scan over 10 μm × 10 μm area. We have analyzed the AFM images using WSxM software. Figures S2 (a) and S2(d) show two-dimensional planar AFM images for t = 1 nm and 10 nm, respectively. Figures S2(b) and S2(e) show the corresponding three-dimensional AFM images for t = 1 nm and 10 nm, respectively. The dotted black lines on both images show the position of the line scans to obtain the height variation. Figures S2 (c) and S2(f) show the surface roughness profile along that dotted lines, from which the average roughness ( Ra) is measured as 0.32 ± 0.10 nm and 0.28 ± 0.12 nm for t = 1 nm and 10 nm, respectively. Topographical roughness is small and constant within the error bar in all samples irrespective of the crystal phase of W. Furthermore, surface roughness varies very little when measured at different regions of same sample. The interfacial roughness is expected to show its imprint on the measured topographical roughness 0 3 10 150200400 Rs(Ω) t(nm)(ρW)β= 287 µΩ.cm (ρW)α+β= 112 µΩ.cm = 139 µΩ.cm 31 due to the small thickness of our thin films. Small and constant surface roughness in these heterostructures proves the high quality of the thin films. Figure S2. (a) The two-dimensional AFM image, (b) the three-dimensional AFM image, and (c) the line scan profile along the black dotted line for W(1 nm)/ Co 20Fe60B20(3 nm) /SiO 2(2 nm) sample. (d) The two-dimensional AFM image, (e) the three-dimensional AFM image, and (f) the line scan profile along the black dotted line for W(10 nm)/ Co 20Fe60B20(3 nm) /SiO 2(2 nm) sample. 3. Determination of saturation magnetization of the samples from static and dynamic magnetic measurements : We have measured the in-plane saturation magnetization ( Ms) of all the W( t)/ Co20Fe60B20(d)/SiO2(2 nm) samples using vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). Typical magnetic hysteresis loops (magnetization vs. magnetic field) for W( t)/ Co20Fe60B20(3 nm)/SiO 2(2 nm), W(4 nm)/ Co 20Fe60B20(d)/SiO2(2 nm) and W(4 nm)/Cu( c)/ Co20Fe60B20(3 32 nm)/SiO 2(2 nm) series are plotted in Figures S3 (a), S4(a) and S5(a), respectively. Here, Ms is calculated from the measured magnetic moment divided by the total volume of the Co 20Fe60B20 layer. These films have very small coercive field (~5 Oe). The effective magnetization Meff of the samples are obtained by fitting the bias magnetic field ( H) dependent precessional frequency (f) obtained from the TR-MOKE measurements, with the Kittel formula (equation (13) of the article) (see Figures S3 (b), S4(b) and S5(b)). We have finally plotted the variation of Meff and Ms with W, Co 20Fe60B20, and Cu thickness in Figures S3 (c), S4(c), and S5(c), respectively. The Meff and Ms values are found to be in close proximity with each other, indicating that the interfacial anisotropy is small for all these samples. Since these films were not annealed post- deposition, the interfacial anisotropy stays small and plays only a minor role in modifying the magnetization dynamics for these heterostructures. Figure S3. (a) VSM loops for W( t)/ Co20Fe60B20(3 nm)/SiO 2(2 nm). (b) Kittel fit (solid line) to experimental data (symbol) of precessional frequency vs. magnetic field for W( t)/ Co20Fe60B20(3 nm)/SiO 2( 2 nm) samples. (c) Comparison of variation of Ms from VSM and Meff from TR-MOKE as a function of W layer thickness. 0 4 8 12 16500100015002000 t (nm)Ms (emu/cc) 500100015002000 Meff (emu/cc)-100001000 -100001000 -0.4 0.0 0.4-100001000 t =1 nm t = 8 nm H (kOe)t = 15 nm M (emu/cc)141618 141618 1.5 2.0 2.5141618 t = 1 nm t = 8 nm t = 15 nm f (GHz) H (kOe) (a) (b) (c) 33 Figure S4. (a) VSM loops for W(4 nm)/ Co 20Fe60B20(d)/SiO2(2 nm). (b) Kittel fit (solid line) to experimental data (symbol) of precessional frequency vs. magnetic field for W(4 nm)/ Co20Fe60B20(d)/SiO2(2 nm) samples. (c) Comparison between variation of Ms from VSM and Meff from TR-MOKE as a function of Co 20Fe60B20 layer thickness. Figure S5. (a) VSM loops for W(4 nm)/Cu( c)/ Co20Fe60B20(3 nm)/SiO 2(2 nm). (b) Kittel fit (solid line) to experimental data (symbol) of precessional frequency vs. magnetic field for W(4 nm)/ Cu(c)/ Co20Fe60B20(3 nm)/SiO 2(2 nm) samples. (c) Comparison between variation of Ms from VSM and Meff from TR-MOKE as a function of Cu layer thickness. 0 3 6 9500100015002000 d (nm)Ms (emu/cc) 500100015002000 Meff (emu/cc)141618 141618 1.5 2.0 2.514161820 f (GHz) H (kOe)d = 10 nmd = 5 nmd = 2 nm -100001000 -100001000 -0.3 0.0 0.3-100001000 d = 5 nmd = 2 nm d = 10 nmM (emu/cc) H (kOe) (a) (b) (c) 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00500100015002000 c (nm)Ms (emu/cc) 500100015002000 Meff (emu/cc)141618 141618 1.5 2.0 2.5141618 f (GHz) H (kOe)c = 1 nmc = 0.5 nmc = 0 nm -100001000 -100001000 -0.4 0.0 0.4-100001000 H (kOe)M (emu/cc) c = 0.5 nmc = 0 nm c = 1 nm (a) (b) (c) 34 4. Variation of effective damping with precessional frequency: For all the sample series the time-resolved precessional oscillations have been recorded at different bias magnetic field strength. The precessional frequency has been extracted by taking the fast Fourier transform (FFT) of the background-subtracted time-resolved Kerr rotation. Subsequently, the time-resolved precessional oscillations have also been fitted with a damped sinusoidal function given by equation (12) of the article to extract the decay time τ. The value of effective Gilbert damping parameter ( αeff) have then been extracted using equation (14). Variation of this αeff with precessional frequency ( f) is plotted to examine the nature of the damping. Here, we have plotted the time-resolved precessional oscillations ( Figure S6( a)), FFT power spectra ( Figure S6( b)) and αeff vs. f (Figure S6( c)) for Sub/W(0.5 nm)/Co 20Fe60B20(3 nm)/SiO 2(2 nm) sample. It is clear from this data that damping is frequency independent, which rules out the contribution of various extrinsic factors such as two-magnon scattering, inhomogeneous anisotropy, eddy current in the damping for our samples. Figure S6. (a) Background subtracted time-resolved precessional oscillations at different bias magnetic fields for Sub/W(0.5 nm)/Co 20Fe60B20(3 nm)/SiO 2(2 nm) sample, where symbols represent the experimental data points and solid lines represent fits using equation (12) of the article. (b) The FFT power spectra of the time-resolved precessional oscillations showing the 0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 H = 1.50 kOeH = 1.80 kOeH = 2.10 kOe Kerr Rotation (arb. units) Time (ns)H = 2.30 kOe 0 10 20 30 Power (arb. units) f (GHz)12 14 16 180.0000.0080.016 f (GHz)eff (c) (b) (a) 35 precessional frequency. (c) Variation of effective damping with precessional frequency is shown by symbol and the dotted line is guide to the eye. | 2020-09-29 | Pure spin current has transfigured the energy-efficient spintronic devices
and it has the salient characteristic of transport of the spin angular
momentum. Spin pumping is a potent method to generate pure spin current and for
its increased efficiency high effective spin-mixing conductance (Geff) and
interfacial spin transparency (T) are essential. Here, a giant T is reported in
Sub/W(t)/Co20Fe60B20(d)/SiO2(2 nm) heterostructures in \beta-tungsten (\beta-W)
phase by employing all-optical time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect
technique. From the variation of Gilbert damping with W and CoFeB thicknesses,
the spin diffusion length of W and spin-mixing conductances are extracted.
Subsequently, T is derived as 0.81 \pm 0.03 for the \beta-W/CoFeB interface. A
sharp variation of Geff and T with W thickness is observed in consonance with
the thickness-dependent structural phase transition and resistivity of W. The
spin memory loss and two-magnon scattering effects are found to have negligible
contributions to damping modulation as opposed to spin pumping effect which is
reconfirmed from the invariance of damping with Cu spacer layer thickness
inserted between W and CoFeB. The observation of giant interfacial spin
transparency and its strong dependence on crystal structures of W will be
important for pure spin current based spin-orbitronic devices. | Structural Phase Dependent Giant Interfacial Spin Transparency in W/CoFeB Thin Film Heterostructure | 2009.14143v1 |
arXiv:1107.0753v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 16 Sep 2011Applied Physics Express Minimizationof theSwitchingTime of aSyntheticFreeLayer inThermallyAssistedSpin TorqueSwitching TomohiroTaniguchiandHiroshi Imamura Nanosystem Research Institute, AIST, 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsuku ba 305-8568, Japan Wetheoreticallystudiedthethermallyassistedspintorqu eswitchingofasyntheticfreelayerandshowedthattheswit ching timeisminimizedifthecondition HJ=|Hs|/(2α)issatisfied,where HJ,Hs,andαarethecouplingfieldoftwoferromagnetic layers,theamplitudeofthespintorque,andtheGilbertdam pingconstant, respectively. Wealsoshowed thatthecoupli ng fieldof the synthetic freelayer can be determined from there sonance frequencies of thespin-torque diode effect. Spin random access memory (Spin RAM) using the tun- neling magnetoresistance (TMR) e ffect1,2)and spin torque switching3,4)is one of the important spin-electronicsdevices for future nanotechnology. For Spin RAM application, it is highly desired to realize the magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ ) with high thermal stability ∆0, a low spin-torque switching currentIc, and a fast switching time. Recently, large ther- malstabilitieshavebeenobservedinanti-ferromagnetica lly5) and ferromagnetically6)coupled synthetic free (SyF) layers inMgO-basedMTJs.Inparticular,theferromagneticallyco u- pledSyFlayerisaremarkablestructurebecauseitshowsthe r- malstabilityofmorethan100withalowswitchingcurrent.6) Sincethecouplingbetweenthe ferromagneticlayersinthe SyF layer is indirect exchange coupling, we can systemati- callyvarythesignandstrengthofthecouplingfieldbychang - ing the spacer thickness between the two ferromagnetic lay- ers. As shown in ref.7), the thermal switching probability of theSyFlayerisadoubleexponentialfunctionofthecouplin g field, anda tinychangein the couplingfield cansignificantly increaseordecreasetheswitchingtime.Therefore,itisof in- teresttophysicalsciencetostudythedependenceofthethe r- malswitchingtimeonthecouplingfield. In this paper, we theoretically studied the spin-current- induced dynamics of magnetizations in an SyF layer of an MTJ. We found the optimum condition of the coupling field, whichminimizesthethermallyassistedspintorqueswitchi ng time. We showedthat the couplingfield of the two ferromag- netic layers in the SyF layer can be determined by using the spintorquediodee ffect. Let us first briefly describe the thermal switching of the SyF layer in the weak coupling limit, KV≫JS, where K,J,V, andSare the uniaxial anisotropy energy per unit volume, the coupling energy per unit area, and the volume andcross-sectionalarea of the single ferromagneticlayer ,re- spectively.For simplicity,we assume that all the material pa- rameters of the two ferromagnetic layers (F 1and F2) in the SyF layer are identical. A typical MTJ with an SyF layer is structured as a pinned layer /MgO barrier/ferromagnetic (F 1) layer/nonmagnetic spacer /ferromagnetic (F 2) layer (see Fig. 1), where the F 1and F2layers are ferromagneticallycoupled dueto the interlayerexchangecoupling.6)The F1and F2lay- ers have uniaxial anisotropy along the zaxis and two energy minima at mk=±ez, wheremkis the unit vector pointing in the direction of the magnetization of the F klayer. The spin current injected from the pinned layer to the F 1layer exerts spin torque on the magnetization of the F 1layer.8)Then, the magnetization of the F 1layer switches its direction due to the spin torque,after which the magnetizationof the F 2layerelectron (positive current)p m1 m2Hz xy F1 layer F2 layer spacer MgO pinned layer Fig. 1. Schematic view of the SyF layer. mkandpare the unit vectors pointing in the directions of the magnetizations of the F kand pinned layers, respectively. The positive current is defined as the electro n flow from the pinned layer to the free layer. Hrepresents the applied field. switchesits directiondueto coupling.By increasingthe co u- pling field, the potential height of the F 1(F2) layer for the switching becomes high (low), which makes the switching time of the F 1(F2) layer long (short). Then, a minimum of the totalswitchingtime appearsat a certaincouplingfield, as we shallshowbelow. Theswitchingprobabilityfromtheparallel(P)toantipara l- lel(AP)alignmentofthepinnedandfreelayermagnetizatio ns isgivenby7) P=1−(νF1e−νF2t−νF2e−νF1t)/(νF1−νF2),(1) whereνFk=fFkexp(−∆Fk)istheswitchingrateoftheF klayer. The attempt frequency is given by fFk=f0δk, wheref0= [αγHan/(1+α2)]√∆0/π,δ1=[1−(H+HJ+Hs/α)2/H2 an][1+(H+ HJ+Hs/α)/Han],andδ2=[1−(H−HJ)2/H2 an][1+(H−HJ)/Han].α, γ,H,Han=2K/M,HJ=J/(Md), and∆0=KV/(kBT) are the Gilbert damping constant, gyromagnetic ratio, applied fiel d, uniaxialanisotropyfield,couplingfield,andthermalstabi lity, respectively,and distheferromagneticlayerthickness. ∆Fkis givenby7,9) ∆F1=∆0[1+(H+HJ+Hs/α)/Han]2,(2) ∆F2=∆0[1+(H−HJ)/Han]2. (3) ∆F1is the potential height of the F 1layer before the F 2layer switches its magnetization while ∆F2is the potential height of the F 2layer after the F 1layer switches its magnetization. Hs=/planckover2pi1ηI/(2eMSd) is the amplitude of the spin torque in the unit of the magnetic field, where ηis the spin polariza- tion of the current I. The positive current corresponds to the electron flow from the pinned to the F 1layer; i.e., the nega- tive current I(Hs<0) induces the switching of the F 1layer. The field strengthsshouldsatisfy |H+HJ+Hs/α|/Han<1and |H−HJ|/Han<1becauseeq.(1)isvalidinthethermalswitch- ing region. In particular, |H+HJ+Hs/α|/Han<1 means that |I|<|Ic|. Theeffect of thefield like torqueis neglectedin Eq. (2) because its magnitude, βHswhere the beta term satisfies β<1, is less than 1 Oe in the thermal switching region and 12 Applied Physics Express coupling field, H J (Oe)I=-8, -9, and -10 (μA)solid : P=0.50 dotted : P=0.95 10 (μs)100 (μs)1 (ms)10 (ms)100 (ms)1 (s)switching time 20 40 60 80 100 Fig. 2. Dependences of the switching time at P=0.50 (solid lines) and P=0.95 (dotted lines) on the coupling field HJwith currents I=−8 (yel- low),−9 (blue), and−10 (red)µA. thus,negligible. Figure 2 shows the dependences of the switching times at P=0.50andP=0.95onthecouplingfieldwiththecurrents (a)−8, (b)−9, and (c)−10µA. The valuesof the parameters are taken to beα=0.007,γ=17.32 MHz/Oe,Han=200 Oe,M=995 emu/c.c.,S=π×80×35 nm2,d=2 nm, and T=300 K.6)The values of Handηare taken to be−65 Oe and 0.5,respectively.The value of His chosen so as to make thepotentialheightsfortheswitchinglowasmuchaspossib le (|H+HJ+Hs/α|/Han/lessorsimilar1 and|H−HJ|/Han/lessorsimilar1). As shown in Fig. 2, the switching time is minimized at a certain coupling field. We call this HJas the optimum coupling field for the fast thermallyassisted spintorqueswitching. Letusestimatetheoptimumcouplingfield.Forasmall HJ, the switching time of the F 2layer is the main determinant of the total switching time; thus, eq. (1) canbe approximateda s P≃1−e−νF2t. By increasing HJ,νF2increases and the switch- ing time (∼1/νF2) decreases. Fast switching is achieved for νF2∼νF1in this region. On the other hand, for a large HJ, the switching time of the F 1layer dominates, and eq. (1) is approximated as P≃1−e−νF1t. The switching time ( ∼1/νF1) decreaseswithdecreasing HJ.Fastswitchinginthisregionis also achieved forνF1∼νF2. The switching rate νFkis mainly determined by∆Fk. By putting∆F1=∆F2, the optimum cou- plingfield isobtainedas HJ=|Hs|/(2α). (4) Thisisthemainresultofthispaper.Thevaluesobtainedwit h eq.(4)for I=−8,−9and−10µAare53.7,60.5,and67.2Oe, respectively,whichshowgoodagreementwithFig.2. TheconditionνF1≃νF2meansthatthemoste fficientswitch- ing can be realized when two switching processes of the F 1 and F2layers occur with the same rate. νF1>νF2means that the magnetization of the F 1layer can easily switch due to a largespintorque.However,thesystemshouldstayinthisst ate for a long time because of a small switching rate of the F 2 layer. On the otherhand, when νF1<νF2, it takes a longtime to switch the magnetization of the F 1layer. Thus, when νF1 andνF2are different, the system stays in an unswitched state of the F 1or F2layer for a long time, and the total switching timebecomeslong.Forthermallyassistedfieldswitching,w e cannot find the optimum condition of the switching time be- cause the switching probabilities of the F 1and F2layers are the same. Factor 2 in eq. (4) arises from the fact that HJaf- fectstheswitchingsofboththeF 1andF2layers,while Hsas- siststhatofonlytheF 1layer.When HJ≪|Hs|/(2α),thetotalswitchingtimeisindependentofthecurrentstrength,beca use thetotalswitchingtimeinthisregionismainlydetermined by theswitchingtimeoftheF 2layer,whichisindependentofthe current. In the strong coupling limit, KV≪JS, two magne- tizations switch simultaneously,7)and the switching time is independentofthecouplingfield. For the AP-to-P switching, the factors δkand∆Fkare given byδ1=[1−(H−HJ+Hs/α)2/H2 an][1−(H− HJ+Hs/α)/Han],δ2=[1−(H+HJ)2/H2 an][1−(H+ HJ)/Han],∆F1= ∆0[1−(H−HJ+Hs/α)/Han]2, and∆F2= ∆0[1−(H+HJ)/Han]2.Inthiscase,apositivecurrent( Hs>0) inducestheswitching.Bysetting ∆F1=∆F2,theoptimumcou- pling field is obtained as HJ=Hs/(2α). Thus, for both P- to-AP and AP-to-Pswitchings, the optimumcouplingfield is expressedas HJ=|Hs|/(2α). Inthecaseoftheanti-ferromagneticallycoupledSyFlayer , H+HJandH−HJineqs.(2)and(3)shouldbereplacedby H+ |HJ|and−H−|HJ|,respectively,wherethesignofthecoupling fieldisnegative( HJ<0).Theoptimumconditionisgivenby |HJ|=−H+|Hs|/(2α),wherethenegativecurrentisassumedto enhancethe switching of the F 1layer. For a sufficiently large positive field H>|Hs|/(2α),this conditioncannot be satisfied becauseνF1isalwayssmallerthan νF2. One might notice that the condition ∆F1= ∆F2for the ferromagnetically coupled SyF layer has another solution |Hs|/(2α)=H+Han, which is independent of the coupling field. We exclude this solution because such HandHscan- not satisfy the conditions for the thermal switching region s |H+HJ+Hs/α|<Hanand|H−HJ|<Hansimultaneously.Sim- ilarly, for the anti-ferromagnetically coupled SyF layer, we excludethesolution |Hs|/(2α)=Hanobtainedfrom∆F1=∆F2. Thenaturalquestionfromtheabovediscussionishowlarge the coupling field is. The coupling field of a large plane film can be determinedfromtwo ferromagneticresonance(FMR) frequencies10,11)corresponding to the acoustic and optical modes,whichdependon HJ. Theantiferromagneticcoupling field can also be determined by the magnetization curve,5) in which finite magnetization appears when the applied field exceeds the saturation field Hs=−2HJ. These methods are, however,not applicable to nanostructuredferromagnetssu ch as the Spin RAM cells becausethe signal intensity is propor- tional to the volume of the ferromagnet, and thus, the inten- sity from the Spin RAM cell is negligibly small. It is desir- able to measure the coupling field of each cell because HJ strongly depends on the surface state and may di ffer signifi- cantlyamongthecellsobtainedfromasinglefilm plane. Here,weproposethatthecouplingfieldcanbedetermined by using the spin torque diode e ffect12–14)of the SyF layer. This method is applicable to a nanostructured ferromagnet, although the basic idea is similar to that of FMR measure- ment. The spin torque diode e ffect is measured by applying an alternating current Ia.c.cos(2πft) to an MTJ, which induces oscillating spin torque on the magnetization of the F 1layer. The free layer magnetizations oscillate due to the oscillat ing spin torque and the coupling, which lead to the oscillation o f the TMR RTMR=RP+(1−p·m1)∆R/2 and the d.c. voltage Vd.c.. Here,∆R=RAP−RP, andRPandRAPcorrespond to the resistancesattheparallelandantiparallelalignmentsof pand m1, respectively. pis the unit vector pointingin the directionApplied Physics Express 3 -0.080.04 0d.c. voltage (mV) current frequency (GHz)0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 single free F coupled SyF AF coupled SyF-0.04 Fig. 3. Dependences of the spin torque diode voltage of the single fr ee layer (solid), the ferromagnetically (F) coupled SyF layer (dotted), and the anti-ferromagnetically (AF) coupled SyF layer (dashed) on the applied cur- rent frequency. ofthepinnedlayermagnetization. Vd.c.isgivenby Vd.c.=1 T/integraldisplayT 0dtIa.c.cos(2πft)−∆R 2p·m1,(5) whereT=1/f. The SyF layer shows large peaksof d.c. volt- age at the FMR frequencies of the acoustic facousticand opti- calfopticalmodes. The couplingfield can be determined from thesefrequencies. The resonancefrequencyof the ferromagneticallycoupled system is obtained as follows. The free energy of the SyF layerisgivenby F MV=−H·(m1+m2)−Han 2/bracketleftBig (m1·ez)2+(m2·ez)2/bracketrightBig +2πM/bracketleftBig (m1·ey)2+(m2·ey)2/bracketrightBig −HJm1·m2,(6) where the first, second, third, and fourth terms are the Zee- manenergy,uniaxialanisotropyenergy,demagnetizationfi eld energy, and coupling energy, respectively. The yandzaxes are normal to the plane and parallel to the easy axis, re- spectively. The applied field, H=H(sinθHex+cosθHez), lies in thexzplane with angleθHfrom the zaxis. The equilib- rium point is located at m1=m2=m(0)=(sinθ0,0,cosθ0), whereθ0satisfiesHsin(θ0−θH)+Hansinθ0cosθ0=0. We employ a new XYZcoordinate in which the YandZaxes are parallel to the yaxis andm(0), respectively, and denote a small component of the magnetization around m(0)asδmk= (mkX,mkY,0).The magnetizationdynamicsis desribedbyus- ing the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation d mk/dt= −γmk×Hk+αmk×(dmk/dt), whereHk=−(MV)−1∂F/∂mk is the field acting on mk. By assuming the oscillating solu- tion (∝e2πi˜ft) ofmkXandmkY, keeping the first-order terms ofmkXandmkY, and neglecting the damping term, the LLG equations can be linearized as M(m1X,m1Y,m2X,m2Y)t=0. The nonzero components of the coe fficient matrix are M11= M22=M33=M44=2πi˜f/γ,M12=M34=[Hcos(θH−θ0)+ Hancos2θ0+HJ+4πM],M21=M43=−[Hcos(θH−θ0)+ Hancos2θ0+HJ], andM14=−M23=M32=−M41=−HJ. The FMR resonance frequencies are obtained under the con- ditiondet[ M]=0,andaregivenby facoustic=γ√h1h2/(2π)and foptical=γ√(h1+2HJ)(h2+2HJ)/(2π), whereh1=Hcos(θH− θ0)+Hancos2θ0andh2=Hcos(θH−θ0)+Hancos2θ0+4πM. HJcan be determined from these frequencies. For the anti- ferromagneticallycoupledsystem, m1/nequalm2inequilibriumin general, and the resonance frequencies are obtained by solv -ingthe4×4matrixequation. Figure 3 showsthe dependencesof the d.c. voltage Vd.c.of the single free layer (solid) and the ferromagnetically (do t- ted) and anti-ferromagnetically (dashed) coupled SyF laye rs on the applied current frequency calculated by solving the LLG equations of the F 1, F2, and pinned layers. The spin torque term,γHsm1×(p×m1)+γβHsp×m1, is added to the LLG equation of the F 1layer. Here the field like torque is taken into account because it a ffects the shape of Vd.c. significantly.12)The magnetic field acting on pis given by Hpin=H−4πMpyey+(Hanpz+Hp)ez, whereHpis the pinning field due to the bottom anti-ferromagnetic layer.6)In Fig. 3, Ia.c.=0.1 mA,∆R=400Ω,H=200 Oe,|HJ|=100 Oe, Hp=2 kOe,θH=30◦andβ=0.3.12)Thefacousticandfoptical oftheferromagneticallycoupledSyFlayerareestimatedto be 5.98and7.50GHz,respectively,whichshowgoodagreement with the peak points in Fig. 3. These results indicate that th e spin torquediode e ffect is useful in determiningthe coupling field. Insummary,wetheoreticallystudiedthedependenceofthe thermally assisted spin torque switching time of a SyF layer onthecouplingfield.Wefoundthattheswitchingtimeismin- imized if the condition of HJ=|Hs|/(2α) is satisfied. We showed that the coupling field can be determined from the resonancefrequencyofthespin torquediodee ffect. The authors would like to acknowledge H. Kubota, T. Saruya, D. Bang, T. Yorozu, H. Maehara, and S. Yuasa of AISTfortheirsupportandthe discussionstheyhadwithus. 1) S.Yuasa,T.Nagahama,A.Fukushima,Y.Suzuki,andK.Ando :Nature Materials 3(2004) 868. 2) S. S. P. Parkin, C. Kaiser, A. Panchula, P. M. Rice, B. Hughe s, M. Samant, and S.H. Yang: Nature Materials 3(2004) 862. 3) J.C.Slonczewski:Phys.Rev.B 39,6995(1989);J.Magn.Magn.Mater. 159(1996) L1. 4) L.Berger: Phys.Rev. B 54(1996) 9353. 5) J.Hayakawa, S.Ikeda,K.Miura,M.Yamanouchi, Y.M.Lee,R .Sasaki, M. Ichimura, K. Ito, T. Kawahara, R. Takemura, T. Meguro, F. M at- sukura, H. Takahashi, H.Matsuoka, and H.Ohno: IEEE.Trans. Magn. 44(2008) 1962. 6) S. Yakata, H.Kubota, T.Sugano, T.Seki, K. Yakushiji, A.F ukushima, S.Yuasa, and K.Ando: Appl. Phys.Lett. 95(2009) 242504. 7) T.Taniguchi and H.Imamura: Phys.Rev. B 83(2011) 054432. 8) Private communication with Hitoshi Kubota. 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Realization of the thermal equilibrium in inhomogeneous magnetic systems by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation with stochastic noise, and its dynamical aspects Masamichi Nishino1and Seiji Miyashita2;3 1Computational Materials Science Center, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0047, Japan 2Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo, Japan 3CREST, JST, 4-1-8 Honcho Kawaguchi, Saitama, 332-0012, Japan (Dated: July 14, 2015) 1arXiv:1507.03075v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 11 Jul 2015Abstract It is crucially important to investigate eects of temperature on magnetic properties such as critical phenomena, nucleation, pinning, domain wall motion, coercivity, etc. The Landau-Lifshitz- Gilbert (LLG) equation has been applied extensively to study dynamics of magnetic properties. Approaches of Langevin noises have been developed to introduce the temperature eect into the LLG equation. To have the thermal equilibrium state (canonical distribution) as the steady state, the system parameters must satisfy some condition known as the
uctuation-dissipation relation. In inhomogeneous magnetic systems in which spin magnitudes are dierent at sites, the condition requires that the ratio between the amplitude of the random noise and the damping parameter depends on the magnitude of the magnetic moment at each site. Focused on inhomogeneous mag- netic systems, we systematically showed agreement between the stationary state of the stochastic LLG equation and the corresponding equilibrium state obtained by Monte Carlo simulations in various magnetic systems including dipole-dipole interactions. We demonstrated how violations of the condition result in deviations from the true equilibrium state. We also studied the characteris- tic features of the dynamics depending on the choice of the parameter set. All the parameter sets satisfying the condition realize the same stationary state (equilibrium state). In contrast, dierent choices of parameter set cause seriously dierent relaxation processes. We show two relaxation types, i.e., magnetization reversals with uniform rotation and with nucleation. PACS numbers: 75.78.-n 05.10.Gg 75.10.Hk 75.60.Ej 2|||||||||||||||||||||||||- I. INTRODUCTION The Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation1has been widely used in the study of dy- namical properties of magnetic systems, especially in micromagnetics. It contains a relax- ation mechanism by a phenomenological longitudinal damping term. The Landau-Lifshitz- Bloch (LLB) equation2contains, besides the longitudinal damping, a phenomenological transverse damping and the temperature dependence of the magnetic moment are taken into account with the aid of the mean-eld approximation. Those equations work well in the region of saturated magnetization at low temperatures. Thermal eects are very important to study properties of magnets, e.g., the amount of spontaneous magnetization, hysteresis nature, relaxation dynamics, and the coercive force in permanent magnets. Therefore, how to control temperature in the LLG and LLB equations has been studied extensively. To introduce temperature in equations of motion, a coupling with a thermal reservoir is required. For dynamics of particle systems which is naturally expressed by the canonical conjugated variables, i.e., ( q;p), molecular dynamics is performed with a Nose-Hoover (NH) type reservoir3{5or a Langevin type reservoir6. However, in the case of systems of magnetic moments, in which dynamics of angular momenta is studied, NH type reservoirs are hardly used due to complexity7. On the other hand, the Langevin type reservoirs have been rather naturally applied2,8{18although multiplicative noise19requires the numerical integration of equations depending on the interpretation, i.e., Ito or Stratonovich type. To introduce temperature into a LLG approach by a Langevin noise, a
uctuation- dissipation relation is used, where the temperature is proportional to the ratio between the strength of the
uctuation (amplitude of noise) and the damping parameter of the LLG equation. For magnetic systems consisting of uniform magnetic moments, the ratio is uniquely given at a temperature and it has been often employed to study dynamical prop- erties, e.g., trajectories of magnetic moments of nano-particles8, relaxation dynamics in a spin-glass system20or in a semiconductor21. The realization of the equilibrium state by stochastic LLG approaches by numerical simulations is an important issue, and it has been conrmed in some cases of the Heisenberg model for uniform magnetic moments.22,23 3In general cases, however, magnetic moments in atomic scale have various magnitudes of spins. This inhomogeneity of magnetization is important to understand the mechanisms of nucleation or pinning.24{28To control the temperature of such systems, the ratio between the amplitude of noise and the damping parameter depends on the magnetic moment at each site. In order to make clear the condition for the realization of the canonical distribution as the stationary state in inhomogeneous magnetic systems, we review the guideline of the derivation of the condition in the Fokker-Planck equation formalism in the Appendix A. Such a generalization of the LLG equation with a stochastic noise was performed to study properties of the alloy magnet GdFeCo29, in which two kinds of moments exist. They ex- ploited a formula for the noise amplitude, which is equivalent to the formula of our condition A (see Sec II). They found surprisingly good agreements of the results between the stochas- tic LLG equation and a mean-eld approximation. However, the properties in the true canonical distribution is generally dierent from those obtained by the mean-eld analysis. The LLG and LLB equations have been often applied for continuous magnetic systems or assemblies of block spins in the aim of simulation of bulk systems, but such treatment of the bulk magnets tend to overestimate the Curie temperature11, and it is still under develop- ment to obtain properly magnetization curves in the whole temperature region2,11,17,18. The in
uence of coarse graining of block spin systems on the thermal properties is a signicant theme, which should be claried in the future. To avoid such a diculty, we adopt a lattice model, in which the magnitude of the moment is given at each magnetic site. Within the condition there is some freedom of the choice of parameter set. In the present paper, in particular, we investigate the following two cases of parameter sets, i.e., case A, in which the LLG damping constant is the same in all the sites and the amplitude of the noise depends on the magnitude of the magnetic moment at each site, and case B, in which the amplitude of the noise is the same in all the sites and the damping constant depends on the magnitude of the moment. (see Sec II.). We conrm the realization of the equilibrium state, i.e., the canonical distribution in various magnetic systems including critical region by comparison of magnetizations obtained by the LLG stochastic approach with those obtained by standard Monte Carlo simulations, not by the mean-eld analysis. We study systems with not only short range interactions but also dipole-dipole interactions, which causes the demagnetizing eld statically. We nd that dierent choices of the parameter set which satises the
uctuation-dissipation relation give the same stationary state (equilibrium state) 4even near the critical temperature. We also demonstrate that deviations from the relation cause systematic and signicant deviations of the results. In contrast to the static properties, we nd that dierent choices of parameter set cause serious dierence in the dynamics of the relaxation. In particular, in the rotation type relaxation in isotropic spin systems, we nd that the dependences of the relaxation time on the temperature in cases A and B show opposite correlations as well as the dependences of the relaxation time on the magnitude of the magnetic moment. That is, the relaxation time of magnetization reversal under an unfavorable external eld is shorter at a higher temperature in case A, while it is longer in case B. On the other hand, the relaxation time is longer for a larger magnetic moment in case A, while it is shorter in case B. We also investigate the relaxation of anisotropic spin systems and nd that the metastability strongly aects the relaxation at low temperatures in both cases. The system relaxes to the equilibrium state from the metastable state by the nucleation type of dynamics. The relaxation time to the metastable state and the decay time of the metastable state are aected by the choice of the parameter set. The outline of this paper is as follows. The model and the method in this study are ex- plained in Sec II. Magnetization processes as a function of temperature in uniform magnetic systems are studied in Sec III. Magnetizations as a function of temperature for inhomoge- neous magnetic systems are investigated in Sec. IV, in which not only exchange interactions (short-range) but also dipole interactions (long-range) are taken into account. In Sec. V dynamical aspects with the choice of the parameter set are considered, and the dependences of the relaxation process on the temperature and on the magnitude of magnetic moments are also discussed. The relaxation dynamics via a metastable state is studied in Sec. VI. Sec. VII is devoted to summary and discussion. In Appendix A the Fokker-Planck equation for inhomogeneous magnetic systems is given both in Stratonovich and Ito interpretations, and Appendix B presents the numerical integration scheme in this study. II. MODEL AND METHOD As a microscopic spin model, the following Hamiltonian is adopted, H= X hi;jiJi;jSiSj X iDA i(Sz i)2 X ihi(t)Sz i+X i6=kC r3 ik SiSk 3(rikSi)(rikSk) r2 ik :(1) 5Here we only consider a spin angular momentum Sifor a magnetic moment Miat each site (iis the site index) and regard Mi=Siignoring the dierence of the sign between them and setting a unit: gB= 1 for simplicity, where gis the g-factor and Bis the Bohr magneton30. Interaction Ji;jbetween the ith andjth magnetic sites indicates an exchange coupling,hi;jidenotes a nearest neighbor pair, DA iis an anisotropy constant for the ith site,hiis a magnetic eld applied to the ith site, and the nal term gives dipole interactions between the ith andkth sites whose distance is ri;k, whereC=1 40is dened using the permeability of vacuum 0. The magnitude of the moment Miis dened as MijMij, which is not necessarily uniform but may vary from site to site. In general, the damping parameter may also have site dependence, i.e., i, and thus the LLG equation at the ith site is given by d dtMi=
MiHe i+i MiMidMi dt; (2) or in an equivalent formula: d dtMi=
1 +2 iMiHe i i
(1 +2 i)MiMi(MiHe i); (3) where
is the gyromagnetic constant. Here He iis the eective eld at the ith site and described by He i= @ @MiH(M1;;MN;t) (4) , which contains elds from the exchange and the dipole interactions, the anisotropy, and the external eld. We introduce a Langevin-noise formalism for the thermal eect. There have been several ways for the formulation to introduce a stochastic term into the LLG equation. The stochas- tic eld can be introduced into the precession term and/or damping term8,9,11. Furthermore, an additional noise term may be introduced10,12. In the present study we add the random noise to the eective eld He i!He i+iand we have d dtMi=
1 +2 iMi(He i+i) i
(1 +2 i)MiMi(Mi(He i+i)); (5) where iis the(=1,2 or 3 for x,yorz) component of the white Gaussian noise applied at theith site and the following properties are assumed: h k(t)i= 0;h k(t) l(s)i= 2Dkkl(t s): (6) 6We call Eq. (5) stochastic LLG equation. We derive a Fokker-Planck equation6,8for the stochastic equation of motion in Eq. (5) in Stratonovich interpretation, as given in appendix A, @ @tP(M1;;MN;t) =X i
1 +2 i@ @Mii MiMi(MiHe i) (7)
DiMi(Mi@ @Mi) P(M1;;MN;t) : Here we demand that the distribution function at the stationary state ( t!1 ) of the equation of motion (Eq. (7)) agrees with the canonical distribution of the system (Eq. (1)) at temperature T, i.e., Peq(M1;;MN)/exp H(M1;;MN) ; (8) where=1 kBT. Considering the relation @ @MiPeq(M1;;MN) =He iPeq(M1;;MN); (9) we nd that if the following relation i Mi
Di= 0 (10) is satised at each site i, the canonical distribution in the equilibrium state is assured. When the magnetic moments are uniform, i.e., the magnitude of each magnetic moment is the same and Mi=jMij=M, the parameters iandDiare also uniform i=and Di=Dfor a given T. However, when Miare dierent at sites, the relation (10) must be satised at each site independently. There are several ways of the choice of the parameters iandDito satisfy this relation. Here we consider the following two cases: A and B. A: we take the damping parameter ito be the same at all sites, i.e., 1=2==N . In this case the amplitude of the random eld at the ith site should be Di= MikBT
/1 Mi: (11) B: we take the amplitude of the random eld to be the same at all sites, i.e., D1=D2= =DND. In this case the damping parameter at the ith site should be i=D
Mi kBT/Mi: (12) 700. 0123456m TFIG. 1: (color online) Comparison of the temperature dependence of min the stationary state between the stochastic LLG method and the Langevin function (green circles). Crosses and boxes denotemin case A ( = 0:05) and case B ( D= 1:0), respectively. In the stochastic LLG simulation t= 0:005 was set and 80000 time steps (40,000 steps for equilibration and 40,000 steps for measurement) were employed. The system size N=L3= 103was adopted. We study whether the canonical distribution is realized in both cases by comparing data obtained by the stochastic LLG method with the exact results or with corresponding data obtained by Monte Carlo simulations. We set the parameters
= 1 andkB= 1 hereafter. III. REALIZATION OF THE THERMAL EQUILIBRIUM STATE IN HOMOGE- NEOUS MAGNETIC SYSTEMS A. Non-interacting magnetic moments As a rst step, we check the temperature eect in the simplest case of non-interacting uniform magnetic moments, i.e., Ji;j= 0,DA i= 0,C= 0 in Eq. (1) and Mi=M(or Si=S), whereandDhave no site i-dependence. In this case the magnetization in a magnetic eld ( h) at a temperature ( T) is given by the Langevin function: m=1 NhNX i=1Sz ii=M cothhM kBT kBT hM! : (13) We compare the stationary state obtained by the stochastic LLG method and Eq. (13). 8We investigate m(T) ath= 2 forM= 1. Figure 1 shows m(T) when= 0:05 is xed (case A) and when D= 1:0 is xed (case B). We nd a good agreement between the results of the stochastic LLG method and the Langevin function in the whole temperature region as long as the relation (10) is satised. Numerical integration scheme is given in Appendix B. The time step of t= 0:005 and total 80000 time steps (40000 steps for equilibration and 40000 steps for measurement) were adopted. B. Homogeneous magnetic moments with exchange interactions Next, we investigate homogenous magnetic moments ( Mi=jMij=M) in three di- mensions. The following Hamiltonian ( C= 0,Ji;j=J,DA i=DA, andh(t) =hin Eq. (1)): H= X hi;jiJSiSj X iDA(Sz i)2 X ihSz i (14) is adopted. There is no exact formula for magnetization ( m) as a function of temperature for this system, and thus a Monte Carlo (MC) method is applied to obtain reference magnetization curves for the canonical distribution because MC methods have been established to obtain nite temperature properties for this kind of systems in the equilibrium state. Here we employ a MC method with the Metropolis algorithm to obtain the temperature dependence of magnetization. In order to check the validity of our MC procedure, we investigated magnetization curves as functions of temperature (not shown) with system-size dependence for the three- dimensional classical Heisenberg model ( DA= 0 andh= 0 in Eq. (14)), and conrmed that the critical temperature agreed with past studies31, wherekBTc= 1:443Jfor the innite system size with M= 1. We givem(T) for a system of M= 2 with the parameters J= 1,h= 2 andDA= 1:0 for cases A and B in Fig 2. The system size was set N=L3= 103and periodic boundary conditions (PBC) were used. Green circles denote mobtained by the Monte Carlo method. At each temperature ( T) 10,000 MC steps (MCS) were applied for the equilibration and following 10,000 50,000 MCS were used for measurement to obtain m. Crosses and boxes denotemin the stationary state of the stochastic LLG equation in case A ( = 0:05) and in case B ( D= 1:0), respectively. Here t= 0:005 was set and 80000 steps (40000 for 900.511.52 0 5 10 15 20 25m TFIG. 2: (color online) Comparison of temperature ( T) dependence of mbetween the Monte Carlo method (green circles) and the stochastic LLG method in the homogeneous magnetic system with M= 2. Crosses and boxes denote case A with = 0:05 and case B with D= 1:0, respectively. transient and 40000 for measurement) were used to obtain the stationary state of m. The m(T) curves show good agreement between the MC method and the stochastic LLG method in both cases. We checked that the choice of the initial state for the MC and the stochastic LLG method does not aect the results. The dynamics of the stochastic LLG method leads to the equilibrium state at temperature T. IV. REALIZATION OF THE THERMAL EQUILIBRIUM STATE IN INHOMO- GENEOUS MAGNETIC SYSTEMS A. Inhomogeneous magnetic moments with exchange interactions Here we study a system which consists of two kinds of magnitudes of magnetic moments. The Hamiltonian (14) is adopted but the moment Mi=jMijhasi-dependence. We investi- gate a simple cubic lattice composed of alternating M= 2 andM= 1 planes (see Fig. 3 (a)), whereJ= 1,h= 2 andDA= 1:0 are applied. We consider two cases A and B mentioned in Sec. II. The reference of m(T) curve was obtained by the MC method and is given by green circles in Figs. 3 (b) and (c). In the simulation, at each temperature ( T) 10,000 MCS were applied for the equilibration and following 10,000 50,000 MCS were used for measurement. 10(a) 00.511.5 05 1 0 1 5 2 0m T(b) 00.511.5 05 1 0 1 5 2 0m T(c)FIG. 3: (color online) (a) A part of the system composed of alternating M= 2 (red long arrows) and M= 1 (short blue arrows) layers. (b) Comparison of temperature ( T) dependence of mbetween the Monte Carlo method (green circles) and the stochastic LLG method for = 0:05. t= 0:005 and 80,000 steps (40,000 for transient time and 40,000 for measurement) were employed. Crosses denote mwhenDi=D(Mi) MikBT
was used. Triangles and Diamonds are mfor Di=D(1) =kBT
for alliandDi=D(2) = 2kBT
for alli, respectively. (c) Comparison of temperature ( T) dependence of mbetween the Monte Carlo method (green circles) and the stochastic LLG method for D= 1:0. t= 0:005 and 80,000 steps (40,000 for transient time and 40,000 for measurement) were employed. Crosses denote mwheni=(Mi)D
Mi kBTwas used. Triangles are mfori=(Mi= 1) =D
1 kBTfor alliand Diamonds are mfori=(2) =D
2 kBT for alli. 11The system size N=L3= 103was adopted with PBC. In case A, (= 0:05) is common for all magnetic moments in the stochastic LLG method and Mi(orSi) dependence is imposed onDiasDi=D(Mi) MikBT
. In case B, D= 1:0 is common for all magnetic moments in the stochastic LLG method and i=(Mi)D
Mi kBT. Crosses in Figs. 3 (b) and (c) denote mby the stochastic LLG method for cases A and B, respectively. For those simulations t= 0:005 and 80,000 steps (40,000 for transient time and 40,000 for measurement) were employed at each temperature. In both Figs. 3 (b) and (c), we nd good agreement between m(T) by the stochastic LLG method (crosses) and m(T) by the MC method (green circles). Next, we investigate how the results change if we take wrong choices of parameters. We studym(T) when a uniform value Di=Dfor case A ( i=for case B) is used for all spins, i.e., for both Mi= 1 andMi= 2. IfD(Mi= 2) = 2kBT
is used for all spins, m(T) is shown by Diamonds in Fig. 3 (b), while if D(Mi= 1) =kBT
is applied for all spins, m(T) is given by triangles in Fig. 3 (b). In the same way, we study m(T) for a uniform value of. In Fig. 3 (c) triangles and diamonds denote m(T) wheni=(Mi= 1) and i=(Mi= 2) are used, respectively. We nd serious dierence in m(T) when we do not use correct Mi-dependent choices of the parameters. The locations of triangle (diamond) at each temperature Tare the same in Figs. 3 (a) and (b), which indicates that if the ratio =D is the same in dierent choices, the same steady state is realized although this state is not the true equilibrium state for the inhomogeneous magnetic system. Thus we conclude that to use proper relations of Mi-dependence of Dioriis important for m(T) curves of inhomogeneous magnetic systems and wrong choices cause signicant deviations. B. Critical behavior of Inhomogeneous magnetic moments In this subsection, we examine properties near the critical temperature. Here we adopt the case ofh= 0 andDA= 0 in the same type of lattice with M= 1 and 2 as Sec. IV A. We investigate both cases of the temperature control (A and B). The Hamiltonian here has O(3) symmetry and mis not a suitable order parameter. Thus we dene the following quantity as the order parameter31: ma=q m2 x+m2 y+m2 z; (15) 1200.511.5 0123456ma TFIG. 4: (color online) Comparison of temperature ( T) dependence of mabetween the MC method (green circles) and the stochastic LLG method for the system of inhomogeneous magnetic moments. N=L3= 203. PBC were used. In the MC method 10,000 MCS and following 50,000 MCS were used for equilibration and measurement at each temperature, respectively. The stochastic LLG method was performed in case A with = 0:05 (croses) and in case B with D= 1:0 (diamonds). Here t= 0:005 was applied and 240,000 steps were used (40,000 for transient and 200,000 for measurement). where mx=1 NhNX i=1Sx ii; my=1 NhNX i=1Sy ii;andmz=m=1 NhNX i=1Sz ii: (16) In Fig. 4, green circles denote temperature ( T) dependence of magiven by the MC method. The system size N=L3= 203with PBC was adopted and in MC simulations 10,000 MCS and following 50,000 MCS were employed for equilibration and measurement, respectively at each temperature. The magnetizations of maobtained by the stochastic LLG method for case A (crosses) and case B (diamonds) are given in Fig. 4. Here = 0:05 and D= 1:0 were used for (a) and (b), respectively. t= 0:005 was set and 240,000 steps (40,000 for transient and 200,000 for measurement) were applied. In both cases ma(T) curve given by the stochastic LLG method shows good agreement with that obtained by the MC method. Thus, we conclude that as long as the relation (10) is satised, the temperature dependence of the magnetization is reproduced very accurately even around the Curie temperature, regardless of the choice of the parameter set. 1300.511.5 0123456m TFIG. 5: (color online) Comparison of temperature ( T) dependence of mbetween the Monte Carlo method (green circles) and the stochastic LLG method. Crosses and diamonds denote case A with= 0:05 and case B with D= 1:0, respectively. A reduction of mfrom fully saturated magnetization is observed at around T= 0 due to the dipole interactions. As a reference, mby the MC method without the dipole interactions ( C= 0) is given by open circles. C. Inhomogeneous magnetic moments with exchange and dipole interactions We also study thermal eects in a system with dipole interactions. We use the same lattice as in the previous subsections. The system is ( Ji;j=J,DA i=DA, andhi(t) =hin Eq. (1)) given by H= X hi;jiJSiSj X iDA(Sz i)2 X ihSz i+X i6=kC r3 ik SiSk 3(rikSi)(rikSk) r2 ik :(17) Here a cubic lattice with open boundary conditions (OBC) is used. Since Jis much larger thanC=a3(JC=a3) for ferromagnets, where ais a lattice constant between magnetic sites. However, we enlarge dipole interaction as C= 0:2 witha= 1 forJ= 1 to highlight the eect of the noise on dipole interactions. We set other parameters as h= 0:1,DA= 0:1. Studies with realistic situations will be given separately. We study cases A ( = 0:05) and B ( D= 1:0) for this system. We depict in Fig. 5 the temperature ( T) dependences of mwith comparison between the MC (green circles) and stochastic LLG methods. Crosses and diamonds denote m(T) for cases A and B, respectively. Dipole interactions are long-range interactions and we need longer equilibration steps, and 14we investigate only a small system with N=L3= 63. In the MC method 200,000 MCS were used for equilibration and 600,000 steps were used for measurement of m, and for the stochastic LLG method t= 0:005 was set and 960,000 steps (160,000 and 800,000 time steps for equilibration and measurement, respectively) were consumed. A reduction of mfrom fully saturated magnetization is observed. As a reference, mby the MC method without the dipole interactions ( C= 0) is given by open circles in Fig. 5. This reduction of mis caused by the dipole interactions. We nd that even when dipole interactions are taken into account in inhomogeneous magnetic moments, suitable choices of the parameter set leads to the equilibrium state. Finally, we comment on the comparison between the LLG method and the Monte Carlo method. To obtain equilibrium properties of spin systems, the Monte Carlo method is more ecient and powerful in terms of computational cost. It is much faster than the stochastic LLG method to obtain the equilibrium m(T) curves, etc. For example, it needs more than 10 times of CPU time of the MC method to obtain the data for Fig. 5. However, the MC method has little information on the dynamics and the stochastic LLG method is used to obtain dynamical properties because it is based on an equation of motion of spins. Thus, it is important to clarify the nature of stochastic LLG methods including the static properties. For static properties, as we saw above, the choice of the parameter set, e.g., cases A and B, did not give dierence. However, the choice gives signicant dierence in dynamical properties, which is studied in the following sections. V. DEPENDENCE OF DYNAMICS ON THE CHOICE OF THE PARAMETER SET IN ISOTROPIC SPIN SYSTEMS ( DA=0) Now we study the dependence of dynamics on the choice of parameter set. The temper- ature is given by kBT=
DiMi i; (18) which should be the same for all the sites. In general, if the parameter D(amplitude of the noise) is large, the system is strongly disturbed, while if the parameter (damping parameter) is large, the system tends to relax fast. Therefore, even if the temperature is the same, the dynamics changes with the values of Dand. When the anisotropy term exists, i.e.,DA6= 0, in homogeneous systems ( Mi=M) given by Eq. (14), the Stoner- 15Wohlfarth critical eld is hc= 2MDAatT= 0. If the temperature is low enough, the metastable nature appears in relaxation. On the other hand, if Tis rather high orDA= 0, the metastable nature is not observed. In this section we focus on dynamics of isotropic spin systems, i.e.,DA=0. A. Relaxation with temperature dependence In this subsection we investigate the temperature dependence of magnetization relaxation in cases A and B. We adopt a homogeneous system ( Mi=M= 2) withDA= 0 in Eq. (14). Initially all spins are in the spin down state and they relax under a unfavorable external eldh= 2. The parameter set M= 2,= 0:05,D= 0:05 givesT= 2 by the condition (Eq. (10)). Here we study the system at T= 0:2;1;2, and 10. We set = 0:05 in case A and the control of the temperature is performed by D, i.e.D= 0:005;0:025;0:05, and 0:25, respectively. In case B we set D= 0:05, and the control of the temperature is realized by , i.e.,= 0:5;0:1;0:05, and 0:01, respectively. We depict the temperature dependence of m(t) for cases A and B in Figs. 6 (a) and (b), respectively. Here the same random number sequence was used for each relaxation curve. Red dash dotted line, blue dotted line, green solid line, and black dashed line denote T= 0:2, T= 1,T= 2 andT= 10, respectively. Relaxation curves in initial short time are given in the insets. In case A, as the temperature is raised, the initial relaxation speed of mbecomes faster and the relaxation time to the equilibrium state also becomes shorter. This dependence is ascribed to the strength of the noise with the dependence D/T, and a noise with a larger amplitude disturbs more the precession of each moment, which causes faster relaxation. On the other hand, in case B, the relaxation time to the equilibrium state is longer at higher temperatures although the temperature dependence of the initial relaxation speed of mis similar to the case A. In the initial relaxation process all the magnetic moments are in spin-down state ( Sz i' 2). There the direction of the local eld at each site is given byHe i'JP jSz j+h= 26 + 2 = 10, which is downward and the damping term tends to x moments to this direction. Thus, a large value of the damping parameter at a low temperature T(/1 T) suppresses the change of the direction of each moment and the initial relaxation speed is smaller. However, in the relaxation process thermal
uctuation 16-2-1012 0 50 100 150 200m time(a) -2.2-2-1.8-1.6-1.4-1.2-1 012345678 -2-1012 0 50 100 150 200m time-2.2-2-1.8-1.6-1.4-1.2-1 012345678(b)FIG. 6: (color online) (a) Time dependence of the magnetization ( m(t)) in case A, where = 0:05 for a homogeneous system with M= 2. Red dash dotted line, blue dotted line, green solid line, and black dashed line denote T= 0:2,T= 1,T= 2 andT= 10, respectively. Inset shows the time dependence of m(t) in the initial relaxation process. (b) Time dependence of the magnetization (m(t)) in case B, where D= 0:05 for a homogeneous system with M= 2. Correspondence between lines and temperatures is the same as (a). causes a deviation of the local eld and then a rotation of magnetic moments from z tozdirection advances (see also Fig. 11 ). Once the rotation begins, the large damping parameter accelerates the relaxation and nally the relaxation time is shorter. B. Relaxation with spin-magnitude dependence Next we study the dependence of relaxation on the magnitude of magnetic moments in cases A and B. Here we adopt a homogeneous system ( Mi=M) without anisotropy( DA= 0) atT= 2 andh= 2. The initial spin conguration is the same as the previous subsection. Because D/T M;and/M T; (19) raising the value of Mis equivalent to lowering temperature in both cases A and B and it causes suppression of relaxation in case A, while it leads to acceleration of relaxation in case B. Because Maects the local eld from the exchange energy at each site, changing the value ofMunder a constant external eld his not the same as changing Tand it may show 17-1.5-1-0.500.511.5 01 0 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0m time(a) -1.5-1-0.500.511.5 02468 1 0m time(b)FIG. 7: (color online) Comparison of the time dependence of mbetween cases A and B by the stochastic LLG method. Red and blue lines denote cases A and B, respectively. (a) = 0:05 for case A and D= 1:0 for case B, (b) = 0:2 for case A and D= 1:0 for case B. some modied features. In the relation (19), T= 0:2, 1, 2, 10 at M= 2 (Fig.6 (a) and (b)) are the same as M= 20, 4, 2, 0.4 at T= 2, respectively. We studied the relaxation ratio dened as m(t)=M withMdependence at T= 2 for these four values of M, and compared with the relaxation curves of Fig.6 (a) and (b). We found qualitatively the same tendency between relaxation curves with Mdependence and those with 1 =Tdependence in both cases. A dierence was found in the initial relaxation speed (not shown). When M > 2, the initial relaxation at T= 2 is slower than that of the corresponding TatM= 2. The downward initial local eld at each site is stronger for larger Mdue to a stronger exchange coupling, which also assist the suppression of the initial relaxation. It is found that the relaxation time under a constant external led becomes longer as the value of Mis raised in case A, while it becomes shorter in case B. This suggests that dierent choices of the parameter set lead to serious dierence in the relaxation dynamics withMdependence. 18VI. DEPENDENCE OF DYNAMICS ON THE CHOICE OF THE PARAMETER SET IN ANISOTROPIC SPIN SYSTEMS ( DA6= 0) A. Dierent relaxation paths to the equilibrium in magnetic inhomgeneity If the anisotropy term exists DA6= 0 but the temperature is relatively high, metastable nature is not observed in relaxation. We consider the relaxation dynamics when Mihas idependence in this case. We study the system (alternating M= 2 andM= 1 planes) treated in Sec. IV A. We set a conguration of all spins down as the initial state and observe relaxation of min cases A and B. In Sec. IV A we studied cases A ( =0.05) and B ( D=1.0) for the equilibrium state and the equilibrium magnetization is m'0:95 atT= 5. We give comparison of the time dependence of mbetween the two cases in Fig. 7 (a), with the use of the same random number sequence. The red and blue curves denote cases A and B, respectively. We nd a big dierence in the relaxation time of mand features of the relaxation between the two cases. The parameter values of andDare not so close between the two cases at this tempera- ture (T= 5), i.e.,D(M= 1) = 0:25 andD(M= 2) = 0:125 for case A and (M= 1) = 0:2 and(M= 2) = 0:4 for case B. Thus, to study if there is a dierence of dynamics even in close parameter values of andDbetween cases A and B at T= 5, we adopt common = 0:2, whereD(M= 1) = 1 and D(M= 2) = 0:5, as case A and common D= 1:0, where (M= 1) = 0:2 and(M= 2) = 0:4, as case B. We checked that this case A also gives the equilibrium state. In Fig. 7 (b), the time dependence of mfor both cases is given. The red and blue curves denote cases A and B, respectively. There is also a dierence (almost twice) of the relaxation time of mbetween cases A and B. Thus, even in close parameter region of andD, dynamical properties vary depending on the choice of the parameters. B. Relaxation with nucleation mechanism In this subsection we study a system with metastability. We adopt a homogeneous system (M= 2) withJ= 1,DA= 1 andh= 2. Here the Stoner-Wohlfarth critical eld ishc= 2MDA=4, and if the temperature is low enough, the system has a metastable state underh= 2. At a high temperature, e.g., T= 10 (= 0:05,D= 0:25), the magnetization relaxes 19(a) -2-1012 0 80 160 240 320m time -2-1012 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350m time(b) -2-1012 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350m time(c)FIG. 8: (color online) (a) Dashed line shows m(t) for= 0:05,D= 0:25, andT= 10. Blue and green solid lines give m(t) for= 0:05 atT= 3:5 (case A) and D= 0:25 atT= 3:5 (case B), respectively. These two lines were obtained by taking average over 20 trials with dierent random number sequences. The 20 relaxation curves for cases A and B are given in (b) and (c), respectively. without being trapped as depicted in Fig 8(a) with a black dotted line. When the tempera- ture is lowered, the magnetization is trapped at a metastable state. We observe relaxations in cases A and B, where = 0:05 for case A and D= 0:25 for case B are used. In Figs. 8(b) and (c), we show 20 samples (with dierent random number sequences) of relaxation pro- cesses atT= 3:5 for case A ( = 0:05,D= 0:0875) and case B ( D= 0:25,= 0:143), respectively. The average lines of the 20 samples are depicted in Fig 8(a) by blue and green solid lines for cases A and B, respectively. In both cases, magnetizations are trapped at a metastable state with the same value of m(m' 1:55). This means that the metastabil- ity is independent of the choice of parameter set. Relaxation from the metastable state to the equilibrium is the so-called stochastic process and the relaxation time distributes. The relaxation time in case A is longer. If the temperature is further lowered, the escape time from the metastable state becomes longer. In Figs. 9 (a) and (b), we show 20 samples of relaxation at T= 3:1 for cases A and B, respectively. There we nd the metastable state more clearly. Here we investigate the initial relaxation to the metastable state at a relatively low temperature. In Figs. 10 (a) and (b), we depict the initial short time relaxation of 20 samples at T= 2 in cases A ( = 0:05,D= 0:05) and B(D= 0:25,= 0:25), respectively. The insets show the time dependence of the magnetization in the whole measurement time. 20-2-1012 0 200 400 600 800m time(a) -2-1012 0 200 400 600 800m time(b)FIG. 9: (a) and (b) illustrate 20 relaxation curves for = 0:05 atT= 3:1 (case A) and D= 0:25 atT= 3:1 (case B), respectively. Metastability becomes stronger than T= 3:5. No relaxation occurs in all 20 trials in (a), while ve relaxations take place in 20 trials in (b). We nd that the relaxation is again faster in case B. The metastability also depends on Mas well asDAand largeMgives a strong metastabil- ity. Here we conclude that regardless of the choice of the parameter set, as the temperature is lowered, the relaxation time becomes longer due to the stronger metastability, in which largerD(larger) gives faster relaxation from the initial to the metastable state and faster decay from the metastable state. Finally we show typical congurations in the relaxation process. When the anisotropy DAis zero or weak, the magnetization relaxation occurs with uniform rotation from z tozdirection, while when the anisotropy is strong, the magnetization reversal starts by a nucleation and inhomogeneous congurations appear with domain wall motion. In Figs. 11 we give an example of the magnetization reversal of (a) the uniform rotation type (magneti- zation reversal for DA= 0 withD= 0:05,T= 2,= 0:1,M= 4) and of (b) the nucleation type (magnetization reversal for DA= 1 withD= 0:25,T= 3:1,= 0:161,M= 2 ). VII. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION We studied the realization of the canonical distribution in magnetic systems with the short-range (exchange) and long-range (dipole) interactions, anisotropy terms, and magnetic elds by the Langevin method of the LLG equation. Especially we investigated in detail the 21-2.2-2-1.8-1.6-1.4-1.2-1.0 012345678m time(a) -2-1012 0 200 400 600 800 time -2.2-2-1.8-1.6-1.4-1.2-1 012345678m time(b) -2-1012 0 200 400 600 800 timeFIG. 10: Initial relaxation curves of magnetization. Insets show m(t) in the whole measurement time. (a) and (b) illustrate 20 relaxation curves for = 0:05 atT= 2 (case A) and D= 0:25 at T= 2 (case B), respectively. (b)(a) FIG. 11: (a) Typical uniform rotation type relaxation observed in the isotropic spin system. (b) Typical nucleation type relaxation observed in the anisotropic spin system. thermal equilibration of inhomogeneous magnetic systems. We pointed out that the spin- magnitude dependent ratio between the strength of the random eld and the coecient of the damping term must be adequately chosen for all magnetic moments satisfying the condition (10). We compared the stationary state obtained by the present Langevin method of the 22LLG equation with the equilibrium state obtained by the standard Monte Carlo simulation for given temperatures. There are several choices for the parameter set, e.g., A and B. We found that as long as the parameters are suitably chosen, the equilibrium state is realized as the stationary state of the stochastic LLG method regardless of the choice of the parameter set, and the temperature dependence of the magnetization is accurately produced in the whole region, including the region around the Curie temperature. We also studied dynamical properties which depend on the choice of the parameters. We showed that the choice of the parameter values seriously aects the relaxation process to the equilibrium state. In the rotation type relaxation in isotropic spin systems under an unfavorable external eld, the dependences of the relaxation time on the temperature in cases A and B exhibited opposite correlations as well as the dependences of the relaxation time on the magnitude of the magnetic moment. The strength of the local eld in the initial state strongly aects the speed of the initial relaxation in both cases. We also found that even if close parameter values are chosen in dierent parameter sets for inhomogeneous magnetic systems, these parameter sets cause a signicant dierence of relaxation time to the equilibrium state. In the nucleation type relaxation, the metastability, which depends on DAandM, strongly aects the relaxation in both cases A and B. Lowering temperature reinforces the metastability of the system and causes slower relaxation. The relaxation to the metastable state and the decay to the metastable state are aected by the choice of the parameter set, in which larger Dcauses fast relaxation at a xed T. In this study we adopted two cases, i.e., A and B in the choice of the parameter set. Generally more complicated dependence of MiorTon the parameters is considered. How to chose the parameter set is related to the quest for the origin of these parameters. It is very important for clarication of relaxation dynamics but also for realization of a high speed and a low power consumption, which is required to development of magnetic devices. Studies of the origin of have been intensively performed32{41. To control magnetization relaxation at nite temperatures, investigations of the origin of Das well aswill become more and more important. We hope that the present work gives some useful insight into studies of spin dynamics and encourages discussions for future developments in this eld. 23Acknowledgments The authors thank Professor S. Hirosawa and Dr. S. Mohakud for useful discussions. The present work was supported by the Elements Strategy Initiative Center for Magnetic Materials under the outsourcing project of MEXT and Grant-in-Aid for Scientic Research on Priority Areas, KAKENHI (C) 26400324. 24Appendix A: Fokker-Planck equation The LLG equation with a Langevin noise (Eq. (5)) is rewritten in the following form for component ( = 1;2 or 3 forx;yorz) of theith magnetic moment, dM i dt=f i(M1;;MN;t) +g i(Mi) i(t): (A1) Heref iandg iare given by f i=
1 +2 i M iHe; i+i MiM iM iHe; i (A2) and g i=
1 +2 i M i+i Mi( M2 i +M iM i) ; (A3) whereHe; ican have an explicit time ( t) dependence, and denotes the Levi-Civita symbol. We employ the Einstein summation convention for Greek indices ( ,). We consider the distribution function FF(M1;;MN;t) in the 3N-dimensional phase space ( M1 1;M2 1;M3 1;;M1 N;M2 N;M3 N). The distribution function F(M1;;MN;t) satises the continuity equation of the distribution: @ @tF(M1;;MN;t) +NX i=1@ @M i d dtM i F = 0: (A4) Substituting the relation (A1), the following dierential equation for the distribution func- tionFis obtained. @ @tF(M1;;MN;t) = NX i=1@ @M in fi+g i i Fo : (A5) Regarding the stochastic equation (A1) as the Stratonovich interpretation, making use of the stochastic Liouville approach42, and taking average for the noise statistics (Eq. (6)), we have a Fokker-Planck equation. @ @tP(M1;;MN;t) = NX i=1@ @M i f iP Dig i@ @M i(g iP) ; (A6) wherePP(M1;;MN;t) is the averaged distribution function hFi. Substituting the relation @ @M ig i=
i Mi(1 +2 i)4M i (A7) 25and Eq. (A3) into g i(@ @M ig i), we nd g i(@ @M ig i) = 0: (A8) Thus Eq.(A6) is simplied to @ @tP(M1;;MN;t) = NX i=1@ @M i f i Dig ig i@ @M i P : (A9) Substituting Eqs. (A2) and (A3), we have a formula in the vector representation. @ @tP(M1;;MN;t) = (A10) X i
1 +2 i@ @Mi MiHe i+i MiMi(MiHe i)
DiMi(Mi@ @Mi) P(M1;;MN;t) : Since@ @Mi(MiHe i) = 0, it is written as @ @tP(M1;;MN;t) =X i
1 +2 i@ @Mii MiMi(MiHe i) (A11)
DiMi(Mi@ @Mi) P(M1;;MN;t) : In the case that Eq. (A1) is given under Ito denition, we need Ito-Stratonovich trans- formation, and the corresponding equation of motion in Stratonovich interpretation is dM i dt=f i(M1;;MN;t) Dig i(Mi)@g i(Mi) @M i+g i(Mi) i(t): (A12) Then the Fokker-Planck equation in Ito interpretation is @ @tP(M1;;MN;t) = NX i=1@ @M i f i Dig i@g i @M i Dig ig i@ @M i P : Sinceg i@g i @M i= 2
2 1+2 iM i, the vector representation is given by @ @tP(M1;;MN;t) =X i
1 +2 i@ @Mii MiMi(MiHe i) 2
DiMi(Mi@ @Mi) P(M1;;MN;t) : (A13) 26Appendix B: Numerical integration for stochastic dierential equations In stochastic dierential equations, we have to be careful to treat the indierentiability of the white noise. In the present paper we regard the stochastic equation, e.g., Eq. (5), as a stochastic dierential equation in Stratonovich interpretation: dM i=f i(M1;;MN;t)dt+g i1 2 Mi(t) +Mi(t+dt) dW i(t); (B1) wheredW i(t) =Rt+dt tds i(s), which is the Wiener process. This equation is expressed by dM i=f i(M1;;MN;t)dt+g i(Mi(t))dW i(t); (B2) whereindicates the usage of the Stratonovich denition. A simple predictor-corrector method called the Heun method8,19, superior to the Euler method, is given by M i(t+ t) =M i(t) +1 2[f i(^M1(t+ t);;^MN(t+ t);t+ t) +f i(M1(t);;MN(t);t)]t +1 2[g i(^Mi(t+ t)) +g i(Mi(t))]W i; (B3) where W iW i(t+ t) W(t) and ^M i(t+ t) is chosen in the Euler scheme: ^M i(t+ t) =M i(t) +f i(M1(t);;MN(t);t)t+g i(Mi(t))W i: (B4) This scheme assures an approximation accuracy up to the second order of Wand t. Sev- eral numerical dierence methods19for higher-order approximation, which are often compli- cated, have been proposed. Here we adopt a kind of middle point method equivalent to the Heun method. M i(t+ t) =M i(t) +f i(M1(t+ t=2);;MN(t+ t=2);t+ t=2)t +g i(Mi(t+ t=2))W i; (B5) whereM i(t+ t=2) is chosen in the Euler scheme: M i(t+ t=2) =M i(t) +f i(M1(t);;MN(t);t)t=2 +g i(Mi(t))~Wi; (B6) 27where ~WiW i(t+ t=2) W i(t). 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properties such as critical phenomena, nucleation, pinning, domain wall motion,
coercivity, etc. The Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation has been applied
extensively to study dynamics of magnetic properties. Approaches of Langevin
noises have been developed to introduce the temperature effect into the LLG
equation. To have the thermal equilibrium state (canonical distribution) as the
steady state, the system parameters must satisfy some condition known as the
fluctuation-dissipation relation. In inhomogeneous magnetic systems in which
spin magnitudes are different at sites, the condition requires that the ratio
between the amplitude of the random noise and the damping parameter depends on
the magnitude of the magnetic moment at each site. Focused on inhomogeneous
magnetic systems, we systematically showed agreement between the stationary
state of the stochastic LLG equation and the corresponding equilibrium state
obtained by Monte Carlo simulations in various magnetic systems including
dipole-dipole interactions. We demonstrated how violations of the condition
result in deviations from the true equilibrium state. We also studied the
characteristic features of the dynamics depending on the choice of the
parameter set. All the parameter sets satisfying the condition realize the same
stationary state (equilibrium state). In contrast, different choices of
parameter set cause seriously different relaxation processes. We show two
relaxation types, i.e., magnetization reversals with uniform rotation and with
nucleation. | Realization of the thermal equilibrium in inhomogeneous magnetic systems by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation with stochastic noise, and its dynamical aspects | 1507.03075v1 |
arXiv:0802.4455v3 [nlin.CD] 30 Aug 2008Heat conduction and Fourier’s law in a class of many particle dispersing billiards Pierre Gaspard †, Thomas Gilbert ‡ Center for Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems, Universit´ e Libre de Bruxelles, C. P. 231, Campus Plaine, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium Abstract. We consider the motion of many confined billiard balls in interaction and discusstheirtransportandchaoticproperties. Inspiteoftheab senceofmasstransport, due to confinement, energy transport can take place through bin ary collisions between neighbouring particles. We explore the conditions under which relaxa tion to local equilibrium occurs on time scales much shorter than that of binary co llisions, which characterize the transport of energy, and subsequent relaxat ion to local thermal equilibrium. Starting from the pseudo-Liouville equation for the time e volution of phase-space distributions, we derive a master equation which gove rns the energy exchange between the system constituents. We thus obtain analy tical results relating the transport coefficient of thermal conductivity to the frequen cy of collision events and compute these quantities. We also provide estimates of the Lya punov exponents and Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy under the assumption of scale sepa ration. The validity of our results is confirmed by extensive numerical studies. Submitted to: New J. Phys. PACS numbers: 05.20.Dd,05.45.-a,05.60.-k,05.70.Ln E-mail:†, ‡’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 2 1. Introduction Understanding the dynamical origin of the mechanisms which underly the phenomenol- ogy of heat conduction has remained one of the major open problem s of statistical mechanics ever since Fourier’s seminal work [1]. Fourier himself actua lly warned his reader that the effects of heat conduction “make up a special ran ge of phenomena which cannot be explained by the principles of motion and equilibrium,” th us seemingly rejecting the possibility of a fundamental level of description. Of c ourse, with the sub- sequent developments of the molecular kinetic theory of heat, sta rting with the works of the founding-fathers of statistical mechanics, Boltzmann, Gib bs and Maxwell, and later with the definite triumph of atomism, thanks to Perrin’s 1908 me asurement of the Avogadro number in relation to Einstein’s work on Brownian motion, Fo urier’s earlier perception was soon discarded as it became clear that heat transp ort was indeed the effect of mechanical causes. Yet, after well over a century of hard labor, the community is still a ctively hunting for a first principles based derivation of Fourier’s law, some authors going so far as to promise “a bottle of very good wine to anyone who provides [a satisfa ctory answer to this challenge]” [2]. Thus the challenge is, starting from the Hamiltonian time evolution of a system of interacting particles which models a fluid or a crystal, t o derive the conditions under which the heat flux and temperature gradients ar e linearly related by the coefficient of heat conductivity. This is the embodiment of Fourie r’s law. As outlined in [2], it is necessary, in order to achieve this, that the mod el statistical properties be fully determined in terms of the local temperature, a notionwhich involves that of local thermalization. To visualize this, we imagine that the sys tem is divided up into a large number of small volume elements, each large enough to contain a number of particles whose statistics is accurately described by the equilibrium statistics at the local temperature associated to the volume element under c onsideration. To establish this property, one must ensure that time scales separat e, which implies that the volume elements settle to local thermal equilibrium on time scales m uch shorter than the ones which characterize the transport of heat at the ma croscopic scale. Local thermal equilibrium therefore relies on very strong ergodic proper ties of the model. The natural framework to apply this programme is that of chaotic b illiards. Indeed non-interacting particle billiards, where individual tracers move and make specular collisions among a periodic array of fixed convex scatterers (the pe riodic Lorentz gases) aretheonlyknownHamiltoniansystems forwhichmasstransport[3 ]andshearandbulk viscosities [4] have been established in a rigorous way. Here, rather than local thermal equilibrium, itisarelaxationtolocalequilibrium, occurringontheconst antenergysheet of the individual tracer particles, which allows to model the mass tra nsport by a random walk and yields an analytic estimate of the diffusion coefficient [5]. Argua bly Lorentz gases, whether periodic or disordered, in or out of equilibrium, have played, over more thanacentury, aprivilegedandmostimportantroleinthedevelopme nt oftransportand kinetic theories [6]. However, in the absence of interaction among th e tracer particles,Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 3 there is no mechanism for energy exchange and therefore no proc ess of thermalization before heat is conducted. If, on the other hand, one adds some in teraction between the tracers, say, as suggested in [2], by assigning them a size, the r esulting system will typically have transport equations for the diffusion of both mass an d energy. Though these systems may be conceptually simple, they are usually mathema tically too difficult to handle with the appropriate level or rigor. An example of billiard with interacting tracer particles is the modified Lo rentz gas withrotatingdiscsproposedbyMej´ ıa–Monasterio etal.[7]. Thissystemexhibitsnormal transport with non-trivial coupled equations for heat and mass tr ansport. Though this model has attracted much attention among mathematicians [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13], the rigorous proof of Fourier’s law for such a system of arbitrary size a nd number of tracers relies on assumptions which, though they are plausible, are themselv es not resolved. Moreover the equations which govern the collisions and the discs rot ations do not, as far as we know, derive from a Hamiltonian description. Yet a remedy to such limitations with respect to the number of partic les in interaction that a rigorous treatment will handle may have been jus t around the corner [14], and, this, within a Hamiltonian framework. Indeed in [15], Bunimov ichet al. introduced a class of dispersing billiard tables with particles that are in geometric confinement – i. e.trapped within cells– but that can nevertheless interact among particles belonging to neighbouring cells. The authors proved ergod icity and strong chaotic properties of such systems with arbitrary number of part icles. More recently, the idea that energy transport can be modeled as a slow diffusion process resulting from the coupling of fast energy-conserving dy namics has led to proofs of central limit theorems in the context of models of random walks an d coupled maps which describe the diffusion of energy in a strongly chaotic, fast cha nging environment [16, 17]. Although the extension of these results to symplectic coup led maps, let alone Hamiltonian flows, is not yet on the horizon, it is our belief that such sy stems as the dispersing billiardtablesintroducedin[15]will, ifany, lendthemselves to afullyrigorous treatment of heat transport within a Hamiltonian framework. As we announced in [18], the reason why we should be so hopeful is that the particles con finement has two important consequences : first, relaxation to local thermal equilib rium is preceded by a relaxation of individual particles to local equilibrium ‡, which occurs at constant energy within each cell, and has strong ergodic properties that guarantee the rapid decay of statistical correlations; and, second, heat transport, unlike in t he rotating discs model, can be controlled by the mere geometry of the billiard, which also cont rols the absence of mass transport. As of the first property, the relaxation to a lo cal equilibrium before energy exchanges take place is characterized by a fast time scale, much faster than that of relaxation to local thermal equilibrium among neighbouring cells, wh ich is itself much faster than the hydrodynamic relaxation scale. There is therefor e a hierarchy of three ‡Let us underline the distinction we make here and in the sequel betwe en relaxation to local equilibrium, which precedes energy exchanges, and relaxation to loc al thermal equilibrium, which involves energy exchanges among particles belonging to neighbourin g cells.Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 4 separate time scales in this system, the first accounting for relaxa tion at the microscopic scale of individual cells, the second one at the mesoscopic scale of ne ighbouring cells, and the third one at the macroscopic scale of the whole system. In this paper, we achieve two important milestones towards a comple te first principles derivation of the transport properties of such models. H aving defined the model, we establish the conditions for separation of time scales and r elaxation to local equilibrium, identifying a critical geometry where binary collisions beco me impossible. Assuming relaxation to local equilibrium holds, we go on to considering t he time evolution of phase-space densities and derive, from it, a master eq uation which governs theexchangeofenergyinthesystem[19], thusgoingfromamicrosc opicscaledescription of the Liouville equation to the mesoscopic scale at which energy tran sport takes place. We regard this as the first milestone, namely identifying the condition s under which one can rigorously reduce the level of descrition from the determin istic dynamics at the microscopic level to a stochastic process described by a maste r equation at the mesoscopic level of energy exchanges. This master equation is then used to compute the frequency of bina ry collisions and to derive Fourier’s law and the macroscopic heat equation, which results from the application of a small temperature gradient between neighbouring c ells. This is our second milestone : an analytic formula for heat conductivity, exact for the stochastic system, and thus valid for the determinisitc system at the critical g eometry limit. These results are then checked against numerical computations o f these quantities, with outstanding agreement, and shown to extend beyond the critical geometry, with very good accuracy, to a wide range of parameter values. We further characterize the chaotic properties of the model and offer arguments to account for the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents of the syst em, as well as the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, expressions which are exact at the cr itical geometry. Again, these results are very nicely confirmed by our numerical computat ions. The paper is organized as follows. The models, which we coin lattice billiar ds, are introduced in section 2. Their main geometric properties are establis hed, distinguishing transitions between insulating and conducting regimes under the tu ning of a single parameter. The same parameter controls the time scales separat ion responsible for local equilibrium. Section 3 provides the derivation of the master equation which, under the assumption of local equilibrium, governs energy transport. The ma in observables are computed and their scaling properties discussed. In section 4 we re view the properties of the model and assess the validity of the results of section 3 unde r the scope of our numerical computations. The chaotic properties of the models are discussed in section 5. We use simple theoretical arguments to predict some of these pr operties and compare them to numerical computations. Finally, conclusions are drawn in se ction 6.Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 5 2. Lattice billiards To introduce our model, we start by considering the uniform motion o f a point particle about a dispersing billiard table, Bρ, defined by the domain exterior to four overlapping discs of radii ρ, centered at the four corners of a square of sides l. The radius is thus restricted to the interval l/2≤ρ < l/√ 2, where the lower bound is the overlap (or bounded horizon) condition, and the upper bound is reached when Bρis empty. Ρl ΡfΡml Figure 1. Two equivalent representations of a dispersing billiard table : (left) a point particle moves uniformly inside the domain Bρand performs specular collisions with its boundary; (right) a disc of radius ρmmoves uniformly inside the domain Bρand performs specular collisions with fixed discs of radii ρf=ρ−ρm. The radius ρmis a free parameter which is allowed to take any value between 0 and ρ. As illustrated in figure 1, the motion of a point particle in this environme nt is a limiting case of a class of equivalent dispersing billiards, whereby the p oint particle becomes a moving disc with radius ρm, 0≤ρm≤ρ, and bounces off fixed discs of radii ρf=ρ−ρm. In all these cases, the motion of the center of the moving disc is eq uivalent to that of the point particle in Bρ. The border of the domain Bρconstitutes the walls of the billiards. In the absence of cusps (which occur at ρ=l/2), the ergodic and hyperbolic properties of these billiards are well established [20]. In particular, t he long term statistics of the billiard map, which takes the particle from one collision event to the next, preserves the measure cos φdrdφ, whereφdenotes the angle that the particle post-collisional velocity makes with respect to the normal vector t o the boundary. A direct consequence of this invariance is a general formula which rela tes the mean free path,ℓ, to the billiard table area, |Bρ|, and perimeter |∂Bρ|,ℓ=π|Bρ|/|∂Bρ|. The ratio between the speed of the particle, which we denote v, and the mean free path gives the wall collision frequency §,νc=v/ℓ, whose computation is shown in figure 2. With this quantity, one can relate the billiard map iterations to the t ime-continuous dynamics of the flow. In particular, the billiard map has two Lyapunov exponents, opposite in signs and equal in magnitudes, which, multiplied by the wall c ollision §Anticipating the more general definition of the wall collision frequenc y for interacting particle billiard cells, we adopt the subscript “c” in reference to “critical” for reas ons to be clarified below.Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 6 frequency, correspond to the two non-zero Lyapunov exponen ts of the flow (there are two additional zero exponents related to the direction of the flow a nd conservation of energy). The results of numerical computations of the positive on e, denoted λ+, are shown in figure 2 for different values of the parameters ρ. 0.360.380.400.420.440.460.480.501020304050 ΡΝc,Λ/PΛus Figure 2. Collision frequency νc(solid line) and numerical computation of the corresponding positive Lyapunov exponent of the flow (dots) of d ispersing billiards such as shown in figure 1. Here we took v= 1 and the square side to be l= 1/√ 2. Thus let Q(i,j) denote the rhombus of sides lcentered at point (cij,dij) =/braceleftBigg (√ 2li,lj/√ 2), j even, (√ 2li+l/√ 2,lj/√ 2), jodd.(1) The rhombic billiard cell illustrated in figure 1 becomes a domain centere d at point (cij,dij), defined according to Bρ(i,j) =/braceleftBig (x,y)∈Q(i,j)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleδ[(x,y),(cij+pk,dij+qk)]≥ρ,k= 1,...,d/bracerightBig ,(2) whereδ[.,.] denotes the usual Euclidean distance between two points, and ( pk,qk) = (±l/√ 2,0),(0,±l/√ 2) are the coordinates of the d≡4 discs at the corners of the rhombus. Now consider a number of copies {Bρ(i,j)}i,jwhich tessellate a two-dimensional domain. We define a lattice billiard as a collection of billiard cells Lρ,ρm(n1,n2)≡/braceleftBig (xij,yij)∈ Bρ(i,j)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleδ[(xij,yij),(xi′j′,yi′j′)]≥2ρm ∀1≤i,i′≤n1,1≤j,j′≤n2,i∝ne}ationslash=i′,j∝ne}ationslash=j′/bracerightBig . (3) Each individual cell of this billiard table possesses a single moving partic le of radius ρm, 0≤ρm≤ρand unit mass. All the moving particles are assumed to have independ ent initial coordinates within their respective cells, with the proviso that no overlap can occur between any pair of moving particles. The system energy, E=NkBT(with N=n1×n2, the number of moving particles, Tthe system temperature, and kB Boltzmann’s constant) is constant and assumed to be initially random ly divided amongFourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 7 thekinetic energies ofthemoving particles, E=/summationtext i,jǫij,ǫij=mv2 ij/2, where vijdenotes the speed of particle ( i,j). Energy exchanges occur when two moving particles located in neighb ouring cells collide. Such events can take place provided the radii of the moving p articlesρmis large enough compared to ρ. Indeed the value of the critical radius, below which binary collisions do not occur, is determined by half the separation between the corners of two neighbouring cells, ρc=/radicalbigg ρ2−l2 4. (4) Figure 3. A binary collision event in the critical configuration where ρm=ρcwould occur only provided the colliding particles visit the corresponding cor ners of their cells simultaneously. The value of ρin this figure is the same as in figures 1 and 4. For the sake of illustration, the unlikely occurrence of a binary collisio n event at the critical radius ρm=ρcis shown in figure 3. All the collisions are elastic and conserve energy, so that the dynam ical system is Hamiltonian with 2 Ndegrees of freedom. Its phase space of positions and velocities is 4N-dimensional. Accordingly, the sensitivity to initial conditions of the d ynamics is characterizedby4 NLyapunovexponents, {λi}4N i=1,obeyingthepairingruleofsymplectic systems, λ4N−i+1=−λi,i= 1,...,2N. Collision events between two moving particles are referred to as binary collision eventsand will be distinguished from wall collision events , which occur between the moving particles and the walls of their respective confining cells. The o ccurrences of the former are characterized by a binary collision frequency ,νb, and the latter by a wall collision frequency ,νw. Both frequencies depend on the difference ρm−ρc, separating the moving particles radii from the critical radius, equation (4). By definition of ρc, the binary collision frequency vanishes at ρm=ρc,νb|ρm=ρc= 0, and, correspondingly, the wall collision frequency at the critical radius is the collision freque ncy of the single- cell billiard, νw|ρm=ρc=νc. We will assume from now, unless otherwise stated, that the system is globally isolated and apply periodic boundary conditions a t the borders, thereby identifying Bρ(i+kn1,j+ln2) withBρ(i,j) for any k,l∈Z, 1≤i≤n1, 1≤j≤n2. Examples of such billiards are displayed in figure 4. Obviously the quincu nx rhombic lattice structure, which is generated by the rhombic cells, is but one amongFourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 8 Figure 4. Examples of lattice billiards with triangular (top), rhombic (middle) and hexagonal (bottom) tilings. The coloured particles move among an a rray of fixed black discs. The radii of both fixed and mobile discs are chosen so tha t (i) every moving particle is geometrically confined to its own billiard cell (identified as the area delimited by the exterior intersection of the black circles around the fixed discs), but (ii) can nevertheless exchange energy with the moving particles in th e neighbouring cells through binary collisions. The solid broken lines show the traject ories of the moving particles centers about their respective cells. The colours a re coded according to the particles kinetic temperatures (from blue to red with increas ing temperature).Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 9 different possible structures. Triangular, upright square, or hex agonal cells can be used as alternative periodic structures. One might also cover the plane w ith random or quasi-crystalline tessellations. The only relevant assumptions in wha t follows is that the moving particles must be confined to their (dispersing) billiard cells and that binary interactions between neighbouring cells can be turned on and off by t uning the system parameters. The two important features of such lattice billiards is that (i) there is no mass transport across the billiard cells since the moving particles are confi ned to their respective cells, and (ii) energy transport can occur through bina ry collision events which take place when the particles of two neighbouring cells come into contact. In periodicstructures such asthequincunx rhombiclattice, theposs ibility ofsuch collisions is controlled by tuning the parameter ρmabout the critical radius ρc, keeping ρfixed. We can therefore distinguish two separate regimes : •Insulating billiard cells : 0≤ρm< ρc Absence of interaction between the moving discs. No transport pr ocess across the individual cells can happen; •Conducting billiard cells :ρc< ρm< ρ Binary collision events are possible. Energy transport across the in dividual cells takes place. The case ρm=ρcis singular. We will refer to the critical geometry as the limit ρm>→ρc. In the insulating regime, there is no interaction among moving particle s so that the billiard cells are decoupled. The moving particles are independent a nd their kinetic energies are individually conserved, resulting in 2 Nzero Lyapunov exponents. The equilibrium measure in turn has a product structure and phase-spa ce distributions are locally uniform with respect to the particles positions and velocity dire ctions. The Npositive Lyapunov exponents of the system are all equal to the po sitive Lyapunov exponent of the single-cell dispersing billiard, up to a factor corres ponding to the particles speeds, vij=/radicalbig 2ǫij/m:λij+=vijλ+, whereλ+is the Lyapunov exponent of the single-cell billiard measured per unit length. When particles are allowed to interact, on the other hand, local ene rgies are exchanged through collision events. Thus only the total energy is c onserved in the conducting regime. The ergodicity of such systems of geometrically confined particles in interaction was proven by Bunimovich et al.[15]. The resulting dynamical system, whose equilibrium measure is the microcanonical one (taking into cons ideration that particles are otherwise uniformly distributed within their respective cells), enjoys the K-property. This implies ergodicity, mixing, and strong chaotic prope rties, including the positivity of the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy. Two Lyapunov exp onents are zero, one associated to the conservation of energy, the other to the direc tion of the flow. The 2(2N−1) remaining Lyapunov exponents form non-vanishing pairs of expo nents with opposite signs, λ1> ... > λ 2N−1>0,λ4N−i+1=−λi,i= 1,...,2N−1. The regime of interest to us is that corresponding to particles inter acting rarely,Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 10 which is to say, in analogy with a solid, that particles mostly vibrate insid e their cells, ignorant of each other, and only seldom making collisions with their neig hbours, thereby exchanging energy. As we turn on the interaction and let ρm/greaterorsimilarρc, binary collisions, though they can occur, will remain unlikely. This is to say that the bina ry collision frequency, νb, will, in this regime, remain small with respect to the wall collision frequency, νw, which in the absence of interaction and, in particular, at the critica l geometry, we recall is equal to the wall collision frequency of the sin gle-cell billiard, νw|ρm=ρc=νc. When ρm/greaterorsimilarρc, we therefore expect νw≫νb, as well as νw≃νc. In words :time scales separate . The consequence is that relaxation to local equilibrium –i. e.uniformization of the distribution of the particles positions and veloc ity directions at fixed speeds– occurs typically much faster than the energy exc hange which drives the relaxationto theglobal equilibrium. This mechanism justifies resortin g tokinetic theory in order to compute the transport properties of the model. 3. Kinetic theory 3.1. From Liouville’s equation to the master equation The phase-space probability density is specified by the N-particles distribution function pN(r1,v1,...,rN,vN,t), whereraandva,a= 1,...,N, denote the ath particle position and velocity vectors. The index astands for the label ( i,j) of the cells defined by equation(2). Foroursystem, asiscustomaryforhardspheredy namics, thisdistribution satisfies a pseudo-Liouville equation [21], which is well defined despite t he singularity of the hard-core interactions. This equation, which describes the time evolution of pN is composed of three types of terms: (i) the advection terms, whic h account for the displacement of the moving particles within their respective billiard cells ; (ii) the wall collision terms, which account for the wall collision events, between t he moving particles and thedfixed scattering discs which form the cells walls; and (iii) the binary collis ion terms, which account for binary collision events, between moving pa rticles belonging to neighbouring billiard cells : ∂tpN=N/summationdisplay a=1/bracketleftBigg −va·∂ra+d/summationdisplay k=1K(a,k)/bracketrightBigg pN+1 2N/summationdisplay a,b=1B(a,b)pN. (5) Each wall collision term involves a single moving particle with index aand one of the d fixed discs in the corresponding cell, with index kand position Rk. Letrak=ra−Rk denote their relative position. Following [22], we have K(a,k)pN(...,ra,va,...) = ρ/integraldisplay ˆe·va>0dˆe(ˆe·va)/bracketleftBig δ(rak−ρˆe)pN(...,ra,va−2ˆe(ˆe·va),...) −δ(rak−ρˆe)pN(...,ra,va,...)/bracketrightBig , (6) whereˆedenotes the normal unit vector to the fixed disc kin the cell of particle a.Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 11 Likewise the binary collision operator, written in terms of the relative positions rab and velocities vabof particles aandb, and the unit vector ˆeabthat connects them, is B(a,b)pN(...,ra,va,...,rb,vb,...) = 2ρm/integraldisplay ˆeab·vab>0dˆeab(ˆeab·vab)/bracketleftBig δ(rab−2ρmˆeab) ×pN(...,ra,va−ˆeab(ˆeab·vab),...,rb,vb+ˆeab(ˆeab·vab),...) −δ(rab+2ρmˆeab)pN(...,ra,va,...,rb,vb,...)/bracketrightBig .(7) We notice that only the terms B(a,b)corresponding to first neighbours are non-vanishing and contribute to the double sum on the RHS of equation (5). Provided we have a separation of time scales between wall and binary collisions, the advection and wall collision terms on the RHS of equation (5) will typica lly dominate the dynamics on the short time ∼1/νw, which follows every binary collision event, thus ensuring, thanks to the mixing within individual billiard cells, the relaxat ion of the phase-space distribution pNto local equilibrium well before the occurrence of the next binary event, whose time scale is ∼1/νb. In other words, pN(r1,v1,...,rN,vN,t) quickly relaxes to a locally uniform distribution, which depends only on t he local energies, justifying the introduction of P(leq) N(ǫ1,...,ǫ N,t)≡/integraldisplayN/productdisplay a=1dradvapN(r1,v1,...,rN,vN,t)N/productdisplay a=1δ(ǫa−mv2 a/2),(8) whereva≡ |va|. On the time scale of binary collision events, this distribution subsequently relaxes to the global microcanonical equilibrium distrib ution. This process accounts for the transport of energy, and can be characterize d by the master equation [19] ∂tP(leq) N(ǫ1,...,ǫ N,t) =1 2N/summationdisplay a,b=1/integraldisplay dη ×/bracketleftBig W(ǫa+η,ǫb−η|ǫa,ǫb)P(leq) N(...,ǫa+η,...,ǫ b−η,...,t) −W(ǫa,ǫb|ǫa−η,ǫb+η)P(leq) N(...,ǫa,...,ǫ b,...,t)/bracketrightBig , (9) whereW(ǫa,ǫb|ǫa−η,ǫb+η) denotes the probability that an energy ηbe transferred from particle ato particle bas the result of a binary collision event between them. This equation is a closure for the local equilibrium distribution P(leq) N, obtained from equation (5) under the assumption that νw≫νb. The first two terms on the RHS of equation (5) are eliminated because they leave invariant the local distribution/producttextN a=1δ(ǫa−mv2 a/2). There remain the contributions (7) from the binary collisions, which, under the assumption that the local distibutions are uniform with respect to the positions and velocity directions, yield the following expression of W: W(ǫa,ǫb|ǫa−η,ǫb+η) =2ρmm2 (2π)2|Lρ,ρm(2)|/integraldisplay dφdR/integraldisplay ˆeab·vab>0dvadvb (10) ׈eab·vabδ/parenleftBig ǫa−m 2v2 a/parenrightBig δ/parenleftBig ǫb−m 2v2 b/parenrightBig δ/parenleftBig η−m 2[(ˆeab·va)2−(ˆeab·vb)2]/parenrightBig ,Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 12 where the first integration is performed over the positions of the c enter of mass, R≡(ra+rb)/2, between the two particles aandb, given that they are in contact and both located in their respective cells, and over the angle φof the unit vector connecting aandb,ˆeab= (cosφ,sinφ). The normalizing factor |Lρ,ρm(2)|denotes the 4-volume of the billiard corresponding to two neighbouring cells aandb, which, with the assumption thatρm/greaterorsimilarρc, can be approximated by |Lρ,ρm(2)| ≃ |B ρ|2. This substitution amounts to neglecting the overlap between the two particles; see equation ( 23) for a refinement of that approximation. We point out that the position and velocity int egrations in equation (10) can be formally decoupled; in this way, we can prove th at the transition rateWis given in terms of Jacobian elliptic functions, see Appendix A. 3.2. Geometric factor As we show in Appendix A, an important property of the master equa tion (9) is that the factor which accounts for the geometry of collision events fac torizes from the part of the kernel that accounts for energy exchanges. Therefore, a sρm→ρc, the critical value of the radius at which binary collision events become impossible, which is the regime where the billiard properties are accurately described in terms of th e master equation above, the geometric factor/integraltext dφdRencloses the scaling properties of observables with respect to the billiard geometry. We now compute this quantity. A binary collision occurs when particles aandbcome to a distance 2 ρmof each other, with ra∈ Bρ(a) andrb∈ Bρ(b). LetR= (x,y) be the center of mass coordinates andφbe the angle between the particles relative position and the axis conn ecting the center of the cells. Taking a reference frame centered between t he cells, we may write ri=1 2(x,y)+σiρm(cosφ,sinφ), (11) whereσi=±1 andi=aorb. The integral to be evaluated is the volume of the triplets (x,y,φ) about the origin so that /parenleftBigx 2+σiρmcosφ/parenrightBig2 +/parenleftbiggy 2+σiρmsinφ±l 2/parenrightbigg2 ≥ρ2. (12) As illustrated in figure 5, for different orientations φof the vector connecting the two particles, this is a region bounded by four arc-circles, which we deno te by yσ,τ(x)≡ −2σρmsinφ−τl+τ/radicalBig 4ρ2−(x+2σρmcosφ)2, (13) whereσ,τ=±1. As seen from figure 5, the area is connected for −φT≤φ≤φT, whereφTis the angleφat which opposite arcs intersect, φT= arcsinρ2 m−ρ2 c lρm. (14) Beyond that value, the area splits into two triangular areas. These areas shrink to zero at the angle φgiven by φM= arccosρmρc+l/2/radicalbig ρ2−ρ2m ρ2. (15)Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 13 Φ/EquΑΛ0 Φ/EquΑΛ0.05 Φ/EquΑΛ0.10 Φ/EquΑΛ0.15 Φ/EquΑΛ0.20 Figure 5. Possible positions of the center of mass ( x,y) for different values of φ, see equation (11), at a binary collision event. Here ρ= 13/25landρm= 13/50l. Let−φM≤φ≤φM. Wedenoteby x1< x2< x3< x4thefourcornersoftherectangular domain, x1=−x4=−2(ρmcosφ−ρc), x2=−x3=−2/radicalbig ρ2−ρ2msinφ.(16) Forφ≥φT, the points at which the opposite arcs intersect are given by xi=±(l−2ρmsinφ)/bracketleftbigg−l2+4lρmsinφ+4(ρ2−ρ2 m) l2−4lρmsinφ+4ρ2m/bracketrightbigg1/2 . (17) Combining equations (13)-(17) together, we can make use of the s ymmetry φ→ −φ and write the integral to be computed as α(ρ,ρm)≡/integraldisplay dφdR= 2/bracketleftbigg/integraldisplayφM 0A1(φ)dφ+/integraldisplayφM φTA2(φ)dφ/bracketrightbigg , (18) where A1(φ) =/integraldisplayx3 x1y+1,−1(x)dx+/integraldisplayx4 x3y−1,−1(x)dx−/integraldisplayx2 x1y+1,+1(x)dx−/integraldisplayx4 x2y−1,+1(x)dx,(19) which is the area bounded by the four arcs yσ,τ, and A2(φ) =/integraldisplayxi −xi[y−1,+1(x)−y+1,−1(x)]dx, (20) is the area of the overlapping opposite arcs y−1,+1andy+1,−1, which occurs when φT≤φ≤φM[it gives a negative contribution to A1(φ)]. Thecomputationoftheseexpressions iseasilyperformednumerica lly, andtheresult shown in figure 6. Near the critical geometry, we expand the quantity (18) in powers of the difference ρm−ρc, α(ρ,ρm) =∞/summationdisplay n=1cn(ρm−ρc)n. (21) The first two coefficients vanish, so that the leading term correspo nds ton= 3. TheFourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 14 0.010.02 0.05 0.10.2/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt1 100000/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt1 10000/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt1 1000/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt1 100/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt/FΡΑctioΝBΑΡExt1 101 Ρm/MiΝusΡcΑ/LParen1Ρ,Ρm/RParen1 Figure 6. Area of binary collisions α(ρ,ρm) versus ρm−ρcfor seven values of ρ ranging from 9 /25 to 42/100 (l= 1/√ 2). first few coefficients are derived in Appendix B and given by : c1=c2= 0, c3=128ρc 3l2, c4=256ρ2 c 3l4, c5=16 l2/parenleftbigg1 3ρc+8ρc 5l2+16ρ3 c l4+16ρ4 5l4ρc/parenrightbigg .(22) We further note that the computation of the two-cell 4-volume, |Lρ,ρm(2)|, which, as noticed above, is approximated by the square of the single cell ar ea|Bρ|2, can be improved using equation (21). Indeed it is easily seen that d |Lρ,ρm(2)|/dρm= −2α(ρ,ρm), which implies |Lρ,ρm(2)|=|Bρ|2−2∞/summationdisplay n=4cn−1 n(ρm−ρc)n. (23) It is immediate to check that corrections |Lρ,ρm(2)|−|Bρ|2=O(ρm−ρc)4. 3.3. Binary collision frequency Having computed the transition rates of the master equation with r espect to the billiard geometry, we now turn to the computation of observables. The fir st quantity of interest, which can be readily computed from equation (10), is the binary collisio n frequency νb. This is an equilibrium quantity which, in the (global) microcanonical ense mble with energyE=ǫ1+...+ǫN, involves the two-particle energy distribution, P(eq) 2(ǫa,ǫb) =(N−1)(N−2) E2/parenleftbigg 1−ǫa+ǫb E/parenrightbiggN−3 , (24) and can be written as νb=/integraldisplay dǫadǫbdηW(ǫa,ǫb|ǫa−η,ǫb+η)P(eq) 2(ǫa,ǫb). (25)Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 15 Taking the large Nlimit and letting E=NkBT≡N/β, we can write P(eq) 2(ǫa,ǫb)≃ β2exp[−β(ǫa+ǫb)][1+O(N−1)]. Substituting this expression into the above equation andinserting theexpression of Wfromequation(10), weobtain, aftersomecalculations, νb≃/radicalbigg kBT πm2ρm |Bρ|2/parenleftbigg/integraldisplay dφdR/parenrightbigg [1+O(N−1)]. (26) This expression involves the geometric factor (18) in the first brac ket. The leading term in the second bracket is the canonical expression of the binary collis ion frequency. The second term is a positive finite Ncorrection, which is useful in that it shows that the binary collision frequency decreases to its asymptotic value as N→ ∞. 3.4. Rescaled master equation The binary collision frequency (26) defines a natural dimensionless t ime scale for the stochastic process described by the master equation (9) with tra nsition rates (10). The master equation can thus be converted to dimensionless form by re scaling the energies by a reference thermal energy and time by the corresponding asy mptotic ( N→ ∞) value of the binary collision frequency (26). Introducing the variables ea≡ǫa kBT, (27) h≡η kBT, (28) τ≡νbt, (29) equation (9) becomes ∂τp(leq) N(e1,...,e N,τ) =1 2N/summationdisplay a,b=1/integraldisplay dh ×/bracketleftBig w(ea+h,eb−h|ea,eb)p(leq) N(...,ea+h,...,e b−h,...,τ) −w(ea,eb|ea−h,eb+h)p(leq) N(...,ea,...,e b,...,τ)/bracketrightBig , (30) with the transition rates w(ea,eb|ea−h,eb+h) =/radicalbigg 2 π3/integraldisplay x1/bardbl−x2/bardbl>0dx1/bardbldx1⊥dx2/bardbldx2⊥(x1/bardbl−x2/bardbl) (31) ×δ(ea−x2 1/bardbl−x2 1⊥)δ(eb−x2 2/bardbl−x2 2⊥)δ(h−x2 1/bardbl+x2 2/bardbl) This master equation shows that all the properties of heat conduc tion are rescaled by the binary collision frequency and temperature in its limit of validity whe re the collision frequency vanishes. In particular, this shows that the coefficient of heat conduction is proportional to the binary collision frequency in this limit, as explaine d in the next subsection.Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 16 3.5. Thermal conductivity Starting from the master equation (9), we derive an equation for t he evolution of the kinetic energy of each moving particle, ∝an}bracketle{tǫa∝an}bracketri}ht ≡kBTa, which defines the local temperature, where∝an}bracketle{t.∝an}bracketri}htdenotes an average with respect to the energy distributions. By t he structure of equation (9), such an equation can be expressed in terms of the transfer of energy due to the binary collisions between neighbouring cells. The time evolution o f the average local kinetic energy is given by ∂t∝an}bracketle{tǫa∝an}bracketri}ht=−/summationdisplay b∝an}bracketle{tJa,b(ǫa,ǫb)∝an}bracketri}ht, (32) with the energy flux defined as Ja,b(ǫa,ǫb)≡/integraldisplay dηηW(ǫa,ǫb|ǫa−η,ǫb+η), =−/integraldisplay dηηW(ǫa+η,ǫb−η|ǫa,ǫb).(33) This expresses the local conservation of energy. Over long time scales, the probability distribution becomes controlled by this local conservation of energy, the slowest variables being the local kinet ic energies ∝an}bracketle{tǫa∝an}bracketri}htor, equivalently, the local temperatures Taas defined above. This holds even though statisticalcorrelationsdevelopbetweenthelocalenergiesinthep robabilitydistributions. These statistical correlations are well known for transport proc esses ruled by master equations such as Eq. (9) [19, 23] and are observed in the present system as well. To be specific, we consider a one-dimensional chain, extending along thex-axis, formedwithasuccession ofpairsofrhombicbilliardcells arrangedinqu incunx, similarly to the middle panel of figure 4, except the vertical height is here on ly one unit of length. The unit of horizontal and vertical lengths is thus l√ 2 and there are two cells per each unit of length. Similar results hold for different choices of ge ometry modulo straightforward adaptations. We imagine that the system is in a non-equilibrium state, with a small tem perature difference δTabout an average temperature Tbetween neighbouring cells, and consider the average heat transfered from cell aat inverse temperature βa=β+δβ/2 to cell b at inverse temperature βb=β−δβ/2,δβ=−δT/(kBT2), both cells being assumed to be in thermal equilibrium at their respective temperatures. The sta tistical correlations we observe in the present system are of the order of δβ2, as it is the case in other systems [19]. In the non-equilibrium state, these statistical corre lations are controlled in the long-time limit by the local temperatures. Since the process is h ere ruled by a Markovian master equation in the limit of small binary collision frequenc y, we get the equation of heat for the temperature ∂tT(x,t) =∂x[κ∂xT(x,t)], (34) where the local temperature is here written as T(x,t) =∝an}bracketle{tǫij∝an}bracketri}ht/kB,x=√ 2l(i+j/2), i= 1,...,N/2,j= 0,1 [see equation (1)].Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 17 According to the rescaling property of the master equation discus sed in section 3.4, the heat conductivity is proportional to the binary collision frequen cy∝bardbl: κ l2=Aνb, (35) with a dimensionless constant A. An analytical estimation can be obtained by transforming the maste r equation into a hierarchy of equations for all the moments of the probability distr ibution:∝an}bracketle{tǫa∝an}bracketri}ht,∝an}bracketle{tǫaǫb∝an}bracketri}ht, ∝an}bracketle{tǫaǫbǫc∝an}bracketri}ht,... The evolution equations of these moments are coupled. Truncating the hierarchy at the equations for the averages ∝an}bracketle{tǫa∝an}bracketri}ht, we get the approximate heat conductivity : κ l2≃β4 2/integraldisplay dǫadǫbdη η(ǫb−ǫa)W(ǫa,ǫb|ǫa−η,ǫb+η)exp[−β(ǫa+ǫb)], =/radicalbigg kBT πm2ρm |Bρ|2/parenleftbigg/integraldisplay dφdR/parenrightbigg . (36) So thatA= 1 in this approximation. The same result holds if we include the equatio ns for the moments ∝an}bracketle{tǫaǫb∝an}bracketri}htwith|a−b| ≤1. Though the approximate result (36) above does not rule out possib le corrections to A= 1, wearguethat A= 1isanexactpropertyofthemasterequation(9)intheinfinite system limit. This claim is borne out by extensive studies of the stocha stic process described by equation (9) that will be reported in a separate publica tion [24]. The focus is here on the billiard systems whose conductivity may however bear corrections to this identity, due we believe to lack of sufficient separation of time s cales between wall and binary collision events. In the following, the results of numer ical computations are presented which support these claims. 4. Numerical results The above formulae for the binary collision frequency, equation (26 ), and the thermal conductivity, equation (36), together with the expressions of th e geometric factors, equations (22) and (23), provide a detailed picture of the mechanis m which governs the transport of heat in our model. Numerical computations of these q uantities further add to this picture and provide strong evidence of the validity of our the oretical approach. 4.1. Binary and wall collision frequencies For the sake of computing the binary collision frequency, we simulate the quasi-one dimensional channel of Ncells with rhombic shapes and apply periodic boundary conditions at the horizontal ends of the channel. Thus each cell ha s two neighbouring ∝bardblWe notice that the heat capacityper particle isequal to cV= (1/N)∂E/∂T=kB, sothat the thermal conductivity is also equal to the thermal diffusivity in units where kB= 1.Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 18 cells, left and right, and interactions between any two neighbouring cells can occur through both top and bottom corners ¶. In figure 7, we compare the computations of νbtoνwfor a system of N= 10 cells at unit temperature. The parameters are taken to be ρ= 9/25 andρm= 3/25,...,17/50 by steps of 1 /50. Both collision frequencies are computed in the units of the microcanonical average velocity, vN≡2N/radicalbig N/2(N−1)!/(2N−1)!!, which, as N→ ∞, converges to the canonical average velocity v∞=/radicalbig π/2. The wall collision frequency is compared to the collision frequency of the isolated cells νc, itself measured in the units of the single particle velocity. As expected, νb/νw≪1 andνw≃νcfor ρm/greaterorsimilarρc. The crossover νb≃νwoccurs at ρm≃11/50 for this value of ρ. 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.300. ρm − ρcνb, νw νw/νc νb νb/νw Figure 7. Wall and binary collision frequencies νwandνbversusρm−ρcin a one- dimensional channel of N= 10 rhombic cells with ρ= 9/25 and lattice spacing l= 1/√ 2. 4.2. Thermal conductivity 4.2.1. Heat flux. The thermal conductivity can be obtained by computing the heat flux in a nonequilibrium stationary state. Such stationary states oc cur when the two ends of the channel are put in contact with heat baths at separat e temperatures, say T−andT+,T−< T+. Let a system of Ncells be in contact with two thermostated cells at respective temperatures T±, and let these cell indices be n=±(N+1)/2 (we take Nodd for the sake of definiteness). Provided the difference between the bath t emperatures is small, T+−T−≪(T++T−)/2, a linear gradient oftemperature establishes throughthesyste m, with local temperatures Tn=1 2(T++T−)+n N+1(T+−T−). (37) ¶We mention that this set-up allowsfor re-collisionbetween two partic les (under stringent conditions), due to the vertical periodic boundary conditions. This conflicts with the assumptions of [15], but does not seem to affect the results as far as numerics are concerned.Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 19 Under these conditions, the nonequilibrium stationary state is expe cted to be locally well approximated by a canonical equilibrium at temperature Tn. Thiscanbechecked numerically. Infactthelocalthermalequilibrium isverified(by comparing the moments of ǫnto their Gaussian expectation values) under the weaker property of small local temperature gradients, i. e.(T+−T−)/N≪(T++T−)/2, for which the temperature profile is generally not linear since the therma l conductivity depends on the temperature. Indeed, since κ∝T1/2, we expect in that case, according to Fourier’s law, the profile Tn=/bracketleftbigg1 2(T3/2 −+T3/2 +)+n N+1(T3/2 +−T3/2 −)/bracketrightbigg2/3 . (38) The thermal conductivity can therefore be computed from the he at exchanges of the chain in contact with the two cells at the ends of the chain, respe ctively thermalized at temperatures T±δT/2,δT≪T. The thermalization of the end cells is achieved by randomizing the velocities of the two particles at every collision they m ake with their cells walls, according to the usual thermalization procedure of part icles colliding with thermalized walls [28]. First, we consider a chain containing a single cell in order to test the v alidity of the master equation. In this case, the procedure amounts to simu lating a single particle confined to its cell and performing random collisions with stochastic p articles which penetrate the cell corners according to the statistics of binary c ollisions. For a chain with a single cell, the heat conductance is given by Eq. (36) with A= 1, as there are no correlations with the stochastic particles. Figure 8 shows the results of the computations of the heat conduc tance+with this method and provides a comparison with the binary collision frequency νbon the one hand (left panel), as well as with the results of our kinetic theory pr edictions on the other hand (right panel). Theagreementbetweenthedataandequations(26), (36),(35) andthecomputation of the integrals (18)-(20), especially as ρm→ρc, demonstrates the validity of the stochastic description of the billiard system, equation (9). Next, we increase the size of the chain in order to reach the therma l conductivity in the limit of an arbitrarily large chain. The results are that statistica l correlations appear between the kinetic energies along the chain. As we show belo w, their influence on the computed value of the conductivity diminishes as ρm→ρc. FixT−= 0.5 andT+= 1.5 to be the baths temperatures, and let the size of the system increase from N= 1 toN= 20asρmisprogressively decreased from ρm= 11/50 toρm= 13/100, with fixed ρ= 9/25. As one can see from figure 8, this range of values ofρmcrosses over from a regime where the separation of time scales is no t effective +Here and in the sequel, the thermal conductance or conductivity a re further divided by l2√ T, where l= 1/√ 2 is the rhombic cell size, so as to eliminate its length and temperature dependences, thus defining the reduced thermal conductivity κ∗=κ/(l2√ T). In these expressions and from here on, we further set kB≡1.Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 20 00.05 0.10.15 0.20.25 ρm − ρcκ/(l2νb) 10−210−110−610−410−2100102 ρm − ρcκ/(l2 T1/2), νb//T1/2 κ νb K.T. Figure 8. Reduced thermal conductance κ, computed from the heat exchange in a chainwith asingle particlewith thermalizedneighbours, and binarycollis ionfrequency νb, as functions of ρm−ρc. (Left) ratio between κandνb; (Right) comparison with the results of section 3. The only relevant parameter is ρ= 9/25. For each value of ρm, several temperature differences δTwere taken, all giving consistent values of κ. The solid line shows the result of kinetic theory (K.T.). to one where it appears to be and where the stochastic model shou ld therefore be a reasonable approximation to the process of energy transport in t he billiard. Forallvaluesof ρm, wemeasuredthetemperatureprofileandheatfluxesthroughou t the system and inferred the value of the reduced thermal conduc tivity by linearly extrapolating the ratios between the average heat flux and local t emperature gradient divided by the square root of the local temperature as functions o f 1/Nto the vertical axis intercept, corresponding to N=∞. Given the parameter values, every realisation was carried out over a time corresponding to 1,000 interactions bet ween the system and baths and repeated over 104realisations. For Nup to 20, this time provided satisfying stationary statistics, with temperature profiles verifying equatio n (38) and statistically constant heat fluxes. The results of the linear regression used to compute the value of κ/νbfor selective values of ρmare shown in figures 9 and 10. Our results thus make it plausible that the ratio between the therma l conductivity and binary collision frequency approaches unity as the parameter ρmdecreases towards the critical value ρc. As will be show in a separate publication [24], this is indeed a property of the stochastic model described by equation (9) and has been verified numerically by direct simulation of the master equation within an accur acy of 4 digits. As of the billiard system, it is unfortunately difficult to improve the res ults beyond those presented here as the CPU times necessary to either increa seNor decrease ρm quickly become prohibitive. Nevertheless, the data displayed in figur es 9 and 10 offer convincing evidence that the thermal conductivity is well approxima ted by the binary collision frequency so long as the separation of time scales between w all and binary collision events is effective.Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 21 Κ/Slash1ΝB/TildeEqual1.0272Ρm/EquΑΛ0.13 1/Slash1N/LParen1jab/Slash1∆T/RParen1/Slash1ΝBΚ/Slash1ΝB/TildeEqual1.0426Ρm/EquΑΛ0.16 1/Slash1N/LParen1jab/Slash1∆T/RParen1/Slash1ΝB Κ/Slash1ΝB/TildeEqual1.0811Ρm/EquΑΛ0.19 1/Slash1N/LParen1jab/Slash1∆T/RParen1/Slash1ΝBΚ/Slash1ΝB/TildeEqual1.17911Ρm/EquΑΛ0.22 1/Slash1N/LParen1jab/Slash1∆T/RParen1/Slash1ΝB Figure 9. Ratio between thermal conductivity and binary collision frequency, κ/νb, extrapolated from the computation of the average ratio betwee n heat current and local temperature gradients, divided by the local binary collision frequency, 1/n/summationtext i[Ji,i+1/(Ti+1−Ti)]/νb(i). The system sizes are N= 1,2,5,10,15,20. The four pannels correspond to different values of ρm= 13/100,4/25,19/100,11/50, with ρ= 9/25 and thus ρc≃0.068. The red dots are the data points with corresponding error bars and the black solid line shows the result of a linear regress ion performed with data associated to systems of lengths N≥2. Ρm/MiΝusΡcΚ/Slash1ΝB Figure 10. Ratio between thermal conductivity and binary collision frequency, κ/νb, computated as in figure 9, here collected for a largerset of values o fρm. The horizontal axis shows the difference ρm−ρc. The error bars are of the same order as those in figure 8, with deviations from unity of the data points of the same or der as those in the latter figure.Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 22 4.2.2. Helfand moment. The computation of the thermal conductivity can also be performed in the global equilibrium microcanonical ensemble using the method of Helfand moments [25, 26, 27]. The Helfand moment has expression H(t) =/summationtext axa(t)ǫa(t), wherexa(t) denotes the horizontal position of particle aat timetandǫa(t) =|va(t)|2/2 its kinetic energy (the masses are taken to be unity). The computation of the time evolutio n of this quantity proceeds by discrete steps, integrating the Helfand moment from one collision event to the next, whether between a particle and the walls of its cell, or betw een two particles. Let{τn}n∈Zdenote the times at successive collision events. In the absence of b inary collisions, the energies are locally conserved and the Helfand moment changes according toH(τn) =H(τn−1) +/summationtext a[xa(τn)−xa(τn−1)]ǫa(τn−1). If, on the other hand, a binary collision occurs between particles kandl, the Helfand moment changes by an additional term [xk(τn)−xl(τn)][ǫk(τn+0)−ǫk(τn−0)]. Computing the time average of the squared Helfand moment, we obtain an expression of the thermal conductiv ity according to κ= lim L→∞1 L(kBT)2lim n→∞1 2τn/angbracketleftBig [H(τn)−H(τ0)]2/angbracketrightBig (39) whereL=N/2 is the horizontal length of the system. Figure 11 shows the results of a computation of the thermal condu ctivity through equation (39) for different system sizes. Though the actual value s ofκvary wildly with N, it is clear that a finite asymptotic value is reached for N≃102. In this case, the constant of proportionality in equation (35) takes the value A= 0.98±0.08, close to 1. Similar results were obtained for other parameter values, and othe r cell geometries as well. 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 1/Nκ/(l2 T1/2) Figure 11. Reduced thermal conductivity, computed from the mean squared Helfand moment, versus 1 /N. The parameters are ρ= 9/25,ρm= 9/50. The system sizes vary from N= 4 toN= 100. The dashed line shows the binary collision frequency, νb≃0.1225. The solid line shows a linear fit of the data, with y-intercept 0 .12±0.01, in agreement with the prediction (35).Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 23 5. Lyapunov spectrum A key aspect of our model, which justifies the assumption of local eq uilibrium, is that it is strongly chaotic. This property can be illustrated through the c omputation of the Lyapunov spectrum and Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy in equilibrium con ditions. As mentioned earlier, in the absence of interaction between the cells ,ρm< ρc, The Lyapunov spectrum of a system of Ncells has Npositive and Nnegative Lyapunov exponents, which, if divided by the average speed of the particle to which they are attached, are all equal in absolute value. This reference value we d enote by λ+. The 2Nremaining Lyapunov exponents vanish. As we increase ρmand let the particles interact, we expect that, in the regime 0< ρm−ρc≪1, where binary collision events are rare, the Lyapunov exponents will essentially be determined by λ+multiplied by a factor which is specified by the particle velocities. The exchange of velocities thus produces an ordering of the exponents which can be computed as shown below. We note that the other half of the spectrum, which remains zero in this approximation, will only pick up positive values as a r esult of the interactions. Assume for the sake of the argument that Nis large. The probability that a given particle with velocity vhas exponent λ=vλ+less than a value λi=viλ+can be approximated by the probability that the particle velocity be less tha nvi, which, if we assume a canonical form of the equilibrium distribution, is Prob(λ < λi) = Prob( v < vi), =β/integraldisplaymv2 i/2 0dǫexp(−βǫ), = 1−exp(−βmv2 i/2). (40) But this probability is simply ( N−i+ 1/2)/N. Therefore the half of the positive Lyapunov exponent spectrum, which is associated to the isolated m otion of particles within their cells, becomes, in the presence of rare collision events, λi=λ+/radicalbigg2 mβ/bracketleftbigg lnN i−1/2/bracketrightbigg1/2 , i= 1,...,N, (41) with ordering λ1> λ2> ... > λ N. In particular, the largest exponent λ1grows like√ lnN. The Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy on the other hand is extensive : hKS= Nλ+/radicalbig π/(2mβ). Refined expressions can be computed by taking the microcanonical distribution associated to a finite N. In particular, the expressions of the Lyapunov exponents become λi=λ+/radicalBigg 2N mβ/bracketleftBigg 1−/parenleftbiggi−1/2 N/parenrightbigg1/(N−1)/bracketrightBigg1/2 . (42) We mention in passing that similar arguments are relevant and can be u sed to approximate the Lyapunov spectrum (actually half of it) of other m odels, such as a mixture of light and heavy particles [30].Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 24 /SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ /SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/StΑΡ /StΑΡ/StΑΡ /StΑΡ/StΑΡ /StΑΡ/StΑΡ /StΑΡ/StΑΡ /StΑΡ/StΑΡ /StΑΡ/StΑΡ /StΑΡ/StΑΡ /StΑΡ/StΑΡ /StΑΡ/StΑΡ /StΑΡ 0 10 20 30 40/MiΝus20/MiΝus1001020 iΛi /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛeti/EquΑΛ1,...,10 Ρm/MiΝusΡcΛi/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet/BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛet /BuΛΛeti/EquΑΛ11,...,19 0.10 Ρm/MiΝusΡcΛi Figure 12. (Top) Lyapunov exponents λiversusicomputed with a rhombic channel of sizeN= 10 cells and parameter ρ= 9/25. The different curves correspond to different values of ρm= 0.11 (bottom curve) to 0 .34 (top curve) by steps of 0 .01. The lines of stars are obtained for ρm= 0.04< ρc, yielding the exponents λ+and λ−associated to isolated cells, with all the particles at the same speed. The squares correspond to the first half of the spectrum as predicted by equa tion (42). (Bottom) λiversusρm−ρc. The first of the two figures displays the first half of the positive part of the spectrum of exponents, λ1,...,λ Nand compares them to the asymptotic estimate equation (42) (straight lines). The second plot shows the second half of the positive part of the spectrum, λN+1,...,λ 2N−1, displaying their power-law scaling to zero asρm→ρc.Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 25 /Bullet /Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet/Bullet /Bullet /Bullet /Bullet /Bullet/SolidUpTriangle /SolidUpTriangle /SolidUpTriangle /SolidUpTriangle/SolidUpTriangle/SolidUpTriangle /SolidUpTriangle /SolidUpTriangle /SolidUpTriangle /SolidUpTriangle /SolidUpTriangle /SolidUpTriangle/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ /SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ /SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ /SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ /SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ /SoΛi∆me∆sqΡ/MedSolidDiamond /MedSolidDiamond /MedSolidDiamond /MedSolidDiamond /MedSolidDiamond /MedSolidDiamond /MedSolidDiamond /MedSolidDiamond /MedSolidDiamond /MedSolidDiamond /MedSolidDiamond /MedSolidDiamond/SolidDownTriangle /SolidDownTriangle /SolidDownTriangle /SolidDownTriangle /SolidDownTriangle /SolidDownTriangle /SolidDownTriangle /SolidDownTriangle /SolidDownTriangle /SolidDownTriangle 0.10 0.1010.00 0.01 Ρm/MiΝusΡchKS/Slash1N/MiΝusΛ/PΛus Figure 13. Extensivity of the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy. The vertical axis sh ows the difference between the Kolmogorov Sinai entropy, here compu ted from the sum of the positive Lyapunov exponents for system sizes N= 3 (magenta circles), 5 (blue up triangles), 10 (green squares), 15 (cyan diamonds), 20 (red dow n triangles), divided by the corresponding microcanonical average velocity, and the Ly apunov exponent of the isolated billiard cell at unit velocity. The curves fall nicely upon eac h other and converge to zero as ρm→ρc. Let us again insist that equations (41) and (42) account for only Nof the 2N−1 positive Lyapunov exponents. N−1 are vanishing within this approximation. For all these Lyapunov exponents, we expect the corrections to vanish with the binary collision frequency as we go to the critical geometry. Figures 12 and 13 show the results of a numerical computation of th e whole spectrum of Lyapunov exponents and corresponding Kolmogorov -Sinai entropy for the one-dimensional channel of rhombic cells. The agreement with equa tion (42) as ρm→ρc isverygood,attheexceptionperhapsofthelastfewamongthefir stNexponents, whose convergence to the asymptotic value (42) appears to be slower. I nterestingly, the largest exponents have a minimum which occurs at about the value of ρmfor which the binary and wall collision frequencies have ratio unity, see figure 7. Indeed, for larger radii ρm, the spectrum is similar to that of a channel of hard discs (without ob stacles) [29]. Note that the same holds for the ratio between the thermal conductivit y and binary collision frequency, as seen from figure 8. Thus one can interpret the occ urrence of a minimum of the largest exponent as evidence of a crossover from a near clo se-packing solid-like phase (ρm/lessorsimilarρ) to a gaseous-like phase trapped in a rigid structure ( ρm/greaterorsimilarρc). 6. Conclusions To summarize, lattice billiards form the simplest class of Hamiltonian mod els for which one can observe normal transport of energy, consistent with Fo urier’s law. Geometric confinement restricts the transport properties of this system t o heat conductivity alone, thereby avoiding the complications of coupling mass and heat transp orts, which are common to other many particle billiards.Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 26 The strong chaotic properties of the isolated billiard cells warrant, in a parametric regime where interactions among moving particles are seldom, the pr operty of local equilibrium. This is to say, assuming that wall collision frequencies are o rder-of- magnitude larger than binary collision frequencies, that one is entitle d to making a Markovian approximation according to which phase-space distribu tions are spread over individual cells. We are thus allowed to ignore the details of the dis tribution at the level of individual cells and coarse-grain the phase-space distr ibutions to a many- particle energy distribution function, thereby going from the pseu do-Liouville equation, governing the microscopic statistical evolution, to the master equ ation, which accounts for the energy exchanges at a mesoscopic cell-size scale and local t hermalization. The energy exchange process further drives the relaxation of the wh ole system to global equilibrium. This separation of scales, from the cell scale dynamics, correspon ding to the microscopic level, to the energy exchange among neighbouring cells a t the mesoscopic level, and to the relaxation of the system to thermal equilibrium at th e macroscopic level, is characterized by three different rates. The process of re laxation to local equilibrium has a rate given by the wall collision frequency, much larger than the rate of binary collisions, which characterizes the rate of energy ex changes which accompany the relaxation to local thermal equilibrium, itself much lar ger than the hydrodynamic relaxation rate, given by the binary collision rate divide d by the square of the macroscopic length of the system. On this basis, having reduced the deterministic dynamics of the many particles motions to a stochastic process of energy exchanges between ne ighboring cells, we are able to derive Fourier’s law and the macroscopic heat equation. The energytransport master equation canbesolved withtheresu lt, tobepresented elsewhere [24], that the binary collision frequency and heat conduct ivity are equal. Under the assumption that the wall and binary collision time scales of t he billiard are well separated, the transposition of this result to the billiard dynam ics is that : (i) The heat conductivity of the mechanical model is proportional t o the binary collision frequency, i. e.the rate of collisions among neighbouring particles, κ l2νb=A, ν b≪νw, with a constant Athat is exactly 1 at the critical geometry, ρm→ρc, where the evolution of probability densities is rigorously described by the maste r equation, and remains close to unity over a large range of parameter values fo r which we conclude the time scale separation is effective and the master equat ion therefore gives a good approximation to the energy transport process of th e billiard ; (ii) The heat conductivity and the binary collision frequency both van ish in the limit of insulating system, ρm→ρc, with (ρm−ρc)3, lim ρm→ρcκ l2(ρm−ρc)3= lim ρm→ρcνb (ρm−ρc)3=2ρm |Bρ|2/radicalbigg kBT πmc3, where the coefficient c3depends on the specific geometry of the binary collisions.Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 27 Though both results are exact strictly speaking only in the limit ρm→ρc, the first one, according to our numerical computations, is robust and holds throughout the range ofparameters for which the binarycollision frequency ismuch less th anthe wall collision frequency, νb≪νw. The deviations from A= 1 which we observed at intermediary values of ρm, where the separation of time scales is less effective, are interpret ed as actual deviations of the energy transport process of the billiard f rom that described by the master equation, where correlations between the motions of n eighboring particles must be accounted for. Under the conditions of local equilibrium, the Lyapunov spectrum ha s a simple structure, half of it being determined according to random velocity distributions within the microcanonical ensemble, while the other half remains close to ze ro. The analytic expression of the Lyapunov spectrum that we obtained is thus exa ct at the critical geometry. The Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy is equal to the sum of th e positive Lyapunov exponents andthusdetermined byhalfofthem. Itisextensive inth enumber ofparticles in the system, whereas the largest Lyapunov exponent grows like t he square root of the logarithm of that number. As we mentioned earlier, we believe our met hod is relevant to the computation of the Lyapunov spectrum of other models of in teracting particles [30]. The computation of the full spectrum, particularly regarding t he effect of binary collisions on the exponents, remains an open problem. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank D. Alonso, J. Bricmont, J. R. Dorfman, M . D. Jara Valenzuela, A. Kupiainen, R. Lefevere, C. Liverani, S. Olla and C. Mej ´ ıa-Monasterio for fruitful discussions and comments at different stages of this w ork. This research is financially supported by the Belgian Federal Government under th e Interuniversity AttractionPoleprojectNOSYP06/02andtheCommunaut´ efran¸ caisedeBelgiqueunder contract ARC 04/09-312. TG is financially supported by the Fonds d e la Recherche Scientifique F.R.S.-FNRS. Appendix A. Computation of the Kernel Weprovideinthisappendix theexplicit formofthetransitionrate W, givenbyequation (10). We first substitute the two velocity integrals by two angle integrals, eliminating the two delta functions which involve only the local energies. /integraldisplay ˆeab·vab>0dvadvbˆeab·vabδ/parenleftbigg ǫa−mv2 a 2/parenrightbigg δ/parenleftbigg ǫb−mv2 b 2/parenrightbigg δ/parenleftBig η−m 2[(ˆeab·va)2−(ˆeab·vb)2]/parenrightBig =√ 2 m5/2/integraldisplay D+dθadθb(√ǫacosθa−√ǫbcosθb)δ(η−ǫacos2θa+ǫbcos2θb),(A.1) whereθa/bdenote the angles of the velocity vectors va/bwith respect to the direction φof the relative position vector joining particles aandb,ˆeab= (cosφ,sinφ), and theFourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 28 angle integration is performed over the domain D+such that√ǫacosθa>√ǫbcosθb. With the above expression (A.1), the explicit φdependence has disappeared so that we have effectively decoupled the velocity integration from the integration over the direction of the relative position between the two colliding particles. W e can further transform this expression in terms of Jacobian elliptic functions as f ollows. Letxi= cosθi,i=a,b, in equation (A.1), which becomes 4√ 2 m5/2/integraldisplay1 −1dxa/radicalbig 1−x2 a/integraldisplay1 −1dxb/radicalbig 1−x2 bθ(√ǫaxa−√ǫbxb)(√ǫaxa−√ǫbxb)δ(η−ǫax2 a+ǫbx2 b),(A.2) whereθ(.) is the Heaviside step function. We thus have to perform the xaandxb integrations along the line defined by the argument of the delta func tion, η=ǫax2 a−ǫbx2 b, (A.3) and that satisfies the condition √ǫaxa>√ǫbxb. (A.4) To carry out this computation, we have to consider the following alte rnatives : (i)ǫa< ǫb, 0< η < ǫ a The solution of equation (A.3) which is compatible with equation (A.4) is xa=/parenleftbiggη+ǫbx2 b ǫa/parenrightbigg1/2 . (A.5) Plugging this solution into equation (A.2) and setting the bounds of th exb-integral to±/radicalbig (ǫa−η)/ǫb, the expression (A.2) reduces to (omitting the prefactors) /integraldisplay√ (ǫa−η)/ǫb 0dxb1/radicalbig ǫa−η−ǫbx2 b/radicalbig 1−x2 b=1√ǫbK/parenleftbiggǫa−η ǫb/parenrightbigg ,(A.6) whereKdenotes the Jabobian elliptic function of the first kind, K(m) =/integraldisplayπ/2 0(1−msin2θ)−1/2dθ(m <1). (A.7) Thus the kernel is, in this case, W(ǫa,ǫb|ǫa−η,ǫb+η) =2ρm π2|Lρ,ρm(2)|/radicalbigg 2 mǫbK/parenleftbiggǫa−η ǫb/parenrightbigg/integraldisplay dφdR. (A.8) (ii)ǫa< ǫb,ǫa−ǫb< η <0 This case is similar to case (i), with equation (A.5) replaced by xb=−/parenleftbigg−η+ǫax2 a ǫb/parenrightbigg1/2 (A.9) and−1< xa<+1. The expression of the kernel corresponding to this case is therefore W(ǫa,ǫb|ǫa−η,ǫb+η) =2ρm π2|Lρ,ρm(2)|/radicalBigg 2 m(ǫb+η)K/parenleftbiggǫa ǫb+η/parenrightbigg/integraldisplay dφdR.(A.10)Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 29 (iii)ǫa< ǫb,−ǫb< η < ǫ a−ǫb<0 This case is similar to case (ii), with −/radicalbig (ǫb+η)/ǫa< xa<+/radicalbig (ǫb+η)/ǫa. In this case, the expression of the kernel is given by W(ǫa,ǫb|ǫa−η,ǫb+η) =2ρm π2|Lρ,ρm(2)|/radicalbigg 2 mǫaK/parenleftbiggǫb+η ǫa/parenrightbigg/integraldisplay dφdR. (A.11) The cases with ǫa> ǫbare obtained from the cases above with the roles of aandb interchanged and η→ −η. Appendix B. Collision area near the critical geometry Thereasonwhy c1andc2inequation(22)vanishisthattheangledifferenceis O(ρm−ρc) and the area A1(φ) =O[(ρm−ρc)2]. These quantities are easily computed. Letρm= (1+ε)ρc,ε≪1. We have φT=2ρc lε−ρc lε2+O(ε3), (B.1) φM=2ρc lε+4ρ3 c l3ε2+O(ε3), (B.2) which indicates that the bounds of the angle integrals appearing in eq uation (18) are O(ε), withφMandφTdiffering only to O(ε2). The leading contribution to the integral α(ρ,ρm) therefore stems only from the integration of A1(φ), which we can compute explicitly by expanding ρmaboutρcand taking into consideration that φisO(ε). The result is /integraldisplayφM 0A1(φ)dφ≃/integraldisplayφT 0A1(φ)dφ, ≃/integraldisplayφT 0/parenleftBig16ρ3 c lε2−4lρcφ2/parenrightBig dφ, =64ρ4 c 3l2ε3, (B.3) which yields the leading coefficient c3in equation (22). We can compute the coefficients of the next few powers in the expan sion (21) in a similar fashion. First we notice that A2(φ) isO(ε3) so that its integral between φTand φMisO(ε5). Therefore only the integral of A1(φ) contributes to c4in equation (22). The computation of the next terms in the expansion is more involved s ince it requires the integration of A2(φ), whose expression is : A2(φ) = 8ρ2arcsin/bracketleftbiggρmlsinφ−(ρ2 m−ρ2 c) ρ2/bracketrightbigg1/2 (B.4) −4[ρmlsinφ−(ρ2 m−ρ2 c)]1/2(4ρ2 m+l2−4ρmlsinφ)1/2. Expanding this expression for ρmε-close to ρcandφ ε2-close to φT, we get, to leading order, /integraldisplayφM φTA2(φ)dφ=1024ρ4ρ4 c 15l6ε5. (B.5)Fourier’s law in many particle dispersing billiards 30 Combining this expression with the 5 thorder contribution to the integral of A1(φ), we obtainc5, equation (22). We point out that this coefficient is actually much larg er than c3andc4, a reason being that negative powers of ρcappear in its expression. The same holds of the next few coefficients. [1] Fourier J 1822 Th´ eorie analytique de la chaleur (Didot, Paris); Reprinted 1988 (J Gabay, Paris); Facsimile available online at . 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[30] Gaspard P and van Beijeren H 2002 When do tracer particles dominate the Lyapunov spectrum? J. Stat. Phys. 109671. | 2008-02-29 | We consider the motion of many confined billiard balls in interaction and
discuss their transport and chaotic properties. In spite of the absence of mass
transport, due to confinement, energy transport can take place through binary
collisions between neighbouring particles. We explore the conditions under
which relaxation to local equilibrium occurs on time scales much shorter than
that of binary collisions, which characterize the transport of energy, and
subsequent relaxation to local thermal equilibrium. Starting from the
pseudo-Liouville equation for the time evolution of phase-space distributions,
we derive a master equation which governs the energy exchange between the
system constituents. We thus obtain analytical results relating the transport
coefficient of thermal conductivity to the frequency of collision events and
compute these quantities. We also provide estimates of the Lyapunov exponents
and Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy under the assumption of scale separation. The
validity of our results is confirmed by extensive numerical studies. | Heat conduction and Fourier's law in a class of many particle dispersing billiards | 0802.4455v3 |
Spin Pumping from Permalloy into Uncompensated Antiferromagnetic Co doped Zinc Oxide Martin Buchner,1,Julia Lumetzberger,1Verena Ney,1Tadd aus Schaers,1,yNi eli Da e,2and Andreas Ney1 1Institut f ur Halbleiter- und Festk orperphysik, Johannes Kepler Universit at, Altenberger Str. 69, 4040 Linz, Austria 2Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, CH-5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland (Dated: August 11, 2021) Heterostructures of Co-doped ZnO and Permalloy were investigated for their static and dynamic magnetic interaction. The highly Co-doped ZnO is paramagentic at room temperature and becomes an uncompensated antiferromagnet at low temperatures, showing a narrowly opened hysteresis and a vertical exchange bias shift even in the absence of any ferromagnetic layer. At low temperatures in combination with Permalloy an exchange bias is found causing a horizontal as well as vertical shift of the hysteresis of the heterostructure together with an increase in coercive eld. Furthermore, an increase in the Gilbert damping parameter at room temperature was found by multifrequency FMR evidencing spin pumping. Temperature dependent FMR shows a maximum in magnetic damping close to the magnetic phase transition. These measurements also evidence the exchange bias interaction of Permalloy and long-range ordered Co-O-Co structures in ZnO, that are barely detectable by SQUID due to the shorter probing times in FMR. I. Introduction In spintronics a variety of concepts have been devel- oped over the past years to generate and manipulate spin currents [1, 2]. Amongst them are the spin Hall eect (SHE), which originates from the spin orbit coupling [3], spin caloritronics [4] utilizing the spin seebeck eect [5] or spin transfer torque (current induced torque) due to angular momentum conservation [6] as examples. Spin pumping [7], where a precessing magnetization transfers angular momentum to an adjacent layer, proved to be a very versatile method since it has been reported for dier- ent types of magnetic orders [8{11] or electrical properties [12{14] of materials. Furthermore it could also be veri- ed in trilayer systems where the precessing ferromagnet and the spin sink, into which the angular momentum is transferred, are separated by a non-magnetic spacer [15{ 18]. This is strongly dependent on the material, while for Cu [15], Au [16], or Al [17] pumping through a few nanometers is possible an MgO barrier of 1 nm is enough to completely suppress spin pumping [18]. Spintronic devices are usually based on a ferromagnet (FM) although antiferromagnetic spintronics [19] holds the advantages of faster dynamics, less perturbation by external magnetic elds and no stray elds. The latter two are caused by the zero net magnetization of an an- tiferromagnet (AFM), which on the other hand makes them harder to manipulate. One way to control an AFM is by using an adjacent FM layer and exploiting the exchange-bias (EB) eect [20, 21]. Measuring spin- transfer torque in FM/AFM bilayer structures, is possi- Electronic address:; Phone: +43-732- 2468-9651; FAX: -9696 yCurrent address: NanoSpin, Department of Applied Physics, Aalto University School of Science, P.O. Box 15100, FI-00076 Aalto, Finlandble [22, 23], but challenging due to Joule heating [24{26] or possible unstable antiferromagnetic orders [27]. Anti- ferromagnets can be used either as spin source [28] or as spin sink [11, 29] in a spin pumping experiment. Thereby the spin mixing conductance, a measure for the absorp- tion of angular (spin) momentum at the interface [7], is described by intersublattice scattering at an antiferro- magnetic interface [30]. Linear response theory predicted an enhancement of spin pumping near magnetic phase transitions [31], which could recently also be veried ex- perimentally [29]. In this work we investigate the behavior of the uncom- pensated, antiferromagnetic Co xZn1-xO with x2f0.3, 0.5, 0.6g(in the following 30 %, 50 % and 60 % Co:ZnO) in contact to ferromagnetic permalloy (Py). While weakly paramagnetic at room temperature, Co:ZnO makes a phase transition to an antiferromagnetic state at a N eel temperature ( TN) dependent on the Co concentra- tion [32]. This resulting antiferromagnetism is not fully compensated which is evidenced by a narrow hysteresis and a non saturating magnetization up to 17 T [33]. Fur- thermore, Co:ZnO lms exhibit a vertical EB in complete absence of a FM layer [34]. This vertical exchange shift is dependent on the Co concentration [32], temperature and cooling eld [35] and the eld imprinted magnetization predominantly shows orbital character [36]. Note that below the coalesence limit of 20 % the vertical EB van- ishes. Co:ZnO therefore oers to study magnetic inter- actions between an uncompensated AFM and a FM Py layer. Static coupling, visible as EB, is investigated using super conducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometry. The dynamic coupling across the inter- face is measured using ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) at room temperature and around the magnetic transi- tion temperatures determined from M(T) SQUID mea- surements. Element selective XMCD studies are carried out to disentangle the individual magnetic contributions. Finally heterostructures with an Al spacer were investi- gated to rule out intermixing at the interface as sourcearXiv:1909.04362v3 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 14 Oct 20192 for the coupling eect. II. Experimental Details Heterostructures consisting of Co:ZnO, Py and Al, as shown in Fig. 1 were fabricated on c-plane sapphire sub- strates using reactive magnetron sputtering (RMS) and pulsed laser deposition (PLD) at a process pressure of 4 10-3mbar. The dierent layers of a heterostructure are all grown in the same UHV chamber with a base pressure of 210-9mbar in order to ensure an uncontaminated interface. While Py and Co:ZnO are grown by magnetron sputtering, the Al spacer and capping layers are grown by PLD. Al and Py are fabricated at room temperature using 10 standard cubic centimeters per minute (sccm) Ar as a process gas. For the heterostructures containing a Co:ZnO layer, samples with three dierent Co concentrations of 30 %, 50 % and 60 % are grown utilizing preparation conditions that yield the best crystalline quality known for Co:ZnO single layers [32, 33, 36]. For 30 % and 50 % Co:ZnO metallic sputter targets of Co and Zn are used at an Ar:O 2ratio of 10 : 1 sccm, while for 60 % Co:ZnO no oxy- gen and a ceramic composite target of ZnO and Co 3O4 with a 3 : 2 ratio is used. The optimized growth temper- atures are 450C, 294C and 525C. Between Co:ZnO growth and the next layer a cool-down period is required, to minimize inter-diusion between Py and Co:ZnO. The static magnetic properties are investigated by SQUID magnetometry. M(H) curves are recorded at 300 K and 2 K in in-plane geometry with a maximum magnetic eld of 5 T. During cool-down either a mag- netic eld of5 T or zero magnetic eld is applied to dif- ferentiate between plus-eld-cooled (pFC), minus-eld- cooled (mFC) or zero-eld-cooled (ZFC) measurements. All measurements shown in this work have been corrected by the diamagnetic background of the sapphire substrate and care was taken to avoid well-known artifacts [37, 38]. For probing the element selective magnetic properties X-ray absorption (XAS) measurements were conducted at the XTreme beamline [39] at the Swiss Synchrotron Lightsource (SLS). From the XAS the X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) is obtained by taking the direct dierence between XAS with left and right cir- cular polarization. The measurements were conducted with total
uoresence yield under 20grazing incidence. Thereby, the maximum magnetic eld of 6.8 T was ap- plied. Both, external magnetic eld and photon helic- ity have been reversed to minimize measurement arte- facts. Again pFC, mFC and ZFC measurements were conducted applying either zero or the maximum eld in the respective direction. The dynamic magnetic properties were measured us- ing multi-frequency and temperature dependent FMR. Multi-frequency FMR is exclusively measured at room temperature from 3 GHz to 10 GHz using a short cir- cuited semi-rigid cable [40]. Temperature dependentmeasurements are conducted using an X-band resonator at 9.5 GHz. Starting at 4 K the temperature is increased to 50 K in order to be above the N eel-temperature of the Co:ZnO samples [32, 35]. At both FMR setups the mea- surements were done in in-plane direction. The measured raw data for SQUID, FMR, XAS and XMCD can be found in a following data repository [41]. III. Experimental results & Discussion FIG. 1: (a) shows the schematic setup of the samples. For the Co:ZnO layer three dierent Co concentrations of 30 %, 50 % and 60 % are used. The cross section TEM image of the 60 % Co:ZnO/Py sample as well as the electron diraction pattern of the Co:ZnO layer (b) and a magnication on the interface between Co:ZnO and Py (c) are shown. Figure 1(a) displays the four dierent types of samples:3 Co:ZnO layers, with Co concentrations of 30 %, 50 % and 60 %, are grown with a nominal thickness of 100 nm and Py with 10 nm. To prevent surface oxidation a capping layer of 5 nm Al is used. For single 60 % Co:ZnO lms the vertical-exchange bias eect was largest compared to lower Co concentrations. Therefore, for 60 % Co:ZnO samples with an additional Al layer as spacer between Co:ZnO and Py have been fabricated. The thickness of the Al spacer (1 nm, 1.5 nm and 2 nm) is in a range where the Al is reported not to suppress spin pumping eects itself [17]. TEM To get information about the interface between Py and Co:ZnO high resolution cross section transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was done. In Fig. 1(b) the cross section TEM image of 60 % Co:ZnO/Py with the electron diraction pattern of the Co:ZnO is shown. A magnication of the interface between Co:ZnO and Py is shown in Fig. 1(c). From XRD measurements [32] it is obvious that the quality of the wurtzite crystal slightly decreases for higher Co doping in ZnO. A similar be- havior is observed in TEM cross section images. While 35 % Co:ZnO shows the typical only slightly misoriented columnar grain growth [32] it is obvious from Fig. 1(b) that the crystalline nanocolumns are less well ordered for 60 % Co:ZnO. Although the electron diraction pattern conrms a well ordered wurtzite structure, the misorien- tation of lattice plains is stronger than for 35 % Co:ZnO [32], even resulting in faint Moir e fringes which stem from tilted lattice plains along the electron path. This cor- roborates previous ndings of !-rocking curves in XRD [32, 36] where the increase in the full width at half maxi- mum also evidences a higher tilting of the crystallites, i.e. an increased mosaicity. The interface to the Py layer is smooth, although it is not completely free of dislocations. Also the interface seems to be rather abrupt within one atomic layer, i.e. free of intermixing. A similar behavior is found for the interface between 50 % Co:ZnO and Py (not shown). XAS and XMCD Figure 2 shows XAS and XMCD spectra recorded at 3 K and a magnetic eld of 6.8 T at the Ni L 3/2and Co L 3/2edges of 60 % Co:ZnO/Py after pFC, mFC or ZFC. For all three cooling conditions the Ni L 3/2edges (Fig. 2(a)) show a metallic character of the Ni XAS with- out any additional ne structure characteristics for NiO and thus no sign of oxidation of the Py. Further, no dif- ferences in the XAS or the XMCD of the Ni edges of dierent cooling conditions are found. The same is ob- served for the Fe L 3/2edges, however, they are aected greatly by self-absorption processes in total
uorescence yield (not shown). /s56/s52/s48 /s56/s53/s48 /s56/s54/s48 /s56/s55/s48 /s56/s56/s48/s45/s50/s46/s53/s45/s50/s46/s48/s45/s49/s46/s53/s45/s49/s46/s48/s45/s48/s46/s53/s48/s46/s48/s48/s46/s53/s49/s46/s48/s49/s46/s53/s50/s46/s48/s50/s46/s53 /s40/s97/s41 /s78/s105/s32/s76/s51/s47/s50/s32/s101/s100/s103/s101/s32/s64/s32/s51/s75/s44/s32/s84/s70/s89/s32 /s50/s48/s176/s32/s103/s114/s97/s122/s105/s110/s103/s32/s105/s110/s99/s105/s100/s101/s110/s99/s101/s44/s32/s66/s32/s61/s32/s54/s46/s56/s84 /s32/s88/s65/s83/s32/s112/s70/s67 /s32/s88/s65/s83/s32/s90/s70/s67 /s32/s88/s65/s83/s32/s109/s70/s67 /s32/s32/s32/s32/s32 /s32/s88/s77/s67/s68/s32/s112/s70/s67 /s32/s32/s32/s32/s32 /s32/s88/s77/s67/s68/s32/s90/s70/s67 /s32/s32/s32/s32/s32 /s32/s88/s77/s67/s68/s32/s109/s70/s67/s101/s110/s101/s114/s103/s121/s32/s40/s101/s86/s41/s88/s65/s83/s32/s40/s97/s114/s98/s46/s32/s117/s110/s105/s116/s115/s41/s54/s48/s37/s32/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121 /s40/s98/s41/s45/s48/s46/s56/s45/s48/s46/s54/s45/s48/s46/s52/s45/s48/s46/s50/s48/s46/s48/s48/s46/s50/s48/s46/s52/s48/s46/s54/s48/s46/s56 /s88/s77/s67/s68/s32/s40/s37/s41 /s55/s55/s48 /s55/s56/s48 /s55/s57/s48 /s56/s48/s48 /s56/s49/s48/s45/s50/s46/s53/s45/s50/s46/s48/s45/s49/s46/s53/s45/s49/s46/s48/s45/s48/s46/s53/s48/s46/s48/s48/s46/s53/s49/s46/s48/s49/s46/s53/s50/s46/s48/s50/s46/s53 /s67/s111/s32/s76/s51/s47/s50/s32/s101/s100/s103/s101/s32/s64/s32/s51/s75/s44/s32/s84/s70/s89/s32 /s50/s48/s176/s32/s103/s114/s97/s122/s105/s110/s103/s32/s105/s110/s99/s105/s100/s101/s110/s99/s101/s44/s32/s66/s32/s61/s32/s54/s46/s56/s84/s32/s88/s65/s83/s32/s112/s70/s67 /s32/s88/s65/s83/s32/s90/s70/s67 /s32/s88/s65/s83/s32/s109/s70/s67 /s32/s88/s77/s67/s68/s32/s112/s70/s67 /s32/s88/s77/s67/s68/s32/s90/s70/s67 /s32/s88/s77/s67/s68/s32/s109/s70/s67 /s101/s110/s101/s114/s103/s121/s32/s40/s101/s86/s41/s88/s65/s83/s32/s40/s97/s114/s98/s46/s32/s117/s110/s105/s116/s115/s41 /s45/s48/s46/s48/s54/s45/s48/s46/s48/s52/s45/s48/s46/s48/s50/s48/s46/s48/s48/s48/s46/s48/s50/s48/s46/s48/s52/s48/s46/s48/s54 /s88/s77/s67/s68/s32/s40/s37/s41FIG. 2: In (a) the XMCD at the Ni L 3/2edges after pFC, mFC and ZFC for 60 % Co:ZnO/Py are shown. (b) shows the same for the Co L 3/2edges. The Co L 3/2edges in Fig. 2(b) are also greatly af- fected by the self absorption of the total
uorescence yield, since it is buried below 10 nm of Py and 5 nm of Al. In contrast to Ni the XAS and XMCD at the Co L3/2edges (Fig. 2(b)) are not metallic and evidence the incorporation of Co as Co2+in the wurtzite structure of ZnO [32, 36]. The overall intensity of the Co XMCD is strongly reduced indicating a small magnetic moment per Co atom well below metallic Co. This small eective Co moment in 60 % Co:ZnO can be understood by the degree of antiferromagnetic compensation that increases with higher Co doping concentrations [32]. Furthermore, no indications of metallic Co precipitates are visible in the XAS and XMCD of the heterostructure as it would be expected for a strong intermixing at the interface to the Py. No changes between the pFC, mFC and ZFC measure- ments are visible also for the Co edges either in XAS or XMCD indicating that the spin system of the Co dopants is not altered in the exchange bias state. This corrob- orates measurements conducted at the Co K-edge [36]. After eld cooling the XMCD at the Co main absorption increased compared to the ZFC conditions. At the Co K-edge the main absorption stems from the orbital mo- ment. The spin system is only measured indirectly at the pre-edge feature which remained unaected by the cool- ing eld conditions. The data of K- and L-edges com- bined evidences that the imprinted magnetization after eld cooling is composed predominantly of orbital mo-4 ment, which is in good agreement with other EB systems [42, 43] SQUID /s45/s49/s48 /s45/s53 /s48 /s53 /s49/s48/s45/s49/s48/s49 /s45/s49/s48 /s45/s56 /s45/s54 /s45/s52 /s45/s50 /s48 /s50 /s52 /s54 /s56 /s49/s48/s45/s49/s48/s49 /s45/s50/s48/s48 /s45/s49/s48/s48 /s48 /s49/s48/s48 /s50/s48/s48/s45/s49/s54/s48/s45/s49/s50/s48/s45/s56/s48/s45/s52/s48/s48/s52/s48/s56/s48/s49/s50/s48/s49/s54/s48/s51/s48/s48/s75 /s40/s98/s41/s32/s77/s47/s77/s91/s49/s48/s109/s84/s93 /s48/s72/s32/s40/s109/s84/s41/s32/s80/s121/s32 /s32/s51/s48/s37/s32/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121 /s32/s53/s48/s37/s32/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121 /s32/s54/s48/s37/s32/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121/s40/s97/s41 /s32 /s32/s51/s48/s48/s75 /s32/s50/s75/s77/s32/s40 /s101/s109/s117/s41 /s48/s72/s32/s40/s109/s84/s41/s32/s32/s109/s70/s67 /s32/s32/s112/s70/s67 /s32/s32/s90/s70/s67/s54/s48/s37/s32/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121 /s50/s75/s32/s97/s102/s116/s101/s114/s58 FIG. 3: At 300 K the M(H) curves of the single Py lm al- most overlaps with the M(H) curves of the heterostructures with all three Co:ZnO concentrations (a). In the inset it can be seen that there is no dierence in coercive eld for Py at 300 K and 2 K. Measuring the 60 % Co:ZnO/Py heterostruc- ture after plus, minus and zero eld cooling, horizontal and vertical exchange bias shifts are visible, as well as an increase in the coercive eld (b). The static coupling in the heterostructures was investi- gated by integral SQUID magnetometry. Measurements done at 300 K, as shown in Fig. 3(a), do not reveal a sig- nicant in
uence of the Co:ZnO on the M(H) curve of Py. Just a slight increase in coercive eld from 0.1 mT to 0.4 mT is determined. Some of the M(H) curves in Fig. 3(a) are more rounded than the others. This can be attributed to slight variations in the aspect ra- tio of the SQUID pieces and thus variations in the shape anisotropy. The inset of Fig. 3(a) shows the hysteresis of the single Py lm at 300 K and 2 K, where no dierence in coercivity is visible. Please note that up to now mea- surements were conducted only in a eld range of 10 mT and directly after a magnet reset. This is done to avoid in
uences of the oset eld of the SQUID [38]. At lowtemperatures, to determine the full in
uence of Co:ZnO, high elds need to be applied, as it has been shown in [35]. Therefore, coercive elds obtained from low temperature measurements are corrected by the known oset eld of 1.5 mT of the SQUID [38]. Since the paramagnetic signal of Co:ZnO is close to the detection limit of the SQUID and thus, orders of mag- nitude lower than the Py signal it has no in
uence on the room temperature M(H) curve. However, with an additional Co:ZnO layer a broadening of the hysteresis, a horizontal and a small vertical shift are measured at 2 K as can be seen exemplary for 60 % Co:ZnO/Py in Fig. 3(b). Similar to single Co:ZnO lms where an open- ing of theM(H) curve is already visible in ZFC mea- surements [32, 34{36] also in the heterostructure no eld cooling is needed to increase the coercive eld. /s48 /s49/s48 /s50/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s54/s48/s48/s53/s49/s48/s49/s53/s50/s48 /s48 /s49/s48 /s50/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48/s50/s52/s54/s56/s49/s48/s49/s50/s49/s52/s49/s54/s49/s56/s50/s48/s50/s50 /s32/s32/s99/s111/s101/s114/s99/s105/s118/s101/s32/s102/s105/s101/s108/s100/s32/s40/s109/s84/s41 /s67/s111/s32/s99/s111/s110/s99/s101/s110/s116/s114/s97/s116/s105/s111/s110/s32/s40/s37/s41 /s40/s98/s41 /s32/s32/s99/s111/s101/s114/s99/s105/s118/s101/s32/s102/s105/s101/s108/s100/s32/s40/s109/s84/s41 /s116/s101/s109/s112/s101/s114/s97/s116/s117/s114/s101/s32/s40/s75/s41/s54/s48/s37 /s32/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121 /s97/s102/s116/s101/s114/s32/s90/s70/s67/s40/s97/s41 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s54/s48/s45/s49/s46/s53/s45/s49/s46/s48/s45/s48/s46/s53/s48/s46/s48/s48/s46/s53/s49/s46/s48/s49/s46/s53 /s32/s112/s70/s67 /s32/s109/s70/s67 /s67/s111/s32/s99/s111/s110/s99/s101/s110/s116/s114/s97/s116/s105/s111/s110/s32/s40/s37/s41/s118/s101/s114/s116/s105/s99/s97/s108/s32/s115/s104/s105/s102/s116/s32/s40/s37/s41 /s45/s49/s50/s45/s49/s48/s45/s56/s45/s54/s45/s52/s45/s50/s48/s50/s52/s54/s56/s49/s48/s49/s50 /s32/s112/s70/s67 /s32/s109/s70/s67/s104/s111/s114/s105/s122/s111/s110/s116/s97/s108/s32/s115/s104/s105/s102/s116/s58 /s104/s111/s114/s105/s122/s111/s110/s116/s97/s108/s32/s115/s104/s105/s102/s116/s32/s40/s109/s84/s41/s118/s101/s114/s116/s105/s99/s97/s108/s32/s115/s104/s105/s102/s116/s58 FIG. 4: (a) At 2 K the coercivity increases with Co concen- tration in the heterostructure. In the inset the temperature dependence of the coercivity of the 60 % Co:ZnO/Py het- erostructure is given. (b) The vertical shift (circles) and the horizontal shift (squares) depend on the Co concentration. Both shifts reverse the direction when the measurement is changed from pFC to mFC. Earlier works [32, 34] demonstrated that the hystere- sis opening and vertical shift in Co:ZnO are strongly de- pendent on the Co concentration and increase with in- creasing Co doping level. Furthermore, the EB eects are observed in the in-plane and out-of-plane direction, with a greater vertical shift in the plane. Therefore, the heterostructers with Py are measured with the mag- netic eld in in-plane direction. Figure 4(a) provides an overview of the coercive eld after ZFC for the dier-5 ent Co concentrations. The coercive eld increases from 0.1 mT for single Py to 20.6 mT for 60 % Co:ZnO/Py. Additionally, in the inset the temperature dependence of the coercive eld of the 60 % Co:ZnO/Py heterostructure is shown, since it shows the strongest increase in coercive eld. From the 20.6 mT at 2 K it rst increases slightly when warming up to 5 K. That the maximum coercivity is not at 2 K is in good agreement with measurements at single 60 % Co:ZnO lms where a maximum hysteresis opening at 7 K was determined [35]. Afterwards the co- ercive eld decreases. At the N eel temperature of 20 K a coercive eld of 11.6 mT is measured. Above T Nit de- creases even further but the coercivity is still 3.65 mT at 50 K. A coupling above T Ncould stem from long range magnetic ordered structures in Co:ZnO where rst in- dications are visible already in single Co:ZnO lms [32]. However, for single layers they are barely detectable with the SQUID. The vertical (circles) and horizontal (squares) hystere- sis shifts after pFC and mFC are shown in Fig. 4(b) for the Py samples with Co:ZnO layers. Similar to single Co:ZnO lms the vertical shift increases with rising Co concentration. The shift is given in percent of the magne- tization at 5 T to compensate for dierent sample sizes. Due to the overall higher magnetization at 5 T in combi- nation with Py this percentage for the heterostructures is lower than the vertical shift for single Co:ZnO lms. With increasing Co concentration the degree of antiferro- magnetic compensation increases [32, 35], which in turn should lead to a stronger EB coupling. This can be seen in the horizontal shift and thus EB eld which is strongest for 60 % Co:ZnO/Py and nearly gone for 30 % Co:ZnO/Py. For both kinds of shift the pFC and mFC measurements behave similar, except the change of di- rection of the shifts. Multifrequency FMR The dynamic coupling between the two layers has been investigated by multifrequency FMR measured at room temperature. The frequency dependence of the resonance position between 3 GHz and 10 GHz of the heterostruc- tures is shown in Fig. 5(a). The resonance position of Py yields no change regardless of the Co concentration in the Co:ZnO layer or its complete absence. Also in 2 nm Al/Py and 60 % Co:ZnO/2 nm Al/Py the resonance po- sition stays unchanged. The resonance position of a thin lm is given by Kittel formula [44]: f=
2p Bres(Bres+0M) (1) with the gyromagnetic ratio
=gB hand magnetiza- tionM. However, any additional anisotropy adds to Bres and therefore alters eq. (1) [44]. The fact that all samples show the identical frequency dependence of the resonance position evidences that neither the gyromagnetic ratio
and thus the Py g-factor are in
uenced nor any addi- tional anisotropy BAniso is introduced by the Co:ZnO. By tting the frequency dependence of the resonance po- sition using the Kittel equation with the g-factor of 2.11 [45] all the samples are in the range of (700 15) kA/m, which within error bars is in good agreement with the saturation magnetization of (670 50) kA/m determined from SQUID. /s49/s48 /s50/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s54/s48 /s55/s48 /s56/s48 /s57/s48 /s49/s48/s48 /s49/s49/s48/s50/s52/s54/s56/s49/s48 /s51 /s52 /s53 /s54 /s55 /s56 /s57 /s49/s48/s50/s46/s48/s50/s46/s53/s51/s46/s48/s51/s46/s53/s52/s46/s48/s52/s46/s53 /s48 /s49/s48 /s50/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s54/s48/s48/s46/s48/s48/s53/s48/s46/s48/s48/s54/s48/s46/s48/s48/s55/s48/s46/s48/s48/s56/s48/s46/s48/s48/s57/s48/s46/s48/s49/s48/s48 /s50/s53 /s53/s48 /s55/s53 /s49/s48/s48/s45/s49/s48/s49 /s40/s98/s41 /s32/s32/s102/s114/s101/s113/s117/s101/s110/s99/s121/s32/s40/s71/s72/s122/s41 /s66 /s114/s101/s115/s32/s40/s109/s84/s41/s32/s54/s48/s37/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s65/s108/s47/s80/s121 /s32/s54/s48/s37/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121 /s32/s53/s48/s37/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121 /s32/s51/s48/s37/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121 /s32/s65/s108/s47/s80/s121 /s32/s80/s121 /s40/s97/s41 /s32/s32/s66 /s112/s112/s32/s40/s109/s84/s41 /s102/s114/s101/s113/s117/s101/s110/s99/s121/s32/s40/s71/s72/s122/s41 /s32/s32 /s67/s111/s32/s99/s111/s110/s99/s101/s110/s116/s114/s97/s116/s105/s111/s110/s32/s40/s37/s41 /s32/s32/s110/s111/s114/s109/s46/s32/s105/s110/s116/s101/s110/s115/s105/s116/s121/s32/s40/s97/s114/s98/s46/s32/s117/s110/s105/s116/s115/s41 /s66/s32/s40/s109/s84/s41/s32/s53/s48/s37/s32/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121 /s32/s32/s32/s32/s32/s102/s114/s101/s113/s46/s32/s61/s32/s54/s46/s53/s56/s71/s72/s122 /s32/s76/s111/s114/s101/s110/s116/s105/s97/s110/s32/s102/s105/s116 FIG. 5: The resonance elds determined at room temperature with multifrequency FMR are seen in (a). In the inset an ex- emplary FMR spectrum for of 50 % Co:ZnO/Py at 6.58 GHz is shown with the corresponding Lorentian t. For the linewidth (b) and the associated damping parameter (inset) an in- crease is visible for the heterostructures with higher Co con- centration in the Co:ZnO. The lines are linear ts to the data. Even though the Co:ZnO layer does not in
uence the resonance position of the FMR measurement the het- erostructures exhibit an increase in linewidth. This cor- responds to a change of the damping in the system. The frequency dependence of the linewidth can be used to sep- arate the inhomogeneous from the homogeneous (Gilbert like) contributions, from which the Gilbert damping pa- rametercan be determined. B= Bhom+ Binhom (2)6 where Bhom=4
f (3) No dierence in linewidth between Al/Py (open stars) and Py (full stars) is found, as can be seen in Fig. 4(b) where the peak to peak linewidth B ppis plotted over the measured frequency range for all the heterostructures. While the heterostructure with 30 % Co:ZnO/Py (green triangles) lies atop the single Py and the Al/Py lm, the linewidth increases stronger with frequency for 50 % Co:ZnO/Py (blue circles). The broadest FMR lines are measured for the 60 % Co:ZnO/Py heterostructure (red sqaures). Using the Py g-factor of 2.11 [45], can be calcu- lated from the slopes of the frequency dependence ex- tracted from the linewidths seen in Fig. 5(b): the result- ingare shown in the inset. For the single Py layer Py = (5.70.3)10-3which compares well to previously re- ported values [7]. This increases to 50= (8.00.3)10-3 for 50 % Co:ZnO/Py and even 60= (9.40.3)10-3for 60 % Co:ZnO/Py. So the damping increases by a factor of 1.64 resulting in a spin pumping contribution = (3.70.5)10-3that stems from the angular momentum transfer at the interface of Py and Co:ZnO. By insertion of a 2 nm Al spacer layer reduces to (0.80.5)10-3. Dependence on the Al spacer thickness To obtain information about the lengthscale of the static and dynamic coupling, heterostructures with Al spacer layers of dierent thickness (1 nm, 1.5 nm and 2 nm thick) between Py and the material beneath (sap- phire substrate or 60 % Co:ZnO) were fabricated. With- out a Co:ZnO layer the spacer underlying the Py layer does not exhibit any changes in either SQUID (not shown) or FMR (see Fig 5 (a) and (b)). The results ob- tained for the 60 % Co:ZnO/Al/Py heterostructure for the coercive eld, vertical and horizontal shift extracted fromM(H) curves are shown in Fig. 6(a), whereas the damping parameter from room temperature multifre- quency FMR measurements, analogues to Fig. 5(b), are depicted in Fig. 6(b). The horizontal shift and the increased coercive eld are caused by the coupling of FM and AFM moments in range of a few Angstrom to the interface [46{48]. There- fore, both eects show a similar decrease by the insertion of an Al spacer. While the horizontal shift and coer- cive eld are reduced signicantly already at a spacer thickness of 1 nm, the vertical shift (inset of Fig. 6(a)) is nearly independent of the Al spacer. Comparing with the XMCD spectra of Fig. 2 it can be concluded that the vertical shift in the uncompensated AFM/FM sys- tem Co:ZnO/Py stems solely from the increased orbital moment of pinned uncompensated moments in Co:ZnO and is independent of the FM moments at the interface.Furthermore, the FM moments do not exhibit any ver- tical shift and the exchange between the two layers only results in the horizontal shift. /s48/s46/s48 /s48/s46/s53 /s49/s46/s48 /s49/s46/s53 /s50/s46/s48/s48/s46/s54/s48/s46/s56/s49/s46/s48/s49/s46/s50/s49/s46/s52/s49/s46/s54/s49/s46/s56/s50/s46/s48 /s48/s46/s48 /s48/s46/s53 /s49/s46/s48 /s49/s46/s53 /s50/s46/s48/s48/s46/s48/s48/s54/s48/s46/s48/s48/s55/s48/s46/s48/s48/s56/s48/s46/s48/s48/s57/s48/s46/s48/s49/s48/s48/s50/s52/s54/s56/s49/s48/s49/s50/s49/s52 /s32/s99/s111/s101/s114/s99/s105/s118/s101/s32/s102/s105/s101/s108/s100 /s32/s104/s111/s114/s105/s122/s111/s110/s116/s97/s108/s32/s115/s104/s105/s102/s116/s104/s111/s114/s105/s122/s111/s110/s116/s97/s108/s32/s115/s104/s105/s102/s116/s32/s40/s109/s84/s41 /s48/s50/s52/s54/s56/s49/s48/s49/s50/s49/s52 /s99/s111/s101/s114/s99/s105/s118/s101/s32/s102/s105/s101/s108/s100/s32/s40/s109/s84/s41/s32/s118/s101/s114/s116/s105/s99/s97/s108/s32/s115/s104/s105/s102/s116 /s32/s32/s118/s101/s114/s116/s105/s99/s97/s108/s32/s115/s104/s105/s102/s116/s32/s40/s37/s41 /s115/s112/s97/s99/s101/s114/s32/s116/s104/s105/s99/s107/s110/s101/s115/s115/s32/s40/s110/s109/s41 /s40/s98/s41 /s32/s32 /s115/s112/s97/s99/s101/s114/s32/s116/s104/s105/s99/s107/s110/s101/s115/s115/s32/s40/s110/s109/s41/s54/s48/s37/s32/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s65/s108/s32/s115/s112/s97/s99/s101/s114/s47/s80/s121/s40/s97/s41 /s65/s108/s47/s80/s121 FIG. 6: When an Al spacer is inserted between the Py and the Co:ZnO layer horizontal shift and coercive eld show a strong decrease already at 1 nm spacer thickness (a) while the vertical shift (inset) is not dependent on the spacer thickness. (b) shows the eect of the Al spacer on the Gilbert damping parameter, which also decreases if the spacer gets thicker than 1 nm. As shaded region the Gilbert damping parameter of a Al/Py lm is indicated within error bars. For the FMR measurments after inserting an Al spacer no eect on the resonance position is found, as was shown already in Fig. 5(a). For a 1 nm thick Al spacer the damp- ing results in = (8.80.3)10-3, which gives a = (3.10.5)10-3. This is only a slight decrease compared to the sample without Al spacer. By increasing the spacer thicknessreduces to values just above the damping ob- tained for pure Py or Al/Py, shown as shaded region in Fig. 6(b). The 1 nm thick Al layer is thick enough to sup- press intermixing between the Co:ZnO and the Py layer as can be seen in Fig. 1(b). Together with the unchanged behavior of Al/Py without Co:ZnO damping eects due to intermixing between Al and Py can be excluded. Also, a change in two magnon scattering can be ruled out, since it would account for non-linear eects on the linewidth and contribute to Binhom [49]. Therefore, the increase in Gilbert damping can be attributed to a dynamic cou- pling, e.g. spin pumping from Py into Co:ZnO. Further- more, the dynamic coupling mechanism is extends over a longer range than the static coupling. With 1 nm spacer the dynamic coupling is only slightly reduced whereas the static coupling is already completely suppressed.7 Temperature dependent FMR In vicinity to the magnetic phase transition temper- ature the spin pumping eciency should be at a max- imum [29, 31]. Therefore, the samples are measured inside a resonator based FMR setup, as a function of temperature. During the cooldown no magnetic eld is applied and the results shown in Fig. 7 are ZFC mea- surements. For 50 % Co:ZnO/Py the resonance posi- tions shifts of Py to lower magnetic elds as the tem- perature decreases as can be seen in Fig. 7(a). Not only the resonance position is shifting, but also the linewidth is changing with temperature as shown in Fig. 7(b). The linewidth has a maximum at a temperature of 15 K which corresponds well to T Ndetermined by M(T) SQUID measurements for a 50 % Co:ZnO layer [32]. This max- ium of the linewidth in the vicinity of T Nis also ob- served for 60 % Co:ZnO/Py and even 30 % Co:ZnO/Py, as shown in Fig. 7(c). The measured maximum of 30 % Co:ZnO/Py and 60 % Co:ZnO/Py are at 10.7 K, 19.7 K respectively and are marked with an open symbol in Fig. 7(c). For comparison the N eel temperatures de- termined from M(T) measurements [32] are plotted as dashed line. Py on the other hand shows only a slight increase in linewidth with decreasing temperature. The observed eects at low temperatures vanish for the 60 % Co:ZnO/2 nm Al/Py heterostructure. Figure 7(d) shows the temperature dependence of the resonance eld for all samples. For Py Bresonly decreases slightly whereas for 50 % and 60 % Co:ZnO a strong shift ofBrescan be observed. This shift evidences a magnetic coupling between the Py and the Co:ZnO layer. Even in the heterostructure with 30 % Co:ZnO/Py a clear de- crease in resonance position below 10 K (the previously determined T N[32]) is visible. This shift of the resonance position is only observed at low temperatures. At room temperature no shift of the resonance position at 9.5 GHz has been observed as shown in Fig. 5(a). From the low- temperature behavior of the single Py layer and eq. 1 it is obvious that the gyromagnetic ratio is not changing strongly with temperature, therefore shift of the reso- nance position in the heterostructure can be attributed to a change in anisotropy. From the SQUID measure- ments at 2 K, see Fig. 3(b) and Fig. 4(b) EB between the two layers has been determined, which acts as additional anisotropy [20] and therefore causes the shift of the reso- nance position. Both the shift of the resonance position and the maximum in FMR linewidth vanish if the Py is separated from 60 % Co:ZnO by a 2 nm Al spacer layer. So, also at low temperatures the static EB coupling and the dynamic coupling can be suppressed by an Al spacer layer. M(T) measurements indicated a more robust long- range magnetic order in 60 % Co:ZnO by a weak sepa- ration of the eld heated and ZFC curves lasting up to 200 K [32]. Additionally, the coercive eld measurements on the 60 % Co:ZnO/Py hetersotructure revealed a weak coupling above T N. However, this has not been observedfor lower Co concentrations. In the heterostructure with 30 % Co:ZnO the FMR resonance position and linewidth return quickly to the room temperature value for temper- atures above the T Nof 10 K. For both 50 % Co:ZnO/Py and 60 % Co:ZnO/Py the resonance positions are still de- creased and the linewidths are increased above their re- spective N eel temperatures and are only slowly approach- ing the room temperature value. In the 60 % Co:ZnO/Py heterostructure measurements between 100 K and 200 K revealed that a reduced EB is still present. It is known for the blocking temperatures of superparamagnetic struc- tures that in FMR a higher blocking temperature com- pared to SQUID is obtained due to much shorter probing times in FMR of the order of nanoseconds compared to seconds in SQUID [50]. Hence, large dopant congura- tions in Co:ZnO still appear to be blocked blocked on timescales of the FMR whereas they already appear un- blocked on timescales of the SQUID measurements. V. Conclusion The static and dynamic magnetic coupling of Co:ZnO, which is weakly paramagnetic at room temperature and an uncompensated AFM at low temperatures, with ferro- magnetic Py was investigated by means of SQUID mag- netometry and FMR. At room temperature no static in- teraction is observed in the M(H) curves. After cooling to 2 K an EB between the two layers is found resulting in an increase of coercive eld and a horizontal shift. Additionally, a vertical shift is present caused by the un- compensated moments in the Co:ZnO. While this vertical shift is nearly unaected by the insertion of an Al spacer layer between Co:ZnO and Py the EB vanishes already at a spacer thickness of 1 nm. The FMR measurements at room temperature re- veal an increase of the Gilbert damping parameter for 50 % Co:ZnO/Py and 60 % Co:ZnO/Py, whereas 30 % Co:ZnO/Py is in the range of an individual Py lm. At room temperature the resonance position is not aected for all the heterostructures. For the 60 % Co doped sam- ple = 3.710-3, which is equivalent to an increase by a factor of 1.64. In contrast to the static magnetic coupling eects, an increased linewidth is still observed in the heterostructure containing a 1 nm Al spacer layer. At lower temperatures the resonance position shifts of the heterostructures to lower resonance elds, due to the additional EB anisotropy. The temperature depen- dence of the linewidth shows a maximum at tempera- tures, which by comparison with M(T) measurements correspond well to T Nof single Co:ZnO layers and thus corroborate the increase of the damping parameter and thus spin pumping eciency in vicinity to the magnetic phase transition. Furthermore, the shift of the resonance position has been observed at temperatures well above TNfor 50 % Co:ZnO/Py and 60 % Co:ZnO/Py. Up to now only indications for a long range AFM order in 60 % Co:ZnO/Py had been found by static M(T) measure-8 /s50/s53 /s53/s48 /s55/s53 /s49/s48/s48/s45/s49/s46/s53/s45/s49/s46/s48/s45/s48/s46/s53/s48/s46/s48/s48/s46/s53/s49/s46/s48 /s48 /s53 /s49/s48 /s49/s53 /s50/s48 /s50/s53 /s51/s48 /s51/s53 /s52/s48 /s52/s53 /s53/s48 /s53/s53/s49/s48/s49/s49/s49/s50/s49/s51/s49/s52 /s48 /s49/s48 /s50/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s54/s48/s52/s48/s54/s48/s56/s48/s49/s48/s48 /s48 /s49/s48 /s50/s48 /s51/s48 /s52/s48 /s53/s48 /s54/s48/s50/s52/s54/s56/s49/s48/s49/s50/s49/s52/s49/s54/s49/s56/s50/s48/s50/s50/s40/s100/s41/s40/s98/s41 /s40/s99/s41 /s32/s32/s110/s111/s114/s109/s46/s32/s73/s110/s116/s101/s110/s115/s105/s116/s121/s32/s40/s97/s114/s98/s46/s32/s117/s110/s105/s116/s115/s41 /s66/s32/s40/s109/s84/s41/s32/s84/s32/s61/s32/s32/s32/s52/s46/s48/s75 /s32/s84/s32/s61/s32/s49/s52/s46/s57/s75 /s32/s84/s32/s61/s32/s51/s49/s46/s52/s75 /s32/s84/s32/s61/s32/s53/s48/s46/s50/s75/s40/s97/s41 /s32/s32/s66 /s112/s112/s32/s40/s109/s84/s41 /s116/s101/s109/s112/s101/s114/s97/s116/s117/s114/s101/s32/s40/s75/s41/s32/s53/s48/s37/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121 /s84 /s78/s32/s100/s101/s116/s101/s114/s109/s105/s110/s101/s100/s32 /s102/s114/s111/s109/s32/s77/s40/s84/s41/s32/s83/s81/s85/s73/s68/s32/s91/s51/s50/s93 /s32/s32/s66 /s114/s101/s115/s32/s40/s109/s84/s41 /s116/s101/s109/s112/s101/s114/s97/s116/s117/s114/s101/s32/s40/s75/s41/s32/s80/s121 /s32/s51/s48/s37/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121 /s32/s53/s48/s37/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121 /s32/s54/s48/s37/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121 /s32/s54/s48/s37/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s65/s108/s47/s80/s121/s84 /s78/s32/s54/s48/s37/s84 /s78/s32/s53/s48/s37/s84 /s78/s32/s51/s48/s37 /s32/s32/s66 /s112/s112/s32/s40/s109/s84/s41 /s116/s101/s109/s112/s101/s114/s97/s116/s117/s114/s101/s32/s40/s75/s41/s32/s80/s121 /s32/s51/s48/s37/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121 /s32/s53/s48/s37/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121 /s32/s54/s48/s37/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s80/s121 /s32/s54/s48/s37/s67/s111/s58/s90/s110/s79/s47/s65/s108/s47/s80/s121 FIG. 7: By decreasing the temperature the resonance position of 50 % Co:ZnO/Py shifts to lower resonance elds (a) and the linewidth increases, showing a maxium at the T N(b). A similar behavior is observed for the heterostructures with 30 % and 60 % Co doping while a single Py lm does not exhibit a maximum when cooling (c). The maximum is marked as open symbol in the temperature dependence, while the T Ndetermined from M(T) [32] are shown as dashed lines. Furthermore, the resonance position of the heterostructures with Co:ZnO shifts at low temperatures (d). ments. The dynamic coupling, however, is sensitive to those interactions due to the higher time resolution in FMR resulting in a shift of the resonance position above the T Ndetermined from M(T) SQUID. Acknowledgment The authors gratefully acknowledge funding by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - Project No. P26164-N20 and Project No. ORD49-VO. All the mea- sured raw data can be found in the repository at The x-ray absorption measurements were performed on the EPFL/PSI X- Treme beamline at the Swiss Light Source, Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland. Furthermore, the authors thank Dr. W. Ginzinger for the TEM sample preparation and measurements. [1] I. Zuti c, J. Fabian, and S. Das Sarma, Rev. Mod. Phys. 76, 323 (2004). [2] J. Sinova and I. Zuti c, Nat. Mater. 11, 368 (2012). [3] M. I. Dyakonov and V. I. Perel, JETP Lett. 13, 467 (1971). [4] G. E. W. Bauer, E. Saitoh and B. J. van Wess, Nat. Mater. 11, 391 (2012). [5] K. Uchida, S. Takahashi, K. Harii, J. Ieda, W. Koshibae, K. Ando, S. Maekawa and E. Saitoh, Nature 455, 778 (2008). [6] A. Brataas, A. D. Kent and H. Ohno, Nat. Mater. 11,372 (2012). [7] Y. Tserkovnyak, A. Brataas and G. E. W. Bauer, Phys. Rev. Lett 88, 117601 (2002). [8] S. Mizukami, Y. Ando and T. Miyazaki, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 40, 580 (2001). [9] T. Taniguchi, S. Yakata, H. Imamura and Y. Ando, Ap- plied Physics Express 1, 031302 (2008). [10] R. Iguchi, K. Ando, E. Saitoh and T. Sato, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser 266, 012089 (2011). [11] P. Merodio, A. Ghosh, C. Lemonias, E. Gautier, U. Ebels, M. Chshiev, H. Ba, V. Baltz, and W. E. Bailey,9 Appl. Phys. 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static and dynamic magnetic interaction. The highly Co-doped ZnO is
paramagentic at room temperature and becomes an uncompensated antiferromagnet
at low temperatures, showing a narrowly opened hysteresis and a vertical
exchange bias shift even in the absence of any ferromagnetic layer. At low
temperatures in combination with Permalloy an exchange bias is found causing a
horizontal as well as vertical shift of the hysteresis of the heterostructure
together with an increase in coercive field. Furthermore, an increase in the
Gilbert damping parameter at room temperature was found by multifrequency FMR
evidencing spin pumping. Temperature dependent FMR shows a maximum in magnetic
damping close to the magnetic phase transition. These measurements also
evidence the exchange bias interaction of Permalloy and long-range ordered
Co-O-Co structures in ZnO, that are barely detectable by SQUID due to the
shorter probing times in FMR. | Spin Pumping from Permalloy into Uncompensated Antiferromagnetic Co doped Zinc Oxide | 1909.04362v3 |
Measurement of Gilbert damping paramete rs in nanoscale CPP-GMR spin-valves Neil Smith, Matthew J. Carey, and Jeffrey R. Childress. San Jose Research Center Hitachi Global Storage Technologies San Jose, CA 95120 abstract ⎯ In-situ, device level measurement of thermal mag-noise spectral linewidths in 60nm diameter CPP-GMR spin-valve stacks of IrMn/ref/Cu/free , with reference and free la yer of similar CoFe/CoFeGe alloy, are used to simultaneously determine the intrins ic Gilbert damping for both magnetic layers. It is shown that careful alignment at a "magic-angle" between free and reference layer static equilibrium magnetization can allow direct measurement of the broadband intrinsic thermal spectr a in the virtual absence of spin-torque effects which otherwi se grossly distort the spectral line shapes and require linewidth extrapolations to zer o current (which are nonetheless al so shown to agree well with the direct method). The experimental magic-angle spectra are shown to be in good qualit ative and quantitative agreement with both macros pin calculation s and micromagnetic eigenmode analysis. Despite similar composition and thickness, it is repeatedly found that the IrMn exchange pinn ed reference layer has ten times larger intrinsic Gilbert damping than that of the free-layer ) 1 . 0 ( ≈ α ) 01 . 0 ( ≈α .It is argued that the large reference layer damping results from strong, off -resonant coupling to to lossy modes of an IrMn/ref couple, rather than commonly invoked two-magnon pr ocesses. I. INTRODUCTION Spin-torque phenomena, in tunneling magnetoresistive (TMR) or giant-magnetoresistive (GMR) film stacks lithographically patterned into ~100 nm nanopillars and driven with dc electrical currents perpendicular to the plane (CPP) of the films have in recent years been the topic of numerous theoretical and experimental papers, both for their novel physics as well as potential applications for magnetic memory elements, microwave oscillators, and magnetic field sensors and/or magnetic recording heads. 1 In all cases, the electrical current density at which spin-torque instability or oscillation occurs in the constituent magnetic film layers is closely related to the magnetic damping of these ferromagnetic (FM) films This paper considers the electrical measurement of thermal mag-noise spectra to determine intrinsic damping at the device level in CPP-GMR spin-valve stacks of sub-100nm dimensions (intended for read head applications), which allows simultaneous R-H and transport characterization on the same device. Compared to traditional ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) linewidth measurements at the bulk film level, the device-level approach naturally includes finite-size and spin-pumping 2 effects characteristic of actual devices, as well as provide immunity to inhomogeneous and/or two-magnon linewidth broadening not relevant to nanoscale devices. Complimentary to spin-torque- FMR using ac excitation currents, 3 broadband thermal excitation naturally excites all modes of the system (with larger, more quantitatively modeled signal amplitudes) and allows simultaneous damping measurement in both reference and free FM layers of the spin-valve, which will be shown to lead to some new and unexpected conclusions. However, spin-torques at finite dc currents can substantially alter the absolute linewidth, and so it is necessary to account for or eliminate this effect in order to determine the intrinsic damping. 1 II. PRELIMINARIES AND MAGIC-ANGLES Fig. 1a illustrates the basic film stack structure of a prospective CPP-GMR spin-valve (SV) read sensor, which apart from the Cu spacer between free-layer (FL) and reference layer (RL), is identical in form to well-known, present day TMR sensors. In addition to the unidirectional exchange coupling between the IrMn and the pinned-layer (PL), the usual "synthetic-antiferromagnet" (SAF) structure PL/Ru/RL is meant to increase magnetostatic stability and immunity to field-induced rotation of the PL-RL couple, as well as strongly reduce its net demagnetizing field on the FL which otherwise can rotate in response to signal fields. However, for simplicity in interpreting and modeling the spectral and transport data of Sec. III , the present experiment restricts attention to devices with a single RL directly exchange-coupled to IrMn, as shown in Fig. 1b. The simplest practical model for describing the physics of the device of Fig. 1b is a macrospin model that treats the RL unit magnetization as fixed, with only the FL magnetization RLˆm ) (ˆ ) ( ˆFL t tm m ↔ as possibly dynamic in time. As was described previously,4 the linearized Gilbert equations for small deviations ) , (z ym m′ ′′ ′=′m about equilibrium x m′ ↔ˆ ˆ0 can be expressed in the primed coordinates as a 2D tensor/matrix equation5: mm mH mmm Hhmmh mm ′∂∂⋅∂∂⋅∂′∂−⎟⎟ ⎠⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝⎛⋅ ≡ ′Δ≡⎟⎟ ⎠⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝⎛− γ≡⎟⎟ ⎠⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝⎛ γα ≡⋅∂′∂≡′=′⋅′+′⋅ + ˆ ˆ ˆ 1 00 1)ˆ () (,0 11 0,1 00 1) (ˆ) ( ) ( eff 0effFL HmV MppGpDt p t HdtdG D s tt tt tt (1) cap RL IrMnCu seedFL PL IrMn seedcap RuCu RL (a)(b)FL xz FIG. 1. (a) Cartoon of prospective CPP-GMR spin-valve sensor stack, analogous to that used for contemporary TMR read head. (b) Cartoon of simplified spin-valve stack used for present experiments, patterned into ~60nm circular pillars using e- beam lithography. In (1), is a 3D Cartesian tensor, m Hˆ/eff∂ ∂ m m′∂ ∂/ˆ is a 2 3× transformation matrix between 3D unprimed and 2D primed vectors (with its transpose) which depends only on , and is a 3D perturbation field supposed as the origin of the deviations . The magnetic moment m mˆ/∂′∂ 0ˆm ) (th ) (tm′ mΔ is an arbitrary fixed value, but is a natural choice for Sec. II. Using an explicit Slonczewski6 type expression for the spin-torque contribution, the general form for is FL) (V M ms → Δ )ˆ(effm H m J P e HHE m eΔ ≡ ⋅ ≡ θ× θ η −∂∂ Δ−= / ) 2 / ( and , ˆ ˆ cos),ˆ ˆ ( ) (cosˆ1 effeff ST FL RLFL RL ST h m mm mmH (2) for any free energy function . A positive electron current density implies electron flow from the RL to the FL. is the net spin polarization of th e current inside the Cu spacer. Oersted-field contributions to )ˆ(mE eJeffP effH will be neglected here. 2 With in (1), nontrivial solutions require s satisfy 0 ) (=thste t−′=′ m m) ( 0 | ) ( | det= + −G D s Httt . The value when defines the critical onset of spin-torque instability. Using (1), the general criticality condition is expressible as crit e eJ J≡ 0 Re=s 0 ) ( t independen=′−′+′+′ α ∝′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′4434421 4434421 e e Jy z z y Jz z y y H H H H - (3a) ) cos ( ) ( 2 ) 1 (2 STθ ≡ η −η− ≅′−′′ ′ ′ ′q q qdqdqHH Hy z z y (3b) ) ( 2 / ) 1 () ( ) 2 / (2effcrit q q dq d qH H P emJz z y y eη − η −′+′ α Δ= ⇒′ ′ ′ ′ h (3c) where is the Gilbert damping. The -scaling of the terms in in (3a) follows just from the form of (2). The result in (3b) was derived earlier4 in the present approximation of rigid . αeJ RLˆm With θ the angle between and (at equilibrium), it follows from (3c) that at a "magic-angle" where the denominator vanishes, and spin-torque effects are effectively eliminated from the system at finite . To pursue this point further, explicit results for will be used from the prototypical case where th e CPP-GMR stack (Fig. 1b) is approximately symmetric about th e Cu spacer, which is roughly equivalent to the less restrictiv e situation where the RL and FL are similar materials with thicknesses that are not small compared the spin-diffusion length. For this quasi-symmetric case, both quasi-ballistic6 and fully diffusive7 transport models yield the following simple functional forms: RLˆmFLˆm magicθ ∞ →crit eJ eJ) (cosθ η ) cos 1 () (cos ) (cos) (cos] cos ) 1 ( 1 [ / ) (cos min maxminθ −Γθ η=− ≡ Δ− θ ≡ δ≡ θθ − Γ + + Γ Γ=θ η R R RR R Rr (4) which also relates η to the normalized resistance r 1 0 (≤≤r ) which is directly measurable experimentally. The transport parameter Γ is theoretically related to the Sharvin resistance6,8 or mixing conductance8 at the Cu/FL interface, but will be estimated via measurement in Sec III. Using crit eJ ) (qη from (4) in (3), magicθ and ) (magicθr vs. curves are shown in Fig. 2. Γ The "magic-angle" concept also applies to mag-noise power spectral density (PSD) at bias current , arising from thermal fluctuations in θ θ Δ = S d dr R I SV2 bias bias ] ) / ( [ biasI θabout equilibrium bias angle biasθ . Assuming in/near the film plane (FL RL 0ˆ, - m =≅′z zˆ ˆplane-normal), and requiring | , it can be shown5 from fluctuation-dissipation arguments that | | |crit bias eI I< ] ) ( [ andwhere) ( ) () (4) ()] ( [ ) ( , ) (4) ( 02 2 2 022 2 2 21 z y y z y y z zy z z y z z y yz y z z By yB H H H HH H H HH H mT kf SG D i H DmT kf S ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′′ ′ ′ ′ θ− ′ ′ θ ′−′+′+′ α γ = ω Δ′ ′ −′ ′ γ = ωω Δ ω + ω − ωω + ′+′ γ Δα γ≅ ⇒+ ω − ′ = ω χ χ ⋅ ⋅ χΔ γ≅tt t t t tt @ (5) Comparing (5) with (3), it is se en that the spectral linewidth ωΔis predicted to be a linear function of but with ,eJ 0 /→ ωΔedJ d when magic bias θ → θ . Since y y z zH H ′ ′ ′ ′′> > ′ (due to ~10 kOe out-of-plane demag fields) and z y y yH H ′ ′ ′ ′′> > ′ (e.g., for the measurements in Sec. III), it is only in the linewidth crit e eJ J< ωΔ that the off-diagonal terms y z z yH H ′ ′ ′ ′′ ′, can be expected to influence . Therefore, measurement of with ) (f Sθ ) (f SV magic bias θ≅ θ ideally allows direct measurement of the natural thermal-equ ilibrium mag-noise spectrum , from which can be extracted the intrinsic (i.e., -independent) Gilbert damping constant) (f Sθ eJ α. This is the subject of Sec. III. 9095100105110115120 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6θmagic (deg) ΓFL0 1112m2 m = +− Γ+ Γ+ c c FIG. 2. Graph of θmagic(blue) and rmagic= rbias(θma g i c) (red) vs. ΓFLas described by (4). The equation for cm= cos( θmagic) follows from (3) and (4). The red solid squares are measured ( ΓFL, rmagic) from Figs. 3,4 and 6. III. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The results to be shown below were measured on CPP-GMR- spin-valves of stack structure: seed-layers/IrMn (60A)/RL/Cu (30A)/FL/cap layers. The films were fabricated by magnetron sputtering onto AlTiC substrates at room temperature, with 2mTorr of Ar sputter gas. The bottom contact was a ~1- μm thick NiFe layer, planarized using ch emical-mechanical polishing. To increase ΔR/R, both the RL and FL were made from (CoFe) 70Ge30 magnetic alloys.9 The RL includes a thin CoFe between IrMn and CoFeGe to help maximize the exchange coupling strength, and both RL and FL include very thin CoFe at the Cu interface. The resultant product for the RL and FL were about 0.64 emu/cm 2. After deposition, SV films were annealed for 5hours at 245C in 13kOe applied field to set the exchange pinning direction. The IrMn/RL exchange pinning strength of ≈0.75 erg/cm2 was measured by vibrating sample magnetometry. After annealing, patterned devices with ≈ 60 nm diameter (measured at the FL) were fabricated using e-beam lithography and Ar ion milling. A 0.2 μm-thick Au layer was used as the top contact to devices. t Ms Fig. 3 illustrates a full measurement sequence. Devices are first pre-screened to find samp les with approximate ideal in- plane δR-H loops (Fig. 3a) for circul ar pillars: non-hysteretic, unidirectionally-square loops with parallel with the RL's exchange pinning direction ||H H= ),ˆ(x+ along with symmetric loops about when is transverse The right-shift in the 0=H⊥=H H axis).ˆ(-y||H R-δ loop indicates a large demagnetizing field of ~500 Oe from the RL on the FL. As shown previously,4 narrow-band "low"-frequency measurements (eI N- MHz) 100 ( = ≡ f PSD N , 1MHz bandwidth) can reveal spin-torque criticality as the very rapid onset of excess (1/ f-like) noise when exceeds . loops are measured with sourced from a continuous sawtooth generator (2-Hz) which also triggers 1/2 sec sweeps of an Agilent-E4440 spectrum analyzer (i n zero-span, averaging mode) for ≈50 cycles. With high sweep repeatability and virtually no -hysteresis, this averaging is sufficient so that after (quadratically) subtracting the mean | |eI | |crit eIeI N- eI eI Hz nV/ 1 ) 0 ( ≈ ≈eI N electronics noise, the resultant loops (Fig. 3b) indicate stochastic uncertainty eI N- . Hz nV/ 1 . 0 < < With 1 cos±=θ , it readily follows from (3c) and (4) that crit critcrit crit PAP ) 0 () ( I II I ee ≡ = θ≡ π = θ− = Γ (6) Hence, to estimate Γ, are measured with applied fields eI N- kOe2 . 1 , 45 . 0|| + −≈H (Fig. 3b),which more than sufficient to align antiparallel (AP), or parallel (P) to ,respectively (see Fig. 3a), thereby reducing possible sensitivity to Oersted field and/or thermal effects. (Reducing by ~200-300 Oe did not significantly change either curve.) With denoting electron flow from RL to FL, it is readily found from (3) that and for the FL. By symmetry, it must follow that and for spin-torque induced instability of the RL. This sign convention readily identifies these four critical points by inspection of the data. To account for possible small (thermal) spread in critical onset, specific values for the (excluding ) are defined by where the curves cross the FLˆmRLˆm | |||H eI N- 0>eI 0crit FL AP>-I 0crit FL P<-I 0crit RL AP<-I 0crit RL P>-I eI N- crit eIcrit RL P-I eI N- Hz nV/ 2 . 0 line, which is easily distinguished from the mA / Hz nV/ 05 . 0 ~ residual magnetic/thermal background. is estimated in Fig. 3b (and repeatedly in Figs. 4-7) to be ≈ +4.5 mA. Arbitrariness in the value of from using the crit RL P-I crit eI Hz nV/ 2 . 0 criterion is thought to only be of minor significance for , due to the rounded shape of the AP curves near this particular critical point, which may in part explain why estimated from is found to be systematically somewhat larger than crit RL AP-I eI N- RL/CuΓeI N- Cu/FLΓ . 3 However, the key results here are the 0.1-18 GHz broad-band (rms) spectra (Fig. 3c). They are measured at discrete dc bias currents with the same Miteq preamp (and in- series bias-T) used for the data, the latter being insitu gain-) ; PSD(eI f eI N-H (kOe)-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.50246810 (%)δR RRj19.2Ω (a) FIG. 3. Measurement set for 60nm device. (a) δR-H ||(black) and δR-H ⊥ (gray) loops at -5mV bias. (b) P-state N-Ieloops at H| |≈+1.2 kOe (re d), and AP-state N-Ieloops at H ||≈-0.45 kOe ( blue); FL critical currents to deter mine ΓFL(via (6)) enclosed by oval. (c) rms PSD (f, Ie) (normalized to 1 mA) with Ieas indicated by color. Thin black curves are least-squares fits via (7), fitted values for αFL, αRLlisted on top of graph. M easured rbiasand applied field Hlisted inside graph. Field strength and direction (see Fig. 9) adjusted to achieve "magic-angle". ±1.5 mA spectra shown, but not fit.02468 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 nV HzPSD frequency (GHz)I = +0.4, -0.4, +0.6, +0.8, -0.8 mA -0.6, H l +750 Oeα = 0.12, 0.13, 0.11, 0.12, 0.10 R L 0.10, α = 0.011, 0.011 , 0.011 , 0.012, 0.010 F L 0.010, rbiasj 0.36normalized to 1 mA -1.5 mA+1.5 mA (c)-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 500. I (mA)eH l +1.2 kOe | | nV HzPSD H l -0.45 kOe | | Γ l 4(100 MHz) RL Γ l 3.1FL (b)calibrated vs. frequency (with ≈50Ω preamp input impedance and additionally compensating the present ≈0.7 pF device capacitance) to yield quantitative ly absolute values for these (each averaged over ~100 sweeps, with subtracted post-process) . To confirm the real existence of an effective "magic-angle", the applied field H was carefully adjusted (by repeated trial and error) in both amplitude and direction to eliminate as much as possible any real-time observed dependence of the raw near the FL FMR peak (~ 6 GHz) on the polarity as well as amplitude of over a sufficient range. This procedure was somewhat tedious and delicate, and initial attempts us ing a nominally transverse field were empirically found inferior to additionally adjusting the direction of the field, here rotated somewhat toward the pinning direction for the RL. Using a mechanically-positioned permanent magnet as a field source, this field rotation was only crudely estimated at the time to be ~20-30 o (see also Sec. IV). With both H and bias-point "optimized" as such, an - series of were measured, after which the bias- resistance , and finally and were measured at a common (low) bias of −10 mV to determine (as in (4)). ) ; PSD(eI f ) 0 ; PSD(=eI f ) ; PSD(eI f eI ⊥H biasθeI ) ; PSD(eI f biasRminRmaxR biasr The key feature of the rms in Fig. 3c is that these measured spectra (excluding appear essentially independent of both the polarity and magnitude of (after 1mA-normalization), de fining a "universal" spectrum curve over the entire 18GHz bandwidth, including the unexpectedly wide, low amplitude RL-FMR peak near 14 GHz (more on this below). Because of the relatively large ) ; PSD(eI f mA) 5 . 1 + =eI eI Hz nV/ 1 ~ ) 0 ; PSD( =eI f background, these RL peaks were not well discernible during ra w spectrum measurements, and were practically revealed only after electronics background noise subtraction. As suggested in Fig. 3c, eventual breakdown of the magic-angle condition was genera lly found to first occur from spin-torque instability of the FL at larger positive . eI The spectra Fig. 4 shows the equivalent set of measurements on a physically different (tho ugh nominally identical) 60-nm device. They are found to be remarkably alike in all properties to those of Fig. 3, providing additional confirmation that the "magic-angle" method can work on real nanoscale structures to directly obtain the intrinsic in the absence of of spin-torque effects. This appears further confirmed by the close agreement of measured pairs (from data of Figs. 3,4, and 6) and the macrospin model predictions described in Fig. 2. ) 0 ; (=θ eI f S ) , (Cu/FLΓbr To obtain values for linewidth and then damping ω Δ α from the measured , regions of spectra several-GHz wide, surrounding the FL and RL FMR peaks are each nonlinear least-sqaures fitted to the functional form for) ; PSD(eI f ) 0 ; (=θ eI f S in (5). In particular, the fitting function is taken to be z z z z y yy y z z z z y yz z y y V H H HH H H HH H S f S ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′′ ′ ′ ′ πω ′ ′ α + γ ω → ′′+′ α γ = ω Δ ′ ′ γ = ωω Δ ω + ω − ωω′ ′ + ω ω = = / ] 2 / ) ( ) / [( and) ( , with, ) ( ) (] ) / ( [ ) ( 2 fit2 peakfit 02 2 2 022 2 02 0 0 2 (7) Three fitting parameters are used: ) 0 (0 = = f S SV , fitα, and peakω , the latter being already well defined by the data itself. The substitution for y yH ′ ′′ is accurate to order , leaving 2α z zH ′ ′′ as yet unknown. With dominated by out- of-plane demagnetizing fields, depends mostly on the product y y z zH H ′ ′ ′ ′′> >′ ) (f SV z zH ′ ′′ αfit . For simplicity, fixed values and were used here, based on macrospin calculations that approximately account for device geometry and net product for FL and RL films. The fitted curves, and the values obtained for and are also included in Figs. 3c and 4c. These values are notably independent of (or show no significant trend with) . kOe 8FL=′′ ′z zH kOe, 10RL=′′ ′z zH t Ms ) ; PSD(eI f FL fitαRL fitα eI 4 Although the repeatedly found from these data is a quite typical magnitude for Gilbert damping in CoFe alloys, the extremely large, 10× greater value of is quite noteworthy, since the RL and FL are not too dissimilar in thickness and composition. Although the small amplitude of the RL-FMR peaks in Figs. 3-4 (everywhere below the raw 01 . 0FL fit≈ α 1 . 0RL fit≈ α Hz nV/ 1 electronics noise), may suggest a basic unreliability in this fitt ed value for , this concern is seemingly dismissed by the data of Fig. 5. Measured on a third (nominally identical) device, an alternative "extrapolation-method" was used, in which RL fitα-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.50246810 (%)δR RRj19.0Ω H (kOe)(a) FIG. 4. Analogous measurement set for a different (but nominally identical) 60nm device. as that shown in Fig. 3. 0 2 4 6 8 1 01 21 41 61 frequency (GHz)I = +0.5, -0.5, +1.0, -1.5 mA α = 0.12, 0.13, 0.10, 0.12 R L -1.0, 0.12, α = 0.012, 0.011 , 0.013 , 0.013 F L 0.012 , rbiasj 0.39nV HzPSD normalized to 1 mAH l +600 Oe (c)-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 500. I (mA)eH l +1.2 kOe | | Γ l 2.7FLΓ l 4RLnV HzPSD H l -0.45 kOe | | (100 MHz) (b) 5 the applied field was purposefully reduced in magnitude (and more transversely aligned than for magic-angle measurements) to increase and thus align to be more antiparallel to . As a result, spin-torque effects at larger negative - will decrease and concomitantly enhance RL-FMR peak amplitude (and visa-versa for the FL), bringing this part of the measured spectrum above the raw el ectronics noise background. biasrFLˆm RLˆmeI ω Δ Using the same fitting function from (7), it is now necessary to extrapolate the to (Fig. 5d) in order to obtain the intrinsic damping. This method works well in the case of the RL since and the extrapolated ) (RL fit eI α 0→eI 0 | | /RL fit< αeI d d 0=eI intercept value of is necessarily larger than the measured , and hence will be (proportionately) less sensitive to uncertainty in the estim ated extrapolation slope. As can be seen from Fig. 5d, the extrapolated values for intrinsic RLα ) (RL fit eI α RLα are virtually identical to those obtain ed from the data of Figs. 3,4. The extrapolated is also quite consistent as well. The extrapolation data also confirm the expectation (noted earlier following (5)) that linewidth will vary linearly with . FLα ω ΔeI Comparing with Figs. 3c,4c, the spectra in Fig. 5c illustrate the profound effect of spin-torque on altering the linewidth and peak-height of both FL and RL FMR peaks even if the system is only moderately misaligned from the magic-angle condition. By contrast, for other frequencies (where the ωΔ term in the denominator of (5) is unimportant), the 1mA-normalized spectra are independent of . Being consistent with (5), this appears to verify that this 2nd form of fluctuation-dissipation theorem remains valid despite that the system of (1) is not in thermal equilibrium 10 at nonzero . (Alternatively stated, spin-torques lead to an asymmetric eI eI Ht , but do not alter the damping tensor Dt in (1)). The α-proportionality in the prefactor of in (5) relatedly shows that the effect of spin-torque on ) (f Sθ ωΔ is not equivalent to additional dampin g (positive or negative) as may be commonly misconstrued. It fu rther indicates that Oersted- field effects, or other -dependent terms in eI Ht not contributing to ωΔ, are insignificant in this experiment. Analogous to Figs. 4,5, the data of Figs. 6,7 are measured on CPP-GMR-SV stacks differing only by an additional 1-nm thick Dy cap layer deposited directly on top of the FL. The use of Dy in this context (presumed spin-pumping from FL to Dy, but possibly including Dy intermixing near the FL/Dy interface 11) was found in previous work12 to result in an ~3 × increase in FL- damping, then inferred from the ~3 × increase in measured . Here, a more direct measure from the FL FMR linewidth indicates a roughly similar, increase in | |crit FLI × ≈3 . 2FLα(now using somewhat thicker FL films). This ratio is closely consistent with that inferred from data measured in this experiment over a population of devices (see Table 1). Notably, the values found for | |crit FLI RLα remain virtually the same as before. Finally, Fig.8 shows results for a "synthetic-ferrimagnet" (SF) free-layer of the form FL1/Ru(8A)/FL2. The Ru spacer provides -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.50246810 (%)δR RRj19.5Ω H (kOe)(a) I (mA)e- 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 01234500. Γ l 3.3FLΓ l 3.7RLnV HzPSD (100 MHz) (b)H l -0.45 kOe | |H l +1.2 kOe | | 02468 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 frequency (GHz)I = -1.0, -1.5, -2.5, -3.0 mA -2.0, rbiasj 0.53 H l +500 Oe nV HzPSD normalized to 1 mA (c) FIG. 5. Measurement set for a different (but nominally identical) 60nm device as that shown in Figs. 3-4. (c) rms spectra (with least-sqaures fits) measured at larger r biasand θbi as> θmagic. (d) Ie-dependent values of αfi t(Ie) for FL (red) and RL (blue), with suggested Ie→0 extrapolation lines.0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 α fitRL (d) |I | (mA)eFL-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.50246810 H (kOe)(%)δR RRj19.9Ω (a) -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 500. I (mA)eH l +1.2 kOe | | H l -0.45 kOe Γ l 3.2FLΓ l 4.2RLnVPSD Hz| | (100 MHz) (b) 02468 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 frequency (GHz)I = +0.7, -0.7, +1.0 , +1.4, -1.4 mA α = 0.11, 0.11, 0.11 , 0.11, 0.10 R Lα = 0.027 , 0.026 , 0.027 , 0.027, 0.026 F L -1.0, 0.10, 0.026, H l +700 Oe rnVPSD biasj 0.36 Hz normalized to 1 mA (c) FIG. 6. Analogous measurement set as in Figs.3-4, for (an otherwise identical) device with a 10A Dy cap layer in direct contact with the FL 6 an interfacial antiferromagnetic coupling of . Here, FL1 has a thicker CoFeGe layer than used for prior FL films, and FL2 is a relatively thin CoFe layer chosen so that ≈ 0.64 erg/cm2. Although having similar static M-H or R-H characteristics to that of the simple FL (of similar net product) used in earlier measurements, the transport of the SF-FL in regard to spin- torque effects in particular is fundamentally distinct. The basic physics of this phenomenon was described in detail previously.13 In summary, a spin-torque induced quasi-coresonance between the two natural oscillation modes of the FL1/FL2 couple in the case of negative and , can act to transfer energy out of the mode that is destabilized by spin-torque, thereby delaying the onset of criticality and substantially increasing . Indeed, the side-by-side comparison of loops provided in Fig. 8b indicate a nearly 5 × increase in , despite that remains virtually unchanged. 2erg/cm 0 . 1 ≅ FL 2 1 FL ) ( ) ( ) (FL t M t M t Ms s s ≅ − t Ms eI 0 ˆ ˆRL 1 FL> ⋅ m m | |crit FL P-IeI N- | |crit FL P-I | |crit FL AP-I For the SF-FL devices, attempts at finding the magic-angle under similar measurement conditions as used for Figs. 3c,4c, and 6c were not successful, and so the extrapolation method at similar 4 . 0bias≈ r was used instead. To improve accuracy for extrapolated-FLα , the data of Fig. 8c include measurements for mA 3 . 0 | | ≤eI (so that ) for which electronics noise overwhelms the signal from the RF FMR peaks. Showing excellent linearity of over a wide -range, the extrapolated intrinsiccrit FLI Ie< eI. vsFL fitαeI 01 . 0FL≈ α is, as expected, unchanged from before. The same is true for the extrapolated RLα as well. Table 1 summarizes the mean critical voltages (less sensitive to lithographic variations in actual device area) from a larger set of measurements. The crit FL P-I R− eI- PSD ×≈3 . 2 increase in with the use of the Dy-cap is in good agreement with that of the ratio of measured . | |crit FL P-I R FLα -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.50246810 (%)δR RRj19.5Ω H (kOe)(a) - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 01234500. Γ l 3.3FLΓ l 4.4RL I (mA)enV HzPSD (100 MHz) (b)H l -0.45 kOe | |H l +1.2 kOe | | 0 2 4 6 8 1 01 21 41 61 frequency (GHz)I = -0.7, -1.0, -1.3, -1.8, -2.0mA -1.6 , normalized to 1 mArbiasj 0.66H l +400 OenV HzPSD (c) FIG. 7. Analogous measurement set as in Fig. 5 for a different (but nominally identical) device as that in Fig. 6 with a 10A Dy cap layer..0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 α fitRL (d) |I | (mA)eFL-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.50246810 (%)δR RRj18.2Ω H (kOe)(a) -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 500. I (mA)eH l +1.2 kOe | | H l -0.45 kOe nVPSD Hz| | (100 MHz) (b) = +0.15 , -0.15 , +0.3, -0.3, -1., -2., -2.5 mA 0 2 4 6 8 10 14 16 18 12-1.5., rbiasj 0.41H l +600 OenVPSD Hz normalized to 1 mA 0 2 4 6 8 1 01 21 41 61 frequency (GHz)I = +0.15 , -0.15 , +0.3 , -0.3, -1., -2., -2.5 mA -1.5., (c) 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 FL 0.026 / 0.011 / 0.011 / αFL0.050.100.15 α fit |I | (mA)eRL (d) FIG. 8. Analogous m ea surem ent set as in Figs.5, for (an otherwise identica l) devic e with a synthetic-ferrimagnet FL (SF-FL) as described in text. (b) includes for comparison N-Ieloops (in lighter color) from Fig. 3b ; arrows show SF-FL Icr itfor P-state (red) and AP-state (blue). (c) spectral data and fits are repeatedly shown (for clarity) using two different ordinate scales. 0.12 44.9 !2.0 SF-FL0.11 10.4 !0.1 Control/ αRLstack 0.11 24.5 !0.5 Dy cap 0.026 / 0.011 / 0.011 / αFL 0.11 24.5 !0.5 Dy cap 0.12 44.9 !2.0 SF-FL0.11 10.4 !0.1 Control/ αRLstack (mV)crit FLR I − Table. 1. Summary of critical voltages (measured over ≈ 8 devices each) and damping parameter values α for the present experiment. Estimated statistical uncertainty in the α-values is ~10%. IV. MICROMAGNETIC MODELLING For more quantitative comparison with experiment than afforded by the 1-macrospin model of Sec. II, a 2-macrospin model equally treating both and is now considered here as a simpler, special case of a more general micromagnetic model to be discussed below. The values , , , and will be used as simplified, combined representations (of similar thickness and ) to the actual CoFe/CoFeGe multilayer films used for the RL and FL. The magnetic films are geometrically modeled as 60 nm squares which (in the macrospin approximation) have zero shape anisotropy (like circles), but allow analytical calculation of all magnetostatic interactions. The effect of IrMn exchange pinning on the RL is simply included as a uniform field with measured . Firstly, Fig. 9b shows simulated and curves computed assuming , roughly the mean value found from the data of Sec. III. The agreement with the shape of the measured is very good (e.g., Figs. 6,7 in particular), which reflects how remarkably closely these actual devices resemble idealized (macrospin) behavior. RLˆmFLˆm emu/cc 950FL=sM nm 7FL=t emu/cc 1250RL=sM nm 5RL=t t Ms x H ˆ] ) /( [RL pin pin t M Js =2erg/cm 75 . 0pin≅ J || bias H r-⊥H r-bias 2 . 3= Γ crit FLI H R- Next, Fig. 9d shows simulated PSD curves computed (see Appendix) in the absence of spin-torque (i.e., ) (f SV ) 0ST= H , but otherwise assuming typical experimental values R=19Ω, ΔR/R=9%, and T=300K, as well as and 01 . 0FL= α 1 . 0RL=α , so to be compared with the magic-angle spectra of Figs. 3,4. Since (as stated in Sec. III) th e experimental field angle was not accurately known, the field angle was varied systematically for the simulations, and in each case the field-magnitude H was iterated until Hφ 37 . 0bias≅ r , approximately matching the mean measured value. In terms of both absolute values and the ratio of FL to RL FMR peak amplitudes, the location of (particularly for the FL), and the magnitude of H (on average 650-700 Oe from the three magic-angle data in Sec. III), the best match with experiment clearly occurs with . The agreement, both qualitatively and quantitatively, is again remarkable given the simplicit y of the 2-macrospin model. peakf o o40 30 ≤ φ ≤H Finally, results from a di scretized micromagnetic model are shown in Fig. 10. Based on Fig.9, the value was fixed, and H = 685 Oe was determined by iteration until o35= θH 37 . 0bias≅ r . The equilibrium bias-point magneti zation distribution is shown 60 nm RL FL(a) 60 nm RL FL(a) FIG. 10. Micromagnetic model results. (a) cell discretizations with arrow- heads showing magnetization orie nta tion when | H|=685 Oe and φH=35o (see Fig. 9c). (b) simulated partial rms PSD for first 7 eigenmodes (as labeled) computed individually with αFL=0.01 andαRL=0. 01, other parameter values indicated. ( c) simulated total rms PSD with αFL=0.01 and αRL=0.01 (green) or αRL=0.1(red or blue); blue curve excludes contribution from 5th(FL) eigenmode at 16 GHz. 7 02468 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 frequency (GHz)nV HzPSD rbiasj 0.37 Γ =3.2 α =0.01FLH =0STφ =35HoH=685 Oe exclude #5 include # 1-7 α =0.01RL (c)α =0.1RL02468 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 2 frequency (GHz)nV HzPSDI=1mA R=19 ΩΔR/R=9% Γ =3.2 α =0.01 RLT=300K H =0ST(#1) (#2) (#3)(#4) (#5) (#6) (#7)rbiasj 0.37 φ =35HoH=685 Oe "FL"-mode "RL"-mode α =0.01 FL (b)-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.500. H (kOe)δR ΔRΓ = 3.2 (b)5 nm3nm7 nm 60 nm60 nm RLFL (c)(a) H x zymRL mFLφH 02468 1 0 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 frequency (GHz)ΔR/R=9% R=19 Ω I=1mA φ =10 , H=802 Oeo Hφ =0 , H=895 Oeo H φ =20 , H=723 Oeo H φ =30 , H=657 Oeo H φ =40 , H=605 Oeo Hα =0.10RLT=300K r H =0ST j 0.37bias nVPSD α =0.01Γ =3.2Hz FL (d) FIG. 9. Two-macrospin model results. (a) cartoon of model geometry. (b) simulated δR-H loops analogous to data of Figs 3-8c. (c ) cartoon defining vector orientations (RL exchange pinned along + x direction). (d) simulated rms PSD assuming parameter values indicated, with variable | H| to maintain a fixed rbiasat each φH( as indicated by color). in Fig. 10a for this 416 cell model. Estimated values for exchange stiffness, and erg/cm 4 . 1FL μ = A erg/cm 2RL μ=A were assumed. The simulated spectra in Fig. 10b are shown one eigenmode at a time (see Appendix), for the 7 eigenmodes with predicted FMR frequencies below 20 GHz (the 8th mode is at 22.9 GHz). The 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 7th modes involve mostly FL motion, the nearly degenerate 3rd and 4th modes (and the 6th) mostly that of the RL. (The amplitudes of from the 6th or 7th mode are negligible.). For illustration purposes only, Fig. 10b assumed identical damping in each film. ) (f SV 01 . 0FL FL= α = α For Fig. 10c, the computation of is more properly computed using either 6 or all 7 eigenmodes simultaneously, which includes damping-induced coupling between the modes. Including higher order modes makes negligible change to (but rapidly increases computation time). As was observed earlier, the agreement between simulated and measured spectra in Figs. 3c,4c is good (with ) (f SV GHz) 20 ( <f SV 1 . 0RL=α ), and the simulations now include the small, secondary FL-peak near 8 GHz clearly seen in the measured data (including that of Fig. 6c), though it is somewhat more pronounced in the model results. Notably, the computed spectrum near the RL FMR peak more resembles the measurements after removing the 16-GHz 5 th mode from the calculation, as this (FL) mode does not appear to be physically present in the Figs. 3c,4c spectra. While it is perhaps expected that higher order modes in a micromagnetic simulation assuming perfectly homogeneous magnetic films would show deviations from real devices with finite grain-size, edge-roughness/damage, etc., the situation is actually more interesting. Fig. 11 shows measured spectra on yet another device (again, nominally identical to that of Figs. 3-5) in which the experiment was perhaps slightly off from the optimum magic-angle condition, as evidenced by the very small shift in the 6-GHz FL FMR peak position with polarity of . More noteworthy, however, is the clear polarity asymmetry and nonlinear-in- peak-amplitude (for in particular) of both the 8-GHz secondary FL mode and a higher order mode close to 15 GHz. (Both resemble typical spin-torque effect at angles more antiparallel than the magic-angle condition.) This similarity in behavior indicates with near certainty that this 15- GHz mode is also FL-like in origin, and is thus a demonstration of the "missing" 5 th mode predicted in Fig. 10. (In hindsight, there is now discernible a small but similar 15-GHz peak in the spectra of Fig. 4c). It is worth remembering that the "magic- angle" argument was based on a simple 1-macrospin model, and so remarkably there appears to be circumstances where this "spin-torque null" actually does apply simultaneously to both the FL and RL, as well as to higher order modes. eI eI 0>eI V. DISCUSSION In addition to the direct evidence from the measured spectral linewidth in Figs. 3-8, evidence for large Gilbert damping FL RL α> > α for the RL is also seen in the data. As ratios and are (from Figs. 3-5 data) both roughly ~7, this conclusion is semi-quantitatively consistent with the basic scaling (from (3c)) that . This, as well as the substantial, 2-3 × variation of with in Figs. 5d, and 7d, appears to rather conclusively (and expectedly) confirm that inhomogeneous broadening is not a factor in the large linewidth- inferred values of crit eI crit crit FL P RL P/- -I Icrit crit FL AP RL AP /- - I I α ∝crit eI RL fitαeI RLα found in these nanoscale spin-valves. Large increases in effective damping of "bulk" samples of ferromagnetic (FM) films in cont act with antiferromagnet (AF) exchange pinning layers has been reported previously.14-16 The excess damping was generally attributed to two-magnon scattering processes 17 arising from an inhomogeneous AF/FM interface. However, the two-magnon description applies to the case where the uniform, ( , mode is pumped by a external rf source to a high excitation ( magnon) level, which then transfers energy via two-magnon scattering into a large (quasi-continuum) number of degenerate 0=k )0ω ≡ ω ) , 0 (0ω=ω≠k k spin-wave modes, all with low (thermal) excitation levels and mutually coupled by the same two-magnon process. In this circumstance, the probability of en ergy transfer back to the uniform mode (just one among the degenerate continuum) is negligible, and the resultant one-way flow of energy out of the uniform mode resembles that of intrinsic damping to the lattice. By contrast, for the nanoscale spin-valve device, the relevant eigenmodes (Fig. 10) are discrete and generally nondegenerate. in frequency. Even for a coincide ntal case of a quasi-degenerate pair of modes (e.g., RL modes #3 and #4 in Fig. 10), both modes are equally excited to thermal equilibrium levels (as are all modes), and have similar intrinsi c damping rates to the lattice. Any additional energy transfer via a two-magnon process should flow both ways, making impossible a large (e.g., ~10× ) increase in the effective net damping of either mode. I = +0.7, -0.7 , +1.0 , +1.4, -1.4 mA 8 Two alternative hypotheses for large RLα which are essentially independent of device size are 1) large spin-pumping effect at the IrMn/RL interface, or 2) strong interfacial exchange coupling at the IrMn/RL resulting in non-resonant coupling to high frequency modes in either the RL and/or or the IrMn film. However, these two alternatives can be distinguished since the exchange coupling strength can be greatly altered without necessarily changing the spin-pumping effect. In particular, RLα was very recently measured by conventional FMR methods -1.0, nVPSD Hz 0 2 4 6 8 1 01 21 41 61 8 frequency (GHz)r(normalized to 1 mA) j 0.35biasH l +700 Oe FIG. 11. The rms PSD measured on a physically diffe rent (but nominally identical) device as that generating the analogous "magic-angle" spectra shown in Figs. 3c and 4c. Table. 2. Summary of bulk film FMR measurements18 for reduced film stack structure: seed/IrMn( tAF)/Cu( tCu)/RL/Cu(30A)/cap. Removal of IrMn, or alternatively a lack of proper seed layer and/or use of a sufficiently thick tCu≈30A can each effectively eliminate exchange pinning strength to RL. 0.013 tAF= tCu= 0 (out-of-plane FMR)0.013 tAF=60 A , tCu= 30A0.010 tAF=6 0 A , tCu= 0 (no seed layer for IrMn)0.011 tAF= tCu= 0sample type 0.013 tAF= tCu= 0 (out-of-plane FMR)0.013 tAF=60 A , tCu= 30A0.010 tAF=6 0 A , tCu= 0 (no seed layer for IrMn)0.011 tAF= tCu= 0sample type ) / (23 RL ω Δ γ = α d H d by Mewes18 on bulk film samples (grown by us with the same RL films and IrMn annealing procedure as that of the CPP- GMR-SV devices reported herein) of the reduced stack structure: seed/IrMn( tAF)/Cu( tCu)/RL/Cu(30A)/cap. For all four cases described in Table 2, the exchange coupling was deliberately reduced to zero, and the measured was found to be nearly identical to that found here for the FL of similar CoFeGe composition. However, for the two cases with tAF = 60A, excess damping due to spin-pumping of electrons from RL into IrMn should not have been diminished (e.g., the spin diffusion length in Cu is ~100 × greater than tCu ≈ 30A). This would appear to rule out the spin-pumping hypothesis. 012 . 0RL≈ α The second hypothesis emphasizes the possibility that the energy loss takes place inside the IrMn, from oscillations excited far off resonance by locally strong interfacial exchange coupling to a fluctuating . This local interfacial exchange coupling can be much greater than , since the latter reflects a surface average over inhomogeneous spin-alignment (grain-to- grain and/or from atomic roughness) within the IrMn sub-lattice that couples to the RL. Further, though such strong but inhomogeneities coupling cannot truly be represented by a uniform acting on the RL, the similarity between measured and modeled values of ~14 GHz for the "uniform" RL eigenmode has clearly been demonstrated here. Whatever are the natural eigenmodes of the real device, the magic-angle spectrum measurements of Sec. III reflect the thermal excitation of all eigenmodes for which "one-way" intermodal energy transfer should be precluded by the condition of thermal equilibrium and the orthogonality 19 of the modes themselves. Hence, without an additional energy sink exclusive of the RL/FL spin-lattice system, the linewidth of all modes should arguably reflect the intrinsic Gilbert damping of the FL or RL films, which the data of Sec. III and Table 2 indicate are roughly equal with . Inclusion of IrMn as a combined AF/RL system, would potentially provide that extra energy loss channel for the RL modes. RLˆm exJpinJ pinH 01 . 0 ~ α 9 A rough plausibility argument for the latter may be made with a crude AF/FM model in which a 2-sublattice AF film is treated as two ferromagnetic layers (#1 and #2) occupying the same physical location. Excluding magnetostatic contributions, the free energy/area for this 3-macrospin system is taken to be x m m mx m x m m m ˆ ˆ ] [ ˆ ˆ] )ˆ ˆ ( ) ˆ ˆ [( ) ( ˆ ˆ ) ( FM FMAF AF AF pin 0 2 ex2 22 1 212 1 ⋅ − + ⋅ −⋅ + ⋅ − ⋅ J J Jt K H t Ms (8) For IrMn with Neel temperature of , the internal AF exchange field .20 With K T700N≈ Oe 10 ~ / ~7 B B AFμNT k H A, 60AF=t AF uniaxial anisotropy is estimated to be .21 A rough estimate for strong interfacial exchange is obtained by equating interface energy erg/cc 10 ~6 AFK FM) / ( 8 ~ex t A J 2 /2 exφJ to the bulk exchange energy t A/ 42φ of a hypothetical, small angle Bloch wall ) 2 0 (φ ≤ φ ≤ twisting through the FM film thickness. Taking nm 5≈t and A ~ 10-6 erg/cm yields . The value of in the last "field-like" term in (8) is more precisely chosen to maintain a constant eigenfrequency for the FM layer independent of or , thus accounting for the weaker inhomogeneous coupling averaged over an actual AF/FM interface. 2 ex erg/cm 15 ~ J 1 ex 0 ] ) ( / 1 / 1 [ ~AF−+ t K J J exJAFK As shown in Fig. 12, this crude model can explain a ~10 × increase in the FM linewidth provided á 5- and exJ2erg/cm 10 1 . 0 05 . 0 ~AF - α . It is worthily noted20 that for the 2-sublattice AF, the linewidth ) ) / ( /( 2 /AF AF AF 0 sM K H HK≡ α ≈ ω ω Δ is larger by a factor of 100 ~ / 2AF KH H compared to high order FM spin-wave modes in cases of comparable α and 0ω (with Hz 10 ~ 212 0 AF KH H γ ≈ ω for the AF). Since the lossy part of the "low" frequency susceptibility for FM or AF modes scales with ωΔ, it is suggested that the IrMn layer can effectively sink energy from the ~14 GHz RL mode despite the ~100 × disparity in their respective resonant frequencies. S ize-independent damping mechanisms for FM films exchange-coupled to AF layers such as IrMn are worthy of further, detailed study. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 frequency (GHz)T=300K (GHz)-1/2α =0.01 FMSθFMJ =0α = 0.02, 0.05, 0.10 0.01, exAF erg cm2 J =10ex 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 frequency (GHz)T=300K α =0.01 FMJ =0exerg 1, 3, 10, 100cm2 J =ex S α =0.10 θFM AF (GHz)-1/2(a) (b) FIG. 12. Simulated rms PSD SθFM(f) for a 3-macrospin model of an AF/FM couple as described via (8) and in the text. The FM film parametrics are the same as used for macrospin RL model in Fig. 9, with αFM=0.01 and Jpin= 0.75 erg/cm2. (a) varied α AF(denoted by color) with Jex=10erg/cm2. (b) varied Jex(denoted by color) with αAF=0.1. The black curve in (a) or in (b) corresponds to Jex=0. For AF, Msis taken to be 500 emu/cc. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to acknowledge Jordan Katine for the e-beam lithography used to make all the measured devices, and Stefan Maat for film growth of alternative CPP spin-valve stacks useful for measurements not included here. The authors wish to thank Tim Mewes (and his student Zachary Burell) for making the bulk film FMR measurements on rather short notice. One author (NS) would like to thank Thomas Schrefl for a useful suggestion for micromagnetic modeling of an AF film. APPENDIX As was described in detail elsewhere,22 the generalization of (1) or (5) from a single macrospin to that for an N-cell micromagnetic model takes the form 1)] ( [ ) ( ,2) () ( ) ( −+ ω − ′ = ω ⋅ ⋅Δ γ≡ ω′=′⋅′+′⋅ + G D H D Sh m HmG D tt t t ttt trrtrtt imT ktdtd Bχ χ χ@ (A1) where m′r) (orh′r is an column vector built from the N 2D vectors , and 1 2×N N j... 1=′m H G Dttt and , , are matrices formed from the array of 2D tensors N N2 2× N N× ,jkDt ,jkGt and Here, and , though .jkHt jk jk D Dδ =t t jk jkG Gδ =t t .jkHt is nonlocal in cell indices j,k due to the magnetost atic interaction. The PSD for any scalar quantity is22 ) (f SQ })ˆ({j Qm j jj jN k jk jk j QQS f Sm mm d d dˆ ˆ, ) ( 2 ) ( 1 , ∂∂⋅∂′∂ ≡′ ′ ⋅ ω ⋅ ′ =∑ =t (A2) The computations for the PSD of Figs.9, 10 took ) (mrQ to be ∑ = ⋅ − Γ + + Γ⋅ − Δ=iN i i ii i iR I NQ 1bias FL RLFL RL ˆ ˆ ) 1 ( 1)ˆ ˆ 1 ( 1 m mm m averaged over the cell pairs at the RL-FL interface. 2 /N Ni= For a symmetric Ht (e.g., the set of eigenvectors ), 0ST= H m err← of the system (A1) can be defined from the following eigenvalue matrix equation n n N n ie e H Gr rtt ω = ⋅ ⋅=− 2 ... 11) ( (A3) The eigenvectors come in N complex conjugate pairs − +e err, with real eigenfrequencies . With suitably normalized ω ± ,ner matrices and are diagonal in the eigenmode basis .22. The analogue to (A1) becomes mn mn H δ =n mn mni G ω δ =/ ∑∑ ′⋅ ≡ ′ ′ ω ′ =ω χ ω χΔ γ≡ ω⋅ ⋅ ≡ ω − δ ω ω − = ω χ ∗ ∗∗ ′ ′ ′′ ′ ′∗ − n mn n n mn m Qn n n mn m m mB mnn m mn mn n mn d d S d f SDmT kSD i ,,1 , ) ( 2 ) () ( ) (2) () ( ) / 1 ( )] ( [ d ee D e rrrtr (A4) The utility of eigenmodes for computing PSD, e.g, in the computations of Fig. 10, is that only a small fraction (e.g., 7 rather than 416 eigenvector pairs) need be kept in (A4) (with all the rest simply ignored ) in order to obtain accurate results in practical frequency ranges (e.g., GHz). Despite that is (in principle) a full matrix, the reduction in matrix size for the matrix inversion to obtain at each frequency more than makes up for the cost of computing the 20<mnD ) (ω χ ) , (n nerω which need be done only once independent of frequency or α-values. REFERENCES 1 Volume 320 (2008) of the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials offers a series of review articles (with many additional references therein) covering this field. Some examples include: J. A. Katine and E. E. Fullerton, pp. 1217-1226, J. Z. Sun and D. C. Ralph, pp. 1227-1237, T. J. Silva and W. H. Rippard, pp. 1260-1271. 2Y. Tserkovnyak, A. Brataas, and G. E. W. Bauer, Phys. Rev. B 67, 140404(R) (2003). 3G. D. Fuchs et al. , Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 062505 (2007). 4 N. Smith, J. A. Katine, J. R. Childress, and M. J. Carey, IEEE Trans. Magn. 41, 2935 (2005). 5 As discussed in N. Smith, Phys. Rev. B 80, 064412 (2009), the spin- pumping effect described in Ref. 2 l eads to additional contributions to the damping tensor-matrix Dt in (1) or (A1) which are anisotropic, angle-dependent, and nonlocal betw een RL and FL. For simplicity, these are here simply lumped into the Gilbert damping parameter α for either RL or FL. In this c ontext, "intrinsic " damping refers approximately to that in the linit , but also in the presence of the complete stack structure of the spin-valve device of interest. 0→eI 6 J. C. Slonczewski, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 247, 324 (2002). 7 N. Smith, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08Q703 (2006). 8 Y. Tserkovnyak, A. Brataas, G. E. W. Bauer, and B. I. Halperin, Rev. Mod. Phys. 77, 1375 (2005). 9 S. Maat, M. J. Carey, and J. R. Childress, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 143505 (2008). 10 R. A. Duine, A. S. Nunez, J. Sinova, and A. H. MacDonald, Phys. Rev. B 75, 214420 (2007). 11 G. Woltersdorf, M. Kiessling, G. Meye r, J. U. Thiele, and C. H. Back, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 257602 (2009). 12 S. Maat, N. Smith, M. J. Carey, and J. R. Childress, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 , 103506 (2008). 13 N. Smith, S. Maat, M. J. Carey, and J. R. Childress, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 , 247205, (2008). 14 R. D. McMichael, M. D. Stiles, P. J. Chen, and W. F. Egelhoff, Jr., J. Appl. Phys., 83, 7037 (1998). 15 S. M. Rezende, A. Azevedo, M. A. Lucena, and F. M. de Aguiar, Phys. Rev. B 63, 214418 (2001). 16 M. C. Weber, H. Nembach, B. Hillebrands, M. J. Carey, and J. Fassbender, J. Appl. Phys. 99, 08J308 (2006). 17 R. Arias and D. L. Mills, Phys. Rev. B 60, 7395 (1999). 10 18 T. Mewes, MINT Center, U. Alabama (Tuscaloosa). These bulk film FMR measurements were made in-plane, except for the last entry in Table 2 which was measured in th e out-of-plane configuration which should exclude two-magnon contributions (Ref. 17). The similarity in α -values suggests two-magnon is unim portant here, which in turn then suggests that RL-FL spin-pumping contributions in the present CPP-GMR nanopillars spin-valves (footnote (5)) that would not be present in the RL-only bulk samples are also small. Further comparisons of present measuremen ts with additional bulk film FMR results are expected to be addressed in a future publication. 19 A nonzero damping matrix Dt can technically cause a coupling of nondegenerate eigenmodes if , though this does not change the argument citing this f ootnote. This small effect can be seen in Fig. 10c as the slight change in the 6-GHz FL FMR peak height and linewidth when 0≠ ⋅ ⋅∗≠ n n me D ertr RLαis grossly varied from 0.01 to 0.1. 20 Magnetic Oscillations and Waves , A. G. Gurevich and G. A. Melkov, CRC Press (Florida, USA) 1996. Chap. 3. 21 K. O'Grady, L. E. Ferndandez- Outon, G. Vallejo-Fernandez, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 322, 883 (2010). 22 Appendix A of N. Smith, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 321, 531 (2009). 11 | 2010-02-17 | In-situ, device level measurement of thermal mag-noise spectral linewidths in
60nm diameter CPP-GMR spin-valve stacks of IrMn/ref/Cu/free, with reference and
free layer of similar CoFe/CoFeGe alloy, are used to simultaneously determine
the intrinsic Gilbert damping for both magnetic layers. It is shown that
careful alignment at a "magic-angle" between free and reference layer static
equilibrium magnetization can allow direct measurement of the broadband
intrinsic thermal spectra in the virtual absence of spin-torque effects which
otherwise grossly distort the spectral line shapes and require linewidth
extrapolations to zero current (which are nonetheless also shown to agree well
with the direct method). The experimental magic-angle spectra are shown to be
in good qualitative and quantitative agreement with both macrospin calculations
and micromagnetic eigenmode analysis. Despite similar composition and
thickness, it is repeatedly found that the IrMn exchange pinned reference layer
has ten times larger intrinsic Gilbert damping (alpha ~ 0.1) than that of the
free-layer (alpha ~ 0.01). It is argued that the large reference layer damping
results from strong, off -resonant coupling to to lossy modes of an IrMn/ref
couple, rather than commonly invoked two-magnon processes. | Measurement of Gilbert damping parameters in nanoscale CPP-GMR spin-valves | 1002.3295v1 |
Choice of Damping Coefficient in Langevin Dynamics Robert D. SkeelandCarsten Hartmanny Abstract. This article considers the application of Langevin dynamics to sampling and investigates how to choose the damping parameter in Langevin dynamics for the purpose of maximizing thoroughness of sampling. Also, it considers the computation of measures of sampling thoroughness. 1. Introduction. Langevindynamicsisapopulartoolformolecularsimulation. Itrequires the choice of a damping coefficient, which is the reciprocal of a diffusion coefficient. (More generally this might be a diffusion tensor.) The special case of a constant scalar diffusion coefficient is the topic of this article. The motivation for this study is a suspicion that proposed novel MCMC propagators based on Langevin dynamics (in particular, stochastic gradient methods for machine learning [4, 9]) might be obtaining their advantage at the expense of reduced sampling efficiency, as, say, measured by effective sample size. For simulations intended to model the dynamics, the appropriate choice of
is based on physics. Generally, the dissipation and fluctuation terms are there to account for omitted degrees of freedom. In their common usage as thermostats, they model the effect of forces due to atoms just outside the set of explicitly represented atoms. These are essentially boundary effects, which disappear in the thermodynamic limit Natoms!1, whereNatomsis the number of explicitly represented atoms. Since the ratio of the number of boundary atoms to interior atoms is of order N 1=3 atoms, it might be expected that
is chosen to be proportional to N 1=3 atoms. There is second possible role for the addition of fluctuation-dissipation terms in a dynamics simulation: with a small damping coefficient, these terms can also play a role in stabilizing a numerical integrator [21], which might be justified if the added terms are small enough to have an effect no greater than that of the discretization error. The bulk of molecular simulations, however, are “simply” for the purpose of drawing ran- dom samples from a prescribed distribution and this is the application under consideration here. The appropriate choice of
optimizes the efficiency of sampling. A measure of this is the effective sample size N=whereNis the number of samples and is the integrated autocorrelation time. The latter is, however, defined in terms of an observable. An observable is an expectation of a specified function of the configuration, which for lack of a better term, is referred to here as a preobservable . As an added complication, the accuracy of an estimate of an integrated autocorrelation time (IAcT) depends on sampling thoroughness [13, Sec. 3], so a conservative approach is indicated. Ref. [13, Sec. 3.1] advocates the use of the maximum possible IAcT and shows how it might be a surrogate for sampling thoroughness. The max- imum possible IAcT is about the same (except for a factor of 2) as the decorrelation time of Ref. [30], defined to be “the minimum time that must elapse between configurations for them to become fully decorrelated (i.e., with respect to any quantity)”. School of Mathematics and Statistical Sciences, Arizona State University, 900 S Palm Walk, Tempe, AZ 85281, USA, E-mail: yInstitute of Mathematics, Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus-Senftenberg, 03046 Cottbus, Ger- many, E-mail: 1arXiv:2106.11597v1 [stat.CO] 22 Jun 2021Therefore, for sampling, it is suggested that
be chosen to achieve a high level of sampling thoroughness, as measured by the maximum possible IAcT. An initial study of this question is reported in Ref. [38, Sec. 5], and the purpose of the present article is to clarify and extend these results. To begin with, we analyse an underdamped Langevin equation with a quadratic potential energy function. (See Eq. (12) below.) The main purpose of analyzing this model problem is, of course, to obtain insight and heuristics that can be applied to general potential energy functions. Needed for choosing the optimal gamma is a substitute for the lowest frequency. For the model problem, this can be obtained from the covariance matrix for the position coordinates, which is not difficult to compute for a general potentials. And for estimating q;max, the analysis suggests using the set of all quadratic polynomials, which can be achieved using the algorithm of reference [13, Sec. 3.5]. For molecular simulation, the suggestion is that one might choose linear combinations of functions of the form j~ rj ~ rij2and(~ rj ~ ri)(~ rk ~ ri)where each ~ riis an atomic position or center of mass of a group of atoms. Such functions share with the potential energy function the property of being invariant under a rigid body movement. 1.1. Results and discussion. Section 5 analyzes integrated autocorrelation times for the standard model problem of a quadratic potential energy function. An expression is derived for the IAcT for any preobservable; this is applied in Sec. 5.2 to check the accuracy of a method for estimating the IAcT. In Sec. 5, we also determine the maximum IAcT, denoted by q;max, over all preobservables defined on configurations, as well as the damping coefficient
that minimizesq;max. It is shown that it is polynomials of degree 2that produce the largest value ofq;max. And that choosing
equal to the lowest frequency, which is half of the optimal value of
for that frequency, minimizes q;max. These results extend those of Ref. [38, Sec. 5], which obtains a (less relevant) result for preobservables defined on phase space rather than configuration space. Sections 6 and 7 test the heuristics derived from the quadratic potential energy on some simple potential energy functions giving rise to multimodal distributions. Results suggest that the heuristics for choosing the maximizing preobservable and optimal gamma are effective. One of the test problems is one constructed by Ref. [23] to demonstrate the superiority of BAOAB over other Langevin integrators. Experiments for this problem in Sec. 6 are consistent with this claim of superiority. In defining “quasi-reliability” and the notion of thorough sampling, Ref. [13] makes an unmotivated leap from maximizing over preobservables that are indicator functions to maxi- mizing over arbitrary preobservables. The test problem of Sec. 7 provides a cursory look at this question, though the matter may warrant further study. Obtaining reliable estimates of the IAcT without generating huge sets of samples very much hinders this investigation. To this end, Sec. 4.1 explores an intriguing way of calculating an estimate for the phase space max, which avoids the difficult calculation of IAcTs. For the model problem, it give more accurate results for maxthan estimating IAcTs, due to the difficulty of finding a set of functions that play the same role as quadratic polynomials when maximizing IAcTs. The literature offers interesting suggestions that might help in the development of better schemes for estimating IAcTs, and it may be fruitful to recast some of 2these ideas using the formalisms employed in this article. In particular, Ref. [30] offers a novel approach based on determining whether using every th sample creates a set of independent samples. Additionally, there are several conditions on covariances [16, Theorem 3.1] that can be checked or enforced. 1.2. Related work. While the major part of the literature on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods with stochastic differential equations focuses on the overdamped Langevin equation (e.g. [35, 3] and the references given there), there have been significant advances, both from an algorithmic and a theoretical point of view, in understanding the underdamped Langevindynamics[34]. Forexample,inRefs. [39,7]Langevindynamicshasbeenstudiedfrom theperspectiveofthermostattingandenhancmentofspecificvibrationalmodesorcorrelations, in Refs. [8, 17, 25] Langevin dynamics has been used to tackle problems in machine learning and stochastic optimisation. From a theoretical point of view, the Langevin equation is more difficult to analyse than its overdamped counterpart, since the noise term is degenerate and the associated propagator is non-symmetric; recent work on optimising the friction coefficient for sampling is due to [11, 36, 4], theoretical analyses using both probabilistic and functional analytical methods have been conducted in [10, 5, 12]; see also [27, Secs. 2.3–2.4] and the references therein. Relevant in this regard are Refs. [20, 26, 33], in which non-reversible perturbations of the overdamped Langevin equation are proposed, with the aim of increasing the spectral gap of the propagator or reducing the asymptotic variance of the sampler. Related results on decorrelation times for the overdamped Langevin using properties of the dominant spectrum of the infinitesimal generator of the associated Markov process have been proved in [22, Sec. 4]. A key point of this article is that quantities like spectral gaps or asymptotic variances are not easily accessible numerically, therefore computing goal-oriented autocorrelation times (i.e. for specific observables that are of interest) that can be computed from simulation data is a sensible approach. With that being said, it would be a serious omission not to mention the work of Ref. [30], which proposes the use of indicator functions for subsets of configuration space in order to estimate asymptotic variance and effective sample size from autocorrelation times using trajectory data. Finally, we should also mention that many stochastic optimisation methods that are nowa- days popular in the machine learning comminity, like ADAM or RMSProp, adaptively control the damping coefficient, though in an ad-hocway, so as to improve the convergence to a local minimum. They share many features with adaptive versions of Langevin thermostats that are used in moecular dynamics [24], and therefore it comes as no surprise that the Langevin model is the basis for the stochastic modified equation approach that can be used to analyse state of the art momentum-based stochastic optimisation algorithms like ADAM [1, 28]. 2. Preliminaries. The computational task is to sample from a probability density q(q) proportional to exp( V(q)), whereV(q)is a potential energy function and is inverse temperature. In principle, these samples are used to compute an observable E[u(Q)], where Qis a random variable from the prescribed distribution and u(q)is a preobservable (possible 3an indicator function). The standard estimate is E[u(Q)]bUN=1 NN 1X n=0u(Qn); where the samples Qnare from a Markov chain, for which q(q)(or a close approximation thereof) is the stationary density. Assume the chain has been equilibrated, meaning that Q0is drawn from a distribution with density q(q). An efficient and popular way to generate such a Markov chain is based on Langevin dynamics, whose equations are (1)dQt=M 1Ptdt; dPt=F(Qt) dt
Ptdt+q 2
MhdWt; whereF(q) = rV(q),Mis a matrix chosen to compress the range of vibrational frequencies, MhMT h=M, and Wtis a vector of independent standard Wiener processes. The invariant phase space probability density (q;p)is given by (q;p) =1 Zexp( (V(q) +1 2pTM 1p)); whereZ > 0is a normalisation constant that guarantees that integrates to 1. We call q(q) its marginal density for q. We suppose >0. It is common practice in molecular dynamics to use a numerical integrator, which intro- duces a modest bias, that depends on the step size t. As an illustration, consider the BAOAB integrator [23]. Each step of the integrator consists of the following substeps: B:Pn+1=4=Pn+1 2tF(Qn), A:Qn+1=2=Qn+1 2tM 1Pn+1=4, O:Pn+3=4= exp(
t)Pn+1=4+Rn+1=2, A:Qn+1=Qn+1=2+1 2tM 1Pn+3=4, B:Pn+1=Pn+3=4+1 2tF(Qn+1=2), where Rn+1=2is a vector of independent Gaussian random variables with mean 0and covari- ance matrix (1 exp( 2
t)) 1M. In the following, we use the shorthand Z= (Q;P)to denote a phase space vector. It is known [16, Sec. 2] that the variance of the estimate bUNforE[u(Z)]is (2) Var[bUN] NVar[u(Z)]; which is exact relative to 1=Nin the limit N!1. Hereis theintegrated autocorrelation time (IAcT) (3) = 1 + 2+1X k=1C(k) C(0) andC(k)is the autocovariance at lag kdefined by (4) C(k) =E[(u(Z0) )(u(Zk) )] 4with=E[u(Z0)] =E[u(Zk). Here and in what follows the expectation E[]is understood over all realisations of the (discretized) Langevin dynamics, with initial conditions Z0drawn from the equilibrium probability density function . 2.1. Estimating integrated autocorrelation time. Estimates of the IAcT based on es- timating covariances C(k)suffer from inaccuracy in estimates of C(k)due to a decreasing number of samples as kincreases. To get reliable estimates, it is necessary to underweight or omit estimates of C(k)for larger values of k. Many ways to do this have been proposed. Most attractive are those [16, Sec. 3.3] that take advantage of the fact that the time series is a Markov chain. Onethatisusedinthisstudyisashortcomputerprogramcalled acor[18]thatimplements a method described in Ref. [31]. It recursively reduces the series to one half its length by summing successive pairs of terms until the estimate of based on the reduced series is deemed reliable. The definition of “reliable” depends on heuristically chosen parameters. A greater number of reductions, called reducsin this paper, employs greater numbers of covariances, but at the risk of introducing more noise. 2.2. Helpful formalisms for analyzing MCMC convergence. It is helpful to introduce the linear operator Tdefined by Tu(z) =Z (z0jz)u(z0)dz0 where(z0jz)is the transition probability density for the Markov chain. Then one can express an expectation of the form E[v(Z0)u(Z1)], arising from a covariance, as E[v(Z0)u(Z1)] =hv;Tui where the inner product h;iis defined by (5) hv;ui=Z v(z)u(z)(z) dz: The adjoint operator Tyv(z) =1 (z)Z (zjz0)v(z0)(z0)dz0 is what Ref. [37] calls the forward transfer operator, because it propagates relative probability densities forward in time. On the other hand, Ref. [29] calls Tythe backward operator and callsTitself the forward operator. To avoid confusion, use the term transfer operator forT. The earlier work[13, 38] isin terms ofthe operator Ty. To get an expression for E[v(Z0)u(Zk)], write E[v(Z0)u(Zk)] =ZZ v(z)u(z0)k(z0jz)(z) dzdz0 wherek(z0jz)is the iterated transition probability density function defined recursively by 1(z0jz) =(zjz0)and k(z0jz) =Z (z0jz00)k 1(z00jz)dz00; k = 2;3;:::: 5By induction on k Tku(z) =TTk 1u(z) =Z k(z0jz)u(z0)dz0; whence, E[v(Z0)u(Zk)] =hv;Tkui: 2.2.1. Properties of the transfer operator and IAcT. It is useful to establish some prop- erties ofTand the IAcT that will be used throughout the article. In particular, we shall provide a formula for (u)in terms of the transfer operator that will be the starting point for systematic improvements and that will later on allow us to estimate by solving a generalised eigenvalue problem. Clearly,T1 = 1, and 1 is an eigenvalue of T. Here, where the context requires a function, the symbol 1 denotes the constant function that is identically 1. Where the context requires an operator, it denotes the identity operator. To remove the eigenspace corresponding to the eigenvalue= 1fromT, define the orthogonal projection operator Eu=h1;ui1 and consider instead the operator T0=T E: It is assumed that the eigenvalues ofT0satisfyjj<1, in other words, we assume that the underlying Markov chain is ergodic. Stationarity of the target density (z)w.r.t.(zjz0) implies thatTy1 = 1and thatTyT1 = 1. Therefore,TyTis a stochastic kernel. This implies that the spectral radius of TyTis 1, and, since it is a symmetric operator, one has that (6) hTu;Tui=hu;TyTuihu;ui: The IAcT, given by Eq. (3), requires autocovariances, which one can express in terms of T0as follows: (7)C(k) =h(1 E)u;(1 E)Tkui =h(1 E)u;(1 E)Tk 0ui =h(1 E)u;Tk 0ui; which follows because Eand1 Eare symmetric. Substituting Equation (7) into Equation (3) gives (8) (u) =h(1 E)u;Dui h(1 E)u;ui;whereD= 2(1 T0) 1 1: It can be readily seen that is indeed nonnegative. With v= (1 T0) 1u, the numerator in Eq. (8) satisfies h(1 E)u;Dui=h(1 E)(1 T0)v;(1 +T0)vi =hv;vi hTv;Tvi 0: Therefore,(u)0if(1 E)u6= 0, where the latter is equivalent to u6=E[u]being not a constant. 63. Sampling Thoroughness and Efficiency. Less than “thorough” sampling can degrade estimates of an IAcT. Ref. [13, Sec. 1] proposes a notion of “quasi-reliability” to mean the absence of evidence in existing samples that would suggest a lack of sampling thoroughness. A notion of sampling thoroughness begins by considering subsets Aof configuration space. The probability that Q2Acan be expressed as the expectation E[1A]where 1Ais the indicator function for A. A criterion for thoroughness might be that (9) jc1A Pr(Q2A)jtolwherec1A=1 NNX n=11A(Qn): This is not overly stringent, since it does not require that there are any samples in sets Aof probabilitytol. The next step in the development of this notion is to replace the requirement jc1A Pr(Q2 A)jtolby something more forgiving of the random error in c1A. For example, we could require instead that (Var[c1A])1=20:5tol; which would satisfy Eq. (9) with 95% confidence, supposing an approximate normal distribu- tion for the estimate. (If we are not willing to accept the Gaussian assumption, Chebychev’s inequality tells us that we reach 95% confidence level if we replace the right hand side by 0:05tol.) Now letAbe the integrated autocorrelation time for 1A. Because Var[c1A]A1 NVar[1A(Z)] =A1 NPr(Z2A)(1 Pr(Z2A)) 1 4NA; it is enough to have (1=4N)A(1=4)tol2for all sets of configurations Ato ensure thorough sampling (assuming again Gaussianity). The definition of good coverage might then be ex- pressed in terms of the maximum (1A)over allA. Note that the sample variance may not be a good criterion if all the candidate sets Ahave small probability Pr(Z2A), in which case it is rather advisable to consider the relativeerror [6]. Ref. [13, Sec 3.1] then makes a leap, for the sake of simplicity, from considering just indi- cator functions to arbitrary functions. This leads to defining q;max= supVar[u(Q)]>0(u). The condition Var[u(Q)]>0is equivalent to (1 E)u6= 0. A few remarks on the efficient choice of preobservables are in order. Remark 1. Generally, if there are symmetries present in both the distribution and the pre- observables of interest, this may reduce the amount of sampling needed. Such symmetries can be expressed as bijections qfor whichu( q(q)) =u(q)andq( q(q)) =q(q). Examples in- clude translational and rotational invariance, as well as interchangeability of atoms and groups of atoms. Let qdenote the set of all such symmetries. The definition of good coverage then 7need only include sets A, which are invariant under all symmetries q2 q. The extension from indicator sets 1Ato general functions leads to considering Wq=fu(q)ju( q(q)) =u(q) for all q2 qgand defining q;max= sup u2W0q(u) whereW0 q=fu2WqjVar[u(Q)]>0g. Remark 2. Another consideration that might dramatically reduce the set of relevant preob- servables is the attractiveness of using collective variables =(q)to characterize structure and dynamics of molecular systems. This suggests considering only functions defined on collective variable space, hence, functions of the form u((q)). 4. Computing the Maximum IAcT. The difficulty of getting reliable estimates for (u)in order to compute the maximum IAcT makes it interesting to consider alternative formulation. 4.1. A transfer operator based formulation. Although, there is little interest in sampling functionsofauxiliaryvariableslikemomenta, itmaybeusefultoconsiderphasespacesampling efficiency. Specifically, a maximum over phase space is an upper bound and it might be easier to estimate. Putting aside exploitation of symmetries, the suggestion is to using max= supVar[u(Z)]>0(u). One has, with a change of variables, that ((1 T0)v) =2(v) where 2(v) =h(1 T)v;(1 +T)vi h(1 T)v;(1 T)vi: This follows from h(1 E)(1 T0)v;(1T0)vi=h(1 T)v;(1T)vEvi=h(1 T)v;(1T)vi. Therefore, max= sup Var[(1 T0)v(Z)]>0((1 T0)v) = sup Var[(1 T0)v(Z)]>02(v) = sup Var[v(Z)]>02(v): The last step follows because (1 T0)is nonsingular. Needed for an estimate of 2(v)ishTv;Tvi. To evaluatehTv;Tvi, proceed as follows: Let Z0 n+1be an independent realization of Zn+1fromZn. In particular, repeat the step, but with an independent stochastic process having the same distribution. Then (10)E[v(Z1)v(Z0 1)] =Z Z v(z)v(z0)Z (zjz00)(z0jz00)(z00)dz00dzdz0 =hTv;Tvi: For certain simple preobservables and propagators having the simple form of BAOAB, the samplesv(Zn)v(Z0 n)might be obtained at almost no extra cost, and their accuracy improved and their cost reduced by computing conditional expectations analytically. 8This approach has been tested on the model problem of Sec. 5, a Gaussian process, and found to be significantly better than the use of acor. Unfortunately, this observation is not generalisable: For example, for a double well potential, it is difficult to find preobservables v(z), giving a computable estimate of maxwhich comes close to an estimate from using acor withu(z) =z1. Another drawback is that the estimates, though computationally inexpensive, require ac- cessing intermediate values in the calculation of a time step, which are not normally an output option of an MD program. Therefore we will discuss alternatives in the next two paragraphs. 4.2. A generalised eigenvalue problem. Letu(z)be a row vector of arbitary basis func- tionsui(z),i= 1;2;:::; imaxthat span a closed subspace of the Hilbert space associated with the inner product h;idefined by (5) and consider the linear combination u(z) =u(z)Tx. One has (u) =h(1 E)u;Dui h(1 E)u;ui=xTDx xTC0x where D=h(1 E)u;DuTiand C0=h(1 E)u;uTi: If the span of the basis is sufficiently extensive to include preobservables having the greatest IAcTs (e.g. polynomials, radial basis functions, spherical harmonics, etc.), the calculation of maxreduces to that of maximizing xTDx=(xTC0x)over all x, which is equivalent to solving the symmetric generalized eigenvalue problem (11)1 2(D+DT)x=C0x: It should be noted that the maximum over all linear combinations of the elements of u(z)can be arbitrarily greater than use of any of the basis functions individually. Moreover, in practice, the coefficients in (11) will be random in that they have to be estimated from simulation data, which warrants special numerical techniques. These techniques, including classical variance reduction methods, Markov State Models or specialised basis functions, are not the main focus of this article and we therefore refer to the articles [19, 32], and the references given there. Remark 3. B records different notions of reversibility of the transfer operator that entail spe- cific restrictions on the admissible basis functions that guarantee that the covariance matrices, and thus C0, remain symmetric. 4.3. The use of acor.It is not obvious how to use an IAcT estimator to construct matrix off-diagonal elements Dij=h(1 E)ui;DuT ji,j6=i, from the time series fu(Zm)g. Nevertheless, it makes sense to use arcoras a preprocessing or predictor step to generate an initial guess for an IAcT. The acorestimate for a scalar preobservable u(z)has the form b=bD=bC0 where bC0=bC0(fu(Zn) ^Ug;fu(Zn) ^Ug) 9and bD=bD(fu(Zn) ^Ug;fu(Zn) ^Ug) arebilinearfunctionsoftheirargumentsthatdependonthenumberofreductions reducswhere ^Udenotes the empirical mean of fu(Zm)g. The tests reported in Secs. 5–7 then use the following algorithm. (In what follows we assume thatfu(Zm)ghas been centred by subtracting the empirical mean.) Algorithm 1 Computing the IAcT For each basis function, compute b, and record the number of reductions, set reducsto the maximum of these. Then compute D= (Dij)ijfrombD(fui(zm)g;fuj(zn)g)with a number of reductions equal toreducs. ifD+DThas a non-positive eigenvalue then redo the calculation using reducs 1reductions. end if Ref. [13, Sec. 3.5] uses a slightly different algorithm that proceeds as follows: Algorithm 2 Computing the IAcT as in [13, Sec. 3.5] Setreducsto the value of reducsfor the basis function having the largest estimated IAcT. Then run acorwith a number of reductions equal to reducsto determine a revised Dand a maximizing x. ForuTx, determine the number of reductions reducs0. ifreducs0<reducs then, redo the calculation with reducs =reducs0and repeat until the value of reducsno longer decreases. end if In the experiments reported here, the original algorithm sometimes does one reduction fewer than the new algorithm. Remark 4. Theoretically, the matrix D+DTis positive definite. If it is not, that suggests that the value of reducsis not sufficiently conservative, in which case reducsneeds to be reduced. A negative eigenvalue might also arise if the Markov chain does not converge due to a stepsize tthat is too large. This can be confirmed by seeing whether the negative eigenvalue persists for a larger number of samples. 5. Analytical Result for the Model Problem. The question of optimal choice for the damping coefficient is addressed in Ref. [38, Sec. 5.] for the standard model problem F(q) = Kq, whereKis symmetric positive definite, for which the Langevin equation is (12)dQt=M 1Ptdt; dPt= KQtdt
Ptdt+q 2
MhdWt: 10Changing variables Q0=MT hQandP0=M 1 hPand dropping the primes gives dQt=Ptdt, dPt= M 1 hKM T hQtdt
Ptdt+p 2
=dWt: With an orthogonal change of variables, this decouples into scalar equations, each of which has the form dQt=Ptdt;dPt= !2Qtdt
Ptdt+p 2
=dWt where!2is an eigenvalue of M 1 hKM T h, or, equivalently, an eigenvalue of M 1K. Changing to dimensionless variables t0=!t,
=!,Q0= (m)1=2!Q,P0= (=m)1=2P, and dropping the primes gives (13) dQt=Ptdt;dPt= Qtdt
Ptdt+p 2
dWt: ForanMCMCpropagator, assumeexactintegrationwithstepsize t. FromRef.[38, Sec.5.1], one hasT= (etL)y= exp(tLy)where Lyf=p@ @qf q@ @pf
p@ @pf+
@2 @p2f: The Hilbert space defined by the inner product from Eq. (5) has, in this case, a decomposition into linear subspaces Pk= spanfHem(q)Hen(p)jm+n=kg(denoted by P0 kin Ref. [38, Sec. 5.3]). Let uT k= [Hek(q)He0(p);Hek 1(q)He1(p); :::; He0(q)Hek(p)]; and, in particular, uT 1= [q; p]; uT 2= [q2 1; qp; p2 1]; uT 3= [q3 3q;(q2 1)p; q(p2 1); p3 3p]; uT 4= [q4 6q2+ 3;(q3 3q)p;(q2 1)(p2 1); q(p3 3p); p4 6p+ 3]: With a change of notation from Ref. [38, Sec. 5.3], LuT k=uT kAk, with Akgiven by (14) Ak=2 666640 1 k
... ......k 1 k
3 77775: One can show, using arguments similar to those in [38, Sec. 5.3], that Pkclosed under ap- plication ofLy. Therefore,LyuT k=uT kBkfor somek+ 1byk+ 1matrix Bk. Forming the inner product of ukwith each side of this equation gives Bk=C 1 k;0huk;LyuT kiwhere Ck;0=huk;uT ki. It follows that Bk=C 1 k;0huk;LyuT ki=C 1 k;0hLuk;uT ki 11and LyuT k=uT kC 1 k;0AT kCk;0: The Hermite polynomials ukare orthogonal and Ck;0= diag(k!0!;(k 1)!1!; :::; 0!k!): Also,EuT k=0T. Accordingly, T0uT k=TuT k=uT kC 1 k;0exp(tAT k)Ck;0 and (15) DuT k=uT kC 1 k;0Dk where Dk=Ck;0 2(I C 1 k;0exp(tAT k)Ck;0) 1 I = coth(t 2AT k)Ck;0: A formula for (u)is possible if u(q)can be expanded in Hermite polynomials as u=P1 k=1ckHek. Then, from Eq. (15), DHek2Pk, not to mention Hek2Pk. Using these facts and the mutual orthogonality of the subspaces Pk, it can be shown that (16) (u) =P1 k=1k!c2 k(Hek)P1 k=1k!c2 k: From this it follows that maxu(u) = maxk(Hek). Since Hek=uT kxwithx= [1;0;:::; 0]T, one has (17) (Hek) = (Dk)11=(Ck;0)11= (coth( t 2Ak))11: Asymptotically (Hek) = (2=t)(A 1 k)11, in the limit as t!0. In particular, (18) A 1 1=
1 1 0 and (19) A 1 2= 1 2
2 4
2+ 1 2
0 0 1 0 13 5: Writing(Hek)as an expansion in powers of t, (Hek) =Tk(
)=t+O(t); 12Figure 1. From top to bottom on the right Tk(
,k= 1;2;3;4 one hasT1(
) = 2
) =
+ 1=
. Fig. 1 plots Tk(
),k= 1;2;3;4,1=2
4. Empirically, maxkTk=Tmaxdef= maxfT1;T2g. Restoring the original variables, one has q;max=Tmax(
=!)=(!t) +O(!t): The leading term increases as !decreases, so q;maxdepends on the lowest frequency !1. And q;maxisminimizedat
=!1, whichishalfofthecriticalvalue
= 2!1. Contrastthiswiththe result [38, Sec. 5.] for the phase space maximum IAcT, which is minimized for
= (p 6=2)!1. Remark 5. The result is consistent with related results from [4, 12] that consider optimal damping coefficients that maximise the speed of convergence measured in relative entropy. Specifically, calling t=N(t;t)the law of the solution to (13), with initial conditions (Qt;Pt) = (q;p); see A for details. Then, using [2, Thm. 4.9], we have KL(t;)Mexp( 2t); whereM2(1;1)anddenotes the spectral abcissa of the matrix Ain A, i.e. the negative real part of the eigenvalue that is closest to the imaginary axis. Here KL(f;g) =Z logf(z) g(z)f(z)dz denotes the relative entropy (or: Kullback-Leibler divergence) between two phase space proba- bility densities fandg, assuming that Z fg(z)=0gf(z)dz= 0: (Otherwise we set KL(f;g) =1.) It is a straightforward calculation to show that the maximum value for(that gives the fastest decay of KL(t;)) is attained at
= 2, which is in agreement 13with the IAcT analysis. For analogous statements on the multidimensional case, we refer to [4]. We should mention that that there may be cases, in which the optimal damping coefficient may lead to a stiff Langevin equation, depending on the eigenvalue spectrum of the Hessian of the potential energy function. As a consequence, optimizing the damping coefficient may reduce the maximum stable step size tthat can be used in numerical simulations. 5.1. Application to more general distributions. Note that for the model problem, the matrixKcan be extracted from the covariance matrix Cov[Q] = (1=)K 1: Therefore, as a surrogate for the lowest frequency !1, and as a recommended value for
, consider using
= (min(M 1K))1=2= (max(Cov[Q]M)) 1=2: 5.2. Sanity check. As a test of the accuracy of acorand the analytical expression (16), the IAcT is calculated by acorfor a time series generated by the exact analytical propagator (given in A) for the reduced model problem given by Eq. (12). For the preobservable, we choose u(q) =He3(q)=p 3! He2(q)=p 2! where He2(q) =q2 1andHe3(q) =q3 3qare Hermite polynomials of degree 2 and 3; as damping coefficient, we choose
= 2, which is the critical value; the time increment is t= 0:5, which is about 1/12th of a period. In this and the other results reported here, equilibrated initial values are obtained by running for 50000 burn-in steps. As the dependence of the estimate on Nis of interest here, we runM= 103independent realisations for each value of N, from which we can estimate the relative error N((u)) =p Var[(u)] E[(u)]; which we expect to decay as N 1=2. Fig. 2 shows the relative error in the estimated IAcT (u) forN= 213,214, ..., 222. The least-squares fit of the log relative error as a function of logN has slopem= 0:4908. Thus we observe a nearly perfect N 1=2decay of the relative error, in accordance with the theoretical prediction. 6. A simple example. The procedure to determine the optimal damping coefficient in the previous section is based on linear Langevin systems. Even though the considerations of Section 5 do not readily generalize to nonlinear systems, it is plausible to use the harmonic approximation as a proxy for more general systems, since large IAcT values are often due to noise-induced metastability, in which case local harmonic approximations inside metastable regions are suitable. For estimating the maximum IAcT, the model problem therefore suggests the use of linear, quadratic and cubic functions of the coordinates, where the latter is suitable to capture the possible non-harmonicity of the potential energy wells in the metastable regime. The first test problem, which is from Ref. [23], possesses an asymmetric multimodal dis- tribution. It uses U(q) =1 4q4+ sin(1 + 5q)and= 1, and it generates samples using BAOAB 14104105106 N10-210-1relative error Nm=-0.4908 N (M=103)Figure 2. Relative error in estimated IAcT as a function of sample size N. The relative error N=p Var[]=E[]has been computed by averaging over M= 103independent realisations of each simulation. with a step size t= 0:2, which is representative of step sizes used in Ref. [23]. Fig. 3 plots with dotted lines the unnormalized probability density function. 6.1. Choice of basis. A first step is to find a preobservable that produces a large IAcT. It would be typical of actual practice to try to select a good value for
. To this end, choose
= 1:276, To obtain this value, do a run of sample size N= 2106using
= 1, as in one of the tests in Ref. [23]. With a sample size N= 107, the maximum IAcT is calculated for polynomials of increasing degree using the approach described in Secs. 4.2–4.3. Odd degrees produces somewhat greater maxima than even degrees. For cubic, quintic, and septic polynomials, maxhas values 59.9, 63.9, 65.8, respectively As a check that the sample size is adequate, the calculations are redone with half the sample size. Fig. 3 shows how the maximizing polynomial evolves as its degree increases from 3 to 5 to 7. 6.2. Optimal choice of damping coefficient. The preceding results indicate that septic polynomials are a reasonable set of functions for estimating q;max. For 25 values of
, ranging from 0.2 to 5, the value of q;maxwas thus estimated, each run consisting of N= 107samples. The optimal value is
= 1:8 = 1:4
, which is close the heuristic choice
for a damping coefficient. Fig. 4 plots q;maxvs. the ratio
. With respect to this example, Ref. [23, Sec. 5] states, “We were concerned that the im- proved accuracy seen in the high
regime might come at the price of a slower convergence to equilibrium”. The foregoing results indicate that the value
= 1used in one of the tests is near the apparent optimal value
= 1:8. Hence, the superior accuracy of BAOAB over other methods observed in the low
regime does not come at the price of slower convergence. 15Figure 3. In dotted lines is the unnormalized probability density function. From top to bottom on the right are the cubic, quintic, and septic polynomials that maximize the IAcT over all polynomials of equal degree. Figure 4.q;maxvs.
using septic polynomials as preobservables 7. Sum of three Gaussians. The next, perhaps more challenging, test problem uses the sum of three (equidistant) Gaussians for the distribution, namely. exp( V(x;y)) = exp( ((x d)2+y2)=2) + exp( ((x+d=2)2+ (y p 3d=2)2)=2) + exp( ((x+d=2)2+ (y+p 3d=2)2)=2)) wheredis a parameter that measures the distance of the three local minima from the origin. Integrating the Langevin system using BAOAB with a step size t= 0:5as for the model problem, which is what V(x;y)becomes if d= 0. Shown in Fig. 5 are the first 8104points of a trajectory where d= 4:8. 7.1. Choice of basis. To compare maxfor different sets of preobservables, choose
= 0:261, and with
so chosen, run the simulation with d= 4:8forN= 107steps. To 16Figure 5. A typical time series for a sum of three Gaussians compute
, run the simulation for N= 2106steps with
= 1(which is optimal for d= 0). Here are the different sets of preobservables and the resulting values of max: 1. linear polynomials of xandy, for which max= 18774, 2. quadratic polynomials of xandy, for which max= 19408, 3. linear combinations of indicator functions f1A;1B;1Cgfor the three conformations A=f(x;y) :jyjp 3xg B=f(x;y) :y0andyp 3xg C=f(x;y) :y0andy p 3xg; for whichmax= 18492, 4.1Aalone, for which = 12087, 5.1Balone, for which = 5056, 6.1Calone, for which = 4521. As consequence of these results, the following section uses quadratic polynomials to estimate q;max. 7.2. Optimal choice of damping coefficient. Shown in Fig. 6 is a plot of q;maxvs. the ratio
. To limit the computing time, we set the parameter to d= 4:4rather than 4.8 as in Sec. 7.1; for d= 4:4, we have
?= 0:285, obtained using the same protocol as does Sec. 7.1. We consider 0:05
2:2in increments of 0.01 from 0.05 to 0.2, and in increments of 0.1 from 0.2 to 2.2. Each data point is based on a run of N= 2107time steps. Even though the variance of the estimator is not negligible for our choice of simulation parameters, it is clearly visible that the minimum of q;maxis attained at
. 8. Conclusions. We have discussed the question of how to choose the damping coefficient in (underdamped) Langevin dynamics that leads to efficient sampling of the stationary proba- bilitydistributionorexpectationsofcertainobservableswithrespecttothisdistribution. Here, efficient sampling is understood as minimizing the maximum possible (worst-case) integrated 17Figure 6.q;maxvs. the ratio
autocorrelation time (IAcT). We propose a numerical method that is based on the concept of phase space preobservables that span a function space over which the worst-case IAcT is computed using trajectory data; the optimal damping coefficient can then chosen on the basis of this information. Based on heuristics derived from a linear Langevin equation, we derive rules of thumb for choosing good preobservables for more complicated dynamics. The results for the linear model problem are in agreement with recent theoretical results on Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes with degenerate noise, and they are shown to be a good starting point for a systematic analysis of nonlinear Langevin samplers. Appendix A. Analytical propagator for reduced model problem. This section derives the analytical propagator for Eq. (13). In vector form, the equation is dZt=AZdt+bdWtwhereA=0 1 1
andb= [0;p2
]T. The variation of parameters solution is Zt= etAZ0+Rtwhere Rt=Zt 0e(t s)Abdt: The stochastic process Rtis Gaussian with mean zero and covariance matrix =E[RtRT t] =Zt 0e(t s)AbbTe(t s)ATdWt: To evaluate this expressions, use A=XX 1where X=1 1
+ ; X 1=1
+ 1
1 ; = diag(
=1 2(
2 4!2: 18Noting that exp(
t) = exp(
t=2)(cosh(t=2)sinh(t=2)), one has etA= e
t=2cosht 21 0 0 1 + e
t=2t 2sinhct 2
2 2
; where sinhcs= (sinhs)=s. Then =XZt 0e(t s)X 1bbTX Te(t s)dtXT =2
2XZt 0e(t s)1 1 1 1 e(t s)dtXT =2
2X2 6641 e 2
t 2
1 e
1 e
1 e 2
+t 2
+3 775XT: Noting that exp( 2
t) = exp(
t)(1 + 2 sinh2(t=2))2 sinh(t=2) cosh(t=2)), one has = (1 e
t)1 0 0 1
t2 2e
t(sinhct 2)2
2 2
tsinhct 2cosht 2 1 0 0 1 : Appendix B. Different notions of reversibility. We briefly mention earlier work and discuss different reversiblity concepts for transfer operators. B.1. Quasi-reversibility. Ref. [13, Sec. 3.4] introduces a notion of quasi-reversibility. A transfer operator Tis quasi-reversible if Ty=RyTR whereRis an operator such that R2= 1. This somewhat generalizes the (suitably modified) definitions in Refs. [13, 38]. The principal example of such an operator is Ru=uRwhere Ris a bijection such that RR= idanduR=uforu2W, e.g, momenta flipping. The value of the notion of quasi-reversibility is that it enables the construction of basis functions that lead to a matrix of covariances that possesses a type of symmetric structure [38, Sec. 3.1]. This property is possessed by “adjusted” schemes that employ an acceptance test, and by the limiting case t!0of unadjusted methods like BAOAB. B.2. Modified detailed balance. A quite different generalization of reversibility, termed “modified detailed balance”, is proposed in Ref. [14] as a tool for making it a bit easier to prove stationarity. Modified detailed balance is introduced in Ref. [14] as a concept to make it easier to prove stationarity. In terms of the transfer operator, showing stationarity means showing that F1 = 1, where 1is the constant function 1. 19Ref. [14, Eq. (15)] defines modified detailed balance in terms of transition probabilities. The definition is equivalent to F=R 1FyR 1under the assumption that Rpreserves the stationary distribution. This readily generalizes to (20) F=R2FyR1 whereR1andR2are arbitrary except for the assumption that each of them preserve the stationary distribution. Stationarity follows from Eq. (20) because Fy1 = 1for any adjoint transfer operator and R11 =R21 = 1by assumption. Reference [14] has errors, which are corrected in Ref. [15]. REFERENCES [1] J. An, J. Lu, and L. Ying. 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investigates how to choose the damping parameter in Langevin dynamics for the
purpose of maximizing thoroughness of sampling. Also, it considers the
computation of measures of sampling thoroughness. | Choice of Damping Coefficient in Langevin Dynamics | 2106.11597v1 |
The destabilizing eect of external damping: Singular
utter boundary for the P
uger column with vanishing external dissipation Mirko Tommasinia, Oleg N. Kirillova,b, Diego Misseronia, Davide Bigonia aUniversit a di Trento, DICAM, via Mesiano 77, I-38123 Trento, Italy bRussian Academy of Sciences, Steklov Mathematical Institute, Gubkina st. 8, 119991 Moscow, Russia Abstract Elastic structures loaded by nonconservative positional forces are prone to instabilities in- duced by dissipation: it is well-known in fact that internal viscous damping destabilizes the marginally stable Ziegler's pendulum and P
uger column (of which the Beck's column is a special case), two structures loaded by a tangential follower force. The result is the so-called `destabilization paradox', where the critical force for
utter instability decreases by an order of magnitude when the coecient of internal damping becomes innitesimally small. Until now external damping, such as that related to air drag, is believed to provide only a stabi- lizing eect, as one would intuitively expect. Contrary to this belief, it will be shown that the eect of external damping is qualitatively the same as the eect of internal damping, yielding a pronounced destabilization paradox. Previous results relative to destabilization by external damping of the Ziegler's and P
uger's elastic structures are corrected in a denitive way leading to a new understanding of the destabilizating role played by viscous terms. Keywords: P
uger column, Beck column, Ziegler destabilization paradox, external damping, follower force, mass distribution 1. Introduction 1.1. A premise: the Ziegler destabilization paradox In his pioneering work Ziegler (1952) considered asymptotic stability of a two-linked pendulum loaded by a tangential follower force P, as a function of the internal damping in the viscoelastic joints connecting the two rigid and weightless bars (both of length l, Fig. 1(c)). The pendulum carries two point masses: the mass m1at the central joint and the Email addresses: (Mirko Tommasini), (Oleg N. Kirillov), (Diego Misseroni), (Davide Bigoni) Corresponding author: Davide Bigoni,; +39 0461 282507 Preprint submitted to Elsevier October 19, 2021arXiv:1611.03886v1 [physics.class-ph] 1 Oct 2016Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 91: 204-215 doi: massm2mounted at the loaded end of the pendulum. The follower force Pis always aligned with the second bar of the pendulum, so that its work is non-zero along a closed path, which provides a canonical example of a nonconservative positional force. For two non-equal masses ( m1= 2m2) and null damping, Ziegler found that the pendulum is marginally stable and all the eigenvalues of the 2 2 matrix governing the dynamics are purely imaginary and simple, if the load falls within the interval 0 P <P u, where P u=7 2 p 2k l2:086k l; (1) andkis the stiness coecient, equal for both joints. When the load Preaches the value P u, two imaginary eigenvalues merge into a double one and the matrix governing dynamics becomes a Jordan block. With the further increase of Pthis double eigenvalue splits into two complex conjugate. The eigenvalue with the positive real part corresponds to a mode with an oscillating and exponentially growing amplitude, which is called
utter, or oscilla- tory, instability. Therefore, P=P umarks the onset of
utter in the undamped Ziegler's pendulum. When the internal linear viscous damping in the joints is taken into account, Ziegler found another expression for the onset of
utter: P=Pi, where Pi=41 28k l+1 2c2 i m2l3; (2) andciis the damping coecient, assumed to be equal for both joints. The peculiarity of Eq. (2) is that in the limit of vanishing damping, ci ! 0, the
utter load Pitends to the value 41 =28k=l1:464k=l, considerably lower than that calculated when damping is absent from the beginning, namely, the P ugiven by Eq. (1). This is the so-called `Ziegler's destabilization paradox' (Ziegler, 1952; Bolotin, 1963). The reason for the paradox is the existence of the Whitney umbrella singularity on the boundary of the asymptotic stability domain of the dissipative system (Bottema, 1956; Krechetnikov and Marsden, 2007; Kirillov and Verhulst, 2010)3. In structural mechanics, two types of viscous dampings are considered: (i.) one, called `internal', is related to the viscosity of the structural material, and (ii.) another one, called `external', is connected to the presence of external actions, such as air drag resistance during 3In the vicinity of this singularity, the boundary of the asymptotic stability domain is a ruled surface with a self-intersection, which corresponds to a set of marginally stable undamped systems. For a xed damping distribution, the convergence to the vanishing damping case occurs along a ruler that meets the set of marginally stable undamped systems at a point located far from the undamped instability threshold, yielding the singular
utter onset limit for almost all damping distributions. Nevertheless, there exist particular damping distributions that, if xed, allow for a smooth convergence to the
utter threshold of the undamped system in case of vanishing dissipation (Bottema, 1956; Bolotin, 1963; Banichuk et al., 1989; Kirillov and Verhulst, 2010; Kirillov, 2013). 2Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 91: 204-215 doi: oscillations. These two terms enter the equations of motion of an elastic rod as proportional respectively to the fourth spatial derivative of the velocity and to the velocity of the points of the elastic line. Of the two dissipative terms only the internal viscous damping is believed to yield the Ziegler destabilization paradox (Bolotin, 1963; Bolotin and Zhinzher, 1969; Andreichikov and Yudovich, 1974). 1.2. A new, destabilizing role for external damping Dierently from internal damping, the role of external damping is commonly believed to be a stabilizing factor, in an analogy with the role of stationary damping in rotor dynamics (Bolotin, 1963; Crandall, 1995). A full account of this statement together with a review of the existing results is provided in Appendix A. Since internal and external damping are inevitably present in any experimental realization of the follower force (Saw and Wood, 1975; Sugiyama et al., 1995; Bigoni and Noselli, 2011), it becomes imperative to know how these factors aect the
utter boundary of both the P
uger column and of the Ziegler pendulum with arbitrary mass distribution. These structures are fully analyzed in the present article, with the purpose of showing: (i.) that external damping is a destabilizing factor, which leads to the destabilization paradox for all mass distributions; (ii.) that surprisingly, for a nite number of particular mass distributions, the
utter loads of the externally damped structures converge to the
utter load of the undamped case (so that only in these exceptional cases the destabilizing eect is not present); and (iii.) that the destabilization paradox is more pronounced in the case when the mass of the column or pendulum is smaller then the end mass. Taking into account also the destabilizing role of internal damping, the results presented in this article demonstrate a completely new role of external damping as a destabilizing eect and suggest that the Ziegler destabilization paradox has a much better chance of being observed in the experiments with both discrete and continuous nonconservative systems than was previously believed. 2. Ziegler's paradox due to vanishing external damping The linearized equations of motion for the Ziegler pendulum (Fig. 1(c)), made up of two rigid bars of length l, loaded by a follower force P, when both internal and external damping are present, have the form (Plaut and Infante, 1970; Plaut, 1971) Mx+ciDi_x+ceDe_x+Kx= 0; (3) where a superscript dot denotes time derivative and ciandceare the coecients of internal and external damping, respectively, in front of the corresponding matrices DiandDe Di=2 1 1 1 ;De=l3 68 3 3 2 ; (4) 3Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 91: 204-215 doi: andMandKare respectively the mass and the stiness matrices, dened as M=m1l2+m2l2m2l2 m2l2m2l2 ;K= Pl+ 2k Pl k k k ; (5) in whichkis the elastic stiness of both viscoelastic springs acting at the hinges. 16 16 16 163/c112 /c112/c112 /c112 3/c112 5/c112 7/c112 /c970/c112 88 420.00 -0.05-0.10 -0.15 -0.20 -0.25 -0.30/c68F DA BC P m2l m1l k, c , ciek, c , ciea) c)b) 16 16 16 163/c112 /c112/c112 /c112 3/c112 5/c112 7/c112 /c970/c112 88 421. FA BCD m =2m12 internalexternalidealFLUTTER 1.2502.086 1.464 Figure 1: (a) The (dimensionless) tangential force F, shown as a function of the (transformed via cot = m1=m2) mass ratio , represents the
utter domain of (dashed/red line) the undamped, or `ideal', Ziegler pendulum and the
utter boundary of the dissipative system in the limit of vanishing (dot-dashed/green line) internal and (continuous/blue line) external damping. (b) Discrepancy Fbetween the critical
utter load for the ideal Ziegler pendulum and for the same structure calculated in the limit of vanishing external damping. The discrepancy quanties the Ziegler's paradox. Assuming a time-harmonic solution to the Eq. (3) in the form x=uetand introducing the non-dimensional parameters =l kp km2; E =cel2 pkm2; B =ci lpkm2; F =Pl k; =m2 m1; (6) an eigenvalue problem is obtained, which eigenvalues are the roots of the characteristic polynomial p() = 364+ 12(15B+ 2E+ 3B+E)3+ (36B2+ 108BE + 7E2 72F+ 180+ 36)2+ 6( 5EF+ 12B+ 18E)+ 36: (7) 4Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 91: 204-215 doi: In the undamped case, when B= 0 andE= 0, the pendulum is stable, if 0 F <F u, unstable by
utter, if F uFF+ u, and unstable by divergence, if F >F+ u, where F u() =5 2+1 21p: (8) In order to plot the stability map for all mass distributions 0 <1, a parameter 2[0;=2] is introduced, so that cot = 1and hence F u() =5 2+1 2cotp cot: (9) The curves (9) form the boundary of the
utter domain of the undamped, or `ideal', Ziegler's pendulum shown in Fig. 1(a) (red/dashed line) in the load versus mass distribution plane (Oran, 1972; Kirillov, 2011). The smallest
utter load F u= 2 corresponds to m1=m2, i.e. to==4. Whenequals=2, the mass at the central joint vanishes ( m1= 0) and F u=F+ u= 5=2. Whenequals arctan (0 :5)0:464, the two masses are related as m1= 2m2andF u= 7=2 p 2. In the case when only internal damping is present ( E= 0) the Routh-Hurwitz criterion yields the
utter threshold as (Kirillov, 2011) Fi(;B) =252+ 6+ 1 4(5+ 1)+1 2B2: (10) For= 0:5 Eq. (10) reduces to Ziegler's formula (2). The limit for vanishing internal damping is lim B!0Fi(;B) =F0 i() =252+ 6+ 1 4(5+ 1): (11) The limitF0 i() of the
utter boundary at vanishing internal damping is shown in green in Fig. 1(a). Note that F0 i(0:5) = 41=28 andF0 i(1) = 5=4. For 0<1the limiting curve F0 i() has no common points with the
utter threshold F u() of the ideal system, which indicates that the internal damping causes the Ziegler destabilization paradox for every mass distribution. In a route similar to the above, by employing the Routh-Hurwitz criterion, the critical
utter load of the Ziegler pendulum with the external damping Fe(;E) can be found Fe(;E) =1222 19+ 5 5(8 1)+7(2+ 1) 36(8 1)E2 (2+ 1)p 35E2(35E2 792+ 360) + 1296(281 2 130+ 25) 180(8 1) and its limit calculated when E!0, which provides the result F0 e() =1222 19+ 5 (2+ 1)p 2812 130+ 25 5(8 1): (12) 5Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 91: 204-215 doi: The limiting curve (12) is shown in blue in Fig. 1(a). It has a minimum min F0 e() = 28 + 8p 141:933 at= (31 + 7p 14)=750:763. Remarkably, for almost all mass ratios, except two (marked as A and C in Fig. 1(a)), the limit of the
utter load F0 e() isbelow the critical
utter load F u() of the undamped system. It is therefore concluded that external damping causes the discontinuous decrease in the critical
utter load exactly as it happens when internal damping vanishes. Qualitatively , the eect of vanishing internal and external damping is the same . The only dierence is the magnitude of the discrepancy: the vanishing internal damping limit is larger than the vanishing external damping limit, see Fig. 1(b), where F() =Fe() F u() is plotted. 0.00B 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.9 Eb) a) E0.1 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.9 FFLUTTER FLUTTER 2.086 Figure 2: Analysis of the Ziegler pendulum with xed mass ratio, =m2=m1= 1=2: (a) contours of the
utter boundary in the internal/external damping plane, ( B;E), and (b) critical
utter load as a function of the external damping E(continuous/blue curve) along the null internal damping line, B= 0, and (dot- dashed/orange curve) along the line B= 8=123 + 5p 2=164 E. For example, F 0:091 at the local minimum for the discrepancy, occurring at the point B with 0:523. The largest nite drop in the
utter load due to external damping occurs at==2, marked as point D in Fig. 1(a,b): F=11 20 1 20p 281 0:288: (13) For comparison, at the same value of , the
utter load drops due to internal damping of exactly 50%, namely, from 2 :5 to 1:25, see Fig. 1(a,b). As a particular case, for the mass ratio = 1=2, considered by Plaut and Infante (1970) and Plaut (1971), the following limit
utter load is found F0 e(1=2) = 2; (14) 6Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 91: 204-215 doi: 16 16 16 163/c112 /c112 /c112 /c112 3/c112 5/c112 7/c112 /c970/c112 88 42 16 16 16 163/c112 /c112 /c112 /c112 3/c112 5/c112 7/c112 /c970/c112 88 42b) a) -1.0/c98 -0.8-0.6-0.4- FA C0.111 0.524-2/15FLUTTERideal Figure 3: Analysis of the Ziegler pendulum. (a) Stabilizing damping ratios () according to Eq. (19) with the points A and C corresponding to the tangent points A and C in Fig. 1(a) and to the points A and C of vanishing discrepancy F= 0 in Fig. 1(b). (b) The limits of the
utter boundary for dierent damping ratios have: two or one or none common points with the
utter boundary (dashed/red line) of the undamped Ziegler pendulum, respectively when < 0:111 (continuous/blue curves), 0:111 (continuous/black curve), and >0:111 (dot-dashed/green curves). only slightly inferior to the value for the undamped system, F u(1=2) = 7=2 p 22:086. This discrepancy passed unnoticed in (Plaut and Infante, 1970; Plaut, 1971) but gives evi- dence to the destabilizing eect of external damping. To appreciate this eect, the contours of the
utter boundary in the ( B;E) - plane are plotted in Fig. 2(a) for three dierent values ofF. The contours are typical of a surface with a Whitney umbrella singularity at the origin (Kirillov and Verhulst, 2010). At F= 7=2 p 2 the stability domain assumes the form of a cusp with a unique tangent line, B=E, at the origin, where =8 123+5 164p 20:108: (15) For higher values of Fthe
utter boundary is displaced from the origin, Fig. 2(a), which indicates the possibility of a continuous increase in the
utter load with damping. Indeed, along the direction in the ( B;E) - plane with the slope (15) the
utter load increases as F(E) =7 2 p 2 +47887 242064+1925 40344p 2 E2+o(E2); (16) see Fig. 2(b), and monotonously tends to the undamped value as E!0. On the other hand, along the direction in the ( B;E) - plane specied by the equation B= 0, the following 7Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 91: 204-215 doi: condition is obtained F(E) = 2 +14 99E2+o(E2); (17) see Fig. 2(b), with the convergence to a lower value F= 2 asE!0. In general, the limit of the
utter load along the line B=EwhenE!0 is F() =5042+ 1467+ 104 (4 + 21)p 5762+ 1728+ 121 30(1 + 14)7 2 p 2; (18) an equation showing that for almost all directions the limit is lower than the ideal
utter load. The limits only coincide in the sole direction specied by Eq. (15), which is dierent from theE-axis, characterized by = 0. As a conclusion, pure external damping yields the destabilization paradox even at = 1=2, which was unnoticed in (Plaut and Infante, 1970; Plaut, 1971). In the limit of vanishing external ( E) and internal ( B) damping, a ratio of the two =B=E exists for which the critical load of the undamped system is attained, so that the Ziegler's paradox does not occur. This ratio can therefore be called `stabilizing', it exists for every mass ratio =m2=m1, and is given by the expression () = 1 3(10 1)( 1) 252+ 6+ 1+1 12(13 5)(3+ 1) 252+ 6+ 1 1=2: (19) Eq. (19) reduces for = 1=2 to Eq. (15) and gives = 2=15 in the limit !1 . With the damping ratio specied by Eq. (19) the critical
utter load has the following Taylor expansion near E= 0: F(E;) =F u() +()(5+ 1)(41+ 7) 6(252+ 6+ 1)E2 +6363+ 3852 118+ 25 288(252+ 6+ 1)E2+o(E2); (20) yielding Eq. (16) when = 1=2. Eq. (20) shows that the
utter load reduces to the undamped case when E= 0 (called `ideal' in the gure). When the stabilizing damping ratio is null, = 0, convergence to the critical
utter load of the undamped system occurs by approaching the origin in the ( B;E) - plane along the E - axis. The corresponding mass ratio can be obtained nding the roots of the function () dened by Eq. (19). This function has only two roots for 0 <1, one at0:273 (or 0:267, marked as point A in Fig. 3(a)) and another at 2:559 (or1:198, marked as point C in Fig. 3(a)). Therefore, if = 0 is kept in the limit when the damping tends to zero, the limit of the
utter boundary in the load versus mass ratio plane will be obtained as a curve showing two common points with the
utter boundary of the undamped system, exactly at the mass 8Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 91: 204-215 doi: E Eb) a) 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.9 2.062.08F 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.4 0.7 0.6 0.8 0.9 1.0B 0.000 -0.025-0.0500.0250.0500.0750.100 2.07F=2.10F=2.07 F=2.04FLUTTER FLUTTER B=0 Figure 4: Analysis of the Ziegler pendulum with xed mass ratio, 2:559: (a) contours of the
utter boundary in the internal/external damping plane, ( B;E), and (b) critical
utter load as a function of external dampingE(continuous/blue curve) along the null internal damping line, B= 0. ratios corresponding to the points denoted as A and C in Fig. 1(a), respectively characterized byF2:417 andF2:070. If for instance the mass ratio at the point C is considered and the contour plots are analyzed of the
utter boundary in the ( B;E) - plane, it can be noted that at the critical
utter load of the undamped system, F2:07, the boundary evidences a cusp with only one tangent coinciding with the Eaxis, Fig. 4(a). It can be therefore concluded that at the mass ratio2:559 the external damping alone has a stabilizing eect and the system does not demonstrate the Ziegler paradox due to small external damping, see Fig. 4(b), where the the
utter load F(E) is shown. Looking back at the damping matrices (4) one may ask, what is the property of the damping operator which determines its stabilizing or destabilizing character. The answer to this question (provided by (Kirillov and Seyranian, 2005b; Kirillov, 2013) via perturbation of multiple eigenvalues) involves all the three matrices M(mass), D(damping), and K (stiness). In fact, the distributions of mass, stiness, and damping should be related in a specic manner in order that the three matrices ( M,D,K) have a stabilizing eect (see Appendix B for details). 3. Ziegler's paradox for the P
uger column with external damping The Ziegler's pendulum is usually considered as the two-dimensional analog of the Beck column, which is a cantilevered (visco)elastic rod loaded by a tangential follower force (Beck, 9Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 91: 204-215 doi: 1952). Strictly speaking, this analogy is not correct because the Beck column has a dierent mass distribution (the usual mass distribution of the Ziegler pendulum is m1= 2m2) and this mass distribution yields dierent limiting behavior of the stability threshold (Section 2). For this reason, in order to judge the stabilizing or destabilizing in
uence of external damping in the continuous case and to compare it with the case of the Ziegler pendulum, it is correct to consider the Beck column with the point mass at the loaded end, in other words the so-called `P
uger column' (P
uger, 1955). A viscoelastic column of length l, made up of a Kelvin-Voigt material with Young modulus Eand viscosity modulus E, and mass per unit length mis considered, clamped at one end and loaded by a tangential follower force Pat the other end (Fig. 5(c)), where a point mass Mis mounted. The moment of inertia of a cross-section of the column is denoted by Iand a distributed external damping is assumed, characterized by the coecient K. Small lateral vibrations of the viscoelastic P
uger column near the undeformed equilib- rium state is described by the linear partial dierential equation (Detinko, 2003) EI@4y @x4+EI@5y @t@x4+P@2y @x2+K@y @t+m@2y @t2= 0; (21) wherey(x;t) is the amplitude of the vibrations and x2[0;l] is a coordinate along the column. At the clamped end ( x= 0) Eq. (21) is equipped with the boundary conditions y=@y @x= 0; (22) while at the loaded end ( x=l), the boundary conditions are EI@2y @x2+EI@3y @t@x2= 0; EI@3y @x3+EI@4y @t@x3=M@2y @t2: (23) Introducing the dimensionless quantities =x l; =t l2q EI m; p =Pl2 EI; =M ml;
=E El2q EI m; k =Kl2p mEI(24) and separating the time variable through y(;) =lf() exp(), the dimensionless bound- ary eigenvalue problem is obtained (1 +
)@4 f+p@2 f+ (k+2)f= 0; (1 +
)@2 f(1) = 0; (1 +
)@3 f(1) =2f(1); f(0) =@f(0) = 0; (25) 10Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 91: 204-215 doi: dened on the interval 2[0;1]. A solution to the boundary eigenvalue problem (25) was found by Pedersen (1977) and Detinko (2003) to be f() =A(cosh(g2) cos(g1)) +B(g1sinh(g2) g2sin(g1)) (26) with g2 1;2=p p2 4(+k)(1 +
)p 2(1 +
): (27) Imposing the boundary conditions (25) on the solution (26) yields the characteristic equation () = 0 needed for the determination of the eigenvalues , where () = (1 +
)2A1 (1 +
)A22(28) and A1=g1g2 g4 1+g4 2+ 2g2 1g2 2coshg2cosg1+g1g2(g2 1 g2 2) sinhg2sing1 ; A2= (g2 1+g2 2) (g1sinhg2cosg1 g2coshg2sing1): (29) 16 16 16 163/c112 /c112 /c112 /c112 3/c112 5/c112 7/c1120/c112 88 42pa) external intenalr8101214161820 Mml Pb) 20.0 19.518.017.517.0 16/c112/c112 80external /c97FLUTTER c)ideal idealA B Figure 5: Analysis of the P
uger column [scheme reported in (c)]. (a) Stability map for the P
uger's column in the load-mass ratio plane. The dashed/red curve corresponds to the stability boundary in the undamped case, the dot-dashed/green curve to the case of vanishing internal dissipation (
= 10 10andk= 0 ) and the continuous/blue curve to the case of vanishing external damping ( k= 10 10and
= 0). (b) detail of the curve reported in (a) showing the destabilization eect of external damping: small, but not null. 11Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 91: 204-215 doi: Transforming the mass ratio parameter in Eq. (28) as = tanwith2[0;=2] allows the exploration of all possible ratios between the end mass and the mass of the column covering the mass ratios from zero (= 0) to innity ( ==2). The former case, without end mass, corresponds to the Beck column, whereas the latter corresponds to a weightless rod with an end mass, which is known as the `Dzhanelidze column' (Bolotin, 1963). It is well-known that the undamped Beck column loses its stability via
utter at p 20:05 (Beck, 1952). In contrast, the undamped Dzhanelidze's column loses its stability via divergence at p20:19, which is the root of the equation tanpp=pp(Bolotin, 1963). These values, corresponding to two extreme situations, are connected by a marginal stability curve in the ( p;)-plane that was numerically evaluated in (P
uger, 1955; Bolotin, 1963; Oran, 1972; Sugiyama et al., 1976; Pedersen, 1977; Ryu and Sugiyama, 2003). The instability threshold of the undamped P
uger column is shown in Fig. 5 as a dashed/red curve. 16 16 16 163/c112 /c112 /c112 /c112 3/c112 5/c112 7/c1120/c112 88 428.0 7.010.0 STABILITY STABILITY /c103=10 , k=0/UNI207b¹⁰/c103=0.050, k=0 /c103=0.100, k=0k=5, =0 /c103k=10 , =0 /UNI207b¹⁰/c103 k=10, =0 /c103 k1 0/c61/c103=/UNI207b¹⁰ /c97p k 0.010/c61/c49/c44 /c103 = Figure 6: Evolution of the marginal stability curve for the P
uger column in the ( ;p) - plane in the case ofk= 0 and
tending to zero (green curves in the lower part of the graph) and in the case of
= 0 andk tending to zero (blue curves in the upper part of the graph). The cases of k=
= 10 10and ofk= 1 and
= 0:01 are reported with continuous/red lines. 12Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 91: 204-215 doi: For every xed value 2[0;=2), the undamped column loses stability via
utter when an increase in pcauses the imaginary eigenvalues of two dierent modes to approach each other and merge into a double eigenvalue with one eigenfunction. When plies above the dashed/red curve, the double eigenvalue splits into two complex eigenvalues, one with the positive real part, which determines a
utter unstable mode. At==2 the stability boundary of the undamped P
uger column has a vertical tangent and the type of instability becomes divergence (Bolotin, 1963; Oran, 1972; Sugiyama et al., 1976). Settingk= 0 in Eq. (28) the location in the ( ;p)-plane of the marginal stability curves can be numerically found for the viscoelastic P
uger column without external damping, but for dierent values of the coecient of internal damping
, Fig. 6(a). The thresholds tend to a limit which does not share common points with the stability boundary of the ideal column, as shown in Fig. 5(a), where this limit is set by the dot-dashed/green curve. The limiting curve calculated for
= 10 10agrees well with that obtained for
= 10 3 in (Sugiyama et al., 1995; Ryu and Sugiyama, 2003). At the point = 0, the limit value of the critical
utter load when the internal damping is approaching zero equals the well-known value for the Beck's column, p10:94. At==4 the limiting value becomes p7:91, while for the case of the Dzhanelidze column ( ==2) it becomes p7:49. An interesting question is what is the limit of the stability diagram for the P
uger column in the (;p)-plane when the coecient of internal damping is kept null (
= 0), while the coecient of external damping ktends to zero. The answer to this question was previously known only for the Beck column ( = 0), for which it was established, both numerically (Bolotin and Zhinzher, 1969; Plaut and Infante, 1970) and analytically (Kirillov and Seyranian, 2005a), that the
utter threshold of the externally damped Beck's column is higher than that obtained for the undamped Beck's column (tending to the ideal value p20:05, when the external damping tends to zero). This very particular example was at the basis of the common and incorrect opinion (maintained for decades until now) that the external damping is only a stabilizing factor, even for non- conservative loadings. Perhaps for this reason the eect of the external damping in the P
uger column has, so far, simply been ignored. The evolution of the
utter boundary for
= 0 andktending to zero is illustrated by the blue curves in Fig. 6. It can be noted that the marginal stability boundary tends to a limiting curve which has two common tangent points with the stability boundary of the undamped P
uger column, Fig. 5(b). One of the common points, at = 0 andp20:05, marked as point A, corresponds to the case of the Beck column. The other corresponds to 0:516 and p16:05, marked as point B. Only for these two `exceptional' mass ratios the critical
utter load of the externally damped P
uger column coincides with the ideal value when k!0. Remarkably, for all other mass ratios the limit of the critical
utter load for the vanishing external damping is located below the ideal value, which means that the P
uger column fully demonstrates the Ziegler destabilization paradox due to vanishing external damping , exactly as it does in the case of the vanishing internal damping, see Fig. 5(a), where the two limiting 13Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 91: 204-215 doi: curves are compared. Note that the discrepancy in case of vanishing external damping is smaller than in case of vanishing internal damping, in accordance with the analogous result that was established in Section 2 for the Ziegler pendulum with arbitrary mass distribution. As for the discrete case, also for the P
uger column the
utter instability threshold calculated in the limit when the external damping tends to zero has only two common points with the ideal marginal stability curve. The discrepancy is the most pronounced for the case of Dzhanelidze column at==2, where the critical load drops from p20:19 in the ideal case to p16:55 in the case of vanishing external damping. 4. Conclusions Since the nding of the Ziegler's paradox for structures loaded by nonconservative follower forces, internal damping (due to material viscosity) was considered a destabilizing factor, while external damping (due for instance to air drag resistance) was believed to merely provide a stabilization. This belief originates from results obtained only for the case of Beck's column, which does not carry an end mass. This mass is present in the case of the P
uger's column, which was never analyzed before from the point of view of the Ziegler paradox. A revisitation of the Ziegler's pendulum and the analysis of the P
uger column has revealed that the Ziegler destabilization paradox occurs as related to the vanishing of the external damping, no matter what is the ratio between the end mass and the mass of the structure. Results presented in this article clearly show that the destabilizing role of external damping was until now misunderstood, and that experimental proof of the destabilization paradox in a mechanical laboratory is now more plausible than previously thought. Moreover, the fact that external damping plays a destabilizing role may have important consequences in structural design and this opens new perspectives for energy harvesting devices. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge nancial support from the ERC Advanced Grant In- stabilities and nonlocal multiscale modelling of materials FP7-PEOPLE-IDEAS-ERC-2013- AdG (2014-2019). References References Andreichikov, I. P., Yudovich, V. I., 1974. Stability of viscoelastic bars. Izv. AN SSSR. Mekh. Tv. Tela 9(2), 78{87. Banichuk, N. V., Bratus, A. S., Myshkis, A. D. 1989. Stabilizing and destabilizing eects in nonconservative systems. PMM USSR 53(2), 158{164. 14Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 91: 204-215 doi: Beck, M. 1952. Die Knicklast des einseitig eingespannten, tangential gedr uckten Stabes. Z. angew. Math. Phys. 3, 225. Bigoni, D., Noselli, G., 2011. Experimental evidence of
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utter instability. Plaut and Infante (1970) considered the Ziegler pendulum with m1= 2m2, without internal damping (in the joints), but subjected to an external damping proportional to the velocity along the rigid rods of the double pendulum4. In this system the critical
utter load increases with an increase in the external damping, so that they presented a plot showing that the
utter load converges to a value which is very close to P u. However, they did not calculate the critical value in the limit of vanishing external damping, which would have revealed a value slightly smaller than the value corresponding to the undamped system5. In a subsequent work, Plaut (1971) conrmed his previous result and demonstrated that internal damping with equal damping coecients destabilizes the Ziegler pendulum, whereas external damping has a stabilizing eect, so that it does not lead to the destabilization paradox. Plaut (1971) reports a stability diagram (in the external versus internal damping plane) that implicitly indicates the existence of the Whitney umbrella singularity on the boundary of the asymptotic stability domain. These conclusions agreed with other studies on the viscoelastic cantilevered Beck's column (Beck, 1952), loaded by a follower force which displays the paradox only for internal Kelvin-Voigt damping (Bolotin and Zhinzher, 1969; Plaut and Infante, 1970; Andreichikov and Yudovich, 1974; Kirillov and Seyranian, 2005a) and were supported by studies on the abstract settings (Done, 1973; Walker, 1973; Kirillov and Seyranian, 2005b), which have proven the stabilizing character of external damping, assumed to be proportional to the mass (Bolotin, 1963; Zhinzher, 1994). The P
uger column [a generalization of the Beck problem in which a concentrated mass is added to the loaded end, P
uger (1955), see also Sugiyama et al. (1976), Pedersen (1977), and Chen and Ku (1992)] was analyzed by Sugiyama et al. (1995) and Ryu and Sugiyama (2003), who numerically found that the internal damping leads to the destabilization paradox for all ratios of the end mass to the mass of the column. The role of external damping was investigated only by Detinko (2003) who concludes that large external damping provides a stabilizing eect. The stabilizing role of external damping was questioned only in the work by Panovko and Sorokin (1987), in which the Ziegler pendulum and the Beck column were considered with a dash-pot damper attached to the loaded end (a setting in which the external damper can be seen as something dierent than an air drag, but as merely an additional structural 4Note that dierent mass distributions were never analyzed in view of external damping eect. In the absence of damping, stability investigations were carried out by Oran (1972) and Kirillov (2011). 5In fact, the
utter load of the externally damped Ziegler pendulum with m1= 2m2, considered by Plaut and Infante (1970) and Plaut (1971) tends to the value P= 2 which is smaller than P u2:086, therefore revealing the paradox. 17Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 91: 204-215 doi: element, as suggested by Zhinzher (1994)). In fact the dash-pot was shown to always yield the destabilization paradox, even in the presence of internal damping, no matter what the ratio is between the coecients of internal and external damping (Kirillov and Seyranian, 2005c; Kirillov, 2013). In summary, there is a well-established opinion that external damping stabilizes struc- tures loaded by nonconservative positional forces. Appendix B. - A necessary condition for stabilization of a general 2 d.o.f. system Kirillov and Seyranian (2005b) considered the stability of the system Mx+"D_x+Kx= 0; (A.1) where">0 is a small parameter and M=MT,D=DT, and K6=KTare real matrices of ordern. In the case n= 2, the characteristic polynomial of the system (A.1), q(;") = det( M2+"D+K); can be written by means of the Leverrier algorithm (adopted for matrix polynomials by Wang and Lin (1993)) in a compact form: q(;") = det M4+"tr(DM)3+ (tr( KM) +"2detD)2+"tr(KD)+ det K;(A.2) where D=D 1detDandK=K 1detKare adjugate matrices and tr denotes the trace operator. Let us assume that at "= 0 the undamped system (A.1) with n= 2 degrees of freedom be on the
utter boundary, so that its eigenvalues are imaginary and form a double complex- conjugate pair =i!0of a Jordan block. In these conditions, the real critical frequency !0at the onset of
utter follows from q(;0) in the closed form (Kirillov, 2013) !2 0=r detK detM: (A.3) A dissipative perturbation "Dcauses splitting of the double eigenvalue i!0, which is described by the Newton-Puiseux series (") =i!0ip h"+o("), where the coecient his determined in terms of the derivatives of the polynomial q(;") as h:=dq d"1 2@2q @2 1 "=0;=i!0=tr(KD) !2 0tr(DM) 4i!0detM: (A.4) Since the coecient his imaginary, the double eigenvalue i!0splits generically into two com- plex eigenvalues, one of them with the positive real part yielding
utter instability (Kirillov 18Published in Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids (2016) 91: 204-215 doi: and Seyranian, 2005b). Consequently, h= 0 represents a necessary condition for"Dto be astabilizing perturbation (Kirillov and Seyranian, 2005b). In the case of the system (3), with matrices (5), it is readily obtained !2 0=k l2pm1m2: (A.5) Assuming D=Di, eq. (A.4) and the representations (5) and (A.5) yield h=hi:=i m1l25 2p+ 1 4; (A.6) so that the equation hi= 0 has as solution the complex-conjugate pair = ( 34i)=25. Therefore, for every real mass distribution 0 the dissipative perturbation with the matrix D=Diof internal damping results to be destabilizing. Similarly, eq. (A.4) with D=Deand representations (A.5), (5), and F=F u() yield h=he:=il 48m182 11p 3 6+ 5p 2; (A.7) so that the constraint he= 0 is satised only by the two following real values of A0:273; C2:559: (A.8) The mass distributions (A.8) correspond exactly to the points A and C in Fig. 1, which are common for the
utter boundary of the undamped system and for that of the dissipative system in the limit of vanishing external damping. Consequently, the dissipative perturbation with the matrix D=Deof external damping can have a stabilizing eect for only two particular mass distributions (A.8). Indeed, as it is shown in the present article, the external damping is destabilizing for every 0, except for =Aand=C. Consequently, the stabilizing or destabilizing eect of damping with the given matrix D is determined not only by its spectral properties, but also by how it `interacts' with the mass and stiness distributions. The condition which selects possibly stabilizing triples ( M,D, K) in the general case of n= 2 degrees of freedom is therefore the following tr(KD) =!2 0tr(DM): (A.9) 19 | 2016-10-01 | Elastic structures loaded by nonconservative positional forces are prone to
instabilities induced by dissipation: it is well-known in fact that internal
viscous damping destabilizes the marginally stable Ziegler's pendulum and
Pfluger column (of which the Beck's column is a special case), two structures
loaded by a tangential follower force. The result is the so-called
'destabilization paradox', where the critical force for flutter instability
decreases by an order of magnitude when the coefficient of internal damping
becomes infinitesimally small. Until now external damping, such as that related
to air drag, is believed to provide only a stabilizing effect, as one would
intuitively expect. Contrary to this belief, it will be shown that the effect
of external damping is qualitatively the same as the effect of internal
damping, yielding a pronounced destabilization paradox. Previous results
relative to destabilization by external damping of the Ziegler's and Pfluger's
elastic structures are corrected in a definitive way leading to a new
understanding of the destabilizating role played by viscous terms. | The destabilizing effect of external damping: Singular flutter boundary for the Pfluger column with vanishing external dissipation | 1611.03886v1 |
Page 1 of 15 Electrically tunable Gilbert damping in van der Waals heterostructures of two- dimensional ferromagnetic meta ls and ferroelectrics Liang Qiu,1 Zequan Wang,1 Xiao-Sheng Ni,1 Dao-Xin Yao1,2 and Yusheng Hou 1,* AFFILIATIONS 1 Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Magnetoelectric Physics and Devices, State Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Technologies, Center for Neutron Science and Technology, School of Physics, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, 510275, China 2 International Quantum Academy, Shenzhen 518048, China ABSTRACT Tuning the Gilbert damping of ferromagnetic (FM) metals via a nonvolatile way is of importance to exploit and design next-generation novel spintronic devices. Through systematical first-principles calculations, we study the magnetic properties of the van der Waals heterostructure of two-dimensional FM metal CrTe 2 and ferroelectric (FE) In2Te3 monolayers. The ferromagnetism of CrTe 2 is maintained in CrTe 2/In2Te3 and its magnetic easy axis can be switched from in-plane to out- of-plane by reversing the FE polarization of In 2Te3. Excitingly, we find that the Gilbert damping of CrTe 2 is tunable when the FE polarization of In 2Te3 is reversed from upward to downward. By analyzing the k-dependent contributions to the Gilbert damping, we unravel that such tunability results from the changed intersections between the bands of CrTe 2 and Fermi level on the reversal of the FE polarizations of In 2Te3 in CrTe 2/In2Te3. Our work provides a n appealing way to electrically tailor Gilbert dampings of two-dimensional FM metals by contacting them with ferroelectrics. *Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed: [Yusheng Hou,] This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset. PLEASE CITE THIS ARTICLE AS DOI: 10.1063/5.0145401Page 2 of 15 Since the atomically thin long-range ferromagnetic ( FM) orders at finite temperatures are discovered in CrI 31 monolayer (ML) and Cr 2Ge2Te62 bilayer, two- dimensional (2D) van der Waals (vdW) FM materials have attracted intensive attention.3-5 Up to now, many novel vdW ferromagnets such as Fe 3GeTe 2,6 Fe5GeTe 2,7 VSe 28,9 and MnSe 210 have been synthesized in experiments. Due to the intrinsic ferromagnetism in these vdW FM materials, it is highly fertile to engineer emergent phenomena through magnetic proximity effect in their heterostructures.11 For instance , an unprecedented control of the spin and valley pseudospins in WSe 2 ML is reported in CrI 3/WSe 2.12 By contacting the thin films of three-dimensional topological insulators and graphene with CrI 3, high-temperature quantum anomalous Hall effect and vdW spin valves are proposed in CrI 3/Bi2Se3/CrI 313 and CrI 3/graphene/CrI 3,14 respectively. On the other hand, the magnetic properties of these vdW FM materials can also be controlled by means of external perturbations such as gating and moiré patterns.3 In CrI 3 bilayer, Huang et al. observed a voltage-controlled switching between antiferromagnetic (AFM) and FM states.15 Via an ionic gate, Deng et al. even increased the Curie temperature (TC) of the thin flake of vdW FM metal Fe 3GeTe 2 to room temperature, which is much higher than its bulk TC.6 Very recently, Xu et al. demonstrated a coexisting FM and AFM state in a twisted bilayer CrI 3.16 These indicate that vdW FM materials are promising platforms to design and implement spintronic devices in the 2D limit.4,11 Recently, of great interest is the emergent vdW magnetic material CrTe 2 which is a new platform for realizing room-temperature intrinsic ferromagnetism.17,18 Especially, CrTe 2 exhibits greatly tunable magneti sm. In the beginning, its ground state is believed to be the nonmagnetic 2 H phase,19 while several later researches suggest that either the FM or AFM 1 T phases should be the ground state of CrTe 2.17,18,20- 23 Currently, the consensus is that the structural ground state of CrTe 2 is the 1 T phase. With respect to its magnetic ground state, a first-principles study shows that the FM and AFM ground states in CrTe 2 ML depend on its in-plane lattice constants.24 It is worth noting that the TC of FM CrTe 2 down to the few-layer limit can be higher than 300 K,18 making it have wide practical application prospects in spintronics. This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset. PLEASE CITE THIS ARTICLE AS DOI: 10.1063/5.0145401Page 3 of 15 Building heterostructures of FM and ferroelectric (FE) materials offers an effective way to control nonvolatile magnetism via an electric field. Experimentally, Eerenstein et al. presented an electric-field-controlled nonvolatile converse magnetoelectric effect in a multiferroic heterostructure La0.67Sr0.33MnO 3/BaTiO 3.25 Later, Zhang et al. reported an electric-field-driven control of nonvolatile magnetization in a heterostructure of FM amorphous alloy Co40Fe40B20 and FE Pb(Mg 1/3Nb2/3)0.7Ti0.3O3.26 Theoretically, Chen et al. demonstrated based on first-principles calculations that the interlayer magnetism of CrI 3 bilayer in CrI 3/In2Se3 is switchable between FM and AFM couplings by the nonvolatile control of the FE polarization direction of In 2Se3.27 In spite of these interesting findings, using FE substrates to electrically tune the Gilbert damping of ferromagnets, an important factor determining the operation speed of spintronic devices, is rarely investigated in 2D FM/FE vdW heterostructures. Therefore, it is of great importance to explore the possibility of tuning the Gilbert damping in such kind of heterostructures. In this work, we first demonstrate that the magnetic ground state of 1 T-phase CrTe 2 ML will change from the zigzag AFM (denoted as z-AFM) to FM orders with increasing its in-plane lattice constants. By building a vdW heterostructure of CrTe 2 and FE In2Te3 MLs, we show that the magnetic easy axis of CrTe 2 can be tuned from in-plane to out- of-plane by reversing the FE polarization of In 2Te3, although its ferromagnetism is kept . Importantly, we find that the Gilbert damping of CrTe 2 is tunable with a wide range on reversing the FE polarization of In 2Te3 from upward to downward. Through looking into the k-dependent contributions to the Gilbert damping, we reveal that such tunability originates from the changed intersections between the bands of CrTe 2 and Fermi level when the FE polarizations of In 2Te3 is reversed in CrTe 2/In2Te3. Our work demonstrates that putting 2D vdW FM metals on FE substrates is an attractive method to electrically tune their Gilbert dampings. CrTe 2, a member of the 2D transition metal dichalcogenide family, can potentially crystalize into several different layered structures such as 1 T, 1Td, 1H and 2 H phases.28 It is believed that the 1 T phase is the most stable among all of the se possible phases in This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset. PLEASE CITE THIS ARTICLE AS DOI: 10.1063/5.0145401Page 4 of 15 both bulk and ML. This phase has a hexagonal lattice and belongs to the P3_m1 space group, with each Cr atom surrounded by the octahedrons of Te atoms (Fig. 1a). In view of the hot debates on the magnetic ground state in CrTe 2 ML, we establish a 2× 2√3 supercell and calculate the total energies of several different magnetic structures (Fig. S1 in Supplementary Materials) when its lattice constant varies from 3.65 to 4.00 Å. As shown in Fig. 1b, our calculations show that z-AFM order is the magnetic ground state when the lattice constant is from 3.65 to 3.80 Å. By contrast, the FM order is the magnetic ground state when the lattice constant is in the range from 3.80 to 4.00 Å. Note that our results are consistent with the experimentally observed z- AFM23 and FM29 orders in CrTe 2 with a lattice constant of 3.70 and 3.95 Å, respectively. Since we are interested in the Gilbert damping of ferromagnets and the experimentally grow n CrTe 2 on ZrTe 2 has a lattice constant of 3.95 Å,29 we will focus on CrTe 2 ML with this lattice constant hereinafter. FIG. 1. (a) Side (the top panel) and top (the bottom panel) views of CrTe 2 ML. The NN and second- NN exchange paths are shown by red arrows in the top view. (b) The phase diagram of the magnetic ground state of CrTe 2 ML with different lattice constants. Insets show the schematic illustrations of the z-AFM and FM orders. The up and down spins are indicated by the blue and red balls, respectively. The stars highlight the experimental lattice constants of CrTe 2 in Ref.23 and Ref.29. This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset. PLEASE CITE THIS ARTICLE AS DOI: 10.1063/5.0145401Page 5 of 15 To obtain an deeper understanding on the ferromagnetism of CrTe 2 ML, we adopt a spin Hamiltonian consisting of Heisenberg exchange couplings and single-ion magnetic anisotropy (SIA) as follows:30 𝐻 = 𝐽 1∑ 𝑆𝑖⋅ 𝑆𝑗 ⟨𝑖𝑗⟩ + 𝐽 2∑ 𝑆𝑖⋅ 𝑆𝑗 ⟨⟨𝑖𝑗⟩⟩ − 𝐴 ∑ ( 𝑆𝑖𝑧)2 𝑖 (1) In Eq. (1), J1 and J2 are the nearest neighbor (NN) and second- NN Heisenberg exchange couplings. Note that a negative (positive) J means a FM (AFM) Heisenberg exchange couples. Besides, A parameterizes the SIA term. First of all, our DFT calculations show that the magnetic moment of CrTe 2 ML is 3.35 μB/Cr, consistent with previous DFT calculations.31 As shown in Table I, the calculated J1 and J2 are both FM and J1 is much stronger than J2. Both FM J1 and J2 undoubtedly indicate that CrTe 2 ML has a FM magnetic ground state. Finally, the SIA parameter A is obtained by calculating the energy difference between two FM states with out-of-plane and in-plane magnetizations. Our calculations obtain A=1.81 meV/Cr, indicating that CrTe 2 ML has an out-of-plane magnetic easy axis. Hence, our calculations show that CrTe 2 ML exhibits an out-of- plane FM order, consistent with experimental observations.29 TABLE I. Listed are the in-plane lattice constant s a, Heisenberg exchange couplings J (in unit of meV) and SIA (in unit of meV/Cr) of CrTe 2 ML and CrTe 2/In2Te3. System a (Å) J1 J2 A CrTe 2 3.95 -24.56 -0.88 1.81 CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) 7.90 -20.90 -1.80 -1.44 CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓) 7.90 -19.33 -0.88 0.16 To achieve an electrically tunable Gilbert damping in CrTe 2 ML, we establish its vdW heterostructure with F E In2Te3 ML. In building this heterostructure, w e stack a 2×2 supercell of CrTe 2 and a √3 ×√3 supercell of In2Te3 along the (001) direction. Because the magnetic properties of CrTe 2 ML are the primary topic and the electronic properties of In2Te3 ML are basically not affected by a strain (Fig. S2), we stretch the lattice constant of the latter to match that of the former. Fig. 2a shows the most stable This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset. PLEASE CITE THIS ARTICLE AS DOI: 10.1063/5.0145401Page 6 of 15 stacking configuration in CrTe 2/In2Te3 with an upward FE polarization [denoted as CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑)]. At the interface in this configuration, one of four Cr atoms and one of four Te atoms at the bottom of CrTe 2 sits on the top of the top-layer Te atom s of In2Te3. In CrTe 2/In2Te3 with a downward FE polarization [denoted as CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓ )], the stacking configuration at its interface is same as that in CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑ ). The only difference between CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑ ) and CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓ ) is that the middle-layer Te atoms of In 2Te3 in the former is farther to CrTe 2 than that in the latter (Fig. 2a and 2c). It is noteworthy that the bottom-layer Te atoms of CrTe 2 do not stay at a plane anymore in the relaxed CrTe 2/In2Te3 (see more details in Fig. S3), suggesting non-negligible interactions between CrTe 2 and In 2Te3. FIG. 2. (a) The schematic stacking configuration and (b) charge density difference 𝛥ρ of CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑). (c) and (d) same as (a) and (b) but for CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓). In (b) and (d), color bar indicates the weight of negative (blue) and positive (red) charge density differences. (e) The total DOS of CrTe 2/In2Te3. (f) and (g) show the PDOS of CrTe 2 and In2Te3 in CrTe 2/In2Te3, respectively. In (e)-(g), upward and downward polarizations are indicated by black and red lines, respectively. To shed light on the effect of the FE polarization of In 2Te3 on the electronic property of CrTe 2/In2Te3, we first investigate the spatial distribution of charge density This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset. PLEASE CITE THIS ARTICLE AS DOI: 10.1063/5.0145401Page 7 of 15 difference 2 2 3 2 2 3 CrTe In Te CrTe In Te = − − with different FE polarization directions. As shown in Fig. 2b and 2d, we see that there is an obvious charge transfer at the interfaces of both CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) and CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓), which is further confirmed by the planar averaged 𝛥ρ (Fig. S4). Additionally, the charge transfer in CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) is distinctly less than th at in CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓). Fig. 2e shows that the total density of states (DOS) near Fermi level are highly different in CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑ ) and CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓). By projecting the DOS onto CrTe 2 and In 2Te3, Fig. 2f shows that the projected DOS (PDOS) of CrTe 2 in CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) is larger than that in CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓) at Fermi level. Interestingly, the PDOS of In 2Te3 in CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) is larger than that in CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓) below Fermi level while the situation is inversed above Fermi level (Fig. 2g). By looking into the five Cr- d orbital projected DOS in CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) and CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓) (Fig. S5), we see that there are obviously different occupations for xyd, 22xyd− and 223zrd− orbitals near Fermi level. All of these imply that the reversal of the FE polarization of In 2Te3 may have an unignorable influence on the magnetic properites of CrTe 2/In2Te3. Due to the presence of the FE In 2Te3, the inversion symmetry is inevitably broken and nonzero Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions (DMIs) may exist in CrTe 2/In2Te3. In this case, we add a DMI term into Eq. (1) to investigate the magnetism of CrTe 2/In2Te3 and the corresponding spin Hamiltonian is in the form of32 𝐻 = 𝐽 1∑ 𝑆𝑖⋅ 𝑆𝑗 ⟨𝑖𝑗⟩ + 𝐽 2∑ 𝑆𝑖⋅ 𝑆𝑗 ⟨⟨𝑖𝑗⟩⟩ +∑ 𝑫𝑖𝑗⋅ (𝑆 𝑖× 𝑆 𝑗) ⟨𝑖𝑗⟩ − 𝐴 ∑ ( 𝑆𝑖𝑧)2 𝑖 (2). In Eq. (2), Dij is the DMI vector of the NN Cr-Cr pairs. As the C6-rotational symmetry with respect to Cr atoms in CrTe 2 is reduced to the C3-rotational symmetry, the NN DMIs are split into four different DMIs (Fig. S6). For simplicity, the J1 and J2 are still regard ed to be six-fold. From Table I, we see that the NN J1 of both CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) and CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓) are still FM but slightly smaller than that of free-standing CrTe 2 ML. Moreover, the second- NN FM J2 is obviously enhanced in CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) compared with CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓) and free-standing CrTe 2 ML. To calculated the NN DMIs, we build a √3×√3 supercell of CrTe 2/In2Te3 and the four-state method33 is employed here. As This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset. PLEASE CITE THIS ARTICLE AS DOI: 10.1063/5.0145401Page 8 of 15 listed in Table S1, the FE polarization direction of In 2Te3 basically has no qualitative effect on the DMIs in CrTe 2/In2Te3 although it affects their magnitudes. More explicitly, the magnitudes of the calculated DMIs range from 1.22 to 2.81 meV, which are about one order smaller than the NN J1. Finally, we find that the SIA of CrTe 2/In2Te3 is strongly dependent on the FE polarization of In 2Te3. When In 2Te3 has an upward FE polarization, the SIA of CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) is negative, indicating an in-plane magnetic easy axis. However, when the FE polarization of In 2Te3 is downward, CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓) has a positive SIA, indicating an out-of-plane magnetic easy axis. It is worth noting that CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓) has a much weak SIA than the free-standing CrTe 2 ML, although they both have positive SIAs. The different Heisenberg exchange couplings, DMIs and SIAs in CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) and CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓) clearly unveil that the magnetic properties of CrTe 2 are tuned by the FE polarization of In2Te3. To obtain the magnetic ground state of CrTe 2/In2Te3, MC simulations are carried out. As shown in Fig. S7, CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) has an in-plane FM magnetic ground state whereas CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓ ) has an out-of-plane one. Such magnetic ground states are understandable. Firstly, the ratios between DMIs and the NN Heisenberg exchange couplings are small and most of them are out of the typical range of 0.1–0.2 for the appearance of magnetic skyrmions.34 Secondly, the SIAs of the CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) and the CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓ ) prefer in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic easy axes, respectively . Taking them together, we obtain that the FM Heisenberg exchange couplings dominate over the DMIs and thus give rise to a FM magnetic ground state with its magnetization determined by the SIA,35 consistent with our MC simulated results. Figure 3a shows the Γ-dependent Gilbert dampings of CrTe 2/In2Te3 with upward and downward FE polarizations of In2Te3. Similar to previous studies,36,37 the Gilbert dampings of CrTe 2/In2Te3 decrease first and then increase as the scattering rate Γ increases. Astonishingly, the Gilbert dampings of CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) and CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓) are distinctly different at the same scattering rate Γ ranging from 0.001 to 1.0 eV . To have a more intuitive sense on the effect of the FE polarizations of In 2Te3 on the Gilbert dampings in CrTe 2/In2Te3, we calculate the ratio = at any given Γ, where This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset. PLEASE CITE THIS ARTICLE AS DOI: 10.1063/5.0145401Page 9 of 15 ( ) is the Gilbert damping of CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) [CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓)]. As shown in Fig. 3b, the ratio 𝜂 ranges from 6 to around 1.3 with increasing Γ. As the FE polarization of In 2Te3 can be switched from upward to downward by an external electric field, the Gilbert damping of CrTe 2/In2Te3 is electrically tunable in practice. FIG. 3. (a) The Γ-dependent Gilbert dampings of CrTe 2/In2Te3 with upward (black line) and downward (red line) FE polarizations of In 2Te3. (b) The Gilbert damping ratio 𝜂 as a function of the scattering rate Γ. To gain a deep insight into how the FE polarization of In 2Te3 tunes the Gilbert damping in CrTe 2/In2Te3, we investigate the k-dependent contributions to the Gilbert dampings of CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) and CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓). As shown in Fig. 4a and 4b, the bands around Fermi level have qiute different intermixing between CrTe 2 and In 2Te3 states when the FE polarizaiton of In 2Te3 is reversed. Explicitly, there are obvious intermixing below Fermi leve in CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) while the intermixing mainly takes place above Fermi level in CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓). Especially, the bands intersected by Fermi level are at different k points in CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) and CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓). Through looking into the k- dependent contributions to the ir Gilbert dampings (Fig. 4c and 4d), we see that large contributions are from the k points (highlighted by arrows in Fig. 4) at which the bands of CrTe 2 cross Fermi level. In addition, these large contributions are different. Such k- dipendent contribution to Gilbert dampings is understandable. Based on the scattering This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset. PLEASE CITE THIS ARTICLE AS DOI: 10.1063/5.0145401Page 10 of 15 theory of Gilbert damping 38, Gilbert damping parameter is calculated using the following Eq. (3) 36 ( ) ( ) , , , , , , (3)kk k i k j k j k i F k i F k j k ij SE E E EM u u = − − − HH, where EF is Fermi level and Ek,i is the enery of band i at a given k point. Due to the delta ( ) ( ) ,, F k i F k jE E E E −− , only the valence and conduction bands near Fermi level make dominant contribution to the Gilbert damping. Additionally, their contributions also depend on factor , , , ,kk k i k j k j k iuu HH. Overall , through changing the intersections between the bands of CrTe 2 and Fermi level, the reversal of the FE polarization of In 2Te3 can modulate the contributions to Gilbert damping. Consequently, the total Gilbert dampings are different in CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑) and CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓). FIG. 4. (a) Band structure calculated with spin-orbit coupling and (c) the k-dependent contributions to the Gilbert damping in CrTe 2/In2Te3(↑). (b) and (d) same as (a) and (c) but for CrTe 2/In2Te3(↓). In (a) and (b), Fermi levels are indicated by horizontal dash lines and the states from CrTe 2 and In 2Te3 are shown by red and blue, respectively. From experimental perspectives, the fabrication of CrTe 2/In2Te3 vdW heterostructure should be feasible. On the one hand, CrTe 2 with the lattice constant of This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset. PLEASE CITE THIS ARTICLE AS DOI: 10.1063/5.0145401Page 11 of 15 3.95 Å has been successfully grown on ZrTe 2 substrate by the molecular beam epitaxy.29 On the other hand, In 2Te3 is also synthesized.39 Taking these and the vdW nature of CrTe 2 and In 2Te3 together, a practical scheme of growing CrTe 2/In2Te3 is sketched in Fig. S8 : first grow CrTe 2 ML on ZrTe 2 substrate29 and then put In2Te3 ML on CrTe 2 to form the desired CrTe 2/In2Te3 vdW heterostructure. In summary, by constructing a vdW heterostructure of 2D FM metal CrTe 2 and FE In2Te3 MLs, we find that the magnetic properties of CrTe 2 are engineered by the reversal of the FE polariton of In 2Te3. Although the ferromagnetism of CrTe 2 is maintained in the presence of the FE In2Te3, its magnetic easy axis can be tuned from in-plane to out- of-plane by reversing the FE polarization of In 2Te3. More importantly, the Gilbert damping of CrTe 2 is tunable with a wide range when reversing the FE polarization of In2Te3 from upward to downward. Such tunability of the Gilbert damping in CrTe 2/In2Te3 results from the changed intersections between the bands of CrTe 2 and Fermi level on reversing the FE polarizations of In 2Te3. Our work introduces a remarkably useful method to electrically tune the Gilbert dampings of 2D vdW FM metals by contacting them with ferroelectrics, and should stimulate more experimental investigations in this realm. See the supplementary material for the details of computational methods31,36,40- 50 and other results mentioned in the main text. This project is supported by National Nature Science Foundation of China (No. 12104518, 92165204, 11974432), NKRDPC-2018YFA0306001, NKRDPC- 2022YFA1402802, GBABRF-2022A1515012643 and GZABRF-202201011118 . Density functional theory calculations are performed at Tianhe- II. AUTHOR DECLARATIONS Conflict of Interest The authors have no conflicts to disclose. This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset. PLEASE CITE THIS ARTICLE AS DOI: 10.1063/5.0145401Page 12 of 15 Author Contributions Liang Qiu : Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal); Writing –original draft (equal). Zequan Wang : Methodology (equal). Xiao -sheng Ni : Investigation (equal); Methodology (equal). Dao-Xin Yao : Supervision (equal); Funding acquisition (equal); Investigation (equal); Writing – review &editing (equal). Yusheng Hou : Conceptualization (equal); Funding acquisition (equal); Investigation (equal); Project administration(equal); Resources (equal); Supervision (equal); Writing – review &editing (equal). DATA A V AILABILITY The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request. REFERENCES 1 B. Huang, G. Clark, E. Navarro-Moratalla, D. R. Klein, R. Cheng, K. L. Seyler, D. Zhong, E. Schmidgall, M. A. McGuire, and D. H. Cobden, Nature 546, 270 (2017). 2 C. Gong, L. Li, Z. Li, H. Ji, A. Stern, Y . Xia, T. Cao, W. Bao, C. Wang, Y . Wang, Z. Q. Qiu, R. J. Cava, S. G. Louie, J. Xia, and X. Zhang, Nature 546, 265 (2017). 3 K. S. Burch, D. Mandrus, and J.-G. Park, Nature 563, 47 (2018). 4 C. Gong and X. Zhang, Science 363, eaav4450 (2019). 5 Q. H. Wang, A. Bedoya-Pinto, M. Blei, A. H. Dismukes, A. Hamo, S. Jenkins, M. Koperski, Y . Liu, Q.-C. Sun, and E. J. Telford, ACS nano 16, 6960 (2022). 6 Y . Deng, Y . Yu, Y . Song, J. Zhang, N. 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However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset. PLEASE CITE THIS ARTICLE AS DOI: 10.1063/5.0145401This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset. PLEASE CITE THIS ARTICLE AS DOI: 10.1063/5.0145401This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset. PLEASE CITE THIS ARTICLE AS DOI: 10.1063/5.0145401This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset. PLEASE CITE THIS ARTICLE AS DOI: 10.1063/5.0145401This is the author’s peer reviewed, accepted manuscript. However, the online version of record will be different from this version once it has been copyedited and typeset. PLEASE CITE THIS ARTICLE AS DOI: 10.1063/5.0145401 | 2023-03-07 | Tuning the Gilbert damping of ferromagnetic (FM) metals via a nonvolatile way
is of importance to exploit and design next-generation novel spintronic
devices. Through systematical first-principles calculations, we study the
magnetic properties of the van der Waals heterostructure of two-dimensional FM
metal CrTe2 and ferroelectric (FE) In2Te3 monolayers. The ferromagnetism of
CrTe2 is maintained in CrTe2/In2Te3 and its magnetic easy axis can be switched
from in-plane to out-of-plane by reversing the FE polarization of In2Te3.
Excitingly, we find that the Gilbert damping of CrTe2 is tunable when the FE
polarization of In2Te3 is reversed from upward to downward. By analyzing the
k-dependent contributions to the Gilbert damping, we unravel that such
tunability results from the changed intersections between the bands of CrTe2
and Fermi level on the reversal of the FE polarizations of In2Te3 in
CrTe2/In2Te3. Our work provides an appealing way to electrically tailor Gilbert
dampings of two-dimensional FM metals by contacting them with ferroelectrics. | Electrically tunable Gilbert damping in van der Waals heterostructures of two-dimensional ferromagnetic metals and ferroelectrics | 2303.03852v1 |
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan LETTERS Current-Driven Motion of Magnetic Domain Wall with Many Bloch Lines Junichi Iwasaki1and Naoto Nagaosa1;2y 1Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo 113-8656, Japan 2RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS),Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan The current-driven motion of a domain wall (DW) in a ferromagnet with many Bloch lines (BLs) via the spin transfer torque is studied theoretically. It is found that the motion of BLs changes the current-velocity (j-v) characteristic dramatically. Especially, the critical current density to overcome the pinning force is reduced by the factor of the Gilbert damping coecient even compared with that of a skyrmion. This is in sharp contrast to the case of magnetic eld driven motion, where the existence of BLs reduces the mobility of the DW. Domain walls (DWs) and bubbles1,2)are the spin tex- tures in ferromagnets which have been studied inten- sively over decades from the viewpoints of both funda- mental physics and applications. The memory functions of these objects are one of the main focus during 70's, but their manipulation in terms of the magnetic eld faced the diculty associated with the pinning which hinders their motion. The new aspect introduced recently is the current-driven motion of the spin textures.3,4)The
ow of the conduction electron spins, which follow the direc- tion of the background localized spin moments, moves the spin texture due to the conservation of the angu- lar momentum. This eect, so called the spin transfer torque, is shown to be eective to manipulate the DWs and bubbles compared with the magnetic eld. Magnetic skyrmion5,6)is especially an interesting object, which is a swirling spin texture acting as an emergent particle protected by the topological invariant, i.e., the skyrmion numberNsk, dened by Nsk=1 4Z d2rn(r)@n(r) @x@n(r) @y (1) with n(r) being the unit vector representing the direc- tion of the spin as a function of the two-dimensional spa- tial coordinates r. This is the integral of the solid angle subtended by n, and counts how many times the unit sphere is wrapped. The solid angle and skyrmion number Nskalso play essential role when one derives the equation of motion for the center of mass of the spin texture, i.e., the gyro-motion is induced by Nskin the Thiele equation, where the rigid body motion is assumed.7,8) Beyond the Thiele equation,7)one can derive the equa- tion of motion of a DW in terms of two variables, i.e., the wall-normal displacement q(t;; ) and the wall- magnetization orientation angle (t;; ) (see Fig. 1) ψqFig. 1. Schematic magnetization distribution of DW with many Bloch lines. whereandare general coordinates specifying the point on the DW:9) = 2M
1h _q _ vs ? vs k(@k )i ;(2) q= 2M
1h _ + 1_q+vs k(@k ) 1vs ?i ; (3) Here, _ means the time-derivative. kand?indicate the components parallel and perpendicular to the DW respectively. Mis the magnetization,
is the gyro- magnetic ratio, and , are the energy per area and thickness of the DW. vsis the velocity of the conduction electrons, which produces the spin transfer torque. is the Gilbert damping constant, and represents the non- adiabatic eect. These equations indicate that qand are canonical conjugate to each other. This is understood by the fact that the generator of the spin rotation nor- mal to the DW, which is proportional to sin in Fig. 1, drives the shift of q. (Note that is measured from the xed direction in the laboratory coordinates.) In order to reduce the magnetostatic energy, the spins in the DW tend to align parallel to the DW, i.e., Bloch wall. When the DW is straight, this structure is coplanar and has no solid angle. From the viewpoint of eqs. (2) 1arXiv:1506.00723v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 2 Jun 2015J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. LETTERS and (3), the angle is xed around the minimum, and slightly canted when the motion of qoccurs, i.e., _ = 0. However, it often happens that the Bloch lines (BLs) are introduced into the DW as shown schematically in Fig. 1. The angle rotates along the DW and the N eel wall is locally introduced. It is noted here that the solid angle becomes nite in the presence of the BLs. Also with many BLs in the DW, the translation of BLs activates the motion of the angle , i.e., _ 6= 0, which leads to the dramatic change in the dynamics. In the following, we focus on the straight DW which extends along x-direction and is uniform in z-direction. Thus, the general coordinates here are ( ;) = (x;z). q(t;x;z ) is independent of the coordinates q(t;x;z ) = q(t), and the functional derivative =q in eq. (3) be- comes the partial derivative @=@q . In the absence of BLs, we set (t;x;z ) = (t), and= in eq. (2) also becomes@=@ . Then the equation of motion in the ab- sence of BL is @ @ = 2M
1h _q _ vs ?i ; (4) @ @q= 2M
1h _ + 1_q 1vs ?i ; (5) With many BLs, the sliding motion of Bloch lines along DW, which activates _ , does not change the wall energy, i.e.,= in eq. (2) vanishes.2)Here, for simplicity, we consider the periodic BL array with the uniform twist (t;x;z ) = (x p(t))=~ where ~ is the distance between BLs, which leads to 0 = 2M
1h _q+~ 1_p vs ? ~ 1vs ki ;(6) @ @q= 2M
1h ~ 1_p+ 1_q+~ 1vs k 1vs ?i ; (7) First, let us discuss the magnetic eld driven motion without current. The eect of the external magnetic eld Hextis described by the force @=@q = 2MHextin eqs. (5) and (7). vs kandvs ?are set to be zero. In the absence of BL, as mentioned above, the phase is static _ = 0 with the slight tilt of the spin from the easy-plane, and one obtains from eq. (5) _q=
Hext : (8) This is a natural result, i.e., the mobility is inversely proportional to the Gilbert damping . is determined by eq. (4) with this value of the velocity _ q. In the presence of many BLs, eqs. (6) and (7) give the velocities of DW and BL sliding driven by the magnetic eld as _q= 1 +2
Hext; (9)_p= 1 1 +2~
Hext: (10) Comparing eqs. (8) and (9), the mobility of the DW is re- duced by the factor of 2sinceis usually much smaller than unity. We also note that the velocity of the BL slid- ing _pis larger than that of the wall _ qby the factor of . Physically, this means that the eect of the external magnetic eld Hextmostly contributes to the rapid mo- tion of the BLs along the DW rather than the motion of the DW itself. These results have been already reported in refs.2,9,10) Now let us turn to the motion induced by the current vs. In the absence of BL, again we put _ = 0 in eqs. (4) and (5). Assuming that there is no pinning force or ex- ternal magnetic eld, i.e., @=@q = 0, one obtains from eq. (5) _q= vs ?; (11) and eq. (4) determines the equilibrium value of . When the pinning force @=@q =Fpinis nite, there appears a threshold current density ( vs ?)cwhich is determined by putting _q= 0 in eq. (5) as (vs ?)c=
2MFpin; (12) which is inversely proportional to .11)Since eq. (11) is independent of vs k, the threshold current density vs k c is vs k c=1. In the presence of the many BLs, on the other hand, eqs. (6) and (7) give @ @q= 2M
11 +2 1_q 1 + 1vs ? ~ 1vs k ; (13) which is the main result of this paper. From eq. (13), the current-velocity characteristic in the absence of both the pinning and the external eld ( @=@q =0) is _q=1 + 1 +2vs ? 1 +2~ 1vs k 'vs ?+ ( )~ 1vs k; (14) where the fact ;1 is used in the last step. If we neglect the term coming from vs k, the current-velocity relation becomes almost independent of andin sharp contrast to eq. (11). This is similar to the univer- sal current-velocity relation in the case of skyrmion,12) where the solid angle is nite and also the transverse motion to the current occurs. Note that vs kslightly con- tributes to the motion when 6=, while it does not in the absence of BL. Even more dramatic is the critical current density in the presence of the pinning 2J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. LETTERS 30 20 101525 520 1015 5 3.0 2.0 0.50.6 0.4 0.10.4 0.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 4000 2000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 10000 8000 6000qq qq t tt tw/o BL w/ BLs0.429 0.707Pinning q(a) (c) (d)(b) Fig. 2. The wall displacement qas a fucntion of tfor the DWs without BL and with BLs. (a) vs ?= 22 :0. The inset shows the pinning force Fpin. (b) vs ?= 21 :0. (c) vs ?= 0:0043. (d) vs ?= 0:0042. (@=@q =Fpin). When we apply only the current per- pendicular to the DW, i.e., vs k= 0, putting _ q= 0 in eq. (13) determines the threshold current density as (vs ?)c=
2M 1 +Fpin; (15) which is much reduced compared with eq. (12) by the factor of 1+1. Note that ( vs ?)cin eq. (15) is even smaller than the case of skyrmion12)by the factor of . Similarly, the critical current density of the motion driven byvs kis given by vs k c=
~ 2M j jFpin; (16) which can also be smaller than eq. (12). Next we look at the numerical solutions of q(t) driven by the current vs ?perpendicular to the wall under the pinning force. We assume the following pinning force: (
=2M)Fpin(q) =v(q=) exp (q=)2 (see the in- set of Fig. 2(a)). We employ the unit of = v= 1 and the parameters ( ;) are xed at ( ;) = (0:01;0:02). Here, we compare two DWs without BL and with BLs. The maximum value of the pinning force (
=2M)Fpin max= 0:429 determines the threshold current density (vs ?)cas (vs ?)c= 21:4 and (vs ?)c= 0:00429 in the absence of BL and in the presence of many BLs, respec- tively. In Fig. 2(a), both DWs overcome the pinning at the current density vs ?= 22:0, although the velocity of the DW without BL is suppressed in the pinning poten- tial. At the current density vs ?= 21:0 below the threshold value in the absence of BL, the DW without BL is pinned, while that with BLs still moves easily (Fig. 2(b)). The velocity suppression in the presence of BLs is observed at much smaller current density vs ?= 0:0043 (Fig. 2(c)), and nally it stops at vs ?= 0:0042 (Fig. 2(d)). All the discussion above relies on the assumption thatthe wall is straight and rotates uniformly. When the bending of the DW and non-uniform distribution of BLs are taken into account, the average velocity and the threshold current density take the values between two cases without BL and with many BLs. The situation changes when the DW forms closed loop, i.e., the do- main forms a bubble. The bubble with many BLs and largejNskjis called hard bubble because the repulsive interaction between the BLs makes it hard to collapse the bubble.2)At the beginning of the motion, the BLs move along the DW, which results in the tiny critical cur- rent. In the steady state, however, the BLs accumulate in one side of the bubble.13,14)Then, the conguration of the BLs is static and the Thiele equation is justied as long as the force is slowly varying within the size of the bubble. The critical current density ( vs)cis given by (vs)c/Fpin=Nsk(Nsk(1): the skyrmion number of the hard bubble), and is reduced by the factor of Nsk compared with the skyrmion with Nsk=1. In conclusion, we have studied the current-induced dynamics of the DW with many BLs. The nite _ in the steady motion activated by BLs sliding drastically changes the dynamics, which has already been reported in the eld-driven case. In contrast to the eld-driven case, where the mobility is suppressed by introducing BLs, that in the current-driven motion is not necessarily suppressed. Instead, the current-velocity relation shows universal behavior independent of the damping strength and non-adiabaticity . Furthermore, the threshold current density in the presence of impurities is tiny even compared with that of skyrmion motion by the factor of . These ndings will stimulate the development of the racetrack memory based on the DW with many BLs. Acknowledgments We thank W. Koshibae for useful discus- sion. This work is supported by Grant-in-Aids for Scientic Re- search (S) (No. 24224009) from the Ministry of Education, Cul- ture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. J. I. was supported by Grant-in-Aids for JSPS Fellows (No. 2610547). 1) A. Hubert and R. Sch afer, Magnetic Domains: The Analysis of Magnetic Microstructures (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1998). 2) A. P. Malozemo and J.C. Slonczewski, Magnetic Domain Walls in Bubble Materials (Academic Press, New York, 1979). 3) J. C. Slonczewski, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 159, L1{L7 (1996). 4) L. Berger, Phys. Rev. B 54, 9353{9358 (1996). 5) S. M uhlbauer et al., Science 323, 915 (2009). 6) X. Z. Yu et al., Nature 465, 901 (2010). 7) A. A. Thiele, Phys. Rev. Lett. 30, 230 (1973). 8) K. Everschor et al., Phys. Rev. B 86, 054432 (2012). 9) J. C. Slonczewski, J. Appl. Phys. 45, 2705 (1974). 10) A. P. Malozemo and J. C. Slonczewski, Phys. Rev. Lett. 29, 952 (1972). 11) G. Tatara et al., J. Phys. Soc. Japan 75, 64708 (2006). 12) J. Iwasaki, M. Mochizuki and N. Nagaosa, Nat. Commun. 4, 1463 (2013). 13) G. P. Vella-Coleiro, A. Rosencwaig and W. J. Tabor, Phys. Rev. Lett. 29, 949 (1972) 14) A. A. Thiele, F. B. Hagedorn and G. P. Vella-Coleiro, Phys. 3J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. LETTERS Rev. B 8, 241 (1973). 4 | 2015-06-02 | The current-driven motion of a domain wall (DW) in a ferromagnet with many
Bloch lines (BLs) via the spin transfer torque is studied theoretically. It is
found that the motion of BLs changes the current-velocity ($j$-$v$)
characteristic dramatically. Especially, the critical current density to
overcome the pinning force is reduced by the factor of the Gilbert damping
coefficient $\alpha$ even compared with that of a skyrmion. This is in sharp
contrast to the case of magnetic field driven motion, where the existence of
BLs reduces the mobility of the DW. | Current-Driven Motion of Magnetic Domain Wall with Many Bloch Lines | 1506.00723v1 |
Dynamical Majorana Ising spin response in a topological superconductor-magnet hybrid by microwave irradiation Yuya Ominato,1, 2Ai Yamakage,3and Mamoru Matsuo1, 4, 5, 6 1Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China. 2Waseda Institute for Advanced Study, Waseda University, Shinjuku, Tokyo 169-8050, Japan. 3Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Nagoya 464-8602, Japan 4CAS Center for Excellence in Topological Quantum Computation, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 5Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, 319-1195, Japan 6RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science (CEMS), Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan (Dated: March 20, 2024) We study a dynamical spin response of surface Majorana modes in a topological superconductor- magnet hybrid under microwave irradiation. We find a method to toggle between dissipative and non-dissipative Majorana Ising spin dynamics by adjusting the external magnetic field angle and the microwave frequency. This reflects the topological nature of the Majorana modes, enhancing the Gilbert damping of the magnet, thereby, providing a detection method for the Majorana Ising spins. Our findings illuminate a magnetic probe for Majorana modes, paving the path to innovative spin devices. Introduction.— The quest for Majoranas within matter stands as one of the principal challenges in the study of condensed matter physics, more so in the field of quan- tum many-body systems [1]. The self-conjugate nature of Majoranas leads to peculiar electrical characteristics that have been the subject of intensive research, both theoretical and experimental [2]. In contrast, the focus of this paper lies on the magnetic properties of Majoranas, specifically the Majorana Ising spin [3–8]. A distinctive characteristic of Majorana modes, appearing as a surface state in topological superconductors (TSC), is its exceed- ingly strong anisotropy, which makes it behave as an Ising spin. In particular, this paper proposes a method to ex- plore the dynamical response of the Majorana Ising spin through the exchange interaction at the magnetic inter- face, achieved by coupling the TSC to a ferromagnet with ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) (as shown in Fig.1 (a)). FMR modulation in a magnetic hybrid system has at- tracted much attention as a method to analyze spin ex- citations in thin-film materials attached to magnetic ma- terials [9, 10]. Irradiating a magnetic material with mi- crowaves induces dynamics of localized spin in magnetic materials, which can excite spins in adjacent thin-film materials via the magnetic proximity effect. This setup is called spin pumping, and has been studied intensively in the field of spintronics as a method of injecting spins through interfaces [11, 12]. Recent studies have theoret- ically proposed that spin excitation can be characterized by FMR in hybrid systems of superconducting thin films and magnetic materials [13–18]. Therefore, it is expected to be possible to analyze the dynamics of surface Majo- rana Ising spins using FMR in hybrid systems. In this work, we consider a TSC-ferromagnetic insula- tor (FI) hybrid system as shown in Fig. 1 (a). The FMR is induced by microwave irradiation on the FI. At the interface between the TSC and the FI, the surface Ma- (b) (c)(a) FI~~ ~~Microwave ϑS Y, yX xZhdcHex TSC (d) hdchdc+δhα+δα Hz FIG. 1. (a) The TSC-FI hybrid schematic reveals how, under resonance frequency microwave irradiation, localized spins commence precessional motion, consequently initiating the dynamical Majorana Ising spin response at the TSC inter- face. (b) In the TSC context, the liaison between a spin-up electron and a spin-down hole with the surrounding sea of spin-triplet Cooper pairs drastically modulate their proper- ties; notably, a spin-down hole can engage with a spin-triplet Cooper pair, thereby inheriting a negative charge. (c) No- tably, spin-triplet Cooper pairs amass around holes and scat- ter around electrons, thereby eroding the rigid distinction be- tween the two. (d) The interplay between the Majorana mode and the localized spin manipulates the FMR spectrum, trig- gering a frequency shift and linewidth broadening. jorana modes interact with the localized spins in the FI. As a result, the localized spin dynamics leads to the dy- namical Majorana Ising spin response (DMISR), which means the Majorana Ising spin density is dynamically in- duced, and it is possible to toggle between dissipative and non-dissipative Majorana Ising spin dynamics by adjust- ing the external magnetic field angle and the microwave frequency. Furthermore, the modulation of the localizedarXiv:2308.05955v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 19 Mar 20242 spin dynamics due to the interface interaction leads to a frequency shift and a linewidth broadening, which reflect the properties of the Majorana Ising spin dynamics. This work proposes a setup for detecting Majorana modes and paves the way for the development of quantum comput- ing and spin devices using Majoranas. Model.— We introduce a model Hamiltonian Hconsist- ing of three terms H=HM+HFI+Hex. (1) The first, second, and third terms respectively describe the surface Majorana modes on the TSC surface, the bulk FI, and the proximity-induced exchange coupling. Our focus is on energy regions significantly smaller than the bulk superconducting gap. This focus allows the spin ex- citation in the TSC to be well described using the surface Majorana modes. The subsequent paragraphs provide detailed explanations of each of these three terms. The first terms HMdescribes the surface Majorana modes, HM=1 2Z drψT(r) ℏvˆkyσx−ℏvˆkxσy ψ(r),(2) where r= (x, y),ˆk= (−i∂x,−i∂y),vis a constant velocity, and σ= (σx, σy, σz) are the Pauli matrices. The two component Majorana field operator is given by ψ(r) = ( ψ→(r), ψ←(r))T, with the spin quantization axis along the xaxis. The Majorana field operators sat- isfy the Majorana condition ψσ(r) =ψ† σ(r) and the an- ticommutation relation {ψσ(r), ψσ′(r)}=δσσ′δ(r−r′) where σ, σ′=→,←. We can derive HMby using surface- localized solutions of the BdG equation based on the bulk TSC Hamiltonian. The details of the derivation of HM are provided in the Supplemental Material [19]. A notable feature of the surface Majorana modes is that the spin density is Ising like, which we call the Majo- rana Ising spin [3–8]. The feature follows naturally from the Majorana condition and the anticommutation rela- tion. The Majorana Ising spin density operator is given bys(r) := ψT(r)(σ/2)ψ(r) = (0 ,0,−iψ→(r)ψ←(r)) (See the Supplemental Material for details [19]). The anisotropy of the Majorana Ising spin is the hallmark of the surface Majorana modes on the TSC surface. The second term HFIdescries the bulk FI and is given by the ferromagnetic Heisenberg model, HFI=− JX ⟨n,m⟩Sn·Sm−ℏγhdcX nSZ n, (3) where J>0 is the exchange coupling constant, Snis the localized spin at site n,⟨n, m⟩means summation for near- est neighbors, γis the electron gyromagnetic ratio, and hdcis the static external magnetic field. We consider the spin dynamics of the localized spin under microwave irra- diation, applying the spin-wave approximation. This al- lows the spin excitation to be described by a free bosonic operator, known as a magnon [20].The third term Hexrepresents the proximity exchange coupling at the interface between the TSC and the FI, Hex=−Z drX nJ(r,rn)s(r)·Sn=HZ+HT,(4) HZ=−cosϑZ drX nJ(r,rn)sz(r)SZ n, (5) HT=−sinϑZ drX nJ(r,rn)sz(r)SX n, (6) where the angle ϑis shown in Fig. 1 (a). HZis the coupling along the precession axis and HTis the coupling perpendicular to the precession axis. In our setup, HZ leads to gap opening of the energy spectrum of the surface Majorana modes and HTgives the DMISR under the microwave irradiation. Dynamical Majorana Ising spin response.— We con- sider the microwave irradiation on the FI. The coupling between the localized spins and the microwave is given by V(t) =−ℏγhacX n SX ncosωt−SY nsinωt ,(7) where hacis the microwave amplitude, and ωis the mi- crowave frequency. The microwave irradiation leads to the precessional motion of the localized spin. When the frequency of the precessional motion and the microwave coincide, the FMR occurs. The FMR leads to the DMISR via the exchange interaction. The DMISR is character- ized by the dynamic spin susceptibility of the Majorana modes, ˜ χzz(q, ω), defined as ˜χzz(q, ω) :=Z dre−iq·rZ dtei(ω+i0)tχzz(r, t),(8) where χzz(r, t) := −(L2/iℏ)θ(t)⟨[sz(r, t), sz(0,0)]⟩ with the interface area L2and the spin den- sity operator in the interaction picture, sz(r, t) = ei(HM+HZ)t/ℏsz(r)e−i(HM+HZ)t/ℏ. For the exchange cou- pling, we consider configuration average and assume ⟨P nJ(r,rn)⟩ave=J1, which means that HZis treated as a uniform Zeeman like interaction and the interface is specular [21]. Using eigenstates of Eq. (2) and after a straightforward calculation, the uniform spin susceptibil- ity is given by ˜χzz(0, ω) =−X k,λ|⟨k, λ|σz|k,−λ⟩|2f(Ek,λ)−f(Ek,−λ) 2Ek,λ+ℏω+i0, → −Z dED (E)E2−M2 2E2f(E)−f(−E) 2E+ℏω+i0, (9) where |k, λ⟩is an eigenstate of HMwith eigenenergy Ek,λ=λp (ℏvk)2+M2, (λ=±).M=J1Scosϑis the Majorana gap, f(E) = 1 /(eE/kBT+ 1) is the Fermi3 distribution function, and D(E) is the density of states given by D(E) =L2 2π(ℏv)2|E|θ(|E| − |M|), (10) with the Heaviside step function θ(x). It is important to note that the behavior of the uniform spin susceptibil- ity is determined by the interband contribution, which is proportional to the Fermi distribution function, i.e., the contribution of the occupied states. This mechanism is similar to the Van Vleck paramagnetism [22]. The con- tribution of the occupied states often plays a crucial role in topological responses [23]. Replacing the localized spin operators with their statis- tical average values, we find the induced Majorana Ising spin density, to the first order of J1S, is given by Z dr⟨sz(r, t)⟩= ˜χzz 0(0,0)J1Scosϑ + Re[˜ χzz 0(0, ω)]hac αhdcJ1Ssinϑsinωt, (11) where ˜ χzz 0(0,0) is the spin susceptibility for M= 0. The first term originates from HZand gives a static spin den- sity, while the second term originates from HTand gives a dynamic spin density. Figure 2 shows the induced Ising spin density as a function of time at several angles. As shown in Eq. (11), the Ising spin density consists of the static and dynamic components. The dynamic compo- nent is induced by the precessional motion of the local- ized spin, which means one can induce the DMISR using the dynamics of the localized spin. The inset in Fig. 2 shows Im˜ χzz(0, ω) as a function of ϑat a fixed frequency. When the frequency ℏωis smaller than the Majorana gap, Im˜ χzz(0, ω) is zero. Once the frequency overcomes the Majorana gap, Im˜ χzz(0, ω) be- comes finite. The implications of these behaviors are that if the magnon energy is smaller than the Majorana gap, there is no energy dissipation due to the DMISR. How- ever, once the magnon energy exceeds the Majorana gap, finite energy dissipation associated with the DMISR oc- curs at the surface of the TSC. Therefore, one can toggle between dissipative and non-dissipative Majorana Ising spin dynamics by adjusting the precession axis angle and the microwave frequency. FMR modulation.— The retarded component of the magnon Green’s function is given by GR(rn, t) = −(i/ℏ)θ(t)⟨[S+ n(t), S− 0(0)]⟩with the interaction picture S± n(t) =eiHFIt/ℏS± ne−iHFIt/ℏ. The FMR signal is char- acterized by the spectral function defined as A(q, ω) :=−1 πIm"X ne−iq·rnZ dtei(ω+i0)tGR(rn, t)# . (12) SSImχzz(0, ω) ˜⟨s z⟩ 2 1ωtϑ FInon-dissipativenon-dissipativedissipativedissipativeTSC FITSC000.00.51.0 π/4 π/2 0 π/4 π/20 ϑ2π πFIG. 2. The induced Ising spin density, with a unit ˜χzz 0(0,0)J1S, is presented as a function of ωtandϑ. The frequency and temperature are set to ℏω/J1S= 1.5 and kBT/J 1S= 0.1, respectively. The coefficient, hac/αhdc, is set to 0 .3. The static Majorana Ising spin density arises from HZ. When the precession axis deviates from the di- rection perpendicular to the interface, the precessional mo- tion of the localized spins results in the dynamical Majorana Ising spin response (DMISR). Energy dissipation due to the DMISR is zero for small angles ϑas the Majorana gap ex- ceeds the magnon energy. However, once the magnon energy overcomes the Majorana gap, the energy dissipation becomes finite. Therefore, one can toggle between dissipative and non- dissipative DMISR by adjusting ϑ. For uniform external force, the spectral function is given by A(0, ω) =2S ℏ1 π(α+δα)ω [ω−γ(hdc+δh)]2+ [(α+δα)ω]2. (13) The peak position and width of the FMR signal is given byhdc+δhandα+δα, respectively. hdcandαcorre- spond to the peak position and the linewidth of the FMR signal of the FI alone. δhandδαare the FMR modu- lations due to the exchange interaction HT. We treat HM+HFI+HZas an unperturbed Hamiltonian and HT as a perturbation. In this work, we assume the specular interface, where the coupling J(r,rn) is approximated asDP n,n′J(r,rn)J(r′,rn′)E ave=J2 1. The dynamics of the localized spins in the FI is modulated due to the interaction between the localized spins and the Majo- rana Ising spins. In our setup, the peak position and the linewidth of the FMR signal are modulated and the FMR4 modulation is given by δh= sin2ϑSJ2 1 2NγℏRe˜χzz(0, ω), (14) δα= sin2ϑSJ2 1 2NℏωIm˜χzz(0, ω), (15) where Nis the total number of sites in the FI. These for- mulas were derived in the study of the FMR in magnetic multilayer systems including superconductors. One can extract the spin property of the Majorana mode from the data on δhandδα. Because of the Ising spin anisotropy, the FMR modulation exhibits strong anisotropy, where the FMR modulation is proportional to sin2ϑ. Figure 3 shows the FMR modulations (a) δαand (b) δh. The FMR modulation at a fixed frequency increases with angle ϑand reaches a maximum at π/2, as can be read from Eqs. (14) and (15). When the angle ϑis fixed and the frequency ωis increased, δαbecomes finite above a certain frequency at which the energy of the magnon coincides with the Majorana gap. When ϑ < π/ 2 and ℏω≈2M,δαlinearly increases as a function of ωjust above the Majorana gap. The localized spin damping is enhanced when the magnon energy exceeds the Majorana gap. At ϑ=π/2 and ω≈0, the Majorana gap vanishes andδαis proportional to ω/T. In the high frequency region ℏω/J 1S≫1,δαconverges to its upper threshold. The frequency shift δhis almost independent of ωand has a finite value even in the Majorana gap. This behav- ior is analogous to the interband contribution to the spin susceptibility in strongly spin-orbit coupled band insula- tors, and is due to the fact that the effective Hamiltonian of the Majorana modes includes spin operators. It is im- portant to emphasize that although the Majorana modes have spin degrees of freedom, only the zcomponent of the spin density operator is well defined. This is a hallmark of Majorana modes, which differs significantly from elec- trons in ordinary solids. Note that δhis proportional to the energy cutoff, which is introduced to converge energy integral for Re˜ χzz(0, ω). The energy cutoff corresponds to the bulk superconducting gap, which is estimated as ∆∼0.1[meV] ( ∼1[K]). Therefore, our results are ap- plicable in the frequency region below ℏω∼0.1[meV] (∼30[GHz]). In addition, we assume that Majorana gap is estimated to be J1S∼0.01[meV] ( ∼0.1[K]). Discussion.— Comparing the present results with spin pumping (SP) in a conventional metal-ferromagnet hy- brid, the qualitative behaviors are quite different. In con- ventional metals, spin accumulation occurs due to FMR. In contrast, in the present system, no corresponding spin accumulation occurs due to the Ising anisotropy. Also, in the present calculations, the proximity-induced exchange coupling is assumed to be an isotropic Heisenberg-like coupling. However, in general, the interface interaction can also be anisotropic. Even in such a case, it is no qual- itative change in the case of ordinary metals, although a 0.00.5 (a) (b) ϑℏω/J1S 0 π/4 π/2024 ϑℏω/J1S 0 π/4 π/2024δ α δ h10 0FIG. 3. The temperature is set to kBT/J 1S= 0.1. (a) The damping modulation δαonly becomes finite when the magnon energy exceeds the Majorana gap; otherwise, it van- ishes. This behavior corresponds to the energy dissipation of the Majorana Ising spin. (b) The peak shift is finite, except forϑ= 0, and is almost independent of ω. This behavior resembles the spin response observed in strongly spin-orbit coupled band insulators, where the interband contribution to spin susceptibility results in a finite spin response, even within the energy gap. correction term due to anisotropy is added [24]. There- fore, the Ising anisotropy discussed in the present work is a property unique to the Majorana modes and can characterize the Majorana excitations. Let us comment on the universal nature of the toggling between non-dissipative and dissipative dynamical spin responses observed in our study. Indeed, such toggling becomes universally feasible when the microwave fre- quency and the energy gap are comparable, and when the Hamiltonian and spin operators are non-commutative, indicating that spin is not a conserved quantity. The non-commutativity can be attributed to the presence of spin-orbit couplings [25–27], and spin-triplet pair corre- lations [28]. Microwave irradiation leads to heating within the FI, so that thermally excited magnons due to the heating could influence the DMISR. Phenomena resulting from the heating, which can affect interface spin dynamics, in- clude the spin Seebeck effect (SSE) [29], where a spin current is generated at the interface due to a tempera- ture difference. In hybrid systems of normal metal and FI, methods to separate the inverse spin Hall voltage due to SP from other signals caused by heating have been well studied [30]. Especially, it has been theoretically proposed that SP and SSE signals can be separated us- ing a spin current noise measurement [24]. Moreover, SP coherently excites specific modes, which qualitatively dif- fers from SSE induced by thermally excited magnons [14]. Therefore, even if heating occurs in the FI in our setup, the properties of Majorana Ising spins are expected to be captured. Details of the heating effect on the DMISR will be examined in the near future. We also mention the experimental feasibility of our the- oretical proposals. As we have already explained, the FMR modulation is a very sensitive spin probe. Indeed, the FMR modulation by surface states of 3D topological5 insulators [31] and graphene [32–36] has been reported experimentally. Therefore, we expect that the enhanced Gilbert damping due to Majorana Ising spin can be ob- servable in our setup when the thickness of the ferromag- netic insulator is sufficiently thin. Finally, it is pertinent to mention the potential candi- date materials where surface Majorana Ising spins could be detectable. Notably, UTe 2[37], Cu xBi2Se3[38, 39], SrxBi2Se3and Nb xBi2Se3[40] are reported to be in a p- wave superconducting state and theoretically can host surface Majorana Ising spins. Recent NMR measure- ments indicate that UTe 2could be a bulk p-wave su- perconductor in the Balian-Werthamer state [41], which hosts the surface Majorana Ising spins with the per- pendicular Ising anisotropy, as considered in this work. AxBi2Se3(A= Cu, Sr, Nb) is considered to possess in- plane Ising anisotropy [8], differing from the perpendic- ular Ising anisotropy explored in this work. Therefore, we expect that it exhibits anisotropy different from that demonstrated in this work. Conclusion.— We present herein a study of the spin dynamics in a topological superconductor (TSC)-magnet hybrid. Ferromagnetic resonance under microwave irra- diation leads to the dynamically induced Majorana Ising spin density on the TSC surface. One can toggle between dissipative and non-dissipative Majorana Ising spin dy- namics by adjusting the external magnetic field angle and the microwave frequency. Therefore, our setup provides a platform to detect and control Majorana excitations. We expect that our results provide insights toward the development of future quantum computing and spintron- ics devices using Majorana excitations. Acknowledgments.— The authors are grateful to R. Shindou for valuable discussions. This work is partially supported by the Priority Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Grant No. XDB28000000. We acknowl- edge JSPS KAKENHI for Grants (Nos. JP20K03835, JP21H01800, JP21H04565, and JP23H01839). SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL Surface Majorana modes In this section, we describe the procedure for deriv- ing the effective Hamiltonian of the surface Majorana modes. We start with the bulk Hamiltonian of a three- dimensional topological superconductor. Based on the bulk Hamiltonian, we solve the BdG equation to demon- strate the existence of a surface-localized solution. Us- ing this solution, we expand the field operator and show that it satisfies the Majorana condition when the bulk excitations are neglected. As a result, on energy scales much smaller than the bulk superconducting gap, the low-energy excitations are described by surface-localized Majorana modes. The above procedure is explained inmore detail in the following. Note that we use rfor three- dimensional coordinates and r∥for two-dimensional ones in the Supplemental Material. We start with the mean-field Hamiltonian given by HSC=1 2Z drΨ† BdG(r)HBdGΨBdG(r), (16) withr= (x, y, z ). We consider the Balian-Werthamer (BW) state, in which the pair potential is given by ∆ˆk=∆ kF ˆk·σ iσywith the bulk superconducting gap ∆. Here, we do not discuss the microscopic origin of the pair correlation leading to the BW state. As a result, the BdG Hamiltonian HBdGis given by HBdG= εˆk−EF 0 −∆ kFˆk−∆ kFˆkx 0 εˆk−EF∆ kFˆkx∆ kFˆk+ −∆ kFˆk+∆ kFˆkx−εˆk+EF 0 ∆ kFˆkx∆ kFˆk− 0 −εˆk+EF , (17) with ˆk±=ˆky±iˆkz,ˆk=−i∇, and εˆk=ℏ2ˆk2 2m. The four component Nambu spinor ΨBdG(r) is given by ΨBdG(r) := Ψ→(r) Ψ←(r) Ψ† →(r) Ψ† ←(r) , (18) with the spin quantization axis along the xaxis. The matrices of the spin operators are represented as σx=1 0 0−1 , (19) σy= 0 1 1 0 , (20) σz=0−i i0 . (21) The fermion field operators satisfy the anticommutation relations {Ψσ(r),Ψσ′(r′)}= 0, (22) {Ψσ(r),Ψ† σ′(r′)}=δσσ′δ(r−r′), (23) with the spin indices σ, σ′=→,←. To diagonalize the BdG Hamiltonian, we solve the BdG equation given by HBdGΦ(r) =EΦ(r). (24) We assume that a solution is written as Φ(r) =eik∥·r∥f(z) u→ u← v→ v← , (25)6 withk∥= (kx, ky) and r∥= (x, y). If we set the four components vector to satisfy the following equation (Ma- jorana condition) 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 u→ u← v→ v← =± u→ u← v→ v← , (26) we can obtain a surface-localized solution. If we take a positive (negative) sign, we obtain a solution localized on the top surface (bottom surface). As we will consider solutions localized on the bottom surface below, we take a negative sign. Finally, we obtain the normalized eigen- vectors of the BdG equation given by Φλ,k∥(r) =eik∥·r∥ √ L2fk∥(z)uλ,k∥, (27) with fk∥(z) =Nk∥sin(k⊥z)e−κz, (28) Nk∥=s 4κ(k2 ⊥+κ2) k2 ⊥, (29) κ=m∆ ℏ2kF, (30) k⊥=q k2 F−k2 ∥−κ2, (31) and u+,k∥= u+,→k∥ u+,←k∥ v+,→k∥ v+,←k∥ =1√ 2 sinϕk∥+π/2 2 −cosϕk∥+π/2 2 −sinϕk∥+π/2 2 cosϕk∥+π/2 2 ,(32) u−,k∥= u−,→k∥ u−,←k∥ v−,→k∥ v−,←k∥ =1√ 2 −cosϕk∥+π/2 2 −sinϕk∥+π/2 2 cosϕk∥+π/2 2 sinϕk∥+π/2 2 .(33) The eigenenergy is given by Eλ,k∥=λ∆k∥/kF. We can show that the eigenvectors satisfy u−,−k∥=u+,k∥. (34) Consequently, the field operator is expanded as ΨBdG(r) =X k∥ γk∥eik∥·r∥ √ L2+γ† k∥e−ik∥·r∥ √ L2 ×fk∥(z)u+,k∥+ (bulk modes) ,(35) where γk∥(γ† k∥) is the quasiparticle creation (annihila- tion) operator with the eigenenergy E+,k∥. Substitutingthe above expression into Eq. (16) with omission of bulk modes and performing the integration in the z-direction, we obtain the effective Hamiltonian for the surface states HM=1 2Z dr∥ψT(r∥) ℏvˆkyσx−ℏvˆkxσy ψ(r∥),(36) where v= ∆/ℏkFand we introduced the two component Majorana field operator ψ(r∥) =ψ→(r∥) ψ←(r∥) , (37) satisfying the Majorana condition ψσ(r∥) =ψ† σ(r∥), (38) and the anticommutation relation n ψσ(r∥), ψσ′(r′ ∥)o =δσσ′δ(r∥−r′ ∥). (39) The spin density operator of the Majorana mode is given by s(r∥) =ψ†(r∥)σ 2ψ(r∥). (40) Thexcomponent is given by sx(r∥) = ψ† →(r∥), ψ† ←(r∥)1/2 0 0−1/2ψ→(r∥) ψ←(r∥) =1 2 ψ† →(r∥)ψ→(r∥)−ψ† ←(r∥)ψ←(r∥) =1 2 ψ2 →(r∥)−ψ2 ←(r∥) = 0. (41) In a similar manner, the yandzcomponents are given by sy(r∥) = ψ† →(r∥), ψ† ←(r∥)0 1/2 1/2 0ψ→(r∥) ψ←(r∥) =1 2 ψ† →(r∥)ψ←(r∥) +ψ† ←(r∥)ψ→(r∥) =1 2 ψ→(r∥), ψ←(r∥) = 0, (42) and sz(r∥) = ψ† →(r∥), ψ† ←(r∥)0−i/2 i/2 0ψ→(r∥) ψ←(r∥) =−i 2 ψ† →(r∥)ψ←(r∥)−ψ† ←(r∥)ψ→(r∥) =−iψ→(r∥)ψ←(r∥), (43) respectively. As a result, the spin density operator is given by s(r∥) = 0,0,−iψ→(r∥)ψ←(r∥) . (44) One can see that the spin density of the Majorana mode is Ising like.7 Majorana Ising spin dynamics In this section, we calculate the Ising spin density in- duced on the TSC surface by the proximity coupling Hex. Hexconsists of two terms, HZandHT.HZleads to the static spin density and HTleads to the dynamic spin density. First, we calculate the static spin density. Next, we calculate the dynamic spin density. The total spin density operator is given by sz tot=Z dr∥sz(r∥). (45) The statistical average of the static spin density is calcu- lated as ⟨sz tot⟩=−X k∥M 2Ek∥ f(Ek∥)−f(−Ek∥) → −L 2πℏv2Z∆ MEdEZ2π 0dϕM 2E[f(E)−f(−E)] =−Z∆ 0dED (E)f(E)−f(−E) 2EM. (46) At the zero temperature limit T→0, the static spin density is given by ⟨sz tot⟩=1 2L2 2π(ℏv)2(∆−M)M≈˜χzz 0(0,0)M, (47) where ˜ χzz 0(0,0) = D(∆)/2 and we used ∆ ≫M. The dynamic spin density is given by the perturbative force HT(t) =Z dr∥sz(r∥)F(r∥, t), (48) where F(r∥, t) is given by F(r∥, t) =−sinϑX nJ(r∥,rn) SX n(t) ≈ −sinϑJ1Sγhacp (ω−γhdc)2+α2ω2cosωt =:Fcosωt. (49) The time dependent statistical average of the Ising spin density, to the first order of J1S, is given by Z dr∥ sz(r∥, t) =Z dr∥Z dr′ ∥Z dt′χzz(r∥−r′ ∥, t′)F(r′ ∥, t−t′) = Re ˜χzz(0, ω)Fe−iωt ≈Re[˜χzz 0(0, ω)]Fcosωt, (50) where we used Re˜ χzz 0(0, ω)≫Im˜χzz 0(0, ω). The real part of ˜χzz(0, ω) is given by Re˜χzz(0, ω) =−PZ dED (E)E2−M2 2E2f(E)−f(−E) 2E+ℏω, (51)where Pmeans the principal value. When the integrand is expanded with respect to ω, the lowest order correc- tion term becomes quadratic in ω. In the frequency range considered in this work, this correction term is signifi- cantly smaller compared to the static spin susceptibility Re˜χzz(0,0). Therefore, the spin susceptibility exhibits almost no frequency dependence and remains constant as a function of ω. The imaginary part of ˜ χzz(0, ω) is given by Im˜χzz(0, ω) =πD(ℏω/2)(ℏω/2)2−M2 2(ℏω/2)2[f(−ℏω/2)−f(ℏω/2)]. (52) FMR modulation due to the proximity exchange coupling In this section, we provide a brief explanation for the derivation of the FMR modulations δhandδα. The FMR modulations can be determined from the retarded com- ponent of the magnon Green’s function, which is given by ˜GR(k, ω) =2S/ℏ ω−ωk+iαω−(2S/ℏ)ΣR(k, ω),(53) where we introduce the Gilbert damping constant αphe- nomenologically. In the second-order perturbation calcu- lation with respect to HT, the self-energy is given by ΣR(k, ω) =−sinϑ 22X q∥|˜J(q∥,k)|2˜χzz(q∥, ω),(54) where ˜J(q∥,0) is given by ˜J(q∥,k) =1 L2√ NZ dr∥X nJ(r∥,rn)ei(q∥·r∥+k·rn) (55) The pole of ˜GR(k, ω) signifies the FMR modulations, including both the frequency shift and the enhanced Gilbert damping. These are given by δh=2S γℏReΣR(0, ω), δα =−2S ℏωImΣR(0, ω).(56) From the above equations and Eq. (54), it is apparent that FMR modulations provide information regarding both the properties of the interface coupling and the dy- namic spin susceptibility of the Majorana modes. The form of matrix element ˜J(q∥,0) depends on the details of the interface. In this work, we assume the specular interface. |˜J(q∥,0)|2is given by |˜J(q∥,0)|2=J2 1 Nδq∥,0. (57)8 Using Eq. (57), the self-energy for the uniform magnon mode is given by ΣR(0, ω) =−sinϑ 22J2 1 N˜χzz(0, ω). (58) [1] F. Wilczek, Nat. Phys. 5, 614 (2009). [2] A. Yazdani, F. von Oppen, B. I. Halperin, and A. Ya- coby, Science 380, eade0850 (2023). [3] S. B. Chung and S.-C. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 235301 (2009). [4] M. Sato and S. Fujimoto, Phys. Rev. B 79, 094504 (2009). [5] Y. Nagato, S. Higashitani, and K. Nagai, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn.78, 123603 (2009). [6] R. Shindou, A. Furusaki, and N. Nagaosa, Phys. Rev. B 82, 180505 (2010). [7] K. Shiozaki and M. Sato, Phys. Rev. B 90, 165114 (2014). [8] Y. Xiong, A. Yamakage, S. 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superconductor-magnet hybrid under microwave irradiation. We find a method to
toggle between dissipative and non-dissipative Majorana Ising spin dynamics by
adjusting the external magnetic field angle and the microwave frequency. This
reflects the topological nature of the Majorana modes, enhancing the Gilbert
damping of the magnet, thereby, providing a detection method for the Majorana
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paving the path to innovative spin devices. | Dynamical Majorana Ising spin response in a topological superconductor-magnet hybrid by microwave irradiation | 2308.05955v2 |
arXiv:1604.07552v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 26 Apr 2016First principles studies of the Gilbert damping and exchang e interactions for half-metallic Heuslers alloys Jonathan Chico,1,∗Samara Keshavarz,1Yaroslav Kvashnin,1Manuel Pereiro,1Igor Di Marco,1Corina Etz,2Olle Eriksson,1Anders Bergman,1and Lars Bergqvist3,4 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Materials Theory Divi sion, Uppsala University, Box 516, SE-75120 Uppsala, Sweden 2Department of Engineering Sciences and Mathematics, Materials Science Division, Lule˚ a University of Technolo gy, Lule˚ a, Sweden 3Department of Materials and Nano Physics, School of Informa tion and Communication Technology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Electrum 229, SE-16440 K ista, Sweden 4SeRC (Swedish e-Science Research Center), KTH Royal Instit ute of Technology, SE-10044 Stockholm, Sweden (Dated: September 28, 2018) Heusler alloys havebeen intensivelystudied dueto thewide varietyof properties thatthey exhibit. One of these properties is of particular interest for techno logical applications, i.e. the fact that some Heusler alloys are half-metallic. In the following, a syste matic study of the magnetic properties of three different Heusler families Co 2MnZ, Co 2FeZ and Mn 2VZ with Z = (Al, Si, Ga, Ge) is per- formed. A key aspect is the determination of the Gilbert damp ing from first principles calculations, with special focus on the role played by different approximat ions, the effect that substitutional disorder and temperature effects. Heisenberg exchange inte ractions and critical temperature for the alloys are also calculated as well as magnon dispersion r elations for representative systems, the ferromagnetic Co 2FeSi and the ferrimagnetic Mn 2VAl. Correlations effects beyond standard density-functional theory are treated using both the local spin density approximation including the Hubbard Uand the local spin density approximation plus dynamical mea n field theory approx- imation, which allows to determine if dynamical self-energ y corrections can remedy some of the inconsistencies which were previously reported for these a lloys. I. INTRODUCTION The limitations presented by traditional electronic de- vices, such as Joule heating, which leads to higher en- ergyconsumption, leakagecurrentsandpoorscalingwith size amongothers1, havesparkedprofoundinterest in the fields of spintronics and magnonics. Spintronics applica- tions rely in the transmission of information in both spin and charge degrees of freedom of the electron, whilst in magnonics information is transmitted via magnetic exci- tations, spin waves or magnons. Half-metallic materials with a large Curie temperature are of great interest for these applications. Due to the fact that they are con- ductors in only one of the spin channels makes them ideal candidates for possible devices2. Half-metals also have certain advantages for magnonic applications, due to the fact that they are insulators in a spin channel and thus can have a smaller total density of states at the Fermi energy than metals. This can result into a small Gilbert damping, which is an instrumental prerequisite for magnonic applications3. The name “full Heusler alloys”refer to a set of com- pounds with formula X 2YZ with X and Y typically being transition metals4. The interest in them stems from the factthattheirpropertiescanbecompletelydifferentfrom those of their constituents. Heusler compounds can be superconducting5(Pd2YSn), semiconductors6(TiCoSb), half-metallic7(Co2MnSi), and can show a wide array of magnetic configurations: ferromagnetic7(Co2FeSi), fer- rimagnetic8(Mn2VAl) or antiferromagnetic9(CrMnSb). Due to such a wide variety of behaviours, full Heusleralloys have been studied in great detail since their dis- covery in 1903, leading to the discovery of new Heusler families such as the half-Heuslers, with formula XYZ, and the inverse Heuslers, with formula X 2YZ. The lat- ter tend to exhibit a different crystal structure and have been predicted to show quite remarkable properties10. Many Heusler alloys have also been predicted to be half-metallic, in particular Co 2MnSi has been the focus ofmany theoreticaland experimental works7,11,12, due to its large Curie temperature of 985 K13, half-metallicity and low damping parameter, which makes it an ideal candidate for possible spintronic applications. Despite the large amount of research devoted to the half-metallic Heusleralloys,suchasCo 2MnSi, onlyrecentlytheoretical predictions of the Gilbert damping parameter have been made for some Heusler alloys14,15. In the present work first principle calculations of the full Heusler families Co 2MnZ, Co 2FeZ and Mn 2VZ with Z = (Al, Si, Ga, Ge) are performed, with special empha- sis on the determination of the Gilbert damping and the interatomic exchange interactions. A study treatment of thesystemswithdifferentexchangecorrelationpotentials is also performed. The paper is organized as follows, in section II the computational methods used are presented. Then, in section III, magnetic moments and spectral properties are discussed. In section IV the results for the exchange stiffness parameter, the critical temperature obtained via MonteCarlosimulationsandmagnondispersionrelations are presented. Finally in section V, the calculated damp- ing parameter for the different Heusler is presented and2 discussed. II. COMPUTATIONAL METHODS The full Heusler alloys(X 2YZ) havea crystalstructure given by the space group Fm-3m with X occupying the Wyckoffposition 8c (1 4,1 4,1 4), while Ysits in the 4a(0,0,0) and Z in the 4b (1 2,1 2,1 2). To determine the properties of the systems first prin- ciples electronic structure calculations were performed. They were mainly done by means of the Korringa-Kohn- Rostocker Green’s function formalism as implemented in the SPR-KKRpackage16. The shape ofthe potential was considered by using both the Atomic Sphere Approxi- mation (ASA) and a full potential (FP) scheme. The calculations of exchange interactions were performed in scalar relativistic approximation while the full relativis- tic Dirac equation was used in the damping calculations. The exchange correlation functional was treated using both the Local Spin Density Approximation (LSDA), as considered by Vosko, Wilk, and Nusair (VWN)17, and the Generalized Gradient Approximation (GGA), as de- vised by Perdew, Burke and Ernzerhof (PBE)18. For cases in which substitutional disorder is considered, the Coherent Potential Approximation (CPA) is used19,20. Static correlation effects beyond LSDA or GGA are taken into account by using the LSDA+ Uapproach, wherethe Kohn-ShamHamiltonianissupplemented with an additional term describing local Hubbard interac- tions21, for thed-states of Co, Mn and Fe. The U-matrix describing this on-site interactions was parametrized through the Hubbard parameter Uand the Hund ex- changeJ, using values UCo=UMn=UFe= 3 eV and JCo=JMn=JFe= 0.8 eV, which are in the range of the values considered in previous theoretical studies13,22–24. This approach is used for the Heusler alloys families Co2MnZ and Co 2FeZ, as previous studies have shown that for systems such as Co 2FeSi it might be necessary to reproduce several experimental observations, although, this topic is still up for debate23. Since part of correla- tioneffectsofthe3 dorbitalsisalreadyincludedinLSDA, their contribution has to be subtracted before adding the +Uself-energy. This contribution to be removed is usu- ally called “double-counting”(DC) correction and there is no unique way of defining it (see e.g. Ref. 25). We have used two of the most widely used schemes for the DC, namely the Atomic Limit (AL), also known as Fully Localized Limit (FLL)26, and the Around Mean Field (AMF)27. The dependence of the results on this choice will be extensively discussed in the following sections. In order to shine some light on the importance of the dynamical correlations for the magnetic properties of the selected Heusler alloys, a series of calculations were performed in the framework of DFT plus Dynami- cal Mean Field Theory (DMFT)28,29, as implemented in the full-potential linear muffin-tin orbital (FP-LMTO) code RSPt30. As for LSDA+ U, the DMFT calculationsare performed for a selected set of metal 3 dorbitals on top of the LSDA solution in a fully charge self-consistent manner.31,32Theeffectiveimpurityproblem, whichisthe core of the DMFT, is solved through the spin-polarized T-matrix fluctuation-exchange (SPTF) solver33. This type of solver is perturbative and is appropriate for the systems with moderate correlationeffects, where U/W < 1 (Wdenotes the bandwidth).34Contrary to the prior DMFT studies35,36, we have performed the perturba- tion expansion of the Hartree-Fock-renormalizedGreen’s function ( GHF) and not of the bare one. Concerning the DC correction, we here use both the FLL approach, de- scribed above, as well as the so-called “Σ(0)”correction. In the latter case, the orbitally-averaged static part of the DMFT self-energy is removed, which is often a good choice for metals29,37. Finally, in order to extract infor- mationaboutthemagneticexcitationsin thesystems, we have performed a mapping onto an effective Heisenberg Hamiltonian ˆH=−/summationdisplay i/negationslash=jJij/vector ei/vector ej, (1) whereJijis anexchangeinteractionbetweenthe spinslo- cated at site iandj, while the /vector ei(/vector ej) representsthe unity vectoralongthe magnetizationdirectionatsite i (j). The exchange parameters then are computed by making use of the well established LKAG (Liechtenstein, Katsnel- son, Antropov, and Gubanov) formalism, which is based on the magnetic force theorem38–40. More specific de- tails about the implementation of the LKAG formalism in RSPt can be found in Ref. 41. We also note that the performance of the RSPt method was recently published in Ref.42and it was found that the accuracy was similar to that of augmented plane wave methods. From the exchange interactions between magnetic atoms, it is possible to obtain the spin wave stiffness, D, which, for cubic systems is written as43 D=2 3/summationdisplay i,jJij√mimj|rij|2exp/parenleftbigg −ηrij alat/parenrightbigg ,(2) where the mi’s are the magnetic moments of a given atom,rijisthedistancebetweenthetwoconsideredmag- neticmoments, alatisthelatticeparameter, ηisaconver- gence parameter used to ensure the convergence of Eq. 2, the value of Dis taken under the limit η→0. To ensure the convergence of the summation, it is also important to take into consideration long range interactions. Hence the exchange interactions are considered up to 6 lattice constants from the central atom. The obtained exchange interactions were then used to calculate the critical temperature by making use of the Bindercumulant, obtainedfromMonteCarlosimulations as implemented in the UppASD package44. This was calculated for three different number of cell repetitions (10x10x10, 15x15x15 and 20x20x20), with the intersec- tion point determining the critical temperature of the system45.3 The Gilbert damping, α, is calculated via linear re- sponse theory46. Temperature effects in the scattering process of electrons are taken into account by consider- ing an alloy analogy model within CPA with respect to the atomic displacements and thermal fluctuations of the spin moments47. Vertex corrections are also considered here, because they provide the “scattering in”term of the Boltzmann equation and it corrects significant error in the damping, whenever there is an appreciable s-p or s-d scattering in the system16,48. From the calculated exchange interactions, the adia- batic magnon spectra (AMS) can be determined by cal- culating the Fourier transform of the interatomic ex- change interactions49. This is determined for selected cases and is compared with the magnon dispersion re- lation obtained from the dynamical structure factor, Sk(q,ω), resulting fromspin dynamics calculations. The Sk(q,ω) is obtained from the Fourier transform of the time and spatially displaced spin-spin correlation func- tion,Ck(r−r′,t)50 Sk(q,ω) =1√ 2πN/summationdisplay r,r′eiq·(r−r′)/integraldisplay∞ −∞eiωtCk(r−r′,t)dt. (3) The advantage of using the dynamical structure factor over the adiabatic magnon spectra is the capability of studying temperature effects as well as the influence of the damping parameter determined from first principles calculations or from experimental measurements. III. ELECTRONIC STRUCTURE The calculated spin magnetic moments for the selected systems are reported in Table I. These values are ob- tained from SPR-KKR with various approximations of the exchange correlation potential and for different geo- metrical shapes of the potential itself. For the Co 2MnZ family, when Z = (Si ,Ge), the obtained spin mag- netic moments do not seem to be heavily influenced by the choice of exchange correlation potential or potential shape. However, for Z = (Al ,Ga) a large variation is observed in the spin moment when one includes the Hub- bard parameter U. For the Co 2FeZ systems, a pronounced difference can be observed in the magnetic moments between the LSDA and the experimental values for Z = (Si ,Ge). Previ- ous theoretical works13,22,24suggested that the inclusion of a +Uterm is necessary to obtain the expected spin magnetic moments, but such a conclusion has been re- cently questioned23. To estimate which double counting schemewould be most suitableto treatcorrelationeffects in this class of systems, an interpolation scheme between the FLL and AMF treatments was tested, as described in Ref. 59 and implemented in the FP-LAPW package Elk60. It was found that both Co 2MnSi and Co 2FeSi are better described with the AMF scheme, as indicatedby their small αUparameter of ∼0.1 for both materials (αU= 0denotes completeAMF and αU= 1FLL), which is in agreement with the recent work by Tsirogiannis and Galanakis61. To test whether a more sophisticated way to treat cor- relation effects improves the description of these mate- rials, electronic structure calculations for Co 2MnSi and Co2FeSi using the DMFT scheme were performed. The LSDA+DMFT[Σ(0)] calculations yielded total spin mo- ments of 5.00 µBand 5.34 µBfor respectively Co 2MnSi and Co 2FeSi. These values are almost equal to those ob- tained in LSDA, which is also the case in elemental tran- sition metals32. As mentioned above for LSDA+ U, the choice of the DC is crucial for these systems. The main reason why no significant differences are found between DMFT and LSDA values is that the employed “Σ(0)”DC almost entirely preserves the static part of the exchange splitting obtained in LSDA62. For instance, by using FLL DC, we obtained a total magnetization of 5.00 µB and 5.61 µBin Co2MnSi and Co 2FeSi, respectively. We note that the spin moment of Co 2FeSi still does not reach the value expected from the Slater-Pauling rule, but the DMFT modifies it in a right direction, if albeit to a smaller degree that the LSDA+ Uschemes. Another important aspect of the presently studied sys- tems is the fact that they are predicted to be half- metallic. In Fig. 1, the density of states (DOS) for both Co 2MnSi and Co 2FeSi is presented using LSDA and LSDA+U. For Co 2MnSi, the DOS at the Fermi energy is observed to exhibit a very clear gap in one of the spin channels, in agreement with previous theoretical works7. For Co 2FeSi, instead a small pseudo-gap region is ob- served in one of the spin channels, but the Fermi level is located just at the edge of the boundary as shown in previous works24. Panels a) and b) of Fig. 1 also show that some small differences arise depending on the ASA or FP treatment. In particular, the gap in the minority spin channel is slightly reduced in ASA. When correlation effects are considered within the LSDA+Umethod, the observed band gap for Co 2MnSi becomes larger, while the Fermi level is shifted and still remainsin the gap. When applyingLSDA+ Uto Co2FeSi in the FLL scheme, EFis shifted farther away from the edgeofthe gap, whichexplainswhythemoment becomes almostanintegerasexpected fromtheSlater-Paulingbe- haviour7,24,63. Moreover,onecanseethatinASAthegap in the spin down channel is much smaller in comparison to the results obtained in FP. When the dynamical correlation effects are considered via DMFT, the overall shape of DOS remains to be quite similartothatofbareLSDA,especiallyclosetotheFermi level, as seen in Fig. A.1 in the Appendix A. This is re- lated to the fact that we use a perturbative treatment of the many-body effects, which favours Fermi-liquid be- haviour. Similarly to LSDA+ U, the LSDA+DMFT cal- culations result in the increased spin-down gaps, but the producedshiftofthebandsisnotaslargeasinLSDA+ U. This is quite natural, since the inclusion ofthe dynamical4 TABLE I. Summary of the spin magnetic moments obtained using different approximations as obtained from SPR-KKR for the Co2MnZ and Co 2FeZ families with Z = (Al ,Si,Ga,Ge). Different exchange correlation potential approximati ons and shapes of the potential have been used. The symbol†signifies that the Fermi energy is located at a gap in one of the spin channels. Quantity Co2MnAl Co 2MnGa Co 2MnSi Co 2MnGe Co 2FeAl Co 2FeGa Co 2FeSi Co 2FeGe alat[˚A] 5.75515.77515.65525.743535.730515.737515.640235.75054 mASA LDA[µB] 4.04†4.09†4.99†4.94†4.86†4.93†5.09 5.29 mASA GGA[µB] 4.09†4.15†4.99†4.96†4.93†5.00†5.37 5.53 mASA LDA+UAMF [µB] 4.02†4.08 4.98†4.98†4.94†4.99†5.19 5.30 mASA LDA+UFLL [µB] 4.77 4.90 5.02†5.11 5.22 5.36 5.86†5.94† mFP LDA[µB] 4.02†4.08†4.98†4.98†4.91†4.97†5.28 5.42 mFP GGA[µB] 4.03†4.11 4.98†4.99†4.98†5.01†5.55 5.70 mFP LDA+UAMF [µB] 4.59 4.99 4.98†5.13 5.12 5.40 5.98†5.98† mFP LDA+UFLL [µB] 4.03†4.17 4.99†4.99†4.99†5.09 5.86†5.98† mexp[µB] 4.04554.09564.96574.84574.96555.15576.00245.7458 0369n↑tot[sts./eV] 0 3 6 9 -6 -3 0 3n↓tot[sts./eV] E-EF[eV]ASA FPa) 0369n↑tot[sts./eV] 0 3 6 9 -6 -3 0 3n↓tot[sts./eV] E-EF[eV]ASA FPb ) 0369n↑tot[sts./eV] 0 3 6 9 -6 -3 0 3n↓tot[sts./eV] E-EF[eV]FP [FLL] FP [AMF]c) 0369n↑tot[sts./eV] 0 3 6 9 -6 -3 0 3n↓tot[sts./eV] E-EFASA [AMF] FP [FLL] FP [AMF]d ) [eV] FIG. 1. (Color online) Total density of states for different e xchange correlation potentials with the dashed line indica ting the Fermi energy, sub-figures a) and b) when LSDA is used for Co 2MnSi and Co 2FeSi respectively. Sub-figures c) and d) show the DOS when the systems (Co 2MnSi and Co 2FeSi respectively) are treated with LSDA+ U. It can be seen that the half metalicity of the materials can be affected by the shape of the potential a nd the choice of exchange correlation potential chosen. correlations usually tends to screen the static contribu- tions coming from LSDA+ U. According to Ref. 35 taking into account dynami- cal correlations in Co 2MnSi results in the emergence of the non-quasiparticle states (NQS’s) inside the minority- spin gap, which at finite temperature tend to decrease the spin polarisation at the Fermi level. These NQS’s were first predicted theoretically for model systems64and stem from the electron-magnon interactions, which are accounted in DMFT (for review, see Ref. 2). Our LSDA+DMFT results for Co 2MnSi indeed show the ap- pearance of the NQS’s, as evident from the pronounced imaginary part of the self-energy at the bottom of the conduction minority-spin band (see Appendix B). An analysis of the orbital decomposition of the self-energy reveals that the largest contribution to the NQS’s comes5 from the Mn- TEgstates. However, in our calculations, where the temperature was set to 300K, the NQS’s ap- peared above Fermi level and did not contribute to the system’s depolarization, in agreementwith the recent ex- perimental study12. We note that a half-metallic state with a magnetic moment of around 6 µBfor Co 2FeSi was reported in a previous LSDA+DMFT[FLL] study by Chadov et al.36. In their calculations, both LSDA+ Uand LSDA+DMFT calculations resulted in practically the same positions of the unoccupied spin-down bands, shifted to the higher energies as compared to LSDA. This is due to techni- cal differences in the treatment of the Hartree-Fock con- tributions to the SPTF self-energy, which in Ref. 36 is done separately from the dynamical contributions, while in this study a unified approach is used. Overall, the improvements in computational accuracy with respect to previousimplementationscouldberesponsiblefortheob- tained qualitative disagreement with respect to Refs. 35 and 36. Moreover, given that the results qualitatively depend on the choice of the DC term, the description of the electronic structure of Co 2FeSi is not conclusive. The discrepancies in the magnetic moments presented in Table I with respect to the experimental values can in part be traced back to details of the density of the states around the Fermi energy. The studied Heusler alloys are thought to be half-metallic, which in turn lead to inte- ger moments following the Slater-Pauling rule7. There- fore, any approximation that destroys half-metallicity will have a profound effect on their magnetic properties7. For example, for Co 2FeAl when the potential is treated in LSDA+ U[FLL] with ASA the Fermi energy is located at a sharp peak close to the edge of the band gap, de- stroyingthehalf-metallicstate(Seesupplementarymate- rial Fig.1). A similar situation occurs in LSDA+ U[AMF] with a full potential scheme. It is also worth mention- ing that despite the fact that the Fermi energy for many of these alloys is located inside the pseudo-gap in one of the spin channels, this does not ensure a full spin po- larization, which is instead observed in systems as e.g. Co2MnSi. Another important factor is the fact that EF can be close to the edge of the gap as in Co 2MnGa when the shape of the potential is considered to be given by ASA and the exchange correlation potential is dictated by LSDA, hence the half-metallicity of these alloys could be destroyed due to temperature effects. The other Heusler family investigated here is the ferri- magnetic Mn 2VZ with Z = (Al ,Si,Ga,Ge). The lattice constants used in the simulations correspond to either experimental or previous theoretical works. These data are reported in Table II together with appropriate ref- erences. Table II also illustrates the magnetic moments calculated using different exchange correlation potentials and shapes of the potential. It can be seen that in gen- eral there is a good agreement with previous works, re- sulting in spin moments which obey the Slater-Pauling behaviour. For these systems, the Mn atoms align themselves inTABLE II. Lattice constants used for the electronic struc- ture calculations and summary of the magnetic properties fo r Mn2VZ with Z = (Al ,Si,Ga,Ge). As for the ferromagnetic families, different shapes of the potential and exchange cor - relations potential functionals were used. The magnetic mo - ments follow quite well the Slater-Pauling behavior with al l the studied exchange correlation potentials. The symbol† signifies that the Fermi energy is located at a gap in one of the spin channels. Quantity Mn2VAl Mn 2VGa Mn 2VSi Mn 2VGe alat[˚A] 5.687655.905666.06656.09567 mASA LDA[µB] 1.87 1.97†1.00†0.99† mASA GGA[µB] 1.99†2.04†1.01†1.00† mFP LDA[µB] 1.92 1.95†0.99†0.99 mFP GGA[µB] 1.98†2.02†0.99†0.99† mexp[µB] — 1.8666— — an anti-parallel orientation with respect to the V mo- ments, resulting in a ferrimagnetic ground state. As for the ferromagnetic compounds, the DOS shows a pseu- dogap in one of the spin channels (see supplementary material Fig.8-9) indicating that at T= 0 K these com- poundscouldbehalf-metallic. An importantfactoristhe fact that the spin polarization for these systems is usu- ally considered to be in the opposite spin channel than for the ferromagneticalloys presently studied, henceforth the total magnetic moment is usually assigned to a neg- ative sign such that it complies with the Slater-Pauling rule7,65. IV. EXCHANGE INTERACTIONS AND MAGNONS In this section, the effects that different exchange cor- relation potentials and geometrical shapes of the poten- tial haveoverthe exchangeinteractionswill be discussed. A. Ferromagnetic Co 2MnZ and Co 2FeZ with Z= (Al,Si,Ga,Ge) In Table III the calculated spin wave stiffness, D, is shown. In general there is a good agreement between the calculated values for the Co 2MnZ family, with the obtained values using LSDA or GGA being somewhat larger than the experimental measurements. This is in agreement with the observations in the previous section, in which the same exchange correlation potentials were found to be able to reproducethe magnetic moments and half-metallicbehaviourfortheCo 2MnZfamily. Inpartic- ular, for Co 2MnSi the ASA calculations are in agreement with experiments68,69and previous theoretical calcula- tions70. It is important to notice that the experimen- tal measurements are performed at room temperature, which can lead to softening of the magnon spectra, lead- ing to a reduced spin wave stiffness.6 However, for the Co 2FeZ family neither LSDA or GGA can consistently predict the spin wave stiffness, with Z=(Al, Ga) resulting in an overestimated value of D, while for Co 2FeSi the obtained value is severely underes- timated. However, for some materials in this family, e.g. Co2FeGathespinwavestiffnessagreeswith previousthe- oretical results70. These data reflect the influence that certain approximations have on the location of the Fermi level, which previously has been shown to have profound effects on the magnitude of the exchange interactions71. This can be observed in the half-metallic Co 2MnSi; when it is treated with LSDA+ U[FLL] in ASA the Fermi level is located at the edge of the gap (see Fig. 1c). Result- ing in a severely underestimated spin wave stiffness with respect to both the LSDA value and the experimental measurements (see Table III). The great importance of the location of the Fermi energy on the magnetic proper- ties can be seen in the cases of Co 2MnAl and Co 2MnGa. In LSDA+ U[FLL], these systems show non integer mo- ments which are overestimated with respect to the ex- perimental measurements (see Table I), but also results in the exchange interactions of the system preferring a ferrimagnetic alignment. Even more the exchange inter- actions can be severely suppressed when the Hubbard U isused. Forexample, forCo 2MnGe inASAthe dominant interaction is between the Co-Mn moments, in LSDA the obtainedvalueis0.79mRy, while inLSDA+ U[FLL]isre- duced to 0.34 mRy, also, the nearest neighbour Co 1-Co2 exchange interaction changes from ferromagnetic to anti- ferromagnetic when going from LSDA to LSDA+ U[FLL] which lead the low values obtainedfor the spin wavestiff- ness. As will be discussed below also for the low Tcfor some of these systems. It is important to notice, that the systems that exhibit the largest deviation from the experimental values, are usually those that under a certain exchange correlation potential and potential geometry loosetheir half-metallic character. Such effect are specially noticeable when one compares LSDA+ U[FLL] results in ASA and FP, where half-metallicity is more easily lost in ASA due to the fact that the pseudogap is much smaller under this ap- proximation than under FP (see Fig. 1). In general, it is important to notice that under ASA the geometry of the potential is imposed, that is non-spherical contribu- tions to the potential are neglected. While this has been shown to be very successful to describe many properties, it does introduce an additional approximation which can lead to anill treatment ofthe properties ofsome systems. Hence, care must be placed when one is considering an ASA treatment for the potential geometry, since it can lead to large variations of the exchange interactions and thus is one of the causes of the large spread on the values observed in Table III for the exchange stiffness and in Table IV for the Curie temperature. One of the key factors behind the small values of the spin stiffness for Co 2FeSi and Co 2FeGe, in comparison with the rest of the Co 2FeZ family, lies in the fact that in LSDA and GGA an antiferromagnetic long-range Fe-Fe interaction is present (see Fig. C.2 in Appendix C). As the magnitude of the Fe-Fe interaction decreases the exchange stiffness increases, e.g. as in LSDA+ U[AMF] with afull potential scheme. Theseexchangeinteractions are one of the factors behind the reduced value of the stiffness, this is evident when comparing with Co 2FeAl, which while having similar nearest neighbour Co-Fe ex- change interactions, overall displays a much larger spin wave stiffness for most of the studied exchange correla- tion potentials. Using LSDA+DMFT[Σ(0)] for Co 2MnSi and Co 2FeSi, the obtained stiffness is 580 meV ˚A2and 280 meV ˚A2re- spectively, whilst in LSDA+DMFT[FLL] for Co 2MnSi thestiffnessis630meV ˚A2andforCo 2FeSiis282meV ˚A2. As can be seen for Co 2MnSi there is a good agree- ment between the KKR LSDA+ U[FLL], the FP-LMTO LSDA+DMFT[FLL] and the experimental values. The agreement with experiments is particularly good when correlation effects are considered as in the LSDA+DMFT[Σ(0)] approach. On the other hand, for Co2FeSi the spin wave stiffness is severely underesti- mated which is once again consistent with what is shown in Table III. Using the calculated exchange interactions, the criti- cal temperature, Tc, for each system can be calculated. Using the ASA, the Tcof both the Co 2MnZ and Co 2FeZ systems is consistently underestimated with respect to experimental results, as shown in Table IV. The same underestimation has been observed in previous theo- retical studies78, for systems such as Co 2Fe(Al,Si) and Co2Mn(Al,Si). However, using a full potential scheme instead leads to Curie temperatures in better agreement with the experimental values, specially when the ex- change correlation potential is considered to be given by the GGA (see Table IV). Such observation is consistent with what was previouslymentioned, regardingthe effect ofthe ASA treatmentonthe spin wavestiffness andmag- netic moments, where in certain cases, ASA was found to not be the best treatment to reproduce the experimen- tal measurements. As mentioned above, this is strongly related to the fact that in general ASA yields a smaller pseudogapin the half-metallic materials, leading to mod- ification of the exchange interactions. Thus, in general, a fullpotentialapproachseemstobeabletobetterdescribe the magnetic properties in the present systems, since the pseudogaparoundthe Fermienergyisbetter describedin a FP approach for a given choice of exchange correlation potential. The inclusionofcorrelationeffects forthe Co 2FeZfam- ily, lead to an increase of the Curie temperature, as for the spin stiffness. This is related to the enhancement of the interatomic exchange interactions as exemplified in the case of Co 2FeSi. However, the choice of DC once more is shown to greatly influence the magnetic proper- ties. For the Co 2FeZ family, AMF results in much larger Tcthan the FLL scheme, whilst for Co 2MnZ the dif- ferences are smaller, with the exception of Z=Al. All these results showcase how important a proper descrip-7 TABLE III. Summary of the spin wave stiffness, Dfor Co 2MnZ and Co 2FeZ with Z = (Al ,Si,Ga,Ge). For the Co 2MnZ family both LSDA and GGA exchange correlation potentials yield val ues close to the experimental measurements. However, for th e Co2FeZ family a larger data spread is observed. The symbol∗implies that the ground state for these systems was found to b e Ferri-magnetic from Monte-Carlo techniques and the critic al temperature presented here is calculated from the ferri- magnetic ground state. Quantity Co2MnAl Co 2MnGa Co 2MnSi Co 2MnGe Co 2FeAl Co 2FeGa Co 2FeSi Co 2FeGe DASA LDA[meV˚A2] 282 291 516 500 644 616 251 206 DASA GGA[meV˚A2] 269 268 538 515 675 415 267 257 DASA LDA+UFLL [meV ˚A2] 29∗487∗205 94 289 289 314 173 DASA LDA+UAMF [meV ˚A2] 259 318 443 417 553 588 235 214 DFP LDA[meV˚A2] 433 405 613 624 692 623 223 275 DFP GGA[meV˚A2] 483 452 691 694 740 730 323 344 DFP LDA+UFLL [meV ˚A2] 447 400 632 577 652 611 461 436 DFP LDA+UAMF [meV ˚A2] 216 348 583 579 771 690 557 563 Dexp[meV˚A2] 190722647357568-5346941374370754967671577— tion of the pseudogap region is in determining the mag- netic properties of the system. Another observation, is the fact that even if a given combination of exchange correlation potential and geo- metrical treatment of the potential can yield a value of Tcin agreementwith experiments, it does not necessarily means that the spin wave stiffness is correctly predicted (see Table III and Table IV). When considering the LSDA+DMFT[Σ(0)] scheme, critical temperatures of 688 K and 663 K are ob- tained for Co 2MnSi and Co 2FeSi, respectively. Thus, the values of the Tcare underestimated in compari- son with the LSDA+ Uor LSDA results. The reason for such behaviour becomes clear when one looks di- rectly on the Jij’s, computed with the different schemes, which are shown in Appendix C. These results sug- gest that taking into account the dynamical correlations (LSDA+DMFT[Σ(0)]) slightly suppresses most of the Jij’s as compared to the LSDA outcome. This is an expected result, since the employed choice of DC correc- tion preserves the exchange splitting obtained in LSDA, while the dynamical self-energy, entering the Green’s function, tends to lower its magnitude. Since these two quantities are the key ingredients defining the strength of the exchange couplings, the Jij’s obtained in DMFT are very similar to those of LSDA (see e.g. Refs. 41 and 81). The situation is a bit different if one employs FLL DC, since an additional static correction enhances the local exchange splitting.82For instance, in case of Co2MnSi the LSDA+DMFT[FLL] scheme provided a Tc of 764 K, which is closer to the experiment. The con- sistently better agreement of the LSDA+ U[FLL] and LSDA+DMFT[FLL] estimates of the Tcwith experimen- tal values might indicate that explicit account for static local correlations is important for the all considered sys- tems. Using the calculated exchange interactions, it is also possible to determine the adiabatic magnon spectra (AMS). In Fig. 2 is shown the effect that different ex- change correlation potentials have overthe description ofthe magnon dispersion relation of Co 2FeSi is shown. The most noticeable effect between different treatments of the exchange correlation potential is shifting the magnon spectra, while its overall shape seems to be conserved. This is a direct result from the enhancement of nearest neighbour interactions (see Fig. C.2). When comparing the AMS treatment with the dy- namical structure factor, S(q,ω), atT= 300 K and damping parameter αLSDA= 0.004, obtained from first principles calculations (details explained in section V), a good agreement at the long wavelength limit is found. However, a slight softening can be observed compared to the AMS. Such differences can be explained due to temperature effects included in the spin dynamics sim- ulations. Due to the fact that the critical temperature of the system is much larger than T= 300 K (see Ta- ble IV), temperature effects are quite small. The high energy optical branches are also softened and in general are much less visible. This is expected since the correla- tion was studied using only vectors in the first Brillouin zone and as has been shown in previous works50, a phase shift is sometimes necessary to properly reproduce the optical branches, implying the need of vectors outside the first Brillouin zone. Also, Stoner excitations dealing with electron-holeexcitations arenot included in this ap- proach,whichresultintheLandaudampingwhichaffects the intensity of the optical branches. Such effects are not captured by the present approach, but can be studied by other methods such as time dependent DFT83. The shape of the dispersion relationalong the path Γ −Xalso corresponds quite well with previous theoretical calcula- tions performed by K¨ ubler84. B. Ferrimagnetic Mn 2VZ with Z = (Al,Si,Ga,Ge) Asmentionedabove,theMnbasedMn 2VZfullHeusler family has a ferrimagnetic ground state, with the Mn atoms orienting parallel to each other and anti-parallel with respect to the V moments. For all the studied sys-8 TABLE IV. Summary of the critical temperature for Co 2MnZ and Co 2FeZ with Z = (Al ,Si,Ga,Ge), with different exchange correlation potentials and shape of the potentials. The sym bol∗implies that the ground state for these systems was found to b e Ferri-magnetic from Monte-Carlo techniques and the critic al temperature presented here is calculated from the ferri- magnetic ground state. Quantity Co2MnAl Co 2MnGa Co 2MnSi Co 2MnGe Co 2FeAl Co 2FeGa Co 2FeSi Co 2FeGe TLDA cASA [K] 360 350 750 700 913 917 655 650 TGGA cASA [K] 350 300 763 700 975 973 800 750 TLDA+U cASAFLL[K] 50∗625∗125 225 575 550 994 475 TLDA+U cASAAMF[K] 325 425 650 600 950 950 650 625 TLDA cFP [K] 525 475 875 825 1050 975 750 750 TGGA cFP [K] 600 525 1000 925 1150 1100 900 875 TLDA+U cFPFLL[K] 525 475 950 875 1050 975 1050 1075 TLDA+U cFPAMF[K] 450 450 1000 875 1275 1225 1450 1350 Texp c[K] 69778694 98513905 10007910938011002498158 TABLE V. Summary of the spin wave stiffness, D, and the critical temperature for Mn 2VZ with Z = (Al ,Si,Ga,Ge) for different shapes of the potential and exchange correlation p o- tentials. Quantity Mn2VAl Mn 2VGa Mn 2VSi Mn 2VGe DASA LDA[meV˚A2] 314 114 147 DASA GGA[meV˚A2] 324 73 149 DFP LDA[meV˚A2] 421 206 191 DFP GGA[meV˚A2] 415 91 162 Dexp[meV˚A2] 53485— — — TLDA cASA [K] 275 350 150 147 TGGA cASA [K] 425 425 250 250 TLDA cFP [K] 425 450 200 200 TGGA cFP [K] 600 500 350 350 Texp c[K] 7688578366— — temstheMn-Mnnearestneighbourexchangeinteractions dominates. In Table V the obtained spin wave stiffness, D, and critical temperature Tcare shown. For Mn 2VAl, it can be seen that the spin wave stiffness is trend when compared to the experimental value. The same under- estimation can be observed in the critical temperature. For Mn 2VAl, one may notice that the best agreement with experiments is obtained for GGA in FP. An inter- esting aspect of the high Tcobserved in these materials is the fact that the magnetic order is stabilized due to the anti-ferromagnetic interaction between the Mn and V sublattices, since the Mn-Mn interaction is in general much smaller than the Co-Co, Co-Mn and Co-Fe inter- actions present in the previously studied ferromagnetic materials. For these systems it can be seen that in general the FP descriptionyields Tc’swhichareinbetter agreementwith experiment, albeit if the values are still underestimated. As for the Co based systems the full potential technique improves the description of the pseudogap, it is impor- tant to notice that for most systems both in ASA and FP the half-metallic characteris preserved. However, the density of states at the Fermi level changes which could lead to changes in the exchange interactions.As for the ferromagnetic systems one can calculate the magnon dispersion relation and it is reported in Fig. 3 for Mn 2VAl. A comparison with Fig. 2 illustrates some of the differences between the dispersion relation of a fer- romagnet and of a ferrimagnetic material. In Fig. 3 some overlap between the acoustic and optical branches is ob- served, as well as a quite flat dispersion relation for one of the optical branches. Such an effect is not observed in the studied ferromagnetic cases. In general the different exchange correlation potentials only tend to shift the en- ergy of the magnetic excitations, while the overall shape of the dispersion does not change noticeably, which is consistent with what was seen in the ferromagnetic case. The observed differences between the LSDA and GGA results in the small qlimit, corresponds quite well with whatisobservedinTableV, wherethe spinwavestiffness for GGA with the potential given by ASA is somewhat largerthan the LSDA case. This is directly related to the observation that the nearest neighbour Mn-Mn and Mn- V interactions are large in GGA than in LSDA. Again, such observation is tied to the DOS at the Fermi level, since Mn 2VAl is not half-metallic in LSDA, on the other hand in GGA the half-metallic state is obtained (see Ta- ble. II. V. GILBERT DAMPING The Gilbert damping is calculated for all the previ- ously studied systems using ASA and a fully relativistic treatment. In Fig. 4, the temperature dependence of the Gilbert damping for Co 2MnSi is reported for different exchange-correlationpotentials. Whencorrelationeffects are neglected or included via the LSDA+ U[AMF], the dampingincreaseswith temperature. Onthe otherhand, in the LSDA+ U[FLL] scheme, the damping decreases as a function of temperature, and its overall magnitude is much larger. Such observation can be explained from the fact that in this approximation a small amount of states exists at the Fermi energyin the pseudogapregion, hence resulting in a larger damping than in the half-metallic9 0100200300400500 Γ X W L ΓEnergy [meV]FP-LSDA DMFT[Σ(0)]a) FIG. 2. (Color online) a) Adiabatic magnon spectra for Co2FeSi for different exchange correlation potentials. In the case of FP-LSDA and LSDA+DMFT[Σ(0)] the larger devia- tionsareobservedinthecase ofhighenergies, withtheDMFT curve having a lower maximum than the LSDA results. In b) a comparison of the adiabatic magnon spectra (solid lines) with the dynamical structure factor S(q,ω) atT= 300 K, when the shape of the potential is considered to be given by the atomic sphere approximation and the exchange cor- relation potential to be given by LSDA, some softening can be observed due to temperature effects specially observed at higher q-points. cases(see Fig. 1c). In general the magnitude of the damping, αLSDA= 7.4×10−4, is underestimated with respect to older ex- perimental measurements at room temperature, which yielded values of α= [0.003−0.006]86andα∼0.025 for polycrystalline samples87, whilst it agrees with previ- ously performed theoretical calculations14. Such discrep- ancy between the experimental and theoretical results could stem from the fact that in the theoretical calcula- tions only the intrinsic damping is calculated, while in experimental measurements in addition extrinsic effects such as eddy currents and magnon-magnon scattering can affect the obtained values. It is also known that sam-FIG. 3. (Color online) Adiabatic magnon dispersion relatio n for Mn 2VAl when different exchange correlation potentials are considered. In general only a shift in energy is observed when considering LSDA or GGA with the overall shape being conserved. 00.511.522.533.54 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500Gilbert damping (10-3) Temperature [K]LSDA GGA LSDA+U [FLL] LSDA+U [AMF] FIG.4. (Color online)TemperaturedependenceoftheGilber t damping for Co 2MnSi for different exchange correlation po- tentials. For LSDA, GGA and LSDA+ U[AMF] exchange cor- relation potentials the damping increases with temperatur e, whilst for LSDA+ U[FLL]thedampingdecreases as afunction of temperature. ple capping or sample termination, can have profound ef- fects over the half-metallicity of Co 2MnSi88. Recent ex- periments showed that ultra-low damping, α= 7×10−4, for Co 1.9Mn1.1Si can be measured when the capping is chosen such that the half-metallicity is preserved89, which is in very good agreement with the present theo- retical calculations. In Fig. 5, the Gilbert damping at T= 300 K for the different Heusler alloys as a function of the density of states at the Fermi level is presented. As expected, the increased density of states at the Fermi energy results in10 FIG. 5. (Color online) Gilbert damping for different Heusler alloys at T= 300 K as a function of density of states at the Fermi energy for LSDA exchange correlation potential. In general the damping increases as the density of states at the Fermi Energy increases (the dotted line is to guide the eyes) . an increased damping. Also it can be seen that in gen- eral, alloys belonging to a given family have quite similar damping parameter, except for Co 2FeSi and Co 2FeGe. Their anomalous behaviour, stems from the fact that in the LSDA approach both Co 2FeSi and Co 2FeGe are not half-metals. Such clear dependence on the density of states is expected, since the spin orbit coupling is small for these materials, meaning that the dominating con- tribution to the damping comes from the details of the density of states around the Fermi energy90,91. 1. Effects of substitutional disorder In order to investigate the possibility to influ- ence the damping, we performed calculations for the chemically disordered Heusler alloys Co 2Mn1−xFexSi, Co2MeAl1−xSixand Co 2MeGa 1−xGexwhere Me = (Mn,Fe). Due to the small difference between the lattice param- eters of Co 2MnSi and Co 2FeSi, the lattice constant is unchanged when varying the concentration of Fe. This is expected to play a minor role on the following results. When one considers only atomic displacement contribu- tions to the damping (see Fig. 6a), the obtained values are clearlyunderestimated in comparisonwith the exper- imental measurements at room temperature92. Under the LSDA, GGA and LSDA+ U[AMF] treatments, the damping is shown to increase with increasing concentra- tion of Fe. On the other hand, in LSDA+ U[FLL] the damping at low concentrations of Fe is much larger than inthe othercases, andit decreaseswith Feconcentration, until a minima is found at Fe concentration of x∼0.8. This increase can be related to the DOS at the Fermi energy, which is reported in Fig. 1c for Co 2MnSi. One00.511.522.533.544.55 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1Gilbert damping (10-3) Fe concentrationLSDA GGA LSDA+ U[FLL] LSDA+ U[AMF]a) 00.511.522.533.544.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1Gilbert damping (10-3) Fe concentrationLSDA GGA LSDA+ U[FLL] LSDA+ U[AMF]b) FIG. 6. (Color online) Gilbert damping for the random alloy Co2Mn1−xFexSi as a function of the Fe concentration at T= 300 K when a) only atomic deisplacements are considered and b) when both atomic displacements and spin fluctuations are considered. can observe a small amount of states at EF, which could lead to increased values of the damping in comparison with the ones obtained in traditional LSDA. As for the pure alloys, a general trend relating the variation of the DOS at the Fermi level and the damping with respect to the variation of Fe concentration can be obtained, anal- ogous to the results shown in Fig. 5. When spin fluctuations are considered in addition to the atomic displacements contribution, the magnitude of the damping increases considerably, as shown in Fig. 6b. This is specially noticeable at low concentrations of Fe. Mn rich alloys have a Tclower than the Fe rich ones, thus resulting in larger spin fluctuations at T= 300 K. The overall trend for LSDA and GGA is modified at low concentrations of Fe when spin fluctuations are consid- ered, whilst for LSDA+ U[FLL] the changes in the trends occur mostly at concentrations between x= [0.3−0.8]. An important aspect is the overall good agreement of11 LSDA, GGA and LSDA+ U[AMF]. Instead results ob- tained in LSDA+ U[FLL] stand out as different from the rest. This is is expected since as was previously men- tioned the FLL DC is not the most appropriate scheme to treat these systems. An example of such inadequacy can clearly be seen in Fig. 6b for Mn rich concentrations, where the damping is much larger with respect to the other curves. As mentioned above, this could result from the appearance of states at the Fermi level. Overall the magnitude of the intrinsic damping pre- sented here is smaller than the values reported in experi- ments92, whichreportvaluesforthedampingofCo 2MnSi ofα∼0.005 and α∼0.020 for Co 2FeSi, in comparison with the calculated values of αLSDA= 7.4×10−4and αLSDA= 4.1×10−3for Co 2MnSi and Co 2FeSi, respec- tively. In experiments also a minimum at the concentra- tion of Fe of x∼0.4 is present, while such minima is not seen in the present calculations. However, similar trends as those reported here (for LSDA and GGA) are seen in the work by Oogane and Mizukami15. A possible reason behind the discrepancy between theory and experiment, could stem from the fact that as the Fe concentration increases, correlation effects also increase in relative im- portance. Such a situation cannot be easily described through the computational techniques used in this work, andwill affectthe detailsofthe DOSatthe Fermienergy, which in turn could modify the damping. Another im- portant factor influencing the agreement between theory and experiments arise form the difficulties in separating extrinsic and intrinsic damping in experiments93. This, combined with the large spread in the values reported in various experimental studies87,94,95, points towards the need of improving both theoretical and experimental ap- proaches,ifoneintendstodeterminetheminimumdamp- ing attainable for these alloys with sufficient accuracy. Up until now in the present work, disorder effects have been considered at the Y site of the Heusler struc- ture. In the following chemical disorder will be consid- ered on the Z site instead. Hence, the chemical structure changes to the type Co 2MeZA 1−xZB x(Me=Fe,Mn). The alloys Co 2MeAlxSi1−xand Co 2MeGa xGe1−xare consid- ered. The lattice constant for the off stoichiometric com- positions is treated using Vegard’s law96, interpolating between the values given in Table I. In Fig. 7 the dependence of the damping on the con- centration of defects is reported, as obtained in LSDA. For Co 2FeGaxGe1−xas the concentration of defects in- creases the damping decreases. Such a behaviour can be understood by inspecting the density of states at the Fermi level which follows the same trend, it is important to notice that Co 2FeGa is a half-metallic system, while Co2FeGe is not (see table I). On the other hand, for Co2FeAlxSi1−x, the damping increases slightly with Al concentration, however, for the stoichiometric Co 2FeAl is reached the damping decreases suddenly, as in the pre- vious case. This is a direct consequence of the fact that Co2FeAl is a half metal and Co 2FeSi is not, hence when the half-metallic state is reached a sudden decrease ofthe damping is observed. For the Mn based systems, as the concentration of defects increases the damping in- creases, this stark difference with the Fe based systems. For Co 2MnAlxSi1−xthis is related to the fact that both Co2MnAl and Co 2MnSi are half-metals in LSDA, hence, the increase is only related to the fact that the damp- ing for Co 2MnAl is larger than the one of Co 2MnSi, it is also relevant to mention, that the trend obtained here corresponds quite well with what is observed in both ex- perimental and theoretical results in Ref.86. A similar explanation can be used for the Co 2MnGa xGe1−xalloys, as both are half-metallic in LSDA. As expected, the half metallic Heuslers have a lower Gilbert damping than the other ones, as shown in Fig. 7. 00.511.522.533.544.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1Gilbert damping (10-3) Concentration of defectsCo2FeAlxSi1-xCo2FeGaxGe1-xCo2MnAlxSi1-xCo2MnGaxGe1-x FIG. 7. (color online) Dependence of the Gilbert damping for the alloys Co 2MeAlxSi1−xand Co 2MeGa xGe1−xwith Me denoting Mn or Fe under the LSDA exchange correlation po- tential. VI. CONCLUSIONS The treatment of several families of half-metallic Heusler alloys has been systematically investigated us- ing several approximations for the exchange correlation potential, as well as for the shape of the potential. Spe- cial care has been paid to the calculation of their mag- netic properties, such as the Heisenberg exchange inter- actions and the Gilbert damping. Profound differences have been found in the description of the systems de- pending on the choice of exchange correlation potentials, speciallyforsystems in whichcorrelationeffects might be necessarytoproperlydescribethepresumedhalf-metallic nature of the studied alloy. In general, no single combination of exchange correla- tion potential and potential geometry was found to be able to reproduce all the experimentally measured mag- netic properties of a given system simultaneously. Two of the key contributing factors are the exchange correla-12 tion potential and the double counting scheme used to treat correlation effects. The destruction of the half- metallicity of any alloy within the study has profound effects on the critical temperature and spin wave stiff- ness. A clear indication of this fact is that even if the FLL double counting scheme may result in a correct de- scription of the magnetic moments of the system, the exchange interactions may be severely suppressed. For the systems studied with DMFT techniques either mi- nor improvement or results similar to the ones obtained from LSDA is observed. This is consistent with the in- clusion of local d−dscreening, which effectively dimin- ishes the strength of the effective Coulomb interaction with respect to LSDA+ U(for the same Hubbard param- eterU). In general, as expected, the more sophisticated treatment forthe geometricalshape ofthe potential, that is a full potential scheme, yields results closer to experi- ments, which in these systems, is intrinsically related to the description of the pseudogap region. Finally, the Gilbert damping is underestimated with respect to experimental measurements, but in good agreement with previous theoretical calculations. One of the possible reasons being the difficulty from the experi- mental point of view of separating intrinsic and extrinsic contributions to the damping, as well as the strong de- pendence of the damping on the crystalline structure. A clear correlation between the density of states at the Fermi level and the damping is also observed, which is related to the presence of a small spin orbit coupling in these systems. This highlights the importance that half-metallic materials, and their alloys, have in possible spintronic and magnonic applications due to their low in- trinsic damping, and tunable magnetodynamic variables. These results could spark interest from the experimental community due to the possibility of obtaining ultra-low damping in half-metallic Heusler alloys. VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors acknowledge valuable discussions with M.I. Katsnelsson and A.I. Lichtenstein. The work was financed through the VR (Swedish Research Council) and GGS (G¨ oran Gustafssons Foundation). O.E. ac- knowledges support form the KAW foundation (grants 2013.0020 and 2012.0031). O.E. and A.B acknowledge eSSENCE. L.B acknowledge support from the Swedish e-Science Research Centre (SeRC). The computer sim- ulations were performed on resources provided by the Swedish National Infrastructure for Computing (SNIC) at the National Supercomputer Centre (NSC) and High Performance Computing Center North (HPC2N). Appendix A: DOS from LSDA+DMFT Here we show the DOS in Co 2MnSi and Co 2FeSi ob- tained from LSDA and LSDA+DMFT calculations. The0369n↑tot[sts./eV] 0 3 6 9-6 -3 0 3n↓tot[sts./eV] E-EF[eV]LSDA 0369n↑tot[sts./eV] 0 3 6 9-6 -3 0 3n↓tot[sts./eV] E-EF[eV]LSDA DMFT[Σ(0)] DMFT[FLL] FIG. A.1. (color online) DOS in Co 2FeSi (top panel) and Co2MnSi (bottom panel) obtained in different computational setups. results shown in Fig. A.1 indicate that the DMFT in- creases the spin-down (pseudo-)gap in both Co 2FeSi and Co2MnSi. In the latter casethe shift ofthe bands is more pronounced. InCo 2FeSiitmanifestsitselfinanenhanced value of the total magnetization. For both studied sys- tems, the FLL DC results in relatively larger values of the gaps as compared with the “Σ(0)”estimates. How- ever, for the same choice of the DC this gap appears to be smaller in LSDA+DMFT than in LSDA+ U. Present conclusion is valid for both Co 2FeSi and Co 2MnSi (see Fig. 1 for comparison.) Appendix B: NQS in Co 2MnSi Here we show the calculated spectral functions in Co2MnSi obtained with LSDA+DMFT[Σ(0)] approach. As discussed in the main text, the overall shape of DOS is reminiscent of that obtained in LSDA. However, a cer- tain amount of the spectral weight appears above the minority-spin gap. An inspection of the imaginary part of the self-energy in minority-spin channel, shown in the bottom panel of Fig. B.1, suggests a strong increase of Mn spin-down contribution at the corresponding ener- gies, thus confirming the non-quasiparticle nature of the obtained states. We note that the use of FLL DC formu- lationresultsinanenhancedspin-downgapwhichpushes the NQS to appear at even higher energies above EF(see Appendix A).13 -30030PDOS [sts./Ry] -0.2-0.10Im [ Σ↑] Co Eg Co T2g -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 E-EF [Ry]-0.2-0.10Im [ Σ↓] Mn Eg Mn T2g FIG. B.1. (color online) Top panel: DOS in Co 2MnSi pro- jected onto Mn and Co 3 dstates of different symmetry. Mid- dle and bottom panels: Orbital-resolved spin-up and spin- down imaginary parts of the self-energy. The results are shown for the “Σ(0)”DC. Appendix C: Impact of correlation effects on the Jij’s in Co 2MnSi and Co 2FeSi In this section we present a comparison of the ex- change parameters calculated in the framework of the LSDA+DMFT using different DC terms. The calculated Jij’s between different magnetic atoms within the first few coordination spheres are shown in Fig. C.1. One can see that the leading interactions which stabilize the fer- romagnetism in these systems are the nearest-neighbour intra-sublattice couplings between Co and Fe(Mn) atoms and, to a lower extend, the interaction between two Co atoms belonging to the different sublattices. This qual- itative behaviour is obtained independently of the em- ployed method for treating correlation effects and is in good agreement with prior DFT studies. As explained in the main text, the LSDA and LSDA+DMFT[Σ(0)] re- sults are more similar to each other, whereas most of the Jij’s extracted from LSDA+DMFT[FLL] are relatively enhanced due to inclusion of an additional static contri- bution to the exchange splitting. This is also reflected in both values of the spin stiffness and the Tc. In order to have a further insight into the details of the magnetic interactions in the system, we report here the orbital-resolved Jij’s between the nearest-neighbours obtained with LSDA. The results, shown in Table. C.1, reveal few interesting observations. First of all, all the0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4-0.0500.050.1Jij[mRy] 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.400.10.2 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 Rij/aalat00.[mRy] 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4 Rij/aalat00.511.5 LSDA LSDA+DMFT [ Σ0] LSDA+DMFT [FLL]Co1-Co1Mn-Mn Co1-Co2Co-Mn FIG. C.1. (color online) The calculated exchange parameter s in Co 2MnSi within LSDA and LSDA+DMFT for different choice of DC. TABLEC.1. Orbital-resolved Jij’sbetweenthenearestneigh- bours in Co 2MnSi in mRy. In the case of Co 1-Co1, the second nearest neighbour value is given, due to smallness of the firs t one. The results were obtained with LSDA. TotalEg−EgT2g−T2gEg−T2gT2g−Eg Co1-Co10.070 0.077 -0.003 -0.002 -0.002 Co1-Co20.295 0.357 -0.058 -0.002 -0.002 Co-Mn 1.237 0.422 -0.079 0.700 0.194 Mn-Mn 0.124 -0.082 0.118 0.044 0.044 T2g-derived contributions are negligible for all the inter- actions involving Co atoms. This has to do with the fact that these orbitals are practicallyfilled and therefore can not participate in the exchange interactions. As to the most dominant Co-Mn interaction, the Eg−Egand Eg−T2gcontributions are both strong and contribute to the total ferromagnetic coupling. This is related to strong spin polarisation of the Mn- Egstates. 00.050.1 0.6 1.2 1.8 2.4Jij[mRy] -0.15-0.1-0.0500.050.1[mRy] Rij/alat00.511.522.53 Rij/alatLSDA LSDA+U[FLL] LDA+U[AMF]Co1-Co1 Fe-Fe Co1-Co2 Co-Fe FIG. C.2. Exchange interactions for Co 2FeSi within LSDA and LSDA+ Uschemes and a full potential approach for dif- ferent DC choices.14 Correlationeffectsalsohaveprofoundeffectsontheex- change interactions of Co 2FeSi. In particular, the Fe-Fe interactions can be dramatically changed when consid- ering static correlation effects. It is specially noticeable how the anti-ferromagneticexchangeinteractions can de- creasesignificantlywhichcanaffecttheexchangestiffness and the critical temperature as described in the maintext. Also the long-range nature of the Fe-Fe interac- tions is on display, indicating that to be able to predict macroscopic variables from the present approach, atten- tion must be paid to the cut-off range. As in Co 2MnSi, correlation effect do not greatly affect the Co-Co ex- change interactions. ∗ 1D. D. Awschalom and M. E. Flatt´ e, Nat. Phys. 3, 153 (2007). 2M. I. Katsnelson, V. Y. Irkhin, L. Chioncel, A. I. Licht- enstein, and R. A. de Groot, Rev. Mod. Phys. 80, 315 (2008). 3V. V. Kruglyak, S. O. Demokritov, and D. Grundler, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43, 264001 (2010). 4T. Graf, C. Felser, and S. S. Parkin, Prog. Solid State Ch. 39, 1 (2011), ISSN 0079-6786. 5S. K. Malik, A. M. Umarji, and G. K. Shenoy, Phys. Rev. B31, 6971 (1985). 6Y. Xia, V. Ponnambalam, S. Bhattacharya, A. L. Pope, S. J. 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properties that they exhibit. One of these properties is of particular interest
for technological applications, i.e. the fact that some Heusler alloys are
half-metallic. In the following, a systematic study of the magnetic properties
of three different Heusler families $\textrm{Co}_2\textrm{Mn}\textrm{Z}$,
$\text{Co}_2\text{Fe}\text{Z}$ and $\textrm{Mn}_2\textrm{V}\textrm{Z}$ with
$\text{Z}=\left(\text{Al, Si, Ga, Ge}\right)$ is performed. A key aspect is the
determination of the Gilbert damping from first principles calculations, with
special focus on the role played by different approximations, the effect that
substitutional disorder and temperature effects. Heisenberg exchange
interactions and critical temperature for the alloys are also calculated as
well as magnon dispersion relations for representative systems, the
ferromagnetic $\textrm{Co}_2\textrm{Fe}\textrm{Si}$ and the ferrimagnetic
$\textrm{Mn}_2\textrm{V}\textrm{Al}$. Correlations effects beyond standard
density-functional theory are treated using both the local spin density
approximation including the Hubbard $U$ and the local spin density
approximation plus dynamical mean field theory approximation, which allows to
determine if dynamical self-energy corrections can remedy some of the
inconsistencies which were previously reported for these alloys. | First principles studies of the Gilbert damping and exchange interactions for half-metallic Heuslers alloys | 1604.07552v1 |
Fermi Level Controlled Ultrafast Demagnetization Mechanism in Half -Metallic Heusler Alloy Santanu Pan1, Takeshi Seki2,3, Koki Takanashi2,3,4, and Anjan Barman1,* 1Department of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Sciences, S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Block JD, Sector III, Salt Lake, Kolkata 700 106, India. 2Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai 980 -8577, Japan. 3Center for Spintronics Research Network, Tohoku University, Sendai 980 -8577, Japan. 4Center f or Science and Innovation in Spintronics, Core Research Cluster, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan . *E-mail: The electronic band structure -controlled ultrafast demagnetization mechanism in Co2FexMn 1- xSi Heusler alloy is underpinned by systematic variation of composition. We find the spin-flip scattering rate controlled by spin density of states at Fermi level is responsible for non- monotonic variation of ultrafast demagnetization time (τ M) with x with a maximum at x = 0.4 . Furthermore, Gilbert damping constant exhibits an inverse relationship with τM due to the dominance of inter -band scattering mechanism. This establishes a unified mechanism of ultrafast spin dynamics based on Fermi level position. The tremendous application potential of spin -polarized Heusler alloys in advanced spintronic s devices ignites immense interest to investigate the degree and sustainability of their spin- polarization under various conditions [1-4]. However, interpreting spin -polarization from the conventional methods such as photoemission, spin transport measurement, point contact Andreev reflection and spin-resolved positron annihilation are non -trivial [5-7]. In the quest of developing alternative methods, Zhang et al . demonstrated that all -optical ultrafast demagne tization measurement is a reliable technique for probing spin -polarization [8]. They observed a very large ultrafast demagnetization time as a signature of high spin -polarization in half-metallic CrO 2. However, Co -based half -metallic Heusler alloys exhibit a comparatively smaller ultrafast demagnetization time (~ 0.3 ps) which raised a serious debate on the perception of ultrafast demagnetization mechanism in Heusler alloys [9-11]. A smaller demagnetization time in Heusler alloys than in CrO 2 is explained d ue to the smaller effective band gap in the minority spin band and enhanced spin-flip scattering (SFS) rate [9]. However, further experimental evidence shows that the amount of band gap in minority spin band cannot be the only deciding factors for SFS medi ated ultrafast demagnetization efficiency [10]. Rather, one also has to consider the efficiency of optical excitation for majority and minority spin bands as well as the optical pump -induced hole dynamics below Fermi energy (EF). Consequently, a clear interpretation of spin -polarization from ultrafast demagnetization measurement requires a clear and thorough understanding of its underlying mechanism. Since its inception in 1996 [12], several theoretical models and experimental evi dences based on different microscopic mechanisms, e.g. spin -flip scattering (SFS) and super -diffusive spin current have been put forward to interpret ultrafast demagnetization [13-20]. However, the preceding proposals are complex and deterring to each othe r. This complexity increases even more in case of special class of material such as the Heusler alloys. The electronic band structure and the associated position of Fermi level can be greatly tuned by tuning the alloy composition of Heusler alloy [21,22]. By utilizing this tunability, h ere, we experimentally demonstrate that the ultrafast demagnetization mechanism relies on the spin density of states at Fermi level in case of half - metallic Heusler alloy system. We extracted the value of ultrafast demagnetiz ation time using three temperature modelling [23] and found its non -monotonic dependency on alloy composition ( x). We have further showed that the Gilbert damping and ultrafast demagnetization time are inversely proportional in CFMS Heusler alloys suggesti ng the inter - band scattering as the primary mechanism behind the Gilbert damping in CFMS Heusler alloys . Our work has established a unified theory of ultrafast spin dynamics. A series of Co 2FexMn 1-xSi (CFMS) thin films have been deposited using magnetron co - sputtering system for our investigation with x = 0.00, 0.25, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.75 and 1.00 . The thickness of the CFMS layer was fixed at 30 nm. It is imperative to study the crystalline phase which is the most crucial parameter that determines other magnetic properties of Heusler alloy. Prior to the magnetization dynamics measurement, we invest igate both the crystalline phase as well as growth quality of all the samples. Fig. 1A shows the ex-situ x-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern for all the samples. The well -defined diffraction peak of CFMS (400) at 2θ = 66.50º indicates that the samples are well crystalline having cubic symmetry. The intense superlattice peak at 2θ = 31.90º represents the formation of B2 phase. The presence of other crucial planes are investigated by tilting the sample x = 0.4 by 54.5º and 45.2º from the film plane to the normal direction, respectively and observed the presence of (111) superlattice peak along with the (220) fundamental peak as shown in Fig. 1B and 1C. The presence of (111) superlattice peak confirms the best atomic site ordering in the desired L2 1 ordered phase, whereas the (220) fundamental peak results from the cubic symmetry. The intensity ratios of the XRD peaks are analysed to obtain the microscopic atomic site ordering which remain same for the whole range of x (given in Supplemental Materials). The epitaxia l growth of the thin films is ensured by observing the in-situ reflection high -energy electron diffraction (RHEED) images. The square shaped hysteresis loops obtained using in -plane bias magnetic field shows the samples have in - plane magnetization. The nearly increasing trend of saturation magnetization with alloy composition ( x) follow the Slater -Pauling curve. In -depth details of sample deposition procedure, RHEED pattern and the hysteresis loops are provided in the Supplemental Materials [24]. The ultrafast demagnetization dynamics measurements using time-resolved magneto - optical Kerr effect (TRMOKE) magnetometer have been performed at a fixed probe fluence of 0.5 mJ/cm2, while the pump fluence have been varied over a large range . Details of the TRMOKE technique is provided in Supplemental Materials [24]. The experi mental data of variation of Kerr rotation corresponding to the ultrafast demagnetization measured for pump fluence = 9.5 mJ/cm2 is plotted in Fig. 2A for different values of x. The data points are then fitted with a phenomenological expression derived from the three temperature model -based coupled rate equations in order to extract the ultrafast demagnetization time ( Mτ) and fast relaxation ( Eτ) time [23], which is given below: ME/τ - /τ- 1 2 E 1 M E 1 2 k3 1/2 0 E M E MA (A τ -A τ ) τ (A -A )-Δ {[ - e - e ]H( ) A δ( )} G( )( / t 1) ( τ -τ ) (τ -τ )ttθ t t tt= + + (1) where A1 represents the magnetization amplitude after equilibrium between electron, spin and lattice is restored, A2 is proportional to the maximum rise in the electron temperature and A3 represents the state filling effects during pump -probe temporal overlap described by a Dirac delta function. H(t) and δ(t) are the Heaviside step and Dirac delta functions , and G(t) is a Gaussian function which corresponds to the laser pulse. The Mτ extracted from the fit s are plotted as a function of x in Fig. 2B, which shows a slight initial increment followed by a sharp decrement with x. In addition, the ultrafast demagnetization rate is found to be slower in the present Heusler alloys than in the 3d metals [9]. The theoretical calculation of electronic band structure of CFM S showed no discernible change in the amount of energy gap in minority spin band but a change in position of EF with x, which lies at the two extreme ends of the gap for x = 0 and x = 1. Thus, the variation of Mτ with x clearly indicates that the composition dependent EF position is somehow responsible for the variation in Mτ . This warrants the investigation of ultrafast demagnetization with continuously varying x values between 0 and 1. However, a majority of earlier investigations [10,11,2 5], being focused on exploring the ultrafast demagnetization only of Co 2MnSi ( x = 0) and Co 2FeSi ( x = 1), lack a convincing conclusion about the role of electronic band structure on ultrafast demagnetization mechanism . In case of 3d transition metal ferromagnets, Elliott -Yafet (EY) -based SFS mechanism is believed to be responsible for rapid rise in the spin temperature and ultrafast demagnetization [15]. In this theory it has been shown that a scattering event of an excited electron with a phonon changes the probability to find that electron in one of the spin states, namely the majority spin -up ( ) or minority spin -down ( ) state, thereby delivering angular momentum to the lattice from the electronic system. It arises from the band mixing of majority and minority spin states with similar energy value near the Fermi surface owing to the spin -orbit coupling (SOC). The spin mixing para meter (b2) from the EY theory [26,27] is given by: 2 k k k k b min ( ψ ψ , ψ ψ )= (2) where kψ represent the eigen -state of a single electron and the bar denotes a defined average over all electronic states involved in the EY scattering processes. This equation represents that the spin-mixing due to SFS between spin -up and spin -down states depend o n the number of spin-up ( ) and spin -down ( ) states at the Fermi level, which is already represented by D F. A compact differential equation regarding rate of ultrafast demagnetization dynamics as derived by Koopmans et al. [27], is given below: p C CeT TR (1 coth( ))TTm dmmdt=− (3) where m = M/MS, and Tp, TC, and Te denote the phonon temperature, Curie temperature and electronic temperature, respectively. R is a material specific scaling factor [28], which is calculated to be: 2 sf C ep 2 B D S8a T gRk T D= , (4) where asf, gep, DS represent the SFS probability, coupling between electron and phonon sub - system and magnetic moment divided by the Bohr -magneton ( B ), whereas TD is the Debye temperature and kB represents the Boltzmann constant. Further, the expression for gep is: 22 F P B D ep ep3πD D k T λg2= , where DP, and λep denote the number of polarization states of spins and electron -phonon coupling constant, respectively , and ℏ is the reduced Planck’s constant. Moreover, the ultrafast demagnetization time at low fluence limit can be derived under various approximations as: 0C M 22 F si B CC F( / T )τπD λ k TT= , (5) where C0 = 1/4, siλ is a factor scaling with impurity concentration, and F(T/TC) is a function solely dependent on ( T/TC) [29]. Earlier, it has been shown that a negligible DF in CrO 2 is responsible for large ultrafast demagnetization time. The theoretical calculation for CFMS by Oogane et al. shows that DF initially decreases and then increases with x [30] having a minima at x = 0.4. As DF decreases, the number of effective minority spin states become less, reducing both SOC strength, as shown by Mavropoulos et al. [31], and the effective spin -mixing paramet er is given by Eq. (2), and vice versa. This will result in a reduced SFS probability and rate of demagnetization. In addition, the decrease in DF makes gep weaker, which, in turn, reduces the value of R as evident from Eq. (4). As the value of R diminishes, it will slow down the rate of ultrafast demagnetization which is clear from Eq. (3). In essence , a lower value of DF indicates a lower value of R, i.e. slower demagnetization rate and larger ultrafast demagnetization time. Thus, demagnetization time is highest for x = 0.4. O n both sides of x = 0.4, the value of R will increase and ultrafast demagnetization time will decline continuously. Our experimental results, supported by the existing theoretical re sults for the CFMS samples with varying alloy composition, clearly show that the position of Fermi level is a crucial decisive factor for the rate of ultrafast demagnetization. This happens due to the continuous tunability of DF with x, which causes an ensuing variation in the number of scattering channels available for SFS. To capture the effect of pump fluence on the variation of Mτ, we have measured the ultrafast demagnetization curves for various applied pump fluences. All the flu ence dependent ultrafast demagnetization curves are fitted with Eq. (1) and the values of corresponding Mτ are extracted. The change in Mτ with fluence is shown in Fig. 2C. A slight change in Mτ with fluence is observed which is negligible in comparison to the change of Mτ with x. However, this increment can be explained using the enhanced spin fluctuations at much higher elevated temperature of the spin sy stem [28]. As the primary microscopic channel for spin angular momentum transfer is the same for both ultrafast demagnetization and magnetic damping, it is expected to find a correlation between them. We have measured the time -resolved Kerr rotation data corresponding to the magnetization precession at an applied in -plane bias magnetic field (Hb) of 3.5 kOe as shown in Fig. 3A. The macrospin modelling is employed to analyse the time dependent precessional data obtained by solving the Landau -Lifshitz -Gilbert equation [32] which is given below: effˆˆˆˆγ( ) α( )dm dmm H mdt dt=− + (6) where γ is the gyromagnetic ratio and is related to Lande g factor by /μg=γB . Heff is the total effective magnetic field consisting of Hb, exchange field ( Hex), dipolar field ( Hdip) and anisotropy field ( KH ). The experimental variation of precession frequency ( f) against Hb is fitted with the Kittel formula for uniform precession to extract HK values. The details of the fit are discussed in the Supplementa l Materials [24] . For evaluation of α, all the measured data representing single frequency oscillation are fitted with a general damped sine -wave equation superimposed on a bi -exponential decay function, which is given as: fast slow/τ /τ /τ 12 ( ) A B e B e (0)e sin( ω ζ)tt tM t M t−− −= + + + − , (7) where ζ is the initial phase of oscillation and τ is the precessional relaxation time . fastτ and slowτ are the fast and slow relaxation times, representing the rate of energy transfer in between different energy baths (electron, spin and lattice) following the ultrafast demagnetization and the energy transfer rate between the lattice and surrounding, respec tively. A, B1 and B2 are constant coefficients. The value of α is extracted by further analysing τ using ( )122α[γτ 2 cos( H H ]=− + +bHδφ (8) where 22 12 1S S S S2K 2K sin K (2 sin (2 ))4πMM M MφφH⊥ −= + − + and 12 2 SS2K cos(2 ) 2K cos(4 ) MMφφH=+ . Here and represent the angles of Hb and in -plane equilibrium M with respect to the CFMS [110] axis [33]. The uniaxial, biaxial and out -of-plane magnetic anisotropies are denoted as K1, K2 and K⊥, respectively. In our case K2 has a reasonably large value while K1 and K⊥ are negligibly small. Plugging in all parameters including the magnetic anisotropy constant K2 in Eq. (8), we have obtained the values of α to be 0.0041, 0.0035, 0.0046, 0.0055, 0.0061, and 0.0075 for x = 0.00, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.75, and 1.00, respectively. Figure 3B shows the variation of α with frequency for all the samples. For each sample, α remains constant with frequency, which rules out the presence of extrinsic mechanisms contributing to the α. Next, we focus on the variation of α with x. Our experimental results show a non -monotonic variation of α with x with a minima at x = 0.4 , which is exactly opposite to the variation of Mτ with x. On the basis of Kambersky’s SFS model [34], α is governed by the spin -orbit interaction and can be expressed as: 22 F Sγ (δg)αD4ΓM= (9) where gδ and 1− represent the deviation of g factor from free electron value (~2.0) and ordinary electron -phonon collision frequency. Eq. (9) suggests that α is directly proportional to DF and thus it become s minimum when DF is minimum [3 0]. This leads to the non -monotonic variation of α , which agrees well with earlier observation [30]. To eliminate the possible effects of γ and SM , we have plotted the variation of relaxation frequency, SMαγ=G with x which also exhibits similar variation as α (see the supplementary materials [24] ). Finally , to explore the correlation between α , Mτ and alloy composition, we have plotted these quantities against x as shown in Fig. 4A. We observe that Mτ and α varies in exactly opposite manner with x, having their respective maxima and minima at x = 0.4. Although Mτ and α refer to two different time scales, both of them follow the trend of variation of DF with x. This shows that the alloy composition -controlled Fermi level tunability and the ensuing SFS is responsible for both ultrafast demagnetization and Gilbert damping . Figure 4B represents the variation of Mτ with inverse of α, which establishes an inversely proportional relation between them . Initially under the assumption of two different magnetic fields, i.e. exchange field and total effective magnetic field, Koopmans et al. theoretically proposed that Gilbert damping parame ter and ultrafast demagnetization time are inversely proportional [29]. However, that raised intense debate and in 2010, Fahnle et al. showed that α can either be proportional or inversely proportional to Mτ depending upon the dominating microscopic contribution to the magnetic damping [32]. The linear relation sustains when the damping is dominated by conductivity -like contribution, whereas the resistivity -like contribution leads to an inverse relation. The basic difference between the conductivity -like and the resistivity -like contribution s lies in the angular momentum transfer mechanism via electron -hole ( e-h) pair generation. The generation of e-h pair in the same band, i.e. intra -band mechanism leads to t he conductivity -like contribution. On the contrary, when e-h pair is generated in different bands (inter -band mechanism), the contribution is dominated by resistivity. Our observation of the inversely proportional relation between α and Mτ clearly indicates that in case of the CFMS Heusler alloy systems, the damping is dominated by resistivity -like contribution arising from inter-band e-h pair generation. This is in contrast to the case of Co, Fe and Ni, where the conductivity contribution dominates [35]. Typical resistivity ( ρ ) values for Co 2MnSi ( x = 0) are 5 cm− at 5 K and 20 cm− at 300 K [36]. The room temperature value of ρ corresponds to an order of magnitude larger contribution of the inter -band e-h pair generation than the intra -band generation [36]. This is in strong agreement with our experimental results and its conclusion. This firmly establishes that unlike convention al transition metal ferromagnets, damping in CFMS Heusler alloys is dominated by resistivity -like contribution , which results in an inversely proportional relation between α and Mτ . In summary, we have investigated the ultrafast demagnetization and magnetic Gilbert damping in the CFMS Heusler alloy systems with varying alloy composition ( x), ranging from x = 0 (CMS) to x = 1 (CFS) and identified a strong correlation between Mτ and x, the latter controlling the position of Fermi level in the electronic band structure of the system. We have found that Mτ varies non -monotonically with x, having a maximum value of ~ 350 fs for x = 0.4 corresponding to the lowest DF and highest degree of spin -polarization. In -depth investigation has revealed that the ultrafast demagnetization process in CFMS is primarily governed by the composition -controlled variation in spin -flip scattering rate due to variable DF. Furthermore, we have systematically investigated the precessional dynamics with variation in x and extracted the value of α from there. Our results have led to a systematic correlation in between Mτ , α and x and we have found an inversely proportional relationship between Mτ and α . Our thorough investigation across the alloy composition ranging from CMS to CFS have firmly establishe d the fact that both ultrafast demagnetization and magnetic Gilbert damping in CFMS are strongly controlled by the spin density of states at Fermi level. Therefore, our study has enlighten ed a new path for qualitative understanding of spin -polarization from ultrafast demagnetization time as well as magnetic Gilbert dampin g and led a step forward for ultrafast magnetoelectronic device applications. Acknowledgements This work was funded by: S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences under Projects No. SNB/AB/12 -13/96 and No. SNB/AB/18 -19/211. References [1] T. Kubota, S. Tsunegi, M. Oogane, S. Mizukami, T. Miyazaki, H. Naganuma, and Y. Ando, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 122504 (2009). [2] A. Hirohata , and K. Takanashi, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47, 193001 (2014). [3] R. J. Soulen et al., Science 282, 85 (1998). [4] I. I. Mazin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 1427 (1999). [5] K. E. H. M. Hanssen, P. E. Mijnarends, L. P. L. M. Rabou, and K. H. J. Buschow, Phys. Rev. B 42, 1533 (1990). [6] L. Ritchie , Phys. Rev. B 68, 104430 (2003). [7] D. T. Pierce , and F. Meier, Phys. Rev. B 13, 5484 (1976). [8] Q. Zhang, A. V. Nurmikko, G. X. Miao, G. 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(B) The tilted XRD patterns reveal the CFMS (111) superlattice peak for L2 1 structure. (C) CFMS (220) fundamental peak together with Cr (110) peak. Fig. 2. (A) Ultrafast demagnetization curves for the samples with different alloy composition ( x) measured using TRMOKE. Scattered symbols are the experimental data and solid lines are fit using Eq. 3. (B) Evolution of Mτ with x at pump fluence of 9.5 mJ/cm2. Symbols are experimental results and dashed line is guide to eye. (C) Variation in Mτ with pump fluence. Fig. 3. (A) Time -resolved Kerr rotation data showing precessional dynamics for samples with different x values . Symbols are the experimental data and solid lines are fit with damped sine wave equation ( Eq. 6). The extracted α values are given below every curve. (B) Variation of α with precession frequency (f) for all samples as shown by symbols, while solid lines are linear fit. Fig. 4. (A) Variation of Mτ and α with x. Square and circular symbols denote the experimental results , and dashed , dotted lines are guide to eye. (B) Variation of Mτ with 1α− . Symbols represent the experimentally obtained values and solid line refers to linear fit. Supplementa l Material s I. Sample preparation method A series of MgO Substrate /Cr (20 nm)/ Co 2FexMn 1-xSi (30 nm)/Al -O (3 nm) sample stacks were deposited using an ultrahigh vacuum magnetron co -sputtering system. First a 20 -nm-thick Cr layer was deposited on top of a single crystal MgO (100) substrate at room temperature (RT) followed by annealing it at 600 ºC for 1 h. Next, a Co 2FexMn 1-xSi layer of 30 nm thickness was deposited on the Cr layer followed by an in -situ annealing process at 500 ºC for 1 h. Finally, each sample stack was capped with a 3 -nm-thick Al -O protective layer. A wide range of values of x is chosen, namely, x = 0.00, 0.25, 0.40, 0.50, 0.60, 0.75 and 1.00. To achieve the desired composition of Fe and Mn precisely, the samples were deposited using well controlled co-sputtering of Co 2FeSi and Co 2MnSi. Direct deposition of Co 2FexMn 1-xSi on top of MgO produces strain due to lattice mismatch in the Co 2FexMn 1-xSi layer which alters its intrinsic properties [1S]. Thus, Cr was used as a buffer layer to protect the intrinsic Co 2FexMn 1-xSi layer properties [2S]. II. Details of measurement techniques Using ex-situ x-ray diffraction ( XRD ) measurement we investigated the crystal structure and crystalline phase of the samples. The in-situ reflection high -energy electron diffraction (RHEED ) images were observed after the layer deposition without breaking the vacuum condition in order to investigate the epitaxial relation and surface morphology of Co 2FexMn 1- xSi layer. To quantify the values of M S and H C of the samples, we measured the magnetization vs. in -plane magnetic field (M-H) loops using a vibrating sample magnetometer ( VSM) at room temperature with H directed along the [110] direction of Co 2FexMn 1-xSi. The ultrafast magnetization dynamics for all the samples were measured by using a time-resolved magneto - optical Kerr effect ( TRMOKE ) magnetometer [ 3S]. This is a two -colour pump -probe experiment in non -collinear arrangement. The fundamental output (wavelength, λ = 800 nm, pulse -width, tσ ~ 40 fs) from an amplified laser system (LIBRA, Coherent) acts as probe and its second harmonic signal (λ = 400 nm, tσ ~ 50 fs) acts as pump beam. For investigating both ultrafast demagnetization within few hundreds of femtosecond s and p recessional magnetization dynamics in few hundreds of picosecond time scale, we collected the time - resolved Kerr signal in two different time regimes. The time resolution during the measurements was fixed at 50 fs in -0.5 To 3.5 ps and 5 ps in -0.1 ns to 1 .5 ns to trace both the phenomena precisely. The pump and probe beams were focused using suitable lenses on the sample surface with spot diameters of ~250 µm and ~100 µm, respectively. The reflected signal from the sample surface was collected and analysed using a polarized beam splitter and dual photo detector assembly to extract the Kerr rotation and reflectivity signals separately. A fixed in-plane external bias magnetic field ( Hb) of 1 kOe was applied to saturate the magnetization for measurement of ult rafast demagnetization dynamics, while it was varied over a wide range during precessional dynamics measurement. III. Analysis of XRD peaks To estimate the degree of Co atomic site ordering, one has to calculate the ratio of integrated intensity of (200) and (400) peak. Here, we fit the peaks with Lorentzian profile as shown in inset of Fig. 1S and extracted the integrated intensities as a parameter from the fit . The calculated ratio of I(200) and I(400) with re spect to alloy composition ( x) is sho wn in Fi g. 1S. We note that there is no significant change in the I(200)/I(400) ratio. This result indicates an overall good quality atomic site ordering in the broad range of samples used in our study . Fig. 1S. Variation of integrated intensity ratio I(200)/I(40 0) with x, obtained from XRD patterns. Inset shows the fit to the peaks with Lorentzian profile. IV. Analysis of RHEED pattern The growth quality of the CFMS thin films was experimentally investigated using in-situ RHEED technique. Figure 2S shows the RHEED images captured along the MgO [100] direction for all the samples. All the images contain main thick streak lines in between the thin streak lines , which are marked by the white arrows, suggesting the formation o f ordered phases. The presence of regularly -aligned streak lines confirms the epitaxial growth in all the films. Fig. 2S. In-situ RHEED images for all the Co 2FexMn 1-xSi films taken along the MgO [100] direction. White arrows mark the presence of thin streak lines originating from the L2 1 ordered phase. V. Analysis of magnetic hysteresis loops Figure 3SA represents the M-H loops measured at room temperature using VSM for all the samples. All the loops are square in nature, which indicates a very small saturation magnetic field. We have estimated the values of saturation magnetization ( MS) and coercive field ( HC) from the M-H loops. Figure 3SB represents MS as a function of x showing a nearly monotonic increasing trend, which is consistent with the Slater -Pauling rule for Heusler alloys [4S], i.e. the increment in MS due to the increase in the number of valence electrons. However, it deviates remarkably at x = 1.0. This deviation towards the Fe -rich region is probably due to the slight degradation in the film quality. Figure 3SC shows that HC remains almost constant with variation of x. Fig. 3S. (A) Variation of M with H for all the samples. (B) Variation of MS as a function of x. Symbols are experimentally obtained values and dashed line is a linear fit. (C) Variation of HC with x. VI. Anal ysis of frequency ( f) versus bias magnetic field ( Hb) from TRMOKE measurements We have experimentally investigated the precessional dynamics of all the samples using TRMOKE technique. By varying the external bias magnetic field ( Hb), various precessional dynamics have been measured. The post -processing of these data foll owed by fast Fourier transform (FFT) provides the precessional frequency (f) and this is plotted against Hb as shown in Fig. 4S . To determine the value of in-plane magnetic anisotropy constant , obtained f-Hb curves have been analysed with Kittel formula which is given below: 2 1 2 S S S S2K 2K 2K γ(4πM )( )2π M M Mbb f H H= + + + + (1S) where MS is saturation magnetization and γ denote the gyromagnetic ratio given by Bgμγ= while K1 and K2 represent the two -fold uniaxial and four -fold biaxial magnetic anisotropy constant, respectively. Fig. 4S. Variation of f as a function of Hb. Circular filled symbols represent the experimental data and solid lines are Kittel fit. We have found the values of several parameters from the fit including K1 and K2. K1 has a negligible value while K2 has reasonably large value in our samples. The e xtracted values of the parameters from the fit are tabulated as follows in Table 1S : Table 1S: The extracted values of Lande g factor and the four -fold biaxial magnetic anisotropy constant K 2 for different values of x. x g K2 (erg/cm3) 0.00 2.20 3.1×104 0.40 2.20 2.6×104 0.50 2.20 3.0×104 0.60 2.20 2.5×104 0.75 2.20 2.6×104 1.00 2.20 3.4×104 VII. Variation of r elaxation frequency with alloy composition We have estimated the damping coefficient (α) and presented its variation with alloy composition ( x) in the main manuscript. According to the Slater -Pauling rule, M S increases when the valence electron number systematically increases. As in our case the valence electron number changes with x, one may expect a marginal effect of M S on the estimation of damping. Thus, to rule out any such possibilit ies, we have calculated the variation of relaxation frequency , S GαγM= with x, which is represented in Fig. 5S. It can be clearly observed from Fig. 5S that relaxation frequen cy exactly follows the trend of α . This rules out any possible spurious contribution of M S in magnetic damping. Fig. 5S. Non-monotonic v ariation of G with x for all the samples. References: [1S] S. Pan, S. Mondal, T. Seki, K. Takanashi, , and A. Barman, Influence of the thickness -dependent structural evolution on ultrafast magnetization dynamics in Co 2Fe0.4Mn 0.6Si Heusler alloy thin films. Phys. Rev. B 94, 184417 (2016). [2S] S. Pan, T. Seki, K. Takanashi, and A. Barman, Role of the Cr buffer layer in the thickness - dependent ultrafast magnetization dynamics of Co 2Fe0.4Mn 0.6Si Heusler alloy thin films. Phys. Rev. Appl. 7, 064012 (2017). [3S] S. Panda, S. Mondal, J. Sinha, S. Choudhury, and A. Barman, All-optical det ection of interfacial spin transparency from spin pumping in β -Ta/CoFeB thin films. Science Adv. 5, eaav7200 (2019). [4S] I. Galanakis, P. H. Dederichs, and N. Papanikolaou, Slater -Pauling behavior and origin of half - metallicity of the full Hesuler alloys. Phys. Rev. B 66, 174429 (2002). | 2020-01-17 | The electronic band structure-controlled ultrafast demagnetization mechanism
in Co2FexMn1-xSi Heusler alloy is underpinned by systematic variation of
composition. We find the spin-flip scattering rate controlled by spin density
of states at Fermi level is responsible for non-monotonic variation of
ultrafast demagnetization time ({\tau}M) with x with a maximum at x = 0.4.
Furthermore, Gilbert damping constant exhibits an inverse relationship with
{\tau}M due to the dominance of inter-band scattering mechanism. This
establishes a unified mechanism of ultrafast spin dynamics based on Fermi level
position. | Fermi Level Controlled Ultrafast Demagnetization Mechanism in Half-Metallic Heusler Alloy | 2001.06217v1 |
1 Inverse Spin Hall Effect in nanometer -thick YIG/Pt system O. d’Allivy Kelly1, A. Anane1*, R. Bernard1, J. Ben Youssef2, C. Hahn3, A-H. Molpeceres1, C. Carrétéro1, E. Jacquet1, C. Deranlot1, P. Bortolotti1, R. Lebourgois4, J-C. Mage1, G. de Loubens3, O. Klein3, V. Cros1 and A. Fert1 1Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales and Université Paris -Sud, 1 avenue Augustin Fresnel, Palaiseau, France 2Université de Br etagne Occidentale, LMB -CNRS, Brest, France 3Service de Physique de l’Etat Condensé, C EA/CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France 4Thales Research and Technology, 1 avenue Augustin Fresnel, Palaiseau, France Key words: YIG, FMR, Inverse Spin Hall Effect, spin waves Abstract: High quality nanometer -thick (20 nm , 7 nm and 4 nm) epitaxial YIG films have been grown on GGG substrates using pulsed laser deposition. The Gilbert damping coefficient for the 20 nm thick films is 2.3 x 10-4 which is the lowest value reported for sub -micrometric thick films. We demonstrate Inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) detection of propagating spin waves using Pt. The amplitu de and the lineshape of the ISHE voltage correlate well to the increase of the Gilbert damping when decreasing thickness of YIG. Spin Hall effect based loss -compensation experiments have been conducted but no change in the magnetization dynamics could be d etected. * Contact author : Abdel madjid Anane 2 Among all magnetic materials, Yttrium Iron Garnet Y 3Fe5O12 (YIG) has been the one that had the most prominent role in understanding high frequency magnetization dynamics. Because of its unique properties, bulk YIG crystal was the prototypal material for ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) studies in the mid -twentieth ce ntury. The attractive properties of YIG include: high Curie temperature , ultra low damping (the lowest among all materials at room temperature), electrical insulation, high chemical stability and easy synthesis in single crystalline form. Micrometer thick films of YIG were first grown using liquid phase epitaxy (LPE)1, and paved the way for the emergence of a large variety of microwave devices for high -end analogue electronic applic ations throughout the 1970’s 2. More recently, the interest in emerging large -scale integrated circuit technologies for beyond CMOS applications has fostered new paradigms for data processing . Many of them are based on state variables other than the electron charge and may eventually allow for unforeseen functionalities. Coding the information in a spin wave (SW) is among the most promising routes under investigation and has been referred to as magnonics 3. Exciting and detecting spin waves has been ma inly achieved through inductive coupling with radiofrequenc y (rf) anten nas but this technology remains incompatible with large scale integration4. Disruptive solution s merging magnonics and spintronics have been recently proposed where spin transfer torque (STT) and magnetoresistive effects would be used to couple to the SW s. For instance, using a STT -nano -oscillator in a nanocontact geometry, coherent SWs emission in Ni81Fe19 (Py) thin metallic layer has been recently demonstrated and probed by micro -focused Brilloui n light scattering (BLS) 5. YIG is often considered as the best medium for SW propagation because of its very small Gilbert damping coefficient (2x10-5 for bulk YIG) . Being an electrical insulator, electron mediated angular momentum transfer can only occur at the interface between YIG and a metallic layer . In that context , metals with large Spin Orbit Coupling (SOC) like Pt where a pure spin current can be generated through Spin Hall Effect (SHE) 6 have been used to excite7 or amplify8,9 propagating SWs through loss compensation in YIG . Moreover, d etection of SW can be achie ved using the Inverse Spin Hall Effect (ISHE) . In ISHE , the flow of a pure spin current from the YIG into the large SOC metal generates a dc voltage . The ISHE voltage is proportional to the Spin Hall angle () and the effective spin mixing conductance ( ) that is in play in the physics of spin pumping . As for the SOC materials, u p to recently, mainly Pt has been used , however it can be observed that other 5 d heavy metals such as Ta 10, W 11 or CuBi 12 are also very promising . As the amount of angular momentum transferred from (to) the YIG magnetic film per unit volume scales with 1/ (where t is the YIG thickness) , it is necessary to reduce the YIG thickness as much as possible while keeping its magnetic properties . Indeed , the threshold current density in the SOC metal for the macrospin mode excitation is expressed as13 : (Eq. 1) where is the spin Hall angle, the electron charge, the gyromagnetic ratio , the FMR frequency and the YIG’s 3 saturation magnetization . Furthermore, a better understanding of the physics involved in spin momentum transfer at the YIG/metal interface would be achieved by reducing the YIG film thickness below the exchange length (~ 10 nm) 14 . Up to now, sub micrometer -thick YIG films have been mainly grown by LPE but the ultimate thickn ess are around 200 nm15. To further reduce the thickness, other growth methods are to be considered . Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) is the most versatile technique for oxide films epitax y. Several groups have worked on PLD grown YIG16,17,18,19 but it is only recently that the films quality is approaching that of LPE20,21. In this letter , we present PLD growth of ultrathin YIG films with various thickness (20 nm, 7 nm and 4 nm) on Gadolinium Gallium Garnet (GGG) (111) substrates . Structural and magnetic characterizations and FMR measurements demonstrate the high quality of our nanometer -thick YIG films comparable to state of the art LPE films . The growth has been performed using a frequency tripled ( = 355 nm) Nd:YAG laser and a stochiometric polycrystalline YIG pellet . The pulse rate was 2.5 Hz and the substrate -target distance was 4 4 mm. Prior to the YIG deposition, the GGG substrate is annealed at 700°C under an oxygen pressure of 0.4 mbar. Growth temperature is then set to be 650 °C, and oxygen pressure to 0.25 mbar. After the film deposition , samples are cooled down to room temperat ure under 300 mbar of O 2. The YIG thickness is measured for each sample using X -ray reflectometry which yield a precision better than 0.3 nm. The surface morphology and roughness have been studied by atomic force microscopy ( AFM ). RMS roughness has been measured over 1 µm2 ranges between 0.2 nm and 0.3 nm for all films (Fig 1a) . As often with PLD growth, d roplets are present on the film surface, here the ir lateral sizes are below 100 nm and their density is very low (~ 0.1 µm-2). X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) spectr a using Cu K 1 radiation show that the growth is along the (111) direction . Only peaks characteristic of YIG and the GGG substrate are observed ( see Fig 1b ). The YIG lattice parameter is very close to that of the substrate and can only be resolved ev entually at large diffraction angle s. For the 20 nm YIG film (Fig 1b ,1a), refinement using EVA software on the 888 reflection yields a cubic lattice parameter of 1.2459 nm, to be compared to 1.2376 nm for the bulk YIG22. For thinner films (between 4 and 15 nm) , it was not possible to distinguish the YIG peaks from those of the substrate (Fig 1d, 1e). This sharp variation of the XRD spectra with respect to the film thickness tends to point towards a critical thickness for strain relaxation. It is however worth noting that the cubic lattice parameter of the 20 nm thick film is larger than the bulk lattice parameter but also of that to the GGG substrate (1.2383 nm) . A slight o ff-stoichiometry (either oxygen vaca ncies or cation interstitials) is probably at the origin of this observation . Pole figure measurements have been performed to gain insight s into the in -plane crystal structure, but it was not possible to resolve , at this stage, the film s peaks from the substrate peaks from w hich we infer that the growth is epitaxial and the film single crystalline . From SQUID magnetometry with in -plane magnetic field , we measure a magnetization of 4 Ms = 2100 G 50 G at room temperature for both the 20 and 7 nm films . This value is independently 4 confirmed by out -of plan e FMR resonance while the tabulated bulk value for YIG is 4 Ms = 1760 G. A similar increase of the PLD grown YIG magnetization have been reported and attributed to an off- stoichiome try19. The coercitive fields are extremely small , about 0.2 Oe (which is the experimental resolution ) and the saturation field is 5 Oe. There is no evidence for in -plane magnetic anisotropy . The overall magnetic signature is that of an ultra -soft material . Note that for the thinnest films (4 nm) we measure a decrease of the saturation magnetization to roughly 1700 G . Finally, we emphasize that the structural and magnetic properties of the samples are well reproducible with respect to the elaboration conditions. FMR fields and linewidths were measured at frequencies in the range 1 -40 GHz using high sensitive wideband r esonance spectrometer with a nonresonant microstrip transmission line. The FMR is measured via the derivative of microwave power absorption using a small rf exciting field. Resonance spectra were recorded with the applied static magnetic field oriented in plane . During the magnetic field sweeps , the amplitude of the modulation field was appreciably smaller than the FMR linewidth. The amplitude of the excit ation field h rf is about 1 mOe , which corresponds to the linear response regime. A phase -sensitive detector with lock -in detection was used. The field derivative of the absorbed power is proportional to the field derivative of the imaginary part of the rf susceptibility: (where and ″ is the imaginary part of the susceptibility of the uniform mode) . Typical resonance curve s are plotted in Fig. 2a 2b . In Fig. 2c, we show the frequency dependence of the peak -to-peak linewidth for three different YIG thicknesses , i.e., 20, 7 and 4 nm . As for the 20 nm YIG film, we find a linear dependence of the FMR linewidth with rf frequency while for the thinnest films , we do find an almost linear increase in the low frequency range (< 12 GHz) and then a saturation of the linewidth with frequency . Such qualitative difference depending on the thickness is reminiscent of the qualitative difference discussed earlier in the X -ray diffraction data (Fig 1). The linear dependence of the resonance linewidth is expected with in the frame of the Landau - Lifshitz Gilbert equation and allow for a straightforward calculation of the intrinsic Gilbert damping coefficient ( for the 20 nm thick film). The zero frequency intercept of the fitting line , usually referred to a s the extrinsic lin ewidth 23,24, is found to be H0 =1.4 Oe. We emphasize that our value for the intrinsic damping on the 20 nm thick film is among the best ever reported independ ently of the growth technique and is only outperformed by the 1.3 µm film used by Y. Kajiwara et al. 7. As for the extrinsic damping, our value s are still a bit larger than those obtained for 200 nm thick films grown by LPE ( H0= 0.4 Oe) 10. The saturation of the linewidth with increasing excitation frequency observed for thinnest films ( t = 7 and 4 nm) is usually ascribed to two -magnon s scattering due to the interfaces 25. An estimation of the intrinsic damping in such thin films is thus not correct. Nevertheless , and only for the sake of comparison, considering frequencies under 6 GHz , we can rough ly estimate the low frequency Gilbert damping to be 1.610-3 for the 7 nm and 3.810-3 the 4nm YIG films . However, it is worth mentioning that for those two thinnest films; samples sliced from the 5 same substrate can give different linewidths ( up to a factor of 3) with for some of them up to 2 absorption s lines. This observation point s to a slight lateral non-homogeneity in the chemical composition24. The data presented in figure 2 are tho se of the best samples showing a single absorption line. For the 20 nm thick films , all samples have only one resonance line and the dispersion of linewidths is within 5%. In order to characterize the conversion of propagating SWs in YIG into a charge current in a normal adjacent metal with large SOC , we perform ISHE detection of SW with the strip geometry used by Chumak et al.26. In our sample design (see Fig 3a) , SWs excitation is achieved using a patterned 100 µm wide Au stripline antenna whereas the ISHE voltage is measured on a 13 nm thick Pt strip ( 0.2 mm x 5 mm ) located at 100 µm away from the Au stripe and parallel to it . The metallic Pt strip is deposited using dc magnetron sputtering and lift -off. Prior to the Pt deposition , an in -situ O2/Ar- plasma is used to remove the photo -resist residue s and increase the ISHE voltage. This cleaning step has been shown recently to improve the ISHE signal by one order of magnitude27,28. Measurement s of the ISHE signal is performed either using a lock -in (with a 5 kHz TTL modulation of the rf power ) or a nano -voltmeter. In order to increase the output ISHE signa l, we chose a specific configuration with a magnetic field at 45° from to the SW propagation direction (cf Fig. 3a). This configuration has the advantage of provid ing a good coupling of the YIG film to the rf field under the antenna while still having a sig nificant spin polarization () that is orthogonal to the measured ISHE electrical field . We should point out that our choice of magnetic field direction implies that the propagating SWs are neither Damon -Eshbach modes where k M nor backward volume modes where k // M. In Fig 3b, we display the ISHE voltage (without any geometrical correction) as a function of the in plane magnetic field measured on a 20 nm thick YIG under a 10 mW rf excitation at 1 GHz. The sign of voltage peak (occurring at magnetic fields that resonantly excite the magnetization) reverses when the applied field is reversed as expected from the ISHE symmetry 29 : where is the pure spin current that flows through the YIG/Pt interface , is the spin polarization vector parallel to the dc magnetization direction and is the unit vector parallel to the Pt strip. A close -up on the ISHE signal lineshape for the different thickness es is plotted in Fig . 3c 3d 3e. In accordance with FMR study, the linewidth increases with decreasing YIG thickness. The spectral lineshap es are almost symmetrical confirming previous reports on YIG films grown using LPE 30. The ISHE maximum voltage decreases when the film thickness is decrease d. Going from 20 nm to 4 nm this decrease is as large as two order s of magn itudes and correlates to the increase of the Gilbert damping . A decrease of the ISHE signal when increasing damping is expected. Indeed, a s we are in the weak excitation regime, the ISHE voltage is expected to scale with 1/ 2, see for instance supplementary mate rials of Ref [7]. If we consider the Gilbert damping obt ained from FMR on the bar e YIG samples, a more dramatic decrease of the I SHE signal than the one observed is expected. In fact here, one should consider the effective damping of the Pt/YIG stack as spin -pumping will increase the YIG 6 effective damping under the Pt strip. We should ag ain point out that our measurement geometry relies on propagating SWs and therefor e they are subject to an exponential decay with distance . The length scale of this exponential decay is different for the three thicknesses owing to the difference in the damping parameter ; hence a quantitative interpretation of the voltage amplitude is to be avoided here. We thus succeeded to grow high quality ultrathin YIG film and demonstrated that a n efficient spin angular momentum transfer from the YIG film toward the Pt layer . The nex t objective is to induce an modification on the effective YIG damping coefficient via interfacial spin injection using SHE , as it has been reported in Py/Pt31,32 system . Using YIG/Pt, Kajiwara et al. have shown that even without rf excitation, spin injection induced by a dc current in Pt can generate propagating SWs ; the threshold current density has been estimated to be 4.4 x 108 A.m-2. Such unexpectedly low value has been attributed to the presence of an easy –axis surface anisotropy13. Hence, w e have performed experiments where a large dc bias current is applied on the Pt electrode while pumping spin waves in the 20 nm thick YIG film with TTL modulated rf excitation field . The VISHE linewidth is measured at the TTL modulation frequency using a lock -in. We expected to increase or decrease this linewidth depending on the dc current polarity but w e have not been able to see any sizable effect even for current densities as large as 6 x 109 Am-2, within a 0.2 Oe resolution, the measured linewidth remains absolutely unchanged . Theory predicts that th e threshold dc current for the onset of magnetic excitations scales with the Gilbert damping and the thickness of the ferromagnetic insulator (Eq. 1), the smaller the product the lower the threshold current for SW excitation is. In Kajiwara et al. ’s experiment nm; in our case nm (considering the spin pumping contribution to the damping ). We therefore applie d a dc current that is roughly 2 orders of magnitude larger than the expected threshold current . One possible explanation is that in our films , surface anisotropy is absent and therefore the pumped angular momentum is spread over many excitations modes33. Further investigations are under progress to clarify this point. In summary, we have fabricated PLD grown YIG on GGG (111) substrates with t hickness as low as 4 nm. We present here a comparative study on three different thicknesses : 4, 7 and 20 nm . The Gilbert damping coefficient for the 20 nm thick films is 2.3 x 10-4 which is the lowest value reported for sub - micrometric thick films. We demonstrate ISHE detection of SWs for ultra thin YIG film. The amplitudes of the ISHE voltage correlate s well to the increase of the Gilbert damping when decreasing thickness. Owing to extremely low product of the 20 nm film that is almost 10 time s smaller than the one reported by Kajiwara et al. we expected to observe compensation of the damping by spin current injection through the SHE but our preliminary results on the VISHE linewidth did not reveal any effect on the magnetization dynamics. Acknowledgement: This work has been supported by ANR -12-ASTR -0023 Trinidad 7 References: 1 J. E. Mee, J. L. Archer, R.H. Meade, and T.N. 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(a) 1 µm x 1µm AFM surface topography of a 20nm YIG film on GGG (111) (RMS roughness=0.23 nm). (b) XRD : -2 scan of the same film using Cu -K 1 radiation. This spectrum shows that the growth is along the (111) direction with no evidence of parasitic phases. The YIG peak are best resolved at high diffraction angle, a zoom around the 888 GGG peak is shown in panel (c). (c) (d) (e) XRD diffraction s pectrum centered on GGG (888) reflection for different YIG thicknesses: 20, 7 and 4 nm. For the 2 thinnest films, the YIG peak is masked by the substrate peak . The cubic lattice parameter of the 20 nm thick YIG film (obtained from 888 peak) is slightly lar ger than that of the substrate ( aYIG=1.2459 nm , aGGG=1.2383 nm) Figure 2 : (color online) ( a) (b). FMR absorption derivative spectra of 20 and 4 nm thick YIG films at an excitation frequency of 6 GHz. (c) rf excitation frequency dependence of FMR absorption linewidth measured on different YIG film thicknesses with an in -plane oriented static field. The black continuous line is a linear fit on the 20 nm thick film from w hich a Gilbert damping coefficient of 2. 3 x 10-4 can be inferred ( . The damping of the 7 nm and 4 nm films is significantly larger but must off all the frequency dependence is not linear (see text for discussion). Figure 3 : (a) Schematic illustration of the experimental setup: spin waves are excited through the YIG waveguide with a microstrip antenna. The detection is performed by measuring ISHE voltage dc signal on a ~200µm wide Pt stripe. (b) External dc magnetic field dependen ce of ISHE voltage measured on Pt electrode showing the polarity inversion when the magnetic field is reversed. The peaks occur at the FMR conditions as verified through S 11 spectroscopy on the Au antenna (not shown here). (c). (d). (e). ISHE voltage for d ifferent YIG film thicknesses around the resonance magnetic field; microwave frequency is f=3GHz. The peaks can be fitted to a lorentzian shape and the extracted linewidth are respectively: 19.2 , 13.2 and 4.6 Oe. The dramatic increase of the ISHE signal w ith thickness is discussed in the text. 10 Fig 1 11 Fig 2 12 Fig 3 | 2013-08-01 | High quality nanometer-thick (20 nm, 7 nm and 4 nm) epitaxial YIG films have
been grown on GGG substrates using pulsed laser deposition. The Gilbert damping
coefficient for the 20 nm thick films is 2.3 x 10-4 which is the lowest value
reported for sub-micrometric thick films. We demonstrate Inverse spin Hall
effect (ISHE) detection of propagating spin waves using Pt. The amplitude and
the lineshape of the ISHE voltage correlate well to the increase of the Gilbert
damping when decreasing thickness of YIG. Spin Hall effect based
loss-compensation experiments have been conducted but no change in the
magnetization dynamics could be detected. | Inverse Spin Hall Effect in nanometer-thick YIG/Pt system | 1308.0192v1 |
Generalization of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation by multi-body contributions to Gilbert damping for non-collinear magnets Sascha Brinker,1Manuel dos Santos Dias,2, 1,and Samir Lounis1, 2,y 1Peter Gr unberg Institut and Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum J ulich & JARA, 52425 J ulich, Germany 2Faculty of Physics, University of Duisburg-Essen and CENIDE, 47053 Duisburg, Germany (Dated: February 15, 2022) We propose a systematic and sequential expansion of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation utilizing the dependence of the Gilbert damping tensor on the angle between magnetic moments, which arises from multi-body scattering processes. The tensor consists of a damping-like term and a correction to the gyromagnetic ratio. Based on electronic structure theory, both terms are shown to depend on e.g. the scalar, anisotropic, vector-chiral and scalar-chiral products of magnetic moments: eiej, (nijei)(nijej),nij(eiej), (eiej)2,ei(ejek)..., where some terms are subjected to the spin-orbit eld nijin rst and second order. We explore the magnitude of the dierent contributions using both the Alexander-Anderson model and time-dependent density functional theory in magnetic adatoms and dimers deposited on Au(111) surface.arXiv:2202.06154v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 12 Feb 20222 I. INTRODUCTION In the last decades non-collinear magnetic textures have been at the forefront in the eld of spintronics due to the promising applications and perspectives tied to them1,2. Highly non-collinear particle-like topological swirls, like skyrmions3,4and hopons5, but also domain walls6can potentially be utilized in data storage and processing devices with superior properties compared to conventional devices. Any manipulation, writing and nucleation of these various magnetic states involve magnetization dynamical processes, which are crucial to understand for the design of future spintronic devices. In this context, the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) model7,8is widely used to describe spin dynamics of materials ranging from 3-dimensional bulk magnets down to the 0-dimensional case of single atoms, see e.g. Refs.9{12. The LLG model has two important ingredients: (i) the Gilbert damping being in general a tensorial quantity13, which can originate from the presence of spin-orbit coupling (SOC)14and/or from spin currents pumped into a reservoir15,16; (ii) the eective magnetic eld acting on a given magnetic moment and rising from internal and external interactions. Often a generalized Heisenberg model, including magnetic anisotropies and magnetic exchange interactions, is utilized to explore the ground state and magnetization dynamics characterizing a material of interest. Instead of the con- ventional bilinear form, the magnetic interactions can eventually be of higher-order type, see e.g.17{23. Similarly to magnetic interactions, the Gilbert damping, as we demonstrate in this paper, can host higher-order non-local contri- butions. Previously, signatures of giant anisotropic damping were found24, while chiral damping and renormalization of the gyromagnetic ratio were revealed through measurements executed on chiral domain wall creep motion24{28. Most rst-principles studies of the Gilbert damping were either focusing on collinear systems or were case-by-case studies on specic non-collinear structures lacking a general understanding of the fundamental behaviour of the Gilbert damping as function of the non-collinear state of the system. In this paper, we discuss the Gilbert damping tensor and its dependencies on the alignment of spin moments as they occur in arbitrary non-collinear state. Utilizing linear response theory, we extract the dynamical magnetic susceptibility and identify the Gilbert damping tensor pertaining to the generalized LLG equation that we map to that obtained from electronic structure models such as the single orbital Alexander-Anderson model29or time-dependent density functional theory applied to realistic systems10,30,31. Applying systematic perturbative expansions, we nd the allowed dependencies of the Gilbert damping tensor on the direction of the magnetic moments. We identify terms that are aected by SOC in rst and second order. We generalize the LLG equation by a simple form where the Gilbert damping tensor is amended with terms proportional to scalar, anisotropic, vector-chiral and scalar-chiral products of magnetic moments, i.e. terms like eiej, (nijei)(nijej), nij(eiej), (eiej)2,ei(ejek)..., where we use unit vectors, ei=mi=jmij, to describe the directional dependence of the damping parameters and nijrepresents the spin-orbit eld. The knowledge gained from the Alexander-Anderson model is applied to realistic systems obtained from rst-principles calculations. As prototypical test system we use 3 dtransition metal adatoms and dimers deposited on the Au(111) surface. Besides the intra-site contribution to the Gilbert damping, we also shed light on the inter-site contribution, usually referred to as the non-local contribution. II. MAPPING THE GILBERT DAMPING FROM THE DYNAMICAL MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY Here we extract the dynamical transverse magnetic response of a magnetic moment from both the Landau-Lifshitz- Gilbert model and electronic structure theory in order to identify the Gilbert damping tensor Gij10,11,32,33. In linear response theory, the response of the magnetization mat siteito a transverse magnetic eld bapplied at sites jand oscillating at frequency !reads m i(!) =X j ij(!)b j(!); (1) with the magnetic susceptibility ij(!) and;are thex;ycoordinates dened in the local spin frame of reference pertaining to sites iandj. In a general form13the LLG equation is given by dmi dt=
mi0 @Be i+X jGijdmj dt1 A; (2)3 Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f) Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− MagnetizationMagnetizationInter-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)°2°101234Energy [U]°1.00°0.75°0.50° [#states/U]m=0.2m=0.3m=0.4m=0.5m=0.6m=0.7m=0.8 °2°101234Energy [U]°1.0° [#states/U]m=0.2m=0.3m=0.4m=0.5m=0.6m=0.7m=0.8dI/dVVexcitationa)b) abc FIG. 1. Illustration of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert model and local density of states within the Alexander-Anderson model. (a) A magnetic moment (red arrow) precesses in the the presence of an external eld. The blue arrow indicates the direction of a damping term, while the green arrow shows the direction of the precession term. (b) Density of states for dierent magnetizations in the range from 0 :2 to 0:8. Density of states of dimers described within the Alexander-Anderson model for dierent magnetizations in the range from 0 :2 to 0:8. Shown is the ferromagnetic reference state. The magnetizations are self-consistently constrained using a longitudinal magnetic eld, which is shown in the inset. Model parameters: U= 1:0 eV, Ed= 1:0 eV; t= 0:2 eV; = 0:2 eV; 'R= 0 °. where
= 2 is the gyromagnetic ratio, Be i= dHspin=dmiis the eective magnetic eld containing the contributions from an external magnetic eld Bext i, as well as internal magnetic elds originating from the interaction of the moment with its surrounding. In an atomistic spin model described by e.g. the generalized Heisenberg hamiltonian, Hspin=P imiKimi+1 2P ijmiJijmj, containing the on-site magnetic anisotropy Kiand the exchange tensor Jij, the eective eld is given by Be i=Bext i Kimi P jJijmj(green arrow in Fig. 1a). The Gilbert damping tensor can be separated into two contributions { a damping-like term, which is the symmetric part of the tensor, S, (blue arrow in Fig. 1a), and a precession-like term A, which is the anti-symmetric part of the tensor. In Appendix A we show how the antisymmetric intra-site part of the tensor contributes to a renormalization of the gyromagnetic ratio. To extract the magnetic susceptibility, we express the magnetic moments in their respective local spin frame of references and use Rotation matrices that ensure rotation from local to globa spin frame of reference (see Appendix B). The magnetic moment is assumed to be perturbed around its equilibrium value Mi,mloc i=Miez i+mx iex i+my iey i, where e iis the unit vector in direction in the local frame of site i. Using the ground-state condition of vanishing magnetic torques, Miez i Bext i+Bint i = 0 and the inverse of the transverse magnetic susceptibility can be identied as 1 ij(!) =ij Be iz Mi+i!
Mi +1 MiMj(RiJijRT j)+ i!(RiGijRT j); (3) from which it follows that the Gilbert damping is directly related to the linear in frequency imaginary part of the inverse susceptibility d d!=[ 1] ij=ij1
Mi + (RiGijRT j): (4) Note thatRiandRjare rotation matrices rotating to the local frames of site iandj, respectively, which dene the coordinates ;=fx;yg(see Appendix B). Based on electronic structure theory, the transverse dynamical susceptibility can be extracted from a Dyson-like equation: 1(!) = 1 0(!) U, where0is the susceptibility of non-interacting electron while Uis a many-body interaction Kernel, called exchange-correlation Kernel in the context of time-dependent density functional theory30. The Kernel is generally assumed to be adiabatic, which enables the evaluation of the Gilbert damping directly from4 the non-interacting susceptibility. Obviously:d d! 1(!) =d d! 1 0(!). For small frequencies !,0has a simple !-dependence11: 0(!)<0(0) +i!=d d!0j!=0 (5) and as shown in Ref.33 d d! 1 0(!)[<0(0)] 2=d d!0j!=0: (6) Starting from the electronic Hamiltonian Hand the corresponding Green functions G(Ei) = (E Hi) 1, one can show that the non-interacting magnetic susceptibility can be dened via 0;ij(!+ i) = 1 TrZEF dE Gij(E+!+ i)ImGji(E) +ImGij(E)Gji(E ! i) ;(7) withbeing the vector of Pauli matrices. Obviously to identify the Gilbert damping and how it reacts to magnetic non-collinearity, we have to inspect the dependence of the susceptibility, and therefore the Green function, on the misalignment of the magnetic moments. III. MULTI-SITE EXPANSION OF THE GILBERT DAMPING Assuming the hamiltonian Hconsisting of an on-site contribution H0and an inter-site term encoded in a hopping termt, which can be spin-dependent, one can proceed with a perturbative expansion of the corresponding Green function utilizing the Dyson equation Gij=G0 iij+G0 itijG0 j+G0 itikG0 ktkjG0 j+::: : (8) Within the Alexander-Anderson single-orbital impurity model29,H0 i=Ed i Uimi Bi, whereEd is the energy of the localized orbitals, is the hybridization in the wide band limit, Uiis the local interaction responsible for the formation of a magnetic moment and Biis an constraining or external magnetic eld. SOC can be incorportated as tsoc ij=iijnij, whereijandnij= njirepresent respectively the strength and direction of the anisotropy eld. It can be parameterized as a spin-dependent hopping using the Rashba-like spin-momentum locking tij=t(cos'R0 i sin'Rnij)34. Depending on whether the considered Green function is an on-site Green function Giior an inter-site Green function Gijdierent orders in the hopping are relevant. On-site Green functions require an even number of hopping processes, while inter-site Green functions require at least one hopping process. The on-site Green function G0 ican be separated into a spin-less part Niand a spin dependent part Mi, G0 i=Ni0+Mi ; (9) where the spin dependent part is parallel to the magnetic moment of site i,Mikmi(note that SOC is added later on to the hoppings). Using the perturbative expansion, eq. (8), and the separated Green function, eq. (9), to calculate the magnetic susceptibility, eq. (7), one can systematically classify the allowed dependencies of the susceptibility with respect to the directions of the magnetic moments, e.g. by using diagrammatic techniques as shown in Ref.18for a related model in the context of higher-order magnetic exchange interactions. Since our interest is in the form of the Gilbert damping, and therefore also in the form of the magnetic susceptibility, the perturbative expansion can be applied to the magnetic susceptibility. The general form of the magnetic susceptibility in terms of the Green function, eq. (7), depends on a combination of two Green functions with dierent energy arguments, which are labeled as !and 0 in the following. The relevant structure is then identied as33, ij(!)Tr iGij(!) jGji(0): (10) The sake of the perturbative expansion is to gather insights in the possible forms and dependencies on the magnetic moments of the Gilbert damping, and not to calculate explicitly the strength of the Gilbert damping from this5 expansion. Therefore, we focus on the structure of eq. (10), even though the susceptibility has more ingredients, which are of a similar form. Instead of writing all the perturbations explicitly, we set up a diagrammatic approach, which has the following ingredients and rules: 1. Each diagram contains the operators NandM, which are andfor the magnetic susceptibility. The operators are represented by a white circle with the site and spin index: i 2. Hoppings are represented by grey circles indicating the hopping from site itoj:ij. The vertex corresponds totij. 3. SOC is described as a spin-dependent hopping from site itojand represented by: ij;. The vertex corresponds to tsoc ij=iij^n ij. 4. The bare spin-independent (on-site) Green functions are represented by directional lines with an energy at- tributed to it: !. The Green function connects operators and hoppings. The line corresponds to Ni(!). 5. The spin-dependent part of the bare Green function is represented by: !; .indicates the spin direction. The direction ensures the right order within the trace (due to the Pauli matrices, the dierent objects in the diagram do not commute). The line corresponds to Mi(!)m i. Note that the diagrammatic rules might be counter-intuitive, since local quantities (the Green function) are represented by lines, while non-local quantities (the hopping from itoj) are represented by vertices. However, these diagrammatic rules allow a much simplied description and identication of all the possible forms of the Gilbert damping, without having to write lengthy perturbative expansions. Spin-orbit coupling independent contributions. To get a feeling for the diagrammatic approach, we start with the simplest example: the on-site susceptibility without any hoppings to a dierent site, which describes both the single atom and the lowest order term for interacting atoms. The possible forms are, ii (!)/ !0 i i+ !;
0 i i + !0;
i i+ !;0;
i i; (11)6 which evaluate to, !0 i i= TrNi!)Ni(0) =Ni(!)Ni(0) (12) !;
0 i i= Tr
i= i
i (13) !0;
i i= Tr
i= i
i (14) !;0;
i i= Tr
Mi(!)Mi(0)m im
i = (
)Mi(!)Mi(0)m im
i: (15) The rst diagram yields an isotropic contribution, the second and third diagrams yield an anti-symmetric contribution, which is linear in the magnetic moment, and the last diagram yields a symmetric contribution being quadratic in the magnetic moment. Note that the energy dependence of the Green functions is crucial, since otherwise the sum of eqs. (13) and (14) vanishes. In particular this means that the static susceptibility has no dependence linear in the magnetic moment, while the the slope of the susceptibility with respect to energy can have a dependence linear in the magnetic moment. The static part of the susceptibility maps to the magnetic exchange interactions, which are known to be even in the magnetic moment due to time reversal symmetry. Combining all the functional forms of the diagrams, we nd the following possible dependencies of the on-site Gilbert damping on the magnetic moments, G ii(fmg)/f;
i;m im ig: (16) Since we work in the local frames, mi= (0;0;mz i), the last dependence is a purely longitudinal term, which is not relevant for the transversal dynamics discussed in this work. If we still focus on the on-site term, but allow for two hoppings to another atom and back, we nd the following new7 diagrams, !00 0 i iij ji + !;
00 0 i iij ji +:::+ !;
0;0 0 i iij ji +::: + !;
0;0; 0 i iij ji +:::+ !;
0;0; 0; i iij ji : (17) The dashed line in the second diagram can be inserted in any of the four sides of the square, with the other possibilities omitted. Likewise for the diagrams with two or three dashed lines, the dierent possible assignments have to be considered. The additional hopping to the site jyields a dependence of the on-site magnetic susceptibility and therefore also the on-site Gilbert damping tensor on the magnetic moment of site j. Another contribution to the Gilbert damping originates from the inter-site part, thus encoding the dependence of the moment site ion the dynamics of the moment of site jviaGij. This contribution is often neglected in the literature, since for many systems it is believed to have no signicant impact. Using the microscopic model, a dierent class of diagrams is responsible for the inter-site damping. In the lowest order in t=Um the diagrams contain already two hopping events, ! !0 0 i j ijij + !;
!0 0 i j ijij +:::+ !;
!;0 0 i j ijij +::: + !;
!;0; 0 i j ijij +:::+ !;
!;0; 0; i j ijij : (18) In total, we nd that the spin-orbit independent intra-site and inter-site Gilbert damping tensors can be respectively written as Gii= Si+Sij;(1) i (eiej) +Sij;(2) i (eiej)2 I + Ai+Aij i(eiej) E(ei);(19)8 and G ij= Sij+Sdot ij(eiej) + Aij+Adot ij(eiej) (E(ei) +E(ej)) +Scross ij(eiej)(eiej)+Sba ije ie j; (20) where as mentioned earlier SandArepresent symmetric and asymmetric contributions, Iis the 33 identity while E(ei) =0 @0ez i ey i ez i0ex i ey i ex i01 A. Remarkably, we nd that both the symmetric and anti-symmetric parts of the Gilbert damping tensor have a rich dependence with the opening angle of the magnetic moments. We identify, for example, the dot and the square of the dot products of the magnetic moments to possibly play a crucial role in modifying the damping, similarly to bilinear and biquadratic magnetic interactions. It is worth noting that even though the intra-site Gilbert damping can explicitly depend on other magnetic moments, its meaning remains unchanged. The anti-symmetric precession-like term describes a precession of the moment around its own eective magnetic eld, while the diagonal damping-like term describes a damping towards its own eective magnetic eld. The dependence on other magnetic moments renormalizes the intensity of those two processes. The inter-site Gilbert damping describes similar processes, but with respect to the eective eld of the other involved magnetic moment. On the basis of the LLG equation, eq. (2), it can be shown that the term related to Sba ijwith a functional form of e ie jdescribes a precession of the i-th moment around thej-th moment with a time- and directional-dependent amplitude, @tmi/(mimj) (mi@tmj). The double cross product term yields a time dependence of @tmi/(mi(mimj)) ((mimj)@tmj). Both contributions are neither pure precession-like nor pure damping-like, but show complex time- and directional-dependent dynamics. Spin-orbit coupling contributions. The spin-orbit interaction gives rise to new possible dependencies of the damping on the magnetic structure. In particular, the so-called chiral damping, which in general is the dierence of the damping between a right-handed and a left-handed opening, rises from SOC and broken inversion symmetry. Using our perturbative model, we can identify all possible dependencies up to second order in SOC and third order in the magnetic moments. In the diagramms SOC is added by replacing one spin-independent hopping vertex by a spin-dependent one, !00 0 i iij ji ! !00 0 i iij
ij : (21) Up to rst-order in SOC, we nd the the following dependencies were found for the on-site Gilbert damping Gii(fmg)/f
ij;^n ij^n ji;^n ijm i;^n ijm i;(^nijmi);(^nijmj); ^n ijm j;^n ijm j;m i(^nijmi);m i(^nijmi); ^nij(mimj);m i(^nijmj);m i(^nijmj);(^nijmj)
i; m im i(^nijmj);(m im j m im j)(^nijmj);^n ijm i(mimj);^n ijm i(mimj)g: (22) We identied the following contributions for the on-site and intersite damping to be the most relevant one after the numerical evaluation discussed in the next sections: Gsoc ii=Ssoc;ij i nij(eiej)I +Ssoc;ij;(2) i (nijei)(nijej)I +Asoc;ij i nij(eiej)E(ei) +Asoc;ij;(2) i (nijej)E(nij); (23)9 and Gsoc; ij =Ssoc ijnij(eiej)+Ssoc;ba ijn ij(eiej) +Asoc ijE(nij): (24) The contributions being rst-order in SOC are obviously chiral since they depend on the cross product, eiej. Thus, similar to the magnetic Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, SOC gives rise to a dependence of the Gilbert damping on the vector chirality, eiej. The term chiral damping used in literature refers to the dependence of the Gilbert damping on the chirality, but to our knowledge it was not shown so far how this dependence evolves from a microscopic model, and how it looks like in an atomistic model. Extension to three sites. Including three dierent sites i,j, andkin the expansions allows for a ring exchange i!j!k!iinvolving three hopping processes, which gives rise to new dependencies of the Gilbert damping on the directions of the moments. An example of a diagram showing up for the on-site Gilbert damping is given below for the on-site Gilbert damping the diagram, !00 0;
0 i iijjk ki(25) Apart from the natural extensions of the previously discussed 2-site quantities, the intra-site Gilbert damping of site i can depend on the angle between the sites jandk,ejek, or in higher-order on the product of the angles between site iandjwithiandk, (eiej)(eiek). In sixth-order in the magnetic moments the term ( eiej)(ejek)(ekei) yields to a dependence on the square of the scalar spin chirality of the three sites, [ ei(ejek)]2. Including SOC, there are two interesting dependencies on the scalar spin chirality. In rst-order one nds similarly to the recently discovered chiral biquadratic interaction18and its 3-site generalization19, e.g. ( nijei) (ei(ejek)), while in second order a direct dependence on the scalar spin chirality is allowed, e.g. n ijn ki(ei(ejek)). The scalar spin chirality directly relates to the topological orbital moment35{37and therefore the physical origin of those dependencies lies in the topological orbital moment. Even though these terms might not be the most important ones in our model, for specic non-collinear congurations or for some realistic elements with a large topological orbital moment, e.g. MnGe20, they might be important and even dominant yielding interesting new physics. IV. APPLICATION TO THE ALEXANDER-ANDERSON MODEL Magnetic dimers. Based on a 2-site Alexander-Anderson model, we investigated the dependence of the Gilbert damping on the directions of the magnetic moments using the previously discussed possible terms (see more details on the method in Appendix C). The spin splitting Udenes the energy scale and all other parameters. The energy of orbitals is set to Ed= 1:0. The magnetization is self-consistently constrained in a range of m= 0:2 tom= 0:8 using magnetic constraining elds. The corresponding spin-resolved local density of states is illustrated in Fig. 1b, where the inter-site hopping is set to t= 0:2 and the hybridization to = 0 :2. We performed two sets of calculations: one without spin-dependent hopping, 'R= 0 °, and one with a spin-dependent hopping, 'R= 20 °. The dierent damping parameters are shown in Fig. 2 as function of the magnetization. They are obtained from a least-squares t to several non-collinear congurations based on a Lebedev mesh for `= 238. The damping, which is independent of the relative orientation of the two sites, is shown in Fig. 2a. The symmetric damping-like intra-site contributionSidominates the damping tensor for most magnetizations and has a maximum at m= 0:3. The anti- symmetric intra-site contribtuion Ai, which renormalizes the gyromagnetic ratio, approximately changes sign when the Fermi level passes the peak of the minority spin channel at m0:5 and has a signicantly larger amplitude for small magnetizations. Both contributions depend mainly on the broadening , which mimics the coupling to an10 Magnetization°1.0° damping [U]a MagnetizationcGsiGasi°0.2° damping [U]b,ij,ik,(1)iGs,ij,ik,(2)iGs,ijik,(1)iGas,ij,ik,(1)iGas,jk,(1)iGas,ijik,(1)iGs,soc,crossijGas,soc,crossijGas,soc,(2)ijGs,soc,(2)ijMagnetization°1.0° damping [U]a MagnetizationcGsiGasi°0.2° damping [U]b,ij,ik,(1)iGs,ij,ik,(2)iGs,ijik,(1)iGas,ij,ik,(1)iGas,jk,(1)iGas,ijik,(1)iGs,soc,crossijGas,soc,crossijGas,soc,(2)ijGs,soc,(2)ijMagnetization°1.0° damping [U]a MagnetizationcGsiGasi°0.2° damping [U]b,ij,ik,(1)iGs,ij,ik,(2)iGs,ijik,(1)iGas,ij,ik,(1)iGas,jk,(1)iGas,ijik,(1)iGs,soc,crossijGas,soc,crossijGas,soc,(2)ijGs,soc,(2)ijMagnetization°1.0° damping [U]a MagnetizationcGsiGasi°0.2° damping [U]b,ij,ik,(1)iGs,ij,ik,(2)iGs,ijik,(1)iGas,ij,ik,(1)iGas,jk,(1)iGas,ijik,(1)iGs,soc,crossijGas,soc,crossijGas,soc,(2)ijGs,soc,(2)ijMagnetization°1.0° damping [U]a MagnetizationcGsiGasi°0.2° damping [U]b,ij,ik,(1)iGs,ij,ik,(2)iGs,ijik,(1)iGas,ij,ik,(1)iGas,jk,(1)iGas,ijik,(1)iGs,soc,crossijGas,soc,crossijGas,soc,(2)ijGs,soc,(2)ijMagnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f) Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− MagnetizationMagnetizationInter-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f) Magnetization°1.0° damping [U]a MagnetizationcGsiGasi°0.2° damping [U]b,ij,ik,(1)iGs,ij,ik,(2)iGs,ijik,(1)iGas,ij,ik,(1)iGas,jk,(1)iGas,ijik,(1)iGs,soc,crossijGas,soc,crossijGas,soc,(2)ijGs,soc,(2)ijMagnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− MagnetizationMagnetizationInter-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− MagnetizationMagnetizationInter-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− MagnetizationMagnetizationInter-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)Magnetization−1.0− Magnetization Magnetization− Magnetization−0.2− MagnetizationMagnetizationInter-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]Intra-site damping [eV]a) b) c)d) e) f)abc ab FIG. 2. Damping parameters as function of the magnetization for the dimers described within the Alexander-Anderson model including spin orbit coupling. A longitudinal magnetic eld is used to self-consistently constrain the magnetization. The parameters are extracted from tting to the inverse of the transversal susceptibility for several non-collinear congurations based on a Lebedev mesh. Model parameters in units of U:Ed= 1:0; t= 0:2; = 0:2; 'R= 20 °. electron bath and is responsible for the absorption of spin currents, which in turn are responsible for the damping of the magnetization dynamics15,16. The directional dependencies of the intra-site damping are shown in Fig. 2b. With our choice of parameters, the correction to the damping-like symmetric Gilbert damping can reach half of the direction-independent term. This means that the damping can vary between 0:4 1:0 for a ferromagnetic and an antiferromagnetic state at m= 0:4. Also for the renormalization of the gyromagnetic ratio a signicant correction is found, which in the ferromagnetic case always lowers and in the antiferromagnetic case enhances the amplitude. The most dominant contribution induced by SOC is the chiral one, which depends on the cross product of the moments iandj, which in terms of amplitude is comparable to the isotropic dot product terms. Interestingly, while the inter-site damping term is in general known to be less relevant than the intra-site damping, we nd that this does not hold for the directional dependence of the damping. The inter-site damping is shown in Fig. 2c. Even though the directional-independent term, Sij, is nearly one order of magnitude smaller than the equivalent intra-site contribution, this is not necessarily the case for the directional-dependent terms, which are comparable to the intra-site equivalents. V. APPLICATION TO FIRST-PRINCIPLES SIMULATIONS To investigate the importance of non-collinear eects for the Gilbert damping in realistic systems, we use DFT and time-dependent DFT to explore the prototypical example of monoatomic 3 dtransition metal adatoms and dimers deposited on a heavy metal surface hosting large SOC (see Fig. 3a for an illustration of the conguration). We consider a Cr, Mn, Fe and Co atoms deposited on the fcc-Au(111) surface (details of the simulations are described in Appendix D). The parameters and the corresponding functional forms are tted to our rst-principles data using 196 non-collinear states based on a Lebedev mesh for `= 238. Adatoms on Au(111). To illustrate the dierent eects on the Gilbert damping, we start by exploring magnetic adatoms in the uniaxial symmetry of the Au(111) surface. For the adatoms no non-local eects can contribute to the Gilbert damping. The Gilbert damping tensor of a single adatom without SOC has the form shown in relation to eq. (16), G0 i=SiI+AiE(ei): (26) Note that SOC can induce additional anisotropies, as shown in eq. (22). The most important ones for the case of a single adatom are f
ij;^n ij^n jig, which in the C3vsymmetry result in Gi=G0 i+Ssoc i0 @0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 A+Asoc i0 @0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 A; (27)11 DampingCr / Au(111) Mn / Au(111) Fe / Au(111) Co / Au(111)parameters Si 0:083 0 :014 0 :242 0 :472 Ai 0:204 0 :100 0 :200 0 :024 Ssoc i 0:000 0 :000 0 :116 0 :010 Asoc i 0:000 0 :000 0:022 0 :012
renorm x=y 1:42 1 :67 1 :43 1 :91
renorm z 1:42 1 :67 1 :48 1 :87 TABLE I. Gilbert damping parameters of Cr, Mn, Fe and Co adatoms deposited on the Au(111) surface as parametrized in eqs. (26) and (27). The SOC eld points in the z-direction due to the C3vsymmetry. The renormalized gyromagnetic ratio
renormis calculated according to eqs. (28) for an in-plane magnetic moment and an out-of-plane magnetic moment. since the sum of all SOC vectors points in the out-of-plane direction with ^nij!ez. Thus, the Gilbert damping tensor of adatoms deposited on the Au(111) surface can be described by the four parameters shown in eqs. (26) and (27), which are reported in Table I for Cr, Mn, Fe and Co adatoms. Cr and Mn, being nearly half-lled, are characterized by a small damping-like contribution Si, while Fe and Co having states at the Fermi level show a signicant damping of up to 0:47 in the case of Co. The antisymmetric part Aiof the Gilbert damping tensor results in an eective renormalization of the gyromagnetic ratio
, as shown in relation to eq. (A5), which using the full LLG equation, eq. (2), and approximating midmi dt= 0 is given by,
1 1 +
(eiAi); (28) where Aidescribes the vector Ai= Ai;Ai;Ai+Asoc i . For Cr and Fe there is a signicant renormalization of the gyromagnetic ratio resulting in approximately 1 :4. In contrast, Co shows only a weak renormalization with 1 :9 being close to the gyromagnetic ratio of 2. The SOC eects are negigible for most adatoms except for Fe, which shows a small anisotropy in the renormalized gyromagentic ratio ( 10 %) and a large anisotropy in the damping-like term of nearly 50 %. Dimers on Au(111). In contrast to single adatoms, dimers can show non-local contributions and dependencies on the relative orientation of the magnetic moments carried by the atoms. All quantities depending on the SOC vector are assumed to lie in the y-z-plane due to the mirror symmetry of the system. A sketch of the dimer and its nearest neighboring substrate atoms together with adatoms' local density of states are presented in Fig. 3. The density of states originates mainly from the d-states of the dimer atoms. It can be seen that the dimers exhibit a much more complicated hybridization pattern than the Alexander-Anderson model. In addition the crystal eld splits the dierent d-states resulting in a rich and high complexity than assumed in the model. However, the main features are comparable: For all dimers there is either a fully occupied majority channel (Mn, Fe, and Co) or a fully unoccupied minority channel (Cr). The other spin channel determines the magnetic moments of the dimer atoms f4:04;4:48;3:42;2:20gBfor respectively Cr, Mn, Fe and Co. Using the maximal spin moment, which is according to Hund's rule 5 B, the rst-principles results can be converted to the single-orbital Alexander-Anderson model corresponding to approximately m=f0:81;0:90;0:68;0:44gBfor the aforementioned sequence of atoms. Thus by this comparison, we expect large non-collinear contributions for Fe and Co, while Cr and Mn should show only weak non-local dependencies. The obtained parametrization is given in Table II. The Cr and Mn dimers show a weak or nearly no directional dependence. While the overall damping for both nanostructures is rather small, there is a signicant correction to the gyromagnetic ratio. In contrast, the Fe and Co dimers are characterized by a very strong directional dependence. Originating from the isotropic dependencies of the damping-like contributions, the damping of the Fe dimer can vary between 0 :21 in the ferromagnetic state and 0 :99 in the antiferromagnetic state. For the Co dimer the inter-site damping is even dominated by the bilinear and biquadratic term, while the constant damping is negligible. In total, there is a very good qualitative agreement between the expectations derived from studying the Alexander-Anderson model and the rst-principles results.12 DampingCr / Au(111) Mn / Au(111) Fe / Au(111) Co / Au(111)parameters Si 0:0911 0 :0210 0 :2307 0 :5235 Sij;(1) i 0:0376 0 :0006 0:3924 0:2662 Sij;(2) i 0:0133 0:0006 0 :3707 0 :3119 Ai 0:2135 0 :1158 0 :1472 0 :0915 Aij i 0:0521 0 :0028 0:0710 0:0305 Sij 0:0356 0 :0028 0 :2932 0 :0929 Sdot ij 0:0344 0:0018 0:3396 0:4056 Sdot;(2) ij 0:0100 0 :0001 0 :1579 0 :2468 Aij 0:0281 0:0044 0 :0103 0 :0011 Adot ij 0:0175 0 :0000 0:0234 0:0402 Scross ij 0:0288 0 :0002 0:2857 0:0895 Sba ij 0:0331 0 :0036 0 :2181 0 :2651 Ssoc;ij;y i 0:0034 0 :0000 0 :0143 0:0225 Ssoc;ij;z i 0:0011 0 :0000 0:0104 0 :0156 Asoc;ij;y i 0:0024 0:0001 0:0036 0 :0022 Asoc;ij;z i 0:0018 0:0005 0 :0039 0:0144 Ssoc;y ij 0:0004 0 :0001 0 :0307 0 :0159 Ssoc;z ij 0:0011 0 :0000 0:0233 0 :0206 Sba,soc ;y ij 0:0027 0 :0000 0:0184 0:0270 Sba,soc ;z ij 0:0005 0:0001 0 :0116 0:0411 TABLE II. Damping parameters of Cr, Mn, Fe and Co dimers deposited on the Au(111) surface. The possible forms of the damping are taken from the analytic model. The SOC eld is assumed to lie in the y-zplane and inverts under permutation of the two dimer atoms. 3 2 10123E EF[eV] 6 303DOS [#states/eV]Cr dimerMn dimerFe dimerCo dimersurface ab FIG. 3. aIllustration of a non-collinear magnetic dimer (red spheres) deposited on the (111) facets of Au (grey spheres). From the initial C3vspatial symmetry of the surface the dimers preserve the mirror plane (indicated grey) in the y-zplane. b Local density of states of the Cr, Mn, Fe and Co dimers deposited on the Au(111) surface. The grey background indicates the surface density of states. The dimers are collinear in the z-direction. VI. CONCLUSIONS In this article, we presented a comprehensive analysis of magnetization dynamics in non-collinear system with a special focus on the Gilbert damping tensor and its dependencies on the non-collinearity. Using a perturbative expansion of the two-site Alexander-Anderson model, we could identify that both, the intra-site and the inter-site part of the Gilbert damping, depend isotropically on the environment via the eective angle between the two magnetic moments, eiej. SOC was identied as the source of a chiral contribution to the Gilbert damping, which similarly to the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya and chiral biquadratic interactions depends linearly on the vector spin chirality, eiej. We unveiled dependencies that are proportional to the three-spin scalar chirality ei(ejek), i.e. to the chiral or topological moment, and to its square. Using the Alexander-Anderson model, we investigated the importance of the13 dierent contributions in terms of their magnitude as function of the magnetization. Using the prototypical test system of Cr, Mn, Fe and Co dimers deposited on the Au(111) surface, we extracted the eects of the non-collinearity on the Gilbert damping using time-dependent DFT. Overall, the rst-principles results agree qualitatively well with the Alexander-Anderson model, showing no dependence for the nearly half-lled systems Cr and Mn and a strong dependence on the non-collinearity for Fe and Co having a half-lled minority spin-channel. The realistic systems indicate an even stronger dependence on the magnetic texture than the model with the used parameters. The Fe and the Co dimer show signicant isotropic terms up to the biquadratic term, while the chiral contributions originating from SOC have only a weak impact on the total Gilbert damping. However, the chiral contributions can play the deciding role for systems which are degenerate in the isotropic terms, like e.g. spin spirals of opposite chirality. We expect the dependencies of the Gilbert damping on the magnetic texture to have a signicant and non-trivial impact on the spin dynamics of complex magnetic structures. Our ndings are readily implementable in the LLG model, which can trivially be amended with the angular dependencies provided in the manuscript. Utilizing multiscale mapping approaches, it is rather straightforward to generalize the presented forms for an implementation of the micromagnetic LLG and Thiele equations. The impact of the dierent contributions to the Gilbert damping, e.g. the vector (and/or scalar) chiral and the isotropic contributions, can be analyzed on the basis of either free parameters or sophisticated parametrizations obtained from rst principles as discussed in this manuscript. It remains to be explored how the newly found dependencies of the Gilbert damping aect the excitations and motion of a plethora of highly non-collinear magnetic quasi-particles such as magnetic skyrmions, bobbers, hopons, domain walls and spin spirals. Future studies using atomistic spin dynamics simulations could shed some light on this aspect and help for the design of future devices based on spintronics. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (ERC-consolidator grant 681405 { DYNASORE) and from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) through SPP 2137 \Skyrmionics" (Project LO 1659/8-1). The authors gratefully acknowledge the computing time granted through JARA-HPC on the supercomputer JURECA at the Forschungszentrum J ulich39. VII. METHODS Appendix A: Analysis of the Gilbert damping tensor The Gilbert damping tensor Gcan be decomposed into a symmetric part Sand an anti-symmetric part A, A=G GT 2andS=G+GT 2: (A1) While the symmetric contribution can be referred to as the damping-like contribution including potential anisotropies, the anti-symmetric Atypically renormalizes the gyromagnetic ratio as can be seen as follows: The three independent components of an anti-symmetric tensor can be encoded in a vector Ayielding A=
; (A2) where
is the Levi-Cevita symbol. Inserting this into the LLG equation yields dmi dt=
mi0 @Be i+X jAijdmj dt1 A (A3)
mi0 @Be i
X jAij mjBe j1 A: (A4) The last term can be rewritten as (Aijmj)Be j AijBe j mj: (A5)14 For the local contribution, Aii, the correction is kmiandkBe iyielding a renormalization of
miBe i. However, the non-local parts of the anti-symmetric Gilbert damping tensor can be damping-like. Appendix B: Relation between the LLG and the magnetic susceptibility The Fourier transform of the LLG equation is given by i!mi=
mi0 @Bext i X jJijmj i!X jGijmj1 A: (B1) Transforming this equation to the local frames of site iandjusing the rotation matrices RiandRjyields i!
Mimloc i=mloc i Mi0 @RiBext i X jRiJijRT jmloc j i!X jRiGijRT jmloc j1 A; (B2) where mloc i=Rimiandmloc j=Rjmj. The rotation matrices are written as R(#i;'i) = cos(#i=2)0+ i sin(#i=2) sin('i)x cos('i)y , with (#i;'i) being the polar and azimuthal angle pertaining to the moment mi. In the ground state the magnetic torque vanishes. Thus, denoting mloc i= (mx i; my i; Mi), wheremx=y iare perturbations to the ground states, yields for the ground state 0 @(RiBext i)x P j(RiJijRT jMjez)x (RiBext i)y P j(RiJijRT jMjez)y (RiBext i)z P j(RiJijRT jMjez)z1 A=0 @0 0 (RiBe i)z1 A: (B3) Linearizing the LLG and using the previous result and limiting our expansion to transveral excitations yield i!
Mimx i=my i(RiBe i)z Mi (RiBext i)y+X j(RiJijRT jmloc j)y+ i!X j(RiGijRT jmloc j)y(B4) i!
Mimy i= mx i(RiBe i)z Mi+ (RiBext i)x X j(RiJijRT jmloc j)x i!X j(RiGijRT jmloc j)x; (B5) which in a compact form gives X j =x;y0 @ij (RiBe i)z Mi+i!
Mi +X j(RiJijRT j)+ i!X j(RiGijRT j)1 Am j= (RiBext i); (B6) and can be related to the inverse of the magnetic susceptibility X j =x;y 1 i;j(!)m j= (RiBext i): (B7) Thus, the magnetic susceptibility in the local frames of site iandjis given by 1 i;j(!) =ij (RiBe i)z Mi+i!
Mi +X j(RiJijRT j)+ i!X j(RiGijRT j)(B8) Appendix C: Alexander-Anderson model{more details We use a single orbital Alexander-Anderson model, H=X ij[ij(Ed i Uimi Bi) (1 ij)tij]; (C1)15 whereiandjsum over all n-sites,Edis the energy of the localized orbitals, is the hybridization in the wide band limit,Uiis the local interaction responsible for the formation of a magnetic moment, miis the magnetic moment of site i,Biis an constraining or external magnetic eld, are the Pauli matrices, and tijis the hopping parameter between siteiandj, which can be in general spin-dependent. SOC is added as spin-dependent hopping using a Rashba-like spin-momentum locking tij=t(cos'R0 i sin'Rnij), where the spin-dependent hopping is characterized by its strength dened by 'Rand its direction nij= nji34. The eigenenergies and eigenstates of the model are given by, Hjni= (En i )jni: (C2) The single particle Green function can be dened using the eigensystem, G(E+ i) =X njnihnj E En+ i; (C3) whereis an innitesimal parameter dening the retarded ( !0+) and advanced ( !0 ) Green function. The magnitude of the magnetic moment is determined self-consistently using mi= 1 Im TrZ dEGii(E); (C4) whereGii(E) is the local Green function of site idepending on the magnetic moment. Using the magnetic torque exerted on the moment of site i, dH d^ei= miBe i; (C5) magnetic constraining elds can be dened ensuring the stability of an arbitrary non-collinear conguration, Bconstr= Pm ?mi jmijBe i) Hconstr= Bconstr ; (C6) wherePm ?is the projection on the plane perpendicular to the moment m. The constraining elds are added to the hamiltonian, eq. (C1), and determined self-consistently. Appendix D: Density functional theory{details The density functional theory calculations were performed with the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) Green function method. We assume the atomic sphere approximation for the the potential and include full charge density in the self-consistent scheme40. Exchange and correlation eects are treated in the local spin density approximation (LSDA) as parametrized by Vosko, Wilk and Nusair41, and SOC is added to the scalar-relativistic approximation in a self- consistent fashion42. We model the pristine surfaces utilizing a slab of 40 layers with the experimental lattice constant of Au assuming open boundary conditions in the stacking direction, and surrounded by two vacuum regions. No relaxation of the surface layer is considered, as it was shown to be negligible43. We use 450450k-points in the two-dimensional Brillouin zone, and the angular momentum expansions for the scattering problem are carried out up to`max= 3. Each adatom is placed in the fcc-stacking position on the surface, using the embedding KKR method. Previously reported relaxations towards the surface of 3 dadatoms deposited on the Au(111) surface44indicate a weak dependence of the relaxation on the chemical nature of the element. Therefore, we use a relaxation towards the surface of 20 % of the inter-layer distance for all the considered dimers. The embedding region consists of a spherical cluster around each magnetic adatom, including the nearest-neighbor surface atoms. The magnetic susceptibility is eciently evaluated by utilizing a minimal spdf basis built out of regular scattering solutions evaluated at two or more energies, by orthogonalizing their overlap matrix10. We restrict ourselves to the transversal part of the susceptibility using only the adiabatic exchange-correlation kernel and treat the susceptibility in the local frames of sites iandj. To investigate the dependence of the magnetic excitations on the non-collinarity of the system, we use all possible non-collinear states based on a Lebedev mesh for `= 238.16 REFERENCES 1Fert A, Cros V and Sampaio J 2013 Nat. Nanotech. 8152{156 ISSN 1748-3387 2Fert A, Reyren N and Cros V 2017 Nature Reviews Materials 217031 ISSN 2058-8437 3Bogdanov A and Hubert A 1994 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 138255 { 269 ISSN 0304-8853 4R ossler U K, Bogdanov A N and P
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arXiv:1502.02699v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 9 Feb 2015Large amplitude oscillation of magnetization in spin-torq ue oscillator stabilized by field-like torque Tomohiro Taniguchi1, Sumito Tsunegi2, Hitoshi Kubota1, and Hiroshi Imamura1 1National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Tech nology (AIST), Spintronics Research Center, Tsukuba 305-8568, Japan, 2Unit´ e Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales and Universit´ e Paris Sud 11, 1 av. A. Fresnel, Palaiseau, France. (Dated: July 8, 2021) Oscillation frequency of spin torque oscillator with a perp endicularly magnetized free layer and an in-plane magnetized pinned layer is theoretically inves tigated by taking into account the field-like torque. It is shown that the field-like torque plays an import ant role in finding the balance between the energy supplied by the spin torque and the dissipation du e to the damping, which results in a steady precession. The validity of the developed theory is confirmed by performing numerical simulations based on the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equatio n. Spin torque oscillator (STO) has attracted much at- tention as a future nanocommunication device because it can produce a large emission power ( >1µW), a high quality factor ( >103), a high oscillation frequency ( >1 GHz), a wide frequency tunability ( >3 GHz), and a nar- rowlinewidth ( <102kHz) [1–9]. In particular,STOwith a perpendicularly magnetized free layer and an in-plane magnetizedpinnedlayerhasbeendevelopedafterthedis- covery of an enhancement of perpendicular anisotropy of CoFeB free layer by attaching MgO capping layer [10– 12]. In the following, we focus on this type of STO. We have investigated the oscillation properties of this STO both experimentally [6, 13] and theoretically [14, 15]. An important conclusion derived in these studies was that field-like torque is necessary to excite the self-oscillation in the absence of an external field, nevertheless the field- like torque is typically one to two orders of magnitude smaller than the spin torque [16–18]. We showed this conclusion by performing numerical simulations based on the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation [15]. This paper theoretically proves the reason why the field-like torque is necessary to excite the oscillation by using the energy balance equation [19–27]. An effective energy including the effect of the field-like torque is in- troduced. It is shown that introducing field-like torque is crucial in finding the energy balance between the spin torque and the damping, and as a result to stabilize a steady precession. A good agreement with the LLG sim- ulation on the current dependence of the oscillation fre- quency shows the validity of the presented theory. Thesystemunderconsiderationisschematicallyshown in Fig. 1 (a). The unit vectorspointing in the magnetiza- tion directions of the free and pinned layers are denoted asmandp, respectively. The z-axis is normal to the film-plane, whereas the x-axis is parallel to the pinned layer magnetization. The current Iis positive when elec- trons flow from the free layer to the pinned layer. The LLG equation of the free layer magnetization mis dm dt=−γm×H−γHsm×(p×m) −γβHsm×p+αm×dm dt,(1)pxz+ - m(a) (b) mxmy 1 -1 001 -1 FIG. 1: (a) Schematic view of the system. (b) Schematic views of the contour plot of the effective energy map (dotted) , Eq. (2), and precession trajectory in a steady state with I= 1.6 mA (solid). whereγis the gyromagnetic ratio. Since the external field is assumed to be zero throughout this paper, the magnetic field H= (HK−4πM)mzezconsists of the per- pendicular anisotropy field only, where HKand 4πMare the crystalline and shape anisotropy fields, respectively. Sinceweareinterestedintheperpendicularlymagnetized free layer, HKshould be larger than 4 πM. The second and third terms on the right-hand-side of Eq. (1) are the spin torque and field-like torque, respectively. The spin torque strength, Hs=/planckover2pi1ηI/[2e(1+λm·p)MV], includes the saturation magnetization Mand volume Vof the free layer. The spin polarization of the current and the2 dependence of the spin torque strength on the relative angle of the magnetizations are characterized in respec- tive byηandλ[14]. According to Ref. [15], βshould be negative to stabilize the self-oscillation. The values of the parameters used in the following calculations are M= 1448 emu/c.c., HK= 20.0 kOe,V=π×60×60×2 nm3,η= 0.54,λ=η2,β=−0.2,γ= 1.732×107 rad/(Oe·s), andα= 0.005, respectively [6, 15]. The crit- ical current of the magnetization dynamics for β= 0 is Ic= [4αeMV/(/planckover2pi1ηλ)](HK−4πM)≃1.2 mA, where Ref. [15] shows that the effect of βon the critical current is negligible. Whenthecurrentmagnitudeisbelowthecrit- ical current, the magnetization is stabilized at mz= 1. In the oscillation state, the energy supplied by the spin torquebalancesthedissipationdue tothedamping. Usu- ally, the energy is the magnetic energy density defined as E=−M/integraltextdm·H[28], which includes the perpendic- ular anisotropy energy only, −M(HK−4πM)m2 z/2, in the present model. The first term on the right-hand-side of Eq. (1) can be expressed as −γm×[−∂E/∂(Mm)]. However, Eq. (1) indicates that an effective energy den- sity, Eeff=−M(HK−4πM) 2m2 z−β/planckover2pi1ηI 2eλVlog(1+λm·p), (2) should be introduced because the first and third terms on the right-hand-side of Eq. (1) can be summarized as −γm×[−∂Eeff/∂(Mm)]. Here, we introduce aneffective magnetic field H=−∂Eeff/∂(Mm) = (β/planckover2pi1ηI/[2e(1 + λmx)MV],0,(HK−4πM)mz). Dotted line in Fig. 1 (b) schematically shows the contour plot of the effective en- ergy density Eeffprojected to the xy-plane, where the constant energy curves slightly shift along the x-axis be- cause the second term in Eq. (2) breaks the axial sym- metry of E. Solid line in Fig. 1 (b) shows the preces- sion trajectory of the magnetization in a steady state withI= 1.6 mA obtained from the LLG equation. As shown, the magnetization steadily precesses practically on a constant energy curve of Eeff. Under a given cur- rentI, the effective energy density Eeffdetermining the constant energycurve of the stable precessionis obtained by the energy balance equation [27] αMα(Eeff)−Ms(Eeff) = 0. (3) In this equation, MαandMs, which are proportional to the dissipation due to the damping and energy supplied by the spin torque during a precession on the constant energy curve, are defined as [14, 25–27] Mα=γ2/contintegraldisplay dt/bracketleftBig H2−(m·H)2/bracketrightBig , (4) Ms=γ2/contintegraldisplay dtHs[p·H−(m·p)(m·H)−αp·(m×H)]. (5) The oscillation frequency on the constant energy curve(a) 00.010.02 -0.01 -0.020 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 mzMs, -αM α, Ms-αM αMs -αM αMs-αM α (b) 00.010.02 -0.01 -0.030 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 mzMs, -αM α, Ms-αM αMs -αM αMs-αM α -0.02β=0 β=-0.2 FIG. 2: Dependences of Ms,−αMα, and their difference Ms−Mαnormalized by γ(HK−4πM) onmz(0≤mz<1) for (a)β= 0, and (b) β=−0.2, where I= 1.6 mA. determined by Eq. (3) is given by f= 1/slashbig/contintegraldisplay dt. (6) Since we are interested in zero-field oscillation, and from the fact that the cross section of STO in experiment [6] is circle, we neglect external field Hextor with in-plane anisotropy field Hin−plane Kmxex. However, the above formula can be expanded to system with such effects by adding these fields to Hand terms −MHext·m− MHin−plane Km2 x/2 to the effective energy. In the absence of the field-like torque ( β= 0), i.e., Eeff=E, thereisone-to-onecorrespondencebetween the energy density Eandmz. Because an experimentally measurable quantity is the magnetoresistance propor- tional to ( RAP−RP)max[m·p]∝max[mx] =/radicalbig 1−m2z, it is suitable to calculate Eq. (3) as a function of mz, in- stead ofE, whereRP(AP)is the resistance of STO in the (anti)parallel alignment of the magnetizations. Figure 2 (a) shows dependences of Ms,−αMα, and their differ- enceMs−αMαonmz(0≤mz<1)forβ= 0, where Ms andMαare normalized by γ(HK−4πM). The current is set asI= 1.6 mA (> Ic). We also show Ms,−αMα, and their difference Ms−αMαforβ=−0.2 in Fig. 2 (b), wheremxis set as mx=−/radicalbig 1−m2z. Because −αMα is proportional to the dissipation due to the damping, −αMαis always −αMα≤0. The implications of Figs. 2 (a) and (b) are as follows. In Fig. 2 (a), Ms−αMαis always positive. This means that the energy supplied by3 current (mA)frequency (GHz) 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.012 0345 : Eq. (6): Eq. (1) FIG. 3: Current dependences of peak frequency of |mx(f)| obtained from Eq. (1) (red circle), and the oscillation fre- quency estimated by using (6) (solid line). the spin torque is always larger than the dissipation due to the damping, and thus, the net energy absorbed in the free layer is positive. Then, starting from the initial equilibrium state ( mz= 1), the free layer magnetization moves to the in-plane mz= 0, as shown in Ref. [14]. On the other hand, in Fig. 2 (b), Ms−αMαis positive from mz= 1to acertain m′ z, whereasit is negativefrom m′ zto mz= 0 (m′ z≃0.4 in the case of Fig. 2 (b)). This means that, starting from mz= 1, the magnetization can move to a point m′ zbecause the net energy absorbed by the free layer is positive, which drives the magnetization dy- namics. However, the magnetization cannot move to the film plane ( mz= 0) because the dissipation overcomes the energy supplied by the spin torque from mz=m′ ztomz= 0. Then, a stable and large amplitude precession is realized on a constant energy curve. We confirm the accuracy of the above formula by com- paring the oscillation frequency estimated by Eq. (6) withthenumericalsolutionoftheLLGequation, Eq. (1). In Fig. 3, we summarize the peak frequency of |mx(f)| forI= 1.2−2.0 mA (solid line), where mx(f) is the Fourier transformation of mx(t). We also show the oscil- lation frequency estimated from Eq. (6) by the dots. A quantitatively good agreement is obtained, guaranteeing the validity of Eq. (6). In conclusion, we developed a theoretical formula to evaluate the zero-field oscillation frequency of STO in the presence of the field-like torque. Our approach was basedon the energybalance equationbetween the energy suppliedbythe spintorqueandthe dissipationdue tothe damping. An effective energy density was introduced to take into account the effect of the field-like torque. We discussed that introducing field-like torque is necessary to find the energy balance between the spin torque and the damping, which as a result stabilizes a steady preces- sion. The validity of the developed theory was confirmed by performing the numerical simulation, showing a good agreement with the present theory. The authors would like to acknowledge T. Yorozu, H. Maehara, H. Tomita, T. Nozaki, K. Yakushiji, A. Fukushima, K. Ando, and S. Yuasa. This work was sup- ported by JSPS KAKENHI Number 23226001. [1] S. I. Kiselev, J. 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magnetized free layer and an in-plane magnetized pinned layer is theoretically
investigated by taking into account the field-like torque. It is shown that the
field-like torque plays an important role in finding the balance between the
energy supplied by the spin torque and the dissipation due to the damping,
which results in a steady precession. The validity of the developed theory is
confirmed by performing numerical simulations based on the
Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. | Large amplitude oscillation of magnetization in spin-torque oscillator stabilized by field-like torque | 1502.02699v1 |
arXiv:0804.0820v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 9 Aug 2008Inhomogeneous Gilbert damping from impurities and electro n-electron interactions E. M. Hankiewicz,1,2,∗G. Vignale,2and Y. Tserkovnyak3 1Department of Physics, Fordham University, Bronx, New York 10458, USA 2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missour i, Columbia, Missouri 65211, USA 3Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Califor nia, Los Angeles, California 90095, USA (Dated: October 30, 2018) We present a unified theory of magnetic damping in itinerant e lectron ferromagnets at order q2 including electron-electron interactions and disorder sc attering. We show that the Gilbert damping coefficient can be expressed in terms of the spin conductivity , leading to a Matthiessen-type formula in which disorder and interaction contributions are additi ve. Inaweak ferromagnet regime, electron- electron interactions lead to a strong enhancement of the Gi lbert damping. PACS numbers: 76.50.+g,75.45.+j,75.30.Ds Introduction – In spite of much effort, a complete theoretical description of the damping of ferromagnetic spin waves in itinerant electron ferromagnets is not yet available.1Recent measurements of the dispersion and damping of spin-wave excitations driven by a direct spin- polarized current prove that the theoretical picture is in- complete, particularly when it comes to calculating the linewidth of these excitations.2One of the most impor- tant parameters of the theory is the so-called Gilbert damping parameter α,3which controls the damping rate and thermal noise and is often assumed to be indepen- dent of the wave vector of the excitations. This assump- tion is justified for excitations of very long wavelength (e.g., a homogeneous precession of the magnetization), whereαcanoriginateinarelativelyweakspin-orbit(SO) interaction4. But it becomes dubious as the wave vector qof the excitations grows. Indeed, both electron-electron (e-e) and electron-impurity interactions can cause an in- homogeneous magnetization to decay into spin-flipped electron-hole pairs, giving rise to a q2contribution to the Gilbert damping. In practice, the presence of this contri- bution means that the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation contains a term proportional to −m×∇2∂tm(wherem is the magnetization) and requires neither spin-orbit nor magnetic disorder scattering. By contrast, the homoge- neous damping term is of the form m×∂tmand vanishes in the absence of SO or magnetic disorder scattering. The influence of disorder on the linewidth of spin waves in itinerant electron ferromagnets was discussed in Refs. 5,6,7, and the role of e-e interactions in spin-wave damping was studied in Refs. 8,9 for spin-polarized liq- uid He3and in Refs. 10,11fortwo-and three-dimensional electron liquids, respectively. In this paper, we present a unified semiphenomenological approach, which enables us to calculate on equal footing the contributions of dis- order and e-e interactions to the Gilbert damping pa- rameter to order q2. The main idea is to apply to the transverse spin fluctuations of a ferromagnet the method first introduced by Mermin12for treating the effect of disorder on the dynamics of charge density fluctuations in metals.13Following this approach, we will show that theq2contribution to the damping in itinerant electron ferromagnets can be expressed in terms of the transversespin conductivity, which in turn separates into a sum of disorder and e-e terms. A major technical advantage of this approach is that the ladder vertex corrections to the transverse spin- conductivity vanish in the absence of SO interactions, making the diagrammatic calculation of this quantity a straightforwardtask. Thusweareabletoprovideexplicit analytic expressions for the disorder and interaction con- tribution to the q2Gilbert damping to the lowest order in the strength of the interactions. Our paper connects and unifies different approaches and gives a rather com- plete and simple theory of q2damping. In particular, we find that for weak metallic ferromagnets the q2damping can be strongly enhanced by e-e interactions, resulting in a value comparable to or larger than typical in the case of homogeneous damping. Therefore, we believe that the inclusionofadampingtermproportionalto q2inthephe- nomenologicalLandau-Lifshitzequationofmotionforthe magnetization14is a potentially important modification of the theory in strongly inhomogeneous situations, such as current-driven nanomagnets2and the ferromagnetic domain-wall motion15.17 Phenomenological approach – In Ref. 12, Mermin con- structed the density-density response function of an elec- tron gas in the presence of impurities through the use of a local drift-diffusion equation, whereby the gradient of the external potential is cancelled, in equilibrium, by an opposite gradient of the local chemical potential. In diagrammatic language, the effect of the local chemical potential corresponds to the inclusion of the vertex cor- rection in the calculation of the density-density response function. Here, we use a similar approach to obtain the transverse spin susceptibility of an itinerant electron fer- romagnet, modeled as an electron gas whose equilibrium magnetization is along the zaxis. Before proceeding we need to clarify a delicate point. The homogeneous electron gas is not spontaneously fer- romagnetic at the densities that are relevant for ordinary magneticsystems.13Inordertoproducethe desired equi- librium magnetization, we must therefore impose a static fictitious field B0. Physically, B0is the “exchange” field Bexplus any external/applied magnetic field Bapp 0which maybeadditionallypresent. Therefore,inordertocalcu-2 late the transverse spin susceptibility we must take into account the fact that the exchange field associated with a uniform magnetization is parallel to the magnetization and changes direction when the latter does. As a result, the actual susceptibility χab(q,ω) differs from the sus- ceptibility calculated at constant B0, which we denote by ˜χab(q,ω), according to the well-known relation:11 χ−1 ab(q,ω) = ˜χ−1 ab(q,ω)−ωex M0δab. (1) Here,M0is the equilibrium magnetization (assumed to point along the zaxis) and ωex=γBex(whereγis the gyromagnetic ratio) is the precession frequency associ- ated with the exchange field. δabis the Kronecker delta. The indices aandbdenote directions ( xory) perpen- dicular to the equilibrium magnetization and qandω are the wave vector and the frequency of the external perturbation. Here we focus solely on the calculation of the response function ˜ χbecause term ωexδab/M0does not contribute to Gilbert damping. We do not include the effects of exchange and external fields on the orbital motion of the electrons. The generalized continuity equation for the Fourier component of the transverse spin density Main the di- rectiona(xory) at wave vector qand frequency ωis −iωMa(q,ω) =−iγq·ja(q,ω)−ω0ǫabMb(q,ω) +γM0ǫabBapp b(q,ω), (2) whereBapp a(q,ω)isthetransverseexternalmagneticfield driving the magnetization and ω0is the precessional fre- quency associated with a static magnetic field B0(in- cluding exchange contribution) in the zdirection. jais theath component of the transverse spin-current density tensor and we put /planckover2pi1= 1 throughout. The transverse Levi-Civita tensor ǫabhas components ǫxx=ǫyy= 0, ǫxy=−ǫyx= 1, and the summation over repeated in- dices is always implied. The transverse spin current is proportional to the gra- dient of the effective magnetic field, which plays the role analogousto the electrochemicalpotential, and the equa- tion that expressesthis proportionalityis the analogueof the drift-diffusion equation of the ordinary charge trans- port theory: ja(q,ω) =iqσ⊥/bracketleftbigg γBapp a(q,ω)−Ma(q,ω) ˜χ⊥/bracketrightbigg ,(3) whereσ⊥(=σxxorσyy) is the transverse dc (i.e., ω= 0) spin-conductivity and ˜ χ⊥=M0/ω0is the static trans- verse spin susceptibility in the q→0 limit.18Just as in the ordinary drift-diffusion theory, the first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (3) is a “drift current,” and the second is a “diffusion current,” with the two canceling out exactly in the static limit (for q→0), due to the relationMa(0,0) =γ˜χ⊥Bapp a(0,0). Combining Eqs. (2) and (3) gives the following equation for the transversemagnetization dynamics: /parenleftbigg −iωδab+γσ⊥q2 ˜χ⊥δab+ω0ǫab/parenrightbigg Mb= /parenleftbig M0ǫab+γσ⊥q2δab/parenrightbig γBapp b,(4) which is most easily solved by transforming to the circularly-polarized components M±=Mx±iMy, in which the Levi-Civita tensor becomes diagonal, with eigenvalues ±i. Solving in the “+” channel, we get M+=γ˜χ+−Bapp +=M0−iγσ⊥q2 ω0−ω−iγσ⊥q2ω0/M0γBapp +, (5) from which we obtain to the leading order in ωandq2 ˜χ+−(q,ω)≃M0 ω0/parenleftbigg 1+ω ω0/parenrightbigg +iωγσ⊥q2 ω2 0.(6) The higher-orderterms in this expansion cannot be legit- imately retained within the accuracy of the present ap- proximation. We also disregard the q2correction to the static susceptibility, since in making the Mermin ansatz (3) we are omitting the equilibrium spin currents respon- sible for the latter. Eq. (6), however, is perfectly ade- quate for our purpose, since it allows us to identify the q2contribution to the Gilbert damping: α=ω2 0 M0lim ω→0ℑm˜χ+−(q,ω) ω=γσ⊥q2 M0.(7) Therefore, the Gilbert damping can be calculated from the dc transverse spin conductivity σ⊥, which in turn can be computed from the zero-frequency limit of the transverse spin-current—spin-current response function: σ⊥=−1 m2∗Vlim ω→0ℑm/angb∇acketleft/angb∇acketleft/summationtextN i=1ˆSiaˆpia;/summationtextN i=1ˆSiaˆpia/angb∇acket∇ight/angb∇acket∇ightω ω,(8) whereˆSiaisthexorycomponentofspinoperatorforthe ith electron, ˆ piais the corresponding component of the momentum operator, m∗is the effective electron mass, V isthe systemvolume, Nisthe totalelectronnumber, and /angb∇acketleft/angb∇acketleftˆA;ˆB/angb∇acket∇ight/angb∇acket∇ightωrepresents the retarded linear response func- tion for the expectation value of an observable ˆAunder the action of a field that couples linearly to an observable ˆB. Both disorder and e-e interaction contributions can be systematically included in the calculation of the spin- current—spin-current response function. In the absence of spin-orbit and e-e interactions, the ladder vertex cor- rections to the conductivity are absent and calculation ofσ⊥reduces to the calculation of a single bubble with Green’s functions G↑,↓(p,ω) =1 ω−εp+εF±ω0/2+i/2τ↑,↓,(9) where the scattering time τsin general depends on the spin band index s=↑,↓. In the Born approximation,3 the scattering rate is proportional to the electron den- sity of states, and we can write τ↑,↓=τν/ν↑,↓, whereνs is the spin- sdensity of states and ν= (ν↑+ν↓)/2.τ parametrizes the strength of the disorder scattering. A standard calculation then leads to the following result: σdis ⊥=υ2 F↑+υ2 F↓ 6(ν−1 ↓+ν−1 ↑)1 ω2 0τ. (10) This, inserted in Eq. (7), gives a Gilbert damping pa- rameter in full agreement with what we have also calcu- lated from a direct diagrammatic evaluation of the trans- verse spin susceptibility, i.e., spin-density—spin-density correlation function. From now on, we shall simplify the notation by introducing a transversespin relaxation time 1 τdis ⊥=4(EF↑+EF↓) 3n(ν−1 ↓+ν−1 ↑)1 τ, (11) whereEFs=m∗υ2 Fs/2istheFermienergyforspin- selec- trons and nis the total electron density. In this notation, the dc transverse spin-conductivity takes the form σdis ⊥=n 4m∗ω2 01 τdis ⊥. (12) Electron-electron interactions – One of the attractive fea- tures of the approach based on Eq. (8) is the ease with which e-e interactions can be included. In the weak cou- pling limit, the contributions of disorder and e-e inter- actions to the transverse spin conductivity are simply additive. We can see this by using twice the equation of motion for the spin-current—spin-current response func- tion. This leads to an expression for the transverse spin-conductivity (8) in terms of the low-frequency spin- force—spin-force response function: σ⊥=−1 m2∗ω2 0Vlim ω→0ℑm/angb∇acketleft/angb∇acketleft/summationtext iˆSiaˆFia;/summationtext iˆSiaˆFia/angb∇acket∇ight/angb∇acket∇ightω ω.(13) Here,ˆFia=˙ˆpiais the time derivative of the momentum operator, i.e., the operator of the force on the ith elec- tron. The total force is the sum of electron-impurity and e-e interaction forces. Each of them, separately, gives a contribution of order |vei|2and|vee|2, whereveiandvee are matrix elements of the electron-impurity and e-e in- teractions, respectively, while cross terms are of higher order, e.g., vee|vei|2. Thus, the two interactions give ad- ditive contributions to the conductivity. In Ref.16, a phe- nomenological equation of motion was used to find the spin current in a system with disorder and longitudinal spin-Coulomb drag coefficient. We can use a similar ap- proach to obtain transversespin currents with transverse spin-Coulomb drag coefficient 1 /τee ⊥. In the circularly- polarized basis, i(ω∓ω0)j±=−nE 4m∗+j± τdis ⊥+j± τee ⊥,(14)and correspondingly the spin-conductivities are σ±=n 4m∗1 −(ω∓ω0)i+1/τdis ⊥+1/τee ⊥.(15) In the dc limit, this gives σ⊥(0) =σ++σ− 2=n 4m∗1/τdis ⊥+1/τee ⊥ ω2 0+/parenleftbig 1/τdis ⊥+1/τee ⊥/parenrightbig2.(16) Using Eq. (16), an identification of the e-e contribution is possible in a perturbative regime where 1 /τee ⊥,1/τdis ⊥≪ ω0, leading to the following formula: σ⊥=n 4m∗ω2 0/parenleftbigg1 τdis ⊥+1 τee ⊥/parenrightbigg . (17) Comparison with Eq. (13) enables us to immediately identify the microscopic expressions for the two scatter- ing rates. For the disorder contribution, we recover what we already knew, i.e., Eq. (11). For the e-e interaction contribution, we obtain 1 τee ⊥=−4 nm∗Vlim ω→0ℑm/angb∇acketleft/angb∇acketleft/summationtext iˆSiaˆFC ia;/summationtext iˆSiaˆFC ia/angb∇acket∇ight/angb∇acket∇ightω ω,(18) whereFCis just the Coulomb force, and the force-force correlation function is evaluated in the absence of disor- der. The correlation function in Eq. (18) is proportional to the function F+−(ω) which appeared in Ref. 11 [Eqs. (18) and (19)] in a direct calculation of the transverse spin susceptibility. Making use of the analytic result for ℑmF+−(ω)presentedinEq. (21)ofthatpaperweobtain 1 τee ⊥= Γ(p)8α0 27T2r4 sm∗a2 ∗k2 B (1+p)1/3, (19) /s48/s46/s49 /s49 /s49/s48 /s49/s48/s48 /s49/s48/s48/s48/s49/s48/s45/s54/s49/s48/s45/s53/s49/s48/s45/s52/s49/s48/s45/s51/s49/s48/s45/s50/s49/s48/s45/s49 /s112/s61/s48/s46/s57/s57/s40/s110/s111/s32/s101/s45/s101/s32/s105/s110/s116/s101/s114/s97/s99/s116/s105/s111/s110/s115/s41 /s112/s61/s48/s46/s53/s112/s61/s48/s46/s49/s112/s61/s48/s46/s49 /s32/s32 /s49/s47 /s32/s91/s49/s47/s110/s115/s93 FIG. 1: (Color online) The Gilbert damping αas a function of the disorder scattering rate 1 /τ. Red (solid) line shows the Gilbertdampingfor polarization p= 0.1inthepresenceofthe e-e and disorder scattering, while dashed line does not incl ude thee-escattering. Blue(dotted)andblack(dash-dotted)l ines show Gilbert damping for p= 0.5 andp= 0.99, respectively. We took q= 0.1kF,T= 54K,ω0=EF[(1+p)2/3−(1−p)2/3], M0=γpn/2,m∗=me,n= 1.4×1021cm−3,rs= 5,a∗= 2a04 whereTis the temperature, p= (n↑−n↑)/nis the degree of spin polarization, a∗is the effective Bohr radius, rsis the dimensionless Wigner-Seitz radius, α0= (4/9π)1/3 and Γ(p) – a dimensionless function of the polarization p– is defined by Eq. (23) of Ref. 11. This result is valid to second order in the Coulomb interaction. Collecting our results, we finally obtain a full expression for the q2 Gilbert damping parameter: α=γnq2 4m∗M01/τdis ⊥+1/τee ⊥ ω2 0+/parenleftbig 1/τdis ⊥+1/τee ⊥/parenrightbig2.(20) One of the salient features of Eq. (20) is that it scales as the total scattering ratein the weak disorder and e-e interactions limit, while it scales as the scattering timein the opposite limit. The approximate formula for the Gilbert damping in the more interesting weak- scattering/strong-ferromagnet regime is α=γnq2 4m∗ω2 0M0/parenleftbigg1 τdis ⊥+1 τee ⊥/parenrightbigg , (21) while in the opposite limit, i.e. for ω0≪1/τdis ⊥,1/τee ⊥: α=γnq2 4m∗M0/parenleftbigg1 τdis ⊥+1 τee ⊥/parenrightbigg−1 . (22) Our Eq. (20) agrees with the result of Singh and Teˇ sanovi´ c6on the spin-wave linewidth as a function of the disorder strength and ω0. However, Eq. (20) also describes the influence of e-e correlations on the Gilbert damping. A comparison of the scattering rates originat- ing from disorder and e-e interactions shows that the lat- ter is important and can be comparable or even greater than the disorder contribution for high-mobility and/or low density 3D metallic samples. Fig. 1 shows the be- havior of the Gilbert damping as a function of the dis- order scattering rate. One can see that the e-e scatter- ing strongly enhances the Gilbert damping for small po- larizations/weak ferromagnets, see the red (solid) line. This stems from the fact that 1 /τdis ⊥is proportional to 1/τand independent of polarization for small polar- izations, while 1 /τee ⊥is enhanced by a large prefactorΓ(p) = 2λ/(1−λ2) + (1/2)ln[(1 + λ)/(1−λ)], where λ= (1−p)1/3/(1+p)1/3. On the other hand, for strong polarizations(dotted anddash-dottedlinesinFig.1), the disorder dominates in a broad range of 1 /τand the inho- mogenous contribution to the Gilbert damping is rather small. Finally, we note that our calculation of the e-e in- teractioncontributiontothe Gilbertdampingisvalidun- der the assumption of /planckover2pi1ω≪kBT(which is certainly the case ifω= 0). More generally, as follows from Eqs. (21) and (22) of Ref. 11, a finite frequency ωcan be included through the replacement (2 πkBT)2→(2πkBT)2+(/planckover2pi1ω)2 in Eq. (19). Thus 1 /τee ⊥is proportional to the scattering rateofquasiparticlesnearthe Fermi level, andour damp- ing constant in the clean limit becomes qualitatively sim- ilar to the damping parameter obtained by Mineev9for ωcorresponding to the spin-wave resonance condition in some external magnetic field (which in practice is much smaller than the ferromagnetic exchange splitting ω0). Summary – We have presented a unified theory of the Gilbert damping in itinerant electron ferromagnets at the order q2, including e-e interactions and disorder on equal footing. For the inhomogeneous dynamics ( q/negationslash= 0), these processes add to a q= 0 damping contribution that is governed by magnetic disorder and/or spin-orbit interactions. We have shown that the calculation of the Gilbertdampingcanbe formulatedinthe languageofthe spin conductivity, which takes an intuitive Matthiessen form with the disorder and interaction contributions be- ing simply additive. It is still a common practice, e.g., in the micromagnetic calculations of spin-wave dispersions and linewidths, to use a Gilbert damping parameter in- dependent of q. However, such calculations are often at odds with experiments on the quantitative side, particu- larly where the linewidth is concerned.2We suggest that the inclusion of the q2damping (as well as the associ- ated magnetic noise) may help in reconciling theoretical calculations with experiments. Acknowledgements – This work was supported in part by NSF Grants Nos. DMR-0313681 and DMR-0705460 as well as Fordham Research Grant. Y. T. thanks A. Brataas and G. E. W. Bauer for useful discussions. ∗Electronic address: 1Y. Tserkovnyak, A. Brataas, G. E. Bauer, and B. I. Halperin, Rev. Mod. Phys. 77, 1375 (2005). 2I. N. Krivorotov et al., Phys. Rev. B 76, 024418 (2007). 3T. L. Gilbert, IEEE Trans. Magn. 40, 3443 (2004). 4E. M. Hankiewicz, G. Vignale, and Y. Tserkovnyak, Phys. Rev. B75, 174434 (2007). 5A. Singh, Phys. Rev. B 39, 505 (1989). 6A. Singh and Z. Tesanovic, Phys. Rev. B 39, 7284 (1989). 7V.L.SafonovandH.N.Bertram, Phys.Rev.B 61, R14893 (2000). 8V. P. Silin, Sov. Phys. JETP 6, 945 (1958).9V. P. Mineev, Phys. Rev. B 69, 144429 (2004). 10Y. Takahashi, K. Shizume, and N. Masuhara, Phys. Rev. B60, 4856 (1999). 11Z. Qian and G. Vignale, Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 56404 (2002). 12N. D. Mermin, Phys. Rev. B 1, 2362 (1970). 13G. F. Giuliani and G. Vignale, Quantum Theory of the Electron Liquid (Cambridge University Press, UK, 2005). 14E.M.Lifshitz andL.P.Pitaevskii, Statistical Physics, Part 2, vol. 9 of Course of Theoretical Physics (Pergamon, Ox- ford, 1980), 3rd ed. 15Y. Tserkovnyak, A. Brataas, and G. E. Bauer, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 320, 1282 (2008), and reference therein.5 16I. D’Amico and G. Vignale, Phys. Rev. B 62, 4853 (2000). 17In ferromagnets whose nonuniformities are beyond the linearized spin waves, there is a nonlinear q2contribu- tion to damping, (see J. Foros and A. Brataas and Y. Tserkovnyak, and G. E. W. Bauer, arXiv:0803.2175) which has a different physical origin, related to the longitudinalspin-current fluctuations. 18Although both σ⊥and ˜χ⊥are in principle tensors in trans- verse spin space, they are proportional to δabin axially- symmetric systems—hence we use scalar notation. | 2008-04-04 | We present a unified theory of magnetic damping in itinerant electron
ferromagnets at order $q^2$ including electron-electron interactions and
disorder scattering. We show that the Gilbert damping coefficient can be
expressed in terms of the spin conductivity, leading to a Matthiessen-type
formula in which disorder and interaction contributions are additive. In a weak
ferromagnet regime, electron-electron interactions lead to a strong enhancement
of the Gilbert damping. | Inhomogeneous Gilbert damping from impurities and electron-electron interactions | 0804.0820v2 |
arXiv:1309.4897v1 [physics.atom-ph] 19 Sep 2013Van der Waals Coefficients for the Alkali-metal Atoms in the Ma terial Mediums aBindiya Arora∗andbB. K. Sahoo† aDepartment of Physics, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar , Punjab-143005, India, bTheoretical Physics Division, Physical Research Laborato ry, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380009, India (Dated: Received date; Accepted date) The damping coefficients for the alkali atoms are determined v ery accurately by taking into account the optical properties of the atoms and three distin ct types of trapping materials such as Au (metal), Si (semi-conductor) and vitreous SiO 2(dielectric). Dynamic dipole polarizabilities are calculated precisely for the alkali atoms that reproduc e the damping coefficients in the perfect conducting medium within 0.2% accuracy. Upon the considera tion of the available optical data of the above wall materials, the damping coefficients are found t o be substantially different than those of the ideal conductor. We also evaluated dispersion coeffici ents for the alkali dimers and compared them with the previously reported values. These coefficients are fitted into a ready-to-use functional form to aid the experimentalists the interaction potential s only with the knowledge of distances. PACS numbers: 34.35.+a, 34.20.Cf, 31.50.Bc, 31.15.ap Accurate information on the long-range interactions such as dispersion (van der Waals) and retarded (Casimir-Polder) potentials between two atoms and be- tween an atom and surface of the trapping material are necessary for the investigation of the underlying physics of atomic collisions especially in the ultracold atomic ex- periments [1–4]. Presence of atom-surface interactions lead to a shift in the oscillation frequency of the trap which alters the trapping frequency as well as magic wavelengths for state-insensitive trapping of the trapped condensate. Moreover, this effect has also gained inter- est in generating novel atom optical devices known as the “atom chips”. In addition, the knowledge of dis- persion coefficients is required in experiments of photo- association, fluorescence spectroscopy, determination of scattering lengths, analysis of feshbach resonances, de- termination of stability of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs), probingextra dimensionsto accommodate New- tonian gravity in quantum mechanics etc. [5–10]. Therehavebeenmanyexperimentalevidencesofanat- tractiveforcebetweenneutralatomsandbetweenneutral atoms with trapping surfaces but their precise determi- nations are relatively difficult. In the past two decades, several groups have evaluated dispersion coefficients C3 defining interaction between an atom and a wall using various approaches [11–13] without rigorous estimate of uncertainties. More importantly, they are evaluated for a perfect conducting wall which are quite different from an actual trapping wall. Since these coefficients depend on thedielectricconstantsofthematerialsofthewall, there- fore it is worth determining them precisely for trapping materials with varying dielectric constants (for good con- ducting, semi conducting, and dielectric mediums) as has been attempted in [14, 15]. Casimir and Polder [2] had estimated that at intermediately largeseparationsthe re- ∗Email: †Email: bijaya@prl.res.intardation effects of the virtual photons passing between the atom and its image weakens the attractive atom- wall force and the force scales with a different power law (given in details below). In this paper, we carefully ex- amine these retardation or damping effects which have not been extensively studied earlier. We also parameter- ized our damping coefficients into a readily usable form to be used in experiments. The atom-surface interaction potential resulting from the fluctuating dipole moment of an atom interacting with its image in the surface is formulated by [1, 14] Ua(R) =−α3 fs 2π/integraldisplay∞ 0dωω3α(ιω)/integraldisplay∞ 1dξe−2αfsξωRH(ξ,ǫ(ιω)), (1) whereαfsis the fine structure constant, ǫ(ω) is the fre- quencydependentdielectricconstantofthesolid, Risthe distance between the atom and the surface and α(ιω) is the ground state dynamic polarizability with imaginary argument. The function H(ξ,ǫ(ιω)) is given by H(ξ,ǫ) = (1−2ξ2)/radicalbig ξ2+ǫ−1−ǫξ/radicalbig ξ2+ǫ−1+ǫξ+/radicalbig ξ2+ǫ−1−ξ/radicalbig ξ2+ǫ−1+ξ with the Matsubara frequencies denoted by ξ. In asymptotic regimes, the Matsubara integration is dominated by its first term and the potential can be ap- proximated to Ua(R) =−C3T R3withC3T=α(0) 4(ǫ(0)− 1)/(ǫ(0)+1). The potential form can be described more accurately at the retardation distances as Ua(R) =−C4 R4 and at the non-retarded region as Ua(R) =−C3 R3[2]. To express the potential in the intermediate region, these approximations are usually modified either to Ua(R) = −C4 (R+λ)R3or toUa(R) =−C3 R3f3(R) whereλandf3(R) are respectively known as the reduced wavelength and damping function. It would be interesting to testify the validity of both the approximations by evaluating C3,C4 andf3(R) coefficients togetherfor different atomsin con- ducting, semi-conducting and dielectric materials. Since the knowledgeofmagneticpermeability ofthe materialis required to evaluate C4coefficients, hence we determine2 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 α(ιω)(a.u.)(a)Li Na K Rb 0 5 10 15 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1ε(ιω)(a.u.) Frequency (a.u.)(b) Au Si SiO2 FIG. 1: Dynamic polarizabilities of the Li, Na, K and Rb atoms and dielectric permittivity of the Au, Si and SiO 2sur- faces along the imaginary axis as functions of frequencies. only the C3andf3(R) coefficients. With the knowledge ofC3andf3values, the atom-surface interaction poten- tialscanbeeasilyreproducedandtheycanbegeneralized to other surfaces. In general, the C3coefficient is given by C3≈1 4π/integraldisplay∞ 0dωα(ιω)ǫ(ιω)−1 ǫ(ιω)+1. (2) Foraperfectconductor ǫ→ ∞,ǫ(ιω)−1 ǫ(ιω)+1→1andforother materialswith their refractiveindices n=√ǫvaryingbe- tween 1 and 2,ǫ(ιω)−1 ǫ(ιω)+1≈ǫ(0)−1 ǫ(0)+1is nearly a constant and can be approximated to 0.77. For more preciseness, it is necessary to consider the actual frequency dependencies ofǫs in the materials. In the present work, three distinct materials such as Au, Si and SiO 2belonging to conduct- ing, semi-conducting and dielectric objects respectively, are taken into account to find out f3(R) functions and compared against a perfect conducting wall for which case we express [16] f3(R) =1 4πC3/integraldisplay∞ 0dωα(ιω)e−2αfsωRQ(αfsωR),(3) withQ(x) = 2x2+2x+1. To find out f3(R) for the other surfaces, we evaluate Ua(R) by substituting their ǫ(ιω) values in Eq. (1). Similarly, the leading term in the long-range interac- tion between two atoms denoted by aandbis approxi- mated by Uab(R) =−Cab 6 R6, wherethe Cab 6is knownasthe van der Waals coefficient and Ris the distance between two atoms. If retardation effects are included then it is modified to Uab(R) =−Cab 6 R6fab 6(R). The dispersion coef- ficientCab 6and the damping coefficient fab 6(R) betweenTABLE I: Calculated C3coefficients along with their uncer- tainties for the alkali-metal atoms and their comparison wi th other reported values. Classification of various contribut ions are in accordance with [11]a, [12]band [16]c. Li Na K Rb Perfect Conductor Core 0.074 0.332 0.989 1.513 Valence 1.387 1.566 2.115 2.254 Core-Valence ∼0 ∼0−0.016−0.028 Tail 0.055 0.005 0.003 0.003 Total 1.516(2) 1.904(2) 3.090(4) 3.742(5) Others 1.5178a1.8858b2.860b3.362b 1.889c Metal: Au Core 0.010 0.051 0.263 0.419 Valence 1.160 1.285 1.804 1.927 Core-Valence ∼0 ∼0 -0.005 -0.010 Tail 0.029 0.002 0.001 0.002 Total 1.199(2) 1.338(1) 2.062(4) 2.338(4) Others [14] 1.210 1.356 2.058 2.79 Semi-conductor: Si Core 0.006 0.033 0.184 0.299 Valence 0.993 1.099 1.543 1.649 Core-Valence ∼0 ∼0 -0.004 -0.008 Tail 0.023 0.002 0.001 0.001 Total 1.022(2) 1.134(1) 1.724(3) 1.942(4) Dielectric: SiO 2 Core 0.004 0.022 0.116 0.184 Valence 0.468 0.519 0.726 0.775 Core-Valence ∼0 ∼0 -0.002 -0.004 Tail 0.012 0.001 0.001 0.001 Total 0.4844(8) 0.5424(5) 0.839(1) 0.956(2) the atoms can be estimated using the expressions [16] Cab 6=3 π/integraldisplay∞ 0dωαa(ιω)αb(ιω),and fab 6=1 πCab 6/integraldisplay∞ 0dωαa(ιω)αb(ιω)e−2αfsωRP(αfsωR), whereP(x) =x4+2x3+5x2+6x+3. Using our previously reported E1 matrix elements [17, 18] and experimental energies, we plot the dy- namic polarizabilities of the ground states in Fig. 1 of the considered alkali atoms. The static polarizabil- ities corresponding to ω= 0 come out to be 164.1(7), 162.3(2), 289.7(6) and 318.5(8), as given in [17, 18], against the experimental values 164.2(11) [19], 162.4(2) [20], 290.58(1.42) [21] and 318.79(1.42) [21] in atomic unit (a.u.) for Li, Na, K and Rb atoms respectively. It clearly indicates the preciseness of our estimated results. The main reason for achieving such high accuracies in the estimated static polarizabilities is due to the use of E1 matrix elements extracted from the precise lifetime measurements of few excited states and by fitting our3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1f3 (a) Li (b) NaPerfect conductor Au Si SiO2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 02000400060008000f3 R(a.u.)(c) K 0200040006000800010000 R(a.u.)(d) Rb FIG. 2: The retardation coefficient f3(R) (dimensionless) for Li, Na, K and Rb as a function of atom-wall distance R. TABLE II: Fitting parameters aandbforf3coefficients with a perfectly conducting wall, Au, Si, and SiO 2surfaces. Li Na K Rb Perfect Conductor a 0.9843 1.0802 1.1845 1.2598 b 0.0676 0.0866 0.0808 0.0907 Metal: Au a 0.9775 0.9846 1.0248 1.0437 b 0.0675 0.0614 0.0532 0.0558 Semi-conductor: Si a 0.9436 0.9436 0.9749 0.9869 b 0.0638 0.0718 0.0622 0.0647 Dielectric: SiO 2 a 0.9754 0.9789 1.0238 1.0423 b 0.0650 0.0746 0.0649 0.0685 E1 results obtained from the relativistic coupled-cluster calculation at the singles, doubles and partial triples ex- citation level (CCSD(T) method) to the measurements of the static polarizabilities of the excited states. Substituting the dynamic polarizabilities in Eq. (2), we evaluatethe C3coefficients fora perfect conductor(to compare with previous studies), for a real metal Au, for a semi conductor object Si and for a dielectric substance of glassy structure SiO 2. These values are given in Table I with break down from various individual contributions andestimateduncertaintiesarequotedintheparentheses afterignoringerrorsfromthe usedexperimentaldata. To achieve the claimed accuracy in our results it was neces- saryto use the complete tabulated data for the refraction indices of Au, Si, and SiO 2to calculate their dielectric permittivities at all the imaginary frequencies [22]. We evaluate the imaginary parts of the dielectric constants using the relation Im( ǫ(ω)) = 2n(ω)κ(ω), where n and κ are the real and imaginaryparts of the refractiveindex ofa material. The available data for Si and SiO 2are suffi- ciently extended to lower frequencies. However, they are extended to the lower frequencies for Au with the help of the Drude dielectric function [15] ǫ(ω) = 1−ω2 p ω(ω+ιγ), (4) with relaxation frequency γ= 0.035 eV and plasma frequency ωp= 9.02 eV. The corresponding real val- ues at imaginary frequencies are obtained by using the Kramers-Kronig formula Re(ǫ(ιω)) = 1+2 π/integraldisplay∞ 0dω′ω′Im(ǫ(ω′)) ω2+ω′2.(5) In bottom part of Fig. 1, the ǫ(ιω) values as a function of imaginary frequency are plotted for Au, Si, and SiO 2. The behavior of ǫ(ιω) for various materials is obtained as expected and they match well with the graphical repre- sentations given by Caride and co-workers [15]. As shown in Table I, C3coefficients increase with the increase in atomic mass. First we present our results for theC3coefficients for the interaction of these atoms with a perfectly conducting wall. The dominant contribution to theC3coefficients is from the valence part of the po- larizability. We also observed that the core contribution to theC3coefficients increases with the increasing num- ber of electrons in the atom which is in agreement with the prediction made in Ref. [12]. Our results are also in good agreement with the results reported by Kharchenko et al.[16] for Na. Therefore, our results obtained for other materials seem to be reliable enough. We noticed that the C3coefficients for a perfect conductor were ap- proximately 1.5, 2, and 3.5 times larger than the C3co- efficients for Au, Si, and SiO 2respectively. The decrease in the coefficient values for the considered mediums can be attributed to the fact that in case of dielectric ma- terial the theory is modified for non-unity reflection and for different origin ofthe transmitted wavesfrom the sur- face. In addition to this, for Si and SiO 2there are addi- tionalinteractionsduetochargedanglingbonds specially at shorter separations. The recent estimations with Au medium carried out by Lach et al.[14] are in agreement with our results since the polarizability database they have used is taken from Ref. [12]. These calculations seem to be sensitive on the choice of grids used for the numerical integration. An exponential grid yield the re- sults more accurately and it is insensitive to choice of the size of the grid in contrast to a linear grid. In fact with the use of a linear grid having a spacing 0 .1, we observed a 3-5% fall in C3coefficients for the considered atoms. The reason being that most of the contributions to the evaluation of these coefficients come from the lower fre- quencies which yield inaccuracy in the results for large grid size. Fig. 2 showsa comparisonof the f3(R) values obtained for Li, Na, K, and Rb atoms as a function of atom- wall separationdistance R for the four different materials4 TABLE III: C6coefficients with fitting parameters for the alkali dimers. Co ntributions from the valence, core and valence-core polarizabilities alone are labeled as Cv 6,Cc 6andCvc 6, respectively and Cct 6corresponds to contributions from the remaining cross terms. References:a[23],b[24],c[25],d[26],e[27],f[28],g[29]. Dimer Cv 6Cc 6Cvc 6Cct 6C6(Total) Others Exp a b Li-Li 1351 0.07 ∼0 39 1390(4) 1389(2)a,1388b,1394.6c,1473d0.8592 0.0230 Li-Na 1428 0.32 ∼0 37 1465(3) 1467(2)a0.8592 0.0245 Li-K 2201 1.27 ∼0 119 2321(6) 2322(5)a0.8640 0.0217 Li-Rb 2368 1.94 ∼0 179 2550(6) 2545(7)a0.8666 0.0262 Na-Na 1515 1.51 ∼0 33 1550(3) 1556(4)a, 1472b,1561c0.8591 0.0262 Na-K 2316 6.24 ∼0 118 2441(5) 2447(6)a2519e0.8555 0.0231 Na-Rb 2490 9.60 ∼0 184 2684(6) 2683(7)a0.8686 0.0232 K-K 3604 29.89 0.01 261 3895(15) 3897(15)a, 3813b,3905c3921f0.8738 0.0207 K-Rb 3880 46.91 0.02 465 4384(12) 4274(13)a0.8738 0.0207 Rb-Rb 4178 73.96 0.4 465 4717(19) 4691(23)a, 4426b,4635c4698g0.8779 0.0207 studied in this work. As seen in the figure, the retarda- tion coefficients are the smallest for an ideal metal. At very short separation distances the results for a perfectly conductingmaterialdiffersfromtheresultsofAu, Si, and SiO2by less than 4%. As the atom-surface distance in- creases, the deviations of f3results for various materials from the results of an ideal metal are considerable and vary as 18%, 15% and 6% for Li; 33%, 14% and 18% for Na; 40%, 13% and 26% for K; and 50%, 13% and 33% for Rb in Au, Si, and SiO 2surfaces respectively. The deviation of results between an ideal metal and other di- electric surfaces is smallest for the Li atom and increases appreciably for the Rb atom. We use the functional form todescribeaccuratelytheatom-wallinteractionpotential at the separate distance R as f3(R) =1 a+b(αfsR). (6) By extrapolating data from the above figure, we list the extracted aandbvalues for the considered atoms in all the materials in Table II. In Table III, we present our calculated results for the C6coefficients for the alkali dimers. In columns II, III and IV, we give individual contributions from the va- lence, core and valence-core polarizabilities to C6eval- uation and column V represents contributions from the cross terms which are found to be crucial for obtaining accurate results. As can be seen from Table I, the trends are almost similar to C3evaluation. A comparison of our C6values with other recent calculations and available experimental results is also presented in the same table. Using the similar fitting procedure as for f3, we obtained fitting parameters aandbforf6from Fig. 3 which are quoted in the last two columns of the above table. To summarize, we haveinvestigatedthe dispersion and damping coefficients for the atom-wall and atom-atominteractions for the Li, Na, K, and Rb atoms and their dimers in this work. The interaction potentials of the al- kali atomsare studied with Au, Si, and SiO 2surfacesand 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000f6 R(a.u.)Li-Li Li-Na Li-K Li-Rb Na-Na Na-K Na-Rb K-K K-Rb Rb-Rb FIG. 3: The retardation coefficient f6(R) (dimensionless) for the alkali dimers as a function of atom-atom distance R. found to be very different than a perfect conductor. It is also shown that the interaction of the atoms in these sur- faces is considerably distinct from each other. A readily usable functional form of the retardation coefficients for the interaction between two alkali atoms and alkali atom with the above mediums is provided. Our fit explains more than 99% of total variation in data about average. The results are compared with the other theoretical and experimental values. The work of B.A. is supported by the CSIR, India (Grant no. 3649/NS-EMRII). We thank Dr. G. Klim- chitskaya and Dr. G. Lach for some useful discussions. B.A.alsothanksMr. S.Sokhalforhishelpin somecalcu- lations. Computations were carried out using 3TFLOP HPC Cluster at Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmed- abad.5 [1] E. M. Lifshitz and L. P Pitaevskii, Statistical Physics , Pergamon Press, Oxford, London (1980). [2] H. B. G. Casimir and D. Polder, Phys. Rev. 73, 4 (1948). [3] F. London, Z. Physik 63, 245 (1930). [4] J. Israelachvili, Intermolecular and Surface Forces, A ca- demic Press, San Diego (1992). [5] J. L. Roberts et al., Phys. Rev, Lett. 81, 5109 (1998). [6] C. Amiot and J. Verges, J. Chem. Phys. 112, 7068 (2000). [7] P. J. Leo, C. J. Williams and P. S. Julienne, Phys. Rev. Lett.85, 2721 (2000). [8] D. M. Harber et al., J. Low Temp. Phys. 133, 229 (2003). [9] A. E. Leanhardt et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 100404 (2003). [10] Y. Lin et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 050404 (2004). [11] A. Derevianko, W. R. Johnson and S. Fritzsche, Phys. Rev. A57, 2629 (1998). [12] A. Derevianko et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3589 (1999). [13] J. 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by taking into account the optical properties of the atoms and three distinct
types of trapping materials such as Au (metal), Si (semi-conductor) and
vitreous SiO2 (dielectric). Dynamic dipole polarizabilities are calculated
precisely for the alkali atoms that reproduce the damping coefficients in the
perfect conducting medium within 0.2% accuracy. Upon the consideration of the
available optical data of the above wall materials, the damping coefficients
are found to be substantially different than those of the ideal conductor. We
also evaluated dispersion coefficients for the alkali dimers and compared them
with the previously reported values. These coefficients are fitted into a
ready-to-use functional form to aid the experimentalists the interaction
potentials only with the knowledge of distances. | Van der Waals Coefficients for the Alkali-metal Atoms in the Material Mediums | 1309.4897v1 |
arXiv:1404.1488v2 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 27 Nov 2014Gilbert damping in noncollinear ferromagnets Zhe Yuan,1,∗Kjetil M. D. Hals,2,3Yi Liu,1Anton A. Starikov,1Arne Brataas,2and Paul J. Kelly1 1Faculty of Science and Technology and MESA+Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Net herlands 2Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway 3Niels Bohr International Academy and the Center for Quantum Devices, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, 2100 Copen hagen, Denmark The precession and damping of a collinear magnetization dis placed from its equilibrium are well described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. The th eoretical and experimental complexity of noncollinear magnetizations is such that it is not known h ow the damping is modified by the noncollinearity. We use first-principles scattering theor y to investigate transverse domain walls (DWs) of the important ferromagnetic alloy Ni 80Fe20and show that the damping depends not only on the magnetization texture but also on the specific dynamic modes of Bloch and N´ eel DWs in ways that were not theoretically predicted. Even in the highly di sordered Ni 80Fe20alloy, the damping is found to be remarkably nonlocal. PACS numbers: 72.25.Rb, 75.60.Ch, 75.78.-n, 75.60.Jk Introduction. —The key common ingredient in various proposed nanoscale spintronics devices involving mag- netic droplet solitons [ 1], skyrmions [ 2,3], or magnetic domain walls (DWs) [ 4,5], is a noncollinear magneti- zation that can be manipulated using current-induced torques (CITs) [ 6]. Different microscopic mechanisms have been proposed for the CIT including spin trans- fer [7,8], spin-orbit interaction with broken inversion symmetry in the bulk or at interfaces [ 9–11], the spin- Halleffect[ 12]orproximity-inducedanisotropicmagnetic properties in adjacent normal metals [ 13]. Their contri- butions are hotly debated but can only be disentangled if the Gilbert damping torque is accurately known. This is not the case [ 14]. Theoretical work [ 15–19] suggest- ing that noncollinearity can modify the Gilbert damping due to the absorption of the pumped spin current by the adjacent precessing magnetization has stimulated exper- imental efforts to confirm this quantitatively [ 14,20]. In this Letter, we use first-principles scattering calculations to show that the Gilbert damping in a noncollinear alloy can be significantly enhanced depending on the partic- ular precession modes and surprisingly, that even in a highly disordered alloy like Ni 80Fe20, the nonlocal char- acterofthe dampingis verysubstantial. Ourfindingsare important for understanding field- and/or current-driven noncollinear magnetization dynamics and for designing new spintronics devices. Gilbert damping in Ni 80Fe20DWs.—Gilbert damping is in general described by a symmetric 3 ×3 tensor. For a substitutional, cubic binary alloy like Permalloy, Ni80Fe20, this tensor is essentially diagonal and isotropic and reduces to scalar form when the magnetization is collinear. A value of this dimensionless scalar calculated from first-principles, αcoll= 0.0046, is in good agree- ment with values extracted from room temperature ex- periments that range between 0.004 and 0.009 [ 21]. In a one-dimensional (1D) transverse DW, the Gilbert damp-ing tensor is still diagonal but, as a consequence of the lowered symmetry [ 22], it contains two unequal compo- nents. The magnetization in static N´ eel or Bloch DWs (a) (b) (c) φ θ x y z φ θ 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 1/( /h w) (nm -1 )00.01 0.02 0.03 _eff Néel Bloch jSO =0 50 20 10 5 3 /h w (nm) _oeff _ieff FIG. 1. (color online). Sketch of N´ eel (a) and Bloch (b) DWs. (c) Calculated effective Gilbert damping parameters for Permalloy DWs (N´ eel, black lines; Bloch, red lines) as a function of the inverse of the DW width λw. Without spin- orbit coupling, calculations for the two DW types yield the same results (blue lines). The green dot represents the valu e of Gilbert damping calculated for collinear Permalloy. For each value of λw, we typically consider 8 different disorder configurations and the error bars are a measure of the spread of the results.2 liesinsidewelldefinedplanesthatareillustratedinFig. 1. An angle θrepresents the in-plane rotation with respect to the magnetizationin the left domainand it variesfrom 0 toπthrough a 180◦DW. If the plane changes in time, as it does when the magnetization precesses, an angle φ can be used to describe its rotation. We define an out- of-plane damping component αocorresponding to varia- tion inφ, and an in-plane component αicorresponding to time-dependent θ. Rigid translation of the DW, i.e. making the DW center rwvary in time, is a specific ex- ample of the latter. For Walker-profile DWs [ 23], an effective (dimension- less) in-plane ( αeff i) and out-of-plane damping ( αeff o) can be calculated in terms of the scattering matrix Sof the system using the scattering theory of magnetization dis- sipation [ 24,25]. Both calculated values are plotted in Fig.1(c) as a function of the inverse DW width 1 /λwfor N´ eel and Bloch DWs. Results with the spin-orbit cou- pling (SOC) artificially switched off are shown for com- parison; because spin space is then decoupled from real space, the results for the two DW profiles are identical and both αeff iandαeff ovanish in the large λwlimit con- firming that SOC is the origin of intrinsic Gilbert damp- ing for collinear magnetization. With SOC switched on, N´ eel and Bloch DWs have identical values within the numerical accuracy, reflecting the negligibly small mag- netocrystalline anisotropy in Permalloy. Both αeff iand αeff oapproach the collinear value αcoll[21], shown as a green dot in the figure, in the wide DW limit. For finite widths, theyexhibit aquadraticandapredominantlylin- ear dependence on 1 /(πλw), respectively, both with and withoutSOC;forlargevaluesof λw, thereisahintofnon- linearity in αeff o(λw). However, phenomenological theo- ries [15–17] predict that αeff ishould be independent of λw and equal to αcollwhileαeff oshould be a quadratic func- tion of the magnetization gradient. Neither of these pre- dicted behaviours is observed in Fig. 1(c) indicating that existing theoretical models of texture-enhanced Gilbert damping need to be reexamined. Theαeffshown in Fig. 1(c) is an effective damping constant because the magnetization gradient dθ/dzof a Walker profile DW is inhomogeneous. Our aim in the following is to understand the physical mechanisms of texture-enhanced Gilbert damping with a view to deter- mining how the local damping depends on the magneti- zation gradient, as well as the corresponding parameters for Permalloy, and finally expressing these in a form suit- able for use in micromagnetic simulations. In-plane damping αi.—To get a clearer picture of how the in-plane damping depends on the gradient, we calcu- late the energy pumping Er≡Tr/parenleftBig ∂S ∂rs∂S† ∂rs/parenrightBig for a finite lengthLof a Bloch-DW-type spin spiral (SS) centered atrs. In this SS segment (SSS), dθ/dzis constant ex- cept at the ends. Figure 2(b) showsthe resultscalculated without SOC for a single PermalloySSS with dθ/dz= 6◦0 10 20 30 40 L (nm) 020 40 Er (nm -2 )Without smearing With smearing 0 4 2 6Winding angle ( /) 0 1 2 3 4 Number of SSSs z0n//L de/dz L L (c) (a) (b) FIG. 2. (color online). (a) Sketch of the magnetization gra- dient for two SSSs separated by collinear magnetization wit h (green, dashed) and without (red, solid) a broadening of the magnetization gradient at the ends of the SSSs. The length of each segment is L. (b) Calculated energy pumping Eras a function of Lfor asingle Permalloy Bloch-DW-typeSSSwith- out SOC. The upper horizontal axis shows the total winding angle of the SSS. (c) Calculated energy pumping Erwithout SOC as a function of the number of SSSs that are separated by a stretch of collinear magnetization. per atomic layer; Fig. 1(c) shows that SOC does not in- fluence the quadratic behaviour essentially. Eris seen to be independent of Lindicating there is no dissipation whendθ/dzis constant in the absence of SOC. In this case, the only contribution arises from the ends of the SSS where dθ/dzchanges abruptly; see Fig. 2(a). If we replace the step function of dθ/dzby a Fermi-like func- tion with a smearing width equal to one atomic layer, Er decreasessignificantly(greensquares). Formultiple SSSs separated by collinear magnetization, we find that Eris proportional to the number of segments; see Fig. 2(c). What remains is to understand the physical origin of the damping at the ends of the SSSs. Rigid translation of a SSS or of a DW allows for a dissipative spin cur- rentj′′ s∼ −m×∂z∂tmthat breaks time-reversal sym- metry [19]. The divergence of j′′ sgives rise to a local dissipative torque, whose transverse component is the enhancement of the in-plane Gilbert damping from the magnetizationtexture. After straightforwardalgebra, we obtain the texture-enhanced in-plane damping torque α′′/bracketleftbig (m·∂z∂tm)m×∂zm−m×∂2 z∂tm/bracketrightbig ,(1) whereα′′is a material parameter with dimensions of length squared. In 1D SSs or DWs, Eq. ( 1) leads to the local energy dissipation rate ˙E(r) = (α′′Ms/γ)∂tθ∂t(d2θ/dz2) [25], where Msis the satura- tion magnetization and γ=gµB//planckover2pi1is the gyromagnetic ratio expressed in terms of the Land´ e g-factor and the Bohr magneton µB. This results shows explicitly that the in-plane damping enhancement is related to finite d2θ/dz2. Using the calculated data in Fig. 1(c), we ex-3 tract a value for the coefficient α′′= 0.016 nm2that is independent of specific textures m(r) [25]. Out-of-plane damping αo.—We begin our analysis of the out-of-plane damping with a simple two-band free- electron DW model [ 25]. Because the linearity of the damping enhancement does not depend on SOC, we ex- amine the SOC free case for which there is no differ- ence between N´ eel and Bloch DW profiles and we use N´ eel DWs in the following. Without disorder, we can use the known φ-dependence of the scattering matrix for this model [ 31] to obtain αeff oanalytically, αeff o=gµB 4πAMsλw/summationdisplay k/bardbl/parenleftbigg/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglerk/bardbl ↑↓/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 +/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglerk/bardbl ↓↑/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 +/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingletk/bardbl ↑↓/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 +/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingletk/bardbl ↓↑/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2/parenrightbigg ≈gµB 4πAMsλwh e2GSh,. (2) whereAis the cross sectional area and the convention used for the reflection ( r) and transmission ( t) probabil- ity amplitudes is shown in Fig. 3(a). Note that |tk/bardbl ↑↓|2and |tk/bardbl ↓↑|2are of the order of unity and much larger than the othertwotermsbetweenthebracketsunlesstheexchange splitting is very large and the DW width very small. It is then a good approximation to replace the quantities in bracketsbythenumberofpropagatingmodesat k/bardbltoob- tain the second line of Eq. ( 2), where GShis the Sharvin conductance that only depends on the free-electron den- sity. Equation ( 2) shows analytically that αeff ois pro- portional to 1 /λwin the ballistic regime. This is repro- duced by the results of numerical calculations for ideal free-electron DWs shown as black circles in Fig. 3(b). Introducing site disorder [ 32] into the free-electron model results in a finite resistivity. The out-of-plane damping calculated for disordered free-electron DWs ex- hibits a transition as a function of its width. For narrow DWs (ballistic limit), αeff ois inversely proportional to λw and the green, red and blue circles in Fig. 3(b) tend to becomeparalleltothevioletlineforsmallvaluesof λw. If λwis sufficiently large, αeff obecomes proportional to λ−2 w in agreement with phenomenological predictions [ 15–17] where the diffusive limit is assumed. This demonstrates the different behaviour of αeff oin these two regimes. We can construct an expression that describes both the ballistic and diffusive regimes by introducing an ex- plicit spatial correlation in the nonlocal form of the out- of-plane Gilbert damping tensor that was derived using the fluctuation-dissipation theorem [ 15] [αo]ij(r,r′) =αcollδijδ(r−r′)+α′D(r,r′;l0) ×[m(r)×∂zm(r)]i[m(r′)×∂z′m(r′)]j.(3) Hereα′isamaterialparameterwithdimensionsoflength squared and Dis a correlation function with an effective correlation length l0. In practice, we use D(r,r′;l0) = 1√πAl0e−(z−z′)2/l2 0, which reduces to δ(r−r′) in the dif- fusive limit ( l0≪λw) and reproduces earlier results [ 15– 17]. In the ballistic limit, both α′andl0are infinite,0.01 0.05 0.1 0.5 1/( /h w) (nm -1 )10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 _oeff Ballistic l=2.7 !1 cm l=25 !1 cm l=94 !1 cm 100 50 30 20 10 5 2/h w (nm) ~1/ hw ~1/ hw2(a) (b) and . By definition, for weak splitting 1, but for all commonplace s the Fermi wavelength 2 is orders of magnitude smaller than . This implies a wall resistance that is vanishingly small, because of the exponential depen- dence. For the example of iron, 2 is only 1 or 2 A , depending on which band is in question, whilst the wall thickness is some thousands of A . This leads to a 10 . The physical reason for this is that waves are only scattered very much by potential steps that are abrupt on the scale of the wavelength of that wave, as sketched in figure 13. For strong splitting ( it was found to be necessary to restrict the culation to a very narrow wall, viz. me 1. In practice this means mic abruptness. In this case a variable ¼ ð ÞÞ , trivially connected to the definitions of in equations (2) and (3), determines the DW ce. The obvious relationship with the Stearns definition of polarisation, equation (3), emphasises that the theory is essentially one of tunnelling between one domain and the next. The DW resistance vanishes as 1, as might be d. As !1 uivalent to unity), the material becomes half-metallic and the wall resistance also !1 . A multi-domain half-metal, with no opportunity for spin relaxation, is an insulator, no matter how high is. Cabrera and Falicov satisfied themselves that, once the diamagnetic Lorentz force e that give rise to additional resistance at the wall were properly treated [178], their theory could account for the results found in the Fe whiskers. However, it does not describe most cases encountered experimentally because the condition Abrupt Figure 13. Spin-resolved potential profiles and resulting wavefunctions at abrupt and wide (adiabatic) domain walls. The wavefunctions are travelling from left to right. In the adiabatic case, the wavelengths of the two wavefunctions are exchanged, but the change in potential energy is slow enough that there is no change in the amplitude of the transmitted wave. When the wall is abrupt the wavelength change is accompanied by substantial reflection, lting in a much lower transmitted amplitude (the reflected part of the wavefunction is not shown). This gives rise to domain wall resistance. C. H. Marrows Downloaded By: [University of California, Berkeley] At: 14:36 9 June 2010 V↑ V↓ ↓ ↑ e±ik↑z e±ik↓z e±ik↓z e±ik↑z . By definition, for weak splitting 1, but for all commonplace mi wavelength 2 is orders of magnitude smaller than . This a wall resistance that is vanishingly small, because of the exponential depen- e of iron, 2 is only 1 or 2 A , depending on which band is in question, whilst the wall thickness is some thousands of A . This leads to a 10 . The physical reason for this is that waves are only scattered very much by potential steps that are abrupt on the scale of the wavelength of that wave, as d in figure 13. it was found to be necessary to restrict the to a very narrow wall, 1. In practice this means abruptness. In this case a variable ¼ ð ÞÞ , trivially to the definitions of in equations (2) and (3), determines the DW . The obvious relationship with the Stearns definition of polarisation, on (3), emphasises that the theory is essentially one of tunnelling between DW resistance vanishes as 1, as might be d. As !1 to , the material becomes half-metallic !1 . A multi-domain half-metal, with no opportunity is an insulator, no matter how high to additional resistance at the wall were properly treated ld account for the results found in the Fe whiskers. However, it does not describe most cases encountered experimentally because the condition at abrupt to right. In the of the two wavefunctions are exchanged, but the change in is slow enough that there is no change in the amplitude of the transmitted is abrupt the wavelength change is accompanied by substantial reflection, in a much lower transmitted amplitude (the reflected part of the wavefunction is not to domain wall resistance. C. H. Marrows Downloaded By: [University of California, Berkeley] At: 14:36 9 June 2010 t↑↑ t↓↓ ↓↓ t↑↓ t↓↑ FIG. 3. (color online). (a) Cartoon of electronic transport in a two-band, free-electron DW. The global quantization axis of the system is defined by the majority and minority spin states in the left domain. (b) Calculated αeff ofor two- band free-electron DWs as a function of 1 /(πλw) on a log-log scale. The black circles show the calculated results for the clean DWs, whichare in perfect agreement with theanalytica l model Eq. ( 2), shown as a dashed violet line. When disorder (characterized by the resistivity ρcalculated for the corre- sponding collinear magnetization) is introduced, αeff oshows a transition from a linear dependence on 1 /λwfor narrow DWs toaquadraticbehaviourfor wideDWs. The solid lines arefits using Eq. ( S24). The dashed orange lines illustrate quadratic behaviour. but the product α′D(r,r′;l0) =α′/(√πAl0) is finite and related to the Sharvin conductance of the system [ 33], consistent with Eq. ( 2). We then fit the calculated val- ues ofαeff oshown in Fig. 3(b) using Eq. ( S24) [25]. With the parameters α′andl0listed in Table I, the fit is seen to be excellent over the whole range of λw. The out- of-plane damping enhancement arises from the pumped spin current j′ s∼∂tm×∂zmin a magnetization tex- ture [15,17], where the magnitude of j′ sis related to the TABLEI. Fitparameters usedtodescribe thedampingshown in Fig.1for Permalloy DWs and in Fig. 3for free-electron DWs with Eq. ( S24). The resistivity is determined for the corresponding collinear magnetization. System ρ(µΩ cm) α′(nm2)l0(nm) Free electron 2 .69 45 .0 13 .8 Free electron 24 .8 1 .96 4 .50 Free electron 94 .3 0 .324 2 .78 Py (ξSO= 0) 0 .504 23 .1 28 .3 Py (ξSO/negationslash= 0) 3 .45 5 .91 13 .14 conductivity [ 15]. This is the reason why α′is larger in a system with a lower resistivity in Table I.l0is a mea- sure of how far the pumped transverse spin current can propagate before being absorbed by the local magnetiza- tion. It is worth distinguishing the relevant characteris- tic lengths in microscopic spin transport that define the diffusive regimes for different transport processes. The mean free path lmis the length scale for diffusive charge transport. The spin-flip diffusion length lsfcharacterizes the length scale for diffusive transport of a longitudinal spin current, and l0is the corresponding length scale for transverse spin currents. Only when the system size is larger than the corresponding characteristic length can transport be described in a local approximation. We can use Eq. ( S24) to fit the calculated αeff oshown in Fig.1for Permalloy DWs. The results are shown in Fig.S4. Since the values of αeff owe calculate for N´ eel and Bloch DWs are nearly identical, we take their aver- age for the SOC case. Intuitively, we would expect the out-of-plane damping for a highly disordered alloy like Permalloy to be in the diffusive regime corresponding to a shortl0. But the fitted values of l0are remarkably large, as long as 28.3 nm without SOC. With SOC, l0 is reduced to 13.1 nm implying that nonlocal damping can play an important role in nanoscale magnetization textures in Permalloy, whose length scale in experiment is usually about 100 nm and can be reduced to be even smaller than l0by manipulating the shape anisotropy of experimental samples [ 34,35]. As shown in Table I,l0is positively correlated with the conductivity. The large value of l0and the low re- sistivity of Permalloy can be qualitatively understood in terms of its electronic structure and spin-dependent scat- tering. The Ni and Fe potentials seen by majority-spin electrons around the Fermi level in Permalloy are almost identical [ 25] so that they are only very weakly scattered. The Ni and Fe potentials seen by minority-spin electrons are howeverquite different leading to strongscattering in transport. The strong asymmetric spin-dependent scat- tering can also be seen in the resistivity of Permalloy calculated without SOC, where ρ↓/ρ↑>200 [21,36]. As a result, conduction in Permalloy is dominated by the weakly scattered majority-spin electrons resulting in a low total resistivity and a large value of l0. This short- circuit effect is only slightly reduced by SOC-induced spin-flipscatteringbecausetheSOCin3 dtransitionmet- als is in energy terms small compared to the bandwidth and exchange splitting. Indeed, αeff o−αcollcalculated with SOC (the red curve in Fig. S4) shows a greater cur- vature at large widths than without SOC, but is still quite different from the quadratic function characteristic ofdiffusive behaviourforthe widest DWs wecould study. Bothαeff iandαeff ooriginate from locally pumped spin currents proportional to m×∂tm. Because of the spa- tially varying magnetization, the spin currents pumped totheleftandrightdonotcancelexactlyandthenetspin0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1/(πλw) (nm-1)0.0010.010.05αoeff-αcoll ξSO≠0 ξSO=040 30 20 15 10 5 3 2πλw (nm) ~1/λw ~1/λw2 FIG. 4. (color online). Calculated out-of-plane damping αeff o−αcollfrom Fig. 1plotted as a function of 1 /(πλw) on a log-log scale. The solid lines are fitted using Eq. ( S24). The dashed violet and orange lines illustrate linear and quadra tic behaviour, respectively. current contains two components, j′′ s∼ −m×∂z∂tm[19] andj′ s∼∂tm×∂zm[15,17]. For out-of-plane damping, ∂zmis perpendicular to ∂tmso there is large enhance- ment due to the lowest order derivative. For the rigid motion of a 1D DW, ∂zmis parallel to ∂tmso thatj′ s vanishes. The enhancement of in-plane damping arising fromj′′ sdue to the higher-orderspatial derivative of mag- netization is then smaller. Conclusions.— We have discovered an anisotropic texture-enhanced Gilbert damping in Permalloy DWs using first-principles calculations. The findings are ex- pressed in a form [Eqs. ( 1) and (S24)] suitable for ap- plication to micromagnetic simulations of the dynamics of magnetization textures. The nonlocal character of the magnetization dissipation suggests that field and/or cur- rentdrivenDW motion, whichis alwaysassumedto be in the diffusive limit, needs to be reexamined. The more ac- curate form of the damping that we propose can be used to deduce the CITs in magnetization textures where the usual way to study them quantitatively is by comparing experimental observations with simulations. Current-drivenDWs movewith velocities that arepro- portional to β/αwhereβis the nonadiabatic spin trans- fer torque parameter. The order of magnitude spread in values of βdeduced for Permalloy from measurements of the velocities of vortex DWs [ 37–40] may be a result of assumingthat αis a scalarconstant. Ourpredictions can be tested by reexamining these studies using the expres- sions for αgiven in this paper as input to micromagnetic calculations. We would like to thank Geert Brocks and Taher Am- laki for useful discussions. This work was financially supported by the “Nederlandse Organisatie voor Weten- schappelijk Onderzoek” (NWO) through the research programme of “Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie” (FOM) and the supercomputer facilities5 of NWO “Exacte Wetenschappen (Physical Sciences)”. It was also partly supported by the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). A.B. acknowl- edges the Research Council of Norway, grant no. 216700. ∗Present address: Institut f¨ ur Physik, Johannes Gutenberg–Universit¨ at Mainz, Staudingerweg 7, 55128 Mainz, Germany; [1] S. M. Mohseni, S. R. Sani, J. Persson, T. N. A. Nguyen, S. Chung, Y. Pogoryelov, P. K. Muduli, E. Iacocca, A. Eklund, R. K. Dumas, S. Bonetti, A. Deac, M. A. Hoefer, and J. ˚Akerman, Science339, 1295 (2013) . [2] X. Z. Yu, Y. Onose, N. Kanazawa, J. H. Park, J. H. Han, Y. Matsui, N. Nagaosa, and Y. Tokura, Nature465, 901 (2010) . [3] A. Fert, V. Cros, and J. Sampaio, Nature Nanotechnology 8, 152 (2013) . [4] L. Thomas, R. 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B 89, 020403(R) (2014) .1 Supplementary Material for “Gilbert damping in noncolline ar ferromagnets” Zhe Yuan,1,∗Kjetil M. D. Hals,2,3Yi Liu,1Anton A. Starikov,1Arne Brataas,2and Paul J. Kelly1 1Faculty of Science and Technology and MESA+Institute for Nanotechnology, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Net herlands 2Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway 3Niels Bohr International Academy and the Center for Quantum Devices, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, 2100 Copen hagen, Denmark I. COMPUTATIONAL DETAILS. Taking the concrete example of Walker profile domain walls (DWs), the effective (dimensionless) in-plane and out-of-plane damping parameters can be expressed in terms of the scattering matrix Sof the system as, re- spectively, αeff i=gµBλw 8πAMsTr/parenleftbigg∂S ∂rw∂S† ∂rw/parenrightbigg , (S1) αeff o=gµB 8πAMsλwTr/parenleftbigg∂S ∂φ∂S† ∂φ/parenrightbigg ,(S2) using the scattering theory of magnetization dissipation [S1,S2]. Heregis the Land´ e g-factor,µBis the Bohr magneton, λwdenotes the DW width, Ais the cross sec- tional area, and Msis the saturation magnetization. It is interesting to compare the scheme for calculat- ing the Gilbert damping of DWs using Eqs. ( S1) and (S2) [S1,S2] with that used for collinear magnetiza- tion [S3,S4]. Both of them are based upon the energy pumping theory [ S2,S3]. To calculate the damping αcoll for the collinear case, the magnetization is made to pre- cessuniformlyandthelocalenergydissipationishomoge- neous throughout the ferromagnet. The total energy loss due to Gilbert damping is then proportional to the vol- ume of the ferromagnetic material and the homogenous local damping αcollcan be determined from the damp- ing per unit volume. When the magnetization of a DW is made to change either by moving its center rwor varying its orientation φ, this results in a relatively large preces- sion at the center of the DW; the further from the center, the less the magnetization changes. The local contribu- tion to the total energydissipationofthe DWis weighted by the magnitude of the magnetization precession when rworφvaries. For a fixed DW width, the total damping is not proportional to the volume of the scattering region but converges to a constant once the scattering region is large compared to the DW. In practice, αeff iandαeff ocal- culated using Eqs. ( S1) and (S2) are well converged for a scattering region 10 times longer than λw. Effectively, αeffcan be regardedas a weighted averageof the (dimen- sionless) damping constant in the region of a DW. In the wide DW limit, αeff iandαeff oboth approach αcollwith spin-orbit coupling (SOC) and vanish in its absence. To evaluate the effective Gilbert damping of a DWusing Eqs. ( S1) and (S2), we attached semiinfinite (cop- per) leads to a finite length of Ni 80Fe20alloy (Permal- loy, Py) and rotated the local magnetization to make a 180◦DW using the Walker profile. Specifically, we usedm= (sechz−rw λw,0,tanhz−rw λw) for N´ eel DWs and m= (−tanhz−rw λw,−sechz−rw λw,0) for Bloch DWs. The scatteringpropertiesofthedisorderedregionwereprobed by studying how Bloch waves in the Cu leads incident from the left or right sides weretransmitted and reflected [S4,S5]. Thescatteringmatrixwasobtainedusingafirst- principles “wave-function matching” scheme [ S6] imple- mented with tight-binding linearized muffin-tin orbitals (TB-LMTOs) [ S7]. SOC was included using a Pauli Hamiltonian. The calculations were rendered tractable by imposing periodic boundary conditions transverse to the transport direction. It turned out that good results could be achieved even when these so-called “lateral su- percells” were quite modest in size. In practice, we used 5×5 lateral supercells and the longest DW we consid- ered was more than 500 atomic monolayers thick. After embedding the DW between collinear Py and Cu leads, the largest scattering region contained 13300 atoms. For every DW width, we averaged over about 8 random dis- order configurations. A potential profile for the scattering region was con- structed within the framework of the local spin den- sity approximation of density functional theory as fol- lows. For a slab of collinear Py binary alloy sandwiched between Cu leads, atomic-sphere-approximation (ASA) potentials [ S7] were calculated self-consistently without SOC using a surface Green’s function (SGF) method im- plemented [ S8] with TB-LMTOs. Chargeand spin densi- ties for binary alloy AandBsites were calculated using the coherent potential approximation [ S9] generalized to layer structures [ S8]. For the scattering matrix calcu- lation, the resulting ASA potentials were assigned ran- domly to sites in the lateral supercells subject to mainte- nance of the appropriate concentration of the alloy [ S6] and SOC was included. The exchange potentials are ro- tated in spin space [ S10] so that the local quantization axis for each atomic sphere follows the DW profile. The DW width is determined in reality by a competition be- tween interatomic exchange interactions and magnetic anisotropy. For a nanowire composed of a soft mag- netic material like Py, the latter is dominated by the2 shape anisotropy that arises from long range magnetic dipole-dipole interactions and depends on the nanowire profile. Experimentallyitcanbetailoredbychangingthe nanowire dimensions leading to the considerable spread of reported DW widths [ S11]. In electronic structure cal- culations, that do not contain magnetic dipole-dipole in- teractions, we simulate a change of demagnetization en- ergy by varying the DW width. In this way we can study the dependence of Gilbert damping on the magnetization gradient by performing a series of calculations for DWs with different widths. For the self-consistent SGF calculations (without SOC), the two-dimensional(2D) Brillouin zone (BZ) cor- responding to the 1 ×1 interface unit cell was sampled with a 120 ×120 grid. The transport calculations includ- ing SOC were performed with a 32 ×32 2D BZ grid for a 5×5 lateral supercell, which is equivalent to a 160 ×160 grid in the 1 ×1 2D BZ. II. EXTRACTING α′′ We first briefly derive the form of the in-plane damp- ing. It has been argued phenomenologically [ S12] that for a noncollinear magnetization texture varying slowly in time the lowest order term in an expansion of the transverse component of the spin current in spatial and time derivatives that breaks time-reversal symmetry and is therefore dissipative is j′′ s=−ηm×∂z∂tm, (S3) whereηis a coefficient depending on the material and mis a unit vector in the direction of the magnetization. The divergence of the spin current, ∂zj′′ s=−η/parenleftbig ∂zm×∂z∂tm+m×∂2 z∂tm/parenrightbig ,(S4) gives the corresponding dissipative torque exerted on the local magnetization. While the second term in brackets in Eq. (S4) is perpendicular to m, the first term contains both perpendicular and parallel components. Since we are only interested in the transverse component of the torque, we subtract the parallel component to find the damping torque τ′′=−η/braceleftbig (1−mm)·(∂zm×∂z∂tm)+m×∂2 z∂tm/bracerightbig =−η/braceleftbig [m×(∂zm×∂z∂tm)]×m+m×∂2 z∂tm/bracerightbig =η/bracketleftbig (m·∂z∂tm)m×∂zm−m×∂2 z∂tm/bracketrightbig .(S5) The Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation including the damping torque τ′′reads ∂tm=−γm×Heff+αcollm×∂tm+γτ′′ Ms =−γm×Heff+αcollm×∂tm +α′′/bracketleftbig (m·∂z∂tm)m×∂zm−m×∂2 z∂tm/bracketrightbig ,(S6)where the in-plane damping parameter α′′≡γη/Mshas the dimension of length squared. In the following, we explain how α′′can be extracted from calculations on Walker DWs and show that it is ap- plicable to other profiles. The formulation is essentially independent of the DW type (Bloch or N´ eel) and we use a Bloch DW in the following derivation for which m(z) = [cosθ(z),sinθ(z),0], (S7) whereθ(z) represents the in-plane rotation (see Fig. 1 in the paper). The local energy dissipation associated with a time-dependent θis given by [ S2] γ Ms˙E(z) =αcoll∂tm·∂tm +α′′/bracketleftbig (m·∂z∂tm)∂tm·∂zm−∂tm·∂2 z∂tm/bracketrightbig .(S8) For the one-dimensional profile Eq. ( S7), this can be sim- plified as γ Ms˙E(z) =αcoll/parenleftbiggdθ dt/parenrightbigg2 −α′′dθ dtd dt/parenleftbiggd2θ dz2/parenrightbigg .(S9) Substituting into Eq. ( S9) the Walker profile θ(z) =−π 2−arcsin/parenleftbigg tanhz−rw λw/parenrightbigg ,(S10) that we used in the calculations, we obtain for the total energy dissipation associated with the motion of a rigid DW for which ˙θ= ˙rwdθ/drw, ˙E=/integraldisplay d3r˙E(z) =2MsA γλw/parenleftbigg αcoll+α′′ 3λ2w/parenrightbigg ˙r2 w.(S11) Comparing this to the energy dissipation expressed in terms of the effective in-plane damping αeff i[S2] ˙E=2MsA γλwαeff i˙r2 w, (S12) we arrive at αeff i(λw) =αcoll+α′′ 3λ2w. (S13) Using Eq. ( S13), we perform a least squares linear fitting ofαeff ias a function of λ−2 wto obtain αcollandα′′. The fitting is shown in Fig. S1and the parameters are listed in Table SI. Note that αcollis in perfect agreement with independent calculations for collinear Py [ S4]. To confirm that α′′is independent of texture, we con- sider another analytical DW profile in which the in-plane rotation is described by a Fermi-like function, θ(z) =−π+π 1+ez−rF λF. (S14) HererFandλFdenote the DW center and width, re- spectively. Substituting Eq. ( S14) into Eq. ( S9), we find the energy dissipation for “Fermi” DWs to be ˙E=π2MsA 6γλF/parenleftbigg αcoll+α′′ 5λ2 F/parenrightbigg ˙r2 F,(S15)3 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 1/λw2 (nm-2)00.0050.0100.015αieff Bloch Néel ξSO=0Walker FIG. S1. Calculated αeff ifor Walker-profile Permalloy DWs. N´ eel DWs: black circles, Bloch DWs: red circles. Without SOC, calculations for the twoDWtypesyield thesame results (blue circles). The dashed lines are linear fits using Eq. ( S13). which suggests the effective in-plane damping αeff i(λF) =αcoll+α′′ 5λ2 F. (S16) Eq. (S16) is plotted as solid lines in Fig. S2with the values of αcollandα′′taken from Table SI. Since the energy pumping can be expressed in terms of the scattering matrix Sas ˙E=/planckover2pi1 4πTr/parenleftbigg∂S ∂t∂S† ∂t/parenrightbigg =/planckover2pi1 4πTr/parenleftbigg∂S ∂rF∂S† ∂rF/parenrightbigg ˙r2 F,(S17) we can calculate the effective in-plane damping for a Fermi DW from the Smatrix to be αeff i=3/planckover2pi1γλF 2π3MsATr/parenleftbigg∂S ∂rF∂S† ∂rF/parenrightbigg .(S18) We plot the values of αeff icalculated using the derivative of the scattering matrix Eq. ( S18) as circles in Fig. S2. The good agreement between the circles and the solid lines demonstratesthe validity ofthe form ofthe in-plane damping torque in Eq. ( S6) and that the parameter α′′ does not depend on a specific magnetization texture. TABLE SI. Fit parameters to describe the in-plane Gilbert damping in Permalloy DWs. DW type αcoll α′′(nm2) Bloch (4.6 ±0.1)×10−30.016±0.001 N´ eel (4.5 ±0.1)×10−30.016±0.001 ξSO=0 (2.0 ±1.0)×10−60.017±0.0010 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 1/λF2 (nm-2)00.0050.0100.015αieff Bloch ξSO=0Fermi FIG. S2. Calculated αeff ifor Permalloy Bloch DWs (red cir- cles) with the Fermi profile Eq. ( S14). The blue circles are results calculated without SOC. The solid lines are the an- alytical expression Eq. ( S16) using the parameters listed in TableSI. III. THE FREE-ELECTRON MODEL USING MUFFIN-TIN ORBITALS We take constant potentials, V↑=−0.2 Ry,V↓= −0.1Ry inside atomic sphereswith an exchangesplitting ∆V= 0.1 Ry between majority and minority spins and a Fermi level EF= 0. The atomic spheres are placed on a face-centered cubic (fcc) lattice with the lattice constant of nickel, 3.52 ˚A. The magnetic moment on each atom is then 0.072µB. The transport direction is along the fcc [111]. In the scattering calculation, we use a 300 ×300 01020 30 4050 60 L (nm)306090102030AR (fΩ m2)456(a) (b) (c)ρ=2.69±0.06 µΩ cm ρ=24.8±0.5 µΩ cm ρ=94.3±4.4 µΩ cm FIG.S3. Resistancecalculatedforthedisorderedfree-ele ctron model as a function of the length of the scattering region for three values of V0, the disorder strength: 0.05 Ry (a), 0.15 Ry (b) and 0.25 Ry (c). The lines are the linear fitting used to determine the resistivity.4 k-point mesh in the 2D BZ. The calculated Sharvin con- ductances for majority and minority channels are 0.306 and 0.153 e2/hper unit cell, respectively, compared with analytical values of 0.305 and 0.153. To mimic disordered free-electron systems, we intro- duce a 5 ×5 lateral supercell and distribute constant potentials uniformly in the energy range [ −V0/2,V0/2] whereV0is some given strength [ S13] and spatially at random on every atomic sphere in the scattering re-gion. The calculated total resistance as a function of the lengthLof the (disordered) scattering region is shown in Fig.S3withV0= 0.05 Ry (a), 0.15 Ry (b) and 0.25 Ry (c). The resistivity increases with the impurity strength as expected and can be extracted with a linear fitting AR(L) =AR0+ρL. For each system, we calculate about 10randomconfigurationsand takethe averageofthe cal- culatedresults. Wellconvergedresultsareobtainedusing a 32×32k-point mesh for the 5 ×5 supercell. IV. FITTING α′ANDl0 With a nonlocal Gilbert damping, α(r,r′), the energy dissipation rate is given by [ S2] ˙E=Ms γ/integraldisplay d3r˙m(r)·/integraldisplay d3r′α(r,r′)·˙m(r′). (S19) If we consider the out-of-plane damping of a N´ eel DW, i.e. for which the angle φvaries in time (see Fig. 1 in the paper), we have ˙m(r) =˙φsechz−rw λwˆy. (S20) Considering again a Walker profile, we find the explicit form of the out- of-plane damping matrix element αo(z,z′) =αcollδ(z−z′)+α′ λ2wsechz−rw λwsechz′−rw λw1√πAl0e−(z−z′ l0)2. (S21) Substituting Eq. ( S21) and Eq. ( S20) into Eq. ( S19), we obtain explicitly the energy dissipation rate ˙E=2MsAλw γαcoll˙φ2+MsAα′˙φ2 √πγl0λ2w/integraldisplay dzsech2z−rw λw/integraldisplay dz′sech2z′−rw λwe−(z−z′ l0)2 . (S22) The calculated effective out-of-plane Gilbert damping for a DW with th e Walker profile is related to the energy dissipation rate as [ S2] ˙E=2MsAλw γαeff o˙φ2. (S23) Comparing Eqs. ( S22) and (S23), we arrive at αeff o=αcoll+α′ 2√πλ3wl0/integraldisplay dzsech2z−rw λw/integraldisplay dz′sech2z′−rw λwe−(z−z′ l0)2 . (S24) The last equation is used to fit α′andl0toαeff ocalculated for different λw. For Bloch DWs, it is straightforward to repeat the above derivation and find the same result, Eq. ( S24). V. BAND STRUCTURES OF NI AND FE IN PERMALLOY In the coherent potential approximation (CPA) [ S8, S9], the single-site approximation involves calculating auxiliary (spin-dependent) potentials for Ni and Fe self- consistently. In our transport calculations, these auxil- iary potentials are distributed randomly in the scattering region. It is instructive to place the Ni potentials (for majority- and minority-spin electrons) on an fcc latticeand to calculate the band structure non-self-consistently. Then we do the same using the Fe potentials. The cor- responding band structures are plotted in Fig. S4. At the Fermi level, where electron transport takes place, the majority-spin bands for Ni and Fe are almost identi- cal, including their angular momentum character. This means that majority-spin electrons in a disordered al- loy see essentially the same potentials on all lattice sites and are only very weakly scattered in transport by the randomly distributed Ni and Fe potentials. In contrast,5 -9-6-303E-EF (eV)Majority Spin Minority Spin X Γ L-9-6-303E-EF (eV) X Γ LNi Ni Fe Fe FIG. S4. Band structures calculated with the auxiliary Ni and Fe atomic sphere potentials and Fermi energy that were calculated self-consistently forNi 80Fe20usingthecoherentpo- tential approximation. The red bars indicates the amount of scharacter in each band. the minority-spin bands are quite different for Ni and Fe. Thiscanbeunderstoodintermsofthe differentexchange splitting between majority- and minority-spin bands; the calculated magnetic moments of Ni and Fe in Permalloy in the CPA are 0.63 and 2.61 µB, respectively. The ran- dom distribution of Ni and Fe potentials in Permalloy then leads to strong scattering of minority-spin electrons in transport.∗Present address: Institut f¨ ur Physik, Johannes Gutenberg–Universit¨ at Mainz, Staudingerweg 7, 55128 Mainz, Germany; [S1] K. M. D. Hals, A. K. Nguyen, and A. Brataas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 256601 (2009) . [S2] A. Brataas, Y. Tserkovnyak, and G. E. W. Bauer, Phys. Rev. B 84, 054416 (2011) . [S3] A. Brataas, Y. Tserkovnyak, and G. E. W. 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Lett. 101, 016801 (2008) . | 2014-04-05 | The precession and damping of a collinear magnetization displaced from its
equilibrium are described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation. For a
noncollinear magnetization, it is not known how the damping should be
described. We use first-principles scattering theory to investigate the damping
in one-dimensional transverse domain walls (DWs) of the important ferromagnetic
alloy Ni$_{80}$Fe$_{20}$ and interpret the results in terms of phenomenological
models. The damping is found to depend not only on the magnetization texture
but also on the specific dynamic modes of Bloch and N\'eel DWs. Even in the
highly disordered Ni$_{80}$Fe$_{20}$ alloy, the damping is found to be
remarkably nonlocal. | Gilbert damping in noncollinear ferromagnets | 1404.1488v2 |
arXiv:2403.17732v1 [math.AP] 26 Mar 2024On a class of nonautonomous quasilinear systems with general time-gradually-degenerate damping Richard De la cruz∗and Wladimir Neves† March 28, 2024 Abstract Inthispaper, westudytwosystemswithatime-variable coeffi cientandgeneral time-gradually-degenerate damping. More explicitly, we construct the Riemann solutio ns to the time-variable coefficient Zeldovich approximation and time-variable coefficient pressureless g as systems both with general time-gradually- degenerate damping. Applying the method of similar variabl es and nonlinear viscosity, we obtain classical Riemann solutions and delta shock wave solutions. Keywords: Pressurelessgasdynamicssystem, Zeldovichtypeapproximatesy stem, time-gradually-degenerate damping, Riemann problem, delta shock solution. 1 Introduction One can find many problems from Continuum Physics that are mathem atically modeled by balance laws, that is to say, systems of partial differential equations in the following div ergence form ∂u ∂t+d/summationdisplay j=1∂Fj(u) ∂xj=G(u), (1) where (t,x)∈Rd+1 +≡(0,∞)×Rdis the set of independent variables, u∈Rndenotes the unknown vector field, Fj∈Rnis called the flux function and G∈Rnis the vector production, absorption, or damping term. The first component t >0 is the time variable and x∈Rdis the space variable. Moreover, when G≡0 equation (1) is called a system of conservation laws. In fact, denoting Aj(·) =DFj(·), that is the Jacobian matrices of the fluxes, the system ( 1) falls in the general class of nonhomogeneous quasilinear first-ord er systems of partial differential equations ∂u ∂t+d/summationdisplay j=1Aj(u)∂u ∂xj=G(u). (2) Albeit, there are important applications that require to consider sy stems where the coefficients Ajand Gin (2) may depend also on the independent variables ( t,x), for instance to take into account material inhomogeneities, or some special geometries, also external action s, etc., see Francesco Oliveri [ 22] and references therein. Therefore, one has to study the general nonautonomo us quasilinear system of partial differential equations ∂ui ∂t+d/summationdisplay j=1Aj i(t,x,u)∂u ∂xj=Gi(t,x,u),(i= 1,...,n). ∗School of Mathematics and Statistics, Universidad Pedag´ o gica y Tecnol´ ogica de Colombia, 150003, Tunja, Colombia. E -mail: †Instituto de Matem´ atica, Universidade Federal do Rio de Ja neiro, Cidade Universit´ aria 21945-970, Rio de Janeiro, Br azil. E-mail: 1We are interested in studying these types of systems, more precis ely, a particular class of such systems which is the 2×2 systems, ( n= 2,d= 1), when Ai≡Ai(t,u), and thus the companion function Gi=Gi(t,u), (i= 1,2). Moreover, in this case, we recover in a simple way the divergence form. Indeed, taking especially, Ai(t,u) =αi(t)Ai(u) andGi(t,u) =σi(t)Gi(u), we may write the above system as ∂u1 ∂t+α1(t)∂F1(u1,u2) ∂x=σ1(t)G1(u1,u2), ∂u2 ∂t+α2(t)∂F2(u1,u2) ∂x=σ2(t)G2(u1.u2).(3) Related to system ( 3), let us start our study by considering the following class of nonaut onomous quasilin- ear systems with time-variable coefficients and time-dependent (line ar) damping represented by the following systems: ρt+α(t)(ρu)x= 0, ut+α(t)(u2 2)x=−σ(t)u,(4) and also /braceleftBigg ρt+α(t)(ρu)x= 0, (ρu)t+α(t)(ρu2)x=−σ(t)ρu,(5) where 0 ≤α∈L1([0,∞)), 0≤σ∈L1 loc([0,∞)), the unknown ρcan be interpreted as some density, and uis the velocity vector field which carries the density ρ. Companion to ( 4) and (5) the initial data is given by (ρ(x,0),u(x,0)) = (ρ0(x),u0(x)) =/braceleftBigg (ρ−,u−),ifx <0, (ρ+,u+),ifx >0,(6) for arbitrary constant states u±andρ±>0. Therefore, we are considering in fact the Riemann problem, which is the building block of the Cauchy problem. At this point, we would like to address the reader to [ 21], where it is studied the following generalized Boussinesq system with variable-coefficients, (compare it with the s ystem (4)), ut+α1(t)(u2 2)x+β1(t)ux+γ1(t)ρx= 0, ρt+α2(t)(ρu)x+β2(t)ρx+γ2(t)uxxx= 0, whereαi,βi,γi, (i= 1,2), are time-dependent coefficients relevant to density, dispersio n and viscosity of the fluid. The above system can model the propagation of weakly disper sive and long weakly nonlinear surface waves in shallow water. The authors, under a selection of the spect ral parameters, showed the existence of soliton solutions applying the Darboux transformation and symbolic c omputation. Oneobservesthatthesecondequationofthesystem( 4)istheBurgersequationwithtimevariablecoefficients [8]. In particular, the time variable coefficients can provide more usefu l models in many complicated physical situations [ 8,12,28]. The homogeneous case of the system ( 4), that is to say σ(t) = 0 for all t≥0, is the following time variable coefficient system ρt+α(t)(ρu)t= 0, ut+α(t)(u2 2)x= 0,(7) which can be interpreted as an extension of Zeldovich approximation system [26,30]. In particular, the system (7) withα(·)≡1 is used to model the evolution of density inhomogeneities of matter in the universe [ 24, B. Late nonlinear stage, 3. Sticky dust]. Further, let us recall that, the system ( 4) belongs to the class of triangular systems of conservation laws, that arises in a wide variety of models in physics and engineering, see for example 2[15,23] and references therein. For this reason, the triangular system s have been studied by many authors and several rigorous results have been obtained for them. In [ 4,6], the Riemann problem was solved to the system ( 4) withα(·)≡1 andσ(·) equals to a positive constant, where Delta shocks have to be cons idered. Recently, based on the method of similar variables proposed in [ 6], Li [19] studied the Riemann problem to the system ( 4) withα(·)≡1 andσ(t) =µ 1+twith physical parameter µ >0. In the literature the external term σ(t) =µ (1+t)θuwith physical parameters µ >0 andθ≥0 is called a time-gradually-degenerate damping [11,20], and it represents the time-gradually-vanishing friction effect. On the other hand, the homogeneous case of the system ( 5) is the following time variable coefficient system /braceleftBigg ρt+α(t)(ρu)t= 0, (ρu)t+α(t)(ρu2)x= 0,(8) which can be seen as an extension of pressureless gas dynamics system [26,30]. We recall that gas dynamics with zero pressure is a simplified scenario where the pressure of the gas is assumed to be negligible, accounting for high-speed flows or rarefied gases. The first study for the us ual pressureless gas dynamics system, that is (8) withα(·)≡1, is due to Bouchut [ 1] in 1994. In that paper it was studied the existence of solutions to t he Riemann problem for the pressureless gas dynamics system, introd ucing a notion of measure solution and delta shock waves were obtained. However, uniqueness was not studied . Moreover, the existence of a weak solution to the Cauchy problem w as first obtained independently by E, Rikov, Sinai [ 9] in 1996, and Brenier, Grenier [ 3] in 1998. In particular, the authors in [ 9] show that, the standard entropy condition ( ρΦ(ρ))t+(ρuΦ(ρ))x≤0 in the sense of distributions, where Φ is a convex function, is not enough to express a uniqueness criterion for weak solutions t o the Cauchy problem. Conversely, Wang and Ding [ 27] proved that the pressureless gas dynamics system has a unique w eak solution using the Oleinik entropy condition when the initial data ρ0,u0are both bounded measurable functions. However, the solution for the Cauchy problem for the pressureless gas dynamics system is in general a Radon measure [ 9]. In 2001, Huang and Wang [ 14] studied the Cauchy problem for the system ( 8), when initial data ρ0,u0are respectively a Radon measure and a bounded measurable function. Then, they showed the uniqueness of weak solutions under the Oleinik entropy condition together with an energ y condition in the sense that, ρu2weakly converges to ρ0u2 0ast→0. We recall that, a particular case of Radon measure solution is the delta shock wave solution. A delta shock wave solution is a type of nonclassical wa ve solution in which at least one state variable may develop a Dirac measure. Actually, on physical grounds , delta shock solutions typically display concentration occurrence in a complex system [ 2,18]. On the other hand, it is well known that the solution for the Riemann problem to the pressureless gas dynamics system involv es vacuum and delta shock wave solution and the classical Riemann solutions satisfy the Lax entropy conditio n while delta shock wave solution is unique under an over-compressive entropy condition [ 25,29]. In a similar way, Keita and Bourgault [ 17] solved the Riemann problem for the pressureless system with linear damping, th at is, the system ( 5) withα(·)≡1 and σ(·)≡const., showing vacuum states and delta shock solution and uniqueness un der the Lax entropy condition and over-compressive entropy condition, respectively. Finally, De la cruz and Juajibioy [ 5] obtained delta shock solutions for a generalized pressureless system with linear damping. 1.1 Equivalent ×non-equivaqlent systems Since we considered α1=α2=αin both systems ( 4), (5), one may ask when these systems are equivalent or not. Indeed, we observe first that for smooth solutions an elemen tary manipulation of the second equation of (5) reads ρ(ut+α(t)(1 2u2)x)+u(ρt+α(t)(ρu)x) =−σ(t)ρu. Therefore, due to the first equation of ( 5) and for ρ/ne}ationslash= 0, the above equation reduces to the equation ( 4)2, and thus for smooth solutions the system ( 5) is equivalent to the system ( 4). Albeit, the question remains open when the solutions are non-regular. 3Once placed the above question, we observe that Keita and Bourga ult [17], recently in 2019, studied the Riemann problem for the Zeldovich approximation and pressureless g as dynamics systems with linear damping withσ=const. > 0. Moreprecisely, they analyzedin that paper the Riemann problemt o the followingsystems: ρt+(ρu)x= 0, ut+(u2 2)x=−σu,(9) /braceleftBigg ρt+(ρu)x= 0, (ρu)t+(ρu2)x=−σρu,(10) with initial data given by ( 6), and it was proved that 1.u−< u+. The solution of the Riemann problem ( 9)-(6) and (10)-(6) is given by (ρ,u)(x,t) = (ρ−,u−e−σt), x < u −1−e−σt σ, (0,σx eσt−1), u −1−e−σt σ≤x≤u+1−e−σt σ, (ρ+,u+e−σt), x > u +1−e−σt σ. 2.u−> u+. The solution of the Riemann problem ( 9)-(6) is given by (ρ,u)(x,t) = (ρ−,u−e−σt), x <u−+u+ 2σ(1−e−σt), (w(t)δ(x−u−+u+ 2σ(1−e−σt)),uδ(t)), x=u−+u+ 2σ(1−e−σt), (ρ+,u+e−σt), x >u−+u+ 2σ(1−e−σt),(11) where w(t) =(ρ++ρ−)(u−−u+) 2σ(1−e−σt) and uδ(t) =u−+u+ 2e−σt. However, the solution of the Riemann problem ( 10)-(6) is given by (ρ,u)(x,t) = (ρ−,u−e−σt), x <√ρ+u++√ρ−u−√ρ++√ρ−(1−eσt), (w(t)δ(x−/integraldisplayt 0uδ(s)ds),uδ(t)), x=√ρ+u++√ρ−u−√ρ++√ρ−(1−eσt), (ρ+,u+e−σt), x >√ρ+u++√ρ−u−√ρ++√ρ−(1−eσt), where w(t) =√ρ−ρ+(u−−u+) σ(1−e−σt) and uδ(t) =√ρ+u++√ρ−u−√ρ++√ρ−e−σt. Consequently, Keita, Bourgault showed that the systems ( 9) and (10) are equivalent for smooth and also for two contact-discontinuity solutions, but they differ for delta shoc k solutions. Therefore, it should be expected that a similar scenario of delta shocks are presented here as well, an d the systems ( 4) and (5) are not equivalent for these types of solutions. We remark that the problems here be come much more complicated since σ(·) besides non-constant is just a locally summable function. 42 The Zeldovich Type Approximate System In this section, we study the Riemann problem to the time-variable co efficient Zeldovich’s approximate system and time-variable linear damping, that is to say ( 4)-(6). We extended some ideas from [ 4] to construct the viscous solutions to the system ( 4), see (12) below. After we show that the family of viscous solutions {(ρε,uε)} converges to a solution of the Riemann problem ( 4)-(6). Foru−< u+, classical Riemann solutions are obtained. Whenu−> u+, we show that a delta shock solution is a solution to the Riemann proble m (4)-(6). 2.1 Parabolic regularization Givenε >0, we consider the following parabolic regularization for the system ( 4), ρε t+α(t)(ρεuε)x=εβ(t)ρε xx, uε t+1 2α(t)((uε)2)x+σ(t)uε=εβ(t)uε xx,(12) where conveniently we define β(t) :=α(t)exp(−/integraltextt 0σ(s)ds). We search for ( ρε,uε) be an approximate solution of problem ( 4)-(6), which is defined by the parabolic approximation ( 12) with initial data given by (ρε(x,0),uε(x,0)) = (ρ0(x),u0(x)), (13) where (ρ0,u0) is given by ( 6). Then, the main issue of this section is to solve problem ( 12) with initial data ( 13). To this end, we use the auxiliary function u(x,t) =/hatwideux(x,t)e−/integraltextt 0σ(τ)dτand a version of Hopf-Cole transformation which enable us to obtain an explicit solution of the viscous system ( 12)-(13). The function /hatwideuwill be explained during the proof of the following Proposition 2.1. Under the assumptions on the functions α,β,σ, the explicit solution of the problem (12)-(13) is given by ρε(x,t) =∂xWε(x,t)anduε(x,t) =u+bε +(x,t)+u−bε −(x,t) bε +(x,t)+bε −(x,t)exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds), where Wε(x,t) =ρ−/parenleftBig x−u−/integraltextt 0β(s)ds/parenrightBig bε −(x,t)+ρ+/parenleftBig x−u+/integraltextt 0β(s)ds/parenrightBig bε +(x,t) bε −(x,t)+bε +(x,t) +(ρ+−ρ−)(ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds)1/2exp/parenleftBig −x2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds/parenrightBig π1/2(bε −(x,t)+bε +(x,t)) and bε ±(x,t) :=±1 (4πε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds)1/2/integraldisplay±∞ 0exp/parenleftBigg −(x−y)2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds−u±y 2ε/parenrightBigg dy. Proof.1. Firstly we observe that, if ( /hatwideρ,/hatwideu) solves /braceleftBigg /hatwideρt+α(t)e−/integraltextt 0σ(τ)dτ/hatwideρx/hatwideux=εβ(t)/hatwideρxx, /hatwideut+1 2α(t)e−/integraltextt 0σ(τ)dτ(/hatwideux)2=εβ(t)/hatwideuxx,(14) with the initial condition given by (ρ(x,0),/hatwideu(x,0)) =/braceleftBigg (ρ−x,u−x),ifx <0, (ρ+x,u+x),ifx >0, 5then (ρε,uε) defined by ( /hatwideρε x,/hatwideuxe−/integraltextt 0σ(τ)dτ) solves the problem ( 12)-(13). Indeed, let us recall the generalized Hopf-Cole transformation, see [ 13,4,16], that is /braceleftBigg /hatwideρε=Cεe/hatwideu 2ε, /hatwideuε=−2εln(Sε).(15) Then, from system ( 14) and the generalized Hopf-Cole transformation ( 15), we have /braceleftBigg Cε t=εβ(t)Cε xx, Sε t=εβ(t)Sε xx,(16) with initial data given by (Cε(x,0),Sε(x,0)) =/braceleftBigg (ρ−xe−u−x 2ε,e−u−x 2ε),ifx <0, (ρ+xe−u+x 2ε,e−u+x 2ε),ifx >0.(17) 2. Now, the solution to the problem ( 16)-(17) in terms of the heat kernel is /braceleftBigg Cε(x,t) =aε −(x,t)+aε +(x,t), Sε(x,t) =bε −(x,t)+bε +(x,t),(18) where aε ±(x,t) :=±ρ± (4πε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds)1/2/integraldisplay±∞ 0yexp/parenleftBigg −(x−y)2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds−u±y 2ε/parenrightBigg dy and bε ±(x,t) :=±1 (4πε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds)1/2/integraldisplay±∞ 0exp/parenleftBigg −(x−y)2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds−u±y 2ε/parenrightBigg dy. Moreover, we have /integraldisplay±∞ 0∂y/parenleftBigg exp/parenleftBigg −(x−y)2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds/parenrightBigg/parenrightBigg exp/parenleftBig −u±y 2ε/parenrightBig dy=−exp/parenleftBigg −x2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds/parenrightBigg +u± 2ε/integraldisplay±∞ 0exp/parenleftBigg −(x−y)2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds−u±y 2ε/parenrightBigg dy.(19) On the other hand, it follows that /integraldisplay±∞ 0∂y/parenleftBigg exp/parenleftBigg −(x−y)2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds/parenrightBigg/parenrightBigg exp/parenleftBig −u±y 2ε/parenrightBig dy=/integraldisplay±∞ 0(x−y) 2ε/integraltextt 0β(s)dsexp/parenleftBigg −(x−y)2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds−u±y 2ε/parenrightBigg dy =x 2ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds/integraldisplay±∞ 0exp/parenleftBigg −(x−y)2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds−u±y 2ε/parenrightBigg dy −/integraldisplay±∞ 0y 2ε/integraltextt 0β(s)dsexp/parenleftBigg −(x−y)2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds−u±y 2ε/parenrightBigg dy. (20) Therefore, from ( 19) and (20) we obtain /integraldisplay±∞ 0yexp/parenleftBigg −(x−y)2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds−u±y 2ε/parenrightBigg dy=2ε/integraldisplayt 0β(s)ds·exp/parenleftBigg −x2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds/parenrightBigg +/parenleftbigg x−u±/integraldisplayt 0β(s)ds/parenrightbigg/integraldisplay±∞ 0exp/parenleftBigg −(x−y)2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds−u±y 2ε/parenrightBigg dy.(21) 63. Finally, we observe that ∂x/parenleftBigg/integraldisplay±∞ 0exp/parenleftBigg −(x−y)2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds−u±y 2ε/parenrightBigg dy/parenrightBigg =−/integraldisplay±∞ 0∂y/parenleftBigg exp/parenleftBigg −(x−y)2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds/parenrightBigg/parenrightBigg exp/parenleftBig −u±y 2ε/parenrightBig dy and from ( 19) we have ∂x/parenleftBigg/integraldisplay±∞ 0exp/parenleftBigg −(x−y)2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds−u±y 2ε/parenrightBigg dy/parenrightBigg = exp/parenleftBigg −x2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds/parenrightBigg −u± 2ε/integraldisplay±∞ 0exp/parenleftBigg −(x−y)2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds−u±y 2ε/parenrightBigg dy.(22) Therefore, we may write from ( 18) and (21) that Cε(x,t) =ρ−/bracketleftBigg −(ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds)1/2 π1/2exp/parenleftBigg −x2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds/parenrightBigg +/parenleftbigg x−u−/integraldisplayt 0β(s)ds/parenrightbigg bε −(x,t;1)/bracketrightBigg +ρ+/bracketleftBigg (ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds)1/2 π1/2exp/parenleftBigg −x2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds/parenrightBigg +/parenleftbigg x−u+/integraldisplayt 0β(s)ds/parenrightbigg bε +(x,t;1)/bracketrightBigg . Moreover, from ( 18) and (22) we have Sε x(x,t) =−1 2ε(u−bε −(x,t)+u+bε +(x,t)). Applying the generalized Hopf-Cole transformation ( 15), it follows that ρε(x,t) =/hatwideρε x(x,t) = (Cε(x,t)/Sε(x,t))x, uε(x,t) =−2εSε x Sεexp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds), and hence the proof is complete. Remark 1. One observes that, the solution ( ρε,uε) of the problem ( 12)-(13) is absolutely continuous with respect to time t >0, and smooth in x∈R. 2.2 The Riemann problem In this section, we study the Riemann problem to the system ( 4) withσ(t)≥0 for allt≥0, which means that the damping can degenerate in some open interval contained in (0 ,∞). To obtain the Riemann solution to the problem ( 4) with initial data ( 6) we use the viscosity system with time-dependent damping ( 12) with initial data ( 13) and analyze the limit behavior as ε→0+of the solutions (ρε,uε) obtained in the previous section. To follow, we write bε ±(x,t) as bε ±(x,t) =±1 (4πε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds)1/2/integraldisplay±∞ 0exp/parenleftBigg −(x−y)2 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds−u±y 2ε/parenrightBigg dy =±1 (πBε(t))1/2exp/parenleftbigg−x2+(x−x±(t))2 Bε(t)/parenrightbigg/integraldisplay±∞ 0exp/parenleftbigg −(y+x±(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightbigg dy =1 π1/2exp/parenleftbigg−x2+(x−x±(t))2 Bε(t)/parenrightbigg/integraldisplay∞ ±(Bε(t))1/2(x±(t)−x)exp(−y2)dy =1 π1/2exp/parenleftbigg−x2+(x−x±(t))2 Bε(t)/parenrightbigg Iε,t ±, 7wherex±(t) =u±/integraltextt 0β(s)ds,Bε(t) = 4ε/integraltextt 0β(s)ds, and Iε,t ±=/integraldisplay∞ ±(Bε(t))1/2(x±(t)−x)exp(−y2)dy. Asε→0+, due to the asymptotic expansion of the (complementary) error f unction (see [ 10]), we have Iε,t ±= ∞/summationdisplay n=0(−1)n(2n)! n!/parenleftbigg(Bε(t))1/2 ±2(x±(t)−x)/parenrightbigg2n+1 exp/parenleftbigg −(x±(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightbigg ,if±(x±(t)−x)>(Bε(t))1/2, 1 2π1/2,ifx±(t) =x, π1/2−∞/summationdisplay n=0(−1)n(2n)! n!/parenleftbigg(Bε(t))1/2 ∓2(x±(t)−x)/parenrightbigg2n+1 exp/parenleftbigg −(x±(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightbigg ,if±(x±(t)−x)<−(Bε(t))1/2, and therefore we obtain bε ±(x,t) = ±Q± π1/2exp/parenleftBigx2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig ,if±(x±(t)−x)>(Bε(t))1/2, 1 2exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig ,ifx±(t) =x, exp/parenleftBig−x2+(x±(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig ±Q± π1/2exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig ,if±(x±(t)−x)<−(Bε(t))1/2,(23) where Q±=∞/summationdisplay n=0(−1)n(2n)! n!/parenleftBig(Bε(t))1/2 2(x±(t)−x)/parenrightBig2n+1 =ε1/2/parenleftBigg/parenleftbig/integraltextt 0β(s)ds/parenrightbig1/2 x±(t)−x−2ε/parenleftBig/parenleftbig/integraltextt 0β(s)ds/parenrightbig1/2 x±(t)−x/parenrightBig3 +12ε2/parenleftBig/parenleftbig/integraltextt 0β(s)ds/parenrightbig1/2 x±(t)−x/parenrightBig5 −···/parenrightBigg . 2.2.1 Classical Riemann solutions: u−≤u+. In this case, we have the following Theorem 2.1. Suppose that u−≤u+. Let(ρε,uε)be the solution of the viscosity problem (12)-(13). Then, the limit lim ε→0+(ρε(x,t),uε(x,t)) = (ρ(x,t),u(x,t)) exists in the sense of distributions, and the pair (ρ(x,t),u(x,t))solves the time-variable coefficient Zeldovich approximate system and time-dependent damping (4)with initial data (6). In addition, if u−< u+, then (ρ(x,t),u(x,t)) = (ρ−,u−exp(−/integraltextt 0σ(s)ds)),ifx < x−(t), (0,x/integraltextt 0β(s)dsexp(−/integraltextt 0σ(s)ds)),ifx−(t)< x < x +(t), (ρ+,u+exp(−/integraltextt 0σ(s)ds)),ifx > x+(t), and when u−=u+, then (ρ(x,t),u(x,t)) =/braceleftBigg (ρ−,u−exp(−/integraltextt 0σ(s)ds)),ifx < x−(t), (ρ+,u−exp(−/integraltextt 0σ(s)ds)),ifx > x−(t). 8Proof.1. First, let us consider the case x−x−(t)<−(Bε(t))1/2. Forε >0 sufficiently small, due to approxi- mations given by ( 23), we may write Wε(x,t)≈ρ−(x−x−(t))cε −−ρ+(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(ρ+−ρ−)(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig cε −+(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2(x+(t)−x), wherecε −= exp/parenleftBig −x2+(x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig −(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2(x−(t)−x)exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig . Therefore, we obtain Wε(x,t)≈ρ−(x−x−(t))exp/parenleftBig (x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig exp/parenleftBig (x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2/parenleftBig 1 x+(t)−x−1 x−(t)−x/parenrightBig (24) and uε(x,t)≈(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2/parenleftBig u+ x+(t)−x−u− x−(t)−x/parenrightBig +u−exp/parenleftBig (x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig exp/parenleftBig (x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2/parenleftBig 1 x+(t)−x−1 x−(t)−x/parenrightBigexp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds). (25) 2. Similarly, if x−(t)+(Bε(t))1/2< x < x +(t)−(Bε(t))1/2, then we approximate Wεas Wε(x,t)≈ρ−(x−x−(t))/hatwidecε −+ρ+(x−x+(t))/hatwidecε ++(ρ+−ρ−)(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig /hatwidecε −+/hatwidecε + where/hatwidecε ±=±1 π1/2/parenleftBig (Bε(t))1/2 2(x±(t)−x)−(Bε(t))3/2 4(x±(t)−x)3/parenrightBig exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig . Therefore, Wε(x,t)≈Bε(t)/parenleftBig ρ+ (x+(t)−x)2−ρ− (x−(t)−x)2/parenrightBig 2/parenleftBig 1 x+(t)−x−1 x−(t)−x/parenrightBig +Bε(t)/parenleftBig 1 (x−(t)−x)3−1 (x+(t)−x)3/parenrightBig (26) and uε(x,t) =u+ x+(t)−x+u− x−x−(t)+∞/summationtext n=1(−1)n(2n)!(Bε(t))n n!4n/parenleftBig u+ (x+(t)−x)2n+1+u− (x−x−(t))2n+1/parenrightBig 1 x+(t)−x+1 x−x−(t)+∞/summationtext n=1(−1)n(2n)!(Bε(t))n n!4n/parenleftBig 1 (x+(t)−x)2n+1+1 (x−x−(t))2n+1/parenrightBigexp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds).(27) Moreover, if x+(t)−x <−(Bε(t))1/2, then we have Wε(x,t)≈ρ−(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +ρ+(x−x+(t))cε ++(ρ+−ρ−)(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig (Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2(x−x−(t))exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +cε + wherecε += exp/parenleftBig −x2+(x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig −(Bε(t))2 2π1/2(x−x+(t))exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig , and therefore we get Wε(x,t)≈ρ+(x−x+(t))exp/parenleftBig (x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig exp/parenleftBig (x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2/parenleftBig 1 x+(t)−x−1 x−(t)−x/parenrightBig (28) and uε(x,t)≈u+exp/parenleftBig (x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2/parenleftBig u+ x+(t)−x−u− x−(t)−x/parenrightBig exp/parenleftBig (x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2/parenleftBig 1 x+(t)−x−1 x−(t)−x/parenrightBigexp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds). (29) 93. Now, for the case u−< u+, from (24), (26), and (28) we have lim ε→0+Wε(x,t) =W(x,t) = ρ−(x−x−(t)),ifx < x−(t), 0, ifx−(t)< x < x +(t), ρ+(x−x+(t)),ifx > x+(t) and from ( 25), (27), and (29) we have lim ε→0+uε(x,t) =u(x,t) = u−exp(−/integraltextt 0σ(s)ds),ifx < x−(t), x/integraltextt 0β(s)dsexp(−/integraltextt 0σ(s)ds),ifx−(t)< x < x +(t), u+exp(−/integraltextt 0σ(s)ds),ifx > x+(t). Sinceuε(x,t) is bounded on compact subsets of R2 +={(x,t) :x∈R,t >0}anduε(x,t)→u(x,t) pointwise as ε→0+, then uε(x,t)→u(x,t) in the sense of distribution. Also, Wε(x,t) is bounded on compact subsets of R2 +andWε(x,t)→W(x,t) pointwise as ε→0+, then Wε(x,t)→W(x,t) in the sense of distributions and so Wε x(x,t) converges in the distributional sense to Wx(x,t). From Proposition 2.1, we have that lim ε→0+ρε(x,t) = ρ(x,t) exists in the sense of distribution and ρ(x,t) =Wx(x,t) = ρ−,ifx < x−(t), 0,ifx−(t)< x < x +(t), ρ+,ifx > x+(t). For the case u−=u+, we have lim ε→0+(ρε(x,t),uε(x,t)) = (ρ(x,t),u(x,t)) =/braceleftBigg (ρ−,u−exp(−/integraltextt 0σ(s)ds)),ifx < x−(t), (ρ+,u−exp(−/integraltextt 0σ(s)ds)),ifx > x−(t). Finally, it is not difficult to show that ( ρ(x,t),u(x,t)) solves ( 4), and thus we omit the details. 2.2.2 Delta shock wave solutions: u−> u+. In this section, we study the Riemann problem to the system ( 4) with initial data ( 6) whenu−> u+. Let us recall that, in particular when α(·)≡1 andσ(·)≡σ=const. > 0, the solution is not bounded and contains a weighted delta measure supported on a smooth curve (see [ 17]), which is a delta shock solution given by ( 11). Here, we have a more general context with similar results. Therefo re, we first define the meaning of a two-dimensional weighted delta function. Definition 2.1. Givenw∈L1((a,b)), with−∞< a < b < ∞, and a smooth curve L≡ {(x(s),t(s)) :a < s < b }, we say that w(·)δLis a two-dimensional weighted delta function supported on L, when for each test function ϕ∈C∞ 0(R×[0,∞)), /an}bracketle{tw(·)δL,ϕ(·,·)/an}bracketri}ht=/integraldisplayb aw(s)ϕ(x(s),t(s))ds. Now, the following definition tells us when a pair ( ρ,u) is a delta shock wave solution to the Riemann problem ( 4)-(6). Definition 2.2. A distribution pair ( ρ,u) is called a delta shock wave solution of the problem ( 4) and (6) in the sense of distributions, when there exists a smooth curve Land a function w(·), such that ρanduare represented respectively by ρ=/hatwideρ(x,t)+wδL, u=u(x,t) 10with/hatwideρ,u∈L∞(R×(0,∞)), and satisfy for each the test function ϕ∈C∞ 0(R×(0,∞)), < ρ,ϕ t>+< αρu,ϕ x>= 0, /integraldisplay/integraldisplay R2 +/parenleftBig uϕt+α(t) 2u2ϕx−σ(t)uϕ/parenrightBig dxdt= 0, where < ρ,ϕ >=/integraldisplay/integraldisplay R2 +/hatwideρϕdxdt+/an}bracketle{twδL,ϕ/an}bracketri}ht, and < αρu,ϕ > =/integraldisplay/integraldisplay R2 +α(t)/hatwideρuϕdxdt +/an}bracketle{tα(·)wuδδL,ϕ/an}bracketri}ht. Moreover, u|L=uδ(·). Placed the previous definitions, we are going to show a solution with a d iscontinuity on x=x(t) for the system (4) of the form (ρ(x,t),u(x,t)) = (ρ−(x,t),u−(x,t)),ifx < γ(t), (w(t)δL,uδ(t)),ifx=γ(t), (ρ+(x,t),u+(x,t)),ifx > γ(t), whereρ±(x,t),u±(x,t) are piecewise smooth solutions of system ( 4),δLis the Dirac measure supported on the curveγ∈C1, andγ,w, anduδare to be determined. Then, we have the following Theorem 2.2. Suppose u−> u+. Let(ρε,uε)be the solution of the problem (12)-(13). Then the limit lim ε→0+(ρε(x,t),uε(x,t)) = (ρ(x,t),u(x,t)) exists in the sense of distributions and (ρ(x,t),u(x,t))solves the problem (4)-(6). In addition, (ρ(x,t),u(x,t)) = (ρ−,u−exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)),ifx < x(t), (w(t)δ(x−x(t)),u−+u+ 2exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)),ifx=x(t), (ρ+,u+exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)),ifx > x(t), where w(t) =1 2(ρ−+ρ+)(u−−u+)/integraldisplayt 0α(s)exp(−/integraldisplays 0σ(τ)dτ)ds, x(t) =u−+u+ 2/integraldisplayt 0α(s)exp(−/integraldisplays 0σ(τ)dτ)ds. Proof.1. First, since u−> u+, it follows that x−(t)> x+(t). Forε >0 sufficiently small, if x−x−(t)> (Bε(t))1/2, then we may write from ( 23), Wε(x,t)≈ρ+(x−x+(t))exp/parenleftBig (x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig exp/parenleftBig (x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2/parenleftBig 1 x+(t)−x−1 x−(t)−x/parenrightBig and uε(x,t)≈u+exp/parenleftBig (x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2/parenleftBig u+ x+(t)−x−u− x−(t)−x/parenrightBig exp/parenleftBig (x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2/parenleftBig 1 x+(t)−x−1 x−(t)−x/parenrightBigexp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds). 11Ifx+(t)−x <−(Bε(t))1/2andx=x−(t), then Wε(x,t)≈−ρ−(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +ρ+(x−x+(t))exp/parenleftBig −x2+(x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig 1 2exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +exp/parenleftBig −x2+(x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2(x+(t)−x)exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig and uε(x,t)≈u− 2exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +u+exp/parenleftBig −x2+(x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +u+(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2(x+(t)−x)exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig 1 2exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +exp/parenleftBig −x2+(x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2(x+(t)−x)exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBigexp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds). Ifx+(t)+(Bε(t))1/2≤x≤x−(t)−(Bε(t))1/2, then Wε(x,t)≈ρ−(x−x−(t))exp/parenleftBig (x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +ρ+(x−x+(t))exp/parenleftBig (x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig exp/parenleftBig (x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +exp/parenleftBig (x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2/parenleftBig 1 x+(t)−x−1 x−(t)−x/parenrightBig and uε(x,t)≈u−exp/parenleftBig (x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +u+exp/parenleftBig (x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2/parenleftBig u+ x+(t)−x−u− x−(t)−x/parenrightBig exp/parenleftBig (x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +exp/parenleftBig (x+(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2/parenleftBig 1 x+(t)−x−1 x−(t)−x/parenrightBigexp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds). Ifx+(t)−x >(Bε(t))1/2, then Wε(x,t)≈ρ−(x−x−(t))exp/parenleftBig (x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig exp/parenleftBig (x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2/parenleftBig 1 x+(t)−x−1 x−(t)−x/parenrightBig and uε(x,t)≈u−exp/parenleftBig (x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2/parenleftBig u+ x+(t)−x−u− x−(t)−x/parenrightBig exp/parenleftBig (x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2/parenleftBig 1 x+(t)−x−1 x−(t)−x/parenrightBigexp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds). Ifx−x−(t)<−(Bε(t))1/2andx=x+(t), then Wε(x,t)≈ρ−(x−x−(t))exp/parenleftBig −x2+(x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +ρ+(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig exp/parenleftBig −x2+(x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig −(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2(x−(t)−x)exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +1 2exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig and uε(x,t)≈u−exp/parenleftBig −x2+(x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig −u−(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2(x−(t)−x)exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +u+ 2exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig exp/parenleftBig −x2+(x−(t)−x)2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig −(Bε(t))1/2 2π1/2(x−(t)−x)exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBig +1 2exp/parenleftBig −x2 Bε(t)/parenrightBigexp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds). Therefore, we have that lim ε→0+Wε(x,t) =/braceleftBigg ρ−(x−x−(t)),if (x−x+(t))2−(x−x−(t))2<0, ρ+(x−x+(t)),if (x−x+(t))2−(x−x−(t))2>0. Observe that ( x−x+(t))2−(x−x−(t))2= 2(x−(t)−x+(t))(x−x−(t)+x+(t) 2), and defining x−(t)+x+(t) 2=:x(t), 12we get lim ε→0+Wε(x,t) =/braceleftBigg ρ−(x−x−(t)),ifx < x(t), ρ+(x−x+(t)),ifx > x(t). SinceWε(x,t) is bounded on compact subsets of R2 +andWε(x,t)→W(x,t) pointwise as ε→0+, then Wε(x,t)→W(x,t) in the sense of distribution and so Wε x(x,t) convergesin the distributional sense to Wx(x,t). From Proposition 2.1we have that lim ε→0+ρε(x,t) =ρ(x,t) exists in the sense of distribution and ρ(x,t) =Wx(x,t) = ρ−,ifx < x(t), (x−(t)−x+(t))ρ−+ρ+ 2δ(x−x(t)),ifx=x(t) ρ+,ifx > x(t).(30) Analogously, we obtain u(x,t) = u−exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds),ifx < x(t), u−+u+ 2exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds),ifx=x(t), u+exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds),ifx > x(t).(31) 2. Now, we show that ρandu, defined respectively by ( 30), (31) solve the Riemann problem ( 4)-(6) in the sense of Definition 2.2. Indeed, for any test function ϕ∈C∞ 0(R×R+) we have < ρ,ϕ t>+< αρu,ϕ x>=/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplay R(ρϕt+α(t)ρuϕx)dxdt +/integraldisplay∞ 0ρ−+ρ+ 2(x−(t)−x+(t))/parenleftbigg ϕt+α(t)u−+u+ 2exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)ϕx/parenrightbigg dt =/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplayx(t) −∞(ρ−ϕt+α(t)ρ−u−exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)ϕx)dxdt+/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplay∞ x(t)(ρ+ϕt+α(t)ρ+u+exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)ϕx)dxdt +/integraldisplay∞ 0ρ−+ρ+ 2(x−(t)−x+(t))/parenleftbigg ϕt+α(t)u−+u+ 2exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)ϕx/parenrightbigg dt =−/contintegraldisplay −(α(t)ρ−u−exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)ϕ)dt+(ρ−ϕ)dx+/contintegraldisplay −(α(t)ρ+u+exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)ϕ)dt+(ρ+ϕ)dx +/integraldisplay∞ 0ρ−+ρ+ 2(x−(t)−x+(t))/parenleftbigg ϕt+α(t)u−+u+ 2exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)ϕx/parenrightbigg dt =/integraldisplayt 0/parenleftbigg α(t)(ρ−u−−ρ+u+)exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)−(ρ−−ρ+)dx(t) dt/parenrightbigg ϕdt +/integraldisplay∞ 0ρ−+ρ+ 2(x−(t)−x+(t))dϕ dtdt =/integraldisplayt 0/parenleftbigg α(t)(ρ−u−−ρ+u+)exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)−(ρ−−ρ+)dx(t) dt/parenrightbigg ϕdt −/integraldisplay∞ 0d dt/parenleftbiggρ−+ρ+ 2(x−(t)−x+(t))/parenrightbigg ϕdt= 0, 13and /integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplay R/parenleftbigg uϕt+α(t) 2u2ϕx−σ(t)uϕ/parenrightbigg dxdt=/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplay R/parenleftbigg uϕt+α(t) 2u2ϕx/parenrightbigg dxdt−/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplay Rσ(t)uϕdxdt =/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplayx(t) −∞u−exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)/parenleftbigg ϕt+α(t) 2u−exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)ϕx/parenrightbigg dxdt +/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplay∞ x(t)u+exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)/parenleftbigg ϕt+α(t) 2u+exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)ϕx/parenrightbigg dxdt−/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplay Rσ(t)uϕdxdt =−/contintegraldisplay −/parenleftbiggα(t) 2u2 −exp(−2/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)ϕ/parenrightbigg dt+/parenleftbigg u−exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)ϕ/parenrightbigg dx +/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplayx(t) −∞σ(t)u−exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)ϕdxdt +/contintegraldisplay −/parenleftbiggα(t) 2u2 +exp(−2/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)ϕ/parenrightbigg dt+/parenleftbigg u+exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)ϕ/parenrightbigg dx +/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplay∞ x(t)σ(t)u+exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)ϕdxdt−/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplay Rσ(t)uϕdxdt =/integraldisplay∞ 0/parenleftbiggα(t) 2(u2 −−u2 +)exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)−(u−−u+)dx(t) dt/parenrightbigg ϕexp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(s)ds)dt= 0. 3. Finally, we observe that, for each t≥0, u+α(t)exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(τ)dτ)<dx(t) dt< u+α(t)exp(−/integraldisplayt 0σ(τ)dτ), which is an entropy condition to the system ( 4). 3 Pressureless Type Gas Dynamics System The main issue of this section is to study the Riemann problem of the pr essureless gas system with variable coefficient and time-variable linear damping ( 5). We introduce a similar variable to reduce the system ( 5) to hyperbolic conservation laws with variable coefficient to solve the Riem ann problem with u−< u+. To the caseu−> u+, similar to [ 5], we use a nonlinear viscous system and using a similar variable we obtain viscous solutions that converge to a delta shock solution of the Riemann pro blem (5)-(6). 3.1 Classical Riemann solutions. We observe that under transformation /hatwideu(x,t) =u(x,t)e/integraltextt 0σ(r)drthe system ( 5) is equivalent to /braceleftBigg ρt+α(t)e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr(ρ/hatwideu)x= 0, (ρ/hatwideu)t+α(t)e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr(ρ/hatwideu2)x= 0,(32) with the initial data ( 6). Using the similar variable ξ=x/integraltextt 0α(s)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)drds, (33) the system ( 32) can be written as/braceleftBigg −ξρξ+(ρ/hatwideu)ξ= 0, −ξ(ρ/hatwideu)ξ+(ρ/hatwideu2)ξ= 0,(34) 14and the initial condition ( 6) changes to the boundary condition (ρ(±∞),/hatwideu(±∞)) = (ρ±,u±). Now, we note that any smooth solution of the system ( 34) satisfies /parenleftbigg/hatwideu−ξ ρ /hatwideu(/hatwideu−ξ)ρ(2/hatwideu−ξ)/parenrightbigg/parenleftbiggρξ /hatwideuξ/parenrightbigg =/parenleftbigg0 0/parenrightbigg and it provides either the general solution (constant state) ρ(ξ) =constant and /hatwideu(ξ) =constant, ρ/ne}ationslash= 0, or the singular solution ρ(ξ) = 0 for all ξand/hatwideu(ξ) =ξ, called the vacuum state . Thus the smooth solutions of system (34) only contain constants and vacuum solutions. For a bounded disco ntinuity at ξ=η, the Rankine-Hugoniot condition holds, that is to say, /braceleftBigg −η(ρ−−ρ+)+(ρ−/hatwideu−−ρ+/hatwideu+) = 0, −η(ρ−/hatwideu−−ρ+/hatwideu+)+(ρ−/hatwideu2 −−ρ+/hatwideu2 +) = 0, which holds when η=u−=u+. Therefore, two states ( ρ−,u−) and (ρ+,u+) can be connected by a contact discontinuity if and only if u−=u+. Thus, the contact discontinuity is characterized by ξ=u−=u+. Summarizing, we obtainthe solutionwhich consistsoftwocontactdis continuitiesand avacuum statebesides two constant states. Therefore, the solution can be expressed as (ρ(ξ),/hatwideu(ξ)) = (ρ−,u−),ifξ < u−, (0,ξ),ifu−≤ξ≤u+, (ρ+,u+),ifξ > u+. Sinceu(x,t) =/hatwideu(x,t)e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)drandξ=x/integraltextt 0α(s)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)drds, then for u−< u+the Riemann solution to the system (5) is (ρ(x,t),u(x,t)) = (ρ−,u−e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr),ifx < u−/integraldisplayt 0α(s)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)drds, (0,xe−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr /integraltextt 0α(s)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)drds),ifu−/integraldisplayt 0α(s)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)drds≤x≤u+/integraldisplayt 0α(s)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)drds, (ρ+,u+e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr),ifx > u+/integraldisplayt 0α(s)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)drds. 3.2 Delta shock wave solutions. Givenε >0, we consider the following parabolic regularization to the system ( 5), /braceleftBiggρε t+α(t)(ρεuε)x= 0, (ρεuε)t+α(t)(ρε(uε)2)x=εβ∗(t)uε xx−σ(t)ρεuε,(35) whereβ∗(t) =α(t)exp(−/integraltextt 0σ(s)ds)/integraltextt 0α(s)exp(−/integraltexts 0σ(r)dr)ds, with initial condition (ρε(x,0),uε(x,0)) = (ρ0(x),u0(x)), (36) where (ρ0,u0) is given by ( 6). Under the transformation /hatwideuε(x,t) =uε(x,t)e/integraltextt 0σ(r)drthe system ( 35) becomes ρε t+α(t)e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr(ρε/hatwideuε)x= 0, (ρε/hatwideuε)t+α(t)e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr(ρε(/hatwideuε)2)x=εβ∗(t)/hatwideuε xx,(37) 15and the initial condition ( 36) becomes (ρε(x,0),/hatwideuε(x,0)) = (ρε 0(x),/hatwideuε 0(x)) =/braceleftBigg (ρ−,u−),ifx <0, (ρ+,u+),ifx >0(38) for arbitrary constant states u±andρ±>0 as well. By using the similar variable ( 33) the system ( 37) can be written as −ξρε ξ+(ρε/hatwideuε)ξ= 0, −ξ(ρε/hatwideuε)ξ+(ρε(/hatwideuε)2)ξ=ε/hatwideuε ξξ(39) and the initial data ( 38) changes to the boundary condition (ρ(±∞),/hatwideu(±∞)) = (ρ±,u±) (40) for arbitrary constant states u−> u+andρ±>0. The existence of solutions to the system ( 39) with boundary condition ( 40) was shown in Theorem 3 of [ 5]. More explicitly, in [ 5], the following result was obtained: Proposition 3.1. There exists a weak solution (ρε,/hatwideuε)∈L1 loc((−∞,+∞))×C2((−∞,+∞))to the boundary problem (39)-(40). From Theorem 2 in [ 5], we have that for each ε >0, the function /hatwideuεsatisfies /braceleftBigg ε(/hatwideuε)′′(ξ) = (ρε(ξ)(/hatwideu−ξ))(/hatwideuε)′(ξ), /hatwideuε(±∞) =u±, with′=d dξand ρε(ξ) =/braceleftBigg ρε 1(ξ),if−∞< ξ < ξε ς, ρε 2(ξ),ifξε ς< ξ <+∞, whereξε ςsatisfies/hatwideuε(ξε ς) =ξε ς, ρ1(ξ) =ρ−exp/parenleftBigg −/integraldisplayξ −∞(/hatwideuε(s))′ /hatwideuε(s)−sds/parenrightBigg andρ2(ξ) =ρ+exp/parenleftbigg/integraldisplay∞ ξ(/hatwideuε(s))′ /hatwideuε(s)−sds/parenrightbigg . Definition 3.1. A distribution pair ( ρ,u) is called a delta shock wave solution of the problem ( 5) and (6) in the sense of distributions, when there exist a smooth curve Land a function w(·), such that ρanduare represented respectively by ρ=/hatwideρ(x,t)+wδLandu=u(x,t), with/hatwideρ,u∈L∞(R×(0,∞)), and satisfy for each the test function ϕ∈C∞ 0(R×(0,∞)), /braceleftBigg < ρ,ϕ t>+< αρu,ϕ x>= 0, < ρu,ϕ t>+< αρu2,ϕx>=< σρu,ϕ >,(41) where < ρ,ϕ >:=/integraldisplay/integraldisplay R2 +/hatwideρϕdxdt+/an}bracketle{twδL,ϕ/an}bracketri}ht and for some smooth function G, < αρG(·),ϕ >:=/integraldisplay/integraldisplay R2 +α(t)/hatwideρG(u)ϕdxdt+/an}bracketle{tα(·)wG(uδ)δL,ϕ/an}bracketri}ht. Moreover, u|L=uδ(t). 16Now, we denote ς= lim ε→0+ξε ς= lim ε→0+/hatwideuε(ξε ς) =/hatwideu(ς). Then, according to Theorem 4 in [ 5], we have lim ε→0+(ρε(ξ),/hatwideuε(ξ)) = (ρ−,u−), ifξ < ς, (w0δ(ξ−ς),uδ),ifξ=ς, (ρ+,u+), ifξ > ς, whereρεconverges in the sense of distributions to the sum of a step functio n and a Dirac measure δwith weight w0=−ς(ρ−−ρ+)+(ρ−u−−ρ+u+) anduδ=/hatwideu(ς). Moreover, ( ς,w0,uδ) satisfies ς=uδ, w0=−ς(ρ−−ρ+)+(ρ−u−−ρ+u+), w0uδ=−ς(ρ−u−−ρ+u+)+(ρ−u2 −−ρ+u2 +),(42) and the over-compressive entropy condition u+< uδ< u−. (43) Observe that from the system ( 42) we have (ρ−−ρ+)u2 δ−2(ρ−u−−ρ+u+)uδ+(ρ−u2 −−ρ+u2 +) = 0, which implies uδ=√ρ−u−−√ρ+u+√ρ−−√ρ+oruδ=√ρ−u−+√ρ+u+√ρ−+√ρ+. One remarks that, when uδ=√ρ−u−+√ρ+u+√ρ−+√ρ+the entropy condition is valid while uδ=√ρ−u−−√ρ+u+√ρ−−√ρ+ does not satisfy the entropy condition. Moreover, using the seco nd equation of the system ( 42) anduδ=√ρ−u−+√ρ+u+√ρ−+√ρ+, we obtain w0=√ρ−ρ+(u−−u+). Therefore, when ρ−=ρ+, from (42) we obtain 2(u−−u+)uδ−(u2 −−u2 +) = 0 and hence we have uδ=1 2(u−+u+) andw0=ρ−(u−−u+). Finally, using the similar variable ( 33), we have obtained the following result Proposition 3.2. Suppose u−> u+. Let(ρε(x,t),/hatwideuε(x,t))be the solution of the problem (37)-(38). Then the limit lim ε→0+(ρε(x,t),/hatwideuε(x,t)) = (ρ(x,t),/hatwideu(x,t))exists in the distribution sense. Moreover, (ρ(x,t),/hatwideu(x,t))is given by (ρ−,u−),ifx < uδ/integraldisplayt 0α(s)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)drds, (w0/integraldisplayt 0α(s)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)drds·δ(x−uδ/integraldisplayt 0α(s)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)drds),uδ),ifx=uδ/integraldisplayt 0α(s)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)drds, (ρ+,u+),ifx > uδ/integraldisplayt 0α(s)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)drds, wherew0=√ρ−ρ+(u−−u+)anduδ=√ρ−u−+√ρ+u+√ρ−+√ρ+, whenρ−/ne}ationslash=ρ+. For the case ρ−=ρ+, it follows that, w0=ρ−(u−−u+)anduδ=1 2(u−+u+). In addition, the solution is unique under the over-compres sive entropy condition (43). Remark 2. The condition ( 42) is necessary and sufficient to guarantee the existence of delta sh ock solutions to the problem ( 37)-(38) withε= 0. In fact, there are two delta shock solutions. Now, the over-c ompressive entropy condition ( 43), (see the above proposition), was sufficient to obtain the uniquen ess of the delta shock solution. 17From the above proposition and since u(x,t) =/hatwideu(x,t)e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr, we can establish a solution to the system (5)withinitialdata( 6). Moreover,multiplyingtheentropycondition( 43)byα(t)wegetα(t)u+< uδα(t)< α(t) for allt≥0 and again using that u(x,t) =/hatwideu(x,t)e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr, we have extended the entropy condition ( 43) to the following entropy condition to the system ( 5), λ(ρ+,u+)e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr<dx(t) dt< λ(ρ−,u−)e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr,for allt≥0, (44) whereλ(ρ,u) =αuis the eigenvalue associated to system ( 5). Then, we have the following Theorem 3.1. Suppose u−> u+. Then the Riemann problem (5)-(6)admits under the entropy condition (44) a unique delta shock solution of the form (ρ(x,t),u(x,t)) = (ρ−,u−e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr),ifx < x(t), (w(t)δ(x−x(t)),uδ(t)),ifx=x(t), (ρ+,u+e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr),ifx > x(t),(45) where for ρ−/ne}ationslash=ρ+, w(t) =√ρ−ρ+(u−−u+)/integraldisplayt 0α(s)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)drds, u δ(t) =√ρ−u−+√ρ+u+√ρ−+√ρ+e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr,and x(t) =√ρ−u−+√ρ+u+√ρ−+√ρ+/integraldisplayt 0α(s)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)drds. For the case ρ−=ρ+, it follws that w(t) =ρ−(u−−u+)/integraldisplayt 0α(s)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)drds, u δ(t) =1 2(u−+u+)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)dr,and x(t) =1 2(u−+u+)/integraldisplayt 0α(s)e−/integraltexts 0σ(r)drds. Proof.Suppose that ρ−/ne}ationslash=ρ+. Therefore, in orderto show that ( ρ,u), given by ( 45), is a solution to the problem (5)-(6), we consider any test function ϕ∈C∞ 0(R×(0,∞)) and compute < ρu,ϕ t>+< ρu2,ϕx>=/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplay R(ρuϕt+α(t)ρu2ϕx)dxdt+/integraldisplay∞ 0w(t)(uδ(t)ϕt+α(t)u2 δ(t)ϕx)dt =/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplayx(t) −∞(ρ−u−e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)drϕt+α(t)ρ−u2 −e−2/integraltextt 0σ(r)drϕx)dxdt +/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplay∞ x(t)(ρ+u+e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)drϕt+α(t)ρ+u2 +e−2/integraltextt 0σ(r)drϕx)dxdt +/integraldisplay∞ 0w(t)√ρ−u−+√ρ+u+√ρ−+√ρ+e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr/parenleftbigg ϕt+α(t)√ρ−u−+√ρ+u+√ρ−+√ρ+e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)drϕx/parenrightbigg dt =−/contintegraldisplay −/parenleftBig α(t)ρ−u2 −e−2/integraltextt 0σ(r)drϕ/parenrightBig dt+/parenleftBig ρ−u−e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)drϕ/parenrightBig dx +/contintegraldisplay −/parenleftBig α(t)ρ+u2 +e−2/integraltextt 0σ(r)drϕ/parenrightBig dt+/parenleftBig ρ+u+e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)drϕ/parenrightBig dx +/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplay Rσ(t)ρuϕdxdt +/integraldisplay∞ 0w(t)√ρ−u−+√ρ+u+√ρ−+√ρ+e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr/parenleftbigg ϕt+dx(t) dtϕx/parenrightbigg dt 18=/integraldisplay∞ 0α(t)(ρ−u2 −−ρ+u2 +)e−2/integraltextt 0σ(r)drϕdt−/integraldisplay∞ 0dx(t) dt(ρ−u−−ρ+u+)e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)drϕdt +/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplay Rσ(t)ρuϕdxdt +/integraldisplay∞ 0w(t)√ρ−u−+√ρ+u+√ρ−+√ρ+e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)drdϕ(t) dtdt =/integraldisplay∞ 0α(t)(ρ−u2 −−ρ+u2 +)e−2/integraltextt 0σ(r)drϕdt−/integraldisplay∞ 0dx(t) dt(ρ−u−−ρ+u+)e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)drϕdt +/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplay Rσ(t)ρuϕdxdt −/integraldisplay∞ 0d dt/parenleftbigg w(t)√ρ−u−+√ρ+u+√ρ−+√ρ+e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)dr/parenrightbigg ϕdt =/integraldisplay∞ 0/integraldisplay Rσ(t)ρuϕdxdt +/integraldisplay∞ 0σ(t)w(t)√ρ−u−+√ρ+u+√ρ−+√ρ+e−/integraltextt 0σ(r)drdt=< σρu,ϕ >, which implies the second equation of ( 41). With a similar argument, it is possible to obtain the first equation of (41) and the case when ρ−=ρ+. The uniqueness of the solution will be obtained under the entropy c ondition (44). 4 Riemann problem to the systems (4) and (5) with σ(·)≡0 In this section, we consider σ(t) =µν(t) whereµ >0 is a parameter, ν(t)≥0 for allt≥0, andν∈L1 loc([0,∞)). According to the Sections 2.2.1and3.1, ifu−< u+, the systems ( 4) and (5) with initial data ( 6) have the solution (ρ(x,t),u(x,t)) = (ρ−,u−exp(−µ/integraltextt 0ν(s)ds)), ifx < x−(t), (0,x/integraltextt 0α(s)exp(−µ/integraltexts 0ν(r)dr)dsexp(−µ/integraltextt 0ν(s)ds)),ifx−(t)< x < x +(t), (ρ+,u+exp(−µ/integraltextt 0ν(s)ds)), ifx > x+(t), wherex±(t) =u±/integraltextt 0α(s)exp(−µ/integraltexts 0ν(r)dr)ds. Ifu−> u+, the the solution for the problem ( 4)-(6) is (ρ(x,t),u(x,t)) = (ρ−,u−exp(−µ/integraltextt 0ν(s)ds)), ifx < x(t), (w(t)δ(x−x(t)),u−+u+ 2exp(−µ/integraltextt 0ν(s)ds)),ifx=x(t), (ρ+,u+exp(−µ/integraltextt 0ν(s)ds)), ifx > x(t), wherew(t) =1 2(ρ−+ρ+)(u−−u+)/integraltextt 0α(s)exp(−µ/integraltexts 0ν(τ)dτ)dsandx(t) =u−+u+ 2/integraltextt 0α(s)exp(−µ/integraltexts 0ν(τ)dτ)ds while the solution to the problem ( 5)-(6) is (ρ(x,t),u(x,t)) = (ρ−,u−e−µ/integraltextt 0ν(r)dr,ifx < x(t), (w(t)δ(x−x(t)),uδ(t)),ifx=x(t), (ρ+,u+e−µ/integraltextt 0ν(r)dr,ifx > x(t), wherew(t) =√ρ+ρ−(u−−u+)/integraltextt 0α(s)e−µ/integraltexts 0ν(r)drds,uδ(t) =√ρ−u−+√ρ+u+√ρ−+√ρ+e−µ/integraltextt 0ν(r)dr, andx(t) =√ρ−u−+√ρ+u+√ρ−+√ρ+/integraltextt 0α(s)e−µ/integraltexts 0ν(r)drdsifρ−/ne}ationslash=ρ+andw(t) =ρ−(u−−u+)/integraltextt 0α(s)e−µ/integraltexts 0ν(r)drds, uδ(t) =1 2(u−+u+)e−µ/integraltextt 0ν(r)dr, andx(t) =1 2(u−−u+)/integraltextt 0α(s)e−µ/integraltexts 0ν(r)drdsifρ−=ρ+. One observes that the solutions given above are explicit with respec t to the parameter µ >0, and also we have lim µ→0+exp(−µ/integraldisplayt 0ν(s)ds) = 1 and lim µ→0+/integraldisplayt 0α(s)exp(−µ/integraldisplays 0ν(r)dr)ds=/integraldisplayt 0α(s)ds. Therefore, the Riemann solution to the problems ( 4) and (5) withσ(t) = 0 for all t≥0 and initial data ( 6) is given by (ρ(x,t),u(x,t)) = (ρ−,u−),ifx < u−/integraltextt 0α(s)ds, (0,x/integraltextt 0α(s)ds),ifu−/integraltextt 0α(s)ds < x < u +/integraltextt 0α(s)ds, (ρ+,u+),ifx > u+/integraltextt 0α(s)ds. 19ifu−< u+. Ifu−> u+, then the Riemann solution to the problem ( 4) withσ(t) = 0 for all t≥0 and initial data (6) is (ρ(x,t),u(x,t)) = (ρ−,u−), ifx < x(t), (w(t)δ(x−x(t)),u−+u+ 2),ifx=x(t), (ρ+,u+), ifx > x(t), wherew(t) =1 2(ρ−+ρ+)(u−−u+)/integraltextt 0α(s)dsandx(t) =u−+u+ 2/integraltextt 0α(s)dsand the Riemann solution to the problem ( 5)-(6) withσ(t) = 0 for all t≥0 is given by (ρ(x,t),u(x,t)) = (ρ−,u−), ifx < x(t), (w(t)δ(x−x(t)),uδ(t)),ifx=x(t), (ρ+,u+), ifx > x(t), wherew(t) =√ρ+ρ−(u−−u+)/integraltextt 0α(s)ds,uδ(t) =√ρ−u−+√ρ+u+√ρ−+√ρ+,andx(t) =√ρ−u−+√ρ+u+√ρ−+√ρ+/integraltextt 0α(s)dsifρ−/ne}ationslash=ρ+ andw(t) =ρ−(u−−u+)/integraltextt 0α(s)ds,uδ(t) =1 2(u−+u+), andx(t) =1 2(u−−u+)/integraltextt 0α(s)dsifρ−=ρ+. 5 Comments and Extensions The main goal of this section is to present comments and extensions of ongoing work on the topic developed in this paper. We studied in this paper, the Riemann problems to the time-variable co efficient Zeldovich approximate system (4) and time-variablecoefficientpressurelessgassystem ( 5) both with generaltime-gradually-degenerate damping. Similar to the results obtained by Keita and Bourgault in [ 17] to the Riemann problems ( 4)-(6) and (5)-(6) both with α(·)≡1 andσ(·)≡σ=const. > 0, we have that the systems ( 4) and (5), where αandσ are non-negative functions that dependents of time t, are equivalent for smooth and two-contact-discontinuity solutions but they differ for delta shock solutions. Moreover, we sh ow that the uniqueness is obtained under an over-compressive entropy condition. Itisinterestingtoremarkthat, whywehavetofixthesignof α(·) solvingthe Riemannproblem. Indeed, they only need to have one sign (positive or negative) to maintain the Lax e ntropy (in shocks) and over-compressive entropy condition in delta shocks (as we need the characteristics n ot to be inverted). Clearly, the sign of σ(·) justifies the physical meaning of damping. Now, we would like to mention another direction of the work developed here, see [ 7]. Also related to system (3), we consider the following nonautonomous quasilinear systems: ρt+α1(t)(ρu)x= 0, ut+α2(t)(u2 2)x=−σ(t)u, and also /braceleftBigg ρt+α1(t)(ρu)x= 0, (ρu)t+α2(t)(ρu2)x=−σ(t)ρu, whereαi∈L1([0,∞)), (i= 1,2), and 0 ≤σ∈L1 loc([0,∞)). It is not absolutely clear that, all the strategies appliedinthispaperworkwiththesesystems,infact, thisisnotthec ase. Indeed, when α1/ne}ationslash=α2theconstruction of shocks, rarefactions, contact discontinuities, and delta shoc k solutions is not easy due to the behavior of the under- or over-compressibility of the eigenvalues and left or right s tates. This stands as the focal point of our ongoing research efforts. Data availability statement Data sharing does not apply to this article as no data sets were gene rated or analyzed during the current study. 20Conflict of Interest The authorRichardDe lacruzacknowledgesthe supportreceivedf rom UniversidadPedag´ ogicay Tecnol´ ogicade Colombia. TheauthorWladimirNeveshasreceivedresearchgrantsf romCNPqthroughthegrants313005/2023- 0, 406460/2023-0, and also by FAPERJ (Cientista do Nosso Estado ) through the grant E-26/201.139/2021. References [1] F. Bouchut, On zero pressure gas dynamics. In: Advances in Kinetic Theory and Computing . Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, vol. 22, pp. 171–190 . World Scientific, Singapore (1994). [2] Y. Brenier, Solutions with concentration to the Riemann problem f or one-dimensional Chaplygin gas dy- namics, J. Math. Fluid Mech. 7, S326–S331 (2005). [3] Y. Brenier and E. Grenier, Sticky particles and scalar conservat ion laws, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 35(6), 2317-2328 (1998). [4] R. 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1 Spin torque and critical currents for magnet ic vortex nano-oscillator in nanopillars Konstantin Y. Guslienko1,2*, Gloria R. Aranda1, and Julian M. Gonzalez1 1Dpto. Fisica de Materiales, Universidad de l Pais Vasco, 20018 Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain 2IKERBASQUE, the Basque Foundation for Science, 48011 Bilbao, Spain We calculated the main dynamic parameters of the spin polarized current induced magnetic vortex oscillations in nanopillars, such as the range of current density, wh ere a vortex steady oscillation state exists, the oscillation frequency and orbit radius. We accounted for both the non-linear vortex frequency and non-linear vortex damping. To describe the vortex excitations by the spin polarized current we used a generalized Thiele approach to motion of the vortex core as a collective coordinate. All the results are represented via the free layer sizes, saturation magnetiza tion, Gilbert damping and the degree of the spin polarization of the fixed layer. Pr edictions of the developed model can be checked experimentally. Key words: spin polarized current, magnetic nanopillar, nano-oscilla tors, magnetic vortex *Corresponding author. Electronic mail: 2 Now excitations of the microwave oscillatio ns in magnetic nanopilla rs, nanocontacts and tunnel junctions by spin polarized curren t as well as the current induced domain wall motions in nanowires are perspective applications of spintronics.1 A general theoretical approach to microwave generation in nanopillars/nanocontacts driven by spin-polarized current based on the universal model of an auto- oscillator with negative damping and nonlinear frequency shift was de veloped recently by Slavin and Tiberkevich [see Ref. 2 and references therein]. Th e model was applied to the case of a spin-torque oscillator (STO) excited in a uniformly magnetized free layer of nanopillar, and explains the main experimentally observed effects such as the power and frequency of the gene rated microwave signal. However, the low generated power ~ 1 nW of such STO prevents their practic al applications. Recently extremely narrow linewidth of 0.3 MHz and relatively high generated power was detected for the magnetic vortex (strongly non-uniform st ate) nano-oscillat ors in nanopillars.3 The considerable microwave power emission from a vortex STO in magnetic tunnel junctions was observed.4 It was established that the permanent perpendicular to the plane (CPP) spin polarized current I can excite vortex motion in free layer of th e nanopillar if the current intens ity exceeds some critical value, Ic1.5 Then, in the interval Ic1 <I <Ic2 (Ic2 is a second critical current) th ere is microwave generation at a frequency which smoothly increase with the current increasing.6 This frequency corresponds to the vortex oscillations with a stationary orbit determ ined by the current value. If the current exceeds a critical value Ic27,8 the vortex steady state is not stable anym ore, presumably because the vortex reaches a critical velocity9 and reverses its core. The vortex with op posite core cannot be excited for the given current sign I and the oscillations stop. Such excitation scheme is different from the current-in-plane (CIP) case, where one needs to apply a.c. CIP of about the resonance frequency to excite the vortex motion.10 Low value of Ic1 and high value of Ic2 make the vortex CPP nano-os cillators attractive for applications as microwave devices. However, the calcu lations of the spin torque term (ST force) gave contradictory results for the ST force and Ic1. The standard STO approach of Ref. 2 is not applicable to 3 the vortex dynamics due to specific damping term. The problem was reduced to the problem of vortex core reversal in the perpe ndicular to the layer plane magnetic field in Ref. 7 but vortex steady state dynamics was not accounted. Using the Thiele approach the ST force was calculated in Refs. 5, 8 which differs in 2 times from one calculate d form the energy dissipation balance.6 Non-linearity of the main governing parameters and the Oersted field of curre nt were not accounted or accounted incorrectly. The critical current Ic2 has not yet been calculated. In this Letter we present a simple and effectiv e approach to calculate the ST force and the critical currents of the vortex STO in nanopillar. The appro ach is based on the Thiele formulation of the non- uniform magnetization dynamics11 and conception of the linear spin excitations.12 The nanopillar device consists of two ferromagnetic layers , typically FeNi or Co and a nonma gnetic metallic spacer, typically Cu, arranged in a vertical stack (Fig . 1). Magnetization of one layer is fixed (this layer is the so called polarizer), whereas the magnetization of the second layer of the nanopillar ()t,rM is free to rotate. The current of spin polarized elec trons transfers some torque sτ from the polarizer, which excites magnetization dynamics of the free layer. We st art from the Landau-Lifshi tz equation of motion s LLG eff τ mm Hm m γ α γ +× + × −= , where sM/Mm= , Mss is the saturation magnetization, γ>0 is the gyromagnetic ratio, Heff is the effective field, and LLGα is the Gilbert damping. We use the ST term in the form suggested by Slonczewski,13 () Pm mτ × × =Jsσ , where ()sLMe2/η σ== , η is the current spin polarization ( η=0.2 for FeNi), e is the electron charge, L is the free layer (dot) thickness, J is the current density, and z PP= is the unit vector of the polarizer magnetization ( P=+1/-1). We assume the positive vortex core polarization p=+1, P=+1 and define the current (flow of the positive charges) as positive I>0 when it flows from the polarizer to free layer. The spin polarized curr ent can excite a vortex motion in the free layer if only IpP > 0 (only the electrons bringing a magnetic moment from the polarizer to free layer opposite to the core polarization can excite a vortex motion). Except p, the vortex 4 is described by its core position in the free layer, X=(X,Y), and chirality C=±1 .14 Let denote the Slonczewski´s energy density which correspond s to the spin polarized current as sw. Then, using the Thiele approach and the ST field Pm m × =∂ ∂ a ws/ , the ST force acting on th e vortex in the free layer can be written as ⎟⎟ ⎠⎞ ⎜⎜ ⎝⎛ ∂∂× ⋅ =∂∂−= ∫ ∫ α αα Xd aL dVwXFs STmmρ P2, (1) where J Masσ = , α=x, y, ()ϕρ, =ρ is the in-plane radius vector, the derivative is taken with respect to the vortex core position X assuming an ansatz () ( ) [] t t Xρmρm , ,= (m dependence on thickness coordinate z is neglected). X has sense of the amplitude of the vortex gyrotropic eigenmode. We use representation of m-components by the spherical angles ΦΘ, (Fig. 1) as ) cos, sin sin, cos (sin Θ Φ Θ Φ Θ =m and find the expression for the ST force Xρ F∂Φ∂Θ =∫2 2sindaLST . (2) In the main approximation we use the decompositions ( ) () () ( ) ρX Xρ ˆ cos ,0⋅ + =Θ = ρ ρ g m mz z , () ( ) [] ϕ ϕ ρ cos sin ,0 0 Y X m − +Φ= Φ Xρ , where ()ρ0 zm , 0Φ are the static vortex core profile and phase, () () ( )22 2 2 2/ 1 4 ρ ρ ρ ρ + + = c pc g is the excitation amplitude of the z-component of the vortex magnetization ( RRcc/ = , cR is the vortex core radius, ρ, X are normalized to the dot radius R) and ()() ρ ρ ρ / 12 0 −= m is the gyrotropic mode profile.12 One can conclude from Eq. (2) that only moving vortex core contribute to the ST force because the contribu tion of the main dot area where 2/π=Θ is equal to zero due to vanishing integrals on azimuthal angle φ from the gradient of the vortex phase Φ∂X 5 (it was checked accounting in ()Xρ,Φ the terms up to cubic terms in X α-components). This is a reason why the ST contribution is relatively small bei ng comparable with the damping contribution. The integration in Eq. (2) yields the ST force ()Xz F × = ˆaLSTπ . This force contributes to the Thiele’s equation of motion ST D W FX XGX + + −∂=× ˆ , where γ π / 2ˆs pLMzG= is the gyrovector, Dˆ is the damping tensor. The vortex energy ()XW and restoring force WR X F −∂= can be calculated from an appropriate model14 (the force balance is shown in Fig. 2). For circular steady st ate vortex core motion the XωX ×= relation holds, which allows calculating Jc1. To calculate the vortex steady orbit radius X=sR we need, however, to account non-linear on X α terms in the vortex damping and frequency (the account only non-linear frequency as in Ref. 5 is not sufficient). The gyr ovector also depends on X, but this dependence is essential only for the vortex core p reversal, where G changes its sign. As we show below, the most important non-linearity co mes from the damping tensor defined as () β ααβγαX XdVMDs LLG∂∂⋅∂∂−=∫m mX , (3) or () [] Φ∂Φ∂Θ +Θ∂Θ∂ −= ∫ β α β α αβ γ α2 2sin /ρd LM Ds LLG in ΦΘ, -representation Accounting αβ αβ δD D= and introducing dimensionless damping parameter 0 /> −= GD d15 we can write the equation for a steady state vortex motion with the orbit radius X=sR : () ()ϕωST G F sRs Gsd = from which RRss/ = and the critical currents Jc1, Jc2 can be found. In the second order non-linear approximation ()2 1 0 sd dsd + = , ()2 1 0 s sG ω ω ω + = and aLRs FSTπϕ= , whereGω is the vortex precession frequency, 01>ω is a function of the dot aspect ratio β=L/R calculated from the vortex energy decomposition ()sW i n s e r i e s o f R s /X= . It can be shown that () ( ) [] 3/41 9/200 β βγ βω − =sM and () () βω βω0 1 4≈ for quite wide range of β= 0.01-0.2 of practi cal interest, whereas considerably larger 6 non-linearity () () 8.42 /0 1 =βωβω was calculated in Ref. 5 due to in correct account of the magnetostatic energy. We use the pole free model of the shifted vortex ()[] tXρm, , where the dynamic magnetization satisfies the strong pinning boundary condition at the dot circumference16 R=ρ . The damping parameters are () () 2/ / ln8/50 c LLG RR d + =α , () 4/3/8 /2 2 1 − =c LLG RR d α . We need also to account for the Oersted field of the current, wh ich leads to contribution to the vo rtex frequency proportional to the current density () ( ) J Jeω βω βω ω + = =0 0 0 , , where () ( ) CcRe ξ γ π ω / 15/8= , () R Rc8/ 2/12ln151 − +=ξ is the correction for the finite core radius cR<<R. In the linear approximation we get the equality of the damping force and the ST force (negative damp ing) as the condition to find the value of Jc1, with the contribution of the Oersted field of the current accounted. The values of FST, Jc1 coincide with calculation of Ref. 6 conducted by the method of the damping energy balance and differ by the multiplayer 2 from Refs. 5, 8. The first critical current is ()e c d d J ω γσω0 00 1 2/ / − = and the steady state vortex orbit radius is () 1 /1− =cJJ Js λ , 1cJJ> , ()[]10 1 011 2 21 ω ωγσλd J dJ cc += (4) In this approximation the vortex trajectory radius ()Js increases as square root of the current overcriticality ()1 1/c cJ JJ− (for the typical parameters and R=80-120 nm we get λ=0.25-0.30) and the vortex frequency () ( )1 12 0 1 / ω λ ω βω ω − + + =c e G JJ J increases linearly with J increasing. The vortex steady orbit can exist until the m oving vortex crosses the dot border s=1 or its velocity X reaches the critical velocity cυ defined in Ref. 9. The later allows to write equation for the s econd critical current Jc2 as () ()c G RJsJ υ ω =. Substituting to this expression the equations for ()JGω and ()Js derived above 7 we get a cubic equation for Jc2 in the form () [ ] R xx J d Jc ce c λυ λω ω γσ / 2/2/1 2 1 1 0 1 = + + , () 1 /1 2 − =c cJ J x . This equation has one positive root xc and the value of Jc2 can be easily calculated (Fig. 3). The former condition ( s=1) gives the second critical current ()12 2 /11c c J J λ+=′ . More detailed analysis shows that both the mechanisms of the hi gh current instability of the vortex motion are possible depending on the dot sizes L, R, and the critical current is th e lower value of the currents Jc2, J’c2. The vortex core reversal inside the dot occurs for large enough R (> 100 nm) and L. For the typical sizes L=10 nm, R=120 nm and C=1, the critical currents are Jc1=6.3 106 A/cm2 (Ic1=2.9 mA), Jc2=1.13 108 A/cm2 (Ic2=51 mA), and for L= 5 nm, R=100 nm we get Jc1=1.8 106 A/cm2 (Ic1=0.56 mA), J’c2=2.7 107 A/cm2 (I’c2=8.4 mA). In summary, we calculated the main physical para meters of the spin polar ized CPP current induced vortex oscillations in na nopillars, such as the cr itical current densities Jc1, Jc2, the vortex steady state oscillations frequency and orbit radius. All the results are represented via the free layer sizes ( L, R), saturation magnetization, Gilbert damp ing and the degree of the spin polarization of the fixed layer. These parameters can be obtained from independent e xperiments. We demonstrated that the generalized Thiele approach is applicable to the problem of the vortex STO excitations by the CPP spin polarized current. The spin transfer torque force is related to the vortex core only. The authors thank J. Grollier and A.K. Khvalkovsk iy for fruitful discussions. K.G. and G.R.A. acknowledge support by IKERBASQUE (the Basque Science Foundation) and by the Program JAE-doc of the CSIC (Spain), respectively. The author s thank UPV/EHU (SGIker Arina) and DIPC for computation tools. The work was part ially supported by the SAIOTEK grant S-PC09UN03. 8 References 1 G. Tatara, H. Kohno, and J. Shibata, Phys. Rep . 468, 213 (2008). 2 A. Slavin and V. Tiberkevich, IEEE Trans. Magn. 45, 1875 (2009). 3 V.S. Pribiag, I.N. Krivorotov, G.D. 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The vortex core steady trajectory Rs is marked by orange color. The vortex chirality is C=+1. Fig. 3. Dependence of the critical currents Jc1 (solid red line), Jc2 (dashed green line) and J’c2 of the vortex motion instability on the radius R of the free layer. L= 10 nm, Ms =800 G, η =0.2, 01 .0=LLGα , γ/2 =2.95 MHz/Oe, Rc=12 nm. The vortex STO motion is stable at Jc1 < J < min( Jc2, J’c2). 10 Fig. 1. 11 Fig. 2. 12 Fig. 3. 60 80 100 120 14056789101112 Jc2 J'c2Current density, J (107 A/cm2) Dot radius, R (nm)FeNi Ms=800 G L=10 nm Jc1x10 | 2009-12-30 | We calculated the main dynamic parameters of the spin polarized current
induced magnetic vortex oscillations in nanopillars, such as the range of
current density, where a vortex steady oscillations exist, the oscillation
frequency and orbit radius. We accounted for both the non-linear vortex
frequency and non-linear vortex damping. To describe the vortex excitations by
the spin polarized current we used a generalized Thiele approach to motion of
the vortex core as a collective coordinate. All the calculation results are
represented via the free layer sizes, saturation magnetization, Gilbert damping
and the degree of the spin polarization of the fixed layer. Predictions of the
developed model can be checked experimentally. | Spin torque and critical currents for magnetic vortex nano-oscillator in nanopillars | 0912.5521v1 |
arXiv:2206.03218v2 [math.AP] 11 Aug 2022DECAY PROPERTY OF SOLUTIONS TO THE WAVE EQUATION WITH SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPING, ABSORBING NONLINEARITY, AND POLYNOMIALLY DECAYING DATA YUTA WAKASUGI Abstract. We study the large time behavior of solutions to the semiline ar wave equation with space-dependent damping and absorbing n onlinearity in the whole space or exterior domains. Our result shows how the amplitude of the damping coefficient, the power of the nonlinearity, and th e decay rate of the initial data at the spatial infinity determine the decay r ates of the energy and the L2-norm of the solution. In Appendix, we also give a survey of ba sic results on the local and global existence of solutions and th e properties of weight functions used in the energy method. 1.Introduction We study the initial-boundary value problem of the wave equation with space- dependent damping and absorbing nonlinearity ∂2 tu−∆u+a(x)∂tu+|u|p−1u= 0, t >0,x∈Ω, u(t,x) = 0, t > 0,x∈∂Ω, u(0,x) =u0(x), ∂tu(0,x) =u1(x), x∈Ω.(1.1) Here, Ω = Rnwithn≥1, or Ω⊂Rnwithn≥2 is an exterior domain, that is,Rn\Ω is compact. We also assume that the boundary ∂Ω of Ω is of class C2. When Ω = Rn, the boundary condition is omitted and we consider the initial value problem. The unknown function u=u(t,x) is assumed to be real-valued. The function a(x) denotes the coefficient of the damping term. Throughout this paper, we assume that a∈C(Rn) is nonnegative and bounded. The semilinear term|u|p−1u, wherep >1, is the so-called absorbing nonlinearity, which assists the decay of the solution. The aim of this paper is to obtain the decay estimates of the energy E[u](t) :=1 2/integraldisplay Ω(|∂tu(t,x)|2+|∇u(t,x)|2)dx+1 p+1/integraldisplay Ω|u(t,x)|p+1dx(1.2) and the weighted L2-norm /integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(t,x)|2dx of the solution. Date: August 12, 2022. 2020Mathematics Subject Classification. 35L71, 35L20, 35B40. Key words and phrases. wave equation, space-dependent damping, absorbing nonlin earity. 12 Y. WAKASUGI First, for the energy E[u](t), we observe from the equation (1.1) that d dtE[u](t) =−/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu(t,x)|2dx, which gives the energy identity E[u](t)+/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu(s,x)|2dxds=E[u](0). Sincea(x) is nonnegative, the energy is monotone decreasing in time. Theref ore, a naturalquestionarisesastowhethertheenergytendstozeroa stimegoestoinfinity and, if that is true, what the actual decay rate is. Moreover, we c an expect that the amplitude of the damping coefficient a(x), the power pof the nonlinearity, and the spatial decay of the initial data ( u0,u1) will play crucial roles for this problem. Our goal is to clarify how these three factors determine the decay property of the solution. Before going to the main result, we shall review previous studies on t he asymp- totic behavior of solutions to linear and nonlinear damped wave equat ions. The study of the asymptotic behavior of solutions to the damped wa ve equation goes back to the pioneering work by Matsumura [52]. He studied the initial value problem of the linear wave equation with the classical damping /braceleftbigg∂2 tu−∆u+∂tu= 0, t > 0,x∈Rn, u(0,x) =u0(x), ∂tu(0,x) =u1(x), x∈Rn.(1.3) In this case the energy of the solution uis defined by EL(t) :=1 2/integraldisplay Rn(|∂tu(t,x)|2+|∇u(t,x)|2)dx. (1.4) By using the Fourier transform, he proved the so-called Matsumur a estimates /ba∇dbl∂k t∂γ xu(t)/ba∇dblL∞≤C(1+t)−n 2m−k−|γ| 2/parenleftbig /ba∇dblu0/ba∇dblLm+/ba∇dblu1/ba∇dblLm+/ba∇dblu0/ba∇dblH[n 2]+k+|γ|+1+/ba∇dblu1/ba∇dblH[n 2]+k+|γ|/parenrightbig , /ba∇dbl∂k t∂γ xu(t)/ba∇dblL2≤C(1+t)−n 2(1 m−1 2)−k−|γ| 2(/ba∇dblu0/ba∇dblLm+/ba∇dblu1/ba∇dblLm+/ba∇dblu0/ba∇dblHk+|γ|+/ba∇dblu1/ba∇dblHk+|γ|−1) (1.5) for 1≤m≤2,k∈Z≥0, andγ∈Zn ≥0, and applied them to semilinear problems. In particular, the above estimate implies (1+t)EL(t)+/ba∇dblu(t)/ba∇dbl2 L2 ≤C(1+t)−n(1 m−1 2)(/ba∇dblu0/ba∇dblLm+/ba∇dblu1/ba∇dblLm+/ba∇dblu0/ba∇dblH1+/ba∇dblu1/ba∇dblL2)2.(1.6) This indicates that the spatial decay of the initial data improves the time decay of the solution. Moreover, the decay rate in the estimates (1.5) suggeststhat th e solution of (1.3) is approximated by a solution of the corresponding heat equation ∂tv−∆v= 0, t >0,x∈Rn. This is the so-called diffusion phenomenon and firstly proved by Hsiao a nd Liu [18] for the hyperbolic conservation law with damping. There are many improvements and generalizations of the Matsumur a estimates and the diffusion phenomenon for (1.3). We refer the reader to [7, 1 7, 20, 21, 28, 33, 41, 44, 51, 55, 59, 61, 76, 78, 86, 99] and the references th erein.SEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 3 Next, we consider the initial boundary value problem of the linear wav e equation with space-dependent damping ∂2 tu−∆u+a(x)∂tu= 0, t > 0,x∈Ω, u(t,x) = 0, t > 0,x∈∂Ω, u(0,x) =u0(x), ∂tu(0,x) =u1(x), x∈Ω.(1.7) Mochizuki [56] firstly studied the case Ω = Rn(n/\e}atio\slash= 2) and showed that if a(x)≤ C/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−αwithα >1, then the wave operator exists and is not identically vanishing. Namely, the energy EL(t) defined by (1.4) of the solution does not decay to zero in general, and the solution behaves like a solution of the wave equatio n without damping. This means that if the damping is sufficiently small at the spat ial infinity, then the energy ofthe solution does not decay to zero in general. H is result actually includesthetimeandspacedependentdamping, andgeneralizations inthedamping coefficientsand domainscan be found in Mochizuki and Nakazawa[57], Matsuyama [54], and Ueda [90]. On the other hand, for (1.7) with Ω = Rn, from the result by Matsumura [53], we see that if u0,u1∈C∞ 0(Rn) anda(x)≥C/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−1, thenEL(t) decays to zero as t→ ∞(seealsoUesaka[91]). Theseresultsindicatethatforthedampingc oefficient a(x) =/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−α, the value α= 1 is critical for the energy decay or non-decay. Regardingthe precise decayrate ofthe solution to (1.7), Todorov aand Yordanov [89] proved that if Ω = Rn,a(x) is positive, radial and satisfies a(x) =a0|x|−α+ o(|x|−α) (|x| → ∞) with some α∈[0,1), and the initial data has compact support, then the solution satisfies (1+t)EL(t)+/integraldisplay Rna(x)|u(t,x)|2dx≤C(1+t)−n−α 2−α+δ(/ba∇dblu0/ba∇dblH1+/ba∇dblu1/ba∇dblL2)2, whereδ >0 is arbitrary constant and Cdepends on δand the support of the data. We note that if we formally take α= 0 and δ= 0, then the decay rate coincides with that of (1.6). The proof of [89] is based on the weighted energy method with the weight function t−n−α 2−α+2δexp/parenleftbigg −/parenleftbiggn−α 2−α−δ/parenrightbiggA(x) t/parenrightbigg , whereA(x) is a solution of the Poisson equation ∆ A(x) =a(x). Such weight functions were firstly introduced by Ikehata and Tanizawa [36] and Ikehata [32] for damped wave equations. Some generalizations of the principal p art to variable coefficients were made by Radu, Todorova, and Yordanov [71, 72]. The assumption of the radial symmetry of a(x) was relaxed by Sobajima and the author [81]. More- over, in [83, 84], the compactness assumption on the support of th e initial data was removed and polynomially decaying data were treated. The point is th e use of a suitable supersolution of the corresponding heat equation a(x)∂tv−∆v= 0 having polynomial order in the far field. This approach is also a main too l in this paper. For the diffusion phenomenon, we refer the reader to [40, 6 8, 73, 74, 80, 82, 92]. When the damping coefficient is critical for the energy decay, the sit uation be- comes more delicate. Ikehata, Todorova, and Yordanov [38] stud ied (1.7) in the case where Ω = Rn(n≥3),a(x) satisfies a0/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−1≤a(x)≤a1/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−1with some4 Y. WAKASUGI a0,a1>0, and the initial data has compact support. They obtained the dec ay estimates EL(t) =/braceleftBigg O(t−a0) (1< a0< n), O(t−n+δ) (a0≥n) ast→ ∞with arbitrarysmall δ >0. This indicates that the decay rate depends on the constant a0. Similar results in the lower dimensional cases and the optimality of the above estimates under additional assumptions were also obt ained in [38]. We also mention that a(x) is not necessarily positive everywhere. It is known that the so-called geometric control condition (GCC) introduced b y Rauch and Taylor [75] and Bardos, Lebeau, and Rauch [2] is sufficient for the en ergy decay of solutions with initial data in the energy space. For the problem (1.7) w ith Ω =Rn, (GCC) is read as follows: There exist constants T >0 andc >0 such that for any (x0,ξ0)∈Rn×Sn−1, we have 1 T/integraldisplayT 0a(x0+sξ0)ds≥c. For this and related topics, we refer the reader to [1, 5, 9, 29, 45 , 58, 67, 68, 101]. We note that for a(x) =/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−αwithα >0, (GCC) is not fulfilled. We note that for the linear wave equation with time-dependent damp ing ∂2 tu−∆u+b(t)∂tu= 0, the asymptotic behavior of the solution can be classified depending o n the behavior ofb(t). See [93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98]. Thirdly, we consider the semilinear problem ∂2 tu−∆u+∂tu=f(u), t > 0,x∈Ω, u(t,x) = 0, t > 0,x∈∂Ω, u(0,x) =u0(x), ∂tu(0,x) =u1(x), x∈Ω.(1.8) Whenf(u) =|u|p−1uor±|u|pwithp >1, the nonlinearity works as a sourcing term and it may cause the singularity of the solution in a finite time. In t his case, it is known that there exists the critical exponent pF(n) = 1+2 n, that is, if p > pF(n), then (1.8) admits the global solution for small initial data; if p < pF(n), then the solution may blow up in finite time even for the small initial data. The num ber pF(n) is the so-called Fujita critical exponent named after the pioneerin g work by Fujita [10] for the semilinear heat equation. When Ω = Rnandf(u) =±|u|p, Todorova and Yordanov [87] determined the critical exponent for compactly supported initial data. Later on, Zhang [100] and Kirane and Qafsaoui [46] proved that the critical case p=pF(n) belongs to the blow-up case. There are many improvements and related studies to the results ab ove. The compactness assumption of the support of the initial data were re moved by [13, 20, 21, 36, 60]. The diffusion phenomenon for the global solution was proved by [11, 13, 42, 43]. The case where Ω is the half space or the exterior do main was studied by [24, 26, 30, 31, 69, 70, 77] Also, estimates of lifespan fo r blowing-up solutions were obtained by [48, 49, 62, 27, 22, 24, 23]. Whenf(u) =|u|p−1u, the global existence part can be proved completely the same way as in the case f(u) =±|u|p. However, regardingthe blow-up of solutions, the same proof as before works only for n≤3, since the fundamental solution ofSEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 5 the linear damped wave equation is not positive for n≥4, which follows from the explicit formula of the linear wave equation (see e.g., [76, p.1011]). Ike hata and Ohta [35] obtained the blow-up of solutions for the subcritical case p < pF(n). The critical case p=pF(n) withn≥4 seems to remain open. Whenf(u) =−|u|p−1uwithp >1, the nonlinearity works as an absorbing term. In this case with Ω = Rn, Kawashima, Nakao, and Ono [44] proved the large data global existence. Moreover, decay estimates of solutions we re obtained for p >1 +4 n. Later on, Nishihara and Zhao [65] and Ikahata, Nishihara, and Zha o [34] studied the case 1 < p≤1+4 n. From their results, we have the energy estimate (1+t)E[u](t)+/ba∇dblu(t)/ba∇dbl2 L2≤C(I0)(1+t)−2(1 p−1−n 4), (1.9) where I0:=/integraldisplay Rn/parenleftbig |u1(x)|2+|∇u0(x)|2+|u0(x)|p+1+|u0(x)|2/parenrightbig /a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht2mdx, m > 2/parenleftbigg1 p−1−n 4/parenrightbigg and we recall that E[u](t) is defined by (1.2). Also, the asymptotic behavior was discussed by [41, 12, 15, 16, 34, 63]. There seems no result for ext erior domain cases. Finally, weconsiderthesemilinearproblemwithspace-dependentdam pingwhich is slightly more general than (1.1): ∂2 tu−∆u+a(x)∂tu=f(u), t > 0,x∈Ω, u(t,x) = 0, t > 0,x∈∂Ω, u(0,x) =u0(x), ∂tu(0,x) =u1(x), x∈Ω. When the nonlinearity works as a sourcing term, we expect that the re is the critical exponent as in the case a(x)≡1. Indeed, in the case where Ω = Rn,f(u) =±|u|p, the initial data has compact support, and a(x) is positive, radial, and satisfies a(x) =a0|x|−α+o(|x|−α) (|x| → ∞) withα∈[0,1), Ikehata, Todorova, and Yordanov [37] determined the critical exponent as pF(n−α) = 1 +2 n−α. The estimate of lifespan for blowing-up solutions was obtained in [24, 27]. T he blow-up of solutions for the case f(u) =|u|p−1useems to be an open problem. Recently, Sobajima [79] studied the critical damping case a(x) =a0|x|−1in an exterior domain Ω with n≥3, and proved the small data global existence of solutions under the conditions a0> n−2 andp >1+4 n−2+min{n,a0}. The blow-up part was investigated by [25, 50, 79]. In particular, when Ω is the ou tside a ball withn≥3,a0≥n, andf(u) =±|u|p, the critical exponent is determined as p=pF(n−1). Moreover, in Ikeda and Sobajima [25], the blow-up of solutions wa s obtained for Ω = Rn(n≥3), 0≤a0<(n−1)2 n+1,f(u) =±|u|pwithn n−1< p≤ pS(n+a0), where pS(n) is the positive root of the quadratic equation 2+(n+1)p−(n−1)p2= 0 and is the so-called Strauss exponent. We remark that pS(n+a0)> pF(n−1) holds ifa0<(n−1)2 n+1. From this, we can expect that the critical exponent changes depending on the value a0. For the absorbing nonlinear term f(u) =−|u|p−1uin the whole space case Ω =Rnwas studied by Todorova and Yordanov [88] and Nishihara [64]. In [64], for compactly supported initial data, the following two results were proved:6 Y. WAKASUGI (i) Ifa(x) =a0/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−αwith some a0>0 andα∈[0,1), then we have (1+t)E[u](t)+/integraldisplay Rna(x)|u(t,x)|2dx≤C(1+t)−n−α 2−α+δ with arbitrary small δ >0; (ii) Ifa0/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−α≤a(x)≤a1/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−αwith some a0,a1>0 andα∈[0,1), then we have (1+t)E[u](t)+/integraldisplay Rna(x)|u(t,x)|2dx≤C (1+t)−4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4)(p > psubc(n,α)), (1+t)−2 p−1log(2+t) (p=psubc(n,α)), (1+t)−2 p−1 (p < psubc(n,α)), where psubc(n,α) := 1+2α n−α. (1.10) We note that the decay rate in (i) is the same as that of the linear pro blem (1.7) and it is better than that of (ii) if p > pF(n−α). This means pF(n−α) is critical in the sense of the effect of the nonlinearity to the decay rate of the energy. Moreover, (ii) shows that the second critical exponent psubc(n,α) appears and it divides the decay rate of the energy. We also note that the estimate for the c asep > psubc(n,α) corresponds to the estimate (1.9). Thus, we may interpret the sit uation in the following way: When the damping is weak in the sense of a(x)∼ /a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−αwith α∈(0,1), we cannot obtain the same type energy estimate as in (1.9) for a ll p >1, and the decay rate becomes worse under or on the second critic al exponent psubc(n,α). Our main goal in this paper is to give a generalization of the results ( i) and (ii) above. In recent years, semilinear wave equations with time-dependent da mping have been intensively studied. For the progress of this problem, we refe r the reader to Sections 1 and 2 in Lai, Schiavone, and Takamura [47]. We also refer to [66] and the references therein for a recent study of semilinear wave equa tions with time and space dependent damping. To state our results, we define the solution. Definition 1.1 (Mild and strong solutions) .LetAbe the operator A=/parenleftbigg0 1 ∆−a(x)/parenrightbigg defined on H:=H1 0(Ω)×L2(Ω)with the domain D(A) = (H2(Ω)∩H1 0(Ω))×H1 0(Ω). LetU(t)denote the C0-semigroup generated by A. Let(u0,u1)∈ HandT∈(0,∞]. A function u∈C([0,T);H1 0(Ω))∩C1([0,T);L2(Ω)) is called a mild solution of (1.1)on[0,T)ifU=t(u,∂tu)satisfies the integral equation U(t) =U(t)/parenleftbiggu0 u1/parenrightbigg +/integraldisplayt 0U(t−s)/parenleftbigg0 −|u|p−1u/parenrightbigg dsSEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 7 inC([0,T);H). Moreover, when (u0,u1)∈D(A), a function u∈C([0,T);H2(Ω))∩C1([0,T);H1 0(Ω))∩C2([0,T);L2(Ω)) is said to be a strong solution of (1.1)on[0,T)ifusatisfies the equation of (1.1) inC([0,T);L2(Ω)). IfT=∞, we call ua global (mild or strong) solution. First, we prepare the existence and regularity of the global solutio n. Proposition 1.2. LetΩ =Rnwithn≥1, orΩ⊂Rnwithn≥2be an exterior domain with C2-boundary. Let a(x)∈C(Rn)be nonnegative and bounded. Let 1< p <∞(n= 1,2),1< p≤n n−2(n≥3), (1.11) and let(u0,u1)∈H1 0(Ω)×L2(Ω). Then, there exists a unique global mild solution u to(1.1). If we further assume (u0,u1)∈(H2(Ω)∩H1 0(Ω))×H1 0(Ω), thenubecomes a strong solution to (1.1). Remark 1.3. The assumption ∂Ω∈C2is used to ensure D(A) = (H2(Ω)∩ H1 0(Ω))×H1 0(Ω)(see Cazenave and Haraux [6, Remark 2.6.3] and Brezis [4, Theo- rem9.25] ). The restriction of the range of pin(1.11)is due to the use of Gagliardo– Nirenberg inequality (see Section A.2). The proof of Proposition 1.2 is standard. However, for reader’s co nvenience, we will give an outline of the proof in the appendix. To state our result, we recall that E[u](t) andpsubc(n,α) are defined by (1.2) and (1.10), respectively. The main result of this paper reads as follo ws. Theorem 1.4. LetΩ =Rnwithn≥1orΩ⊂Rnwithn≥2be an exterior domain with C2-boundary. Let psatisfy(1.11)and(u0,u1)∈H1 0(Ω)×L2(Ω), and letube the corresponding global mild solution of (1.1). Then, the followings hold. (i)Assume that a∈C(Rn)is positive and satisfies lim |x|→∞|x|αa(x) =a0 (1.12) with some constants α∈[0,1)anda0>0. Moreover, we assume that the initial data satisfy I0[u0,u1] :=/integraldisplay Ω/bracketleftbig (|u1(x)|2+|∇u0(x)|2+|u0(x)|p+1)/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}htα+|u0(x)|2/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−α/bracketrightbig /a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}htλ(2−α)dx <∞ (1.13) with some λ∈[0,n−α 2−α). Then, we have (1+t)E[u](t)+/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(t,x)|2dx≤CI0[u0,u1](1+t)−λ fort≥0with some constant C=C(n,a,p,λ)>0. (ii)Assume that a∈C(Rn)is positive and satisfies a0/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−α≤a(x)≤a1/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−α8 Y. WAKASUGI with some constants α∈[0,1),a0,a1>0. Moreover, we assume that the initial data satisfy the condition I0[u0,u1]<∞with some λ∈[0,∞), where I0[u0,u1]is defined by (1.13). Then, we have (1+t)E[u](t)+/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(t,x)|2dx ≤C(I0[u0,u1]+1) × (1+t)−λ(λ <min{4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4),2 p−1}), (1+t)−λlog(2+t) (λ= min{4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4),2 p−1}, p/\e}atio\slash=psubc(n,α)), (1+t)−λ(log(2+ t))2(λ=4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4) =2 p−1,i.e., p=psubc(n,α)), (1+t)−4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4)(λ >4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4), p > p subc(n,α)), (1+t)−2 p−1log(2+t) (λ >2 p−1, p=psubc(n,α)), (1+t)−2 p−1 (λ >2 p−1, p < p subc(n,α)) fort≥0with some constant C=C(n,a,p,λ)>0. Remark 1.5. Under the assumptions of (i), the both conclusions of (i) and (ii) are true. In Figure 1, the decay rates of/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(t,x)|2dxis classified in the case (n,α) = (3,0.5)(for ease of viewing, the figure is multiplied by 7and0.75in the horizontal and vertical axis, respectively). Remark 1.6. From the proof of the above theorem, we also have the followin g estimates for the L2-norm of uwithout the weight a(x): Under the assumptions on (i) withλ∈[α 2−α,n−α 2−α), we have /integraldisplay Ω|u(t,x)|2dx≤C(1+t)−λ+α 2−α fort >0; Under the assumptions on (ii) with λ∈[α 2−α,∞), we have /integraldisplay Ω|u(t,x)|2dx ≤C (1+t)−λ+α 2−α (λ <min{4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4),2 p−1}), (1+t)−λ+α 2−αlog(2+t) (λ= min{4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4),2 p−1}, p/\e}atio\slash=psubc(n,α)), (1+t)−λ+α 2−α(log(2+ t))2(λ=4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4) =2 p−1,i.e., p=psubc(n,α)), (1+t)−4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4)+α 2−α(λ >4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4), p > p subc(n,α)), (1+t)−2 p−1+α 2−αlog(2+t) (λ >2 p−1, p=psubc(n,α)), (1+t)−2 p−1+α 2−α (λ >2 p−1, p < p subc(n,α)) fort >0. Remark 1.7. (i) Theorem 1.4 generalizes the result of Nishihara [64]to the exte- rior domain, general damping coefficient a(x)satisfying (1.12), and polynomially decaying initial data satisfying (1.13). (ii) For the simplest case Ω =Rnanda(x)≡1, the result of Theorem 1.4 (ii) extends that of Ikehata, Nishihara, and Zhao [34], in the sense that our estimate in the region λ >2/parenleftBig 1 p−1−n 4/parenrightBig coincides with their estimate (1.9). Moreover, theSEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 9 n−α 2−αn−α α 1 psubc(n,α) pF(n−α)pλ (1+t)−λ(1+t)−4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4)(1+t)−2 p−1 (1+t)−λlog(2+t) (1+t)−λlog(2+t)(1+t)−2 p−1log(2+t) (1+t)−λ(log(2+ t))2 (1+t)−n−α 2−α+δλ=4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4) λ=2 p−1 Figure 1. Classification of decay rates in p-λplane when ( n,α) = (3,1 2) result of Theorem 1.4 (i) in the case p > pF(n)is better than the estimate obtained in[34]. Hence, our result still has a novelty. Remark 1.8. The optimality of the decay rates in Theorem 1.4 is an open pro blem. We expect that the estimate in the case (i) is optimal if p > pF(n−α) = 1+2 n−α, since the decay rate is the same as that of the linear problem (1.7)obtained by [84]. On the other hand, in the critical case p=pF(n−α), the estimates in Theorem 1.4 will be improved in view of the known results [15, 16]for the classical damping (1.8) in the whole space. Moreover, the optimality in the subcriti cal casep < pF(n−α) is a difficult problem even when a(x)≡1andΩ =Rn, and we have no idea so far. The strategy of the proof of Theorem 1.4 is as follows. For the both parts (i) and (ii), we apply the weighted energy method. The difficulty is how to e stimate the weighted L2-norm of the solution. To overcome it, we take different approache s for (i) and (ii). First, for the part (i), we apply the weighted energy method developed by [83, 84]. We shall use a suitable supersolution of the cor responding heat equation a(x)∂tv−∆v= 0 as the weight function. Next, for the part (ii), we shall use the same type weight function as in Ikehata, Nishihara, an d Zhao [34] with a modification to fit the space-dependent damping case. In this cas e the absorbing semilinear term helps to estimate the weighted L2-norm of the solution.10 Y. WAKASUGI The rest of the paper is organized in the following way. In the next se ction, we prepare the definitions and properties of the weight functions use d in the proof. Sections 3 and 4 are devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.4 (i) and (ii), respectively. In Appendix A, we give a proof of Proposition 1.2. Finally, in Appendix B, we prove the properties of weight functions stated in Section 2. We end up this section with introducing notations used throughout t his paper. The letter Cindicates a generic positive constant, which may change from line to line. In particular, C(∗,···,∗) denotes a constant depending only on the quantities in the parentheses. For x= (x1,...,x n)∈Rn, we define /a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht=/radicalbig 1+|x|2. We sometimes use BR(x0) ={x∈Rn;|x−x0|< R}forR >0 andx0∈Rn. LetLp(Ω) be the usual Lebesgue space equipped with the norm /ba∇dblf/ba∇dblLp= /parenleftbigg/integraldisplay Ω|f(x)|pdx/parenrightbigg1/p (1< p <∞), esssup x∈Ω|f(x)| (p=∞). In particular, L2(Ω) is a Hilbert space with the innerproduct (f,g)L2:=/integraldisplay Ωf(x)g(x)dx. LetHk(Ω) with a nonnegative integer kbe the Sobolev space equipped with the innerproduct and the norm (f,g)Hk=/summationdisplay |α|≤k(∂αf,∂αg)L2,/ba∇dblf/ba∇dblHk=/radicalbig (f,f)Hk, respectively. C∞ 0(Ω) denotes the space of smooth functions on Ω with compact support. Hk 0(Ω) is the completion of C∞ 0(Ω) with respect to the norm /ba∇dbl·/ba∇dblHk. For an interval I⊂R, a Banach space X, and a nonnegative integer k,Ck(I;X) stands for the space of k-times continuously differentiable functions from ItoX. 2.Preliminaries In this section, we prepare weight functions for the weighted ener gy method used in the proof of Theorem 1.4. These lemmas were shown in [77, 81, 83, 84], however, for the conve nience, we give a proof of them in the appendix. Following [81], we first take a suitable approximate solution of the Poiss on equa- tion ∆A(x) =a(x), which will be used for the construction of the weight function. Lemma 2.1 ([81, 84]) .Assume that a(x)∈C(Rn)is positive and satisfies the condition lim|x|→∞|x|αa(x) =a0with some constants α∈(−∞,min{2,n})and a0>0. Letε∈(0,1). Then, there exist a function Aε∈C2(Rn)and positive constants c=c(n,a,ε)andC=C(n,a,ε)such that for x∈Rn, we have (1−ε)a(x)≤∆Aε(x)≤(1+ε)a(x), (2.1) c/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht2−α≤Aε(x)≤C/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht2−α, (2.2) |∇Aε(x)|2 a(x)Aε(x)≤2−α n−α+ε. (2.3) Forthe constructionofourweightfunction, wealsoneed the follow ingKummer’s confluent hypergeometric function.SEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 11 Definition 2.2 (Kummer’s confluent hypergeometric functions) .Forb,c∈Rwith −c /∈N∪{0}, Kummer’s confluent hypergeometric function of first kind is defined by M(b,c;s) =∞/summationdisplay n=0(b)n (c)nsn n!, s∈[0,∞), where(d)nis the Pochhammer symbol defined by (d)0= 1and(d)n=/producttextn k=1(d+ k−1)forn∈N; note that when b=c,M(b,b;s)coincides with es. Forε∈(0,1/2), we define /tildewideγε=/parenleftbigg2−α n−α+2ε/parenrightbigg−1 , γε= (1−2ε)/tildewideγε. (2.4) Definition 2.3. Forβ∈R, define ϕβ,ε(s) =e−sM(γε−β,γε;s), s≥0. SinceM(γε,γε,s) =es, we remark that ϕ0,ε(s)≡1. Roughly speaking, if we formally take ε= 0, then {ϕβ,0}β∈Rgives a family of self-similar profiles of the equation |x|−α∂tv= ∆vwith the parameter β. See [83] for more detailed explanation. The next lemma states basic properties of ϕβ,ε. Lemma 2.4. The function ϕβ,εdefined in Definition 2.3 satisfies the following properties. (i)ϕβ,ε(s)satisfies the equation sϕ′′(s)+(γε+s)ϕ′(s)+βϕ(s) = 0. (2.5) (ii)If0≤β < γε, thenϕβ,ε(s)satisfies the estimates kβ,ε(1+s)−β≤ϕβ,ε(s)≤Kβ,ε(1+s)−β with some constants kβ,ε,Kβ,ε>0. (iii)For every β≥0,ϕβ,ε(s)satisfies |ϕβ,ε(s)| ≤Kβ,ε(1+s)−β with some constant Kβ,ε>0. (iv)For every β∈R,ϕβ,ε(s)andϕβ+1,ε(s)satisfy the recurrence relation βϕβ,ε(s)+sϕ′ β,ε(s) =βϕβ+1,ε(s). (v)For every β∈R, we have ϕ′ β,ε(s) =−β γεe−sM(γε−β,γε+1;s), ϕ′′ β,ε(s) =β(β+1) γε(γε+1)e−sM(γε−β,γε+2;s). In particular, if 0< β < γ ε, thenϕ′ β,ε(s)andϕ′′ β,ε(s)satisfy −Kβ,ε(1+s)−β−1≤ϕ′ β,ε(s)≤ −kβ,ε(1+s)−β−1, kβ,ε(1+s)−β−2≤ϕ′′ β,ε(s)≤Kβ,ε(1+s)−β−2 with some constants kβ,ε,Kβ,ε>0. Finally, we define the weight function which will be used for our energy method.12 Y. WAKASUGI Definition 2.5. Forβ∈Rand(x,t)∈Rn×[0,∞), we define Φβ,ε(x,t;t0) = (t0+t)−βϕβ,ε(z), z=/tildewideγεAε(x) t0+t, whereε∈(0,1/2),/tildewideγεis the constant given in (2.4),t0≥1,ϕβ,εis the function defined by Definition 2.3, and Aε(x)is the function constructed in Lemma 2.1. Sinceϕ0,ε(s)≡1, we again remark that Φ 0,ε(x,t;t0)≡1. Fort0≥1,t >0, andx∈Rn, we also define Ψ(x,t;t0) :=t0+t+Aε(x). (2.6) Proposition 2.6. The function Φβ,ε(x,t;t0)satisfies the following properties: (i)For every β≥0, we have ∂tΦβ,ε(x,t;t0) =−βΦβ+1,ε(x,t;t0). (ii)Ifβ≥0, then there exists a constant C=C(n,α,β,ε)>0such that |Φβ,ε(x,t;t0)| ≤CΨ(x,t;t0)−β for any(x,t)∈Rn×[0,∞). (iii)If0≤β < γε, then there exists a constant c=c(n,α,β,ε)>0such that Φβ,ε(x,t;t0)≥cΨ(x,t;t0)−β for any(x,t)∈Rn×[0,∞). (iv)Forβ >0, there exists a constant c=c(n,α,β,ε)>0such that a(x)∂tΦβ,ε(x,t;t0)−∆Φβ,ε(x,t;t0)≥ca(x)Ψ(x,t;t0)−β−1 for any(x,t)∈Rn×[0,∞). Finally, we prepare a useful lemma for our weighted energy method. The proof can be found in [83, Lemma 3.6] or [77, Lemma 2.5]. However, for the c onvenience, we give its proof in the appendix. Lemma 2.7. LetΩ =Rnwithn≥1orΩ⊂Rnwithn≥2be an exterior domain withC2-boundary. Let Φ∈C2(Ω)be a positive function and let δ∈(0,1/2). Then, for anyu∈H2(Ω)∩H1 0(Ω)satisfying suppu∈BR(0) ={x∈Rn;|x|< R}with someR >0, we have /integraldisplay Ω(u∆u)Φ−1+2δdx≤ −δ 1−δ/integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Φ−1+2δdx+1−2δ 2/integraldisplay Ωu2(∆Φ)Φ−2+2δdx. 3.Proof of Theorem 1.4: first part In this section, we prove Theorem 1.4 (i). First, we note that Propo sition 1.2 implies the existence of the global mild solution u. Following the argument in Sobajima [79], we first prove Theorem 1.4 (i) in the case of compactly supported initial data, and after that, we will tr eat the general case by an approximation argument.SEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 13 3.1.Proof for the compactly supported initial data. We first consider the case where the initial data are compactly supported, that is, we as sume that suppu0∪suppu1⊂BR0(0) ={x∈Rn;|x|< R0}. Then, by the finite prop- agation property (see Section A.2.7), the corresponding mild solutio nusatisfies suppu(t,·)⊂BR0+t(0). LetT0>0 be arbitrary fixed and let T∈(0,T0). Then, we have supp u(t,·)⊂ BR0+T0(0) for all t∈[0,T]. LetD= Ω∩BR0+T0(0). Then, for t∈[0,T], we can convert the problem (1.1) to the problem in the bounded domain ∂2 tu−∆u+a(x)∂tu+|u|p−1u= 0, t∈(0,T],x∈D, u(t,x) = 0, t ∈(0,T],x∈∂D, u(0,x) =u0(x), ∂tu(0,x) =u1(x), x∈D with (u0,u1)∈ HD:=H1 0(D)×L2(D). LetADbe the operator AD=/parenleftbigg0 1 ∆−a(x)/parenrightbigg defined on HDwith the domain D(AD) = (H2(D)∩H1 0(D))×H1 0(D). Then, from the argument in Section A.1, there exists λ∗>0 such that for any λ > λ ∗, the resolvent Jλ= (I−λ−1AD)−1is defined as a bounded operator on HD. Take a sequence {λj}∞ j=1such that λj> λ∗forj≥1 and lim j→∞λj=∞, and define /parenleftBigg u(j) 0 u(j) 1/parenrightBigg :=Jλj/parenleftbiggu0 u1/parenrightbigg . Then, we have (u(j) 0,u(j) 1)∈D(AD),lim j→∞(u(j) 0,u(j) 1) = (u0,u1) inHD (3.1) (see e.g. the proof of [19, Theorem 2.18]). Therefore, Proposition 1.2 shows that the mild solution u(j)corresponding to the initial data ( u(j) 0,u(j) 1) becomes a strong solution. Moreover, the continuous dependence on the initial data (see Section A.2.4) implies lim j→∞sup t∈[0,T]/ba∇dbl(u(j)(t),∂tu(j)(t))−(u(t),∂tu(t))/ba∇dblHD= 0. This means that, if we prove the conclusion of Theorem 1.4 (i) for u(j), that is, (1+t)E[u(j)](t)+/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(j)(t,x)|2dx≤CI0[u(j) 0,u(j) 1](1+t)−λ fort∈[0,T], where the constant Cis independent of j,T,T0,R0, then letting j→ ∞and also using the Sobolev embedding /ba∇dblu/ba∇dblLp+1(D)≤C/ba∇dblu/ba∇dblH1(D), we have the same estimate for the original mild solution u. Note that (3.1) implies limj→∞I0[u(j) 0,u(j) 1] =I0[u0,u1], sincethe integralis takenoverthe bounded region D. Finally, since TandT0are arbitrary and Cis independent of them, we obtain the desired energy estimate for any t≥0. Therefore, in the following argument, we may further assume ( u0,u1)∈D(AD) anduis the strong solution. This enables us to justify all the computation s in this section.14 Y. WAKASUGI In what follows, we shall use the weight functions Φ β,ε(x,t;t0) and Ψ( x,t;t0) defined by Definition 2.5 and (2.6), respectively. We also recall that t he constant γεis given by (2.4). Then, we define the following energies. Definition 3.1. For a function u=u(t,x),α∈[0,1),δ∈(0,1/2),ε∈(0,1/2), λ∈[0,(1−2δ)γε),β=λ/(1−2δ),ν >0, andt0≥1, we define E1(t;t0,λ) =/integraldisplay Ω/bracketleftbigg1 2/parenleftbig |∂tu(t,x)|2+|∇u(t,x)|2/parenrightbig +1 p+1|u(t,x)|p+1/bracketrightbigg Ψ(t,x;t0)λ+α 2−αdx, E0(t;t0,λ) =/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig 2u(t,x)∂tu(t,x)+a(x)|u(t,x)|2/parenrightbig Φβ,ε(t,x;t0)−1+2δdx, E∗(t;t0,λ,ν) =E1(t;t0,λ)+νE0(t;t0,λ), ˜E(t;t0,λ) = (t0+t)/integraldisplay Ω/bracketleftbigg1 2/parenleftbig |∂tu(t,x)|2+|∇u(t,x)|2/parenrightbig +1 p+1|u(t,x)|p+1/bracketrightbigg Ψ(t,x;t0)λdx fort≥0. Since 2u∂tu≤a(x) 2|u|2+2 a(x)|∂tu|2≤a(x) 2|u|2+CΨα 2−α|∂tu|2(3.2) and Φ−1+2δ β,ε≤CΨλ(see (2.2) and Proposition 2.6 (iii)), we see that there exists a small constant ν0=ν0(n,a,δ,ε,λ )>0 such that for any ν∈(0,ν0), E∗(t;t0,λ,ν)≥1 2E1(t;t0,λ)+ν 2/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(t,x)|2Ψ(t,x;t0)λdx(3.3) holds. We first prepare the following energy estimates for E1(t;t0,λ) andE0(t;t0,λ). Lemma3.2. Under the assumptions on Theorem 1.4 (i), there exists t1=t1(n,a,λ,ε)≥ 1such that for t0≥t1andt >0, we have d dtE1(t;t0,λ)≤ −1 2/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu(t,x)|2Ψ(t,x;t0)λ+α 2−αdx +C/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u(t,x)|2+|u(t,x)|p+1/parenrightbig Ψ(t,x;t0)λ+α 2−α−1dx with some constant C=C(n,α,p,λ)>0. Proof.Differentiating E1(t;t0,λ), one has d dtE1(t;t0,λ) =/integraldisplay Ω/bracketleftbig ∂tu∂2 tu+∇u·∇∂tu+|u|p−1u∂tu/bracketrightbig Ψλ+α 2−αdx +/parenleftbigg λ+α 2−α/parenrightbigg/integraldisplay Ω/bracketleftbigg1 2/parenleftbig |∇u|2+|∂tu|2/parenrightbig +1 p+1|u|p+1/bracketrightbigg Ψλ+α 2−α−1dx.SEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 15 The integration by parts and the equation (1.1) imply d dtE1(t;t0,λ) =−/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Ψλ+α 2−αdx −/parenleftbigg λ+α 2−α/parenrightbigg/integraldisplay Ω∂tu(∇u·∇Ψ)Ψλ+α 2−α−1dx +/parenleftbigg λ+α 2−α/parenrightbigg/integraldisplay Ω/bracketleftbigg1 2/parenleftbig |∇u|2+|∂tu|2/parenrightbig +1 p+1|u|p+1/bracketrightbigg Ψλ+α 2−α−1dx. (3.4) Let us estimate the right-hand side. First, the Schwarz inequality g ives /vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle−/parenleftbigg λ+α 2−α/parenrightbigg ∂tu(∇u·∇Ψ)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle≤a(x) 4|∂tu|2Ψ+C|∇u|2|∇Ψ|2 a(x)Ψ. Moreover, by (2.3), we have |∇Ψ|2 a(x)Ψ≤|∇Aε(x)|2 a(x)Aε(x)≤2−α n−α+ε. (3.5) Also, from the definition of Ψ, (2.2), and a(x)∼ /a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−α, one obtains Ψ(t,x;t0)−1≤t−1+α 2−α 0Aε(x)−α 2−α≤Ct−2(1−α) 2−α 0a(x). (3.6) Therefore, taking t1≥1 sufficiently large, we have, for t0≥t1, /parenleftbigg λ+α 2−α/parenrightbigg/integraldisplay Ω|∂tu|2Ψλ+α 2−α−1dx≤1 4/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Ψλ+α 2−αdx. Using the above estimates to (3.4), we deduce d dtE1(t;t0,λ)≤ −1 2/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Ψλ+α 2−αdx +C/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u|2+|u|p+1/parenrightbig Ψλ+α 2−α−1dx, which completes the proof. /square Lemma 3.3. Under the assumptions on Theorem 1.4 (i), for t0≥1andt >0, we have d dtE0(t;t0,λ)≤ −η/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u(t,x)|2+|u(t,x)|p+1/parenrightbig Ψ(t,x;t0)λdx +C/integraldisplay Ω|∂tu(t,x)|2Ψ(t,x;t0)λdx with some positive constants η=η(n,α,δ,ε,λ )andC=C(n,α,δ,ε,λ ). Proof.Differentiating E0(t;t0,λ) and using the equation (1.1) yield d dtE0(t;t0,λ) =/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig 2|∂tu|2+2u∂2 tu+2a(x)u∂tu/parenrightbig Φ−1+2δ β,εdx −(1−2δ)/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig 2u∂tu+a(x)|u|2/parenrightbig Φ−2+2δ β,ε∂tΦβ,εdx.16 Y. WAKASUGI Using the equation (1.1), we have d dtE0(t;t0,λ) = 2/integraldisplay Ω|∂tu|2Φ−1+2δ β,εdx+2/integraldisplay Ωu∆uΦ−1+2δ β,εdx −2/integraldisplay Ω|u|p+1Φ−1+2δ β,εdx −(1−2δ)/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig 2u∂tu+a(x)|u|2/parenrightbig Φ−2+2δ β,ε∂tΦβ,εdx. Applying Lemma 2.7 with Φ = Φ β,εto the second term of the right-hand side, one obtains d dtE0(t;t0,λ)≤2/integraldisplay Ω|∂tu|2Φ−1+2δ β,εdx−2δ 1−δ/integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Φ−1+2δ β,εdx −2/integraldisplay Ω|u|p+1Φ−1+2δ β,εdx −2(1−2δ)/integraldisplay Ωu∂tuΦ−2+2δ β,ε∂tΦβ,εdx −(1−2δ)/integraldisplay Ω|u|2Φ−2+2δ β,ε(a(x)∂tΦβ,ε−∆Φβ,ε)dx.(3.7) Next, we estimate the terms in the right-hand side. First, we remar k that if λ= 0 (i.e.,β= 0), then the last two terms in (3.7) vanish, since Φ β,ε≡1. For the case β >0, by Proposition 2.6 (ii) and (iv), we have /integraldisplay Ω|u|2Φ−2+2δ β,ε(a(x)∂tΦβ,ε−∆Φβ,ε)dx≥η1/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u|2Ψλ−1dx with some constant η1=η1(n,α,δ,ε,λ )>0. Moreover, Proposition 2.6 (i), (ii), and (iii) imply |u∂tuΦ−2+2δ β,ε∂tΦβ,ε| ≤C|u||∂tu||Φ−2+2δ β,ε||Φβ+1,ε| ≤C|u||∂tu|Ψλ−1. This and the Schwarz inequality lead to /vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2(1−2δ)/integraldisplay Ωu∂tuΦ−2+2δ β,ε∂tΦβ,εdx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle ≤C/integraldisplay Ω|u||∂tu|Ψλ−1dx ≤C/parenleftbigg/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u|2Ψλ−1dx/parenrightbigg1/2/parenleftbigg/integraldisplay Ωa(x)−1|∂tu|2Ψλ−1dx/parenrightbigg1/2 ≤η1 2/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u|2Ψλ−1dx+C/integraldisplay Ω|∂tu|2Ψλdx with some C=C(n,a,δ,ε,λ )>0. Summarizing the above computations, we see that for both cases λ= 0 and λ >0, the last two terms of (3.7) can be estimatedSEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 17 as −2(1−2δ)/integraldisplay Ωu∂tuΦ−2+2δ β,ε∂tΦβ,εdx −(1−2δ)/integraldisplay Ω|u|2Φ−2+2δ β,ε(a(x)∂tΦβ,ε−∆Φβ,ε)dx ≤C/integraldisplay Ω|∂tw|2Ψλdx. Finally, from Proposition 2.6 (ii) and (iii), one obtains 2/integraldisplay Ω|∂tu|2Φ−1+2δ β,εdx≤C/integraldisplay Ω|∂tu|2Ψλdx and 2δ 1−δ/integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Φ−1+2δ β,εdx+2/integraldisplay Ω|u|p+1Φ−1+2δ β,εdx≥η/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u|2+|u|p+1/parenrightbig Ψλdx with some positive constants C=C(n,α,δ,ε,λ ) andη=η(n,α,δ,ε,λ ). Putting this all together, we deduce from (3.7) that d dtE0(t;t0,λ)≤ −η/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u|2+|u|p+1/parenrightbig Ψλdx +C/integraldisplay Ω|∂tu|2Ψλdx, and the proof is complete. /square Combining Lemmas3.2 and3.3, we havethe followingestimate for E∗(t;t0,λ,ν). Lemma 3.4. Under the assumptions on Theorem 1.4 (i), there exist consta nts ν∗=ν∗(n,a,δ,ε,λ )∈(0,ν0)andt2=t2(n,a,p,δ,ε,λ,ν ∗)≥1such that for t0≥t2 andt >0, we have E∗(t;t0,λ,ν∗)+/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu(s,x)|2Ψ(s,x;t0)λ+α 2−αdxds +/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ω(|∇u(s,x)|2+|u(s,x)|p+1)Ψ(s,x;t0)λdxds ≤CE∗(0;t0,λ,ν∗) with some constant C=C(n,a,δ,ε,λ,ν ∗)>0. Proof.Letν∈(0,ν0), where ν0is taken so that (3.2) holds. From the definition of E∗(t;t0,λ,ν) and Lemmas 3.2 and 3.3, one has d dtE∗(t;t0,λ,ν) =d dtE1(t;t0,λ)+νd dtE0(t;t0,λ) ≤ −1 2/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Ψλ+α 2−αdx +C/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u|2+|u|p+1/parenrightbig Ψλ+α 2−α−1dx −νη/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u|2+|u|p+1/parenrightbig Ψλdx +Cν/integraldisplay Ω|∂tu|2Ψλdx (3.8)18 Y. WAKASUGI fort0≥t1andt >0, where t1≥1 is determined in Lemma 3.2. Noting that (1.12) and (2.2) imply |∂tu|2Ψλ≤C/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−αAε(x)α 2−α|∂tu|2Ψλ≤Ca(x)|∂tu|2Ψλ+α 2−α with some constant C=C(n,a,α,ε)>0, and taking ν=ν∗with sufficiently small ν∗∈(0,ν0), we deduce −1 2/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Ψλ+α 2−αdx+Cν∗/integraldisplay Ω|∂tu|2Ψλdx≤ −1 4/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Ψλ+α 2−αdx. Next, by Ψα 2−α−1≤(t0+t)α 2−α−1and taking t2≥t1sufficiently large depending onν∗, one obtains C/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u|2+|u|p+1/parenrightbig Ψλ+α 2−α−1dx−ν∗η/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u|2+|u|p+1/parenrightbig Ψλdx ≤ −ν∗η 2/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u|2+|u|p+1/parenrightbig Ψλdx fort0≥t2. Finally, plugging the above estimates into (3.8) with ν=ν∗, we conclude d dtE∗(t;t0,λ,ν∗)≤ −1 4/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Ψλ+α 2−αdx −ν∗η 2/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u|2+|u|p+1/parenrightbig Ψλdx fort0≥t2andt >0. Integrating it over [0 ,t], we have the desired estimate. /square Lemma 3.5. Under the assumptions on Theorem 1.4 (i), there exists a cons tant t2=t2(n,a,p,δ,ε,λ )≥1such that for t0≥t2andt >0, we have ˜E(t;t0,λ)+/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(t,x)|2Ψ(t,x;t0)λdx≤CI0[u0,u1] with some constant C=C(n,a,p,δ,ε,λ,ν ∗,t0)>0. Proof.Take the same constants ν∗andt2as in Lemma 3.4. The integration by parts and the equation (1.1) imply d dt˜E(t;t0,λ) =/integraldisplay Ω/bracketleftbigg1 2/parenleftbig |∂tu|2+|∇u|2/parenrightbig +1 p+1|u|p+1/bracketrightbigg (Ψ+λ(t0+t))Ψλ−1dx +(t0+t)/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig ∂tu∂2 tu+∇u·∇∂tu+|u|p−1u∂tu/parenrightbig Ψλdx =/integraldisplay Ω/bracketleftbigg1 2/parenleftbig |∂tu|2+|∇u|2/parenrightbig +1 p+1|u|p+1/bracketrightbigg (Ψ+λ(t0+t))Ψλ−1dx −(t0+t)/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Ψλdx−λ(t0+t)/integraldisplay Ω∂tu(∇u·∇Ψ)Ψλ−1dx. The last term of the right-hand side is estimated as −λ(t0+t)/integraldisplay Ω∂tu(∇u·∇Ψ)Ψλ−1dx≤η(t0+t)/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2|∇Ψ|2 a(x)Ψλ−1dx +C(t0+t)/integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Ψλ−1dxSEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 19 for anyη >0. Using (3.5) and taking η=η(n,α,ε) sufficiently small, we have d dt˜E(t;t0,λ)≤C/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∂tu|2+|∇u|2+|u|p+1/parenrightbig (Ψ+(t0+t))Ψλ−1dx −1 2(t0+t)/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Ψλdx. Notingt0+t≤Ψ anda(x)−1≤CΨα 2−α, we estimate /integraldisplay Ω|∂tu|2(Ψ+λ(t0+t))Ψλ−1dx≤C/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Ψλ+α 2−αdx. Therefore, integrating over [0 ,t] yield ˜E(t;t0,λ)+1 2/integraldisplayt 0(t0+s)/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Ψλdxds ≤˜E(0;t0,λ)+C/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Ψλ+α 2−αdxds+C/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u|2+|u|p+1/parenrightbig Ψλdxds. Now, we multiply the both sides of above inequality by a sufficiently small constant µ >0, and add it and the conclusion of Lemma 3.4. Then, we obtain µ˜E(t;t0,λ)+E∗(t;t0,λ,ν∗) +/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2/bracketleftBigµ 2(t0+s)+(1−Cµ)Ψα 2−α/bracketrightBig Ψλdxds +(1−Cµ)/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u|2+|u|p+1/parenrightbig Ψλdxds ≤µ˜E(0;t0,λ)+CE∗(0;t0,λ,ν∗) (3.9) fort0≥t2andt >0. Let us take µsufficiently small so that 1 −Cµ >0. Then, the last three terms in the left-hand side can be dropped. Finally, from t he definitions ofE∗(t;t0,λ) and˜E(t;t0,λ), we can easily verify µ˜E(0;t0,λ)+E∗(0;t0,λ,ν∗)≤CI0[u0,u1] with some constant C=C(a,p,λ,t 0)>0. Thus, we conclude ˜E(t;t0,λ)+E∗(t;t0,λ,ν∗)≤CI0[u0,u1] fort0≥t2andt >0. This and the lower bound (3.3) of E∗(t;t0,λ,ν∗) give the desired estimate. /square Proof of Theorem 1.4 (i) for compactly supported initial dat a.Takeλ∈[0,n−α 2−α) asin theassumption(1.13), andthen choose δ,ε∈(0,1/2)sothat λ∈[0,(1−2δ)γε) holds. Moreover, take the same constants ν∗andt2as in Lemmas 3.4 and 3.5. By (3.3), Lemmas 3.4 and 3.5, Definition 3.1, and ( t0+t)λ≤Ψλ, we have (t0+t)λ+1E[u](t)+(t0+t)λ/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(t,x)|2dx≤CI0[u0,u1] (3.10) fort0≥t2andt >0 with some constant C=C(n,a,p,δ,ε,λ,ν ∗,t0)>0. This completes the proof. /square20 Y. WAKASUGI Remark 3.6. From(3.9), we have a slightly more general estimate /integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∂tu|2+|∇u|2+|u|p+1/parenrightbig/bracketleftbig (t0+t)+Ψα 2−α/bracketrightbig Ψλ+/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u|2Ψλdx +/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2/bracketleftbig (t0+s)+Ψα 2−α/bracketrightbig Ψλdxds +/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u|2+|u|p+1/parenrightbig Ψλdxds ≤CI0[u0,u1] fort0≥t2andt >0. Moreover, from the proof of Lemma 3.3, we can add the term/integraltextt 0/integraltext Ωa(x)|u|2Ψλ−1dxdsto the left-hand side when λ >0. 3.2.Proof for the general case. Here, we give a proof of Theorem 1.4 (i) for non-compactly supported initial data. Let (u0,u1)∈H1 0(Ω)×L2(Ω) satisfy I0[u0,u1]<∞and letube the corre- sponding mild solution to (1.1). We take a cut-off function χ∈C∞ 0(Rn) such that 0≤χ(x)≤1 (x∈Rn), χ(x) =/braceleftBigg 1 (|x| ≤1), 0 (|x| ≥2). For each j∈N, we define χj(x) =χ(x/j). Then, we have 0≤χj(x)≤1 (x∈Rn), χj(x) =/braceleftBigg 1 (|x| ≤j), 0 (|x| ≥2j), |∇χj(x)| ≤C j(x∈Rn),supp∇χj⊂B2j(0)\Bj(0), where the constant Cis independent of j. Let (u(j) 0,u(j) 1) = (χju0,χju1) and let u(j)be the corresponding mild solution to (1.1). First, by definition, it is easily seen that lim j→∞(u(j) 0,u(j) 1) = (u0,u1) inH1 0(Ω)×L2(Ω). Therefore, the continuous dependence on the initial data (see Se ction A.2.4) yields lim j→∞(u(j)(t),∂tu(j)(t)) = (u(t),∂tu(t)) inC([0,T];H1 0(Ω))∩C1([0,T];L2(Ω)) for any fixed T >0. From this and the Sobolev embedding, we deduce lim j→∞E[u(j)](t) =E[u](t) (3.11) for anyt≥0. We next show lim j→∞I0[u(j) 0,u(j) 1] =I0[u0,u1]. (3.12) To prove this, we use the notation I0[u0,u1;D] :=/integraldisplay D/bracketleftbig (|u1(x)|2+|∇u0(x)|2+|u0(x)|p+1)/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}htα+|u0(x)|2/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−α/bracketrightbig /a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}htλ(2−α)dxSEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 21 for a region D⊂Ω. Using the properties of χjdescribed above and |∇(χju0)|2=χ2 j|∇u0|2+2(∇χj·∇u0)χju0+|∇χj|2|u0|2, we calculate |I0[u0,u1]−I0[u(j) 0,u(j) 1]| ≤I0[u0,u1;Ω\Bj(0)] +/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/integraldisplay B2j(0)\Bj(0)2(∇χj·∇u0)χju0/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}htα+λ(2−α)dx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle +/integraldisplay B2j(0)\Bj(0)|∇χj|2|u0|2/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}htα+λ(2−α)dx.(3.13) The Schwarz inequality gives /vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/integraldisplay B2j(0)\Bj(0)2(∇χj·∇u0)χju0/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}htα+λ(2−α)dx/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle ≤I0[u0,u1;Ω\Bj(0)]+/integraldisplay B2j(0)\Bj(0)|∇χj|2|u0|2/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}htα+λ(2−α)dx. Furthermore, using the estimate of ∇χj, one sees that /integraldisplay B2j(0)\Bj(0)|∇χj|2|u0|2/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}htα+λ(2−α)dx ≤Cj−2(1+|2j|2)α/integraldisplay B2j(0)\Bj(0)|u0|2/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−α+λ(2−α)dx ≤CI0[u0,u1;Ω\Bj(0)], where the constant Cis independent of j. Putting this all together into (3.13), we have |I0[u0,u1]−I0[u(j) 0,u(j) 1]| ≤CI0[u0,u1;Ω\Bj(0)]. SinceI0[u0,u1]<∞, the right-hand side tends to zero as j→ ∞. This proves (3.12). Now we are at the position to proof Theorem 1.4 (i). Proof of Theorem 1.4 (i) for the general case. Takethesameconstant t2asinLem- mas 3.4 and 3.5. Let {(u(j) 0,u(j) 1)}∞ j=1be the sequence defined above and let u(j) be the corresponding mild solution to (1.1) with the initial data ( u(j) 0,u(j) 1). Since each (u(j) 0,u(j) 1) has the compact support, one can apply the result (3.10) in the previous subsection to obtain (t0+t)λ+1E[u(j)](t)+(t0+t)λ/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(j)(t,x)|2dx≤CI0[u(j) 0,u(j) 1] fort0≥t2andt >0. Finally, using (3.11) and (3.12), we have (t0+t)λ+1E[u](t)+(t0+t)λ/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(t,x)|2dx≤CI0[u0,u1] fort0≥t2andt >0, which completes the proof. /square22 Y. WAKASUGI 4.Proof of Theorem 1.4: second part In this section, we prove Theorem 1.4 (ii). By the same approximation argument described in Section 3, we may assume ( u0,u1)∈D(AD) and consider the strong solution u. First, we note that, since the larger λis, the stronger the assumption on the initial data is. Thus, without loss of generality, we may assume that λalways satisfies λ <min/braceleftbigg2 p−1,4 2−α/parenleftbigg1 p−1−n−α 4/parenrightbigg/bracerightbigg +ε, (4.1) whereε >0 is a sufficiently small constant specified later. This will be used for th e estimate of the remainder term. In contrast to the previous section, in the following, we shall use on ly Θ(x,t;t0) :=t0+t+/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht2−α(4.2) as a weight function, and we define the following energies. Definition 4.1. For a function u=u(t,x),α∈[0,1),λ∈[0,∞),ν >0, and t0≥1, we define E1(t;t0,λ) =/integraldisplay Ω/bracketleftbigg1 2/parenleftbig |∂tu(t,x)|2+|∇u(t,x)|2/parenrightbig +1 p+1|u(t,x)|p+1/bracketrightbigg Θ(t,x;t0)λ+α 2−αdx, E0(t;t0,λ) =/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig 2u(t,x)∂tu(t,x)+a(x)|u(t,x)|2/parenrightbig Θ(t,x;t0)λdx, E∗(t;t0,λ,ν) =E1(t;t0,λ)+νE0(t;t0,λ), ˜E(t;t0,λ) = (t0+t)/integraldisplay Ω/bracketleftbigg1 2/parenleftbig |∂tu(t,x)|2+|∇u(t,x)|2/parenrightbig +1 p+1|u(t,x)|p+1/bracketrightbigg Θ(t,x;t0)λdx fort≥0. Similarly to (3.2) and (3.3), we can prove the lower bound E∗(t;t0,λ,ν)≥1 2E1(t;t0,λ)+ν 2/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(t,x)|2Θ(t,x;t0)λdx,(4.3) provided that ν∈(0,ν0) with some constant ν0>0. We start with the following simple estimates for E1(t;t0,λ) andE0(t;t0,λ). Lemma4.2. Under the assumptions on Theorem 1.4 (ii), there exists t1=t1(n,α,a 0,λ,ε)≥ 1such that for t0≥t1andt >0, we have d dtE1(t;t0,λ)≤ −1 2/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu(t,x)|2Θ(t,x;t0)λ+α 2−αdx +C/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u(t,x)|2+|u(t,x)|p+1/parenrightbig Θ(t,x;t0)λ+α 2−α−1dx with some constant C=C(n,α,a 0,p,λ)>0. Proof.The proof is almost the same as that of Lemma 3.2. The only difference s are the use of |∇Θ|2 a(x)Θ= (2−α)2/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−2α|x|2 a(x)(t0+t+/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht2−α)≤(2−α)2 a0(4.4)SEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 23 and Θ(t,x;t0)−1≤t−1+α 2−α 0/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−α≤1 a0t−1+α 2−α 0a(x) instead of (3.5) and (3.6), respectively. Thus, we omit the detail. /square Lemma 4.3. Under the assumptions on Theorem 1.4 (ii), for t0≥1andt >0, we have d dtE0(t;t0,λ)≤ −/integraldisplay Ω|∇u(t,x)|2Θ(t,x;t0)λdx−2/integraldisplay Ω|u(t,x)|p+1Θ(t,x;t0)λdx +C/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu(t,x)|2Θ(t,x;t0)λ+α 2−αdx+C/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(t,x)|2Θ(t,x;t0)λ−1dx with some constant C=C(n,α,a 0,λ)>0. Proof.The equation (1.1) and the integration by parts imply d dtE0(t;t0,λ) = 2/integraldisplay Ω|∂tu|2Θλdx+2/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig ∂2 tu+a(x)∂tu/parenrightbig Θλdx +λ/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig 2u∂tu+a(x)|u|2/parenrightbig Θλ−1dx = 2/integraldisplay Ω|∂tu|2Θλdx+2/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig ∆u−|u|p−1u/parenrightbig uΘλdx +λ/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig 2u∂tu+a(x)|u|2/parenrightbig Θλ−1dx =−2/integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Θλdx−2/integraldisplay Ω|u|p+1Θλdx +2/integraldisplay Ω|∂tu|2Θλdx−2λ/integraldisplay Ω(∇u·∇Θ)uΘλ−1dx +λ/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig 2u∂tu+a(x)|u|2/parenrightbig Θλ−1dx. (4.5) Let us estimates the right-hand side. Applying the Schwarz inequalit y and (4.4), we obtain −2λ/integraldisplay Ω(∇u·∇Ψ)uΘλ−1dx≤1 2/integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Θλdx+C/integraldisplay Ω|u|2|∇Θ|2Θλ−2dx ≤1 2/integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Θλdx+C/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u|2Θλ−1dx. Moreover, the Schwarz inequality and Θ−1≤1 a0a(x) imply λ/integraldisplay Ω2u(t,x)∂tu(t,x)Θλ−1dx≤1 2/integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Θλdx+C/integraldisplay Ω|u|2Θλ−2dx ≤1 2/integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Θλdx+C/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u|2Θλ−1dx. From 1≤1 a0a(x)Θα 2−α, we also obtain 2/integraldisplay Ω|∂tu|2Θλdx≤C/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Θλ+α 2−αdx.24 Y. WAKASUGI Putting them all together into (4.5), we conclude d dtE0(t;t0,λ)≤ −/integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Θλdx−2/integraldisplay Ω|u|p+1Θλdx +C/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Θλ+α 2−αdx+C/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u|2Θλ−1dx. This completes the proof. /square Combining Lemmas 4.2 and 4.3, we have the following. Lemma 4.4. Under the assumptions on Theorem 1.4 (ii), there exist const ants ν∗=ν∗(n,α,a 0,λ)∈(0,ν0)andt2=t2(n,α,a 0,p,λ,ν ∗)≥1such that for t0≥t2, andt >0, we have E∗(t;t0,λ,ν∗)+/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu(s,x)|2Θ(s,x;t0)λ+α 2−αdxds +/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u(s,x)|2+|u(s,x)|p+1/parenrightbig Θ(s,x;t0)λdxds ≤CE∗(0;t0,λ,ν)+C/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(s,x)|2Θ(s,x;t0)λ−1dxds with some constant C=C(n,α,a 0,p,λ,ν ∗)>0. Proof.Letν∈(0,ν0), where ν0is taken so that (4.3) holds. Let t1be the constant determined by Lemma 4.2. Then, by Lemmas 4.2 and 4.3, we obtain for t0≥t1 andt >0, d dtE∗(t;t0,λ,ν) =d dtE1(t;t0,λ)+νd dtE0(t;t0,λ) ≤ −1 2/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Θλ+α 2−αdx +C/integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Θλ+α 2−α−1dx+C/integraldisplay Ω|u|p+1Θλ+α 2−α−1dx −ν/integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Θλdx−2ν/integraldisplay Ω|u|p+1Θλdx +Cν/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Θλ+α 2−αdx+Cν/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u|2Θλ−1dx. We take ν=ν∗with sufficiently small ν∗∈(0,ν0) such that the constants in front of the last two terms satisfy Cν∗<1 2. Moreover, taking t2>0 sufficiently large depending on ν∗so thatCΘα 2−α−1< ν∗fort0≥t2, we conclude d dtE∗(t;t0,λ,ν)≤ −η/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Θλ+α 2−αdx−η/integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Θλdx −η/integraldisplay Ω|u|p+1Θλdx+Cν/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u|2Θλ−1dx with some constant η=η(n,α,a 0,p,λ,ν ∗)>0. Finally, integrating the above inequality over [0 ,t] gives the desired estimate. /square Besed on Lemma 4.4, we show the following estimate for ˜E(t;t0,λ).SEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 25 Lemma 4.5. Under the assumptions on Theorem 1.4 (ii), there exists a con stant t2=t2(n,α,a 0,p,λ)≥1such that for t0≥t2andt >0, we have ˜E(t;t0,λ)+/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(t,x)|2Θ(t,x;t0)λdx +/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu(s,x)|2/bracketleftbig (t0+s)+Θ(s,x;t0)α 2−α/bracketrightbig Θ(s,x;t0)λdxds +/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u(s,x)|2+|u(s,x)|p+1/parenrightbig Θ(s,x;t0)λdxds ≤CI0[u0,u1]+C/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ωa(x)p+1 p−1Θ(s,x;t0)λ−p+1 p−1dxds with some constant C=C(n,α,a 0,a1,p,λ,t 0)>0. Proof.Take the same constants ν∗andt2as in Lemma 4.4. By the same compu- tation as in Lemma 3.5, we can obtain ˜E(t;t0,λ)+1 2/integraldisplayt 0(t0+s)/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Θλdxds ≤˜E(0;t0,λ)+C/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2Θλ+α 2−αdxds+C/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u|2+|u|p+1/parenrightbig Θλdxds. We multiply the both sides by a sufficiently small constant µ >0, and add it and the conclusion of Lemma 4.4. Then, we obtain µ˜E(t;t0,λ)+E∗(t;t0,λ,ν∗) +/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|∂tu|2/bracketleftBigµ 2(t0+s)+(1−Cµ)Θα 2−α/bracketrightBig Θλdxds +(1−Cµ)/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ω/parenleftbig |∇u|2+|u|p+1/parenrightbig Θλdxds ≤µ˜E(0;t0,λ)+CE∗(0;t0,λ,ν∗) fort0≥t2andt >0. By taking µsufficiently small so that 1 −Cµ >0 holds, the terms including |∂tu|2and|∇u|2in the left-hand side can be dropped. Since both˜E(0;t0,λ) andE∗(0;t0,λ,ν∗) are bounded by CI0[u0,u1] with some constant C=C(a1,p,λ,t 0)>0, one obtains ˜E(t;t0,λ)+/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(t,x)|2Θ(t,x;t0)λdx+/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ω|u|p+1Θλdxds ≤CI0[u0,u1]+C/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u|2Θλ−1dxds (4.6) with some C=C(n,α,a 0,a1,p,λ,t 0)>0. Finally, applying the Young inequality to the last term of the right-hand side, we deduce C/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u|2Θλ−1dxds=C/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ω|u|2Θ2 p+1λ·a(x)Θλ(1−2 p+1)−1dxds ≤1 2/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ω|u|p+1Θλdxds+C/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ωa(x)p+1 p−1Θλ−p+1 p−1dxds.26 Y. WAKASUGI This and (4.6) give the conclusion. /square By virtue of Lemma 4.5, it suffices to estimate the term C/integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ωa(x)p+1 p−1Θ(s,x;t0)λ−p+1 p−1dxds. For this, we have the following lemma. Lemma 4.6. Under the assumptions on Theorem 1.4 (ii) and (4.1), we have for anyt0>0andt≥0, /integraldisplayt 0/integraldisplay Ωa(x)p+1 p−1Θ(s,x;t0)λ−p+1 p−1dxds ≤C 1 ( λ <min{4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4),2 p−1}), log(t0+t) ( λ= min{4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4),2 p−1}, p/\e}atio\slash=psubc(n,α)), (log(t0+t))2(λ=4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4) =2 p−1,i.e., p=psubc(n,α)), (1+t)λ−4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4)(λ >4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4), p > p subc(n,α)), (1+t)λ−2 p−1log(t0+t) (λ >2 p−1, p=psubc(n,α)), (1+t)λ−2 p−1 (λ >2 p−1, p < p subc(n,α)) with some constant C=C(n,α,a 1,p,λ)>0. Proof.Lets∈(0,t). First, we divide Ω into Ω = Ω 1(s)∪Ω2(s), where Ω1(s) =/braceleftbig x∈Ω;/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht2−α≤t0+s/bracerightbig , Ω2(s) = Ω\Ω1(s) =/braceleftbig x∈Ω;/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht2−α> t0+s/bracerightbig . The corresponding integral is also decomposed into /integraldisplay Ωa(x)p+1 p−1Θ(s,x;t0)λ−p+1 p−1dx=/integraldisplay Ω1(s)a(x)p+1 p−1Θ(s,x;t0)λ−p+1 p−1dx +/integraldisplay Ω2(s)a(x)p+1 p−1Θ(s,x;t0)λ−p+1 p−1dx =:I(s)+II(s). Note that, in Ω 1(s), the function Θ( s,x;t0) =t0+s+/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht2−αis bounded from both above and below by t0+s. Therefore, we estimate I(s)≤C(t0+s)λ−p+1 p−1/integraldisplay Ω1(s)a(x)p+1 p−1dx ≤C(t0+s)λ−p+1 p−1/integraldisplay Ω1(s)/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−αp+1 p−1dx ≤C(t0+s)λ−p+1 p−1h(s), (4.7) where h(s) = 1 ( p < psubc(n,α)), log(t0+s) ( p=psubc(n,α)), (t0+s)1 2−α(n−αp+1 p−1)(p > psubc(n,α)).(4.8)SEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 27 On the other hand, in Ω 2(s), the function Θ is bounded from both above and below by/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht2−α. Thus, we have II(s)≤C/integraldisplay Ω2(s)/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−αp+1 p−1+(2−α)(λ−p+1 p−1)dx. Here, we remarkthat the condition(4.1) ensuresthe finiteness of the aboveintegral, provided that εis taken sufficiently small depending on nandα. A straightforward computation shows II(s)≤C(t0+s)λ−p+1 p−1+1 2−α(n−αp+1 p−1). Since the above estimate is better than (4.7) if p≤psubc(n,α) and is the same if p > psubc(n,α), we conclude /integraldisplay Ωa(x)p+1 p−1Θ(s,x;t0)λ−p+1 p−1dx≤C(t0+s)λ−p+1 p−1h(s). Next, we compute the integral of the function ( t0+s)λ−p+1 p−1h(s) over [0,t]. From the definition (4.8) of h(s), one has the following: If p < psubc(n,α), then /integraldisplayt 0(t0+s)λ−p+1 p−1h(s)ds≤C 1/parenleftbigg λ <2 p−1/parenrightbigg , log(t0+t)/parenleftbigg λ=2 p−1/parenrightbigg , (t0+t)λ−2 p−1/parenleftbigg λ >2 p−1/parenrightbigg ; Ifp=psubc(n,α), then /integraldisplayt 0(t0+s)λ−p+1 p−1h(s)ds≤C 1/parenleftbigg λ <2 p−1/parenrightbigg , (log(t0+t))2/parenleftbigg λ=2 p−1/parenrightbigg , (t0+t)λ−2 p−1log(t0+t)/parenleftbigg λ >2 p−1/parenrightbigg ; Ifp > psubc(n,α), then /integraldisplayt 0(t0+s)λ−p+1 p−1h(s)ds≤C 1/parenleftbigg λ <4 2−α/parenleftbigg1 p−1−n−α 4/parenrightbigg/parenrightbigg , log(t0+t)/parenleftbigg λ=4 2−α/parenleftbigg1 p−1−n−α 4/parenrightbigg/parenrightbigg , (t0+t)λ−4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4)/parenleftbigg λ >4 2−α/parenleftbigg1 p−1−n−α 4/parenrightbigg/parenrightbigg . This completes the proof. /square We are now at the position to prove Theorem 1.4 (ii):28 Y. WAKASUGI Proof of Theorem 1.4 (ii). By Lemmas 4.5 and 4.6 with the constant t2≥1 deter- mined in Lemma 4.5, we have ˜E(t;t0,λ)+/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(t,x)|2Θ(t,x;t0)λdx ≤CI0[u0,u1]+C 1 ( λ <min{4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4),2 p−1}), log(t0+t) ( λ= min{4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4),2 p−1}, p/\e}atio\slash=psubc(n,α)), (log(t0+t))2(λ=4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4) =2 p−1,i.e., p=psubc(n,α)), (1+t)λ−4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4)(λ >4 2−α(1 p−1−n−α 4), p > p subc(n,α)), (1+t)λ−2 p−1log(t0+t) (λ >2 p−1, p=psubc(n,α)), (1+t)λ−2 p−1 (λ >2 p−1, p < p subc(n,α)) fort0≥t2andt≥0. On the other hand, the definition (4.2) of Θ immediately gives the lower bound ˜E(t;t0,λ)+/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(t,x)|2Θ(t,x;t0)λdx ≥(t0+t)λ+1E[u](t)+(t0+t)λ/integraldisplay Ωa(x)|u(t,x)|2dx, whereE(t) is defined by (1.2). Combining them, we have the desired estimate. /square Appendix A.Outline of the proof of Proposition 1.2 In this section, we give a proof of Proposition 1.2. The solvability and b asic properties of the solution of the linear problem (A.1) below can be fou nd in, for example, [8, 19, 25, 68]. Here, we give an outline of the argument alon g with [19]. The existence of the unique mild solution of the semilinear problem ( 1.1) is proved by the contraction mapping principle. This argument can be f ound in, e.g., [6, 25, 36, 85]. Here, we will give a proof based on [6]. A.1.Linear problem. Letn∈N, and let Ω be an open set in Rnwith a compact C2-boundary ∂Ω or Ω = Rn. We discuss the linear problem ∂2 tu−∆u+a(x)∂tu= 0, t > 0,x∈Ω, u(x,t) = 0, t > 0,x∈∂Ω, u(0,x) =u0(x), ∂tu(0,x) =u1(x), x∈Ω.(A.1) The function a(x) is nonnegative, bounded, and continuous in Rn. LetH:= H1 0(Ω)×L2(Ω) be the real Hilbert space equipped with the inner product /parenleftbigg/parenleftbigg u v/parenrightbigg ,/parenleftbigg w z/parenrightbigg/parenrightbigg H= (u,w)H1+(v,z)L2. LetAbe the operator A=/parenleftbigg0 1 ∆−a(x)/parenrightbigg defined on Hwith the domain D(A) = (H2(Ω)∩H1 0(Ω))×H1 0(Ω), which is dense inH.SEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 29 We first show the estimate/parenleftbigg A/parenleftbigg u v/parenrightbigg ,/parenleftbigg u v/parenrightbigg/parenrightbigg H≤ /ba∇dbl(u,v)/ba∇dbl2 H for (u,v)∈D(A). Indeed, we calculate /parenleftbigg A/parenleftbiggu v/parenrightbigg ,/parenleftbiggu v/parenrightbigg/parenrightbigg H=/parenleftbigg/parenleftbiggv ∆u−a(x)v/parenrightbigg ,/parenleftbiggu v/parenrightbigg/parenrightbigg H = (v,u)H1+(∆u−a(x)v,v)L2 = (∇v,∇u)L2+(v,u)L2−(∇v,∇u)L2−(a(x)v,v)L2 ≤(v,u)L2≤ /ba∇dbl(u,v)/ba∇dbl2 H. Next, we prove that there exists λ0∈Rsuch that for any λ≥λ0, the operator λ−Ais invertible, that is, for any ( f,g)∈ H, we can find a unique ( u,v)∈D(A) satisfying (λ−A)/parenleftbigg u v/parenrightbigg =/parenleftbigg f g/parenrightbigg . (A.2) Indeed, the above equation is equivalent with /braceleftBigg λu−v=f, λv−∆u+a(x)v=g. We remark that the first equation implies v=λu−f. Substituting this into the second equation, one has (λ2+λa(x))u−∆u=h, (A.3) whereh=g+ (λ+a(x))f∈L2(Ω). Take an arbitrary constant λ0>0 and letλ≥λ0be fixed. Associated with the above equation, we define the bilinear functional a(z,w) = ((λ2+λa(x))z,w)L2+(∇z,∇w)L2 forz,w∈H1 0(Ω). Since λ >0 anda(x) is nonnegative and bounded, ais bounded: a(z,w)≤C/ba∇dblz/ba∇dblH1/ba∇dblw/ba∇dblH1, and coercive: a(z,z)≥C/ba∇dblz/ba∇dbl2 H1. Therefore, by the Lax– Milgram theorem (see, e.g., [6, Theorem 1.1.4]), there exists a unique u∈H1 0(Ω) satisfying a(u,ϕ) = (h,ϕ)H1for anyϕ∈H1 0(Ω). In particular, usatisfies the equation (A.3) in the distribution sense. This shows ∆ u∈L2(Ω), and hence, a standard elliptic estimate implies u∈H2(Ω) (see, for example, Brezis [4, Theorem 9.25]). Defining vbyv=λu−f∈H1 0(Ω), we find the solution ( u,v)∈D(A) to the equation (A.2). The above properties enable us to apply the Hille–Yosida theorem (se e, e.g., [19, Theorem 2.18]), and there exists a C0-semigroup U(t) onHsatisfying the estimate /vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleU(t)/parenleftbigg u0 u1/parenrightbigg/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble H≤eCt/ba∇dbl(u0,u1)/ba∇dblH (A.4) with some constant C >0. Moreover, if ( u0,u1)∈D(A), thenU(t) :=U(t)/parenleftbiggu0 u1/parenrightbigg satisfies d dtU(t) =AU(t), t >0. (A.5)30 Y. WAKASUGI Therefore, the first component u(t) ofU(t) satisfies u∈C([0,∞);H2(Ω))∩C1([0,∞);H1 0(Ω))∩C2([0,∞);L2(Ω)) and the equation (A.1) in C([0,∞);L2(Ω)). For (u0,u1)∈ H, letU(t) =/parenleftbiggu(t) v(t)/parenrightbigg :=U(t)/parenleftbiggu0 u1/parenrightbigg . We next show that usatisfies u∈C([0,∞);H1 0(Ω))∩C1([0,∞);L2(Ω)). (A.6) The property u∈C([0,∞);H1 0(Ω)) is obvious from U ∈C([0,∞);H). In or- der to prove u∈C1([0,∞);L2(Ω)), we employ an approximation argument. Let {(u(j) 0,u(j) 1)}∞ j=1be a sequence in D(A) such that lim j→∞(u(j) 0,u(j) 1) = (u0,u1) in H, and let U(j)(t) =/parenleftbiggu(j) v(j)/parenrightbigg :=U(t)/parenleftBigg u(j) 0 u(j) 1/parenrightBigg . From ( u(j) 0,u(j) 1)∈D(A),U(j)satis- fies the equation (A.5), and hence, one obtains v(j)=∂tu(j). For any fixed T >0, the estimate (A.4) implies sup t∈[0,T]/ba∇dblu(j)(t)−u(t)/ba∇dblL2≤eCT/ba∇dbl(u(j) 0−u0,u(j) 1−u1)/ba∇dblH→0, sup t∈[0,T]/ba∇dbl∂tu(j)(t)−v(t)/ba∇dblL2≤eCT/ba∇dbl(u(j) 0−u0,u(j) 1−u1)/ba∇dblH→0 asj→ ∞. This shows u∈C1([0,T];L2(Ω)) and ∂tu=v. SinceT >0 is arbitrary, we obtain (A.6). A.2.Semilinear problem. Let us turn to study the semilinear problem (1.1). A.2.1.Uniqueness of the mild solution. We first show the uniqueness of the mild solution of the integral equation U(t) =/parenleftbigg u(t) v(t)/parenrightbigg =U(t)/parenleftbigg u0 u1/parenrightbigg +/integraldisplayt 0U(t−s)/parenleftbigg 0 −|u(s)|p−1u(s)/parenrightbigg ds(A.7) inC([0,T0);H) for arbitrary fixed T0>0. Hereafter, as long as there is no risk of confusion, we call both Uand the first component uofUmild solutions. Let T0>0 andC0=eCT0, whereCis the constant in (A.4). Let U(t) =/parenleftbiggu v/parenrightbigg and W(t) =/parenleftbigg w z/parenrightbigg be two solutions to (A.7) in C([0,T0);H). TakeT∈(0,T0) arbitrary and put K:= supt∈[0,T](/ba∇dblU(t)/ba∇dblH+/ba∇dblW(t)/ba∇dblH. Then, the estimate (A.4) implies /ba∇dblU(t)−W(t)/ba∇dblH≤C0/integraldisplayt 0/ba∇dbl|w(s)|p−1w(s)−|u(s)|p−1u(s)/ba∇dblL2ds. Since the nonlinearity satisfies ||w|p−1w−|u|p−1u| ≤C(|w|+|u|)p−1|u−w|SEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 31 andpfulfills the condition(1.11), weapply the H¨ olderandthe Gagliardo–Nir enberg inequality /ba∇dblu/ba∇dblL2p≤C/ba∇dblu/ba∇dblH1to obtain /ba∇dblU(t)−W(t)/ba∇dblH≤C0/integraldisplayt 0/ba∇dbl|u(s)|p−1u(s)−|w(s)|p−1w(s)/ba∇dblL2ds ≤C0C/integraldisplayt 0(/ba∇dblu(s)/ba∇dblL2p+/ba∇dblw(s)/ba∇dblL2p)p−1/ba∇dblu(s)−w(s)/ba∇dblL2pds ≤C0C/integraldisplayt 0(/ba∇dblu(s)/ba∇dblH1+/ba∇dblw(s)/ba∇dblH1)p−1/ba∇dblu(s)−w(s)/ba∇dblH1ds ≤C0CKp−1/integraldisplayt 0/ba∇dblU(s)−W(s)/ba∇dblHds (A.8) fort∈[0,T]. Therefore, by the Gronwall inequality, we have /ba∇dblU(t)−W(t)/ba∇dblH= 0 fort∈[0,T]. Since T∈(0,T0) is arbitrary, we conclude U(t) =W(t) for all t∈[0,T0). A.2.2.Existence of the mild solution. Here, we show the existence of the mild solution. LetT0>0 be arbitrarily fixed. For T∈(0,T0) andU=/parenleftbigg u v/parenrightbigg ∈C([0,T];H), we define the mapping Φ(U)(t) =U(t)/parenleftbigg u0 u1/parenrightbigg +/integraldisplayt 0U(t−s)/parenleftbigg 0 −|u(s)|p−1u(s)/parenrightbigg ds. LetC0=eCT0, whereCis the constant in (A.4). Then, we have/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddoubleU(t)/parenleftbiggu0 u1/parenrightbigg/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble/vextenddouble H≤C0/ba∇dbl(u0,u1)/ba∇dblH fort∈(0,T0). LetK= 2C0/ba∇dbl(u0,u1)/ba∇dblHand define MT,K:=/braceleftBigg U=/parenleftbigg u v/parenrightbigg ∈C([0,T];H); sup t∈[0,T]/ba∇dbl(u(t),v(t))/ba∇dblH≤K/bracerightBigg . MT,Kis a complete metric space with respect to the metric d(U,W) = sup t∈[0,T]/ba∇dbl(u(t)−w(t),v(t)−z(t))/ba∇dblH forU=/parenleftbiggu v/parenrightbigg andW=/parenleftbiggw z/parenrightbigg . We shall prove that Φ is the contraction mapping on MT,R, provided that Tis sufficiently small. First, we show that Φ(U)∈MT,KforU ∈MT,K. By the estimate (A.4) and the Gagliardo–Nirenberg inequality, we obtain for t∈[0,T], /ba∇dblΦ(U)(t)/ba∇dblH≤K 2+C0/integraldisplayt 0/ba∇dbl|u(s)|p−1u(s)/ba∇dblL2ds ≤K 2+C0/integraldisplayt 0/ba∇dblu(s)/ba∇dblp L2pds ≤K 2+C0C/integraldisplayt 0/ba∇dblu(s)/ba∇dblp H1ds ≤K 2+C0CTKp. (A.9)32 Y. WAKASUGI Therefore, taking Tsufficiently small so that K 2+C0CTKp≤K holds, we see that Φ(U)∈MT,K. Moreover, for U=/parenleftbigg u v/parenrightbigg ,W=/parenleftbigg w z/parenrightbigg ∈MT,R, the same computation as in (A.8) yields for t∈[0,T], d(Φ(U),Φ(W))≤C0CTKp−1d(U,W). Thus, retaking Tsmaller if needed so that C0CTKp−1≤1 2, we have the contractivity of Φ. Thus, by the contraction mapping principle, we see that there exists a fixed point U=/parenleftbiggu v/parenrightbigg ∈MT,K, that is, Usatisfies the integral equation (A.7). We postpone to verify u∈C1([0,T];L2(Ω)) and ∂tu=vafter proving the approximation property below. A.2.3.Blow-up alternative. LetTmax=Tmax(u0,u1)bethemaximalexistencetime of the mild solution defined by Tmax= sup/braceleftbigg T∈(0,∞];∃U=/parenleftbigg u v/parenrightbigg ∈C([0,T);H) satisfies (A.7)/bracerightbigg . We show that if Tmax<∞, the corresponding unique mild solution U=/parenleftbiggu v/parenrightbigg must satisfy lim t→Tmax−0/ba∇dblU(t)/ba∇dblH=∞. (A.10) Indeed, if m:= liminf t→Tmax−0/ba∇dblU(t)/ba∇dblH<∞, thenthereexistsamonotoneincreas- ingsequence {tj}∞ j=1in(0,Tmax)suchthatlim j→∞tj=Tmaxandlim j→∞/ba∇dblU(tj)/ba∇dblH= m. LetT0> Tmaxbe arbitrary fixed and let C0=eCT0as in Section A.2.2. Ap- plying the same argument as in Section A.2.2 with replacement ( u0,u1) byU(tj), one can find there exists Tdepending only on p,m, andC0such that there exists a mild solution on the interval [ tj,tj+T]. However, this contradicts the definition ofTmaxwhenjis large. Thus, we have (A.10). A.2.4.Continuous dependence on the initial data. Let (u0,u1)∈ HandT < T 0< Tmax(u0,u1). We take C0=eCT0as in Section A.2.2. Let {(u(j) 0,u(j) 1)}∞ j=1be a sequence in Hsuch that ( u(j) 0,u(j) 1)→(u0,u1) inHasj→ ∞. Then, we will prove that, for sufficiently large j,Tmax(u(j) 0,u(j) 1)> Tand the corresponding solution U(j)with the initial data ( u(j) 0,u(j) 1) satisfies lim j→∞sup t∈[0,T]/ba∇dblU(j)(t)−U(t)/ba∇dblH= 0. (A.11) LetC1= 2supt∈[0,T]/ba∇dblU(t)/ba∇dblHand let τj:= sup/braceleftBigg t∈[0,Tmax(u(j) 0,u(j) 1)); sup t∈[0,T]/ba∇dblU(j)(t)/ba∇dblH≤2C1/bracerightBigg .SEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 33 Since (u(j) 0,u(j) 1)→(u0,u1) inHasj→ ∞, we have /ba∇dbl(u(j) 0,u(j) 1)/ba∇dblH≤C1for large j, which ensures τj>0 for such j. Moreover, the same computation as in (A.8) and the Gronwall inequality imply, for t∈[0,min{τj,T}], /ba∇dblU(j)(t)−U(t)/ba∇dblH≤C0/ba∇dblU(j)(0)−U(0)/ba∇dblHexp/parenleftBig CCp−1 1T/parenrightBig .(A.12) Note that the right-hand side tends to zero as j→ ∞. From this and the definition ofC1, we obtain /ba∇dblU(j)(t)/ba∇dblH≤C1(t∈[0,min{τj,T}]) for large j. By the definition of τj, the above estimate implies τj> T, and hence, Tmax(u(j) 0,u(j) 1)> T. From this, the estimate (A.12) holds for t∈[0,T]. Letting j→ ∞in (A.12) gives (A.11). A.2.5.Regularity of solution. Next, we discuss the regularity of the solution. Let (u0,u1)∈D(A) andTmax=Tmax(u0,u1). Then, we will show that the correspond- ing mild solution Usatisfies U ∈C([0,Tmax);D(A))∩C1([0,Tmax);H). TakeT∈(0,Tmax) arbitrary. First, from Section A.1, the linear part ofthe mild so- lution satisfies UL(t) =U(t)/parenleftbiggu0 u1/parenrightbigg ∈C([0,∞);D(A))∩C1([0,∞);H). This implies, forh >0 andt∈[0,T−h], /ba∇dblUL(t+h)−UL(t)/ba∇dblH≤Ch. (A.13) Thus, it suffices to show UNL(t) :=/integraldisplayt 0U(t−s)/parenleftbigg0 −|u(s)|p−1u(s)/parenrightbigg ds ∈C([0,T];D(A))∩C1([0,T];H). (A.14) By the changing variable t+h−s/mapsto→s, we calculate UNL(t+h)−UNL(t) =/integraldisplayt+h 0U(t−s)/parenleftbigg0 −|u(s)|p−1u(s)/parenrightbigg ds −/integraldisplayt 0U(t−s)/parenleftbigg 0 −|u(s)|p−1u(s)/parenrightbigg ds =/integraldisplayt 0U(s)/parenleftbigg0 −|u|p−1u(t+h−s)+|u|p−1u(t−s)/parenrightbigg ds +/integraldisplayt+h tU(s)/parenleftbigg0 −|u|p−1u(t+h−s)/parenrightbigg ds. Therefore, the same computation as in (A.8) and (A.9) implies /ba∇dblUNL(t+h)−UNL(t)/ba∇dblH≤C/integraldisplayt 0/ba∇dblu(s+h)−u(s)/ba∇dblH1ds+Ch. Combining this with (A.13), one obtains /ba∇dblU(t+h)−U(t)/ba∇dblH≤Ch+/integraldisplayt 0/ba∇dblU(s+h)−U(s)/ba∇dblHds.34 Y. WAKASUGI The Gronwall inequality implies /ba∇dblU(t+h)−U(t)/ba∇dblH≤Ch. This further yields /ba∇dbl−|u|p−1u(t+h)+|u|p−1u(t)/ba∇dblH1≤Ch, that is, the nonlinearity is Lipschitz continuous in H1 0(Ω). From this, we can see−|u|p−1u∈W1,∞(0,T;H1 0(Ω)) (see e.g. [6, Corollary 1.4.41]). Thus, we can differentiate the expression /integraldisplayt 0U(t−s)/parenleftbigg 0 −|u|p−1u(s)/parenrightbigg ds=/integraldisplayt 0U(s)/parenleftbigg 0 −|u|p−1u(t−s)/parenrightbigg ds with respect to tinH, and it implies UNL∈C1([0,T];H). Finally, for h >0 and t∈[0,T−h], we have 1 h(U(t)−I)UNL(t) =1 h/integraldisplayt 0U(t+h−s)/parenleftbigg0 −|u|p−1u(s)/parenrightbigg ds−1 h/integraldisplayt 0U(t−s)/parenleftbigg0 −|u|p−1u(s)/parenrightbigg ds =1 h(UNL(t+h)−UNL(t))−1 h/integraldisplayt+h tU(t+h−s)/parenleftbigg 0 −|u|p−1u(s)/parenrightbigg ds. This implies U(t)∈D(A) and d dtUNL(t) =AUNL(t)+/parenleftbigg 0 −|u|p−1u(t)/parenrightbigg . Moreover, the above equation and U ∈C1([0,T];H) lead to U ∈C([0,T];D(A)). This proves the property (A.14). We also remark that the first com ponentuofU is a strong solution to (1.1). A.2.6.Approximation of the mild solution by strong solutions. Let (u0,u1)∈ H andTmax=Tmax(u0,u1). Let{(u(j) 0,u(j) 1)}∞ j=1be a sequence in D(A) satisfying limj→∞(u(j) 0,u(j) 1) = (u0,u1) inH. TakeT∈(0,Tmax) arbitrary. Then, the results of Sections A.2.4 and A.2.5 imply that Tmax(u(j) 0,u(j) 1)> Tfor large j, and the corresponding mild solution U(j)=/parenleftbiggu(j) v(j)/parenrightbigg with the initial data ( u(j) 0,u(j) 1) satisfies U(j)∈C([0,T];D(A))∩C1([0,T];H). Moreover, ∂tu(j)=v(j)holds and u(j)is a strong solution to (1.1). By the result of Section A.2.4, we see that lim j→∞sup t∈[0,T]/ba∇dblu(j)(t)−u(t)/ba∇dblH1= 0, lim j→∞sup t∈[0,T]/ba∇dbl∂tu(j)(t)−v(t)/ba∇dblL2= 0, which yields u∈C1([0,T];L2(Ω)) and ∂tu=v. Namely, we have the property stated at the end of Section A.2.2.SEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 35 A.2.7.Finite propagation property. Here, we show the finite propagation property for the mild solution. In what follows, we use the notations BR(x0) :={x∈ Rn;|x−x0|< R}forx0∈RnandR >0. LetT∈(0,Tmax(u0,u1)) andR > 0. Assume that ( u0,u1)∈ Hsatisfies supp u0∪suppu1⊂BR(0)∩Ω. Letu∈ C([0,T];H1 0(Ω))∩C1([0,T];L2(Ω)) be the mild solution of (1.1). Then, we have suppu(t,·)⊂Bt+R(0)∩Ω (t∈[0,T]). (A.15) To prove this, we modify the argument of [39] in which the classical so lution is treated. Let ( t0,x0)∈[0,T]×Ω be a point such that |x0|> t0+Rand define Λ(t0,x0) ={(t,x)∈(0,T)×Ω; 0< t < t 0,|x−x0|< t0−t} =/uniondisplay t∈(0,t0)({t}×(Bt0−t(x0)∩Ω))). It suffices to show u= 0 in Λ( t0,x0). We also put St0−t:=∂Bt0−t(x0)∩Ω and Sb,t0−t:=Bt0−t(x0)∩∂Ω. Note that ∂(Bt0−t(x0)∩Ω) =St0−t∪Sb,t0−tholds. First, we further assume ( u0,u1)∈D(A). Then, by the result of Section A.2.5, ubecomes the strong solution. This ensures that the following compu tations make sense. Define E(t;t0,x0) :=1 2/integraldisplay Bt0−t(x0)∩Ω(|∂tu(t,x)|2+|∇u(t,x)|2+|u(t,x)|2)dx fort∈[0,t0]. By differentiating in tand applying the integration by parts, we have d dtE(t;t0,x0) =/integraldisplay Bt0−t(x0)∩Ω/parenleftbig ∂2 tu−∆u+u/parenrightbig ∂tudx −1 2/integraldisplay St0−t∪Sb,t0−t(|∂tu|2+|∇u|2+|u|2−2(n·∇u)∂tu)dS, wherenis the unit outward normal vector of St0−t∪Sb,t0−tanddSdenotes the surface measure. The Schwarz inequality implies the second term of the right- hand side is nonpositive, and hence, we can omit it. Using the equation (1.1) to the first term and the Gagliardo–Nirenberg inequality /ba∇dblu(t)/ba∇dblL2p(Bt0−t(x0)∩Ω)≤ C/ba∇dblu(t)/ba∇dblH1(Bt0−t(x0)∩Ω), we can see that d dtE(t;t0,x0)≤C/parenleftBig /ba∇dblu(t)/ba∇dbl2p H1(Bt0−t(x0)∩Ω)+/ba∇dbl∂tu(t)/ba∇dbl2 L2(Bt0−t(x0)∩Ω)+/ba∇dblu(t)/ba∇dbl2 L2(Bt0−t(x0)∩Ω)/parenrightBig ≤CE(t;t0,x0), where we have also used /ba∇dblu(t)/ba∇dblH1(Bt0−t(x0)∩Ω)is bounded for t∈(0,t0). Noting that the support condition of the initial data implies E(0;t0,x0) = 0, we obtain from the above inequality that E(t;t0,x0) = 0 for t∈[0,t0]. This yields u= 0 in Λ(t0,x0). Finally, for the general case ( u0,u1)∈ H, we take an arbitrary small ε >0 and a sequence {(u(j) 0,u(j) 1)}∞ j=1inD(A) such that supp u(j) 0∪suppu(j) 1⊂BR+ε(0)∩Ω and lim j→∞(u(j) 0,u(j) 1) = (u0,u1) inH. Here, we remark that such a sequence can be constructed by the form ( u(j) 0,u(j) 1) = (φε˜u(j) 0,φε˜u(j) 1), where {(˜u(j) 0,˜u(j) 1)}is a sequencein D(A) which convergesto( u0,u1) inHasj→ ∞, andφε∈C∞ 0(Rn) is a cut-off function satisfy 0 ≤φε≤1,φε= 1 onBR(0), and φε= 0 onRn\BR+ε(0).36 Y. WAKASUGI Then, the result of Section A.2.5 shows that the corresponding str ong solution u(j)to (u(j) 0,u(j) 1) satisfies supp u(j)(t,·)⊂BR+ε+t(0). Moreover, the result of Section A.2.6 leads to lim j→∞u(j)=uinC([0,T];H1 0(Ω)). Hence, we conclude suppu(t,·)⊂BR+ε+t(0). Since εis arbitrary, we have (A.15). A.2.8.Existence of the global solution. Finally, we show the existence of the global solution to (1.1). Let ( u0,u1)∈ Hand suppose that Tmax(u0,u1) is finite. Then, by the blow-up alternative (Section A.2.3), the corresponding mild so lutionumust satisfy lim t→Tmax−0/ba∇dbl(u(t),∂tu(t))/ba∇dblH=∞. (A.16) Let{(u(j) 0,u(j) 1)}∞ j=1be a sequence in D(A) such that lim j→∞(u(j) 0,u(j) 1) = (u0,u1) inH, andletu(j)bethecorrespondingstrongsolutionwiththeinitialdata( u(j) 0,u(j) 1). Using the integration by parts and the equation (1.1), we calculate d dt/bracketleftbigg1 2/parenleftBig /ba∇dbl∂tu(j)(t)/ba∇dbl2 L2+/ba∇dbl∇u(j)(t)/ba∇dbl2 L2/parenrightBig +1 p+1/ba∇dblu(j)(t)/ba∇dblp+1 Lp+1/bracketrightbigg =−/ba∇dbl∂tu(j)(t)/ba∇dbl2 L2. This and the Gagliardo–Nirenberg inequality imply /ba∇dbl∂tu(j)(t)/ba∇dbl2 L2+/ba∇dbl∇u(j)(t)/ba∇dbl2 L2≤C/parenleftBig /ba∇dblu(j) 1/ba∇dbl2 L2+/ba∇dbl∇u(j) 0/ba∇dbl2 L2+/ba∇dblu(j) 0/ba∇dblp+1 H1/parenrightBig . Moreover, by u(t) =u0+/integraldisplayt 0∂tu(s)ds, one obtains the bound /ba∇dbl(u(j)(t),∂tu(j)(t))/ba∇dbl2 H≤C(1+T)2/parenleftBig /ba∇dblu(j) 1/ba∇dbl2 L2+/ba∇dbl∇u(j) 0/ba∇dbl2 L2+/ba∇dblu(j) 0/ba∇dblp+1 H1/parenrightBig (A.17) fort∈[0,T]. Thisandtheblow-upalternative(SectionA.2.3)show Tmax(u(j) 0,u(j) 1) = ∞for allj. The bound (A.17) with T=Tmax(u0,u1) also yields that sup j∈Nsup t∈[0,Tmax(u0,u1)]/ba∇dbl(u(j)(t),∂tu(j)(t))/ba∇dbl2 H<∞. (A.18) On the other hand, from the result of Section A.2.6, we have lim j→∞sup t∈[0,T]/ba∇dbl(u(j)(t)−u(t),∂tu(j)(t)−∂tu(t))/ba∇dblH= 0 (A.19) for anyT∈(0,Tmax(u0,u1)). However, (A.18) and (A.19) contradict (A.16). Thus, we conclude Tmax(u0,u1) =∞. Appendix B.Proof of Preliminary lemmas B.1.Proof of Lemma 2.1. Proof of Lemma 2.1. We define b1(x) = ∆/parenleftbigga0 (n−α)(2−α)/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht2−α/parenrightbigg =a0/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−α+a0α n−α/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−α−2 andb2(x) =a(x)−b1(x). By b2(x) a(x)=1 /a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}htαa(x)/parenleftbigg /a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}htαa(x)−a0−a0α n−α/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−2/parenrightbiggSEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 37 and the assumption (1.12), there exists a constant Rε>0 such that |b2(x)| ≤εa(x) holds for |x|> Rε. Letηε∈C∞ 0(Rn) satisfy 0 ≤ηε(x)≤1 forx∈Rnand ηε(x) = 1 for |x|< Rε. LetN(x) denote the Newton potential, that is, N(x) = |x| 2(n= 1), 1 2πlog1 |x|(n= 2), Γ(n/2+1) n(n−2)πn/2|x|2−n(n≥3). We define Aε(x) =A0+a0 (n−α)(2−α)/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht2−α−N∗(ηεb2), whereA0>0 is a sufficiently large constant determined later. We show that the aboveAε(x) has the desired properties. First, we compute ∆Aε(x) =b1(x)+ηε(x)b2(x) =a(x)−(1−ηε)b2(x), which implies (2.1). Next, since ηεb2has the compact support, N∗(ηεb2) satisfies |N∗(ηεb2)(x)| ≤C/braceleftBigg 1+log/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht(n= 2) /a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht2−n(n= 1,n≥3),|∇N∗(ηεb2)(x)| ≤C/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht1−n with some constant C=C(n,Rε,/ba∇dbla/ba∇dblL∞,α,a0,ε)>0, and the former estimate leads to (2.2), provided that A0is sufficiently large. Moreover, the latter estimate shows lim |x|→∞|∇Aε(x)|2 a(x)Aε(x)= lim |x|→∞1 /a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}htαa(x)·1 /a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}htα−2Aε(x)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglea0 n−α/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}ht−1x−/a\}b∇acketle{tx/a\}b∇acket∇i}htα−1∇N∗(ηεb2)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle2 =2−α n−α, which implies the inequality (2.3) for sufficiently large x. Finally, taking A0suffi- ciently large, we have (2.3) for any x∈Rn. /square B.2.Properties of Kummer’s function. To proveLemma 2.4, we preparesome properties of Kummer’s function. Lemma B.1. Kummer’s confluent hypergeometric function M(b,c;s)satisfies the properties listed as follows. (i)M(b,c;s)satisfies Kummer’s equation su′′(s)+(c−s)u′(s)−bu(s) = 0. (ii)Ifc≥b >0, thenM(b,c;s)>0fors≥0and lim s→∞M(b,c;s) sb−ces=Γ(c) Γ(b). (B.1) In particular, M(b,c;s)satisfies C(1+s)b−ces≤M(b,c;s)≤C′(1+s)b−ces(B.2) with some positive constants C=C(b,c)andC′=C(b,c)′.38 Y. WAKASUGI (iii)More generally, if −c /∈N∪{0}andc≥b, then, while the sign of M(b,c;s) is indefinite, it still has the asymptotic behavior lim s→∞M(b,c;s) sb−ces=Γ(c) Γ(b), (B.3) where we interpret that the right-hand side is zero if −b∈N∪ {0}. In particular, M(b,c;s)has a bound |M(b,c;s)| ≤C(1+s)b−ces(B.4) with some positive constant C=C(b,c). (iv)M(b,c;s)satisfies the relations sM(b,c;s) =sM′(b,c;s)+(c−b)M(b,c;s)−(c−b)M(b−1,c;s), cM′(b,c;s) =cM(b,c;s)−(c−b)M(b,c+1;s). Proof.The property (i) is directly obtained from the definition of M(b,c;s). When c=b >0, (ii) is obviousfrom M(b,b;s) =es. Whenc > b >0, we havethe integral representation (see [3, (6.1.3)]) M(b,c;s) =Γ(c) Γ(b)Γ(c−b)/integraldisplay1 0tb−1(1−t)c−b−1etsdt, which implies M(b,c;s)>0. Moreover, [3, (6.1.8)] shows the asymptotic behavior (B.1). The estimate (B.2) is obvious, since the right-hand side of (B.1 ) is positive andM(b,c;s)>0 fors≥0. Next, the property (iii) clearly holds if c=bor −b∈N∪{0}, sinceM(b,c;s) is a polynomial of order −bif−b∈N∪{0}. For the casesc > band−b /∈N∪{0}, note that for any m∈N∪{0}we have dm dsmM(b,c;s) =(b)m (c)mM(b+m,c+m;s), which implies |dm dsmM(b,c;s)| → ∞ass→ ∞. By taking m∈N∪ {0}so that b+m >0 and applying l’Hˆ opital theorem we deduce lim s→∞M(b,c;s) sb−ces= lim s→∞dm dsmM(b,c;s) dm dsm(sb−ces)=(b)m (c)mlim s→∞M(b+m,c+m;s) sb−ces+o(sb−ces) =(b)mΓ(c+m) (c)mΓ(b+m)=Γ(c) Γ(b). The estimate (B.4) is easily follows from the asymptotic behavior (B.3) and we have (iii). Finally, the property (iv) can be found in [3, p.200]. /square B.3.Proof of Lemma 2.4. Proof of Lemma 2.4. The property (i) is directly follows from Lemma B.1 (i). For (ii), noting that 0 ≤β < γ εand applying Lemma B.1 (ii) with b=γε−βand c=γε, we have ϕβ(s)>0 fors≥0 and lim s→∞sβϕβ,ε(s) =Γ(γε) Γ(γε−β). This proves the property (ii). Next, by Lemma B.1 (iii) with b=γε−βandc=γε, one still obtains lim s→∞sβϕε(s) = Γ(γε)/Γ(γε−β), where the right-hand side isSEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 39 interpreted as zero if β−γε∈N∪{0}. In particular, this (or the estimate (B.4)) gives |ϕβ,ε(s)| ≤Kβ,ε(1+s)−β with some constant Kβ,ε>0. Thus, we have (iii). Noting that ϕ′ β,ε(s) =e−s[−M(γε−β,γε;s)+M′(γε−β,γε;s)] (B.5) and applying the first assertion of Lemma B.1 (iv), we have the prope rty (iv). Finally, from (B.5) and the second assertion of Lemma B.1 (iv), we obt ain γεϕ′ β,ε(s) =−βe−sM(γε−β,γε+1;s). Differentiating again the above identity gives γεϕ′′ β,ε(s) =−βe−s[−M(γε−β,γε+1;s)+M′(γε−β,γε+1;s)]. Therefore, the second assertion of Lemma B.1 (iv) implies γε(γε+1)ϕ′′ β,ε(s) =β(β+1)e−sM(γε−β,γε+2;s). In particular, if 0 < β < γ ε, then Lemma B.1 (ii) shows that M(γε−β,γε+1;s) (resp.M(γε−β,γε+ 2;s) ) is bounded from above and below by (1 + s)−β−1es (resp. (1+ s)−β−2es), and hence, we have the assertions of (v). /square B.4.Proof of Proposition 2.6. We are now in a position to prove Proposition 2.6. Proof of Proposition 2.6. Letz=/tildewideγεAε(x)/(t0+t). FromDefinition2.5andLemma 2.4 (iv), one obtains ∂tΦβ,ε(t,x;t0) =−(t0+t)−β−1/bracketleftbig βϕβ,ε(z)+zϕ′ β,ε(z)/bracketrightbig =−(t0+t)−β−1βϕβ+1,ε(z) =−βΦβ+1,ε(t,x;t0), which proves (i). Applying Lemma 2.4 (iii), we have |Φβ,ε(t,x;t0)| ≤Kβ,ε(t0+t)−β/parenleftbigg 1+/tildewideγεAε(x) t0+t/parenrightbigg−β ≤C(t0+t+Aε(x))−β =CΨ(t,x;t0)−β with some constant C=C(n,α,β,ε)>0. This implies (ii). Next, by Lemma 2.4 (ii), Φ β,ε(t,x;t0) satisfies Φβ,ε(t,x;t0)≥kβ,ε(t0+t)−β/parenleftbigg 1+/tildewideγεAε(x) t0+t/parenrightbigg−β ≥c(t0+t+Aε(x))−β =cΨ(t,x;t0)−β40 Y. WAKASUGI with some constant c=c(n,α,β,ε)>0, and (iii) is verified. For (iv), we again put z= ˜γεAε(x)/(t0+t) and compute a(x)∂tΦβ,ε(x,t;t0)−∆Φβ,ε(x,t;t0) =−a(x)(t0+t)−β−1 ×/parenleftbigg βϕβ,ε(z)+zϕ′ β,ε(z)+ ˜γε∆Aε(x) a(x)ϕ′ β,ε(z)+ ˜γε|∇Aε(x)|2 a(x)Aε(x)zϕ′′ β,ε(z)/parenrightbigg . Using the equation (2.5) and the definition (2.4), we rewrite the right -hand side as ˜γεa(x)(t0+t)−β−1/parenleftbigg 1−2ε−∆Aε(x) a(x)/parenrightbigg ϕ′ β,ε(z) +a(x)(t0+t)−β−1/parenleftbigg 1−˜γε|∇Aε(x)|2 a(x)Aε(x)/parenrightbigg ϕ′′ β,ε(z). By (2.1) and (2.3) in Lemma 2.1, we have 1−2ε−∆Aε(x) a(x)≤ −ε, 1−˜γε|∇Aε(x)|2 a(x)Aε(x)≥ε/parenleftbigg2−α n−α+2ε/parenrightbigg−1 >0. From them and the property (v) of Lemma 2.4, we conclude a(x)∂tΦβ,ε(x,t;t0)−∆Φβ,ε(x,t;t0)≥ −ε˜γεa(x)(t0+t)−β−1ϕ′ β,ε/parenleftbigg˜γεAε(x) t0+t/parenrightbigg ≥εkβ,εa(x)(t0+t)−β−1/parenleftbigg 1+˜γεAε(x) t0+t/parenrightbigg−β−1 ≥ca(x)(t0+t+Aε(x))−β−1 =ca(x)Ψ(x,t;t0)−β−1 with some constant c=c(n,α,β,ε)>0, which completes the proof. /square B.5.Proof of Lemma 2.7. Proof of Lemma 2.7. Putting v= Φ−1+δu, noting ∇u= (1−δ)Φ−δ(∇Φ)v+ Φ1−δ∇v, and applying integration by parts imply /integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Φ−1+2δdx =/integraldisplay Ω|∇v|2Φdx+2(1−δ)/integraldisplay Ωv(∇v·∇Φ)dx+(1−δ)2/integraldisplay Ω|v|2|∇Φ|2 Φdx =/integraldisplay Ω|∇v|2Φdx−(1−δ)/integraldisplay Ω|v|2∆Φdx+(1−δ)2/integraldisplay Ω|v|2|∇Φ|2 Φdx ≥ −(1−δ)/integraldisplay Ω|u|2(∆Φ)Φ−2+2δdx+(1−δ)2/integraldisplay Ω|u|2|∇Φ|2Φ−3+2δdx.SEMILINEAR SPACE-DEPENDENT DAMPED WAVE EQUATION 41 Byu∆u=−|∇u|2+∆(u2 2), integration by parts, and applying the above estimate, we have/integraldisplay Ωu∆uΦ−1+2δdx =−/integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Φ−1+2δdx+1 2/integraldisplay Ω|u|2∆(Φ−1+2δ)dx =−/integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Φ−1+2δdx−1−2δ 2/integraldisplay Ω|u|2(∆Φ)Φ−2+2δdx +(1−δ)(1−2δ)/integraldisplay Ω|u|2|∇Φ|2Φ−3+2δdx ≤ −δ 1−δ/integraldisplay Ω|∇u|2Φ−1+2δdx+1−2δ 2/integraldisplay Ω|u|2(∆Φ)Φ−2+2δdx. This completes the proof. /square Acknowledgements This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP18H01 132 and JP20K14346. 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Laboratory of Mathematics, Graduate School of Engineering , Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, 739-8527, Japan Email address | 2022-06-07 | We study the large time behavior of solutions to the semilinear wave equation
with space-dependent damping and absorbing nonlinearity in the whole space or
exterior domains. Our result shows how the amplitude of the damping
coefficient, the power of the nonlinearity, and the decay rate of the initial
data at the spatial infinity determine the decay rates of the energy and the
$L^2$-norm of the solution. In Appendix, we also give a survey of basic results
on the local and global existence of solutions and the properties of weight
functions used in the energy method. | Decay property of solutions to the wave equation with space-dependent damping, absorbing nonlinearity, and polynomially decaying data | 2206.03218v2 |
arXiv:1209.3120v1 [cond-mat.str-el] 14 Sep 2012Skyrmion Dynamics in Multiferroic Insulator Ye-Hua Liu,1You-Quan Li,1and Jung Hoon Han2,3,∗ 1Zhejiang Institute of Modern Physics and Department of Physi cs, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, People’s Republic of China 2Department of Physics and BK21 Physics Research Division, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Korea 3Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, Pohang, Gyeong buk 790-784, Korea (Dated: October 31, 2018) Recent discovery of Skyrmion crystal phase in insulating mu ltiferroic compound Cu 2OSeO 3calls for new ways and ideas to manipulate the Skyrmions in the abse nce of spin transfer torque from the conduction electrons. It is shown here that the position -dependent electric field, pointed along the direction of the average induced dipole moment of the Sky rmion, can induce the Hall motion of Skyrmion with its velocity orthogonal to the field gradien t. Finite Gilbert damping produces longitudinal motion. We find a rich variety of resonance mode s excited by a.c. electric field. PACS numbers: 75.85.+t, 75.70.Kw, 76.50.+g Skyrmions are increasingly becoming commonplace sightings among spiral magnets including the metallic B20 compounds[1–5] and most recently, in a multiferroic insulator Cu 2OSeO3[6]. Both species of compounds dis- playsimilarthickness-dependentphasediagrams[5,6] de- spitetheircompletelydifferentelectricalproperties,high- lighting the generality of the Skyrmion phase in spiral magnets. Along with the ubiquity of Skyrmion matter comes the challenge of finding means to control and ma- nipulatethem, inadevice-orientedmannerakintoefforts in spintronics community to control the domain wall and vortex motion by electrical current. Spin transfer torque (STT) is a powerful means to induce fast domain wall motion in metallic magnets[7, 8]. Indeed, current-driven Skyrmion rotation[9] and collective drift[10], originating from STT, have been demonstrated in the case of spiral magnets. Theory of current-induced Skyrmion dynam- ics has been worked out in Refs. [11, 12]. In insulating compounds such as Cu 2OSeO3, however, the STT-driven mechanism does not work due to the lack of conduction electrons. As with other magnetically driven multiferroic compounds[13], spiral magnetic order in Cu 2OSeO3is accompanied by finite electric dipole moment. Recent work by Seki et al.[14] further confirmed the mecha- nism of electric dipole moment induction in Cu 2OSeO3 to be the so-called pd-hybridization[15–17]. In short, the pd-hybridization mechanism claims the dipole moment Pijfor every oxygen-TM(transition metal) bond propor- tional to ( Si·ˆeij)2ˆeijwhereiandjstand for TM and oxygen sites, respectively, and ˆ eijis the unit vector con- necting them. Carefully summing up the contributions of such terms over a unit cell consisting of many TM- O bonds, Seki et al.were able to deduce the dipole moment distribution associated with a given Skyrmionic spin configuration[14]. It is interesting to note that the numerical procedure performed by Seki et pre- cisely the coarse-graining procedure which, in the text-book sense of statistical mechanics, is tantamount to the Ginzburg-Landau theory of order parameters. Indeed we can show that Seki et al.’s result for the dipole moment distribution is faithfully reproduced by the assumption that the local dipole moment Piis related to the local magnetization Siby Pi=λ(Sy iSz i,Sz iSx i,Sx iSy i) (1) with some coupling λ. A similar expression was pro- posed earlier in Refs. [18, 19] as the GL theory of Ba 2CoGe2O7[20], another known pd-hybridization- originated multiferroic material with cubic crystal struc- ture. Each site icorresponds to one cubic unit cell of Cu2OSeO3with linear dimension a∼8.9˚A, and we have normalized Sito have unit magnitude. The dimension of the coupling constant is therefore [ λ] = C·m. Having obtained the proper coupling between dipole moment and the magnetizaiton vector in Cu 2OSeO3one can readily proceed to study the spin dynamics by solv- ing Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation. Very small values of Gilbert damping parameter are assumed in the simulation as we are dealing with an insulating magnet. A new, critical element in the simulation is the term aris- ing from the dipolar coupling HME=−/summationdisplay iPi·Ei=−λ 2/summationdisplay iSi 0Ez iEy i Ez i0Ex i Ey iEx i0 Si,(2) where we have used the magneto-electric coupling ex- pression in Eq. (1). In essence this is a field-dependent (voltage-dependent) magnetic anisotropy term. The to- tal Hamiltonian for spin is given by H=HHDM+ HME, whereHHDMconsists of the Heisenberg and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) exchange and a Zeeman field term. Earlier theoretical studies showed HHDMto stabilize the Skyrmion phase[1, 21–24].2 Two field orientations can be chosen independently in experiments performed on insulating magnets. First, the direction of magnetic field Bdetermines the plane, or- thogonal to B, in which Skyrmions form. Second, the electric field Ecan be applied to couple to the induced dipole moment of the Skyrmion and used as a “knob” to move it around. Three field directions used in Ref. [14] and the induced dipole moment in eachcase areclassified as (I)B/bardbl[001],P= 0, (II) B/bardbl[110],P/bardbl[001], and (III)B/bardbl[111],P/bardbl[111]. One can rotate the spin axis appearing in Eq. (1) accordingly so that the z-direction coincides with the magnetic field orientation in a given setup and the x-direction with the crystallographic[ 110]. In each of the cases listed above we obtain the magneto- electric coupling, after the rotation, H(I) ME=−λ 2/summationdisplay iEi([Sy i]2−[Sx i]2), H(II) ME=−λ 2/summationdisplay iEi([Sz i]2−[Sx i]2), H(III) ME=−λ 2√ 3/summationdisplay iEi(3[Sz i]2−1).(3) In cases (II) and (III) the E-field is chosen parallel to the induced dipole moment P,Ei=EiˆP, to maximize the effect of dipolar coupling. In case (I) where there is no net dipole moment for Skyrmions we chose E/bardbl[001] to arrive at a simple magneto-electric coupling form shown above. Suppose now that the E-field variation is sufficiently slow on the scale of the lattice constant ato allow the writing of the continuum energy, HME=−λd a/integraldisplay d2rE(r)ρD(r). (4) It is assumed that all variables behave identically along the thickness direction, oflength d. The “dipolarcharge” densityρD(r)couplestotheelectricfield E(r)inthesame wayasthe conventionalelectric chargedoes tothe poten- tial field in electromagnetism. The analogy is also useful in thinking about the Skyrmion dynamics under the spa- tially varying E-field as we will show. The continuum form of dipolar charge density in Eq. 4 is ρ(I) D(ri) =1 2a2([Sy i]2−[Sx i]2), ρ(II) D(ri) =1 2a2([Sz i]2−[Sx i]2−1), ρ(III) D(ri) =√ 3 2a2([Sz i]2−1). (5) Division by the unit cell area a2ensures that ρD(r) has the dimension of areal density. Values for the ferromag- netic case, Sz i= 1, is subtracted in writing down the def- inition (5) in order to isolate the motion of the Skyrmion FIG. 1: (color online) (a) Skyrmion configuration and (b)-(d ) the corresponding distribution of dipolar charge density f or three magnetic field orientations as in Ref. 14. (b) B/bardbl[001] (c)B/bardbl[110] (d) B/bardbl[111]. For each case, electric field is chosen as E/bardbl[001],E/bardbl[001] and E/bardbl[111], respectively. See text for the definition of dipolar charge density. As schemat i- cally depicted in (a), the Skyrmion executes a Hall motion in response to electric field gradient. relative to the ferromagnetic background. Due to the subtraction, the dipolar charge is no longer equivalent to the dipole moment of the Skyrmion. The distribution of dipolar charge density for the Skyrmion spin configura- tion in the three cases are plotted in Fig. 1. In case (I) the total dipolar charge is zero. In cases (II) and (III) the net dipolar charges are both negative with the re- lation,Q(II) D/Q(III) D=√ 3/2, where QD, of order unity, is obtained by integrating ρD(r) over the space of one Skyrmion and divide the result by the number of spins NSkinside the Skyrmion. If the field variation is slow on the scale of the Skyrmion, then the point-particle limit is reached by writing ρD(r) =QDNSk/summationtext jδ(r−rj) whererj spans the Skyrmion positions, and identical charge QDis assumed for all the Skyrmions. We arrive at the “poten- tial energy” of the collection of Skyrmion particles, HME=−λQDNSkd a/summationdisplay jE(rj). (6) A force acting on the Skyrmion will be given as the gra- dientFi=−∇iHME. Inter-Skyrmion interaction is ig- nored. The response of Skyrmions to a given force, on the other hand, is that of an electric charge in strong magnetic field, embodied in the Berry phase action3 (−2πS¯hQSkd/a3)/summationtext j/integraltext dt(rj×˙rj)·ˆz, whereQSkis the quantized Skyrmion charge[12, 25], and Sis the size of spin. Equation of motion follows from the combination of the Berry phase action and Eq. (6), vj=λ 4πS¯ha2NSkQD QSkˆz×∇jE(rj), (7) wherevjis thej-th Skyrmion velocity. Typical Hall ve- locity can be estimated by replacing |∇E|with ∆E/lSk, where ∆Eis the difference in the field strength between the left and the right edge of the Skyrmion and lSkis its diameter. Taking a2NSk∼l2 Skwe find the velocity λlSk 4πS¯h∆E∼10−6∆E[m2/V·s], (8) which gives the estimated drift velocity of 1 mm/s for the field strength difference of 103V/m across the Skyrmion. Experimental input parameters of lSk= 10−7m, and λ= 10−32C·m were taken from Ref. [14] in arriving at the estimation, as well as the dipolar and the Skyrmion chargesQD≈ −1 andQSk=−1. We may estimate the maximum allowed drift velocity by equating the dipolar energy difference λ∆Eacross the Skyrmion to the ex- change energy J, also corresponding to the formation en- ergy of one Skyrmion[24]. The maximum expected veloc- ity thus obtained is enormous, ∼104m/s forJ∼1meV, implying that with the right engineering one can achieve rather high Hall velocity of the Skyrmion. In an encour- aging step forward, electric field control of the Skyrmion lattice orientation in the Cu 2OSeO3crystal was recently demonstrated[26]. Results of LLG simulation is discussed next. To start, a sinusoidal field configuration Ei=E0sin(2πxi/Lx) is imposed on a rectangular Lx×Lysimulation lattice with Lxmuch larger than the Skyrmion size. In the absence of Gilbert damping, a single Skyrmion placed in such an environment moved along the “equi-potential line” in they-direction as expected from the guiding-center dy- namics of Eq. (7). In cases (II) and (III) where the dipolar charges are nonzero the velocity of the Skyrmion drift is found to be proportional to their respective dipo- lar charges QDas shown in Fig. 2. The drift velocity decreased continuously as we reduced the field gradient, obeying the relation (7) down to the zero velocity limit. The dipolar charge is zero in case (I), and indeed the Skyrmion remains stationary for sufficiently smooth E- field gradient. Even for this case, Skyrmions can move for field gradient modulations taking place on the length scale comparable to the Skyrmion radius, for the reason that the forces acting on the positive dipolar charge den- sity blobs (red in Fig. 1(a)) are not completely canceled by those on the negative dipolar charge density blobs (blue in Fig. 1(a)) for sufficiently rapid variations of thefield strength gradient. A small but non-zero drift veloc- ityensues, asshowninFig. 2. Longitudinalmotionalong the field gradient begins to develop with finite Gilbert damping, driving the Skyrmion center to the position of lowest “potential energy” E(r). For the Skyrmion lat- tice, imposing a uniform field gradient across the whole lattice may be too demanding experimentally, unless the magnetic crystal is cut in the form of a narrow strip the width of which is comparable to a few Skyrmion radii. In this case we indeed observe the constant drift of the Skyrmions along the length of the strip in response to the field gradient across it. The drift speed is still pro- portional to the field gradient, but about an order of magnitude less than that of an isolated Skyrmion under the same field gradient. We observed the excitation of breathing modes of Skyrmions when subject to a field gradient, and speculate that such breathing mode may interfere with the drift motion as the Skyrmions become closed-packed. 0 500 1000 1500 2000−30−25−20−15−10−505 ty(ab. unit) v(I) Hall=−7×10−4 v(II) Hall=−1.32×10−2 v(III) Hall=−1.49×10−2 v(II) Hall v(III) Hall≈Q(II) D Q(III) D=√ 3 2case (I) : B||[001] case (II) : B||[110] case (III): B||[111] FIG. 2: (color online) Skyrmion position versus time for cas es (I) through (III) for sinusoidal electric field modulation ( see text) with the Skyrmion center placed at the maximum field gradient position. The average Hall velocities (in arbitra ry units) in cases (II) and (III) indicated in the figure are ap- proximately proportional to the respective dipolar charge s, in agreement with Eq. (7). A small velocity remains in case (I) due to imperfect cancelation of forces across the dipola r charge profile. Several movie files are included in the supplementary information. II.gif and III.gif give Skyrmion motion for Ei=E0sin(2πxi/Lx) onLx×Ly= 66×66 lattice for magneto-electric couplings (II) and (III) in Eq. (3). III- Gilbert.gif gives the same E-field as III.gif, with finite Gilbert damping α= 0.2. I.gif describes the case (I) where the average dipolar charge is zero, with a rapidly varying electric field Ei=E0sin(2πxi/λx) andλxcom- parable to the Skyrmion radius. The case of a narrow strip with the field gradient across is shown in strip.gif. Mochizuki’s recent simulation[27] revealed that inter-4 nal motion of Skyrmions can be excited with the uniform a.c. magnetic field. Some of his predictions were con- firmed by the recent microwave measurement[29]. Here we show that uniform a.c. electric field can also ex- cite several internal modes due to the magneto-electric coupling. Time-localized electric field pulse was applied in the LLG simulation and the temporal response χ(t) was Fourier analyzed, where the response function χ(t) refersto(1 /2)/summationtext i([Sy i(t)]2−[Sx i(t)]2), (1/2)/summationtext i([Sz i(t)]2− [Sx i(t)]2), and (√ 3/2)/summationtext i[Sz i(t)]2for cases (I) through (III), respectively. (In Mochizuki’s work, the response function was the component of total spin along the a.c. magnetic field direction.) In case (I), the uniform electric field perturbs the ini- tial cylindrical symmetry ofSkyrmion spin profileso that/summationtext i([Sx i(t)]2−[Sy i(t)]2) becomes non-zero and the over- all shape becomes elliptical. The axes of the ellipse then rotates counter-clockwise about the Skyrmion center of mass as illustrated in supplementary figure, E-mode.gif. There are two additional modes of higher energies with broken cylindrical symmetry in case (I), labeled X1 and X2 in Fig. 3 and included as X1-mode.gif and X2- mode.gif in the supplementary. The rotational direction of the X1-mode is the same as in E-mode, while it is the opposite for X2-mode. As in Ref. [27], we find sharply defined breathing modesin cases(II) and(III) atthe appropriateresonance frequency ω, in fact the same frequency at which the a.c. magnetic field excites the breathing mode. The verti- cal dashed line in Fig. 3 indicates the common breath- ing mode frequency. Movie file B1-mode.gif shows the breathing mode in case (III). Additional, higher energy B2-mode (B2-mode.gif) was found in cases (II) and (III), which is the radial mode with one node, whereas the B1 mode is nodeless. In addition to the two breathing modes, E-mode and the two X-modes are excited in case (II) as well due to the partly in-plane nature of the spin perturbation, −(λE(t)/2)/summationtext i([Sz i(t)]2−[Sx i(t)]2). In contrast, case (III), where the perturbation −(√ 3λE(t)/2)/summationtext i[Sz i(t)]2 is purely out-of-plane, one only finds the B-modes. As a result, case (I) and (III) have no common resonance modes or peaks, while case (II) has all the peaks (though X1 and X2 peaks are small). Compared to the magnetic field-induced resonances, a richer variety of modes are excited by a.c. electric field. In particular, the E-mode has lower excitation energy than the B-mode and has a sharp resonance feature, which should make its detection a relatively straightforward task. Full analytic solution of the excited modes[28] will be given later. In summary, motivated by the recent discov- ery of magneto-electric material Cu 2OSeO3exhibiting Skyrmion lattice phase, we have outlined the theory of Skyrmion dynamics in such materials. Electric field gra- dient is identified as the source of Skyrmion Hall motion.χ(ω) (ab. unit) B1 R1 R2(a)B||z,Bω||x,y B||z,Bω||z 00.05 0.10.15 0.20.25 0.30.3500. ωImχ(ω) (ab. unit) E X1X2B1 B2(b)case (I) : B||[001],Eω||[001] case (II) : B||[110],Eω||[001] case (III): B||[111],Eω||[111] FIG. 3: (color online) (a) Absorption spectra for a.c. unifo rm magnetic field as in Mochizuki’s work (reproduced here for comparison). (b) Absorption spectra for a.c. uniform elect ric field in cases (I) through (III). In case (I) where there is no net dipolar charge we find three low-energy modes E, X1, and X2. For case (III) where the dipolar charge is finite we find B1 and B2 radial modes excited. Case (II) exhibits all five modes. Detailed description of each mode is given in the text . Severalresonantexcitationsbya.c. electricfieldareiden- tified. J. H. H. is supported by NRF grant (No. 2010- 0008529, 2011-0015631). Y. Q. L. is supported by NSFC (Grant No. 11074216). J. H. H. acknowledges earlier collaboration with N. Nagaosa, Youngbin Tchoe, and J. Zang on a related model and informative discussion with Y. Tokura. ∗Electronic address: [1] S. M¨ uhlbauer, B. Binz, F. Jonietz, C. Pfleiderer, A. Rosch, A. Neubauer, R. Georgii, and P. B¨ oni, Science 323, 915 (2009). [2] W. M¨ unzer, A. Neubauer, T. Adams, S. M¨ uhlbauer, C. Franz, F. Jonietz, R. Georgii, P. B¨ oni, B. Pedersen, M. Schmidt, A. Rosch, and C. Pfleiderer, Phys. Rev. B 81, 041203(R) (2010). [3] X. Z. Yu, Y. Onose, N. Kanazawa, J. H. Park, J. H. Han, Y. Matsui, N. Nagaosa, and Y. Tokura, Nature 465, 901 (2010). [4] X. Z. Yu, N. Kanazawa, Y. Onose, K. Kimoto, W. Z. Zhang, S. Ishiwata, Y. Matsui, and Y. Tokura, Nature Mat.10, 106 (2011). [5] N. Kanazawa, Y. Onose, T. Arima, D. Okuyama, K. Ohoyama, S. 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compound Cu$_2$OSeO$_3$ calls for new ways and ideas to manipulate the
Skyrmions in the absence of spin transfer torque from the conduction electrons.
It is shown here that the position-dependent electric field, pointed along the
direction of the average induced dipole moment of the Skyrmion, can induce the
Hall motion of Skyrmion with its velocity orthogonal to the field gradient.
Finite Gilbert damping produces longitudinal motion. We find a rich variety of
resonance modes excited by a.c. electric field. | Skyrmion Dynamics in Multiferroic Insulator | 1209.3120v1 |
Perpendicularly magnetized YIG films with small Gilbert damping constant and anomalous spin transport properties Qianbiao Liu1, 2, Kangkang Meng1*, Zedong Xu3, Tao Zhu4, Xiao guang Xu1, Jun Miao1 & Yong Jiang1* 1. Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Materials Genome Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 2. Applied and Engineering physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA 3. Department of Physics, South University of Science and Technology of China , Shenzhen 518055, China 4. Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China Email: ; Abstract: The Y 3Fe5O12 (YIG) films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) have recently attracted a great deal of attention for spintronics applications. Here, w e report the induced PMA in the ultrathin YIG films grown on (Gd 2.6Ca0.4)(Ga 4.1Mg 0.25Zr0.65)O12 (SGGG) substrate s by epitaxial strain without preprocessing. Reciprocal space mapping shows that the film s are lattice -matched to the substrate s without strain relaxation. Through ferromagnetic resonance and polarized neutron reflectometry measurements, we find that these YIG films have ultra-low Gilbert damping constant (α < 1×10-5) with a magnetic dead layer as thin as about 0.3 nm at the YIG/SGGG interfaces. Moreover, the transport behavior of the Pt/YIG/SGGG films reveals an enhancement of spin mixing conductance and a large non-monotonic magnetic field dependence of anomalous Hall effect as compared with the Pt/YIG/Gd 3Ga5O12 (GGG) films. The non- monotonic anomalous Hall signal is extracted in the temperature range from 150 to 350 K, which has been ascribed to the possible non -collinear magnetic order at the Pt/YIG interface induced by uniaxial strain. The spin transport in ferrim agnetic insulator (FMI) based devices has received considerable interest due to its free of current -induced Joule heating and beneficial for low-power spintronic s applications [1, 2]. Especially, the high-quality Y3Fe5O12 (YIG) film as a widely studied FMI has low damping constant, low magnetostriction and small magnetocrystalline anisotropy, making it a key material for magnonics and spin caloritronics . Though the magnon s can carr y information over distances as long as millimeters in YIG film , there remain s a challenge to control its magnetic anisotropy while maintaining the low damping constant [3] , especially for the thin film with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) , which is very useful for spin polarizers, spin-torque oscillators, magneto -optical d evices and m agnon valve s [4-7]. In addition, the spin- orbit torque (SOT) induced magnetization switching with low current densities has been realized in non -magnetic heavy metal (HM)/FMI heterostructures , paving the road towards ultralow -dissipation SOT de vices based on FMI s [8-10]. Furthermore, p revious theoretical studies have pointed that the current density will become much smaller if the domain structures were topologically protected (chiral) [11]. However, most FMI films favor in-plane easy axis dominated by shape anisotropy , and the investigation is eclipsed as compared with ferromagnetic materials which show abundant and interesting domain structures such as chiral domain walls and magnetic skyrmions et al. [12-17]. Recently, the interface- induc ed chiral domain walls have been observed in centrosymmetric oxides Tm 3Fe5O12 (TmIG) thin films, and the domain walls can be propelled by spin current from an adjacent platinum layer [18]. Similar with the TmIG films, the possible chiral magnetic structures are also expected in the YIG films with lower damping constan t, which would further improve the chiral domain walls’ motion speed. Recently, several ways have been reported to attain the perpendicular ly magnetized YIG films , one of which is utiliz ing the lattice distortion and magnetoelastic effect induced by epitaxial strain [1 9-22]. It is noted that the strain control can not only enable the field -free magnetization switching but also assist the stabilization of the non- collinear magnetic textures in a broad range of magnetic field and temperature. Therefore, abundant and interesting physical phenomena would emerge in epitaxial grown YIG films with PMA. However, either varying the buffer layer or doping would increase the Gilbert damping constant of YIG, which will affect the efficiency of the SOT induced magnetization switching [20, 21]. On the other hand, these preprocessing would lead to a more complicate magnetic structures and impede the further discussion of spin transport properties such as possible topological Hall effect (THE). In this work, we realized the PMA of ultrathin YIG films deposited on SGGG substrates due to epitaxial strain . Through ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) and polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR) measurements, we have found that the YIG films had small Gilbert damping constant with a magnetic dead layer as thin as about 0.3 nm at the YIG/SGGG interfaces. Moreover, we have carried out the transport measurements of the Pt/YIG/SGGG films and observed a large non -monotonic magnet ic field dependence of the anomalous Hall resistivity, which did not exis t in the compared Pt/YIG/GGG films. The non -monotonic anomalous Hall signal was extracted in the temperature range from 150 to 350 K, and we ascribed it to the possible non -collinear magnetic order at the Pt/YIG interfaces induced by uniaxial strain. Results Structural and magnetic characterization. The epitaxial YIG films with varying thickness from 3 to 90 nm were grown on the [111] -oriented GGG substrate s (lattice parameter a = 1.237 nm) and SGGG substrates (lattice parameter a = 1.248 nm) respectively by pulsed laser deposition technique (see methods). After the deposition, we have investigated the surface morphology of the two kinds of films using atomic force microscopy (AFM) as shown in Fig. 1 ( a), and the two films have a similar and small surface roughness ~0.1 nm. Fig. 1 ( b) shows the enlarged XRD ω-2θ scan spectra of the YIG (40 nm) thin film s grow n on the two different substrates (more details are shown in the Supplementary Note 1 ), and they all show predominant (444) diffraction peaks without any other diffraction peaks, excluding impurity phases or other crystallographic orientation s and indicat ing the single -phase nature. According to the (444) diffraction pe ak position and the reciprocal space map of the (642) reflection of a 40 -nm-thick YIG film grown on SGGG as shown in Fig. 1(c), we have found that the lattice constant of SGGG (~1.248 nm) substrate was larger than the YIG layer (~1.236 nm). We quantify thi s biaxial strain as ξ = (aOP - aIP)/aIP, where a OP and aIP represent the pseudo cubic lattice constant calculated from the ou t-of-plane lattice constant d(4 4 4) OP and in-plane lattice constant d(1 1 0) IP, respectively, following the equation of 2 2 2lkhad ++= , with h, k, and l standing for the Miller indices of the crystal planes . It indicates that the SGGG substrate provides a tensile stress ( ξ ~ 0.84%) [21]. At the same time, the magnetic properties of the YIG films grown on the two different substrates were measured via VSM magnetometry at room temperature. According to the magnetic field ( H) dependence of the magnetization (M) as shown in Fig. 1 (d), the magnetic anisotropy of the YIG film grown on SGGG substrate has been modulated by strain, while the two films have similar in -plane M-H curves. To further investigate the quality of the YIG films grown on SGGG substrates and exclude the possibility of the strain induced large stoichiometry and lattice mismatch, compositional analyse s were carried out using x -ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and PNR. As shown in Fig. 2 (a), the difference of binding energy between the 2p 3/2 peak and the satellite peak is about 8.0 eV, and the Fe ions are determined to be in the 3+ valence state. It is found that there is no obvious difference for Fe elements in the YIG films grown on GGG and SGGG substrates. The Y 3 d spectrums show a small energy shift as shown in Fig. 2 (b) and the binding energy shift may be related to the lattice strain and the variation of bond length [21]. Therefore, the stoichiometry of the YIG surface has not been dramatically modified with the strain control. Furthermore, we have performed the PNR meas urement to probe the depth dependent struc ture and magnetic information of YIG films grown on SGGG substrates. The PNR signals and scattering length density (SLD) profiles for YIG (12.8 nm)/SGGG films by applying an in- plane magnetic field of 900 mT at room temperature are shown in Fig. 2 ( c) and ( d), respectively. In Fig. 2(c), R++ and R-- are the nonspin -flip reflectivities, where the spin polarizations are the same for the incoming and reflected neutrons. The inset of Fig. 2(c) shows the experimental and simulated spin -asymmetry (SA), defined as SA = ( R++ – R--)/(R++ + R--), as a function of scattering vector Q. A reasonable fitting was obtained with a three- layer model for the single YIG film, containing the interface layer , main YIG layer and surface layer. The nuclear SLD and magnetic SLD are directly proportional to the nuclear scattering potential and the magnetization , respectively . Then, the depth- resolved structural and magnetic SLD profiles delivered by fitting are s hown in Fig. 2(d) . The Z -axis represents the distance for the vertical direction of the film, where Z = 0 indicates the position at the YIG/SGGG interface. It is obvious that there is few Gd diffusion into the YIG film, and the dead layer (0.3 nm ) is much thinner than the reported values (5-10 nm) between YIG (or T mIG) and substrates [23 -25]. The net magnetization of YIG is 3.36 μB (~140 emu/cm3), which is similar with that of bulk YIG [2 6]. The PNR results also showed that besides the YIG/ SGGG interface region, there is also 1.51- nm-thick nonmagnetic surface layer, which may be Y2O3 and is likely to be extremely important in magnetic proximity effect [ 23]. Dynamical characterization and spin transport properties. To quantitatively determine the magnetic anisotropy and dynamic properties of the YIG films, the FMR spectra were measured at room temperature using an electron paramagnetic resonance spectrometer with rotating the films. Fig. 3(a) shows the geometric configuration of the angle reso lved FMR measurements. We use the FMR absorption line shape to extract the resonance field (H res) and peak -to-peak linewidth ( ΔHpp) at different θ for the 40 -nm-thick YIG fil ms grown on GGG and SGGG substrates, respectively. The details for 3 -nm-thick YIG film are show n in the Supp lementary Note 2 . According to the angle dependence of H res as shown in Fig. 3(b), one can find that as compared with the YIG films grown on GGG substrate s, the minimum Hres of the 40- nm-thick YIG film grown on SGGG substrate increases with varying θ from 0° to 90° .On the other hand, according to the frequency dependence of Hres for the YIG (40 nm) films with applying H in the XY plane as shown in Fig. 3(c), in contrast to the YIG/GGG films, the H res in YIG/SGGG films could not be fitted by the in-plane magnetic anisotropy Kittel formula 21)] 4 ( )[2(/ eff res res πM H Hπγ/ f + = . All these results indicate that the easy axis of YIG (40 nm) /SGGG films lies out -of-plane. The angle dependent ΔHpp for the two films are also compared as shown in Fig. 3(d) , the 40-nm-thick YIG film grown on SGGG substrate has an optimal value of Δ Hpp as low as 0.4 mT at θ =64°, and the corresponding FMR absorption line and Lorentz fitting curve are shown in Fig. 3(e). Generally , the ΔHpp is expected to be minimum (maximum) along magnetic easy (hard) axis, which is basically coincident with the angle dependent ΔHpp for the YIG films grown on GGG substrates. However, as shown in Fig. 3(d), the ΔHpp for the YIG/SGGG films shows an anomalous variation. The lowest ΔHpp at θ=64° could be ascribed to the high YIG film quality and ultrathin magnetic dead layer at the YIG/SGGG interface. It should be noted that , as compared with YIG/GGG films , the Δ Hpp is independent on the frequency from 5 GHz to 14 GHz as shown in Fig. 3(f). Then, w e have calculate d the Gilbert damping constant α of the YIG (40 nm)/SGGG films by extracting the Δ Hpp at each frequency as shown in Fig. 3(f). The obtained α is smaller tha n 1 × 10−5, which is one order of magnitude lower than t he report in Ref. [20] and would open new perspectives for the magnetization dynamics. According to the theor etical theme, the ΔHpp consists of three parts: Gilbert damping, two magnons scattering relaxation process and inhomogeneities, in which both the Gilbert damping and the two magnons scattering relaxation process depend on frequency. Therefore, the large Δ Hpp in the YIG/SGGG films mainly stems from the inhomogeneities, w hich will be discussed next with the help of the transport measurements. All of the above results have proven that the ultrathin YIG films grown on SGGG substrate s have not only evident PMA but also ultra-low Gilbert damping constant. Furthermore, we have also investigated the spin transport properties for the high quality YIG film s grown on SGGG substrate s, which are basically sensitive to the magnetic details of YIG. The magnetoresistance (MR) has been proved as a powerful tool to effectively explore magnetic information originating from the interfaces [ 27]. The temperature dependent spin Hall magnetoresistance (SMR) of the Pt (5 nm)/YIG (3 nm) films grown on the two different substrates were measured using a small and non-perturbative current densit y (~ 106 A/cm2), and the s ketches of the measurement is shown in Fig. 4 (a). The β scan of the longitudinal MR, which is defined as MR=ΔρXX/ρXX(0)=[ρXX(β) -ρXX(0)]/ρXX(0) in the YZ plane for the two films under a 3 T field (enough to saturate the magnetization of YIG ), shows cos2β behavior s with varying temperature for the Pt/YIG/GGG and Pt/YIG/SGGG films as shown in Fig. 4 (b) and (c), respectively. T he SMR of the Pt/YIG /SGGG films is larger than that of the Pt/YIG /GGG films with the same thickness of YIG at room temperature, indica ting an enhanced spin mixing conductance ( G↑↓) in the Pt/YIG /SGGG films. Here, it should be noted that the spin transport properties for the Pt layers ar e expected to be the same because of the similar resistivity and film s quality . Therefore, the SGGG substrate not only induces the PMA but also enhances G ↑↓ at the Pt/YIG interface. Then, we have also investigated the field dependent Hall resistivities in the Pt/YIG/SGGG films at the temperature range from 260 to 350 K as shown in Fig. 4(d). Though the conduction electrons cannot penetrate into the FMI layer, the possible anomalous Hall effect (AHE) at the HM/FMI interface is proposed to emerge, and the total Hall resistivity can usually be expressed as the sum of various contributions [28, 29]: S-A S H ρ ρ H R ρ + + =0 , (1) where R0 is the normal Hall coefficient, ρ S the transverse manifestation of SMR, and ρS-A the spin Hall anomalous Hall effect (SAHE) resistivity. Notably, the external field is applied out -of-plane, and ρs (~Δρ1mxmy) can be neglected [ 29]. Interestingly, the film grown on SGGG substrate shows a bump and dip feature during the hysteretic measurements in the temperature range from 260 to 350 K. In the following discussion, we term the part of extra anomalous signals as the anomalous SAHE resistivity ( ρ A-S-A). The ρ A-S-A signals clearly coexist with the large background of normal Hall effect. Notably, the broken (space) inversion symmetry with strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC) will induce the Dzyaloshinskii -Moriya interaction (DMI) . If the DMI could be compared with the Heisenberg exchange interaction and the magnetic anisotropy that were controlled by st rain, it c ould stabilize non-collinear magnetic textures such as skyrmions, producing a fictitious magnetic field and the THE . The ρA-S-A signals indicate that a chiral spin texture may exist, which is similar with B20-type compounds Mn 3Si and Mn 3Ge [ 30,31]. To more clearly demonstrate the origin of the anomalous signals, we have subtracted the normal Hall term , and the temperature dependence of ( ρS-A + ρ A-S-A) has been shown in Fig. 4 (e). Then, we can further discern the peak and hump structure s in the temperature range from 260 to 350 K. The SAHE contribution ρS-A can be expressed as 𝜌𝑆−𝐴=𝛥𝜌2𝑚𝑍 [32, 33], where 𝛥𝜌2 is the coefficient depending on the imaginary part of G ↑↓, and mz is the unit vector of the magnetization orientation along the Z direction . The extracted Hall resist ivity ρA-S-A has been shown in Fig. 4 (f), and the temperature dependence of the largest ρA-S-A (𝜌𝐴−𝑆−𝐴Max) in all the films have been shown in Fig. 4 (g). Finite values of 𝜌𝐴−𝑆−𝐴Max exist in the temperature range from 150 to 350 K , which is much d ifferen t from that in B20 -type bulk chiral magnets which are subjected to low temperature and large magnetic field [34]. The large non -monotonic magnetic field dependence of anomalous Hall resistivity could not stem from the We yl points, and the more detailed discussion was shown in the Supplementary Note 3. To further discuss the origin of the anomalous transport signals, we have investigated the small field dependence of the Hall resistances for Pt (5 nm) /YIG (40 nm)/SGGG films as shown in Fig. 5(a). The out-of-plane hysteresis loop of Pt/YIG/SGGG is not central symmetry, which indicates the existence of an internal field leading to opposite velocities of up to down and down to domain walls in the presence of current along the +X direction. The large field dependences of the Hall resistances are shown in Fig. 5(b), which could not be described by Equation (1). There are large variations for the Hall signals when the external magnetic field is lower than the saturation field ( Bs) of YIG film (~50 mT at 300 K and ~150 mT at 50 K). More interestingly, we have firstly applied a large out -of-plane external magnetic field of +0.8 T ( -0.8 T) above Bs to saturate the out -of-plane magnetization comp onent MZ > 0 ( MZ < 0), then decreased the field to zero, finally the Hall resistances were measured in the small field range ( ± 400 Oe), from which we could find that the shape was reversed as shown in Fig. 5(c). Here, we infer that the magnetic structures at the Pt/YIG interface grown on SGGG substrate could not be a simple linear magnetic order. Theoretically , an additional chirality -driven Hall effect might be present in the ferromagnetic regime due to spin canting [3 5-38]. It has been found that the str ain from an insulating substrate could produce a tetragonal distortion, which would drive an orbital selection, modifying the electronic properties and the magnetic ordering of manganites. For A 1-xBxMnO 3 perovskites, a compressive strain makes the ferromagnetic configuration relatively more stable than the antiferromagnetic state [3 9]. On the other hand, the strain would induce the spin canting [ 40]. A variety of experiments and theories have reported that the ion substitute, defect and magnetoelast ic interaction would cant the magnetization of YIG [41-43]. Therefore, if we could modify the magnetic order by epitaxial strain, the non-collinear magnetic structure is expected to emerge in the YIG film. For YIG crystalline structure, the two Fe sites ar e located on the octahedrally coordinated 16(a) site and the tetrahedrally coordinated 24(d) site, align ing antiparallel with each other [44]. According to the XRD and RSM results, the tensile strain due to SGGG substrate would result in the distortion ang le of the facets of the YIG unit cell smaller than 90 ° [45]. Therefore, the magneti zations of Fe at two sublattice s should be discussed separately rather than as a whole. Then, t he anomalous signals of Pt/YIG/SGGG films could be ascribed to the emergence o f four different Fe3+ magnetic orientation s in strained Pt/YIG films, which are shown in Fig. 5(d). For better to understand our results, w e assume that, in analogy with ρ S, the ρA-S-A is larger than ρA-S and scales linearly with m ymz and mxmz. With applying a large external field H along Z axis, the uncompensated magnetic moment at the tetrahedrally coordinated 24(d) is along with the external fields H direction for |H | > Bs, and the magnetic moment tends to be along A (-A) axis when the external fields is swept from 0.8 T (-0.8 T) to 0 T. Then, if the Hall resistance was measured at small out -of-plane field , the uncompensated magnetic moment would switch from A (-A) axis to B (-B) axis. In this case, the ρ A-S-A that scales with Δ ρ3(mymz+mxmz) would change the sign because the mz is switched from the Z axis to - Z axis as shown in Fig. 5(c). However, there is still some problem that needs to be further clarified. There are no anomalous signals in Pt/YIG/GGG films that could be ascribed to the weak strength of Δρ3 or the strong magnetic anisotropy . It is still valued for further discussion of the origin of Δ ρ3 that whether it could stem from the skrymions et al ., but until now we have not observed any chiral domain structures in Pt/YIG/SGGG films through the Lorentz transmission electron microscopy. Therefore, we hope that future work would involve more detailed magnetic microscopy imaging and microstructure analysis, which can further elucidate the real microscopic origin of the large non -monotonic magnetic field dependence of anomalous Hall resistivity. Conclusion In conclusion, the YIG film with PMA could be realized using both epitaxial strain and growth -induced anisotropies. These YIG films grown on SGGG substrates had low G ilbert damping constants (<1 ×10 -5) with a magnetic dead layer as thin as about 0.3 nm at the YIG/SGGG interface. Moreover, we observe d a large non -monotonic magnetic field dependence of anomalous Hall resistivity in Pt/YIG/SGGG films, which did not exist in Pt/YIG/GGG films. The non -monotonic anomalous portion of the Hall signal was extracted in the temperature range from 150 to 350 K and w e ascribed it to the possible non -collinear magnetic order at the Pt/YIG interface induced by uniaxial strain. The present work not only demonstrate that the strain control can effectively tune the electromagnetic properties of FMI but also open up the exp loration of non -collinear spin texture for fundamental physics and magnetic storage technologies based on FMI. Methods Sample preparation. The epitaxial YIG films with varying thickness from 3 to 90 nm were grown on the [111] -oriented GGG substrate s (lattice parameter a =1.237 nm) and SGGG substrates (lattice parameter a =1.248 nm) respectively by pulsed laser deposition technique . The growth temperature was TS =780 ℃ and the oxyg pressure was varied from 10 to 50 Pa . Then, the films were annealed at 780℃ for 30 min at the oxygen pressure of 200 Pa . The Pt (5nm) layer was deposited on the top of YIG films at room temperature by magnetron sputtering. After the deposition, the electron beam lithography and Ar ion milling were used to pattern Hall bars, and a lift-off process was used to form contact electrodes . The size of all the Hall bars is 20 μm×120 μm. Structural and magnetic characterization. The s urface morphology was measured by AFM (Bruke Dimension Icon). Magnetization measurements were carried out using a Physical Property Measurement System (PPMS) VSM. A detailed investigation of the magnetic information of Y IG was investigated by PNR at the Spallation Neutron Source of China. Ferromagnetic resonance measurements. The measurement setup is depicted in Fig. 3(a). For FMR measurements, the DC magnetic field was modulated with an AC field. The transmitted signal was detected by a lock -in amplifier. We observed the FMR spectrum of the sample by sweeping the external magnetic field. The data obtained were then fitted to a sum of symmetric and antisymmetric Lorentzian functions to extract the linewidth. Spin transport measurements . The measurements were carried out using PPMS DynaCool. Acknowledgments The authors thanks Prof. L. Q. Yan and Y. Sun for the technical assistant in ferromagnetic resonance measurement . 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(a) AFM images of the YIG films grown on the two substrates (scale bar, 1 μ m). (b) XRD ω-2θ scans of the two different YIG films grown on the two substrates . (c) High -resolution XRD reciprocal space map of t he YIG film deposited on the SGGG substrate. (d) Field dependence of the normalized magnetization of the YIG films grown on the two different substrates . Fig. 2 Structural and magnetic properties of YIG films. Room temperature XPS spectra of (a) Fe 2p and (b) Y 3d for YIG films grown on the two substrates . (c) P NR signals (with a 900 mT in -plane field) for the spin -polarized R++ and R-- channels. Inset: The experimental and simulated SA as a function of scattering vector Q. (d) SLD profiles of the YIG/SGGG films. The nuclear SLD and magnetic SLD is directly proportional to the nuclear scattering potential and the magnetization , respectively. Fig. 3 Dynamical properties of YIG films . (a) The geometric configuration of the angle dependent FMR measurement. (b) The angle dependence of the H res for the YIG films on GGG and SGGG substrates. (c) The frequency dependence of the H res for YIG films grown on GGG and S GGG substrates. (d) The ang le dependence of Δ Hpp for the YIG films on GGG and SGGG substrates. (e) FMR spectrum of the 40-nm-thick YIG film grown on SGGG substrate with 9.46 GHz at θ =64°. (f) The frequency dependence of Δ Hpp for the 40 -nm-thick YIG films grown on GGG and SGGG substr ates. Fig. 4 Spin transport properties of Pt/YIG (3nm) films . (a) The definition of the angle, the axes and the measurement configurations. ( b) and ( c) Longitudinal MR at different temperatures in Pt/YIG/GGG and Pt/YIG/SGGG films respectively (The applied magnetic field is 3 T). (d) Total Hall resistivities vs H for Pt/YIG/SGGG films in the temperature range from 260 to 300 K. (e) (ρS-A+ρA-S-A) vs H for two films in the temperature range from 260 to 300 K. (f) ρ A-S-A vs H for Pt/YIG/SGGG films at 300K. Inset: ρS-A and ρS-A + ρ A-S-A vs H for Pt/YIG/SGGG films at 300K. (g) Temperature dependence of the 𝜌𝐴−𝑆−𝐴𝑀𝑎𝑥. Figure 5 S pin transport properties of Pt/YIG ( 40 nm) films . (a) and (b) The Hall resistances vs H for the Pt/YIG/SGGG films in the temperature range from 50 to 300 K in small and large magnetic field range, respectively. (c) The Hall resistances vs H at small magnetic field range after sweeping a large out -of-plane magnetic field +0.8 T (black line) and - 0.8 T (red line) to zero. (d) An illustration of the orientations of the magnetizations Fe ( a) and Fe ( d) in YIG films with the normal in -plane magnetic anisotropy (IMA), the ideal strain induced PMA and the actual magnetic anisotropy grown on SGGG in our work. | 2018-10-17 | The Y3Fe5O12 (YIG) films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) have
recently attracted a great deal of attention for spintronics applications.
Here, we report the induced PMA in the ultrathin YIG films grown on
(Gd2.6Ca0.4)(Ga4.1Mg0.25Zr0.65)O12 (SGGG) substrates by epitaxial strain
without preprocessing. Reciprocal space mapping shows that the films are
lattice-matched to the substrates without strain relaxation. Through
ferromagnetic resonance and polarized neutron reflectometry measurements, we
find that these YIG films have ultra-low Gilbert damping constant with a
magnetic dead layer as thin as about 0.3 nm at the YIG/SGGG interfaces.
Moreover, the transport behavior of the Pt/YIG/SGGG films reveals an
enhancement of spin mixing conductance and a large non-monotonic magnetic field
dependence of anomalous Hall effect as compared with the Pt/YIG/Gd3Ga5O12 (GGG)
films. The non-monotonic anomalous Hall signal is extracted in the temperature
range from 150 to 350 K, which has been ascribed to the possible non-collinear
magnetic order at the Pt/YIG interface induced by uniaxial strain. | Perpendicularly magnetized YIG films with small Gilbert damping constant and anomalous spin transport properties | 1810.07384v2 |
Spin Transport in Thick Insulating Antiferromagnetic Films Roberto E. Troncoso1, Scott A. Bender2, Arne Brataas1, and Rembert A. Duine1;2;3 1Center for Quantum Spintronics, Department of Physics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway 2Utrecht University, Leuvenlaan 4, 3584 CE Utrecht, The Netherlands and 3Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Spin transport of magnonic excitations in uniaxial insulating antiferromagnets (AFs) is investi- gated. In linear response to spin biasing and a temperature gradient, the spin transport properties of normal-metal{insulating antiferromagnet{normal-metal heterostructures are calculated. We fo- cus on the thick-lm regime, where the AF is thicker than the magnon equilibration length. This regime allows the use of a drift-diusion approach, which is opposed to the thin-lm limit considered by Bender et al. 2017, where a stochastic approach is justied. We obtain the temperature- and thickness-dependence of the structural spin Seebeck coecient Sand magnon conductance G. In their evaluation we incorporate eects from eld- and temperature-dependent spin conserving inter- magnon scattering processes. Furthermore, the interfacial spin transport is studied by evaluating the contact magnon conductances in a microscopic model that accounts for the sub-lattice sym- metry breaking at the interface. We nd that while inter-magnon scattering does slightly suppress the spin Seebeck eect, transport is generally unaected, with the relevant spin decay length being determined by non-magnon-conserving processes such as Gilbert damping. In addition, we nd that while the structural spin conductance may be enhanced near the spin
ip transition, it does not diverge due to spin impedance at the normal metal|magnet interfaces. I. INTRODUCTION Spin-wave excitations in magnetic materials are a cor- nerstone in spintronics for the transport of spin-angular momentum1,2. The usage of antiferromagnetic materials has gained a renewed interest due to their high potential for practical applications. The most attractive proper- ties of antiferromagnets (AFs) are the lack of stray elds and the fast dynamics that can operate in the THz fre- quency range3. Those attributes have the potential to tackle current technological bottlenecks, like the absence of practical solutions to generate and detect electromag- netic waves in the spectrum ranging from 0.3 THz to 30 THz (the terahertz gap)2. Nevertheless, the control and access to the high-frequency response of AFs is challeng- ing. New proposals circumvent one of these obstacles by manipulating metallic AFs with charge currents, through the so-called spin-orbit torques4{6. Antiferromagnetic in- sulators , however, oer a compelling alternative since the Joule heating caused by moving electrons is absent. In such systems, the study of transport instead focuses on their magnetic excitations. In insulating AFs the spin-angular momentum is trans- ferred by their quantized low-energy excitations, i.e., magnons. Since the AF in its groundstate is composed of two collinear magnetic sublattices, magnons carry oppo- site spin angular momentum. The transport of magnons has been experimentally achieved through the longitu- dinal spin Seebeck eect in AF jNM7{13(NM, normal metal) and FMjAFjNM14{18(FM, ferromagnets) het- erostructures, in which magnons were driven by a ther- mal gradient across the AF. Alternatively, thermal injec- tion of magnons in AFs has been studied19,20by a spin accumulation at the contact with adjacent metals. Inaddition, it was shown that thermal magnon transport takes place at zero spin bias when the sublattice symme- try is broken at the interfaces, e.g., induced by interfacial magnetically uncompensated AF order21. Complemen- tarily, coherent spin transport induced by spin accumu- lation has been earlier considered and predicted to result in spin super
uidity22,23or Bose-Einstein condensates of magnons24. Recently, it has been shown via non-local spin transport measurements that magnons remarkably propagate at long distances in insulating AFs; -Fe2O325, Cr2O326, MnPS 327and also in NiO via spin-pumping ex- periments with YIG14. Their exceptional transport prop- erties, as well as those reported in Refs.7{11, are governed by the spin conductance and spin Seebeck coecients. Rezendeetal:28discussed theoretically the spin Seebeck eect in AFs in contact with a normal metal. They ob- tain the Seebeck coecient in terms of temperature and magnetic eld, nding a good qualitative agreement with measurements in MnF 2/Pt7. In addition, it was found that magnon scattering processes aect signicantly the spin Seebeck coecient. Hitherto there has been no com- plete studies on the underlying mechanism for spin trans- port coecients, e.g., their thickness-, temperature- and eld-dependence, eects derived from magnon-magnon interactions or when the sublattice symmetry is broken at the interfaces. In this work, we describe spin transport though a left normal-metal{insulating antiferromagnet{right normal- metal (LNMjAFjRNM) heterostructure. As depicted in Fig. 1, magnon transport is driven by either a temper- ature gradient or spin biasing. We focus on the thick- lm limit, where the thickness dof the AF is greater than the internal equilibration length lfor the magnon gas. This limit implies a diusive regime where magnonsarXiv:1909.05881v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 4 Feb 20202 are in a local equilibrium described by a local tempera- ture and chemical potential. This is in contrast to our earlier, stochastic treatment of thin-lms ( dl) where spin waves do not establish a local equilibrium19. Specif- ically, we study the spin transport by evaluating, via a phenomenological theory, the structural spin Seebeck co- ecientSand magnon conductance G. Furthermore, we investigate their temperature- and magnetic-eld de- pendence by computing the interfacial conductance coef- cients in a microscopic model for the NM jAF interface and evaluating the various coecients using a Boltzmann approach. AF LNM RNM µ nT(x)d ˆxˆzjH FIG. 1. A normal-metal{insulating antiferromagnet{normal- metal heterostructure. An external eld His applied along thezdirection. A spatially dependent temperature T(x) and a spin biasis considered. As a result, a magnon spin current j
ows through the AF of thickness d. The paper is outlined as follows. In Sec. II, we intro- duce the microscopic Hamiltonian for the bulk AF and its interaction with the metallic contacts. In Sec. III, we formulate the phenomenological spin diusion model, including scattering between magnon branches, and ob- tain expressions for the structural Seebeck coecient and magnon conductance. In Sec. IV, we compute the coef- cients for interfacial magnon transport from the micro- scopic model for the contacts. Based on this result, we estimate bulk transport coecients assuming the interac- tion parameters are eld and temperature independent. We conclude in Sec. VI with a discussion of our results. In the appendices, we detail various technical aspects of the calculations. II. MODEL We begin by dening the microscopic model for the LNMjAFjRNM heterostructure. The total Hamiltonian is^H=^HAF+^HI+^He, where ^HAFdescribes the AF spin system while ^HIrepresents their interfacial contact with the normal metals. The Hamiltonian ^Hedescribes the electronic states at the left- and right-lead. The coupling with LNM and RNM is modeled by a simple interfacialexchange Hamiltonian, ^HI= Z dxX iJii(x)^si^S(x); (1) whereJiis the exchange coupling between the electronic spin density ^S(x) and the localized spin operator ^siat siteithat labels the lattice along the interface. Here i(x) is the density of the localized AF electron orbital representing eective spin densities at the interface. We will return to the study of ^HIin Sec. IV to determine the contact spin conductance. The AF spin Hamiltonian is introduced by labelling each square sublattice site by the position i. The nearest- neighbour Hamiltonian is ^HAF=JX hiji^si^sj HX i^siz+ 2sX i ^s2 ix+^s2 iy ;(2) with ^sithe spin operator at site i,J > 0 the antiferro- magnetic exchange biasing, Hthe magnetic eld, and the uniaxial easy-axis anisotropy. We are interested in small spin
uctuations (magnons) around the collinear bipartite ground state. The latter is the relevant ground state to expand around for magnetic eds below the spin-
op eldHsf. Magnons are introduced by the Holstein- Primako transformation29, ^siz=s ^ay i^ai;^si = ^ay iq 2s ^ay i^ai; (3a) ^siz= s+^by i^bi;^si =q 2s ^by i^bi^bi; (3b) and^si+=^sy i , when ibelongs to sublattice aandb, re- spectively. We expand the spin Hamiltonian, Eq. (2), in powers of magnon operators that includes magnon- magnon interactions, up to the fourth order, ^HAF= ^H(2) AF+^H(4) AF. To lowest order in s, excitations of ^H(2) AF are diagonalized through the Bogoliubov transformation (see Appendix A for denition), by the operators ^ qand ^qthat carry spin angular momentum + ~^zand ~^zre- spectively, ^H(2) AF=X qh (q)^y q^q+(q)^y q^qi : (4) We refer to the magnons described by the operator () as-()magnons, respectively. The dispersion re- lation is;(q) =H+q (6Js)2 1
2q +H2cin a 3-dimensional lattice, where stands for the - and- magnon branch, respectively. Here, H2 c2+ 26Jsis the critical eld corresponding to the spin-
op transition, while
q= (1=3)P3 n=1cos(qna), where ais the lattice spacing. Magnon-magnon interactions are represented by the interacting Hamiltonian ^H(4) AF. In the diagonal basis, the interacting Hamiltonian becomes a lengthy ex- pression that is detailed in Eq. (A7) (Appendix A). It consists of nine dierent scattering processes among - and-magnons. Some of these processes allow for the exchange of population of - and-magnons, see Fig. 6.3 III. SPIN TRANSPORT: PHENOMENOLOGICAL THEORY We now outline the phenomenological spin trans- port theory for magnons across the LNM jAFjRNM het- erostructure. In the subsections that follow, we esti- mate the structural spin Seebeck coecient and struc- tural magnon conductances. The basic assumption is that the equilibration length for magnon-magnon inter- actions is much shorter than the system length d, so that the two magnon gases are parametrized by local chemical potentialsandand temperatures TandT. In keeping with our treatment of ferromagnets30, we assume that strong, inelastic spin-preserving processes x the lo- cal magnon temperatures to that of the local phonon temperature. This assumption is reasonable since the rate at which magnon temperature equilibrates with the phonon bath is dominated by both magnon-conserving and magnon-nonconserving scattering processes31. Thus, the magnon temperature reaches its equilibrium faster than the magnon chemical potential. The local phonon temperature, in turn, is assumed to be linear across the AF, and to be equal to the electronic temperatures in each of the metallic leads. Only the magnon chemical potentialsandare then left to be determined. We then express phenomenologically the spin conser- vation laws in terms of the chemical potentials. Its mi- croscopic derivation can be established from the Boltz- mann equation as is explained in Appendix B. Dening the magnon densities nandn, these read _n+rj= r g g; (5a) _n+rj= r g g: (5b) Here,ridescribes relaxation of spin into the lattice re- sulting from inelastic magnon-phonon interactions that do not conserve magnon number. In addition, gijde- scribes inelastic spin-conserving processes that accounts for, e.g., magnon-magnon and magnon-phonon scatter- ing, where the total number of magnons n+nmay change but the spin n nis constant. In what fol- lows, the coecients gij, by assumption, have their ori- gin in the coupling between magnons. The currents of - and-magnons, denoted as jandj, are given by j= r &rTandj= r &rT, where; and&;are the bulk magnon spin conductivities and Seebeck coecients, respectively. In writing the particle currents in the form above, we have neglected magnon- magnon drag, which stems from magnon-magnon inter- actions that transfer linear momentum from one magnon band to another in such a way that the total spin cur- rent is conserved. Such drag gives rise to cross-terms like j/r. We shall simply limit the discussion to the regime in which such momentum scattering in subdomi- nant to e.g. elastic disorder scattering. The bulk conti- nuity equations, Eqs. (5a) and (5b), are complemented by the boundary conditions at the NM jAF interfaces onthe spin currents j(s) =~jandj(s) = ~j, xj(s) (x= d=2) =G[L ( d=2)]; (6a) xj(s) (x= d=2) =G[L+( d=2)]; (6b) xj(s) (x=d=2) = G[R (d=2)]; (6c) xj(s) (x=d=2) = G[R+(d=2)]; (6d) withxthe unit vector along x-axis and where we have chosen the left and right interfaces to correspond to the planesx= d=2 andx=d=2. Inside the left and right normal metals the respective spin accumulations, the dif- ference between spin-up and spin-down chemical poten- tial, areLandR. HereG;are the contact magnon spin conductances of each interface. The contact Seebeck coecient does not appear, as we are assuming a contin- uous temperature prole across the structure, i.e., there is no temperature dierence between magnons at the in- terface and normal metal leads. For xed spin accumu- lationsL=R, Eqs. (5a-6d) form a closed set of equations with the parameters g,r;,&;,;andG;to be estimated from microscopic calculations (see Sec. IV). The inelastic spin-conserving terms gijcan be signif- icantly simplied by additional considerations. Impos- ing spin conservation one nds that g=gand g=g. This result is obtained from Eqs. (5a-6d) by equating _n _n= 0 in the absence of magnon currents and disregarding the relaxation term ri. In addition, we can estimate the eld- and temperature-dependence of the coecients gandg, in particular near the spin-
op transition. For this purpose, we use Fermi's golden rule to calculate the transition rate of -magnons ( - magnons), dened as ( ), that represents the in- stantaneous leakage of magnons due to the conversion between- and-magnons. Among the dierent scatter- ing processes displayed in Fig. 6, few of them conserve the number of - or-magnons and thus do not con- tribute to the transition rate. As detailed in Appendix B, we sum over all the scattering rates and nd that = , which derives as a consequence of conser- vation of spin-angular momentum. Moreover, and more importantly, up to linear order in the chemical potential = g(+). Therefore, g=gg, mean- ing that a single scattering rate describes the inelastic spin-conserving process. The coecient gis expressed in terms of a complex integral, given in Eq. (B7), that can be estimated in certain limits. In the high temperature regime, where the thermal energy is much higher than the magnon gap, we obtain g= 2N =~s2 (kBT=Jsz )3 with a dimensionless integral dened in Appendix B. In the steady state limit the magnon chemical poten- tials are described by Eqs. (5a) and (5b), and are of the general form ex=. The collective spin decay lengthadmits two solutions, 2 2 1= 2 + 2 q 4 2 2+ ( 2 2 )2(7) 2 2 2= 2 + 2 +q 4 2 2 + ( 2 2 )2(8)4 where 2 =g=, 2 =g=, 2 = (g+r)=and 2 = (g+r)=. In the absence of magnetic eld, the magnon-bands are degenerate and therefore and have equal properties. Thus the collective spin diusion lengths become 2 1=r=and 2 2= (2g+r)=that dif- fer due to the inelastic spin-conserving scattering ( g). In the following sections we evaluate the structural spin Seebeck coecient and structural magnon conductance. We will consider separately two scenarios, a tempera- ture gradient and spin bias across the LNM jAFjRNM heterostructure in Sec. III A and III B, respectively. A. Spin Seebeck Eect Let us assume a linear temperature gradient, with no spin accumulation in the normal metals. We solve for the spin current at the right interface, js=xj(s) (d=2)+ xj(s) (d=2) in presence of the temperature gradient T. Then, the spin current
owing through the right interface is related to the thermal gradient by js=ST, where Sis the structural spin Seebeck coecient. The general solution forSis found in Appendix C (Eq. C4). In what follows we examine several regimes of interest. First, we consider the zero applied magnetic eld case, but allow for sublattice symmetry breaking at the nor- mal metal|magnet interfaces. Here, we have that the dispersion relations for the - and-magnons are identi- cal. Furthermore, the bulk transport properties becomes independent of the magnon band, i.e., ==and &=&=&. In this limit one nds S=2&(G G) (G1G2+G2G1)d1Cothd 21 ; (9) withGinthe eective conductances dened by Gin Gi+ (i=n) Coth [d=2n] fori=;andn= 1;2. We see thatSis proportional to the bulk spin Seebeck con- ductivity&. In the absence of symmetry breaking at the interfaces,G=G, the spin Seebeck eect vanishes as expected. When there is no magnetic eld, it is thus es- sential to have systems with uncompensated interfaces to get a nite Seebeck eect. In order to understand the dependence of Eq. (9) on the lm thickness d, it is useful to distinguish two thick- ness regimes. Let us rst introduce a \thin" lm regime, ddinnCoth 1(Gin=) forn= 1;2 andi=;. In this limitGni(=n) Coth [d=2n]. The spin See- beck coecient becomes, S2(G G) dCoth [d=22]& ; (10) which in the extreme thin lm limit ( d2), be- comes independent of d,S!(G G)2&=. This can be understood as the sum of two independent par- allel channels, each with eective conductances renor- malized by the bulk transport parameters. When Gi>=n, we may also dene a \thick" regime ( ddin nCoth 1(Gin=) for alli;n) in which the contact re- sistance dominates, i.e., GinGi(thick lm). In this case, one obtains, SCothd 21& d1 G 1 G 1 ; (11) andS (&=d 1)G 1 Tat long distances d1. In this case, the net interfacial conductance behaves as the sum of a series spin-channels, each with conductance G andG. Note that as the Seebeck coecient is dened through the relation js=ST, the1=d-dependence means that js/@xTis independent of d; a Seebeck eect can thus originate for a thick AF due to a dierence between the impedances of the magnon-bands just at the interface where the signal is measured. Second, we consider eects of a nite applied magnetic eld. In addition, we assume no symmetry-breaking at interfaces,G=G=G. In the \thick" lm regime, we obtainsS (& &)=d, which is simply the bulk value of the Seebeck coecient. However, allowing symmetry breaking at the interfaces we can obtain Sin the weak coupling regime, i.e., gr;r, corresponding to slow scattering between the magnon branches (compared to Gilbert damping). Expanding the collective spin decay length, Eqs. (7) and (8), to linear order in g=r;, we get 1p =r(1 g=r) and2p =r(1 g=r). This expansion lead to corrections in the structural See- beck coecient,SS(0)+O(g=r), where S(0)=S(0) +S(0) =G& dG(0) 1 G& dG(0) 2; (12) withG(0) nithe lowest order of the eective conductances. It is interesting to note that Eq. (12) consists of two completely decoupled parallel channels. In the partic- ular thick lm regime ( ddin), it reduces to S(0) (& &)=d, which is consistent with the result obtained at nite eld in the \thick" lm regime and G=G. Although we allow for symmetry-breaking at the inter- face here, all of the interfacial properties are washed out in the thick lm regime. Last, consider the regime in which interactions are strong:gr;randd2. Naively, one might expect interactions to greatly reduce the spin Seebeck ef- fect. In fact, one nds that all dependence on gdrops out: S=G+G d"( )2& & ( )2&+&# ; (13) Thus, even with strong interactions between magnon bands, the spin Seebeck eect becomes independent of gand nonzero. The eects of interband interactions are shown in Fig. (4a); while there is a slight suppression of the signal, the spin Seebeck eect is qualitatively un- changed by large scattering.5 B. Spin biasing Aside from a temperature gradient, a spin current may be generated by means of an electrically driven spin bi- asing across the spin (usually via the spin Hall eect in a normal metal contact)25. To model this, we consider the temperature constant throughout the structure, but a spin accumulation =^zis applied at the left inter- face, giving rise to a spin current j=G
owing out of the opposite interface, parametrized by the structural conductance coecient G. The full steady-state solution to Eqs. (5a) and (5b) is given by Eq. (C7) in Appendix C. In order to nd simple relations for the spin conductance, we focus on three regimes. First, we consider the case of sublattice symmetry and zero magnetic eld At the interfaces, this entails G= G=G. In the bulk, this implies that bulk magnon spin conductivities and Seebeck coecients are identical for each magnon branch. Here we nd that only one collective spin decay length, r=p =r, plays a role in transport. One obtains, G=2G2=r [2=2r+G2] sinh d r + 2(=r)Gcosh d r: (14) (Note that as the eld - or symmetry-breaking at the in- terfaces - is turned on, the magnon-magnon interactions start to play a role). In the thin lm regime ( dr), GG, which is just the series conductance of two paral- lel channels, each with interfacial conductance G=2 (due to the two interfaces through which the spin current must pass). In the opposite limit, dr, we nd G4(=r)G2 (=r+G)2e d=r; (15) exhibiting an exponential decay over the distance r. Second, we consider the strongly interacting case where gr;randd2. Here, one nds that while the conductance generally depends on g, in this regime the conductance is nite and independent of g: G=GS+GB (16) where GS= G2 +2 G2 (+)=r sinh d rQ = G() r2 +2G() r (17) reduces to Eq. (14) at zero eld, while GB=1 2 2 2 X =G() rG G() rG G() r2 +2G() r(18) is nonzero only when the magnetic eld is applied; here G( ) irGi+ (i=r) Tanh [d=2r] whileG(+) irGi+(i=r) Coth [d=2r]; the decay length ris given by the limit of 1in the large glimit, yielding 2 r= (r=+r=)=2. Thus, we nd that strong interactions do not radically alter the structural spin conductance in the sense that the spin conductance neither vanishes or diverges in this regime. When dr, Eq. (16) simplies to: G= 2(+) r G2 +2 G2 Gr2 +2Gr2e d=r: (19) Thus we nd that for large inter-band scattering, the nonlocal signal does not depend on gbut only on the decay processes (e.g. Gilbert damping) via ri. Third, we consider a nite magnetic eld and the limit when magnons are non-interacting. In the zero coupling regime,g= 0, one nds that the structural conductance is the sum of the parallel channels, G=G+G. Here, Gi=(i=ir)G2 i [2 i=2 ir+G2 i] sinh d ir + 2(i=ir)Gicosh d ir: (20) where 2 ir=ri=iis determined by decay processes. For dir, we nd that Gi=2(i=ir)G2 i ((i=ir) +Gi)2e d=ir(21) which shows an exponential decay over distance. When - and-magnons are identical at the bulk and inter- faces, both Eqs. (21) and (19) reduce to Eq. (14). In the following sections we calculate and estimate the various parameters that enter into the phenomenological theory above. IV. TRANSPORT COEFFICIENTS: MICROSCOPIC THEORY In this section, we compute the interfacial spin con- ductances from a microscopic model for the interface. In addition, the bulk magnon conductance, as well as the bulk Seebeck coecient, are obtained in linear response from transport kinetic theory. Based on these results the structural Seebeck coecient is evaluated and plotted in Figs. 4. A. Contact magnon spin conductance In this section, we compute interface transport co- ecients appropriate to our bulk drift-diusion theory above, allowing for the boundary conditions, Eqs (6a) to be computed. Let us suppose that the spin degrees of freedom of the AF are coupled to those of the normal metals by the exchange Hamiltonian (1). Here it is understood that i6 labels the lattice along the interface (see Fig. 2). Speci- cally, the lattice is the set of vectors R2=fna^z+ma^yg. The integers nandmare such that icorresponds to a- andb-atoms when n+mare even and odd, respec- tively. In this model, we assume that aandbatoms are evenly spaced, which is not essential in what fol- lows. Besides, the itinerant electronic density, corre- sponding to evanescent modes in the x-direction, de- cays over an atomistic distance inside the AF. The spin density of itinerant electrons in the normal metal is ^S(x) = ( ~=2)P 0^ y (x)0^ 0(x), where ^ (x) is the electron operator and the Pauli matrix vector. The exchange coupling Ji=Ja, ifi2a, andJi=Jb, ifi2b, while the local spin density at each lattice site iis mod- ulated by the function i(x) =ji(x)j2, withithe lo- calized orbital at position i. Note that in general the orbitals for the aandbsublattices may be dierent. Printed by Mathematica for Students Printed by Mathematica for Students aJa⇢a(x?)Jb⇢b(x?)(uncompensated) (compensated) FIG. 2. Eective spin densities of AF jNM interface as experi- enced by normal metal electrons scattering o of the interface, for the compensated and uncompensated cases. Based on the model represented by the contact Hamil- tonian (1), we wish to obtain the magnonic spin current across the interface using Fermi's Golden Rule. We ex- pand ^HIin terms of magnon operators up to order ni=s, obtaining ^HI=^H(k) I+^H(sf) I. The rst term is the coher- ent Hamiltonian ^H(k) I=P kk0Ukk0 ^cy k"^ck0" ^cy k#^ck0# , with ^ck ^cy k the fermionic operator that annihilate (create) and electron with spin- and momentum k. The term ^H(k) Igives rise to coherent spin torques, and magnonic corrections to it, n. Since we are assum- ing a xed order parameter nand focus only on thermal magnon spin currents, we need not consider this term. The second contribution, ^H(sf) I, is the spin-
ip Hamilto- nian that describes processes in which both branches of magnons are annihilated and created at the interface by spin-
ip scattering of electrons. This term reads, ^H(sf) I=X qkk0 V qkk0^y q^cy k#^ck0"+V qkk0^y q^cy k"^ck0# +h:c:; (22)where the matrix elements are V qkk0 r 8S NZ dx k(x) k0(x) ( a(q;x)Jacoshq b(q;x)Jbsinhq) (23) and V qkk0 r 8S NZ dx k(x) k0(x) (b(q;x)Jbcoshq a(q;x)Jasinhq):(24) Here, the function k(x) represent the eigenstates of the nonmagnetic Hamiltonian. Specically, in the yz direc- tions, the wavefunction is a delocalized Bloch state of the interfacial lattice, which we assume here for simplic- ity to be common to the both the metal and insulators (as is common in such heterostuctures); in the x direc- tion, the state is an evanescent mode on the insulator side of the interface, and a Bloch-like state of the metal- lic lattice on the other, which reduces to the usual 3D metallic Bloch state far inside the metal. The quantities aandbare dened by a(q;x) =P i2ai(x)eiqiand b(q;x) =P i2bi(x)eiqi, withi(x) =ji(x)j2as the density of the localized AF electron orbital at site i. The quantities cosh qand sinhqoriginate from the Bogoli- ubov transformation that diagonalizes the noninteracting magnon Hamiltonian32. It is instructive to consider the simplest case of in- terfacial spin transport. This occurs when the inter- face is fully compensated, i.e., i2a(x) =i2b(x+i)) andJa=Jb, see right side of Fig. 2. Because the normal metal electronic states k(x) are Bloch states of the interfacial nonmagnetic Hamiltonian, then trans- lation by the lattice spacing ain they(orz) direc- tion transform, k!eikya k. Usinga(b)(q;x) = eiqyab(a)(q;x+a^y) =ei2qyaa(b)(q;x+ 2a^y), it follows thatV qkk0=ei2a(q+k k0)yV qkk0. Applying translational invariance on the full Hamiltonian, under x!x+a^y, one has that this is independent of q+k k0, and it follows that V qkk0=ei V qk0k , with the phase factor dened by =a qy+ky k0 y . Since all of the inter- facial transport coecients are proportional to jVj2, we establish that they become identical for both magnonic branches, at zero eld, for the case of fully compensated interface. It is also interesting to note the role played by Umk- lapp scattering processes at the interface. Suppose again a fully compensated interface. Then, in the small q limit, one nds cosh qsinhq, and the matrix ele- mentsV qkk0andV qkk0vanish when ( q k+k0)?= 0 (specular scattering of electrons), where the subscript \?" designates the in-plane components. However, when (q k+k0)?=Gmn, where Gmn=n(=a)^y+m(=a)^zis the reciprocal lattice vector, the matrix elements do not vanish for odd values of m+n, and transport for each7 species becomes possible. We therefore expect Umklapp scattering processes to play a crucial role in the low tem- perature behavior of the magnon conductance, as well as other interfacial linear transport coecients. This is con- sistent with Takei etal:21,22, where Umklapp scattering is found to be responsible for a nite spin-mixing conduc- tance, describing coherent spin torques, at an AF jNM interface. Umklapp processes, however, may only hap- pen when part of the yzcross section of the normal metal jkj= 2kFsurface lies outside the magnetic Brillioun zone of the lattice interface, for instance in a spherical Fermi surface this conditions becomes 2 kF>= a. We return to the general case in order to obtain the contact magnon conductances G;. This can be done by a straightforward application of Fermi's Golden rule to calculate the magnonic spin current
owing across the interface. The magnon current is expressed as30 ji= 2D2 FZ dg(i) jVi()j2( 0 i) [fim() fie()];(25) and therefore, the magnon spin current through the in- terface becomes js=~(j j). Here we have dened fori=;, jVi()j2=dAF D2 FX qkk01 g(i) Vi qkk02(k F) (k0 F)( q);(26) withDFas the normal metal density of states and g(i) thei-magnon density of states. In Eq. (25) 0 ;=, where we recall that is the spin accumulation. The Bose-Einstein distribution for the i-magnons is fim() = 1=[e( i)=kBTi 1], andfie() = 1=[e( 0 i)=kBTe 1] cor- responds to the eective electron-hole-excitation density experienced by the i-magnons. In a simple model, we may take the atomic densities for both sublattices as i(x) =(x ri) and the normal metal wavefunctions k(x) = eik?xFk(x)=pVNM. Here the function Fk(x) de- scribes the decay within the AF and VNM the nor- mal metal volume. Then, dening the spin-mixing con- ductanceg"# i16NdAFVAF(sDFJi=VNM)2, where =R dxFk0(x)F k(x), which we take to be momentum independent for simplicity, one may write the i-magnon spin current ~jiin Eq. (25) as ~ji=1 16 g"# a(i) aa+g"# b(i) bb+ 2q g"# ag"# b(i) ab ;(27) where the functions (i) ll0, which carry units of energy, are given by (i) ll0=1 D2 F(sVAF)X q;k;k0X m;nF(ll0) mnq(q i) (nim nie) (F k)(F k0)k0 k q;Gmn;(28) withF(aa) mnq= cosh2q,F(bb) mnq= sinh2qandF(ab) mnq= F(ba) mnq= ( 1)m+n+1coshqsinhq. The motivation for 1246810J_bJ_a51015GIl2MG_bêG_a Printed by Mathematica for StudentsG↵/G 10 15 5 1 2 4 6 8 10 24681002004006008001000 Printed by Mathematica for StudentsTHc1 with Umklappwithout UmklappJa/JbG↵/g"#↵FIG. 3. Ratio of interfacial conductances of the two magnon branchesandat zero eld for dierent ratios of interfacial sublattice exchange constants. Sublattice symmetry breaking (Ja6=Jb) is necessary to obtain a structural spin Seebeck eect in the absence of magnetic elds (see Eq. (9)). Inset: temperature dependence of Gincluding and excluding Umk- lapp scattering ( m6= 0 and/or n6= 0 in Eq. (28)). All curves are obtained for kF= 4=a, and 6Js2= 2Hc. expressing the spin current in the form of Eq. (27) is that in the case of particle-hole symmetry at the inter- face, ~ji= (g"#=4)(g"#=4)(~! i)(ni=s). In particular, the m=n= 0 term in Eq. (28) gives spec- tral scattering processes, while all others ( m6=n6= 0) correspond to Umklapp scattering. The contact spin conductances GandGare ob- tained by the linearization of the i-magnon current given by Eq. (27), i.e., Gi= (@ji=@i)ji=0. The ratio of in- terfacial conductances of the two magnon branches and is shown in Fig. 3 at zero eld and as a function of ratios of interfacial sublattice exchange constants Ja=Jb. The ratioG=Greaches a maximum value to later sat- urates when Ja=Jbis increased. In particular, we note thatG=Gwhen the interfacial exchange constants are equal. Thus, the breaking of sublattice symmetry (Ja6=Jb) is necessary in realizing a structural spin See- beck eect in the absence of a eld, as is seen from Eq. (9). In the inset of Fig. 3 we display the temperature dependence of G. In this plot we have included (solid line) and excluded (dashed line) Umklapp scattering. B. Bulk magnon conductances and spin Seebeck coecients In this section, we evaluate the bulk magnon con- ductances;and bulk spin Seebeck coecients &;. These are obtained from standard kinetic theory of trans- port. Unlike previous works28,33,34, here we consider the magnonic transport driven, in addition to thermal gra- dients, by spin biasing. The generic expressions for the8 FIG. 4. (a) Structural Seebeck coecient Sand (b) struc- tural spin conductance Gas functions of temperature T=Hc for a eldH= 0:2Hc. The temperature dependence of the inter-magnon scattering is given by g= (T=Tc)3(see Ap- pendix B). Shown for both plots are = 0 ;1;10;103;105, corresponding to a shift from blue to red coloring. While increased scattering slightly diminishes the SSE, it has no discernible eect on the spin conductance for these particular parameters. For these plots, the parameters g"# a= 1=100a2 (which for a= 1A corresponds to g"#1=nm2),kF= 1=a, 6Js2= 2Hc,= 10 3andd= 100 awere used. Printed by Mathematica for StudentsH/HcH/HcG Printed by Mathematica for Students r H/Hc FIG. 5. Main gure: behavior of conductance Gnear spin
op. While the spin diusion length rdiverges asjHj!Hc, the conductanceG, though sharply increasing, does not actually diverge because of bottlenecking by the interface impedances; for noninteracting magnons it has a maximium value of max(G=2;G=2) (see Eq. (34)). The colors and parameters are identical to those shown in Fig. 4. magnon current in the bulk are, ji= Zdq (2)3iv2 i@fi @x; (29) where the integration is over the Brillouin zone and i= ;. The magnon relaxation time is iand the magnon group velocity along the xdirection is vi=@i=~@kx. The number of i-magnons with momentum qis denoted byfiand given by the Bose-Einstein distribution func-tion. This yields the transport coecients, i=4~J4H2 c 9~2Zdq (2)3isin2(aqx)
2 q 1 +~J2 1
2qei (ei 1)2;(30) &i=4~J4H2 c 9~2Zdq (2)3isin2(aqx)
2 q 1 +~J2 1
2qi2ei (ei 1)2;(31) where ~J6Js2=Hcis roughly the N eel temperature in units ofHcand= 1=kBT. Similarly, we may ob- tain expressions for the damping rates rifrom _nij= (2) 3R dqni=igwithigthe Gilbert damping lifetime. From the above relation riis extracted and obeys ri=2 ~Zdq (2)32 iei (ei 1)2; (32) andis being the Gilbert damping constant. The momentum relaxation rate, entering in the trans- port coecients obtained in Eqs. (30) and (31), has contributions from dierent sources; Gilbert damping, disorder scattering, magnon-phonon scattering and - magnon{-magnon scattering. For simplicity, we con- sider the regime in which Gilbert damping dominates transport: ~ 1 i~ 1 ig; (33) where ~ 1 ig= 2i=Hc. Note that tilde represents units ofHc. In Figs. 4 (a) and (b) we show the temperature- dependence of the spin Seebeck coecient and struc- tural spin condutance, respectively using the interface and bulk transport coecients above. The interaction parameter ggrows with temperature (see Appendix B and C). As shown in Fig. 4 (a), however, the eects of g are minimal, suppressing the spin Seebeck signal slightly and negligibly aecting the structural conductance. V. SPIN-FLOP TRANSITION The spin-
op transition occurs as jHj!Hcfrom be- low. Here, the magnon spectrum becomes gapless and quadratic at low energies for one of the two magnon bands (say, the -band, for purposes of discussion). When Gilbert damping dominates the transport time (Eq. (33)), the bulk conductance in Eq. (30) demon- strates an infrared divergence, while &,randGare nite. It is straightforward to show that the Seebeck coef- cient, Eq. (C4), does not diverge in this case, consistent with19. In contrast to19, however, the structural conductance Gdoes not diverge in the diusive regime. Here, it is instructive to consider the noninteracting case, Eq. (20), which reduces to G=G2 (=r)(d=r) + 2G; (34)9 which shows an algebraic , rather than exponential, de- cay in lm thickness, due to a diverging decay length r (p). For a thin lm, this becomes G=G=2; while the AF bulk shows zero spin resistivity ( 1 = 0) due to the Bose-Einstein divergence at low energies, struc- tural transport is bottlenecked by the interface resistance G 1 , which is only well dened in the diusive regime. (The eect is similar to a superconducting circuit, which with perfectly conducting components, shows a nite re- sistance due to normal metal contacts.) While the signal does not diverge, there is a clear enhancement due to the diminished spin resistivity, as well as long-distance transport (algebraic in d), manifesting as a peak in the signal near the spin-
op transition25(see Fig. 5). A full calculation for nonlocal spin injection - including spin Hall/inverse spin Hall eects absent here - would show additional impedances to spin
ow due to spin resistance in the normal metal injector and detector. VI. CONCLUSION AND DISCUSSION In summary, we have presented a study of spin trans- port of magnons in insulating AFs in contact with nor- mal metals. We focus on the thick-lm limit, wherein a diusive regime can be assumed and magnons are in a local thermodynamical equilibrium. The excitation of magnon currents is considered in linear response and driven by either a temperature gradient and/or spin bi- asing. The spin transport is studied by evaluating the structural magnon conductance and spin Seebeck eect within a phenomenological spin-diusion transport the- ory. These parameters were calculated in terms of bulk transport coecients as well as contact magnon conduc- tances. While the former were computed through kinetic theory of transport, the latter are obtained from a mi- croscopic model of the NM jAF interface. Furthermore, we allowed for the breaking of sublattice symmetry at the interface assuming an uncompensated magnetic or- der. In addition, the eld- and temperature-dependence of the inter-magnon scattering rates, which redistribute angular momentum between the magnon branches, were estimated. We nd that the eects of inter-magnon scat- tering, which lock the two magnon bands together, isnegligible. Furthermore, we show that even as the bulk spin resistivity vanishes near the spin
op transition, nor- mal metal|magnet interface spin impedance ultimately bottleneck transport, irrespective of interactions, in con- trast to the stochastic theory19for thin lms. The phenomenological approach above ultimately breaks down for strong interactions (which occur near the spin-
op transition), where the individual and clouds are no longer internally equilibrated with well- dened chemical potentials an interactions. Instead, a treatment of the interacting clouds (e.g. a kinetic theory approach) beyond the quasiequilibrium approach that is adopted here is needed. In addition, more sophisticated treatments of the transport time ihave been shown to more realistically reproduce experimental results33; such quasi-empirical transport times could be incorporated di- rectly into our phenomenology. Most importantly, our somewhat articial assumption that the magnetic eld is applied along the easy-axis in not necessarily realized in experiment. Instead, even simple bipartite AFs such as those modeled by our phenomenology above show com- plex paramagnetic behavior in response to a eld applied along dierent axes. In these scenarios, heterostuctures may manifest both antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic transport behaviors25. Future work, such as the drift- diusion approach discussed above, is needed to fully understand such scenarios at a more fundamental level. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant DLV-737038 "TRANSPIRE", the Research Coun- cil of Norway through is Centres of Excellence funding scheme, Project No. 262633, "QuSpin" and European Research Council via Advanced Grant No. 669442 "Insu- latronics". Also we acknowledge funding from the Sticht- ing voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie (FOM) and the European Research Council via Consolidator Grant number 725509 SPINBEYOND. Note added{ During the submission of our work, we became aware of another related article35that considers magnon transport in AFs. Appendix A: Magnon-magnon interactions We start out by dening the AF Hamiltonian. Introducing a square lattice, labelling the sites in the lattice by i, on sub-latticesAandB, the nearest-neighbor Hamiltonian reads ^HAF=JX hi2A;j2Bi^si^sj HX i2A;B^siz 2sX i2A;B^s2 iz; (A1) whereJ >0 is the exchange coupling, Hthe magnetic eld and >0 the uniaxial easy-axis anisotropy. Introducing the Holstein-Primako transformation, assuming a bipartite ground state, the spin operators in the limit of small spin10
uctuations reads ^sA iz=s ay iai; ^sB iz= s+by ibi; (A2a) ^sA i+=p 2sai 1p 2say iaiai; ^sB i+=p 2sby i 1p 2sby iby ibi; (A2b) ^sA i =p 2say i 1p 2say iay iai ^sB i =p 2sbi 1p 2sby ibibi: (A2c) The AF Hamiltonian Eq. (A1) is expanded up to fourth order in the magnon operators, Fourier transformed through the relations ai=1p NP ieikiakandbi=1p NP ieikjbkand expressed as HAF=E0+H(2) AF+H(4) AFwhere ^H(2) AF= (Jsz+)X qh (1 +h)ay qaq+ (1 h)by qbq+
q(aqb q+ay qby q)i (A3) ^H(4) AF= Jz 2NX q1q2q3q4q1+q2 q3 q4h 2
q2 q4ay q1by q4aq3b q2+ 2s ay q1ay q2aq3aq4+by q1by q2bq3bq4 +
q4 by q1b q2bq3aq4+by q3by q2bq1ay q4+ay q1a q2aq3bq4+ay q3ay q2aq1by q4i (A4) withh=H=(Jsz+),=Jsz= (Jsz+) and
q=2 zP cos [q] wherezis the coordination number. The quadratic part of the Hamiltonian, Eq. (A3), is diagonalized by the Bogoliubov transformation ^aq=lq^q+mq^y q (A5) ^by q=mq^q+lq^y q (A6) with the coecients lq= (Jsz+)+q 2q1=2 ,mq= (Jsz+) q 2q1=2 qlqandq= (Jsz+)q 1 2
2q, resulting in Eq. (4). In the diagonal basis, the interacting Hamiltonian Eq. (A4) nally becomes ^H(4) AF=X q1q2q3q4q1+q2 q3 q4h V(1) q1q2q3q4y q1y q2q3q4+V(2) q1q2q3q4y q1 q2q3q4+V(3) q1q2q3q4y q1y q2q3y q4 +V(4) q1q2q3q4y q1 q2q3y q4+V(5) q1q2q3q4 q1 q2q3y q4+V(6) q1q2q3q4y q1 q2y q3y q4 +V(7) q1q2q3q4y q1y q2y q3y q4+V(8) q1q2q3q4 q1 q2q3q4+V(9) q1q2q3q4 q1 q2y q3y q4i (A7) where the scattering amplitudes are V(a) q1q2q3q4= Jz N lq1lq2lq3lq4(a) 1234. The functions (a)are the following expressions11 (1) 1234 =
q2 q4q2q4 1 2(
q4q1q2q3) + 2Jzs(1 +q1q2q3q4) (A8) (2) 1234 =
q2 q4q4
q1 q4q1q2q4+
q4q2q4+1 2(q3q4(
q2q1q2) + (
q1q1q2)) Jzs(q2+q1q3q4) (A9) (3) 1234 =
q2 q4q2
q2 q3q2q3q4+
q2q2q4+1 2(q1q2(
q4q3q4) + (
q3q3q4)) Jzs(q4+q1q2q3) (A10) (4) 1234 =
q2 q4+
q1 q4q1q2+
q2 q3q3q4+
q1 q3q1q2q3q4+2 Jzs(q2q4+q1q3) (q1(
q4q3q4) +q3(
q2q1q4) +q4(
q1q1q2) +q2(
q3q3q4)) (A11) (5) 1234 =
q2 q4q1
q2 q3q1q3q4+
q2q1q4+1 2((
q4q3q4) +q1q2(
q3q3q4)) Jzs(q3+q1q2q4) (A12) (6) 1234 =
q2 q4q3
q1 q4q1q2q3+
q4q2q3+1 2((
q2q1q2) +q3q4(
q1q1q2)) Jzs(q1+q2q3q4) (A13) (7) 1234 =
q2 q4q2q3 1 2(
q2q2q3q4) + 2Jzs(q3q4+q1q2) (A14) (8) 1234 =
q2 q4q1q4 1 2(
q4q1q2q4) + 2Jzs(q1q2+q3q4) (A15) (9) 1234 =
q2 q4q1q3 1 2(
q4q1q2q3) + 2Jzs(1 +q1q2q3q4) (A16) whereq= 1 q 1+q1=2 . Note the symmetry relations among these coecients (3) 1234 = (2) 3412, (6) 1234 = (5) 3412 and (8) 1234 = (7) 3412. The form of these expressions dier from Ref.36, where a Dyson-Maleev transformation was considered. Appendix B: Scattering Lengths In this section, we compute the eld and temperature dependences of gandgthrough the Fermi's golden rule. To start with, we introduce the Boltzmann equation for the distribution of - and-magnons,f(x;q;t) and f(x;q;t) respectively, @f @t+@f @x@! q @q= [q] + [q]; (B1) @f @t+@f @x@! q @q= [q] + [q]; (B2) where q=~! q. The right-hand side are the total net rates of scattering into and out of a magnon state with wave vector q. The magnon spin diusion equations [Eqs. (5a) and (5b)] are obtained by linearizing the Boltzmann equations in terms of the small perturbations, e.g. the chemical potential. This is achieved, in addition, by integrating Eqs. (B1) and (B2) over all possible wave vectors q. The terms and originate from multiple eects such as, magnon-phonon collisions, elastic magnon scattering with defects, and magnon number and energy-conserving intraband magnon-magnon interaction. It is worth to mention that the estimation of each of those contribution, as was done in Ref.31for ferromagnets, is out of the scope of our work. However, we implement the basic assumption that the equilibration length for magnon-magnon interactions is much shorter than the system size, so that the two magnon gases are parametrized by local chemical potentialsandand temperatures TandT. Moreover, as was pointed out in Sec. IV, the magnon relaxation into the phonon bath is parametrized by the Gilbert damping.12 Now we focus on the magnon-magnon collisions described by and . These terms describe interband interaction between magnons that exchange the population of dierent magnon species. To calculate and we consider the interacting Hamiltonian given by Eq. (A7) that represents all scattering processes among - and -magnons (depicted in Fig. 6). We emphasize that those processes represented in Fig. 6(b), (d) and (e), do not conserve the number of -magnons or -magnons, even though the dierence n nis constant due to conservation of spin-angular momentum. This inelastic spin-conserving processes contribute to the transfer of one magnon mode into the other, and thus determining the coecients gij. We quantify this eect evaluating perturbatively the rate of change of magnons using Fermi's golden rule. FIG. 6. Diagrammatic representation for the scattering processes experienced by - and-magnons. In (a), (c) and (f) are represented the processes with scattering amplitude V(1),V(4)andV(9), respectively. In (b), (d) and (e) is shown those inelastic processes that do not conserve the number of magnons. These are scattered by the interacting potential with amplitude V(3), V(6)andV(7), respectively. Those processes with amplitude V(2),V(5)andV(8)are the hermitian conjugate of the above and thus are omitted. Based on time-dependent perturbation theory, the transition rate between an initial jiiand a nal statejfiis given by Fermi's Golden Rule, which reads = (2 =~)P i;fWihfj^Vjii2 (f i). The sum runs over all possible initial and nal states, Wiis the Boltzmann weight that gives the probability of being in some initial state, ^Vis the matrix element of the Hamiltonian corresponding to the interactions and the delta function ensures energy conservation. We recognize that a nal state can be either any of those described in Eq. (A7). However, those processes that conserve the number of particles, i.e., -magnons and -magnons, have a null transition rate. Only the states described in Fig. 6(b), (d) and (e), will contribute to a nite transition rate. The net transition rate of scattering into and out of a magnon state with wave vector q, reads [q] =2 ~X q1q2q3V(3) qq1q2q32h 1 +f q 1 +f q1 1 +f q2 f q3 f qf q1f q2 1 +f q3i q q1+q2 q3 q+ q1+ q2 q3 +V(6) qq1q2q32h 1 +f q 1 +f q1 1 +f q2 f q3 f qf q1f q2 1 +f q3i q q1 q2+q3 q+ q1+ q2 q3o (B3) and [q] =2 ~X q1q2q3V(3) qq1q2q32h 1 +f q 1 +f q1 1 +f q2 f q3 f qf q1f q2 1 +f q3i q+q1+q2 q3 q+ q1+ q2 q3 +V(6) qq1q2q32h 1 +f q 1 +f q1 1 +f q2 f q3 f qf q1f q2 1 +f q3i q+q1 q2+q3 q+ q1+ q2 q3o : (B4)13 We note that processes described by Fig. 6(e) do not contribute to the change of magnon density by invoking conservation of energy. The total rates and , obtained by summing up over all wave vectors q, are dened by =~X q [q]; (B5) =~X q [q]; (B6) which describes the net imbalance of the magnon densities nandnby the successive scatterings events between both magnon modes. Next, we will show that Eqs. (B5) and (B6) scale linearly with the magnon chemical potentials when the magnon distribution are close to the equilibrium. In order to calculate and we consider that magnons are near thermodynamic equilibrium. Thus, their distributions are parameterized by the Bose-Einstein distribution as f q= e( q )=kBT 1 1 andf q= e( q )=kBT 1 1 , whereTis the temperature of the phonon bath. At equilibrium the rates obey = = 0, which is established when the chemical potentials satisfy += 0. This can be clearly seen when the distribution is expanded up to linear order on and. Using this expansion on Eqs. (B3) and (B4), is found that the total transition rates and become equals and proportional to the sum of the chemical potentials. Precisely, we obtain = = g(+) with the coecient ggiven by g=2 ~kBTX qq1q2q3q q1+q2 q3V(3) qq1q2q32 f;0 qf;0 q1f;0 q2 1 +f;0 q3 q+ q1+ q2 q3 +V(6) qq1q2q32 f;0 qf;0 q1 1 +f;0 q2 f;0 q3 q+ q1+ q3 q2 ;(B7) wheref;0andf;0denote the equilibrium distribution evaluated at the chemical potential e = e . Comparing with the phenomenological Eqs. (5a) and (5b), we obtain g=g=g=g=g. Despite the complex expression for the factor g, it can be estimated in certain temperature regimes. For instance, at high temperatures the thermal energy is much higher than the magnon gap, therefore ;(q)=kBT(Jsz=kBT)ajqj, i.e., the exchange energy is the only magnetic coupling that becomes relevant. Thus, at large temperatures we obtain g=2 ~N s2kBT Jsz3 (B8) where is a dimensionless integral dened as =Zdp1 (2)3dp2 (2)3dp3 (2)3dp4 (2)3(p1+p2 p3 p4)v(3) p1p2p3p42 f;0 pf;0 p1f;0 p2 1 +f;0 p3 (p + p1+ p2 p3) +v(6) p1p2p3p42 f;0 pf;0 p1 1 +f;0 p2 f;0 p3(p + p1+ p3 p2) : (B9) To obtain Eq. (B8) the continuum limit was taken by the replacementP q!V((Jsz=kBT)a) 3R dp=(2)3on Eq. (B7), where the dimensionless wavevector p = ( Jsz=kBT)ajqjwas introduced. We notice that in the limit of very large temperatures the Bose factors approach the Raleigh-Jeans distribution, i.e., f qf qkBT=(Jsz)ajqj, and becomes independent of temperature. The dimensionless scattering amplitudes v(i) q1q2q3q4=V(i) q1q2q3q4=v0, with v0= (Jsz)3=Ns(kBT)2, are evaluated and their asymptotic behaviour obeys v(3) p1p2p3p4=v(6) p1p2p3p4= 2v(7) p1p2p3p4 with v(3) p1p2p3p4 21 p1p2p3p41=2 : (B10) Appendix C: Seebeck coecient and spin conductance To nd the structural spin Seebeck coecient and spin conductance we rst express the general solution for the magnon chemical potential, (x) = (Asinh [x= 1] +Bcosh [x= 1]) + (Dsinh [x= 2] +Ecosh [x= 2]) (C1) (x) =C(Asinh [x= 1] +Bcosh [x= 1]) + (Dsinh [x= 2] +Ecosh [x= 2]) (C2)14 whereCis a constant that is obtained from the eigenvalue problem that determines 1and2. From the boundary conditions, Eqs. (6a-6d), we nd the unknown coecients A,B,DandE. The net spin current crossing the right lead is, js=j(s) (d=2) +j(s) (d=2); (C3) wherej(s) =~jandj(s) = ~j. In the absence of a spin accumulation, L=R= 0, we calculate the magnon currentsjandjto obtainS=js=d. Thus, the structural spin Seebeck coecient is: S=2(G2G& G1G&) +1(GG1& G2G&) + (G1 G2)G&+12(G2 G1)G& (G1G21+G2G12)d(C4) which is written in terms of the eective conductances GinGi+i n Cothd 2n (C5) forn= 1;2 andi=;, and 1= (~g ~g+ ~r ~r+)=2~g 2= (~g ~g+ ~r ~r+)=2~g (C6) where=p 4~g~g+ (~g ~g+ ~r ~r)2, and ~r=r=, and ~g=g=, with similar expressions for - parameters. The structural conductance is obtained by following the same procedure as before. However, in this case, we assume thatL6=RandrT= 0. 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antiferromagnets (AFs) is investigated. In linear response to spin biasing and
a temperature gradient, the spin transport properties of
normal-metal--insulating antiferromagnet--normal-metal heterostructures are
calculated. We focus on the thick-film regime, where the AF is thicker than the
magnon equilibration length. This regime allows the use of a drift-diffusion
approach, which is opposed to the thin-film limit considered by Bender {\it et
al.} 2017, where a stochastic approach is justified. We obtain the temperature-
and thickness-dependence of the structural spin Seebeck coefficient
$\mathcal{S}$ and magnon conductance $\mathcal{G}$. In their evaluation we
incorporate effects from field- and temperature-dependent spin conserving
inter-magnon scattering processes. Furthermore, the interfacial spin transport
is studied by evaluating the contact magnon conductances in a microscopic model
that accounts for the sub-lattice symmetry breaking at the interface. We find
that while inter-magnon scattering does slightly suppress the spin Seebeck
effect, transport is generally unaffected, with the relevant spin decay length
being determined by non-magnon-conserving processes such as Gilbert damping. In
addition, we find that while the structural spin conductance may be enhanced
near the spin flip transition, it does not diverge due to spin impedance at the
normal metal|magnet interfaces. | Spin Transport in Thick Insulating Antiferromagnetic Films | 1909.05881v2 |
Non-local Gilbert damping tensor within the torque-torque correlation model Danny Thonig,1,Yaroslav Kvashnin,1Olle Eriksson,1, 2and Manuel Pereiro1 1Department of Physics and Astronomy, Material Theory, Uppsala University, SE-75120 Uppsala, Sweden 2School of Science and Technology, Orebro University, SE-701 82 Orebro, Sweden (Dated: July 19, 2018) An essential property of magnetic devices is the relaxation rate in magnetic switching which depends strongly on the damping in the magnetisation dynamics. It was recently measured that damping depends on the magnetic texture and, consequently, is a non-local quantity. The damping enters the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation as the phenomenological Gilbert damping parameter , that does not, in a straight forward formulation, account for non-locality. Eorts were spent recently to obtain Gilbert damping from rst principles for magnons of wave vector q. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no report about real space non-local Gilbert damping ij. Here, a torque-torque correlation model based on a tight binding approach is applied to the bulk elemental itinerant magnets and it predicts signicant o-site Gilbert damping contributions, that could be also negative. Supported by atomistic magnetisation dynamics simulations we reveal the importance of the non-local Gilbert damping in atomistic magnetisation dynamics. This study gives a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the magnetic moments and dissipation processes in real magnetic materials. Ways of manipulating non-local damping are explored, either by temperature, materials doping or strain. PACS numbers: 75.10.Hk,75.40.Mg,75.78.-n Ecient spintronics applications call for magnetic ma- terials with low energy dissipation when moving magnetic textures, e.g. in race track memories1, skyrmion logics2,3, spin logics4, spin-torque nano-oscillator for neural net- work applications5or, more recently, soliton devices6. In particular, the dynamics of such magnetic textures | magnetic domain walls, magnetic Skyrmions, or magnetic solitons | is well described in terms of precession and damping of the magnetic moment mias it is formulated in the atomistic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equation for sitei @mi @t=mi
Beff i+ ms@mi @t ; (1) where
andmsare the gyromagnetic ratio and the magnetic moment length, respectively. The precession eldBeff iis of quantum mechanical origin and is ob- tained either from eective spin-Hamilton models7or from rst-principles8. In turn, energy dissipation is dominated by the ad-hoc motivated viscous damping in the equation of motion scaled by the Gilbert damping tensor. Commonly, the Gilbert damping is used as a scalar parameter in magnetization dynamics simula- tions based on the LLG equation. Strong eorts were spend in the last decade to put the Gilbert damping to a rst-principles ground derived for collinear mag- netization congurations. Dierent methods were pro- posed: e.g. the breathing Fermi surface9{11, the torque- torque correlation12, spin-pumping13or a linear response model14,15. Within a certain accuracy, the theoretical models allow to interpret16and reproduce experimental trends17{20. Depending on the model, deep insight into the fun- damental electronic-structure mechanism of the Gilbertdampingis provided: Damping is a Fermi-surface ef- fect and depending on e.g. scattering rate, damping occurs due to spin-
ip but also spin-conservative tran- sition within a degenerated (intraband, but also inter- band transitions) and between non-degenerated (inter- band transitions) electron bands. As a consequence of these considerations, the Gilbert damping is proportional to the density of states, but it also scales with spin-orbit coupling21,22. The scattering rate for the spin-
ip tran- sitions is allocated to thermal, but also correlation ef- fects, making the Gilbert damping strongly temperature dependent which must be a consideration when applying a three-temperature model for the thermal baths, say phonon14, electron, and spin temperature23. In particu- lar, damping is often related to the dynamics of a collec- tive precession mode (macrospin approach) driven from an external perturbation eld, as it is used in ferromag- netic resonance experiments (FMR)24. It is also estab- lished that the Gilbert damping depends on the orien- tation of the macrospin25and is, in addition, frequency dependent26. More recently, the role of non-collective modes to the Gilbert damping has been debated. F ahnle et al.27 suggested to consider damping in a tensorial and non- isotropic form via ithat diers for dierent sites i and depends on the whole magnetic conguration of the system. As a result, the experimentally and theoret- ically assumed local Gilbert equation is replaced by a non-local equation via non-local Gilbert damping ijac- counting for the most general form of Rayleigh's dissi- pation function28. The proof of principles was given for magnetic domain walls29,30, linking explicitly the Gilbert damping to the gradients in the magnetic spin texture rm. Such spatial non-locality, in particular, for discrete atomistic models, allows further to motivate energy dis-arXiv:1709.10365v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] 29 Sep 20172 ij αij q FIG. 1: Schematic illustration of non-local energy dissipation ijbetween site iandj(red balls) represented by a power cord in a system with spin wave (gray arrows) propagation q. sipation between two magnetic moments at sites iand j, and is represented by ij, as schematically illustrated in Fig. 1. An analytical expression for ijwas already proposed by various authors14,31,32, however, not much work has been done on a material specic, rst-principle description of the atomistic non-local Gilbert damping ij. An exception is the work by Gilmore et al.32who studied(q) in the reciprocal space as a function of the magnon wave vector qand concluded that the non-local damping is negligible. Yan et al.29and Hals et al.33, on the other hand, applied scattering theory according to Brataas et al.34to simulate non-collinearity in Gilbert damping, only in reciprocal space or continuous meso- scopic scale. Here we come up with a technical descrip- tion of non-locality of the damping parameter ij, in real space, and provide numerical examples for elemental, itinerant magnets, which might be of high importance in the context of ultrafast demagnetization35. The paper is organized as follows: In Section I, we introduce our rst-principles model formalism based on the torque-torque correlation model to study non-local damping. This is applied to bulk itinerant magnets bcc Fe, fcc Co, and fcc Ni in both reciprocal and real space and it is analysed in details in Section II. Here, we will also apply atomistic magnetisation dynamics to outline the importance in the evolution of magnetic systems. Fi- nally, in the last section, we conclude the paper by giving an outlook of our work. I. METHODS We consider the torque-torque correlation model in- troduced by Kambersk y10and further elaborated on by Gilmore et al.12. Here, nite magnetic moment rotations couple to the Bloch eigenenergies "n;kand eigenstates jnki, characterised by the band index nat wave vec-tork, due to spin-orbit coupling. This generates a non- equilibrium population state (a particle-hole pair), where the excited states relax towards the equilibrium distribu- tion (Fermi-Dirac statistics) within the time n;k=1= , which we assume is independent of nandk. In the adi- abatic limit, this perturbation is described by the Kubo- Greenwood perturbation theory and reads12,36in a non- local formulation (q) =g msZ X nmT nk;mk+q T nk;mk+qWnk;mk+qdk: (2) Here the integral runs over the whole Brillouin zone volume . A frozen magnon of wave vector qis consid- ered that is ascribed to the non-locality of . The scat- tering events depend on the spectral overlap Wnk;mk+q=R (")Ank("; )Amk+q("; ) d"between two bands "n;k and"m;k+q, where the spectral width of the electronic bandsAnkis approximated by a Lorentzian of width . Note that is a parameter in our model and can be spin- dependent as proposed in Ref. [37]. In other studies, this parameter is allocated to the self-energy of the system and is obtained by introducing disorder, e.g., in an al- loy or alloy analogy model using the coherent potential approximation14(CPA) or via the inclusion of electron correlation38. Thus, a principle study of the non-local damping versus can be also seen as e.g. a temperature dependent study of the non-local damping. =@f=@"is the derivative of the Fermi-Dirac distribution fwith re- spect to the energy. T nk;mk+q=hnkj^Tjmk+qi, where =x;y;z , are the matrix elements of the torque oper- ator ^T= [;Hso] obtained from variation of the mag- netic moment around certain rotation axis e.and Hsoare the Pauli matrices and the spin-orbit hamilto- nian, respectively. In the collinear ferromagnetic limit, e=ezand variations occur in xandy, only, which al- lows to consider just one component of the torque, i.e. ^T =^Tx i^Ty. Using Lehmann representation39, we rewrite the Bloch eigenstates by Green's function G, and dene the spectral function ^A= i GR GA with the retarded (R) and advanced (A) Green's function, (q) =g mZ Z (")^T^Ak ^Ty^Ak+qdkd":(3) The Fourier transformation of the Green's function G nally is used to obtain the non-local Gilbert damping tensor23between site iat positionriand sitejat position rj, ij=g mZ (")^T i^Aij ^T jy^Ajid": (4) Note that ^Aij= i GR ij GA ji . This result is consis- tent with the formulation given in Ref. [31] and Ref. [14]. Hence, the denition of non-local damping in real space3 and reciprocal space translate into each other by a Fourier transformation, ij=Z (q) e i(rj ri)qdq: (5) Note the obvious advantage of using Eq. (4), since it allows for a direct calculation of ij, as opposed to tak- ing the inverse Fourier transform of Eq. (5). For rst- principles studies, the Green's function is obtained from a tight binding (TB) model based on the Slater-Koster parameterization40. The Hamiltonian consists of on-site potentials, hopping terms, Zeeman energy, and spin-orbit coupling (See Appendix A). The TB parameters, includ- ing the spin-orbit coupling strength, are obtained by t- ting the TB band structures to ab initio band structures as reported elsewhere23. Beyond our model study, we simulate material spe- cic non-local damping with the help of the full-potential linear mun-tin orbitals (FP-LMTO) code \RSPt"41,42. Further numerical details are provided in Appendix A. With the aim to emphasize the importance of non- local Gilbert damping in the evolution of atomistic magnetic moments, we performed atomistic magnetiza- tion dynamics by numerical solving the Landau-Lifshitz Gilbert (LLG) equation, explicitly incorporating non- local damping23,34,43 @mi @t=mi0 @
Beff i+X jij mj s@mj @t1 A:(6) Here, the eective eld Beff i = @^H=@miis allo- cated to the spin Hamiltonian entails Heisenberg-like ex- change coupling P ijJijmimjand uniaxial magneto- crystalline anisotropyP iKi(miei)2with the easy axis alongei.JijandKiare the Heisenberg exchange cou- pling and the magneto-crystalline anisotropy constant, respectively, and were obtained from rst principles44,45. Further details are provided in Appendix A. II. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This section is divided in three parts. In the rst part, we discuss non-local damping in reciprocal space q. The second part deals with the real space denition of the Gilbert damping ij. Atomistic magnetization dynam- ics including non-local Gilbert damping is studied in the third part. A. Non-local damping in reciprocal space The formalism derived by Kambersk y10and Gilmore12 in Eq. (2) represents the non-local contributions to the energy dissipation in the LLG equation by the magnonwave vector q. In particular, Gilmore et al.32con- cluded that for transition metals at room temperature the single-mode damping rate is essentially independent of the magnon wave vector for qbetween 0 and 1% of the Brillouin zone edge. However, for very small scat- tering rates , Gilmore and Stiles12observed for bcc Fe, hcp Co and fcc Ni a strong decay of withq, caused by the weighting function Wnm(k;k+q) without any sig- nicant changes of the torque matrix elements. Within our model systems, we observed the same trend for bcc Fe, fcc Co and fcc Ni. To understand the decay of the Gilbert damping with magnon-wave vector qin more de- tail, we study selected paths of both the magnon qand electron momentum kin the Brillouin zone at the Fermi energy"Ffor bcc Fe (q;k2 !Handq;k2H!N), fcc Co and fcc Ni ( q;k2 !Xandq;k2X!L) (see Fig. 2, where the integrand of Eq. (2) is plotted). For example, in Fe, a usually two-fold degenerated dband (approximately in the middle of H, marked by ( i)) gives a signicant contribution to the intraband damping for small scattering rates. There are two other contributions to the damping (marked by ( ii)), that are caused purely by interband transitions. With increasing, but small q the intensities of the peaks decrease and interband tran- sitions become more likely. With larger q, however, more and more interband transitions appear which leads to an increase of the peak intensity, signicantly in the peaks marked with ( ii). This increase could be the same or- der of magnitude as the pure intraband transition peak. Similar trends also occur in Co as well as Ni and are also observed for Fe along the path HN. Larger spectral width increases the interband spin-
ip transitions even further (data not shown). Note that the torque-torque correlation model might fail for large values of q, since the magnetic moments change so rapidly in space that the adiababtic limit is violated46and electrons are not stationary equilibrated. The electrons do not align ac- cording the magnetic moment and the non-equilibrium electron distribution in Eq. (2) will not fully relax. In particular, the magnetic force theorem used to derive Eq. (3) may not be valid. The integration of the contributions in electron mo- mentum space kover the whole Brillouin zone is pre- sented in Fig. 3, where both `Loretzian' method given by Eq. (2) and Green's function method represented by Eq. (3) are applied. Both methods give the same trend, however, dier slightly in the intraband region, which was already observed previously by the authors of Ref. [23]. In the `Lorentzian' approach, Eq. (2), the electronic structure itself is unaected by the scattering rate , only the width of the Lorentian used to approx- imateAnkis aected. In the Green function approach, however, enters as the imaginary part of the energy at which the Green functions is evaluated and, conse- quently, broadens and shifts maxima in the spectral func- tion. This oset from the real energy axis provides a more accurate description with respect to the ab initio results than the Lorentzian approach.4 ΓHq(a−1 0) Γ H k(a−1 0) Fe ΓX Γ X k(a−1 0) Co ΓX Γ X k(a−1 0) Ni (i) (ii) (ii) FIG. 2: Electronic state resolved non-local Gilbert damping obtained from the integrand of Eq. (3) along selected paths in the Brillouin zone for bcc Fe, fcc Co and fcc Ni. The scattering rate used is = 0 :01 eV. The abscissa (both top and bottom in each panels) shows the momentum path of the electron k, where the ordinate (left and right in each panel) shows the magnon propagation vector q. The two `triangle' in each panel should be viewed separately where the magnon momentum changes accordingly (along the same path) to the electron momentum. Within the limits of our simplied electronic structure tight binding method, we obtained qualitatively similar trends as observed by Gilmore et al.32: a dramatic de- crease in the damping at low scattering rates (intra- band region). This trend is common for all here ob- served itinerant magnets typically in a narrow region 0<jqj<0:02a 1 0, but also for dierent magnon propa- gation directions. For larger jqj>0:02a 1 0the damping could again increase (not shown here). The decay of is only observable below a certain threshold scattering rate , typically where intra- and interband contribu- tion equally contributing to the Gilbert damping. As already found by Gilmore et al.32and Thonig et al.23, this point is materials specic. In the interband regime, however, damping is independent of the magnon propa- gator, caused by already allowed transition between the electron bands due to band broadening. Marginal vari- ations in the decay with respect to the direction of q (Inset of Fig. 3) are revealed, which was not reported be- fore. Such behaviour is caused by the break of the space group symmetry due to spin-orbit coupling and a selected global spin-quantization axis along z-direction, but also due to the non-cubic symmetry of Gkfork6= 0. As a re- sult, e.g., in Ni the non-local damping decays faster along Kthan in X. This will be discussed more in detail in the next section. We also investigated the scaling of the non-local Gilbert damping with respect to the spin-orbit coupling strengthdof the d-states (see Appendix B). We observe an eect that previously has not been discussed, namely that the non-local damping has a dierent exponential scaling with respect to the spin-orbit coupling constant for dierentjqj. In the case where qis close to the Bril- louin zone center (in particular q= 0),/3 dwhereas for wave vectors jqj>0:02a 1 0,/2 d. For largeq, typically interband transitions dominate the scatteringmechanism, as we show above and which is known to scale proportional to 2. Here in particular, the 2will be caused only by the torque operator in Eq. (2). On the other hand, this indicates that spin-mixing transitions become less important because there is not contribution infrom the spectral function entering to the damping (q). The validity of the Kambserk y model becomes ar- guable for3scaling, as it was already proved by Costa et al.47and Edwards48, since it causes the unphysical and strong diverging intraband contribution at very low temperature (small ). Note that there is no experi- mental evidence of such a trend, most likely due to that sample impurities also in
uence . Furthermore, various other methods postulate that the Gilbert damping for q= 0 scales like 2 9,15,22. Hence, the current applied theory, Eq. (3), seems to be valid only in the long-wave limit, where we found 2-scaling. On the other hand, Edwards48proved that the long-wave length limit ( 2- scaling) hold also in the short-range limit if one account only for transition that conserve the spin (`pure' spin states), as we show for Co in Fig. 11 of Appendix C. The trendsversusjqjas described above changes drastically for the `corrected' Kambersk y formula: the interband re- gion is not aected by these corrections. In the intraband region, however, the divergent behaviour of disappears and the Gilbert damping monotonically increases with larger magnon wave vector and over the whole Brillouin zone. This trend is in good agreement with Ref. [29]. For the case, where q= 0, we even reproduced the re- sults reported in Ref. [21]; in the limit of small scattering rates the damping is constant, which was also reported before in experiment49,50. Furthermore, the anisotropy of(q) with respect to the direction of q(as discussed for the insets of Fig. 3) increases by accounting only for pure-spin states (not shown here). Both agreement with5 510−22Fe 0.000 0.025 0.050 0.075 0.100 q: Γ→H 2510−2α(q)Co q: Γ→X 510−225 10−310−210−110+0 Γ (eV)Ni q: Γ→X FIG. 3: (Color online) Non-local Gilbert damping as a func- tion of the spectral width for dierent reciprocal wave vector q(indicated by dierent colors and in units a 1 0). Note that q provided here are in direct coordinates and only the direction diers between the dierent elementals, itinerant magnets. The non-local damping is shown for bcc Fe (top panel) along !H, for fcc Co (middle panel) along !X, and for fcc Ni (bottom panel) along !X. It is obtained from `Lorentzian' (Eq. (2), circles) and Green's function (Eq. (3), triangles) method. The directional dependence of for = 0:01 eV is shown in the inset. experiment and previous theory motivate to consider 2- scaling for all . B. Non-local damping in real space Atomistic spin-dynamics, as stated in Section I (see Eq. (6)), that includes non-local damping requires Gilbert damping in real-space, e.g. in the form ij. This point is addressed in this section. Such non-local con- tributions are not excluded in the Rayleigh dissipation functional, applied by Gilbert to derive the dissipation contribution in the equation of motion51(see Fig. 4). Dissipation is dominated by the on-site contribution -101 Fe αii= 3.552·10−3 ˜αii= 3.559·10−3 -101αij·10−4Co αii= 3.593·10−3 ˜αii= 3.662·10−3 -10 1 2 3 4 5 6 rij/a0Ni αii= 2.164·10−2 ˜αii= 2.319·10−2FIG. 4: (Color online) Real-space Gilbert damping ijas a function of the distance rijbetween two sites iandjfor bcc Fe, fcc Co, and fcc Ni. Both the `corrected' Kambersk y (red circles) and the Kambersk y (blue squares) approach is considered. The distance is normalised to the lattice constant a0. The on-site damping iiis shown in the gure label. The grey dotted line indicates the zero line. The spectral width is = 0:005 eV. iiin the itinerant magnets investigated here. For both Fe (ii= 3:5510 3) and Co ( ii= 3:5910 3) the on-site damping contribution is similar, whereas for Ni iiis one order of magnitude higher. O-site contri- butionsi6=jare one-order of magnitude smaller than the on-site part and can be even negative. Such neg- ative damping is discernible also in Ref. [52], however, it was not further addressed by the authors. Due to the presence of the spin-orbit coupling and a preferred global spin-quantization axis (in z-direction), the cubic symmetry of the considered itinerant magnets is broken and, thus, the Gilbert damping is anisotropic with re- spect to the sites j(see also Fig. 5 left panel). For ex- ample, in Co, four of the in-plane nearest neighbours (NN) areNN 4:310 5, while the other eight are NN 2:510 5. However, in Ni the trend is opposite: the out-of-plane damping ( NN 1:610 3) is smaller than the in-plane damping ( NN 1:210 3). In- volving more neighbours, the magnitude of the non-local6 damping is found to decay as 1=r2and, consequently, it is dierent than the Heisenberg exchange parameter that asymptotically decays in RKKY-fashion as Jij/1=r353. For the Heisenberg exchange, the two Green's functions as well as the energy integration in the Lichtenstein- Katsnelson-Antropov-Gubanov formula54scales liker 1 ij, G ij/ei(krij+) jrijj(7) whereas for simplicity we consider here a single-band model but the results can be generalized also to the multi- band case and where denotes a phase factor for spin =";#. For the non-local damping the energy integra- tion is omitted due to the properties of in Eq. (4) and, thus, ij/sin k"rij+ " sin k#rij+ # jrijj2:(8) This spatial dependency of ijsuperimposed with Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) oscillations was also found in Ref. [52] for a model system. For Ni, dissipation is very much short range, whereas in Fe and Co `damping peaks' also occur at larger distances (e.g. for Fe at rij= 5:1a0and for Co at rij= 3:4a0). The `long-rangeness' depends strongly on the parameter (not shown here). As it was already observed for the Heisenberg exchange interaction Jij44, stronger thermal eects represented by will reduce the correlation length between two magnetic moments at site iandj. The same trend is observed for damping: larger causes smaller dissipation correlation length and, thus, a faster decay of non-local damping in space rij. Dierent from the Heisenberg exchange, the absolute value of the non-local damping typically decreases with as it is demonstrated in Fig. 5. Note that the change of the magnetic moment length is not considered in the results discussed so far. The anisotropy with respect to the sites iandjof the non- local Gilbert damping continues in the whole range of the scattering rate and is controlled by it. For instance, the second nearest neighbours damping in Co and Ni become degenerated at = 0 :5 eV, where the anisotropy between rst-nearest neighbour sites increase. Our results show also that the sign of ijis aected by (as shown in Fig. 5 left panel). Controlling the broadening of Bloch spectral functions is in principal possible to evaluate from theory, but more importantly it is accessible from experimental probes such as angular resolved photoelec- tron spectroscopy and two-photon electron spectroscopy. The importance of non-locality in the Gilbert damping depend strongly on the material (as shown in Fig. 5 right panel). It is important to note that the total | dened as tot=P jijfor arbitrary i|, but also the local ( i=j) and the non-local ( i6=j) part of the Gilbert damping do not violate the thermodynamic principles by gaining an- gular momentum (negative total damping). For Fe, the -101 1. NN. 2. NN.Fe 34567αii αtot=/summationtext jαijαq=0.1a−1 0αq=0 -10αij·10−4Co 123456 αij·10−3 -15-10-50 10−210−1 Γ (eV)Ni 5101520 10−210−1 Γ (eV)FIG. 5: (Color online) First (circles) and second nearest neighbour (triangles) Gilbert damping (left panel) as well as on-site (circles) and total Gilbert (right panel) as a function of the spectral width for the itinerant magnets Fe, Co, and Ni. In particular for Co, the results obtained from tight binding are compared with rst-principles density functional theory results (gray open circles). Solid lines (right panel) shows the Gilbert damping obtained for the magnon wave vectors q= 0 (blue line) and q= 0:1a 1 0(red line). Dotted lines are added to guide the eye. Note that since cubic symmetry is broken (see text), there are two sets of nearest neighbor parameters and two sets of next nearest neighbor parameters (left panel) for any choice of . local and total damping are of the same order for all , where in Co and Ni the local and non-local damp- ing are equally important. The trends coming from our tight binding electron structure were also reproduced by our all-electron rst-principles simulation, for both de- pendency on the spectral broadening (Fig. 5 gray open circles) but also site resolved non-local damping in the intraband region (see Appendix A), in particular for fcc Co. We compare also the non-local damping obtain from the real and reciprocal space. For this, we used Eq. (3) by simulating Nq= 151515 points in the rst magnon Brillouin zone qand Fourier-transformed it (Fig. 6). For7 -1.0-αij·10−4 5 10 15 20 25 30 rij/a0FFT(α(q));αii= 0.003481 FFT(G(k));αii= 0.003855 FIG. 6: (Color online) Comparing non-local Gilbert damping obtained by Eq. (5) (red symbols) and Eq. (4) (blue symbols) in fcc Co for = 0 :005 eV. The dotted line indicates zero value. both approaches, we obtain good agreement, corroborat- ing our methodology and possible applications in both spaces. The non-local damping for the rst three nearest neighbour shells turn out to converge rapidly with Nq, while it does not converge so quickly for larger distances rij. The critical region around the -point in the Bril- louin zone is suppressed in the integration over q. On the other hand, the relation tot=P jij=(q= 0) for arbitrary ishould be valid, which is however violated in the intraband region as shown in Fig. 5 (compare tri- angles and blue line in Fig. 5): The real space damping is constant for small and follows the long-wavelength limit (compare triangles and red line in Fig. 5) rather than the divergent ferromagnetic mode ( q= 0). Two explanations are possible: i)convergence with respect to the real space summation and ii)a dierent scaling in both models with respect to the spin-orbit coupling. For i), we carefully checked the convergence with the summa- tion cut-o (see Appendix D) and found even a lowering of the total damping for larger cut-o. However, the non- local damping is very long-range and, consequently, con- vergence will be achieved only at a cut-o radius >>9a0. Forii), we checked the scaling of the real space Gilbert damping with the spin-orbit coupling of the d-states (see Appendix B). Opposite to the `non-corrected' Kam- bersk y formula in reciprocal space, which scales like 3 d, we nd2 dfor the real space damping. This indi- cates that the spin-
ip scattering hosted in the real-space Green's function is suppressed. To corroborate this state- ment further, we applied the corrections proposed by Edwards48to our real space formula Eq. (4), which by default assumes 2(Fig. 4, red dots). Both methods, cor- rected and non-corrected Eq. (4), agree quite well. The small discrepancies are due to increased hybridisations and band inversion between p and d- states due to spin- orbit coupling in the `non-corrected' case. Finally, we address other ways than temperature (here represented by ), to manipulate the non-local damping. It is well established in literature already for Heisenberg exchange and the magneto crystalline anisotropy that -αij·10−4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 rij/a0αii= 3.49·10−3αii= 3.43·10−3FIG. 7: (Color online) Non-local Gilbert damping as a func- tion of the normalized distancerij=a0for a tetragonal dis- torted bcc Fe crystal structure. Here,c=a= 1:025 (red circles) andc=a= 1:05 (blue circles) is considered. is put to 0 :01 eV. The zero value is indicated by dotted lines. compressive or tensial strain can be used to tune the mag- netic phase stability and to design multiferroic materials. In an analogous way, also non-local damping depends on distortions in the crystal (see Fig. 7). Here, we applied non-volume conserved tetragonal strain along the caxis. The local damping iiis marginal biased. Relative to the values of the undistorted case, a stronger eect is observed for the non-local part, in particular for the rst few neighbours. Since we do a non-volume conserved distortion, the in-plane second NN component of the non-local damping is constant. The damping is in general decreasing with increasing distor- tion, however, a change in the sign of the damping can also occur (e.g. for the third NN). The rate of change in damping is not linear. In particular, the nearest- neighbour rate is about 0:410 5for 2:5% dis- tortion, and 2 :910 5for 5% from the undistorted case. For the second nearest neighbour, the rate is even big- ger (3:010 5for 2:5%, 6:910 5for 5%). For neigh- bours larger than rij= 3a0, the change is less signicant ( 0:610 5for 2:5%, 0:710 5for 5%). The strongly strain dependent damping motivates even higher-order coupled damping contributions obtained from Taylor ex- panding the damping contribution around the equilib- rium position 0 ij:ij=0 ij+@ij=@ukuk+:::. Note that this is in analogy to the magnetic exchange interaction55 (exchange striction) and a natural name for it would be `dissipation striction'. This opens new ways to dis- sipatively couple spin and lattice reservoir in combined dynamics55, to the best of our knowledge not considered in todays ab-initio modelling of atomistic magnetisation dynamics. C. Atomistic magnetisation dynamics The question about the importance of non-local damp- ing in atomistic magnetization dynamics (ASD) remains.8 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 t(ps)0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01αtot αij 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 t(ps)Fe Co FIG. 8: (Color online) Evolution of the average magnetic mo- mentMduring remagnetization in bcc Fe (left panel) and fcc Co (right panel) for dierent damping strength according to the spectral width (dierent colors) and both, full non- localij(solid line) and total, purely local tot(dashed line) Gilbert damping. For this purpose, we performed zero-temperature ASD for bcc Fe and fcc Co bulk and analysed changes in the average magnetization during relaxation from a totally random magnetic conguration, for which the total mo- ment was zero (Fig. 8) Related to the spectral width, the velocity for remag- netisation changes and is higher, the bigger the eective Gilbert damping is. For comparison, we performed also ASD simulations based on Eq. (2) with a scalar, purely local damping tot(dotted lines). For Fe, it turned out that accounting for the non-local damping causes a slight decrease in the remagnetization time, however, is overall not important for relaxation processes. This is under- standable by comparing the particular damping values in Fig. 5, right panel, in which the non-local part ap- pear negligible. On the other hand, for Co the eect on the relaxation process is much more signicant, since the non-local Gilbert damping reduces the local contribu- tion drastically (see Fig. 5, right panel). This `negative' non-local part ( i6=j) inijdecelerates the relaxation process and the relaxation time is drastically increased by a factor of 10. Note that a `positive' non-local part will accelerate the relaxation, which is of high interest for ultrafast switching processes. III. CONCLUDING REMARKS In conclusion, we have evaluated the non-locality of the Gilbert damping parameter in both reciprocal and real space for elemental, itinerant magnets bcc Fe, fcc Co and fcc Ni. In particular in the reciprocal space, our results are in good agreement with values given in the literature32. The here studied real space damping was considered on an atomistic level and it motivates to account for the full, non-local Gilbert damping in magnetization dynamic, e.g. at surfaces56or for nano- structures57. We revealed that non-local damping canbe negative, has a spatial anisotropy, quadratically scales with spin-orbit coupling, and decays in space as r 2 ij. Detailed comparison between real and reciprocal states identied the importance of the corrections proposed by Edwards48and, consequently, overcome the limits of the Kambersk y formula showing an unphysical and experi- mental not proved divergent behaviour at low tempera- ture. We further promote ways of manipulating non-local Gilbert damping, either by temperature, materials dop- ing or strain, and motivating `dissipation striction' terms, that opens a fundamental new root in the coupling be- tween spin and lattice reservoirs. Our studies are the starting point for even further in- vestigations: Although we mimic temperature by the spectral broadening , a precise mapping of to spin and phonon temperature is still missing, according to Refs. [14,23]. Even at zero temperature, we revealed a signicant eect of the non-local Gilbert damping to the magnetization dynamics, but the in
uence of non-local damping to nite temperature analysis or even to low- dimensional structures has to be demonstrated. IV. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank Lars Bergqvist, Lars Nordstr om, Justin Shaw, and Jonas Fransson for fruitful discus- sions. O.E. acknowledges the support from Swedish Re- search Council (VR), eSSENCE, and the KAW Founda- tion (Grants No. 2012.0031 and No. 2013.0020). Appendix A: Numerical details We performkintegration with up to 1 :25106mesh points (500500500) in the rst Brillouin zone for bulk. The energy integration is evaluated at the Fermi level only. For our principles studies, we performed a Slater- Koster parameterised40tight binding (TB) calculations58 of the torque-torque correlation model as well as for the Green's function model. Here, the TB parameters have been obtained by tting the electronic structures to those of a rst-principles fully relativistic multiple scattering Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) method using a genetic algorithm. The details of the tting and the tight binding parameters are listed elsewhere23,59. This puts our model on a rm, rst-principles ground. The tight binding Hamiltonian60H=H0+Hmag+ Hsoccontains on-site energies and hopping elements H0, the spin-orbit coupling Hsoc=SLand the Zeeman termHmag=1=2B. The Green's function is obtained byG= ("+ i H) 1, allows in principle to consider disorder in terms of spin and phonon as well as alloys23. The bulk Greenian Gijin real space between site iandj is obtained by Fourier transformation. Despite the fact that the tight binding approach is limited in accuracy, it produces good agreement with rst principle band struc- ture calculations for energies smaller than "F+ 5 eV.9 -1.5-1.0- 5 10 15 20 25 30 rij(Bohr radii)Γ≈0.01eVTB TBe DFT αDFT ii= 3.9846·10−3 αTB ii= 3.6018·10−3-1.5-1.0- Γ≈0.005eV αDFT ii= 3.965·10−3 αTB ii= 3.5469·10−3αij·10−4 FIG. 9: (Colour online) Comparison of non-local damping ob- tained from the Tight Binding method (TB) (red lled sym- bols), Tight Binding with Edwards correction (TBe) (blue lled symbols) and the linear mun tin orbital method (DFT) (open symbols) for fcc Co. Two dierent spectral broadenings are chosen. Equation (4) was also evaluated within the DFT and linear mun-tin orbital method (LMTO) based code RSPt. The calculations were done for a k-point mesh of 1283k-points. We used three types of basis func- tions, characterised by dierent kinetic energies with 2= 0:1; 0:8; 1:7 Ry to describe 4 s, 4pand 3dstates. The damping constants were calculated between the 3 d orbitals, obtained using using mun-tin head projection scheme61. Both the rst principles and tight binding im- plementation of the non-local Gilbert damping agree well (see Fig. 9). Note that due to numerical reasons, the values of used for the comparisons are slightly dierent in both electronic structure methods. Furthermore, in the LMTO method the orbitals are projected to d-orbitals only, which lead to small discrepancies in the damping. The atomistic magnetization dynamics is also per- formed within the Cahmd simulation package58. To reproduce bulk properties, periodic boundary condi- tions and a suciently large cluster (10 1010) are employed. The numerical time step is t= 0:1 fs. The exchange coupling constants Jijare obtained from the Liechtenstein-Kastnelson-Antropov- Gubanovski (LKAG) formula implemented in the rst- principles fully relativistic multiple scattering Korringa- Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) method39. On the other hand, the magneto-crystalline anisotropy is used as a xed pa- rameter with K= 50eV. 012345678α·10−3 0.0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 ξd(eV)γ 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 q(a−1 0)-12-10-8-6-4-20αnn·10−5 01234567 αos·10−3 1.945 1.797 1.848 1.950 1.848 1.797 1.950FIG. 10: (Color online) Gilbert damping as a function of the spin-orbit coupling for the d-states in fcc Co. Lower panel shows the Gilbert damping in reciprocal space for dierent q=jqjvalues (dierent gray colours) along the !Xpath. The upper panel exhibits the on-site os(red dotes and lines) and nearest-neighbour nn(gray dots and lines) damping. The solid line is the exponential t of the data point. The inset shows the tted exponents
with respect wave vector q. The colour of the dots is adjusted to the particular branch in the main gure. The spectral width is = 0 :005 eV. Appendix B: Spin-orbit coupling scaling in real and reciprocal space Kambersk y's formula is valid only for quadratic spin- orbit coupling scaling21,47, which implies only scattering between states that preserve the spin. This mechanism was explicitly accounted by Edwards48by neglecting the spin-orbit coupling contribution in the `host' Green's function. It is predicted for the coherent mode ( q= 0)21 that this overcomes the unphysical and not experimen- tally veried divergent Gilbert damping for low tem- perature. Thus, the methodology requires to prove the functional dependency of the (non-local) Gilbert damp- ing with respect to the spin-orbit coupling constant (Fig. 10). Since damping is a Fermi-surface eects, it is sucient to consider only the spin-orbit coupling of the d-states. The real space Gilbert damping ij/
scales for both on-site and nearest-neighbour sites with
2. For the reciprocal space, however, the scaling is more complex and
depends on the magnon wave vec- torq(inset in Fig. 10). In the long-wavelength limit, the Kambersk y formula is valid, where for the ferromag- netic magnon mode with
3 the Kambersk y formula is indenite according to Edwards48.10 10−32510−2α(q) 10−310−210−110+0 Γ (eV)0.000 0.025 0.050 0.075 0.100 q: Γ→XCo FIG. 11: (Colour online) Comparison of reciprocal non-local damping with (squares) or without (circles) corrections pro- posed by Costa et al.47and Edwards48for Co and dierent spectral broadening . Dierent colours represent dierent magnon propagation vectors q. Appendix C: Intraband corrections From the same reason as discussed in Section B, the role of the correction proposed by Edwards48for magnon propagations dierent than zero is unclear and need to be studied. Hence, we included the correction of Ed- ward also to Eq. (3) (Fig. 11). The exclusion of the spin- orbit coupling (SOC) in the `host' clearly makes a major qualitative and quantitative change: Although the in- terband transitions are unaected, interband transitions are mainly suppressed, as it was already discussed by Barati et al.21. However, the intraband contributions are not totally removed for small . For very small scat- tering rates, the damping is constant. Opposite to the `non-corrected' Kambersk y formula, the increase of the magnon wave number qgives an increase in the non- local damping which is in agreement to the observation made by Yuan et al.29, but also with the analytical modelproposed in Ref. [52] for small q. This behaviour was ob- served for all itinerant magnets studied here. Appendix D: Comparison real and reciprocal Gilbert damping The non-local damping scales like r 2 ijwith the dis- tance between the sites iandj, and is, thus, very long range. In order to compare tot=P j2Rcutijfor arbi- traryiwith(q= 0), we have to specify the cut-o ra- dius of the summation in real space (Fig. 12). The inter- band transitions ( >0:05 eV) are already converged for small cut-o radii Rcut= 3a0. Intraband transitions, on the other hand, converge weakly with Rcutto the recipro- cal space value (q= 0). Note that (q= 0) is obtained from the corrected formalism. Even with Rcut= 9a0 which is proportional to 30000 atoms, we have notαtot·10−3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Rcut/a00.005 0.1 FIG. 12: Total Gilbert damping totfor fcc Co as a function of summation cut-o radius for two spectral width , one in intraband ( = 0 :005 eV, red dottes and lines) and one in the interband ( = 0 :1 eV, blue dottes and lines) region. The dotted and solid lines indicates the reciprocal value (q= 0) with and without SOC corrections, respectively. obtain convergence. Electronic address: 1S. S. P. Parkin, M. Hayashi, and L. Thomas, Science 320, 190 (2008), URL 10.1126/science.1145799 . 2J. Iwasaki, M. Mochizuki, and N. Nagaosa, Nature Nanotech 8, 742 (2013), URL doifinder/10.1038/nnano.2013.176 . 3A. Fert, V. Cros, and J. Sampaio, Nature Nanotech 8, 152 (2013), URL 1038/nnano.2013.29 . 4B. Behin-Aein, D. Datta, S. Salahuddin, and S. 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switching which depends strongly on the damping in the magnetisation dynamics.
It was recently measured that damping depends on the magnetic texture and,
consequently, is a non-local quantity. The damping enters the
Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation as the phenomenological Gilbert damping
parameter $\alpha$, that does not, in a straight forward formulation, account
for non-locality. Efforts were spent recently to obtain Gilbert damping from
first principles for magnons of wave vector $\mathbf{q}$. However, to the best
of our knowledge, there is no report about real space non-local Gilbert damping
$\alpha_{ij}$. Here, a torque-torque correlation model based on a tight binding
approach is applied to the bulk elemental itinerant magnets and it predicts
significant off-site Gilbert damping contributions, that could be also
negative. Supported by atomistic magnetisation dynamics simulations we reveal
the importance of the non-local Gilbert damping in atomistic magnetisation
dynamics. This study gives a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the
magnetic moments and dissipation processes in real magnetic materials. Ways of
manipulating non-local damping are explored, either by temperature, material's
doping or strain. | Non-local Gilbert damping tensor within the torque-torque correlation model | 1709.10365v1 |
arXiv:2212.09164v1 [math.OC] 18 Dec 2022EXPONENTIAL DECAY OF SOLUTIONS OF DAMPED WAVE EQUATIONS IN ONE DIMENSIONAL SPACE IN THE LpFRAMEWORK FOR VARIOUS BOUNDARY CONDITIONS YACINE CHITOUR AND HOAI-MINH NGUYEN Abstract. We establish the decay of the solutions of the damped wave equ ations in one dimen- sional space for the Dirichlet, Neumann, and dynamic bounda ry conditions where the damping coefficient is a function of space and time. The analysis is bas ed on the study of the corresponding hyperbolic systems associated with the Riemann invariants . The key ingredient in the study of these systems is the use of the internal dissipation energy t o estimate the difference of solutions with their mean values in an average sense. Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. The well-posedness in Lp-setting 5 2.1. Proof of Proposition 2.1 7 2.2. Proof of Proposition 2.2 9 3. Some useful lemmas 9 4. Exponential decay in Lp-framework for the Dirichlet boundary condition 13 4.1. Proof of Theorem 1.2 14 4.2. Proof of Theorem 1.1 16 4.3. On the case anot being non-negative 16 5. Exponential decay in Lp-framework for the Neuman boundary condition 19 5.1. Proof of Theorem 5.2 19 5.2. Proof of Theorem 5.1 21 6. Exponential decay in Lp-framework for the dynamic boundary condition 21 6.1. Proof of Theorem 6.2 22 6.2. Proof of Theorem 6.1 23 References 23 1.Introduction This paper is devoted to the decay of solution of the damped wa ve equations in one dimensional space in the Lp-framework for 1 < p <+∞for various boundary conditions where the damping depends on space and time. More precisely, we consider the da mped wave equation (1.1)/braceleftBigg ∂ttu−∂xxu+a∂tu= 0 in R+×(0,1), u(0,·) =u0, ∂tu(0,·) =u1on (0,1), equipped with one of the following boundary conditions: (1.2) Dirichlet boundary condition: u(t,0) =u(t,1) = 0,fort≥0, 12 Y. CHITOUR AND H.-M. NGUYEN (1.3) Neumann boundary condition: ∂xu(t,0) =∂xu(t,1) = 0,fort≥0, and, for κ >0, (1.4) dynamic boundary condition: ∂xu(t,0)−κ∂tu(t,0) =∂xu(t,1)+κ∂tu(t,1) = 0,fort≥0. Hereu0∈W1,p(0,1) (with u0(0) =u0(1) = 0, i.e., u0∈W1,p 0(0,1), in the case where the Dirichlet boundarycondition is considered), and u1∈Lp(0,1) aretheinitial conditions. Moreover, a∈L∞/parenleftbig R+×(0,1)/parenrightbig is assumed to verify the following hypothesis: (1.5)a≥0,and∃λ,ε0>0,(x0−ε0,x0+ε0)⊂(0,1) such that a≥λonR+×(x0−ε0,x0+ε0), i.e,ais non-negative and a(t,x)≥λ >0 fort≥0 and for xin some open subset of (0 ,1). The region where a >0 represents the region in which the damping term is active. The decay of the solutions of ( 1.1) equipped with either ( 1.2), or (1.3), or (1.4) has been extensively investigated in the case where ais independent of t, i.e.,a(t,x) =a(x) and mainly in theL2-framework, i.e. within an Hilbertian setting. In this case , concerning the Dirichlet boundary condition, under the additional geometric multip lier condition on a, by the multiplier method, see e.g., [ 20,24], one can prove that the solution decays exponentially, i.e ., there exist positive constants Candγindependent of usuch that (1.6)/bardbl∂tu(t,·)/bardblL2(0,1)+/bardbl∂xu(t,·)/bardblL2(0,1)≤Ce−γt/parenleftBig /bardbl∂tu(0,·)/bardblL2(0,1)+/bardbl∂xu(0,·)/bardblL2(0,1)/parenrightBig , t≥0. Theassumption that asatisfies the geometric multiplier condition is equivalent to the requirement thata(x)≥λ >0 on some neighbourhood of 0 or 1. Based on more sophisticate a rguments in the seminal work of Bardos, Lebeau, and Rauch on the controll ability of the wave equation [ 3], Lebeau [23] showed that ( 1.6) also holds withoutthe geometric multiplier condition on a, see also the work of Rauch andTaylor [ 31]. When the dampingcoefficient ais also time-dependent, similar results have been obtained recently by Le Rousseau et al. in [ 22]. It is worth noticing that strong stabilization, i.e., the energy decay to zero for each traje ctory, has been established previously using LaSalle’s invariance argument [ 14,15]. The analysis of the nonlinear setting associated with (1.1) can be found in [ 6,17,26,27,34] and the references therein. Similar results holds for the Neumann boundary condition [ 3,22,26,34]. Concerning the dynamic boundary condition without interior damping effect, i.e., a≡0, the analysis for L2-framework was previously initiated by Quinn and Russell [ 30]. They proved that the energy exponentially decays in L2-framework in one dimensional space. The exponential decay for higher d imensional space was proved by Lagnese [ 21] using the multiplier technique (see also [ 30]). The decay hence was established for the geometric multiplier condition and this technique was l ater extended in [ 25], see also [ 1] for a nice account on these issues. Much less is known about the asymptotic stability of ( 1.1) equipped with either ( 1.2), or (1.3), or(1.4)inLp-framework. Thisisprobablyduetothefactthat forlinearw ave equationsconsidered in domains of Rdwithd≥2 is not a well defined bounded operator in general in Lpframework withp/ne}ationslash= 2, a result due to Peral [ 29]. As far as we know, the only work concerning exponential decay in the Lp-framework is due to Kafnemer et al. [ 19], where the Dirichlet boundary condition was considered. For the damping coefficient abeing time-independent, they showed that the decay holds under the additional geometric multiplier cond ition on afor 1< p <+∞. Their analysis is via the multiplier technique involving various non-linear test functions. In the case of zero damping and with a dynamic boundary condition, previ ous results have been obtained in [7] where the problem has been reduced to the study of a discrete time dynamical system over appropriate functional spaces.3 The goal of this paper is to give a unified approach to deal with all the boundary considered in (1.2), (1.3), and (1.4) in theLp-framework for 1 < p <+∞under the condition ( 1.5). Our results thus hold even in the case where ais a function of time and space. The analysis is based on the study of the corresponding hyperbolic systems associated w ith the Riemann invariants for which new insights are required. Concerning the Dirichlet boundary condition, we obtain the following result. Theorem 1.1. Let1< p <+∞,ε0>0,λ >0, and let a∈L∞/parenleftbig R+×(0,1)/parenrightbig be such that a≥0 anda≥λ >0inR+×(x0−ε0,x0+ε0)⊂R+×(0,1)for some x0∈(0,1). Then there exist positive constants Candγdepending only on p,/bardbla/bardblL∞/parenleftbig R+×(0,1)/parenrightbig,ε0, andλsuch that for all u0∈W1,p 0(0,1) andu1∈Lp(0,1), the unique weak solution u∈C([0,+∞);W1,p 0(0,1))∩C1([0,+∞);Lp(0,1))of (1.1)and(1.2)satisfies (1.7) /bardbl∂tu(t,·)/bardblLp(0,1)+/bardbl∂xu(t,·)/bardblLp(0,1)≤Ce−γt/parenleftBig /bardblu1/bardblLp(0,1)+/bardbl∂xu0/bardblLp(0,1)/parenrightBig , t≥0. The meaning of the (weak) solutions given Theorem 1.1is given in Section 2(see Definition 2.1) and their well-posedness is also established there (see Pro position 2.1). Our analysis is via the study of the decay of solutions of hyperbolic systems which a re associated with ( 1.1) via the Riemann invariants. Such a decay for the hyperbolic system, even in the case p= 2, is new to our knowledge. The analysis of these systems has its own interes t and is motivated by recent analysis on the controllability of hyperbolic systems in one dimensi onal space [ 9–12]. As in [16,19], we set (1.8)ρ(t,x) =ux(t,x)+ut(t,x) and ξ(t,x) =ux(t,x)−ut(t,x) for (t,x)∈R+×(0,1). One can check that for a smooth solution uof (1.1) and (1.2), the pair of functions ( ρ,ξ) defined in (1.8) satisfies the system (1.9) ρt−ρx=−1 2a(ρ−ξ) in R+×(0,1), ξt+ξx=1 2a(ρ−ξ) in R+×(0,1), ρ(t,0)−ξ(t,0) =ρ(t,1)−ξ(t,1) = 0 in R+. Onecannothope the decay of a general solutions of ( 1.9) since any pair ( c,c) wherec∈Ris a constant is a solution of ( 1.9). Nevertheless, for ( ρ,ξ) being defined by ( 1.9) for a solution uof (1.1), one also has the following additional information (1.10)ˆ1 0ρ(t,x)+ξ(t,x)dx= 0 fort≥0. ConcerningSystem( 1.9) itself (i.e., withoutnecessarily assuming( 1.10)), weprovethefollowing result, which takes into account ( 1.10). Theorem 1.2. Let1< p <+∞,ε0>0,λ >0, anda∈L∞/parenleftbig R+×(0,1)/parenrightbig be such that a≥0 anda≥λ >0inR+×(x0−ε0,x0+ε0)⊂R+×(0,1)for some x0∈(0,1). There exist a positive constant Cand a positive constant γdepending only on on p,/bardbla/bardblL∞/parenleftbig R+×(0,1)/parenrightbig,ε0, andλ such that the unique solution (ρ,ξ)of(1.9)with the initial condition ρ(0,·) =ρ0andξ(0,·) =ξ0 satisfies (1.11) /bardbl(ρ−c0,ξ−c0)(t,·)/bardblLp(0,1)≤Ce−γt/bardbl(ρ(0,·)−c0,ξ(0,·)−c0)/bardblLp(0,1), t≥0,4 Y. CHITOUR AND H.-M. NGUYEN where (1.12) c0:=1 2ˆ1 0/parenleftbig ρ(0,x)+ξ(0,x)/parenrightbig dx, In Theorem 1.2, we consider the broad solutions. It is understood through t he broad solution in finite time: for T >0 and 1≤p <+∞, a broad solution uof the system (1.13) ρt−ρx=−1 2a(ρ−ξ) in (0 ,T)×(0,1), ξt+ξx=1 2a(ρ−ξ) in (0 ,T)×(0,1), ρ(t,0)−ξ(t,0) =ρ(t,1)−ξ(t,1) = 0 in (0 ,T), ρ(0,·) =ρ0, ξ(0,·) =ξ0 in (0,1), is a pair of functions ( ρ,ξ)∈C([0,T];/bracketleftbig Lp(0,1)/bracketrightbig2/parenrightbig ∩C([0,1];/bracketleftbig Lp(0,T)/bracketrightbig2/parenrightbig which obey the charac- teristic rules, see e.g., [ 10]. Thewell-posedness of ( 1.13) can befoundin [ 10] (see also theappendix of [13]). The analysis there is mainly for the case p= 2 but the arguments extend naturally for the case 1 ≤p <+∞. In theLp-framework, the Neumann boundary condition and its corresp onding hyperbolic sys- tems are discussed in Section 5and the dynamic boundary condition and its corresponding hy - perbolic systems are discussed in Section 6. Concerning the dynamic boundary condition, the decay holds even under the assumption a≥0. The analysis for the Neumann case shares a large part in common with the one of the Dirichlet boundary conditi on. The difference in their analysis comes from taking into account differently the boundary condi tion. The analysis of the dynamic condition is similar but much simpler. The study of the wave equation in one dimensional space via th e corresponding hyperbolic system is known. Thecontrollability and stability of hyper bolicsystems has been also investigated extensively. This goes back to the work of Russel [ 32,33] and Rauch and Taylor [ 31]. Many important progress has been obtained recently, see, e.g., [ 4] and the references therein. It is worth noting that many works have been devoted to the L2-framework. Less is studied in the Lp-scale. In this direction, we want to mention [ 9] where the exponential stability is studied for dissipativ e boundary condition. Concerning the wave equation in one dimensional space, the e xponential decay in L2-setting for the dynamic boundary condition is also established via its c orresponding hyperbolic systems [ 30]. However, to our knowledge, the exponential decay for the Dir ichlet and Neumann boundary conditions has not been established even in L2-framework via this approach. Our work is new and quite distinct from the one in [ 30] and has its own interest. First, the analysis in [ 30] uses essentially the fact that the boundary is strictly dissipat ive, i.e.,κ >0 in (1.4). Thus the analysis cannot be used for the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary condit ions. Moreover, it is not clear how to extend it to the Lp-framework. Concerning our analysis, the key observation i s that the information of the internal energy allows one to control the difference of the solutions and its mean value in the interval of time (0 ,T) in an average sense. This observation is implemented in two lemmas (Lemma 3.2and Lemma 3.3) after using a standard result (Lemma 3.1) presented in Section 3. These two lemmas are the main ingredients of our analysis fo r the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. The proof of the first lemma is m ainly based on the characteristic method while as the proof of the second lemma is inspired from the theory of functions with bounded mean oscillations due to John and Nirenberg [ 18]. As seen later that, the analysis for the dynamic boundary condition is much simpler for which the use of Lemma 3.1is sufficient.5 Aninterestingpointofouranalysisisthefactthatthesele mmasdonotdependontheboundary conditions used. In fact, one can apply it in a setting where a bound of the internal energy is accessible. This allows us to deal with all the boundary cond itions considered in this paper by the same way. Another point of our analysis which is helpful to be mentioned is that the asymptotic stability for hyperbolic systems in one dimensional space h as been mainly studied for general solutions. This is not the case in the setting of Theorem 1.2where the asymptotic stability holds under condition ( 1.10). It is also worth noting that the time-dependent coefficient s generally make the phenomena more complex, see [ 13] for a discussion on the optimal null-controllable time. The analysis in this paper cannot handle the cases p= 1 and p= +∞. Partial results in this direction for the Dirichlet boundary condition can be found in [19] whereais constant and in some range. These cases will be considered elsewhere by differ ent approaches. The paper is organized as follows. The well-posedness of ( 1.1) equipped with one of the bound- ary conditions ( 1.2) and (1.3) is discussed in Section 2, where a slightly more general context is considered (the boundary condition ( 1.4) is considered directly in Section 6; comments on this point is given in Remark 6.3). Section 4is devoted to the proof of Theorem 1.1and Theorem 1.2. We also relaxed slightly the non-negative assumption on ain Theorem 1.1and Theorem 1.2there (see Theorem 4.1and Theorem 4.2) using a standard perturbative argument. The Neumann boundary condition is studied in Section 5and the Dynamic boundary condition is considered in Section6. 2.The well-posedness in Lp-setting Inthissection, wegivethemeaningof thesolutions of theda mpedwave equation ( 1.1)equipped with either the Dirichlet boundary condition ( 1.2) or the Neumann boundary condition ( 1.3) and establish their well-posedness in the Lp-framework with 1 ≤p≤+∞. We will consider a slightly more general context. More precisely, we consider the syste m (2.1)/braceleftBigg ∂ttu−∂xxu+a∂tu+b∂xu+cu=fin (0,T)×(0,1), u(0,·) =u0, ∂tu(0,·) =u1in (0,1), equipped with either (2.2) Dirichlet boundary condition: u(t,0) =u(t,1) = 0 for t∈(0,T), or (2.3) Neumann boundary condition: ∂xu(t,0) =∂xu(t,1) = 0 for t∈(0,T). Herea,b,c∈L∞((0,T)×(0,1)) andf∈Lp((0,T)×(0,1)). We begin with the Dirichlet boundary condition. Definition 2.1. LetT >0,1≤p <+∞,a,b,c∈L∞((0,T)×(0,1)),f∈Lp((0,T)×(0,1)), u0∈W1,p 0(0,1), andu1∈Lp(0,1). A function u∈C([0,T];W1,p 0(0,1))∩C1([0,T];Lp(0,1))is called a (weak) solution of (2.1)and(2.2)(up to time T) if (2.4) u(0,·) =u0, ∂tu(0,·) =u1in(0,1),6 Y. CHITOUR AND H.-M. NGUYEN and (2.5)d2 dt2ˆ1 0u(t,x)v(x)dx+ˆ1 0ux(t,x)vx(x)dx+ˆ1 0a(t,x)ut(t,x)v(x)dx +ˆ1 0b(t,x)ux(t,x)v(x)dx+ˆ1 0c(t,x)u(t,x)v(x)dx=ˆ1 0f(t,x)v(x)dx in the distributional sense in (0,T)for allv∈C1 c(0,1). Definition 2.1can be modified to deal with the case p= +∞as follows. Definition 2.2. LetT >0,a,b,c∈L∞((0,T)×(0,1)),f∈L∞((0,T)×(0,1)),u0∈W1,∞ 0(0,1), andu1∈L∞(0,1). A function u∈L∞([0,T];W1,∞ 0(0,1))∩W1,∞([0,T];L∞(0,1))is called a (weak) solution of (2.1)and(2.2)(up to time T) ifu∈C([0,T];W1,2 0(0,1))∩C1([0,T];L2(0,1)) 1and satisfies (2.4)and(2.5). Concerning the Neumann boundary condition, we have the foll owing definition. Definition 2.3. LetT >0,1≤p <+∞,a,b,c∈L∞((0,T)×(0,1)),f∈Lp((0,T)×(0,1)), u0∈W1,p(0,1), andu1∈Lp(0,1). A function u∈C([0,T];W1,p(0,1))∩C1([0,T];Lp(0,1))is called a (weak) solution of (2.1)and(2.3)(up to time T) if(2.4)is valid and (2.6)d2 dt2ˆ1 0u(t,x)v(x)dx+ˆ1 0ux(t,x)vx(x)dx +ˆ1 0b(t,x)ux(t,x)v(x)dx+ˆ1 0c(t,x)u(t,x)v(x)dx+ˆ1 0a(t,x)ut(t,x)v(x)dx=ˆ1 0f(t,x)v(x)dx holds in the distributional sense in (0,T)for allv∈C1([0,1]). Definition 2.1can be modified to deal with the case p= +∞as follows. Definition 2.4. LetT >0,a,b,c∈L∞((0,T)×(0,1)),f∈L∞((0,T)×(0,1)),u0∈W1,∞(0,1), andu1∈L∞(0,1). A function u∈L∞([0,T];W1,∞(0,1))∩W1,∞([0,T];L∞(0,1))is called a (weak) solution of (2.1)and(2.3)(up to time T) ifu∈C([0,T];W1,2(0,1))∩C1([0,T];L2(0,1)) 2,(2.4)is valid, and (2.5)holds in the distributional sense in (0,T)for allv∈C1([0,1]). Concerningthe well-posedness of the Dirichlet system ( 2.1) and (2.2), we establish the following result. Proposition 2.1. LetT >0,1≤p≤+∞, anda,b,c∈L∞((0,T)×(0,1)), and let u0∈ W1,p 0(0,1),u1∈Lp(0,1), andf∈Lp/parenleftbig (0,T)×(0,1)/parenrightbig . Then there exists a unique (weak) solution uof(2.1)and(2.2). Moreover, it holds (2.7) /bardbl∂tu(t,·)/bardblLp(0,1)+/bardbl∂xu(t,·)/bardblLp(0,1)≤C/parenleftBig /bardblu1/bardblLp(0,1)+/bardbl∂xu0/bardblLp(0,1)+/bardblf/bardblLp/parenleftbig (0,T)×(0,1)/parenrightbig/parenrightBig , t≥0 for some positive constant C=C(p,T,/bardbla/bardblL∞,/bardblb/bardblL∞,/bardblc/bardblL∞)which is independent of u0,u1, and f. 1By interpolation, one can use C([0,T];W1,2 0(0,1))∩C1([0,T];L2(0,1)) instead of C([0,T];W1,2 0(0,1))∩ C1([0,T];L2(0,1)) for any 1 ≤q <+∞. This condition is used to give the meaning of the initial con ditions. 2By interpolation, one can use C([0,T];W1,2 0(0,1))∩C1([0,T];L2(0,1)) instead of C([0,T];W1,2(0,1))∩ C1([0,T];L2(0,1)) for any 1 ≤q <+∞. This condition is used to give the meaning of the initial con ditions.7 Concerning the well-posedness of the Neumann system ( 2.1) and (2.3), we prove the following result. Proposition 2.2. LetT >0,1≤p≤+∞, anda,b,c∈L∞((0,T)×(0,1)), and let u0∈ W1,p(0,1),u1∈Lp(0,1), andf∈Lp/parenleftbig (0,T)×(0,1)/parenrightbig . Then there exists a unique (weak) solution uof(2.1)and(2.3)and (2.8) /bardbl∂tu(t,·)/bardblLp(0,1)+/bardbl∂xu(t,·)/bardblLp(0,1)≤C/parenleftBig /bardblu1/bardblLp(0,1)+/bardbl∂xu0/bardblLp(0,1)+/bardblf/bardblLp/parenleftbig (0,T)×(0,1)/parenrightbig/parenrightBig , t≥0 for some positive constant C=C(p,T,/bardbla/bardblL∞,/bardblb/bardblL∞,/bardblc/bardblL∞)which is independent of u0,u1, and f. Remark 2.1. The definition of weak solutions and the well-posedness are s tated for p= 1 and p= +∞as well. The existence and the well-posedness is well-known in the case p= 2. The standard analysis in the case p= 2 is via the Galerkin method. The rest of this section is devoted to the proof of Propositio n2.1and Proposition 2.2in Section2.1and Section 2.2, respectively. 2.1.Proof of Proposition 2.1.The proof is divided into two steps in which we prove the uniqueness and the existence. •Step 1: Proof of the uniqueness. Assume that uis a (weak) solution of ( 2.1) withf= 0 in (0,T)×(0,1) andu0=u1= 0 in (0 ,1). We will show that u= 0 in (0 ,T)×(0,1). Set (2.9) g(t,x) =−a(t,x)∂tu(t,x)−b(t,x)∂xu(t,x)−c(t,x)u(t,x). Thenuis a weak solution of the system (2.10) ∂ttu−∂xxu=g in (0,T)×(0,1), u(t,0) =u(t,1) = 0 for t∈(0,T), u(0,·) = 0, ∂tu(0,·) = 0 in (0 ,1). Extenduandgin (0,T)×Rby appropriate reflection in xfirst by odd extension in ( −1,0), i.e., u(t,x) =−u(t,−x) andg(t,x) =−g(t,−x) in (0,T)×(−1,0) and so on, and still denote the extension by uandg. Thenu∈C([0,T];W1,p(−k,k))∩C1([0,t];Lp(−k,k)) andg∈Lp/parenleftbig (0,T)× (−k,k)/parenrightbig fork≥1 and for 1 ≤p <+∞, and similar facts holds for p= +∞. We also obtain that u(0,·) = 0 and ∂tu(0,·) = 0 inR, and (2.11) ∂ttu−∂xxu=gin (0,T)×Rin the distributional sense . The d’Alembert formula gives, for t≥0, that (2.12) u(t,x) =1 2ˆt 0ˆx+t−τ x−t+τg(τ,y)dydτ. We then obtain for t≥0 (2.13) ∂tu(t,x) =1 2ˆt 0g(τ,x+t−τ)+g(τ,x−t+τ)dτ and (2.14) ∂xu(t,x) =1 2ˆt 0g(τ,x+t−τ)−g(τ,x−t+τ)dτ.8 Y. CHITOUR AND H.-M. NGUYEN Using (2.9), we derive from ( 2.12), (2.13) and (2.14) that, for 1 ≤p <+∞and fort≥0, (2.15)ˆ1 0|∂tu(t,x)|p+|∂tu(t,x)|p+|∂xu(t,x)|pdx ≤Cˆt 0ˆ1 0/parenleftBig |∂tu(s,y)|p+|∂xu(s,y)|p+|u(s,y)|p/parenrightBig dyds, and, for p= +∞, (2.16)/bardblu(t,·)/bardblL∞(0,1)+/bardbl∂tu(t,·)/bardblL∞(0,1)+/bardbl∂xu(t,·)/bardblL∞(0,1) ≤Ct/parenleftBig /bardbl∂tu(t,·)/bardblL∞/parenleftbig (0,t)×(0,1)/parenrightbig+/bardbl∂xu(t,·)/bardblL∞/parenleftbig (0,t)×(0,1)/parenrightbig+/bardblu(t,·)/bardblL∞/parenleftbig (0,t)×(0,1)/parenrightbig/parenrightBig , for positive constant Conly depending only on p,T,/bardbla/bardblL∞,/bardblb/bardblL∞,/bardblc/bardblL∞. In the sequel, such constants will again be denoted by C. It is immediate to deduce from the above equations that u= 0 on [0 ,1/2C]×(0,1) and then u= 0 in (0 ,T)×(0,1). The proof of the uniqueness is complete. •Step 2: Proof of the existence. Let ( an), (bn), and (cn) be smooth functions in [0 ,T]×[0,1] such that supp an,suppbn,suppcn∩0×[0,1] =∅, (an,bn,cn)⇀(a,b,c) weakly star in/parenleftBig L∞/parenleftbig (0,T)×(0,1)/parenrightbig/parenrightBig3 , and (an,bn,cn)→(a,b,c) in/parenleftBig Lq/parenleftbig (0,T)×(0,1)/parenrightbig/parenrightBig3 for 1≤q <+∞. Letu0,n∈C∞ c(0,1) andu1,n∈C∞ c(0,1) be such that, if 1 ≤p <+∞, u0,n→u0inW1,p 0(0,1) and u1,n→u1inLp(0,1), and, ifp= +∞then the following two facts hold u0,n⇀ u0weakly star in W1,∞ 0(0,1) and u1,n⇀ u1weakly star in L∞(0,1), and, for 1 ≤q <+∞, u0,n→u0inW1,q 0(0,1) and u1,n→u1inLq(0,1). The existence of ( an,bn,cn) and the existence of u0,nandu1,nfollows from the standard theory of Sobolev spaces, see, e.g., [ 5]. Letunbe the weak solution corresponding to ( an,bn,cn) with initial data ( u0,n,u1,n). Thenun is smooth in [0 ,T]×[0,1]. Set gn(t,x) =−an(t,x)∂tun(t,x)−bn(t,x)∂xun(t,x)−cn(t,x)un(t,x) in (0,T)×(0,1). Extendun,gn, andfin (0,T)×Rby first odd refection in ( −1,0) and so on, and still denote the extension by unandgn, andf. We then have (2.17) ∂ttun−∂xxun=gn+fin (0,T)×R,9 The d’Alembert formula gives u(t,x) =1 2ˆt 0ˆx+t−τ x−t+τgn(τ,y)+f(τ,y)dydτ +1 2/parenleftBig un(0,x−t)+un(0,x+t)/parenrightBig +1 2ˆx+t x−t∂tun(0,y)dy. As in the proof of the uniqueness, we then have, for 1 ≤p <+∞and 0< t < T, (2.18)ˆ1 0|un(t,x)|p+|∂tun(t,x)|p+|∂xun(t,x)|pdx ≤Cˆt 0ˆ1 0/parenleftBig |∂tu(s,y)|p+|∂xu(s,y)|p/parenrightBig dyds +C/parenleftbigg /bardblun(0,·)/bardblp W1,p+/bardbl∂tun(0,·)/bardblp Lp+ˆt 0ˆ1 0|f(s,y)|pdyds/parenrightbigg , and, for p= +∞, (2.19)/bardblu(t,·)/bardblL∞(0,1)+/bardbl∂tu(t,·)/bardblL∞(0,1)+/bardbl∂xu(t,·)/bardblL∞(0,1) ≤Ct/parenleftbigg /bardbl∂tu(t,·)/bardblL∞/parenleftbig (0,t)×(0,1)/parenrightbig+/bardbl∂xu(t,·)/bardblL∞/parenleftbig (0,t)×(0,1)/parenrightbig/parenrightbigg +C/parenleftbigg /bardblun(0,·)/bardblW1,∞+/bardbl∂tun(0,·)/bardblL∞+/bardblf/bardblL∞/parenleftbig (0,t)×(0,1)/parenrightbig/parenrightbigg . Lettingn→+∞, we derive ( 2.8) from (2.18) and (2.19). To derive that u∈C([0,T];W1,p 0(0,1))∩C1([0,T];Lp(0,1)) in the case 1 ≤p <+∞and u∈C([0,T];W1,2 0(0,1))∩C1([0,T];L2(0,1)) otherwise, one just notes that ( un) is a Cauchy sequence in these spaces correspondingly. The proof is complete. /square Remark 2.2. Our proof on the well-posedness is quite standard and is base d on the d’Alembert formula. This formula was also used previously in [ 19]. Remark 2.3. There are several ways to give the notion of weak solution eve n in the case p= 2, see, e.g., [ 2,8]. The definitions given here is a nature modification of the ca sep= 2 given in [ 2]. 2.2.Proof of Proposition 2.2.The proof of Proposition 2.2is similar to the one of Propo- sition2.1. To apply the d’Alembert formula, one just needs to extend va rious function appro- priately and differently. For example, in the proof of the uniq ueness, one extend uandgin (0,T)×Rby appropriate reflection in xfirst by even extension in ( −1,0), i.e.,u(t,x) =u(t,−x) andg(t,x) =g(t,−x) in (0,T)×(−1,0) and so on. The details are left to the reader. /square 3.Some useful lemmas In this section, we prove three lemmas which will be used thro ugh out the rest of the paper. The first one is quite standard and the last two ones are the mai n ingredients of our analysis for the Dirichlet and Neumann boundary condition. We begin with the following lemma.10 Y. CHITOUR AND H.-M. NGUYEN Lemma 3.1. Let1< p <+∞,0< T <ˆT0, anda∈L∞((0,T)×(0,1))be such that a≥0in (0,T)×(0,1). There exists a positive constant Cdepending only on p,ˆT0, and/bardbla/bardblL∞such that, for(ρ,ξ)∈/bracketleftbig Lp/parenleftbig (0,T)×(0,1)/parenrightbig/bracketrightbig2, (3.1)ˆT 0ˆ1 0a|ρ−ξ|p(t,x)dxdt≤/braceleftBiggCmpifp≥2, C(mp+m2/p p)if1< p <2, where (3.2) mp=ˆ1 0ˆT 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dtdx. Proof.The proof of Lemma 3.1is quite standard. For the convenience of the reader, we pres ent its proof. There exists a positive constant Cpdepending only on psuch that •for 2≤p <+∞, it holds, for α,β∈R, (α−β)(α|α|p−2−β|β|p−2)≥Cp|α−β|p; •for 1< p <2, it holds, for α,β∈R3 (α−β)(α|α|p−2−β|β|p−2)≥Cpmin/braceleftbig |α−β|p,|α−β|2/bracerightbig . Using this, we derive that ˆT 0ˆ1 0 |ρ−ξ|≥1a|ρ−ξ|pdxdt+ˆT 0ˆ1 0 |ρ−ξ|<1a|ρ−ξ|max{p,2}dxdt≤mp. This yields (3.3)ˆT 0ˆ1 0a|ρ−ξ|p(t,x)dxdt≤Cmpifp≥2, and, using H¨ older’s inequality, one gets (3.4)ˆT 0ˆ1 0a|ρ−ξ|p(t,x)dxdt≤C(mp+m2/p p) if 1< p≤2, The conclusion follows from ( 3.3) and (3.4). /square Thefollowing lemmais oneof themain ingredients in theanal ysis of theDirichlet andNeumann boundary conditions. Lemma 3.2. Let1< p <+∞,0< T0< T <ˆT0,ε0>0,λ >0, anda∈L∞((0,T)×(0,1))be such that T > T 0+4ε0,a≥0anda≥λ >0in(0,T)×(x0−ε0,x0+ε0)⊂(0,T)×(0,1)for somex0∈(0,1). Let(ρ,ξ)be a broad solution of the system (3.5)/braceleftBigg ρt−ρx=−1 2a(ρ−ξ)in(0,T)×(0,1), ξt+ξx=1 2a(ρ−ξ)in(0,T)×(0,1). Set (3.6) mp=ˆ1 0ˆT 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dtdx. 3Using the symmetry between αandβ, one can assume |α| ≥ |β|and by considering β/|α|, it is enough to prove these inequalities for α= 1 and β∈(−1,1). One finally reduces the analysis for β∈(0,1) and even βclose to one. The conclusion follows by performing a Taylor expansion wit h respect to 1 −β.11 Then there exists z∈(x0−ε0/2,x0+ε0/2)such that (3.7)ˆε0/2 0ˆT 0|ρ(t+s,z)−ρ(t,z)|pdtds+ˆε0/2 0ˆT 0|ξ(t+s,z)−ξ(t,z)|pdtds +ˆT 0|ρ(t,z)−ξ(t,z)|pdt+ˆT 0ˆ1 0a|ρ−ξ|p(t,x)dxdt ≤/braceleftBiggCmp ifp≥2, C(mp+m2/p p)if1≤p <2. for some positive constant Cdepending only on ε0,λ,p,T0,ˆT0, and/bardbla/bardblL∞. Proof.Set T1=T−4ε0andT2=T−2ε0. ThenT > T2> T1> T0. We have, for s∈(−ε0/2,ε0/2) andy∈(x0−ε0/2,x0+ε0/2), (3.8)ρ(t,y+2s)−ρ(t,y) =/parenleftBig ρ(t+2s,y)−ρ(t+s,y+s)/parenrightBig +/parenleftBig ρ(t+s,y+s)−ξ(t+s,y+s)/parenrightBig +/parenleftBig ξ(t+s,y+s)−ξ(t,y)/parenrightBig +/parenleftBig ξ(t,y)−ρ(t,y)/parenrightBig . By the characteristics method, we obtain (3.9) ξ(t+s,y+s)−ξ(t,y) =1 2ˆs 0a(t+τ,y+τ)/parenleftBig ρ(t+τ,y+τ)−ξ(t+τ,y+τ)/parenrightBig dτ and (3.10)ρ(t+2s,y)−ρ(t+s,y+s) =1 2ˆ2s sa(t+τ,y+2s−τ)/parenleftBig ρ(t+τ,y+2s−τ)−ξ(t+τ,y+2s−τ)/parenrightBig dτ. Combining ( 3.8), (3.9), and (3.10), after integrating with respect to tfrom 0 to T1, we obtain, for 0≤s≤ε0/2, ˆT1 0|ρ(t+2s,y)−ρ(t,y)|pdt≤4p−1/parenleftbiggˆT2 0|ρ(t,y+s)−ξ(t,y+s)|pdt +2ˆT2 0ˆ1 0ap|ρ−ξ|p(t,x)dtdx+ˆT 0|ρ(t,y)−ξ(t,y)|pdt/parenrightbigg .12 Y. CHITOUR AND H.-M. NGUYEN Integrating the above inequality with respect to sfrom 0 to ε0/2, we obtain (3.11)ˆε0/2 0ˆT1 0|ρ(t+2s,y)−ρ(t,y)|pdtds ≤4p/parenleftbiggˆx0+ε0 x0−ε0ˆT 0|ρ(t,x)−ξ(t,x)|pdtdx +ε0ˆT 0|ρ(t,y)−ξ(t,y)|pdt+ε0ˆ1 0ˆT 0ap|ρ−ξ|p(t,x)dtdx/parenrightbigg . Similarly, we have (3.12)ˆε0/2 0ˆT1 0|ξ(t+2s,y)−ξ(t,y)|pdtds ≤4p/parenleftbiggˆx0+ε0 x0−ε0ˆT 0|ρ(t,x)−ξ(t,x)|pdtdx +ε0ˆT 0|ρ(t,y)−ξ(t,y)|pdt+ε0ˆ1 0ˆT 0ap|ρ−ξ|p(t,x)dtdx/parenrightbigg . Takey=z∈(x0−ε0/2,x0+ε0/2) such that (3.13)ˆT 0|ρ(t,z)−ξ(t,z)|pdt≤1 ε0ˆx0+ε0 x0−ε0ˆT 0|ρ−ξ|p(t,x)dxdt. By choosing y=zin (3.11) and (3.12), then by using ( 3.13) and the fact that (itself consequence of (1.5)) ˆx0+ε0 x0−ε0ˆT 0|ρ(t,x)−ξ(t,x)|pdtdx≤C(a,p)ˆ1 0ˆT 0ap|ρ−ξ|p(t,x)dtdx, for some positive constant C(a,p) only depending on a,p, one gets the conclusion. /square The next lemma is also a main ingredient of our analysis for th e Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions. Lemma 3.3. Let1≤p <+∞andL > l > 0, and let u∈Lp(0,L+l). Then there exists a positive constant Cdepending only on p,L, andlsuch that (3.14)ˆL 0|u(x)− L 0u(y)dy|pdx≤Cˆl 0ˆL 0|u(x+s)−u(x)|pdxds. Here and in what follows,fflb ameans1 b−a´b aforb > a. Proof.By scaling, one can assume that L= 1. Fix n≥2 such that 2 /n≤l≤2/(n−1). One first notes that, for x∈[0,1], (3.15) x+1/n x/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleu(x)− x+1/n xu(y)dy/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglep dxJensen ≤ x+1/n x x+1/n x|u(x)−u(y)|pdxdy ≤n2ˆ2/n 0ˆ1 0|u(x+s)−u(x)|pdxds13 and (3.16)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle x+1/n xu(s)ds− x+2/n x+1/nu(t)dt/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglep Jensen ≤ x+1/n x x+2/n x+1/n|u(s)−u(t)|pdtds ≤n2ˆ2/n 0ˆ1 0|u(x+s)−u(x)|pdxds. For 0≤k≤n−1, set ak= k/n+1/n k/nu(s)ds. We then derive from ( 3.16) that, for 0 ≤i < j≤n−1, |aj−ai|p≤(|ai+1−ai|+···+|aj−aj−1|)p ≤np−1(|ai+1−ai|p+···+|aj−aj−1|p) ≤np+1ˆ2/n 0ˆ1 0|u(x+s)−u(x)|pdxds. This implies, for 0 ≤k≤n−1, (3.17)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleak−ˆ1 0u(t)dt/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglep ≤/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle1 nn−1/summationdisplay i=0|ak−ai|/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglep ≤1 nn−1/summationdisplay i=0|ak−ai|p≤np+1ˆ2/n 0ˆ1 0|u(x+s)−u(x)|pdxds. We have (3.18)ˆ1 0/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleu(x)−ˆ1 0u(y)dy/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglep dx=n−1/summationdisplay k=0ˆk/n+1/n k/n/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleu(x)−ˆ1 0u(y)dy/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglep dx ≤2p−1n−1/summationdisplay k=0ˆk/n+1/n k/n|u(x)−ak|pdx+2p−1n−1/summationdisplay k=0/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingleak−ˆ1 0u(y)dy/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglep The conclusion with C= 2pnp+1now follows from ( 3.15), (3.17), and (3.18) after noting that L= 1 and 2 /n≤l. /square Remark 3.1. Related ideas used in the proof of Lemma 3.3was implemented in the proof of Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequality for fractional Sobol ev spaces [ 28]. 4.Exponential decay in Lp-framework for the Dirichlet boundary condition In this section, we prove Theorem 1.1and Theorem 1.2. We begin with the proof Theorem 1.2 in the first section, and then use it to prove Theorem 1.1in the second section. We finally extend these results for awhich might be negative in some regions using a standard pert urbation argument in the third section.14 Y. CHITOUR AND H.-M. NGUYEN 4.1.Proof of Theorem 1.2.We will only consider smooth solutions ( ρ,ξ)4. The general case will follow by regularizing arguments. Moreover, replacin g (ρ,ξ) by (ρ−c0,ξ−c0), where the constant c0is defined in ( 1.12), we can assume that ˆ1 0(ρ0+ξ0)dx= 0. Multiplying the equation of ρwithρ|ρ|p−2, the equation of ξwithξ|ξ|p−2, and integrating the expressions with respect to x, after using the boundary conditions, we obtain, for t >0, (4.1)1 pd dtˆ1 0(|ρ(t,x)|p+|ξ(t,x)|p)dx+1 2ˆ1 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dx= 0. This implies (4.2)1 p/bardbl(ρ,ξ)(t,·)/bardblp Lp(0,1)+1 2ˆt 0ˆ1 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dxdt=1 p/bardbl(ρ0,ξ0)/bardblp Lp(0,1). Integrating the equations of ρandξ, summing them up and using the boundary conditions, we obtain d dtˆ1 0/parenleftBig ρ(t,x)+ξ(t,x)/parenrightBig dx= 0 fort >0. It follows that (4.3)ˆ1 0/parenleftBig ρ(t,x)+ξ(t,x)/parenrightBig dx=ˆ1 0/parenleftBig ρ(0,x)+ξ(0,x)/parenrightBig dx= 0 fort≥0. By (4.2) and (4.3), toderive ( 1.11), it sufficesto prove that thereexists aconstant c >0depending only on/bardbla/bardblL∞(R+×(0,1)),ε0,γ, andpsuch that for any T >2, there exists cT>0 only depending onp,T,aso that (4.4)ˆT 0ˆ1 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dxdt≥cT/bardbl(ρ0,ξ0)/bardblp Lp(0,1). By scaling, without loss of generality, one might assume tha t (4.5) /bardbl(ρ0,ξ0)/bardblLp(0,1)= 1 Set mp:=ˆT 0ˆ1 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dxdt. Applying Lemma 3.1, we have (4.6)ˆT 0ˆ1 0a|ρ−ξ|p(t,x)dxdt≤C(mp+m2/p p). By Lemma 3.2there exists z∈(x0−ε0/2,x0+ε0/2) such that (4.7)ˆε0/2 0ˆT 0|ρ(t+s,z)−ρ(s,z)|pdtds+ˆε0/2 0ˆT 0|ξ(t+s,z)−ξ(s,z)|pdtds +ˆT 0|ρ(t,z)−ξ(t,z)|pdt≤C(mp+m2/p p). 4We thus assume that ais smooth. Nevertheless, the constants in the estimates whi ch will be derived in the proof depend only on p,/bardbla/bardblL∞,λ, andε0.15 By Lemma 3.3, we have (4.8)ˆT 0|ρ(t,z)−Aρ|pdt≤Cˆε0/2 0ˆT 0|ρ(t+s,z)−ρ(s,z)|pdtds and (4.9)ˆT 0|ξ(t,z)−Aξ|pdt≤Cˆε0/2 0ˆT 0|ξ(t+s,z)−ξ(s,z)|pdtds. where we have set (4.10) Aρ:= T 0ρ(s,z)ds, A ξ:= T 0ξ(s,z)ds. Combining ( 4.7), (4.8), and (4.9) yields (4.11)ˆT 0|ρ(t,z)−Aρ|pdt+ˆT 0|ξ(t,z)−Aξ|pdt +ˆT 0|ρ(t,z)−ξ(t,z)|pdt≤C(mp+m2/p p). We next prove the following estimates (4.12)ˆ1 0|ρ(0,x)−Aξ|pdx≤C(mp+m2/p p) and (4.13)ˆ1 0|ξ(0,x)−Aρ|pdx≤C(mp+m2/p p). The arguments being similar, we only provide that of ( 4.12). Forx∈(0,1), one has, by using the boundary condition at x= 0, i.e., ρ(·,0) =ξ(·,0), ρ(0,x) =/parenleftBig ρ(0,x)−ρ(x,0)/parenrightBig +ρ(x,0) =/parenleftBig ρ(0,x)−ρ(x,0)/parenrightBig +ξ(x,0) =/parenleftBig ρ(0,x)−ρ(x,0)/parenrightBig +/parenleftBig ξ(x,0)−ξ(x+z,z)/parenrightBig +ξ(x+z,z), which yields, after substracting Aξto both sides of the above equality, (4.14)ˆ1 0|ρ(0,x)−Aξ|pdx≤3p−1/parenleftbiggˆ1 0|ρ(0,x)−ρ(x,0)|pdx+ˆ1 0|ξ(x,0)−ξ(x+z,z)|pdx +ˆ1 0|ξ(x+z,z)−Aξ|pdx/parenrightbigg . We use the characteristics method and ( 3.9),(3.10) to upper bound the first two integrals in the right-hand side of ( 4.14) byC(mp+m2/p p). As for the third integral in the right-hand side of16 Y. CHITOUR AND H.-M. NGUYEN (4.14), we perform the change of variables t=x+zto obtain ˆ1 0|ξ(x+z,z)−Aξ|pdx=ˆz+1 z|ξ(t,z)−Aξ|pdt ≤ˆT 0|ξ(t,z)−Aξ|pdt, which is upper bounded by C(mp+m2/p p) according to ( 4.11). The proof of ( 4.12) is complete. We now resume the argument for ( 4.4). We start by noticing that, for every t∈(0,T) |Aρ−Aξ| ≤ |Aρ−ρ(t,z)|+|Aξ−ρ(t,z)|+|ρ(t,z)−ξ(t,z)|. Taking the p-th power, integrating over t∈(0,T) and using ( 4.11), one gets that (4.15) |Aρ−Aξ|p≤C(mp+m2/p p). Similarly, for every x∈(0,1), Aρ+Aξ=/parenleftbig Aρ−ξ(0,x)/parenrightbig +/parenleftbig Aξ−ρ(0,x)/parenrightbig +/parenleftbig ρ(0,x)+ξ(0,x)/parenrightbig . Integrating over x∈(0,1) and using ( 4.3), then taking the p-th power and using ( 4.12) and (4.13) yield (4.16) |Aρ+Aξ|p≤C(mp+m2/p p). Still, for x∈(0,1), it holds |ρ(0,x)|p+|ξ(0,x)|p≤2p−1/parenleftBig |Aρ−ξ(0,Aξ|p+|Aρ−ξ(0,x)|p/parenrightBig +|Aρ|p+|Aξ|p. Integrating over x∈(0,1) and using ( 4.5), one gets (4.17) 1 ≤ |Aρ|p+|Aξ|p+C(mp+m2/p p). Since it holds |a|p+|b|p≤ |a+b|p+|a−b|pfor every real numbers a,b, one deduces from ( 4.15), (4.16) and (4.17) that 1≤C(mp+m2/p p) and hence mp≥c3for some positive constant depending only on /bardbla/bardblL∞(R+×(0,1)),ε0,γ, andp (after fixing for instance T= 3). The proof of the theorem is complete. /square 4.2.Proof of Theorem 1.1.Using Theorem 1.2, we obtain the conclusion of Theorem 1.1 for smooth solutions. The proof in the general case follows f rom the smooth case by density arguments. /square 4.3.On the case anot being non-negative. In this section, we first consider the following perturbed system of ( 1.9): (4.18) ρt−ρx=−1 2a(ρ−ξ)−b(ρ−ξ) in R+×(0,1), ξt+ξx=1 2a(ρ−ξ)+b(ρ−ξ) in R+×(0,1), ρ(t,0)−ξ(t,0) =ρ(t,1)−ξ(t,1) = 0 in R+. We establish the following result.17 Theorem 4.1. Let1< p <+∞,ε0>0,λ >0, anda,b∈L∞/parenleftbig R+×(0,1)/parenrightbig be such that a≥0 anda≥λ >0inR+×(x0−ε0,x0+ε0)⊂R+×(0,1)for some x0∈(0,1). There exists a positive constant αdepending only on p,/bardbla/bardblL∞,ε0, andλsuch that if (4.19) /bardblb/bardblL∞≤α, then there exist constants C,γ >0depending only on p,/bardbla/bardblL∞,ε0, andλsuch that, if´1 0ρ0+ ξ0dx= 0, then the solution (ρ,ξ)of(4.18)satisfies (4.20) /bardbl(ρ,ξ)(t,·)/bardblLp(0,1)≤Ce−γt/bardbl(ρ0,ξ0)/bardblLp(0,1), t≥0. Proof.Multiplying the equation of ρwithρ|ρ|p−2, the equation of ξwithξ|ξ|p−2, and integrating the expressions with respect to x, after using the boundary conditions, we obtain 1 pd dtˆ1 0(|ρ(t,x)|p+|ξ(t,x)|p)dx+1 2ˆ1 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dx +ˆ1 0b(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dx= 0. This implies (4.21)1 p/bardbl(ρ,ξ)(t,·)/bardblp Lp(0,1)+1 2ˆt 0ˆ1 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−1−ξ|ξ|p−1)(t,x)dxdt +ˆt 0ˆ1 0b(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dx=1 p/bardbl(ρ0,ξ0)/bardblp Lp(0,1). Integrating the equation of ρandξand using the boundary condition, we obtain d dtˆ1 0/parenleftBig ρ(t,x)+ξ(t,x)/parenrightBig dx= 0,fort >0. It follows that (4.22)ˆ1 0/parenleftBig ρ(t,x)+ξ(t,x)/parenrightBig dx=ˆ1 0/parenleftBig ρ(0,x)+ξ(0,x)/parenrightBig dx= 0,fort >0. By (4.21) and (4.22), to derive ( 4.20), it suffices to prove that there exists a constant c >0 depending only on /bardbla/bardblL∞(R+×(0,1)),ε0,γ, andpsuch that for T= 35, it holds (4.23)ˆT 0ˆ1 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dxdt≥c/bardbl(ρ0,ξ0)/bardblp Lp(0,1). Using the facts that a≥0 andbis bounded, a simple application of Gronwall’s lemma to ( 4.21) yields the existence of α >0 depending only on /bardblb/bardblL∞(R+×(0,1))so that (4.24) /bardbl(ρ,ξ)(t,·)/bardblp Lp(0,1)≤epαt/bardbl(ρ,ξ)(0,·)/bardblp Lp(0,1)fort∈[0,T]. 5It holds for T >2 withc=cT.18 Y. CHITOUR AND H.-M. NGUYEN Let (ρ1,ξ1) be the unique solution of the system (4.25) ρ1,t−ρ1,x=−1 2a(ρ1−ξ1)−b(ρ−ξ) inR+×(0,1), ξ1,t+ξ1,x=1 2a(ρ1−ξ1)+b(ρ−ξ) in R+×(0,1), ρ1(t,0)−ξ1(t,0) =ρ1(t,1)−ξ1(t,1) = 0 in R+, ρ1(0,·) =ξ1(0,·) = 0 in (0 ,1). Thus−b(ρ−ξ) andb(ρ−ξ) can be considered as source terms for the system of ( ρ1,ξ1). We then derive from ( 4.24) that (4.26) /bardbl(ρ1,ξ1)/bardblLp(T,·)≤Cα/bardbl(ρ,ξ)(0,·)/bardblp Lp(0,1). Set /tildewideρ=ρ−ρ1and/tildewideξ=ξ−ξ1. Then (4.27) /tildewideρt−/tildewideρx=−1 2a(t,x)(/tildewideρ−/tildewideξ) in R+×(0,1), /tildewideξt+/tildewideξx=1 2a(t,x)(/tildewideρ−/tildewideξ) in R+×(0,1), /tildewideρ(t,0)−/tildewideξ(t,0) =/tildewideρ(t,1)−/tildewideξ(t,1) = 0 in R+, /tildewideρ(0,·) =ρ0,/tildewideξ(0,·) =ξ0 in (0,1). Applying Theorem 1.2, we have (4.28) /bardbl(/tildewideρ,/tildewideξ)(T,·)/bardblLp≤c/bardbl(/tildewideρ,/tildewideξ)(0,·)/bardblLp for some positive constant cdepending only on /bardbla/bardblL∞,ε0, andλ. The conclusion now follows from (4.26) and (4.27). /square Regarding the wave equation, we have Theorem 4.2. Let1< p <+∞,ε0>0,λ >0, anda,b∈L∞/parenleftbig R+×(0,1)/parenrightbig be such that a≥0 anda≥λ >0inR+×(x0−ε0,x0+ε0)⊂R+×(0,1). There exists a positive constant α depending only on p,/bardbla/bardblL∞,ε0, andλsuch that if (4.29) /bardblb/bardblL∞≤α, then there exist positive constants Candγdepending on p,/bardbla/bardblL∞/parenleftbig R+×(0,1)/parenrightbig,ε0, andλsuch that for allu0∈W1,p 0(0,1)andu1∈Lp(0,1), the unique weak solution u∈C([0,+∞);W1,p 0(0,1))∩ C1([0,+∞);Lp(0,1))of (4.30) ∂ttu−∂xxu+/parenleftBig a(t,x)+b(t,x)/parenrightBig ∂tu= 0inR+×(0,1), u(t,0) =u(t,1) = 0 inR+, u(0,·) =u0, ∂tu(0,·) =u1 in(0,1), satisfies (4.31) /bardbl∂tu(t,·)/bardblp Lp(0,1)+/bardbl∂xu(t,·)/bardblp Lp(0,1)≤Ce−γt/parenleftBig /bardblu1/bardblp Lp(0,1)+/bardbl∂xu0/bardblp Lp(0,1)/parenrightBig , t≥0. Proof.The proof of Theorem 4.2is similar to that of Theorem 1.1however instead of using Theorem 1.2one apply Theorem 4.1. The details are left to the reader. /square19 5.Exponential decay in Lp-framework for the Neuman boundary condition In this section, we study the decay of the solutions of the dam ped wave equation equipped the Neumann boundary condition and the solutions of the corresp onding hyperbolic systems. Here is the first main result of this section concerning the wave equa tion. Theorem 5.1. Let1< p <+∞,ε0>0,λ >0, and let a∈L∞/parenleftbig R+×(0,1)/parenrightbig be such that a≥0 anda≥λ >0inR+×(x0−ε0,x0+ε0)⊂R+×(0,1)for some x0∈(0,1). There exist positive constants Candγdepending only on p,/bardbla/bardblL∞/parenleftbig R+×(0,1)/parenrightbig,ε0, andλsuch that for all u0∈W1,p(0,1) andu1∈Lp(0,1), the unique weak solution u∈C([0,+∞);W1,p(0,1))∩C1([0,+∞);Lp(0,1))of (1.1)and(1.3)satisfies (5.1) /bardbl∂tu(t,·)/bardblLp(0,1)+/bardbl∂xu(t,·)/bardblLp(0,1)≤Ce−γt/parenleftBig /bardblu1/bardblLp(0,1)+/bardbl∂xu0/bardblLp(0,1)/parenrightBig , t≥0. As in the case where the Dirichlet condition is considered, w e use the Riemann invariants to transform ( 1.1) with Neumann boundary condition into a hyperbolic system. Set (5.2)ρ(t,x) =ux(t,x)+ut(t,x) and ξ(t,x) =ux(t,x)−ut(t,x),for (t,x)∈R+×(0,1). One can check that for smooth solutions uof (1.1), the pair of functions ( ρ,ξ) defined in ( 1.8) satisfies the system (5.3) ρt−ρx=−1 2a(ρ−ξ) in R+×(0,1), ξt+ξx=1 2a(ρ−ξ) in R+×(0,1), ρ(t,0)+ξ(t,0) =ρ(t,1)+ξ(t,1) = 0 in R+. Concerning ( 5.3), we prove the following result. Theorem 5.2. Let1< p <+∞,ε0>0,λ >0, anda∈L∞/parenleftbig R+×(0,1)/parenrightbig be such that a≥0and a≥λ >0inR+×(x0−ε0,x0+ε0)⊂R+×(0,1)for some x0∈(0,1). Then there exist positive constants C,γdepending only on on p,/bardbla/bardblL∞/parenleftbig R+×(0,1)/parenrightbig,ε0, andλsuch that the unique solution uof(5.3)with the initial condition ρ(0,·) =ρ0andξ(0,·) =ξ0satisfies (5.4) /bardbl(ρ,ξ)(t,·)/bardblLp(0,1)≤Ce−γt/bardbl(ρ0,ξ0)/bardblLp(0,1). The rest of this section is organized as follows. The first sub section is devoted to the proof of Theorem 5.2and the second subsection is devoted to the proof of Theorem 5.1. 5.1.Proof of Theorem 5.2.The argument is in the spirit of that of Theorem 1.2. As in there, we will only consider smooth solutions ( ρ,ξ). Multiplying the equation of ρwithρ|ρ|p−2, the equation of ξwithξ|ξ|p−2, and integrating the expressions with respect to x, after using the boundary conditions, we obtain, for t >0, (5.5)1 pd dtˆ1 0(|ρ(t,x)|p+|ξ(t,x)|p)dx+1 2ˆ1 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dx= 0. This implies (5.6)1 p/bardbl(ρ,ξ)(t,·)/bardblp Lp(0,1)+1 2ˆt 0ˆ1 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−1−ξ|ξ|p−1)(t,x)dxdt=1 p/bardbl(ρ0,ξ0)/bardblp Lp(0,1). By (5.6), to derive ( 5.4), it suffices to prove that there exists a constant c >0 depending only on/bardbla/bardblL∞(R+×(0,1)),ε0,γ, andpsuch that for any T >2, there exists cT>0 only depending on20 Y. CHITOUR AND H.-M. NGUYEN p,T,aso that (5.7)ˆT 0ˆ1 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dxdt≥cT/bardbl(ρ0,ξ0)/bardblp Lp(0,1). By scaling, without loss of generality, one might assume tha t (5.8) /bardbl(ρ0,ξ0)/bardblLp(0,1)= 1 Set mp:=ˆT 0ˆ1 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dxdt. Applying Lemma 3.1, we have (5.9)ˆT 0ˆ1 0a|ρ−ξ|p(t,x)dxdt≤C(mp+m2/p p). By Lemma 3.2there exists z∈(x0−ε0/2,x0+ε0/2) such that (5.10)ˆε0/2 0ˆT 0|ρ(t+s,z)−ρ(t,z)|pdtds+ˆε0/2 0ˆT 0|ξ(t+s,z)−ξ(t,z)|pdtds +ˆT 0|ρ(t,z)−ξ(t,z)|pdt≤C(mp+m2/p p). Applying Lemma 3.3, we obtain (5.11)ˆT 0|ρ(t,z)− T 0ρ(s,z)ds|pdt≤Cˆε0/2 0ˆT 0|ρ(t+s,z)−ρ(t,z)|pdtds and (5.12)ˆT 0|ξ(t,z)− T 0ξ(s,z)ds|pdt≤Cˆε0/2 0ˆT 0|ξ(t+s,z)−ξ(t,z)|pdtds. Combining ( 5.10), (5.11), and (5.12) yields (5.13)ˆT 0|ρ(t,z)− T 0ρ(τ,z)dτ|pdt+ˆT 0|ξ(t,z)− T 0ξ(τ,z)dτ|pdt +ˆT 0|ρ(t,z)−ξ(t,z)|pdt≤C(mp+m2/p p). Using the characteristics method to estimate ρ(τ,0) byρ(τ−z,z) andξ(τ,0) byξ(τ+z,z) after using the boundary condition at 0 and choosing appropr iatelyτ, we derive from ( 5.9) that (5.13) that (5.14)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle T 0ρ(t,z)dt+ T 0ξ(t,z)dt/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglep ≤C(mp+m2/p p). As done to obtain ( 4.12) and (4.13), we use the characteristic methods to estimate ρ(0,·) via ξ(t,z) andξ(0,·) viaρ(t,z) after taking into account the boundary conditions (at x= 0 forρ(0,·) and atx= 1 forξ(0,·)), we derive from ( 5.9) and (5.13) that (5.15)/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle T 0ρ(t,z)dt/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglep +/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle T 0ξ(t,z)dt/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsingle/vextendsinglep ≥1−C(mp+m2/p p).21 Combining ( 5.14) and (5.15), we derive (after choosing T= 3) that there exists a postive constant c3only depending on /bardbla/bardblL∞(R+×(0,1)),ε0,γ, andpsuch that mp≥c. The proof of the theorem is complete. /square 5.2.Proof of Theorem 5.1.The proof of Theorem 5.1is in the same spirit of Theorem 1.1. However, instead of using Theorem 1.2, we apply Theorem 5.2. In fact, as in the proof of Theo- rem1.1, we have ˆ1 0|∂tu(t,x)−∂xu(t,x)|p+|∂tu(t,x)+∂xu(t,x)|pdx ≤Ce−γtˆ1 0|∂tu(0,x)−∂xu(0,x)|p+|∂tu(0,x)+∂xu(0,x)|pdx. Assertion ( 5.1) follows with two different appropriate positive constants Candγ. /square Remark 5.1. We can also consider the setting similar to the one in Section 4.3and establish similar results. This allows one to deal with a class of afor which ais not necessary to be non-negative. The analysis for this is almost the same lines as in Section 4.3and is not pursued here. 6.Exponential decay in Lp-framework for the dynamic boundary condition In this section, we study the decay of the solution of the damp ed wave equation equipped the dynamic boundary condition and of the solutions of the corre sponding hyperbolic systems. Here is the first main result of this section concerning the wave eq uation. Theorem 6.1. Let1< p <+∞,κ >0, anda∈L∞/parenleftbig R+×(0,1)/parenrightbig non negative. Then there exist positive constants C,γdepending only on p,κ, and/bardbla/bardblL∞/parenleftbig R+×(0,1)/parenrightbigsuch that for all u0∈ W1,p(0,1)andu1∈Lp(0,1), there exists a unique weak solution u∈C([0,+∞);W1,p(0,1))∩ C1([0,+∞);Lp(0,1))such that ∂tu,∂xu∈C([0,1];Lp(0,T))for allT >0of (6.1) ∂ttu−∂xxu+a∂tu= 0 inR+×(0,1), ∂xu(t,0)−κ∂tu(t,0) =∂xu(t,1)+κ∂tu(t,1) = 0 inR+, u(0,·) =u0, ∂tu(0,·) =u1 in(0,1), satisfies (6.2) /bardbl∂tu(t,·)/bardblLp(0,1)+/bardbl∂xu(t,·)/bardblLp(0,1)≤Ce−γt/parenleftBig /bardblu1/bardblLp(0,1)+/bardbl∂xu0/bardblLp(0,1)/parenrightBig , t≥0. Remark 6.1. In Theorem 6.1, a weak considered solution of ( 6.1) means that ∂ttu(t,x)− ∂xxu(t,x) +a(t,x)∂tu= 0 holds in the distributional sense, and the boundary and th e initial conditions are understood as usual thanks to the regularity imposing condition on the solutions. As previously, we use the Riemann invariants to transform th e wave equation into a hyperbolic system. Set (6.3)ρ(t,x) =ux(t,x)+ut(t,x) and ξ(t,x) =ux(t,x)−ut(t,x) for (t,x)∈R+×(0,1).22 Y. CHITOUR AND H.-M. NGUYEN One can check that for smooth solutions uof (1.1), the pair of functions ( ρ,ξ) defined in ( 1.8) satisfies the system (6.4) ρt−ρx=−1 2a(t,x)(ρ−ξ) in R+×(0,1), ξt+ξx=1 2a(t,x)(ρ−ξ) in R+×(0,1), ξ(t,0) =c0ρ(t,0), ρ(t,1) =c1ξ(t,1) inR+, wherec0=c1= (κ−1)/(κ+1). Regarding System ( 6.4) withc0,c1not necessarily equal, we prove the following result. Theorem 6.2. Let1< p <+∞,c0,c1∈(−1,1), anda∈L∞/parenleftbig R+×(0,1)/parenrightbig non negative. Then there exist positive constants C,γdepending only on c0,c1, and/bardbla/bardblL∞/parenleftbig R+×(0,1)/parenrightbigsuch that the unique solution uof(6.4)with the initial condition ρ(0,·) =ρ0andξ(0,·) =ξ0satisfies (6.5) /bardbl(ρ,ξ)(t,·)/bardblLp(0,1)≤Ce−γt/bardbl(ρ0,ξ0)/bardblLp(0,1), t≥0. The rest of this section is organized as follows. The proof of Theorem 6.2is given in the first section and the proof of Theorem 6.1is given in the second section. 6.1.Proof of Theorem 6.2.We will only consider smooth solutions ( ρ,ξ). Multiplying the equation of ρwithρ, the equation of ξwithξ, and integrating the expressions with respect to x, after using the boundary conditions, we obtain, for t >0, (6.6)1 pd dtˆ1 0(|ρ(t,x)|p+|ξ(t,x)|p)dx+1 2ˆ1 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dx 1 p/parenleftBig (1−|c1|p)|ξ(t,1)|p+(1−|c0|p)|ρ(t,0)|p/parenrightBig = 0. This implies (6.7)1 p/bardbl(ρ,ξ)(t,·)/bardblp Lp(0,1)+1 2ˆT 0ˆ1 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dxdt +1 pˆT 0/parenleftBig (1−|c1|p)|ξ(t,1)|p+(1−|c0|p)|ρ(t,0)|p/parenrightBig dt=1 2/bardbl(ρ0,ξ0)/bardbl2 L2(0,1). To derive ( 6.5) from (6.7), it suffices to prove that there exists a constant c >0 depending only on/bardbla/bardblL∞(R+×(0,1)),c0,c1,ε0,γ, andpsuch that for for T= 36, it holds (6.8)ˆT 0ˆ1 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dxdt +ˆT 0/parenleftBig |ξ(t,1)|p+|ρ(t,0)|p/parenrightBig dt≥c/bardbl(ρ0,ξ0)/bardblp Lp(0,1). After scaling, one might assume without loss of generality t hat (6.9) /bardbl(ρ0,ξ0)/bardblLp(0,1)= 1 6It holds for T >2 withc=cT.23 Applying Lemma 3.1, we have (6.10)ˆT 0ˆ1 0a|ρ−ξ|p(t,x)dxdt≤C(mp+m2/p p), where mp:=ˆT 0ˆ1 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dxdt. Using the characteristics method (in particular equations (3.9), (3.10)), we derive that (6.11) /bardbl(ρ,ξ)(T,·)/bardblp Lp(0,1)≤CˆT 0/parenleftBig |ξ(t,1)|p+|ρ(t,0)|p/parenrightBig dt+CˆT 0ˆ1 0ap|ρ−ξ|p(t,x)dxdt. As a consequence of ( 6.7), (6.9), (6.10), and (6.11), we have ˆT 0ˆ1 0a(ρ−ξ)(ρ|ρ|p−2−ξ|ξ|p−2)(t,x)dxdt+ˆT 0/parenleftBig |ξ(t,1)|p+|ρ(t,0)|p/parenrightBig dt≥c. The proof of the theorem is complete. /square Remark 6.2. In the case a≡0, one can show that the exponential stability for 1 ≤p≤+∞by noting that /bardbl/parenleftbig ρ(t+1,0),ρ(t+1,1)/parenrightbig /bardbl ≤max{|c0|,|c1|}/bardbl/parenleftbig ρ(t,0),ρ(t,1)/parenrightbig /bardbl. The conclusion then follows using the characteristics meth od. 6.2.Proof of Theorem 6.1.Wefirstdealwiththewell-posednessofthesystem. Theuniqu eness follows as in the proof of Proposition 2.1via the d’Alembert formula. The existence can be proved byapproximation arguments. Firstdeal withsmoothsolutio ns (withsmooth a) usingTheorem 6.2 and then pass to the limit. The details are omitted. The proof of ( 6.5) is in the same spirit of ( 1.7). However, instead of using Theorem 1.2, we apply Theorem 6.2. The details are left to the reader. /square Remark 6.3. One can prove the well-posedness of ( 1.1) and (1.4) directly in Lp-framework. 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dimensional space for the Dirichlet, Neumann, and dynamic boundary conditions
where the damping coefficient is a function of space and time. The analysis is
based on the study of the corresponding hyperbolic systems associated with the
Riemann invariants. The key ingredient in the study of these systems is the use
of the internal dissipation energy to estimate the difference of solutions with
their mean values in an average sense. | Exponential decay of solutions of damped wave equations in one dimensional space in the $L^p$ framework for various boundary conditions | 2212.09164v1 |
Damping of magnetization dynamics by phonon pumping Simon Streib,1Hedyeh Keshtgar,2and Gerrit E. W. Bauer1, 3 1Kavli Institute of NanoScience, Delft University of Technology, Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands 2Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Science, 45195 Zanjan, Iran 3Institute for Materials Research & WPI-AIMR & CSRN, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan (Dated: July 11, 2018) We theoretically investigate pumping of phonons by the dynamics of a magnetic film into a non- magnetic contact. The enhanced damping due to the loss of energy and angular momentum shows interferencepatternsasafunctionofresonancefrequencyandmagneticfilmthicknessthatcannotbe described by viscous (“Gilbert”) damping. The phonon pumping depends on magnetization direction as well as geometrical and material parameters and is observable, e.g., in thin films of yttrium iron garnet on a thick dielectric substrate. The dynamics of ferromagnetic heterostructures is at the root of devices for information and communication technologies [1–5]. When a normal metal contact is at- tached to a ferromagnet, the magnetization dynamics drives a spin current through the interface. This effect is known as spin pumping and can strongly enhance the (Gilbert) viscous damping in ultra-thin magnetic films [6–8]. Spin pumping and its (Onsager) reciprocal, the spin transfer torque [9, 10], are crucial in spintronics, as they allow electric control and detection of magnetiza- tion dynamics. When a magnet is connected to a non- magnetic insulator instead of a metal, angular momen- tum cannot leave the magnet in the form of electronic or magnonic spin currents, but they can do so in the form of phonons. Half a century ago it was reported [11, 12] and explained [13–16] that magnetization dynamics can generate phonons by magnetostriction. More recently, the inverse effect of magnetization dynamics excited by surface acoustic waves (SAWs) has been studied [17–20] and found to generate spin currents in proximity normal metals [21, 22]. The emission and detection of SAWs was combined in one and the same device [23, 24], and adia- batic transformation between magnons and phonons was observed in inhomogeneous magnetic fields [25]. The an- gular momentum of phonons [26, 27] has recently come into focus again in the context of the Einstein-de Haas effect [28] and spin-phonon interactions in general [29]. The interpretation of the phonon angular momentum in termsoforbitalandspincontributions[29]hasbeenchal- lenged [30], a discussion that bears similarities with the interpretation of the photon angular momentum [31]. In our opinion this distinction is rather semantic since not required to arrive at concrete results. A recent quantum theory of the dynamics of a magnetic impurity [32] pre- dicts a broadening of the electron spin resonance and a renormalized g-factor by coupling to an elastic contin- uum via the spin-orbit interaction, which appears to be related to the enhanced damping and effective gyromag- netic ratio discussed here. A phonon current generated by magnetization dynam- ics generates damping by carrying away angular momen- tum and energy from the ferromagnet. While the phonon phonon sinkzmagnet non-magnet0 phononsmHFigure 1. Magnetic film (shaded) with magnetization mat- tached to a semi-infinite elastic material, which serves as an ideal phonon sink. contribution to the bulk Gilbert damping has been stud- ied theoretically [33–38], the damping enhancement by interfaces to non-magnetic substrates or overlayers has to our knowledge not been addressed before. Here we present a theory of the coupled lattice and magnetiza- tion dynamics of a ferromagnetic film attached to a half- infinite non-magnet, which serves as an ideal phonon sink. We predict, for instance, significantly enhanced damping when an yttrium iron garnet (YIG) film is grown on a thick gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) sub- strate. We consider an easy-axis magnetic film with static ex- ternal magnetic field and equilibrium magnetization ei- ther normal (see Fig. 1) or parallel to the plane. The magnet is connected to a semi-infinite elastic material. Magnetization and lattice are coupled by the magne- tocrystalline anisotropy and the magnetoelastic interac- tion, giving rise to coupled field equations of motion in the magnet [39–42]. By matching these with the lattice dynamics in the non-magnet by proper boundary con- ditions, we predict the dynamics of the heterostructure as a function of geometrical and constitutive parameters. We find that magnetization dynamics induced, e.g., by ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) excites the lattice in the attachednon-magnet. Inanalogywiththeelectroniccase wecallthiseffect“phononpumping” thataffectsthemag- netization dynamics. We consider only equilibrium mag- netizations that are normal or parallel to the interface, in which the pumped phonons are pure shear waves that carry angular momentum. We note that for general mag-arXiv:1804.07080v2 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 16 Jul 20182 netization directions both shear and pressure waves are emitted, however. We consider a magnetic film (metallic or insulating) that extends from z= dtoz= 0. It is subject to suffi- ciently high magnetic fields H0such that magnetization is uniform, i.e. M(r) =M:For in-plane magnetizations, H0> Ms, where the magnetization Msgoverns the de- magnetizing field [43]. The energy of the magnet|non- magnet bilayer can be written E=ET+Eel+EZ+ED+E0 K+Eme;(1) which are integrals over the energy densities "X(r). The different contributions are explained in the following. The kinetic energy density of the elastic motion reads "T(r) =( 1 2_u2(r); z> 0 1 2~_u2(r); d<z< 0; (2) and the elastic energy density [44] "el=( 1 2(P X(r))2+P X2 (r); z> 0 1 2~(P X(r))2+ ~P X2 (r); d<z< 0; (3) where;2fx;y;zg,andare the Lamé parameters andthe mass density of the non-magnet. The tilded parameters are those of the magnet. The strain tensor Xis defined in terms of the displacement fields u(r), X(r) =1 2@u(r) @r+@u(r) @r : (4) EZ= 0VMHextis the Zeeman energy for Hext= H0+h(t), where h(t)is time-dependent. ED= 1 20VMTDMis the magnetostatic energy with shape- dependent demagnetization tensor DandVthe volume of the magnet. For a thin film with zaxis along the sur- face normal n0,Dzz= 1while the other components van- ish.E0 K=K1V(mn0)2is the uniaxial magnetocrys- talline anisotropy in the absence of lattice deformations, where m=M=MsandK1is the anisotropy constant. The magnetoelastic energy Emecouples the magnetiza- tion to the lattice, as discussed in the following. The magnetoelastic energy density can be expanded as "me(r) =1 M2sX ;M(r)M(r) [BX(r) +C (r)]:(5) For an isotropic medium the magnetoelastic constants Bread [45] B=Bk+ (1 )B?: (6) Rotational deformations as expressed by the tensor (r) =1 2@u(r) @r @u(r) @r (7)are often disregarded [39–42, 46], but lead to a position dependence of the easy axis n(r)from the equilibrium value n0=ezand an anisotropy energy density [29, 47, 48] "K(r) =K1 M2s[Mn(r)]2: (8) To first order in the small deformation n(r) =n(r) n0=0 @ xz(r) yz(r) 01 A; (9) "K(r) ="0 K+ 2K1(n0 mzm)n(r):(10) From = it follows that (for non-chiral crystal structures) C= C. For the uniaxial anisotropy considered here Cxz=Cyz= K1. The magnetoelastic coupling due to the magnetocrystalline anisotropy thus contributes [47] "K me(r) = 2K1 M2sMz(r) [Mx(r) xz(r) +My(r) yz(r)]: (11) PureYIGismagneticallyverysoft, sothemagnetoelastic constants are much larger than the anisotropy constant [49, 50] Bk= 3:48105Jm 3; B?= 6:96105Jm 3; K1= 6:10102J m 3; (12) but this ratio can be very different for other magnets. We find below that for the Kittel mode dynamics both coupling processes cannot be distinguished, even though they can characteristically affect the magnon-phonon coupling for finite wave numbers. The magnetization dynamics within the magnetic film is described by the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equa- tion [51, 52] _m=
0mHe+() m; (13) where
is the gyromagnetic ratio, the effective mag- netic field which includes the magnetoelastic coupling He= rmE=(0VMs); (14) and the Gilbert damping torque [52] () m=m_m: (15) The equation of motion of the elastic continuum reads [44] u(r;t) =c2 t4u(r;t) + (c2 l c2 t)r[ru(r;t)];(16) with longitudinal and transverse sound velocities cl=s + 2 ; ct=r ; (17)3 where elastic constants and mass density of non-magnet and magnet can differ. A uniform precession of the magnetization interacts with the lattice deformation at the surfaces of the mag- netic film [13, 14] and at defects in the bulk. The present theorythenholdswhenthethicknessofthemagneticfilm dp A, whereAis the cross section area. The Kittel mode induces lattice distortions that are uniform in the film planeu(r) =u(z)[14]. The elastic energy density is then affected by shear waves only: "el(z) =( 2 u02 x(z) +u02 y(z) ; z> 0 ~ 2 u02 x(z) +u02 y(z) ; d<z< 0;(18) whereu0 (z) =@u(z)=@z. The magnetic field Hext= hx(t); hy(t); H 0Twith monochromatic drive hx;y(t) = Re hx;ye i!t and static component H0along thezaxis. At the FMR frequency !?=!H+!Awith !H=
Ms). The equi- librium magnetization is perpendicular for !?>0. The magnetoelastic energy derived above then simplifies to Ez me=(B? K1)A MsX =x;yM[u(0) u( d)];(19) whichresultsinsurfaceshearforces F(0) = F( d) = (B? K1)Am, withF=FxiFy. These forces generate a stress or transverse momentum current in the zdirection (see Supplemental Material) j(z) = (z)u0 (z); (20) with(z) =forz >0and(z) = ~for d < z < 0, andu=uxiuy, which is related to the transverse mo- mentump(z) =( _ux(z)i_uy(z))by Newton’s equa- tion: _p(z) = @ @zj(z): (21) The boundary conditions require momentum conserva- tion and elastic continuity at the interfaces, j( d) = (B? K1)m;(22) j(0+) j(0 ) = (B? K1)m;(23) u(0+) =u(0 ): (24) We treat the magnetoelastic coupling as a small pertur- bation and therefore we approximate the magnetization mentering the above boundary conditions as indepen- dent of the lattice displacement u. The loss of angular momentum (see Supplemental Material) affects the mag- netization dynamics in the LLG equation in the form of a torque, which we derive from the magnetoelastic energy (19), _mjme=i!c d[u(0) u( d)] =i!cRe(v)m!cIm(v)m;(25)where!c=
(B? K1)=Ms(for YIG:!c= 8:76 1011s 1) andv= [u(0) u( d)]=(dm). We can distinguish an effective field Hme=!c
0Re(v)ez; (26) and a damping coefficient (?) me= !c !Imv: (27) The latter can be compared with the Gilbert damping constantthat enters the linearized equation of motion as _mj=i_m=!m: (28) With the ansatz u(z;t) =( Ceikz i!t; z> 0 Dei~kz i!t+Ee i~kz i!t; d<z< 0; (29) we obtain v=Ms!c !
d~~ct2h cos(~kd) 1i ict ~~ctsin(~kd) sin(~kd) +ict ~~ctcos(~kd);(30) and the damping coefficient for perpendicular magneti- zation (?) me=!c !2Ms
d~~ctct ~~ct4 sin4~kd 2 sin2(~kd) + ct ~~ct2 cos2(~kd); (31) where!=ctk= ~ct~k. The oscillatory behavior of the damping(?) mecomes from the interference of the elastic waves that are generated at the top and bottom surfaces of the magnetic film. When they constructively (destruc- tively) interfere at the FMR frequency, the damping is enhanced(suppressed), becausethemagnon-phononcou- pling and phonon emission are large (small). Whenct~~ct(soft substrate) or when acoustic impedances are matched ( ct= ~~ct), damping at the resonance ~kd= (2n+ 1)withn2N0[14] simplifies to (?) me!!c !24Ms
dct: (32) Whenct~~ct(hard substrate), the magnet is acousti- cally pinned at the interface and the acoustic resonances are at ~kd= (2n+ 1)=2[14] with (?) me!!c !2Ms
d~~ctct ~~ct: (33) In contrast to Gilbert damping, (?) medepends on the frequency and vanishes in the limits !!0and!!1. Therefore, it does not obey the LLG phenomenology4 and in the non-linear regime does not simply enhance in Eq. (15). The magnetization damping 0in bulk magnetic insulators, on the other hand, is usually of the Gilbert type. It is caused by phonons as well, but not necessarily the magnetoelastic coupling. A theory of Gilbert damping [38] assumes a bottleneck process by sound wave attenuation, which appears realistic for magnets with high acoustic quality such as YIG. In the present phonon pumping model, energy and angular mo- mentum is lost by the emission of sound waves into an attached perfect phononwaveguide, so thepumpingpro- cess dominates. Such a scenario could also dominate the damping in magnets in which the magnetic quality is rel- atively higher than the acoustic one. When the field is rotated to Hext = hx(t); H 0; hz(t)T, the equilibrium magnetization is in the in-plane ydirection and the magnetoelastic energy couples only to the strain uy, Ey me=(B? K1)A MsMz[uy(0) uy( d)]:(34) The FMR frequency for in-plane magnetization !k= !Hp 1 !A=!Hwith!A< !H. The magnetoelastic coupling generates again only transverse sound waves. The linearized LLG equation including the phononic torques reads now _mx= (!H+!me)mz
0hz !Amz + (+me) _mz; (35) _mz= !Hmx+
0hx _mx; (36) wheremeis given by Eq. (27) and !me=
0Hmewith effective field Hme=Hmeezgiven by Eq. (26). Both Hmeandmecontribute only to _mx. The phonon pump- ing is always less efficient for the in-plane configuration: (k) me=1 1 + (!k=!H)2(?) me: (37) As an example, we insert parameters for a thin YIG film on a semi-infinite gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) substrate at room temperature. We have chosen YIG because of its low intrinsic damping and high quality in- terface to the GGG substrate. Substantially larger mag- netoelastic coupling in other materials should be offset against generally larger bulk damping. For GGG, = 7:07103kg m 3,cl= 6411 m s 1, andct= 3568 m s 1 [53]. For YIG, Ms= 1:4105A m 1,
= 1:76 1011s 1T 1,~= 5170 kg m 3,~cl= 7209 m s 1,~ct= 3843 m s 1, and!c= 8:761011s 1[49, 50]. The ratio of the acoustic impedances ~~ct=ct= 0:79. The damp- ing enhancement (?) meis shown in Fig. 2 over a range of FMR frequencies and film thicknesses. The FMR fre- quencies!?=!H+!Aand!k=!Hp 1 !A=!Hfor the normal and in-plane configurations are tunable by the static magnetic field component H0via!H=
0H0. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 magnetic film thickness d[nm]0246810FMR frequency ν[GHz] <10−510−410−3 α(⊥) meFigure 2. Damping enhancement (?) meby phonon pumping in a YIG film on a semi-infinite GGG substrate, as given by Eq. (31). The damping enhancement peaks at acoustic resonance frequencies n~ct=(2d). The counter-intuitive result that the damping increases for thicker films can be un- derstood by the competition between the magnetoelastic effect that increases with thickness at the resonances and wins against the increase in total magnetization. How- ever, with increasing thickness the resonance frequencies decrease below a minimum value at which FMR can be excited. For a fixed FMR frequency me!0ford!1: For comparison, the Gilbert damping in nanometer thin YIG films is of the order 10 4[54] which is larger than corresponding values for single crystals. We con- cludethattheenhanceddampingisatleastpartlycaused by interaction with the substrate and not by a reduced crystal quality. The resonances in the figures are very broad because thect~~ctimplies very strong coupling of the discrete phonons in the thin magnetic layer with the phonon con- tinuum in the substrate. When an acoustic mismatch is introduced, the broad peaks increasingly sharpen, re- flecting the increased lifetime of the magnon polaron res- onances in the magnet. The frequency dependent effective magnetic field H(?) me is shown in Fig. 3. The frequency dependence of H(?) me implies a weak frequency dependence of the effective gy- romagnetic ratio
(?) e=
1 +
0H(?) me !! : (38) In the limit of vanishing film thickness, 0H(?) me! (B? K1)2=(Ms~). We assumed that the non-magnet is an ideal phonon sink, which means that injected sound waves do not return. In the opposite limit in which the phonons cannot escape, i.e. when the substrate is a thin film with high acoustic quality, the additional damping van- ishes. This can be interpreted in terms of a phonon5 0 200 400 600 800 1000 magnetic film thickness d[nm]0246810FMR frequency ν[GHz] −60−45−30−15015304560 µ0H(⊥) me[µT] Figure3. Effectivefield H(?) megeneratedbythemagnetoelastic generation of phonons in a YIG film on a semi-infinite GGG substrate, as given by Eq. (26). accumulation that, when allowed to thermalize, gener- ates a phonon chemical potential and/or non-equilibrium temperature. The non-equilibrium thermodynamics of phonons in magnetic nanostructures is subject of our on- going research. The damping enhancement by phonons may be com- pared with that from electronic spin pumping [6–8], sp=
~ 4dMsh e2g; (39) which is inversely proportional to the thickness dof the magnetic film and does not depend on the FMR fre- quency, i.e. obeys the LLG phenomenology. Here, g is the spin mixing conductance per unit area at the in- terface. While phonons can be pumped into any elastic material, spin pumping requires an electrically conduct- ing contact. With a typical value of hg=e21018m 2 the damping enhancement of YIG on platinum is sp 10 2nm=d:The physics is quite different, however, since sp;in contrast to me, does not require coherence over the interface. In conclusion, the pumping of phonons by magnetic anisotropy and magnetostriction causes a frequency- dependent contributions to the damping and effective field of the magnetization dynamics. The generation of phonons by magnetic precession can cause significant damping in a magnetic film when grown on an insulating, non-magnetic substrate and partly explains the increased dampinginvariablyobservedforthinnerfilms. Theimpli- cations of further reaching ramifications, such as phonon- induced dynamic exchange interactions, phonon accumu- lations and phonon spin Seebeck effect require additional research. This work is financially supported by the Nederlandse OrganisatievoorWetenschappelijkOnderzoek(NWO)as well as by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on In- novative Area, ”Nano Spin Conversion Science” (Grant No. 26103006). H. K. acknowledges support from theIran Science Elites Federation. We acknowledge use- ful discussions with Yaroslav Blanter, Rembert Duine, Akashdeep Kamra, Eiji Saitoh, and Sanchar Sharma. [1] S. Bader and S. Parkin, Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 1, 71 (2010). [2] V. V. Kruglyak, S. O. Demokritov, and D. Grundler, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43, 264001 (2010). [3] F. Pulizzi, Nat. Mater. 11, 367 (2012). [4] A. V. Chumak, V. I. Vasyuchka, A. A. Serga, and B. Hillebrands, Nat. Phys. 11, 453 (2015). [5] S. A. Nikitov, D. V. Kalyabin, I. V. Lisenkov, A. Slavin, Y. N. 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m; (S1) where
is the gyromagnetic ratio. The angular mo- mentum density relative to the origin of an elastic body with displacement field u(r;t)and constant mass density reads l(t) =(r+u(r;t))_u(r;t): (S2) With uniaxial anisotropy axis along z, FMR generates the transverse elastic wave u(z;t) = Re2 40 @ux uy 01 Aeikz i!t3 5; (S3) with dispersion relation !=ctk. Defining the time av- erage hf(t)i= lim T!11 TZT 0dtf(t); (S4) hli= (0;0;hlzi)can be expressed as hlzi=hux_uy _uxuyi = ! 4 ju+j2 ju j2 ; (S5) whereu=uxiuyand where we used Re(ae i!t)Re(be i!t) =1 2Re (ab):(S6) The non-magnet harbors a constant phonon angular mo- mentum density in the z-direction, which implies pres- ence of a phonon angular momentum current Ahjz liat the interface to the magnet with area Athat is ab- sorbed at the phonon sink. In our model the angular momentum loss rate of the magnet by phonon pumping h_Szjmei= Ahjz liand D _Sz meE =hfSz;Ez megi=MsV(?) me! 4
jm+j2 jm j2 (S7)wheref;gis the Poisson bracket and Ez methe magnetoe- lastic energy Eq. (19) in the main text. From Eq. (31) and u=Cm; (S8) with C=(B? K1)h cos(~kd) 1i ikcos(~kd) +~k~sin(~kd); (S9) we obtain the relation hjz li=cthlzi; (S10) whichagreeswiththesimplephysicalpictureofanelastic wave carrying away its angular momentum density hlzi with transverse sound velocity ct. II. TRANSVERSE MOMENTUM For the transverse elastic wave (S3) in a magnet ex- tending from z=z0toz=z1(withz1> z0), the time derivative of the transverse momentum P=PxiPy reads _P=Z Vd3ru(z;t) =A u0 (z1;t) u0 (z0;t) :(S11) The change of momentum can be interpreted as a trans- verse momentum current density j(z0) = u0 (z0) flowing into the magnet at z0and a current j(z1) = u0 (z1)flowing out at z1. The momentum current is related to the transverse momentum density p(z) = _u(z)by _p(z) = @ @zj(z); (S12) which confirms that j(z;t) = u0 (z;t): (S13) The instantaneous conservation of transverse momentum isaboundaryconditionsattheinterface. Itstimeaverage hji= 0, but the associated angular momentum along z is finite, as shown above. III. SANDWICHED MAGNET When a non-magnetic material is attached at both sides of the magnet and elastic waves leave the magnet atz= 0andz= d, the boundary condition are j( d ) j( d+) = (B? K1)m;(S14) j(0+) j(0 ) = (B? K1)m;(S15) u(0+) =u(0 ); (S16) u( d+) =u( d ); (S17)2 withd=d0+. Since the Hamiltonian is piece-wise constant u(z;t) =8 >< >:Ceikz i!t; z> 0 Dei~kz i!t+Ee i~kz i!t; d<z< 0 Fe ikz i!t: z< d; (S18) Using the boundary conditions v=u(0) u( d) dm=Ms!c !
d~~ct2 ict ~~ct cot(~kd 2);(S19) leading to the damping coefficient (?) me=!c !2Ms
d~~ct2 ct ~~ct+~~ct ctcot2~kd 2:(S20) When ~~ct=ct, (?) me=!c !22Ms
dctsin2 ~kd 2! ;(S21) which differs from the sin4 ~kd=2 dependence obtained for the magnet|non-magnet bilayer. This result can be explained by the phonon angular momentum leaking at two interfaces that should enhance the damping for thin magneticfilms. However, thephononpumpingisacoher- ent process that couples both interfaces, so the damping is not increased simply by a factor of 2 as in case of in- coherent spin pumping of a magnetic film sandwiched by metals. The position of the resonances, ~kd= (2n+1)=2 withn2N0, are independent of the ratio ct=~~ctwith me=!c !22Ms
dct: (S22) (?) meand the effective magnetic field for YIG sandwiched between two infinitely thick GGG layers are shown in Figs. S1 and S2. IV. FLEXURAL (BENDING) WAVES IN THIN BEAMS In the main text we focus on the generation of trans- verseorlongitudinalsoundwaves. Infree-standingstruc- tured samples such as cantilevers, additional modes be- come important that can be excited by magnetization dynamics as well. This can be illustrated by a thin cylindrical elastic beam (see Fig. S3) with cross section areaA=r2, in which flexural waves are generated by the magnet of volume V=Adattached to the top of the beam. The elastic energy according to the Euler- Bernoulli beam theory [44] Eel=ZL 0dz1 2A_u2(z;t) +1 2EYI?u002(z;t) ;(S23) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 magnetic film thickness d[nm]0246810FMR frequency ν[GHz] <10−510−410−3 α(⊥) meFigure S1. Phonon pumping-enhanced (?) mein a YIG film sandwiched between two infinitely thick GGG layers. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 magnetic film thickness d[nm]0246810FMR frequency ν[GHz] −40−30−20−10010203040 µ0H(⊥) me[µT] Figure S2. Phonon pumping effective field H(?) mein a YIG film sandwiched between two infinitely thick GGG layers. leads to the equation of motion for the flexural waves [44] Au(z;t) +EYI?u(4) (z;t) = 0;(S24) whereI?=R dAx2=r4=4and elastic modulus EY= (3+ 2)=(+). The dispersion relation of the flex- ural waves is quadratic, !=s EYI? Ak2: (S25) When the dimensions of the magnet are much smaller than the wavelength of the elastic waves, the magne- toelastic coupling is suppressed and magnetization and lattice are coupled exclusively by the magnetocrystalline and, in contrast to the bulk magnet, also the shape anisotropies, EA=EK+ED; (S26) with EK=K1V(mn)2; (S27) ED=1 20VMTDM: (S28)3 m H z 0magnet non-magnet flexural wave Figure S3. Thin film magnet (shaded) with magnetization m attached to a thin semi-infinite elastic beam. For a thin magnetic film Dzz=D3= 1. When the magnet become very thick ( dr), i.e. a needle with its point forming the contact, and a coordinate system withzaxis along the surface normal n,Dxx=Dyy= D?= 1=2. All otherDvanish. In contrast to the extended bilayer treated in the main text nis now a dynamic variable with n= u0 (0;t). The mechanical torque exerted by the magnet on the elastic beam reads =_L=VMs
_m+_J; (S29) where _J=0VMsmHextis the torque exerted by the external magnetic field on the total angular momentum. For a magnet with equilibrium magnetization mkn0 =if(m n); (S30) wheref=VMs!A=
and !A=( 2
0Ms;thin film 2
K1=Ms+1 2
0Ms;needle:(S31) In order to compute the angular momentum current pumped into the attached non-magnet, _L=, we have to specify four boundary conditions. Two are pro- vided by the assumption that the beam is infinitely long so that the are no reflections. The absence of shear forces at the boundary is expressed by u000(0;t) = 0, while the bending by the torque follows from the principle of least action [55] u00 (0;t) =i EYI?: (S32)The general solution for the differential equation can be written u(z;t) =e i!t Aeikz+Be kz ;(S33) because there are no back-reflections in the semi-infinite beam. We find n=wm with w= 2f EYI?k 1 +i 2f EYI?k 1 ;(S34) and the following source term in the LLG equation, _mjan=i!An =i!ARe(w)m!AIm(w)m;(S35) The first term on the right-hand-side is a field-like torque equivalent to the effective field 0Han=!A
Re(w)ez; (S36) and the second one a damping-like torque with damping coefficient an= !A !Imw: (S37) Since for weak magnetoelastic coupling we expect an 1and thereforejwj 1, which is equivalent to 2f=(EYI?k)1, we may approximate wf(1 i) EYI?k; (S38) anVMs!2 A !k
I?EY; (S39) 0Han VMs!2 A
2EYI?kez: (S40) The damping enhancement scales as an/V A2!3 2: (S41) For a needle-shaped YIG magnet attached to GGG with EY= 2:51011Paand!A= 1:41010s 1 an8:610 6d=nm (=GHz)3 2(r=nm)2;(S42) 0jHanj3:110 7d=nm (=GHz)1 2(r=nm)2T;(S43) which are very small numbers even at nanoscale dimen- sions. | 2018-04-19 | We theoretically investigate pumping of phonons by the dynamics of a magnetic
film into a non-magnetic contact. The enhanced damping due to the loss of
energy and angular momentum shows interference patterns as a function of
resonance frequency and magnetic film thickness that cannot be described by
viscous ("Gilbert") damping. The phonon pumping depends on magnetization
direction as well as geometrical and material parameters and is observable,
e.g., in thin films of yttrium iron garnet on a thick dielectric substrate. | Damping of magnetization dynamics by phonon pumping | 1804.07080v2 |
Stability for nonlinear wave motions damped by time-dependent frictions? Zhe Jiaoa, Yong Xua,b, Lijing Zhaoa, aDepartment of Applied Mathematics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710129, People's Republic of China bMIIT key Laboratory of Dynamics and Control of Complex Systems, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an 710072, People's Republic of China Abstract We are concerned with the dynamical behavior of solutions to semilinear wave systems with time- varying damping and nonconvex force potential. Our result shows that the dynamical behavior of solution is asymptotically stable without any bifurcation and chaos. And it is a sharp condition on the damping coecient for the solution to converge to some equilibrium. To illustrate our theoretical results, we provide some numerical simulations for dissipative sine-Gordon equation and dissipative Klein-Gordon equation. Keywords: dissipative wave system, nonautonomous damping, convergence to equilibria, decay rate 2010 MSC: 35L70, 35B35 1. Introduction In this paper, we consider the initial-boundary value problem for semilinear wave systems with time-varying dissipation: 8 < :utt u+h(t)ut+f(u) = 0 ( t;x)2R+ ; u= 0 ( t;x)2R+@ ; (u(0;x);ut(0;x)) = (u0(x);u1(x))x2 ;(1) where is a bounded domain in Rd,d1, with smooth boundary @ , and the initial data u02H2( )\H1 0( ) andu12H1 0( ). The main purpose of the paper is to study the dynamical behavior of the solution of dissipative system (1) damped by time-dependent frictions. It is clear that the nonlinearity fand the coecient h(t) play signicant roles in the analysis. In particular, the set of equilibria associated to system (1) depends on the assumptions on the nonlinearity f. And whether h(t) is asymptotically vanishing or becoming larger too rapidly as time goes to innity, convergence to some equilibrium for the solution of system (1) may fail. Let us rst begin the introduction with a short survey in the literature. The dynamical behavior of solution to system (1) and its ODE version x(t) +h(t) _x(t) +r(x(t)) = 0; t0 with a potential 2W2;1 loc(Rd;R), which models the heavy ball with friction, have been studied by many authors under various assumptions on the damping and potential terms (cf., e.g., [1{6] and references therein). Recently, assuming the nonlinearity fis monotone and conservative, which is equivalent to the convexity of the potential, the authors in [7, 8] proved that the solution converges weakly to an equilibrium if the damping coecient behaves likeC tfor someC > 0 and2(0;1). However, in the case of nonconvex force potential, the question of convergence to an equilibrium for the solution of the system (1) is left open. The new estimates in this paper allow to solve ?This research was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (11802236) and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (310201911CX033). Corresponding author Email addresses: (Zhe Jiao), (Yong Xu), (Lijing Zhao) Preprint submitted to CNSNS March 15, 2022arXiv:2203.06312v1 [math.AP] 12 Mar 2022this question and to propose necessary and sucient conditions on the damping coecient for convergence, see main theorem and remarks below. Before giving the detailed statement of our main theorem, we make assumptions on the non- linearityfand the damping coecient h: (I-1)f2W1;1 loc(R) satises lim inf jsj!+1f(s) s 1; (2) where the constant 1< 0, and0is the rst eigenvalue of in with zero Dirichlet boundary condition; and that jf0(s)jC(1 +jsjp); s2R; (3) whereC > 0 andp0, with (d 2)p<2, are constants. (I-2) Put G(v) := v+f(v); E 0(v) :=1 2krvk2 L2+Z F(v)dx; whereF(s) :=Rs 0f(t)dt, and S:=f 2H2( )\H1 0( ) :G( ) = 0g (the set of equilibria). There exists a number 2(0;1 2] such that for each 2S, kG(v)kH 1c jE0(v) E0( )j1 ; (4) wheneverv2H1 0( ),kv kH1 ; here,c and are constants depending on . (I-3) The damping coecient h(t)2W1;1 loc(R+) is a nonnegative function, and there exist con- stantsc;C > 0, and 2[0;(1 ) 1) (5) such that c (t+ 1)h(t)C (t+ 1);8t0; (6) or cth(t)Ct;8t0: (7) In [9], the authors proved the convergence result under the conditions (I-1), (I-2), (I-3) without (7), and the following assumption (I-4). (I-4) For any a>0, inf t>0Zt+a th(s)ds> 0: Condition (I-4) is a technical assumption, which is only used to show decay to zero of utinL2 and then the precompactness of the trajectories of system (1). However, condition (I-4) implies thathdoes not tend to 0 at innity. Stimulated by all the work above, the major contribution of this paper is to present an eective method to prove the convergence to equilibrium of solutions of system (1) without the assumption (I-4). More precisely, we will prove the main theorem as follows. Theorem 1. Assume Conditions (I-1), (I-2) and (I-3). Let u2W1;1 loc(R+;H1 0)\W2;1 loc(R+;L2) be a solution of (1). Then f(0; ) : 2Sgis the attracting set for system (1), that is, lim t!+1(kut(t;)kL2+ku(t;) kH1) = 0: Moreover, there exist positive constants c, andCsuch that ku kL2 c(1 +t) ; 2(0;1 2); Cexp( ct1 ); =1 2; where2(0; (1 ) 1 2). 2Remark 1. It follows from [10] that (I-2) holds true if fis analytic. For example, the analytic functionf(u) =bsinu,bsome positive constant, with Lojasiewicz exponent =1 2. Then equation (1) is a damped sine-Gordon equation. As we know in [11], (I-2) is also suitable for some non-analytic functions, for instance, f(u) =au+jujp 1u; p> 1: And ifa> 0, then (I-2) is satised with the Lojasiewicz exponent =1 2; otherwise, (I-2) holds with=1 p+1. Thus, equation (1) becomes a damped nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation. Remark 2. The condition (I-3) on the damping coecient is optimal, which prevent the damping term from being either too small, or too large as t!+1. From Theorem 1, we obtain the convergence results for equation (1) with a small damping coecienth(t)1 (t+1), asymptotically vanishing, or a large damping coecient h(t)t, 2[0;(1 ) 1). Here, the notation means that the coecient grows like a polynomial function. As forh(t) = (t+ 1),jj>1, Theorem 1 do not apply, and the solution u(t;x) may oscillate or approach to some functions (not an equilibrium) as time goes to innity. Indeed, if > 1, there exist oscillating solution that do not approach zero as t!1 . For example, we consider the problem 8 < :utt u+1 (t+1)ut+bu= 0 (t;x)2R+ ; u= 0 ( t;x)2R+@ ; (u(0;x);ut(0;x)) = (u0(x);u1(x))x2 ; whereis an eigenvalue of +b, having the corresponding eigenfunction (x). Takingu(t;x) = !(t) (x), we have !tt+1 (t+ 1)!t+!= 0: When< |